See also Consciousness
Note: material (sad to see you go) may be found on
Blue Letter Bible - Mat 16:25 (KJV) (Life)
Blue Letter Bible - Mat 16:26 (KJV) (Soul)
PSYCHE : Greek Goddess of the soul: PSYKHE
Catholic Encyclopedia: Soul
Psyche Definition |
Psyche - Wikipedia
Psyche (psychology)
psych-, psycho-, -psyche, -psychic, -psychical, -psychically + (Greek: mind, spirit, consciousness; mental processes; the human soul; breath of life).
Cupid and Psyche - Wikipedia
Apuleius: The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
The Golden Ass Of Apuleius - B. Slade
The Story of Psyche and Eros Dr. C. George Boeree
Psyche and Eros
Keats: Ode to Psyche
Matt Smaus on Keats's Ode to Psyche
Psyche | Eros
Richard Boase: Psyche and Echo
Iona Miller: Eros & Psyche: Mythology of the Erotic and Soulful Impulses
Eros and Psyche
Eros | Psyche
Eros and Psyche (Francais)
Asteroid 433 Eros: The Astrology of Love
Cupid and Psyche
Romance: Cupid & Psyche
The Golden Ass of Isis
Psyche - Mythology Wiki
Canova's Cupid and Psyche
Amor and Psyche
Bruno Bettelheim: Amor and Psyche
Mythic Elements: Cupid as Monster Husband
Psyche; or, the Legend of Love
Mythography | The Legend of Psyche in Myth and Art
Cupid and Psyche
Psyche, Goddess of the Soul Psyche and Her Impact on Greek Art and Culture
Full text of "Psyche's lamp; a revaluation of psychological principles as foundation of all thought"
Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss
Cube of Space: Psychological/Psychodynamic Mappings
Metapsychology of the Cube of Space: The Dimensions of Consciousness & Structure of Human Experience
Psychoanalysis Dictionary: A. Z. to Amentia from
Definition: metapsychology from Online Medical Dictionary
Full text of Papers on Metapsychology - Study Guide by Sigmund Freud
mondofacto - Metapsychology
Psychoanalysis | Psychology Wiki | Fandom
PEP | Browse | Bulletin of the American Psychoanalytical Association | Volume 4 (1948)
Guilford Press | The Meaning of a Metapsychology as an Instrument for “Explaining” The author wishes for studies which may outline other explicit metapsychologies that may better explicate what is being observed (well ...)
Recent Philosophy Reviews in Metapsychology - fa.philos-l | Google Groups
Bookslut | Freud's Authority (Project for a Scientific Psychology)
Bookslut | An Interview with Mark Solms
Psycprints: Metapsychology
Harry M. Anderson: Metapsychological Formulation
Philosophy of Psychiatry Bibliography
Psycprints: Metapsychology (9 entries)
Metapsychology: a Pessimistic View of Psychology? *
Alan A. Stone, M.D. -- Response to Michael Robbins
How Many Variables Can Humans Process?
Zenon Kelper: Graphs and Models Psy
PsycheProject: Psychological Models
George Kampis: Dynamic Models of the Mind
'The Human Whole' - the 'higher' psychology & metapsychology.
Adrian Johnston: Freud as Philosopher: Review: Metapsychology After Lacan by Richard Boothby
Review: Elliot L. Jurist: Boothby, Richard, Freud as Philosopher: Metapsychology after Lacan
Richard Boothby - Freud as Philosopher: Metapsychology after Lacan - Reviewed by Elliot L. Jurist, CUNY - Philosophical Reviews - University of Notre Dame
Bookslut | An Interview with Mark Solms: neuro-psychoanalysis (cf lame definition)
BPAS - Mark Solms: Psychoanalysis and the Brain
© Psychomedia - Mark Solms - Preliminaries for an integration of psychoanalysis and neuroscience
Butterflies and Wheels: Letter to Scientific American (Swales on Solm)
Metapsychology Online Reviews | Facebook
Metapsychology Online Reviews
AllPsych: Psychology 101: Freud's Structural and Typographical Models of Personality diagram (Iceberg)
Psybox: Freud's Topographic Model diagram
diagram: Topography of Mind: Freud's Iceberg Model for Unconscious, Pre-conscious, & Conscious
Kheper: Freud: Psychoanalytical Psychology (another iceberg diagram)
Freud: "The Structure of the Unconscious"
Sigmund Freud (1932): from LECTURE XXXI (1932) The Anatomy of the Mental Personality (diagram)
The Anatomy of the Mental Personality by Sigmund Freud (iceberg diagram)
C. George Boeree: Sigmund Freud (topographic diagram)
C.O. Evans & J. Fudjack: The Preconscious and Unconscious in Freud
Freud's Metapsychology and its Problems: Texts and Sub-texts
Joseph Slap : On the Incompatibility of the Psychoanalytical Structural Model with Human Neuroanatomy
Slap : Neuroscience and Models of the Mind: A Response to Dr. Yovell's Paper
Freud's Models of the Mind: An Introduction -- Richard Chessick: 1452 -- American Journal of Psychiatry
A Glimpse of the World: Why Freud Matters
Bookslut | A Freud Reader in a Strange Land
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Against Freud
Review - Understanding Psychoanalysis
Ronald Reagan and the Commitment of the Mentally Ill: >Capital, Interest Groups, and the Eclipse of Social Policy
"Again-ness: From Wish to Brain"
The theories of human psyche of Freud and Jung: Basic concepts in Freudian and Jungian psychology and belief systems
Freud's personality theory: three structures
PPS: Freud and the "self"
Levels and Dimensions of Consciousness
Names in Postmodernity : PHTH
Toward a “New” Paradigm of Therapeutic Action: Neur–Psychoanalysis and Downward Causation
"Higher Powers and Infernal Regions”: Models of Mind in Freud's Interpretation of Dreams and Contemporary Psychoanalysis
Remarks on Mark and Karen Solms's book: "Clinical Studies in Neuro-Psychoanalysis" : Mauro Lanari
Metapsychology : Christian Perring's Site for Philosophy and Psychiatry
Metapsychology: Psychoanalysis: Bibliography
The psychological characteristics of the human organism
'Psychoanalysis Today: Implications for Organizational Applications'
Piero Scaruffi: Thinking About Thought
Metapsychology Online Reviews - The Act of Thinking by Derek Melser
Psychmedia : J. P. Roberts - The Importance of Foulke's Matrix Concept
Neuroscience versus Psychology in Freud : Andrew Brook
IFPE - International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education (links)(used to be a useful site before they removed all their content)
Master of Applied Psychology | Context | Online Degree
Outline paper of Theories and issues in human development : Wei-Fen Lin
"Every path will end in darkness" or: why psychoanalysis needs metapsychology : Brunner J.
Reality and Psychic Reality
Internal Reality/External Reality -
Sigmund Freud as Cognitive Modeler: Word and Object Concept Systems (1891)
Judy Gammalgaard: The unconscious: A re-reading of the Freudian concept
The Quest in Psychoanalysis: Philosophical Underpinnings of Theory and Technique, by Patrick B. Kavanaugh, Ph.D.
My Experience, Your Experience, and the World We Experience: Turning 'The Hard Problem' Upside Down, by Roger Shepard & Piet Hut
Freud and Kant
On Negation (things)
Multi-lingualism, word-presentations, thing-presentations and psychic reality
Freud and Freudianism: Freud's New Model of the Mind
Freud: iceberg model
A basic outline of Freud's system from an energistic viewpoint
Cognition and Emotion in Counselling and Psychotherapy
Freud and Helmholtz: A Body of Meaning
Aim to Object
Freud's Concepts of Idealization
PubMed The development of the drive object concept in Freud's work: 1905-1915
PubMed The origins of Freud's concept of object representation ('Objektvorstellung') in his monograph 'On Aphasia': its theoretical and technical importance.
The Computational Self by Robert M. Galatzer-Levy, M.D.
freud-lacan list: consciousness is a symptom
Habermas and Freud
The Pearly Gates of Cyberspace by Margaret Wertheim
The end of the other -- Leith 165 (8): 1075 -- Canadian Medical Association Journal
The Fateful Question in Freud
Eros and Thanatos: Vampirism's Conduit to Mankind
© PSYCHOMEDIA - N. Zurak, E. Klain - Freud's theory of thanatos and the concept of programmed cell death
The Pillars of Unbelief - Freud
A paper on Thanatos as unconscious cynicism.
Language and unconscious in Freud's theory : word presentation and thing presentation (Francais)
Paul Robinson: Freud and His Critics
Showalter, Hysteria Beyond Freud
Review - Hysterical Men - Sexuality
Powell's Books - Review-a-Day - Hysterical Men: The Hidden History of Male Nervous Illness by Mark S. Micale, reviewed by The New Republic Online
Hysterical Men - Micale - Bibliography
Is There a Future in Disillusion? Constructionist and Deconstructionist Approaches in Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis: From Theory to Practice, Past to Present: Dynamic, Economic, Developmental, Structural, Adaptive Viewpoints
A Model of the Psyche (fifth draft )
Anne Dailey: he Hidden Economy of the Unconscious
Metapsychology Online Book Reviews - Furnishing the Mind: Concepts and Their Perceptual Basis: Jesse J. Prinz
UC Davis Philosophy 175 (Mattey) Lecture Notes: Kant: Rational Psychology
Psychoanalysis as Science
Break-out from the Crystal Palace: he Anarcho-Psychological Critique: Stirner, Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky
Psychoanalytic Criticism
The Scientistic Self-Misunderstanding of Metapsychology - The Freud Wars: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychoanalysis Jurgen Habermas
RELATIONSHIP: A vocabulary for describing relationships between people
Psychoanalysis, Dream Interpretation & Psychiatry
Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted
The International Association for the Study of Dreams
DreamBank | Dream series available for searching
The Network-Based Interpretation of Dreams — The Physics arXiv Blog — Medium
the Dream Library
Sawlogs - Dream Journal | Sawlogs - Read Posted Dreams
Sawlogs - Dream Storm
Identity Over Time
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Rise And Fall of Soul And Self
The Folk Psychology of Souls : Jesse M. Bering (what is it like to be dead?)
Freud's Will to Power
Facts, concepts, and theories: The shape of psychology's epistemic triangle Behavior and Philosophy
PEP Web - Metapsychology: Its Cultural and Scientific Roots
Metapsychology Online Reviewer Guidelines
K i r s t i i e: my essay on the clashes between the terms: ego, self and identity in psychosocial studies
One Cosmos: Learned Ignorance and the O->k Operating System (Freud and metapsychology)
The ongoing self-destruction of psychoanalysis; Critique of psychoanalysis
Artiklar om psykologi, filosofi, religion (av M Winther)
ShrinkWrapped: "Man by Nature" and Our Evolving Meta-Psychology Unconscious Logic: An Introduction to Matte-Blanco's Bi-logic and its Uses (New Library of Psychoanalysis): Books: Eric Rayner The Unconscious as Infinite Sets: An Essay in Bi-logic (Maresfield Library): Books: Ignacio Matte Blanco
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Psychology - Review - Psychology's Interpretive Turn The Search for Truth and Agency in Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology
Phenomenally Veiled: Time and the Unconscious
philosophy of psychology
Philosophy of Psychology
Philosophy of psychology - Wikipedia
The Philosophy Of Psychology (book contents)
Philosophy Of Psychology | Robert A. Wilson | University of Alberta
fORT/dAfORT/dA: Lonergan and Freud: the Unconscious and Intersubjectivity
Review - Second-order Change in Psychotherapy
Claremont Freudian Group: From Psychoanalytical Notebooks 2, 1999 — The Unconscious
Journal of Metapsychology (metacognition? Wilber?)
[Superstructure or foundation? On metapsychology and the metapsychology debate] ... [Psyche (Stuttg). 1993] - PubMed Result
AAPP Bulletins: The Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry
devastating indictments: Eros and Civilization by Herbert Marcuse
Frankfurt School: from One Dimensional Man, by Herbert Marcuse
Pairs of Opposites: Information from (Freud's duality)
Political Affairs Magazine - Materialism and Feelings: Bringing Marx and Freud to the Same Table
Review - A Map of the Mind - Philosophy Toward a Science of Psychotherapy by Richard Brockman
Freud and his Critics "ch3" 3. Adolf Grünbaum: The Philosophical Critique of Freud
PsycNET - Metapsychology is not psychology. Gill, Merton M.
General Psychological Theory: Papers ... - Google Books -- Sigmund Freud, Philip Rieff
Review - The Future of Psychoanalysis - by Richard D. Chessick
Robert Kegan's Awesome Theory of Social Maturity - Child & Adolescent Development Overview
The evolving self: problem and process in human development By Robert Kegan
Psyche Journal : Vol 15, No 2 (2009) (Unconscious & Consciousness)
Robert Holt: Freud reappraised: a fresh look at psychoanalytic theory ... - Google Books
The Human Animal: Personal Identity Without Psychology - Eric T Olsen - Google Books (1998: you are a brainstem and a bunch of mechanical operations)
The Human Animal: Personal Identity Without Psychology. - book reviews | Mind | Find Articles at BNET
Meaning's Vessel: A Metapsychological Understanding of Metaphor - Psychoanalytic Inquiry: A Topical Journal for Mental Health Professionals Time Driven: Metapsychology and the Splitting of the Drive (SPEP) (9780810122055): Adrian Johnston, Slavoj Zizek: Books
The Scientistic Self-Misunderstanding of Metapsychology - The Freud Wars: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychoanalysis
Sam Rakover: To understand a cat: methodology and ... - Google Books
On: Life and death in Freudian metapsychology
Winnicott's foundation for the basic concepts of Freud's metapsychology? [Int J Psychoanal. 2010] - PubMed result , the author suggests that Winnicott did not discard metapsychological concepts but theorized the conditions for using both these and the intrapsychic topography.
Winnicott's rejection of the basic concepts of Freud's metapsychology [Int J Psychoanal. 2007] - PubMed result
Incentives for a reconsideration of the debate on metapsychology [Int J Psychoanal. 2001] - PubMed result
Freud's metapsychological speculations. [Int J Psychoanal. 2005] - PubMed result
[Superstructure or foundation? On metapsychology and the metapsychology debate] [Psyche (Stuttg). 1993] - PubMed result
A century after Freud's project: is a rapprochement between psychoanalysis and neurobiology at hand? [J Am Psychoanal Assoc. 1997] - PubMed result
Freud's Models of the Mind: An Introduction -- Chessick 155 (10): 1452 -- Am J Psychiatry
SpringerLink - Journal Article The Bio-semiotic Roots of Metapsychology
Psyche (Sao Paulo) vol.12 issue23; Abstract: CAROPRESO, Fátima. The mind-brain relation in freudian metapsychology.
On becoming a psychoanalyst.
Fragmentation In Contemporary Psychology: A Dialectical Solution Sanford L. Drob, Ph.D.
