Psyche's Links: Recent / New Additions: 2009 : 16,000 Links
CIA Base Chief Killed In Afghan Attack: AP (stupid)
AP: All Charges Dismissed Against Blackwater Guards In Iraq Shooting | TPMMuckraker (they walk; no crime too horrendous to leave un-punished)
Order on Interpol Work Inside U.S. Irks Conservatives - (wait 'til Interpol issues a warrent for Bush/Cheney warcrimes)
Pakistan seeks terrorism charges against Americans | Reuters will ask a court to charge five Americans detained in the country this month with planning terrorist attacks and jail them for life - accused of contacting militants groups over the Internet in a bid to wage holy war (off with their heads)
HF / News - Czech Decrimalises All Drugs The Czech Republic followed Portugal to become the second European country to formally decriminalise drug possession this week (end the war on people)
Spy Agencies Failed to Collate Clues on Terror -
Is This Really an Intelligence Failure? Real Talk on Abdulmutallab « The Washington Independent
ABC's Inaccurate Gitmo-Abdulmutallab Story Got Major Pickup | TPMMuckraker
Daily Kos: Rachel Maddow rips apart Cheney, GOP attack machine (good work, Rachel +note she's increasingly addressing her fellow media)
Glenn Greenwald - Craving terrorist melodrama (it's all a video game to the Village media +panic! +big dick! +kungfu! +morons!)
Glad To See Fox Is On The Case | Talking Points Memo (always running their agenda)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect Washington Post Joins With Peter Peterson, Ends Pretense of Being a Serious Newspaper (serious journalism is dead at the WaPo/Kaplan Test Prep)
The Washington Monthly - Leave Hawaii Alone.... This again? - CNN: "Hawaii to many Americans seems like a foreign place." (like Kenya, or some place, to the East Coast media gang +Politico ran a 1,200-word piece -- seriously -- on the political perils of Obama spending eight days vacationing in the state of his birth)
Ensign Ambushed By CNN On Sex-Lobbying Scandal | TPMMuckraker (Rich Sanchez FTW)
Rush Limbaugh Hospitalized: Taken To Hospital In Hawaii After Suffering Chest Pains
Switch To Electronic Health Records Could Miss Federal Targets (they hate computers)
Ten Things That Did Not Suck About The Media In 2009
Obama Palin Shoe Shining Email Could Get Colorado State Worker In Trouble (the boy doesn't know his place)
Megachurch pastor asks for urgent donations - U.S. Faith- Rick Warren appealed to parishioners at his California megachurch Wednesday to help fill a $900,000 deficit by the first of the year. (he could donate some money from his best-selling "The Purpose Driven Life" ... oh wait)
Macroeconomic effects of Chinese mercantilism - Paul Krugman Blog - Macroeconomic effects of Chinese mercantilism - we’re looking at 1.4 million U.S. jobs lost
Colorado's Minimum Wage Becomes 1st In US To Drop - the first decrease in any state's minimum wage since the federal minimum was adopted in 1938. News 1,600 U.S. fund managers to submit to unannounced audits, 83 percent fewer than seven months ago (Mary Shapiro FAIL)
NASA - Index to Five Millennium Catalog of Lunar Eclipses
Alzheimer’s Prevents Cancer and Cancer Prevents Alzheimer’s | SciTechBits - Neurodegeneration involves death of cells for no reason, while cancer involves proliferation of cells by division
What does it mean that a nation is 'Unscientific'? : A Blog Around The Clock
All Science vs. Religion Conflicts are Essentially and Primarily Political Conflicts : A Blog Around The Clock Democrats are generally realistic and ignore the pseudoscientific extremists from the far left who have zero influence on policy. Republicans are anti-scientific and anti-reality at the core - that is what defines their party, their platform and their conservative ideology
Suzaku Finds 'Fossil' Fireballs from Supernovae
Mutant gene lessens devastation of flesh-eating bacteria
Progressive Nation » Blog Archive » First Amendment Be Damned? TSA Threatens Bloggers (the TSA goons at work)
2010 New Year’s Resolutions According to Women (Infographic) | Top Cultured
Essential Windows Tricks - PC World
AT&T: landline phone service must die; only question is when
At Least Six Americans Killed in Afghan Attack -
Daily Kos: A Leak About the Phantom Army (a surge built on sand)
Army Historians Document Early Missteps in Afghanistan -
Afghan Army Rife With Corruption, Incompetence, U.S. Military Report Says (video)
Afghan Probe Says NATO Fighting Killed Children (collateral babies shouldn't have been hanging out near terrorists)
Glenn Greenwald - Making "Islam" synonymous with "terrorism" - myth-based demonization that is as familiar as it is false, dangerous and repugnant
Obama declares 'systemic failure' of security as CIA confirms it was warned - The Globe and Mail
The Same Old Washington Blame Game | The White House (WH bitch-slaps the Cheney)
The Washington Monthly: Everything Is Always Good News For Republicans - The result of the GOP offensive could be to create doubt, even fear, among the American public that Obama cannot protect them
Rachel Maddow systematically dismantles GOP attacks on failed Christmas Day bombing attempt - Daily Kos TV (w/transcript)
Eugene Robinson - Dick Cheney's lies about President Obama -
Op-Ed Columnist - As the Nation’s Pulse Races, Obama Can’t Seem to Find His - If we can’t catch a Nigerian with a powerful explosive powder in his oddly feminine-looking underpants and a syringe full of acid, a man whose own father had alerted the U.S. Embassy in Nigeria, a traveler whose ticket was paid for in cash and who didn’t check bags, whose visa renewal had been denied by the British, who had studied Arabic in Al Qaeda sanctuary Yemen, whose name was on a counterterrorism watch list, who can we catch?
Terror Inquiry Looks at Suspect’s Time in Britain - Islamic militancy that thrives in the vast network of mosques that serve the nation’s 1.5 million Muslims — and on university campuses across the country where nearly 100,000 of the 500,000 students are Muslims, including many, like Mr. Abdulmutallab, from overseas.
Dutch to Use Full-Body Scanners on Flights to U.S. -
The Endless Nonsense | Talking Points Memo
Cheney | Talking Points Memo the Cheney signature on terrorism: clinical level of paranoia leading to delusions and lying to the public (already causing the the deaths of thousands of Americans) and seeing terrorism primarily as a tool for use in American domestic politics.
Hoekstra: Abdulmutallab Should Be Classified As 'Enemy Combatant' | TPMMuckraker (Republican heads are spinning to keep up with their lies)
Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between the Washington Post & Politico | Media Matters for America (wonder why that is ...)
Plane bomber's rambling internet rants on his jihad fantasy - (sex-obsessed religious freak -- any other kind?)
'Hundreds of al-Qaeda militants planning attacks from Yemen' - Times Online
Flight 253 and the Missed Signs of Terrorism - TIME
Eight GOP Senators Opposed Bill That Funded Airport Screening And Explosive Detection
Robert Scheer: The Global War on Stealth Underwear - our government was too preoccupied with fighting unnecessary conventional wars and developing anti-missile defense systems to anticipate such a primitive delivery system (again)
Questions for John Yoo - The Former Justice Department Lawyer on Bush, Lincoln and Torture Memos - Interview -
Questions for the Questioner: Did Deborah Solomon of The New York Times break the paper's stringent code of ethics? (yeah, she makes shit up and the Times doesn't care)
Bankers Get $4 Trillion Gift From Barney Frank: David Reilly - - it supports the biggest banks. It authorizes Federal Reserve banks to provide as much as $4 trillion in emergency funding the next time Wall Street crashes. So much for “no-more-bailouts” talk
Wall Street Waits as SEC Fails to Bring Madoff-Inspired Reforms - (nothing has changed)
JAL shares dive to record low on bankruptcy fears | TPM News Pages
Economist's View: Will Economists Ever Learn? Will the crisis teach economists not to be overconfident about their abilities? (uh, no)
Fresh Worries on Housing Cloud Fragile Economic Recovery -
BBC News - The US virtual economy is set to make billions (the only economy that's left for America)
January 2010: Kurt Andersen on the Large Hadron Collider |
Why powerful people -- many of whom take a moral high ground -- don't practice what they preach he powerful are stricter in their judgment of others while being more lenient toward their own actions (shocking news)
Dreamy Sales of Jung’s ‘Red Book’ Surprises Book Industry - (psychotic thinking for the upscale crowd)
NASA -Blue Moon on New Year's Eve - 9th Circuit Says Police Officer Can Be Sued for Tasing
Federal court restricts Taser use by police -- (Taser Tipping Point? Court recognizes that something that might kill you is use of "force")
Taser Use Guidelines (not to be used as a substitute for shooting citizens without the paperwork)
Older drivers face choice between safety and mobility -
Crashworthiness and whiplash : Effect Measure
Philadelphia Faces Rising Toll of Domestic Violence - 21 of the 35 domestic homicide victims had made a total of 178 calls to the police, and some of the callers had restraining orders against the individuals suspected or convicted of killing them.
BBC News - Living with the in-laws The daughter-in-law is expected to cook, clean, do all the washing and ironing, and hold down a full-time job.
Man shot 6 times by police to file suit against Phoenix (cops called for intruder; shoot victim and go for coverup)
Fodors' Contributor's Death Left A Virtual Absence : NPR
News Corp.'s Chase Carey expects Fox signals to be pulled from Time Warner Cable | Company Town | Los Angeles Times
St. Louis Newspaper Columnist Returns - Without an Apology — Awful Marketing - Kurt Greenbaum, a columnist for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch who had a school employee fired over a comment on his newspaper’s blog? (is a pussy, famous on the internets for all eternity)
Ten gadgets that defined the decade -- Engadget
Leaked Nexus One Documents: $530 Unlocked, $180 With T-Mobile - Nexus one - Gizmodo
Automatically Forward All Mails From One Gmail Account to Another Gmail MP3 Albums - Free / Music By Price: MP3 Downloads
101 New Uses for Everyday Things | Real Simple
AdFreak: The 30 Freakiest Commercials of 2009: No. 30-No. 21
US Attacking Yemen After All -- News from Cruise Missiles Hit Multiple Sites in Concert With Yemeni Govt (must ... try ... to ... connect ... the ... dots)
Instant Karma: New US War Target Gets Its Own Terror Icon - we have an alleged attempted terrorist attack by an alleged attempted terrorist who, just scant hours after his capture, has allegedly confessed to getting his alleged attempted terrorist material from ... wait for it ... Yemen!
US-backed raid killed 49 Yemeni civilians, officials said - The National Newspaper (cause meet effect)
49 civilians killed in air strike: local Yemeni official - Yahoo! Canada News
Yemenis protest at killing of civilians - The National Newspaper Thousands of people took to the streets of southern Yemen yesterday to denounce a recent military operation against suspected al Qa’eda militants which locals said claimed the lives of dozens of innocent civilians.
Nation's aviation security system is flawed, experts say - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
U.S. Struggles Anew to Ensure Safety as Gaps Are Revealed - - $40 billion rebuilding since the terror attacks of 2001
On the White House - A Phrase Sets Off Sniping After a Crisis -
The truth about airplane security measures. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine Why are we so bad at detecting the guilty and so good at collective punishment of the innocent?
Who's running the TSA? No one, thanks to Sen. Jim DeMint | McClatchy
President Obama, It's Time To Fire the TSA - Travel - Gizmodo
The Seminal » It’s time for more security theater!
Flight 253 passenger: Sharp-dressed man aided terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab onto plane without passport ( exclusive) | Detroit News - -
Flying With Fish » Myth: Flight NW253 Terrorist Boarded The Flight With No Passport
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: The Odds of Airborne Terror
Attackerman » Where’s My Manufactured GOP Outrage? Abdulmutallab is currently detained in a federal prison in Michigan. For now! In a few days he’ll use his Muslim heat vision to escape and run amok in Ann Arbor, shortly after America is brought to its knees by the force of his oratory in open federal court.
Andrew Sullivan joins the rightwing blogosphere to take down Janet Napolitano - E.D. Kain - American Times - True/Slant
Matthew Yglesias » Not So Scary “Terror” (Republicans wetting their pants)
A Modest Proposal: TSA Must Immediately Ban All Passengers - True/Slant (getting to the heart of the matter)
Reid Will Force Confirmation Of TSA Administrator Errol Southers Back Into Motion he Obama appointee who Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) has blocked for the past four months
Put Anyone Who Is A "Known Muslim" In A Separate Line! Mike Gallagher | Video Cafe
Hullabaloo Round 'Em Up (Alternatively, we could invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.)
YouTube - TSA Training Video - Hug A Jew
YouTube - Dana Perino Claims No Terrorist Attacks on U.S. During Bush Presidency
Glenn Greenwald - - Cause and effect in the "Terror War"
BBC News - Vladimir Putin attacks US missile defence US plans for a missile defence shield are holding up a new nuclear disarmament treaty, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has said.
BBC News | AFRICA | Rape - silent war on SA women a woman born in South Africa has a greater chance of being raped, than learning how to read.
Revolutionary Road - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Iran Lashes Out at West Over Protests - (outside agitators)
Somali Pirates Seize a Tanker and a Cargo Ship -
Cowboy hats, secret files and more headed to Bush library -
David Simon On Health Care Bill: "Only One Thing Can Make People This Stupid, And That's Money"
Glenn Greenwald - - "Wealth Care"
Firedoglake » Terrorism Still Less Deadly in US Than Lack of Health Insurance, Salmonella
Majority Of Tea Party Group's Spending Went To GOP Firm That Created It | TPMMuckraker (what they do: profit!)
Karl Rove granted divorce in Texas - - ("traditional marriage values" FAIL)
‘Traditional marriage’ defender Rove mocked for getting divorced | Raw Story
Retirees Flock to Mexico for the Sun and the Health Care | PBS NewsHour | Dec. 28, 2009 | PBS
Think Progress » Gingrich: ‘It is time to go to profiling of dangerous people.’ (lock up innocent people who aren't rich Republicans: re-instate racial discrimination: everything is a backdoor)
Old stereotypes about young women | Jessica Valenti Anne E. Kornblut at The Washington Post (crap from Kaplan Test Prep)
Judge orders records opened in Palin custody case: Former Gov. Sarah Palin | Bristol wants case sealed, but Levi argues he fears the vindictiveness of grandmother - She also is seeking court-ordered child support. (you betcha!)
Stanford's Shady Ties To Lawmakers Under Scrutiny | TPMMuckraker
Tucker Carlson Plans a Huffington Post Rival - Digits - WSJ
Schwarzenegger to seek federal help for California budget -- Facing another huge deficit, the governor wants $8 billion or threatens massive cuts in social services. He also plans to renew push for offshore oil drilling (or he'll convene death panels for granny +welfare queen/economic girly-man)
Op-Ed Columnist - A Less Than Honest Policy - There is a middle-class tax time bomb ticking in the Senate’s version of President Obama’s effort to reform health care.
Tim Duy's Fed Watch: Why Christmas Eve? (it's got Larry's bumbling fingerprints on it)
A Localized Breakdown of Joblessness in New York - City Room Blog -
Bad news for housing: Prices flattened in October - Dec. 29, 2009 (panic: not growing at 20%/year)
The Cash Committee: How Wall Street Wins On The Hill
CDC stands by 2 swine flu shots for kids - SFGate
Antibody finds, wipes out prostate cancer: study
Women 'can sense attraction in men's sweat' - Telegraph
Cancer Study Ties Rates in Israel to Immigration Dates -
Zinc Fingers Could Be Key to Reviving Gene Therapy - Only one man seems to have ever been cured of AIDS, a patient who also had leukemia. To treat the leukemia, he received a bone marrow transplant in Berlin from a donor who, as luck would have it, was naturally immune to the AIDS viru
Ten Psychology Studies from 2009 Worth Knowing About - David Disalvo - Brainspin - True/Slant
Panasonic’s new home battery could store a week’s-worth of electricity | VentureBeat
Over two dozen states weighing marijuana reforms | Raw Story
Courthouse News Service Chicago police officer Tasered a man 11 times while he was having a diabetic seizure IN HIS HOUSE
List of America’s Top 10 Unhappiest States
How to Destroy the Book, by Cory Doctorow |
Broadcasters' woes could spell trouble for free TV - Yahoo! News (they want you to pay AND watch commercials)
BBC News - China shopping centre builds 'car park for women' The parking bays are one metre (3ft) wider than normal spaces, he said.
100 Blogs that Will Inspire You to Be a Better Person | Massage Therapy Careers
Curtain falling on digital decade
21 Ways to Customize Windows 7 - Change window border glass color - Slideshow from PC Magazine
Differences between Apple iPhone 3GS and Google Nexus One
YouTube - Avatar: The Making of the Bootleg
Israel to build 700 new homes in East Jerusalem | World news | Building will take place in three Jewish neighbourhoods all considered illegal settlements under international law (you know, those settlements they agreed not to build +Israel, the "Fuck You" State)
One Year Later, Palestinians Live in Rubble While Israel Blocks Aid | Crooks and Liars
Book Review - 'Footnotes in Gaza,' Written and Illustrated by Joe Sacco - Review - Joe Sacco’s gripping, important book about two long-forgotten mass killings of Palestinians in Gaza stands out as one of the few contemporary works on the Israeli-Palestinian struggle likely to outlive the era in which they were written (nothing has changed)
U.S. Widens Terror War to Yemen, a Qaeda Bastion - (bomb, bomb ... ?)
Senator Lieberman calls for ‘preemptive’ attack on Yemen | Raw Story (before they invade us)
Whether it's AQ or not, nobody in Arab media cares | Marc Lynch
Flying With Fish » TSA Security Directive SD-1544-09-06 : The Fallout From NW253
U.S Keeps Chasing Al Qaeda In Afghanistan While Latest Action Moves Through Nigeria, Yemen, London, Amsterdam (so many countries, so little time)
Iran Police Gun Down Protesters, Protesters Fight Back
BBC News - Thailand deports thousands of Hmong to Laos Thailand has removed about 4,000 ethnic Hmong from a northern refugee camp to deport them back to communist-ruled Laos, despite international criticism.
Napolitano: Airline Security System 'Did Not Work' (solution: more security theatre)
Andy Borowitz: Terrorist Watch List is Like MySpace; It's There, But No One Checks it Anymore
Schneier on Security: Separating Explosives from the Detonator Only two things have made flying safer [since 9/11]: the reinforcement of cockpit doors, and the fact that passengers know now to resist hijackers.
Why No GOP Outrage Over Failed Plane Bomber’s Detention in Michigan? « The Washington Independent (consistency not their strong point)
TSA: 2 passengers talking ‘suspiciously’ removed from plane - Phoenix Arizona news - The men were reportedly watching the movie "The Kingdom" on a portable DVD player while talking, and the female passenger, who was sitting near the men, thought this was suspicious and reported them to flight personnel (brown men not talking American=terrorist, here we go again)
Open Left:: Climate change bill DOA in the Senate (like everything else)
King: We Shouldn't Profile People -- But '100% Of The Islamic Terrorists Are Muslims' (VIDEO) | TPM LiveWire (pic tells you all you need to know)
Specter: Republicans Plotted Early To Stop Bipartisanship, Beat Obama In 2012 | TPMDC (stop?)
As If It Weren't Obvious Already... - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (idiotic, hemisphere destroying, drug policy)
Chris Selley: You can't cheat death, and you probably shouldn't try - Full Comment
The 10 Worst Decisions of America's Worst Decade - DailyFinance
Decade Brought Change To Campaign Finance : NPR In January, the Supreme Court is expected to redefine how far corporations can go in spending money on federal elections (as far as they want)
Women at Arms - A Peril in War Zones - Sexual Abuse by Fellow G.I.’s - Series -
A Peril in War Zones: Sexual Abuse by Fellow G.I.’s - Readers' Comments - (what abuse?)
"Rape in the Ranks: The Enemy Within"
The Combat Within: Female Veterans and PTSD Benefits | The American Prospect
States Show That Carbon-dioxide Curbs Aren't Scary - Baltimore Sun (Republican Leader John Boehner lies and fear mongers?)
Feds probe banker Allen Stanford's ties to Congress - Front Page - Just hours after federal agents charged banker Allen Stanford with fleecing investors of $7 billion, the disgraced financier received a message from one of Congress' most powerful members, Pete Sessions (can you imagine if this had been Harry Reid?)
Eschaton: Inherited: Mary Matalin this morning: "I was there. We inherited a recession from President Clinton and we inherited the most tragic attack on our own soil in our nation's history. And President Bush dealt with it. And within a year of his presidency at this comparable time, unemployment was at 5 percent. And we were creating jobs." (fucking liars)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The soft bigotry of lowered expectations The soft bigotry of lowered expectations (we just expect Republicans to lie)
FDL Action » The Time To Fix The Dysfunctional Senate Is Now!
FDL Action » Criticizing the President on Health Care is “Naderite” and “Hurts the Progressive Agenda”
Emptywheel » Health Care on the Road to Neo-Feudalism
Bloomberg On Health Care: You Have To Question The Govt. We Have
Emptywheel » “Affordable” Health Care
The JFK Photo That Could Have Changed History |
TMZ Falls For JFK Photo Hoax - December 28, 2009
The Washington Monthly - The Most Popular 'MTP' Guest Of The Year (wait for it ... Newt Gingrich! exercizes in irrelevancy)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: WAPO: Robert Nozick is the Only Acceptable Definer of Human Rights Shorter Fred Hiatt: FDR was a total commie; King and his so-called "civil rights" maybe even worse (really evil people running Kaplan Test Prep)
The Weekly Sift: Sifting the Sifts of 2009 The Theme of the Year: Corporatism.
The Daily Show presents Decade in Review
Obama’s Foreign-Policy Team Bests Economy Stars: Albert Hunt - (autistic Larry and the gang of bumblers)
Calculated Risk: Government Housing Support (propping up the bubble is the way to go!)
Fannie, Freddie shares soar despite doubts about future - Dec. 28, 2009 (Obama doubles down, and the bankers win!)
Age of diminished expectations - Paul Krugman Blog -
Op-Ed Columnist - The Big Zero - even at the height of the alleged “Bush boom,” in 2007, median household income adjusted for inflation was lower than it had been in 1999. And you know what happened next
Berkeley High May Cut Out Science Labs | News | East Bay Express The proposal would trade labs seen as benefiting white students for resources to help struggling students.
xkcd - Gravity Wells - By Randall Munroe
Sugar-free satisfaction: Finding the brain's sweet spot - life - 27 December 2009 - New Scientist
Body By Victoria - Secure Computing: Sec-C
Warming Heats Up Insect Breeding : Discovery News (more bugs)
AdelaideNow... Social networking joins addiction list (big pharma working on a cure)
Republican Politicians Make A Social Media Push : NPR
Code That Protects Most Cellphone Calls Is Divulged - (NSA been doing this for years)
Top 7 Disruptions of the Year | Epicenter |
Top 10 mobile phones of 2009 revealed - Telegraph
15 game-changing Linux moments of the decade | News | TechRadar UK
Starry Twitter: Hacking the Stephen Fry account
How Larry Kramer's Boundless Outrage Has Changed the Course of AIDS -- New York Magazine
A friendship of the strongest kind « Lysis
YouTube - Top Gear - the sensible Fiesta test episode [12x06] [HD]
Vimeo's 25 favorite videos of 2009 on Vimeo
grizzly-bear-cubs-072509-xl.jpg (JPEG Image, 1280x1024 pixels) - Scaled (79%)
Flickr Photo Download: Zoo de Copenhagen
Flickr Photo Download: More Animal Forwards
Monster mummies of Japan ::: Pink Tentacle
YouTube - Battlestar Rhapsody
United State of Pop 2009 (Blame It on the Pop).mp3
Standard Time
Race and D&D - Ta-Nehisi Coates
Virtually Divorced From Reality - Hartford Courant When A Spouse Gets Sucked Into An Online Sex Life, Trouble Is Often Just A Double-click Away
Twitter's List Of 370 Banned Passwords
Roey Rosenblith: Over Detroit Skies
Attackerman » Ain’t Nothin Wrong With Yemen An Invasion Can’t Solve, Right? (Lieberman, S.Israel, wants to kill people in Yemen; says Administration agrees)
On the Knife's Edge: Yemen's Instability and the Threat to American Interests | Center for a New American Security
Iran Protests Turn Violent, Police Fire At Anti-Government Demonstrators, Kill At Least Four
Reuters AlertNet - Iran website says Mousavi nephew killed in clashes (killed=murdered)
Toyota faces expulsion from Venezuela - Dec. 25, 2009 Hugo Chavez has threatened to expel Japanese carmaker Toyota unless it produces an all-terrain model of 4x4 vehicles used for public transport in poor and rural areas
Firedoglake » Note to “Salary Czar” Feinberg: Bankers Yield Negative Returns (the myth of "important")
The Seminal » Catholic Church Tells Us the Limits of Public Health Discourse
The Revolt of the Peasants « The Poor Man Institute We have tea party protesters driven into a frothing rage, taking to the streets in order to…protest against the government stepping in and fixing the health insurance debacle for their benefit. That’s it in a nutshell. Americans protest with all their might in order to preserve the right to get fucked over by the insurance industry. Because, socialism.
Firedoglake » Mitch McConnell: Republicans Aren’t Responsible for Record Deficit (who, us?)
McConnell Hints That GOP Will Campaign On Repealing Health Care Reform (that'll work)
Parker Griffith Got Coal In His Stocking, DCCC Chair Says
Senate Democrats to W.H.: Drop cap-and-trade - - moderate Senate Democrats are urging the White House to give up now on any effort to pass a cap-and-trade bill next year (moderate=Blue Dogs)
Swing State Project: The Great SSP Redistricting Contest (Round 1)
Progressive Nation » Blog Archive » Top Priority For 2010: Get Corporate Money Out Of Politics (good luck with that)
Grow-your-own to replace false teeth | UK news | The Guardian
Glitter-size Photovoltaics could Revolutionize Solar Energy
Geese point the way to saving jet fuel | Business | The Observer Planes flying in V formation are more efficient and produce less carbon dioxide, say scientists
20 Things That Happen In One Minute
‘Pot Town, USA’: We gotta make a living, man
Meet the 2010 Yoga Cats
Can Google's Chrome Banner Change the Course of the Browser Wars? - Google - Gizmodo
Infamous Chinese pirates launch Ubuntu that looks just like Windows XP
2010 Predictions: The Year Ahead in Tech - PC World
Restrictions Rise After Terrorism Attempt - (can't go the bathroom +no immediate plans to elevate the nation’s threat level, which has been at orange since 2006)
Glenn Greenwald - - The Joys of Airstrikes and Anonymity
Kucinich: Obama should fire generals who spoke out on Afghan surge | Raw Story (what Truman would have done)
Solutions to Mexico's Drug Crisis - To weaken the cartels, some argue the U.S. should legalize marijuana, let cocaine pass through the Caribbean and take the profit motive out of the drug trade (a century of failure, destabilizing everyone, for anti-drug Republican policies)
They Killed My Lawyer | Foreign Policy a story about how Stalinism and the gulags are alive and well in Russia today (Putin: "ya think?")
Air attack suspect was on terror list - Security- (that makes sense; US considering bombing Yemen - send in the Predators!)
Memo From Tel Aviv - A Tougher Military Policy Stirs Little Debate in Israel - (will be even more war-crimey next time)
AFP: China unveils 'world's fastest train link' average speed of 350 kilometres (217 miles) an hour (America stuck in Republican past)
Pregnant soldiers in war zone won't be punished - Yahoo! News (military reverses plan to jail pregnant women)
Ireland Catholic Church | Pope Benedict | Bishops (no police resignations)
Editorial - Cellphone Searches -
Al Franken's Anti-Rape Amendment Passes, Infuriating Several (Male) Republicans | PEEK | AlterNet
Firedoglake » Contractors Cost More? No One Could Have Anticipated . . . For eight years, the Bush administration used the war in Iraq and the mantra that privatization is best to justify expanding the use of contractors in all aspects of the government
E.J. Dionne Jr. - A culture war cease-fire -
GOP Lawmakers Flip Flop On Costly Health Plans: AP (Dems puzzled by Republican psychotic behavior)
What Would Always-On-The-Record Government Look Like? - O'Reilly Radar
Truthdig - Michele Bachmann: Welfare Queen (+Grassley, Brownback, etc all on the dole)
Colbert Dishes On Bush, Glenn Beck, and MSNBC - James Warren
Geithner: Confident About Economic Rebound | The Big Picture
Calculated Risk: Fannie, Freddie and the Struggles of HAMP (protecting banks, not homeowners)
Arrow Trucking: Drivers band together to help those dumped by Arrow / The Christian Science Monitor -
5 Trends That Will Shape Small Business in 2010 : Marketing
Bugs Inside: What Happens When the Microbes That Keep Us Healthy Disappear?: Scientific American The human body has more microbial than human cells (and they're dying off)
Calorie restriction: Scientists take important step toward 'fountain of youth' - restricted calorie diets -- specifically in the form of restricted glucose -- help human cells live longer.
BBC News - Troubleshooters that block cancer
Prehistoric Lakes of Antarctica Discovered with New, Unknown Viruses
Sun and moon trigger deep tremors on San Andreas Fault
Abstinence proponents look for aid from new health bill - (looking for hand-out from socialist health-care)
Brothers accuse Mormon Church of sexual abuse, file suit - 11/17/09 - San Francisco News - (mother married the Mormon child-molester)
Men Who Help Clean Get More Sex? : LimeLife
NY school suspends girl, 10, for peppermint oil : 24 Hour Breaking News : The Buffalo News | Commack New York School Superintendent James Feltman (is a famous asshole on the internets for all eternity +"what next, Altoids?")
The Infomercantile: Where Do The Animals Live?
The Best HDR Photographs of 2009 | DesignOra
HDR Plea
Google Seeks to Help Children Search Better -
Dailymotion - Computerfightsback - a Funny video
Why Are People Always Having Sex With Dragons In Science Fiction? - Sex - io9
AVG Free for Win 7
The 10 best new Firefox add-ons of 2009 | The Download Blog -
2009: Year of the Social Network - PC World
How Twitter Conquered the World in 2009
Five more face execution for role in China riots - (subverting state power, or something)
BBC News - Iraq bomb explosions leave 23 people dead
I've changed my mind about Italy | Martin Kettle | Comment is free | The romance is dead. Now I see the country for what it is: rightwing, racist and corrupt (ya think?)
Pentagon now spending more for war than all 50 States combined spend to run the country (priorities; Pentagon may seceed)
The Rag Blog: Supremes : 'Suspected Enemy Combatant' no Longer a 'Person' - the country’s highest court evidently believes that "torture and religious humiliation are permissible tools for a government to use." (un-personing)
YouTube - Greg Sargent Picks the Top Online News Stories of 2009
House Rep. stole voter data before defecting to GOP, Dems say | Raw Story Rep. Parker Griffith (sure sounds like a Republican, thanks, Rahm)
Firedoglake » Cenk Uygur: “Are You Concerned Now, Rahm?”
Emptywheel » 34 Obama Nominees Not Named Dawn Johnsen Confirmed - one of the greatest unpublicized scandals of an increasingly feckless Obama Presidency.
Schwarzenegger's plan to again raid transit funds angers rider advocates -- (total failure)
Krugman - Tidings of Comfort -
Fannie And Freddie Receive Unlimited Future Funds To Stay Afloat (yes, "unlimited")
How the brain encodes memories at a cellular level - Strengthening synapses is a very important part of learning
Fight infection by disturbing how bacteria communicate - new method of tackling bacterial infections such as cystic fibrosis
BBC News - Science news highlights of 2009
Scientists Create World’s First Molecular Transistor
Rediscovering Central Asia
Robert P. George, the Conservative-Christian Big Thinker - (Christian Taliban)
Blogger, Please - Ta-Nehisi Coates (DC snowball fight + out-of-control cop)
Toke of the Town - Marijuana Potency Testing Business Thrives In Colorado
The Top 10 Relationship Books Of The 00s
Movie Review - Sita Sings the Blues - Legendary Breakups: Good (Animated) Women Done Wrong in India -
YouTube - Star wars Troops [HD]
YouTube - Hamsterdam Hilarious Video! Watch!
Embracing the 'Coastie' Label – Sisterhood Blog – (JAP)
Las Vegas Weekly : - The vast Santanic conspiracy (Santa=Satan)
Ursula K. Le Guin Resigns From Authors Guild, Because It Didn't Keep Up Its Silly Fight With Google | Techdirt (Le Guin tells Google to get off her lawn: Google is "teh devil" +doesn't recognize any fair use)
The Authors Guild - Ursula K. Le Guin, Google, and the Economics of Authorship
How to: Get a Head Start on Social Media Marketing | Penn Olson
Utilities - Android Starter Kit -
13 Things You Must Do First with Your New PC | Maximum PC
Is Amazon Working Backward? - Bits Blog - (Kindle)
Internet Use On The Up And Up--Is Anyone Surprised? - HotHardware
In Germany, a Disturbing Rise of Right-Wing Violence - Time
Soviet occupation Afghanistan | US occupation Afghanistan
Uganda: President Says He Will Block Anti-Gay Bill « Global Voices Online (not really)
‘Ceausescu looked in my eyes, and he knew that he was going to die’ - Times Online
Woman knocks down Pope at Christmas Eve Mass - Yahoo! News
Slate's 2009 political holiday card slide show: God Rest ye Merry Congressmen
Emptywheel » The DOMA Decisions In The 9th Circuit (Obama fights to maintain unConstitutional discrimination against providing HC for same-sex legal marriage)
Glenn Greenwald - - The NYT's view of "journalistic objectivity" (all the opinions we want you to have)
YouTube - Obama Promised (a public option, but now he's a big liar)
YouTube - Obama v Clinton on the Individual Mandate Mobile
PolitiFact | The Obameter: Tracking Barack Obama's Campaign Promises
National Organization for Women opposes Senate health bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Labor unions oppose Senate's health bill - Washington Times
Ezra Klein - Jane Hamsher's 10 reasons to kill the bill
Health Care Reform Infographic
A Consumer's Guide To Health Reform : NPR
Daily Kos: Senate Makes History Sans Republicans
The Field: Health Care by the Numbers: What’s In It for You?
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Another Left-Right Convergence
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Health Insurance Stocks Decline on News of Senate Passage of Reform Bill; Have Underperformed Market Since Start of Week
And The Rest Is Just Noise | The New Republic Why the health care bill is the greatest social achievement of our time.
Ezra Klein - Winning ugly, but winning
News Analysis - In Senate Health Vote, a New Partisan Vitriol -
Health Care: Dear Senator Reid - J. Bradford DeLong
Lieberman Suffers Big Rating Drop -- Political Wire
Glenn Greenwald - - Reason Editor suggests his own magazine is lying (Matt Welch is lying)
Senate Passes Health Care Bill, 60-39 (forcing you to buy crappy insurance from the same old corps)
House Democrats making plans for final health care bill - (will become even crappier)
Obama 'Absolutely' Will Help Merge Health Care Bills ("hands-on" to merge crappy Health Bills)
Dean: ‘If the Republicans hate it, there must be some good in it’ | Raw Story
Senator cites blacks as disadvantage for his state | Raw Story Rachel Maddow caught Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Tuesday seemingly arguing that his state's 31 percent African-American population puts him at a disadvantage -- and that it's a good reason not to support healthcare reform (because ...)
Print Whaddaya Mean Obama Hasn't Done Anything?
Daily Kos: Jane Hamsher calls for Rahm Emanuel's resignation
Fox News Attacks Katie Couric Over 'Angry Nation' Comment: 'Elite Left Wing Liberal' (who's angry?)
Colbert Dishes On Bush, Glenn Beck, and MSNBC - James Warren - Beck: "He raised the stupid bar and now it's nearly inapproachable."
Sean Hannity's Bogus Russian Climate Scandal | Mother Jones
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » God didn’t make Little Green Footballs - a Republican candidate who is an anti-science loon (Tim Pawlenty) but still may be too sensible and non-Jesus freaky to satisfy the Khmer Rogue faction that may dominate the Republican primaries.
Tea Partiers' Next Target: American Business? | TPMDC
Banks That Bundled Bad Debt Also Bet Against It - ("bank" = Goldman)
McClatchy | Goldman (NYT just stealing content)
Business & Technology | Treasury removes cap for Fannie and Freddie aid | Seattle Times Newspaper
Calculated Risk: As HAMP Fails, Treasury Flails (was never supposed to work in the first place: you lose again)
Senators Dodd, Shelby Report Major Progress On Wall Street Reform, Deadlock May Be Avoided
The Billion Pound O Gram | Information Is Beautiful
Our Best Financial Infographics of 2009 | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
Climate Change Deniers vs The Consensus | Information Is Beautiful
Did Jim Inhofe Manipulate Poll Data On Climate Change Policy? | TPMDC
Anatomy of A Brain Fart | Memory, Emotions, & Decisions | Discover Magazine
Decades of future science - Cosmic Log -
Vampires and thrillseekers rejuvenate dead stars | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Power, and pitfalls, of an electrical smart grid - Los Angeles Times
Academia vs Industry: an Updated Opinion : Good Math, Bad Math
Copernicus Grades Cameron On The Science of Avatar!! -- Ain't It Cool News
Archaeology's Hoaxes, Fakes, and Strange Sites
iTWire - Voyager spacecraft discover how Solar System stays together
BBC News - In pictures: Life beneath Antarctica's waves
Scientists map speed of climate change for different ecosystems
Abbeville Institute :: About State Nullification, Secession, And The Human Scale Of Political Order
Secretive Scholars of the Old South - Faculty - The Chronicle of Higher Education To avoid being tagged as racist, professors retreat to the Abbeville Institute to study the virtues of secession
Third Coast International Audio Festival // Chicago Public Radio
A Day in the Life of - Bits Blog - two videos below show the traffic to on June 25, 2009, the day Michael Jackson died.
Restaurants Use Menu Psychology to Entice Diners -
Essay - Steal These Books - (esp the Bible)
The little-known Jewish holiday of Christmas Eve. Seriously. - By Benyamin Cohen - Slate Magazine
YouTube - Mark E Smith Reads An Xmas Story For BBC Collective (The Colour Out of Space)
Gay Thug Dating, Singles, and Personals @
Learn Something Every Day
YouTube - How To Hypnotize A Chicken
YouTube - How to Hypnotize Anyone Anytime
Peep Show - Full Episodes and Clips streaming online for free - Hulu
OMG I'm The Adult
YouTube - The Honest $10000 SPAM
Critical Distance | 99 Free Games from 2009
2009 Technology Gadget Year in Review - 7 Top Tech Trends from 2009 - Popular Mechanics
DDoS attack hobbles major sites, including Amazon | Relevant Results - CNET News
2009: The Year in Pictures - The New York Times
Plan to Move Guantánamo Detainees Faces New Delay - (sliding timetable just slid again)
How do I know China wrecked the Copenhagen deal? I was in the room | Mark Lynas | Environment | The Guardian
Afghan Army's Hashish-Smoking Troops (Video)
Taliban blow up Pakistan girls school: official - Yahoo! News
Mohammad Yunos Shirnagha, Afghan Member Of Parliament, Gunned Down By Police (it's ok, Senators were "insurgents")
Pakistan court orders men's ears, noses hacked off -
American Thinker: Muhammad's 'aye' for an eye: law of retaliation in Islam
Report: ICE using unlisted detention centers for immigrant prisoners | Raw Story (Obama justice: secret prison camps IN Amercia)
Progressive Nation » Blog Archive » Bush Admin Raised Terror Alert Based On Con Man’s Decoding Scam (well?)
The Iraq war files - Telegraph (Obama will never let this happen to Bush)
Carl Bernstein: US Congress Is Corrupt, Systemically Broken (send them all to Bagram)
Transparency: The Biggest News Stories of the Year (by percent coverage)
Informed Comment: Top Ten Worst Things about the Bush Decade: Or, the Rise of the New Oligarchs
War Room - Responding to criticism from the left, the president makes a dubious claim about his record (pants on fire Obama)
Think Progress » FLASHBACK: Obama Repeatedly Touted Public Option Before Refusing To Push For It In The Final Hours
Dean faults White House for death of the public insurance option - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Obama Accused Of Abandoning Health Care Principles In New Ad
Economic Scene - How Congress Can Compromise Sensibly on Health Care Bill -
Rose Ann DeMoro: An Inglorious End to the Promise of Reform
A Democrat's view from the House: Senate bill isn't health reform -
The Rational Case For 'Kill The Bill' (take your expanded "coverage" and stuff it)
Drug Industry Girds for Rise in Its Share of Overhaul -
McCain Emerges As Front Man In GOP Efforts To Claim Reform Mantle
Dawn Teo: McCain Senate Re-Election Race Already Getting Ugly
Firedoglake » Jane Hamsher, Grover Norquist Call for Rahm Emanuel’s Resignation his activities while on the board of Freddie Mac from 2000-2001, and facilitated the cover up of potential malfeasance until the 10-year statute of limitations has run out.
Caller Asks GOP Senator If He Prayed 'Hard Enough' For Byrd To Die (Video)
The American Ruling Class Dramtic Documentary Musical
Sarah Palin Tries To Rewrite History Of Her Own “Death Panel” Falsehood | The Plum Line
Jane Norton, GOP Senate Candidate, Sits Silently As Obama Called A Muslim
Gun Owner Nabbed Near Obama Was Bush Employee | Mother Jones (they left that part out)
Star Trek and Moral Judgment — Crooked Timber it is not every day you get conservatives to admit they oppose (or at least dislike) peace, tolerance, due process and progress
The 12 Most Shocking Political Sex Scandals Of The Decade
When you say "Barack Obama," Howard Kurtz thinks "Tiger Woods" | Media Matters for America (Howie the Putz)
Geithner: Job Growth Should Resume By Springtime (sliding timetable)
If billionaires don't feel guilty about walking away from their debts, should homeowners? - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine If billionaires don't feel guilty about walking away from their debts, should homeowners?
Full Housing Crisis Effect Yet To Be Felt: Economist - CNBC ("The policy has been to prop up prices, not people" -- Atrios)
Calculated Risk: New Home Sales Decrease Sharply in November
Anaheim mall defaults on $210 million debt - Lansner on Real Estate : The Orange County Register (CRE hell still coming)
Calculated Risk: WaPo: Regulatory Failure at the Office of Thrift Supervision
Upper Mismanagement | The New Republic (The problem? Two words: business school)
Calitics:: Arnold's Christmas Present to California: More Cuts! (Arnie is a total fuckup)
Accept Defeat: The Neuroscience of Screwing Up | Magazine
Basics - Another Challenge for Ethical Eating - Plants Want to Live, Too -
The Botany of Desire: Based on the book by Michael Pollan | PBS
Plant Consciousness
Fog Seen on Saturn Moon Titan--A First
The blue clouds of the red planet | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
How one odd duck says 'no' to sex - LiveScience- Research suggests duck's vaginal shape can impede copulation with males
Single light wave flashes out from fibre laser - physics-math - 21 December 2009 - New Scientist
The Physics of Space Battles - Space battle - Gizmodo
Timothy McSweeney's Internet Tendency: The Conflicted Existence of a Female Porn Writer.
Who Is IOZ?: The War on Christmas, Gameday Diagrams
Top 50 Health Informatics Blogs
The Luxury Spot » Was College Really Worth it?
Michael Jackson’s FBI Files Reveal Extortion, Terrorist Threats : Rolling Stone
WaPo Sits on Eyewitness Account on Snowball Gun Incident - City Desk - Washington City Paper Det. Mike Baylor, trudging around in the snow with a gun in his hand (out-of-control cop famous on the internets for all eternity +WaPo: who do you believe? us, or your lying youtube video?)
Post Now - Police looking into incident at snowball fight
6 Predictions for the Future of the Internet
Accused phone thief snared after phone sends pic to victim • The Register
Hackers break Amazon's Kindle DRM • The Register
Web Ink Now: Amazon as social networking (aka "marketing")
European Union adopts new telecom rules - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review As a result of the telecom reform, 500 million EU citizens will be able to benefit from more consumer choice through enhanced marketplace competition, better coverage over faster Internet broadband connections and a strengthening of their right to privacy (not US policy)
Comcast settles class-action suit on traffic blocking | Wireless - CNET News - "Comcast denies these claims, but has revised its management of P2P and is settling to avoid the burden and cost of further litigation"
Google: We're open and closed at the same time
Service cracks wireless passwords from the cloud • The Register
Germans devise attacks on Windows BitLocker • The Register
The 33 Essential Free Utilities for Every New PC | Maximum PC
Radiskull & Devil Doll -- Episode 1 Linux Playback
Israel to seek another 1b euros Holocaust in reparations from Germany - Haaretz - Israel News (bottomless)
2 Mossad operatives institutionalized - Israel News, Ynetnews - Mossad official assigned to them 24-hours a day to ensure that state secrets not revealed because of their unstable mental state (un-huh)
Barkat rejects plan for baby clinic in Silwan neighborhood - Haaretz - Israel News The proposed clinic would have served some 100,000 Arabic-speaking residents (can't get much more racist)
U.S.-Israeli Arms Cooperation Quietly Growing – America’s commitment to maintaining Israel’s qualitative military edge was codified directly into U.S. law via 2008 legislation backed by AIPAC (what's wrong with this picture?) )
Mexico City Lawmakers OK Gay Marriage - CBS News
Firedoglake » Blue Dog Parker Griffith (Aetna-AL) Shows True Colors, Switches to GOP (Rahm Emanuel funded Blue Dog: for the win! +massive contribution from healthcare industry)
The Washington Monthly: They Probably Won't Miss Him
Glenn Greenwald - - Health care industry stocks explode as bill progresses (follow the money)
The Seminal » Boxer: “Not All the Choice Groups Oppose This Bill” (pro-choice groups for abortion restrictions!)
What Your Favorite Blogger May Not Be Telling You About Health Reform | Crooks and Liars
FDL Action » Glenzilla: Senate Bill Does “More Harm Than Good”
GOP warns of harsh climate on energy bill - -
Keeping America's Edge > Publications > National Affairs
How Nebraska's Insurance Companies Stand To Profit From Ben Nelson's Compromises In Health Care Bill - stands to reap millions of dollars worth of financial goodies should the Senate version of the health care bill get final approval (what a creep)
Whiskey Fire: The Hole I Dig Is Bottomless (large hardon collider)
Bernanke and California | Mother Jones - One board member expressed particular skepticism — Ben Bernanke (total idiot)
Auld Lang Syne: Farewell to another decade of "liberal media bias" | Media Matters for America
The Year in Media Errors and Corrections | Regret the Error
The 100 Weirdest News Stories We Dugg in 2009 -- 100-91 -
GDP Up 2.2% In 3Q, But Recovery Is Much Slower Than Previously Thought
States' jobless funds are being drained in recession -
FT Alphaville » Hamp, what is it good for? (mortgage modification: acting like you're doing something when you aren't)
Will the U.S. Repeat the Great Mistake of 1937? - DailyFinance
Citigroup Hacked, FBI Reportedly Investigating
Uranium Is So Last Century — Enter Thorium, the New Green Nuke | Magazine
Aliens more likely to live on moons than planets, say boffins • The Register Spacegoing exomoononauts voyage around ringed primaries?
Engage the x drive: Ten ways to traverse deep space - space - 21 December 2009 - New Scientist
China's last tiger is eaten - Telegraph The last wild Indochinese tiger in China has been killed and eaten by a villager.
Fixing Drone Data: A Not-So-Modest Proposal | Danger Room |
Bolivia's Glaciers Melt Away - Video Library - The New York Times
YouTube - Class Day Lecture 2009: The Uniqueness of Humans
A Ghostly Trace of the Jewish Occult –
BibliOdyssey: Victorian Infographics
Womans Day Comments | Facebook
Big Music: damn the numbers, give us antipiracy laws anyway If P2P use is declining or holding steady without new "antipiracy" laws, are those laws still needed? Music trade groups say yes (they would, right?)
stephen j. dubner - The Silver Thief: The Story of a Burglar Who Was Too Good for His Own Good Customer Reviews: Birth Control is Sinful in the Christian Marriages and also Robbing God of Priesthood Children!!
Moving towards solidarity - The F-Word
The Operation That Can Ruin Your Life | Standpoint
Gender Reassignment Surgery
Neuroimaging Differences in Spatial Cognition between Men and Male-to-Female Transsexuals Before and During Hormone Therapy.... [J Sex Med. 2009] - PubMed result
YouTube - Trantasia - Transsexual Trailer
Questioning Transphobia
Harry Benjamin Syndrome Revealed: The naked bigotry of some transwomen against others.
Backlash - Women Bullying Women at Work -
The Believer - Donald Barthelme’s Syllabus
YouTube - Bergensbanen
BBC - Newsbeat - Pupils 'bypassing school internet security'
Globetrotter XL - Puzzles
Israeli Organ Trafficking and Theft: From Moldova to Palestine
Israeli News: President Shimon “The Butcher” Peres - Yehuda Hiss: e director, found to have engaged in illegal harvesting of organs, is still the highest-paid person in the public sector (for his silence)
a little background on yehuda hiss & abu kabir « Niqnaq
Netanyahu to press Sweden to condemn IDF organ harvesting article - Haaretz - Israel News (from August: blood libel! anti-semitism! whoops!)
Swedish daily hits back at critics of IDF organ harvest story - Haaretz - Israel News
Foreign Ministry aghast at Swedish report | Israel | Jerusalem Post
Commentary » Blog Archive » Swedish Anti-Semites Dig Up a Blood Libel (Commentary: Jewish propaganda)
The Associated Press: Israel harvested organs in '90s without permission (well, we're waiting for your retractions)
I challenged Haaretz writers on the organ-harvesting story last summer
TLAXCALA : “Our sons plundered for their organs”
BBC News - The risks of women drug mules in Brazil
Report: Bush Admin Raised Terror Alert Based On Con Man's Al Jazeera 'Decoding' Scam | TPMMuckraker (Tony Blair's taxi driver was making the rounds +orange! +red!)
Think Progress » Americans Judge The Bush Decade: ‘Awful’ And ‘Not So Good’
Op-Ed Columnist - A Dangerous Dysfunction - - It’s a seriously flawed bill, we’ll spend years if not decades fixing it, but it’s nonetheless a huge step forward.
Daily Kos: Axelrod needs some help with history (well, he was only 20 in 1975, can't expect him to know about ancient history)
Matthew Yglesias » Listicle of the Day: Worst Washington Post Columnists of the Zeroes (the bright lights of conservative punditry, but missing Richard Cohen)
Borrowers With Modified Loans Falling Into Trouble - (cramdown would have worked, but screw you)
Serious U.S. Mortgage Delinquencies Up 20 Percent - (remember that $75Bn program?)
Top Ten Literary Feuds of the Aughts: A Special Edition of Shaun Smith's Sunday Sundries | Open Book Toronto
YouTube - USCGImagery's Channel - vote for best Coast Guard rescue video of the year
The Doctor Who Defied Tehran - (dead)
Israel admits harvesting Palestinian organs | World news | The Guardian
The Associated Press: Pregnant soldiers could face court-martial (but not you know who)
Reid Confident He Has 60 Votes To Pass Health Care Reform | TPMDC
One Premium, Two Checks: How Abortion Will Be Paid For Under The Nelson Compromise | TPMDC "[i]ndividuals receiving subsidies will have one premium that they pay with two distinct transactions."
Firedoglake » Democrats Tell Progressives: America Is A Center-Right Nation
Firedoglake » David Axelrod Claims Health Care Bill Will Make Insurance Affordable for Everyone (No It Won’t) (now they're just lying)
Senator Ben Nelson Approves Health Care Bill, Obama Hails Compromise - ABC News (abortion restrictions intact)
Axelrod promises to push for drug re-importation after healthcare reform - (flip-flop-flip)
Right-wingers divided over God's motivations behind DC snowstorm | Media Matters for America (insane-o-sphere)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: In Fairness, There's Also A Strong Consensus Against Waste, Fraud and Abuse. And For Limiting Welfare Recipients to Three Escalades A Year (Americans are really dumb)
Backlash boots Palin from hospital fundraising | Toronto Sun (“Canada needs to dismantle its public health-care system and allow private enterprise to get involved and turn a profit,”)
The insincere center - Paul Krugman Blog - (KThug lays it down)
Olympia Snowe Loses Whatever Credibility She Had Left | Capital Gains and Games (OSnowe: profile in cowardice: one of KThug's female punters)
Calculated Risk: Bernanke ARM OK, Head "Explodes"?
Mark Hyman, MD: Diabetes & Obesity: Why Conventional Medicine Makes Things Worse
Russian analysis confirms 20th century CRU temperatures : Deltoid (comments)
The Warming Arctic | Atmospheric Temperature Trends, 1979-2005
Mumps cases reach 152 in Monsey area as part of large U.S. outbreak | | The Journal News
Earth on track for epic die-off, scientists say
Printer Friendly Libel gag on talk of 'medical hurricane' - A healthcare firm is seeking to silence a Danish academic from expressing doubts about one of its products by using England’s draconian libel laws (General Electric)
Unbelievable Holiday Tales - A Ski-School Lie -
Gourmet's Favorite Cookie Recipes: 1941-2008, Holiday Cookies, Christmas Cookies: Recipes + Menus :
Internet Archive: Free Download: Christmas Carol Collection 2009
The Love of Lust | Open Magazine
The Worst Ideas of the Decade (
15 Biggest Internet Controversies of the Past Decade
Top 10 Things to Look Forward to in Windows 7 - Windows - Lifehacker
Jerusalem & Babylon / The story that got away - Haaretz - Israel News - identifying Israel as a racist, warmongering apartheid state is no longer a radical view, shared mainly by anti-Semites and "Arab lovers" - it has become the mainstream opinion (won't read this in the US)
YouTube - No Way Through (illegal Israeli blockcade of Palestinians)
Poland declares state of emergency after 'Arbeit Macht Frei' stolen from Auschwitz | World news | The Guardian
Copenhagen Deal: Activists React
U.S. Aids Yemeni Raids on Al Qaeda, Officials Say - / UK - Russia admits lawyer's death is 'stain' on system
Just Detention International (stop prison rape)
FDL Action » John Kerry Attacks Howard Dean for Fun and Profit (Kerry is second only to McCain in contributions from Health Care industry )
Firedoglake » Late Night: Wanted: A New White House Communications Director No one that I know of in the Democratic party ever dreamed of passing health care reform “like this.”
Senate: The Deal Looks Done on Health Care - Swampland - ("coverage" = you pay)
Nelson supports health bill after tough bargaining (most conservative Dem in Senate decides healthcare -- used to be president of insurance company, no kidding)
Taibbi, Kuttner Debate Health Care Bill On "Bill Moyers Journal" (video)
Hullabaloo: digby: Whack-a-Mole: Obama had Olympia Snow on the phone for an hour (giving her phone sex)
Glenn Greenwald - many (but not all) of the progressive bloggers most vehemently demanding passage of the health care bill also supported the Iraq War ("progressive" is the new "center-right") --- Third Way, DLC, triangulating corporatism of the Clinton era, just re-packaged with some sleeker and more updated marketing
Daily Kos: An Observation on the Split in the Progressive Blogosphere: Kevin Drum, Matt Yglesias, Ezra Klein, Josh Marshall: Liebercare supporters also supported Iraq war
Taking Ideological Differences Seriously | The New Republic (Obama: regulated privitazation and government merging with interests of corporations)
FDIC Shuts Down Seven More Banks
Homeowners often rejected under Obama's loan plan | McClatchy - many struggling homeowners are holding up their end of the bargain but still find themselves rejected, and some are even having their homes sold out from under them without notice (shitty plan)
Report: Housing Prices Could Tumble Again If More Foreclosures Aren't Prevented
A Lament for Saab, a Quirky Car Loved by Some -
How To Make The World's Easiest $1 Billion (become a bank)
Six Questions for Peter Maass on the Violent Twilight of Oil—By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine)
Peter Maass | Articles | Scenes from the Violent Twilight of Oil | Foreign Policy
Peter Maass | Articles | Inside the Soul of an Oilman | The Big Money Are petro-execs intrinsically more corrupt than other businessmen?
Bones find from abandoned village 'show tough life of medieval women' | Science | Skeletons from Wharram Percy have much larger bones than those of city contemporaries
BBC News - 'Boat' could explore Saturn moon
Peter Maass | Articles | Inside the Soul of an Oilman | The Big Money Are petro-execs intrinsically more corrupt than other businessmen?
BBC News - Data to expose 'ghost mountains'
YouTube - The Known Universe by AMNH
Nuclear Waste Disposal - Eric Loewen's Disposal of Nuclear Waste - Esquire
"Onward Christian Athletes": Tom Krattenmaker's Book Explores Evangelical Monopoly In Sports World
Game Brain: Profiles: GQ: Football concussions
Villa Vals / SeARCH & CMA | ArchDaily
The Texas Observer > A Tiger's Tale by Melissa del Bosque -
Bikers plan topless ride to protest lane removal - Yahoo! News (Bloomberg goes Taliban on Brooklyn, removes bike lane to please Orthodox Jews who don't want to see "scantily-clad" women riding bikes; FAIL)
NY Killer Tripped on Baggy Pants, Plunged to Death
David Simon - Vice Magazine
Last Minutes with ODEN on Vimeo
New York News - The Sailor Man in New York - page 1
Rena Effendi - House of Happiness
Retro Housewife - Putting pride back into the housewife!
Views: Criminal Incompetence - Inside Higher Ed
Gambetta, D.: Codes of the Underworld: How Criminals Communicate.
Boo-yah: Shorewood one-ups rivals with backward music video
YouTube - Video Bulletin for the Shorewood Lipdub Music Video
University Lipdub (HS Furtwangen) on Vimeo
YouTube - Goldfrapp - Happiness
YouTube - The Mighty Boosh/And That's Why I Can't Go For That
Rencontre avec le photographe Pierre Gonnord - Le fil arts et scènes - Télé
Iranian hacker attack: What will it cost Twitter? / The Christian Science Monitor -
Twitter Email Security Blamed for Latest Hack
WordPress › Blog » WordPress 2.9, oh so fine
Web 2.0 Suicide Machine - Meet your Real Neighbours again! - Sign out forever!
Barack Obama's speech disappoints and fuels frustration at Copenhagen | Environment |
Meaningful Agreement: White House Says A First Step Climate Deal Has Been Reached In Copenhagen (sham agreement with no real requirements for any countries, Obama claims victory)
Intelligence Improperly Collected on U.S. Citizens - in May 2002, in response to a Congressional inquiry, the Joint Forces Intelligence Command provided false information about its activities related to Al Qaeda and the Sept. 11 attacks. The document offered few details (Generals provided Bush with fake intel to lie America into war)
Iranian Troops Seize Iraqi Oil Well: Official
Daily Kos: State of the Nation
Federal Hate Crime Cases at Highest Level Since ’01 -
Senate Health Care Face-Off Continues (last primadonna standing wins +National Right to Life and Catholic Bishops)
All You Need to Know | Talking Points Memo
Gut Check | TPMCafe - Help Pass the Best Health Reform Bill, But Pass the Bill - and Keep Fighting for More Reform.
Trumka: Senate Bill As Is Will Die In The House
Did White House Pressure FDA To Help Kill Measure To Make Drugs Cheaper? | TPMMuckraker (where their loyalties are: their corporate constituency)
The Seminal » Insurance company stocks “on fire” – they’re winning, we’re losing (leading indicator)
Ralph Nadar: The Man Cheering Obama's Health-Care Woes - The Daily Beast - “This is what I meant a year ago when I said the next year will determine whether Barack Obama will be an Uncle Tom groveling before the demands of the corporations.”
Rahm Emanuel: Don’t Worry About the Left - Washington Wire - WSJ
Jane Hamsher: Left/Right Populist Outrage Will Defeat Senate Health Care Bill
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Dear Rahm, Please STFU The bill progressives want is not being held hostage by Obama, it is being held hostage by Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman.
War Room -
Ethics Office Closes Inquiry Into Murtha, Dicks and Moran - Roll Call
Think Progress » Flashback: McCain Refused To Grant 30 Seconds Of Time During Iraq War Debate (what did you expect from a big fat liar?)
Franken v. Lieberman: Too good a story to check out | Media Matters for America
Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia (AUMF 2002)
Liberal Group: Our Poll Proves Public Knows Individual Mandate Is A Sham | The Plum Line (fuck the voters, they won't know the difference between "provides" and "requires") )
FDL Action » Ben Nelson Wants To Cripple The Best Remaining Part Of Reform: Medicaid Expansion
MyDD :: Axelrod Responds to Atrios Perhaps someone should ask Axelrod, since he's trying to sink the HCR bill (called Howard Dean "insane" but not Ben "airtight no abortions" Nelson) Hullabaloo Giggle This (Chris Matthews: "progressives aren't democrats, they're whiny babies" - what an idiot)
Best of the Decade | Most influential person of the decade | The Washington Post (WaPo races Fox to the bottom)
The curse of Montagu Norman - Paul Krugman Blog - (Bernanke: let them eat derivatives)
Harvard Swaps Are So Toxic Even Summers Won’t Explain - (Summers and Rubin)
Barney Frank Vs. The Credit Raters (video)
Credit card's newest trick: 79.9 percent interest - Yahoo! Finance
Daily Kos: Cap Credit Cards at 16%
Wegman’s ghostwriter revealed « Deep Climate (how they work)
A speedy CAT scan for cells « Berkeley Lab News Center
New Study of Meteorite Provides More Evidence for Ancient Life on Mars
Ancient Book of Mark Found Not So Ancient After All
Stellar Nursery: Inside the dark heart of the Eagle
Raymond J. Lawrence: Tiger's Fix Sex and the Rich Man's Rules
Orange County News - Illegally Park-ed - page 1 An Irvine cop ejaculates on a motorist but escapes criminal liability (her fault for being sexy)
Holiday Books - 'The Red Book - Liber Novus,' by C. G. Jung - Review -
Exhibition Review - 'The Red Book of C. G. Jung - Creation of a New Cosmology' - At the Rubin Museum, a Psychoanalyst’s Inner Universe -
Prague TV Tower - World's Largest Spherical Panorama 18.4 gigapixel
Andrew McDonald » Blog Archive » A Pictorial Guide to avoiding Camera Loss
Fox Threatens to Pull Shows from Time Warner Cable - Reviews by PC Magazine
One Of The 32 Million With A RockYou Account? You May Want To Change All Your Passwords. Like Now. | Geek News and Musings
Ninite Easy PC Setup and Multiple App Installer - Great For Win7 Upgrades
Gmail and Google Apps Account Got Hacked
Being online: identity, anonymity, and all things in between - O'Reilly Radar
A New Source of Stress: Feelings of Social Media Inadequacy
PMView image tool - Features and Functionality
Decade in Pictures - Picture Stories-
Copenhagen summit veering towards farce, warns Ed Miliband | Environment | The Guardian
Pakistan Showing Its Upset by Harassing U.S. Diplomats - (but, we're protecting them from India, or something)
U.N. Officials Say American Aide Plotted to Replace Karzai - Peter W. Galbraith, proposed enlisting the White House in a plan to replace the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai - Iranian-Backed Insurgents Hack U.S. Drones
Reputed Mexican Cartel Chief Is Killed in Shootout -
Defector Says He Helped Rig Iran’s Election - The Lede Blog -
British soldiers died stopping suicide bombers in Afghan market | UK news |
Franken Rape Amendment Included In Defense Spending Bill | TPM LiveWire (pro-rape Republicans upset)
The Hope of All the World: How Do You Know a War is a War?
Justice Department Defends ACORN Funding Ban | TPMMuckraker (Obama wants to make Bills of Attainder legal to expand his unconstitutional powers and complete his transition to the dark side)
Daily Kos: Insurance Reform? (denying coverage is their business model)
The Left Is Playing With Fire | The New Republic (TNR: yes, mandating shitty health insurance coverage is the way to go, suck it up lefties)
FDL Action » Mary Landrieu Admits Public Option Was All Just Senate Kabuki
Nation's Largest Union: Change Health Care Bill Or Else
Daily Kos: Wendell Potter Says It All a bailout for the insurance industries
Huff TV: Arianna On "Morning Joe": Current Reform Bill Is 'Bailout For Health Insurance Industry' (Video)
'Kill The Bill' Debate Rages - Olbermann argued that without the Medicare buy-in or the public option or other reforms taken out of the bill, the health insurance mandate will just force people to buy expensive and exploitative plans. Calling Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) a "senatorial prostitute"
Glenn Greenwald - - White House as helpless victim on healthcare - White House clearly intended from the start that the final health care reform bill would contain no such provision and was actively and privately participating in efforts to shape a final bill without it (Obama never wanted the Public Option)
SEIU Urges Changes In Senate Health Care Bill, Calls Out Obama
Howard Dean: I Won't Support Obama "Vigorously" (half-heartedly)
David Sirota: Howard Dean, Movement Leader
Matthew Yglesias » Time to Play This Video Again I Guess
Glenn Greenwald - - Tom Friedman, museum exhibit
Op-Ed Columnist - Sorry, Senator Kerry - Let us contemplate the badness of Joe Lieberman.
War bonds proposed to pay for Afghanistan, Iraq conflicts | McClatchy (like, dumb, but it makes stupid people feel better)
Bernanke Made A 'Pig's Breakfast' Of the Financial Crisis: Christopher Whalen (rewarding total failure)
Millions Drink Tap Water That Is Legal, but Maybe Not Healthy - Series -
U.S. Said to Rethink Quick Sale of Citigroup Stake -
At Accenture, It’s as if Tiger Woods Were Never There -
Why the GOP Is Gunning for Grandma | Newsweek Newsweek Voices - Jacob Weisberg | It's the GOP that's out to get Granny.
Recession hitting Ohio's former steel towns hard - (won't stop them from voting Republican)
BBC News - Scientists crack 'entire genetic code' of cancer
Gene maps to transform scientists' work on cancer | Deals | Regulatory News | Reuters
Lung cancer and melanoma laid bare
Lung cancer and melanoma cancer genomes revealed | Wellcome Trust
Why Are Europeans White? (E1) - a knol by Frank W Sweet (The Gulf Stream is the Cause)
Worlds Away: Astronomers Begin to Uncover Nearby "Super-Earths": Scientific American - GJ 1214 b
How to Slow Climate Change for Just $15 Billion | Wired Science | providing clean stoves to the 500 million households that use open fires, fed by wood and animal dung and coal, to heat their homes and cook.
The prehistory of stress Researchers use hair from remains of people living in pre-Colombian Peru to discover that stress isn't a modern invention.
Five laws of human nature - life - 17 December 2009 - New Scientist - You're so predictable.
Millions Drink Tap Water That Is Legal, but Maybe Not Healthy - Series -
McIntyre provides fodder for skeptics « Deep Climate This so-called Climategate is really getting out of hand, isn’t it? (yes, they lie)
Geologist stands trial for triggering earthquakes in Switzerland - Telegraph
Messenger Team Releases First Global Map of Mercury
Nina Jablonski breaks the illusion of skin color | Video on
Bombay Dabbawalas go high-tech (food-net routes around problems)
Internet Archive: Free Download: [Trip Down Market Street Before the Fire, A}
Internet Archive: Free Download: San Francisco Earthquake Aftermath, Part 2
Shroud of Turin Not Jesus', Tomb Discovery Suggests
Shenandoah top cop held without bail | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA (Matthew Nestor on charges he tried to cover up the fatal beating of a Mexican immigrant by white teenagers)
I, Cringely » Blog Archive » FedEx Kinkos Won’t Print Our Christmas Card - Cringely on technology ("local standards" can be anything they want)
Safe for work Porn (SFW Porn)
Bête de Jour: Seymore Butts :: Putting the Anal in Banal
What English Sounds Like to Foreigners is Today's BIG Thing in Music - NOV 03, 2009
iPhone overtakes Windows Mobile's US share in October | Electronista
Best Buy: Mobile Phones
The Economics of a Free Google Phone - Nexus one google phone - Gizmodo
How To Restore Windows 7 from a System Image :: the How-To Geek
The Facebook Privacy Settings You've Lost Forever - Facebook - Gawker
Official Google Blog: Browser Size: a tool to see how others view your website
Obama is not saviour of the world. He's still an American president | Jonathan Freedland | Comment is free | The Guardian The reality is that this man must represent the contradictory interests of a country still way behind on climate change (and a lot of other things)
Labor Holds Emergency Meetings To Discuss Senate Bill, May Formally Oppose
John Neffinger: Why We Lost Healthcare
House Dems: Senate is 'dithering' - - (o rly)
Daily Kos: Dean: Keep on fighting for real reform, vote no on Senate bill
Doughnuts For Dorgan: Drug Reimportation Killed In Deal That Might Get Cheaper Drugs For Seniors - Obama ... didn't have any trouble persuading 30 Democrats to vote against prescription drug reimportation Tuesday night -- thus preserving the deal cut between the Senate Finance Committee, the White House and Big Pharma (disgusting)
The Washington Monthly - The Source Of The Deficit Mess .... Republican lawmakers and far-right activists have suddenly discovered, after eight years of dramatic fiscal irresponsibility, that they care deeply about deficit reduction again (blame Obama for Bush deficits! win!)
The Seminal » WH Gibbs: Obama Asked Lieberman to Make Concessions Too? Oh. That would explain why Joe has been so downcast lately, hiding from reporters so he doesn’t have to explain how disheartened he is for having been forced to give up so many reform features that were really important to him.
ABC's Rick Klein covers for Lieberman | Media Matters for America (pathetic)
Best of Both Worlds: The talking point bust (bust-ed)
Booman Tribune ~ Spiteful Joe - Lieberman heard that Dean and Weiner and a lot of the blogosphere were happy about a Medicare Buy-In proposal, which was something he himself has supported, and that was enough for him to spike the idea.
Colbert: Senile Lieberman Suffering From "Joe-Mentia" (video)
Thomas Frank: Newsrooms Don't Need More Conservatives - What's important is the willingness to hold power accountable.
Calculated Risk: Citigroup's "Massive" Tax Break U.S. gave up billions in tax money in deal for Citigroup's bailout repayment (bonus-time)
Steven Pearlstein - Out from under TARP, banks are now free to fail again -
Obama And The Banks: No Real Consensus On Financial Reform (stern words produce no results)
House Passes Wall Street Reform Bill With Zero GOP Votes
Robert Creamer: Pass Financial Regulatory Reform - Then Break Up the Big Wall Street Banks
Ben Bernanke - Person of the Year 2009 - TIME
New research: Sweeteners like high-fructose corn syrup alter human metabolism, digestion | Grist
7 ways microbes may solve our energy woes - Future of Energy-
Mammoths hung on longer? Late-surviving megafauna exposed by ancient DNA in frozen soil ("dirt DNA")
BBC News - Herschel space telescope captures birth of stars
Looking for alien Earths? Here they come
Alice's adventures in algebra: Wonderland solved - physics-math - 16 December 2009 - New Scientist
One Year | Terrapin Gardens Farm
Move to National ID Cards Delayed | Threat Level |
Pranksters Make Short Work of GOP’s URL Shortener for Conservatives | Epicenter |
San Francisco News - The Worst-Run Big City in the U.S. - Spend more. Get less. We’re the city that knows how - This year's city budget is an astonishing $6.6 billion — more than twice the budget for the entire state of Idaho — for roughly 800,000
School bans boy who drew a crucifix - World - (Taunton Ma)
Preferential treatment for cops' kin? | Philadelphia Daily News | 12/15/2009
Young Pittsfield Township man struggles with sex offender label - facing a new criminal charge that accuses him of illegally living within 1,000 feet of a school (American (Repubican) Justice)
'Star Wars' stormtrooper costumes not artistic, says court--The Hollywood Reporter | Esq. | Entertainment and Media Law
YouTube - Star Wars: The Phantom Menace Review (Part 1 of 7)
Star Wars Game Theory - Freakonomics Blog -
xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe Abstraction
The hottest PC technology for 2010 | News | TechRadar UK
YouTube - Sand Castle Explosions Backwards v.1
KN | Kitsune Noir » KN/PC Presents: Inside Look at Frank Chimero - Slaughterhouse 5
? Unicode Holiday Xmas Tree
Millions of missing Bush admin. e-mails found - Politics- Bush spokesman: No 'spooky conspiracy' behind recovered messages (they were stuffed up Cheney's fireplace)
Glenn Greenwald - - none of those moved to Thompson will receive a trial in a real American court, and some will not be charged with any crime at all.
Glenn Greenwald - - Secret war purposes and justifications
Matthew Yglesias » Gore Derangement Syndrome all the way back to the 2000 presidential campaign there are some kind of special journalistic rules that apply to Gore - projecting a 75 percent chance of completely ice free in 5-7 years and projecting 80 percent ice loss in 6 years are different things (in the minds of the NYT at least)
Thousands evacuated as Mayon volcano threatens Philippines villages - Times Online
Green light for internet filter plans - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Reform Is No Cure for Insurer Discrimination, Health Experts Say -
A Sucker-Punched Harry Reid Throws in the Towel on Real Reform
Eunomia » Nothing New Here ("change" = mainstream conservative principles)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Why Progressives Are Batshit Crazy to Oppose the Senate Bill
TBogg » The fire this time
Rahm To Reid: Give Lieberman What He Wants | TPMDC (we'll do incremental changes after the Republicans get back in control of the House)
What Public Option Supporters Won | The New Republic The public option is dead this morning. And this time, it isn't coming back to life.
Daily Kos: Congratulations, Senate Dems!!! - instead of taking bold steps in the face of a health care crisis, you allowed a guy that spent 2008 campaigning for a Republican presidential nominee to have unilateral veto power over the legislation (the optics of that aspect of this story could not possibly be worse).
The Washington Monthly WE - Iner Scared Lieberman Away? (Joe-Putz changed his mind because liberals liked his idea, dude's a professional Lucy)
Lieberman, caught red-handed? - First Read -
Ezra Klein - Oh no, Joe (it's all about Joe-putz)
Understanding Joe Lieberman | The New Republic
First thoughts: Bowing to Lieberman - First Read -
Lieberman Closer To Supporting Reform, But Not There Yet ("kiss my ring, Harry Reid")
Rep. Capuano Tells Fellow Dems: 'You're Screwed'
Hullabaloo That Was Easy by digby (Dem political suicide act of 2010)
Hullabaloo They're Really Surprised by digby ... thus proving that they're really morons:
Ezra Klein - Venomous responsibility (Chuck Lane, village idiot, loves him some Lieberman, you can just die)
White House Denies Report They’re Pushing For Deal With Lieberman | The Plum Line (sure)
Liberal group targets Rahm in new ad - First Read -
Just Burn It Down | Talking Points Memo (incrementalism isn't going to work, sorry)
Macho Macho Man: James Wolcott | Vanity Fair (Jeff Goldstein needs a punch in the dick) - Non-voters need results to vote, not scolding (Obama will send them a sternly-worked letter) Felix Salmon: The load dilemma (Obama's talking too much to Larry)
Fox News: cutting minimum wage ‘better for workers’ | Raw Story
Top Executives' Retirement Plans Paid Off -
CT Scans Linked to Cancer - Study Warns Radiation Dose From Single Test Can Trigger Disease in Some People – Bizarre band of paleo-crocs unearthed
eMJA: The dark side of the moon Conclusion: Violent and acute behavioural disturbance manifested more commonly during the full moon (50 years of scientific de-bunking trashed)
Hollywood gives biologists a helping hand : Nature News
Marijuana legalization initiative headed for 2010 ballot, organizers say | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times
Meep! - The Boston Globe - A few weeks ago, Thomas Murray, the principal of Danvers High School, banned the word meep from his school (stupid Globe article - "(possibly) overzealous principal" - you mean (possibly) clueless facist idiot? - and what happened, Globies?)
The people who ruined the decade | Culture | The Guardian Named and shamed: the famous folk who make us glad to be leaving the noughties
Hellfire holidays: Round 2 of the Pervert's Grand Tour. (1) - By Tony Perrottet - Slate Magazine
Michael Wolff on Rupert Murdoch | (ironically responsibile for de-valuing news)
2009 in photos (part 1 of 3) - The Big Picture -
5 years of infosthetics
Why James Chartrand Wears Women's Underpants | Copyblogger
Men with Pens - WordPress Customization, Website Copywriting and Web Design
Facebook's Great Betrayal - Facebook - Gawker Facebook's privacy pullback isn't just outrageous; it's a landmark turning point for the social network
How Facebook Is Making Friending Obsolete - (naturally, Murdoch thinks this is wonderful)
Optimizing WordPress for Search Engines
The intelligence factory: How America makes its enemies disappear—By Petra Bartosiewicz (Harper's Magazine)
Tony Blair Iraq War WMD Admission Sparks Outrage, Calls For War Crimes Prosecution
Copenhagen Climate Talks SUSPENDED, In Chaos, As Countries Walk Out Of The Conference (last, best chance, gone, screwed by rich countries, esp Japan and Australia)
video: Iran's Nuclear Trigger
Think Progress » Kristol: Obama’s Nobel Speech ‘Lays The Predicate For The Legitimate Use Of Force’ Against Iran
Matthew Yglesias » Welcome to the Lieberman Administration Looks like Joe Lieberman decided to try for the old double-cross
81% Of Dems Want Lieberman Punished For Health Care Filibuster (Obama's no-accountability admin)
Joseph Lieberman Says He Can’t Support Current Health Bill -
Lieberman Tells Reid To His Face: I'll Vote Against Current Health Care Bill
Dana Milbank - Harry Reid's main focus: Harry Reid - (but Milbank is an idiot)
Charles Lane - Charles Lane on job-killers that should be killed - (WaPo's big idea: get rid of minimum wage and there will be plenty of jobs)
Why won't the Washington Post run a response to Sarah Palin? | Media Matters for America (Autumn "yeah" Brewington: "It is always interesting to see who reaches out to us," she said.
Obama Meets With Bank Executives (that'll work)
David Paul: With Wall Street Shorting the Dollar, It is Time for Congress to Pursue Fundamental Change
Krugman - Disaster and Denial - - every single Republican and 27 Democrats voted against a quite modest effort to rein in Wall Street excesses
Samuelson, Friedman, and monetary policy - Paul Krugman Blog -
Merkley counsels Obama on how to make “cash for caulkers” work | Grist (Obama's rebate idea won't work because people don't have up-front cash, duh)
AP IMPACT: Science not faked, but not pretty - Yahoo! News » Lord Monckton Defends His Comparing Eco-Activists to ‘Hitler Youth’ (read the comments: insane-o-sphere)
BBC News - People who look young for their age 'live longer'
Black hole found to be much closer to Earth than previously thought - 7800 light years
YouTube - Star Size Comparison HD
The mystery of Zomia - The Boston Globe
Ancient Amazon civilisation laid bare by felled forest - life - 10 December 2009 - New Scientist
BBC News - Octopus snatches coconut and runs (tool use by octopods)
The Death of Free: Will Free Online Content Like Hulu Ever Dry Up? (pay is the new free)
Frédéric Chopin - A very tainted genius - Features, Classical - The Independent
it's all one thing: Confessions of a Detected Liar
Galina Korzhova, Russian Bank Robber, Hypnotizes Tellers
The Public Explains The Plot Of James Cameron's Avatar - Avatar - io9
YouTube - Living Photograph: Chris with Teacup
Sugru: Is this the best invention since Sellotape? - Telegraph
"I Suggest That You Let Them Know That It Really Turns You On When A Man Talks About His Feelings." - Art of meeting men - Jezebel
The Best/Worst Seduction Video Of All Time - Valentine's Day - Jezebel’s Guide to Christmas Lights, Part 1: History of Christmas Lights | Jim On Light
The Art of the List : The World :: American Express OPEN Forum (if it ain't in a list, Mr Apple Evangelist won't read it, wants all his info in Powerpoint)
Optimizing WordPress for Search Engines
Facebook did well, but 2009 was the year of Twitter and Digg
truthout | Blistering Indictment Leveled Against Obama Over His Handling of Bush-Era War Crimes (send Obama to the Hague)
WMD not point of Iraq war, Tony Blair says -- ("We don't need no steenking points")
Drug money saved banks in global crisis, claims UN advisor | World news | The Observer Drugs and crime chief says $352bn in criminal proceeds was effectively laundered by financial institutions
Iranian state TV accused of faking burning of Khomeini portrait | World news | The Observer
BBC deletes important story on toxic waste dumping in the Ivory Coast after legal threats, 12 Dec 2009 - Wikileaks
Berlusconi Attacked, Punched In Face At Rally, Reports Say (about time)
Lobster: Journal of parapolitics, intelligence and State Research
The Global Drug Meta-Group: Drugs, Managed Violence, and the Russian 9/11
Boston Review — Noam Chomsky: Crisis and Hope Theirs and ours ("Obama Is Fast Becoming Proof That American Democracy Is Nothing But Media Performance Art, Designed To Deceive The Electorate While The Financial Elite Pillage The Treasury")
Huff TV: Arianna To John Podesta On Afghanistan: 'You Now Sound Like George Bush' (Video) (he's not the only one, either)
Senate Democrats Consider Nightmare Scenario On Health Care (their crappy, Republican bill will not save money)
Lieberman: Dems Haven't Given Up Enough On Health Care (there you go)
The Seminal » Face the Nation: Presidents Lieberman and Nelson Will Veto Health Care Reform
Daily Kos: Key Elements of Senate HCR Bill
Liz Cheney Accuses Obama Of Slandering CIA In Nobel Speech: 'Shameful'(insane-o-sphere)
What did Democrats believe? - Paul Krugman Blog - - last summer that “[t]he stimulus was working more or less on schedule, and the job market was gradually recovering.”
Just the usual disaster - Paul Krugman Blog - - “The United States is going through a garden-variety severe financial crisis.”
The Washington Monthly - Steering Clear Of Economic 'Suicide' - leading members of the White House economic team agreed that job creation and economic growth have to take precedence (but Republicans want us all to die)
Study: Bush Tax Cuts Cost More Than Twice As Much As Dems' Health-Care Bill | Crooks and Liars
Obama: I Didn't Run For Office To Help 'Fat Cat Bankers' | (funny how that worked out, isn't it?)
Can Obama bully the bankers? - Dec. 12, 2009 The president wants more lending, less gouging and smaller paychecks. But after a year of pro-bank policies, he may not carry a big enough stick (more sternly-worded letters)
Aides say Obama is pressing to ease credit again - Yahoo! News (which trusted economic advisor is telling him to do this?)
Summers: Obama Will Persuade Bankers Because 'We Were There For Them' (oh, sure, Larry)
Interview with US Economic Recovery Advisory Board Chair Paul Volcker: America Must 'Reassert Stability and Leadership' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
YouTube - Elizabeth Warren: Death of the Middle Class
Is a bonus tax in our future? - Dec. 10, 2009 Though the United Kingdom's levy seems unlikely to spread to these shores, a bonus backlash could yet hammer U.S. banks (banks=bankstas)
Goldman Sachs scraps cash bonuses for 30 top executives -- The Wall Street firm instead will give them stock and bar them from selling it for five years. Critics call the move window dressing instead of real reform.
Break Up the Banks
Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS Organizers George Goehl and Heather Booth on turning anger into action.
Emptywheel » We’re All BCCI Now
Lesbian Elected Mayor of Houston, Texas
Arizona sheriff ups the ante against his foes -- Joe Arpaio has escalated his tactics, not only defying the federal government on immigration but launching repeated investigations of those who criticize him.
Open Left:: Malicious bullshitting--the key to global warming denialism?
Confronted with clear falsehood, Fox News scraps its "zero tolerance" policy | Media Matters for America (Fox: percentages don't have to add up to 100)
Global Warming Could Cool N. America in a Few Decades?
Wired 8.08: A Helium Shortage?
Hidden sensory system discovered in the skin
PHOTOS: "Alien" Jellyfish Found in Arctic Deep
The World’s Fastest Animal Takes New York | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine - nearly obliterated in the middle of the 20th century by the effects of the pesticide DDT.
David Rock: Are Our Minds Going The Way Of Our Waists? (130" waistes now common)
Op-Ed Columnist - The Do-It-Yourself Economy -
Spelling pronunciation - Wikipedia (go figger)
Tourist Traps in Michigan (in the 50's and 60's)
Avatar :: :: Reviews
The Daily Mash - Avatar 'Greatest Ever Film With Blue Pretend Cat People'
Meet Royce and Marilyn - Boing Boing
YouTube - Quandox2's Channel - Royce - You Know Nothing!
Los Angeles News - Forever Fabulous - Happy hours with Royce and Marilyn
Apple Says Audiobooks Must Have DRM | TorrentFreak
ZOMG The Google Phone Is “Like An iPhone On Beautifying Steroids”
Digital Domain - AT&T Takes the Fall for the iPhone’s Glitches - (iCrap)
The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs : A not-so-brief chat with Randall Stephenson of AT&T
Tony Blair admits: I would have invaded Iraq anyway | UK news | The Guardian WMD were not vital for war says ex-PM ahead of appearance at Chilcot inquiry
The Great Satan Myth | The New Republic Everything you know about U.S. involvement in Iran is wrong.
Historic Win for Constitutional Rights! Injunction Granted in CCR Lawsuit on Behalf of ACORN | Center for Constitutional Rights (House targeting ACORN unconstitutional: Bill of Attainder)
House votes to cut off funding, but 75 stand by ACORN | Washington Examiner (172 Dems voted for fake rightwing video and unconstitutional bill; these are the ones with integrity)
Firedoglake » Two Sentences By Matt Taibbi Obama himself, he squanders his eloquence and charisma on pro-corporate incrementalism at a time when we desperately need bold progressive action.
TAPPED Archive | The Errors of Matt Taibbi (read the comments; Tim Fernholz should retire his computer)
On Obama’s Sellout - Matt Taibbi - Taibblog - True/Slant (demolishes American Prospect: the errors of the Obama apologists +wtf, Kuttner?)
Hullabaloo Stop Making Sense: by digby Felix Salmon: Fernholz vs Taibbi (crawl back into your hole, Fernholz)
Max Baucus gave girlfriend $14K raise - -
Baucus Girlfriend Met With Divorce Lawyer In 2007 | TPM News Pages
Sarah Palin Op-Ed Is A Chart-Topper: 21st Most Read At WaPo In 2009 (they knew what they were doing)
Could It Happen Again? GOP Aims For 2010 To Be '94 Repeat | TPMDC
Rates Are Low, but Banks Balk at Refinancing - (no cramdown for anybody)
Obama Blasts Banks For Opposing Financial Reform (which is why all his advisors are bankers) )
Bank-Friendly Dems Extract Big Win For Wall Street
IGBP»International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme: IGBP Climate-Change Index
Dow Jones Index for Climate Change
Science forgotten in climate emails fuss | Myles Allen | Comment is free |
Detroit kids score record lows on NAEP test | | The Detroit News
'Krak' (that's falling branch in monkey speak) - Nature, Environment - The Independent Researchers claim to have deciphered the way primates communicate
AASCU > Leadership for Challenging Times (everyone else in world smarter than parents; America getting stupider)
Children on Medicaid Found More Likely to Get Antipsychotics - (4X more likely)
Patrick Stewart: 'People would never believe my father could be responsible for these things' - Profiles, People - The Independent
Children’s books, parents, and discipline : The New Yorker In today’s picture books, the kids are in charge.
Ghosts of Shopping Past - The Morning News
Photog Arrested For Taking Pictures (cop-state America)
| Freedom of the Book: Drug Crazy: How We Got Into this Mess and How We Can Get Out
Medical Studies Prove The Extensive Damage LSD Does To The Body & Mind (not: Hal Licino, heavy drinker, gets his ass handed to him and becomes famous on the internets for all eternity)
Fractal Wrongness
Helping Out Peter Watts « Whatever
Dr Peter Watts, Canadian science fiction writer, beaten and arrested at US border Boing Boing
Making Light: Peter Watts, distinguished Canadian SF writer, arrested by US border police while trying to re-enter Canada
20 Best Science Fiction Books Of The Decade - Books - io9
MediaPost Publications Social Media Is the New Mass Media 12/14/2009
How To: Totally Overhaul Your Phones With Google Voice - Google Voice - Gizmodo
American Civil Liberties Union, Accountability for Torture, Restore the Rule of Law, Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, Waterboard (don't let Obama bury war crimes)
Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » A Framework for Impunity
The 30/30 Club « The Poor Man Institute - “the magic number was 30.” That meant that if an attack was anticipated to kill more than 30 civilians (so they always kill exactly 30 civilians)
AFP: Jewish settlers 'to increase by 10,000 within year' (and a big fuck you to the rest of the world)
BBC News - Fire attack on West Bank mosque (more fuck you)
Stubborn Storm Leaves Behind a Shivering Nation - ABC News
Senate Tweaks Away Your Healthcare |
WaPo on Palin op-ed: We'll publish garbage if you'll click on it | Media Matters for America (Autumn Brewington: "She is someone who stirs discussion and we are in the business of putting out opinion. She reached out to us."
Dan Carter: Gallup Poll: 44 Percent Of Americans Want Bush Back - Politics - Air America (can't tell the difference)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect You Go to Blog With the Article You Have, Not the One You Wish You Had.
Why Americans can't talk about religion and the Supreme Court. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine Why Americans can't talk about religion and the Supreme Court (our Pope-controlled Supreme Court)
Daily Acid: 11 US Presidents But Only 1 Queen!
FDL News Desk » Financial Reform Bill Passes
Sovereign debt seen as biggest threat | Reuters
AARP Slams Deficit Taskforce Plan | TPM LiveWire
Krugman - Bernanke’s Unfinished Mission -
U.S. Foreclosures to Reach Record 3.9 Million in 2009 (Update1) - (cramdown fails in House)
Coming Up In 2010: All About The Deficit | TPMDC
Obama's Big Sellout : Rolling Stone The president has packed his economic team with Wall Street insiders intent on turning the bailout into an all-out giveaway
Calculated Risk: WaPo: New TARP Rules to Aid Small Businesses? (probably really not)
ZNet - Worker Occupations And The Future Of Radical Labor An Interview With Noam Chomsky
Statistics on Religion in America Report -- Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life (16% unaffiliated + Protestant denominations now stands at barely 51%. Moreover, the Protestant population is characterized by significant internal diversity and fragmentation + 1.7% Jewish)
Pew Study Finds Americans Surprisingly Flexible in Faith and Religion - ABC News
The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture - The Morality and Politics of Consumer Religion: How Consumer Religion Fuels the Culture Wars in the United States
Project MUSE - Diacritics - Syncretism and Its Synonyms: Reflections on Cultural Mixture Syncretism and Its Synonyms: Reflections on Cultural Mixture
Jared Diamond - Will Big Business Save the Earth? -
Charlie's Diary: Designing society for posterity
The Ninth Annual Year in Ideas - Magazine -
World News Australia - Boffins solve pizza slicing dilemma
Patenting melon juice? Not if India gets its way...
Dynalifter Floats Like a Butterfly, Lands Like a Plane | Autopia |
T. Rex-like Fossil Forces Dino Evolution Re-Think : Discovery News
Airplane Passengers May Risk Radiation Exposure When Passing Through Storm Clouds
Bacteria engineered to turn carbon dioxide into liquid fuel
In Boldest Move Yet, Arpaio And Ally Charge Judge With Bribery, Despite Lack Of Evidence | TPMMuckraker
The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception by H Keith Melton, Robert Wallace
Hellforge | Forging a Passion for Video Games author of the Hugo-award-nominated science fiction novel, Blindsight.
No Moods, Ads or Cutesy Fucking Icons (Re-reloaded) » Not the Best of Possible Worlds (Peter Watts jumped by US Border Thugs)
What happened to Hope Witsell « Sylvia Has A Problem (blame "sexting" not bullies or the idiot school principal or stupid parents)
Pinched - - I live in a van down by Duke University
The Sexy Side of PEZ!
The Branding of Buddhism - One City: A Buddhist Blog for Everyone
Final edition: Twilight of the American newspaper—By Richard Rodriguez (Harper's Magazine)
Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable « Clay Shirky
The Associated Press: Editor & Publisher closing after 108 years
Neilsen Sells Media Pubs; Shutting E&P, Kirkus Reviews - Tech Trader Daily -
McSweeney's Internet Tendency: The San Francisco Panorama Press Release.
What is Globe Reader?
Times Reader - New York Times
Daily Kos: Senate Judiciary Approves Shield for All Journalists
YouTube - Softbank Dog - Cakes - English subtitles | YouTube - Softbank Dog - Eyes - English Subtitles
WTF Comcast
Akinator, the Web Genius
Text - Obama’s Nobel Remarks -
Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Speech Notes Irony Of Award During Wartime
Emptywheel » Eric Schmidt: PATRIOT Means You Have No Privacy
Glenn Greenwald - - Supporting the ACLU (in financial trouble)
Outline Of Senate Health Bill Agreement Emerging
Pelosi Backs Off Public Option (dead, Obama took no position)
Bush Deficit Hurting Obama: Reports (always was their strategy)
Stupak's NYT Op-Ed: Congresswoman Capps Responds | (your newspaper of record at work)
Medicare Buy-In Filibuster-Proof? Senate Dem Deeply Concerned
Daily Kos: Brutal Q-Poll (no one happy with Republican-run Obamacare: "voters want what they voted for. If they don't get it, it would be mistake to count on getting their votes again.")
Ezra Klein - The little commission that couldn't These is no deficit-reduction commission. There's a commission that will think up ideas for deficit reduction, but it won't be able to do anything about them (Kent Conrad and Judd Gregg)
Tea party conservatives gear up to affect 2010 elections with fundraising, PACs - 'It's time to take control,' say 'tea party' groups
Limbaugh vs. McConnell: GOP leader targeted by conservatives - (couldn't happen to a nicer guy)
Obama to GOP: 'Stop trying to frighten the American people' -
Grayson To Cheney: 'STFU' (video)
Hullabaloo - Tradition by digby
Sarah Palin's Washington Post Op-Ed Debunked - sarah palin - Gawker
Obama Nominates Former Palin Aide To Head Alaska Pipeline Project
Op-Ed Columnist - The Joys of Political Sex -
Huckabee’s deadly gamble - The Boston Globe
Liberal denial - Conservapedia
The jobs deficit - Paul Krugman Blog -
FDL News Desk » Hijack: Bank-Friendly Dems Revolt On Financial Regulatory Reform ("New Democrat Coalition" aka Blue-Dogs, aka "Republicans")
'New Dems' Extract Big Win For Big Banks
American Dream 2: Default, Then Rent -
Calculated Risk: "Toxic Titles"
Calculated Risk: Volcker to Bankers: "Wake up, gentlemen"
The Associated Press: NY governor directs cut in state aid payments (bankrupt)
How the Global Warming Story Changed—Disastrously
Matthew Yglesias » Putting the Plodding Moralism Back In
New Mammography Guidelines - The Top 10 Everything of 2009 - TIME
Fogonazos: The Astronaut Who Caught a Satellite
Exposure to Coal Lowers IQ in Newborns | Green Living Ideas
Saturn’s Hexagon May Be Solar System’s Coolest Mystery | Wired Science |
Scientists find way to block fearful memories | Science & Health | Reuters
December 27, 2004: The Day Earth Survived the Greatest Stellar Attack -Ever
Launched from the nuclear submarine - Troms and Finnmark - NRK News (just the Russians, nothing to worry about)
Got (Good) Milk? Ask The Dairy Evangelist : NPR
Rick Warren Urges Ugandan Pastors to Speak Out Against Proposed Anti-Gay Law | RD Blog: The Devil's Advocate | ReligionDispatches
Tiger Woods Congressional Gold Medal Effort Dropped By Joe Baca (reward for most number of mistresses)
Indiana: City Threatens $2500 Fines for Challenging Traffic Tickets - Judge William Young, Indianapolis, infamous on the internets for all eternity for being a petty tyrant
Bitter Lawyer : Interviews - The Profane, Pornographic, Anti-Glenn Beck World of Marc Randazza
The Mystery Of The Pagan Origin Of Christmas: Jesus Was Not Born On December 25th But A Whole Bunch Of Pagan Gods Were
robot chicken suck it
Tips for Single Ladies (1938) |
The Use of Poetry : The New Yorker
Amazon's Kindle winning battle, but Adobe poised to win e-book war
Cap My iPhone? Try This Instead, AT&T | Epicenter | » If You Trust Google’s Results, You Can Thank…“PigeonRank”?
Facebook exposes users after changes to privacy policy
How to Cross-Check Your Facebook Privacy Settings
The Windows 7 USB installer tool is back -- and open source!
How To Use Google Wave In Mozilla Thunderbird 3 ~ Web Upd8
Glenn Greenwald - - A new report questions "suicides" at Guantanamo
Glenn Greenwald - - Tony Blair's taxi-derived "45-minute" WMD claim
PHR Documents Complicity « - Physicians for Human Rights documents medical professional complicity in torture.
BBC News - Ireland's abortion law challenged in European court
Police stop church photographer under terrorism powers | UK news | The Guardian
Daily Kos: Idiocy Really? All we have to do is send the DNC $5 and we get ponies? The same DNC that is enabling corporatist Democrats to water down and destroy any hope for health care reform? That DNC? (the letter Barack sent you today)
FDL Action » Obama Claims Victory Over THIS?
Joe Bageant: The Devil and Mr. Obama ("the great mocha hope")
Matthew Yglesias » The New Health Care Deal
Daily Kos: Insurance corps: We WIN," (Lieberman and Queen Snowe bringing home the bacon)
Health Care Relief In 2013 Giving Dems Heartburn | TPMDC (yeah, 2013 at the earliest)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » And Hot Dogs Aren’t Really Made of Dogs, You Know…
The Washington Monthly - House GOP Is Pro-Christmas (Jews don't vote anyway)
Don't Fear the Fiscal Reapers | The American Prospect (Blue Dogs win!)
Sarah Palin: WaPo Faces Heat For Running Op-Ed
Wash. Post publishes falsehood-laden Palin op-ed that is contradicted by scientists, temperature data, and ... the Post itself | Media Matters for America (Fred Hiatt is a sick fuck)
Jon Stewart Calls Out Gretchen Carlson For "Dumbing Herself Down" (video)
Glenn Greenwald - - Rachel Maddow's well-deserved demolition of her guest (anti-gay "therapy" + the Family + Uganda)
Critics of Cecil Bothwell cite N.C. bar to atheists | | Asheville Citizen-Times (former NAACP president votes to stop atheist from holding office: atheists are the new blacks)
Bailout Watchdog: Obama Foreclosure Plan Inadequate, New Direction Needed
Emptywheel » Don’t Let the Americans Know They’re Killing the Globe - just two (newpapers) in the States (published the editorial) –McClatchy’s two Miami properties–bothered publishing the editorial at all (and then with edits) (America is dysfunctional)
Willis Eschenbach caught lying about temperature trends : Deltoid
RealClimate: The CRU hack: Context | RealClimate: CRU Hack: More context
Peter Sinclair | Crock of the Week: Smack the Hack
Climatologists under pressure : Article : Nature
George Will: Uncheckable? | The Loom | Discover Magazine (George Will, stupid)
Godlike Productions - News: The Mountains That Froze the World
'The Eddie': Hawaii Big-Wave Surfing (photos)
The 2009/2010 Quiksilver In Memory of Eddie Aikau - Live
Bruising Surf at a Rare Big-Wave Competition in Hawaii -
The Science of Success - The Atlantic (December 2009) - Dandelions and Orchids - the very genes that give us the most trouble as a species, causing behaviors that are self-destructive and antisocial, also underlie humankind’s phenomenal adaptability and evolutionary success (stress diathesis” or “genetic vulnerability” model +plasticity hypothesis +SERT gene, or 5-HTTLPR)
Stem cells can be engineered to kill HIV, scientists show
Stanford wants to roll its own paper batteries -- Engadget
Eight Ways In-Vitro Meat will Change Our Lives | h+ Magazine
Mystery as spiral blue light display hovers above Norway | Mail Online (nothing to worry about)
Awesomely bizarre light show freaks out Norway | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
About Us - Pantone Unveils Color of the Year for 2010:PANTONE 15-5519 Turquoise
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition: Great News From Congress! Washington, DC will finally be allowed to implement the medical marijuana initiative that voters overwhelmingly approved in 1998 but has been blocked by Congress each year since then.
The 100 essential websites | Technology | The Guardian
Massive TSA Security Breach As Agency Gives Away Its Secrets - ABC News
AT&T: Tighter control of cell data usage ahead
Young-earth creationist Kent Hovind's doctoral dissertation - Wikileaks
File:PatriotUniversity2.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
kent-hovind-doctoral-dissertation-ocr.pdf (Christian genius)
(Tony Blair's) Claim that Saddam Hussein could launch WMD within 45 minutes 'came from an Iraqi taxi driver' | Politics | Tory MP and defence specialist Adam Holloway says MI6 got information from a taxi driver who had heard Iraqi military commanders talking about weapons (why, just like Tom Friedman)
Coordinated Bombings in Baghdad Kill at Least 121 - (mission accomplished, on to AfPak)
Arianna Huffington: Sartre Meets Afghanistan: Obama's "No Exit" Strategy
Exhibit: Iranian banknotes uprising |
Detainee 063 - This is the interrogation log of Mohammed al-Qahtani. It is being published in real time: each entry will appear exactly seven years after it was first recorded. The interrogation took place at Guantanamo Bay
White House wants suit against Yoo dismissed (then take Obama to the Hague for the cover-up)
Senate Rejects Abortion Restrictions 54 To 45 (surprise)
Sen. Nelson introduces war bonds bill to finance military in Iraq and Afghanistan - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room (which are way different from those other bonds)
ACORN Report Finds No Illegal Conduct | TPMMuckraker The videos that have been released appear to have been edited, in some cases substantially, including the insertion of a substitute voiceover for significant portions (Republicans lying again? Congress cutting off funds for poor people? check)
GovTrack: S.Amdt. 2394: Prohibiting use of funds to fund the... to H.R. 2996: Department of the Interior,... (Vote On Amendment) (John Kerry and a bunch of other Dems voted to defund ACORN on the basis of a fake video by a couple of YAFs with iMovie)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: In Polls, Much Opposition to Health Care Plan Is From Left
Snowe Says She Opposes Medicare Buy-In Idea | TPMDC (the Red Queen comes down with her hammer)
Hullabaloo digby: Yes We Should: Senate Democrats are discussing the idea of expanding Medicare by lowering the age at which the elderly could enter the government-run insurance program
The Washington Monthly - Manufactured Controversy Of The Day.... Oh please (who us? slavery?)
FDL Action » Why Progressive Activists Are Giving Obama a Pass
Progressive 3rd Party Challenges in US History - Democratic Underground
Tea Party Tops GOP on Three-Way Generic Ballot - Rasmussen Reports™ - Supreme Court Takes Up Law School Case on Christian Student Group
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The Joke Is On Us - Columbia University announced Monday that Politico Executive Editor Jim VandeHei has been elected to the Pulitzer Prize Board (Drudge was too busy)
Cenk Uygur: The Irrefutable Stupidity of Sarah Palin
Colbert: Air Quotes Will Fix Fox News (video)
Man Chucks Tomatoes at Sarah Palin at MOA
Beck's "Christmas question": "Do you believe Tiger Woods may actually be OJ Simpson?" | Media Matters for America (there you go, not racist at all)
Robert Reich's Blog: The President's Job's Initiative Doesn't Measure Up ("Initiative" : using left-over TARP money sometime next year)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Ben Bernanke's comments that "Social Security is where the money is"
Obama Jobs Speech: Help For Small Businesses, Transportation, Energy-Efficient Homes
Old Dogs, Old Tricks | Mother Jones (bankstas will be bankstas: screw your jobs)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - President Obama to propose $200 billion for jobs creation « - Blogs from
Durbin: Banks And GOP Made A Pact To Kill Regulatory Reform
Millions in U.S. Drink Contaminated Water, Records Show - (but Larry hates infrastructure)
AIDS Linked to Ancient Tiger - Feline DNA found in virus
McClatchy Ad Revenue Down Over 20% In 4Q
YouTube - Beatles 3000
YouTube - Debashish Bhattacharya & Kumar Bose (Raag Gurjari Todi) 1
subway architecture
Norman Rockwell’s Photo Realism | PDN Photo of the Day
Being A Eunuch In India By Siddarth Narrain
Religion Journal - Montana Rabbi Lends an Ear to an Officer and His Dog - (dog spoke Hebrew)
Emily Nussbaum on When TV Became Art - The 00's Issue -- New York Magazine
The future of WiFi: gigabit speeds and beyond
RIAA vs. Joel Tenenbaum: $675,000 P2P piracy verdict OK'ed - Computerworld Blogs - Gertner ... would have given Tenenbaum's arguments about "fair use" a truly sympathetic hearing were it not for the shoddy behavior of his legal team ... led by Harvard Law professor Charles Nesson (bunglers)
Geist: Record industry faces liability over `infringement' - At $20,000 per infringement, potential liability exceeds $60 billion. These numbers may sound outrageous, yet they are based on the same rules that led the recording industry to claim a single file sharer is liable for millions in damages.
Who's in charge -- generals or President Obama? - - (is he in charge of anything?)
'The Most Innocent Explanation Is That This Is Gitmo Meets Lord Of The Flies' (military covered up three homocides)
Box Turtle Bulletin » Murder Music Performer Brings Violent Message To Uganda, Sponsored By Pepsi ("kill the gays" concert)
BBC News - North Korea currency change sparks panic
Sean O'Grady: UK economy to drop out of world's top 10 - The Independent
What Barack Obama Really Thinks Of The White House Press - Swampland - (they suck, dog)
Senate Dems May Open Up Medicare To Pacify Progressives
How the Senate bill would contain the cost of health care : The New Yorker
New Anti-Lieberman Ad Gets Personal About Public Option - Reid Compares Opponents of Health Care Reform to Supporters of Slavery
NPR Asked Mara Liasson To Reconsider Fox News Appearances: Politico ("leading political correspondent" from Fox News)
McCain on Palin: Critics think ’she’s irrelevant,’ but still attack | Raw Story
Congressmen To Call For Break-Up Of Biggest Banks
Treasury Forecasts Smaller Loss From Bank Rescue - ("small" = $42Bn = whole cost of food stamps in America)
Calculated Risk: Financial Times: Bear Stearns and Lehman Executives Cashed in before Collapse (you don't say: "It appears these executives were incentivized to gamble.")
Economist's View: Did Bank Executives Lose Enough to Learn their Lesson? (no)
Five AIG execs say may quit over pay: report - U.S. business- Wall Street Journal says they're upset that pay czar cut their compensation (the best of the best)
Anatomy Of A Failed Foreclosure Program
Courts Examine Credit Raters' 'Intimate Relationship' With Bankers (Video)
Tiger Woods: Buzziest Billion-Dollar Brand of the Week - Advertising Age - The Media Guy
Krugman - An Affordable Truth -
56 Papers In 45 Countries Publish Joint Editorial On Climate Change: A 'Profound Emergency'
Obama administration will formally declare danger of carbon emissions -
For Public, Climate Change Not A Priority Issue : NPR (5 min attention span)
Ex-KGB Officers May Be the Hackers Behind 'ClimateGate' : TreeHugger
Corporate employers got scarce flu vaccine -
Gene absence makes the kid grow rounder - health - 07 December 2009 - New Scientist
Researchers show brain waves can 'write' on a computer in early tests
Rudiments of Language Discovered in Monkeys | Wired Science |
Overdose deaths from painkillers skyrocketing in Ontario: report - The Globe and Mail
Is cannabis the answer to Booze Britain's problems?
Doctor Flying Southwest Tries To Go To Bathroom, Ends Up In Jail - The Consumerist
Opinion | Don't let 'Twilight' suck the life out of Forks | Seattle Times Newspaper ("Dollyword of the Northwest - Forks is all that is right with America set in beautiful landscapes of rock, tree and moss)
Tiger Woods mistress tally and baby rumors (mistress-gate)
Your First Look at Nook: The Technologizer Review | Technologizer The Nook isn’t a Kindle killer
Use a USB Key to Install Windows 7—Even on a Netbook
Google Launches Real-Time Search
'Fourteen days to seal history's judgment on this generation' | Comment is free | The Guardian Tomorrow 56 newspapers in 45 countries take the unprecedented step of speaking with one voice through a common editorial. We do so because humanity faces a profound emergency
Letter From Kabul
US surge greeted with fear by Afghans travelling on the road to Kandahar - Telegraph
Top Stories | Pakistan Observer - CIA to expand drone strikes in Pakistan: NYT
Karzai to World: Please Be Patient - CBS News
Obama’s Afghanistan strategy may be too little, too late - The National Newspaper
Feingold: Afghanistan Strategy 'Doesn't Make Any Sense To Me' | TPM LiveWire (Feingold)
Feingold: Why Surge Where Al Qaeda Isn't?
BBC News - No Bin Laden information in years, says Gates (but we're gonna surge in AfPak and get him)
Clinton, Gates Walk Back Obama's "Locked In" Afghan Withdrawal
Frank Rich - Obama’s Logic Is No Match for Afghanistan -
Arrests in Philippine Province Under Martial Law -
Global cities – global gangs | openDemocracy
Amanda Knox Revisited - Opinionator Blog -
Men sought 'to kill woman for adultery' | Herald Sun
La Figa » Theocracy: Imposing Faith into Politics in the US and Abroad (the Family in Uganda)
Hullabaloo: digby: Calling The Shots (here we are, down to the end, and Obama won't use the words "public option" or any of what's left of his dwindling political captital)
Obama Silent On Public Option In Speech To Senators
Obama supporters get a dose of reality - Some parishioners in the Church of Obama discovered last week that their spiritual leader is a false prophet (WaPo scores a delusional hit)
Feinstein: If We Don't Deliver On Health Care 'We've Got A Problem' (ya think?)
Snowe Rejoins Dems At Public Option Negotiating Table (Queen Olympia deigns)
Democrats To Revise Presidential Primary Rules - de-emphasize the importance given to early contests like Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, and the outsized influence of the superdelegates
What's behind Maureen Dowd's contempt for Desiree Rogers? | Media Matters for America (Maureen's insane jealousy, and the NYT's suckitude)
Palin's Father: She Left Hawaii Because Asians Made Her Uncomfortable
“Our Girls”—A Tribute to Palin, Coulter, Ingraham & Malkin by Unhyphenated American Lloyd Marcus | Rumproast (Obama lied, Capitalism Died)
Friedman Compares Afghanistan To 'Special Needs Baby' | TPM LiveWire (like you know whose)
Fair Game - Why Treasury Needs a Plan B on Mortgages - (Plan A was a "dud" and Obama didn't want to spend any political capital on cramdown)
BIS Warns Central Banks Against Letting Asset Bubbles Develop (well, you see, the Fed has said it will bail out a bubble)
States go all in to get a shot at gambling gold | Philadelphia Inquirer | 12/06/2009 Delaware, Ohio, and others look to challenge Pa. and Atlantic City for a share of a shrinking pot (that'll work)
The Ultimate Vanity Plate - Matt Taibbi (2BG2FAIL)
Danny Westneat | $10 an hour with 2 kids? IRS pounces | Seattle Times Newspaper (IRS doing profiling for too-poorness and will crush you if you object)
BBC News - Giving old eyes a new lease of life
Researchers Build Artificial Immune System to Solve Computational Problems
British weather service to publish 150 years of data - Environment - The Independent
The God Equation? : Pharyngula
Super-Kamiokande Photo Gallery
Freud's Bastards
Controversial Signs of Mass Cannibalism | Wired Science |
AvaxHome -> Cannibal Talk: The Man-Eating Myth and Human Sacrifice in the South Seas
HowStuffWorks "Cannibalism Myth"
Table 1.1. Headline Statements in Cannibal Journalism
Consuming Passions: Reviewing the Evidence for Cannibalism within the Prehistoric Archaeological Record
The fourth sexual orientation? - (nosexual)
Bothered by moms breast feeding in public? Proposed Michigan law would make it illegal to ask them to stop | Grand Rapids News - - Earlier this week at a Target store in the Detroit area, a security guard reportedly asked a mother nursing a 4-week-old baby to leave and eventually called police.
spEak You're bRanes
YouTube - 01 from Aum to Allah
Network Challenge: MIT winds in 8 hours
3 Best Free Sites For Watching TV On The Internet
MIT wins $40,000 prize in nationwide balloon-hunt contest -
How To Add 20 Best Features Of Other Browsers to Firefox
20 most useful social networking sites - Network World
Little Known Facts About Afghanistan and Bin Laden ~ Washington's Blog
Afghanistan Withdrawal Date: 'Flexible' Or 'Locked In'? (getting more "flexible" all the time)
Captured Photo Collection » Policing the Slums of Rio de Janeiro Photos (5,000 murders/yr)
Russian nightclub fire kills 109; many crushed
Dr David Kelly: Legal Action To Prove Weapons Expert Was Murdered | UK News | Sky News
BBC News - Climate change protests ahead of Copenhagen summit
McClatchy blog: Planet Washington: Why did Library of Congress fire Guantanamo prosecutor? (you can guess)
How President Obama Can Take Back His Presidency -- New York Magazine
Baucus Nominated Melodee Hanes, His Girlfriend, For U.S. Attorney
The Odd Lies Of Sarah Palin XXXVI: "Which We Have Done" - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Geithner Rejects Goldman Sachs Assertion It Didn't Need U.S. Help -
Beat the Press Archive | If Bernanke Did Not Know the Fed's Mission, Would That Be News? (no)
Calculated Risk: Moody's: Option ARMs Show "Dismal Performance" with more than 40% of borrowers 60 or more days past due on payments (54% in CA)
FDIC Shuts Down AmTrust Bank, 5 Others: 130 Failed Banks So Far In 2009
Saudi Oil Minister: Oil Prices 'Perfect'
Senate Takes Aim At Insurance Company Executive Pay
Science: The looming crisis in human genetics | The Economist (genes for consumer preferences, leisure interests and political attitudes)
Knight Science Journalism Tracker » Blog Archive » Bloomberg, the Chron, and the Union-Trib: Reporting swine flu straight, and with attitude.
How to Talk to a Climate Sceptic : A Few Things Ill Considered
BBC News - UN hits back at climate sceptics amid e-mails row
BBC News - The arguments made by climate change sceptics
Cat licked, now computers tackle human brain - Times Online
Mobile Phones And Brain Tumours | Scandinavian Study
The nation's weather - Early season snow was expected across the Appalachians
pompeii, italy ruins - Google Maps
Edge In Paris: Signatures Of Consciousness — A Talk By Stanislas Dehaene
Gallery: The Year's Most Amazing Scientific Images | Popular Science
Mysterious strange stars may rival black holes for weirdness -
Window Farms
Which nations have state religions? : Gene Expression
Married (Happily) With Issues -
Books of the decade | Books | The Guardian
Cat Cams: What DO Cats Do Home Alone?
BBC - Radio 3 - A Bach Christmas - Advent Calendar
YouTube - PostSecret: Fifty People One Question
lord_whimsy: Perhaps A Bit Too Close To Home?
Blindsight by Peter Watts
Charged With Felony After Taping 4 Minutes Of "New Moon" - The Consumerist / Reportage - The rise and fall of MySpace
Micron announces its fastest notebook, desktop SSD
McAfee uncovers riskiest domains | Security - CNET News
Don’t Get Hacked: WordPress Security Tips
App Store Is a Game Changer for Apple and Cellphone Industry -
Intel's Larrabee graphics processor delayed, downsized to mere software development platform -- Engadget
Potential risks of using Google's free DNS service?
Glenn Greenwald - - America's regression
Suicide Attackers Kill 35 At Pakistan Mosque
C.I.A. to Expand Use of Drones in Pakistan - (death from the skies)
NATO Allies Commit 7,000 More Troops To Afghanistan
Gates Says Afghan Drawdown Timing Is Flexible - (very flexible)
Gaspare Spatuzza, Mob Turncoat, Alleges Berlusconi Has Ties To Mafia
Swiss leader calls for Jewish cemetery ban | JTA - Jewish & Israel News
Mutiny: Crew Blames Richard Phillips, Maersk Alabama Captain, For Ignoring Pirate Warnings
Berlin's History Res-Erected: Giant Penis Sparks Bizarre Media War - Spiegel Online
Blackwater Founder Prince Feels Thrown Under Bus - (tiny violin)
Platon: Photographs of World Leaders : The New Yorker
Some Houston toy drives check kids' immigration status | Houston & Texas News | (Texas plays Scrooge)
Single Prayer Option: Daily Show Investigates Switzerland's Ban on Minarets | TPM LiveWire
Swiss Pol Apologizes For Calling For Ban On Muslim And Jewish Cemeteries | TPM LiveWire "I am sorry. I didn't mean it like that,"
Krugman - Reform or Else - (Dems commit suicide assisted by Ben Nelson)
The Seminal » Stupak, Killing Reproductive Choice With A Thousand Paper Cuts
LA Times' Andrew Malcolm will make your head hurt, again | Media Matters for America - The fact that his visceral hatred for President Obama seems to know no rational bounds, means Malcolm's LA Times blog continues to be a running source of embarrassment for the newspaper (Laura Bush's former flack)
Sarah Palin 'ClimateGate': Calls For Obama To Boycott Copenhagen
Sarah Palin Goes 'Birther': Obama Birth Certificate 'A Fair Question' (video)
Tennessee Mayor Facebook Message Assails 'Muslim President' For Pre-Empting 'Peanuts' Tennessee Mayor Russell Wiseman (is a complete idiot, Facebooked himself)
Good news is bad news - Paul Krugman Blog -
Mark Steel: We're all in this together (except when times are good) - Mark Steel, Commentators - The Independent The idea of shared responsibility only seems to apply during a recession
BBC News - Bankers 'need to join real world', minister says
FDL News Desk » Bernanke: Yes To Social Security Cuts, No To New Jobs Bill Update: DeMint Will Hold (bankstas want the rest of your money)
Citigroup Said to Need Treasury Stake Sale Before TARP Payment - (cover story)
Matthew Yglesias » Bernanke’s Plan for Unemployment: Do Nothing (bankstas don't care about your job)
Unemployment Rate Falls To 10%, 11K Jobs Lost In November
At Last, One Government Agency Considers Cutting Mortgage Principal For Distressed Homeowners (total joke)
Meet Dubai's Billionaire Ruler, Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Dubai's Age Of Excess (Photos)
Secrecy Jurisdictions | Secrecy Jurisdiction Data
Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus - Wikipedia
Sexual Assault on Campus: A Frustrating Search for Justice - A Center for Public Integrity Investigation
13-Year-Old Girl Commits Suicide After Classmates Spread Nude Photos : The Curvature
National Geographic Image Collection (photos): Amazing Images From Around The World
The Evolution of the Hipster 2000-2009 :: Culture :: Features :: Paste
Google Now Personalizes Everyone’s Search Results
Special Delivery - The Daily WTF
So I got arrested by the SWAT team last night… | Jeremy Bell
mb - I Joined a Friend From Out of Town for Dinner Tonight
Glenn Greenwald - - The commendably missing element from Obama's speech
Jon Stewart: Obama Is Channeling Bush (Video) (will bring the war "to an irresponsible end")
Rumsfeld Rebuffed By Admiral Mullen, Teased By Gibbs After Disputing Obama Speech (Video) ("we gave them all the troops they asked for")
Opinion: Searching in Vain for the Obama Magic - Spiegel Online
Op-Ed Contributor - A Cloud Still Hangs Over Bhopal - - Warren Anderson, the Union Carbide chief executive at the time of the gas leak, lives in luxurious exile in the Hamptons, even though there’s an international arrest warrant out for him for culpable homicide.
Amanda Knox Revisited - Opinionator Blog -
AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth: Would the liberal base of the Democratic party walk next election (probably)
FDL Action » Snowe, Lincoln, And Landrieu Push To Eliminate State Insurance Regulation (these are terribly bad people)
Aetna Forcing 600,000-Plus To Lose Coverage In Effort To Raise Profits (no public option for you)
January 2010: Adam Ciralsky on Blackwater | Tycoon, Contractor, Soldier, Spy - Erik Prince
Emptywheel » Spy Versus Spy with Erik Prince
Limbaugh suggests liberals using health care reform to "eliminate" elderly because those people remember success of Reaganism | Media Matters for America (oh, we can remember)
The results of Slate's "write like Sarah Palin" contest.
Bernanke Channels Willie Sutton In Assault On Social Security: 'That's Where The Money Is'
Obama's Jobs Summit: More Than 'Just A Photo Op'? (the optical Presidency)
Comcast, NBC Deal: Comcast To Buy Controlling Stake In NBC Universal For $13.75 Billion (down from $60Bn)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » This is central to his point, I guess - Back atcha? (Kaplan Test Prep is awful)
Senator To Fed Chair Bernanke: 'You Are The Definition Of Moral Hazard'
Pelosi: Judge Dems’ Success On Whether We Create “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs” | The Plum Line
How Trillion-Dollar Deficits Were Created - Interactive Graphic -
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » The return of the plutocrats (bankstas always win)
Cash-short Ariz. maxes out new line of credit (where's John McCain?)
YouTube - Your Brain at Work (watch this)
NeuroLogica Blog » The Ultimate Argument from Authority (You think God believes your beliefs +God is a "famous person")
Canada's image lies in tatters. It is now to climate what Japan is to whaling | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian
d The Story of Cap and Trade
The neuroscience of mindfulness | Psychology Today
slight paranoia: 8 Million Reasons for Real Surveillance Oversight - Sprint Nextel provided law enforcement agencies with its customers' (GPS) location information over 8 million times between September 2008 and October 2009. This massive disclosure of sensitive customer information was made possible due to the roll-out by Sprint of a new, special web portal for law enforcement officers (your new Obama security-state)
AFP: Gays 'will never go to heaven': cardinal (from a leader the largest international pedophile ring)
One in five new brides puts on a stone and a half in weight after just a year of marriage | Mail Online
Mom expected God to provide food, daughter testifies -
Three Eminent Biologists And 'Growing Pains'' Kirk Cameron Weigh In On Evolution | The Onion -
At The Dallas News, a New "Bold Strategy": Section Editors Reporting to Sales Managers - Dallas News - Unfair Park (the wall has crumbled)
Why A Comcast/NBC Merger Is Bad News - The Consumerist
Hardware for Gmail: The 'Gboard' keyboard | Web Crawler - CNET News
Facebook Profiles Capture True Personality, According To New Psychology Research
Great Idea for Christmas Decorations
Happy holidays from Gmail
White House: Personnel Will Remain In Afghanistan Long After 2011 Drawdown (sometime around 2300 AD)
The Fog of War: Obama's Afghanistan speech was confusing. By John Dickerson
Obama's Questions For Obama (this is what happens when you keep splitting the difference)
Bob Herbert - A Tragic Mistake -
A Crushing Legacy of Bush | The New York Observer (their plan all along)
Matthews: Obama "went to maybe the enemy camp tonight" at West Point | Media Matters for America (because Obama is the "enemy" of the troops; Chris Matthews is a sick fuck)
Matthews: "I deeply apologize" for saying Obama "went to maybe the enemy camp tonight" at West Point | Media Matters for America (it was just a media trope from Glenn Beck)
Eschaton: Tommy Friedman's War (and his war-gasm; another really sick fuck)
Huff TV: Arianna On "Morning Joe": War Is Not A Right-Left Issue (video)
Masters and the Movies: The Hurt Locker: War as a Video Game
Fafblog! Victory Science
Iran whistleblower died from drug-laced salad - Yahoo! News
North Koreans in shock as cash is 'banned' - Times Online
Car Crashes Kill Many More People Than Terrorism |
Hillary's Nasty Pastorate (from 2008: Hillary Clinton's connections to The Family)
YouTube - Rachel Maddow-U.S. ties to Ugandan anti-gay bill
BBC News - New York senate rejects gay marriage bill
Reid set to unveil new public option, breaking Senate impasse on healthcare -
Nelson proposes war bonds - First Read - (Lieberman on board; because these bonds would be different from the ones that bailed out the shitpile)
The Moral Dimensions of Health Care Reform - the concerns of those who have a religious or moral objection to abortion—in particular the objections of the Catholic Church (which is deciding your health plan; and this is CAP, supposedly "progressive")
Daily Kos: Sens. Feinstein and Durbins attack on citizen journalism (sick)
Senate GOPers: It's Al Franken's Fault We're Being Attacked For Votes Against Anti-Rape Amendment | TPMDC
Think Progress » Family Reserach Council Claims Obama Has A ‘Plan’ To ‘Impose Homosexuality’ (FEMA will run re-education camps to indoctrinate the gayness lifestyle)
The Washington Monthly - Also This Sunday: Exclusive! Senator John McCain (R-AZ) (again! and there are 39 other Senators and why wasn't John Kerry on TV 24/7 after Bush fixed the election?)
Matthew Yglesias » McCain Unveils Time Travel Strategy for Financing Afghanistan War
Arianna Huffington: Journalism 2009: Desperate Metaphors, Desperate Revenue Models, And The Desperate Need For Better Journalism
Wonkette : Perhaps This Is Rick Warren’s Revenge! - smarmy hippopotamus Rick Warren (some Christians died, so let's kill gays)
Colbert Crushes Glenn Beck For Latest "Hysterical" Attack On Obama (video)
Judge Rejects RNC Bid To End Minority Voter Protections (because black people (mumble ACORN) shouldn't be allowed to vote)
Leaving the Right - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Little Green Footballs - Why I Parted Ways With The Right (Charles Johnson)
Dennis the Peasant: More Ethics From Charles Johnson...
lgf - Twitter Search
Senator Moves to Hold Up Bernanke Confirmation -
Calculated Risk: Lend America Closes Down After FHA Cancels Approval
Elizabeth Warren: America Without a Middle Class
The American System of 'Corrections'
Prison Nation - The Something Awful Forums (but what about China, huh?)
Patrick Stewart: the legacy of domestic violence | Society | The Guardian
Obsidian Wings: Why Do They Stay?
Obsidian Wings: Battered Women: The Sequel
Veteran Domestic Violence Remains Camouflaged | Womens eNews
Sports, sex, and the runner Caster Semenya : The New Yorker
Can’t Stop The Bleeding » MIke Penner, RIP
For some, shadow of regret cast over gender switch -
YouTube - 2 Hot Transexuals Finally Give Some Answers!
YouTube - Re: Homosexuality Is evil and Satanic.
Culture of Old Europe Is Uncloaked in an Exhibit at N.Y.U. -
The Bohr-Einstein Debates, With Puppets : Uncertain Principles
"Hypernovas" - The Most Violent Object in the Universe Confirmed = deadly effects of local supernova explosions that wipe out all life in a given region of a galaxy.
ClimateGate: The 7 Biggest Lies About The Supposed "Global Warming Hoax"
Daily Fork - The 10 Craziest Food Phobias
Loneliness Spreads Like a Virus | LiveScience (dump your lonely friends)
Blue Whale Song Mystery Baffles Scientists | Wired Science |
Ineffective cancer drugs made effective -
Childhood lead exposure causes permanent brain damage
Personal Health - Hospice Programs Offer Care and Comfort Near End of Life -
USDA Classifies PETA as a Terrorist Threat : TreeHugger
Thousands of NY Sex Offenders Booted From Facebook, MySpace | Epicenter |
Tiger Woods Apology: "I Regret Those Transgressions With All Of My Heart" (drip, drip, drip)
The Buzz Log - Tiger Watch: Who's Who? - Yahoo! Buzz
Tiger Woods Accident Updates Legacy - Charles P. Pierce on Tiger Woods Accident News - Esquire
Hillbilly Truffle: Alan Richman: GQ
Best books ... chosen by Lev Grossman - The Week ‘the six greatest fantasy books of all time.’
YouTube - My Religion is True, Yours a Mistake!
Aggressive atheism
Jay Michaelson: An Introduction To Kabbalah Part 5: Choosing A Teacher ("non-dual Judaism" : tell that to Abraham)
AdFreak: James Lipton's beard protects teens' private parts in new PSAs
the delicious
atticus_flinch: characters in casual attire
Obit Magazine - Life Stories, Obituaries, Essays, Criticism and More - Life and Death Examined
Death's Blog
Yahoo, Verizon: Our Spy Capabilities Would ‘Shock’, ‘Confuse’ Consumers | Threat Level |
Netbooks: Netbook Computers - Best Buy
Keith Thomson: Christmas Eavesdropping: Affordable Spy Gizmos for Your Friends and Enemies
WebGL Goes Mobile at Vladimir Vukicevic (on an N900)
Screenshot Captor - Mouser - Software -
Glenn Greenwald - (stop the spread of Communism, win the hearts and minds of the people, and prevent a domino effect)
Obama Issues Order for More Troops in Afghanistan -
Michael Moore Rewrites History of Obama Campaign on Afghanistan | Crooks and Liars (Obama actually ran on the surge)
Why Would Anyone Think the Bush Administration Botched Afghanistan? « The Washington Independent Politico knows Dick Cheney would never lie to the American people or demonstrate poor judgment.
Mexico's Drug War - Los Angeles Times
New IDF unit to fight enemies on Facebook, Twitter - Haaretz - Israel News (propaganda wars)
Iraq sees alarming rise in cancers, deformed babies -
Column: Tolerance? We have a ways to go - Opinion - Americans still have a bias against Republican Mitt Romney
AIG reduces debt by selling subsidiaries for $25 billion - Dec. 1, 2009 - preferred shares (last to be paid)
Matthew Yglesias » LaHood Muses About Higher Gasoline Taxes
Showcase: Dubai’s Improbable Tale - Lens Blog - (just how many billionaires are there in the world?)
Culture of Old Europe Is Uncloaked in an Exhibit at N.Y.U. -
Some Biologists Find an Urge in Human Nature to Help -
A Microbe, M. Pneumoniae, as a Group of 200 Protein Machines -
Vital Signs - Diabetes Costs to Triple in Next 25 Years, Report Finds -
Global Update - Salmonella - Drug-Resistant Strain of Bacteria Gains in Africa, With High Death Rates -
Why Loneliness Can Be Contagious - Well Blog -
Psychology: Alone in the crowd | The Economist
Mind - Memory Study Looks at Why We Repeat Ourselves -
Why single-sex schools are bad for your health (if you're a boy) - Education News, Education - The Independent Boys taught in male-only schools face divorce and depression by their early 40s, research reveals
The Moral Call of the Wild: Scientific American A study suggests that spending time in nature changes our values
Solar panels causing some storms -- homeowners often have to fight homeowners associations for their right to install the systems.
Tiger Woods' Problem And Why Not To Talk To Police - Taking Liberties - CBS News
Tiger's Wife Changed Her Story |
Arizona detention officer refuses to apologize for swiping court files
Using faulty data to demand settlements from innocent surfers
BBC News - Microsoft investigates Windows 7 'screen of death'
A Last-Minute Meeting On Afghanistan - The Atlantic Politics Channel
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | The Slim Line Between Cheney And Obama: the far-right philosophy that elections only count when Republicans win them, despite Meacham's insistence that this hypothetical election would "adjudicate the George W. Bush years in a direct way."
White House Says 'Era of Blank Check' Is Over for Afghan President Karzai - ABC News
Court sides with Gov't in detainee photo case | TPM News Pages Supreme Court throws out ruling ordering release of detainee abuse photos, cites change in law
Rick Warren Refuses To Condemn Proposed Ugandan Law To Execute Gays (gays will fry in hell anyway)
Somali pirates hijack oil tanker going to US - Yahoo! News
Murphy report is only the beginning - Times Online - the church took advantage of its unique position of power and privilege in Irish society to operate what amounted to a paedophile ring.
CBO: Health Care Reform Will Lower Out-Of-Pocket Burden For Most Consumers | TPMD (but will Evan "My Wife made $2Mill from Wellpoint" Bayh go along?)
FDL Action » Las Vegas Sun on the Public Option: “The Ball’s In Reid’s Court”
'Spiritual health care' raises church-state concerns - San Jose Mercury News (reimbursement for someone praying to make you better)
Glenn Greenwald - - The face of rotted Washington: When the sad and destructive history of the U.S. over the last decade is written, the coddled, nepotistic, self-serving face of Evan Bayh should be prominently included. It embodies virtually every cause. (Obama's second choice for Veep)
Hullabaloo What the hell??? (Amy Goodman and Canada locking up/dep0rting anyone who criticizes ... the Olympics!)
This Sentence Was Actually Typed Into a Computer | Rumproast (+Just as Teh Chicago Boyz sent us all Iphones, Kool-Aid and cardboard Hillarys, the PB 2.0ers all got issued those next gen Big Chief tablets and lifetime supplies of Dr. Nut. Does it all make sense yet?)
The Confluence’s Un-Enlightened myiq2xu (aka meatprod4u) | Rumproast
Radio Host Bill Press: Glenn Beck Is A 'Ticking Time Bomb' Who Will 'Explode In The Face Of Roger Ailes' | TPM LiveWire
Palin particularly popular among fans of Limbaugh and Beck - (o rly?)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Dumond This Isn't
WaPo 's Bacon just uses misleading labels, he doesn't explain them | Media Matters for America
Gov. Schwarzenegger is booed at Hollywood Park | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times
Civil cases against judges involve emotional suffering | Philadelphia Inquirer | 11/30/2009
Harvard ignored warnings about investments - The Boston Globe Advisers told Summers, others not to put so much cash in market; losses hit $1.8b (this took a long time to write and should have disqualified Larry from ever being near money)
Calculated Risk: US Treasury Announces "Mortgage Modification Conversion Drive"
Op-Ed Columnist - The Jobs Imperative - By Paul Krugman (way too late)
Firedoglake » Predatory lending has an ugly tail end - A previous report showed that ONLY 2,000 of the then 500,000 in process had their loan modifications made permanent (sham program, never intended to actually work, we got your money, "embarrassment" is for suckers)
Mortgage Crisis - While Americans suffer, glutted banks refuse to renegotiate mortgages or scale back bonuses (it's all your money, anyway)
Citi Arranges More Than $8 Billion for Dubai (and whose money are they "arranging" with?)
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » The world’s largest guilt trip | underwater homeowners across America are signally failing to take my advice (or that of Mark Gimein) and walk away from their homes (not Dubai)
Growing Up in a Recession: Beliefs and the Macroeconomy
Report: Nearly 70 percent of LV homeowners underwater on mortgage - Las Vegas Sun
GE, Vivendi Deal: General Electric To Buy Final 20% Of NBC Universal
Josh Silver: Too Big to Block? Why Obama Must Stop the Comcast-NBC Merger just 18 months ago that candidate Barack Obama said, "I strongly favor diversity of ownership of outlets and protection against the excessive concentration of power in the hands of any one corporation, interest or small group."
The shrinking post office - The Week
NEJM -- The Emotional Epidemiology of H1N1 Influenza Vaccination
Flu Attack! How A Virus Invades Your Body : NPR
CERN Press Release 1.18 TeV in the early hours of the morning. This exceeds the previous world record of 0.98 TeV, which had been held by the US Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory’s Tevatron collider since 2001
Daily Kos: On Stimulating The Future, Or, "It's The Ytterbium, Stupid!" "There is oil in the Middle East; there is rare earth in China...." --Deng Xiaoping, 1992
New disease among HIV-infected gay men
Drowned cities: Myths and secrets of the deep - New Scientist
Scientists explain puzzling lake asymmetry on Titan
Study: Believers' inferences about God's beliefs are uniquely egocentric
Big freeze plunged Europe into ice age in months (holy shit! just like the movie!)
30 killed on California freeways over Thanksgiving weekend, up from last year | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times (death panels)
Government taking newborn DNA samples (that would be "Texas")
Tiger Beatdown: Profiles In Douchery: Dan Savage
Women Dominate Most Social Networking Sites, Survey Finds - # The average ratio of all 19 sites was 47% male, 53% female.
Twitter Doesn’t Track The Zeitgeist. Only 2 Percent Of Tweets Overlap With Search Trends.
Afghans Detail Detention in ‘Black Jail’ at U.S. Base - (and the need for this is ...?)
Transcript of CBC interview with Michael Springman (11 of 19 9/11 hijackers got their visas from the CIA)
Glenn Greenwald - - Is Obama's civil liberties record understandable? - what was once lambasted as "Constitution-shredding" under George Bush is now nothing more than: Obama's "civil liberties record hasn’t been exactly what I would have wanted."
Saddam Was Telling Truth In Missing Gulf War Pilot (Bush lied more than Saddam)
Russian Train Wreck Tied to Terrorist Bomb -
GOP Wages Internal Debate Over Tax Increase For Afghan War (Rich Republicans want wars, but won't pay for it)
BBC News - Switzerland votes on Muslim minaret ban
Switzerland's first minaret was built in Zurich in 1963. - swissinfo - Swiss mosques do not broadcast the call to prayer outside their buildings
Glenn Greenwald - - The crazy, irrational beliefs of Muslims (and the completely sane beliefs of Americans)
Controversial plans for minaret ban and outlawing arms exports face voters' verdict - swissinfo (approved)
Author: ‘The Family’ behind proposed Ugandan law that would execute HIV+ men | Raw Story (Republican Evangelical Christians at work)
10,000 E. African albinos in hiding after killings - Yahoo! News (East Africa)
Op-Ed Contributor - India’s Eternal Crisis - - a built-in check against the arrogance of power — and the hubris that has made America’s response to 9/11 so disastrously counterproductive.
For Indians Trained in the West, It Can Be Hard to Go Home -
Book Review - 'The Last Empress - Madame Chiang Kai-shek and the Birth of Modern China,' by Hannah Pakula - Review -
Editorial - A Modest Public Plan - - Republican critics are particularly divorced from reality
Senate Opens Health Care Debate: Dem Coalition Fracturing Already - The 60 votes aren't there any more (they never were)
The Safety Net - Across U.S., Food Stamp Use Soars and Stigma Fades - Series - (Republican church-goer: "I'm different" from these lazy people)
Food Stamp Usage Across the Country - Interactive Map -
Daily Kos: A Purity Test for Democrats
Page's Page: New dangers for Dems in 2010
Wonkette : All 193% of Republicans Support Palin, Romney and Huckabee (new Fox News honesty policy)
Entering the Superproject Void - (Larry "The Chin" Summers hates infrastructure, takes money away from bankstas)
Treasury to Pressure Mortgage Companies to Cut Payments - (Obama didn't support cramdown, now will send sternly-worked letter)
John L. Marshall -- How health-care reform can cure cancer - Globally, cancer care is a medical luxury.
Health Care Savings May Start in Employee Diets -
Questions for James Inhofe - Global Warning - Interview -
Daily Kos: The Venus Syndrome
Daily Kos: The Demon Core: Los Alamos, once in '45 and once in '46
STS-129 Ascent Video Highlights on Vimeo
Daily Kos: Book review: Barbara Ehrenreich's "Bright-Sided" Bright-sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America - But the universe refused to play its assigned role as a "big mail order department." In complete defiance of the "law of attraction," long propounded by the gurus of positive thinking, things were getting worse for most Americans, not better.
At This School, It’s Marijuana in Every Class -
Recipes - Egg Baked in Cream -
Jay Michaelson: An Introduction To Kabbalah Part 5: Choosing A Teacher (this, from a "non-dual" Jew)
New York Restaurant Owners Turn Evil - Recessionomics - Gawker (Vadim Ponorovsky, owner of Paradou in New York City, makes himself a famous asshole on the internets for all eternity)
Waiter Rant » Blog Archive » Crazy Restaurant Owner Syndrome (CROS) (Vadim Ponorovsky)
Letters of Note
Book Review - 'Googled - The End of the World as We Know It,' by Ken Auletta - Review -
Paul Buchheit: So I finally tried Wave...
Is the DMCA a scam? (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought)
OK Go - WTF? on Vimeo
YouTube - time displacement experimental video
YouTube - Sesame Street - The Count Counts Rolling Children on a Mat
An Informal Catalogue of Slit-Scan Video Artworks and Research - Golan Levin and Collaborators
Afghans Detail a Secret Prison Still Operating on a U.S. Base - (a year later, same as the old Bush)
CBC News - British Columbia - U.S. journalist grilled at Canada border crossing Officials demanded to know what she would say publicly about 2010 Olympics
Uganda proposes death penalty for HIV positive gays - Times Online (and life in prison for speaking for same-sex relationships: Christian Right (The Family) theocratic model state)
Pensito Review » The Family: DC’s C Street Group Tied To Proposed Death Penalty for Gays in Uganda
The fall of empires
Expiring insurance subsidy imperils laid-off Americans | McClatchy (Obama ending COBRA subsidy)
The Washington Monthly: Give Voters A Reason (after the election, there was a giant network of mobilized voters; Obama told them to shutup and go home)
Daily Kos: White House Considers Conrad's "Entitlement Reform" Commission (next up on Obama's agenda: gutting Social Security)
Kathleen Parker - Ten 'principles' could keep thinkers away from the GOP -
South Carolina Rift Highlights Debate Over G.O.P. - calling opponents of immigration law change “bigots,” holding the Republican Party “hostage” by participating in bipartisan maneuvers, voting for the Wall Street bailout and tarnishing the ideals of freedom.
FDL Action » Really, Peter Orszag!?! Your Critics Have No Ideas For Controlling Cost?
Obama's Secret Climate Pact - The Daily Beast
Last Column About Sarah Palin--Ever Subject to Debate By Katha Pollitt
The peasant mentality lives on in America | The Smirking Chimp - You know you’re a peasant when you worship the very people who are right now, this minute, conning you and taking your shit
Dubai Debt Woes Raise Fear of Wider Problem -
Dubai Jitters Pound Stocks
Dubai's Debt Problems Cast Shadow Over Entire Region
Dubai Debt Crisis: Will It Cause Another Financial Panic?
Crude oil prices tumble on Dubai news -
Dirty pigs are healthy pigs : Nature News Study finds link between outdoor living and immune health.
Beefy Hormones: New Routes Of Exposure - Science News
Do Fat Parents Have Taller Babies? Mice study indicates surprising relationships between food, height, and families. - The Human Condition Blog -
The Billion-Year Technology Gap: Could One Exist? (they're called "The Elder Race") )
Jane Smiley: Stop The Injustice: Free Gary McKinnon
Eating dogs | Eating dog meat - Inside the seedy world of Southeast Asia's booming dog meat trade
Michael Shermer: Theism v. Atheism: I'm A Realist, Not An "Accommodationist"
He Lives: Michael Shermer did not expect the Spanish Inquisition
The dangers of Islam: Wright vs. Hitchens « Why Evolution Is True
The Future: When the Editors Hire the Publishers | The Awl
Why I Cancelled My Facebook Account | seth simonds
New Website Publicizes iPhone App Rejections
Franz Josef Jung, German Minister, Quits Over Afghan Airstrike
Pay for troop increase in Afghanistan or charge it? - Nov. 25, 2009 That will be one question that legislators will debate if the president, as expected, increases troops on the ground in Afghanistan (pay for it with what?)
Attackerman » The War Tax Is For Real, And Here’s The Conservative Case For It
Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS Bill Moyers considers a President's decision to escalate troop levels in a military conflict.
Blair’s role, US tensions in spotlight at Iraq probe | Raw Story ("Bush could talk to Blair but saw other world leaders as "like creatures from outer space".")
'What I saw was a bunch of filled-in trenches with people's arms and legs sticking out of them. For all I know, we could have killed thousands' | World news | The Guardian (Gulf War I: US military immune to investigation)
Minaret Ban In Switzerland Set For A Vote
Glenn Greenwald - - A key British official reminds us of the forgotten anthrax attack (2nd terrorist attack on Bush's watch)
Politics or sedition? Rush Limbaugh calls for military coup (and who told him to do this?)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation
The Militarization of Sex | Foreign Policy (Muslim military prostitution)
Philippine politician charged for murder "Even the private parts of the women were shot at. It was horrible. It was not done to just one. It was done practically to all the women," (Twenty-seven victims were journalists and 15 were motorists who were driving past the area at the wrong time)
It’s not about the sins of sex, but for women to control their lives – UN official - Nation - GMANews.TV - Official Website of GMA News and Public Affairs - Latest Philippine News
Report Says Police and Catholic Church Hid Abuse in Dublin -
Daily Kos: Weekly Tracking Poll: New Feature Paints Ugly 2010 Picture (likely Dem voters turned off by Obama's pro-business super-pro bankers center-right admin)
Democrats work on multibillion-dollar jobs package -- (thinking about "jumpstarting" the economy)
Obama Pushes Lobbyists Off Federal Advisory Boards (Bush did it all the time)
The Biggest Dem Scandal You've Never Heard Of | TPMMuckraker (Defense-gate)
From Dollars To Death Panels: How Republicans Distorted Debates On Capitol Hill | TPMDC
Palin Tricked By Comedian Again, Says Canada Should Drop Public Health Care (Video)
Palin tells Canada to get rid of public health care | Raw Story A recent study (PDF) found that 90 percent of Canadians support universal, single-payer health care (you betcha)
Daily Kos: The Palin-Graham connection (the Family)
Brussels Blogger » Blog Archive » SWIFT - EU to grant USA nearly unlimited access to all EU banking data
Krugman - Taxing the Speculators - ("socially useless" are already tax-exempt in US)
Johann Hari: A morally bankrupt dictatorship built by slave labour - Dubai - The Independent (a dictatorship built by slaves)
Calculated Risk: Dubai Default
European banks may have $40 bln exposure to Dubai - MarketWatch (small potatos compared to AIG)
Stocks Fall, Treasuries Rise on Dubai Concern; Yen Strengthens -
Dubai's Request For Debt 'Standstill' Shakes World Markets (told critics to just "shut up")
Judge Voids Mortgage Due to Bank’s “Bad Faith” | The Big Picture (weasels: but no political capital spent on cramdown)
America's 200 Largest Charities -
BBC News - Jump in number of global swine flu deaths
WHO Studying Swine Flu Mutations | Health | English
Daily Kos: Michael Mann Responds to CRU Hack
BBC News - Rectal cancer tumour destroyed by ultrasound is a first
Personal Rapid Transit: Future Or Elevated Fantasy? : NPR (Atrios: "taking the mass out of mass transit")
Americans Toss Out 40 Percent of All Food | LiveScience
How to Get Smarter, One Breath at a Time - Time
A Reader's Manifesto - The Atlantic (July/August 2001) An attack on the growing pretentiousness of American literary prose
'Early Show' Censors Gay Kiss ... When It's Men |
BBC News | UK | Self v Littlejohn ("Why? Does it suddenly turn into Tolstoy?")
BBC News - Social media 'could transform public services'
White House official's net neutrality comments irk AT&T - White House official links the issue to censorship in China (they are nothing like China in their spying and attempts to control the internets)
The dark side of the internet | Technology | The Guardian In the 'deep web', Freenet software allows users complete anonymity as they share viruses, criminal contacts and child pornography
6 Reasons Why Twitter Japan’s Subscription Model Might Work (In Japan)
Personalize your Google Wave –
18 Useful Google Wave Extensions and Gadgets | Step to Tech
10 Alternatives To Mininova | TorrentFreak
Adelaide. Devoid of social consciousness or culture (+Roz Knorr, famous on the internets for all eternity)
YouTube - Moscow Cat Theatre
Attacks in Iraq Renew Fears of Sectarian Fighting - (where the fuck have you been?)
Future News Today: "All the news..." - except Blackwater (Jeremy Scahill threatened by Admiral Mike Mullen (CJCS) over Blackwater story; military hates free speech and good reporting, loves censorship, American values)
Steve Clemons: Who Is Hot And Who Was Blocked (Or Forgotten) At First White House State Dinner
Margaret Chase Smith Library - Library - I don't want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the Four Horsemen of Calumny -- Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry and Smear (1950: she didn't foresee Roger Ailes and Karl Rove, or Reagan for that matter)
BBC News - Dubai under scrutiny after debt payment delay (bankrupt)
Bailed-Out AIG Forcing Poor to Choose Between Running Water and Food | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet (follow the money from your pocketbook)
Bryan Burrough on Marc Dreier |
multimediafinal: Unemployment Rates by County 2007-2009 (Republicans at work)
CDC Novel H1N1 Flu | CDC Estimates of 2009 H1N1 Influenza Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths in the United States The mid-level in this range is about 3,900 2009 H1N1-related deaths (up to 153K H1N1-related hospitalizations and 6,000 deaths)
CDC - Seasonal Influenza (Flu) - Q & A: Seasonal Influenza (Flu): The Disease (36K deaths from seasonal flu)
BBC News - Device spells doom for superbugs
"Nazi Twins" a Myth: Mengele Not Behind Brazil Boom?
Autism's False Prophets
Science-Based Medicine » Vaccines and Autism
Group's Video Equates Flying And Polar Bears : NPR (it's getting ugly)
Hullabaloo: digby: Being A Jerk Isn't Illegal (D.C. lawyer re-enacts Skip Gates, get assaulted by cops: never question their authority)
Ga. nurse anesthetist accused of abusing patients - Yahoo! News
Honolulu police posting DUI mug shots on Internet - Yahoo! News
1896: The People's Party: Populist Party: the rise of populism (lowest common denominator, now known as "teabaggers")
Populism: It's all the right-wing rage these days | Crooks and Liars
The life and writings of Major Jack Downing ... Google Books
Google to put ancient Iraq museum collection online | Technology | Reuters
BLDGBLOG: California City (Nazca lines)
'Alien spies live among us' says Bulgarian gov space boffin • The Register Say we must stop global warming, unnatural insemination (he's talking about Glenn Beck) (takes internet porn to a whole 'nother level)
"It's like twitter. Except we charge people to use it."
Phil Agre
Edge: 36 Arguments For The Existence Of God — By Rebecca Newberger Goldstein (fiction)
Black Friday Anti-Deals: What Not To Buy - black friday 2009 - Gizmodo
Mininova limits its activities to Content Distribution service at Mininova blog
» Chase’s completely insecure and broken “secure” document exchange system (aka securedx, secure-dx) | – alter or abolish?
Links » More Banking Stupidity: Phished by Visa
BBC - Gavin Hewitt's Europe - In future an immigrant arriving in Germany and wishing to stay may have to sign an "integration contract"
Obama To Copenhagen For Climate Talks (trying to stay out of the country)
Detainee policy appointee quits Pentagon post - Guantánamo - (bad sign)
9/11 Text Messages Released: Wikileaks Publishes Intercepted Government Pager Texts As They Were Sent
Egads! Confidential 9/11 Pager Messages Disclosed - Taking Liberties - CBS News
U.S. Police and Intelligence Hit by Spy Network
Possible story--Clinton / pager interception (1997)
The Risks Digest Volume 19: Issue 39 (1997)
Palin tells Marg Delahunty Canada should 'dismantle' public health-care system - Yahoo! Canada News
The former British police officer who wants to bring down Barack Obama | World news | The Guardian Conspiracist prominent in movement claiming president is an imposter
White House Visitor Logs Show Obama Turned To Business Leaders
Battle Between David Broder And Harry Reid Heats Up: Broder Comments 'Mind-Boggling'
Filibustering the Public
Ezra Klein - How a letter from 1964 shows what's wrong with the Senate today (the way they used to do it)
Police: Census worker staged death to conceal suicide -
Dean: Lieberman Should Relinquish Chairmanship If He Opposes Health Care Lieberman renewed his pledge to filibuster health care reform that includes a public option
Obama Administration Resignations: 10 People Who Quit
Alec Baldwin: The Republican Way: Keeping Everything The Way It Is
Why Obama Doesn't Write Families Of Soldiers Who Commit Suicide longstanding institutional belief within the military that suicide is a sign of weakness
Perino: "We did not have a terrorist attack on our country during President Bush's term" | Media Matters for America (reflexive lying from the bimbo) - Transcripts: Bush, 2001: "As all Americans know, recent weeks have brought a second wave of terrorist attacks upon our country: deadly anthrax spores sent through the U.S. mail."
Lou Dobbs weighs Senate run in NJ | AP | 11/25/2009 an "intermediary step," such as the seat held by Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) (the only Hispanic in the Senate: stay classy, Lou)
How Tom Daschle Lobbies In Secret: Influence Laundering (too bad he didn't get to run health care reform)
Beck and his crew agree on proper treatment of detainees in U.S. custody: "Shoot them in the head" | Media Matters for America
The GOP's Blacklist - Page 1 - The Daily Beast The Republicans’ new so-called purity test is worthy of Joe McCarthy. Mark McKinnon on why it will doom their comeback.
Long-Term Deficits | Mother Jones - Among the things that should be done right now is to put prospective entitlement spending — on public sector pensions, for example — on a sustainable path (i.e. get rid of SS and give the money to banksters)
Irvine Housing Blog - Irvine Real Estate and Resale Homes - $3,000,000 Irvine Tract Home?
Will Private Equity Be the Next Financial Meltdown? - TIME
U.S. Cities With The Most Underwater Mortgages - Yahoo! Real Estate
Future Humans+: Four Ways We May, or May Not, Evolve
Amazing Software Turns Cheap Webcam Into Instant 3D Scanner | Gadget Lab |
Reborn Coma Man’s Words May Be Bogus | Wired Science |
Video: Saturn’s Spectacular Aurora in Action | Wired Science |
Are Your Siblings Really Your Siblings?: Scientific American Podcast
The Last Lion in Kenya : EcoWorldly
BBC News - School lessons to tackle domestic violence outlined domestic violence against women and girls is unacceptable (but ok if men are the victims)
Man Gets 120 Days for Shooting Cyclist in the Head : TreeHugger - If you have some good character witnesses, and have served in the military, then for you, shooting someone in the head at point blank with the intent to kill was probably just a flash in the pan.
Google Earth during the Second World War: Amazing aerial images taken by the daring Allies which revealed Hitler's weapons | Mail Online
Missing Since 2008/2009 (Friends of Phil Agre) - Feminism with atheism: two great tastes that go together (overlap in communities)
'Atheism: Living Life Unfettered by Supernaturalism and Groupthink -- Interview With Sikivu Hutchinson' by Greta Christina - AlterNet -
Atheism: Living Life Unfettered by Supernaturalism and Groupthink -- Interview With Sikivu Hutchinson | | AlterNet (they still teach people to write like this?)
skeptifem: Bill Maher and the white dude privilege of new atheists/skeptics ("Bill Maher has a fucking disgusting history of saying outright misogynist shit in the media and has been a lot less subtle about it.")
The problem of the oblivious white male atheist : Pharyngula
BBC: We won't charge for online news | Media | Corporation says it has 'no intention' of charging – as Times and Sun owner News Corporation prepares to put up a paywall
Microsoft and News Corp.'s Deal With the Devil - Reviews by PC Magazine Microsoft is reportedly in talks to make News Corp. content exclusive to Bing. No way will Google let that fly (Murdoch=Satan)
Fox News to Go 'Error-Free' In 2010 - Fox News - Gawker
Fears over future of Wikipedia as 49,000 volunteers leave site | Mail Online
The Best Smartphones on Every Carrier
Your Looks and Your Inbox « OkTrends
The Virtue of a Manager
Margaret and Helen qotw
Obama's Afghanistan Decision: 34,000 More Troops And An Exit Strategy, Reports Say
Blackwater's Secret War in Pakistan (Cheney's private army)
Iraq inquiry: British officials heard 'drum beats' of war from US before 9/11 - Telegraph - more than two years before 2003 invasion (February 2001: waiting for their excuse)
Philippines declares emergency after 46 killed - Yahoo! News
Manufactured failure #6: the wrapup - James Fallows (our news media is a national disgrace)
The Washington Monthly: This Is CNN? (arm of the Republican National Committee; imagine this in reverse; +blogger ethics panel)
Mark Halperin's Mary Landrieu Photoshop: Pure Class (this is level these guys operate at)
George Hutchins for U.S. Congress 2010 (prime Republican material)
Matt Taibbi - Taibblog – Yes, Sarah, There is a Media Conspiracy - True/Slant Gen. JC Christian, pa...'s review of Going Rogue: An American Life Ain't afraid of no Vietcong king (muhaha)
FT Alphaville » Blog Archive » Cautiously optimistic Fed officials cut unemployment forecasts
Fed Officials Said Low Rates May Fuel Speculation - (ya think?)
The new AIG report reveals how Geithner—and U.S. taxpayers—were fleeced by Wall Street banks. - By Eliot Spitzer - Slate Magazine - Geithner's Disgrace
Underwater Mortgages: 1 In 4 U.S. Borrowers Have Negative Equity On Their Homes
FDIC Insurance Fund Goes Into The Red; Number Problem Banks Rise To Highest Level In 16 Years
Gee, that’s De Pressing - Paul Krugman Blog - - Basically, we may be in a technical recovery, but we’re not recovering (thought that was obvious)
The China Debt Dance
Icahn outbids Penn for Fontainebleau Las Vegas | Reuters (Ichan offer $156M for $2Bn hole in the ground)
Matthew Yglesias » Fiscally Responsible Stimulus With Front-Loaded Infrastructure Investments
Obama kicks off massive science education effort! | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Courtroom First: Brain Scan Used in Murder Sentencing | Wired Science | Brain scan evidence that the defense claimed shows the defendant’s brain was psychopathic was allowed into the sentencing portion of a murder trial in Chicago (what next?)
Programmable Magnets - Correlated Magnetics Research Invention - Popular Mechanics an invention that can reconfigure the charges of magnets in never-before-seen patterns
Selling chip makers on optical computing
The Secrets Within Cosmic Dust | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine
Evolution vs. Intelligent Design: 6 Bones of Contention (Casey Luskin and his sock-puppets)
Pollen — National Geographic Magazine
Hartford: It's A Parking Place -- Tripling Space For Cars Hasn't Helped City Prosper — It's Only Devalued Downtown (turn your cities into parking lots ... fail)
YouTube - Bishop Tobin On Chris Matthews Hardball MSNBC (Tobin is a creep)
Facebook friend turns into Big Brother (cops in Wisconsin ticket 19 yo for drinking on Facebook)
Working mothers perpetuating myth of 'the useless man' to feel more feminine - Telegraph (sounds like something they would do) » Post Topic » How to start reading comics.
Achtung! Google Analytics is illegal, say German government officials
After social networks, what next? | Media |
Daring Fireball: iPhone Web Apps as an Alternative to the App Store
What designers think of AOL's new logo | Technology |
Advertising - AOL Revamping Its Logo, in Hopes of Reviving the Brand -
21 Filipinos Dead in Election Violence -
Lithuania opens new inquiry into CIA prisons -
Torture Policy - - Rule-of-law extremism engulfs primitive Eastern Europe - What sort of a newly elected President would get into office and then start demanding that actions From the Past -- rather than the Future -- be investigated, just because they might be "criminal"?
WH Officials Say Decision On Copenhagen Attendance Coming Soon | TPMDC
118 Days, 12 Hours, 54 Minutes | Print Article | On June 21, reporter Maziar Bahari was rousted out of bed and taken to Tehran's notorious Evin prison—accused of being a spy for the CIA, MI6, Mossad…and NEWSWEEK!
Newsweek's Bahari Recalls Iran Detention - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Glenn Greenwald - - The extreme secrecy of the federal courts
FDL News Desk » Sebelius Reiterates WH Preference For Harsh Immigrant Provision In Senate Health Care Bill (Obama hates immigrants)
Daily Kos: Whither the Public Option
Harry Reid, and What Happened to the Public Option | Robert Reich's Blog
FDL Action » Campaign Contributions From Insurance Companies to Senators Blocking the Public Option
GOP Needs Six Weeks To Debate Health Care Bill That All Republicans Will Oppose
Matthew Yglesias » Blanche Lincoln, Racing Horse (opposes public option because it would increase coverage and lower executive pay)
Clinic with two doors, a symbol of two-tier care - Health care- One side is for patients with insurance, the other for those who pay up front
Matthew Yglesias » Obey Calls for War Tax
The Washington Monthly: Leverage ("conservative" "Democrats" marching off a cliff)
Dear Associated Press: Stop Calling Joe Lieberman a Democrat | Crooks and Liars
Palin Fort Bragg Book Signing: Former Governor Asked Not To Speak sales of Palin's book at the post store have been weak so far.
Yoo still here? | Philly | 11/22/2009
YouTube - Sarah Palin Book Signing - Interviews with Supporters (stupid people on the internet for all eternity)
Poll: Sheriff Joe Arpaio Is Strongest GOPer For Arizona Governor | TPMDC
Shadowy GOP-Linked Group Plans Barrage Of 2010 Robo-Calls | TPMMuckraker
Andrew Malcolm's sleight-of-hand: Palin almost as popular as Obama! | Media Matters for America (sheer stupidity from LATimes)
IMF Exec: Another Bailout would 'threaten democracy'
Payback Time - Wave of Debt Payments Facing U.S. Government - Series -
US Debt A 'Phantom Menace,' Krugman Argues (in a war with the Times front-page propaganda +plus Larry Summers warned against 10% unemployment "by the end of next year" if we don't do something)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect In Just a Decade the U.S. Interest Burden Could Be as High as It Was in 1992!!!!!!!
Studies suggest males have more personality Males have more pronounced personalities than females across a range of species -- from humans to house sparrows ("princess" is not a personality)
Sewers at Capacity, Pollution Spills Into Waterways - Series -
The surprising motion of ski moguls - Physics Today November 2009
Shocking Treatment Helps Erectile Dysfunction | LiveScience
Children should be allowed to play in the dirt, new research suggests - Telegraph being too clean can impair the skin’s ability to heal itself,
Fox News Threatens Pink Slips For On-Screen Errors | TPM LiveWire
Affidavit From Ex-Editor Miniter Details Inner Workings Of Wash Times | TPM LiveWire
Support for legalizing marijuana gaining ground rapidly - Approval for medical use expands alongside criticism of prohibition (but Obama prefers status-quo)
Rom Houben: Patient trapped in a 23-year 'coma' was conscious all along | Mail Online
Man discovers Charles Manson is his real dad | World News |
The Aviation Herald
Contemporary Dance Video Database
Bing Tries To Buy The News (will pay Murdoch to block teh google)
Our Favorite Blogs 2009 - Reviews by PC Magazine
Telcos to FCC: give us billions, but don't make us share lines (learned from the banksters)
An Ecosystem Is Born: LinkedIn Opens Up API
Man Arrested for Not Tweeting? (new compulsory twitter law)
Apple voids Applecare warranty for smokers! - Computerworld Blogs (Jobbsed)
The 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia « Copybot
50 more of Wikipedia’s most interesting articles « Copybot
WSJ: Volunteers Log Off as Wikipedia Ages « ResourceShelf
Volunteers Log Off as Wikipedia Ages -
Your Browser is Now a Web Server: Opera Includes Opera Unite in Opera 10.10
U.S. Enlists Allies in New Surge - Americans Seek Up to 7,000 Extra NATO Troops for Ramp-Up in Afghanistan (good luck with that)
Resurgent al-Qaeda in Iraq seeks to undermine government - More high-profile blasts likely in run-up to vote (that would be "al-Qaeda in Iraq")
Report: Leaked UK documents detail Iraq war chaos
Understanding China -- The West has gotten it wrong on China for decades -- even as it embraces a market economy, it has shunned Western-style freedoms. And its power is only growing.
Cleric Wields Religion to Challenge Iran’s Theocracy -
Manufactured failure: press coverage of Obama in Asia - James Fallows
The Fall of Greg Craig - Time (Obama didn't like obeying the law)
FACTBOX: Major differences in House, Senate healthcare bills | Special Coverage | Reuters
Dana Milbank - Sweeteners for the South Staffers on Capitol Hill were calling it the Louisiana Purchase ... Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) got Reid to jettison a provision stripping health insurers of their antitrust exemption
Lieberman: 'I Don't Think Anybody Thinks This Bill Will Pass'
Op-Ed Columnist - The Pit Bull in the China Shop - (Frank Rich: the only person in America to read the whole pile of crap)
YouTube - Could This Happen in 2012? President Sarah Palin?
Glenn Beck Stakes Out a More Activist Role in Politics -
Rep. Patrick Kennedy Banned From Receiving Communion By Bishop Thomas Tobin (far-right tax-free lobbying org)
Leaflet Distributed in Dallas the Day JFK Was Assassinated (now they use Fox) Wingnuts approximate “clever” while threatening the President
Matt Taibbi - Taibblog – Sarah Palin, WWE Star - True/Slant - She is building a political career around the little interpersonal wars in the immediate airspace surrounding her sawdust-filled head.
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Gimme a Break (Chuck "The Toddler" Todd)
Cass R. Sunstein and political rumors on the Internet : The New Yorker The Things People Say: Rumors in an age of unreason. by Elizabeth Kolbert
Goldman Sachs’s Tax Rate Drops to 1%, or $14 Million (Update1) - (do YOU pay 1%?)
Op-Ed Columnist - Paul Krugman - World Out of Balance -
Video: Elizabeth Warren: The Balance Sheet : The New Yorker
Handwritten Notes Show Fed Oversight Bill Neutered On Senate Floor
Goldman Sachs boss says sorry over financial crisis | Business | (like, "we Apologise" for wrecking the world and profiting!)
Back to Business - Investment Funds Profit Again, This Time By Paring Mortgages -
Fair Game - Revisiting a Fed Waltz With A.I.G. - - why the $182 billion “rescue” of what was once the world’s largest insurer still ranks as the most troubling episode of the financial disaster
Sherrod Brown: Obama Focused On Main Street, But Not All His Advisers Are
Analysis: Fed Under Fire As Public Anger Mounts
George Soros lectures from the Financial Times
Researcher's labour of love leads to MS breakthrough - The Globe and Mail = MS is not, as widely believed, an autoimmune condition, but a vascular disease
Novelties - From the Lab, a New Weapon Against Cholesterol -
'Hobbits' a New Human Species?
BBC News - Lung damage is a creeping killer
Joseph Sciabbarrasi, M.D.: What You Don't Know About Osteoporosis -- Part 3
Sugar-coated polymer is new weapon against allergies and asthma
"Lincoln, Life-Size": Abraham Lincoln's Fascinating Face (photos)
Hullabaloo: Don't Have A Seizure In Public (cops Taser seizure victim, who dies: magic all purpose torture and death weapon)
How 16 ships create as much pollution as all the cars in the world | Mail Online
The Future of Broadcast TV’s Unsteady as Cable Strengthens - - Oprah Winfrey is fleeing broadcast television for cable. NBC, once arguably the biggest cultural tastemaker in the United States, is being shopped to Comcast, the country’s largest cable company.
Bill Moyers to Leave Weekly Television - Media Decoder Blog -
Douglas Rushkoff » Radical Abundance How We Get Past “Free” and Learn to Exchange Value Again.
Ritual circumcisions 'illegal' -
Make Your Own Academic Sentence
The Best Writing Tips Ever
The growing power of the men’s rights movement.
Men's Rights -
How DNA Testing Is Changing Fatherhood -
The Myth Of Male Power By Warren Farrell, Ph.D
We Know The Experts Are Out There. - Expert Labs
Presentations: Government 2.0 : Web 2.0 Expo New York 2009 - Co-produced by TechWeb & O'Reilly Conferences, November 16 - 19, 2009, New York, NY
A Quantonic Quantum~Exegesis of Hebrew Qabala's (Carlo Suares') Autiot - by Doug Renselle 14Oct2009.
Linked In... To What? // Current
Ping - Hiring Tweeters and Bloggers to Send Ads -
34 cheat sheets for web designers and developers | Web and designers | Complete resource platform for web designers and developers
Five Best Screencasting Tools - Screencast - Lifehacker
Security in Google's Chrome OS - Reviews by PC Magazine
Waiter Rant » Blog Archive » One Hundred Things Restaurant Staffers Should Never Do! WTF?
How to Get and Keep a Good Man
U.S. Fears Iraqis Will Not Keep Up Rebuilt Projects - ($53Bn down the drain)
The Frame: The World's Children: Twenty years after the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child, multitudes of children across the globe are still suffering from poverty, abuse and disease (and US and Somalia refuse to sign)
All About the 60 | Talking Points Memo (change the rules ain't going to happen anytime soon)
Hullabaloo: digby: The Thrill (Up The Leg) Is Gone (Obama is a girly-man, not listening to people who went to "state schools")
Reid Slams Broder: A Retiree Who 'Writes A Column Once In A While' (for once, he's right)
Tea-Parties so Diverse, They Had to Use the Same Black Guy in 5 Different Scenes of Tea-Bagger Movie | Media and Technology | AlterNet
Hullabaloo: tristero: The Christianist Manifesto: A Partial Fisking (Manhattan Declaration: felon Chuck Colson's Christianist jihad)
Rep. Jackie Speier's Tough Bank Amendment Passes With Room Nearly Empty (12-1 limit; "New Democrats" were asleep)
Op-Ed Columnist - An American Catastrophe -
H1N1 cases fall in U.S. but could rise with Thanksgiving travel, gatherings - - Mutated form of the virus detected in three Norwegians (H1N1: all your vaccines are belong to us)
Alcohol can 'cut risk of heart problems by almost a third in men' | Mail Online
Writer Evan Ratliff Tried to Vanish: Here’s What Happened | Vanish |
Girl, 10, tasered by police with mother's permission - Americas, World - The Independent the town's mayor is calling for an investigation into whether the Taser use was appropriate: the girl will face disorderly conduct charges as a juvenile in the incident (same charge as Skip Gates: disorderly in your own home)
BBC News - Match-fixing inquiry probes 200 European football games
Britain's new Internet law -- as bad as everyone's been saying, and worse. Much, much worse. - Boing Boing
MPAA Says Copyright-Treaty Critics Hate Hollywood | Threat Level | (secret treaty from Obama that you're not allowed to know about)
Smoke Gets In Your Imac: Smoking Near Apple Computers Creates Biohazard, Voids Warranty (Jobbed) - The URL-based image processing service
YouTube - US yet to sign UN child rights treaty 20 years on - 20 Nov 09 (U.S. and Somalia)
Palestinians accuse Israel settlements of diverting water |
What does Israel have against a Palestinian stadium? - Haaretz - Israel News (the fuck you State)
J'lem: Woman arrested for praying with tallit at Kotel | Israel Palestine-Gaza Conflict | Jerusalem Post
BBC News - EU foreign affairs chief Lady Ashton dismisses critics Belgian PM Herman van Rompuy was named President of the European Council.
The Nine Nations of China
Holder's decision on Mohammed trial defended - By Jim Comey and Jack Goldsmith
AFP: McCain predicts success in Afghanistan in 12-18 months (2-3 FU's)
The Seminal » If You Believe Guantanamo Makes Us Safer You Should Have Been Here Today (the bungle-ocracy)
Sub-50% - Ben Smith - (Obama tanking)
Marginal Revolution: What should we do instead of the Obama health reform bill?
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: It's [Still] The Economy, Dumbass
Hullabaloo Auntie Andrea And Little Luke (media: public option supporters are a small group of insane people)
FDL News Desk » FL-02 Poll: Blue Dog Allen Boyd Trailing In Dem Primary (wanted to dismantle Social Security)
Jesus' General: Senators prescribe firearms for PTSD and other mental disabilities
Huff TV: Arianna On Olbermann: Glenn Beck Is "Morally Liable" For His Words "If Violence Ensues From What He Says" (Video)
Hispanics blame Rahm for immigrant ban - Jonathan Allen -
Sen. Wyden wins big healthcare concession - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Small Town To Liz Cheney: We Want Gitmo Detainees, Not Your Fearmongering | The Plum Line
Inhofe To Boxer: 'We Won, You Lost, Get A Life' (VIDEO) "I proudly declare 2009 as the 'Year of the Skeptic,' the year in which scientists who question the so-called global warming consensus are being heard,''
Matthew Yglesias » McCain Vulnerable to Challenge from the Right
Paying for healthcare reform with a 'botax' | Opinion L.A. | Los Angeles Times (mainly women, of course)
Exxon Lawyer: Palin's Account Of Valdez Case 'Cockamamie Bulls**t'
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: 10 Reasons That Sarah Palin Could Win the Republican Nomination
Video of Angry Wingnuts Booing Sarah Palin, Calling Her a “Quitter” & Chanting “Sign Our Books” | Rumproast
Bay Area not maverick enough to read Palin book "Our customers are thinking people," said Nathan Embretson, a bookseller at Pendragon Books in Oakland. "They're not into reading drivel."
YouTube - Why Are So Many Media Conservatives So Obsessed With Rape?
Fed Beaten: Bill To Audit Federal Reserve Passes Key Hurdle (Barney opposes transparency)
Daily Kos: Alan Grayson: "Today Was Waterloo for FED Secrecy,"
'Zombie Buildings': Are They The Next Economic Calamity? (video)
Calculated Risk: Unemployment Rate Increases in 29 States in October (Larry hates non-bank jobs)
Foreclosures Hitting More People With Good Credit - (no, no, it's those ACORN-assisted poor people to blame)
Back to Business - With Help of F.H.A., Easy Loans in Most Expensive Areas - Series - (one mistake after another)
Ohio Sues Credit Rating Agencies -
White House Rebuke: Angry Dems Shut Down Vote
CERN Press Release
YouTube - Confessions of a Converted Lecturer: Eric Mazur
Resource: Minds of Our Own -- Dark Energy Search Could Aid Planet Hunters
5 "Oddball" Crocs Discovered, Including Dinosaur-Eater
The Digital Divide: Why Grandma Should Get Online | LiveScience
CBC News - World - Katrina flooding blamed on 'monumental negligence' (your Army at work)
Survey: Hospitals Not Protecting Electronic Health Records
UC regents approve 32% student fee increase - (students protest)
Texas Accidentally Bans Straight Marriage - Law designed to forbid gay civil unions actually bars any unions
Peru police: Gang killed people for fat - Americas- Cops say gang intended to sell fat on black market for use in cosmetics
The Exponent - Purdue's Student Newspaper: Purdue student arrested in connection with suspicious package (who could have predicted that terrorism laws would be abused?)
CafePress Is Officially Cool with Selling T-Shirts Urging People to Pray for Obama's Death - Gawker
Higgaion » Imprecations, exegesis, and hermeneutics - Children will become orphans and wives will become widows.”
Biblical anti-Obama slogan: Use of Psalm 109:8 funny or sinister? |
YouTube - Frank Schaeffer warns against fundamentalist christians wanting to harm President Obama
Online Harassment: New Texas Internet Law Goes Into Effect (more Texas stupid)
CBC News - Montreal - Depressed woman loses benefits over Facebook photos
YouTube - The Wire - 100 Greatest Quotes
Disney Princesses Deconstructed [PIC]
50 practical tips to save you half a lifetime | Matthew Parris - Times Online
Google PowerMeter
Google says PC will start in seven seconds or less | Technology | Reuters
Microsoft denies it built 'backdoor' in Windows 7
The Best Places To Find Your Next Free Book Online - Free books online - io9
25 Useful Google Wave Extensions and Gadgets
Attackerman » You And Whose Army? (all surged out)
Ethnic Groups in China - (at least the ones China recognizes)
VQR » Blog » Sixty Hours of Terror: Ten Gunmen, Ten Minutes
ZNet - Minority Death - Minority Death Match: Jews, Blacks, And The “Post-Racial” Presidency (everything is about Israel)
Senate leader unveils $849 billion health care bill -
Senate Dems Close In On Reform: Details Of Health Care Bill Revealed - no federal funds could be used to pay for abortion (but billions for Viagra +taxing your health)
Senate Democrats Unveil Health Bill With Public Option -
Why does the Washington Post keep running fluffy profiles of anti-gay activists? | Media Matters for America
The Washington Monthly: There Bayh Goes Again (Senator from Wellpoint: will vote against raising dept limit: , "it was none other than Evan Bayh who recently voted to "reform" the estate tax, cutting taxes for the extraordinarily rich, at a cost of $750 billion over the next decade. To pay for it, he recommended ... nothing.")
Nelson: I'm Comfortable Being Lone Democrat To Derail Reform (screw you, America)
Instaputz: Comment gold: McCain’s climate facisim (Erick, son of Dimbulb, Erickson)
YouTube - 32% Inflation in UCLA Tuition Causes Near Riots (14 Arrested, 1 Tasered)
Sarah Palin Floats Glenn Beck as a Possible 2012 Running Mate | (Palin/Beck 2012!)
