Keyword: Undifferentiated Energy |
Formative symbolism: Chariot of consciousness (Merkaba), the contrary qualities of the Moon in Cancer: Freedom/Slavery as the horses/sphinxes. |
The sphere of storage of all undifferentiated energy, or unstructured substance. Hhayt expresses the most un-evolved state of energy, as opposed to its achieved freedom in Zayn. |
He's apparently not the only one. If we forsake confusing speculation and oracular intimations, we are left trying to find a rational structure for this card. We have seen that all the astrological symbolism in the Tarot Trumps is based on the Sepher Yetsira; the symbols chosen to portray the interior energies of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet rely heavily on astrological iconography to build their associative complexes of meaning. The Tarot approach the Autiot through astrology and natural symbolism. We can then read each card through the mirror of the Tarot, backwards through the astrological symbolism to the formative Hebrew letters and their inner, abstract structural-energetic meanings. The Chariot, however, is cleaner of astrological symbolism than most Tarot Trumps, and refers directly to the Merkaba (Mem-Raysh-Kaf-Bayt-Hay or, the chariot (through all the levels of mind: 2-20-200) of unconsiousness/unstructured energy -- Hayt (8). The two horses or sphinxes are the two contrary qualities of the Moon, which in Cancer is both Memshalah and Abadot, Freedom and Slavery. Know the self to be sitting in a Chariot, the body to be the Chariot, the intellect (buddhi) the charioteer, and the mind the reins. --The Upanishads
Merkabah |