FLHurricane.com: Google Map Plot of Rita (2005) Google Maps Hurricane Track Overlay
Lake Charles American Press
Metroblogging Houston
News | canada.com - Hurricane Beta on the way? Names for storms, hurricanes running out
Eschaton: The crony incompetence of the Bush administration (Landstar 100M bus evac contract)
Chicago Tribune | Offer of buses fell between the cracks (r/r/bugmenot)
Rita Causes New Flooding in New Orleans - Yahoo! News
Rita causes more flooding in New Orleans - Hurricanes' Wrath - MSNBC.com
Fire on Bus Carrying Evacuees Kills 24 - Yahoo! News
Houston, Galveston May Avoid Direct Hit - Yahoo! News
MySA.com: Special Coverage: Escape from Houston is a slow-motion 'hell'
Rita May Cause Tens of Billions in Damage
Click2Houston.com - Hurricane Tracker
Port Charlotte Infrared Satellite Gulf Weather Map
The Hurricane Watch Net - (NHC Storm Path Graphics)
Houston TranStar Freeway Cameras
Rita's oil punch could hit harder than Katrina - Sep. 22, 2005
Weather Underground: Wunder Blog
MSNBC.com Katrina Blog
Houston traffic in a standstill as residents flee - Hurricanes' Wrath - MSNBC.com
The Oil Drum | A Community Discussion about Peak Oil: Rita: Oil Infrastructure in Trouble? But How Much?
The New Yorker: Insurrection (Posse Comitatus)
Rita Swirls Into 165-Mph Monster in Gulf - Yahoo! News (Gulf launches another terror attack)
Bush Administration Touts Rita Readiness - Yahoo! News (says he won't fuck up this time)
House Republicans push ahead with Katrina probe (will investigate selves, hand out medals)
Drum Major Institute - Injustice Index: Hurricane Katrina
Experts Say Faulty Levees Caused Much of Flooding (Wapo reg/req) (W drove his budget-cutting Chevy to the levee)
Message Chaos Afflicts Both Parties as Katrina Aftermath Washes Discipline Away (Repubs scared, Dems autistic) (WaPo usual r/r/b)
Greater Attention to Trauma Sought - LATimes (r/r/b) (long-term effects in a short-sighted country)
Courage and Caring Amid Katrina's Chaos - Yahoo! News
Support for Bush's Iraq policy dives after Katrina - Yahoo! News (only 32% support Bush on Iraq)
Hurricane Katrina Polls
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Hurricane Katrina (So I Volunteered) (Snopes: undetermined)(quacks like racist astroturf)
So I volunteered: firstmover blog disseminating the duck
The 9/11 Victim's Fund (compare with 2K to Katrina survivors)
Hullabaloo: He Comes from Such A Nice Family, Too (Bush racist)
The Other America - Newsweek Hurricane Katrina Coverage - MSNBC.com (racism in America)
2theadvocate.com: News - Blanco says feds pledged buses 09/18/05
Bush Watch: Katrina red-tape incompetency
Red Tape - Newsweek Hurricane Katrina Coverage - Fiascos
CNN.com - Katrina medical help held up by red tape - Sep 5, 2005
Mirror.co.uk - Up in Flames - FEMA burns UK food contributions ('inedibable' food eaten by Brits in Iraq)
Maher: Nothing funny about Hurricane Katrina - The Situation with Tucker Carlson - MSNBC.com (bow-tie boy)
'It's Psychologically Healthy to Prepare' - Newsweek Health Beat - MSNBC.com
New Orleans Suspends Reopening of City - Yahoo! News
Mayor calls off residents' return to New Orleans - Yahoo! News
Southeast Texas Hurricane Relief - Help Hurricane Katrina Evacuees in Southeast Texas (Orange County, Texas, Jefferson County, Texas,Hardin County, Texas -Beaumont, Orange, Port Arthur, Groves, Nederland, Port Neches, Vidor, Mauriceville, Deweyville, Port Acres)
Local News - The Lafayette Daily Advertiser - Web becomes a resource for locating missing hurricane victims
Quicksilver: [UPDATE 9-16] Katrina's environmental and toxic legacy
2theadvocate.com: News - Doctor says FEMA ordered him to stop treating hurricane victims 09/16/05
Storm - The Opelousas Daily World - Blanco speaks out on recovery's progress, regrets
The Lafayette Daily Advertiser - Katrina vs. 9/11: Comparison of response unfair
Rumor mill hampering residents' recovery - The Clarion-Ledger
E-mail suggests government seeking to blame groups - The Clarion-Ledger
Newsview: Crisis Overtakes Bush's Agenda - Yahoo! News
Response - The Clarion-Ledger - Review must be comprehensive (but it won't)
Leaders Who Won't Choose - Newsweek: International Editions - MSNBC.com
By Hook or by Crook, Surviving Storm( WaPo: reg/req/bugmenot)
CNN.com - Katrina Main Page
CNN.com - The latest on Katrina's aftermath - Sep 19, 2005
CNN.com - Clinton: Bush should raise taxes to pay for recovery - Sep 19, 2005 (will cut taxes for rich instead)
Disaster relief? Call in the Marines. | Bush suggests lifting the ban on using the military domestically (air strikes on Democrats next)
MyDD :: Bush More phoney then ever
Tomdispatch: Chip Ward, Bush's Holy War on Nature
Global warming linked to increase of hurricanes - Katrina - Times Online (Repubs put fingers in ears, sing la-la-la)
Hurricane Center May Run Out of Names - Yahoo! News (la-la-la)
Timeline for New Orleans Return Questioned - Yahoo!