Contrary to media hype, Sarah Palin is very unpopular | Media Matters for America (they just love her)
Think Progress » Fox acknowledges ‘production error’ and promises ‘disciplinary action’ for misleading Palin footage (the Murdoch Lie Network)
Dana Perino Nominated By Obama To Broadcasting Board Of Governors (more bipartisanship from our center-right Republican Pres)
Poll: Majority Of Republicans Don't Think Obama Won 2008 Election (ACORN stole the election)(these are the people Obama is sucking up to)
Report: Rudy Will Run For Senate Against Gillibrand -- And Then For President Again | TPMDC (go 9/11)
U.S. Chamber Reconsidering Plans For Controversial Health Care Study | The Plum Line (far-right lobbying org decided making shit up might not fly)
Geithner Rejects Call to Resign, Faults Republicans -
Calculated Risk: MBA: Record 14.4 Percent of Mortgage Loans in Foreclosure or Delinquent in Q3 (it was all a liquidity problem caused poor people borrowing too much)
FT Alphaville » Blog Archive » All roads lead to retranching in CRE crunch - So not just tranching, but creative tranching"
Calculated Risk: MBA Forecasts Foreclosures to Peak in 2011
The Associated Press: New jobless benefit claims unchanged at 505K
Another wave of foreclosures looms - (more waves)
Rep. DeFazio: Fire 'Timmy' Geithner (and dump Larry "The Autistic Guy" Summers)
Jobless Benefits Will Expire Unless Congress Acts -
The End of Credit Card Rip-offs? | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
FDL News Desk » Republicans Move To Permit Credit Card Companies To Jack Up Their Rates For The Next Several Weeks
Vegas on losing end of rough economy | Philadelphia Inquirer | 11/19/2009
NJ's first casino says it's in dire straits | AP | 11/18/2009
History of Economic Thought
Birth of New Species Witnessed by Scientists | Wired Science |
What You Learned in School About How Planes Fly Was Probably Wrong |
Energy saving lightbulbs become dimmer over time | Mail Online (planned dimness)
Blog for Rural America: The Poorest Part of America - Rockies northwards towards the Great Plains
Unprincipled Seniority on Video
Child protection or censorship? - Latest News -
Taser gun used on 10-year-old girl who 'refused to take shower' - Telegraph
TV and Parables of Our Time [Speaking of Faith® from American Public Media]
Apple News | Supply Chain Management
David takes on Goliath as World Programming aims to break SAS's monopoly in the High Court
Woman tracked down nightclub attacker on Facebook - Telegraph
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Soviet lessons from Afghanistan (none learned)
Afghaniscam | Mother Jones
Matthew Yglesias » Spending Trends in Afghanistan
General unsure if repeated combat tours to blame for record Army suicides | Raw Story ("unsure" mofo)
Palestinian families harassed in South Hebron | Ekklesia
CIA Secret Prison Found - ABC News ("torture prison")
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israeli settlement plan denounced The US and UN have criticised Israel's approval of 900 extra housing units at a Jewish settlement in East Jerusalem (in your face, Barack)
Frontline: tehran bureau: a death in tehran | PBS
Corruption Perceptions Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CPI 2009 Table: Corruption Perceptions Index 2009 (New Zealand to Somalia; US at 19)
Ordnance Survey maps to go free online | Technology |
Friedman - What They Really Believe - (Congress beliefs: One is that the globe has been cooling lately, not warming, and the other is that America simply can’t afford any kind of cap-and-trade/carbon tax)
CQ Politics | Democrats Who Don’t Retire Make Takeover Tougher - A lack of competitive open-seat House races in 2010 could complicate Republican efforts to fully maximize a favorable national environment (what?)
Release No. 0575.09: USDA REport Reveals Highest Rate Of Food Insecurity Since Report Was Initiated In 1995 (Republicans: let them eat cake and show some personal initiative)
U.S. Catholic bishops approve document on marriage -- - Aim is to oppose divorce, cohabitation, same-sex unions (and to write your healthcare bill)
Study: Stupak Amendment Will Eliminate Abortion Coverage 'Over Time For All Women' | TPMDC
Hullabaloo: Avowedly With Them (Global War on Liberals and who are the real terrorists?)
Hullabaloo: Death In Life
Slate's unauthorized index of Sarah Palin's autobiography, Going Rogue. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine (moose, 18, 20, 31, 113, 134, 270)
Help! Mom! The Radical Are Running My Country (from the Liberal Monsters Under My Bed psychotic delusional idiots)
Wall Street Profits On Pace For Record, Industry Recovering 'Faster Than Expected': NY State Comptroller
EXCLUSIVE: Two Leading House Dems Will Close $50 Trillion Loophole In Derivatives Reform Bills
Pretty Obvious Question | Talking Points Memo
Insurers Face $23 Billion Loss on Commercial Property - (what?)
In Philadelphia, a Chance to Stave Off Foreclosure -
Interactive: State-by-state numbers for the 'cash for clunkers' program | | The Detroit News (Michagan wins, depending on how you look at it)
Cash for Clunkers Results Finally In: Taxpayers Paid $24,000 per Vehicle Sold, Reports
(Lots of) Cash for Clunkers - Freakonomics Blog -
The Don't Diss Darwin Institute
Breast Cancer: Screening
NASA maps Mars with child labor web games • The Register
Women 'should bare 40 per cent of their bodies to attract men' - Telegraph
The Elephant Sanctuary : Hohenwald Tennessee (elephants and PTSD)
Dr. Andrew Weil: Integrative Mental Health: A New Model For Depression Relief
NYPD raids circulation offices of 4 NYC newspapers - Yahoo! News (Gail Collins to get RICO'd)
Fox News: Fair And Balanced? - A report suggests yes (consider the source)
Center for Media and Public Affairs - Wikipedia - much of its funding has come from conservative sources,
Center for Media and Public Affairs - SourceWatch - "the seed money for [the] center was solicited by the likes of Pat Buchanan and Pat Robertson"
Sexism in the Workplace – Confessions of a Woman on Wall Street – ELLE
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Men survive weeks lost in Pacific
Senator calls for police inquiry into Scientology (Oz)
National Geographic Maps | Can Your US Senator Draw Your State?
The Michelin guide and its undercover inspectors : The New Yorker Undercover with a Michelin inspector.
Gap's Christmas cheer makes a boycott backfire --
Naughty or Nice Christmas List 2009 (from the grinches at far-right AFA)
Pigeon: Impossible
YouTube - Vintage Lady Gaga 2005 Song Medley
Armchair viewing (Monoscope)
The Future Sounds Like This: 10 Magnificently Modern Musical Instruments | Art & Design on WebUrbanist
17 Things Worth Knowing About Your Cat - The Oatmeal -
Münchausen by Internet - Wikipedia
Feds: Top e-tailers profit from billion-dollar Web scam | Digital Media - CNET News
What Do Murdoch's Customers Think About His Pay-Wall Plans? - Advertising Age - The Media Guy
A Look At All The Sites Owned By Rupert Murdoch That 'Steal' Content | Techdirt
Windows 7 Will Win in Business - Reviews by PC Magazine
Google Image Swirl
The Seminal » The Wars Are Unsustainable
Conservative Trio Supports Transferring Gitmo Detainees To Illinois
Informed Comment: Tripathi: Afghanistan and Presidential Dilemmas
CPAC - Video on Demand Afghanistan: Noble Fight or Lost Cause?
Glenn Greenwald - - CNN on our new "huge, huge bomb" to use against Iran
Terrorism - Ex-Islamic radicals on what motivates -- and impedes -- extremism - the most potent weapon for undermining Islamic extremism is the efforts of Westerners to work against their own governments' belligerent policies
Why Is It a Problem? | Talking Points Memo
Shadegg On 9/11 Trials: What If Bloomberg's Daughter Gets Kidnapped? | TPM LiveWire
Newsweek Taps Bush Aide For Obama Reporting (of course they did)
Emptywheel » It’s Greg Craig’s Fault that Dawn Johnsen Hasn’t Been Confirmed
Hullabaloo 49 million Americans! Jesus! who "lacked consistent access to adequate food" by the end of the Bush administration.
The 15 Biggest Congressional Recipients Of Wall Street Campaign Cash
\Why is Rupert Murdoch so clueless about Fox News? | Media Matters for America (lies straight from mouth of Satan)
Mother of murdered daughter tries to recover life insurance proceeds - Chicago Bar-tender - "insufficient proof of loss"
Countdown’s free clinic in New Orleans reveals health reform’s human stories, demonstrates need for overhaul - Daily Kos TV (beta)
Pruden: Obama lacks "blood impulse" for what America "is about" due to "Kenyan father," "mother attracted to men of the Third World" | Media Matters for America (Washington Post hits a new low in racist, murderous idiocy)
Jim Wallis: Health Care: Keep Your Eyes on the Prize (crap from the religious: and the prize ain't for women, either)
Daily Kos: NY-23: Hoffman "Un-Concedes", At Glenn Beck's Urging
Op-Ed Columnist - What the Future May Hold - - The answer will depend to a great extent on decisions we make now about the American infrastructure (Larry Summers hates infrastucture, money doesn't go to banksters)
Republicans heading for a bloodbath in Florida - (good for them, it always is)
"Going Rogue": The 18 Biggest Falsehoods In Palin's Book
Newsweek should worry more about how to solve its problem with sexism | Media Matters for America
Hullabaloo: Gamming Up The Works (Palin's slutty school-girl costume +jr high media)
Colbert Destroys R.I. Governor For Denying Gay Couples Death Rights (Video) (Don Carcieri made a name for himself, he did)
Beck's Guest List Included White Supremacists, Other Extremists
Bank Bailouts - The Fed asked the banks for concessions. The banks said no. The Fed caved
AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth: Nobel economist Joe Stiglitz didn't receive invite to Obama "Jobs Summit" either
Regulators File Lawsuit Against Alleged ‘Green’ Investment Ponzi Scheme - Green Inc. Blog -
Jobs Saved or Created in Congressional Districts That Don't Exist - ABC News Human Error Blamed for Crediting New Stimulus Jobs to Nonexistent Places
Audit Faults New York Fed in A.I.G. Bailout - (Timmeh's big giveaway) U.S. vs. China: What Does the Future Hold? (doom)
FDL News Desk » New Mammography Guidelines Would Have Implications For Health Care Bill
Welcome to the clone farm: Do you know what you're eating? | MNN - Mother Nature Network
The LOLCats Rewrite the Bible: Cat Hell, Cat Heaven & The Gospel According to Ceiling Cat - Los Angeles Art - Style Council
The Incompetence of American Airlines & The Fate of Mr. X | Dustin Curtis
Can I Put You On Hold? - Stanley Fish Blog -
Oxford Word of the Year 2009: Unfriend : OUPblog
Google Wave: How to Embed Videos in Wave
Official Google Blog: Templates now available in Google Sites
Bing Captures Almost 10 Percent Search Share In U.S.
Power Efficiency Reports Tune Up Windows 7's Energy Use - windows 7 - Lifehacker
The Post Transaction Marketing Wall Of Shame: Hundreds Of Well Known Ecommerce Sites Rip Off Customers
11 Must-Dos for the Serious Blogger | Social Media Marketing | Social Media Consulting - Convince & Convert
Time-travelling browsers navigate the web's past - tech - 16 November 2009 - New Scientist
Apple's New Patent Is Patently Crazy - PC World (that'll sell alot of Macs)
iTunes & Napster Blasted By Music Download Watchdogs - Yahoo! Finance
China Rules Microsoft Violated Intellectual Property Rights - PC World
Obama China Town Hall: Select Audience, Easy Questions - Time - Handshakes and Vetted Questions
How Cuban American Hard-Liners Influence U.S. Policy With Campaign Donations: Report
Renouncing Islamism: To the brink and back again - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent
Welcome Home, War! How America's Wars Are Systematically Destroying Our Liberties (the Bush-Obama war on freedom)
Motive vs. Justification by Jacob G. Hornberger (they hate us because we keep bombing the shit out of their families)
Biggest State Party to Obama: Get Out of Afghanistan | (GTFOoA)
Fox News's faux news | Brad Friedman | Comment is free |
Think Progress » CNN paid Lou Dobbs $8 million to quit.
Report: More Americans going hungry (let them eat cake)
Drug Makers Raising Prices Before Reform - (just like the banks and insurance corps, see a pattern?) Merlyna Adams on Vimeo 98,000 patients are killed annually by medical errors. That’s like two 737s crashing every day for a whole year. Would we blame the passengers or the airlines? Tort law changes won’t fix health care.
Open Left:: Pregnancy: Health and Human Rights
The Effects Of Pregnancy - complications of pregnancy (no need to cover this, just keep the Senatorial viagra flowing)
Abortion and the health-care battle : The New Yorker
The Fix - The most important number in politics today (Cillizza, important WaPo pundit, thinks women are stupid and should be supporting Palin)
Think Progress » Shields: I’m ‘Nostalgic’ For A ‘Manly Man’ President Who Will ‘Kick Some Tail And Ask Questions Afterwards’ (nohomo)
Senate Bill Would Allow "Mentally Incapacitated" Vets to Buy Guns | Mother Jones Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) says his "Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act" will protect veterans' gun rights (also know as the PTSD massacre act)
Boston Review — Tom Barry: A Death in Texas
Poll: Beau Biden Ahead Of Mike Castle In Delaware Senate Race | TPMDC
Why wasn't the NYT's David Brooks honest about Sarah Palin 2008? | Media Matters for America
Palin Accuses AP Of Doing "Opposition Research" In Fact Check of Book (she's opposed to reality and reality is opposed to her)
Palin Suggests Evolution Not Real In "Going Rogue" (and evolution doesn't believe in her)
Dawn Teo: Video: Scuffle Ensues when Neo-Nazis Unfurl Hitler Flag at Tea Party Rally (the Lou Dobbs party: "not about racism")
Beck on health care: "We're the young girl saying 'no, no, help me,' and the government is Roman Polanski" | Media Matters for America (Beck and pedophilia=Limbaugh and anal rape)
Fed ‘Severely Limited’ Savings on AIG, Watchdog Says - (billions lost; part of biggest heist in the history of the planet)
Matthew Yglesias » With Great Political Independence Comes Great Responsibility not to Mire the Country in Double-Digit Unemployment (David Ignatius,important WaPo pundit, is worried about inflation and is stupid)
Focusing the Fed | Mother Jones
Matthew Yglesias » Bernanke: No Jobs for You
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » How can the government reduce unemployment? (because construction workers are the only workers)
Census: Small US Cities Hit Hard By Recession
Eric Lotke: What Chinese Currency Manipulation Looks Like
China has now become the biggest risk to the world economy - Telegraph
RGE - The Worst is yet to Come: Unemployed Americans Should Hunker Down for More Job Losses
Confusion Over Where Money Lent on Kiva Goes -
Kiva Is Not Quite What It Seems | David Roodman's Microfinance Open Book Blog
Steelworkers Partner With World’s Largest Worker-Owned Co-Op - Working In These Times
Want to be happier? You may need to move - - Utah tops list, followed closely by Washington and Minnesota, study shows (and be Mormon)
Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index
Swine flu: One killer virus, three key questions : Nature News Nature reports from three laboratories scrutinizing the pandemic flu virus.
Vaccine against chlamydia not far away
Global warming threatens to rob Italy of pasta - Times Online
Algae and Light Help Injured Mice Walk Again | Magazine
Analyzing structural brain changes in Alzheimer's disease
The Top New Dinosaurs of 2009 - Dinosaur Discoveries - Popular Mechanics
Las Vegas Nervously Watches The Water Drop | The New Republic
Retracing the path of Easy Rider on its 40th anniversary. (1) - By Keith Phipps - Slate Magazine
In Cold Blood, half a century on | Books | The Guardian
The Block: The complete history of Eldridge Street between Stanton and Rivington.
Wisconsin Death Trip Photographs - a set on Flickr
Arkansas Times: A boy and his flag Why Will won’t pledge.
Will Phillips, 10-Year-Old, Won't Pledge Allegiance To A Country That Discriminates Against Gays (video)
Hey, kid, you’d better make that pledge | Arkansas News
Calvin and Hobbes, September 08, 1988 — UCLICK
YouTube - Laurie Anderson PSA: "National Anthem"
'Vomit on the table' and speak like a 1950s hipster | Culture | The Guardian
Stars lined up for new audio Bible --
YouTube - The Complex of All of These
Driving distractions: kids (women), road rage (men) - RedEye
Woman Who Cut In Line At Walmart Could Face Prison Time In Racially Charged Incident - young black schoolteacher faces a trial that could send her to prison for 15 years.
8 Carrie Prejean Sex Tapes Unearthed, Dozens Of Topless Photos: Radar: Seven more "biggest mistakes" of her life all of them solo performances,
YouTube - OOBE - Out Of Body Experience
YouTube - Out of Body Experience Techniques Part 1
Internet addiction can harm real relationships
Respected developers begin fleeing from App Store platform - Ars Technica (tired of being Jobbed)
History of iPhone Tethering and AT&T Failure to Deliver - iSmashPhone iPhone Blog
Book Review - 'The Ground Truth - The Untold Story of America Under Attack on 9/11,' by John Farmer - Review -
The World in 2010: forecasting the year ahead | The Economist
United States: Mr Obama's unpromising year | The Economist Americans will blame bad times on the president
David S. Broder - David S. Broder on Obama's Afghanistan choices - Given that reality, the urgent necessity is to make a decision -- whether or not it is right (yeah because the wrong ones have turned out so right: Broder is a murderous idiot)
Netherlands to levy 'green' road tax by the kilometre - Yahoo! News
Weather is manipulated again for snow (but they didn't have any snow-plows)
In House, Many Spoke With One Voice - Lobbyists’ - - Statements by more than a dozen lawmakers were ghostwritten, in whole or in part, by Washington lobbyists working for Genentech (what they're paid to do)
"SNL" Comes Down On Obama Administration For Caving On Public Option (video) (our center-right Republican Pres)
Liz Cheney Suggests Dad Dick As 2012 Presidential Candidate (video) (or he'll shoot you in the face)
FDL News Desk » Yes, The Stupak Amendment Would End Insurance Coverage Of Abortion Over Time
Rogue Fact: Palin attacks "Democrat lawmaker" who's actually a Republican | Media Matters for America
McCain Campaign Emails Contradict Palin's "Going Rogue"
'Pimp' in ACORN video shares story -- | Young conservative activist Hannah Giles speaks in Santa Barbara -- (they're pround alot of folks won't get help)
News Hounds: Hannity, Pimpin' for Hannah Giles' Legal Defense Fund
ACORN Sues Over 'Unconstitutional' Funding Cuts By Congress - - That qualifies the legislation as bills of attainder
The Associated Press: ACORN lawsuit raises question: Can it survive?
The Bobblespeak Translations: This Week with George Stephanopoulos with Hillary Clinton - November 15, 2009
The Bobblespeak Translations: Meet the Press with Hillary Clinton, Newt Gingrich & Al Sharpton - November 15, 2009
Boston Review — Tara McKelvey: God, the Army, and PTSD - Is religion an obstacle to treatment? (Republicans have always hated the troops)
Bob Herbert - A Recovery for Some - (but probably not for you)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect The Fed Is Responsible for 10.2 Percent Unemployment in the Same Way That Al Queda Was Responsible for September 11th - David Ignatius in the Washington Post is trying to rewrite history (evil newspaper)
Gretchen Morgenson: Lobbyists Win Again In Securing Tax Break For Home Builders
Inside Livermore Lab's Race to Invent Clean Energy |
Why Do Atheists Care About Religion? : Living the Scientific Life (Scientist, Interrupted)
Report Urges Changes in Teaching Math - New York Times
Who Needs Mathematicians for Math, Anyway? by Sandra Stotsky, City Journal 13 November 2009
A Brief History of American K-12 Mathematics Education in the 20th Century
Kumon Math | Kumon Learning Centers
The Motherhood Penalty: Working Moms Face Pay Gap Vs. Childless Peers - BusinessWeek
Belle de Jour
Twitter / Belle de Jour: @miketd Actually, we went ...
Scientist announces that she is call girl and blogger Belle de Jour | Technology |
Is Dr Brooke Magnanti, a scientist of 34, Belle de Jour? | Mail Online
NSFW: ‘Tis Pity She’s A Success – Belle de Jour and the Impossibility of Anonymous Blogging
Barbelith: Laboratory: The Autopsy
Caitlin Upton, Miss Teen South Carolina, Learns Where Babies Come From (VIDEO) After doing her due diligence on natural child birth, Caitlin sits down with Octomom in the second video to talk about IVF. It's a pretty weird combo.
Blogging moms wooed by food firms --
YouTube - Elf Yourself Dancing Flash Mob Invades NYC
The 5 Worst Cities for Urban Youth - ABC News
35 Amazing Science Fair Projects: Pics, Videos, Links, News
Full List of Stuff White People Like « Stuff White People Like
Why U.S. Wireless Pricing Sucks - Wireless - Gizmodo
Top 5 Social Engineering Exploit Techniques - PC World
5 Impressive Real-Life Google Wave Use Cases
Book Review - 'The Ground Truth - The Untold Story of America Under Attack on 9/11,' by John Farmer - Review - - “History should record that whether through unprecedented administrative incompetence or orchestrated mendacity, the American people were misled about the nation’s response to the 9/11 attacks.”
Is the Case Against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Strong Enough? - Time (yeah, and don't pay too much attention to the torture thing)
High Costs Weigh on Troop Debate for Afghan War - $1 million per soldier per year
Predator Drones: Obama Is Waging A New War | Gather killed more than 500 people. This is a pace that has Obama authorizing more Predator drone strikes in Pakistan in 10 months, than G.W. Bush authorized the last three years of his administration.
Huge Rise in Birth Defects in Fallujah, and "Squirters" | Rutabaga Ridgepole's Blog
On Assignment: Afghanistan - Lens Blog -
Captured Photo Collection » Photographer Collection: David Guttenfelder in Afghanistan Photos
YouTube - Palestinians denied access to water - 14 Nov 09
Where Americans die abroad -
Bob Bauer's credentials challenged - Kenneth P. Vogel -
White House Plan on Immigration Includes Legal Status -
Insurance exchange may have loophole - 'A leak in the system' Insurers could draw healthy people out of new markets
Health Industry Winning Round On Privacy Of Digital Health Records
Utah becomes a battleground in the GOP's civil war -- Sen. Robert Bennett is under fire from those in the party who find him insufficiently conservative
Hullabaloo If Only It Were So, Joe (Lou Dobbs for Pres!)
Palin's Enemies List: Lashes Out At The Media, Bloggers, And SNL Writers
Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Herbert - A Recovery for Some - - Wall Street can boast about recovery all it wants, much of America remains trapped in economic hell
Alan Greenspan Says the Federal Reserve Didn't Cause the Housing Bubble - Any new regulations should help direct savings toward productive investments (no-bubble-boy Greenspan made no mistakes)
Getting Off Track: How Government Actions and Interventions Caused, Prolonged, and Worsened the Financial Crisis
America's House Party - Time
Did Christianity Cause the Crash? - The Atlantic (December 2009) - the prosperity gospel
The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus - from Al Franken and Don Simpson
Are men really more competitive than women? - By Ray Fisman - Slate Magazine - Don't bet on it.
Cryptographic voting debuts
Vitamin D and calcium supplementation reduces cancer risk ... [Am J Clin Nutr. 2007] - PubMed result
Love And Envy Linked By Same Hormone, Oxytocin
Malaria Drugs: Artemisinin-Resistant Strain Appears - time
Scientists find new drug that can destroy leukaemia cells PBOX-15
Scientists Develop Rot-Proof Apple that Stays Fresh for 4 Months : TreeHugger
Woman Allergic to Husband's Sperm
2009 Leonid Meteor Shower: "Strong Outburst" Expected
Meep: So to sum up, Principal Murray and Assistant Principal Strout have provided an astonishingly stereotypical example of cluelessness (Danvers, Ma: meep-meep)
Lawyer sends email saying "meep" to school principal who banned "meep." Threatened with police action. Now we must all do the same. Play along sheeple! : funny (,, +Fax: 978-777-8931)
Higher education master plan getting ignored California's Master Plan for Higher Education
A rude awakening for youths out too late -- O.C. authorities round up teenagers and call their parents to stress curfew enforcement.
Andrew Zuckerman: Bird
November 2009: Jason Zinoman on Robert Mckee | | Robert McKee’s Unconvincing Story
How to destroy a botnet - Viruses, Spyware and other Nasties News Story
Under The Microscope » Blog Archive » Airfoil Speakers Touch 1.0.1 Finally Ships (Jobbed)
YouTube - Obama Promise To End The War, 2007 - "You Can Take That To The Bank" (and you know what happened to the banks)
Holder: Unfair To Blame Greg Craig For Gitmo Failures "I think it is going to be difficult to close that facility by January the 22nd," Holder told reporters
Holder Lights Political Firestorm With Detainee Move | TPMDC
Former Bush Admin AG Slams Holder On 9/11 Trials | TPMDC (Mukasey: "trials are for pussies")
Rep. King: New White House Counsel Brought In To Protect...ACORN! | TPMDC
Errol Morris on his new Iraq documentary | Standard Operating Procedure | The Q&A | Movies | Entertainment Weekly
Huge rise in birth defects in Falluja | World news |
Another Afghan war: Media leaks spark administration fight | McClatchy Stanley McChrystal, feels he was "stabbed in the back"
Army Says Morale Has Fallen Among Troops In Afghanistan
Stabbed in the back! The past and future of a right-wing myth, By Kevin Baker (Harper's Magazine)
BBC NEWS | Europe | Spanish 'self love' lessons row - The scheme has angered Spain's Roman Catholics and conservative media.
Everyone in Britain could be given a personal 'carbon allowance' - Telegraph
Duke Professor Finishes Yale's Job, Prints Mohammed Images in New Book; FIRE Co-signs Statement of Principle - FIRE
Armistice Day Remembrances - The Big Picture -
The Fall of Mexico - The Atlantic (December 2009) (failed narco-state: 14,000 dead in 3 years)
Time for men to make a sacrifice | Katha Pollitt | Comment is free | Women are being asked to shut up and accept the ban on abortion funding in the US healthcare reform bill. We won't
The Washington Monthly: Stupak Starts Making Threats (the Rep from Yooperville: poor little prima-donna)
Daily Kos: Stupak: It's All the Liberals' Fault! (maybe too much attention: voted for no abortion coverage for incest, life of the mother, and forcible rape - true colors dept)
Whose Team Is It, Anyway? Subject to Debate Peter Beinart writes in the Daily Beast, "there is no alternative" than for Democrats to abandon "cultural" issues like gender and racial equality
Wonk Room » EJ Dionne To Democrats: ‘Learn To Live’ With Health Reform That Leaves Women Behind (WaPo throws women under the bus, big surprise)
Hullabaloo - What If they Don't? - by digby
Sarah Palin Book 'Going Rogue' Confirms Tension With McCain Aides - ABC News (+she's pissed at Couric)
RNC to opt out of abortion coverage - Jonathan Allen and Meredith Shiner -
Will Lefty Web Get Any Credit For Lou Dobbs Ouster? | The Plum Line
Ashleigh Banfield Joining ABC News: TVNewser (fired by MSNBC in '03 over war coverage criticism)
What Melody Barnes Said About Gay Marriage | Mother Jones - "Barnes certainly implied that she and President Obama have a difference of opinion when it comes to gay marriage" (Obama: marriage is only between a man and a woman)
Lynn Vincent, Palin Co-Author, Has Anti-Gay History homosexuality, which she calls "deviance" and a "disorder"
The Palin press orgy: Who cares? | Media Matters for America (beltway media loves Republican losers)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - McCain official: Palin claim ‘100 percent untrue’ « - Blogs from (exact words were "big fat liar")
"Going Rogue" Fact Check: Palin's Book Goes Rogue On Some Facts, AP Says
Matthew Continetti: Can Sarah Palin Make a Comeback? - Her poll numbers among independents are strong enough to give her a chance.
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Feel the Thunementum (Brooks: "Nohomo")
Video: Preggers Can't Be Choosers | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Stewart Responds To Hannity's Apology: Nothing's Worth Sitting Through His Show (video)
State Sen. Schultheis' "let's roll" tweet criticizing Obama stirs ire - The Denver Post (this week's "worst person in the world")
Anita Dunn Takes Parting Shot At Fox, Hannity And Beck
No More Mister Nice Blog - Is Krauthammer Saying It Should Be Illegal Not To Call Hasan A Terrorist? (the twisted neo-con mind)
U.S. Law Definition of Terrorism: means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents (Murdoch fits that definition)
The Man Who Beat Glenn Beck - The Daily Beast
Spitzer's Ethics Speaking Gig At Harvard Upsets Madam - Gothamist
After spending binge, White House says it will focus on deficits - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei -
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Annals of Our Broken Congress: Jobs Edition.
Krugman - Free to Lose -
U.S. arrests and charges two Madoff programmers | U.S. | Reuters
Live Ships Map - AIS - Vessel Traffic and Positions
Crashed satellite detects water at moon's pole -
Laboratory Equipment - Researchers Erase Cervical Cancer in Mice
Using photosynthesis to power hydrogen production - Ars Technica
Forty Years' War - Medicines to Deter Some Cancers Are Not Taken - Series -
A Turning Point for Eminent Domain? - Room for Debate Blog - (2005 Supreme Court decision proved brain-dead)
Two German Killers Demanding Anonymity Sue Wikipedia’s Parent - (whose names would be Wolfgang Werlé and Manfred Lauber)
Convicted Murderer Sues Wikipedia, Demands Removal of His Name | Threat Level |
Convicted Murderer To Wikipedia: Shhh! | Electronic Frontier Foundation ("Oh, and by the way, the convicts were Wolfgang Werlé and his half-brother Manfred Lauber.")
Meep! Nonsense Word Gets Students in Hot Water - ABC News Massachusetts High School Principal Threatens to Suspend Students Caught Meeping
The ''Mega'' Sites: Bigger Than Facebook - How piracy pushed two unknown music and video sites into the Internet's major league - Carpathia Hosting (you know, as in Left Behind's anti-Christ)
Verizon: How Much Do You Charge Now? - Pogue’s Posts Blog -
Google’s Plan to Make the Web Twice as Fast (get rid of http; now Comcast and Verizon won't have to upgrade)
Google says Docs to catch up to Office next year | Business Tech - CNET News
Google making Waves across all its Apps?
How Skype Can Quickly and Easily Become a Social Network (and Clean Facebook’s Clock)
Opera's Settings File Explained
Clicker - What's On Online
Mystery Man’s Seven Scripts You Gotta Read! | mypdfscripts
The Witness | Award-winning Documentary | Tribe of Heart: The Art of Peaceful Transformation
YouTube - Homeopathy with Dr. Werner
Disaster Movie Moments That Pissed Us Off The Most - twister - io9
Women of reddit, what things do you hate that guys do in bed? : AskReddit
YouTube - A basic lesson in snap
YouTube - No Mas Presents: Dock Ellis & The LSD No-No by James Blagden
Politics: U.N. Affirms Israeli-Hamas War Crimes Report - IPS
Official: Obama Does Not Plan To Accept Afghan War Options, Wants Handover Details
Colin Powell To Obama On Afghanistan Troop Decision: "Take Your Time"
Firedoglake » McChrystal Reported “Fuming” over Eikenberry’s Afghanistan Warnings (fume away, criminal General)
As US Ambassador Casts Doubt on Troop Increase in Afghanistan, New Report Reveals US Indirectly Funding the Taliban
Did Texas kill an innocent man? | Democracy in America | (Rick Perry did)
Asia Times Online :: US finally wise to Pyongyang's ways
How The West Hijacked The Berlin Wall Revolution - By Tim Mohr - The eXiled
Hullabaloo An Immoderate Proposal (strip Viagra from the "exchange" and Medicare too: much more expensive than an abortion)
American Adviser to Kurds Stands to Reap Oil Profits - (sleazeball: Peter Galbraith "stands to earn perhaps a hundred million or more dollars as a result of his closeness to the Kurds")
Editors’ Note - Editor's Note -
Glenn Greenwald - Peter Galbraith's vast, undisclosed financial interests in the policies he spent years advocating as an "expert." (hundreds of thousands dead so Galbraith could make money)
Hullabaloo Senators from both parties on Tuesday put new pressure on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to turn the power to trim entitlement benefits over to an independent commission (recipe for disaster, but conservadems love it)
Catholic Church gives D.C. ultimatum on same-sex marriage issue - Same-sex marriage bill, as written, called a threat to social service contracts (resurgent paleo-Catholics)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Why Does Wolf Blitzer Hate America? (certainly hates fair trials for Muslims)
Lou Dobbs Abruptly Quits CNN - (probably going to Fox Business, which no-one watches)
A tale of two networks | Media Matters for America (Lou Dobbs vs Glenn "Psycho" Beck)
Andy Borowitz: Lou Dobbs Returns to His Planet; 'My Work Here is Done'
YouTube - Lou Dobbs House Shooting Story Contradicted By Police
Lou Dobbs Leaves CNN for Cartoon Network - Borowitz Report
The agony of Fox Business - Paul Krugman Blog - So the whole idea of Fox Business is problematic. It’s Fox, which means that it’s basically an arm of the GOP; but that’s a terrible match for business coverage, because the economy just refuses to punish liberals and reward conservatives the way it’s supposed to.
Cold Day In Hell: Fox News' Sean Hannity Apologizes To Jon Stewart | TPM LiveWire
Ratigan Celebrates the 10th Anniversary of Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
10 Years Later, Looking at Repeal of Glass-Steagall - DealBook Blog -
ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report: 11//12/09
F.H.A. Says Cash Reserves Are Down Sharply - ("running on empty")
Calculated Risk: Case-Shiller Home Price Index Increases in August
White House Aims to Cut Deficit With TARP Cash - (and they need a second stimulus?)
10 States Face Looming Budget Disasters: Pew Report (Cal + Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island and Wisconsin
Charity Filing Provides a Glimpse of Goldman -
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » The shipping industry’s $350 billion debt (dodgy shipping loans)
Is 'Buy American' Bad for America? |
Warren Buffett: investor extraordinaire
Charles Gasparino: Robert Rubin: The Man at the Nexus of Big Business and Big Government (destructo-capitalist)
Cactus Flight 1549 Accident Reconstruction (US Airways)
BPA Tied to Impotence in Men - Yahoo! News
Christopher Gavigan: Chemicals In Everyday Products Turning Boys Into Girls?
AMA Advocates Change in Marijuana Classification : The Scientific Activist
Dinos Evolved by Fattening Up : Discovery News Saurpods may have evolved after their ancestors fattened up on prehistoric junk food.
ESA Portal - First view of Earth as Rosetta approaches home - images
How Food Preferences Vary by Political Ideology
YouTube - Polar Obsession (National Geographic)
On air: Anything wrong with this dress? « BBC World Have Your Say
Crime: A Tale of Two Cities - An American in London; A Brit in Baltimore - The Baltimore Sun
Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities for Pedestrians - ABC News (all in the South, FL is a death-trap, wtf?)
Greg Mitchell: The Great Atomic Film Cover-Up
We're Only Human...: Seeing the World in Black and White
EXCLUSIVE: Sarah Palin as 'Blunder Woman' in MAD Magazine -
Police property seizures ensnare even the innocent | | The Detroit News Money raised by Metro Detroit agencies increases 50% in five years ("even when authorities admit no offense was committed" - all your property belongs to the cops)
7 Things "Good Parents" Do (That Screw Kids Up for Life) |
25 Chicago Students Arrested for a Middle-School Food Fight - (all sent to Gitmo)
California Cities Ban Cat Declawing : Discovery News
December 2009: Jim Windolf on Cuteness |
MTV vs. Martial Law | Three Imaginary Girls
NuFormer’s 3-D Building Projections
Twitter, Coming to a Serious Racial Discussion Near You | NBC Connecticut Twenty-six percent of African-Americans online use Twitter or other status-updating sites like Twitter. That far exceeds that 19% of white web users and 18% of Hispanic web users
What Happened To Apple's Software Quality? - HotHardware (Steve Jobs?)
Apple App Store Takes Tiny Step Toward Transparency | Gadget Lab | (Jobistan)
PeerBlock File-Sharing Safety Tool Clocks 100,000 Downloads | TorrentFreak
If Was Honest |
Rock (and U.S. Oil Production) Is Dead | GOOD
Groklaw - Microsoft Patents Sudo?!! - Updated 2Xs
How the US Funds the Taliban
Karl Eikenberry Dissents On Afghan Troop Increase
Editorial - A National Disgrace - The Italian court got it right. The American court got it miserably wrong (Obama justice)
Iraqi court rules Guardian defamed Nouri al-Maliki | World news | The Guardian Court orders Guardian to pay prime minister damages over article that quoted allegations of increasing authoritarianism (Brit law)
Blackwater Said to Approve $1 Million in Iraqi Bribes After Shootings - (but ... ACORN!)
Brazil Looks for Answers After Huge Blackout -
BBC NEWS | Europe | Leaders build Franco-German ties This year will be the first time a German chancellor has ever participated in the commemoration of Armistice Day, when Germany was defeated in France.
China’s Tough Measures on Flu Appear to Pay Off -
Legal ceremonies for same-sex couples - ABC News (in Australia)
Samoan diplomat sues federal officials over arrest -
Calitics:: Will Pelosi Call DiFi's Reckless Bluff? - Sen. Dianne Feinstein is joining 6 other Senators to demand that Speaker Nancy Pelosi approve a commission to recommend cuts to Medicare and Social Security - or else they'll refuse to vote to increase the US government's debt ceiling:
Pharma Deal With White House on Course to Net Industry Billions (137Bn Obama gift to the drugsters)
Marcia Angell, M.D.: Is the House Health Care Bill Better than Nothing?
Daily Kos: Abortion: A rational discussion
Jon Stewart Catches Sean Hannity Falsifying Footage To Make GOP Protest Appear Bigger (Video) (the Satan News Network)
Hannity to Address Protest Video Questions - Media Decoder Blog - (with more lies)
Palin: Dems will apply abortion mind-set to elderly - (+"Palin disturbed "In God We Trust" has been moved to the edge of new coins. “Who calls a shot like that?” she demanded. “Who makes a decision like that?” That would be the 2005 Republican Congress and George W. Bush, you stupid bitch")
Senator Reid tees up 2010 jobs bill - (good luck with that)
US Sen. Lindsey Graham censured by SC county GOP | AP | 11/11/2009 Republican leaders in a South Carolina county have censured their own U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham for working with Democrats on a climate bill and other legislation (even Lindsey Graham isn't enough of a wingnut for the party of fuckyou)
Update: Lou Dobbs to Quit CNN - Media Decoder Blog -
The Washington Monthly - Lieberman Won't 'Wiggle' On Public-Private Competition
Think Progress » Marine reservist chases, assaults Greek Orthodox priest whom he mistook for an Arab terrorist.
Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein: Our Employees Are Among The Most Productive In The World (billions more productive)
Fannie and Freddie Fire Their Own Inspector General (one way to fix the problem)
Calculated Risk: Orange County: Foreclosure Notices Hit Record High
Calculated Risk: Loan Modifications: Key Numbers not Released (Obama claims national security)
Huff TV: WATCH: HuffPost's Roy Sekoff On Massive Bank Bonuses: White House Continues To Coddle Wall St (Obamacare for the banksters)
The Paranoid Style | Talking Points Memo
Aardonyx celestae: New Dinosaur Species Discovered (walked on two legs)
The Dirt On Dust : NPR
BBC NEWS | Health | Drug 'shrinks lung cancer tumour' PD173074 blocks FGF-2 from attaching to tumour cells.
Will probe's upcoming fly-by unlock exotic physics? - space - 10 November 2009 - New Scientist
Heal Emru: Stem Cell Awareness and The Black Community
Cloud of Atlases by The Editors - The Morning News
A defense of jaywalking. - By Tom Vanderbilt - Slate Magazine
The Progressive Puppy: Rhode Island Governor Vetoes Burial Rights For Gay Couples (burying gays together is an assault on traditional marriage)
Salt Lake OKs gay rights laws with Mormon backing
Barry Levinson: The Delusions of Alessandra Stanley (and they wonder why newpapers are dying)
Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong : CJR Alessandra Stanley’s troubling history of error
ABC Totally Pissed At Alessandra Stanley - Gawker
Play-By-Play: The Self-Loathing NYT's Ultimate Alessandra Stanley Flogging - Gawker
DownWithTyranny!: Apparently hack TV critic Alessandra Stanley is what passes for "intellectual heft" at the NYT -- yikes!
The Alessandra Stanley Watch: Arrested Criticism - Alessandra Stanley - Gawker
reference tone: The Wrongest Critic
McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Create Your Own Thomas Friedman Op-Ed Column
Google Wave Info » Blog Archive » Google Wave Cheat Sheet
Protect Your Wi-Fi Connection at Airport Hotspots - Wi-Fi - Lifehacker
Issue 9 - go - I have already used the name for *MY* programming language - Project Hosting on Google Code
Google Offers A 16 Terabyte Cloud Drive For $4,096 A Year
20 Essential Tricks and Skills Every BitTorrent User Should Know | Maximum PC
mental_floss Blog » The Late Movies: Dogs Welcoming Home Soldiers
I just found a cellphone video of my wife fucking her boss. I also found a dozen photos of boss jacking off. : AskReddit
The 15 Funniest Pet Videos The Web Has To Offer: Send Us Your Own!
Red Scare: Our Favorite Comic Book Communists -
Video: Hacked Roombas Used to Play Pac-Man, Finally! - Roomba pac-man - Gizmodo
cyoa - One Book, Many Readings
New York Books - Nabokov, Meet 50 Cent: Zadie Smith's Changing My Mind - page 1
Obama Narrows Afghan Strategy To 4 Possible Options ("narrowed")
Bob Herbert - A Word, Mr. President - - “Mr. President, you have two urgent and overwhelming tasks in front of you: to put Americans trapped in this terrible employment crisis back to work and to put the brakes on your potentially disastrous plan to escalate the war in Afghanistan.” (surge!)
Are nuclear weapons safe in Pakistan? : The New Yorker - Defending the Arsenal - Sy Hersh
Leverage Against Netanyahu - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (push-back on Israel is the boss of US)
Ministers cancel 'Big Brother' database - UK Politics, UK - The Independent Plan to store details of every phone call and email 'kicked into long grass' after furore
From EFF's Secret Files: Anatomy of a Bogus Subpoena | Electronic Frontier Foundation Can the U.S. government secretly subpoena the IP address of every visitor to a political website? No, but that didn't stop it from trying (Obama's new spy state)
Kazakhstan's radioactive legacy - The Big Picture -
Three more government drug advisers resign | Politics |
Glenn Greenwald - - The NYT columnist who has supported four wars on Muslims in six years decries the Islamic disregard for human life (that would be none other than David Brooks)
NYRblog - One-Term President? - The New York Review of Books - Obama buying a second presidential term with the lives of hundreds or thousands of young American men and women in the military?
Bernie Sanders Could Filibuster Health Care Bill That Does Not Include a Public Option | Video Cafe (The Hill: "Sanders is staking out a far-left position" - and since a majority of Americans want a PO, that makes America ... wait for it ... a far-left nation!)
Hullabaloo: Status Quo (on abortion has already been dealt away +Obama "suggested" because "said" is too partisan)
Democrats Raise Alarms Over Costs of Health Bills -
Wonk Room » Fred Hiatt Makes Up Statistics To Claim Health Care Would Bankrupt America (neo-cons at work: health-care will hurt the poor)
Open Left:: The Foolish Strategery of Democrats Who Oppose Health Care Reform
Boxer: Senate Has Votes To Block Stupak Amendment
I Think The Word Is "Tailwind" | Talking Points Memo (it's always good news for Republicans, even when they're backing butt-first into the wind)
MoveOn Targets Dems Who Voted Against Reform
Daily Kos: A look back at the House health bill fight
Think Progress » Rep. Kilroy: GOP Shouting Down Democratic Women Was A ‘Sexist’ Attempt To Put Us ‘In Our Place’
Dems blast Sessions women-to-smokers comparison - Glenn Thrush - (addicted to uteruses)
Republicans Giving Women 'Back Of The Hand Treatment': Wasserman-Schultz (get back in your place)
Senate Stonewallers - Page 1 - The Daily Beast Capitol Hill’s most ornery No Men (Lieberputz!)
Political eyes on Republican Scozzafava after conservatives urge her to quit - It's a Grand Old Purging as moderate's ouster spotlights Republican dysfunction
Jon Stewart Mocks Use Of Leis, Babies, And The Holocaust To Argue Against Health Care Reform (video)
Idaho GOP leader Hall fired as deputy prosecutor, quits national committee after stalking conviction | News Updates | Idaho Statesman
instaputz: So. Very. Confused (Jonah "Son of Lucien" Goldberg, NRO, is beyond stupid, but what did you expect?)
Poll: Snowe Could Lose 2012 GOP Primary In Landslide To Conservative Challenger | TPMDC (Queen Olympia's month in the sun didn't help)
ActBlue — We've Got Your Back
AMERICAblog Gay | Don't Ask, Don't Give
Murdoch: Beck 'Was Right,' Obama Made Racist Comment (video) (straight from the mouth of Satan)
Daily Kos: Time to celebrate -- Murdoch to hide his crap That level of ignorance of the medium is breathtaking (Satan isn't that smart)
New York Post Lawsuit: Shocking Allegations Made By Fired Employee Sandra Guzman (Satan's frat house)
Dodd's Banking Bill Takes The Fed Down A Notch Or Two: HELP US DIG THROUGH IT
Armey of ignorance - Paul Krugman Blog - seriously disgusting interview with Dick Armey (go Republifucks: poor people caused financial meltdown)
Dodd Offers Senate Plan for Financial Overhaul - (banks spending billions of taxpayer money to defeat regulation)
Schwarzenegger: This year's budget gap may hit $7 billion - Sacramento Bee
Poll: Voters skeptical of state reform proposals -- (more of the same)
Switchboard, from NRDC :: Kaid Benfield's Blog :: Major real estate report: shift to urban living is “fundamental,” outer suburbs may “lack staying power”
NASA Reproduces A Building Block Of Life In Laboratory uracil,
Miniature Robots to Swarm the Oceans | LiveScience
Debate: Modern Pork Production and H1N1 - Green Inc. Blog -
NASA on a crusade to debunk 2012 apocalypse myths
Good food nation MIT researchers think America's obesity epidemic can be reversed via ‘foodsheds,’ in which healthier, more affordable food is produced and consumed regionally.
Engineered Rabbit Penises Raise Human Hopes | (Republican men will add coverage to health bill)
Judge tells of perverted justice in Luzerne juvenile cases | Philadelphia Inquirer | 11/10/2009 | Lawyers, court employees, and school officials knew of the scheme, but winked at it for convenience or self-preservation, Grim testified - "not a single member of the Luzerne County bar ever spoke out."
Cyber War: Sabotaging the System - 60 Minutes - CBS News 60 Minutes: Former Chief of National Intelligence Says U.S. Unprepared for Cyber Attacks (CBS spreads bogus info to justify NSA Cyper-Corps)
Brazilian Blackout Traced to Sooty Insulators, Not Hackers | Threat Level |
Feds’ Smart Grid Race Leaves Cybersecurity in the Dust | Threat Level |
Disgruntled Star Editor Takes Constructive Revenge - Torontoist
A camera that reads text aloud - Big Tech - Fortune Brainstorm Tech
Windows 7 is quickly displacing Vista -- but not XP | Windows - InfoWorld
32-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 7? | Windows - InfoWorld
Windows 7: The essential guide | Windows - InfoWorld
Social Networks Continue To Rally Around Twitter As LinkedIn Goes Tweet Crazy Too
New Version of Google Search Is Launching Soon
How to Make a Baby on Vimeo
China Executes 9 Over Ethnic Riots -
Kashmir in the Afghanistan-Pakistan equation | The AfPak Channel - Twenty-four of Pakistan's 26 military divisions remain idling on the Indian border, waiting and watching. They refuse to redeploy to the extremist heartland in the west, even as the country is wracked by brazen acts of terrorism.
Glenn Greenwald - - Is using aid to Israel as leverage becoming a mainstream idea? Two establishment columnists raise what has long been a taboo topic (both Jewish)
Simon Mann, freed dog of war, is demanding justice | World news | The Observer he British mercenary is seeking vengeance on others he says were part of the failed 'Wonga Coup' – including Mark Thatcher (yeah, remember that?)
ontd_political: Teabaggers think Jews should "stop whining" about the "Hollowcaust"
Anne Frank diary offends Lebanon's Hezbollah - Yahoo! News
The Lost Border: Photographs of the Iron Curtain By Brian Rose
Government's chief scientist backs David Nutt on cannabis - Telegraph
Cannabis use in Europe: Pot luck | The Economist
Op-Ed Columnist - Paranoia Strikes Deep - What all this shows is that the G.O.P. has been taken over by the people it used to exploit ... Something unprecedented is happening here — and it’s very bad for America.
Daily Kos: What the Stupak-Pitts Coathanger Amendment Does (64 Dems + all Republicans want you to die)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Unreliable Narration Amy Sullivan asserts that the Stupak-Pitts amendment was the result of "political malpractice" Sullivan's longstanding niche among the "Democrats need to do much more pandering to cultural reactionaries"
Daily Kos: Jack Reed: Snowe trigger still under discussion in Senate
Do or Die: The Six Senators Who Will Decide the Fate of Health Care Reform | TPMDC (that would be "die")
Polarized News? The Media's Moderate Bias - time ("balanced" article)
Club For Growth Backs Rubio | TPMDC In politics, money can buy you love. NYT Opinionator: Pam Spaulding = Glenn Beck (cause a blogger=Fox Network)
Murdoch could block Google searches entirely | Media | (and will hold his breath 'til he turns very deep red)
Rupert Murdoch, tech-genius, preparing for war with Google? | Media Matters for America
Google: Rupert Murdoch can block us if he wants to - Telegraph (Murdoch wants Google to pay for sending him free business)
Washington Times Executive Editor John Solomon Considering Options -- Including Resignation -- After Newsroom Shakeup | TPM LiveWire (hackitude +Moonie paper in trouble)
Did Mini-Controversy Over Review Of New Wash Times Publisher's Book Have Something To Do With Staff Shakeup? | TPM LiveWire
FDL News Desk » Senate Likely To Need 60 Votes To Insert Stupak Amendment Into Health Care Bill
FDL Action » NARAL Board Member Lincoln Chaffee Voted For Cloture On Alito - Anybody still wondering why NARAL didn’t start organizing pro-choice Dems on July 1, when Stupak wrote his first letter? Nah, me either.
FDL Action » Kucinich: “There Weren’t 14 Votes To Force Single Payer Vote, and Nobody Tried to Get Them”
Hullabaloo: Broken Rear-View Mirror (NARAL needs to hold Nancy Keenan accountable for being completely ineffectual +Amy Sullivan is an idiot, as usual +revenge for public option +women's right are politically optional)
The Jobless Rate for People Like You - Interactive Graphic -
Wall Street Bonuses Rise as Big 3 May Pay $30 Billion (Update1) -
Should the U.S. Continue Its Stimulus-Program Payouts? - time
Editorial - Jobless Recovery -
BBC - Earth News - First film of a 'giant' stingray
“SuperFreakonomics” and climate change : The New Yorker : Hosed: Is there a quick fix for the climate? (SuperFreakoWrong: Levitt and Dubner are full of horseshit)
RealClimate: An open letter to Steve Levitt
Russian Math, the Poincare Conjecture and Perelman - The strength of post-Soviet math stems from decades of lonely productivity
Vanished Persian Army Said Found in Desert : Discovery News
Polar Discovery :: Expeditions to the Polar Regions :: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Why fundamentalism will fail - The Boston Globe A seemingly unstoppable force is being undone from the inside
Breaking a Conspiracy of Silence - The New York Review of Books
Shakesville: The Survivor Thread
Watch Michael on “Men’s Room” - Michael Kaufman
The White Ribbon Campaign: The Seven P's Of Men's Violence
Utah School Suspends Girl for Nose Piercing, Highlights Culture Clash - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -
Data breach notifications one step closer to law... again - Ars Technica
Internet Virus Frames Users For Child Porn
Breaking: Google Acquires AdMob for $750 Million in Stock
Nokia N900: a computer in every pocket - Telegraph
Who Is a Jew? Court Ruling in Britain Raises Question -
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japanese protest against US base Thousands of people have protested on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa demanding the removal of a US military base there (2nd largest US occupation force)
Op-Ed Columnist - Call White House, Ask for Barack - (even Ol' Flathead is frustrated)
Picture Gallery Pop-Up
Lord Drayson: David Nutt's sacking has caused 'serious concern' in science world - Telegraph
Sweeping Health Care Plan Passes House - - Only one Republican, Representative Anh Cao of Louisiana, voted for the bill, and 39 Democrats opposed it (+no abortion coverage, Obama happy)
Daily Kos: 64 Democrats on the Wrong Side of Stupak-Pitts (to ban abortion coverage, with names +2 Ma Dems)
House backs anti-abortion amendment - Yahoo! News
Taylor Marsh: In Pelosi's House, 64 Democrats Sell Women Out
Hullabaloo Obama administration's willingness to entertain this "common ground" strategy on abortion rights and the president himself, like many of his elite male cohort, often gives the impression that women's rights are just another annoying special interest that has to stand in line with the sugar producers and the medical supply manufacturers to get "favors.
A History of Health Care Reform - Interactive Feature -
Graham: House Health Care Bill Would Die In Senate (video) (there you go)
House Democrats Pass Landmark Healthcare Bill with Lone GOP Vote --
MyDD :: Sweatshop Insurance: O'Boehner Care & the Northern Marianas
Rep. Ed Markey: G.O.P. Now Stands for Grandstand, Oppose and Pretend | Video Cafe
Dennis Kucinich Explains Why He Voted No On Affordable Health Care for America Act | Cleveland Leader
Guttmacher Institute Memo on Insurance Coverage of Abortion
House: Yes to Extreme Anti-Choice Politics, No to Women’s Health and Privacy (from NARAL, the folks who couldn't be bothered to support pro-choice candidates)
Planned Parenthood Condemns Passage Of Stupak/Pitts Amendment - Planned Parenthood (they're sending a strongly-worded letter)
Rep. Ed Markey: G.O.P. Now Stands for Grandstand, Oppose and Pretend | Video Cafe
DOJ Invokes State Secrets Privilege in Suit Challenging Surveillance
Op-Ed Columnist - The Night They Drove the Tea Partiers Down - (+Dems and Obama gut Sarbanes-Oxley: "it was “surreal” that Democrats were now achieving the long-held Republican goal of smashing “the golden chalice” of reform. If investors cannot have transparency, Levitt said, “the whole system is worthless.”
SNL Mocks Fox's Election Coverage, Glenn Beck's Spelling Problems (video)
Windfall Is Seen as Bank Bonuses Are Paid in Stock -
Seth Meyers & Amy Poehler Go Off On Goldman Sachs (video)
BBC NEWS | Business | Buffett firm sees profits triple
I'm doing 'God's work'. Meet Mr Goldman Sachs - Times Online (God hates poor people)
Generation specs: Stopping the short-sight epidemic - health - 06 November 2009 - New Scientist (glasses make you blind; use trifocals)
Op-Ed Columnist - Chemicals in Our Food, and Bodies -
Don't Feed the Animals: Evolution and Our Thought Process
Winner in Contest Involving Space Elevator -
Warning of extra heart dangers from mixing cocaine and alcohol | Society | The Observer A third chemical – cocaethylene – builds up in the liver over a number of years among those who mix the two drugs.
Painful Stories Take a Toll on Military Therapists -
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Real Oklahoma Students Ace Citizenship Exam; Strategic Vision Survey Was Likely Fabricated (Republicans making shit up and calling it facts)
Wal-Mart, Amazon, Target In DVD Price War
World's First iPhone Worm Rick-Rolls Wallpaper - Sophos Labs Insights Blog - Dark Reading
How To Post To Twitter From Google Wave ~ Web Upd8
Getting Started With Content Management Systems - Smashing Magazine
How To Add A Successful Amazon Store To Your Blog
7 Things To Do After Installing Windows 7
Five Best Antivirus Applications - antivirus - Lifehacker
Photo Book Review, Photo Book Printers, Photo Book Software: Find the Right Photo Book Printer for You
Join the Mineral Makeup Mutiny!
About New York - Raphael Golb’s Aliases Enlivened Debate Over Dead Sea Scrolls - (criminalization of sock-puppets)
English Russia » Russian Flying Fortresses
Charlotte'S Web Of Familial Awkwardness
YouTube - wariolandshakeit2008's Channel
Milk Men - A Mad Men Parody | TV & Movie Spoofs | Spoofs | Atom
"I Love You, Mr. Star Wars" And Other Famous Movie Quotes - Supercuts - Videogum
People Doing Stuff is Today's BIG Thing - NOV 05, 2009
More Than 25 Wounded in Afghan Firefight - CBS News (for nothing)
Prospect of More U.S. Troops Worries Afghan Public - (your corrupt military)
Afghanistan: Groundhog day | Comment is free | The Guardian The dimensions of the unfolding disaster in Afghanistan are becoming bigger and more daunting by the day.
Prospect of More U.S. Troops Worries Afghan Public -
On U.S Middle East Policy and Amateurism | TPMCafe (the audacity of incompetence)
US refuses to budge over climate change deal - Telegraph The US has refused to sign up to a deal on climate change unless poorer countries also cut levels of pollution
The Berlin Wall: 20 Years Later - The Berlin Wall Through Time - Interactive Feature -
Supreme Court to Hear Appeals on Juveniles’ Life Sentences - There are just over 100 people in the world serving sentences of life without the possibility of parole for crimes they committed as juveniles in which no one was killed. All are in the United States. And 77 of them are here in Florida (Jeb Bush's little Gulag)
Health Care Vote: Latest Updates
FDL Action » And the Catholic Bishops Endorse! A Special Thank-You To Planned Parenthood and NARAL (Catholic Bishops control health care reform)
Booman Tribune ~ Price for Health Care, Women Under Bus (Bart Stupak wants you to die: "I didn't realize that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops was a political party with elected officials in Congress. Now I know.")
Think Progress » GOP Gone Wild: Unruly Republicans Silence Women Lawmakers With Screams, Shouts, And Delay Tactics (getting ugly)
MyDD :: Owens Affirms Support for Healthcare Reform Bill
No More Mister Nice Blog - Free-Floating Rage, Desperately Seeking A Target
Chickenhawk Tancredo storms off set after Markos confronts him on veterans health care - Daily Kos TV (beta)
Michele Bachmann's Stock On The Rise After Her 'Super Bowl Of Freedom' | TPMDC
Patriot Games: GOP Reps Pick Tea Party Rally Over National-Security Votes | TPMMuckraker
How About Starting Now to Reclaim America from the Muslims? Let’s get all of the socialistic liberals out of our Congress (round up all Muslims)
Fox Host: Should Military Have Special Screenings For Muslim Troops? | TPM LiveWire
TBogg » Bart Stupak is at play in the fields of your fertility (controlling your uterus)
On the Hill - In Republican District, National Party Takes a Hit - (but everything is supposed to be good for Conservatives)
The Republican Party Has Failed–And That’s Not Good For Anyone |
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » They Got Nothing… Except the Media (media is a center-right nation)
San Francisco News - No Justice - Despite Obama's promises of change, corporate crooks are still going unpunished for their roles in the financial collapse. (no accountability administration)
U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis (military eats 70% of budget)
Editorial - A Bad Way to Spend Money -
Treasury Blocks the Sale of Tax Credits by Fannie -
FDIC: Press Releases - East West Bank, Pasadena, California Assumes All the Deposits of United Commercial Bank, San Francisco, California
Broader Measure of Unemployment Stands at 17.5% - (1 in 6 Americans will never have a job again)
Calculated Risk: TARP Loses $299 million Investment in United Commercial Bank (more TARP success!)
Signature Of Antimatter Detected In Lightning / Science News Fermi telescope finds evidence that positrons, not just electrons, are in storms on Earth
Martian landscapes - The Big Picture -
Newborns Cry With An Accent, Study Finds - ABC News Newborns Cry With the Melody of Their Parent's Language
Will You Read This Post? | Psychology Today
Seafarers' disease: Scurvy on rise among children due to lack of vitamin C in diet | Mail Online
Male Breast Cancer - Sun Sentinel
H.R. 2943: Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act of 2009 (
Motorola DROID review (Verizon Wireless) - Nerd World -
The Risks Digest Volume 25: Issue 82 - Accessing your legacy
Google Wave vs Twitter at conferences | FreshNetworks Blog
Google Music Search: 3 Major Implications for the Music Business
Security Fix - Poking at Google's new privacy Dashboard
Ten gadgets to make Google Wave more productive - and fun!
11 Top Open-source Resources for Cloud Computing
About Face: Unbelievably Hilarious Face Painting Art | WebUrbanist
110609 - serving the caged prisoners in Guantanamo Bay
YouTube - Justice Denied: Voices from Guantanamo
Public support for Afghan strategy plummets: poll - Yahoo! News (UK)
BBC NEWS | Africa | Somali adulterer stoned to death Islamists in southern Somalia have stoned a man to death for adultery but spared his pregnant girlfriend until she gives birth.
New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage | HarvardScience
Deaths by Congressional District (Google Docs)
Dennis Kucinich “Why Is It We Have Finite Resources For Health Care But Unlimited Money For War? at MOX NEWS
Alan Grayson, the Liberals’ Problem Child - (+idiotic -Safiresque - useage of "wingnut")
Op-Ed Columnist - Unhealthy America - - Richard Shelby, R,AL: We have the greatest health care system in the world (!)
Open Left:: Only fiscal conservatives would say we can't afford to reduce the deficit (go Blue Dogs)
FDL Action » AFL-CIO Threatens To Cut $ to ConservaDems Who Don’t Vote for Health Care - As individuals, the 52 Blue Dogs have received the plurality of their 2009 campaign contributions from a traditional Democratic ally: organized labor (biting the hand, go Blue Dogs)
FDL Action » Marcy Winograd: Jane Harman Profits From Anti-Generics Amendment She Helped Eshoo Pass
Hullabaloo: Mainstream (Queen Olympia says Americans are totally out of touch with mainstream America)
Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. -
Report: 237 millionaires in Congress - Erika Lovley -
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Independent Voters and Empty Explanations
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Conservatives Complain About The Oppression Of White Men On The Bench.
WND falsely claimed alleged Fort Hood shooter "advised Obama transition" | Media Matters for America
Jon Stewart Does Glenn Beck: Touts Conspiracy Theories, Cries (video)
The 12 Most Offensive Signs From Bachmann's Tea Party
No one said freedom was pretty
Fables of the reconstruction: Can't Blame Black People For Gay-Rights Defeat This Time
Hitches: Cheap Laughs - The Atlantic - The smug satire of liberal humorists debases our comedy—and our national conversation. (October 2009) (Hitch the Bitch being himself + "debases" muhahaha)
Victim In Fatal Car Accident Tragically Not Glenn Beck | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Obama’s trap - Paul Krugman Blog -
Reed Says ‘I’m Sorry’ for Role in Creating Citigroup (Update1) - Lawmakers were wrong to repeal the Depression-era Glass- Steagall Act in 1999, Reed said (Phil Graham, etc)
The Seminal » Does Obama Have an Economic Team? Where’s Their Jobs Program? (yes, if you count Larry Summers, and nowhere)
Matthew Yglesias » Nelson: Bad Economy Means We Should Wreck Economy, Destroy Planet, Let Health Care Languish
Unemployment Rate Hits 10 Percent For The First Time Since 1983
Civil War In Corporate America: Banks Battling The Chamber On Accounting Rules
Banks Thwarting Feinberg Pay Model by Changing Bonus Formulas -
Elizabeth Warren: We Rescued The Top Of The System, Left The Bottom To Fend For Itself (video)
BBC NEWS | Business | Fannie Mae asks for another $15bn
NFP/Unemployment Charts Get Fugly | The Big Picture (average weekly hours worked declines 7%)
Ukraine epidemic kills 109 - World - Javno Meanwhile, an expert from the World Health Organisation suggested that thousands more patients in Ukraine's hospitals could be infected. | Weight of the World (Raw Image)
Medical News: Gene Therapy Arrests ALD Progression - in Genetics, Genetics from MedPage Today using a viral vector derived from HIV
7 Most Massive Single Meteorites on Earth
Desiree Jennings "cured" of her "vaccine-induced dystonia"? : Respectful Insolence
Dana Ullman: The Amazing Story Of Charles Darwin And His Homeopathic Doctor
Book Review - 'What the Dog Saw - And Other Adventures,' by Malcolm Gladwell - Stephen Pinker - Review - (the Igon Value Problem) Pinker on "What the Dog Saw."
Have you done your 10,000 hours? - The Globe and Mail
Your Lying Eyes: Pinker on Jews, Genes and Intelligence
Gladwell for Dummies ("Such are the contradictions that seem to riddle not just Gladwell's thinking but the thinking on Gladwell's thinking, and perhaps even the thinking on thinking on that ...")
Information Processing: Annals of psychometry: IQs of eminent scientists
Hugh M. Hill; weaved stories as Brother Blue - The Boston Globe
Scamville: The Social Gaming Ecosystem Of Hell
Done Deal: eBay Settles Skype Lawsuit, Founders Return
Big cable: move millions from phone subsidies to broadband - Ars Technica Home Page
YouTube - experiencere's Channel
YouTube ~ My boyfriend is the PRESIDENT.
How Everything Goes to Hell During a Zombie Apocalypse - The Oatmeal -
Gaza, Gilad Shalit, Hamas, and Israel : The New Yorker What really happened during the Israeli attacks? (no war crimes here; call AIPAC)
Doctors And Detainees: A documentary and informational website about the controversial role of health care professionals in national security intelligence (torture docs)
BBC NEWS | Health | 'The population is with me' The man at the heart of the row over the relationship between politics and science appeared relaxed and unrepentant (David Nutt)
Glenn Greenwald - Criminal convictions of 22 CIA agents in Italy - The accountability imposed by another country for the CIA's kidnapping and torture reveals much about our own
Budget Monitor Says G.O.P. Bill Leaves Many Uninsured - Prescriptions Blog - - would extend insurance coverage to about 3 million people by 2019, and would leave about 52 million people uninsured (CBO: Republican Alternative Covers Fewer People Than Are Uninsured In Texas Alone)
The Washington Monthly: Weak Knees Keep Shaking ("The party should take "yes" for an answer.)
Hullabaloo: About Last Night
Mayhill Fowler: Bittergate: The Untold Story of the 2008 Campaign (Obama accidentally told the truth)
Limbaugh on HBO Obama documentary: "If a documentary could get anal poisoning, this one could" | Media Matters for America (Limbaugh's asshole fixation)
Beck newsletter claims show about alien invasion seems "based on exactly what Glenn has been saying about progressives" | Media Matters for America (confusing progressives with Dick Cheney)
Michele Bachmann Tells Supporters To "Scare" Congress At Protest (bring their automatic weapons)
Think Progress » Michael Steele Takes On Palin, Limbaugh: ‘Your Opinion Really Doesn’t Matter Much’
Ezra Klein - Remember ol' Dixie (death of the South as a model for American politics)
Matthew Yglesias » What Does a Focus on Jobs Mean? (Congress can't do two things at once +Blanche Lincoln's single-track small mind)
Lobbyists, Guns and Babies: NRA Pushes Adoption Bill | NBC Miami NRA: quit asking prospective parents if they have guns & ammo
Glenn Greenwald - - Stephanopoulos and Ledeen: together in the most accountability-free profession (Stephepooponyoulus)
Judge: State can press for disclosure of donors | Portland Press Herald The attorney general now challenges the Yes on 1 group to open its records.
The Other Gay-Rights Vote: Why Referendum 71 in Washington Matters - The Gaggle Blog -
Pam's House Blend:: A few words on Maine and the dying hog of homophobia
A Gay Catholic Now? - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan After Maine, where the Catholic church actually organized a second collection to raise money to prevent gay people from having civil rights, the situation shifts again. - Live From Hell's Kitchen call this campaign against us what it is - Gay Apartheid ("We have poured over $100,000,000 in the last two years into efforts where Americans feel it is there obligation to vote on our freedom.")
Marriage-Only Forces Don't Help Today's Families
ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report (517K)
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Those lucrative interest-rate hedges | Blogs | if the likes of Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs are making billions on these swaps, who’s on the other side of the trade? Who lost billions of dollars by swapping floating into fixed? Call it the Summers trade
At Goldman Sachs, It's Mostly $100 Million Days (why Corzine lost, among other things)
GOP Folds On Unemployment Benefits Fight: 14-Week Extension Passes (the party of Scrooge)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect How Obama Can Convince Congress to Enact a Larger Stimulus, and Why He Must.
Federal Reserve Loses Expanded Powers Proposed By Obama Administration (who thought this one up, Larry "The Failure" Summers?)
Top Bailout Recipients Spent $71 Million On Lobbying In Year Since Bailout (well?)
Does Vitamin D Improve Brain Function?: Scientific American
Giant crack in Africa formed in just days - environment - 04 November 2009 - New Scientist
Baguette Dropped From Bird's Beak Shuts Down The Large Hadron Collider (Really) | Popular Science
When antiscience kills: dowsing edition | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Darwinian evolutionary theory will help find alien life, says Nasa
Maggwire: Experience magazines online.
Study Finds Social Media is Actually Social
Windows 7 vulnerable to 8 out of 10 viruses | Chester Wisniewski's Blog
Brit blog names iPhone 'world's worst' - Apple 2.0 - Fortune Brainstorm Tech
Official Google Blog: Transparency, choice and control — now complete with a Dashboard!
Berlin Wall Legend Shattered - The Daily Beast New revelations in Germany have shattered the official story on how the wall came down 20 years ago. Far from a spontaneous protest, it was a carefully planned government plot.
Italy Convicts 23 Americans In CIA Terrorist Kidnapping Case: in absentia of the 2003 kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric from a Milan street, in a landmark case involving the CIA's extraordinary rendition program in the war on terrorism.
We still torture: The new evidence from Guantánamo—By Luke Mitchell (Harper's Magazine) (Obama now owns torture)
Mitchell-Torture.pdf (liberated from Harper's paywall)
Iraq Swears by Bomb Detector U.S. Sees as Useless -
Captured Photo Collection » Ian Fisher : American Soldier Photos
PolitiFact | The Obameter: Tracking Barack Obama's Campaign Promises
Official Obama Administration Scandals List - Page One 1-50 | Conservative American (800+ scandals and counting!)
Election 2009: Virginia, New Jersey Exit Polls - From Obama to the Economy - ABC News
Virginia Governor's Race 2009: McDonnell Beats Deeds
Daily Kos: Tonight's big lesson: preliminary numbers (at least in Virginia) show that GOP turnout remained the same as last year, but Democratic turnout collapsed (good news for Blue-Dogs!)
Maine Gay Marriage Vote: Voters Repeal Law Legalizing Gay Marriage (boycott Maine!)
Maine says 'NO to Same Sex Marriage - YES TO POT!' - What's a Boy To Do
Eschaton: Let's Cancel The NFL Season Too (Glennzilla: "Indeed, it was not all that long ago when Broderian trans-partisan fetishists were holding up that same oligarch as the ideal presidential candidate who would finally and single-handedly vanquish America's messy and unpleasant political disputes.")
Glenn Greenwald - - Bloomberg’s meager five-point win left Democrats pondering what might have been if New York’s Democratic donors hadn’t turned their back on Thompson, if its politicians had worked for him, and most of all if President Barack Obama had offered anything more than the lamest words of praise.
NY 23 Election Results: Bill Owens Beats Doug Hoffman (good news for Conservatives!)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Crist, you know it ain’t easy (Erick, son of Erick: "The race has now been called for Democrat Bill Owens. This is a huge win for conservatives."
FDL Action » Lessons Learned in VA and NJ: Is Rahm Emanuel Orchestrating 2010 Democratic Massacre? (the heart of the problem)
Senate moderates wield influence to seek changes to health-care reform - Wielding key votes, centrist lawmakers seek changes to legislation (Dem "moderates" pushing triggers, want to kill public option, Rahm onboard, no lessons learned)
Outline of Republicans’ Health Care Vision - (a year, and that's it?)
G.O.P. Counters With a Health Plan of Its Own - - Democratic leaders acknowledged that Senate floor debate on their bill was likely to slip to December, making it virtually impossible for Congress to achieve President Obama’s goal of enacting major health legislation this year.
CNN Poll: Majority Of Southerners Says Obama Has Done Better Job Than Bush | The Plum Line
Think Progress » Diane Sawyer Uses Glenn Beck To Attack Al Gore For Not Eating ‘Tofurkey’
Mark Ndesandjo, Obama's Half Brother, Recalls Their Abusive Father
Chris Matthews' big, fat hypocrisy | Media Matters for America (not to say obsessional fetish, these guys are all nuts)
Matthew Yglesias » Reconstruction for the USA (“over the past decade you’ve spent $1 trillion on Iraq and Afghanistan, we’ve spent $1 trillion building the future of China.”, you stupid fucks)
House Panel Votes To Permanently Exempt Small Firms From Part Of Post-Enron Law (another "win" for Rahmbo: permanently exempt more than half of all publicly traded companies from a seven-year-old post-Enron measure designed to prevent fraud.
Calculated Risk: ABI: Personal Bankruptcy Filings Increase in October
Congress Poised to Keep Homebuyers’ Tax Credit -
APOD: 2009 November 4 - Blue Sun Bristling
PLoS ONE: Fellatio by Fruit Bats Prolongs Copulation Time
Military Censorship of Photographs in World War I | Secrecy News
Plea Deal Expected for Kerik, Ex-New York Police Leader -
Breckenridge, Colorado voters legalize marijuana, paraphernalia | Raw Story
Six bodies on Cleveland's East Side draw attention from around the globe
Time gap in investigation of rape complaint against Anthony Sowell questioned
Finger-Pointing at Police in Ohio Murders - The Early Show - CBS News Kin of Possible Victim of Alleged Cleveland Serial Killer Say Cops Were Callous; Was Stench from Suspect's Home Ignored?
Picked From a Lineup, on a Whiff of Evidence -
Difficulties for Prosecutors in Trial of Sect Leader -
YouTube - Cops Taser Man With His Hands Already On Police Car
YouTube - How to Worship
Michael Geist - The ACTA Internet Chapter: Putting the Pieces Together
Secret copyright treaty leaks. It's bad. Very bad. - Boing Boing (another Obama "business friendly" disaster)
Topsy gives tough competition to Tweetmeme and OneRiots in Real Time Search
Papercraft Self Portrait - Art Portfolio for Eric Testroete (on the verge of the uncanny valley)
Nurphy - online conversations
Afghanistan: West hails Hamid Karzai as 'legitimate' president - Telegraph
BBC NEWS | Europe | EU reform treaty passes last test Czech President Vaclav Klaus has signed the EU's Lisbon Treaty, the final step in the charter's ratification.
Russia Tries, Once Again, to Rein in Vodka Habit -
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Fiji bars NZ and Australia envoys
Yes, scientists do much good. But a country run by these arrogant gods of certainty would truly be hell on earth | Mail Online (rightwing hates science)
This Mob Is Big in Japan - - "We don't have a RICO Act," he explained. "We don't have plea-bargaining, a witness-protection program or witness-relocation program."
Arianna Huffington: Obama One Year Later: The Audacity of Winning vs. The Timidity of Governing
The Washington Monthly: Taking The Model On The Road.... In New York's 23rd, it was the Republican Party vs. the Republican Party's base.
John Fund fabricates evidence of voter fraud in NJ | Media Matters for America (it's what they do)
The myth of Fox News' ratings spike | Media Matters for America - Another example of the Beltway press not letting the facts get in the way of a good story? - There was no viewer stampede toward Fox News.
Phew! Time's Joe Klein also thinks WH battle with Fox News is bad idea | Media Matters for America - Time's Joe Klein officially agrees with virtually every other political pundit on the planet: fact-checking Fox News is a really, really bad idea.
Reid reassures left Lieberman on board -
Republicans Are Poised for Gains in Key Elections - Outcomes in New York, New Jersey and Virginia Are Unlikely to Forecast Much About National Races in 2010, History Shows
YouTube - John Green's Thought Bubble: Health Care Overhaul (Summarized Via Massive Pig)
As GOP Holds Up Unemployment Extension, Nearly 200,000 Lose Their Benefits (the party of the white working man)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect | Dean Baker: If Fox went over Goldman with the same energy it pursued Acorn, no one in Congress would go within a mile of its lobbyists.
How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash | McClatchy
Goldman takes on new role: taking away people's homes | McClatchy
Mystery: Why did Goldman stop scrutinizing loans it bought? | McClatchy
Berkshire Bets on U.S. With Purchase of Railroad - DealBook Blog -
RBS, Lloyds Get $51 Billion in Second Bank Bailout (NHS budget is $100 Bn) -
Super Freaky Economist Continues to Mislead on Climate Issues
Why couldn't we tell that the balloon boy's parents were faking their distress? - By Chris Wilson - Slate Magazine
Speed Limit To The Pace Of Evolution, Biologists Say
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Homeopathy is Crap, vol. MMCVIV
Fight the intrusion of quackery and religious woo in health care reform : Respectful Insolence
Naomi Starkman: Tests Find Wide Range of Bisphenol A in Canned Soups, Juice, and More
Enzyme eats scar tissue that blocks rat spine repair | Health | Reuters
The Layoff Parade: Teen Vogue, Details, Forbes, Time Inc. - Media - Gawker
Crumbling Newspaper in Crumbling City Crumbling Ethically - Media - Gawker
Nat Geo Layoffs - National Geographic - Gawker
Laid-Off Vanity Fair Staffers Can Clean Graydon Carter's Stockroom - Graydon Carter - Gawker
Memories for Life
Do digital diaries mess up your brain? -
Chatological Humor (+my nominee for The Worst Style Story of All Time) -
Destination: Argleton! Visiting an imaginary place « Walking Home to 50
Nokia Should Dump U.S. Smartphone Business, Sell Netbooks Instead | BNET Technology Blog | BNET
Yahoo Open Sources Traffic Server
Karzai Gets New Term as Afghan Runoff Is Scrapped -
Afghan Runoff Election Canceled, Commission Says (Karzai wins corrupt election)
News Analysis - With Karzai, U.S. Faces Weak Partner in Time of War -
Matthew Hoh Interviewed By Zakaria: 60,000 Troops In Afghanistan Won't Defeat Al Qaida (Video)
Jon Krakauer: McChrystal's Explanation For Pat Tillman Cover-up Is "Preposterous" (liar in charge of Afganistan surge)
Al Qaeda's Man in Afghanistan
Attackerman » How Dare Those Iranian Dissidents Not Be Neocons! The opposition is “unlovely” for not embracing everything that the American right wants to do to Iran (oh, those WaPo neo-cons)
Glenn Greenwald - An Israeli columnist issues a scathing indictment of Israel and calls on the U.S. to apply pressure (what can't be said in America)
Drug adviser rolled over cannabis claims - ABC News (the government is ignoring science in favour of popular myths)
Space arms race 'an inevitability' | The Daily Telegraph China air force commander has called the militarisation of space an "historical inevitability"
Who's in Big Brother's Database? - The New York Review of Books (James Bamford)
Democrats' Quiet Changes Pile Up -
Emptywheel » FBI’s Robert Mueller Still Engaging in an Anthrax Cover-Up
Cheney FBI Interview: 72 Instances of Can't Recall - ABC News
Emptywheel » Cheney’s Betrayal Made an IIPA Charge for Libby Possible
Emptywheel » Isikoff Doubles Down on His Anonymous Leak from Cheney’s Lawyer
Paul Craig Roberts: The US as Failed State - The Super Rich are Laughing
Think Progress » Bush on bin Laden: ‘I guess he is not dead.’ (clown-boy)
Ezra Klein - An insurance industry CEO explains why American health care costs so much
Hatch: Healthcare reform bills threaten survival of two-party system - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Biden: I'm in a 'gaffe-free zone' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room "I’m getting better, guys. I’m getting a little bit better, you know what I mean?"
Limbaugh: We can say Scozzafava is "guilty of widespread bestiality; she has screwed every RINO in the country" | Media Matters for America
Conservatives take aim at leaders, Crist, other races - Print View
Are Moderates No Longer Welcome In The Republican Party?
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect - Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation knew nothing - Lieberman happily proclaimed that he would prefer no reform to reform that included the public option
Conyers: Obama Is Sucking Up To The Wrong People | Crooks and Liars President Barack Obama is “getting bad advice from… clowns” on Afghanistan and “sucking up to the wrong people” on health care,
Food Stamps Will Feed Half Of US Kids, Study Says
White House Quietly Working To Weaken Investor Protection (that and the public option; civil rights and the war are off the table)
Locke ‘Imprecise’ in Comments on Stimulus, His Spokesman Says -
Goldman takes on new role: taking away people's homes | McClatchy
Dylan Ratigan: Why Keep Geithner?
Maria Cantwell: I'm "Not Sure" Why Geithner Still Has Job (Videoa)
Frank Splits With Obama on Fund, May Face Fight With Some Firms - (Obama wants infinite money for failed banksters)
Matt Taibbi - Taibblog – Forget Galleon: What about Goldman’s ex-boss? - True/Slant
CIT to Test Speed of Bankruptcy Court - DealBook Blog -
FT Alphaville » Blog Archive » Your CMBS tranche is in the mail
Mexico’s Año Horrible: Global Crisis Stings Economy - Southwest Economy, Third Quarter 2009 - FRB Dallas
Latvia's Tiger Economy Loses Its Bite
Daily Kos: H1N1 Status Report/a>
Gene therapy repairs injured human donor lungs for the first time
U-M Research Shows Chronically Ill Patients Might Be Happier if They Give Up Hope | Reuters
How green is your pet? - environment - 23 October 2009 - New Scientist
Houses of the Future - The Atlantic (November 2009)
Maine to vote on gay marriage -
AMERICAblog Gay | A great people deserve their rights: OFA tells Mainers to get out and vote without mentioning anti-gay ballot measure
Marine leads 'Don't ask, don't tell' fight - Washington Times (your military at work)
Washington Post Employees Now Just Beating Each Other Up At Work (". It's the second worst story I have seen in Style in 43 years.")
Church Online: Believers Can Worship On Web, 'Click To Accept Christ' (logical conclusion of Christianity)
Varick Street Detention Center Assailed by Bar Group - (privitisation: shareholders interests come first)
Two biographies of Ayn Rand. - By Johann Hari - Slate Magazine The perverse allure of a damaged woman.
Last Days of Gourmet
Gourmet Covers
TV Finds That a Mortal Foe, the DVR, Is Really a Best Friend - (they changed their minds)
Comcast Said to Be Close to Controlling NBC Universal -
Dive Deeper into Wave - The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave
Google Book Scanning: Global Antitrust Battle Heats Up - Time
Steeev's Flickr Projects - Greasemonkey scripts, RSS Feeds and other Fun Stuff
Skype will be Open Source | We love Linux !
Bank Notes: a collection of Bank Robbery Notes
Random Weed Name Generator
America, stop sucking up to Israel - Haaretz - Israel News (clutch your pearls and call AIPAC and Abe Foxman)
Karzai Rival Said to Be Planning to Quit Runoff - (corrupt election)
VOA News - Dalai Lama Accuses China of Misleading World About Tibet
Hillary Finally Doffs Her Burqa - The Daily Beast she found it "hard to believe that nobody in your government knows where they [al Qaeda] are and couldn't get them if they really wanted to”
British nuclear expert¿s 17th floor UN death plunge ¿was not suicide¿ | Mail Online
Suspect in Iraq bombings kills investigator -
BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Government drugs adviser resigns
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Australia oil well catches fire An oil well at the centre of a massive spill in the Timor Sea off the north west coast of Australia is on fire.
Emptywheel » If It’s [Was] Friday, It Must Be State Secrets, Hiding Abuse of Power, in the 9th Circuit (Obama's cloak of secrecy)
After all the fuss, public health plan covers few - (Republicans and Blue-Dogs went nuts over a 2% solution)
Matthew Yglesias » White Men Are Not Very Progressive (Arkansas and Mississippi: 5-9% of white men voted for Obama)
GOPer Scozzafava Endorses Dem In NY-23 Race | TPM LiveWire
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Scozzafava's Supporters Like Obama, Dislike Hoffman and Owens
Fox Gives Rush Limbaugh 30 Minutes To Tee Off On Obama (Video)
Obama Was Not Born in U.S., Republicans Say: Angus Reid Global Monitor (insane+crazy)
Lieberman: Public Option Is A Big 'Mistake' -- That I'll Filibuster | TPM LiveWire (he saw his chance to fuck everybody and took it)
Jarrett: GOP Leaders 'More And More Extreme And More And More Marginalized' | TPM LiveWire
CIT Nears Bankruptcy Filing - Government Infusion of $2.3 Billion at Risk
Geithner On Meet The Press: Worried Banks May Be Too Timid (more risk!)
How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash | McClatchy ($40 Bn heist)
Second chance for Large Hadron Collider to deliver universe's secrets | Science | The Observer
Meet the real 40-year-old virgins - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist - He is a church-going teetotaller who has neither been to jail nor served in the military
Exploring The Final Frontier: Disease Proposed As Major Barrier To Mars And Beyond
APOD: 2009 November 1 -The Average Color of the Universe (beige)
It doesn't make sense to charge fat people higher insurance premiums. - By Daniel Engber - Slate Magazine Congress toys with a silly plan to make Americans lose weight.
Dana Ullman: The Epidemic Of 'Medical Child Abuse' And What Can Be Done
Observations: TED MED: The Power of the Mind over the Body
Broadsheet - - Natalie Portman's vegan vendetta: The actress takes a stand against meat -- and puts her foot in her mouth
The Silent Scream of the Asparagus
Stressed plants cry for help - 08 March 1997 - New Scientist
Hard to Swallow - The Atlantic (September 2007)
Consolidated / Carol Adams : ‘The Sexual Politics of Meat’ at slackbastard
All Animals Are Equal, by Peter Singer
News Room - Drug shows promise in treating dangerous complication of erectile disorder (anti-viagra)
The Seminal » Problems with Tasers and Arming Police with Them (bad publicity for Taser Int + "Sgt. Crowley was never told by his superiors that what he did was stupid, inappropriate, and excessive."
Why Your Stadium Sucks: Yankee Stadium - Why your stadium sucks - Deadspin
MLB Salaries -
HikiCulture - a forum for reclusive people
The Horror - Features - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper
Motorola Droid Review - Motorola Droid vs Palm Pre vs iPhone Analysis - Popular Mechanics
Hands-On: Google's Music Search Is Just So-So - PC World
Official Google Blog: Making search more musical
New Honeypot Mimics The Web Vulnerabilities Attackers Want To Exploit - DarkReading
15 Free Guides That Really Teach You USEFUL Stuff
Slashdot Submission | Apple says booting OS X makes an unauthorized copy (iJobs is insane+Apple admits to selling copyright-infringment machine)
Stephen Sondheim's Crossword Puzzles
1,000 U.S. troops wounded in Afghanistan in past 3 months - U.S. combat injuries rise sharply (ObamaWar!)
Abdullah May Pull Out Of Afghan Runoff (which is rigged)
Sacked drugs adviser accuses Gordon Brown of meddling in cannabis decision | Politics | Professor David Nutt warns resignations may result from prime minister's 'absurd' stance on reclassification
The 'Bright Line Rule': New Papers Detail FBI, CIA Wrangle Over Torture
Ed Schultz: Obama Would "Sell His Soul" For GOP Support On Health Care (Obama was backstabbing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid)
Dede Scozzafava, Republican, Quits House Race in Upstate New York -
Jon Stewart calls Fox out: “Not even close to news” - Daily Kos TV (beta)
Democrats Push for Plan to Cut Deficit - - bipartisan commission that could force tax increases and spending cuts (that will be really popular)
Think Progress » Rep. DeFazio: ‘I Think Obama Is Ill-Advised By Larry Summers. Larry Summers Hates Infrastructure’ - "They want to have a consumer-driven recovery. We need an investment- and productivity-driven recovery for this country, a long-term recovery."
Injunction Sought to Keep A.I.G. Assets in State -
Schools Are Where Stimulus Saved Jobs, New Data Show - (someone call Queen Olympia)
Inhibitors of Important Tuberculosis Survival Mechanism Identified Compounds that kill dormant pathogen while sparing human cells could lead to new drugs
Bizarre Bubbles Invade the Ocean Floor
16-Year Old Got Life Without Parole for Killing Her Abusive Pimp -- Should Teens Be Condemned to Die in Jail? | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet
Woman Loses Job Due to Error in FBI Criminal Database | Threat Level |
Teens Sue School Over Punishment For Racy MySpace Pics (petty dictators trying to control kids lives)
proust is damn funny | More Intelligent Life
LRB · Jenny Diski · Diary (Polanski)
World Affairs Journal - The Cosmopolitan Tongue: The Universality of English
Google's Eric Schmidt on What the Web Will Look Like in 5 Years (Chinese)
Google Redefines Disruption: The “Less Than Free” Business Model «
On The Internet, Nobody Knows You're Not In The USA -
Jon Stewart Creates Sea Change on Middle East Coverage | TPMCafe (someone finally spoke the truth; someone call Abe Foxman; AIPAC already on the case)
Michigan Raid Reveals a Mysterious Islamic Sect - The Detroit Blog -
Unidentified flue outbreak in Western Ukraine. Photo
Government drug adviser David Nutt sacked | Politics | Professor David Nutt asked to resign after his claims that ecstasy and LSD were less dangerous than alcohol
Tikkun Magazine - Noam Chomsky on Torture Memos & Historical Amnesia (flaw in "The City on the Hill")
Obama signs bills for record Pentagon, Homeland Security spending
White House announces end to HIV travel ban | 44 |
White House Releases Visitors List; Help Us Look Through It
Cheney Told FBI He Had No Idea Who Leaked Plame Identity
Emptywheel » Bush’s July 7, 2003 Discussion about Wilson
ABC News Poll: More Americans Prefer Public Option to Bipartisan Bill - Political Punch (someone break the news to Queen Olympia)
Krugman - The Defining Moment - - O.K., folks, this is it. It’s the defining moment for health care reform (will "Centrists" kill reform?)
Yet Another Public Option Poll Puts A Wavering Dem On The Spot (the focus shifts to Princess Blanche)
Seven members of House defense subcommittee scrutinized by ethics investigators - Nearly half the members of a powerful House subcommittee in control of Pentagon spending are under scrutiny by ethics investigators in Congress,
Hullabaloo: Priorities: not one Republican would co-sponsor "National Hispanic Media Week" (teabaggers hate Hispanics)
Glenn Greenwald - - "What journalists are supposed to do" - David Brooks passes on the claims of his invisible friends - In a shocking coincidence, the views of these unnamed, handpicked, anonymous "experts" all happen to coincide perfectly with Brooks's own warrior views
The Seminal » Forget Levi – Celtic Diva Corners Sarah Palin
Pa. high court tosses 'tainted' juvenile cases | Philadelphia Inquirer | Pennsylvania Supreme Court yesterday tossed out thousands of juvenile court cases that were "tainted" by an alleged kickback scheme involving a former Luzerne County judge
Steven M. Gillon: A New Wrinkle in the JFK Assassination Story
7th-Grader: Obama, Most US Presidents Related - Central Coast News Story - KSBW The Central Coast
The Associated Press: Texas law on children seeing porn being challenged
Growth and jobs - Paul Krugman Blog -
Foreclosures Growing in Suburbs and Secondary, says RealtyTrac : HousingWire || financial news for the mortgage market
Average Housing Prices in the US | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
Fox News Poll: Most Blame Bush for Economy « The Washington Independent (signs of intelligence in America)
Underground CERN: it’s Half-Life in real-life « CERN Love
Collection: The Maskatorium
Hulu not switching to a pay site -- rest easy, web watchers |
Google's Creepy Social Search - Reviews by PC Magazine
Video: Exclusive - Anna Baltzer & Mustafa Barghouti Extended Interview Pt. 1 | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Reddit! Jon Stewart needs your support! : (Israeli Lobby goes postal on Jon Stewart)
Afghanistan - A soldier with the Russian army in Afghanistan recounts what they believed about their mission
Obama Signs $680 Billion Military Bill, a Victory Over Lobbyists -
The New Operations Manual from the F.B.I. - The New York Times (everyone is a suspect)
FDL Action » Blue Dogs Win Huge Victory For The Health Insurance Industry (game over)
The House Health Care Bill: Read It (Conservative wrote it, Obama spents zero political capital on it!)
Blue Dogs aren't there yet on new House health bill | McClatchy
House Health Care Bill Being Unveiled Thursday After Concessions
Affordable Health Care for America Act | EdLabor Journal | Committee on Education and Labor
Daily Kos: Pelosi: House Bill is a "Manifestation of Rejecting Business as Usual"
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The Best Legislators Money Can Buy - Evan Bayh, bought and paid for in full for the price of two million bucks. What a country.
Report Backs White House Claim Of $700 Billion In Wasteful Health Spending - NPR Health Blog : NPR
Truth Emerges about the Public Option : CJR
Lack of health care led to 17,000 US child deaths - Yahoo! News (boo-hoo says insurance corps)
Jon Stewart Takes On Media, Lieberman Over Public Option (video)
Firedoglake » Early Morning Swim: Glenn Greenwald and Rachel Maddow Take Down Joe Lieberman
FDL Action » How The House’s Public Option Might Differ From The Senate’s
Reid, on Floor, Excoriates GOP for Stalling Nominees - Roll Call “Senate Republicans are simply so opposed to everything, absolutely everything, that they even oppose putting people in some of the most important positions in our government,” Reid said
Alan Grayson Cries On The House Floor Over Victims Of Health Care System (video) "There are 44,789, who die every year from lack of health insurance"
Think Progress » Boehner Won’t Pledge To Offer GOP Health Care Plan, Refuses To Post It Online If He Does: Uh, we’ll uh, we’ll have our ideas ready. Don’t worry.
Baltimore Sun TV critic can't figure out how Fox News is different from MSNBC | Media Matters for America (David Zurawik, idiot or wanker: you decide)
FDL Action » The Ever Expanding Exchange And How Everyone Could Get The Choice Of The Public Option
Meme Alert: MSNBC, Left Wing Equivalent Of Fox, Proves White House Hypocrisy? | The Plum Line
Blue Hampshire: Politics ::: Union Leader Political News Commits Suicide
White House, Fox News Meeting: Gibbs Met With Fox News Exec
Iowa Republicans wince at Sarah Palin's $100K speaking fee - Jonathan Martin -
Glenn Greenwald - - Calling for greater religious strife with Islam - Who exactly are the belligerent parties here? Who is actually at war with "the Western way of reason"? (Ross Douthat/Douchebat, 29 yr-old Harvard grad and Times columnist)
'Means of Desperation': Should US Newspapers Get State Aid? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Wall Street Journal Closes Boston Bureau
Recovery On: GDP Jumps, Jobless Claims Move Lower - Economy -
Under Attack, Credit Raters Turn to the First Amendment
Calitics:: Oh, It's Going to Be Like That? (turns out eMeg Whitman is a big fat liar)
Flickr Photo Download: Swine Flu Mortality
'Culture of we' buffers genetic tendency to depression | Science Codex
Scientists see blast from past -- 13 billion years ago - Yahoo! News
Most distant gamma-ray burst spotted : Nature News Observations suggest the early Universe is ripe for exploration.
Intel's next-gen memory closer to reality | Deep Tech - CNET News
Universe's quantum 'speed bumps' no obstacle for light - space - 28 October 2009 - New Scientist
The Explainer: P vs. NP
Nearly 6 million Americans could have caught swine flu this spring, CDC says | Booster Shots | Los Angeles Times
Letters - Daniel Dennett - The Fact of Evolution - (Nicholas Wade thinks all of biology is a theory)
Darwin and culture : Article : Nature A new series of essays traces the astounding variety of reactions to the theory of evolution (including Nicholas Wade's head exploding + a majority of Americans and all Muslim fundamentalists hate it)
The History of Birth Control | Newsweek Health |
Is this haunting picture proof that chimps really DO grieve? | Mail Online
Oh, Snap: City Attorney Demands Proof of Cocoa Krispies' Immunity-Boosting Claim - San Francisco News - The Snitch
Drugs chief: Alcohol more dangerous than ecstasy, LSD and cannabis - Health, News -
Takedown Hall Of Shame | Electronic Frontier Foundation
The case against the FCC's Net neutrality plan | Wireless - CNET News
RoboZZle hacked, and 100+ sites are still compromised
PNG image: comparison of social-network sites by traffic
Droids vs. iPhone: The Scorecard - PC World
Open Video Hub
Rap Translated from Blackness - Video
artislav mel: responder: responder 1:2 : explanation of Burn After Reading
warp.swf (just put any YT video url in the = field; this one starts with Rick Roll)
love all this | Inspired by jeannr, I flowcharted the Beatles... hey Jude
Brother of Afghan Leader Is Said to Be on C.I.A. Payroll - (totally corrupt + "helping to recruit an Afghan paramilitary force that operates at the C.I.A.’s direction" - wtf)
Afghan Police: 7 Killed In Attack On UN In Kabul on 20 U.N. election workers (who would want to do that?)
Peshawar: Car Bomb Kills 91 As Clinton Visits Capital
Somali pirates holding British couple - Yahoo! News (fools)
BBC NEWS | Africa | Guinea forces 'planned crackdown' - Soldiers deployed at the sports stadium where protesters had gathered blocked the exits before systematically killing and raping protesters
Vigilante justice spreads across Mexico
BBC World Service - Special Reports - 1989 - Europe's Revolution
World Economic Forum - Latest Press Releases - Iceland leads Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index 2009 (US 31st)
The Washington Monthly: Bayh Endorses Mcconnell Line On Cloture (Rove would have cut his balls off)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll: 7 in 10 say Palin not qualified to be president « - Blogs from
Instaputz: Prescient (crystal-ball New Republic on Lieberman in 2004)
Top 15 Lieberman Betrayals: Joe's Worst Double-Crosses
Hate Crimes Bill Signed Into Law 11 Years After Matthew Shepard's Death
Morning After "Tirade," Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski Received Cupcakes From Dick Cheney (video)
End State | The New Republic - Is California finished? (Terminated: "has the California dream finally become a nightmare?")
Public Sees A Tilted Playing Field
It Matters Where Things Are Made |
GMAC asking for fresh lifeline: WSJ - MarketWatch (infinite bailout, too big to fail, blah-blah)
"Too Big Too Fail" Bill Unveiled By Treasury Department, House Dems
Boeing Dreamliner Delays Spelling Trouble - Wealth of Nations Blog -
Foreclosures double in Washington area - Subprime borrowers in three counties bear the brunt, report says: risky subprime mortgages that helped spark the crisis (WaPo myth)
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Nasa launches rocket successfully
Scientists make cells that form eggs and sperm in lab | Health | Reuters
Rich 'may evolve into separate species' - Telegraph (they already)
Asteroid blast reveals holes in Earth's defences - space - 26 October 2009 - New Scientist (star wars!)
The Associated Press: Tough commute likely after Bay Bridge rod snaps
Alaa Al-Aswany: When women are sinners in the eyes of extremists - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent why are extremists so obsessed with women's bodies?
What I've learned from debating religious people around the world. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine
Natalie Portman: Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals Turned Me Vegan
BBC NEWS | Technology | Net set for 'language shake-up' "biggest change" to its working "since it was invented 40 years ago"
Want 50Mbps Internet in your town? Threaten to roll out your own - Ars Technica
Why open clouds are more important than open phones | The Open Road - CNET News
cool900: Comparing Freedom on Maemo and Android
Google Voice, Now Serving on Your Numbers
10 Ways to Spot an E-Mail Scam
WTF Costumes: The Crazy & Sexy Halloween Costume Archive
Auntie Em Costume - Adult Wizard of Oz Women's Costumes
Golden Buddha Adult Costume | Supa Pimp Mama Plus Adult Costume | Pilgrim Woman Adult Costume
female pirate costume - Google Product Search
Nora The Piano-Playing Cat: The Secret Behind Her Talents Explained (video)
Basketbawful (Living Large, seems to be about IU)
YouTube - Hopper invasion
President Obama Likely to Announce Afghan Decision Between Nov. 7 and 11; Will Likely Seek More Troops – But Not 40,000 - Political Punch (President Split-the-Difference)
U.S. official resigns over Afghan war - Foreign Service officer and former Marine captain says he no longer knows why his nation is fighting
Glenn Greenwald - Top civilian in Southern province argues we're exacerbating the problem we're supposedly there to solve.
Iraq War - You'd never know it from the MSM, but he deserves high grades for his work so far in Iran, Iraq and Pakist
Unhappy UK fails to make top 10 of the world's most prosperous countries | Mail Online
Water Rationed By Israel: Palestinians Get Only A 'Trickle Of Water Amnesty International Report | World News | Sky News
How Reid Found His Silver Bullet: Opt-Out Pitched Just Three Weeks Ago
As Others Debate Health Care's Future, Snowe Raises Money
FDL Action » A Public Option Opt-In Is Not The Same As State-Based Public Plans
The Seminal » Why Is Olympia Snowe Disappointed with a State Opt Out?
Firedoglake » Late Night: Olympia Snowe Left Her Cake Out in the Rain
FDL News Desk » Memory Lane On Joe Lieberman - a long record of killing health care reform (all the primadonnas are taking the stage)
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Lethal Politics Of The Opt-Out Public Option
House Democrats John Adler, Carolyn Maloney Move To Weaken Investor Protection Bill (go Blue-Dog Republicans! Bipartian!)
Colbert Eviscerates Gay Marriage Opponents (Video)
Conservatives Laugh Off Gingrich Presidential Dreams « The Washington Independent
Memory lapse: Politico asks, "What if Bush had done" things he actually did | Media Matters for America (pinheads)
DownWithTyranny!: The Political Class-- Regardless Of Party-- Knows One Thing Fer Sure: Their Shit Don't Stink
Firedoglake » The Most Boring Name in News (CNN fails at being a news network)
FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Fox-Friendly Poll on Imaginary White House Policies (the whole fucking network is delusional)
Calculated Risk: Update on Housing Tax Credit (propping up housing prices)w
Dean Baker: The American Bankers Association's 15 Minutes of Fame in Chicago
"Showdown In Chicago": Thousands Of Protesters Gather, Jesse Jackson, Labor Leaders Speak (video)
Robert Reich: Breaking Up the Big Banks, and Why Congress Won't Do It
GOP Tried To Block Elizabeth Warren From Heading Agency She Proposed (of course)
Dan Collins: The Smartest Guy in the Room
New York Fed’s Secret Choice to Pay for Swaps Hits Taxpayers - (national security, terrorists, had to be a secret)
Members | Business Roundtable (pro-business lobbying group Obama is working with)
Statisticians reject global cooling - Environment- Some skeptics claim Earth is cooling despite contrary data (call Sen Inhofe)
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Particle beams injected into LHC
Scientists discover gene that 'cancer-proofs' rodent's cells Naked mole rat, the only known cancerless animal, has 2-tier defense against cancer
Scientific Progress by Walter Mischel (crisis in "clinical" psychology)
Police: Gang rape outside school dance lasted over two hours -
Flirt away, it's all in the name of healthy jealousy - The Globe and Mail
SEC, Homeland Security need Web backup, GAO says | Reuters (Homeland security will shut down the internet in case of flu pandemic: smart!)
blog.reddit -- what's new on reddit: Fare Thee Well, reddit!
Emptywheel » What If Trials Prove Torture Wasn’t Necessary?
14 Americans Killed In 2 Afghan Helicopter Crashes
Fareed Zakaria - Zakaria: Obama should weigh troop level carefully - Think before surging (need a third surge, because the first two didn't work out so well)
Spotter cards: What they look like and how they work | UK news | The Guardian
Saudi journalist, Rozanna al-Yami, faces lash over sex talk | The Australian A Saudi court has sentenced a journalist to 60 lashes after she was charged with involvement in a TV show in which a Saudi man talked about sex.
The 'benefit' of Somalia's pirates - Channel 4 News Now the fishermen are able to catch up to £200 worth of fish per day in an area where the average daily earnings are less than £5 (hmmm)
BBC NEWS | Europe | German on trial for Muslim murder
Officers accused of inciting violence face ethics panel - The Globe and Mail (coprovocateurs)
Reid: "The Public Option With An Opt-Out Is The One That's Fair" (let the South opt-out; Obama not thrilled with public option but will go along)
Schumer: We Prevailed On White House That Public Option Was The Way To Go | TPMDC (Obama favored Queen Olympia's plan, wtf?)
OMB - Blog Post - Missing the Boat on Cost Containment (White House responds directly to Fred "Wanker" Hiatt's lies)
Scott Berman - Health care reform is moral battle for the soul of a nation --
Healthcare system wastes up to $800 billion a year | U.S. | Reuters ("For one example, a paper-based system that discourages sharing of medical records accounts for 6 percent of annual overspending" - they hate computers)
Dems push for benefits to start by 2010 - Carrie Budoff Brown -
Obama's Pointless Pursuit of Olympia Snowe | Newsweek Voices - Howard Fineman | Obama's pointless bipartisanship (a light goes off in Fineman's head) (Obama the anti-leader)
Perry-Hutchison fight may cause major fallout in GOP | Top Stories |
Crime Blog | The Dallas Morning News | Texas leads the nation in child-abuse deaths, study says (lawn order + Christian principles)
Calculated Risk: SF Fed: Recent Developments in Mortgage Finance
Trying to Rein In ‘Too Big to Fail’ Institutions -
How the U.S. Blew Trillion-Dollar Trade of Century: Mark Fisher - (well, when you have infinite taxpayer money, why bother?)
Mayor Daley May Be Considering A Sale Of Chicago's Water System - Private Firm Would Jack Up Rates For Residents, Watchdogs Warn (they could charge anything they want; the end of infrastructure)
McDonald’s Closes in Iceland as Crisis Makes Chain Unprofitable -
We attacked the bankers, but took our eyes off the whole rotten system | Gary Younge | Comment is free | The Guardian
Detroit house auction flops for urban wasteland | Special Coverage | Reuters
Forget the rush on that H1N1 swine flu vaccine; 62% of Americans have no intention of getting it anyway | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times
The White City | (cities much more discriminatory than corps)
Infographic of the Day: It's a Small World, Afterall | Design & Innovation | Fast Company
Asteroids should be next small step for man in space, panel tells President Barack Obama - Telegraph
Beliefs - Changes in Religion All Over the Map, Report Shows - 6 out of 10 Americans pray one or more times each day; high percentages report feeling close to God, experiencing God’s presence or guidance on most days (TalibanAmerica)
Scientists first to trap light and sound vibrations together in nanocrystal
Don't Feed the Animals: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Sexual Biology (Couples Edition)
KnowledgeScore - General Knowledge Quiz Game
The Sixties Project
Emily Howell, the virtual composer making waves in the computer world - Times Online
YouTube - 'The Last Supper' recreated with Rubik's cubes
Kicked Out Of The Mall Because Of "Service Animal" | | Triad, NC
YouTube - Rådhuset Östersund / Town Hall of Östersund
iWatchLA - official website of The Los Angeles Police Department (spy on your neighbors for cop-state America)
Warner Says Harry Potter Dinner Infringes Copyright | TorrentFreak (big content out of control)
Classic Cinema Online
Circulation drops at U.S. newspapers as readers turn to online news sources --
Internet set for change with non-English addresses
Hasta la Vista, baby: Ars reviews Windows 7 - Ars Technica
Every Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcut You'll Ever Need - Windows 7 shortcuts - Gizmodo
21 Ways to Customize Windows 7 - Reviews by PC Magazine
Permuto Discoveries » Target Markets: Ad Spending Across Four Benchmark Sites
YouTube - Procol Harum - Repent Walpurgis
Anatomy of Japanese folk monsters ::: Pink Tentacle
xkcd - A Webcomic - Nachos - Hosted By Geocities (on Geocities last day)
Iraq Ministries Targeted in Car Bombings; Over 130 Dead - (Freedom Fries!)
Dems Counter-Punch Cheney: He Masterminded Failure (video)
Germany's New Government to U.S.: Take Away Your Nukes! - Time
Violent clashes erupt at Jerusalem's holiest site - Yahoo! News
Europe's New Tactic with Asylum Seekers: Send Them Home - TIME
Taxpayer funds £120,000 flight to return just eight Afghans - Telegraph
Emptywheel » What Did Dick Give Judy to Go Pro-Torture? (Judy Fucking Miller??)
John Podesta Points Out Bush Admin Only Spent 1 Hour on Afghanistan Report Before Handing Off | Crooks and Liars
Paul McGeough War in Afghanistan McChrystal (the French/Russian/Bush/Cheney/Obama/McCrystal plan is doomed)
Ellsberg: "No Success That Will Be Lasting" In Afghanistan By Steve Hynd
Leaderless: Senate Pushes For Public Option Without Obama's Support (no leadership from Obama, as usual)
Schumer: Public Option Near Votes Needed To Pass
Pelosi: Though Robust Public Option Is Still The Goal, The Atmosphere Has Changed | TPMDC (the House backs out)
FDL News Desk » Feingold: No Public Option “A Very Strong Reason Not To Support” A Health Care Bill
HuffPost: Obama Wants Bipartisan Reform Cover for Blue Dogs and Conservatives | Crooks and Liars | Ah, the audacity of playing it safe! (no leadership on any issue from Obama)
Health coverage 'plan' was no insurance at all | (latest insurance corp product: the "no-insurance-insurance" for only $499/month)
Firedoglake » The Consumer Financial Protection Agency: A Small Victory for the Good Guys ("small" - exceptions for car dealers, insurance companies, and retail credit, banks - which would be most of the credit problems)
YouTube - Rachel - Why Fox News isn't news
Poll: GOP's Favorability At Its Worst In A Decade | TPMDC
Sarah Palin: Neocon Pawn? | Mother Jones The same old hawks recruit Palin to pressure Obama on Afghanistan, while ignoring their own past.
Volcker a Tipping Point? | Monty Pelerin's World ("no friend of Larry "the Elephant in the Room" Summers)
Calculated Risk: Seattle Times: "Reckless strategies doomed WaMu" (Republicans at work)
Matthew Yglesias » Resolution Authority ASAP
Full list of swine flu cases, country by country | World news |
Gene therapy transforms eyesight of 12 born with rare defect -- - retinitis pigmentosa and macular degeneration.
1 shot of gene therapy and children with congenital blindness can now see
What Really Scares People: Top 10 Phobias | LiveScience
In the Muslim world, creationism is on the rise - The Boston Globe
Senate Global Warming Bill Is Seeking to Cushion the Impact on Industry - (polluter-friendly) - Marijuana Economics
Why You Should Never Talk to the Police : Law is Cool
It's Official: The ATF and the FBI Don't Get Along - Time
Ping - How High Will Real-Time Search Fly? -
Net Neutrality FAQ: What's in it for You - PC World (a shitty internet if President McCain has his way)
It's time to say good-bye to GeoCities | Webware - CNET
Glenn Greenwald - "America's Priorities," by the Beltway elite - Endless war in Afghanistan is an absolute necessity. Health care for Americans is a luxury that can wait.
Ze Frank: The History of Afghanistan in 3 Minutes - Video -
Clarence Thomas To Other Supreme Court Justices: Be Quiet - Thomas – who hasn't asked a lawyer a question during arguments in nearly four years
FDL News Desk » Village Surprise On Health Care (they just can't believe it)
Public option likely to be managed by private insurance company | Raw Story (their back-up plan)
YouTube - Public Option Annie - with lyrics (guerrilla musical at AHIP conference)
Prognosis improves for public insurance - - Momentum Shift Is Dramatic - Top Democrats push option in health-care legislation
Republicans: It's time for a bipartisan health bill - (America: too late, bitches)
Emptywheel » Mark Sanford Goes Galt
Remembering Nixon | Media Matters for America
Capmark Said Ready to File for Bankruptcy - Capmark Financial Group Inc., one of the nation's largest commercial-real-estate lenders
Weekend reading: Georgia Bank Failures Explained - BusinessWeek
MonkeyBusinessBlog: "Hell, It Takes Even Eli Manning Six Years to Make a Hundred Million Dollars!"
EFF defends Yes Men from business rage over climate hoax - Ars Technica (far-right lobbying org is pissed)
Surprise: McCain Biggest Beneficiary of Telco/ISP Money | Reuters
Op-Ed Contributor - The Mismeasure of Woman -
Scientists study possible health benefits of LSD and ecstacy | Science | The Guardian Growing number of people taking psychedelic drugs to help them cope with conditions such as chronic anxiety attacks (better than Prozac, Zoloft)
The Food Lab: Perfect Boiled Eggs | Serious Eats
Commentary: Somers' cancer advice is risky -
Allison Kilkenny - Unreported – LAPD freaks out America with new Orwellian ad - True/Slant
Fistful of Pasta: Top 20 Essential Spaghetti Westerns, Part 1
Shobarys Spaghetti Westerns -Trailers- Wattgate 381 Audio Grade Duplex Socket
J Street's Ben-Ami On Zionism and Military Aid to Israel - Jeffrey Goldberg
BBC NEWS | Europe | Rich Germans demand higher taxes
Japan PM says no need to rush U.S. base decision - Yahoo! News (50K troops occupying Japan; 700+ bases in 130 countries)
YouTube - Cassetteboy vs Nick Griffin vs Question Time
Op-Ed Contributors - Death From Above, Outrage Down Below -
Analysis: A look at US airstrikes in Pakistan through September 2009 - The Long War Journal
Jane Mayer on Predator Drones and Pakistan: News Desk : The New Yorker
The risks of the C.I.A.’s Predator drones : The New Yorker
The Predator War What are the risks of the C.I.A.'s covert drone program? By Jane Mayer
Revenge of the Drones | The New America Foundation - An Analysis of Drone Strikes in Pakistan
Voters For Peace - Phoning In War: Piloting the Drone Attacks October 22 2009 By Douglas Rushkoff - Daily Beast (story pulled?)
Frontline: digital nation: waging war: remote-control war | PBS
ANALYSIS-Under Obama, drone attacks on the rise in Pakistan | Reuters (Obama radically increased robot killings)
Hunting the Taliban in Las Vegas - The Atlantic (September 2006)
xkcd - A Webcomic - More Accurate
FBI looks at bribery allegations against Alaska Rep. Young | McClatchy (that shoe took a long time to fall)
Hullabaloo Did Something Happen On The Way To The Debacle? (Ben Nelson is depressed: primadonnas losing traction, "there's nowhere to run and hide")
Snowe Warns Reid On Public Option (Queen Olympia is also depressed, another primadonna losing her moment of being noticed)
Public Option Chess Match: Reid Working For Best Bargaining Position
Seething Dems Hit Back At Report That Public Option Is Dead In House (sourced from Drudgico)
Sources: White House Pushing Back Against Senate Public Option Opt Out Compromise | TPMDC (Obama still trying to "compromise" with Queen Olympia)
Behind the War Between White House and Fox -
Obama's right. It's time to stop taking Fox's skewed news seriously. - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine Ignore Fox
politico click: Friends push Ailes for president - Mike Allen (Fox Nation! because America loves fat old rich white guys)
The Great Debate » Debate Archive » The lucrative business of Obama-bashing | The Great Debate (Fox!)
YouTube - Fox on PATRIOT: A Video Fisking
Think Progress » At White House Christmas party, Bush joked about ‘conspiring’ with Fox News chief Roger Ailes.
Think Progress » Buchanan on GOP and Fox linking Obama to Nixon: ‘It is the most idiotic comparison I’ve ever seen.’
Enough with the foolish Obama/Nixon comparisons | Media Matters for America
Think Progress » FLASHBACK: Fox News Supported Bush White House’s War Against NBC
Mike Pence: Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck speak for many Americans - Politico Staff
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll: GOP favorable rating lowest in a decade « - Blogs from (everyone except the media hates Republicans)
Deeds should've listened to us, senior Obama officials say - Top Democrats seek to shield Obama in case of election loss
35 GOP Senators Vote Against Defense Bill With Hate-Crimes Amendment (Republicans anti-anti-discrimination)
The Elliptical Press: Who's the clown, again? (Franken on a roll)
Quigley Ready To Break Ranks With Party Over Dodd, Conrad Subpoenas
Palin Endorses Hoffman, Snubs GOP Candidate In New York House Race gone rogue again, endorsing a third-party candidate in a House race in New York over the Republican nominee.
Think Progress » Bush: I regret standing in front of the ‘Mission Impossible’ banner (that's it)
Cutting Pay, Wall St. vs Main St. (Joe Nocera version)
Calculated Risk: Freddie Mac: Delinquency Rate Rises to 3.33 Percent
Citigroup Taxpayer Ownership Doesn’t Prevent Lobbying (Update1) - Citigroup Taxpayer Ownership Doesn’t Prevent Lobbying (using your money to lobby against you!)
AIG’s Top Swaps Managers Kept Bonuses, Feinberg Says (Update1) - haven’t returned bonuses as they’d promised (oh, what a surprise)
More Americans Falling For 'Get Rich Slowly Over A Lifetime Of Hard Work' Schemes | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Top employees leave financial firms ahead of pay cuts - Grass is greener where bonuses are sky-high (but they're losing their BEST TALENT)
Consumer Financial Protection Act Passed By House Committee (auto industry gets a pass)
Check out these million-dollar Irvine foreclosures - Irvine & Tustin Homes - (not just a brown-people problem)
Facts on Sexually Transmitted Infections in the United States More than two dozen bacterial, viral or parasitic infections are known to be transmitted largely or exclusively through sexual contact.
video: Mythbusters test golf ball-like dimpling effect on fuel economy (*Spoiler Alert!*) — Autoblog (11% increase; Detroit couldn't figure this out)
Good Night and Tough Luck - Abstract City Blog - (sleep problems)
BBC - Earth News - Epic humpback whale battle filmed
2020 Census: Gays Could Be Included In Count (meanwhile, they don't exist)
Hate Crimes Bill Approved By Congress, Extends Protection To Gays (what gays?)
McCain Moves to Block FCC Net Neutrality - Business Center - PC World
Ignore Everybody... - Americana and roots music - No Depression (how to lead a creative life)
You Get Old | Men’s Journal
How To Write Badly Well
The Impending Crisis, 1848-1861 (the South has always been seccessionist)
Atheists smite online God poll • The Register
How Much Electricity Does It Take to Run the Web?
Fake AP Stylebook (FakeAPStylebook) on Twitter
Tales from the flight deck | News Cut | Minnesota Public Radio
Dozing Northwest Pilots Overshoot Target? — Secrets of the City — Minneapolis + St. Paul
Dick Cheney tells Obama 'stop dithering' over Afghanistan -
$400 per gallon gas to drive debate over cost of war in Afghanistan - - $320,000,000 PER DAY!
Held by the Taliban - A Times Reporter’s Account. A Five-Part Series by David Rohde. - Series -
Think Progress » T. Boone Pickens: U.S. ‘entitled’ to Iraqi oil (because we invaded them on false pretences! any other questions?)
Terrorism - - Greenwald - A Rumsfeld-era reminder about what causes Terrorism (bombing innocent people, for one)
Time is on their side | Media Matters for America
Lieberman Takes on Obama’s Czars - Swampland - - Newton-Small: "I presented both sides of the story. I'll leave it to columnists and readers to draw their own conclusions on who had the best case" because Time doesn't report facts, just opinions)
Daily Kos: It's not the White House War on Fox, stupid (Murdoch/Ailes/Fox started the war on January 20)
AHIP Lobbyist To GOP: Don't Give "Comfort To The Enemy" On Health Care (insurance corps against reform! surprise!)
Rape Victim's Choice: Risk AIDS or Health Insurance? (rape is now a "pre-existing condition")
The Washington Monthly Even NPR.... Ken Rudin is the political editor for NPR (Nice Polite Republicans at work: Obama is "Nixonesque" for calling our the Fox Propaganda Network)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The sad heart of Ruth, again , Ruth Marcus lets something very telling slip: Then she admits that Bush did this but she forgot. It must have been quite an outcry!
Firedoglake » Elected Republicans Blaming Limbaugh and Beck for GOP’s Woes
FDL News Desk » CFPA Passes House Committee; Amendment Exempting Auto Dealer Financing Passes, Too (auto financing biggest rip-off)
Hartford Advocate: News - Republicans Overtweet Twitter shuts down 33 fake accounts created by state Republicans in an attempt to lambast Dems (scumbags: what they do)
Philip Spooner video: WWII Veteran Makes Case For Gay Marriage
Hullabaloo Low "T" Baggers - Obama is trying to kill Republicans (or their testosterone, at least)
DOJ Vet: Plan For Panther Hearings Shows Key Voting-Rights Panel Is "Kind Of A Joke" | TPMMuckraker the commission, dominated by Bush appointees, planned to hold hearings on the New Black Panther case
'Going Rouge' To Come Out Same Day As Palin's Book | TPM LiveWire (very cute)
The Billion Dollar Gram | Information Is Beautiful
FDL News Desk » Goldman Sachs Vice-Chair: People Must “Tolerate the Inequality” (because they sure tolerate poor people)
Is the Housing Market About to Get Even Uglier? -
Microsoft Word - vic2009 - Liquor Before Beer - David Einhorn
“Liquor before beer, never fear” is how I learned it - self-evident
Speech by Mervyn King, Governor to Scottish Business Organisations, Edinburgh on 20 October 2009 - Powered by Google Docs
Narrow banking is not the answer - Martin Wolf, Financial Times - News - Business Spectator
The Peninsula On-line: Qatar's leading English Daily How to manage the gigantic financial cuckoo
Economist's View: "Safety Nets for the Rich"
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Where The Hell Is The Outrage? ("Goldman, in other words, generates most of its revenue trading its own money and earning vigorish on customer transactions. It’s a hybrid hedge fund and bookie, with an investment bank and asset management business thrown in for good measure.")
Rolfe Winkler » Blog Archive » Letting Goldman roll the dice | Blogs |
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » How Paulson gave Goldman the Lehman heads-up | Blogs |
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » The importance of Volcker | Blogs ("Mr. Volcker scoffs at the reports that he is losing clout. “I did not have influence to start with,” he said.")
Twilight of the Efficient Markets » American Scientist THE MYTH OF THE RATIONAL MARKET: A History of Risk, Reward, and Delusion on Wall Street. Justin Fox (only rational for them)
Court Deals Blow to Owner of Manhattan Apartment Complexes -
Marketplace Whiteboard | Marketplace from American Public Media
Russia vs United States: A Visual Comparison | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
Frontline: the warning | PBS (Brooksley Born)
Brooksley Born, the Cassandra of the Derivatives Crisis - Brooksley Born's Unheeded Warning Is a Rueful Echo 10 Years On
Premier Resorts shutdown leaves local owners in a lurch - Local -
Daily Kos: Latest Jobless Figures Indicate No Bottom in 2009
Why Wall Street Reform is Stuck in Reverse | Robert Reich's Blog
GOP Sen. Shelby: Reorganize The Fed (let Republicans hand-pick regulators)
Partisan Politics and the SVD - Stephen A. Weis
Left vs Right | Information Is Beautiful
Book Review - 'The Greatest Show on Earth - The Evidence for Evolution,' by Richard Dawkins - Review -
Skin Deep - A Few Cookies a Day to Keep the Pounds Away? -
Feedback on Ambien Side Effects and Usage, page 12
“When You Marry”: 1962 Textbook » Sociological Images
Denver lawmaker wants medical-pot rules clarified - The Denver Post
Iconic Photos
The Manhattan Street Corners
Comparison of video services - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tibetan Sand Mandala - Timelapse - 30 fps on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Speechification: Runaway Train - fifteen minutes of classical radio documentary values delivered at speed.
Tony Blair heckled in Middle East visit: ‘You are a terrorist’ | Raw Story
Boston Terror Arrest: Tarek Mehanna Arrested For Planning Attack On Shopping Malls
Father arrested over kidnap of daughter's killer
Hunting banned in parts of Austria after hailstones kill 90pc of wild game - Telegraph
Secret files reveal covert network run by nuclear police | Environment | The Guardian
BBC News | Middle East | Kuwaiti women win passport rights without the consent of their husbands
American Jews Rethink Israel
‘Commentary’ accuses ‘J Street’ of trying to ‘insinuate’ itself between American Jews and foreign policymaking (like they don't)
Matthew Yglesias » What’s Driving the Jihad Against J Street (Jewish neo-con panic)
Bashing J Street | JW Political Insider
Talk To Action | Worldwide Biblical Zionists (meaning of "pro-Israel")
J Street embraced by Obama administration, but not in Israel - Haaretz - Israel News
Opinion: AIPAC, J Street, or JDate? | Op-Ed Contributors | Jerusalem Post
Why is the right afraid of J Street? -
How I’m Losing My Love For Israel – The Polymath By Jay Michaelson
MJ Rosenberg: The Man Behind the J Street Smear Campaign Lenny Ben-David, a consultant in Israel who also was a top Netanyahu aide during Bibi's first term as prime minister.
The liberal Jewish challenge | Antony Lerman | Comment is free | Can the liberal Jewish lobby group J Street become as effective a political force as the hardline Zionist right?
Daily Kos: Sequoia Voting Systems hacks self in foot (rigged to allow vote changing to Republican)
Why Did The DoD, And The White House, Oppose The Franken Rape Amendment? | TPM LiveWire (Military, White House, pro-rape)
Senators to strip health insurers of antitrust exemption - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
FDL News Desk » Pelosi About To Include Medicare +5 Public Option In House Bill
Daily Kos: Great Public Option CBO Score Fuels Pelosi Push
Speaker Pelosi Throws Down The Gauntlet For The Public Option--Will She Succeed? | TPMDC
YouTube - Is Harry Reid Strong Enough?
Insurance industry defends study - Political Intelligence
Support for Public Options Remains Strong, Polls Show - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
GE Healthcare exec says reform debate slows sales | Reuters
House Cuts Health Bill Price To $871 Billion: AP Source (Republicans balk at saving money)
Update: Public Insurance Option Gains Ground In New Poll - (it doesn't matter what Americans want)
Jake Tapper can't figure out how Fox News is different from ABC News? | Media Matters for America (then no one can)
Judge revokes Bernard Kerik bail, sends ex-NYPD top cop to jail for trying to taint jury pool (this is good for Governor Guiliani)
No More Mister Nice Blog Let the Witch Hunts Begin! (Conservative crack-up continues)
Booman Tribune ~ Letter to the Washington Post's Ombudsman ("It is one thing to print the ideas of religious leaders, but it quite another to print baseless, inflammatory lies. Donahue's lie is so egregious that it demands an official correction")
Writers Define the Stages of Life -
Regional and State Employment and Unemployment Summary
Obama administration to cut executive pay at 7 bailed-out firms -
Volcker Has Obama’s Ear, but Not on Overhaul of Banks - (Obama ignoring Volcker; Summers wins)
Neil Barofsky: Bailout Helped But At A Great Cost (more than $317 billion remains outstanding with the program set to expire Dec. 31)
Documents raise skepticism on Hill about Bank of America - At issue: Were worries about merger kept from shareholders?
Steven Rattner: GM Had "Stunningly Poor Management" (turns out Michael Moore was right)
Court papers claim Bernie Madoff's Securities offices were fueled by cocaine, topless women
FactCheck: Swine Flu Vaccine Fears Greatly Exaggerated | Newsweek Health | Claims that the swine flu vaccine is dangerous range from overblown to false.
Googling Fights Dementia, Study Suggests Using search engines may help stave off dementia and memory loss, a new brain-scan study suggests.
Is Net Neutrality a FCC Trojan Horse? | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Kill a Kid? Take the Day Off : Dispatches from the Culture Wars Dallas cop does 70 in a 40 mph zone without his lights or sirens on, hits a kid on a bike and kills him. His punishment: A day off from work.
A Balloon that Didn't Fly - Top 10 Shocking Hoaxes - Time
BBC News | UK | Scotland | Tayside and Central | Apology for singing shop worker A shop assistant who was told she could not sing while she stacked shelves without a performance licence has been given an apology (from the people who wanted to turn your cellphone into a "portable concert hall")
Invasive Species: Information, Images, Videos, Distribution Maps
National Invasive Species Information Center
YouTube - LEGO Pop-up Kinkaku-ji
BBC News | Asia-Pacific | Kyrgyzstan's government resigns as a result of President Kurmanbek Bakiyev's call for sweeping reforms
BBC News | Americas | Brazil police launch Rio manhunt - to find the gunmen who shot down a police helicopter on Saturday (Olympics are going to be fun)
On The Media: Transcript of "The One Percent War" (October 16, 2009)
Water on moon scientist accused by US of trying to spy for Israel -
Let's admit it. Hypocrisy oils the wheels | David Mitchell | Comment is free | The Observer We blame our leaders for making decisions based on what we really want, not on what we actually say
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Bernstein: HRW Should Engage In Moral Relativism (defenders of Israeli Human Rights abuses)
BNP hit by second leak of 'members database' | Politics | The Guardian Details of party's UK-wide rank and file membership expected to be posted online
Military Reverses Ban on Publicizing Fatal War Photos - Yahoo! News (what they don't want you to see)
Census predicts fall in response rate -
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Green Shoots, Justice Division? Bernard B Kerik: “toxic combination of self-minded focus and arrogance (goes to jail)
The Washington Monthly: The Non-Existent Line Between Daytime And Primetime (your elite media wants you to believe in them)
FDL Action » Blanche Lincoln Wants A Trigger For Co-ops (pay attention to ME)
GOP In Same Position In Generic Matchup As In 2008 And 2006 | The Plum Line (and their media cheerleaders)
Matthew Yglesias » Prospects for Bipartisanship (terraforming Mars, not kidding)
Whiskey Fire: Oh Those Wacky White Republicans with Their Wacky Miser-Jew Joshin'
Firedoglake » The Power of the Porn-Stache - John Stossel made his first appearance as a FOX News employee today (after years of being on ABC)
YouTube - Fox News: A 24/7 Political Operation
FDL Action » The Washington Post Makes False Claims About Their Own Poll (spinning their results)
Buchanan: White Americans Are Losing Their Country! | TPMMuckraker (NPR/Tom Ashbrook's favorite racist)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Pat Buchanan: White Americans Are "Losing" Their Country ("their" - Mika Brzezinski of the "liberal" MSNBC thinks Buchanan "says what we are all thinking.” Someone should really ask her about that)
Despite God-awful polling results, WashPost's Cillizza claims Republicans have had a "good year" | Media Matters for America (it's always a "good year" for Republicans in the minds of your elite media)
White House Feud With Fox Has Nothing To Do With "News" (it has to do with rightwing "propaganda")
alicublog - The Future Of Conservatism (dead-enders hating pop culture which they nothing about: VD Hanson: "I haven’t watched a network newscast in 10 years...")
GOP Lawmakers Dawdle While Muslim 'Intern Spies' May Be Conspiring Further | TPMMuckraker
Aislin Bates: Colorado Toddler Denied Health Insurance For Being Underweight
Bob Herbert - Safety Nets for the Rich -
Wall St. Giants Reluctant to Donate to Democrats - - “The investment community feels very put-upon. They feel there is no reason why they shouldn’t earn $1 million to $200 million a year, and they don’t want to be held responsible for the global financial meltdown.”
Embrace the dollar's downfall | Dean Baker | Comment is free | Banks might suffer if China stopped buying US debt, but the US economy as a whole would be much better off
Saturn at equinox - The Big Picture -
Was our oldest ancestor a proton-powered rock? - life - 19 October 2009 - New Scientist (abiogenesis)
Tsunami threat looms over Pacific Northwest - Northwest owes its hazard-prone future to what's happening underground
Breakthrough with light could help viral research
Cutting-edge science restoring American chestnut tree -
Hospital Forces Lesbian to Die Alone; Judge Gives Stamp of Approval | Asterisk
Police Find Success in Cold Cases of Rape by Indicting Suspects’ DNA Profiles -
Living Life To The Full
U.S. Support for Legalizing Marijuana Reaches New High
YouTube - Synesthesia - Free online speed reading application
Barnes & Noble’s Kindle-Killing, Dual-Screen ‘Nook’ E-Reader Leaked | Gadget Lab |
Android Avalanche: A Complete List Of The Android Phones So Far
7 Reasons Why Google Wave Is Going To Be Awesome
The Song Decoders at Pandora -
Slashdot News Story | 1/3 of People Can't Tell 48Kbps Audio From 160Kbps
How to use Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts - Windows - ComputerworldUK
Children of the Occupation - 700 Palestinian children Israel detains and prosecutes annually (20 yrs in prison for throwing a rock)
BBC - Panorama - Undercover: Hate on the Doorstep
Jan Moir, Trafigura and the power of online social networks | Emily Bell | Media | The Guardian
Powell's Books - Yu Hua’s Brothers (400 years of cultural revolution in China took 40 years)
Many Sources Feed Taliban’s War Chest -
FDL News Desk » UN Invalidates Hundreds Of Thousands Of Votes In Afghanistan, Strips Karzai Of Victory
Karzai Camp Hardens Its Line on Recount - Afghan President's Supporters Protest 'Foreign Interference' as Campaign Officials Cast Doubt on Results (yes, all those "insurgent" Americans and their money)
Calling America's bluff on Internet gambling -- (we're not the boss of them)
Obama Asked "Why Do People Hate You?" By Fourth Grader (video)
Roy Greenslade: Huff Post overtakes Washington Post in users | Media | the Huffington Post overtook the Washington Post website in terms of unique users during the month of September.
WaPo's Brauchli takes reader questions today -- but will he answer them? | Media Matters for America (what do you think? - the credibility-free WaPo)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Not convincing Why do media elites react to any and all criticism with “fuck you, peasant”? Why not offer a substantive defense of some kind?
Pelosi Aims to Squeeze Skeptics on Public Option With Cheaper Bill Than Senate | TPMDC
Hullabaloo The Light Dawns (effects of a bad health care bill might actually affect them)
Daily Kos: Harkin: Majority Should Rule on Healthcare Reform
FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Sarah Palin, Health Policy Expert
Justice Department memo rules on medical marijuana -- (Obama: leave legal pot-smokers alone)
Obama's commendable change in federal drug enforcement policy - Glenn Greenwald -
The O’Garbage Factor | - Fox News isn't just bad. It's un-American.
YouTube - Republicans in Congress
Column: Just say no to blasphemy laws - Opinion -
How Moody's sold its ratings -- and sold out investors | McClatchy
Krugman - The Banks Are Not All Right - (should have "nationalized" the fuckers -- with tanks)
Today Show: Dylan Ratigan and Michael Moore on Wall Street Bonuses | Video Cafe
Calculated Risk: Bloomberg: FDIC Failed to Limit CRE Loans (the Bush regulation-free environment)
London Agents ‘Sold Out’ as Home Asking Prices Jump to Record - (RE-bubble)
Victims of Foreclosure Check In to Shelters -
Armageddon in Alabama Proves Parable for Local U.S. Governments - (fleeced by the bailed-out banksters)
Elizabeth Warren: Bank Bonuses Leave Me "Speechless" (video)
White House Turns Its Guns On The Chamber Of Commerce (rightwing pro-facist lobbying group: "their new $100 million "free enterprise" campaign" - and where did all that money come from?)
BBC News | Health | 'Ethical' stem cell crop boosted US researchers have found a way to dramatically increase the harvest of stem cells from adult tissue.
Artificial Black Hole Created in Chinese Lab | Popular Science
Global Warming in SuperFreakonomics: The Anatomy of a Smear - Freakonomics Blog -
Error-riddled ‘Superfreakonomics’: New book pushes global cooling myths, sheer illogic, and “patent nonsense” — and the primary climatologist it relies on, Ken Caldeira, says “it is an inaccurate portrayal of me” and “misleading” in “many” places. « Climate Progress
Anatomy of a debunking: Caldeira says Superfreakonomics is “damaging to me because it is an inaccurate portrayal of me” and filled with “many” misleading statements. Dubner continues to make false statements, parroted by Pielke and Morano. DeLong urges authors to “abjectly apologize” for the chapter. « Climate Progress
*Sigh* Last Post on Superfreakonomics, I Promise - J. Bradford DeLong's Grasping Reality with All Eight Tentacles
Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Self-Propelling Bacteria Harnessed to Turn Gears
Well-educated women hardest hit by breast cancer Well-educated women and those who live alone are emotionally the hardest hit by breast cancer
Meet future woman: shorter, plumper, more fertile - health - 19 October 2009 - New Scientist
Football, dogfighting, and brain damage : The New Yorker How different are dogfighting and football?
The TSA Blog: Response to "TSA Agents Took My Son" (hysterical mommy-blogger pwned by TSA)
my apologies @ My Bottle’s Up
Elizabeth Prophet, 70, Church Founder, Is Dead - Obituary (Obit) -
Lives - My Mother’s Internet Date -
The Economics of Cloud Computing Analyzed | Government Cloud Computing
New Bluetooth Runs for a Year Off a Watch Battery - New bluetooth - Gizmodo
Optimize Your Windows 7 PC - PC World
Wolfram Alpha Launches $50 iPhone App
Rahm Emanuel: No Troop Escalation Until "Careful Assessment" Of Afghan Government
Karzai May Reject Recount Results -
David Rohde's insights into what motivates the Taliban - Glenn Greenwald - (US military behavior lost their hearts and minds - "We have to stay in order to fight the Terrorists: meaning the people who are fighting us because we stay")
Pakistan launches risky offensive into Taliban-Al Qaeda stronghold --
BBC News | Middle East | Iranian commanders assassinated
BBC News | Asia-Pacific | North Korea gulags 'hold 150,000'
Leading article: We won't get fooled again - The Independent (no to Tony Blair for EU President)
Churches involved in torture, murder of thousands of African children denounced as witches -- (Christian Fundamentalists have always hated witches)
Problems With Mexico's Legal System - In Mexico's dysfunctional legal system, an arrest most often leads to a conviction. How one street vendor, wrongly convicted of murder, won his freedom (and they really think the problem is Afganistan?)
Finance Minister: UN backing of Goldstone report is `anti-Semitic` - Haaretz - Israel News (the only thing left to do is call Abe Foxman)
Turner Lost CNN, Fonda, Fortune, Feels ‘Like a Dummy’ - “War is obsolete,” Turner said. “The last time someone surrendered was Japan and that was 60 years ago. The Afghans will never surrender. We will just get tired and come home. We’ve already given up on Iraq and there’s oil in Iraq, there’s no oil in Afghanistan.”
Daily Kos: Holy Crap!! Franken ANNIHILATES KBR attorney during testimony (w/video)
Republicans for Rape - Blog
Axelrod, Emanuel Criticize Fox News: "It's Not Really News" (video)
Emptywheel » The WaPo’s Broccoli Soup Washington Post executive editor Marcus Brauchli says he knew more about the controversial “salons” the paper had planned than previously has been reported ("So Marcus Brauchli, who knew all the details of this, conducted an investigation to find out how it happened" - on another planet, we would call him a "liar" -- do journos really have ethics or do they just say they do?)
Booman Tribune ~ Into the Time Machine (Palin starbursts)
The Top U.S. Politics Blogs, Via Technorati's Update | techPresident
Interfluidity :: Information is stimulus
Frank Rich - Goldman Can Spare You a Dime - (Taibbi: a “great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.”
How Moody's sold its ratings -- and sold out investors | McClatchy (and then promoted the raters and gave them bonuses!)
The Countrywide Vote - The backroom battle over a subpoena on VIP mortgages (Senators Chris Dodd and Kent Conrad)
GE investors fret over real estate holdings | Reuters (CRE: "next big threat")
Jupiter's Moon Europa Has Enough Oxygen For Life
BBC - Today - The death of language?
Dana Ullman: Homeopathy for Allergies: Nothing to Sneeze At
Can emerging ME states learn from Chinese over ambition?
Exclusive: I Helped Richard Heene Plan a Balloon Hoax - Boy in the balloon - Gawker
Sheriff: Charges will be filed in balloon saga : NPR
Hollywood Pressuring FCC on Selectable Output Control Again | Electronic Frontier Foundation
David Hare: It all started 96 hours after 9/11 | David Hare | Comment is free | The Guardian
US embassy found involved in importing weapons to Pakistan - PakTribune
Elder Bush Decries Lack of Civility in Politics - Political Hotsheet - CBS News (those dead Iraqi's probably don't think GW was being so civil)
After scientific proof of pain, should we ban Islamic and Jewish slaughter? (Kosher/Halal=animal cruelty, duh)
The Army says it exceeded its 2009 recruiting goals. But the numbers are very fishy. - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine
The White House - Press Office - Weekly Address: President Obama Calls Hails Progress on Health Insurance Reform Despite Defenders of the Status Quo
For Insurers, a Question of Trust (and Antitrust) - Prescriptions Blog -
Pelosi Joins Attack On Insurance Industry's Anti-Trust Exemption
House Vote On Insurance Industry Antitrust Exemption Coming
Americablog Gay - Why is the New York Times' David Kirkpatrick enabling the modern-day Joe McCarthys? (because Drudge rocks their world?)
Matthew Yglesias » Right-Wing Anti-Anti-Racism (opposition to opposition to racism)
Democracy Corps: Republican Base Voters Living In Another World | TPMDC - "They believe Obama is ruthlessly advancing a 'secret agenda' to bankrupt the United States and dramatically expand government control to an extent nothing short of socialism"
No More Mister Nice Blog: Worst New York Times Article Ever (Paul Sullivan - pity-the-plutocrats - can't understand why the peasants are pissed)
Rape case to force US defence firms into the open | World news | The Guardian
Franken's Anti-Rape Amendment (the one 30 pro-rape Repubicans voted against)
Test Your News IQ - Pew Research Center
The Incredible Shrinking Mortgage Market | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
Harvard’s Bet on Interest Rate Rise Cost $500 Million to Exit - (that would be Larry Summers, though Bloomberg and the Globe won't tell you that)
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Annals of rank hubris, Larry Summers edition | Blogs |
California job losses continue to climb -- Job losses for September are higher than expected and almost six times greater than in August, state officials say. L.A. County joblessness soars to 12.7%.
The Chamber of Commerce's Jobs Deception Campaign | : Stop The Chamber Campaign The Chamber of Commerce, under the leadership of Tom Donahue, has gone from a well respected trade organization to an extremist political organization dedicated to corrupting American democracy
Weird "Particles" Spotted in Hot New Material -- Cho 2009 (1014): 1 -- ScienceNOW - fractional quantum Hall effect
Zombie Mouse Master Extends Lifespans | Danger Room |
Secret ACTA treaty can't be shown to public, just 42 lawyers - Ars Technica (everything is a secret these days)
Balloon science lesson - Cosmic Log -
Cursory Glance Reveals Balloon Boy Fallacy | GeekDad |
Celebrity Video | (balloon boy's dad)
Sheriff's office reports past visits to home of family whose son was feared missing in balloon --
The Atlantic Online | November 2009 | The Snatchback | Nadya Labi
BBC Radio iPhone Streams
87 cool things
Frontline: Obama's war: watch the full program online | PBS
Blackwater used 'child prostitutes in Iraq'
The gang rape and the Republicans / Behold, 30 U.S. senators who don't give a damn about battered women
Sensitivity Training: GOP Senator Batters Witness Over Domestic Violence Report
Firedoglake » Early Morning Swim: Rachel Absolutely Destroys Americans for Prosperity’s Tim Phillips
Firedoglake » Late Night: “Wait, My Fifteen Minutes of Fame Aren’t Up Yet!” McCain, whose only discernible skill is being related to an old Republican misogynist with major anger issues and a beer heiress/drug addict (oooh, good line)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: I Want to Play C.O.R.N.Y.! (wingnut wet-dreams)
YouTube - Noam Chomsky Compares Right-Wing Media to Nazi Germany
Adam Storch: SEC Hires Ex-Goldman Sachs Exec As Its COO Of Enforcement (captured! - this will not end well)
American college grads: Homebodies with worthless degrees: Abbott HR chief says Americans need to study math and science if they want him to hire them - The Curious Capitalist - Time
Phoenix Case-Shiller Home Price Index - through June 2009 — Arizona Real Estate Notebook (the Bush years were good!)
US Foreclosure Activity | The Big Picture (Idaho?)
How I Became an Accidental Slumlord | Newsweek Business |
PSST! WANNA HOT DEAL? | Newsweek Business | Investors Are Buying Rental Homes In Unlikely Spots Like Pocatello, Idaho. Why? Low Prices (media hype from 2005)
BBC News | Science & Environment | LHC gets colder than deep space
Flickr Photo Download: Cumulative Vs Annual Emissions (2006) of carbon dioxide
Mystery Space "Ribbon" Found at Solar System's Edge
Truthdig - Arts and Culture - The Victims of Pornography
Jaycee Dugard and Other Missing Children Found Using Age-Progression Images - ABC News Hundreds of Missing Children Found Using Age-Progression Images ("getting back to normal" un-huh)
peaceful parenting: Breastfeeding in the Land of Genghis Khan
Unwiring Wired - Wired - Gawker
'Balloon boy' hoax fears after Falcon says 'we did this for the show' | amateur scientists who chase storms | Falcon Heene | Colorado | Wife Swap | Richard Heene
YouTube - The 5th Dimension - Up, Up and Away
Stanley McChrystal’s Long War - (it's what they do)
French troops were killed after Italy hushed up ‘bribes’ to Taleban - Times Online
$400 per gallon gas to drive debate over cost of war in Afghanistan -
U.S.: Veteran Army Officer Urges Afghan Troop Drawdown - IPS
Overall, Afghanistan More Lethal For U.S. Soldiers Than Iraq (CHART)
Nuclear Test Sites |
Congress Matters :: if there really is such a thing as a "Republican filibuster" of the public option (too complicated for reporters to understand)
George F. Will - Republicans Have a Shot at Congressional Control in 2010 Elections -
Suburban Guerrilla » Blog Archive » Job Lock (Senators are some of stupidist fucking people on the planet)
alicublog: Another Day, Another Conservative Bitching About Another Award Someone Else Won - Conservatives have as little standing to talk about peace as Dreher has to talk about atheism -- all they know is that they don't like it.
Are Americans Faking Religiosity? | reasonWeekly (yes)
Tonight… We Are All Rush Limbaugh - tsquare’s blog - RedState (Rush representative of everyone; these guys are totally insane: "Tonight the left proved that they will stop at nothing to end our dreams." by passing healthcare)
Paterson Proposes Billions in Cuts to Close Deficit - City Room Blog - (New Yorkafornia)
Greenspan Says U.S. Should Consider Breaking Up Large Banks -
Goldman Sachs Profit Hits $3 Billion On Trading Gains
Foreclosures hit record in third quarter 2009 - Oct. 15, 2009 Foreclosures: 'Worst three months of all time'
Jobless Claims Drop; NY, Philly Manufacturing Better
Does the Vaccine Matter? - The Atlantic (November 2009)
Flu vaccines revealed as the greatest quackery ever pushed in the history of medicine by Mike Adams the Health Ranger
The Spectre Haunting GE - BusinessWeek Many MRI patients are injected with a GE dye to enhance images. If they have weak kidneys, they might develop a rare and sometimes fatal disease
Top 25 Censored Stories for 2010 | Project Censored
Judge challenges backers of gay marriage ban - Crime & courts- He asks lawyers to show how gay unions pose threat to traditional ones
Gov. Rick Perry: Cameron Todd Willingham "Was A Monster" (another coverup by Texas Governor Rich "Executioner" Perry
White House strips immigration policing powers from Arizona sheriff | World news | The Guardian
Interracial couple denied marriage license in La. - Yahoo! News (segregation alive and well; this is apparently not an Onion article)
Hammond Daily Star Online - Top Stories JP refuses to marry couple
Ajaxian » View Source Tutorial: Sticky Notes With HTML5 and CSS3
Ajaxian » What’s New in HTML 5: From the Large to the Nitty Gritty
Millions of Americans Waste Entire Fucking Afternoon - Borowitz Report
YouTube - Vincent Munier - Summer Variations - Nikon D3s
Mad About Mad Men - The Atlantic (November 2009)
I've met dozens of wealthy, respectable men on the internet, but they've all got just ONE thing on their minds... sex | Mail Online
Judge: Cellphone Ringtones Are Not Concerts | Threat Level | (also not an Onion article)
Build A Cool Photo Gallery Website from Wordpress
8 Things To Think About For Windows 7 -- Windows 7 -- InformationWeek
Windows 7: 77 Windows 7 Tips
Reuters AlertNet - Magnitude 6.0 quake hits off Samoa - USGS
85, 000 Iraqis Killed in Almost 5 Years of War - (no apologies from the usual crowd)
Russia Retains Option of Preemptive Nuclear Strike -- News from Kremlin Announces Non-Specific Revisions to Doctrine
Saudis Seek Compensation if Oil Exports Fall -
Editorial Notebook - Think About the Grandkids -
Daily Kos: Harry Reid abdicates his leadership role
Firedoglake » President Collins Calls Public Option a “Non-Starter”
Senator Charles E. Schumer: Revoke Health Insurance Industry's Antitrust Exemption As Part Of Health Care Overhaul
Glenn Greenwald - How to avoid the GOP's mistakes during the Bush years? (+what Frank Rich said: "no one in this country remembers anything."
Tapped Archive | The American Prospect Attention Must Be Paid (Queen Olympia and her entourage)
Second GOP Senator Signals Support For Health Bill : NPR (the other Maine Senator who represents 1/2 of 1% of the country)
Campaign Silo » If There Is No Public Option, Blame Harry (no one could have predicted that, either)
Health Insurers Emerge as Obama's Top Foe in Reform Effort -
Dylan Ratigan To Chamber Of Commerce's Tom Donohue: "You Talk Nonsense" (video) Chamber of Commerce has spent $26,196,000 lobbying so far in 2009 (yes, $29 million)
CNN's Castellanos' firm is ad buyer for AHIP's anti-health care ad blitz | Media Matters for America (but look at the bloggers!)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Rock Salt, Paper, Morons (alternate title: We Will, We Will, Rock Salt You!) (Red State Strike Farce sending white powder to Senate office)
YouTube - Thirty Republicans (pro-rape Republicans)
Truthdig - Reports - Why Do Conservatives Hate America? (investigate the un-American Republicans!)
Coburn Compares Political Science Funding To Waterboarding
Why GOP Leader Opposes Hate Crimes Protections for Gays - Political Hotsheet - CBS News eligion is an immutable characteristic, his office suggests, sexual orientation is not (Boehner)
Mediactive » Washington Post Media Critic Gives Opinion Writers a Truthiness License (Howie Kurtz, wanker)
Don't these people have The Google? - James Fallows
The speech Obama won't ace (plus, WaPo gaffe followup) - James Fallows (the suckitude of Fred Hiatt's WaPo)
Dow Hits 10,000 - However Briefly
Calculated Risk: FOMC Minutes: "Considerable Uncertainty" about Economic Growth when Fiscal Stimulus Wanes
Wall Street On Track To Award Record Pay -
JPMorgan Earnings: Bank Posts $3.6 Billion Profit, Despite Big Loan Losses (they ate your money)
Along With Layoffs, Recession’s Cost Can Be Seen in Pay Cuts -
Subprime and the Banks: Guilty as Charged - (no one could have predicted)
Mortgage professionals expect home foreclosures to keep rising --
Freedom Communications faces first major bankruptcy hearing - (owner is a glibertarian, shafts paper carriers)
Serial smearer Corsi's explanation for mortgage bubble loaded with falsehoods aimed at Dems | Media Matters for America (Swift-Boat Corsi now an expert on mortgage crisis, on your teevee)
Discovery of ‘magnetricity’ marks important advance in physics - Times Online (monopoles)
First black hole for light created on Earth - physics-math - 14 October 2009 - New Scientist
New Type Of Flying Reptile: Darwin's Pterodactyl Preyed On Flying Dinosaurs
Drawing a picture is 'lie detection technique' - Telegraph
Great ball of fire! Video reveals explosive magnetic power of the Sun | Mail Online
Baby Gender Disappointment--ELLE Investigates Controversial Sex Selection Methods Extreme sex selection methods—from high-calcium-diets to embryo testing—are raising prickly ethical questions
Diabetes in the US
Technology Review: Blogs: Jason Pontin's blog: How to Save Media (Editor of Technology Review, May 2009)
The Internet is about to die. Literally die! - Ars Technica
Blogger has benefits removed over Google AdSense payments - Telegraph
Sweden loses its internet connection - Telegraph The internet connection for the whole of Sweden went down for almost an hour when routine maintenance broke every single .se address.
Labour MP: Disconnecting File-Sharers is Futile | TorrentFreak
Number of U.S. Troops in Afghanistan Overlooks Thousands of Support Troops - Additional Deployments Not Announced and Rarely Noted (its all kind of a secret)
BBC News | South Asia | Al-Qaeda 'faces funding crisis' Al-Qaeda is in its worst financial state for many years while the Taliban's funding is flourishing, according to the US Treasury (stimulus!)
Glenn Greenwald - Democrats and Afghanistan: what's at stake (DiFi's husband has multi-million $ contracts in Afganistan)
The Seminal » AHIP Ends Truce with Obama, Declares War on Baucus’ Insurance Reforms
How Snowe Will Vote - George's Bottom Line (Queen Olympia represents 1/2 of 1% of the country)
Senate Finance Committee Approves Health Care Reform 14-9 ("Trigger" Snowe keeps it all about her; Dems declare "bi-partisan" victory on basis of one Republican vote; watered-down reform moves forward)
Accounting Firm Admits Cost Savings Left Out Of Report Prepared For AHIP Report | TPMDC (or you say, "they lied")
The audacity of greed: how private health insurers just blew their cover | Salon Insurance companies say the Senate healthcare bill will force them to raise premiums. Time to call their bluff
The continuing uselessness of Ceci Connolly and the Washington Post | Media Matters for America (and they wonder why they're losing money)
The Washington Monthly: Nrcc Just Can't Help Itself (Hitler loves Pelosi; someone call Abe Foxman)
Glenn Beck, Republican strategist | Salon News When the Fox News host pushes a crackpot theory, it doesn't take long for the GOP to run with it. A timeline
Howard Kurtz's continuing dishonesty about MSNBC | Media Matters for America (Howie The Joke Kurtz)
Stick a fork in Limbaugh's NFL dream, it's done | Media Matters for America (turned down divisive racist)
Tax Dodger Crackdown Shelved By Obama Administration (caves to big corps; the keep their off-shore tax havens)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect Let's See, Low Interest Rates Mean that Investors Have Trust (quality business reporting)
ITS-Davis: A Path To Sustainable Energy By 2030 (oil-less economy)
California Tries to Solve Water Woes - (another Aaanold failure)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Change We Can Taste (And Smell).
Ribosome Unraveled: A Q&A with Nobelist Thomas Steitz: Scientific American
35 Years of the World’s Best Microscope Photography | Wired Science |
The Paleo-Lakes of Mars (Can Fossil Fish Be Far Behind?)
Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human by Richard Wrangham: review - Telegraph
BBC News | UK | 'Naked' scanner in airport trial (TSA porn)
Anti-Paparazzi Law Signed In California ("Aanold's Law")
'Daily Show' Destroys CNN For Fact-Checking 'SNL' Instead Of Their Guests (picked the wrong fight)
The Rise and Fall of Academic Abstention - Stanley Fish Blog - (because academia is its own special place)
Boy, 13, kills 41 in Taliban suicide bombing in Pakistan - Telegraph
Interpol and U.N. Back ‘Global Policing Doctrine’ -
'Embarrassing' Incident in Gulf of Suez: German Ship Transporting Arms for Iran - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International (whoops)
Welcome to Debt City | GlobalPost Expats who took out loans to finance extravagances during Dubai's good times now flee or face jail.
World Briefing - Europe - Italy - Premier Vows to Stay On - “I am the best prime minister ever,”
And the other Nobel Peace Prize nominees were... - World Politics, World - The Independent
The missing: Each year, 275,000 Britons disappear - Home News, UK - The Independent
Guardian gagged from reporting parliament | Media | The Guardian
Guardian Gagged from Reporting Parliament - Guy Fawkes' blog
British Press Banned from Reporting Parliament. Seriously.
The Trafigura files and how to read them | World news |
Minton report: Trafigura toxic dumping along the Ivory Coast broke EU regulations, 14 Sep 2006 - Wikileaks
BNP Wives
Firedoglake » With Secret Deal in Peril, Insurance Industry Goes to War
s Insurers Mount Attack Against Health Reform (lies, lies, and more lies)
Daily Kos: The White House: Shocked and "Misled" by AHIP (bad-faith negotiations)
White House Slams Industry's Audit Of Health Reform Bill | TPMDC
Daily Kos: AHIP's Hissy Fit
Ezra Klein - The Insurance Industry's Deceptive Report (PWC, pimped for big tobacco, too)
Americans cutting back on health care to save money - Yahoo! News
Campaign Silo » So Fades the Co-Op
Liz Cheney's Debut As Fox News Sunday Panelist: Obama's Nobel Is 'A Farce' | TPM LiveWire (doesn't like Obama's method of "ruling")
AMERICAblog Gay | A great people deserve their rights: White House official calls gays part of "Internet left fringe"
White House Disavows Report That It Disdains Gay Critics, Bloggers As “Internet Left Fringe” | The Plum Line (walking it back -- "we've made some phone calls" -- but the cats out of the bag)
YouTube - Hardball - Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL08) shows Democrats how courage is done
YouTube - Grayson: 'What I Did is Like a Bob Dylan Protest Song; What Joe Wilson Did is Like a Belch'
Brilliant at Breakfast - This guy is going to scare the Democratic establishment to death (Grayson)
Against Transparency | The New Republic The perils of openness in government.
Howard Kurtz forgets about Howard Kurtz | Media Matters for America
Emptywheel » Proof the WaPo’s Twit Policy Has Restored Its Credibility
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Limbaugh To Judge Miss America Contest.
What's with all the @#%! language? - Kenneth P. Vogel -
Former Panel Chair Says Perry's Office Pressured Him On Death Penalty Probe | TPMMuckraker Rick Perry orchestrated an effort to thwart a state probe into an arson investigation that may have led to the execution of an innocent man (Perry executed innocent man)
Nobel Prize For Economics: Elinor Ostrom, Oliver Williamson Win
Nobel Economics Prize Potential Winner Odds | The Big Picture
Economic Principals: And the Winner Is...
Matthew Yglesias » And The Fake Nobel Goes To…
Nobel Economics Prize Potential Winner Odds | The Big Picture
Krugman - Misguided Monetary Mentalities -
Foreclosures Grow in Housing Market's Top Tiers - (30% of foreclosures in June involved homes in the top third of local housing values -- turns out it wan't just poor dark people like our media told us)
Wells Sees 60-70% Loss Severity in Option-ARMs : HousingWire || financial news for the mortgage market (more doom)
Henry Blodget: Americans Are Still Delusional About House Prices
The Lost Generation - BusinessWeek the unemployment rate for 16- to 24-year-olds has climbed to more than 18%, from 13% a year ago.
100 years of Big Content fearing technology—in its own words - Ars Technica
Study Links Concussions To Brain Disease - 60 Minutes - CBS News 60 Minutes Looks At Alarming New Research On The Longterm Effects Of Concussions And Head Trauma
Charlie Brooker | Ageing isn't fun, but it's better than death, by at least, ooh . . . 8% | Comment is free | The Guardian
Dolton cop in beating case has troubling history - Chicago Breaking News (psycho-cop shot 24 times in "self-defense," cleared by Chicago copsters)
America's Smartest Cities—From First to Worst - The Daily Beast (#3 Boston)
Behind the Work: Juan Cabral discusses the making of Sony's Soundville | Behind The Work | Creativity Online
The fun theory
Pepsi Releases iPhone App To Help Men "Score" With Women And Brag About It On Twitter - Amp up before you score - Jezebel
Net Cemetery | The New Republic Comcast, the biggest threat to free speech since Nixon.
Microsoft’s Project Pink Might Be Dead In The Water (MS can't manage shit)
The DIY fish supper: Future kitchen grows its own vegetables and seafood | Mail Online
Aim Tasers lower, police told - RCMP and OPP change policy after maker urges stun gun users to avoid firing at suspects' chests
Student Refuses to Say Pledge - "liberty for all" is a lie OD
YouTube - google voice
Legal Technology - Back to Basics: A Google Voice Tutorial
How-to Enable SIP Dialing with Google Voice [Tutorial] | TruVoIPBuzz
Perpetual war is here — and Americans are getting used to it --
Iran: 2 get death sentences for post-election uprising in Iran --
WITN?: Yahoo didn’t sentence 200,000 Iranians to death, and other misadventures in online journalism
Bloody siege at Pakistan army HQ ends with 20 dead (HQ as in "Pentagon")
DownWithTyranny!: Alan Grayson Explains The Best Policy For Afghanistan: Just Leave People Alone
McChrystal and Gates Raise Tension in Afghanistan Debate - Yahoo! News
A Dogged Taliban Chief Rebounds, Vexing U.S. - Mullah Muhammad Omar
Op-Ed Columnist - Two Wrongs Make Another Fiasco - - noisiest standard-bearer, John McCain. He made every wrong judgment call that could be made after 9/11 (but wrong-way McCain in on teevee every Sunday)
The Washington Monthly: If It's Sunday, It's President Mccain
White House: Fox News Is 'A Wing Of The Republican Party' | TPM LiveWire
Firedoglake » Peggy Noonan Calls Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize “Wicked” (the crazy Jesus-Dolphin lady speaks, MSM listens)
Nobel for Intangible Efforts Is a Complication for Obama - (Ad Nags at the NYT, reprints rightwing screaming points: "the charmed and entitled rise of Mr. Obama" as in "entitled"=uppity)
A Cartoon—By Mr. Fish (Harper's Magazine) (Kissinger)
Obama HRC Speech: "I Will End Don't Ask, Don't Tell," Says President Obama (no specifics, no timetable, sometime in the next 100 years)
Firedoglake » Fierce Advocate Omits Maine, Washington, Marriage at HRC
Joseph Rocha -- 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Didn't Protect Me From Abuse in the Navy Trying to serve his country, a young man faced bigotry and abuse
Vt. health reform: manage chronically ill patients - Yahoo! News
Americana That Barack Obama Has Made Un-American - Barack Obama - Gawker
The Seminal » Jack Bauer Not Surviving Contact With Reality The party of fail. Right now the favorability rating of the Republican party in the age group of 18-29 is at 8%. EIGHT PERCENT. With a +/- of 3 (party of zero with no future, but MSM loves them)
The Bobblespeak Translations: Meet the Press - October 11, 2009
Techtonic Shifts : Rupert Murdoch Says Google Is Stealing His Content. So Why Doesn't He Stop Them? (Rupurt "Satan" Murdoch wants Google to pay for the privilege of indexing his content, otherwise he'd use robots.txt, it's not that complicated)
Some credit card companies rush to act before new law -
Mind - How Nonsense Sharpens the Intellect -
God is not the Creator, claims academic - Telegraph (separated shit separated heaven and earth?)
Dissertation - riverScrap - A Comparison of British & American News Interviewing Styles (Bill O'Reilly)
National Geographic Magazine - (flash-embedded 50 years of space-exploration)
50-years-exploration-huge.jpg (50 years of space-exploration infographic large image) - Image d0c - NatGeo Space Exploration image)
Flickr Photo Download: 50 Years of Space Exploration
Ecstasy research looks for benefits
Advocates explore use of drug, illegal since 1985, to treat emotional wounds - Baltimore Sun
Parents of "chunky" infant weigh in on health insurance reform - The Denver Post (breast-feeding 4 month-old labeled "pre-existing condition")
Debate Follows Bills to Remove Clotheslines Bans - (restricting the use of “wind energy drying devices” — i.e., clotheslines)
Despite increased risks, jaywalkers abound on Boston’s busy streets - The Boston Globe
Guest Blogger Starling: Schrödinger’s Rapist: or a guy’s guide to approaching strange women without being maced « Kate Harding's Shapely Prose
The End of the Email Era - - Jessica E. Vascellaro, Harvard 2005 (wtf, do any research, Jessica?)
Is Social Media Impacting How Much We Email? | Nielsen Wire (more, not less)
Online Activities, Total | Pew Internet & American Life Project (email: 90% - saturation)
Five Best Windows Task Manager Alternatives - Task manager - Lifehacker
T-Mobile Sidekick Disaster: Danger’s Servers Crashed, And They Don’t Have A Backup
YouTube - Hilarious Canal+ commercial! (almost as good as the guy in the refrigerator)
Vulgar Army: Octoprop to Octopop (Cephalopods)
The Cube - A rare non-muppet Jim Henson movie long believed to be lost
CBC News - Technology & Science - Scientist at particle collider suspected of terrorist links (planning to use LHC to destroy planet)
President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Viewed Positively in 62 Percent of Twitter
Why Obama deserved the Nobel Peace Prize - Joan Walsh -
The Associated Press: Officials release body of hanged Ky. census worker (a month later)
Foreign Relations: From Segregation to Breakfast - Time (1957: read this)
YouTube - David Cross on Bush (4 months after 9/11)
Public Option Still Alive - Believe It (despite the best efforst of Republican media)
Congressional Memo - As Republicans Predict a 2010 Surge, Democrats Dig In - (they always predict a win) )
Obama To Congress: Wrap Up Health Care (already)
No More Mister Nice Blog: Oh, He's Just Jealous (and not only of Obama) (Limbaugh getting eclipsed by even crazier Glenn Beck)
YouTube - "Republicans Probably Wish There Were A Nobel Prize For Fear!" Congressman Alan Grayson
Time for the media to fess up | Salon Journalists like Evan Thomas now admit the Clinton scandals were bogus. When will they admit they played along?
Daily Kos: Journalism at its finest: today's lead editorial in the Washington Post (they are so immersed in their ideology, they can't even think, thank you Fred Hiatt)
The Washington Monthly: What Kind Of Question Is That? (CBS News' Chip Reid -- if you want to know how the MSM thinks, this is it)
Job competition toughest since recession began -
On the government's owners - Glenn Greenwald - "And the banks -- hard to believe in a time when we're facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created -- are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place." (should have "shocked and awed" them when he had the chance)
What's with all the zombies? | Salon - Maybe the undead creatures surfacing everywhere in pop culture have something to do with Washington and Wall Street
Op-Ed Columnist - Igniting the Growth of Jobs -
Calitics:: California's Economic and Fiscal Death Spiral Continues (complete failure of Republican policies, dragging down the country)
California’s Budget Suffers ‘Major Blow’ as Debt Sales Loom - (California Nightmare)
Calculated Risk: Congressional Oversight Panel: Obama Foreclosure Plan will Fall Short - As of Sept. 1, the Obama plan had produced 1,711 permanent loan modifications (FAIL; and as opposed to the bankers, of course)
Finally, Rendell signs $27.8 billion Pa. budget | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/10/2009 (Pennsylvania to go to gambling-based economy)
Rolfe Winkler » Blog Archive » TARP deadbeats | Blogs (not stopping the bonuses, though)
Streetsblog Capitol Hill » How Congress Can Help Create Suburbia 2.0
Why Are Companies Fleeing The Chamber Of Commerce? | The New Republic
Roy Greenslade: Condé Nast's $1bn advertising headache | Media | to start charging fee for Reading News Online
Pandemic Tests a Patchwork of Health Agencies -
Swine Flu Rates Up to 5 Times Higher for Native Groups
No Scientific Link Between Childhood Vaccines And Autism, Review Shows (call Jenny McCarthy)
Virus Found in Many With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - - xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus, or XMRV
Row at US journal widens : Nature News (Lynn Margulis +trans-species mergers +Lyme Disease)
Scientists identify bacterium that helps in formation of gold
Saturn's biggest halo revealed | Science | The Guardian
Tiny Nuclear Batteries can provide energy for atleast 10 years | Hardware Insight
Targeting Cancer Cells with Nanoparticles | h+ Magazine
BBC News | Science & Environment | Monkey mothers 'coo' over babies
Contraceptive pill has made women less attracted to masculine men... and more interested in 'boyish' looks | Mail Online - hormones in the oral contraceptive suppress a woman's interest in masculine men and make boyish men more attractive
Turn to Freud's psychoanalysis for postnatal depression | Life and style | The Guardian Turn to Freud's psychoanalysis for postnatal depression
JAMA -- Abstract: Effectiveness of Long-term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: A Meta-analysis, October 1, 2008, Leichsenring and Rabung 300 (13): 1551
Why Psychologists Reject Science: Begley | Newsweek Voices - Sharon Begley | Why do psychologists reject science?
Messages :: Tyler
Cop who beat student for untucked shirt jailed on rape charges Chicago police accepted his claims of self-defense even though he drove to the couple’s home while off-duty and got into an argument with Cornell McKinney, before shooting him 24 times.
Daily Kos: Texas Cannot Wait for Good Science in the Courtroom (rogue state Texas)
O'Reilly Vs. Dawkins on Intelligent Design (Fat Bill: "science has never advanced the human condition")
Do Moderates Have a Responsibility to Be More Vocal in S&R Discussions? Josh Rosenau Answers - Science and Religion Today (yes, unless they want Evangelical Christians to represent them)
Marijuana Licensing Fails to Chase the Shadows -
Lawyer Loses Unemployment Cash Because of $1.30 in Daily Blog Income | ABA Journal - Law News Now
Four different ways to sync your cellphone with the cloud - Ars Technica
Men More Likely to 'Go Digital,' Study Says
Innovation: The psychology of Google Wave - tech - 09 October 2009 - New Scientist
What makes MobileMe worth £59 a year? | News | TechRadar UK (you've been Jobstered)
Report details AT&T wait to break even on iPhones | Apple - CNET News
World around us: Adobe exploit puts backdoor on computers
Welcome to your notable world | Evernote Corporation
Expand Your Brain with Evernote - Feature - Lifehacker
Microsoft OneNote is a Note-Taking Power Tool - Windows - Lifehacker
OneNote Testing : A summary of the OneNote powertoys from the test team for 2007
Can Google Stay on Top of the Web? - BusinessWeek
Google Wave: First Impressions from Real People, Not “Experts” | Thoughtpick Blog
The BLU!
In a surprise, Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize - Yahoo! News (talking heads explode)
Nobel Prize To Obama Defended (Video)
Obama Nobel Prize A Disaster, "No Upside," "The Damage Is Done" Says Morning Joe Crew (yeah, like that)
Conservatives, Critics Blast Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize | The Plum Line (stamping their feet)
Obama's Nobel Peace Prize - Glenn Greenwald -
Right-wing media root against America ... again : Media conservatives cheer when America loses, fume when it wins | Media Matters for America
Hullabaloo: digby: Hmmmm (DCCC: "The Republican Party has thrown in its lot with the terrorists — the Taliban and Hamas this morning — in criticizing the President for receiving the Nobel Peace prize.")
PEEK | AlterNet
I swear I am not making this up | Media Matters for America (your Villager media goes right for the crazy/stupid)
Right Wingers Pitch Fits Over Nobel Peace Prize | TPMDC
Limbaugh: 'Greater embarrassment' than losing Olympics - Jonathan Martin -
Anti-Obama Images Circulate (Photos)
Obama humiliated by IOC plot - (The International Olympic Committee had already decided not to choose Chicago even before President Obama came to Copenhagen)
Peshawar Bombing Kills 49 Near Crowded Market, Pakistan's Deadliest Attack In 6 Months
Yahoo says Iran allegations are false | ZDNet Government | Yahoo collaborated with the Iranian regime during the election protests, providing to the authorities the names and emails of some 200,000 Iranian Yahoo users (denied by Yahoo)
Letterman's sex isn't a scandal | Jill Filipovic | Comment is free | (but Ensign's is, and the villagers won't look over there)
A historian's account of Democrats and Bush-era war crimes - Glenn Greenwald - (worse than Bush)
Emptywheel » The Blob that Passed Telecom Immunity
Telephone Company Is Arm of Government, Feds Admit in Spy Suit | Threat Level |
Chief House Appropriator Urges Obama to Change Course on Afghanistan « The Washington Independent (what does "endless war" cost?)
Daily Kos: Tester Pushes Senate Whip Count for Public Option to 51 - Reid's got his 51 votes
Daily Kos: Why We Should be Listening to Howard Dean - Residents of Vermont have the best healthcare in the country
Hullabaloo Have The Democrats Found Their Vocal Cords? (Grayson: ""We as a party have spent the last six months, the greatest minds in our party, dwelling on the question, the unbelievably consuming question of how to get Olympia Snowe to vote on health care reform.")
YouTube - Alan Grayson: "If the President has a BLT tomorrow, the Republicans will try to ban bacon."
Republicans for Rape: 30 GOP senators want to deny rape victims their day in court (want rape and murder "mediated")
Krugman - The Uneducated American - (America teh stupid: Republicans dragging everyone down to their level)
Illegal gun sales caught on camera by NYC (post with videos). Will this get same attention as ACORN? | Rumproast (no because the gun-guys are white, of course)
Campaign Silo » Problems With The Public Option Opt Out – By The Numbers (but could radically shift electoral politics as people flee Southern States to get health insurance)
Firedoglake » Late Night: But Will This Solve Those High School Lesbian Bathroom Attacks? (OK abortion-shaming law, doesn't mention ... fathers!)
Centrism as tribalism — Crooked Timber (Clive Crook is a fucking idiot: "The Democratic party’s civil libertarians seem to believe that several medium-sized US cities would be a reasonable price to pay for insisting on ordinary criminal trials for terrorist suspects.")
Arianna Huffington: A Moment of Truth with Bill Moyers, Marcy Kaptur, and Simon Johnson (complete capture of the White House by Wall Street)
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Chart of the day: FHA delinquencies | Blogs (another big bailout: who could have predicted?)
Whodunit? Sneak attack on U.S. dollar - Eamon Javers -
Perdue says Dell will pay back every "red cent" - BusinessWeek The Legislature and local governments had offered Texas-based Dell a deal worth up to $318 million in tax breaks and grants (that worked out really well)
Britain overtakes US as top financial centre - Telegraph
Men vs. Women: Financial Planning
ESPN - OTL: Seats Of Gold - E-ticket (intrepid reporter pays $1200 to experience Yankee's "Legends" seating, writes great economic analysis)
The Associated Press: AP, News Corp bosses tell search engines to pay up (they are very confused)
Strange Attractor » Blog Archive » AP’s Curley v Curley and News Corp’s Rupert v Rupert (Murdoch: "the content kleptomaniacs")
Searching for the skinny on Ralph Lauren ad (update: "We are responsible," says Ralph Lauren) - Boing Boing
Olympics warns man about sharing photos on website -
Roger Ebert's Journal: My Life and Times Archives
Google Flu Trends Goes Global, Proving That We’re A Nation Of Snifflers
Pam's House Blend:: CDC: 76 Children Dead From H1N1 Yet Rush Limbaugh stomps his feet and yells, "Screw You!" at Kathleen's Sebelius' recommendation that people get the H1N1 flu vaccination
Preview of Things to Come? ICU Admissions for H1N1 Skyrocket in Australia | Crooks and Liars
mental_floss Blog » What Does it Matter if I’m Allergic to Eggs? (A Flu Shot FAQ)
The Associated Press: AP Poll: Only half of people want swine flu shots
Swine flu put many hospitalized patients into ICU
NEJM -- Hospitalized Patients with 2009 H1N1 Influenza in the United States, April-June 2009
The Human Genome in 3 Dimensions | Wired Science |
YouTube - Sugar: The Bitter Truth (it's poison)
Bee calamity clarified :The Scientist [24th August 2009]
Genomic Study Yields Plausible Cause Of Colony Collapse Disorder - "polyadenylation"
Universe To End Sooner Than Previously Thought | Popular Science
Temperatures of sea water fringing South Pole were tropical 50 million years ago
Social Media: The Revenge of the Internet
What Twitter's Deal with Google Might Mean for Marketers!
Microsoft and Google: The Good Guys - Reviews by PC Magazine
US court says software is owned, not licensed • Channel Register (death of the "you didn't really but it" software license)
Justin (shitmydadsays) on Twitter
American troops in Afghanistan losing heart, say army chaplains - Times Online (useless, endless war)
Taliban suicide attack kills 17 in Afghan capital ("if Taliban regain control" is supposed to be a selling point)
Agreement Allows Guantánamo Prisoners to Be Tried in U.S. - Congressional leaders have decided to allow detainees imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, to be brought to the United States to face civilian or military trials, legislative aides said Wednesday.
Pelosi to submit multiple public options for CBO scoring - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room (game on)
Pelosi Calls NRCC Comments "Sad," "Inappropriate" "I'm in my place," Pelosi said
The Seminal - 30 Senate Democrats stand up for a public option
Conservative And Liberal Democrats Warm To Public Option Compromise | TPMDC
Op-Ed Columnist - Let Congress Go Without Insurance - a modest proposal: If Congress fails to pass comprehensive health reform this year, its members should surrender health insurance in proportion with the American population that is uninsured.
CBO: Baucus Bill Reduces Deficit By $81 Billion, Costs $829 Billion Over A Decade
The Right doesn't believe their own media criticism, Part 187 | Media Matters for America
Think Progress » REPORT: ‘We Will Overthrow The Government’ — Calls For Violence Repeatedly Stoked By Conservative Voices ("Pulling our government down, pulling our President out, and putting him back where he should be ... using the right to bear arms")
Hullabaloo: Independents by digby ("independents" are really far rightwing Republicans, according to the Villager media)
The Urban Politico: In Case You Missed It... a new Oklahoma law (yes, law, not "proposed legislation" or "some kind of sick joke") set to go into effect Nov. 1 that would collect detailed data about each abortion performed -- and post it all on a public Web site
SC gov's driver stopped for speeding, not ticketed - Yahoo! News
Sextortion: A Recent History | TPM Photo Features
Firedoglake » Jeb Bush: Stop Blaming My Brother for Driving the Country Off a Cliff (heh)
Voices of Power: Elizabeth Warren - - "the middle class is under terrific assault."
Next Asset Bubble Could Come Sooner Than You Think -
Penn Treaty May Need More Than $1 Billion for Claims (Update3) - - facing the biggest insurer failure in at least five years, may need more than $1 billion in additional funds to pay claims, a state regulator said (but let private insurance take care of you!)
Geithner Talks To Select Group Of Bankers Every Day (at least every day)
Concerns Grow About Another Mortgage Giant - (FHA: no one could have predicted)
Chapter 13 Making Markets Work
Meat is murder on the environment - environment - 18 July 2007 - New Scientist
Aquacalypse Now | The New Republic The End of Fish
Astronomers capture spectacular meteor footage and images (w/ Video)
The Worst Natural Disasters You Never Heard About | Newsweek International
Smaller And More Efficient Nuclear Battery Created
Cessu's blog: Have You Listened to Your Program Today?
Times Higher Education - world university rankings 2009
ACLU Says Extracting DNA From Suspects Unconstitutional | Threat Level |
The Associated Press: Pot legalization gains momentum in California
Police suspect 'Barefoot Burglar' is stealing, crashing planes -
Google Wave 101 - Wave - Lifehacker
Official Gmail Blog: Choosing a smart password
Must-Know Techniques for Faster Web Browsing with Leading Browsers; Mozilla Firefox & IE —
I Just Made Love!
