Psyche's Links: 2010 : 16,755 Links
Julian Assange in conversation with John Pilger
Bradley Manning Support Network » Archive » Bradley Manning: One Soldier Who Really Did “Defend Our Freedom” (support your troops)
BBC News - Israel ex-President Moshe Katsav found guilty of rape (arrogant motherfucker brought disgrace on failed theocratic state)
Should the plaques come down? (Israel's rapist President)
The War Nerd: Market Lessons from the Pashtun - By Gary Brecher - The eXiled
Winter Storm Causes 100-Car Pileup In North Dakota
Migrant farm workers: Fields of tears | The Economist (turns out Americans don't want those jobs done by "illegals" ... will soon starve)
Client List Puts Lanny Davis on the Defensive - NYTimes.com< (the sleaze king was getting $100/month to support "Ivory Coast strongman whose claims to that country’s presidency have been condemned by the international community and may even set off a civil war."
Sanity, Fear, And Sanchez: The Year's Top Moments In Stewart/Colbert (VIDEOS) | TPM LiveWire
California Asks Obama To Declare Weather 'Disaster,' Cough Up $111.5 Million - Los Angeles News - The Informer
Ground Zero Mosque Opponents Target Justin Bieber, Citing Fake Interview | PopEater.com (stupid (oxmoron) Republicans)
The New Voodoo - NYTimes.com Was it that old voodoo economics — the belief, refuted by study after study, that tax cuts pay for themselves — making a comeback? No, it was something new and worse ... Spending increases will have to be offset, but revenue losses from tax cuts won’t (delusional liars killing your country)
Oil Heads For Highest Annual Close Since 2007 - Bloomberg
Academic Economists To Consider Ethics Code - NYTimes.com (the most unethical profession after doctors)
Calculated Risk: Housing: Hank Paulson takes a loss Paulson bought the home for $4.3 million in August 2006, and sold the home for $3.25 million on Dec 21st this year. A decline of almost 25%. Ouch.
Career Switch by the Jobless Can Lower Living Standards - NYTimes.com
The Poorhouse: Aunt Winnie, Glenn Beck, And The Politics Of The New Deal
The 25-Year 'Foreclosure From Hell' - WSJ.com
The Universe, in High Definition - The New York Times > Science > Slide Show > Slide 1 of 7
Affirmative Inaction: an article by William M. Chace | The American Scholar Opposition to affirmative action has drastically reduced minority enrollment at public universities; private institutions have the power and the responsibility to reverse the trend (racist Republicans at work)
The Self Publishing Revolution: Amazon in the Book Banning Business (and deleted from your Kindles, too)
"Man in a Blizzard," by Jamie Stuart - Roger Ebert's Journal
Red Letter Media (Star Wars III review)
1. "Let Me In" - Best film scenes of 2010 - Salon.com
The Best Internet Memes Of The Decade: Chuck Norris, Rickroll, Lolcats And More From 2001-2010
Only 21 Percent Of U.S. Voters Support Net Neutrality (according to rigged Rasmussen poll: "do you want a Muslim President regulating the Internet?")
Myspace May Soon Lay Off Large Portion of Staff | Liz Gannes | NetworkEffect | AllThingsD (Murdoch failure)
Benchmark Results: Memory Usage And Management : Web Browser Grand Prix 2: The Top 5 Tested And Ranked
2000 Vs. 2010: How the world has changed
cablegate | HiLobrow
Villager’s Suspicious Death Ignites Fury in China - NYTimes.com
Moshe Katsav Rape Charges: Former Israeli President Convicted Of Sexual Assault the most serious criminal charges ever brought against a high-ranking official in Israel and a case that shocked the nation
Slovakia Leaving EU? Newcomer Nation May Be Looking For Exit (not such a great idea after all)
Sarah Palin’s Transparency Problem | Death and Taxes Palin’s team has requested yet another delay, this time until May 30, 2011, which would put the total amount of days passed at 986 days, twenty more than Palin’s total tenure in office, 966.
Police demand new powers to stop and search terror suspects | Law | The Guardian Top officers tell government they want to replace section 44 law that was scrapped by human rights ruling
Benefits Granted for Full-Time Torah Study Are Questioned in Israel - NYTimes.com more than 60 percent of ultra-Orthodox men in Israel do not work, compared with 15 percent in the general population (religious welfare queens financed with US taxpayer dollars)
Can we survive without stimulus funds? | Philadelphia Daily News | 12/30/2010 (no, America's cities have been given death panels by the Republicans)
E.J. Dionne Jr. - Liberals should accept defeat and get back to their goals - If there is one thing the Obama White House most underestimates, it is the dispirited mood of its troops. This is not just about "the left" but, more important, about Obama's broader rank-and-file, who expected that he would usher in more change, enjoy more success in confronting his Republican opponents and prove more skilled in shifting the nation's political dialogue in a progressive direction (from a profoundly conservative corporate Pres)
President Obama -- enough agonizing over gay marriage - latimes.com Obama says he is struggling with whether to endorse same-sex marriage. We say, support marriage equality (Obama has always been against gay marriage)
Veterans of recent wars confront grim employment landscape (Republicans: "not our troops")
Judith Miller Lands At Newsmax Judith Miller, the now infamous former New York Times reporter whose hilariously wrong pieces on Iraq's WMD program were cited by Bush administration officials as a factor in their decision to invade Iraq (lands at rightwing "publication")
Alter's 'The Promise' Epilogue: Obama Team's Dysfunction Prompted Lack Of Focus On Jobs; Bill Clinton Annoyed At White House Alter writes that the CFPB survived certain death only because of Warren's commitment + Larry "The Failure" Summers: 'He basically doesn't believe in the government helping small business'."
Calitics:: Worst Governor Ever Arnold Schwarzenegger is packing up his office in the Capitol and finally, after 7 long years, leaving his post as governor of California (complete failure, what did you expect? he thought it was a movie role)
Jobless Claims: Weekly Claims Slip Below 400,000, at 29-Month Low - CNBC
SUVs lead U.S. auto sales growth despite efforts to improve fuel efficiency (everyone wants a truck)
Gale - Free Resources - Zoom Gulf Oil Crisis - Home
YouTube - World Airline Traffic (24-Hour Time Lapse)
Survey: Women Think About Food More Than Sex - TIME NewsFeed 25% of women think about food every half an hour, compared to the 10% of women who think about sex over the same time span.
The TSA's state-mandated molestation | Jennifer Abel | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk The humiliations of the patdown policy, which Janet Napolitano wants to expand, are an Orwellian assault on American freedom ... Last month, Janet Napolitano floated the idea of TSA searches for bus, ship and train passengers (oh, subways and cab rides, too)
Larry Kramer: This Is Why Fox News Continues To Roll For the ninth straight year Fox News is cable television’s top News Network. This year, it beat CNN and MSNBC combined.
Book Review - Decision Points - By George W. Bush - NYTimes.com (The Decisionator: robot on crack)
Historians Find Myriad Errors In VA History Textbooks | TPMMuckraker (filled with lies and propaganda)
YouTube - "Shine On Me" Music Video by Chris Dane Owens
Cerebral Boinkfest: Sluts and Lesbians - Images of Ancient Women (for adults only)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The Internet is not SkyMall (iPad=Skymall - emags like VF, Wired, New Yorker wanted to charge prints subscriptions rates, it flopped, again)
Goodbye Internet, We Hardly Knew Ye? - PCWorld Restructuring the Internet so that each country has a control point could easily wipe out the ability of Internet users to find out what is going on in the world (and Obama hates net neutrality)
Kindergartens told to pay up before singing - The Local A group representing German musicians found itself accused of Scrooge-like meanness on Tuesday after pressing kindergartens to pay up for singing songs that are protected by copyright (no singing for you, little children, 46 Euros per song)
2010 in photos (part 1 of 3) - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Response to Wired's accusations - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Wired.com Editor-in-Chief Evan Hansen and Senior Editor Kevin Poulsen (are hacks and liars - Wired's role in surpressing the Lamo-Manning chat logs - destroyed by Greenwald)
The Epic Fight Between Wired and Glenn Greenwald | The Atlantic Wire
Glenn Greenwald and Wired Magazine: “I see no reason to doubt Poulsen’s integrity or good faith” « zunguzungu
Wikileaks: a somewhat less redacted version of the Lamo/Manning logs - Boing Boing
Hey, Kevin Poulsen! The central issue is simply Wired refusing to confirm or deny what Adrian Lamo claims is in the unreleased chat logs.
My Parents Were Executed Under the Unconstitutional Espionage Act -- Here's Why We Must Fight to Protect Julian Assange | Civil Liberties | AlterNet - By Robert Meeropol
HaïkuLeaks / Cable is poetry
USA forced Sweden's hand on piracy and Pirate Bay crackdown - Vilken överraskning! | TechEye The US has clicked its all powerful fingers at Sweden, having demanded that it close down the Pirate Bay and other similar sites in Wikileak diplomatic cables, or suffer the consequences
China preparing for armed conflict 'in every direction' - Telegraph
Iraq Police Headquarters Hit By Suicide Bombers, Killing Chief Shamil Okla Ahmed al-Jabouri
Army edits its history of the deadly battle of Wanat (top commanders absolved; lying liars and their 27,000 man PR dept)
APer blasts ‘patently false’ scoop claims in NYT oil spill story | Poynter.
The Sun admits publishing false story | Media | guardian.co.uk he pre-Christmas live episode Coronation Street being targeted by al-Qaeda was false.
BSkyB: only 1 in 20 back Murdoch takeover, poll reveals | Media | The Guardian
Palestinians' UN Settlement Battle To Begin
Francois Houtart, Belgian Activist Priest, Admits Sexual Abuse (Vatican wanted to give him the Nobel Peace Prize)
The Green Lantern Theory of Geopolitics | TPMCafe Like a lot of conservative writing on foreign affairs it puts a huge amount of weight on things like will, resolve, and perceptions of strength and weakness.
David Ignatius - Honing our plan for Afghanistan Like any war, this one is ultimately about willpower, and America has an advantage in Petraeus, one of the strongest-willed people you could hope to meet (WaPo's profoundly conservative, "strong man" theory of geopolitics)
14th official state delay keeps Palin e-mail requests in limbo: Former Gov. Sarah Palin | adn.com
Sarah Palin Dubbed Misinformer of the Year By Media Matters • Progressive Nation (check out the sketch)
Christine O'Donnell Investigation: Criminal Probe Into Campaign Finances Reportedly Underway
Pork Bellies are Bacon Points and Figures
Impossible Foreclosure: Never Late on a Payment | The Big Picture Bank of America is threatening to throw a West Hartford family out of their home even though the couple never missed a mortgage payment (no, you don't own your home at all)
US Foreclosures Jump in Third Quarter: Regulators - CNBC (Obama never really gave shit about people losing their homes ... banks, another story)
What, Me Care?: Scientific American A recent study finds a decline in empathy among young people in the U.S.
Changes in Dispositional Empathy in American College Students Over Time: A Meta-Analysis — Pers Soc Psychol Rev
Meet the woman without fear | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine
Debating a Christian flowchart
Terry Duncan fined $500 for cussing aboard Wisconsin bus, dammit - Minneapolis / St. Paul News - The Blotter (no speech for you, buddy)
J-School Confidential | The New Republic (1993 Michael Lewis)
4th amendment underwear : for when unwarrented searches go too far
News flash: Deadly terrorism existed before 9/11 - Ask the Pilot - Salon.com We've been dealing with the same threats for decades. But we used to be a lot calmer about it, less self-defeating
Escort probe skips 248 area code | detnews.com | The Detroit News Feds will only reveal customers with 313, 734 phone numbers ("influential people live there" - justice by area code)
Capital punishment: California sentences more prisoners to die while executing none - latimes.com With its death chamber idled by legal challenges, California sends 28 prisoners to death row in 2010.
Offbeat Mama | Parenting tips from a teen who grew up going to festivals with her offbeat mama
The Economist: ‘Lights, camera, Africa’ « Finding Nollywood (50 movies a week made in Nigeria)
Apple V Google | More Intelligent Life (open vs closed)
Mozilla Mistakenly Posts File Containing Registered User Data : SecurityWeek.Com
The merger of journalists and government officials - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - There's just no difference in how they think, what their values and priorities are, how completely they've ingested and how eagerly they recite the same anti-WikiLeaks, "Assange = Saddam" script ... leading the crusade against the transparency brought about by WikiLeaks -- the ones most enraged about the leaks and the subversion of government secrecy -- have been . . . America's intrepid Watchdog journalists.
YouTube - Glenn Greenwald vs Fran Townsend Wikileaks Debate
Top 25 Of 2011 | Project Censored (#25: Obama still torturing)
Iraqi Prime Minister Says U.S. Forces Must Leave On Time - WSJ.com Prime Minister, in Interview, Says Troops Must Leave Next Year as Planned
The Paper That Finally Changed The Law on Drugs | Neurobonkers.com (science showed UK drug policy is insane; so they fired science)
2010 moments of pure crazy (Part 2!) - This Modern World - Salon.com
Secession! What Would It Look Like If Red States Formed Their Own Country? | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet What if all the conservatives broke away from the United States and formed their perfect society? (then we could but off their foreign aid)
DownWithTyranny!: Republicans in Their Own Words -- Quotations of a Party on Crack, 2010 Version: Part 1, The Unemployed
Top Ten Ways the Right Will Wreck the Recovery
Media Pay Insufficient Attention To Unemployment While Obsessing Over Deficits, Taxes | Media Matters for America (they love their rightwing tropes)
Tea Party Organizer Jumps Into Va. Senate Race - Washington Wire - WSJ
Number Of Uninsured Americans Soars To Over 50 Million The number of Americans without any health care coverage grew by more than four million in 2009. That left almost one-fifth of non-elderly people uninsured. Among those between 19 and 29 years old, nearly one-third lacked coverage (more than the pop. of Spain, all of whom have health insurance)
Tests of 'Roe' more frequent since justices upheld late-term abortion ban in '07 ("fetal pain")
Birther Battle Heats Up In Hawaii
Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Demand A Copy Of His Birth Certificate? (there must be a reason)
Many U.S. companies are hiring ... msnbc.com - One reason why U.S. unemployment remains as high as it is
TPM: The Philosophers’ Magazine | Hacker’s challenge Peter Hacker tells James Garvey that neuroscientists are talking nonsense
A philosopher in the NY Times, again! « Feminist Philosophers
Your Mother, Your Self? « Feminist Philosophers the Chinese idea of self includes mother.
Update: Farm Animals Get 80 Percent of Antibiotics Sold in U.S. | Wired Science | Wired.com
YouTube - Loma Prieta Earthquake, ca. 1989
Special Offroad Vehicles
Chris Liu: I am the YouTube airline pilot | News10.net | Sacramento, California | News
20 psychedelic strains of Star Wars-themed marijuana | Blastr
Public Transportation Shuts Down: 400 Spend The Night On A Train Twice, passengers called 911 and the Fire Department of New York responded. Passengers begged the emergency responders to take them away, but they were told they had to stay put, Mullen said.
Want a safe place to raise kids? Look to the cities | Grist Even though the risk of homicide by a stranger (incidentally, a small percentage of all homicides) is slightly higher in central cities, the difference is not enough to overcome the significantly elevated risk in outer suburbs of a fatal car crash (in order to prevent their kids from getting kidnapped, parents kill them with cars)
Divorce Research: Top Findings of 2010
Is Email Snooping a Crime? - Law Blog - WSJ Michigan resident Leon Walker faces a peculiar predicament: he’s been charged with a felony for secretly checking out his wife’s email account (affairs are now "trade secrets")
Is reading wife's e-mail a crime? Rochester Hills man faces trial | freep.com | Detroit Free Press
Banks and WikiLeaks - NYTimes.com The whistle-blowing Web site WikiLeaks has not been convicted of a crime. The Justice Department has not even pressed charges over its disclosure of confidential State Department communications. Nonetheless, the financial industry is trying to shut it down (they are their own law, as we've seen)
Why Wikileaks Will Kill Big Business And Big Government | The New Republic Why Wikileaks will be the death of big business and big government.
The worsening journalistic disgrace at Wired - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com For more than six months, Wired's Senior Editor Kevin Poulsen has possessed -- but refuses to publish -- the key evidence in one of the year's most significant political stories: the arrest of U.S. Army PFC Bradley Manning for allegedly acting as WikiLeaks' source.
Deus Assange: Digital Revolution
Karzai Releasing Scores Of Drug Traffickers In Afghanistan, WikiLeaks Cables Show (all in the family)
FDL’s Merged Version of Manning-Lamo Chat Logs Now Available | FDL Action
US missiles hit Pakistan borderlands, killing 18 - Yahoo! News - alleged militants, Pakistani intelligence officials said.
U.N. Maps Rate Afghanistan Less Secure - WSJ.com U.N. Maps Show Risks in Many Districts Have Increased Despite Troop Surge (who you gonna believe, your eyes or the lyin' military?)
AlterNet: America in Decline: Why Germans Think We're Insane (because America is insane?)
Al Jazeera Top 10 Of The Year - Al Jazeera English (fuck Time magazine)
Pope Benedict Blames Society Not The Church For Child Sex Scandal
Johann Hari: David Cameron's Anti-Government, Tea Party Agenda Is Built on Lies
Flotilla Protest Ship Greeted By Thousands In Turkey
The German Model Works For Every German | Firedoglake
Special Report: Is America the sick man of the globe? | Reuters
Portugal's drug policy pays off; US eyes lessons (the main lesson: America is stupid and owned by the DA/cop/prison/DEA industry)
Deepwater Horizon’s Final Hours - NYTimes.com
NASA: NASA must spend $500 million on canceled rocket program - OrlandoSentinel.com
The 111th Congress - Swampland - TIME.com despite record unpopularity and minority obstinacy, the 111th Congress has been almost unprecedentedly prolific.
Jon Stewart’s Advocacy Role in 9/11 Bill Passage - NYTimes.com (while the village media sat on their asses)
Vermont bucked tea party tide in 2010 elections | The Burlington Free Press | Burlington, Vermont (thile the New Hampshire hill-billies went all teatard)
CNN Poll: Independents Still Hate the Mandate | Firedoglake President Obama likes to blame liberals for the discontent over this “historic” legislation — but it’s really those independents he’s so eager to please that are pissed off.
In Michigan, a City Pleads for a Bankruptcy Option - NYTimes.com Rick Snyder, a Republican who is to be sworn in as governor of Michigan on Saturday (sorry, have to cut pensions)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Don’t you know the crime rate’s going up up up up up the majority (and usually the overwhelming majority) of Americans believed the crime rate had gone up over the last year (even though it hasn't; what TV network are they watching?)
Hullabaloo: Capra Was A Commie Simp (FBI: "It's A Wonderful Life" is commie infiltration of the movie industry; they never change)
Persistent unemployment and the jobless recovery : The New Yorker (unemployment cyclical not structural - so Republicans want to kill us all)
Beltway Media: It's Okay to Steal from Retirees | MyFDL conventional wisdom now solidifying among the D.C. Beltway elite is that old people are a huge problem America just can’t afford, and the only solution is to take benefits and money from them, even if it’s their money they’ve been saving for decades (they always use their fuckups to fuck you over even more)
Robert Samuelson's Social Security Demagoguery at the Washington Post | Beat the Press
Yglesias » Fed Tilting Stronger Toward Disinflation Failure to appreciate the importance of the Federal Reserve and the need to get good people confirmed in a reliable manner is very high on the list of errors.
Bailed Out Banks Teeter Towards Collapse Nearly 100 banks previously rescued by the federal government are again poised to fail, despite billions of dollars of support from the American Treasury.
The Economy in 2011 | FDL News Desk (media cheerleaders on board, don't give a shit about jobs)
Yglesias » Subnational Government Debt Loans in China As of the end of June this year, there are 8,221 platforms and their outstanding loan balance is ¥7.7 trillion, of which 20 percent to 25 percent are deemed “problematic” by the China Banking Regulatory Commission.
What happens when two black holes are smashed together?
Unreported Heritage News: Did the Scots visit Iceland? New research reveals island inhabited 70 years before Vikings thought to have arrived
Family of suicide victim says Notre Dame betrayed them The parents of a Northbrook teenager who killed herself a week after accusing a University of Notre Dame football player of sexually attacking her say they feel betrayed by the school they love and that several generations of their family have attended (the sexual abuse coverup culture)
Useful Notes - Television Tropes & Idioms
YouTube - Haikus of The Heart
Grantbridge Street & other misadventures: Dune.
YouTube - DEFCON 18: How I Met Your Girlfriend 1/3
Blizzard Warning for New York as Storm Heads Up East Coast - NYTimes.com
Assange Book Deal: WikiLeaks Founder Lands $1.5 Million Autobiography Deal (Obama will bomb Alfred A. Knopf for providing "material support" for terrorists, Visa/MC to cancel their credit cards)
WikiLeaks given $1.3m in 2010, and Julian Assange pays himself two thirds of the salary budget | Mail Online
WikiLeaks founder baffled by sex assault claims | The Australian ONE of the women claiming she was sexually assaulted by Julian Assange took a "trophy photo" of him lying naked in her bed, he says.
WikiLeaks Archive - Cables Show D.E.A.’s Global Reach - NYTimes.com The Drug Enforcement Administration has been transformed into a global intelligence organization with a reach that extends far beyond narcotics, and an eavesdropping operation so expansive it has to fend off foreign politicians who want to use it against their political enemies, according to secret diplomatic cables (your war on drugz at work destroying democracy everywhere)
Cuban medics in Haiti put the world to shame - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent Castro's doctors and nurses are the backbone of the fight against cholera (Cuba's 1200 doctors putting Obama's relief efforts to shame)
The Big (Military) Taboo - NYTimes.com It’s the military/security world, and it’s time to bust that taboo ... President Obama, a Democrat who symbolized new directions, requested about 6 percent more for the military this year than at the peak of the Bush administration. (+they're corrupt)
Defense firms lure retired generals - The Boston Globe In large numbers, and with few rules, retiring generals are taking lucrative defense-firm jobs (more wars! more jobs for generals!)
Robert Gibbs: 'It's Going To Be A While Before' Guantanamo Closes (campaign promise broken; Obama leaving the job to Sarah Palin)
Congress To Take Harder Line On Illegal Immigration (and Obama hates immigrants to start with)
The Washington Monthly - It Depends On The Meaning Of 'Extraordinary'. (Rick Scott will extraordinarily destroy Florida, eat it up, suckers)
Coburn predicts 'apocalyptic pain' if spending isn't reined in now - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room (big spenders suddenly concerned about getting their money)
Cantor Fitzgerald Expands in Las Vegas Sports Book - NYTimes.com Cantor Fitzgerald is one of the biggest brokers of United States government securities, considered among the safest places to put one’s money. Cantor Gaming handles some of the riskiest (Wall Street just like a casino)
NASA discovers amino acids on an ‘impossible’ meteorite (Wired UK)
YouTube - CNN: Dolphins see themselves in mirror
The Gift of Endless Memory - 60 Minutes - CBS News Lesley Stahl Reports on Superior Autobiographical Memory
Doctoral degrees: The disposable academic | The Economist Why doing a PhD is often a waste of time - America produced more than 100,000 doctoral degrees between 2005 and 2009. In the same period there were just 16,000 new professorships.
New Scientist TV: Best videos of 2010: The progress bar illusion
Mark of the Ancients, Part 2: Taos Pueblo | Death of the Old
Vaginal steam bath finds a place among Southern California spa options - Los Angeles Times
BBC News - Coded American Civil War message in bottle deciphered (hope is not on the way)
Great Rock and Roll Pauses
YouTube - Santa Claus is a Republican
Cambridge university refuses to censor student's thesis on chip-and-PIN vulnerabilities - Boing Boing - Your letter shows that, instead, your member banks do their lamentable best to deprecate the work of those outside their cosy club, and indeed to censor it.
Responsible disclosure and academic freedom (Melanie Johnson, UK Cards Assoc. just made herself famous for bankitude)
Response summary - [ 4chan Users' Survey ] - Google Docs (6.5% transexual)
HTML5 differences from HTML4
Frost/Assange: An Exchange on Anarchy | MyFDL< (Obama is thre real anarchist)/a>
What WikiLeaks revealed to the world in 2010 - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (alot of shit Obama doesn't want you to know)
The day that Barack Obama lied to me | Philly | 12/01/2010 (he's good at that)
WikiLeaks: Yadlin wanted Hamas takeover - Israel News, Ynetnews Diplomatic cable reveals former military intelligence chief regarded 2007 Islamic takeover of Gaza as positive step; said it will allow Israel to declare Strip as hostile entity (and turn it into a huge prison camp like Dachau)
'WikiLeaks to publish Israel cables on Second Lebanon War, Dubai assassination' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Julian Assange, founder of whistle-blowing website, says thousands of documents related to Israel are due to be released over next six months (Obama will give them tons of free money anyway while Americans have no jobs)
Swiss Judge Seeks Atomic Secrets Trial for C.I.A. Moles - NYTimes.com (Obama order Switzerland to destroy evidence, will arrest country for treason)
Haiti Voodoo Killings Rise As Cholera Epidemic Rages: Report
'Jihadist' issues Christmas bombing threat - Yahoo! News The recording, titled "The Zero Hour has arrived" and directed to "the unbeliever and Christian countries celebrating Christmas" (and they will stone Santa)
Quake causes small tsunami in south Pacific | Reuters Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Fiji after the 7.6 magnitude quake.
BBC News - India satellite rocket explodes after take-off
AP IMPACT: Mexico says its troops killed US man - Yahoo! News (your American drug war at work)
Late Night: Triangulation by Any Other Name | Firedoglake the word “triangulation” has been banned by Mr. Obama because he does not believe it accurately describes his approach (after all, he's only triangulating with himself)
Democrats Seek Changes to Senate Procedures - NYTimes.com
Raising the debt ceiling will be one of many battles facing President Obama in 2011 | Crooks and Liars Will the Obama administration finally call their bluff? (not a chance)
LRB · Eliot Weinberger · ‘Damn right,’ I said Decision Points by George W. Bush ... ‘The mark of the writer is … nothing more than the singularity of his absence.’ (Foucauldian analysis of the idiot son of an asshole's book)
Booktryst: It's Official: Decision Points "Limited" Edition a Bad Joke
The Presidential memoirs of George W. Bush, review : The New Yorker Dead Certain - George Packer
Hawaii’s Governor Seeks to Silence ‘Birthers’ - NYTimes.com critics who suggest that Mr. Obama’s mother slipped off to Kenya to give birth are engaging in a “demonological fantasy.”
Light Blue Touchpaper » Blog Archive » A Merry Christmas to all Bankers (UK banks try to censor academic paper on their vulnerable bank cards, Cambridge U says fuck you)
Why Economists Hate Presents, And How Seventh Graders Solved The Problem : Planet Money : NPR (Greenspan issues statement: "humbug" - solution: trade)
Progress in Algorithms Beats Moore’s Law « Algorithmic Game-Theory/Economics Grötschel also cites an algorithmic improvement of roughly 30,000 for mixed integer programming between 1991 and 2008.
Sculptor Wall of Galaxies-The Clue to the Missing Matter of the Nearby Universe
A Real Science of Mind - NYTimes.com As if it is news that the brain is not dormant during psychological activity! (neurobabble) (replace it with perceptual psychology!)
YouTube - The Brain as explained by John Cleese
YouTube - John Cleese - The Scientists - 2008
Firms' lobbying push comes amid rancor on TSA use of airport full-body scanners About eight of every 10 registered lobbyists who work for scanner-technology companies previously held positions in the government or Congress, most commonly in the homeland security, aviation or intelligence fields (of course)
Camera Works: Photo Essay (washingtonpost.com) (Joe NcNally)
On Sugar Plums | Joe McNally's Blog
Streetcar photo raises questions about inspiration - thestar.com
How original was the Toronto Star Emerging Artists Winner? | Flickr (nailed)
YouTube - A Very Zombie Holiday (Instructional video)
YouTube - Rare Exports: The Official Safety Instructions
Luisa Tetrazzini's gift ends S.F. era on high note
YouTube - Luisa Tetrazzini - 1911 - The Last Rose Of Summer
YouTube - The Manganiyar Seduction
YouTube - Jingle Bell [Gujarati & Tamil] - MTV India
David Ehi Reverse Scam (how to deal with the Nigerians)
HTTP Post Denial Of Service: more dangerous than initially thought | Acunetix Web Application Security Blog
Exclusive: MegaUpload Issues Response to RIAA Over Mastercard Cutoff ... “Are payment processors trying to become the legislature of the new decade?”
The 50 Best Registry Hacks that Make Windows Better - How-To Geek
Julian Assange, homme de l'année pour "Le Monde" - LeMonde.fr (that's "man of the year" to you freedom-fry Americans)
Julian Assange: FOX News Is Closer to Terrorism Than WikiLeaks
WikiLeaks Has Sharply Raised Spending - WSJ.com
Daphne Eviatar: Bradley Manning's Confinement Conditions Are 'Not Customary' (Obama's torture regime)
YouTube - Psywar (2010): full length - The real battlefield is your mind
OSCE Press release - Hungarian media law further endangers media freedom, says OSCE media freedom representative
The Associated Press: Germany welcomes EU probe on Hungarian media law
BBC News - How Russian airports stay open in winter (suck it up, Heathrow)
What victims hear in pope's talk on sex abuse | National Catholic Reporter Every time Pope Benedict XVI says something about the never-ending sex abuse nightmare, he inches closer and closer to the dark reality that has been like a black cloud over the church for more than two decades (Popester: child porn and sexual abuse "normal")
Pope’s child porn 'normal' claim sparks outrage among victims - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk (WLPR)
Iraqi kills daughter recruited as Al-Qaida bomber
Israeli, Palestinian ads won't run on buses, Metro says | KING5.com (Israeli lobby killed free speech in Seattle)
Chemical Safety Board: Keep Companies Away From BP Oil Spill Evidence (too late)
Biden: Same Sex Marriage Is 'An Inevitability' | TPMDC (Obama: not while I'm Pres)
Why do Americans claim to be more religious than they are? - By Shankar Vedantam - Slate Magazine Why do Americans claim to be more religious than they are? - Religion in America seems tied up with questions of identity in ways that are not the case in other industrialized countries (otherwise they're a bunch a draft-card burning free-love atheist hippies but they don't mind lying to God)
The Humbug Express - NYTimes.com Hey, has anyone noticed that “A Christmas Carol” is a dangerous leftist tract? (Scrooge=Gingrich + Republicans)
Housing—For Housing to Recover, It Comes Down to Confidence - CNBC (jobs and money have nothing to do with it, so there)
Virginia puts homeowners on fast track to foreclosure (State owned by bankers, so fuck you, Virginians, you voted for these assholes)
PLoS ONE: Placebos without Deception: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Meet the Ethical Placebo: A Story that Heals | NeuroTribes
Pictures: Giant Mars Pits Revealed in Sharp Detail
Chinese Fossil Find: Discovery Of 20,000 Fossils Sheds Light On Life After Mass Extinction (Livescience is a malware vendor)
A Physicist Turns the City Into an Equation - NYTimes.com
YouTube - drelbcom's Channel
YouTube - crazeclassics's Channel
YouTube - Endless jumping into the pool
YouTube - Woman Arrested for Refusing To Be Groped By TSA at Austin Airport (rape victim raped again by TSA)
Pilot in Hot Water for Exposing Security Flaws - AOL Travel News the TSA was sending a message that "you've angered us by telling the truth and by showing America that there are major security problems despite the fact that we've spent billions of dollars allegedly to improve airline safety." (TSA thugs at work)
Wendy Dennis: Carol Anne Riddell, John Partilla And The Myth of the Sophisticated Divorce
Ultimate payback after a breakup? Plastic surgery Forget "Bridalplasty." The real money is in "surgical vengeance."
106th King William's College quiz | Life and style | The Guardian
The Guardian Review literary quiz | Books | The Guardian
The philosophical underpinnings of David Foster Wallace's fiction. - By James Ryerson - Slate Magazine To understand the fiction of David Foster Wallace, it helps to have a little Wittgenstein.
Restaurant critic S. Irene Virbila photographed and kicked out of Red Medicine | Daily Dish | Los Angeles Times
Red Medicine Boots S. Irene Virbila Out of Restaurant - To Catch A Critic - Eater LA
Free online Dictionary of English Pronunciation - How to Pronounce English words
YouTube - Silent Monks Singing Halleluia
YouTube - Part 2 John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together
YouTube - Willie Nelson : Pretty Paper | YouTube - Roy Orbison - Pretty Paper
The Open Internet: A Case for Net Neutrality
How the FCC Is Flushing Your Open Internet | Motherboard
We're back. FileVo was taken offline by SoftLayer due to a DMCA notice against us (Softlayer, the TSA of hosting companies, avoid if you don't want your data raped)
YouTube - Defcon 18 Pwned By the owner What happens when you steal a hackers computer zoz part
YouTube - ISS Crew Sends Holiday Greetings to All
U.N. to investigate treatment of Bradley Manning - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
UN to investigate treatment of jailed leaks suspect Bradley Manning | World news | The Guardian Office of rapporteur on torture confirms it is looking into complaint made by Manning supporter
The NYT spills key military secrets on its front page - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (didn't even need Wikileaks to commit treason)
How Wikileaks killed Spain's anti-P2P law (Obama bullying Spain on behalf of big media)
The Blast Shack We asked Bruce Sterling (who spoke at Webstock ’09) for his take on Wikileaks.
Phil Trupp: Regulators Scramble Ahead of WikiLeaks Financial Disclosures The last minute push by regulators comes ahead of a threatened WikiLeaks data dump.
Apple Explains Why It Deleted The WikiLeaks App would Apple pull an issue of The New York Times or Rupert Murdoch's iPad-only Daily if it published WikiLeaks documents that Apple think endanger people's lives? (Steve Jobs controls what you can think)
North Korea War Threats Resume North Korea threatened Thursday it would launch a "sacred" nuclear war if Seoul hit it and warned that even the smallest intrusion on its territory would bring a devastating response.
Israel Settlement Building Booms After Freeze (and they keep their $3Bn bribe)
Ivory Coast violence may have claimed almost 200 lives, says US envoy | World news | guardian.co.uk UN human rights council in Geneva told of credible reports of killings and torture in violence sparked by disputed election
Conservative links to Murdoch under scrutiny as private meeting revealed | Politics | The Guardian Culture secretary Jeremy Hunt held private talks with James Murdoch shortly after News Corp announced BSkyB offer (King of England)
Argentina's former dictator Jorge Videla given life sentence | World news | guardian.co.uk Head of military junta that took power in 1976 convicted for deaths of 31 prisoners, in trial of several officials from regime (Bush/Cheney)
NationalJournal.com - Senate's Returning Democrats Unanimously Favor Filibuster Reform - Thursday, December 23, 2010 All except Dodd sign a letter urging Majority Leader Harry Reid to change the rules (good old Dodd, Senator, Bankers)
Lisa Murkowski: Joe Miller Continuing Legal Fight Would Smack Of 'Desperation'
Rachel Maddow: Obama Has Accomplished 85% of First Term Agenda in 2 Years
The Anti-Gay Donations That Target Apologized For? They Never Stopped | The Awl (Target's Pres still hates gays)
Gillibrand Emerges as Senate Force With 9/11 Aid Victory - NYTimes.com (but the Times was just telling us that Harold Ford, Harld Ford)
Ireland Puts Another $4.8 Billion in Allied Irish Banks - NYTimes.com (more gifts to rich bankers, because they just couldn't give it to their people, could they now?)
A new working paper entitled "The Effects of Same-Sex Marriage Laws on Public Health and Welfare" - same-sex marriage bans reduced tolerance for gays and increased the MSM syphilis rate, perhaps by making monogamy less common (+intolerance)
E15 and Engines - Can Ethanol Damage my Engine - Popular Mechanics
'Mayday. Mayday. . . We've got guys trapped' - Chicago Breaking News
VIDEO: Chicago Firefighters Search For Trapped Comrades : The Two-Way : NPR
New Type of Ancient Human Found—Descendants Live Today? Evolution's "new twist": Neanderthal-like "sister group" bred with humans like us.
BBC News - Ancient humans, dubbed 'Denisovans', interbred with us Scientists say an entirely separate type of human identified from bones in Siberia co-existed and interbred with our own species.
YouTube - HD: Wild Polar Bears Playing Football! - Polar Bear: Spy On The Ice, Preview - BBC One
Schneier on Security: Recording the Police
Homeland Security Trolling We Won’t Fly Blog
Abusive Homeland Security ‘troll’ attacks anti-TSA website: report | Raw Story "F**k you, f**k all you c**ksuckers, you wont change anything,"
Missoula District Court: Jury pool in marijuana case stages ‘mutiny’ No, they said, one after the other. No way would they convict somebody for having a 16th of an ounce.
Bugarach: the mystery surrounding the village - Telegraph The village of Bugarach, population 189, is situated 24 miles southwest of Carcassonne in the Aude department, southwestern France.
Phantoms and Monsters: Paranormal, UFOs, Cryptids and Unexplained Phenomena
YouTube - The hideous financial monster - Haka by Te Waka Huia
Gurafiku: Archive
Never-Seen: Hells Angels, 1965 - Photo Gallery - LIFE
30 Years of BAD Pictures on Vimeo highlights of Bruce Dale's 30 year career at National Geographic
Timothy McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Bianca, the Covert Toronto Escort with a Day Job.
The Simple Software That Could -- but Probably Won't -- Change the Face of Writing - James Somers - Technology - The Atlantic
EtherPad: Realtime Collaborative Text Editing
Fortifying Phones From Attackers - WSJ.com AT&T Hires Ph.Ds for Security Lab; Verizon Wireless Teams With Start-Up on Data-Security App
And the Smartest Site on the Internet Is... - Technology Review
Julian Assange Lashes Out In New Interview
South Korea Drills: North Korea Attack Prompts More Exercises South Korea vowed Wednesday to "completely punish" North Korea if it attacks again (raising the rhetoric)
The Obama Indefinite Detention Regime | FDL News Desk
Proposal to Review Guantánamo Detainees Is Prepared - NYTimes.com
New START Victory Clear; Broader Nuclear Disarmament Vision Looks Unlikely | FDL News Desk
Americans See U.S. as Exceptional; 37% Doubt Obama Does Americans widely agree that the United States has a unique character because of its history and Constitution that sets it apart from other nations as the greatest in the world. This view, commonly referred to as "U.S. exceptionalism," is shared by at least 73% of Americans in all party groups, including 91% of Republicans (The America (actually "Republican") Team)
9/11 First Responders Health Care Bill Passed By Senate (Republicans hate "heros")
Rep. Holt: Sen. McCain Objected To My Military Suicide Prevention Bill ("maverick" = "cranky old fuck")
The Washington Monthly - White House Extends Well-Deserved Praise To Jon Stewart (and where was the other tall skinny guy?)
Fed Action Has Aided Stocks, Not Rates or Jobs: CNBC Survey - CNBC (keeping their priorities straight)
Banks Accused of Illegally Breaking Into Homes - NYTimes.com “This is in essence a burglary,” said Ms. Ash, walking through the vacant home, with its four levels and commanding mountain views. “But when a burglar goes in, they don’t take your photos and your husband’s ashes.” (Bank of America at work)
House Democrats Push For New Foreclosure Regulations
The vindictive grand jury investigation of pain-relief advocate Siobhan Reynolds. - By Radley Balko - Slate Magazine The vindictive grand jury investigation of pain-relief advocate Siobhan Reynolds.
At Kaplan University, 'Guerilla Registration' Leaves Students Deep In Debt (while making "billions" for WaPo, which will never print this story)
Prominent Web 2.0 Companies Do Not Have Any Women on Their Board of Directors | Kara Swisher | BoomTown | AllThingsD
Craigslist Adult Services Section Yanked From International Sites four months after it did the same for its U.S. sites. (another sign free speech is over)
When Did Assange Know Pvt. Manning? - CBS Evening News - CBS News WikiLeaks' Julian Assange Denies Having Any Contact with Pvt. Bradley Manning; Could Affect U.S. Espionage Case Against Him ("co-conspirators" that didn't know each other)
WikiLeaks Founder: We Have Enough Information To Make An Exec At A Major Bank Resign (what this is really about)
The Meaning of the Assange Wars, or, None Dare Call It Tyranny - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine
Apple Removes WikiLeaks App From App Store (Jobs: we don't like free speech)
Noah Kalina. Blog. Julian Assange by Philip Toledano
BBC News - Kevin Connolly's guide to American culture
2010 Census Data - 2010 Census
2010 Census Count Expected To Bring News Of GOP Gains
The Plum Line - Conservative bloggers agree: Haley Barbour is toast
The Washington Monthly: A Senator Scorned - One of Pres. Obama's biggest supporters in the Senate in the past week is not even a member of his own party: Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)
New START Treaty: Dems Beat Back GOP Efforts To Alter Accord
Tom Coburn To Block 9/11 Responders Bill (the South rises again)
Quiet Deal On Obama Judicial Nominees Unfolds In Senate After Prolonged GOP Blockade
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » First They Came for the Applebee’s Salad Bar When the Haley Barbour voting population can’t waddle up to a Golden Corral buffet bar safely after the weekend sermon on the threat of gays, it is time for all out war.
The Great Recovery Starts With Strong Progressive Taxation | News Junkie Post (the possibility of that has passed)
‘$823,200 to Study Genitalia Washing’: Sen. Coburn Releases Gov’t Waste Report | The Blaze
In Obama Anti-Foreclosure Program, Thousands Of Homeowners Strung Along For A Year (Obama's fake program to make people think he cares about foreclosures)
New Jersey Judge Could Freeze All State Foreclosures | FDL News Desk
Bayer: Bee-Toxic Pesticide Killed German Bees, But Is Safe in America | Fast Company (American bees are tough and patriotic)
In One Country, Chronic Whiplash Is Uncompensated (and Unknown) - New York Times ("It's mass hysteria" invented by lawyers)
Vietnam’s Mammoth Cavern - National Geographic Magazine There’s a jungle inside Vietnam’s mammoth cavern. A skyscraper could fit too. And the end is out of sight.
Texas Curriculum Changes Prompt Civil Rights Groups To Seek Review Of Public Schools In Lone Star State , the Republican-dominated Texas State Board of Education, voting along party lines, adopted a social studies and history curriculum that amended or watered down the teaching of the civil rights movement, religious freedoms, America's relationship with the United Nations and hundreds of other items (educated stupid)
Texas Textbook Massacre: 'Ultraconservatives' Approve Radical Changes To State Education Curriculum (no church-state separation, etc)
The Story Behind That Controversial NYT ‘Vows’ Column - Jeff Bercovici - Mixed Media - Forbes - (In both cases, the first marriage was also written up in the Times.)
Homewrecking Couple's Scandalous New York Times Wedding Announcement
Times No Longer Even Euphemizing Spouse-Dumping -- Daily Intel
Gross: People Who Reveal in the ‘Vows’ Column How They Cheated on Their Previous Spouse -- Daily Intel
Neocon Like Me: How I Spent A Year In Iraq Teaching With The Bush-Cheney Crazies - By John Dolan - The eXiled (good times! when young Republicans ran the country!)
> Mark Grueter: Inside the American University of Iraq
Student Eye: John Dolan, Academic Fraud by Dr. John Agresto
Tips for New Paupers - By John Dolan - The eXiled
Mugged By Mediocrity: Dr. Dolan Schools Neocon Imbecile John Agresto In The Art Of Character Assassination - By John Dolan - The eXiled
THE EXILE - A Million Pieces Of Shit - By John Dolan - Book Review This is the worst thing I've ever read (while Oprah was sucking Frey's dick)
Our Books | digitalculturebooks
'Israeli War Crimes' signs to go on Metro buses | KING5.com | Seattle Area Local News (Israel lobby squelches free speech)
A Traveler’s Guide To The History Of Death Death wasn’t always so scary. Learn how the changing face of death has varied across time and cultures.