Allen: La. Repopulation Plan Problematic - Yahoo!
Blah3 - Shorter New York Times: FEMA Still Sucks (incompetence at every level)
Hullabaloo: After Katrina, Republicans Back a Sea of Conservative Ideas
Money Earmarked for Evacuation Redirected - "government's failure to prepare for a massive but foreseeable catastrophe"
Bush Sees 'Bright Dawn' Emerging in Gulf - Yahoo
Death Toll Exceeds 800, as Recovery Continues - New York Times
2theadvocate.com: News - Critic says change priorities 09/17/05
From Behind the Wall of Sleep
LATimes: After Blocking the Bridge, Gretna Circles the Wagons (Arthur Lawson and Southern hospitality)
KR Washington Bureau | 09/16/2005 | Key military help for victims of Hurricane Katrina was delayed
CNN.com - Firms with White House ties get Katrina contracts - Sep 10, 2005 (we are so surprised)
Independent: Global warming 'past the point of no return' (Bush, Repubs in deep denial)
Greetings from New Orleans (pre-K photos)
DirectNic Blog: The Interdictor shuts down
Bush Vows Disaster Review for U.S. Cities - Yahoo! News (will spend lots of money, no taxes)
Reuters Says Bush Photo Not 'Malicious,' Reports Wide Interest at Home and Abroad (heh)
CNN.com - Keepers of Bush image lift stagecraft to new heights (smoke and mirrors dept)
BAGnewsNotes: Bush's N.O. Restart -- A Visual Report Card (w/potty-break photo)
Who's in Charge? Karl Rove! (to manage the contracts to Bush supporters) (WaPo/bugmenot)
Bush pleads guilty for Katrina mistakes, promises grand reconstruction - Yahoo! News
NOLA.com: La. treasurer says local governments may default
Mayor Announces Plan to Reopen New Orleans - Yahoo! News
Katrina deals blow to consumer sentiment - Yahoo! News (lowest in 10 years)
Judge Orders Release of Jailed Grandmother (cops send Granny to the Pen)
Think Progress: With Last Throes Debunked, Rice Unveils The Latte Defense (Neocons bankrupt, it's the stupid, stupid)
A Death in New Orleans / Tired of waiting for authorities to help, citizens rescue the living, bury the dead
Hurricane Katrina Quotes - Dumb Quotations About Hurricane Katrina
TIME.com: Living Too Much in the Bubble? -- Sep. 19, 2005 -- Page 1
Jack Kelly column littered with Katrina falsehoods [Media Matters]
The Black Commentator - The Political Wrath of Hurricane Katrina (the anti-9/11)
NPR : 'Hell on Earth' at the Convention Center
Open Source » Blog Archive » Craigslist and Nola.com: Information as News
Broken Toys: Ubiq and I are Going to Hell: Katrina: The Gathering
NOLA.com: Times-Picayune Photos
RealClimate » Hurricanes and Global Warming - Is There a Connection? (yes, intensity increasing)
CNN.com - Mayor: Parts of New Orleans to reopen Friday - Sep 15, 2005
Bush to Outline New Hurricane Aid Package - Yahoo! News (as much as Iraq war; political crisis)
NYT: Ex-FEMA Chief Tells of Frustration and Chaos (Brown the fall guy for Chertoff, Bush)
2theadvocate.com: News - Death toll in state rises to 474 09/15/05
2theadvocate.com: News - 'Buck stops' with Blanco 09/15/05
Corps of Engineers Admits Sandbag Error - Yahoo! News
A need to know what went wrong (but we won't)
Beware new resettlement | ajc.com
TPMCafe || More Bureaucracy, Please (centralized Whitehouse control a disaster)
Daily Kos: Top DHS official omits GOP career from bio (political hacks keeping you safe)
Hullabaloo: Digby on responsibility
Hullabaloo: more hacks in high places keeping you safe: Jim Wilkinson
Informed Comment: Juan Cole: David Langness Reports on New Orleans (9/15/05)
NYT: President Says He's Responsible in Storm Lapses (see below) (reg/req)
Senate Kills Bid for Katrina Commission
KR Washington Bureau | 09/13/2005 | Chertoff delayed federal response, memo shows
The Left Coaster: The Smoking Gun: Memo Shows Chertoff Didn't Act For 36 Hours Even With Authority To Go Around State Officials
Chertoff Memo
Owners of Nursing Home Charged in Deaths of 34 - New York Times
Think Progress » Katrina: Another Excuse for Bush’s Failed Ideology
Katrina: Blanco did everything she could (PDF: congressional research service)
Attytood: This man almost died because of Bush's FEMA
USATODAY.com - Governors handle crisis in own ways
Was Kanye West Right?
