The Star is both a symbol of Aquarius and a representation of that sign's developmental challenge
for the next two thousand years of Humanity. The age of Pisces was the age of perfected man
(Qof = 100, the age of perfection in men); we now enter the two millenia of Aquarius, under the
sign of perfected womanhood (Tsadde = 90). See
Abraham and Sarah.
The Star is a symbol of the Aquarian transfiguration of femininity, where womanhood is liberated and perfected.
Suares emphasizes that the key to human evolution is in the development and transformation of the feminine in
the psyches of both sexes. This transformation has an effect on personal, interpersonal and societal relationships
and is based on dissolving the obsolete structures that hinder human equality and development. Saturn (Shabatai)
is dead (Mot) in Aquarius (Deli).
Feminine structualizing energy on every level: archetypal, existential, cosmic.
Note the similarity of Strength and the Star: a bending woman managing the flow
of energy: opening/closing the Lion's (Serpent's) mouth and pouring the cups
between the pool (unstructured energy of Phay/Empress) and the earth (structured
energy of Eretz ).
Only a
fool would move the Star somewhere else.