Mary Rogan Examines NHL Legend Brian Burke and His Advocacy for Gay Athletes: Profiles: GQ
New Criminologist : Issei Sagawa: Celebrity Cannibal
Vimeo Video School
FCC Commissioner: Net Neutrality A 'Threat To Internet Freedom' a Republican FCC commissioner (Republicans: freedom=big corp controlling what you can surf for extra money)
FCC Net Neutrality Rules Slammed From All Sides | Epicenter | Wired.com
Google Docs presentation makes PowerPoint weep, beg for mercy (video) -- Engadget
Microsoft's Biggest 2010 Missteps - PCWorld Business Center
ViewSonic ViewPad 7 Android Tablet Review - HotHardware
WikiLeaks: Israel-Palestinian Cooperation Hints Released
Funding illegal Israeli settlements? Priceless. | Crikey Visa, Mastercard and PayPal all enable donations to be made to US-registered groups funding illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank in defiance of international law (yeah, but those are our terrorists)
Transparency: What's Next for WikiLeaks? - Politics - GOOD
WikiLeaks cables: US suspected Allen Stanford long before ECB deal | World news | The Guardian American diplomats told to avoid contacting or being photographed with billionaire two years before his fall from grace
Anti-terror police arrest 12 in UK raids | UK news | guardian.co.uk Fear of Christmas bombing behind 5am raids to detain men aged 17-28 and searches of properties in four cities
WikiLeaks cables: Yemen radioactive stocks 'were easy al-Qaida target' | World news | The Guardian Sana'a official told US diplomats solo sentry had been removed from atomic facility and CCTV system was broken (The cable revealed that the facility holds large quantities of radioactive material used by hospitals, local universities for agricultural research and in oilfields.)
Julian Assange like a hi-tech terrorist, says Joe Biden | Media | The Guardian US vice-president makes strongest remarks by any White House official over WikiLeaks founder and dipomatic cables (they are terrorized by the truth)
Joe Biden v. Joe Biden on WikiLeaks - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - It's really not an overstatement to say that WikiLeaks and Julian Assange are the new Iraqi WMDs ... scary villains threatening the security of The American People and who must therefore be stopped at any cost (Biden voted for Iraq War, was Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee in 2002, is basically a war criminal)
Trolls defend Assange against rape accusations by threatening rape | The Hathor Legacy
Monitoring America | washingtonpost.com (Obama's National Secrecy State)
The government's one-way mirror - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com One of the hallmarks of an authoritarian government is its fixation on hiding everything it does behind a wall of secrecy while simultaneously monitoring, invading and collecting files on everything its citizenry does.
Ten Years In, Afghanistan War Barely An Issue In 2010 Campaign (Republicans support our troops by not giving a shit)
Suspected UK Terrorism Plot Leads To 12 Arrests
University places to be cut by 10,000 by 2012, minister reveals | Education | The Guardian David Willetts says this year's extra funding to meet surge in applications will be withdrawn (conservatives destroying education everywhere)
The FP Top 100 Global Thinkers | Foreign Policy
Misinformation_Dec10_rpt.pdf Misinformation and the 2010 Election A Study of the US Electorate
Equality Matters | Equality Matters "It's a tragic day for America," Peter Sprigg, senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council
The Washington Monthly If Republicans' vulnerability among Hispanic voters does not persuade them to compromise, (Reid) noted, "they have real problems with their mental capacity." (we've noticed that too)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Because Even The Thought of the Unborn Counts For More Than A Real Live Girl. House Republicans thwarted a bill that aimed to protect girls around the world from being coerced into child marriage. They opposed it because, they claimed, it might fund abortions ("might" because they would get "health services")
Secessionists were clear about their cause: slavery - Editorial - TheState.com
Gone With the Myths - NYTimes.com The authors of these papers flattered themselves that they’d conjured up a second American Revolution. Instead, the Secession Convention was the beginning of the Civil War, which killed some 620,000 Americans; an equivalent war today would send home more than six million body bags ... n other words, the only state right the Confederate founders were interested in was the rich man’s “right” to own slaves (Southern "states-rights" bullshit can never be defeated)
Hullabaloo There's lots of chatter about these comments by Haley Barbour, "whitewashing" the Conservative Citizens' Council and saying that racism in the South before the civil rights movement "wasn't that bad."
The White Citizens Councils The White Citizens Councils: Respectable Means for Unrespectable Ends by David Halberstam
Yglesias » Haley Barbour’s Affection for the White Supremacist Citizens’ Council - The Citizens’ Council is the South’s answer to the mongrelizers. We will not be integrated. We are proud of our white blood and our white heritage of sixty centuries (6,000 years of white racisim and they're proud of it)
Yglesias » Yazoo City Citizens’ Council Was a White Supremacist Organization Barbour wants you to believe the Citizens’ Council was avoiding trouble by organizing boycotts of the KKK. The reality is they were organizing boycotts of NAACP supporters.
Barbour Spokesman: Mississippi Gov. Is Not Racist | TPMDC (out and proud)
Barack Obama and the Art of Negotiation | FDL Action ("negotiation" = "capitulation" to his Republican daddies)
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Opponents Taking Revenge On Russian Arms Treaty - Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) (Obama's go-to bipartisan Republican muhahaha)
Pat Buchanan On DADT Repeal: Imposing 'Values Of Fire Island' Will Be 'Hellish' | TPM LiveWire (Tom Ashbrook's favorite paleoconservative)
Daily Kos: Russia reacts to Senate GOP posturing: Warns of changes to treaty There's nothing like antagonizing a nuclear power in a fit of pique over gays being allowed to serve in the military. The Republican obstruction of and posturing over START Treaty ratification is not amusing Moscow
Matt Wilstein: The Top 5 Funniest Political Comedy Videos of 2010
Daily Kos: 60 Minutes joins austerity bandwagon In a stunningly one-sided story last night, 60 Minutes gave GOP Gov. Chris Christie the floor to push his war against public employees and the GOP narrative that has taken hold of the country--the debt crisis in the states isn't a revenue problem, it's a spending problem.
When Zombies Win - NYTimes.com “Ireland,” declared George Osborne in 2006, “stands as a shining example of the art of the possible in long-term economic policymaking.” Whoops. But Mr. Osborne is now Britain’s top economic official (always rewarding Conservative failures)
60 Minutes' one-sided, GOP-friendly report on state budgets | Media Matters for America
State Budget Crisis 'Largest Threat To The U.S. Economy' (says Republican idiot Chris Christie = "everyone")
State Budgets: The Day of Reckoning - 60 Minutes - CBS News (Republican propaganda)
The Europe of North America (Canada's provinces not in such great shape either)
William K. Black: Congress Threatens to Sow the Seeds of Our Next Banking Crisis ("Congress" = "Republicans" - because no regulation worked so well last time)
Ernst And Young Charged Civil Fraud Of Lehman Accounting
Senate panel ban seen as double standard The Senate Armed Services Committee prohibits its staff and presidential appointees requiring Senate confirmation from owning stocks or bonds in 48,096 companies that have Defense Department contracts. But the senators who sit on the influential panel are allowed to own any assets they want (of course)
Four in 10 Americans Believe in Strict Creationism Americans' views on human origins vary significantly by level of education and religiosity. Those who are less educated are more likely to hold a creationist view ... Americans who attend church frequently are most likely to accept explanations for the origin of humans that involve God, not a surprising finding. Still, the creationist viewpoint, held by 60% of weekly churchgoers (religious and stupid; 60% doesn't believe in science, either)
A Tough Season for Believers - NYTimes.com Christianity has become what Hunter calls a “weak culture” — one that mobilizes but doesn’t convert, alienates rather than seduces, and looks backward toward a lost past instead of forward to a vibrant future.
YouTube - Father Morris: It's Not Healthy to Have an Imaginary Friend (on Fox: too stupid to recognize irony)
Robert M. Price - Is the Bible Mein Kampf? | Point of Inquiry
A Holiday Message from Ricky Gervais: Why I'm An Atheist - Speakeasy - WSJ So what does the question “Why don’t you believe in God?” really mean. I think when someone asks that they are really questioning their own belief. In a way they are asking “what makes you so special? “How come you weren’t brainwashed with the rest of us?” “How dare you say I’m a fool and I’m not going to heaven, f— you!”
Let him who is without sin fudge the first story. | Foxhole Atheism Jesus is famously quoted as saying “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” ... According to a footnote in the New Oxford Annotated Bible (my bible of choice) the “episode is not found in the most authoritative manuscripts.”
Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party
Tea Party Nation Founder: Let's Get Rid Of The 'Socialist' Methodist Church | TPMMuckraker (what about the UU's?)
Solstice Lunar Eclipse - NASA Science
Shadow & Substance Home Total Eclipse of the Moon (animated) for December 21, 2010
SPACE.com -- Tonight's Lunar Eclipse Comes With a Rare Twist
The myth of hypothesis-driven science | HIV / AIDS, science, sex, drugs
Prospect_Big_data.pdf - Has the internet changed science? Elizabeth Pisani
The Gift of Endless Memory - 60 Minutes - CBS News Lesley Stahl Reports on Superior Autobiographical Memory
Custom Electronic Instruments | Folktek
The Daily Patdown - Your daily dose of security theater (it's ok if your government molests you)
High school hazing probe embroils Boise State football player | Reuters Blackfoot residents and officials say the lurid allegations of sexual hazing have divided the farming community of 11,000 (half the town supports rape)
YouTube - Werner Herzog Reads Twas The Night Before Christmas
YouTube - Mt View Elementary Christmas Program - "Must Be Santa"
YouTube - Bob Dylan - Must Be Santa
YouTube - Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel 5 - Wake Up Little Susie
Hulu - Saturday Night Live: SNL Digital Short: I Just Had Sex
Video: Christmas road test: Packard-engined Bentley - Telegraph
Al Franken: The Most Important Free Speech Issue of Our Time Internet service giants like Comcast and Verizon want to offer premium and privileged access to the Internet for corporations who can afford to pay for it.
Robert M. McDowell: The FCC's Threat to Internet Freedom - WSJ.com 'Net neutrality' sounds nice, but the Web is working fine now. The new rules will inhibit investment, deter innovation and create a billable-hours bonanza for lawyers (WSJ: let the "free market" control everything, muhahaha)
20% of All Peak Traffic Due to 3.5M Netflix Data Hogs?: Video «
Broadband firms urged to block sex websites to protect children | Society | The Guardian Government wants BT, Virgin and other internet providers to put access to pornography on 'opt-in' basis (which would give them a nice list of, you know, porno-watchers, muhahaha)
These astroturf libertarians are the real threat to internet democracy | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian As I see in threads on my articles, the online sabotaging of intelligent debate seems organised. We must fight to save this precious gift
Online Ads Pull Ahead of Newspapers - WSJ.com The digital-marketing research firm says U.S. spending on online ads will hit $25.8 billion, surpassing the $22.8 billion spent on print ads in newspapers.
When Parents Text™
5 Web titans that withered under Yahoo - CNN.com (remember broadcast.com?)
Lord chief justice approves use of Twitter for court reporting | Technology | The Guardian Guidance follows district judge's decision to allow tweeting of bail hearing for Julian Assange earlier this month
Swedish Police Report Details Case Against Assange - NYTimes.com
The Law Office of David E. Coombs: A Typical Day for PFC Bradley Manning
YouTube - Assange in respect for himself
What We Learn From WikiLeaks Media paint flattering picture of U.S. diplomacy
Dear Government of Sweden ... | MichaelMoore.com - Sweden has the HIGHEST per capita number of reported rapes in Europe (but they never prosecute anybody unless the CIA tells them to)
Hullabaloo SNL Does Wikileaks
Joe Biden: We'll Be Out Of Afghanistan By 2014, 'Come Hell Or High Water' (depends on your definition of "out")
DynCorp, Other Private Contractors In Afghanistan Behaving Badly Interior Minister Hanif Atmar claimed the embarrassing publicity could cause a backlash in Afghanistan and "endanger lives."
Mitch McConnell Announces He Will Oppose New START Treaty (Republicans endangering the world)
BBC News - Nigeria drops Dick Cheney bribery charges Nigerian officials said Halliburton agreed an out-of-court deal worth $250m (£160m). The firm has not commented (Cheney bribes Nigeria to drop bribery changes against Cheney)
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Passes Senate 65-31
Gay troops cautiously optimistic following 'don't ask' repeal
DADT Repeal Marks Milestone In Fight For Gay Rights
Jon Kyl: DADT Repeal Could Cost Lives ("countless lives" as Republicans' heads explode +McCain being himself)
FreakOutNation » McCain On Repeal Of DADT: We Have Marines With No Limbs (we have ancient Senators with no brains)
Tea Party Era Begins With Refusal To Debate 'Omnibus' Spending Bill by eagerly backing the successful efforts of Tea Party favorites to block debate on a $1.1 trillion "omnibus" spending bill that would fund the entire federal government until next October -- but which contained billions of dollars in "earmarks" Republicans, including McConnell, once stoutly defended.
The Bipartisanship Racket - NYTimes.com the new political organization called No Labels ... Gawker, which deemed it “the most boring political movement of all time.” (no brains)
Former Justices Stevens & O'Connor Reject 'Citizens United' Ruling
Obama to blink first on Social Security - POLITICO.com Print View Robert Kuttner 0 Obama is finally getting the bipartisanship he craved — but entirely on Republican terms (capitulator-in-chief)
Is the End in Sight for The World’s Coral Reefs? by J.E.N. Veron: Yale Environment 360 t the science is clear: Unless we change the way we live, the Earth's coral reefs will be utterly destroyed within our children's lifetimes (Republicans: "God gave us the coral reefs to destroy")
Man passes through TSA security with loaded gun in carry-on bag, boards plane | abc13.com
CBC News - British Columbia - Police video of B.C. man's shooting released
WTF CNN! How can you not tell which one of these stories is more important? - Imgur
YouTube - streets of fire 1 10
YouTube - Kids Sing Still Alive Again
Should Jews Own Christmas Trees? A debate between Mark Oppenheimer and Jessica Grose. (1) - By Jessica Grose and Mark Oppenheimer - Slate Magazine
The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Barbara Newhall Follett, Disappearing Child Genius : NPR
Google Voice, transcribed - Have a chicken bye!
The Great Typekit Table – Sleepover
Getting to Assange through Manning - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Joe Biden v. Joe Biden on WikiLeaks - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com WikiLeaks and Julian Assange are the new Iraqi WMDs because the government and establishment media are jointly manufacturing and disseminating an endless stream of fear-mongering falsehoods designed to depict them as scary villains threatening the security of The American People and who must therefore be stopped at any cost.
YouTube - Rap News 6 - Wikileaks' Cablegate: the truth is out there
Columbia School of Journalism Comes Out Against Prosecution of Julian Assange | FDL News Desk
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect Charging Assange.
Conspiracy charge wouldn't end problems with Wikileaks prosecution - Josh Gerstein - politico.com (Pres Constitutional Lawyer)
Balkinization the conspiracy theory also threatens traditional journalists as well.
Lawfare › The Implications of Charging Assange for Conspiracy to Leak [Updated] The Implications of Charging Assange for Conspiracy to Leak [Updated]
Bank of America says it won't process payments intended for WikiLeaks - KansasCity.com - WikiLeaks may be engaged in activities that are, among other things, inconsistent with our internal policies for processing payments." (returning Obama's favors)
WikiLeaks: Cuba banned Sicko for depicting 'mythical' healthcare system | World news | guardian.co.uk Authorities feared footage of gleaming hospital in Michael Moore's Oscar-nominated film would provoke a popular backlash
10 days in Sweden: the full allegations against Julian Assange | Media | The Guardian Unseen police documents provide the first complete account of the allegations against the WikiLeaks founder
Foreign troop toll in Afghanistan in 2010 nears 700 | World | Reuters (for nothing)
YouTube - Drone attacks in Pakistan
CIA Waterboarding Legal Defense: $5 Million Shield For Pair Of Contractors (your tax money defending torturers)
VOA | Sudan President Accused of Hiding Billions of Dollars | News | English
Late Night: Years Later, Judith Miller Is Still Doing Scooter Libby’s Laundry | Firedoglake (Judy "Aluminum Tubes" Miller lies in the Wall Street Journal)
Your right to protest in under threat : Johann Hari The message to Nicky Wishart and his generation is very clear: don’t get any fancy ideas about being an engaged citizen. Go back to your X-Box and X-Factor, and leave politics to the millionaires in charge.
A Primer On The Fallout Of OmnibusFAIL | TPMDC
Top Homeland Security Dem: Muslim 'Radicalization' Hearings Could 'Chill' Muslim Relations | TPMMuckraker A planned Republican-led inquiry into the "radicalization" of Muslim-Americans could "chill" relations between the U.S. government and its Muslim citizens
High-speed rail: Rick Scott's aversion to it imperils Orlando-Tampa route - OrlandoSentinel.com Rick Scott's aversion to high-speed rail threatens Florida's economy (Repubiicans hate infrastructure and jobs)
Calitics:: House Republicans Plan to Force California Into Bankruptcy to Bust Unions (Republicans at work)
PolitiFact | PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'A government takeover of health care' (Fox/Satan at work)
Payrolls Drop in 28 U.S. States, Joblessness Rises in 21 in Labor Setback - Bloomberg
Arizona Sues Bank Of America, Alleges Loan Modification Fraud
Peter Schiff: Real US Collapse May Happen in 2011
Cassini Solstice Mission: Cassini Spots Potential Ice Volcano on Saturn Moon
Planet Hunters
Did Monster 'Dark Stars' Spawn the Supermassive Black Holes of a Trillion Galaxies?
Shtetl-Optimized » Blog Archive » QCut So imagine how excited I was to learn that YouCut’s first target—yes, its first target—was that notoriously bloated white elephant, the National Science Foundation (Republicans hate science)
Diana Laufenberg: How to learn? From mistakes | Video on TED.com
New Species: California Academy of Sciences - More Than 100 New Species Described in 2010
Pennsylvania Girls Fight 'Boobies' Bracelet Ban in US Court - ParentDish (breast cancer awareness encourages promiscuity, says school)
Top 10 Ways to Find Better Answers Online (that Aren't Google)
YouTube - Funny British Animal Voiceovers
The Video: The Shooting of John T. Williams | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper another officer can be heard telling Birk, "You did the right thing. Hang in there, Ian."
Good Samaritans Face Fine After Rescuing Deer From Icy Water « CBS Baltimore – News, Sports, Weather, Traffic and the Best of Baltimore They say they were ticketed for not wearing life vests, although both are over the age for mandatory use of flotation devices.
IPhone and Android Apps Breach Privacy - WSJ.com
Learn HTML5, JavaScript and CSS With Mozilla's "School of Webcraft
3 Ways to Host Your Own Delicious Alternative - ReadWriteCloud
MapQuest Maps - Driving Directions - Map
Smart phone rivalry plays out in patent suits - Yahoo! News
US criticises court that may decide on Julian Assange extradition, WikiLeaks cables show | World news | The Guardian Leaked dispatches reveal diplomats' disdain for Council of Europe's stance against extraditions to US and secret renditions
WikiLeaks: the man and the idea | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian
Q&A: Julian Assange allegations | Media | The Guardian
Julian Assange-Katie Couric Interview: WikiLeaks Founder Defiant On CBS 'Evening News'
YouTube - Newsnight: Bailed Julian Assange live interview (16Dec10)
Freed on bail – but US steps up efforts to charge Assange with conspiracy - Americas, World - The Independent Accused soldier offered plea bargain if he names WikiLeaks founder ("co-conspirator" offering "material support" to "terrorists")
U.S. Tries to Build Case Against WikiLeaks Founder - NYTimes.com (you want a conspiracy case? we'll show you a conspiracy)
DCX2: Meanwhile, there's a WikiLeaks cable that details how US contractor “Meanwhile, there's a WikiLeaks cable that details how US contractor DynCorp sold child prostitutes to Afghan police officers as part of a bacha bazi party. Real, actual evidence of sexual crimes with victims who could not possibly consent. Where's the Interpol red notice?
Julian Assange: WikiLeaks faces 'very aggressive' investigation by US | Media | The Guardian Organisation's founder says he is reliant on public opinion to rein in 'superpower that does not appear to be following rule of law' (Obama could give a shit about your fucking "laws")
US lawyers explore extradition routes for Julian Assange | Media | The Guardian US justice department has still not approached British government as lawyers struggle to mount prosecution
Bradley Manning's health deteriorating in jail, supporters say | World news | The Guardian The intelligence analyst suspected of leaking US diplomatic cables is being held in solitary confinement
Bradley Manning's Inhumane Detention - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime (Obama could give a shit about your human rights)
Liam Fox cancels Sri Lanka trip amid claim in cables of Colombo's war crimes complicity | Politics | The Guardian US embassy cables leaked tonight provided fresh allegations of the Sri Lankan government's complicity with paramilitary groups in last year's offensive against the Tamil Tigers.
CIA chief in Pakistan leaves after drone trial blows his cover | World news | The Guardian
World Affairs Journal - Facts Meet Freedom: On the Air in Afghanistan
Lebanon braced for bloodshed over report into Rafik Hariri killing | World news | The Guardian
House Passes Tax Deal 277-148, Sending Bill To President - A coalition of Republicans and conservative Democrats (what deficit?)
Tax Cut Package Passed By Congress: See The Bill's Highlights
David Wu: 2 For 1 Deal On Tax Cuts And Jobless Aid Goes Against Core Democratic Values (about what you'd expect from our Republican Pres)
HuffPost TV: Roy Sekoff: Obama 'Just Not That Into' Taxing The Wealthy (core Republican values)
Hullabaloo - Different Than You And Me (Washington/Versailles sees the world very differently)
Wall Street Whitewash - NYTimes.com How naïve we were. We should have realized that the modern Republican Party is utterly dedicated to the Reaganite slogan that government is always the problem, never the solution. And, therefore, we should have realized that party loyalists, confronted with facts that don’t fit the slogan, would adjust the facts ... all four Republicans on the commission voted to exclude the following terms from the report: “deregulation,” “shadow banking,” “interconnection,” and, yes, “Wall Street.” (Obama's Liars' Commission)
Why Tax Cuts For The RICH Killed The economy in 1929 and Are Killing Us Again (always their plan)
Peter Orszag: The Shoe That Didn't Drop - James Fallows - Politics - The Atlantic If you're wondering just how taken for granted such arrangements are in today's Washington/ Versailles, here's a data point. The Washington Post, still aspiring to be official journal of politics, has not published a single story about Orszag's new job (corruption the Washington way of life)
The Inequality That Matters - Tyler Cowen - The American Interest Magazine
Why Wall Street won’t get shrunk | Analysis & Opinion |
The Irish Banking Crisis: A Parable - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review Once upon a time, there was a country where bankers disappeared. The bankers, fed up with regulation, dissatisfaction, and downright hostility, decided to unleash the planet-destroying superweapon in their arsenal: they went on strike, not once, but three times.
There Are Now Enough Vacant Properties In China To House Over Half Of America
Inside the Rolling Stones Inc. - September 30, 2002
MINA Breaking News - Los Alamos Scientist: TSA Scanners Shred Human DNA (oh, what a surprise)
Physicists Finally Find a Way to Test Superstring Theory « Not Even Wrong
Exploring how partners perceive each other’s emotion during a relationship fight ... links between different types of emotion, different types of underlying concern, and different types of perceived partner emotion.
Study identifies couples’ underlying concerns during a fight "When people have underlying concerns about a perceived threat or perceived neglect, they may be likely to engage in reflexive, emotionally charged behavior that can initially serve to escalate the conflict"
Stewart Spends Last Show Of 2010 ENTIRELY On 9/11 First Responders Bill (video)
Fox News Viewers Are The Most Misinformed: Study (+crazy: watching Satan)
scanzen: Women aircraft builders 1942-43
Bully’s Killing Is Unsolved, and Residents Want It That Way - NYTimes.com
Vigilante Justice: A Proper Response to Government Failure
Pregnancy Calendar
Is ‘Muslim’ a Dirty Word? « Arc of '72
TrentHead.Com: TSA at work
Generations 2010 | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
Sixth Circuit Rules that Emails Protected from Warrantless Searches - Law Blog - WSJ (Obama is pissed)
Sex Pill Peddler Makes It Hard for the Po-Po to Peep at Your Email « Above the Law: A Legal Tabloid - News, Gossip, and Colorful Commentary on Law Firms and the Legal Profession “This is a very big deal,” writes law professor Paul Ohm. “[T]his is the opinion privacy activists and many legal scholars, myself included, have been waiting and calling for, for more than a decade. It may someday be seen as a watershed moment in the extension of our Constitutional rights to the Internet.”
Phone-Wielding Shoppers Strike Fear Into Retailers - WSJ.com
Yahoo Plans to Shut AltaVista, Other Sites - WSJ.com
What Happened to Yahoo The problems that hosed Yahoo go back a long time, practically to the beginning of the company. They were already very visible when I got there in 1998. Yahoo had two problems Google didn't: easy money, and ambivalence about being a technology company.
Yahoo Shutting Down Delicious? | Geekosystem
Delicious's Data Policy is Like Setting a Museum on Fire
Twitter / Warren Ellis: So Yahoo fired a bunch of ...
Thomas Hawk Digital Connection » Blog Archive » An Open Letter to Carol Bartz, CEO Yahoo Inc. You, yes you, were the highest paid CEO in the Standard & Poors 500 last year (another loot and plunder asshole CEO in the line of eMeg and Carly)
Yahoo Killing Or Merging Del.icio.us, Yahoo Buzz, People Search And More
Delicious (website): What is a good replacement for the del.icio.us bookmarks service? - Quora
stumble-upon any other delicious magnolias lately? | Ask MetaFilter
Pinboard or Delicious?
Pinterest / Home
About Migratr | Calling Shotgun (move photos between photo-sharing sites, like flickr)
Marian Bantjes: Intricate beauty by design | Video on TED.com
49 Cats In Strange Poses: Pics, Videos, Links, News
YouTube - Truman Capote's "A Christmas Memory" (1966) 1/6
YouTube - ExcentricPT's Channel
The LinkedIn Blog » Did you use one of these 10 most overused buzzwords in your LinkedIn profile this year? « - #1: "Extensive experience"
Microsoft Security Essentials 2 Released, Still the Best Darn AntiVirus Around
How to Use Gmail as Your Central, Universal Communications Hub
L.A. Noire Video Game, Developer Diary: The Technology Behind Performance | GameTrailers.com
Word Lens (the readularity is here)
Q&A: Wikileaks and freedom of expression | Amnesty International
Julian Assange bail decision made by UK authorities, not Sweden | Media | The Guardian Swedish prosecutor's office says it has 'not got a view at all on bail' and that Britain made decision to oppose it
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange granted bail: live updates | News | guardian.co.uk UK, not Sweden, decided to oppose bail for Assange
WikiLeaks: the emperor wears no clothes | John Pilger and others | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk Now WikiLeaks has laid bare the lies and collusion, we pledge to not just witness but actively participate in its fight for democracy
Julian Assange Bail Hearing: WikiLeaks Founder Court Hearing
Arianna Huffington: The Media Gets It Wrong on WikiLeaks: It's About Broken Trust, Not Broken Condoms the Air Force blocking its personnel from accessing more than 25 news sites that have posted material released by WikiLeaks (no news for grunts in the military)
Bradley Manning, WikiLeaks' Alleged Leaker, 'Very Annoyed' At Solitary Confinement
Is long-term solitary confinement torture? : The New Yorker The United States holds tens of thousands of inmates in long-term solitary confinement. Is this torture?
leaking_by_humon-d34xwuj.jpg (wikileaks)
Australian police to investigate asylum-seeker boat deaths | World news | The Guardian Up to 100 people thrown into sea and at least 28 killed when boat hit rocks on Christmas Island coastline
Coalition wields axe over Christmas as 100,000 jobs to go by spring | Society | The Guardian (conservatives in UK committed to high jobless rate)
Afghanistan Strategy Review: Obama's Af-Pak Review Touts Progress, Lays Framework For Sustained Commitment (Obama loves his endless wars and his lyin' military)
Ireland Abortion Ban Violates Women's Rights, Says European Court - banned even if the woman's life is in danger (still ruled by the Vatican)
Mapping America — Census Bureau 2005-9 American Community Survey - NYTimes.com
On the Death Sentence by John Paul Stevens | The New York Review of Books
The Story — RESTREPO — A Film by Sebastian Junger & Tim Hetherington
YouTube - Restrepo - Trailer (HD 720p)
YouTube - Firefight at Outpost Restrepo
After Bucking Holbrooke's Advice On Afghanistan, Obama Invokes His Name (have you no honor?)
New Advice for Nuclear Strike - Don’t Flee, Get Inside - NYTimes.com a nuclear attack is much more survivable if you immediately shield yourself from the lethal radiation that follows a blast, a simple tactic seen as saving hundreds of thousands of lives.
Obama tells lawmakers not passing tax deal could end presidency, Dem says - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room President Obama is using one of his go-to lines from the healthcare debate, according to a Democratic lawmaker.
2011 Spending Bill Is Loaded With $8 Billion in Pet Projects - CNBC (Reuters=the new Fox; "loaded" = .8%)
Peter Orszag: Everything Wrong With This Town (Comes Back To How Much This Guy Got Laid Here) - Das Krapital - Washington City Paper (example of Obama and same-old Washington)
Servicers Downgraded Credit Score of Man who Asked for His Note | FDL News Desk (that'll teach you)
Where's the Note? | Demand to see your mortgage note. : Homeowners are sending us reports of banks responding with threats and intimidation. It is your legal right to demand to see your original, signed mortgage note. It is illegal for banks to negatively report to your credit file during the 60 day period after requesting your note simply because you made a request to see it.
Fox Business' Gasparino Clings To Myth That Tax Cuts For Wealthy Will Spur Job Creation | Media Matters for America (well, if a Republican said it, it must be true)
The Top 14 Astronomy Pictures of 2010 | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Lera Boroditsky : How Language Shapes Thought - The Long Now
Economist Debates: Language
wsj.pdf Boroditsky - Lost in Translation
Blog > National Affairs t exposure to the Confederate flag results in more negative judgments of Black targets. As such, the prevalence of this flag in the South may have contributed to a reticence for some to vote for Obama because of his race.
HIV Drugs: Cash-Strapped Cut Access To Free AIDS Medication (death panels)
California Cap And Trade Rules: Sweeping Regulations Set To Be Adopted (until the Supreme Court kills the idea)
Boeing Whistleblowers Uncover Possibility Of 'Catastrophic' Event In Al Jazeera Exclusive (video)
All drugs should be legalised to beat dealers, says former minister - UK Politics, UK - The Independent
Abnormal Use: Views of 2011 From 1931
The LA Progressive Christian Nation
The Ongoing Mysteries of the Elizabeth Smart Case | Mother Jones The razor's edge of Mormonism: How obedience to authority became the flip side of prophesy, visions, and speaking in tongues.
Niagara Falls ran dry: Photos show moment iconic waterfall came to standstilll | Mail Online
The Ongoing Mysteries of the Elizabeth Smart Case | Mother Jones A guilty verdict for Brian David Mitchell is in. But the questions the case raised about polygamy, prophecy, and insanity remain murky. | Transom » Scott Carrier
Coming soon to journalism: Matt Thompson sees the “Speakularity” and universal instant transcription » Nieman Journalism Lab At some point in the near future, automatic speech transcription will become fast, free, and decent.
Bedford Bulletin : Angry parents want school officials fired - Dennis Taylor, a conservative Christian (hates books about poor people, wants to censor Nickeled and Dimed and fire the school board, calls Ehrenreich a "marxist," go Teaparty)
Do you use Boy Words or Girl Words? Or the other words, but I can’t ‘amember them. | thoughts ON
rhoner comments on Have you ever picked up a hitch-hiker?
10 Most Retweeted Tweets of Twitter in 2010 · Twitter
YouTube - Ladybug plays with sprinkles!
Jesse Moynihan - Forming
WaPo/Kaplan Test Prep seems to love FB)
Approval of Internet traffic rules likely: analysts - Yahoo! News The Federal Communications Commission will vote on December 21 on whether to adopt regulations that ban the blocking of lawful traffic but allow Internet service providers to ration Web traffic on their networks (Obama approves "rationing" the internet, kills net neutrality)
Google's ChromeOS means losing control of data, warns GNU founder Richard Stallman | Technology | guardian.co.uk New cloud computing OS released by Google is plan to push people into 'careless computing', warns free software advocate
Google Trends: assange, zuckerberg
Microsoft's Cracked Windows: How The World's Technology Juggernaut Lost Its Buzz And Became The 'Underdog'
'Allegations regarding OpenBSD IPSEC' - MARC some ex-developers (and the company they worked for) accepted US government money to put backdoors into our network stack, in particular the IPSEC stack. Around 2000-2001.
'Re: Allegations regarding OpenBSD IPSEC' - MARC
Allegations regarding OpenBSD IPSEC - FBI backdoors in IPSEC stack? : programming
'Re: Allegations regarding OpenBSD IPSEC' - MARC
An FBI backdoor in OpenBSD?
Feds probe '100 site' data breach • The Register McDonald's Silverpopped
Transcript: Time Interview with WikiLeaks' Julian Assange
Julian Assange and the Computer Conspiracy; “To destroy this invisible government” « zunguzungu
The inhumane conditions of Bradley Manning's detention - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Robert Greenwald and Derrick Crowe: Failure, Not Progress, in Afghanistan
Stewart On Obama Using Clinton: His Confidence 'Borders On Delusional' (that ain't all)
Tax Deal Polls: Reactions To A Bipartisan Deal (Americans hopelessly confused by Republican bullshit)
Obama: People Don't Feel I've Been Successful In Changing Washington (VIDEO) Obama explained that he had taken measures to make the White House more transparent, improve the flow of information to the American people, and cut down on lobbyist influence on his administration
Whiskey Fire: Proud to Show the Mess They Made
Earmark Lovers Feast On Pork Before Tea Party-Backed GOP Insurgents Storm Congress
John Cornyn Up In Arms Over All The Earmarks Not Requested By John Cornyn (box-turtle Ben at work)
Rick Scott's School Plan for Scoundrels | Mother Jones The Florida governor-elect's proposal to overhaul the state education system is a fraudster's dream - Conservatives have been plotting for years to blow up the public school system. Now, Florida's incoming governor Rick Scott is poised to light the fuse (what did you expect?)
Jan Brewer Medicaid Cuts Have Arizona Governor Under Fire she was willing to risk the lives of endangered patients all for the purpose of slashing the $1.4 million transplant program amid $1 billion Medicaid budget shortfalls.
Geithner Blocking Legal Help For Foreclosure Victims - , the administration's foreclosure prevention program had paid out $231.5 million to banks and nothing in borrower's legal fees, despite the urging of congressional Democrats who say legal funding is critical to easing the crisis. (Obama's program designed to screw home-owners)
Obama's Foreclosure Program Will Reach Less Than One Quarter Of Administration's Target (there you go)
Financial Crisis Panel In Turmoil As Republicans Defect; Plan To Blame Government For Crisis (how's that bipartisan thing working out for you?)
FOXLEAKS: Fox boss ordered staff to cast doubt on climate science | Media Matters for America
British Court Orders Leader of WikiLeaks Freed on Bail - NYTimes.com - According to WikiLeaks, only 1,344 of a total 251,287 documents have so far been published on its Web site
BBC News - Wikileaks founder Julian Assange bailed but release delayed on conditions including cash guarantees of £240,000.
Julian Assange to stay in jail as Sweden fights bail decision | Media | guardian.co.uk Swedish prosecutors' appeal to be heard within 48 (what's up with Sweden?)
Julian Assange Court Appearance; WikiLeaks Founder Asks For Bail
Why I'm Posting Bail Money for Julian Assange | MichaelMoore.com
UK.gov braces for possible Wikileaks hacklash • The Register Bail denial for Assange 'may spark DDoS attack' (Anonymous to attack entire country)
Relatives of Spanish cameraman killed in Baghdad use WikiLeaks to press for justice - CSMonitor.com After years of delays, the family of a Spanish journalist killed in a 2003 US attack on a Baghdad hotel turns to WikiLeaks documents that suggest the US and Spain colluded to prevent legal action.
Naomi Wolf: J'Accuse: Sweden, Britain, and Interpol Insult Rape Victims Worldwide
WikiLeaks cables: You ask, we search | World news | guardian.co.uk
Allen West: Government 'Should Be Censoring The American News Agencies' That Collaborated With WikiLeaks (thanks, black dude)
What the Assange case reveals about rape in America
Holbrooke's Last Words On Afghanistan Downplayed As Joking Exchange By Obama Administration (really sick assholes)
Richard Holbrooke dies: Veteran U.S. diplomat brokered Dayton peace accords As Mr. Holbrooke was sedated for surgery, family members said, his final words were to his Pakistani surgeon: "You've got to stop this war in Afghanistan."
As U.S. assesses Afghan war, Karzai a question mark "If I had to choose sides today, I'd choose the Taliban," he fumed.
Kosovo PM is head of human organ and arms ring, Council of Europe reports | World news | The Guardian Two-year inquiry accuses Albanian 'mafia-like' crime network of killing Serb prisoners for their kidneys
Riots break out in Rome after Silvio Berlusconi survives confidence votes | World news | The Guardian
Student fees protest: lawyers launch legal challenge to kettling | Education | The Guardian Kettling breaches human rights, lawyers for five student fees demonstrators tell Metropolitan police commissioner
Boy of 12 hauled out of class by police over David Cameron Facebook protest - mirror.co.uk (everyone is a terrorist now)
YouTube - BBC Jody McIntyre interview
Georgia Prisoners on Strike?! | Revolution by the Book : The AK Press Blog In today’s installment of “what the media doesn’t tell you,” has everyone been following what’s going on in Georgia where thousands of prisoners—thousands—went on strike last Thursday in over a half dozen of the state’s prisons and penitentiaries to protest their treatment and demand their human rights
Obama's Judges Blocked At Historic Rate
Memo to the media: They’re called “obstructionists” | Media Matters for America - The GOP’s Obama-era brand of hyper-partisanship and obstructionist voting patterns has no precedent in modern American history. None (Atrios: remember Cokie Roberts "up or down vote up or down vote") (Republican media: too exteme for America?)
Middle Class Strife Left Out of Conversation
Whiskey Fire: Game of Pricks - John Heilemann and Mark Halperin - Game Change is a shallow and ultimately pointless book, but nevertheless irritating
Stewart To GOP: No More Using 9/11 For Political Gain Until First Responders Bill Is Passed (video)
More on the HAMP Train Wreck in Latest Congressional Oversight Panel Report « naked capitalism (if Obama hadn't created a sham program to screw you, the economy would be in better shape)
Obama to meet with CEOs and urge more hiring | MLive.com (about the level of his economic thinking)
Summers’ Farewell Speech – Hopefully Permanent | FDL News Desk (they never, ever, admit their screwups)
Special Report: What's a home worth? Pick a number, any number | Reuters
Obama Considering Another Goldman Sachs Alumnus to Replace Larry Summers | Firedoglake
More Talk of Severe Budget Cuts to Follow Tax Cut Deal | FDL News Desk (de-stimulus)
Wake Up: This Ruling Is Terrible News For The Health Insurers - Investors should wake up: If this were ultimately upheld, it would be horrible news for the insurers (they loved Obama making people buy insurance from monopolies)
Health Care Law Faces Long Legal Fight That Could Culminate In Showdown At Supreme Court
RealClearPolitics - Video - Flashback: Obama Criticized Clinton For Proposing Health Care Mandate
Pundits: Tax Cut Deal a Political Victory for Obama | The Atlantic Wire
The Physics of Terror | Smart Journalism. Real Solutions. Miller-McCune.
HIV & AIDS Information :: Stem cell transplant has cured HIV infection in 'Berlin patient', say doctors
An evaluation of airport x-ray backscatter units based on image characteristics (guess what? they don't work. billion dollar security theatre at work)
Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Autism, December 1, 2010, Giulivi et al. 304 (21): 2389 — JAMA
Future of Medicine: Growing New Organs - Newsweek Adult stem cells do more than turn into the types of cells needed for the new organ: they orchestrate the process of assembly.
BBC News - Voyager near Solar System's edge
Reaching for the Stars - NASA Science
YouTube - Speed of International Space Station
Mirror-Image Cells Could Transform Science — or Kill Us All | Magazine
To Eat Less, Imagine Eating More - ScienceNOW
Leaked document shows EPA allowed bee-toxic pesticide despite own scientists’ red flags | Grist (turns out Bush had more plans for destroying the world than we realized)
For now, Bedford to keep controversial book - Tuesday, Dec. 14, 2010 Meanwhile, the father who took his son out of Bedford High School because his teachers assigned "Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America," accused board members of negligence, and said school officials looked the other way when it came to the book's obscene language and offensive content (Dennis Taylor "conserative Christian" +read the comments and get depressed)
N.Y.C. Sanitation Officials Puzzled Over Missing Appliances - NYTimes.com
LGBT Books Vandalized With Urine in Lamont Library | The Harvard Crimson
California Appellate Report: Stahl v. U.S. (9th Cir. - Nov. 29, 2010) It's a tax opinion. So you wouldn't initially think it likely to result even in interest, much less total fascination. But fascinating it is.
Supreme Court Ruling: You May Not Be Able To Legally Sell A Product First Made Outside The US | Techdirt (right of first sale so over)
The Reel Mudd: John Van Antwerp MacMurray Archives
pj mcilvaine & goliath « celluloid blonde
Fox sues over sharing scripts online | Corona Coming Attractions
Atheist Bus Ads Rattle Fort Worth - NYTimes.com (four buses get Christians' panties in a knot)
The Christian Left Welcomes You
Bill 156 Locked to Go – Prime Minister Expresses Concern as Final Vote comes on Wednesday | Dan Kanemitsu's Paper Trail
The World’s Facebook Relationships Visualized [pic]
Teach Parents Tech
WikiLeaks founder: Pentagon plans prosecution - U.S. news - WikiLeaks in Security - msnbc.com
Twitter / Bronwyn Bishop: Mr Assange should be aggressively interrogated until he reveals the location of the stolen cables, so they can be retrieved (Australian MP, just as stupid as American media and Congress +"aggresively interrogated" = waterboard the little fucker!)
WikiLeaks cables: UK police 'developed' evidence against McCanns | UK news | The Guardian (lotta fallout)
WikiLeaks cables: Drive to tackle Islamists made 'little progress' | World news | The Guardian Critical verdict on efforts to engage with Muslim communities published as police investigate UK links of Stockholm bomber
Julian Assange to appear in court to appeal for release | Media | The Guardian - Baroness Kennedy joins website founder's defence - "not a legitimate purpose for an EAW to be used to conduct an investigation to see whether that person should be prosecuted".
YouTube - WikiRebels - The Documentary (1/4)
NKorea threatens SKorea with nuclear war
Can We Finally End the Korean War? - NYTimes.com
One of the Sweden Bombs Exploded Prematurely - NYTimes.com bomber was a disaffected Iraqi-born Swede who had attended college in Britain.
The truth about suicide bombers - The Boston Globe Are they religious fanatics? Deluded ideologues? New research suggests something more mundane: They just want to commit suicide (Holder should just set up a hotline)
More Christians Are Fleeing Iraq In New Violence - NYTimes.com
Reality Check - NYTimes.com The failed attempt by the U.S. to bribe Israel with a $3 billion security assistance package, diplomatic cover and advanced F-35 fighter aircraft — if Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu would simply agree to a 90-day settlements freeze to resume talks with the Palestinians (they took the money and said fuck you ... why, just like the Republicans!)