Storm - Hattiesburg American - Power crews diverted Restoring pipeline came first
ABC News: Amid Katrina Chaos, Congressman Used National Guard to Visit Home
Yahoo! News Katrina: Hurricane Relief Blog
Canal May Have Worsened City's Flooding (reg/req)
Truth Is Casualty of Katrina's Aftermath - Yahoo
CNN.com - 9/11 commissioners say Katrina response shows lack of action on its report
CNN.com - EPA: New Orleans floodwater still unsafe - Sep 14, 2005
CNN.com - New Orleans suburbs, port reopen after Katrina - Sep 14, 2005
As bodies recovered, reporters are told 'no photos, no stories'
Media have complete access, Army says / Brass contradicts soldier who threatened Chronicle team covering body recovery
Washington Monthly: Review: The Republican War on Science | Crooked Timber | Brendan Nyhan
"When that storm came through at first, people said, whew. There was a sense of relaxation, and that's what I was referring to. And I, myself, thought we had dodged a bullet. You know why? Because I was listening to people, probably over the airways, say, the bullet has been dodged. And that was what I was referring to."
President Bush Meets the Press in New Orleans, Admits 'Sense of Relaxation' After Hurricane Hit
Summary of Findings: Two-In-Three Critical Of Bush's Relief Efforts
FEMA Chief Brown Paid Millions in False Claims to Help Bush Win FL Votes - Independent Media TV
Quicksilver : Katrina
Environmental Economics: Update: Katrina related oil spills: 1/3 Exxon Valdez
This American Life | After the Flood
USGS Responds to Hurricane Katrina Disaster
Political effects of Hurricane Katrina - Wikipedia
EM America, Effective Microorganisms - bioremediation treatment of flood waters
Bush is Incompetent: Katrina
Major Developments in Katrina's Aftermath - Yahoo! News
WSJ.com - Why Levee Breaches In New Orleans Were Late-Breaking News (ephemeral link)
Eye of the Political Storm: Bush - MSNBC.com
The Blog | Nora Ephron: The Curious Incident of the Veep in the Summertime | The Huffington Post
Hurricane Katrina NOAA Images
Rep McKinney Special Order Censored???
Think Progress » After Levees Failed, Bush Had “A Sense of Relaxation”
Bush Denies Racial Component to Response - Yahoo! News
Embattled Brown Resigns As FEMA Chief - Yahoo! News
Hullabaloo: Dusting Off The Manual (Digby to the heart of the matter)
KR Washington Bureau | 09/12/2005 | Some hurricane survivors showing signs of post-traumatic stress disorder
NOLA.com: Lack of communication proved crippling
NOLA.com: 45 bodies found at N.O. hospital
Chicago Sun-Times: Say that again? 'Things are going relatively well'
shreveporttimes: N.O. newspaper went unheeded
American Red Cross: Hurricane (evacuation/survival kit)
New York Daily News - Ideas & Opinions - Mortimer B. Zuckerman: Never again
Glen Ford: Will the "New" New Orleans be Black?
