Rouhh/Ruach Elohim
[Yom Echad] The Spirit or Breath of God Raysh, the twentieth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, is spelled Raysh-Yod-Sheen. The cosmic container, Raysh, contains in its structure, the twenty-first letter, Sheen, the cosmic breath of Elohim.
We see that in Sheen, spelled Sheen-Yod-Noun, the Universal Movement (Sheen/300) is in existence (Yod/10) and factually alive/cosmically indeterminate (Noun/50/700). In Rouhh: 200-6-8: Raysh (200), the cosmic container, engenders/fertilizes (Waw, 6) unstructured substance or undifferentiated possibility (Hayt, 8). This is the breath (Rouhh) of Elohim which pervades and "creates" the universe:
We are used to vague images of God creating, breathing, let-there-being, seeing and calling and so forth, and think, in our limited human comprehension, that we think we understand what is going on. It makes sense, right? If we go a little deeper in our questioning, we might wonder, which came first, Rouahh or Elohim, Bereshyt Bara, or Elohim? Is Elohim the Actor, or a product of other processes, like Ayn-Sof? In Rouahh Elohim, we find Rouahh Elohim in the Sheen of the Raysh of Rouahh, prexisting its use by Elohim to breath. And what is this Breath, that already contains the Breath, or Spirit, of God? Besides the action, or fertilization, of all unstructured potentials by the Spirit (Sheen) already contained in the Container (Raysh)? From this viewpoint, Creation is an endogenous process, not a product of an outside force. The Spirit of God arises from and is the vital part of, the Universe itself. If we can free ourselves from our one-way emanative or evolutionary ideologies, we can begin to see that energy-consciousness is doubly-structured by a Breath from Above and a Breath from Below, which are integrated in Rouahh Elohim. There are three breaths involved in the formation of the First Four Sephirot, starting with: SY 1:9 Ten Sephirot Belimah. One: Rouahh Elohim Hhaim, blessed and glorified his Name belonging to the life of worlds (space-time). Qol (voice) Ve-Rouahh (breath) Ve-Dabor (word) and it is Rouahh Haqadosch (the saint).
Psalm 33:6: By the word of the LORD were the heavens made ; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. |