Why Are the Feds Cultivating Their Own "Homegrown Terrorists"? | | AlterNet High profile domestic terrorism plots appear to have increased in recent months, but they’ve been largely concocted (terror theatre)
Abu Ghraib Torture Was "Like Nothing" - World Watch - CBS News
Transcript: Nir Rosen - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (Aftermath: Following the Bloodshed of America's Wars in the Muslim World.)
Haitian Cholera Outbreak Worsens - Health - GOOD
BBC News - Silvio Berlusconi appeal over confidence vote 'folly'
Federal Judge In Va. Rules Part Of Health Care Law Unconstitutional | TPMDC (the consequences of Obama killing the public option)
The Courts Divided: How Health Care Lawsuits Have Exposed A Partisan Judiciary | TPMDC
The Washington Monthly - Virginia Court Rules Against Health Care Mandate
You Know That You Are Right In Opposing Obama's Latest Capitulation When... | MyFDL You see the usual gathering of so called Democratic strategists and former advisers support extending the Bush tax cuts. Translation: the losers brigade has arrived to save the day.
In Tax Benefits to the Middle, Political Lift for Obama - NYTimes.com
'Sarah Palin's Alaska' Spinoffs -- Is Your State Next? | Myspace the network’s first significant program not based solely on our voyeuristic appetite for the exploitation of medical conditions (“Little People, Big World”), fringe religious practices (“Sister Wives”), or grotesquely large families (“John and Kate Plus 8, 19 Kids and Counting”). Instead, the Palin family is a combination of all three! That’s why it’s a hit!
News Flash: Wall Street Still Loathed | Mother Jones According to Bloomberg, virtually every person in American thinks big Wall Street bonuses should be either heavily taxed or banned outright (but Obama has their dick in his mouth)
Block Those Economic Metaphors - NYTimes.com America’s economy isn’t a stalled car, nor is it an invalid who will soon return to health if he gets a bit more rest. Our problems are longer-term than either metaphor implies.
Wall Street Set For Best Two Years Ever, Thanks To Bailout (thanks to Obama)
A&P Bankrupt: Grocer Files For Chapter 11 Bankruptcy once the nation's largest grocer (hey, AP: you might mention where they got their "enormous debt?"
PLoS Medicine: Lifetime Medical Costs of Obesity: Prevention No Cure for Increasing Health Expenditure
BBC - BBC World Service Programmes - Discovery, Science and Libel Dr Ben Goldacre, himself a defendant in a lengthy and costly legal case, explores the battle to keep libel out of science and what it might mean for us and the future of medical research if that battle is lost.
Out of Our Brains - NYTimes.com (philosopher has a hard time getting to the point)
Google Zeitgeist 2010 - How the world searched
Gawker Media gets hacked | Analysis & Opinion | What Gawker didn’t do — but what the good people at Hint did do — is email everybody whose email and password were made public, to inform them of that fact. “I
The Real Lessons Of Gawker’s Security Mess - The Firewall - the world of security - Forbes - An organizations source code can be a key enabler of identifying weaknesses in their applications, and is valuable to have if you are planning such an attack. It’s not clear that there is anything left for someone to take at Gawker now though (game over)
Gawker Data Breach Could Lead to Attacks on Government Agencies | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS
Gawker hackers release file with FTP, author & reader usernames/passwords
FAQ: Compromised Commenting Accounts on Gawker Media (lazy fucks didn't salt their passwords)
Did I Get Gawkered? Powered by Duo Security
WARNING: Acai Berry Twitter Attack Spreading Like Wildfire [updated]
Gawker Hacked | Gnosis Explains Hacking Gawker | Mediaite
Regarding the Hacked Gawker Comment Accounts
Gawker Check
We're here for you in the Hackerpocalypse
Paj's Home: Cryptography: JavaScript MD5
Geek to Live: Choose (and remember) great passwords
Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » The Time to Act is Now: Defend Free Speech on the Internet
Keeping Secrets WikiSafe - NYTimes.com
Mukasey: Prosecute Assange because it’s ‘easier’ than prosecuting New York Times | Raw Story
Report: Assange accuser flees to Middle East, may not be cooperating with police | Raw Story - It's unclear what US laws Assange could have broken with his release of US State Department cables, as he is not a US citizen and therefore not bound by US treason laws, and his activites with WikiLeaks were carried out outside the US.
FreakOutNation » Spying Charges Soon To Be Conjured Up Against Julian Assange
Does Julian Assange Have a Profile On OKCupid? - New York News - Runnin' Scared
N0DKu.jpg - Justice: Don't expect too much from it
BBC News - Stockholm shopping blasts kill one and injure two Swedish press reported that the second blast was a suicide bomber, but police said no cause had yet been determined.
Jailed Afghan Drug Lord Was Informer on U.S. Payroll - NYTimes.com - When asked about Mr. Juma Khan’s relationship with the C.I.A., a spokesman for the spy agency said that the “C.I.A. does not, as a rule, comment on matters pending before U.S. courts.”
UN Climate Deal A Small Step Forward In Global Warming Fight
Democracy Now!: Where is the Press? Amy Goodman Reports From the Empty Media Center at UN Climate Summit
What to do when the shells hit Seoul - INSIDE JoongAng Daily ‘To prepare for war, the Park Chung Hee regime asked construction companies to build basements when putting up new buildings.’
YouTube - Krishna: Indian envoy's pat-down search unacceptable (Diplomat molested by TSA, won't be back)
The US is after our integrity - Opinion - Al Jazeera English the Bush-Blair memo in which both leaders discussed the possibility of bombing Al Jazeera's Qatar HQ, where more than 1,000 people work.
Losing Effort: The United States’ War on Drugs - VisualEconomics.com (financing undercover ops around the world)
Attorney General Eric Holder defends legality of FBI stings against Muslim groups (creating terrorists so they can catch them)
David Axelrod: No 'Major Changes' To Tax Cut Deal As Van Hollen Calls For Estate Tax Vote
Rep. Jim McDermott: Obama's Tax Deal Good For Trust Fund Babies, 'Unfair' To The Unemployed (your Republican Pres at work)
A Sellout (or Three) Too Far? Obama's 2012 Support Collapsing in Wake of Latest Betrayals | MyFDL
Obama Finally Finds a Constituency That Loves His Tax Cut Deal: Village Hacks | Firedoglake truly virtuostic hackery from Dana Milbank (the hack's hack)
Get ready for the most conservative Congress ever - War Room - Salon.com By my estimate, the total number of moderate Republicans in the next Congress will be ... three
Mark Fiore - Dojo of Democracy
Justice Department Prepares for Ominous Expansion of "Anti-Terrorism" Law Targeting Activists ("material support" by talking)
An Unfortunate Decision by Peter Orszag - James Fallows - Politics - The Atlantic Americans may not "notice" Orszag-like migrations, in the sense of devoting big news coverage to them. But these stories pile up in the background to create a broad American sense that politics is rigged, and opportunity too. Why do we wince a little bit when we now hear "Change you can believe in?" This is an illustration.
Howard Dean On Tax Deal: 'A Short-Term Washington Fix' Filled With Easy Promises
An Insult to Their Memory - NYTimes.com Just eight months after the nation was shocked by the death of 29 coal miners in the Upper Big Branch explosion in West Virginia, Republicans have once again pandered to industry and blocked passage of an urgently needed mine safety reform.
Tinker to Evans to No Chance « Mercury Rising ?? The destruction of the United States is not a bug in the Republican plan. It’s a feature.
Secret GOP plan: Push states to declare bankruptcy and smash unions | Analysis & Opinion |
Tomgram: Andy Kroll, How the Oligarchs Took America | TomDispatch
Orwellian Centrism - NYTimes.com So look at how the Village constructs its mythology. The real story, of pretend moderates stalling action by pretending to be persuadable, has been rewritten as a story of how those DF hippies got in the way, until the centrists saved the day (Dana Milbank, elite wanker for WaPo)
Employment-Population Ratio, Young People: A Potential Lost Generation Of Young Americans. « Rortybomb
Post-Meltdown, Banks Still Rule Derivatives Trade - NYTimes.com In theory, this group exists to safeguard the integrity of the multitrillion-dollar market. In practice, it also defends the dominance of the big banks.
Scientists suggest that cancer is man-made (The University of Manchester) Cancer is a modern, man-made disease caused by environmental factors such as pollution and diet, a study review by University of Manchester scientists has strongly suggested.
SPACE.com -- U.S. Military in Talks to Share Fireball Data from Secret Satellites
Peru’s Ocucaje Desert Attracts Fossil Hunters and Smugglers - NYTimes.com
YouTube - Ascent - Commemorating Shuttle
EXCLUSIVE - Qantas QF32 flight from the cockpit | Aerospace Insight | The Royal Aeronautical Society
Gay Bashing at the Smithsonian - NYTimes.com - and the band played on (it's always been run by Republicans)
[video] Fareed Zakaria Takes on Glenn Beck’s “10% of Muslims Are Terrorists” Claim : Writes Like She Talks
YouTube - Soldier Speaks More Sense Than 80% Americans & Muslims Today
Wilmington settles lawsuit over death of former Marine Derek Hale | delawareonline.com | The News Journal Wilmington has settled for $875,000 a lawsuit filed by the widow of a decorated Marine who was shot to death more than three years ago by police ... Witnesses also said Hale did not appear to pose a threat and had just vomited and was shaking violently from the Taser blasts when then-Lt. William Browne shot him in the chest with three .40-caliber rounds. Browne was later promoted to captain.
N.J. doctor supplied steroids to hundreds of law enforcement officers, firefighters | NJ.com
Before you pay to volunteer abroad, think of the harm you might do | Ian Birrell | Comment is free | The Observer A damning report says that well-intentioned westerners do little to alleviate the lot of poverty-stricken children in developing countries
Inside the thriving industry of AIDS orphan tourism
Adults blame parents for education problems - U.S. news - msnbc.com
Revealed: The Nobel Prize winner who discovered his sister was really his mother | Mail Online
LRB · Terry Castle · Desperately Seeking Susan (Sontag) (clash of egomaniacs)
Unreliable Narrator | LOG IT (the dinner party attended by Terry Castle)
Awkward Pregnancy Photos - Pregnant Chicken
Why Drudge Is a Poor Target for Copyright Vigilantes - Jeff Bercovici - Mixed Media - Forbes
Children as young as 4 using iPad and iPhone games to go on £100 buying sprees | Mail Online (Apple scamming 4 yr olds) w
WikiLeaks Cables For Dec. 10, 2010: Pakistan's Terror Camps, The Vatican And Iran
WikiLeaks: Vatican Pressured Ireland On Sex Abuse Scandal Newly released U.S. diplomatic cables indicate that Ireland caved in to Vatican pressure to grant immunity to church officials in the government probe of decades of sex abuse by Irish clergy in the predominantly Catholic nation (just like they caved to the bankers)
Lawfare › Seven Thoughts on Wikileaks by Jack Goldsmith
«Libération» abrite WikiLeaks - Libération
US embassy cables: Wiki witch-hunt | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian For large areas of the world the revelations about the private thoughts of their own leaders are important
No one gains from this 'rape-rape' defence of Julian Assange | Libby Brooks | Comment is free | The Guardian
They bombed al-Jazeera's reporters. Now the US is after our integrity | Wadah Khanfar | Comment is free | The Guardian Al-Jazeera reporters have been tortured and killed in defence of their values. That's why the WikiLeaks story must be challenged
m.guardian.co.uk WikiLeaks' chief crime has been to speak truth to power. What is at stake is nothing less than the freedom of the internet. All the rest is a sideshow distracting attention from the real battle that is being fought. We should all keep focus on the true target.
The media's authoritarianism and WikiLeaks - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Assange really is their new Saddam Hussein and WikiLeaks their new WMD. (your proto-facist media lies to you)
From Judith Miller to Julian Assange » Pressthink To understand Julian Assange and the weird reactions to him in the American press we need to tell a story that starts with Judy Miller and ends with Wikileaks
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect - I'm From The Government, And I'm Here To Scare You. - NPR's Dina Temple-Raston (is wrong and a shitty journo; well, it is NPR)
Hatfill and Wen Ho Lee and Plame and al-Awlaki and Assange | Emptywheel
Wikileaks and the Long Haul « Clay Shirky
WikiLeaks cables: Vatican refused to engage with child sex abuse inquiry | World news | The Guardian Leaked cable lays bare how Irish government was forced to grant Vatican officials immunity from testifying to Murphy commission ("forced?" by the Vatican army?)
WikiLeaks cables: Pope wanted Muslim Turkey kept out of EU | World news | The Guardian Vatican diplomats also lobbied against Venezuela's Hugo Chávez and wanted 'Christian roots' enshrined in EU constitution
Naomi Wolf: Espionage Act: How the Government Can Engage in Serious Aggression Against the People of the United States (Obama hell-bent on criminalizing free speech in America)
WikiLeaks row: why Amazon's desertion has ominous implications for democracy | Technology | The Observer Amazon's decision to abandon WikiLeaks sends out a clear message: you can publish what you like – as long as it meets with the government's approval
Julian Assange supporters plan protests worldwide | World news | guardian.co.uk Detention of WikiLeaks founder is focus of demonstrations today as speculation grows over legal move by US authorities
Finextra: WikiLeaks day five: Moneybookers feels the wrath of hacktivists
Paypal shut my account today because my business donated money to wikileaks. : WTF
Officials Worry About Some Latino Converts To Islam : NPR
Cold War vs. modern day US propaganda — RT
Deal is reached at Cancún summit | Environment | guardian.co.uk All major economies agree to cut emissions and establish a fund to help nations most vulnerable to climate change
Bettencourt feud ends but battle rumbles on for Sarkozy | World news | The Guardian L'Oréal heiress and daughter settle court fight, but French elite still on edge after saga exposes gulf with rest of France - Nicolas Sarkozy's France is an oligarchy, where the president's coterie of extraordinarily wealthy business friends enjoy special privileges in exchange for financial support
Rocky Kistner: Angels of Mercy in the Oil Damaged Gulf
California Gets Wisconsin and Ohio's Rail Money - Transportation - GOOD (Republican Govs screw their states ... did we mention NJ?)
Talgo pulling out of Milwaukee in 2012 - JSOnline Train-maker cites end of high-speed rail project ... "Walker is going to fulfill his campaign promise of ensuring Wisconsin has a business climate that allows the private sector to create 250,000 new jobs." (good luck with those private-sector jobs, buddy)
The Obama Tax Deal: Giving the Hostage Takers More Hostages | TPMCafe but my greater concern is what happens to Social Security in this story. Effectively, this deal would give us a permanent two-percentage point reduction in the payroll tax in a Washington climate very hostile to Social Security (Obama's long-term plan to let Repubicans kill Social Security is worse than you thought)
The Sorrow And The Self-Pity - NYTimes.com There is a case for the tax cut deal, as the best of a very bad situation. But Obama did not help that case yesterday by lashing out at “purists” ... But there’s also a character issue: what we really don’t need right now is a president who blames everyone but himself, and seems more concerned with self-justification than with sustaining the alliances he needs (the arrogance of failure)
Trojan Horse in Tax Compromise: GOP Plan to Bankrupt States, Break Unions (Updated) « naked capitalism (and that ain't all, either - profoundly Republican Pres)
Get To Know Your Incoming House Committee Chairs (the impeachment gang)
Matt Bai's Post-Partisanship -- RollingStone.com
The Hard (Money) Men - NYTimes.com There’s a widespread impression that Keynesian fiscal policy has failed. I would argue that this impression is wrong — that the truth is that it was never tried (ideology always wins)
Mangano Lowers Taxes but Leaves Nassau County in a Fiscal Crisis - NYTimes.com He cut taxes, adding $40 million to the county’s deficit, which has since reached nearly $350 million. Now, with its bonds suddenly downgraded and a state oversight agency preparing to seize its checkbook and credit cards, Nassau is on the verge of a full-fledged fiscal crisis (Republicans at work; coming soon to you)
Bernard Madoff's son Mark found hanged | Business | guardian.co.uk
The Mysterious Decline Effect | Wired Science | Wired.com
Making Peace With The Decline Effect | The Awl
The Truth Wears Off | Wired Science | Wired.com Jonah Lehrer
Rethinking the scientific method : The New Yorker Is there something wrong with the scientific method?
BBC News - 'Superscope' yields first glimpse of Double Quasar
Physicists demonstrate teleportation-based optical quantum entangling gate
Sexual selection: Hunkier than thou | The Economist Scientists are finally succeeding where so many men have failed: in understanding why women find some guys handsome and others hideous
Quantis RNG - True Random Number Generator - Overview
Glass cookware: Consumer Reports Glass bakeware that shatters We put Pyrex and Anchor Hocking dishes to the test
Glass cookware dangers: Consumer Reports - The American-made Pyrex and Anchor Hocking bakeware we tested, made from soda lime glass, shattered at lower temperatures in our tough heat tests than European-made pans, which are made of a more expensive glass, borosilicate. U.S. Pyrex and Anchor Hocking glass bakeware used to be made of borosilicate but no longer are.
Flame Retardants Found in Butter : Discovery News There is currently no way to know how widespread this kind of chemical contamination is in food (Republicans hate safe food)
Formaldehyde in Wrinkle-Free Clothes May Pose Skin Risks - NYTimes.com (your non-wrinkle clothes are killing you; Republicans hate product safety)
Vidéo Ina - Les mods, vidéo Les mods, vidéo - Archives vidéos : Ina.fr (w/The Who)
Lowering the drinking age won’t curb college binge drinking: Study
Injunction issued against L.A.'s medical marijuana law | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times
McDonald's Warns Customers of Data Theft
WikiLeaks US embassy cables: live updates | News | guardian.co.uk
WikiLeaks Cables For Dec. 10, 2010: Pakistan's Terror Camps, The Vatican And Iran
Cable Viewer Nigeria: Pfizer Reaches Preliminary Agreement For (killing a bunch of people)
Wikileaks Reveals U.S. Tax Dollars Fund Child Sex Slavery in Afghanistan | End Human Trafficking | Change.org
UPDATED – Anna Ardin & Sofia Wilén’s contact information and addresses
Anonymous’ Operation Payback IRC Operator Arrested | TorrentFreak
WikiLeaks | Julian Assange | Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva Lula described the WikiLeaks founder as a champion for free expression.
qJgBd.jpg (Natural Gas Intelligence Compnay)
WikiLeaks: Pope's offer to Anglicans risked 'violence against Catholics' | World news | The Guardian
d WikiLeaks: Pope's offer to Anglicans risked 'violence against Catholics' | World news | The Guardian
Julian Assange's lawyers 'preparing for possible US charges' | Media | The Guardian Legal team for WikiLeaks founder says Washington may be planning to invoke Espionage Act to indict their client (they will do anything: Obama's crazed national secrecy state)
Charging Julian Assange could be unconstitutional | Bruce Ackerman and Sara Aronchick Solow | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk The due process clause rules out prosecuting WikiLeaks' founder – a non-US citizen – for extraterritorial offences (depends on your definition of "territory")
WikiLeaks cables: Anonymous declares online war against companies | Technology | The Guardian Shadowy group of 'hactivists' targets big US websites for Operation Payback as firms face web onslaught
Pakistani media: Fake WikiLeaks cables attacking India published – The Express Tribune (getting complicated)
Openleaks, WikiLeaks Rival, To Launch As Break Away From 'Slave Driver' Assange: Report
Meet the Most Dangerous Man in Cyberspace: The American Face of Wikileaks | Rolling Stone Culture American hacker Jacob Appelbaum fights repressive regimes around the world. Now he's on the run from his own government
Police must not be seen as arm of the state, warns top officer | UK news | The Guardian Sir Hugh Orde warns that repeated clashes with demonstrators risks damaging reputation of police force (too late)
Michael Scheuer - The Diplomat (Bush and Obama's lies about Bin Laden)
London tuition fee protest - The Big Picture - Boston.com
YouTube - Nick Clegg in 47 seconds
YouTube - An Irishman abroad tells it like it is !! :-) (coming to America +idiot reporter)
Liu Xiaobo Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony Goes Ahead With Empty Chair
FAA Aircraft Information MISSING For 119,000 Planes (stolen by terrorists)
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders Begins “Tax Cut Filibuster”
Obama and Republicans' tax deal | The Washington Post (notice, no mention of "Democrats")
Gary D. Bass, Ph.D.: Obama Tax Cut Compromise Capitulates on Estate Tax (and everything else)
Sanders won't respond to Obama's jab - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room "I'm not into getting in a fight with the president," Sanders told reporters. "I think the agreement that we now have is a bad agreement. I think we can do much better, and I intend to do everything I can to make it better." (the Great Capitulator is pissed that Dems don't like his Republican tax plan)
Why the Obama tax deal with Republicans is insane | Corrente - The failure of our national debate on tax cuts (which have never worked; Obama is ignoring history)
The Effect of Changing Top Marginal Tax Rates | Angry Bear (no one can see the disasterous failure of Reaganism - or success depending on who's looking at it)
AARP Signs Off On Obama Tax Cut Provision
Obama-Republican Deal Could Mean Tax Hike For One In Three Workers
Error could doom food safety bill | Des Moines Register Staff Blogs Sen. Tom Harkin says an error by the Senate Democratic leadership’s staff could doom the food-safety bill that overwhelmingly passed the Senate this week unless Republicans agree to fix the problem quickly (Harry Reid incompent - Dems can't do anything right)
Some Guy With a Website by August J. Pollak - xoverboard.com no prominent Republican is outraged that the GOP blocked the bill to give aid to 9/11 workers and victims. Not Giuliani, not Chris Christie, no one. Yesterday Bloomberg said it's "everyone's fault." They don't care. They never did. Like the non-crazy of us all knew all along, Republicans gave a shit about 9/11 vicims solely when it let them hate on Democrats.
Glenn Beck: "The revolution has begun" | Media Matters for America (sedition)
Richard (RJ) Eskow: Blind Trust: Holder's Bogus "Operation" and Obama's Wall Street Justice
Tea'd Off | Politics | Vanity Fair
How America will collapse (by 2025) - U.S. Economy - Salon.com Four scenarios that could spell the end of the United States as we know it -- in the very near future
Are the American people obsolete? - U.S. Economy - Salon.com The richest few don't need the rest of us as markets, soldiers or police anymore. Maybe we should all emigrate
Allianz Global Investors | Allentown Bill Gross Investment Outlook 12/1/2010 The United States seems to acknowledge no bounds to what it can spend to bolster consumption or how much it can print to support its asset markets
Politics and eye movement: Liberals focus their attention on 'gaze cues' much differently than conservatives do (conervatives self-centered and autistic)
YouTube - Lego Antikythera Mechanism
ReturnTheDVD.org Third, the cost and timing of this DVD disturbs us. Distributing 400,000 DVDs on the single subject of same-sex marriage shortly before a political election reflects misguided priorities, and strays from the essential teachings of Christ.
Elevating the God discussion - The Globe and Mail
Jeremy Marks "Attempted Lynching" Case - Page 1 - News - Los Angeles - LA Weekly Black teen who filmed an LAUSD campus cop hitting a student faces bizarre charges and years in prison
Battle Heats Up Between Police Officers And Civilians Who Record Them
SCP Series - The SCP Foundation
c6Agr.jpg - What if the largest countries had the biggest populations?
For Adam Parfrey, Publishing the Unabomber's Book Is All In a Day's Work - Page 1 - News - Seattle - Seattle Weekly
Sushi With You » Blog Archive » The DigiPen Survival Guide
YouTube - CodeRedFlame's Channel - The Bedford Diaries
Fiche Technique - Europa Film Treasures - 1913 Dunkirk Tram
Timeline of an Epic #FAIL: The WikiLeaks Takedown Fiasco » blog.easydns.org - Happenings and observations
Create a Highly Organized, Synchronized Home Folder with Dropbox
Europeans Criticize Fierce U.S. Response to Leaks - NYTimes.com The United States considers itself a shining beacon of democracy and openness, but for many Europeans Washington’s fierce reaction to the flood of secret diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks displays imperial arrogance and hypocrisy, indicating a post-9/11 obsession with secrecy that contradicts American principles (what "principles"? - Obama doesn't seem to have any at all +Putin: “So, you know, as we say in the village, some people’s cows can moo, but yours should keep quiet.")
WikiLeaks cables had a huge impact in Spain, says El Pais editor-in-chief | World news | The Guardian 'It's probably the biggest story this newspaper has ever been involved with,' says Javier Moreno, El Pais editor-in-chief
Operation Payback fails to take down Amazon in WikiLeaks revenge attack | Media | guardian.co.uk
Sweden: we did not bow to political pressure over Julian Assange | World news | guardian.co.uk
WikiLeaks: Who are the hackers behind Operation Payback? | Media | guardian.co.uk 'Hacktivist' group Anonymous, linked to message board 4chan, has led online assault against MasterCard and Paypal websites
Julian Assange rape allegations: treatment of women 'unfair and absurd' | Media | The Guardian Lawyer for two women whose assault allegations led to arrest says case has nothing to do with WikiLeaks or CIA
WikiLeaks cables: Oil giants squeeze Chávez as Venezuela struggles | World news | guardian.co.uk American diplomats say president is now desperate to attract foreign partners after nationalisation frightened many away
WikiLeaks documents expose US foreign policy conspiracies. All cables with tags from 1- 5000 eBook: Heinz Duthel: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store (will Obama prosecute Amazon for treason?)
Ellsberg: “EVERY attack now made on WikiLeaks and Julian Assange was made against me and the release of the Pentagon Papers at the time.” ... So shame on Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and all those who spew platitudes about integrity, justice and accountability while allowing war criminals and torturers to walk freely upon the earth ... Odd, isn’t it, that it takes a Pravda commentator to drive home the point that the Obama administration is on the wrong side of history.
Caving to pressure from supporters, PayPal releases WikiLeaks’ funds [Update: PayPal down] (the truth is now "illegal")
‘Hacktivists’ Pursue Campaign Against WikiLeaks Foes - NYTimes.com
Sarah Palin Cyber Attack: WikiLeaks Supporters Take On Ex-Governor
Fox News' Bob Beckel Calls For 'Ilegally' Killing Assange: 'A Dead Man Can't Leak Stuff' (as long as Obama is into extra-legal killing)
What Is LOIC? ("Low Orbit Ion Cannon")
'Bomb plotter' arrested in Baltimore - Telegraph he individual arrested was a 21-year-old male who is an American citizen and converted to be a Muslim ("no actual danger" because it was all a setup)
Russian spy row: Moscow warns UK of tit-for-tat expulsions | World news | guardian.co.uk Parliamentary assistant Ekaterina Zatuliveter's detention is a smokescreen, Russia's most senior official claims
China Moves to Block Foreign News on Nobel Prize Ceremony - NYTimes.com (sounds like ...)
Father-in-law of Time's Afghan cover girl with nose and ears sliced off ARRESTED | Mail Online Sulaiman then took her amputated nose and proudly showed it off around the village.' (bringing democracy to Afganistan)
Childless couples win the right to pay surrogate mothers - Telegraph Childless couples will be able to pay surrogate mothers large sums of money to have babies for them, following a landmark High Court ruling (UK)
Dutch Panel Found 2,000 Church Abuse Claims - NYTimes.com - “The Roman Catholic church has not faced a crisis like this since the French Revolution,” (WLPR)
Prince Charles, Camilla's Car Attacked By Student Protesters In London In Britain's worst political violence in years, furious student protesters rained sticks and rocks on riot police, vandalized government buildings and attacked a car carrying Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, after lawmakers approved a controversial hike in university tuition fees.
'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Repeal FAILS, Blocked By Senate Republicans (Scotty and the Susan)
Rep. Gary Ackerman: Tax Cut Deal Is GOP's 'Wet Dream Act' (which is why Obama thought of it)
Pelosi won't hold vote on Obama's tax plan -aide | Reuters The aide said Pelosi would require changes be made to the measure that most of her fellow House Democrats formally opposed by approving a resolution of opposition to it.
Hullabaloo We Didn't Think Of That - criminally inept or crudely malevolent. There is no other choice (Larry "criminally inept and crudely malevolent" Summers)
Hullabaloo One More Nail In The Social Security Coffin (Obama's timebomb)
Social Security Seeks to End Free Loans - NYTimes.com (the war on your retirement)
9/11 Health Bill Blocked in Senate - NYTimes.com (in case you had any doubt where their loyalties lie +Scott "Beefcake" Brown)
Maddow And Olbermann Slam Obama's Tax Cut Compromise (videos) | TPMDC
Dream Act Passes The House set the stage for tomorrow's vote in the Senate, where it is expected to fall short of the 60 votes needed to break a filibuster and proceed to a final vote (the arrogance of failure)
Anyone else miss this guy? - Imgur
Liberal Group Ad Recalls When Obama Said Bush Tax Cuts Offended His Conscience (what conscience?)
While Whacking Critics, Obama Gets Facts Wrong (a-historical Obama lying about history)
What's Wrong With Cutting Taxes? - NYTimes.com
House Dems To Biden: 'One Year Of Unemployment Benefits For Two Years Of Tax Breaks For The Rich?' (and nothing for the 99ers, remember)
Lindsey Graham Accuses Obama Of 'Whining,' Dares Dems To Block Tax Cut Deal
Media Matters Hires Angelo Carusone, Leader Of 'Stop Beck' Movement, To Ramp Up Campaign Against Fox News
SB-1070 Mastermind Russell Pearce: 'Obama May Not Be Visiting Arizona Because We Require Papers' (Arizona will deport Obama if he sets foot in the state)
Harry Reid Toppled Sharron Angle In Nevada Senate Election With Many Votes From Registered Republicans (too exteme even for exteme Republican extemists)
Fears of Oil Speculation Driving Up Gas Prices, Canceling Out Stimulus | FDL News Desk
The Obama Administration's Financial-Fraud Stunt Backfires : CJR The press shows the feds’ numbers are phony and asks where the whales are (Obama is lying more and more)
Homeowners Wrongfully Foreclosed Upon Go Through Legal Wringer
Wall Street Sees New Profits In Homeowner Distress
Geminid Meteor Shower Defies Explanation - NASA Science
Kawah Ijen by night - The Big Picture - Boston.com into the sulfur mine in the crater of the Kawah Ijen volcano in East Java, Indonesia
NASA - NASA's Spitzer Reveals First Carbon-Rich Planet
BBC News - 'Diamond exoplanet' idea boosted by telescope find
Critic's Notebook: David Wojnarowicz's 'A Fire in My Belly' - NYTimes.com (Catholics defining what is "art" for you)
Comedy Central’s New Logo = Suck - AgencySpy
Twitter: WikiLeaks Not Being Blocked
MasterCard site partially frozen by hackers in WikiLeaks 'revenge' | Media | guardian.co.uk 'Operation: Payback' hacks into MasterCard site over payment network's decision to cease taking donations to WikiLeaks
Visa DOWN: WikiLeaks Supporters Take Down Site As 'Payback'
Democracy Now!: Assange's Attorney: Wikileaks Founder Is Endangered by Bail Denial and Illegal Threats of Violence "You have to remember, of course, that when the allegations came up, he remained in Sweden for more than a month-and-a-half to answer the allegations and to provide answers to the questions of the police. He left the country with the prosecutor's permission."
WikiLeaks cables: Shell's grip on Nigerian state revealed | Business | The Guardian US embassy cables reveal top executive's claims that company 'knows everything' about key decisions in oil-rich Niger Delta
WikiLeaks: The man who kicked the hornet's nest | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian As the disclosures continue, a number of questions about the way the world has changed are becoming more clearly framed ... "If it's OK for a democracy to just decide to run someone off the internet for doing something they wouldn't prosecute a newspaper for doing, the idea of an internet that further democratizes the public sphere will have taken a mortal blow."
WikiLeaks Prosecution Studied by Justice Department - NYTimes.com (the sleazy Senator from Israel behind the scenes)
The crux of the WikiLeaks debate - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (lying media weasels)
Ireland's 'morbidly obese cats' and runaway public sector pay | Business | guardian.co.uk
Petraeus, Obama Administration Continue Afghanistan Spin Prior to White House "Review" | MyFDL
White House Privately Pushing Data Showing Bush Tax Cut Extension Politically Popular - The survey, conducted before, during and after the tax negotiations, shows that only a third (35%) support keeping the lower rates for the highest earners (so, he lied again: the audacity of hope, the arrogance of failure)
Larry Summers: If Tax Deal Goes Down There's A 'Significant Risk' Of A Double Dip Recession (there's a name you can trust +it's all your fault)
Whose side is the White House on anyway? - Barack Obama News - Salon.com (not yours, for sure)
Keith Olbermann’s Special Comment on McConnell-Obama Tax Deal: Must-See TV | FDL Action (you listened to Blanche Fucking Lincoln?)
Why the tax cut deal rebellion will fail - Taxes - Salon.com In this game of high-stakes poker, the longer the game goes on, the better the Republican hand becomes
Has Obama Lost His Sway Over Democrats? - Chris Good - Politics - The Atlantic
Tax Cut Deal A Hidden Threat To Social Security (Obama's timebomb to kill SS, which he's always hated)
Dem Rep. Michael Capuano: I 'May Or May Not' Support Obama Reelection (join the crowd, Mike)
Tax Cut Deal is Public Option Debate All Over Again: All Lies, No Fight | FDL Action (nice track record you got there)
Why Does Obama Keep Blaming Liberals for His Health Care Bill’s Unpopularity? | Firedoglake It’s unpopular because it forces people to become paying customers of Aetna and WellPoint without giving them the ability to fire them when they get screwed. And get screwed they will (Obama is always blameless and unreflective)
Maine's moderate senators sabotaging DREAM Act, "don't ask, don't tell" - U.S. Senate - Salon.com
Senate Convicts Federal Judge On Corruption Charges - Corruption Currents - WSJ (his pictue tells you all you need to know)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Michael Bloomberg's Contempt for Democracy.
Citigroup 'Too Interwoven' to Fail, Chairman Says - CNBC (their plan all along)
Let Oprah know that Kim Tinkham is dying of cancer : Respectful Insolence (Oprah's addiction to wishful thinking)
U.S. to Host World Press Freedom Day in 2011 (Irony overload dept. +from GG below: "Joe Lieberman suggested that not only Assange, but also The New York Times, may have committed crimes by publishing these cables (see the 5:15 entry). Journalists cheering for the prosecution of Assange are laying the foundation for the criminalization of their own profession")
WikiLeaks Archive — Julian Assange Issues Warning - NYTimes.com
Assange Is in Court to Face Charges in Sex Inquiry - NYTimes.com
REMINDER: The "Sex Crime" That Julian Assange Was Just Arrested For Wasn't Rape. It Was... A condom was apparently used--initially. But it broke. So the dispute is about whether it broke "accidentally" (he said) or it broke "on purpose" (she said). That DEFINITELY sounds like a job for Interpol.
Twitter / Heather Brooke: Julian assange is remanded ... in custody til dec 14th. surprising ruling coming after judge waxed long on lack of evidence.
2010-12-07: Julian Assange arrested on Swedish warrant [Update 9] | WL Central
Wikileaks: Julian Assange's 2 one-night stands spark a worldwide hunt | Mail Online
WikiLeaks US embassy cables: live updates | News | guardian.co.uk
British Court Denies Bail to Assange in Sex Inquiry - NYTimes.com (on a charge that isn't even recognized in UK or anywhere else)
Anti-WikiLeaks lies and propaganda - from TNR, Lauer, Feinstein and more - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com "They are releasing the documents we selected," Le Monde's managing editor, Sylvie Kauffmann, said in an interview at the newspaper's Paris headquarters... (yes, freedom and truth are so over)
Letters: Anti-WikiLeaks lies and propaganda - from TNR, Lauer, Feinstein and more - Salon About Feinstein's op-ed - (Surveillance-State-protecting, Iraq-War-supporting, defense-contractor-plutocrat" +one of Satan's Liars)
Julian Assange Arrested: WikiLeaks Founder Taken Into Custody In London On Swedish Warrant
Wikileaks Arrest: Julian Assange In Custody, Court Battle Underway
Why Britain is likely to send WikiLeaks' Assange to Sweden on rape charges - CSMonitor.com The legal team of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange may fight his potential extradition to Sweden on human rights grounds, but it's unlikely Mr. Assange will avoid it, say legal experts (done deal, who justice works, may be extadited to Afganistan)
Editorial written by Julian Assange in The Australian
Naomi Wolf: Julian Assange Captured by World's Dating Police Thank you again, Interpol. I know you will now prioritize the global manhunt for 1.3 million guys I have heard similar complaints about personally in the US alone -- there is an entire fraternity at the University of Texas you need to arrest immediately.
Live with the WikiLeakable world or shut down the net. It's your choice | John Naughton | Comment is free | The Guardian Western political elites obfuscate, lie and bluster – and when the veil of secrecy is lifted, they try to kill the messenger
Marc A. Thiessen - You're either with us, or you're with WikiLeaks Like the war on terror, we have been attacked in this new cyber war in ways we did not anticipate (Kaplan Test Prep's Wapo line: "Like the war on terror, we have been attacked in this new cyber war in ways we did not anticipate." see what they did there? war on terror just because war on truth)
The Great Beyond: US declares Wikileaks off-limits to government researchers (Obama's National Security State revs up)
Twitter / Jillian C. York: The KKK can accept payment ... via Visa and PayPal, but #WikiLeaks cannot. What a just world we live in.
FT Alphaville » Something else made in China – Chinese GDP
Christina Gagnier: Instigation Not Mitigation: The Failures in the Responses to Wikileaks
U.S.: Israel Settlement Freeze Demand Dropped (you don't say)
Top Israel Rabbis: Don't Sell Property To Non-Jews (sounds like a racist state, doesn't it?)
Attack on Pearl Harbor - Wikipedia
The End of Social Security | MyFDL (Obama's SS timebomb built into his payroll tax bill)
Obama Dresses Down 'Sanctimonious' And 'Purist' Progressives (video) | TPMDC - "some abstract ideal" (you can see the problem here +defining success down)
Echidne of the snakes - On That Compromise Package - Obama sounds kinda like a Republican president, don't you think? (why doesn't he just run as one?)
Flashback: Obama Slams Bush Tax Cuts For 'Millionaires And Billionaires' (flip ... flop)
Mary Landrieu: 'Obama-McConnell' Plan Is 'Almost Morally Corrupt' (our no-moral-center Pres)
Tax Cut Deal: Dean, Ex-Obama Advisers Lament President's Plan
White House Defends Lopsided Unemployment-For-Tax-Cuts Deal (Capitulator-in-Chief)
Steny Hoyer: Tax Cuts For Wealthy Are 'Ransom' (it's come to this)
Eschaton But if the economy needed more stimulus, why haven't they been making it the case? I understand that stimulus has become a dirty word because, well, I have no idea why, but they could have called it Magic Ponies or whatever.
Yglesias » The Trouble With Fiscal Stimulus, Part Zwei
Tax and Unemployment Agreement Leads to Jobs Growth It is, however, unfortunate that these jobs have to come from an agreement that is a balance between large, unneeded, bonus tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans and the needed continuation of unemployment benefits, middle-class tax relief, and additional help for the economy for the rest of us (rolled again)
Blighted Title: Banks Selling Homes They Don’t Own | FDL News Desk (oh, what's the problem?)
The $100 hamster wheel | Analysis & Opinion | On top of that, lots of sites rewrote the CNBC story, giving CNBC credit but doing no new reporting themselves, and sometimes mangling the facts along the way.
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Captain’s Blog: Gulf of Mexico Oil Damage/Worse Than You Thought update
Warning To Gulf Volunteers: Almost Every Cleanup Worker From The 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Is Now Dead
Criminal-Justice and School Sanctions Against Nonheterosexual Youth: A National Longitudinal Study -- Himmelstein and Brückner, 10.1542/peds.2009-2306 -- Pediatrics Nonheterosexual youth suffer disproportionate educational and criminal-justice punishments that are not explained by greater engagement in illegal or transgressive behaviors
YouTube - When Did You Choose to Be Straight? (and adopt the heterosexual lifestyle?)
The most important news and commentary to read right now. - The Slatest - Slate Magazine If You See Something, Say Something to the Wal-Mart Greeter (you can see where this is going)
Sorry Sirius, Howard Stern Is “Not Taking A F—ing Pay-Cut” - Lacey Rose - Moneywood - Forbes
YouTube - Inception in Real-Time
Tramway - 1913 - Europa Film Treasures
YouTube - Network - The Illuminati Globalist View Of The World
AT&T Rated 'Worst Carrier' By Consumer Reports Reader Survey
Meet The Chinese Leader Who Googled Himself, And The System That Shaped Him - Gady Epstein - Beijing Dispatch - Forbes
Vitaly Borker Arrested: Alleged 'Bully' Online Retailer Apprehended In New York
Visited Porn? Web Browser Flaw Secretly Bares All
Spending millions to kill each terrorist - Baltimore Sun We cannot win the war in Afghanistan through conventional military means, so what, exactly, are we doing there? - $100 million is being spent to kill each Taliban soldier."
Afghanistan Poll: Afghans Lose Confidence In U.S. & NATO Forces
Petraeus Not 'Sure' Of U.S. Victory In Afghanistan By 2014 (Obama rolled, will re-surge)
Robert Greenwald and Derrick Crowe: Blowing Billions on War While American Workers Go Under (Obama loves his military daddies)
The Return of David Rees's "Get Your War On" - New York Magazine
Nice burn, Wikileaks. - Imgur
WikiLeaks - Support (-->contribute while you still can<--)
Twitter Appears to Censor Wikileaks-Related Trends (et tu, twitter .. get a call from the Senator from Israel?)
Swiss Cut Off Bank Account For WikiLeaks' Assange
Holder threatens WikiLeaks, again - War Room - Salon.com Attorney general says that unspecified but "significant" actions have been taken in the criminal probe of WikiLeaks (Obama's censor-flunkie)
UPDATE 1-US looks beyond espionage to deal with Wikileaks | Reuters U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said on Monday the Obama administration was considering using laws in addition to the U.S. Espionage Act to possibly prosecute the release of sensitive government information by WikiLeaks (because existing ones don't work)
NationalJournal.com - What's the Big Secret? - Monday, December 6, 2010 Both conservatives and progressives seem hypocritical in their views on WikiLeaks.
BBC News - List of facilities 'vital to US security' leaked
Columbia University Reverses Anti-WikiLeaks Guidance | Threat Level | Wired.com
Blogging The Wikileaks—Monday, Day 9, Return Here Often for Updates | The Nation - Remember, he did NOT leak the cables to the Times -- the paper got them from The Guardian. Or should we say, is getting them? (great source)
The lawless Wild West attacks WikiLeaks - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com A consensus of legal experts agree that prosecuting the organization or Julian Assange for any of its leaks would be difficult in the extreme (Obama's censorship machine in high gear)
Hullabaloo many of the people who are threatening to imprison and assassinate Assange do know this and also understand that they are threatening not just him but the publishers of newspapers all over the world who also have these documents. Is everyone comfortable with that?
Wikileaks/Assange honored by CIA alumni :: News From Underground Julian Assange have received the 2010 Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence award for their resourcefulness in making available secret U.S. military documents on the Iraq and Afghan wars.”
PresidentBushObama, GOP Agree: Bail Out the Rich, Destroy Democratic Party | MyFDL - It seems our faux Democratic President, now in full moral and policy collapse, and with the mindset of what once passed for a moderate Republican, views his job as negotiating with the most radically conservative wing of his radically conservative party to give them what they want
First Read - First Thoughts: Done deal? Today’s New York Times reports that the Obama White House and Senate Republicans are closing in on a deal to temporarily extend the Bush tax cuts for all income levels -- for two years perhaps? -- in return for also extending jobless benefits and the Obama middle- class tax cuts from the 2009 stimulus (yes, he caved yet again)
Tax Cuts Update: Despite Schumer's Threat, There's Little Appetite To Let Them Expire "If Republicans hold out, and taxes go up, he should tell the nation the truth, and denounce the blackmail attempt for what it is.
