Qaheen / Cain and Hevel / Abel
The true identity of Qaheen, Cain, is one of the deepest and most powerful secrets of the Qabala. You have been warned. We can set the stage with a short comment from Gershom Scholem, in a discussion on "GilGul, the Transmigration of Souls" which will also provide a reference point for comparing Suares' revelation of the Qabala with prior formulations, in this case Lurianic Kabbalah:
Scholem's reaction to this twice-strange "whitewash" is palpable. How can "Cain ... be infinitely higher than Abel?" Infinitely higher. This aspect of the myth is Gnostic only by reflection, since it is exactly what the text of Genesis says when understood in the original semantically-accurate energy/consciousness language of the Qabala. Suares' Qabala seems to carry us beyond even Luria into Scholem's "strangeness." Qaheen/Cain is not just a "prophet," he is revealed as YHWH incarnate, the vocation of every human being. Here is the core of the myth of primal murder: Gen 4:8 When they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. Or is it: On the borders of consciousness, Cain was exalted over Abel, his brother died?
Old gnostic territory, see the Cainites and Irenaeus. What is new is the meaning of the inner structures of Cain and Abel. A myth in which un-conditioned consciousness (Cain) confronts conditioned existence ("Abel, Abel, all is vanity") and the "wisp" of conditioned existence (5.2.30, a simple life in movement) dissolves and returns his "blood" to the "earth," would have to be disturbing ("strange") to the defensive ego. Our "sheep" are naturally afraid of Cain. The Play: Is the eternal play between the two partners in the game of life-death versus existence, Aleph versus Yod, Cain versus Abel, YHWH versus Adamah, Jacob/Israel versus Esau, as the two-fold energy developes the theme of consciousness exiled in manifestation. Genesis begins, Bereshyt, with the statement of the dynamics of this interplay, and unfolds though the Chapters and Generations. At this stage, Genesis 4, we have the first statement of the theme of the two brothers, or counterparts, who will play their parts throughout the Bible to symbolize the game of Genesis in human consciousness. With Cain and Abel, the first procreated humans, we have the first archetypes of differentiated human consciousness after Adam and Eve. Perhaps part of the problem is that we don't take these "primitive moral stories" seriously enough and ask ourselves why, psychologically, they are there in the most basic strata of the collective development of human consciousness as recorded in our earliest Book in the first place. If we did, we would want to know more about what these "archetypes" really mean.
Abel: hebel (Hebrew) [from the verbal root habal to breathe, blow, be vain, transitory] Breath, mist, vapor; by extension, emptiness, fruitlessness, vanity. Qaheen, "acquired from YHWH" means: Qof-Yod-Noun: 100-10-700: In short, Qaheen is the goal of human evolution and Abel is the transitory dream within us that hinders that evolution. And the story has always been told by the Abels of the world. Listen: the primal murder is your own unthinking acceptance of Abel's version, which teaches you to fear your own realization. The story of the Generations of Man begins here, as the archetype of Adam begins to develop in time and duration. All souls (except the souls that remained behind in Adam) will descend from the souls of Cain and Abel, according to Lurianic Kabbalah. Now we can look at the context for the incarnation and development of human (differentiated and individualized) consciousness on earth, Genesis I and II. YHWY does not appear in Genesis I. He is foreshadowed in Gen. I,26, when Elohim "creates" Adam (YHWH=26). The equation appears for the first time in Genesis II, 4-6: "Here are the generations of Shamaim and of Eretz, created the Yom that YHWH Elohim made them." We can understand Elohist/Yahwist theories as derivatives or inheritances of a deeper truth, and understand Genesis I as the development of the universal life-energy as seen from the outside, in its evolutionary aspect. With Genesis II, we begin the exposition of this energy as seen from the inside, in its essential aspects. In Genesis II, 4-5, YHWH appears intertwined with Elohim as the two energies act together. YHWH appears alone, for the first time in the Bible, in Genesis 4:1, when not the narrator, but Hheva, Eve, says: I have acquired man et YHWH . ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Eve is mentioned by name exactly twice (in contrast to Esha, "woman") in Genesis (and a third time as Adam's "wife") when Elohim, not YHWH, replaces Abel with Seth.) The first time in Genesis 3:20: And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. The second time, in her only speech and last appearance in the Bible, a woman opens her mouth at the scene of Creation and says something so powerful she still hasn't been heard. The translators, fingers in their ears, have given us "I have begotten a man with the aid of the Lord," or with fewer made-up words, the odd "I have acquired a man from the Lord." Which is the first time that YHWH is mentioned alone, without Elohim, in the Bible and it is by Hheva, who will never be mentioned again. Almost every word in this short phrase presents a problem to translators. Acquire: the root Qana, Qof-Noun-Hay, appears 12 times in Genesis and only 84 times in the whole Bible. It is almost always found in a commercial context: purchase with "buy" being the most common usages. Only once is it spelled with two Yods as qaneetee. A man: Aleph-Yod-Sheen is the archetype of Man as adult, not as a male or a child. Et: Aleph-Tav. This word, often totally ignored by translators, is supposed to be the definite direct object, not found in English. It occurs only 8 times in Genesis and 22 in the whole Bible. Here we find a preposition inserted (from, by) to mediate between "man" and "God" where none exists. The Lord: Yod-Hay-Way-Hay completes the totally odd construction leaving the translator with the problem of explaining God's role in Cain's birth (just exactly how did God help Hheva "acquire a man"?) and the implications of some kind of "special birth" for Cain, that is not specified for Abel. Eve says, simply, Qaneetee I have acquired Esh man Et from a to z YHWH. We have seen the schema "Aleph-Tav" ignored in Et Ha-Shamaim and Et Ha-Eretz.
The true meaning of this statement, "I have acquired a man who is YHWH in every aspect" is a flash of insight that "pierces through the entire process of duration." Now we can look at "acquired." Qaneetee, Qof-Noun-Yod-Tav-Yod contains the schema of Cain, Qod-Yod-Noun. How strange, why use Qaneetee in a place that forces the contortions of "I have begotten (with the aid of)" and "acquired" (what does that mean?). And why with the birth of Qaheen, using the same letters? For the odd usage of qaneetee look here. Qaneetee permutes the Yod-Noun of Qaheen to Noun-Yod, placing Tav in a sandwich between Yod-Yod, the existences of both the objective and subjective spheres. Tav, cosmic resistance, is the Chalice which receives the overflowing Cosmic Aleph of Qof, producing Aleph-Yod-Sheen, the fire-in-existence, Man. This Man is Aleph-Tav YHWH, the two lives of the container and contained, material and spiritual reality in existence, fertilizing each other. This Man is Qaheen, Cain. Ha-Ita, the first verb of being in the bible -- the earth ha-ita desolation and waste -- is related: a Noun/50 for a Hay/5 and a Yod/10 for a Hay/5. To summarize: Qof was factually alive in the double being of Man, the living fire, who was, in every way, YHWH.
It should be obvious by now that this understanding of the "equations" (the interior structural-energetic meanings) of Genesis 4:2 explodes the myth from the inside out. It seems hard to conceive of progress when our core beliefs are based on the psychological development and defenses of Bronze-Age tribal minds. Or, do we really think that our fragile, primitive ego (Abel, wisp, vanity) would choose to know the truth about itself? And its understanding of "God's Word?" If we have been following the development of "energy/consciousness in the universe" from Bereshit, the inverse reflection of spiritual reality in the translated "stories" or encoded texts of Genesis will come as no surprise, though the "deep soliloquy of consciousness" contained here may take longer to fathom.
What, suddenly My exact words aren't good enough for you? It should also be obvious that orthodoxy, which usually places such great emphasis on literality, is driven to back-flips when dealing with what Genesis 4:2 actually states. Here is a variation (found in both Jewish and Christian apologetics) of the "Satan/Samael was Cain's father" theory. The Samael Defense (The Devil did it):
The clearer the truth, the deeper the regression, in this case to hallucinosis, seeing demons and serpents and angels where there are none. The text simply says: "I have acquired a man who is (from A to Z) totally YHWH." See: YHWH | I am Cain II | Canaan | Hheva Cain Links Cain, Abel and the Fairness of God Jorge Luis Borges: Three Versions of Judas Google Translate: Is Cain the murderer of Abel? (Suares quotes/refs) Blavatsky's Take on Cain De-evolution of the Human - A Mystical View on Primates |