Afghan War: 8th Anniversary Photo Retrospective
Jon Soltz: The Questions All Americans Should ask About Afghanistan
Malou Innocent: Defining Victory to Win a War
Jeff Stein: Gen. McChrystal Is No MacArthur
Robert Scheer: A War of Absurdity
ACLU: Arrest of G20 Twitterer part of ‘war on demonstrators’ | Raw Story
BCCLA Files Lawsuit Against City For Violation of Charter Rights, VO Blogger Chris Shaw Key Plaintiff | The Vancouver Observer
CQ Politics | Lobbyists Stew After Being Bounced From Boards A tide of anger and dismay is rippling down K Street as the Obama administration implements a new policy limiting the roles of lobbyists on federal advisory committees (can you believe that?)
No Exit | The New Republic - The never-ending lunacy of Betsy McCaughey
No Exit | Mother Jones Betsy McCaughey's mendacious article
Key Senators Say Dem Leadership Entertaining Idea Of Weak Public Option | TPMDC
Thomas Frank: Health Care and the 'Predator State' - It is corporate power, not the government, that we need to worry about.
Fox News attacks ACORN over grant to give smoke detectors to low-income families | Media Matters for America
Still chasing shadows? - Paul Krugman Blog - - why does Fed policy seem to assume that the only way to repair credit markets is to return to the status quo ante, circa January 2007?
Andrew Ross Sorkin's 'Too Big to Fail' | - Wall Street’s Near-Death Experience
Gold eases from record but sentiment stays bullish - Yahoo! Finance
Bank Fees Still on the Rise | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
Hotel defaults, foreclosures rise in California -- In the state, defaults and foreclosures are up fivefold since Jan. 1.
Fed Frets About Commercial Real Estate - With Banks Slow to Take Losses, Fears of a Residential-Bust Repeat; 'More Pain Likely Lies Ahead'
Homegrown Pot Threatens Mexican Cartels - CBS News Washington Post: American Mom-and-Pop Marijuana Growers Are Cutting Into Profits of Foreign Traffickers
Your Race Affects Whether People Write You Back « OkTrends
Brain Waves Surge Moments Before Death: Discovery News
Trips to Mars in 39 Days | Universe Today
Government Orders Columbia to Tell Patients 'True Nature' of Drug Study
McNaughton Fine Art
Jewish Delis Are Dwindling, Traditions and All -
Gore Vidal's United States of fury - Americas, World - The Independent
Comment, July 1961 - Gore Vidal on Why Ayn Rand Sucks and Literary Criticism - Esquire
Mark Twain's Reputation - The New York Review of Books
Android to grab No. 2 spot by 2012, says Gartner (not what Gizmodo said + no mention of Nokia)
Andrea Taylor wrongful arrest (cops abusing anti-terror laws, who could have predicted?)
NYR: Who's In Big Brother's Database?
WLUML: Calls for Action: Saudi Arabia: Imprisonment and Whipping of 75 year-old Woman (asked nephew to get her a loaf of bread)
Congressional leaders fight against posting bills online | Washington Examiner (transparency!)
Reform Is No Cure for Insurer Discrimination, Health Experts Say - Economic Pressure Could Give Rise to New Biases Against Prior Conditions ("economic pressure" = lobbyists)
Progressives and the Fight for Healthcare
Queen Olympia, You've Done It Again! You're Eviscerating the Reform Bill. | Crooks and Liars
The Washington Monthly: George Will Follows The Right's Chosen Meme ("narcissistic" = the new "uppity")
Demonstrations at CEO Mansions? Ho Hum : CJR (your media is disgusting)
Think Progress » Congressional GOP Fundraising Committee On Pelosi: It’s Time To ‘Put Her In Her Place’ (back in the kitchen!)
The NY Times ' pointless pursuit of right-wing "buzz" stories | Media Matters for America
Whitmire to Call Senate Hearing on State Forensics Commission | Dog Canyon (Texas state-sanctioned murder and Rick Perry's Saturday Night Massacre)
Hullabaloo Failed State (Calipwnya)
Amygdala: Are You "The Unknown Liberal"? MSNBC's Ratigan: Conservatives Don't Care if 'Half the Country Dies' In Order to 'Take Down Obama'
Why is Betsy McCaughey on MSNBC? | Media Matters for America (big media: platforms for liar, that's why)
Campaign Silo » Senate Finance Delays Health Care Vote: Did Baucus Screw Wyden And Lose His Vote?
Schwarzenegger Latest Republican To Back Health Care Reform (because Calipwnya is bankrupt)
Fox News's Shep Smith: 'Every Vote Against The Public Option Is A Vote For The Insurance Companies' | TPM LiveWire
NY Post Fires Editor Critical Of Racist Obama-Stimulus Cartoon - Employees at the paper -- which is one of media mogul's Rupert Murdoch's crown jewels -- said the firing, which took place last Tuesday, seemed retributive
Apple Is Latest To Quit Chamber Over Climate Change | TPMMuckraker (quits far-right lobbying group)
As Job Loss Rises, Obama Aides Act to Fix Safety Net - (they're studying the problem of no fucking jobs)
To Be Effective, Exchanges Need Bargaining Power - Kaiser Health News
Are you under...the power of gold? | Philly | 10/06/2009
The Real Misery Index: Unemployment Increases The Hardship
America Takes On Swine Flu - Room for Debate Blog -
CDC H1N1 Flu | Questions & Answers Novel H1N1 Influenza Vaccine
Swine flu rumors and fears : The New Yorker
The AIDS vaccine trial: science by press release is not enough : Effect Measure
Unrevealed Analysis Weakens Claim of AIDS Vaccine "Success" : ScienceInsider
Birth of a Notion: Implicit Social Cognition and the "Birther" Movement: Scientific American (especially if you're like, really stupid)
Medical News: Wider Net Catches More Cases of Autism Disorders - in Pediatrics, Autism from MedPage Today One in every 91 U.S. children has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Why I give marijuana to my autistic child.
Mediterranean Diet Associated With Reduced Risk Of Depression
Glow-in-the-Dark Mushrooms Discovered | LiveScience
Small Wonders: Finalists From the Nikon Small World Competition | PDN Photo of the Day
Study: Alcohol Abstainers at Higher Risk of Depression - Time
Mont. jail deal with mysterious American Police Force unravels - On Deadline -
FBI file on Aaron Swartz, US court-record hacker (nvestigated by the FBI for participating in a project to take the publicly owned US court records from the PACER database (where they were very expensive to access) and put them on the web - don't cross big corps)
Advertising - F.T.C. to Rule Blogs Must Disclose Gifts or Pay for Reviews - (but not big media, because, you know, their ethics are unquestionable)
New Anti-Smoking Ads Warn Teens 'It's Gay To Smoke' | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Use Google Voice Voicemail Without Changing Numbers - Google Voice - Lifehacker
Webmail Password Leaks Extend to Gmail, Yahoo, AOL - Passwords - Lifehacker
5 Signs You’re NOT a Social Media Expert, Yet
This Is a Photoshop and It Blew My Mind - Photosketch - Gizmodo
Windows Mobile 6.5 Review: There's No Excuse For This - Windows mobile 6.5 review - Gizmodo
Rethink Afghanistan
Is US strategy in Afghanistan working? | The debate over sending more US troops frames a larger clash over counterinsurgency strategy as the new template for war.
BBC News | South Asia | Race to help India flood stranded severe flooding left about 250 people dead and millions without homes.
Firedoglake » Criminal Accessory or Real-Time Reporting? FBI Raids Home of Man Who Tweeted Police Movements During G-20 (stinks)
Griper Blade: The World's Worst-Kept Secret (the "knowledge" of how to make a nuke)
BBC News | Middle East | Israel minister feared UK arrest Israeli minister and former military chief Moshe Yaalon cancelled a UK visit because of fears of arrest for alleged war crimes (Polanski never killed anyone)
ElBaradei says nuclear Israel number one threat to Mideast (call Abe Foxman)
BBC News | Middle East | Egypt cleric 'to ban full veils' (niqab is just tradition)
philosecurity » Blog Archive » What Does DHS Know About You?
Obama quietly tries to shore up Senate support for public option -- (without taking ownership or spending any "political captial")
The Washington Monthly: When Push Comes To Shove
Campaign Silo » Countdown to Lieberman the only reason to pass a bill without a public option is if the White House doesn't want one.
Use of Federal Health Clinics Soars - (everyone is poor and unemployed except bankers, insurance corps and lobbyists)
WellPoint Cuts Workers' Health Insurance Benefits (CEO, encouraged workers to lobby against healthcare reform, gets $10mil bonus!)
Op-Ed Columnist - The Politics of Spite - the modern Republican Party, has the emotional maturity of a bratty 13-year-old (+psychotic)
At Simmons, Bought, Drained and Sold, Then Sent to Bankruptcy -
Calculated Risk: New York Income Tax Revenue Falls 36% (all the states are going bankrupt)
TARP Watchdog's Report: Treasury Misled Public On Bailouts (what they do) / Companies / Financial Services - Goldman to be paid $1bn if CIT fails (win!)
Quelle Surprise! New York Times Fails to Call Private Equity Looting by Its Proper Name « naked capitalism
The story of the stimulus - Paul Krugman Blog -
Larry Summers and the White House economic team : The New Yorker
Unemployment Becoming Leading Indicator for Pimco’s New Normal -
Too many palatial homes, too few princely buyers -- stories | Facebook
Exploring a universe where nothing isn't empty - Ars Technica
Baby mammoth yields secrets after 40,000 years in Siberian tundra - Times Online
Cancer treatment enters 'very exciting' era - Telegraph could stop the disease being a major cause of death
The waking nightmare of sleep paralysis | Chris French | Science |
Seth’s blog » Blog Archive » a Comparison of Strategies for Sustaining Weight Loss
Five Best Weight-Management Tools - Weight loss - Lifehacker
Conservatizing the Bible - Crunchy Con
Conservative Bible Project - Conservapedia Liberal bias has become the single biggest distortion in modern Bible translations (new translation! free-market principles!)
'The Simpsons' Mock 'The Secret' (video)
Suddenly Last Supper - Popped Culture
Microsoft Security Essentials: The big questions | News | TechRadar UK
3 Reasons Why iPhone Won't Get Adobe Flash - PC World (Steve, Steve and Steve)
10 Essential Wordpress Plugins For New Wordpress Installation
Fareed Zakaria on Iran's Nuclear Program |
Israel trying to dodge overseas prosecution - Yahoo! News Israel is taking extraordinary steps to fend off potential international prosecution of its political and military leaders
Obama adviser: Afghanistan gov't must do better "The al-Qaida presence is very diminished," he said. "The maximum estimate is less than 100 operating in the country (something wrong with this picture)
Peter W. Galbraith -- U.N. Isn't Addressing Fraud in Afghan Election - (Peter Galbraith fired for honesty; UN sweeping electoral fraud under the rug; Ban Ki-moon is a lying idiot)
The Battle of Wanat | Inside the Wire - One of the deadliest attacks of the Afghan war is a symbol of the U.S. military's missteps
A Truly Shocking Guantánamo Story: Judge Confirms That An Innocent Man Was Tortured To Make False Confessions
NY man accused of tweeting cop actions at protests -
ATTACKERMAN » Intelligence Shortfalls And The Waziristan Offensive
Obama was told a trip to Olympics meeting may clinch Chicago win -- (what idiot told him that?)
Matthew Yglesias » The Idea of a Bargain (Bush would have invaded the IOC and gitmo'd them all)
Emptywheel » Evidence The US Bought The Megrahi Conviction (more news you won't read in MSM America - why they didn't want the appeal trial)
AMERICAblog Gay | A great people deserve their rights: National Security Adviser: Obama won't lift gay ban until Iraq and Afghan wars finished - and even then, if there are more wars... (like, never: more change you can believe in not)
Obama urges spirit of compromise on healthcare | Politics | Reuters (yes, compromise with the 72% who want a public option)
Supreme Court's New Term: Major Decisions Looming On Gun Rights, Business Cases (guns in schools! corps as peoples!)
Frank Rich - The Rabbit Ragu Democrats - (US of Lobbyists)
Hullabaloo: Let fiefdom ring - Capitalism: A Love Story
Dana Milbank - Washington Sketch: Those Wacky GOP Health-Care Amendments - not too late for Republicans on Wednesday to make one more valiant stand for the health insurance industry.
SNL Vs. Obama: Sketch Details All The President's Failures Since Taking Office (video)
YouTube - Sen. Rockefeller Keith Olbermann - .5 trillion $ subsidy to insurance companies - stimulus!
Firedoglake » The Death Penalty as Political Gang Initiation (Rick Perry and rogue-state Texas)
Roubini Says Stocks Have Risen ‘Too Much, Too Soon, Too Fast’ - (bubble, bubble, toil and trouble: asset bubble!)
Les Leopold: The Forbes 400 Shows Why Our Nation Is Falling Apart
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect The Economy Loses 824,000 Jobs and the Post Doesn't Notice
"Constructive biology" will reshape biotech - William A Haseltine
ESC> About the ESC> ESC Press Office> ESC Press Releases> 2009 General Press Releases> 'No major role for fish' in heart failure prevention only a possible beneficial effect in those with diabetes
Scientists discover clues to what makes human muscle age
BBC News | Science & Environment | Making people move in slow motion
Woman’s Shattered Life Shows Ground Beef Inspection Flaws -
BBC News | UK | Scotland | Edinburgh, East and Fife | Men wanted to test contraceptive
Will California become America's first failed state? | World news | The Observer So what has gone so catastrophically wrong? (one word: Republicans)
Invasion of the pod car - The Boston Globe The dream of personal rapid transit picks up speed (PRT: an insane idea whose idea will never come - “You can text to your delight while traveling,” says Alain Kornhauser!)
5. Europe Blocks US Toxic Products | Project Censored (infringing on their right to poison you)
Washington Post, Bloomberg To Launch News Service
Dan Rather: Lawsuit "Not Over," I'm "Determined"
Cokie on Polanski: ‘Just Take Him Out and Shoot Him’ - George's Bottom Line (Villagers hate trials)
Commentary: The sunflower boy's smile -
September 30, 2009 : Savage Love | A.V. Club
Windows 7 to usher in crush of cheap laptops | Nanotech - The Circuits Blog - CNET News
Up to 4,000 buried in Indonesian quake rubble -
BBC News | Europe | Ireland backs EU's Lisbon Treaty
Open Left:: We Didn't Deserve The Olympics (the truth)
Daily Kos: Outdumbing the stupid: Rachel Maddow (on Conservative Reaction to America's loss)
Report Cites Firefight as Lesson on Afghan War -
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad revealed to have Jewish past - Telegraph (call Abe Foxman)
Emptywheel » DiFi and Pat Leahy, Silencing the Librarians (new PATRIOT language: the whole thing stinks)
Reprimand of Polling Firm Rattles News Organizations - Strategic Vision was founded by Mr. Johnson and his wife, Laura Ward, as a Republican-leaning mom-and-pop public relations company in 2002 (whut?)
National Journal Magazine - A Fleeting GOP Boost In 2010? Republicans may do very well in the midterms without solving their demographic challenges. by Ronald Brownste
U.S. Jews Lead Other Religious Groups in Support of Obama (little Billy Kristol is crying)
Cornel West Interview: Don't Appoint Larry Summers As An Economic Adviser And Tell Me You're Progressive (video)
Why the September Jobs Report Is So Brutal - Yahoo! News
Jobless total tops 15 million | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/03/2009
Reuters Columns » Blog Archive » The perils of long-term unemployment | Blogs |
U.S. Unemployment Now Lasts Longer Than Benefits: Chart of Day -
Personal Bankruptcy Filings Soar - Consumer bankruptcies topped one million for the first nine months of this year, the highest point since the system was overhauled in 2005.
Obama’s Anzio - Paul Krugman Blog - unemployment will, if we’re lucky, peak around 10 percent, not 9.
Calculated Risk: Comparing Employment Recessions including Revision (doesn't look good)
Hullabaloo: digby: Cry Me A River, Part 3,299 (NYT cries for the super-rich, their natural constituency)
Scientists Discover What Makes The Same Type Of Cells Different - Properties of the cell cultures determine variability
Dark Matter: The Plot Thickens - "Could it be that we simply do not understand the long-range behavior of gravity?" -- Gravitational Corridors Act Like Space Lanes
Understanding the Anxious Mind -
The Mating Game is a Team Sport | Psychology Today
Henge with no stones: Unearthed, the site that could be monument's little sister | Mail Online
Some doubt hand washing stops H1N1 -
What to do about the swine flu?
US. Government Suffers 'Largest Release Of Personally Identifiable Information Ever' - data breaches/Security - DarkReading
Your Money - The Higher Lifetime Costs of Being a Gay Couple -
Host Your Domain Email at Gmail (Without Forwarding) | Smarterware
Google Wave’s unproductive email metaphors
Women Are a Majority On All Social Networks Except One
Google CEO Eric Schmidt On Newspapers & Journalism
Giz Explains: Why You Can't Get Decent Earphones for Less Than $100 - Earbuds - Gizmodo
A Unified Theory of Superman’s Powers
2016 Olympics Vote: Chicago Dumped In First Round Shocker (only to the special snowflake Americans)
Chicago Not Getting The Olympics | Air America Media Pakistani IOC member Syed Shahid Ali correctly noted the significant difficulties facing foreigners seeking entry into the United States (Fortress America wouldn't let any foreigners in anyway)
The Washington Monthly - A year ago, a conservative Republican president told Chicago, "This country supports your bid, strongly." That was then, before the right decided their hatred for the president's hometown was more important than anything else.
Rooting against America: Beck, other conservatives cheer elimination of Chicago's Olympic bid | Media Matters for America (getting even weirder)
Conservatives Revel In Obama's Olympic Bid Failure (mean-spirited, anti-American SOB's aren't they?)
Afghanistan, September, 2009 - The Big Picture -
Judge rules FBI can’t keep Cheney interview buried | Raw Story (Plame interview)
Dallas judge paves way for gay couple to get divorce | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News - the state's ban on gay marriage violates the U.S. Constitution.
Shake-up in Texas execution probe draws criticism, questions - (Rick Perry kills wrongful execution investigation 3 days before report: rogue state)
Hullabaloo: dday: The Homicide And The Cover-Up (digby: "We're talking about state-sanctioned murder here, or at least negligent homicide, with one of the most obvious cover-ups to that action")
The Associated Press: Dems taunt GOP: Where's your health care plan?
Grayson: The GOP is a "lie factory" - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room (hammer meet nail)
Brooks - The Wizard of Beck - (Republican crazies have no influence on GOP - ignoring the obvious)
Steven F. Hayward -- Is Conservatism Brain-Dead? - (ya think?)
98000 Reasons people die from healthcare (why we need tort reform!)
Senator Helped Mistress’s Husband, Raising Ethics Flags -
Montana AG Probing American Police Force Deal | TPMMuckraker - $27 million jail — empty since it was built as a development project in 2007 ($27 million down the drain: the jail to nowhere)
Apple for the teacher, but luxury for execs - Kansas City Star (who could have predicted?)
Paul Krugman - Mission Not Accomplished - Mission Not Accomplished
Robert Reich's Blog: The Truth About Jobs That No One Wants To Tell You
Decreased Jobs and Hours Push Economy Back to 1997 Hours Level - CEPR
Unemployment Rate Rises To 9.8 Percent; U.S. Economy Shed 263,000 Jobs In September (so? - the banksters have jobs)
Table A-12. Alternative measures of labor underutilization (U6 at 17%)
Fed Chest-Thumping for Beginners « The Baseline Scenario
Report: High poverty risk for Southern rural kids - Florida AP -
The Bellows » Command and Control (tax credit subsidizes single-family low-density housing)
A Single Genetic Tweak Gives Mice Longer, Healthier Lives | 80beats | Discover Magazine
A new day dawned fast Recovery from marine mass extinction happened much faster than thought, high-resolution research finds
London Dating | Blogs | Evening Standard - A study was published today which says that one in twenty women have never been sober when having sex as they lack body confidence.
Do women need to get drunk to have sex? - Broadsheet -
Liz Hoggard: Why women need a drink before sex - The Independent
I've only had sex drunk: how do you have good sex sober? | Scarleteen
Drunk on You: Alcohol Disinhibits, But At What Cost? | BlogHer Kashiwa Mystery Cafe
High Court serves injunction via Twitter - Telegraph
The Freak Revolution Manifesto
Tsunami | Pacific | earthquake | Samoa | American Samoa | waves | death | villages wiped out | devastation | Quake triggers Pacific tsunami
EU blames Georgia for starting war with Russia - Telegraph (you won't read this in the US)
Georgia/Russia: how our political discourse works - Glenn Greenwald -
McChrystal Rejects Lower Afghan Aims -
U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote: On the Motion (Motion to Waive CBA McCain Amdt. No. 2558 ) (Senate defeats McCain effort to defund C-17, spends $17Bn on unneeded plane - America's priorities)
Obama shifts on cargo plane campaign pledge -
World Wide Military Expenditures
t r u t h o u t | Judge's Order to Release Kuwaiti Detainee Puts Obama in a Bind
Reason Magazine : Hit & Run : Unbelievable Evidence, but Good Enough for Seven Years in Prison (tortured)
Andy Worthington: A Truly Shocking Gitmo Story Judge Confirms an Innocent Man Tortured to Make False Confessions
C-SPAN Supreme Court Week
LSC: Press Releases: LSC Releases Updated Report on the Justice Gap in America
Why Did Sen. Schumer Attempt To Limit The Press Shield Law? (pressure from Obama - "National Security Concerns")
Gore Vidal: ‘We’ll have a dictatorship soon in the US’ - Times Online The grand old man of letters Gore Vidal claims America is ‘rotting away’ — and don’t expect Barack Obama to save it
Full Text Of Newsmax Column Suggesting Military Coup Against Obama | TPM News Pages
Revealed: millions spent by lobbyists fighting Obama health reforms | World news | Six lobbyists for every member of Congress as healthcare industry heaps cash on politicians to water down legislation (+75,000 insane teabaggers and Glenn Beck: American Democracy is dead)
Reid: Final health bill will have a 'public option' - Breaking News -
The Washington Monthly: Abortion Field Trips (latest freeper/WND/Bachmann crap: school health clinics for poor sudents=abortion clinic - these evil morons shape our national discourse)
You Do Not Have Health Insurance « The Baseline Scenario
Baucus earns his healthcare industry funding - Joan Walsh -
Stewart Destroys Dems For Not Getting Public Option Passed (video)
Health Care for Congress, Low Cost Clinic for Capitol Hill Lawmakers - ABC News Little Known Office on Capitol Hill Provides Quality Medical Care for Low Price
AMNews: Sept. 28, 2009. Insurers say system reform won't put them out of business ... American Medical News There could be boosts in business, company executives predict.
Post editors should read their own columnists - Glenn Greenwald - (Polanski and Fred Hiatt, superwanker)
White House Calls Out Fox And Glenn Beck On Olympics (whoppers)
YouTube - Glenn Beck blames godlessness for America's problems
American Police Force Offers Fugitive Tracking, 'Covert Pregnancy Testing' and More! | American Police Force Leader's Long Criminal Record | TPMMuckraker
Arizona Allows Guns In Bars Starting Today | TPM LiveWire (this will not end well)
Hullabaloo: digby: Doomed To Repeat It (Taylor Branch interviewed by Chris Matthews, the representative pinhead of the MSM)
Wall Street's Latest Trick | Mother Jones (more gold for them)
Wells Fargo Accused Of Pocketing The Difference When Customers Make ATM Math Errors
Credit Rating Agency Analysts Covering AIG, Lehman Brothers Never Disciplined
Daily Kos: The $8,000 tax credit for buying a house
Social Security Owes 'Fugitives' Millions - (Bushco: while the banksters were looting the country)
Microchip That Can Detect Type And Severity Of Cancer Created
Oldest "Human" Skeleton Found--Disproves "Missing Link"
Ardipithecus: We Meet At Last | The Loom | Discover Magazine
Report: climate change threatens national parks | McClatchy
The Washington Independent » Senate Finance Committee Approves Amendment Providing Millions for Abstinence Education ("fiscal conservatives")
Census Dispels 'Opting-Out' Notion for Stay-at-Home Moms - Many Are Younger, Less Educated, Hispanic (turns out they weren't all white Republican women w/legal careers)
Cyberbullying Bill Gets Chilly Reception | Threat Level |
CBC News - Nova Scotia - N.S. bishop wanted on child porn charges
Why it's so hard to put sex in the dictionary. - By Jesse Sheidlower - Slate Magazine
Love, pleasure, duty: Why women have sex -
Slate V - XX bloggers try to drink as much as Mad Men guys
LEAP -- Law Enforcement Against Prohibition - history of Drug Prohibition in America (no change in percent addicts, just a lot more in prison costing tons of money and destabilizing the hemisphere)
Stories of Ambien Use and Abuse
Google Wave First Look - Google Wave - Lifehacker
Mappos - The Zappos Real-Time Order Map
AnandTech: NVIDIA's Fermi: Architected for Tesla, 3 Billion Transistors in 2010
YouTube - LIPDUB - I Gotta Feeling (Comm-UQAM 2009)
River Vices: Mayor James D Kalb, Portsmouth Ohio: Burning the Midnight Oil (and making a fool of himself on the internets for all eternity)
vook (video books)
Magnitude 6.8 - Southern Sumatra, Indonesia
The Day of the Tsunami -
U.S. Critic of Karzai Is Fired From U.N. Mission - (one way to deal with the fraud problem)
Spain's Goth First Daughters Embarrass, Embarrassed By Dad - Barack Obama - Gawker
YouTube - Rep. Alan Grayson's apology (more like this, please)
YouTube - Rep. Alan Grayson on the Situation Room
MoveOn Unleashes Ads Hitting Dem Senators Who Voted Against Public Option | The Plum Line (says "screw you" to Rahm Emmanuel) - on Max Baucus D Mont Kent Conrad D ND Blanche Lincoln D Ark Bill Nelson D Fla and Tom Carper D Del (people who identify themselves as Democrats favor the public option by a margin of 81% to 12%. but those 5 "D"s got $19 million from health lobbyists, what more do you need to know?)
Special Health Care for Congress: Lawmakers' Health Care Perks Little Known Office on Capitol Hill Provides Quality Medical Care for Low Price (they're taken care of, so screw you)
Federal Insurance Programs (too good for the rest of us)
Booman Tribune ~ But the main venue for hounding Clinton about Whitewater was Friedman's own New York Times.
Newsmax columnist: Military coup "to resolve the 'Obama problem' " is not "unrealistic" | Media Matters for America
Hullabaloo: digby: In Case You Were Wondering (who the "national problem" is + what we really need are skilled "nation building" military rulers)
The Washington Independent » Fear of Fascism, ‘Gay Agenda’ Dominates Conservative Kickoff for Midterm Elections Huckabee, Bachmann Among GOP Stars at 'How to Take Back America Conference' ("Living under Nazis & Communists" ... that would be the "National Problem")
Poll: Blanche Lincoln Trails Republican Challengers | TPMDC (for all her Republican votes)
Hullabaloo If You Take Out The People Who Die, Americans Live Forever by dday (Betsy "Root of all healthcare lies" McCaughey)
Firedoglake » Conservative Blogger Rick Moran Calls on the Right to Condemn “Crazies”, Sees Racism in Attacks on Obama
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Death to the Widow Penalty.
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Further thoughts from Anne Applebaum: The slut was asking for it (Polanski: Kaplan Test Prep strikes again)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Today in Pathetic Polanski Apologism ...
GM Closes Saturn After Penske Talks Fail - Automotive News Story - KETV Omaha
Homeowners in financial trouble often redefault -
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Shiller’s underwhelming innovations
Magazine Preview - Understanding the Anxious Mind -
New Findings About Water Ice on Mars -
In Liquid and Air, Scientists Find Order Among the Chaos -
The Big Idea That Might Beat Cancer and Cut Health-Care Costs by 80 Percent | Cancer | Discover Magazine
Nike to quit Chamber post in climate protest - Lisa Lerer - (another corp quits rightwing lobbying org)
Basics - Give Birds a Break. Lock Up the Cat. - (comments)
"The Not-So-Hidden Politics of Class Online"
Responding to Responses to: "Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace"
File:Danah boyd, Web 2.0 Conference.jpg - Wikipedia
Top Social Networks by Country « Socialnomics – Social Media Blog (2006)
The world map of social networks - Valleywag - Gawker
Project 10 to the 100 - Vote for the idea you believe will help the most people.
New Malware Re-Writes Online Bank Statements to Cover Fraud | Threat Level |
Memes strike back: Gerbils, gay blood elves, and Glenn Beck - Ars Technica
Microsoft's grinning robots or the Brotherhood of the Mac. Which is worse? | Charlie Brooker | Comment is free | The Guardian
Microsoft's grinning robots or the Brotherhood of the Mac. Which is worse? ·
Liu Bolin...The Invisible Man... - v1kram's posterous
Rein in Government Spying: Reform the USA PATRIOT Act and Repeal Telco Immunity | Electronic Frontier Foundation
It seems the relationship between Gen. Odierno and Amb. Christopher Hill is deteriorating - By Tom Ricks | The Best Defense
Ashcroft, Yoo Lawsuits: Ex-Bush Officials Sued Over Actions
U.S., Allies Seek New Ways to Sanction Iran - With China, Russia Still Reluctant, Moves by Treasury Department Are Immediate Focus; December Deadline Slows Action
AQAP: Paradigm Shifts and Lessons Learned | STRATFOR
France: Stress and worker suicides mean the future's not bright at Orange | World news | The Guardian
GOP Rep. Trent Franks Calls Obama "An Enemy Of Humanity" (just paint a target on him)
Campaign Silo » Rockefeller’s Robust Public Option Amendment Fails, 8 - 15
First Public Option Amendment Fails With Five Dem No Votes (Baucus wins, you lose)
Many Options for a Public Option — Even if Not Enough Votes - Prescriptions Blog -
Daily Kos: Reid, Snowe and the Public Option: What's the Real Story?
RealClearPolitics - Democrats Again Lost in Divisions
Booman Tribune ~ Understanding the Strategy
Nelson: Health Care Reform Needs 65 Votes To Be Legitimate | TPMDC (raising the bar)
Robert Reich: The Public Option Lives On
Public Option Vote Could Pit Democrat Vs. Democrat
Dylan Ratigan: Why Would We Let Them Rig the Game? Why is health insurance the only business that has an exemption from the Sherman Anti-Trust Act other than Major League Baseball?
cab drollery: Through The Back Door And the abortion opponents are getting enough support from moderate Democrats that both sides say the outcome is too close to call (no coverage for women's health)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect The Irony Of Liz Cheney (torture has become institutionalized in the Republican Party)
Newsweek's Howard Fineman: Obama thinks he's all that | Media Matters for America (because he uses "I" and "me" in his speeches; Fineman's dick is shriviling)
The Project On Government Oversight (POGO) Blog If Congress Attacks the Mighty Oak of Contractor Misconduct, It Shouldn't Just Settle for an ACORN Hanging citizen journalists out to dry: shield-law amendment excludes unpaid bloggers (paid journos are special snowflakes)
One crucial B. McCaughey update - James Fallows McCaughey's writing was influenced by Philip Morris, the world's largest tobacco company, as part of a secret campaign to scuttle Clinton's health care reform (but look over there at the bloggers!)
Hullabaloo: Planned Personhood (wearing you down)
PostPartisan - Let Polanski Go -- But First Let Me At Him (Richard Cohen: Polanski "seduced" 13 yo girl: WaPo at work)
Meg Whitman's nonvoting voting record -- (eMeg)
Exelon Quits Chamber Of Commerce Over Climate Change Legislation
Alaska senator's effort to block EPA on carbon emissions fails | McClatchy
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » What’s happened to Nairu? | Blogs |
The Associated Press: FDIC says bank failures to cost around $100B
There are 215 Starbucks within 5 Miles of my Office | The Big Picture
5 most overpaid CEOs - Michael Jeffries, Abercrombie & Fitch (1) -
FHA Cash Reserve Running Out - The FHA makes Countrywide Financial look prudent.
Consumer groups blast banks' card 'tricks' - The Red Tape Chronicles - he Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act, or the CARD Act, has backfired.
Superheavy Element 114 Confirmed: A Stepping Stone To The 'Island Of Stability'
Scientists Decry "Flawed" and "Horrifying" Nationality Tests : ScienceInsider
Gay couples as fit to adopt as heterosexuals: study | Reuters - sexual orientation of the adoptive parents was not a significant predictor of emotional problems
What global warming looks like — Crooked Timber
Holographic storage, phase-change memory coming soon - Ars Technica
Subliminal advertising really does work, claim scientists - Telegraph - especially if they are negative
It's true: all the taken men are best - life - 17 August 2009 - New Scientist
What's really in your shampoo | Salon (makes your head a superfund site)
Meth Laws: Grandmother Arrested For Buying Cold Medicine Twice In One Week
Take This Internship and Shove It - New York Times
The Costs of Becoming a Journalist « Working-Class Perspectives
Jay Leno in primetime review : The New Yorker
Hymen-Glyphics: Egypt to Pop Fake Virgins | CarnalNation a well-known Egyptian scholar is calling for the death penalty for anyone caught importing devices that women can use to fake their virginity.
The Facebook divorce | Salon Life Couples are broadcasting their breakups online while friends -- and lawyers! -- watch in amazement and horror
The Last Days Of The Polymath | More Intelligent Life
Is Google Killing General Knowledge? | More Intelligent Life
10 ways Google's made Android more awesome | News | TechRadar UK
Google Sidewiki: Danger « BuzzMachine
Google Sidewiki: the idea that won't die, but never lives | Technology |
MyDD :: Apple iPhone Censorship Apple rejected a free iPhone application that advocated a single-payer health system, calling the application "politically charged," according to the app's develope (the culture of Jobs)
Racial Divides Online: MySpace is seen as “black,” while Facebook is “white.” Or is a new study a reminder that the Internet is not a uniform public space?
The Cheapest Way to Get Windows 7! - Windows 7 OEM Prices - Gizmodo
Metered Broadband Is the Future: Verizon CTO (their decades-long wet dream + "the concept of a flat-rate infinitely expandable service is unachievable." except in the 27 countries w/better internet) d
YouTube - G20 Police State 25 - Police manhandle arrested student for group police photo op Unbelievable (cop trophies)
'GMA used P800-million emergency fund for foreign trips' | The Philippine Star >> News >> Headlines President Arroyo used up the government’s P800-million contingency fund for emergencies like calamities for her frequent foreign trips
Ondoy aftermath - Sept 27,2009 - a set on Flickr
Typhoon Ondoy Aftermath - a set on Flickr
Emptywheel » DOJ’s DOD Advice for CIA
Firedoglake » Mike Huckabee Proposes Kicking United Nations out of United States, Relocating It to Saudi Arabia (presidential material!)
Reid the Quarterback May Call on Obama to Referee - (but Snowe is the "decider" for all Americans)
A glossary of terms in foreign affairs - Glenn Greenwald -
Open Left:: Denver Post: Obama Aide Messina Caught "Trying to Buy Off" Primary Challenger
Hullabaloo: digby: Throwing Punches (Rahmbo making sure no progressives get elected, ever)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Strategic Vision Polls Exhibit Unusual Patterns, Possibly Indicating Fraud (Republicans, of course)
National polling firm battling back amid controversy over fraud allegations -
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Are Oklahoma Students Really This Dumb? Or Is Strategic Vision Really This Stupid? (and the two major US parties are "Communist and Republican") Strategic Vision: A Bigger Story?
Strategic Vision promises crosstabs with every poll | Political Insider
Liz Cheney Taking Stage for the G.O.P. - (she's so qualified as a liar)
TBogg » I was the X-Files Editor for the New York Times (special assignment editor for wingnut news)
Curious Reasoning | Talking Points Memo
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Emotional rescue (the solution: more conservatives in newsrooms and editors!)
Betsy McCaughey, Big Tobacco, and the campaign to destroy health care reform | Media Matters for America (printed in the "liberal" The New Republic by Andrew Sullivan)
$35 Billion Slated for Local Housing -
The textbook economics of cap-and-trade - Paul Krugman Blog -
The freshwater backlash (boring) - Paul Krugman Blog - Chicago really, really didn’t like my article (as in Milton Friedman's School of Ecomonics - "Basically, their worldview has been frozen in amber since around 1978.")
Shichinin no Economusutai--NOT!! - J. Bradford DeLong (rightwing econom-reaction of Krugman - "If this doesn't frighten you, you aren't paying attention...")
How did Paul Krugman get it so Wrong? John H. Cochrane September 16 2009 (Chicago)
Economist's View: What's Wrong with Macroeconomics?
The state of economics: The other-worldly philosophers | The Economist
Financial economics: Efficiency and beyond | The Economist The efficient-markets hypothesis has underpinned many of the financial industry’s models for years. After the crash, what remains
Reader debate on where economics went wrong: Dismay and realism over the dismal science | The Economist Economists and other readers debate the flaws in economics, and in our articles on its failings
Economics focus: In defence of the dismal science | The Economist Robert Lucas Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago
DNA test shows Hitler skull is that of a woman | Top stories |
Sharp Blue: Relativity, FTL and causality - Richard Baker
TED Blog: The healthcare debate: Jonathan Haidt on how our moral roots skew our reasoning
Lab-on-a-Chip Performs 1,000 Chemical Reactions At Once
Family mental history shadows future children - Kids and parenting- Genetic fears weigh heavily on those grappling with choice to have kids
Krugman - Cassandras of Climate -
Reminder: Roman Polanski raped a child - Broadsheet - (+Washington Post's Anne Applebaum is married to Poland's foreign minister)
Turn Your Windows 7 PC Into a Wireless Hotspot - windows 7 - Lifehacker
Philippine storm leaves 106 dead and missing - Yahoo! News
Israel demands PA drop war crimes suit at The Hague - Haaretz - Israel has warned the Palestinian Authority that it would condition permission for a second cellular telephone provider (if PA ignores war crimes)
Swine flu shot: Intense tracking for side effects - Yahoo! News
AIDS Vaccine Success Is 'Modest'
If AIDS Went the Way of Smallpox -
Q+A: In a first, an HIV vaccine works - but why? | Science | Reuters
Massive AIDS Vaccine Study a "Modest" Success : ScienceInsider
Global Voices Online » USA: One Step Closer to Lifting HIV Travel Ban
Bill Clinton: Obama Faces Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy | TPM LiveWire
Gates: Gitmo Deadline Was Smart Politics, But Won't Be Met (video)
Taipei Times - archives The Bush in Obama: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss By Naomi Wolf (Obama institutionalizes "preventive detention" forever)
Hullabaloo: digby: Hair Trigger - Get this man (Michael Crowley, TNR) a clean diaper and a bottle and put him to bed ("24" obsessed "reporters" + ticking bleach & pedicure bomb) - SITREP Situation Report | The Beauty Parlor Supply Store Bomb
Firedoglake » Warming Up the Climate Change Denial Crowd
David Brooks: our nation's premier expert warrior - Glenn Greenwald - - Brooks got promoted within our establishment commentariat to The New York Times after (one might say: because of) the ignorant bile and amoral idiocy he continuously spewed while at The Weekly Standard (record is damning)
How to Keep Iran in Check Without War - The Daily Beast For nearly two decades, Israel and the U.S. have warned about Iran’s nuclear capabilities and the need to “do something” preemptively (unilateral perempterizers)
Should any Iraq lessons be applied to Iran? - Glenn Greenwald - (all the Iraq losers doing it again: Ignatius, O'Hanlon, etc)
Iran says new plant was part of dispersal of civilian program against attack threats
Eunomia » No Breakthrough Here - sanctioning Iran is already a counterproductive, foolish policy.
Washington Post Columnist: 'There Was Never A Constituency For Health Care. Let's Remember That.' | Crooks and Liars (Kathleen Parker on Tweety's show)
Democrats Are Jarred by Drop In Fundraising - Complacency, Absence of Big Donors Cited (big-corps don't like Dems)
Balloon Juice » Balloon Juice Lexicon (Bible Spice- Nickname for Sarah Palin, coined by TBOGG)
Think Progress » Children sang Bush’s praises, but conservatives now call such behavior ‘indoctrination,’ ‘propaganda.’
Fed Held Back as Evidence Mounted on Subprime Loan Abuses - Under a policy quietly formalized in 1998, the Fed refused to police lenders' compliance with federal laws protecting borrowers, despite repeated urging by consumer advocates across the country and even by other government agencies ("no bubble" Greenspan)
Top 1% got 2/3 of all U.S. income gains - 2002-07 | National Union of Public and General Employees
NYC Unemployment Goes Double-Digit -- #1 in the State! - New York News - Runnin' Scared (white people hit hardest)
The dead end kids The unemployment rate for young Americans has exploded to 52.2 percent (the end of jobs)
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Reflections on "The Last Bear Standing"
Dylan to Darwin: Don't Look Back -- Torrice 2009 (923): 1 -- ScienceNOW - evolutionarily speaking, there's no going back - "perhaps one of the most important papers in the last 10 to 15 years in evolutionary biology"
Sheep Shed Light On Personality Differences
Bites of passage - The National Newspaper
Jenny McCarthy Body Count (anti-vax "indigo mom" of "crystal child")
WaPo’s Social Media Guidelines Paint Staff Into Virtual Corner; Full Text of Guidelines | paidContent
Michael J. Sandel, Harvard Moral Philosopher, to Teach on PBS -
Working Moms Are the Mobile Power Users in the U.S.
AT&T Blasts Google for Possible FCC Violations - HotHardware
10 Sexual Controversies That Changed TV | Nerve Entertainment (Republican TV)
Monsters climbing through the floors, magic carpet rides through fantastical cities... Yes, it's the return of the 3D artist Kurt Wenner | Mail Online
Israel Tells US, Time To Act On Iran (or they will)
Iran To Allow UN Inspection Of Nuclear Site
Op-Ed Columnist - Fed Up With War -
Obama's unplanned Iran news - Laura Rozen -
Obama Issues Ultimatum To Iran On Nukes
Poland okays forcible castration for pedophiles | Oddly Enough | Reuters
Where Tutu (and Gandhi) went wrong -- Their worldview is warped when it comes to Israel, the Jewish people and the Holocaust.
The Field: Honduran Coup Regime Mocks UN Security Council with Embassy Attacks (and where did they get the LRAD-X Remote Long Range Acoustic Device?)
Bill Sparkman Found Naked, Gagged And Bound (and duct-taped)
GOP Senators Drop Out of Panel Inquiry Into CIA Program - (hear no evil, see no evil)
Najibullah Zazi, From Smiling Face at the Cart to Terror Suspect -
Beware the Fake Car Bombs | Talking Points Memo
The Seattle Times: The Terrorist Within
Emptywheel » Found: The OGC Review. Still Missing: Legal Plausibility.
Attackerman » Ralph Peters’ General-Betray-Us Moment (protecting "worm-eaten children.")
The Seminal » Mrs Feinstein Regrets Apparently the GOPs aren't playing nice with Dianne Feinstein's Senate Intelligence Committee investigation.
Thousands march in Berkeley over UC cuts
Daily Kos: Public Option Action
PostPartisan - Those Socialist Americans 26 percent of respondents said they opposed the public option. But a whopping 65 supported it (same 26 percent - Republicans - believe in death panels and Obama's Kenyan birth, but Congress is listening to them!)
Austin Considine - American Crossroads – The True Faces of American Healthcare: Part one in an original video series - True/Slant 62-year-old Willard “Greg” Jones in Evansville, Indiana
at-Largely: Glue Sniffers = death threats to elementary school stalker of small children Michelle "shiksa" Malkin of course.
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Bill Maher: New Rule: If America Can't Get it Together, We Lose the Bald Eagle
Bob Cesca: The Impeachment of President Obama (Republicans spiraling into permanent insanity)
As Seen On TV! Birthermercial Asks, Where Was Obama Really Born? | TPMMuckraker
Barack Obama's Smile Never Changes (Video)
Mojo - September, 2009 - Beck Watch: Mindless, Incoherent, Pathetic + list of who's still advertising on the Glenn Beck Program:
Think Progress » Flashback: Bachmann Spread Fears Of Scary Stalking Census Workers (spreading hate and fear)
Why Won't The Media Address the Real Issue? 'ACORN' Is Wingnut Code for The 'N' Word. | Crooks and Liars
Wealthcare | The New Republic (Ayn Rand)
YouTube - A Year Later, Neil Barofsky Sees a 'Far More Dangerous' Financial Situation
Economic policymakers should sit tight until 2011 - Times Online The Obama Administration’s hopes of legislating a second fiscal stimulus next year have been thwarted by opinion polls
Citi Sues Morgan Stanley Over CDS, Claims $245 Million -
Guest Post: If Credit is Not Created Out of Excess Reserves, What Does That Mean? « naked capitalism
Alea | Quantitative Easing: It’s So Simple!
PM - Debt bet takes economist to Kosciusko 16/09/2009
Bonds retreat ahead of auctions - Sep. 18, 2009
MEWactiveQ42008.jpg (Active Mortgage Equity Withdrawal)
Mission Accomplished – Part I: Wrecking the Economy - Eric Janszen - (*)
Meet the Hazzards
Prototype Developed To Detect Dark Matter (cintillating bolometer)
Columbia Hills Flyover 2.0; Awesome Meridiani Mosaics | Universe Today
Behold, Saturn! | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Evolution (Burning Man time lapses) on Vimeo
The New York Review of Ideas
At age 17 Bonnie Richardson won the Texas state track team - 09.28.09 - SI Vault At age 17 Bonnie Richardson won the Texas state track team championship all by herself. Then she did it again
Man vs. God - (Armstrong vs Dawkings)
The Atheist Missionary: You can't erect a statue to your elephant god because my sky fairy will be offended
YouTube - Origin of Stupidity (Kirk Cameron is a sssssnake)
League of Reason
YouTube - That Mitchell and Webb Look: Proof of no God
Ten Dollars an Hour on Vimeo The story of an African-American cook at the Sigma Nu fraternity house at the University of Mississippi.
The Mind of Kalebu - Features - The Stranger
5 Awesome Cases of The Internet Owning The Mainstream Media |
iFascism? | Talking Points Memo (you've been Jobstered)
Horrifically bad software demo becomes performance art - Ars Technica
20+ Powerful Wordpress Security Plugins and Some Tips and Tricks : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Domain Name Wire » News » Go Daddy Files Patents for Enhanced Whois and DNS Records - The Domain Industry's News Source
Exclusive: Apple dictated Light Peak creation to Intel, could begin migration from other standards as early as 2010
Obama Appoints Scholar as New Copyright Czar | Threat Level | (Bush created Czar position)
The Iran nuclear revelation | Marc Lynch
General McChrystal 60 Minutes Interview: Overwhelming US Firepower Not The Way Forward In Afghanistan (video)
YouTube - Arrest at G20 Demonstrations, September 24, 2009
G20 cops dressed in camo ’snatch’ protester | Raw Story
WMD? | Talking Points Memo (everyone has WMD now, neocons were right, Bush didn't lie)
Daily Kos: Winning the argument (PO just plain cheaper; but will the fiscally-conservative centrists allow it?)
Poll: Public Option Favored By 65% Of Americans
The Washington Monthly: Kent Conrad'S Message To The Left ("I'm stupid")
The Seminal » Mandate + No Public Option = Unpopular taxpayer bailout of private insurance
SNL Mocks Glenn Beck For Conspiracy Theories, Lack Of Sanity (Video)
YouTube - Glenn Beck refuses to define "white culture" (he knows it when he see it)
YouTube - Right-Wing Census Paranoia: Bachmann, Beck, Fox News, and More
Crazy Census Conspiracies: Vote For The Most Insane
Calitics:: In California, There is No Longer Such Thing As "Public Higher Education" (50 years of Republican privatisation destroyed the California Dream +Lakoff)
America's Teacher By Naomi Klein - Michael Moore
Garrett Johnson: Just How Corrupt are the Bank Regulators?
NASA - Martian Ice Exposed by Meteorite Impacts
MediaPost Publications Judge Orders Google To Deactivate User's Gmail Account 09/25/2009
Video: Phoenix Instant Boot BIOS starts loading Windows in under a second
YouTube - How to wake your girlfriend up ? / Cum sa iti trezesti prietena ?
UN general assembly: 100 minutes in the life of Muammar Gaddafi | World news |
For first time, AIDS virus vaccine effective in trial --
Flu Nightmare: In Severe Pandemic, Officials Ponder Disconnecting Ventilators From Some Patients - ProPublica (death panels)
Hullabaloo: digby: Believing In Wet Works (the torture establishment + science is a proven communist conspiracy)
Torture Doesn’t Work, Neurobiologist Says—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
The Neurocritic: Tortured Brains Tell Tall Tales OR: Neuroscience Shows Why Torture Doesn't Work
Victory on preventive detention law: in context - Glenn Greenwald -
WATCH: DoJ Official Blows Cover Off PATRIOT Act (Only three of the 763 "sneak-and-peek" requests in fiscal year 2008 involved terrorism cases, according to a July 2009 report from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. Sixty-five percent were drug cases - who could have predicted anti-terrorism laws would be abused? - Russ Feingold, the sole vote against)
Stewart Mocks Media For Calling Obama 'Overexposed' (Video)
The Washington Monthly: Look Who'll Be On The Teevee (Again) (the guy who didn't win last year's presidential election)(question: is McCain overexposed in the media???)
Health Care bill intact with challenges ahead
Pat Roberts Pleads For Three-Day Delay So Lobbyists Can Read Health Care Legislation (video) the lobbyists are the ones writing the finance committee's bill to begin with. They should be pretty familiar with what's in there by now.
How the ACORN 'pimp and hooker' videos came to be
Chuck Norris: Stop Using The Modern American Flag -- Or Use Tea-Stained Ones | TPM LiveWire (he'll sell you a desecrated flag for $73.50)
The making of Glenn Beck | Salon News His roots, from the alleged suicide of his mom to Top 40 radio to the birth of the morning zoo. Part 1 of 3
Meet the man who changed Glenn Beck's life | Salon News Cleon Skousen was a right-wing crank whom even conservatives despised. Then Beck discovered him
Once and for all with the frogs - James Fallows
Let’s Ignore The Village Idiot « According to Mark - " we have a village idiot in this country, it’s called fundamental Christianity."
We still don't understand how fringe conservatism went mainstream. - By David Greenberg - Slate Magazine - The Obama Haters (+Hofstadter)
Taxpayers to Recoup TARP Money, Extremely Unlikely Says Government Watchdog - ABC News As Anniversary Nears, Lawmakers Told TARP May Not Expire at End of Year (who could have predicted?)
ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 530,000
Teed-Off Residents Drive Developer to Brink of Ruin -
A Curious Snag In Debt-For-Equity Restructurings As Goldman And JPM Do A Stealthy Roll Up Of The Media Industry | zero hedge » The Story Behind the Atlantic Salmon (fMRI used on dead salmon to show emotional responses to humans) » The Internet Found the Atlantic Salmon
Gallery - The world's best impact craters - Image 1 - New Scientist -- It's Official: Water Found on the Moon
Thorkil Sonne: Recruit Autistics
New Light on the Plight of Winter Babies - Researchers Stumble Upon Alternative Explanation for the Lifelong Challenges Faced by Children Born in Colder Months (prom effect)
Louis Begley’s Why the Dreyfus Affair Matters review : The New Yorker Trial of the Century: Revisiting the Dreyfus affair. by Adam Gopnik
Dan Brown’s The Lost Symbol : The New Yorker
YouTube - A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies Part 1
BLDGBLOG: Body Baroque
The Neurocritic RULE 34: What Netporn Tells Us About The Brain (Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam)
Association for Psychological Science: Journals Puzzlingly High Correlations in fMRI Studies of Emotion, Personality, and Social Cognition
Functional Neuroimaging of Belief, Disbelief, and Uncertainty :: Sam Harris
Giz Explains: How To Fix the Airlines' Stupid Portable Gadget Rules - Airplanes - Gizmodo
GMail Down: Google E-Mail Experiencing Problems, Check Status Here
Can your baby get pregnant if you have sex while pregnant? - Yahoo! Answers
Obama Considers Strategy Shift in Afghan War - (dump the quagmire early)
Obama Pivots in His in Mideast Peace Bid - has met immovable resistance from Israel over his demand for a full freeze on settlements in the West Bank (who could have predicted?)
Israel Summit A Victory For Settlement Stand, Says Avigdor Lieberman no signs of progress toward the U.S. goal of restarting peace talks (Israel is the boss of Obama)
There Are More Slaves Today Than at Any Time in Human History | World | AlterNet
Rekha Kalindi, Child Bride Who Defied Parents Inspires India - ABC News Even President of India Wanted to Meet Rekha Kalindi
Japan Death Row | Amnesty International Does Japan drive criminals insane? And execute them anyway? Amnesty International thinks so.
Robbers use chopper to raid Sweden cash depot - Houston Chronicle
AP source: Census worker hanged with 'fed' on body - Yahoo! News - "We are deeply saddened by the loss of our co-worker," Commerce Secretary Gary Locke said in a statemen (you know where to find the bloody hands)
Bill Sparkman: Tragic Details About Census Worker Found Hanged - This Seems Unconnected To Recent Political Events (death was on 9/12 ... what happened to this story for 11 days?)
Identity of body found in Clay County has been released (see comments)
Like Savages, Freepers Celebrate the Hanging of Census Taker Bill Sparkman - Democratic Underground
Democratic Underground - I know many of you hate when freep comments are posted, but regarding the hanged census worker-- - Democratic Underground
Think Progress » Bachmann Boasts About Breaking The Law: I’m Refusing To Fill Out The Census (remember this?)
Emptywheel » Obama’s New State Secrets Policy Is Reaffirmation Of Bush’s Policy (same old Bush)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Meet The New State Secrets Policy, Not So Different From The Old State Secrets Policy
Firedoglake » CIA/SERE Experiments Evidence of Attempt to Mislead on OLC Torture Memos
The Washington Independent » Al Franken Reads the 4th Amendment to Justice Department Official
Obama Admin. Announces New Policy On State Secrets | TPMMuckraker
Holder Memo On State Secret (9/23/09) | TPM Document Collection (same as the old secrets)
ACLU And Nadler: New State Secrets Policy Falls Short | TPMMuckraker
Editorial - The Rights of Corporations -
The Washington Monthly: The GOP Reversal On Individual Mandates (who could have predicted?)
GOP Rushes To Defend Insurance Companies From Dem Attack
Campaign Silo » Carper Publicly Defends Secret PhRMA Deal In Exchange For Support Ads
Palin Hong Kong Speech Blames Government For Financial Crisis; Some Walk Out In Disgust (you know, Obama was president for the last eight years)
Poll Begs Question: Is Extremism Mainstream? | TPMDC only 59% of voters believe that President Obama was born in the United States
Glenn Greenwald - - "The amount of money that ACORN has received in the past 20 years altogether is roughly equal to what the taxpayer paid to Haillburton each day during the war in Iraq." (but look over there!)
Former Interior Secretary Gale Norton is focus of corruption probe -- a 2006 decision to award oil shale leases in Colorado to a Royal Dutch Shell subsidiary. Months later, the oil giant hired Norton as a legal counsel (about a trillion dollars, but look at ACORN!)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Day six of the Kaplan Daily’s silence on the Norton story - WaPo pulled reporters off of a story involving criminal misconduct at the cabinet level involving hundreds of billions of dollars to put more reporters on a story about a gag video involving kids dressed up as pimps and hos.
The Strange Case Of The Philandering, Muslim-Threat-Hyping FBI Agent | TPMMuckraker
Beck attacks 14th Amendment, complete with picture of man, baby in sombreros | Media Matters for America
Card Defaults Surge in August to 11.49%, Moody’s Says (Update1) -
Insurance against financial fear Tradeable Investment Credits (TICs).
Calculated Risk: MBA: 30 Year Mortgage Rates Fall Below 5 Percent
One to the left - Paul Krugman Blog - - A trillion dollars in investor losses (thanks, Al Greenspan)
Delayed Foreclosures Stalk Market -
Bank of America, JPMorgan Overhaul Overdraft Fees -
Steven Pearlstein - A New Bubble Of the Fed's Creation - A New Bubble Of the Fed's Creation (debt bubble)
Homeowners who 'strategically default' on loans a growing problem --
With science journalism in retreat, universities try new strategy for informing the public - San Jose Mercury News | – Love’s not the only reason women have sex woman are motivated by a wide array of reasons—from boredom to altruism to revenge
Marcus Buckingham: Women's Happiness: What We Know For Certain
tallguywrites: Schizophrenia
Is LSD Good for You? - The Daily Beast - Is acid the new Xanax?
State OKs petition drive for pot legalization (California)
New York Post not laughing at climate change spoof -
The Story Behind the Story - The Atlantic (October 2009)
Robbers use chopper to raid Sweden cash depot | World news | - Houston Chronicle
Moral Kombat: Jon Stewart Takes On The Values Voters Summit (video)
Nadir Of Western Civilization To Be Reached This Friday At 3:32 P.M. | The Onion
Long Island Doctor’s Swine-Flu Rap Unexpectedly Awesome -- New York Magazine
Red Dust - a gallery on Flickr - Sydney dust storm
4 People Who Faced Disaster—And How They Made it Out Alive - Rules to Survive Fire, Tornado, Blizzard and Hurricanes - Popular Mechanics
The True Love Project
Official Google Blog: Help and learn from others as you browse the web: Google Sidewiki Google Sidewiki
Intel Plans Even Tinier Circuits in 2011 | Gadget Lab |
Lee-Soft - ViGlance: Windows 7 SuperBar for XP
More U.S. troops to Afghanistan? Obama's caught in a vise | McClatchy
Paul R. Pillar - Terrorists' Real Haven Isn't on the Ground, It's Online
Obama pushes peace with Mideast leaders (Netanyahu says forget about it)
Neuroscience:Torture Doesn't Work and Here's Why | Newsweek Voices - Sharon Begley | Extreme pain and stress can actually impair a person's ability to tell the truth (torture destroys memory, you don't say)
Stadiums, Hotels Warned To Watch For Terrorists
The American Conservative -- Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds? The gagged whistleblower goes on the record.
Glenn Beck and left-right confusion - Glenn Greenwald -
Fox's Kelly refers to U.S. flags as "Stars and Bars" -- but that's the first national flag of the Confederacy | Media Matters for America (mistake? you decide)
Campaign Silo » Conrad: I Only Trust The CBO When They Agree With Me (Kent Conrad wants coops because they worked for farmers in ND even though CBO says they're teh stupid)
Daily Kos: This Is Why We Need A Public Option (cherry picking)
Just another example of WaPo ignoring conservatives | Media Matters for America (On Obama: five Republicans including serial liars Rove and Perino and two Democrats
Whoops: Anti-ACORN Bill Ropes In Defense Contractors, Others Charged With Fraud
Health Care, Race and Political Polarization - Short Stack (sorry, Obama, it is racism)
Hullabaloo Dissecting The Lizard Brain (+Cheney is brain-damaged)
U.S. charges Obama fund-raiser in $290 million fraud | Reuters
Think Progress » Rhode Island GOP assemblyman quits party following embarrassment of Wilson’s ‘you lie’ screed.
Obama On Letterman video: Talks Afghanistan, Race And Heart-Shaped Potatoes
Protect Insurance Companies PSA: Will Ferrell, Jon Hamm Speak Out Against The Public Option (video)
SEC to ‘vigorously pursue’ charges against BofA - New Mexico Business Weekly (after judge throws out their corrupt deal)
Looking to Healthy Banks to Lend to the F.D.I.C. - (you're next)
Flare | Apps | Job Voyager stacked time series of reported occupations in the United States Labor Force from 1850-2000
Census Data Show Recession-Driven Changes -
Pediatric Strokes More Than Twice As Common As Previously Reported
3,500-year-old burial chamber discovered in Syria
Moserware: A Stick Figure Guide to the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
The life of Amelia Earhart : The New Yorker
CN&R > Local Stories > The post-daily world > 09.17.09 To understand what’s next for journalism, let’s put the decline of daily newspapers in context
The Most Controversial Magazine Covers of All Time | Webdesigner Depot
A Rite of Hazing at Millburn High, Now Out in the Open -
Did California police use a Taser on an unarmed, legless man in a wheelchair? | McClatchy (yes)
Classically Liberal: There is a fury and and sadness inside that I cannot express (Republicans criminalize adolescence)
Chronic City: Darkness In San Diego -- Attack On Medical Marijuana Moving Northward - San Francisco News - The Snitch
The Raw Story » GOP senators declare war on Net neutrality
3G MicroCells: Carriers Want You to Pay Extra to Fix Their Own Failures - 3G microcell - Gizmodo
Google adds support for push Gmail via Exchange ActiveSync
Google Sync : Setup Instructions - Mobile Help
Fidelity Potential Index: iPod, MP3, CD, LP, SACD What Sounds Better and Why. Article By John Meyer Of Newform Research
Changes in Afghanistan, Washington May Require Shift in U.S. War Strategy - (they knew this 6 months ago)
The Washington Independent » Now That the McChrystal Strategy Review Has Leaked … ("strategic drift" + Obama's "deliberative pace")
Our war-loving Foreign Policy Community hasn't gone anywhere - Glenn Greenwald - - the people who beat the drum for endless, debt-creating wars and a bankruptcy-inducing imperial foreign policy love to parade around as "fiscal conservatives" and "deficit hawks" when it comes to providing actual services to Americans. They support constant war and occupation which burns trillions of dollars and turns us into a debtor nation, and then run around lecturing everyone on the need to restrain spending.
Tomgram: Ann Jones, Us or Them in Afghanistan?
Obama and Ahmadinejad - The Politics of Face Time -
How U.S. Removed Half a Ton of Uranium From Kazakhstan -
MIDEAST: Gaza's Water Supply Near Collapse - IPS
The Grand Ayatollah unleashes his wrath - The National Newspaper Hours later, three of Grand Ayatollah Montazeri’s grandchildren were arrested for allegedly taking part in political rallies
CIA Directors conclude CIA shouldn't be investigated for murder - Glenn Greenwald - (how far we've come)
Why Democrats Don't Want to Pass a 51-Vote Health Care Bill--and Why That Has Liberals Fuming | TPMDC
The Return of McCarthyism | Video Cafe
Frank Bites Back, Demands Retraction Of Blue Dog Comments In Politico The Blue Dogs' constituency for their counter-proposal consists of Wall Street-backed Democrats.
Candidate Obama didn't think so on his 'Yes, we can!' campaign slogan - Michelle Obama shot down Hillary Clinton as a potential vice president,
Bush In 2008: "I'm Not Going To Tell Some Gay Kid In The Audience That He Can't Get Married"
Michael Schwartz: "Homosexuality Is Inflicted On People... All Pornography Is Homosexual Pornography" (Video) (Republicans are so weird)
Fake New York Post: The Yes Men's Latest Takes On The Environment
Levi Johnston on Life with the Palins | ("I don't want the retarded baby")
Hate You Can Believe In: ACORN Deluged with Threatening and Racist Voicemails and Emails | Right Wing Watch
Post ombudsman adopts right-wing mantra that ACORN videos are a major story | Media Matters for America - "there are not enough conservatives and too many liberals in most newsrooms" (Fred Hiatt at work, ignoring Republican Gale Norton's trillion dollar inside job)
Little Green Footballs - So Long, Powerline (LGF gives up on Powermorons)
Sadly, No! » Shorter Ross Douthat
It’s Hard Being a Bear (Part Five): Rescued? | Steve Keen's Debtwatch (global debt bubble)
Bank of America Misses Congressional Deadline - DealBook Blog - (time to send a sternly-worded letter)
U.S. mortgage delinquencies set record | U.S. | Reuters a record 7.58 percent were at least 30 days late on payments in August
The Downside of Opting Out - The Daily Beast - Six years ago, The New York Times gushed about well-off women who quit work to stay home—without examining the economic risks (NYT: traditional rich values)
World Scientists' Warning To Humanity - 1992
Cassini Equinox Mission: Cassini Reveals New Ring Quirks, Shadows During Saturn Equinox
175 Times. And Then the Catastrophe.. In the Pipeline:
The story of the Gömböc
One backwards leap for Texas | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine (removing Neil Armstrong's name from textbooks)
E. Coli Can Be Used To Clean Up Nuclear Waste : TreeHugger
Genetically Engineered Bacteria Etch Famous Faces Into a Petri Dish | Popular Science
New Drake Equation To Quantify Habitability?
Google Maps Earth's Carbon Cycle : TreeHugger
The jet-propelled couch: Part I—By Robert Mitchell Lindner (Harper's Magazine)
BPAS: internal cohabitation
New Supreme Court Case On Vehicle Searches
The Nightmare of Christianity By Max Blumenthal
Respect for women, VVS-style | Right Wing Watch
Think Progress » Poll: 92 percent of Iowans say legalizing same-sex marriage has had no impact on their lives.
The Locavore Myth - Why buying from nearby farmers won't save the planet.
Ardor in the court, Part 3 | Salon News A Texas court affirms the right of a judge and a prosecutor who slept together to condemn a man to death (Texas "justice")
Texas appeals court won't rule whether judge-prosecutor affair tainted Collin County death penalty trial | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Latest News
5 Things Cities Can Learn from Burning Man - Video -
eBay Find of the Day: 1963 LeMans Tempest sells for $226,521 — Autoblog
Clive Thompson on the New Literacy young people today write far more than any generation before them. That's because so much socializing takes place online, and it almost always involves text
Stanford Study of Writing - Home
Google Wave: You need to pay attention to this. - Jason Kolb re: the Future of the Internet
If spectrum isn't scarce anymore, can you say $#!% on TV? - Ars Technica
First USB 3.0 product gets certified, floodgates get closer to breaking
Swine flu could kill millions | World news | The Observer UN report says pandemic may result in anarchy unless western world pays for antiviral drugs and vaccines
Obama On State Of The Union: Reports Of Afghan Election Fraud 'Look Pretty Serious' | LiveWire
EU funding 'Orwellian' artificial intelligence plan to monitor public for "abnormal behaviour" - Telegraph
Belatedly, Egypt Spots Flaws in Wiping Out Pigs - (they killed all their garbage collectors)
Japan’s death penalty effectively scrapped with arrival of Keiko Chiba - Times Online an outspoken opponent of the country’s controversial system of secret executions ("secret executions" wtf?)
The Seminal » GOP/Media Complex Blows Smoke In RE: Obama and Poland and Russia
Blog - Russian strategic nuclear forces
Developing countries and global warming: A bad climate for development | The Economist Poor countries’ economic development will contribute to climate change. But they are already its greatest victim
Obama Sunday Show Blitz video: Watch Key Highlights
Obama Asks Paterson to Quit New York Governor’s Race -
Hullabaloo: digby: Quote Of The Day (Euro center-rightists to Obama: I don’t understand why people would call you socialist, in my country, you’d be considered a conservative.”)
President Obama: Public option is not dead | Crooks and Liars (but talking heads strangely silent on issue)
Terror Probe Arrests: Two Colorado Men, One NYC Man
Emptywheel » CIA OIG’s Wild Parsing about What Was “Depicted” on the Torture Tapes
Hullabaloo: digby: Cover Up For God And Country (DCIs ask for coverup of their crimes, Village cheerleads)
Emptywheel » Poppy Bush Not Joining Other DCIs Opposing Investigation of W Bush’s Torture
American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Condemns Former CIA Directors' Attempt To Derail Justice Department Investigation Into Torture
Conservative Group Calls for Bush Dictatorship (old but good and relevant)
The Washington Independent » ACLU Asks Court to Order Government to Reveal Transcripts of Prisoner Abuse
Obama rebuffs call to nix interrogation probe
Attackerman » Two States (props to Hilary)
Paterson Planning 2010 Run, Ignoring Obama
Doug Brinkley: Racism, Xenophobia Behind Wilson Outburst | TPMTV (contra big O)
Wilson Authored Bill To Let Illegal Immigrant Stay In U.S. | TPMMuckraker
Fox News Responds To Rick Sanchez: "Sucker," "Gift That Keeps On Giving"
Fox News Producer Caught Rallying 9/12 Protest Crowd In Behind-The-Scenes Video (many heads of the same hydra)
The Washington Monthly: A Regional Party (Republicans only liked in racist, militaristic South)
Hoover Institution - Hoover Digest - Why the GOP Is Doomed (10 years ago)
Obama favors investigation into ACORN's activities - Yahoo! News
AP transcribes false GOP attacks on health reform | Media Matters for America (of, by, and for Republicans, all the time)
Baucus Bill Sticks To Pharma Deal That Supposedly Wasn't Struck
Hitchens: Cheap Laughs - The Atlantic (October 2009) (Jon Stewart: most respected name in news)
Guest Post: Steve Keen Out-Thinks Larry Summers « naked capitalism Summers’ plan of multiplying the trillions thrown at the banks by the government won’t result in any meaningful multiplier effect (Summers wrong again)
Calculated Risk: San Francisco: $30 Billion Option ARM Time Bomb (no cram-down for you)
U.S. joblessness becoming more permanent: BMO Long duration structural unemployment … now represents a record 3.2 per cent of the labour force and a record 33.7 per cent of the unemployed,"
The Technium: Extropy
YouTube - Michio Kaku: WIll We Ever Be a Galactic Civilization?
YouTube - Beyond Belief '06 - Steven Weinberg (Part 3/3)
Project ‘Gaydar’: An MIT experiment raises new questions about online privacy - The Boston Globe
The Human Animal - The Language of the Body (1994, Part One, Desmond Morris)
Mark Hyman, MD: Why Cholesterol May Not Be the Cause Of Heart Disease
"Are Black Holes Actually White?" Dartmouth Team Seeks to Validate Stephen Hawking's Theory
Planck Snaps Its First Images Of Ancient Cosmic Light
Findings - A Clash of Polar Frauds and Those Who Believe -
Research Finds that Atheists are Most Hated and Distrusted Minority | News Junkie Post (in theocratic America)
Psychotic Letters From Men
Turn Your Camera Phone into a Police-Style Dash Cam - Cameraphone - Lifehacker
5 Ways to Get Your Blog Indexed by Google in 24 Hours
Windows 7 Survival Guide: From 32- To 64-Bit -- Windows 7 -- InformationWeek
ChangeDetection - Know when any web page changes
Move From Blogger to WordPress Without Losing Google Rank - Blogger - Lifehacker
3 Simple Free Virtual Drive Tools to Mount Disks & ISO Images
Iranian Protesters Take To Streets Of Tehran, Other Cities - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2009
Ahmadinejad says Holocaust a lie, Israel has no future | U.S. | Reuters
First U.S. H1N1 vaccines will be nasal spray: CDC | U.S. | Reuters
YouTube - CNN's Rick Sanchez Calls FOX News Liars
Bill Moyers: Tea Party Organizer Is Epitome Of Privilege (Dick Armey, they guy who destroyed the financial system and Freedomworks and very rich Republicans)
Snubbed By Obama, Fox News's Chris Wallace Calls White House "Biggest Bunch Of Crybabies I've Ever Seen" (project much?)
Perry on Recession: "We're in one?" -- Political Wire (not if you're a rich Republican)
Op-Ed Columnist - Even Glenn Beck Is Right Twice a Day -
Something for the media to consider before letting Glenn Beck set their news agenda | Media Matters for America
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect The Strangely Exclusive Populism Of David Brooks.
Whiskey Fire: Oh for Fuck's Sake (PowerMorons)
Conservatives express outrage about charges that their attacks on Obama are racist | Media Matters for America
Booman Tribune ~ My Experience With ACORN
Government Spending on the Elderly: Social Security and Medicare - Study #247
Is String Theory an Unphysical Pile of Garbage? : Starts With A Bang
New NASA Temperature Maps Provide 'Whole New Way Of Seeing The Moon'
Brobdingnag: blue and pink
Rare infection may have caused death of Chicago scientist | The University of Chicago
Mosquito-borne African virus a new threat to West | Health | Reuters ("much worse" than West Nile)
Frank Bruni: Memoirs and Memory
FCC to Take a Stand on Net Neutrality - PC World - supports a campaign promise made by President Barack Obama, will prevent the information superhighway from becoming a toll road giving preferential treatment to those who pay for it (you know, rich Republicans)
Google Releases A Nuke. Apple Won’t Win This Fight (Steve Jobs is a big fat liar; surprised?)
*Actually Useful* Windows Keyboard Shortcuts - including new Windows 7 tricks. : technology
Group tries to halt Arab-Jewish dating in Jerusalem | Jerusalem Post ("inter-racial dating")
Firedoglake » Air Force Doctor Gets Medal for Serving on Rendition Torture Flights
Life Span Of African-Americans In New Orleans Rivals North Korea's (mission accomplished)
Russ Feingold: Senators Introduce Patriot Act Fixes To Safeguard Americans' Rights (Obama opposed)
Study links 45,000 U.S. deaths to lack of insurance | Health | Reuters "We're losing more Americans every day because of inaction ... than drunk driving and homicide combined," (let's have capital punishment for corps)
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | Trafigura knew of waste dangers (more corps murdering people)
Firedoglake » Late Night: Sorry, Lady, But Your Gender Is a Pre-Existing Condition
The Seminal » Baucus’ Budget Impact is “Voodoo Savings” Achieved by Taxing the Middle Class
Rachel Maddow Nails South Carolina Health Care (worst of the worst)
Daily Kos: The world according to Fox News
How my factual error found its way into Obama's health care speech. - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine
Justice Dept. Investigates Ex-Bush Official’s Ties to Shell - (Gail Norton, crooked Bushie, but look! ACORN!)
Author of Time 's Beck profile digs a deeper hole | Media Matters for America "Von Drehele's piece is so humiliating on so many levels, it's hard to know where to begin."
Acorn Sting "Pimp" is Rutgers Alum Who Hates Lucky Charms | NBC New York
Tammy Bruce: President Obama has 'some malevolence towards this country' | Crooks and Liars (Fox says Obama hates America)
Can Angelides Panel Bring Justice to Wall Street? | Newsweek Voices - Michael Hirsh |
Calculated Risk: WaPo: FHA Cash Reserves Will Drop Below Requirement
Incomes of young in 8-year nose dive -
Satyajit Das's Blog - Fear & Loathing in Financial Products: El-dollardo Economics
Ben Casnocha: The Blog: Lessons and Impressions from China
James Fallows: Doing Business in China Archives
Arianna Huffington: The Sad, Shocking Truth About How Women Are Feeling
Frank Bruni: Memoirs and Memory
Out of darkness, sight: How the brain learns to see
Scientists Complete First Geological Global Map Of Jupiter's Satellite Ganymede
Scientists Create First Ever Magnetic Gas | Popular Science
The Science of Hunger: What 1 Billion People Feel | LiveScience (and no Republicans)
Indians get body bags with H1N1 kits -
BBC - Earth News - Last chance to see the aye-aye?
Letters of Note: Okay, you lazy bitch (Hunter S Thompson)
Popular Search Engines in the 90’s: Then and Now
Google Lets You Custom-Print Millions of Public Domain Books | Epicenter |
Google Book Downloader - Home | Google Book Downloader - How to use it? Advanced Book Search
Internet Archive: Google Book PDF's pre-1923
Text-to-Speech Technology Reaches an Inflection Point - Bits Blog -
East Europe: Rancor, relief on missile shield plan - Yahoo! News (Obama drops Cheney missle plan)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Obama Surrendered To the Commies!
Lawyers, Guns and Money: On the Surrendering to the Commies...
USCRI: Sahrawi Refugees -- Warehoused and Forgotten in the Sahara Desert
Flickr: UNHCR's Photostream
Jimmy Carter racism charge: Obama doesn’t agree says Gibbs | (stupid)
Steele blasts Carter for comment - First Read - (there you go)
Snowe, Nelson, McCaskill, and Lieberman "Commend" Baucus for Health Care Bill | TPMDC (worst bill evar)
On Fox & Friends , Sen. Max Baucus "(R-MT)" discusses his health care plan | Media Matters for America
Kent Conrad proudly tells us why the Senate Finance Committee Bill is a Republican Bill | Crooks and Liars (disgusting)
Daily Kos: Politico: CBO Says Co-ops Useless
Pelosi Warns Of Violence Over Heated Rhetoric, Chokes Up
The distracting benefits of ACORN hysteria - Glenn Greenwald - (and the completely psychotic process behind it - trillions for banks/military/Halliburton, 3.5 million for helping poor people)
The Anonymous Liberal: You Can Tell a Lot About People By Who They Choose to Demonize
Limbaugh on Obama: "Just as he is ACORN, just as he is Van Jones, he is racism" | Media Matters for America
Limbaugh Goes Full-On Racist During Rant About School Bus Beating | Crooks and Liars
Ezra Klein - The Baucus Bill: The Worst Policy in the Bill, and Possibly in the World
Insurance Company Must Pay $10 Million For Revoking Policy Of Teen With HIV
Obama and Acorn - Is there a case for a special prosecutor? (this is what you get when you don't stand up to the crazies)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Let’s Party Like It’s 1997
News Hounds: Fox News Punked By ACORN (that's ok, Congress defund them anyway)
How Time magazine enables Glenn Beck's lies | Media Matters for America (disgusting)
Time Magazine: the liberal bias of facts - Glenn Greenwald -
Tea Party Protesters Protest D.C. Metro Service - Washington Wire - WSJ Rep. Kevin Brady asked for an explanation of why the government-run subway system didn’t, in his view, adequately prepare for this past weekend’s rally to protest government spending and government services (the irony escapes them)
GOP Rep Who Suggested Bad D.C. Metro Service Hurt 9/12 Turnout Voted Against Metro Funding | The Plum Line
Report: GOP Leadership Worried About Damage To GOP's Reputation From Bachmann | TPMDC
Op-Ed Columnist - Someday, a Bill Will Pass - I don’t want a single-payer student loan system!”
Court Okays Halliburton Rape Trial | Mother Jones (escapes Cheney Halliburton clause forcing "arbitration" for rape)
The Washington Independent » Suit Alleges Trusted Blacks Drew Minorities to High-Rate Loans Wells Fargo Hired Tavis Smiley as Headliner for Seminars Targeting African Americans
YouTube - Frank Schaeffer on Rachel Maddow
US Economy Showing More Signs Recovery Is Underway -
Calculated Risk: Fed: Household Net Worth Off $12.2 Trillion From Peak
Now, when the world needs more oil than ever, it's changing faster than we can keep up with - By Daniel Yergin | Foreign Policy
How the resource curse went global - By Mahmoud A. El-Gamal and Amy Myers Jaffe | Foreign Policy - Subpriming the Pump: Oil wealth used to hurt only those who had it. Now, it's hurting everyone.
Masters of illusion: The great management consultancy swindle - Business Analysis & Features, Business - The Independent
Feds keep little-used airports in business - (billions for rich people)
Warren Buffett calls BofA's Ken Lewis an "ironic hero" - Sep. 16, 2009 - Mr. Magoo of global finance
Tax havens: Keeping the rich richer whilst devastating the poor
Skype founders sue eBay
APOD: 2009 September 17 - Ultraviolet Andromeda
Jupiter’s Magnetic Moon Generates Spectacular Light Show | Wired Science |
"Will AI Surpass Human Intelligence By 2020?" (won't take much)
Gene Therapy Cures Color-Blind Monkeys | Wired Science |
Teen birth rates highest in most religious states - Kids and parenting- Link may be due to communities frowning on contraception, researchers say ("may")
Books - One Injury, 10 Countries - A Journey in Health Care - Review - (frozen shoulder)
Melting Of The Greenland Ice Sheet Mapped
Sundance Channel: Green Porno
Magazine Preview - Carl Jung and the Holy Grail of the Unconscious - (Jung's "Red Book" or "Liber Novus" - they miss "the elephant in the room")
Lost Symbol Review - Dan Brown New Book Review - Esquire
Senate Votes to Allow Guns on Amtrak - CBS News (there you go)
Cable: Let us lock down your TV (we'll offer movies sooner) - Ars Technica (big content owns your TV)
New Cyber Threat Study Delivers Surprising Results
What cybercriminals do with your information - Sep. 16, 2009
Online Dating Advice: Exactly What To Say In A First Message « OkTrends
Imgur uploader :: Add-ons for Firefox
Main Page - SwarmWiki
Boids (Flocks, Herds, and Schools: a Distributed Behavioral Model)
Haiku Finder
Climate Summit: Stop dawdling! -
The Post: U.S. must demand accountability for due process and torture abuses -- in Iran - Glenn Greenwald - (it doesn't enter Fred Hiatt's head that this is the height of hypocrisy +Froomkin firing)
Bagram: The sham of closing Guantanamo - Glenn Greenwald - (Obama: same old)
Hullabaloo: digby: Viruses: William Henry Anderson, M.D. (Harvard Neuropsych: "100,000 "zealots" within the Muslim body politic would have to be eliminated, the way "malignant [cancer] cells" are removed from a healthy body")
Obama Ohio Poll: President's Numbers Rebound
As Right Jabs Continue, White House Debates a Counterpunching Strategy - (after 9 months, they are "considering")
The Associated Press: Obama supports extending Patriot Act provisions (Kanye West, ha-ha-ha)
Health Care Bill: Baucus Senate Legislation Finally Unveiled (after months of work on a lobbyist bill, Baucus gets zero, that's ZERO Republican support + gang of six from states with four people)
Huff TV: Roy Sekoff Blasts Max Baucus' Health Care Bill On Ed Show (Video)(the Baucus bill is an "absolute gift" to the insurance industry)
McConnell Contradicts Baucus: Finance Bill Is Not One "Very Many Republicans Will Support" | TPMDC
Daily Kos: The Baucus Debacle
Emptywheel » Affordable for Individuals Versus Affordable for Wal-Mart Employees
Ezra Klein - The Baucus Bill: The Neutered Co-Ops
MSNBC graphic baselessly linked Van Jones to ACORN | Media Matters for America
Ignoring police report, Carlson advanced false claim that ACORN employee killed husband | Media Matters for America (doesn't matter, they defunded them anyway)
U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote (Congress caves to Glenn Beck on Acorn)
New Jersey Poll: Birthers, Truthers, And The Anti-Christ -- Oh, My! | TPMDC
Rep. Steve King: The President Threw The First Punch | LiveWire (you know, in the brawl in Congress)
Sadly, No! » Dan Riehl: Licking his chops (or is it soiling his pants?) for a race war (cheerleader for racism)
Jimmy Carter: Wilson's Outburst 'Based On Racism' (Video)
Elephant in the room: Race also present in rebuke of Wilson | McClatchy (no Republican support for censure + "I guess we'll have people putting on white hoods and uniforms.")
Rush Limbaugh: "Obama's America - White Kids Get Beat Up With The Black Kids Cheering" (Audio) (one of the main roots of Republican racism)
Fox News: The Importance of Being Ailes - BusinessWeek collected almost $24 million last year (head of Murdoch's racist network)
10 Lessons for Tea Baggers | Crooks and Liars (for the stupid and insane 25% of America)
The Atlantic 50 | The Atlantic Wire (most influential pundits: Krugman #1; Limbaugh #2; Dowd #17; Greenwald #22)
Economist's View: "The End of Universal Rationality" (always was an economists delusion)
Brad DeLong: Modern Corporation: The Corporation as a Command Economy
potlatch: Reinventing the Firm published today
The Value Every Business Needs to Create Now - Umair Haque -
Main Page - Yochai Benkler - Wealth of Networks
Social Capital and Community Governance
Worldchanging: Bright Green: How to Solve a Civil War
Wealthcare | The New Republic - Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right
Five essential things to know about evolution - Ars Technica
ESA Science & Technology: Smallest exoplanet is shown to be a solid, rocky world
Cracking the Spine of Libel - Olivia Judson Blog - (can't criticize bogus science in UK)
Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Cosmic Cold Spot Just a Trick of the Light The famous cold spot in the cosmic microwave background is an artifact of the statistical methods used to find it, according to a new analysis
Saturn Lightning Storm Breaks Records: Discovery News
Hurricanes Spawning More U.S. Tornadoes | LiveScience
Real Electrons. In the Pipeline: s and p orbitals
sevensixfive: How to: Draw the Voronoi Diagram
How Islamic inventors changed the world - Science, News - The Independent
Sophie Keller: How Happy Is... 9 Reasons To Sleep Separately
Hoarders - A&E TV | Thought it would be best to introduce myself first...I'm Lauren from ep 2 in Hoarders in AETV Community Center
Gerontologic Environmental Modifications >> Hoarding
Barter Books - Keep Calm and Carry On - The History of a Poster
Radical Philosophy - print friendly Lash out and cover up - Austerity nostalgia and ironic authoritarianism in recession Britain
London's Privacy Falling Down
Two AI Pioneers. Two Bizarre Suicides. What Really Happened?
Australian teenager faces jail over home abortion - Times Online (7 years in jail for taking RU-486 and gets house fire-bombed)
The Footnotes of Mad Men.
Bing grabs 10 percent of search market | Microsoft - CNET News
Helvetimail - josef richter
Google Chrome 3.0
U.S. Kills Top Qaeda Leader in Southern Somalia -
Muntadhar al-Zeidi, Iraqi Shoe Thrower Released; Details Torture By Security Forces
Pakistan Army Is Said to Be Linked to Many Killings in Swat -
Christy Hardin Smith » Tortured Logic: Dangers Of The Slippery Slope
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA): Wilson's Heckling May Lead To KKK Resurgence | LiveWire
Secret Service Questioned Man With Guns Outside Obama Rally In Minnesota | TPMMuckraker
McConnell Contradicts Baucus: Finance Bill Is Not One "Very Many Republicans Will Support" | TPMDC (what a tool Baucus is)
Angry Republicans - September 12 Protest Signs in Washington - Esquire - If Republicans had gotten everything they wanted for the last seventy-five years or so, the United States of America would have no Social Security, no Medicare, no Aid to Dependent Children, no civil rights, no environmental protections, no privacy rights (+business death squads)
Matt Taibbi - Taibblog – PhRMA’s Big Bribe Comes In - True/Slant
Rx for Reform: Health Care Town Hall with Gov. Howard Dean | Netroots Nation - Medicaid for everyone 25 and under (Dean actually says 30) and Medicare eligibility at 50.
The Washington Monthly: Baucus Plan Faces Scrutiny, Changes (really shitty plan took ten years to develop)
Poll: Doctors Among Public Option's Biggest Fans : NPR
Rockefeller says can't back Senate panel bill yet | Politics | Reuters (Obama about to drop public option)
Glenn Beck says Cass Sunstein wants to give animals the right to sue humans. Really? - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine Glenn Beck says Cass Sunstein wants to give animals the right to sue humans. Really? (Obama must get Glenn Beck's approval for all appointments)
Jon Stewart Returns, Slams Glenn Beck And Tea Party Protesters (Video)
The Seminal » Now THAT’s Terry (your elite media at work)
Matthew Yglesias » Washington Post Advertisers Want Cheerier Stories (so the paper goes all smiley face)
The Raw Story » Bush reportedly called McCain ‘a five-spiral crash,’ said Palin ‘not remotely prepared’
Question authority: here are FOIA resources. « Mercury Rising ??
Casino Capitalism: Fortune Editor Andy Serwer Says Administration Gaming System For Wall Street Titans
World's Wealthy Pay a Price In Crisis - Nations Raise Taxes, Tighten Regulations (WaPo cries for the super-rich)
Op-Ed Columnist - A World of Hurt - We’re hurtin’ and there ain’t much healin’ on the horizon (media paying little attention to the unemployed, because, well ...)
Calculated Risk: Ghost Towns in Ireland The agency will manage the loans, which amount to about half of Ireland’s gross domestic product.
Is Your Cell Phone Melting Your Brain? Not Yet. - News and Analysis by PC Magazine
Top 5 Frustratingly region-locked web services
Sears gets mere wrist slap for allegedly spying on customers
20 most bizarre Craigslist adverts of all time - Telegraph
Use a Separate Partition to Speed Up Windows 7 Upgrades - windows 7 - Lifehacker
Google Fast Flip
Netanyahu Strikes Defiant Tone Before Meeting U.S. Envoy George Mitchell (he's the boss of you)
Italy Grapples With Priest Sex Abuse (what sex abuse?)
Deadly Afghan ambush shows perils of ill-supplied deployment | McClatchy (surge!)
Candid Interviews with Former Soviet Officials Reveal U.S. Strategic Intelligence Failure Over Decades 1995 Contractor Study Finds that U.S. Analysts Exaggerated Soviet Aggressiveness and Understated Moscow's Fears of a U.S. First Strike
Who are the undeserving "others" benefiting from expanded government actions? - Glenn Greenwald -
Does Pelosi's Softening Rhetoric Spell Doom for the Public Option? | TPMDC (yes)
Matthew Yglesias » WaPost Op-Ed Page Once Again Misleading Its Readers (totally wrong and they just don't care)
Yoo also tortures logic | Philly | 09/13/2009 ("Has a major American newspaper ever given a monthly platform to a former public official so he can regularly seek to thwart or at least criticize a criminal probe into the very program that he authorized while in government?")
Closing The Book On The Bush Legacy - The Atlantic (complete economic failure; you won't read about in the Washington Post)
Lawmaker Says No New Apology for Outburst - Representative Joe Wilson (wingnut; SC)
Op-Ed Columnist - Boy, Oh, Boy - - “They’re going to have to develop ways in this White House to deal with things and not let them fester out there. Otherwise, they’ll see numbers moving in the wrong direction.”
The Seminal » New Poll: Doctors Strongly Support Public Option — Does the White House Care? (63%, and no)
The Seminal » George Stephanopoulos Misrepresents ABC Poll that Supports Public Option (Stephiepoopalloverus)
2010 Election: Trouble Brewing For House Democrats Obama's slipping support could lead to double-digit losses for the party in next year's congressional races and may even threaten their House control. How worried should we be?
TBogg » Seven Out of Nine Pantloads Agree: Jeri Ryan Destroyed America Goldberg's next book - Libertine Dreams or: Daddy Can't Get An Erection When You Cry where Jonah explains that women who refuse to give handjobs in Chik-fil-A parking lots are America haters. Or lesbians.
Santorum reportedly mulling White House bid (go Ricky!)
Daily Kos: Big Insurance Defines Abuse as a Pre-Existing Condition (the "condition" of an abusive spouse)
Hearses, Nazi Dogs And Crucified Liberty: Scenes From The 9/12 March | TPM Photo Galleries
Max Blumenthal's Unauthorized 9.12 Teabagger Tour | TPMTV
Streetsblog Capitol Hill » McCain’s Transit Hit List: Get the Details (McCain hate public transport)
Firedoglake » Late Night: The Babble Phlegm of the Wingnut Republic; OR, What’s a Half a Million or So, Give or Take?
9/12 project Sept. 12, 2009 Washington DC - a set on Flickr
YouTube - 9.12 DC Tea Party - March Footage With Interviews
The Seminal » Glenn Beck has lost over 50% of his ad dollars (starting to hurt Fox, for the first time ever)
Judge Rejects Settlement Over Merrill Bonuses - The $33 million settlement “does not comport with the most elementary notions of justice and morality,” wrote Jed S. Rakoff,
AP Source: Cuomo Preparing Charges Against BofA - ABC News
Calculated Risk: Fed's Yellen: The Outlook for Recovery ("tepid")
Stiglitz Says Banking Problems Are Now Bigger Than Pre-Lehman - (too big to fail now even bigger; Obama should have shock-and-awed them; too late now)
Obama Heads to Wall Street, Turns Attention to Financial Reform - (too little, way too late)
Robert Reich: The Continuing Disaster of Wall Street, One Year Later (you've insured them a against loss, so of course they will be responsible)
Dylan Ratigan: Americans Have Been Taken Hostage
Revealed: The ghost fleet of the recession | Mail Online
Toxic Waters - Series - The New York Times
Ancient man used stone 'sat nav' to navigate across country | Mail Online
Maori legend of man-eating bird is true - Nature, Environment - The Independent Creature that features in New Zealand folklore really existed, scientists say
Size does matter: study - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Female orgasms rely on penis size and mental focus, but not the duration of foreplay, according to a new study.
Argentina site of world's biggest crater field | Cosmos magazine
Jericho Fire Chief Shot by Officers in Court will be Charged | (no cops charged in attemped murder)
Better world: Legalise drugs - 11 September 2009 - New Scientist
Drug czar slams Harper gov't as he exits to 'next adventure' war-on-drugs approach has utterly failed over the past 40 years and must come to an end. "The emperor truly has no clothes in this case"
Visual Search Galleries - Bing (try this)
All TI Signing Keys Factored -
U.S. to Expand Detainee Review in Afghan Prison -
Editorial - Justice Delayed -
Schwarzenegger Vetoes Calif. Energy Bill - Time (Republicans at work, destroying America)
Frank Rich - Obama’s Squandered Summer - (President Above-It-All learned nothing from Kerry's fiasco)
Op-Ed Contributor - The Trial of John Roberts -
The Seminal » US Navy military commission defense counsel in USA v. KSM, et al petition federal appeals court to end Congress’s segregated, sham Military Commissions
Emptywheel » The July 2002 Torture Training Session
In Washington, Thousands Stage Protest of Big Government - (and racism)
For WashPos t, right-wing protesters are Page One news; in 2002 liberal war protesters were not | Media Matters for America
Matthew Yglesias » Tea Party Patriotism (in support of treason and slavery and pre-existing mental conditions)
The Raw Story » ABC fights back against Tea Party protest size falsehoods
Teabaggers/Mike Kibbe/Freedomworks Lie: 300,000,000 teabaggers invade Washington
Twitpic - liars on parade - billions of teabaggers, oh wait, make that 10's of thousands
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Size Matters; So Do Lies
Home Delivery: The New York Times Serves Up Some Malware | Peter Kafka | MediaMemo | AllThingsD
Internet firms help Canadian courts ID authors of controversial email -- DailyFinance
Victims' families tell their stories following Nato airstrike in Afghanistan | World news | The Guardian 'I took some flesh home and called it my son.' (winning hearts and minds)
'We're pinned down:' 4 U.S. Marines die in Afghan ambush | McClatchy women and children were replenishing their ammunition ("We will do to you what we did to the Russians")
Obama On Health Care Bill: "I Own It"
Firedoglake » Only the Insurance Companies Want a Level Playing Field (+Obama)
Obama's savings' won't pay for health plan, experts say - Kansas City Star
Daily Kos: The Real 'Norma Rae' Died Yesterday - Insurance Company Delayed Cancer Medication
Census Bureau Severs Ties With ACORN (caves to Glenn Beck)
Think Progress » Michigan Chamber Of Commerce Embraces Glenn Beck, Invites Him To Be A Keynote Speaker (AT&T: racist company)
Hullabaloo Shorter Norman Podhoretz: I wrote my new book, Why Are Jews Liberal? because I can't understand why all Jews aren't as crazy as I am
FDIC: Corus Bank, Chicago Ill. fails, cost to taxpayers: $1.7 Bn (but we can't afford healthcare)
Summers: Unemployment Will Remain 'Unacceptably High' for Years - Political Punch (needs to talk to Geitner + the administration’s reform proposals ... weak and watered down.)
A Year After a Cataclysm, Little Change on Wall Street - (no reform, no change, banksters win)
Bailed-Out Firms Post Expense Rules -
Consumers cut outstanding credit by record $21.5 billion -
U.S. government nervous about stimulus fraud, scams | Markets | Markets News | Reuters
Talking Business - Lehman Had to Die, It Seems, So Global Finance Could Live -
Historical Quotes - BigCharts (Dow 9/11/01: 9605; 9/11/09: 9605
Daily Kos: Good News And Bad On Pandemic Flu
Scientists discover surprise in Earth's upper atmosphere / UCLA Newsroom a previously unknown basic mode of energy transfer from the solar wind to the Earth's magnetosphere
The Problem with Risk Aversion for NASA Manned Space Flight - Augustine Commission Analysis - Popular Mechanics
Københavns Universitet (oxygen makes climate colder)
FDA Panel Backs Use of Gardasil as HPV Vaccine for Males -
Charles Darwin film 'too controversial for religious America' - Telegraph (why 50% don't believe in evolution)
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | What is it like to see time?
Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation | Video on (Self-Determination Theory: "human motivation is activated and directed by autonomy, competence, and relatedness" not grades and pay)
FLP - Closing All Free Library of Philadelphia Branch, Regional and Central Libraries Closed Effective Close of Business October 2, 2009 (and getting rid of all the libraries will really help)
The Walk-to-School Fight - In 1969, 41 percent of children either walked or biked to school; by 2001, only 13 percent still did,
Kentucky GOP ex-lawmaker arrested; ex-fiance is dead | McClatchy (cops went to "The Mansion" - courts failed her)
For a Bounced Check in Dubai, the Penalty Can Be Years in Jail -
a href="">Extravagant Dubai island project sinks under weight of the credit crunch - - he world's most expensive shipping hazard
How Web-Savvy Edupunks Are Transforming American Higher Education | Fast Company
SEIU - Domestic violence victims have a "pre-existing condition"? , in DC and nine other states, including Arkansas, Idaho, Mississippi, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Wyoming, insurance companies have gone too far, claiming that "domestic violence victim" is also a pre-existing condition
Net Hoax Convinces Germany of Fake U.S. Suicide Bombing Attempt | Threat Level |
Video: The unsettling truth about our augmented reality future, starring Brad Pitt
‘Anonymous’ Declares War on Australia Over Internet Filtering | Threat Level |
Photo - Volume 129, Issue 35 - The Tech (MIT Rick-Rolled)
Windows 7: The Complete Guide - Windows 7 guide - Gizmodo
Make Gmail Check Your POP Accounts More Frequently - Gmail - Lifehacker
10 Extensions That Make Google Chrome Rock - The 2.0 Life (Rock=a few things FF has done for years)
WordPress Just Made Millions of Blogs Real-Time With RSSCloud
Starving in silence - The Globe and Mail With no machines and all the livestock eaten, quiet lingers in rural areas of nation where 8.7 million face hunger
Obama Facing Doubts Within His Own Party on Afghanistan -
Noam Chomsky: Militarizing Latin America -- In These Times The "drug war"—like the "war on crime" and "the war on terror"—is pursued for reasons other than the announced goals
Arctic Shortcut, Long a Dream, Beckons Shippers as Ice Thaws -
What Thatcher and Gorbachev really thought when the Berlin Wall came down | Michael Binyon - Times Online Leaked Kremlin documents show that history makes fools of us, especially our leaders (Thatcher + Mitterand were against re-unification)
Thatcher and Kohl clashed over unity after Fall of the Berlin Wall - Times Online
Treatment of Alan Turing was “appalling” - PM |
Norman Podhoretz's false accusations of "dual loyalty" - Glenn Greenwald - (all Jews should be neo-con crazies)
Health Care Abroad: France - Prescriptions Blog -
Sustainable Security
9/11 Ringleader Mohammed Atta Could Have Been Stopped, FBI Informant Says - ABC News Undercover Operative 'One Million Percent Positive' Attacks Could Have Been Prevented
How one becomes "crazy" in Washington culture - Glenn Greenwald - (tell the truth)
Hullabaloo: digby: Comparing The Crazies (why America can't think)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Chock-a-block with traitorous radicals
Emptywheel » Cheney’s Hagiographer Takes a Mulligan (Stephen Hayes)
Bradley Schlozman Won't Face Criminal Charges For Lying Under Oath (IOKIYAR)
Froomkin: A Turning Point For Obama
What He Said, What They Heard - The Opinionator Blog -
The Seminal » When Wilson Defines Debate, Democrats Squander Chance to Set Record Straight
Editorial - The Court and Campaign Finance - (end of democracy)
Who took the picture of Joe Wilson? And how? | Psychology Today (Getty Images/AFP photogs)
What's the matter with South Carolina? - Alexander Burns - (a lot)
Obama heckler Joe Wilson a member of neo-Confederate SCV, fought to keep Dixie flag flying in South Carolina | Crooks and Liars
Robert Creamer: Wilson Is the Poster "Child" for the New Republican Party (hate-filled psycho liars)
Olbermann Offers "Special Comment" On Joe Wilson: You've "Embarrassed The Nation" (video)
Poll: Joe Wilson Trails Dem Opponent Rob Miller In Wake of "You Lie!" Outburst | TPMDC - on Joe Wilson (mouthpiece for Bush lies)
Duvall's Listener Removed From Ethics Committee As Rumors Spread On Who Tipped Media To Comments | TPMMuckraker (Shakesperian)
Think Progress » School district that barred students from hearing Obama will bus them to Bush speech.
Texas school district apologizes for snubbing Obama speech | McClatchy (that was fast)
Glenn Beck's past remarks about 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina victims
Was Glenn Beck accused of murder in 1990? - Yahoo! Answers
Calculated Risk: Report: Down Goes Corus!
Citi Said to Eye ‘Bank of the Future’ With Ex-Travelocity Chief -
UPDATE 2-U.S. probes AIG executives-law enforcement source | Markets | Bonds News | Reuters
Neighbors Say Wells Executive Used Foreclosed Beach House - DealBook Blog -
Poverty Rate Rose in 2008, Census Finds -
In Wal-Mart's Image | The American Prospect The "values" of the largest private-sector employer in the U.S. are shaping our national economy -- and that's a very bad thin
Wal-Mart And An Accounting Firm Fire A Muslim For Praying, Suit Says - Houston News - Hair Balls
Think Progress » Gingrich ‘Inadvertently’ Names Porn Company ‘Entrepreneur of The Year’ For Stimulating The Economy (well?)
Ancient Chinese Remedy May Work for Flu | LiveScience Ferula asafetida is commonly known as Dung of the Devil (may work against swine flu)
NO enzymes help bacteria resist antibiotics › News in Science (ABC Science) - nitric oxide
AFP: Earliest fibers found in Georgia, dating back 34,000 years
University of Leicester - Sex talk revelations of the lonely Y chromosome New study proves that communication between male and female occurs in our innermost beings
Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2009 competition winners - Telegraph
The Secrets Inside Your Dog's Mind= Time
Astronomers solve mystery of dusty foot trails crossing telescope mirrors | Smithsonian Science
Beware of Velociraptor Attacks from Above - Dinosaurs - io9 (the bad just got worse)
The Brain: Where Does Sex Live in the Brain? From Top to Bottom. | Sex & the Brain | Discover Magazine
High-End Fashion’s Moment of Truth -
Agreement Reached on a Reprieve for Leibovitz Loan Repayment - ArtsBeat Blog -
Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Internet of Things
Video: How a Construction Crane is Erected | Gadget Lab |
NPR: What Would Rob Do?
Death's Blog
Questions raised over bloody raid to free British journalist in Afghanistan | World news | The Guardian Claims that British forces 'charged in' while release talks were under way
Recent Hindu festivals and rituals - The Big Picture -
Christy Hardin Smith » SCOTUS: Citizens United Brings Out The Core Belief Splits From The Bench
I'll Be So Glad When This Summer of Love Is Over: James Wolcott | Vanity Fair - "The American Health Freedom Act" (why couldn't genius Rahmbo think of that?)
The Seminal » Obama on the Public Option: More Careful Words, No Commitments
Reid: Co-ops Could Replace Public Option if Structured Right | TPMDC (yeah, sure, Harry, you asshole)
Hatch: I Sincerely Doubt Snowe or Collins Will Support Health Care Reform | TPMDC (QFT, waste of time talking to these clowns)
Census: Uninsured rises to 46.3 million | TPM News Pages (well make them buy crappy private insurance!)
Obama Needs To Remind America That Dems Gave Them Social Security and Medicare Over GOP Opposition | TPMCafe (always trying to screw you)
Dana Milbank - Washington Sketch: Republicans Behaving Badly at Obama Speech -
Does Joe Wilson Believe the President Was Actually Lying?
A Careful, But Clear, Defense Of Government. | The New Republic
NBC calls the public option a "fetish" | Crooks and Liars - Providing insurance to Americans who cannot afford or obtain coverage is a fetish? A fetish? (Chuck Todd and the Villagers)
The press can't even get the "You Lie!" story right | Media Matters for America (facts are not their job - right-wing theatrics are far more important)
The guy who yelled "You lie!" - Glenn Thrush -
Joe Wilson Denounced By Lawmakers On Both Sides Of Aisle (no Democrat ever yelled during Bush's lies to Congress)
Rob Miller, Wilson's Opponent, Raises Over $100,000 Off "You Lie"
Joe Wilson Apologizes For Shouting "You Lie!" At Obama (Republican turn Obama's speech to Congress into a teaparty for crazies)
Heckler Rep. Wilson Speaks To Reporters | TPMTV (all sweaty and about to cry)
'You Lie!': Representative Wilson's Outburst - Time
Griper Blade: The Sideshow Becomes the Center Ring - the townhall mob made manifest in front of news cameras at an event where it had no business
Hannity guest slams his "idiotic" claim that House bill includes death panels | Media Matters for America
Flashback: Rep. Wilson Also Had To Apologize After Attacking Strom Thurmond's Illegitimate Daughter | LiveWire (another Republican creep)
Eschaton: it's really quite stunning how George W. Bush is utterly missing from our discourse. The conservative movement was for that period all about elevating Dear Leader, and now he's just gone.
Palin: "So Much For Civility" With Obama's Debunking of Death Panels | TPMDC (up is down, black is white, in the rightwing theo-nut universe)
I'm Moving to FOX - John Stossel's Take (going to the Murdoch Hate Network, his natural habitat)
Know thy Congressman
Calculated Risk: Census Bureau: Real Median Household Income Fell 3.6% (pre-recession numbers, heckuva job Republicans)
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » The depressing income and poverty data | Blogs (poverty highest in a decade, how'd that happen?)
U.S. Foreclosure Filings Top 300,000 for Sixth Straight Month -
Dodging Credit-Card Reform - BusinessWeek Card issuers are already proposing new fees and thinking up ways to subvert interest-rate restrictions (call the Chamber of Commerce)
Nouriel Roubini's Financial Times Interview: Double-Dip Recession Still A Risk
Student Debt vs. Average Income – Kiplinger
The five best arguments for creationism ever! : Pharyngula
The Frame: Hubble telescope's latest images
Black holes are the ultimate particle smashers - space - 09 September 2009 - New Scientist
Low Mass Stars
APOD: 2009 September 8 - Unexpected Impact on Jupiter
Terminating an Adoption - Motherlode Blog -
For the imperfect ones |
Pedigree dogs 'being bred to death' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Nokia's Sad Augmented Reality | TechWatch | Fast Company
Lower Your Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation | Environmental Working Group Comprehensive Online Guide To Low-Radiation Wireless Devices
How to download books from Google - Hack a Day
The Volokh Conspiracy - Now There's a Law That's Sure To Reduce Ethnic and Religious Tensions: An Arab organisation [the Arab European League] is to be put on trial in the Netherlands over its publication of a cartoon deemed offensive to Jews, prosecutors say
Afghan War Debate Fails To Include U.S. Troop Timetable (minor oversight)
Why the public option matters - Paul Krugman Blog - (and why you won't get it from Obama)
Campaign Silo » Baucus Co-Op Plan “Authored” By Ex-Wellpoint VP Matches July 31 Mike Ross Blue Dog Amendment
Emptywheel » The Max Tax Distribution List (Bad Max: Baucus Senator from Lobbyists)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Huh? (healthcare way too complicated for Joe Klein to understand)
Andrea Mitchell's double standard | Media Matters for America (Andrea Mitchell, on the other hand, just lets Republicans lie)
With one simple sentence, ABC News confirms the death of Beltway journalism | Media Matters for America While the media loves a good fight -- even when the charges are unfounded (it's all entertainment + Amurica teh stupid)
Bill O'Reilly called for more "czars" during Bush administration | Media Matters for America
Obama: I "Probably Left Too Much Ambiguity" (Video) (ya think? why didn't you just go snow-boarding for all of August?)
Grijalva: Vast Majority of House Progressives Not Prepared to "Surrender" on Public Option | TPMDC
Daily Kos: Reps. Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.), Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), Rep. Sam Farr (D-Calif.), and Rep. Mike Capuano (D-Mass.) (threaten to fold to crazy-ass Republicans and their lobbyists)
Weiner: “I Don’t See Any Way” I Can Vote For Bill Without Public Option | The Plum Line
Employer Requirement in Baucus Health Package Would Have Unintended Effect of Discouraging Hiring of Low-Income and Minority Workers — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (no, it's not "unintended")
Pawlenty says Obama speech was apolitical, but potentially disruptive | (because, you know, he's black)
Gibbs, On Fox News, Criticizes Fox For Showing Dance Reality Show Instead Of Obama's Speech (video) "I know the network, instead of dealing with the reality of millions of people on health insurance reform have decided to show a reality show called 'So You Think You Can Dance?'"
GOP Lawmaker's Graphic Sex-Bragging Caught On Tape | TPMMuckraker (party of personal dysfuntion + shagging beautiful blonde energy lobbyist 20 years younger than him + talking like a valley girl)
Duvall Resigns After Sex Bragging | TPMMuckraker
Priceless: How The Federal Reserve Bought The Economics Profession (good Republican monopoly)
Interest-Only Home Loans Start to Backfire - (NYTimes discovers option-ARMs)
Another Wave of Foreclosures Looms - Ballooning Payments Put Mortgages at Risk, Posing New Setback to Market (WaPo discovers option-ARMs)
Cramdown Is Back: Banks Against Homeowners, Round 2 (going for a knock-out)
Buyers of Huge Manhattan Complex Face Default Risk - (CRE meltdown)
Anna Burger: US Chamber of Commerce at the Root of Financial Crisis (multi-million $ campaign against financial reform)
Major Banks Still Grappling With Foreclosures : NPR
Scientists Identify Genes Linked To Lou Gehrig's Disease
Liposuction Fat Turned Into Stem Cells, Study Says
Hit & Run > Louisiana Cop Accused of Beating Handcuffed Woman Back on the Job - Reason Magazine violation of Louisiana's "Police Officer's Bill of Rights," (Shreveport police officer Wiley Willis back on the job and Shreveport gets the $400K bill)
Girl: I was treated like a 'misfit' at Abercrombie & Fitch | Abercrombie & Fitch was fined $115,264 for refusing to let an Apple Valley teen help her autistic sister try on clothes
The Lessons of Lindsay
Chinese Internet regulations - Chinese news site dispense with user anonymity
Handwriting Tips Penmanship -
Intel's new flash tech to bring back Turbo Memory, for real - Ars Technica
Spanish judge resumes torture case against six senior Bush lawyers |
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | The rise of Israel's military rabbis (G-D's war on the Palestinian insects)
Eight Years After 9/11
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Fraud? I'll Show You Fraud (United States of Afganistan)
Karzai Nears Win As Recount Ordered In Afghanistan A U.N.-backed commission found "convincing evidence" of fraud Tuesday in Afghanistan's presidential election
Iceland kills 93 fin whales, according to conservationists - Telegraph (endangered species)
Justice Dept.: Blackwater Contractor Saw Killing Iraqis as 9/11 Payback | Mother Jones (Bush lies)
Deeply Divided House Democrats Return to Work -- and the Same Set of Problems - (nothing changed)
The Seminal » The Public Option: A Promise Kept or a Promise Broken (Obama will wreck the Democratic Party for the next 20 year)
As 'Rescissions' Spawn Outrage, Health Insurers Cite Fraud Control - Firms Defend 'Rescissions' as Fraud Control
Max Baucus Plan: No Public Option, Non-Profit Insurance
The Lessons from History on Health Care Reform | Robert Reich's Blog
Why Reform Survived August | The New Republic
When Will This White House Learn You Cannot Negotiate With Terrorists? - Jack & Jill Politics (like Glenn Beck and Fox News)
Barack Obama's Education Speech To Schools, Not Socialist Indoctrination - Swampland - (very Libertarian)
With the Obama's school "controversy," the press gets (willingly) duped again | Media Matters for America (useful idiots)
The Webster Retort: BREAKING: KY school district official ok with baptizing footballers, but students forced to 'opt-in' for Obama speech (psycho-America)
10 of the Most Obscenely Stupid Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories and Attacks Against the President | | AlterNet (Americans: left behind)
Manpower: Hiring Plans Hit New Low « naked capitalism
UN Says New Currency Is Needed to Fix Broken ‘Confidence Game’ -
The Impact of the Recession on Your Age Group
Egyptian temples followed heavenly plans - space - 08 September 2009 - New Scientist (you don't say)
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Maldives to miss climate summit even though his country is under threat from climate change, he cannot afford to go to a summit on the issue (bye-bye Maldives)
Fake Afghan Poll Sites Favored Karzai, Officials Assert - (another corrupt puppet government)
Decision on Airstrike in Afghanistan Was Based Largely on Sole Informant's Assessment - 125 people were killed in the bombing, at least two dozen of whom -- but perhaps many more -- were not insurgents ("insurgents" you know, from the village they were living in)
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Anger at Israeli settlement plan Israel has officially approved the construction of more than 450 new homes in the occupied West Bank
U.S. leads world in foreign weapons sales: report | U.S. | Reuters
E.J. Dionne Jr. - Campaign Finance Case Tests Value of Precedent - a case that, if decided wrongly, could surrender control of our democracy to corporate interests.
U.S. climate change bill to compete with healthcare | Reuters
Obama Labor Day Speech At AFL-CIO Picnic: Full Video, Text
Exclusive: Early Cbo Score On Public Plan. It's Good! | The New Republic (would save $150Bn/10 years, oh no!)
New Fee on Health Insurance Companies Is Proposed to Help Expand Coverage - (the Max Baucus, kill the Democrats plan)
The Seminal » Max Baucus Wastes Months, Fails, and the NYT Misses It
Hullabaloo Feel the magic. The Baucus plan is finally revealed: Feel the magic. The Baucus plan is finally revealed (make employers offers shittier coverage)
Where's This Going? | Talking Points Memo | a catastrophe for the Democrats in political terms - It's sort of like reform with all the cool political downsides but none of the reform.
Daily Kos: The Baucus-Care plan is out - it took Baucus more than a year to formulate a plan that amounts to capitulating to every Republican demand, and then adding a heaping pile of political suicide on top of it
Health Care's Lowest Foes | The American Prospect The most reprehensible critics of reform are not the ignorant or deluded, but the conspirators who lie knowingly about what's at stake.
Obama to AFL: I Believe a Public Option Would Improve Quality, Bring Down Costs | TPMDC (no committment/no ownership)
Obama's Remarks For School Address (As Prepared For Delivery) | LiveWire (marxist socialism indoctrination warp-your-childrens-minds speech)
Loons should shut up and listen: Obama not out to brainwash schoolkids
Daily Kos: video of President REAGAN INDOCTRINATING Students (true, he was + Republicans never let a little hypocrisy stop them)
Fox Won't Carry Obama Address To Congress | Broadcasting & Cable (tell me again why they should use public airwaves?)
Caroline Myss: Crimes Against the Soul of America (Republicans)
Open Left:: Republican Gommorrah: Max Blumenthal & The GOP's Heart of Darkness (Republicans=shared pathology of personal dysfunction, terrified of things actually working)
YouTube - Glenn Beck analyzes fascist and communist symbolism in artwork at Rockefeller Center
The Bobblespeak Translations: Meet The Press with David Axelrod - September 6, 2009
The Bobblespeak Translations: This Week with George Stephanolopous - September 6, 2009
America and Its Deficits: Are We Broke Yet? - Time
Labor Day by the numbers
Madoff Scam Reached Family of SEC Official Whose Unit Got Tip - (deregulate!)
Major U.S. Role in Mortgages Shaping Entire Market - Classes of Borrowers Cannot Find Loans as Publicly Backed Debt Mounts
Crash of a titan: The inside story of the fall of Lehman Brothers - Business Analysis & Features, Business - The Independent
Out of Work, and Too Down to Search On - millions of hidden casualties of the Great Recession who are not counted in the rate because they have stopped looking for work.
More Second Gilded Age Blogging (income inequality: Republicans won all the money)
Economist's View: "Social Mobility" (not any more)
A Detailed Look At The Stratified U.S. Consumer | zero hedge Politics | FDR's unfinished revolution (2004)
Michael Moore declares all-out war on capitalism | Money & Company | Los Angeles Times
Gallery - Giant crystals and spherical flames: science in microgravity - New Scientist
'Massive' ancient wall uncovered in Jerusalem -
Study: Wolves beat dogs when it comes to logic - LiveScience- In experiments, dogs followed human clues despite seeing better solution
8-Story Antigravity Forest Facade Takes Root
'Achilles' Heel' In Y Chromosome Linked To Sex Disorders
Photographer Annie Leibovitz Must Repay $24 Million Loan By Tuesday
Russell Bishop: Why Positive Thinking Just Doesn't Work
BBC NEWS | Americas | Italian accused of Brazil groping (kissed his daughter, will get 8-15 years in jail)
Losing Its Religion: The New York Times Compromises (the "Pogue Problem")
Facebook 'enhances intelligence' but Twitter 'diminishes it', claims psychologist - Telegraph
Dooce vs. Maytag - THE WEEK Celebrity blogger Heather Armstrong's broken washing machine, and the power of Twitter (mommyblogger throws a fit)
The Real Nanny Diaries | The American Prospect Americans pay lip service to the idea child-raising is important work, but when they hire people to do it for them, they tend to pay them little and respect them less (American values)
It's Not About Us | Foreign Policy The United States need not be Miss Congeniality to win the war of ideas. We just need to make moderates hate extremists more than they dislike us
(bunch of cyrillic characters) - Conde Nast - Gawker In an act of publishing cowardice, Condé Nast has gone to extraordinary lengths to prevent Russians from reading a GQ article criticizing Vladimir Putin.(he'd bite their heads off)
NATO jets bomb fuel tankers; Afghans say 70 killed | TPM News Pages NATO jets bomb hijacked fuel tankers; 70 killed including civilians, Afghans say (and the results of the "probe" -- they were all terraists!)
Gibbs: 'We Regret The Reports' Of Israel's Approval Of Settlement Expansion | LiveWire (who could have predicted Israel would say "screw you" to Obama?)
India Continues to Argue Against Emission Cuts Even as Emissions are Set to Quadruple by 2030 : Red, Green, and Blue
North Korea Opens Dam Flow, Sweeping Away 6 in the South -
Emptywheel » Addington’s Direct Involvement in the Torture Memos
After Obama | Eight months into it, it now seems pretty clear that the Obama administration is finished.
For Obama, Democrats, Colorado Becomes Less Welcoming - (to Obama's Republican policies of more of the same; to compensate, Obama wants progressives to become blue-dogs)
Glenn Beck Gets First Scalp: Van Jones Resigns (Obama caves to Glenn "I am nuts" Beck)
Matt Osborne: Glenn Beck's Two Week Video Mystery Solved (Update) Remember Glenn Beck's mysteeerious video of Obama's Secret Negro Army?™ (yeah, this guy)
Andrew Alexander - Profile on Anti-Gay-Marriage Activist Provokes Wrath - (WaPo's worthless Ombud afraid of offending rightwing conservatives, hates gays)
Campaign Silo » Van Jones: A Moment of Truth For Liberal Institutions in the Veal Pen
Coming Soon to a Democracy Near You... | "Hillary: The Movie." (corps are people except when it comes to the death penalty)
Daily Kos: The Stay-In-School Conspiracy Theory - Obama will be reading passages from the fabled Negronomicon.
Meet The Press: Reaction of Obama's school speech by Republicans is "the Stupid" | Crooks and Liars
imgur: Obama: Make Up Your Mind: He Can't Be All Four
Back to Business - Wall Street Pursues Profit in Bundles of Life Insurance - Series - (will cooperate with insurance companies to insure early death - profit!)
cut-your-energy-bills.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
The New York Times > Business > Image > Construction Loans Get Worse
Knossos: Fakes, Facts, and Mystery by Mary Beard - The New York Review of Books - Knossos and the Prophets of Modernism by Cathy Gere Time Machine
NRDC: Ocean Acidification: The Other CO2 Problem
Farmers warned to get ready - Local & State - News & Observer Climate change threatens crops
A Shot at Cancer - America's Health Checkup - Timed
BBC NEWS | Health | Alzheimer's genes link uncovered
Lawyers, families say 5 girls strip-searched at school | | The Des Moines Register | Strip-searching is illegal in Iowa schools (education FAIL: making them take off all their clothes "not a strip search")
Dark Behind It Rose the Forest ... | Outside Online
The curious case of the game show neuroscientists, or how NOT to research an online community « The Human Element (Ogi Ogas, famous on the internets for all eternity)
Mind Hacks: Desperately seeking something
eruthros: please don't take the fanfiction survey
Fan Fiction Survey - How is straight female interest in slash fiction like straight male interest in shemale models? » Wearing the Juice: A Case Study in Research Implosion
deadlychameleon: Bad research and fandom: Surveyfail
neededalj - Why Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam Are Phrenologists
sabrina_il: I need to walk away from this trainwreck or I'm never sleeping tonight the latest expoilts of everything that's wrong with Psychology.
California's Other Real-Estate Crisis | The Big Money
The powerful and mysterious brain circuitry that makes us love Google, Twitter, and texting. - By Emily Yoffe - Slate Magazine
Google Unexplained Phenomenon Logo Mystery
Google Wave: 5 Ways It Could Change the Web
Lockerbie: Megrahi Was Framed by John Pilger -- "because the evidence amassed by [Megrahi's] appeal is explosive and extremely damning to the system of justice."
New Statesman - Megrahi was framed by John Pilger
Paul Foot: Lockerbie's dirty secret | UK news | The Guardian
Hugh Miles: Lockerbie: was it Iran? Syria? All I know is, it wasn't the man in prison - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent A lot of powerful people would be embarrassed if the truth, whatever it is, came out
Israel Pursues a Settler Plan No One Seems to Like - (Israel: "we're the boss of you, actually")
NATO Strike Magnifies Divide on Afghan War - (incinerating civilians, calling them "insurgents")
Charlie Brooker on James Murdoch and his media empire | Culture | The Guardian James Murdoch is the closest thing the media has to Damien from The Omen, thinks Charlie Brooker (Moloch, actually)
Karzai Brother Denies Election Accusations - (mu-ha-ha)
Bob Herbert - Reliving the Past - - The president should listen to Joe Biden (Obama's endless war)
On Religion - Mosque Members, Frustrated, With Immigration Cases in Limbo -
Behind the Scenes: To Publish or Not? - Lens Blog -
Panel Rules Against Ashcroft in Detention Case - (one step closer)
Major ruling against Ashcroft highlights evils of preventive detention - Glenn Greenwald -
Drift | Talking Points Memo | Obama letting Congress take the lead in formulating legislative proposals and thus prodding lawmakers to take ownership in their outcome caused his poll numbers on "strength" and "leadership" to plummet.
Bachmann: Dems Are Sabotaging Me Because I Might Become President | TPMDC (in an alternate bizarro-universe)
A.F.L.-C.I.O. Chief Would Back Union Bill Without Card Check - (more leadership from Obama)
Working for Our Common Good: Bill Moyers on Health Care - Message to President Obama 09-04-09 (no more mister nice-guy)
truthout | Living in a Culture of Cruelty: Democracy as Spectacle
Congressmen John Shadegg and Pete Hoekstra: How to Insure Every American - (Wall Stree Journal's solution: let insurance companies advertise more on TV)
Sick and Wrong : Rolling Stone How Washington is screwing up health care reform – and why it may take a revolt to fix it
Hullabaloo Protecting The Coattails (Obama asking progessives to protect blue-dog seats: stupid)
Daily Kos: Just call him a N!&&ER and get it over with, Republicans. We ALL KNOW that's what you mean
Elmbrook won't show Obama speech live - JSOnline - District cites content qualms (racist Wisconsin; working hard=socialism)
DispatchPolitics : Schools to skip Obama's speech Columbus Dispatch Politics chool districts across central Ohio (protecting Ohio children from rationality)
School message controversy, day two - National Politics Blog - Political Intelligence - Pawlenty said on WCCO radio in Minneapolis that the speech, scheduled for Tuesday, was "uninvited" and raises concerns about "the content and motive."
Backlash Growing Over Obama School Speech - CBS News
Editorial - Respect Your Children - (protecting children from black men)
D-Day: Why Do Hissy Fits Succeed? (yes, because the media hates facts)
PolitiFact | Barack Obama is not the first president to address school children (just the first Democratic President)
Conservative media take a strong stand against ... learning?!? | Media Matters for America
Another Obama First | Talking Points Memo Barack Obama definitely the first black man to get attacked by the right for telling kids to study hard and stay in school.
Republican Party of Florida - News - Greer Condemns Obama's Attempt to Indoctrinate Students ("indoctrinate")
Quincy Herald Whig: Most members of Quincy School Board not consulted on decision not to allow live broadcast of Obama speech ("Lonny Lemon" eponhystical)
YouTube - John Harwood On Obama School Speech Reaction (America is "stupid")
An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches (Obama is using NLP on America
Little Green Footballs - Pawlenty Jumps Aboard the Nut Wagon Creationist Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty is joining the bizarre bandwagon of deluded people who think Barack Obama is going to mesmerize their children into becoming commie robots with a 20-minute speech on the first day of school (LGF, can you believe it?)
The Volokh Conspiracy - - George H.W. Bush's 1991 Speech to Schools.
The Mahablog » A Core Threat to Democracy It’s obvious that, for the Right, the health care debate is not about the health care debate. It is about the eternal Zoroastrian struggle between Good and Evil (+David Brooks is an idiot)
Natalie Holder-Winfield: Today's Lesson: Undermining A Black Man's Authority in 2009
Politics of fear are still with us - Salt Lake Tribune
Scott Maxwell: Florida Republican Party Chairman Jim Greer slams Obama -- but touts GOP views at schools --
List Of US Banks Closed By Feds Jumps To 89 / US / Economy & Fed - US families turn to food stamps as wages drop
In Unemployment Report, a Sign of Continued Joblessness -
Utah Wakes Up To The Smell Of Coal - In Fear Of Economic "Disaster" : TreeHugger (Mormon Mercury)
Getting Duped: How the Media Messes with Your Mind: Scientific American Statements made in the media can surreptitiously plant distortions in the minds of millions. Learning to recognize two commonly used fallacies can help you separate fact from fiction
The Weak Man argument
Injectable gel could heal brain injuries - Telegraph
Drowned Boy's Family Upset With Officer's Response - KWCH - Kansas News and Weather - They say their three-year-old grandson might have survived if a Wichita police officer hadn't made them stop CPR (I told you to stop saving his life)
Industry-Backed Label Calls Sugary Cereal a ‘Smart Choice’ - (Tufts Univ "Nutrition" Dept. promotes corporate profits, again)
Data Security - Tools for Managing Your Online Life After Death - TIME
Amazon Offers to Replace Copies of Orwell Books -
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard: the Ars Technica review - Ars Technica
Festival of updates #3: Snow Leopard and "huge pages"! - James Fallows
50 things that are being killed by the internet - Telegraph
Up to 90 killed as NATO hits Afghan fuel trucks - Yahoo! News ("insurgent" - I do not think you know what that word means - civilians)
Colonel Gaddafi wants to abolish Switzerland - Libyan leader tables bizarre UN motion - News - Colonel Gaddafi wants to ABOLISH Switzerland under a bizarre motion tabled at the UN (an idea worth considering)
The Gonzales Cantata - a choir work based on transcripts of Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on Alberto Gonzales
BartCop's most recent rants - Political Humor and Commentary - Subject: Dear Republicans: FOAD
Franken talks down angry mob at State Fair : Greg Laden's Blog
The Hunting of the Snark: Accountability (Megan "McAddled" McArdle twists in the wind - Atlantic Mag writer, of course)
And Again — Crooked Timber: John Holbo: Megan McArdle replies to my post
Madoff Report Indicted Entire Regulatory System | Newsweek Voices - Michael Hirsh | An entire regulatory system was indicted by the Madoff report (there wasn't any)
Employment Situation Summary (9.7%)
Calculated Risk: Employment Report: 216K Jobs Lost, 9.7% Unemployment Rate
Percent Job Losses in Post WWII Recessions (doesn't look good)
How Did Economists Get It So Wrong? -
A risk-management plan to help prevent financial crises | Harvard Magazine September-October 2009
Death Risk Rankings
Circuit-Tweaking Reverse Engineers a Gene Network | Wired Science |
Magnetic Monopoles Detected In A Real Magnet For The First Time - "Above all it signifies the first time fractionalisation in three dimensions is observed."
Magnetic monopoles detected in a real magnet for the first time
First-ever calculation performed on optical quantum computer chip
Lactic Acid Is Not Muscles' Foe, It's Fuel - New York Times
Scientists propose new hypothesis on the origin of life life on Earth originated at photosynthetically-active porous structures made of zinc sulfide similar to deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
Forced Catheterization Used In DUI Case - Suit Claims Police, Hospital Acted Improperly (monster cop Brian Miller Lawrenceburg, Ind named in suit)
YouTube - Baron Hill (IN-09): This Is My Town Hall Meeting. I Set the Rules (wingnut Indiana Republican)
York PA Police arrest, beat and throw dad in jail naked for not paying $500 child support (out of control cops)
The Associated Press: Fire chief shot by cop in Ark. court over tickets
"Can We Tape?" A Practical Guide to Taping Phone Calls and In-Person Conversations in the 50 States and D.C. (Vermont is free)
Think men are the unfaithful sex? A study shows WOMEN are the biggest cheats - they're just better at lying about it | Mail Online
What the Internet knows about you
Browser Speed Tests: Chrome 4.0 and Opera 10 Take On All Challengers - Browsers - Lifehacker
Roger Ebert's Journal: Archives: The longest thread evolves (Ben Stein thread runs out of comments)
Jan Chipchase - Future Perfect - The Rise of the Super Fakes
G.O.P. Support May Be Vital to Obama on Afghan War -
The looming political war over Afghanistan - Glenn Greenwald - (war is America's first resort)
Gunmen Kill 17 At A Drug Rehab In Mexico
CIA doctors face human experimentation claims | World news | Medical ethics group says physicians monitored 'enhanced interrogation techniques' and studied their effectiveness
Guards Gone Wild - (your tax dollars at work)
Sky News Returns To Fallujah: Lisa Holland Revisits The Children Born With Deformities | World News | Sky News - Xinran: China Witness
Security Assigned To Oversee Deviant Guards At US Embassy In Kabul (who will guard the pervee guards?)
Retaliation: Whistleblower Allegedly Forced Out After Helping To Expose Guard Scandal At U.S. Embassy Kabul
David S. Broder - Why Holder is Wrong: Accountability, but at What Cost? do we want to see Cheney, who backed these actions and still does, standing in the dock? (you have to ask?)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Broder Again Argues Against Torture Accountability (promoting lawlessness; WaPo should be waterboarded)
House Liberals Write Directly To Obama: No Public Option, No Support | The Plum Line
Bob Cesca: The Public Option is Popular, Moral and Inexpensive, Therefore it Must Die (Obama "prefers" public option)
MSNBC promoting Buchanan's Hitler column on its own website | Media Matters for America
Aaron Keyak: Why is Pat Buchanan Defending Hitler?
AP again botched net cost of health care plan | Media Matters for America (Republican AP hates facts)
Weasel Zippers: Dan Savage (On Olbermann's Show) : The Becks and Bachmanns Of The World Are 'Trying To Get the President Killed' . . .
The Washington Monthly: Pulling The 'Trigger'? (it's really all about them+your media will never tell you public option is cheaper)
Stay classy, Ben Stein! : Pharyngula (Ben "Always Wrong" Stein: Democrats=homosexuals=pedophiles)
INSTAPUTZ: McArdle to facts: kiss my ass, facts.
Scientists cool gas by laser bombardment
Being smart really is sexy - Telegraph Brainy men really are the sexiest, claim scientists who have discovered a link between intelligence and virility.
Men lose their minds speaking to pretty women - Telegraph Talking to an attractive woman really can make a man lose his mind, according to a new study.
Methane gas likely spewing into the oceans through vents in sea floor - MIT News Office
Town riled after parade driver is Tasered - Crime & courts-
A Mugging on Lake Street - Chicago magazine - September 2009 - Chicago A veteran investigative reporter looks into his own beating and finds himself confronting harsh and lingering questions of rac
The Deal with Disability
The Omnivore’s Delusion: Against the Agri-intellectuals — The American, A Magazine of Ideas (Republican think-tank)
An ‘agri-intellectual’ talks back | Grist
First Draft: Quit Giving Us More Work
Suzie Heumann: The Curious Association Of The G-Spot And The Upper Palate
New Liberal Arts // Snarkmarket & Revelator Press
State of the Cloud – September 2009 :: Jack of all Clouds
Petabytes on a budget: How to build cheap cloud storage | Backblaze Blog
That Story About Warner Music Paying For A Rappers' PhD? Well... Not So Much | Techdirt
Apple ships a known vulnerable version of Flash with Snow Leopard | Graham Cluley's blog
A Room of Mama’s Own
Afghan Deputy Intelligence Chief Among 23 Killed In Taliban Suicide Blast
Laura Ling and Euna Lee: Hostages of the Hermit Kingdom --
Animal House in Afghanistan | Mother Jones
Sex ratio shows positive change - The Times of India (paying for girl's schooling reduces infanticide in India)
bp-makes-giant-oil-find-in-gulf-of-mexico: Yahoo! Finance
Former High-Ranking Intelligence Officer: Cheney Responsible for 9/11 ~ Washington's Blog - "9/11 was at a minimum allowed to happen as a pretext for war".
CIA at Odds With Obama Over Torture, ACLU Claims | Threat Level | (accountability Administration)
The "Intolerance" Party? GOP Strategists Worry Ideologues Are Bad For The Party's Future
Think Progress » Axelrod hits Grassley and Enzi for not ‘negotiating in good faith.’
Politico: Nameless Obama Aides Want Him To Confront Left To Look Tough | The Plum Line (that'll work)
Matthew Yglesias » Reconciliation May Push Health Reform to the Left ("Left"="actually save money")
The American Prospect: Pat Buchanan: Sotomayor? Racist. Hitler? Misunderstood (there is nothing Pat Buchanan can say that will get him kicked of TV)(NPR's favorite Republican)
Deleting the Bush Personality Cult from history - Glenn Greenwald - (didn't happen + ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer -- former Nixon White House staffer)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » It’s Luke Russert’s world, we’re just living in it
Why Is Universal Health Care ‘Un-American’? |
Wheelchair-Bound Woman Shouted Down At New Jersey Health Care Town Hall (mob rule)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The Stupid Leading the Blind (Maria Bartiromo doesn't know Medicare starts at 65, media is truly stupid+Wapo is the pits)
Bartiromo Asks 44 y/o Congressman "If Medicare's So Good, Why Aren't You On It?!" | TPMDC
Protester Holds Up Copy Of "U.S.S Constitution" To Prove That Congress Can't Regulate Health Care (video)
Larry King Asks Strange Question About Food In Interview With Garrido Victim (video)
Olbermann Explores "The Revenge Of Carrie Prejean" (video)
Can You Name the Planet's Biggest Gas Guzzler? : Planet Green The U.S. military is the single-largest purchaser and consumer of oil in the world.
Steven Pearlstein - So You Just Squandered Billions . . . Take Another Whack at It -
U.S. Stock Futures Drop After ADP Says Job Losses Top Estimates -
Blaming the Wrong Group | The Big Picture those who are skeptical about the near term prospects for a sustainable recovery have a vested interest in a different kind of outcome — they want to see the U.S. economy fail (your elite business media at work, wrong yet again)
Wegelin private bank to pull out of US - swissinfo
Secrets of the womb by Jacqueline Maybin | Education | The Guardian In a prize-winning essay, Jacqueline Maybin says the female body could hold the key to a medical revolution
"Dark Flow" Discovered at Edge of the Universe: Hundreds of Millions of Stars Racing Towards a Cosmic Hotspot
Why Did People Become White? | LiveScience
Harvard Drops Policy Restricting Media Access to Students - “All interactions between students and the media should be coordinated with the Office of the Dean of Students and the Office of Public Affairs"
Phys Ed: Does Ibuprofen Help or Hurt During Exercise? - Well Blog -
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | We're all mutants, say scientists Each of us has at least 100 new mutations in our DNA
Mosquito Bites: The Real Reason Some People Are Immune -
Zurrano: Bizarre nested Klein bottles
Op-Ed Contributor - A One-Way Ticket to Mars -
Official Gmail Blog: More on today's Gmail issue
Google's Book Search: A Disaster for Scholars - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Paypal wants to hold its merchant's money for 90 days... so how am I suppose to pay my net30 bills? Idiots : technology
Internet providers seek low broadband bar | Technology | Reuters (American business innovation)
Prius GPS helpful in hiding dead bodies : funny Toyota thought of everything.
Vonage App Approved for Apple's iPhone, Touch - PC Magazine
Tom and Lorenzo - The #1 Project Runway Blog: Mad Men Season 3
Other Companies Should Have To Read This Internal Netflix Presentation
Lockerbie bomber 'set free for oil' - Times Online
Aiding Torture: Health Professionals’ Ethics and Human Rights Violations Demonstrated in the May 2004 CIA Inspector General’s Report
BBC's Robert Peston in furious face-to-face row with James Murdoch | Media | The Observer (Murdoch=Satan)
Attorney General Plans Reshaping of Civil Rights Division - (dismantled during the Bush/Cheney Reign)
There Goes the Meritocracy - The Opinionator Blog - What can a young woman’s new job tell us about America? A lot, apparently, if the young woman is Jenna Bush Hager
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » You Have to Be Kidding Me Joe Klein on why Glenn Greenwald is not a serious person
No More Mister Nice Blog No, Wait, I Know This One--the Answer to "Who Does Joe Klein Think is the Crazy Left?" Glenn Greenwald, for fifty points (Jokeline up to his old tricks)
No More Mister Nice Blog No, Seriously, Dude, Acolyte? There's nothing I can say that will make Klein more absurd than his own writings
Glenn Greenwald - Swampland - (jokeline gets called out, boo-hoo)
Daily Kos: Video: Rep. Jenkins Laughs at Uninsured Single Mother, Son (compassionate asshole Republicans)
AFL-CIO NOW BLOG | ‘Young Workers: A Lost Decade’ - 31 percent of young workers report being uninsured - one in three young workers are currently living at home with their parents (we'll fix that with individual mandates)
EBay Is Said to Have a Deal to Sell Skype - EBay acquired Skype in 2005, outbidding Google and Yahoo in a deal that has come to be viewed as one of the worst technology transactions of the decade (thanks to eMeg Whitman)
Federal Broadband Stimulus Funds Utterly Unable To Meet Demand - HotHardware (sucked up by bigmedia)
We Are All Madoffs - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education Our relationship to the natural world is a Ponzi scheme
BBC - Earth News - In pictures: Icy jellies
Oceans Could Absorb Much More CO2: Discovery News
Study: Regular drinkers get more exercise - Fitness- Moderate and heavy imbibers found to be more active than abstainers | Mr. Brown Goes to Washington (bigotry acceptable to the Washington Post and writer Monica Hesse)
Did America Forget How to Make the H-Bomb? | Mother Jones
ArmsControlWonk: FOGBANK
The Good Enough Revolution: When Cheap and Simple Is Just Fine
When some New Media Douchebag decides to go on a crusade about the eeeeeeeeevil that is IT, and how we're all just keeping you down man.
Researcher cracks Mac in 10 seconds at PWN2OWN, wins $5k
TG Daily - Firefox 4.0 goes Chrome, will arrive with new UI in Q4 2010
Windows Mobile 6.5 phones coming Oct. 6 | Beyond Binary - CNET News
Opera Browser | Faster & safer Internet | Free Download
Storyline: Gabe Mercado on Yahoo! Video
Senator Ted Kennedy, 1932-2009 - The Big Picture -
The Seminal » We Know Failure When We See It (Afganistan)
Taliban: How Crime Pays for the Growing Insurgency - TIME
George Will calls for pull-out - Mike Allen -
Cameron Todd Willingham, Texas, and the death penalty : The New Yorker Did Texas execute an innocent man? (Texas justice is infallible)
Los Angeles wildfire forces thousands from homes | U.S. | Reuters
LA-area blaze size doubles, threatens 12,000 homes
Saudi demand on Mohammed cartoon - A firm of Saudi Arabian lawyers has demanded that Danish newspapers apologise for re-printing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.
U.S. military ends journalist profiling contract - Yahoo! News
Attackerman » In Quasi-Sorta-Defense of the Washington Post’s Torture Piece Actually, Just: No. (Washington Post: the shame of America)
Emptywheel » Finder Is CIA’s Keeper In Slanted NYT Op-Ed
The Washington Monthly: Hurting Dick Cheney's Feelings
Cheney Still Manipulating People -- Now In Public Dan Froomkin
The Five Biggest Lies in the Health Care Debate | (thank you Newsweek, that would be REPUBLICAN lies)
Progressive Nation » Blog Archive » The Republican Party Is Turning Into A Cult (racist, violent cult)
The Week Magazine - Brad Delong - Why health-care reform failed last time (Bob Dole wanted to make Clinton look bad)
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan | The Evidence Mounts Still Further: One political party in this country is now explicitly pro-torture, and wants to restore a torture regime if it regains power (US more pro-torture than Iran)
Daily Kos: ...and I didn't want to pay for an illegal and immoral war
GOP Rep. Behind "Great White Hope" Remark Voted For Bill With Same Phrase - Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-Kan.) is a racist idiot
The Shocking Truth About Health Care Reform!!! |
The Way We Live Now - The New Old Guard - (anti-healthcare baggers: white, male, old, stupid and crazy Reagan voters)
Beck: "There is a coup going on ... it has been done through the guise of an election" | Media Matters for America ("And God help us in an emergency.")
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Cox and bow-ties (Ana Marie Cox+Tucker Carlson=assholes)
Another Reason Why My Doctor Tells Me The Nation Shouldn’t Read Megan McArdle… « The Inverse Square Blog (Megan McArdle is so stupid)
UT Documents: Joe Klein on Journolist
Making Home Affordable Program hasn't helped enough, some say - (enough=at all)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect Krugman an Obama Syncophant: Read About It Only in the Washington Post (Howie Kurtz is teh dumb)
Commercial Real Estate Lurks as Next Potential Mortgage Crisis -
As a Foreclosure Judge, Arthur Schack Tosses Out Cases, Brooklyn Style -
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » The systemic threat posed by megabanks | Blogs |
"Loss-Share": FDIC Offers Billions In Guarantees For Buyers Of Failed Banks (socialism for banksters!)
As Biggest Banks Repay Bailout Money, the U.S. Sees a Profit -
Is 'Friending' in Your Future? Better Pay Your Taxes First -
Disney to Acquire Marvel Entertainment - MarketWatch
Shari Arison, Israel's Wealthiest Woman, Says She Can See the Future. Really. -
Cellphones Cause Brain Tumors, Says New Report By International EMF Collaborative
Depression's Evolutionary Roots: Scientific American Two scientists suggest that depression is not a malfunction, but a mental adaptation that brings certain cognitive advantages (more Zoloft!)
Asparagus May Ease Hangover - Health News -
YouTube - Common Sense Is Worthless in Science
Virus Enzymes Could Promote Human, Animal Health Phage enzymes called endolysins attack bacteria by breaking down their cell walls.
Life's proteins related by seven degrees of separation - Ars Technica
Think Progress » Missouri school district bans t-shirts for acknowledging evolution. Assistant superintendent Brad Pollitt explained that the t-shirts were banned because they were imposing on religious views (science=religion)
Drinking Problem? or Driving Culture? | Urban Milwaukee
The Medium - Facebook Exodus -
Technology Review: Making Money from Online Video
Wikipedia to Color Code Untrustworthy Text | Wired Science |
Gmail may hand over IP addresses of journalists - Wikileaks
AT&T has chutzpah! - Computerworld Blogs (expanding the iTax, dragging America down)
The Kitchen Scale, Unsung Hero of Great Cooking - Kitchen scales - Gizmodo - free, online and no limits pdf restriction remover
Average Penis Size Worldwide, Research Conducted by Andromedical®
AdultSheepFinder - The Worlds #1 Sheep Sex and Dating Personals Site (LOL NZ)
Iranians Say Prison Rape Is Not New - The Lede Blog -
U.S. Says Pakistan Made Changes to Missiles Sold for Defense -
Japan Election Results: Opposition Democrats Win Huge Victory (Republicans destroyed Japan economy)
Japan Vote Points to Political Upheaval -
Former Israeli Prime Minister Olmert Indicted -
John Durham - Google News (Cheney running scared)
McCain Whacks Cheney: Torture Violated Law And Helped The Terrorists (video)
Cheney Accuses Obama Of Launching "Intensely Partisan" Torture Investigation (Big Time feeling the heat)
The Washington Post's Cheney-ite defense of torture - Glenn Greenwald -
Bill Moyers on the health care debate, Democrats, and Afghanistan - Glenn Greenwald - - "This is a party that has told its progressives -- who are the most outspoken champions of health care reform -- to sit down and shut up."
The Lies that Led to Iraq (all by Republicans)
Justices to Revisit ‘Hillary’ Film, and Corporate Cash in Politics -
A.C.L.U. Lawyers Mine Documents for Truth - allegations of abuse of prisoners in American custody
The Washington Monthly: Mccain On The Teevee (press loves them some President McCain, plus he and DiFi are pro-torture)
Byron Williams: Facts Left the Health Care Debate Long Ago, Emotion Is the Driver Now!
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - When future historians ask how the United States came not only to practice torture but to celebrate it and treat torturers as heroes, a special place in hell among the journalists who embraced and justified it should be reserved for Chris Wallace.
Daily Kos: Top 10 Signs You Might Not Be A Libertarian
Firedoglake » Late Night: Conservative Girls, Send Me a Dozen - Eva Lorraine Molina, a test-tube wingnut baby currently incubating at the kook-science laboratories of the Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute
Glenn Beck Beats on Vimeo (psycho-Beck)
Why I Hate Barack Obama! Pastor Steven Anderson Sermon | Video Cafe - threats on the life of the president of the United States have now risen by as much as 400 percent since his inauguration
Owner of Orange County Register May File for Bankruptcy - - Freedom Communications (Libertarian failure)
France obtains tax suspects' Swiss account details | Reuters / Reportage - The Iraqi who saved Norway from oil
Will the Laws of Physics Extend Beyond Our Universe? A Galaxy Classic
Troubling bubbles - - Methane oozes from thawing permafrost.
Orchids — National Geographic Magazine
Star-birth Myth 'Busted'
Book Review - 'Strength in What Remains,' by Tracy Kidder - Review -
U.S. ranks 28th in Internet speed among industrialized nations, study finds -- (almost as bad as healthcare)
Whole Foods Looks and Acts More Like Wal-Mart Than a 'Sustainable' Natural Foods Store | | AlterNet
Google's plan for world's biggest online library: philanthropy or act of piracy? | Technology | The Observer
Why Craigslist Is Such a Mess
Five Best Disk Defragmenters - Defragment - Lifehacker
YouTube - Dory Previn - The Game (1971)
BBC News | Asia-Pacific | UAE 'seizes N Korea arms cargo'
Complaints of Afghan election fraud pour in | Reuters
Strategic Communication: Getting Back to Basics | Foreign Policy
U.S. unveils new rules on border searches of laptops | Technology | Reuters (all your data belong to BHO; kiddieporn and copyright violations=terrorism w/no probable cause)
David Denby goes on the hunt for snark, abuse in a public forum | Books | The Guardian
Daily Kos: President Obama's eulogy for Ted Kennedy
Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Accused in U.S. District Court of Intent to Kill -
How a Detainee Became An Asset - Sept. 11 Plotter Cooperated After Waterboarding (WaPo spin)
Emptywheel » The WaPo Declares Itself Unable to Find the Truth
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Post goes pro-torture
BBC News | Business | Murdoch attack on 'dominant' BBC James Murdoch has said that a "dominant" BBC threatens independent journalism in the UK (because Murdoch does "journalism")
Veterans Demand Apology from GOP and FOX for Lies About VA - Veterans For Common Sense
Matthew Yglesias » Holmes on Caldwell
Balloon Juice (Libertarians are so stupid)
YouTube - Glenn 'The Creep' Beck (why would anyone advertise on this creep's show?)
Tax Pledge Is a Target As Deficits, Debt Grow - Obama Advisers Will Not Rule Out Broad-Based Hike
Back to square one on 2d Philly casino | Say What? | 08/28/2009
damnportlanders: The more you know...Selling your gold and not getting ripped off
New planet hints we're very lucky—or our models are wrong - Ars Technica
Relational Quantum Gravity:
The Status of the P Versus NP Problem | September 2009 | Communications of the ACM
j9wrB.jpg (Surface Area Required to Power the World with Solar Panels Alone)
Strained by Katrina, a Hospital Faced Deadly Choices -
Top 10 Types of Medieval Torture | Ranker - A World of Lists (actually just "enhanced interrogation")
Kidnapping Victim Was Not Always Locked Away -
Evan Interviews Sheppard About Vanishing: “It’s Like Dying” | Vanish | | Opinion | No trademark on free speech Copyright protection was not designed to insulate corporations from public criticism
Lizzie Miller Glamour plus size model nude photo
The Future of Reading - ‘Reading Workshop’ Approach Lets Students Pick the Books - Series -
Warrior Writers Home
Matthew Yglesias » Against Spite-Based Foreign Policy (Bruce Riedel, who led the Obama administration’s AfPak policy review: " we just need to kill them, and we will drive them out")
Bush's Search Policy For Travelers Is Kept - Obama Officials Say Oversight Will Grow
Why aren't the poor organised? | Democracy in America | (the rich like it that way)
Matthew Yglesias » A Welcome Chill we can’t investigate perpetrators of past interrogation abuses because it might have a “chilling effect.”
New CIA Docs Detail Brutal "Extraordinary Rendition" Process
Emptywheel » How a Review Gets to Grand Jury in Five Days or Less
Even The New Republic now calls for a party purge of corporate-owned "centrists" - Glenn Greenwald -
Print media transcribe GOP excuse -- Kennedy's absence -- for obstruction on health reform | Media Matters for America
Edward Kennedy's Senate Seat Stirs Political Storm - Democrats' Push to Let Governor Fill Kennedy's Seat, After Demanding Special Vote in 2004, Draws Accusations of Hypocrisy
Conservatives Warning Against Politicizing Kennedy's Death, Did Just That For Reagan (the Hypocrite Party)
Hullabaloo: Suggested By ... Glenn Beck?
Obama's 'SS': Glenn Beck sees scary black people | Crooks and Liars
YouTube - Glenn Beck Can't Spell
Beware Authoritative "Inside Washington" Sources Who Say The Public Option is Dead | Robert Reich's Blog
ABC quoted Hatch saying Kennedy "wouldn't want [health care bill] passed if it wasn't good" -- but Kennedy did think it was good | Media Matters for America
Hullabaloo: Sandbaggers (Party of Insane People)
The Washington Monthly: How Hatch Perceives The Senate
Think Progress » Local official to Bachmann: ‘I’ll be danged if I am going to give up my Social Security because of socialism.’ (LeRoy Schaffer: St. Francis city council: the stupidest of the stupid)
Politics In The Doctor's Office? "But we're lucky we're not in the Obama box, because if we were, I couldn't treat you because you're over 70." (Dr. Ralph V. Wilson is in the liar box)
Michael Tomasky: The man who helps rule the media's world | Comment is free |"Kennedy was a special pile of human excrement," wrote Andrew Breitbart in one tweet (editor at Drudge (Sludge) Report)
GOP Under Fire For Hinting Dems Would Deny Republicans Health Care (good idea, actually)
Mike Enzi, Gang Of Six Republican, Admits He's Simply Blocking Health Care Reform
Leverage Rising on Wall Street at Fastest Pace Since ‘07 Freeze - (super-re-inflate the bubble)
naked capitalism: New York Times Runs Yet Another Fawning Story on Health Insurance Industry
Countercyclical Capital | The American Prospect Is D.C. the only place in America not affected by the downturn?
Is Foxwoods Going Down? | Young Philly Politics (who could have predicted a casino on every street-corner wouldn't work)
Frank: Bill Mandating "Complete Audit" Of The Fed Will Pass House In Fall
The Anti-Fed Fact Sheet |
IBM Takes First 3D Image of Atomic Bonds - Quantum Computing - Gizmodo
BBC NEWS | Europe | Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed
Sexual selection in humans: Mr Muscle | The Economist| The price and privilege of beefcake (hunks have sucky immune systems but more sex)
Study finds that 10- and 11-year-olds already have notions about ideal body composition - Wellness - (girls=thin)
College students pack a heavy bag of mental illness | Booster Shots | Los Angeles Times
PBS writes last chapter for kids show 'Reading Rainbow'
The Curious Cook - Keeping Berries Fresh - (hot water)
ISS - Voices: Expert fired who warned levees would burst
USPS performance: self-sufficient
Bill would give president emergency control of Internet | Politics and Law - CNET News
BBC News | South Asia | Young Guantanamo Afghan to sue US (Gitmo'd at 12 years old: "the worst of the worst")
BBC News | South Asia | US envoy 'in angry Karzai talks' - "explosive" meeting
Time to boycott Israel | Neve Gordon | Comment is free | For the sake of our children, I am convinced that an international boycott is the only way to save Israel from itself
Boycott Israel?
On Neve Gordon's Call to "Boycott Israel" | Stephen M. Walt The shape of things to come?
French transport workers threaten to pollute river Seine | Environment | 8,000 litres of toxic fuel additive
Asia Times Online :: The truth is adrift with the Arctic Sea (that missing ship? "Filin said the crates (loaded on board in Kaliningrad) could have contained four X-55 strategic cruise missiles"
Raw Story » Report reveals Cheney misled about ‘trained interrogators’ (Big Time Liar)
Op-Ed Columnist - Health Care Fit for Animals -
Inhofe: I'll Vote Against Reform Without Reading Bill ("bi-partisan")
Key Democrat suggests party moderates 'brain dead' Moderate Blue Dog Democrats "just want to cause trouble," said Rep. Pete Stark, D-Calif ("moderate" = "rightwing" + corrupt")
Leak: How Mark Penn Converts His Wall Street Journal Column into P.R. Clients - Mark Penn - Gawker
Howard Kurtz - Media Notes: Howard Kurtz on the Complex Nature of the Health-Care Reform Story - - Few Americans Seem to Hear Health Care Facts (facts are too complicated for journos)
Kennedy Death Adds Volatile Element to Health Fight - - on Fox Nation - Comments Left About Ted Kennedy
Sadly, No! » Like A Der-ricane
Problem Bank List Hits 15-Year High
Professor Paul Krugman at war with Niall Ferguson over inflation - Times Online
Hard Case: Job Market Wanes for U.S. Lawyers - Growth of Legal Sector Lags Broader Economy; Law Schools Proliferate
Downturn Dims Prospects Even at Top Law Schools - - most wrenching job search season in over 50 years.
Amid Recession, More Apply to Law School | The Cornell Daily Sun
Joel Klein vs. New York City teachers : The New Yorker The Rubber Room: The battle over New York City’s worst teachers by Steven Brill
Architecture - New York Needs a New Generation of Heroes in Urban Design -
Climate Wizard
Small Midwestern States To Be Hit Hardest By Climate Change: Report (Chuck Grassley will represent 4 people, all insurance lobbyists)
Temperature Projections For the 50 US States over the Next 100 years: An Analysis Based on Data Contained in the Climate Wizard Interactive Tool
Op-Ed Contributor - A Grand Bargain Over Evolution -
A raw deal on Darwin in the NY Times | Media Matters for America (Robert Wright's "compromise")
Robert Wright: Pirouetting on the fence « Why Evolution Is True
Morality doesn't equal God : Pharyngula Shorter Robert Wright: All we have to do to end the conflict between science and religion is convert the Christians to deists and get the scientists to pretend that evolution is teleological!
Greater Good Magazine | Why is There Peace? Violence is declining, argues psychologist Steven Pinker. What are we doing right? (getting rid of religion?)
Google Aims To Answer The Question: "But If I Get Off The Highway, Won't It Just Be Worse?"
Death Calculator Predicts Your Odds | LiveScience
Safe - or smothered? | Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/26/2009
What really DOES turn women on? | Mail Online
Model Kathleen Neill Arrested For Posing Nude At Metropolitan Museum Of Art - New York Post "She told me there were naked statues everywhere," the guard said. "I said, 'Those statues are 400 years old. You're from the 21st century.
Chicago vice - Crime, corruption, and crooked characters.
Truthdig - Arts and Culture - A Bomb in Every Issue The Havoc of War: How Ramparts Magazine Challenged American Culture
Tweak Allows Installing Any Win7 Version from One DVD - HotHardware
Licensed Memory in Windows Vista
Quick and strong file-encryption with OpenSSL - Lars Strand
Amazon Web Services Blog: Introducing Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Google Apps - Wikipedia
Welcome to Google Apps | Business email, documents, and intranet sites for your company - Google Apps for business
Use The Same Gmail Account for Multiple Online Accounts - Gmail - Lifehacker
Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim, Powerful Iraqi Shiite Leader, Dead In Iran
Four years on, Katrina remains cursed by rumour, cliche, lies and racism | Rebecca Solnit | Comment is free | The Guardian Ordinary people mostly behaved well. Those in power panicked, spread fear and fiction, and showed eagerness to kill
Ted Kennedy Dead: Legendary Senator Passes Away From Brain Cancer (video)
The Washington Monthly: Kennedy's Unfinished Work
Daily Kos: State of the Nation
Sarah Palin's Facebook 'Friends' Celebrate Ted Kennedy's Death: "One Less Socialist," "Good Riddens" | PEEK | AlterNet
NY Times ' Seelye says House bill limits payments to doctors, but it would actually increase them | Media Matters for America (elite, fact-checked journalism)
Progressive Caucus Finds Itself In A Strange Place: Power (well, not really)
Digital Roam: American health care on (4) napkins. Now all together!
MyDD :: AARP Poll: 8 in 10 Back Public Option (the far left of the far left)
Temple Talk: Washington Post's Paul Farhi resorts to generalizations about bloggers that wouldn't make it past any good newspaper editor (we're still having this arguement?)
Why Barack Obama's energy-dependence talk is just demagoguery - By Prince Turki al-Faisal | Foreign Policy
Op-Ed Contributor - ‘Peak Oil’ Is a Waste of Energy -
Warning: Oil supplies are running out fast - Science, News - The Independent Catastrophic shortfalls threaten economic recovery, says world's top energy economist
Vacancies going nuts in tony Center City shopping district | Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/26/2009 (Republican landlords at work)
Jani's at the mercy of her mind (page 2) - Los Angeles Times
For Jani Schofield, some progress -- and major setbacks - Los Angeles Times
2030: A Perfect Storm of food, water and energy shortages?
60 Stunning Satellite Photos of Earth | Webdesigner Depot
More children from the Dove World Outreach Center arrived Tuesday at area public schools with shirts bearing the message Islam is of the Devil. |
David Ignatius - Iraq's Iranian Connection -
An Afghan Reconstruction Horror Story
Mary Dejevsky: A mean streak in the US mainstream - Mary Dejevsky, Commentators - The Independent The US tolerates more inequality, deprivation and suffering than is acceptable here (it's called Republicans)
Daily Kos: MAJOR Death Penalty News out of Texas admitting it murdered an innocent man in its death chamber (or Texas)
Seven Points on the CIA Report—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) (we wouldn't want to demoralize the torturers, especially Cheney)
C.I.A. Abuse Cases Detailed in Report on Detainees - (sick fucks)
Guantánamo Detainee Released - Relatives say he was about 12 when he was arrested.
Big Surprise: Torture Memos Belie Cheney's Claims | TPMMuckraker (Big Time Liar)
CNN Gets Snookered By Cheney’s Masterful Obfuscation | The Plum Line (our media is so sucky)
Informed Comment: Congress Needs to Pass some Laws on controversial issues Congress Needs to Pass some Laws on controversial issues
Think Progress » Comparing Obama to ‘Hitler,’ Grassley constituent says he’d ‘take a gun to Washington’ if crowd supported him. - Macy’s To Pervert Meaning Of Thanksgiving With Giant Balloons (9/11 -- online conservatives favorite holiday)
The Evolution Of The Death Panel Meme | TPM Photo Features (bullshit conveyor belt)
Think Progress » Angry right boos John McCain for stating that Obama ‘respects the Constitution of the United States.’ (rabid wingnuts)
Bioethicist Becomes a Lightning Rod for Criticism - (wingnuts)
4 Youth Prisons in New York Used Excessive Force -
Court Orders Federal Reserve to Disclose Emergency Loan Details -
Unemployment, Deficits To Be Far Worse Than Stated: White House
Global starvation imminent as US faces crop failure | 19 June 2009 |
Placebos Are Getting More Effective. Drugmakers Are Desperate to Know Why.
For Parents on NICU, Trauma May Last -
Beet.TV: Long form journalism on the Web is "not working," Managing Editor
Does Long-Form Journalism Work Online? « Reinventing the Newsroom Advice: Help a Brother Out
Stuntbox – The Long Form “You can’t do long-form writing online.” Really? It’s 2009 and we’re still having this conversation?
Welcome, Wired. We call this land "Internet" | Boing Boing Gadgets
Sony announces Reader Daily Edition, free library ebook checkouts
Straw Feminist Weekly: The baby-hater « Kate Harding’s Shapely Prose - Katie Roiphe says feminists hate babies
Roger Ebert's Journal: My Name is Roger, and I'm an alcoholic
The Innocence Project - Home
LRB · Hugh Miles: Inconvenient Truths (America: inconveniently stupid; includes BHO)
Lockerbie, the Unanswered Questions - The Lede Blog -
Robert Fisk: For the truth, look to Tehran and Damascus – not Tripoli - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent
Was the wrong man jailed for Lockerbie? - Analysis, Opinion -
Paul Foot: Lockerbie's dirty secret | UK news | The Guardian
The legacy of Lockerbie: A good week for conspiracy theorists - Home News, UK - The Independent
The Lockerbie Case
Just Keeping It Warm | TPM Another report from the pews on evangelicals and Israel
U.S. Military Says Its Force in Afghanistan Is Insufficient - (who could have predicted?)
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Netanyahu enters Sweden organ row (call Abe Foxman)
Green Left - British firefighters call for boycott of Israel (don't try this in America)
What every American should be made to learn about the IG Torture Report - Glenn Greenwald -
Eric Holder announces investigation based on Abu Ghraib model - Glenn Greenwald -
Dems Urge Holder To Allow Torture Probe To Go Further | TPMMuckraker (push-back on the "few bad apples at the bottom of the barrel who were told it was ok to torture" plan)
Think Progress » CIA report reveals interrogator threatened to kill detainee’s children.
Disclosure of 'Targeted Killing' Program Comes at Bad Time for CIA - News of 'Targeted Killing' Program Precedes Interrogation Report, Possible Probe
Panetta Spins Forthcoming Torture Report: We Were Told It Was Legal | TPMMuckraker (yeah, "legal torture")
The Seminal » New Warning of Terror Campaign By Far-Right Extremists
Official: White House sets up interrogation unit (interrogation, torture, whatever)
Think Progress » Pentagon Hires Controversial Firm To Screen Whether Embedded Reporters Wrote ‘Positive’ Stories ("screen" would be the operative word)
Healthcare insurers get upper hand -- Obama's overhaul fight is being won by the industry, experts say. The end result may be a financial 'bonanza.' (it's all over but the bonuses)
Ezra Klein - The 'Recession' Excuse (Lieberputz swings into action - can't do healthcare now - remember how our idiot press loved him in 2006?)
Krugman - All the President’s Zombies - (Reagan un-dead still stalking DC)
Raw Story » Insurers admit 50,000 employees lobbying Congress to claim profits fair
Attack on Obama riles Beck's advertisers - Yahoo! News (just say no to insanity)
Senate Dems: Turnabout's Fair Play on Reconciliation | TPMDC
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | There Is No Penalty For Lying
This Week With Barack Obama: UPS drops all advertising from FOX
AP source: Obama to nominate Bernanke to 2nd term - Yahoo! Finance
CBO Warns of Higher Unemployment: Washington Worries About the Deficit | TPMCafe
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect Robert Samuelson Doesn't Like Trains (was he always this stupid, or did Conservatism rot his brain?)
Cash for Clunkers Is Another Government Failure -
Mystery of the missing mini-galaxies - space - 24 August 2009 - New Scientist
Is America scientifically illiterate? - (you have to ask?)
Researchers Answer: When should I ask her out? | SciTechBits - Interesting Bits of Science & Technoglogy Served For You! researchers in France have tried to find the change in women’s receptivity to an explicit courtship solicitation across different phases of the menstrual cycle.
A beer a day may raise risk of several cancers: study | U.S. | Reuters
Study Shows Massive Rise In ADHD Drug Abuse Among Teens (who could have predicted that?)
Regular marijuana usage robs men of sexual highs - health - 24 August 2009 - New Scientist
Confessions of a running addict - Telegraph - As scientists report that excessive exercise could be as addictive as heroin, a running addict speaks out (soon to be outlawed)
Abortion Law Backers Vow Oklahoma Appeal - (OK law required forced penetration of rape-victims, no problem with that, right?)
Defamation Conspiracy Leads to Judgment Against Molestation Victim
YouTube - Johnny Cash Does Elvis..LOL
The Best in the Online World - 50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME
Swine Flu Campaign Waits on Vaccine - Only Third of Supply Is Expected for First Round of Vast Effort
Report Will Allege More Harsh CIA Interrogation Measures - ABC News
U.S. Shifts, Giving Detainee Names to the Red Cross - (secret detentions)
Sunday Express | UK News :: ‘I’ll reveal true identity of bomber’ : “It is apparent that US intelligence has known or must have known the primary suspect of the Lockerbie bombing was alive and living safely in Washington.
Kenny MacAskill's decision to free Megrahi is a tribute to our decency | Kevin McKenna | Comment is free | The Observer (Scotland needs no lessons in matters of fairness from a country that has been routinely waterboarding suspects in Guantánamo Bay.)
e0j30.jpg (walled world)
BBC NEWS | Africa | Mali protest against women's law
Why Israeli Jew Uri Davis joined Fatah to save Palestine | World news | The Observer
Uri Davis - Against Israeli Apartheid — for Freedom and Justice in Palestine
110th Congress Earmarks | OpenSecrets (and the winner is ... Murtha!)
Editorial - The Uninsured -
Bob Herbert - Voices of Anxiety - (Mr Cool has no Plan B)
Grassley Reverses Course: No Death Panels In Bill ("oops, I lied")
Flickr Photo Download: Health Insurance Reform in Three Easy Steps
On Health, Daschle Has Ear of White House and Industry - (we're screwed)
Video: Exclusive - Betsy McCaughey Extended Interview Pt. 1 | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Sisyphus Shrugged - strange bedfellows - Betsy McCaughey
Revisiting McCaughey-v-Stewart - James Fallows
Think Progress » Lieberman: ‘There’s No Reason’ To Deal With The Uninsured Until After The Recession (maybe 10 years from now)
Uh-oh! WashPost poll got the wrong Obama results. Let the spin begin | Media Matters for America
Daily Kos: The Problem of the Small State Senator A handful of Senators, representing less than three percent of the nation's total population, have the ability to obstruct must-pass legislation that the rest of the nation is clamoring for.
By T.R. Reid -- Five Myths About Health Care in the Rest of the World
Reflexively anti-Bush - Paul Krugman Blog - (Marc Ambinder, 29 yr old, get his nose rubbed in it, again!)
Attackerman » Intelligence And Epistemology (Baby Ambinder)
Williams brings Fox spin to NPR, says passing a Democrats-only health bill is "literally what would be called a nuclear option" | Media Matters for America (NPR=FOX)
Web extra: Congressman Herger calls Obama plan 'threat to democracy' - Mount Shasta, CA - I am a proud right wing terrorist,”
The Bobblespeak Translations: The Chris Matthews Show - August 23, 2009
The Bobblespeak Translations: Meet the Press - with Mullen, Eikenberry, Smiley and Scarborough - August 23, 2009
When Blame Knocks on the Wrong Door - Los Angeles Times (Fox News: Rogue Network)
Millions face shrinking Social Security payments - Yahoo! News
Paul Krugman: We Are In Economic "Purgatory" (video)(Robert Reich: "The best that can be said is we're getting worse more slowly")
Credit Card Bill of Rights
Beth Court - A Cul-de-Sac of Lost Dreams, and New Ones - Series -
Eurozine - Debt: The first five thousand years - David Graeber
A Privileged World Begins to Give Up Its Secrets -
Inhabitots » SIGG Scandal: Sigg ‘Eco’ Water Bottles Contain BPA!
Foreigners Attending US Grad Schools Way Down: Wake Up, Xenophobes (call Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs)
Video: The inner workings of the Antikythera mechanism | Science |
The Technium: The Most Powerful Force in the World (Stewart Brand likes it)
The Longest Way Home | a guy traveling the world in search of home
One in 8 Million - New York Characters in Sound and Images - The New York Times
Inside the Financial Collapse of Annie Leibovitz - Gawker (looks like C-N had a big piece of her debt)
The death of chick lit.
The big guns of Linux kernel development | Software, Interrupted - CNET News
Seven Crimes That Will Get You a Smaller Fine than File-Sharing(no equal protection problems here)
Facebook Hacked By 4chan, Accounts Compromised » The Coffee Desk
13 Fantastic and Fun Image Generators
YouTube - Feria de Ceniza - Vancouver Film School (VFS)
BBC NEWS | UK | Bereaved father commends 'brave' decision
In South Korea, Freed U.S. Journalists Come Under Harsh Criticism - (always was more to the story)
Calley apologizes for My Lai massacre |
Mohammed images that stirred ire omitted from book by Brandeis author - The Boston Globe Mohammed images that stirred ire in ’05 omitted from book (about, you know, the cartoons)
Lebanese man is target of first rendition under Obama -- Contractor Raymond Azar is arrested in Afghanistan, hooded, stripped and flown to the U.S. His alleged crime? Bribery. A human rights activist calls the case 'bizarre.'
CIA Used Gun, Drill in Interrogation of Alleged Cole Mastermind - IG Report Describes Tactics Against Alleged Cole Mastermind
Robert Reich: Why the Gang of Six Is Deciding Health Care for Three Hundred Million of Us (and the three Dems are Republicans)
Correctly Political: Wealth Care, a Historical Note | The League of Ordinary Gentlemen
The Public Option? It's About Accountability (coming soon: individual mandates, huge subsidies to insurance co.s, no cost controls - best BHO could do)
Betsy McCaughey resigns from medical company board over "conflict of interest" concerns | Media Matters for America (yeah, journalistic ethics)
The Washington Monthly: A Conservative Lie Case Study (Betsy McCaughey, professional healthcare liar +the drudgebone)
Obama May Abandon Effort to Reach Health Deal With Republicans - Yahoo! News (negotiating with terrorists)
Hoyer Counters Pelosi: "We'll Have To See" About A Public Option | TPMDC (Steny-the-whore)
Congress Deadlocked Over How To Not Provide Health Care | The Onion - America's Finest News Source= there's no reason we can't work together to deny health care to everyone but the richest 1 percent of the population."
Daily Kos: Purge Them Thar Libruls Outta Our Textbooks (Lincoln gone; replaced by Newt in Texas schoolbooks)
Emptywheel » Marc Ambinder’s Cave
Ridge-induced flashback: Media dismissed Bush terror alert skeptics as paranoid conspiracy theorists | Media Matters for America
AP sources: $2 trillion higher deficit projected -
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect The Folks Who Missed the Largest Financial Bubble in the History of the World Are Confident That the Recession is Over
Editorial - Debit Card Trap -
Kidney dialysis machine 'small enough to be worn as a belt' - Telegraph
Manufacturing belief | Salon Books The origin of religion is in our heads, explains developmental biologist Lewis Wolpert. First we figured out how to make tools, then created a supernatural being (and then developed anti-belief technology)
Aphids Saved From Gruesome Death By Virus-infected Bacteria
BnF - Medieval Gastronomy - In images
The Truth: What’s Really Going On With Apple, Google, AT&T And The FCC (Apples lies, like usual)
Google Voice’s Secret Weapon: Number Portability
Google Voice Apps For Android And Blackberry Are Here
BBC NEWS | Technology | The enlightenment's operating system
null - read free pdf - How to Publish a Scientific Comment in 1 2 3 Easy Steps: Prof Rick Trebino (this really happens)
I'm OK; The Bull Is Dead
Smart Wiki Search (search for concepts)
Server Fault
Super User
WHO predicts 'explosion' of swine flu cases
BBC NEWS | Health | Homeopathy not a cure, says WHO
Citizens Initiated Referendum 2009 "Should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?"
Daily Kos: Weekly Tracking Poll: Impatient Base Drives Democrats Down
Hullabaloo: digby: Not Far Enough
Krugman - Obama’s Trust Problem - (the Great Compromiser)
Has Obama lost the trust of progressives, as Krugman says? - Glenn Greenwald -
Hullabaloo: digby: Playing With Fire
Huff TV: Arianna Contrasts Obama With FDR On "Charlie Rose" "He is demonstrating a preference for compromise and reconciliation even before the fight has been fought." (it's those back-room deals)
Kyl: "I Don't Think A Single Republican" Will Support Health Care Reform (compromising with insanity)
This Week With Barack Obama: Big Whoop! Olympia Snowe, "No public option" out of Baucus Committee - Olympia Snowe admitted to Andrea Mitchell that the Senate Finance Committee is not even considering a public option in their bill and never had it on the table (well, Maine?)
Faith In Obama Drops As Reform Fears Rise
Campaign Silo » Fear Grows Like A Weed In the Middle of Rahm Emanuel’s Message Void (time to fire Rahmbo)
“If Stephen Hawking Lived in England” and Other Great Points the Left Doesn’t Want You to Know |
How Grassroots Organizing Has Been Co-Opted | Newsweek Politics | How astroturfing is taking over local activism.
Limbaugh tells caller who can't afford $6,000 to treat broken wrist: "Well, you shouldn't have broken your wrist" | Media Matters for America - Health Care Wanted: Dead or Alive The masquerade is over! The "public option" is ... dead.
Conservative ad mocks Obama vacation - (Bush: 957 days off)
Eschaton Kyra Phillips (2003: still on teevee)
Betsy McCaughey's Ideas Called "Hyperbolic... Dangerous" By Jon Stewart (Video)
I was wrong - James Fallows the pernicious influence of one Elizabeth "Betsy" McCaughey
Johann Hari: The Republican Party Is Turning Into A Cult (turning?)
Pressured by Bank Failures, F.D.I.C. Wants to Bolster Fund -
After a 30-Year Run, Rise of the Super-Rich Hits a Wall - (a Times speciality: the not quite rich enough and the not quite super-rich enough)
Calitics:: An Economy In Free Fall (can US recover without California)
Scientific Commons: Different Patterns of Student-Faculty Interaction In Research Universities: An Analysis by Student Gender, Race, SES, and First-Generation Status (2007), 2007-08-01 [Young K. Kim, Sax, Linda]
10 Questions for Linda Sax / UCLA Today
Why Boys Fail » Blog Archive » New book on college gender issues
NASA Panel Faces the Facts, and Asteroids | Wired Science (+nice chart of R&D: health care ate space)
Our nostrils share a rivalry too, study finds
Book Of The Week: The Idea of Justice, By Amartya Sen - Reviews, Books - The Independent
Human sex from the inside out - video 34860226001 - life - 21 August 2009 - New Scientist
Medical Heroin Helps Treatment-Resistant Addicts - US News and World Report
Commentary: Thank You For Not Flying | Flight Today | Air & Space Magazine
As Medical Helicopter Industry Has Grown, So Have Fatal Crashes -
spez comments on Where did my post about's URL-hackable categories go? Am I actually being censored!? (Streisand Effect)
Showdown with Russia and China: U.S. Advances First Strike Global Missile Shield System (BHO restarts cold war)
Russia's secret service accused over disappearing cargo ship as eight are arrested over hijack | Mail Online
Officials: Lithuania Hosted Secret CIA Prison - ABC News "Irresponsible" To Identify Secret Sites, Says CIA; Lithuania Denies Allegation
Emptywheel » Ibn Sheikh al-Libi IDs Others (how to torture someone to suicide)
Truth from These Podia: Summary of a Study of Strategic Influence, Perception Management, Strategic Information Warfare and Strategic Psychological Operations in Gulf II by Sam Gardiner,Colonel, USAF (Retired)
Think Progress » Ridge admits Bush administration pushed to raise security alert for political reasons on eve of re-election (thank you media, for figuring this out yourselves: using terror for political purposed=terrorism)
Don't Cry For Tom Ridge - The Atlantic Politics Channel (comments: Ambinder is a fool and a tool)
Emptywheel » Ambinder: Sorry I Was So Stupid, But I Was Right To Be Stupid
JuliusBlog: Timeline of Terror Alerts (what the media didn't do because they were too busy reading the minds of Bush-haters)
Novak, Corn, and Plamegate | Mother Jones
New Poll: 77 Percent Support "Choice" Of Public Option (the far left of the far left)
Matt Taibbi: No Public Option Will Mean a Revolt Among Progressives | Video Cafe
Daily Kos: Ambinder: White House thinks progressives want private insurance mandate (BHO will force you to buy expensive insurance)
Fringe leftist losers: wrong even when they're right - Glenn Greenwald - ("The Maturation Cycle of Bush Administration Scandals: 1. Crazy, hysterical, paranoid accusation by wild-eyed, partisan, left-wing loonies. 2. Old news" ) (read to Update V)
Chuck Todd thinks we support the public option just because conservatives don't | Crooks and Liars (up is down in the Toddster's mind)
Howard Kurtz is right, the press has done a great job informing the public about health care reform! | Media Matters for America (that's why 45% believe the Republican death panel lie)
Fact Check: Health overhaul myths taking root (see above)
Pollster Behind Controversial Public Option Poll Has Long Ties To Insurance Industry
The GOP Has Become a Party of Nihilists - time (and insane screamers)
Jon Stewart Gives Props To Barney Frank (Video)
Health Care Debate: Dining Room Table v. Rep. Barney Frank | TPMTV - on Defenders of Antisemitism
Lawyer: FBI Paid Right-Wing Blogger Charged With Threats | Threat Level | (your gov at work)
Glenn Beck Off This Week: Vacation or Something More? - TVNewser
» The Lighter Side: What Do Republicans Really Want? Team Washington « (Fox: money; it's not a joke)
Johann Hari: Republicans, religion and the triumph of unreason - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent How do they train themselves to be so impervious to reality?