Review - Beyond the Pleasure Principle - Psychoanalysis
General Psych
Frontiers | Fifty psychological and psychiatric terms to avoid: a list of inaccurate, misleading, misused, ambiguous, and logically confused words and phrases | Educational Psychology
Classics in the History of Psychology -- Baldwin (1913) Volume I, Chapter 7
The History of Psychology | Psychology People Index
Harvey Wheeler: The Semiosis of Francis Bacon's Scientific Empiricism
Hume and Kant
History and Systems of Psychology
History of Psychology Timeline (From -600 to 1899)
History of Psychology
Personality & Consciousness Margin
History of Psychology
History of Psychology, Famous Psychologist and Psychological Theories
History of Phrenology on the Web
socialpsychology: Links on the History of Psychology
History & Philosophy of Psychology Web Resources
Psychology Wiki
Classics in the History of Psychology | Topic Index
History of Psychology | Resource Guides | Pius XII Memorial Library | Saint Louis University
Unoffical Schultz & Schultz History of Psychology
Mind and Body: Descartes to James
The History of Psychology
HTP Prints - Welcome to the History & Theory of Psychology Eprint Archive
APA Journal: History of Psychology
Yahoo! Directory AU & NZ > Psychology > History
History of Psychoanalysis (*)
Encyclopedia of Psychology - Psychology Websites
Psychological Research on the Net
BUBL Link: Psychology links
Psychology WWW Virtual Library
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences
Kosmoi: Psychology
Psyche Web
Psyche Matters | Psychoanalysis | Psychoanalytic Classics
Angela Molnos: A psychotherapist's Harvest: A to Z of clinical practice and theoretical issues
Psychematters: Yahoo Group
Psyche: interdisciplinary journal of research on consciousness
The Psi Cafe: a psychology resource site | key theorists/theories in Psychology
Telehealth: 1,600+ online psychology and social science journals
Psychwatch: Online Journals
PsyArt: An Online Journal for the Psychological Study of the Arts
psych wURLd -- MegaPsych Psychology Bookmarks
PlanetPsych, your online resource for mental health information
Association for Psychological Science: Journals< br /> Neuropsychologycentral
National Mental Health Association: FAQ
225 Mental Health Resources for Students [Free & Affordable]
Navigating Mental Health for Students
Ultimate Guide to College Student Mental Health | Command Education
Psychology Dictionary and Glossary for students
Psychology Matters: Glossary
Psych Central - Psychology Glossary
Gerard Keegan's Psychology Site: Glossary
A Social Psychology Glossary
Social Psychology|Glossary
Psychology Dictionary, Glossary of Psychological Terms
The Freud Page/ Glossary/Index
The Social Psychological Narrative — Or — What Is Social Psychology, Anyway? | Conversation | Edge
Psych Web | Michael Nielsen: Psychology of Religion Pages
Freud on Religion - Jürgen Braungardt
AJP: American Psychiatric Association, Inc. : The American Journal of Psychiatry
Douglas Degelman: AmoebaWeb: Psychology on the Web!
MetaReligion: Psychiatry
On Being Sane In Insane Places - David L. Rosenhan
David L. Rosenhan: On Being Sane In Insane Places
Rosenhan experiment - Wikipedia (the "thud" hospitilization experiment)
International Psychoanalysis - A psychoanalytic slant on the world
Author Interview: Lance Dodes, Author Of 'The Sober Truth' : NPR
Alcoholics Anonymous most effective path to alcohol abstinence | News Center | Stanford Medicine A Stanford researcher and two collaborators conducted an extensive review of Alcoholics Anonymous studies and found that the fellowship helps more people achieve sobriety than therapy does.
Web of Addictions
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Theory of Addiction
Scientific American: Television Addiction Is No Mere Metaphor Television Addiction Is No Mere Metaphor
How We Get Addicted - TIME
Relative Addictiveness of Drugs (NYT 8/2/94)
The Daedalus Project: The Trouble with "Addiction"
Addiction: International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis
Locate Drug & Alcohol Centers by State
Bruce K. Alexander - Globalization of Addiction
Addiction Blog - Drug and Alcohol Intervention Services
All About Drug And Alcohol Addiction And Treatment
Inpatient vs Outpatient Addiction Treatment
Resources | Scottsdale Recovery Center - Mothers, Fathers and Family Addiction and Recovery Resources
The Dangers of Self-Medicating | LA Suboxone
Addiction Resources for Parents | Green Mountain Treatment Center
Being a Child of an Addicted Parent | Wavelengths Recovery - What to do when your parent struggles with substance abuse
Blog - Addiction Recovery & Treatment - Intrepid Detox Residential Blog
Riviera Beach Treatment Centers in South Florida | Intrepid Detox
Drug and Alcohol Addiction Resources : Coastal Detox
Addiction Treatment Programs in New Jersey - North Jersey Recovery Center
Anxiety & Addiction: Co-Morbidity & Dual Diagnosis | New Leaf
Addiction Resources | Rock Recovery Center | West Palm Beach, Florida
BRC Healthcare - Addiction resources
Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Staffordshire | Rehab 4 Addiction
Ft Lauderdale Drug and Alcohol Rehab & Detox Center | Delphi
Addiction Detox Programs | California Detox Center | Phoenix Rising
Drug Rehab Center | Addiction Treatment - Northern Illinois Recovery
Addiction and Relationships | New Leaf Detox
Lido Wellness Center | Mental Health Treatment Your new life is waiting : Our mission is to be the last treatment experience: our patients need in order to live a life of wellness
Granite Mountain Behavioral Healthcare - Addiction Treatment in Arizona Building Better Futures Together : Addiction treatment dedicated to the transformation of our clients' lives in recovery through community, commitment, and connection.
Family Roles In Addiction | Inland Detox
Do I Have a Painkiller Addiction? | Self-Assessment
Drug Detox & Rehab Centers in Tennessee: Detox West Tennessee
Drug Detox & Alcohol Detox in Nashville | Brentwood Springs Detox
Drug Detox and Alcohol Detox in Nashville, TN | Detox Nashville
Drug Rehab in Florida - Addiction Treatment in Fort Pierce
The Link Between Addiction and Suicide Explained
8 Ways To Keep Your Children From Abusing Drugs | Dream
A Guide to Teen Anxiety and Substance Abuse | Wellness Retreat Recovery
Alcohol Shakes/Tremors (Why They Happen & What to Do)
How Long Does It Take to Sober Up From Alcohol?
The Dangers of Drunk and Drugged Driving | New Method
Social Media and Substance Use | Sober Partners
Self-Harm & Depression | First Light Recovery
Mental Health, Addiction and Homelessness | New Method
How to Ground Someone Having a Panic Attack | Solara Mental Health
Warning Signs Of Spousal Drug Abuse | Shahida's Place
Live Free Recovery | Inpatient & Outpatient Treatment in New Hampshire Mens New Hampshire Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program
Northeast Addictions Treatment Center | Massachusetts Drug & Alcohol Rehab
A Guide to Low-Level Interventions for Alcoholism | Safe & Sound Treatment
A Guide to Alcohol Abuse and the Elderly | Wellness Retreat Recovery
A Closer Look at Adderall Addiction | Sourthern California Sunrise
The Psychology Behind Csikszentmihalyis Flow Theory and Happiness
The Etiology and Treatment of Childhood
Wired Magazine: Science and Spirit Quotation Out-takes
"What is a Mystical Experience?"
Sandra Stahlman: The Relationship Between Schizophrenia & Mysticism: A Bibliographic Essay
Rodney Stark: Why Gods Should Matter in Social Science
Melissa Becktel: Mysticism And Psychosis
Review - Beyond Postmodernism - Psychotherapy
David D. Olds: A Semiotic Model of Mind
Gay - Semiotics as Metapsychology.pdf
CogWeb: Cognitive Science: Philosophy, Linguistics, and Experimental Psychology
CogWeb: Cognitive Cultural Studies
Cognitive Daily
The Civilizing Process - Wikipedia
The Institute for Psychohistory | Lloyd deMause: The Phallic Presidency
The Gulf War As A Mental Disorder : The Emotional Life of Nations by Lloyd deMause
Psychohistory 2001: A Psychoanalytic Approach to History: Iakov Levi | Three Women: The Penis
The Institute for Psychohistory
Web Directory of Psychohistory Links
A Beautiful Math: John Nash, Game Theory, and the Modern Quest for a Code of Nature - Asimov’s Vision Psychohistory, or sociophysics?
383.pdf- Shrinking History, On Freud and the Failure of Psychohistory by David E. Stannard
Psychohistory. A Psychoanalytic Approach to History
Chapter 1: The Killer Motherland The Origins of War in Child Abuse by Lloyd deMause
Association for Psychological Science: Psychology Links
fUSION Anomaly. Psychohistory
Psychohistory | Psychological History | Psychoanalysis | Online Library
Psychohistory Section
Forward and Backward with the Foundation | Psychohistory Was Hari Seldon pulling our leg?
Alles Wissenswerte über Psychiatrie: True facts about psychiatry
Al Mankoff: Ageless Wisdom: The Timeless Psychology
Thomas Valley Univ: Psychological Papers: Author Directory
The Art of Psychotherapy and the Rigour of Empirical Research
Psychohistory - Wikipedia
Common Cause Magazine: Id, ego and the electorate - Journal of Psychohistory election 1992 issue
FQS 1(1) Robert A. Scharf: An Invitation to Psychohistory
Brent Dean Robbins: Mythos & Logos: Psychoanalysis and Beyond | Myth and Metaphor
Brent Robbins: A Brief History of Psychoanalytic Thought -- and Related Theories of Human Existence
Historical and Conceptual Foundations of Cognitive Science
Annals of General Hospital Psychiatry
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Ethics - Review - Coercion as Cure A Critical History of Psychiatry by Thomas Szasz
Review - Ethics Case Book of the American Psychoanalytic Association - Psychoanalysis
Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics - Book Review: Shock Therapy: A History of ECT in Mental Health
Center For Ethical Practice- Article - Protecting Confidentiality Rights
Breaking Confidentiality: Duty to Warn
New Therapist: edge news, research, industry trends and interviews with and contributions from leading therapists around the globe
Developmental psychology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Developmental Psychology
Peter Fonagy: Running Head: Psychology and Psychoanalysis
Peter Fonagy - Memory and Therapeutic Action
MIT Cognet: Brain Sciences Connection
Cognitive and Psychological Sciences on the Net
Cogprints - Cognitive Science and Psychiatry: An Overview
CogPrints, an electronic archive for self-archive papers: of Psychology, neuroscience, and Linguistics, Computer Science, Philosophy, Biology
Cogprints: O'Brien, Gerard and Opie, Jon: A Defence of Cartesian Materialism
The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Building and Rebuilding the Human Brain -- Gelyana and Garfield 54 (10): 1419 -- Psychiatric Services
GBK 431--The Rise of the Individual: From the Renaissance to the Enlightenment
The Editors of In Context - The Question Of Lifestyle (Alfred Adler coined term in 1929)
Dino Felluga: introductory Guide to Critical Theory
APA: American Psychological Society
PlanetPsych, your online resource for mental health information
Telehealth: 1,600+ online psychology and social science journals
Psychwatch: Online Journals
PsyArt: An Online Journal for the Psychological Study of the Arts
Similarities Between Copernicus and Freud
psych wURLd -- MegaPsych Psychology Bookmarks
Psychology Classroom at AllPsych Online
Christopher D. Green: Psychclassics: Classics in the History of Psychology
James M Baldwin: Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology
An Introductory Course in Psychotherapy: Basic Psychodynamic Concepts: A History of Psychoanlytic Psychotherapy
The Psychodynamic Perspective
Defense Mechanisms
Ego Defense Mechanisms
Teaching Clinical Psychology - Defense Mechanisms
A list of all the Phobias, Types of Phobias, Phobia Names
The Indexed Phobia List
! How to overcome your social phobia
Psychology Virtual Library
M. Nielsen: Psychology of Religion Pages
God in the Mind: The Psychodynamics of an Unusual Relationship : Ana-Maria Rizzuto
Megalists of Psychology-Related Sites on the Web
Candle in the Dark: Psychology Section
William James Bookstore
THE WILL TO BELIEVE by William James
Introduction: German Psychology in the 20th Century
William Calvin: The Cerebral Code
Dual Coding Theory (A. Paivio)
'The Human Whole' - the 'higher' psychology & metapsychology.
Introduction: Psychoanalysis in the Twenty-First Century
Schools of Thought in Perspective
Descartes’s Concept of Mind
Center for Evolutionary Psychology
Center for Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary psychology - Wikipedia
Leda Cosmides: Evolutionary psychology
Human Behavior & Evolution Society Evolutionary Psychology
Pieces of Me: Rant on Evolutionary Psych: A Preview
Skeptic: Featured Article Sex, Jealousy & Violence: A Skeptical Look at Evolutionary Psychology by David J. Buller
Cosma Shalizi Evolutionary psychology
Evolutionary Psychology - Cogprints
Mixing Memory: The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition: Introduction and Context
Yahoo Group : Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary Psychology
How Jews Became Smart (2008).pdf
Finally! An evolutionary explanation for evolutionary psychology » Pharyngula - It’s simple, really. Evolutionary psychology evolved to provide a niche for the evolutionary psychology douchebag.
Another lame attack on evolutionary psychology « Why Evolution Is True
Jerry Coyne gets everything wrong, again » Pharyngula
Yes, You CAN Do Evo Psych Well. Kate Clancy Tells How. | David Dobbs's NEURON CULTURE
Interrogating Claims about Natural Sexual Behavior: More on Deep Thinking Hebephile | Context and Variation, Scientific American Blog Network
Evolutionary Psychology Primer by Leda Cosmides and John Tooby
Creek Running North Belief in Evolutionary Psychology May Be Hardwired, Study Says
Darwin and Darwinism - Evolutionary Psychology - Edited by Ian Pitchford
Evolutionary Psychology: – 2008. 6(3): 409-412 Book Review: Evolutionary Basis of Depression?
Review - Understanding Psychoanalysis
Review - Evolutionary Psychology as Maladapted Psychology by Robert C. Richardson
Science & Technology at Scientific Psyching Out Evolutionary Psychology: Interview with David J. Buller -- This philosopher of science rejects claims of a universal human nature
David J. Buller's Home Page: Adapting Minds: Evolutionary Psychology and the Persistent Quest for Human Nature
More on Buller and Evolutionary Psychology
Project Implicit: Implicit Assumption Tests
Scientific American Mind - science of the human mind and brain
Scientific American Mind: Strangely Familiar -- Researchers are starting to pin down what déjà vu is and why it arises. But have you read this already? Maybe you just can't remember
List of cognitive biases - Wikipedia
Avoiding Decision Traps - Cognitive Biases - CFO Magazine
Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One's Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments
ASU Research E-Magazine: The Power of Influence
Lifton's Eight Criteria of Mind Control
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism By Robert Jay Lifton, M.D.
Where's my waiter? (Zeigarnik Effect) :: What is Your World View? (updated)
Visual and Face Recognition Tests on the Internet
Visual and Face Recognition Tests on the Internet
Test My Brain
History & Theory of Psychology Top Level
Theory & Psychology
Scientific American: Mindful of Symbols
Rebecca Saxe: Do the Right Thing (moral reasoning post-Kohlberg)
Kohlberg's Moral Stages
YourMorals.Org - exploring your morality
Transference, and Counter Transference . Michael Conner, Psy.D
GNIF Brain Blogger » Blog Archive » Holy Book of the Psychiatric World (DSM-IV)
Past Impressions: Science News Online, June 9, 2007 - Prior relationships cast a long shadow over our social lives (tranference)
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Review - Psychiatric Power Lectures at the College de France 1973-1974 by Michel Foucault
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Memoirs and Biographies - Review - The Center Cannot Hold My Journey Through Madness by Elyn R. Saks
Review - Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry - Philosophy
JAMA -- Neurasthenia and a Modernizing America, November 5, 2003, Schuster 290 (17): 2327
DSM-I - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Mental Disorders
DSM-II - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Mental Disorders
DSM-III - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Mental Disorders
DSM-Iv - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Mental Disorders
APA DSM-5 - Proposed Draft Revisions to DSM Disorders and Criteria
Home | APA DSM-5 The Future of Psychiatric Diagnosis
Diagnosing Shortfalls in the Diagnostic Manual « The Pump Handle
Masters in social work online | MSW online
Masters in Social Work Online » 115+ MSW Degree Programs Psychology Degrees & Career Paths
College Student Mental Health |
Online MSW Programs Guide | Online MSW Degrees
Mental Health in Underrepresented Students - MSW Degrees
Freud and Psychoanalysis
Encyclopædia Britannica: Psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud
Literary Encyclopedia: Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud-Museum Wien/Vienna
Freud Museum
Freud Museum: Freud Links
New York Freudian Society: Freud Abstracts
Library of Congress: Freud: Conflict and Culture
Sigmund Freud Archives
Psychoanalysis101 | brought to you by the APsaA
New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute
Sigmund Freud and the Freud Archives | 12 Keys Rehab Center Blog
Why Freud Still Matters, When He Was Wrong About Almost Everything
TIL most of Sigmund Freud's theories have been completely discredited to the point that almost no institution in any discipline would dare use him as a credible source : todayilearned (reddit has defenses they don't believe in)
The Freud Page/ Dr. Sigmund Freud's Biography
Sigmund Freud | Austrian Originator of Psycho-Analysis
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939).
