Astrological Attributions in the Sepher Yetsira / Sefer Yetzira

Astrological Correspondences in the Sepher Yetsira

Hebrew Formative Letter and Astrological Correspondances

Book of Formation : Book of Abraham
Archetypal 1-9
Existential 10-90
Cosmic 100-900
Fire Finals
From the Saadia Version of the Sepher Yetsira

Astrological Attributions in the Sepher Yetsira (all ancient redactions)

Aleph Bayt Ghimmel Dallet Hay Vav Zayn Hayt Tayt
Saturn Jupiter Mars Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo
Shabatai Tsedeq Meadim Toleh Shaur Teomaim Sartan Arieh
Yod Kaf Lammed Mem Noun Sammekh Ayn Pay Tsadde
Virgo Sun Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Venus Aquarius
Betolah Hamah Mozenaim 'Aqarav Qoshet Ghedi Nogah Deli
Qof Raysh Sheen Tav
Pisces Mercury Moon
Daghim Kawkab Lvanah Simple Letter Double Letter Mother Letter