Sen. Ensign: My affair wasn’t ‘legally wrong’ - Capitol Hill- Republican who called for Bill Clinton’s resignation says he won’t quit (IOKIYAR)
Kristof - Priority Test - Health Care or Prisons? - - California spends $216,000 annually on each inmate in the juvenile justice system. In contrast, it spends only $8,000 on each child attending the troubled Oakland public school system (prison-state Amerika)
What rebound? Foreclosures rise as jobs and income drop | McClatchy
Calculated Risk: MBA: Record 13.2 Percent of Mortgage Loans in Foreclosure or Delinquent in Q2
Has Mortgage Modification failed? « The Baseline Scenario (yes; no political will)
U.S. deficit estimate to be trimmed to $1.58 trillion - Yahoo! News (banksters didn't need infinite money)
This Kilogram Has A Weight-Loss Problem : NPR
Why geeks get the girls - life - 19 August 2009 - New Scientist - Brains count
Using solar heat to power air conditioning --
Besieged by attacks, AT&T dumps celebrity hacker • The Register
The Associated Press: 6 cops, 59 shots, 43 wounds, 1 dead man in Tenn.
Sex and the Married Man - The Atlantic (September 2009) (Helen Gurley Brown and Reille Hunter and John Edwards)
A Library’s Approach to Books That Offend - City Room Blog -
Local News | A mystery man awakes in Discovery Park | Seattle Times Newspaper
Woman arrested for juicy craigslist ad targeting teen girl - Ars Technica
Andy Kessler: Why AT&T Killed Google Voice - Telecom operators are yesterday's business. It's time for a national data policy that encourages innovation.
W32/Induc-A virus being spread by Delphi software houses | Graham Cluley's blog
BBC NEWS | Technology | 40 years of Unix
Vain model Googles herself, sues over “skanky” findings | VentureBeat
Google reveals identity of Cohen 'skank' blogger | ZDNet Government | (bloggers responsible for defamatory statements) | Blog » The music of geography: Ohio is a piano
Baghdad bombings question: Did U.S. draw back too fast? | McClatchy
The Women’s Crusade -
In North Korea, Clinton Helped Unveil a Mystery -
Dutch news - 'Apartheid at Islamic Schools'
C.I.A. Sought Blackwater’s Help in Plan to Kill Jihadists - (Murder, Inc)
ActBlue — Standing Up For The Public Option (donate here)
White House may push through health care without Republicans - (fuck Chuck Grassley)
YouTube - Barney Frank Confronts Woman At Townhall Comparing Obama To Hitler (racist woman makes herself famous on the internets for all eternity; get pwned by Barney Frank at Townhall)
Rep. Frank condemns those comparing Obama to Hitler | NECN (longer clip)s
Who's behind the attacks on a health care overhaul? | McClatchy (stupid Americans)
NBC poll: Doubts over Obama health plan - White House- NBC poll: Misperceptions abound on president's health overhaul initiative (45% believe in death panels)
Under Pressure, Obama Defends Health-Care Plan - (Diane Campbell of Kingston, N.H., held a sign with Mr. Obama's face superimposed on a Nazi storm trooper, a sign, she said, that was made by her chronically ill mother -- who is on Medicare)
Open Left:: I'm For the Obama Health Plan, Are Anonymous White House Staffers? (a lot of this BS lately)
Anonymous White House Official Slams Liberals Over Public Option | TPMDC (out the fucker)
Why the health care debate is so important regardless of one's view of the "public option" - Glenn Greenwald - (Glenn says it really is Obama's doing)
Number Of Poor In U.S. Likely Increased By 1.5M Last Year: Report: 12.7 percent
The Washington Monthly - Tipping Point
Hullabaloo Progressives Have Constituents Too
Democrats Seem Set to Go It Alone on a Health Bill -
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » You Can Go Your Own Way
Fox News sources its town hall research: "Conservative Blogs" | Media Matters for America (ho-ho-ho)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect - Kyl Thinks Illegal Immigration Is A Capitol Crime (or at least getting sick)
Whiskey Fire: Jedi Reprise (Erick, son of dipshit)
When 1st and 2nd Amendment Conflict: Protests, Guns and Double Standards | The Public Record
Public Policy Polling: A deeper look at the birthers (38% doubts/unsure on Obama born in US; 6% of the country doesn't think Hawaii is a state ...)
CQ Politics | McCain: Maverick No More?
Calculated Risk: Ouch. Colonial Left a Mark! (on Loans)
Atlantic Wire: The Fall of Annie Leibovitz As she teeters on the brink of bankruptcy, columnists try to understand how the renowned photographer lost it all
Fall Fashion 2009 - How Could Annie Leibovitz Be on the Verge of Financial Collapse? -- New York Magazine (from comments: "Classic case of Long-Term Grandiose Personality Disorder with a frosting of Extreme Narcissism ... an East-coast version of the Michael Jackson Story, but without the plastic surgeries.")
YouTube - Behind the scenes: The Queen Elizabeth II (ACO)
YouTube - 10 Questions for Annie Leibovitz
Mass Genome Crunching Rearranges the Foundation of Life | Wired Science (evolution of double membrane) - Homepage News - LIGO Announcement:
New Limits on the Big Bang a meaningful upper limit on certain frequencies of these waves from the start of everything
Meteorite Proves Mars Had Thicker Atmosphere: Discovery News
Early Risers Are Mutants -- Willyard 2009 (813): 2 -- ScienceNOW (yeah, but they can't stay out and party)
Baby boomers still getting high, report shows - Addictions- (doubled?)
Diabetes Case Shows Pitfalls of Treatment Rules - (carepaths)
Op-Ed Contributor - Your Baby Is Smarter Than You Think -
Phys Ed: Does Exercise Reduce Your Cancer Risk? - Well Blog -
Dissertation Haiku
Matthew Newton - Mental Notes – Fear & self-loathing in America’s Rust Belt - True/Slant
Ladies: I'm not your gay boyfriend | Salon Life Are the ties that bind gay men to straight women beginning to fray?
( » Uncomfortable Plot Summaries
Arctic Sea Hijacking: Mystery Continues After Ship Found
Right to rape: is that what we’re fighting for? | Melanie Reid - Times Online The Afghan President’s collusion with conservatives is pragmatism over ideology, but we may have to live with it for now
The Associated Press: Huckabee says 2 states in Holy Land 'unrealistic' Mike Huckabee said Tuesday there is no room for a Palestinian state "in the middle of the Jewish homeland" and Israel should be able to build settlements wherever it wants — (and bomb the shit out of whoever it wants)
Israeli Settlements Quietly Halted: No New Housing Permits Granted
Protesters Want UC Berkeley Law Professor Fired (Torture Yoo)
Karl Rove: If I Politicized White House The Way Obama Has, I'd Be Burned At The Stake | LiveWire (straight from the mouth of Satan)
Gibbs Fights Off Questions About Admin Changing Stance on Public Option | LiveWire (but "it's not a deal breaker")
Alternate Plan as Health Option Muddies Debate -
Fox News Finally Admits There Are No Death Panels |
Open Left:: I Am Vaguely Calling You Out
Some Key Democrats Say Public Option is Essential to Health-Care Reform -
Obama Needs to Reframe the Health-Care Debate | Newsweek Voices - Jonathan Alter | The United States has two parties now—the Obama Party and the Fox Party (please, the Dems and the Crazies)
Maddow: Public Option Dying Because Of Dems' Political Collapse (video)
Open Left:: No one could have predicted that Republicans would also not agree to the co-op "compromise" proposal, either (Dems getting played)
YouTube - Don Lemon: Stop Saying 'Real Americans'
The Atlantic Online | September 2009 | How American Health Care Killed My Father | David Goldhill
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
The Lanny Davis disease and America's health care debate - Glenn Greenwald - (why America is sick)
The GOP's Misplaced Rage - The Daily Beast - by Bruce Bartlett
Think Progress » Woman yells ‘Heil Hitler’ to Jewish man praising Israel’s national health care system.
News broadcast, or infomercial? | Media Matters for America (CBS News turns up to 60,000 people into idiots)
Calculated Risk: Manhattan Office Buildings: Cap Rates More than Double
Protecting Yourself Against Swine Flu -
The Great Flu
"The Great Silence": Why Haven't Signs of Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life Been Discovered?
New Law of Physics Could Explain Quantum Mysteries The Invariant Set Postulate differentiates between reality and unreality
What you don’t know about your friends - The Boston Globe Our closest acquaintances are nearly strangers to us - and that might not be so bad
New Computer Techniques Developed To Analyze Historic Hebrew And Arabic Documents
Innocent Man Freed, But Shabby Prosecutor Still Works as Judge: Bernard Baran served 22 years on dubious child molestation charges, yet the prosecutor who convicted him isn't even inconvenienced - Reason Magazine Bernard Baran served 22 years on dubious child molestation charges, yet the prosecutor who convicted him isn't even inconvenienced
Israel's state-sponsored injustice | Seth Freedman | Comment is free |
Tony Judt - Fictions on the Ground - - June 22, 2009
U.S. group invests tax-free millions in East Jerusalem land - Haaretz - Israel News (if they were Arabs, they would be in Federal prison)
Informed Comment: No Health Reform for Gaza But Death Panels they Have
How Israel became South Africa - The Globe and Mail Which evil regime finds itself in the crosshairs of Canada's largest church? Israel, of course
Anitboycott Compliance (against the law to boycott Israel, wonder how that happened?)
10 Facts Every Westerner Should Know About the Middle East |
Why must we bow to the intolerant ways of Islam? - Telegraph
Support a Public Option (sign this)
Administration Official: "Sebelius Misspoke." - The Atlantic (another walkback, this is actually their strategy)
‘Public Option’ in Health Plan May Be Dropped -
Obama aide says president still favors public health plan - (but not enough to spend any political capital on it)
Compromise Co-Op Proposal Won't Lower Costs, Government Study Showed
Matthew Yglesias » Latest Twists on the Public Option (BHO refuses to take a stand, as usual)
Krugman - The Swiss Menace - (not Canada, not GB, not North Korea ... Switzerland!)
Howard Dean On Public Option: "You Can't Really Do Health Reform Without It" (blindingly obvious)
Peter Moskos and Stanford "Neill" Franklin - Time to Legalize Drugs - (WaPo goes wobbly on the War on You and Mexico)
Campaign Silo » Anthony Weiner: No Public Plan Will Cost “100 Votes” In the House
Hullabaloo: digby: Winning By Losing (end of the Rahmbo Strategy)
The Washington Monthly: Armey's Standards, Memory Lacking
Campaign Silo » Anthony Weiner: No Public Plan Will Cost “100 Votes” In the House: "you don't think he can make it up by attracting Blue Dogs, Republicans, anyone on the other side of the aisle." - Yes, Blue Dogs are "on the other side of the aisle." And everyone but Rahm seems to know it.
Campaign Silo » Sorry, Can’t Pass Health Care Bill Without A Public Option The headline in The Hill says it loud and clear: "Obama picks public option fight with liberals" (says it all)
The Bobblespeak Translations: The Chris Matthews Show - August 16, 2009
The Bobblespeak Translations: Meet The Press - August 16, 2009 M. Mazenko's review of Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against...
Twelve Carry Guns -- Including Assault Rifle -- Outside Obama Event | LiveWire (you can see where this is going)
Walmart, CVS, Best Buy, GMAC Among 8 Major Companies To Pull Ads From Glenn Beck Show
Birthers And Deathers -- The Same People? | TPMDC (same batshitinsane 28% of the Republican Party)
Joe Klein: 'This Month Has Been Pretty Frightening' | TPMTV
HMO stocks up on signs public health plan fading | Reuters (all you need to know)
China's CIC set to invest in U.S. mortgages | U.S. | Reuters
Calculated Risk: WSJ: Loss Rates for FDIC higher than during S&L Crisis
DNA Evidence Can Be Fabricated, Scientists Show - (there goes "infallible" evidence)
June's record ocean warmth worries fishermen, environmentalists | McClatchy (but not Republicans)
Pandas could be extinct in 2-3 generations: report
Breakthrough 'could lead to better treatments for Parkinson's' - Telegraph
Giant rat-eating nepenthes plant named after David Attenborough - Times Online
Why Obama Isn't Funding Needle-Exchange Programs - Time - Maia Szalavitz
Gone Forever: What Does It Take to Really Disappear? | Vanish |
US govt says $1.92M P2P damage award totally fair - Ars Technica those damages are exactly what Congress intended (super punishment)
The Most Interesting New Tech Startup of 2009 - Anil Dash
50 Free Windows Software Alternatives
How 10 digits will end privacy as we know it | Security - CNET News
Phil Windley's Technometria | The first successful spreadsheet was called VisiCalc; where is VisiProcess?
Actor's US 'detention' prompts outrage in India - Yahoo! News (his name was Khan)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Likely Voters and Unlikely Scenarios (Dems will abandon failed Obama admin in 2010)
Op-Ed Contributor - Why We Need Health Care Reform - By Barack Obama (depends on what you mean by "reform")
White House Appears Ready to Drop 'Public Option' -
Firedoglake » The End of the Public Option? So Obama campaigns for 2 years with the public option as the centerpiece of his health care reform ... Then Kent Conrad, who represents like 7 people, and a handful of corrupt Blue Dogs say "No way." And Obama caves Sen. Conrad: Public option a 'wasted effort'
PBS Newshour: Dick Armey vs Richard Kirsch on Health Care Reform | Video Cafe (and get rid of Medicare while we're at it)
Open Left:: Latest Public Option Whip Count Political Action: The Top Five Health Care Reform Lies
Ezra Klein - The Five Most Important Pieces of Health-Care Reform That Aren't the Public Plan
The Mahablog » “This is a Third World country”
Not the Health Care Co-ops They Had in Mind |
New Poll Shows Tremendous Support for Public Health Care Option | (83% isn't enough to move Kent Conrad and the Blue Dogs
The Washington Monthly - Six centrists and conservatives from small rural states get together in secret to hammer out an agreement that ignores the majority's policy priorities (like so)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Life After the Death of the Public Option
OECD Health Data 2009: How Does the United States Compare (US has a great system!)
The Raw Story » Updated: Even more advertisers pull support for Glenn Beck (DTMFA)
Op-Ed Columnist - Sarah’s Ghoulish Carousel -
The Washington Monthly: The Penance Has Not Been Paid, Part II (Limbaugh + Murdoch + mainstreaming of crazy)
A warning of creeping totalitarianism in U.S | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/15/2009 Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism
Dana Perino Compares Claims Obama/Rove Equivalency Regarding Emails | Crooks and Liars (they will say anything)
Firedoglake » It Takes The Village To Raze the Economy: Some Notes On Krugman and the Return of Keynes
Home Prices: There's No Quick Recovery Ahead - (o rly)
The Billionaire Universities - (tax them all)
Why More Autumn Leaves Are Red In America And Yellow In Europe: New Theory
Tropical Storms and Hurricanes in Atlantic Hit 1,000-Year High - ABC News Study Suggests Hurricane Frequency Has Increased Dramatically; Climate Change a Potential Culprit
'The Internet of Things' now includes a human heart - Network World (was hacked in .3 seconds)
Watching My First Abortion | Newsweek Health |
How is America going to end? Slate's "Choose Your Own Apocalypse" lets you map out the death of the United States. - By Josh Levin - Slate Magazine
Texas public schools required to teach Bible this year (Bible-based math, science and history)
Stamford Marriott claims woman was negligent in her own rape - The Advocate (corporate America at work)
Fiji Water: Spin the Bottle | Mother Jones
Lady Gaga, The Illuminati Puppet | The Vigilant Citizen
digg labs / arc
Hamas crushes challenge by al-Qaida-inspired group - Yahoo! News
Idle Iraqi Date Farms Show Decline of Economy -
Black politician targeted by German far-right - (not just an American thing)
Rick Perlstein -- Birthers, Health Care Hecklers and the Rise of Right-Wing Rage - Birthers, Town Hall Hecklers and the Return of Right-Wing Rage ("The tree of crazy: Good thing our leaders weren't so cowardly in 1964, or we would never have passed a civil rights bill -- because of complaints over the provisions in it that would enslave whites") Hate Groups Map SPLC Report: Return of the Militias: The Second Wave
List of U.S. Militia Groups | DarkGovernment
Obama's Safety: Hate Groups Thrive Amidst Town Hall Health Care Debates - ABC News Violent Signs, Gun, Standoff Latest in Emerging Anger Towards the President
Beck's guests struck dumb by his "connection" between health care and those who think "people are a virus" | Media Matters for America
Americans Without Health Insurance Attack Plan To Give Them Health Insurance - The Daily Mash FAT, stupid Americans with no health insurance have attacked plans to stop them dying so easily.
The Washington Monthly: The Penance Has Not Been Paid
Conrad says he won’t support government-run health care program | The Jamestown Sun (go, blue-dogs)
Lawrence O'Donnell Exposes GOP Congressman's Hypocrisy On Government Health Care (actually called him a liars)
Think Progress » Grassley brings Glenn Beck’s book to town hall meeting to ‘pass it on.’ (snake-in-the-Grassley + what a whore)
Daily Kos: My letter to the Nashville Whole Foods management
Lanny Davis: Whole Foods Dust Up An Example Of Extremes On Both Left And Right | TPMDC
OpEdNews - Comcast favors Fox News, charges $204 more for MSNBC package. Action Needed (Comcast goes all rightwing)
Gates Foundation Sells Off Most Health-Care, Pharmaceutical Holdings -
Colonial BancGroup Shut Down By Feds In Biggest US Bank Failure This Year
Florida’s Soul-Searching After the Real Estate Bust - (foreclosure boat tours)
Bad management makes you ill -
What's Wrong With E=MC^2? (momentum)
Daily Number: Evolutionary Theory - Pew Research Center
Global Warming ate my data • The Register We've lost the numbers: CRU responds to FOIA requests
Why Humans and Their Fur Parted Ways - The New York Times
Snatching Rights On the Playa | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Brown intervenes in American NHS debate - (slag-off, Republican deathers)
Afghanistan passes 'barbaric' law diminishing women's rights | World news | Rehashed legislation allows husbands to deny wives food if they fail to obey sexual demands
A request to snoop on public every 60 seconds - Telegraph
Global News Blog » Blog Archive » Who is funding the Afghan Taliban? You don’t want to know (America, of course: we've seen this before)
China Pulls Back From Edict On Web-Filtering Software -
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: An International Update on the Comparative Performance of American Health Care - The Commonwealth Fund
LobbyBlog: Six lobbyists for every lawmaker (drug/insurance lobbyists outnumber everybody)
Krugman - Republican Death Trip - (Mr Bi-Partisan President get pwned by psycho-Republicans, who could have predicted?)
A Thousand Little Gitmos | Mother Jones How the federal courts turned into star chambers for terrorism cases—and why Obama may keep them that way.
False ‘Death Panel’ Rumor Has Some Familiar Roots - (same place as 16 years ago: Washington Post, American Spectator, Betsy McCaughey)
Internal Memo Confirms Big Giveaways In White House Deal With Big Pharma (smoke-filled back-room, President bi-partisan)
The Washington Monthly: What Are They So Mad About? (breakdown of the pathologies of the Right)
Sadly, No! » The paranoid style
PolitiFact | E-mail 'analysis' of health bill needs a check-up (from the mouth of Satan)
My 1933 Nightmare | The events of recent decades have been ominous. The events of recent weeks more so. (rise of rightwing fascism)
There's a reason the Obama-hating crazies are coming out of the woodwork | Crooks and Liars
Political Ideology: "Conservative" Label Prevails in the South
GOP Supported End-of-Life Counseling in 2003 Medicare Bill - Swampland - (including Chuck Grassley, but he'll just keep on lying)
Campaign Silo » Shorter Rahm: If This All Goes South, Baucus Owns It (yeah, and Kent Conrad)
"Sensitive" Oil Industry Memo Lays Out Plan For Astroturf Rallies Against Climate Change Bill | TPMMuckraker (money and lies)
All Spin Zone » Whole Foods Boycott Picks Up Steam
Folsom Embodies California's Prison Blues : NPR (3-strikes prison lobby reaped huge rewards from total failure)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Inequality In The United States (top 1% gets 25% of income)
If Colonial fails, mortgages get more scarce - Aug. 14, 2009 Colonial BancGroup controls 25% of all warehouse-lending funds.
Initial jobless claims rise 4,000 to 558,000 - MarketWatch
Income Inequality Is At An All-Time High: Study (off the charts: Republicans won)
Apocalypse Ciao: Let the End Times Roll | Mother Jones When the economic Rapture comes, will collapsitarians be the chosen ones?
U.S. Builds Crime Cases Against 150 UBS Clients - - criminal cases against 150 wealthy American clients (Gitmo!)
Drug Compound That Kills Cancer Stem Cells Identified -
Chocolate 'cuts death rate' in heart attack survivors - Yahoo! News
Cave Complex Found Under Giza Pyramids : Discovery News
Observatory - Early Humans Used Heat-Treated Stone for Tools - - 45,000 years, to more than 70,000 years ago
Like a complete unknown: Bob Dylan frogmarched to collect ID after rookie policewoman fails to recognise scruffy music legend | Mail Online ("a complete unknown" "acting suspiciously")
OnlineFamily.Norton: School’s Out and Your Kids Are Online: Do You Know What They’ve Been Searching For This Summer?
File Sharing | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Suckas: Congratulations Americans, We Pay The Most For Cellphone Service (just like health care)
You Deleted Your Cookies? Think Again | Epicenter |
Foursquare: Why It May Be the Next Twitter
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Gaza white flag deaths probe call Israel must investigate the "unlawful" killing of 11 civilians carrying white flags during its Gaza operation earlier in 2009 (Israeli military at work)
U.S. might use Colombia's military bases | McClatchy (expanding the drugz war)
Emptywheel » Obama’s First Rendition Looks Very Questionable (worse than the old Bush)
All Hail Bipartisanship! Grassley Kills End Of Life Provision, Attacks Dems For Leaving It “Open To Interpretation” | The Plum Line (Is it time for bipartisanship itself to start its own “end of life consultations”?)
Pre-Existing Conditions | TPMCafe "The Swiftboating of Health Reform."
In Midst Of Firestorm Over "Death Panels," Senate Finance Committee To Eschew End Of Life Counseling | TPMDC (surrendering to insanity)
Matthew Yglesias » British Growing Tired of GOP Lies About UK Health Care (because, you know, neither the media or other Senators will call them lies)
Hullabaloo: digby: Missing The Point, Big Time (Rove, USA firings, why Chuck Todd is a corrupted idiot)
Internal Memo Confirms Big Giveaways In White House Deal With Big Pharma: Internal Memo Confirms Big Giveaways In White House Deal With Big Pharma
Airlines to Begin Asking Passengers for More Information -
'Death To Obama' Sign Holder Detained In Maryland (Dobbs-fueled crazies)
Police Standoff Forces Evacuation of Federal Building - KTLA The suspect made an unspecified threat against the White House, according to a law enforcement source (call Lou Dobbs)
Surprise! Fox News is now attacking little kids | Media Matters for America (Michelle Malkin, stalker; Fox claims elementary school girl is "campaign operative")
Dean: "There Will Be Primaries" For Dems Who Vote Against Public Option (go Howard)
'Uh-Oh They're Here' - A persistent blogger annoys police -- and winds up in jail (crime to "annoy" police)
The Hook News Blog » Blog Archive » Hobby or harassment? Blogger Strom jailed for cop site
Fox News' Glenn Beck loses advertisers | Reuters (next up: Lou Dobbs)
a broken system ctd. | The League of Ordinary Gentlemen (Conservative health care reform)
Commentaries » Blog Archive » Citi’s dirty pool of assets | Blogs |
Next Bubble to Burst Is Banks’ Big Loan Values: Jonathan Weil -
Calculated Risk: Report: Record Foreclosure Activity in July
Climate change fight seen costing $300 billion a year | Green Business | Reuters
Eva Joly: Iceland is being blackmailed (+great comments)
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | New planet displays exotic orbit
New battery could change world, one house at a time
Hell Yeah, Hubble! : Starts With A Bang
d New Drug-resistant TB Strains Could Become Widespread, Says New Study
Insults are better taken lying down, claim scientists - Telegraph
The Load of Lying: Testing for Truth: Scientific American
BBC - Why flamingoes stand on one leg (temp regulation + laterality in flamingoes)
Are women always more selective in mate choice than men? I | Psychology Today Is evolutionary psychology dead?
Scratching the Surface: Your Brain on the Internet < Features | PopMatters
Young Adult fiction: are we confusing marketing with markets? | Blog | Futurismic
Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin - TIME
Real Funny People: Young Patients Laugh at Cancer | Newsweek Health |
San Diego CityBeat - Ironic divorce Protector of traditional marriage Doug Manchester leaving wife of 43 years (Catholic prop8 funder)
Forget Vanilla, Get Ready for Viagra Ice Cream - KTLA London is the only place where Viagra ice cream is about to go on sale ("vice-cream")
How Men And Women Argue | URLs: Resurrected
YouTube - god8of8nz's Channel
Reprieve—Reprieve has today written to the Intelligence and Security Committee alerting them to the fact that they were seriously misled by their own service.
Special Prosecutor on the Horizon?—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
BBC NEWS | UK | Hunt on for 'hijacked cargo ship' Arctic Sea, carrying up to 15 Russian crew, was hijacked in the Baltic sea.
Raw Story » White House emails, Bush aide implicate Rove in firing of US Attorneys (Rove and Miers, big fat liars)
Obama Birthers Movement Quotes - Obama Joker Picture with Lou Dobbs - Esquire (1865?)
Steele: Palin's Talk Of A "Death Panel" Is "Perfectly Appropriate" | TPMDC
MOUNTAIN OF DEBT: Social Security crisis looms | TPM News Pages (SS up next after they kill health care)
Dead by Mistake (our current system is perfect!)
Think Progress » Dingell says town hall mobs remind him of the Ku Klux Klan.
Daily Kos: Far-right religious group behind outrageous health care lies - Liberty Counsel (with a name like that ...)
Firedoglake » The Wankery of Solomon John Solomon was a right-wing tool before the Washington Post hired him in December 2006
This Modern World | Salon Comics Glenn Beck, Birthers, "town hells": The lunacy reaches fever pitch By Tom Tomorrow
Michelle Malkin's attacking little kids again | Media Matters for America (rightwing stalker-creeps)
Despite Air America "blackout," companies support Beck, Dobbs, and Limbaugh | Media Matters for America (corporate media at work)
Leaked Email: CNBC Went To Tea Partiers Looking for Angry Protests | TPMMuckraker
Arianna Huffington: Wall Street, DC, and the New Financial Euphoria
Elizabeth Warren Talks Toxic Assets On MSNBC (video)
Dinobuzz: Dinosaur-Bird Relationships
The Toxicity of Recreational Drugs » American Scientist Alcohol is more lethal than many other commonly abused substances
YouTube - Homeopathy & Nutritionists vs Real Science!
Alifbépé ~ Without Guilt & Justice - Decidophobia
Paul O'Grady held at airport over communist fears | TV Blog - Yahoo! TV UK "I've been to hell, folks - it's called Miami airport." (Liverpool accent mistaken for Cuban)
Evangelical group faces 'serious' shortfall - Focus on the Family
Judge orders Microsoft to stop selling Word | Microsoft - CNET News
Judge rules that DVD copying software is illegal | Technology | (you can copy DVDs if you don't use a tool to copy DVDs)
Bullies can be stopped, but it takes a village. - By Alan E. Kazdin and Carlo Rotella - Slate Magazine
Sculptures in Motion by Peter Jansen
24 Car Chases That'll Give You Skid Marks at Kontraband
U.S. Missile Kills at Least 10 in Pakistan Tribal Area -
Target Of Obama-Era Rendition Alleges Torture (same as the old Bush)
Docs Belie Rove's Claim That His Aide Was "Freelancing" In Pushing For Iglesias Firing | TPMMuckraker
New Documents Show Rove's Role In Political Firings: Help Us Read Through Them
Dana Perino On US Attorney Firings Scheme: 'I Can't Breathe' | TPMMuckraker
Eschaton: Deep Thought: Nobody could've predicted that electing a black man president would drive this country completely fucking insane.
Balloon Juice » Even the liberal New Republic - Betsy McCaughey, serial liar, enabled by Marty Peretz
The Seminal » WaPo Op-Ed: Death Panel Fear Mongers Are Misunderstood, Prescient Sages
Jon Stewart Vs. Town Hall Crazies (video)
The Washington Monthly: Abc Runs Solid Fact-Checking Segment - Betsy McCaughey (R), whose propensity for misinformation is practically limitless, was responsible for starting this insane attack in the first place
slacktivist: An argument
Raw Story » Accused of lying about health care, Fox host … lies about health care
OpEdNews - Death Panels Already Exist, They are Called Corporate Health Insurance Bureaucrats
Notes on repatriation (recession, media depts) - James Fallows (returns from 3 yrs in China and discovers the Washington Post totally sucks)
BBC - Earth News - Giant 'meat-eating' plant found
Breast-Feeding Lowers Breast Cancer Risk for Some - On Women (
Why Do Some People Never Get Fat? Scientists May Have the Answer | Discoblog | Discover Magazine
Two convicted for refusal to decrypt data • The Register
Bernstein and the F.B.I.: News Desk : The New Yorker
On the Effectiveness of Aluminium Foil Helmets: An Empirical Study
iPhone User News | BBC too scared to make iPhone apps due to Apple’s refund policies
American Civil Liberties Union : Government Proposes Massive Shift In Online Privacy Policy Changes Would Pose Serious Threat To Americans’ Personal Information, Says ACLU (and they're not telling you, either)
Taliban Now Winning - U.S. Commander in Afghanistan Warns of Rising Casualties
Pentagon Disputes Claim That Taliban Is Winning in Afghanistan - Political News - (Murdoch vs Murdoch)
Iran purges Intelligence Ministry officials | TPM News Pages
French Muslims' Veils Intensify Debate Over Values -
Tortured logic - Glenn Greenwald - Attorney General Holder has decided on a "narrow" investigation into torture (very narrow)
Gonzo: My Time As AG Hurt My Reputation | TPMMuckraker (Abu is whining)
ABC News on health care mini-mobs: Both sides are doing it! | Media Matters for America (unfair and unbalanced: journos at work)
Let's mark this moment in the health debate as it happens - James Fallows (journos should report lies and misinformation, muhahaha)
Protesters demand justice for man injured at health care town hall in St. Louis - Kansas City Star (teabagger starts fight at health care meeting, gets hurt, asks for donations because he has no health insurance: cosmically stupid)
It doesn’t take Stephen Hawking to figure this one out | Jay Bookman Grandmas and Unborn Babies Face Extermination by Obama’s “Health” Care Plan
Get the facts about the stability and security you get from health insurance reform | Health Insurance Reform Reality Check
I Didn't Wake Up Planning to Write About Samuelson - The Treatment
Frank Schaeffer's warning: The 'Glenn Becks' have unleashed 'an anti-democratic, anti-American movement in this country' | Crooks and Liars
Campaign Silo » Teabaggers Bring Guns To Cohen Health Care Event (only a matter of time)
Dobbs on Howard Dean: "[H]e's a bloodsucking leftist -- I mean, you gotta put a stake through his heart to stop this guy" | Media Matters for America (Lou Dobbs: hate vampire with his fangs in the neck of America)
Fed Focusing on Real-Estate Recession as Bernanke Convenes FOMC -
Calculated Risk: CRE: Large SoCal Office Building Owner to Walk Away
Krugman Says Bernanke Should Be Reappointed to Fed -
Top US Colleges — Graduate Salary Statistics (Dartmouth #1)
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Why aren’t universities spending their endowments? | Blogs ("If these institutions aren’t going to spend the money in their endowments on providing educational services, they should pay tax on it.")
Atticus Finch and Southern liberalism : The New Yorker by Malcolm Gladwell
Graydon Carter's Monthly Mortgage Payment Is Probably Less Than Your Rent - Gawker (sweetheart deals by Conde Nast and oh, the irony + wtf, IRS?)
Did Condé Nast Call In Its Sweetheart Loan to Annie Leibovitz? - Gawker (out-of-control narcissist + culture of money + gawker out-reports the NYT by a mile, they never look under the surface for obvious reasons)
Immune System Cancer Found In Young 9/11 Officers
NEJM -- Extensive Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from a Child
Psychologists offer ways to improve prison environment, reduce violent crime (prison state America isn't working)
Vast expanses of Arctic ice melt in summer heat | TPM News Pages
When worlds collide | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
YouTube - VMware demo showing two operating systems running on one phone
How I Learned To Quit The iPhone And Love Google Voice (nothing to lose but your iChains)
Sony laptops can't use Windows 7's XP mode due to disabled hardware virtualization (Sony is the new Apple)
11 Free Web Apps for your Daily Work
Short URLs with analytics, social media monitoring, and geotargeting - Cligs
Google News Blog: Extra! Extra! Updates from our growing newspaper archives (Village Voice back to 1956 + more )
Commonweal - The War We Can’t Win - Afghanistan & the Limits of American Power by Andrew J. Bacevich (those who forget, or who never learned in the first place ...)
Obama "Not Ruling... Out" More Troops For Afghanistan: Jim Jones (+40 yr plan for victory!)
Criminal investigation into CIA treatment of detainees expected - Los Angeles Times (but no convictions, either)
Another Blow To Public Option: Durbin Open To Dropping It (never really was "on the table")
Frank Rich - Is Obama Punking Us? -
GE, Fox, and Clear Channel let the crazy-train roll
Firedoglake » Two Key Details Emerge about Mob at Now Notorious Lloyd Doggett Town Hall (1: Republican plants; 2: they want to end Medicare/SS 3: after wrecking the world)
Unions Receive Increasingly Scary Threats Of Violence For Town Hall Participation
Is the U.S. on the Brink of Fascism? | Politics | AlterNet (Republicans are doing their best)
How the White House's Deal With Big Pharma Undermines Democracy | Robert Reich's Blog
Drug Industry to Run Ads Favoring White House Plan - (part of the smoke-filled back-room WH deal)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation My Dad Died Last Night: A Few Words About Hospice (and Sarah Palin)
McConnell: Dem Reaction To Town Halls Shows We're Winning (one of the faces of evil)
Raw Story » Health care opponent calls for town hall violence via Twitter (Republican fascist thugs at work)
Gingrich defends Palin's 'death panels' - George's Bottom Line “Communal standards historically is a very dangerous concept,” Gingrich told me (another face of Satan; unless those "standards" are anti-abortion, anti-civil rights, anti-poor)
Op-Ed Contributor - Is It Now a Crime to Be Poor? - (the criminalization of poverty: how Republicans work)
Gov. Sanford Used State Aircraft To Travel To Vacation Spots, Kids' Sporting Events, His Hairdresser: AP Investigation (sanctimonious C-street Republicans)
And You Thought a Prescription Was Private -
Were NC Terror Suspect's Stories an Exaggeration? - (yes)
The Bobblespeak Translations: Meet The Press - August 9, 2009
The Bobblespeak Translations: The Chris Matthews Show - August 9, 2009
Hullabaloo: digby:Matt Taibbi Is Shrill (because, unlike the geniuses at the NYT, he actually did journalism)
FQXi Community Are cosmic rays revealing the quantum nature of spacetime?
Like the fist of an angry god | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Dogs as Smart as 2-year-old Kids | LiveScience
Climate Change Seen as Threat to U.S. Security - (old news, but someone call the Republican Party)
Earth's Most Prominent Rainfall Feature Creeping Northward
Video tapes help free convict of abuse - Crime & courts- (they bribed the kids to lie)
YouTube - Is Obama really Osama bin Laden (explains a lot, doesn't it?)
Statistics tell parents that the world is not so dangerous for their children - Kansas City Star (media sensationalism)
Creation Museum: Is This How World Began? - ABC News (spectacularly stupid)
The Mysterious Chemical That Eases Pain, But Also Causes It (pot could be used for torture, call the CIA)
PDNPulse: Homeland Security Secretary: Report Suspicious Photographers (just make that "all")
Facebook can threaten relationships, study says --
Five Best Video Players - Media Player - Lifehacker
Cellumap: Phone Application
The Book Seer: Ambassador, I've just finished reading ------- by -------- . What should I read next?
Blind Search (think Google is the best?)
Afghanistan conflict could last 40 years, says new head of British Army - Telegraph (Obama's Quagmire)
Tomgram: Chalmers Johnson, Dismantling the Empire - our empire consists of 865 facilities in more than 40 countries and overseas U.S. territories: $250Bn/yr
White House Confirms: Deal With Big Pharma Bars Price Negotiations (smoke-filled back-room of the White House)
As Economy Turns, Washington Looks Better -
Bob Herbert - Women at Risk -
WSJ's Misleading Story on the Congress's Jet Set : CJR (Murdoch's lie/hate machine)
How Americans Got Into a Credit Card Mess - Time (usury laws were revoked)
More Sellers of Luxury Homes Turn to Auctions - (another Times article on rich people who aren't rich enough)
GM gets to dump its polluted sites | | Detroit Free Press
Don't Dismiss Taibbi : CJR What the mainstream press can learn from a Goldman takedown (“giant vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity.”)
CIA - The World Factbook -- Country Comparison :: Current account balance (Israel: #42, 1.8Bn in the black; US: 191, 5.6Trillion in the red)
Advice to the Prince - The New York Review of Books Power Rules: How Common Sense Can Rescue American Foreign Policy
Books of The Times - In ‘Wrestling With Moses,’ Anthony Flint Portrays the Battles Between Jane Jacobs and Robert Moses - Review - Each of these projects is, from today’s vantage point, clearly insane; each would have had cataclysmic effects on the quality of life in Manhattan (took an "activist" to stop the insanity)
Appropriately Stressed: Three feminist rants
ABC News: Millions of Women Find Sex Unbearable
A little taste of the strangeness : Pharyngula
YouTube - Chrono-Synclastic Infundibulum Bob Elliot and Ray Goulding (Bob and Ray) are the announcers musing on the words from the first moon landing and red driveways.
Los Angeles Music - We’re Jerkin’ (Starring the New Boyz, J-Hawk and Pink Dollaz)
Colossal Images -
Google Voice to be retooled as Web app for iPhone | Apple - CNET News (says fuck you to iSteve)
The top seven social networking sites for kids - Times Online
Baitullah Mehsud, Taliban Chief, Reportedly Killed In US Missile Strike (inside Pakistan)
US Kills Five Afghan Cucumber Farmers in Air Strike -- News from
Doubt Raised on Gitmo Closing Date - (surprise)
Sex laws: Unjust and ineffective | The Economist America has pioneered the harsh punishment of sex offenders. Does it work?
Israel on Fire « Samuel J. Scott (Tisha b’Av)
White House Warns Rush: Nazi Talk Puts You On "Thin Ice"
SEIU Gets Threatening Phone Call: “You’re Gonna Come Up Against The Second Amendment” | The Plum Line | Rush Limbaugh went on the offensive against SEIU today and even gave out the address of the union’s St. Louis’ headquarters (Republicans=terrorists)
Are Republicans and their thugs killing off the Town Hall as a democratic forum? | Crooks and Liars - And that, folks, is a classically fascist thing to do.
Reactions to Rush Limbaugh's Obama/Hitler comparison - Glenn Greenwald -
Think Progress » Woman Who Said She Was ‘Just A Mom’ At Town Hall Meeting Is Exposed As A Republican Operative
RedState Is In The Business Of Spreading Disgusting Rumors | Media Matters Action Network (Erick, son of Erick)
Jonah Goldberg goes in search of swastikas | Media Matters for America (Jonah, son of Lucienne, "Liberal Fascism" Goldberg)
The Birthers Got "Punk'd" With Fake Certificate | TPMDC (they're that stupid)
Ezra Klein - Is This Health-Care Reform's Worst Idea Yet?
You Do Not Have Health Insurance « The Baseline Scenario
Steven Pearlstein - Steven Pearlstein: Republicans Propagating Falsehoods in Attacks on Health-Care Reform - (You mean ... they lie?)
Denied Claims Placed At Health Insurance CEO's Doorstep (video)
Regence sues Oregon after losing contract -
Tampa Town Hall On Health Care Reform Disrupted By Violence (Thuglicans at work: "inspired by a conservative activist group promoted by Fox News host Glenn Beck")
Krugman - The Town Hall Mob - (fascist Republicans)
YouTube - Angry About Health Care Reform
Glenn Beck Jokes About Putting Poison In Nancy Pelosi's Wine ("jokes")
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Ben Stein finally Expelled from NY Times (Stein's Freescore scam)
Obama Plan to Regulate Venture Capital Threatens Innovation - Treasury’s financial reform treats venture capital like hedge funds (they should be free to destroy the world economy)
Energy Efficiency Could Save U.S. a Whopping $1.2 Trillion | Use - reduce global °Celsius
ProPublica: Analyzing the Loan Modification Process
Something Bernie Madoff Can Feel Thankful For - Law Blog - WSJ (he doesn't live in China)
Death in the Recession: More Bodies Left Unburied - TIME
Help find a name for the third replicator - 29 July 2009 - New Scientist
Mars Life Looks Increasingly Unlikely - Gearlog (no giant bugs?)
Popular insect repellent deet affects nervous system: study (wow, a neuro-toxic chemical is neuro-toxic)
Crows can use 'up to three tools' (smarter than most humans)
The 10 mysteries of human behaviour that science can't explain - Telegraph
Sperm shows longevity - A major Danish study shows a clear connection between the ability to reproduce and longevity.
Unfolding the mysteries of the brain - The Boston Globe Researchers are learning to map the wrinkled landscape of the cerebral cortex for clues to how the mind develops
Study finds 3 Northwest glaciers shrinking faster | McClatchy
Mystery Surrounds Prevalence of Twins in Indian Village | LiveScience
Study: Your Brain Thinks Money Is A Drug : NPR
Full Moon Myths and Madness - ABC News
Mountains Out of Molehills | Information Is Beautiful
Why men in ads are dumb, goofy or completely inept - The Globe and Mail
California city shuts down girl's lemonade stand | McClatchy
Twitter, Facebook attack targeted one user | InSecurity Complex - CNET News (Russian attack targeted Georgian)
FutureRuby Talk: “Fighting the Imperial Californian Ideology” — Global Nerdy
Use Ubiquity to Make Google Voice Calls - Google Voice - Lifehacker
“I don’t love you anymore. I’m not sure I ever did.” Once I recovered and composed myself, I managed to say, “I don’t buy it.” : (NYT mag article comments, see also Times comments & Metafilter)
No More Perks: Coffee Shops Pull the Plug on Laptop Users -
FreeBaseballRadio-Your source for finding free internet baseball game broadcasts
iMacros for Firefox :: Add-ons for Firefox
YouTube - The McCoys - Hang On Sloopy
Matthew Yglesias » Afghanistan War Spending in Perspective US expenditure budget for Afghanistan this year is to be $65 billion (can't afford health-care reform + 54% of Americans oppose Obama's Afgan folly)
Kenyan Birth Certificate Generator - Make your own! Invalidating legitimate presidencies since 2009!
BBC Documentary: Iran and the West - Iran Press Watch
Italy OKs Abortion Pill | Mother Jones - automatic excommunication.
Senator holds up U.S. anti-drug aid to Mexico | Reuters
Jerusalem's Shepherd Hotel Affair | The American Prospect
Sotomayor Confirmation Vote Breakdown
Anthony D. Romero: Tortured Logic
Cynical-C Blog - » Question of the Day - Where do you get your health insurance from?
CNN Anchor Rips Into Health Care CEO Who's Funding Anti-Reform Effort | LiveWire
Dana Milbank - Washington Sketch: In Mural, Widow Paints a Plea for Health-Care Reform -
Matthew Yglesias » The Guns of August (Max Baucus has pretty much killed HC reform)
Forget Red vs. Blue -- It's the Educated vs. People Easily Fooled by Propaganda | | AlterNet
White House Affirms Deal on Drug Cost - (smoke-filled backroom of WH)
A Rancid Deal with Big Pharma (cutting secret deals with lobbyists)
The Seminal » Report: White House Deal Shields Big Pharma from Competition. Why?
Just Go Stand Over There Somewhere...: Who Is Pulling the Strings for These Conservative Patsy Puppets?
Stewart Slams CNN & Fox For Coverage Of Clinton's North Korea Rescue
A Brief History of Fake Right-Wing Protests
Beck links health care reform to Nazis, suggests reform would kill elderly and newborns | Media Matters for America (the Ridiculous and Insane Party)
39% Of Republicans Want More Birther Coverage (the hard-core psychotic wing of the Ridiculous Party)
Calculated Risk: Foreclosures: One Giant Wave, Still Building
Jobless Claims Fall More Than Expected - seasonally adjusted 550,000
Andy Borowitz: Murdoch to Charge for News Online 'If We Ever Publish Any' (which is unlikely)
Goldman Sachs Wives Laura Blankfein And Susan Friedman Make Scene On Line In Hamptons - New York Post
Neuroscience and social deprivation: I am just a poor boy though my story's seldom told | The Economist
Review - Philosophy in a New Century - Philosophy - by John R. Searle - we should not confuse ontological subjectivity with ontological epistemic objectivity
In Which I Ruin Rashomon For Everyone, Forever | the writing work of Matt Shepherd
VQR » The Mask of Sanity: On the Trail of a Serial Killer in Macedonia
Neil Gaiman: Why vampires should go back underground |
Beware of these ip ranges showing up on your site! | From The Technical Mind of Jared (DISA, DoD, FBI, Cheney, etc)
Welcome to Dispute Finder
Avoid This Job
Billion-Dollar Mystery in Iraq
RealClearWorld - Iran's Theocracy Implodes
Israeli Settlements: Obama Should Know Better
Cannonfire: Butchers: The hidden truth about Israel's kidney theft ring
Deal, NJ - Rabbi Denounces Son Accused of Being Fed Informant -- VosIzNeias (Omerta)
Italy's Pillow Talk
A Few Random Things That Baffle Me | Stephen M. Walt
Hillary Clinton demands accountability for war crimes - Glenn Greenwald - (no, not Iraq, not America, another "culture of impunity" -- Kenya!)
Republicans will not defeat healthcare reform | Salon Conservative groups are trying to Astroturf their way to a defeat of healthcare reform (Hilliary was right the first time)
Poll indicates generational split over health care - - "Nearly half of those who oppose the Obama plan say they are more likely to attend town hall meetings to express their views on health care" (that would be the batshitinsane "birther" half of the Ridiculous party)
Abortion Coverage Allowed In Health Care Legislation
The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » Grassley: Obama too inexperienced to understand how Congress works (That would be Chuck "Bought-and-Paid-For" Grassley) - Bush staffers’ run for election likely to test W’s legacy
Harold Meyerson - Filibuster Nation: GOP Is Disrupting a Productive Debate - (the Ridiculous Party)
Firedoglake » Jamie Kirchick: Pervasive Republican Birtherism is the Fault of Liberal Blogs
Nominations Roadblock in the Senate - The Senate is keeping President Obama from placing his nominees in key administration positions (Blue Dogs fucking you over)
Think Progress » Liasson: ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program ‘is like a mini-Katrina.’ (said Mara Liasson, Fox News/NPR idiot and liar says car program=2000 dead people in NOLA)
The Washington Monthly: Does Obama Want 'Left-Wing Groups' To Back Off? (no, but politico/drudgico said so)
Daily Kos: Tea Baggers FAIL to disrupt Health Care meeting, lessons shared.
Hullabaloo: digby: Go To The Source (of the profoundly anti-democratic Teabaggers)
Fables of the reconstruction: Facts Are Stubborn Things (and batshitinsaneRepublican commenters +industry astroturfers)
Bolton Decries Release Of Euna Lee And Laura Ling
Sadly, No! » John Bolton, a.k.a., the Mustache of Wrongness (Fred Hiatt gives more space to insanity)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Did this actually happen? (no, they are fucking liars. Remember when the wrong bumper-sticker in the parking lot would get you thrown out of a Bush rally?)
Matthew Yglesias » Copyright Forever? (Mark Halperin - Digital Barbarism: A Writer’s Manifesto - for unlimited copyright for important people)
Conservatives are the Real Joker
In Arizona, Republicans Rule All but Themselves - (fucking up another state)
Explosive Allegations: Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet (Erik "Kill all the Muslims" Prince)
Blackwater's Dark Deeds Exposed
Mercenaries training US local police a new trend » News » UBS Settlement Puts Spotlight On Tax Evasion (Swiss say fuck you to US DOJ)
High-frequency trading: Rise of the machines | The Economist Algorithmic trading causes concern among investors and regulators
The Cure for Layoffs: Fire the Boss
Can Culture Be Encoded in DNA? New Research Says "Yes"
Elephants Pass Self-Awareness Test : EcoWorldly (as long as they're not Republican elephants)
To Sleep, Perchance to Analyze Data - ($400 home sleep-lab)
Speeding Stars Confirm Bizarre Nature of Faraway Galaxies | LiveScience
US overthrowing goverments -- the master list Instances of the United States overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War.
Digitized Stalking Is the New World Order | Threat Level |
Can This Marriage Be Saved? Caitlin Flanagan--professional antifeminist
EC: 1/3 Of Europeans Have Never Used The Web
AppleInsider | Report: iPhone grabs 32% of global handset profits
Apple's new low: censoring a dictionary (remember that Apple Orwell ad?)
Movie Industry Admits It Overstated Piracy on Campus - The Lede Blog -
Google buys video compression outfit On2 Technologies | Between the Lines |
HD DVD returns and kicks Blu-ray to the gutter | Storage Bits | ("the econoclypse")
Slashdot | Comcast the Latest ISP To Try DNS Hijacking
Clinton and Two Freed Journalists Leave N. Korea -
Bill Clinton in North Korea, meets Kim Jong-il | International | Reuters
The Associated Press: North Korea: 2 U.S. journalists pardoned (+Kim Jong will donate to Clinton library)
The Washington Independent » Military Lawyer Claims U.S. Paid Gitmo Prosecution Witnesses witnesses: paid in gifts or cash in exchange for their testimony (your corrupt military/war-on-terra at work)
Olbermann's Special Comment on Health Care Reform: Calling Blue Dogs Out! | Video Cafe (bought)
Matthews spreads lies about health care reform | Media Matters for America (time for Tweety to go)
Whiskey Fire: Imaginary Liberal "Disruption": Fascism! Actual Conservative Disruption: Democracy! (more media lies)
Eugene Robinson - Obama, Clearly Born in the U.S.A. - The Berserk 'Birthers' - beyond the Outer Limits of sanity is CNN anchor Lou Dobbs
MoveOn Targets Blue Dogs Who Voted Against Health Care Reform (about time)
Jon Stewart's Salute To South Carolina: Bestiality, Adultery, Racism, And Lindsey Graham
For The Modern GOP, It's A Return To The "White Voter Strategy" (South shall rise again)
Insurance Won't Pay NorCal Mom's Cancer Treatment -
Campaign Silo » How Come CBS Journalists Can’t Recognize Paid Lobbyists When They See Them?
Emptywheel » Greg Craig in Trouble … But for What? Since when is it the job of the White House Counsel to manage "the political issues" on key national security issues? (when it was Rhambo who screwed up healthcare?)
Media Nation: A cheap shot from Keith Olbermann
Firedoglake » Keith Olbermann Gives Contradictory Statement to Glenn Greenwald
Richard Wolffe "Will Not Be Appearing With Us" Until Conflict Sorted Out: Olbermann hat appears to be the truth here is certainly not what Richard told us about his non-news job (what a surprise)
Comedians Take On Dana Milbank And Chris Cillizza For 'Mouthpiece Theater' Videos - dressing in smoking jackets and making asses out of yourselves while lecturing on journalistic integrity is fine.
Economist Laffer on CNN: "[J]ust wait till you see Medicare, Medicaid ... done by the government" | Media Matters for America (ho-ho-ho, from the Republican "economist" who brought you "supply-side economics")
Geithner Goes On Profanity-Laced Tirade As Bank Regulators Push Back (says Fed can regulate itself, muhahaha)
Stiglitz On Bank Bailout: "We Got A Bad Deal" (how could that have happened?)
Feds charge BofA over Merrill bonuses - Aug. 3, 2009 SEC charged Bank of America with failing to alert shareholders about bonus payments to Merrill Lynch, bank settles and agrees to pay fine (bonuses: $5.5Bn; fine: $33M: profit!)
Biggest tax revenue drop since 1932 - More politics-
Edge Master Class 2009: A SHORT COURSE ON SYNTHETIC GENOMICS [7.30.09] George Church & J. Craig Venter
Really? - The Claim - Cold Temperatures Improve Sleep - Question - (yes: 60-68degrees)
Researchers say they found malaria's origin: In chimps - - "If you think about HIV virus as a singular hurricane event, malaria is like the hurricane that's been hitting for thousands of years -- constantly"
U.S. vehicle fuel efficiency has increased only 3 mpg in 80 years (good ol' American innovation)
How is America going to end? The world's leading futurologists have four theories. - By Josh Levin - Slate Magazine
Marines Ban Twitter, MySpace, Facebook | Danger Room |
The Google vs. Apple War Begins - Columns by PC Magazine Is Google using the government to show Apple who's boss? (slapping down the Jobster)
Why Schmidt Had To Go - Apple is not about being open. It never has been.
Another Startup Falls Prey To The iPhone/Google Voice Crossfire
Modern Love - Those Aren’t Fighting Words, Dear -
Those Aren’t Fighting Words, Dear - Readers' Comments -
Academics oppose banning indoor prostitution in Rhode Island -
Raw Story » Pregnant mother tasered at baptism party (you must respect the police at all times, even in your own home)
TN Cops Plant Drugs, Abuse Suspect : Dispatches from the Culture Wars
ABI Asks: Why Would MADD Oppose Obama's Beer Summit? - Salem-News.Com MADD's Opposition to Beers at the White House Exposes Group's Anti-Alcohol Sentiment.
Help! I married a crazy person! : AskReddit
Telephone Terrorist - August 4, 2009
Judge clears way for dinosaur park to be seized | | Pensacola News Journal creationism theme park in Pensacola owned by a couple convicted of tax fraud.
China Plague Outbreak Unlikely to Cause Mass Deaths, WHO Says -
A Cold War in Shangri La - The CIA in Tibet - Where Tibetans Write
Mafia Boss Breaks Silence on Borsellino Assassination - TIME
Obama Ignores Torture : Information Clearing House - ICH By Helen Thomas
The scope -- and dangers -- of GE's control of NBC and MSNBC - Glenn Greenwald -
YouTube - Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in The World" Rupert Murdoch & Bill O'Reilly
In defense of Michelle Malkin - Paul Krugman Blog - - Casey Mulligan (not even wrong)
They're Just Despicable. Scaring Seniors into Thinking They'll be Euthanized is Worse Than Evil. | Crooks and Liars
The Sideshow - Anthony Weiner (D-NY) (thanks to Tony, Nancy says she'll bring single-payer to the floor after recess)
The Washington Monthly: The Reconciliation Insurance Policy (doom for your health bill)
Bill Moyers Journal . Wendell Potter on Profits Before Patients | PBS
Daily Kos: Michael Moore's SICKO will air on cable this month (+the internets)
The Washington Monthly: They'll Never Stop (rightwingnutballbirthermadness: forgery, put powerline on the case)
Kenyan Birth Certificate: Obama Birthers Latch On To Forgery
Birther leader Orly Taitz loses it, live on MSNBC - War Room - (wingNUT)
Los Angeles - LA Daily - New Anti-Obama 'Joker' Poster The only thing missing is a noose.
'High Risk, High Reward' -
Feministe » Will Saletan informs us that the sky is blue, water is wet, and those are fetuses that get aborted
The Associated Press: Postal Service considers closings, consolidation (letters going extinct)
Krugman - Rewarding Bad Actors - / Companies / Banks - Wall Street profits from trades with Fed (free taxpayer money!)
Video - The Goat Who Took on the Fed -
YouTube - Is Chinese "miracle" real? (probably)
Synthetic Life - TierneyLab Blog - There is a growing consensus (at least in Silicon Valley) that the information age is about to give way to the era of synthetic genetics ("the software of life")
Antidepressant use doubles in US, study finds | Deals | Regulatory News | Reuters
Ancient Cities Lost to the Seas | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine
New El Niño threatens world with weather woe - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent
Matthew Yglesias » Politico Only Knows Conservative Experts (Republicans hate science)
Reviewing Unscientific America, Part Two : EvolutionBlog
Unscientific Unscientific America. Part 1. « Why Evolution Is True
Shoot me now: Francis Collins’s new supernaturalist website « Why Evolution Is True
How to Naturally Reset Your Sleep Cycle In One Night | Wise Bread
Brain Exercises May Delay Dementia | LiveScience (watching TV on the other hand ...)
Unlocking The Key To Human Fertility
Google CEO Eric Schmidt Resigns From Apple's Board
Apple tries to silence the owner of an exploding iPod | Burning Info
Top 10 iPhone annoyances -- and how to fix them | iPhone | iPhone Central | Macworld
SocialSafe: Get Your Facebook Data Out of Facebook
Military Spending Worldwide |
YouTube - Push In California To Legalize/Tax Marijuana
Cesar Sala and Satish Jagnandan, the Nadal and Federer of Handball -- New York Magazine
I'll die before the endgame, says Terry Pratchett in call for law to allow assisted suicides in UK | Mail Online
The Making of an Iran Policy -
Attackerman » Turn off the lights, for now everything just seems so right - Israel can even continue to pretend Iran knows about the nukes that Israel pretends not to have while pretending Iran has no nukes at all! Makes perfect sense, right?
Israel Evicts Palestinians From Homes -
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Israel evicts Palestinian families
Paul Krugman - Health Care Realities - “keep your government hands off my Medicare.” (teh stupid)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect Washington Post Gives Whiny Reporter 2000 Words to Complain About Free Speech (Ian Shapira doesn't understand the Internets or free speech, wants special law so he can sue people who link to him)
Firedoglake » Late Night: This Week In Obama Killing Your Grandma… (rightwingnutinsanity )
Frank Rich - Small Beer, Big Hangover - (“Health care is bad for ratings,”)
Bob Herbert - Anger Has Its Place - - You can yell at a cop in America. This is not Iran (well, maybe, maybe not)
Firedoglake » Michelle Malkin Helpfully Explains Why the Arrest of Henry Gates was Justified Yes, in the Anchor Baby's little authoritarian mind -- and presumably most of wingnuttia -- dissing the police is a crime (but wingnuts cry "police state" over the fucking census)
Lou Dobbs A "Publicity Nightmare" For CNN: AP
NYT's Public Editor Explains How 5 Editors Handled Error-Filled Cronkite Story (Alessandra Stanley, "a television critic with a history of errors")
The Bobblespeak Translations: This Week with George Stephanopoulos, August 2 - Guest: Tim Geithner This Week with George Stephanopoulos, August 2 - Guest: Tim Geithner
The Bobblespeak Translations: Meet The Press - Larry Summers, August 2, 2009 Meet The Press - Larry Summers, August 2, 2009
Daily Kos: Glenn Beck Fan, Highly Armed, Busted For Casing National Guard Base, Thinking It Was A "FEMA Camp" - "a Long Island mother of three -- armed to the teeth with an assault rifle and shotgun"
17-Year-Old Cancer Survivor Dies After Transplant Is Finally Approved By CIGNA - (you wouldn't want a government beaurocrat making these decisions, would you?)
Schwarzenegger signs budget, makes major cuts to programs - San Bernardino County Sun - Schwarzenegger's $16.3 million cut eliminates all state funding for the programs (all domestic violence programs in CA to close + just about anything that doesn't have to do with rich white people)
Murdoch and Immelt tried to broker MSNBC-Fox News peace accord | Company Town | Los Angeles Times
YouTube - The Media Monopoly
The Media Can Legally Lie
By Year’s End, Benefit Lifeline to End for 1.5 Million Jobless - (we'll see what happens then)
Breakdown In Planck's Law: Bringing Objects Close Together Can Boost Radiation Heat Transfer
New HIV Strain Discovered In Woman From Cameroon
Patients forced to live in agony after NHS refuses to pay for painkilling injections - Telegraph
YouTube - Narwhal Tooth
YouTube - Bill Maher says America is a Stupid Country Palin Needs to Grow Up (case in point)
For Annie Leibovitz, a Fuzzy Financial Picture -
How Different Groups Spend Their Day - Interactive Graphic -
Kaupthing’s loan book exposed and an injunction ordered against RÚV (another coverup)
Fla. highrise has 32 stories, but just 1 tenant - Yahoo! News
Fine art horoscope by Leigh Oswald, July 2009 - artnet Magazine - "August is the cruelest month," said T.S. Eliot
TVO.ORG | Video | Big Ideas - Lewis Lapham schools are producing a generation of young people incapable of asking questions or assuming the basic obligations of citizenship.
BBC plans to charge internet users for possession of flash player « Parsec Traveller
Skype under threat from eBay licence row | Technology | The Guardian Parent company in legal battle with Joltid, owner of technology behind internet telephone service
The Apple iPhone's 50 biggest flaws revealed - Blogs - PC Advisor
Why The FCC Wants To Smash Open The iPhone -
Apple Expects Google Voice App Developers To Pay Refunds Out Of Pocket | Gizmodo Australia (LOLSteveJobs)
Apple Keyboards Vulnerable to Firmware Hack
Whip It Out Comedy: Louis CK's "Rough Sex" Story Is Inducted in the Sex Comedy Hall of Fame
YouTube - The PEN Story
NYC Grid (block-by-block photos)
Readable App: read the web (without the junk)
» CD to MP3 Converter, Audio Converter, MP3 Tagger | FreeRIP
Israel and Palestine: Not quite as gloomy as they look | The Economist The contours of a peace deal are clear. But who has the courage to draw them?
India orders arrest of American in Bhopal gas leak: Associated Press Business News - MSN Money (25 yrs later)
Al Qaeda changing, training, plotting -
Matthew Norman: The insanity and enduring racism of the American right - Matthew Norman, Commentators - The Independent The Republicans now make the Tories at their worst seem achingly inclusive
GE's silencing of Olbermann and MSNBC's sleazy use of Richard Wolffe - Glenn Greenwald - (+Charlie Rose: " I promise you, CBS News and ABC News and NBC News are not influenced by the corporations that may own those companies")(mu-hahaha)
Washington Post Pulls "Mouthpiece Theater" Segment That Suggests Hillary Is "Wild Bitch" | TPMDC (WaPo says readers are oversensitive)
The Washington Monthly: Ben Nelson Doesn't Care For Criticism (can't take criticism, poor crybaby)
13 Republicans Voted To Allow Single-Payer Systems In States
Fox and G.E. Reach Deal to End O’Reilly-Olbermann Feud -
‘Kill Granny’ media campaign alarms seniors - Politics- Conservatives lead many to fear bill will lead to ‘euthanasia’ counseling (and Obama will eat their brains)
Alter: Our Heath-Care System Is Just Fine As Is! | Newsweek Voices - Jonathan Alter | Reform? Why do we need health-care reform? Everything is just fine the way it is (Republican point of view)
Eric Cantor Rips Chris Matthews, MSNBC, HuffPo, Liberal Bloggers For Inflating Birther Story | The Plum Line (lying comes naturally to Republicans)
Franken feuds with T. Boone Pickens - Eamon Javers - Five years after he put his money behind the Swift Boat ads that helped tank John Kerry’s presidential campaign, Senate Democrats gave T. Boone Pickens a warm welcome ('cept Al, who has some integrity)
Media Matters To Run Ads Attacking Lou Dobbs' Birther Obsession -- On CNN!
Former Employee: Bonner "Just Got Caught This Time" | TPMMuckraker (dirty tricks from a Republican?)
You're (Probably) a Federal Criminal - (and should be locked up)
FEMA to Conduct Massive NLE 09 Martial Law Exercise Next Week
Calculated Risk: Unemployment: 1.5 Million Workers will Exhaust Extended Benefits by end of 2009
Three more: Now half of Bank of America's directors have quit | McClatchy
The rich have never had it so good | Salon Taxing the wealthy could help the poor? Not if Congress has anything to do with it
Daily Kos: Recovery Act Credited with Making the Disastrous Merely Bad
Sub-surface Oceans In Early Comets Suggest Possible Origin of Life | Universe Today
New Flu Treatment Outsmarts Mutations | Popular Science
Ancient warrior's skeleton found near Rome - World AP -
Meet Two New Quantum Particles: Spinons and Holons - Science - io9
APOD: 2009 August 1 - SN 1006 Supernova Remnant
Strange! Humans Glow in Visible Light | LiveScience
LDS plaza video shows scuffle, but no kiss - Salt Lake Tribune (Mormon thugs)
When A Man's Home Really Is His Castle : NPR
Behind the Scenes: Edgar Martins Speaks - Lens Blog - (that would be "no photoshopping" photo-manipulator Edgar Martins)
Edgar Martins: How i can see what i see, until i know what i know? (opaque, self-justifying nonsense)
Essay: Icons as Fact, Fiction and Metaphor - Lens Blog - (Frank Capa, fake photographer)
How Wolfram Alpha could change software | Developer World - InfoWorld (can't copy Alpha results because they own it, you just look at it)
Evolution's third replicator: Genes, memes, and now what? - life - 31 July 2009 - New Scientist (genes, memes and ... wait for it ... Google!)
World Science Festival 2009: Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale on Vimeo
Daily Kos: Polling Science (interesting, keep reading: how Gallup and other biased pollsters work)
Daily Kos :: Comments Polling Science: Hmm ... states by population (useful comment)
Smart Parking Meters Hacked — Free Parking For All! | Threat Level | (that was a smart idea)
VoiceCentral Developer Talks About Being Pulled from App Store and Apple's Lack of Communication | Mac|Life
Apple: Secrecy Does Not Scale - Anil Dash (Steve Job's iParanoia)
FCC opens investigation into Apple’s rejection of Google Voice apps : Boy Genius Report (Jobs will defund the FCC)
Apple says you can't have freedom because you might be clumsy, evil, and a drug dealer |
DailyTech - Apple Urges Government to Outlaw iPhone Unlocking Over Terrorist, Drug Dealing Risks (Jobs wants jailbreakers sent to Gitmo)
Facebook breaches Canadian privacy law: commissioner
how to avoid ads in gmail (mention a tragedy or catastrophe and you're good for 167 words)
Tweeting Too Hard
Senior Military Official: U.S. Should Withdraw From Iraq Next Year | The Washington Independent
McChrystal Preparing New Afghan War Strategy, Likely To Include More US Troops (surging past the graveyard)
Roadside Bombs Make For Deadly July In Afghanistan : NPR
Police: 29 killed in bombings near Baghdad mosques
U.S. troops accused of damaging Babylon's ancient wonder - (hanging gardens mostly destroyed by barbarians)
U.S. shifting drones' focus to Taliban - Los Angeles Times U.S. military leaders have concluded that their war effort in Afghanistan has been too focused on hunting Al Qaeda (war on Al Qaeda too focused on Al Qaeda)
Attackerman » Vietnam Is Back (Obama deluded or dishonest?)
Attitudes to torture: Tolerating abuse | The Economist Who would accept the torture of others? (US more allowing of torture than China)
Where Is Xu Zhiyong?: Letter from China : The New Yorker (probably being tortured)
Daily Kos: Bombshell: Bin Laden worked for US till 9/11
Health Care Deal Reached In House: Waxman
The Seminal » Ezra Klein Still Doesn’t Get the Point About Exchanges and the Public Option
Health Insurance Consumer Protections (if the Blue-Dogs and Republicans approve)
New Poll: Less Than Half Of Republicans Believe Obama Was Born In U.S. (that would be the batshit insane 50%, but still, your media at work)
The Washington Monthly: One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other ("Outside the South, this madness is gaining very little traction, and remains a fringe conspiracy theory. Within the South, it's practically mainstream")
Dobbs' Ratings Take A Hit Over "Birther" Controversy (reaping what you sow)
Will Bill and Betsy kill again? | Salon Kristol and McCaughey helped derail Clinton's healthcare reforms with misinformation -- and now they're at it again (wrong about just about everything)
YouTube - Weiner Challenges the Republicans to Put-Up or Shut-Up on Healthcare
U.S. Attorney Fired Under Bush To Get Old Job Back | TPMMuckraker
First Draft: Three Reporters: It took three of them to "live-blog" the "beer summit." (serious journalism)
Roger Simon Gets It Wrong on the Gates Caller | The Washington Independent (story too complicated for Republican minds)
In Beer Summit "Spoof" Milbank Suggests Hillary Drink "Mad Bitch" Beer | TPMDC (Mouthpiece Theatre)
Joe Biden Said That?
Brian Williams: I Start The Day With "A Bit Of Methamphetamine" (video)
Ackermann Says Bad Loans Are ‘Next Wave’ of Crisis - ("next wave")
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Capco: WTF? | Blogs |
Limits on Bank Bonuses Face Senate, Obama Skepticism - (Obama opposes pay limit in tax-payer supported bankers)
GDP Shrinks at 1 Percent, Sign Recession May Be Easing - - That compares with a 6.4 percent pace of decline in the first quarter, a revision from an earlier estimate of a 5.5 percent rate of decline (the revision is larger than the report)
Worker Compensation Grows by Lowest Amount On Record
Obama enacts new U.S. stem cell research rules | Politics | Reuters
Half of children taking Tamiflu have side-effects | Society | Nausea, insomnia and nightmares reported after taking antiviral drug for swine flu, study finds
Light and matter united Opens the way to new computers and communication systems (38mph)
Respect For the Fungus Overlords | The Loom | Discover Magazine
Society: Hipster Subculture Ripe for Parody - TIME
Monkey Herds Goats; Farmer Approves
Dissolving Bikini is the Ultimate Revenge Gift
No more warm beer. - chill your drinks in two minutes
I Quit The iPhone (Google Voice)
Apple Rejects Google Voice App, Invites Regulation | Epicenter |
‘Take Back the Beep’ Campaign - Pogue’s Posts Blog - (carriers make voicemail long to use up minutes)
Macs Less Secure From Hackers And Viruses - HotHardware
Next-gen Android phone goes on sale Aug. 5
The End!!!! (for your laptop/next airline trip)
YouTube - Spanish police barracks hit by car bomb
Damage Control: GOP Bosses Coming Down Hard On Birthers | TPMDC
Think Progress » House passes resolution that states Obama was born in Hawaii, 378-0.
Senators: McCain Is A 'Natural Born Citizen' (forgot about that?)
The Washington Monthly: Sales Pitch (would be nice to an actual plan to sell)
Deal With 'Blue Dogs' Sets Up Health Care Vote In House; Key GOP Senators Say Agreement Out Of Reach For Now
Hullabaloo The Reductio Ad Absurdum by dday (Chris Matthews: abortion is icky and women should just die)
Pete Sessions's blimp flies into storm - John Bresnahan - (Republican earmark critic is a big fat hypocrit)
AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth: House GOP campaign chair got earmark for a blimp. And, the story just gets better from there.
Cops suspended for Obama check | - on Glenn Beck (Murdoch supports Beck's "deep-seeded" psychosis)
Daily Kos: Republicans flee Congress in droves, Politico gives them upper hand (it's always good news for Republicans in the Village) (Republicans=South+Mormons)
ABC News makes my head hurt. Again | Media Matters for America | Abortion injected into U.S. health-care debate (rightwing propaganda: Obama health care bill will force Christians to have abortions) Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Reparations By Way Of Health Care Reform (rightwing propaganda: health care reform=reparations for slavery)
Unemployment In June: The Worst-Hit Cities (MAP)
Senate Probes Banks for Meltdown Fraud -
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Mortage servicers’ perverse incentives (gouging customers) Jim TV CRE
Schwarzenegger Approval Sinks to New Low (remember how the media promoted him?)
UC Scientists Determine That Ancient Maya Practiced Forest Conservation — 3,000 Years Ago
A Patchwork Mind: How Your Parents' Genes Shape Your Brain: Scientific American
Organic food not nutritionally better than conventionally produced food
Late Blight Fungus Threatens Tomato Crop in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic -
Mindcipher: Three Idols
Language Log » Fucking shut the fuck up
Emails From Crazy People
Official Google Blog: I now pronounce you monetized: a YouTube video case study (JK wedding video)
High tech coming to car audio
free republic...ar15...stormfront...guess...semper fi - The Something Awful Forums (epic SA election thread)
YouTube - everyday ...reddit
Viewpoint: Obama Should Send Bush to Mideast | Newsweek International | Why Obama should make George W. Bush his Mideast envoy (quality trolling, Newsweek)
Matthew Yglesias » Baucus to Unveil Magical Health Care Bill?
TBogg » We shall overcompensate (stupid Republicans)
House Democrats clinch healthcare deal | U.S. | Reuters| Obama praised the compromise (which watered-down the public plan)
Campaign Silo » Landrieu: Trying To Find the “Center” of Health Care Reform Seventy-six percent of the country wants a public plan, Landrieu doesn't. Center of what -- her own ego?
House Retains Public Option In Compromise, But Delays Vote Until September | TPMDC
Now Kurtz blames Matthews, rather than Dobbs, for birther nonsense | Media Matters for America
Is Barack Obama An American Citizen? | Heretical Ideas Magazine Those who claim that Obama is a citizen rely too heavily on the metaphysical premise that reality is perceivable and knowable
Boston Cop Suspended for Using Racial Slur to Describe Harvard Scholar Gates -
Lawyers, Guns and Money: The Core (we'll get a shit health bill if we let them give us a shit health bill)
Irresponsible punditry - Paul Krugman Blog - - Martin Feldstein (ignorant or lying; in any case, where was his "editor?")
Feds Push Mortgage Companies to Modify More Loans - - "extracted a pledge" (will send sternly worded letter next)
Saturated Fat - Men's Health - For decades, Americans have been told that saturated fat clogs arteries and causes heart disease. But there's just one problem: No one's ever proved it
Get state obesity rate statistics at
It's a Bing deal as Yahoo, Microsoft take on Google - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Text-Message Exploit Can Hijack Every iPhone, Researchers Say | Gadget Lab |
iPhone Jailbreaking Could Crash Cellphone Towers, Apple Claims | Threat Level |
There’s No App for That « Riverturn Blog (Apple kills more voice-apps, won't discuss why, screws developers)
Text a girl and ask if her if "you can tap that" - PbNation
Whitstable seagull kinaps cat ("I rang the council and they just said 'we don't do seagulls'.)
I am about to make a very serious decision, I hope someone can give me some advice... : AskReddit | Follow up on my wife... :
BBC NEWS | Americas | Call to reverse Nicaragua's abortion ban (when the Catholic church controls your body)
Feud Between Greece, Macedonia Continues Over Claim to Alexander the Great -
Daily Express | UK News :: Unveiled, a new head scarf for police women to wear in mosques (working on burqas)
Judiciary Committee OKs Sotomayor for high court | Just one Republican, South Carolina's Lindsey Graham voted for her
Inside Jim DeMint's Alternative Universe of Political Discourse | TPMDC (crazy-ass Republicans)
Lead Birther Bill Sponsor Votes To Recognize Hawaii As Obama's Birthplace | TPMDC
AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth: Health care reform and messaging
Democrats cite CBO to boost healthcare case - Yahoo! News (public option would not drive out big business)
Economic Sociology » Medicine and Money: On Being Sick in Europe
Blue Dog Dems Still Stalling Health Care Vote, reach out to Republicans
Maxine Waters: Rahm To Blame For Obstructionist Blue Dogs (originally recruited by Rahmbo to run against progressive Dems: all conservative white men, of course)
Fox News graphics department has shaky grasp of Mideast geography | Media Matters for America (facts are inconvienient for Fox/Murdoch)
On Twitter, Dobbs continues birth certificate questions, attacks on "left wing media" trying to "silence" him" | Media Matters for America (some blogger didn't like him)
Instaputz: Too many Southerners (true)
YouTube - William Shatner Reads Sarah Palin Farewell Speech
The Daily Show's Best New Jersey Coverage | Indecision Forever | Comedy Central
Michelle Haimoff: How The Huffington Post Can Pay Its Bloggers
A. Siegel: Scientific Inquiry Concludes: Inhofe List "Not credible" - Senator James Inhofe (R-Exxon)
Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. speaks out on racial profiling after his arrest by Cambridge police.
Daily Kos: OH-Sen: Voinovich lashes out at his regional rump party: how can a party dominated by a region so far outside of the American mainstream present a compelling national vision? (Republicans: party of Southern racists) Save us all from portrayals of responsible alcohol use
Hawaii Asserts Obama's U.S. Citizenship - Time (birthers: Hawaii is not a state)
Viewpoint: The Stupidity of the Henry Louis Gates Arrest - Time (Crowley arrested Gates for yelling at him)
Calculated Risk: CRE: Office Building Owners Walk Away (mail in the keys)
Calitics:: Arnold Uses Line-Item Veto To Attack Parks, Farms, Kids and HIV Patients (multi-millionaire Republicans at work)
Eschaton Nobody Could Have Predicted: Soccer stadium with less than awesome transit access, and no supermarket (all circuses, no bread)(taxpayer money for sports!)
The psychology of overconfidence : The New Yorker Banks, battles, and the psychology of overconfidence by Malcolm Gladwell
Calculated Risk: Option ARMs: Good News, Bad News: Option ARM Defaults Shrink Size of Recast Wave (that's the good)
Billion For Cops To Be Given Out By Obama Administration (shovel-ready)
Cutthroat Capitalism: An Economic Analysis of the Somali Pirate Business Model (modeled on Republicans)
Is this a joke? – Bad Science - "innocent people who have been arrested are as likely to commit crimes in the future as guilty people" (UK: all your DNA belong to us)
[calm, almost too calm] uk/ndnad_six_months_later.html Either you are with the Home Office or you are against justice (sound familiar?)
Transparent aluminium is 'new state of matter'
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Venus clouds 'might harbour life'
Comets, not asteroids, to blame for moon's scarred face - space - 27 July 2009 - New Scientist
Some Birds Thrive in Noisy Neighborhoods -
Inventing Green: The Lost History of Alternative Energy in America
Older Women Still Enjoy Sex | Psych Central News
Best of Wikipedia
You Suck at Craigslist
Kafkaesque: AT&T Charges You A Fee For Getting A Discount - Computer Security Division - SHA3 competition
Rivest withdraws MD6 from NIST)
Samsung B7610 OmniaPRO preview: First look -
SE Xperia X1 vs the HTC Touch Pro – where the Xperia is clearly ahead
Apple Is Growing Rotten To The Core: Official Google Voice App Blocked From App Store (wrong on so many levels: "If there’s ever been a time to be furious with Apple, now is it.")
Google Voice iPhone app rejected, current GV apps lose connection with iTunes
Is Apple the New Big Brother? (AAPL)
UPDATED: Apple Rejects Removes all Google Voice Apps for iPhone from iTunes App Store | The iPhone Blog
The Cellphone Industry Strikes Back - Pogue’s Posts Blog -
Get Free Anonymous BitTorrent With ItsHidden | TorrentFreak
Why no one is allergic to Wifi - Telegraph Blogs
Unsettled - In 2 West Bank Settlements, Sign of Hope for a Deal - Series - (oh sure)
British Army Magazine Features Openly Gay Soldier on Cover Next to Word 'Pride' | World | AlterNet
Michael Hayden - Warrantless Criticism - - director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 2006 to 2009 (warrentless spying on Americans is just fine)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Hayden Defends Warrantless Wiretaps
Open government or 'Transparency Theater?' - CQ Politics- 'They’ve said all the right things, but they haven’t really delivered'
Senate Finance Committee Dropping Dem Health Goals: AP (we're all Republicans)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Since Primary Challenge, Specter Voting with Dems 97% of the Time (principles)
What’s Up With New Jersey? - (crooked politicians?)
Apple Jacks, Prada, And Kidney Trafficking: Taking Stock Of The New Jersey Arrests | TPMMuckraker
Kings of pain - Paul Krugman Blog - Unless you end up slashing benefits, or denying health care to more people, it’s not what they’re looking for (David Broder and other "centrist" Republican journos and their gold-plated health-plans want you go
Journalists' own hard luck tales help them tell those of others -- Connie Schultz - (bloggers suck, paid journos have high standards, as we can plainly see)
Because Politico is really just a GOP bulletin board | Media Matters for America (Drudge rocks their world!)
Who funds and runs the Politico? - Glenn Greenwald - (Republicans, ofcourse. 2007)
Mike Stark: Elected Birthers on the Hill
Inhofe: Birthers "Have A Point," "I Don't Discourage It" (crazy Republican bullshit)
Whiskey Fire: It's OK, I'm Over You Politico informs us that the birthers are giving the GOP "headaches." ("James Inhofe is one of the party's Point Men on the subject of Science, on which subject he is an absolute barking maniac, and this doesn't seem to embarrass anybody in the party")
Krone Favorite as Plunge Leaves Norway ‘Undervalued’ (Update1) -
Krugman - An Incoherent Truth - (Blue-Dog Dempublicans fucking everything up)
Goldman Sachs: Gambling With Your Money? (totally corrupt)
Bizarre theory suggests time may be running out |
The Crow Paradox : NPR
Forensics Myths Debunked - The Truth Behind Real CSI Evidence - Popular Mechanics (invented by cops, not scientists)
What real piracy looks like: biopirate loses patent over century-old latinamerican staple crop - Boing Boing
Family questions police shooting of dog | (police war on dogs)
Gates caller didn’t cite race, police say - The Boston Globe
911 caller in Gates case unsure it was break-in - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe (Crowley lied on police report, CPD covers for him by calling it a "summary")
Media Nation: No mistaken identity
911 Call, Police Audio In Gates Arrest Released By Police ("One thing the tapes didn't show: any obvious background sound that indicated Gates was shouting during the incident")
The Phoenix: Sympathy for Whalen: Not only does Whalen not want to talk about race, she's calling on someone else's behalf.
Republican moms for marijuana: 'Time to legalize is now' : yourtake : Boulder, CO
YouTube - Dirty Jobs' Mike Rowe on Lamb Castration, PETA, and American Labor
House vote on illegal images sweeps in Wi-Fi, Web sites | Politics and Law - CNET News
Ceasefire Declared: AT&T Unblocks 4Chan
Online image converter for free - Supports BMP, DIP, JPG, EPS, PCX, PDF, PNG, PSD, SVG, TGA...
Five Best Instant Messengers - Instant Messaging - Lifehacker
Gmail Tasks Keeps It (Too) Simple - gmail tasks - Lifehacker
Brush Up on Getting Things Done with an Updated Flow Chart - Getting Things Done - Lifehacker
India launches nuclear submarine -
Iran’s Opposition Calls Crackdown ‘Immoral’ -
Colorado Springs Gazette, CO: Casualties of War, Part I: The hell of war comes home
Lethal warriors day 2: Colorado Springs Gazette, CO: Casualties of War, Part II: Warning signs
Iraq Veterans Find Afghan Enemy Even Bolder - (whistling past the graveyard)
Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS Bill Moyers sits down with Trudy Lieberman, director of the health and medical reporting program at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, and Marcia Angell, senior lecturer in social medicine at Harvard Medical School and former editor in chief of the New England Journal of Medicine.
Firedoglake » Every Objective Poll on the Planet Inidicates Americans Don’t Trust Republicans on Health Care (yeah, but they really trust doctors and hospitals)
Bait and switch: How the “public option” was sold - PNHP’s official Blog
CQ Politics | Notepad - Pelosi's Door Revolves for Top Lobbyist
Op-Ed Columnist - And That’s Not the Way It Is - (failure of TV "jouralism")
Wayne County Star Traces Racist Posts to Homeland Security - (Wayne County PA)(allegations of overaggressive immigration enforcement, coming from a wide range of constituents, were “of extreme concern.”)
Anthropologist's 'Dick Tracy moment' plays role in arrest of suspected kidney trafficker (organ-stealing, money laundering Rabbis)("It would be impossible to conceal a clandestine organ trafficking ring," a 2004 State Department report stated
Palin Resigns Today, Future Clouded By Ethics Probes, Legal Bills, Dwindling Popularity (ditz from the north, quittah from Wassila)
An Abortion Battle, Fought to the Death -
More Evidence Found Of Goldman Sachs' Blood Funnel | Crooks and Liars
Traders Profit With Computers Set at High Speed -
Joe Biden - What You Might Not Know About the Recovery - (it was only for rich folks!)
The Recession Is Over! But Not for You--Yet. | Newsweek - Now what we need is a new kind of recovery (you know, one with jobs)
Calif. Officials Concerned About New Budget Woes - (Republicans have totally screwed California)
Raw Story » Spitzer: Federal Reserve is ‘a Ponzi scheme, an inside job’
Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man - (not so hard, actually)
Philosophy, Physics, Mathematics - “Dangerous Knowledge”
New Creatures in an Age of Extinctions -
{trans-1,4-Bis[(4-pyridyl)ethenyl]benzene}(2,2‘-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) Complexes and Their Supramolecular Assemblies with ß-Cyclodextrin - Inorganic Chemistry (ACS Publications)
Jeff McMahon - Scorched Earth - More of the Arctic ice photos kept secret by the Bush Administration - True/Slant (they tortured the liberal glaciers)
Tokyomango: Children Full of Life, a moving documentary about kids sharing emotions in school
Death and Life of Dash Snow, Artist, Addict and Provocateur - (and poseur)
The Tipping Divide : NPR Study Finds Differences in Tips by Black, White Restaurant Patrons
To Run Better, Start by Ditching Your Nikes | Wired Science |
Nude couple's outdoor sex session cut short by lightning bolt |
Is marriage turning us all off sex? - Times Online
Web fonts. Where are we? Will web fonts ever be a reality? (no)
State of the Computer Book Market - Mid-Year 2009 - O'Reilly Radar (like, crashed)
HP researchers develop browser-based darknet | Security - CNET News
BitTorrent Hydra: Anonymous Hidden Tracker Via Tor | TorrentFreak
For Mozilla and Google, Group Hugs Are Getting Tricky -
hitler - Bing Images
Should we ban 'Nazi analogies'? | Antony Lerman | Comment is free | Using Nazi analogies to criticise Israel or Zionism may be offensive, but should it be against the law? (IOKIYAI)
Danny Mendlow - Israel/Palestine and the truth about Vancouver from Danny - Video
U.S. admits it has no case against teen held at Guantanamo | McClatchy ("the worst of the worst")
Feingold: White House is Whistling Past Afghan Graveyard
Biden Says Weakened Russia Will Bend to U.S. - (good diplomacy, Joe.)
Bush Weighed Using Military in Arrests - (Big Time)
Glenn Greenwald -
EFF's new lawsuit, and how the NSA is into social networking - Ars Technica (Bush was spying on your Facebook)
'Chasers' Drop in on Class Taught by Torture Lawyer John Yoo, Bring Childhood Joy to Dick Cheney (video) | AlterNet (Yoo's students learning how to lie and torture)
cab drollery: Lead Us Into Temptation (Republican hate-radio in America)
Daily/Colbert - Universal Health Care | The Daily Show | Comedy Central | Local News: 45 sign petition against Gonzales 07/25/09 (Abu Gonzales going to Texas Tech)
Hullabaloo: digby: Gatesgate (authoritarian America)
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Police Report - July 23, 2009 /a>
Taki: Is Obamania Over? by Patrick J. Buchanan (Tom Ashbrook's favorite Republican guest + pedobear!)
Privileging opposition to abortion | Media Matters for America (Republican reporters at work)
Everything's a Crisis : CJR (how your elite Republican journos cover Obama)
Build the Wall : CJR Most readers won’t pay for news, but if we move quickly, maybe enough of them will. One man’s bold blueprint (for failure)
Daring Fireball: Pay Walls
What worked for HBO won't work for news (Scripting News)
David Simon Still Dead-Wrong, Now Encouraging Newspapers to Commit Federal Crimes - David Simon - Gawker
David Simon: Dead-Wrong Dinosaur - David Simon - Gawker (fails at the internets) Old Growth Media And The Future Of News
Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable « Clay Shirky
Monetize The Audience, Not The Content
PD in panic, begs Congress to create state news agency | BLACKHEART Cleveland
Connie Schultz roundup = roundly seen as EPIC FAIL | BLACKHEART Cleveland
APnewsregistry.jpg (AP Protect, Point, Pay, Fail)
A more accurate version of AP DRM idiocy
Twitter Banned From White House (FAIL)
Traders Profit With Computers Set at High Speed -
How green was my valley: California's drought - The Globe and Mail
Are America’s Millionaires Disappearing? | Newsweek Voices - Daniel Gross | These are tough times for the wealthy. Got sympathy?
Talk about minimum wage: If you wait tables, it's still just $2.13 | McClatchy (for 18 yrs: institutionalized total insanity)
Review - Value-Free Science? - Philosophy
Review - Between Two Worlds - Philosophy - A Reading of Descartes's Meditations
Review - The Unwell Brain Understanding the Psychobiology of Mental Health by F. Scott Kraly
Hubble Takes Snapshot of Jupiter’s ‘Black Eye’ -
NASA - NASA's Cassini Discovers Potential Liquid Water on Enceladus
An unusual collection : A brain tumor tissue bank
Press Release: NASA's Spitzer Images Out-of-this-World Galaxy
Ion engine could one day power 39-day trips to Mars - space - 22 July 2009 - New Scientist
As Trees Fall in the Amazon, Fears That Tribes Won’t Be Heard -
Swine May Flu Cause Seizures in Children -
Huge public support for change in law to allow the right to die - Times Online - Almost three quarters (74 per cent)
NYCLU, Annenberg Institute Release Report on Successful and Safe NYC Schools that say No to Aggressive Police Tactics | NYCLU (militarization of American schools is a failure)
Idaho police sodomize man with Taser (just need "more training")
Don't Let Google Close the Book on Reader Privacy | Electronic Frontier Foundation (Google is spying on you)
Barnes & Noble eReader - At A Glance - Reviews by PC Magazine (use B&N instead)
100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About | GeekDad |
YouTube - (5 of 14) Its Wrong To Pay For Sex Debate - Tyler Cowen
The Good, The Bad and The Etsy
Jesus Plus Nothing, Minus Somalia < Killing the Buddha How Christian fundamentalism helped turn Somalia into the next staging ground for Islamic radicalism ("C-Street" "Family" Christians fuck up the world for Jesus!) - Dispatches - Terror In Mumbia
Arab Jerusalemite's plight is proof of two-faced policy - Haaretz - Israel News
Press baron Richard Desmond loses high court action against biographer | Media | The Guardian (says he won in his own newspaper)
North Korea Executes Christian For Distributing Bible: Rights Group
David Ignatius - Behind the CIA's Assassination Program - (just a bunch of death squads operating in foreign countries, don't look back)
When the Nation Is at Risk, Did You Say Civil Rights? By Alessandra Stanley Published: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 (NYT: no erosion of civil rights around here: good times!)
Official: Joint chiefs chairman 'infuriated' about detainee abuse - (but you can't see the photos 'cause it would embarrass military and CIA)
Voices of Power: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi - Deals Aside, She Says, Hospital and Drug Firms Can Do More (not bound by secret deals Obama cut with lobbyists and execs, she says)
Obama's Health Expert Orszag Gets Political -
Palin's Favorability Rating Drops as She Prepares to Leave Office, Poll Finds - 53 percent of Americans view Palin negatively (close to Obama's)
Charles Pierce Slams Mainstream Media For Promoting Liz Cheney, Obama 'Birthers' Movement (go Charles)
Major Civil Rights Group Demands CNN Remove Lou Dobbs From The Air (that would be Lou "racist pig" Dobbs)
CNN Prez to Lou Dobbs: Drop Birther Story | LiveWire (impugns credibility of entire network)
CNN President Brushes Off Criticism Of Lou Dobbs’ Continued Floating Of “Birther” Theories | The Plum Line
Liddy falsely claimed there is a "sworn statement from the stepgrandmother" saying Obama was born in Kenya | Media Matters for America (nothing they say will stop them from being invited back on your teevee)
McCain Campaign Investigated, Dismissed Obama Citizenship Rumors | The Washington Independent
Obama Addresses Gates At Briefing, Says He Called Officer
Grand Prairie officers on leave after racist Obama e-mail circulated | Top Stories |
Both Were Wrong, But One Was Wronger | TPMCafe
Cambridge Police Union President Stephen Killion "Disgraced" That Obama "Is Our Commander-In-Chief" (if you didn't think they were stupid before)
Booman Tribune - It used to be that having the government come to your house and order you around was the kind of thing that conservatives feared
Rush Limbaugh: “Let’s Face It, President Obama Is Black” | Oliver Willis
Daily Kos: Drug Czar states "No Medical Use For Marijuana" White House drug czar Gil Kerlikowske (Obama will continue stupid Republican drugz-war policies)
Citing Email Flap, McKalip Says He'll Withdraw From Public Debate Over Healthcare | TPMMuckraker
Krugman - Costs and Compassion - (political pundits hate policy, it's too complicated)
Calculated Risk: Double Up to Catch Up!
UPDATE 3-Guaranty Financial, No.2 Texas bank, says may fail | Deals | Regulatory News | Reuters
Calculated Risk: California Budget: Misery Loves Company the new California budget is to have the state use money that is normally allocated to cities (saving the forest by burning down the trees: cities are terminated)
Editorial - Where the Jobs Are - (McDonalds)
FlightBlogger - Aviation News, Commentary and Analysis: Search Results: "787"
Library fight riles up city, leads to book-burning demand - (elderly Christian bookburners want to censor teen readers) - Updated: Cho's medical records found, former director releases statement (records "lost" then "found")
Missing Mental Health Records of Va. Tech Shooter Are Discovered -
Giant 'soap bubble' found floating in space - space - 23 July 2009 - New Scientist » Deadly Medical Monopolies (corporatizing your genes)
PLoS Computational Biology: The Genome: An Outsider's View
Richard Dawkins under fire: Ready, aim, miss | The Economist The Selfish Genius: How Richard Dawkins Rewrote Darwin’s Legacy (Fern Elsdon-Baker, doofus)
Scramjets promise space travel for all - space - 22 July 2009 - New Scientist
The Carol syndrome
Male cats are lefties
Swedish lesbians suck sperm banks dry • The Register
Top 15 Web Hoaxes of All Time
YouTube - JK Wedding Entrance Dance
Video: Fighting breaks out in parliament | World news | (Seoul's National Assembly)
LRB · Slavoj Žižek · Berlusconi in Tehran
Rumproast -- Obama’s presser - the conventional wisdom among the press corp is now etched in stone, as typified by Politico hack Ben Smith
Cheney "Got In The President's Face" On Libby Pardon: "He Just Wouldn't Give It Up"
Emptywheel » The Bush Fairy Tale on the Libby Pardon
New report contradicts central Obama claim for preventive detention - Glenn Greenwald -
Think Progress » Max Baucus receives considerable contributions from health care industry (bought)
Daily Kos: What's the Rush? Almost 5 Million Lose Insurance in 9 Months
The Bobblespeak Translations: President Barack Obama Press Conference - July 22, 2009
NBC's Almaguer offered no examples of wealthy "sharing" in the "pain" of CA budget deal | Media Matters for America
Obama Defends Cambridge Police Criticism in Henry Louis Gates Arrest - ABC News Says 'Cooler Heads Should Have Prevailed' (+thousands of stupid comments)
Mass. police 'deeply pained' by Obama's criticism - Yahoo! News Cambridge Sgt. James Crowley has taught a class about racial profiling for five years at the Lowell Police Academy Cop in Gates case: I’m not racist - I gave mouth-to-mouth to black NBA player (just power-crazed)
The Seminal » Palinphetamine, Alaska Bloggers and the Alaska Press
Wonkette : Whoa Hey, the FreeRepublic Website Is Overthrowing the U.S. Government
The Washington Monthly: Birther Madness (descent into batshit insaneness: Obama is undocumented alien)
Jon Stewart Eviscerates The 'Birther' Movement
Lou Dobbs: "[L]imp-Minded, Lily-Livered Lefties" Attacked Me Because I Had The "Temerity To Inquire As To Where The Birth Certificate Was" (Dobbs is a batshit insane birther, credibility of CNN's "journalism" is question)
Conservatism Is Dead: An intellectual autopsy of the movement Sam Tanenhaus (they have no intellect)
Reagan Was Wrong | Print Article | To conservative Cassandra Henry Fairlie, Republicans sowed their present-day destruction from the start (reaping what they sowed)
Conservative Activist Forwards Racist Pic Showing Obama As Witch Doctor | TPMMuckraker - Exploiting the quick to judge
Bipartisan House Members Demand Fox News Apologize For Analyst's Attacks On Captured Soldier | Crooks and Liars
Booman Tribune ~ Tired of the Stupid - Katharine Seeyle (semi-conscious racist)
This is not going to end well for CBS | Media Matters for America Dan Rather's lawsuit over his firing from CBS (what you get when you take orders from Karl Rove)
Pam's House Blend:: Laff in the inbox:'s NRN 500 Top Conservative Bloggers Coalition (ROFL)
Abstinence-Supporting GOP State Lawmaker Admits To Sex With 22-Year-Old Intern | TPMMuckraker (Tennessee state senator Paul Stanley, Republican, married, father of two, Christian: add him to the list and play him off, KBCat)
Poll: Jon Stewart Most Trusted Newsman In America -
Mayors, rabbis arrested in corruption probe -
Feds: Brooklyn Man Trafficked In Human Kidneys | TPMMuckraker | New Jersey mayors, lawmakers, and rabbis being charged in connection with a federal corruption and international money laundering probe.
New York City Homicides Map - The New York Times
New York Times Reports $39.1 Million 2Q Profit (right after getting $10mil in concessions from Globe workers)
Ignoring Watchdog Report, Treasury Gives Three Major Banks Sweetheart Deals (Larry at work)
Matthew Yglesias » On Financial Innovation
The End Of Wall Street: The Wall Street Journal's Video
Ford Trims Its Losses And Beats Expectations -
Patti Prairie: 10 Ways To Save Money And Be Green
A Skinnier, Safer America - ($6/gal gas would help a lot)
California city taxes weed to escape deficit
Hacker Says iPhone 3GS Encryption Is ‘Useless’ for Businesses | Gadget Lab |
Solar Photovoltaic Electricity Price Index
BBC NEWS | Technology | Wireless power system shown off
The Minimalist - Recipes for 101 Simple Salads for the Season -
The Second Pass Fired from the Canon
Windows 7 RTM Leaked to BitTorrent Last Week -
TG Daily - iPhone growth 'stunted' by AT&T deal
YouTube - Buzz Aldrin Reveals Existence of Monolith on Mars Moon
The Anatomy Of The Twitter Attack
The longest solar eclipse of the century - The Big Picture -
Pakistan president Asif Zardari bans jokes ridiculing him - Telegraph
Pakistan Objects to U.S. Plan for Afghan War -
Soccer game or tear gas? Palestinians put controversial ad to test - Haaretz - Israel News
Editorial - Gun Crazy in the Senate - (radical Republican bill would nullify all state gun laws)
Senate Dems Deal NRA Rare Defeat
John Yoo Pranked By Australian Comedy Team
News Hounds: Out Of Touch Hannity Thinks Ham Costs 79 Cents "In Most Grocery Stores"
Rather Wins a Round in Lawsuit Against CBS -
Liz Cheney Defends Birthers On Larry King (people of the lie)
REPORT: On health care reform, networks highlight perceived setbacks far more than progress | Media Matters for America (working to defeat your health)
Fox News: Surgeon General Too Fat | TPM
Snowe Still Opposing Pure Public Option -- Despite Weekend Reports to Contrary | TPMDC
Palin Implicated In Ethics Probe (but she's going to sue all the bloggers anyway)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Five Centrist Dems Agree With Gop: No Abortion In Public Plan (uteruses are the work of the devil)
Daily Kos: Democrats for Life (without Contraception) Boot Tim Ryan
Morning Joe Mocks FOX Network For Skipping Obama's Press Conference Tonight (keeping you dumb)
Fox News producer gets 10 years for child porn | Washington Examiner
News Analysis - Pinch of Reality Threatens the California Dream -
Bernanke Says Commercial Property May Pose Risk for Economy - (who could have predicted?)
Calitics:: 25 Things About The New California Budget (terminated)
Toyota says it's no longer profitable in North America | | The Detroit News
Charges Dropped, but Henry Louis Gates Seeks Apology - - "But that will in no way determine if I sue him, the Police Department or the city. That will all be worked out, but I know I’m not going to let this drop.”"
Gates considering lawsuit over his arrest - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe
Gates chastises officer after authorities agree to drop criminal charge - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe (80% racist comments)
Officer in Gates case receives backing of union - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe (maybe they should back names on cop uniforms?)
Editorial: Cambridge Police Department still has a lot to explain - Cambridge, Massachusetts - Cambridge Chronicle & Cambridge TAB (Globe swapped PDF of arrest report)
Where’s the commissioner? : Cantabrigia
My Daddy, the Jailbird - The Daily Beast
I'm Glad Prof. Gates Got Arrested! | oleeb's Blog
The Gates affair: Would you stand for this? - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe
The Reality-Based Community: Nightmare on Ware Street
The Harvard Crimson :: News :: Harvard Students, Professors Eye Racial Factors in Gates' Arrest
Obama On Skip Gates Arrest: Police Acted "Stupidly"
Distinguished African American Harvard Professor Arrested At His Home After Being Mistaken For Burglar - : IF IT'S HOT IT'S HERE! "I have heard of driving while black and even shopping while black, but now even going to your own home while black is a new low in police community affairs," said Sharpton
Charles River White Geese Blog: Judge issues decision denying Cambridge's Post Trial Motions in Monteiro v. City of Cambridge (Healy's follies: "reprehensible")
No charge, but Gates case seethes - The Boston Globe
Editorial - Who Rules the Mobile Bands? -
Don't Make Me Stop This Blog! - Jodi Kasten - Open Salon
A timely Times correction from 1969 | Regret the Error
Google Moon
The Coming Insurrection | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters Coupat was held under “preventative arrest” until May of 2009 and labeled by the government as a “pre-terrorist.”
Judge accuses CIA officials of fraud, unseals secret files | McClatchy (CIA lied, then trying to keep it secret because it would hurt their "credibility")
Barack Obama Turns His Back On Change And Embraces Bush
FBI Getting Closer To Murtha? | TPMMuckraker
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | The White House Speaks On Abortion And Health Reform (women's health off the table)
Ezra Klein - Barack Obama on Health-Care Reform: Trust Us (Obama's message on everything)
Politico ignores contradiction in calls by "moderates" for lower costs, limits on public plan | Media Matters for America (Drudge rocks their world)
The Washington Monthly: In A Way, It Is Still Fresh Today (Reagan and Medicare: socialized medicine!)
Health-Care Firms Have Supported Lawmakers Debating Reform - Key Senator Baucus Is a Leading Recipient (Max Baucus in the bag)
Colbert Mocks Conservative Pundits For Claims Of Reverse Racism; Calls Buchanan A 'Reverse Civil Rights Leader' (Tom Ashbrook's favorite racist guest)
Daily Kos: Another Healthcare Lie, and the Lying Liar That's Telling It (that would be Shona Holmes, liar and rightwing darling)
Palin's Resignation: The Edited Version |
Limbaugh wonders why "no slut surcharge" in health bill | Media Matters for America
McCain: Hate Crime Amendment An "Abuse Of Power" (old white man)
Tyler Perry Treats 65 Swimming Pool Excluded Kids To Disney World
Henry Louis Gates Jr. Arrest: Police Drop Charge (being black in one's house not necessarily a crime, they say) (arresting officer: Sgt Crowley)
Arrest of H. Louis Gates, Jr | (pics from neighbor)
gatesarrestreport072109.pdf (Police Report of Henry Gates arrest by not-totall truthful Cambridge cops + Lucia Whalen dropped a dime on Henry Gates)
Henry Louis Gates Jr. Arrested Charles Ogletree gives Gates' side of the story in controversial arrest of The Root's editor-in-chief (yes, he was in his own house, yes, cop refused to show ID)
Charges dropped against black Harvard scholar: Ogletree said Gates showed his driver's license and Harvard ID - both with his photos - and repeatedly asked for the name and badge number of the officer, who refused. He followed the officer as he left his house onto his front porch, where he was arrested (front porch, racists)
I'll speak with your mama outside! T-shirt from (w/Gate mugshot)
The Harvard Crimson :: News :: Renowned Af-Am Professor Gates Arrested for Disorderly Conduct
The Harvard Crimson :: News :: Charge Against Gates To Be Dropped
Gates Says He Is Outraged by Arrest at Cambridge Home - Prominent Black Professor Says He Will Use Experience to Further Academic Work
Black Professor and White Lady Reenact Crash in Cambridge - Henry louis gates - Gawker
Summers Urges Banks to Lend More, Says Growth Pace ‘in Doubt’ - (issues sternly-worded letter but didn't build in any requirements)
Budget accord reached - Los Angeles Times "It was like a suspense movie, but . . . we have accomplished a lot," the governor said (no taxes, just ruining CA)
The king of the Sarasota flip |
Expert Confirms Authenticity Of Vinland Map - Science News - redOrbit
Ancient Maps : Troy 6396 - Apocalypse Aerie
Op-Ed Contributor - Eclipse Fever - - Patna
Solar Eclipse on July 22 May Be Most Viewed Ever
July 22, 2009 we will witness the longest solar eclipse of the 21st century – SoftSailor
Why we say yes to drugs | Salon Books Resistance to mind-altering substances is futile, according to a new "Secret History of Getting High in America" (Repubican war on your mind)
Sleepy? The best, and worst, airports for shut-eye - Yahoo! News
The Second Pass
If the UK were a village of 100 people... - Features, Health & Families - The Independent
Daily Kos: Children tortured before parents, raped, all covered up by Bush/Cheney and our media
Emptywheel » The Changing Story on Past Torture Investigations (drip, drip)
Feingold Hits Obama’s Intel Chief: You’re Wrong, CIA Officials May Have Broken Law | The Plum Line
Gays live — and die — in fear in Jamaica - Yahoo! News
Tanzania: Albino Hunting Update | The Morningstarr
American Held in UAE: "Proxy Detention"? - CBS Evening News - CBS News U.S. Citizen Faces Terror Charges in Dubai; Attorneys Say He Was Tortured, Forced to Confess (Obama justice)
Steele Calls Obama Health Care Socialism, Agrees This His Waterloo
Editorial - What’s That Got to Do With Mr. Murtha? - (corrupt pay-to-play)
Think Progress » Fox News Guest Ralph Peters Suggests Taliban Should Kill U.S. Soldier If He Deserted (Fox: the assassination network)
Mark Sanford emails expose how David Gregory plays the game | Crooks and Liars (your elite media Republican fluffers)
David Gregory's "coordination" hypocrisy | Media Matters for America
Bitch Ph.D. Dear Amy Siskind (press Republican concern trolling fail)
Betty Cracker: Why is The New Agenda smearing NOW's Kim Gandy? (Amy Siskind)
C Street Rebranding: GOP Cheaters Need Our Discreet Counseling! | TPMMuckraker (Republican Christian philanderers)
Jenna, Barbara Bush Were Secret Service Nightmare: Book (Bush's Law)
Obama's Faithful Flock (more Jesus-talk than Bush) (Alexia Kelley says no contraception for you)
Alexia Kelley: Obama's Poor Choice for "Common Ground" Post at HHS | (Obama bi-angulates: appoints anti-CONTRACEPTION Catholic to HHS)
President Obama's 'Faith-Based' Program Lacks Adequate Constitutional Safeguards | Americans United (new Bush/old Bush)
Calitics:: Not With A Bang, But A Whimper . It's taken 31 years, but Howard Jarvis is finally going to get the wholesale destruction of public services he always wanted (Aaahold terminates CA)
Brian Kilmeade Apologizes For Racist "Pure Species" Comment
TARP Watchdog To Deliver Harsh Testimony On Treasury's Lack Of Transparency (hello, Mr Transparency President)
Back to Business - A Second Act in the Mortgage Disaster - Series - (another Obama failure)
Why Toxic Assets Are So Hard to Clean Up - Securitization was maddeningly complex. Mandated transparency is the only solution (so complex it can't be figured out)
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Shiller tries to defend subprime mortgages | Blogs (and fails)
Ex-Lehman traders to get huge bonuses | Business | The Observer Barclays will pay millions to staff at its new US arm (they learned nothing and changed nothing)
Ferguson vs Fallows at Ideas 2009
How The Average U.S. Consumer Spends Their Paycheck - Visual Economics
More S.F. retirees join $100,000 pension club (SF officials porkin' out)
Re:Dark impact mark in Jupiters south polar region - IFAS
Why Winning Athletes Are Getting Bigger
The Fancier The Cortex, The Smarter The Brain? (brain plasticity)
27062201.jpg (New Scientist: The Exploding Internet)
VirtualBox 3 brings 3D graphics support - Ars Technica
Harvard professor Gates arrested at Cambridge home - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe The incident raised concerns among some Harvard faculty that Gates was a victim of racial profiling (a thousand + comments debating racism: majority say Gates should have been arrested: post-racial America)
Ohio Law Would Give Men Final Decision in Abortion | Strollerderby (Republicans own your uterus)
Should nature be able to take you to court? - The Boston Globe (yes)
Raped Environment Led Polluters On, Defense Attorneys Argue | The Onion
Careful what you read, Big Bezos is watching | Adventures in IT - InfoWorld - If Amazon's intent was to demonstrate the Orwellian evil that is digital rights management, it couldn't have picked a better way to do it
AltUse - Discover Alternative Uses for Everyday Products
Fake bus stop keeps Alzheimer's patients from escaping - Boing Boing
Let e < 0. » Ultimate test
HTC Touch Pro 2 vs Nokia N97 video smackdown
Europe Airport Feeds | Live Air Traffic Control Audio Feeds |
Mormon sisters share a husband - Telegraph
elrectanguloenlamano: Robert Capa In Cerro Muriano And Espejo: The Days In Which Reality Surpassed Imagination (10th Part):
Israel backs East Jerusalem housing construction despite U.S. opposition - Los Angeles Times
Israeli Settlers Versus the Palestinians -- Printout -- TIME
U.N. not to name culprits in Bhutto assassination - Yahoo! News (signs point to Cheney's assassination squad)
Bowe Bergdahl: Soldier Captured In Afghanistan Identified As 23-Year-Old Idahoan
Emptywheel » The Real Reason They’re Hiding Cheney’s Interview?
Is The White House Preparing To Miss The August And October Health Care Deadlines? | TPMDC
Could Dick Cheney Go to Prison? | Take Action | AlterNet Cheney seems to fear that if our system of justice works, he could be in for some serious, uncommuted jail tim
OpEdNews » Gang of Sickos: Six US Senators Sell Out Constituents for $11 Million from Health Industry
Matthew Yglesias » The (Political) Stakes in Health Reform
Orszag: Republicans Trying To Kill Health Care Reform Through Delay (+ your centrist Dems working for a Republican victory)
The Washington Monthly: Fact-Checker in Chief
Leahy To GOP: "Stop The Racial Politics" On Sotomayor (that's what Republicans do!)
Orcinus O'Reilly attacks 'far-left zealot' Rick Perlstein for Newsweek piece on the rabid right (Bill O'Reilly is a lying crazy-shit vindictive asshole)
Firedoglake » Late Night: Yes, They’ll Even BS You about the *Weather* (Powerline buffoons)
Sarah Palin should just go home | Salon (idiot America)
Raw Story » Exxon faces $1 billion fine for sabotaging Texas oil wells
'Silent partner' examines what happens when people 'don't tell' - Los Angeles Times
If we could get millions of Americans to march on Washington, what would we do?
DM B8 Team 8 Fdr- 6-4-03 Memo From Hyde to Ben-Veniste Re Status of NORAD-FAA Follow Up 517
If we could get millions of Americans to march on Washington, what would we do? (Free Republic founder calls for violent overthrow of America)
Krugman: White House Excluding "Progressive-Economist Wing" (only conservative Republican economists: doom)
Business Briefing - People - Goldman Executive Named as Obama Adviser - (there you go)
The Scandal Continues: The Billions in Govt. Cash Behind Goldman's "Profits" | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet (from you pocket to their bonuses, thanks Obama)
Financial Rescue I.G. Says Banks Funneled TARP Aid to Various Expenses -< (orly?)
Windfalls for Bankers, Resentments for the Rest -
Higher costs could be unintended consequence of deep cuts - Los Angeles Times (Aaanold kicking old people to the curb, Republican policies ruin CA)
Fresno County, left in the dust - Los Angeles Times Drought, water politics and tough economic times have turned a once-vibrant region into California's Detroit (rusting of America)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: A Challenge to Climate Change Skeptics
How brain training makes multitasking easier : Nature News Practice speeds up the part of the brain that lets us tackle many jobs at once.
GOOD | How do we achieve harmony? (where will hunger strike in the world?)
Swarms of carnivorous giant flying squid terrorise southern Californian coast | Environment |
Behold the Humboldt Squid | Outside Online
Dark Roasted Blend: The Walled Cities: Keeping Out The Joneses
Driven to Distraction - Dismissing the Risks of a Deadly Habit - Multitasking on the Road - Series -
Jimmy Carter leaves Southern Baptist church in protest to treatment of women | BlogHer
The Elders
Woman charged with possession of child pornography for Taking photos of herself breastfeeding! (sex-offendered, kids taken away)
Why Girls Have BFFs and Boys Hang Out in Packs - Time
iTWire - HP Darknet destroys Black Hat elephant
When The Chef Is Trying to Kill You | Meat
AT&T Is A Big, Steaming Heap Of Failure
VLC Player 1.0 | New DVD-Copying Feature Could Run Afoul of the MPAA
Video Goes Open Source on Wikipedia: New Format, New Player, New Editing/Sharing Tools
Fishki.Net - pics - best of Japan
The China Beat: The Xinjiang Riots: Tried Paradigms, Fresh Tensions
U.S. Commanders Are Concerned About New Iraqi Restrictions on American Troops - American Officials See Link Between Limits, Spate of Attacks
Jerusalem - Rav Amram Blau's Interview Before His Death -- VosIzNeias
Mordechai Eliyahu: Prefer jail over women singing | Israel | Jerusalem Post
Clinton Defends US Demands For Anti-Terror Help (everything they do makes it worse)
Z Space - Noam Chomsky - Season of Travesties: Freedom and Democracy in mid-2009 Ted Rall by Ted Rall -- (07/14/2009) Obama Covers Up A Dozen My Lais - Were 3,000 Afghans Murdered As U.S. Troops Stood By? (yes, but they were Muslims)
The NSA wiretapping story nobody wanted Whistleblower Mark Klein tells in his new book of how he was ignored
Hullabaloo: Who Says The Right Is Out Of Ideas? (insurance on insurance on insurance)
Campaign Silo » News On The Public Option: Obama Draws Line In Sand (Blue-Dogs vow to bite his leg)
Obama Campaign Arm Doubles Down, Targets House Dems On Health Care
WeWantThePublicOption.Com! - Vote for our next target! (John Kerry: 9 million from insurace lobbyists)
Grave offenses at Arlington National Cemetery | Salon News
YouTube - Arlington's Grave Injustice
Celebrating Cronkite while ignoring what he did - Glenn Greenwald -
Contracts - Recipient Summary | ($1.9 million for 2 lbs of sliced ham: Clougherty Packing LLC)
Why We Must Ration Health Care - - Peter Singer
The Washington Monthly: Tiahrt Embarrasses Himself.... Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R) of Kansas ("the first two people who come to his mind for the what-if-they-weren't-here argument both just happen to be African-American men") (more racist Repubican creeps + they own your uterus)
Gail Collins, Serious Columnist - The Fellowship Quiz - (Christian pro-family Republicans LOL)
Op-Ed Columnist - Losing the Races - - In (Pat) Buchanan’s white-centered Republican world, playing the victim is a route to victory (Tom Ashbrook's favorite racist guest)
Pat Buchanan, white nationalism, and the American future | Crooks and Liars - a full-fledged extremist trying to resurrect the once-discredited ethos of white supremacism
Questions raised about councilman's conduct after discovery of racist e-mails - Local - Merced Sun-Star (Gary Frago, Atwater CA, racist Republican creep)
Wonkette : Yet Again, Email + Republican Elected Officials = Repulsive Racism (our post-racist society)
CIT Group’s Banks Said to Weigh Bankruptcy Financing -
Pennsylvania's payless paydays - Jul. 17, 2009
Is the Y Chromosome Going Bye-Bye? Is the End of Men Imminent?
Male Sex Chromosome Losing Genes By Rapid Evolution, Study Reveals
In Search for Intelligence, a Silicon Brain Twitches - (Blue Brain will be fully operational in 10 years)
What does Climate Model output look like? : A Few Things Ill Considered
Do animals masturbate? - By Daniel Engber - Slate Magazine Masturbation in the animal kingdom (Republicans want animals to register as sex-offenders)
What Questions Can Science Answer? | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine
PZ Myers vs. Unscientific America: Part III | The Intersection | Discover Magazine
Unscientific America: still useless : Pharyngula
Just Blaine Wrong on climate change | The Platform | STLtoday Blaine Luetkemeyer, a Republican member of Congress from Missouri’s 9th district (idiot/fool/tool)
Intel's 34nm-based 320GB solid state drive creeps closer to reality
Obsidian Wings: Bare-Faced Go-Away Bird (Hilzoy retires from blogging)
Cash-strapped Krishnamurti Foundation regroups : Ojai : Ventura County Star
Shut.Up.And.Sing (Dixie Chicks and George W Bush)
A Food Critic Comes to Terms With His Appetite -
The Genre Artist - - Jack Vance
8 Common First Aid Mistakes And Myths That Make Things Worse | Health Watch Center
Social Skydiving with Justin - 30 days of engaging in genuine conversation with strangers. Dear god no. (Inspired by Brad Bollenbach) :: View topic - Game Show Problem (96 pages of replies)
California Sprouts 'Green Rush' From Marijuana
Sixteen and pregnant? Join the club! - Broadsheet - flickredit - The best way to watch and publish your videos Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition, Version 4.0 (Windows & Mac): John Simpson: Books
Bombs explode at 2 hotels in Indonesian capital - Los Angeles Times
Tehran's streets erupt after a key cleric speaks - Los Angeles Times
Guernica / In My Place (Pakistan)
Michael Isikoff: Questions for the Attorney General
Report: CIA Assassin Program Could Operate Anywhere -- Even Inside U.S. | TPMMuckraker
House Intelligence Committee To Investigate Secret CIA Program (secretly, of course)
Gang Of Six Centrist Senators Demands Delay On Health Care Reform (if you count Snowe and Collins as Dems)
Dr. Dean's Second Opinion - The Daily Beast This is now a fight between the insurance companies and the American people.
Campaign Silo » Diane Feinstein’s Office: “Under No Circumstances Will We Meet With Jane Hamsher” Feinstein's sense of personal entitlement with regard to her job as a US Senator seems to be without limit
Exclusive: Conservative group offers support for $2M - Mike Allen - (standing on Republican principles)
video: White Men Built This Country Says Pat Buchanan | News Junkie Post (Tom Ashbrook's favorite racist guest)
Gary Frago, California Councilman, Sent Racist Anti-Obama Jokes To Staff - that would be Gary Frago of Atwater, California, racist creep, ha ha)
Audra Shay - The Daily Beast (crazy-ass racist Republican)
‘Birther’ Movement Dogs Republicans | The Washington Independent Ten Members of Congress Sign on to Presidential Birth Certificate Bill (even crazier-ass racist Republicans)
Tax the wealthy to keep everyone healthy | Salon
Op-Ed - Paul Krugman - The Joy of Sachs -
Op-Ed - Michael Osinski - Steal This Code -
Crocs Shoe Company Stumbles During Recession -
YouTube - CBC: Anthrax War: part 1/7
DNA Not The Same In Every Cell Of Body: Major Genetic Differences Between Blood And Tissue Cells Revealed, may undercut the rationale behind numerous large-scale genetic studies conducted over the last 15 years, studies which were supposed to isolate the causes of scores of human diseases
Wiley InterScience :: Journals :: Human Mutation :: BAK1 gene variation and abdominal aortic aneurysms
HowStuffWorks "How Human Cloning Will Work"
Very off topic: Why I won't be at my high school reunion : Good Math, Bad Math
Some E-Books Are More Equal Than Others - Pogue’s Posts Blog - (Amazon deletes books you bought off Kindle)
12% of e-mail users have actually tried to buy stuff from spam - Ars Technica
The Story of Prisoner F95488 - ESPN The Magazine's feature on Eric Frimpong, former UCSB soccer star - ESPN
Sextortion At Eisenhower High: GQ Features on
YouTube - 3 funny PSA's
Iceland's parliament votes to join EU - Yahoo! News
US Lobbyists with Clinton Ties Hired to Defend Honduran Coup Regime (Lanny Davis, remember him?)
LRB · Slavoj Žižek: Berlusconi in Tehran
CIA Assassin Program Was Nearing New Phase - Panetta Pulled Plug After Training Was Proposed (Republicans say Pelosi is just trying to cover her ass and besides it wasn't operational)(Obama says he can assassinate anyone he wants)
Aram Roston: CIA Supervisor Claimed He Used Fire Ants On Detainee
John Yoo: Why We Endorsed Warrantless Wiretaps - The inspectors general report ignores history and plays politics with the law (Murdoch likes torture)
Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community Isn't it time we all get really serious about convincing MSNBC that Pat Buchanan is unacceptably racist? (but he's Tom Ashbrook's favorite guest!)
Senator Tom Harkin pulls a fast one: Alternative medical practitioners will be part of the "healthcare workforce" under health care reform : Respectful Insolence (crystal channeling)
Health Care: Which Chart Scares You More? - Swampland - (Republicans fight reform with crazy-crayon chart)
The Washington Monthly: AP Ignores Criticism (continues to spread Republican lies, wants to charge you to link to them)
Bernie Sanders: The VA is a Socialized Health Care System, Right Mr. McCain? | Video Cafe
New Policy Permits Asylum for Battered Women - (reverses Bush anti-women policy)
Obama Administration Approves First Roadless Logging Contract In Alaska's Tongass National Forest (Bushbama)
Catherine Crabill, VA GOP Candidate: We May Have To "Resort To The Bullet Box" (crazy Repubican says 2nd Amendment gives her assassination rights)
YouTube - Jesse Ventura: They Spent 100 Million Dollars Investigating Clinton But Only 4 Million On 9/11! (and all the real questions were off the table)
Fed - Unemployment Will Top 10 Percent This Year -
California Approaches a Deal on Budget Cuts - (Aaaahnold terminates CA)
U.S. Foreclosure Filings Hit Record 1.5 Million in First Half - (more green shoots)
Hullabaloo: Go Grayson - Alan Grayson, Elliot Spitzer and Dylan Ratigan (who quit the horrific CNBC because he just couldn't take it anymore) address Goldman Sachs and the Fed's secret three trillion dollar bailout
Brooksley Born Named To Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission
Banks Ramp Up Pay Packages to Top Talent - (top "talent")
naked capitalism: Wells sells $600 million in distressed assets at 35 cents on dollar
As Goldman Sachs Posts Record Profits, Matt Taibbi Probes Role of Investment Giant in US Financial Meltdown
Legal Pot Would Bring in $1.4B for Calif. - CBS News
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » Ben Stein, predatory bait-and-switch merchant | Blogs (pathetic NYT wants to charge you for this)
Learning of Alzheimer’s-Related Gene Seems to Do No Harm -
Surprising new insights into the repair strategies of DNA
Active Ingredient In Cannabis Eliminates Morphine Dependence In Rats (gateway drug turns out to be cure, Republican heads explode)
Huge blob of Arctic goo floats past Slope communities: Arctic Alaska | (appears to be biological Blob)
Massachusetts Sued Over Cost of Health Care -
Florida Backs Away From Prep Schedule Favoring Football - (no budget cuts for football!)
J.K. Rowling Must Register as a Potential Pedophile | CarnalNation (in UK, of course)
Anthony Horowitz: This law reflects a twisted view of society - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent
Former President Jimmy Carter Gave Up On Bob Dylan'S Music After "Slow Train Coming"- New York Post
YouTube - "Weird Al" Yankovic - Skipper Dan
Feministe » The oppressor and victim is who and what now? Singapore professor Dr. Li-ann Thio (is a homophobic bigot, plays the victim)
Cheaters (the official website of relationship cheaters)
Tattooed Swedish devil girls sexually molest cyclist • The Register
Google Public Policy Blog: Working with news publishers (User-agent: * Disallow: / problem solved!) /
Microsoft: Apple wanted 'Laptop Hunters' ads pulled | Apple - CNET News (shoes on the other foot, call the waahmbulance)
Bluetooth: Another Wi-Fi killer for the iPhone?
Magnitude 7.6 - Off West Coast Of The South Island, N.Z.
At least 160 killed as passenger jet crashes in Iran - Times Online
Israeli soldiers describe moral Twilight Zone' of Gaza offensive - World AP -
Breaking The Silence: Former Israeli Soldiers Call Gaza War Reckless
Video: Young Cosmopolitan Israelis Share Their Shocking Racist Views | World | AlterNet
Full Frame: Worshipping Saint Death | GlobalPost
The Man Who Knew Cheney's Secret - Page 1 - The Daily Beast Seymour Hersh was mocked in March when he referred to Dick Cheney’s secret squad of CIA assassins (“The last time they said the government doesn’t torture, this time it’s the government doesn’t assassinate.”)
Chuck Todd's arguments against investigations - Glenn Greenwald - (MSNBC still covering Cheney's ass)
YouTube - How to create an Angry American (Bush lies and denials regarding the Iraq war)
Another Ethics Complaint Filed Against Palin (18th)
Palin eschews facts and economics in blasting cap-and-trade bill | Grist
EIA - Impacts of Increased Access to Oil and Natural Gas Resources in the Lower 48 Federal Outer Continental Shelf
NPR: Turning The Camera Around: Health Care Stakeholders (stakeholders = NPRese for lobbyists)
Bill Moyers Journal: Bill Moyers & Michael Winship: Some Choice Words For "The Select Few" (how corrupt corpo-gov runs)
Media jostled for access to Sanford - Local / Metro - The State E-mails illustrate frenzy to be the first on the air or in print (South Carolina's The State is a real newspaper)
Democrat Claims US House Seat in Calif. -
Media jostled for access to Sanford - Local / Metro - The State “If he wants something more personal for the blog to push back, I’m happy to help,” wrote Erick Erickson, a writer for
Matthew Yglesias » Isaac Chotiner Gets Jonah Goldberg Wrong
CQ Politics | Craig Crawford's Trail Mix - Smiling GOPers Ought to be Frowning They are coming across as a bunch of snarky and bitter old white men who cannot bear the thought of their kind losing power.
Michael Moore's 'Sicko' vs. the health insurance industry
Visa card surprise: $23,148,855,308,184,500 - Weird news- Company cites 'temporary programming error' for 17-digit charges
Editorial - Waiting Game - - So why exactly is the Obama administration waiting to act?
Calpers Sues Over Ratings of Securities -
Calpers: Rating Agencies to Blame for Huge Losses | The Big Picture (fire them all)
Justice Dept. Investigates Markit Over Derivatives -
Back to big profits for Wall Street powerhouse - Yahoo! Finance Goldman Sachs, powerhouse of Wall Street, blows past expectations with big profits
What Is Goldman Sachs? | The Big Picture
Daily Show Takes On Lenny Dykstra, Jim Cramer (video)
Oil's Puzzling Spring Surge Reignites Debate About Speculators - / Comment / Opinion - Time to tackle the real evil: too much debt
Blindspot shows brain rewiring in an instant - health - 14 July 2009 - New Scientist
Drug Rescues Memory Lost To Alzheimer's Disease PMX205
Want to keep your wallet? Carry a baby picture - Times Online
Dow runs scared from water | The Yes Men
David Fiderer: Lamar Alexander's $750 Billion Flimflam Plan on Nuclear Energy
RIAA: Tenenbaum "fair use" defense is laughable - Ars Technica (end of fair use, corpos own everything)
Google Apps Add Features, Syncs With Lotus Notes
Researcher: Middle East Blackberry Update Spies on Users | Threat Level |
Tony Garnett's email on BBC drama | Media |
Flickr User Posts Comments Critical of Obama on the Official White House Photostream and Has His Comments Along With His Entire Flickrstream Deleted Without Warning | Thomas Hawk Digital Connection
The Scavenger : Man critical of Obama wiped off the face of Flickr
Morgan Stanley Memo: Matthew Robson From Greenwich, London, Wrote About Friends' Web Habits For Bank | Business | Sky News
Teenage media habits: was the whiz-kid correct? | Technology |
Psychotic Letters From Men
LRB · Rory Stewart: The Irresistible Illusion
Israel Warships Cross Suez In Possible Iran Signal
ei: Is Israel guilty of piracy? (on land, sea, and air)
The CIA: What Was It Up To? - Swampland - (oh, nothing important and besides, Nancy Pelosi!)
C.I.A. Had Plan to Assassinate Qaeda Leaders -
Dick Cheney 'hid plans to kill al-Qaida operatives abroad' | World news | • Ex-CIA officials say foreign leaders were also in dark
House CIA Investigation: Intelligence Committee Lays Groundwork For Full-Blown Probe
What has Dick Cheney told Liz Cheney about his role in CIA controversy? Morning Joe didn't ask | Media Matters for America (why is she on teevee?)
Single-payer insurance is the way to go for ailing health care system - Kingsport Times-News Online
House HELP Committee hearing on single payer - PNHP
Emptywheel » Ceci Connolly’s Pay2Play Puff Piece
Bill Moyers On WaPo Lobbyist Salons: 'A Glimpse Into How Things Really Work In Washington' (WaPo is totally corrupt)
Pot, Meet Kettle | Media Matters for America And what good was Chris Matthews doing us "at the time"? (useless prig re-writing history)
Hullabaloo: digby: Looking Different: Ron Fournier's offensive little exercise (Sotomayor doesn't look like "all of you")
Sen. Brownback's Anti-Mermaid Crusade | Media Matters | "Human-Animal Hybrid Prohibition Act of 2009." (your very serious Republican Senators)
NSA Gave Up Names of Americans Wiretapped to Ex-State Dept. Official (John Bolton)
Saradise Lost: How Alaska bloggers dethroned Sarah Palin | Media Matters for America
Great Call: In Emails To Sanford's Office, Right-Wing Media Dismissed Missing Gov Story | TPMMuckraker
Eschaton: Shorter Ross Douthat: We can achieve a more equitable distribution of wealth in this society if we transfer ownership of uteruses from women to men (you can't make up this stupid)
The Seminal » An Offended Mother on the Topic of Blowjobs
Bruce Wilson: John Ensign Linked To "Do-it-Yourself Exorcism" Movement
Think Progress » Sen. Jeff Sessions Slams Sotomayor For Not Voting Like Other Puerto Ricans (Repubican wankers)
Sessions Becomes The Subject Of Sotomayor Hearings (racist Republican)
Peek Battles for CIT’s Life as ‘Storm’ Pummels Bonds -
Calculated Risk: Report: Option ARMs Performing Worse than Subprime
Washington, DC: The Real Winner in this Recession |
Paul Krugman is the New Thomas Malthus - Conor Clarke
Collective Cognition
Nonlinear Web Droppings: A review of Create Your Own Economy
Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media: Overview - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press Scientific Achievements Less Prominent Than a Decade Ago
Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in patients with multiple sclerosis -- Zamboni et al. 80 (4): 392 -- Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry | JNNP -- eLetters for Zamboni et al., 80 (4) 392-399
Secrets of the Scorpion's Sting: Discovery News
Chu says white roofs save energy, address global warming - Jul. 13, 2009
Dawn of the animals: Solving Darwin's dilemma - life - 14 July 2009 - New Scientist
Light's Repulsive Force Discovered | LiveScience
Do you really want to live forever? - Times Online
Why America is flunking science | Salon Don't just blame poor education for our nation's scientific illiteracy -- but our politics and pop culture (Republican war on science)
The Culture Wars' New Front: U.S. History Classes in Texas - (putting Christianity in all the classes, see above)
Bad names for boys | baby names | boys' names | the more unpopular, uncommon or feminine a boy's first name, the greater the chance he will end up behind bars
With Friends Aplenty, Many Widows Choose Singlehood - The New Old Age Blog -
Mark Regnerus -- Freedom to Marry Young -
SWAT Gone Wild in Maryland: A botched raid on a small-town Maryland mayor exposes widespread abuse by the state's SWAT teams. - Reason Magazine
Charlie Brooker on our rotten institutions and lack of faith | Comment is free | The Guardian
LIFE Goes Inside Today's KKK - Photo Gallery, 12 Pictures (modern Republicans)
Newspaper to Begin Charging for Online Access - - Valley Morning Star in South Texas (to cost more than daily newspaper, un-huh)
3D isometric map for hong kong - public transportation - map_Edushi
Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques | Tools
YouTube - Auto-Tune the News #6: Michael Jackson. drugs. Palin.
BBC NEWS | Middle East | UK cuts Israel weapons contracts (boycott racist Israel)
Raw Story » 13 doctors say WMD mole did not commit suicide (bumped off by Tony Blair)
CIA Had Secret Al Qaeda Plan - (Murdoch plays down executive assassination ring)
New Info Brings More Questions On Secret CIA Program | TPMMuckraker
Obama No Closer To Supporting Investigation Of Bush Terror Policies (big surprise)
Palin's Final Insult - The Daily Beast
The Raw Story » Freepers refuse to apologize for calling Malia Obama ‘a typical street whore’ (mainline racist Republicans)
Conservative Free Republic blog in free speech flap after racial slurs directed at Obama children
Firedoglake » Marcy Wheeler Says “Blowjob” On MSNBC
Matthew Yglesias » The Future of Conservative Ideas (is the past)
Goldman Sachs May Report Strong Profit - (didn't take long)
The events preceding Goldman Sachs' new "blowout profits" - Glenn Greenwald - (timeline)
Daily Kos: "The Federal Reserve is as "federal" as Federal Express!" (owned by banks, actually)
Are the Desert People Winning? | Mountain, Desert, & Forest | Discover Magazine (yes, and they are turning the earth into a desert)
Stephen Hawking: Why Isn't the Milky Way "Crawling With Self-Designing Mechanical or Biological Life?"
Why the #$%! Do We Swear? For Pain Relief: Scientific American
XXXL: Books: The New Yorker - Why are we so fat?
Large Extra Dimensions At Reach Next Year!
Hungry cats trick owners with baby cry mimicry - life - 13 July 2009 - New Scientist
Study: Swine flu resembles feared 1918 flu - Swine flu- New H1N1 strain more likely to cause pneumonia than regular flu viruses
Handy approximation for square roots « The Dead Frog
The Playwright Alice Eve Cohen Stars in an Unscripted Turmoil -
DUI Checkpoint Stops Zero DUIs : Dispatches from the Culture Wars
Robert Wright: Why the "New Atheists" are Right-Wing on Foreign Policy
Swim club in racial flap plans to invite camp back | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/12/2009
High Stakes: A Call to Legalize Marijuana - CBS Sunday Morning - CBS News » New Attacks on the Web Commons - Publishers want to outlaw unauthorized Web links (require written permission for every link to their stuff)
AnandTech: Understanding the iPhone 3GS
By Anthony Shadid -- What Baghdad Has Lost - "Baghdad," added his friend, Hussein Abed, "has become a shattered city." (heckuva job, Bushies)
A secret shame: Inside the latest scandal to rock the Catholic church - Europe, World - The Independent (world's largest pedophile ring)
Thought-police is here - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews Rona Kuperboim slams Foreign Ministry’s plan to hire pro-Israel talkbackers (Israel to hire online trolls)
AP sources: Cheney told CIA not to discuss program - Yahoo! News (with Congress, and they didn't!)
Cheney's Possible CIA Program Concealment Should Be Probed: Durbin
Holder Torture Investigation Likely
Emptywheel » Holder v. Rahm: The Torture Fight
Emptywheel » FISA’s 15-Day Exemption
Seymour Hersh: "Executive Assassination Ring" Answered to Cheney, Had No Congressional Oversight | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet (Hersh's March 2009 article)
YouTube - NSA Security running amok to plug leaks about 9/11
Republican Newt Gingrich Calls for Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Resign - ABC News - saying her accusation that the CIA lied to her threatens national security (from May: someone should ask him about this now)
Firedoglake » Late Night: Your Favorite World’s Greatest Deliberative Body Sucks, Because It’s Full of Senators
Op-Ed Columnist - She Broke the G.O.P. and Now She Owns It -
New York Times to charge for online content - Telegraph
By Katty Kay and Claire Shipman -- Fixing the Economy Is Women's Work -
Zero Hedge: Is A Case Of Quant Trading Sabotage About To Destroy Goldman Sachs?
Daily Kos: FBI Arrest Opens Goldman-Sachs' Pandora's Box -- More Moons Around Earth? Its Not So Loony
Fiber Fabric Could Create Whole-Body Cameras | LiveScience
Special alloy sleeves urged to block hackers? - (those super-secure RFID cards, aren't)
Deseret News | 'Love advocates' plan 'kiss-in' at Main Street Plaza (see comments)
Gail Lowe: Perry Picks Creationist To Run State Education Board (educated stupid)
Joseph Romm: NASA's James Hansen Recycles Myths in His Pointless Attack on U.S. Climate Action
How to use electrical outlets and cheap lasers to steal data - Network World
Slashdot | Judge Invalidates Software Patent, Citing Bilski
Local News | Children: Father didn't abuse us: Ex-Vancouver police officer spent nearly 20 years in prison | Seattle Times Newspaper
German parliament passes internet censorship bill - The Inquirer
Who asked for Ireland's blasphemy law? | Padraig Reidy | Comment is free |
Cheney Is Linked to Concealment of C.I.A. Project -
The new Report on illegal spying is not a real investigation - Glenn Greenwald -
Michael Hayden: Congress Was Informed About Surveillance Program
Presidential Surveillance Program: Spying Went Beyond Warrantless Wiretapping
Emptywheel » US Government Covered Up War Crimes Committed by CIA’s Warlord
Firedoglake » Physicians for Human Rights’ Call for Investigation into War Crimes Cover-Up
Attorney General May Probe Bush Torture Policy | Newsweek Politics |
Calitics:: Arnold Is So Huge He Gets To Create His Own Reality
Our political class in a nutshell - Glenn Greenwald -
Andrew Alexander - The Stumbles That Led to an Ethics Blunder -
Leaders in House Seek to Tax Rich for Health Plan -
Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS | Wendell Potter and the health insurance industry
A $30,000 an hour attorney? Palin report overstates inquiries' costs | McClatchy
US Congressional group asks White House for Fed probe | Markets | Markets News | Reuters
BBC News | The Economy | Exorcising the US national debt (1999 looked rosy)
The Raw Story » US military: Gays not welcome; white supremacists ‘OK?’
Pharmacists can't refuse Plan B pill, appeals court says - Los Angeles Times
Sadly, No! » Massachusetts: Why we rule (statistical comparison with Georgia)
Dispute over flag protest erupts in Wisc. village - Yahoo! News
Loss of Wi-Fi connectivity plagues the iPhone 3G as well
Iran Protesters Take to Streets Despite Threats -
Iran: The Rooftop Project |
China earthquake causes mass mayhem | Daily Latest News Junction
Naomi Klein in Ramallah: “I am ashamed that it took me this long [to endorse the call to boycott Israel]…It was nothing but cowardice.” | Palestine
Ireland Makes Blasphemy Illegal | Paliban Daily punishable by a 25,000-Euro (demanded by world's largest pedophile ring)
McChrystal Sees Afghan Army, Police Insufficient: Obama Strategy Requires More Funds, U.S. Troops - Obama Strategy May Need More Funds, U.S. Troops (surge!)
Lawmaker says CIA director ended secret program - Yahoo! News Panetta has terminated a "very serious" covert program the spy agency kept secret from Congress for eight years,
Secret Program Fuels CIA-Congress Dispute - Democrats Accuse Agency of Pattern of Withholding Information From Lawmakers (lotta dead bodies in the Bush-CIA closet)
Full CIA Investigation Called For On Capitol Hill (lied to Congress? How could that have happened?)
Secret CIA Program Was "Intelligence-Collection Activity" ("no big deal")
‘Most PSP Leads Were Determined Not to Have Any Connection to Terrorism’ | The Washington Independent (no big deal)
Feingold: Legal Memos on ‘Blatantly Illegal’ Surveillance Still in Place | The Washington Independent (Obushama)
2009 Inspector Generals’ Report On Warrantless Surveillance | The Washington Independent
The Obama justice system - Glenn Greenwald - (worse than Bush + NPR's Alicia Shepard says it's ok for US to torture, but they won't call it that: NPR is against the Geneva Conventions)
The significance of McClatchy's act of journalism - Glenn Greenwald -
Where's Pentagon 'terrorism suspect'? Talking to Karzai | McClatchy
Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America By John Earl Haynes, Harvey Klehr and Alexander Vassiliev: review - Telegraph
New Haven Firefighter Originally Hired By Claiming Discrimination | TPMDC (knows how to play the game)
Hullabaloo: digby: Bipartisan-Curous: Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) (bipartisan and all "collaborative" with the insurance lobbyists: "It's the corporate whores in Washington who are at odds with the people")
Rumproast -- The stupidest argument against health care reform ever - “the majority of folks who are screened receive no benefit” (so don't screen the people who would have passed their screening: they - Mark fucking Steyn - really think like this) - Band of House centrists offers support for ‘robust’ public health insurance plan (may be good news)
Report: Early CBO Estimate Says Public Option Will Save Billions Over 10 Years | TPMDC (good reason not to do it)
Progressive Caucus Axes Executive Director - Roll Call
Dr. James Hansen: G-8 Failure Reflects U.S. Failure on Climate Change (Obama's bill "less than useless")
Civil Rights Leader Under Fire for Supporting Same-Sex Marriage - (Southern Christian Leadership Conference: no civil rights for you, gay people)
Rick Santorum May Have Tipped Off Ensign To Affair's Exposure (Coburn urged payoffs)
The GOP's Young Hatemonger - Page 1 - The Daily Beast Audra Shay, accused of endorsing racism on Facebook, is favored to become the head of the Young Republicans tomorrow (more racist comments turn up)
The Seminal » Burris Makes it Official: Will Not Run for “Re”-Election
House Dems Reverse Obama, Remove Ban On Needle Exchange Funding ("That's 300,000 people that could be saved over the next decade." but wObama will veto)
Peggy Noonan Goes Off On Sarah Palin In Column: "Horrifying" (Nooners)
Think Progress » David Brooks: A Republican senator put ‘his hand on my inner thigh’ for a ‘whole’ dinner party (Republican gropers)
Those behind a sign posted in front of their northwest Gainesville church, proclaiming in red letters Islam is of the devil, say it's a way to express their religious beliefs and is a message of a great act of love. | (that makes a lot of sense)
Calculated Risk: White House Pleads for more Mortgage Mods (but put no political will into cramdown, the only thing that would have worked) sign you up for a direct deposit payday loan with a mere 120% APR (well, lobbyists didn't like the anti-usuary provisions, either)
Transportation Stimulus Gives Short Shrift to Cities - (roads to nobody!)
Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, Media: Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press (6% of scientists are Republicans)
Obese Exposed as Swine Flu Collides With Fat Epidemic -
Multi-Galaxy Collision Caught in Action | Wired Science |
Watching Whales Watching Us -
The pro-life case for masturbation. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine (saletan obsessed with contraceptives/conception)
Daily sex helps to reduce sperm DNA damage and improve fertility
New York Times Considers $5 Monthly Web Fee: Bloomberg | Epicenter |
Editorial: Taking the iPhone 3GS off the job market
America's Alcohol Laws: Quirky Rules Across 50 States - Time
60 million stung in social networking rip-off - News, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent Sues Facebook: Data Ownership War Breaks Out
2,500 Israeli Settlement Housing Units Approved By US: Israeli Newspaper
Netanyahu's paranoia extends to 'self-hating Jews' Emanuel and Axelrod - Haaretz - Israel News
Logar Afghanistan: Massive Bomb Blast Kills 25, Including 13 Children
Mosul, Baghdad: Bombs Kill More Than 40
Iran riot police fire teargas at protesters marking 1999 student riots | World news |
gooya news :: didaniha : Iran protest photos
YouTube - peive17's Channel (many videos from Tehran)
Minister punished for funding gay pride event, Tory MP says - The Globe and Mail
UK Envoy, James Hudson, Resigns Over Russian Sex Tape
President Obama's first 167 days - The Big Picture -
White House Threatens Veto Of Bill To Alter National Security Briefings (more Bush than the old Bush)
Was The CIA Hiding Cheney's "Executive Assassination Ring"? (Cheney's personal death squad)
Panetta Orders Probe of Secret Spy Program | - after some members of Congress say CIA misled them.
Panetta Acknowledged CIA Misled On Interrogation Policy: Dem Lawmakers (misled=lied)
Senate Democrats Still Seeking GOP Support - Balance of Power Not Changed Much By Supermajority (because there's always a Dem who's really a Republican - Evan Bayh)
Baucus Presses for Health Deal - Roll Call - working with Republicans despite an urgent warning from Senate Democratic leaders that the potential cost of wooing GOP votes could have a devastating effect on Democratic support (mutatis mutandum Max Bacus)
Firedoglake » Why Can’t a Better Health Care Plan be the Next Stimulus? (because what about insurance company profits and bonuses???)
Bill Keller: "Insatiable Desire For Scoops" Fueled Press Failure In Run-Up To Iraq War (+Judy Miller)
Palin defends 'millions' ethics price claim: Gov. Sarah Palin | Record requests, ethics complaints, lawsuits, troopergate given price tag.
Al Franken Sent $95,000 By Republicans (sweet)
DeMint: America Is Like Germany Before WWII | TPMDC
The Republicans' dwindling options - The Week - With Sarah Palin and Mark Sanford out of the running, the GOP has to hope that Mitt Romney shows his good side in 2012
Americablog News| A great nation deserves the truth: AIDS activists shut down US Capitol rotunda over Obama reversal on AIDS policy Yet Obama's budget includes language that bans spending federal money on needle-exchange programs (more Republican hate policies from Obama)
Murdoch papers paid out £1m to gag phone-hacking victims | Media | The Guardian News of the World bugging led to £700,000 payout to PFA chief executive Gordon Taylor
Censor the Book - Sara Pailin - Stopping indecent and immoral literature.
Think Progress » King’s New Rationale For Voting Against Slave Labor Resolution: It Wasn’t ‘A Balanced Depiction Of History’ (post-racist America)
Montco swim club accused of racial discrimination | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/09/2009 (post-racist America)
Morgan Stanley Plans to Turn Downgraded Loan CDO Into AAA Bonds -
Warren Buffett Backs Second Stimulus, Criticizes Plan To Buy Wall Street's 'Toxic Assets' (video)
Michael Lewis on A.I.G. | The Man Who Crashed the World
BTS | Transportation Services Index | BTS | Freight Transportation Services Index (TSI) Fell 0.6 Percent in May from April
The Quality-Control Quandary | American Journalism Review
Blogs-on-Paper Idea Runs Out of Steam - Bits Blog -
How a Minnesota man blew the whistle on the New York Times | News Cut | Minnesota Public Radio (unixrat/metafilter)
A Photo Editor - NYTimes Magazine Pulls Photo Essay After Questions Of Digital Alteration Are Raised
PDNPulse: New York Times Magazine Withdraws Altered Photo Essay
Behind the Scenes: Digital Manipulation - Lens Blog -
The E&P Pub: UPDATED: 'NYT' Pulls Photos -- Admits They Were Altered
Photo Fun - Real or Fake Image Game - LIFE
"The DNA Code" - New Research Shows Life Hardwired in the Universe (Life Itself)
Neurosecurity: security and privacy for neural devices; Neurosurgical FOCUS - 27(1):Page E7
Michael Jackson: Erotic Identity Disorder? "autopedophiles"
Schneier on Security: Homomorphic Encryption Breakthrough
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Life without men - Scientists claim to have grown human sperm in a lab
Analysts Say Nokia Really Is Doomed by 2013, Apple to Pass It in 2011 - Apple - Gizmodo
Censordyne - Good, clean internet censorship
Women spend nearly one year deciding what to wear - Telegraph
French Lawmaker: Burqa Ban Can Be Gradual
David Davis on torture – statement in full | Politics | What former shadow home secretary told the Commons yesterday about Rangzieb Ahmed, as reported in Hansard
Detainees, Even if Acquitted, Might Not Go Free - (down the Obama rabbit hole)
Emptywheel » Obama and Gang of Eight Veto Threat: “Fundamental Compact” My Ass (just like the old Bush)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: "'Thoughtful, articulate, persuasive'...I do not think these words mean what.." - 6 months of Aesthetic Stalinism For Dummies!
Congress Matters :: Who's holding out on the Dems' anti-filibuster strategy? - Why, it's Evan Bayh, of course! (Republican from Indiana)
Former Bush aide testifies on prosecutor firings | TPM News Pages Former Bush aide Karl Rove testifies before House committee on firings of US attorneys
Emanuel Backtracks From 'Trigger' Comments; Dem Says CoS Made "Hell Of A Mistake" | TPMDC - Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY), chair of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, said the Chief of Staff ""made a hell of a mistake. He made a hell of a mistake and he knows it."
Sen. Johnny Isakson's Shady Dinner With Lobbyists: Crashing The Party
Howard Dean: Washington Is More Resistant To Change Than Anything "Except A Few Religious Cults" - Rep. Murphy attempts to repeal military ban on gays (good Democrat)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Tucker Carlson Not Such A Big Believer In Democracy (Pat Buchanan (Tom Ashbrook's favorite guest): “I put democracy far down the line. I think a devoutly Christian, conservative, traditionalist country—even if it’s a monarchy—is fine with me.”)
Pool Boots Kids Who Might "Change the Complexion" | NBC Philadelphia (post-racist America)
More support for changing copyright law to help newspapers (like eliminating fair use to prop up failing media dinosaurs - screw the public)
What happened to those bad bank assets? So far, nothing | McClatchy "We're committed to getting it done, and expect to have it very, very soon (very soon)
'Bankslaughter': Should Execs Be Held Liable For Killing Banks?
In Summer Hideaway for the Rich, Slump Is Visiting, Too - (the natural constituency of the NYT: not-quite rich enough rich people)
PDNPulse: New York Times Magazine Withdraws Altered Photo Essay
Official Google Blog: Introducing the Google Chrome OS
Google Chrome OS: New PC Operating System Introduced
live-android - Google Code
Smashed guitar, YouTube song — United is listening now - Travel - (Internet: 1 United Airlines: 0)
Woman who cried rape after date with man she met in internet chatroom is jailed for a year | Mail Online
China Riots: West Descends Into Mob Violence Between Han Chinese, Muslim Uighurs
Emptywheel » Rummy: It’s Jim Haynes’ Fault
Emptywheel » HPSCI Writes Sternly-Worded Letter Report on JSOC Activities - Defense Department conducting covert operations under the guise of "Operational Preparation of the Environment," and thereby avoiding any oversight over those activities
Commentary: Galloway on McNamara: Reading an obit with great pleasure | McClatchy the original bean-counter — a man who knew the cost of everything but the worth of nothing.
GOP Now Favors Censure In Sex Scandals... | TPMDC
News NewsReel - - White House Open to Deal on Public Health Plan ("deal" = "off the table")
Open Left:: Obama to Rahm: Shut. Up.
Do Baucus' Ties To Health Care Industry Compromise His Reform Efforts? | TPMDC (yes)
Health Care's True Price | The American Prospect The real reason we need a public option in health-care reform isn't cost control. It's security.
The Senate Finance Committee may restrict women’s health care! « Raising Women’s Voices (no abortion/contraception/women's health)
House Committees Knocking Down Reports Of CBO Score As 'Premature' And 'Inaccurate'; Republicans Latch On Anyhow | TPMDC
Researchers: Social Security Numbers Can Be Guessed -
Emptywheel » WaPo Finally Begins to Admit Pay2Play Details - This all feels so DC (Weymouth lied, again)
Hall of Shame: 12 of the Worst Financial Gurus
Arizona is 6000 years old? | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine (Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen is a complete idiot)
Jebus, how do these dingbats get elected? : Pharyngula
Nukeometer (how many warheads in your neighborhood?)
Dan Froomkin hired by The Huffington Post - Glenn Greenwald -
Brad DeLong: Froomkin Retrospective (Washington Post is totally corrupt)
Huffington Post vs. Washington Post | Media Matters for America
Jorn Barger, the NewsPage Network, and the Emergence of the Weblog Community |
How blogs changed everything | Salon Books
Howard Kurtz - Media Notes: Howard Kurtz on the Personality Preoccupation of - (Elizabeth Hasselback #4, Jon Stewart #15)
Digested Read: The Case for God by Karen Armstrong | Books | The Guardian ("Self-deceit does not always come easily, so we have to work at it.")
VideoLAN - Open Source multimedia and streaming solutions for every OS!
Problematic extensions - MozillaZine Knowledge Base
Official Google Blog: Google Apps is out of beta (yes, really)
Crooks Who Got Burned by the Internet Photo Gallery on's Crime Library
Iran's Revolutionary Guard takes command - Los Angeles Times
Over 140 killed in ethnic unrest in China -
Mondoweiss: NPR's foreign editor Loren Jenkins is a secret sharer. Hallelujah. Not that you'd ever know from the broadcast (Nice Polite Jewish Republicans)
BBC NEWS | South Asia | US troops killed in Afghan blasts (here we go again)
The Public Editor - Telling the Brutal Truth - Op-Ed - (it's "torture" when the Iranians do it)
The NYT calls Iranian interrogation tactics "torture" - Glenn Greenwald -
More female veterans are winding up homeless - The Boston Globe (support your troops)
Think Progress » Bush Library Foundation President: Saddam’s Gun A Symbol That Bush ‘Disarmed Him Literally’ (and the villagers loved it)
6 California parks could revert to federal control - Los Angeles Times (worst Governor ever)
Krugman - HELP Is on the Way - - every other advanced country offers universal coverage, while spending much less on health care than we do
Matthew Yglesias » More to Health Reform than a Public Plan
Congress Matters :: Health care slowing in the Senate?
With Daring Prison-Reform Proposal, Sen. Jim Webb Tries to Make Each Word Count - "Everything should be on the table," Webb says.
YouTube - War and Lies featuring Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich
Allison Kilkenny - Unreported - Banning lobbying could save American democracy - True/Slant (we're so in the toilet now)
Cornyn Booed, Called Traitor And "The Problem" At Tea Party Protest (they eat their own, even Box-Turtle Cornyn)
GOP to discuss Sanford’s future - S.C. Politics - The State
Wonkette : Insane Sarah Palin, Late At Night On July 4, Threatens To Sue Entire Internet, Via Twitter
Palin takes to Web for hints of political future | TPM News Pages
Geoffrey Dunn: The Real Story Behind Palin's Bombshell Palin can dish, but she can't take it. She's got a terribly thin skin (what a surprise, a Republican bully with a thin skin)
Fox News Contributor Rips Into Palin: "The Woman Is Inarticulate, Undereducated" (video) Even Fox News has started to turn on Sarah Palin
New GOP "Racist" Headache - The Daily Beast - Audra Shay ("young" Republican racist idiot on the internets for all eternity)
The Cincinnati Beacon - Bronson is always right—NOT! - Cincinnati blog (Peter Bronson: self-published wanker and fool on the internets for all eternity)
Gun permits surge since Obama election | (Kentucky/Indiana)
at-Largely: Right-Wing Extremism: hoping our military overthrows Obama...
Job Retraining May Fall Short of High Hopes - (oh yeah, high hopes)
Commentaries » Blog Archive » A Goldman trading scandal? | Blogs |
The Bellows » The California Effect California is the state in the worst shape, and it’s also the state no one wants to help, because its problems stem from terrible institutions and a horribly dysfunctional government.
World's oldest Bible published in full online - Telegraph - omitting the appearance of the resurrected Jesus Christ (infallible word of God)
FaithWorld » Blog Archive » Southern Baptists (and Republicans): old, white and in decline? | Blogs (and loony racists)
Top 10 Reasons Why The BMI Is Bogus : NPR
New drug hits leukemia early | Resound1
Blindness treatment could stop millions from losing their eyesight | Mail Online | age-related macular degeneration
Eavesdropping on the music of the brain - health - 06 July 2009 - New Scientist
OceanicDreams: The dangers sharks face ARE real - A third of the world's open water sharks -- including the great white and hammerhead -- face extinction
Nancy HIXSON Death Notice: Nancy HIXSON’s Obituary by the The Plain Dealer (" In lieu of flowers, please pray for the Constitution of the United States" + much more)
An autobiographical death notice worth reading: Tipoff preview -
Google code cloud punts on-demand embarrassment • The Register (better use Amazon)
Decoding the HTML 5 video codec debate - Ars Technica
Iran clerics declare election invalid and condemn crackdown - Times Online
Leading Clerics Defy Ayatollah on Disputed Iran Election -
MI6 chief's cover is blown by wife's holiday snaps on Facebook - Telegraph
Rumsfeld On Abandoning Geneva: 'All Of A Sudden, It Was Just All Happening' | TPMMuckraker
The Bobblespeak Translations: This Week with George Stephanolpous with Joe Biden - July 5, 2009
Op-Ed Contributor - A Plantation to Be Proud Of -
Independence Days - Al Franken and the Odd Politics of Minnesota -
Health Care Organizers Confronted By Police At Event With Nebraska Senator | TPMDC (latest Repubican tactic)
Healthy examples: Plenty of countries get healthcare right - The Boston Globe (but not Republican-controlled US)
The Washington Times and John Boehner, joined at the hip | Media Matters for America
The Flag of Equal Marriage: Jan 1, 2010 on Flickr
Palin's Move Raises Big Questions
Palin Facebook Message Slams Media, References "Higher Calling"
Sarah Palin not under FBI investigation, agency spokesman says - Los Angeles Times
Op-Ed Columnist - Now, Sarah’s Folly - Caribou Barbie is one nutty puppy.
Take Two | TPM (Palin to sue everybody)
Please read how horrible Sarah Palin's writing skills are. : WTF
Emptywheel » Weymouth STILL Doesn’t Renounce Pay2Play ("But she doesn't, ultimately, back off the idea of selling lobbyists access to key lawmakers in Weymouth's own living room")
Al Franken’s secret - Paul Krugman Blog - - slimy David Broder: "Franken, the loud-mouthed former comedian, will be the 60th member of the Senate Democratic caucus" (when he's acutally a policy wonk and 10 times smarter than your fake journo/pundits)
Fairfax County Ponders What It Wants to Be - That Is the Question Residents, Leaders Ask in the Increasingly Urban Suburb (turning into urban hell-hole)
Is The Worst Over? Most Economists Say Yes : NPR
Regulators start fireworks early, closing seven more banks - BailoutSleuth
Biden: We 'Misread the Economy' - George's Bottom Line
Whose Country is it anyway? A political-economic oligarchy has taken over the United States of America
RGE - U.S. Job Report Suggests that Green Shoots are Mostly Yellow Weeds
Property Tax Appeals Take Toll on Governments -
Frank Rich - Bernie Madoff Is No John Dillinger -
Biden Ignores Warnings Of Krugman, Stiglitz, Roubini And Others (i.e.everyone not living in the Republican-banker parallel universe)
Gapminder: Income per person (GDP/capita) vs Life expectancy (years)
Consumerist - FDA May Take Vicodin And Percocet Off The Market - Government
Black Holes and The Schwarzschild Radius
Black holes do join together (ScienceAlert)
Beyond Hatred | POV | PBS Video
Waffle House waiter sues over Taser incident | (out of control Georgia cop-thugs)
From Lucy Fur to Looser Change « The Celtic Rebel
No Deal! Jammie Thomas to Appeal $1.92 Million Fine
Cherry, The Mobile Operator That Doesn’t Care Whether You’re On Wi-Fi Or Not
Symantec: it’s dangerous to rely on free antivirus - (threatens their business model of selling bloated crapware)
13 Magnificent Free Wordpress Portfolio Themes | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
Text utilities (online multi-edit)
YouTube - Evian Roller Babies US
North Korea Fires 7 Missiles: Reports
Lady Liberty's crown reopens on July Fourth (Bush phoney terror restrictions lifted) Government... Who Was Busby's Party Pooper? (how they do business in San Deigo)
Daily Kos: Brad Blog: Federal Indictments for Palin in Embezzlement Scandal May Be on the Way
Raw Story » Rumors fly about Palin’s ‘iceberg scandal’
Handy Guide to The Palin House Scandal that WILL take Sarah and Todd Palin down - Democratic Underground
Paul Begala: Sarah Palin Turns Pro I wish Hunter S. Thompson had lived to see this - the bull goose loony of the GOP.
Lawyers, Guns and Money: She Made Me Look Ridiculous! And a Man in My Position Can't Afford to Look Ridiculous! Kristol backed derivatives are crashing.
If I Ran the Zoo: Hicks and nitwits all over this great nation are grieving tonight for Sarah Palin's political career. Or, no, wait, they're happy.
AKMuckraker: What Is Sarah Palin Thinking? One Alaskan's Perspective
GOP Implosion - The Daily Beast In a matter of weeks, three of the Republicans' most promising presidential contenders—Palin, Sanford, Ensign—have tripped up, leaving the party’s leadership more adrift than ever.
Bailin’ Barracuda, Or The Quitah From Wasilla | The Plum Line
Gail Collins - Sarah’s Straight Talk -
Levi Vs. Sarah Palin Battle Continues - New York Post
Many Left Uncounted in Nation's Official Jobless Rate | Online NewsHour | July 2, 2009 | PBS
What If Paul Krugman Were a Woman? | Newsweek Voices - Daniel Gross - If Paul Krugman Were Japanese He would be a woman named Narika Hama.
Mad About Medicine: CEO Compensation: Who Said Health Care is in a Financial Crisis? ($15 billion in compensation to healthcare CEOs)
Stephen Hawking: "Humans Have Entered a New Stage of Evolution" "an external transmission phase"
AFP: Paleontologists brought to tears, laughter by Creation Museum "It's sort of a monument to scientific illiteracy, isn't it?"
Buchanan Blathers About Evolution : Dispatches from the Culture Wars (Tom Ashbrook's favorite Republican liar)
Evolution Fucked Your Shit Up: The World’s 50 Freakiest Animals | James Gunn
Compuserve shuts down - Boing Boing After 30 years, Compuserve is finally, totally, mostly dea
Walt Disney World unveils incredibly scary, robotic version of President Obama
Light Language Publications - Your Source for the Fine Art Photography Books of Robert Buelteman
Survivor still haunted by 1971 air crash -
IPhone 3GS owners bemoan its battery life - Los Angeles Times
FTC plans to monitor blogs for claims, payments by AP: Yahoo! Tech
6 people executed in Qom, 29 people due to be executed in Tehran | Middle East | World News
ABC News Reporter Tweets That Iranian Detainees Are Being Waterboarded
Iranian ambassadors across Europe summoned in co-ordinated protest | World news |
Israel Again Rejects Total Settlement Freeze -- News from Deputy FM Insists Palestinian Not Willing to Make Any Concessions (nothing left to concede, thanks to facist Israeli policies)
Raw Story » US-backed Colombian soldiers execute innocent for cash
The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. | Mail Online
U.S. Says It Will Preserve Secret Jails for Terror Case - (same as the old Cheney)
Grand Jury Inquiry on Destruction of C.I.A. Tapes -
Documents describe chaos of Gitmo's early months | TPM News Pages Newly released documents describe chaos, torture allegations in Gitmo facility's early months - "further evidence of the widespread and systemic abuse of prisoners conducted at Guantanamo Bay and other overseas locations"
DHS Cybersecurity Plan Will Involve NSA, Telecoms -
Sessions Claims Sotomayor Tied To "Extreme" Group Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala-Racist-Dimwit
Emptywheel » Howie Kurtz’s Latest Story: Weymouth Defends Pay2Play Scheme (completely corrupt newspaper)
WaPo Salon Scandal: Editors, Lawmakers Deny Knowledge
Washington Post scraps plans for 'salons' after uproar - Los Angeles Times
Pay-for-Chat Plan Falls Flat at Washington Post - - The Washington Post has been a scrupulous watchdog over the capital’s cozy world of power networking (yeah, sure)
Bloggasm » Why won’t NPR’s ombud speak to Salon’s Glenn Greenwald? (don't give them any money)
Tea Party Movement Loses Steam | The Washington Independent (flop)
49 Minutes With Levi Johnston -- New York Magazine
Full Text Of Palin's Resignation Speech | LiveWire (before it was edited for crazyness)
Matthew Yglesias » Al Franken, Policy Wonk
The Washington Monthly: A Roundtable You'Ll Want To Miss (Republican bobbleheads dominate your teevee)
Hullabaloo: Safety Net (Aaaahnold terminates California: who gets the read bucks)
ACLU Asserts Sheriff’S Officers Violated 4th Amendment Protections In Arrest Of Busby Party Host, Pepper Spraying Of Guests | East County Magazine (Republican thugs at work)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Speaking of Krugman
Secrets of the WSJ - Paul Krugman Blog -
Krugman - That ’30s Show -
BBC - Peston's Picks: Why bankers aren't worth it (best of the best of the worst)
Geithner Neuters FDIC's Sheila Bair in New Regulatory Overhaul. She Thinks Her Job is To Protect People, Not Banks. | Crooks and Liars
The Great American Bubble Machine : Rolling Stone Matt Taibbi on how Goldman Sachs has engineered every major market manipulation since the Great Depression
The Man Who Shook Up Vegas -
The Death of Macho - By Reihan Salam | Foreign Policy
Bailout Costs vs Big Historical Events | The Big Picture (why we're fucked)
Debt, Class Warfare and Entrepreneurship
Universities and Economic Growth
New Evidence on the Foreclosure Crisis - Zero money down, not subprime loans, led to the mortgage meltdown. - Paul Romer: A Theory of History, with an Application
Discoveryon: Origin of very high-energy gamma rays pinpointed
Police crackdowns may encourage drug use - science-in-society - 03 July 2009 - New Scientist
Hoopla, and Disappointment, in Schizophrenia Research - TierneyLab Blog -
Unlocked: the secrets of schizophrenia - Science, News - The Independent Scientific breakthrough offers hope of new treatments for mental condition
io9 - A Drug That Could Give You Perfect Visual Memory - Memory-enhancing drugs
Phenomenica: Cosmic fireworks display seen inside Helix Nebula
The FDA and Painkillers: What's Safe Now? - TIME
Alain de Botton: You'll regret those words until your dying day - Telegraph
Judge Throws Out Conviction in Cyberbullying Case - - were he to allow Ms. Drew’s conviction to stand, “one could literally prosecute anyone who violates a terms of service agreement” in any way.
Best Freeware Reviews and Downloads |
This Is Why You're Fat and other great single-topic blogs. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
U.S. Marines Launch Major Operation In Afghanistan (surge!)
India Decriminalizes Gay Sex
5 Years After: Portugal's Drug Decriminalization Policy Shows Positive Results: Scientific American Street drug–related deaths from overdoses drop and the rate of HIV cases crashes (but it's anti-Republican to do that)
News Analysis - To Critics, Obama’s Terror Policy Looks a Lot Like Bush’s - (same as the old Bush)
The still-growing NPR "torture" controversy - Glenn Greenwald - (time to waterboard NicePoliteRepublican Liars, or at least don't give them any money + Alica Shepard, 12-year old Ombud: "why is it so important to call something torture?")
Letters: The still-growing NPR "torture" controversy - Salon I almost wish I believed in Hell, in hopes that there'd be a special circle reserved for such people as Alicia Shepard (really, don't give them any money)
“Just Following Orders”—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) foreign prosecutors will open criminal cases against Americans involved in some of the Bush Administration’s criminal enterprises, such as the operation of the torture black sites.
Op-Ed Columnist - When Our Brains Short-Circuit - - Americans spend nearly $700 billion a year on the military and less than $3 billion on the F.D.A., even though food-poisoning kills more Americans than foreign armies and terrorists (just label food terrorists and fix that problem)
Saddam Hussein Talks to the FBI
YouTube - Reporters Grill Gibbs Over Prepackaged Questions for Obama
More Obama Secrecy -- This Time On Cheney's Plame Interview | TPMMuckraker (same as the old Bush)
39 trips for Sanford with no security in '09 - Sanford - The State (lotta time on the A-Trail)
Washington Post sells access, $25,000 - $250,000 - Mike Allen - (selling access to Obama officals, yes you heard that right)
The Washington Monthly: Wash. Post Selling Access? (they've always seen themselves that way) )
WaPo Does Damage Control After Cash-For-Access Scheme Leaks | TPMDC
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Open Thread It looks like Dan Froomkin got out just in time.
The Washington Monthly: The Original King Of Irony Strikes Again (or maybe Rove is just a psychopathic liar)
Colbert Tells Viewers To Deny Rep. Cynthia Davis Food (Republican thinking: deny food to children because "Hunger can be a positive motivator.")
Hullabaloo How It Happens by digby (the long-range Republican plan to destoy health care in America)
Jason Rosenbaum: All 13 Democrats are voting for new HELP health care bill
Busby Campaign, Supporters And Allies Publicly Mobilize Against Sheriff's Raid | TPMDC | San Diego Deputy Marshall G. Abbott, psycho-cop)
Fundraiser fracas set for DA's scrutiny
Howard Kurtz's wasted opportunity | Media Matters for America
Howard Kurtz - Reporters, Race and the Coverage of Michelle Obama - (black women reporters biased on coverage of black women; white men covering white men is just fine)
The White House - Blog Post - Annual Report to Congress on White House Staff (Salaries)
Think Progress » Déjà Vu: Fox News Rallies Viewers To Participate In Radical Anti-Obama Tea Party Protests On July 4
Beck guest Scheuer: "The only chance we have as a country right now is" for bin Laden to "detonate a major weapon" in U.S. | Media Matters for America
This Modern World » Blog Archive » I eagerly await the profuse apologies… Tom Tomorrow (for suggesting rightwingers want an attack on America)
Wonkette : Fox News Will Destroy America (With Bin Laden’s Nukes?) To Save It The Evildoers within the United States are always plotting against us.
Raw Story » Stewart blasts former CIA analyst for rooting for bin Laden attack
Fox News set for best year yet (see above)
Glossy in search of new sheen - The Boston Globe - Boston magazine hoping change at top will bring lift (“He’s to the right of Attila the Hun." Republican media owners at work)
California Starting to Pay With I.O.U.’s -
Calitics:: It's Now A $26 Billion Dollar Problem (Aaaahnold terminates California, who could have predicted?)
Economy Sheds 467,000 Jobs; Unemployment Rate at 9.5% - (but the recovery is strong!)
Table A-12. Alternative measures of labor underutilization (U6 at nearly 17%)
U.S. Initial Jobless Claims Fell 16,000 to 614,000 Last Week - (progress!)
SEC Investigator Raised Madoff Concerns Years Ago, Was Asked to Look Elsewhere - Lawyer Raised Alarm, Then Was Pointed Elsewhere (Republican SEC)
Executive Compensation Transparency: SEC Unanimously Votes For New Rules
Calculated Risk: Naught for the Naughts?
U.S. Nuns Facing Vatican Scrutiny - the Vatican and even some American bishops are trying to shift them back into living in convents, wearing habits (the Popester send Nuns back to the 15th Century)
LRB · Clancy Martin: Diary (of a drunken professor)
Hey, authors, don't tweet in anger! | Salon Books (Alice Hoffman's weekend meltdown on Twitter, read to the end for punchline)
Gawker - Look Who's Snarking Now: Novelist Uses Twitter to Trash Critic - Roberta silman
io9 - New Map Of Our Galactic Disc Reveals Where Future Stars Will Be Born - space porn
Many adults cannot name a scientist
5 Myths About Women's Bodies - 3 - MSN Health & Fitness - Birth Control Slide Show Myth: Antibiotics make birth control pills unreliable.
'Swatting' case shows need to ban caller-ID spoofing | Community
8 Awesome Cases of Internet Vigilantism |
Daily Kos: Time to Put a Freeze on Foreign Aid/Arms Deals: Israel $2.4 billion Virtually all of this money is used to buy weapons (up to 75% made in the U.S.). Beginning in 2009, the U.S. plans to give $30 billion over 10 years
Why Norm Coleman lost - Manu Raju and Josh Kraushaar - (because Republicans couldn't override the law)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Keeping it Real: You really wanna know why he lost? He had fewer fucking votes
Raw Story » Helen Thomas hits White House for lack of transparency
John Yoo, Donald Rumsfeld and the Systematic Torture of Prisoners | Antemedius
Franken's Critics Agonize Over Senate Victory (poor babies)
Think Progress » Inhofe: No disrespect, but Franken’s a ‘clown.’ (Senators being nice to each other)
My Left Nutmeg:: Lieberman's 15-Year Record of Killing Health Care Reform
The Washington Monthly: WAL-MART Throws A Curveball
Lieberman: I Stand With The Small Minority Of Americans Who Oppose Public Option | TPMDC
Bernie Sanders Demands Democrats Commit To Stopping Health Care Filibuster
Beck guest Scheuer: "The only chance we have as a country right now is" for bin Laden to "detonate a major weapon" in U.S. | Media Matters for America (blood-thirsty Republican traitors hope for mass murder)
Sarah Palin story sparks Republican family feud - Jonathan Martin -
Oklahoma Republicans Ready To Blame The Recession On 'Debauchery'
Pressure Mounts On Sanford To Resign | TPMDC
Should You Read That Long Sarah Palin Thing In Vanity Fair? | The Awl
Jezebel - Vanity Fair 's Palin Profile Reads A Lot Like Its Clinton One - Todd purdum palin clinton
He Shall Be Levi: GQ Features : Levi Johnston
Mayan Palingenesis
Krugman: U.S. Headed for 'Jobless' Recovery - ABC News
Harold Meyerson - California: A Dream Decimated -
California Misses Deadline, May Now Have To Issue IOUs
BBC - Earth News - Ant mega-colony takes over world
Nut-Size Ancient Skull Explains Our Brains' Bigness?
FDA Advisers Urge Smaller Doses of Acetaminophen - US News and World Report
Blood stem cell growth factor reverses memory decline in mice | Science Blog
NCBI ROFL: Does this outfit make me look like I want to get laid? females are aware of the social signal function of their clothing and that they in some cases alter their clothing style to match their courtship motivation (scientists at work with your taxpayer dollars)
Climate Skeptic: "I Was Hoping People At EPA Would Pay Attention" To My Work | TPMMuckraker
VirtualBox - VirtualBox
Lifehacker - How to Crack a Wi-Fi Network's WEP Password with BackTrack - wep
Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-Out (TACO) :: Add-ons for Firefox | Targeted Advertising Cookie Opt-Out (TACO)
Former Texas pastor sentenced in child porn case -
But when the Rapture comes what's to become of your loving pets who are left behind? Eternal Earth-Bound Pets takes that burden off your mind.
$2.775 billion in US aid supports Israeli nuclear weapons program : Information Clearing House - ICH
Coleman concedes Senate race; Pawlenty to sign certificate | Minnesota Public Radio NewsQ
Todd on Ricci: "[T]he majority actually, well, to put it bluntly, legislated from the bench" | Media Matters for America (but, but, but ...)
The suppressed fact: Deaths by U.S. torture - Glenn Greenwald -
Creepy, revealing quote from White House staffer - Glenn Greenwald - (the new audacity, same as the old audacity)
George W. Bush appointees buck Barack Obama on terror policies - Josh Gerstein - (even though they're the same terror policies as Bush)
Ideological Diversity Among Democrats Means No Free Pass for Obama - (Blue-Dogs!)
Todd S. Purdum on Sarah Palin | . Palin’s life has sometimes played out like an unholy amalgam of Desperate Housewives and Northern Exposure.
Open Left:: The Problem With The Public Option Is That It Lowers The Cost Of Health Insurance Olympia Snowe thinks that the problem with a public health insurance option is that a public option would... wait for it... lower the cost of health insurance:
"The Commission Has Been Road-Blocked": Republicans' War On The FEC | TPMMuckraker
Candidate to confront deputies over raid: San Deigo Sherrif's Deputy Marshall Abbott (is a brownshirt thug)
Homeowner Blasts Sheriff's Department For Raid On Dem Candidate Fundraising Event | TPMDC (Republican cops at work)
As White House Readies Abortion Plan, Packaging Emerges as Major Issue - God & Country (your accomodationist "liberals" told to fuck themselves by anti-abortian crowd)
Matthew Yglesias » Bishops, Baptists Organizing Against Contraception (like negotiating with terrorists)
Oklahoma Republicans Ready To Blame The Recession On 'Debauchery' a "petri dish for wingnuttery."
Rumproast -- Connect-the-Nazis (finest wingnuttiness from "The Rhetorican")
Newport mulls answers to downtown parking shortage - San Jose Mercury News ("Does four lanes of automobile congestion, is that in keeping with the colonial period?")
