Cube of Space: From Eternity to Eternity: Endless Arms of the World

Sepher Yetsira Index

5:1   Twelve Simples: Hay-Waw, Zayn-Hhayt, Tayt-Yod, Lammed-Noun, Sammekh-Ayn, Tsadde-Qof establish, Riyah (Sight), Schimya (hearing), Rihha (smell), Shihhah (speech), Leitah (nutrition), Tashmisch (coition), Meassa (doing), Hilokh (walking), Roqhez (anger), Schhoq (laughter), Hirhour (thought), Schinah (sleep), are measuring twelve diagonals (or oblique lines): endless East-North, endless East-South, endless East-High, endless East-Low, endliess North-High, endless North-Low, endless West-South, endless West-North, endless West-Hight, endless West-Low, endless South-High, endless South-Low. Are widening out and leading from eternity to eternity: these are the arms of the world.           Suares, SY, 1976 p.110

Summary: the twelve simple Hebrew letter formatives in the three spheres of Olam, Shinah and Nefesh: space, time and the individual.

12 Simples:    
# L Edge B'Oolam: Universe B'Shinah: Transformation B'Nefesh: Individual
5 EN 44 Toleh 170 Nisan 216 Riyah Sight   124 Yad Yamin R Hand
6 ES 506 Shaur 221 Iyyar 425 Schmiya Hearing   385 Yad Semol L Hand
7 EH 497 Teomaim 126 Sivan 223 Rihha Smell   343 Ragol Yamin R Foot
8 EL 319 Sartan 453 Tamouz 323 Shihah Speech   604 Ragol Semol L Foot
9 NH 216 Arieh 3 Av 124 Leitah Nutrition   257 Qolyi' Yamin R Kidney
10 NL 443 Betolah 67 Eloul 1050 Tashmisch Coition   518 Qolyi' Semol L Kidney
30 WS 148 Mozenaim 910 Tishri 415 Meassa Doing 26 Kabad Liver
50 WN 372 'Aqarav 604 Marhhaschon 61 Hilokh Walking 53 Tahoul Spleen
60 WH 800 Qoshet 116 Kislev 216 Roqhez Anger 245 Marah Bile
70 WL 17 Ghedi 411 Teveth 418 Schhoq Laughter 145 Hamasass Maw
90 SH 44 Deli 311 Schevath 416 Hirhour Thought 117 Kivah Stomach
100 SL 57 Daghim 205 Adar 365 Shinah Sleep 456 Korkeban Intestines

  • 5:1   Twelve Elementals: HV ZCh TY LN SO TzQ. Their foundation is sight, hearing, smell, speech, taste, coition, action, motion, anger, laughter, thought, and sleep. Their measure is the twelve diagonal boundaries: the north-east boundary, the south-east boundary, the upper-east boundary, the lower-east boundary, the upper-north boundary, the lower-north boundary, the south-west boundary, the north-west boundary, the upper-west boundary, the lower-west boundary, the upper-south boundary, the lower-south boundary. They continually spread for ever and ever. They are the Arms of the Universe.

  • 5:2   Twelve Elementals: HV ZCh TY LN SO TzQ. Engrave them, carve them weigh them, permute them, transpose them, and with them depict the twelve constellations in the Universe: Aries, Taurus, Gemini. Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces; the twelve months in the Year: Nissan, Iyar, Sivan, Tamuz, Av, Elul, Tishrei, Mar-cheshvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, Adar; and the twelve directors of the Soul: two hands, two feet, two kidneys, the spleen, the liver, the gall bladder, the hemsess, the kiva, and the korkeban.

    • How does one permute them? Make Heh king, bind a crown in it, and with it depict Aries in the Universe, Nissan in the Year, and the right hand in the Soul.
    • Make Vav king, bind a crown to it, and with it depict Taurus, Iyar in the Year, and the left hand in the Soul.
    • Make Zayin king, bind a crown to it, and with it depict Gemini in the Universe, Sivan in the Year, and the right foot in the Soul.
    • Make Chet king, bind a crown to it, and with it depict Cancer in the Universe, Tamuz in the Year, and the left foot in the Soul.
    • Make Tet king, bind a crown to it, and with it depict Leo in the Universe, Av in the Year, and the right kidney in the Soul.
    • Make Yud king, bind a crown to it, and with it depict Virgo in the Universe, Elul in the Year, and the left kidney in the Soul.
    • Make Lamed king, bind a crown to it, and with it depict Libra in the Unoverse, Tishrei in the Year, and the liver in the Soul.
    • Make Nun king, bind a crown to it, and with it depict Scorpio in the Universe, Mar-cheshvan in the Year, and the spleen in the Soul.
    • Make Samekh king, bind a crown to it, and with it depict Sagittarius in the Universe, Kislev in the Year, and the gall bladder in the Soul.
    • Make Eyin king, bind a crown to it, and with it depict Capricorn in the Universe, Tevet in the Year, and the hemsess in the Soul.
    • Make Tzadi king, bind a crown to it, and with it depict Aquarius in the Universe, Shevat in the Year, and the kivah in the Soul.
    • Make Kuf king, bind a crown to it, and with it depict Pisces in the Universe, Adar in the Year, and the korkeban in the Soul.
Kaplan SY 1991 p.199, 203
