Yom Echad | Archetypes of Genesis
Bereshyt Bara Elohim Et Ha Shamaim Ve Et Ha Eretz [Gematria = 2701] berê'shiyth bârâ' 'elohiym 'êth hashâmayim ve'êth hâ'ârets
Bayt-Raysh-Aleph-Sheen-Yod-Tav Bereshyt is the primal statement of the Qabala, and contains the whole revelation in one word. We may meditate endlessly on this initial equation which begins the story and compresses the whole process of creation descibed as the interplay of life/death and existence into six letters, and become that revelation in ourselves. Bereshyt describes creation in a language where the signifier is the signified, and the map is the territory. It states that everything that is is the result of one dual energy, brought into creation by the Aleph (life/death, timeless) and Yod (existence, time) of Bereshyt. Instead of poetic, but arbitrary translations, it is possible to follow the text of Genesis letter by Hebrew letter and watch coherent, visible structure emerge, in which every letter contributes to the whole meaning, and the whole is in every letter. In order to get past the conditioning of our colloquial translations, we can begin reading with the analogy of formal logical statements or thermodynamic equations, and consider each Hebrew letter as one element of a basic set of 22 archetypal signifiers or energetic/formative structures. Each letter has both an energetic/numerical and a semantic/alphabetic aspect, each letter is composed of other letters of the basic set which determine its meaning and value and each letter does, or does not contribute to forming other letters of the set. With that background, we can analyze the first 5 verses of Genesis in terms of the development (following Bereshyt) of these pairs of equations: heaven and earth; formless and void; darkness and light; (innner and outer light) night and day; morning and evening. All these pairs develop from the structure of Bereshyt. We can then transcend these translations and follow the descendents of Aleph and Yod into manifestation, as they annouce the primary themes of Genesis, and begin the adventure of discovering a totally unseen dimension of a familiar reality. Bayt-Raysh-Aleph: Life (consciousness) arises endogenously in the universe as a result of the containment of cosmic energy. It is not endowed from without, but arises as a result of God's presence in his creation. Sheen-Yod-Tav: All of creation is the result of the interplay of the two players in the game of life -- life/death and existence. Aleph, timeless pulsation of life springing from containers, Yod, the evolutionary process of existence in duration, caught between cosmic movement and ultimate resistence. This theme pervades Genesis from the first word and is elaborated intensely in the energy-equations of the first verses of Genesis and in the primary equation pairs of Elohim and YHWH, man and woman, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel and so on through Abraham and Lot, Issac and Ismael, Jacob and Esau, etc. See Archetypes of Genesis for a summary of those equations.
In our digitalized translations of Genesis we forget that not only are there no vowels, but there are no punctuation marks, including spaces in the original. Without being distracted by "In the beginning" and "create(d)" we can see the whole structure of double creation elaborated as both an inner and outer process in the second Bara. The focus of the equation is the Yod of existence. This double creation in Bereshyt-Bara is the basis for the double creation of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of Genesis (outer and inner creation).
It is necessary to release ourselves from idiomatic translations of this text, and begin to think analogically in terms of energy and structure. As soon as we accept "In the beginning" we are lost in a land of irrational thought. Bara, Bayt-Raysh-Aleph, is creation, considered not as an event in the past, but as an on-going, everpresent miracle of manifestation. Bara, creation, states the problem. The solution, or the most basic "how" of creation is given in the rest of the equation: Shyt, Sheen-Yod-Tav. As a result of Aleph's presence in the universal container of Bayt-Raysh, Existence (Yod) can manifest between the movement of the universe (Sheen) and its ultimate capacity to resist (to) Life-Death (Tav). The second Bara, Bara-Shyt-Bara, completes the initial statement, and brings a second creation into full view: manifestation is a result of a double creation of an inner (the contained) and an outer (the container) life. This double creation is defined as existence. So it is not just conventional translations that we need to abandon, but also conventional modes of thought, if we are to begin to enter the world contained within the equations of Genesis. If we do, we will a find completely new story, of which the story we know is a shadow, and our interpretations the shadows of shadows. Then, the true, inner story of Genesis, the story of how it is that anything at all exists and Man's place in God's creation, will unfold with the full complexity and beauty of the universe that it creates. In Hebrew, each letter has its own spelling and structure. The first letter of creation is Bayt, but Bayt is spelled Bayt-Yod-Tav, so Yod and Tav are brought into existence in a latent form by Bayt. If we expand Bara, we see that it already contains the its own solution, the Sheen-Yod-Tav of Bereshyt:
Bayt, Bayt-Yod-Tav contains: Bayt, Yod, Tav, Waw, Dallet, Lammed, Mem. Raysh, Raysh-Yod-Sheen contains: Raysh, Yod, Sheen, Waw, Dallet, Lammed, Tav, Noun. Aleph, Aleph-Lammed-Phay contains: Aleph, Lammed, Phay, Mem, Dallet, Tav, Waw, Hay. Three letters bring thirteen into manifestation and foreshadow everything in Genesis 1:1 up to the Tsadde of Eretz.
Bereshyt: Full Expansion The Thoughts of Man