Defense Secretary: It's Not Looking Good For DADT Repeal In 2010 | TPMDC (never)
Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community Isn't Dick Lugar conservative enough for the Republican Party? Is it really necessary to give him a primary challenge because he's less than 100% unhinged?
It depends on what Glenn Reynolds means by “shrink rapidly” | Media Matters for America (lies, lies)
BIll Maher: Glenn Beck Is Like Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard
Hullabaloo Sore Knees On Forty Second St. (NYT gives a blow-job to Kentucky taxpayer-funded Creationist Ark theme park)
Yglesias » Morning in America
Chart of the day: U.S. taxes | Analysis & Opinion | Federal taxes are the lowest in 60 years, which gives you a pretty good idea of why America’s long-term debt ratios are a big problem. If the taxes reverted to somewhere near their historical mean, the problem would be solved at a stroke (but that would inconvience the rich; deficit liars at work)
Ben Bernanke: Income Inequality Is 'Creating Two Societies'
Jamie Dimon Profile Misses The Point: Trusting Bankers Is Too Stupid To Try Again
$100 Bill: The Fed Has a $110 Billion Problem with New Benjamins - CNBC (had to issue Bush money)
Cosmology: Going round in circles | The Economist In contradiction to most cosmologists’ opinions, two scientists have found evidence that the universe may have existed for ever
OUDaily.com | COLUMN: A nude awakening — TSA and privacy , but we are instead enraptured by xenophobic obscurantism that perverts our sense of risk, enables the abrogation of liberty and leaves us vulnerable to a self-defeating national policy that plays into the hands of terrorists.
XNCiU.jpg (and then the TSA touch their balls ... like this)
Immigration Hysteria Gone Crazy: Deporting A Resident of 50 Years
Beyond the scary Christmas list: the full parenting price tag - CSMonitor.com The parenting price tag has soared to about $220,000 per child. If you think the kids' Christmas list is hefty, there's no end in sight to the add-ons Americans can think of in the cultivation of kids.
Google eBookstore
Chinese leader googled self, got mad at Google? | Technically Incorrect - CNET News
WikiLeaks - Mass Mirroring our website Wikileaks is currently under heavy attack.
Twitter / Keith Olbermann: RT @BiancaJagger '#Assange ... “rape” accuser has #CIA ties'
C35Ty.png (infowar is now engaged ... you are the troops)
WikiLeaks Cable Viewer (understand: they've only released 842+ of 251,287 things your government doesn't want you to see)
Cable Viewer Viewing cable 10BEIJING263, PRC: Nuclear Research At Chinese Academy (keeping us stupid)
Joe Lieberman emulates Chinese dictators - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
More Joe Lieberman-caused Internet censorship - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com another company has now capitulated to Lieberman's demands - benign, purely legal documents that have now been removed from the Internet in response to Joe Lieberman's demands and implied threats
Tension grows between Calif. Muslims, FBI after informant infiltrates mosque
Exclusive: Submarine Dive Finds Oil, Dead Sea Life at Bottom of Gulf of Mexico Near BP Spill Site - ABC News Though Region is Healing, Damage From BP Spill Persists on Ocean Floor, Scientists Say
Stunning Video of Unemployed Workers: Meet Obama's Human Shields | MyFDL
YouTube - "Today In America We Have The Most Unequal Distribution Of Wealth Since The Great Depression!"
Daily Kos: President Obama is neither weak nor stupid... nor a progressive - It's time to consider that the president accepts centrist and conservative policies because he himself is a centrist or conservative." (we should try to avoid this next time)
Michael Lerner - Save Obama's presidency by challenging him on the left the president's unwillingness to veto any measure that includes continued tax relief for billionaires is the last straw, building on a record of spinelessness that includes his escalation of the war in Afghanistan, abandonment of a public option for health-care reform, refusal to prosecute those who tortured in Iraq or lied us into that war, and unwillingness to tax carbon emissions.
All the President’s Captors - NYTimes.com (he captured himself a long time ago)
Calculated Risk Chart Gallery (recessions: the only chart you need to see to know why Obama and the Rebuplicans are out of touch with reality and everyone else is screwed)
What Jamie Dimon Won’t Tell You: His Big Bank Would Be Dangerously Leveraged « The Baseline Scenario
FT.com / FT Magazine - How Annie got shot
How Tom Barrack and Rob Lowe Are Making Money Off of Distressed Celebrities -- New York Magazine
Tooth decay to be a thing of the past? Enzyme responsible for dental plaque sticking to teeth deciphered
The unsuccessful self-treatment of a case of “writer's block”
The Vulture Transcript: Sci-Fi Author William Gibson on Why He Loves Twitter, Thinks Facebook Is ‘Like a Mall,’ and Much More -- Vulture
Own A Piece Of US History Home Of The Unabomber Huge Price Reduction!
Muslim Publics Divided on Hamas and Hezbollah | Pew Global Attitudes Project At least three-quarters of Muslims in Egypt and Pakistan say they would favor making each of the following the law in their countries: stoning people who commit adultery, whippings and cutting off of hands for crimes like theft and robbery and the death penalty for those who leave the Muslim religion
MUSLIM WORLD: Poll shows majority want Islam in politics; feelings mixed on Hamas, Hezbollah | Babylon & Beyond | Los Angeles Times (but fine with stoning women to death)
Infographic of the Day: The 28 Flavors of Online Conversation in 2010 | Co.Design
WikiLeaks (wikileaks) on Twitter
WikiLeaks cables: Seven key things we've learned so far | Richard Adams | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk Some in the media glibly dismissed the US embassy cables at first, but such WikiScepticism is on the wane
WikiLeaks site's Swiss host dismisses pressure to take it offline | Media | guardian.co.uk Swiss host Switch says there is 'no reason' why WikiLeaks should be forced off internet, despite French and US demands
NationalJournal.com - To Tell the Truth - Thursday, December 2, 2010 Maybe the government would earn more of our trust if it leveled with us more and invaded our privacy less.
PayPal Cuts WikiLeaks From Money Flow
WikiLeaks Science: DNA Collection, Climate Talks, & China’s Google Hack | 80beats | Discover Magazine
WL Central | An unofficial WikiLeaks information resource
Australia to help US over Assange
Legal As She Is Spoke » Blog Archive » Wikileaks Has Committed No Crime
Reporters Sans Frontières - Wikileaks hounded?
WikiLeaks just made the world more repressive - The Globe and Mail (author covered up genocide)
YouTube - President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech version 2
Spain's Air Traffic Controllers Placed Under Military Control After Striking
Democrats Should Stand Tall Against Republican Tax Cut Extortionists
72 super PACs spent $83.7 million on election, financial disclosure reports show (end of Democracy)
Obama Issues First Pardons Of His Presidency Far from sending a message about the excesses and errors of the judicial system, Obama picked minor and sometimes ancient offenses -- such as a 1963 conviction for "mutilation of coins" -- to forgive. He also chose not to commute any sentences at all (and only because the NYT reported it)
Tea Party Nation Founder: 'A Wise Idea' To Only Let Property Owners Vote | TPMMuckraker (the road to serfdom)
Operation One-Term: Obama Reaches Bipartisan Agreement To Serve Only Four Years | Firedoglake 2012's will be “We may suck, but at least we’re not crazy.” Not exactly an improvement, but it should definitely free Obama up to run for mayor of Chicago (+"We had a Roosevelt moment and responded like Hoover")
Senate Republicans Defeat Reauthorization Of Jobless Aid, Tax Cuts
Freezing Out Hope - NYTimes.com - It would be much easier, of course, for Democrats to draw a line if Mr. Obama would do his part. But all indications are that the party will have to look elsewhere for the leadership it needs.
Getting Obama's Drift - NYTimes.com But here’s the thing: by now we know that this strategy has been a political disaster. So you would think that the administration would change its line ... I just think top management has gone missing. And so the administration drifts …
Why anthropology is ‘true’ even if it is not ‘science’ | Savage Minds
News: Anthropology Without Science - Inside Higher Ed A new long-range plan for the American Anthropological Association that omits the word “science” from the organization's vision for its future has exposed fissures in the discipline.
Anthropology Association Rejecting Science? - Innovations - The Chronicle of Higher Education
..:recycled minds:..: Views from the ANThill: Anthropology as Science
We're waiting, Mr President - opinion - 03 December 2010 - New Scientist (for scientific integrity: not a fact-based administration)
The truth about California Brett Arends' ROI - MarketWatch Commentary: Maligned state is actually saving the rest of us
Repairing California: The tide begins to turn | The Economist For once, California’s prospects seem better in the long term than in the short
Fatal Crossing: The Lives That End at America's Desolate Border | Archaeology | DISCOVER Magazine
Why I didn't like riding the bus as a kid - The Oatmeal
Please Fire Me: Submit If You Can't Quit
Valerie Plame, YES! Wikileaks, NO! - English pravda.ru (Russia: how's that free speech thing working out for you? +state-sponsered infowar to control your access to the truth)
Net closes on Assange: arrest by British police expected in days - Home News, UK - The Independent
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange: Has US already indicted him? - CSMonitor.com It is entirely possible that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is already under indictment in the US. Grand juries work in secret, and indictments can be sealed, but there have been hints.
Julian Assange answers your questions | World news | guardian.co.uk We should always look at censorship as an economic signal that reveals the potential power of speech in that jurisdiction. The attacks against us by the US point to a great hope, speech powerful enough to break the fiscal blockade (smart guy, speaking the truth, has to be silenced)
The Shameful Attacks on Julian Assange - David Samuels - International - The Atlantic
Why Not Just Stamp 'Secret' Across the Front Page of the NY Times? - James Fallows - National - The Atlantic
Online, the censors are scoring big wins - WikiLeaks - Salon.com Attacks on WikiLeaks are part of an attack on free speech, aided by the companies that make up the Web's backbone
FoxNews.com - Bill Could Give Homeland Security Power Over Tech Giants
DHS | Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7: Critical Infrastructure Identification, Prioritization, and Protection - terrorist attacks could include: undermine the public's morale and confidence in our national economic and political institutions (that's right, you are supposed to have confidence in our economic and political institutions or ...)
Amazon.com’s Excuse: WikiLeaks ‘Harming People’ -- News from Antiwar.com Spokesman Insists Ousting Site Was Ideologically Motivated, Not Cowardice
Amazon.com Evicts Wikileaks. Who's Next?
WikiLeaks and Amazon: A free speech issue? - CSMonitor.com WikiLeaks has been banned from Amazon servers. And for some critics, that's a very problematic development indeed.
Hal Roberts / Amazon’s Wikileaks Takedown
Will Cooler Heads Not Prevail? | Talking Points Memo By the LOC's logic, it should have blocked the Washington Post when Dana Priest blew the lid off the CIA's secret prison system and the New York Times when James Risen exposed warrantless wiretapping.
Meet the people who want Julian Assange "whacked"
The (Not So) Secret (Anymore) US War in Pakistan | The Nation (Pentagon, of course, lied)
US Cables: Mexico drug war lacks clear strategy - Yahoo! News (o rly; how about legalization?)
Cable reveals US behind airstrike that killed 21 children in Yemen | Raw Story
No, Wikileaks’s Julian Assange isn’t accused of rape | Liberal Conspiracy (your American media at work)
Arrest Warrant for "Sex Crimes" Against Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Is for "Sex Without a Condom", NOT Non-Consensual Rape Using Force ? Washington's Blog
White House Tells All Federal Agencies To Prohibit Unauthorized Employees From Wikileaks Site | TPMMuckraker (you can't read freely-available info)
U.S. Military In Iraq Tries To Intimidate Soldiers Into Not Reading Wikileaks | TPM LiveWire
Bank of America executive: We're preparing for Wikileaks - CharlotteObserver.com
Helen Thomas: Zionists Own Congress, The WH, Hollywood & Wall St. | TPMMuckraker (the deselected fact)
Harkin: If Obama Caves On Taxes, He Better Pray For Palin In 2012 (he's already pre-caved)
Eschaton Crazy Ideas: Perhaps politicians should be talking about policies to increase jobs now instead of ones to cut them in order to wage a futile war against imaginary problems 10 years from now.
Fox News Lawyers Up, Responds To Allegations Of Campaign Finance Law Violations to ward off a suit alleging that it made illegal in-kind contributions to a Republican gubernatorial candidate.
Alan Grayson Jabs Fox News Hosts, George W. Bush On Personal Stakes In Bush Tax Cuts Extension (VIDEO)
Christie Hires Law Firm to Fight Feds Over ARC Reimbursement - WNYC (Republican hires expensive lawyers to steal government money he's not entitled to)
Juan Williams on Unemployment Insurance | Talking Points Memo continuing unemployment insurance is hurting the unemployed by keeping them from working and thus losing their work ethic, losing their values and also not dressing well or getting up from bed in the morning and thus not able to get a job.
What makes the US health care system so expensive – Introduction | The Incidental Economist
Even more charts on total health care spending | The Incidental Economist
Unemployment Climbs, No Relief In Sight
Hullabaloo Saving Some Catfood for Later (defining bipartisan down)
Dem Senators Rally for Austerity | FDL News Desk if every Republican wanted a deficit reduction plan, there would be a filibuster-proof majority to do something (Obama's bright idea gave all the power to 14 conserva-dems)
On Jobs, Robert Rubin Points In The Wrong Direction Again (doing what he does best: destroying the economy)
We Have Now the Same Employment-to-Population Ratio We Had Eleven Months Ago - Grasping Reality with Both Hands
Simon Johnson: Jamie Dimon: Becoming Too Big To Save -- Creating Fiscal Disaster
Firestorm and contagion in the Eurozone: how Ireland got burned — Crooked Timber
Letter from Dublin making the same fundamental mistake of thinking that a solvency crisis is just a liquidity crisis (sound familiar?)
The Irish Economy » Blog Archive » Barry Eichengreen on the Irish bailout - As Tallyrand said of the Bourbons, “They have learned nothing, and they have forgotten nothing.” ... As John Maynard Keynes – who knew about matters like reparations – once said, leadership involves “ruthless truth telling.” (+why Obama can't lead - he has always gone with the consensus lie)
Bargain Junkies Are Beating Retailers at Their Own Game | Magazine
Watch a Girl Age 10 Years in 90 Seconds
How to avoid buying a meth house - MSN Real Estate
41Latitude - Google Maps & Label Readability
Obama and GOPers Worked Together to Kill Bush Torture Probe | Mother Jones A WikiLeaks cable shows that when Spain considered a criminal case against ex-Bush officials, the Obama White House and Republicans got really bipartisan (disgusting: they all should go to jail)
The moral standards of WikiLeaks critics - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Joe Klein: "Assange is a criminal. He's the one who should be in jail." (our whole media should be put in jail)
WikiLeaks reveals more than just government secrets - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com there are few countries in the world with citizenries and especially media outlets more devoted to serving, protecting and venerating government authorities than the U.S. (America loves torture and illegal wars that kill 100,000's of innocent people)
Julian Assange and the Computer Conspiracy; “To destroy this invisible government” « zunguzungu - Theodore Roosevelt: “Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people,”
WikiLeaks Archive - Dim View of Russia and Putin - NYTimes.com
Putin Criticizes U.S. on Larry King Live Over WikiLeaks - NYTimes.com - playing Robin to Putin’s Batman
The War on Wikileaks and the Radical Theory of Breaking Conspiracies | FDL News Desk
The Madrid Cables—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) These cables reveal a large-scale, closely coordinated effort by the State Department to obstruct these criminal investigations.
Ireland 'blocked' weapons to Israel - Middle East - Al Jazeera English Released cable says Irish blocked US arms shipments to Israel during war with Lebanon.
Exposé: Gitmo Detainees Mass Recipients of Controversial Drug | MyFDL
EXCLUSIVE: Controversial Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to "Pharmacologic Waterboarding"
Nigeria to charge Dick Cheney in $180 million bribery case, issue Interpol arrest warrant | Raw Story
FBI Entrapment Leads to TSA Pat-Downs | Emptywheel So it doesn’t matter that it was a fake terrorist plot, since the whole point of it seems to be to justify immigration and smuggling raids (their real agenda)
Mexican police chief who took the job men didn’t want is shot dead | News
Balkinization - Parliamentary Parties in a Presidential System
Offshore Oil Rig Explodes 20 Miles From New Orleans Offshore Oil Rig Explodes 20 Miles From New Orleans
Delaware Jury Awards $30 Million in Priest Abuse Case - NYTimes.com In an unusual outcome, the jury decided that the parish where the abuse occurred, St. Elizabeth in Wilmington, must pay $3 million of the damages, while the perpetrator is liable for the rest.
Warren Jeffs Is Extradited to Texas - NYTimes.com
Videos: Confederates Are Cool Again! | Mother Jones
More on Senator Sessions’ Spurious DREAM Act Memo | America’s Voice
A humane stop-gap: Debunking DREAM Act disinformation | The Economist
Ezra Klein - Why did the Democrats falter on the tax cuts? (could it be ... no leadership?)
Senate Republicans Threaten Blockade Over Tax Dispute - NYTimes.com Not even 24 hours after President Obama met with senior Republican Congressional leaders and expressed hopes for a “new dialogue,” (hopelessly naive Obama gets played yet again)
Debt Commission Plan Faces Opposition From Within - NYTimes.com (Obama's big bi-partisan idea a total failure)
Is Washington Politics A Criminal Enterprise? - Swampland - TIME.com (yes)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Playing Cards with Judas Again, capitulation is inevitable. It’s unthinkable that the US won’t ratify START, so the Bush tax cuts will be extended.
Rachel Maddow: Democrats call the GOPs bluff
Hullabaloo Kicking The Catfood Can Down The Road
Eschaton the fact that right before an election the Professional Left had to spend their time worrying about defending Social Security given that we had a Democratic president and huge Dem majorities in the House was a complete travesty.
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Budget Delusions: Asked to estimate how much of the federal budget goes to foreign aid the median estimate is 25 percent. Asked how much they thought would be an "appropriate" percentage the median response is 10 percent. In fact just 1 percent of the federal budget goes to foreign aid (America, land of the really stupid)
Willful Self Destruction | Mother Jones (complete failure of Obama's "economic" "policy")
Ted Strickland: Democrats Suffering From 'Intellectual Elitism' After all of this you don't realize these people want to destroy you and your agenda?" he asked. "How many times do you have to be, you know, slapped in the face? (still searching for his angry, rejecting Republican daddies)
Bailouts Are For Banks: Unemployed People Get Zilch
FreakOutNation » Wealthy Fox News’ Hosts Push Hard For Tax Cuts For The Wealthiest
Tea Party Caucus Took $1 BILLION In Earmarks
Six Republicans Sign Letter Demanding Ethanol Subsidy Extension | RedState “If an uncontested re-election doesn’t give John Thune the political courage to say no to BP and the ethanol robber barons, then he has no business getting near the White House when the successor to Obama needs to stop trillions in red ink.”
Home | No Labels ("not left, not right, forward" - another really stupid "bi-partisan idea)
Creation Museum seeking tax breaks for Ark Encounter theme park | cincinnati.com | nky.com - $150 million
Citigroup May Hire Obama's Former Budget Chief Peter Orszag - Bloomberg (oh, who could have predicted?)
Eschaton The Fed said its free money for rich people program needed to be kept secret because there was tremendous stigma attached to being smart enough to opening your hands to catch all the free money that was being dropped on you.
Hedge Funds Tapped Rescue Program - WSJ.com
Fed wants to strip a key protection for homeowners | McClatchy The Fed's proposal to amend a 42-year-old provision of the federal Truth in Lending Act (your invisible government at work - pure evil)
Fed Audit-- Liveblog on Data Dig | OurFuture.org - So Paul Krugman's prediction of zombie banks creating a drag on the economy has not come true ... The zombie banks aren't just failing to boost the economy, they're actively sabotaging it.
County Recorder in Massachusetts Goes After MERS | FDL News Desk - This is a shoe that hadn’t yet dropped – the evasion of fees by the banks using MERS.
U.S. Stocks Advance Most in Three Months as Economy Improves - BusinessWeek (for big corps!)
Bernie Sanders Blasts Wall Street, Government In Wake Of Fed Disclosures (video)
NASA Discovers New Life: Arsenic Bacteria With DNA Completely Alien To What We Know
Darren Tanke and Gorgosaurus « Dave Hone's Archosaur Musings
Earth-Size Planet Has Hot and Steamy Atmosphere?
Teen Mathletes Do Battle at Algorithm Olympics | Magazine
Woman Strips Down to Her Lingerie, Gets TSA Pat Down Anyway—Twice since it's obvious that the retired surgeon could be a secret Al-Qaeda terrorist carrying a bomb somewhere in her lace bra or panties, the astute TSA officials subjected her to a one-hour hand-search and interrogation. Yes, one hour.
Exclusive: TSA frisks groom children to cooperate with sex predators, abuse expert says | Raw Story
The 10 Best Books of 2010 - NYTimes.com
The Hyperlink Grows Up: The Times Releases New Linking Features - Alexis Madrigal - Technology - The Atlantic
Twitter / WikiLeaks: WikiLeaks servers at Amazon ... (Lieberman pulls the plug)
WikiLeaks' Amazon Servers Go Offline
Wikileaks moves to Amazon's cloud to evade massive DDoS (that didn't last long)
US embassy cables culprit should be executed, says Mike Huckabee | World news | The Guardian
Why The Wikileaks Document Release Is Key To A Functioning Democracy | Techdirt from the the-difference-between-democracy-and-the-state dept
WikiLeaks: guilty parties 'should face death penalty' - Telegraph
WikiLeaks: Interpol issues wanted notice for Julian Assange | Media | guardian.co.uk
Julian Assange: Is the WikiLeaks Whistle-blower 2010's Person of the Year? - Time NewsFeed
YouTube - Noam Chomsky: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal 'Profound Hatred for Democracy' by U.S. Govt Officials 1 of 3
War Tard: Wikileaks and the death of American badassery.
Putin Criticizes Leaked U.S. Remarks on Russia - NYTimes.com
Wikileaks Honduras: State Dept. Busted on Support of Coup | CommonDreams.org
Good-bye to Dubai by Joshua Hammer | The New York Review of Books (that stupid idea worked out really well)
Iran Confirms Stuxnet Worm Halted Centrifuges - CBS News
Entire Senate Republican Caucus Commits To Filibustering Anything Prior To Budget, Tax Cuts (Obama still chasing his Republican daddies)
Tax cuts: The party that says no does it again - Taxes - Salon.com With the ink barely dry on bipartisanship pledges, GOP senators go on strike, in defense of the wealthy
Supreme Court Questions Broad Government Use Of FOIA Exemption To Withhold Documents Chief Justice John Roberts said the administration was asking the court "to torture the language in FOIA" to keep the documents from being made public (yeah, waterboard that sucker)
WaPo's 'Voices Of The Troops' Sidelines DADT-Repeal-Supporting Majority In Favor Of The Fringe (elite Republican media at work)
House Republican Freshmen Class Loaded With Millionaires Nearly a quarter of the incoming class of 84 House Republicans have assets of at least $1 million (populist teapartiers)
Post Carbon - Obama administration reimposes offshore oil drilling ban
For fawning press, Gov. Christie's $400 million blunder gets flushed down the memory hole | Media Matters for America (they love their Republican daddies)
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Case for a ‘Repeal Amendment’
Federal Reserve Documents: LIVE Updates a vast trove of documents that detail a massive $3.3 trillion dollar aid program offered to the financial industry during the height of the financial crisis.
Fiscal Commission Final Report | Firedoglake
Deficit Commission Slashes Taxes For Wealthy, Corporations, While Raising Retirement Age And Cutting Spending (Obama's Republican daddies come through for him)
Gregg and Conrad Endorse Debt Panel Plan - NYTimes.com
Wealth of Nations § Seedmagazine.Com
A revolution in global aid to the poor | Aditya Chakraborrty | Comment is free | The Guardian
Giving Money Directly to the Poor - NYTimes.com
Amazon's thirst alarming for Earth (2nd 100-yr drought in 5 years - there's a special place in hell waiting for Inhofe and the Kochtopus)
How Many Stars? Three Times as Many as We Thought, Report Says - NYTimes.com
How to see reality on drugs - opinion - 30 November 2010 - New Scientist
Mercury poisoning makes male birds homosexual - environment - 01 December 2010 - New Scientist
Narcissistic Disorder to Be Eliminated in Diagnostic Manual - NYTimes.com - DSM-5 has eliminated five of the 10 personality disorders that are listed in the current edition (NPD is out, "dimensional" menu replaces "prototype" diagnoses, Gunderson unhappy)
The Millions : Year in Reading | The Millions : A Year in Reading: Stephen Dodson (Languagehat)
The 10 States That Could Be The Hardest Hit By A Lapse In Unemployment Benefits: 24/7 Wall Street
Lowest Divorce Rates By State (Mass #1)
Conversation | Double X - Nothing is Natural - condescending article about the pill from Vanessa Grigoriadis of New York magazine.
Shocking: Agnostic Dad Loses Custody of Kids | Belief | AlterNet An Indiana judge pointed to a man's agnosticism when divesting him of joint custody.
Blake Gopnik - National Portrait Gallery bows to censors, withdraws Wojnarowicz video on gay love (its a Republican world, we just live in it)
The Monkey Cage: Oil, Ploughs, and Gender Roles (more influential than religion)
Business Day > Image > | Who Is J.C. Owsley, Mystery Taxpayer? -- Daily Intel
My TSA Anti-Rant | Mother Jones
The Nation Posts a Narrow Apology. And Publishes Another Error. - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine
Elected Official Says TSA Pat Downs Promote 'Homosexual Agenda' | WUSA9.com | Washington, DC |
YouTube - How to get a seal to hug you , I just had to share this
YouTube - Jeff Buckley-Hallelujah
Microsoft strong-armed into adding WP7 homebrew - ChevronWP7 discontinued as developers enter discussions | TechEye
Mozilla evangelist asks Apple, Google and Microsoft to stop installing unwanted plug-ins
Stephen Colbert has answered your questions : IAmA
Administration Searches for Way to Arrest Julian Assange | FDL News Desk
Ecuador offers a home for founder of WikiLeaks | TPM News Pages Official in Ecuador's leftist government offers residence for embattled founder of Wikileaks
WikiLeaks reveals more than just government secrets - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
WikiLeaks: China, North Korea Not As Cooperative As Presumed
WikiLeaks: Israel Iran Stance Vindicated, Says Netanyahu
An Interview With WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes - the prophet of a coming age of involuntary transparency, the leader of an organization devoted to divulging the world’s secrets using technology unimagined a generation ago.
WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Wants To Spill Your Corporate Secrets - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes Assange tells Forbes that the release of Pentagon and State Department documents are just the beginning. His next target: big business.
The Media’s Hatchet Job on Julian Assange and the Privatization of Fascism « God and Whose Army? The Blog
The FBI successfully thwarts its own Terrorist plot - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Rio's drug war - The Big Picture - Boston.com (they mean "America's" drug war)
Medvedev: 'Arms Race' Possible If Missile Defense Agreement Fails (Republicans destroying the country so they can destroy the country again)
Afghan Police Officer Kills 6 US Service Members
Kareem Khan, Pakistani Journalist, Seeks $500 Million From U.S. For Relatives' Deaths, Threatens To Sue CIA
Palin: Hunt Wikileaks director; U.S. seeks espionage charge - thestar.com
WikiLeaks Cablegate LIVE Updates Guardian Editor Says 'We Have Not Seen Anything Yet'
Obama promises more outreach to GOP - CNN.com President Barack Obama told GOP leaders behind closed doors Tuesday that he had failed to reach across party lines enough during his first two years in office (just when you think he couldn't get worse)
Hullabaloo It's a Democratic disease to think that pleasing the wealthy celebrities who make up the political punditocracy is a good guide to successful governance (Federal pay freeze idiocy +Obama "bowing" to his Republican daddies)
All Talk: Voters Want Spending Cuts But No Consensus On How To Walk The Walk (propaganda at work)
Senate Passes Sweeping Food-Safety Bill (they managed to do something)
The Washington Monthly - If Only The Right Had A Stronger Aversion To Disenfranchisement (Republicans don't want people who rent to vote)
CBO Estimates Treasury Will Spend Just $12 Billion on HAMP, Under 1/4 of Promised Funding | FDL News Desk (failure from the beginning)
OFA Tries to Get Supporters to Write Letters to the Editor Praising a Federal Worker Pay Freeze | FDL News Desk OFA, the organizing arm of the DNC, originally began its life as an organization trying to get someone elected on the platform of hope, change, and progressive policies - That’s right, the organizing project of the Democratic National Committee wants you to organize in support of freezing public worker salaries (game over)
Deficit Panel Deeply Divided Over Taxes and Spending - CNBC (Fail)
FTC tightens debt collections post-mortem - UPI.com
Image of the Day: Supernova Fireball! A Never-Before-Seen Event
As diplomats debate, the climate doesn't wait
Cameron refuses to attend UN climate change talks | Environment | The Guardian
Santa Barbara County Applies New Alcohol Law | The Daily Nexus county officials will begin enforcement of a new ordinance next month that allows officers entry into residencies if they suspect minors are drinking on the premises (how's that Constitution thingy working out for you?)
Web Delivery Firm Says Comcast Charging Unfair Fee For Data
Stop Comcast from blocking Netflix! | Progressive Change Campaign Committee
Steve Tucker email search for Olivia
The real Steve Tucker story - All Men are Liars - Executive Style - Sydney Morning Herald Blogs
AP Exclusive: Close calls for al-Qaida's No. 2 | TPM News Pages
Iran Bomb Blast Kills Nuclear Scientist Majid Shahriari In Tehran (Mossad)
Seoul vows naval, air strikes on NK
UN General Assembly Votes To Allow Gays To Be Executed Without Cause | The New Civil Rights Movement thanks to a United Nations vote that removed “sexual orientation” from a resolution that protects people from arbitrary executions. In other words, the UN General Assembly this week voted to allow LGBT people to be executed without cause.
The Guardian gave State Dept. cables to the NY Times - Yahoo! News (which they then censored - wikileaks doesn't think the NYT is trustworthy, wonder why?)
Bomb, Bomb Iran: The Top 5 Most Shocking Things About The Wikileaks | TPMMuckraker
Comment: The hypocrisy of the media attack on Wikileaks - politics.co.uk The traditional media has become so toothless it is reduced to attacking Wikileaks for doing its job properly.
China's Politburo Masterminded Google Hack, WikiLeaks Documents Reveal
WikiLeaks Update: U.S. Tries To Contain Damage From Leaked Embassy Cables
Simon Jenkins: The WikiLeaks Release: Blame the State Department, Not the World's Media ("countless lives endangered" by State Dept gossip)
Obama Administration Orders Review Of Procedures For Safeguarding Classified Information
Pete Hoekstra Blasts WikiLeaks Cables "there's a whole number of time bombs" in the documents made public
Shocking cable: US says Saudi donors are chief financiers of al Qaeda | Raw Story (which is why Bush attacked those other countries)
CBS Fumbles Again : CJR A lopsided report on Social Security (propagatin' propaganda is their job)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation The Very Serious People all believe that Social Security is on the verge of collapse, despite all evidence to the contrary (spreading the lies on the backs of poor people)
Federal Eye - Obama announces 2-year pay freeze for federal workers Bowing to growing budget concerns and months of Republican political pressure (Congress and him-truly is exempt)
Republicans seek pay freeze for federal workers; a 'cynical ploy,' Democrats say (Obama embraces "cynical ploy")
Yglesias » Pay Freeze Instead, following the principle of “if it didn’t work the first 20 times let me try it again” the Obama administration seems to have decided that making preemptive compromises will strengthen their hand in some unspecified way down the road.
Yglesias » The Misinformation That Matters Evan Bayh thinks “Democrats should support a freeze on federal hiring and pay increases. Government isn’t a privileged class and cannot be immune to the times.” (the only economics they believe in is supply-side/tinkle-down for the rich)
Daily Kos: President Gimmick The worst thing about President Gimmick isn't that he plays politics, though. The worst thing about President Gimmick is that he's not very good at it
Obama Flunks Economics with Pointless Federal Wage Freeze | MyFDL
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The V-chip and school uniform phase of this presidency
ThinkProgress » Former Republican Sen. Warns GOP May ‘Have Gone So Far Overboard That We Are Beyond Redemption’
Democratic South finally falls - Jonathan Martin - politico.com - rural white males who are more conservative than their national party.
Holder Says U.S. Is Conducting `Very Serious' Investigation of Wall Street - Bloomberg
Mark Thoma Watches Barack Obama and His Political Advisors Go Off Message Yet Again... - Grasping Reality with Both Hands t on the eve of the recent election in which Democrats got trounced, the administration was still trying to figure out if the unemployment problem is structural or cyclical (Obama's clown posse of economic advisors +confusing cause with effect +One mention by Obama in a Saturday address to the nation doesn't get the job done...)
Food Banks Bracing For End Of Extended Unemployment Benefits (Republicans: let the lazy slackers eat air, they'll still vote for us)
Simon Johnson: The Economics and Politics of Elizabeth Warren (Republicans: protecting consumers in Unconstitutional)
APNewsBreak: NJ must pay $271M for killing tunnel | AP | 11/29/2010 (will Christie pay up?)
SpyTalk - CIA brain experiments pursued in veterans’ suit
GalaxyGarden.net - Tour of the Galaxy Garden
Big Polluters Freed from Environmental Oversight by Stimulus - The Center for Public Integrity
Sea level-ice sheet dynamics may help stabilize Antarctica's ice
The Cairo Project
Bingo May Be Fading, but for Fans, It’s in the Blood - NYTimes.com
271 Picasso paintings discovered in Paris - Telegraph
YouTube - Rachel Maddow: How to make an old fashioned cocktail
Interior Semiotics | Know Your Meme
Rhizome | Blogrolls, Trolls, and Interior Scrolls: A Conversation with Natacha Stolz
YouTube - Dennis
The Men Who Stole the World (and got squashed by big content)
TIL how to make Google beatbox for you! : todayilearned
Sarah Mei » Disalienation: Why Gender is a Text Field on Diaspora
U.S, South Korea War Games To Go On After Deadly North Korea Shelling [South Korean Military Reports Artillery Fire]
North Korea "readies missiles" as China seeks talks - Yahoo! News
Saudi women sue male guardians who stop marriage - Yahoo! News
Argentinean man arrested for allegedly fathering 10 kids with daughter - CNN.com "This case is more serious than the one in Austria,"
Ireland Bailout: European Union Agrees To $89 Billion Loan
t r u t h o u t | Power and the Tiny Acts of Rebellion There is no hope left for achieving significant reform or restoring our democracy through established mechanisms of power
U.S. Asks WikiLeaks To Halt Document Release The Obama administration has told whistleblower WikiLeaks that its expected imminent release of classified State Department cables will put "countless" lives at risk, threaten global counterterrorism operations and jeopardize U.S. relations with its allies (lying military lies to keep their lies hidden, Obama agrees)
US embassy cables: The job of the media is not to protect the powerful from embarrassment | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian It is for governments – not journalists – to guard public secrets, and there is no national jeopardy in WikiLeaks' revelations
WikiLeaks U.S. Embassy Cables: New Documents Released
WikiLeaks Archive — Cables Uncloak U.S. Diplomacy - NYTimes.com
Los papeles del departamento de estado
WikiLeaks - Spiegel Online - Nachrichten
Foreign Policy Meltdown: Leaked Cables Reveal True US Worldview - Spiegel Online - International could prove highly embarrassing for the US State Department. The documents reveal what US diplomats really think of other countries, and their worldview is incredibly dark at times. Relations with several countries are likely to suffer as a result (Spiegel: "this shit is really dark, man")
US embassy cables: browse the database | World news | guardian.co.uk
A Note to Readers - The Decision to Publish - NYTimes.com (Times afraid to miss scoop, says fuck you to Obama)
Twitter / WikiLeaks: We are currently under a mass distributed denial of service attack (US cyberterrorists at work)
BBC News - Wikileaks 'hacked ahead of secret US document release'
WikiLeaks And The Failure Of Cyberattacks As Censorship - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes (your NSA at work)
WikiLeaks Archive — Mixing Diplomacy With Spying - NYTimes.com ordering State Department personnel to gather the credit card and frequent-flier numbers, work schedules and other personal information of foreign dignitaries (Hillary running secret spy agency)
Lindsey Graham: 'Don't Ask Don't Tell Is Not Going Anywhere' (Republicans: nothing is going anywhere, Obama rolled again)
Jon Kyl: START Won't Happen Because Of Process, Not Policy (Republicans: we'll put America in danger to spite Obama)
Conservatives love stupidity :: U4Prez, Social Networking For Politics What's up with Republicans and their love of stupid anyway? From Ronald Reagan, to major league dumbass George W. Bush, to the galactically stupid Sarah Palin, Batshit wacko Bachmann, Joe the Plumber, and most recent losers Christine O'Dummy, and Sharon Angle.
Battered but Not and Beaten - DeLong
What's The Difference Between Debt And Deficit? : NPR (most Amercians don't know the difference, which is why ...)
The Distributist Review
From 1918 Autopsy, A First Glimpse of Sickle Cell — and a Warning | Wired Science | Wired.com
Research team takes image of hydrogen atom | The Japan Times Online
Messenger Bacteria Could 'Tweet' Directions to Nanobots : Discovery News
Quartz crystal microbalances enable new microscale analytic technique
Why the TSA pat-downs and body scans are unconstitutional (Supremes: not unless you're a corporation)(Chertoff's deadly scanners not used in Europe, wonder why?)
Aerospaceweb.org | Ask Us - Commercial Airliner Bombings
What Food Says About Class in America - Newsweek As more of us indulge our passion for local, organic delicacies, a growing number of Americans don’t have enough nutritious food to eat. How we can bridge the gap.
Hindu Group Stirs Debate in Fight for Soul of Yoga - NYTimes.com
Amazon.com: Yoga Body: The Origins of Modern Posture Practice (9780195395341): Mark Singleton: Books makes perfectly clear that what has come to be regarded as a veritable icon of Indic Civilization -- postural yoga -- is, in fact, unambiguously the hybrid product of colonial and post-colonial globalization." (Yoga invented in 19th century Scandinavia)
New Statesman - NS Essay - How the British invented Hinduism By "reviving" the Hindu religion, the middle classes of India hope to turn their country into a world power. Yet before the 19th century, no such religion existed
YouTube - The Bangles - Walk Like An Egyptian ( official music video )
The Wrong Way Wizard Marx is sharper because he isolates the strikingly obvious fact that Authority must be Authored. Within this structure Marx finds that the person is not an identity but a character in a narrative.
Metaphilm ::: Inception
Pseudo-Occult Media: MTV's New Illuminist Video
For DecorMyEyes, Bad Publicity Is a Good Thing - NYTimes.com
EFF rescues ASL Ally's sign-language YouTube music videos - Boing Boing
YouTube Reinstates Ally ASL's Account - Houston Music - Rocks Off (Obama's big content at work)
YouTube - SXSW 2010: Program or be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age
Smartphone vs Superphone: Nokia N8 vs HTC Desire HD
Expats recalled as North Korea prepares for war - Asia, World - The Independent "Traders have left the kiosks and markets, workers have abandoned building sites, and North Korean secret service employees working in the region have joined them and left"
Iraq’s Troubles Drive Out Many Refugees Who Came Back - NYTimes.com (great success)
Monterrey, Mexico's Wealthiest City, Succumbs To Drug War (American drug wars destroying the world)
2010-11-27: "The Embassy Files" ready for launch [Update 2] | WL Central Included are 251,287 cables and 8,000 diplomatic directives
Backlash Feared As Some In GOP Push Social Issues to pursue action on a range of social issues, including abortion, gun rights and even divorce laws (Republicans: American Taliban: no divorce for you)
AllGov - News - Obama Halts Sermons during Soup Kitchen Meals Faith-based organizations that accept federal funding cannot proselytize while providing social programs to the needy, under a new executive order signed by President Barack Obama.
Public Policy Polling: Decline your health care, say GOP voters (fat chance)
The Plum Line - Michael Gerson protests too much (Republicans will destroy the country to get back in power so they can destroy to country again)
Fox Nation readers confuse Onion article with real news | Raw Story
Eschaton: Destroying The World: It is remarkable that all serious people agree that the best way to deal with struggling economies is to plunge them as deeply into recession as possible and steal money from poor people to cover the bad debts of billionaires (ever thus)
Irish Austerity Plan Stirs Dublin Protest - NYTimes.com (fat bankers plunder another country)
Debt crisis escalates in Europe; fears grow about Spain (nothing they've told us is true)
Silent partners - The Boston Globe When economists advise the government, who else are they working for? A UMass professor decided to find out (just like doctors in not disclosing financial ties)
The Top Ten Daily Consequences of Having Evolved | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine
Lake Tahoe warming rapidly, satellites find
Andromeda: born out of a massive collision? | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
I hate to tell you - The Boston Globe Phrases that announce ‘I’m lying‘
Alaska fighting uphill battle to reduce gonorrhea rate: Health | adn.com State ranks ninth in the nation as STD continues to spread (how's that abstinance thing working out for you?)
US Government Censors 70 Websites among which is Torrent-Finder.com, a mere torrent search engine which does not host or even link to torrents; it displays content hosted elsewhere through embedded iframes.
Satellite Internet Leaps Forward in 2012 | LiveScience (Obama already has the kill switch)
North Korea Warns: 'Brink Of War'
U.S. Has Been In Afghanistan As Long As Soviet Russia
One in three South African men admit to rape, survey finds | World news | The Guardian 37.4% of men confessing to rape, while 25.3% of women say they are victims
Judge: Let lesbians into military so male GIs can turn them straight | Raw Story (by raping them)
New U.S. Politics Brings Mixed Message for Israel - NYTimes.com (NYT committed to supporting Israel no matter what)
WikiLeaks: Should sensitive diplomatic files be released? - Point of View
WikiLeaks Urges Public to Download ‘Insurance’ File
WikiLeaks release to show NATO ally Turkey helped Al Qaeda in Iraq | Raw Story
Blog: Middle East Diary (they hate having their lies and incompetence exposed)
ThinkProgress » Rep. Todd Akin: The Pilgrims Came To America To Flee ‘Unbiblical’ Socialism In The 1620's (Republicans: God is a Banker)
Israeli Company Hired by State Government to Spy on Pennsylvanians and Other Americans | CommonDreams.org
Airport Security | Pat-Down | Terror Alerts European Union governments take different approach than US to airport security (no sexual molestation)
The Instability of Moderation - NYTimes.com the Dark Age of macroeconomics, in which large numbers of economists literally knew nothing of the hard-won insights of the 30s and 40s – and, of course, went into spasms of rage when their ignorance was pointed out ... And Milton Friedman was wrong (economists are mostly Republican ideologues)
Eating the Irish - NYTimes.com - Then the bubble burst, and those banks faced huge losses. You might have expected those who lent money to the banks to share in the losses. After all, they were consenting adults, and if they failed to understand the risks they were taking that was nobody’s fault but their own. But, no, the Irish government stepped in to guarantee the banks’ debt, turning private losses into public obligations.
