Formative Meaning: Yod/10: Existence
Sephira 10: Yod: Existence Malkut: Kingdom
With Yod/10, Aleph in duration, existence is complete in the 10th sephira. Ten is the projection of One into existence,
timelessness into duration. Malkut: Mem-Lammed-Kaf-Waw-Tav: is another Kaf/container for the
transmuted energy of Kaf-Tav-Raysh, Kether. With Tav, Malkut and Shekinah resist the cosmic energy of Aleph to the point
of being Aleph. In Zoharic sephirot, Malkut is the second Mem since Hhokmah: the biological process of the higher and
lower worlds. The Yetziratic formation of the 9th Sephira is wedded to the biological process of material
reality: sealed by the Waw/Union of the 9th-10th sephirot, Spirit and matter interlock.
This is the Kingdom, the 10th sephira of actual existence, formed by Pay/80 and Venus/Nogah:
(levels of) unconscious, sensuous material reality, completing the circuit of Aleph-Tav and
returning it through Shem-El, the left: a deep secret, apparently.
The exile of Shekinah may be found in contemporary c/k/qabala, where the feet of the six don't reach the
ground, and Malkut has no planet.
One day, the Moon will be higher than the Sun, and Venus will be in her proper place.