Debate over government-funded police protection heats up | Salon Conservatives decry "socialized" law enforcement; Democrats are divided over "single-payer" police protection
Philip Greenspun’s Weblog » Opportunity in the demise of Boston Globe
States brace for shutdowns - Los Angeles Times Time is running out for the legislatures in Arizona, California, Indiana, Mississippi and Pennsylvania to solve budget gaps.
Home Prices Post 18.1 Percent Annual Drop in April -
How to Fix Financial Television | The Big Picture
Zero Hedge: Goldman Sachs: "Engineering Every Major Market Manipulation Since The Great Depression"
Climate change: Rising sea level to submerge Louisiana coastline by 2100, study warns | Environment | (Republicans say ocean is a liberal hoax)
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Most complete Earth map published
Betelgeuse Shrinks / Science News (go boom?)
Exploding Stars: Is Earth at Risk? | LiveScience
Rape Fantasies and Hygiene By State « OkTrends
Barney Frank Files Bill To Decriminalize Pot -
Daily Kos: Updated - Oregon Resoundingly Passes Hemp Bill
Marijuana and cocaine should be legalised, says Latin American drugs commission | World news | The Guardian
Firefox 3.5 arrives - but without Google Gears | PC Pro blog
The Pirate Bay Sold To Software Company, Goes Legal | TorrentFreak
6 New Personality Disorders Caused by the Internet |
Weekly Scientist “If a person doesn’t want to be found, are they really missing?"
Israel May Shift on Settlements Freeze Amid Broader Effort - (only temporary)
Israel to build 50 West Bank homes for outpost evacuees - Haaretz - Israel News (there you go + fuck you, Obama)
Privately run checkpoint stops Palestinians with 'too much food' - Haaretz - Israel News (consistent behavior)
The Associated Press: Fireworks over Baghdad as Iraqis take over cities (giant GTFO parties)
Ricci Decision: 5-4 Ruling In Favor Of Firefighters (white power)
The Supreme Court's Ricci decision - Glenn Greenwald -
How Obama Has Benefited From Sex Scandals - Jonathan Alter |
Dianne Feinstein: Criticism From Left On Health Care “Doesn’t Move Me One Whit” | The Plum Line (she only listens to rightwing voices)
CIA Again Postpones Release Of Torture Report That Could Undercut Cheney | The Plum Line (you know, the one he "demanded" be released to prove that torture works)
Krugman - Betraying the Planet -
Pitney vs. Milbank: The Aftermath - Michael Calderone - (Dana Dickbank)
New Media v. Old Media: The Nico Pitney-Dana Milbank Grudge Match | TPMTV
Booman Tribune: It's Really Dana Milbank Who is a D*ck
Firedoglake » Late Night: Ross Douthat and Dana Milbank Star in “The Mewling Game” (Milbank went to Yale, was Skull and Bones, probably appointed by Rove to cover WH, you can't make this up)
Jason Jones in Iran: in Which the Joke Was on Us : CJR (once again, the Daily Show is the real news)
Health-Care Market Characterized By Consolidation, Not Competition | TPMMuckraker
Howard Kurtz continues to pretend Joe Scarborough doesn't exist | Media Matters for America
Limbaugh refers to Obama's "soul shake" -- that "black handshake ... that he had with Chavez" | Media Matters for America
Mika Brzezinski proves my point | Media Matters for America (Rudy Giuliani, serial adulterer, screams CLINTON!)
Keeping News of David Rohde’s Kidnapping Off Wikipedia - (NYT managing your news)
Reporter's Escape From Taliban Spurs Ethics Debate : NPR ("what else 40 international news organizations have agreed not to tell the public")
The inside drama behind the warrantless wiretapping story. - By Eric Lichtblau - Slate Magazine (NYT fixing elections, for your reference)
San Diego sheriff seeks probe in use of pepper spray at political event | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times (Sgt. Thomas Yancey, San Diego Sherrif's Dept, should be fired)
Scalia breaks ranks, slams Bush Fed on bank regulation | McClatchy
Bernard Madoff gets maximum 150 years in prison
Other Players in the Madoff Case - Interactive Graphic -
Exiled by Russia - Casinos and Jobs -
Loophole Helps GE Benefit From Bank Rescue Program - Industrial Giant Becomes Top Recipient in Debt-Guarantee Program (let's hear it for business-genius Jack Welch)
U.S. Plan to Stem Foreclosures Is Mired in Paper Avalanche -
Matthew Yglesias » Arena Glut - metropolitan areas suffering from a glut of arenas (taxpayer dollars at work)
Daily Express | UK News :: WORLD EXCLUSIVE: NASA finds missing moon landing tapes
Is Oral Sex Good for Your Fetus? |
When Hammering, Women Nail It | LiveScience (men do better in the dark)
Manufacturing universes in a fractal multiverse - Ars Technica
Exploring a universe where nothing isn't empty - Ars Technica
Getting a theory of everything by ditching tenet of physics - Ars Technica
Cosmological Solutions of Emergent Noncommutative Gravity
3quarksdaily: The Winners of the 3 Quarks Daily 2009 Prize in Science
The lost NASA tapes: Restoring lunar images after 40 years in the vault
Like Burrs On Your Clothes, Molecule-size Capsules Can Deliver Drugs By Sticking To Targeted Cells
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Giving up my iPod for a Walkman
Review: Intel's X25-E SSD runs circles around rival drives
Building a crash-proof internet - tech - 29 June 2009 - New Scientist
It’s Now Legal to Catch a Raindrop in Colorado -
The Day Facebook Changed Forever: Messages to Become Public By Default
YouTube - V trinadtsatom chasu nochi (1969) (fragment)
Gizmodo - Pirate Bay's Censor-Free YouTube Sails into Beta Extreme - The video bay (HTML5)
Manuel Zelaya Arrested: Honduras President Detained By Soldiers
US Announces Shift In Afghanistan Drug Policy (more fail)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Iran still interfering in Iraq, top Army general says « - Blogs from
Iran arrests British embassy staff for 'role in riots'
The End of the Beginning | Foreign Policy | What will be the legacy of the Green Revolution?
ThreatsWatch.Org: RapidRecon: Regime Change Iran: Movement Seeks to Eliminate 'Supreme Leader' Position
Iran's debate over theocracy: Why the turbans are at odds | The Economist A debate rages about the nature of clerical rule
The crisis in Iran: Is the dream already over? | The Economist
Battle for Iran shifts from the streets to the heart of power | World news | The Observer
Tony Blair and Gordon Brown to blame over Iraq war, says Army report -
Emptywheel » The WaPo’s Omerta on Froomkin
Ombudsman Blog - Froomkin Departs, Leaving Angry Loyalists And Questions
White House open to new tax on health benefits - The Denver Post
Obama Courts Disaster With New Detention Plan (same as the old detention plan)
Health-Care Activists Are Targeting Democrats Who Are Usually Allies - Sniping Among Liberals May Jeopardize Votes Needed to Pass Bill (WaPo crap: Dems should unite around insurance companies or they jeopardize their healthcare plans) )
Pawlenty Whacks Sanford: "Troubling And Hypocritical" (see below)
Op-Ed Columnist - Genius in the Bottle - (Repubicans should either give up illicit sex or stop screaming about other people)
Open Left:: Ceci Connolly -- Ridiculous Reporter The Post assigned someone to write this story who neither understands the health care issue or modern politics (they are all stupid, actually)
The Scandalous Fall of the Modern Conservative Movement | TPM Photo Galleries
Fafblog! before the end of the world (wingnut/libertarian thinking)
Orcinus FBI's arrest of Hannity pal Hal Turner has been a long time coming
Congressional Memo - Climate Change Bill May Be Election Issue - (Republicans party like it's 1993)
Daily Kos: Thank you, Keith Olbermann (the "O'Reilly of the Left" in the beady minds of lying Republicans)
Political Memo - Political Shifts on Gay Rights Lag Behind Culture - (Obama still Republican)
The Bobblespeak Translations: The Chris Matthews Show - June 28, 2009
The Bobblespeak Translations: Meet The Press with David Axelrod, Lindsay Graham & Mitt Romney
Pillow Fights at the Four Seasons -
Rules May Limit Use of Cash-for-Clunkers Program -
Grant System Leads Cancer Researchers to Play It Safe - Series - (no break-throughs for your money)
Spooky computers closer to reality : Nature News
U.S. and Russia Differ on a Treaty for Cyberspace - Series - (US: no treaties for us)
Kayak to Bing: Stop Copying Us! - Update | Epicenter |
How To Save The Newspapers, Vol. XII: Outlaw Linking: Judge Richard Posner (Judge Torture is OK is monumentally stupid)
BPI Exec – Industry Shouldn’t Have Fought Napster (not that they will change their thinking)
New Role Urged for ICANN - Business Center - PC World (U.S. Out of ICANN Now!)
Google mocks Bing and the stuff behind it • The Register
The Day Facebook Changed Forever: Messages to Become Public By Default
Are Flickr Photos Fair Game for Home Printing? - Gadgetwise Blog - (still, monumentally stupid comments)
Memo confirms Bush and Blair knew claims Iraq had WMDs were lies
Obama prepares to hold Gitmo guys indefinitely, just as Bush did | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times Obama prepares to hold Gitmo guys indefinitely, just as Bush did
White House Drafts Executive Order To Allow Indefinite Detention Of Terror Suspects (new Bush, same as the old Bush)
Obama contemplates Executive Order for detention without charges - Glenn Greenwald -
Obama Issues Signing Statement On War Spending BIll (plus ca change)
From the White House Files: A Fight Over Michael Jackson - The Caucus Blog - - John G. Roberts Jr. (how they spend their time)
Global warming bill passes the House (with 300 pages added in the middle of the night)
Debunking Canadian health care myths - The Denver Post
Bachmann Speaks Out Against Census -- And Government Asking About People's Mental Stability | TPMDC
Eliminationism on parade: Coulter, Joe the Plumber, and military chaplains' leader wish for deaths | Crooks and Liars (they're cranking up the hate machine)
Daily Kos: Saturday hate mail-apalooza (the Crazy Party)
Members of U.S. House Financial Services Committee snapped up or dumped bank stocks as bottom fell out of market - Metro -
Stephen Hawking: "Asteroid Impacts Biggest Threat to Intelligent Life in the Galaxy"
Dreaming of Nonsense: The Evolutionary Enigma of Dream Content: Scientific American
Graphene Emerging as the Miracle Material of the New Millenium : CleanTechnica - Nerds and Geeks
Iranian cleric says rioters should be executed | International | Reuters
Doctor flees Iran over Neda killing: report | International | Reuters
BBC NEWS | Africa | Horror of Kenya's 'witch' lynchings
Wave of Bombings Continues in Iraq - (victory!)
G8 calls on Israel to freeze settlement building, resume negotiations - Israel News, Ynetnews (threatens Israel's right to expand)
A Thoroughly Un-American Institution - Council on Hemispheric Affairs (School of the America's torture school)
Ireland grants rights to same-sex partnerships - Yahoo! News
Neocon enemies, using diplomacy, reach deal for Shalit's release - Glenn Greenwald -
Michael Jackson Videos: The Best Of The Best
Michael Jackson : Pictures, Videos
Michael Jackson’s Death: Why Cardiac Arrest Is Deadlier Than Heart Attack - Health News -
How Michael Jackson's death shut down Twitter, overwhelmed Google... and 'killed off' Jeff Goldblum | Mail Online
White House Watch - White House Watched (Froomkin's last WaPo column)
Krugman - Not Enough Audacity - (Obama's post-partisan flip-flopping on health care)
Ezra Klein - Does The White House Have a Secret Strategy for Health Reform?
Conyers' Wife Pleads Guilty On Corruption Count | TPMMuckraker
Cheney Predacted | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Boehner: ZOMG! Climate Change Legislation Is Complicated! | TPMDC
Ezra Klein - The Truth About the Insurance Industry (profit!)
The Washington Monthly: Quote Of The Day (Jello Jay on Public Plan)
Marathon Man - Charles Homans Henry Waxman’s climate change bill won’t make it into law this year. That’s why he’s the right guy for the job.
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Your Point Being? (strip searches of teen girls vital tool in war against girls)
Sex Scandal Flow Chart | TPM News Pages
BBC NEWS | Business | China argues to replace US dollar
Food, Energy Outpace Production - Technology - an eFood Article at Scientist Live
Think Progress » Rep. Broun receives applause on the House floor for calling global warming a ‘hoax.’ (R.Stupid)
Test Tube - Behind the scenes in the world of science
Michael Shermer » The Baloney Detection Kit (on RDF TV)
Rating attractiveness: Study finds consensus among men, not women | Science Blog
BellKor's Pragmatic Chaos (Netflix Prize: breaks 10% barrier)
ACLU sues TSA for illegally detaining and searching man carrying $4,700 in cash - Boing Boing (Thug Security Administration)
Internet Anonymity: A Right of the Past? | North Carolina Journal of Law and Technology
Nightjack case kills the right of anonymity | Media | (UK=China)
U.N. Agency Eyes Web Anonymity Controls - CBS News
WWIII Propaganda Posters - a set on Flickr
Flickr as an Interior Decorating Tool - Gadgetwise Blog -
A Photo Editor - NYTimes Advocates Stealing Photos From Flickr To Decorate
Smart, Sexy, Spiritual Goddess Desired for Awesome Relationship with Extraordinary Man (Mark Emerson, new i-meme)
A Deal To Save Iran? - The Daily Beast
ThreatsWatch.Org: RapidRecon: Unimaginable Horror In Tehran Today
Iran's Ahmadinejad compares Obama to Bush | International | Reuters
Raw Story » UK cop accuses colleagues of waterboarding pot suspects
The Koran does not put women in burkas -Times Online
Johann Hari: A fight for the Amazon that should inspire the world - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent
A federal commission offers standards for stopping sexual abuse behind bars. - A federal commission offers useful standards for preventing sexual abuse behind bars ("get tough on crime")
NPR: Turning The Camera Around: Health Care Stakeholders
Specter: Schumer Has It Right On The Public Option | TPMDC
Pentagon approves creation of cyber command | Reuters
Stewart On Sanford: Just Another Politician With A Conservative Mind And A Liberal Penis (video)
For Press, Rumors of Straying but No Hard Evidence - (late to the party, NYT)
Daily Kos: Adultery is a crime in South Carolina! (Southern values: Six months to a year in prison?)
Think Progress » Perino: Sanford affair proves we need to ‘elect more women.’ (because women never cheat)
NY Times Bashes Obama’s HuffPo Question As “Staged,” But Hailed Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” Moment | The Plum Line (your newpaper masters)
"Go ahead, Jeff": Talon News "reporter" Jeff Gannon is McClellan's lifeline during briefings | Media Matters for America (and the NYT didn't say a thing)
UPDATED: Why the Village is so mad at Nico Pitney | Media Matters for America (Dana Milbank, Republican wanker)
Savana Redding Strip Search Was Illegal, Supreme Court Says (Clarence Thomas dissents: loves girls underpants) Zero tolerance strip search declared illegal, but what are the implications? Habitually Mislabeling Politicians (Fox: Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot were Democrats)
The Washington Monthly: Ralph Reed? (Christian Coalition makes a comeback!)
Media Matters Responds To Michael (Weiner) Savage Threats, Cyberstalking (video)
According To WSJ, Google Not Just A 'Thief' But A 'Digital Vampire' | Techdirt (from the mouth of Satan)
Sadly, No! » Time Crapsule (wingut compendium from the War on Terra)
Jobless Claims Show Surprise Gain; GDP Loss Cut to 5.5% -
Fannie, Freddie asked to relax condo loan rules: report | Reuters (tighter rules would delay re-inflating the housing bubble)
Wall Street Begins Campaign to Thwart ‘Populist Overreaction’ - (overreaction, huh)
Cash for Clunkers: Will your car qualify? |
Email patterns can predict impending doom - tech - 22 June 2009 - New Scientist
The Danger of Digging Deeper - Interactive Graphic -
Turning a Profit on Juice | Dreamers | Reader's Digest
Michael Jackson is dead [Updated] | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Gulls' vicious attacks on whales
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | 'Stoned wallabies make crop circles'
London's Treasure Hunt Riots | Paul Slade - Journalist
North Korea Threatens To Wipe Out The U.S. "Once And For All"
BBC NEWS | Middle East | 'Dozens dead' in Baghdad bombing (bringing freedom to Iraq)
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Ex-detainees allege Bagram abuse (no photos, didn't happen)
U.S. to send ambassador to Syria after 4 years - Yahoo! News (Ambassador to the Axis of Evil)
U.S. Drone Strike Said to Kill 60 in Pakistan - (that plan not to kill civilians worked really well)
Deadliest Strike Yet in Pakistan Drone War | Danger Room | (at funeral for civilians killed in previous deadly fucked-up bombing)
UN Backs Drug Decriminalization In World Drug Report (Republicans nix plan)
Berlusconi: I've Never Paid For Sex (world leader)
New clashes reported in Iran – The CNN Wire - Blogs :: Realtime Results From Iran and USA :: The purpose of this article is to invalidate the preliminary claims of election fraud in Iran
Jason Jones: Behind the Veil - Ayatollah You So | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Bishops 'could be banished from the House of Lords' - Telegraph
Marketing, Mobile, IT and Business Daily News by Candeias » Blog Archive » German court rules pupils can rate teachers online
Ombudsman Blog - Post Axes Froomkin's "White House Watch" (after receiving 800 comments on Froomkin's firing, Omblog takes a vacation - after deleting hundreds of comments)
Hal Turner, Internet Radio Host, Arrested For Inciting Violence Against Public Officials...Again (terrorist rightwing radionuts)
The "Neda video," torture, and the truth-revealing power of images - Glenn Greenwald - (Half of the American citizenry is now explicitly pro-torture for "suspects" not known terrorists) (+Wapo news-clown Dana Milbank)
Dana Milbank Shows Nico Pitney What A Serious Journalist Looks Like
NPR: Harsh Interrogation Techniques or Torture? (looks like NPR's ombudsman fled to Argentina)
David Westin: My Response To House Republicans' Criticism Of Our Upcoming Health Care Special
Why the Critics of a Public Option for Health Care Are Wrong | Robert Reich's Blog
Matthew Yglesias » Baucus Regrets Not Including Single-Payer in the Health Care Mix
David Price: Obama's Classroom Spies (Obama makes Spies for Jesus permanent intelligence budget item)
On Fox, Mark Sanford "(D)" holds press conference | Media Matters for America
Sanford Press Conference Leaves Unanswered Questions | TPMMuckraker
Flashback: Sanford Voted To Impeach Bill Clinton | TPMDC
Gov Sanford Explains How Affair Began | TPMTV
Sanford In Argentina, Not On Appalachian Trail, He Says On Return (they both start with "A")
Source: "There Is Some Evidence [Sanford] Was Not Alone" | TPMMuckraker
The Missing Governor: A Timeline | TPMMuckraker (LOLfuckedupRepublicans)
Sanford: Don't Cry For Me (I Was In) Argentina | TPM
Sanford To Lover: "I Love The Erotic Beauty Of You Holding Yourself" | TPMMuckraker (the story that just keeps on giving)
Revealed: The Sanford/Ensign Connection | TPMMuckraker (special club for cheating Christians) x
Southern Political Report
Glenn Beck Plays With Dolls On "The O'Reilly Factor" (video)
DOJ: AIPAC case witness was asked to 'fake...suicide' - Josh Gerstein - (but ... what about ACORN!)
Gawker - How Fox News Educates Its Viewers - Bill O'reilly (Barbie dolls + ACORN)
GOP Congressman Says Obama's Hesitance On Iran Responsible For Violence (cause he didn't bomb the shit out of them)
Balloon Juice » But that he loved himself more (John McCain, world-class narcissist)
The Bobblespeak Translations: Obama Press Conference - June 23, 2009
Registered Traveler flier-pass vendor Clear shuts down - Travel -
Steve Brill's Airport Clear Card Grounded | Peter Kafka | MediaMemo | AllThingsD (Steve Brill: serial FAIL)
A Tiny Revolution: CBS News Edits Out Billy Graham Reference To "Synagogue Of Satan"
Milbank incensed by "planted question" -- but not enough to tell readers what it was | Media Matters for America (your WaPo news guardians at work - criticizing "liberal outlets such as the Huffington Post" and letting actual Iranians speak)
Why Obama's Iranian Citizen Question Really Matters (not your news-clowns petulant complaints)
Nixon Comments Disclosed on Abortion and Watergate - (stupid NYT headline, should have been "Nixon revealed as racist)
Here comes a new Pecora Commission! | Crooks and Liars
California to Pay Creditors With I.O.U.’s -
Do you really want to tax ability? | vox - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists
Calculated Risk: Shadow Housing Inventory: Walked Away, but Lender Hasn't Foreclosed
Females who rent weigh less: Survey Homeowning women outweigh their renting counterparts by an average of 12 pound
Stunning pictures of 'hole in the clouds' as astronauts witness volcano eruption from the International Space Station | Mail Online
The Breakthrough Institute
Putting A Financial Spin On Global Warming : NPR
Last Chance to See. Angkor Wat Edition.
VQR » Blog » Chris Anderson’s Free Contains Apparent Plagiarism
Wired Struggles to Find Niche in Magazine World -
MySpace Layoffs Continue: 300 International Jobs, 2/3 Of Overseas Workforce
New Jersey Girl Posts Nude Photos Of Herself, Gets Probation
Iran elections: Ahmadinejad to be sworn in as president by August | World news |
Iran in crisis: live - 23 June 2009 | News |
Son's Death Has Iranian Family Asking Why -
Iran's Web Spying Aided By Western Technology - European Gear Used in Vast Effort to Monitor Communications
The 2009 Failed States Index | Foreign Policy | 2009 Failed States Index - Interactive Map and Rankings (Israel off the list; China added)
YouTube - North Korean Killing Fields 2
BBC NEWS | UK | Cold War 'war book' released
Op-Ed Columnist - Who Are We? - Policies that were wrong under George W. Bush are no less wrong because Barack Obama is in the White House.
Consortiumnews: Serving the Medical-Industrial Complex
Hullabaloo: dday: Learn, Damn You, Learn!!!
Sotomayor Fight Eroding What’s Left Of Latino Support For GOP? | The Plum Line
Sanford Disappearance Sparks Fight With Lieutenant Governor
McCain Hits Obama On Iran Again, Joe Klein Tells Him "Be Quiet" (video)
How MySpace Blew It - The Daily Beast (everyone was stupid)
Why Work?
Cars and Trucks Made in the U.S.A. - Map - Interactive Graphic -
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Special Interest Money Means Longer Odds for Public Option (more corrupt=less support for public plan)
YouTube - Star formation by collapse of molecular clouds
Why do so many believe in Jesus? Because they don’t actually know what the Bible says. « the BEattitude
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen :: :: Reviews
Tehran Broadcast - Protest in Iran: Day 9
Iran Had a Democracy Before We Took It Away |
The Devil Is in the Digits: Evidence That Iran's Election Was Rigged - (Mullahs cheated, just like Bush)
Iran: Police break up fresh protests in Tehran - Adnkronos Security
Unrest in Iran Sharply Deepens Rift Among Clerics -
Iranian state television Reports 10 people Killed During Tehran Protests - Sky News Video Player
Iraq Blasts Kill More Than a Dozen - (invade Iraq!)
Fondly, Greenland Loosens Danish Rule -
U.S. Toughens Airstrike Policy in Afghanistan - (blowing up civilians not working)
Video: Arrested for asking a policeman for his badge number | Environment | (no names, no faces, no numbers)
'Drug tourism' seen as Mexico legalizes some substances | Chronicle | - Houston Chronicle
Understanding Obama on Iran - Andy McCarthy - The Corner on National Review Online The fact is that, as a man of the hard Left, Obama is more comfortable with a totalitarian Islamic regime than he would be with a free Iranian society (Republican nutcase/legal expert on parade)
Sanford, missing since Thursday, reportedly located - Local / Metro - The State (bizarro Republicans)
Watchdog group plans ethics complaint against Ensign - Las Vegas Sun (more bizarro Republicans)
White House Changes the Terms of a Campaign Pledge About Posting Bills Online - (transparency is so 2008)
He's Barack Obama | Funny Video Animation by JibJab
Oxdown Gazette » Super Wealthy Sen. Feinstein Joins Wealthy Republican Senators to Claim US Can’t Afford Health Care for Everyone (DiFi hates you)
Krugman - Health Care Showdown - - a handful of Democratic senators are still determined to party like it’s 1993 (Blue Dogs will block reform)
GOP: no benefit to court fight - Manu Raju - (it's all about them)
Matthew Yglesias » Waxman-Markey Will Help the Poor, Impose Modest Costs on the Wealthy (+Republican lies)
Insurers Revoke Policies To Avoid Paying High Costs : NPR (no steenking socialism)
GMA interview of Obama health care team ignores progressive concerns | Media Matters for America (Diane Sawyer brings you corporate-approved news)
Google Using Wikipedia as a Source for Its News Site - (without paying the NYT anything!)
Google News experimenting with links to Wikipedia on its homepage » Nieman Journalism Lab
Red States vs Blue States Map and Analysis - Esquire - Is America Moving to Blue-State Country? (the Bush immigration wave is reversing)
Firedoglake » 238 Members of Congress Disagree with the President: The Fed Needs More Accountability (we've moved on to post-transparency and post-accountability)
Continuing Claims “Exhaustion Rate” | The Big Picture
Top Indian CEO: Most American Grads Are ‘Unemployable’ - Global CIO Blog - InformationWeek (big surprise)
California’s Solution to $24 Billion Budget Gap Is Going to Bring Some Pain - (Aaanold and the Republicans have destroyed California)
Confessions of a Bailout CEO Wife -
The Brain: Stop Paying Attention: Zoning Out Is a Crucial Mental State | Memory, Emotions, & Decisions | DISCOVER Magazine
The Weirdest Object in the Solar System? | LiveScience
Can university subjects reveal terrorists in the making? - opinion - 15 June 2009 - New Scientist (if they're Muslim engineers)
Scientology leadership rife with physical violence, report says - Los Angeles Times
Should Disordered Appetites be Civil Rights? - Catholic Online (Catholics: gay=obesity)
BBC NEWS | Americas | Miami's tent city for sex offenders
Female intimate partner violence and developmental trajectories of abusive females | International Journal of Men's Health | Find Articles at BNET
Connecticut Law Tribune: Shock Jock May Have Stepped Over Line (right-wing violence)
The Benefits of a Classical Education - O'Reilly Radar
Mind Your BlackBerry or Mind Your Manners -
Google Trends: gay lesbian (most teen-aged boys are lesbians)
The new conservative rap ‘sensation’ sweeping Fox Nation - Daily Kos TV (go Republicans!)
Did I say that? | Life and style |
John Lennon’s Pact with Satan by Joseph Niezgoda - book review by Margaret Gallitzin
The 1Kb CSS Grid by Tyler Tate :: A simple, lightweight approach
CSS3 Unleashed – Tips, Tricks and Techniques | W3Avenue
Claims of vote-rigging in Iran backed by British academics’ analysis - Times Online
In Iran, One Woman's Death May Have Many Consequences - Time
Google LatLong: Imagery update for Tehran
Violence Grips Tehran Amid Crackdown -
YouTube - Latest from Iran - Basij headquarters set on fire
BBC : Teheran coverage
Planned North Korea Missile Launch Has Hawaii Residents On Edge (sure)
Iraq: Suicide truck bombing kills dozens -
DAWN.COM | World | Beat extremists you can, says Obama
Global Voices Online » China: Mass incident sparked by a dead body
In Poll, Wide Support for Government-Run Health -
Frank Rich - Obama’s Make-or-Break Summer - (no financial reform, probably not much else)
Worst false equivalency of the week | Media Matters for America Poll: Obama down, Cheney up (President Cheney)
Donald Rumsfeld in Repose -- Time
Email from John Harris: regrets dispute with Dan Froomkin - Glenn Greenwald - (media=Republicans=lies)
The Washington Post, Dan Froomkin and the establishment media - Glenn Greenwald -
The Froomkin firing - Paul Krugman Blog - - "But now he looks like someone who was right when the serious people were wrong — and that means he has to go." (Fred Hiatt, of course)
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan: The Anti-Semite Card, Again (this is how they work)
Campaign Silo » How The Post Tried To Kill Froomkin’s Traffic
Watchdog Blog » Blog Archive » On Calling Bullshit (11/30/2006)
2010 Census Will Count Same-Sex Couples In Reversal Of Bush Policy
The Bobblespeak Translations: Meet The Press with Sam Nunn and Fred Thompson - June 21, 2009
Larry Sabato And The D.C. Pundit-Industrial Complex | The Plum Line (they are all on the take)
Matthew Yglesias » Public Opinion Strongly Favors Public Plan (so, we won't have a public plan)
Oxdown Gazette » Times/CBS Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Ready for Universal Care with Public Health Plan. Where’s Congress?
Obama's False Financial Reform (everyone was to blame, no one was responsible, regulation would be un-Republican)
Goldman Sachs to make record bonus payout | Business | The Observer (biggest bonuses in history)
Nortel to sell itself off in pieces - Yahoo! Finance
Everyday Scientist » missing link? (not so much)
Alcohol a Common Factor in Suicides -
Deep Throat: FBI Tried To Stop Film (highest levels of Nixon's Government)
At V.A. Hospital, a Rogue Cancer Unit - (Bush care: botched 92 of 116 cancer treatments over a span of more than six years)
Why Are Condoms Disliked by So Many Men? - ABC News - $423,500 grant to researchers at The Kinsey Institute
» A Deeper Look at The Iranian Firewall · Security to the Core | Arbor Networks Security
Full Commodore 64 Emulator Rejected from App Store | Touch Arcade
Chrome and Firefox 3.5 Memory Usage
AMD Outs Lying Laptop Makers About Battery Life - HotHardware
Mount Saint Joseph High School (this site will be different tomorrow)
Matt Cutts: PageRank sculpting
About rel="nofollow" - Webmasters/Site owners Help
My dad saved me, and I killed him - Los Angeles Times
YouTube - Interview with Frank Zappa
Buffy vs Edward (Twilight Remixed)
Get a Life, Holden Caulfield -
East Villagers Remember a Cat Called Pretty Boy -
Michael Roston - Newsbroke - The suicide bombing of the Khomeini shrine has all the signs of a false flag attack - True/Slant
iran - News, photos, topics, and quotes
Parvez Sharma: There Will Be Blood -- Exclusive Interview With an Iranian Journalist in Tehran
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | MPs 'over-claimed' on council tax More than 50 MPs have claimed expenses for council tax they have not paid (bunch of tax cheats)
The Dawning of Internet Censorship in Germany :
Campaign Silo » Froomkin v. Washington Post — The Battle Continues (disgusting: "Froomkin was fired for making his colleagues look bad by being right all the time")
Eschaton: Liberal (Froomkin)
YouTube - Keith Olbermann: Bill Maher Talks About Taking On Obama
YouTube - HBO's Bill Maher Takes On President Obama
Poll: Republican Party Now Less Popular Than Dick Cheney | The Plum Line (good news for Republicans!)
Orange County News - Meet Orly Taitz, Queen Bee of People Obsessed With Barack Obama's Birth Certificate (and this is why)
Obsidian Wings: The Big Reveal (George Packer: anti-liberal and bad-faith artist)
On Terrorist Watch List, but Allowed to Buy Guns - (if you're a white Republican)
Spy Training Program Could Come to Universities -
YouTube - New Rules Bill Maher Jun 19, 2009 (two-party system is over; we have a center-right party and a crazy party)
Reader’s Digest Moves Right of Middle-America - (goes right-wing + "pink wool shirt-dress, patent leather Manolo Blahnik heels, and diamond hoop earrings")
Truthdig - Reports - The American Empire Is Bankrupt
ClubOrlov: Definancialisation, Deglobalisation, Relocalisation
Live Interactive Ship Location Map | Research Reloaded
Live Interactive Ships Traffic Worldwide Map
Hard Times for New England’s 3-Deckers -
Cancer: shock breakthrough - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent Patients with inoperable prostate disease recover after single dose of drug
Dad: More than Just a Guy with Sperm | LiveScience
Chronic High Doses of Cannabinoids Promote Hippocampal Neurogenesis « Science. Why not?
The Beckley Foundation :: Research Projects | Investigating Cerebral Circulation as the Physiological Underpinning of Consciousness
Get Smarter - The Atlantic (July/August 2009) (evolution of intelligence +William Calvin)
Like a hole in the head: The return of trepanation - health - 17 June 2009 - New Scientist
Race matters to 3-month-olds, study finds
YouTube - Mandy Patinkin - South Pacific - Carefully Taught
Islamic veil comes under U.S. court scrutiny - Holy Post
France to consider banning the burka - Telegraph
Home | global oneness project
Douglas Murray: Why we must debate with extremists like al-Muhajiroun | Comment is free | The oxygen of free societies is freedom of speech. Everything short of incitement has to be tolerated, even when it is wrong
Petitioners penalized $2,000
The Only Artificial Thing Abercrombie & Fitch Wants on Its Employees Is Its Image [Yup, Another Lawsuit] – Zelda Lily: Feminism in a Bra
Bozeman City job requirement raises privacy concerns (and whose idea was this?)
Worio Search - discovery engine that works alongside keyword search to expose you to stuff you've been missing using search alone.
Head to Head: The Nokia N97 and HTC Touch Pro 2 - All About Symbian Feature
Nokia N97 review: Lock, stock and touch -
Nokia N97 Review - (Phone Arena Reviews)
Samsung B7610 OmniaPRO - Full phone specifications
Flip Flop Fly Ball
Rob Zombie Claims He Owns the Word "Zombie" | My Ghoul Friday
YouTube - THE AMERICAN NIGHTMARE Horror Documentary
Gawker - World's Worst Artist, Jesus Team Up For Scam - Art
No Shirts at Improv Everywhere
YouTube - All the Great 10 Minutes
Iran protests: live - 19 June 2009 | News | (
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the politics of denial | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free |
Khamenei Speech Angers UK
Images reveal full horror of 'Amazon's Tiananmen' - Americas, World - The Independent
Parents banned from taking pictures of their own children at sports day - Telegraph (police state UK gets even more bizaare)
BBC NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | Lisbon's light-touch drugs policy ("off the table" in US)
The Washington Monthly - Dept. Of Elections, Consequences (should have said "shut up, you blundering asshole")
Daily Dose - New Bipartisan Group to Tackle Health-Care Reform (Obama loves bi-partisan solutions)
Ezra Klein - The Finance Committee's "Comprehensive Incrementalism" there is no strong public plan able to negotiate low rates and implement aggressive reforms (Obama's pro-business private plan with "incremental reforms")
Public Strongly Supports Public Health Care Option (ooooh, Mr Public, we're so afraid of you)
Blue Dog Effort Threatens Dem Unity On Public Option Rep. Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.) (fucks America again)
ABC Says No to GOP Ads During Obama Healthcare Special - US News and World Report (Repubs wanted to run attack ads during special)
Fox caught with its pants down on ABC attacks - Daily Kos TV
Spouse of Ensign's mistress sought help in letter to Fox News - Las Vegas Sun Husband’s account of how wife’s affair with Ensign ‘ruined our lives and careers’ comes to light (but Fox buried the story)
Why do so many people say they voted for Obama when they didn't? - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine
Barbara Boxer: Call Me 'Senator' (Mr Military)
Historical Keepsake Photo: Tennessee GOP Staffer Emails Racist Obama "Spook" Photo (Sherri Goforth, Republican racist asshole should be fired)
Sen Diane Black’s (R-Gallatin) legislative aid circulates racist email « Nashville Is Talking
Op-Ed Columnist - Out of the Shadows - his plan basically punts on the question of how to keep it from happening all over again, pushing the hard decisions off to future regulators (biggest financial crisis in history, and Obama brings forth ... no reform)
Worse than subprime? Other mortgages imploding slowly | McClatchy "They're probably going to default at a rate that makes subprime look like a walk in the park"
CEOs of Bailed-Out Banks Flew to Resorts on Firms' Jets - (banksters at play on your dime)
The Earth under the microscope
Unarmed, Innocent Man Shot, Killed by Miami Beach Police : Federal Jack (walking while Muslim)
AT&T and Verizon deny price-fixing accusations | Wireless - CNET News
YouTube - Terminator 3 Sergent Candy Scene
Robert Fisk: Secret letter 'proves Mousavi won poll' - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent
Is this another Iranian revolution? | TPMCafe
Police stop and search innocent people to balance race figures, terror watchdog says - Times Online (UK police state)
South Africa Rape Study: 1 In 4 Men Admit Rape
BBC NEWS | UK | First trial without jury approved (land of the Magna Carta)
The Washington Post fires its best columnist. Why? - Glenn Greenwald -
Watchdog Blog » Blog Archive » Celebrity Journalism at the White House
Bush Breaks Silence, Goes After Obama In Speech
Cheney's FBI Interview Over Plame Leak To Be Reviewed By Judge
Senate OKs block of alleged abuse photos - (more transparency)
Emptywheel » In April 2003, after Waterboarding Him 183 Times, the CIA Admitted KSM Was Lying to Them
Court finds convicts have no right to test DNA -
Obama Poll Sees Doubt on Budget and Health Care -
Obama Boost: New Poll Shows 76% Support For Choice Of Public Plan
Daily Kos: Without a Public Option, It's Not Really "Reform" (Daschle, Dole Say Public Option Must Be Scrapped: corporate tools)
Daschle's Firm And Group Have Ties To Private Health Care Industry Political Bulletin: Polls Show Declining Support For Obama Decisions (turns out, a pro-business Republican President might have some problems)
Battle Brewing On Capitol Hill Over Obama's Proposed Consumer Protection Agency (banksters will veto)
Twitter Users Heckle Hoekstra En Masse | TPMDC (Republicans Battle Brewing On Capitol Hill Over Obama's Proposed Consumer Protection Agency
are absurd)
Firedoglake » Did John Ensign Report His Ex-Employee’s Attempted Extortion?
Two sources: Supreme Court ruling on U.S. Senate race to arrive tomorrow | Politics in Minnesota
Firedoglake » Financial Re-Regulation: Grades are in, and Obama’s Plan Gets a D+ (pro-business Republican)
Obama's Plan Falls Flat With Many Economists : NPR
Ezra Klein - The Green Lantern Theory of Financial Regulation
Jobless Claims Rise, but Continuing Claims Shrink -
BBC NEWS | Business | US unveils banking reform plans
Historical Home Prices
Senator asks about firings of watchdogs --
Richard Scrushy Ordered To Pay $2.9B To Shareholders
Bug resurrected after 120,000 years: Scientific American
Quantum Secrets: A New Standard in Crytopgraphy?
Sonic Black Hole Traps Sound Waves: Discovery News
Avoiding digital decay: Not forgotten | The Economist
What If Vitamin D Deficiency Is a Cause of Autism?: Scientific American
Technology Review: A Stem-Cell Therapy for Blindness Advanced Cell Technology will seek approval for human trials of its treatment for vision loss.
s Scientists capture the first image of memories being made
Understanding Genetics: Human Health and the Genome I recently read that the male Y chromosome used to have 1,438 genes, and only has 45 now. If the chromosome continues to degrade, are men going to go extinct?
Internet still the leading source for news
Michael Geist - Harvard Study Finds Weaker Copyright Protection Has Benefited Society (society? what Disney?)
Thomas verdict: willful infringement, $1.92 million penalty - Ars Technica $80,000 per song damage award
Alex Faaborg - » The New Firefox Icon
Fox Newser Arrested for Dragging Cyclist 200 Yards | PEEK | AlterNet (another Republican)
City in Montana requires job applicants to hand over all social network logins and passwords for background checks - Boing Boing
Neb. Catholic Group Pushes Rule Change Allowing Licensed Psychologists to Refuse Treatment for Gays | Carnal San Francisco
Fliers call for drivers to blockade Sunrise Century cyclists : County News : Boulder Daily Camera
Vancouver police update camera/cell phone seizure policy
Chicago police to mark 1968 'riots' -
Chicago Examined: Anatomy Of A "Police Riot' - TIME
Review: Hard disk vs. solid-state drive -- is an SSD worth the money?
Appeals Court Backs Prison for E-Mail Obscenity | Threat Level |
NSA Secret Database Ensnared President Clinton’s Private E-mail | Threat Level |
YouTube - "Lightning" Amazing Street Performance (monks with flaming heads on Segways)
New Protest Builds as Iran Expands Its Crackdown - (protestors face death under Islamic law)
Mousavi Calls For New Rally Thursday In Direct Challenge To Supreme Leader
Iran protests: live | News |
Israel's Lieberman tells Clinton no to settlement freeze | TPM News Pages
Drug War: Mexico Military FInds One Of Country's Largest Meth Labs
Holder Wants As "Complete A Report" On Bush Lawyers As Soon As Possible
House passes war-funding bill, despite reservations | McClatchy (Dems on board)
E-Mail Surveillance Renews Concerns in Congress - (yes, they lied; call Joe Klein)
Obama blocks access to White House visitor list - White House- Taking Bush's position, administration denies request for logs (coad industry execs protected: transparency)
What's 100,000 or so deaths "to retain political and professional credibility"? | Philly | 06/16/2009 - what went wrong with media coverage in the run-up and then during the war in Iraq (so much blood on their hands)
Michael Hastings - The Hastings Report - Media: Why supporting the Iraq War was the smart career move - True/Slant (and will land you in hell forever)
Meet the press—and see why it failed at several critical points during the Iraq War.
White House Explains IG Firing -- Will It Be Enough? | TPMMuckraker
Obama to extend some benefits to same-sex partners - Ben Smith - - like "relocation assistance" (to some foreign country)
Daily Kos: Obama reacts to angry LGBT community ... with relocation assistance (no domestic partner benefits)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: The Sex-Selection Red Herring (Lord Saletan of Slate and his bogus anti-abortion arguements)
Should we ban sex-selective abortion? « Accumulating Peripherals
DETNEWS | Weblogs | Politics Blog
Streetsblog Capitol Hill » GOP’s New Attack on Health Care Reform Bill: It Promotes Walking! (fat old white guys hate walking ... where's my limo?)
Ezra Klein - Health Insurance Exchanges: The Most Important, Undernoticed Part of Health Reform
Healthcare CEOs Shoot Themselves in the Foot | Mother Jones (private insurance is great! until you need it)
Top 7 Conservative New Media FAILS So Far this Year | TPMDC
More Far-Right Violence? Anti-Immigrant Suspects In Arizona Killing Have Ties To White Supremacists | TPMMuckraker
I'm pretty sure this is why Juan Williams isn't allowed to associate himself with NPR when he appears on The O'Reilly Factor | Media Matters for America
John Ensign Affair: GOP Senator Admits Relationship With Ex-Campaign Staffer (case #9128401 in Repubican hypocracy - Ensign is a Promise Keeper! and trashed Clinton and Craig)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » And Another for the Family Values File
Tangled Web Of Jobs, Money, Illicit Sex Links Ensign, Former Staffers | TPMMuckraker (just gets better)
Archive » O’Reilly study generates national attention » Indiana University School of Journalism
Roger Ebert's Journal: Archives The O'Reilly Procedure
PBS to ban new religious shows - Washington Post- Compromise ends threat to stations that already broadcast church services (like WBUR)
Firedoglake » Obama’s Financial Overhaul — More Like a Tune-Up (the greatest financial disaster in the history of the world has brought forth ... no change)
Op-Ed Contributor - Too Poor to Make the News -
Calif. Aid Request Spurned By U.S. - Officials Push State To Repair Budget
FDA: Zicam Can Cause Permanent Loss Of Smell (video)
Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off - The Atlantic (July/August 2009)
Vogue editor launches new war on size-zero fashion - Times Online
Therese Borchard: 7 Ways To Stay Out 0f The Psych Ward
Charity in gay adoption battle hit with legal bills | 2009 News | The Christian Institute (no money left for "charity")
No name-calling - Shenanigans - Politico.Com (Elizabeth Becton, better known as "Liz" makes herself famous on the internets for all enternity)
YouTube - Play Helen off Keyboard Cat. And then join Daryl and John.
The "Bomb Iran" contingent's newfound concern for The Iranian People - Glenn Greenwald -
Matthew Yglesias » Neocon Egomania on Iran John McCain
The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - N.Korean Heir Apparent Linked to Assassination Plot
Obama Blocks Visitor List Access, Echoing Bush (meet the new boss)
Editorial - A Bad Call on Gay Rights - (more of the same boss)
AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth: Rachel Maddow and Howard Dean on Obama's DOMA controversy
TPMDC Morning Roundup | The House GOP will vote en masse against the new war funding bill. What about the troops?
Matthew Yglesias » On the War Supplemental We can all recall the days when voting against an emergency war supplemental bill was the most evil and un-American thing ever
GOP activist likens Michelle Obama to a gorilla - Feministing
About Sonia Sotomayor's "summer reading" | Media Matters for America (Pat Buchanan, Tom Ashbrook's favorite guest)
Attack of the Zombie Republicans - The Daily Beast - Rush, Newt, and Dick are doing what zombies do best: laying waste to everyone’s brains.
A Letter to the President from Joe Solmonese « HRC Back Story (gay rights "off the table")
California to miss budget deadline, meltdown nears | U.S. | Reuters (Aaanold terminates Califoria)
British Airways asks staff to work for free - Times Online
The Rise of the Milky Way | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Review - Drugs and Justice - Ethics
Has the mystery of sex been explained at last? - life - 15 June 2009 - New Scientist
Scientists: Warp Drive Might Not Be a Good Idea - Gearlog
Rachel #439: Tire Dust
Jewish couple sue neighbours for 'imprisoning' them with automatic hallway light | Mail Online (sound familiar?)
Opera Unite
Opera Unite : programming
Daily Kos: Obama: Iranian people "should be heard and respected"
Iran Updates (video): Live-Blogging The Uprising
Why is Dennis Ross being ousted as Obama envoy to Iran? - Haaretz - Israel News (Iran unhappy with Zionist Jew as Envoy)
Iran elections: The hope that Iran threw away - Telegraph A vital chance to rebuild economic relations with the West was lost in the disputed election
Thousands Protest In Iran Amid Call For Vote Probe : NPR
Asia Times Online :: Middle East News, Iraq, Iran current affairs The meaning of the Tehran spring By Pepe Escobar
Don't call what happened in Iran last week an election. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine It was a crudely stage-managed insult to everyone involved.
Mondoweiss: Shocker: Number of Americans who say U.S. should support Israel drops from 71% to 44% in one year - "sharp drop in Americans’ perception that Israel’s government seeks peace"
Netanyahu, Mideast peace and a return to the Axis of Evil - Haaretz - Israel News
Oxdown Gazette » Obama’s Stunning Health Care Reform Speech to the AMA (they booed him)
Emptywheel » Court Allows Padilla Suit Against Yoo To Proceed (wow)
Leon Panetta and the C.I.A.: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker (no: satsq)
CIA chief believes Cheney almost wants U.S. attacked | Reuters (what gave you that idea?)
Defense Department sees protests as terrorism - (there goes your democracy)
Exclusive: House Dems Planning Major Changes To Secret CIA Briefings Of Congress | The Plum Line
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | "It Is Not About Us"
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Also, I’ll Have Kale, Spinach and Peas For Dinner the coverage of the events in Iran by American bloggers was giving me a warblogger circa 2003 vibe
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Speaking of Group Wanks
a Without a budget, California could issue IOUs - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee
The Architecture Issue - Getting Up to Speed - High Speed Rail in California -
Monserrate Flips Back to Democrats in State Senate - (dis-fucking-fuctional)
Krugman - Stay the Course - (Repubs want to back to biz as usual)
Extended Stay Hotels Seeks Chapter 11 -
Calculated Risk: Mall Space
Home | BankTracker | Investigative Reporting Workshop
N.Y. Times mines its data to identify words that readers find abstruse » Nieman Journalism Lab
Wordle - NY Times Hard Words
“Dear Pixar, How About a Chick Flick…?” | Cartoon Brew
YouTube - Eric Whitacre - With a Lily in Your Hand
YouTube - Eric Whitacres sleep Lyrics by Robert Frost
The dawn of quantum applications
U.S. Births Hint at Bias for Boys in Some Asians -
The long debate over adding ununbium to the periodic table of the elements. - By Sam Kean - Slate Magazine
HowStuffWorks "Can a person remember being born?"
Think tank: Costly libel suits are stifling science -Times Online
Women May Not Be So Picky After All About Choosing a Mate + the mere act of approaching a potential love interest can boost desire
Charlie Lynch: One Year in Prison : Dispatches from the Culture Wars (prison-state Amerika)
HeraldNet: Activist Shawna Forde charged in double slaying (Minutmen anti-immigration thugs)
Marijuana Legalization: Momentum Building For Broad Debate: AP
Cell Phone Execs Will Face Questions On Text Messaging Price Hikes | News Junkie
Nokia N97 review from TechRadar UK's expert reviews of Mobile phones
Take Your Design To The Next Level With CSS3 | CSS | Smashing Magazine
Desktop lets you treat Firefox bookmarks like desktop icons
24 Great Open Source Apps for Admins & Technicians
Technology Review: Hunch: A Cure for Indecision?
Social Graph & Beyond: Tim Berners-Lee's Graph is The Next Level
Data 2.0: How the Web disrupts our relational database world
Neo4j - a Graph Database that Kicks Buttox | High Scalability
URL Toolbox: 90+ URL Shortening Services - A Virtual Bank With Real Woes -
EVE Online | EVE Insider | Forums
My 16 Favorite Keyboard Cat Videos [Play Them Off, Keyboard Cat!]
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Guide: How Iran is ruled
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan: It's Spreading (videos of Iranian protestors)
Daily Kos: Updated IV: Breaking: Ayatollas Call for New Elections, Telephone Cut Off Teheran, Mousavi Arrested
Ahmadinejad Re-Elected; Protests Flare - (Bush redux)
Air France pilots faced a cascade of failures - Los Angeles Times
GOP-Leaning Majority Seen Fading in U.S. - (permanent minority)
Orcinus Tragedy at the Holocaust Museum: Stand Up To Terror (chronology of the rise of right-wing terror)
Think Progress » Buchanan argues against affirmative action: ‘One prefers the old bigotry.’ (favorite guest of MSNBC and NPR)
O'Reilly Rages Against Joan Walsh Over Tiller Murder (driven by demons) )
Gawker - How to Crush Bill O'Reilly - Bill O'reilly - Rabbi: Obama Breeds Climate of Hate Against Jews
Calculated Risk: Fitch Expects Home Prices to Fall through 2nd Half of 2010
Bad science: cocaine study that got up the nose of the US | Ben Goldacre | Comment is free | The Guardian (new anti-science Obama administration)
Why are they trying to gag a top British science writer? | Nick Cohen | Comment is free | The Observer When chiropractors drag a top science writer into the libel courts, the country has lost its backbone
Are urban tapeworms on the rise?: Scientific American Blog
the quackometer: McTimoney Chiropractors told to take down their web sites
Eric Margolis: Getting To The Truth About World War II
Teacher Who Let Students "Vote Out" 5-Year-Old Boy with Asperger's Syndrome Gets Her Job Back - Disaboom
British Journal of Photography - All quiet on the Westminster front (classic catch-22: Brits classify site where photographers can't take pictures)
tallguywrites: Darkness
YouTube - The Whitest Kids U Know- The Never Song
15 Common Drinking Myths Debunked | Sloshspot Blog
BBC NEWS | Technology | Microsoft to give away anti-virus
YouTube - Lucky Channel Episode 10 - Tsundere
The Associated Press: WHO: Swine flu pandemic has begun, 1st in 41 years
Darkness falls: It's the end of justice, is the end of the press, it is the end of blogs in Italy (Berlusconi goes full Mussolini)
White House Browbeats Dem Freshmen On War Money: "You'll Never Hear From Us Again" (they only want blue-dog Dems)
Steve Clemons: Can National Security Adviser James Jones Survive a Second Round of Attacks and "Longer Knives"? - "unable to animate nimble, high flex policy decision making products" (in a nutshell)
Krugman - The Big Hate -
BBC NEWS | Africa | Chad man released from Guantanamo 14 years old when detained by the US in Guantanamo Bay camp has been released after seven years
Think Progress » Boehner: Republicans ‘took it in the shorts with Bush-Cheney.’
Decline and Fall: Donald Rumsfeld's Dramatic End - - Despite his reputation as a shrewd politician and skilled bureaucratic infighter (only in Fred Hiatts anencephalic head)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | What If Von Brunn Had Been A Muslim? (he would have been a terrorist)
AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth: Obama defends DOMA in federal court. Says banning gay marriage is good for the federal budget. Invokes incest and marrying children.
Obama Admin Moves To Dismiss Defense Of Marriage Act Challenge
Matthew Yglesias » Conservatives for Socialized Medicine
Limbaugh on Holocaust museum shooter: "This guy is a leftist if anything" | Media Matters for America (because rightwing murderers are always "leftist")
Balloon Juice : Manichean Morans - the puke funnel in action.
Failing Up | Media Matters | If you're Jeffrey Rosen, and the target of your hit-piece is Sonia Sotomayor, Time magazine invites you to write more about her.
A troubling lack of pure evil / Where to find a refreshing dose of vileness in the Age of Obama? Where to find a refreshing dose of vileness in the Age of Obama?
Enough with the Obamathon - Los Angeles Times The president is on TV more than the ShamWow guy, but I want to see a little more action.
Bondholders Face Losses From Commercial Mortgages ($62 billion of debt for U.S. offices, hotels and shopping malls) -
Calculated Risk: Option ARMs: Paying $98 a month on a $350 Thousand Mortgage
California nears financial meltdown as revenues tumble | U.S. | Reuters (Aanold terminates California)
YouTube - Kucinich Grills Ken Lewis on Fed Emails
A.I.G. Balks at Claims From US Airways Jet Ditched in Hudson -
Japan Probes Report Two Seized With Undeclared Bonds (134 BILLION) -
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Billions in US bonds seized in smuggling operation
ASIA – ITALY US government securities seized from Japanese nationals, not clear whether real or fake - Asia News (U.S. government Kennedy bonds worth a billion dollars each) (yes, each)
The Discovery Institute doesn't like it when you point out their fallacies : Pharyngula
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | 'Tiny chance' of planet collision
Open Access Publisher Accepts Nonsense Manuscript for Dollars « The Scholarly Kitchen
Editors quit after fake paper flap :The Scientist [11th June 2009]
Search Magazine — Open to Revisions - Some religious entrepreneurs have adopted an “open source” model, where rituals and doctrines can be rewritten as easily as computer code
Eli Lilly's Marketing Fraud And Ghostwriting Scandal
At least 16 previously unpublicized HIV cases in porn film performers, public health officials say
Nude, Mona Lisa-like painting surfaces -
Why do We Get Tip of the Tongue Moments? - Neatorama
Asteroid Probe Set to "Collide" With Earth
HTC Touch Pro2 Review : Boy Genius Report peddles a false feminist fantasy.
Jezebel - Slate Ladyblog Slaps The "Feminist Fantasy" Of Etsy - Slated conversations
Will Republicans Admit That Their Partisan Outrage Over The DHS Report Was Misplaced? | Media Matters Action Network (are you kidding?)
DHS Report Warned Against Anti-Semitic Violence
American Medical Association Trying To Torpedo Health Care Reform Again (Socialism!)
Holocaust Museum Shooting Suspect Had History of Hate, Signs of Breaking Point white separatist
James Von Brunn: A Profile | TPMMuckraker
Shepard Smith Says His Email Is Becoming "More And More Frightening" (rightwing Obama haters)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Deep Thought which of Ross Douthat and Megan McArdle's pre-existing policy preferences we're going to have to institute in order to appease the latest domestic terrorist?
Anti-Abortion Extremist, Hot Wings Fan, Compares Tiller's Murder To Slave Rebellion | TPMDC
Norm Coleman Ordered To Pay Al Franken $95K By Minnesota Court
Beck says "the Germans" during Hitler's rise "were an awful lot like we are now" | Media Matters for America
Senator Calls Out Frank Luntz From Senate Floor
Jonah Goldberg explains: affirmative action in college admissions is wrong -- because of slavery. | Media Matters for America (stupid+evil)
GOP Leader Rep. Eric Cantor Predicts Republican Landslide in 2010 - ABC News
Joseph A. Palermo: Glenn Beck Spins the Holocaust Museum Shooting (psychotic)
Calculated Risk: AIG New York Building Sell for Under $100 per Square Foot
Warren: Banks Returning Money Are Still Part of A Troubled Industry | Crooks and Liars
May U.S. foreclosures third highest on record | U.S. | Reuters -- Military Hush-Up: Incoming Space Rocks Now Classified - Space rocks that explode in the atmosphere are now classified (could be Muslim sympathizers)
Fact or Fiction: Dogs Can Talk: Scientific American
Transform Drug Policy Foundation: Media Blog: The WHO cocaine report the US didn't want you to see (war on drugz is bogus)
Are downloads really killing the music industry? Or is it something else? | Technology |
What is Freedom (surveillance society)
Google Openly Profiles SEOs As Criminals
YouTube - Wired Editor Outwits Google with DIY Aerial Drone
WaveSecure - Track down the thief, get alerted when your mobile phone is stolen!
Iraq car bomb kills at least 28 - Los Angeles Times At least 45 are wounded in the attack near Nasiriya, officials say
Could Ahmadinejad Lose? | TPM
As Iran Gets Ready to Vote, Economy Dominates -
London Police Accused of Abusing Suspects -
2 People Shot at U.S. Holocaust Museum - - James W. von Brunn, who is known to authorities as a white supremacist (TV is calling it the "Obama effect")
State Senator R. Creigh Deeds Beats McAuliffe in Va. Primary -
Hullabaloo: digby: AP says "Clinic closing a tainted victory for abortion foes" (fucking Republican AP)
The Washington Monthly By: Hilzoy: Ross Douthat Makes No Sense (NYT's anti-aborton columnist)
Gallup Official: Less Than 0.5% Say Sarah Palin Speaks For GOP | The Plum Line (alert the media)
When Jeffrey Deskovic and Sonia Sotomayor Crossed Paths -
Blue Dogs Backsliding On Anti-Health Care Reform Backsliding
Ed Whelan, 'Outer' Of Pseudonymous Law Blogger, Apologizes (Republican Bush creep)
Economic Scene - How the U.S. Surplus Became a Deficit -
Homebuilders' troubles burden Harleysville Bank | Philly | 06/10/2009
Calculated Risk: Inland SoCal: House Prices at 20 Year Low
Gazprom's corporate anthem | FP Passport ("all other companies are little girls")
Supervolcano may be brewing beneath Mount St Helens - environment - 10 June 2009 - New Scientist
Wimps have rapid reaction times | COSMOS magazine
Reed College, in Need, Closes a Door to Needy Students -
AnandTech: The iPhone 3GS Hardware Exposed & Analyzed
Apple iPhone 3GS: O2 Hit By Backlash Over Cost Of Upgrades And Tethering Charges | Technology | Sky News
The Smartphone’s Rapid Rise From Gadget to Tool to Necessity -
Aaron Greenspan: Why Google Bothered to Appeal a $761 Small Claims Case (and Won)
Will TomTom's iPhone App Herald the End of One-Function Devices? - PC World
Tanya Gold on her hatred of wedding lists and dinner parties | Comment is free | The Guardian I am in love - and so I get consumer durables for free. I demand a new kitchen - and you will pay for it!
YouTube - Iraqui Police Getting Yelled At (how the American Military works)
Military spending: Arming up | The Economist (#1: Israel; #2: U.S.)
YouTube - USS Liberty 06 08 2009
CIA Stance On Torture Tape Docs Suggests Obama's New Open Government Era Won't Materialize | TPMMuckraker
Emptywheel » Leon Panetta Kisses His Credibility Goodbye
Lieberman And Graham Threaten To Shut Down Senate Over Detainee Photos, House Dems Want Hearings (Lieberputz at work)
Solving America's hunger crisis | Sasha Abramsky | Comment is free | - Palin beginning to irritate some Senate GOPers (and almost everybody else)
The Washington Independent » Pro-Gun Gay Groups Take Aim at Hate Crimes Bill (how they work)
Michael Ware, Marc Thiessen Debate Whether Cairo Speech "Undercut" U.S. Troops (sick)
YouTube - Conservative Misinformation University Salutes The Class Of 2009 (degrees in stupidity)
Hullabaloo: digby: Refusing to Pander (Stuart Rothenberg, total idiot)
New York - Runnin' Scared - Ross Douthat: Drop Abortion Rights and Your Doctors Will Be Allowed to Live (compromise, the NYT's way)
O'Reilly and Fox News will have more right-wing vigilantism to explain | Media Matters for America
Senate Panel to Work on Health Overhaul Next Week, Dodd Says -
More Czars Than the Romanovs | TPM Photo Features (Obamanov)
Was the TARP a Ruse? | The Big Picture - Hank Paulson engineered scam to cover up the simple fact that CitiGroup (C) was teetering on the brink of implosion
Calitics:: The $24 Billion Question
BBC NEWS | Health | Problems are solved by sleeping
In Worms, Genetic Clues to Extending Longevity -
Liveability ranking: Go north... or go south | The Economist
How seriously do we take domestic terrorism? - Rob St. Amant - Open Salon (that would be Christian domestic terrorism)
YouTube - casting out a homosexual demon (even demons are gay)
Raising Godly Tomatoes (how authoritarian Christians turn their children into potted plants)
Slaughterhouse Francis Bacon: A Centenary Retrospective - "the twentieth century's most august visual claptrap."
Op-Ed Columnist - State of Shame -
Don’t Drink Hate. Boycott Rockstar lives on! | Facebook
Consumerist - Rockstar Energy Drink Doesn't Want Consumers To Know About Connection To Shock Jock Michael Savage - Rockstar (Savage-Weiner drink)
The Truth About Rockstar Energy Drink: Hate | Racism | Anti-Gay/Lesbian
Michael Savage Banned From Entering UK: Country Publishes List Of People Not Allowed
Flesh and Blood: Texas Monthly June 2009: Why did a small-town girl have her family brutally murdered?
Christian Group Files Suit to Burn Library Book | Drudge Retort
YouTube - Sex With Ducks: the Music Video by Garfunkel and Oates
BBC NEWS | Business | Military spending sets new record $1,464bn (£914bn) - up 45% since 1999,
China Requires Censoring Software on New PCs - - “unhealthy information”
Lakhdar Boumediene: I Was Tortured At Guantanamo
Lieberman, Graham Seek To Block Torture Photos At All Costs (Republicans doing what O wants)
North Korea Sentences U.S. Journalists to 12 Years of Hard Labor -
Op-Ed Contributor - The Obama Difference -
CIA urges detainee papers be kept secret - Terrorism- (same as the old boss)
What the new Jim Comey torture emails actually reveal - Glenn Greenwald - (the fucking opposite of what the New York Times said they did)
Hullabaloo: digby: Secret Indemnity (the Obamatron just ate your democracy)
Lieberman-Graham Amendment Removed From Supplemental
Justices Tell Elected Judges Not to Rule on Major Backers - ("John G. Roberts Jr. wrote a dissent" saying it's ok to buy judges)
Supreme Court Rejects Challenge To "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (Obama keeps discriminatory charade in place)
Obama owes gays an explanation for abandonment « The “D” Spot (gays can get in line behind anti-war, anti-bankster and the civil-rights abandoned) (change that isn't)
The Raw Story » Obama taps anti-abortion activist to faith-based health post just a week after the murder of prominent abortion doctor George Tiller (that's sending a message)
Daily Kos: "Third Way" on Public Option: Make One that Can't Work (this game is so rigged)
The Hole Gets Deeper for the Tainted Sen. Roland Burris - (D-Blago)
Home - Who Runs Gov - Government directory
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Expunged from history (Fred Hiatt and the WaPo at work)
Sidebar - Death Penalty Case Reveals Failings in Alabama - (judges campaign on death penalty, no public defender, prison-state Amerika)
Calculated Risk: Fed Letter: "Jobless Recovery Redux?"
Ezra Klein - Has The Obama Administration's Banking Plan Failed? (what do you think?)
Paul Krugman - Gordon the Unlucky -
Democrats Weigh Health Mandate as Obama Urges Taxing Wealthy -
Parents Pulling the Plugs on Williamsburg Trust-Funders - “They say, ‘You want me to work eight hours?’ ”
God Or Science? A Belief In One Weakens Positive Feelings For The Other
Hullabaloo: What Is Jerry Coyne's Complaint? ("accomodation" towards christianists)
Civility and the New Atheists | The Intersection | Discover Magazine
Seeing and Believing by Jerry Coyne
Chris Mooney and Barbara Forrest love the faithful more than me « Why Evolution Is True
Tiller murderer caught « Why Evolution Is True
Civility and the New Atheists | The Intersection | Discover Magazine - Homepage News - Update on Hubble Mystery Object
The Painfully Dumb Science of Republican Representative Todd Akin | Prose Before Hos So to have actually a guy who’s passed high school science is tremendously helpful
Long Bets - By 2029 no computer - or "machine intelligence" - will have passed the Turing Test (Kapor vs Kurzweil)
Ask Nature - the Biomimicry Design Portal: biomimetics, architecture, biology, innovation inspired by nature, industrial design - Ask Nature - the Biomimicry Design Portal: biomimetics, architecture, biology, innovation inspired by nature, industrial design
Aerial images online endanger national security, critics say -
T-Mobile net reportedly hit by hacker/extortion attack | Community
YouTube - 4409 -- NAZI Checkpoint Confronted - 1
YouTube - !!!! Burkah wearing teacher gets owned !!! - MythBuster Adam Savage's Colossal Failures
The price of legalizing pot is too high - Los Angeles Times Deterrence is preferable to encouraging marijuana use, which would follow alcohol and tobacco in soaring costs to society (so says big corporate media)
Landmark study: DRM truly does make pirates out of us all - Ars Technica (cop 'n lawyer state America)
HDMI 1.4 Features Revealed | PhotographyBLOG
Google Wave Obliterates Everything
Doing The Numbers: Obama's Window | TPMCafe ("53% say Obama is bad for Israel, and only 26% say good.")
Gawker - Why Did The Huffington Post Censor The Jewish Obama Hate Speech Video? - The Huffington Post
Pirate Party Wins and Enters The European Parliament | TorrentFreak
The Public Editor - What Happened to Skepticism? - Op-Ed - (frontpage Gitmo story "seriously flawed and greatly overplayed" (no lessons learned from Iraq coverage, they denied problem for a week)
Obsidian Wings: Stay Classy Ed Whelan (Ed Whelan is a douchebag)
Obsidian Wings: Thanks All
The Washington Monthly - Class Act, All The Way
TBogg » M. Edward Whelan III of The Ethics and Public Policy Center is an asshole
Think Progress » Gingrich: Americans ‘surrounded by paganism.’ (witches!)
Op-Ed Contributors - The Economy Is Still at the Brink - - Sandy B. Lewis and William D. Cohan - "Mr. Obama thinks that the way to revive the economy is to restore confidence in it" (it=shipwreck)
Pa. may turn down $273 million in stimulus aid | Philly | 06/07/2009 (and screw their residents - business at work)
Bank Accused of Pushing Mortgage Deals on Blacks -
Oldest known pottery found in China - Los Angeles Times approximately 18,000 years old
Daily Kos: Book review: Fred Kaplan's "1959" by SusanG
Exploration of the Moon: Soviet Lunik moon probes: 1959
YouTube - Feeling the Hate In Jerusalem on Eve of Obama's Cairo Address
Labour suffers wipeout in its worst local election results - Times Online
Obama D-Day Speech: Full Text
BBC NEWS | Americas | Lost plane 'sent 24 error alerts'
Mexico day care fire kills 31 children
Semi-Submarines, Stealthily Plying Pacific, Arrive as a Way to Smuggle Cocaine - - "You try finding a floating log in the middle of the Pacific," one DEA agent said. (31% of drug traffic by sub)
Since When is Demanding a Settlement Freeze ‘Hardline?’ | Tikun Olam (since any criticism of Israel is anti-semitic)
It's Only Make-Believe: Bush Policy on Israeli Settlement Freeze Was An 'Understanding' | Crooks and Liars (that Israel is the boss)
Obama: 'Time To Deliver' On Health Care (single-payer is "off the table")
How Pharma and Insurance Intend to Kill the Public Option, And What Obama and the Rest of Us Must Do | Robert Reich's Blog
Emptywheel » All the News NYT Does Not See Fit to Print
The NYT's nice, new euphemism for torture - Glenn Greenwald - - intense interrogations (Another chapter in the banality of evil + Liane Hansen of NicePoliteRepubicanTorturers)
NPR Check ("NPR is one of the worst offenders of using obfuscating language to white-wash (torture)")
Bill Moyers Journal: Michael Winship: The Privatization of Obama's War
Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS (privitization of war in Afganistan: now the military/corporate/media empire is seamless)
Arianna Huffington: When Will Dick Cheney's Tower of Lies Finally Come Tumbling Down on Him? Cheney's ongoing Forget Everything I Ever Told You Tour
U.S. May Permit 9/11 Guilty Pleas in Capital Cases - (avoid trials, that makes sense)
YouTube - Keith Olbermann: 'FOX News Incited Dr. Tiller's Murder' (take hate-monger O'Reilly off the air)
Firedoglake » Dr. Tiller, FACE, and the Failure of the Bush DOJ to Enforce the Law
Sotomayor's apparently interchangeable WOC identity - Feministing (white men at work)
National Journal Magazine - Congressional Insiders Poll
Charles Blow - Pot, Meet Kettle - (Rethugs and Sotomayor: two words: shameful and defeatist.
< br /> Daily Kos: State of the Nation (Republicans want personal trains so they won't have to ride with "those" people)
Sadly, No! » One Slice Of Humble Pie, Sir, Topped With P-Whip? (demented)
Mich. Shutting 3 Prisons, 5 Camps to Save Money - (prison-state America getting expensive)
Countrywide exec often warned about mortgage risks | Reuters
The Lear Jet repo man | Salon News
To Get a Systemic Risk Regulator Fire Bernanke | TPMCafe
The libellous Simon Singh article on chiropractors « gimpy’s blog (criticsm of non-scientific ideas outlawed in the UK)
Health insurers want you to keep smoking, Harvard doctors say : Scientific American Blog
Evolution, religion, schizophrenia and the schizotypal personality - Boing Boing
Why is the Earth moving away from the sun? - space - 01 June 2009 - New Scientist
Carradine's Family: We Want The FBI Involved Carradine may have engaged in a dangerous form of sex play known as auto-erotic asphyxiation
The Associated Press: Ads pulled over radio hosts' transgender remarks
6th-grader takes loaded gun to school in Penn Hills
Travel Posters - a set on Flickr - Boston Public Library
YouTube - Amazing Choir uses hands to simulate storm
YouTube - Anti Pornography Conference, Rexburg, Idaho ("a device in your home with the destructive power of a bomb")
How Nuclear Radiation Can Change Our Race
YouTube - Hammer Pants Dance (HD)
Big Brother HAS gone too far ... and that's an ex-spy chief talking -- Signs of the Times News
Galilee communities: We're not racist, we just don't want Arabs - Haaretz - Israel News (racist failed state)
Mondoweiss: Max Blumenthal: Feeling the Hate In Jerusalem on Eve of Obama's Cairo Address (racist Jews in Israel)
The pictures vetoed by Berlusconi · ELPAÍ
Somali Cruises - Cruise along Africa's east coast! - It's like a safari, only better ("bring your 'High powered weapons' along on the cruise. If you don't have weapons of your own, you can rent them on the boat." +Most cruises offer a mini-bar - We offer a mounted Mini-Gun)
Walter Ken Myers, State Department Employee, Arrested By FBI Officials
DHS Nominee Philip Mudd Drops Out Over Ties To CIA Interrogation Tactics
Are House Democrats about to block Obama's new secrecy law? - Glenn Greenwald - (probably not)
Hillary Clinton demands China investigate and disclose its past abuses - Glenn Greenwald - (supreme irony +transparency you can't see through)
NYT: We Made Big Mistakes On Front-Page Gitmo Story, But We Did Not Get Spun | TPMMuckraker
Bay Buchanan: After Assaulting Black Woman, Calling Her 'Nigger,' Epstein Was 'Lynched' | TPMDC (the lynchers get lynched)
Kucinich Secures Good Government Victory | (few and far between)
Matthew Yglesias » The Gingrich Universe (media=Republican)
Sotomayor's finances look a lot like the average person's | McClatchy (the media's definition of "average")
Firedoglake » Dana Milbank’s 750 Word Quota and the Future of Progressive Activism (that's some elite wanking)
Patients Pay Tribute to a Murdered Doctor - Motherlode Blog -
Suspect in abortion provider death talks from jail "being treated as a criminal" even though he hasn't been convicted (waterboard the fucker)
GOP Senator, Conservative Pundits Claim Obama's Cairo Speech Anti-American (video: Foxaganda and Hannity edit clips to reverse meaning)
TBogg » I drink your milquetoast - National Journal's resident douchebag Stuart Taylor
Associated Baptist Press - African-American pastor says SBC leaders should repudiate Drake - Southern Baptist Convention officer that he is praying for President Obama to die.
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | The "Tribal Justice" Of Sotomayor's Critics (Stuart Taylor, white man, and Pat Buchanan, Tom Ashbrook's favorite guest)
MSNBC Shrugs About Liz Cheney’s Over-Exposure: “Liz Is A Great Guest” | The Plum Line (Rethuglican Corporate Media)
Green shoots? Feh. Here's truly terrifying data about the real state of the U.S. economy. - By Eliot Spitzer - Slate Magazine
Bank of America Ousts Head of Risk Oversight - (banksters: take the money and run)
Now the NY Times tells us: "[A]cademic studies" undermine cramdown critics | Media Matters for America (NYT witheld important research: your corporate news-managers at work)
Job Losses at 345,000, Less Than Forecast; 9.4% Rate - (U6 at 16%)
Calculated Risk: NY Fed President on PPIP (not working out so well)
Bank Profits From Accounting Rules Masking Looming Loan Losses -
Benefit spending soars to new high -
Life at the Edge: Why are the Planet's Coral Reefs Dying?
Sense About Science | BCA v Singh The Story So Far 3 June 2009 (can't call claims "bogus" if they have no evidence in Britain)
childalert - Measles: A dangerous illness by Roald Dahl
Visualizing Desire (Brian Knutson, Stanford University) |
Pepper 2009 - The stolen dog that changed American science. - Slate Magazine
New Technique Extracts Water From Air Humidity Using Renewable Energy
Ruling allowing Taser use to get DNA may be nation’s first : Home: The Buffalo News
Milwaukie shooting ruled suicide by cop | - Portland, Oregon | Although a man was shot by police and died from a bullet wound to the chest, the state medical examiner has ruled his death a suicide because he had cut his own wrists.
I Am Here: One Man's Experiment With the Location-Aware Lifestyle
Recipe - Crisp Chicken Schnitzel With Lemony Spring Herb Salad -
Allergic to "grilled cheese" - Love Letters - Relationships questions
charlatantric. - Aesthetics
YouTube - "Sexting" Epidemic - Parents Investigate Teens Sending Racy/Nude Texts & E-mails (ZOMG)
Consumerist - Jansen Medical Does Not Appreciate You Having Questions, Goodbye - Jansen medical (Jeff Jansen, total asshole)
Google Code Blog: Introducing Page Speed
Google Squared
Birdsong Radio, Live Dawn Chorus Bird Song Station, Birdsong DAB Station
E309: Scribblenauts DS settles Kraken vs. God vs. Keyboard Cat debate | Offworld
NeoGAF - "Keyboard Cat!" Scribblenauts Preview/Impressions Thread
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum's Encyclopedia on Concentration Camps - Decade-Long Study by Holocaust Museum Scholars Could Alter Public Understanding ("a complex ecology of coordinated devastation")
'We're launching a campaign against anti-Semitic Obama' - Haaretz - Israel News - Jew Hater (what they do)
Gov. Tim Pawlenty says he'll abide by the Minnesota Supreme Court's decision and sign the certificate | Crooks and Liars (decided against secession)
Obama Cairo Speech (video): Calls For New Beginning, Gets Standing Ovation
EU Guantanamo Breakthrough: Europe Expects To Take 'Several Dozen' Detainees
Medical bills underlie 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies: study | U.S. | Reuters
Magazine Preview - Taking the Hill - (health-care reform that leaves everything the way it was)
Rush Limbaugh On Obama, Al-Qaeda And The Race To "Demolish America" (rightwing hate-machine)
Sen. Graham Admits That Opposing Sotomayor Puts Party Over Country | Media Matters A
E.J. Dionne Jr. - Rush and Newt Are Winning - - deep and largely unconscious conservative bias in the media's discussion of policy
Hullabaloo: digby: Bias (digby gets to the root of the "problem" with women judges)
Jobless Claims Drops as Productivity Shows Surprise Gain -
Dick Cheney: George W. Bush passed buck on GM - Andy Barr -
naked capitalism: MLEC Version 3.0, aka PPIP Legacy Loan Program, Officially Dead on Arrival
Ezra Klein - Geithner's Plan Is Dead
Is the recession causing a baby bust? - Kids and parenting- (recession in babies tracked Baltic Dry Index)
Patenting human genes thwarts research, scientists say - Kansas City Star The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has granted patents to at least 4,382 human genes, including genes related to Alzheimer's, asthma, cancer, muscular dystrophy and other serious diseases.
The drugs do work – for a lot of people | Society |
Gizmodo - Stem Cell Contact Lenses Cure Blindness in Less Than a Month - Stem Cells
Revealed: the bid to corner world's bluefin tuna market - Nature, Environment - The Independent Mitsubishi freezing fish to sell later as stock numbers plummet toward extinction
Fast food hamburgers: what are we really eating? (PDF)
Optimum Population Trust
How animals laugh - Cosmic Log -
BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Kung Fu star Carradine found dead a cord around his neck and other parts of his body.
Monticello, MN beats the phone company; Internet a "utility" - Ars Technica
The ten best conspiracy theories - New Articles - The Independent
Air France Crash Raises Questions About Domain Name Registration (Updated) | Threat Level |
Shewee - Portable Urinating Device For Women
Obama: I Wanted To "Come To The Place Where Islam Began" - New Hampshire - Same-sex marriage becomes law in NH, Jun. 3, 2009
Poll: Half Of Americans Think Torture Sometimes Justified (good PR)
Raw Story » Poll: 65 pct. of Americans against closing Gitmo (Christian Nation)
Barack Obama Teams Up With Joe Lieberman and Lindsay Graham To Suppress Torture Photos | Prose Before Hos | So This Is What Transparency Tastes Like!
Tillman's mother says general lied again about his death -
Operation Rescue adviser helped Tiller suspect track doctor's court dates | McClatchy (OR=terrorist organization, contributors should be jailed for 65 years)
Daily Kos: Bush Made 77 Trips to Crawford TX at $226,072 a Pop (hypocrisy, thy name is Republican)
Political Affairs Magazine - Bush Told Journalist in 1999 “I’m Going to Invade Iraq”
Gingrich Takes Back Sotomayor "Racism" Comment (the face of the Repthugican party of liars)
Slain abortion doctor: ‘They need me’ - Crime & courts-
Morning Joe journos can't name a successful unionized company, even though one signs their paychecks | Media Matters for America (how out of touch are our elite millionaire journos + mika is an idiot)
Hoffa: Sorkin and Morning Joe Show Complete Failure To Understand | TPMDC (brilliant reporter-minds at work)
For Some Homeowners, Promised Help Proves Elusive -
Return to a Barter Economy | Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
Air France 447 - AFR447 - A detailed meteorological analysis - Satellite and weather data
Music a 'mega-vitamin' for the brain -
Science-Based Medicine » The Oprah-fication of medicine
BBC - Today - A new kind of cloud?
Archaeological Dig Uncovers Ancient Race Of Skeleton People
Hunks get more sex, but there's a price to pay - life - 03 June 2009 - New Scientist
Will daily sex cure a low libido? - Times Online
Thomas lawyer: court must ban all MediaSentry evidence - Ars Technica (why they never went after Harvard students)
YouTube - Penn Says: Calling Atheists Less Than Human
Homosexuality violates God's law - Kingsport Times-News Online (+comments)
Intel Core i7 975 Extreme Edition Processor Review - HotHardware
Commons:Picture of the Year/2008 - Wikimedia Commons
New Twitter Research: Men Follow Men and Nobody Tweets - Conversation Starter - - top 10% of prolific Twitter users accounted for over 90% of tweets (+men don't listen to women +men comprise 45% of Twitter users, while women represent 55%)
Twitter is dominated by males. Quick: What does that mean? » VentureBeat (men talk more than women +57 percent of Twitter users are men)
The Social Media Gender Gap: while both sexes still use social networking sites in huge numbers, women are the ones holding down the fort (women more profitable +no married men; they are transactional and on Linkedin)
Twitter Biased to Men: 140-Character Limit Favors Men of Few Words: Hypothesis: Gabby men of few words are taking Twitter down!
The Last Word: Men Talk as Much as Women | LiveScience
Study: Young adults haven't warmed up to Twitter | The Social - CNET News
Tweets of Hate: The Crazy Right Twitters About the Assassination of Dr Tiller. | Carnal San Francisco
On the Creepy Alluring Art of the Follow Shot (cinematography)
Marilyn Monroe - Marilyn: Never-Published Photos - Life
Twitter blocked in China (flickr, Youtube, Live, Bing)
BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Home Secretary Smith to step down (petite fascista)
DAWN.COM | World | India 'unhappy' over Hafiz Saeed release
Israel East Jerusalem Expansion Angers US Officials (push, push)
Cheney Says There Was No Iraq Link to 9/11 Attacks -
Daily Kos: UNBELIEVABLE - Cheney finally admits he lied us into war! (no consequences)
John McHugh, GOP Congressman, Obama's Pick For Army Secretary (more bi-partisan crap)
Slate's Saletan plays with fire | Media Matters for America (abortion is "icky" and must be prevented)
Activist urges anti-abortion leaders not to flinch after abortion doctor's death -- Terry says Tiller was "a mass murderer and horrifically, he reaped what he sowed."
Gov. Gregoire signs legislation to expand rights to domestic partners
Leahy: "Unbelievable" Sotomayor Attacks Demand Earlier Hearing (video)
Leader Of Conservative Opposition To Sotomayor Was Nailed For Hacking And Spying On Senate Dems | The Plum Line
Matthew Yglesias » Pat Buchanan Mocks Sotomayor for Learning English (Tom Ashbrook's bff)
AP: tech coming to stop "wholesale theft" on 'Net - Ars Technica (going after Google for indexing their stories)
RForeclosures - No End in Sight - - There will be no recovery until there is a halt in the relentless rise in foreclosures (and that's why Senate Dems defeated cram-down)
Investment Ratings Tank for Home Loan Banks — Sunlight Foundation's Real Time Investigations - Tracking Private Influences on Public Policy
Officially Official: General Motors reaches tentative agreement to sell Hummer
Were our earliest hominid ancestors European? - life - 01 June 2009 - New Scientist
Reboot Your Brain? Science Says It's Possible -A Galaxy Insight
Synthetic Fibers to Reverse Blindness: Discovery News
Earth Losing Atmosphere Faster than Mars: Discovery News
Carbon Capture Can't Make Coal Clean | Environment | AlterNet
Electronic Evolution: Research Show Robots Forming Human-like Societies
Technology Review: No Reboot Required (KSplice)
Google Is Top Tracker of Surfers in Study - Bits Blog - (tracker=spy)
Two Pints of Non-Alcoholic Lager and a Packet of Fat-Free Crisps: How pointless regulations are ruining British pub life - Reason Magazine
Thou shalt not steal baby Jesus - Latest News -
'Earth 2100': the Final Century of Civilization? - ABC News Planet at Risk: Experts Warn Population Growth, Resource Depletion, Climate Change Could Bring Catastrophe in Next Century
BBC NEWS | Americas | French plane lost in ocean storm
Netanyahu: Obama Call For Settlement Freeze "Unreasonable"
China Suspends North Korea Exchanges, Yonhap Report -
The Washington Monthly: Kristol's Plan For Korea (neocons love bombs)
Boy chosen by Dalai Lama as reincarnation of spiritual leader turns back on Buddhist order | World news | The Guardian
Why'd Obama switch on detainee photos? Maliki went ballistic | McClatchy
Jimmy Carter: Obama Wrong To Block Detainee Photos ("most of his supporters were hoping that he would be much more open in the revelation of what we've done in the past.")(transparency you can't see through)
Jack Hidary: General Rick Sanchez Calls for War Crimes Truth Commission
Cheney: Death only option for some detainees if Gitmo closed | (what Jack Bauer would do)
Minnesota Supremes Grill Coleman Lawyer On Lack Of Evidence | TPMDC
GOP Dominated By White Conservatives: Gallup Poll (stunning revelation)
GOP Senators OK With Race-Based Sotomayor Attacks (there you go)
The Associated Press: AG orders protection in wake of doctor slaying
George Tiller Murder Prompts Second Look At Scandalized DHS Report "right wing extremists."
Tucker Carlson calls comparison of Dr. Tiller to Nazis and al-Qaida "objectively true" | Media Matters for America (white racist pundit squad)
Booman Tribune ~ Some Thoughts on Dr. Tiller
Ezra Klein - How Should Congress Respond to George Tiller's Murder?
NYT Edits "Sharp Tongue" Sotomayor Headline
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Double Standards (Stuart Taylor digs himself deeper)
NYT's Frank Bruni complains that he didn't have fun on Obama's date night | Media Matters for America (Times assigned him to Gore in 2000)
State pay cut likely; how it's done is the question - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to cut state pay 5 percent,
Bouphonia: Immense Good Will ("Most people would prefer a hot climate")
Meacham: Guns, Liquor and the Age of Obama | Newsweek Nation | Pro-gun sentiment in America is rising, not falling. Firearms sales are up, and there are reports of ammunition shortag
Test Your News IQ - Pew Research Center
Op-Ed Columnist - Reagan Did It -
White House: Krugman's Bailout Critiques "Not Entirely Convincing"
Michael Moore: Goodbye, GM ("planned obsolescence")
GM-dependent Tennessee town left to uncertain fate - (one-company town)
Seven reasons GM is headed to bankruptcy -
GM, Citigroup Replaced in Dow by Cisco, Travelers -
Wiping Out The World's Mass Migrations: First Analysis Of The Effect Of Habit Changes On Migrating Grazers (yes, we're totally fucking up the planet)
Love’s Labors and Costs § Seedmagazine.Com
The Space Review: Review: Einstein’s Telescope (dark mater)
Technology Review: Gene Defect Corrected in Human Stem Cells New research outlines a path toward new therapies with induced pluripotent stem cells.
New device detects heart disease using less than one drop of blood New tool described in the FASEB Journal may help physicians monitor heart disease and help scientists grow new vascular tissue for transplants
Scientists Imagine Evolution On ExoPlanets -A Galaxy Insight
Adult Bone Marrow Stem Cells Injected Into Skeletal Muscle Can Repair Heart Tissue
Texas blogger jailed after failing to turn PC over to judge - Ars Technica
Spot the difference, Saudi style | The Observers
The Great Ivy League Nude Posture Photo Scandal - The New York Times (1995)
School Lunch From Around the World
YouTube - Baraka Meets the Beatles - Tomorrow Never Knows
Taking Jokes By Duchamp To Another Level of Art - The New York Times
Suzanne's Blog | Newsweek Attack - Huh? The Truth About Bioidentical Hormones vs. Synthetic
Estrogen Makes the Brain a Sex Organ/Brainstorms October 1997
Estrogen also a potential neurotransmitter ( According to a Johns Hopkins University...)
Go Bing Yourself, Right Now
Nielsen Hugely Underestimates BitTorrent Traffic | TorrentFreak
Tweeting Too Hard
Twitter's first scientific study needs you! - science-in-society - 01 June 2009 - New Scientist
Secret of Googlenomics: Data-Fueled Recipe Brews Profitability
Identity Theft Protection Tips | Protect Yourself, Protect Your Family, Protect Your Identity
Yahoo! shuts! failed! social! networking! site!! • The Register
Badda-Bing Indeed.
Johann Hari: Why should I respect these oppressive religions? - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent
CP Examples: 40 Examples of Christian Privilege
Christian Privilege: Breaking a Sacred Taboo by Lewis Z. Schlosser (PDF)
slacktivist: The Sick Bastard Rate (# 62 percent of white evangelical Protestants said torture of a suspect could be often or sometimes justified)
Torture poll shakes up evangelicals - Nova Scotia News - (Christians aren't)
Israel to U.S.: 'Stop favoring Palestinians' - Haaretz - Israel News (bwa-ha-ha)
White House Watch - Is Obama Getting Tough With Israel? (probably not really)
Israel stages biggest-ever war drill -
Death and devastation in Gaza neatly filed and documented | World news |
Rootless Cosmopolitan - By Tony Karon - Pathologies of Israel’s Guilty Conscience
Carlo Cristofori: The Latest AfPak War (2002 National Assembly rigged by Bush)
Identity of men on CIA rendition flights to British island revealed | World news | The Guardian
ArmsControlWonk: Lick the Carrot: KCNA has released one hell of a statement.
Leaders live in luxury while North Koreans starve to pay for nuclear bomb - Telegraph European Parliament
Obama’s Foreign Policy Failures: Diplomacy, Militarism and Imagery
Emptywheel » Bush’s Approved Torture … in 2003?
Clive Hamilton: Bush, God, Iraq and Gog (bullshit insane and stupid)
Torturing Democracy
Maj Gen. Taguba's Denies Statement - What About Other One? | coonsey's Blog (Gibbs is looking very Perino-like)
George Tiller shot to death at Wichita church | Wichita Eagle (Christian terrorist)
Jeffrey Rosen vows never to "blog" again - Glenn Greenwald - Jeffrey Rosen vows never to "blog" again ("establishment pundits more than any other is a pathological inability ever to accept blame or admit error. That's because they work in the most accountability-free profession in America")
PMA Probe Heating Up? Visclosky Subpoenaed, While Navy Suspends Contractor Linked To Murtha | TPMMuckraker
Jesus killed Mohammed: The crusade for a Christian military—By Jeff Sharlet (Harper's Magazine)
Hullabaloo: We the People: It's just a given that in order to "keep us safe" they simply must torture and imprison people without due process and that's just the way it is.
Marginal Revolution: Mad Men
Populism is Not a Style, It's a People's Rebellion Against Corporate Power |
The Bobblespeak Translations: Meet the Press - May 31, 2009
Defusing the Nuclear Threat
Power Problem : CJR The business press did everything but take on the institutions that brought down the financial system (your elite financial press) / Comment / Opinion - How economists can misunderstand the crisis (Niall Ferguson on Krugman's "global savings glut")
Firedoglake » On “This Week,” Paul Krugman Dispatches 3 Wingnut Talking Points on Auto Industry in 2 Minutes
Firedoglake » Credit Markets Doomed; Dow Headed to 36,000
Waterboard the Fed? | Dean Baker | Comment is free | American taxpayers have the right to know where the trillions of dollars being pledged in their name are going (transparency is the new opaque)
Alt-A loans: Second wave of foreclosures ahead | | Santa Rosa, CA (now it's white people's mortgages)
Anaheim OKs aid for luxury hotel project - Los Angeles Times - "A subsidy is the normal course of doing business," (a white Republican said)
Political Memo - Deep Cuts Threaten to Reshape California - (“Government doesn’t provide services to rich people,”) (ya think?)
Calitics:: Susan Kennedy: "Our revenue stream is way too progressive." As the shock doctrine attack on California unfolds ...
DownWithTyranny!: As Arnold’s Political Career Dies, How Many Californians Will He And DiFi Sacrifice To His Three Big Lies? (DiFi supports the rich and powerful)
Hullabaloo: Sacramento Syndrome
The Sideshow The cuts Mr. Schwarzenegger has proposed to make up the difference, if enacted by the Legislature, would turn California into a place that in some ways would be unrecognizable in modern America (Republicans at work)
The 10 largest U.S. bankruptcies - Lehman Brothers Holdings (1) - Fortune (Republikans at work, destroying America)
Even if we contain the greenhouse effect, says a Tufts astrophysicist, we'll have another heat problem on our hands - The Boston Globe Even if we contain the greenhouse effect, says a Tufts astrophysicist, we'll have another heat problem on our hands
Teens: Oral Sex and Casual Prostitution No Biggie - ABC News
1 in 4 teen girls has at least one STD - Kids and parenting- (2008)
Scientists demonstrate all-fiber quantum logic
Archaeologists find canal remnants in Tucson
Distributed AI Coming to a Computer Near You ("Can we implement consciousness in a computer? Yes")
DuPont Displays Surpasses Million Hour Milestone for Lifetime of New OLED Material : DuPont Displays : News & Events
One-two Punch In Battle Against HIV: New HIV Microbicide, And A Way To Mass Produce It In Plants, Developed
New test for lung cancer 'could save thousands' | Mail Online
Autism, PDD-NOS & Asperger's fact sheets | Overview of Pervasive Developmental Disorder - Not Otherwise Specified, one of the Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Seasteading Institute
Seasteading: Libertarians Set to Launch a (Wet) Dream of 'Freedom' in International Waters | Politics | AlterNet
English Russia » Slime Molds (long page, amazing microphotos)
Spitting in the eye of mainstream education - Los Angeles Times
Why Are So Many Female Florida Teachers Sleeping With Male Students? - Time (yeah, wtf?)
Why Health Advice on 'Oprah' Could Make You Sick | Best Life or Risky Advice? Things you should know about Oprah's health tips
Another edition of stupid creationist questions : Pharyngula : a self-refuting creationist question
"post-traumatic embitterment disorder" citation from Double-Tongued Dictionary
Why our 'amazing' science fiction future fizzled -
PsykoPaint: Turns Your Pictures Into Awesome Paintings
Dark Roasted Blend: World's Most Interesting Bridges, Part 3
The Daily Weekly - Bing's Early Reviews: So Far, Not Bad - Seattle Weekly
Twitter and Copyright — “Twitterlogical: The Misunderstanding of Ownership”, by Brock Shinen, Esq. (are tweets copyrighted? no, and neither is your shit)
Twitter's Biggest Egos, Exposed - time - paragons of narcissism, misanthropy and delusion
The Fight over the Google of All Libraries: A FAQ | Epicenter |
BBC NEWS | Technology | Web tool 'as important as Google' - Wolfram Alpha
10 Brand New Wolfram Alpha Easter Eggs
U.N. calls U.S. human rights record "deplorable" | Salon News A new report suggests the U.S. may have committed war crimes -- and endorses the formation of a truth commission.
Gen. Petraeus: US violated Geneva Convention, the court of law could try terrorists: we made mistakes after 9/11: Close Gitmo | Crooks and Liars
Gates: North Korea "A Harbinger Of A Dark Future"
Berlusconi Party Photos: Italian PM Moves To Block Release Of Topless Pics (Roman orgies)
Obama Admin Refuses To Release Secret Documents In Wiretapping Case (same as the old boss)
Obama Revises Campaign Promise Of 'Change' To 'Relatively Minor Readjustments In Certain Favorable Policy Areas'
Suddenly it's OK to call a judicial nominee a racist | Media Matters for America (but not, um, Alito)
False excuses for anonymity and irrationality on affirmative action - Glenn Greenwald - - "“Some lawyers just don’t like to be questioned by a woman,” Judge Calabresi added. “It was sexist, plain and simple.”"
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | How Conservatives See The Law (Krauthammer twists himself into a paperclip)
Dan Froomkin: Why “playing it safe” is killing American newspapers » Nieman Journalism Lab
Zoellick Warns Stimulus ‘Sugar High’ Won’t Stem Unemployment -
Matthew Yglesias » The Growth/Oil Hammer
Calculated Risk: CRE: See-Through Buildings on the Beltway
Long-distance brain waves focus attention, McGovern study finds - MIT News Office
Ancient Volcanic Eruptions Caused Global Mass Extinction
Fasting May Improve Cancer Chemotherapy Temporary Fast Shields Healthy Cells, While Chemo Drugs Target Cancerous Cells, Study Shows
Cyberwar - Contractors Vie for Plum Work, Hacking for the United States - Series -
The Associated Press: US judge refuses to dismiss 'Day of Prayer' suit
Parents charged £400 'stealth tax' for sending children to faith schools as free buses are scrapped | Mail Online (Christians lose free perks, complain)
YouTube - Tired of hearing about Atheism? Help end it (Christian tries to end Atheism, cites Bible and FAILs)
Failure to Launch: When Beauty Fades: Elizabeth Wurtzel wakes up and discovers she's 41 and unmarried and no prospects because she's so self-centered)
PLoS Biology: A Broken Trust: Lessons from the Vaccine–Autism Wars
Internet Archive: Free Download: Warner Brothers "Break Downs" and "Blow Ups" 1936-1947
Netanyahu: "What the hell do they want from me?" | The Cable
Oil giant to appear in US court over alleged plot to silence campaigner - News
Jon Soltz: Petraeus Says U.S. Violated Geneva Conventions - What Will Cheney and Rush Say?
Levin: CIA Torture Documents Cheney Wants Don’t Prove Squat | The Plum Line (Networks such as MSNBC have given literally hours of airtime to Cheney and his daughter Liz to claim endlessly that these docs will prove Cheney’s torture assertions)
The AP's Sharon Theimer and her Sotomayor hatchet job | Media Matters for America (more propaganda from the AP)
Hullabaloo: Hoping For The Best (Broder, Dean of Wankers, hopes Sotomayor will reverse Roe v Wade)
Blown circuits: Rove levels attack on Sotomayor based on false claim that she and Alito were colleagues | Media Matters for America ("media figures repeat anonymous smears about Sotomayor's temperament and intellect")
Think Progress » G. Gordon Liddy On Sotomayor: ‘Let’s Hope That The Key Conferences Aren’t When She’s Menstruating’ ("the Supreme Court is not designed to be and should not be a representative body.")
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Sonia Sotomayor: Nationalist (Stuart Taylor digs deeper, finds Alito in hell)
Michael Hastings - The Hastings Report - Calling out on Afghanistan - True/Slant remaining silent about the Obama Warz.
The Raw Story » Cookies, not torture, convinced al Qaeda suspect to talk, FBI interrogator says
Op-Ed Columnist - The Big Inflation Scare -
Calculated Risk: Philly Fed State Coincident Indexes
Swedish teen tackles centuries-old numbers challenge - The Local
US company finds "safer" way to make stem-like cells | Reuters (safer?)
Dan Ariely asks, Are we in control of our own decisions? | Video on
Carbon nanotubes: Saladin's secret weapon
Cost Overruns at Finland Reactor Hold Lessons - NYTimes - Nuclear Renaissance Runs Into Trouble com
Wikipedia bans Church of Scientology • The Register Wikioperating Thetan Level Zero
Figures of Speech - Teach a Kid to Argue
Cool Art With Folded Paper | Paper folding origami
Seattle Sketcher | Interurban Car 55, the light rail of the early 1900s | Seattle Times Newspaper (cities used to have streetcars)
One in 8 Million - New York Characters in Sound and Images - The New York Times - May Wong Lee: The Adoptive Mother
Obama Meets Abbas, Israel On Edge Over Settlements
Obama Administration Cites Secret Statements By Petraeus In Asking Judge To Block Abuse Photos saying the photos could incite violence in Pakistan as well as in Iraq and Afghanistan (not to mention America)
Photos show rape and sex abuse in Iraq jails: report - Yahoo! News
Israel Rebuffs US Call For Total Settlement Freeze (says, screw you, Hilliary)
Iraq redux? Obama seeks funds for Pakistan super-embassy | McClatchy (Halliburton!)
Taliban: Lahore Attack Revenge For Swat Offensive
Berlusconi denies "steamy affair" with 18-year-old - Europe, World - The Independent
Dead Spy's JFK Files Pose a Test for Obama's FOIA Order | TPMCafe
Emanuel Pushes Obama Plan to Lawmakers From Gyms to Restaurants -
Scalia, Alito Quotes Blunt Conservative Attacks On Sotomayor
Correction - (WaPo editors thought Puerto Ricans not US citizens, teh dumb)
A revealing anecdote about Sonia Sotomayor - Glenn Greenwald - (centrist, maybe pro-life, extreme left-wing liberal)
Robert Gates: The Bureaucrat Unbound - Time
'Tell somebody,' if you're thinking of suicide, says general - - The 101st Airborne's senior commander in effect ordered his soldiers Wednesday not to commit suicide
Firedoglake » “Fair and Balanced” in Academia: Twisting Recent Torture History in the Journal “Nature”
Minneapolis News - A Michele Bachmann comic misadventure - page 1
Peter, Jesus, Rush - Ben Smith - RedState's Erick Son of Erick Erickson takes the "no enemies to the right" principle to a biblical level:
JURIST - Forum: No Torture, No Prosecution (Jeffrey Addicott, torture rationalizer)
The Washington Monthly: There Is No Car-Dealer Conspiracy (inconvienient fact: most dealers donate to Republicans)
Number of Homeowers Facing Foreclosure Rises -
Durable Goods in Surprise Jump; Jobless Claims Dip - (see below)
U.S. Durable-Goods Orders Hover Near 13-Year Low -
Mortgage Delinquencies Hit Record High in Q1 - (but bankers vetoed cram-down)
Calculated Risk: MBA: Mortgage Delinquencies, Foreclosures Hit Records (no, its not "over")
Annals of Medicine: The Cost Conundrum: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker What a Texas town can teach us about health care.
Everything you always wanted to know about female ejaculation (but were afraid to ask) - life - 28 May 2009 - New Scientist
Review - The Other Side of Desire - Sexuality
Review - In Defense of an Evolutionary Concept of Health - Philosophy Nature, Norms, and Human Biology by Mahesh Ananth
The War Nerd: This Is How the Carriers Will Die (Updated Version) - By Gary Brecher - The eXiled
Risk Averse Political Policy Requires High End Focus | USNI Blog
Christians battle each other over evolution - opinion - 28 May 2009 - New Scientist - "theistic evolution" – the belief that God (the prayer-listening, proactive, personal God of Christianity) chose to create life by way of evolution.
Review - A World Full of Gods - Philosophy - The Strange Triumph of Christianity by Keith Hopkin
The Town That Won't Stop Burning - The Daily Beast
The Ultimate Lock Picker Hacks Pentagon, Beats Corporate Security for Fun and Profit
Internet Threatened by Censorship, Surveillance, and Cybersecurity
New York Times Baffled By Teenagers Hugging (clueless micro-content)
Prey = Software to keep track of your stolen laptop
Internet Users in Developing Countries Drag on Sites’ Profits -
The Failure of #amazonfail « Clay Shirky
Official Google Blog: Google Wave
Startup Earth :: A Deeper Look Inside Google’s O3D API
Women Explained |
YouTube - Jones' Big Ass Truck Rental & Storage
Abu Ghraib abuse photos 'show rape' - Telegraph
Pakistan: Urgent US refugee aid arrives - Adnkronos Security
North Korea Threatens Attack If Ships Searched
Mexican cartels covet vast US illegal drug market
Climate conference sex boom - Copenhagen’s sex trade did brisk business during the recent business climate conference.
BBC NEWS | Americas | Hamas backers jailed in Texas Two founder members of what was once the biggest Muslim charity in the US have each been jailed for 65 years (money for social programs)
Supreme Court Nominee Sotomayor's Record Shows Rulings Within Liberal Mainstream - Despite Democratic Bent, Judge Has Sided With Corporate Defendants; Court's Frequent 5-4 Split Likely to Remain (and if the Murdoch likes her ...)
Obama's choice of Sotomayor deserves praise - Glenn Greenwald - (rightwing: "Che Guevara in robes")
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » No One Could Have Predicted- Sotomayor Edition (and running-dog TNR)
Sotomayor: Does Biography Matter? - Room for Debate Blog -
Think Progress » Inhofe worries that Sotomayor may allow ‘undue influence from her own personal race, gender.’ (but ok if you're a white male Republican)
Greg Mankiw's Blog: SCOTUS nominee is a spender (Mankiw forgets about that fat Federal pension)
Matthew Yglesias » A “‘Heritage of the Left’ of the Right” The political system enters a period of infinite regress (we need more rightwing thinktanks to compete with liberal domination)
Republicans won't beat Sonia Sotomayor by attacking her as too darn human. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine Republicans won't beat Sonia Sotomayor by attacking her as too darn human.
Liberal bloggers pounce on Sotomayor critic - Michael Calderone - (that would be superwanker Jeffrey Rosen)
BrainPower: Karl Rove vs. Sonia Sotomayor | Politics | AlterNet (the Brain is a pinhead)
Conservatives react to historic Supreme Court nominee by smearing Sotomayor as "racist," "bigot" | Media Matters for America
Obama Launches Review of Secrecy Policy | 44 |
Cheney and Rumsfeld pressured CIA to mislead Congress in the 1970s, too
Bush's Shocking Biblical Prophecy Emerges: God Wants to "Erase" Mid-East Enemies "Before a New Age Begins" | | AlterNet
Strange Bedfellows In Prop 8 Fight - CBS News
The Rag Blog: California Supremes on Prop. 8 : The Return of Separate But Equal
Firedoglake » Bernie Kerik Indicted for Lying to White House (+Bushwar)
U.S. Inflation to Approach Zimbabwe Level, Faber Says (hyperinflation) -
Britain's prized AAA rating under threat as S&P issues stark warning - Telegraph
Many modified mortgages will default again, Fitch Ratings projects - Los Angeles Times
Truthdig - Reports - Stuff the Bankers, Starve the Kids (the American way)
LRB · John Lanchester: It’s Finished (consequences of TBTF)
Latvian Hookers Signal No Recovery for Economy: Matthew Lynn - (Baltic Wet Index)
Bronte Capital: The hookers no longer cost too much: geopolitics and the price of prostitutes in the Baltic States ("big difficulties allowing the Baltics to drown in their economic problems. Geopolitically a bailout looks like the cheap option.")
Busting the boom --
Give blood pressure drugs to all
Mind Hacks: Language specific madness
Astronauts Spot Mysterious Ice Circles in World’s Deepest Lake | Wired Science |
Obama's green guru calls for white roofs - Telegraph (see stupid comments)
Daily Kos: Bizarre Anaerobic Ecosystems Discovered In Lake Huron
Discoveryon: Five-million-year old sloth fossil found in Peru
The Chemistry of Life: The Plastic in Cars | LiveScience
Cults, Religion, Paranormal | (see what they did?)
Feral girl in Siberian city of Chita was brought up by cats and dogs - Times Online
The New Socialism: Global Collectivist Society Is Coming Online
Yochai Benkler: The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom
Ohloh, the open source network
Equal Rights for Men - Jodi Kasten - Open Salon
'Sexting' no worse than spin-the-bottle: study
A List Apart: Articles: Burnout
New York Times journalists admit: 'We missed Watergate' - Telegraph
EU sues Sweden, demands law requiring ISPs to retain data - Ars Technica
Christians upset at Conroy's net policy 'backtrack' - The Australian Christian Lobby has accused the Federal Government of breaking its election promise to censor the internet
Google Bets Big on HTML 5: News from Google I/O - O'Reilly Radar
Off the wall: The astonishing 3D murals painted on the sides of buildings by a trompe l'oeil artist | Mail Online
10 Free Screen Recording Softwares For Creating Attractive Screencasts
64 Things Every Geek Should Know -
How To Create Your Own Community Website For Free @ SmashingApps
Garden for Wildlife - National Wildlife Federation - certify your habitat
Howcast - The best how to videos on the web
This is Not a Game - Top Gear US
Wait For Me (3 Minute Documentary) on Vimeo
Meme Scenery -
Two more New Yorkers with swine flu die; underlying conditions may have been a factor
Secret Israeli Report: Venezuela, Bolivia Supplying Iran With Uranium For Its Nuclear Program
YouTube - QandA May 25th - response to question on Ryan Commission Report (priest-rape in Ireland and the big cover-up)
Governor General eats raw seal heart to support hunters (competing with Putin for most bad-ass world leader)
California Supreme Court upholds gay marriage ban | McClatchy
Obama Selects Sotomayor for Court -
Magazine Preview - What’s a Liberal Justice Now? - (a "centrist")
Huck comes out firing — at 'Maria' Sotomayor - Ben Smith - Sotomayor comes from the far left and will likely leave us with something akin to the "Extreme Court" that could mark a major shift.
The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » Sotomayor and Prop 8 (timing)
The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » RNC fumbles Sotomayor talking points
How The Media Will Smear Sotomayor
Sophia A. Nelson: Republicans and Judge Sonia Sotomayor: Perfect Together (Bush '41 choose both Souter and Sotomayor during his term as president from 1989-1992.)
Democracy or Hypocrisy | Media Matters Action Network (In 2005, many Republican Senators went so far as to claim the filibuster of judicial nominees was unconstitutional)
Sotomayor gets mixed reaction from lawyers | McClatchy Her decisions over nearly 17 years as a federal judge define her as an unabashed liberal, more pronouncedly so than the Supreme Court justice she now hopes to replace.
Obama ducks promise to delay bill signings - Washington Times Complete bills not on Web for pledged 5 days (fakey-change)
Petraeus Endorses Obama's Plans To Close GITMO, End Torture
Commentary: Gitmo is a picnic compared to U.S. prisons | McClatchy (Republicans will still cry)
Former Interrogator Rebukes Cheney For Torture Speech
Sun-Times exclusive: Burris promised Blago campaign a check by mid-December :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich
Religious broadcaster hasn't delivered on promises | McClatchy (walked with $5mil in tax credits)
Moneynews - Video: Federal Reserve Cannot Account for $9 Trillion
The Federal Reserve is a Private Financial Institution
Recent Advances in Nanotechnology May Lead to a Massive Increase in Memory Capacity - Neatorama
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | 'Only 50 years left' for sea fish - This century is the last century of wild seafood
At NIF, a Quest for Fusion Energy (or Maybe Folly) -
The Evolution of House Cats: Scientific American Genetic and archaeological findings hint that wildcats became house cats earlier--and in a different place--than previously thought
Mega-Telescope Net To Stare Down Massive Black Hole At Center of Milky Way
Scientists discover 'genes that slow ageing process' - Telegraph
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Climate link to mockingbird songs
BBC NEWS | Space rock yields carbon bounty | Formic acid, a molecule implicated in the origins of life, has been found at record levels on a meteorite that fell into a Canadian lake in 2000 (and you know what has a lot of formic acid?)
Ruth Padel, Oxford's First Female Professor of Poetry, Resigns -
Sadly, No! » A novel objection to gay marriage (Sam Schulman: "So. Marriage, then. It’s actually about controlling what a woman does with her vagina.")
Identity crisis in America | Tenth Amendment Center (the securo-comsumer state)
Steve Harvey is a bigot (LOLatheists)
European Parliament in for a shock from The Pirate Party - - Our politicians are digital illiterates
Evan Roth: Intellectual Property Asshole Competition
The Benefits of Distraction and Overstimulation -- New York Magazine
Amusing Ourselves to Death by Stuart McMillen - cartoon Recombinant Records (distract you to death)
How To Do Polyphasic Sleeping Video | Sleep Videos |
Shouts & Murmurs: My Quiet Time: Humor: The New Yorker
BBC - Languages - Spanish - Mi Vida Loca
Some medical myths come straight from the doctor -
Sending large datasets to Amazon? Use the Post Office - Ars Technica
100 Extraordinary Examples of Paper Art | Webdesigner Depot
YouTube - Sound of Music | Central Station Antwerp (Belgium)
What Went Wrong With Terminator Salvation?
Top 20 YouTube and Video Memes of All Time
Top Six Ways To Kill Piper: Middle School Girls Make Instructional Cartoon About How To Kill Classmate (video)
BBC NEWS | Middle East | US Kuwait troops suffer swine flu Eighteen US soldiers in Kuwait have been tested positive for swine flu, health authorities have said.
Pro-Israel forces attempt to silence University of California Santa Barbara professor (it's what they do)
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | North Korea conducts nuclear test North Korea says it has staged a "successful" underground nuclear test, prompting international condemnation
BBC NEWS | Who's Watching You? | Camera grid to log number plates (UK police state)
Catholic Church is living with one foot in Hell | Libby Purves - Times Online Don’t look away: it’s unbelievable that we still haven’t learnt the lessons from systematic child abuse in Ireland (largest pedo-ring in the world)
Feingold To Obama: Preventive Detention Is Unconstitutional | TPMDC (Obama to Feingold: "The precious is mine!)
If Obama Cedes Ground on Torture to Cheney, We'll All Pay a Heavy Price | : Yet Another Bogus 'Terror' Plot (Feds recruiting terrorists)
If Obama cedes ground on torture to Cheney, we'll all pay a heavy price | Gary Younge | Comment is free | The Guardian By acknowledging recent crimes while refusing to pursue the criminals, the president has made his position untenable (oh, just reflect on move on, already)
The Brad Blog : Blowback Begins?: 42-Year CIA Vet Details the Agency's Rich History of Lying to Congress
David S. Broder - Obama and Cheney's Worthy Debate - What Obama and Cheney Got Right (Broder Watch: Washington journos legitimizing torture, along with WaPo and Fred Hiatt)
Powell: Cheney's "Misinformed" | Political Hotsheet - CBS News (one war criminal to another)
McCain: Cheney Endorses Spanish Inquisition Technique - Jeffrey Goldberg
The Washington Monthly "Everyone wants her to run"? Who are these people? (villagers love their nepotism)
Krugman - State of Paralysis - (Republicans destroying California and America)
Job Losses Push Safer Mortgages to Foreclosure - (it never was a sub-prime problem)
Interfluidity :: Distinguish between transactional and revolving credit (time for Federal credit cards)
Ezra Klein - Should the Government Give You a Credit Card?
Guilty, guilty, guilty: The mother who relied on prayer instead of medicine for her child : Respectful Insolence
New Species of Yeast Discovered in Amazon Jungle
Moving house: How a little old lady spent 23 years single-handedly dismantling her cottage brick by brick and rebuilding it 100 miles away | Mail Online
How free is religious debate? - Channel 4 News How free is Britain, especially when it comes to the vexed issue of religion? (can't call Scientology a "cult" in the UK)
BBC NEWS | Europe | Scientology on trial in France The Church of Scientology has gone on trial in the French capital, Paris, accused of organised frau
mental_floss Blog » Meet Dr. Ecstasy
YouTube Yanks Thousands of Porn Videos - PC World
YouTube - The Internet in 1969 (looked surprisingly like the shopping channel with lots of knobs)
Woman in 50s is NY's 2nd swine flu death, US' 11th
'Israel won't yield to U.S. demands, won't halt settlement construction' - Haaretz - Israel News - Israel's government will not allow the U.S. to dictate its policy (but reverse is ok)
Firedoglake » Israel Defiant - Words or Deeds Mr. President?
Spain's Judges Cross Borders in Human Rights Cases: U.S. Officials Among Targets - High-Ranking U.S. Officials Among Targets of Inquiries
Zakaria: What You Know About Iran is Wrong | | And other unexpected truths (contrary to rightwing/media/Israeli propaganda)
The CIA's Silent War in Pakistan - Time - International - Netherlands to close prisons for lack of criminals President Barack Obama and former Vice President Dick Cheney agree that it would be wrong to hold Bush administration officials accountable for torture and other crimes (no "finger-pointing")
White House Memo - Some Obama Enemies Are Made Totally of Straw -
Nelson Open To Filibustering Obama Court Nominee (video)(as predicted)
Liz Cheney Accidentally (?) Lets The Truth Fly: Dad Is Afraid Of Prosecution | Crooks and Liars
Rice advises 'a little prayer' | Bill Kaufmann | Columnists | News | Calgary Sun "Condoleezza Rice launches School of Public Policy," trumpeted the University of Calgary (next up: Bernie Madoff School of Finance)
Rove Sides With Limbaugh Over Powell, Ridge Calls Limbaugh "Shrill" (video)
Best of Both Worlds: Math is hard: Pete Hegseth, GOP operative, can't count to eight (they are so dumb) - A Climate Of Fear Has Seized Our Billionaires (more stupid)
Jail For Criticizing Federal Prosecutors | Judicial Watch
Questions for Frank Luntz - The Wordsmith - Interview - (Republican anti-heathcare talking points: "patient-centered"=insurance company centered)
How Much Do Safe Havens Matter? | TPM
Think Progress » Durbin Calls On Gingrich To Apologize For Attacking The CIA In 2007
The Bobblespeak Translations: Meet The Press with Dick Durbin and Newt Gingrich
Geithner Dismisses GOP Socialism Charge as 'Ridiculous' - Federal Eye (they are)
Credit changes on the horizon -- - in 2007, stores paid $48 billion in interchange fees to credit card companies to process each payment based on a percentage of the price (from "deadbeats")
Why Social Security Should Go Broke Faster | Newsweek Voices - Robert J. Samuelson |
Firedoglake » WATB Hedge Fund Managers Demand Their Government Welfare, Dammit!
Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » Why Gene Patents Are Unlawful
Growing Old With Autism - Why Are There So Few Programs for Adults With Autism? -
Flickr Photo Download: Humans Vs Animals 2
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Malay court hearing 'Allah' case Muslim leaders say Islam should be the only faith to use it, saying its use in other faiths could lead to confusion and conversions.
In Georgia, Segregation Endures on Prom Night - (segregtion continues at Georgia HS prom)
Pirate Bay: In search of an unbiased judge | Politics and Law - CNET News (looking for one honest Swedish Judge)
Slashdot | User Data Was Sent To RIAA By CBS
Slashdot | Censorship By Glut lower-wattage bulbs always seem to find a platform to spout off their ideas
The Problem with Young People Today Is…
Welcome To My Garden! | Square Foot Gardening
How To Trace a Mobile Phone Location with Google Latitude
Modify xorg.conf for better performance | TuxRadar
We Three, Ginger cats tales
Sonnet 130
Guantanamo guilty go free while cleared stay | Special Coverage | Reuters
U.S. Relies More on Allies in Questioning Terror Suspects -
The Newburgh Four -- And The Goverment Mole Who Betrayed Them | TPMMuckraker (be very afraid)
Another NYT Editor Tries To Explain Why Changes In A1 Gitmo Story Are No Biggie | TPMMuckraker (Rumsfeld-esque explanation)
Facts and myths about Obama's preventive detention proposal - Glenn Greenwald -
Media Ignores Real Controversy Behind Torture Photos; They Show Prison Guards Raping Children | Congress Check
FBI Blows It: Supposed Terror Plot Against NY Synagogues Is Bogus | World | AlterNet
Think Progress » Olbermann Rescinds Charity Offer For Cowardly Hannity, Donates $10K For Mancow’s Waterboarding
Rethink Afghanistan
What Was I Fighting For? (Afganistan)
Tomgram: The Pressure of an Expanding War
Hullabaloo: digby: Get 'Mo Gitmo
Hullabaloo: digby: The Zelig Of War Crimes (Colin Powell is not a good person, and certainly not a "war hero," liberal media)
L.A. police union wants San Diego newspaper writers fired | L.A. Now | Los Angeles Times
The house that taxpayers built | Salon New York's billionaire mayor used public funds to build the new Yankee Stadium for the richest team in sports. (Bloomberg's folly)
Big Banks to Pay Larger Share of FDIC Levy - - The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which guarantees bank deposits against loss, yesterday approved a controversial change requiring big banks to pay a larger share of the bill for that insurance.(controversial?)
Why Thought Suppression is Counter-Productive « PsyBlog
Reappearance Of Missing Genetic Information Poses Exception To The Rule
The Genius Index: One Scientist's Crusade to Rewrite Reputation Rules
Counting Down to the End of Moore’s Law - Bits Blog -
Judge Rules Dorm Room Search for Evidence of Prank Email Illegal | Electronic Frontier Foundation (and where are the punitive damages?)
Is it OK to run an illegal library from my locker at school? - Yahoo! Answers
Man pushes would-be China suicide off bridge: media - - "I pushed him off because jumpers like Chen are very selfish. Their action violates a lot of public interests,"
Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse | Executive Summary (no names, no prosecutions, Church praises "courageous" abusers)
The Associated Press: Irish school victims angry that abusers not named (deflect and move on) (the Catholic Church: the biggest pedophile ring in the world)
The Magdalene Sisters - Wikipedia
500 women in secret affairs with priests: support group |
Ruth Gledhill - Times Online - WBLG: Cardinal Cormac: 'Atheism the greatest of evils.' (child-rape, not so much)
Media Lens Message Board: Israeli tourism posters being removed from London Underground The adverts by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism and ThinkIsrael included a map that included the West Bank, Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights (they never give up)
The Dark Continent: Hitler's European Holocaust Helpers - Spiegel Online - "Ukrainian gendarmes and Latvian auxiliary police, Romanian soldiers or Hungarian railway workers. Polish farmers, Dutch land registry officials, French mayors, Norwegian ministers, Italian soldiers -- they all took part in Germany's Holocaust."
Mexico Anti-Abortion Laws On The Rise
Senate Passes $91.3 Billion War Funding Bill
Cheney's speech contained omissions, misstatements - Yahoo! News (and lies)
Obama proposes Indefinite Preventive Detention without trial - Behind Blue Eyes - Open Salon (prevent "future crime")
Report: Gonzo, Then At White House, Signed Off On CIA Torture In 2002 | TPMMuckraker
Obama Thug Squad Brutalizing Prisoners at Gitmo by Jeremy Scahill --
Little Known Military Thug Squad Still Brutalizing Prisoners at Gitmo Under Obama | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet (same as the old thugs)
Jeremy Scahill: Obama’s ‘Thug Squad’ at Guantánamo Bay — Part I (video) « Little Alex in Wonderland
Jesse Ventura on Impeachment and George Bush | Prose Before Hos Some key quotes: “This country will impeach a President for cheating on his wife, but we won’t impeach a President for lying to us and taking us to war where thousands are killed”
Hullabaloo: dday: Media Enablers (Times reprints debunked "1 in 7 terrorists return to battlefield" story -- like writing an editorial)
Froomkin: Establishing The Connection Between The Bush Administration and Abu Ghraib | Crooks and Liars
Obsidian Wings: "Return To Terrorism" (totally bogus)
"Daily Show" Duel: Dick Cheney Vs. Barack Obama (video)
Firedoglake » Time Magazine Writes Ed Liddy Fan Fic
If I Ran the Zoo: Feingold Blocks Bill to Honor Reagan
Whoopi Goldberg Calls Glenn Beck A 'Lying Sack Of Dog Mess'
The Raw Story » Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, and lasts six seconds before saying its torture
Getting Waterboarded // Current
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Mancow Notes the Obvious
The Washington Monthly: Nepotism Reigns: Liz Cheney, VP: 12 appearances, in nine and a half days, spanning four networks (networks promote Cheney's daughter as surrogate and analyst)
Jesse Jackson Jr. Pays Campaign Funds to Chicago Alderman Wife -
Love tangle for power broker: Citigroup's Richard Parsons has love child with model MacDella Cooper
Moral Majority founder Falwell dies - Life- (death of the Moral Majority)
Off the Charts - U.S. Unemployment Rate May Soon Top Europe’s - (with less of a socialist-type safety-net, you know)
TARP Warrant Sale Shows Banks May Reap ‘Ruthless Bargain’ -
Op-Ed Columnist - Blue Double Cross - (change you can choke on: public plan "off the table")
Poor would be hard hit by proposed California budget cuts - Los Angeles Times The governor suggests dismantling welfare programs for families and ending CalGrants for college students
Got Work? - ABC News just 19.7 percent of 2009 graduates who applied for a job actually have one.
Economist's View: "Paul Romer's Many Hong Kongs"
Fear on Wall St. Falling -
Gawker - Times Scribe Omits Vital Details From Book/Article - Edmund andrews
The Road to Bankruptcy - Megan McArdle
NYT Mag Writer Edmund Andrews Neglected to Mention One Little Thing in His Mortgage Opus -- Daily Intel -- New York News Blog -- New York Magazine
Henry Blodget: New York Times Reporter Bankruptcy Saga Actually About Love, Not Money
Magazine Preview - The Case for Working With Your Hands - (no work-safety signs in boardrooms)
IEEE Spectrum: The Truth About Bender's Brain
Review - Trick or Treatment - The Undeniable Facts about Alternative Medicine by Simon Singh and Edzard Ernst
People with Down Syndrome Rarely Get Cancer; Scientists Discover One Reason Why - Disaboom
GeoHive - Male / Female distribution
Ancient Hebrew Artifact Found On Jerusalem's Mount Of Olives ("Menachem" dated from 900BC)
P.Z. Myers: Why is Charlotte Allen so mad at atheists? - Los Angeles Times
YouTube - Ellen DeGeneres Commencement Speech at Tulane University (2009-05-16)
#09-493: Iowa Man Pleads Guilty to Possessing Obscene Visual Representations of the Sexual Abuse of Children (2009-05-20) (cartoon manga)
Oh, Texas, this guy runs your school board? | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine ("someone has to stand up to experts")
School Halts 6th Grader's Report on Harvey Milk | NBC San Diego
Whither Eucalyptus? - Jamie’s Web Log (crApple censors app: "it’s possible, after explicitly searching for them, to find, download from the Internet, and then read texts that Apple deems ‘objectionable’.")
FCC’s Warrantless Household Searches Alarm Experts | Threat Level |
The Raw Story » Milk is a gateway drug to bourbon
Accused Palin Hacker Says Stolen E-Mails Were Public Record | Threat Level |
Google Earth maps out discrimination against burakumin caste in Japan - Times Online
Judge Reviewing Pirate Bay Trial Bias Is Removed for Bias | Threat Level |
IEEE Spectrum: The Million Dollar Programming Prize
Uptime - Ars Technica - Virtualization articles
Webware 100 winners announced! | Webware - CNET
Unconscious Carroll man found after 11-hour search - New Philadelphia, OH - The Times-Reporter Sheriff unhappy with Verizon’s ‘line’ on emergency
Pictures of the day: 20 May 2009 - Telegraph - PediSedate
Lawyer: RIAA must pay back all $100M it has collected - Ars Technica - no prelitigation letters had yet gone to Harvard
Open Letter to Zofia Cisowski - The Globe and Mail (RCMP
The Fucking Weather
Iran Missile Launch Confirmed By US
Sexual-Harassment Cases Plague U.N. -
Exclusive: How MI5 blackmails British Muslims - Home News, UK - The Independent 'Work for us or we will say you are a terrorist'
Obama National Archives Speech (transcript, video)
Civil Libertarian Rips Obama's Speech: All Bells And Whistles - "a road to perdition,"
Obama: 50 Guantanamo Detainees Cleared For Transfer
Matthew Yglesias » Obama’s Pronunciations
Obama Is Said to Consider Preventive Detention Plan -
Gawker - Michael Isikoff Reveals Details of Secret White House Torture Meeting - Barack Obama (O: not one prosecution)
New York - Runnin' Scared - Cheney: 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11, 9/11. (Also: 9/11)
Thin ICE In 2007, 276,912 US residents were deported (Bushwar on brown people)
California, a Broke State, Reels as Voters Rebuff Leaders -
Colbert Hates Yoo: Takes On Philadelphia Inquirer For Hiring Torture Defender, Mocks Liberal Media For Terrible Puns (video)
Newt Gingrich Unedited Interview | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Olbermann WTF Moment: Rush Limbaugh (video)
TNR 's Krieger described Huntsman as "one of the only Republican governors" to accept stimulus funds -- but they all did | Media Matters for America (facts are stupid and so is TNR)
Bonnie Fuller: Bristol Palin's People Magazine Cover is a Total Promotion for Teen Pregnancy!
‘We did not know that child abuse was a crime,’ says retired Catholic archbishop (didn't know child-rape was a crime)
RNC Hits Obama For Criticizing Slavery | Media Matters Action Network
White House Reporter Protects Cheney, Accuses Gibbs Of Taking “Swipe” | The Plum Line (balanced media)
Feral Scholar » Blog Archive » McChrystal & Pelosi
Jobless Filings Fall 12,000; Continuing Claims Still High -
Evaporation of the Aral Sea : Feature Articles
What You Don’t Know Makes You Nervous - Happy Days Blog -
Unusual and awesome view of Saturn | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
1001 rules for my unborn son
YouTube battling 'Porn Day' campaign | Security - CNET News
BBC NEWS | Technology | Joke review boosts T-shirt sales
Israeli settlers attack Palestinian homes near Hebron - International Middle East Media Center
Somali pirates embrace capture as route to Europe - Telegraph
Raw Story » Military attorney: Waterboarding is ‘tip of the iceberg’ they would come in with a scalpel or a razor type of instrument and they would slash his genitals, just with small cuts.” (not a nation of torturers, just genital-slashers)
Did White House OK Earliest Detainee Abuse? : NPR
CIA Interrogation Briefing List Contains More Errors
Emptywheel » The CIA’s Comedy of Briefing List Errors | Emptywheel » Torture Appropriations
Michael Gerson - The Democrats' Assault on the CIA - | The Democrats are demoralizing the very agency they think we need to rely on more (WaPo goes full Nixon on torture, see comments)
David Rose on Iraqi insurgents | (resisted by Bush/Cheney/Dumsfeld)
Congress Passes Landmark Credit Card Reform; House Passes GOP Amendment To Allow Guns In National Parks
What You Don’t Know Makes You Nervous - Happy Days Blog -
Scarborough falsely claimed KSM and Zubaydah "were not asked" about an Iraq/Al Qaeda link | Media Matters for America (from your liberal MSNBC - for 3 hours a day!)
Newt Gingrich Pt. 2 | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Politico's Thrush tells us what McCain said -- but not whether it's true | Media Matters for America (drudge-bone)
Credit Card Bill - What Got Left Out - CBS News - Credit card companies killed two proposals to impose caps of 15 percent and 36 percent (Dems bought: O got .5 million from CC industry)
John Maynard Keynes - Wikiquote - "Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone." - CAFE Obama -- Proposed Mileage Standards Would Kill More Americans than Iraq War (fuel efficiency=terrorism - they're getting desparate)
Recall Why TARP Funds Were Necessary | The Big Picture
Calculated Risk: New Mortgage Loan Reset / Recast Chart
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect | Industrial Policy Isn't Alien to the United States - Dean Baker
Climate change odds much worse than thought - MIT News Office
MIT News: Policy Roulette Wheels
How Low Can It Go? Sun Plunges into the Quietest Solar Minimum in a Century At the science fair, girls dominate the class
The 1.8 Gigayear Gap -A Galaxy Classic
Survey delves into high birth rate for young Latinas - (53% pregnant by 20)
A look at abortion polling numbers - First Read - - decline in the number of Americans who believe that abortion should be always or mostly (usually) legal.
Right-to-Repair Law Proposed ... for Cars | Electronic Frontier Foundation (everything is DMCA'd and you can't fix it)
School can expel lesbian students, court rules - Los Angeles Times (becuase private schools aren't "businesses")
Photojournalism - Photography, Video and Visual Journalism Archives - Lens Blog -
From Voodoo to GeForce: The Awesome History of 3D Graphics | Maximum PC
ThinkGeek :: Sun and Moon Jars | Sun Jar: Color MOD
Microsoft Incorporates Virtual WiFi Technology into Windows 7 -
Officer legally justified in kicking suspect, union attorney says - Los Angeles Times El Monte officer was delivering a 'distraction blow' to man lying on the ground after a high-speed chase, lawyer says (enhanced distraction)
Baltimore Christian Conservative Examiner: Another missing link or another red herring? (Larry Amon, "Christian Conservative," makes a total fool of himself on the internets for all eternity)
Cory Doctorow: We must ensure ISPs don't stop the next Google getting out of the garage | Technology |
Have you seen the Google logo???? - Rapture Ready (RR Christians react to Google's "missing link" logo)
Christian Search Engine (safe play-pen for Christiians afraid of knowledge)
No Guidance on How to Rein In the Flu -
Op-Ed Contributor - Take the War to the Drug Lords - (which will surely work)
Bibi Goes to Washington: How About a Nuclear Free Middle East? | The LA Progressive
Netanyahu stands firm against demands from Obama - Telegraph (we're the boss of you)
Daily Kos: Fourth Congressional Dem Says CIA Documents are Faulty (Leon, hello?)
Senate Democrats Pull Funding For Guantanamo Closure
Despite Plan, Guantánamo Trials Still Problematic - (change that isn't)
Editorial - The Right to DNA Testing -
Another Lawmaker Points To An Error In CIA Briefings Doc | TPMMuckraker (oh really)
GOP Losses Span Nearly All Demographic Groups (party of torture)
Obama Avoids Test on Gays in Military - (flipflopflipflop)
Daily Kos: NYT: Dowd plagiarism is no big deal - these things don't just blame themselves Let’s Cut To The Chase And Make Her Our Queen - CNN says that Nancy Pelosi has Newt Gingrich-like approval ratings
Matthew Yglesias » George Will’s Irritable Mental Gestures ("A seven year-old ought to be able to master this.")
Balloon Juice » The Iron Dog snowmachine competition
Jerry and Joe Long: Philadelphia Inquirer Hires Ira Einhorn To Write Monthly Column On Corpse Storage
Brendan Calling » Breaking: Michael Vick To Write Pets Column For Inquirer
Raw Story » Olbermann butchers RNC chairman on same-sex marriage
Understanding America's Shift on Abortion - Time - for the first time, more Americans are pro-life than pro-choice,
Jesse Ventura, Hannity Go Head-To-Head (video)
New York - Runnin' Scared - Conservative Twitter Guy is Teased, Brings Lawsuit - Michael Leahy (is now famous on the internets for being an top conservative whiner)
Firedoglake » Wingnut Bloggers KaNT rEEd By: Jane Hamsher (3 levels/6 paragraphs + "deadbeats" + "this is all just ABA astroturf to derail the Credit Card bill. The NYT should charge them for advertising")
Taxpayers May Lose Out in TARP Paybacks - DealBook Blog - (banksters decided to keep the money)
Credit Card Industry Aims to Profit From Sterling Payers - (do you deserve a free credit card?)
Matthew Yglesias » Housing Starts Hit Record Low in April
Irvine Housing Blog - Big Balls
The High Cost of Poverty: Why the Poor Pay More - Having Little Money Often Means No Car, No Washing Machine, No Checking Account And No Break From Fees and High Prices
Federal Reserve to Widen Commercial Real Estate Lending Program - (restart the bubble!)
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Scientists hail stunning fossil
How Alzheimer's Robs Sufferers Of Episodic Memory
Rivers May Have Recently Flowed On Mars: Report - Gearlog
Carbon geography | Grist
GPS system 'close to breakdown' | Technology | Network of satellites could begin to fail as early as 2010
American Civil Liberties Union : ACLU Challenges Patents On Breast Cancer Genes (20% of you is patented already)
Uncle Sam's Human Lab Rats | Mother Jones They say government scientists messed with their minds. Now, veterans of secret psychedelic tests want answers.
The 1.8 Gigayear Gap -A Galaxy Classic - humans have only a 50-50 shot of making it through the 21st century
Young Boy To Publicly Live Life As Girl - Local News Story - KETV Omaha (dis-invited from Catholic school)
Injustice In Mississippi: Double Life Sentence Over $10! | Living Life Abundantly (prison America)
io9 - The Scariest Killer Robots Look Like Dead People - Robots
The Six Issues That Divide Bibi from Barack - time (#1: Israel is the boss of US)
Pakistan Is Rapidly Adding Nuclear Arms, U.S. Says - (with US nuke tech)
Cuba's Undersea Oil Could Help Thaw Trade With U.S. -
DownWithTyranny!: Did Cheney Have Benazir Bhutto Assassinated? ("new tactics")
The State of Surveillance - Britain is one of the most watched societies in the world—from cameras to communications. Can it happen here
Supreme Court: Top U.S. Officials Can't Be Sued For Post-9/11 Abuse (because 9/11 changed everything)
The 13 people who made torture possible | Salon News The Bush administration's Torture 13. They authorized it, they decided how to implement it, and they crafted the legal fig leaf to justify i
Cheney said in 2004 Gitmo detainees revealed Iraq-al Qaida link | McClatchy (Atrios: They tortured the shit out of people and obtained false confessions in order to justify their monstrous war. This, aside from sadism, is the purpose of torture. And the Villagers are okay with that.")
The Washington Monthly "The Righteous Nation" (even worse than you thought)
No Waterboarding Used in Questioning On Al-Qaeda Ties to Iraq, Officials Say -
The latest poor information on John Yoo | Philadelphia Daily News | 05/17/2009 (+Harold Jackson your name will live in infamy for all eternity)
Phawker » Where’S The Beef: Inquirer Puff Piece On Glenn Beck Long On Froth, Short On Questioning All The Hateful Moronic Things He Has Said Over The Years
NY Times' Maureen Dowd Plagiarizes TPM's Josh Marshall (word for word + oh the irony + the Times planning to charge for plagierized articles)
Maureen Dowd Admits Inadvertently Lifting Line From TPM's Josh Marshall ("inadvertantly"=totally without shame)
Gawker - Maureen Dowd Admits to an Act of Accidental Plagiarism - Maureen Dowd
Plagiarize! Let No One Else's Work Evade Your Eyes! New York Times Crashed-and-Burned Watch
The myth of the parasitical bloggers - Glenn Greenwald - (you know, bloggers copy from respected legitimate news celebrities)
John McQuaid: Say It Ain't So, MoDo
Sympathy for the bad apples « The Poor Man Institute
Annals of Law: No More Mr. Nice Guy: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker (Roberts loyal GOPer, sided with prosecution in every major case before SC)
Op-Ed Columnist - The Perfect, the Good, the Planet -
Obama to Announce New Mileage and Emission Standards -
At Geithner's Treasury, Key Decisions on Hold - Many Advisers' Roles Are Undefined And Others Still Awaiting Confirmation
Calculated Risk: Foreclosure Resales: Slow in High Priced Areas
Gas jumps 25 cents in three weeks - May. 17, 2009
Goldman, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley Said to Apply for TARP Exit - (ADN)
Pollution Can Change Your DNA in 3 Days, Study Suggests
Puberty gene sets our sexual clocks - life - 17 May 2009 - New Scientist
The Forgetting | PBS
Alzheimer's Reading Room: HBO The Alzheimer's Project Open to all Cable Subscribers
HBO: Documentaries: The Alzheimer's Project
Living with Alzhiemers'
Multi-Infarct Dementia Information Page: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
The Forgetting | PBS
FCA: Frontotemporal Dementia
Aluminum, silica in water affect Alzheimer's risk | Health | Reuters
Study: Link Between Diabetes And Dementia - CBS News
Obesity Can Increase Dementia Risk By Up To 80 Percent, Study Suggests
Supreme Court Hands Medical Marijuana Major Victory
Truthdig - Arts and Culture - Chalmers Johnson on the Cost of Empire
Language Log » If I could only say ‘O!’ like Mr. Whitefield
Davidlynch.Com Presents Interview Project
Americans ranked as world’s least green consumers—again | Grist (piggies)
Motivational Posters: Theodore Roosevelt Edition | The Art of Manliness
With Games They Invent, Artists Unleash the Athlete Within -
NFB - Perpetual Motions
Why E-Books Look So Ugly | Gadget Lab |
YouTube - Bias Bingo: How Cognitive Bias Generates Belief
Appetite for China | an appetite for china
David Kessler on foods that make us overeat — The Mediavore
Death From Above, Outrage Down Below -
Sri Lanka's long war reaches climax, Tigers concede | U.S. | Reuters
Suspected drug gang frees 53 from Mexico prison
Nations in agreement, Iran is bogeyman | The Australian (bombs away)
FRONTLINE/World Conflict Zones: Pakistan and Afghanistan Synopsis and Video | PBS | Children of the Taliban
Obama Notre Dame Speech: Full Text
'Prisoner abuse' photographs surface as Barack Obama prepares to block publication - Telegraph
Obama Can’t Turn the Page on Bush -
Rachel Maddow Show: Jane Mayer on Cheney's Involvement With the CIA's Intelligence Gathering | Video Cafe
GQ: And He Shall Be Judged By Robert Draper (drip, drip, flood)
Onward Christian Soldiers (Christianization of Iraq War)
Think Progress » Under Rumsfeld, Pentagon published Bible verses on top-secret intel reports (sick Christo-fucks)
Distorting public opinion on torture investigations - Glenn Greenwald - (they lie to you about what you think)
Matthew Yglesias » Torture, Accountability, and American Progress
MoDo - Cheney, Master of Pain - - putting the liberal speaker from San Francisco on the hot seat about torture may be one of his proudest achievements.
The Public Editor - The Tip That Didn’t Pan Out - Op-Ed - (oh, the irony)
You Protect The Ones You Serve: Obama Reverses Positions on CEO Executive Pay Caps and the NSA Wiretapping Program | Prose Before Hos
Bush team still haunts environmentals - Erika Lovley -
Editorial Notebook - Bankers Bounce Back - (they always do)
Daily Kos: Clinging to a dead biz model for dear life
Timothy Karr: Big Media Myopia: To save journalism, Brown and Sanford argue, we must "eliminate ownership restrictions" and open floodgates to a new wave of media concentration (+tax breaks+no anti-trust restrictions+old model+profit!)
Prototype - Coming Soon to Your Language - More of the Web -
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Steroids, performance, and evidence
The Raw Story » Mexican president: US authorities ‘complicit’ in drug trafficking
The Case of the Missing H-Bomb: The Pentagon Has Lost the Mother of All Weapons | Environment | AlterNet
Neandertals Sophisticated And Fearless Hunters, New Analysis Shows
How Neanderthals met a grisly fate: devoured by humans | Science | The Observer
Oldest Human Hairs Found in Hyena Dung
io9 - SETI Picks Up Regular Laser Pulse Emanating From Space - seti
Nation & World | Dogs have souls, but you already knew that | Seattle Times Newspaper
Nile Monitor Lizards invade Florida
I survived the “Destroying Angel” :Cornell Mushroom Blog
How Jezebel is hurting women.
Keyword Search Tools - Top 5 Free Keyword Search Tools, Selector Tools and Comparison Tools
For Books Available On Kindle, Sales Are Now Tracking At 35 Percent Of Print Sales (bye-bye books)
A message from Emily (your Gov at work, don't miss)
YouTube - Lockheed Martin - Liberty (your tax dollars at work promoting patriotism and huge military budgets)
Metaplace (make your own virtual world online)
Map of Human Sexuality (gif)
Aipac's hidden persuaders | Richard Silverstein | Comment is free | The Israel lobby is aiming to soften up US public opinion for an attack on Iran. Americans should resist its propaganda
Mondoweiss: Landmark study finds Israeli control in occupied territories 'a breach of the prohibition of apartheid'
Growing Majority of Americans Oppose Israel Building Settlements - World Public Opinion
Nothing To Fear But Truth Itself: Criminalizing Criticism of Israel | Mikes and Dislikes
India Elections Results: Ruling Party Wins Resounding Victory (Congress wins, Nationalists lose)
Suu Kyi's Detention Sparks International Uproar
Barack Obama, Notre Dame, and the Casey myth | Media Matters for America
Howard Zinn: Changing Obama's Military Mindset | Democracy and Elections | AlterNet
What we've learned so far about President Obama. - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine
We tortured to justify war | Salon the real reason was to invent evidence linking Saddam Hussein to al-Qaida.
The Torture Business: CIA Outsourced Development of Interrogation Plan - Spiegel Online - News - International
Media ignore question of whether Congress was briefed on torture dissent | Media Matters for America
Washington's Blog: Video of Weird Sexual Abuse at Abu Gharaib
AMERICAblog News| A great nation deserves the truth: A tale of two Gibbs
David Gregory Yawns At Torture News (video) (your elite journo-wankers: "Gregory demonstrates all of the reportorial tenacity of a dilettante badminton player under heavy sedation.")
Firedoglake » Mike Gerson’s Hysterical Incivility Blindness
The Washington Independent » Happy ‘Whitey Tape’ Eve! - former CIA analyst and current security consultant Larry Johnson (lied, but got six weeks of MSM coverage and speculation)
Horror and stresses of Iraq duty led US sergeant to kill comrades | World news | The Guardian
Firedoglake » FDL Book Salon - The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized The American Right
Elizabeth Warren Interviewed By Bill Maher On Credit Card Legislation, Usury (video) (watch this, NPR, you might learn something)
A Visual Guide to Inflation | Blog
FTC nukes "extended warranty" robocallers from orbit - Ars Technica
Trying to govern California | The ungovernable state | The Economist (started with Reagan)
Countdown's WTF Moment: Texas Secession (video)
TG Daily - Stem cell research could lose federal funding
PBS - Scientific American Frontiers:Fighting the Thrifty Gene
Samuel Beckett - The Word-Stormer
The Man From Atlantis | Articles | Features | Fortean Times UK
4-Way SSD Round-Up Redux, OCZ, Corsair, Kingston, SuperTalent - HotHardware
Windows 7 Computer Build, Part 2: Prepping the Case - How To by ExtremeTech
The Straight Dope: Why did the peoples of the New World fail to invent the wheel? DNS prank ruffles Sarah Palin's feathers - Ars Technica
Get Your Kid Off Your Facebook Page: When women hide behind their children on Facebook.
Confessions of an Introverted Traveler - Sophia Dembling has a different style of traveling, and she's tired of hiding it
Sociological Images » Dell Reaches Out To Women With The Same Tired Stereotypes
We Join Adult Friend Finder: Part 5
Revealed: the inside story of the Tiananmen massacre - Asia, World - The Independent Secret memoir of Communist party leader who opposed crackdown is finally published
Leon Panetta's mission to stop Israel bombing Iranian nuclear plant - Times Online (Israel vetos US policy)
JURIST - Paper Chase: UN rights chief urges US to hold Bush-era officials accountable for 'torture'
CIA Director Panetta: Records Show CIA Officers Briefed Lawmakers Truthfully
Gitmo general told Iraq WMD search team to torture - War Room - - U.S. Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller
KSM Questioned About al Qaeda-Iraq Ties During Waterboarding (lies->war->torture->lies)
Lakhdar Boumediene, Guantanamo Detainee, Released By U.S. He was deemed innocent of all charges relating to the participation in eventual terrorist activities by judicial decisions in several countries, including the United States,"
Balkinization: News Flash: Taliban Waterboards Captured U.S. Soldiers--Claims "Not Torture"
Bubbling | TPM
Human Rights Investigator, Attorney John Sifton: Torture Investigation Should Focus on Estimated 100 Prisoner Deaths
The Bush Administration Homicides - The Daily Beast
Focus Shifting To Evidence Bushies Ordered Torture To Boost Case For Iraq War | TPMMuckraker
Media Shocked - Shocked! - That Pelosi Criticizes The CIA
Top Powell Aide Wilkerson: Torture Helped Build Iraq War Case
We wouldn't want to inflame anti-American sentiment - Glenn Greenwald - - We wouldn't want to inflame anti-American sentiment (would we)
Glenn Greenwald - Obama's kinder, gentler military commissions
Obama Breaks Major Campaign Promise as Military Commissions Resume, Says Amnesty International | (change, and change again)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Ticking Time Bombed - Charles Krauthammer
MSNBC Wrongly Calls Torture a “Political” Question - The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics (the Noron and Lieberputz: blow-jobs evil, torture no so much)
YouTube - Democrats Were Elected On A Promise To End The War In Iraq! Dennis Kucinich (inoperative)
Democrats Grow Uneasy Over Obama’s Hawkish Policies -- News from Open-Ended Wars, Open-Ended Detentions: Where's the Change?
Limbaugh: Obama "knows he's being followed around by a bunch of sycophants who are going to die of anal poisoning" | Media Matters for America (fixated on the anus)
Mexican Data Show Migration to U.S. in Decline - (problem solved)
Think Progress » Obama Nominates Superfund Polluter Lawyer To Run DOJ Environment Division (very Bush-like of him)
The bizarre budget showdown between Defense Secretary Gates and Congress. - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine
What Do Americans Want? Legal Pot, White House Online Survey Reports | 44 | playing online poker and cracking down on Scientologists as far more important issue
So That's Why the Press Won't Cover Elizabeth Warren! : CJR : NPR badgers oversight panel chair over her legitimacy (NicePoliteRepublicans at work)
"Planet Money" Reporter Paints Elizabeth Warren As Agenda-Driven (NPR=FoxLight)
GM notifies 1,100 dealers they're out - May. 15, 2009 Automaker makes big cut as part of plan to drop 40% of dealer network. Many are expected to leave business this year
My Personal Credit Crisis - (elite financial reporter fucks up)
How I Became A Subprime Borrower And Blew Myself Up
The consequences of (yet again) failing to stand up to the banks | Ian Welsh (Obama rolled)
U.S. banking crisis may last until 2013: S&P | Reuters (year after Obama de-elected)
'Fool's Gold': The Banking World's Responsibility : NPR
Pipelineistan Goes Af-Pak by Tom Engelhardt --
Tomgram: Pepe Escobar, Welcome to Pipelineistan
Invisible hands: The secret world of the oil fixer—By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine)
Melting ice could cause gravity shift - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent Northern hemisphere sea levels 'will rise the most' if Antarctic sheet disintegrates
Watch this space | The Australian (SETI detects aliens)
Dr. Soram Khalsa: What You Can Do About The Vitamin D Epidemic
YouTube - levitating frog (16 teslas)
Can Happiness Be Inherited?
Review - Violent Partners - A Breakthrough Plan for Ending the Cycle of Abuse by Linda G. Mills
The last word: Advice from ‘America’s worst mom’ - THE WEEK About a year ago, I let my 9-year-old ride the New York subway alone for the first time.
Ryan Gilbey on the importance of taking children to scary movies | Film | The Guardian
TV shows including Doctor Who 'giving children nightmares' - Telegraph
Vicki Iovine: Switching Sides Later In Life
Jock Sturges - Line of beauty and grace
Fake DHS "photography license" for fake no-photos laws - Boing Boing
Achewood § February 2, 2009
YouTube - Women and Money
Jordan king: Israel must accept Palestinian state -
New West Bank roads jeopardizing chances for peace accord - Haaretz - Israel News (called negotiating in good faith)
Obama warns Netanyahu: Don't surprise me with Iran strike - Haaretz - Israel News
Lake swimmer could cost Suu Kyi her freedom | World news |
'Global War On Terror' Is Given New Name - - Overseas Contingency Operation (otherwise known as "a problem somewhere else")
Raw Story » Report: much of 9/11 Commission’s findings cite intelligence garnered by torture (i.e., bogus, against the law and means you can't believe the Commission Report)(next?)
9/11 Commission controversy - Deep Background - (9/11 Commission ordered torture: "there was a separate, second round of interrogations in early 2004, done specifically to answer new questions from the Commission.")
Washington's Blog: One of the Main Sources for the 9/11 Commission Report was Tortured Until He Agreed to Sign a Confession that He Was NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO READ
Think Progress » Pelosi: ‘At Every Step Of The Way, The Administration Was Misleading The Congress’ ("And that is why we need a truth commission to look into the issue.")
Cheney Intervened in CIA Inspector General's Torture Probe
Obama Considers Detaining Terror Suspects Indefinitely - (more forever war)
Nancy Pelosi: CIA Lied To Me
Emptywheel » Senator Bob Graham: The CIA Made Up Two Briefing Sessions
Bigger Than the Both of Us | TPM "If the driving force was to gin up new bogus intel about the fabled Iraq-al Qaida link, politically it will put the whole story in a very different light." (what light was it in before?)
What's Behind CIA Decision To Release Torture Briefings Document? | TPMMuckraker
Daily Kos: Seymour Hersh: Children raped on camera in front of women at Abu Ghraib. How bad are these photos? (we don't want to upset anybody)
Emptywheel » About the Foto Flip-Flop
The Truth About Richard Bruce Cheney | TPMCafe - "no torture or harsh interrogation techniques were employed by any U.S. interrogator for the entire second term of Cheney-Bush, 2005-2009. So ...")
Cheney's Role Deepens - The Daily Beast the vice president’s office suggested waterboarding an Iraqi prisoner who was suspected of knowing about a relationship between al Qaeda and Saddam.
FBI Investigating Coleman In Minnesota
Jeffrey Rosen/TNR credibility watch: It's gone | Media Matters for America
Michael Gerson - The GOP's Driving Desire for Defeat -
Washington Times Runs Obama Girls' Photo With Story About Murdered Chicago Kids (rightwing media at work)
White House Czar Calls for End to 'War on Drugs' -
Limbaugh compares Democrats' "quest for power" to his own drug addiction | Media Matters for America
NH Gov Will Sign Gay Marriage Bill if It's Changed - (so no one is "forced" to marry someone, or a turtle)
Senate Dumps On Credit Card Interest Cap - Mick Arran - Open Salon (no one could have predicted ...)
Senate Rejects Interest-Rate Cap on Credit Cards -
Firedoglake » Democrats for Loan Sharking (names + contributions)
AIG: Our CEO Didn't Know Enough To Testify About What He Testified About | TPMMuckraker
Op-Ed Contributor - The Almighty Renminbi? -
Unemployment Worse Than Expected; PPI Up 0.3% -
Jim Cramer On Jon Stewart: "One Day He'll Answer For It" (yeah)
California's Ghost Towns
America's Most Overpriced Cities - (fifth-ranked Providence, R.I.)
Ancient Venus rewrites history books : Nature News | Prehistoric pin-up
Life’s First Spark Re-Created in the Laboratory | Wired Science |
Molecule of life emerges from laboratory slime - life - 13 May 2009 - New Scientist
Homeland Security Trains Scouts To Fight Terrorism Terrorist described as “disgruntled Iraq war veteran” in role play
State v. Chun — - Source Code Of The Draeger Alcotest 7110 MKIII-C
Schneier on Security: Software Problems with a Breath Alcohol Detector
Cop Punts Suspect's Head; High Five Ensues | NBC Chicago
DEA Special Agent Shawn Hacking Banned
Welcome to - Home Page | Transforming Family - Creating a Climate for Consensual Living
How not to raise your kids - Brattleboro Reformer
On Parenting: Consensual Living « Simply Catholic
Texas museum acquires work believed to be Michelangelo's first painting | Art and design |
YouTube - TC Electronic Voice Live Vocal Effects FX Processor
Pizza Vending Machine Video –
Swine Flu May Be Human Error; WHO Investigates Claim -
Pope demands independent Palestinian state - Times Online
The Washington Monthly "My Colleagues Just Stared At That Line" (no new nukes)
Detainee Photos: Obama Seeks To Block Release (more transparency)
BBC NEWS | Americas | Obama U-turn on abuse photographs
Washington's Blog: Here Are a Few of the Torture Photos Obama Doesn't Want You To See
Congress’s Torture Bubble -
FBI Whistleblower Testimony: Gonzales Imposed Brutal Interrogation Tactics
Rogue Diva of Doom - (Cheney)
Graham Cites Debunked Report To Argue For Torture | TPMMuckraker
Working the refs. It works! | Media Matters for America (Philly Inquirer hires Torture Yoo to defend against "liberal bias")
Scarborough Backs Cheney: "I Knew By The Second Day That America Was Less Safe" (video)
David Hayes: Obama Interior Nominee Blocked By GOP David Hayes is an environmental lawyer picked by Obama to serve in Interior's No. 2 spot. Hayes held the same post during the last three years of the Clinton administration.
Hullabaloo when the RNC meets in an extraordinary special session next week, it will approve a resolution rebranding Democrats as the “Democrat Socialist Party.” (GOPasaurs!)
YouTube - Conservative Media Attack Marriage Equality
Obama Pushes Broad Rules for Oversight of Derivatives -
Billions Withdrawn Before Madoff Arrest -
Retail Sale Drop Cools Wall Street’s Optimism -
Sliver of Stimulus Cash Has Reached State Hands - - the federal government has paid out less than 6 percent of the money, largely in the form of social service payments to states.
ACLU sues over patents on breast cancer genes -
Obnoxious Newspaper Bailout Begins
Thomas L. Friedman and the high cost of speaking - Los Angeles Times (see above)
Craigslist Erotic Services Ads To Be Removed From Site
Car-Free in America? - Room for Debate Blog -
YouTube - Actual Footage - Pastor Beaten & Tased by Border Patrol & DPS (he was 50 miles away from a border, going west to east)
American Civil Liberties Union : Surveillance Society Clock : Constitution-free Zone (most people in U.S.)
This is What a Sexless Marriage Feels Like - And yet - Open Salon
' I drink, therefore I can', Prospect Magazine issue 158 May 2009 - Printer Friendly Article More than one in ten Caucasians may have a “Churchill gene” which helps them turn booze into great works
Review - Side Effects - Medications & Psychiatry A Prosecutor, a Whistleblower, and a Bestselling Antidepressant on Trial by Alison Bass
Adblock Plus Maker Proposes Letting Publishers Plead For Revenue -- Online Advertising
Gawker - The Daily Show Visits Arizona State, 'The Harvard of Date Rape' - Barack Obama at Arizona State
WHO | Assessing the severity of an influenza pandemic
Pandemic Potential of a Strain of Influenza A (H1N1) : Early Findings -- Fraser et al., 10.1126/science.1176062 -- Science
Early Lessons From Mexico's Swine Flu Outbreak : ScienceInsider
Afghan Girls Apparent Poisoning Hospitalizes 84
This is London – the capital of Somali pirates' secret intelligence operation | World news | The Guardian
Refugee Crisis Clouds Pakistan's Anti-Taliban War - TIME
Photo Essay Mogadishu - A City Under Siege
Bush Failure To Disclose Waterboarding Appears To Violate Law (drip, drip, drip)
Obama administration threatens Britain to keep torture evidence concealed - Glenn Greenwald - (transparency you can believe in)
FBI Whistleblower Testimony: Gonzales Imposed Brutal Interrogation Tactics - ABC News Ali Soufan Also To Testify CIA Torture Program Architect Was Unqualified
Firedoglake » Torture: What’s in a Name? It Was Never Just “Sleep Deprivation”
Memos shed light on CIA use of sleep deprivation - Los Angeles Times
IG Report: Waterboarding Was Neither "Efficacious Or Medically Safe"
Detainee Who Gave False Iraq Data Dies In Prison in Libya -
Eschaton This whole conservative belief that torture is awesome and Nancy Pelosi knew about it so shut up stupid liberals is just odd.
Eschaton: Richard Cohen: "the prudent use of violence could be therapeutic" (+little Tommy Suck.On.This)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Can Richard Cohen Remember The Column He Wrote Two Weeks Ago? (no)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation
Liz Cheney Defends Dad On MSNBC (torture=saving the planet)
Inquirer defends the indefensible: A monthly column by torture architect John Yoo | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/11/2009
Whiskey Fire: Cold Campin' with Cheney "The best hope for the Republican Party is that thousands of Americans die in agony, so that the nation might look back fondly on the recently expired at best quasi-legal regime of institutionalized torture."
Paul Abrams: Dick Cheney: A Life Pattern of Sabotaging the Security of the United States
Gary Leupp: The Bomb Iran Faction An Existential Question for the Power Elite?
Think Progress » Fox Condemns Sykes’s Act: If A Talk Radio Host Compared Obama To A Terrorist, He Would Be Fired
Stress-Testing Biofuels: How the Game Was Rigged - Time
Wonk Room » Climate Pollution Cash Shaping Fate Of Waxman-Markey Clean Energy Legislation (Dems, bought and paid for)
Op-Ed Columnist - ‘What Color Is That Baby?’ - (missing white woman phenomenon)
Ventura tells Coleman: Quit, you hypocrite - "You give me a waterboard, Dick Cheney and one hour, and I'll have him confess to the Sharon Tate murders"
The GOP's misguided and confusing campaign against judicial empathy. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine The GOP's misguided and confused campaign against judicial empathy.
Media declare Gingrich GOP's "ideas man," ignore his frequent falsehoods | Media Matters for America (big fat liar)
The Field: Black and White and Dead All Over
Social Security Board of Trustees: Economic Downturn Leads to Worsening of Long-Range Financing Outlook (full benefits until 2037)(NPR today: out of money in two years)
Bernanke Says U.S. Banks Must Test More to Identify Other Risks - / Companies / Financial Services - Stress tests unleash fee bonanza
Port Authority Plans To Make World Trade Center Tower 5 Into Luxury Hotels - New York Post
Idiot America, new and expanded : Pharyngula
Domesticated Silver Fox - Wikipedia
A Radical New Autism Theory - The Daily Beast - A groundbreaking study suggests people with autism-spectrum disorders such as Asperger’s do not lack empathy—rather they feel others’ emotions too intensely to cope
What Life Might Look Like on Jupiter's Europa: New Extreme Species Discovered
What Makes Us Happy? - The Atlantic (June 2009)
Minneapolis Fitness Examiner: Exercise in middle age improves sex life and decreases post menopausal weight gain
Graduate Degrees Becoming the New Bachelor's |
Death Opens Doors on Group -
Ron Paul on Religion | God & State (America is a Christian Nation!)
The Internet and You | Mother Jones Peter Suderman thinks the web isn't making us dumber, it's just making us different:
Fonzie Ignores The Shark, Jumps The Twitter Fail Whale (CLIP)
Predicting Pandemics: Interview With Dr. Larry Brilliant . NOW on PBS How do we fight both the swine flu pandemic and our fear of it?
Raw Story » Pakistani president: Osama bin Laden is dead
Shocking video from Sri Lankan camp for displaced civilians | Human Rights Now - Amnesty International USA Blog
Snowblog - Sri Lanka’s Rajapaksa tells Channel 4 News to leave
Roxana Saberi Freed From Iranian Prison: Lawyers
Iraq Friendly Fire Incident Leaves 5 US Troops Dead: Report
Firedoglake » Did US Forces Use White Phosphorus in the Afghan Bombings?
Shulamit Aloni / Sadly, Israel is no longer democratic - Haaretz - Israel News
Jerusalem - Israel's Best Kept Secret, The Super Spy Shlomo Barda -- VosIzNeias
US replaces top general in Afghanistan | TPM News Pages
White House To Declassify “Holy Grail” Torture Report That Could Undercut Cheney | The Plum Line
Think Progress » REPORT: Why Bush’s ‘Enhanced Interrogation’ Program Failed
Is The Most Forceful Advocate For Probing Torture ... Dick Cheney? | TPMMuckraker
Cheney denies we torture people because it was approved by the OLC, but won't commit to testifying under oath | Crooks and Liars
Emptywheel » The Five Criminal Referrals WaPo Doesn’t Report
Administration Plans Tougher Antitrust Action -
Hullabaloo: De-basing Torture (media mainstreaming acceptability of torture)
Mondoweiss: Press can't say it, but a blogger can (Jane Harman's Jewish) Press can't say it, but a blogger can (Can you imagine if a leading evangelical politician was allegedly mixed up in a shady deal involving pressuring the White House on gay rights, and the papers didn't mention his religion?)
Op-Ed Columnist - Harry, Louise and Barack -
Christy Hardin Smith » OLC: Presidential Power At Root Of GOP Opposition To Dawn Johnsen
Raw Story » Fox host blasts press for dubbing her Todd Palin’s ‘handler’
Dana L. Cloud: The McCarthyism That Horowitz Built
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | Document Dump: The Big Health Care Letter
Former Hospital CEO Rick Scott Leads Opposition to Obama on Health Care The campaign is being coordinated by CRC Public Relations, the group that masterminded the "Swift boat" attacks
Report: On Supreme Court, cable news turns to Republicans for comment | Media Matters for America
Doonesbury@Slate - Daily Dose
Dilbert comic strip for 05/10/2009
Obama Adviser Sees Joblessness Growing Until 2010 -
Foreclosure wave slams suburbia | Crain's Chicago Business
HSBC Says 2009 Will Be ‘Tough’ as U.S. Bad Debts Rise -
13 things that do not make sense - space - 19 March 2005 - New Scientist
Dept. of Science: Don’t!: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker The secret of self-control.
Why Self-Discipline Is Overrated
WNYC - Radiolab » Mischel’s Marshmallows
Psychology Today: Truth Serum: the brain's "default" response is to tell the truth
Teachers must challenge myths - jim corbett - Open Salon (against the law to insult/disparage Creationism) - God On The Brain (BBC)
Think your life is bad? Archaeologists show us worse
The J-Walk Blog: How Much Is A Human Worth?
NORML - Maine Expands Marijuana Decrim Law Did gun control in Australia lead to more murders there last year?
Why you'll never see 200Mbps from a 200Mbps 'Net connection - Ars Technica
The iPhone App Store - a classic protection racket • The Register
Jezebel - Oprah : Moms Should Buy Vibrators For Teen Girls
Do Tags Work?
Why Circuit City Failed, and Why B&H Thrives - Inc. Article
BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Steep rise' in Sri Lanka deaths (deaths may be in the thousands, reporters kicked out)
What are we, Arabs? - Haaretz - Israel News
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan | Full Cheney Panic
YouTube - {Part 1} President Jokes @ White House Correspondents Dinner
Daily Kos: President Obama struck a blow to the abstinence-only community, cutting ALL of their funding streams in his new 2010 budget.
Wallace silent as Gingrich falsely claims Dems did not try to ban waterboarding | Media Matters for America
Public Shelters in New York Begin Charging Rent for the Working Homeless - (profit!)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Mike Huckabee's Flawed Logic on the GOP's Future
AFP: Murdoch leads charge to get readers to pay online
18 Billion Suns -Biggest Black Hole in Universe Discovered—and it’s BIG! A Galaxy Classic
New nanocrystals show potential for cheap lasers, new lighting | Science Codex
Wisconsin court upholds GPS tracking by police --
A marijuana tax as the next new revenue stream?
YouTube - Trailer for "The New World Order Conspiracy"
||| STringstation Concept |||
Rule nothing out with these Home Office farceurs – except competence | Marina Hyde | Comment is free | The Guardian From shock jock ban to Gurkha fiasco, the comic turns keep coming from the people who want to have your DNA
Daily Kos: Torture Defensible? How about Homicide? - nearly 100 men died during interrogations
Obama Set to Revive Military Commissions - Changes Would Boost Detainee Rights (change that isn't change)
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan The NYT Finally Prints "Torture"
The NYT's definition of blinding American exceptionalism - Glenn Greenwald -
Hullabaloo: digby: Exceptional Dissonance ("A good first step would be putting and end to this nonsensical fiction that "America Doesn't Torture." We do.") - Hoekstra considers hearings on Pelosi, interrogations
Judge Napolitano on Fox: Bush is a Felon for Authorizing CIA Torture!
Record High Army Suicides Prompt Action : NPR
'The Most Humiliating Experience I Have Ever Had' -- Why Is the Supreme Court So Callous About Privacy? | AlterNet (they aren't women)
The XX Factor : The Mediocrity of Diversity (no women qualified to be SOTUS justice)
Firedoglake » David Broder and Five of His Friends Mean the “Nation” is “Ripe” to Cut Social Security Benefits
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | The Audacity Of Tokenism
Globe publisher Ainsley sees future for paper - The Boston Globe
The Ticker - Actual U.S. Unemployment: 15.8% - Economy Watch (U6)
Obama Makes Push For Credit Card Legislation (video) (good luck with that)
Calculated Risk: WSJ Report: Banks Negotiated Concessions on Stress Tests (not so stressful)
Are AIG FP Employees Using Bailout Cash To Get Jobs Elsewhere? Looks Like It, Says AIG Source | TPMMuckraker
Science. Why not?: American political opportunities are loaded against those who are simultaneously intelligent and honest.
The World According to Monsanto - Full Documentary | Twilight Earth
Aussie censors implement six degrees of separation policy • The Register Links to links now banned
Tara Stiles: Generation X: Praying To No One?
Vicki Iovine: Divorce Is Trite, But Everyone's Is Special
TG Daily - Supermicro releases Atom-based blade server
TG Daily - Next-gen iPhone 'to lose telephony functions'
One Div Zero: A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages
YouTube - Charles Moulton/The Ball Passing Project
YouTube - Chunky Move's Mortal Engine
Bob Dylan - July 1964 Newport - Flickr
Online Education - Introducing the Microlecture Format — Open Education
Curiosity and Creativity in Children, Perhaps Not Quite as Sir Ken Robinson Suggests? — Open Education
Why is there Anti-Intellectualism?
Lifehacker - Top 10 Tiny & Awesome Windows Utilities | Power replacements for built-in Windows utilities
Jerusalem worried over breakdown of U.S.-Israel cooperation under Obama - Haaretz - Israel News (probably not that worried)
Thought police muscle up in Britain | The Australian
Muslims in Britain have zero tolerance of homosexuality, says poll | UK news | Survey shows UK Muslims have more conservative attitudes on sex than Muslims in France and Germany
BBC NEWS | Americas | US ex-soldier guilty of Iraq rape guilty of the rape of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and the killing of her and her family (and burning their house down)
Cheney: "Mistake" For GOP To "Moderate," Glad That Detainees Were Waterboarded
Obama drama Nets take a stand against primetime pre-emptions (poor babies)
Obama Vs. Schwarzenegger: White House Threatens To Rescind Stimulus Funds
Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: MSNBC Hides Obama's Dijon Mustard (aka Dijongate) (check out the O making lunch w/Sasha video)
D Magazine : President George W. Bush Comes Home (Yo, Dubya)
Incarceration | Southern Center for Human Rights The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world, and within the United States, the top 7 states with the highest incarceration rates are all Southern states
David Feherty, CBS Golf Analyst, Unleashes Insane Nancy Pelosi Death Fantasy
Friedman Resigns as Chairman of New York Fed - DealBook Blog - (corruption on Wall Street and in the Fed)
Employment Situation Summary - the unemployment rate rose from 8.5 to 8.9 percent
Firedoglake » Senator Dodd Promises to Ask Which Banks Received Fed Loans (ask nicely, Chris)
Geithner Bets U.S. Can Avoid Japan Trap on Banks - (we should be so lucky)
Is Warren Buffett Brilliant or Lucky? - The Atlantic Business Channel
U.S. Drops Tariffs on Roquefort -
Waiting for CNBC : CJR A tragicomedy in one long act
Earth's Magnetic Field Hisses Due to Distant "Chorus"
Enormous Shark’s Secret Hideout Finally Discovered | Wired Science
Increased food intake alone explains the increase in body weight in the United States | Eureka! Science News
Gizmodo - Long-Exposure Shot of a Roomba's Path Shows Beautifully Organized Chaos - Roomba
Morning sickness 'increases the chance that child will have high IQ' - Telegraph
Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime is death : Pharyngula
Welcome to Your Quarterlife Crisis - Eye Weekly
Behind Washington's closet door - Beyond the Multiplex - (Outrage)
YouTube - HD: Super Slo-mo Surfer! - South Pacific - BBC Two
YouTube - Play him off, keyboard cat (you're making an ass of yourself for all eternity edition)
Johann Hari: Dear God, stop brainwashing children - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent Worship is forced on 99 per cent of children without even asking what they think » Blog Archive » 50 People Go Blind After Staring At The Sun Trying To See The Virgin Mary
How to flirt with text messages -
Cynical-C Blog - one-star Amazon Reviews - you can't please everybody
Zombie in my Pocket | Wiki | BoardGameGeek
PocketCiv (version 2.0)
Cheapass Games Double-Secret Web Site
Opinion: 'Dear Mr. Lieberman, in General, You Are not Welcome Here' - Spiegel Online - News - International
Foreign Policy: The Idiot's Guide to Pakistan Everyone in Washington is talking about Pakistan, but few understand it
White House Watch - Any Remorse, Mr. President? The International Committee of the Red Cross confirmed yesterday that "dozens of people, including women and children," were killed in U.S. air strikes on villages in Western Afghanistan Monday night.
Israeli-Jews Take Bullets For Palestinians | BotlBrush
The Torture Debate - The Missing Voices - Editorial - (those who were tortured)
Editorial - The Torture Debate - The Lawyers -
Bush Administration Officials Behind Interrogation Memos May Avoid Professional Sanctions - (they walk and make tons of money)
California Students' Call for Condi War Crimes Probe Initiative of Stanford Anti-War Alumni and Students
Shannyn Moore: Palin Popularity Plunging in Polls - Connecticut has seven times the population of Alaska.
Democrats Accused Of Using Hate Crime Bill To Protect Pedophiles (video)
Republicans in the Wilderness: Is the Party Over? - Time ("Republicans actually have plenty of ideas.") (sure, they're just really stupid ideas)
Henninger: Should the GOP Forget Reagan? -
The Washington Monthly: If At First The Talking Point Doesn't Succeed (George Will still making shit up, Fred Hiatt supports him)
Ben Nelson and AHIP’s Insurance Bailout - The Seminal
David Ignatius - The Baby Boomers' Retirement Bummer -
alicublog: Black Comedy (and Redstate inanity/insanity)
Business: Time Warner Spins off AOL | Newsweek Business | Media conglomerates were supposed to takeover the world. So why are they dying?
Ambinder responds | Media Matters for America
Newspaper Narcissism : CJR : Our pursuit of glory led us away from readers (star-system)
Jobless Claims Fall in Another Plus for Economy -
Huff TV: Arianna And Eliot Spitzer On How The Financial Crisis Could Have Been Avoided
Editorial - Flowers’s Power? - If you’ve had a nagging feeling that the banking mess is a colossal raw deal for taxpayers, consider the suspicion confirmed (you are the bankers' bank)
Stress Test Results: Banks Need More Funds (see?)
Geithner Charlie Rose Interview: There Were Intense Negotiations With Banks Over Stress Test Results (negotiations?)
Timothy Geithner's Bailout Dollar Recycling May Be Illegal (among other things)
Dean Baker: Systematic Risk Regulators and the Power of Arithmetic
Fears of rat plague in UK grow | World news | The Observer
Did Several Moons Once Orbit Earth? A Galaxy Insight
Estrogen Controls How The Brain Processes Sound
BPS Research Digest: Forget STROOP, here's the SNARC - Spatial Numerical Association of Response Codes
How are numbers related to your body movements? Depends on how you read words : Cognitive Daily
Mind Hacks: Help, I'm a prisoner in a brain fiction factory
Majority Of Americans Want Pot Legalized: Zogby Poll
A Daughter Responds to a Mother’s Anger Over a Co-Ed Dorm Room - The Choice Blog - (Karin Venable Morin: infamous forever on the internets)
X-Files Actress on Vaccines: Ignore the Stars - ABC News Amanda Peet Joins the Fray in Public Debate Over Childhood Vaccination
Daily Kos: Oprah teams up with Jenny McCarthy to potentially kill children (Noprah)
SALON: Dear Diary: Deirdre Bair on the secret life of Anaïs Nin
Aerial Virtual tour of New York
How-to: set up dual-band WiFi (and juice your downloads)
Oranged Software - Studiometry
Play him off, Auto Keyboard Cat
2009 Swine Flu outbreak - The Big Picture -
Judy Trunnell, First US Swine Flu Fatality
Afghanistan's only pig quarantined in flu fear | Lifestyle | Reuters
At Annual Meeting, Pro-Israel Group Reasserts Clout - ("deeply troubled by the potential for renewed discussion of what he said was the offensive “dual loyalty” issue" but relieved O won't prosecute Israeli spies)
Reuters AlertNet - Turkey wedding bloodbath puts militia in spotlight
Japan: Birthrate report shows it's not getting any younger - Los Angeles Times A report says Japan's ratio of children is now down to 13%, boding ill for the labor pool and pension funds
Raw Story » US interrogators may have killed dozens, human rights researcher and rights group say (just following orders)
Torture Memos - Inquiry Suggests No Prosecutions - (torturers will walk)
Bush Officials Try to Alter Ethics Report - Focus Is Approval of Harsh Interrogations (no prosecutions, now they want to take out all the harsh torture language)
Daily Kos: Disbarment won't do it ("The President of the United States sent his people to lie to Congress and hide the truth from them, and then threaten them with accusations of treason if they even tried to verify what they'd been told.")
Justice Dept. Finds Many Flaws in F.B.I. Terror Watch List -
Matthew Yglesias » The Confederate Legacy (Secession 2.0)
Hullabaloo: Bravery Comes In All Colors: Joan Walsh deserves a round of applause for her appearance on Tweety (fucking millionaire Matthews: but white guys got killed on 9/11!!)
alicublog: Another Blogger Ethics Panel - Clearly things haven't worked out for Shlaes, and now in the ruins she senses that Howard the Hound and his bloggers have pulled a fast one on her.
Gay Marriage Advances in Maine -
Pam's House Blend:: Breaking: Maine Gov. Baldacci signs marriage equality bill
SHOCK: Rep. Sherly Briggs Has Gay Daughter, WILL NOT Vote For Gay Marriage / Queerty
Jon Stewart Investigates The "Lost Party": Republicans (video)
Exclusive: Steele yields powers to foes in RNC - Washington Times Accepts limits on spending (they took away his checkbook)
Think Progress » Limbaugh Responds To Powell: He Needs To ‘Close The Loop And Become A Democrat’
Cenk Uygur: Jay Severin's Insanely Racist Rant
YouTube - Chris Matthews 'Destroys' GOP Rep. Mike Pence On Evolution/Science Question (Indiana Repubican)
Fox News Caught Repeatedly Cropping, Manipulating Video
Surprise: AIG bonuses more than first reported - Top Stocks Blog - MSN Money
Foreclosures aren’t just for subprime buyers anymore | Business | - Houston Chronicle - The number of U.S. homes valued at more than $729,750, the jumbo-loan limit in the most affluent areas, entering the foreclosure process jumped 127 percent during the first 10 weeks of this year
The Provocateur: Some More Thoughts on the Looming Commercial Mortgage Disaster
Bank of America May Need About $34 Billion of Capital - (failing upward)
Plan to Sell Chrysler to Fiat Clears Bar -
Dan Solin: The Farce Called FINRA Has No Shame (self-regulation at work)
Madoff Secretary, Eleanor Squillari: Bernie's Silence Is Protecting Others ("flirtatious boss who frequented massage parlors"
Groklaw - U.S. Trustee Moves to Convert SCO Bankruptcy to Chapter 7 - Updated
Bullying may make kids psychotic | Science & Health | Reuters
Experts Warn Against Long-Term Use of Common Pain Pills - The New Old Age Blog - “Physiological changes in the elderly affect the way drugs are absorbed and secreted and how the body responds to them”
The universal grammar of birdsong is genetically encoded : Neurophilosophy
BPS Research Digest: Forget STROOP, here's the SNARC
Baby Names Blog | Research followup: what goes up (fast) must come down
Baby Names Quantify the Faddishness of Fads | Wired Science
Can Psychiatrists Really "Cure" Homosexuality?: Scientific American Masters and Johnson claimed to convert gays to heterosexuality in a 1979 book. But did they? (science at work)
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Hobbits 'are a separate species'
A Tale of Two Exurbs | The American Prospect Most outer-ring suburbs are being developed into unwalkable sprawl. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Young Americans Losing Their Religion - ABC News New Research Finds Number Who Claim No Church Has Risen Sharply (30-40% "no religious affiliation")(how'd those culture wars work out for you?)