Iceland Is No Ireland as State Free of Bank Debt, Grimsson Says - Bloomberg “The difference is that in Iceland we allowed the banks to fail,” Grimsson said in an interview with Bloomberg Television’s Mark Barton today. “These were private banks and we didn’t pump money into them in order to keep them going; the state did not shoulder the responsibility of the failed private banks.” ... As a consequence, “Iceland is faring much better than anybody expected,”
Portugal Bailout Rumors Denied By EU
Oxygen detected on Saturn's moon Rhea | Science | The Guardian
Norfolk, Va., on Front Line, Tackles Rise in the Sea - NYTimes.com The result is that Norfolk has experienced the highest relative increase in sea level on the East Coast — 14.5 inches since 1930 ... The cost for the work on this one short stretch is $1.25 million (money down the drain to pretend it won't rise alot more)
Woman claimed TSA security staff singled her out for her breasts | Mail Online
X-Ray Nation | TSA Glass Box Mother Over Stored Breast Milk (TSA obsessed with breasts, could be terrorist weapons)
TSA Administrative Directive: Opt-Outters To Be Considered "Domestic Extremists"
My Helical Tryst: Review of the TSA X-ray backscatter body scanner safety report: hide your kids, hide your wife (TSA: "perfectly safe")
The high price of writing about the yakuza–and those who pay (Jake Adelstein)
YouTube - Crows vs Cat vs Cat Street Fight
How Ma Bell Shelved the Future for 60 Years And so we see that the enlightened monopolist can occasionally prove a delusional paranoid.
Journalist blogging and commenting guidelines | Community | guardian.co.uk Best practice for journalists blogging and/or responding to comments on guardian.co.uk
High Court rules newspapers can charge for web links - and you need a license to read links - Press Gazette (bought by Murdoch)
Diary Of An x264 Developer » Patent skullduggery: Tandberg rips off x264 algorithm
Tension in the Koreas - The Big Picture - Boston.com
South Korea's Defense Minister Resigns In Wake Of North Korean Attack
Ireland Unveils Harshest Cuts, Tax Hikes In History (the whole country pays for English and German bankers' predatory capitalism)
Simon Johnson: Will Ireland Default? - NYTimes.com In the best scenario, Ireland’s government debt is likely to stabilize at more than 100 percent of gross national product, or G.N.P.; in the worst scenario, with greater real estate losses and a deeper recession, this level could reach 150 percent - over $500 billion — three times the scale of total claims against Greece.” ... And will the same underlying problem continue to grow in such a way that it can ultimately bring down the United States (the future of America)
Tory peer Howard Flight apologises over poor people 'breeding' comments | Politics | guardian.co.uk Lord Flight suggested coalition's child benefit cuts would give those on welfare every incentive to breed (look at the face of gene-depletion)
New Statesman - Inside the Whitehall kettle
Obama Administration Weighs Indefinite Detention : NPR (here we are)
CBC News - Canada - U.S. warns Ottawa of WikiLeak release - America is warning allies that they may hate the US after the latest Wikileaks release.
WikiLeaks 3: New Docs May 'Wreak Havoc,' Pentagon Warns Congress
YouTube - FOX News - Rick Leventhal interviews 9/11 WTC witness, Mark Walsh
The Presidential memoirs of George W. Bush, review : The New Yorker - Dead Certain
Lisa Murkowski Campaign Weighs In On Alaska Vote-Count Lawsuit Brought On By Rival Joe Miller - "She would go from her current rank of 43rd to 100th,"
Sarah Palin's North Korea Slip: 'We've Gotta Stand With Our North Korean Allies' (she can see N Korea from her window)
Foreclosure Probe Talks Include Investors Urging Resolution - Bloomberg (of course they are, and with no consequences for illegal behavior)
Family faces foreclosure after following the rules (HAMPed by Obama)
RECTOR: Significant food shortages rare in America - Washington Times According to the USDA, some 17 million households, or 14.7 percent of all households, experienced "household food insecurity" at some point in 2009 (Republicans: the hungry are responisble for their hunger)
YouGov - Know Anybody Making $250,000? meaning your typical survey respondent thinks that almost 1 in 5 families in America earn that kind of money, when the answer is closer to 1 in 50! (keeping American stupid)
Edge: Thaler's Question - An EDGE Special Event - examples of wrong scientific beliefs that were held for long periods. Can you name your favorite example and for extra credit why it was believed to be true?
Are Attractive People More Employable? - NYTimes.com evidence that female jealousy of attractive women in the workplace is a primary reason for the punishment of attractive women (women open the letters and wastebasket attractive women)
Predicting the Future With Porn? | Fast Company . Subjects were able to predict the appearance of the pornographic picture 53.1% of the time--significantly above the statistical average of 50%.
Chinese villagers 'descended from Roman soldiers' - Telegraph testing of villagers in a remote part of China has shown that nearly two thirds of their DNA is of Caucasian origin, lending support to the theory that they may be descended from a 'lost legion' of Roman soldiers.
Man Beaten By Police On YouTube Is Charged - cbs4.com ("resisting arrest without violence" - for covering his head while being beaten by cops)
Traffic Roundabouts Spread in U.S. - NYTimes.com (never been to Boston?)
YouTube - Female Sexuality: Radical Sexual Pedagogy at UC Berkeley
How Your Playboy Centerfold Sausage Is Made [NSFW]
Sustainable Growth Is An Oxymoron | Government & Policy | Chemical & Engineering News
File download · Sustainable Development Commission
Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy
Anatomy of a journalistic smear job - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (the Nation smears John Tyner)
Twitter / jeremy scahill: The article my magazine, T ... The article my magazine, The Nation, published about John Tyner is a shameful smear
Twitter / Daniel Schulman: I'm with @ggreenwald & @je ... I'm with @ggreenwald & @jeremyscahill. This Nation story is journalistic malpractice of the worst kind
Ruth Marcus - Don't touch my junk? Grow up, America (that would be WaPo's "establishment-worshiping, political-power-defending" hack Ruth Marcus)
National Opt-Out Day a bust as few fliers reject full-body scans - The Denver Post
Mike Huckabee wants First Family to be TSA screened. His son got caught bringing gun on a plane | Crooks and Liars (no bounds to their shamelessness)
YouTube - TSA Breast Milk Screening Harassment Updated (ignores their own rules, holds woman for 45 min to teach her a lesson)
YouTube - Italian/Brooklyn man asks me out
YouTube - Young Girl Talking About Herself - Parry Gripp
PHP Image Gallery Scripts
BBC News - Swaying footbridge 'triggered deadly Cambodia stampede' A preliminary investigation into the stampede that left 456 people dead in Cambodia on Monday has found a swaying footbridge triggered the panic.
Pike River: 'Our darkest hour' | Stuff.co.nz
BBC News - Student tuition fee protesters dispersed by police
Exclusive: Corruption charges to feature in WikiLeaks release | Reuters
Taliban Leader Mullah Omar: The US and NATO Are Being Defeated in Afghanistan | The Nation
Jury convicts DeLay in money laundering trial | TPM News Pages (some obscure law only liberals cared about)
Alan Simpson: 'Greediest Generation' Won't Leave Me Alone Over Debt Commission Report | TPMDC (rich asshole - thanks, Obama - whines while trying to screw you)
Plan to 'mess with' Social Security would backfire - latimes.com The co-chairs of President Obama's deficit commission have taken aim at Social Security. But their proposals are unfair and unwise.
GOP Lawmakers: Elizabeth Warren's Job 'Undermines' Constitution (consumer protection un-Constitutional according to Republicans)
'Sarah Palin's Alaska' Ratings Plummet In Week 2 the median age of the show's viewer is a whopping 57 years old (geezer partiers)
Palin Slams Michelle Obama Again, This Time For Anti-Obesity Campaign (health is socialistic)
What Tea Partiers Really Want | By Jonathan Haidt - WSJ.com The passion behind the populist insurgency is less about liberty than a particularly American idea of karma.
Family Research Council Labeled 'Hate Group' By SPLC Over Anti-Gay Rhetoric | TPMDC
No. 1: Richard Cohen - War Room - Salon.com The looooongtime Washington Post columnist is the hackiest pundit in America (beat out Bill Kristol and David Brooks)
Elizabeth Warren Helped Shoot Down Bill That Would Have Sped Foreclosures, Calendar Shows Elizabeth Warren was the first senior Obama administration official to recognize the potentially incendiary impact of a bill that would have made it significantly easier for mortgage companies to foreclose on homes (why he wants to fire her and replace her with Michael Barr, who is more "business-friendly" to the "business community" where there's a "rift")
Fines and “Resolving this Mess” | Emptywheel - Yves does a thorough smackdown on the departing Michael Barr’ (Obama's business-friendly choice to replace Elizabth Warren)
BBC News - Irish Republic's austerity plan: Key points at-a-glance corporation tax rate to remain unchanged at 12.5% (of course)
Lands of Ice and Ire - NYTimes.com Back in early 2009, it was supposed to be gallows humor: What’s the difference between Iceland and Ireland? Answer: One letter and about six months - And guess what: heterodoxy is working a whole lot better than orthodoxy
Ireland Cuts Minimum Wage 11.5% to Protect 12.5% Corporate Tax Rate | Emptywheel (priorities)
Daily Kos: Record profits for businesses, even as they whine about Obama
Harold Meyerson - How Germany got it right on the economy (but they're all socialists and should be more like America!)
Wall Street Excess Is Back: Hiring A Dwarf For A Bachelor Party, $40,000 Cell Phones
Countrywide's Mortgage Document Errors May Doom Bank of America - DailyFinance - If what one bank employee said on the stand proves to be accurate, paperwork problems it acquired when it purchased the failing mortgage provider Countrywide in 2008 could leave BofA on the hook for billions of dollars.
Don Chu Arrested In Massive Hedge Fund Insider Trading Sweep
Oral Preexposure Prophylaxis for HIV — Another Arrow in the Quiver? — NEJM
AIDS Risk Greatly Lowered by Daily Pill, Study Finds - NYTimes.com ($12K/yr)
BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Unlocking the mysteries of speech
Pumpkin Pie Arouses Guys More than Your Favorite Perfume - Lemondrop.com "The number one odor that enhanced penile blood flow was a combination of lavender and pumpkin pie,"
Schneier on Security: The Effectiveness of Air Marshals more air marshals have been arrested than the number of people arrested by air marshals - Let me repeat that: we are spending approximately $200 million per arrest
The TSA and America's Turning Point | Scragged If Americans will permit their wives, children, and themselves, to be sexually molested and openly humiliated in full view of the public by uniformed government operatives - in what still purports to be a representative democracy - then, indeed, they will tolerate anything, and there is little hope for the future.
Fear Pays: Chertoff, Ex-Security Officials Slammed For Cashing In On Government Experience (Skeletor, citizen of Israel)
Robert Dean Cites 4th Amendment Violation, Sues TSA Over Full-Body Scans An Arkansas man has filed a federal lawsuit against the Transportation Security Administration, claiming that the agency's new screening rules are detrimental to his "emotional, psychological and mental well-being."
John Fiala, Texas Priest, Charged With Hiring Hitman To Kill Teen Who Accused Him Of Sexual Abuse
Motor Trend Magazine Disembowels Rush Limbaugh | The Atlantic Wire
Is America Falling Out of Love With the Car? | The Atlantic Wire
Dogs Are More Clever Than Cats, Study Says - Paw Nation
A virtual hideout for subway flashers - Salon.com - A video of a woman confronting her harasser is making the rounds, thanks in part to a website for "exhibitionists"
The Disturbing World Of Dickflash.com
Infographic of the Day: Should You Use Yahoo Answers, Metafilter, or Aardvark? | Co.Design
Apple-Approved 'Anti-Gay' iPhone App Sparks Outrage (no iboobs, but anti-gay propaganda fine with Jobs)
Korea Attack: Yeonpyeong Island Shelled By North Korea
Belgium: Anti-Terror Sweep Detains 10 Suspects In 3 Nations
Israeli Referendum Bill Could Hinder Peace Moves (obstruct, lie, obstruct)
Taliban Leader in Peace Talks Was an Impostor - NYTimes.com (the whole thing was a scam, starting with Bush)
IMF urges Ireland to cut jobless pay, minimum wage | Reuters (they always do; in 2006 the IMF said Ireland was in great shape)
The Plum Line - Left accuses GOP of economic "sabotage" (Republicans are traitors to America)
Beck's upcoming "It's a Wonderful Life" stunt being promoted with lies | Media Matters for America (lies? no kidding!)
Roland Burris May Join Chicago Mayor's Race - NYTimes.com
Nice Timing: New York Times Investigation Of Incoming GOP Senator Drops After Elections (as usual, making sure crooks get elected)
instaputz: Um... Sally Quinn, Queen of the Villagers loves Bristol Palin and doesn't think conservative Christians would cheat
Introducing the Hack 30 - War Room - Salon.com
GOP Wants 'Rigorous' Oversight Of Consumer Agency
Yglesias » Suck on This (Ol' flathead wants France and Germany to give up their socialism because, well, because lots of exports are bad! or something)
Wall Street: Goldman Shares Slide 3% on Insider Trading Fears - CNBC amid investor fears the bank may be embroiled in a far-reaching insider trading probe by the U.S. Department of Justice (might get a slap on the wrist because Obama doesn't want to hurt investor confidence)
Don't like Chertoff's Porno Scans or Punitive Groping? Buy Chertoff's new Verified Bio ID for $179 and skip the lines! | MyFDL (Israeli-American makes huge profit from American fear he helped create)
Body scanner makers doubled lobbying cash over 5 years - USATODAY.com
Passenger Chooses Strip-Down Over Pat-Down | NBC San Diego (woman filming with phone is arrested)
TSA workers face verbal abuse from travelers - todaytravel - TODAYshow.com
Tux Life: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
Expose A Bro: Thomas "Pat" Bohannan is the middle-aged sexual predator behind "Alexa di Carlo". Bohannan is also known as "Matt" when he scams escorts, and "Caitlain" when he flirts with minors on teen forums and solicits nude pics from them Thomas "Pat" Bohannan is the middle-aged sexual predator behind "Alexa di Carlo".
Expose A Bro (ExposingAlexa) on Twitter
Twitter / WikiLeaks: Next release is 7x the siz ... Next release is 7x the size of the Iraq War Logs. intense pressure over it for months (the reason for Sweden cooperating with the CIA)
Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett: Assange Beseiged (case looking a very sketchy, "victim" saw rape accusations as a "weapon of the matriarchy", has CIA connections, in Sweden, women can retroactivy remove consent for intercourse, hmmmm)
Progressive Alaska: The Strangest Blog Thread Yet on the Swedish Charges, uh - Not Charges - Against Julian Assange - 7 Steps to Legal Revenge by Anna Ardin January 19, 2010 (the "victim" blogged about her plan)
TwitLonger: Press release by counsel for Julian Assange LONDON, 2pm Thursday November 18, 2010 Mark Stephens o
Israeli soldiers who used Palestinian boy, 9, as a human shield avoid jail | World news | The Guardian (IDF is always accountability-free)
The Two Most Essential, Abhorrent, Intolerable Lies Of George W. Bush's Memoir (looking forward)
Pentagon Warns Congress To Hurry Up On DADT Repeal (Obama signals tepid support, Republicans say go to hell)
Isarithmic History of the Two-Party Vote « David B. Sparks
Executive Ballsmanship | Politics & Media | SPLICETODAY.com
Will the GOP 'Shut Down' the Government in 2011? | The Atlantic Wire (led by Louie "Gumball" Gohmert)
Jim DeMint still battling to keep Murkowski from Senate | McClatchy Beyond its political intrigue, the DeMint-Murkowski tussle reveals the deeper ideological struggle within the Republican Party between hard-liners unwilling to bend their principles and moderates who say governing requires compromise.
Angle's campaign sank candidate - Shira Toeplitz - politico.com - . “If they were filming a sequel to the movie 'Dumb and Dumber,' Terry Campbell would have a feature role.”
GOP Bias In Landline-Only Polls, Confirms Pew Research
Eschaton - Insolvent (quick review in case you fell asleep the past three years)
Wall Street, investment bankers, and social good : The New Yorker What Good Is Wall Street? Much of what investment bankers do is socially worthless.
US Banks Face $100 Billion Capital Shortfall - CNBC The top 35 US banks will be short of between $100 billion and $150 billion in equity capital after the new Basel III global bank regulations are imposed, with 90 percent of the shortfall concentrated in the biggest six banks, according to Barclays Capital.
The underwhelming Irish bailout | Analysis & Opinion | Color me underwhelmed by the Irish bailout. By all accounts it’s going to be less than €100 billion — probably in the €80 billion to €90 billion range — and that sum has to cover the country’s entire borrowing needs for the next three years (three days ago it was less than 25 billion dollars, not euros)
What $200,000 in Student Debt Looks Like
Foreclosure mess scares off homebuyers: Campbell/Inside Mortgage Finance « HousingWire
TSA airport screeners gone wild in San Diego- again - Examiner.com (also, recording them is a federal crime)
TSA Pats Down Little, Half-Naked Boy In Airport (video)
Congressional Report Denying Climate Change Was Likely Plagiarized | TPMMuckraker The report was requested, and then often quoted, by Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) when he was chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Hold the phone: Prolonged cell use can trigger allergic reaction, as can body piercing, tattoos and cosmetics
Incredible Pics from ISS by NASA astronaut Wheelock | triggerpit.com
Epilepsy’s Big, Fat Miracle - NYTimes.com
What Killed Aiyana Stanley-Jones? | Mother Jones — Aiyana Stanley-Jones, pictured in family photograph. A nighttime raid. A reality TV crew. A sleeping seven-year-old. What one tragedy can teach us about the unraveling of America's middle class (she was reaching for a weapon)
Why reality TV works | Television & radio | The Observer
A Vegan No More | Voracious (ex-vegan who discovered she needed B12 threatened by peace-loving vegans)
Polygamy reference case could open door to legalizing multiple marriage
Court to decide if polygamy laws conflict with rights charter | Holy Post | National Post
Aish Hatorah is now offering the same Torah as the Kabbalah Centre | The Book of Doctrines and Opinions:
Another Hacker’s Laptop, Cellphones Searched at Border | Threat Level | Wired.com - . Under the Obama administration, law enforcement agents have aggressively used this power to search travelers’ laptops, sometimes copying the hard drive before returning the computer to its owner. Courts have ruled that such laptop searches can take place even in the absence of any reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing.
Novell Agrees to be Acquired by Attachmate Corporation (Microsoft gets their patents)
Sources: FCC chief to move on net neutrality proposal - Kim Hart - politico.com (but Obama will get his China-like internets)
Tim Berners-Lee: Facebook could fragment web | Technology | guardian.co.uk Founder of world wide web says some of the most successful social networking sites 'have begun to chip away at its principles' (the rise of AOL Hometown)
Ireland Applying For Bailout From European Union, IMF - But the loan request – described by Brian Lenihan only as "very big" – is also a humiliating turnaround for the Irish government, which only days ago had denied that such a package was being negotiated or was even necessary (surrender)
North Korea Nuclear Facility Disclosed: Rogue State Shows Off Building To U.S. Nuke Scientist
BBC News - Berlusconi ally 'was link to Mafia'
BBC News - Wikileaks' Assange faces international arrest warrant Sweden has issued an international arrest warrant for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in a rape case (CIA closing in)
FDR, Reagan, and Obama - NYTimes.com Once you got past the soaring rhetoric you noticed, if you actually paid attention to what he said, that he largely accepted the conservative storyline, a view of the world, including a mythological history, that bears little resemblance to the facts (Obama looked in the mirror and saw a center-right nation, but where did he get his far-right talking points?)
Rick Perry Insists Social Security Is Worse Than A Ponzi Scheme, Auto Bailout Was A Failure (they live in their own fact-free world)
A Fox News Fairy Tale: Sarah Palin Will Clean Obama’s Clock in 2012
Deposition: Countrywide Never Sent Mortgage Notes to Trust; Mortgage-Backed Securities in Question | FDL News Desk
Flawed Mortgage Papers May Pose Economic Risk, Panel Says - NYTimes.com yes, in fact, these paperwork problems may have significant implications for banks, investors and the stability of the financial system.
Global Economic Crisis » Blog Archive » U.S. Foreclosure Epidemic Visualized
Food Stamp Map (video): Usage Increased Almost 60% Since 2007 (slackers and free-loaders)
Update: TSA Will Work To Make Pat-Downs Less Invasive, John Pistole Says
TSA Has Met the Enemy _ and They Are Us - NYTimes.com "I think at some point Americans said to themselves, maybe in their collective subconscious...there's a line here where it's not just worth it anymore," he said. "There's a growing sense that that line has been crossed."
Al-Qaida Bomb Plans Published On Web Site: Editors Boast About $4,200 Cost Of Attack (very cost-effective)
TSA At The 'Tipping Point': Passenger Anger At Airport Pat-Downs Threatens To Boil Over the most surprising thing about increasingly heated frustration with the federal Transportation Security Administration may be that it took so long to boil over.
Clinton: We Need To 'Strike The Right Balance' With TSA Patdowns "Not if I could avoid it. No. I mean who would?" she told CBS' "Face the Nation"
TSA pat-down leaves traveler covered in urine - Travel - News - msnbc.com
The TSA's New Security Procedures Touch a Nerve - Media - GOOD
The High Is Always the Pain and the Pain Is Always the High by Jay Kang - The Morning News - Gambling addiction is a simple disease. Living the addiction is a bit more complicated. A chronicle of dependency in seven parts
Classic Messaging Fail | Talking Points Memo (Obama still triangulating with himself)
The Netherlands planned U.S.-supported invasion of Suriname in 1986
New Afghan war plans could cost US taxpayers an extra $125 billion - CSMonitor.com At the NATO summit, President Obama's push to soften troop withdrawal deadlines could bring remaining war costs to $413 billion, according to one independent analyst (Obama's big war, so we'll have to dump Social Security to pay for it and tax breaks for the rich)
Uniform burning ‘exorcism’ of memory of Russell Williams - The Globe and Mail
Pope approves use of condoms in fight against Aids - Telegraph After decades of fierce opposition to the use of all contraception, the pontiff will end the Catholic Church's absolute ban on the use of condoms (now approved for use by male prostitutes)
Alberto Gonzales: My Book Will 'Set The Record Straight' | TPMMuckraker
hindsight is always 20/20 - the text of individual State of the Union addresses from each presidency, sorting the words according to frequency of use, to generate a Snellen eye chart for each President.
Compromise on Social Security and Medicare? Why My Center-Left Friends are Wrong | MyFDL
Bi-Monthly Slurpees - Swampland - TIME.com Brookings scholar and congressional expert Thomas Mann told me. “Republicans are determined to defeat Obama in 2012; they have no interest in negotiating with him in order to provide him any sort of victory. This is a partisan war and the Republicans are playing to win. The only question is how long it will take Obama to accept this reality and act accordingly.” (that'll be the day ...)
Less Than Half The Nation Knows That GOP Took Back The House: Pew Poll
Chamber's Anti Health Care Advocacy Financed By Insurers, Big-Dollar Contributions | TPMDC In 2009, a single $86.2 million contribution from the health insurance industry's largest trade association, AHIP, accounted for almost half of the Chamber of Commerce's total contributions.
FEC Dismisses Complaint Against Ensign For Parents' Payment To Mistress | TPMMuckraker
Kentucky Stomper's Attorney: Tape Shows 'My Client Is Justified' (VIDEO) | TPMDC
The Dumb Social Security Ad Sharron Angle Never Aired (not dumb enough)
The Washington Monthly - None Dare Call It Sabotage.... Consider a thought experiment. Imagine you actively disliked the United States, and wanted to deliberately undermine its economy. What kind of positions would you take to do the most damage? (Republicans: traitors to America)
The 800-Pound Mama Grizzly Problem - NYTimes.com she literally commands as much of the public’s attention as the President of the United States,
Tea-Partying Like It's 1860 - NYTimes.com
U.S. Preparing Sweeping Insider-Trading Charges: Report
Yglesias » Social Security Trust Fund - Maya MacGuineas spreads more lies
Are the Rich Getting Richer? The Data Say Yes - DailyFinance
Have we found the universe that existed before the Big Bang?
Genome Biology | Full text | A Faustian bargain (SUNY Albany Pres dumps humanities, biologist has to explain Faust to him)
How HIV thwarts the body’s natural defense
Obama calls airport pat-downs frustrating but necessary - Arizona News from USA Today
$11,000 fine, arrest possible for some who refuse airport scans and pat downs - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com - "We have to ensure that each person getting on every flight is secure," Pistole said. (no, you can't opt out: airline ticket to prison)
Which is Worse for Children, the Pat-Down or the Porn Machine? - Jeffrey Goldberg - National - The Atlantic
Pigs Fly. Also, I Agree with Charles Krauthammer - James Fallows - National - The Atlantic
Why Congress Isn't So Concerned With TSA Nude Scans & Gropes: They Get To Skip Them | Techdirt
Bruce Schneier Interview - Security Theater and the TSA - Popular Mechanics
A Vegan No More | Voracious (hysterical vegan finds she needs meat, has nervous breakdown, but survives, writes very long post)
Let Them Eat Meat
Saturated fat prevents coronary artery disease? An American paradox — Am J Clin Nutrian (eat your ice-cream)
Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease — Am J Clin Nutr
What You Will Do On Drugs (Graphic) | I Can Has Internets
Rochester police log - Oct. 13-15 - Fosters - On Winter Street by Fisher fields, two boys battle, neither yields. But a crowd and both the bruisers, disappear before the cruisers.
Police Log | The Arcata Eye
Political Packrat: The Manitoba Herald Goes Viral
The 19 Senators Who Voted To Censor The Internet | Techdirt (Dems: Leahy, Feinstein, Feingold, Schumer, Durbin, Whitehouse, Franken, Coons: fuck them all)
Stuxnet may be part of Iran atom woes: ex-IAEA aide - Yahoo! News
Whoa, Google, That’s A Pretty Big Security Hole
Gold and the Periodic Table of the Elements : Planet Money : NPR
The Ghailani verdict and American justice - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com But even had he been acquitted on all counts, the Obama administration had made clear that it would simply continue to imprison him anyway under what it claims is the President's "post-acquittal detention power" (even Bush didn't claim that)
Joe Biden: 2014 Afghanistan Pullout Is 'Drop Dead Date' (which will always be moved)
Study: Few Afghans know of 9/11, reason for war - World news - South and Central Asia - Afghanistan - msnbc.com 92 percent of men in key province are unaware of 2001 attacks on U.S. (well, they should call their cable guy and get Fox)
Matthew Hoh: 110 Months in Afghanistan: How Do You Say Hubris in Russian?
Russia wonders why U.S. would stop START (because Republicans want to reSTART the cold war)
The Soviet Collapse - Grain and Oil
Oliver James | FiveBooks British and American women today are five times more likely to be mentally ill than women in the 1950s. Thatcherism and Reaganomics smashed the family to pieces.
The Challenge of Affluence | Energy Bulletin
File download · Sustainable Development Commission (Avner)
ThinkProgress » Incoming Labor Committee Chair Says Jobless Benefits Aren’t A Priority: ‘We Can’t Fund Everything’ Rep. John Kline (R-MN), pronounced that extending benefits is not a priority for the incoming Republican Congress because “we can’t fund everything.” (you've just been "defunded")
Alan Simpson: Deficit Plan Can Pass After Debt Limit 'Blood Bath' | TPMDC (which one of Obama's advisors advised him to appoint Alan Simpson?)
The Washington Monthly - The Wrong Question At The Wrong Time (yeah, where the fuck is the Jobs Commission?)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Messaging Doesn't Matter (unless you don't have anything else))
Grover Norquist: GOP Must Be Willing To Force Government Shutdown In Battle Against Federal Spending
Geoffrey Dunn: Sarah Palin Slams Michelle Obama in Racially Charged Passage From New Book (our next Pres)
Keith Olbermann To Jon Stewart: 'I Told You So!' (VIDEO) One side sticks to the facts, and the other side is close to playing with its poop.
Joe Scarborough Suspended From MSNBC Over Political Donations
Aggressive lobbying defends mortgage-trading system The financial services industry has launched an aggressive campaign on Capitol Hill to bolster the legality of the way companies have turned mortgages into securities and traded them across the globe in recent years (the "legality" of completely illegal behavior)
US companies: Banks Must Pay for Some Mortgage Bond Losses: Ambac - CNBC
Twice bitten? Second Crestone resident claims fraud (someone please foreclose on Wells Fargo)
Unintended Consequences: Raising Retirement Age Could Cause Spike in Disability Payments | FDL News Desk
BBC News - Irish government rules out raising corporation tax the 12.5% rate - much lower than the EU average - was "non-negotiable".
Noose Closing on Ireland « naked capitalism the Irish government had been in the process of trying to steer an inevitable rescue operation towards salvaging its bloated, cancerous banking system rather than a government bailout, which would not only further reduce national sovereignty but also saddle Erin with debt that could not be restructured
The Decline of Marriage And Rise of New Families | Pew Social & Demographic Trends The Class-Based Decline in Marriage. About half (52%) of all adults in this country were married in 2008; back in 1960, seven-in-ten (72%) were (having wiped out the middle class, non-rich people can't afford to have kids)
Is Marriage Irrelevant? (perk for the elite)
Icelanders descended from Native Americans? | Gene Expression | Discover Magazine
BBC - Earth News - Attack of the rats The local farmers call it a flood; an inundation that happens every 50 years.
Gold and the Periodic Table of the Elements : Planet Money : NPR
Stephen Law: Plantinga discussion recorded - podcast available this Saturday
Are Alvin Plantinga and his frog on to something? - Premier Christian Community
Cancer survivor forced to show prosthetic breast to TSA agents during airport pat-down | Mail Online
TSA Gone Wild (Infographic) | Fork Party
Airport Full-Body Scanners Safe, Government Says - AOL Health
John F Kennedy’s dirty road to the White House - Telegraph Jack Kennedy won the presidency with the help of large amounts of cash – and a liberal number of lies, says Andrew Marr.
Dancing on Temple Tops · The Cat’s Meow
What it's like to have sex with someone with Asperger's | Penelope Trunk's Brazen Careerist
The Case of the Vanishing Blonde | Culture | Vanity Fair
How Psychopaths Choose Their Victims | Psychology Today
Europe Map Video Shows Changing Borders, '10 Centuries In 5 Minutes' (video)
Senator Threatens to Block Online Copyright Bill - PCWorld Business Center Senator Ron Wyden, an Oregon Democrat, said late Thursday that he would seek to block the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act, or COICA, from passing through the full Senate, unless the legislation is changed
Long Live the Web: Scientific American The Web is critical not merely to the digital revolution but to our continued prosperity—and even our liberty. Like democracy itself, it needs defending
4chan Censors Itself
In Protest - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Airport stops Germany-bound suspected bomb - World news - Africa - msnbc.com 'Batteries, cables and similar things were found' in parcel, officials say (or something with wires)
India Microcredit Sector Faces Collapse From Defaults - NYTimes.com
Arrest warrant issued for WikiLeaks founder - The Local A Swedish court on Thursday issued a warrant for the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on suspicions of rape and sexual molestation (CIA is at it again)
Israel Palestine Conflict | Peace Process | West Bank Israel delays vote on new settlement freeze, part of US deal to jump start peace talks (no deal, but they'll get their free fighter jets)
BBC - Adam Curtis Blog: Mr Pink, Mr White And Bottom - the Americans and the British striding into the fairy wood only to find themselves spun around so much by the Afghans that they do not know who is the enemy and who is a friend any longer. And they come out with a donkey's head. But on the way they kill 90 innocent people.
Poll: 'Sea Change' In Support For Gays In The Military | TPMDC
Republicans Attack Obama Administration Over Terror Trial Outcome | TPMMuckraker It signals weakness in a time of war." (no one innocent "in a time of war")
ThinkProgress » New Report Reveals Health Insurance Industry Pumped $86 Million Into The U.S. Chamber To Kill Reform (remember, Obama pre-triangulated with the insurance cos and in return they promised not to work against reform: rolled again! +just look at Karen Igagni) ("health insurers posted a 22 percent increase in profits for 2010, largely by shedding customers")
Roger Ailes: NPR Run By 'Nazis,' Jon Stewart 'Crazy' (straight from Satan's Mouth)
Leo Berman, Texas State Legislator, Introduces 'Birther' Bill more than a quarter of respondents said that the president was either "definitely" or "probably not" born in the United States (hard-core crazies)
Senator Rockefeller Wants FCC To 'End' Fox News, MSNBC (because they are the same)
Congressional Members' Personal Wealth Expands Despite Sour National Economy - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets
Palin’s daughter uses homophobic slurs to attack critic on Facebook | Raw Story (trailer trash)
The Tea Party Targets... Sustainable Development? | Mother Jones (and reason)
The Washington Monthly - Believing What They'Re Told To Believe - Disbelief in global warming in the GOP is a recent occurrence. Just a few years ago, in 2007, a 62%-majority of Republicans said there is solid evidence of global warming, while less than a third (31%) said there is no solid evidence (Rush and Fox control their minds)
Fox News Pundits Unafraid To Attack Palin . . . During Off-Air Commercial Break | TPM LiveWire but for reporters Judith Miller and Liz Trotta to be caught in this clip laughing dismissively of Palin (yes, that Judith Miller, they always take care of their own)
Federal Budget Statistics - Esquire Commission to Balance the Federal Budget - Esquire
Foreclosure Fraud Hearings Update: Just 21 Second-Lien Mods in HAMP | FDL News Desk Out of 495,000 permanent HAMP modifications. That’s absolutely crazy.
Treasury Admits It Hasn't Fined Banks For Failing To Comply With Mortgage Modification Program (no consequences ever for bankers)
CERN Press Release - Antimatter atoms produced and trapped
New Vision Online : 13 dead, as strange disease spreads “We were suspecting viral hemorrhagic infection, but results from Uganda Virus Research Institute have ruled out Ebola, Marburg and Lassa,”
Medical Errors Kill 15,000 Medicare Patients a Month - AOL Health (death panels)
McLean Hospital | News & Information : Press Releases McLean Study Shows Greater Cognitive Deficits in Marijuana Users Who Start Young
SPACE.com -- First Alien Planet From Another Galaxy Discovered
Sanford Airport to opt out of TSA screening - WDBO
Introducing the American Traveler Dignity Act (freedom from groping act)
Dave Barry's Blog: Groin Update
TSA - Denver - Photo - Junk Grab | Mediaite
Video of TSA Screener Accosting 3 Year Old Child at Security Checkpoint
BlogPost - Revolt against TSA: Ban the body scanner?
Protests Mount Over Safety And Privacy Of Airport Scanners : Shots - Health News Blog : NPR
Republican Push To Defund NPR Fails (they want everyone gone but Fox)
As the Plains Burn. ... SEC Football - TigerDroppings.com
Grandma's Superhero Therapy (18 photos) - My Modern Metropolis | index
Tom Shadyac: Life begins after you give away your Hollywood toys | The Big Picture | Los Angeles Times
The Pragmatist - The Tools You Really Need to Maintain Your Home - NYTimes.com
'We felt like moving targets' - Times Union
Is OpenTable Worth it? | Incanto
US Senate panel passes bill against piracy websites | Reuters Bill would give U.S. new power against foreign websites * Critics have called bill "Internet censorship" (Obama sells out to big content)
Tumbl.in Is StumbleUpon For Twitter
20 Things I Learned About Browsers and the Web
Ahmed Ghailani, Guantanamo Bay Detainee, Acquitted Of All But 1 Charge In New York (our global war on terror is a projection)
Acquittal on All but One Charge for Ghailani, Ex-Detainee - NYTimes.com
NATO: Combat Role In Afghanistan Could Pass 2014 (16..18..20..22..)
NATO Destroys Booby-Trapped Homes in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com (hundreds, probably thousands, of home they "say" are booby-trapped)
Websites publish advice to student protesters on how to avoid arrest | Education | The Guardian Police act to close down anti-authority blog Fitwatch on grounds of 'criminal' activities - More than 70 websites today published guidance to student protesters about avoiding arrest, in defiance of a police ruling that doing so was unlawful
Democrats Pushing For Nuclear Treaty Vote Despite Setback By GOP (the party of fuck you)
Republicans Stall the START Treaty And Dream of More Deficit Spending
Tea Partiers: The Most Oppressed Minority? | Mother Jones Three-quarters of them also believe that their God has granted the U.S. a special role in the world, a view that makes them much more inclined than other Americans to say that torture is justified in some cases.
The White House, Chamber Of Commerce Attempt Rapprochement (Obama sucks up to far-right Republicans)
Health Insurers Paid U.S. Chamber $86.2 Million to Oppose Health-Care Law - Bloomberg
Second Group Of Deficit Hawks Calls For Regressive National Sales Tax (so predictable: tax the poor, eliminate the middle class, and give tax breaks to the rich is their new plan)
Tapped Archive | The American Prospect | The Candidate of Resentment (Sarah Palin: Americans' favorite whiny victim)
Roger Ailes: Obama A Far-Left Socialist (straight from the Mouth of Satan)
'The Daily Show' Takes On The Nanny State (video)
Daily Kos: Republican fiscal hawks avoid Appropriations Committee like the plague
Bryan Fischer: We've 'Feminized' Medal Of Honor By Not Giving It To Soldiers Who Kill More People | TPMMuckraker (there is nothing they won't say and nothing they won't atack)
Reed, Casey Seek One-Year Extension of Unemployment Benefits | FDL News Desk
Liveblog: Senate Banking Committee Hearing on Foreclosure Fraud | FDL News Desk
FDIC conducting 50 investigations at failed banks: report - CNBC (completely corrupt system)
Pretty Good for Government Work - NYTimes.com (rich guy supports bailing out rich guys)
Eschaton: Broke The Contract - As for the bailout, HAMP was what the administration offered to get people on board with authorizing the second half of the TARP funds. HAMP was supposed to help the little guy, not rich people. HAMP became a government blessed predatory lending system.
Dem Senators Want Major Changes to HAMP | FDL News Desk (you really wonder what they were thinking when they designed HAMP)
In California, Schwarzenegger Leaves New Deficit to Brown - NYTimes.com (the destruction left by Aahnold)
Weird Natural Remedies We Use Today | Health Secret,Care, Tips and much more... Curing leg cramps by going to sleep with soap is one such remedy.
Earth as Art: Stunning New Images From Space | Wired Science | Wired.com
US scientists significantly more likely to publish fake research, study finds (leading the world in fake research)
Taiwanese Animators Take On TSA Patdowns
YouTube - New Jersey Legislators Take on the TSA ("when you buy an airplane ticket, you don't give up your Constitutional rights ... enough is enough")
Is it raining in your city?
Setup Instructions : Google Sync - Google Mobile Help
Apple is number one danger to Internet freedom, says Columbia professor - Computerworld Blogs (after Obama)
A number of reddit users have reported finding the cycbot.b virus on their Windows systems. : announcements
how do i remove Backdoor:Win32/Cycbot.B
Ireland Debt Crisis: Contagion Fears Loom Over EU Meeting
Women in the Netherlands work less, have lesser titles and a big gender pay gap, and they love it. - By Jessica Olien - Slate Magazine Women in the Netherlands work less, have lesser titles and a big gender pay gap, and they love it.
Why Dutch women work part-time | vox
Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » Now's the Time to Hold President Bush Accountable for Torture (but we'd have to look backwards, and that's not going to happen)
Yglesias » Obama’s Obsessive Focus (he was focused on "policy" instead of "politics" and got "policy" horribly wrong -- trapped in his own delusions)
Keith Olbermann Fires Back At Ted Koppel Over Objectivity, 'Real News' The journalism failed, and those who practiced it failed, and Mr. Koppel failed
The Washington Monthly - House Republican Wants His Government-Subsidized Health Care Now - Andy Harris is a newly-elected far-right congressman from Maryland (who ran against health care reform because it was socialistic)
Charles Rangel GUILTY: Convicted By House Ethics Panel Of 11 Charges (sleezeball)
Tina Fey's Sarah Palin Joke Cut From Mark Twain Prize Speech (PBS censored un-Republican comments)
Chicago Cubs Owners Rail Against Gov't Spending While Asking Taxpayers For $300 Million To Renovate Wrigley Field (hypocrisy, thy name is Republicans)
Merchants of Misery - NYTimes.com And the silence from conservative economists who know better is deafening. Greg? Marty? Anyone? (Republican "economists" - what a joke)
Mortgage Trouble - US Foreclosure Mess Impact Could Be Severe: Panel - CNBC
Congressional Oversight Panel Report Highlights Systemic Risk of Foreclosure Fraud | FDL News Desk (here comes the third wave of banker bailouts ... nice "policy", Obama)
'Robo-Signer' Foreclosure Scandal May Threaten Fundamental Financial Stability, Government Watchdog Warns
Just When You Thought You Knew Something About Mortgage Securitizations | zero hedge
GOP Wants To Strip Fed Of Power To Combat Joblessness (Republicans at work stopping anything that will help America)
Hubble Ultra Deep Field 3D
Hearings - U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
Amid airport anger, GOP takes aim at screening | Washington Examiner
The 'Israelification' of airports: High security, little bother - thestar.com
100 Body Scans From Security Checkpoint Leaked (but this was never supposed to happen ... Total Sexual Assault at work)
Who's subsidizing whom? Varney's crusade on CA reverses reality | Media Matters for America
How Rep. Louie 'Terror Babies' Gohmert Got A College Art Director Fired | TPMMuckraker
Law enforcement guide to satanic cults (VHS tape, 1994) [WorldCat.org]
YouTube - The Victim's Body - what you find on a dead body killed by Satanic Abuse (now known as complete bullshit made up by cops and DA's)
You must be kidding, Facebook: "Incoming message will be placed in one of three folders - one for friends, another for things like bank statements and a junk folder for messages people do not want to see." Hell will freeze over before Facebook sees my bank statements. : reddit.com
The Java crisis: what are Oracle, IBM, Google and Apache fighting over? | Technology | guardian.co.uk IBM's decision to abandon the open source Harmony project just as Oracle is suing Google could have big implications for Java
The Digital Disruption: Connectivity and the Diffusion of Power | iRevolution
Ireland, Greece Sink Further Into Debt After Austerity Measures | FDL News Desk - There are proofs of Keynesianism virtually all over the map. And yet the world has largely taken the wrong lessons. (who could have predicted they'd get it wrong again?)
Ireland: The Rise & the Crash by Ian Jack | The New York Review of Books (paywall, but you get the picture)
Second squadron of F-35s is ‘an offer hard to refuse’ Under the offer made to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during his meeting last week with US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, Israel would receive a second, free squadron of the advanced fighter jet if it agrees to impose a three-month freeze on settlement construction.
Cantor Spox Clarifies 'Check' Comments GOPer Made To Netanyahu | TPMDC He made clear that the Republican majority understands the special relationship between Israel and the United States, and that the security of each nation is reliant upon the other (America not safe without Israel protecting it)
PressTV - Settlers torch West Bank olive trees (Jewish terrorists)
George W. Bush can’t fight for freedom and authorise torture - Telegraph If the West’s aim is to spread the rule of law, it cannot be achieved by vile means, argues Boris Johnson.
Tapped Archive | The American Prospect On Not Creating Your Own Reality (Obama and his idiot team of advisors couldn't make their own tax-cut plan)
Pensito Review » GOP Tax Plan Costs $36.6 Bil More Than Dems’ – Swing Voters, You’ve Been Had
James Bonard Fowler Pleads Guilty To Manslaughter In Death That Sparked Selma March A white former state trooper pleaded guilty Monday to a lesser charge in the 1965 shooting death of a black man at a civil rights protest, a killing that inspired historic voting rights marches.
MSNBC President Phil Griffin Threatened To Fire Keith Olbermann (Griffen needs to be fired +Tom Brokaw is stupid)
John Ensign Secured Earmark Nearing $1 Million From Health Care Reform He Opposed
YouTube - Keynote Address: "The Tea Parties Now"
Complaint filed in Election Night robocall - baltimoresun.com The state attorney general's office is seeking millions of dollars in fines from a political consultant who sent out an election night "robocall" to thousands of Marylanders suggesting that they "relax" because the race was over, even though polls were still open.