Sigmund Freud
Online Exhibition Preview -- Sigmund Freud: Conflict & Culture (Library of Congress Exhibition)
'Burying Freud' - The Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis discussion web edited by Ian Pitchford
Burying Freud By Professor R. C. Tallis
Conversation with Frederick Crews, cover page
Burying Freud | MetaFilter
Asia Times: Spengler: Put a stake through Freud's heart
The Dream Films: The Coney Island Amateur Psychoanalytic Society Dream Films 1926-1972
Major Themes & Assumptions of Psychoanalytic Theory
Psychoanalysis: From Theory to Practice, Past to Present - Ethan R. Plaut
Psychoanalysis: Freud's Revolutionary Approach to Human Personality - Kristen M. Beystehner
Freud: Everything You Wanted To Know About Freud But Were Too Afraid To Ask
Marc Fonda: Sigmund Freud on the Web
Introduction to Freud
The Body According to Freudian Narratives.
SE: Volume 1: Hysteria and Pre-psychoanalytic Materials
SE: Volume 2: Studies on Hysteria
SE: Volume 3: Early Psychoanalytic Publications
SE: Volumes 4 - 5: The Interpretation of Dreams.
SE: Volume 6: The Psychopathology of Everyday Life.
SE: Volume 7: Three Essays on Sexuality and Other Writings
SE: Volume 9: Obsessive Actions and Religious Practices.
SE: Volume 10: Two Case Studies.
SE: Volume 11: Five Lectures on Psychoanalysis, Lenardo da Vinci, etc.
SE: Volume 21: The Future of an Illusion
SE: Volume 23: Moses and Monotheism, An Outline of Psychoanalysis, Analysis Terminable and Interminable, and other works
Great Books Index - Sigmund Freud
Freud: Five Lectures About Psychoanalysis (1909)
Freud: The Question of Lay Analysis: Expoded Manuscript
David W Mann: Lay Analysis
Extracts from Freud: Question of Lay Analysis and other writings
The Shabbes-Goy of Psychoanalysis - April 11, 2007 - The New York Sun
Welcome to Section V - diversity and pluralism in psychoanalysis through a varied program of professional activities
Freud: The Uncanny
Helene Cixous The Uncanny
Dream Lynx: Dream Theory According to Freud
EServer: Sigmund Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams
Dreams and Language
Espaces Lacan: The Interpretation of Dreams (3rd edition) by Sigmund Freud
The Interpretation of Dreams (3rd edition) by Sigmund Freud
IT Dreams
S. Craig: Why do we dream?
BPAS - The Interpretation of Dreams & The Neurosciences
Dreaming and the Brain: Toward a Cognitive Neuroscience of Conscious States
new york psychoanalytic institute & society
The Chicago Psychoanalytic Society Home Page
IJPA: The International Journal of Psychoanalysis
International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis
APsaA American Psychoanalytic Association
APA: Highlights of the Psychoanalytic Literature: A Topical Reading List (no John Gedo)
British Psychoanalytical Society
APA: American Psychoanalytic Association | PsycARTICLES: APA's Full-Text Journal Article Database
The American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry - Welcome
San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute and Society ( SFPI )
FreudFriendly Web
Psy-Log Web Directory
IPA: International Psychoanalytic Association
The Psychoanalytic Connection
Psychoanalysis: The American Psychoanalytic Foundation | Links
the William Alanson White Institute
Washington Psychoanalytic Association
The Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis
JAPAonline Home Page
Institute for Psychological Study of the Arts(IPSA)
JPCS: Journal for the Psychoanalysis of Culture and Society
Zvi Lothane, MD - Daniel Paul Schreber
Sigmund Freud's final outline of psychoanalysis
Warren R. Street: About Sigmund Freud's An Outline of Psychoanalysis
Slate: The Unreliable Superego: Adam Phillips' revealing new edition of Freud By Adam Kirsch
Brent Dean Robbins : A Brief Hisotry of Psychoanalytic Thought | Sigmund Freud + links
Freud: His Life and Thought
John Protevi: Freud: A basic outline of his "system" from an energistic viewpoint
Sigmund Freud - Online Resources
Freud Net: the life and work of Sigmund Freud, the Father of psychoanalysis
Hypertext Database: Psychoanalytic Criticism
tout doucement : jean laplanche
Freud and Psychoanalysis: The Unconscious since Freud
Lacan and Language
Jacques Lacan [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
No Subject - Encyclopedia of Lacanian Psychoanalysis *
Introduction to Jacques Lacan, Module on Desire
On The Matter Of Language: The Creation Of The World From Letters And Jacques Lacan’S Perception Of Letters As Real - Tzahi Weiss
Lacan's Baltimore Lecture Of Structure as an Inmixing of an Otherness Prerequisite to Any Subject Whatever (Lacan Talk at John Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1966)
Interview with Lacan 1957
Etudes lacaniennes
Les Mathmes de Lacan Anthologie des assertions entirement transmissibles et de leurs relations dans les crits de JacquesLacan
LRB · Wynne Godley · Saving Masud Khan
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Imagine There's No Woman (Joan Copjec)
Columbia Encyclopedia: psychoanalysis
Vann Spruiell: Psychoanalysis South
Skeptic's Dictionary: psychoanalysis & Sigmund Freud
Wikipedia: Psychoanalysis
Freud's Contributions to Psychology (concepts of the unconscousness
Joel Sneed: Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) and Psychoanalysis
Wordtrade: Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis: Freud, Lacan, General Links
Chaos and Desire: The Simple Truth of the Unconscious in the Psychoanalytic Group -- Giraldo 34 (3): 349 -- Group Analysis
Introduction to Psychoanalysis
Modules on Psychoanalysis
Introductory sketch of Freud (Outline)
Freud: A basic outline of his "system" from an energistic viewpoint
D2: Doug Davis: A Glossary of Freudian Terminology
The Freud Page/Biography, Psychoanalysis, Quotes, Glossary
A Glossary of Freudian Terms
Highlights of the Psychoanalytic Literature: A Topical Reading List
Psychoanalytic Theory: Terms and Concepts : Freud and Lacan
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Psychoanalysis - Review - Freud: Metapsychology Online Reviews - Psychoanalysis - Review - Freud Inventor of the Modern Mind by Peter D. Kramer
Sheffield: The Centre's Guides to the Internet
Sheffield Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies: Online Journals and Papers
Mail thread index for list psychoanalytic-studies
Carter-Jenkins Center: General Psychoanalytic Lectures: video and powerpoint: Nagera, Kernberg, A.Freud Allen Esterson: Jeffrey Masson and Freud's seduction theory: a new fable based on old myths
Freud and the Legacy of Moses
Mind-Brain: Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939)
karnacbooks: Search British Psychoanalysis titles
Canadian Psychoanalytic Society / The Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis
The Human Nature Review edited by Ian Pitchford and Robert M. Young
Free Association: Psychoanalysis and the Pubic Sphere (ed. by Robert M Young
Sophie Freud: The Baby and the Bathwater: Some Thoughts on Freud as a Postmodernist
Betty Berger: Deprivation and Abstinence
APA: Section V: An Introduction to the Turning Point Series
Brad McCormick: Communication: The Social Matrix of Supervision of Psychotherapy
FindingStone: Monographs
Freud's Unwritten Case: The Patient "E." by Douglas A. Davis
Craig Powell: Freud and Helmholtz: A Body of Meaning
O.H.D. Blomfield: The Essentials of Psychoanalysis
Roberto P. Neuburger: A Psychoanalytic Tango: Recent developments in psychoanalysis in Argentina
Tango and Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis, Film, and Television By Sandy Flitterman-Lewis
Psychoanalytic Theory and Criticism: 2. Reconceptualizing Freud
A. A. Brill and the Politics of Exclusion : Arnold D. Richards
Unfree Associations: Inside Psychoanalytic Institutes by Douglas Kirsner *
Life Among the Analysts by Douglas Kirsner
Introduction to Unfree Associations: Inside Psychoanalytic Institutes, by Douglas Kirsner
Postmodernism, Psychoanalysis, & Philosophy: A World of Difference for the Future of Psychoanalytic Education, by Patrick B. Kavanaugh, Ph.D.
Mandatory CE: Industrializing and Deprofessionalizing Psychology (scam to please insurance companies)
Understanding Dissidence and Controversy in the History of Psychoanalysis -- CHESSICK 162 (4): 824 -- American Journal of Psychiatry
100 Top Bestsellers: Psychoanalysis
Freud's Body Ego | Lucian Freud & William Kentridge
Robert M Young : Between Nosology and Narrative : Where Should We Be?
THE MIND-BODY PROBLEM | Human Nature - Robert M. Young
Bion, Lacan and the thing-in-itself
Jacques Derrida: Mal d'Archive : Une Impression Freudienne : An e-mail to Freud
Jonathan Lear: Freud Defended
Umbra : A Journal of the Unconscious
Liliana M. Nutu: A Veil of One's Own
Clark Glymour: Freud's Androids
Harvard Magazine: Alan Stone: Where Will Psychoanalysis Survive? Changes in Psychoanalytic Technique: Progressive or Retrogressive?
ISPSO 2000: Michael Civin: The Primal Screen: CMC
Robert M Young: Descriptive versus Dynamic Concepts of Psychotherapy
Marilyn Charles: A "Confusion of Tongues": Difficulties in Conceptualizing Development in Psychoanalytic Theories
Lawrence D. Blum: Freud and the First Amendment
Manuel Furer, M.D.: Changes in Psychoanalytic Technique: Progressive or Retrogressive?
Allen Esterson: Jeffrey Masson and Freud's seduction theory: a new fable based on old myths (rear-guard defenses)
Agnes Petocz: Freud, Psychoanalysis and Symbolism
John Forrester: Dispatches from the Freud Wars Psychoanalysis and Its Passions
Rebecca Godderis: Pink Freud: A critical examination of women and psychoanalysis
Fred Martinez: Nietzschean Psychoanalysis and the Boston Catastrophe
Freud and religion: sin, Satan and psychoanalysis Christopher Young & Andrew Brook : Schopenhaurer and Freud
PSY-LOG: The Psychoanalytic Web Directory: Psychoanalysis as Psychotherapy
On the Loss of Confidence in Psychoanalysis Christopher Bollas, Ph.D.
Rethinking ethical issues in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy
Confidentiality and Ethics in Psychoanalysis: Discussion - Christopher Bollas (on the loss of confidentiality in psychoanalysis/therapy which renders it hopelessly compromised)
Craig Chalquist: A paper on Thanatos as unconscious cynicism
Freudian Slips Revisited (PDF)
Peter Fonagy: The outcome of psychoanalysis: The hope of a future
Academy for the Study of the Psychoanalytic Arts | Library
European Royalty: Inherited personality traits: Genetic character types of kings, queens ...and other famous people
A Science Odyssey: That's My Theory: Freud, Skinner, Maslow
Freud's "Letter to an American Mother" of 1935 ("I gather from your letter that your son is a homosexual")
Mourning Together « The Other Reality
The Ultimate Guide to Sigmund Freud
Brian Buschman: Theories of Personality
Psychology 101 | Personality Disorders
Personality Disorders
Syllabus Study of Personality Spring2000
Psychology Online | Personality Theory Connections
PTypes’ Personality Types | Correspondence of five personality typologies
Great Ideas in Personality
International Personality Item Pool
Personality Disorder Test
Personality and Consciousness
Personality Theories: Psychoanalysis
Personality: Beyond the Persona
The Personality Project--Overview
Great Ideas in Personality
Theories of Personality | Chapter Outline
Personality : Subjectivity, Psychopathology and Individuality: The Freudian view: Olivier Charnoz
The Personality Project
The Mouse Trap: Celebrity Worship, Personality and Temperaments
Ego Psychology
Harold Blum: Ego Psychology and Contemporary Structural Theory
BYU: Lecture on Ego Psychology Guide
The Emergent Ego : Complexity and Coevolution in the Psychoanalytic Process : Stanley R. Palombo : Critical review by Olivier Charnoz
Analyzing, Not Psychoanalyzing
Object Relations Intersubjectivity
Object Relations Theory
Outline of Object Relations Theory
P Sherry: Object Relations Theory: Mahler & Horner
Object Relations Theory
Post-Freudian Object Relations Theory
English and American Schools of Thought on Object Relationship Theory
Summary of informing developmental theorists of emotion and their critics
Review: Unfree Associations: Inside Psychoanalytic Institutes
A Desire for Women: Relational Psychoanalysis, Writing, and Relationships Between Women
Relational Perspectives in Psychoanalysis
Shadow of the Other: Intersubjectivity and Gender in Psychoanalysis By Jessica Benjamin Review by Harriet Kimble Wrye
Gender in psychoanalytic space ... - Muriel Dimen, Virginia Goldner - Google Books
Abilene Paradox
N. McLaren: The Future of Psychiatry: Critical Analysis of the Theoretical Basis pf Psychiatry
Psyche Matters: Intersubjectivity Bibliography
Annie Curtis: The impact of the Internet on the therapeutic alliance: Through the WEB and what Alice found there
Eisold: A Clinical Theory of Psychoanalysis
Dave Vessey, SPEP. Oct. 13, 1995: "Intersubjectivity and Time-Consciousness: Some Philosophical-Historical Connections"
Brent Dean Robbins and Jessie Goicoechea: The Paranoid-Schizoid and Depressive Positions in the Psychogenesis of the Self
The paranoid-schizoid position
The depressive position
Marc Fonda: The Polycentric Self in Objects Relations Theory
Object Relations Theories and the Developmental Tilt : Stephen A. Mitchell, Ph.D.
Joseph Masling: Stephen A Mitchell: Relational Psychoanalysis and Empirical Data
The New Library of Psychoanalysis
Owen Renik: Intersubjectivity in psychoanalysis
Donald Favareau: Beyond self and other: On the neurosemiotic emergence of intersubjectivity
Interaction or Intersubjectivity (locked PDF: idiots)
Shadow of the Other: Intersubjectivity and Gender in Psychoanalysis. By Jessica Benjamin Reviewed by Harriet Kimble Wrye, Ph.D. (Gilligan is a French Lacanian?)
Psyche Matters: Intersubjectivity Bibliography
20th WCP: Simon Glynn: Identity, Intersubjectivity and Communicative Action
Object Relations, Dependency and Attachment: Mary D. Salter Ainsworth
laa attachment: primary erotic attachment
Symbolization and Intersubjectivity: Three Relations in Bion's Works
Jessica Benjamin: Recognition and Destruction: An Outline of Intersubjectivity
Allan Souter: Who's Afraid of Jessica Benjamin? Some Comments on her "Recognition and Destruction"
Ahumada: Commentary on The Analyst's Witnessing And Otherness
Intrapersonal Communication Part 2
Review: Fairbairn and the Origins of Object Relations
Fairbairn'S Structural Theory - Ronald Fairbairn - Richard L. Rubens, Ph.D.
Melanie Klein
The Melanie Klein Trust
Clinical Lectures on Klein and Bion Edited by Robin Anderson Review by Marie Bridge (2002)
Adolescent Psychoanalysis » The Usefulness of the Work of Melanie Klein and Wilfred Bion in the Psycho-analysis of Adolescents
Robert M Young: Melanie Klien
Kleinian Studies: Useful Links
Anxiety and splitting in the psycho-analysis of Melanie Klein
Christianity: A Kleinian Perspective by Donald Carveth and Sophia Forster
Klein, Sullivan, & Erikson: Melanie Klein: Object Relations Theory
Envy, Jealousy, Greed: A Kleinian approach by Dave Hiles
Melanie Klein, Psychoanalyst
Mythosandlogos: Melanie Klein
The Jewish Mystical Tradition and Psychoanalysis by Dr. Joseph H. Berke
Kathi Stringer: Melanie Klein
Melanie Klein 1882-1960
Melanie Klein: Psychoanalytical Views of Male, Female dynamics, involving Creativity and Imagination
Another try: "Kleinian" ideas about psychotic thought (heh) Re: Re: Another try
Re: Re: Re: Assumptions about Psychotic Language
concretisations and ugly art
Sample Chapter: Belief and Imagination: Explorations in Psychoanalys
Klein, Sullivan & Erikson
Laurence J Gould: Correspondences Between Bion's Basic Assumption Theory and Klein's Developmental Positions
Funzione Gamma another basic assumption group that emphasises separateness; that hates the idea of 'we'. To state this over-neatly: baM equals ba not-O" ... t baM is a tacit, unconscious assumption that the group is to be a non-group, the group has no reality.