The Blog | Arianna Huffington: Bill Clinton, Suck-Up-in-Chief | The Huffington Post
CNN.com - Firms with White House ties get Katrina contracts - Sep 10, 2005
Put to Katrina's Test - Los Angeles Times (bugmenot)
CNN.com - Gore airlifts victims from New Orleans - Sep 9, 2005
NYT: Graphic Katrina Timeline (reg/rec/bugmenot)
NPR: Katrina Timeline 1 Timeline 2
Breakdowns Marked Path From Hurricane to Anarchy - NYT (reg/req)
Brad DeLong: Newsweek: Evan Thomas: How Bush Blew It (read and weep for America)
WaPo: The Steady Buildup to a City's Chaos (reg/req)
Media provide forums for administration official to spread lies - Media Matters
WaPo: Katrina Darkens the Outlook for Incumbents
truthout - Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans
September 11-style probe needed for Katrina: Giuliani - Yahoo! News (that worked really well)
NOLA.com: T-P Orleans Parish Breaking News Weblogs
Police in Suburbs Blocked Evacuees, Witnesses Report - NYT (America coming together: shoot your neighbors) (bugmenot)
General: Feds Won't Enforce Evacuation - Yahoo! News
Concentration Camps & Contingency Plans
Conspiracy Theories Ranging from Stupid to Inane - Conspiracy Bomb
U.S. Concentration Camps
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Rebuilding may cost as much as war in Iraq
threehundredandsixty: what toxic waste?
CBS News | W. House Molded EPA's 9/11 Reports (9/23/2003)
President's Approval Rating Dips Below 40 - Yahoo! News
FEMA: Regional And Area Offices: Find your FEMA patronage flunky
Roger Ailes: Jeff Jarvis blames 9/11 commission
James Wolcott: From Blame Game to Numbers Game
James Wolcott: New Orleans Died for Bush's Sins
Trenches - Journal - War on the Poor in New Orleans 3: The Plan to Declare Martial Law
President Bush: let me make it very clear, poor people aren't necessarily killers (terrorists) (2003)
CNN.com - U.S. won't ban media from New Orleans searches - Sep 10, 2005
CNN.com - Firms with White House ties get Katrina contracts - Sep 10, 2005
Bush Suspends Pay Act In Areas Hit by Storm
Impeach Bush Coalition
Don't Refloat - The case against rebuilding the sunken city of New Orleans. By Jack Shafer
Science And Politics: Best Katrina Blogging (so far)
2005 Global Flood Archive
TPMCafe - 10 principles of reconstruction
Think Progress » Cheney Runs Into Trouble With the Locals (Karma)
Daily Kos: Are YOU ready for disaster? Part 1 of 3 - Assess your risks!
Some Ways to Prepare for the Absolute Worst - New York Times
Know-Nothing movement - Wikipedia
Reuters: U.S. agency blocks photos of New Orleans dead (America=Iraq)>
Daily Kos: "Smoking gun" documents nail FEMA, Chertoff, and Bush
NRO: Legal Brief: Mike Brown's Padded (faked) Resume (Bush cronyism )
Time.com: How Reliable Is Brown's Resume?
Newsday.com: A dubious resume
ABC News: FEMA Director to Be Off Katrina Duty, Sources Say
DHS | Department of Homeland Security | Emergencies & Disasters
The Independent Weekly: Disaster in the making
AltWeeklies.com: News & Features: Independent Weekly: Disasters): The Disaster That Shouldn't Have Been
"The FEMA Phoenix" by Daniel Franklin
CNN.com - Red Cross: State rebuffed relief efforts - Sep 8, 2005
New Orleans Flood in Your City
Slideshow: 5 Days with Katrina
Workbench: Police Trapped Thousands in New Orleans: Gretna Police Chief Arthur Lawson (racist)
New York Daily News - Special - Storm rages over Katrina relief chief (cover Bush's ass)
CapitolBuzz: Santorum Blames National Weather Service For Katrina (put him in the lineup)
Tight Constraints on Pentagon's Freedom Walk (no media allowed to march)(facism=freedom dept)
In Poll, Most Say Abandon Flooded Areas - Bush Poll: worst president ever
Booman Tribune: "We cleaned up public housing..." (Rep Richard Baker: theocrat/racist/Republican)
Political Issues Snarled Plans for Military Help After Storm - New York Times
Hullabaloo: Wishin' and a Hopin' (Bush/FEMA failures)
9/11 commission heads see repeat failures with Katrina
American Red Cross: National Guard kept Red Cross out
I just got back from a FEMA Detainment Camp - Above Top Secret Conspiracy Community
DenverPost.com - Diane Carman: Evacuees' stories are moving, but fence isn't (Colorado Concentration Camp)
Lansing State Journal:Sparrow pathologist helps identify hurricane's dead
The American Street: Operation Blame Blanco
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Politics (Blame Nagin) - False (blame anyone but Bush and his cronies)
DU: - Repubs want Landrieu prosecuted for "threat against the President" (criticism is a 'threat' against Dear Leader)
PERRspectives Blog: Where's the Lisa Beamer of New Orleans?