YouTube - Mario Savio Memorial Lecture - Elizabeth Warren (starts when she really gets going)
YouTube - Mario Savio Memorial Lecture - Elizabeth Warren (starts at Q&A)
Elizabeth Warren Mario Savio Lecture - Grasping Reality with Both Hands
FT Alphaville » Kauffman: ETFs are the problem, not HFT Finally, a report that dares to outline the previously-taboo: Exchange-Traded Funds may pose a greater systemic threat to markets than high-frequency, or algorithmic, trading.
Kid Dynamite's World: An ETF Lesson - Part I
David Leonhardt, Please Shut Up | TPMCafe (your NYT at work)
A Deficit-Reduction Plan Rife With Problems - TheFiscalTimes.com (the stupdity commission)
Dean Baker: Action on Social Security: The Urgent Need for Delay
Yglesias » Medicare After Obama
Allergy Expert Says Peanut Bans Are An Overreaction To Food Allergies : Shots - Health News Blog : NPR
Nimby Rears Its Head Against Wind Power Project - NYTimes.com
Thermodynamics of hell - Encyclopedia of Humanthermodynamics
Cessation thermodynamics - Encyclopedia of Humanthermodynamics
21 Grams › Dr Karl's Great Moments In Science (ABC Science) "They say that we all lose 21 grams at the exact moment of death".
Hybrid batteries tease big energy capacity while charging in seconds -- Engadget
War Tard: Are 'terrorists' more dangerous than how we react to them?
Full Frontal Nudity Doesn’t Make Us Safer: Abolish the TSA - Art Carden - The Economic Imagination - Forbes
Our Little Chatterboxes: TSA - Total Sexual Assault (only perverts need apply)
YouTube - Fmr Asst TSA Admin - checkpoints violate 4th amendment (and tough shit)
Top Cop: You're Arrested For Videotaping Us | New Haven Independent
The Shadow Scholar - The Chronicle Review
Humanist Groups Aim to Push Back at 'Bible-Derived Morality' | The Atlantic Wire
Gay Michigan student defends suspended teacher - Yahoo! News
New Copyright Bill Bears Problems: Concerns with S.3804, the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) | Public Knowledge (Bush vetoed this as too extreme, Obama and the Dems pushing it through)
Obama Comes Out Against Censoring The Internet; Will He Veto Leahy/Hatch Censorship Bill? | Techdirt (no, that's why he appointed 5 RIAA lawyers to the Justice Dept.)
COICA Fact Sheet | Stop the Internet Blacklist! | Demand Progress The bill creates a blacklists of Internet domain names which the Attorney General can add to with a court order. Internet service providers, financial transaction providers, and online ad vendors (everyone from Comcast to PayPal to Google AdSense) would be required to block any domains on the list.
MeeGo May Have a Future Afterall; Nokia to Get ‘Engineering Expertise’ from AMD - DeviceMAG
Official Google Blog: What does the future of display advertising look like?
Karzai: U.S. Should Reduce Intensity, Stop Night Raids In Afghan War (and get the fuck out, but leave your money)
Flawed projects prove costly for Afghanistan, U.S. | McClatchy (but not for you know who)
Germany and Bayern star Mario Gomez urges gay footballers to go public | Football | The Guardian Striker breaks ranks with German football federation, who had warned that coming out could destroy a player's career
Unemployed claimants to face loss of benefits for refusing work | Politics | The Guardian Severe welfare shakeup will introduce claimant contract with up to three years' benefits penalty for refusing a job (UK: eat shit and be happy)
Cantor Pre-Empts Clinton - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan He sides with the leader of a foreign country against the president of the US on an issue of great diplomatic significance. Cantor, of course, directly supports Israel's continued occupation and colonization of the West Bank and uncontrolled settlement construction (now ok to undermine President's foreign policy during "wartime")
NYT Releases Unredacted Report on “U.S. Aid for Ex-Nazis” | MyFDL The Justice Department has resisted making the report public since 2006.” A “heavily redacted” version was released last month to the private National Security Archive (NSA), and now a leaked version of the entire document has been released to the public (they'll coverup for sixty years)
Obama Without Tears | The Nation - "First he was rolled by the bankers, then he was rolled by the generals, then he was rolled by the Blue Dogs and other Democrats who had no interest in going along with what he proposed." (can a man who has always tried to fit in, and never led anything, learn to lead? or fight for anything?)
David Axelrod Leaving White House In First Half Of 2011 (primary architect of Obama's failure, with Larry Summers, of course)
The Washington Monthly - White House Ponders, What Now? (lurch to the right? they have no clue what happened to them)
'Soul-searching' Obama aides: Democrats' midterm election losses a wake-up call they think he must forge partnerships with Republicans on key issues and make noticeable progress on his oft-repeated campaign pledge to change the ways of Washington (well, that's what Kaplan Test Prep thinks, anyway)
Anis Shivani: Bush's 'Decision Points' Is A Terrifying Journey Into the Authoritarian Mind (and the stupidity of the American people)
Heath Shuler: If Nancy Pelosi Runs I'll Challenge Her, And Lose (Blue-Dog losers on the march)
CBS News Poll: 11/11/10 - CBS News
Antichoicers on the March When the 112th Congress convenes in January it will have at least fifty-three additional antichoice Republicans in the House and five in the Senate. Some of the newcomers are particularly extreme (no birth-control for you: American Taliban at work)
Most of Rand Paul's individual donors lived outside Kentucky | McClatchy (outside agitators)
Social Security Judges Face Violent Threats (wait 'til the Republicans cut off everything else)
O.K., You Fix the Budget - NYTimes.com (Times unaware that 25 million people aren't working as a result of experts making billions off the housing bubble that destroyed the economy, confuses "Medicare" with health care costs, which are most of the long-term deficit)
IMF expert warns Lenihan to 'seek bailout now' - Independent.ie - Simon Johnson
Why The Left Is Wrong About The Deficit Commission | The New Republic (Chait: Obama should cooperate more with Republicans)
Tapped Archive | The American Prospect First, a plurality of Americans already prioritize further stimulus spending. Second, the public don't care at all about the deficit as a priority. Economic boom = political boon, full stop.
It Does Not Seem to Me That Charles Ferguson Has Gotten It Right... - Grasping Reality with Both Hands
Extreme global warming in the ancient past
Daily Kos: It's only natural - in a two hour period on the afternoon of April 3, 1974, at least six F5 storms were spawned across the Midwest. Just before 5PM, one of these storms plowed through the city of Xenia, Ohio.
Louisiana Alert: Family Forum Is Targeting The Science Curriculum « The Wall of Separation
News flash: Deadly terrorism existed before 9/11 - Ask the Pilot - Salon.com We've been dealing with the same threats for decades. But we used to be a lot calmer about it, less self-defeating
: TSA encounter at SAN (molestation now standard TSA procedure)
Top 48 ads that would never be allowed today » Article » OWNI.eu, Digital Journalism
'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Discharges Can Continue For Now, Supreme Court Rules
BBC News - Burma releases pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi
BBC News - Ireland 'in preliminary talks with EU on bailout' (next?)
Transparency International: Some Amazing Facts about Corruption Unveiled. | Light of Peace
The Blasé Mandate - NYTimes.com
House Democrats Avert Leadership Struggle By Accommodating Steny Hoyer & James Clyburn (Blue-Dogs lose big, so they win!)
John Shimkus, GOP Rep. Who Denies Climate Change On Religious Grounds, Could Lead House Environmental Policy
Sarah Palin's Unfavorability Numbers Hit New High, Survey Finds
The Washington Monthly: If it's Sunday, must be John McCain and Harold Ford on your teevee
"As close as I've heard on mainstream television to fascism" | Media Matters for America Writing for The Daily Beast, Michelle Goldberg described Beck's anti-Soros programs as "shocking, even by Beck's degraded standards" (whoaa, American Taliban?)
Study: 100,000 Hispanics Have Left Arizona - CBS News Since Immigration Law Passed
Ted Koppel: Olbermann, O'Reilly and the death of real news (Koppel always was an idiot who can't tell the difference between facts and crazy lies)
Ted Koppel “Natural Fit” at NPR News and Longtime Booster of Henry Kissinger (always has been a crypto-conservative shit)
Obvious Truth No.1: Fox News is Republican Propaganda | Republican Dirty Tricks
Comparing Democratic and Republican tax plans (Republican deficit reduction plan: big tax cuts for the rich!)
Are Obama and Congress Set To Screw American Counties, Homeowners and Give Wall Street Mortgage Banksters a Retroactive Immunity Bailout? | Emptywheel (what do you think?)
Goldman Sachs’s Tax Rate Drops to 1%, or $14 Million (Update1) - Bloomberg
Postal Service Lost $8.5 Billion Last Year Despite Deep Cuts
Wells Fargo 'Nightmare' For Homeowner Applying For Help Under Administration's Anti-Foreclosure Program t's a familiar nightmare to many lured by HAMP's promise of reduced monthly payments (Obama's program designed to protect bankers and screw homeowners stupid enough to try to use it)
G20: Profound And Complete Disappointment For The US Treasury « The Baseline Scenario It is hard to imagine how the summit could have gone any worse for the US Treasury and the president (another complete fail)
Scientists developing 30-second Alzheimer's screening test - Telegraph which could allow doctors to identify sufferers decades before they show symptoms.
The New Neurobiology of Severe Psychiatric Disorders and Its Implications for Laws Governing Involuntary Commitment and Treatment by E Fuller Torrey, Ken Kressy (disasterous wrong assumptions about severe mental illness and involuntary committment)
National Opt-Out Day - James Fallows - National - The Atlantic Items on security, security theater, a proper climate of caution, and an excessive climate of fear:
National Opt-Out Day Called Against Invasive Body Scanners | Threat Level | Wired.com
YouTube - TSA Screener Accosts 3 Year Old Child at Security Checkpoint
Dirty Coal, Clean Future - Magazine - The Atlantic
Texas Observer Exclusive: DNA Tests Undermine Evidence in Texas Execution - The Texas Observer New results show Claude Jones was put to death on flawed evidence (Bush: "we never executed an innocent person")
YouTube - Ark Hotel Construction time lapse building 15 storeys in 2 days
The Cliche Family in Televisionland | Basket of Kisses
James Frey’s Fiction Factory The controversial author is hiring young writers to join him in a new publishing company. The goal is to produce the next Twilight. The contracts are brutal.
YouTube - Borderline Personality Disorder
Tom Lubbock: a memoir of living with a brain tumour | Books | The Observer , language has been his life and his livelihood. But in 2008, he developed a lethal brain tumour and was told he would slowly lose control over speech and writing. This is his account of what happens when words slip away
America: The Grim Truth: Information Clearing House - ICH You have the worst quality of life in the developed world – by a wide margin.
Veterans Day: Denouncing The Insanity Of Permanent War | NEWS JUNKIE POST
Lame Duck Session Presents the Perfect Opportunity for Democrat (which they won't use, of course)
Top Palin aide is on Soros' payroll - War Room - Salon.com Revealed: the surprisingly close link between the liberal billionaire and the Republican superstar
Rachel Maddow Show interview w/John Stewart
The Hijacked Commission - NYTimes.com It seemed obvious, as soon as the commission’s membership was announced, that “bipartisanship” would mean what it so often does in Washington: a compromise between the center-right and the hard-right ... this proposal clearly represents a major transfer of income upward, from the middle class to a small minority of wealthy Americans. And what does any of this have to do with deficit reduction? (nothing; +Simpson, long-time hater of SS + Erskine Bowles, Clinton's chief triangulator +incredibly naive Republican Pres)
Get Ready for the Great MERS Whitewash Bill - CNBC (Congress will legalize fraud by big business)
Yglesias » Results, Not Words Alternatively, you could not fix the economy and try to get credit for “cutting the deficit” or some other crap that no one actually gives a shit about, least of all teabaggers or Republicans.
The Insanity Virus | Mental Health | DISCOVER Magazine Schizophrenia has long been blamed on bad genes or even bad parents. Wrong, says a growing group of psychiatrists. The real culprit, they claim, is a virus that lives entwined in every person's DNA.
Is this evidence that we can see the future? - life - 11 November 2010 - New Scientist
Have Scientists Finally Discovered Evidence for Psychic Phenomena?! | Psychology Today New studies show people can anticipate future events.
Back From the Future | Subatomic Particles | DISCOVER Magazine A series of quantum experiments shows that measurements performed in the future can influence the present. Does that mean the universe has a destiny—and the laws of physics pull us inexorably toward our prewritten fate?
SSRN-A Replication of the Procedures from Bem (2010, Study 8) and a Failure to Replicate the Same Results by Jeff Galak, Leif Nelson
‘Too Asian’? - Canada - Macleans.ca Worries that efforts in the U.S. to limit enrollment of Asian students in top universities may migrate to Canada
Pilots and passengers rail at new airport patdowns | Reuters Stepped-up security screening at airports in the wake of foiled terrorism plots has provoked an outcry from airline pilots and travelers, including parents of children who say they are too intrusive.
The Things He Carried - Magazine - The Atlantic Airport security in America is a sham—“security theater” designed to make travelers feel better and catch stupid terrorists. Smart ones can get through security with fake boarding passes and all manner of prohibited items—as our correspondent did with ease.
T&A at the TSA - Washington Times Government screening gets a little too personal
Schneier on Security: Surveillance and Morality
Are Cameras the New Guns? | The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty
An Open Letter to Judge Jacqueline Davies
Adventures in Flay-land: Guest Post - Mark Phillips explains how Paul's #TwitterJokeTrial tweet was very clearly a joke.
Heresy Corner: With the Conviction of Paul Chambers, it is now illegal to be English
Missile Over California: Pentagon, NASA Experts Say Mystery Plume Was Plane (or something)
Russian assassin 'sent to kill double agent who betrayed Anna Chapman' | World news | The Guardian Kremlin reportedly dispatches contract killer to US to pursue 'traitor' colonel, claims reputable Moscow newspaper
Bush's Waterboarding Admission Prompts Calls For Criminal Probe (oh, they could ...)
Nadler: 'Shameful' For Holder To Ignore Bush Waterboarding Admission | TPMMuckraker
Jon Soltz, VoteVets Founder, War Critic, Called Up For Military Service In Iraq
White House Gives In On Bush Tax Cuts (because the deficit is so important)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation
Open Left:: The details are worse (Obama's catfood commission outdid themselves)
Many deficit commission staffers paid by outside groups (paid lobbyists for business/Republican interests, what Obama likes to call "stakeholders" otherwise known as a "stacked deck")
The Plum Line - The Morning Plum White House denies giving in on Bush tax cuts (see below)
Administration Official: "Sebelius Misspoke." - Marc Ambinder - Politics - The Atlantic (Aug 2009: see, we've been down this road before with them)
Deficit panel leaders propose curbs on Social Security, major cuts in spending, tax breaks - "President Obama's bipartisan deficit commission" (Fox: ""Obama Debt Panel Eyes Cutting Social Security, Home Deduction." - he owns this abomination now: what were they thinking?)
Debt Commission Seeks Social Security Cuts and Tax Increases - NYTimes.com (idiots +moving us towards a flat tax)
Bipartisan commission proposes strict budget rules to stabilize U.S. debt
The Gavel » Blog Archive » On the Proposal Released by Co-Chairs of the Fiscal Commission (Pelosi pushes back against Obama's Commission to downgrade Social Security)
Eschaton - The Democratic Party Self-Destruction Act: That's what Bowles and Simpson have submitted
NPR, Corporation For Public Broadcasting Denounce Debt Commission's Recommendations (oh, they just got the memo)
Democrats Pressing Pelosi to Step Aside - time (blue-dog losers at work)
Matt Taibbi: Courts Helping Banks Screw Over Homeowners | Rolling Stone Politics Retired judges are rushing through complex cases to speed foreclosures in Florida
The force-placed insurance scandal | Analysis & Opinion (meanwhile, no commission on bankers)
Cisco Shortfall Shows Wider Risks in Government Cuts - BusinessWeek
YouTube - US-Sino Currency Rap Battle
TSA's Program to Spot Terrorists a $200M Sham? - CBS Evening News - CBS News Gov't Accountability Office Finds Army of Specially Trained "Behavior Detection" Agents Failed to Stop Terrorists
Free Taita Juan On Tuesday, October 19, 2010, indigenous Colombian healer Taita Juan Agreda Chindoy was detained in the Houston International Airport. He was formally arrested by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) for possession of his traditional medicine Ayahuasca. He is now being charged as a federal criminal and is facing up to 20 years in federal prison.
TSA agents singled Meg McLain out for special treatment. They yelled at her, cuffed her to a chair, ripped up her ticket and cal on Vimeo
The TSA Blog: Response to "Female radio host cuffed to chair, ticket ripped up..."
What the U.S. Can Learn from the Dutch About Teen Sex – TIME Healthland
ADL Condemns Glenn Beck For 'Offensive,' 'Horrific' Attacks On George Soros (video)
Yglesias » Kaplan, Inc Over the last decade, Kaplan has moved aggressively into for-profit higher education, acquiring 75 small colleges and starting the huge online Kaplan University - 72 percent of the Post’s customers find that they’re actually unable to repay those taxpayer-subsidized loans (Washington Post = Kaplan Test Prep = For Profit U = Scam)
Buzzblog: Amazon regains senses, pulls pedophile how-to book | Network World
Illadore's House o Crack - Copyright Infringement and Me
Lift a Blogger's Post? But Honestly, Cook's Source, You Can't Do That | BlogHer
Don't Get Cooks-Sourced: What Bloggers Need to Know About Copyright Law | BlogHer
The Cooks Source Scandal: How a Magazine Profits on Theft
Urban Dictionary: Cookssourced
Cooks Source
Who is David Thorne? | SEO Bullshit (a professional asshole with no social skills?)
27bslash6 update: They responded to complaints by distributing Redditors' personal information and threatening them to take down the post : WTF
Hosting Companies The Planet And SoftLayer Complete Merger
Filevo data being held hostage by hosting company - Reddit, please help? : AskReddit
Disgusting service from midphase/softlayer - currently holding data hostage. - Web Hosting Talk
Things You Should Do Immediately After Launching a Website
Nation & World | White House moves away from 2011 Afghanistan withdrawal timeline | Seattle Times Newspaper (more Bush than Bush)
Obama officials moving away from 2011 Afghan date | McClatchy (as always, six more months)
Waterboarding: call to indict Bush following his memoirs confession - National Foreign Policy | Examiner.com
GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz: 'I'm Not Afraid Of Going After The Bush Administration' With Torture Investigation (video) (but Obama will veto any atempt to look backward)
Obama: new Israel settlements no help to peace | Reuters
Netanyahu Defends Israel Settlements Construction After Obama's Criticism
Are a small number of Slate writers creating news at the expense of abused immigrant women? | Media Matters for America
First Salvo In Social Security Fight: OweNo, A $20 Million Campaign Launched With Bayh, Conrad As Allies (billions for useless wars, sorry, no Social Security for you)
LaHood Threatens to Take HSR Stimulus Money from Ohio, Wisconsin | FDL News Desk (the only Republican in Obama's Cabinet knows how to deal with Republicans)
Midterm elections offer grim omens for Scott Brown’s future - Alexander Burns - politico.com
Chris Christie Skeptical That Global Warming Is Caused By Humans
Compassionate Conservatism, Texas Style • Progressive Nation After more than a decade of conservatism, Texas suddenly finds itself in a $25 billion hole. To address the shortfall, a growing number of Texas Republicans are interested in simply withdrawing from the Medicaid program altogether (and send them to the ER)
slacktivist: Yes, please, let's have hearings on the evidence of climate change
How Republicans and Their Big Business Allies Duped Tens of Millions of Evangelicals into Voting for a Corporate Agenda | | AlterNet The bible-thumping white underclass have given a big boost to the corporate bottom line.
CBC.ca | Ideas | The 2010 CBC Massey Lectures, "Player One: What is to Become of Us"
Question the TSA at your own Risk | We Won't Fly When she asked some question about what they planned to do to her, they flipped out. TSA agents yelled at her, handcuffed her to a chair, ripped up her ticket, called in 12 local Miami cops and finally escorted her out of the airport.
Flight attendants union upset over new pat-down procedures (sexual assault victims can't opt-out)
NYC Marathon Runners on Devour.com - Beautiful time-lapse of the 40,000 runners in this year's New York City Marathon.
Working in the design industry is like being a dirty robot whore (David Thorne deals with another idiot)
All 95 PCCC Net Neutrality Supporters Lost in the Election | The Precursor Blog by Scott Cleland Every single one of the 95 FreePress/PCCC House and Senate candidates that took the www.NetNeutralityProtectors.com pledge: "I believe in protecting net neutrality -- the First Amendment of the Internet," lost in the mid-term elections Tuesday.
Rockmelt Crashes and Burns: Nobody’s Extinguishing The Flames | Techi.com
Mystery Missile Launch Seen off Calif. Coast - CBS News
Pentagon Has 'No Clue' Who Launched SoCal Missile | NBC San Diego
Waterboarding for dummies - Torture - Salon.com Internal CIA documents reveal a meticulous protocol that was far more brutal than Dick Cheney's "dunk in the water
No charges for destroying CIA interrogation videos - Yahoo! News - ("patriots defending our country")
Assassination in Court, U.S. Argues to Make Legal What It’s Always Done | MyFDL
Volcker Says No Quick Way to Cut US Unemployment - NYTimes.com Volcker's comments come after the U.S. Federal Reserve said last week it would purchase $600 billion in Treasurys in an effort to boost growth and create jobs, cutting unemployment that stands at 9.6 percent (jobs for bankers)
World’s Pilots Reject Naked Body Scanners Over Radiation Danger, Privacy Breach
Professor Loses Weight on Twinkie Diet | Geekosystem
Schneier on Security: Control Fraud It explained how a CEO optimized "his" S&L as a weapon to loot creditors and shareholders. The weapon of choice was accounting fraud.
The Control Fraud Theory | Bizcovering Control fraud theory was developed in the savings and loan debacle. It explained that the person controlling the S&L (typically the CEO) posed a unique risk because he could use it as a weapon.
New Study Links Homophobia with Homosexual Arousal Similarly, while 24% of the nonhomophobic men showed definite tumescence while watching the homosexual video, 54% of the homophobic men did.
Proficiency of Black Students Is Found to Be Far Lower Than Expected - NYTimes.com
Cox fires Andrew Shirvell, says he used state resources in attack on gay student | freep.com | Detroit Free Press Behavior wasn't appropriate, former assistant attorney general is told
Morgan Stanley Hit-And-Run: Plea Deal For Perp 'Far More Punitive' Than What Victim Wants, Says Colorado DA "Felony convictions have some pretty serious job implications for someone in Mr. Erzinger's profession, and that entered into it," Hurlbert told the paper
NYT’s Opinion Pages continue the march toward app-inspired design » Nieman Journalism Lab
Adwords Is Dying and Google Knows It (and they are doing something about it) | Fast Company
Apache declares war on Oracle over Java | ITworld
Israel artists boycott new theater in settlement
Amanda Knox Indicted On Slander Charges (for defending herself against corrupt Italian "justice")
US attitude to pother eople’s national sovereignty > Americas > Redress Information & Analysis
The Washington Post rebuts The Washington Post's smears of Joe Wilson | Media Matters for America - on page 8 of the Style section. (assholes)
Criticism runs deep for spill commission findings - Yahoo! News - Critics of a presidential commission's preliminary findings that largely supported BP's internal probe of the Gulf oil spill questioned Monday how anyone could suggest money wasn't put ahead of safety in the days before the disaster (where has Obama been on the whole issue?)
US interactive guide: US interactive guide | The Economist
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect - Standing For Nothing - The Wall Street Journal reports Democrats are ready to cave on DADT in the lame duck
Rep. Spencer Bachus: 'Sarah Palin Cost Us Control Of The Senate'
The Fed - Doing It Again - NYTimes.com - the Pain Caucus — my term for those who have opposed every effort to break out of our economic trap — is going wild.
How Companies Are Bypassing The U.S. High Income-Tax Rate
Climate science: Climate scientists plan campaign against global warming skeptics - latimes.com
GOP climate deniers vie to run House Energy Committee | Grist | half of the more than 100 new Republican Congress members are skeptics on global warming
US Mortgage Delinquencies Edge Up in Third Quarter - CNBC About 457,000 individuals had a foreclosure notation added to their credit reports between July 1 and Sept. 30
Department of "Huh?!" (Structural Unemployment Edition) - Grasping Reality with Both Hands Why oh why can't we have a better press corps? (the self-serving myth of "structural unemployment and the stupidy of our press)
Think Again: Global Aging - By Phillip Longman | Foreign Policy
Marijuana's Memory Paradox - Page 1 - MSN Health & Fitness - Health Topics
Cannabinoids for the treatment of dementia. [Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009] - PubMed result This review finds no evidence that cannabinoids are effective in the improvement of disturbed behaviour in dementia or in the treatment of other symptoms of dementia. M
A Molecular Link Between the Active Component of Marijuana and Alzheimer's Disease Pathology
Alleged hit-and-run driver may not face felony | VailDaily.com When Avon police arrived he was putting a broken side mirror and a bumper in his trunk, court record say.
ThinkProgress » 5th Circuit Rules That High School Cheerleader Is Required To Cheer For Her Alleged Rapist
Incarceration - Wikipedia
College Applications Continue to Increase. When Is Enough Enough? - NYTimes.com
"They Live": Jonathan Lethem explains a cult classic | Slide Show - Salon.com Slide show: The "Motherless Brooklyn" author peels back the many layers of John Carpenter's "They Live"
YouTube - Speedflying in Wengen 2010
Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture (really crappy website, Smithsonian)
YouTube - TEDxHouston - Brené Brown
2011 Predictions by Thom Hogan
Guest post: Symbian OS – one of the most successful failures in tech history
Docvert - Microsoft Word to Open Standards [current 4.0 Beta 1]
Lindsey Graham Makes The Case For Strike On Iran - His remarks stunned many in the audience at the Halifax International Security forum (Obama's go-to Republican +"all options are on the table")
Suu Kyi too hot for Asia's most brutal regime to handle - Asia, World - The Independent Burma's political heroine has spent 15 of the past 20 years under arrest. Now, as the country goes to the polls, her fate hangs in the balanc
Full Haaretz expose / How the state helped right-wing groups settle East Jerusalem - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News the state used a controversial law to transfer East Jerusalem assets to the rightist organizations Elad and Ateret Cohanim without a tender, and at very low prices (oh, what a surprise)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Now a report by the CIA inspector general finds that the agency has blood on its hands (but no consequences for killing Americans)
AFP: Taliban call on US to send fact-finding team to Afghanistan to investigate what they called the lies and propaganda spread by American military chiefs to prolong the war.
Now Sweden accuses US of spying | Raw Story Sweden joins Norway in alleging US embassies spied on citizens
Silvio Berlusconi's sex antics disgust me and other Italian women | World news | The Observer One of Italy's leading journalists bemoans the prime minister's philandering and the culture of machismo that celebrates his habitual womanising
Why Silvio Berlusconi is still standing - Telegraph Prostitutes, parties and friendships with teenage girls have failed to bring about the downfall of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi
Collapsing empire watch - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (result of Republicans)
A Superpower in Decline: Is the American Dream Over? - Spiegel Online - News - International
Robert Gates: Repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Now, Before GOP Takes Control Of Congress (Obama fiddled and diddled and it ain't going to happen)
t r u t h o u t | Bill Moyers: "Welcome to the Plutocracy!"
Barack Obama, Phone Home - NYTimes.com - The plot of Obama’s presidency has been harder to follow than “Inception.” (more stupidity from the WH)
Midterm Losses Bite Blue Dog Democrats : NPR (but Dems must lurch right)
Our Banana Republic - NYTimes.com - The richest 1 percent of Americans now take home almost 24 percent of income, up from almost 9 percent in 1976 ... he United States now arguably has a more unequal distribution of wealth than traditional banana republics like Nicaragua, Venezuela and Guyana.
Bloomberg: Congress 'Can't Read' And Some Members Don't Know What, Or Where China Is
Texas Considers Medicaid Withdrawal - NYTimes.com Some Republican lawmakers — still reveling in Tuesday’s statewide election sweep — are proposing an unprecedented solution to the state’s estimated $25 billion budget shortfall: dropping out of the federal Medicaid program.
Rick Perry: Let States Secede From Social Security (VIDEO) | TPMDC (and then all the old people will secede from Texas: win, win!)
Lawmakers Discussing Dropping Health Care Program — Health Reform and Texas | The Texas Tribune
Support Pours in For Suspended MSNBC Anchor Keith Olbermann
FreakOutNation » Breaking: Rush Limbaugh Is Using $5,000 Worth Of Oxycontin Per Day Rush Limbaugh is using $20,000 worth of Oxycontin per day. This is ironic timing considering he has just claimed President Obama will be spending $200 million per day while visiting India.
Eric Cantor Opposes Compromise On Extending Bush Tax Cuts, Says Government Shutdown Will Be Obama's Fault
Thoughts On Pelosi - NYTimes.com
When 'House Effects' Become 'Bias' - NYTimes.com (Rasmussen is a Republican company)
Bernanke And The Shibboleths - NYTimes.com The simple fact is that we have a global excess supply of savings, which is doing terrible things to workers. The reasonable thing is to do something about it; it’s deeply unreasonable, and deeply irresponsible, to invent reasons not to act because you’re clinging to simplistic slogans.
.: Surface area required to power the whole world by solar power
Effing the Ineffable | Big Questions Online
Wright On: Cosmological Natural Selection | Big Questions Online
The Effects of the Recession on "The Used Car Economy" | Blinker Fluid News | DrivingSales
Watch your weight, and pass the cheese - CharlotteObserver.com The Department of Agriculture spends millions to get Americans to eat more dairy products - It teamed up with Domino's to develop a new line of pizzas with 40 percent more cheese and proceeded to devise and pay for a $12 million marketing campaign (eat cheese and die)
The Cocaine Trade by Brendan Kiley - Features - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper
How WeedMaps turned marijuana reviews into big business. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
ø Medical Marijuana Dispensary & Cannabis Club Directory ø
Welcome to SPARC | San Francisco Patient and Resource Center
Gibberish rock song written by Italian composer to sound like English - Boing Boing
YouTube - Secret Cinema presents Blade Runner
No, you are not ‘running late’, you are rude and selfish – The Savage Truth
Microsoft vs. Software Piracy - Inside the War Room - NYTimes.com
Google To Facebook: You Can’t Import Our User Data Without Reciprocity
AFP: Google Maps embroiled in Central America border dispute
What a scientist didn't tell the NY Times on honeybee deaths - Oct. 8, 2010
BBC World Service - Documentaries - My Lai Tapes US soldiers killed 504 innocent Vietnamese villagers at My Lai in Vietnam on March 16th 1968
Spain's gays and lesbians to stage 'kiss-in' during pope's visit | World news | The Guardian Organisers use Facebook to form 'queer kissing flashmob' in front of Barcelona's cathedral on Sunday
EU proposes online right 'to be forgotten' - Telegraph Websites could be compelled to delete all data held on users at their request, if new European laws come into force.
YouTube - Rachel Maddow Explores Right Wing Lying Echo Chamber (Michelle "Yes, I'm totally nuts" Bachman)
Report: Sean Hannity and Joe Scarborough also made political donations | OregonLive.com
YouTube - Rachel Maddow Responds To The Suspension Of Keith Olbermann
Dan Rather: Obama Has A 'Reputation For Playing A Little Soft'
Not All Polls Were Wrong In Nevada
Upset Republicans Believe Tea Party Cost GOP Senate Control
The Republican Decade? | Mother Jones Think Tuesday was bad? Wait 'til Republicans get to redraw the electoral map.
U.S. Banks Failing At Fastest Pace In 2 Decades (Obamacare for banks not working out)
The Fed's $600 Billion Statement, Translated Into Plain English : Planet Money : NPR
Mind Reading: Do Humans Prefer Free Love Over the Bonds of Nuclear Family? – TIME Healthland
ScienceDirect - Ethology and Sociobiology : Some differential attributes of lethal assaults on small children by stepfathers versus genetic fathers
Super Soaker Inventor Invents New Generator : Discovery Tech The Wide Angle: Super Soaker Inventor Invents New Thermoelectric Generator
Shooting for the Sun - Magazine - The Atlantic Best known for creating the state-of-the-art Super Soaker squirt gun, Johnson believes he now holds the key to affordable solar power.
Scientists find damage to coral near BP well
Marginal Revolution: Popularizing Arrow's Theorem II We know or should always have known that a group doesn't have preferences anymore than a group smiles
Alleged hit-and-run driver may not face felony | VailDaily.com A financial manager for wealthy clients will not face felony charges for a hit-and-run because it could jeopardize his job, prosecutors said Thursday (the rich have their own law)
Court orders new hearing for 'West Memphis 3' -- The three men convicted in the grisly murders of three West Memphis Cub Scouts won new hearings Thursday to argue their innocence, more than 15 years after they were sent to prison despite scant physical evidence linking them to the crime scene.
[Updated:] Noose Hung at Gay Rights Group's Office; Demand Made for Police Probe - Orange County News - Navel Gazing The officer said 'what it is, is a string on a door.' 'Sometimes you just have to live with being a victim'
BetweenTheBars.org : Recent posts from all authors
YouTube - Nokia N8. Filmed by and starring the Nokia N8!
Guantánamo: Exception or Rule? | Mother Jones All-American justice for a child soldier at Obama’s Gitmo (this will stain Obama's conscience forever)
Pakistan Suicide Bombing In Mosque Kills At Least 50 People
YouTube Pulls Cleric's Videos Calling for Jihad | The Atlantic Wire
Fair Game :: rogerebert.com :: Reviews . When the administration blew her cover, several of her informants were killed; some reports say 70. Then the Bush spin doctors leaked the story that she was only a CIA "secretary." (but wikileaks threatened our security!)
ABC calls out conservative media for seizing upon "patently false" rumors about Obama's Asia trip | Media Matters for America ("conservative media" would be you know who)
Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly - NYTimes.com
California went its own way - latimes.com - Strength of the Latino vote is a key factor in the GOP's tepid showing in the state.
KAL's cartoon | The Economist (Bipartisanship)
Republican Game Plan Led to Historic Victory - NYTimes.com (they forgot to mention buying the Supreme Court)
Pelosi Canvassing Dem Caucus For Support
Keith Olbermann Suspended from MSNBC - Political Hotsheet - CBS News (but Pat Buchanan, etc)
REPORT: More than 30 Fox Newsers support GOP in 600-plus instances during midterms | Media Matters for America
Employment Situation Summary Nonfarm payroll employment increased by 151,000 in October, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 9.6 percent
Ezra Klein - Two ways to respond to the foreclosure crisis the Home Affordability Modification Program (HAMP). Here Obama's Treasury team took a system that had a terrible design and doubled-down on it
Foreclosure crisis: New questions being raised about court filings in foreclosure cases - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com Individuals hired by law firms to notify homeowners of pending foreclosure cases may have filed faulty or false documents
Behind a foreclosure, danger and tragedy - Nation - MiamiHerald.com It took months for the family's attorney, Janet Spence of Pembroke Pines, to sort through the property's muddied chain of title possessions and transfers. At one point, Spence said, the home had two separate foreclosure actions pending simultaneously
BBC News - China, Germany and South Africa criticise US stimulus Germany's finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on German television that "with all due respect, US policy is clueless."
Bank of America Rejects Call to Buy Back Mortgages - NYTimes.com (you can take our bad loans and stuff it)
How Science Saved my Soul [Video]
Letters of Note: In Event Of Moon Disaster
Flexible metamaterials at visible wavelengths
Orkneyjar Archaeology News - Neolithic tomb unearthed in South Ronaldsay garden
The Scariest Zombies in Nature | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine Parasites found in ant bodies tell us that Hollywood’s stories of the undead may be closer to truth than fiction
BBC NEWS | Health | Masturbation 'cuts cancer risk' Men could reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer through regular masturbation, researchers suggest.
Iain Boal: Crisis at Pacifica The Two-Percent Putsch
'London Futures': 'Postcards From The Future' Museum Of London Exhibit Imagines The Impact Of Climate Change By Artists Robert Graves And Didier Madoc-Jones (photos)
'Weeping' Virgin Mary statue draws hundreds of worshippers to Windsor residence The municipality's building department has now issued an order to the homeowners to remove the statue by Nov. 19, citing building code violations and a lack of a building permit.
Capital One Made Me Different Loan Offers Depending On Which Browser I Used - The Consumerist
Apple Xserve sales end January 31st, support will continue -- Engadget the Cupertino team has decided to discontinue sales of its Xserve enterprise server offering ... Apple says switch to the Mac Mini for your enterprise server needs
Yemen Bomb 17 Minutes From Exploding
White House calls Brian Williams after he questions mail-bomb terrorist threat - NYPOST.com
Bush Directly Authorized Use Of Waterboarding, Still Rejects 'Torture' Classification In New Book
Peace Sucks a Hairy Asshole - First Draft Here's the problem, you gutless fucks. You had majorities.
Wealthy Candidates Come Up Short On Election Day
Daily Kos: Rejecting liberalism
Mama Grizzlies Die Hard | The Nation
Mr. Obama, It’s Time for Some Poetry - NYTimes.com “Where is the man I voted for?”
Mitch McConnell: Dumping Obama In 2012 Is The Only Way To Achieve The GOP Agenda
Michael Bennet Defeats Ken Buck In Colorado Senate Race
Obama Can Pursue Ambitious Agenda Without Congress's Help
The Chairmen: New House Leaders Have Familiar Ties to Business, Revolving Door
Dems Who Voted Against Unemployment Benefits Soon To Be Unemployed Of the 11 Democrats who opposed reauthorizing benefits at the beginning of July, eight are goners
Daily Kos: Rasmussen Is Biased
Daily Kos: Millennials' turnout 'typical' for midterm election
Heath Shuler Would Challenge Pelosi For House Minority Leader Post
High-Speed Rail Plans Imperiled by Governors-Elect - NYTimes.com (Republicans hate jobs and infrastructure)
Ben S. Bernanke - What the Fed did and why: supporting the recovery and sustaining price stability (supporting bankers and hedge funds, not jobless Americans)
Two Years Late and Many Dollars Short - Grasping Reality with Both Hands
The Volcker Rule After the Midterm Elections - NYTimes.com
Has Bernanke Pleaded? - NYTimes.com
Rupert Murdoch Will Now Pay You to Buy His Newspaper - Jeff Bercovici - Mixed Media - Forbes
Did somebody just try to buy the British government? - Charlie's Diary
Iranian woman to be hanged Wednesday: rights group - Yahoo! News An Iranian woman whose sentence of execution by stoning for adultery provoked a worldwide outcry will instead be hanged for murder on Wednesday,
2010 Election Results: Who Won The Key Races
Broad And Deep: A Quick Look The GOP's Big Victory In The House | TPMDC
State Ballot Measures|Election Results|November 2, 2010|California Secretary of State
State Elections: Republicans Gain Control Of Key State Legislatures
2010 Elections To Usher In Era Of Gridlock (Obama will continue to triangulate with "no")
Obama Takes Responsibility For Voter Frustration On Election Night (by continuing to placate Republicans)
Reid Calls For Compromise: 'We Are Not Ostriches With Our Heads In The Sand'
John Boehner, GOP Leaders Throw Down Gauntlet To Obama
Tapped Archive | The American Prospect Blue Dogs Neutered (Rahm's and Obama's strategy bankrupt)
Hans von Spakovsky Will Help Certify A Tight Race In Virginia | TPMMuckraker
The Associated Press: Boehner wants to shelve health care 'monstrosity'
"Voice of the opposition": How Fox News won the 2010 election | Media Matters for America
Voters limit repeals to alcohol sales tax - The Boston Globe
Pundit sloth: Blaming the left - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com Half of the Blue Dog incumbents were defeated, and by themselves accounted for close to half of the Democratic losses.
Bush: 'I Was A Dissenting Voice' On Iraq War | TPMMuckraker
Giuliani: Palin's Got 'A Hell Of A Lot More Qualifications' Than Obama Did | TPMDC
Defining “Rosy” Down - Jamison Foser
Fed to Spend $600 Billion More To Help Boost US Economy - CNBC
Federal Reserve Rains Money On Corporate America -- But Main Street Left High And Dry
Calculated Risk: LPS: Over 4.3 million loans 90+ days or in foreclosure
Ninth Letter Arts & Literary Journal - Kurt Vonnegut Didn't Know Doodly-Squat About Writing: Finally, Literary Analysis Worth Reading
A tale of two ghettoes Why is Shoppers Drug Mart pulling 3,500 copies of Adbusters, my magazine, off its shelves? (accusations of "anti-semitism" because they published comparison of Warsaw Ghetto w/Paletstine)
The Bachelor Guy » Your Guide to the Most Bizarre Fetishes & Fantasies [Infographic]
BBC News - Times and Sunday Times readership falls after paywall - by about 87%. (good luck, NYT)
Times 'hugely encouraged' by online readership - but will it pay? - Leadership, business and management news, tips and features from MT and Management Today magazine
What a Hundred Million Calls to 311 Reveal About New York | Magazine | Wired.com
7 Free Online Virus Scan Websites
Real people experiencing the Real God in the real world. | MetaFilter
Athens Mail Bombs Explode
What the fuck has Obama done so far?
Breitbart website names Media Matters to "New Axis of Evil" | Media Matters for America
ABC Drops Andrew Breitbart From Election Night Coverage (lie down with dogs)
Deficit Commission Plots to Overhaul Social Security Behind Voters' Backs | Beat the Press (+NYT giving cover to Obama and his gang of Republican hacks)
This measure would require the Washington State Seal to depict a tapeworm attached to a taxpayer’s intestine, encircled by the words: Committed to sucking the life blood out of each and every taxpayer.
Vote Republican If… | News Junkie Post (you're insane)
Calculated Risk: Wilmington Trust: A warning of more CRE Construction Losses coming? (extend and pretend running out of pretend)
Summers’s incentives | Analysis & Opinion | the fact is that most of the time Summers seems to end up doing and proposing exactly what Wall Street would most want him to do (acolyte of Greenspan)
Calculated Risk: Q3 2010: Homeownership Rate at 1999 Levels (Bush second-most proud accomplishment - after keeping us safe from airplanes flying into buildings - erased)
The Man Who Personally Owes Citigroup $126 Million - Nathan Vardi - The Jungle - Forbes The unholy mess is yet another reminder of Citigroup’s reckless lending in the years leading up to the credit crisis, which resulted with Citigroup being bailed out with $45 billion and currently 12% owned by U.S. taxpayers (beside being crooked, bankers aren't that smart)
Smart People Do More Drugs--Because of Evolution | The Atlantic Wire
A cure for the common cold may finally be achieved as a result of a remarkable discovery in a Cambridge laboratory - Science, News - The Independent
because we destroyed ourselves — Tremble the Devil - the United States now has a greater percentage of its black population in prison than South Africa did at the height of Apartheid. Our penal system has grown so massive that the U.S. criminal justice system now employs more people than America’s two largest private employers, Wal-Mart and McDonald’s, combined. (America's Republican/Clintonian/Obaman war on drugs)
Why the Supreme Court should rule that violent video games are free speech
Google Sues the United States of America
Government accusations: no evidence needed - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Death Toll Rises After Iraq Church Standoff - NYTimes.com - The death toll was considerably higher than initially reported ... This was a successful operation with a minimum of casualties (looking forward, not backward)
Indonesian volcano erupts, tsunami aid effort slow - Yahoo! News
'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Extended Indefinitely By Federal Appeals Court heightening pressure on the Obama administration to persuade the U.S. Senate to repeal the law before a new Congress is sworn in (which will surely happen)
YouTube - Stunning - 'I Remember, So I'M Voting, And Not Republican.'