The Happiness Project : Secrets to Happiness: Prayer and Wii Mario Kart
YouTube - Pat Robertson Gives Relationship Advice About Atheist Fiance
Live from Amazon's Kindle event in NYC! - Kindle DX
Editorial: Engadget on the Kindle DX
Expiration Notice
The Great Rodriguez Website: the enigmatic '60s folk singer Sixto Rodriguez | now and then: Sugar and the Sugar Man (good story)
Play Him Off, Keyboard Cat (new meme)
Hamas Head, Meshal, Says Rocket Strikes on Israel Have Halted -
Michael Savage Banned From Entering UK: Country Publishes List Of People Not Allowed
Torture Memo Probe By Justice Dept: Draft Calls For Disciplinary Action, Bush Aides Trying To Water Down
The President's Daily Brief Coverup: Excerpts from April 8, 2004 Testimony of Dr. Condoleezza Rice Before the 9/11 Commission Pertaining to The President's Daily Brief of August 6, 2001 ("If there was any reason to believe that I needed to do something or that Andy Card needed to do something, I would have been expected to be asked to do it.")
Eschaton: And Then The Black People Took All The Jobs (Richard Cohen: "For most Americans, race has become supremely irrelevant. Everyone knows this."
Jeffrey Rosen, TNR and the anonymous smears against Sonia Sotomayor - Glenn Greenwald - (go to the top: Franklin Foer and Marty Peretz)
Oxdown Gazette » Did Chuck Schumer Just Give Away the “Public Health Plan”? (yes, never in doubt)
Specter Wants Coleman To Win In Minnesota | TPMDC (dump the fucker)
Sadly, No! » Joe The Plumber’s Phone Is Ringing (NCNA: "and out of a materialized Port-a-San comes Haley Barbour, Jeb Bush, Bobby Jindal, John McCain, and Mitt Romney.")
Hullabaloo: digby: Cookie Cutters: Chris Matthews, speaking for oppressed white male millionaires everywhere
James Carville: If GOP Abandoned Christian Right, "Their Party Would Crumble"
Limbaugh's living large while radio boss Clear Channel implodes | Media Matters for America (Atrios: "Will the company sink under the weight of Big Pharma?")
Eschaton: Deep Thought: I can see why Richard Cohen is so threatened by affirmative action. He might be the last white man at the Post.
RNC Clown College - a set on Flickr
Two top Fed officials see recession ending this year | U.S. | Reuters (sure thing)
Chuck Schumer To Bernanke: Your Failure To Protect Consumers Is "Unconscionable" (Bernanke laughs at them)
More Banks Will Need Capital - Stress Tests Identify About Ten; Wells, BofA, Citigroup Face Order to Refill Coffers (with your money)
Inside the Bronx Housing Court - Video Library - The New York Times
Oxdown Gazette » Why Does Congress Listen to Bankers? (+clueless Dems)
Toddler brain difference linked to autism - ("amygdala was, on average, 13 percent larger in young children with autism") | New male contraceptive injection appears effective
Japanese scientist claims breakthrough with organ grown in sheep - Times Online
Anger is in the genes - Telegraph Being able to keep your cool or lose your temper is down to genes, according to a new study.
A Journey Round My Skull: Biology Today
Energy of the Future: Igniting a Star With Laser Light
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Giant laser experiment powers up
Dinosaurs 'survived in a remote 'lost world' for half a million years before extinction' - Telegraph
Findings - Ear Plugs to Lasers - The Science of Concentration - - Hell or heaven — it’s your choice
The Top 5 Cholesterol Myths - Cholesterol -
Orthodox Jewish Community Struggles With Abuse Allegations - ABC News
War On Food - Patrick Hahn - Open Salon
Researchers hijack botnet, score 56,000 passwords in an hour - Ars Technica
EU urges Internet governance revamp | Reuters (ICANN subject to Right-Wing US politicians)
Art historians claim Van Gogh's ear 'cut off by Gauguin' | Art and design | The Guardian
Google Earth Publication Of Japanese Historical Maps Causes Outcry
Upgrading to Windows 7: what XP and Vista users need to know - Ars Technica
Voyeur | Contents | Filthy Gorgeous Things
Advice to mothers on Vimeo
Exclusive: SARS Sleuth Tracks Swine Flu, Attacks WHO : ScienceInsider (Armageddon Virus: H1N1 reassortment with H5N1: : "If that happens, I will retire immediately and lock myself in the P3 lab."
Alta. girl hospitalized as Canadian swine flu caseload grows - The virus appears to have a longer than normal incubation period
News Analysis - Israel Faces a Hard Sell in Bid to Shift Policy -
Delara Darabi, Executed Iranian Woman, Spurs Human Rights Outrage
Former MI6 chief says Britain was 'dragged' into Iraq war - Telegraph
YouTube - US troops urged to share faith in Afghanistan - 04 May 09
U.S. allies losing asylum bids over definition of 'terrorist' | McClatchy
Gonzales, Ashcroft Speak On Torture: "Not Here To Apologize"
Condi’s Really Bad Day—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
Condi Rice: Waterboarding elementary: The Swamp (fourth-grade student nails Condi)
Obama's Churchill-Torture Claim Examined : NPR
Calif.'s Harman Rails Against Wiretapping That Ensnared Her -
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Gunning For Sotomayor (Republicans at work: "exceptionally controversial" "too radical")
Senator Who Praised Segregationist Judges Will Lead Opposition To Obama Nominees | TPMDC (Jeff Sessions, R-AL)
Wonk Room » Gingrich Pushes Suspense Thriller-Based Foreign Policy
Raw Story » Poll: almost half of Georgia GOP think state would be better off seceding (please?)
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin receives deluge of ethics complaints - Andy Barr
Governor supports abortion initiative: Abortion | Gov. Sarah Palin is backing a ballot measure to bypass the Legislature and make it illegal for teenagers to get an abortion without telling their parents
Ben Nelson bows to the insurance industry - The Seminal (bought and paid for)
Inspectors find safety problems at nuclear weapons complex | McClatchy
The Montana Town That Wanted to Be Gitmo - Time
Bush Library Raises $100 Million in 100 Days - Time
Dean, Carville Warn Specter: Shape Up Or Face Primary
Six Of Seven Boston Globe Unions, NYT Reach Agreement; Filing Called Off
Gibbs On Newspaper Bailout: "I Don't Know What, In All Honesty, Government Can Do About It"
AIG Results Said to Exclude More U.S. Bailout Cash -
Open Left:: Stephen Friedman Makes Dick Cheney's Halliburton Deal Look Perfectly Above Board
BBC NEWS | Business | European economy 'will shrink 4%' - Banks Are Prevailing in a Tug of War -
Theory versus Statistics, Financial Economics edition « Rortybomb
Op-Ed Columnist - Falling Wage Syndrome -
Republicans Defend Tax Havens Against Obama Crackdown (Republicans=tax evaders)
Culture May Be Encoded in DNA | Wired Science
Science News Examiner: Study confirms narcolepsy is an autoimmune disorder
Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Research Center
YouTube - Under Our Skin - Lyme Disease Documentary Trailer
Stop worrying about your children! | Salon Life - Kids today are just as safe as they were in the '70s
God Talk - Stanley Fish Blog -
LastPass - Technology
Google’s OpenIDs are Unique Per-Domain - Blog - Stack Overflow
Exposed: the great password scandal | News | TechRadar UK
Lifehacker - Five Best Free Data Recovery Tools - Data Recovery
Flu Cases Increase, but There Is Some Optimism -
China Forces Dozens of Mexican Travelers Into Quarantine -
Tiananmen: Twenty years on, the flame burns on | World news | The Observer
B'Tselem - Testimony of Roqaya al-Hazalin, April '09 Testimony: Settlers assault pregnant woman with sticks and stones, April '09
AIPAC set to push Iran legislation at major conference | Iran news | Jerusalem Post 6,500 American Israel Public Affairs Committee activists attending the organization's annual conference will be hitting Capitol Hill next week to stress the importance of the US-Israel relationship and push legislation imposing sanctions on Iran.
Emptywheel » Torture Tapes and Briefings
Interrogation Debate Sharply Divided Bush White House - (mainly because he was talking out of both sides of his mouth + Condisleeza)
Letters To the Public Editor - Other Voices - What Do You Call Torture? Torture - Op-Ed -
Op-Ed Columnist - How Character Corrodes - - How quaint: The Republicans are concerned about checks and balances.
Times Co., Boston Globe unions discuss concessions - Yahoo! Finance (Pinch has to go)
The 400 richest Americans and their terrible tax burden - The Curious Capitalist - (15%)
Editorial - The Swiss and Their Secrets -
How Lehman Got Its Real Estate Fix -
A Banking System We Can Trust - Turn all financial firms into mutual funds.
Unqualified Reservations: America: zombie nation
Unqualified Reservations: Maturity transformation considered harmful: an unauthorized biography of the bank crisis
The Aleph Blog » Blog Archive » A Proposal for Money Market Funds, and More
Felix Salmon » Blog Archive » The attraction of Lending Club | Blogs |
Boom or Blurst: A New Business Model for Videogames? -
Mechanisms Of Self-control Pinpointed In Brain
The rise and fall of a physics fraudster - (Jan Hendrik Schön)
Review - Medically Assisted Death - Ethics
New Books In History » Interview with Adrian Goldsworthy
Book lifts cowl on 'misogynist' Opus Dei - Telegraph
Nations with worst religious tolerance named -
Walkers' Paradises - America's Most Walkable Neighborhoods
The Varieties of Biblical Marriage
YouTube - T-Mobile Sing-along (13,500 people spontaneously sang Hey Jude together in Trafalgar Square)
YouTube - Emily Bear on Ellen Jan 8th
Robert Fisk’s World: Right to the very end in Iraq, our masters denied us the truth - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent The sentence ‘millions of Iraqis now live free of oppression’ is pure public relations (Ministry of Lies)
Mexico: no new swine flu deaths, cases up to 443
How swine flu virus traveled the globe - Swine flu- Doctors and scientists struggle to understand a never-before-seen virus - - CDC says new virus lacks genes of 1918 killer flu - People 60+ may have some immunity
Bad science, Ben Goldacre: Come the swine flu pandemic, the drugs do work | Comment is free | The Guardian Overall, oseltamivir reduced the average time to alleviation of symptoms by 0.68 days.
Baxter: Product contained live bird flu virus | Canada | News | Toronto Sun
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan: The Krauthammer Slope (read this)
‘Abu Ghraib US prison guards were scapegoats for Bush’ lawyers claim - Times Online
Who Are The Gosslings? | TPMMuckraker - group of Porter Goss aides (who really had the power? +Jane Harman, Israeli agent)
The Washington Monthly: Get To Know Rule IV (how Republicans, i.e. Lindsey Graham, will block O's nominees)
Fordham Law Class Collects Personal Info About Scalia; Supreme Ct. Justice Is Steamed | ABA Journal - Law News Now
Going Dutch - How I Learned to Love the European Welfare State. - (gov for, by and of the people)
Daylight Atheism > Anti-Gay Bigotry is Anti-American: Orson Scott Card, Mormon: " marriage has only one definition, and any government that attempts to change it is my mortal enemy. I will act to destroy that government and bring it down" (thought sample)
That's why they call it Plan B, asshole. - Feministing - CNN anchor Mike Galanos knows better about your contraception choices than you. (creep)
Republicans kick off campaign to shine party image -
Ben Nelson Plans To Oppose Public Health Plan (Democrats screwing you)
Hullabaloo: Zombie Waking (Barbara Comstock, holy shit + support Margi Vanderhye Cox)
Senate Won’t Let Judges Alter Mortgages in Bankruptcy - (banksters own everything)
Donklephant » Blog Archive » Bankers Defeated Bankruptcy Bill Today-But Started Celebrating Last Night *video*
Eschaton: Recast (and you thought sub-prime was bad + the Senate Dems screwed millions of homeowners)
Highest-Paid CEOs For 2008: AP's Top 10 List
APOD: 2009 May 2 - The Whale Galaxy
Worldchanging: Bright Green: Geoengineering and the New Climate Denialism
What to do about the Huffington Post's support for anti-vaccine nonsense and quackery? : Respectful Insolence (scientists are pretty harsh these days)
High school teacher guilty of insulting Christians - (ruling: no "legitimate secular purpose" in making secular statements)
10 Worst Countries to be a Blogger - Reports - Committee to Protect Journalists
Frieze Magazine | Archive | Pitch Perfect The highs and lows of ‘Auto-Tune’, the software used in almost every pop song released today
There's Twitter the company, and twitter the medium | Technology | Los Angeles Times
The Effective Strategy For Choosing Right Domain Names | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Swine Flu US Cases Pass 100, Vaccine Pursued
Swine flu: more on the genetics of the virus : Effect Measure
Closest Look Yet at Outbreaks in Mexico and a N.Y.C. School : ScienceInsider
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Hong Kong 'flu' hotel sealed off "I stress we don't need to panic."
Think Progress » Conservative talker suspended after blaming swine flu on the ‘millions of leeches’ from Mexico. r Jay Severin was suspended indefinitely today by Boston's WTKK-FM after using the current swine flu outbreak to attack Mexicans and immigrants. On his radio show
Feds dropping charges against pro-Israel lobbyists (lobbyists=spies + time to move on)
U.S. to Drop Spy Case Against Pro-Israel Lobbyists - (this prosecution never happened)
Supreme Court Justice Souter To Retire - CBS News After 18 Years On Court, George H.W. Bush Appointee Will Leave Hole In Liberal Wing
The Supreme Court pick of Obama's dreams | Salon
Rice Defends Enhanced Interrogations | 44 | (the full Nixon)
Wonk Room » Rice: Al Qaeda A Greater Threat Than Nazi Germany
The CIA's $1,000 a Day Specialists on Waterboarding, Interrogations - ABC News
The Walrus » Photos: Goodbye, Guantánamo Bay » By Louie Palu A photo gallery from the US military base in Cuba
America's necessary dark night of the soul | Salon We need to investigate the Bush years, even if it means tearing the country -- and ourselves -- apart.
Dick Cheney: The Dark Prince of the Republican Party | Britannica Blog
Dick Cheney's Torture Hypocrisy - Joseph Wilson - The Daily Beast
"Cheney for President": Brilliant or Hackery? - ChicagoLawyer78 - Open Salon (Ross Douthat, 29 yo conservative debuts at the NYT)
Linda Hirshman: Douthat Watch: Boring New Party
Ronald Reagan: vengeful, score-settling, Hard Left ideologue - Glenn Greenwald - (new spin by your corpomedia) - Hispanic Dems furious over GOP video (dark-skinned Congressman)
Balloon Juice » Good news, bitches (drudgico: everything is good for Republicans)
Survey: Support for terror suspect torture differs among the faithful - The more often Americans go to church, the more likely they are to support the torture of suspected terrorists, according to a new survey (Christians are so Christ-like)
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan Jesus Wept ("Christian devotion correlates with approval for absolute evil in America")
Religion News (RSS): Poll shows support for torture among Southern evangelicals
Torture and Religion: An American Crusade: General William G. Boykin (torture for Christ)
Jesus Killed Mohammed: The crusade for a Christian military (onward Christian soldiers)
The Quake at Condé Nast - The Daily Beast by Tina Brown
Why Portfolio folded. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine Condé Bust
Washington Post Co. Swings to First-Quarter Loss -
Newspaper Circulation Skids Another 7% over Latest Six-Month Period -- Seeking Alpha
In Their Own Words: Why Dem Senators Screwed Homeowners
At Treasury, Big White House Role: After Early Snafus, Emanuel Helps Geithner With Policies; 'Rahm Wants It' -
Flawed Credit Ratings Reap Profits as Regulators Fail (Update1) -
Credit card legislation faces Senate test (bankster will win)
Where did all the bailout money go? | The government has pledged $11.3 trillion for economic rescue – and has spent one-quarter of that. On what?
The National Interest: The Last Temptation of Risk by Barry Eichengreen
Rich People Things | The Awl
The killing-fields of inequality | open Democracy News Analysis The evidence that unequal societies inflict great damage on the lives and health of their citizens is clear
DC Personal Finance Examiner: The next big fear; Inflation and how to protect yourself against it
Could Food Shortages Bring Down Civilization?: Scientific American The biggest threat to global stability is the potential for food crises in poor countries to cause government collapse
Why Evolution Is True | An academic argues that evolution must be embraced as fact.
About the Animal - Puijila: A Prehistoric Walking Seal
A Tiny Hominid With No Place on the Family Tree - (hobbits)
humantypes1qm0.jpg (JPEG Image) (Asian phentotypes)
Men with high testosterone attracted to women with feminine faces - Telegraph
Cool Antarctica, pictures of Antarctica, information and travel guide
FDA warns dieters: Stop Hydroxycut use immediately
Sugar Stacks - How Much Sugar Is in That?
Unknown internet 2: Could the net become self-aware? - tech - 30 April 2009 - New Scientist (no)
BBC NEWS | Health | Lithium in water 'curbs suicide' Drinking water which contains the element lithium may reduce the risk of suicide, a Japanese study suggests.
BBC NEWS | Health | Child stalking 'more aggressive'
New Statesman - The empty name of God 'The basic doctrines of the major religions have their roots in the superstitions and fancies of illiterate peasants living several thousand years ago
Lost in Space | Articles | Features | Fortean Times UK What really happened to Russia's missing cosmonauts? An incredible tale of space hacking, espionage and death in the lonely reaches of space.
New Zealand Officials To Scrap Copyright Law; Start From Scratch | Techdirt
Merck Published a WHOLE FAKE JOURNAL! - Windows Live
Pornocalypse Now | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters
Dogs Are Aggressive If They Are Trained Badly
Dobbs Code Talk - Extraordinary Government Powers over the Internet
The War Against Women - The New York Review of Books (breed doesn't matter)
Wag's Revue Issue 1 (douchebag article)
Update: Return of the Twitter Quitters | Nielsen Wire - 60 percent of people on Twitter end up abandoning the service after a month.
Twitter Traffic Explodes...And Not Being Driven by the Usual Suspects! (comScore Voices) 25-54 year old crowd that is actually driving this trend.
The Man Who Made Gmail Says Real-Time Conversation is What's Next - ReadWriteWeb
milk information (twitter+flickr)
White House Swine Flu: Aide Has Suspected Case
Swine Flu Threatens To Be Deadlier Than SARS, Bird Flu
Scientists see this flu strain as relatively mild - Los Angeles Times
Swine Flu: Mexico Urges People To Stay Home For 5 Days
Flu panic sweeps Texas; Fort Worth orders schools closed | McClatchy
World health officials urge governments to prepare for pandemic | McClatchy
Egypt, Pigs, Pandemic and Tyranny - Stellaa - Open Salon
Company warned officials of flu 18 days before alert was issued | McClatchy (Veratect)
Britain ends combat operations in Iraq - Middle East, World - The Independent
Is Obama wrong on Iraq? Baghdad violence worst in year | McClatchy
Army vet who opposed Bush detainee policies takes key job | McClatchy Sri Lanka: The war grinds to a close, leaving a human catastrophe in its wake
US Won't Release 50-100 Gitmo Detainees: Gates
Obama says waterboarding was torture
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan Torture is the weapon of cowards and bullies and monsters. Cheney is all three. Prosecute him.
Accounts of Torture, Abstract and Experienced | The American Prospect
Obama To GOP: You Have To Start Meeting Me Halfway
Whiskey Fire: Senators Sipping on Gentleman Jack (Cornyn and "checks and balances")
Adventus: Send in the Clowns
The Far Right's First 100 Days: Shifting Into Overdrive |
GOP to Rebrand as "Whig" Party | TPM You know things are really humming along when your 'rebranding' effort is led by your recently crushed presidential nominee and your discredited party leader's brother.
The GOP: Not A National Party? | TPMDC
Changing Views on Gay Marriage, Gun Control, Immigration and Legalizing Marijuana - ABC News : 49 Percent Support Gay Marriage, New High (gay potheads against guns)
Fox News Continues to Hallucinate About a Socialist/Fascist Menace -- And It's Causing Real Damage | Media and Technology | AlterNet
HRC | U.S. House Passes Inclusive Hate Crimes Bill (Shepard Act)
Hullabaloo: dday: Owned (banksters have Senate by the balls)
Top Senate Democrat: bankers "own" the U.S. Congress - Glenn Greenwald - (+Evan Bayh, wholly-owned subsidiary of Goldman Sachs)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation: Getting Worse Before Better. Senate and Specter Fail to Help (+list of Dem Senators including Specter who voted against mortgage relief)
Chrysler Will File for Bankruptcy, Official Says -
Next economic crisis looms: Commercial real estate defaults | McClatchy | thousands of commercial mortgages valued at hundreds of billions of dollars are approaching a renewal date
Jobless Claims Fall to 631,000; Income, Spending Down -
Initial jobless claims fall, hinting of recovery - MarketWatch
The Geography of Jobs - TIP Strategies
Google Named as World's First $100billion Brand
Animal collective - The National Newspaper - Matthew Yglesias - review of Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism
The prophets of doom | Salon News
Nanophysicists find unexpected magnetic effect
New York City-sized ice collapses off Antarctica | Reuters
America's Most Polluted Cities -
British explorers discover world's largest cave deep in Vietnamese jungle | Mail Online
How Dangerous Are the Taliban? | Foreign Affairs Why Afghanistan Is the Wrong War John Mueller
Bombing Civilians: An American Tradition
Review - Why Animals Matter - Ethics The Case for Animal Protection by Erin E. Williams and Margo Demello
AFF Doublethink Online » Outwards, Looking In: Reading Riesman’s The Lonely Crowd
Now What? - Books & Culture - Revivalist Christianity and Global South politics
News: Student Sports Fans and Bigoted Attitudes - Inside Higher Ed (repressed homoerotic attraction)
Changing Rains — National Geographic Magazine As the planet warms, look for more floods where it’s already wet and deeper drought where water is scarce.
FEMA pulls 'A Scary Thing Happened' kids coloring book which depicts Sept. 11 scene of WTC burning
Laptop gender wars: What your netbook (or Toughbook) says about you | ITworld (your laptop is so gay)
042909 - The World Health Organization increased its swine flu alert to phase 5, its second-highest designation - pandemic is imminent
David Kirby: Swine Flu Outbreak -- Nature Biting Back at Industrial Animal Production?
MyDD :: Swine Capitalism
Farming Pathogens
Op-Ed Columnist - Pathogens in Our Pork -
Officials confront first US death from swine flu | TPM News Pages | A 23-month-old Texas toddler became the first confirmed swine flu death outside of Mexico
Obama: Swine Flu May Shut Down Schools
Bonnie Fuller: Hate-Mongering Conservative Commentators Using Swine Flu to Promote Racism!
Why U.S. Is Well Prepared for Swine Flu | Newsweek Health | No. Public-health officials say the swine flu that's killing people in Mexico probably won't hit the U.S. as hard.
New Guinea Tribe Sues The 'New Yorker' For $10 Million - - They challenge a story depicting them as rapists, murderers and pig thieves.
Saudi royal: U.S. can't be energy-independent - Washington Times
New Hampshire Senate passes gay-marriage bill
Official Defends Signing Interrogation Memos - (the face of evil)
FAA Memo: Feds Knew NYC Flyover Would Cause Panic - - Threatened Federal Sanctions Against NYPD, Secret Service, FBI & Mayor's Office If Secret Ever Got Out
Michael Kieschnick: Ten Ways to Bring the Bush Administration's Torture Ten to Justice (and One Way to Avoid)
Specter's Switch: The Bigger Picture | TPMDC (if you thought opposition to Franken was tough for 59, just wait ...)
DeMint: We Lost Pennsylvania Because 'Forced Unionization' Caused Republicans To Flee | TPMDC (nothing to do with their insanity)
Inhofe: Specter's Switch Is "First Visible Evidence" Of GOP Comeback! | TPMDC
John Stewart explains Jane Harman/AIPAC/IsraeliSpies/AlbertoGonzales/MightyMorphinPowerRangers scandal
Cliff May Unedited Interview Pt. 1 | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Not Long For the Party
Media Matters - 100 days of the media's trivial pursuit (of fluff)
Flickr: The Official White House Photostream's Photostream
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Black People And Women Ruin Everything (you see, black people support Obama, which means he seems more popular than he really is)
Pew Research Center: GOP Party Identification Slips Nationwide and in Pennsylvania
Dick Durbin: Banks "Frankly Own The Place" (in case you were wondering)
GDP Down 6.1%, Reflecting Continuing Economic Woes - (recovery!)
Fed Is Said to Seek Capital for at Least Six Banks -
Phoenix leads nation in home price declines in February - Phoenix Business Journal:
The Dark Knight: Texas Monthly May 2009: Sir Allen Stanford’
Bank Lobby On Course To Gut Bankruptcy Bill
Scientists call for 20-year fishing ban in a third of the world's oceans | Environment | The Observer
ScienceDirect - Intelligence : Average intelligence predicts atheism rates across 137 nations (settled science: religion makes you dumb)
Big Bang machine detectors will be 'even more perfect' -
The decline and fall of high-fructose corn syrup. By Daniel Engber - Slate Magazine
NASA - New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
Science News Examiner: Evidence shows some large dinosaurs survived mass extinction
Gallery: Flickr users make accidental maps - tech - 27 April 2009 - New Scientist
Darwin's Radio: Prehistoric Gene Reawakens to Battle HIV
YouTube - Know Your Meme: Single Serving Sites
Mexico will legalize Drugs for personal use | Free Used Cars Ads Blog
Blown-away Chihuahua reunited with owners (and you thought the lede was good)
YouTube - Jumping Manta Ray (wait for it ...)
Swine Flu Vaccine Could Take 6 Months | LiveScience
White House Press Corps Ask Same Swine Flu Question Seven Times (dumb and dumber)
Swine Flu: Conservatives Blame Immigrants (never heard of air travel)
Names of the Dead - List - The Department of Defense has identified 4,272 American service members who have died since the start of the Iraq war
Obama Is Nudging Views on Race, a Survey Finds -
Leahy to keep with truth commission - John Bresnahan - drudgico
How ABC Interview Shaped a Torture Debate - (media lies)
Emptywheel » 9th Circuit Rejects Obama/Bush State Secrets Argument In Mohammed
Feingold Gives Obama A "D" On State Secrets
Media Matters - Scarborough declares "if planes go into buildings...blame Dana Priest" for exposing use of waterboarding (blame ... journalism!)
The Fix - Specter To Switch Parties (but will still vote Republican)
Why Specter Did It -- And Had To Do It | TPMDC
Progressives Call Out Dems' "Hypocritical" Fundraising
Sidebar - Is That Plate Speaking for the Driver or the State? -
Dissident Voice : Guilty of Being Poor
Pam's House Blend:: Why does Miss California's church believe that homosexuality and pedophilia are linked? (when everyone knows that the real link is to Republicanism?)
Poll: Support For Same Sex Marriage Grows | - CBS News
Home Prices Fall Again, but Pace of Decline Slows - Real Estate -
Op-Ed Contributors - Fund Government With Dirty Money -
Bankruptcy Bill Watered Down, Still Fiercely Opposed By Banks (of course)
First Things: Demographics & Depression (recession caused by not enough Christians having babies)
Background Briefing - 29 March 2009 - MBA: Mostly bloody awful (recession caused by MBAs)
Arctic CO2 levels growing at an 'unprecedented rate', say scientists | Environment |
Iran's President 'would support two-state solution' for Israel - Telegraph
Berlin religion referendum fails - Yahoo! News UK Ethics classes imposed after an "honour killing" in Berlin's Muslim minority will stay compulsory after supporters of religion lessons failed on Sunday to force a change via referendum (substitute religion for ethics because honor-killing is religious)
BBC News | UK | UK Politics | Plan to monitor all internet use
The Iceland Weather Report
H1N1 Swine Flu - Google Maps
BBC News | Americas | World moves to contain flu spread
Biosurveillance: Are the WHO Pandemic Phases and the CDC Pandemic Severity Index Relevant in the Operational Environment?
County investigates possible Claremont Swine Flu case -
Barack Obama tested for swine flu after returning from Mexico | WORLD
Rick Perry, After Raising Secession, Calls For Fed Help With Swine Flu [UPDATED]
The World from Berlin: 'Panic Can Spread More Quickly Than Swine Flu' - Spiegel Online
United States Senator Susan M. Collins :: Press Room :. Sen. Collins expressed concern about a number of spending provisions, including $780 million for pandemic-flu preparedness (still bragging about her role in cutting pandemic funds - so stupid it hurts)
The Associated Press: Israeli official: Swine flu name offensive (wants to call it "Mexican Flu + how could you negotiate with crazies like this?)
Infectious Disease: Chasing the Fickle Swine Flu -- Wuethrich 299 (5612): 1502 -- Science Science 7 March 2003 ("the North American swine flu virus has jumped onto an evolutionary fast track")
Swine Flu: Asian countries take measures against outbreak - Nachrichten English-News - Welt Online
Hullabaloo Relatively Appropriate (our elite pro-torture commentariat)
Fox Not Airing Obama Press Conference (Murdoch's line in the sand)
Lawrence Wilkerson: Disbar The Bush Lawyers And Get A Special Prosecutor For The Rest
Torture is not about "winning the afternoon," OK? | Philadelphia Daily News | 04/26/2009 (Drudgico + " don't know any journalist who thinks there are two sides to freedom of the press, so why should freedom from torture be any different?")
The Washington Monthly: GOP Base Opposes Progress (crazyland)
Jon Meacham's subservient defense of monarchical power - Glenn Greenwald - (more corpomedia legitimizing torture - "That is not to say presidents and vice presidents are always above the law" - but this is certainly not one of those times)
David Broder and media culpability for Bush crimes - Glenn Greenwald -
Lawyers, Guns and Money: That Sound You Hear Is Parody Dying
New FAS-FAX Shows (More) Steep Circulation Losses
Weekend Eye - The Daily Beast
Freedom of Disinformation - Page 1 - The Daily Beast - Joseph C. Wilson IV urges the former vice president to extend his demand for transparency to his still-secret testimony in the Scooter Libby obstruction of justice case.
Air France jet diverts after being told to stay clear of US airspace | (was carrying a Le Monde journalist)
New Rules Bill Maher Lets Republicans REALLY have it, April 24, 2009
Pharyngula: Republican party platforms are always amusingly insane
Media Matters - AP mocks Al Gore's lack of ignorance (AP: preserving America's stupidity) Really? Get married at 20? Really? (creepy old white guys' obsession with young women's sexuality)
Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community - Mike Johanns: Wanker of the Day (Americans are scaredy-cats and cry-babies)
Colbert Study: Conservatives Don't Know He's Joking (and they don't think he's funny)
GM to Cut 21,000 Jobs, Eliminate Pontiac - The U.S. Treasury would own at least a 50 percent stake in General Motors (don't call it you know what)
Calculated Risk: Q1 2009: Homeownership Rate at 2000 Levels (Bush's "ownership society")
Geithner, as Member and Overseer, Forged Ties to Finance Club -
Geithner's Calendar at the New York Fed - The New York Times
Treasury Chief Tim Geithner Profile -
Larry Summers’ New Model « The Baseline Scenario (same as the old model)
Does our health actually get better in some ways during a down economy? -
Op-Ed Contributor - End the University as We Know It -
Orchards may vanish by the end of the century, conservationists warn | Environment |
How An Antibody Helps The Immune System Reject Cancer
APOD: 2009 April 27 - Prometheus Creating Saturn Ring Streamers
Wolfram Blog : Droste Effect with Mathematica
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (or, the Privatization of the English Language) | Zen Habits (revenge of the internets: Susan Jeffers (PhD.) ends up looking like a total idiot for trying to trademark the English language)
The World's Most Influential Person Is ... - Time (pwnd by 4Chan)
Miro HD Video Player | Free internet tv and video podcast player. | Miro Guide - Video Podcast Directory
'Iran arms ship bound for Gaza downed near Sudan' - Haaretz - Israel News
At the Polls, Icelanders Punish Conservatives - - Nobody has been able to put an overall price tag on the meltdown, though some estimates run to $10 billion, $30,000 for every man, woman and child in the country.
The White House - Press Office - Press Briefing On Swine Influenza, 4/26/09
US Declares Public Health Emergency For Swine Flu
HOW TO: Track Swine Flu Online
HealthMap | Global disease alert map
Deadly swine flu outbreak 'can't be contained' - ABC News (Au)
Questions and answers about swine flu
Swine flu fears prompt quarantine plans, pork bans
Swine flu outbreak suspected in NZ school children - Times Online
Think Progress » Secessionist Gov. Rick Perry asks for federal help to deal with swine flu
FEMA Interagency Pandemic Flu Exercise April 14-15 - Rutilus Allec - Red Herring
Swine flu: Twitter's power to misinform | Net Effect
GOP Know-Nothings Fought Pandemic Preparedness (Susan Collins fumed about the pandemic funding: "Does it belong in this bill? Should we have $870 million in this bill No, we should not.")
Transcript: Interview with U.N. torture official Manfred Novak - Glenn Greenwald -
CIA official: no proof harsh techniques stopped terror attacks on America | McClatchy
Winning Islamic hearts Obama's next obstacle (reaction to Bush torture policies: create more fighters, win!)
Frank Rich - The Banality of Bush White House Evil -
Yes, National Review, We Did Execute Japanese for Waterboarding |
Ali Soufan Breaks His Silence | Newsweek National News | How Ali Soufan, an FBI agent, got Abu Zubaydah to talk without torture.
Joan Walsh: Torture is Illegal Whether it Works or Not | Video Cafe (the Village can't get the simplest of concepts)
Think Progress » Poll: 69 percent approve of Obama, highest ‘right track’ numbers in six years (turns out, people hated George Bush)
The Washington Monthly - Hilzoy - My Allegedly Vengeful Heart - In an unprecedented, shocking development, David Broder is against any sort of accountability for what he refers to as "torture"
Hullabaloo VICTORY: Resolution of Impeachment Inquiry Into Jay Bybee Will Pass CA Dem Party Today
Emptywheel » Pelosi: Of Hidden Memos and Covert Ops Hidden in Supplementals
YouTube - 2002 Memo Told Pentagon Methods Yielded "Unreliable Information" ("Vice President Cheney is a man who frightens easily. All you have to do is go back to his five deferments during the Vietnam conflict." [go to 4:34] )
‘Big Picture’ Wins ‘NYT’ Internal Awards | The Awl (way to go, Globe, this is why you are failing)
Utah County Republicans reject 'Satanic' resolution - Salt Lake Tribune
Summers Says U.S. Economy to Decline ‘For Some Time’ - (what happened to that June recovery?)
Economist Nouriel Roubini: 'I Am Dr. Realist' | Newsweek Business | The bottom is still a year off, says the economist who warned of the plunge (Roubini)
Fortune 500 2009: Top 1000 American Companies - Exxon Mobil - XOM - FORTUNE on
Russia admits financial mistakes -
Inside the baby mind - The Boston Globe
Morning Birds Buckle Under Sleep Pressure / Science News Sleep-promoting system makes early risers inattentive by evening, study suggests
Wolfram|Alpha: Our First Impressions - ReadWriteWeb
YouTube - JoAnn Kuchera-Morin: Tour the AlloSphere, a stunning new way to see scientific data
The AlloSphere at the California NanoSystems Institute, UC Santa Barbara
Quantum gods don't deserve your faith - opinion - 22 April 2009 - New Scientist
Sunlight Labs: Blog - And The Winners Are... (Apps for America: Filibusted, Legistalker ...)
The Portuguese Experiment: Did Legalizing Drugs Work? - Time (yes)
City Visible - On the Menu, Free Medical Care -
SF Weekly's Matt Smith Screws Unfair, Unbalanced, Malfeasant Journalism: News: SFAppeal
25 great free resources for making charts -
50 great examples of infographics -
OCZ gets official with Z-Drive PCI-Express SSD
Embed Flickr Slideshows - flickrSLiDR
Micro Persuasion: Twitter is Peaking
TwitterCounter - The top 10.000 most followed Twitter user
Nobel laureate accuses Israel of ‘ethnic cleansing’ - The State of Islam v. the Islamic State How extremists created the desire for something many scholars say the Quran explicitly opposes
News: Crossing a Line - Inside Higher Ed (the truth is anti-Semitic)
2002 Document Referred to Extreme Duress as 'Torture,' Warned of Techniques' Unreliability - Extreme Duress Could Yield Unreliable Information, It Said
ACLU: Pentagon to release images of prisoner abuse -
Democratic complicity and what "politicizing justice" really means - Glenn Greenwald -
Krugman - Reclaiming America’s Soul - ("For this isn’t about looking backward, it’s about looking forward — because it’s about reclaiming America’s soul.")
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » They Still Think This Is About Politics
Media Matters - Gaps in the Right's "banana republic" rhetoric (torture=good, investigation=bad)
CIA official: no proof harsh techniques stopped terror attacks | McClatchy
Think Progress » Jay Bybee’s anonymous friends claim Bybee regrets his role in approving torture.
Glenn Beck, the hot new mob leader of 2009. - By Troy Patterson - Slate Magazine
Inmate Count in U.S. Dwarfs Other Nations’ - New York Times The United States has less than 5 percent of the world’s population. But it has almost a quarter of the world’s prisoners (prison state, like no other nation)
The GOP: divorced from reality - Los Angeles Times The Republican base is behaving like a guy who just got dumped by his wife (or is deeply mentally ill)
FBI Arrests Oklahoma Teabagger For Twitter Threats | Threat Level from
Economist's View: "The End of Universal Rationality"
Insider Selling Jumps to Highest Level Since 2007 -
IMF: Global Credit Losses Could Top $4 Trillion : HousingWire || financial news for the mortgage market
Irvine Housing Blog - Irvine Real Estate - HELOC abuse Hollywood Style
Stanford's inner sanctum had bar, bathroom exit | U.S. | Reuters (how they work)
Mexico’s Calderon Declares Emergency Amid Swine Flu Outbreak - - Obama was received at Mexico’s anthropology museum in Mexico City by Felipe Solis, a distinguished archeologist who died the following day from symptoms similar to flu, Reforma newspaper reported (whoops)(or maybe it wasn't swine-flu)
BBC News | Have Your Say | Mexico flu: Your experiences
WHO | Current WHO phase of pandemic alert
Deadly new flu virus in US and Mexico may go pandemic - health - 24 April 2009 - New Scientist
WHO Chief: Swine Flu Has "Pandemic Potential"
Biosurveillance: Swine Flu in Mexico- Timeline of Events
Swine Flu Fears at School in Queens -
Swine-flu outbreak linked to Smithfield factory farms | Grist
Greg Laden's Blog : How do you know when to start worrying about the new Swine Flu threat?
The Geomagnetic Apocalypse — And How to Stop It |
By Degrees - Third-World Stove Soot Is Target in Climate Fight - Series -
New Target For Maintaining Healthy Blood Pressure Discovered
The Dragon In My Garage by Carl Sagan
The Fund for Peace - Failed States Index (Israel at #58) • Alaska villages to get free heating fuel from Venezuela government again (Palin kisses Chavez' butt)
Shiite Shrine Double Bombing Kills Scores In Baghdad
Poland 'to ban' Che Guevara image - Telegraph
The Red Cross Torture Report: What It Means - The New York Review of Books
'The Rachel Maddow Show' for Wednesday, April 22 - transcript - Guest: Ron Suskind, Steven Kleinman, Barney Frank, Eugene Robinson
D-Day: The SASC Report - "Designed To Elicit False Confessions"
Why al-Qaida's plot to bomb L.A.'s Library Tower didn't warrant torture. - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine - Water-Bored
Obsidian Wings: Looking Forward
CIVICS News: Top Interrogation Experts Agree: Torture Doesn’t Work
Informed Comment: Revised Transcript: Liz Cheney Defends Her Father On MSNBC
Dozens of Prisoners Held by CIA Still Missing, Fates Unknown - ProPublica video: Torture enforced all around? (Obama flip-flopping)
The defining moment - Paul Krugman Blog -
First Draft: Projection ("sensible" Roger Cohen: "Words were spun in feckless patterns" + no one opposed Bush's war)
Glenn Thrush's Blog: Pelosi briefed on waterboarding in '02 - (not what she said)
Officer 'Unpopular' For Opposing Interrogations : NPR (the Bush military)
Kerry: Detainee Photos Could Be Terrorist Propaganda, But Truth Is Important (because, you know, true photos are propaganda but lying about torture isn't)
Greg Mitchell: Part II: Soldier Who Killed Herself -- After Refusing to Take Part in Torture (press always accepts military lies)
Three key rules of media behavior shape their discussions of "the 'torture' debate" - Glenn Greenwald -
Senate Leaders Oppose Interrogation Inquiry Panel - The Caucus Blog -
Olbermann will pay Hannity $1000/sec for waterboarding video: Cheney, who?
Media Matters - VOTE: The Worst Media Moment of Obama's First 100 Days
Calculated Risk: NY Times Norris: "Subprime Loans, Corporate-Style"
Bear, AIG Dumped $74 Billion in Subprime, CDOs on Fed -
Banks want off the hook for upkeep on foreclosures -- Local governments say move by Florida bankers group would stick taxpayers with the tab for keeping foreclosed homes from deteriorating and dragging down neighboring property values (special laws for banksters)
'Scientific American' Editor Out in Reorg - Media Blog - Jeff Berovici - (death of Sci-Am) (...a relatively isolated piece of the book publishing giant Macmillan, itself a unit of Germany's Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck)
Entropic Evidence for Linguistic Structure in the Indus Script -- Rao et al., 10.1126/science.1170391 -- Science
Scholars at odds over mysterious Indus script - life - 23 April 2009 - New Scientist
Artificial Intelligence Cracks 4,000-Year-Old Mystery | Wired Science from
Drowning in plastic: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is twice the size of France - Telegraph
US 'very concerned' about swine flu outbreak
Binge Drinking May Hamper Information Relay System in Teen Brain
New technique that scrambles light may lead to sharper images, wider views
Review - Procrastination - Self-Help
Review - 50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God - Religion
How to make the simplest electric motor - Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories
Even Though Their Own Scientists Knew They Were Wrong, Fossil Fuel Industries Sowed Doubt on Climate Change Causes | Crooks and Liars
Simple operation to cure blindness could be available in just six years | Mail Online
The forgotten Freud: The lesser known brother of Clement and Lucian is the most splendidly eccentric of all | Mail Online
Marc Fisher - Marc Fisher: Child Protection System Puts New Mother Through the Wringer -
Men are no more promiscuous than women, survey finds - Telegraph The long standing belief that men are promiscuous and women are choosy is a myth, claim psychologists.
It was new boobs or bust: How Ulrika Jonsson got the cleavage she wanted for 20 years | Mail Online
I-Movix SprintCam v3 NAB 2009 showreel on Vimeo | Pixel's Revenge timelapse showreel on Vimeo
YouTube - Tarkovsky's Mirror Set to Arvo Pärt's Mirror in the Mirror
Start Panicking!
2 suicide attacks in Iraq kill at least 50 people | McClatchy
China unveils fleet of submarines in bid to build global trust | World news | The Guardian (that'll work)
Army: 3 vials of virus samples missing from Maryland facility -
YouTube - Rachel Maddow: Israeli Spies & Rep. Jane Harman's Link - Wiretap: The plot thickens in Harman drama - the Speaker knew about the wiretap when she decided to stop Harman from becoming chairwoman of the House Intelligence Committee.
CQ Politics | SpyTalk - Harman, AIPAC, NSA: What did I Know, and When Did I Know It?
Christy Hardin Smith » Even More Hot Water For Jane Harman? NYTimes Corroborates CQ Story
Emptywheel » What Does a House Intelligence Chairmanship Cost?
Post details: Is AIPAC imploding? Why Steve Rosen is Suing AIPAC :: The Corner Report ("Rosen, having recently proven his considerable powers even under indictment by derailing the nomination of Charles Freeman at the National Intelligence Council") (indicted Israeli spy has this kind of influence)
Dissident Voice : Why Steve Rosen is Suing AIPAC - The Samson Gambit
Senate report: Rice, Cheney OK'd CIA use of waterboarding - (torture them, then solitary confinement for the rest of their lives)
McCain: Japanese Hanged For Waterboarding - CBS News (or apply our own laws)
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan "I call on all governments to join with the United States and the community of law-abiding nations in prohibiting, investigating, and prosecuting all acts of torture..." - Official proclamation by President Bush, June 26, 2003.
Ed Schultz goes off on Dick Cheney - Daily Kos TV ("trash-talking coward from the side-lines")
Future of U.S. depends on torture accountability - Countdown with Keith Olbermann- Olbermann: We cannot let mistakes of the past haunt our future
Countdown: "More than a 'a few bad apples' in Bush admin (Karpinski)
YouTube - Rachel Maddow - former Rice confidant Philip Zelikow on the torture memos, part 1
This Week With Barack Obama: "We Don't Fucking Torture", from Shepard Smith, FOX News (off the reservation) )
Op-Ed Contributor - My Tortured Decision -
Media Matters - WaPo 's Kane explains why his paper avoids the term "torture"
Naomi Wolf: Don't Prosecute -- and Scapegoat -- Torture Operatives; Go for the Top
Ron Suskind: Torture Employed To Alleviate White House 'Frustration' In Run Up To War
Greg Mitchell: U.S. Soldier Killed Herself -- After Refusing to Take Part in Torture
The Washington Independent » Key Player in ‘Enhanced’ Interrogations Still at CIA
Waterboarding Used 266 Times on 2 Suspects -
Bob Cesca: The Tortured Logic of the Torture Superfans
Media Matters - NBC's Mitchell falsely suggests Blair letter expressed approval for interrogation methods (Andrea Mitchell: rightwing torture lover)
Hannity Offers To Be Waterboarded For Charity (By Charles Grodin!)
Time To Think About Torture | Newsweek News | (Jonathan Alter, 2001, a village 'liberal')
Abu ghraib Photos - Search Abu ghraib images, wallpapers, pictures in Abu ghraib photo album at (reflect on this)
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan | Thiessen's LA Tower Canard (mendacious stupidity)
Conservative reps. want Napolitano out - Patrick O'Connor - (non-story: trolling for Drudge)
The border for dummies (U. S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano is retarded)
Port Authority of NY/NJ: Records For Reported WTC Renovation Work Destroyed On 9/11 |
Former 9/11 Commission Vice Chairman Makes Bizarre Comments about Intelligence Failures before Attacks |
The Pulitzer-winning investigation that dare not be uttered on TV - Glenn Greenwald - (fuck the media)
Matthew Yglesias » Ezra Klein Hired by Washington Post
The New York Times on the Precipice | | Mark Bowden (how Arthur Ochs Sulzberber took the greatest newpaper in the world and ran it into a ditch) (he's a doofus)
Is The Legacy Of 'The New York Times' In Trouble? : NPR : Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. — the fifth in his family to preside as publisher, and the man who, Bowden says, has steered his inheritance into a ditch.
Why Time and Newsweek Will Never Be The Economist: Matt Pressman | Vanity Fair
The Food Section: The New York Times Ate My Slogan (assholes)
Joe Bageant: Escape from the Zombie Food Court - "The American Hologram" ("Americans, regardless of income or social position, now live in a culture entirely perceived inside a self-referential media hologram of a nation and world that does not exist. Our national reality is staged and held together by media, chiefly movie and television images. We live in a 'theater state.' ")
Crisis as a Means to Building a Global Totalitarian State by Olga Chetverikova
U.S. Senate backs panel to probe financial fraud | Reuters
Banks Playing Both Sides On Bankruptcy Bill, Have Reform On Life Support
A 60 Minutes Embarrassment : Lelsie Stahl (October 2008: your elite press in action)
Warren County to Obama: Keep your ‘filthy money’
Think Progress » Larry Summers falls asleep during Obama’s meeting with credit card executives.
American Express Beats Profit Estimates, Plans to Repay TARP - (someday)
THE DEBT STAR This Is Not The Hope You Are Looking For -
Could Food Shortages Bring Down Civilization?: Scientific American The biggest threat to global stability is the potential for food crises in poor countries to cause government collapse
Analysis knocks down theory on origin of cell structure - MIT News Office (cilium not endosymbiotic)
The Hill’s Twitter Room » Barton thinks he stumped Energy Sec. (Republican idiots on parade)
Paradise Lost: Malware Targets Macs - Business Center - PC World
No data caps, no DOCSIS 3.0? TWC's math doesn't add up - Ars Technica
Time Warner and Embarq can't compete with city-owned ISP, trying to outlaw it
Zoe Williams: This pill is a cheap, nasty way out of dealing with the real causes of obesity | Comment is free | The Guardian
YouTube - Auto-Tune the News #2: pirates. drugs. gay marriage.
Skepticism Examiner: Just shoot me...
Pirate Bay Judge Accused of Bias, Calls for a Retrial | TorrentFreak
Pirate Bay lawyer calls for retrial - The Local
GeoCities will close later this year. - Yahoo! GeoCities Help
MobileRead Wiki - E-book Reader Matrix
Lieberman: U.S. to accept any Israeli policy decision - Haaretz - Israel News "Believe me, America accepts all our decisions," Lieberman told the Russian daily Moskovskiy Komosolets. (he's not supposed to say that)
Scottish Trade Union Congress votes to support boycotts, divestment and sanctions against apartheid Israel | Links
Senate Report Gives New Detail on Approval of Interrogation Techniques -
Report: Abusive tactics were used to seek Iraq-al Qaida link | McClatchy (torture used to create false evidence)
Wonk Room » Torturing The Al Qaeda-Iraq Connection - "techniques adopted wholesale from methods intended to extract false confessions were used in an attempt to generate evidence of a non-existent Al Qaeda-Saddam operational relationship." (evil bastards)
Grand unified scandal - Paul Krugman Blog - Let’s say this slowly: the Bush administration wanted to use 9/11 as a pretext to invade Iraq, even though Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. So it tortured people to make them confess to the nonexistent link.
In Adopting Harsh Tactics, No Look at Past Use -
Inquiry Into Torture Memos Appears Inevitable : NPR
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Harman on NPR: Train Wreck (FAIL)
Firedoglake » Go Organic — No Artificial Blogging. Support Marcy Wheeler! (seriously)
Abu Ghraib head finds vindication in newly released memos - Now, retired Army Col. Janis Karpinski can say: I told you so.
Top Bush Officials Approved of Harsh Interrogations as Early as Summer 2002 - - "Rice gave a key early approval" (reflect on that)
Hoyer Voices Concern Over Wiretapping of Members - Roll Call (heh-heh, too late)
MoveOn Torture Ad Highlights Cheney For Investigation
Feingold Unloads On Peggy Noonan: "Never Heard Anything Quite As Disturbing" ("It is truly horrifying and unforgivable that anybody operating under the auspices of the United States of America had involvement in any of this")
Think Progress » Two Days After Defending Waterboarding, Lieberman Now Claims He’s ‘Strongly Opposed’ To It (lying bag of shit becomes even more of a joke)
Media Matters - ABC News' concocts RFK Jr.-Obama controversy It's like the blind leading the blind.
Court Debates Strip Search of Student - what middle school students are apt to put in their underwear and what should be done about it (sez it all)
ABC-7 reporter and photographer handcuffed, detained while covering I-10 wreck - Newspaper Tree El Paso (no fourth amendment for you)
Poison in the well -- - Crestwood officials cut corners and supplied residents with tainted water for 2 decades (Repubican privatization)
Vast majorities - Paul Krugman Blog - So it’s perfectly possible that the “vast majority” of US banks are well-capitalized, but that banks with, say, a third of the system’s assets are insolvent.
Freddie Mac Exec Found Dead At Home - CBS News
As Economy Slows, Americans Are Moving Less -
subprime on Vimeo
Rare F.D.A. Meeting to Discuss Complaints on Device Approval - - patients were routinely put at risk by medical devices approved for sale despite significant and often unanimous objections from scientific reviewers.
'Fraction cells' found in human brain - life - 21 April 2009 - New Scientist
Building a Better Alien-Detection System | Wired Science from
#71: Slime Molds Show Surprising Degree of Intelligence | Animal Intelligence | DISCOVER Magazine
A Reporter at Large: Brain Gain: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Alone Among the Ghosts: Roberto Bolano's '2666'
The Dirty Secret of a Legendary Rare Book - The Fine Books Blog
AHA Information: Carl Becker Presidential Address (1931)
American Stonehenge: Monumental Instructions for the Post-Apocalypse (Georgia Guidestones)
Sorting out the Pirate Bay verdict | Digital Media - CNET News
V1 Gallery Artist: Peter Funch
Flickr: Discussing Peter Funch in Hardcore Street Photography (HCSP)
Search for Recipes by Ingredient - Recipe Puppy
Do only twits tweet? - Los Angeles Times
U.S. envoy to press Israel on two-state solution with Palestinians -
G20 protests: full video footage of police tactics | Politics |
BBC News | UK | Police respond to G20 criticisms "There's extreme frustration that there seems to be trial by media going on," (yeah, those videos have nothing to do with it)
tomlinson.jpg (Don't rely on the police. If you suspect it, report it to the internets)
Senator: OPR Torture Report Likely To Be "Devastating" | TPMMuckraker (why Obama wants to sweep this under the rug)
The OLC "Torture Memos": Thoughts from a dissenter By Philip Zelikow | Shadow Government (Bush tried to destroy evidence of torture dissent)
The Torture Memo Reliance Scam | Ecclesiastes's Blog
Obama And Top Advisers Scale Back Use Of Word “Torture” | The Plum Line (we don't use that word anymore)
Close Read: Dark Forces: News Desk: The New Yorker
Dem Rep Harman Did Urge Times Not To Publish Wiretapping Expose! | The Plum Line (send Harman to prison)
Harman Calls For Release Of Wiretapping Materials | TPMMuckraker (comments: "this is obviously related to the Steve Rosen/AIPAC trial, which has been postponed all these years, for political reasons, and is set to start next week")
Confirmed: Rep. Jane Harman Tried to Kill NSA Wiretapping Story -- May Have Swayed 2004 Election | | AlterNet
Think Progress » TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress To Hold Impeachment Hearings Against Judge Jay Bybee
Coleman's Apparent Argument On Appeal: I Won -- Or Nobody Did | TPMDC (only in Republican-land)
Obama Begins Mocking GOP’s National Security Attacks | The Plum Line
Tortured Explanation - Swampland - (sorry, Joe, the record is clear)
Bush-era CIA officials push back | The Cable
Playboy Journo Bets He Can Endure 15 Seconds Of Waterboarding (video)
Marc A. Thiessen - Enhanced Interrogations Worked - (incredible pro-torture logic from Wapo)
The Washington Monthly: Thiessen Rationalizes Muslim Torture (WaPo is totally onboard with waterboarding and other "helpful" techniques)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect: Mark Thiessen Explains The Exotic Muslim And His Way ("First we had "torture works." Then we had "they deserve it." Now we have "they need us to do it.")
First as Tragedy, Then as Farce | TPM If only Saddam Hussein had been smart enough to solicit a legal opinion from his government lawyers that gassing people was within the law, he could have been playing golf in Myrtle Beach right now.
A Lawyer, Some Teens and a Fight Over 'Sexting' - Revealing Images Sent Via Cellphones Prompt District Attorney to Offer Seminars but Threaten Felony Charges (perverted Republicans)
Programs to Help Banks Are Seen as Open to Fraud -
Inspector General Neil Barofsky reports to Congress - Apr. 21, 2009 Neil Barofsky, who is overseeing the $700 billion TARP, says he has 20 criminal probes and calls for changes to prevent fraud.
Geithner Defends TARP as Banks Lend Less - ABC News
RGE - End of Economic Gloom? Not as Early as You Wish. Roubini’s latest Article for Project Syndicate (Dr. Doom has been too optomistic)
Citigroup Shareholders Wonder When U.S. Ousts Board -
Cassini's continued mission - The Big Picture -
ESO - ESO 15/09 - Lightest exoplanet yet discovered Lightest exoplanet yet discovered
InfraNet Lab
YouTube - Best Bar Mitzvah Speech
OK/Cancel » Archive » Google Answers HCI PhD Program ("cancel google") - Instant adventure gaming (old Sierra games in your browser)
Seth Freedman: Israel's memorial built on desecration | Comment is free | The best way to honour the Holocaust victims is to stop a Museum of Tolerance being built on a Muslim cemetery (please, it's what they do)
Major scandal erupts involving Rep. Jane Harman, Alberto Gonzales and AIPAC - Glenn Greenwald -
Right-Wing Israeli Lawmaker Sends Letter To Rahm Emanuel To "Remind Him He's Jewish" (therefore, loyalty to Israel is most important)
MediaStorm: Intended Consequences by Jonathan Torgovnik (of the Rwandan Genocide)
Official: Obama doesn't want interrogation charges | TPM News Pages Top Obama official says president doesn't want charges for those behind interrogation policy (not the interrogators, not the architects, why that leaves ... nobody!)
Opposition Grows To Obama's Decision Not To Prosecute CIA Agents "Nothing will be gained by spending our time and energy laying blame for the past." - President Barack Obama (except for preventing it next time, duh, Mr Professor) “BECAUSE WE DID LOTS MORE SHIT YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW ABOUT.” Subtle, Hayden, very subtle.
Nadler: Impeach Torture Memo Author (Bybee)
Meet the Press and the media's distortions of the prosecutions debate - Glenn Greenwald - ("the two-tiered justice system (legal immunity for political elites) that is becoming increasingly undeniable by the day.")
CQ Politics | Sources: Wiretap Recorded Rep. Harman Promising to Intervene for AIPA (so, in exchange for dropping their investigation, Harman agreed to become chief wiretapping cheerleader?)
Glenn Greenwald - - Major scandal erupts involving Rep. Jane Harman, Alberto Gonzales and AIPAC
Firedoglake » A Hard Breaking Work of Staggering Non-Geniuses (time to impeach Jane Harman, sleazeball AIPAC/Bush droid)
Emptywheel » Alberto Gonzales’ Blackmail Notes and Jane Harman’s Support ("That's a nice House seat you have there, be a shame if something happened to it.")
Must Read | TPM (Jane Harman -- "This story is so radioactive it's hard to know which of fifty different directions to go with it.")
Eschaton: Klein was a defender and conduit of misinformation for FISA-related stuff. And Klein's close to Harman... (working together to screw Democracy)
Michelle Malkin » The Harman-AIPAC wiretaps (Malkin! "If even half of what’s in Jeff Stein’s CQ exclusive is true, this is a blockbuster scandal of historic proportions")
Did Jane Harman Help Persuade NY Times To Hold Wiretapping Story Until After 2004 Election? | The Plum Line (yes) (why newspapers should die)
Matthew Yglesias » Surveillance and Political Corruption (wiretap all members of Congress, all the time)
Obama Haters As Viewed By The Economist | The Moderate Voice
Right-wing radical threats? - First Read -
Pundits Whitewash Torture
Media Matters - Barstow wins Pulitzer for military analysts story; will networks notice? (complete blackout on media complicity in military propaganda still in effect)
Senate Newspaper Hearings To Begin May 6 (in line for bailout)
Sources: Chrysler Turned Down Government Loan Over Limits on Executive Pay - Sources: Chrysler Turned Down Government Loan Over Limits on Executive Pay ("fiduciary responsibility to shareholders" was always a fiction)
Treasury Says ‘No Basis’ to Report on Bank Testing -
The Associated Press: Wall Street slides as investors dump financials
Obama Budget Cuts: Will Order Cabinet to Quickly Cut $100 Million From Department Budgets
The Bobblespeak Translations (Summmers and Gregory)
Sun and Oracle | Oracle Buys Sun | Sys-Con India
The Geography of a Recession - Interactive Graphic -
Interactive Map Showing Immigration Data Since 1880 - Interactive Graphic -
U.S. auto industry broken down by state -
Paper Cuts: Layoffs and buyouts at U.S. newspapers in 2009
Dataset of the Day: Stimulus Projects and Unemployment | Off the Map
mint-emp-map.png (Stimulus by State)
Where does your state rank? -
The Map Scroll: Is the US Becoming a Third World Country? (done)
Most foreclosures pack into a few counties - (Floriduh, Californiduh, Neveduh and McCain)
Dynamic Maps of Nonprime Mortgage Conditions in the United States (Masschusetts: highest 90+ mortgage deliquency rate in U.S.)
The Shaping of America - The Atlantic (March 2009)
Soldiers' Stress: What Doctors Get Wrong about PTSD: Scientific American
Why Antarctic ice is growing despite global warming - environment - 20 April 2009 - New Scientist
Raw Story » Top House Republican: Idea that CO2 is harmful is ‘comical’ (Boehner)
Cleopatra's tomb may have been found - On Deadline -
The Civil Heretic - Freeman Dyson - Profile - (anti-global-warming consequences consensus)
Tragedy Is Not Freeman Dyson’s Business - TierneyLab Blog - (comments)
Some Inconvenient Thinkers - Dot Earth Blog - (Dyson)
NY Times Invents a Climate Science War | (+why the Times story was shitty) /a>
Marijuana Advocates Point to Signs of Change -
Queen Elizabeth II rules world's worst copyright regime? - Ars Technica
Using A Proxy Server Will Lead To Harsher Sentences - Pseudo Anonymous ("more sophisticated crime" - no anonymity for you)
Internet Providers Try to Charge More as Costs Fall - (free-market economy!)
YouTube - Beyonce 100 Single Ladies Flash-Dance Piccadilly Circus, London for Trident Unwrapped
Grisly slayings brings Mexican drug war to US
F.B.I. and States Vastly Expand DNA Databases -
Editorial - The Torturers Manifesto - (impeach Bybee: "If that means putting Donald Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzales on the stand, even Dick Cheney, we are sure Americans can handle it.")
Emptywheel Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Was Waterboarded 183 Times in One Month - Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times in August 2002 ("reflection, not retribution")
BBC News | Americas | CIA torture exemption 'illegal' - US President Barack Obama's decision not to prosecute CIA agents who used torture tactics is a violation of international law (reflect on this)
Politico's understanding of journalistic anonymity - Glenn Greenwald - (Allen apparently treats his conversations with Bush officials as "presumptively confidential" to pass on smears)(drudge-bone connected to ...)
YouTube - David Cross on Bush (2002)
Frank Rich - The Bigots Last Hurrah - (NOM: how have the mightly fallen)
YouTube - The Best Parody of NOM's "Gathering Storm" Ad
The Real Boston Tea Party was Against the Wal-Mart of the 1770s | Thom Hartmann (your a-historical rightwing)
Firedoglake Late Night: Psst, Dont Tell Him What Getting a Hind Rocket Means (you can't believe how stupid these people are)
How does the stimulus plan affect you? |
Bernanke Says Crisis Damage Likely to Be Long-Lasting -
Jobless Rate Climbs in 46 States, With California at 11.2% -
Lehman Sits on Bomb of Uranium Cake as Prices Slump -
What Really Happened Between Steve Rattner And The New York State Fund Scammers
How Bear Markets End
Ending the Monetary Fiasco — Returning to Sound Money - Thorsten Polleit - Mises Institute
A 'Copper Standard' for the world's currency system? - Telegraph
General Growth, owner of Baltimore-area malls, files for bankruptcy -- General Growth Properties amassed $27 billion in debt (thought they could refinance short-term debt forevar) - The nature caused by human culture | A visual introduction into Next Nature
YouTube - Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn
26051202.jpg (How Long Will Things Last?) (we're quickly running out of critical materials)
An Oregon School for Troubled Teens Is Under Scrutiny -- Time
Maia Szalavitz: Do Lap Dances and Humiliation Treat ADHD -- and Should Public Schools Pay? (follow the money: right to Mitt Romney)
The painful truth about trainers: Are expensive running shoes a waste of money? | Mail Online
Why there is no iTunes for movies. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
Adam Bergs Dark Knight-Inspired Short Film Carousel | /Film
YouTube - Philips Carousel Commercial - Adam Berg
OneSwarm: Privacy preserving P2P
Think you've read Madame Bovary? You've barely begun - News, Books - The Independent 4,500 additional pages omitted from Flaubert's published work released online | Madame Bovary ( (2004 review of Margaret Mauldon's translation)
Obama's stance worries Israelis | (good)
Report Shows Torture Is Widespread in Iraq - Time (it's the American Way)
Pirates attack tanker; NATO frees 20 fishermen
G20 death: Met police officer may face manslaughter charge | UK news | The Guardian (they lied + corrupt coroner)
Police delete London tourists' photos 'to prevent terrorism' | UK news | (terrorizing tourists)
The Torture Colony: an article by Bruce Falconer about Paul Schaefer, a German evangelist whose utopia in Chile helped the Pinochet regime perform torture and execution | The American Scholar In a remote part of Chile, an evil German evangelist built a utopia whose members helped the Pinochet regime perform its foulest deeds
Blog: Nukes & Spooks: Who is leading the NSC?
Hullabaloo: digby: The Problem With Torture Part XXXIV (Bush personally ordered torture)
Firedoglake - Its Only Torture If You Admit It (Obama's new post-justice reflective Constitution)
Media Matters - Weak tea ("We're here to break the chain of taxation without representation," said Abraham Mudrick" total fucking idiot)
YouTube - Rachel Maddow Show - Sen. Richard Burr (Lawn-mowerman-NC) dismembered
Hullabaloo: digby: Norm Loserman
Jon Oliver Is Offended at Teabaggers Lack of Respect for Great Britain's Tyranny | Comedy Central Insider Blog
Tea Party Fallout: Independents Turned Off, Some GOPers Worried (self-parody didn't work out so well)
Bob Cesca: Sharing Tea Bags with Right Wing Extremists (right-wing extremist party of stupid)
Anti-Gay Group Sends Letter To Colbert Thanking Him For Mocking Them (pathetically stupid)
California unemployment rises to record 11.2 pct | Reuters
Jim Cramer flips out on CNBC--The Live Feed (what he does)
Over Last 100 Years, Multi-term GOP Presidents = Bank Crisis - skewz - Open Salon (Americans never learn)
New Nano-Beads Laced With Venom Slow Cancer Spread
Child Obesity Is Linked to Chemicals in Plastics - City Room Blog -
Experts say new scientific evidence helpfully justifies massive pre-existing moral prejudice. - Bad Science
Antarcticas Blood Falls Shows How Aliens Might Live on Ice Worlds | 80beats | Discover Magazine
Commonweal - Culture & Barbarism: Metaphysics in a Time of Terrorism by Terry Eagleton
Jack Riley: This trial has only made torrent sites much stronger - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent
The Believer - The Sentence Is a Lonely Place
My First Dictionary
40 Amazing Online Photography Magazines | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
yOni - sacred feminine place
It Was a Dark and Silly Night: Gahan Wilson Meets Neil Gaiman: The Front Row: Online Only: The New Yorker
Keeping Up With Being Kept - Making it Easy for "Sugar Daddies" to Connect With "Sugar Babies" - | Maybe She's Not the One | NBC Los Angeles
YouTube - Amazing balance - Eskil - extreme ballooning | Eskil - balancing high on Kjeragbolten Lysefjorden Norway -
A Staggering Final Act - The New York Times (game-changing understanding of Picasso's last 10 yrs)
Music Review - YouTube Symphony Orchestra - For Musicians a New Way to Get to Carnegie Hall - Trying Out on YouTube -
NEJM -- The Weapons That Kill Civilians -- Deaths of Children and Noncombatants in Iraq, 2003-2008
Welcome to UTHR, Sri Lanka LTTE Is No Excuse For Killing Vanni Civilians
International Coalition of Sites of Conscience
Wonk Room Chalabi: Iran Benefited From Toppling Saddam (yeah, and you know who else)
What The CIA Did - The Atlantic Politics Channel
Hope Abandoned: Obama Protects and Promotes CIA Torture Mavens | Chris Floyd Online ("That is why they have retained apparatchiks like Kappes and Sulick; that is why they are not only defending the Bush gang's egregious assertions of authoritarian power, but are actually seeking to expand them")
President Discusses Military Operation : Bush: 2003: "I expect them to be treated, the POWs I expect to be treated humanely. And -- just like we're treating the prisoners that we have captured humanely. If not, the people who mistreat the prisoners will be treated as war criminals." (Obama reverses Bush policy on war crimes)
Obama Will Release CIA Interrogation Memos - Andy McCarthy - The Corner on National Review Online: A terrible decision (predictable)
Newly Released Memo Inadvertently Reveals CIA Held (and Abused) Missing Prisoner - ProPublica
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan | Bybee At Nuremberg
Firedoglake Whats Insect Jay Bybee Doing These Days? Sitting on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, Glad You Asked (nothing succeeds like success)
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan | In The Wake Of War Crimes
Bushs Tortured Logic : NO QUARTER ("Rule of law my ass")
Obama consulted widely on memos - Mike Allen - - Publicizing the techniques does grave damage to our national security by ensuring they can never be used again even in a ticking-time- bomb scenario where thousands or even millions of American lives are at stake" (sick fucks)
On This Day of the CIA Memo Release, a Polemic - Jeff_Emanuels blog - RedState (more sick fucks)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect| Leahy Repeats Call For Truth Commissionw
Jindal Rebukes Cheney: "Don't ... Question Obama's Patriotism" (video)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Ex-McCain aide to call for gay marriage support - Blogs from
Top G.O.P. Consultant Endorses Gay Marriage - The Caucus Blog - If Steve Schmidt is for same-sex marriage, can Senate Republicans be far behin
Tapped Archive | The American Prospect: Our Bybee Problem.
Attackerman: Not Even Jesus Would Forgive What You Do
Olbermann: Future Of The U.S. Depends On Torture Accountability (Video)
American Soldier Is Found Guilty in Iraqi Killings -
Balloon Juice: End of the Road (Hatley, murderer, was used to discredit Scott Beauchamp who gave warning) | Exurban League: Beauchump
Sergeant Who Smeared Fellow Soldier, New Republic Writer Executed Four Iraqi Men | TPMMuckraker (+Weekly Standard's Michael Goldfarb is a terrible human being)
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan | Not All Were Silent II (those who did speack out)
Injured War Zone Contractors Fight to Get Care From AIG and Other Insurers - ProPublica
State Department Lists Texas As A Foreign Country (well?)
Howard Kurtz - Reading the Tea Leaves - So much becomes clear ("tea parties made a huge impact")
Taibblog: The peasant mentality lives on in America ("Its really weird stuff. And bound to get weirder, I imagine, as this crisis gets worse and more complicated.")
Krugman - Green Shoots and Glimmers -
Elizabeth Warren Pt. 1 | The Daily Show | Comedy Central | Elizabeth Warren Pt. 2
Prophets Of Doom: 14 Who Take Issue With Obama's Economic Policies
Did Auto Czar Steve Rattner Help Scam New York Pensioners? | TPMMuckraker (meet the new scammer, same as the old scammer)
Stiglitz: Blame Summers | The Big Picture
Daily Kos: Obama's high-speed rail vision That Georgia network might be nice, but they want to secede, so send the money (and jobs and economic development) elsewhere.
An interactive map of vanishing employment across the country. - By Chris Wilson - Slate Magazine An interactive map of vanishing employment across the country.
U.S.: Warming gases are health threat - Climate Change- Obama administration move is aimed at prodding lawmakers to regulate
New nucleotide could revolutionize epigenetics The discovery of a new nucleotide in the mouse brain opens the door to a new domain of epigenetic DNA modification
Newly Discovered Iron-breathing Species Have Lived In Cold Isolation For Millions Of Years
Slowing Our Aging Clock -World's Leading Expert Tells How
Pastor beaten and tasered by Border Patrol agents at an Internal US Checkpoint for refusing a search
Pirate Bay guilty - The Local
Google Maps Now Show Views From Webcams
How To Nail An Interview
Infinite Photograph -- As Seen On Earth -- The Green Guide
Robert Fisk: How can you trust the cowardly BBC? - The Independent - The BBC Trust is now a mouthpiece for the Israeli lobby which abused Bowen (special interests)
Rahm Emanuel: Obama Laying Down Law To Netanyahu | TPMCafe
India Election: Nation Prepares For Largest Election Process In The World (video)
No Torture Probe Of Bush Admin Officials: Spanish AG
BBC News | Europe | Crucified nun dies in 'exorcism'
Iraq air raids hit mostly women and children - Middle East, World - The Independent Report urges review of military strategy when targeting urban areas (95% killed were women and children - mission accomplished! - support our troops)
American Civil Liberties Union : Office of Legal Counsel Memos Abuse of Power: The Bush Administration's Secret Legal Memos
Secret Interrogation Memos to Be Released - The Caucus Blog - (not really: redacted, and besides, you have no right to know)
Hullabaloo: dday: Obama's Decision Point Made (torture memos: he split the difference)
Obama Rules Out Charging C.I.A. Agents in Interrogations -
The Raw Story | Bush Administration authorized use of insects in interrogations(life in prison too good for these sadists)
Obama to release OLC torture memos; promises no prosecutions for CIA officials - Glenn Greenwald -
NY Times Reports New Revelations About Wiretapping Program | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Senate Panel To Investigate NSA Wiretapping Violations
N.S.A.s Intercepts Exceed Limits Set by Congress - (what a surprise) (spied on Congressman)
Which Congressman Did NSA Try To Spy On Without A Warrant?
Homeland Security Chief Defends Report On Right Wing Extremism Risk (outrage)
Think Progress Politicos Mike Allen claims that author of DHS report on right-wing extremism couldnt be from real America (Drudgico: because right-wingers aren't really extremists)
Informed Comment: Armitage: "They Tortured" "Maybe I should Have Resigned" (you won't see this in the US)
Balloon Juice Blog Archive Where Have I Heard That Before? (Obama about to "criminalize non-violent political dissent")
Gov. Perry Talks Secession for Texas at Tea Party: "Texas Can Leave Union If It Wants To" | Crooks and Liars (please?)
The Associated Press: Democrats: Texas gov should disavow secession talk "This is America, baby. First Amendment. We like it too, as well as the Second and the 10th (amendment)," he said.
Congress Should Wear T-Shirts With Endorsements: Caroline Baum - Members of Congress should be compelled to wear uniforms like Nascar drivers, so we could identify their corporate sponsors.
YouTube - KO Countdown : Tax 090413 : Tea Representation
Media Matters - Lowering the bar - Tea Parties - "If -- and we'll have to see the numbers at the end of the day -- 100,000 Americans show up to protest their taxes, the onus to dismiss them as a nascent political force shifts to the Democrats"
Anti-tax 'tea party' could draw crowd to downtown Syracuse - Joanne Wilder: stupid and confused
Keith O. pounds Foxs Cavuto for fabricating tea bag crowd estimate - Daily Kos TV (beta)
The Times Will Cut Sections to Lower Costs -
The Washington Monthly: Will Tackles Fashion (having totally failed at global warming) (and no one is buying your papers)
Sam Zell On Tribune Purchase: "I Made A Mistake"
Boston Globe To Eliminate 2009 Management Bonuses
Jeff Zucker, Top NBC Brass Concerned About CNBC's "Conservative," "Anti-Obama" Image: Report (yeah, Jack Welch is real concerned)
Paper Cuts
General Growth Seeks Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection (Update4) - (mall is like, totally flat)(largest RE bankruptcy evar)
Dimon Says Hes Eager to Repay Scarlet Letter TARP - (could be tomorrow!)
Nokia Sees Demand Stabilizing - - Nokia Corp. on Thursday reported a 90% drop in first-quarter profit
YouTube - Nov 2006 Peter Schiff Mortgage Bankers Speech Part 1 of 8
Proof of massive sea monster | Video |
All Octopuses Are Venomous
Cure For Honey Bee Colony Collapse?
A Sixth Sense for a Wired World
BBC News | UK | Magazine | Innocent photographer or terrorist? (no pictures for you)
Peter Singer: the right to criticise religions is threatened | Comment is free | We must defend the right to cause offence to believers, when this is not meant to stir up hatred
A Racial Shift in Drug-Crime Prisoners - Fewer Blacks and More Whites, Says Sentencing Project
Inside the precision hack Music Machinery (4chan's hack of Time Mag's 100 poll)
3mindme: email for your future self
They're gone! After outcry, Time Warner uncaps the tubes - Ars Technica
Hot cougar sex! | Salon Life A new reality show reminds us (again) that an adult woman with a libido is a crazed wildcat. What's so empowering about that?
Cougars | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Cougars stress sophistication over sex - The Boston Globe
AFP: Israel won't cooperate with UN probe of Gaza war (rogue failed racist state)
Somali Pirates Hijack 4 More Ships
BBC News | Africa | French warship captures pirates
Monsanto Uprooted: Germany Bans Cultivation of GM Corn - Spiegel
Afghan women pelted with stones during rape law protest
1,500 farmers commit mass suicide in India - Asia, World - The Independent
BBC News | Middle East | Saudis 'to regulate' child brides (pedoshaiks)
Britain in the dock over secret tracking of internet accounts - Times Online Fears that Britain is slipping into a surveillance society have been heightened by Brussels initiating legal action
Obama Tilts to CIA on Memos - Top Officials at Odds Over Whether to Withhold Some Details on Interrogation Tactics (flip-flop)
Homeland Security Classifies Returning US Veterans as Potential Terrorist Threat Americas Watchtower (we've come full circle)
Gov. Rick Perry: Texas Could Secede, Leave Union (love it or leave it)
Obama Tax Returns For 2008: See The Complete Filings
The ultimate reaping of what one sows: right-wing edition - Glenn Greenwald -
Tea Party Photos: Tax Day Protests From Across The Country (laughable)
Media Matters - Carlson's suggestion on how to show support for tea parties: "You can hang [a teabag] from your mirror, too, like fuzzy dice" (what a joke these guys are)
Hale "Bonddad" Stewart: Where Were the Teabag Protests 8 Years Ago? (or 30 yrs ago? Republican total fucking hyocrisy)
Party like it's 1995! - Joan Walsh -
at-Largely: The rich buy the stupid and manufacture a movement...
White House On Tea Parties: We Passed The Biggest Tax Cut In History
FreedomWorks' Long History Of Teabagging | TPMDC
Firedoglake Glenn Reynolds Puts the InstaCurse on the Teabagging Movement
Harold Meyerson - Revolutionary Rush - Rush and his boys are doing what Gene Debs and his comrades never really could. In tandem with Wall Street, they are building socialism in America
Toomey announces GOP senate bid | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/15/2009 (running against 80 yr-old dying of cancer, Arlen Specter)
INSTAPUTZ: That's Because You're An Idiot (curse of the Rosenthals: "I would be the last person alive to suggest that Maureen Dowd and Gail Collins are not serious columnists. They are indeed, very serious.")
Whiskey Fire: Cougar Trap ("What Krugman does takes education, Maureen. What you do takes self-regard.")
Meet The Doomsayers
Goldman Sachs Information, Comments, Opinions and Facts / Columnists / Martin Wolf - Is America the new Russia?
Asking Questions of Larry Summers - Finance Blog - Ryan Avent - Market Movers - (and not getting answers, of course)
UBS To Cut 8,700 Jobs
Burr Encourages Run On Banks (more Un-American Republicans)
Firedoglake Late Night: One Minute, Youre up Half a Million in Soybeans, and the Next. . . . Remember Jake DeSantis, the sniveling WATB AIGFP executive vice-president who resigned is such spectacular fashion in the New York Times?
Solution to Japan's Jobless Problem: Send City Workers Back to the Land -
New Pollution Monitoring: Our Air is Dirtier Than We Thought
Fan fights NY Yankees 'God Bless America' ejection - MLB - Yahoo! Sports
in hysterics On Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, 1950-2009
The reeducation of a queer theorist | Salon Books
Class Dismissed - The Atlantic (March 2009)
The Hipster Grifter | The New York Observer
YouTube - Richard Dawkins Rap - Beware the Believers
YouTube - Sam Harris makes a joke and a point
Predictable (read: water-headed) reaction to Obama's remarks (Dr. Joan Bushwell's Chimpanzee Refuge) The whole "Christian nation" issue is garbage
Rush Limbaugh's 10 Dumbest Remarks: Christopher Bateman | Vanity Fair
Court TV Casefiles: Mackenzie v. Miller Brewing Co.
Thousands of dolphins block Somali pirates_English_Xinhua
Homeland Security Report Warns Of Rising Right-Wing Extremism
Paterson Will Introduce Same-Sex Marriage Bill - City Room Blog -
Media Matters - AP, please define "leading vote-getter"
Vermont Lawmakers Look To Legalize Teen 'Sexting' - (ending the Republican war on teen sex)
Bush Aide Perino to Join Firm Led by Clinton Adviser -
Tea Bag Terror: Protests Causing Scares, Evacuations At Congressional Offices
The Rotting Racist Underbelly of the Tea Party Protests - Jack & Jill Politics
Wonk Room Shuster: If Youre Planning Tea Bagging Across The Country, Youre Going To Need A Dick Armey
Tea Party Protesters Gird for Possible Liberal Backlash | Political News - (they're going to laugh at you)
Jane Hamsher: The Corporate Lobbyists Behind the Tea Parties
Daily Kos: AstroTurf Alert: You can help Save the Rich! what's really behind those teabags
Scarborough To Coleman: "You Lost... It Is Over" (Video)
Obama Economy Speech: Major Address At Georgetown University (Video) ("We cannot rebuild this economy on the same pile of sand,")
General Growth bondholders seek to sue company--WSJ | Reuters (flat)
World Bank gets ahead of the pack in the race to open data - PSD Blog - The World Bank Group
Goldman Using Share Sale to Return Bailout Money - (someday ...)
Time for bottles in coal mines - Paul Krugman Blog -
Basics - The Biggest of Puzzles Brought Down to Size -
Total Recall: The Woman Who Can't Forget
In the Event That You Have Accidentally Swallowed the Higgs Boson by Michael Rottman - The Morning News
Boldly Going Nowhere -
SciencePunk : Why do we tolerate celebrities preaching scientific nonsense?
Leaked ACTA Draft: More Power to the RIAA | TorrentFreak (disgusting change)
Computer Science Student Targeted for Criminal Investigation for Allegedly Sending Email | Electronic Frontier Foundation (also, a Linux user)(Massachusetts)
10 years later, the real story behind Columbine - Usatoday.Com (no videogames, no bullies, no anti-depressants)
Print is still king: Only 3 percent of newspaper reading happens online Nieman Journalism Lab
Browser wars 2009: Firefox, Chrome, & Internet Explorer - Computerworld Blogs
Congressman: there should be a law against Internet caps! - Ars Technica
( Uncomfortable Plot Summaries
Somalias Piracy Offers Lessons in Global Governance Protecting the global commons requires more than a military response
Obama Lifting Cuba Travel Restrictions
China takes giant step with new super rocket -
Mondoweiss: 'NYT' Op-Ed says Hamas is more reasonable than Netanyahu gov't
Officials: NATO Strike Kills Six Civilians in Afghanistan -- News from
Tana de Zulueta on Silvio Berlusconi's stranglehold on the Italian media | Comment is free | The Guardian While his shocking gaffes make news abroad, the Italian PM's stranglehold on TV and newspapers keeps his nation clueless
KSTP TV - Minneapolis and St. Paul - JUDGES: Franken winner of Senate race
Taking Away the Toolbox, or Why Punishing Bush is Necessary - The Seminal
TApped Archive | The American Prospect | Clarence Thomas Doesn't Think You Should Have All Those Rights. "Indeed, I think there is a proliferation of rights" (worst SCJ evar)
Krugman - Tea Parties Forever - (crazy lying wingnuts)
Loon Watch: Right-wing bets against U.S. in pirate standoff - Daily Kos TV (beta)
Think Progress Fox host: Its now my great duty to promote the tea parties. Here we go! (Foxaganda)
Media Matters - Glenn Beck and "painstaking research" do not belong in the same sentence (how your conservative corporate media legitimizes right-wing hate)
Daily Kos: Poll: Americans love France, San Francisco, Europe, and NY (why you can't trust the Yurp-hating media) C
naked capitalism: Guest Post: The Fake Recovery
Calculated Risk: Oregon Unemployment Rate Ties Record High in 60+ Years (scariest graph of the day)
Financial World Online: Too many cooks
More Hotels Facing an Uncertain Future - (Times writes this whole article and doesn't mention crazy financing schemes)
The Public Editor - Behind a Byline, Family Ties - Op-Ed - (Daphne Merkin + Andy Rosenthal + orly)
How (and Why) Athletes Go Broke: Recession or no recession, many NFL, NBA and Major League - 03.23.09 - SI Vault
Survey: Scientists agree human-induced global warming is real climatologists who are active in research showed the strongest consensus on the causes of global warming, with 97 percent agreeing humans play a role.
Conscience vs. Conscience - Stanley Fish Blog - (your "conscience" is not your personal uninformed predjudice)
Editorial Observer - Science, Mythology, Hatred, and the Fate of the Gray Wolf -
Removing Hot Air from Nuclear Power Plants; Scientists Convert Nuclear Energy to Power without Steam
Dune Mars | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
New processor technology promises big boost to consumer-grade SSDs
Fact-checking the fact-checkers: gets an 'A' | Community
Snark: Why It Matters | Psychology Today Blogs
What Type of Web Commenter Are You? Sometimes, Howling Mobs of Commenters Wish for Your Early Death; Others Are a Bit Nicer
Kinda Sutra - SnagFilms
Unmasked blogger blames First Baptist, Sheriff's Office | A subpoena is used to obtain critic's identity from Google
The Washington Monthly: Amazon's Glitch (deranking scandal or distributed lulz attack?)
tehdely: On Amazon Failure, Meta-Trolls, and Bantown | pastebin - Anonymous - post number 1390576
The 100 Most Iconic Internet Videos [Full List] - Urlesque - Internet Trends, Viral Videos, Memes and Web Culture
Internet Meme Database | Know Your Meme
U.S. Captain Held by Pirates Is Rescued -
What The International Media Aren't Telling You About Somalia Pirates | Crooks and Liars
Rioting follows state of emergency in Thai capital
Obama and habeas corpus -- then and now - Glenn Greenwald -
Balloon Juice Blog Archive The Daily How Obama Is Failing Us Post
Opinio Juris - Is There Tea at Bagram?
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan: The Tea Tantrum Movement
Media Matters - REPORT: "Fair and balanced" Fox News aggressively promotes "tea party" protests
Rick Warren Cancels ABC Appearance "Moments Before," Claims "Exhaustion"
Bats Left/Throws Right: "Making Fools Of Everyone"? What, The Bush Administration Wasn't Enough For Them?
Frank Rich - Awake and Sing! -
Crisis Reshaping Wall St. as Stars Begin to Scatter - (more BS from the Times: rats leaving sinking ships, really)
Does Google Really Control The News? (not so much, and the AP is full of shit)
Can the AP Out-Google Google? - BusinessWeek (the stupid is burning)
Open Letter to Amazon Regarding Recent Policy Changes | Booksquare
Meta Writer - Amazon Censorship - Who is affected?
Germany deletes domain after raid - Wikileaks
Warning: Twitter Hit By StalkDaily Worm (Updated)
'Conficker' computer worm finally stirs | - Portland, Oregon | Technology Blog: It's NEVER an "Assault" -- -- when police commit an act of criminal violence against an innocent citizen. Instead, it's always a "struggle," as if the victim were somehow involved in mutual combat.
Secret ACTA International Copyright Treaty leaked to Wikileaks (what Obama doesn't want you to see) Gen. JC Christian, pa...'s review of The Christian Life and Character of the Civil ...
Sociological Images: Boys Fix Things. Girls Need Things Fixed. Update
YouTube - Stop motion with wolf and pig
10 tweaks to make Windows 7 even better | 10 Things |
20 registry hacks to make your PC more awesome | News | TechRadar UK
25 Text Batch Processing Tools Reviewed | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Death By the Numbers: Pakistan Counts the Toll of the Bush-Obama Drone War | Chris Floyd Online (outdoes Bush in civilian casualties)
Afghan 'Rape Law' Will NOT Go Into Effect: Ambassador (otherwise known as the conjugal satisfaction for men law)
Afghan Baby Shot Dead In Botched US Raid
US Warships Block Help For Pirates Holding US Captain Hostage
Obama releases Reagan records - Josh Gerstein -
Johann Hari: How to spot a lame, lame argument - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent (Dark Side of Dubai)
Marina Hyde: Put enough cameras on the police and even the serially deferential wake up | Comment is free | The Guardian
Obama Still Has Hundreds Of Important Jobs To Fill
Terence M. O'Sullivan: Now IS the time for the Employee Free Choice Act Today when workers try to organize, 25% of employers react by firing them, 51% threaten to shut down the workplace and 91% force workers to attend anti-union intimidation meetings.
Let's look into these unpatriotic Americans who want to prosecute patriotic Americans. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine Let's look into these unpatriotic Americans who want to prosecute patriotic Americans.
Hullabaloo: Dave Neiwert: The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right
Did Bush administration policies prevent 9/11 from happening again? - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine
States Slashing Social Programs for Vulnerable - ("entitlements")
Right Wing Slams Barack Obama For Ordering Pizza. Really
Boston Phoenix > Talking Politics > Cracking up State legislators across the country are filing resolutions declaring state sovereignty just as they did the last time a Democrat won the White House (roots in the militia movement + black helicopters)
Jesus Christ or John Galt? The Republican Party's Identity Crisis by Jared Seehafer -- Capitalism Magazine
FAQs | The Associated Press | The Associated Press and Intellectual Property Protection
Media Matters - Markos vs. Alec Baldwin (future of newspapers)
Zero Hedge: The Incredibly Shrinking Market Liquidity, Or The Upcoming Black Swan Of Black Swans
Robert Reich's Blog: Why We're Not at the Beginning of the End, and Probably Not Even At the End of the Beginning
Felix Salmon Blog Archive Talebs necessary and impossible wish-list | Blogs |
Overcoming Bias: Self-Haters Donate More
Get Rich Slow - Time
Times Higher Education - Plato's Ghost: the Modernist Transformation of Mathematics
Synthetic Biology: Building Life (Potential & Dangers) | Britannica Blog
Will Misleads Readers on Climate Science - Again - Capital Weather Gang
YouTube - greenman3610's Channel - Peter Sinclair - Climate Denial Crock of the Week...
7 (Crazy) Civilian Uses for Nuclear Bombs | Wired Science from
Are We All Living in a Vast Computer Simulation? -A Galaxy Insight
The Top 10 Telescopes of All Time | Popular Science
Psychology Today: Neanderthink: The Appeal of the Bad Boy Bad boys will always be with us because they have good genes to spare.
Lies, damned lies - and blatant statistical lies | David Aaronovitch - Times Online
The Purpose-Driven Wife | Mother Jones Teaching women to submit to their husbands, for the love of Christ.
Journal of Multicultural, Gender and Minority Studies Domestic Violence and the Female Victim: The Real Reason Women Stay!
Screaming Mummies!
Times Higher Education - This involves what exactly? Amid the marketing puffery and opaque jargon, many prospectuses fail to explain what a course is really about / Arts / Film & Television - Why Britain is best when it comes to gossip
Hitchens: Why Texas Is Right on Teaching Evolution | Newsweek Culture | Sure, discuss Darwin's 'strengths and weaknesses.' Just not in biology textbooks.
Sundance Channel: Green Porno
50 Years of Stupid Grammar Advice - - Elements of Style
The expanding invasion of the naked body scanners. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine
25 Text Batch Processing Tools Reviewed | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
The ROI for Social Media Is Zero - ClickZ
New online dictionary redefines look it up |
BBC News | Special Reports | CIA shuts down its secret prisons
CIA to close secret overseas prisons, end security contracts | McClatchy Panetta, however, said that CIA officers who were involved in interrogations using "enhanced" methods authorized by the Justice Department during the Bush administration "should not be investigated, let alone punished."
5 US Soldiers Killed In Mosul, Iraq Truck Bombing
YouTube - Adam Curtis on Charlie Brooker's Newswipe
Communications crippled in Santa Cruz County - Santa Cruz Sentinel
Sabotage attacks knock out phone service
Daily Kos: A tired "solution" to the newspaper dilemma (the "Morton Plan")
Pelosi Calls For More Transparency From Fed (video)
KU professors found companies realized big tax savings by spending for lobbyists - Kansas City Star
Think Progress Caller to C-SPAN: Why do you keep bringing these neocons on?
Times' front-page ad sparks outcry - Los Angeles Times (new revenue models)
Glenn Beck Imitates Obama Pouring Gasoline On "Average American" (the hemorrhoid with eyes)
David Schultz, DC Reporter, Harassed By Veteran Affairs Official
More Quickly Than It Began, The Banking Crisis Is Over - Time
Op-Ed Columnist - Making Banking Boring - (but, what about our high-flying titans of innovative financial products?)
Calculated Risk: Fed Orders Banks Not to Release Stress Test Results (transparency you can choke on)
Goldman Sachs Mulls Multibillion Dollar Share Sale, WSJ Says -
Roundabout Bailout: Fed To Pump Foreign Currency Into U.S. Banks
The World's Biggest Companies -
Is homophobia associated with homosexual arousal? [J Abnorm Psychol. 1996] - PubMed Result (scientific confirmation of projected self-gay hatred)
Super-tough sunshield to fly on the James Webb Space Telescope | Eureka! Science News
The Cosmic Hand of Destruction | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Ready for the Really Big One? - Cosmic Log -
Op-Ed Contributor - Free-Range Trichinosis -
Sunburned: Solar's Dirty Little Secrets | Mac|Life (cadmium in panels)
NASA: Clean-air regs, not CO2, are melting the ice cap The Register ("less atmospheric cooling from sulfates") (save the Polar Bears: burn more dirty coal!)
De-anonymizing Social Networks
What It Costs - Everything Costs Something
Israelis' invulnerable, 60-tonne robot bulldozer force to double The Register (satanic Killdozer)
Google Street View cameraman in row with photographer - Telegraph
Islam "insulted" by alleged child killer's mug shot, says husband :: The SouthtownStar
DailyTech - Time Warner: Unlimited Internet for $150 Per Month
Women Are Shocked by Their New Bra Size -
La Vida Locavore:: Organic White House Garden Puts Some Conventional Panties in a Twist (agribusiness is pissed: not enough chemicals in Obama's food)
Daring Fireball: How to Block the DiggBar
The Slide Into Addiction to Economic Pessimism -- New York Magazine
YouTube - Rep. Betty Brown makes statement on Asian-American names (R-Terrell, TX) (stupid Texas legislator makes herself famous on the Internets)
Holy Kidding Me: The Blog of Stupid and WTF Questions
Anti-government protesters in Tibet sentenced to death - Times Online
Setback for Sarkozy as French parliament rejects controversial internet law - Times Online
BBC News | Americas | US court allows apartheid claims
General Ray Odierno: we may have to ignore Iraq deadline to halt al-Qaeda terror - Times Online (more bullshit from the Army)
Op-Ed Columnist - Israel Cries Wolf - (calling Abe Foxman)
Obama Administration Invokes State Secrets To Kill Lawsuit Over Unlawful Surveillance Program - Jonathan Turley (deep in Kafka territory)
Emptywheel Credit Where Due: Keith Olbermann Edition
Keith Olbermann's scathing criticism of Obama's secrecy/immunity claims - Glenn Greenwald -
Daily Kos: State of the Nation
Dick Cheney's dark arts - The Irish Times - Thu, Apr 09, 2009
Justice Official Who Probed US Attorney Firings Will Now Lead US Attorneys Office | TPMMuckraker
You Can Lead A Reporter to Water, But You Can't Make Him Call It A Spending Increase | TPMDC Washington Post Congressional reporter Paul Kane
Media Matters - Stenography v. Journalism (more WaPo Paul Kane, passing on Republican horseshit) Pulling A Full Grandpa Simpson (George Will, idiot WaPo Columnist, whines)
Matthew Yglesias: Eugene Robinson: George Will Crossed the Line
Daily Kos: AP ups stupidity quotient another 16,000 notches Is there anything more stupid than the AP threatening an AP affiliate for embedding video from the AP's YouTube channel? It's doubtful
A.P. Exec Doesnt Know It Has A YouTube Channel: Threatens Affiliate For Embedding Videos (new lows of stupid)
The Morton Plan | American Journalism Review | Heres how Americas newspapers can save themselves (by charging for online access! same rates for print and web!)
Open Left:: The Case for Distrust
What Does "Pass" Mean to You? | Mother Jones
Carpe Diem: NY Fed Model Suggests Economic Recovery Has Started, and Recession Will End This Year
Roubini Says Bank Takeovers Deepened Financial Market Crisis -
U.S. Plan Imagines the Bailout as Investment Tool - ("imagine" being the key word there)
Oxdown Gazette Is Obamas Economic Team Inviting Americans to Las Vegas?
Bank of America Needs $36.6 Billion, Oppenheimer Says -
Jobless Claims Fall 20,000; Import Prices Gain -
Banks Are Said to Hold Up to Stress Tests -
Simon Johnson: What Next For Banks? The Baseline Scenario
The Golden Mean(ie) - The Seminal
Buffetts Berkshire Loses Moodys Top Credit Rating (Update1) -
Opinion: Silicon Valley a Systemic Risk? - Treasury decides to treat venture capitalists like hedge funds.
YouTube - Thom Yorke - Black Swan
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | The Black Swan Menace
Interfluidity :: Contracts are not bilateral
O'Brien: Venture capital needs transparency, not regulations - San Jose Mercury News
Deflation - The Opposite of Inflation. How It Can Grind the Economy to a Halt | Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
Full Metal Budget | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Bonnie Bassler on how bacteria communicate | Video on
Dramatic Image Shows Volcano's Lightning | LiveScience
Ancient diatoms lead to new technology for solar energy
Matthias Rath - steal this chapter - Bad Science
David MacKay: Sustainable Energy - without the hot air: Download
Brown Fat Identified as Heat-Yielding Cells in Humans -
U.S. Food Safety No Longer Improving - (Bush)
Conficker eye chart -- reloaded. Also known (in the great tradition) as: Spread this chart
Remember the Conficker Eyechart? There are two main sites that run the eyechart. How many of you can still access them since last night? : technology
Taser deployment database - CBC Interactive Feature RCMP data on use of stun guns
Tampa Bay Mug Shots: Index
The Case Against Homework
Texas lawmaker suggests Asians adopt easier names | Front page | - Houston Chronicle Call for voters to simplify their names not racially motivated, Terrell Republican says (LOLStupidRepublicans)
'Sexting' lands teen on sex offender list -
5 Retarded Health Campaigns That Backfired (Hilariously) |
Gizmodo - Art Peaks Forever as Two Chicks Lightsaber Battle in Their Underwear Without Irony - light saber
ICRC Full Report on "high-value detainees" transferred to Guantanamo in September 2006 (PDF) Somali Pirates Hijack Ship With 20 Americans On Board
Berlusconi's Earthquake Gaffe Causes Outrage 17,000 earthquake survivors should simply pretend they are on a "camping weekend"
Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated By Spies -
Errata Security: Has the power grid been penetrated by enemies?
PC World - CIA Says Hackers Have Cut Power Grid Several cities outside the U.S. have sustained attacks on utility systems and extortion demands.
Obama team readying for confrontation with Netanyahu - Haaretz - Israel News
BBC News | Americas | 'US graft adds to Mexico's woes'
G20 death: How can we trust the police now? - Telegraph
In Warrantless Wiretapping Case, Obama DOJ's New Arguments Are Worse Than Bush's | Electronic Frontier Foundation
s Obama Passover Seder: First Ever Held At White House
Eschaton: Bringing On The Crazy (Rod Dreher, nutcase) Rick Warren: Freak Flag Flying
Whiskey Fire: Tea-bag This!
Baracknophobia - Obey | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Media Matters - Fox News' Carlson falsely claimed "Social Security [is] already bankrupt" (Murdock Propaganda Network)
Gawker - Cry, Laugh At World's Dumbest Anti-Gay Ad Auditions - Gay Marriage
What was missing from Singleton’s AP speech? » Nieman Journalism Lab
"I am under a lot of pressure to not diagnose PTSD" | Salon News A secret recording reveals the Army may be pushing its medical staff not to diagnose post-traumatic stress disorder. The Army and Senate have ignored the implications.
Congressional Panel Suggests Firing Managers, Liquidating Banks - Congressional Panel Suggests Firing Managers, Liquidating Banks
Calculated Risk: Mall Vacancy Rate Increases Sharply in Q1 (malls are flat, cold and deserted)
Krugman On Rachel Maddow Show: Talks Economy, Financial Crisis (video) poured cold water all over the notion that since the public's perception of the economy had brightened
Economic Crisis Sweeps Eastern Ukraine -
Is there really $1 trillion promised in that G-20 communique? | FP Passport (no)
Roubini: CNBC's Jim Cramer A "Buffoon" ... "And after all this mess and Jon Stewart he should just shut up because he has no shame."
The Average Man’s Tax Dollars - The Toilet Paper
Quantum lasers: Half light, half matter - physics-math - 07 April 2009 - New Scientist
Schizophrenics see through hollow-mask illusion - health - 07 April 2009 - New Scientist
New Way To Split Water Into Hydrogen And Oxygen Developed
Woman with ‘a phantom third arm’ |
Top 10 amazing laboratory reactions | Funny Pics
The War on Drugs: Methamphetamine, Public Health, and Crime by Carlos Dobkin and Nancy Nicosia (PDF)
YouTube - A-Pod part 1 A-Pod is an ant inspired hexapod robot with a 2 DOF abdomen (tail), a 3 DOF head with large mandibles. 6 legs with 3 DOF each
Online Age Quiz Is a Window for Drug Makers - (Oprah's RealAge scam)
Therese Borchard: 12 Depression Busters
40 per cent of Australian women wear a bra with a cup size DD or bigger | Health & Lifestyle |
Quebec dad sued by daughter after grounding loses his appeal
YouTube - hunting wolves with a golden eagle in Mongolia. Kazajstán-Ky
Kimberly Brooks: Michelle Obama, Master Colorist and Me
IGN: GDC 09: Game Critics Rant at the Industry "It's not that the medium is in its adolescence, it's that you're a bunch of ****ing adolescents,"
YouTube - The Evolution of Religions Jared Diamond
YouTube - Steven Pinker: A brief history of violence
Obama's Iraq Visit: Makes Surprise Trip To Baghdad On Way Home
The dark side of Dubai - Middle East, World - The Independent
BBC News | UK | Magazine | Dark side of the Dubai dream
BBC - Panorama - Migrant worker 'fixer' speaks out
Building Towers, Cheating Workers | Human Rights Watch
Video reveals G20 police assault on Ian Tomlinson moments before he died | UK news |
Report Outlines Involvement of Medical Workers in Abusive C.I.A. Interrogations -
Report Calls CIA Detainee Treatment 'Inhuman' - Medical officers who oversaw interrogations of terrorism suspects in CIA secret prisons committed gross violations of medical ethics and in some cases essentially participated in torture
The Raw Story | Obama Administration quietly expands Bush's legal defense of wiretapping program
New and worse secrecy and immunity claims from the Obama DOJ - Glenn Greenwald -
Should Obama Control the Internet? | Mother Jones
Daily Kos: BREAKING: MN-Sen: Franken WINS!!!!!!!
Dismayed Lawyers Lay Out Reasons for Collapse of the Stevens Conviction -
Vermont approves gay marriage - On Deadline - Gov. Jim Douglas’ veto of a bill allowing gays and lesbians to marry was overturned by a 23-5 vote in the state Senate and 100-49 in the House.
YouTube - Gronstal blocks amendment to reverse Iowa marriage equality
A Push Is On for Same-Sex Marriage Rights Across New England - Rick Warren lies about his homobigotry on Larry King Live (liars for Jesus)
Media Matters - Savage complains that "the hemorrhoid with eyes," presumably Beck, rips off his show, but nonetheless questions Beck's sanity
Times Editor: Lack Of Disclosure On Merkin Op-Ed Is No Big Deal | TPMMuckraker (Andy Rosenthal: "I'm just not interested in discussing it.") (well, Andy, take your paper down with you)
Prose Before Hos 2: Fox News is Fucking Crazy (Mr Rogers is evil; taught children to be optomistic, kids should go back to making sweaters)
The real unemployment rate: 15.6% - MSN Money
Texas School Standards: Age of the Universe Erased
APOD: 2009 April 7 – The Colliding Spiral Galaxies of Arp 274
Op-Ed Columnist - The End of Philosophy -
The Washington Monthly: Making George Will Look Worse (reporters correct the buffoon)
YouTube - P.J. O'Rourke Delivers the Wolfe Lecture at W&L - Mystery Shrouds Kidnap of Pro-Jihadist Canadian Activist by Pakistani Extremists
Disability as an Impediment to Marriage - Disaboom (can't have babies? can't get married. Catholics) Nikolai Segura's review of The Holy Bible: King James Version Epic gore-flick spoiled by weird ending, poor characters, plot holes, and too much deus-ex machina
The 5 Most Popular Safety Laws (That Don't Work) | (lawnorder)
Rocks from Heaven | Curious Expeditions
Information Architects » Blog Archive » Web Trend Map 4 - Final Beta
Abruzzo Earthquake – 150 Die, Hundreds Injured and Thousands Evacuated
Italy muzzled scientist who predicted quake
Italy quake till rises to 100 - Europe, World - The Independent ("Seismologist Gioacchino Giuliani, who lives in L'Aquila, was reported to police for "spreading alarm" and was forced to remove his findings from the Internet") (see below)
Silvio Berlusconi threatens news blackout after reports of latest gaffes - Telegraph (Italians love their Mussolinis)
Dubai Police Link Murder of Chechen to Russian -
US Envoy Writes of Israeli - Threats the target of an Israeli-inspired assassination attempt in 1980 in Lebanon ("Weapons financed and given by the United States to Israel were used in an attempt to kill an American diplomat!") - The United States and Iran through the Ages An Interview with Gary Sick Conducted by Maggie Goodlander
There are no excuses for ongoing concealment of torture memos - Glenn Greenwald -
Pentagon lets media see return of US war dead | TPM News Pages (BushWar)
Obama Administration Embraces Bush Position on Warrantless Wiretapping and Secrecy | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Are Republicans Blackmailing Obama? - The Daily Beast (Thuglicans?)
Think Progress » Hannity: Obama ‘Harbors Deep Resentment’ Of America, Just Like Dixie Chicks (back to 2003 when it was Diane Sawyer doing the same thing)
Media Matters - NBC's Gregory repeatedly asked GM CEO about cutting union benefits and jobs, but not about making fuel-efficient cars (crapracratic media)
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | Beat Sweeteners (why newspapers suck)
Eschaton But You'd Have To Charge Them Even More! ("The point is that it's lost advertising revenue, not lost subscription revenue, that's the big problem.") (that, and the 1.1BN leveraged buyout)
Instaputz: Bad, say hello to Worse
Evan Bayh's Budget Hypocrisy | The American Prospect What Evan Bayh says he wants out of the budget is less important than how he actually votes.
The Dark Side of Recruiting - Time
A.P. Moving to Halt Use of Articles on Web Sites - (“We can no longer stand by and watch others walk off with our work under misguided legal theories.”)
The Recession's Impact: Closing The Clinic - CBS News 60 Minutes: Bad Economy Leaves Cancer Patients Without Health Insurance In Dire Straits
Matthew Yglesias » When Is a Cartel Not a Cartel?
speak softly . . . - - How foreign-policy makers can kick the exceptionalism habit
Soros says U.S. banks basically insolvent | Reuters (but, but, liquidity!)
Geithner Open to Ousting Leaders of Ailing Banks - (yeah, right)
A Rich Education for Summers (After Harvard) -
The Great Debate » Debate Archive » Summers’ compensation intensifies reform doubt | The Great Debate (banksters for and by banksters)
Hullabaloo: digby: Didn't Tom Brokaw Call This "The Fleecing Of America"?
Jeffrey Sachs: The Geithner-Summers Plan is Even Worse Than We Thought
Jim Cramer Calls Democrats "Bolsheviks," House "Pelosi's Own Little Politburo" (Video)
What’s the Real Risk of Deflation? - Real Time Economics - WSJ
Nations Rush to Get Off Tax-Haven Blacklist - After G-20 Issues Mandate, Many Rush to Get Off Roll
Your guide to the G20 blitz on tax havens
Swiss slide into deflation signals the next chapter of this global crisis - Telegraph Watch Switzerland closely. It is tipping into deflation, the first Western country to succumb to Japan's disease.
The University Bookman Behind the Big Ripoff: How Big Business and Big Government Steal Your Money
Weizhen Tang: The Chinese Warren Buffet Accused Of Ponzi Scheme (the bezzle)
Marc Dreier: A fraudster more brazen than Madoff? - Apr. 1, 2009 Of all the frauds that have come to light in this season of financial pain, none can match the brazen theatricality of the scam allegedly pulled off by superlawyer Marc Dreier.
Exclusive: Tearful Allen Stanford Expects Indictment in Two Weeks - ABC News (just another Texas crook)
Five Company’s Earnings Could End The Rally (WMT)(TGT)(MSFT)(GOOG)(DOW)(C) - 24/7 Wall Street
Communities print their own currency to keep cash flowing -
Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice Research and Education : The Victim Satisfaction Model of the Criminal Justice System
Literary Review - John Cornwell on Why Us? by James Le Fanu Why Us? How Science Rediscovered the Mystery of Ourselves
Brain Power - Brain Researchers Open Door to Editing Memory - Series - (la-di-da)
Japan child robot mimicks infant learning
Alaska's Mount Redoubt - The Big Picture -
The Media Equation - Taking on Katrina’s Aftermath, Still Raw Years Later -
Faded Dreams - a set on Flickr (North Dakota farms - time to close the state down)
Birth-Control Pill Lands Fairfax Student 2-Week Suspension, Possible Expulsion -
Perspectives on Masculinity in the 21st Century - What Is Enlightenment? Magazine - Issue 41
Andrew Cohen & Ken Wilber in dialogue: What It Means to Be a Man (conservative Wilber-babble)
Video sharpens focus on raid | Philadelphia Daily News | 03/30/2009
World’s Fastest Broadband at $20 Per Home - Bits Blog - (US sucks at the Internet)
Micro-Billing Suits the Phone Companies Just Fine - (why US sucks at the Internet)
Zoho Writer 2.0: Reviews - Software - Internet - ZDNet Australia
Audio: Bob Dylan on Barack Obama, Ulysses Grant and American Civil War ghosts
Seton Hall Law Students Reveal that Generals knew Guantanamo Detainees were Tortured
Op-Ed Contributor - Larger Than Life in London -
cab drollery: If There's A Hell, I Hope It's Spacious
Anti-Obama talk worries some on right - Michael Calderone - (Murdoch Hate Network)
Media Matters - Andrew Malcolm, wrong again "Is there any major-newspaper reporter who is more consistently wrong than Andrew Malcolm?" (No. Laura Bush's ex-press guy, of course)
The Raw Story | Economist: US collapse driven by 'fraud,' Geithner covering up bank insolvency
Congress backs off AIG crackdown - Lisa Lerer and Victoria McGrane - the drive to actually crack down on the beleaguered company is sputtering.
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect $1 Trillion and a Glass of Water
naked capitalism: Mortgage Mod Failure Rates Rising
Calculated Risk: CBS Face the Nation: Geithner on PPIP (more liquidity bullshit)
Californians slam brakes on gas use - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee
Firedoglake » Depression by Design: The Riot of the Rich
Two Things That Have Nothing To Do with Each Other « The Baseline Scenario (what's wrong with this picture?)
Fewer Calories (Carbs, Protein or Fat) Are Called Weight-Loss Key -
Survey: U.S. has highest per-capita gun ownership rate - News
The emerging portrait of Richard Poplawski: a white-supremacist radical | Crooks and Liars
Orcinus Richard Poplawski: Was Pittsburgh shooter driven by right-wing gun paranoia about Obama?
YouTube - Charlie Brooker's Newswipe 25/03/09
The New York Times > Week in Review > Image > An Accounting of Daily Gun Deaths
Confessions of a Man Who Almost Went Postal - The Daily Beast
Public Citizen | Litigation Group | Litigation Group - Guide for Bloggers and Non-Profit Organizations About Writing With Libel in Mind
Pharyngula: Flagrant anti-gay discrimination in a Canadian nursing college
Meacham: The End of Christian America | Newsweek Religion |
Teach yourself to become ambidextrous!
aM laboratory: Tonematrix
Vampires |
Obama hails 5,000 more NATO forces for Afghanistan The allies rebuffed U.S. appeals for more combat forces to join the war
Avigdor Lieberman: Already A Problem For Obama (corrupt, racist, Israeli Prime Minister)
Judge Rules Some Held at U.S. Base in Afghanistan Have Right to Habeas Corpus -
Shocking video of screaming woman being flogged shakes Pakistan - World news, News -
President Karzai's Taleban-style laws for women put troop surge at risk - Times Online - Canada, which is the third largest contributor of forces to the Nato mission in Afghanistan, has already warned that it may rethink its troop contribution if the law was not repealed.
British Muslims have become a mainstay of the global 'jihad' - Asia, World - The Independent ("More than 4,000 British Muslims have passed through terrorist training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan")
Barack Obama's new offensive against nuclear weapons | World news | The Guardian Radical drive among series of measures to improve security
Drug-fueled madness! | Salon Drug-fueled madness! - Our nation's narcotics policy, that is. But there's good news as Hillary Clinton and Sen. Jim Webb take baby steps toward sanity.
Robert Fisk: Galloway a victim of Canada's baffling approach to fighting terror - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent ("a Canadian Jewish organisation agreed with Mr Galloway's exclusion; one paper here suggested this might have prompted the ban")(sent food and medicine approved by Israel)
CDT | Headlines | Cybersecurity Bill Proposes Unprecedented Government Power Over the Internet
Navy's Big Weakness: Our Aircraft Carriers Are (Expensive) Defenseless Sitting Ducks | ForeignPolicy | AlterNet
Firedoglake » Thank You Justice Cady, Your Words in “Varnum v Brien” Will Get a Lot of Attention — As Well They Should.
King Statement on Iowa Supreme Court Decision | TPM News Pages | "so that Iowa does not become the gay marriage Mecca due to the Supreme Court's latest experiment in social engineering."
Murphy Picks Up 198 Votes As County Fixes Errors -- Tedisco Camp Claims More On The Way | TPMDC
Campaign Silo » Franken-Coleman Update, 04/03/09: Minnesota: A Tale of Two Law Partners: the national GOP is a de facto neo-confederacy party,
Democratic Strategist: Whither the "Bayh Group"? - a crude power bloc looking to shake down the administration and the congressional leadership for personal, ideological, and special-interest favors.
Obama’s Census Choice Unsettles Republicans - (will count Democrats as well as Republicans)
Times co. threatens to shut down Globe - Daily Business Update - The Boston Globe (unless the unions eat shit because the Times bought a big building and overpaid for the Globe)
Murdoch Wants A Google Rebellion - The media mogul says Google is stealing from publishers. It could be the call to arms that newsrooms need (newsrooms? what an idiot)
Bloomberg Aches From Wall Street's Pain - Wall Street's meltdown and retooling competitors threaten the media powerhouse (boo-hoo)
Jury Says Professor Was Wrongly Fired - (Ward Churchill gets his job back, maybe)
Ward Churchill September 11 attacks essay controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The text of the essay was quoted on the January 28, 2005, edition of the Fox News Channel program The O'Reilly Factor and commentator Bill O'Reilly subsequently discussed Churchill on a number of other segments as well (Fox News hit piece started it all)
US watchdog calls for bank executives to be sacked | Business | The Observer (Elizabeth Warren)
Obama Bank Policy Signals $1 Trillion in Writedowns (Update1) -
Estimated US taxpayer cost for bailout jumps | Markets | US Markets | Reuters
Economic View - Why Creditors Should Suffer, Too -
De Soto: 'We must find the financial WMDs' - Business Comment, Business - The Independent If one bad bit in the system explodes, causing a bank run, then the rest could come tumbling down
A PPIP of a Plan or Just a Big Light Show? : HousingWire || financial news for the mortgage market
The Bailout Goes Global -
Cramer Declares End of 'Depression'; Credits Obama's Rhetoric, not Actions (Buy! Buy!)
U.S. aims to help firms sidestep bailout rules - Washington Post- Obama administration seeks to avoid restrictions, including limits on pay
Administration Seeks an Out on Bailout Rules for Firms - will allow firms benefiting from the programs to avoid restrictions imposed by Congress, including limits on lavish executive pay (looking more like the old boss)
Eschaton: We can solve a problem caused by large financial institutions trading leveraged assets with each other at inflated prices by encouraging them to trade leveraged assets with each other at inflated prices.
Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS - Willian K Black offers his analysis of what went wrong and his critique of the bailout
Should We Kill the Fed? : Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture
Larry Summers, Tim Geithner and Wall Street's ownership of government - Glenn Greenwald - (change that make you sick)
Stanford Magazine: March/April 2009 > Features > Brooksley Born ("Greenspan, Rubin and Levitt issued a joint statement condemning Born and the CFTC, expressing “grave concern about this action and its possible consequences.” They announced a plan to ask for legislation to stop the CFTC in its tracks.")
A Tiny Revolution: Limited: Top White House economic adviser Lawrence Summers received about $5.2 million over the past year in compensation from hedge fund D.E. Shaw (New Republic calls that "limited" exposure to Wall Street)
Summers Earned Millions in D.E. Shaw Salary, Bank Speech Fees -
Credit Woes Hit Home -
Zero Hedge: Revenge of the investment bankers! Congress: $9.1MM to over 2,000 staff members - are you fucking kidding me? That's one senior investment banker at a bulge bracket, a few months work for a hot shot trader and a wet sneeze for James Simons.
naked capitalism: Guest Post: Ontario Teachers' Crashes and Burns in 2008
Zero Hedge: Time For The Fizzle?
naked capitalism: Treasury Trying to Defend Bank Gaming of Public-Private Partnership
Lilies Deadly to Cats, Veterinarians Warn
Large ice shelf expected to break from Antarctica -
Phenomenica: 'Silent' Sun surprises scientists
Discovery's 'Universe' promises to rule History ("But Discovery promises their "Universe," which comes out next year, is going to wipe the floor with History's "Universe.")
'Fuzzy logic' reveals cells' inner workings - MIT News Office
How Microbes Can Power America's Future - ABC News
Beautiful but mysterious galaxies litter the sky | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
The Official George W. Bush Presidential Librarium
Law & Psychiatry: Sex Offenders in the Community: Are Current Approaches Counterproductive? - CFC Guest Forum
Comcast Email Down--Again - AppScout (and no, it wasn't just your neighborhood)
Personal web data to be stored for a year - Home News, UK - The Independent- New law forces service providers to record all your calls and emails from Monday
index ?(mnsclec)? If you run a datacenter, please be aware that in our great country, the FBI can come into your place of business at any time and take whatever they want, with no reason.
Report Details Alleged Fraud Scheme Against AT&T, Verizon -
New York divorce laws cost us $100,000 (only state without no-fault)
Flickr Photo Download: Lion at National Zoo (Luke experiences snow for the first time)
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: Jon Stewart on O'Reilly's Hypocrisy
Dark Roasted Blend: Sculptural Weirdness in Public Places, Part 1
Every CL - Search Every Craigslist Site
Download Youtube Videos
Download YouTube Videos and Save YouTube videos with VideoDownloadX formerly
Mstrmnd: Physical Cosmologies: The Shining
The Shining (1979) analysis by Rob Ager
YouTube - The Shining in-depth analysis by Rob Ager pt 1 of 3 • Espresso Machine Reviews, Coffee Grinder Reviews, How-Tos and Discussion Forums
Kindle 2 Usability Review (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
The Medium - I Hate My iPhone -
FCC asked to investigate Skype for iPhone restriction | Software | iPhone Central | Macworld
Is Canvas the End of Flash? | The Stairwell
Analysis: Which URL Shortening Service Should You Use?
Protests at the G20 summit - The Big Picture -
Italian 'Apartheid' bus service to be launched - Telegraph
Informed Comment: Lieberman and Wiping Countries off the face of the Map (corrupt, racist Israeli Foreign Minister)
Israel FM: 'If You Want Peace, Prepare for War' - ABC News Israel's Foreign Minister Refuses to Explicitly Endorse a Two-State Solution (leaving, you know, genocide)
Iowa Supreme Court Unanimously Rules Same-Sex Marriage OK - Des Moines News Story - KCCI Des Moines
NPR: The Legal Battle Over Gay Marriage - State-By-State Map (mostly anti-gay)
Status of same-sex marriage - Wikipedia
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Estate Wacks: $250 billion giveaway to people whose estates are worth more than $7 million (brought to you by "moderate" Dems: Bayh, Baucus, Cantwell, Landrieu, Lincoln, Murray, the Nelsons, and Tester, and every single Republican Senator)
House, Senate Pass Obama's Budget (with not one single Republican vote: the Party of Zero)
Eschaton: WATB ("Gov. Mark Sanford will comply with a midnight Friday stimulus deadline and become the last governor in the nation to seek millions of dollars in federal economic-recovery funds for his state")
Blagojevich, his brother, top aides indicted - Chicago Breaking News
Coleman Won't Say Whether He's Been Interviewed By FBI
Beware the Cult of Obama many of those who decry the "cult of Obama" are the same people who made a flight-suited action figure hero out of such common clay as George W. Bush.
Media Matters - O'Reilly: Giving an iPod to royalty "would have gotten you beheaded in Henry VIII's time" (foxidiots at the Murdoch hate network)
Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe |
Employers Cut 663,000 Positions; Jobless Rate at 8.5% - (broader unemployment at 16%)
Labor Department official analyzes unemployment numbers - Denver Business Journal:
Matthew Yglesias » Budget Bullets A staggering nine Senate Democrats backed the Lincoln-Kyl giveaway to inheritors of states worth over $7 million (250 Billion more to the richest)
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | Non-Signing Statements (Evan Bayh is a fool)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect AP Goes Off the Deep End Imagining Good News (Republican Delusional Press)
As Crisis Loomed, Geithner Pressed But Fell Short - ProPublica
Jeffrey Sachs: G-20 Accomplishments Beyond Expectation
Off the Charts - Who’s Most Indebted? The Banks, Not the Consumers -
Inside Obama's bank CEOs meeting - Eamon Javers - “My administration,” the president added, “is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.” (served one glass of water, no ice, no refills)
Disney Cuts 1, 900 Jobs at Theme Parks -
100 Abandoned Houses - Kevin Bauman Photography
Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Quantum setback for warp drives
Surprise! Adult Hearts Grow New Cells | LiveScience
Deformed Skull Suggests Human Ancestors Had Compassion | Wired Science from
Bill Would Grant President Unprecedented Cyber-security Powers
Early Alarm for Church on Abusers in the Clergy -
Teen Commits Suicide Due to Bullying: Parents Sue School for Son's Death - ABC News "What it boils down to is the football players, cheerleaders and kids with money have a different set of rules than everybody else,"
Time Warner looks for best way to drive away customers
Phoenix police raid home of blogger whose writing is highly critical of them
Barney Frank and Ron Paul Introduce Hemp Farming Legislation - HR 1866
Conficker Eye Chart
The New Atheist Movement is destructive - Fri Tanke The antitheism of the four horsemen is for me a backwards step
YouTube - Way of the Master vs Rational Response Ep 1 pt 6
Air Force Probe Clears Colonel in Religious E-Mail Dissemination Case An Air Force investigation has found that a colonel who sent an e-mail to thousands of airmen in Europe directing them to visit a far-right, Catholic website, where President Barack Obama was compared to Adolf Hitler and the Antichrist, did not violate the military’s position on religious neutrality (well, that sets the bar kinda high)
Ten years of the Guardian online - plotted in expletives | Media |
Freedom to surf: workers more productive if allowed to use the internet for leisure : News : The University of Melbourne
BBC News | UK | England | Beds/Bucks/Herts | Residents challenge Google camera (but not their own Gov's)
acegibson comments on Student finds cellphone, turns it into police. Arrested for "Theft by Finding".
Jamie Oliver Celebrates Birth of Baby Daughter : : Petal Blossom Rainbow (joins Poppy Honey and Daisy Boo - too stupid to have children)
Looking to Midlevel Clothing Lines and Stores for Affordable Fashion -
Wireless Carriers Are Wrong to Cripple Skype for iPhone - PC World
Museum of Science and Industry | Online Science | Videos | Moving the U-505
In Bed With Bond
Sex, Lies and Photoshop - Video Library - The New York Times
Shakesville: Impossibly Beautiful
Sweden votes in favor of legalizing gay marriage | International | Reuters
B'Tselem - Testimony of Adham Ghaneimat, Feb. '09 - Settlers assault 14-year old on his family’s land and kidnap him
Palestinian kills Israeli teenager with pickax
BBC News | Middle East | Israeli FM questioned over fraud Avigdor Lieberman (racist and corrupt)
Sources: Pentagon seeks $3B for Pakistan military
Strange News Examiner: Seeking Shiite votes, Afghan President (yep, our guy) signs law legalizing marital rape
G20: Did police containment cause more trouble than it prevented? | World news |
BBC News | Americas | Stevens conviction to be reversed
Franken puts Pawlenty in a jam - Manu Raju - (“The Republican Party nationally and in Minnesota is playing not just with fire, but with dynamite,”)
Media Matters - The media's giftgate
Lawyers, Guns and Money: 7. Defeat of any politician who cannot fend off bear attacks (wingnuts going beyond nuts)
Matthew Yglesias » Andy McCarthy’s Tax “Knowledge”
Daily Kos: Unraveling the wingnut assault on Harold Koh (Sharia lies: then they came for the complicit reporters)
Whiskey Fire: Stood Before King Everything (but George playing kissy-face was fine)
Obama Notre Dame Speech: Cardinal George Rips Invitation As An 'Extreme Embarrassment' To Catholics
Ciavarella moves to dismiss lawsuit | Wilkes-Barre News | Claiming he has judicial immunity, former Luzerne County judge Mark Ciavarella on Tuesday filed a motion seeking to dismiss one of the federal lawsuits filed against him (because crooked judges have immunity)
Marijuana issue suddenly smoking hot - Jeremy D. Mayer -
Rove: The President is 'keeping score' | The FOX Nation (great example of Republicans being impervious to irony - see comments)
Fox News Claims 9 Of Top 10 Cable News Programs In Q1 - In a sign of just how dominant Fox News is in the cable news network ratings game
Boycott FOX Sponsors
Glenn Beck poetry | Salon
G20 To Call For Doubling of IMF Budget: UK -
G-20 Pact Has New Rules and $1.1 Trillion for Loans and Trade -
STOCKS News US-Senate OKs bill requiring Fed to name firms | Reuters the names of institutions it has given funding to, how much the assistance was worth, and what the firms were doing with the money (because, you know, Obama couldn't just order them to)
Lawmakers Have Long Rewarded Their Aides With Bonuses -
Stocks To Watch Today : BofA's Lewis: About That TARP Repayment ….
AIG: Before CDS, There Was Reinsurance | The Big Picture AIG was a Ponzi scheme plain and simple, yet the Obama Administration still thinks of AIG as a real company that simply took excessive risks (read this)
Dems Investigating Bush Administration Role In AIG Collapse
Pros Say: Mark-to-Market Changes Won't Help - (they would)
Hubris paved way to crisis | The Japan Times Online (and you know who the King of Hubris is ...)
Wall Street on the Tundra | (collective hubris)
Manhattan Co-Ops and Condos Sell for 20 Percent Less - - “Manhattan has become affordable again,” she said. “It is a lot more affordable than it was six months ago.”
Editorial Observer - With the Downturn, It’s Time to Rethink the Legal Profession -
TechBlog: Tracking Conficker: So far, it's a snoozer [Update]
Business Technology Examiner: Will Skype mobile maim the wireless industry?
Around the World in 80 Telescopes
Sun Engulfed in Deepest Solar Minimum in 100 Years - San Diego Local News
Whole Health Source: Reversing Tooth Decay
Kosmix: The web organized for you
Donklephant » Blog Archive » Ron Paul Supporter Detained By TSA For Carrying Cash?
YouTube - RIP Jerry Falwell by Christopher Hitchens
BBC News | Technology | Piracy law cuts internet traffic Internet traffic in Sweden fell by 33% as the country's new anti-piracy law came into effect
Time Warner: Time Warner Cable Expands Metered Billing To Four More Cities
Skeptic News: YouTube suspends JREF, Rational Response, and Atheist Media
1238544137729.jpg (Defeat circular questioning with the Wheel of Power)
9 patients made nearly 2,700 ER visits in Texas
Milkshakes are medicine for anorexic teens in family-based outpatient therapy | Science Blog (eating vs "Family Systems Therapy")
No Escape: Male Rape in U.S. Prisons
Cato Unbound: Beyond Bars in the Land of the Free (if you're rich)
Annals of Human Rights: Hellhole: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker The United States holds tens of thousands of inmates in long-term solitary confinement. Is this torture? by Atul Gawande
Furious Seasons: Study: Housing Homeless Drunks And Letting Them Drink Saves Millions
YouTube - Why it is okay for sex to hurt the vagina
YouTube - Otis Redding - Try A Little Tenderness
Obama channels Cheney and McCain | Salon The president sounds like he's channeling Cheney or McCain -- or a Cold War hawk afraid of international communism -- when he talks about the war in Afghanistan
Administration Is Debating Release of Interrogation Memos - - classified material could expose intelligence methods and needlessly offend dedicated counterterrorism officers (it would "offend" the torturers)
Ted Stevens Conviction To Be Voided
Hullabaloo: digby: Stop It: do villagers actually believe the rest of the country hates Europe? Really?
Fox accuses White House of trying to impose Sharia law in US - Daily Kos TV ("another example of the hate-filled paranoia and insanity of Foxaganda.")
Matthew Yglesias » So Erick Erickson Says He Wants a Revolution At issue here is . . . an environmental regulation relating to dishwasher detergent (LOLWingnuts)
The 10/31 Project | March 31st | (Glenn Beck, demolished)
The strange case of the surveillance cameras | David Aaronovitch - Times Online How often are we caught on CCTV? 300 times a day, we are told. In search of the truth about a much-cited statistic (UK)
New Statesman - A convention of cant Too many of today’s self-styled defenders of liberty are covert right-wingers, determined only to protect the rich and the privileged (Libertarians)
James Wolcott on What's Wrong with Washington | ("Beltway pundits seem more stubbornly and stupendously irrelevant than ever. Have three decades of being wired for Republican power blown their jittery, Twittering minds?")
Media Matters - Limbaugh: If Gordon Brown keeps "slobbering" over Obama, he'll "come down with anal poisoning and may die from it" (you can see what's on Rush's mind)
Another Abusive Prosecution by Alice Martin—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
The Curious Case of Alex Latifi | ABA Journal - Law News Now
Louis C.K.
At What Point Do People Revolt? - Erick’s blog - RedState (wingnuts start a revolution over ... detergent)
Last Days of W | Magnum In Motion
Obama's Toxic Advisers
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Bailout watchdogs: We want more info « - Blogs from
Nominee For Treasury’s Number Two Helped Draft Legislation Deregulating Banks | The Plum Line
Harvard Derivatives Whiz Fired For Emailing Larry Summers About "Frightening" Trades? | TPMMuckraker (just when you thought you knew what a jerk Larry Summers is)
Splitting bears | Free exchange | (cage match: Krugman vs Roubini)
Roubini Go Ahead Keep Dreaming of That "V Shaped" Recovery: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | A Brief History Of AIG's Three-Decade Duty Free Bermudan Adventure
Matthew Yglesias » Central City Home Values Holding Up Amidst Collapse?
JPMorgan Takes Lead in Busiest Year for Rights Offers -
Trashed! $2 million oceanfront home in shambles - Huntington Homes -
Calculated Risk: Thornburg Mortgage to file BK - Thornburg specialized in prime Jumbos (we're all subprime now)
Facebook Takes a Dive: Why Social Networks Are Bad Businesses - Time
Extra positrons make for a cosmological mystery - Ars Technica
Sweet dreams are made of geomagnetic activity - life - 01 April 2009 - New Scientist
Near-death experiences: Heaven can wait - Features, Health & Wellbeing - The Independent Visions of the 21st Century -- Science -- April 3, 2000 Physicists, exploring science's most arcane equations, have discovered what may be
California schools' risks rise as vaccinations drop - Los Angeles Times (herd immunity gone, as little snowflakes go unvacc'ed)
BBC News | UK | England | Oxfordshire | 'Supersize' lions roamed Britain ("About 13,000 years ago these species died out in a mass extinction")
Have the tobacco police gone too far? - science-in-society - 01 April 2009 - New Scientist
YouTube - Open-mindedness
Earth Hour 2009 - The Big Picture -
iTWire - Media left feeling foolish after Conficker fails to strike
Report: Chinese Develop Special "Kill Weapon" to Destroy U.S. Aircraft Carriers: Advanced missile poses substantial new threat for U.S. Navy - U.S. Naval Institute
Super Talent's 2TB PCIe RAIDDrive promises 1.3GBps sequential writes, 1.2GBps reads
Linux Foundation says it's time to ditch Microsoft's FAT - Ars Technica
FBI Nabs Robbers With Google Map, Spycam Mashup | Danger Room from
Melbourne Catholic Church embraces testing to ID gay priests | The Courier-Mail
Why I Never Let Employees Negotiate a Raise, Corporate Culture Article - Inc. Article
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome exercises that really work - Boing Boing
Fullsize : A New IMG Tag Attribute
Jacek Utko asks, Can design save the newspaper? | Video on
YouTube - Ferrets: Sleeping, not dead.
April Fools' Day On The Web : 2009
When did April Fool's Day begin? - LiveScience-
Gmail Autopilot: Google's approach to email
eBay put Skype on iPhone 'to boost price of NSA backdoor' • The Register
Click and Clack to Head Up GM Revival Board appoints radio show hosts in surprise move
[0903.5321] Time variation of a fundamental dimensionless constant
vandonovan: Very purple. | vandonovan: Silk and Steel returns | The Unnamed Friend - "Silk and Steel" Video
Ex-AG Gonzales returning to Texas with a story to tell | Politics | - Houston Chronicle ("Doing things in private breeds corruption, he said")
Arms Programs Way Over Budget, GAO Report Finds - Weapons Programs Still Over Budget, GAO Report Finds
TPM Photo Features | Talking Points Memo | Your Guide to Climate Change Nay-Sayers
DSCC: Republicans Pulled A "Hit And Run With Our Economy" "They Broke It And Won't Fix It,"
First Draft: May Conrad Black and David Radler Rot In Hell
Fox deceptively cuts out 15 seconds from ad critical of Rove - Daily Kos TV (foxholes at work)
YouTube - Senator Webb Introduces Bill to Overhaul America's Criminal Justice System
Jim Webb's courage v. the "pragmatism" excuse for politicians - Glenn Greenwald -
Parade Magazine | Why We Must Fix Our Prisons By Senator Jim Webb
Firedoglake » BREAKING: NY-20: Tedisco Preps for Loss, Files Motion to Overturn Election Results Before Polls Even Close (how they play)
G20 summit: Barack Obama conciliatory over Nicolas Sarkozy's walkout threat - Telegraph
ConsumerMan: Overdraft protection debate - ConsumerMan- Banking industry loves massive penalty fees; consumer groups up in arms
Home Prices in 20 U.S. Cities Fell by a Record 19% - Home ("“Resumption of growth should not be too far off,” Minneapolis Fed President Gary Stern said")
Life in Mendota, Calif., where the jobless rate is 41 percent | McClatchy
Washington Times - AIG chiefs pressed to donate to Dodd $160,000 streamed in as senator gained power on banking committee
Dean Baker: Geithner's Plan Will Tax Main Street to Make Wall Street Richer
TARP Watchdog: "We Do Not Seem To Be A Priority For The Treasury Department" (transparency you can believe in, or not)
How Michael Osinski Helped Build the Bomb That Blew Up Wall Street -- New York Magazine
California's Yuba County tops in U.S. for 'underwater' mortgages | McClatchy
YouTube - Cave of Wealth and Death Part 1
Nine Lives: Cats' Central Nervous System Can Repair Itself And Restore Function
HMNH’s Fragile Flora | Curious Expeditions
The Planet's First-ever Mass-Extinction Precipitated by a Biotic Agent: Humans
Green Acres: Lost in the Amazon
Poverty Goes Straight to the Brain | Wired Science from
Are We On the Brink of Finding a Second Earth? NASA/Harvard Teams Say "It Could Happen Anytime Now"
Commentary: War on drugs is insane - (but Bubble-Boy laughs at you)
Norm Stamper: Marijuana No Laughing Matter, Mr. President
Federal judge blocks charges in Pa. 'sexting' case | AP | 03/30/2009 U.S. District Judge James Munley ruled against Wyoming County District Attorney George Skumanick Jr (panty-sniffing Republican)
DC Independent Conservative Examiner: If we don't kill them they'll die; the morbidly absurd prosecution of child pornography laws
They killed my patient. Then they tried to hide it. - AmyTuteurMD - Open Salon
What to Backup? - Six Things You’re Yet To Back Up and How To Back Them Up
DriverMax - FREE driver download program for Windows XP & Vista
Conficker Hype And Debate Build As April Fool's Day Nears
The NMAP command you can use scan for the Conficker virus on your LAN: nmap -PN -T4 -p139,445 -n -v --script=smb-check-vulns --script-args safe=1 [targetnetworks] : technology
TG Daily - Intel unleashes Nehalem-EP server CPUs
Fiber: The Ingredient of Successful Diets: Fantastic Fiber | Nutrition | Reader's Digest
DC Secularism Examiner: Brian the atheist dog on 'Family Guy' hits home for demonized nonbelievers
Dark Roasted Blend: Bladerunner Tokyo (in Large-Format Photography)
Moses is Departing Egypt: A Facebook Haggadah
White House Watch - Bush's Torture Rationale Debunked
Hullabaloo: digby: Keeping It Quiet ("Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Powell, Tenet and Ashcroft. Means, motive and opportunity. Who could have imagined?")
Spanish Court Weighs Criminal Investigation 6 Bush-Era Officials For Torture
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (March 28, 2009) - Is Justice Closing In On Yoo?
No U.S. Plans to Stop Korea on ICBM Test - (stop? stop?)
In Drug War, Mexico Fights Cartel and Itself - Series - (NYT writes 3 page story on drugzwar and never mentions what drug is involved - until it turns out to be "marijuana, which is considered the top revenue generator for Mexican drug cartels")(and law-enforcement budgets)
19 die in bloody siege at Pakistan police academy
Webb Crime Bill Gets Unlikely Support ("The United States has about 5 percent of the world's population; we have about 25 percent of the world's known prison population")
Chants on the left | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/30/2009 (but O is listening to Neocons)
The Media Equation - Cable News Stokes Political Fever - “On the cable networks, the intensity of conflict is what drives their shows, so everything is turned into a referendum,”
Fox News’s Mad, Apocalyptic, Tearful Rising Star -
Open Left:: Why No One Believes What Democrats Say
The Washington Monthly: John McCain's 54th appearance on Meet the Press (press acting like he didn't lose the election, by, um, a lot) - The Fine Line Between Conservatism And Insanity
Oil tumbles below $49 on gloomy economic outlook - Yahoo! Finance
Fear Returns from Its Holiday Is the 'New Bull Market' Already Dead: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance (hope springs eternal on Wall Street)
Talking Points Memo | Buy High, Sell Low Bush was able to do for the PBGC what he tried and failed to do for Social Security (plunge protection failed)
Op-Ed Columnist - America the Tarnished -
In Homeowners’ Latest Woe, Banks Are Skipping Foreclosures -
Toxic Assets: Why Berlin Says U.S. 'Bad Bank' Plan Is Bad - TIME
General Growth fails to win bondholder support | Reuters
Canadian researchers uncover far-flung cyber espionage network
Drilling Down - A Reluctance to Break the Large Bills -
Dogs (not chimps) most like humans -
Western internet censorship: The beginning of the end or the end of the beginning? - Wikileaks
Is a one-time flu shot on the horizon? | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Subatomic particles have free will | Cosmos magazine (John Conway and Simon Kochen)
Bernard d'Espagnat: What we call 'reality' is just a state of mind | Science |
Pharyngula: Good remark on receiving a Templeton Prize
The Quest for the Ultimate Gap « Unreasonable Faith
Singled Out | The Intersection | Discover Magazine
Blogging While Female At Discover Blogs « Comrade PhysioProf
On Becoming a Domestic and Laboratory Goddess : Discover, Mysogyny, and the Ghettoization of Science..
Depression Tests Urged for Teenagers - (to screen ALL US teens)
Extroverted like me. - By Seth Stevenson - Slate Magazine How a month and a half on Paxil taught me to love being shy.
MWC News - A Site Without Borders - - Pro-Zionism: Defending the Indefensible (response to Judea Pearl: anti-Zionism=hate + "God said so")
Skype May Be The Biggest Winner From The Web 2.0 Era - ReadWriteWeb
Skype Brings Cheap Web Calling to Mobile Phones -
How to Make Your Television Play Any DVD in 3D - Convert Your TV to 3D - Popular Mechanics
11 Baffling Medical Conditions - ABC News
Tim Fuller's Blog | Talking Points Memo | Where Should Obie Look? As to legalizing marijuana? He's looking backward.
17 Adobe AIR Apps That Can Save Your Time
Book Review - 'A Pocket History of Sex in the Twentieth Century,' by Jane Vandenburgh - Review -
YouTube - If Atheists Ruled the World (in the words of not-very-smart Christians)
YouTube - Maker Profile - Kinetic Wave Sculptures on MAKE: television
Paid To Do It 72 Times | Just Whatever - Rate & Review Any Person –
Detainee's Harsh Treatment Foiled No Plots - Waterboarding, Rough Interrogation of Abu Zubaida Produced False Leads, Officials Say
The American Spectator : Osama bin Elvis All the evidence suggests Elvis Presley is more alive today than Osama bin Laden. But tell that to the CIA and all the other misconceptualizers of the War on Terror.
Wagoner Said to Be Resigning From G.M. -
Newsweek's unintentionally revealed, central truth - Glenn Greenwald - - By definition, establishments believe in propping up the existing order. Members of the ruling class have a vested interest in keeping things pretty much the way they are
Media Matters - Krugman and Newsweek ("Obama is wrong" + compare with Bush years)
AIG Exec Whines About Public Anger, and Now We're Supposed to Pity Him? Yeah, Right | The Smirking Chimp by Matt Taibbi (Jake DeSantis a liar)
Geithner-Krugman Feud Comes To A Head On Sunday Shows (video)
Phawker » Blog Archive » Heckuva Job, Tierney: Inky/DN Big Wigs Were Paid $650,000 In Bonuses As Papers Went Bankrupt (bonuses!)
Hullabaloo: Creating Jobs by digby - David Gregory
Huffington Post Launches Investigative Journalism Venture
03/29/2009 - Missouri's last clear chance to avert transit collapse - (this is what collapse looks like)
Focusing Illusion: Wealth, Height, and Happiness
Quiz: Twenty-first century science GCSE exam papers | Education |
Review - Biofeedback for the Brain - Psychology How Neurotherapy Effectively Treats Depression, ADHD, Autism,
New Particle Throws Monkeywrench in Particle Physics | Universe Today
symmetry breaking » Blog Archive » Higgs territory continues to shrink
Cholesterol Drug Found to Reduce Potentially Fatal Clots -
Local News | United settles suit over hidden porn found on flights | Seattle Times Newspaper - Obama, you ungrateful hypocrite, your online audience are the ones that raised half a billion dollars to put you in power
Vast Spy System Loots Computers in 103 Countries -
Tracking GhostNet: Investigating a Cyber Espionage Network
YouTube - Rep. John Shimkus: God decides when the "earth will end" (no global warming because the Bible says so)
Pensito Review » UPS Cancels O’Reilly Ads in Anti-Harassment Campaign Against Fox News Stalker Journalism
Busting More than Myths - Daily Democrat Online (Ammonium Nitrate is more explosive than you thought)
H.E.M.P. US » President Obama Brushes Off Legalization With Laughter and a “No”
Book Review - 'The Canal Builders - Making America’s Empire at the Panama Canal,' by Julie Greene - Review -
collision detection: Teleportation, the last battle, and the Creator talks: How the world ends inside an online game
collision detection: My latest Wired magazine column: Troll taming at
Here's to the Death of Broadcast - TIME
"Sexting," teen culture, technology, scandal | Salon Life What's more disturbing -- that teens are texting each other naked pictures of themselves, or that it could get them branded as sex offenders for life
Her teen committed suicide over ‘sexting’ - Parenting & Family Cynthia Logan’s daughter was taunted about photo she sent to boyfriend
ACLU Sues Prosecutor Over 'Sexting' Child Porn Charges | Threat Level from
Girl, 14, Faces Porn Charges For Nude Photos : NPR Girl, 14, Faces Porn Charges For Nude Photos (Republicans ruining more lives)
Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald: Detox Demystified: Fad, Fact, Or Fiction?
Stem cells to grow bigger breasts - Times Online
Sun Microsystems Feature Story: Internet in a Box
Content Stealing Jerks
Aral Balkan - Sys-Con goes from bad to worse, launches Ulitzer, attacks community and content creators
Sys-con / Ulitzer / Slime | BIT-101 Blog
How to spot a Twitter user with a ‘Fake’ Follower Count. « Amnesia Blog
David Hockney's horror after trees he was half-way through painting are 'massacred' | Mail Online
Getting fit again - home fitness gym-free programs 10plus and 5BX
YouTube - Kate Hepburn: The FULL Cavett Interview - Part 1
The Wrong Way Wizard: Killing Time: Reflections on Kubrick's 'The Shining'
Lea Lane: Why I'm Alone
YouTube - Barcelona 1908
/wg/ - Wallpapers/General (4chan)
YouTube - DerevoDetstva
MyDD :: Reid To Cave To Bayh On Cram-Down? (of course, we're all "moderates")
Whiskey Fire: Harry Reid, Man of Insight and Perspicacity and Dignified Dignitude (this is how they think)
Jury Finds Kan. Doctor Not Guilty in Abortion Case -
When Does Ordinary Law Enforcement Become a "War on Crime?" - CFC Guest Forum (Republicans at work)
Matthew Yglesias » Building Good Roads
Will Geithner's plan work? | Dr Geithner's bank rehab | The Economist There should be no shortage of buyers for American banks’ rotten assets, thanks to generous subsidies. Sellers will be harder to entice
BBC News | UK | G20 demonstrators march in London
Calculated Risk: Forecast: Two-thirds of California banks to face Regulatory Action
California: State's jobless rate forecast to pass 12% (more like 15%)
YouTube - South Park - Stan Marsh takes us through the mortgage crisis.
Daily Kos: State of the Nation
The Reckoning - Agency’s ’04 Rule Let Banks Pile Up New Debt - Series - (for the record)
Matthew Yglesias » Flashback: Dorgan vs Summers on Bank Regulation (Dorgon wins, Summers fucks up cosmically)
Matthew Yglesias » Famous Last Words: Bernanke: "Indeed, banking organizations of all sizes have made substantial strides over the past two decades in their ability to measure and manage risk"
Business Spectator - A tsunami of hope or terror? - Alan Kohler
Business Spectator - The terror beneath the TARP - Alan Kohler
Hernando de Soto Says Toxic Assets Emerged From a Shadow Economy - We can't afford to allow shadow economies to grow this big.
Where did all the wealth go? To our kids - The Atlantic Business Channel (also, our debt)
A (Radioactive) Cut in the Earth That Will Not Stay Closed: Scientific American
Travel photography: Yosemite National Park - Los Angeles Times
Texas Opens Classroom Door for Evolution Doubts - ("doubts" = 10,000 yr old universe)
Epigenetics: The Science Of Change
Effects of Estrogen Replacement Therapy on Cerebral Perfusion and Cognition among Postmenopausal Women
Economist's View: "Selfish Punishment" How does altruism survive?:
AIG and Inequality : The Frontal Cortex
Anti-Trust America by Paolo Sapienza, Luigi Zingales, City Journal 27 February 2009 A trust deficit is driving our economy down.
[0903.4054] The outbreak of cooperation among success-driven individuals under noisy conditions
'Chiefs, Thieves, and Priests': Science writer Matt Ridley on the causes of poverty and prosperity - Reason Magazine Science writer Matt Ridley on the causes of poverty and prosperity
You Call That Fair? | The Loom | Discover Magazine
Books to Read While the Algae Grow in Your Fur, January 2009 Charles Tilly, Trust and Rule
collision detection: Incredibly weird, inch-wide single-celled creatures discovered rolling across the sea floor
Resolution resolution capabilities of the Ergonom microscopes
US Armed Forces Order of Battle
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: More Police Abuse and Lies
Windows 7 RC download page goes up early, coming in May (Updated) - Ars Technica
TG Daily - First email virus turns 10 - Melissa
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Fundraising jump for marijuana group after Obama snub « - Blogs from
Natural World - A Farm for the Future
YouTube - Interieur Nuit (2) - Jean-Baptiste André | YouTube - Iris - Jean-Baptiste André
Lea Lane: Why I'm Alone
Pakistan Mosque Packed With Worshippers Attacked By Suicide Bomber, At Least 48 Killed
Indonesia Dam Bursts Near Capital, Killing 58
Colin Duffy, Top Irish Republican, Charged With Killing Soldiers
Britain responds to the "rule of law" nuisance - Glenn Greenwald -
Rightists with flags to march in Umm al-Fahm - Israel News, Ynetnews
'The Rachel Maddow Show' for Monday, March 23 (transcript: Obama refusing to prosecute war crimes)
The Woman Who Could Nail Bush - The Daily Beast
Media Matters - Gibbs ridicules media's teleprompter obsession
Eschaton: Jim Cramer calling Andrew Cuomo a (genuine) communist in 2007 (for suggesting there might be a housing bubble)
The Washington Independent » Behold, Charts! (The Republican Road to Recovery!!)
Christian Science Monitor Publishes Final Daily Issue, Goes Web-Only
The Quiet Coup - The Atlantic - Simon Johnson - the finance industry has effectively captured our government (American oligarchs)
Op-Ed Contributor - How to Conjure Up $500 Billion - - The F.D.I.C. has never taken on this kind of risk before.
Krugman - The Market Mystique - - the failure of a whole model of banking, of an overgrown financial sector that did more harm than good
Cuomo Widens His A.I.G. Investigation - DealBook Blog -
Matthew Yglesias » Brad DeLong’s Case for the Geithner Plan (hostage to Republican Senator Voinovich)
Economy: The Human History of Greed | Newsweek Business | Wall Street didn't invent excess. It just upped the ante.
Wall St. Reconstituted Are Bonus Restrictions Driving Top Talent Overseas: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance (you have no fucking talent)
Comparing the U.S. to Russia and Argentina - Glenn Greenwald - ("So our political class cheers on treasury-draining wars, allows financial elites to rob and pillage, witnesses huge transfers of wealth to the richest, and then when the whole thing explodes, the "real fiscal answer" is for ordinary Americans to have their Medicare benefits "slashed" and Social Security benefits reduced."
Cassandra Does Tokyo: USD$ -50,000,000,000,000.00 - The Horror ("an entire year of global GDP according to the ADB!") | Mencius Moldberg comment
letthemeatcrack.jpg (Banksy)
Super-sized Supernova: Scientists Observe Largest Exploding Star Yet Seen
U.N. body adopts resolution on religious defamation | International | Reuters (otherwise known as "blasphemy")
'Sex slave' teen murder charge dropped |
How Bush and Co. Broke the Law to Keep Women from Using Birth Control | Reproductive Justice and Gender | AlterNet (back to the '40s)
MikeCann.Net: DEA Continues Medical Marijuana Raids One Week After Obama AG Signaled They Were History
Chewing The Fat: An Elephant Disappears (handicapped people can't be responsible for their own luggage in airports)
Sadly, No! » BREAKING: Scandal At The Corner Uncovered (Must Credit S,N!)
Trinixy: Creationists can't fail Earth Science: Oklahoma
I Know How To Save AOL! (TWX)
Dakota: Springtime at the Cemetery
Human Rights Watch reveals extent of Israel's phosphorus use in Gaza | World news | (war crimes all the time)
Jewish groups slam 'hideously anti-Semitic' cartoon on Gaza - Haaretz - Israel News (Abe Foxman at work, see abovew)
U.S. to blame for much of Mexico violence: Clinton | Reuters
BBC News | Americas | Clinton admits US blame on drugs (taking the lead?)
Mexico's drug war - The Big Picture -
Obama Takes Pot Legalization Question During Townhall (video) The answer is no, I don't think that's a good strategy to grow our economy.
Cities Deal With a Surge in Shantytowns - (also known as "Shruburbs" and "Georgetowns" - Atrios)
EzraKlein Archive | The Return of Howard Dean: "We’re saying that if the public option is not included, it’s not real health care reform."
Miller, et al v. Skumanick :: American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania: criminalizing adolescence and profiting!)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Vermont Governor: Fundamental Rights Are A Luxury We Can't Afford (will veto marriage law overwhelmingly passed by legislature, because ... well, because)
Donklephant » Quote Of The Day - Media Outrage - Klein: "And be worried, quite worried, about a society for whom anger is a form of entertainment.”
Senate Republicans Skip White House Afghan Briefing (can't be bothered)
GOP Budget Proposal: Massive Tax Cut For Wealthy (it worked so well last time)
Republicans Unveil the World's First Postmodern Budget | Politicususa
Max Baucus and the “Public Plan” :: Swampland - (stuff left out of the print edition, you know)
Democrats vs. Democrats - Patrick O'Connor and Manu Raju -
Matthew Yglesias » WSJ Says Bayh Wants to Shake Up Status Quo By Protecting Business Interests (change!)
The Brad Blog : Exclusive: Diebold 'Nukes' Humboldt County! (disclosed that voting machines cheated) (section 25 allows Diebold/Premier to terminate Humboldt County's annual license to use the DIMS system on 90 days notice)(annual fucking license?)
Scientology: Sarah Palin Adviser's Secret Scientology Plot to Take Over Washington (this explains a lot)
Culture Shock - Charles Homans What happened when one conservative Web site ventured outside the movement bubble | Culture11 (for now)
crw.png (composition of the right-wing)
Open For Questions: Obama Holding Online Chat On Economy (video)
Stocks rise on relief over earnings, debt auction - Yahoo! Finance Dow hits 6-week high following upbeat corporate results, relief over Treasury auction
G.D.P. Revised Down Slightly for 4th Quarter -
Roubini Says Stocks Will Drop as Banks Go ‘Belly Up’ -
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Bachus: AIG Stiffed Small U.S. Institutions, While Paying Off Foreign Banks in Full
Geithner To Propose Vast Expansion Of U.S. Oversight Of Financial System
US backing for world currency stuns markets - Telegraph
Story Headline - Jobless Claims Show Small Increase; GDP Fell 6.3 %
BBC News | Business | Will the US dollar remain king?
The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » Bachmann bill would ban global currency (LOLStupidRepublicans)
Asian Stocks Rise as Index Enters Bull Market; Hutchison Jumps -
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Stanford Number 2, "Devastated" By Alleged Fraud, Talks With Investigators
Tony O'Brien: On the Wrong Side of AIG, in Handcuffs (this is what happened to Spitzer, including Gov cooperation)
RGE - New Home Sales Fell 41% in February 2009 (contrary to what you read, see below)
Disaster - Homestead, Fla., Hit by Foreclosures -
Op-Ed Columnist - Learning How to Think -
Alpha's Hedge Fund Losers: Magazine Lists 8 Worst Performers
'I'm having a very good crisis,' says Soros - who made £1billion as the world plunged into recession | Mail Online » The AIG Death Threats: You give me the money you made at AIG and I’ll shoulder the impossible burden you’re living with (piggies squealing)
The Dirty Dozen : Rolling Stone Meet the bankers and brokers responsible for the financial crisis - and the officials who let them get away with it (12 Horsemen of Financial Apocalypse)
File:Execution Lincoln assassins.jpg - Wikimedia Commons (hint)
Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe - space - 23 March 2009 - New Scientist Image Gallery: HOT STUFF: Solar Flares
NASA - Carrington Super Flare
Report Finds Forensic Evidence Lacking : NPR · A new report from the National Academy of Sciences says much of what's commonly called "forensic sciences" doesn't meet scientific standards (CSI is cop bullshit)
Study Calls for Oversight of Forensics in Crime Labs -
Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward
Annals of Law: The CSI Effect: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker The truth about forensic science.
Forensic science is badly in need of reform. Here are some suggestions. - By Radley Balko and Roger Koppl - Slate
WTHR | Indianapolis -Amanda Barnett, Indiana's youngest death investigator (see, anyone can do it)
Phantom killer was a myth: Police track DNA of a cotton bud maker for two years -
The influence of substance use on adolescent brain...[Clin EEG Neurosci. 2009] - PubMed Result - Heavy marijuana users show some subtle anomalies too, but generally not the same degree of divergence from demographically similar non-using adolescents (alcohol much worse than pot for teens)
Study compares drug policies: Dutch drug policies do not increase marijuana use, first rigorous comparative study finds
NASA's early lunar images, in a new light - Los Angeles Times
Daily Kos: "Sexting" and Teenagers' Rights (Wyoming County, PA, District Attorney George Skumanick, Republican (of course) is obsessed with non-naked pics of teen girls)
N.J. Teen Busted for Her Nude Pics | NBC Philadelphia (distribution of porno)
Convictions Reversed in Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania's highest court on Thursday overturned hundreds of juvenile convictions issued by a corrupt judge (Pennsylvania juvenile injustice system)
Slashdot | Canadian Court Orders Site To ID Anonymous Posters (war on privacy)
AdelaideNow... German police raid leaker's home
Gone but not forgotten: 10 operating systems the world left behind
Your ISP Hates You: AT&T and Comcast Confirm They're Working With RIAA
100 Terrific Web Design Cheat Sheets that Will Save you Time, Money and Mistakes - Web Design Schools Guide
Flickr: Yoko Ono official's Photostream
YouTube - In Bed with French and Saunders 1 (Medusa: Dare To Be Truthful. Julie Brown spoofing Madonna's "Truth Or Dare")
Bonnie Fuller: Cougars And MILFs Rule! 40 Year-Old Women Are WAY Hotter Than 20 Year-Olds!
Do the Secret Bush Memos Amount to Treason? Top Constitutional Scholar Says Yes | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet
Annals of Human Rights: Hellhole: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker The United States holds tens of thousands of inmates in long-term solitary confinement. Is this torture?
Foreign Policy: Reversal of Fortune By Arkady Ostrovsky
Will the Chinese Communist Party Survive the Crisis? | Foreign Affairs How Beijing's Shrinking Economy May Threaten One-Party Rule
ClubOrlov: Social Collapse Best Practices
Reinventing Collapse - Late Night Live - 10 March 2009 Dmitry Orlov
Twilight of the Autocrats | The American Prospect Will the financial crisis bring down Russia and China?
Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler : Full Commanding Denial
The Cultural Costs of Bailout Nation « The Baseline Scenario
Unafraid China apparently fears YouTube | Technology | Internet | Reuters
The truth about Barack Obama's Irish teleprompter "gaffe" :: Toby Harnden
While Bush vacationed, 9/11 warnings went unheard. - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine (what Bush did in his first 8 months: 94 days of vacation)
Your Questions on the Economy - The White House is open for questions.
Obama defends his budget as essential to recovery -
Transcript - President Obama’s News Conference - Text - (see if you can keep from falling asleep)
Howard Kurtz - Media Harder On President This Time -
TPM | Obama claims gains in fight against economic woes progress in dogged campaign to lead the nation out of economic chaos
Media Matters - Andrew Malcolm is bored, too (our fucking elite media is bored with critical policy details)
Talking Points Memo | Sum Up: not a single question on ... the question of the day: the Geithner bank rescue plan (elite press corps)
TPMDC | Obama to Judd Gregg: Zing!
TPMCafe | "Enervating" (NYT is pissed they didn't get called on)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect: Moderates On Parade (blue-dog Republicans)
Think Progress » Fox Business anchor compares tax on AIG bonuses to sexual abuse (Republican BDSM fantasies)
Palin Was "Walking Billboard" At Iron Dog: Ethics Complaint
BBC NEWS | Sir Fred Goodwin's home attacked (populist anger rising)
Why Bank Rage Is Not Populism | Mother Jones
EU presidency: US economic plans 'a way to hell'
Op-Ed Contributor - Dear A.I.G., I Quit! - ("On March 16 I received a payment from A.I.G. amounting to $742,006.40, after taxes")(boo-hoo)
California Home Prices Sank 41% Last Month on Foreclosures - California Home Prices Sank 41% Last Month on Foreclosures (state of foreclosure)
naked capitalism: AIG Aircraft Lease Unit Says Survival at Risk, May Need Government Funding (more shit from the big shitpile)
Nanotube Tech Transforms CO2 Into Fuel: Discovery News
AFP: Scientists in possible cold fusion breakthrough
You went public with the fact that the Journal of the AMA published a report that had a conflict-of-interest? Okay, you are now banned from the Journal of the AMA
Rome's Tremendous Tunnel: The Ancient World's Longest Underground Aqueduct - Spiegel Online - News - International Part 2: How Did the Romans Accomplish Such a Feat?
More Intelligent Life
Tomgram: Nick Turse, Going to Extremes in America
Exiled Online - Alabama Murder Mystery Solved: The Shocking Story Of How A Chicken-Slaughtering Billionaire Plundered Rural America - Mark Ames
Modern Love - A Memory Magically Interrupted -
Apple Mac malware: caught on camera | Graham Cluley's blog
HSDPA: a turbocharger for the mobile access | Your Electronics Open Source
Home Office defends proposal to track social networking movements | Technology | Facebook and MySpace could be required to hold data about every person users chat with for up to year
After The Crisis: A Parody of 15 Corporate Logos | Business Pundit Rick Mercer to Fox: Bullying is not satire
JetBytes — free file exchange service
YouTube - In 1812 The White House Was Burned Down By The Brits and Canadians
YouTube - Troy Hurtubise - Apologize FOX... or Else!
The Website Is Down
USA sitcom map
Antipodes Map - Antipodal location for any map point
Chrome Experiments
YouTube - Cat Shit One Movie Trailer - The Animated Series
IRAQI REFUGEE STORIES: First person accounts of war and exile
Obama's Global Op-Ed: "A Time For Global Action"
Balloon Juice » Supporting the troops
Why Is Bill O'Reilly Attacking Me for Highlighting His Rape Comments? | Video | AlterNet (time to shut down Fox)
Glenn Greenwald - - A major difference between conservatives and progressives
Hullabaloo: The Revenge Of The Haggis: Arlen Specter joins the obstructionist caucus on worker's rights.("The working conservative majority in the Senate remains")
The Raw Story | Corrupt cops lead NY mayor to consider 'martial law' Schenectady, New York.
U.S. Seeks Expanded Power to Seize Firms - - Goal Is to Limit Risk to Broader Economy (this is a lie: it's power to bailout bankrupt financial firms)
Geithner Plan Will Rob US Taxpayers: Stiglitz - - "his amounts to robbery of the American people. I don't think it's going to work because I think there'll be a lot of anger about putting the losses so much on the shoulder of the American taxpayer."
Larry, Larry - Paul Krugman Blog -
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Geithner: We Don't Need No Stinkin' Contingencies (that would be "steenking")
Booman Tribune ~ The Worth of Crap (heads I win, tails you lose)
naked capitalism: Treasury to Seek Power to Seize Non Banks (Trojan Horse Alert) Treasury is acting like it needs more authority to prevent future AIG's when its own agency was responsible for the doomsday machine part of AIG.
Merrill/Bank America Departures | The Big Picture “Exploring opportunities” is corporate speak for shown the door
$4.7 Billion Airline Loss In 2009, Topping Sept. 11 Figures: Report
Matthew Yglesias » Breaking up the Big Banks
YouTube - Mark Haines of CNBC - Arrogant Wall Street Apologist
Banks Find New Way to Hold Up Government « The Baseline Scenario
Congress Passes Wide-Ranging Bill Easing Bank Laws - The New York Times (1999: Gramm-Leach-Bliley: where it all started)("Mr. Leach said, ''This is a historic day. The landscape for delivery of financial services will now surely shift") (sure did)
AIG's Six Year Saga Of Alleged Fraud (alleged?)
Schneier on Security: Election Fraud in Kentucky
'Cold fusion' rebirth? New evidence for existence of controversial energy source Note to journalists: Please report that this research was presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society
Why setting goals can backfire - The Boston Globe
Obama Sides With RIAA, Supports $150,000 Fine per Music Track | Threat Level from (change that makes you throw-up)
MtRedoubtedit1.jpg (Mt Redoubt eruption; Palin: we don't need no steeking volcano monitors)
Michael Jackson's Neverland In Shambles
BBC NEWS | Technology | Call to 'shut down' Street View
Pilot who paused to pray in crash-landing sentenced to 10 years in jail - Telegraph instead of taking emergency measures before crash-landing his plane, killing 16 people Japanese man certified as double A-bomb survivor
DC's: The secret passage in practical terms
CBBC Newsround | Pictures | In Pictures: Amazing waves
Dead At Your Age – Deaths of interesting people at your age
The Highlights
Antarctic Fox - Introduction
Al Jazeera English - Archive - Jewish settlers usurp Palestinian water (pollute it, sell it back to Palestinians)
BBC NEWS | UK | Call to scrap 'illegal databases' (UK spying on its citizens)
Coming Soon: Declassified Bush-Era Torture Memos | Newsweek Periscope |
Rethink Afghanistan The Galloway debate
George Galloway banned from Canada | Politics | • 'This idiotic ban shames Canada,' says Galloway
British MP says decision to ban him from Canada was inappropriate | Opinion | Barring U.K. MP a crude display
The Canadian Press: Organizers plan court challenge, physical escort of Galloway into Canada
Daily Kos: Beavis & Butt-Head vs. The Volcano
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: It's Not About Appalachia (its about the racist, militaristic, greedy, South)
Lack of Diversity on WaPo Editorial Pages? - FishbowlDC ("Eleven white guys, one white woman. At least six are more than 60 years old. Four are elected Republicans, but none are elected Democrats") (+5yr corrections backlog)
Howard Kurtz: government and media need a "cease-fire" now and then - Glenn Greenwald -
Media Matters - AP quotes "labor lawyer" who is really an anti-labor lawyer (your Republican AP)
Think Progress » I Was Followed, Harassed, And Ambushed By Bill O’Reilly’s Producer (foxholes)
Fox News jokesters forced into retreat over Canadian military jibes - Yahoo! Canada News (more foxholes)
Bank of America’s Bernstein Says Sell Bank Stocks After Rally -
Defaulting Commercial Properties Hit Banks on Vacancy-Rate Rise -
TPM: News Pages | Talking Points Memo | TOPWRAP 7-U.S. details toxic asset plan, IMF issues warning ("Bluntly the situation is dire," IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said) d
U.S. Rounding Up Investors to Buy Bad Assets -
Op-Ed Columnist - Financial Policy Despair -
Arianna Huffington: Take the Steering Wheel out of Geithner's Hands a tragic surrender to Geithner, Summers, and the political/Wall Street class -- a "victory" that could lead to the unraveling of the president's entire economic policy.
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Yet More On DeLong/Krugman
Eschaton Ponies In The Shitpile - There's a lot of shit to be eaten, the question is who will eat it? Timmeh wants to make sure it's not the banksters.
Geithner: My Plan for Bad Bank Assets - The private sector will set prices. Taxpayers will share in any upside (Timmy's plan to make his buddies rich)
The Washington Monthly - You Say 'Toxic,' He Says 'Legacy'
Firedoglake » Timothy Geithner: Making Countrywide Executives Rich Again (how the rich work)
Hussman Funds - Weekly Market Comment: Fed and Treasury - Putting off Hard Choices with Easy Money (and Probable Chaos) - March 23, 2009
Eschaton: Overthinking (it's not that complicated)
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | The Problem Of Pricing EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | Who's Pricing Whom?
The Geithner Disaster
CNBC Host Mark Haines: Attention To Executive Pay Is "Getting Scary" (video)
BofA's insider loans zoomed in 2008, but no one will say why | McClatchy
The Geography of a Recession - Interactive Graphic -
ABC News: JPMorgan Chase To Spend Millions on New Jets and Luxury Airport Hangar Outraged Critics Decry the Proposal, Call For Bank To Abandon Plans
The feds must investigate AIG's fishy $12.9 billion payment to Goldman. - By Eliot Spitzer - Slate Magazine The transfer of $12.9 billion from AIG to Goldman looks fishier and fishier.
Continental Drift: Financial Page: The New Yorker
Why It's Getting Harder to Evade Taxes - TIME >> Business
ABC News: A Time When Bankers Were Heroes to Public
Madoff Victims' Letters Beg for 'Real' Jail, 'No Leniency' -
Obama vs. Marx: Hint: One of them's not a socialist
Space storm alert: 90 seconds from catastrophe - space - 23 March 2009 - New Scientist
Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: First rule of ant traffic: no overtaking
Harvard Researcher agrees with Pope on condoms in Africa (one claim, no cite: Catholic "science")
Why the pope is wrong on HIV transmission - Short Sharp Science - New Scientist | News & Features | Pope's condom remarks 'real tragedy'
Condoms and HIV prevention: Position statement by UNAIDS, UNFPA and WHO
Personal Supercomputer Is Coming - PC World
City dwellers 'harm climate less' - environment - 23 March 2009 - New Scientist
Slashdot | Obama DOJ Sides With RIAA
Nicholas Hughes, Sylvia Plath’s son commits suicide - Times Online
Black Dogs Face a Hard Choice at Shelter | The Bark
Polite Airports - Secure Computing: Sec-C (uselessness squared)
8 Awesome Cases of Internet Vigilantism |
I think my social studies teacher is spying on me? - Yahoo! Answers
10 Best Image Viewers for Linux | TechCityInc
YouTube - Pakistan: "The Most Dangerous Country" (Trailer)
Remarks by National Security Adviser Jones at 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy - Council on Foreign Relations - I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through Generaal Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here. We have a chain of command in the National Security Council that exists today.
Editorial - Mr. Obama and the Rule of Law - - But we did not expect that Mr. Obama, who addressed these issues with such clarity during his campaign, would be sending such confused and mixed signals from the White House.
Op-Ed Columnist - Has a ‘Katrina Moment’ Arrived? -
Daily Kos: "Katrina moment?" How dare you.
Barack Obama's permanent campaign | Obama's standing army | The Economist Barack Obama’s election campaign runs on and on
Fox News Anchors Call for Revolution - Glenn Beck War at Fox News - Esquire
About Accountability Now « Accountability Now
Rachel Maddow Show: Deregulation for Dummies | Video Cafe
On the job front, this is no Great Depression. Not even close :: The Curious Capitalist -
Zero Hedge: Will Somebody Remove Geithner From The Poker Table Please?
Firedoglake » What Geithner’s TALF Plan Teaches Us
Calculated Risk: Banks Leaving Money on the Table "All Day Long" (can't be bothered to short-sell)
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Dodd Raps Treasury For Letting Him Take the Fall on Executive Pay
TPMMuckraker | The Rise And Fall Of AIG's Financial Products Unit (Cassano)
Talking Points Memo | Why Are We Still At This?
Fluke? Credit crisis was a heist - MSN Money - Jubak's Journal Thanks to a complicit Congress, the reins were systematically loosened on the looters of the financial industry. And they're still at it, looking for new plunder.
Minister in charge of offshore clampdown ran tax haven firm - Times Online
Up in Smoke - The Deposit Vanishes -
Toles: Retention Bonus
Knowledge, in Real Time § - mapping of scientists’ online research behavior.
PLoS ONE: Clickstream Data Yields High-Resolution Maps of Science
Map of Science Looks Like Milky Way | Wired Science from
New gel is stronger than steel - Latest News - MSN Tech & Gadgets UK
Taser guns 'raised deaths in custody' - 04 February 2009 - New Scientist - Sudden deaths among people being held by police in California increased sixfold in the first year after police departments there began using Taser stun guns
'Smart Grid' may be vulnerable to hackers -
Fastest-ever flashgun captures image of light wave - tech - 19 June 2008 - New Scientist
Bathed in Light - experiments in projected video feedback
Conficker.C primed for April Fool's activation - Ars Technica
Computer Experts Unite to Hunt Worm -
NASA Discovers Computer Virus Aboard the International Space Station | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference
FAA says Hackers broke into agency computers
French planes grounded by Windows worm | Technically Incorrect - CNET News
Society's vital networks prone to 'explosive' changes - tech - 13 March 2009 - New Scientist - Romania Eyes Legalizing Consensual Incest, Wouldn't Be First Country in Europe - Europe News
Frontline: the medicated child | PBS
Jazz Flute Burgers From Mars: 5 Things You'll Need If You Go Homeless
iTWire - Online identity expert loses control of NSFW R-rated online pics
Kaminsky: MS security assessment tool is a 'game changer' • The Register
Most Controversial Films of All Time
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Pink elephant is caught on camera
Dead Palestinian babies and bombed mosques - IDF fashion 2009 - Haaretz - Israel News
Israeli soldiers say army rabbis framed Gaza as religious war | McClatchy (failed racist state)
Israelis told to fight 'holy war' in Gaza - Middle East, World - The Independent
Israel bans Palestinian cultural events - Israel News, Ynetnews
Iraq War Anniversary: Violence Down But Doubts Persist Over Political, Financial Stability
U.S. Actions In Mexico Can Lead To Casualties
Weekend Opinionator: Obama’s Communication Breakdown - The Opinionator Blog -
Palin's legal debts
pile up: Gov. Sarah Palin | 'Substantial': Governor may create fund to pay the bills.
Palin runs on on special needs kid, turns down money for special needs kids
Six Years Ago on Eve of Iraq War: Judy Miller vs. Paul Krugman
Daily Kos: Hackery (Politico) vs. Journalism (Reuters) (Drudgico)
Media Matters - Tucker Carlson's Jerk Store (bow-tie boy is a moron)
Was Eliot Spitzer Taken Out Because He Was Going to Bust AIG? | PEEK | AlterNet (yes)
California jobless rate climbs to 10.5 percent
Toxic Asset Plan Foresees Big Subsidies for Investors - (even Paulson wasn't this dumb)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect Treasury Officials Who Missed $8 Trillion Housing Bubble Still Haven't Noticed It
Despair over financial policy - Paul Krugman Blog - - plan that was widely analyzed — and found wanting — a couple of weeks ago. The zombie ideas have won ("Treasury has decided that what we have is nothing but a confidence problem, which it proposes to cure by creating massive moral hazard") (catastrophic stupidity)
The Big Takeover : Rolling Stone The global economic crisis isn't about money - it's about power. How Wall Street insiders are using the bailout to stage a revolution ("It's over — we're officially, royally fucked")
Talking Business - From Washington, an A.I.G. Flogging for the Masses -
Rich People Don’t Create Wealth. They Manipulate It. - The Seminal
Firedoglake » James K. Galbraith Reponds to Geithner’s Toxic Asset Plan
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The Geithner Plan If these guys are right, this will be the undoing of the Obama administration. Better enjoy this four years, libs.
Administration Seeks Increase in Oversight of Executive Pay -
Connecticut Attorney General: AIG Paid $218M In Bonuses - Bonuses were "showered like confetti" on AIG employees
Goldman rejected offers to settle AIG trades at discount - MarketWatch CEO Blankfein had no meetings with Paulson about problems at insurer: CFO
Naked Short Sales Hint Fraud in Bringing Down Lehman -
Multi Medium » NY Daily News Is Trying To Cheer Me Up (10 South, Bernie Madoff, and they should do this to the banksters)
The Pirate Pose - Executive Articles - Print - - Tom Wolfe
How To Be A Bat [Life in Motion] | The Loom | Discover Magazine
When did Earth’s oxygen atmosphere appear? | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Rethinking The Lipstick Index « spectre footnotes
Pope Condemns "Evil Powers" Of Sorcery, Urges Angolans To Convert (crazy popester)
Innovation: What next after the megapixel wars? - tech - 16 March 2009 - New Scientist
Chris Mooney - Climate Change's Myths and Facts - (George Will is a very bad person_
Food, Glorious Food Myths - Room for Debate Blog -
Naked People
Passion and Dalliance blog: Why you need balls of steel to operate a Tor exit node - Spy Blog -
Israeli soldiers admit to deliberate killing of Gaza civilians - Times Online
Israel's dirty secrets in Gaza - Middle East, World - The Independent Army veterans reveal how they gunned down innocent Palestinian families and destroyed homes and farms
U.N. rights envoy sees Israeli war crimes in Gaza (US a proxy state of Israel)
Op-Chart - The States of Iraq and Afghanistan - Op-Ed -
After Gaza, Israel Grapples With Crisis of Isolation -
Johann Hari: Dupes? No, we were telling the truth - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent
Ex-Bush Admin Official: Many at Gitmo Are Innocent | ("the worst of the worst" and Republican/Enron accounting)
El Salvador to Resume Relations with Cuba - US Now Officially Going It Alone - The Seminal
YouTube - How to lose friends and alienate countries (Fox mocks Canada's military)
Barack Obama and the Altar of Greed | | Barack Obama is dumber than a bag of hammers.
