Types of Gematria
From C.M. Harlan

Gematria Types: Name | Function | Example using the word A_Le_F
mispar hechrachi
or mispar ragil
adding the regular numeric values A_Le_F => A_1 + L_30 + F_80 = 111
AT_BaSH: A_400 + L_30 + F_6 = 436
mispar musaphi
also: kolel value
adding the number of letters of the word to its regular gematria value A_Le_F = 111 + 3 letters = 114
or: adding 1 for the entire word
A_Le_F = 111 + 1 = 112
mispar katan using the small value
theosophic reduction
1. using each letter= A_1 + L_3 + F_8 = 12
2. using the digits of the gematria = ALeF=111 1+1+1=3
Version 1. can be further reduced 12 = 1+2=3 resulting in same ultimate mispar katan. (A function of the Rule of Nine)
mispar gadol using the greater number values of the five sofit letters A_Le_F = A_1 + Le_30 + F_800 = 831
mispar shemi
or: mispar miluy
counting each letter/number at the value of the common gematria of its written out name A_Le_F = alef_111 + lamed_74 + fe_81 = 266
Other gematria types include the mispar hakadmi (using triagular values - theosophic addition), mispar kaful (multiplying the ragil letter values) and the mispar hameruba haperati (adding the squared ragil values)
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