Final Election 2010 Polls Diverge: Will It Be Tsunami Or Bad Storm?
For Democrats In 2010, Losing Is An Expensive Proposition
ThinkProgress » ‘Kill Some Crackers’: GOP Group Pays Fox Affiliates To Influence Election With Anti-Obama Propaganda
Tapped Archive | The American Prospect | Blue Dog Bloodbath (that really worked out for them) (Pres Blanche going down)
ABC News and Breitbart are now at war | Media Matters for America When you lay down with Breitbart, you're gonna get fleas.
YouTube - MoveOn.org Back From the Future Campaign Ad
NYT public editor only perpetuates bad practices - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (Arthur Bisbane, public wanker)
Mugged by the Debt Moralizers - NYTimes.com And if you point out that their arguments don’t add up, they fly into a rage. Try to explain that when debtors spend less, the economy will be depressed unless somebody else spends more, and they call you a socialist.
Economist Stiglitz: We need stimulus, not quantitative easing
The Economy Is Growing -- But Jobs Aren't Following
Globalive financier: 'We will make pain, and they will suffer' - The Globe and Mail
Study: Alcohol 'most harmful drug,' followed by crack and heroin - CNN.com ecstasy was not as dangerous as riding a horse (call Hilary Clinton)
Modern art was CIA 'weapon' - World, News - The Independent Revealed: how the spy agency used unwitting artists such as Pollock and de Kooning in a cultural Cold War
Twenty-First Century Stoic -- From Zen to Zeno: How I Became a Stoic - Boing Boing
SEO for Bing Versus Google
NYT v. the world: WikiLeaks coverage - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Diane Sawyer: Will WikiLeaks be arrested?
Greenwald Gets It on WikiLeaks Coverage : CJR (John Burns is a war-hungry Pentagon stooge)
Obama waiver allows U.S. aid to 4 countries using child soldiers
Google Vote: find your polling place
The Cook Political Report | The insider's choice for election analysis
David Broder Calls for War With Iran to Boost the Economy | Beat the Press (they always do, don't they: sending our youth to be killed so they can profit)
YouTube - Jon Stewarts Final Speech at Rally to Restore Sanity
Rally To Restore Sanity Attendance Estimated In Hundreds Of Thousands 215,000 people showed up for the rally on Saturday. By comparison, CBS estimated that 87,000 -- just 40% of the Sanity Rally estimation -- attended Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally in August (sanity get no attention)
Just How Big Was The Stewart-Colbert Rally? | TPMDC
My Day At The Rally To Restore Sanity
The Rally To Restore Sanity Causes a Mainstream Media Meltdown (it broke their paradigm)
Stephen Colbert asked me to submit a 'Thank you' to reddit tonight at the taping on behalf of DonorsChoose : AskReddit
I've had a vision and I can't shake it: Colbert needs to hold a satirical rally in DC. : politics (social media at work)
Video - Colbert, Stewart wrap up rally
The 100 Best Signs At The Rally To Restore Sanity And/Or Fear: Pics, Videos, Links, News
YouTube - Hi, I'm a Tea-Partier
John McCain Campaigns For Sharron Angle In Nevada
The Grand Old Plot Against the Tea Party - NYTimes.com
Candidates greet, grin and gab before election - San Jose Mercury News Nate Silver, a top political polling expert who writes a blog for the New York Times, on Saturday pegged Fiorina's chances of a comeback at just 4 percent, down from 7 percent on Thursday, based on his analysis of polling data - Boxer: "Carly Fiorina was wrong for HP, and she's wrong for California." (trending to zero)
Russ Feingold's last stand - Ben Smith - politico.com (Wisconsin deserves what they get, but we don't)
Republican Candidate Threatens To Sue Democrats Over Charges Of Sexual Harassment | TPMDC
The wretched mind of the American authoritarian - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - A 22-year-old Nebraska resident was arrested yesterday for waterboarding his girlfriend as she was tied to a couch, because he wanted to know if she was cheating on him with another man; I wonder where he learned that?
Introducing ‘climate hawks’ | Grist (reframing the issue)
Solar Panel Cost Could be Reduced by 40% | Care2 Healthy & Green Living
Detailed Pictures Of The Sun Let You Get Up Close And Personal With The Star (photos)
In Quest for a 'Legal High,' Chemists Outfox the Law - WSJ.com
Joomag - Free Interactive Service for Digital Magazine publishing and hosting
How To Explain It To My Parents : Lernert & Sander
The Monster of Glamis « A Blast From The Past
Make The Revolution - Anil Dash
Customers Suffer As TV Networks Obfuscate - HotHardware
US spy spending revealed for first time, tops $80 billion - CNN.com
Gulf oil spill not 'gone' -- close to half may still lurk in Gulf - CSMonitor.com A White House adviser said Wednesday that the 'vast majority' of the Gulf oil spill is gone. But a summary of the report she cited leaves some questions unanswered (we're not interested in the truth, we're interesting in what we can get you to believe)
Amazon Defense Coalition: Three Chevron Lawyers Sanctioned For Obstructing Ecuador Environmental Trial | Business Wire Facing $113 Billion in Potential Damages, Chevron Lawyers Seek Any Opportunity to Delay
Obama Primary Challenge? Nearly Half Of Dems Want 2010 Fight (they're sick of their Republican Pres)
HuffPost TV: Arianna: Obama Doesn't Seem To Be Learning From His Mistakes (hard to do when you're always looking forward)
Rally To Restore Sanity LIVE: Video, Updates From The Jon Stewart Rally In DC
Hullabaloo: dibgy: Send In The Clowns - ABC has hired Andrew Breitbart and his lying little helper Dana Loesch to do election night coverage. Seriously. (and they wonder why "journalists" get no respect)
ABC Taps Andrew Breitbart For Election Night Analysis
YouTube - Attack Ads, Circa 1800
Rand Paul supporter charged with assault - BostonHerald.com Tim Profitt (jack-booted Republican thug)
Mapping Voter Anger, Foreclosure Rates By District | Patchwork Nation
About your county | Patchwork Nation
SEC Whistleblower Fund Totals $450 Million
Amid mortgage mess, owners blindsided (bankers screwing people on both side of the market, with the Feds support)
Steven Rattner and the rescue of General Motors : The New Yorker : Overdrive Who really rescued General Motors? by Malcolm Gladwell
Golden Ratio Discovered in the Quantum World | Science | Epoch Times
Old Weather - Our Weather's Past, the Climate's Future
U.S. Says Genes Should Not Be Eligible for Patenting - NYTimes.com (Obama goes against big biotech trying to patent you)
Acute and transient psychotic disorders: Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder without symptoms of schizophrenia; Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia: ICD-10 - F23 - Drugs-about.com
BBC News - Is modern fiction just not up to scratch?
Local newspaper boasts ultimate passive-aggressive paywall policy - Boing Boing
Good Girls Go Bad, for a Day - New York Times
A not-so-brief history of violence — Crooked Timber (the ultimate McMegan McAddled McGalt McArdle dishonesty compendium)
I entered "most awesome picture on earth" into Google Images. This was the top result. : pics
Dailymotion - Le parachutiste Paul Steiner change d'avion en plein vol ! - une vidéo Sports et Extrême (got acrophobia?)
Geoff Kreis - Breaking The Sound Barrier Without An Airplane
YouTube - Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy (High Quality)
Alex Thomson Keel Walks And It’s Amazing : Challenge and Adventure.com
Google Wants to Speed Up the Web by Killing the JPEG
Diary Of An x264 Developer » H.264 and VP8 for still image coding: WebP?
Geocities to be released as a torrent | News | TechRadar UK Just under a terabyte of web history
Internet Archive: GeoCities Special Collection 2009
Reocities Archive, rising from the ashes - RIP Geocities...
OoCities - Geocities Archive / Geocities Mirror
Directory Search .:: geocities.ws ::.
Google Docs - Tipsheet and Resource Guide
BBC News - Despair of Pakistan's forgotten flood victims (4x Haiti)
US Scrambles After Intel Reports Of Bombs Sent on Cargo Planes - ABC News Packages Intercepted in Dubai and England Were Bound For Jewish Targets in Chicago
Halliburton's Gulf Oil Spill Admission: Critical Test Skipped On Deepwater Horizon Before BP Oil Spill
Halliburton's Return: Oil Spill Puts Symbol Of Cronyism And Corruption Back In The News
Divided We Fail - NYTimes.com future historians will probably look back at the 2010 election as a catastrophe for America, one that condemned the nation to years of political chaos and economic weakness (Obama promises more "consensus building")
Rinse and Repeat: Democratic Elite Blames Stupid Voters | Politics & Media | Splicetoday.com
The Washington Monthly - The Challenge Of Overcoming Ignorance (way to message, inner circle)
Poll: Americans Don't Know Economy Expanded With Tax Cuts - Bloomberg (they don't know shit, actually)
Daily Kos: "Quarter billion spent" club not doing well in polls (eMeg: $162 million; WWF: $42M, Rick Scott: $60M all down the drain and no jobs created)
Tancredo: Barack Obama Is A Greater Threat To The U.S. Than Al Qaeda
'Fox & Friends' Lies About Chicago Ballots For Soldiers, Inmates (Republicans making shit up)
Sources: Fox Management Slanting D.C. Bureau's News Coverage | Media Matters for America
WI GOPer Apologizes For Comparing Gay Marriage To Bestiality Or Marrying A Table | TPMDC Rebecca Kleefisch
David Brooks Tells Us the Unemployed Are Really Concerned About Values | Beat the Press (usual idiocy from Brooks: ignore the engorged elephant in the corner)
Joe Miller's Willow hideaway missing on judicial disclosures, too
Every Year Mortgage Mess Goes On Is Another Year in a Lost Decade | FDL News Desk
NYC Judge Foreclosure Smackdown Shows Problems With Bank “Technicalities” Defense « naked capitalism
Calculated Risk: Q3 Advance Report: Real Annualized GDP Grew at 2.0%
U.S. Economy Grew at 2% Rate in Third Quarter - NYTimes.com
Greens Vs. Big Oil and Prop. 23 - Page 1 - News - Los Angeles - LA Weekly Largely funded by major oil corporations such as Tesoro, Valero and the agricultural-energy giant Koch Industries, Proposition 23 would suspend California's strict greenhouse gas–reduction standards until the state's unemployment rate falls to 5.5 percent or lower for four straight quarters (which will be never, suckas!)
LaHood on ARC: One derailment won't stop progress | NJ.com (Chris Christie, Republican who hates infrastucture, screws New Jersey; way to vote, guys!)
BP dispersants 'causing sickness' - Features - Al Jazeera English Investigation by Al Jazeera online correspondent finds toxic illnesses linked to BP oil dispersants along Gulf coast.
Tests warned of cement troubles before BP blowout - Yahoo! News
Eschaton: My Day (Obama meets with the professional left)
Obama On 'Daily Show': Stewart Presses President To Defend 'Timid' Policies, Hiring Of Old D.C. Hands (audacity at work)
A Web Of GOP Influence : NPR
Christine O'Donnell Threatens To Sue Radio Station WDEL For Posting Interview O'Donnell campaign manager Matt Moran then called WDEL general manager Michael Reath, demanded that the station turn over the video and threatened to "crush" the station with a lawsuit if it did not comply, Reath said (how Republicans roll)
Homeowners Facing Foreclosure Demand Legal Recourse - NYTimes.com Ricky Rought paid cash to the Deutsche Bank National Trust Company for a four-room cabin in Michigan with the intention of fixing it up for his daughter. Instead, the bank tried to foreclose on the property and the locks were changed, court records show (a few cases of people having their houses stolen by bankers, but its really not a big problem, sure)
The New Global Creditors and Instability - NYTimes.com
China's Tianhe-1A is world's fastest supercomputer, plans to usurp the West now complete -- Engadget
Space science: The telescope that ate astronomy : Nature News NASA's next-generation space observatory promises to open new windows on the Universe — but its cost could close many more.
The golden age (is ending) | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine (Republicans hate science)
Greenhouse Gases Database: Companies Fight To Keep Global Warming Data Secret - "There is no need for the public to have information beyond what is entering the atmosphere," (besides, global warmning is a liberal myth)
Procrastination « You Are Not So Smart
What we can learn from procrastination : The New Yorker : Later: What does procrastination tell us about ourselve
'Marilyn Monroe' neuron aids mind control: Scientific American Volunteers fade famous images in and out using a 'brain-machine' interface
While Concussive Hits Dominate The - 11.01.10 - Si Vault While Concussive Hits Dominate The Debate, A Groundbreaking New Study Suggests That Minor Blows—And There Can Be Hundreds Each Game—Are Just As Tramautic (generations of brain-damaged jocks)
Lenore Skenazy: 'Stranger Danger' and the Decline of Halloween - WSJ.com No child has ever been killed by poisoned candy. Ever.
Prison Economics Help Drive Ariz. Immigration Law : NPR (like, they wrote the anti-immigrant bill to fill their prisons)
Innocence Lost: Texas Monthly October 2010 (Texas "justice")
Flowchart: Understanding the Web, for Fans of Charles Dickens | Fast Company
More on the media's Pentagon-subservient WikiLeaks coverage - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com People are so very "embittered," and over what? Just a couple of decade-long wars that have spilled enormous amounts of innocent blood, devastated two countries for no good reason, and spawned a worldwide American regime of torture, lawless imprisonment, and brutal occupation. It's nothing to get upset over. People really need to lighten up. And stop being so mean to John Burns. That's what really matters (NYSlimes smear piece on Assange get worst reponse from readers in 35 years: it's the fault of "bitter" Americans)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The Chief Outcome of Permanent War is Permanent War
BA attacks U.S. airport security demands - CNN.com "completely redundant" airport checks and said the UK should stop "kowtowing" to US demands for increased security (Obama's security theatre)
Robert Gibbs mocks the 'professional left': Is it war? - CSMonitor.com Alienating your base ahead of a tough midterm election might not be the best idea, though.
Robert Draper on Robert Gibbs, White House press secretary: Politics: GQ
Corporate campaign ads haven't followed Supreme Court's prediction - latimes.com But Kennedy and the high court majority were wrong. Because of loopholes in tax laws and a weak enforcement policy at the Federal Election Commission, corporations and wealthy donors have been able to spend huge sums on campaign ads, confident the public will not know who they are, election law experts say.
Fraudulent Voting Re-emerges as a Partisan Issue - NYTimes.com (time to defund ACORN again)
YouTube - Rachel Maddow- Miller supporters impassioned but weak on facts
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Records Joe Miller lied to borough about accessing others computers
Kentucky Stomper Wants An Apology From Woman He Assaulted | TPMDC (that's how they work)
Woman stomped outside Conway-Paul debate - FOX41.com Louisville News Kentucky Indiana News Weather Sports (see "raw video")
Head-Stomping Rand Paul Supporter Also a Campaign Donor - OpenSecrets Blog | OpenSecrets On these forms, Tim Profitt's employer and occupation are listed as "not employed/retired." Carolyn Profitt's occupation is listed as "cafeteria manager" for the Bourbon County High School (on unemployment)
Karl Rove: '45 Percent Of NPR Listeners Were Saddam Hussein' (100% of Fox viewers are minions of Satan)
Jon Stewart's Video Take-Down Of McCain: He's Been Saying D.C.'s Broken Since 1989 (VIDEO) | TPMDC
President Obama Meets with Progressive Bloggers - Political Punch They are pictured, from left to right: Joe Sudbay of AMERICABlog, Barbara Morrill (aka BarbinMD) from DailyKos, John Amato from Crooks & Liars, Oliver Willis from OliverWillis.com, and Duncan Black aka "Atrios" from eschatonblog.
Alaska's untapped oil reserves estimate lowered by about 90 percent - CNN.com The group estimates about 896 million barrels of such oil are in the reserve, about 90 percent less than a 2002 estimate of 10.6 billion barrels (their welfare pipe will run dry)
Asteroid May Have Doused Prehistoric New York | Tsunami Sea Waves, Underwater Earthquakes & Volcanoes | LiveScience
Echidne of the snakes: Selling Youth Sexuality (men have no responsibility)
Tony Perkins: Gay Teens Resort To 'Depression Or Suicide' Because They Know They're 'Abnormal' Tony Perkins was given a platform to make a similarly uncompassionate polemic in the Washington Post earlier this month, on National Coming Out Day, no less. The paper later explained, over Twitter, that the editorial was their attempt to "cover both sides" of the debate (WaPo at work)
Precious Bodily Fluids: Celebrity interaction: How I "met" Margaret Atwood on Twitter
YouTube - So you Want to Get a PhD in the Humanities
WikiLeaks Files Show Torture, Civilian Deaths and Contractor Abuses - Truthdig
Julian Assange To Larry King: 'You Should Be Ashamed' For Bringing Up My Personal Life (American media can't focus on the truth)
WikiLeaks ready to drop a bombshell on Russia. But will Russians get to read about it? - CSMonitor.com
Wikileaks Shows Rumsfeld and Casey Lied about the Iraq War - The Daily Beast
The Chinese Are Our Friends - Esquire The proponents of Big War (that cold-war gift that keeps on giving), found overwhelmingly in the Air Force and Navy, will go to any length to demonize China in their quest to justify high-tech weaponry (space wars for the flyboys) and super-expensive platforms (submarines and ships for the admirals, and bomber jets for both) in the budget struggles triggered by our costly wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Iceland turns from banks to freedom of speech | Marketplace From American Public Media Iceland wants companies from around the world to set up their servers there and publish material online without the fear of ruinous lawsuits or censorship (Icehaven)
Sarkozy's Perfect Storm: French Fury Goes Beyond Pensions - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International The French are not just protesting to stop the retirement age from being raised. They are also fighting to save their country from government sleaze and the dismantling of democracy.
Poll: Obama Approval Jumps, Dems More Fired Up - Newsweek As the president’s numbers climb sharply, results suggest that Democrats may be succeeding in firing up their base.
What Tea Party Movement? | The Atlantic Wire The Washington Post found the much-hyped movement is actually "not so much a movement as a disparate band of vaguely connected gatherings that do surprisingly little to engage in the political process." (and it took two years to figure that out)
Teabaggers, Republicans, and Racist Hate Groups | culturekitchen
Top Six Established Laws That Tea Partiers Claim Are Unconstitutional | TPMDC (they hate their SS/Medicaid checks from big gov)
The Tennessean | Whether anti-Muslim crusaders are warning America or spreading hate, they make millions of dollars in the process (they always do)
Take it from me — every vote matters | Al Franken - U.S. Senator, Minnesota Now, at noon on January 20th, 2009, as the car was careening toward the cliff, George W. Bush jumped out of the car.
YouTube - Parody On Deceiving Commercial By CAGW - Chinese Professor Confirms GOP Policy Failures
Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson: Government Shutdown Would Endanger U.S. Troops (Republicans have never "supported our troops" except with magnets)
Stewart On NPR's Firing Of Juan Williams: 'Fox Won That Fight'
New Footage Emerges Of MoveOn Activist Stomped By Rand Paul Supporter (facists in America)
Lisa Graas: Paul Supporter Who Wrestled Woman to Ground Identified as Mike Pezzano (famous on the internets for all eternity for being a total asshole)
Debate Attacker Possibly Identified? Tim Profitt. Mr. Profitt is currently being served with a criminal summons ordering him to appear before a Fayette County District Court Judge (way to go, Tim Profitt, you are now famous on the internets for all eternity for being a headstomping asshole)
Blue Bluegrass » Blog Archive » [2nd Updated] Republican Rand Paul’s Brownshirts Assault and Stomp the Head of a Moveon.org Woman Before the KET Debate
GOP Candidate Ken Buck: 'I Disagree Strongly With The Concept Of Separation Of Church And State' (American Taliban)
The Ken Buck Rape Case | Mother Jones As a district attorney, the Colorado tea party GOP Senate candidate didn't prosecute an alleged rapist. Legal experts say it seems he had a case ("strongly agrees with rapists")
Redistricting 2010: GOP Poised To Win Congress Redistricting Edge, Too
Calculated Risk: Real House Prices, Price-to-Rent Ratio
Asia DayAhead: Treasury Draws Negative Yield For 1st Time During TIPS Sale - Bloomberg
Timeline of Government's Bailout Plans (Bush bailed-out and ran)
Democrats shrank US spending, deficit in last fiscal year, figures show | Raw Story (who you gonna believe? Fox News or your lyin' eyes?)
Walking With Integrity: A manifesto from our friend Bishop John Shelby Spong I have made a decision. I will no longer debate the issue of homosexuality in the church with anyone.
Lizard Brain » Blog Archive » 100 Aspects of Genre: Learning from the Dead and the Dying
Aokigahara Suicide Forest - VBS News | VBS.TV
Death Be Not Proud
Wake In Progress
The Hairpin
The Skyrocketing Costs of Childcare in America - VisualEconomics.com two-parent households must again spend more than 10 percent of their household incomes to keep a 4-year-old in a childcare center (we wouldn't want any socialist child-care, would we?)
Off-Duty Officer Shoots Armed Robber at Beauty Salon - NYTimes.com
YouTube - GoPro 2010 Highlights
Facebook News Feed Settings: Random or Not, Biggest Secrets Revealed - The Daily Beast
Eric Butler - Software Developer in Seattle WA
West Bank olive groves become battleground | World news | The Guardian Most troubled harvest yet has seen attacks by Jewish settlers on Palestinian farmers and trees, say human rights groups (push, push)
Wikileaks Documents Complicate Iraqi Prime Minister Selection | FDL News Desk
The Nixonian henchmen of today: at the NYT - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (Times' smear of Assange)
The Mahablog » Profiles in Idiocy (so used to lying, they don't know what truth is)
Whiskey Fire: Why Don't You Just Drive Away
Déjà vu: Right-wing media absurdly claim "Bush was right" about Iraq's WMDs | Media Matters for America
YouTube - Bush Was Right
Bob Dudley: Media And Rivals To Blame For Culture Of Fear After The Oil Spill
How Obama Lost the Narrative | Mother Jones So he's not Superman after all—but how has he managed to lose to the legion of doom? (he had a narrative? +Larry Summers +Olympia Snowe +conservaDem ass-kissing for nothing +bankers +HAMP +wars +illegal spying and torture +catfood commission +look forward not backward)
Colorado Race Gets Closer, Improving Dems' Odds In Senate
Frank Caprio: Obama Can 'Shove It' (Obama supports Republican Chafee, of course)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect It's Not Over Till It's Over.
Oklahoma's Preemptive Strike Against Sharia Law - Marc Ambinder - Politics - The Atlantic (the new anti-abortion crusade)
Brand Image survey finds Fox News top brand amongst Republicans | Media Matters for America (the brand of greed, stupidity and insanity; but what's up with Dems and Sony?)
Eschaton Wingnut Debate Dictionary
Bloomberg Now Backs Two-Term Limit In His Third Term As Mayor (do as I say ...)
Socialism? The Rich Are Winning the US Class War: Facts Show Rich Getting Richer, Everyone Else Poorer | CommonDreams.org (and stupider)
New Emphasis for Cat Food Commission? | FDL News Desk the panel is not expected to mention the biggest driver of the deficit in recent years and (along with Medicare and Medicaid) in the future, the Bush tax cuts. That shows how unserious a deficit commission it really is.
New Figures Detail Depth Of Unemployment Misery, Lower Earnings For All But Super Wealthy (why Republicans will win)
FDIC Head Sounds Alarm on Foreclosure Litigation - CNBC (because cram-down was unthinkable to our elites)
SigTARP: Treasury used funny math on AIG bailout - Oct. 25, 2010 The inspector general's report also said Treasury took too much credit for helping homeowners who did not ultimately benefit from Treasury's Home Affordable Modification Program.
Top Fed Official On Government's Foreclosure Prevention Efforts: 'Three Years Of Failed Policies'
Stories vs. Statistics - NYTimes.com
TPM: The Philosophers’ Magazine | Hacker’s challenge
Daniel C. Dennett, Philosophy as naive anthropology: Comment on Bennett and Hacker | PhilPapers
Boston Review — Deborah M. Gordon: Colonial Studies (contra EO Wilson: ants are ants, not humans)
Unexpected Motifs in Renaissance - aiwaz.net
NPR President Apologizes For Handling Of Juan Williams Firing (promises to be more tolerant of racism and precudice)
An ungodly row: Dawkins sues his disciple - Americas, World - The Independent Evolutionist's charity accuses protégé of stealing hundreds of thousands of pounds (atheists are crooks too)
The Criminalization of Gay Marriage | Gay Rights | Change.org $10,000 and 9 months in prison. That's right. Wisconsin will ignore your Massachusetts marriage license, but not before tossing you in jail for having it.
Husband confronts abortion protesters - Abortion - Salon.com - a women's clinic in Brookline, Mass.
Words I Love - | Words I Hate -
YouTube - If Justin Bieber can get famous... why can't I? ("Jonah" - Graham Stookey)
YouTube - Led Zeppelin - White Summer/Black Mountain Side
Eric Butler - Firesheep
Firesheep Firefox Addon and How To Protect Against It | Walyou
HTTPS Everywhere | Electronic Frontier Foundation
StartCom Free SSL Certification Authority
Microsoft vs. Apple: Who's winning? The numbers don't lie | ZDNet
Wikileaks: UN calls for US to investigate torture claims revealed in leaked reports - Telegraph
Iraq war logs: US turned over captives to Iraqi torture squads | World news | The Guardian
Iraq: The war logs | World news | guardian.co.uk
Gen. Hugh Shelton: Bush Officials Pushed For Iraq War 'Almost To The Point Of Insubordination'
In Gitmo Opinion, Two Versions of Reality - ProPublica - "Reconstituting and replacing a judicial opinion without public notice is active deception"
Toll rises in Haiti cholera outbreak - Americas, World - The Independent
Haiti Cholera Outbreak Spreads Toward Capital: Hundreds Dead, Thousands Sick
Dr. Jon LaPook: Cholera Death Toll Rising In Haiti: Inside Port-Au-Prince's Tent Camps
Netanyahu's 'list of millionaires' - Israel News, Ynetnews List of potential donors prepared by then-opposition leader in 2007 provides peek into his fundraising industry in US. Officials include extreme rightists, people who got in trouble with law (rightwing American Jews supporting facsism)
Julian Assange Walks Out Of CNN Interview (CNN tried to change the subject from the Iraq war, of course)
WikiLeaks Founder on the Run, Trailed by Notoriety - Readers' Comments - NYTimes.com (stupid NYT article gets corrected by readers)
Democrats face prospect of a grim Election Day
G.O.P. Is Poised to Seize House, if Not Senate - NYTimes.com
Senate Forecast Update: G.O.P. Still Seeking No. 51 - NYTimes.com - s little change in Republican chances of taking over the Senate after the Nov. 2 election. They now have a 19 percent chance of doing so
Gauging the scope of the tea party movement in America not so much a movement as a disparate band of vaguely connected gatherings that do surprisingly little to engage in the political process (inactive "activists" pushing a "consrevative idea" so they are Republicans)
Lefty academics convene in Berkeley to try to make sense of the Tea Party movement. - By David Weigel - Slate Magazine - Obama: "What he needed was a job program that addressed the inner cities. It didn't even have to cost that much." He shakes his head again. "I think he really believes this bipartisan shit.
Boot the Blue Dog Democrats - NYTimes.com (Rahm's conserva-Dems)
Joe Miller's Personnel Records Must Be Released, Orders Alaska Judge
Jeff Perry, GOP House Candidate, Haunted By Allegations That He Ignored Illegal Strip Search Of Teenage Girls (+lying)
Alan Cumming: Obama Has Done 'Diddly Squat' For Gay Rights (just one part of his base that he ignored)
One Mess That Can’t Be Papered Over - NYTimes.com
What you need to know about the foreclosure mess - Mortgage Crisis - Salon.com One side accuses banks and their robo-signers for fraud; the other blames deadbeat borrowers. Who's right?
Climate Change: Evidence (a graph so simple even Teapartiers could understand it)
70-year-olds smarter than they used to be
A second draft of a non-technical article on universality « What’s new
The Bootstrap » American Scientist
Mapping Decline | Colin Gordon | The University of Iowa (St Louis and white flight)
New Hampshire's Largest Newspaper, Union Leader Of Manchester, Won't Print Gay Marriage Notices - Two men getting married in Portsmouth on Saturday wanted to publish a marriage notice in the Union Leader of Manchester but were refused (true to form)
Anis Shivani: Creative Writing Programs: Is The MFA System Corrupt And Undemocratic? (yes; also useless and expensive)
Yglesias » The Back Catalog (why good movies will die)
nonmonogamy2.5.1.gif (map of non-monogamy)
X752A.png (non-monogamy fixed for the Internet)
The Tax Haven That's Saving Google Billions - BusinessWeek Google uses a complicated structure to send most of its overseas profits to tax havens, keeping its corporate rate at a super-low 2.4 percent (is that legal?)
Wikileaks Iraq War Diaries
Iraq: The war logs | World news | guardian.co.uk
Wikileaks Hacked By “Very Skilled” Attackers Prior To Iraq Doc Release - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes (US Military)
WikiLeaks' Iraq War Logs: Iraqi Deaths Higher Than U.S. Count ("we don't do body counts -- Tommy Franks, General Liar)
Iraq War Logs Show Grim Portrait of Civilian Deaths – Iraq War Logs - Wikileaks Documents - NYTimes.com
Stop the War in Afghanistan || Stop the War in Afghanistan
The New York Times Torture Euphemism Generator! - Boing Boing
BBC News - What would Americans think of the French strike? (they would taser everyone and lock them up and deport them)
Faith in Public Life :: Newsroom - Newflash: Islam is a valid religion that is entitled to constitutional protection (except in Tennessee)
Massive stretches of weathered oil spotted in Gulf of Mexico | NOLA.com Just Tuesday, Coast Guard Rear Adm. Paul Zukunft, in charge of the federal response, and his top science adviser, Steve Lehmann, said that little of the 210 million gallons of oil spilled into the Gulf remained on the surface or even on the Gulf's floor (Coast Guard=BP)
Belgian Church head criticized for AIDS remarks | Reuters (firmly rooted in their precudice)
What did Ireland get wrong, Rupert? | Ben Chu (Murdoch's advice bankrupted the country, peasaant and serfs suffer)
Brazil's richest man builds huge port - CNN.com
Saudi Arms Deal | Middle East Saudi Arabia and US cement partnership with massive arms deal.
Eight False Things The Public “Knows” Prior To Election Day | OurFuture.org (Republican lies at work)
GRITtv » Blog Archive » The Loaded Chamber: Secret Money
Going Nuts | Mother Jones
The Washington Monthly: The Pro-Military Party (surprise: Republicans don't support our troops, except to privitise the VA)
Obama Blasts Republican Economic Policies: GOP 'Snake Oil' Could Jeopardize Economy (they love their snake-oil)
Biden: White House ready to deal on Bush tax cuts (drinking the snake oil)
A break in Democratic gloom (early voting)
Times Article Details Chamber of Commerce’s Fundraising | FDL News Desk
Platform of Willful Ignorance | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Gallup's Frank Newport Responds To Criticism (Hispanics don't vote and Republicans will win!)
Tea Party Racism & White Nationalism – The New NAACP Report - Jack & Jill Politics
Michael Moore: Juan Williams Is Right: Political Correctness About Terrorists Must End!
Food Stamp Usage Soars Among Working Families 1 in 8 Americans now on food stamps (Republicans: socialists!)
Billboard owner tweaks McMahon's campaign spending - Connecticut Post
Finally, Some Goddamn Truth Expressed on U.S. TV News // Current
Bank of America’s Foreclosure Mess Won’t Disappear Quickly - NYTimes.com (we don't need no steenking deeds)
How monitoring how Twitter users are feeling can predict the stock market three days in advance | Mail Online
You Docs: A dark chocolate a day keeps high blood pressure away - Sun Sentinel
Female Orgasm Facts - Sexual Health at WomansDay.com
Collective intelligence: Number of women in group linked to effectiveness in solving difficult problems (why Amercia is run by men)
Food for a Dollar - NYTimes.com
New York City Subway Photos - Interactive Feature - NYTimes.com
Wall Street Journal Investigation Into MySpace Was Quietly Killed (Murdoch doesn't investigate himself)
Wikileaks Iraq war logs: every death mapped | World news | guardian.co.uk
WikiLeaks' Iraq War Logs: US Troops Abused Prisoners Years After Abu Ghraib
WikiLeaks' Iraq War Logs: US Ignored Torture, Murder By Iraqi Troops And Police
U.S. officials, experts: No high-level Afghan peace talks under way | McClatchy (psyops on Americans)
Dr. Greg and Afghanistan - NYTimes.com for the cost of a single American soldier stationed in Afghanistan for one year, it’s possible to build 20 schools (in Afganistan)
U.S.-Saudi Arms Deal Ripples From Iran To Israel a mammoth sale of American warplanes and other weapons to the oil-rich kingdom,
A Year at War - Interactive Feature - NYTimes.com Some 30,000 American soldiers are taking part in the Afghanistan surge. Here are the stories of the men and women of First Battalion, 87th Infantry of the 10th Mountain Division.
8u5sI.png (4Chan: short history of the US)
Fascist America: Is This Election The Next Turn? | OurFuture.org (the Democracy game is over)
Blame Obama for Democrats’ Problems | The LA Progressive - spent nearly his entire first year playing “bipartisanship” with those out to destroy him. (he had no idea Republicans were mean liars)
Begin the countdown to Darrell Issa's next Rush Limbaugh apology | Media Matters for America (no cooperation; why Obama was fool)
George W. Bush Says His “Biggest Accomplishment” Was Keeping Us “Safe” | Firedoglake (like, you know, from Arabs flying planes into buildings)
GOP congressional candidate Stephen Broden says violent overthrow of government is 'on the table' (terrorists)
Everybody Wins | Talking Points Memo (good riddance to bad garbage)
When Did Clarence Thomas Go to the Koch Conspiracy Fest? And Did He Bring Ginni? | Emptywheel
O’Donnell admits using campaign cash to pay rent | Raw Story , potentially a violation of campaign finance laws.
alicublog: Anti-Assimilationists (McMegan McAddled)
Lillian McEwan, Clarence Thomas' Ex-Girlfriend, Talks About His Porn, Breast Preferences, Hill Controversy (it was all true, of course)
The One-Person Funded Super PAC: How Wealthy Donors Can Skirt Campaign Finance Restrictions (speaks for all of America)
Juan Williams falsely claims Media Matters took his Michelle Obama "Stokely Carmichael" comments out of context | Media Matters for America (yeah, he's a liar, too)
Juan Williams: Fox News gives Juan Williams an expanded role - latimes.com (calls for NPR to be defunded)
The real danger from NPR's firing of Juan Williams - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com ("everyone knows that all Muslims are terrorists" see below)
NPR's Juan Williams Disaster - The Daily Beast (the Republican spin: bigotry against Muslims is ok)
Pictures of Muslims Wearing Things
Rep. Peter DeFazio Investigating Impeachment For Chief Justice John Roberts
How American Income Inequality Hit Levels Not Seen Since The Depression (its all Obama's fault for not cutting taxes on the rich)
Retiring Judge Accuses Colleague Of Corruptly Siding With Major Financial Firms Over 20 Years | TPMDC - he had promised Wendy Gramm, then Chairwoman of the Commission, that we would never rule in a complainant's favor," (dereg at work)
FDIC Called On To Put Bank Of America Into Receivership
Calculated Risk: Report: 1.2 Million Workers could lose Unemployment Benefits next month
Ruining Christmas: 1.2 Million Will Lose Benefits By Year's End Unless Congress Acts (Republicans: let them eat dirt)
Yglesias » Helicopter Drop
British Fashion Victims - NYTimes.com - Most notably, the confidence fairy has been exposed as a myth. There have been widespread claims that deficit-cutting actually reduces unemployment because it reassures consumers and businesses; but multiple studies of historical record, including one by the International Monetary Fund, have shown that this claim has no basis in reality.
Recession Was 'Just A Speedbump' For Richest Households: Report
Cooperation Law for a Sharing Economy: Toward a Legal Framework for the New Economy by Janelle Orsi
The Myth of Charter Schools by Diane Ravitch | The New York Review of Books - Waiting for “Superman” a film directed by Davis Guggenheim
Randy Michaels RESIGNS: Tribune CEO Steps Down Following Reports Of Raunchy Behavior pressured by tales of raunchy behavior that likened him to the ringleader of a college fraternity house.
YouTube - Glitch in Votetronic Polling machine changes my vote! (voting machine in TX are Republican, big surprise)
Conservative Revisionism of Bill Clinton is Fraudulent | Politics & Media | Splicetoday.com
Mum who taunted dying girl on Facebook loses custody of her kids | Herald Sun A woman who admitted to taunting a dying seven-year-old neighbour has lost custody of her children.
Crocodile on plane kills 19 passengers | News.com.au
Zach Galifianakis Gets The 'Between Two Ferns' Treatment
Colleges Face Legal Limits in Policing Online Misbehavior - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education
'Hang them': Uganda paper publishes photos of gays (Fundamentalist Christians at work spreading hate and killing people)
US activist's family sue Israel - Middle East - Al Jazeera English Two bulldozer drivers who crushed Rachel Corrie in Gaza in 2003 will give evidence at a court in Haifa - this is a war zone, and there are no 'civilians' in war zones"
France Is Burning: 2010 Protests - Photo Gallery - Life
CBC News - Calgary - Calgary chooses Nenshi as new mayor Nenshi is the first Muslim elected to lead a major Canadian city,
Maplecroft | Big economies of the future - Bangladesh, India, Philippines, Vietnam and Pakistan - most at risk from climate change
BBC - Nick Robinson's Newslog: The story only starts here...
Johann Hari: A colder, crueller country – for no gain - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent Cameron has revealed that his baby sleeps in a cardboard box decorated by her big sister. Thanks to him, a lot more people are going to be sleeping in cardboard boxes
Spending Review 2010: When will it be safe to go back in the water? - UK Politics, UK - The Independent - And remember, this entire operation, the toughest spending cuts since demobilisation in 1945/6, will not be enough even to stop the national debt from rising.
Spending review 2010: George Osborne announces extra £7bn of welfare cuts | Politics | guardian.co.uk Chancellor unveils biggest UK spending cuts in decades, telling MPs 'today is the day that Britain steps back from the brink' (or, goes over the cliff)
'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Temporarily Upheld By Appeals Court
DADT Conflict Explained: Why Obama Administration Lawyers Fight For A DADT Policy Obama Opposes
Soros Donates $1 Million to Media Matters - NYTimes.com
The problem with calling a Soros donation "foreign money" | Media Matters for America
Memo exposes secret list of conservative donors plotting campaign against Democrats, climate change | Raw Story The meeting was organized by Charles Koch, Chairman of Koch Industries (but ... George Soros!)
Beck fearmongers about Soros donations: "America, George Soros is buying up your whole damn town" | Media Matters for America
Tea Party Nationalism - white, racist, Republican and really, really stupid
NAACP backs report that ties racist groups to tea party
Juan Williams’s NPR Contract Is Ended - NYTimes.com
Juan Williams Fired: NPR Sacks Analyst Over Fox News Muslim Comments
Juan Williams, axed | Michael Tomasky | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
NPR fires Juan Williams for anti-Muslim bigotry - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
The Plum Line - Should Juan Williams have been fired?
No, Juan Williams isn't like Shirley Sherrod | Media Matters for America
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The global war against satire
America's Next Great Pundit Contestants 2010: Oy Vey of the Day - Nancy Goldstein
News Desk: Shouts & Murmurs: Three Things to Do When Clarence Thomas’s Wife Calls You : The New Yorker
The Brian Lehrer Show: Open Phones: Apologies Accepted - WNYC
Did Sarah Palin desecrate the American flag? - War Room - Salon.com In a video from the campaign trail, the ex-Alaska governor appears to violate the Flag Code
Tea Party ‘founder’: Palin, Gingrich a ‘joke’ | Raw Story
Cory Gardner Ad Pulled By Denver TV Station For Falsehoods, Replaced With Corrected Version
David S. Broder - Dole-Ford era offers model for Obama-GOP cooperation (Broder writing from another planet)
Nieman Watchdog > Ask This > Nine stories the press is underreporting -- fraud, fraud and more fraud (elite media won't cover mortgate fraud by banks and lenders)
Commodity Futures Trading Commission judge says colleague biased against complainants "On Judge Levine's first week on the job, nearly twenty years ago, he came into my office and stated that he had promised Wendy Gramm, then Chairwoman of the Commission, that we would never rule in a complainant's favor," Painter wrote. "A review of his rulings will confirm that he fulfilled his vow" (free markets at work)
BofA sues FDIC over Taylor Bean mortgage losses | Reuters * FDIC alleged to deny valid investor claims
Hullabaloo Let's Not Look At the Burning Carnage In The Rearview Mirror
Wall Street Journal Runs Inaccurate Piece on Antiforclosure Laywers « naked capitalism - instead, GMAC admitted to wholesale manufacture of court documents, then promised to fix the practice, then continued that practice unabated for 4 more years (corrupt from beginning to end, with no consequences)
Mortgage foreclosure uproar sweeps up Northeast Ohioans | cleveland.com
What Conclusions Can You Draw on Increases in Unemployment by Age and Education? « Rortybomb
symmetry breaking » Blog Archive » Hogan’s holometer: Testing the hypothesis of a holographic universe
Most Distant Galaxy Ever Confirmed | Wired Science | Wired.com 13.1 billion light-years away
Bering in Mind: Being Suicidal: What it feels like to want to kill yourself (Cotard's Syndrome)
All Natural: Why Breasts Are the Key to the Future of Regenerative Medicine | Magazine
Bacteria 'R' Us | Smart Journalism. Real Solutions. Miller-McCune. Emerging research shows that bacteria have powers to engineer the environment, to communicate and to affect human well-being. They may even think.
World Statistics Day
Cocktail Party Physics: boyz will be boyz (making math pink)
Campaign to build 1837 Babbage's Analytical Engine
TNC's Civil War Research Circle: Recommended Reading
TNC's Civil War Research Circle: Blog Archive
San Francisco in 1906
A Ride Through Barcelona 101 Years Ago
Color Film of London in 1927
Pilot tells TSA: 'No Naked Photos' - baltimoresun.com
Pilot who refused body scan at Memphis International blasts TSA security » The Commercial Appeal He called TSA a "make-work" jobs program combined with a feel-good effort "to give us a false sense of security to let us believe the folks in Washington are keeping us safe."
High School Cheerleader Kicked Off Squad for Refusal to Cheer for Her Rapist | Women's Rights | Change.org Silsbee High School in Texas wants their cheerleaders smiling, energetic, and willing to cheer for their rapists by name. Go team! (assholes)
Cheerleader Required to Cheer for Man Who Assaulted Her : Ms Magazine Blog
Escaped Ape Attacks Kansas City Police Car - CBS News 300-pound Chimpanzee Captured In Kansas City After Breaking Out Window Of Police Patrol Car
Old Spice guy seduces Ricki-Lee!! - NovaFM Videos
YouTube - Parkour dog
YouTube - Cat Parkour
When Tourette's took over my life - Life stories - Salon.com
Live Webcast | Dalai Lama at Stanford Recorded webcast of "The Centrality of Compassion in Human Life and Society."