Katrina NoMore.Org: Global Warming
Global Warming: Academic Index
Global Warming Hits New Orleans: The Controversy After the Storm
Scotsman.com Business - Top Stories - Global warming's ?10 trillion cost
EPA : Global Warming : Resource Center : Publications : Sea Level Rise : Projected Impact of Relative Sea Level Rise on the National Flood Insurance Program
Losing New Orleans
The Raw Story | WSJ: White rich elude Orleans chaos, don't want poor blacks back
CBS Poll: Blame All Around | 9/8/05 (Americans play the blame game)
Concerns Grow About Toxic Floodwaters - Yahoo! News
FEMA Chief Sent Help Only After Storm Hit - Yahoo! News
heraldsun.com: 3 Duke students tell of 'disgraceful scene'
Parties Scramble for Post-Katrina Leverage (Repubs refuse accountability)
Focus: When the levees broke, the waters rose and Bush?s credibility sank with New Orleans - Times Online
Statement on Federal Disaster Assistance for Louisiana
BobHarris: Bush orders FEMA to protect Upsidedownland (omits New Orleans)
MSNBC - Making the Quarter Rounds (the war on the press)
Pat Robertson's Katrina Cash (faith-based looting)
Agape - Katrina - God's Urban Renewal Project (God hates libruls, blacks and gays)
CNN.com - Right city, wrong state - Sep 6, 2005 (FEMA doesn't have any maps)
Money Flowed to Questionable Projects: State Leads in Army Corps Spending, but Millions Had Nothing to Do With Floods
NOLA.com: Bodies found in ConCenter freezer
Bellaciao - Pattern Emerges in Katrina Lack of Response Stories
Orbimage: Katrina Satellite Photos
NexSat, NRL/NPOESS Next-Generation Weather Satellite Demonstration Project
Think Progress - Katrina Timeline
Hurricane Katrina Timeline
Right Wing Nut House - Katrina: Response Timeline
Talking Points Memo -Hurricane Katrina Timeline
After Failures, Government Officials Play Blame Game - New York Times
Brad DeLong's Semi-Daily Journal: Please Tell Me the Bush Administration Is Not This Bad
NYO - The Story of the Hurricane - After a Period of Self-Suppression, the Horrific Story Spurs the Press
Urban Legends Reference Pages: Notes (Hurricane Katrina)
Trenches - Journal - War on the Poor in New Orleans 2: The Attempt to Declare Martial Law
Think Progress » Top FEMA Deputies Make Brown Look Qualified
Natural Hazards Center
The Blog | Michelle Pilecki: On the Horizon? - disasters waiting to happen
Hurricane Katrina - Our Experiences
Michael Berube Online: Operation Cover Our Asses goes into overdrive (firemen used as props for Bush)
Daily Kos: Bush's use of firemen: props
Letter to Washington Post ombudsman - Media Matters - State of Emergency Lie
Fox's Hume, Wilson take cue from conservative bloggers - spread "Bush pleaded" lie
Tbogg: The Swiftboating of Aaron Broussard begins
AMERICAblog: Jt Chiefs Chairman General Myers is a liar (notice a pattern?)
FEMA Wants No Photos of Dead - Los Angeles Times (Iraqization of US)
Norman Solomon: Firing Mike Brown is Not Enough
The Blog | Thomas de Zengotita: Why Little George Can?t Feel Your Pain
The American Reporter 9/5/2005: Ahmed Bouzid: Waiting for the Talking Points
Salt Lake Tribune - Frustrated: Fire crews to hand out fliers for FEMA
BBC NEWS | Americas | Viewpoint: Has Katrina saved US media?
An Angry 'Times-Picayune' Calls for Firing of FEMA Chief, and Others, in Open Letter to President Bush
SFGate: Bush Says He'll Find Out What Went Wrong (will investigate self)
BBC NEWS | Magazine | Why does the US need our money?