Klein: Object Relations
Ferenczi and Klein: The Roots
Metapsychology in Ferenczi: Death Instinct or Death Passion? - International Forum of Psychoanalysis In Freud's perspective the severe clinical phenomena related to repetition-compulsion depend on death instinct, while according to Ferenczi they depend on severe early traumas provoked by human actions ("alien transplant" = mirror neurons; cf mimicry and PTSD)
Freud And The Myth Of Instinct Paul Vinit
The Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Sándor Ferenczi
Ahumada: Commentary on The Analyst's Witnessing And Otherness
PubMed: Freud and Ferenczi: trauma and transference depression
Wilfred Bion
Wilfred Ruprecht Bion: Bibliography
Kay Souter: Attacks on Links in the Work of Beckett & Bion
Steven Connor: Beckett and Bion
Bion: Facing O
Stephen A. Mitchell Online Articles | Stephen A. Mitchell: The Origin and Nature of the "Object" in the Theories of Klein and Fairbairn (Return to Memory)
Margot Waddell: Review of The Long Weekend by W.R. Bion
Meg Harris Williams: The Tiger and 'O'
Bion: memory and desire Wilfred Bion: Notes on memory and desire First published in 1967 in The Psychoanalytic Forum., Vol. 2, No. 3 (+understanding)
Wilfred Bion | Philosophical Explorations of the Human Mind
Do I Dare Disturb the Universe?: By James S. Grotstein, Wilfred Ruprecht Bion
Notes on Bion's "memory and desire". [J Am Acad Psychoanal. 2000] - PubMed - NCBI
Microsoft Word - biblio.WRB only.doc - bionreadingjournals.pdf - A Classified Bion Reading List
Ethics of the Unspeakable: Torture Survivors in Analytic Treatment
Fort-da: Spring 2000
Elizabeth T. de Bianchedi: The Passionate Psychoanalystor Learning from the Emotional Experience
Elizabeth Tabak de Bianchedi et alii's Paper: Various Faces Of Lies (transformations in O and K)
Good Breast/Bad Analyst: False Dichotomies in Understanding Aggressive Patients by Cori Herzig, Psy.D.
Charles W. Dithrich: A Discussion of Elizabeth T. de Bianchedi’s “The Passionate Psychoanalyst
Lee Rather: The Therapeutic and Working Alliances Revisited
fort da: The Journal of the Northern California Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology
fORT/dAfORT/dA: Historical Narrative and Psychoanalytic Narrative
Negative Capability: Definition from (Bion and Keats)
Robert M Young: Review: Symingtons' Clinical Thinking of Wilfred Bion (material on the grid)
Entrez PubMed: Bion's grid: a tool for transformation
Bion's works available on Amazaon
A Classified Bion Reading List
papers: W.r. Bion
Wiley InterScience :: JOURNALS :: British Journal of Psychotherapy :: Introductory Notes On Wilfred Bion
Authors and quotations: Wilfred R. Bion - Vera Rita de Melo Ferreira
Psyche Matters: Bion's War Memoirs: A Psycho-analytical Commentary
James A Gooch: Bion's Perspectives on Psychoanalytic Technique
Margot Waddell and Gianna Williams: Reflections on Perverse States of Mind
Felix de Mendelssohn: Notes on the Constructions, Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the Tower of Babel
Grotstein, James S. (2000). Who is the Dreamer Who Dreams the Dream Reviewed by Keith Haartman
James S Grotstein: The Sins of the Fathers ...: Human Sacrifice and the Inter-and Trans-Generations Neurosis/Psychosis
JoAnn Culbert-Koehn: Where is James Grotstein? Response to James Grotstein
Orphans of the 'Real: I. Some Modern and Postmodern Perspectives on the Neurobiological and Psychosocial Dimensions of Psychosis and Other Primitive Mental Disorders: James S. Grotstein, MD
James S. Grotstein's Paper Bion's "Transformations In 'O'" And The Concept Of The "Transcendent Position"
Implications of an Oscillation model
The seventh servant: the implications of a truth drive in Bion's teory of 'O'. [Int J Psychoanal. 2004] - PubMed Result
Building On Bion: Origins and ... - Google Book Search
BPAS - The Days of our Years: Francesca Bion 1994
The Presence Of Totalitarian States-Of-Mind In Institutions
The Treatment of Severely Disturbed and Psychotic Patients Outline of some Central Mechanisms in the Induction and Transference of Emotions
Search for Truth: Bion's concept of mind. » Michal Lapinski
Hanna Biran: An Attempt to Implement Bion's Alpha and Beta Elements to Processes in Society at Large
Alpha-Elements: Information from
Grigoris Vaslamatzis, MD: Conaining a Dead Object
The GRID, that two-dimensional crutch
Sonia Neves Langlands: Magic Eye and Binocular Vision: What, According to Bion, are the Pre-conditions of the Phenomenon of "Insight"?
Denis Mellier: Symbolization and Intersubjectivity: Three Relations in Bion's Works
Thought-Thinking Apparatus: Information from
Guy Da Silva: The Emergence of Thinking: Bion as the link between Freud and the Neurosciencesbr> Paschoal Di Ciero Filho: Emotional Experience: The Road to Understanding the Minds of Patient and Analyst
Carloa de Souza * Roosevelt Cassorla: Talk About Psychoanalytic Models of the Supervision
Intrapsychic and interpersonal containment in internet communication
Parthenope Bion: Laying Low and Saying (Almost) Nothing: "The Tar-baby said nothing, and Brer Fox, he lay low."
Bion's Legacy To Groups - Introduction
The Psychoanalytic Mystic, by Michael Eigen - Introduction
Robert M. Young: Bion and Experiences in Groups
Wilfred Bion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wilfred R Bion: Quotations
Andrew Brook: Neuroscience versus Psychology in Freud
Psychoanalytic Aesthetics: The British School: by Nicola Glover: The Development of Kleinian Aesthetics
The Legacy of Wilfred Bion
Robert D. Hinshelwood: How Foulkesian was Bion?>
RD Hinshelwood: Group Mentality and 'Having a Mind'
Robert Oelsner: Review: Belief and Imagination
Group-Analysis Today: An interview with Diego Napolitani by Maria Luisa Tapparo
Emotion In Organisations: Narcissism V. Social-Ism: W. Gordon Lawrence
Schonberg: Two Basic Assumptions in the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations
Group Psychotherapy: Basic Assumptions
Groups: other basic assumptions
Sievers: Psychotic Organization as a Metaphoric Frame for the Study of Organizational and Interorganizational Dynamics *
Marc G. Schramm: Basic Assumptions
Other Basic Assumptions
SpringerLink - Journal Article - Whose Thoughts Are They, Anyway? Dimensionally Exploding Bion's “Double-Headed Arrow” into Coadapting, Transitional Space
Selected Fact: Information from
Selected Fact Study Guide & Homework Help -
Selected Fact: International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis
Negative Capability: International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis
Paramendra Bhagat: W. R. Bion on Group Dynamics
Kathleen King: Group Dynamics for the Online Professor
Wilfred Bion 1879 - 1979
W. Gordon Lawrence, Alastair Bain, and Laurence Gould: The fifth basic assumption ("me-ness")
Note: Basic Assumption MeNess (ba M) – Requisite Reading — Requisite Reading
Leigh S. Estabrook: Weaning from the Breast: Facing Unconscious Processes in LIS Education
Felix de Mendelssohn: Building a Bridge to Heaven: Note on the Contruction, Deconstruction and Reconstruction of the Tower of Babel
Notes on Bion
Robert M Young: Postmodernism and the Subject; Pessimism of the Will
Robert M. Young: Psychotic Anxieties are Normal
Psychotic Anxieties in Groups and Institutions
Robert M Young: Mental Space: Primitive Space: Psychotic Anxieties
BPAS: Bion and Eliot: Anna Dartington
On a Quotation from Bion - "the shadow of a future we don’t know any more than we know the past, a shadow which it projects or casts before.”
Robert M Young: The Analytic Frame, Abstinence And Acting Out (Langs is a "purist")
ISPSO: International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations
Human-Nature: Archive: Human Relations, Authority and Justice
David Armstrong: Bion: Names, Thoughts and Lies: "Morality was the lie invented to conceal a thought, there for the finding">
Maing Absences Present: The Contribution of W.R. Bion to Understanding Unconscious Social Phenomena by David Armstrong
David Armstrong: Bion: Names, Thoughts and Lies: "I lie, therefore I Am
Armstrong, Lawrence, Young: Group Relations
David Armstrong: The Work Group Revisited: Reflections on the Practice of Group Relations
David Armstrong, Tavistock Consultancy: The Recovery of Meaning
David Armstrong: The "Institution in the Mind"
Robert Young: The Psychodynamics of Psychoanalytic Organizations
Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (1999): Holding the Center: Leadership, Depressive Position Values, and the Moral Order
Olga Marlin: Group Psychology in the Totalitarian System: A Psychoanalytic View
David P. Levine: Know No Limits: The Destruction of Self-knowledge in Organizations
From empty fullness to full emptiness: Towards a transcendent epistemology of organizations by Bengt Gustavsson
The International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations 1997 Symposium (ref Bion)
Emerging coordination processes in multiparty collaboration: a psychodynamic perspective
Google Cache of PDF: Know No Limits: The Destruction of Self-knowledge in Organizations David P. Levine
Title: Fantasies and fairy tales in groups and organizations: Bion's basic assumptions and the deep roles
A Study of Bion's Basic Assumption Groups -- Karterud 42 (4): 315 -- Human Relations
Ross A. Lazar: Follow the Leader? Container-Contained Processes
Avi Nutkevitch: The Container and its Containment: A Meeting Space for Psychoanalytic and Open Systems Theories
Bion and containment
A beam of intense darkness: Wilfred ... - James S. Grotstein - Google Books
A Beam of Intense Darkness: Wilfred Bion’s Legacy to Psychoanalysis (Book Review)
A Beam of Intense Darkness: Wilfred Bion's Legacy to Psychoanalysis - Author Essay
winnicott's holding environment and bion's container - Google Search
A critical examination of Bion's concept of containment and Winnicott's concept of holding, and their psychotherapeutic implications.
PsyArt: An Online Journal for the Psychological Study of the Arts - Metaphor and Psychoanalysis: Containers, Mental Space, and Psychodynamics by Bent Rosenbaum , David Garfield
Funzione Gamma: #20: Thinkable And Unthinkable In Some Bion’s Concepts
Funzione Gamma: The Grid of Knowledge (K) and (Less) – Knowledge (-K) Cecil José Rezze
Search for Truth: Bion's concept of mind. » Michal Lapinski
What can we do? » Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together - Road to Peace - language of achievement/language of substitution
The Language of Bion: A Dictionary of Concepts - Paulo Cesar Sandler - Google Books
BPAS: James Gooch: Bion's Perspectives on Psychoanalytic Technique
The seventh servant: The implications of a truth drive in Bions theory of ‘O’ - GROTSTEIN - 2008 - The International Journal of Psychoanalysis - Wiley Online Library
Gelassenheit, from Three Points of View
Rosemarie Kennel's Paper - Bion's Psychoanalysis And Edelman's Neuroscience
APsaA: Biographies of Noted Psychoanalysts: The Good-Enough Analyst: Donald W. Winnicott 1896-1971
Donald W. Winnicott (1896-1971) Bibliography
Ethical Dilemmas of the Psycho-analytical Biographer: The Case of Donald Winnicott
Dodi Goldman: D.W. Winnicott's "Mirror-Role of Mother a nd Family in Child Development"
Wiki: Donald Winnicott A place for the scientific exchange of D. W. Winnicott's theory Review: Belief and Imagination: Explorations in Psychoanalysis by Ronald Britton
integration: Definition, Synonyms from
Kathi Stringer: Holding Environment
Thinking in the space between Winnicott and Lacan - Luepnitz - 2009 - The International Journal of Psychoanalysis - Wiley Online Library
D. W. Winnicott on Transitional Object and Transitional Space « Thoughts
Commentary on Winnicott Article: Dodi Goldman: D.W. Winnicott's "Mirror-Role of Mother and Family in Child Development"
Sharon Dolin: "Bitter and Delicious Relations": The Transitional Object in Williams's Poetry
Winnicott and Malan's Contribution to Psychoanalytic Theory
Squiggles and Space: Revisiting the Work of D.W. Winnicott
Metapsychology Online Book Reviews - André Green at the Squiggle Foundation
Saul Pena: My Formative Experience as a Psychoanalyst of Children and Adolescents
Michael Szollosy: Winnicott's Potential Spaces
Kathi Stringer: The Fundamentals of the Transitional Phenomena
Transitional Phenomena: Production and Consumption
Book Review - Reverie and Interpretation
Thomas H. Ogden, M.D.: The Analytic Third
Mikael Leiman: Ogden's matrix of transference and the concept of sign
fort da: Thomas H. Ogden: Conversations at the Frontier of Dreaming
The Lifschitz Psychology Museum: Winnicott
Winnicott: Carveth, D. (1994). "Dark Epiphany : The Encounter with Finitude or the Discovery of the Object in The Body" (death instinct quotes)
The Polycentric Self in Objects Relations Theory
D.W. Winnicott (good quotes, links mostly dead)
Good-Enough Mother
P.E. Jongsma-Tieleman: The importance of Winnicott's theory for the interpretation of religious imagination
Brett Kahr: Ethical Dilemmas of Psycho-analytical Biographer: the Case of Donald Winnicott
Joel Kanter: The Untold Sotry of Donald and Clare Winnicott: How Social Work Influenced Modern Psychoanalysis
D.W. Winnicott's "Mirror-Role of Mother and Family in Child Development" Commentary by Dodi Goldman, Ph.D.
Being the non-Being: this is the question
Transitional Object (D.W. Winnicott)
The Use Of Metaphor As Symbolic Transitional Object : Margaret Walden
Robert M Young: Potential Space: Transitional Phenomena
Transitional Objects
Transitional objects and borderline personality disorder : W Cardasis, JA Hochman and KR Silk
The Matricial Space or: The Analyst as a Person
Minute Particulars #35
Becoming the True Self
Nick Totton: Psychoanalysis as an Enlightenment Process | Freud's Nose
DHC Lecture on Freud’s Outline of Psychoanalysis
Section V - Continuing Education - Winnicott
Projective Identification and Countertransference
In the Beginning was the Word: Projective Identification (good quotes from Klein, Segal) Projective Identification: The Fate of a Concept (The New Library of Psychoanalysis) (9780415605298): Elizabeth Spillius, Edna O'Shaughnessy: Books
Simon Clarke: Projective Identification: From Attack to Empathy?
Neuropsychoanalysis (2002): Toni Greatrex: Projective Identification: How Does It Work?
Introjection, Psychic Presence and Parent Ego States:
P.E. Jongsma-Tieleman: Splitting and projective identification: a primitive discrimination between good and evil
Arno Leo Goudsmit: Towards a negative understanding of psychotherapy | Some notes on projective identification
On "Container and Projective Identification">(SEPI Forum, Sep.-Nov. 2000) (Paul Wachtel: Bion has nothing "useful to contribute" to psychoanalysis) Splitting and projective identification: a primitive discrimination between good and evil
Robert M Young: A Note on the Tar Baby and Projective Identification
SEPI Documents: On "Container and Projective Identification" F.David Peat: Alchemical Transformation: Consciousness and Matter, Form and Information (ref: projective identification)
Robert M Young: Benign and Virulent Identification in Groups and Institutions
Expressed Emotion and Projective Identification: A bridge between psychiatric and psychoanalytic concepts? : Paolo Migone
Funzione Gamma: Bion and beyond: Projective identification and maternal imperviousness by Kenneth Wright
Ptypes: Splitting and projective identification (research)
Projective Identification: a theoretical discussion about some roots of power
Projective Identification: From Attack to Empathy? : Simon Clarke
Projective Identification
Michael Staples: The Cartesian ghost in transference and projective identification - Google Books
Projective identification as early joint action sequences: A Vygotskian addendum to the Procedural Sequence Object Relations Model Mikael Leiman
P.E. Jongsma-Tieleman: Splitting and projective identification: a primitive discrimination between good and evil
Hegel on Projective Identification: Implications for Klein, Bion, and Beyond : Jon Mills
Hegel on the Unconscious Abyss: Implications for Psychoanalysis.
