Alphabet of Creation: The Hebrew Alphabet/Alefbet

Hypertext Hebrew Alphabet: The Letter-Numbers

We have repeatedly stated that the letters of the Hebrew alphabet have always been, throughout the centuries, the foundation of the true tradition and the only key to the knowledge of the Hebrew Revelation.           Carlo Suares, Cipher of Genesis, p.32

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Aleph/1 Bayt/2 Ghimmel/Djimmel/3 Dallet/Thallet/4 Hay/5 Waw/Vav/6 Zayn/7 Hhayt/8 Tayt/9
Yod/10 Kaf/Khaf/20 Lammed/30 Mem/40 Noun/50 Sammekh/60 Ayn/70 Pay/Phay/80 Tsadde/90
Qof/100 Raysh/200 Sheen/Seen/300 Tav/Thav/400 Final Kaf/500 Final Mem/600 Final Noun/700 Final Phay/800 Final Tsadde/900

The spellings of the letter-numbers are taken from The Song of Songs, by Carlo Suarès, Shambala, 1992
Text is from Cipher of Genesis Click on the initial letters for larger graphic and recursive expansion

Carlo Suarès pronouncing the 22 Autiot
Suares: The Letter-Numbers
Anatomical Survey of the Autiot
Biological Functions of the Autiot
Formative Meanings of the Autiot: Summary
Internal Structure of the Autiot-Yassod
The Energy Code of the Hebrew Alphabet
Hologram of the Hebrew Alphabet

Jean Houston: The Powers of Genesis

Genesis 1:1-5 Letter by Letter: Yom Echad
Cosmological Models and the Autiot of Descent
Semantic Structure of the Seven Double Letters
Comparative Semantics of the Autiot
Tarot Alphabet/Alphabet Tarot
Decoding Archetypes

What About "Ra?"
Jacob's Ladder: The Two Breaths

Hebrew Numbers
Gematria of the Autiot
Comparative Numerology
Fundamental Powers:
The Numbers of the Sephirot

Hebrew Resources: Aleph-Bayt

80 6 100
300 10 200
50 10 300
   6 400
   800 500
   600 600
700 6 700
   5 800
10 4 900
Letters: 23
4 6 10
   80 20
4 40 30
   40 40
50 6 50
20 40 60
50 10 70
   5 80
10 4 9
Letters: 24
80 30 1
400 10 2
30 40 3
400 30 4
   6 6
50 10 7
400 10 8
400 10 9
Letters: 24

Final Spellings
800 30 1
700 10 7
   800 20
   600 40
700 6 50
500 40 60
700 10 70
800 6 100
700 10 300

22 Autiot Yassod + Finals
Hypertext Hebrew Alphabet Contents