New Orleans catastrophe down to privatisation - And catastrophic failure of government
Cuba: Weathering the Storm: Lessons in Risk Reduction from Cuba (moved 1.7M people, no loss of life)
Deep Trouble: Gulf warrior | Bevan Series - Nancy Rabalais
NOLA.com: Everything New Orleans
Hurricanes & Tropical Storms Full Coverage on Yahoo! News
Hillary Clinton calls for 9/11-type 'Katrina Commission' - Yahoo! News
Louisiana State of Emergency: Friday, August 26, 2005 (Feds lie)
Stygius: Burn a source? How 'bout slow roasting? (WaPo caught in another anonsource lie)
Barbara Bush racist comments + Olbermann
OverSpun: Archive: Meet The Press- Emotional Interview With Aaron Broussard *
Daily Dissent: Broussard and Chertoff Video clips
Podcasts on MSNBC.com - Broussard on Meet the Press
Lost in the Flood - Why no mention of race or class in TV's Katrina coverage? By Jack Shafer
Marjorie Cohn | The Two Americas: Cuba: Hurricane preparedness far superior to BushAmerica
AJC: New Orleans in Chaos: Disaster proves warnings true
AlterNet: White People's Burden
New Orleans: A Geopolitical Prize - News Archive - Stratfor
US accepts offer of UN help in Katrina aftermath - Bolton in Tears
ZNet |U.S. | Business As Usual
Alert? - March 11, 2002 - Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASACW) Mike Parker resigned on March 6, 2002
Criticism leads to Parker's ouster - The Clarion-Ledger
Reuters AlertNet - Budget cuts delayed New Orleans flood control work
BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Survivors reveal Superdome horror
David Aaronovitch: From the murky water of doubt emerges an uncomfortable truth
A Calamity Compounded By Poverty And Neglect By Joseph Kay
Will New Orleans Recover? by Nicole Gelinas
Anne Rice: Do You Know What It Means to Lose New Orleans? - New York Times
The Lie of the Century
FT.com / US / Hurricane Katrina - Prospects for a fast rebound are poor
Thomas Paine's Corner: No More Bush Bullhorn Bullshit
KOMO : Bush Administration Puts Katrina PR Campaign Into Overdrive
Mark A. R. Kleiman: Fake sympathy and fake relief efforts
Impeach Bush Now, Before More Die
Krugman: Killed by Contempt - New York Times
Rice Defends Bush's Katrina Response
America's Wetland
Night Light: don't hide behind god: Condi: Jesus is Coming
Whiskey Bar: Where There's a Will: FEMA was ready in pre-election Florida
CNN.com - Chertoff: Katrina scenario did not exist - Sep 4, 2005
Storm Exposed Disarray at the Top
CNN.com - House-to-house rescues under way in New Orleans - Sep 4, 2005: Chertoff: get out or get shot
CNSNews: Bush: "Brownie, you're doing a great job" /a>
KRT Wire | 09/03/2005 | Head of FEMA has an unlikely background
BostonHerald.com - Business News: Brown pushed from last job: Horse group: FEMA chief had to be `asked to resign'
KR Washington Bureau | 09/03/2005 | Head of FEMA has an unlikely background
Mike Whitney: Failing Upwards, the Rise of Michael Chertoff
Chertoff's Reading Habits - Wonkette (liar or idiot?)
Today's Front Pages: 083005: the papers Chertoff didn't read
Hurricane Center Director Tells Paper He Briefed Brown and Chertoff on Danger of Severe Flooding (more lies by Brown and Chertoff)
CNN.com - Katrina medical help?held up by red tape - Sep 5, 2005
Nola.com: NewsFlash - French Quarter holdouts create 'tribes'
Current TV: Citizen Rescue: 500 Cajun rescue boats refused
Daley 'shocked' as feds reject aid
A Delicate Balance Is Undone in a Flash, and a Battered City Waits - New York Times
Wired News: Too Many People in Nature's Way
[IP] Laurie Garrett: Hurricane Katrina Analysis - CFR Global Health Program
Katrina's real name - Global Warming - The Boston Globe
Daily Pundit: Sample of Right-Wingnut thinking on NOLA
Malkin(s)Watch: Steve Sailer weighs in (more racism)
Orcinus: The New Orleans race vampires
Daily Nightly: Looking back on the eve of Katrina - Nightly News with Brian Williams - MSNBC.com
Post-Katrina Google Maps - New Orleans
Another Excellent Mefi Katrina Thread
NYT: Maureen Dowd: United States of Shame ("W. drove his budget-cutting Chevy to the levee")
'My Pet Goat' -- The Sequel
Daily Kos: FEMA stopped "civilian" rescues