Hate, Projective Identification, and the Psychotherapist's Struggle : Robert T. Waska
The Concept of Projective Identification: It's Use in Understanding Interpersonal and Group Processes
Young: Benign and Virulent Projective Identification in Groups and Institutions
Kathi Stringer: An Object Relations Approach to Projective Identification and the Borderline by Kathi Stringer
Robert M Young: Whatever Happened to Human Nature?
New Ideas About the Oedipus Complex
Robert M Young: Ambiguous Space: Projective Identification
Robert M Young: Analytic Space: Countertransference
Brent Dean Robbins: The Paranoid-Schizoid and Depressive Positions in the Psychogenesis of the Self
19th Annual Conference on the Psychology of the Self: Reconceptualizing the Clinical Experience
Scott William Gremmels: Wild Analysis: Chaos and Complexity in Therapeutic Practice
BPAS - Paper by Mary Morgan: The Projective Gridlock: A form of projective identification in couple relationships
Introjection, Psychic Presence and Parent Ego States: Considerations for Psychotherapy
fortda: Heitor De Paola, M.D.: On Working Through the Paranoid-Schizoid Position in the Transference and Countertransference
Young: Racism: Projective Identification and Cultural Processes
Staples: The Only You and the OnlyMe of Transference
The Cartesian Knot in the Fantasy of Transference
R. D. Hinshelwood: Countertransference and the Therapeutic Relationship: Recent Kleinian Developments in Technique
The Analytic Space: Countertransference and Evocative Knowledge
The Vissitudes of the Transference and Countertransference: The Work of Harold Searles
Robert M. Young: Harold Searles
C.H. Patterson: Transference and Countertransference
Jean Piaget | Jean Piaget Socity | Some Reflections On Post-Formal Thought
Reassessing Piaget's theory of sensorimotor intelligence: a view from cognitive science
Universite de Geneve: Archives Jean Piaget
Psyche Matters: Erik Erikson
Erik Erikson's 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development
Psicafe: Erik Erikson
NYR: High Tide: Erikson: Letters: By Robert Mollinger, Reply by Frederick C. Crews
Erikson's Stages
The Human Condition: Ageless, Guiltless: The New Yorker: Albert Ellis ... founder of Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy, or rebt
Attachment theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Psyche Matters : John Bowlby
A Brief Sketch of John Bowlby's Biography
The Copernican Revolution and Attachment Theory
Attachment Research Center Homepage: Buenos Aires Attachment Research Center
Epistemology of Attachment Theory
Controversial Aspects of Bowlby's Attachment Theory
Attachment Research at Stony Brook
Attachment Disorder
The Stages of Attachment Formation
The Origins of Attachment Theory: John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth
Bradley T. Morrison, Ricoeur and Attachment Theories
Mary Ainsworth: Object Relations, Dependency and Attachment
The Birth Scene: Historical Perspectives By Jeane M. Rhodes, Ph.D
Bowlby and Bakhtin
First Connections ...make all the difference: Infant Attachement
attachment psychology theory
Mothering Magazine Article: Science of Attachment
Great Ideas in Personality--Attachment Theory
The Attachment Theory Website
The Mystery of Borderline Personality Disorder - Time
News - NICE Issues Guidelines to Improve Treatment, Management of Borderline Personality Disorder
News - Pharmacotherapy Not Proven Effective for Borderline Personality Disorder: Presented at EPA
Bad Seeds » American Scientist
An Interview with Barbara Oakley: Evil Genes
Review - Barbara Oakley: Evil Genes Why Rome Fell, Hitler Rose, Enron Failed, and My Sister Stole My Mother's Boyfriend
Science News / Neural Paths For Borderline Personality Disorder
Joseph M Carver, Ph.D. - Clinical Psychologist
Out of the FOG - Personality Disorder Support | Out Of The FOG
ICD-10: Block F60-F69 Emotionally unstable personality disorder
TARA Association for Personality Disorder
YouTube - Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Organisation
Borderline Personality Disorder Defined
AAPEL: borderline personality disorder, BPD and dissociation, depersonalization
IJP: Richard Lucas: The Relationship Between Psychoanalysis and Schizophrenia
Across the Borderline by Robert M. Young
Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorders
Without Borders: The Borderline Case for a United Europe
Review: Edward S. Hume, M.D., J.D. : Self-Management Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder DSM IV Diagnosis
The Last Psychiatrist: Borderline
Borderline Personality Disorder: No Man Is an Island: Scientific American
BPD Central - borderline personality disorder - books, cds, info, support, resources, links
BPD Central - Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has BPD
Life Sentence -- Ratner 164 (8): 1160 -- Am J Psychiatry
On living with a mental illness. | MetaFilter
Articles by Professionals about DBT and Borderline Personality Disorder (Dialectical Behavoir Therapy)
The Shape of Days: How do you put a title on something like this?
Review - Mapping the Edges and the In-between - Personality Disorders
Critical Link: Freud: On Narcissism
Critical Link: Spivak: Echo: Narcissus and Echo
Sam Vaknin: Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited
New York Press - New Narc City: Sam Vaknin and the Narcissism of Wall Street.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) : How to Recognize a Narcissist
Dual Diagnosis and the Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder Discussions
New Narc City: Sam Vaknin and the Narcissism of Wall Street
Narcissism FAQ | The Dual Role of the False Self
The relationship between false self compliance and the motivation to become a professional helper: Part I - Smith College Studies in Social Work
Overview: false self vs. true Self (IFS)
Narcissism. The american contribution: A conversation of Raffaele Siniscalco with Otto Kernberg
Narcissism FAQ
Understanding and Healing NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Dual Diagnosis and the Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Book Review: On narcissism, "Malignant Self Love" by S. Vaknin
Working with Problems of Narcissism in Entrepreneurial Organizations by Richard Ruth
Narcissism Details, Meaning Narcissism Article and Explanation Guide
Freud: On Narcissism
Three Strands of Narcissism
The Last Psychiatrist: Psychopathy, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Narcissism ("A narcissist is a psychopath who has assimialted the emotions of the character he is playing.")
A Reporter at Large: Suffering Souls: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker The search for the roots of psychopathy by John Seabrook
Hare Psychopathy Checklist - Definition, Purpose, Precautions, Description, Results
Otto Kernberg Bibliography Aggression and Transference in Severe Personality Disorders by Otto F. Kernberg, M.D.
Otto Kernberg: Objects Relations Theory - 'The Seeds of the Self' - Interview Psychotherapist Resources: An Interview with Otto Kernberg, M.D. by Chanda Rankin PSY-LOG: The Psychoanalytic Web Directory : Kernberg, Otto F. > © PSYCHOMEDIA - Otto F. Kernberg, 'Thirty methods to destroy the creativity of psychoanalytic candidates'
Kohut and Self Psychology
Penny Simpson: Heinz Kohut: His Enduring Influence Today
Bob Stolorow's Position Statement: "Integration: Is it Possible? Is it Desirable?"
Mahler, Kohut, and Infant Research: Some Comparisons
What Does Heinz Kohut Mean by the Self?
Kohut and Jung : A Comparison of Theory and Therapy By Lionel Corbett
heinz kohut and the psychology of self at
Heinz Kohut: (1913-1981): Bibliography
Heinz Kohut General Information
Self Psychology | Re: Theoretical differences between Freud and Kohut
Original Papers and Reprints
My Current View of the Psychoanalytic Process : Paul H. Ornstein, M.D. : The Centrality of the Selfobject Transferences
A Psychology of the Self: What is the "self" (self-selfobject-experience)
William I. Grossman: The Self as Fantasy: Fantasy as Theory
Towards a Maturational Theory of the Self | Robert Gordon: An Outline of the Basic Therapeutic Model
The New York Institute for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology
What Does Heinz Kohut Mean by the Self? by Rudolf Suesske
The Viennese Chicagoan By Ernest Wolf
Getting Alienated Freudians to Associate: Michael Moskowitz
Vann Spruiell: The Self and the Ego
Vann Spruiell: The Self
The Narcissistic Reader and the Parable of the Good Samaritan Philippa Carter
Merton M. Gill: Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy: a revision: Part I | Part II
Robert R. Holt: Merton Gill: A Sketch of His Life and Some Reminiscences
Lawrence Friedman: Merton Gill's Psychoanalytic Paradigm
The Evolution of Psychoanalysis: Contemporary Theory and Practice. John Gedo Review by Ian Steinberg
Review: Spleen and Nostalgia: A Life and Work in Psychoanalysis,; by John Gedo : Douglas Kirsner
Bernard Apfelbaum, PhD : Vignettes
John Gedo: The evolution of psychoanalysis: Contemporary theory and practice
Review: The Evolution of Psychoanalysis: Contemporary Theory and Practice: John Gedo: by Paul Ian Steinberg
Gedo: Theory and Practice
Monash: A Forlorn Hope: Psychoanalysis in Search of Scientific Respectability: Review of The Evolution of the Emotion Processing Mind by Robert Langs
Don Greif: Review: Malcolm Owen Slavin and Daniel Kriegman: The Adaptive Design of the Human Psyche: Psychoanalysis, Evolutionary Biology, and the Therapeutic Process
The Electronic Journal of Communicative Psychoanalysis (Robert Langs)
European Society for Communicative Psychotherapy (Robert Langs)
Electronic Journal of Communicative Psychoanalysis
Robert Langs: A Just Peace for the Freud Wars
V.A. Bonac: Perception or Fantasy? A New Clinical Theory of Transference (ref Langs)
P.Myers: Sándor Ferenczi and Patients' Perceptions of Analysis
Brad McCormick: Communication: The Social Matrix of Supervision of Psychotherapy (Dissertation)
The Essence of Langs
Langs: Trigger Decoding
Schafer, R. (Ed.) (1997). The Contemporary Kleinians of London
Psychematters: Roy Schafer: Bibliography
Richard Moore: The Creation of Reality in Psychoanalysis: A View of the Contributions of Donald Spence, Roy Schafer, Robert Solorow, Irwin Z. Hoffman, and Beyond
Stephen Mitchell
Stephen Mitchell: The Analyst's Knowledge and Authority
the William Alanson White Institute : In Memory - Steven A. Mitchell: six articles
Steven A. Mitchell: The Problem of The Will
Steven A. Mitchell: The Origin and Nature of the "Object" in the Theories of Klein and Fairbairn
Book Review - Relationality by Stephen A. Mitchell
Lacan etc
Charles Pyle: Lacan's Theory of Language
Peter Caws: The Unconscious is Structured Like a City: Freud, Lacan, and the Project of the Human Sciences
Richard Webster: The cult of Lacan
Causation and Destitution of a Pre-ontological Non-entity: On the Lacanian Subject by Paul Verhaeghe (PDF)
Paul Verhaeghe: Trauma and hysteria within Freud and Lacan
Lacan Online | Louis Armand: Hamlet/Machine
Lacan Seminars 1-3
Espaces Lacan: la psychanalyse au chef de la politique
Critical Link: Lacan: The Mirror Stage
Mirror phase
Les Mathèmes de Lacan Anthologie des assertions entièrement transmissibles et de leurs relations dans les écrits de Jacques Lacan Anthologie des assertions entièrement transmissibles et de leurs relations dans les écrits de Jacques Lacan
Plexus: Slavoj Zizek: "Woman is one of the names-of-the-father" How Not to Misread Lacan's Formulas of Sexuation
Slovoj Zizek: From Joyce-the-Symptom to the Symptom of Power
Who’s Afraid Of Slavoj Zizek In The Philippines? Of Lacan And Freud? « The Philippines Matrix Project - The Charmed Circle of Ideology: A Critique of Laclau and Mouffe, Butler and Zizek
Zizek: Superego
What Would Žižek Do? Redeeming Christianity's Perverse Core | Electronic Book Review Slavoj Žižek calls on the Left to reclaim the Christian legacy from the religious Right ... it's liberals, especially Western intellectuals with disavowed spiritual tendencies, whom Žižek targets for rebuke. (more hippie-punching; you can see how wrong he is, seven years later)
Modules on Lacan *
Modules on Juia Kristeva ("chora" is a fantasy)
Janet Sayers: Divine Therapy - Feminine Empathy
Lacan: The Mirror Stage
Click Philosophy! Ideas through Icons! : Lacan
Ellie Ragland: Workshop on Lacan's Theory of the object
Who is Transferring What to Whom? by Ellie Ragland, Ph.D.
Frida Saal: Lacan <> Derrida
Disturbing Psychoanalytic Origins: A Derridean Reading of Freudian Theory
Freud, Lacan and the psychoanalytic drive By Matthew James, M.A.
In Search of an Unconscious: Jacques Lacan and China by Guo Jian
The Insistence of Lacan on Woman as the Letter: M. A. Franks
Metapsychology Online Reviews: Split Decisions by Janet Halley
Kelly Oliver: Julia Kristeva: "Kristeva and Feminism"
Adrian O. Johnston: Review of: Revolt, She Said by Julia Kristeva Terms: Derrida: differance (defer/differ)
Poststructuralist Feminist Theory: Luce Irigaray, "This Sex Which Is Not One"
Jean-Michel Rabaté: Kant with Sade, Lacan with Adorno: "Enjoying bodies," the Ram and the Law
Lacan Timeline
Internet Encylopedia of Philosophy: Lacan, Jaques
lacanian attachment analysts: Bowlby, Lacan, relational/multiple self
Anatomy Of Female Psyche: Illustrated hypertext article on the physical basis of female psychology
Peter Shepherd: Transforming the Mind
Antonio Imbasciati: The Birth and Construction of the Mind (psychic development as the result of progressive learning processes)
Language and Libidinal Ruptures: Narcissism as the Origin and End of Textual Production « Tongue Sophistries
Freud and the Literary Libido Redux « Tongue Sophistries
Pauli -Jung anticipate psychophysical theory by 50 years (Lamarkian Psychology)
Extracts from The Jung Lexicon
Adam Blatner: The Relevance of the Concept of "Archetype"
Jung and the I Ching: Dilts Model of Belief Systems
JoAnn Culbert -Koehn: The Intersection Between Bionian and Jungian Vertices
Jungian Glossary
Analytical Psychology Glossary
A Glossary of Jungian Terms
Jung Glossary
Archetypal Theory And Criticism
Stephen Palmquist: Dreams of Wholeness | Anatomy of the Psyche (Jung Diagram of Self) | Psychological Types
Doyletics: Two Essays in Analytical Psychology by Carl Gustav Jung (diagram)
CG Jung | Tetrahedral Geometry and the Psyche
An Introduction to Jung's Psychology | Psychological Types
A Theory and Use of Meaningful Coincidences (Synchronicities) by Gibbs A. Williams
Jef Dehing: Invisible Reality: An Excursion in the Realm of the Unspeakable
In Analytical Psychology a Religion: In statu nascendi
Jung: The Four Ego Functions
G.A. Lenhart: A Developmental Hypothesis Based on the Order of Jung's Psychological Functions: Genesis Model (doesn't oppose thinking and feeling)
Chapter 1: Introduction - Jung and the Four Psychological Functions
Consciousness and Reality: A stable-dynamic model based on Jungian psychology by Jorge Aveleira
CG Jung Page: Lexicon: A Primer of Terms & Concepts by Daryl Sharp
Boeree: Personality Theories: Carl Jung
Jungian Function Theory
G.A. Lenhart's Dissertation: A Developmental Hypothesis Based On The Order Of Jung's Psychological Functions
Jung and Heraclitus: enantiodromia
The Structure of Consciousness - Liminocentricity, Enantiodromia, and Personality
Timeline of Jungs Work A Time Line of the History and Development of Jung's Works and Theories (1902-1935) Gary V. Hartman - Understanding For The New Millennium
In Touch: DNA and The Unconscious
The Collective Unconscious | Singing to the Plants - Carl Gustav Jung enjoyed telling the story of the Solar Phallus Man — the designation was conferred by historian Sonu Shamdasani — and often claimed that the story was the single most compelling piece of evidence for his theory of the collective unconscious ... underneath this unconscious, there lay another unconscious, which he called first the phylogenetic and then the collective unconscious.