Obama’s Moment is Passing Quickly | ("But as each week passes, the disaster becomes less Bush's and Cheney's, and more Obama's")
KBR Says Abiding By U.S. Laws Puts it At a 'Competitive Disadvantage' |
The Brad Blog : KY Election Officials Arrested, Charged With 'Changing Votes at E-Voting Machines'
Suze Orman To Bush: "You Owe The American People Every Penny Of Your Fortune And Your Family's Fortune"
Media Matters - Now the Los Angeles Times' Andrew Malcolm is mocking the unemployed - Honestly, isn't there some way Laura Bush can hire Malcolm back?
Not Insane: Comment: The New Yorker (payroll tax holiday)
The Washington Monthly: Tapper, Twitter, And Online Etiquette (WATB)
Think Progress » Michael Steele Doesn’t Know What The First Amendment Says
FBI planting spies in U.S. mosques, Muslim groups say -
Hullabaloo From The Driving Me Nuts Files (journalistic incompetence/stupidity/malpractice)
Colbert's Rap Battle With Michael Steele (Video)
Was the Bailout Itself a Scam? A Program of Financial Concentration ("After Washington’s trillion dollar bank bailouts and trillion dollar gratuitous wars for the sake of the military industry’s profits and Israeli territorial expansion, there is no money for Social Security and Medicare") Transparency: Making Sense of the Financial Mess Submission from Emilia Klimiuk
A.I.G. Sues Government for Return of $306 Million in Tax Payments -
Think Progress » CNBC host: Wall Street companies can’t ‘be run well’ by those making under $250,000 (because the millionaires did so well, of course)
$2.5 Billion in Merrill Bonuses Would Elude Tax -
CEPR - Dean Baker: The AIG Saga: A Brief Primer
High and Low Finance - Facing the Reality That the Money Is Gone - - The losses from the worldwide financial implosion are only now being tallied up.
A.I.G. Sues Government for Return of $306 Million in Tax Payments -
House Approves 90% Tax on Bonuses After Bailouts -
Op-Ed Contributors - Off With the Bankers - By Simon Johnson And James Kwak (nationalize the fuckers)
AIG - Paul Krugman Blog - - — there wasn’t much alternative at this point. And for that I blame the Obama people.
Scorn Trails A.I.G. Executives, Even in Their Driveways -
Documents: AIG Corporate Security's Tips for Surviving an Angry Mob
naked capitalism: Why We Need Criminal Investigations Watch a bit of jousting during the hearings on AIG today ("It seems anything short of regulatory or legal moves that limit career options (read future earning power) is an insufficient disincentive to risky trader and investor behavior")
Connecticut’s ‘Rodeo Drive’ Abandoned as Hedge Funds Collapse - ("Ann Taylor, Banana Republic and Borders have all closed their Greenwich Avenue locations")
Matthew Yglesias » Carol Baum: Welfare CEOs are Just Like John Galt ("Atlas Shrugged is a stupid book, Ayn Rand is a stupid woman, and John Galt’s ideas are stupid. That said, none of them are nearly this stupid")
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect Would sufficient punishment of AIG and AIG alone render this episode moot going forward? (no)
General Growth loses some malls after defaults | Markets | Markets News | Reuters
The Notorious AIG - Congress Wants to Blame Someone | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Big City - At a Manhattan Job Fair, a Mood of Desperation -
NYC - B. Madoff, and Proud of It -
Community bank finds paranoid a smart bet - Boston Business Journal (censored by FDIC for not being reckless enough)
YouTube - Why 'Fallout' for the financial crisis? (Marketplace video channel)
Crawling the Web to Foretell Ecosystem Collapse | Wired Science from
Peter Suber, Open Access News MIT adopts a university-wide OA mandate
Education Review.. Feuer, Avital. (2008) Who Does This Language Belong To?
H-Net Reviews - Gail M. Presbey, ed. Philosophical Perspectives on the "War on Terrorism". Philosophy of Peace Series
H-Net Reviews- Douglas T. Stuart. Creating the National Security State: A History of the Law That Transformed America.
In the name of justice? | JeremyStangroom.Com
A Second Silent Spring… « In One Ear… Out the Other in the first time ever in our history Americans are willing to sacrifice the environment for economic growth,
Two Police Officers Suspended for Recycling 300 Copies of ‘The Tech’ - The Tech
The Game (mind game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is the way the Internet ends: not with a bang, but DPI - Ars Technica Does deep packet inspection mean the end of the Internet?
Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice Research and Education
Groupthink in Academia: Newsroom: The Independent Institute Majoritarian Departmental Politics and the Professional Pyramid
Clever as a Fox
Barack Obama - The 2009 TIME 100 Finalists - TIME » Blog Archive » Movie review of Generation RX: Guest post by Christopher Trottier Unmasking the Negatives of Psychiatric Drugs - Watch Live Streaming News From the USA & World - Beta Version
‘Abuse’ Raises Question About Law for Disabled Workers - ProPublica mentally retarded men lived when they were not working for as little as 37 cents per hour gutting turkeys in a processing plant,
Product Panic: 2009 What’s an industrial designer to do in the midst of economic chaos? Our columnist offers some career advice.
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Selling sex legally in New Zealand
She tried to flush baby down the toilet; then it gets weird - AmyTuteurMD - Open Salon
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Undo Send
Questions for Pwn2Own hacker Charlie Miller | Zero Day | - No More Free Bugs (Safari on Mac easiest to exploit)
DVD region code blocks British Prime Minister from enjoying Obama's gift (the irony)
Down Syndrome Abortion Statistics & Risk - Disaboom
ESPN - OTL: The Legend of Ken Mink - E-ticket
Project Rungay | Main Page: Dirty Diana
Triviagasm: 11 Books About People Whose Childhoods Were Worse Than Yours
Apple's Delays Could Cost iPhone Developer $600K | Gadget Lab from
This is the way the Internet ends: not with a bang, but DPI - Ars Technica Does deep packet inspection mean the end of the Internet?
Roger Ebert's Journal: Hunt not the Snark but the Snarker
Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald: Spring Cleaning: 10 Steps To Bring New Life To Your Liver
Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny on Vimeo
Dakota: Unclear Complexity
IDF in Gaza: Killing civilians, vandalism, and lax rules of engagement - Haaretz - Israel News (war crimes, but we knew that)
'Shooting and crying' - Haaretz | ANALYSIS / Can Israel dismiss its own troops' stories from Gaza? - Haaretz - Israel News
US Army Confirms Israeli Nukes the U.S.'s long history of selective blindness when it comes to Israeli nukes (in a nation of laws, Israel would lose all US aid)
BBC NEWS | Europe | French unions claim 3m on street
Mexico's drug barons and police locked in an increasingly violent battle for supremacy - Telegraph
Open Left:: Which Conferees Stripped Dodd's Anti-Bonus Language?
Dodd, Democrats Targeted For AIG Mess In GOP Talking Points (Republicans had nothing to do with it)
Obama bags secret $500,000 book bonus five days before inauguration
The Raw Story | Stewart to Cheney: Drink a cup of 'Shut the f**k up'
Lawrence O'Donnell Reduces Eric Cantor To Babbling (video)
Obama Accepts Blame for AIG Bonuses - He also make clear that it isn't really his fault (faultless faults)
The War Against Thomas Friedman |
Cramer, Stewart Feud Continues: Cramer Calls It "Naive And Misleading...To Attack The Media" (fuck you, Cramer)
How Jon Stewart Went Bad - The Daily Beast (Tucker Carlson, failed conservative, attacks Jon Stewart)
Op-Ed Columnist Kristof - The Daily Me - there’s pretty good evidence that we generally don’t truly want good information — but rather information that confirms our prejudices.
White People Are Terrifying: "Daily Show" Takes On New Face Of Crime (video) (even Republicans don't trust them)
Fed to pump another $1 trillion into U.S. economy - International Herald Tribune
TaxProf Blog: Larry Tribe: 90% AIG Tax Is Constitutional
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Leave the People Who Destroyed the World Economy Aloooooonnnnnne (Ruth Marcus: our elite discourse is rules by total idiots)
How Corporations Got So Powerful - The Seminal :: Independent Media and Politics
The belief that the wealthy are worthy is waning - Los Angeles Times With financial crisis and scandal as backdrop, Americans are questioning whether plutocrats are either indispensable or deserving.
No Return to Normal - James K. Galbraith Why the economic crisis, and its solution, are bigger than you think
13 Firms Receiving Billions Of Dollars In Federal Bailout Money Owe Back Taxes (the ouroboros effect)
Citigroup May Spend $10 Million for Executive Suite - (completely shameless and clueless)
Timothy Geithner in New York, Estate of the Day
Tweet the People: Should US treasury secretary Timothy Geithner resign? | World news |
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Report: Treasury Knew About AIG Bonuses Earlier Than Obama Administration Claims
Free Larry Summers Why the White House needs to unshackle its economic oracle.
Inside AIG-FP, Feeling the Public's Wrath -
Joblessness Hits New High, But New Claims Drop -
Pam Martens: Has a Comedian Just Saved America? Jon Stewart's Epiphany
Limbaugh Defends AIG From "Lynch Mob ... Ginned Up By Obama"
Let It Die: Rushkoff on the economy | ARTHUR MAGAZINE - With any luck, the economy will never recover.
All Boarded Up - How Cleveland is Dealing With Mass Foreclosure -
Is Economic Recovery Even Possible on a Planet Headed for Environmental Collapse? | Water | AlterNet
Jim Cramer - Dickipedia - A Wiki of Dicks
What's Next - 10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now - TIME
Vol 1, No 1 (2007) Of Public Space: Sex and Mercy (2007) Vol 1 Art 1 :PDF :Rocque Reynolds
Europe's language wars | English is coming | The Economist The adverse side-effects of the growing dominance of English
Cognitive enhancement drug may also cause addiction : Nature News Modafinil's effect on the brain suggests it could be addictive for some.
The Europe Syndrome and the Challenge to American Exceptionalism — The American, A Magazine of Ideas America’s elites must once again fall in love with what makes the United States different.
Genetic surveillance for all? - By Jeffrey Rosen - Slate Magazine What if the FBI put the family of everyone who has ever been convicted or arrested into a giant DNA database?
What makes someone a Holocaust denier? - By Christopher Beam - Slate
US Incarceration: behold the Reagan Revolution
Bill Introduced to End Mandatory Minimums in All Drug Cases - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime
What is narcissistic personality disorder, and why does everyone seem to have it? - By Emily Yoffe - Slate Magazine
'Melville Unfolding' and Beyond: Looking at culture, sexuality, and the fluid text | National Sexuality Resource Center (NSRC)
Australian government secret ACMA internet censorship blacklist, 6 Aug 2008 - Wikileaks
Activists use Wikipedia to bait blacklist regulator - Internet - iTnews Australia
Schneier on Security: The Techniques for Distributing Child Porn (and the rationale for snooping on everybody)
Dentist, tuckshop cited on web blacklist - web - Technology -
Debunking Six Social Media Myths - BusinessWeek
Pwn2Own 2009: Safari/MacBook falls in seconds | Zero Day | - Several hackers are currently attempting exploits against Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox but those browsers are still standing
Welcome to [ Article: The SSD Anthology: Understanding SSDs and New Drives from OCZ
Police Spray Water Cannons at World Water Forum Protesters : Planetsave
The Woodstock Death Count | Jeff Kay’s West Virginia Surf Report! (81% alive)
5 Ways 'Common Sense' Lies To You Everyday |
Undersea eruptions near Tonga - The Big Picture -
Video: Underwater volcano erupts off Tongan coast | Environment |
Mobile OS shootout: iPhone OS 3.0 enters the fray
A Photo Editor - Omnicom Group’s Bad Terms For Photographers And Producers
Great magazine die-off - Gawker
Subway Art Gallery Opening at Improv Everywhere
JetBlue | Welcome Bigwigs
Arianna Huffington: A Disturbing D.C. Whodunit [Updated]
Right Side Politics Examiner: Obama Received a $101,332 Bonus from AIG
Firedoglake » Treasury Attempts to “Blame Dodd” for AIG Bonuses (Timmy and Larry try to shift the axis of failure)
Flashback: It Was Bush, GOP That Opposed Executive Compensation Caps
The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room » Tauscher in line for State Dept. job: Reports
Ruth Marcus - Grin and Bear the Bonuses - (WaPo idiot: only the highly-skilled crooks who broke the world economny can fix it, and they should be well paid)
TBogg » So, I’m all, “coffee mugs, bitchez!” Yeah! It was awesome. High five! (wingnut morons from the RedState Brigade)
The Brad Blog : Diebold Admits ALL Versions of Their Software Delete Ballots Without Notice (written by Republicans)
Fox News Apologizes For Misleading Viewers With Old Clip Of Joe Biden (Video)
Conservatism in the Age of Wurzelbacher - Alan Wolfe
David Harvey: Is This Really the End of Neoliberalism?
Media Matters - Limbaugh falsely claimed "not one Republican voted for the TARP bailout"
Fed launches bold $1.2T effort to revive economy - Yahoo! Finance Fed launches $1.2 trillion effort to revive economy; keeps key rate at record low
Hirsh: The Next AIG Scandal? | Newsweek Voices - Michael Hirsh
Daily Kos: Spitzer: The bonuses are a smokescreen
Forget the bonuses: AIG can't repay its loans, GAO says | McClatchy
Calculated Risk: FOMC: Buy $300 Billion in Long Term Treasuries, More MBS
Harold Meyerson - The Nationalization Option - Geithner's indulgence of bankers' indulgences is fast becoming the Obama administration's Achilles' heel
Dollars & Sense - Another trillion plus to lower mortgage rates? Is this really supposed to help anything?
IBM May Pay $6.5 Billion to Buy Sun Microsystems, WSJ Reports -
Is Gold Really the Safest Investment? - TIME
Citi Losing Economist to Treasury - (more failing upward)
Merrill Lynch Bonus Info Must Be Released, Judge Says
Scenes from the recession - The Big Picture -
How Can We See Galaxies 47 Billion Light Years Away When the Universe is Only 13 Billion Years Old?
Happiness is contagious, research finds - Los Angeles Times good cheer spreads through social networks of nearby family, friends and neighbors (Framingham Heart Study)
Seeing and Believing The never-ending attempt to reconcile science and religion, and why it is doomed to fail - reviews by Jerry A. Coyne, The New Republic
An interview with Jerry Coyne » American Scientist
What You Can Learn from Reinhold Niebuhr - The New York Review of Books
My Life With Cables - Abstract City Blog -
Spontaneous knotting of an agitated string — PNAS
Book - Think: NT Wrong, Biblical Studies, and Autobiography.
‘There is no scope for futurology; history will decide’: Félix Guattari on Molecular Revolution : turbulence
Last-Minute Changes - - The 10,000 Year Explosion - Scientific orthodoxy says that human evolution stopped a long time ago. Did it? (cultural evolution)
Study Finds PSA Test Saves Few Lives -
Philip Slater: Another Spectacular Failure: The War on Drugs
Cato Unbound » Blog Archive » A Nation of Jailers
A History of the Past:'Life Reeked With Joy'
First rule of Internet censorship: Hide the block list - Ars Technica (WFT, Australia?)
Literary Review - Joan Smith on Hot Flushes, Cold Science by Louise Foxcroft - No Need To Get Heated
The Story of Booze — The American, A Magazine of Ideas Iain Gately’s enjoyable new book explains what liquor has meant to different societies throughout history.
This Magazine: Back to the land Why moving to the country will save us all
Unnatural Increase? | Worldwatch Institute
Baby Boomlet: US Births In 2007 Break 1950s Record - the teen birth rate was up for a second year in a row
Barbie Turns 50
Porn Sting Goes To The Dogs - March 18, 2009 - Indiana woman Minister clarifies stand on evolution Science minister Gary Goodyear now says he believes in evolution but won't answer questions of religious grounds (Canada, not Texas)
US Torture: Voices from the Black Sites - The New York Review of Books US Torture: Voices from the Black Sites
Freeman speaks out on his exit | The Cable
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (March 16, 2009) - "CrackPot" See for yourself: the man too dangerous to be allowed into the US government
Charles Freeman fails the loyalty test - Glenn Greenwald - (Israel out of the US Now!)
The distorting effect of anonymity - Glenn Greenwald -
Charles Freeman, Roger Cohen and the changing Israel debate - Glenn Greenwald -
"The GCC and the Management of Policy Consequences" Speech by Ambassador Chas. W. Freeman, Jr. 10/31/06
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (March 07, 2009) - A Freeman Time-Line
Eunomia » A Final Post On Freeman
Jason Burke: Our skewed world view won't let us see the real Pakistan | Comment is free | The Observer The west can no longer afford to impose its values and notions of democracy on countries that neither want nor need them
Op-Ed Contributor - Touting Religion, Grabbing Land -
Democracy Now! | Lawyers Group Urges Bush Be Arrested or Barred from Canada in First Trip Abroad Since Leaving Office
Moderate Is Said to Be Pick for Court - (they mean centrist)
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | Senate: Aig Has 48 Hours To Give Back The Goddamn Money.
BBC NEWS | Americas | Outrage over AIG dominates US media
Anger Over Firm Depletes Obama's Political Capital -
National Outrage Forces Obama Administration To Act On AIG Bonuses
Obama Undercuts Whistle-Blowers, Senator Says -
Think Progress » McCain flips on AIG bailout one more time: We never should have rescued them (+ the guy who can't use a computer because of his POW injuries uses Twitter)
Matthew Yglesias » Grassley Calls for Contrition, Not Suicide - a post-shame society
Think Progress » Fox News Edits Clip To Suggest That Biden Recently Declared ‘Fundamentals Of The Economy Are Strong’ (Foxholes at work)
Media Matters - Richard Cohen defends financial execs & business media; blasts Stewart , Richard Cohen devotes his Washington Post column to attacking a ... comedian. Worse, he is again attacking a comedian for having higher expectations for journalism than he does
Eschaton: Padded Cell (if case you forgot: 2007: Richard Cohen accused of sexual harrassment)
Hullabaloo: Lisa DePaulo: This woman was convinced that Gary Condit killed Chandra Levy and she went on television day after day for months to make that case. She was wrong (disgusting and totally without shame)
Colbert Will Hunt Down AIG Bonus Babies With Pitchforks (video)
The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Final Frazzled Days | The Daily Examiner
U.S. Injecting Billions Into Foreign Central Banks
Editorial - The Gift That Keeps on Giving - (AIGraft)
The sanctity of AIG's contracts - Glenn Greenwald - (auto-workers, no so much -- contracts for me but not thee)
Barclays gags Guardian over tax | Business | njunction forces news website to remove seven leaked memos showing how bank avoided hundreds of millions of pounds in tax
ABC News: IRS Says Allen Stanford Owes $226 Mil in Back Taxes Accused Swindler and Estranged Wife Failed to Pay Over 5 Years (an oversight)
TPMDC | CBS' Chip Reid Asks Gibbs: Is This The Official Tone Toward Cheney? it's Obama's people who are accused of showing insufficient respect to the office? (the Republican village at work)
Rage at AIG Swells As Bonuses Go Out Fed Decided Payouts Couldn't Be Stopped
Dealbook - The Case for Paying the A.I.G. Bonuses - A.I.G. built this bomb, and it may be the only outfit that really knows how to defuse it (in other words, they are financial terrorists)
Santelli, Sen. Kyl Push Back Against "Outrage" Over AIG Bonuses (more foxholes and Republicans at work)
General Growth Properties Allows Finances to Weaken - (the mall is hot, flat, and deserted)
A New Way Forward - It’s time to stop giving huge handouts to banks and start creating systemic change that helps everyone.
BBC NEWS | Europe | Pope rejects condoms for Africa The spread of HIV and Aids in Africa should be tackled through fidelity and abstinence and not by condoms (stupid old man)
Understanding uncertainty: 2845 ways of spinning risk
As luck would have it - The National Newspaper - Critics panning Malcolm Gladwell’s new book find it ‘obvious’. Matthew Yglesias says it’s just not so.
Near miss, but no threat - MIT News Office Asteroid in close pass was smaller than thought, astronomer shows
The Amazing Rusting Aluminum | Popular Science
Museum Family Denounces Brandeis -
Scholar Claims Dead Sea Scrolls 'Authors' Never Existed
the new geography - / in print
The Case Against Breast-Feeding - The Atlantic (April 2009)
Teens capture images of space with £56 camera and balloon - Telegraph
Australian Government adds Wikileaks to banned website list | News | TechRadar UK
Cows Really Do Have a Magnetic Sixth Sense | Wired Science from
My Girlfriend Thinks She Has Supernatural Powers
DC Secularism Examiner: Things are getting really scary in Texas, Part 1: Beware the evo-atheists!
Legalese: This Is How All User Agreements Should Be Displayed
Shocking Video Shows Los Angeles City Bulldozing Community Gardens Into the Dirt by Mike Adams the Health Ranger
Privacy: How To Opt Out Of Google's New Targeted Ads
YouTube - chaiya chaiya (Dil Se) with subtitles
YouTube - Extreme Sheep LED Art
BBC NEWS | Africa | Madagascar soldiers seize palace
BBC NEWS | Americas | Report claims CIA used 'torture'
Red Cross Described 'Torture' at CIA Jails - Secret Report Implies That U.S. Violated International Law
Pakistan Leader Backs Down and Reinstates Top Judge -
Europe’s Hedging on Inmates Clouds Guantánamo Plans -
March/April 2009-Interview with Aaron David Miller The Much Too Promised Land: America’s Elusive Search for Arab-Israeli Peace.
Tomgram: Robert Dreyfuss, The Freeman Affair
Freeman Calls Out Israel Lobby; WaPo Editorial Board Bursts a Blood Vessel | PEEK | AlterNet
Foreign Policy: How to Discourage the Speaking of Truth to Power The damage done by the Chas Freeman saga - The affair demonstrates anew the strength of the taboo against open and candid discussion in the United States of policy involving Israel
DC Foreign Policy Examiner: Freeman's resignation raises questions about the state of democracy in Washington
The First Word: When lobbies collide | Columnists | Jerusalem Post
Mixed Results In Salvadoran Elections - Council on Hemispheric Affairs
Pirates of Somalia - The Big Picture -
Obama Orders Treasury Chief to Try to Block A.I.G. Bonuses -
News Analysis - Obama Braces for a Backlash Over Wall Street Bailouts - (who could have predicted that?)
The Washington Monthly - An Establishment With A Fragile Ego (O to skip Gridiron Club, first President since Grover Cleveland to miss it -- the village goes nuts)
Clift: Obama's Progressive Moment | Newsweek Voices - Eleanor Clift | President Obama has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reshape Americans' attitudes about their government
Eschaton: America's stupidest Op-Ed editor, Fred Hiatt, comes out in favor of a vehicle miles tax
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | Save The Newspapers, Save The World? (no)
Massachusetts Faces Costs of Big Health Care Plan -
Americans Are Rearing for a Fight with Corporate Power | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet
The Academic Freedom Agenda - George Bush's Controversial Presidential Center -
Biden Drops F-Bomb On Live Mic (AUDIO)
Grasping Reality with Both Hands: Fear of Reese Witherspoon Look-Alikes on the Pill (Ross Douthat, 29 yo conservative is afraid of birth-control) | Ross Douthat: the College Years (latest NYTimes conservative op-eder) (great resume)
Thomas Friedman’s Five Worst Predictions: Barrett Brown | Vanity Fair (speaking of the NYT)
Economic Advisers Warn of No Quick Turnarounds -
A.I.G. Lists Which Banks It Paid With U.S. Bailout Funds - | A.I.G. Payments to Counterparties
Obama Speaks On AIG: "How Do They Justify This Outrage?"
Romer: "We're Pursuing Every Legal Means" To Undo AIG Bonuses
Wells Fargo Assails TARP, Calls Stress Test ‘Asinine’ (Update1) - Wells Fargo Assails TARP, Calls Stress Test ‘Asinine’
Emptywheel » The Semtex in the AIG Retention Contracts
The Washington Monthly- Aig Succeeds In Bringing People Together
AIG Bombshells 1.2B in Bonuses Over 100B Paid to Goldman Other Banks: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
Standard and Poor's - Rated F for Failure - (rigged)
Robert Reich: The Real Scandal of AIG
Barney Frank On AIG: "Maybe It's Time To Fire Some People"
AIG yields to congressional pressure, names counterparties - Mar. 15, 2009 The top beneficiaries of payments tied to the unwinding of the securities lending portfolio were Barclays (BCS) of the U.K., with $7 billion, Deutsche Bank, with $6.4 billion, BNP Paribas of France, with $4.9 billion,
Firedoglake » Who Stole Our Country, and How are We Going to Get It Back? - The White House is worried about backlash over AIG's payout of $450 million in bonuses to the executives in its high flying Financial Services Group
Oil rebounds as OPEC keeps supply levels steady - Yahoo! Finance Oil looks past OPEC decision to forgo supply cut and rebounds alongside stock markets
Ben Bernanke's Greatest Challenge - CBS News
ABC News: The Imp in a Bottle: Ponzi/Madoff in a Broader Perspective Ponzificating on Madoff, Pyramid Schemes and the Financial Crisis
The Art of the Con--Learning from Bernard Madoff: Scientific American
The Terminator Comes to Wall Street: an article by Joseph Fuller about how computers worsened the financial crisis | The American Scholar The Terminator Comes to Wall Street
Corporate meltdown leaves renters in limbo - Life- Large apartment complexes abandoned to receivership and unruly weeds
At Saturday Brunches, the Bubbly Flows On, Even in Hard Times -
YouTube - Global Warming: Is the Science Settled Enough for Policy?
Stress May Cause The Brain To Become Disconnected
Harry Phibbs: Politicians should tackle climate change by reducing the number of street lights | Comment is free | Sanctimonious politicians should tackle climate change by reducing the number of street lights, and letting us see the stars
The 12 Most Annoying Habits of Therapists - Well Blog - (frame violations)
(PIC) Remember the homeless guy? I'm the one who took him in. Didn't go so well. :
Pharyngula: Come on, New Scientist (caving to Creationists)
Stem the violence, make marijuana legal
Space shuttle Discovery photos --
American Religious Identification Survey 2008 - Catholics on the Move, Non-religious on the Rise
Does Exercise Really Make You Healthier?: Scientific American We examine five claims about the benefits of weight lifting and aerobics to see which carry the most...weight
How Renewable Energy and Storage Solutions Stack Up: Scientific American
H-Net Reviews Jeff Wiltse. Contested Waters: A Social History of Swimming Pools in America.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Special Report - The Sound of Broken Promises
Brave New Welfare | Mother Jones Lies about surgical sterility requirements (Georgia, of course)
Old age begins at 27 - scientists claim after new research | Mail Online
Japan's HRP-4C 'fashion model robot' unveiled, already harassed (update: video!)
Surprise! Google Earth used for robbery | Technically Incorrect - CNET News
Euro chiefs ban 'Miss' and 'Mrs' - Telegraph The European Parliament has banned the terms 'Miss' and 'Mrs' in case they offend female MEPs.
Asymmetrical Information And Hooker-Nomics | More Intelligent Life
The Half-Forgotten Prophet: C. Wright Mills - "self-designated survivor of a tradition of large historical and social criticism in American sociology"
German Fried Chicken: Tender, Juicy Obama Fingers Hit the Shelves - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International The company says it was unaware of the possible racist overtones of the product
You, Only Different - The Boston Globe Why do girlfriends and wives keep trying to change their men?
How much is Fido's life worth? / One woman's fight against animal suffering -- and her own debt.
YouTube - Miru Kim: Making art of New York's urban ruins
Cops Arrest Priest For Filming Them - CBS News Police Report Says Priest Wielded Unknown Object; But Cop On Tape Knows It’s A Camera
5 Second Films - Wasting your time, but not very much.
YouTube - dog time Episode 9 (cosplay dog)
Madison and Religious Freedom -
Libertarians Are Dumb, or Why We Eat Heinz Ketchup « Overruled
Zachtronics Industries - Bureau of Steam Engineering
4Chan Internet Detectives - ImageChan
The Raw Story | Israeli soldier shot American activist in face with tear gas can
Taliban threaten to kill aid workers as spies - - Afghan girls have been burned and scared randomly with acid as punishment for going to school
Holding hands in public now banned in Dubai, UAE | The Daily Telegraph
Mexico's Drug War: Mexico drug cartels’ new weaponry means war - Los Angeles Times
Cheney Shrugs At Economic Crisis: Don't Blame Us (nothing was our fault, least of all the Obama Recession)
Administration Is Open to Taxing Health Benefits - (we are all Republicans now)
Frank Rich - The Culture Warriors Get Laid Off - - Culture wars are a luxury the country — the G.O.P. included — can no longer afford.
Is this Guy Serious? Steve Waldman Debates What Bristol Should Have Been Forced to Do | (Jesus H Christ)
Media Matters - John King cites Human Events headline, asks Cheney, "Is the president of the United States trying to brazenly deceive the American people?" (the question they never asked the Republicans) -- The Canadian Journalism Project - Farewell to the tyranny of reporters (our sanctimonious gatekeepers)
Pew Research Center: Newspapers Face a Challenging Calculus Online Growth, but Print Losses are Bigger Is democracy written in disappearing ink?
Matthew Yglesias » Newspapers Without Profits
The Death of Deep Throat and the Crisis of Journalism | STRATFOR
AIG Execs Who Ruined Company To Get $165 Million In Bonuses
George's Bottom Line: Summers: AIG Bonus Bombshell 'Outrageous' Summers: AIG Bonus Bombshell 'Outrageous' (Atrios: "it's called bankruptcy, you idiot")
Talking Points Memo | AIG, Begone! (we pay them hundreds of millions to fail because of "contracts" that didn't get erased by the bankruptcy that should have happened)
27 Visualizations and Infographics to Understand the Financial Crisis | FlowingData
Swiss to end secret bank accounts -
Donklephant » Blog Archive » Jim Cramer’s World Begins Falling Apart the chief executive of his online financial news site, The, resigned.
Talking Business - Investors Were Victims of Madoff, and of Their Own Folly - - Joe Nocera
Now is the time for a less selfish capitalism
Northeast US to suffer most from future sea rise (Boston is doomed, also NY subway system)
Is That Your Final Answer? Study Suggests Method For Improving Individual Decisions "bixx456"'s review of A New Kind of Science
collision detection: The roundest objects ever built by hand
Anthea Lipsett on the decline of homeopathy courses | Education | The Guardian BSc courses in homeopathy are closing. Is it a victory for campaigners, or just the end of the Blair/Bush era? ("energy healing")
Eyewitness: How Accurate Is Visual Memory? - CBS News Lesley Stahl Reports On Flaws In Eyewitness Testimony That Lead To Wrong Convictions
At Least 3 Percent of D.C. Residents Have HIV or AIDS, City Study Finds; Rate Up 22% From 2006 - Considered a 'Severe' Epidemic, Every Mode of Transmission Is Increasing, City Study Finds - "Our rates are higher than West Africa,"
There’s a new power in America – atheism | Andrew Sullivan - Times Online The faithless are a growing force as the churches duck the challenges of the age
Cover: The Children of the Texas Polygamy Cult :
slacktivist: H - E - double hockey sticks The Bible's priorities, however, have been inverted by evangelicals, for whom Hell has become a central, essential doctrine.
BBC NEWS | UK | Education | Warning over narcissistic pupils The growing expectation placed on schools and parents to boost pupils' self-esteem is breeding a generation of narcissists, an expert has warned.
6 Reasons the Recession is More Depressing Than You Thought |
Putin's poster girl: Pin-up politician who hates the West... but loves Thatcher | Mail Online
The Raw Story | Ron Paul: Congress 'drinks a lot of alcohol' but won't legalize pot
Business Software Alliance (BSA) - Microsoft Versus
The Pirate Bay User Pages Blocked by Google and Firefox ~ Web Upd8
Red-light cameras raise some red flags - Life-
The Rogues Gallery » Blog Archive » Spiderman (Brown Recluse Spider didn't cure paralysis) » How big is the ISS?
Twitter for Librarians: The Ultimate Guide | College@Home
What the Hashtag?! - the user-editable encyclopedia for hashtags found on Twitter
American citizen critically injured after being shot in the head by Israeli forces in Ni’lin | International Solidarity Movement
Sock puppet terrorists: Israeli foreign ministry says "Flood websites with pro-Israel arguments" // Current
Witch hunt: Africa's hidden war on women - Africa, World - The Independent n villages across Africa, old women suspected of witchcraft are hacked to death, while young girls are mutilated to preserve their virginity.
Cuba, Venezuela May Host Russian Bombers: Report (to defend Russia against attacks from Peru)
Op-Ed Contributor - Let Me Chew My Coca Leaves - By Evo Morales Ayma
Guantanamo Under Obama
Knowledge Ecology Notes » Who are the cleared advisors that have access to secret ACTA documents? (Obama gave "national security" documents to lobbyists but not you)
Partial list of corporate lickspittles who are allowed to know what's in the secret copyright treaty the Obama administration claims is a matter of "national security" - Boing Boing
Obama Sharpens His Reminders That He Inherited Fiscal 'Mess' From Bush - President Points to 'Inherited' Economy (after 2 months of the "Obama Recession")
Topic A - Are Earmarks Defensible? - (in which WaPo doesn't talk to a single Democrat)
Media Matters - CNBC's Kernen, Bartiromo falsely claimed Obama promised to eliminate earmarks (lying is what they do)
Media Matters - NTY blames bloggers for the Beltway media's love of trivia (cough, Maureen Dowd)
Eschaton: Not Just Wingnut Media (making up fake Obama "promises")
Political Punch: Palin v. Political Punch (Sarah's Earmarks)
Battle brews over Bush library - Mike Allen - (victim of his own legacy)
AIG Paying Millions in Bonuses Despite Receiving Federal Bailout - AIG Paying Millions in Bonuses Despite Receiving Federal Bailout
Treasury soon to offer details on toxic-asset plan | U.S. | Reuters
On "Mad Money," Cramer back to normal - War Room -
Jim Cramer On "Daily Show": Full Unedited, Uncensored Video
Hullabaloo: dday: Tiny Bubbles
Russia’s Richest Woman, Baturina, Seeks Aid, Getting Double Takes - The fortunes of Ms. Baturina, a onetime factory worker, had soared along with those of her powerful husband, Mayor Yuri M. Luzhkov of Moscow.
In Arctic and Antarctic, a Species Overlap : Discovery News The 235 species that appear on both lists range from whales to birds to microscopic invertebrates.
Watercone® The Product
New Type of Superconductivity Spotted -- Cho 2009 (313): 1 -- ScienceNOW
Time to shrink the atomic clock - tech - 14 March 2009 - New Scientist
Technology Review: Stem-Cell Repair Kit for Stroke A stem-cell matrix can repair brain damage in rodents.
Rocket Scientists Shoot Down Mosquitoes With Lasers -
8 signs women over 40 shouldn’t ignore - Today Health- How to tell when symptoms that seem minor are really much more serious
Swedish Police: Recent bust the source of all The Pirate Bay’s content - Security
Apple Adds Still More DRM to iPod Shuffle | Electronic Frontier Foundation
AWS "sucks the air out of the room." Cuts EC2 costs by 50% [Article] « elc technologies
The success of drug decriminalization in Portugal - Glenn Greenwald -
TV: No need for an HBO apology on 'Big Love' - Salt Lake Tribune
Portraits from the Congo - The Big Picture -
Quiverfull, the patriarchy movement, religion, Christianity | Salon Life | The Quiverfull movement saddles women with a life of submission and near-constant pregnancies
BBC NEWS | Americas | Sex claims against US Church rise The number of new claims of sexual abuse made against US Roman Catholic priests rose by 16%
Europeans Debate Castration of Sex Offenders -
News Publisher Pentagon plans blimp to spy from new heights | Eye in the sky
Rape trees and idiots, useful and otherwise « Last Free Voice
BBC NEWS | UK | Atheists call for 'debaptism'
YouTube - NFL Fantasy Files Deluxe Version
Dangerous Japanese 'Detergent Suicide' Technique Creeps Into U.S. | Threat Level from
Man fined for downloading Simpsons cartoon porn - Local News - News - General - The Herald
Veto Corleone: The 11 Weirdest George W. Bush Paintings
Alex Grey: Obama
The Twelve Principles: How to Find Lost Objects
Final Gaza toll shows 960 civilians killed - group | Reuters
American Badly Hurt in Clash With Israeli Military - ''He had a large hole in the front of his head, and his brain was visible.'' (shot in head by IDF with tear-gas canister - targeted)
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Justice Withdraws 'Enemy Combatant' Definition For Gitmo Detainees
How Obama Will Handle U.S. Attorney Posts Remains Unclear
Congresswoman With Ties to Bank Helped Pave the Way to Aid - (pathetic)
Candidate Tedisco Rejects Help From National GOP when a genuine white daughter of Republican privilege turned up pregnant at 17, and they had to put their money where their mouths were, it all went to hell
Jim Cramer On "Daily Show": Jon Stewart Hits Hard (video)
Eschaton Cramerica On Stewart (outtakes)
After Cheering On Cramer, Morning Joe Is Silent About Daily Show Appearance (crickets)
Hullabaloo: digby: In Case You Missed It: "Now some would say, including Rush Limbaugh, I am on someone else's enemies list: that of the White House" (see, Obama told Stewart to make Cramer look like an crooked idiot)
Reddit: Jon Stewart DESTROYS Jim Cramer : politics (with comment by JonStewartDailyShow)
The Stewart Dip? Ratings Down for CNBC, Cramer - Media Blog - Jeff Bercovici - Mixed Media - The Stewart Dip? Ratings Down for CNBC, Cramer
New Obama technology chief on leave after FBI raid on old office - The Boston Globe
Washington Post Folds Business Section Into Front
Matthews V. Fleischer, Round II (video)
Think Progress » Laura Ingraham mocks Meghan McCain as being ‘plus-sized.’
Limbaugh Dubs Mitchell A "Butt Boy"
Chip Reid Asks Gibbs About 'Ugly Democratic Heads' (video)
Media Matters - Employee Free Choice Act: "Fox Facts" vs. actual facts
Option ARMageddon » Blog Archive » Charts: U.S. Debt Expanding, Homeowner Equity Crashing
Regulator: Before Banks Collapsed, They Pleaded With Feds To Let Them Fudge Their Books
Summers: Consumer Spending Stabilized But Economy Gripped By Fear
Al Jazeera English - Business - China's Wen worried over US assets
American Airlines' debt rating downgraded deeper into 'junk' | McClatchy Washington Bureau
Buffett’s Berkshire Has AAA Debt Rating Cut by Fitch (Update2) - hire Has AAA Debt Rating Cut by Fitch
1937 Haunts Democrats During Spending Debate
The Pirate Pose - Executive Articles -
Madoffs were worth more than $823M, documents show - Yahoo! Finance (high-on-the-hog after all)
SEC 'inept' over Madoff fraud, says whistleblower - Times Online (Harry Markopolos 020409 "it took him just four hours to calculate that the scheme was a scam")
ProShares ETFs – UltraShort Financials – SKF – | ProShares ETFs – Ultra Financials – UYG –
The World Wide Web Is 20 Years Old Today -
Google Voice Speaks of World Domination | Epicenter from
American Adults Flunk Basic Science Only 53% of adults know how long it takes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun
Physicists Offer New Theory For Iron Compounds
Hyperactivity helps ADHD boys with memorization - Ars Technica
Lockheed Martin Unveils Exoskeleton Technology at AUSA Winter Symposium | Lockheed Martin
A Medical Madoff: Anesthesiologist Faked Data in 21 Studies: Scientific American
Report: Japan to dispatch destroyers against piracy - The CNN Wire - Blogs (pirates vs ninjas)
Can Marijuana Help Rescue California's Economy? - Time
Detroit's Beautiful, Horrible Decline - Photo Essays - Time
Detroit Urban Exploration - a set on Flickr
detroitblog » Blog Archive » Wrong side of the tracks
Madoff trumped by Swiss gigolo - Diane Francis Helg Sgarbi stole tens of millions by bedding very rich women » Archives » U.S. Army Soldiers Deployed on the Streets of Samson, Alabama
I want to see flag of Allah flying over Downing St | News A Muslim fundamentalist leader today told of his vision of Britain under Sharia law - Mr Choudary, a father of three, admitted he lived off benefits despite objecting to the British state. He rejected suggestions of hypocrisy, saying: “I don't think it's of any importance.”
BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | Edinburgh, East and Fife | Military penguin becomes a 'Sir' | Nils Olav - Wikipedia
A Dirty Pun Tweaks China’s Online Censors - ("grass-mud horse")
Ng Tze-wei: ‘Innocent’ Ditty Pokes Fun at Net Crackdown; Childish ‘Grass-Mud Horse’ Song Lampoons Official Censors | China Digital Times (CDT)
The Multiple Ways Monsanto is Putting Normal Seeds Out of Reach « Surviving the Middle Class Crash
Read Us a Story! - Jed's Guide to Story Reading
How Science Fiction Found Religion by Benjamin A. Plotinsky, City Journal Winter 2009
Vespa pin-up girls from the 50's & 60's - a set on Flickr
Welcome to - Classic Arcade Sounds
As Freezing Persons Recollect the Snow--First Chill--Then Stupor--Then the Letting Go | Outside Online
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: Events Sita Sings the Blues
Israel Stance Was Undoing of Nominee for Intelligence Post - (vetoed by Lieberman, Sen. from Israel and AIPAC - who owns your country?)
The Raw Story | Hersh: 'Executive assassination ring' reported directly to Cheney
Humanitarian Relief - A Handy Guide To What the Hell Just Happened in Darfur
Talking Points Memo | How Dare You? We'll all spend the rest of our lives watching the former Bushies spinning wildly for their man's legacy (But after September 11, having been hit once, how could we take a chance that Saddam might not strike again?)
How DARE you say 9/11 happened on Bush’s watch! « TheZoo
TBogg » The Galt’s of Gullible Gulch
Media Matters - Limbaugh airs clip of Hillary Clinton, asks his listeners, "Doesn't that remind you of your first, and maybe your second, both, your ex-wives?"
Ari Fleischer Battles Chris Matthews, Calls Him "Shameful" And "Disingenuous" (video)
TPM: News Pages | Talking Points Memo | New Study: More Evidence That U.S. Pays More for Less Health Care
Report: 'Dirty bomb' parts found in slain man's home - Bangor Daily News
The Raw Story | Report: Slain US Nazi hated Obama, had parts for 'dirty bomb' Claim: Depleted uranium purchased over the Internet from an American company
Officials verify dirty bomb probe results - Bangor Daily News
Dimon Says System Can Be Saved If ‘Vilification’ Ends (Update1) -
Madoff arrives in court for plea in fraud case
Madoff Life in Prison Means Inmates Who Blame Money Man for Crash -
US ECON: Jobless Claims Rise To 654,000; Record Continuing Claims -
Retail Shows Surprise Gain; Jobless Claims Jump -
Why Are These Companies Free? at
Harvard’s masters of the apocalypse - Times Online If his fellow Harvard MBAs are all so clever, how come so many are now in disgrace?
TPM Photo Features | Talking Points Memo | Axis of Weasels: The Men Who Ruined the Economy
Watch full program: THE ASCENT OF MONEY | The Ascent of Money | PBS , Niall Ferguson traces the evolution of money and demonstrates that financial history is the essential back-story behind all history
What does one TRILLION dollars look like?
The Untold Story of the World's Biggest Diamond Heist
Exiled Online - War Nerd: Apocalypse Never - By Gary Brecher
The Raw Story | Hannity suggests Christianity compatible with torture
You May Be Arrested Soon For Growing A Tomato | (check out the zombie pic)
OpEdNews » Monsanto's Assault on Agriculture
Arts & books: 'Oh, tell me the truth about beauty' by Jonathan Rée | Prospect Magazine March 2009 issue 156
The New Atlantis » Why Minds Are Not Like Computers
Flickr Photo Download: God Hates Figs (with biblical references!)
Google Pagerank Update Coming Soon | TechJaws
Down with Facebook! What nobody bothers to mention about the social-networking site is that it's really dull--mind-numbingly dull.
Technorati Weblog: Since You Asked: The Technorati Attention Index
MediaPost Publications Google Ups Share of Search To 72%; Yahoo, MSN and Ask Continue To Tank 03/11/2009
5 Accidental Inventions That Changed The World |
Pattie Maes demos the Sixth Sense | Video on
The Journal of Joe The Peacock. Yay.: The "Cult of Done" can kiss my ass (and mark it off their list once they have)
YouTube - very creepy, disturbing children's cartoon, banned from TV
YouTube - Jon Stewart on CNNs Crossfire (2007) (stop hurting America)
No, Ma'am, your 5 year old did not get gonorrhea from you - AmyTuteurMD - Open Salon
YouTube - Amazing Predator Rap!
Mardi Gras on Vimeo
ABC News: Want to Rewire Your Brain? Study Music All Those Hours at the Piano Paid Off: A Musician's Brain Recognizes Sound That Carries Emotion
Message from Charles Freeman - (Israel vetos Obama's pick for Intelligence Council -- who's your daddy?)
Charles Freeman fails the loyalty test - Glenn Greenwald - (any other country have the power to do this?)
Journalist U.S. Had Detained Is Killed -
Terrorist watch list hits 1 million - up 32% since 2007 (300,000 new terrorist Americans) - The Armenian Genocide: Facts, Players, Two Documentaries, The Truth With Obama, and ADL vs. The City of Watertown, Massachusetts (Abe Foxman)
Firedoglake » The Terrorists You’re Not Told About
Obama Earmark Reform Remarks (Watch Live Video)
It's hard to know where Maria Cantwell stands on earmarks | McClatchy Washington Bureau
McCaskill takes GOP to task on earmarks | Political Fix | STLtoday “Every single member of Republican leadership has earmarks in this bill,” McCaskill said. “Every single one of these people rejected the stimulus … because supposedly they were so upset about wasteful spending.”
Eschaton : It's Only Real If It's On The TeeVee
Here comes socialism | Salon News | Some kind of bank nationalization is probably inevitable. The Democrats don't want to admit it yet. The Republicans just want you to be scared.
David Macaray: The Battle Over EFCA Has Begun The First Shot Has Been Fired
Time Inc. Mulls Making Time, People Sites Subscription-Based (that will so work)
Seattle paper says workers told jobs will end | Reuters | Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Update: Writer Used a Researcher to Invent an Obama Wikipedia Scandal (dumbfuck: my dog did the edits)
Whiskey Fire: Howard Fineman: One of Us! One of Us! These people are completely bananas. The reason they're so out of touch is they have no clue how insane they are.
New York - Ross Douthat New Times Rightwing Columnist - Runnin' Scared - Village Voice (supposedly a "real conservative")
Alan Greenspan Says the Federal Reserve Didn't Cause the Housing Bubble - Any new regulations should help direct savings toward productive investment (thinks we're either stupid or as crazy as he is)
Charlie Rose Interviews Timothy Geithner: "Capitalism Will Be Different" (video)
Transcript of Major Interview with Tim Geithner on Charlie Rose Show - "capitalism will be different, and the financial system will be dramatically different"
US credit card delinquencies rise in sign of stress
ABC News: AIG's Small London Office May Have Lost $500B Feds, Brits Probe AIG's London Office on $500B Losses: the man who ran the unit for the last eight years retired after making $280 million for himself and leaving with a $1 million-a-month consulting contract
BBC NEWS | Business | Bank to use 'newly created' money Bank of England (created, as in "printed")
Jim Cramer Shorting Stocks, Manipulating Markets, Saying The SEC Doesn't Understand (cf Deep Capture)
Dakota: Showdown at the Market
Cenk Uygur: The Real Problem with CNBC (crappy reporting, corporate propaganda)
Citi's Long History of Overreach, Then Rescue - (it's their business plan)
Official warns Congress not to force lending - Yahoo! Finance Treasury official warns Congress not to force banks into making loans deemed risky
Now-needy FDIC collected few premiums from banks for decade - The Boston Globe With fund going strong, banks didn't pay for decade (Republicans + Bush)
4 states see double-digit jobless rates in Jan. - | The Future of Capitalism | The future of human beings is what matters By Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
They Tried to Outsmart Wall Street - (and failed)
Math: The New York Times 's Rent-to-Own Loan
Asia Times Online : Subsidizing failure By Martin Hutchinson
Fed Eliminates Compensation Limits for TALF Program (Update3) - Fed Eliminates Compensation Limits for TALF Program (bonuses!)
Hedge funds to cut 20,000 jobs in 2009
FACTBOX: Where has the U.S. bailout money gone? | Reuters (we'll never know)
SEC head says 'uptick rule' may be reinstated (those evil short sellers to blame for everything)
Calculated Risk: Bank Failures and C&D Loans acquisition, construction and development, or ADC, loans, they total 8.4 percent of all bank loans, just below a 30-year peak
Expected Madoff plea troubles victims, fuels distrust - Yahoo! Finance (no jury trial = everything stays hidden)
Budget Vacation - Save Money on Travel with a Fakecation | Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
Sacramento and Its Riverside Tent City - The Lede Blog -
Global Water Supply Chart [PIC]
Sociological Images » Seeing is Believing
ABC News: Want to Rewire Your Brain? Study Music All Those Hours at the Piano Paid Off: A Musician's Brain Recognizes Sound That Carries Emotion
Depression and antidepressant use linked to sudden cardiac death
Rummager's galactic find turns out to be stolen meteorite - JSOnline
Top Pain Scientist Fabricated Data in Studies, Hospital Says - "Dr. Reuben deeply regrets that this happened" ("this happened"?)(boosted Pfizer and Merck)
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Battery that 'charges in seconds'
The coming evangelical collapse (*)
Gallop Poll: Utah Tops the Nation in Happiness.... In Other News Utah Tops the Nation in Antidepressant Use (See Comment for Citations) : science
Fresh Intelligence : Radar Online : Bristol Palin & Levi Johnston Break Off Engagement
Tax violent video games to beat knife crime, says Damiola Taylor's father - Telegraph (how about the Bible/Quran?)
Why are diamonds a girl's best friend? | Psychology Today Blogs
Pictures of the day: 11 March 2009 - Telegraph (suicide bomber)
Music Is Dead: iPods and Young People Have Utterly Destroyed Music - younger people haven't just grown more tolerant of thin, soulless MP3 renditions of their favorite music, they actually like them. Shitty MP3s, even
Review - The Van Gogh Blues The Creative Person's Path Through Depression
panurge: Beautiful infrared photograph
Shakespeare Scholar Identifies True Portrait of the Bard - TIME
YouTube - Torrent Droid: Winner of Android Bounty Contest
Is Canvas the End of Flash? | The Stairwell
Secure deletion: a single overwrite will do it
Isn't Life Terrible (Peter Pan child star)
Man survives Niagara Falls plunge, resists rescue
Valley Exec Twitters Through Home Break-In
YouTube - Turtle Makes Love to a Shoe
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Boos as Lebanon camp is rebuilt (Palestinian refugee camp destroyed by Israel in their defeat in Lebanon)
In pursuit of truth and lessons In the weeks after the 9/11 attacks, ultra-con lawyers said the military could blow up apartment buildings, eavesdrop on anyone and even suspend freedom of the press. All in the name of the war on terror.
A devastating document is met with silence in Turkey - International Herald Tribune 972,000 Ottoman Armenians disappeared from official population records from 1915 through 1916.
Africa Blog » Blog Archive » Time to stop aid for Africa? An argument against | Blogs |
What Bibi faces in liberated Washington - Haaretz - Israel News
Mondoweiss: Walt calls out seven Israel-firsters for smearing Freeman
What's wrong with America? Case in point: Richard Perle | Stephen M. Walt
New York - Israel Out To Conquer Internet Image With Google Search -- VosIzNeias
The White House - Press Office - Memorandum on Presidential Signing Statements
The CIA -- Who is it benefiting? The American people or American corporations? What Bush did with one stroke of a pen was to exempt companies like Stanford Financial Group, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, American International Group (AIG), and other companies linked to U.S., and, in the case of Madoff, Israeli, covert intelligence activities from normal oversight and regulation by the SEC
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Proof Mounting That Dems Lack 60 Votes on Employee Free Choice
Matthew Yglesias » Is Switzerland a Model of Health Care Compromise?
Rush to Judgment by Peter Schiff: By simply clinging to tax cuts as their single economic miracle cure, Republicans risk further marginalization.
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Dreher, cont. (Rod Dreher, Christian, will be forever known for this)
Wasting Away in Hooverville (Amity Shlaes is GOP mouthpiece for Depression Revision)
Media Matters - Andrew Malcolm misses the point LA Times reporter (and former Laura Bush press secretary)
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Exclusive: Inside The Pentagon's Idea Factory
Get Long Torches : Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
"Big Bear Market Rally Coming" Says Noted Bear Barry Ritholtz: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
U.S. Unemployment Rate to Reach 9.4% This Year, Survey Shows - U.S. Unemployment Rate to Reach 9.4% This Year, Survey Shows (more like 10%)
Japan reconsidered - Paul Krugman Blog - (we'll be hoping for just a "lost decade")
Matthew Yglesias » Simon Johnson is Making Sense (and Megan McNerdle isn't)
China adds deflation threat to economic woes
Your Bank Has Failed - CBS News Video
When China and Brazil Become A Better Investment Than the U.S. - TIME
Statician says US joblessness near Depression highs | Markets | Markets News | Reuters
M of A - Josh Asks Why Geithner Doesn't Tell
10 Dirty Tricks Wall Street Con Artists Will Pull to Keep the Rip-offs Going | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet
substitute: Your tax dollars at work! Or mostly at play! (March 2007: some got it right)
Talking Points Memo | All About Jack? Jack Welch establishes the talking points at NBC, and Welch can be regularly seen on "Morning Joe" laying down the law as to what should be done (Jack Welch, you know, the business genius responsbile for GE tanking)
Jim Cramer Defends Himself On Today Show (and loses to himself)
Jon Stewart Rips Into Jim Cramer Again (video)
Cenk Uygur: The Silent Minority - 15% non-religious Americans
Source: Mullen offers Mexico update to Obama - Army Times (Obama wants to extend drugz war, maybe invade Mexico?)
Editorial - End the Rockefeller Drug Laws -
Fables of the reconstruction: I Guess Chimps Don't Like Being Pets (the planning behavior was not based on an immediate emotional drive) ("gut feeling" - chimps smarter than Bushboy)
Birds plan for the future
Time in the Animal Mind - New York Times
Did aversion to bitter tastes evolve into moral disgust? - life - 26 February 2009 - New Scientist
How your looks betray your personality - life - 11 February 2009 - New Scientist
Streisand effect - Wikipedia
MAKE: Blog: DIY books using Wikipedia
How to build a career as an artist | Penelope Trunk's Brazen Careerist
Should the United States ban RapeLay, a Japanese "rape simulator" game? - By Leigh Alexander - Slate Magazine
The Broadband Gap: Why Is Theirs Faster? - Bits Blog - (uncompetitive)
Adult Surfers Guide to the Internet | Blog
Saudi court sentences 75-year-old woman to 40 lashes, 4 months in jail for mingling with men -- - she asked them to bring her five loaves of bread at her home
Ornery owl attacks late-night skiers - Animal weirdness-
Looking Into the Past - a set on Flickr
YouTube - La Revolution Des Crabes
Music that makes you dumb
Studs Terkel House | photographs by triggerfinger
Iron Chef Cat Cora And Wife Both Pregnant
Creebobby dot com - Jacob Borshard - Creebobby Comics Archetype Times Table
Mystery Man on Film: The “Raiders” Story Conference
YouTube - Finally Tonight, Jesus...
Dissent Magazine Is the Two-State Solution Viable after Gaza?
Symposium: Two States After Gaza / Beyond the Clash of Narratives
Press TV - Mossad linked to 9/11 attacks: Report New found information has implicated the Israeli Intelligence agency Mossad in the staging of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001.
China Tightens Security in Tibet -
Pentagon says Chinese vessels harassed U.S. ship - - Impeccable sprayed its fire hoses at one of the vessels in order to protect itself," the statement said. "The Chinese crewmembers disrobed to their underwear and continued ..." (conflict heating up)
Terror-War Fallout Lingers Over Bush Lawyers - (Torture Yoo)
Explosive New Documents Reveal More Details of Bush-Era Torture, Including Prisoners Tortured to Death | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet
Nation: Jon Wiener: Opening the Files on Bush's Secrets
Beyond the Pale: The Newly-Released, Indefensible Office of Legal Counsel Terror Memos
For Dems, '60' is a four-letter word - Glenn Thrush and Manu Raju - (can't do shit)
McCaskill: I'm Not Sure We Have Votes On Employee Free Choice Act
Taylor Marsh: David Brooks Fears First Lady's Biceps (bozotic Republicans)
Frank Schaeffer: Open Letter to the Republican Traitors (From a Former Republican) (Country last) (nice video, lots of passion and truth)
Inside RNC, Steele's Management Is Causing Confusion, Resentment
Amateur Hour Spreads to Hillary’s State Department | Your Politics Are Boring
Preparing the Obituary — The American, A Magazine of Ideas Netizens and the news business are locked in a mutually destructive death spiral. Can anything arrest the decline? (paywall or die?)
OpenCongress - Text of H.R.1014 as Introduced in House To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to tax bona fide residents of the District of Columbia in the same marrer as nona fide residents of possessions (i.e. no taxes)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Creeping Galtism: we are now ruled by incompetent egomaniacs who will never blow the whistle on each other, no matter how bad things get, because to do so would be to admit that none of them is indispensable or brilliant after all.
Just finished "Atlas Shrugged". Is it just me, or was Ayn Rand sort of an idiot? : politics
Media Matters - Matthews echoed Kurtz's baseless claim that Limbaugh's ratings have recently "doubled" (see above)
US Census spokesperson calls being gay a "lifestyle"
Financial reports show 5 biggest banks face huge loss risk | McClatchy Washington Bureau
Roubini: US Recession Could Last Up to 36 Months - Yahoo! Finance
RPT-Global Markets-Nikkei hits 26-year low as funds leave Asia | Markets | Markets News | Reuters
Buffett On CNBC: Economy Has "Fallen Off A Cliff" ("everything will be all right" in the distant future)
Geithner, With Few Aides, Faces a Wave of Challenges - (can't find any uncorrupt bankers)
Robert Kuttner: White House Confidential (only the banksters being listened to)
Op-Ed Columnist - Behind the Curve - (Krugs)
National Bureau of Economic Research: March 2009
AIG: Is the Risk Systemic? | The Big Picture almost everytime we hear the phrase “Systemic Risk,” we get our pockets picked.
The One Country That Might Avoid Recession Is... Brazil
Mail Matters the United States Postal Service is facing a financial crisis of monumental proportions.
Should creation of money stay in private hands? : Commentary : Columns : Daily Yomiuri Online (there is no such thing as a "bank loan.")
Capitalism Beyond the Crisis - The New York Review of Books By Amartya Sen
Op-Ed Contributors - When Will the Recession Be Over? -
Cuomo, Frank To BofA's Lewis: You "Fuel Distrust And Cynicism"
Macroeconomics’ crisis of irrelevance | vox - The unfortunate uselessness of most ’state of the art’ academic monetary economics
Cleveland Commercial Loan Delinquencies Signal More (Update1) - Cleveland Commercial Loan Delinquencies Signal More (next wave of CRE bankruptcies)
The 5 Stages of Grief Investing Edition: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
ABC News: AIG Warned of 'Crisis' if Government Didn't Help
Econbrowser: How much is a trillion? A trillion dollars is about the total amount collected in income taxes by the U.S. federal government in fiscal year 2006 (+ The total currency in circulation at the moment is about $900 billion)
Economic meltdown has a woman's face | The Japan Times Online (in the rest of the non-western world)
Nation: Capitalism's Deadly Logic Reimagining Socialism | Reimagining Socialism Rising to the Occasion
See how U.S. religious landscape has changed in nearly 2 decades -
Trinity College Program on Public Values Survey Finds Drop in Percentage of Americans Identifying as Christian - Fewer Call Themselves Christians; Nondenominational Identification Increases
Follies of Roman Catholicism Anthony Kenny TLS How the Catholic Church failed to save itself from the Reformation
Street Prophets: Faith and Politics: ARIS: Implications For Progressives
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Less Religulous
The Jesuit Who Inspired the Pope's Ideas on Islam - TIME (problem of "religious" violence and sectarian interpretationxs)
Born believers: How your brain creates God - science-in-society - 04 February 2009 - New Scientist Science Harvard Scientists’ Discovery Opens Door to Synthetic Life
Review: The Decisive Moment: How the brain makes up its mind by Jonah Lehrer - 18 February 2009 - New Scientist
misreading minds - / in print
Edge 276
Human Nature Abhors a Vacuum: A review of James Waller, Becoming Evil: How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing (PDF)
Wellesley Centers for Women - Families of Affinity Families of Affinity: Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage: Valuing All Families Under The Law
Olduvai, Evolution, and Darwin A conversation with philanthropist David H. Koch
Review - Epistemology and Emotions
Unbound » The American Empire: Triumph of Triumphalism
The Linguistics of Color Blind Racism: How to Talk Nasty about Blacks without Sounding “Racist” (PDF)
Which Buddhist Personality Type Are You? | Tricycle Magazine Greedy, Aversive, or Deluded? Find out with this guide—and quiz! (only three types)
Pharyngula: You can stop now, Jim (James M. Baker, Shelbyville, IN)
10 Global-Warming Policy Recommendations For the Obama Administration — Plenty Magazine
Miller-McCune | Article | Juan Cole Book Debunks American Myths About Muslims (shallow review)
Democratiya | Book Review Archive 16 / Spring-Summer 2009
Scientists Reconstruct An Ancient Greek Musical Instrument, The Epigonion
Exotic culture that never was: Part III | Psychology Today Blogs (native Americans exploited environment)
Found: The source of ... belly-button lint -- - Vienna chemist says hairs around navel pull fibers, other matter in
Will Detection by Extraterrestrial Life be a Threat to Earth? (only if they intercept American Idol broadcasts)
Women, keep drinking | spiked
The Ten Most Revealing Psych Experiments
A plan for pot - Los Angeles Times The federal switch on raiding medical marijuana dispensaries is a good first step, but a more comprehensive policy is needed.
10 Unusual Businesses That You Probably Didn’t Know Existed | Applicant - The Advice Bank
Women should be hit for wearing sexy clothing in public, one in seven believe - Times Online (one in seven what?) » Archives » Change We Can Believe In: How About the End of Farmers Markets? Say Hello to H.R. 875: Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 (only agribusiness allowed to sell food)
The Kindle Revolution | The Big Money - Digital readers will save writers and publishing, even if they destroy the book business
Resisting the Kindle - The Atlantic (March 2, 2009)
Beaten to the punchline: Germaine Greer on women and comedy | Stage | The Guardian
Rudd flies into swearing storm - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)- "the usual political shit storm"
Breathtaking and Inspiring Pieces of Public Art | WebUrbanist
State of the Slasher Address 2: We've Come a Long Way, Baby < Culture | PopMatters
The Internet's 99 Greatest Hits - TIME
Dissecting The Mobile Phone Plan Markup | Shrinkage Is Good
Houston Web Designer & SEO - Tips on Website Development & Website Marketing tips and Strategies » Blog Archive » 10 common mistakes using robots.txt on your website
70 New, Useful AJAX And JavaScript Techniques | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
The Value of Downvoting, or, How Hacker News Gets It Wrong - Blog - Stack Overflow » Clever and Creative Bus Advertising (wow)
World News - Footage of Israeli Military Shooting Gaza Farmers (what they do)
Obama nominates 3 to key Treasury Department posts (trying again)
New Chairman Boos G.O.P. When He’s Not Cheerleading - “I’m trying to move an elephant that’s become mired in its own muck,” Mr. Steele said
Media Matters - Media Matters: The media's tax fraud When is a tax cut for 98 percent of taxpayers portrayed as a tax increase? When some of the small handful of people whose taxes will go up happen to control the nation's news media.
Why Rush is Wrong | Newsweek National News | The party of Buckley and Reagan is now bereft and dominated by the politics of Limbaugh. A conservative's lament (the ugly, corrupt face of the Republican Party of Zero)
TPM: News Pages | Talking Points Memo | Reports: Illinois Prosecutor Ramps Up Sen. Burris Perjury Investigation
High-Speed Rail Drives Obama's Transportation Agenda -
Gingrich Takes On Rush: Hoping For Prez's Failure Is "Irrational" (pot/kettle)
A way out of Prop. 8 - Los Angeles Times If the state licensed civil unions, couples could choose a religious group for their marriage vows (logical solution)
The New Reality? Dow Slides To 5,000, Oil Dips To $50
13% Chance Berkshire Hathaway Is Going To Zero
Obama's economic activism questioned - Politics- Some economists, lawmakers fear policies are sowing uncertainty (list of Republican talking points="reporting")
Pressure may mount to know who got AIG bailout blns | Reuters (it's a secret) - Jim Cramer's 2009 Dow Jones Predictions vs. Actual - Housing Bubble and Bear Links (just read Deep Capture)
Tamarack Resort closes; employees cut loose | Business news | - Houston Chronicle
Geithner - Gone by June | The Big Picture (Chris Whalen Director of Institutional risk Analytics tells TSC’s Debra Borchardt that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner will be gone by June)(and Summers?)
naked capitalism: An Amazingly Disingenuous Piece by Alan Blinder on Bank Nationalization (The tacit assumption is that the public exists to serve the banks, not vice versa) (more crap from the Times)
Interfluidity :: How to take back the money how we might make the miscreants pay
The Bottomless Bailout | (Nader)
The last days of the oligarchs? - International Herald Tribune ("Many of Russia's richest men were highly leveraged going into the financial crisis and were unable to roll over loans from Western banks")
BBC NEWS | Health | Enzyme behind cancer spread found LOX (lysyl oxidase)
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Dancing black hole twins spotted
The Sunday Herald - Scotland - How the US forgot how to make Trident missiles
Energy from Thorium
High quality footage of that One Small Step | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Fatal Distraction: Forgetting a Child in the Backseat of a Car Is a Horrifying Mistake. Is It a Crime? Gene Weingarten Reports. -
A Conservative Pundit Turns 14 -
The American Spectator : Special Thanks to Spot (acknowledgement pages)
Firedoglake » Texas Board of Education Chairman Believes Earth is Less Than 10,000 Years Old, Could Influence Your Kids’ Textbooks
Robert Fulford: Islam and the problem of the sacred word - Full Comment To be lost in the sacred is to be separated from the events of the world and the possibility of progress.
Vatican defends Brazil excommunication - Yahoo!7 News God's law is above any human law (better for 9 yo rape/incest victim to die, it's what God wants)
Wolfram Alpha is Coming -- and It Could be as Important as Google | Twine
Bogo's Blog: EMail Filtering
Boston, MA - Cell Phone Towers - Mobiledia
Obama: Crisis Is A Time Of "Great Opportunity" (Video)
Kathleen and Bill Christison: U.S. Military Aid to Israel - The Ultimate Earmark (US is client state of Israel)
Plan for tourist theme park raises Jerusalem tensions - The Independent Demolition orders served on Palestinian homes (sort of genocide-themed)
Palestinian Prime Minister to Resign -
Taliban cement rule, hard-line law after truce (another mission accomplished)
The Obama Justice Department Adopts the George W. Bush Administration's Legal Stance on Presidential Powers - Obama adopts Bush view on the powers of the presidency (nochange)
Rod Beckstrom, Top US Cybersecurity Official, Resigns Amid Turf Battles (NSA wins, will spy on you) w
Limbaugh's Audience Size? It's Largely Up in the Air - (inflated, just like russian-doll Rush)
alicublog Tigerhawk explain that the rich "work harder than everyone else" (tears for the rich)
A Blog Named Sue: Lenny Bruce is not afraid: If civilization collapses over credit default swaps I an going to be pissed.
rubber hose: the democrat party
The Washington Monthly - conservatives are going Galt (they are going to withhold their fabulous financial skills from us until they turn blue) Get Up Off My Minutes: Andrew Malcolm
For McCain, a Dual Role, Center Stage - (primadonna/geezer)
Why No More 9/11s? (consolidated version for printout) - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine An interactive inquiry about why America hasn't been attacked again
World's biggest banks to meet in London: report (Evening of the Dead)
Taipei Times - archives Fall in US household wealth likely to spur a long recession By Martin Feldstein (second stimulus coming)
No Rebound Expected This Spring in Home Sales - (1 in 7 apts/houses vacant, millions more to come on market)
Brother, Can You Spare a Trillion? at The Catherine Austin Fitts Blog - the proposal for a new initiative to make sure markets are not allowed to work.
UK government takes controlling stake in Lloyds - Yahoo! Finance (eated)
Think Progress » New Poll Reveals 56 Percent Of Americans Favor Bank Nationalization (but they are all socialist/commies)
How to Spot a Ponzi Con Artist? Follow the Yachts
Top U.S., European Banks Got $50 Billion in AIG Aid - (your money is bailing out European banks)
Kepler: Finding a 'Goldilocks zone' in the Milky Way | Cutting Edge - CNET News
Riding with the first cowboys – in 3500 BC - life - 05 March 2009 - New Scientist
Collapsed Cologne Archives Show Challenge of Preserving History | Culture & Lifestyle | Deutsche Welle | 04.03.2009
The city without a memory: treasures lost under collapsed Cologne archives - Times Online
Ecstasy treatment draws rave reviews for vet treatment | Military Tech - CNET News
Big Picture: visualization: Kymer Rouge genocide (Kissinger)
How to stop the drug wars | The Economist Prohibition has failed; legalisation is the least bad solution
Ban on medical pot cases quickly lifted - Los Angeles Times
UN agency protests Dutch seizure of Indian HIV drugs - International News -
Yvonne Singh: Why are we fingerprinting children? | Comment is free | Schools claim it cuts costs and time – but the civil liberties implications are vast (cranial implants and be done with it)
Rihanna To Testify Against Chris Brown If Called, Lawyer Says
Darknets and the future of P2P investigators - Ars Technica
15 Incredible Library Special Collections | Online Courses
Tech's Laid Off Legions Return to Their Long-Lost Passions | Epicenter from
Take a Tip. Share a Tip. - Google Moderator
/ Al-Marri detention case ended | SCOTUSblog - Members ask Clinton to rethink Gaza aid (put the brakes on funding slated to help rebuild the Gaza Strip)
Another Republican Decries Truth Commission To Investigate Bush (Orrin Hatch, piggies squealing)
The assault on Charles Freeman (part 2) | Stephen M. Walt (Israel/Jews, as usual, can't stand to be criticized, play the anti-semite card, which is getting really old)
Republicans Look for a Reliever in Kentucky - (crazy-ass Republican Jim Bunning, Ky, nutcase)
RNC Members, GOP Strategist Describe Party In Turmoil Gibbs knows the art of war
Tongue-tied Clinton gets warm EU welcome | Reuters (drunk?)
Right Doubling Down On Ayn Randism (of course that will work)
U.S. Capitol Police Officers' Ties Scrutinized Before Inauguration - FBI Found Two Veteran Officers Spent Time With People Who Were Being Surveilled for Capacity for Violence, Racial Views (racist cops in DC? you don't say?)
Gay Marriage: Is California's Supreme Court Shifting? - Time (no go in Cal Supreme Court)
TBogg » The curse of the pundit class (Andrew Malcolm: "Blissfully unaware of cheap disposable cellphones that can be purchased anywhere, Malcolm wonders where the disgusting parasitic poor have their phone bills delivered)
Rachel Maddow On "The View": Gets Praise From Elisabeth, Talks Coming Out, Limbaugh, Obama
Is Obama Declaring War on the Wealthy? | Newsweek Voices - Daniel Gross | The bogus GOP claim that Obama is bleeding the wealthy.
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | Scariest Chart Ever (take a look) Roubini Says Recession May Continue Until End of 2010 - response by governments to rectify it is “too little, too late,”
Solvent Insurer / Insolvent Insurer | The Big Picture Why are the taxpayers making good on hedge fund trades gone bad?
Why a Tsunami Hit the Markets | The Big Picture
Talking Points Memo | How the Rules Were Rigged - "the 2005 changes made clear that certain derivatives and financial transactions were exempt from provisions in the bankruptcy code..." U.S. ‘Obama Bear Market’ Punishes Investors as Dow Slumps (see, "OBAMA Bear Market")
Geithner Alone: Top Two Treasury Nominees Pull Out (last Gov bankster standing)
Jobless rate bolts to 8.1 pct., 651,000 jobs lost
Table A-12. Alternative measures of labor underutilization - The broader measure of unemployment, U6, jumps from 13.9 to 14.8%
Nationalized Banks: Why They Might Work - Time
Undisclosed Losses at Merrill Lynch Lead to a Trading Inquiry - - But somehow all this red ink did not spill into plain view until after Merrill earmarked billions for bonuses and staggered into the arms of Bank of America.
Op-Ed Columnist - The Big Dither - there’s a growing sense of frustration, even panic, over Mr. Obama’s failure to match his words with deeds.
U.S. to Invite The Wealthy To Invest in The Bailout - The government is seeking to resuscitate the nation's crippled financial system by forging an alliance with the very outfits that most benefited from the bonanza preceding the collapse of the credit markets: hedge funds and private-equity firm (sure, that'll work)
Talking Points Memo | More Lowdown on AIG
Madoff Plea Deal May Be In The Works - one count of securities fraud (RICO against Ruth)
Picking a Market Bottom: Why the Pros Are All Wrong - Yahoo! Finance
Political Lobbying Drove FDA Process -
Daily Kos: Jim Cramer Uses CNBC to Manipulate Stocks ("Deep Capture")
Phantom Shares (News special on naked shorting)
Kondratieff Wave
Credit Excess at Winter Wave Cycle | kondratieff-cycle.jpg
The Kondratieff Cycle: Real or Fabricated? by Murray N. Rothbard
Does Dollar Cost Averaging Really Work? Each strategy wins at least some of the time, but after a few runs you'll see that DCA is the statistical "dog", losing about two times out of three.
Dollar cost averaging - Wikipedia (more of a marketing gimmick than a sound investment strategy)
The costly myth of dollar-cost averaging - MSN Money - it's actually a sales gimmick to wheedle (from foolish dentists) over time what you won't commit up front.
DATAQUEST Do Not Dollar-Cost-Average for More than Twelve Months (and never in a rising market)
Dividend Growth Investor: Dollar Cost Averaging Dollar cost averaging could be one of those timing strategies which contribute to the underperformance of a large number of the participants observed in those studies
Health Care (Harper's Magazine) amount the U.S. would save each year on paperwork if it adopted single-payer health care: $161,000,000,000 (yes, $161Bn on paperwork)
Obama Will Have Single-Payer Advocates At Health Care Summit (shamed into it)
Why Does U.S. Health Care Cost So Much? (Part II: Indefensible Administrative Costs) - Economix Blog - - more than enough to finance universal health insurance this year (got that? admin costs would pay for univeral health care)( 85 percent of this excess administrative overhead can be attributed to the highly complex private health insurance system in the United States)
Annals of Public Policy: Getting There from Here: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker How should Obama reform health care?
At Summit, Former Foes of Health Reform Emerge as Supporters of Obama's Effort -
Sick in the head: Why America won't get the health-care system it needs—By Luke Mitchell (Harper's Magazine)
Think Progress » Card: Health Care Is A ‘Want,’ Not A ‘Need’ — ‘Don’t Have The Government Fund It’
Think Progress » Rep. Wamp: Healthcare Is A ‘Privilege,’ Not A ‘Right’ For All Americans (they already have the right to just die)
World Wide Military Expenditures (double the rest of the world -- our very expensive military obsession) » The Pleasures of the Flesh - If you care about hunger, eat less meat
Spoiled: Organic and Local Is So 2008 | Mother Jones
Itv News | 'SUNK' Ocean Discovered
Rep. Conyers wants science to be secret… or you will pay | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine pushing a bill through Congress that will literally ban the open access of these papers, forcing scientists to only publish in journals (bought and paid for)
'Vampire' discovered in mass grave - science-in-society - 06 March 2009 - New Scientist
After the Crash
5 love lessons we can learn from the Obamas - Sex Rx with Ian Kerner- As we rebuild our country, our relationships could use some rebuilding too
Bad Marriages Harder on Women's Health
Eschaton How We Discuss Abortion: On Hardball, anyway (Chris Matthews, wanker, wants to "dramatically reduce abortions") The good news is reality exists. The bad is it’s even stranger than people thought (hide and seek w/photons)
BBC/OU - Darwin and evolution - Order your free Tree Of Life poster (UK only)
The Real Reason for Microsoft's TomTom Lawsuit B.C. man pepper sprayed when he asked border guard to say 'please' (mistook him for a Muslim)
Flickr: The Female Self-Portrait Artists' Support Group ;-) Pool
Samsung stuffs 1.5TB onto three-platter hard drive
USocial CEO: 'We're gaming Digg' | Technology | Los Angeles Times
The McGangBang: a McChicken Sandwich Inside a Double Cheeseburger [a chronicle] - Eat me daily
wireless access finder
'Israel seriously considering Iran military op' | Iran news | Jerusalem Post
B'Tselem - Testimony of Sharif Abu Hayah, shepherd, Feb. 2009
Seumas Milne: If this becomes Obama's war, it will poison his presidency | Comment is free | The Guardian Pakistan is being ripped apart by the fallout from the Afghan occupation. If the US escalates, the impact will be devastating
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Rove Can Claim Privilege Only When Asked About Bush (what isn't about Bush?)
Matthew Yglesias » McCain, Dowd Substitute Mockery for Understanding (the Time's village idiot)
Righteous Bubba: Nationalize Atlas Shrugged! (heh-heh)
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Obama Preferred Over Reagan -- In Fox News Poll
Brit Hume Calls Out Obama's Media Defectors: Brooks, Gergen, Cramer
CNN: Dr. Sanjay Gupta Out as Surgeon General
Exiled Online - Astroturf Revolution Dispatch: Koch Activists Teabag Media - By Yasha Levine
Exiled Online - Exposing The Rightwing PR Machine: Is CNBC’s Rick Santelli Sucking Koch? - By Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
CNBC says ranting Rick Santelli is not affiliated with political site that uses his name
CNBC says ranting Rick Santelli is not affiliated with political site that uses his name --
/> Rick Santelli: I Want to Set the Record Straight - GE/ (GE's legal dept?)
Dakota: Get It Off Your Back
Calculated Risk: Stock Market: Cliff Diving | YouTube - Major Kong Rides the Bomb
Frank pushes for punishment for crisis - Victoria McGrane - Fed Refuses to Release Bank Data, Insists on Secrecy (totally opaque)
RGE - Latest Roubini Interviews On CNBC and On Bloomberg
Martin Feldstein and Simon Johnson on the U.S.'s Lost Decade
Object Lessons From Buffett's Investing Missteps -
TPMCafe | Confusion, Tunneling, And Looting By Simon Johnson / Comment / Opinion - A chance to remake the global financial system By Paul Keating
Zero Hedge: Could TALF Be The Biggest Disappointment Yet?
Interfluidity :: Rethinking subsidized finance
naked capitalism: Is China's Wen Whistling in the Dark?
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Frank Monstrosities
Oil producers running out of storage space - Oil & energy- Glut caused by world slowdown leaves the world awash in crude
Media Matters - In CNBC host Cramer's "U.S.S.A.": "Comrade[]" Obama is a "Bolshevik" who is "taking cues from Lenin" (Cramer is a very bad person)
CNBC Gives Financial Advice | The Daily Show | Comedy Central (how to lose money)
Daily Kos: Stewart Sinks CNBC
TrackJimCramer's Stock Picks
CXOAG Guru Grades – Jim Cramer Deconstructed
In Which We Improbably Defend CNBC Against Jon Stewart -- Daily Intel -- New York News Blog -- New York Magazine
Exiled Online - Mankind’S Only Alternative » Jim Cramer Destroyed CNBC Viewers’ Wealth In Just 4 Days - By Mark Ames
Exiled Online - Mankind’S Only Alternative » CNBC Bitch-Slaps Santelli Into Line, FreedomWorks Admits It Organized “Grassroots” Tea Parties, Jon Stewart Cancels Santelli & Megan McArdle Queefs On Our Founding Fathers - By Mark Ames and Yasha Levine
A Shocking New Morningstar Study! - Forecasts & Trends - InvestorsInsight Publishing (June 2008: expert financial guys suck)
Study: The Analysts Aren’t Wearing Any Clothes | The Razor's Edge (and they're stupid)
Mish vs Peter Schiff | The Big Picture
GM says there is 'substantial doubt' about its viability - Mar. 5, 2009 Automaker's annual report says it hopes to get $7.7 billion from the government to remain viable. Worldwide Bank of England Cuts Rates, Starts Asset Purchases
Citigroup Stock Sinks To An All-Time Low Of 97 Cents
Abruptly, Expatriate Bankers Are Cut Loose -
Wall Street on the Tundra | Iceland’s de facto bankruptcy
What Drives Brain Changes In Macular Degeneration? - lack of input to a population of neurons, not by a change in visual information processing strategy
Are bad sleeping habits driving us mad? - health - 18 February 2009 - New Scientist
Cal Chemists Closer to Building "Organs from Scratch" | NBC Bay Area
Robots - The Big Picture -
Diebold e-voting software includes delete audit logs button • The Register No confirmation necessary
Report: Diebold Voting System Has 'Delete' Button for Erasing Audit Logs | Threat Level from
!!! 10 Most Wanted Government Documents !!! t south-east Louisiana is sinking, rather rapidly by geological standards
Chris Brown Charged With Two Felonies
MPAA Study Links Piracy to Gangs and Terrorists | TorrentFreak
Citizens, lawmakers call for SWAT team changes -- (another puppy shot by crazed military police)
The Big List of What Your Airline Really Charges You
13 Mental Fitness Exercises to Keep You Sharp | HELP! Educational Blog
Bishop punishes mom for girl's abortion - Americas- Brazilian to excommunicate her and doctors for allowing it (Church supports incest/rape/death of mother)
Veto Corleone: Best. Rush Limbaugh Pic. Ever.
Karl Rove Agrees To Testify
Poll: Obama's rating at all-time high - White House- NBC/WSJ poll shows gap between popularity of president and his policies
Obama's Popularity Resonates Despite Economic Crisis, New WSJ/NBC Poll Finds -
Daily Kos: Torture Commission Hearing Now Under Way
Guantánamo: The Definitive Prisoner List - by Andy Worthington 93 percent of the 779 men and boys imprisoned in total – were either completely innocent people, seized as a result of dubious intelligence or sold for bounty payments, or Taliban foot soldiers, recruited to fight an inter-Muslim civil war that began long before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and that had nothing to do with al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, or international terrorism.
Who Is The Most Powerful Republican? (POLL)(who do you think?)
David Plouffe - Minority Leader Limbaugh - (brilliant)
A Party in Limbaugh | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
CPAC After Party | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | New Poll On Limbaugh: It's All In How You Ask The Question, Isn't It? "Agree or Disagree: 'Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the Republican Party -- he says jump and they say how high.'"
Rush Job: Inside Dems' Limbaugh plan - Jonathan Martin -
Obama pushes centers as one focus of health reform
TPMDC | Centrist Dems Start Rebelling on Obama's Spending Plans Evan Bayh (IN), is urging Obama to veto the $410 billion measure in a Wall Street Journal op-ed today (no taxes for the wealthy)(bluedog-centrist-Republicans)
Remembering the anthrax attack - Glenn Greenwald - (Rep. Rush Holt to try to expose the coverup)(ABC never aplogized for their lies)
The Raw Story | Anthrax spores don't match dead researcher's samples (no kidding)
How stimulus will help your state -
U.S. senator wants Fed to name loan recipients | Reuters Sanders pressed on whether Bernanke would name the firms that borrowed from the Fed, the central bank chairman replied, "No," (we won't tell you how we spent you money)
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Reid Spokesman: Coleman Doesn't Get Another Election
The Mark Cuban Stimulus Plan - Open Source Funding « blog maverick
Obama takes aim at costly U.S. defense contracts | Reuters
ESA Protections Restored by President Obama | ecoficial
President Tells Unions Organizing Act Will Pass -
Talking Points Memo | Not That Bright- McCain is blasting Obama for not keeping McCain's campaign promises.
Media Matters - Times ' Dowd used falsehood to advance McCain accusation that Obama broke promise on earmarks
Igor Panarin: U.S. Will Collapse By Next Year
Boston Review — Moni Mohsin: State of Emergency
William Dalrymple charts Pakistan's descent into chaos | World news | The Guardian
Popular Sufism | Of saints and sinners | The Economist The Islam of the Taliban is far removed from the popular Sufism practised by most South Asian Muslims
Pakistan's Sufis Preach Faith and Ecstasy | People & Places | Smithsonian Magazine
Opinion: What Are the Odds of a Depression? - International evidence suggests there is a 20% chance our stock-market crash will lead to much worse.
Return of depression economics - Paul Krugman Blog - (one picture is worth ...)
Cassandra Does Tokyo: Oh Sh*t...Even Index Arb Isn't Safe
The Geography of a Recession - Interactive Graphic -
Bear Stearns’ Jimmy Cayne’s Profane Tirade Against Treasury’s Geithner - Deal Journal (insane)
Economic Scene - Job Losses Show Breadth of Recession - The Great Recession of 2008 (and beyond) is hurting men more than women. (give them shovels)
Merrill's top 10 earners made $209 million in 2008: report | U.S. | Reuters
One in five U.S. mortgage borrowers are underwater - Yahoo! Finance Worldwide ADP Says U.S. Companies Reduced Payrolls by 697,000
Obama admin. backs tax haven bill, IRS eyes cheats | Markets | Markets News | Reuters Morgan Stanley, which has 158 subsidiaries in the Caymans, Citigroup (C.N) with 90, and Bank of America (BAC.N) with 59, to explain why it's equitable for them to be able to avoid taxes at the same time they're asking for so much tax money." (ha-ha, Caribbean tax shelters for your money)
Cassandra Does Tokyo: Oh Sh*t...Even Index Arb Isn't Safe
The SSD Project | EFF Surveillance Self-Defense Project
djbdns 1.05 lets AXFRed subdomains overwrite domains
Mediterranean Sea Level Could Rise By Over Two Feet, Global Models Predict
Mistaken Identifiers: Gene name errors can be introduced inadvertently when using Excel in bioinformatics
Docs seek gag orders to stop patients' reviews
Google CEO: Twitter A 'Poor Man's Email System'
Queers United: Mormon Machine Working Against Civil Unions in Illinois
Libraries' Surprising Special Collections | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian Magazine
drplokta: Imminent Death of the Net Predicted Microsoft have broken the Internet. Again. Although, to be fair, they did have some help this time from the IETF
Pharyngula: Susi Neunmalklug
Yes, We Plan: How Altruism and Advertising Could Change the World | Epicenter from
Cassini finds a Saturn moonlet -
10 Ways to Get Better Sleep (and Maybe Cure Your Insomnia) - US News and World Report
We are friendlier to people who resemble us, scientists find - Telegraph The more someone looks like us the more likely we are to help them, scientist find.
Internet-Observatory to Provide Movie-like Window on Universe
Asteroid plays chicken with Earth | - Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Death by Black Hole (or Apophis: killer asteroid)
YouTube - Peekskill Bolide Fireball of 1992 (and other meteors)
Invincible Cities
Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove
Nine-year-old 'incest victim' aborts twins | The Sydney Morning Herald | Brazil is home to more Catholics than any other nation.
Configure - Apple Store (Apple charges $1,000 for 4GB of RAM which cost $63 anywhere else)
The True Stories Behind 5 Famous WTF Images |
New Twitter tool finds the recently dumped | News | TechRadar UK Reboundfinder
Readability - An Arc90 Lab Experiment (bookmarklet to control what you see on a web page)
Image 222681: Food inanimate potato (Tater)
THRU YOU | Kutiman mixes YouTube
YouTube - mdevink's Channel - sterling engines
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Gunmen shoot Sri Lanka cricketers
Secret Bush Memo Authorizing Warrantless Seizure Of 'Terror Suspects' Released (worse than you thought)
Is Obama embracing the lawless, omnipotent executive? - Glenn Greenwald - (yes)
George W. Bush’s Disposable Constitution—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (March 03, 2009) - Criminals In The Bush White House This was the near-dictatorship favored by some neoconservatives in the war on terror: the abolition of the constitution indefinitely in order to protect the constitution.
Memos Reveal Scope of the Power Bush Sought - (Republicans don't need no steenking Constitution)
Obama Offered Deal to Russia in Secret Letter - back off deploying a new missile defense system in Eastern Europe if Moscow would help stop Iran from developing long-range weapons
Cheney Deposition Is Ordered in Lawsuit by Protester -
The Limits of a "3 Minute Rahm" in Obama's Kitchen Cabinet - The Washington Note
Pelosi To House GOP: Be Thankful For What You Have
Jindal: I'm Glad Steele Apologized To Rush (kiss the ring) (why don't they change their brand to the "Limbaugh Party"?)
Steele to Rush: I'm sorry - Mike Allen -
The Raw Story | Recent poll showed Bush with higher favorable rating than Limbaugh
Media Matters Launches "Rush Watch" (pig man)
Limbaugh Attacks Stephanopoulos, Says ABC Falsely Reported That Eric Cantor Disagreed With “Fail” Remark | The Plum Line
The Field: Ugly and Incendiary
Bill Kristol’s 1993 Memo Calling For GOP To Block Health Care Reform | The Plum Line (little Billy Insane)
TBogg » You’re in the high rent district (fantasy Republicans)
YouTube - Scary Movie - The Horror of the Employee Free Choice Act (ooooh, we're scared ... of Republicans!)
Media Matters - Does ABC News understand how income tax works? (dimbulb media)
Wealthy Idiots Meet Idiot Reporter - The Plank
The Politico's Pit Bull - The Plank - Jeanne Cummings (right-wingnut crap conveyor)
Coleman camp asks that election result be 'set aside'
GOP strategy: Shunning Bunning - Manu Raju and Alex Isenstadt - (crazy-ass Republican)
Jonah Goldberg: 'I Hope Obama Fails, Too'
Caterpillar News | Pension bombs going off
Brad Setser: Follow the Money » Blog Archive » Secrets from the Treasury’s Survey: It looks like China bought a lot of equities just before the stock market tumbled
Buffett's Stock Picks Are Flat! All those stock gains Warren had amassed over the years, including the moonrocket WaPo and Coke stakes, have now disappeared.
Zombie financial ideas - Paul Krugman Blog - - Every plan we’ve heard from Treasury amounts to the same thing — an attempt to socialize the losses while privatizing the gains Worldwide Bernanke Says U.S. May Need to Expand Bank Rescue
GE reputation "tarnished," CEO Immelt acknowledges - Yahoo! Finance (how about "corroded" or "rotten"?)
The Washington Independent » Communities Slammed by Surge in Bank-Owned Homes the people Obama has put in the Treasury Department aren’t all that different. They have the same Wall Street backgrounds, the same high finance backgrounds. All this stuff looks like paper to them. It’s not about people’s lives and neighborhoods. It’s just paper.”
Madoff: NYC Penthouse, $62 Million Are Mine - Disgraced Money Manager Claims Place Where He Lives Under House Arrest Should Not Be Subject To Seizure (only in America)
Economists for Firing Larry Summers: Who's sayin' there's no such thing as bubbles?
naked capitalism: AIG Restructuring Leaving Best Bits to AIG, Not US Taxpayer
Madoff Victims Mapped Out
AIG's Liddy, Greenberg Locked In Battle
BBC NEWS | Business | Japan exports drop 46% in January
1 in 31 U.S. Adults are Behind Bars, on Parole or Probation (prison-state America) | Georgia: 1 in 13
Begley: Why Doctors Hate Science | Newsweek Voices - Sharon Begley | Scaremongers warn that 'effectiveness research' threatens the lives of Americans.
Surprise Asteroid Buzzed Earth Monday an asteroid that passed just 41,010 miles (66,000 kilometers) above Earth.
APOD: 2009 March 2 - Earthgrazer: The Great Daylight Fireball of 1972
Denver Political Issues Examiner: Marijuana prohibition and public safety
The Progressive Puppy: Reality-based sex education? 96% of Texas school districts serving approximately four million students teach only abstinence - Texas ranks third in the nation for unwed teenage pregnancies
A fascination with flight --
Dial H for Happiness: How Neuroengineering May Change Your Brain
Rewiring the Brain: Inside the New Science of Neuroengineering
Basics - In a Helpless Baby, the Roots of Our Social Glue - - Blackwater to offer athletes firearms training (diversification)
'The Daily Show' Takes On Twitter (video)
Peace Now: Israel planning 73,300 new homes in West Bank - Haaretz - 100-percent increase in the total number of Israeli settlers (illegal settlements in West Bank - end US aid to racist failed state)
Northeast and Southeast Snowstorm: Hundreds of Flights Grounded, Schools Closed
Many in Afghanistan oppose Obama's troop buildup plans | Frustration and fear is sparking opposition to plans that would nearly double the size of US forces there.
CIA Destroyed Interrogation Tapes the CIA destroyed nearly 100 tapes of terror interrogations, far more than has previously been acknowledged (covering their tracks)
Jeremy Scahill: Mercenary King Erik Prince Resigns as Blackwater CEO The company formerly known as Blackwater
The Associated Press: Soldiers assassinate Guinea-Bissau president
Post-9/11 Military Memos Are Released - The Lede Blog -
The Caucus - Running on Risk, Then Sticking With It -
Sebelius to take post in Obama Cabinet | (anti-abortion groups heads explode)
Republicans Concede Budget Is Hard to Block -
Limbaugh Misquotes Constitution During CPAC Speech (dumb and dumber)
Steele Takes On Rush Limbaugh: "Ugly," "Incendiary" ("you're not the boss of me")
Media Matters - Revisiting his Limbaugh comments, Steele reportedly says, "There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership" (Steele kisses Limbaugh's ring)
Rush Limbaugh attacks Michael Steele and then Steele apologizes to RushBo. | Crooks and Liars
Rush Limbaugh is the leader of the Republican Party | Salon News
Hullabaloo: Separated At Birth?
Seriously, You Don’t Scare Us Anymore | Oliver Willis Redstate joins the chorus on the right assuming that liberal attacks on Bobby Jindal are due to us being scared of him (mu-ha-ha-ha)
The Birthers Obama Conspiracy Theory (the Vince Foster and Whitewater crowd)
Wonkette : It’s Friday Night At CPAC, And Closeted Gay Anger-Humping’s In The Air
Right-Wing 'Tea Party' Movement Was Planned Months Ago by GOP Billionaires | AlterNet
In Baltimore, No One Left to Press the Police -
Dow industrials fall below 7,000; lowest since '97 - Yahoo! Finance (calling all dentists)
Louise Yamada: Sell stocks; Dow could be headed for 6000 - Credit Writedowns (doom)
How Low Can the Market Go: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance (pretty fucking low)
Even 'Dr. Doom' Is Scared Economy Much Worse Than Roubini Predicted: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance (now with more doom)
U.S. Is Said to Offer Another $30 Billion in Funds to A.I.G. - $62 billion loss on Monday, the biggest quarterly loss in history
World stocks tumble on AIG's $61.7 billion loss - Yahoo! Finance
Today's AIG Bailout Won't Be Its Last: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
Failing the test - Paul Krugman Blog - Tim Geithner seems committed to the view that banks should stay private even if they’re bankrupt, because — well, just because ("The sickening feeling of drift ... just keeps gettintg stronger")
Eschaton: Shrewd Investor: That decision to convert preferred shares into common at $3.25/share was a good call by Geithner, given that Citi's now at $1.20 (banksters at work)
The Dynamic Duo | Mother Jones Larry Summers and Tim Geithner have become outsized voices on Obama's economic team.
This American Life - 375: Bad Bank
The US Deficit in Global Perspective | The Big Picture
Economic Dreams - Economic Nightmares: None Dare Call it Fascism: Moyers and Galbraith: The Predator State and our current mess relative to 1929
Home Price Graphs and Housing Bubble Charts: Inflation-adjusted, historical house prices.
Stimulus Watch: Keeping an Eye on Economic Recovery Spending
Getting to $787 Billion -
BofA's Ken Lewis: TARP Funds "A Mistake"
Oil falls to near $42 on bleak US economic news - Yahoo! Finance on investor pessimism a dismal US economy will hurt crude demand
Bank Stress Tests Design Is Fine But Concept Fundamentally Flawed Roubini Says: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
Econbrowser: Not Nonsense (House Prices)
Daily Kos: Someone help me find the political genius here? - Drudgico: Moderates worry Pelosi is routinely staking very liberal positions ("So the genius of Ellen Tauscher's (D-CA-10) position? Democrats need to side with the banks who converted their 2005 gift into the complete meltdown of the world financial order, then siphoned off trillions of public dollars to "stabilize" themselves, and now want still more blood from the homeowners they killed in creating this mess.")
Jane Hamsher: Mortgage Write-Downs: Why Does Ellen Tauscher Value Banks Over Constituents? Ask Adam Pase (former Wall Street investment banker Tauscher)(yay, banksters everywhere, all your dollars belong to them)
The Housing Chronicles Blog: Prepare for the coming battle for water
Stanford receiver finds liquidity crisis - Yahoo! Finance (always confusing "liquidity" with "insolvency") Exclusive Arsonists Torch Berlin Porsches, BMWs on Economic Woes ("protesters in Berlin rage at their economic plight by targeting the most expensive cars -- symbols of German wealth and power")
Swiss Banks - TIME
A.J. Jacobs' year of living biblically | Video on
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | US nuclear relic found in bottle
The Mysterious Gigantic Megaliths of Baalbeck Temples |
Brit nuke subs exposed on Google Earth • The Register
bangocibumbumpuluj: Ranger 9 impact on Moon 1965
YouTube - Hudson River Plane Landing (US Airways 1549) Animation with Audio
YouTube - DepressionCooking's Channel
15 Applications No Online Business Can Live Without | Freelance Folder
Pink dolphin appears in US lake - Telegraph
Captured » Blog Archive » Venice from Above
Sliding House, By DRMM | Video | Wallpaper* Magazine
What turns women on - Times Online
Books and Music That Make You Dumb - Digits - (WSJ buries the truth: porno and the Bible make you dumb)
11 Non-Traditional Uses of WordPress
How To: Rip Blu-ray Discs
FFFFOUND! (image bookmarking)
Abort, Retry, or EPIC FAIL -
Why is everyone saying "fail" all of a sudden? - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine
YouTube - Dynaman - Part 1 of 3
YouTube - Kaiten (conveyor) sushi time in real Japan
Camera on a Sushi Conveyor Belt Shows Jeremy-Pivens-in-the-Making - Gizmodo Australia
YouTube - Whose Line is it Anyway- Living scenery feat Richard Simmons
bayimg - 4chan /b/ banned in Australia
Guilty: Britain admits collusion, new torture claims emerge - UK Politics, UK - The Independent Evidence from last British resident in Guantanamo reveals the full story of how terror suspects were illegally maltreated
Adm. Mullen: I Don't Know Where Obama Got War Cost Numbers (Army: leaving Iraq won't save any money)
Books of The Times - ‘The Gamble,’ by Thomas E. Ricks - Conducting the War in Iraq, Second in a Series - Review -
Talking Points Memo | Drip, Drip, Drip ... (the Taupe Hope is history)
Gov. Bobby Jindal fights back against those questioning points in his speech - Times-Picayune -
Frank Rich - The Ecstasy and the Agony -
Spock at the Bridge - - What emerges will be an Iraq that “is not a democracy, not an American ally, and run by a strongman, probably tougher, smarter and more adept than Saddam Hussein” and who is, ironically, “an even worse guy,” (otherwise, Maureen sucks)
Rahm On Rush: He's The Voice, Energy And Intellect Of The GOP
Report: Obama helicopter security breached - White House- (Iran has the plans)
The Washington Monthly - Keep On Talking, Rush
Liberty groups unite to defend UK rights | UK news | The Observer
Firedoglake » Erick Erickson Reduced to Quivering Fanboy After Brief Encounter with Unpopular Radio Host
You've Got Mika | The New York Observer
Hullabaloo: CPAC Queen
Rahm On Rush: He's The Voice, Energy And Intellect Of The GOP
Daily Kos: Cantor, Steele repudiate Rush; wingnuts freak out (Updated x2: RedState of Denial)
World And church Trends: Christian people need to start paying attention. We have had a coup in America and socialist communists are now in almost total control (!)
Obama's budget gives it to U.S. straight --
Calculated Risk: More AIG
Calculated Risk: February Economic Summary in Graphs collection of 20 real estate and economic graphs from February
TheMoneyIllusion » An open letter to Mr. Krugman
How Can America's Rich Teach Their Children the Value of a Dollar? -- New York Magazine - America’s burgeoning money culture is producing a record number of heirs—but handing down values is harder than handing down wealth. - Infrastructure Debate: Policy Challenges Facing Nation: # Schwarzenegger: US Infrastructure Like Developing Country
Support Ebay in the Fight Against Digital Download Tax (wtf?)
Stem cell breakthrough may transform future of medicine | Science | Experts in Britain and Canada find way to make stem cells without destroying embryos (science routes around stupidity)
Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers - science-in-society - 27 February 2009 - New Scientist Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers (Mormons and McCain voters, especially)
WeedBustCost.jpg (drugz busts could almost pay for themselves)
OSI Gazette » Blog Archive » Pictures of Fertalized Eggs Now a Sex Crime in North Dakota?
Plus Magazine | Unreasonable effectiveness
Mr. Whipple Left It Out - Soft Is Rough on Forests -
Housing Key To Transit --
Forget Survival of the Fittest: It Is Kindness that Counts: Scientific American A psychologist probes how altruism, Darwinism and neurobiology mean that we can succeed by not being cutthroat.
The Syntactic Century: Turing's Euclidean Stroke of Genius
National Geographic Slams Tar Sands – Canadian Politicians Pissed : TreeHugger - most destructive project on Earth
…My heart’s in Accra » The Cute Cat Theory Talk at ETech
Do these mysterious stones mark the site of the Garden of Eden? | Mail Online (Gobekli Tepe)
The Leavetaking (Harold Pinter)
Bruce Sterling: Why Does Bruce Sterling Hate Web 2.0?
Giz Explains: Why Kindle 2 Isn't a Big Step Forward For Voracious Readers
RIAA Sued for Fraud, Abuse and Legal Sham | TorrentFreak
New Search Technologies Mine the Web More Deeply -
ALIPR - Automatic Photo Tagging and Visual Image Search
What I've Learned from Hacker News
YC Banned Sites
Cool new Dutch coin
AppleInsider | Japanese "hate" for iPhone all a big mistake (sure) » Modern Showers and Creative Shower Heads
Sita Sings the Blues | ‘Sita Sings the Blues’ - Sepia Mutiny
The Associated Press: US won't participate in racism conference The United States has decided not to participate in a U.N. conference on racism in April unless the final document is changed to drop all references to Israel and its criticism of religion (human rights you can not believe in)
Al Jazeera English - Americas - US to boycott UN racism conference (Israel has veto power)
Full Text of Human Rights Record of United States in 2008_English_Xinhua
Why 88 Arab homes received eviction notices Israel has plans to demolish Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem to make way for a tourist site. Activists say it's a demographic play that amounts to ethnic cleansing.
Schwarzenegger proclaims statewide drought emergency - Los Angeles Times (outa money, outa water)
Louisiana to seek New Orleans-Baton Rouge passenger rail line from federal stimulus pot that Jindal called wasteful - Times-Picayune -
Dakota: Off to a Flying Start (state of GOP + "taupe hope" and "dumber plumber")
Ailing G.O.P. Risks Losing a Generation - (another one, that is)
Jim Bunning Threatens To Resign From Senate To Hurt GOP - going rogue in an effort to hold onto his seat (crazy-ass Republican)
Think Progress » CPAC Organizer David Keene Claims Conservatives Were Fed Up With Bush ‘For Some Time’ (even though they never, never acted like it, and still don't)
Media Matters - Media Matters: Asymmetrical class warfare (media is psychotic)
The Washington Independent » Scenes from the New American Tea Party (pathetic)
Poor Joe the Plumber Looks Lonely at His Own Book Signing | PEEK | AlterNet
Purging the Religious Right's Sexual Demons | Sex and Relationships | AlterNet
US neo-cons jump the conservative ship | open Democracy News Analysis conservatism's original sin lies not in its bombastic and noxious neo-conservative interlopers, but in the tragic nature of conservatism itself (original sin: greed) Hate Group Numbers Up By 54% Since 2000 (wingnut South is rising)
Media Matters - County Fair (bottom of the slime barrel, see above, below)
Rush Limbaugh At CPAC: Doubles Down On Wanting Obama To Fail (video)
Bush a four-letter word at CPAC - Andy Barr -
BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | British 'careless' with liberties
Talking Business - Desperately Protecting A.I.G.’s House of Cards - American International Group is going to report the largest quarterly loss in history
Warren Buffett Admits To Major Mistake In Annual Berkshire Letter Worldwide Buffett Says Economy Will Be ‘In Shambles’ for 2009 (hello?)
Northern Trust Seeks To Repay Bailout Money After Flap Over Lavish Parties
Prepare to change your thinking - Matt Miller -
Developer rescinds completion date for stalled Elk Grove mall - Sacramento News - Confident City Council members debated whether stores such as Target and JCPenney would be good enough for the upscale mall they envisioned.
In the Field: - Net rooms boom with Japan’s jobless « - Blogs from Where’s the Floor? - the million-dollar-plus market is in VERY unstable territory
Struggling States Look to Unorthodox Taxes - (weed+porno=solvency)
Seed: That Voodoo That Scientists Do social neuroscience ("the paper has made grant administration officers more wary")
Ed Vul - Voodoo correlations in Social Neuroscience
A Skeptic's Take on the Public Misunderstanding of Darwin: Scientific American
Charles Darwin, Conservative? Two hundred years later, the right still misunderstands him (they misunderstand everything)
The Space Review: Darwin and evolutionary progress to the stars
Why We Still Argue About Darwin (And Why We Should) — The American, A Magazine of Ideas
Fossil skull of giant toothy seabird found in Peru ("crocobird")
The Science Creative Quarterly » Of Evolution And The Bible
Sample Chapter for Diner, D.; Rendall, S., trans.: Lost in the Sacred: Why the Muslim World Stood Still.
New Galaxy Formation Theory Proposed
Mathematics: The only true universal language - physics-math - 16 February 2009 - New Scientist
University of Virginia Legal Working Paper Series Marriage as a Message: Same-Sex Couples and the Rhetoric of Accidental Procreation (Justice Robert Cordy of the Massachusetts Supreme Court: marriage is to protect het couples from unintended pregnancy)
Why do we need bras for babies? - science-in-society - 10 February 2009 - New Scientist
Beliefs - Scandanavian Nonbelievers, Which Is Not to Say Atheists -
362 - Greek To Me: Mapping Mutual Incomprehension « Strange Maps
Beliefs - The New Atheism, and Something More -
The Orgasm Gap - The Daily Beast
10 Excellent Open Source and Free Alternatives to Photoshop
Watch "Sita Sings the Blues" on Reel 13 (*)
Evan Williams on listening to Twitter users | Video on
Time Warner Cable blames DDoS attack for spotty service - Ars Technica
YouTube - Paul McCartney and Donovan - 1968, 1969
Obama's Iraq Speech: Video, Full Text
Wikileaks cracks NATO's Master Narrative for Afghanistan - Wikileaks
Outrageous: Baghdad Boondoggle | Michael Crowley | Reader's Digest | Iraqi swindlers are plundering American millions--while their own oil money flows.
We're on the brink of disaster | Salon | Violent protests and riots are breaking out everywhere as economies collapse and governments fail. War is bound to follow.
Jewish Leaders Blast Clinton Over Israel Criticism - (outrage at sympathy for Palestianians)
TPMCafe | Suddenly The Lobby Turns On Hillary Top Jewish leaders have now turned on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for daring to criticize Israel over the humanitarian aid to Gaza issue (would any other country get away with this crap?)
Talking Points Memo | Jindal Admits Katrina Story Was False - Looks like the game is up (liar + dork + Kenneth = (Republican - Political Career)/Infinity)
TPMMuckraker| Jindal's Office Tries To Spin Katrina Story, Digs Itself In Deeper
Bipartisanship is not always good - Julian E. Zelizer -
Dems join Pelosi complaint on Iraq - Alex Isenstadt -
Israel Blocks Pasta Shipment to Gaza, and Tensions Boil | ("Is someone going to kill you with a piece of macaroni?")
Chas Freeman for NIC: Lots at Stake A thunderous, coordinated assault against one of President Obama's intelligence picks is now underway (Israel/right-wing Jews have veto power over Obama's appointments)
Talking Points Memo | Steele's New GOP Message: "My Bad"; Bachmann To Steele: "You Be Da Man!" ("And no, this is not from The Onion")
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » They try to make them do a revote, I say no, no, no A few days ago, Washington Post reporter Shailagh Murray suggested—on the basis of nothing—that there should be a revote in Minnesota (WaPo: dependably Republican)
Jobless Angry at Possibility of No Benefits - (let them eat cake)
Fox News Reports Joe Biden's Gaffe | The Daily Show | Comedy Central (foxholes)
Media Matters - Confronted with the truth, Hannity refused to back down from debunked mouse, LA-Vegas rail falsehoods (more foxholes)
Growing hate groups blame Obama, economy - (teh South is rising again)
Journalismism: Conservatives Now Jeering Tucker Carlson, Too
Media Matters - RE: Fred Hiatt (all conservative all the time)
naked capitalism: More on the Simply Dreadful Performance of CDOs (weapon of mass-bankruptcy)
John Bolton at CPAC: The Benefits of Nuking Chicago | Mother Jones (crazy-ass Repubicans)
The Washington Monthly - A Fool And His Money ... Jonah Goldberg explains his opposition to President Obama's economic agenda, and what he wants to do about it (stupid-ass Republicans)
Economics and Politics - Paul Krugman Blog - “who wants to hang out with guys like Paul Krugman and Robert Reich when you can be with Rush Limbaugh?”
Economic Scene - Like Having Medicare? Then Taxes Must Rise - (your choice: health care or a huge military)
Rocky Mountain News - Out of Business | Final Edition on Vimeo
Why the press should declare itself a religion. - By Stephen Bates - Slate - A new business model for the press
Steep GDP Revision Puts Economic Contraction at 6.2% -
Moody's predicts default rate will exceed peaks hit in Great Depression - Telegraph
Citigroup, Gov Reach Deal For Up To 36% Stake
U.S. Agrees to Raise Its Stake in Citigroup -
US Banks Post First Quarterly Loss Since 1990; 252 Banks In Trouble, FDIC Says
Calculated Risk: Party Like It's ... 1996 (bad bears)
Obsidian Wings: Now That's What I Call Toxic! (the shittiest of the shitpile) (insolvency crisis, media idiots!)
BofA CEO Lewis Refused To Divulge Bonus Names, Subpoenaed By Cuomo
Don't 'Buy and Hope' How to Survive Until the Next Bull Market: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
Europe's Crisis Much Bigger Than Subprime Worse Than U.S.: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
budgetdeficitorsurplus.gif (Republican "fiscal conservatism")
Introduction - How to Know When the Economy Is Turning Up - TIME
Crash Landings: Paul Krugman's Depression Economics
IEEE Spectrum: The Death of Business-Method Patents
NTI: Global Security Newswire - U.S. Energy Department Cannot Account for Nuclear Materials at 15 Locations
Canadian Oil Sands — National Geographic Magazine
JAXA | The Earth by the KAGUYA HDTV (Tele-camera) during the penumbral lunar eclipse
Foreign Affairs - The Geoengineering Option - David G. Victor, M. Granger Morgan, Jay Apt, John Steinbruner, and Katharine Ricke A Last Resort Against Global Warming?
Seed: Core Principles How science can help form a theory of design.
Wagging the "Fat Tail" of Climate Catastrophe: How much should we pay to avoid the tiny risk of total destruction? - Reason Magazine
Uses of genocide: Kenya, Georgia, Israel, Sri Lanka | open Democracy News Analysis
Forward: It’s the Population, Kids
Lunacy and the Full Moon: Scientific American
The Digital Age: How Google Maps Can Save -- and Disrupt -- Lives - Spiegel Online
Letter from Dubai- Arise Atlantis!
The Tallest Building In The World | More Intelligent Life
To Hell with Niceness | Standpoint.Online
Slumdog actor beaten by dad | The Sun (not a happy ending)
AIDS denialists who have died |
Heal the Bay | Santa Monica Pier Aquarium | Home
TechBlog: Top 10 browser features
Giz Explains: Why Lenses Are the Real Key to Stunning Photos
Why the Japanese Hate the iPhone | Gadget Lab from (can't give them away)
Russian Man Dies of Viagra Overdose, Goes Out on Top - Asylum | Men's Lifestyle
bangocibumbumpuluj: 4085 square mile natural mirror
Independence Day - Vintage Photos At MangoFalls
YouTube - Ukrainian Army Ad
Ground Zero: Google Maps and Nuclear Weapons
U.S. to yield marijuana jurisdiction to states
Alexander Cockburn: The Lawyer's Tale: Harvard Law School's Hour of Shame
A guide to the 100 best blogs - part I - Times Online
MediaPost Publications Google Tries To Kibosh Funding Of Critic 02/25/2009
Pet Week: The Internet is full of kittens | Salon Life
The 6 Most Insane Moral Panics in American History |
YouTube - Everything is amazing, nobody is happy...
YouTube - Raymond Scott - "Dinner Music"
YouTube - The Job
India names Pakistani colonel in connection with Mumbai terror attacks | World news |
Feds: CIA boss had history of bad behavior - Crime & courts- Executive to be sentenced for fraud rose to No. 3 rank despite misdeeds
Torture Commission Senate | Salon News Senate will advance torture commission
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Report: Goss Knew Foggo Shared A Girlfriend With Russian Spy, But Hired Him Anyway
Burris' son got state job under Blagojevich - Chicago Breaking News
Tom DeLay Slams Obama's Address To Congress On Hardball ("the most irresponsible, hypocritical speech I have ever witnessed," + "insane")
Sanford Implies Rush Limbaugh Is An "Idiot" (they're cracking up)
CPAC Agenda: Joe The Plumber To Advise Young Conservatives As Panelist (what's wrong with this picture?)
The Joe-the-Plumberization of the GOP | The Next Right (how the GOP is going to save itself from irrelevancy)(self-parody?)
Politics: Bobby Jindal Channels Kenneth the Page in GOP Response (once you become an Internet meme, you're politically toast)
Memo to Bobby Jindal: Dump Rush - The Daily Beast Ambitious young Gov. Jindal tried to stick it to Obama on TV tonight. But Paul Begala says to really make it in politics, he has to break with the kook right. Politics Done Right: Jindal Versus the Volcano
Wonkette : Jindal ‘Not Easily Caricatured’
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (February 25, 2009) - Obama And Jindal
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon - Video Blogs - The Jack McBrayer Response To The Internet Response To The Republican Response To The President's Address To Congress | NBC
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Jindal's Katrina Story: A Tall Tale? (and, he's a liar, surprise)
YouTube - Another response to Jindal's response | YouTube - Mr. Jindal's Neighborhood
Think Progress » ThinkProgress Challenges McCain On His 2003 Statement That We May ‘Muddle Through In Afghanistan’
Washington Post Profit Plunges 77%
Bloggers and Unions Join Forces to Push Democrats to Left - (compare w/below)
'Accountability Now': Bloggers And Progressive Groups Plan To Challenge Elected Dems
Unions File Complaint To Strip Anti-Labor Group's Tax Status
Charts: Dow to 6,000, Opportunity in 2010 -
Calculated Risk: Weekly Claims: Continued Claims Over 5 Million
New-home sales tumble to record low pace in Jan. - Yahoo! Finance - annual pace of 309,000 in January, no relief in sight
Dem spat delays mortgage relief bill in House Worldwide Obama Budget Has Contingency for More Aid to Banks
Matthew Yglesias » Geithner’s Recipe for Zombie Banks
FDIC: Problem Banks up 50% in Fourth Quarter -
Media Matters - CNBC's Bartiromo falsely suggested Obama proposed taxing small businesses' revenue
Tax Suspicions Grow on Swiss Accounts - (50K really rich probably Republican American tax-evaders)
To Pay for Health Care, Obama Looks to Taxes on Affluent -
Obama Expected To Kill Hedge Fund Tax Break
William K. Black: The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis (American business: intrinsically crooked)
Colbert 1997 Flashback In Honor Of Wall Street (video)
Science News Examiner: UCLA team creates functional neurons from adult somatic cells
Study shows benefits of purified blood stem cells for leukemia and lymphoma - Medical Center Report Archive - Office of Communications & Public Affairs - Stanford University School of Medicine
Using Stem Cells To Make Blood Substitutes | Science & Technology | Chemical & Engineering News Artificial blood derived from cord blood stem cells is being tested in humans
Stem cell surgery could help father walk again - Telegraph
ABC News: Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban The Ban Expired in 2004 During the Bush Administration.
YouTube - Law Makes Blasphemy Illegal in U S Christopher Hitchens
» Jason Jones: Barack Obama May be the Next Antichrist, Hitler or Both | Indecision | Comedy Central
How strong is a chimpanzee, really? - By John Hawks - Slate Magazine
From Evolution Comes Literature - / Books / Essays - Survival of the theorist
Evolution News & Views: Darwinist Opposition to Academic Freedom Bills Demonstrates the Need for Legislation to Protect Academic Freedom (DI's version of "Academic Freedom" - freedom to teach bullshit)
BOOK REVIEW: Science, Evolution, and Creationism, 2008. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Review - Darwinian Reductionism
Why Men Always Fall for a Lady in Red |
Surviving Crashes: How Airlines Prepare for the Worst - TIME
Replacing Things Lost by Amy DePaul - The Morning News | Awful Plastic Surgery
Two Cheers for Reddit | The Big Money - The 24-7 competition for the cutest things on the Internet
Time Slider: Startups (see writing/editing in progress)
Hacker News | The most surprising thing I've seen in 2009, courtesy of Etherpad
Speaking in Tongues - The New York Review of Books - Zadie Smith
A Completely Unscientific (Yet Accurate) Look at Social Sites
Exclusive: Lawyer says Guantanamo abuse worse since Obama | U.S. | Reuters ("prison guards "get their kicks in" before the camp is closed")
Salon Radio: ACLU on Obama, Bagram and secrecy - Glenn Greenwald -
Iraq’s Widows - The New York Times > Middle East > Slide Show
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Report: Goss Knew Of Foggo's Shady Past
Supreme Court rules Utah city can reject religious sect's monument | (defacto establishment of state religion)
Jindal Response 'Nihilism': David Brooks
Matthew Yglesias » Jindal Speech Bobby Jindal apparently believes it’s appropriate to address the citizens of the United States in a tone that suggests we’re all nine years old (the best they could do)
First Draft: Michael Gerson: Reality Fail
YouTube - Rachel Maddow Responds to Bobby Jindal
What should government do? A Jindal meditation - Paul Krugman Blog - - the political philosophy of the GOP right now seems to consist of snickering at stuff that they think sounds funny. The party of ideas has become the party of Beavis and Butthead.
Media Matters - Will's "final thought" on Obama speech: "I don't know when men started to hug each other, but hug they do, and look at that" (George Will is so weird)
Dakota: A Rose By Any Other Name Won't Make A Whit Of Difference
George Lakoff: The Obama Code
Reid: Congressional Budget Increased To Pay GOP Staffers (negotiating with extremists)
Images of nooses, Confederate flags tighten racism's grip in town of Paris, Texas -- Allegations of discrimination in plant are latest flare-up in Paris
Terror victims seeking Persian relics in court - Crime & courts- (that's -Israeli- terror victims sueing museums in the US for $.5Bn in Persian art)
U.S. arrests 755 in Mexican cartel raids - Crime & courts-
Group of Rich Americans Sues UBS to Keep Names Secret in Tax Case - (and that's a secret too)
Calculated Risk: Bernanke: "We're not completely in the dark." (that helps)
Banking On A Best-Case Scenario -
Recipe for Disaster: The Formula That Killed Wall Street
February 24, 2009 Statement On San Francisco Chronicle Cost-Saving Initiatives
Apple shareholders seek answers on Jobs' health - Yahoo! Finance
Getting Nasty At Condé - New York Post 'They'Re Having Worst Year Of Any Publisher'
Search Term Stats Show Sad State of the Economy - HotHardware
Loneliness Affects How The Brain Operates
Is the Internet Warping Our Brains? | LiveScience
What Do Dreams Mean? Less Than We Think - Time (dreams not portals to the unconscious, they say, just random shit)
Beauty: it's in the sex of the beholder - Ars Technica
FindLaw's Writ - Colb: When Oral Sex Results in a Pregnancy Can Men Ever Escape Paternity Obligations?
No longer a gray area: Our hair bleaches itself as we grow older
There's Something Queer about That Face: Scientific American (gaydar is real)
Gov. Jindal Follow-up: What Is 'Volcano Monitoring'? | LiveScience
Bishop Wrong’s Biblical Studies Carnival XXXVII « Dr Jim West
NOVA | Rat Attack | PBS
Atlanta police look to restore trust after drug raid killing | State senator asks department to release FBI report into fatal, botched raid (your paramilitary death cops)
The Agitator » Blog Archive » Tearful Atlanta Cops Express Remorse for Shooting 92-Year-Old Kathryn Johnston, Leaving Her To Bleed to Death in Her Own Home While They Planted Drugs in Her Basement, Then Threatening an Informant So He Would Lie To Cover It All Up
Three Former Atlanta Police Officers Sentenced to Prison in Fatal Shooting of Elderly Atlanta Woman (drugzwar on you)
Lawmaker's HIV, promiscuity comments cause uproar : The Rocky Mountain News : Republican senator Dave Schultheis: "yes, that person may have AIDS, have it seriously as a baby and when they grow up, but the mother will begin to feel guilt as a result of that," he said.
Colorado Independent » Schultheis: HIV testing for pregnant moms rewards ‘sexual promiscuity’ (it always was about controlling women's sexuality)
Nick Bilton: list of number of links on homepages of 98 popular websites
The 25 Most Valuable Blogs (see comments)
The Twenty Five Most Valuable Blogs - 247 Wall Street
How to value a blog? « Social media in NY
Business Opportunities Weblog | How Much Is Your Blog Worth | Find Out Your Blogs Value | Blog Valuation Tool
Cubestat - Website Value Calculator, Estimations and Information Herbert Gintis' review of The Purchase of Intimacy
IVONA Text-To-Speech by IVO Software (demo: create speech file)
BBC NEWS | Technology | Quake boosts browser video games
Amazon Exposes 1 Terabyte of Public Data to Developers - ReadWriteWeb - A History Of Mafia Names
Topless coffee shop opens in central Maine -
Lost London - SkyscraperCity
"I Want The Rapture Right Now"!!! - Rapture Ready Symptom Checker - Check Symptoms and Causes (and scare yourself to death)
US Troops To Leave Iraq By August 2010: Officials (Mission Accomplished)
The "Americans want bipartisanship" myth - Glenn Greenwald - (yeah, fuck that) ("Is it even theoretically possible to have a worse, more deceitful and more moronic press than the one we have?")(Atrios: Yes)
The Washington Monthly: Mccain'S Salvo Falls Flat (WATB)
Think Progress » Santelli Claims The White House Is Threatening Him: ‘My Kids Are Nervous To Go To School’ (foxholes at work)
Media Matters - So much for the Rick Santelli-led revolt (revolt of the populist millionaires!)
Schumer To GOP Govs On Stimulus: Take It Or Leave It
Boss Got Raise As Philly Papers Tanked - CEO Tierney got 38% increase as The Philadelphia Inquirer headed toward bankruptcy (American Way: rewarding failure)
Media Matters - AP falsely reported Obama called Social Security "the single most pressing fiscal challenge we face by far" - Liz Sidoti falsely reported (just passing on Republican lies)
Times Editors Cut From Story Their Own Reporter’s Debunking Of GOP Mouse Tale | The Plum Line ("the words “often misleadingly” were removed by editors") (NYT deserves to die)
Oxdown Gazette » Jim Cooper Not Invited to Fiscal Responsibility Summit (even Big-O has his limits)
Stanford had links to fund run by Bidens: report | U.S. | Reuters (well-connected Joe)
Durbin: Burris Should Resign (unlikely)
Ben Smith's Blog: Freeman facing resistance for NIC post - (Israel has veto power over O-Man's appointments)
Bernanke: Recession Should End in 2009, 2010 "Will Be A Year Of Recovery" ("if actions taken by the government lead to some stabilization in financial markets")
How Far Have We Fallen: Comparing Bear Markets from 1929 to early 2009 (GIF)
The Coming Depression: See It Clearly Through Historical Eyes -- Seeking Alpha
Calculated Risk: General Growth Properties: $1.179 billion of past due debt (Mrs Little Tommy Friedman is broke)
In Maricopa, Ariz., a Paradise Found and Lost - (end of the SouthWest) Economy Housing Prices in 20 U.S. Cities Fall a Record 18.5%
Oil well below $40; consumer confidence plunges - Yahoo! Finance
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | End The Mortgage Deduction! (""the deduction essentially encourages us to make (government subsidized) leveraged bets on the swings of the housing market.")
Bank Of America Heiress Blasts Current Bank Leaders As 'Idiots' - / UK - Authorities put faith in toxic asset purchase proposal
Nationalizing Banks, AIG, Carmakers: The News And What It Means
Beauty Affects Men's and Women's Brains Differently | Wired Science from
Neuroscience and Nostalgia :: Very Evolved
Gallery - The next generation of mirrors - New Scientist
Six Ways to Boost Brainpower: Scientific American
Vital Omega-3 Nutrient: Best Life A single nutrient may have turned early humans into civilized man. Has stripping it from our diet given rise to cancer, diabetes, and other civilized diseases
Asia Times Online :: Spengler :: Iran current affairs: 5% of Iran's adult, non-elderly population of 35 million is addicted to opiates. That is an astonishing number, unseen since the peak of Chinese addiction during the 19th century.
Elaine Showalter, "A Jury of Her Peers" | Salon Books
One-woman winning machine Gail Trimble rises to the final University Challenge - Times Online
Harry Mount: Why do we love Jade and vilify a University Challenge brainbox? | Mail Online
Gail Trimble: Cleverness, aesthetics and sexism « The Anti-Room
YouTube - Gail Trimble - University Challenge Champ 2009 - Super Brain to appear in Nuts mag!?
Dumping Phelps Over Bong Rip Damages Kellogg's Brand Reputation
University Challenge star Gail Trimble flops Sun quiz
TV Scoop: Random hate: Someone called Trimble from Corpus Christi on University Challenge
Rare cheetah caught on camera trap in Sahara - Telegraph
Cincinnati Union Terminal at 75
The Nine Weirdest PSAs Ever Made (video)
The Relationship Bill
Flickr: supersolveig's Photostream
Sensible Erection - Making both heads compete for blood
YouTube - Flying Lawnmower | YouTube - Chasing Buzzards FPV Style
Suspend military aid to Israel, Amnesty urges Obama after detailing US weapons used in Gaza | World news | The Guardian (US aided and abetted war crimes by Israel - supplied white phosphorus used against civilians)
Revealed: full horror of Binyam Mohamed's beatings | World news | The Observer (Bush atrocities)
Why is the Obama administration clinging to an indefensible state-secrets doctrine? - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine See No Evil
Top 10 Bush cases Obama should redo. - By Emily Bazelon and Judith Resnik - Slate Magazine
Forget change: GOP eyes retro strategy - Jeanne Cummings -
Bunning: Justice Ginsburg likely will be dead in 9 months | The Courier-Journal (asshole)
Democrats Resisting Obama on Social Security - ("seeking bi-partisan solution" from the Party of Zero)
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | The Story Behind That Scrapped White House Social Security Task Force (but ... it was bi-partisan!)
cab drollery: Sometimes Screaming Works
Bush: Social Security trust fund ‘just IOUs’ - Politics- President says, ‘There is no trust fund’ (2005: remember when the media printed any crap Bush told them? They still do.)
Dakota: Lemon Socialism
The Washington Monthly: Th1e Shocking Marsh-Mouse Truth (Sheryl Gay Stolberg - NYT - passes on GOP lies to you)
Change Congress: Donor Strike: Take back Congress from the special interests
Philadelphia newspapers' owner files for bankruptcy | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/22/2009 (Inky and News)
Ira Forman: CBS News Pick Claimed Democrats are Bad People - CBS News named Jeff Ballabon, a New York Republican activist, to serve as the Senior Vice President of Communications - said "Obama is incredibly dangerous." (shameless)
The Myth Of The Filibuster: Dems Can't Make Republicans Talk All Night
Rupert Murdoch’s Love of Newspapers Is Weighing on News Corp - (from people who should know better)
Let Them Eat Cake - The Seminal (Rich Santelli and Michelle Bachmann)
Review - Media in the Digital Age
Book Review - 'The Inheritance - The World Obama Confronts and the Challenges to American Power,' by David E. Sanger - Review -
Blue Dogs Bark (and get all the attention)
Why Americans Don't Hate the Rich | Newsweek Business | Americans might get angry sometimes, but we don't hate the rich. We prefer to laugh at them (funny ha-ha)
We Are All Socialists Now | Newsweek Business | In many ways our economy already resembles a European one. As boomers age and spending grows, we will become even more French.
Index on Censorship » Review: The Assault on Liberty (and British)
Carole Cadwalladr: What a perfect revenge on the arch snooper | Comment is free | The Observer witness Jacqui Smith being hoist with her own petard.
Hope Is a Four Letter Word: Dow Slumps to 11 Year Low: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
OpenCongress - U.S. Congress - H.R.25 Fair Tax Act of 2009 (Republicans at work: eliminate the income tax!!1 FTW)
Many wonder what's in stimulus bill for them - The Boston Globe Many who played by rules see unfairness
U.S. regulators stand ready with more bank capital | Reuters
Government Moves to Shore Up Banking System - (your money just bought worthless common stock)
Bankruptcy Funding Solicited for Car Makers -
U.S. regulators eye more bank capital, common equity | Reuters
Citigroup's Clever Plan to Screw Taxpayers Again: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance (headlines we can believe in)
Leading Economists See U.S. Recession Deepening : NPR
Government Moves to Shore Up Banking System -
Citigroup Nationalization: Talks Of 40% Gov Stake Causes Stock Rally
'Lords' And Lessons From The Great Depression : NPR (Lord of Finance: Bankers Who Broke the World)(redux)
ABC News: Chaos -- Mathematical and Financial - Why We Can't Predict the Long-Term Effects of the Bailout
Job Market for Economists Turns ... Dismal -
"25 Random Things" About the Stimulus Package | The American Prospect (#1: t should have been called a "jobs bill." That would have made it harder for Republicans to oppose it)
The Failed Prophet -- In These Times As Wall Street collapses, so does Milton Friedman’s legacy.
Chronis J Polychroniou, "The Crisis of Global Capitalism and the Environment: Interview with John Bellamy Foster"
Retirement: The One Thing Couples Shouldn't Do Together
Online Gaming Communities and the Neo Tribalism Movement Online Gaming Communities and the Neo Tribalism Movement (WoW)
Variant issue 32 | Summer 2008 | Reading is an argument Althusser’s commandment, conjecture and contradiction
Buddhism's allure fading for some young Tibetans | Top News | Reuters
Aeroseek: Real-Time Flight Tracking
UCTV--University of California Television Conversations With History: Islam in the West with Jocelyn Cesari
Does Israel Need Think Tanks? - Middle East Quarterly (no, just thinking)
The Superior Civilization - The New York Review of Books The Superorganism: The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies
Sample Chapter for Martin, E.: Bipolar Expeditions: Mania and Depression in American Culture.
Alien Census: Can We Estimate How Much Life Is Out There?: Scientific American
The Superior Civilization - The New York Review of Books The Superorganism: The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies
Project Syndicate - Why Do Smart People Live Longer?
The Modern Library | 100 Best | Nonfiction
Philoctetes - Unfortunately, given recent events that have seriously affected our funding, we will need to curtail some of our programs (become a sponsor)
Four Myths About the Weather / Books / Non-Fiction - Madame Prosecutor Madame Prosecutor: Confrontations with Humanity’s Worst Criminals and the Culture of Impunity
'Dynamite: The Story of Class Violence in America' by Louis Adamic - Los Angeles Times
The random beauty of Facebook's "25 Random Things About Me" | Salon Life Why the latest annoying Facebook trend might be one of the most inspiring Web crazes in years (or not) Politics Done Right: Americans Growing Kinder to Bud (but cop-state can't do w/out arrests)
San Francisco - The Snitch - Legalize It: Ammiano to Introduce Legislation Monday to Allow Pot -- and Tax It
Pennsylvania rocked by 'jailing kids for cash' scandal - All four of the teens cited in this story say they appeared before Ciavarella without lawyers.
Blake Morrison reviews Voluntary Madness, Sectioned and Hurry Down Sunshine | Books | The Guardian Three different views of mental illness share a redemptive fortitude
'Dining with the devil': the unique secularization of American evangelical churches | International Social Science Review (more than dining ...)
New Statesman - Profile: Pope Benedict XVI The Pope is emerging as an ultra-reactionary (extreme right-wing Popester)
Is Holocaust-denier bishop Williamson a crazy old closet queen? (no, just a conservative Catholic)
The Hindu : Magazine : Gendered morality ‘Culture’ and ‘tradition’ are notions defined by men to demarcate the bounds of women.
burn after building -
Gas attack!: Vintage (Japanese) air raid defense posters ::: Pink Tentacle
ABC News: The Optimal Way to Board Plane Passengers (airlines are doing it wrong)
Facebook: What Facebook's Users Want In The Next Terms Of Service
Coyote on Portland’s Max - Seattle Transit Blog This photo illustrates one danger of building light rail to the far-flung suburbs: unwanted riders.
When the hive mind works, it's a beautiful thing. - By Michael Agger - Slate Magazine (
Kid Rides and Plays With Gigantic Python Video
All - New Math By Craig Damrauer
To Investigate or Not - Four Ways to Look Back at Bush -
Carol Gee's Blog | Talking Points Memo | It's a puzzlement (to prosecute or not)
The Associated Press: Obama backs Bush: No rights for Bagram prisoners
Obama’s Partisan, Profane Confidant Reins It In - Republicans are “bad people who deserve a two-by-four upside their heads.”
Firedoglake » Things Rahm Left Out Of His Love Note To Himself | Firedoglake » America’s Elite: Wrong, 24/7
Environmental News Examiner: Why did CNN distort Clinton's comment on human rights? Lord Saletan’s House O’ Compromise (With New Salad Bar!) (with more "sensible" abortion compromise!)
Lines Drawn Over Civil Unions Bill | KGMB9 News Hawaii | (Hawaii - churches say this will cause confusion)
Leading U.S. rabbi welcomed Obama, now stands accused of idolatry - Haaretz - Israel News (extremists)
New York - Jewish Paranoia and Jonathan Pollard -- VosIzNeias
How our liberties have been destroyed | Mail Online (UK)
Fox News "war games" the coming civil war - Glenn Greenwald -
Frank Rich - Op-Ed Columnist - What We Don’t Know Will Hurt Us -
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: The Nationalization Train Has Left The Station
Obsidian Wings: Obama's Housing Plan: The Second Time As Farce (dimbulb, or lying, media?)
Schwarzenegger To GOP Governors: Give Me Your Unwanted Stimulus Money (Muhahaha)
Bank Nationalization: "As American As Apple Pie"
Firedoglake » Place Yer Bets: When Does George Will Finally Lose It and Pull a Novak? (Krugman brings the hammer)
David Fiderer: Time Rewrote History With "25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis"
City banker spent £43,000 on champagne - Telegraph A City banker ran up a £43,000 bill on champagne at a London nightclub, including a £5,000 tip for the waitress.
Paul Kedrosky: Cheap Credit and Higher Education Tuition
9021-Ouch: Recession trickling up to Beverly Hills -
Wall Street’s Brain Drain Defense - ("you have no good people")
The Becker-Posner Blog: Pay Controls Do Not Work at Any Level-Becker
Foreign Policy: The Axis of Upheaval A special report on the coming age of instability
Dayton Homes For Resale and Foreclosures (OH) (Dayton homes for around $1000)
idiocracy - Google Video
Mickey Rourke Wins at Spirit Awards, Delivers Best Speech Ever - Moviefone
What's Wrong With Summer Stiers? - The Medical Detectives -
Book Review - 'Snark - A Polemic in Seven Fits,' by David Denby - Review -
Yes Means Yes
Bitch Ph.D. - A Different Kind of Rape
Not just consent but enthusiasm: some notes on college sex workshops and stoplights at Hugo Schwyzer
A Former Street Kid Sizes Up 'Slumdog Millionaire' |
Dark Matter Filament Detected Near the Milky Way
Shockwave of X-Ray Starquake Enthralls Scientists | LiveScience
New Evidence Supports Ice Age Comet Theory
Bill proposes ISPs, Wi-Fi keep logs for police | Politics and Law - CNET News (Republican nanny/surveillance state)
Are we about to eliminate AIDS? - health - 19 February 2009 - New Scientist (one-shot gene therapy)
ABC News: America's Top 15 Emptiest Cities
Marijuana — Safer Than Aspirin and Other Legal Drugs |
US Court Order: D. New Jersey -- Chilling Effects Clearinghouse (New Jersey censors Google results for term paper help for entire world, fails at the internet)
As Crime Mounts, Mexicans Turn to Vigilante Justice - Time (drugzwar)
Rasmussen Reports™: 40% Say Marijuana Should Be Legalized
YouTube - Rape Club - Japan
Update: Facebook Agrees To Take Down Dead Relative's Page
Flickr: The Advertising Sillyness from the Seventies Pool
Simon & Schuster: The Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging (eBook) - Read an Excerpt
Dan Meth - My Trilogy Meter (infographic of movie trilogies)
Al-Qaeda founder launches fierce attack on Osama bin Laden - Telegraph
Civilians in war zones | Women and children worst | The Economist Much butchery, some retribution
Media Matters - Nice job on the Stimulus, Madame Secretary. But shouldn't you be changing some diapers? (how low can your elite media go?)
Media Matters - Media Matters: In support of shunning
Talking Points Memo | Through Obscure Non-Profit, Stanford Wooed Lawmakers
Alan Keyes stokes Obama birth certificate controversy | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times (crazy Republicans at work)
Jobs Still Elude Some Bush Ex-Officials - (cry me a river)
Donklephant- Budget Transparency To Come With Massive Political Price? - accounting gimmicks that President George W. Bush used to make deficit projections look smaller. The price of more honest bookkeeping: A budget that is $2.7 trillion deeper in the red (Republican fiscal responsibility)
Think Progress » Jindal Rejects $90 Million In Recovery Funding That Would Have Benefited 25,000 Louisiana Residents (but they'working-class taxpayers and voters, so screw them) Worldwide U.S. Wants UBS to Break Swiss Law By Naming Clients, Bank Says
PicsOrLinks - Graph of historic financial collapses
Yankees, Mets stars' funds tied up as feds probe alleged financial swindler Robert Stanford - A big booster of Stanford has been Fox News host Sean Hannity (foxholes)
TPM: News Pages | House seeks to calm on banks; Volcker: Economy falling faster than in Depression (George Will: even worse than Krauthammer)
Soros sees no bottom for world financial collapse | U.S. | Reuters (gloom_and_doom)
Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Falls To 5-Year Low (glad you sold?)
Bronte Capital: Bank solvency and the "Geithner Plan"
Econbrowser: Prospects for the U.S. banking system
The Long Now Blog » Blog Archive » Dmitry Orlov, “Social Collapse Best Practices” (don't read if you can't deal with it)
Cassandra Does Tokyo: "Camille's Reclining" Declining: real-term returns would undoubtedly be more negative than -50%, an astronomical difference between even something pedestrian like T-bills (art not a good investment)
BBC NEWS | Europe | Huge protest over Irish economy 100,000 people (just the beginning)
Latvia’s Government Falls on Economic Toll -
Seed: The Essential Parallel Between Science and Democracy The sound conduct of science and the sound conduct of democracy both depend on the same shared values (why Republicans hate science)
Do gravity holes harbour planetary assassins? - space - 18 February 2009 - New Scientist
High-energy portrait of approaching comet released - space - 20 February 2009 - New Scientist News Arctic Sea Ice Underestimated for Weeks Due to Faulty Sensor
Rich nations failing to meet climate aid pledges | Environment |
The Transition Handbook - free edit version - Appropedia: The sustainability wiki
Injections of licorice ingredient show promise as treatment for cocaine addiction
Imagining College Without Grades :: Inside Higher Ed :: Higher Education's Source for News, Views and Jobs
Morning Glory Cloud Photos - Wave approaching Kangaroo Point 1993
Cabinet Magazine Online - Sparks of Life
Lawyers, Guns and Money: The Internet Company For People Who Thought Kozmo Was a Great Business Model (Roger L. Simon, wingnut)
Michael Bérubé - American Airspace: Roger and Me (Roger L. Simon)
Google Earth's 'Atlantis' Just A Data Glitch -- Google Earth -- InformationWeek
Wikileaks publishes secret donor list • The Register Hoist by its own leaky petard
Five myths about prison growth. - By John Pfaff - Slate Magazine
Don't Trust Yelp (Or Anyone Else) With Your Online Reputation - Business Center - PC World
A 224-Word Palindrome - Neatorama
Kansas City - Fat City - Clara Cannucciari: 93 and cooking e 93-year-old's sage advice and Great Depression recipes.
Cozy Feet Mean Happy Babies This is wrong in so many ways, but strangely adorabe.
Sex Tips to Turn Her On: Men's Health
How To: Hackintosh a Dell Mini 9 Into the Ultimate OS X Netbook
How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you - (real answer: it's breathing)
Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu Will Form New Government: Peres (neo-con takeover)
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Two House Dems: If Gaza Devastation Happened in America, 'There Would Be National Outrage'
BBC NEWS | Europe | Italy passes emergency rape law
Rachel Maddow video: Prosecuting Bush officials for war crimes? (Abu Gonzales: "I'm not worried about the truth" and "I don't recall")
Governor Quinn Calls On Burris To Resign
Sen. Burris must resign, but he needs a shove :: Chicago Sun-Times
Bob Cesca: Sean Hannity's Ridiculous War Against Socialism
Rick Santelli Gets Schooled By Press, White House (foxholes)
Gibbs V. Santelli: He Should Read President's Plan (Video)
Rick Santelli Rants Again, Calls Fellow Reporter "Rude" (video)
GOOD 013 - Why Vote? - Reason 184: Political NASCAR
Congressional Oversight Panel: COP Report: Valuing Treasury Acquisitions every time Treasury spent $100, it took back assets that were worth, on average, $66. This equals a $78 billion shortfall for the $254 billion spent on these deals so far.
Frontline: inside the meltdown: watch the full program | PBS - General Electric (GE) Goes Single-Digits, Down 7%
Bank quandary sends Wall Street tumbling - Yahoo! Finance
How the Mighty Banks Have Fallen
Gold futures rise $1,000 on flight to safety - Yahoo! Finance
Schumer: Failed 'Zombie' Banks Should Be Nationalized
Some banks may have to be nationalized, Sen. Dodd says | Money & Company | Los Angeles Times
Madoff Ponzi Scheme: No Indication Stocks Were Ever Purchased
Number Of Victims From Bernard Madoff's $50b Ponzi Scheme Expected To Double - New York Post
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Pete Sessions' Office Falsely Claims He Didn't Know Stanford
Eyes On Obama - Stimulus Cash Refusal Likely to Hurt GOP Governors (it always was, Ideology First)
CNN: Anti-stimulus ad uses Jesus (but they won't do this for the Iraq War or the tax-cuts for the rich)
NPR: Planet Money
The Crisis of Credit Visualized on Vimeo
Smoke This Recession / It's simple: First we tax the booze. Then we legalize the pot. Done.
Five Best Cities to Live in 2009 if the Economy Keeps Tanking
3quarksdaily Will you perceive the event that kills you?
Christopher Hitchens on Beirut attack: 'they kept coming. Six or seven at first' | Media |
Ace of Spades : What Happened With Hitchens
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Post Ombudsman Responds, Unconvincingly, On Will Column
The Sea Ice Affair, Continued | The Loom | Discover Magazine
Daily Kos: I was assaulted at an Ann Coulter lecture last night.
Pharyngula: How to respond to requests to debate creationists
NYU Student Protest Over Financial Transparency Getting Heated - Students Want Back-And-Forth On Financial Transparency
Marijuana May Be Protective Against Injury, Study Says - NORML
Daily Kos: Legalizing Marijuana More Popular Than Republicans (there you go)
Police Officer Who Shoved a Bicyclist Is Off the Job -
Manufacturing Guilt?: Experts say this exclusive video shows a dental examiner creating the bite marks that put a man on death row. - Reason Magazine
Photo In The News: "Extinct" Bird Seen, Eaten (not an Onion article)
Matthew's non theme based fancy dress party
Nokia Will Ship N97 Loaded With Skype Calling Software - Business Center - PC World
The $300 Million Button
StillTasty: Your Ultimate Shelf Life Guide
Before Clinton's South Korea Visit, North Korea Steps Up War Rhetoric / Middle East / Politics & Society - Iran holds enough uranium for bomb
Mohamed Farag Bashmilah: Disappeared in the Name of National Security
California Budget Passes, to Popular Dismay | Business Pundit
Kathleen Sebelius, Kansas Governor, Seen as Top Choice in Health and Human Services Post -
New York newspaper accused of racism over 'Barack Obama chimpanzee' cartoon - Telegraph (Murdoch media blatent racisim)
New York Post Employees Unhappy, Ashamed Of Offensive Cartoon
Limbaugh: Trying To Understand A Dem Like Trying To Understand A Murderer Or Rapist (testing the limits of psychotic hatred)
Fox: the Socialist News Network - War Room - (we're in yr hed, washin yr brain)
Daily Kos: UPDATED x3 w/transcript: Holy Crap! Mayor of Lansing, MI kicks FOX News' Ass!! (in which the Foxholes recycle the $70/hr myth)
Lebanese in Shock Over Arrest of an Accused (Israeli) Spy - One of Mr. Jarrah’s cousins, Ziad al-Jarrah, was among the 19 hijackers who carried out the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 (small world)
The Face of Shrillness - Glenn Greenwald -
Media Matters - The media myth: Detroit's $70-an-hour autoworker (recycled propagandistic lying bullshit)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The Definition of Smug
GOP Governors Consider Turning Down Stimulus Money (Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alaska, South Carolina and Idaho)
Think Progress » Washington Post runs George Will’s newest column without issuing a correction for his last one.
Climate Progress » Blog Archive » Is George Will the most ignorant national columnist? (no, Krauthammer gets that prize)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 02/16/2009 | DEA has 106 planes, so why did it charter private jet for chief? Michele Leonhart
Reagraham Lincool | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Dow ends at lowest close in more than 6 years - Yahoo! Finance
Jobless Claims Hit Record High; Inflation Jumps -
UBS agrees to pay $780 million, open secret Swiss banking records - Los Angeles Times
UBS: American Investors' Identities To Be Revealed
JPEG: The Committee to Save the World (1999: what fools we were)
Take Over, But I'll Tell You How to Drive
Alan Greenspan: The Oracle Or The Master Of Disaster?
Bailed-Out Chase CEO Dimon: People Should Pay Mortgages "Even If They're Underwater"
The Washington Monthly: The Fiscal Responsibility Summit
Allen Stanford probe widens - Yahoo! Finance
naked capitalism: Greg Mankiw in Favor of Nationalization (and Tries to Clean Up Nomenclature) Worldwide Citi Director Hernandez to Keep Plane, Helicopter Use
Irvine Housing Blog - Irvine Real Estate - 30% off in Woodbury
Firedoglake » CNBC’s Santelli Calls Struggling American Homeowners “Losers” (your elite, always wrong, media)
Rick Santelli's Revolution: CNBC Reporter Freaks Out, Wants To Be Che Guevara (more elite financial media)
Why Warren Buffett Isn't a Hypocrite - Yahoo! Finance
Wealth gap creating a social time bomb | World news | The Guardian Wealth gap creating a social time bomb • Race behind division in US cities, says UN report • Beijing is most egalitarian place in the world
Metro - Atheist ads on OC Transpo in limbo “When statements are said that God probably does not exist, this is an implied statement of hatred towards all those who do believe that God exists.” (but not vice versa)
Timothy Garton Ash: Liberty in Britain is facing death by a thousand cuts. We can fight back | Comment is free | The Guardian
Drug violence spins Mexico toward 'civil war' -
Arkansas Times: Be a hero on your own time (McDonalds FAIL)
Shakesville: Police Assault Woman Who Called for Help; Sue News Station Who Exposes Them
symmetry breaking » Blog Archive » A first: String theory predicts an experimental result
Review - Ignorance and Imagination - Philosophy
Is Genius Born or Can It Be Learned? - TIME (ten year/10,000 hours rule, etc)
Welcome | The Signtific Lab | Massively Multiplayer Thought Experiments
Darwin 200: Should scientists study race and IQ? YES: The scientific truth must be pursued : Article : Nature
We are becoming a new species, we are becoming Homo Evolutis - Ars Technica
YouTube - Juan Enriquez: Tech evolution will eclipse the financial crisis
You Say You Want a Revolution -- In These Times A founding member of the Weather Underground looks back at an organization unable to come to terms with its own violence
Photo: Liquid Water Recently Seen on Mars?
Faust and the physicists | PD Smith | Kafka’s mouse
Docudharma:: Freud, Marcuse, and a Reality Principle for a Better World Europe Britons’ Health Harmed by Social Networking Sites
Eric's Archived Thoughts: Wanted: Layout System
Hulu's Hollywood overlords force Boxee block • The Register (they'd rather you steal their content than watch their commericals, ok)
XBMC Media Center
Eee Box B204, B206 in pictures
YouTube - Hulu's Superbowl Commercial - 60sec
Goon Train (collective effort from somethingawful, most people over 30 won't understand the language)
Israel launches air strikes on Gaza | World | Reuters
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Clerics urge new jihad over Gaza
NYT: Obama's war on terror may resemble Bush's - The New York Times- Administration quietly signals continued support for some approaches (change that make you sick)
Seumas Milne: According to the UK government, we are all extremists now | Comment is free | The government is criminalising legitimate dissent under the guise of fighting 'extremism', a word for which it has no definition
No More Mister Nice Blog J.D. Hayworth: Channeling Anti-Semites ... Again (they're all crazy)
NY Post: A New York Post cartoon that appears to link President Obama to a violent chimpanzee drew criticism Wednesday (catch that?)
New York Post Chimp Cartoon Compares Stimulus Author To Dead Primate (your Murdoch media at work)
Howard Dean: The Far Right's All Out Offensive Against Medical Research
Jason Linkins: ABC News Depicts Important Strategic Talks As Taxpayer Waste In Utterly Inane Article (corpmedia)
Palin must pay tax on past per diem, state says: Gov. Sarah Palin | (Ditz from the North)
The New Republic Appoints Itself Gravedigger Of 'Mainstream Media' (leaves out Stephen Glass and Lee Siegel, of course)
Media Stimulus Coverage A Complete Embarrassment (it was too complicated!)
Home |
GOP Fighting For Money From Stimulus They Opposed (your head is spinning)
G.O.P. Senate Leader in California Ousted - - G.O.P. Shakeup Could Derail Budget Deal (Party of Destruction)
MBIA forms separate US public finance company Worldwide U.S. Housing Starts Fell to Record Low in January
Comrade Greenspan: Seize the economy’s commanding heights! - Paul Krugman Blog - , it’s amazing how compelling the logic of temporary nationalization is. How long will it be before the Obama administration is ready to take the plunge? / US / Politics & Foreign policy - Greenspan backs bank nationalisation
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 02/18/2009 | Obama's housing fix: help banks modify loans — or allow judges to
Richardson and Roubini Say There's Virtue In Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's Bank Plan - At least he doesn't want to guarantee more bad debt (Richardson and Roubini)
Allen Stanford Missing: Federal Authorities Do Not Know His Whereabouts (on the lam)
FT Alphaville » Blog Archive » Sir Allen’s Antigua, or the curious case of Stanford International Bank
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | After Lobbying From Stanford, Senate Killed Bill To Combat Financial Fraud
A 'fraud' bigger than Madoff - Americas, World - The Independent Senior US soldiers investigated over missing Iraq reconstruction billions
Tax Gap: Rare glimpse into offshore world of big money and low taxes - Wikileaks
Talking Points Memo | Inter-American Economic Council '05 Caribbean Junket
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect NPR Misrepresents Bank "Nationalization" Yet Again (NicePoliteRepublicans should know better)
ND House Passes Abortion Ban | North Dakota News
Muzzammil Hassan: Muslim TV Exec Accused Of Beheading Wife In NY May Have Committed "Honor Killing"
Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit - (karma)
About New York - No Photo Ban in Subways, Yet an Arrest - (cops making up laws) w
Arkansas, 5 Other States, Ban Atheists from Public Service. Seriously - Bonnie Erbe (
KSWO, Lawton, OK- Wichita Falls, TX: News, Weather, Sports. ABC, 24/7, Telemundo - Teens face two charges of animal cruelty after posting cat abuse on YouTube (4chan ftw)
Photo Journal : Pictures of the Day
Dead Air - SoCal Connected - Day to Day - After March 20th you will no longer hear the dulcet tones of Madeleine Brand | Recession brings layoffs at NPR, 2008
Spring Fashion 2009 - Inside Life at a Male-Model Apartment -- New York Magazine
Victoria's bushfires | Black Saturday | kangaroo survival | St Andrews
Battle of the Set-top Boxes « Andrew Currie on WordPress
Sweet Juniper!
Accidents on Long Island --
Brains of Lonely People Work Differently
How Inflammatory Disease Causes Fatigue
Eating Your Veggies: Not As Good For You? - TIME
Israel seizes land for settlement expansion (says fuckyou to Obama)
The Raw Story | Missing Iraq billions could be 'greatest fraud in US history'
BBC NEWS | UK | Ministers 'using fear of terror' A former head of MI5 has accused the government of exploiting the fear of terrorism and trying to bring in laws that restrict civil liberties.
Attackerman - In Control - Swat Valley in Pakistan as the real center of the war on terrorism.
Wikileaks releases NATO report on civilian deaths - Wikileaks
Peace in the Middle East - Did Hampshire College Become the First to Divest from Israel?
Mass. college denies Israel divestment | JTA - Jewish & Israel News
Hampshire College cuts ties with fund invested in Israel - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe
The Raw Story | Obama, not Bush, now seeking delay of Rove deposition (wft? change that makes your blood boil)
The Raw Story | Justice probe may pose 'enormous consequences' for Bush officials
David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey - A 'Truth Commission' Fact-Check - The Danger in Democrats' Rush to Investigate (WaPo defends the Bush Torturers and bandits, covers Obama's ass: the Village at work)
Rahm's 'Rent' Is Just The Tip Of Ethics Iceberg
Matthew Yglesias » Politico’s David Rogers Catches Republicans Lying About High-Speed Rail, Won’t Call Them Liars
TPMMuckraker | Burris Now Admits He Tried To Raise Money For Blago (o rly?)
TPMMuckraker | Cornyn Took Caribbean Junket On Stanford's Dime (with "unidentified companion" har-har)
Pat Robertson Denounces Rush Limbaugh For Hoping Obama Fails (divided wingnuts)
Death of newspapers | Salon If reporting vanishes, the world will get darker and uglier. Subsidizing newspapers may be the only answer.
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | A Credibility Issue (WaPo "reporting") ("Matt Drudge rules their world. Now let's see George Will admit it.")
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Hiatt, Will, On Global Warming Misinformation: Talk To The Hand
GLI Press: Why Newspapers Don’t Matter, and What They Can Do About It
The Scoop Factory Inside Politico and the brave new world of post-print journalism.
Bank worries and energy stocks yank Wall St. lower - Yahoo! Finance (Dow Close: 7552 - how long until 7000?)
Stocks drop on worries about economy, automakers
GM needs up to $30 billion in aid to avoid failure - Yahoo! Finance
Late Change in Course Hobbled Rollout of Geithner's Bank Plan -
California Lawmakers Struggle to Strike Budget Deal - (GOP: Party of Zero)
In a World Not Wholly Cooperative, Obama’s Top Economist Makes Do -
Sarah Palin In Trouble As Oil Prices Fall: AP
What's a CDO? -
Marketplace: Financial Crisis 101: CDOs explained
Calculated Risk: Ponzi: SEC Charges Stanford with $8 billion securities fraud (more bezzle)
U.S. charges Allen Stanford with "massive" fraud - Yahoo! Finance
Econbrowser: Projected size of the deficit
Major Investors Piling into Gold -- Seeking Alpha
YouTube - equityprivate's Channel
Vaccine fears and risk tradeoffs : Tertiary Source
In Which I Explain to the Wall Street Journal How Free Speech Works | CtW Connect (using taxpayer money to lobby against the Employee Free Choice Act)
Banks Spend TARP Funds on Anti-Consumer Lobbying Campaign « Overruled
Crude oil is getting cheaper — so why isn't gas?
As Gas Prices Rise, MSM Disagrees Why Prices Are Rising |
Wonk Room » REPORT: 14,000 Americans Lose Health Insurance Every Day
Green Cities, Brown Suburbs by Edward L. Glaeser, City Journal Winter 2009 To save the planet, build more skyscrapers—especially in California.
Pirate Bay prosecutor tosses infringement charges overboard • The Register
Open Access Blog: Stand for Open Access, Oppose HR801 (Conyers (D) wants to give copyright of gov info to publishers)
Release early, release often: English-Chinese dictionary based on Wikipedia | Random Stuff that Matters
Addressing Parents' Concerns: Do Vaccines Cause Allergic or Autoimmune Diseases? -- Offit and Hackett 111 (3): 653 -- Pediatrics
Bristol Palin Interview: Talks Motherhood, Mom, Shows Off Baby (Video)
Metafilter - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME
YouTube - THC Kills Glioma Cancer Cells - Medical Miracles from Europe
What Invasive Species Are Trying to Tell Us | Mother Jones
Ex-presidents of Latin America urge legal marijuana -
Scientologists Blame Psychiatry For 9/11
Spaced Gun Fight | YouTube - Osaka Bang! with English sub
California Prepares To Eliminate 10,000 Jobs Today
Calitics:: Some more math If tax cuts always stimulate growth, then if we reduce the tax rate to zero, economic growth should swell to infinity. Right?
Testimony of Spc. Brandon Neely — The Center for the Study of Human Rights in the Americas (CSHRA) (Gitmo)
Obama slows down troop boost decision - David S. Cloud -
Dems Fed Up With McCain: "Angry Old Defeated Candidate"
Editorial - Editorial Notebook - Is the Supreme Court About to Kill Off the Exclusionary Rule? - (shredding the Constitution - Republicans at work)
Ken Starr: Obama's Supreme Court picks will face trouble - Politics 101 - Washington Times (Ken Fucking Starr!)
British and French nuclear submarines crash | The Sun |News (wtf - sats and subs?)
The Washington Monthly: Bad Will Hunting (George Will) (Republicans going with their stable of million year-old lying pundits)
ABQNews: George Will and the Global Cooling Scare (facts are stupid things)
Balloon Juice » A tale told by a wingnut, full of bricks and balls, signifying political failure (anti-immigration a loser for racist GOP)
Obsidian Wings: The RedState Strike Force Strikes!
"The House GOP Is Back": Republicans Promote Stimulus Opposition With Aerosmith (this will definitly work)
Daily Kos: MN-Sen v. 76.2; Update (?) Court Motions; DeadBlog @1:18pm
Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner: Hillary Clinton desire for UFO & extraterrestrial diplomacy
The Associated Press: APNewsBreak: Blackwater dumps tarnished brand name
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Not the Onion (Blackwater and Religious Right rebranding efforts)
Audit them all and let the IRS sort it out.
Phelps Won't Be Charged - Crime & Courts news | Newser Lott had made headlines by saying he may charge Phelps (tinpot Sherrif Leon Lott capitalizing on the drugwarz)
Sunday Browsing - First Look Blog - | Article Skimmer U.S. Taxpayers Risk $9.7 Trillion on Bailout Programs (trillion here, trillion there, pretty soon we're talkin' about real money)
Op-Ed Columnist - Franklin Delano Obama? - - Now, there’s a whole intellectual industry, mainly operating out of right-wing think tanks, devoted to propagating the idea that F.D.R. actually made the Depression worse (Republicans: people of the lie)
Steve Rosenbaum: "The Bush Recession" let's call it what it is (how about "Bush Crash" or "Bush Depression" or "Economic Terrorism")
Geithner, Summers To Head Obama's Auto Recovery Panel
The Next Bernie Madoff: R. Allen Stanford Under Investigation By The SEC, FINRA, FBI
Are Executives Worth Their Compensation? : NPR
TPMDC | U.S. Bank Execs Should Fear British Invasion ("A British politician is now calling for bonuses at bailed-out banks to be limited to £2,000, the amount typically received by low-level bank tellers") (call Clair McCaskill)
Media Matters - WSJ Op-Ed page plays dumb like it's nobody's business (lying or stupid?)
Calculated Risk: Japan's Economy Shrinks Sharply
Notgeld - Pre-Inflationary German Currency - a set on Flickr
Reinhardt Thread - "Suggestions and Predictions", page 84
I'm A Pimpin Turtle...: Dow death begins on 2/9/09 and culminates on Friday 13th
L'Oreal 2008 net profit falls 27 percent - Yahoo! Finance
Icing, longtime problem, is NY air crash suspect - Kansas City Star (FAA inaction on icing regs, Republicans at work)
Mexico's drug war: Sharp rise in kidnapping in Phoenix - Los Angeles Times
Out of Sight HRW Briefing Paper on Supermaximum Prisons
Scientists stop the ageing process (ABC News in Science)
AAAS: Heroes are born not made, scientists claim - Telegraph
Johnson School at Cornell University - Does Television Cause Autism?
Review of Two Books on NeuroEconomics: Neuroeconomics: a Guide to the New Science of Making Choices + Midbrain Mutiny: the Picoeconomics and Neuroeconomics of Disordered Gambling
Miller-McCune | Article | Repressed Memories Recovered Sponanteously May Be Most Reliable
Study: What Do You Think Of Oral Sex? |
Why Not Bring a Neanderthal to Life? - TierneyLab Blog -
Samsung Transparent OLED Display Video
Antioxidants inositol and inositol hexaphosphate could provide all-purpose radiation protection
When police park at HQ, regular rules do not apply - The Boston Globe
How to Learn (But Not Master) Any Language in 1 Hour (Plus: A Favor)
A special report on the new middle classes in emerging markets: Burgeoning bourgeoisie | The Economist
Annals of Culture: The Soundtrack of Your Life: The New Yorker
Science gleans 60TB of behavior data from Everquest 2 logs - Ars Technica
A Computer Repair Utility Kit You Can Run From a Thumb Drive - ReadWriteWeb
The New Gay: "The Indie Rock Fag's" Top 17 Homo Love Songs
Fake Pothole Speed Control Device Photographs
Robert Fisk’s World: A fair point: Everyone is equal in their suffering during wartime - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent
The Israeli Secret Services and the Struggle Against Terrorism
Whatever happened to free speech? - Telegraph Britain was once renowned around the world for defending people's right to speak out. Not any more, says Philip Johnston
LiberalOasis - American Demands Investigations into the Bush administration
Torture Report Could Be Trouble For Bush Lawyers | Newsweek Periscope |
Six Questions for Deborah Nelson on Vietnam War Crimes, and Why They Matter Now—By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine)
Former Gitmo Guard Tells All—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)(just when you thought it couldn't be worse)
Op-Chart - A Year in Iraq and Afghanistan - Op-Ed -
Ill. GOP leader calls on Burris to resign - Capitol Hill- (Republicans at work)
Op-Ed Columnist - They Sure Showed That Obama -
Think Progress » Gingrich’s obstructionism becomes role model for House GOP (Republicans: obstruct and destroy)
Obama On Republicans: 'I'm An Optimist, Not A Sap'
Obama and liberals: a counter-productive relationship - Glenn Greenwald -
Inquiry on Graft in Iraq Focuses on American Officers - (your corrupt senior military)
Hullabaloo: digby: Shrink Wrapped Thieves: huge sums of cash dumped onto tables and stuffed into sacks as if it were Halloween candy (fiscal responsibilty Republicans)
The Raw Story | Schumer: GOP didn't object to deficit spending when Bush did it (and called Dems traitors if they didn't go along)
Turn Off The TV - Republicans outnumber Democrats on TV during Stimulus debate, same as usual)
GOP dead set against 59th Dem - Manu Raju - (dead set, period)
The Atlantic Online | March 2009 | How the Crash Will Reshape America | Richard Florida
The Dark Sith for Commerce Secretary? - Jack & Jill Politics
Matthew Yglesias » MSM Derides Bloggers For Asking Hypothetical Bad Question (what about A-Rod, they want to know)
Washington Reporters’ Mass Exodus -- In These Times
Limbaugh vs. Obama | The American Prospect
Will Google Save the News? - The Daily Beast
The Death of Texas Power - The Daily Beast
Gun dealers experiencing shortages of bullets -- ("American gun owners buy about 7 billion rounds of ammunition yearly")(after months of heavy buying, shortage of bullets, wtf?)
Main Page - StimulusWiki
Imperfect stimulus plan is still the best answer | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/15/2009 Mark Zandi is chief economist at Moody's (and McCain advisor)
Nationalize the Banks! We're all Swedes Now - Matthew Richardson and Nouriel Roubini,
Graham: Nationalizing Banks Should Be On The Table (orly, when did that happen?)
Job Losses Pose a Threat to Stability Worldwide -
Calculated Risk: Axelrod: Housing Plan to be Announced Wednesday
Madoff Wall Of Silence - New York Post (Wall Street Exec knew he was crooked, said nothing)
Interfluidity :: Winterspeak wonderland & miraculous Mencius All I got was this lousy $400
The Center of the Universe » Blog Archive » Fact sheet on Geithner- Obama plan
The Smart Growth Manifesto - Umair Haque -
Dani Rodrik's weblog: Coming soon to a theater near you: capitalism 3.0
Grace Wong Bucchianeri | The Wharton School Housing & Happiness | How does Housing Make Us Happy? (no really)
Calif. Budget Fix Stalls With Too Few GOP Votes - (''You can't help the economy of the state of California by raising taxes. Yes, there's a big deficit. But in the final analysis, you're going to have to find another way to do it,'' Cox said.) (like what?)
TPM TV | Talking Points Memo | TPMtv: A Talk with Joseph Stiglitz
An Opec for gas?, by Rafael Kandiyoti
Michael Lewis | The Big Money
Stupidity In Washington Continues - The Market Ticker
Books to Read While the Algae Grow in Your Fur, January 2009 - Charles Tilly, Trust and Rule
The Predator State: A Summary (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought) / UK - Why the pain in Spain has mainly been contained (no SIVs)
Why Canada's Banks Don't Need Help (But Got It Anyway) - TIME
Worldwide Financial Crisis Largely Bypasses Canada Tight Regulations, Strict Lending Practices Encourage Optimism
What Happens When Larry and Sergey Die? | The Big Money
The E. F. Schumacher Society • Buddhist Economics
Search Harper's Index
Los Angeles Times Homicide Map
Global Warming Increasing Faster Than Predicted
LRB · Jerry Fodor: Where is my mind? Supersizing the Mind: Embodiment, Action and Cognitive Extension by Andy Clark
Shirley Dent: Maths and poetry have a special relationship | Books |
For Philosophers, Dead Is the New 90 -
AAAS: 'One hundred billion trillion' planets where alien life could flourish - Telegraph
Words give brain handle on feelings: U.S. researcher | Science | Reuters
More Ancient Hot Springs Discovered on Mars? | Universe Today
Think You'd Remember the Face of Your Torturer? Think Again | Wired Science from
Boy or girl? What determines the sex of your child? III | Psychology Today Blogs Why beautiful people have more daughters, and why women are more beautiful than men
Hitchens: Pope Benedict and the Far Right | Newsweek Religion |
Climate models predicted Australian bushfires - environment - 15 February 2009 - New Scientist
Beyond Chris Brown and Rihanna
Ex-BART cop accused of murder in rare group (cops are never wrong)
Full page hate » Drinking Liberally of Salt Lake City
The Last Ace - The Atlantic (March 2009)
Jonathan Wolff on self and text | Education | The Guardian - China makes ultimate punishment mobile (death van)
Stick Stuck (pre-fab housing is great)
Free Will versus the Programmed Brain: Scientific American If our actions are determined by prior events, then do we have a choice about anything—or any responsibility for what we do?
Kraftwerk and the Electronic Revolution | Music Documentary
Flickr: superbomba's Photostream (vintage vernaular photos)
It's Culture, Not Morality :: Inside Higher Ed (culture of plagiarism)
H-Net Reviews C.F. Howlett u.a.: History of the American Peace Movement
San Francisco Bay Guardian G-Spot: Hipsters and the emergence of altporn
Kinkonomics - The Daily Beast As the economy takes a spanking, many women are turning to freelance fetish work to supplement their incomes. | Jessica Valenti how young women can take action.
Woodstock through the eyes of photojournalists from the LIFE (August 1969) - mdolla
Dark Roasted Blend: Oops! Weirdest Accidents, Part 5
5 Real Life Soldiers Who Make Rambo Look Like a Pussy |
Behind the Wheel - 2010 Honda Insight - A New Hybrid Sprouts in the Shadow of the Prius - Review -
Israel learns of a hidden shame in its early years | World news | The Guardian Soldiers raped and killed Bedouin girl in the Negev (not much has changed)
For Russians, Link Between Democracy and the West
t r u t h o u t | Dump the GOP
Judd Gregg Voting Against Stimulus (very bi-partisan)
The Washington Monthly: Profiles In Courage (some of Specter's GOP colleagues wanted to vote for the package, but didn't think they could get away with it politically)
Congress Limits CEO Bonuses -
MyDD :: The Beltway Games Don't Really Matter a real divide between what the chattering class inside the Beltway is saying and what the people of this country are saying
Democrats Tailor Foreclosure Bill To Obama Goals -
GM considering Chapter 11 filing, new company: report | U.S. | Reuters
GM to Offer Two Choices: Bankruptcy or More Aid -
Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS Simon Johnson examines President Obama's plan for economic recovery.
High Noon: Geithner v. The American Oligararchs | Robbery Note - From The Banking Oligarchs This Morning « The Baseline Scenario
Ransom Note (”give us all your money, and you can have your economy back”")
William Foxton, British Investor In Madoff Scheme, Kills Himself
Drug giant GlaxoSmithKline pledges cheap medicine for world's poor | Business |
'Post-War Myths': The Logic Behind the Destruction of Dresden - Spiegel Online
Media Matters - Memo to Limbaugh: Try CTRL+F before blasting Dems for purportedly unsearchable bill
AP: In Medicaid reform, Fla. GOP saw rich benefit -- (they always do)
Alea Iacta Est: Lightning seen from the Space Shuttle
Austin police to unveil new roadside fingerprint devices (voluntary, but they'll arrest you if you refuse)
forwardOn: Amazing billboards
I LEGO N.Y. - Abstract City Blog -
YouTube - Ellen DeGeneres ~ I Love Jesus But I Drink A Little (HQ)
Bellflower: Real Impression of Movement
Consumer Rights: Apple Wants To Make Jailbreaking Worthy Of Jail Time, $2500 Fine
Thousands of unconscious eye movements stop us from going blind - Telegraph
Eli Davidson: Yes, You Can! Lessons From A 91-Year-Old Drummer On An Oxygen Tank
BBC - Science & Nature - Horizon - The Secret of El Dorado
The No-Stats All-Star -
Iraqi Female Suicide Bomber Kills At Least 40 Shiite Pilgrims (forgotten war)
Gates orders review of ban on photos of coffins (hiding Bushwar from you)
Think Progress » Bush Aide: Leahy Truth Commission Is ‘Terribly Dangerous’ Idea, Possibly ‘Deadly’ (and torturing people do death is fine)
Daily Kos: On that Commerce post: crazy idea: Nominate a fucking Democrat
Instaputz: It Burns (the stupid: wingnut "visionary new media" with Joe the Fucking Plumber)
Revolt is in the air: Countries across Europe in turmoil
Where you've been on Net not private, judge rules (Canada: all your IP numbers are belong to us)
This Modern World » Blog Archive » Media meltdown watch Newsweek also plans to lean even more heavily on the appeal of big-name writers like Christopher Hitchens, Fareed Zakaria and George Will (buy WaPo stock now!)
Saturday Night Live - Pelosi/Reid Open - Video -
Houses Passes Stimulus, Again Without Any Republicans (The Party of Zero)
The Stimulus Plan: A Detailed List of Spending - ProPublica
Rahm: Obama Lost Control Of Stimulus Debate (dat was yur job, Rahmbo)
George Soros: A Plan for Economic Recovery
Congressional Offices Don't Have the Stimulus Bill, Lobbyists Do - Washington Whispers (
Corporate executives overpaid, undertaxed - Columns - Belleville News-Democrat (how the rich hi-jacked America)
Worries grow that Peter Chernin won't stay on as Rupert Murdoch's No. 2 - Los Angeles Times
Stimulus Could GIve Calif. High-Speed Rail | NBC Bay Area
Billions for Weatherization in Stimulus Questioned -
Edge 273 - Are Bankers Charlatans? | Reflections On A Crisis: Daniel Kahneman & Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Greenspan Says He Was Mystified by Subprime Market - DealBook Blog -
FRB: Speech, Greenspan--Understanding household debt obligations -- February 23, 2004 (what he said then)
Edge 273
Human Rights and Human Trafficking - Introduction By Prof. Claude d’Estrée, M.T.S., J.D. (PDF)
Learning to love the bomb - The National Newspaper The Dynamite Club: How a Bombing in Fin-de-Siecle Paris Ignited the Age of Modern Terror + The Day Wall Street Exploded: A Story of America in Its First Age of Terrorism
Sri Lanka Guardian: "Professor Chomsky on Sri Lanka and American Affairs"
Daily Kos: More ab-only insanity: You can't rape a slut (Republican indoctrination of American youth through bogus "abstinance programs") | Twin Cities, MN | Deputy who fired shots in wrong house acted 'reasonably and lawfully' (they always do)
Prominent Orchard Park man charged with beheading his wife : Police Blotter : The Buffalo News Muzzammil Hassan is the founder and chief executive officer of Bridges TV help portray Muslims in a more positive light (Fail)
Mercury Content.. [Archive] - HealthBoards Message Boards
Howard Lovy's NanoBot: Autism ruling a victory for real science
Human evolution and music | Why music? | The Economist Biologists are addressing one of humanity’s strangest attributes, its all-singing, all-dancing culture
Epson's tiny GPS receiver will make everything location aware - Engadget
Posts tagged Skyhook at Engadget
Why some people can't put two and two together - science-in-society - 24 January 2009 - New Scientist ("something called dyscalculia")
Our Unknown Solar System - New Scientist
Engineers Revolutionize Nano-device Fabrication Using Amorphous Metals
Geeky Celebration?: 1234567890 Day In Unix Time : NPR Unix is a system computers use to define time (from the geniuses at NPR)
Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Introducing Bespin
Google Image Search Coolest Picture Ever | TheChive
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Specify your canonical
3D Satellite Viewer - screamyGuy
Leetaru: Google Books and Open Content Alliance (OCA)
The OFF System - Brightnets
Narco News: The Drug War Wall Begins to Fall
Obama Makes a Good First Step on Medical Marijuana -- Here's What He Should Do Next | DrugReporter | AlterNet
The Agitator » Blog Archive » The Michael Phelps Witch Hunt Gets Surreal
precious stamps :: hyperexperience
Mindfuck Movies by Matthew Baldwin - The Morning News
A Perverted Perception of Movies < Columns | PopMatters (Slavoj Zizek)
YouTube - 40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes
10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know
YouTube - Broken Hill Dust Storm Australia
The Dark Knight Project
Using the magic 8 ball to answer emails
Israeli Court Rules That a Village in the West Bank Must Be Demolished | BotlBrush
BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Russian and US satellites collide (un-huh)
TPMDC | Poll: Majorities Favor Some Form Of Investigations Against Bush Administration
TPMMuckraker | Domenici Subpoenaed In US Attorneys Probe
Judd Gregg's Refusal To Vote On Stimulus Provokes Firestorm At Home And In Washington ("he risked incurring the wrath of Republicans")(oooooohh)
Gregg withdraws as commerce secretary nominee - Yahoo! Finance ("irresolvable conflicts" with 2010 Census -- wtf?)
