Avir, Aleph-Waw-Yod-Raysh is Aur, Aleph-Waw-Raysh,
light, plus the existence of Yod (10). Or Aleph (1) in conjunction (6) with Yod (10) in the universe (200).
Light, defined as timeless, enters into existence as Air, "solidified" light.
Esch, Fire (1.300) contains
the timeless Aleph; Mayim, water (40.10.40)
contains the Yod of duration and existence; Avir, Air, contains both Aleph and Yod and
is thus "inclined" towards or "mediates" between, Aleph and Yod, Fire and Water.
See The Three Mothers and
Chapter Three of the Sepher Yetsira for
the mediation of Air between Fire and
Also note that God's word for "saw" is Veyarey, the same word but with Aleph
at the end instead of the beginning.