Jung's Anti-Semitism
An Answer to the Question on JSTOR
Carl Jung, part 2: A troubled relationship with Freudand the Nazis
The Serpent and the Cross: Healing the Split through Active Imagination | ARAS
autonomous psyche | ARAS
Ancient Greece Modern Psyche | ARAS
Amplification of Symbols by Harry Prochaska | ARAS
Myers & Briggs Foundation website
Learning Styles Based on Jungian Theory (Four Quadrant Theory)
Gerald J. Schueler, Ph.D., Betty J. Schueler, Ph.D.: The Chaos of Jung's Psyche (Winnicott said it better)
The Personality Page: A website about Psychological Type, based primarily upon the works of Carl G. Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers
Myers-Briggs Profiles
Keirsey Temperament Sorter
Spiral Coaching: Emotional Wiring: Golman and Four Quadrants
Toni Wolff's structural typology naming four feminine archetypes and constructing the self-in-relation
Astrological Four Quadrants
PTypes Personality Types
Humanmetrics: Jung Typology Test
Functional Analysis of Psychological Types
Typealyzer: what type is that blog Rapid Responses for Schuwirth and Cantillon, 328 (7450) 1244 - The MBTI is a flawed measure of personality
Sunny Cooper: Clare Graves: Values Levels in Health Care Practice
Spiral Dynamics: Clare Graves: social systems, business management, the evolution of thinking, Value Systems and Levels of Existence theory (Ken Wilber's new meme)
"XD38" - Nexus Personality
Index of the IQ Comparision website
CAPT: Center of Applications of Psychological Type
Dudley Lynch: Clare Graves
Clare W. Graves: Website: Emergent, Cyclical, Levels of Existence"
An INTP Profile
A Virtual Plethora of Tests
Personality Tests and Tools
GotPsi On-Line Psi Tests
Guardian Unlimited | Life | Putting the psi into science
skepdic: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
The REAL Myers-Briggs Personality Types Made Relevant
Games People Play
The Problem with the Enneagram
skepdic: enneagram, enneagon
Transpersonal Tidbits: A Large Collection of ENNEAGRAMS 2 | | The RunningFather Blog
Similar Minds: Free Enneagram Test | Similar Minds: Famous Leader Test
9 Types: Enneagram Types
Enneagram Institute:Enneagram Research, Development & Applications
Energy and the Enneagram
EMbti Journal
the EnneaEgram and the MBTI | The Personality Types: a clickable javascript image-map
The Enneagram as Classic 'Double Mandala'
The Enneagram as Mandala - revisiting the relationship between the Enneagram and the MBTI, Fudjack and Dinkelaker
Conclusion - the Nine Enneagram Types, from a Path of Realization Perspective
The Five Levels of the Four Jungian Functions
A Javascript Tool For Exploring Typological Space
Personality Type Information
The Sixteen Personality Types - High-Level
The Four Preferences
3D Psyche
Socionics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Enneagram and the MBTI
Sufi Enneagram - Spiritual Healing
Liber Corax - L'Ennéagramme la construction de l'Ennéagramme
Bem Sex Role Inventory
Damasio, Antonio
An Interview with Antonio R. Damasio
Harvard Magazine: The Feeling of What Happens by Antonio Damasio Review by Jared C. Miller
Psyche Matters: Aldo Mosca: A Review Essay on Antonio Damasio's The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness
Antonio Damasio Notes by Bret Aarden
Piero Scaruffi: short review of The Feeling of What Happens
Anthony Campbell: Reviews: FoWH | Descartes Error
The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness by Antonio Damasio: Review by Mary Hodgson
Arlen Wolpert: Damasio's definitions for the various forms of consciousness and self: Core & Extended
Piero Scaruffi | Book review of Antonio Damasio DESCARTES' ERROR (G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1995)
Dr. Mezmer's Blog of Bad Psychology: Damasio's Error
CiteULike: Damasio's Error and Descartes' Truth: An Inquiry into Consciousness, Metaphysics, and Epistemology
Caniel C Dennett: Review of Damasio, Descartes' Error
Descartes' Error — Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain by Antonio R. Damasio, An Evolution of Consciousness ARJ2 Review by Bobby Matherne
Review - Damasio's Error and Descartes' Truth - Psychology Review by Sandra Egege
The basic emotions of daily life - results II.
Yosuke YANASE on TEFL and general affairs: A summary of Damasio’s “Self Comes to Mind”
Book review of Antonio Damasio - If the mind is an idea of the body, the self is an idea of ideas. The self groups all the ideas of the body and generates a sense of unity.
Affective neuroscience - Wikipedia
Cognitive neuroscience - Wikipedia
the origin of emotions (evopsyche)
Emotion Research: Clinical
Chronicle of Higher Education: Scott McLemee: Getting Emotional
Philosophy of Mind: Ethics and Emotions
Philosophisches Seminar: Jeffrey A. Gray & Roy Porter: ‘Emotion’.: A word used in ordinary language to refer principally to subjective experience
What Makes Martha Nussbaum Run? : Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions
Hiding from Humanity: Disgust, Shame, and the Law Martha C. Nussbaum
Review of Hiding from Humanity by Martha Nussbaum
Discussing Disgust: On the folly of gross-out public policy. An interview with Martha Nussbaum
Feeling our way to democracy: Review of Upheavals of Thought By Martha C. Nussbaum
Gerard V. Bradley: In the Case of Martha Nussbaum
Morality and emotions (Martha C. Nussbaum)
Simon Blackburn: To Feel and Feel Not: Review of Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions by Martha C. Nussbaum
Powell's Books - Review-a-Day - Manliness by Harvey C. Mansfield, reviewed by Martha C. Nussbaum - The New Republic Online
Bad Writing (Nussbaum/Butler)
Crooked Timber » » McGowan on Nussbaum-Butler
Michael Bérubé
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Gender Trouble - Feminism and the Subversion of Identity
Jo Freeman: The Tyranny of Stuctureless
The Tyranny of Structurelessness (Jo Freeman)
Total recoil: Survival of the primmest
The Disgust Scale Home Page
hygiene and danger
Roger Kimball: Does shame have a future?
Six Universal Expressions - Happiness, Sadness, Surprise, Fear, Disgust, Anger
Emotional Competency - Recognize these emotions
Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions - Indexed
The Compass DeRose Guide to Emotion Words - This page provides a broad collection of emotion words: English words for various emotions or feelings. They are slightly organized into broad categories of feelings.
Great Ideas in Personality--Basic Emotions
- What Emotions Are (and Aren't) - no brain region was dedicated to any single emotion - a population of diverse biological states that vary depending on the context
Six basic human emotions universally recognized, other positive emotions culturally specific
Wikipedia: Paul Ekman - six universal emotions
You stink, therefore I am Philosophers ponder the meaning of disgust
What Makes Us Moral - A to Z Health Guide 2007 - TIME
The Morality Quiz - TIME
Theories of Emotions in the News - Lawyers, Guns & Money
untitled - Barrett2006kinds.pdf - Are Emotions Natural Kinds? - Lisa Feldman Barrett
A New Way To Look At Emotions : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture : NPR - Emotions, even the basic ones like fear, anger, sadness, happiness and disgust, according to Barrett, are not distinct entities inside us.
New Research Says There Are Only Four Emotions - The Atlantic - happy, sad, afraid/surprised, and angry/disgusted.
- All human behaviour can be reduced to "four basic emotions" (this article makes no sense)
kenan malik: analysis: the origins of values: Simon Blackburn, Denis Alexander, Colin Blakemore, David Changler, Martha Nussbaum
The Science of Emotions
Paul E. Griffiths: Is Emotion a Natural Kind?
Joseph H. Berke: Psychosis and Malice
M.F. Burnyeat: Excuses for Madness: Review: Restraining Rage: The Ideology of Anger Control in Classical Antiquity by William Harris
Stoic Philosophy of Mind [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
A.C.Lloyd: Emotion and Decision in Stoic Psychology
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Emotion
The Guardian: David Lodge: Sense and sensibility
Average Americans and the Criminal Justice System (ref Damasio)
Alice Goff: Mining for the Self: Lobotomy and the Quest for the I-Function
American Experience | PBS | The Lobotomist
Laboratory for Affective Neuroscience
Neuroimaging Resources on the WWW
Neuroland: Clinical Neurology Information for Professionals
PsychoNeuroImmunology Research Society
A Summary of the Cognition and Affect Project
Conscience and Conflict: Darwin, Freud, and the origins of human aggression: Emotion, Evolution, and Conflict
Neurological Syndromes
Oxytocin : The Molecular Biology Of Paradise
Oxytocin Revisited | Reuniting
Liquid Love | Reuniting
Even great sex can end in post-coital blues - Sexploration - hormone prolactin
Changes In Oxytocin and Vasopressin Secretion During Sexual Activity in Men -- MURPHY et al. 65 (4): 738 -- Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
British Society for Neuroendocrinology - 12. The maternal brain - "oxytocin released in the brain acts on the circuitary for maternal behaviour"
Selective amnesic effects of oxytocin on human memory... [Physiol Behav. 2004] - PubMed result
Hug the Monkey - Sex and Oxytocin on Bliss Radio
Hug the Monkey: Feminism vs. Oxytocin
Oxytocin, envy and Schadenfreude.
The science of sex (
JSHAP - Effect of oxytocin-supplemented semen on fertility of sows bred by intrauterine insemination
Liquid Trust Spray - the first Oxytocin product, formulated to enhance people's trust in you!
Liquid Trust Spray - the first Oxytocin product, formulated to enhance people's trust in you!
The Biological Basic of Law (Brains cause Minds)
New York Review: H.Allen Orr: Darwining Storytelling: The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature by Steven Pinker
Steven Pinker: Are Your Genes To Blame?
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Genes, Environment, and Psychopathology
The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature by Steven Pinker
Tucson II: Cognitive Science & Psychology: 3.5 Emotion
Emotion and the Human Brain
Discovering Our Selves: The Science of Emotion (Conference, 1998) *
Allison Barnes and Paul Thagard: Emotional Decisions
Paul Thagard: Coherence articles (including analogy) | Emotion Articles
Emotion in the body mapped by the mind
Emotion, Stress and Coping: How Are Emotions Adaptive?
Emotion Research: Cognitive Science / Artificial Intelligence
What Emotions Really Are : The Problem of Psychological Categories
Rachel Florence: Spinoza’s Understanding of the Mind Body Relation
Rudolf W. Meijer: Spinoza’s Ethica: A systematical presentation of the emotions (affectus)
Rudolf W. Meijer: The Philosophy of Benedictus de Spinoza (1632-1677)
Curled Up Review: Dean Warren: Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain by Antonio Damasio
Smells Like Emotion: Brain splits duties to sniff out feelings: the amygdala assesses the emotional intensity of both pleasant and unpleasant sensations, thus challenging prior evidence that it primarily coordinates fear responses
Psycheducation: Brian Tours | Brain Anatomy and Mood
Rolls, Edmund T. Precis of "The Brain and Emotion"
Emotion and cognition work together in the brain
Harvard: Brain Atlas
Thinking Throught the Body: Embodiment and emotion: A new relationship between neuroscience and psychotherapy
Spinoza contra Kant : Brunner, Constantin, 1862-1937 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
A Philosophical Puzzle: Who Was This Guy Spinoza? | The New York Observer (Hilary Putnam)
Review: David Livingstone Smith: Why We Lie: The Evolutionary Roots of Deception and the Unconscious Mind
David Livingstone Smith is a liar. And he explains why you are too
The Neuroinformatics Portal Pilot
Getty Museum: The Geometry of Seeing: Perspective and the Dawn of Virtual Space
Quotes from the book The Psychology of Perspective and Renaissance Art by Michael Kubovy
The Sources and Literature of Perspective
Piero della Francesca and the Two Methods of Renaissance Perspective
Computers and Renaissance Perspective
Leonardo's Perspective
Renaissance Perspective Examples
Nina Joblon: Power, Illusion, and the Technology of Perspective in the Renaissance
Erwin Panofsky's explanation of Iconography and Iconology
Renaissance Psychology
About Perspective « Constable Research B.V.
Kelly Noel-Smith: Time and Space as 'Necessary Forms of Thought'
Brent Dean Robbins: Emotion, Movement & Psychological Space
Multiple Personality, Altered States and Virtual Reality: The World Simulation Process Approach by Charles T. Tart
Aaron Sloman: Diagrams in the Mind?
Diagram: Your Mind (CogAff Project)
Spatial Relations and Filtering: The 9-Intersection Model
A Critical Comparison of the 4-Intersection and 9-Intersection Models for Spatial Relations: Formal Analysis
9-Intersection: Formalism and its use for Natural-Language Spacial Predicates
“Language is Spatial”: Experimental Evidence for Image Schemas of Concrete and Abstract Verbs
Daniel C. Richardson: Research in Embodied Cognition
As above, so below: Modern Cosmology as Psychological Metaphor
PsyArt: Bent Rosenbaum & David Garfield : Containers, Mental Space, and Psychodynamics
Selection from Chapter 7 of Mental Space by Robert M. Young
Metaphor and the Space Structuring Model
Mental Images: In search of a Theory
Mental Space Lab :-: :-:
Metonymy and Conceptual Blending
PubMed: Containers, mental space and psychodynamics
Mental Imagery - Theories and Experiments
More than Meets the Eye: Aristotle on Sense Perception
Schiller Institute-- On the Subject of Metaphor, by Lyndon H. LaRouche (+Negentropy)
Perceptual Symbol Systems
Metaphor, Parapsychology and Psi
Cosmology and Culture: What is the current popular picture of the universe?
Trauma, Memory and Repression
Memory: Forgetting Is the New Normal - TIME
Memory Distortion and its Connection to Reality | Serendip's Exchange
The Science of Memory: An Infinite Loop in the Brain - Spiegel Online
Review - You Are What You Remember - Psychology
Thomas J. Scheff: Review of Freudian Repression: Conversation Creating the Unconscious, by Michael Billig (def metapsychology)
Repression Semiotics as Metapsychology. The Status of Repression
Gordon s1-10 (38): 106 -- Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry - The Physiological Basis Of Repression And Dissociation
Scientists and Practitioners Don’t See Eye to Eye on Repressed Memory - Association for Psychological Science - Skepticism about repressed traumatic memories has increased over time, but new research shows that psychology researchers and practitioners still tend to hold different beliefs about whether such memories occur and whether they can be accurately retrieved. (article assumes clinicians are wrong and need better "education")
28421076.pdf - Does Repression Exist? Memory, Pathogenic, Unconscious and Clinical Evidence Yacov Rofe ´
Repressed Memory | Harvard Magazine Jan-Feb 2008 - y Harrison Pope, co-director of the Biological Psychiatry Lab at Harvard-affiliated McLean Hospital, put “repressed memory” to the test of time.
Freud's Concept of Repression and Defense: Its Theoretical and Observational ... - Madison - Google Books
Memory - National Geographic Magazine
Want to Remember Everything You'll Ever Learn? Surrender to This Algorithm
9:34 AM: Now I am superlatively, actually awake. | MetaFilter (Life without memory (multi-part YouTube): the extraordinary case of Clive Wearing)
SPIEGEL ONLINE - Druckversion - The Science of Memory: An Infinite Loop in the Brain - Spiegel Online
Richard Webster: Freud’s false memories: Psychoanalysis and the Recovered Memory Movement
Review - Try to Remember - General Topics Psychiatry's Clash over Meaning, Memory, and Mind by Paul R. McHugh
The story of the self | Life and style | Our ability to remember forms the basis of who we are and is a psychological trick that fascinates cognitive scientists. But how reliable are our memories?