Bush faked levee repair for photo op yesterday
Hans Christian Andersen : The Emperor's New Clothes : The Hans Christian Andersen Center
CNN.com - Chertoff: Katrina scenario did not exist - Sep 3, 2005
St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana: Dry, but Residents locked out, to be shot on sight
NOLA.com: Washing Away -- articles from 6/2002
Remote Post: Background articles on Iraq war & New Orleans crisis: A perfectly avoidable catastrophe
Louisiana's Wetlands @ National Geographic Magazine
FEMA: Hurricane Pam Exercise Concludes
ADCIRC Example: Pam: hypothetical storm surge
Natural Hazards Observer: What if Hurricane Ivan Had Not Missed New Orleans? (11/2004)
Thinking Big About Hurricanes: It's time to get serious about saving New Orleans (5/23/05)
NOW with Bill Moyers. Transcript. The City in a Bowl. 9.20.02 | PBS
SciAm: 10/2001: Drowning New Orleans -- A major hurricane could swamp New Orleans under 20 feet of water, killing thousands (no one could have forseen dept)
New Yorker: The Control of Nature: Atchafalaya by John McPhee: 1987-02-23
Kilo Seven: Communicating with mobile phones in disaster areas despite system overload
The Rebellion of the Talking Heads - Newscasters, sick of official lies and stonewalling, finally start snarling
BBC NEWS | World | Americas | New Orleans crisis shames Americans
Katrina: Rhetoric Not Matching Reality - Yahoo! News
CNN.com - The big disconnect on New Orleans - Sep 2, 2005
Google Search: "new orleans" "this part of the world" (Weird Bush-speak)
LENIN'S TOMB: The politics of weather 3: the shyness of experts (Republicanists erase tracks)
IEM: Repubs outsource NOLA disaster planning -- leads to disaster -- press release removed from site
Be Prepared For Disaster - IEM to protect rest of America just like the protected NOLA
Winds of change : Nature: Strength of Hurricanes correctlated with warming
Daily Kos: More excellent responses from Bush&Co
CNN.com - Aides: assistant Army secretary forced out - Rumsfeld fired him for protesting Engineer Corps cuts (3/2002)
Army Times - Troops begin combat operations against insurgents in NO (same "insurgents" as Iraq)
After The Storm: "Little Somalia" (insurgents, not victims)
HoustonChronicle: Halliburton hired for storm cleanup (in case you were wondering)
Weather Underground: Wunder Blog Archive
Main Page - KatrinaHelp - Wiki
Independent Weekly: Disaster in the making: FEMA gutted by Bush (9/2004)
Natural Hazards Observer
Daily Kos: FEMA Dir. Mike Brown fired from prior job at Horse Assoc.("An unmitigated, total fucking disaster.")
Boston Globe: Bush gives new reason for Iraq war - Oil
CNN.com - The big disconnect on New Orleans - Sep 2, 2005
Independent: 'Casual to the point of careless' - Bush under fire for slow reaction
Welcome to MichaelMoore.com!
USNews.com: Big blow in the Big Easy (7/18/05)
Was FEMA ready for a disaster like Katrina? - MSNBC.com
Swing State Project: Katrina Proves Bush Failed New Orleans
Did New Orleans Catastrophe Have to Happen? 'Times-Picayune' Had Repeatedly Raised Federal Spending Issues
AMERICAblog: Lead religious right group promotes theory that God wiped out NOLA on purpose (God hates gays)
Eyeballing Katrina Damage 01
Katrina Reignites Global Warming Debate - Yahoo! News
Hurricane Katrina NOAA Images
Hurricanes & Tropical Storms Full Coverage on Yahoo! News
Katrina Packing Wind of Nearly 175 Mph - Yahoo! News
Current Conditions, Forecasts, Watches and Warnings for Lower Plaquemines, LA
National Weather Service Radar Image - Long Range Base Reflectivity - New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA
TAOS Autorun Index of Active Tropical Cyclones (damage calculator)
Hurricane KATRINA Discussion
American RadioWorks : Nature's Revenge: Louisiana's Vanishing Wetlands - Hurricane Risk to New Orleans
SSEC: GOES East Satellite Images
National Hurricane Center / Tropical Prediction Center
The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale
FX Networks: Oil Storm
weather.com - Map Navigator - Katrina: Projected Path
STORMTRACK - Live storm event image: Oil Refineries
Natural Hazards Observer: What if Hurricane Ivan Had Not Missed New Orleans?
