Suares: Tayt-Tsadde-Tsadde in finals (9.90.900): these ideograms express a progression ascending from the simplest
and most primative cell (or female structural energy) up to the transfigured symbols of womanhood, social and mythical.
Tsadde (90) is the symbol for all structures. It is here that we have culmination of Ayn and Phay to the
formation of the stuff of the material world. In space-time Tsadde is the female principle of a cell.
Suares, Spectrograms
Tsadde: Tsadde-Dallet-Yod: 90-4-10: a realized structure (90) based in physical resistance (4) in
existence (10). Tsadde is the projection of Tayt, the archetypal cell or formation, into existence.
Tsadde sums up its level just as Tayt does; this time in a structure for Yod (finite existence)
instead of a structure for Aleph (infinite life). The letters Yod (Yod-Waw-Dallet)
and Tsadde (Tsadde-Dallet-Yod) begin and end in Yod, a complete circuit that perpetuates itself in
Projections in Space-time
Tsadde is the result of a specific probability (Ayn/70) operating on a definite pool of potentials (Phay/80)
to form a structure (Tsadde/90) in physical (Dallet/4) existence (Yod/10). Dallet (archetype of biological resistance)
is found only in Lammed and Tsadde.
Tsadde, as the projection of Tayt, is a female structuralizing energy which replicates specific patterns in
existence. The goal of existence (Yod) is a repetitive structure (90). The transcendence of those
repetitive structures is the goal of feminitity as woman moves from Tayt (always the same cell) to
final Tsadde (a structure for Qof, cosmic consciousness).
The Tarot card for Tsadde is eloquent in showing the feminine structuralizing energy drawing from
the pool of possibilities of Phay under the signs of both seven and eight.
Ezetz |
Tseboat |
Tsedeq |