The Neuroarcheology of Childhood Maltreatment
Alice Miller, les racines de la violence dans l¹enfance: The Forbidden Issue
The Sacred Moment: Essays Based on the Work of Alice Miller
Extreme Abuse Survey
Scott: Here Be Dragons
The Greenbaum Speech - Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse
Hypnosis's magic is that it works: Relieves anxiety and pain: Research shows measurable changes in brain function
You are getting sleepy. . . | MetaFilter (link to rare Milton Erickson video)
Repression and Dissociation and Hypnosis
Trauma and Memory Revisited John F. Kihlstrom
Understanding Dissociation | Stalking the Wild Dissociation
What is Dissociation
Articles on the Web by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk and Colleagues
Child Abuse Trauma: Explorations in Psychology & Metapsychology By Stephan A. George
The History of Child Abuse Part 1: Lloyd deMause: The Journal of Psychohistory
Educational Psychology Meets the Christian Right - David C. Berliner
Memory Research
Endel Tulving in interview with Michael Gazzaniga: Talking about Memory: Voices on the nature of recall
Gazzaniga, The Mind's Past (excerpts)
The Oxford Handbook of Memory
Kenneth S Pope: Memory, Abuse, and Science: Questioning Claims about the False Memory Syndrome Epidemic
Book Review: Daniel Brown: Memory, Trauma Treatment, and the Law
Jim Hopper: Recovered Memories of Sexual Abuse: Scientific Research & Scholarly Resources
Miller-McCune | Article | Repressed Memories Recovered Sponanteously May Be Most Reliable
IPT Journal - "Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome: Issues of Admissibility in Criminal Trials"
"Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome - CSAAS - slideshow (PDF)
The Return of Moral Panic -
David Finkelhor Child Victimization Papers
Peter Fonagy: The Psycholanalysis of Violence
Questions and Answers about Memories of Childhood Abuse
Recovered Memory Project | RMP: Archives
Corroboration of Child Abuse Memories
John Speyrer: The False Memory Syndrome and its Implications in Primal Therapy
The Primal Institute
Memory Loss & the Brain: Confabulation
online www articles related to psychological trauma, dissociative phenomena and the mind
Lawrence E. Hedges: Taking Recovered Memories Seriously
Achieving Optimal Responsiveness With Early Developmental Trauma
On Focusing and Trauma
Dr. Richard Gardner: Parental Alienation Syndrome
World Congress Against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
misia: LJ sexual abuse thread: No Pity. No Shame. No Silence
No More Secrets And Lies: Table of Contents - What is Parental Alienation?
NYR: The Trauma Trap By Frederick C. Crews | Free Version
Memories of Dr. Greenbaum « Bartholomew’s Notes on Religion
Current News - The Psychology of Tyranny | 03 Oct 2005
Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman: Politically Incorrect - Scientifically Correct
Sex with Children is Abuse: Comment on Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman (1998)
Comment on Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman (1998)
The Condemned Meta-Analysis on Child Sexual Abuse: Good Science and Long-Overdue Skepticism: Bruce Rind, Robert Bauserman, and Philip Tromovitch
The Condemned Meta-Analysis on Child Sexual Abuse Good Science and Long-Overdue Skepticism Skeptical Inquirer
Rind controversy
Gay and Bisexual Adolescent Boys' Sexual Experiences With Men: An Empirical Examination of Psychological Correlates in a Nonclinical Sample Bruce Rind, PhD
The Clash of Media, Politics, and Sexual Science: An examination of the controversy surrounding the Psychological Bulletin meta-analysis on the assumed properties of child sexual abuse
The uproar over sexual abuse research and its findings By Carol Tavris
Review - Women and Child Sexual Abuse - Theory, Research and Practice by Sam Warner ("Visible Therapy" : Warner's recovery-focused model of psychotherapy valorizes the patient's ability to effect change in her own life)
Review - Sexual Boundary Violations - Sexuality (review by a "Gestalt" therapist)
Barbara Meltz: The consequences of spanking: Study suggests that corporal punishment may have life-altering side effects
MDMA as a pschotherapeutic adjunct in the treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
The PTSD Trap (NC Moving Party Track 4) | David Dobbs's NEURON CULTURE - “PTSD is a real thing, without a doubt,” says McNally. “But as a diagnosis, PTSD has become so flabby and overstretched, so much a part of the culture, that we are almost certainly mistaking other problems for PTSD, and thus mistreating them.”
PTSD Forum - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Community
National Center for PTSD
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder | Granite Recovery Centers
Controversy Surrounding Rind
The Viewpoint of False Memory Proponents
Rind, Tromovitch and Bauserman's Writings
Scientists on Pedophilia, Child Love and Child Sexuality
Flashback: Thank Heaven for Little Boys The GOP makes a sexploitation play on the Hill By David Plotz
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Review - The Mirror Crack'd When Good Enough Therapy Goes Wrong and Other Cautionary Tales for Humanistic Practitioners
Beyond Rape: A Survivor's Journey from The Plain Dealer -
PTSD: The War Within | Iraq Vet Who Wrote About His PTSD Kills Self, Brother
Weighted Blankets for PTSD
lesley a. hall - Google Book Search
The University of Manchester - School of Arts Histories & Cultures - Frank Mort
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Disorders Of Desire: Sexuality And Gender In Modern American Sexology
About Gender: Towards a balanced account of human gender and sex differences
Mustanski, B: Genetic influences on sexual orientation
Guardian: They just can't help it: There really are big differences between the male and female brain, says Simon Baron-Cohen
How male or female is your brain? : empathy and systemising tests
Men and Women Really Do Think Differently
hegarty-and-buechel.pdf Androcentric Reporting of Gender Differences in APA Journals: 1965–2004
Scientific American: Sex Differences in the Brain
Sex, Math and Scientific Achievement: Scientific American
SpringerLink - Journal Article - Ethnic and gender consensus for the effect of waist-to-hip ratio on judgment of womens attractiveness
Male, Female: Sexual Selection and the Evolution of Human Sex Differences
MSNBC - The Truth About Gender
The Thinking Meat Project / Female and male brains
BBC - Science & Nature - Sex ID (what sex is your brain test)
FEMME MENTALE / San Francisco neuropsychiatrist says differences between women's and men's brains are very real, and the sooner we all understand it, the better
Entrez PubMed: Sex differences in the inferior parietal lobule.
BBC NEWS | UK | Education | 'Men cleverer than women' claim
At Colleges, Women Are Leaving Men in the Dust - New York Times
The Thinking Meat Project / Female and male brains
Today@UCI: Intelligence in men and women is a gray and white matter
BJ Psychiatry -- Table of Contents: 187(October 2005) (includes Yang: Prefrontal white matter in pathological liars
Pink Brain, Blue Brain: Claims of sex differences fall apart: Why Parents May Cause Gender Differences in Kids | Newsweek Voices - Sharon Begley |
What Dads Don't Need for Father's Day (John Gray & Laura Schlessinger
Five Essays by Kathleen Trigiani - Out of the Cave: Exploring Gray's Anatomy
Coping with Childhood Sexual Abuse ||
Exploring News & Features - Violent or erotic images cause momentary periods of emotion-induced blindness
Cognitive Daily » Do women perceive color differently from men?
News Items: Tickled Pink: Gender Affects Humor Response
Skeptic: eSkeptic: Tuesday, March 15th, 2005 Sex, Brains & Hands — Gender Differences in Cognitive Abilities by Diane F. Halpern
Edge: The Science Of Gender And Science: Pinker Vs. Spelke A Debate
Pure Pedantry : Some confounds in gender differences in cognition: handedness, sexual preference, hormones
Pure Pedantry : Combating Injury with Information: Gender Differences in Cognition
Pure Pedantry : Debunking the Upper Tail: More on the Gender Disparity - Men Smarter than Women, Scientist Claims
Independent: Dr Paul Irwing: 'There are twice as many men as women with an IQ of 120-plus'
Georgetown: Study of Language Use in Children Suggests Sex Influences How Brain Processes Words
Are women more talkative than men? « Not Exactly Rocket Science (Louann Brizendine refuted)
The Sounds of Social Life: A Psychometric Analysis of Students’ Daily Social Environments and Natural Conversations Matthias R. Mehl and James W. Pennebaker
BBC - BBC Four Documentaries - The Century of the Self
Internet Archive: Details: Century of the Self Documentary about the role of psychoanalysis, marketing, and public relations in the united states. From the same director as "the power of nightmares"
The Hypervigilance Trap: Differences between mental illness and psychiatric injury
Stanford Prison Experiment - Google Video
The Zero: Abuse Resources
Dean Spade: Mutilating Gender
Elaine Showalter: Selections from: The Female Malady: Women, Madness, and English Culture, 1830-1980
Heinrich Hoffmann: Vorwort: Struwwelpeter | Heinrich Hoffmann: Struwwelpeter
Pedagogy: Max und Moritz / Max and Moritz by Wilhelm Busch
Historical Psychiatric Descriptions of the Black People
Rebecca Saxe: The Forbidden Experiment (feral children)
Kristine Hoeldtke: Forgetting to Remember: The Source of your Symptoms?
Kristine Hoeldtke: Depression: Causes or Effects? | Different Brains, Different Realities?
Am I Depressed? Take a Depression Test | Brain Center TMS
Depression and NueroStar Advanced TMS | TMS Center
Elizabeth F. Loftus | The Reality of Repressed Memories
New Scientist: Remember This ... : Elizabeth Loftus
'Repressed Memory' Challenge (Pope, Hudson)
Froomkin: White House Watch -- -- Where's Karl Rove? (and Elizabeth F. Loftus - remember her? - discredited entirely)(her memory ain't so hot either)
Repressed memories don't exist - "the most pernicious bit of folklore ever to infect psychology and psychiatry" : science
Ground Lost: The False Memory/Recovered Memory Therapy Debate - Psychiatric Times
Remembering Dangerously - The Myth of Repressed Memory that Elizabeth Loftus Created
Recovered Memories of Sexual Abuse: Scientific Research & Scholarly Resources
Recovered Memories of Sexual Abuse: Scientific Research & Scholarly Resources
Recovered Memory Project
What about Recovered Memory?
Trauma and Memory Revisited - John F. Kihlstrom 2005 (denier)
- Stop Calling It False Memory "Syndrome" "may have been uttered once or twice i n the 1990s, but science is totally over it." (Kihlstrom disagrees, Julie and see below)
About False Memory Syndrome (
Getting Over It - The New Yorker
Review - The Trauma Myth - Sexuality (Susan Clancy)
An Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Based on Nonclinical Samples
An Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Based on Nonclinical Samples: Rind, Tromovitch, and Bauserman
Repressed memory - Wikipedia
Phil Bourgelais: Recovered "lost" memories at center of trial - The defense also cited studies done by Dr. Elizabeth Loftus, a psychologist who strongly discredits the reliability of repressed memory - The prosecution's expert witness, Dan Brown, testified that, based largely on his review of 85 scholarly studies in the field, repressed memories are reliable. Brown also said most of the scientific community agrees.
The price of bad memories - Elizabeth F. Loftus & Melvin J. Guyer - 2002
Elizabeth Loftus: Falsifying memories | Mo Costandi | Science | The Guardian - Elizabeth Loftus is one of the most influential psychologists of all time, and also one of the most controversial. 58th in the Review of General Psychology's list of the 100 most eminent psychologists of the 20th century in 2002 ("all time") Daniel Goleman (NYT, 1994) is still the only journalist to correctly report the mall study findings: 2 subjects. (Loftus as expert-testimony whore) had been an active member of the APA since 1973, but she resigned in January 1996, shortly after the filing of the complaints.
Evidence-based justice: Corrupted memory : Nature News & Comment - Elizabeth Loftus has spent decades exposing flaws in eyewitness testimony. Her ideas are gaining fresh traction in the US legal system.
Tools for Improving Your Memory
How to remember stuff (or not) | MetaFilter
David Calof: Dissociation: Nature's Tincture of Numbing and Forgetting
Memories of Childhood Abuse: Dissociation, Amnesia, and Corroboration
Articles on Dissociation
Kolk & Fisler: Dissociation and the Fragmentary Nature of Traumatic memories
Sandra Bloom: Every Time History Repeats Itself the Price Goes Up: The Social Reenactment of Trauma
Anatomy of a Trauma
John M Rathbun: Dissocation
Somatoform Dissociation
Dissociation and Memory: A Two-Hundred Year Perspective
IPT: Richard A. Gardner: Repression, Dissociation, and Sex-Abuse Accusations
Dissociation: Dissociative/Posttraumatic Stress Symptomatology
Dissociative Disorders
ISSD: International Society for the Study of Dissociation
Multiple Personality and Dissociation Book List
Karl May And D.I.D.
Metapsychology Online Reviews - The Bifurcation of the Self: The History and Theory of Dissociation and Its Disorders by Robert W. Rieber
Witchvox Article: Kerr Cuhulain: Strange Therapy: Multiple Personality Myths
Dissociative Fugue: Amnesia and Related Disorders: Merck Manual Home Edition
BPAS: Who is the mad voice inside? Dr Michael Sinason (internal cohabitation)
Review - Personal Identity and Fractured Selves - Philosophy
NAMI | Dissociative Identity Disorder - The alters may even present physical differences, such as allergies, right-or-left handedness or the need for eyeglass prescriptions. These differences between alters are often quite striking.
Wiki: R. D. Laing
YouTube - The Birth of modern Psychiatry: Part 1 of 4 w R.D. Laing and the Anti Psychiatry movement
TIL when Scottish psychiatrist R.D. Laing faced a naked schizophrenic woman rocking silently to and fro in a padded cell, he took off his own clothes and sat next to her, rocking to the same rhythm until she spoke for the first time in months. : todayilearned
Elizabeth Day and Graham Keeley on RD Laing and the tragic death of his son | Books | The Guardian - He was a pioneering psychiatrist who blamed parents for the psychological problems of their offspring. But as a father, RD Laing was depressed, alcoholic and often cruel. What would he have made of the latest tragedy to hit his own family - the death 12 days ago of his son, Adam?
Andrew Feldmar's page: Minute Particulars
Wilma Bucci: The Need for a “Psychoanalytic Psychology” in the Cognitive Science Field
The Annual of Psychoanalysis - Google Book Search - multiple code theory (Bucci)
ACATonline - The Official Website for Cognitive Analytic Therapy
The American Scholar » The Doctor Is IN » Print (Aaron Beck interview)
C. George Boeree: Seven Perspectives
Sharon Chirban: Oneness Experience: Looking through Multiple Lenses
Christopher Brand: g Factor
Frank A. Gerbode, M.D. and the Genesis of Metapsychology
the logos
Healing the Soul in the Age of the Brain: Review: Becoming Conscious in an Unconscious World by Elio Frattaroli
John F. Kihlstrom: "Psychodynamics and Social Cognition: Notes on the Fusion of Psychoanalysis and Psychology"
Citizens Commission on Human Rights, CCHR - Nonprofit Mental Health Watchdog
Babies are Conscious
Psyche Matters: David Dedgwick: Freud Recondsidered: The Technique of Analysis
º transpersonal theory: definitions for transpersonal psychology: the recognition of the transcendent as the native state and the source-condition of the apparently separate self
transpersonal and its nature: a plain man's Transpersonal Psychology journals
Transpersonal Psychology:
NewScientist: Human Nature: Who do we think we are?