Glenn Thrush's Blog: Did Reid roll Pelosi? -
TPMCafe | Rahm Emanuel's and David Axelrod's New Dilemma (Summers and Geithner are banksters)
WSJ Editorial Page: Can a newspaper be more misleading than this? - Glenn Greenwald - - "Are there any limits at all to the factually false claims newspapers can spew without correction?" (since you asked, no)
Left silent on Social Security, Medicare - ("entitlement reform" = killing Social Security)
Balloon Juice - Still Crazy After All Of These Years (all always will be)
Oil tumbles below $34 a barrel on economic fears - Yahoo! Finance / Companies / Financial Services - China to stick with US bonds
In today's Washington, Obama finds everyone is an economist -- "You've got some economists and some folks who think they're economists. By the way, these days everybody thinks they're economists,"
Lawmakers' Goal to Cap Executive Pay Meets Resistance -
Axelrod: This White House Won't Be Pushed Around By Market (see above)
Foreign Policy In Focus | Chomsky: Understanding the Crisis — Markets, the State and Hypocrisy / Comment & analysis / Editorial - What the Obama bank plan must do
Calculated Risk: Martin Wolf: The New TARP Will Fail (banksters still pushing "liquidity" instead of "insolvency")
Recession? No, It's a D-process, and It Will Be Long - ("D-Process" - depression/deflation - "There will be substantial nationalization of banks")(2010: "buying opportunity of the century")
Buffett's Risky Business - The Daily Beast - The Oracle of Omaha made a huge profit investing in Moody’s, a firm that gave toxic assets the holy triple-A rating.
Anatomy of a Breakdown: Concerted government policy helped trigger the financial meltdown—and will almost certainly extend it. - Reason Magazine
A picture of the post-WWII debt supercycle « Fabius Maximus
The Aleph Blog » Blog Archive » Three Long Articles on Three Big Failures
Paul Kedrosky: Word of the Day: Agnotology
Phil Gramm Says the Banking Crisis Is (Mostly) Not His Fault - TIME
Wall Street Sank Freddie and Fannie : CJR
More CRA Idiocy | The Big Picture (12/11/08)(more for the record: crisis wasn't caused by brown people and FDR didn't cause the Great Depression either)
Subprime scapegoats - The Boston Globe
Economist's View: It Wasn't the CRA
Misunderstanding Credit and Housing Crises: Blaming the CRA, GSEs | The Big Picture
Community Reinvestment Act had nothing to do with subprime crisis - BusinessWeek
The right blames the credit crisis on poor minority homeowners. This is not merely offensive, but entirely wrong. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine The right blames the credit crisis on poor minority homeowners. This is not merely offensive, but entirely wrong.
More CRA Idiocy | The Big Picture
Second-home sales at all-time high - Apr. 24, 2006 Vacation homes and investment properties show double-digit growth in 2005 (from 2006: 40% of home sales in 2005 were vacation/flippers)
Questioning Authority: A Rethinking of the Infamous Milgram Experiments | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet
What's wrong with libertarianism
BBC NEWS | Health | Neanderthals 'distinct from us'
First draft of Neanderthal genome is unveiled - life - 12 February 2009 - New Scientist
Trials for revolutionary stem cell surgery in UK 'within a year' - Telegraph
Feature Frequency Profiles - What Works For Shakespeare Can Work For Genomes
Kindle PDF conversion - View PDF on Kindle « Kindle 2, Kindle Books Reader 2.0 - Amazon Kindle 2 Review
The once and future e-book: on reading in the digital age - Ars Technica
Safari Books Online
DVICE: E-reader Battle Royale: Kindle 2 vs. all the rest
Fujitsu's Color Screen eBook Trumps the Kindle in More Ways Than One - Gearlog
Israeli Election: Inconclusive Results Puts Israel, Peace In Limbo (tied in anti-Palestinian rhetoric)
Editorial - Continuity of the Wrong Kind - The Obama administration failed — miserably — the first test of its commitment to ditching the extravagant legal claims used by the Bush administration to try to impose blanket secrecy on anti-terrorism policies and avoid accountability for serial abuses of the law
Slashdot | Senator Diane Feinstein Trying to Kill Net Neutrality
US lawmaker injects ISP throttle into Obama rescue package • The Register
Texas Ranchers and Farmers Struggle in Drought -
Ohio Republican Admits FDR Did Not Cause The Depression
Talking Points Memo | A Win is a Win
Democratic Negotiators Agree to Cut Cost of Stimulus Package -
Geithner Sets Out Sweeping Overhaul to Bank Bailout - - Federal Reserve, making use of its ability to print money.
Settling Scores With Wall Street - Howl - Rubin hied himself off to Citigroup, where he was paid $150 million to do his share in bringing the organization to ruin and untold billions in bailout money
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Are Executive Pay Caps Getting Sliced From the Stimulus? (Dems "could remove the Senate's strong executive pay limits from the stimulus bill in an attempt to keep the measure's costs down" (that makes lots of sense)
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | What "Insolvent" Means (remember the "liquidity crisis?")
Blame O.C. for the world meltdown? - Mortgage Insider -
Calculated Risk: Stimulus Package: The Negotiations Begin - The $35 billion tax credit is probably the least useful provision in the Senate stimulus bill.
'Vulture' Investors Eye Bad Assets, but Warily - (giving shit away)
Bailed-Out Firms Distributing Cash Rewards: "Please Do Not Call It A Bonus" (piggies at the trough)
Bankers challenged to reform system _ quickly (good luck with that)
The return of shrill - Paul Krugman Blog - (Will Marshall plays an economist and speaks up for the destructo-centists, gets shot down in comments)
YouTube - Pearlstein: Wall St. Leadership "Non-Existent"
Steven Pearlstein - Big Lessons in Finance From a Little Bank You've Never Heard Of -
Here’s an Idea . . . « The Baseline Scenario Why not say that all bank compensation above a baseline amount - say, $150,000 in annual salary - has to be paid in toxic assets off the bank’s balance sheet?
Obama Warns of 'Lost Decade' -
NY AG: Before Losing $15 Billion, Merrill Lynch Quietly Made 696 Employees Millionaires
How Could 9,000 Business Reporters Blow It? (corporatized media)
Sadly, No! » The Education Of Donald Luskin (of course, Luskin is always wrong about everything) / Weekend / Reportage - The credit crunch according to Soros
YouTube - Authors@Google: Michael Heller : "The Gridlock Economy: How Too Much Ownership Wrecks Markets, Stops Innovation, and Costs Lives."
Tragedy of the anticommons - Wikipedia
GOP Rep. Cantor Attacked For Profanity-Laced Web Video (Republicans at work)
CalvinHobbs.BMP (15 yrs ago)
reinhardt. 9th feb market will crash. the reinhardt principal (Reinhardt was off by one day, six in a row, including 9/18/08, says Dow 3000 in 18 months/2010)
Corrections Corporation of America - Corrections Corporation of America Announces Fourth Quarter 2008 and Full-Year Financial Results
Principles of the American Cargo Cult (new memeplex)
howtonotfailatlifepn3he9.png (How To Not Fail at Life)
Clive Thompson on How More Info Leads to Less Knowledge
What Alabamians and Iranians Have in Common (mullahs)(the American South is as religious as Muslim and African countries)
Ending up in a kind of soundlessly spinning ethereal void as we all must - Roger Ebert's Journal
New Kindle Audio Feature Causes a Stir -
Why you're likely to marry your parent -
Prevalence of Male Clients of Street Prostitute Women in the United States | Human Organization | Find Articles at BNET
Levinson, Sanford. Our Undemocratic Constitution: Where the Constitution Goes Wrong | International Social Science Review | Find Articles at BNET
MenWeb - Men's Issues: Gays: Guardians of the Gate Interview with Malidoma Somé
The Dagara Cosmology~Women'S Wisdom Of Africa - AOL Video
In Which Pure Materialism Is Not Yet Hypocritical « This Recording (fashion/cult)
History of Single Life: Dirty Movies and You - The rise of porn culture, by Ken Mondschein -
Coolest Monasteries around the world - Cool Pictures | Cool Stuff | Cool Things - Foxes Jumping on a Trampoline
Top 10 most expensive domain names ever sold
GOOD Transparency - Getting Around
Man appears free of HIV after stem cell transplant -
American Civil Liberties Union : Justice Department Stands Behind Bush Secrecy In Extraordinary Rendition Case Justice Department Stands Behind Bush Secrecy In Extraordinary Rendition Case
Political Punch: Obama Administration Maintains Bush Position on 'Extraordinary Rendition' Lawsuit
Obama fails his first test on civil liberties and accountability -- resoundingly and disgracefully - Glenn Greenwald -
The 180-degree reversal of Obama's State Secrets position - Glenn Greenwald -
UK aide 'arrested over comment on Jews' ("inciting religious hatred)
Deseret News | Nerve agent may be missing (cheney?)
The Bobblespeak Translations: Obama Press Conference - February 9, 2009
Commentary: Republican strategy of deny, delay and do nothing -
The GOP Floats Out To Sea, Alone On A Shrinking Iceberg | The LA Progressive
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect| The Huffington Post Hits The Big Time (Obama dodges Huffpo reporter at presser)
Fire Consumes WTC 7-Size Skyscraper, Building Does Not Collapse
Israel Just Committed A Massive Atrocity : Information Clearing House - ICH
In first White House press conference Obama paints a picture of economic catastrophe
Zero Hedge: How The World Almost Came To An End At 2PM On September 18 (" would have collapsed the entire economy of the U.S., and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed. It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it.")
Daily Kos: USA was 3 hrs away from Economic, Political Collapse in September 2008 (Kanjorski)
YouTube - Rep. Kanjorski: $550 Billion Disappeared in "Electronic Run On the Banks"
Administration Officials Met With Laughter At Bailout Briefing (they really have no clue ... this is "our best people?"
Geithner’s Speech: A Preview - DealBook Blog - (Atrios: "They're going to subsidize leveraged bets on leveraged bets. High comedy!"
Geithner Said to Have Prevailed on the Bailout -
Banks Rescue Will 'Make Things Worse': Rogers - Yahoo! Finance News Roubini Expects U.S. to Play Stronger Role in Banks:
naked capitalism: Geithner Bank Bailout Plan: Fiasco (should've just left Paulson in charge) (Let's start with the basics. The US banking system is insolvent. Got that? Insolvent. + "there is no plan") - Video: Joseph Stiglitz: ‘This is worse than the Great Depression’ - MSNBC Most Viewed Videos
Video - How to predict a financial crisis and the five signs of a bear, with Nouriel Roubini, RGE Monitor and Nassim Taleb, The Black Swan author (CNBC: ok, but, do you have any good stock tips?)
Think Progress » Obama On Lessons Learned: I Should Have Started With No Tax Cuts And Let GOP Take Credit For Them
Talking Points Memo | Bad News Geithner won out against what the Times refers to as "some of the president's top political hands" who wanted tougher controls over the banks and less giveaways for the banks' shareholders.
Geithner Set to Make Public Case for Bank Bailout Plan - (complete bullshit)
Calculated Risk: CNBC: 'Bad Bank' Plan Is Dropped (wasn't such a hot idea)
Financial Institutions: Credit deterioration accelerates
frontline: secret history of the credit card: interviews: elizabeth warren | PBS
Trump casinos win third extension on $1.25B debt -
Luxury Homes Start to See Price Declines | Ski Resort Markets Search
Dubai cancels 86% more residency visas - official figures - Politics & Economics -
Cutting Costs: How A CEO Can Live On $500K A Year
Anglo Platinum Announces 10,000 Layoffs 2009 | Business 2.0 Press (catalytic converters)
Sheriff Leon Lott - arrested 8 people in connection with Michael Phelps
U.S. judges seek massive California prisoner release | U.S. | Reuters
hold - - household evolution - 1950 - today
Nsfw: So Mean But Maybe True (NSFW)
howtonotfailatlifepn3he9.png (How Not to Fail at Life)
Countdown (actually up) to the UNIX Epoch time being 1234567890!
Hidden records show MMR truth - Times Online A Sunday Times investigation has found that altered data was behind the decade-long scare over vaccination
Bad Science » LBC, MMR, Jeni Barnett, an Early Day Motion, the Times, and, er, a bit of Stephen Fry… (teh internets always win)
YouTube - Jeni Barnett MMR 1/5 (you weren't supposed to hear this)
SciencePunk : Jeni Barnett MMR show on LBC - full transcript
rlee0001 comments on what on God's green earth gets a fucking PL7
High Five Escalator at Improv Everywhere
HackersBlog » Blog Archive » hacked - full access to all customer data
Study: Do Women Like Men With A Stubble? |
the sopranos, uncensored. on Vimeo
Leahy: Investigate Bush Now (that "fuck you" is going to cost you, Dick)
Who Will Throw the Book at the Bushies?
Ben Smith's Blog: Lugar turns down Air Force One invite - (Republicans in full destroy-the-country mode)
Ben Nelson Shoots Back At Paul Krugman, Nonsensically (Video)(and why Norah O'Donnell is an idiot)
The Washington Monthly It Ain't Fearmongering If It's True
Another MasterCard Commercial I’d Like to See - The Seminal :: Hearing conservative politicians use Western Europe as a cautionary tale against developing social programs ... Priceless (knuckle-draggers hate Yurp)
jdledell's Blog | Talking Points Memo | My? Israel (questioned by Shin Bet thugs for blog post -- Israel only wants right-wing Jews)
Preventable deaths at Fort Carson | Salon News Adam Lieberman tried to kill himself when he returned from Iraq. Only then did the Army take his mental health seriously (supporting the troops: your military at work)
Media Matters - Does CNN's John King think construction work is done pro bono? (of course he does)
Obama Aides Rip Cable News, D.C. Media And Political Elite | The Plum Line (DC media? you mean The Washington Post?) - Wiki White House: Obama Admin and Technology
Lawyers, Guns and Money: The internet made me a potty mouth
Think Progress » Lieberman: Republicans In The ‘Gang Of Moderates’ Are ‘Heroes,’ Deserve The ‘Congressional Medal Of Honor’ (Liberman: "Olympia, Susan Collins, and Arlen Specter — are really the heroes in this for making a stimulus possible" (assholes patting each other on the back)
Ann Coulter Under Investigation For Voter Fraud
Meg Whitman, Former eBay CEO, To Run For Governor Of California (eMeg!)
Resilient Strategy for Times Despite Toll of a Recession - ("last man standing" strategy)
Rick Wolff, "Flip-flops of Economics" (economists serve business interests)
New Statesman - Glad to be grey?
Obama Pushing Stimulus Plan Through Grass-Roots Support ("Doing nothing is not an option," Obama said. "We've had a good debate. Now it's time to act.")
Obama Backs Rule Change to Modify Mortgages (cramdowns)
On handling the stimulus: 67% approval vs. 31% approval (Republicans resurgent!)
The $800 Billion Gamble: Economists Say Stimulus Cuts Could Be "Disastrous" The Senate has compounded the weaknesses in the bill by sharply cutting what economists agree are essential ingredients of a stimulus bill (Susan Collins and Ben Nelson remove the only part of the bill that was stimulating)
Why The Stimulus Is Too Small - "The most shocking thing to me has been to see the Republican Party playing chicken with the economy"
States' only option now is budget pain - Los Angeles Times
Op-Ed Columnist - The Destructive Center - - comforting the comfortable while afflicting the afflicted (proud centrists - you know who they are -- destroy the economy)
Wingnuts, wingnuts everywhere - Paul Krugman Blog - (CFR: the folks that brought you Peter Beinart and Amity Shlaes)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Business groups to Republicans: vote for the damn stimulus already (fingers in ears dept)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Ross Douthat suggests that it's Democrats, not Republicans, who are being highly ideological about the stimulus package (Obama is black, so stimulus is "reparations" -- stay classy, Republicans)
Can We Transform the Auto-Industrial Society? - The New York Review of Books
Recruiting Drops at Business Schools -
20,000 Indian workers to be flown out of UAE - Construction & Industry -
15 Companies That Might Not Survive 2009 - Yahoo! Finance
Boston Review — Always at the After Party
The Two Brills - By Rob Walker - Slate Magazine (remember this guy?) | Brill's Content Closes and Primedia Acquires Inside
Poynter Online - Romenesko Brill's secret plan to save the New York Times and journalism itself (is ... wait for it ... subscriptions!)
The iron rule - The National Newspaper In a shrinking world, Joshua Kurlantzick reports that the role of tyrants isn’t.
Essays: 'Darwin the abolitionist' by Adrian Desmond | Prospect Magazine February 2009 issue 155
First Things: Documentation: A Reply to Richard Dawkins by Antony Flew
First Things: The Forgotten Story of Postmodernity by Rein Staal
First Things: Reconciling East and West by Richard John Neuhaus (Eastern Christianity, that is)
The Joy Of Violent Muslim Sex |
American Gorbachev | n+1
Radical Graphics
Demo scripts for gnuplot CVS version
Desert Botanical Garden – Papago Park – Desert Plants
Mythic Birthplace of Zeus Said Found | LiveScience
First Principles - The Regionalist: Vonnegut’s Cradle
Inside the ingenious soccer hoax that fooled the British sports press. - By Brian Phillips - Slate Magazine
Courtenay Semel: Ex-Yahoo CEO Dad Cut Her Off
Adblock Plus and (a little) more: Anatomy of ads - Ads triple the amount of data one has to download
Cat and Mouse: Content Delivery Tradeoffs in Web Access
YesScript :: Firefox Add-ons
cats are always doing shit
Op-Ed Columnist - Slumdogs Unite! - - The tsunami of populist rage coursing through America ... is bigger than Obama
Thomas Ricks: War In Iraq Is Not Over ("A lot of people back here incorrectly think the war is over. What I say in this book is that we may be only halfway through this thing.")
Obama's 7 Hidden Power Players - The Daily Beast Obama's 7 Hidden Power Players
Foreign Policy: Think Again: Guantánamo
Show Me Progress:: Even More McCaskill Twittering ("moderate" Clair McCaskill pround of her centrist silliness - "Holding the president hostage? This caused the workhorses (Lieberman and McCaskill) to rear up")
Man who led Sen. John McCain's presidential-campaign office in Pueblo arrested for child molestation | Crooks and Liars
Braddock Journal - Rock Bottom for Decades, but Showing Signs of Life -
Hullabaloo: Tristero: What Is The Appeal Of Conservatism? (stupidty, greed and sadism)
Orcinus Al Gore is creating another Hitler Youth, Glenn Beck feverishly warns (what your cable is feeding you) Worldwide Stimulus Battle May Signal Tough Sell for Bank Rescue (exactly right)
GOP Opposes Pay Limits On Bailed-Out Bankers (from the guys who said let the American auto industry die)
Economists Agree Time Is of the Essence for Stimulus - (Republicans don't give a shit)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect Dealing With BANKRUPT Banks: Nationalization or Welfare ("Mr. Geithner wants to use taxpayer dollars to keep bankrupt banks in business. In effect, he wants to tax teachers, fire fighters, and Joe the Plumber to protect the wealth of the banks' shareholders and to pay high salaries to their top executives.")(clueless WaPo reporters)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 02/07/2009 | Stimulus bill would end tax ruling that benefited Wells Fargo
YouTube - Perlmutter on Madoff Fraud (Markopolous at 1:45 - omitted? by CPAN) ("When they are speaking, they are lying. When they are silent, they are stealing.")
Economic Collapse: the Japanese solution | Spero News The shareholders and bondholders of Citigroup, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and any other insolvent banks need to be wiped out.
GOP senators 'caved in' on stimulus, Paul says - "It is like they're born-again budget conservatives," Paul said. "Where were we in the past eight years, when we could have done something?
Daily Kos: NY Times: "You Try to Live on 500K in This Town" (Times: rich New Yorkers need their rich)
Trying to Live on 500K in New York City -
A special report on the future of finance: The collapse of finance | Greed—and fear | The Economist The golden age of finance collapsed under its own contradictions
A special report on the future of finance: Playing financial chicken | How to play chicken and lose | The Economist Finance suffers from reverse natural selection
AIG Implodes: The Two Cows Version
Foreign Policy: The List: The World's Most Notorious Prisons
The Virtues of Godlessness - The least religious nations are also the most healthy and successful
IQ vs. Religiosity
H-Net Reviews Mitchell Bryan Hart. The Healthy Jew: The Symbiosis of Judaism and Modern Medicine.
Flashmob of ATM crooks scores $9 million in 49 cities - Boing Boing
Rice professor sees method revolutionizing computing | Houston & Texas News |
Bangkok is sinking | GlobalPost Thailand's top disaster expert once foretold the 2004 tsunami. Now, he says the nation's capital will be submerged by 2030.
MMR doctor Andrew Wakefield fixed data on autism - Times Online
HackersBlog » Blog Archive » hacked … full database acces , sql injection
"Ancient" Syriac bible found in Cyprus - Yahoo! News
Gay woman fights over hospital visitation rights in Miami court - Living - (Florida: only Christians can get married)
Slumdog Millionaire's Child Actors Still Live in 'Grinding Poverty' in Mumbai | PEEK | AlterNet
An E-Z guide to publishing - The Boston Globe
The Beast That Roared (for a While!) | The New York Observer Could it be that Tina Brown’s new site, the Daily Beast, is a victim of its own relentless buzz?
The State of the Web - Winter 2009
Criticized, Putin Says Europe Has Rights Abuses of Its Own -
Crikey - The Age suspends Backman's columns (Australian ADL)
Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan Taliban ideology echoes in the valley
US threats mean evidence of British resident's Guantánamo torture must stay secret, judges rule | World news | (Obama threatens UK, wants torture kept secret = "alarming and surprising" that the new US administration maintained the threat against the Foreign Office".)
TPMDC | Feinstein Wants Pentagon Investigation of Alleged Gitmo Burrowers
TPMDC | Poll: Limbaugh Could Galvanize Dems, Alienate Independents 28% favorability for Limbaugh across the country, compared to 45% unfavorable (same as Bush but less unfavorable)
Steele's Campaign Spending Questioned - Agents Contact Sister After Ex-Aide's Claims
Eschaton Senator Claire McCaskill is a very silly person (brags about cutting food stamps, school constuction, unemployment)
The Washington Monthly: Crazy People - Between sanity and craziness, there is no common ground (first said by John Cole) (Atrios: except for Susan Collins and Ben Nelson)
Media Matters - Media Matters: Fundamentally flawed stimulus coverage (your media morons at work, aided by 2:1 more GOPers talkers than Dems)
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Leader McConnell Says Package Won't Work (Dr. No)
Debate renews over Fairness Doctrine - PRWeek US
High-Level CIA Officer: It Is Time to Re-Open the 9/11 Investigation | YouTube - 9/11 Truth vs Mainstream Media
CIA warns Barack Obama that British terrorists are the biggest threat to the US - Telegraph (drawing up invasion plans) Worldwide IMF Says Advanced Economies Already in Depression (Republicans in denial, or something)
Senators Reach Deal on Stimulus Plan as Jobs Vanish -
New U.S. Plan to Help Banks Sell Bad Assets - (will not require banks to increase their lending this time either)
Madoff Victims List Released (full list/slideshow) | Madoff Trustee Unveils List of Firm’s Customers - DealBook Blog -
Sam Zell’s Empire, Underwater in a Big Way -
Greed Is Good - (for Republicans and their WSJ cronies - the piggies are squealing)
What got cut from the stimulus bill -
Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS Is the old media sustaining the old politics?
Technology Review: A Comeback for Lamarckian Evolution? Two new studies show that the effects of a mother's early environment can be passed on to the next generation: there are transgenerational effects not only on behavior but on brain plasticity."
National Briefing - Southwest - Texas - Dead Inmate Is Exonerated - (Bush/Texas justice)
Experience: I read about my wife's affair in her diary | Life and style | The Guardian
BBC NEWS | UK | Ecstasy 'not worse than riding' Taking the drug ecstasy is no more dangerous than riding a horse, a senior advisor has suggested (upgraded pot, downgrading X)
FDA: Plant knew peanuts laced with salmonella - Yahoo! News (isn't that like cyanide in Tylenol?)
Angela Merkel Barbie doll highlight of German toy fair | World news |
Technology Review: Who's Messing with Wikipedia? The back-and-forth behind controversial entries could help reveal their true value.
Cognitive Computing Project Aims to Reverse-Engineer the Mind | Gadget Lab from - Sir Ken Robinson: A New View of Human Capacity
Study links TV and depression - Los Angeles Times The amount of time teenagers watch television increases their risk of becoming depressed as adults, researchers find
A Student’s Approach to the Second Law and Entropy: The Lecture System in Teaching Science - Robert T. Morrison
Laughable and Tragic - The New York Review of Books - The Red Prince: The Secret Lives of a Habsburg Archduke
Experience: I read about my wife's affair in her diary | Life and style | The Guardian
Alas, a blog » Blog Archive » Should a 5'9?, 160 lb woman want to lose 35 pounds?
La Princesse in Liverpool - The Big Picture -
EVE Online | EVE Insider | Forums (end of BoB) | YouTube - The Mittani Explains
PHPBB Password Analysis - Hacked Off - Dark Reading
Gmail Labs: Ten Gmail Labs Features You Should Enable
Now you can store your Gmail Offline | Techtites | Offline GMail - Is it secure? |
Coffee Powered » Desuckifying Experts-Exchange
Delft Sunset on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
BBC NEWS | Middle East | UN halts Gaza aid over 'thefts'
Robert Fisk’s World: When did we stop caring about civilian deaths during wartime? - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent The mere monitoring of bloody conflict assumes precedence over human suffering
Jonathan Cook: An IDF Jihad?
TPM: News Pages | Talking Points Memo | Panetta: No prosecution for CIA interrogators Panetta: No prosecution of CIA interrogators; Obama will send detainees abroad for questioning
AP CEO: Bush Turned Military Into Propaganda Machine
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » You’ll Never Get This 21 Minutes Of Your Life Back I really don’t understand how bipartisanship is ever going to work when one of the parties is insane. Imagine trying to negotiate an agreement on dinner plans with your date, and you suggest Italian and she states her preference would be a meal of tire rims and anthrax (shorter Krugman)
Ward to Palin: You can't see Russia from here - The Bristol Press (named daughter after ESPN Headquarters)
Radio Ink Magazine WASHINGTON -- February 5, 2009: Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) told nationally syndicated talk host Bill Press this morning that the recent flips of liberal Talk stations in several markets were a "disservice to the public."
The Stranger | Slog | This Should Come in Handy During Obama's Negotiations With Senate Republicans
Hillsborough GOP official rebuked for racial e-mail joke - St. Petersburg Times (Carol Carter - remember that name - said recipients not "team players") (how they work)
Bush Jacketless In Oval Office: Photo Uncovered After Bush Chief Of Staff Slams Obama's Informal Appearance (Andy Card is a lying twerp)
Obama Attends Prayer Breakfast, Orders Review Of Faith-Based Groups "We're also going to make sure we have a keener eye toward the separation of church and state."
The Karl Rove of the Commode? - Yahoo! News (Joe the Asshole)
Look At These Fucking Ads! › OBAMA
Media Matters - Right on cue, the White House press awakens from its Bush slumber
Think Progress » REPORT: GOP Lawmakers Outnumber Dem Lawmakers By Almost 2 To 1 In Cable News Stimulus Debate Again
Clusterf#@k to the Poor House - Economic Recovery Plan | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Randall Balmer | The Daily Show | Comedy Central (Stewart: when did "good person" become synonomous with "Christian")
April Winchell » Barack Obama is tired of your motherfucking shit
House of Lords: rise of CCTV is threat to freedom | UK news | The Guardian World's most pervasive surveillance undermines basic liberties, say peers
BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Warning over 'surveillance state'
The Eyewash Station: Odds of Dying in a Terrorist Attack
How Bad Is It? :: Swampland - (This Bad)
Op-Ed Columnist - On the Edge - The American economy is on the edge of catastrophe, and much of the Republican Party is trying to push it over that edge (Party of Destruction)
Stimulus Talks Set to Continue After Centrists Push Cuts -
Stimulus Resurrects Plan to Hire Local Police Officers -
Employment Situation Summary: Nonfarm payroll employment fell sharply in January (-598,000) and the unem-ployment rate rose from 7.2 to 7.6 percent
Calculated Risk: Bailout: More Equity Stakes?
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | Stupid Senate Tricks - $11.5 billion in tax incentives for automobile purchases
Paulson Misled TARP Oversight Committee, Says Watchdog Warren (Paulson: economic terrorist)
No way out for TARP takers - Feb. 6, 2009
Great achievements in American socialism | Salon News A slide show of two dozen excellent things the federal government bought with your money.
IBM's laid off employees offer jobs overseas - Feb. 5, 2009
Savings lost to Madoff, elderly forced back to work | U.S. | Reuters
Infrastructurist » Blog Archive » Behind the Plot: 24’s Counter-Factual Version of Counter-Terrorism (how Fox sells torture and Jack Bauer will save you)
Franke James » Blog Archive » Dinner with a Stranger
Paradise Unpaved: Franke James' Driveway One Year Later : TreeHugger
We are becoming a new species, we are becoming Homo Evolutis - Ars Technica
Kellogg to drop Phelps | WFTS-TV
Color Study Looks at Effects of Red and Blue -
Gmail Adds Support For Multi-Pane Viewing
Cracking budget encryption - heise Security UK
The REAL Evolution Debate ("Contemporary Integralists owe a great debt to the towering work of Ken Wilber" who loves him some Michael Behe)
What Is Enlightenment? Magazine: Evolution through the Lens of Science and Spirit (Neo-Darwinism=Fundamentalist Christianity)
Ken Wilber's misunderstanding of science - evolutionary theory
Why the Catholic church can't ignore science - science-in-society - 06 February 2009 - New Scientist (but does anyway)
Obama's environment chief Lisa Jackson revisits Bush-era decisions on car exhaust and mercury emissions | Environment |
Playing God in the Garden - New York Times (Michael Pollan: 1998: Monsanto)
American Civil Liberties Union : Supreme Court Refuses To Revive Online Censorship Law (your ACLU at work)
True Crimes, False Confessions: Scientific American Why do innocent people confess to crimes they did not commit? (and why do witnesses change their stories to match the cops?)
Top 10 Spam-friendly Registrars Named and Shamed - Business Center - PC World
The Answer, My Friends, Is... Soy Bomb? - Top Ten Grammy Moments - TIME
Husband dumps his wife with online message in 'world's first divorce by Facebook' | Mail Online
News & Culture in Santa Cruz, CA | 01.28.09 | Field Trippin' | One high school teacher's account of a trip he didn't mean to take
California farms, vineyards in peril from warming, U.S. energy secretary warns - Los Angeles Times - "I'm hoping that the American people will wake up" (they won't)
Scientist who criticised DJ for vaccination scare talk gets copyright threat - Boing Boing
Bad Science » Er, “help”. Legal Chill from LBC 97.3 and “Global Radio” over Jeni Barnett’s MMR scaremongering (the Internet eats legal threats for breakfast)
NORML Blog » Blog Archive » The Public Says “No More DEA Raids!” The President Says “No More DEA Raids!” So Why Are There More DEA Raids?
xkcd - A Webcomic - Base System (complicated)
Interestinly Shaped Creatures
Hamish Hamilton: Five Dials
sumitsays » overclockblocked
Book Search: Google Books for your phone
What is (Freepers crawl out of their caves and discover Reddit)
Look At This Cat!
YouTube - Buddha Bar VI - B-Tribe - Angelic Voices (Rebirth Remix)
YouTube - Chumbawamba Her Majesty Cockermouth 2007
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israel seizes Gaza-bound aid ship
After the war, Gazans seek answers on white phosphorus | Gaza doctors add to the growing number of accounts that suggest Israel used white phosphorus munitions against international norms of war.
AP: U.S. Sold Phosphorus Shells Used in Gaza to Israel
Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians | World news | The Observer
Israel admits its troops killed Gaza girls - Yahoo! News (actions "reasonable")
VOA News - Israel to Restrict Work of al-Jazeera (how they work)
Iraqi woman had 80 women raped then recruited as suicide bombers | World News |
Obama rallies Democrats on stimulus - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog - Political Intelligence -
Media Matters - Barnicle responds to Media Matters : "[P]eople out there with time on their hands who send me e-mails saying, you've gotta come clean ... because your wife works at Bank of America. ... I'm not getting divorced over this" (Dude always was corrupt, just typical of your media)
Hudson Plane Crash Cockpit Audio: "We're Going To Be In The Hudson"
AP alleges copyright infringement of Obama image
ABC News: Obama's Perks: Private Jet, Chef Tax-Free (how your media works: see, just like those CEOs)
Simran Sethi: What's The Matter With Kansas? The Fight Against Big Coal Hits the State Legislature, with National Repercussions.
Hullabaloo: Digby: Marshalling Their Forces ("the administration thought they could be mediators between the two parties rather than leaders of the Democratic party")
cab drollery: Uh, No Uh, No (newpapers try to blame the internet for their own stupidity, LAT wants a special anti-trust exemption, because, you know, they aren't consolidated enough)
David Bromwich: Our God That Failed The high doctrine of Economic Correctness of the Reagan-Bush-Clinton-Bush years is as bankrupt as Soviet Communism
Governments growing nervous at increased social tensions - The Irish Times - Tue, Feb 03, 2009 (ha, in America, Government riots on you!)
ABC News: Reid Says Dems Have Votes to Pass Stimulus The hard right has a stranglehold on most of the Republicans." (Republi-fuckyous)
Obama Washington Post Editorial: "The Action Americans Need"
Daily Kos: Are We Going to Buy the Bezzle? (Atrios: "the polite fiction that masters of the universe of Wall Street and their defenders in the media and Congress have been trying maintain, that this is liquidity crisis not an insolvency crisis is utter horseshit")
Open Left:: Stimulus Setback: Which Side Is Obama On?
Senate Advances Tax Break for Homebuyers - (re-flate the bubble!)
Hullabaloo: Digby: Fiscal Madness (Obama on board with the "structural deficit" theory of ending Social Security)
The Next American Revolution: Main Street vs. Wall Street -- Seeking Alpha
Jobless Claims Hit 26-Year High; Productivity Spikes -
New Left Review - Peter Gowan: Crisis in the Heartland Consequences of the New Wall Street System ("a New Wall Street System has emerged in the us during this period" (last 25 years) (greed-optimized - good article))
Bailout watchdog: Treasury overpaid - Feb. 5, 2009 Government's assets acquired in the financial sector bailout are worth less than what they initially paid for them, according to an oversight official ("It suggests the Secretary's [Paulson's] description of the program was not entirely candid") (i.e., lying fuck)
Calculated Risk: CMBS on the Chopping Block And so it begins for CMBS. First the reviews, then the downgrades, followed by the bank write-downs, and then more reviews ... (Moody’s to Review $302.6 Billion in Commercial Debt)
News Corp. Suffers Staggering $6.4 Billion Loss (Murdock takes it in the ear of Fox TV/News)
Scrutiny of Bankers’ Perks Will Grow, Too -
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | The Centrist Cut List: What It Means (there are like, 2, "centrist" Repubicans?)
Nelson Backing Off Proposed Stimulus Cuts
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Congress Quietly and Significantly Expands Bailout Inspector General's Powers
Biden v. Summers (Joe is watchdog for crazy Larry)
Recreating the button | stopdesign (why your gmail buttons changed today)
Icemelt Could Shift Earth's Rotation, Moving Water Northward (doomed again)
AZ, HI, MI, MO, MT, NH, OK, & WA Claiming Sovereignty | MRStep
Listening Is Powerful Medicine : NPR - Studies have shown it takes a physician about 18 seconds to interrupt a patient after he begins talking.
Gere dismisses controversy over kissing act (kissing illegal in India)
RT: Features : India shocked as ‘moral police’ beat girls out of pub (Forty activists from the right-wing Sri Ram Sena barged into a bar in the city of Mangalore and attacked the women.)
10 Examples of Creative Twitter Uses
ASA : White House Responds to DEA Raids, Vows to End Policy
Birder's World - Where feather colors come from: Why cardinals are red and grackles are shiny - Julie Feinstein
Scientists Confirm Algae Is the Most Effective Alternative Energy Source
Crawling Neutrophil Chasing a Bacterium
Barak okays new West Bank settlement in return for evacuation of illegal outpost - Haaretz - Israel News (got that?)
Controversial Bestseller Shakes the Foundation of the Israeli State | | AlterNet What if the entire tale of the Jewish Diaspora is historically wrong? (myths of the Jews)
Think Progress » Obama Justice Department Re-Hires Attorney Fired By Goodling Because Of Lesbian Rumor (investigate the fuckers)
Talking Points Memo | Thanks A Lot, Dude - Judd Gregg to recuse himself from stimulus bill - a recusal amounts to a no vote since the Dems will likely need 60 votes to overcome a Republican filibuster. And now he's unavailable to provide one (maintaining Repubican party discipline from inside Obama's Cabinet)
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Gregg Recuses Himself From Voting on Stimulus (from Kos: "the crazy anti-government guy who voted to dissolve Commerce a few years ago will be great running the department!") (change that isn't)
Joe The Plumber: 'I Don't Know If The American Public Deserves Me' (what did we do to deserve him?)
Media Matters - On Glenn Beck , Fund falsely claimed "Hong Kong has had a flat tax for over 50 years" (Zombie lies sourced from the WSJ) - Red sea drying up (Obama to rescue Republican party with huge stimulus)
Erdogan's Davos Walkout Lays Down a Marker | Stratfor
naked capitalism: The Bad Bank Assets Proposal: Even Worse Than You Imagined (Summers and Geithner destroy America) ("The Obama Administration is as obviously and fully hostage to the interests of the financial services industry as the Bush crowd was")
Stimulus Watch: Keeping an Eye on Economic Recovery Spending
The Aleph Blog » Blog Archive » Creating a Black Swan
Political Capitalism
YouTube - US Economic Collapse = US Government = Financial Terrorists
Interfluidity :: Bank insolvency: tips & tricks: Never, ever feed the zombies! (they'll eat your brains and your wallet) / Comment & analysis / Editorial - Drawing poison
Transparency And Power « The Baseline Scenario
Why the bank bailouts are doomed - MSN Money (that's not all that's doomed)
Econbrowser: Bailouts should be no fun
Yes we can, Mr Geithner | vox - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists
Information Arbitrage: Key Themes in Financial Services 2009-10
Information Arbitrage: Fix the Accounting, Then Fix the System
The Aleph Blog » Blog Archive » The Humility of Realism — II
Information Arbitrage: SOC or Bust | Willem Buiter’s Maverecon | Time to take the banks into full public ownership
More on Bank Nationalization - Finance Blog - Felix Salmon - Market Movers -
Interfluidity :: Nationalize like real capitalists | Interfluidity :: Expand transfers, not credit
The Aleph Blog » Blog Archive » Financial Dominoes
The Great Debate » Debate Archive » Global imbalances and the Triffin dilemma | The Great Debate |
FT Alphaville » Blog Archive » A ‘paper-gold’ reserve system? (SDRs) Worldwide ADP Says U.S. Companies Reduced Payrolls by 522,000
U.S. Plans $500,000 Cap on Executive Pay in Bailouts - (up from $400K -- titans of Wall Street need more than Obama) U.S. Dimon Says ‘Not Every Company’ Responsible for Wall Street Pay (just a few bad apples, including him)
No People At Wal-Mart - New York Post (end of middle America)(Burkle brings America to its knees)
Rider Paradox - Surge in Mass, Drop in Transit - (no money in stimulus for operations)
Wells Fargo defends, then cancels Vegas junket - Yahoo! News (defending the indefensibile)
YouTube - Kucinich: We Should Be Going From Golden Parachutes To Golden Handcuffs!
The tax gap | Business |
How to make bad banks work | The spectre of nationalisation | The Economist
Barney Frank's Power in Congress - Executive Articles -
The Man in the Middle - The Atlantic (January/February 2009) Chuck Schumer (Chuckie)
Saudi Aramco World : American Silver, Ottoman Decline
LOL at this sign in best buy. I can sense the sarcasim dripping ... on TwitPic
The Nonprofit Quarterly | The Cohen Report
The Nonprofit Industrial Complex : Is there such a thing as too much civil society? by Gerard Alexander
What Do Women Want? - Readers' Comments - (in case you missed the comments)
Narcissism: The secret to women's sexuality! - Broadsheet -
Feministe » Sometimes just reading the headline is enough to know an article will make you feel stabby
YouTube - Cloning passport card RFIDs in bulk for under $250 (all your passports are belong to Osama)
Injured man in Japan dies after 14 hospitals reject him | World | - Houston Chronicle (emergency health care in Japan is non-existent)
Itv News | Ancient Fossil Find: This Snake Could Eat a Cow! (45 ft long, 1 ton snake)
Phelps Takes a Hit - (change the pot laws, says Kathleen Parker, WaPo Republican)
YouTube's January Fair Use Massacre | Electronic Frontier Foundation (can't sing "Winter Wonderland" in YouTube)
Wal-Mart Greeter Suing | walker, police, suing - Local News - WTVC (berserk cop to bankrupt Chattanooga)
Fossils Of Whales Reveal They Gave Birth On Land | Tech News Update
AppleInsider | Google software for tracking mobile users coming to iPhone (Latitude)
Google Latitude
Let me google that for you
YouTube - Trader Joe's Training Video Parody (Rated R)
Series The Bickersons
Unbecoming Normality: The Machine that Ate Itself @ Susan Inglett Gallery 522 West 24th, NY : Eric Fertman
How old are you ? Pic rating - pic age guessing, how old do I look. Real age calculator
Children & Nature Network (children lose their right to roam in four generations)
A 10-Year-Old Divorcée Takes Paris - TIME
Philosopher discusses the evolution of free will (it ... wait for it ... emerges)
CSS should not be used for layout - And that is why, while CSS should be used for styling, tables should be used for layout.
Daily Kos: NH-Sen: It's Bonnie Newman ("capitulation, not compromise" of course)
Bush War Crimes: European Activists Call For Bush To Be Tried For Torture
Tom Daschle Withdraws Nomination For HHS Secretary (corrupt drug-company lobbyist)
Editorial - The Travails of Tom Daschle -
Re: Another Obama Nominee :: Swampland - Here we go again.
Nancy Killefer: Obama's Chief Performance Officer (didn't perform her baby-sitting taxes)
Attorney General Holder Expected To Change Bush Policies "no place for political favoritism."
In Bolivia, Untapped Bounty Meets Nationalism -
Media Matters - Almost too dumb for words (manufactured quotes generate manufactured outrage from the media)
Michael Steele, forever failing upward - War Room - (RNC chair has failed at everything, good luck with that)
Think Progress » Joe the Economist (Republicans: bunch of clowns)
Orcinus Conservatives' Profoundest Fear: What if Obama succeeds? (" the GOP is being led by a bilious radio talk-show host, and the ongoing fact that its most popular politician is a wingnutty, malinformed Alaska governor") Politics Done Right: The Republican Death Spiral
O'Reilly Declares War On New York Times Over Editorial (anti-brown-people dickhead)
The "defense cut" falsehood from The Washington Post and Robert Kagan - Glenn Greenwald - (Kagan and Wapo, what a team)
The U.S. Spy and the Algerian Sex Scandal | Newsweek Periscope (scandal, as in serial rapist)
Let banks fail, says Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz - Telegraph
Op-Ed Columnist - Risking the Future -
Wall Street’s New Pariah Status -
Internet Money in Fiscal Plan - Wise or Waste? - (US is 25th in the Internet, our infrasturcture sucks and is dominated by bit-throtlling monopolies good luck with a few billion bucks)
Boom in Inland Empire industrial space is beginning to go bust - Los Angeles Times
Fact-esque: It's the Superbowl of Activism and We're Losing Big (Republicans determined to bring the country to its knees)
Iraq: U.S. taxpayers foot $51 billion bill for infrastructure - in Iraq
Calculated Risk: Q4: Homeownership Rate Declines to 2000 Level (the Bush Ownership Society fails, like everything else he tried to do)
Beat the Press Archive | NPR Talks to Senators Who Complain About Spending That is Not Stimlus (NPR feeds you Republican shit sandwiches)
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Bond: Long-Term Mass Transit Investment "Not Stimulative" (Pelosi caves to Kit Bond, climate denier and all-round Republican asshole)
GM, Chrysler offers buyouts to all of its hourly workers - Feb. 3, 2009 GM follows move by Chrysler to further cut labor costs, offering its factory workers chance to cash out.
Two Santa Clauses or How The Republican Party Has Conned America for Thirty Years |
Tougher Border Can’t Stop Mexican Marijuana Cartels -
24 Hours Vancouver: B.C. Supreme Court rules in favour of medical marijuana
Sex Ed: Time to Grow Up - The Boston Globe (transcending right-wing abstinence ed)
Trial Begins for HIV Gene Therapy | Wired Science from
Study: racial profiling no more effective than random screen - Ars Technica
YouTube - Invisible Octopus
Internet Archive: Details: Hints to travellers, scientific and general
New York Columns - Girls Love Gay Male Porn - page 1 - Village Voice
The once and future e-book: on reading in the digital age - Ars Technica
SocialWhois (seems to be about follow the leader)
YouTube - David After Dentist (how to tell if your kid is on drugz)
U.S. role in Gaza invasion | Salon News Powered by the U.S. - Taxpayers are spending over $1 billion to send refined fuel to the Israeli military -- at a time when Israel doesn't need it and America does.
From the field: Is a "special" Turkey disappearing? (propaganda from Israel)
Glenn Greenwald - - The L.A. Times, Obama & renditions
Media Matters - The LA Times takes a cheap shot at Dr. Jill Biden (remember "Dr." Condaleeza Rick?) (write
Media Matters - NBC's David Gregory falsely claimed Social Security will "pay out more than it's taking in by 2010" (millionaire media morons hate Social Security)
Roger Ailes: Depends Ends (Pyjamas Media and wingnut welfare - the "dole")
International News | Egypt-US physicist slams US govt discrimination (Bushfucked)
Gene Callahan, The Right to Walk Away (2003)
Poll: Majority Of Republicans Want Party To Be More Like Palin
The Expeditionary Imperative America’s national security structure is designed to confront the challenges of the last century rather than our own.
The Washington Independent » The Triumph of Blue Patriotism
Our Local Correspondents: Ms. Kennedy Regrets: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker She’s unable to be in the Senate today (Had she realized, in short, that she wanted her old life back?)
The Zany Adventures of (Senator) Caroline Kennedy -- New York Magazine - But the overriding principle of Caroline Kennedy’s life had been one of sphinxlike silence.
Bailed Out Banks Still Spending Millions On Sports Sponsorships, Considering New Ones
Bailed-Out Bankers To Be Hauled Before Congress
Op-Ed Columnist - Bailouts for Bunglers - - “lemon socialism”: taxpayers bear the cost if things go wrong, but stockholders and executives get the benefits if things go right
Kevin Drum - Mother Jones Blog: Today's Two Minutes Hate - Shop at Wal-Mart, obviously a sign of financial distress, and your credit limit gets lowered. Hallelujah!
Sony's Sorrows: Japan's Iconic Brands Under Fire - TIME
E-Commerce News: E-Commerce: USPS 5-Day Delivery Week Could Hurt E-Commerce (like Netflix)
Macy's Cuts 7,000 Jobs, Slashes Dividend - Worldwide Morgan Stanley Said to Be Planning as Many as 1,800 Job Cuts - Banks and brokerages worldwide have cut more than 250,000 jobs since the middle of 2007
What the Richest Men in the World Don't Know - The Daily Beast - study the lives of the nine wealthiest financiers of 1923. A quarter-century later, they were all either dead, broke, or in prison.
Leaping Real Eyes Archives (why you need at least $5,000 in cash on hand at all times)
Welfare Aid Isn’t Growing as Economy Drops Off - (18 States cut welfare rolls as economy tanks)
RESULTS: Hunger and Poverty in the United States
Brave New Welfare (cash payments lowest in 40 years, thank you Reagan, Clinton and Bush)
Layoff Daily
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | What's with Google's new mini icon?
Chinese earthquake may have been man-made, say scientists - Telegraph
Selfish adults 'threat to children' - Yahoo! News UK An aggressive pursuit of personal success by adults is now the "greatest threat" to the wellbeing and happiness of children, according to a landmark inquiry.
Miami Beach Still Loves its Patio Heaters : TreeHugger: you can't ask the customer to put a sweater over their Versace top. So out come the patio heaters by the hundreds
218K Superconductor Signature Resolved
Metaphysical Myths, Mathematical Practice - Cambridge University Press | The Seed Salon
The Ecologist - Life, religion and everything Biologist and author Rupert Sheldrake believes that the world’s religions have a crucial role in restoring the earth’s ecological balance
Back Issues: A Critic at Large: The New Yorker
2 Kids + 0 Husbands = Family - Some Mothers, Single by Choice, Stick Together -
Canada intervenes in Saudi marital dispute Morin’s mother has said her daughter is unable to leave because, under Saudi law, she is his property because she is the mother of his children.
'Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings.' by Victor Stenger -
We're not the bad guys: Google Earth boss - BizTech - Technology -
Global Scientists Draw Attention To Threat Of Ocean Acidification
Our unconscious brain makes the best decisions possible
Police Charged with False Arrests of Gay Men at Adult Video Stores (Gotham Gazette, February 2, 2009)
Lawrence Schiller - Pop International Galleries (the Sixties)
Root Metaphors: American Satori: Psychedelic & Cardiotonic Arts
The Zeitgeist Movement
Please stand by
Interface: a journal for and about social movements: The mirror stage of movement intellectuals? Jewish criticism of Israel and its relationship to a developing social movement
North Korea warns of possible war with South Korea - (good job, Condi)
BBC NEWS | Africa | Zimbabwe cholera cases top 60,000
Dissent Magazine: Piracy in Perspective: The Unintended Consequences of U.S. Foreign Policy in Somalia
Guantanamo judge defies Obama - Los Angeles Times Army Col. James L. Pohl rejects the president's request to stop proceedings at the military tribunal. He says the proposal is 'not reasonable.' (military veto)
Obama lets CIA keep controversial renditions tool --
Rising Hegemon: The "so-called" Liberal Media ladies and gentlemen ("A week and a half in office, and after eight years of George Bush fucking it up..")
The Power of a Declaration by Amartya Sen - Making human rights real
White House Blog
Eric Calderwood - The Boston Globe - The Violence Netword: It's biased, gruesome, and totally compelling. How Al-Jazeera makes one American think differently about wa
Think Progress » Lieberman jokes about waterboarding at black-tie dinner (cause torture is so funny to neo-con Israelis)
Media Matters - Why didn't CNN fired Glenn Beck years ago? ("Cementing a permanent Republican Majority was moere important than the profits from one division
The Assassination of Protein Wisdom by the Coward Roger L Simon: James Wolcott | Vanity Fair
What getting kicked to the curb in the age of new media looks like
Roger Explains (whingenut blooger meltdown)
Stringer Theory (GlobalPost) | Home | GlobalPost
Printing The NYT Costs Twice As Much As Sending Every Subscriber A Free Kindle
The Borgen Project: Political Priorities by the Numbers: $30 billion: Annual shortfall to end world hunger. $800 billion: Bankster Bailout. $540 billion: Annual U.S. Defense Budget. $170 billion: Annual U.S. War Spending (what's wrong with this picture?)
BBC NEWS | Business | Davos 2009 | Davos finds no answers to crisis The World Economic Forum has ended with a call to rebuild the global economic system
BBC NEWS | Business | Is the US heading for a depression?
Once the Stimulus Kicks In, the Real Fight Begins - (It's not coincidental that 1928 was the last time that the top 1 percent took home more than 20 percent of the nation's income.) (burying the real lede)
The Washington Monthly: Amity Shlaes (WaPo has Shlaes tell us that New Deal didn't work: rightwing crap)
Firedoglake » Newsflash: Ronald Reagan Raised Taxes (You Idiots) (from the folks that brought you the New Deal Didn't Work)
Madoff in Manhattan |
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Banker + gangster = bankster
CITI'S Sky-High Arrogance - New York Post Company Jet For Mogul's Luxe Holiday
Bailed Out Banks Sought Foreign Workers For High-Paying Jobs: AP Worldwide Stiglitz Criticizes Bad Bank Plan as Swapping ‘Cash for Trash’
Global recession - where did all the money go? | Business | (this is why we're doomed)
Nation: A Revolution in Spirit: What if Obama committed the United States to reducing consumer spending from 70 percent of GDP to 50 percent over the next ten years, bringing it to roughly where Germany's GDP is today? (can't be a nation of gluttons anymore)
Societies worse off 'when they have God on their side' - Times Online
The Virtues of Godlessness - The least religious nations are also the most healthy and successful (Christian Nations)
Cabinet Magazine Online - In the Garden Guilt must be learned; shame, it appears, comes naturally (self-other axis)
Pop Women (need to grow up)
Addicted to Love | National Sexuality Resource Center (NSRC)
What Makes You Uniquely "You"? | Learning | Discover Magazine Nobel laureate Gerald Edelman your brain is one-of-a-kind in the history of the universe.
Amazonian indigenous culture demonstrates a universal mapping of number onto space ("the form of this universal mapping is not linear but logarithmic")
Book Review by Peter Webster of The Religious Crisis of the 1960s by Hugh McLeod
The New Math of the Male Mind: One, Zero | The New York Observer (on or off)
The Phoenix > Lifestyle Features > Are you a retrosexual? (mining your past for erotic encounters)
Half of Britons do not believe in evolution, Darwin anniversary survey finds | Science | (still, half as dumb as America)
BBC NEWS | Health | Childbirth drink danger revealed Women who drink too much water during labour are at greater than normal risk of a potentially dangerous condition (water)
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Dubai tests for Legionnaires link (5-Star hotel)
BBC NEWS | Health | Cancer protection secret revealed
Reality Catcher: Maybe *This* Is How The War On Marijuana Ends (jury nullification)
Curriculum: Nokia threatens to leave Finland if constitutional rights not revoked
Grandma: Octuplets mom obsessed with having kids - Yahoo! News
Japanese Human Art - Why Is My Girlfriend Mad?
lhc_atlas.swf (LHC game)
eBaum.TV Blog: So this is how it all went down... (karma)
YouTube - eBaum's World Dot Com (with MP3)
motivational photo poster: Everything we see is a perspective not the truth 9875
ReliefWeb » Document » OPT: Field Update on Gaza from the Humanitarian Coordinator 27 - 29 Jan 2009 as of 17:00
France says Israel blocks water equipment for Gaza | Reuters
UNOSAT: Maps etc. Damage Assessment Overview for Gaza & Gaza North Governorates - Update 3
Spanish court investigates 2002 Israeli Gaza attack | Reuters (how long will Israel's fuckyou to the world last?)
Israeli Envoy: Attack on Gaza a ‘Preintroduction’ to Attack on Iran | News From
Judd Gregg: Commerce Secretary?
Media Matters - Media Matters: Fetishizing off-center centrism
Pensito Review » GOP Investigated Pres. Clinton’s Cat But Only Plans ‘Oversight’ on Pres. Bush’s Admitted Illegal Spying (in case you forgot how they work)
Obama Abandoning 'War On Terror' Catchphrase
Op-Ed Columnist - Herbert Hoover Lives -
Daily Kos: Dana Milbank Applies for Internship With Sen. James Inhofe (your elite journalists think climate change is a joke)
RNC chair race is all about race - Alexander Burns -
TBogg » “Roger Simon is pretty much a back stabbing douche so this was probably inevitable.” (wingnut bloggers lose their welfare)
"pajamas media" - Google Search (the Wolcott archive on PJM) News White House Lawyers Look to Limit Commercial Use of President
Chia Obama - Special Edition Chia from the maker of Chia Pets (this is why)
Questions linger over poll in Kenya - International Herald Tribune
Meddling in Kenya's Elections (US Ambassador Michael Ranneberger meddled in election - what they do)
Kenya and the IRI: Tooting My Own Horn Edition
Feministe » A Story in Pictures (all you need to see)
Booman Tribune - Mark Steyn Wants You to Get Syphilis
Sadly, No! » Oh, The Jails You’ll Go!
Lawyers, Guns and Money: EPIC FAIL, Utter Inevitability Edition
Italy bans kebabs and foreign food from cities - Times Online
Pensito Review » Cover Up: Mormon Church Reveals $190k in Previously Unreported Prop 8 Expenditures
WEF 2009: Global crisis 'has destroyed 40pc of world wealth' - Telegraph
Obama: CEOs Must Stop "Draining" Bailout Funds - The administration is likely to refrain from imposing tougher restrictions on executive compensation at most firms receiving government aid (yes, that's a contradiction)
Will $700B bailout work? We may never know - Yahoo! News
Think Progress » Sen. Conrad: ‘I’d have a very hard time voting’ for recovery package as it stands. Very little done to help the financial sector (how Republicans think)
YouTube - CNN: Understanding the Crisis (Sal Khan on 10/10/08)
What Else Could the $18 Billion in Bonuses Have Paid For? - The Seminal (read and weep)
Whisper it: you don't need to have read John Updike - Telegraph
Deadly Force - What a SWAT team did to Cheye Calvo's family may seem extreme. But decades into America's war on drugs, it's business as usual ("paramilitary SWATS grew out of the social unrest of the 1960s")
Lesbian Communities Struggle to Stay Vital to a New Generation - (separatists going extinct)
Google makes a Statement re: #googmayharm | TechnicaVita
Bookyards: DNA Testing May Unlock Secrets Of Medieval Manuscripts
The Mystery of Borderline Personality Disorder - TIME
Neuron - Computational Influence of Adult Neurogenesis on Memory Encoding
Salk Institute - Press Releases - Newborn brain cells "time-stamp" memories
Review - Did My Neurons Make Me Do It?
Review - Feminist Philosophy And Science Fiction
The paradox of temptation (increases capacity to surpress desire)
the symptom » Towards a Theory of the Tenured Class Richard Kostelanetz
Scott McCloud on comics | Video on
The Top 10 Social Networks for Generation-Y
TimeSvr - Save Time, Get Things Done.
A Cat's Life: photographs of cute cats and kittens by Jane Burton - Telegraph
Old Jews Telling Jokes
anti-theft lunch bags
Read at Work
Gaza kids go back to school, signs are names of dead seat-mates, sorry, terrorists
riverScrap: US steps up pressure on Israel over war crimes
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israel 'hides settlements data' The Israeli defence ministry has concealed information about the extent of illegal settlement-building in the West Bank (what a surprise)
Turkish PM Greeted by Cheers After Israel Debate Clash |
True Torah Jews comment on The Torah Position on the Current Conflict in Gaza article
Palestines fault? on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
The Raw Story | Bush officials authorized torture of US citizen, lawyers say
A Long-Lived Privilege? || Bush lawyer directs Rove not to talk to Congress—once again (Bush still boss)
Jailed C.I.A. Mole Kept Spying for Russia, via Son, U.S. Says -
Phony Guantanamo Recidivism Numbers? (writing an op-ed in the NYT is "returning to the battlefield" -- mofos at the Pentagon)
Obsidian Wings: There Are No Files, Part 2 (your military at work)
SHU Law Center for Policy & Research - Guantanamo Reports
Obsidian Wings: Returned To The Battlefield
Former President Jimmy Carter Supports Call For New 9/11 Investigation
National Briefing - West - California - Proposition 8 Supporters To Be Named - (Mormons squeal)
Op-Ed Columnist - Health Care Now - the United States is the only wealthy country in which the economic catastrophe will also be a health care catastrophe
Bad - Paul Krugman Blog - under Bush, financial policy consisted of Wall Street types cutting sweet deals, at taxpayer expense, for Wall Street types. Under Obama, it’s precisely the reverse (get it?)
Why Reagan still matters: A sneak peek at "Tear Down This Myth" | Philadelphia Daily News | 01/28/2009
Instaputz: RedState, Don't Never Change (onward, Wingnut soldiers)
Senate passes bill to expand child health coverage - Yahoo! News (communistical support for brown immigrant babies, bankers cry foul)
The Reality-Based Community: Bin Laden not determined to attack the US after 9/11?
alicublog: In The Continuing Spirit Of Comity (wingnuts at work)
Suicides in Army at record high - San Jose Mercury News
Cognitive Dissonance: The Healthcare Reform Battle's State of Mind |
Legal System Struggles With How to React When Police Officers Lie -
Boston Review: Loïc Wacquant: Deadly Symbiosis: Rethinking race and imprisonment in twenty-first-century America (Republican war on non-whites)
Angry senator wants pay cap on Wall Street 'idiots' -
Calculated Risk: $4 Trillion Bank Bailout? (banksters: economic terrorists)
Obama Pressures Wall Street Over Bonuses - (call WS bonuses "Shameful" - that'll work)
Mark Winston Griffith: The Real Shame of Wall Street Bonuses (but greed is good!) - Senate banking chairman: Confiscate Wall St. bonuses (and spend them on healthcare) Special Report Roubini Sees Global Gloom After Davos Vindication (AIG's Frenkel eats shit)
Matthew Yglesias » Alice Rivlin: “Now Is An Excellent Time To Fix Social Security And Medicare” (wrong) (construction workers should work until they are 99 or something, say Republicans)
Economy shrinks at 3.8 percent pace at end of 2008 - Yahoo! Finance worst showing in quarter-century (good job, Republicans)
City Projects $4 Billion Gap for Next Fiscal Year - City Room Blog - Bloomberg: “It’s fair to say that nobody was prepared for the severity of the downturn we are experiencing,” (NYC's 3-term finanacial genius)
Former Merill execs invested in Madoff funds: report | U.S. | Reuters Worldwide Cuomo Said to Eye Return of $4 Billion in Early Merrill Bonuses (waterboard the fuckers and throw Thain in jail)
UK Terror Law To Make Photographing Police Illegal (or use "bad language")
Stockholm University - All lies? Scientists threatened with legal action over lie detector article (Israel practices libel tourism)
Hit & Run > Possible DEA Mugging of Professional Poker Player - Reason Magazine (all your cash are belong to the drugzwar)
NORML Blog » Blog Archive » Will The DEA Raids Continue? Now Even The Mainstream Media Is Asking The Question
Teleportation Is Real – But Don't Try It at Home - TIME
Science News / Quantum Information Teleported Between Distant Atoms
Seed: 2009 Will Be a Year of Panic (Bruce Sterling)
P22 Music Text Composition Generator ( A free online music utility)
FIRST THINGS: A Journal of Religion, Culture, and Public Life Okay, I’ll admit it: I am twenty-two years old and still a virgin - First Things: 1998
best of craigslist : If men wrote m4w ads like women wrote w4m ads
Holy Web!: One of the most beautiful and amazing time lapse videos ever made - Weapons Cache Found Near Home Of Former N.J. Cop (250 guns, 1/4 million bullets, underground bunker)
Trader Joe's
PWN! YouTube - How to download videos from YouTube for fair rights use
Zoo Babies | NBC Bay Area
YouTube - kittens riding vacuum
Gaza in Ruins: 'Who Has Won Here?' - Spiegel Online
BBC NEWS | Business | Davos 2009 | Turkish PM storms off in Gaza row ("You are killing people")(moderator, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius)
Military Judge Denies Obama Request to Suspend Hearings at Guantanamo (who's boss?)
Aide: Holder Has Made No Decisions On Prosecuting Bush Officials
Iraq to deny license to U.S. Blackwater guards | World | Reuters
Republicans Gather for National Meeting -
DownWithTyranny!: Heath Shuler Is Part Of The GOP Plan To Defeat Democratic Members Of Congress-- Nice Goin', Emanuel (Blue Dogs at work: Republican Lite)
Dick Armey To Joan Walsh: "I'm So Glad You Can Never Be My Wife" (why is Dick Fucking Armey on TV at all?)
GOP Rep: We Can't Be "The Party Of No" (No?)
White House Unbuttons Formal Dress Code -
Riches at the North Pole: Russia Unveils Aggressive Arctic Plans - Spiegel Online (Putin: all your poles belong to us)
World gets its first gay leader - Europe, World - The Independent Former air hostess to be sworn in as Icelandic premier after economic collapse
The Register-Herald, Beckley, West Virginia - Drug tests sought for those getting assistance
Jobless Claims at 588,000; Durables Drop 2.5% -
What Red Ink? Wall St. Paid Fat Bonuses - - $18.4 billion in bonuses for the year (working hard with taxpayer money)
New Bank Bailout Could Cost $2 Trillion -
JPMorgan Pulled Cash Early From Madoff-Linked Funds - (what did they know?)
Troubled Times Bring More Ponzi Inquiries - ("the bezzle")
Ford Has Worst Year Ever, Lost $14.6 Billion, But Won't Seek Aid
Dem Play Hardball: Target Republican Senators For Stimulus Support
Arianna Huffington: The Era of Not Getting It: The Marie Antoinettes of the Meltdown | Davos Blog
Mass layoffs surge in 2008, continue at rapid pace - Yahoo! News
FBI saw mortgage fraud early FBI saw mortgage fraud early (but all its resources were tranferred to Bush's War on Terra)
Bush Says His Post-9/11 Actions Prevented Further Terrorism - (except his own economic terrorism)
BBC NEWS | Africa | Zimbabwe abandons its currency
Pew Social & Demographic Trends: Who Moves? Who Stays Put? Where’s Home?
Fighting hunger with flood-tolerant rice -
Sun, sea and sewage in the playground of the rich in Dubai -Times Online
Photo Gallery: Rare "Prehistoric" Shark Photographed Alive
YouTube - Might Putty Dub!
YouTube - Believe in the Bible? Then kill me.
Healthcheck: OpenOffice - The Fun Has Gone?
Why Nothing's New in Windows - Might it be the case that the inside of Windows hasn't changed very much because there is nothing to invent in operating systems?
Google begins effort to find Internet blockers | Technology | Reuters
Glasnost: Results from Tests for BitTorrent Traffic Blocking
M-Lab | Welcome to Measurement Lab
AT&T, Comcast expected to help RIAA fight piracy | Tech News on ZDNet (and charge you for it)
Michael Arrington: Some Things Need To Change
BBC - Radio Labs - How we make websites
This Modern World - Alternative Comics Apocalypse Has Begun: Max nails it
four: Public Service Announcement: the "P" in "HTTP" stands for "protocol"
Intel releases Linux-based Moblin 2 Alpha for Netbooks - Ars Technica
YouTube - Mejlbystenen
More of London from above, at night - The Big Picture -
Abstract | Mercury from chlor-alkali plants: measured concentrations in food product sugar
Using a Polymer Implant to Program Your Immune System « Michael Graham Richard
Topical treatment wipes out herpes with RNAi | HarvardScience
Precepts of Rawlesian Survivalist Philosophy
Venezuela gov't: We're honored Israel expelled our diplomats - Haaretz - Israel News
First Qassam since end of Gaza op hits Negev - Haaretz - Israel News
Who Runs Gov - Government directory
House in heated stimulus debate - Jan. 28, 2009 The final vote was 244 to 188. No Republicans voted for the bill, while 11 Democrats voted against it (and what did your $300 Billion compromise get you, Mister Nice Guy? Family Planned deleted.)
Stimulus Package Passes With Zero Republican Support
Planned Parenthood Rebukes Obama For Removing 'Family Planning' From Stimulus
Right attacking stimulus money for health programs - War Room -
Open Left:: Stimulus Passes House With Zero Republican Votes - almost all Republicans in Congress are bad faith actors.
Think Progress » REPORT: GOP Lawmakers Outnumber Democratic Lawmakers 2 To 1 In Stimulus Debate On Cable News (fair'nbalanced)
Hilda! Hilda! Hilda! - The Board Blog - (Senatorial Hold)
Washington Times - EXCLUSIVE: Holder assures GOP on prosecution (no problem for torturers)
Russia scraps plan to deploy nuclear-capable missiles in Kaliningrad | World news | Move comes after Barack Obama administration says it will review Pentagon's proposed defence shield in central Europe
Bush Was a Big-Government Disaster: He expanded the state, and the idea that the state is incompetent (thought that was Reagan)
Sadly, No! » A Heartfelt Apology For What I Said About WaPo (sorry, they deserve to die)
Media Matters - Matthews fabricates stimulus provision that would allow Washington "to regulate the amount of kids people might be in the mood for" (words fail us)
The asshole gene runs in the Bush family - Feministing
Only one voter fraud case found | Cincinnati Enquirer | Cincinnati.Com
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Report: CIA Station Chief Accused Of Drugging, Raping Muslim Women
Russia And China Slam U.S. Economic System, Blaming It For Financial Crisis (Putin and Wu lay it down at Davos)
Michael Dell Slapped Down By Putin At Davos: "We Don't Need Help. We Are Not Invalids"
Foreign Policy: The List: The Next Iceland
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 01/27/2009 | Congressional Budget Office compares downturn to Great Depression
Lawrence Lessig: HuffPost Breaks Huge Corruption Story -- And We Must Do Something About It (Bankers used taxpayer money to lobby against Employee Free Trade Act (EFCA))
Prediction of zero votes from the GOP zeroes in the House (party discipline)
Calculated Risk: House Panel Approves Cram Downs
Talking Points Memo | Won't Go There (no equity stake for taxpayers because, well, because)
Deep Capture | The Story of Deep Capture (more than you imagined)
Dating A Banker Anonymous
Starbucks plans to close 300 more shops as profit drops - MarketWatch
YouTube - Dennis Kucinich States His Intention To Put The Federal Reserve Under Government Control
School can expel lesbian students, court rules - Los Angeles Times
BBC NEWS | Technology | UK will not legislate on piracy (surprising for the UK)
Seeing and Believing The never-ending attempt to reconcile science and religion, and why it is doomed to fail.
Pharyngula: Coyne on the compatibility of science and religion
SuicideGirls > News > Culture > The Evolution of Religion
Edge: Does The Empirical Nature Of Science Contradict The Revelatory Nature Of Faith? - Jerry Coyne
Public choice theory
YouTube - Colour on the Thames (1935)(Gasparcolor)
Richard Nicholson Photography - 'Last One Out, Please Turn On the Light' (a survey of London's remaining professional darkrooms)
Cutting calories may boost your memory - (see below)
Marijuana could prevent Alzheimer's ("The FDA maintains that marijuana has no medical use") (see above)
Trust your gut: Too much thinking leads to bad choices (Bush vindicated)
Northeast Region, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (White-nose disease is killing all our bats)
Wikimedia blog » Blog Archive » Wiki-to-print feature now available in the German Wikipedia
Much needed invention: cop-proof auto web-uplink videophone (see comment) : programming
Qik | Product Highlight (streaming video for your personal surveillance device, aka "little brother")
012709 - Passage Lookup: Ezekiel 4:12-17;
US Supreme Court says passenger can be frisked - (Republicans delete another Amendment to the Constitution)
The Raw Story | Jailed governor Siegelman says Rove subpoena 'restores people's faith in democracy'
Officials: Family planning money may be dropped - Yahoo! News (Republicans have hissy-fit, Dems roll over, as always)
Hullabaloo: Common Ground (rule by temper-tantrum)
Media Matters - KFSO's Sussman compares Pelosi's contraception comments to Nazism, claims we're on our way to a "one child policy in this country" (family planning is communistical, or something)
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect: How It Works (Atrios: CFR is "clown school for mass murderers")
Media Matters - Politico 's Thrush stumbles on victory lap (Schiavo redux by the media)
Gov. Paterson Denies Knowledge Of Caroline Kennedy Scandal Informant - New York Post
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | McConnell: Republicans Are More in Line With Obama Than Dems (the new media talking point)
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Republicans Irate Over Expansion of Republican-Approved Program (completely psychotic)
Haggard’s Church Discloses More on Sex Scandal -
Nose Cone: Nick Turse: It's Time for a Trillion-Dollar Tag Sale at the Pentagon
The Poor Man Institute Bill Kristol has slithered back to Reptoid headquarters, and the NY Times is looking for a simulacrum.
The Confabulum » Blog Archive » Rush Limbaugh on the New York Times Op-Ed Page?
Glenn Greenwald - Richard Cohen fulfills the role of the American journalist
Gabriel Paquette: Barack Obama's policies merely reverse George Bush's radical agenda | Comment is free | The Obama presidency is not a revolution, but a restoration. His words and actions are steeped in the conservative tradition
Boehner to GOP: Vote against stimulus - Patrick O'Connor and Jonathan Martin - (moving the football)
Obama Officials Tells Citibank To Ditch Plans For $50 Million Private Jet
Op-Ed Columnist - The Same Old Song - - Are Republicans ... so divorced from reality that in their delusionary state they honestly believe we need more of their tax cuts for the rich and their other forms of plutocratic irresponsibility, the very things that got us to this deplorable state? ("When the G.O.P. talks, nobody should listen")
Talking Points Memo | "Very Difficult" (psycho Thain - advisor to McCain - explains his office renovation) Worldwide November Home Prices in 20 U.S. Cities Fall 18.2% (fastest drop on record)
Obama Day 7: Going To Capitol Hill To Seeks GOP Help On Economy (because they've been so helpful in the past)
Stimulus Includes Tax Cuts That Obama Economists Panned As Ineffective (give them a finger, they take your head)
A Dark Age of macroeconomics (wonkish) - Paul Krugman Blog -
Matthew Yglesias » Accounting Identities and Straussian Economics
Electronista | Apple left out of Fortune's 'Best Employers' list
Apple Gets Their Multi-Touch Patent; Is Palm Screwed?
YouTube - No Pants Subway Ride 2009
Time Running Out For A Two-State Solution?, 60 Minutes: Growing Number Of Israelis, Palestinians Say Two-State Solution Is No Longer Possible - CBS News 60 Minutes: Growing Number Of Israelis, Palestinians Say Two-State Solution Is No Longer Possible (options: genocide, apartheid, democracy)
Gaza Notebook - The Bullets in My In-Box -
Continuing Bush policies in Israel and Afghanistan - Glenn Greenwald -
Netanyahu would let West Bank settlements expand - Yahoo! News (surprised?)
The Associated Press: House Judiciary chairman subpoenas Karl Rove Politics Done Right: Obama: More Political Capital Than Reagan? Politics Done Right: Mapping the New Congress
When Gitmo Was (Relatively) Good
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Not In My Backyard: The GOPers Complicating Obama's Gitmo Closure
Guantanamo Case Files in Disarray Situation Complicates Prison's Closure (Bush doesn't like records)
Emptywheel » Crappy Record-Keeping: A Feature, Not a Bug
The Washington Monthly: There Are No Files (Cheney ate all of Bush's homework)
Jane Mayer: Behind the Executive Orders: The New Yorker Blog
To favor due process is to favor Terrorists' Rights - Glenn Greenwald - (who are the terrorists, again?)
UN Rapporteur: Initiate criminal proceedings against Bush and Rumsfeld now—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
Holy Cow: Top Dems Are Serious About Investigating Bush's Criminal Acts | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet
Patrick Cockburn: Bush's 'puppet in Kabul' will not go quietly - The Independent ("younger brother is believed to be one of the leading figures in the drug business")
Pakistan in Peril - The New York Review of Books Descent into Chaos: The United States and the Failure of Nation Building in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia
Firedoglake » Bangin’ the Fear Drum: Friedman and Friends Like it When You’re Scared (Friedman can't wait for another attack)
Obama's Showdown Over Nuclear Weapons - Time (more nukes!)
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall - Errol Morris Blog - (Bush photo retrospective - don't miss last pic)
Google Maps: Cheney's Veil Lifted on Vice President's Residence
Secret Work at Cheney's House Rattles Neighbors - Los Angeles Times (torture chambers under Cheney's house)
Watch: Fox News: Obamas Citing of Atheists "Offensive" | Atheist Nation (15% of country are "offensive" to Fox)
Al Kamen - At Noon on Jan. 20, Lots of Things Turned to Pumpkins - ("former KGB thug and Russian president Vladimir Putin was decidedly less generous")
Bennett: Limbaugh Wrong To Say He Hopes Obama Fails
Op-Ed Columnist - Will Obama Save Liberalism? - (last piece of shit)
Michael Calderone's Blog: Kristol's done at NYT - (hired by Wapo's "Post Partisan")(we got yer back, Bill)
Greg Mitchell: Cut Kristol: As Era Ends at New York Times, Some of Bill's Greatest Bloopers
Kristol's Last Times Column: An Era Of Phoning It In Ends (worst columnist since Abe Rosenthal, way to go, Gail)
The Wrong Man for the Job | (Richard Holbrooke, by Scott Ritter)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | The Contraception Freakout (Republicans hate sex ... for poor people)
Media Matters - Ben Affleck 1, Newsweek 0, cont'd (our flawed/bogus news didn't influence anybody)
Ex-Surgeon General Accused of Abusing Staff -
Job-Killing Recession Racks Up More Layoff Victims
Parties divided over cost of Obama stimulus plan - The Boston Globe Object to specifics, size of Obama's $825b package (GOP, party of obstruction)
BBC NEWS | Europe | Crisis claims Icelandic cabinet
Iceland PM is first global political casualty of the crunch - Europe, World - The Independent
Just Plane Despicable - New York Post 'Rescued' Citi Buying $50M Jet (ShittyGroup)
Caterpillar Moves to Cut 20,000 Jobs - (20%)
Editorial - From Here to Retirement - (Republicans: kill Social Security)
Thain Defends BofA Deal, Will Pay Back Office Costs - (psycho)
Lehman's Fuld sold Florida mansion to wife for $100 | U.S. | Reuters (crook)
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Peter Schiff Was Wrong (wrong, wrong)
While You Were Out - Apple’s Years With and Without Steve Jobs - Interactive Feature -
What You Need to Know About Gold -
The Talented Mr. Madoff -
PA lowering rents at rising WTC site towers
Home Depot to cut 7,000 jobs, close Expo chain - Yahoo! News
Drag City - Silver Jews End-Lead Singer Bids his Well-Wishers Adieu (see "My Father, My Attack Dog") | Berman and Associates | Berman Exposed
Ad Wars: 'Dr. Evil' vs. Unions Over Employee Free Choice Act | Corporate Accountability and WorkPlace | AlterNet
Analysts Warn Emissions Are Growing - Green Inc. Blog -
The End of Solitude - As everyone seeks more and broader connectivity, the still, small voice speaks only in silence
Science Commons (alternative to expensive journals)
infinitecanvas: The Day the Saucers Came
Behold | Search High Quality Flickr Images
Coffee Linked to Lower Dementia Risk -
BBC NEWS | UK | Debate over cannabis classification (UK makes harmless pot a class B hard-drug)
Greatest Internet threat to teens may be teens themselves - Los Angeles Times Teens are relatively safe from adults cruising online for sex with minors, a Harvard-led investigation finds. But beware the bullying and harassment by peers.
LRB · Colm Tóibín: Urning Edward Carpenter: A Life of Liberty and Love by Sheila Rowbotham
Greylock Arts: Web Exhibit › .Comics curated by John Mitchell
Non-Fiction on Flickr (or, what passes for non-fiction in the American South)
Want better sex, fellas? Have a stiff drink | National News |
A List of Regional Pizza Styles | Slice Pizza Blog
Daily Express | UK News :: Obesity bug you can catch
Recipes from Recipe Goldmine | Super Bowl recipes | Valentine's Day recipes
Microsoft misses memo, launches DRM-laden mobile music store - Ars Technica
54 Mind-blowing Digital Paintings - PSDTUTS
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israeli PM in war crimes pledge - Any Israeli soldiers accused of war crimes in the Gaza Strip will be given state protection from prosecution overseas (and how are they going to do that?)
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Israel to shield Gaza war soldiers
TPMCafe | Israel-Palistine | What's Love Got To Do With It (pt.1)
YouTube - Tony Benn to BBC "If you wont broadcast the Gaza appeal then I will myself"
How Israel Helped to Spawn Hamas -
Informed Comment: Gaza War! Hunh! What was it Good For?
Time To Rethink Hamas Isolation | The Seferm Post
Olmert Reminds The World–“We, The Jewish People, Control America” « The Ugly Truth
BBC NEWS | UK | BBC defends Gaza appeal decision The BBC has defended a decision not to air a TV fund-raising appeal for Gaza, saying it wanted to avoid compromising public confidence in its impartiality (that worked really well)
Al Jazeera English - Europe - BBC 'open to Gaza appeal rethink' - Protests took place on Saturday against the BBC who have received over 10,000 compliants via email (see?)
Al-Jazeera drew US viewers on Web during Gaza war -
ActBlue — A Dream of Peace: Justice and Equality for the People of Israel and Palestine (support non-AIPAC controlled legislators)
Donklephant » Blog Archive » Obama To Launch - will keep track of where and how tax dollars are being spent.
Obama Sides With Bush in Spy Case | Threat Level from (unitary executive)
Obama administration warns public to expect rise in US casualties | World news | Vice-president Biden reveals US forces will step up operations in Afghanistan and Pakistan
The Washington Monthly - the moral is that when venal, shallow, small men are given unfettered power and authority, they do incompetent, stupid, and evil things." (+Gitmo files went to same place as Bush's Air National Guard records)
DailyTech - Whistleblower Says NSA Monitors Everybody, Targets Reporters and Dissidents Massive dragnet sweeps up communications metadata, and financial records, while targets have all of their communications recorded
To Combat Obama, Al-Qaeda Hurls Insults - - Effort Hints at Group's Consternation
The Washington Monthly: Chill Out (media (NYT) hysterical about "terrorists" in your back-yard supermax)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 01/25/2009 | California is almost out of ways to pay bills, fund programs (Republicans at work)
Feith: Bush Snookered Country into War (Cato @ Liberty) (dumbest guy on the planet)
YouTube - Shame on The Netherlands (it's a crime to criticize Israel, Islam)
Pharyngula: Something to remember after the inauguration
The Worst Lies of All? The Ones You Expect | (business lies are accepted, we get lying businesses, See Thain)
Our Week: Malia and Sasha Obama - Times Online
Economy in free fall in fourth quarter - MarketWatch Worst quarter since early 1980s, and more to come
Republicans Are Resistant to Obama’s Stimulus Plan - “We need to make tax cuts permanent, and we need to make a commitment that there’ll be no new taxes,” Mr. McCain said. (RePugs want tax cuts!!)
GOP Leaders, Including McCain, Reject Stimulus Plan (but have no plan of their own)
Week ahead for Wall Street: Earnings, GDP and the Fed - Jan. 25, 2009 The week ahead: Investors gear up for a deluge of weak earnings and the biggest plunge in GDP in 26 years.
TPMCafe | Robert Reich | How America Embraced Lemon Socialism ("Taxpayers support the lemons. Capitalism is reserved for the winners.")
The Rag Blog: John Thain, Ex of Merrill Lynch : Flush Here (psycho)
naked capitalism: Ben Stein Asks Us to Feel Sorry for Wildly Irresponsible People (of course)
What Do Women Want? - Discovering What Ignites Female Desire - (bonobos)(“women’s desire is not relational, it’s narcissistic”)
Obama's Stimulus Plan and Marijuana Legalization - Talk Buds - A Marijuana subculture forum community
CBLDF - Press Releases: CBLDF To Serve As Special Consultant In PROTECT Act Manga Case (right to draw)
Websites 'must be saved for history' | Technology | The Observer The British Library's head says that deleting websites will make job of historians harder
Why people procrastinate | Motivating minds | The Economist People procrastinate when asked to think in the abstract
Erik Decker: President Barack Obama 'Offensive.' Sam's Club Says So
Airlines Use Terrorism Law to Punish Unruly Passengers | ABA Journal - Law News Now (who could have predicted that would happen?)
YouTube - Jesus Speaks to a Muslim Woman - Nadia Khalil Bradley Pt. 1
YouTube - Ladyhawke - Dusk Till Dawn
Chomsky Condemns U.S. and Israel For Civilian Deaths in Gaza Strip - The Tech
Facebook Gaza War to Surpass 1 Million Users
LRB · Henry Siegman: Israel’s Lies (every single media outlet in America peddles Israeli propaganda)
Israel's military power hasn't improved its strategic position and friends of the Jewish state must point out its mistakes--beginning with Gaza - By Stephen M. Walt (not so much)
M of A - Rice vs. Olmert (more)
Borderless Journalism in Gaza : CJR
Kankan Chadash: Rant on Jewish Racism
New Statesman - Squaring the circle Beyond Terror and Martyrdom: the Future of the Middle East
Security experts skeptical on Gitmo detainee report - (more Enron numbers from Bush)
The Raw Story | Official: UN may prosecute Bush administration, regardless of US action
Prosecute George W. Bush for Illegal Acts - by Ivan Eland
President orders air strikes on villages in tribal area | World news | The Guardian (kills a bunch of civilians)
House Stimulus Bill (Full Text)
The Washington Monthly - About That CBO Report ("Funny thing is, there is no such report")("your liberal media - happy to run with any horseshit the Republicans feed them")
Matthew Yglesias » Why the World Needs an OMBlog
Media Matters - Media menu: Scrutiny, with a side order of sound judgment
McCain Hits Obama For William Lynn Pick
Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh if You Want to Get Things Done - Presidential Politics | Political News - Obama warned Republicans to quit listening to Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats, during a White House discussion on his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.
The Raw Story | Limbaugh's desire for Obama to 'fail' is 'arguably treasonous': Stewart
Bush left ’sickening legacy’ says Saudi Ambassador
Obama Starts With 68% Job Approval
Alexander Cockburn: Hail to the Chief (Bush, made America less evil by bankrupting it)
Review: The Search for Al Qaeda: Its Leadership, Ideology, and Future by Bruce Riedel | Books | The Guardian Raymond Bonner hails an essential primer on modern terrorism
How the Susan Crawford interview changes everything we know about torture. - By Dahlia Lithwick and Phillipe Sands - Slate Magazine How the Susan Crawford interview changes everything we know about torture.
Legend of The Fall The surprisingly shallow influence of Deep Throat.
M of A - Prince Turki's Threats - Onwards (last GYWO) - Bio - Juan Williams joined FOX News in 1997 as a political contributor
We All Wank On « The Poor Man Institute
The Scariest Chart Ever -- Seeking Alpha (we're doomed)
Calculated Risk: PBS Interview with Warren Buffett
Obama Plans Fast Action to Tighten Financial Rules -
Obama Presents Further Details on Economic Stimulus - (tailored to Republicans)
Downturn Accelerates As It Circles The Globe - Economies Worse Off Than Predicted Just Weeks Ago (who could have predicted?)
Market Place - Bank of America’s Chief in Trouble Over Merrill - (who could have predicted?)
Krugman: Wall Street voodoo - International Herald Tribune
Dean Baker: The Role of Government: Keeping the Wealthy Rich (of, by, and for the rich)
Healthcare: The Key To Economic Stimulus? : NPR Macroeconomist Dean Baker
Foreign Policy: Faith in the Market » Flying Over the Cuckoo’s Nest How did Marxist class warriors end up fighting for the bosses’ right to fly?
The Growing Clout of the Nouveau Poor
Dissent Magazine: How Clinton and the Republicans ruined Medicare
Why we need a proper study of mankind - 14 January 2009 - New Scientist
Genomics: Juan Enriquez - FLYP
zipdecode | ben fry
In-flight confrontations can lead to charges defined as terrorism - Los Angeles Times At least 200 passengers have been convicted of felonies under the Patriot Act, often for behavior involving raised voices and profanity. Some experts say airlines are misusing the law
Science News / A Prayer For Archimedes A long-lost text by the ancient Greek mathematician shows that he had begun to discover the principles of calculus.
The Drug War's Collateral Damage: Drug prohibition militarizes our police, enriches our enemies, undermines our laws, and condemns our sick to suffering. - Reason Magazine
Bongs Away!: How the crusade against drug paraphernalia punishes controversial speech - Reason Magazine
{Delta}9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Apoptosis in Jurkat Leukemia T Cells Is Regulated by Translocation of Bad to Mitochondria -- Jia et al. 4 (8): 549 -- Molecular Cancer Research
Žižek on Chomsky: Black, white, and red all over—By Sam Stark (Harper's Magazine)
APOD: 2009 January 11 - In the Shadow of Saturn
YouTube - look around you Brain
Nir Rosen: Gaza: Israel, Hamas and the logic of colonial power | Comment is free | As so often, the term 'terrorism' has proved a rhetorical smokescreen under cover of which the strong crush the weak
International reaction to the 2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict
One State: Solution or Utopia - Gush Shalom - Israeli Peace Bloc
video; Raw Footage of Israeli Atrocities
Ban Ki-Moon lambasts shelling of UN in Gaza - Times Online
Lancet blasts Israeli 'atrocities' in Gaza - ABC News
Israel accused of executing parents in front of children in Gaza - Telegraph
BBC refuses airtime to Gaza aid appeal | Media | The Guardian
Firedoglake » Gaza Update: Hiding from Justice
A tragic misunderstanding - Times Online A small group of Jews and Arabs are using an old theory and new genetic research to redefine - and, hopefully, one day to end - the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Obama's Speech Annotated, Part I - Marc Ambinder
NSA Spied on Journalists? Whistleblower Reveals Surveillance Target |
Obama's High-Tech Presidency Tackles Low-Tech White House | Technomix | Fast Company (more Bush legacy)
Amid protests, Obama backs 'right to choose' on Roe anniversary -
Interactive: Barack Obama's Washington: who's who in the new administration | World news |
Think Progress » WSJ Insists Obama Is Leaving Door Open For A ‘Jack Bauer Exception’ To His Torture Ban (wingnut fantasies)
Glinda Arrives at State—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) . The reaction of State Department employees as Hillary Clinton arrived this morning apparently bears comparison to the liberation of Paris at the end of World War II.
Stimulus Plan Meets More GOP Resistance - Obama to Reiterate Appeal for Bipartisanship (Republikans move the football when Dems try to compromise)
Senate Passes Wage-Discrimination Bill - - High Court Decision Would Be Overturned
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Gillibrand's Record Shows She's True to the Blue Dog Creed
Marc A. Thiessen - 2,688 Days Without an Attack -
On the White House - Obama Speech Got Harsh Reviews on Bush Plane to Texas -
Bushes Exchange Cold Day in Washington for Warm Homecoming in Texas -
YouTube - Inauguration'S Best Moment Joseph E. Lowery Benedictions
Gigapixel Inauguration (wow) | Fullscreen Gigapan Viewer
Seadragon + Gigapan
Sasha And Malia Obama Inauguration Photos: Most Adorable Moments (Slideshow)
The New Majority | Palin's "Donated" Clothes Stashed in Trash Bags at RNC ("But for reasons that remain mysterious")
New York Times Company In Talks To Sell Part Of Its Headquarters (NYT goes sub-prime)
11tqy52.jpg (transition)
Fox News Fear Imbalance | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
BBC NEWS | Europe | Roma Holocaust victims speak out (where's their country?)
An Atheist's Perspective on the Inauguration: Enough With all the God Stuff | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet
Obama to GOP: 'I won' - Jonathan Martin and Carol E. Lee -
Victim: Jan. 18 fire in Forsyth due to support of Obama (Southern racism)
"Drunken Negro Face" Cookies On Sale at Greenwich Village Bakery - Gothamist (Northern racism)
Media Matters - MSNBC graphic falsely claims Pentagon has asserted as fact that "61 fmr. Gitmo detainees have returned to fight against U.S."
TPMCafe | The Media's Role In The Financial Crisis (even worse than Iraq)
Assigning Blame After an Investment’s Collapse -
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | John Thain's Top Ten Greatest Moments
GE Profit Falls 46%
Nasdaq to launch options trading on bail-out index | Reuters (next up, CDO's on bailout)
Calculated Risk: COF: "Strikingly high FICO customers" Defaulting
Calculated Risk: Britain Officially in Recession
Core Competence | The Big Money - Why Apple should get into banking (IBank!)
Profiles: Barney’s Great Adventure: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker The most outspoken man in the House gets some real power.
Trustee Wants to Ditch Madoff’s Fleet of Luxury Autos - DealBook Blog -
ACLU Lays Off A Tenth Of Workforce Two foundations that had heavily backed the ACLU were wiped out by fraudulent hedge-fund manager Bernard Madoff.
Google & the Future of Books - The New York Review of Books (Facebook for academics)
Marijuana growers thrive in California - CNBC TV- Cash crop now accounts for two-thirds of Mendocino County economy
Want to Live Longer? Cut the Pollution - TIME
Climate Change Killing America's Trees at Ever Faster Rates | Wired Science from
#36: Creationism Lurks in Public High Schools | Evolution | Discover Magazine (12% of biology teachers are creationists)
Review - Surgery Junkies - Ethics
Dallas same-sex divorce case a first for Texas | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Latest News
Itv News | Millions of computers hit by digital virus
Google Puts The Squeeze On Free Apps
Satellite Antenna Enables Discovery Of Buried Glaciers On Mars
Mars and Mercury Formed From Planetary Scraps
Stray Dog Help - CORSA-C|UK
Source for "Megaupload auto-fill captcha" –
Op-Ed Contributor - The One-State Solution - By Muammar Qaddafi
Israel’s Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Arab Nationalist Parties (Israeli Nationalists stunned)
Press TV - Israeli gunboat targets Gaza civilians
On Torture - Behind the Numbers most Republicans, 55 percent, said there are cases in which the U.S. should consider using torture against terrorism suspects (it's what they do)
Obama to sign order to close Guantanamo within 1 year: aide No change in Canada's position on Omar Khadr: PMO
Washington Times - Obama to close terrorist 'black sites'
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | Caroline Is Out In Out In? - Caroline Kennedy withdraws Senate bid (or maybe not)
Ted Kennedy's Circle Upset By Caroline Kennedy's Awkward Exit - TIME
Housekeeper and Taxes Are Said to Derail Kennedy’s Bid - (as always, completely opaque)
The Raw Story | Whistleblower: NSA spied on everyone, targeted journalists
Obama Will Get His Blackberry - Marc Ambinder
New staff find White House in tech Dark Ages - Washington Post- 'It's kind of like going from an Xbox to an Atari,' an Obama aide says
Inauguration Day Unity | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
On the White House - On Plane to Texas, Critiques of the Speech - his successor first thanked him for his service and then proceeded to trash it (boo-hoo)
Pakistan in Peril - The New York Review of Books Descent into Chaos: The United States and the Failure of Nation Building in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia
New age of rebellion and riot stalks Europe - Times Online
This Modern World - Of course
Diane Sawyer Drunk on GMA | Bitten and Bound - Special Reports - The 44th President - The Moment (photosynth)
Cheney Speaks Out on Libby Former vice president calls prosecution a "serious miscarriage of justice" and disagrees with Bush's decision.
The Washington Monthly the White House is so committed to transparency, news professionals believe the president's team is going too far (your "news professionals" at work)
Jobless Claims Hit 589,000 in Sharp Weekly Jump -
Microsoft Plans to Cut 5,000 Jobs - Microsoft stunned its investors on Thursday, announcing the first broad layoffs in its history
FACTBOX - Iceland set for early election as protests worsen | World | Reuters News Apple Disclosures About Jobs Said to Face SEC Review
John Thain's $87,000 Rug - The Daily Beast (what they do)
Talking Points Memo | Where Ya Gonna Go? the payment by Merrill Lynch of $3-4 billion in bonuses in late December, just ahead of the closing of the acquisition by Bank of America (loot and leave)(those guys lost 27 Billion last year)
House Rejects Obama's Request For Rest Of TARP
Diving consumer demand hits technology firms | Reuters
Male brain vs. female brain II: What is an “extreme male brain”? What is an “extreme female brain”? | Psychology Today Blogs (paranoid schiz)
How Not to be a Key Online Influencer | David Henderson (another internet fail)
Intel Slashes Processor Prices Up to 48% - Tom's Hardware
Ottawa boy's invisible invention warns birds about deadly windows
New Media Venture Turns Bloggers Into Print Journalists | Epicenter from
The Printed Blog
Maps highlight malfunctions in the mind | COSMOS magazine
How novels help drive social evolution - science-in-society - 14 January 2009 - New Scientist
Victorian novels helped us evolve into better people, say psychologists | Science |
New Findings On The Evolution Of Parasitism
Phawker » Blog Archive » THE SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS: Whatever Happens In Room 315, Stays In Room 315, Whatever Happens In
Trials for Parents Who Chose Faith Over Medicine - ("About 300 children have died in the United States in the last 25 years after medical care was withheld on religious grounds")
Conservatives lose first evolution vote | (Texas)
Shmoo not Schmoo from Al Capp's Little Li'l Abner
For Obama, Choice Is Unified Palestinian Government or an Isolated Hamas -
Outcry Erupts Over Reports That Israel Used Phosphorus Arms on Gazans -
Gaza: 'I watched an Israeli soldier shoot dead my two little girls' - Middle East, World - The Independent Grieving Palestinian father says children were killed after family obeyed order from troops to leave Gaza home (what they do)
Travel advisory issued for top IDF officers - Israel News, Ynetnews (war crimes prosecution in Europe)
Israel admits troops may have used phosphorus shells in Gaza | World news | Amnesty warns Israel could be guilty of war crimes (the Phosphorus Israel said they weren't using)
Obama stresses commitment to stop Hamas arms smuggling | JTA - President Barack Obama told Ehud Olmert and three other Middle East leaders he is determined to stop Hamas from smuggling arms. (because that's the problem)
Amnesty International accuses Israel of war crimes in Gaza - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Israel prevents Abbas from bringing cash to Gaza |
On the Question of One-Sided Boycotts | Naomi Klein
BBC NEWS | Americas | Obama plea stops Guantanamo trial | World | Arar in Canada when 'seen' by Khadr, hearing told
China Censors Parts Of Obama's Speech state television Wednesday quickly cut away to the anchor when sensitive topics were mentioned.
U.S. Army Sgt. James Bishop from the 229th Brigade Support Battalion, ... - Yahoo! News Photos Worldwide Obama Tightens Ethics, Lobbying Rules, Freezes Pay of Staff
Law Librarian Blog: Chief Justice Stumbled Through the Presidential Oath Yesterday
Oath Is Administered Once Again - The Caucus Blog -
The Inauguration of President Barack Obama - The Big Picture -
PolitiFact | The Obameter: Tracking Barack Obama's Campaign Promises
Denver News Examiner: Obama's first executive orders target ethics and transparency
Executive Order -- Presidential Records
DNA: World: Here's what Obama, Sasha and Bush said but you never heard at the Inauguration Suddenly, there are “questions” about the right to basic safety (Obama should be discreet and keep security costs down, really)
Mohammed Jawad and Obama's efforts to suspend military commissions - Glenn Greenwald -
EDITOrial | | The Abbeville Meridional | Abbeville, La. We deeply regret having recommended Bush to our readers and profusely apologize for our mistake in character and judgment.
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Cheney Aide's Testimony In Records Case "A Triumph Of Obfuscation" (Judge trusts Cheney to hand over material)
TPMDC | Talking Points Memo | To Prosecute Torture or Not to Prosecute? Cornyn's Holder Holdup Splits GOPers (pro-torture Republicans on parade)
Caroline Kennedy Withdraws Senate Seat Bid
Urban legends thrive in military occupation of Iraq - Iraq -
The Associated Press: Michelle Obama shines in Isabel Toledo
Washington Post Promotes Editor Who Dismissed Concerns Of Pre-War Coverage (too late, guys)
Statistics on Religion in America Report -- Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life (The US is a nation of Christians (78.4%), Muslims (0.6%), Jews (1.7%), Hindus (0.4%), and Nonbelievers (10.3%))(3xMJH)
Madoff-Hit Luxembourg Funds Halt Redemptions -
New York Battles Swelling Deficit in Unemployment System - (out of money)
BBC NEWs | Europe | Islam film Dutch MP to be charged
BBC News | UK | Atheist ads 'not breaking code'
Ooops....She Did It Again: Anti-Contraception Nurse Takes Women's Wombs into Her Own Hands |
CQ Politics | Supreme Court won't revive online content law
RealClimate CNN is spun right round, baby, right round (CNN fires all their science reporters, general reporters don't know any science, get spun around) Uranium Ore: Electronics (see comments)
BBC NEWs | Health | Acupuncture 'works for headaches'
Clinical trials: Unfavorable results often go unpublished | Science Blog
State board to hear testimony for, and against, evolution | Texas Legislature | (Texas considers whether science exists)
How to Stump Anti-Abortionists With One Question « Unreasonable Faith (never learned how to think)
BBC NEWS | Middle East | Ban 'appalled' by Gaza's damage ("those responsible should be held accountable and demanded a "full investigation" through proper judiciary systems")
Israel accused of war crimes over phosphorus use in Gaza | World news | The Guardian
Arabs: Israel ammo in Gaza had depleted uranium - Yahoo! News
Amid dust and death, the Samouni family's story speaks for the terror of war | World news | 48 members of the Samouni family were killed in one day when Israel's battle with Hamas suddenly centred on their homes
YouTube - Who Runs America (AIPAC)
Welcome to the White House
Flickr Photo: Before & After:
OBAMA SPEECH: Obama's Speech from the Inauguration --
Obama inauguration excitement builds --
The World Newser: The Inaugural Oath: Chief Justice Slip-Up (get ready for 4 years of Republicans saying he isn't really President) A look at U.S. presidents' job-approval ratings
Dakota: In Retrospect
Hullabaloo: Sacrifice (ask people to take a look at their health care and their other entitlements and realize that for the long term health and vitality of the country we're going to have to give up something that we already enjoy"
TPM: News Pages | Talking Points Memo | Gitmo court adjourned for a day, or forever Gitmo war court adjourns, judge set to reopen hearing unless ordered otherwise
The Washington Monthly One outgoing Treasury employee had already landed a job as a manager at Abercrombie & Fitch.
Most see Bush presidency as a failure, poll shows -
Obama to Defend Telco Spy Immunity | Threat Level from
Hillary Clinton Mouthing Along To Presidential Oath | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
What On Earth Is Barney Frank Smoking? | Crooks and Liars
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (January 18, 2009) - The Federal Budget And Pot
The Information Paradox: Why Believers are Ethically Bankrupt
Why Men Are Better Dieters Than Women - TIME
iTWire - Avoid dementia by chilling out and mingling
Comcast Quits Throttling BitTorrent, Targets Heavy Users Instead
Google Knol six months later: Wikipedia need not worry
Shadow of vigilantes appears in Mexico drug war | Reuters (your war on drugz, America)
superuseless superpowers
BBC NEWs | UK | Fault-line between Jews over Gaza
YouTube - Jewish British MP condemns Israel
BBC NEWS | Middle East | New Israel phosphorous accusation Amnesty International has accused Israel of using white phosphorus in civilian areas of the Gaza Strip (that white phosphorus Israel denied using)
Robert Fisk: So, I asked the UN secretary general, isn't it time for a war crimes tribunal? - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent Mr Ban said it would not be up to him to launch a war crimes tribunal. It was pathetic Blog · They Lob Chutzpah Bombs Too (Jewish pro-Israel astroturf)
Anti-semitism and the left - redux |
The American Conservative -- Another War, Another Defeat By John J. Mearsheimer
Norman G. Finkelstein: The Grandchildren Of Holocaust Survivors From World War II Are Doing To The Palestinians Exactly What Was Done To Them By Nazi Germany
Alternative Information Center - Absolutely Not in Their Name, Not in Ours
Al Jazeera English - War on Gaza - Who will save the Palestinians?
YouTube - Pro-Israel Rally For Attacking Gaza, NYC, 1-11-09
Informed Comment: King's Anti-Imperialism and the Challenge for Obama
Warren scrutiny shows culture war won't disappear - The Boston Globe
Max Blumenthal - Rick Warren’s Africa Problem
Times Co., Carlos Slim said to be in talks - The Boston Globe
Introduction - A Look Back at Bush's Economic Missteps - TIME
Making Light: The true history of the Bush years (from the Onion, the only media to get it right, all along)
Bush issues last pardon, won't pardon Scooter or Stevens or Cheney or anyone else?
Gay Bishop Gene Robinson Left Out Of HBO Concert Coverage - "Presidential Inaugural Committee made the decision" | Canada | William Ayers turned back at Canadian border
Economists, ideology, and stimulus - Paul Krugman Blog - (conservative economists in the tank; we need new economists)
Op-Ed Columnist - Wall Street Voodoo - - "huge gifts to bank shareholders at taxpayer expense, disguised as “fair value” purchases of toxic assets" (zombie banks)
Matthew Yglesias - The Grain - Joe Nocera rejects nationalization of irredeemably troubled banks because it “cuts against the American grain — and leaves shareholders with nothing. (that's the point, you idiot)
Why We Should Nationalize Now - Finance Blog - Felix Salmon - Market Movers - - not sure what the American grain is, but it's hard to see how nationalization cuts against it while a trillion-dollar bailout doesn't.
Bailout Is a No-Strings Windfall to Bankers, if Not to Borrowers - (you just got screwed, again) Worldwide RBS Plummets Amid Concern Bank May Be Nationalized
Talking Points Memo | Not So Much
Exclusive Interview with Jim Rogers: Inflation Is Coming -- Seeking Alpha
Gene Expression: Genetic map of Europe; genes vary as a function of distance
Wealthy men give women more orgasms - Times Online
Scientists solve longstanding astronomy mystery
Mars methane media mess | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
YouTube - Authors@Google: David Friedman: "Future Imperfect: Technology and Freedom in an Uncertain World."
Seeking A Mnemonic Turn: Interior Reflections In Gadamer’S Post-Platonic Thought
IRS Taxpayer Data is Insecure - PC World
Printer Ink Now $8,000 A Gallon: Boston Man Sues | Gadget Lab from
'Arrows for the War' Quiverfull parents try to have upwards of six children » I hate Quicken (and Quicken alternatives)
Israel, Hamas Cease Fire Agreed Upon (1000+ dead, mostly children, Israel: "goals accomplished")
A pointless war has led to a moral defeat for Israel | Comment is free | The Observer ("pointless, brutal war")
Israel’s attack on an entrapped population: A 21st century war crime? | San Francisco Bay View
First Palestinian shot dead after Israel's unilateral ceasefile
'Tungsten bombs' leave Israel's victims with mystery wounds - Middle East, World - The Independent As it declares a unilateral ceasefire, Jerusalem faces a UN call for a war crimes investigation
YouTube - Israel admits: "No Hamas rockets were fired during ceasefire"
Mondoweiss: The Palestinians, in Israeli officials' own words
TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | Anti-Defamation League Calls Bill Moyers Racist for Criticizing Gaza War (Abe Foxman up to his old tricks - how the Jews really control the media)
Bill Moyers Journal: Exchange Between Bill Moyers and Abraham Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League
Letters: Words and deeds in the Middle East | World news | The Guardian
Mukasey Agrees: Prosecutions for Torture Now Hard to Avoid |
Magazines: Time Nears Completion of Every Possible Obama Cover Variation
OBAMA Anatomy of a World Leader by Alex Grey: one of the first true "world leader"
Most see Bush presidency as a failure, poll shows - (only Nixon had worse exit polls)
Nora Ephron: It Ought To Be A Word: It's true what he said: we misunderestimated him (woefully)
Assessing the Bush years | The frat boy ships out | The Economist Few people will mourn the departure of the 43rd president
487 Days At Camp David For Bush - Political Hotsheet (+490 at Crawford: workin' hard)
Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over' | The Onion - America's Finest News Source January 17, 2001
YouTube - Late Show - Farewell to "Great Moments in Presidential Speech"
MotherJones Blog: Judge to Bush Admin: "You Rolled the Dice...and You Lost" Vets charged for lost & damaged gear (or they have to stay in Iraq)
AFP: Kyrgyzstan to close US airbase 'in a matter of days'
Clinton's Remarks Anger Afghan Foreign Minister ("narcostate")
Booman Tribune ~ Someone should be embarrassed (the pain of the Washington Village: "Certain hosts are suddenly grappling with a new reality: They need some black friends")
Mexico On Path To Becoming Bigger Security Threat Than Iraq (America's war on drugz)
Government's Ponzi Scheme: 1000 Times Worse than Madoff's -- Seeking Alpha
Op-Ed Columnist - Paul Krugman Blog - - More on the bad bank: Hankie Pankie II: Paulson may be gone, but officials are still determined to believe in financial magic.
A Chill on 'The Guardian' - The New York Review of Books
PLoS ONE: A Trivers-Willard Effect in Contemporary Humans: Male-Biased Sex Ratios among Billionaires
Passengers tell the inside story of plane that crashed into New York's Hudson river | World news | The Observer
Apple Shows Us DRM's True Colors | Electronic Frontier Foundation (pretty evil)
RIAA (really) doesn't want file-swapping hearing online
Genes remember sugar hit: Australian research - Yahoo! News
BBC NEWS | UK | England | Suffolk | Huge Iron Age haul of coins found
Why Google Employees Quit
Our First Glimpse of an Alien World | New Planets | Discover Magazine
Dailymotion - Chance, a video from titounetsan. Chance, Compilation
Brave, Stupid and Curious: Dangerous Psychology Experiments from the Past: Scientific American
Maternity Dept.: Baby Food: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Dakota: Hand Revealed
The real reason Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich | Salon During Eric Holder's confirmation hearing, Arlen Specter scolded the attorney general-designate, but no one mentioned Israeli pressure (code of silence) - The implications of one of the largest one-day slaughter of Palestinians in the 60-year conflict with Israel (right to genocide)
fosforgroot.jpg : the white phosphorus Israel claims it isn't using
Elizabeth Wurtzel: The only explanation for this irrational rage against Israel is antisemitism | Comment is free | (Wurtzel: fail; comments: ftw!)
Farmers claim UK, Jordan boycotting Israeli fruit - Israel Money, Ynetnews
Op-Ed Columnist - Forgive and Forget? - (the Shrill One: "And to protect and defend the Constitution, a president must do more than obey the Constitution himself; he must hold those who violate the Constitution accountable.")
Salon Radio: Jay Rosen on the media's control of political debates - Glenn Greenwald - (thought-control)
Think Progress » Fox reporter: Bush ‘inherited the 9/11 attacks. He inherited the recession and he inherited some tough times on Wall Street (inheritance is his thing)
Firedoglake » Gore Vidal Called It Back In 2002 (credit where credit is due)
Media Matters: Coverage of economy repeats Iraq mistakes (keeping you stupid) Worldwide Florida Fund Manager Missing; Clients Say Money Gone (the bezzle)
The Growing Foreclosure Crisis - (WaPo discovers it wasn't all the irresponsible poor people after all; prime forclosures to exceed sub-prime)
Calculated Risk: CBO: $64 Billion "Subsidy Cost" for TARP (CBO calls its a "subsidy cost", others call it a "loss".) (loss, as in gone)
YouTube - Coast Guard Video Of Hudson River Plane Crash (starts at 2min)
YouTube - {NEW} Multiple Shots of Plane Landing in Hudson River
Matt Taibbi: Flat N All That » Blog Archive » The Moustache Of Greenderstanding (yes, Tom Friedman, old flat-top)
Not The New York Times - The End of the Experts? By Thomas J. Friedman
[Paleopsych] TLS: (Tom Friedman) Confusing Columbus (Economist Review)
Louisiana Creates: New Pro-Intelligent Design Rules for Teachers - ScienceInsider (pro-stupidity)
New Family Of Antibacterial Agents Uncovered: hydramacin-1
Leamington man loses $150,000 in Nigerian scam
Religion from Danny
forwardOn: New user base for Paypal
Olmert’s Boast of ‘Shaming’ Rice Provokes Diplomatic Furor -" ‘The Mistake Was To Talk About It In Public,’ One Critic Says (code of silence)
Michelle Goldberg: The American media gets tough on Israel | Comment is free | As Israel pulverises Gaza, questions and doubts about Israeli policy are becoming more prominent in the American media
U.S. role in Gaza invasion | Salon News Gaza invasion: Powered by the U.S. Taxpayers are spending over $1 billion to send refined fuel to the Israeli military -- at a time when Israel doesn't need it and America does.
YouTube - BBC argues with Israeli Spokesman over UN School Bombing ("you were told")
Israel using Holocaust guilt to continue Gaza op, says British Jewish MP - Haaretz - Israel News
Informed Comment: Israel in Gaza increasingly seen as Rogue State by EU, Red Cross, Lancet
Gwynne Dyer: Israel bullies the U.S. on UN ceasefire vote |
Al Jazeera English - Americas - Israel 'breaking law' with Gaza war
haaretz+story+censored.jpg (Ha'aretz story censored by Israel)
Youngfox Canada: Take a Walk Through Gaza (in your name, with your money, America)
Israeli 'phosphorous shells' incinerate 1,000s of tons of UN food as Gaza starves - News
Revolutionary Politics: Israel using “DIME” weapons on civilian population in Gaza
Daily Kos: Palestinian Doctor's Daughters killed while he is interviewed on Israeli TV
Is Israel using illegal weapons in its offensive on Gaza? - Haaretz - Israel News
Alphabetized Boycott List Of Israeli Corporations/Affiliates And Banking Institutions - Palestinian Mothers
Program Information - Noam Chomsky: Crisis in Gaza | A-Infos Radio Project
An Inauguration for the Ages
Tamara Winfrey Harris: Barack Obama's victory is just one step towards equality | Comment is free |
Bush Farewell Address (made the Nation safer, he says ...)
Cheney Dozes Off At Bush Farewell Speech The Bush Boom: How a Misunderestimated President Fixed a Broken Economy: Jerry Bowyer: Books
Guns vs. Butter - The Seminal
Media Matters - WSJ editorial falsely asserted "[n]ot a single man, woman or child has been killed by terrorists on U.S. soil since the morning of September 11" ('cept that CIA anthrax attack on America, oh well)
Media Matters - First O'Donnell, now Matthews: "Everybody sort of likes the president, except for the real whack-jobs" (and 70% of America, you idiots)
Americans Expect History to Judge Bush Worse Than Nixon Majority say he will be remembered as a below-average or poor president
10 Take Aways From the Bush Years - (Woodward)
Op-Ed Columnist - Forgive and Forget? - - this means that those who hold power are indeed above the law because they don’t face any consequences if they abuse their power (Obama: post-legal framework)
Roméo Dallaire: Bring Omar Khadr home - Full Comment
YouTube - CNN's Rick Sanchez vs. "Joe the Plumber"
alicublog: Plumb Crazy (Joe the Plumber: Bill Whittle says he's just like Lincoln: stupidity at work)
Palin Sues Over the Protection of Endangered Beluga Whales (want to drill them)
US government announces new logo |
motivational photo poster: Mission Accomplished - Hatchet Man
Kucinich: We're "Moving From Industrial Capitalism to Feudal Capitalism"
FT Alphaville: The financial system is broken - but we won’t tell you how to fix it ("“There has been a failure of risk management to a point that is mind boggling.”")
recommendations.pdf - Financial Reform: A Framework for Financial Security (from the guys that brought you AIG)
Paul Volcker is back, and he warns of tough times ahead - Los Angeles Times
Calculated Risk: CBO: $64 Billion "Subsidy Cost" for TARP
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | TARP: What Did We Get For Our Money?
BofA Gets $20 Billion, Merrill Loses $15 Billion - Worldwide Bank of America Posts Quarterly Loss After Bailout
Students Covering Bigger Share of Costs of College -
Circuit City Will Be Liquidated, Sources Say
The Atlantic Online | January/February 2009 | The End of White America? | Hua Hsu
Prejudice Study Finds Gay Is The New Black
Childbirth 300 times riskier in poor countries than in rich: UNICEF - Yahoo! News
Spam: AT&T's 'American Idol' Text Message Stunt Backfires
Vatican reveals secrets of worst sins - Telegraph (desecrated a bread wafer worse than genocide)
The Amy Winehouse Crawl! on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
The enigma of the Nazca trophy heads finally solved | ZME Science
India's Outcasts: The Struggle of Untouchables
Supreme court to decide case on school strip search | U.S. | Reuters Earth Worship and Environmentalism Seen as Police State Precursor
What The Neocons Think About Sustainable Energy (project much?)
Miami - Riptide 2.0 - Pro-Life Group up in Arms over Krispy Kreme's Abortion Doughnuts (wants "choice" removed from dictionary)
The Facebook commandments. - By Reihan Salam - Slate Magazine
Bow and Literacy
UN headquarters in Gaza hit by Israeli 'white phosphorus' shells - Times Online
News Analysis - War on Hamas Saps Palestinian Leaders -
Ceasefire Magazine - Noam Chomsky: an interview
U. S. Bureau of Industry and Security: Office of Antiboycott Compliance (against the law to boycott Israel)
Democracy Now! | Leading Israeli Scholar Avi Shlaim: Israel Committing "State Terror" in Gaza Attack, Preventing Peace
Avi Shlaim: How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe | World news | The Guardian | Canada | Gaza protests violate Canadian laws: Jewish Congress (protest is anti-semitic)
The Canadian Jewish Congress calls a press conference - Ezra Levant
Mission revealed: destroy Hamas - The Journal
321energy :: I am ashamed :: Bob Moriarty
Clusterfuck Nation by Jim Kunstler : Out of the Woodwork
Clinton: No negotiations with Hamas | JTA - Jewish & Israel News
Mondoweiss: In her prepared answers, Hillary was just More of the Same In her prepared answers, Hillary was just More of the Same
BBC NEWS | Technology | Gaza crisis spills onto the web
Washington Times - KUHN: When Israel expelled Palestinians: What if it was San Diego and Tijuana instead?
Foreign Policy: Photo Essay: Gaza’s (Literal) Underground Economy
Gaza victims' burns increase concern over phosphorus - Times Online (that Israel already denied every using)
What’s Happening in Gaza is Wrong & It Needs to Stop Now - Jack & Jill Politics
BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Miliband regrets 'war on terror' The idea of a "war on terror" is a "mistake
ABC News: Cheney: 'Can't Claim Perfection' on No-Torture Policy Military Commissions Official Says Combination of Techniques Were Used on the So-Called '20th Hijacker'
Cato Unbound » Blog Archive » The Path Well Taken: Making the Right Decisions about Risks from Terrorism
Guernica / Blog / Tom Engelhardt: Body Count Nation
The Associated Press: Holder pledges to review case against Schlozman
Obama's People - The New York Times
YouTube - Obama's Child Soldiers U.S. is scheduled to begin the first trial of a child soldier accused of war crimes since World War II.
Emptywheel » The US Torture Regime - Where Is The Swift Justice?
Intelligence Court Rules Wiretapping Power Legal - (yes, on Americans, no warrent necessary)
Missing White House E-Mails Have Been Located, Justice Lawyer Says
Perino On Bush Pardons: "Talk To The Hand"
Dan Froomkin - The Bush Verdict Is In - (best one-paragraph summary)
How Bush Broke the Government | The American Prospect To gain a true sense of Bush's legacy, we survey the systematic and politically motivated ways he undermined the federal government
The Bush Presidency, Eight Years Later - TIME
The Good, the Bad, and Joe Lieberman: Politics & Power:
How Obama Won the Election - Nate Silver on Voters for Obama - Esquire
Barack Obama to end US army's 'don't ask, don't tell' policy towards gays - Telegraph
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect: The End Of Don't Ask, Don't Tell?
The Associated Press: US balks at backing condemnation of anti-gay laws Alone among major Western nations, the United States has refused to sign a declaration presented Thursday at the United Nations calling for worldwide decriminalization of homosexuality (along with you-know-who)
Fables of the reconstruction: Alito Snubs Obama (classic venge)
Tapped Archive | The American Prospect: When Will White Guys Get A Chance?
CorpWatch : US: DynCorp Disgrace (sex trafficing, retaliation against whistleblower)
Bank Losses Complicate U.S. Rescue - Pressure Grows on Obama to Allocate More Money for Distressed Financial Firms
Bank of America reportedly to get billions from Washington - MarketWatch Cash to help bank digest Merrill acquisition, report says, while shares hit 17-year low
Bank of America and Citigroup sink on credit worries - Yahoo! Finance (after eating 200 Bn of your money) Worldwide Citigroup Plunges on Concern It May Seek More Government Help (more!)
SEIU | Bank of America: Stop Payment on the Bailout
Crooks and Liars 2008 Foreclosure Filings Set A Record - Yet another area where Bush's "Let industry police itself" philosophy produced predictable results
How Newspapers Tried to Invent the Web | The Big Money But failed. By Jack Shafer
Judge calls RIAA objections "specious," will stream hearing
The Straight Dope: How would I go about laundering money?
Times Higher Education - More things in heaven and earth, Horatio
Time for a cull in the art world - Times Online The art world is plunging, along with the rest of the economy. Hooray / artguide (Susan Inglett / Eric Fertman)
Infographics portfolio,
Noisy Decent Graphics: The Design Disease
Fake Steve Jobs Banned From CNBC
Earth’s Fractal Brain From Above [pics]
Researcher: Worm infects 1.1M Windows PCs in 24 hours
Google Giveth, and Taketh Away: Google Video, Notebook, Catalog Search, Jaiku, and Dodgeball to Shut Down - ReadWriteWeb
David Brin, Google, and the Internet: Is the Web helping us evolve? | Salon Technology The truth lies somewhere between "Google is making us stupid" and "the Internet will liberate humanity."
Beyond the Nine Planets | Solar System | Discover Magazine
sp!ked review of books | There’s more to humans than biological burps
Breast Augmentation Surgery
Jonathan Wolff on how philosopher's working practices have changed | Education | The Guardian Joathan Wolff
Technology Review: Our Past Within Us The new field known as archeogenetics is illuminating prehistory.
12 Elegant Examples of Evolution | Wired Science from - Top 10: Widely Believed Myths
Earth, observed - The Big Picture -
Our world may be a giant hologram - space - 15 January 2009 - New Scientist (GEO600 holographic noise possibily detected)
NASA - Martian Methane Reveals the Red Planet is not a Dead Planet (life on Mars)
WaterOnMars2_gcc_big.jpg (water on Mars - don't miss)
Proposal Emerges For 10-Day Gaza Ceasefire (after Israel achieves its "goals")
Palestinian death toll in Gaza reaches 1,000 | World news | Red Cross describes situation in Gaza as 'shocking' - Canada - Canada votes alone for Israel: We're the only one of 47 nations on UN rights panel to refuse to condemn military offensive in Gaza (CIPAC)
Bin Laden urges jihad against Israel - Yahoo! News
Open Left:: Israeli & America vs. Sanity ("No wonder killing them all is the only "logical" alternative.")
Tom Friedman offers a perfect definition of "terrorism" - Glenn Greenwald - (killing children: "inflicting a heavy death toll on Hamas militants and heavy pain on the Gaza population")
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton rules out talks with Hamas : Information Clearing House (no conditions on Israel)
250,000 Spaniards denounce Israel's bloodshed (they're all terrorists)
Bolivia breaks ties with Israel over Gaza - (them too)
myStudyDate The "Geostrategic" Imperative of "Greater Israel" (where they're going with this)
Israel flooding internet media with pro-Israel comments | Bowl of Serial
Greece hinders US arms delivery to Israel (media outcry in Greece, where Israel's 19-day-old offensive in Gaza is deeply unpopular (more terrorists)
The IFC Media Project: Digging for the Truth About Israel/Palestine at Racialicious (good+comments)
Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land | U.S. Media & The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
The Poor Man Institute: Oh No He Di’in’t! (Olmert and Rice: “bitch slap”) (wow)(bonus: the Clenis got punked too)
Think Progress » Cheney On Whether Iraq War Was Worth The 4,500 Americans Killed: ‘I Think So’ (they died for your lies)
Guantanamo Detainee Was Tortured, Says Official Overseeing Military Trials - Trial Overseer Cites 'Abusive' Methods Against 9/11 Suspect
Think Progress » Bush: I Personally Authorized Torture Of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
Another Admission: Okay, So We Tortured—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) (Susan J. Crawford, picked by David Addington, war criminal)
Think Progress » Whitehouse: If Obama doesn’t investigate Bush’s crimes, I will.
Foreign Interrogators in Guantanamo Bay | Center for Constitutional Rights US Allows Security Forces from Brutal Human Rights Abusing Regimes into Guantanamo (wtf, China?)
Think Progress » With New Season Of 24, Right Wing Falls In Love With Torture All Over Again (the fantasies they live in)
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (January 14, 2009) - Taking Jack Seriously (TSA a production of Fox Entertainment)
YouTube - Rachel Maddow Show - Bob Herbert: Afghanistan, Barack? Really?
Citizen's Briefing Book Portal (tops votes on
Justices Say Evidence Is Valid Despite Police Error - (Roberts Court deletes Fourth Amendment)
Democrats seek criminal probe of Bush ‘abuses’ | Center Left Headlines (what's with the scare quotes?)
Media Matters - Fox & Friends hosts, Beck cite fictional congressional testimony by 24 's "Jack Bauer" in defense of torture (wingnuts confuse entertainment and reality)
Obama Picks Julius Genachowski To Head FCC -- InformationWeek - Genachowski mirrors Obama's support for providing more robust broadband access to Americans and for net neutrality.
Bob Giloth: Seven Days (running on your dime: Hilliary's debt: should have quit after super-Tuesday, when it was clear she had lost)
Congress Matters : Reid whoops 'em!
Matthew Yglesias » Chait on Krauthammer (Obama's dinner with "Conservative Pundits")
BART officer arrested on murder warrant in NY Day shooting
Cop Shoots Unarmed Man? - Police Forums & Law Enforcement Forums @ (cops defending murder)
Dispatches from the Culture Wars: What Does It Take for a Police Officer To Get Fired?
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | The Blue Dogs & the Power of Positive Press (Conservative Dems get all the attention)
Jason Jones Goes to Pundit School | Comedy Central Insider - The Comedy Blog for Comedy Fans
TA Frank: The change we need | Comment is free | The Guardian After eight long, tiresome years, President Al Gore won't be missed. Even if he did save the planet
Scared Yet? The Wall Street Journal's punctuation fetish ("scare quotes" everywhere)
Erin Brockovich and Robin Greenwald: TVA Disaster Spreads Far and Wide ("clean" coal)
Democrats See Progress on Proposal for Economy - (Republicans will go along if they can kill Social Security)
Harold Meyerson - Obama and the Money-Changers - "The money-changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization," Roosevelt proclaimed. "We may now restore that temple to ancient truths."
Swindled Kevin Bacon: "I Need To Work" Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick were two of Bernie Madoff's victims, and may have lost everything they had but their real estate and checking accounts.
Retail Sales Slump 2.7% in December -
Upgrade Me! | Ask Metafilter
The shock of the old: MetaFilter may be just what you need | Technology |
Noisy Decent Graphics: All the ephemera that's fit to print ("Things Our Friends Have Written on the Internet")
BBC NEWS | Europe | Czech EU art stokes controversy
Art Historians Rejoice: Google Earth and The Prado Bring Masterpieces Up Close - Really Close - ReadWriteWeb
Google LatLong: Explore the masterpieces of the Prado Museum up close with Google Earth
Apple: Who Will Succeed Steve Jobs? | Newsweek Periscope |
100 Free DIY Legal Resources on the Web by e-Justice Blog
Net threat to minors less than feared | Larry Magid at Large - CNET News (""bullying and harassment, most often by peers, are the most salient threats that minors face")
Chemists edge closer to recreating early life (cross-replicating pair of ribozymes (RNA enzymes), each about 70 nucleotides long, which catalyse each other's synthesis)
philosecurity » Blog Archive » Interview with an Adware Author
Tim Sneath : The Bumper List of Windows 7 Secrets
CDC - Norovirus: Q&A
University of Toronto physicists resolve a paradox of quantum theory Hardy's paradox
'Marilyn Monroe' hormone discovered | | Hormone linked to hour-glass body, Makes women want to trade-up men, Kind of women "other women don't like"
YouTube - Sun Ra Documentary - A Joyful Noise Part 1
YouTube - It *could* just be coincidence
best of craigslist : Girls Piss Me Off
The only brave Congressmen and Congresswomen to stand up against the US Government’s support of Israel’s war on Gaza | Amir M. Sahib (the five who said no: all you need to know about the strength of the "Israeli Lobby" in the US)
Olmert Says He Made Rice Change Vote - (all you need to know about US-Israeli relations)
PM: Rice left embarrassed in UN vote | Confronting Hamas | Jerusalem Post
Firedoglake » Israeli Prime Minster Publicly Brags He’s Bush’s Daddy, Punks Rice At UN
Balloon Juice: Compare and Contrast ("I am not sure what Israel has on us that they can extract billions of American taxpayer dollars every year and dictate our foreign policy, but it must be something pretty good.")
TPM: News Pages | Talking Points Memo | W. House: reports of Olmert-Bush call inaccurate (yeah, real "inaccurate")
Barak: Gaza op to continue amid diplomatic efforts for truce - Haaretz - Tzipi Livni, meanwhile, said on Tuesday the IDF offensive was serving the interest of the Palestinian people (if there are any left)
Israel faces calls for Gaza war crimes investigation | World news | The Guardian
Kucinich to Israel: Please State Your Goals |
Craig Murray - The Limits of Free Speech - Let me say it loud and clear. I do not believe in Israel's right to exist. It is a militarised, evil entity founded on a racist premise and a lot of religious hokum
YouTube - Holocaust Survivor Protests Israeli Massacre in Gaza - 2009
VOA News - At Least 860 Palestinians Killed, Israel Says Bombings Will Continue (Thirteen Israelis have been killed, including 10 soldiers (half by friendly-fire) along with three civilians hit by rocket fire)
TPMCafe | Talking Points Memo | Bill Moyers on Gaza
Mondoweiss: Israeli soldiers reportedly shot woman waving white flag
RAW Data: Hillary Clinton's Statement at Senate Confirmation Hearing - Transition Tracker The President-Elect and I understand and are deeply sympathetic to Israel’s desire to defend itself under the current conditions
The Israelis need neither gas chambers nor ovens to kill and incinerate children « Blogocrity
Informed Comment: So, US Israel policy is driven by . . . the Israeli rightwing. That is why Congress voted 309 to five to support Israel's war on the people of Gaza, with 22 abstaining.
Bush’s Torture Confession—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
Firedoglake » Doris Kearns Goodwin on Torture: “Leave Establishment Washington ALOOOONE!!!” (establishment "liberal")
Lincoln and the myth of 'Team of Rivals' - Los Angeles Times President Lincoln's Cabinet was far more dysfunctional than Doris Kearns Goodwin's book would have us believe.
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Judge: White House Must Pass On US Attorney Documents to Obama Admin.
Editorial -- Lessons From the Minnesota Senate Race - Lessons from a photo finish in Minnesota
Talking Points Memo | DOJ IG Takes Down Schlozman: Bradley Schlozman (no prosecution likely in post-accountability era)
Daily Kos: Newsweek Remains the Greatest Magazine of All Time Why Obama may soon find virtue in Cheney's vision of power (The ACLU has documented the deaths of at least 160 prisoners in U.S. custody during the Bush administration)
Hillary Clinton Hearing: Live Updates From Senate (video)
Campbell Brown Rips Bush For Katrina Remarks (video)
PressThink: Audience Atomization Overcome: Why the Internet Weakens the Authority of the Press
YouTube - James Bamford on Democracy Now! - 10-14-2008
BBC NEWS | Americas | Viewpoint: The end of the neocons
Goldberg's War, By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine) (IOKIYAR)
Hullabaloo: Establishment Dicks: uber-villagers like Stuart Taylor
Think Progress » Cheney: It ‘Always Aggravated Me’ That The NYT Won A Pulitzer For Exposing Warrantless Wiretapping - Ideas for Changing America: Get FISA Right, repeal the PATRIOT Act, and restore our civil liberties
Bush Apologizes: The Farewell Interview We Wish He'd Give : Rolling Stone W. comes clean - on his dad, Condi's farts and the time Dick waterboarded the house boy
Republican Bloggers Suddenly Concerned About Fiscal Responsibility - The Seminal
Switcheroo: 'NYT' Pens Letter to Editor -- Calls Controversial 'Atlantic' Article 'Uninformed' (we'll see about that) sues to hide its campaign donor records - Justin McLachlan
Trade Gap Shrinks on Record Import Plunge in November - (not the way to do it)
Ex-Realtor economist did ‘everything they wanted me to’ - Lansner on Real Estate -
Paul Offit's Book "Autism's False Prophets" Is Rallying Resistance to the Antivaccine Crusade -
iTunes Plus: Everything you need to know - Crave at CNET UK (your email address in every music file)
DEA Quashes Medical Marijuana Reseach Project — MPP Blog (Bush)
Why Planes Fly: What They Taught You In School Was Wrong |
Letting infants watch TV can do more harm than good says wide-ranging international review | Eureka! Science News
YouTube - Keeping your refrigerator stocked will get you many women
On the Media: "It was as if an occult hand"
This American Life: Tough Room
Israeli Troops Push Into Gaza City - ("Israeli soldiers chanted slogans before entering Gaza on Sunday" - like what?)
BBC News | Middle East | IDF to appeal human shield ban
Few in U.S. See Jazeera’s Coverage of Gaza War -
YouTube - Israel admits: "No Hamas rockets were fired during ceasefire"
Eliyahu advocates carpet bombing Gaza | Israel | Jerusalem Post May 30, 2007 (genocidal Zionists)
YouTube - Idfnadesk Doesn't Want You to See
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 01/12/2009 | Thousands flock to pro-Israel rallies in Florida (Jews for Genocide)
Protesters across Europe call for end to Gaza conflict - (in America, calls to wipe out Hamas)
Israel bans Arab parties from running in upcoming elections - Haaretz - Israel News (the Middle East's only "democracy")
Think Progress » Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) on Gaza: ‘It’s time to take out the trash.’ (and what would you call that?)
AFP: Israel says all weapons legal amid phosphorus claims
BBC News | Middle East | Israel seeks airwave supremacy it wants to dominate the airwaves of the news organisations with its own narrative (sound familiar?)
YouTube - Israeli Extremists Harass AlJazeera Team At Nahariya
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 01/12/2009 | Obama says early closing of prison camp unlikely
Aide: Obama Preparing to Close Gitmo Soon - TIME
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 01/12/2009 | Firm behind huge Iraq embassy doesn't want to talk about it - Berger Devine Yaeger
Glenn Greenwald - - Obama v. the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran - "they are pursuing a nuclear weapon" (orly)
Political Memo - In Emphasis on Economy, Obama Looks to History - (AdNags)
From the White House Briefing Room, a Swan Song - The Caucus Blog -
The American Debate: He damaged party in two fundamental ways | Philadelphia Inquirer | 01/11/2009 (Bush)
Dan Froomkin - Bush's Last Press Conference - (a terrible little man)
How perfect: Bush WH distorts transcript of final news conference | Philadelphia Daily News | 01/12/2009
Broken Government | Failures by Full List: An assessment of 128 executive branch failures since 2000 (Republicans at work)
Op-Ed Contributors - Transitions - Bringing Justice to the War on Terrorism -
Daily Kos: Get Afghanistan Right
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 01/11/2009 | U.S. Marines find Iraq tactics don't work in Afghanistan
Op-Ed Columnist - Bob Herbert: The Afghan Quagmire - How One Girl Lost Her Faith in America-and Then Found it Again | Goodbye
So Long, Don't Let the Door Hit Your Ass on the Way Out | Goodbye
Media Matters - NYT reporter already mapping out Obama's failure Funny, we don't recall any Times reporters suggesting Bush would be a one-term president days before his inauguration
If I Ran the Zoo: The Will of the People Is Sacred Unless It Gets a Blowjob (Ken fucking Starr)
The Gist: RNC Chair Candidate: "Homosexuality is a compulsion that can be contained, repressed or changed." (Ken fucking Blackwell, election thief)
Joe the Plumber, and the GOP obsession with mediocrity
Daily Kos: Joe The Reporter, from Israel: "Media shouldn't report war" "I'll be honest with you. I don't think journalists should be anywhere allowed war (teh stupid, it burns)
U.S. Spending on Nuclear Weapons Exceeds $52 Billion | Secrecy News
CIA: Puzzlement Over the Panetta Pick | Ron Wyden, told Newsweek he will push to declassify top-secret CIA interrogation files outlining how the agency came to use methods such as waterboarding
The Associated Press: Senate boosts wilderness protection across US
Alas, a blog » Blog Archive » The MPAA Bravely Protects Children From Disturbing Images (only if it involves Iraq)
eightmaps: Google Maps + Prop 8 voters (find the h8ters in your neighborhood)
Obama Team Promises Changes in Use of Bailout -
Editorial - Editorial Observer - Republicans’ Latest Talking Point - The New Deal Failed - (up is down, etc)
Wave of Bankruptcy Filings Expected From Retailers in Wake of Holidays -
Op-Ed Columnist - PK - Ideas for Obama -
The Price Of Oil Video -
Feature The Long Boom: A History of the Future, 1980 - 2020 (July 1997: flashback: so wrong)
YouTube - Robert Reich (Bush turned everything upside-down)
My Genome, My Self - Steven Pinker Gets to the Bottom of his own Genetic Code -
UC Atlas of Global Inequality - Ideas - Globe - How to hallucinate with ping-pong balls and a radio (Ganzfeld, etc)
7 Tips for Starting Your Own Vegetable Garden 8 Get Rich Slowly
The Raw Story | 17-year-old dead after Taser blast A CBC study has shown that the Taser has killed at least 400 people in the United States and Canada since 2001
africa_in_perspective_map.jpg (Africa a lot bigger than you think)
Space: NASA Detects Mystery Booming Sound In Deep Space, Origin Unknown
Milky Way spins faster | ZME Science
Institute for Justice: Litigating for Liberty - Texas Eminent Domain Censorship - Release 12-10-08 - H. Walker Royal is an asshole
mind.Depositor Index Card Template - Vox | mind.Depositor by Scription - Vox
Sparkleball or Plastic Cup Christmas Light Ball
YouTube - Jörg Kachelmann und Lupin
The State of the Web 2008 | Web Directions
Official Google Blog: Powering a Google search
Blackle - Energy Saving Search
YouTube - Gaza war tourism - Keren Levy: I'm a little bit fascist
Israeli troops meet Hamas resistance deep in Gaza - Yahoo! News Ibrahim Barzak And Matti Friedman (AP filters Gaza news through Israel)
A Gaza War Full of Traps and Trickery -
Bill Moyers: Israel Guilty of State Terrorism
The Raw Story | Ex-gitmo guard who saw 'torture' calls co-workers 'psychotic'
Bush, 30 Officials, To Be Named In Complaint On Torture To Go To Obama Administration
Obama Leaves Door Open To Investigating Bush, But Wants To "Look Forward" (yeah, right)
Bush "Fox News Sunday" Interview: I Refused To "Bail Out" GOP (by leaving Iraq)
Matthew Yglesias » The Embrace: our elites have become vociferous advocates of the goodness and rightness of war crimes and human rights violations.
Just true video: This video was banned in Congress (Robert Greenwald: Iraq for Sale)
U.S. Rejected Aid for Israeli Raid on Iranian Nuclear Site -
YouTube - Letterman - Great Moments in Presidential Speeches - 01-08-2009
canada-vs-us.gif (Blue Cross of Massachusetts employs more people to administer coverage for 2.5 million New Englanders than 27 million single-payer Canadians)
News from The Associated Press Reply-all e-mail storm hits State Department
TPM: News Pages | Talking Points Memo | Prosecutors urge release of testimony in CIA case: Kyle "Dusty" Foggo is the highest ranking officer in the history of the CIA to be convicted of a federal crime (but were at war!)
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | GOP's Spin On Coleman Reaches New Heights
The Stranger | Slog | "Please join me in the newsroom for a few minutes for an announcement." (Seattle P-I)
14 Percent of U.S. Adults Can't Read | LiveScience (mission accomplished)
Op-Ed Columnist - Eight Years of Madoffs -
Linda J. Bilmes and Joseph E. Stiglitz: The $10 trillion hangover: Paying the price for eight years of Bush (PDF)
Kelso’s Corner: The $10 Trillion Hangover - Paying the Price for Eight Years of Bush (Harper’s)
YouTube - The $10 Trillion Hangover: Paying the Price for Eight Years of Bush
Linda Bilmes Interview: The $10 Trillion Hangover - Paying the Price for Eight Years of Bush'
Obsidian Wings: Countervailing Powers explain to me why Citi, after taking some $40 billion of our money, is in a position to make "demands" on the US Senate
Romer and Bernstein on stimulus - Paul Krugman Blog -
Analysis: GOP Suddenly Deficit Hawks Once More As Obama Enters Office (conversion of the loot-n-spenders)
Madoff Blistered His Sister - New York Post
ivan krstic · code culture » How Porsche hacked the financial system and made a killing (literally: Merckle)
Hullabaloo: Fiscal Madness (how they work, and Bill Bradley has always been an idiot)
The jobs most at risk in 2009 | Top stories |
Brace for more Madoff scandals - Eamon Javers - (the "bezzle")
The Magic of Mushroom Spores | Wired Science from
New Honda Hybrid Contender Challenges Champ Prius
Write this joke: Ben & Jerry create "Yes Pecan!" ice cream flavor for Obama. For George W. they created _________." : funny (lemon)
Ubuntu and Its Leader Set Sights on the Mainstream -
Are My Ideas Being Stolen? If So, What Then? | Seen On Slash
'Hard' for Israel to spare Gaza civilians : Rice - Yahoo! News (yeah, real hard)
UN: Probe Israeli shelling of Gaza building (herd Palistinians into a building and then blow it up)
Israel Tells Gazans: Prepare For Escalation Of Military Offensive (against children)
UN: IDF officers admitted there was no gunfire from Gaza school which was shelled - Haaretz - Israel News (the childrens weren't shooting after all)
George E. Bisharat: Israel Is Committing War Crimes - Hamas's violations are no justification for Israel's actions.
Naomi Klein: Enough. It's time for a boycott of Israel | Comment is free | The Guardian The best way to end the bloody occupation is to target Israel with the kind of movement that ended apartheid in South Africa (rogue state)
MuzzleWatch » Jon Stewart on Gaza, “The Mobius Strip of Issues” “There’s only one side.”
Google Trends: israel lobby (by city/state)
Campaign For Special Torture Prosecutor Takes Site By Storm | Rights and Liberties | AlterNet (well, Mr. Post-Partisan?)
TPM Election Central | Sleeper Bill of the Month: Our Own Truth & Reconciliation Commission (but: "Democratic majority's desire to turn the page on the Bush years")
Senators say no witch hunt aimed at spy agencies - Yahoo! News (DiFi covers Bush's and her own ass)
The Bush Administration's Most Despicable Act - TIME
Bush admits to uncertainty about future as private citizen | Elections & Politics |
BBC News | Americas | The 'misunderestimated' president?
Hullabaloo: The Final Straw: by digby: It seems that the conservative airbrushers have decided that poor George W. Bush's fantastically successful presidency was derailed by an act of God (+"how politically and morally inspiring it is to reach out to a great spiritual healer like Rick Warren")
alicublog: Reynolds: in addition to having really terrible ideas and weak arguments, these people are scumbags.
Dubya, Drawn and Quartered: Politics & Power:
Seattle Post-Intelligencer Put Up For Sale, Will Close If No Buyer
GOOD 013 - Transparency - Three Trillion Dollar War: its cost in ten steps (America's Death Machine) Worldwide: Rubin, who served at the Treasury’s helm from 1995 to 1999 under President Bill Clinton, was criticized by investors for collecting more than $150 million in pay in a decade while failing to steer Citigroup away from subprime securities (no one could have predicted)
YouTube - Kucinich: Federal Reserve No More "Federal" Than Federal Express!
I have said all of this a million times but now that it is too late, a believable source: Martial Law, the Financial Bailout, and War By Prof. Peter Dale Scott
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Stimulus in the House: A Brief Anthropological Study
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Warren Panel: Treasury Eroding Confidence It Seeks To Restore
Abrams Research Survey: Financial Journalists Say Media Dropped Ball On Crisis (orly)
Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine: Ladies And Gentlemen … Dow 25,000 - stock market forecast (blast from the past)
Foreign Policy: Watch the Dollar By Dean Baker
In Va., a Powerful and Polarizing Pastor - A Loudoun Minister Inspires Loyalty From Followers, Anger From Ex-Members With Torn Lives and Moral Pain (cult)
Immoral advances: Is science out of control? - science-in-society - 09 January 2009 - New Scientist
Powerful Rest And Fluids Industry Influencing Doctors' Treatment Of Colds | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
We Call Upon The Author To Explain: Reciprocal Relations with Mentally Ill People
Itv News | World to witness Biggest Full Moon of Year tonight
Smarter Men Have More Sperm | LiveScience
Artificial molecule evolves in the lab - life - 08 January 2009 - New Scientist A new molecule that performs the essential function of life - self-replication - could shed light on the origin of all living things.
YouTube - Instruction Manual for Life
Israel Faces Mounting Outcry on Gaza War -
AFP: Israel shelled Gaza house crowded with civilians: witnesses
B'Tselem - Testimony of Meysa a-Samuni, January 2009
Gaza medics describe horror of strike which killed 70 - Telegraph
Norway: political train strike for GAZA today « Ignited Identity
Avi Shlaim: How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe | World news | The Guardian
World Prout Assembly: Red Cross: Israel breaking international law, letting children starve in Gaza
Bush’s Low Approval, and Why We Need to Keep it There - The Seminal
Israel, Hamas defy UN call for cease-fire in Gaza - Yahoo! News
Few speak out for Palestinians in U.S. Congress | Reuters (only Dennis and Ron: we are all Israelis now)
LRB · Sara Roy: If Gaza falls . . . | LRB · Henry Siegman: The Great Middle East Peace Process Scam
State court rebuffs Burris on Senate signature - Chicago Breaking News
New Footage of Oakland Man Murdered By BART Cop : Indybay
Blagojevich Impeached: House Votes Against Governor 114-1
Dana Perino Daily Show Goodbye (Video)
Al Franken stole the election? Prove it or shut up | Salon The recount shows that he won the Minnesota Senate race. The lying liars who say otherwise have no evidence of cheating (they don't need any, they're Republicans)
Lei-off: Obama snubs Dean - Jonathan Martin -
Roger Ailes: Joe's For Jesus (God will protect Joe the plumber, even if He didn't anyone else)
Palin: Katie Couric, Tina Fey Have Been "Exploiting" Me
Calif. gay marriage foes want donors anonymous - Yahoo! News
Red states dominate teen pregnancy statistics Ignoring sex education does not appear to be working very well. Bible studies and pretending as though sex doesn't happen with teens is not a policy
The Daily Profaner » Rick Warren Says Women Should Stay in Abusive Marriages (“When I say physical abuse, I mean literally somebody is beating you regularly")
Carnival of the Shameless - The Daily Beast - What do Dubya, Blago, Bernie Madoff, and Roland Burris have in common? No regrets!
Daily Kos: Bad Bush policy Mad Libs
Bush to Ask for Second Tranche of Financial Bailout Funds - If Congress Fails to Approve Request, Administration Will Use Veto Power (final looting: $350Bn) Worldwide Paulson Bailout Didn’t Give Taxpayers Buffett’s Terms (or any terms at all: "giving money away" to rich guys)
Citi reaches deal with lawmakers on home loans - Yahoo! Finance Citigroup reaches agreement with key senators on mortgage bankruptcy compromise (Citigroup is its own branch of government)
Unemployment Report: Rate Jumps To 7.2%, 524,000 Jobs Axed
Calculated Risk: Over 8 Million Part Time Workers
Table A-12. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
Open Left:: Message Received? Obama economic team not listening to progressive concerns about the business tax-cut currently in the stimulus proposal
Prison-house of language - The National - Thou Shalt Not Speak My Language - Abdelfattah Kilito
Exposing Obama's Genome: And Oprah Winfrey's, Brad Pitts', and yours - Reason Magazine
MIND Reviews: Obsession: A History: Scientific American
NYPD Wants to Jam Cell Phones During Terror Attack | Danger Room from (that'll help)
Scandal-Linked Ladies Who Brought Down Powerful Men - Asylum
Dirty Secrets of College Admissions - The Daily Beast college admissions officers reveal just how whimsical the selection process can be.
Michael Wolf | Photography | Hongkong (100x100)
Attack on Israel from Lebanon threatens 2nd front the U.N. said one of its aid trucks came under Israeli fire, killing the driver.
Palestinians-Israel/Shelling On Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Behind the Myths: What Israeli Historians Say About 1948 Ethnic Cleansing
ICRC finds children, dead mothers at scene of Gaza fighting - Yahoo! News
informationliberation - Israeli officer: I was right to shoot 13-year-old child
YouTube - Dennis Kucinich-US Weapons Used To Kill Children Paid For By US Taxpayers
Jimmy Carter - An Unnecessary War -
UN: Israel Admits Claims About Attacked School Baseless | News From UN: Israel Admits Claims About Attacked School Baseless (they lied)
BBC News | Middle East | Israel accused over Gaza wounded The Red Cross has accused Israel of failing to fulfil its obligation to help wounded civilians in Gaza.
Hagada Hasmalit - History and 'morals' of ethnic cleansing: Reflections after Gaza invasion - Left Radical Forum - Articles Essays and news from Israel
Vatican: Gaza Strip is a Concentration Camp - Digital Journal: Your News Network
The Angry Arab News Service: Fox News inside communication: fair and balanced
Protests over BART shooting turn violent
YouTube - Police Shooting At Bart Station - Oscar Grant
Hypocrisy From the Party of Pork | The New York Observer (Republicans at work)
Daily Kos: Specter and Grassley double team Holder (every single Republican voted for Gonzales)
GOOD Sheet - The First 100 Days
The trouble with Sanjay Gupta - Paul Krugman Blog - (he's a liar)
Conyers: Obama Should Not Nominate Sanjay Gupta
Sanjay Gupta Treads the Ethical Line - The Plank (Lipitor flack)
Why I Would Vote No On Pot - TIME By Sanjay Gupta (another drugwarrior)
The Real Reason Obama Won’t Support Marijuana Legalization | Stop the Drug War (DRCNet)
The Stranger | Slog | RICIN: Seattle Gay Bars Receive Threatening Letters - 2009 Multimedia Counterterrorism Calendar
Obama Economic Speech: Warns Of Dire Consequences Without Stimulus: We arrived at this point due to an era of profound irresponsibility that stretched from corporate boardrooms to the halls of power in Washington, DC.
Video - End of Wall Street: What Happened 1/5/2009
Media Matters - Asserting FDR "waged ... a jihad against private enterprise," Hume falsely claimed "everybody agrees ... that the New Deal failed" (Republicans: in fact, he caused the Great Depression) Worldwide BOE Cuts Rate to Lowest Since Bank’s Creation in 1694
New Jobless Claims Fall But Unemployment Still High - Economy - rose to a 26-year high
More stimulus notes - Paul Krugman Blog -
TaxVox: the Tax Policy Center blog :: Obama's $300 Billion Tax Cut: Lots of Buck, Not Much Bang
Lawmakers and Financial Experts Question Obama's Tax Cuts -
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | our health system specifically advantages stable jobs at large employers reduces entrepreneurship in all forms
Madoff moved $160 million of assets to UK firm - Yahoo! Finance
5 Time management tricks I learned from years of hating Tim Ferriss | Brazen Careerist by Penelope Trunk: 1. Don’t hang out with people who don’t respect your time
Lewis Lapham to History Professors: Send Me Your Stuff! Ex-Harper's Editor Planning Blog | The New York Observer
Saturn's Titan - A Giant Organics Factory (Palin wants to drillbabydrill on Titan)
Model sues over "skank" comment - Broadsheet - - Former Vogue cover model Liskula Cohen (utterly fails at the Internet)
Pharyngula: The stupid, it burns: Bill DeJournett, Dothan, Alabama, fails at thinking
Insulin grown in plants gets human tests - health - 08 January 2009 - New Scientist
EFF Patent Busting Project has another suspect one in a death grip | Community
BBC News | Science & Environment | 'Spookfish' has mirrors for eyes (Creationist's heads explode)
JeongMee Yoon's official website The Pink & Blue Project
Study: Why Girls Like Pink - TIME
Create & make your own healthy organic custom cereal & granola Forums / Success - Failure / What an UNbelievable JERK! (hilarity ensues)
AMC » The Prisoner 1960s Video Player - Neil DeGrasse Tyson: Death by Black Hole
YouTube - You're Going to Die!
Scenes from the Gaza Strip - The Big Picture -
g07_17466021.jpg (Globe image: this is the crappy Kassam rocket worth genociding Gaza City for)
YouTube - CNN Confirms Israel Broke Ceasefire First (they've been lying for weeks)
Derfor trykker vi dette bildet - Stavanger Aftenblad (Outraged norwegian newspaper breaks own publishing standard on not printing images of dead bodies to show palestinian girl in the rubble of her home in Gaza)
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (January 06, 2009) - The Reality Of War, Ctd. (Sullivan: another faked/staged photo - yeah, right)
Cease firing to find truth | The Daily Telegraph | how many Israelis have been killed, not since Saturday's invasion but since Israel's withdrawal from Gaza in 2005? The answer is closer to 20.
Russia has cut off all Europe's gas supplies, says Ukraine - Telegraph
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Bush makes last-minute appointments « - Blogs from (Bushies are going to be around a long time)
News from The Associated Press Gov't: Official billed $1.2M for no WTC tower work (John Galt Corp: libetarians at work)
Philippe Sands Considers A Legacy Of 'Torture' : NPR Nigeria: When Will Bush Have His Day in Court?
Rick Warren's Africa Problem - The Daily Beast Team Obama likes to cite Warren’s work on AIDS in Africa to combat criticism about the controversial pastor. But how does burning condoms in the name of Jesus save lives?
Roland Burris: Senate Will Seat Him, AP Says
Firedoglake » I Want to Play Poker with Harry Reid (useless idiot)
Harry Reid: 'I Don't Work For Obama' (unclear who he works for)
Specter Attacks Choice for Attorney General - - Eric H. Holder Jr., questioning his political independence (Specter's head explodes)
Johann Hari: You Are Being Lied to About Pirates (who are the pirates?)
Jon Stewart Mocks CNN's 'Puppedential Debate' (video)
The Bilerico Project | Jindal's Latest Attack on Louisiana's Families: Louisiana Commission on Marriage and Family (packed with anti-gay activists)
Obama picks RIAA's favorite lawyer for a top Justice post | Politics and Law - CNET News (infinite copyright, throw your kids in jail)
Black support for Prop. 8 called exaggeration (only 58%, blame someone else, Mormons)
Media Matters - During Today interview, Coulter falsely claimed "the Drudge Report has never had to retract a report"
End Times - The Atlantic (January/February 2009) Can America’s paper of record survive the death of newsprint? Can journalism? (about to default on some $400 million in debt, Times out of business by May, 2009?)
Joe the Plumber to Become War Correspondent - (impossible to satirize)
gapminder-world-chart-large.png (Gapminder World Chart 2006 health/wealth by nations) (mission accomplished, Republicans)
Bureaucracy Dept.: Tweed Wars: The Talk of the Town: The New Yorker (Bush's historians busy writing his success story)
Hullabaloo: More good news on the progressive front: Netroots Grows Up
EzraKlein Archive | The American Prospect | Partisan Self-Deception
Stocks in biggest fall in a month on jobs and tech - Yahoo! Finance
Minutes Show Depth of Fed’s Concern - - In Fed Rate Cut, Fears of Long Recession
Private job losses mount in December - Yahoo! Finance 693,000 jobs in December, up sharply from the revised 476,000 jobs lost in November and far more than economists estimated,
The Sec Watchdog Who Missed Madoff - New York Post - Don'T Blame Me: Cheung (Republicans can't be blamed for anything)
Saxo Bank predicts 2009 will hit all economic lows | Saxo Bank (Switzerland) SA ("“It is not even outrageous to call this the worst economic crisis ever.")
Ramalinga Raju Letter to Board | Admits Fraud | Resigns from Satyam Board
Porn Bailout: Larry Flynt, Joe Francis Seeking Government Money "It's time for Congress to rejuvenate the sexual appetite of America."
Severe Space Weather Events--Understanding Societal and Economic Impacts Workshop Report -- Perfect Space Storm Could be Catastrophic on Earth, Study Concludes -- The Great Storm: Solar Tempest of 1859 Revealed
Hydro-Québec's electricity transmission system - Wikipedia
Earth Atmosphere "Breathes," Thanks to Solar Winds
Scientists predict next solar cycle peak - Space- Space weather forecasters can't agree on how intense coming storm will be
Terror Experts Warn Next 9/11 Could Fall On Different Date | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Technology Review: Stem Cells Undo Birth Defects Transplanted stem cells restore normal behavior in brain-damaged rodents.
R.I.P. Dr. Dobb's
A Novel Way to Treat a Writer | Standpoint.Online
Google Trends hit by 'trolls'' 9/11 web stunt - Telegraph
Broken 'Big Bang' collider to be restarted in June | Mail Online
The Art Law Blog
Philosophy'S Other: Theory On The Web: Wood, Michael. "Double Thought." LRB November 20, 2008.
On Truth: The West’s selective reading of history
Post-Darwinist: The year of Darwin dawns: Loud and exceedingly laughable: Denyse O'Leary (Catholic woman doesn't believe in "magic" thinks evolution is a myth)
British Government Wants Private Firm To Monitor Super Database Of Every Person In Britain /
interactions magazine The Washing Machine That Ate My Sari - Mistakes in Cross-Cultural Design
Air Force Releases 'Counter-Blog' Marching Orders | Danger Room from
German lovers – aged six and five – try to elope to Africa | World news |
History of the Internet on Vimeo
Christine Maggiore, vocal skeptic of AIDS research, dies at 52 - Los Angeles Times
ACTUP San Francisco Medical Marijuana Dispensary (We dispute HIV as the cause of a growing list of old diseases that have been officially categorized as AIDS)
ACT UP Golden Gate changes its name to "Survive AIDS"
AIDS-Related Quackery and Fraud
PLoS Medicine - HIV Denial in the Internet Era
Project Syndicate: The Tragic Cost of Being Unscientific by Peter Singer (Mbeki)
map_cables(1).jpg (JPEG Image of undersea Internet/Telco cables) Ari Brouillette's review of The Secret
Obama's Intel Picks Short On Direct Experience signaled the Democrat's intention for a clean break from Bush administration policies
00-Huh? Former intel officials react to Panetta CIA pick | The Cable
Panetta a surprise pick to run the CIA - Los Angeles Times (Diane Feinstein, D, Israel, fan of torture and spying, has temper tantrum, along with her pal Jay "Wiretap You" Rockefeller) )
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Feinstein Explains Her Reticence About Panetta Nomination (Whether those changes can be made" with Panetta at the helm, she added, remains to be seen)
Firedoglake » New Sheriff Time: Obama Shakes Up The Senate
An Ex-Detainee of the U.S. Describes a 6-Year Ordeal - (DiFi, Rockefeller complicit)
Palestinians say Israeli raids near school kill 34 (Israel says children were shooting at them)
Firedoglake » Gaza Update: Target Medics? (it's what they do, always)
Glenn Greenwald - Discussing Israel/Gaza on right-wing talk radio + "these attacks are partially funded by the American taxpayer, undertaken with U.S. arms provided for this purpose, and enabled by use of the American U.N. veto power to protect Israel in everything it does."
'Friendly-fire' deaths tests Israel's will in Gaza offensive against Hamas - Telegraph
ABC News: 'People Are Being Killed in Their Homes'
Jon Stewart Explains the Politics of War in Gaza, Strip Maul
YouTube - Israel Soldier _Palestine Girl
What if Egypt, Jordan, and Syria had won the Six Day War? | Stephen M. Walt
Stephen M. Walt | Another "thought experiment"
Gulfnews: Zionists are the new Nazis (Arab view: and the holocaust never happened)
The American Conservative -- Where Have All the Neocons Gone? Having wrecked the Right, will neoconservatives revert to their left-wing origins or double down on the GOP?
Interview: She's home from jail, but Lynndie England can't escape Abu Ghraib | World news | The Guardian
Burris Refused Senate Seat On Capitol Arrival (video)
Reid And Durbin Say Franken Won't Be Seated With New Senate Class
Open Left:: Solving the Rootsgap (Matt Stoller to work for Dems in House)
Unanswered Questions: The New Yorker - rarely possible to say with a straight face of a Supreme Court constitutional decision that it was decided correctly or incorrectly
Agencies Move to Restrict FOIA Access in Last-Minute Regs - ProPublica (more BushShit)
Ann Coulter's "Today" Show Appearance Canceled (Coultergeist)
Daily Kos: Cheers and Jeers: Tuesday An Open Letter to the 111th Congress: Dear Congress, Let's get this out of the way right now: I think you're gonna suck balls.
Passenger forced to cover Arabic T-shirt receives $330,000 compensation
Adolf Merckle, German Billionaire, Kills Himself As Empire Crumbles (another one falls)
Calculated Risk: Mortgage Cram-Down Legislation Moves Ahead
Get Out Now! - The bubble in Treasuries looks ready to pop
Bottom's Up: This Real-Estate Rout May Be Short-Lived - (Barron's from last July - hahaha)
Toyota Suspending Production For 11 Days In Japan
Hyperinflation - Wikipedia
Surviving in Argentina - Home Video Surfaces Of Oakland BART Shooting (cops tried to confiscate evidence)
Going to extremes to save on fuel (hypermilers)
Apple Cuts Copy Protection and Prices on iTunes -
Legalize Marijuana. Legalize Coke, Heroin and the Rest Too. - The Seminal
'The Shallowest Generation': A Rebuttal - Seeking Alpha
Boomers: Boomers, Generation X and The LA Times (6/3/08)
Subconscious is often a key to sleep-time imagery | (really?)
Harvard Study Finds Heavy Costs for South Africa’s Misguided AIDS Policies - South African government would have prevented the premature deaths of 365,000 people earlier this decade if it had provided antiretroviral drugs to AIDS patients
Animation of a Broken Space Elevator
How the city hurts your brain - ..And what you can do about it
The Big Storm Picture: November 2008
Top 50 movie special effects shots - Den of Geek
LiveJournal: The Russian Bear Slashes a Social Network - LiveJournal cuts 20 of 28 employees, no severance)
Trojan Blocks The Pirate Bay and Mininova | TorrentFreak
Popping Smart Pills: The Case for Cognitive Enhancement - TIME
Does DNA Have Telepathic Properties?-A Galaxy Insight
The Wrong Way Wizard: Death Wears A Rug
Modern Foraging: Tried and True versus Novelty: Scientific American
Diabetes dulls the brain claim scientists - Telegraph People with diabetes suffer a mental slowdown early in the disease, according to a new study.
Our Galaxy Is Bigger Than Once Thought, New Map Shows Milky Way Is Broader And More Dense, Making It Roughly Equal To Andromeda - CBS News
The All New Atkins Diet Plan which lets you eat those forbidden carbs and STILL lose weight | Mail Online
Teens Girls Smoke Now, Pay Later With Larger Waistlines As Adults
Storage and Organization Tips | Household Item Uses | Reader's Digest
flipping typical (see fonts on your system)
The Difference between the U.K., Great Britain, England, and the British Isles —
Total Recut Homepage
=^..^= I Can Has History? =^..^= (LOLCat meme)
Top 5 Lies About Israel’s Assault on Gaza by Jeremy R. Hammond | Amir M. Sahib
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Reid To Coleman: It's Over. Concede. Politics Done Right: Why Are There No Black Senators?
Burris To DC: "The Lord Has Ordained" This
Leon Panetta: Americans reject fear tactics - (March 2008)
Exiled Online - How To Screw Up A War Story: The New York Times At Work - By Mark Ames (Georgia: NYT and "neo-con fairy-tale)
BBC News | Programmes | Newsnight | What really happened in South Ossetia? (not what the NYT told you)
Obama's impressive new OLC chief - Glenn Greenwald - - Dawn Johnsen
100 Things Americans May Not Know About the Bush Administration Record (PDF, propaganda)
Tennessee sludge contains elevated levels of arsenic - ("non-toxic" toxic sludge)
Media Matters - Scarborough embellished as "reporting" WSJ editorial's one-sided echo of Coleman's recount accusation
Roger Ailes - Over at VegetativeState (Redstate wankers)
Whiskey Fire: Red State, Next Right -- The "Online Conservative Revolution" Will Be Spammed ("there is no brand of "conservatism" that is not completely insane")
Op-Ed Columnist - Fighting Off Depression - News reports say that Democrats hope to pass an economic plan with broad bipartisan support. Good luck with that.
Is Obama relying too much on tax cuts? - Paul Krugman Blog -
As Vacant Office Space Grows, So Does the Crisis for Lenders - U.S. U.S. Treasuries Rally Most Since 1995 as Investors Seek Safety
Predictions 2009 - John Battelle's Searchblog (recession over by Q3/09! Google will soar!)
No Recession For Me
Digg This, Huffington Post: What's $200 Million Now Worth? - Advertising Age - The Media Guy (2009 reality: $2 million) - Michael Kinsley on LA Times Wikitorial LA Times Wikitorial Experiment 'Inundated by Pornography'
Subconscious is often a key to sleep-time imagery |
History News Network: Cliopatria awards (best history blogs)
Moguls: Arianna Huffington's Scuzzy Copying Pisses Off Chicagoans
Digg This, Huffington Post: What's $200 Million Now Worth? - Advertising Age - The Media Guy
Are These People Really Worth $200 Million? (flash-back to 1999)
BLDGBLOG: Stonehenge Beneath the Waters of Lake Michigan
U.S. archeologists find possible mastodon carving on Lake Michigan rock
Sadly, No! » How the Internets will transform us all into Nazis
Dmitry Orlov: Thriving in the Age of Collapse | The WELL: Bruce Sterling: State of the World, 2009
Thriving in the Age of Collapse, Part III
The Associated Press: US blocks UN Security Council action on Gaza (Bush neo-cons block cease-fire)
Mondoweiss: Lebanon 2006 redux
Israel Invades Gaza: Info, Updates
Israel fires artillery into Gaza as airstrike hits mosque with up to 200 people inside | World news |
Hamas moves on Fatah 'collaborators' | Confronting Hamas | Jerusalem Post
The Gaza Bombshell: Politics & Power: (in case you forgot)
News Analysis - Is the Real Target Hamas Rule? -
On Gaza, Sense and Centrism -" (criticism of JStreet from the center-right / who gets to frame what's good for Israel?)
Word on the Street» - Statement in response to Rabbi Eric Yoffie’s Comments in the Forward on December 31
The Iraq War Is Now Illegal | War on Iraq | AlterNet Ongoing combat in Iraq is illegal under US law. As of January 1, Congress' authorization of the war expired.
Richardson withdraws as Commerce nominee - Politics- New Mexico governor cites pending investigation of business dealings
Political Punch Obama Team Feels Richardson Wasn't Forthcoming About Investigation Before Being Offered Commerce
Obama, Richardson Statements On Richardson Withdrawing Commerce Secretary Nomination
More Groups Than Thought Monitored in Police Spying - Maryland State Police surveillance of advocacy groups was far more extensive than previously acknowledged (BushAmerica) Exclusive Obama Moves to Counter China With Pentagon-NASA Link
Politics By Satire: Homeland Security U.S.A., The TV Show
Portrait Emerges of Anthrax Suspect’s Troubled Life - (no proof: another diversion)
Op-Ed Columnist - A President Forgotten but Not Gone - (the FAIL President)
One More Time: Bush 3? - The Caucus Blog - “It’s about service,” Mr. Bush said - Bush's Lies - Dave breaks out the archive footage to see which of Bush's promises have come true.
Sarah And Bristol Palin Release Statement: "Obviously Discourage" Teen Pregnancy, Situation "Isn't Ideal" Bristol Palin, is quoted saying she "obviously discourages" teen pregnancy (obviously)
Media Matters - Is NBC going to help Coulter sell this book? (she has a niche in the media machine)
Editorial - Recession, Taxes and Mr. Obama -
Op-Ed Contributors - The End of the Financial World as We Know It -
RISK Mismanagement - What Led to the Financial Meltdown -
How to Repair a Broken Financial World | The Big Picture (Michael Lewis and David Einhorn: "the banks took the taxpayer money and just sat on it")
Economic View - Should Congress Put a Cap on Executive Pay? - (no, the bond markets would panic)
The Irish Economy’s Rise Was Steep, and the Fall Was Fast -
Paul Harris: Frugality is cool in the cash-strapped US | Business | The Observer Greed is no longer good and luxury is a shameful word.
The financial crisis: Reasons to be fearful | Culture | The Observer
Tools for News
NCTJ - Videojournalism for Websites
Police set to step up hacking of home PCs - Times Online
Low-tech Magazine: Sunbathing in the living room: oven stoves and heat walls
Scientists discover true love - Times Online
A Rise in Efforts to Spot Abuse in Youth Dating -
On Language - Bleeping Expletives -
When a Phillips is not a Phillips!
Dallas Clayton: The Awesome Book (not just for children)
Muslim TV : Israel Carnage Civilians Children Gaza (Warning: Graphic)
57% of those killed by Israel in 2009 were children; 428 dead since strikes began :: :: informazione dall'Iraq occupato :: news from occupied Iraq :: - it
BBC News | Middle East | Propaganda war: trusting what we see?
TPM: News Pages | Bush: Hamas attacks on Israel an 'act of terror'
Australia denies another request to resettle Guantanamo detainees -
Recount is done; Franken up by 225
Obama's win brings firsts for black press - Nia-Malika Henderson -
U.S.-installed Iraqi ex-PM says Bush utter failure | U.S. | Reuters
Forbes: Wharton grad 2008’s biggest loser at $30B | Philadelphia Inquirer | 01/02/2009 The American who lost the most - $24 billion - was casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson
a Big Coffers and Rising Voice at Freedom's Watch, a New Conservative Group - New York Times - Sheldon G. Adelson
TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Firms Hired By Fed To Manage Our Assets Won't Say How Much They're Being Paid (opaqueness is the new transparency) Worldwide SEC Said to Examine More Ponzi Schemes After Madoff
Real Time Economics : Ignoring the Oracles: You Are With the Free Markets, or Against Them
Economists behaving badly - Paul Krugman Blog - - obsequiousness toward Alan Greenspan
The Associated Press: Commercial real estate in for tough 2009
Austria takes over bank hit by Madoff case -
Android netbooks on their way, likely by 2010 » VentureBeat
Canada's forests, once huge help on greenhouse gases, now contribute to climate change -- (tipping point)
Gene that predicts risk of heart attack identified by scientists - Telegraph
Meteorite Triggered Ancient New York Tsunami? (either that or a big-ass storm)
Psychologist finds Wikipedians grumpy and closed-minded - tech - 03 January 2009 - New Scientist (and ego-driven)
Scene stealer: The aXXo files - Features, Films - The Independent
EU's new figurehead believes climate change is a myth - Times Online
NeuroLogica Blog » Who Goes There? The understanding that our brains are electrochemical machines, albeit highly complex ones, liberates us from grasping at mystical explanations for brain-derived experiences.
The “Best of Anthro 2008? Prizes « Neuroanthropology
Neuroethics & Law Blog: Gearing up for DSM-V
Love thy neighbour: Why have we become so suspicious of kindness? | Books | The Guardian Kindness has gone out of fashion. In the age of the rampant free market and the selfish gene, compassion is seen as either narcissism or weakness
APOD: 2008 December 31 - The Sky in Motion
moogaloop.swf (flying men)
God wants local man dead, Local man says bring it
Israel kills Hamas leader and his family with one-tonne bomb - World news, News - (and anyone else in the neighborhood) - The implications of one of the largest one-day slaughter of Palestinians in the 60-year conflict with Israel - Spin is the name of the game, so if you want to know the truth, follow the money: United States Foreign Aid is Genocidal
Uri Avnery: Molten Lead in Gaza How Israel is Multiplying Hamas by a Thousand
Ali Abunimah: Inheriting Bush's blinkers over Gaza | Comment is free | Obama and American liberals readily adopt positions on Israel that they would deem extremist and racist in any other context
The Shrinking Map of Palestine
Some Conservatives Fear Obama Advisers Lean Too Far Left To Some Conservatives, Advisers Are Alarmingly Liberal (to the neo-cons at the Washington Post)
FDR and the New Deal: Did it prolong the Great Depression? | Salon Conservatives' newest talking point -- designed to stop Congress from passing an economic stimulus package -- is breathtaking (what they do is lie)
Talking Points Memo | DC Still a Republican Town the journalistic establishment in Washington, whether it's the Post or the Politico or much of the rest of the journalistic apparatus in the city, is essentially Republican in character
ABC News: NY Governor May Be Leaning Toward Kennedy Sources Close to Paterson Say Kennedy is the Governor's Choice for Clinton's Senate Seat
9 Muslim Passengers Removed From Jet - Others on Flight Say a Remark Was 'Suspicious' (AirTran discriminates against Muslims)
New York - The Top 10 Rightblogger Stories of 2008 - Runnin' Scared - Village Voice (wingnuts on parade)
Op-Ed Columnist - Bigger Than Bush - (GOP: party of whiners)
Looking for a word - Paul Krugman Blog - Laura Bush’s remark on carnage in Iraq: And believe me, no one suffers more than their president and I do when we watch this (like Gonzo, insane)
U.S. Manufacturing Index Hits 28-Year Low - New Year’s Q of the day: what are the things you can’t live without? (cars: 91%; IPods: 3%)
The Raw Story | Palin ends year with yet another media tirade
Budapest - vue panoramique depuis le Palais Royal © g i l l e s v i d a l | panoreportage
Phoenix News - Forbidden Fruit - page 1 - Phoenix New Times Inbreeding among polygamists along the Arizona-Utah border is producing a caste of severely retarded and deformed children
America’s Worst Sheriff (Joe Arpaio) - The Board Blog - Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz
Phoenix - Feathered Bastard - New York Times Editorial Blog Names Joe Arpaio, "America's Worst Sheriff"
The Idée Blog » Everywhere Girl, The Book
MCHS Dress Code (Nazi dress code in Tennessee public school)
The Straight Dope: Is Yellowstone Park sitting on a supervolcano that's about to blow? (probably not, but you never know, see below)
yellowstone-volcano.gif (600-mile caldera) - Matt Harding: Where The Hell Is Matt? a Hoax
JPG Magazine: Blog: JPG Magazine Says Goodbye
Derek Powazek - The Real Story of JPG Magazine (Paul Cloutier)
Flickr: Discussing Later, JPG. in The Unofficial JPG Magazine Group | JPG Magazine: People: Paul Cloutier)
8020 Media Folds, JPG Magazine No More (18 staff members for a bi-monthly circulation of 50,000 copies, that’s one staff member for every 2778 copies sold)
8020 Media to Shut Down - Bits Blog -
JPG Magazine Folds, And With It A Radical Idea In Publishing
Structure Synth
Dormant cancer cells rely on cellular self-cannibalization to survive | Science Codex
Do you use the “Windows” Key? | Tech Broiler |
What's the harm in believing in psychics? 3,284 people killed, 306,068 injured and over $2,815,114,000 in economic damages
Israel sends more troops to Gaza border
Arab World Furious With Egypt Over Gaza
Israel's 'victories' in Gaza come at a steep price | The Jewish ethical tradition means embracing Palestinians, too.
Neve Gordon: The dire cost of Israel's domestic rivalries | Comment is free | Israel seems more concerned with electoral politics and restoring its military reputation than stopping the Qassam rockets
'Eight civilians killed' in surgical strike on truck | World news | The Guardian
Hezbollah will attack if Israeli troops enter the Gaza
Examples Of Israeli Leaders' Hate Speech
Robert Fisk: The self delusion that plagues both sides in this bloody conflict - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent Israel has never won a war in a built-up city, that's why threats of 'war to the bitter end' are nonsense
Gaza rockets put Israel’s nuclear plant in battle zone - Times Online Growing concern over Hamas’s new arsenal
YouTube - Israelis attack aid boat (more lies from Israel)
YouTube - Gaza Aid Boat Activists give their version on the israeli vessel
Wtf: Israeli Army Videoblogs Blowing Up Gaza, Gets Censored By YouTube
Nizar Rayyan considered successor of Ahmed Yassin | Israel | Jerusalem Post (Israel blew up 8-story apartment building to get one Hamas leader)
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 12/31/2008 | What helped the rise of Hamas? U.S., Israel policies, turns out
International Poll: Most Publics--including Americans--Oppose Taking Sides in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - World Public Opinion
George Washington's warnings and U.S. policy towards Israel - Glenn Greenwald -
The University of Chicago Law School Faculty Blog: The Iraq War – A Humanitarian Success? (Posner)(not counting the dead people)
Deltoid: The Iraq war - A humanitarian disaster
Iraq is better off, so why was the war wrong?
egoz2 - Israel Hamas Clashes 2008/9 - Obama dismisses Bush Pentagon appointees (but) The Obama team noted that a majority of the political appointees will remain in place ("our nation is at war")
NASA chief's wife: Don't fire my husband - Space- (fire him) Blog: List of Troubled Banks with Texas Ratio (all banks: look yours up)
The Associated Press: Icelandic TV program featuring PM forced off air (by torch-weilding crowd)
The World Question Center 2009
Paul Stamets on 6 ways mushrooms can save the world | Video on
img00291vr4.jpg (racist Fox News: chyron: "Let's hope the magic Negro does a good job")
YouTube - Religion
The Last of the Zoroastrians - TIME
Times Higher Education - The Aftermath of Feminism: Gender, Culture and Social Change
Times Higher Education - Transformations: Identity Construction in Contemporary Culture
Unravelling the mind's mysteries - Guardian Weekly
LRB · Thomas Laqueur: Among the Graves Thomas Laqueur * The Civil War and the Limits of Destruction by Mark Neely * This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War by Drew Gilpin Faust
Time to turn off the lights : Article : Nature (night sky light pollution)
Informed Comment: Top Ten Good News Stories in the Muslim World, 2008 (That Nobody Noticed)
NASA - Crew Earth Observations 'Top Ten' Photos
12 Elegant Examples of Evolution | Wired Science from
Tom Cruise and the world of 'E-meter'-wielding Scientologists - Features, Films - The Independent
Religulous on Google Video