Hurricane KATRINA |
NOLA.com: Times-Picayune Breaking News Weblog: Katrina local flooding
Weather Underground: Wunder Blog
Weather Underground: Marine Buoy Forecast
Eye of the Storm: Is Katrina an annular hurricane?
NOVA | scienceNOW | Hurricanes | PBS
The Hurricane Watch Net
Central Florida Hurricane Center 2005
Disaster in the Making: Bush cut FEMA preparedness for LA
Deadliest Hurricanes in U.S. Since 1900 - Yahoo! News
15 Costliest Hurricanes or Tropical Storms - Yahoo! News
USGS Real-Time Water Data for Louisiana
Shekinah | ||||
5 | 50 | 10 | 20 | 300 |
Gematria: 385 |
The Autiot of the Shekinah by Carlo Suares
First published in Tree: 3, ed. David Meltzer, Winter 1972
According to a popular tradition, the Shekinah's first appearance is in Exodus, but that is not true. The better informed know that that schema is only derived from Ex. XXV/8, where Yod-Yod is supposed to have said to Moses: And they shall make for me a sanctuary and I shall dwell in their midst. The schema Shakhanti means nothing more than that, and is not even conditioned by the making of a sanctuary. Another appearance of the verb "to dwell," in Gen. XVI/16 is in reference to the tent of meeting, and has a simple colloquial meaning.
It is not through any excess of argumentation, nor through legal casuistry, nor through dialectical reasoning in the application of hermeneutic rules that the verb "to dwell" came to have such an exalted meaning as the Manifestation of Divine Presence in the life of man, or even the Divine Immanence in Creation. It is due to the fact that the Hebrew way of thinking has always been and still is an all-inclusive, analogical perception of the One in and with all that is. When we are true to that thiking and know its keys, as they are alive on the Autiaut, we are Qabalists, and the roots of the Jewish idiom, when such keys are applied to them, open the whole range of Manifestation to the searching minds. The root of Shaken (dwelling) or Shakan (to abide) is Ken, colloguially "Yes, this is so", with no meaning of its own: who says yes to whom, about what? But, as nearly always happens with ontological roots the idiomatic Ken suggests two opposites: something upright and honest, and something lousy as a worm. The beauty of the sacred language, when understood according to the original code, is that every schema has a full meaning of its own, in different spheres of manifestation. I will not repeat, here, the explanation of the code, that I have given so many times, in the Cipher of Genesis, in Tree II, in the Song of Songs and elsewhere: I will only give a reminder of it, as applied to our present subject. Ken: Kaf-Noun is 20.50 in the sphere of concrete existence, the lowest potential Energy (hence its degraded colloquial meaning) and 20.700 in the Cosmic Power (hence the colloquial uprightness). Kaf, 20, is my -- or anybody's -- bodily action. The assertion Ken links that action, either to the existential life of Noun 50 or to the universal Principle of Indetermination, Noun (final) 700. It is a positive option, a declared state of relationship either with the existential aspect of life or with the unknown Principle at stake in the universe. For the qabalist, it is both , because the qabalist's mind and body assert both spheres. When Sheen comes here as a prefix, there is a permutation of Sheen-Yod-Noun Now we have two meanings for Shaken. Where Kaf resists the One Energy The beauty of this schema is that projection in factual existence of the Cosmic Indetermination, Noun, 700. Thus Shekinah is indeed the dwelling in flesh of Sheen, the cosmic living Breath. But how has it come to be said, by the means of the schemata Ken, Sheken, Shekinah, that the universal organic Life dwells only in Israel? It is asserted by those very same schemata, slightly, altered into Sheen-Kof-Yod-Noun: Sekeen, a word that has come to mean colloquially simply knife. In fact, it is the cutting of flesh for the penetration into it of Sheen: the circumcision according to the Hebrew Covenant. (For the explanation of what circumcision at eight days really is, I must refer my readers, once more, to The Cipher of Genesis -- the chapter on circumcision.). |
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Kavod YHWH, The Glory of the Lord, is an equivalent. Kaf-Vayt-Waw-Dallet (20+2+6+4=32) + Yod-Hay-Waw-Hay (10+5+6+5=26) = 58 = Noun-Gimmel-Hay (50+3+5=58) is a shining light and the root of Nogah, the planet of the 10th Sephirot.
F Miller: Shekinah
Scholem: Shekinah and Shakti
Columbia Enclopedia: Shekinah
Shekinah Glory
Shekinah in Revelations
Roper: Shekinah
Shekinah References in the Bible
Derrida and Circumcision
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