Pomo Therapy
Buddhism and Postmodern Psychotherapy
James O'Rance: Immanuel Kant | Sigmund Freud
Dream Lynx: Dream Theory According to Jung, Gestalt, Cayce
David Jenkins: Dissertation: The Vicissitudes of the Theme in Dream Series
Douglas A. Davis: A Theory for the 90s: Traumatic Seduction in Historical Context
Dr. Norberto R. Keppe: Integral Psychoanalysis (Analytical Trilogy) (Inversion, Universal Envy, Theomania)
Bell Labs: A Development Process Generative Pattern Language
New Scientist: Counselling can add to post-disaster trauma
Daniel Chandler: Notes on 'The Gaze': John Berger's Ways of Seeing
Jon Mills: Dialectical Psychoanalysis: Toward Process Psychology
Psychology and Biblical Studies
Psychejam: The Psychiatry Revision Website: Mnemonics and More
BJP -- Psychiatry in pictures collection
Joseph Heller's Catch-22 (Claustrum)
Robert M Young: Deadly Unconscious Logics in Joseph Heller's Catch-22
Halcyon Cosmopolitan Entertainment Humanistic, Transpersonal and Quantum Psychology
the american gallery of psychiatric art: Sanity for Sale: 1960-2000
Henry Sullivan: Don Quixote de la Mancha: Analyzable or Unanalyzable
Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition (PDF)
How are you smart? Multiple Intelligences Quiz
Learnng Styles take your free test: multiple intelligence
Multiple Intelligences (8 ways)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Surgin' With Bill Saletan... (IQ: Saletan doesn't proved white people are smarter)
Race and Intelligence | MetaFilter
Brain size does not predict general cognitive ability within families -- Schoenemann et al. 97 (9): 4932 -- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
g, a Statistical Myth
Yet More on the Heritability and Malleability of IQ
` AAPA Statement on Biological Aspects of Race
James Watson: To question genetic intelligence is not racism - Independent Online Edition > Commentators
Gene Expression: James Watson Tells the Inconvenient Truth: Faces the Consequences (*)
Mainstream Science on Intelligence
Flynn effect - Wikipedia
Psychological Online Documents
The Dark Site of Psychiatry: Anti-Psychiatry
Say No To Psychiatry - The Danger and Harm of the Sham Pseudoscience Known As Psychiatry | Gene Zimmer: Psychiatry: Government's Darling
ICFDA: International Coalition for Drug Awareness
The Good Drug Guide : new mood-brighteners and antidepressants *
The David Healy affair : drug money and academic freedom
Marvelous Mental Medicine: Psychoneuropharmacological Pediatric Issues
Daily Kos: Frankenstein's Children: Modern Torture's Scientific Bible - download mohb.html The Manipulation of Human Behavior (Government Torture manual
Ploughshares - Anne Sexton: A Biography by Diane Wood Middlebrook (Dr. Martin T. Orne) Wiki
Cyberspace Rendezvous :: (Attempted) Review of 4 NAAG papers, or The Story of NAAG Part 2 and 3 :: August :: 2006
What is Infantilism
Kathi Stringer: What is Infantilism?
Sherry Lynn Lebeck: Paradox Lost and Paradise Regained
Digital Lavater
The Top 10 Reasons You Should Pay Attention to Your Dreams
Burton Daniels: Burton Daniels' Home Page: The Integration of Psyche and Spirit
Burton Daniels: The Self System: integration of psychoanalytic structural theory
cyc net: Child & Youth Care | Quote of the Day
You Are What You Type: Language and gender deception on the internet
Bookblog: Gender Genie (analyses writing for gender)
Nature: Computer program detects author gender
Violent online games appear not to cause any substantial real-world aggression
For the Little Ones Inside
Stepfamily Information
relationship articles (IFS/InnerFamily)
About "shame-based" (wounded) people
Brief perspective on "fear-based" (wounded) people
Brief perspective on the "Guilty Child" personality subself
Kali Munro: Conflict in Cyberspace: How to Resolve Conflict Online
The Psychology of Cyberspace - Home Page/Table of Contents
Clinical Depression: Depression: Understand it, Treat it, Beat it
3quarksdaily: Is Depression a Medical Condition?
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Prozac Backlash
Talking Back to Prozac - The New York Review of Books
SSRI Stories - Antidepressant Nightmares
Antidepressants Facts, Side-Effects & Safety: Conquering Depression with Adequate Nutrition, no SSRI's, SNRI's or SSNRI's"
Best posts on depression? | MetaTalk
Depression Blog: comments on anti-depressent drugs
Coming of Age on Antidepressants - Mental Health - SSRIs - Medicine and Health - New York Times
15 Coping Skills for Depression for Better Mental Health | Pelorus TMS
Review - Comfortably Numb: How Psychiatry Is Medicating a Nation by Charles Barber
Review - Saving the Modern Soul - Psychotherapy Therapy, Emotions, and the Culture of Self-Help by Eva Illouz
Review - Against Happiness In Praise of Melancholy by Eric G. Wilson
Review - What is Mental Disorder? An essay in philosophy, science, and values by Derek Bolton
Review - Bipolar Expeditions Mania and Depression in American Culture by Emily Martin
YouTube - The Madness of Prince Charming (Part 1 of 8) (Adam Ant)
Gordon H. Orians: An Evolutionary Perspective on Aesthetics
Families of Adults Afflicted with Asperger's Syndrome
A Survival Guide For People With Asperger Syndrome
K5: Living with Asperger's Syndrome
ScienceDirect - Brain and Cognition : Superior fluid intelligence in children with Asperger’s disorder
YouTube - Brain explains Asperger's Syndrome
William G. Huitt: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
BBC: The Mind: Psychology tests isolated, confined, wolf and wild children
Autism-Spectrum Quotient, AQ, Test
A Radical New Autism Theory - The Daily Beast
Autism Parenting Magazine - everything you need to support your family
Study: Eye contact triggers threat signals in autistic children's brains
NIMH: Autism Spectrum Disorders (Pervasive Developmental Disorders)
Faculty of Health Sciences: News Release: Specific behaviors seen in infants can predict autism, new research shows
The Listening Perspectives Study Center
The extreme male brain theory of autism
Psychology Today: Autism: What's Sex Got to do With It
Strong evidence of alterations in blood samples of children with autism
New study has surprise findings on childhood depression
Seed: A Fundamental Difference in the Autistic Brain "I Cannot Tell a Lie - what people with autism can tell us about honesty By Simon Baron-Cohen
Thinking In Pictures: Autism and Visual Thought Dr. Temple Grandin
Visual thinking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ann Bauer on autism, violence | Salon Life For years I thought of his autism as beautiful and mysterious. But when he turned unspeakably violent, I had to question everything I knew.
Psych meds drove my son crazy | Salon Life (see update)
LRB · Ian Hacking: What is Tom saying to Maureen? The Science and Fiction of Autism (2006) (*)
Disclaimer on Assumptions - Ballastexistenz
Outposts In Our Heads: The Intangible Horrors of Institutions, that Must Not Be Forgotten - Ballastexistenz
A Developmental and Evolutionary Perspective on Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Whence and Whither Compulsive Hoarding? -- Leckman and Bloch 165 (10): 1229 -- Am J Psychiatry - Both nonhoarding OCD patients and compulsive hoarders may be better served by diagnostically separating these two conditions
Disposophobia: A.K.A. Collyer, Collier Brothers Syndrome
Intervention in Compulsive Hoarding: A Case Study
Mefi: Disposophobia, Collyer Brothers, Clutter Management, Pack Rats
The Plan: Disaster Managers: solutions for people who suffer from Disposophobia
Children of Hoarders Messy Desk Contest
Obsessive-compulsive disorder - Wikipedia
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder - Wikipedia
BrainPhysics: FAQs about OCD
Obsessive Compulsive Foundation |
OCD: Stories From People Living with OCD
UOCD: Full Listing of OCD Personal Stories.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Treatments for OCD: Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy-CAMH
Graham Davey's Blog: Mental health research: Are you contributing to paradigm stagnation or paradigm shift? - 43% of those in cognitive therapy interventions for GAD do not reach basic recovery levels at the end of the treatment programme.
Symptom Clusters of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in AllPsych Journal
When Worry Hijacks The Brain - TIME
Causes of OCD
Obsessive-compulsive disorder in Wikipedia
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Ocd): Online References For Health Concerns
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Treatments for OCD: Medications-CAMH< Do I Have OCD? Quiz | D'Amore Mental Health
br /> The OCD Post | MetaFilter
Dynamical Psychology: An International, Interdisciplinary Journal of Complex Mental Processes
SciAm: The Tyranny of Choice
Kurt Vonnegut: Surviving Niagara | Mark Vonnegut: Mark's Story
Bipolar Survivor | Bipolar World
Study: Daily Routine Helps Bipolar Disorder - Yahoo! News
The Infinite Mind: Hypomania - Dr Peter Kramer - radio 11/16/05
How to Recognize a Manic Episode
PBS Newhour: The psychology behind abusive behavior
Index of Psychological/Therapeutic Terminology
Hubbard's Cupboard: websetie for early childhood educators and parents
Reason: Jesse Walker: The Death of David Reimer: A tale of sex, science, and abuse
Madness and the medical model: social being and practical madness work by Andrew Phelps
The Psychological Sources of Islamic Terrorism By Michael J. Mazarr
Psychoanalysis, Terrorism And Fundamentalism
The Legacy - (of suicide)
Art Kleiner_Suicide
The Bridge - Hulu
Letter from California: Jumpers : The New Yorker The fatal grandeur of the Golden Gate Bridge.
The Bridge | This American Life
WNYC - Radiolab: After Life (September 18, 2009)
Webster teen's family, friends talk of his suicide to try and help others | | Democrat and Chronicle
The Bridge Rail Foundation
MARIN COUNTY / An inside look at who jumps
For Train Operators, a Lingering Mix of Horror, Helplessness -
The Urge to End It - Understanding Suicide -
Bering in Mind: Being Suicidal: What it feels like to want to kill yourself By Jesse Bering
Nadya Labi Reports on William Melchert-Dinkel's Suicide Chatroom Case: Newsmakers: GQ
Wiki: Antisocial personality disorder: Sociopath
Quotes from People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck
Gin, cigarettes, women: I'm a prophet, not a saint - Health - Times Online: M. Scott Peck (demonology, exorcism, projection, hypocracy)
Matthew Rebhorn - "Incest is Best (When It's Kept in the Family)"
Father-Daughter Incest in International Folktales
A Wounded Deer : The Effects of Incest on the Life and Poetry of Emily Dickinson By Wendy K. Perriman
Refugee Psychology 101: A Crash Course for Attorneys
The Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma (HPRT)
Search for Psychology-files with: Psychcrawler
The Internal Family Systems Model
Internal Family Systems Association
Mindtools Stress Management
How to Reduce Stress (15 Ways to do It) | Bizness Professionals
Synaesthesia - A Cognitive Model of Cross Modal Association
UK Synaesthesia Association: What is Synaesthesia?
Synesthesia: Phenomenology And Neuropsychology
|| Synesthesia - Dr. Hugo Heyrman "Museums of the Mind" ||
Science & Technology at Scientific Hearing Colors, Tasting Shapes -- [ NEUROSCIENCE ] -- People with synesthesia--whose senses blend together--are providing valuable clues to understanding the organization and functions of the human brain
Metapsychology Online Reviews Synesthesia : A Union of the Senses
Tips on... Sundowning
Sleep Disorders: Fibromyalgia
Deep into Sleep: While researchers probe sleep's functions, sleep itself is becoming a lost art
Sleep : Insight : Nature
The National Sleep Research Project - 40 amazing facts about sleep
American Sleep Association: Exploding Head Syndrome
Ask the Brains: What Is Sleep Paralysis?: Scientific American - and why we sometimes wake up with explosions going off in our heads
Y. Bar-Yam: Sleep as Temporary Brain Dissociation | Effects of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Medicine Home Page
Sleep Paralysis
Surprising Link Between Sleep Deprivation Psychosis And Mental Illness
Antonio Preti and Paola Miotto: Creativity, Evolution and Mental Illnesses
The Bad Boys of Cyberspace: Deviant Behavior in Online Multimedia Communities and Strategies for Managing it
Psychology of Cyberspace - The Basic Psychological Features of Cyberspace
Renaissance psychology>
QJM: Diseased, demented, depressed: serious illness in Heads of State
Robert C Koehler: Common Wonders: The Founding Contradiction: We remain enslaved to an unreconciled past
The Textbooks of Military Medicine: War Psychiatry
Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare
The Psychology Of Patriotic Denial By Tova Gabrielle
NS: Everyone is a potential torturer
The Impact of Anonymity on Disinhibitive Behavior Through Computer-Mediated Communication
Extraordinary Popular Delusions (WMD's) And The Madness Of Crowds
Infernal Devices
Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADD/ADHD) Treatment Options
New Medications for Adults with AD/HD
Crazy Meds! The Good, The Bad & The Funny of Psychiatric Medications
Attention Deficit
Treating ADHD with diet
My Child Was Diagnosed with ADHD, Now What?
Teaching Strategies for ASD Children: Why the TEACCH Method Works - Autism Parenting Magazine
Ms.: Dances with Wolves: Little Red Riding Hood's Long Walk in the Woods by Catherine Orenstein
EnterTheFreudianSlip: Music Therapy, and Using Music in Therapy The Power of Music as a Coping Skill
Psychlogy Today: The Power of Coincidence
Lost for Words: The Psychoanalysis of Anorexia and Bulimia by Em Farrell
e2: Why mirrors reverse left and right, but not up and down
Solace: a textbook of romantic psychology by Jorn Barger
Online Lexikon für Traumdeutung mit 3.200 Traumsymbolen
Is there an epileptic personality? :
Kirkbride Buildings (19th C psychiatry: moral education)
The Thought Project by Simon Hoegsberg: waking thought process samples
Paul Tetlock: Close-Call Counterfactuals And Belief System Defenses: I Was Not Almost Wrong But I Was Almost Right
SciAm: Exploding the Self-Esteem Myth
The Guardian | Genetic sexual attraction
Murray Research Center Acquires New Study on Divorce; Findings Dispel Popular Myths
Erich Fromm
Internationale Erich-Fromm-Gesellschaft e.V.
Schema Theory | Listing of Early Maladaptive Schemas & Domains FAQ -- Overcome shyness, make friends
Analysis of the Personality of Adolph Hitler with predictions of his future behavior and suggestions for dealing with him now and after Germany's surrender by Henry A. Murray. [1943 OSS Archives, DD247.H5 M87 1943]
Adolph/Adolf Hitler Schicklgruber - his psychology and development
Change or Die
BBC NEWS | Education | Richard Lynn: 'Men cleverer than women' claim (more geniuses)
Racism Resurgent: Bell Curve and Richard Lynn
The Bell Curve revisited. - By Stephen Metcalf - Slate Magazine - Moral Courage - Is defending The Bell Curve an example of intellectual honesty?
Reason magazine -- March 1995. James J. Heckman: Cracked Bell (Review of Murray & Hernstein's racist Bell Curve)
Rules of Being Human
A Sociological Social Psychology: Social Factors Shaping Perception And Decision-Making
Narrative Psychology: Autobiography, Memoir, and Historical Biography
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Psychology - Review - A History of Psychology in Autobiography
Quantum Future Group | Political Ponerology: The Scientific Study of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes by Andrew M. Lobaczewski
Political Ponerology: Andrew M. Lobaczewski
Signs of the Times Forum / What is not talking about
Review - Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - Childhood Disorders
Dyslexia Myth Discussion | Health | Anger as experts claim dyslexia is a myth
Dr. Koop - Researchers May Have Discovered Dyslexia Gene
Why Don't Animals Get Schizophrenia (and How Come We Do)? - Scientific American - “It’s been suggested,” Dudley explains, “that the emergence of human speech and language bears a relationship with schizophrenia genetics, and incidentally also autism. Indeed, language dysfunction is a feature of schizophrenia, and GABA is critical to speech, language and many other aspects of higher-order cognition. The fact that our evolutionary analysis converged on GABA function in the prefrontal cortex seems to tell an evolutionary story connecting schizophrenia risk with intelligence.”
JAMA Network | JAMA Psychiatry | A Breakthrough in Schizophrenia Genetics
Eight types of schizophrenia? Not so fast… « Genomes Unzipped - We believe that it is highly likely that the results of Arnedo et al. are not relevant for schizophrenia. We urge great caution in the interpretation of the results of study.
Schizophrenia Research Forum: News
Uncovering the hidden risk architecture of the schizophrenias: conf... - PubMed - NCBI (comments)
Geneticists Slam Study Claiming Schizophrenia Is Eight Disorders [UPDATED]
Schizophrenia 'made up of eight specific genetic disorders' Medical News Today - People with a family history of schizophrenia are at much higher risk of developing the condition. Approximately 1% of the general population in the US have schizophrenia, but it occurs in around 10% of individuals who have a first-degree relative with the disorder.
Schizophrenia not a single disease but multiple genetically distinct disorders | Newsroom | Washington University in St. Louis - About 80 percent of the risk for schizophrenia is known to be inherited, but scientists have struggled to identify specific genes for the condition. Now, in a novel approach analyzing genetic influences on more than 4,000 people with schizophrenia, the research team has identified distinct gene clusters that contribute to eight different classes of schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia has clear genetic ties, new study finds
Overview of Schizophrenia
A Lever to Move the Mind: virtual schizophrenia, paranoid schizophrenia - Family and schizophrenia; dealing with common symptoms
What Its Really Like To Be Schizophrenic - One Mans Blog
The Egocentric World of the Schizophrenic