Twitter / WikiLeaks: WikiLeaks communications
WikiLeaks says funding has been blocked after government blacklisting | Media | The Guardian Founder Julian Assange hits out at decision by Moneybookers, which collects the whistleblowing website's donations
The Most Popular Phone in the World (Nokia 1100)
The Conversation Prism by Brian Solis and JESS3 -
Virginia school AP History class bans curiousity, independent study, Internet - Boing Boing - Fairfax County, VA's Westfield High
Carla Franklin Wins: Google Must Reveal Identity Of Online Harasser
Opera Desktop Team - An Important piece of the puzzle Opera 11 with extensions on board.
Britain Details Radical Cuts in Spending, Citing Debt - NYTimes.com
British Armed Forces Cuts Announced: UK Addresses Deficit, Trims Defense Spending
Hullabaloo: digby: They Aren't Populists - the Tea Party as we know it has been a right wing, social conservative, John Birch society anti-tax movement from the beginning
Rep. Paul Broun: Health Care Reform, Stimulus Are 'Gonna Kill People By Denying Care'
College Republicans 'desperately' seeking paid O'Donnell help - Ben Smith - politico.com
Anita Hill Contacted By Virginia Thomas, Clarence Thomas' Wife
Arthur Levitt, Ex-SEC Chairman, SLAMS Financial Reform Bill
Prempro Hormone Therapy Amplifies Breast Cancer Risks, Study Finds - NYTimes.com
YouTube - RSA Animate - The Secret Powers of Time
YouTube - RSA Animate - The Empathic Civilisation
Questions for Stacy Schiff - The Queen - Interview - NYTimes.com
tldr.it — a.d.d. approved news reading
King's Battle With Clerics Dictates Fate of Saudi's Oil Economy - Bloomberg
BBC News - Saudi prince found guilty of murdering servant in hotel
The economic fallacy of 'zombie' Japan | Steven Hill | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk Paul Krugman and others have got Japan wrong: Americans should be so lucky as to get a Japanese-style lost decade
In China, a City With Lots of Buildings, but Few People - NYTimes.com
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART I: The U.S. Prepares for Conflict, 2001
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART II: Was There Even a Decision?
THE IRAQ WAR -- PART III: Shaping the Debate
H-Net Discussion Networks - [ISSF] Path to War [Jervis]
The Gulf Between Us | Terry Tempest Williams | Orion Magazine
Military recruiters told to accept gay applicants - U.S. news - Life - Military - msnbc.com Pentagon: Potential recruits must be told 'don't ask, don't tell' could be reinstated
Barack Obama's surrender on outside spending - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com many Democrats point the finger back at the White House, which dismantled the Democratic Party's own outside infrastructure in 2008 and never tried to rebuild it ("shut up and go home, we're going to control the message" worked out really well, not to mention the hole it left for the crazies to drive through)
Hullabaloo: GOP Wisdom - It's really not fair to look at Angle/O'Donnell/Miller et al as something new. We already have a bunch of these unusual people in the congress. It's just reaching critical mass.
O'Donnell questions separation of church, state (never read the Constitution)
Open Left:: Surprises
Joe Sestak Making Play For Second Turn As Comeback Kid
Op-Ed Columnist - That Sinking Feeling - NYTimes.com (Obama: I've accomplished a lot and you don't appreciate me enough)
Daily Kos: Gingrich scam continues, even as presidential rumors float
Why Should Democrats Care about Losing the South? | Firedoglake
Guest Post: Mortgages Were Pledged to Multiple Buyers at the Same Time « naked capitalism
State antiquated property registration cause of foreclosuregate? WAPO says yes? | Angry Bear A Washington Post editorial suggests the meme that deliquencies are the main concern for us to consider instead of ownership issues that are more fundamental and problematic ... They assert that property titles are "antiquated." Lenin thought the same and it didn't work out so well. (WaPo/Fred Hiatt doesn't give a shit who says they own your house)
Dollar: Geithner Vows US Will Not Devalue Dollar - CNBC (the almight dollar is sancosant but China better bring their down)
Witness: Foreclosure firm owner gave gifts for altering documents - Local News - Tampa, FL - News - msnbc.com Some employees of Florida's largest "foreclosure mill" were given jewelry, cars and houses from the firm, in exchange for altering and forging key documents used to obtain foreclosures, according to a statement released today by the Florida Attorney General's Office.
Institutional Holders of Countrywide-Issued RMBS Issue Notice of Non-Performance Identifying Alleged Failures by Master...Than $47 Billion of Countrywide-Issued RMBS -- HOUSTON, Oct. 18 /PRNewswire/
Whistleblower Speaks On Fraudclosure | zero hedge
Sundial : How to make your own Cut Out Paper Vertical Sundial
Things I Don’t Have to Think About Today « Whatever
Anti-gay slur chant at Eastlake North / Willoughby South game put school in bad light | cleveland.com
Case tests use of force by San Jose officer - San Jose Mercury News
Why Does Abu Dhabi Own All of Chicago's Parking Meters? | The Atlantic Wire (the idiocy of privitisation)
7 Essential Skills You Didn't Learn in College | Magazine
The New Atlantis » Science and the Decline of the Liberal Arts
Super typhoon hits Philippines - Yahoo! News
NATO official: Bin Laden, deputy hiding in northwest Pakistan - CNN.com
BBC News - Pentagon braces for new Iraq war Wikileaks publication
How propaganda is disseminated: WikiLeaks Edition - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com But a senior NATO official in Kabul told CNN that there has not been a single case of Afghans needing protection or to be moved because of the leak ("blood on their hands:" Gates is a big far liar but his 27,000 person PR dept is working overtime)
Supreme Court Will Hear Whether Man Detained Without Charge Can Sue John Ashcroft | TPMMuckrake (you know what their decision will be)r
Wife-beating allowed under sharia law, UAE court rules | World news | guardian.co.uk Judge upholds man's right to 'discipline' spouse as long as 'no marks are left', but says bruises proved he went too far
Qatar school bans teachers from getting pregnant
The Iran Primer
Make Calls | Organizing For America (Obama puts your phone and name online; get ready for telemarketers)
Why the Left Doesn't 'Get' the Tea Party: Lack of Education? | The Atlantic Wire (it's the stupidity, stupid; stupid conservative says stupid)
The Hill does its best to confuse the Chamber of Commerce issue | Media Matters for America
POLL: Voters more likely to see Democrats as dominated by extremists - TheHill.com ("extreme" positions like Civil Rights and Health Care)
Consortiumnews.com The 'Teach-the-Dems-a-Lesson' Myth (because they will always move to the right)
Lawbreakers In The 2010 Elections May Go Unpunished By The FEC, IRS For Years (if ever, if they are Republicans)
Republicans Struggle To Say How They Would Pay For Tax Cuts (Carly: "you're asking me political questions!")
ThinkProgress » Asked 7 Times, Fiorina Fails To Give A Frustrated Wallace One Solution To Cut Spending
Conway Leads 200+ Candidates In Demanding No Cuts To Social Security (Obama: we have to reduce the deficit and that's the only way)
Joe Miller Security Guards Handcuff & Detain 'Alaska Dispatch' Editor (on public property, for asking questions)
Tony Hopfinger, Reporter Detained By Joe Miller's Security Guards, Speaks Out About Ordeal (video)
Rasmussen Poll Shows 'Virtual Tie' In Colorado Senate Race
Could Unsealing Divorce Records Seal GOPer's Electoral Fate In Georgia? | TPMDC (alleged wife-beater)
The Nastiest Debate Of 2010 In 2:44 (VIDEO) | TPMDC
2008 to 2009 contributions to top 10 charities - Boston.com
Ezra Klein - Americans prefer tax increases to benefit cuts
The New Tax Man: Big Banks And Hedge Funds
MERS-y, Mercy Me: The Sewer Drain at the Bottom of the Housing Market | FDL News Desk (laws for you, and laws for them)
Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science - Magazine - The Atlantic (mostly lies)
The chaos theory of evolution - life - 18 October 2010 - New Scientist
'Telescope' buried a mile under the Antarctic ice to find source of cosmic rays - Telegraph
German "heatball" wheeze outwits EU light bulb ban - Yahoo! News
LA Sheriff Pledges to Bust People for Pot Even If Marijuana Is Legalized in California | Drugs | AlterNet Sheriff Baca, who is sworn to uphold California state law, has essentially said that the voters don't matter (cops: "we don't need no steenking laws")
YouTube - "Officer Bubbles"- From Bubbles to Bookings?
YouTube - Bursting 'Officer Bubbles'
The Bible Illuminated: R. Crumb's Book of Genesis - Exhibitions - Hammer Museum
Facebook in Online Privacy Breach; Applications Transmitting Identifying Information - WSJ.com Top-Ranked Applications Transmit Personal IDs, a Journal Investigation Finds
BUSTED: Wall Street Journal Catches Facebook, Zynga Giving Your Info To Advertisers
Referrer URLs and Privacy Risks | Rapleaf
7 Fantastic Free Social Media Tools for Teachers
Universal Androot Roots Most Android Phones, No PC or Hacking Required
IPv4 Space Shrinks To 5% – Final Addresses To Be Issued In Early 2011
A Comprehensive Glossary Of Gifs
BBC News - Merkel says German multicultural society has failed
Sunnis in Iraq Allied With U.S. Quitting to Rejoin Rebels - NYTimes.com (all for nothing)
Pervasive Fraud Found in Afghans’ Vote for Parliament - NYTimes.com (meanwhile, in our other great success ...)
Blackwater's Black Ops | The Nation
Daisy's Dead Air: How did the American Left lose the working classes?- Part one (how did the working class lose their minds?)
Democratic Enthusiasm Gap: Large Number Of Obama Supporters Defecting To GOP one-quarter of those who voted for the Democrat are defecting to the GOP or considering voting against the party in power this fall. Just half of them say they definitely will show up Nov. 2 (way to inspire your base, doofus)
Republican funding surge gives candidates a crucial advantage - latimes.com Some Democrats now fear a historic rout in next month's midterm election as GOP advocacy groups funnel $50 million into campaigns.
Robert Gibbs: Democrats Will Keep House Control (muhahah)
Klein: Obama Needs New Voices - Newsweek - Circle of Trust (when will he dump his inner circle of dunces - Gibbs, Axlerod and Jarret?)
Op-Ed Columnist - The Rage Won’t End on Election Day - NYTimes.com
Peter Berkowitz: Why Liberals Don't Get the Tea Party Movement - WSJ.com (WSJ: they went to college)
Colorado Senate Debate: Ken Buck Compares Being Gay To Alcoholism (he should know)
Bill Maher Hits Christine O’Donnell with a Montage of Her Most Obnoxious Moments
Public Bravado, Private Doubts at Countrywide - NYTimes.com (Mozila to pay off and walk)
Mortgage Damage Spreads - WSJ.com Big Bank Stocks Hit Again as Modern Finance Collides With the Legal System
Mortgage foreclosure uproar sweeps up Northeast Ohioans | cleveland.com (14 cents leads to foreclosure)
Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago sues B of A, others | Finance | Crain's Chicago Business (your elite business press wants you to believe it's all between banks and crappy homeowners)
Top 400 Charities See Billions Less In Donations, Biggest Percentage Drop Ever Recorded (the rich aren't pissing down anymore)
t r u t h o u t | The Economic Hit Man Confesses Again: An Interview With John Perkins (excellent - did you know that Eric Holder worked for Chiquita in Columbia?)
YouTube - How To Destabalize Countries Legally .Economic Hitman Part 5
Religion, politics: Walking away from church - latimes.com Organized religion's increasing identification with conservative politics is a turnoff to more and more young adults. Evangelical Protestantism has been hit hard by this development (yeah, there's a lot to identify with there)
God In America - Inside the tumultuous 400-year history of the intersection of religion and public life in America | PBS
YouTube Comments Are No Longer Safe for Mean People on the Internet (end of anonymous comments)
What's better than Wi-Fi? Super Wi-Fi! - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine How the FCC paved the way for the next generation of wireless innovations.
Why Social Media Is Reinventing Activism
Pilot to TSA: 'No Groping Me and No Naked Photos' by Michael Roberts
The saga of Officer Bubbles | The Volunteer - Constable Adam Josephs of the Toronto Police Services is an asshole. Not just any asshole. But a special kind of asshole. The kind of asshole who acts like a total asshole, then asserts his right to be an asshole without actually being ridiculed for being an asshole (everything he does makes it worse)
"Officer Bubbles" wants to sue YouTube for being ridiculed after threatening to arrest a girl blowing bubbles... : WTF
Toronto Police Service :: To Be Assholes and Kill You
The iBookstore six months after launch: One big failure - t unless Apple takes some giant steps to fix the things that are broken with the iBookstore, it will continue to be a dismal failure
Why Social Media Is Reinventing Activism
Objection! | Objection! Not the Best of the Web
CBC News - World - China mine bosses ordered underground Coal mine deaths hit 1,261 in the first half of 2010 (try this in America)
On Polling - For Midterm Voters, War Is Off the Radar - NYTimes.com (a trillion dollars of dead brown people and soldiers not an issue
Derrick Crowe: General Petraeus, Proconsul of Fantasyland (boss of Obama spinnin' and lyin')
Superbombs and Secret Jails: What to Look for in WikiLeaks’ Iraq Docs | Danger Room | Wired.com
WikiLeaks and 9/11: What if? - Los Angeles Times Frustrated investigators might have chosen to leak information that their superiors bottled up, perhaps averting the terrorism attacks.
Consensus Points Toward 50-Seat G.O.P. Gain in House - NYTimes.com
As Democrats' Message Lags, GOP Awaits Huge Wins
A political culture free of accountability - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com Still, the fact that Obama is not only shielding from all accountability, but meeting in the Oval Office with, the person who presided over the Bush White House's torture-approval-and-choreographing meetings and who was responsible for the single most fear-mongering claim leading to the Iraq War, speaks volumes about the accountability-free nature of Washington culture and this White House.
The Wars on Drugs and Terror: mirror images - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com It's the perfect deceit. These wars, in an endless loop, sustain and strengthen the very menaces which, in turn, justify their continuous escalation. These wars manufacture the very dangers they are ostensibly designed to combat. Meanwhile, the industries which fight them become richer and richer.
GOP Lawyers Group That Gins Up Voter Fraud Claims Hosting Training Events Across Country | TPMMuckraker ("voter fraud" is Republicanese for "voter surpression")
Republican 'Contender' Dons Duckie Pajamas, Parties With Scantily Clad Women | TPMDC consider the case of NRCC's latest big "contender," Blake Farenthold running against Rep. Solomon Ortiz (D-TX).
TPM Takes A Closer Look At Ron Johnson's Business Success | TPMDC Johnson's usually mum about the fact that one of his largest clients is Bemis, a publicly traded company founded by his now-deceased father in law, and currently run by his brother in law, Jeffrey Curler (another "self-made" Republican business hack)
Wisconsin GOP lieutenant governor candidate Rebecca Kleefisch praises, criticizes state health care | greenbaypressgazette.com | Green Bay Press Gazette - But Kleefisch does say that "thanks to the highest quality health care system in the world, I won my battle with cancer." Kleefisch also attacks Barrett in the ad, saying he "supports a government takeover of our health care." (a government program saved your life, dumbass)
Beck blames his medical problems on "drinking that poison" of progressives he's been studying | Media Matters for America (classic Republican projection: the "toxins" are him)
The Boehnerization of Barack Obama - NYTimes.com the president himself has had a deeply self-destructive tendency to echo his opponents’ arguments. My original invisible bond vigilantes post was inspired, in part, by Obama’s decision to go on Fox News and declare that we needed to cut the deficit to avoid a double dip (triangulating with himself)
Robert Reich: The Fed's New Bubble (Masquerading as a Jobs Program) It's the Fed's attempt to keep long-term interest rates low by pumping even more money into the economy ("quantitative easing" in Fed-speak).
Neolithic Immigration: How Middle Eastern Milk Drinkers Conquered Europe - Spiegel
PBS : Trade Secrets : Chemical Body Burden samples of Bill Moyers' blood and urine were analyzed. Eighty-four distinct chemicals were found.
Most Massive Galaxy Cluster of Early Universe Discovered - Yahoo! News
Holder to California Potsmokers: We Will Still Lock You Up - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine (mouseover Holder's pic)
Stoners Against the Prop. 19 Tax Cannabis Initiative
"Disconnect": Why cellphones may be killing us - Nonfiction - Salon.com A new book probes the connection between mobile devices and a host of health problems -- with frightening results
The US electrical grid is too crappy to be vulnerable to terrorist attack, say physicists
Iceland to Present Bill to Wipe Out Personal Debt, Minister Jonasson Says - Bloomberg
Staggering' conditions on accused G20 ringleader - thestar.com (Canada outlaws political dissent; last week it was no Miranda)
Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq "A high-ranking cabinet member suggests intentionally flying an American airplane on a low pass over Baghdad so as to guarantee it will be shot down, thus creating a natural excuse to reltaliate and go to war." (it was Madeleine Albright and Shelton's reponse: "Just as soon as we get your ass qualified to fly it, I will have it flown just as low and slow as you want to go.")
Jonathan Schwarz: No Good Idea Ever Dies ... the Democratic foreign policy establishment are not just scumbags, but scumbags in exactly the same way the Republican foreign policy establishment are
The Case for Obama | Rolling Stone Politics
PolitiFact | The Obameter: Obama's Campaign Promises that are about PolitiFact's Top Promises
PolitiFact | The Obameter: Obama's Campaign Promises that are Promise Kept
Your Weekly Address | The White House
Obama wants a detente with business leaders - Business - Bloomberg Businessweek - msnbc.com the White House wants to make amends and will make its relationship with business a priority after the midterm elections (because it wasn't before)
Urban Dictionary: Elephantzheimers
Hullabaloo - Roid Rage Tea - it appears that there are around 130 running for the congress
Glenn Beck, the Tea Party, and the Republicans : The New Yorker The Tea Party’s Cold War roots- Confounding Fathers (John Birch Society)
"Populist" Glenn Beck wants listeners to donate money to corporate interests | Media Matters for America (yes, they're that stupid)
Carl Paladino Porn Emails Published: Naked Women, Sexual Acts & Commentary
Olbermann Slams O'Reilly For 'View' Comments: 'Bigot And Islamophobe'
A Virtual Arms Race: How Online Campaign Expenses Have Skyrocketed In 2010
Tides Foundation CEO To Fox News Advertisers: Drop Glenn Beck Or Have Blood On Your Hands
Valerie Jarrett Apologizes For Referring To Dead Gay Teen's 'Lifestyle Choice' (exactly how the White House thinks; Obama: "I support civil unions, but marriage is between a man and a woman")
pandagon.net: Why is Obama being so pig-headed on DADT? (doesn't like their "lifestyle choices")
Sarah Palin: Democrats Are 'Residents Of Some Unicorn Ranch'
Jesse Ventura Slams Sarah Palin For Screwing Alaska
How the Banks Hid Bad Mortgages - NYTimes.com - So far, not a soul on Wall Street has been found to be criminally liable for the practices that led to the financial crisis.
Ezra Klein - The Treasury's defense of HAMP
Treasury Defends HAMP Again – I Can’t Stop Laughing | FDL News Desk
Bernanke Outlines ‘Case for Further Action’ - NYTimes.com
Op-Ed Columnist - The Mortgage Morass - NYTimes.com True to form, the Obama administration’s response has been to oppose any action that might upset the banks, like a temporary moratorium on foreclosures while some of the issues are resolved. Instead, it is asking the banks, very nicely, to behave better and clean up their act. I mean, that’s worked so well in the past, right?
Insiders Ignored Foreclosure Crisis Signals For Years
The Foreclosure Fiasco and Wall Street’s Shrug | The New York Observer
Wells Fargo WON'T Halt Foreclosures Despite Evidence That Servicers Didn't Read Paperwork (that lasted long)
Mortgage Orb: Content / Mortgage Servicing / Elizabeth Warren: Affidavit Problem Is 'Big And Serious'
Worries over fast-tracked foreclosures send bank stocks plummeting
Hullabaloo It's Time For Jail Terms
Time for Criminal Charges To Be Filed . . . | The Big Picture (Obama will never do this)
Claims that cancer is only a ‘modern, man-made disease’ are false and misleading « Cancer Research UK – Science Update
Briefing: Cancer is not a disease of the modern world - health - 14 October 2010 - New Scientist
The Journal of Sexual Medicine - Volume 7, Issue null - Findings from the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (NSSHB), Center for Sexual Health Promotion, Indiana University - Wiley Online Library
The Huffington Post promotes breast cancer quackery again : Respectful Insolence
Solar Power International Day One Roundup : Greentech Media
Mad Science Group - Sparking Imaginative Learning
4th Teen Charged in Hicksville Anti-gay Attack on Bus | Long Island Press (anti-gay attacks now getting national attention)
3 teens charged in anti-gay attack in suburban NY
Graphic Intervention: Slideshow: Observatory: Design Observer (30 yrs of AIDS posters)
Charlie Brooker: Why I'm calling time on Screen Burn | The Guardian - TV stars can breathe a little easier: our uniquely grumpy critic has decided to call it quits ("Ann Widdecombe had a face like a haunted cave in Poland'")
Bishop Gene Robinson: How Religion Is Killing Our Most Vulnerable Youth
Phoenix police officer charged with murder :: WRAL.com (this never happens, especially in AZ)
Experiment: Town in England turns off traffic lights, surprising results. [video]
Eric Holder To Prosecute Distribution, Possession If Prop. 19 Passes (Obama: more Bush than Bush: drugwarriors at work destroying lives)
Prop. 19: Former Police Chief Strikes Back At U.S. Attorney General
Wickie Pipe Lighter
YouTube - Linda's Review of the WickiePipe Lighter - (psst, its awesome)
RossTraining.com Blog
NoTruePatriot.org This database documents the Digg Patriots, a covert ultra-conservative effort to suppress liberal views and promote extremist right-wing propaganda on the social news site Digg.
PLO Responds To Israeli Demand Of 'Jewish State' Recognition: 'Show US The Map Of Your Borders' (which always keep expanding)
Strenger than Fiction / Loyalty oath is not about Arabs, it’s about hatred of liberal values - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Isaac Herzog is wrong when he says that fascism lurks at the fringes of Israeli society. It is now in the mainstream.
New technologies confuse reality and fiction: Pope (irony-free zone)
Jury frees abortion couple in less than an hour | The Australian a landmark decision, the first Australian woman known to have been prosecuted for procuring an abortion has been acquitted by a jury ... "This law has been in place for 111 years and no charges have been brought under it before," ... "Why now, why this couple and why did they have to undergo 18 months of pretty much hell to be found not guilty?"
Shuttered stores, boarded-up windows, padlocked pubs, deserted streets, coppers on almost every corner. Leicester in lock-down, nailed shut, its familiar features carved up by high metal fences and massed ranks of police at every turn.
The Education of President Obama - NYTimes.com
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Lawsuit Had Unexpected Turns - NYTimes.com
ThinkProgress » Exclusive: Chamber Receives At Least $885,000 From Over 80 Foreign Companies In Disclosed Donations Alone
Multinational Corporations Try to Buy an Election | The Nation
Tim Kaine: Anonymous Conservative Fundraising Could Be Biggest Scandal Since Watergate he dismantling of 30 years of campaign finance regulations had created a Wild West-like electoral landscape, ripe for conflicts of interest and corruption
Access To Justice In U.S. At Third-World Levels, Says Survey (well?)
Carlson decides: It's "emblematic of the Democratic party" to "just spend" without considering how to pay for it | Media Matters for America (Tucker the Fucker Carlson has been on Uranus for the past 10 years)
Democrats' bold stand: Want to trim federal debt? Cut defense. - CSMonitor.com On Wednesday, 56 Democrats and one Republican said that any effort to reduce the federal debt needs to include defense cuts. They called for an independent commission to take up the issue (Obama took the Generals off the table on his "deficit reduction" commission)
Dear Washington Post... | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper ...if you had told me that my doing a live chat with your readers about the It Gets Better Project was going to be used as an excuse to publish the hateful, bigoted lies of Tony Perkins, I wouldn't have done your fucking live chat (WaPo's rightwing anti-gay agenda)
Washington Post seems to think gay suicide is a two-sided issue | Media Matters for America (WaPo uses gay suicide and Dan Savage to give a platform to radical homophobe Tony "I'm so gay" Perkins)
Wonkroom » Sen. Coburn Predicts The End Of Private Health Insurance (in three years, they will all go out of business)
The Washington Monthly Pat Sajak is perhaps best known as the host of the television game-show "Wheel of Fortune," but those who keep up with conservative media outlets also recognize Sajak as a prominent far-right activist (doesn't want state employees to vote ... let's try this on bankers)
Jeff Jarvis: Love Ya, NPR, But You're Wrong NPR has told its staff they may not attend the Stewart/Colbert rallies in Washington at the end of the month (but they were fine with all the Teaparty rallies, of course -- don't give money to these rightwing fucks)
News outlets caution staffers about Stewart-Colbert events | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News
News Organizations Telling Staffers: No Stewart & Colbert Rallies
Harry Whittington Still Waiting For Apology, 4 Years After Dick Cheney Shooting (no apologies for anything, actually)
Dick Durbin To IRS: Investigate Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS Nonprofit Status
Joy Behar, Whoopi Goldberg Walk Off 'The View' After Fiery Exchange With Bill O'Reilly (that didn't work out so well, did it?)
Firedoglake If there’s one bright spot in this year’s elections, it’s the huge impact that marijuana ballot measures are having on young voter turnout.
AlterNet: Why Germany Has It So Good -- and Why America Is Going Down the Drain (Third-World America: slaves of the corps)
Ezra Klein - Why don't the markets care about the foreclosure crisis? (Obama told them they will always, always get bailed out no matter what they do)
JPMorgan Chase expands review of foreclosures - Yahoo! News
The enormous mortgage-bond scandal | Analysis & Opinion (Obama left the team of crooks in place so he could re-start the housing bubble)
Geithner’s bizarre foreclosure logic | Analysis & Opinion - Is Geithner implying that banks will continue to evict homeowners even without foreclosing on those properties? Is that even possible? (yes, because banks come first)
Banks Ignored Signs of Trouble in Foreclosures - NYTimes.com
Let’s Not Start Lionizing The Anti-Foreclosure Deadbeats - CNBC ("just a few bad apple banks" the real problem is deadbeat homeowners)
Rise in Jobless Claims Boosts Fed Easing Expectations - ABC News
One Man's HAMP HELL: 'Just Wait This Thing Out'
Foreclosures Hit Record In September, More Than 100K Homes Seized (Obama's program designed to steal your house)
S.B.A. Makes Small Businesses Bigger (the Easy Way) - NYTimes.com (defining "small" upward)
The Left Right Paradigm is Over: Its You vs. Corporations | The Big Picture (and you know which side Obama is on)
Joe Nocera Pleads Ignorance in Fiancée-Based Conflict of Interest (the NYT's high ethical standards ... they claim Nocera didn't know where his fiance works)
HP Scandal Sucks in New York Times Columnist Over Conflict of Interest | John Paczkowski | Digital Daily | AllThingsD (don't trust anything this guy writes about)
Fuck Yeah Fluid Dynamics
Read the Web :: Carnegie Mellon University :: NELL: Never-Ending Language Learning
Smarter Than You Think - Aiming to Learn as We Do, A Machine Teaches Itself - NYTimes.com
Typographic Maps - Axis Maps LLC - Cartography. Visualization. Design.
Redesigning the New York City subway map - O'Reilly Radar
Dying Girl Kathleen Edward Cyberbullied by 33-Year-Old Neighbor: Why? - Health Blog - CBS News Petkov and her husband decorated their pickup to look like a hearse, strapped a homemade coffin on top, and drove it back and forth in front of the home Kathleen shares with her father and step mother. Petkov said it was just a Halloween prank (in September)
YouTube - Police Brutality: Cop Shoots, Kills Unarmed Man & His Dog ("I don't need no steenking warrent, you motherfucker" with shifty-eyed Frank Marino, lyin' and spinnin')
2 Years In Prison - A Man's Story
MurderMap - London Homicide Reported Direct from The Old Bailey
Mugs In The News - chicagotribune.com
Parents of dead Burlingame teen sue party bus company - San Jose Mercury News (no personal responsbility)
A Portrait of Hunger | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/10/2010 The anguish of families: “It makes me feel like less of a mom not to have food.”
Church and 30th St. San Francisco MUNI Construction on Vimeo
What Do I Do With Those Damn Anime Kids? « The Hooded Utilitarian
Hyperbole and a Half: The God of Cake
A Print Dream Dies | The New York Observer
Defamation by Twitter: Broadway Actor Files Court Papers - Playbill.com - The tweet from "bwayanonymous" stated, "Which Avenue Q cast member gave Marty Thomas crabs?" (touchy, aren't we?)
Broadway Anonymous (bwayanonymous) on Twitter
A Death on Facebook - Magazine - The Atlantic Intimacy and loss in the age of social media
U.S. Government Exploits Our Facebook 'Narcissism' To Detect Fraud, Fake Marriages "Social Networking Sites and Their Importance to FDNS" (Office of Fraud Detection and National Security) (Obama spying on your Facebook)
Oracle-IBM pact cuts Android off at the knees | Languages and standards - InfoWorld Larry Ellison's latest move could seriously undermine Android, no matter how Oracle's courtroom battles with Google turn out
Verizon iPad Plan Announced: See The Details (no 3G)
'Anti-Sexting' Patent Awarded To Apple (your iPhone is your Mother)
Twitter Founders: Gladwell Got It Wrong: Tech News « - “Laughable,” “absurd,” “ludicrous” and “pointless”
60 Really Cool and Creative Error 404 Pages
Ahmed Ghailani Trial Opens In New York Court (the trials Cheney said couldn't be held in America)
Judge Orders Injunction on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ - NYTimes.com (ends 17 yrs of illegal discimination, Government/Obama defense offensive and absurd)
Obama Charts Course For Next Two Years In Office Arrogance isn't the right word, but we were overconfident." "He's opaque even to us." "It's not what people felt they sent Barack Obama to Washington to do, to be legislator in chief." (our ahistorical, no-moral-center, unable-to-lead, Pres)
Helen Thomas Cries, Denies Anti-Semitism, Calls President Obama 'Reprehensible' (audio) ... "I hit the third rail. You cannot criticize Israel in this country and survive" ... "I think he was very unfair, and I return the compliment on his remarks," Thomas said. "Reprehensible."
Hullabaloo: No Soup For You! - So this is how they are going to kill us all -- by blessing our food in the name of the demon-god Allah and not telling us about it (American Family Association discovers Campbells soup is Halal, heads explode)
Former Employees: Racism & Abuse in Leading Religious Right Org | Politics | Religion Dispatches (o rly)
Gallup's Generic House Ballot: Why So Different? he result is one of the best for the Republicans in Gallup's 60 years of tracking the national generic ballot, and if accurate, would foretell electoral armageddon for Democrats (but they wouldn't fudge their numbers, would they?)
Nikki Haley Affair Accusations Resurface: Blogger Details Alleged Tryst With South Carolina Candidate (sex in her SUV)
Paladino Rented To Gay Clubs, Son William Paladino Operated One (anti-gay unless it makes him money)
Carl Paladino's openly gay nephew -- whom the candidate points to as proof that he's no homophobe -- said yesterday he was "very offended" by the GOP gubernatorial hopeful's anti-gay rants - NYPOST.com 'Very offended' by kin's ugly remarks
Robo-signers: Mortgage experience not necessary - Yahoo! Finance In an effort to rush through thousands of home foreclosures since 2007, financial institutions and their mortgage servicing departments hired hair stylists, Walmart floor workers and people who had worked on assembly lines and installed them in "foreclosure expert" jobs with no formal training (surprised they didn't outsource the whole operation to Carjackistan)
Dr. Gridlock - Amtrak sets ridership record Amtrak officials said in a statement that the rail agency has a 65 percent share of the air-rail market between Washington and New York (but trains are socialistic)
Where's the Note? | Demand to see your mortgage note.
Bering in Mind: Is killing yourself adaptive? That depends: An evolutionary theory about suicide
Foster home should keep its license, judge says | ajc.com The deputies’ allegations that Downing Clark Center in Calhoun was in “total chaos” when they arrived are not credible, Judge Steven W. Teate found (cops at work terrorizing emotionally disturbed girls in ... Georgia!)
BBC - Newsnight: Paul Mason: Gary, Indiana: Unbroken spirit amid the ruins of the 20th Century (Republicans hate infrastructure)
Fox News/Murdoch/Moloch/Satan at work
Retired NORAD Officer's New Book Predicts a Tentative Worldwide UFO Display on October 13, 2010 - Yahoo! News
wJwWe.gif (guide for what to do if you're the first human contacted by aliens)
true-size-of-africa.jpg (bigger than the rest of the world minus Russia, Canada, Oz and Antartica)
SKYLINERS - A Documentary by Seb Montaz
Flights and Fancy: How to Degauss a Cat | Flight Today | Air & Space Magazine (when they get polarized)
AQAP Releases Second Issue of 'Inspire' Magazine
Breaking the Silence nominated for EU peace prize - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Breaking the Silence documents testimony of soldiers who served in the West Bank and Gaza; right-wing group calls on parliament members not to let it win award.
Couple on Trial In Cairns Over Abortion Queensland's first abortion trial in 24 years begins today in the Cairns District Court. It will determine whether a young couple are jailed for terminating an unwanted pregnancy (way to go, Australia)
Protect police from lawsuits, says Met chief | UK news | The Guardian Rights groups attack Sir Paul Stephenson's plan to curb court action against officers (fucked-up police dept.? pass law so you can't be sued)
Army decisions under fire
Federal Judge Rejects Jan Brewer's Challenge To Arizona Immigration Lawsuit
Joe Miller Refuses To Answer Questions From Reporters:'We've Drawn A Line In The Sand'
Documentary Film Takes on Fiorina - NYTimes.com - several former Hewlett-Packard employees who say they were laid off during Ms. Fiorina’s tenure as chief executive of the company describe her as ruthless and extravagant (i.e., Repubican)
Ken Buck Explained To Alleged Rape Victim Why He Wouldn't Take Her Case (AUDIO) A five-year-old rape case that was never prosecuted is suddenly causing major ripples in the Colorado Senate race and headaches for Republican candidate Ken Buck ("buyer's remorse" - asshole Republican at work)
You stay classy, self-described leader of the GOP | Firedoglake Limbaugh: “Mammograms are the covenant, the sacred covenant of feminazism” (because women with cancer are terrorists, or something)
Most Racist Political Campaign Ads 2010
^TNX: 2.3570 -0.24 (-9.24%) : CBOE Interest Rate 10-Year T-No (attack of the bond vigilantes!)
Wall Street May Break Record -- Again Wall Street is on track to pay its employees $144 billion this year, breaking a record for the second year in a row (Obama made sure his bandit buddies would be back better than ever)
Ignoring the obvious | Media Matters for America Cohen, by the way, has written the word "unemployment" in only three columns in the past 19 months (your elite WaPo idiot)
Foreclosure Fraud: It's Worse Than You Think - CNBC
Portrait of HAMP Failure: How HAMP Connects to Foreclosure Fraud | FDL News Desk (Obama's program designed to not just fail, but to wreck middle-class America worse than Bush)
Why Foreclosure Fraud Is So Dangerous to Property Rights | The Big Picture the only way the nation could have the quantity and magnitude of errors we see is by willful, systemic fraud.
Reston-based company MERS in the middle of foreclosure chaos (WaPo can't bring themselves to call it "fraud")
Establishment Still Wants to Blame Homeowners for the Sins of the Lenders | FDL News Desk
Why The Foreclosure-Gate Scandal Will Only Hurt The Housing Market
Think Again: Global Aging - By Phillip Longman | Foreign Policy A gray tsunami is sweeping the planet -- and not just in the places you expect. How did the world get so old, so fast?
Lower Merion district's laptop saga ends with $610,000 settlement | Philadelphia Inquirer | 10/12/2010 (see comments for all the authoritarians who think it's ok for schools to spy on kids in their bedrooms)
Michael Gerson: The Success and the Failures of the Religious Right
Gay Sex vs. Straight Sex « OkTrends
The Simpsons: Interactive Map of Springfield
the creative internet (106 things)
YouTube - Daniel Ellsberg - part I - author and antiwar activist at the event Afganistan: 9 years and counting
BBC News - UK aid worker may have been killed by rescuers' grenade
American Judas: "They Just Started Shooting Us Down" -- Kent State (did an FBI agent-provacateur start Kent State shootings? Did Nixon plan to assassinate Jack Anderson?)
Graham Greene, Arthur Ransome and Somerset Maugham all spied for Britain, admits MI6 | World news | The Guardian
Company Head Arrested Over Sludge Torrent in Hungary - NYTimes.com (how they do things in civilized countries)
The Volokh Conspiracy » French Constitutional Court Decision Upholds Ban on Wearing Veils in Public Places
Greek Policeman Guilty Of Murder In Teen Death That Sparked 2008 Riots
Inside the Senate’s battle over climate change : The New Yorker As the World Burns: How the Senate and the White House missed their best chance to deal with climate change (Lindsay Graham had a snit fit and Obama folded)
How Did an Entire Political Party Decide to Reject Climate Change Science? « SpeakEasy (they weren't that big on reality to start with)
Two New York Polls Give Gillibrand And Cuomo Big Leads (weak tea)
Chamber Argued That Public Skepticism Was Proper Price To Pay For Donor Secrecy (Republican/Arab front group)
"Progressive Hunter" | Media Matters for America Jailhouse Confession: How the right-wing media and Glenn Beck's chalkboard drove Byron Williams to plot assassination (Imam Beck)
Obama to Press for Infrastructure - NYTimes.com (that'll work with the infra-structure-hating Republicans)
The Washington Monthly: I Can'T Wait For The GOP To Love Obama In 2026 (Clinton was their hero)
Congressional Aides Allowed To Trade Stocks In Companies Their Bosses Oversee (and so were they )
Government had been warned for months about troubles in mortgage servicer industry (so the Obama consulted ... the bankers!)
Remember Cramdown? | Emptywheel = after fifteen months of trusting banksters to do the right thing for homeowners hasn’t worked out so well, the Administration is changing its story about whether it needed more tools to motivate those banksters (the failure of HAMP and the liars in Obama's administratin +WaPo is useless)
Foreclosure Halt May Shift Bondholder Pain - WSJ.com
Mankiw's Taxes | Mother Jones Greg Mankiw admits that he could afford to pay higher tax rates, but says that higher rates do affect his incentives to take on more work - Do you see the card he palmed?
Calculated Risk: CNBC Survey: Fed Certain to act in November
Nobel Economics Prizes 2010 Announced; 2 Americans Win (Republicans refuse to confirm Diamond, so Sweden gives him a Nobel prize)
Foreclosure Fraud For Dummies, 2: What is a Note, and Why is it So Important? « Rortybomb
Foreclosure Fraud For Dummies, 4: How Could This Explode into a Systemic Crisis? « Rortybomb
Grand Theft Rowhome :: Cover Story :: Article :: Philadelphia City Paper Stealing a house is easier than you think.
How Scientists Grow Working, Made-To-Order Lungs | Popular Science
How writing by hand makes kids smarter - The Week Younger Americans are typing or texting more and writing less, even in school — and that's a problem when it comes to brain development
sex, love, and autonomy in the teenage sleepover by amy schalet
Consequences of U.S. and Dutch Approaches to Teen Sex » Sociological Images (more unintended pregnancies among your girls who we can forbid to have an abortion or go to a non-faith-based sex-ed class)
Numbers Rule Your World
Junk Charts
ISU team calculates societal costs of five major crimes; finds murder at $17.25 million | www.news.iastate.edu (so lets give everyone guns)
Medicaid Coverage for Births and Family Planning Services is Essential (not if you're super-rich, hahahah)
Prozac for the Planet: an article by Christopher Cokinos | The American Scholar
When Worlds Collide | When Worlds Collide | PBS Video the untold story of what happened in the Americas after Columbus
Freud coming into fashion in China
A Fairly Comprehensive Guide to Comedy Podcasts | Splitsider
Discover Literary Oddities in the Weird Book Room on AbeBooks
Step Inside the Surreal World of Une Semaine de Bonté with AbeBooks
Codex Seraphinianus - See the World's Strangest Book on AbeBooks
Los Angeles PBS affiliate KCET exits network fold to go independent | Show Tracker | Los Angeles Times
This Is Why Your Whole Foods Cashier Hates You - San Francisco Restaurants and Dining - SFoodie
One Hello World | One Hello World — We’re All Just Shadows How could anybody be...
Nick Denton, Gawker Media, and journalism’s future : The New Yorker
DNC Makes Major Ad Buy Accusing Chamber Of Potentially 'Stealing' Election
This Modern World » Blog Archive » Conservative Jones — ladies man!
YouTube - "Haven't We Done Enough For You People?" (racist Republican)
Karl Rove Accuses Obama Of Having An 'Enemies List' (and you're on it, you fuck)
On Fox News Watch , Alan Colmes notes "all the presidential candidates who work for Fox News on the Republican side" | Media Matters for America
The Associated Press: Up to 40 states plan inquiry into foreclosure data
Government had been warned for months about troubles in mortgage servicer industry But government officials were told repeatedly that the mortgage servicing industry was deeply troubled ... The only immediate response to warnings was a letter to servicers urging them to behave better (it wasn't even sternly-worded -- fools)
Op-Ed Columnist - Policy at Its Worst - NYTimes.com We can go to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and threaten to blow Iran off the face of the planet. We can conduct a nonstop campaign of drone and helicopter attacks in Pakistan and run a network of secret prisons around the world. We are the mightiest nation mankind has ever seen - But we can’t seem to build a railroad tunnel to carry commuters between New Jersey and New York (you don't have a helicopter?)
Christie Will Review Options to Save Hudson Tunnel - NYTimes.com
America's jobless recovery: A brisk fall | The Economist And Democrats may come to regret their eager embrace, this spring, of deficit-cutting rhetoric. Then, as now, the trouble in labour markets should have been the primary focus (Larry, "The Bummer" Summers no doubt behind this FAIL)
Battered housing market leaves people downsizing their dreams "I don't think you're going to see a return to McMansion-style developments."
How Hank Paulson's inaction helped Goldman Sachs | McClatchy (workin' for the crooksters)
Tooth Regeneration Gel Could Replace Painful Fillings : Discovery News
YouTube - Police Overreact with a Taser Gun (cops on steroids)
DealExtreme: $26.65 High Power GPS Blocker with AC Adapter and Car Charger (110V-220V) (see FBI)
Evidence That Feds’ Social Media Monitoring is Working? - Kashmir Hill - The Not-So Private Parts - Forbes - Visible crawls over about half a million social content sites twice a day, scores each post as positive, negative, mixed or neutral, and rates the influence of the poster (with a "terrorist index")
chmod -x chmod
In Gitmo Opinion, Two Versions of Reality - ProPublica
Linda Norgrove, Abducted British Aid Worker, Killed During Rescue The announcement came as four Italian troops were killed and one seriously wounded in an insurgent roadside bomb attack Saturday in the country's west.
Wikileaks publishes documents on plan to curb free software in the European Union
U.S. Gets Another Month To Revive Mideast Peace Talks (so Obama doesn't look like a pawn of Israel before the election)
Iran Acknowledges Espionage At Nuclear Facilities (Israeli sabotage)
Trapped Chilean Miners: Drill Finally Breaks Through To Mine
Obama Clarifies Pocket Veto Of Controversial Bill Related To Foreclosures "protective return" veto ... it almost seemed as if the bill was intended to serve as a "trap door" for banks to escape the crisis (instead of, you know, a regular "veto")
Where Will The Housing Market Impact Congressional Elections? (chart) (the more they were screwed by Republicans, the more angry they are at Democrats)
Activism of Thomas’s Wife Could Raise Judicial Issues - NYTimes.com dedicated to opposing what she characterizes as the leftist “tyranny” of President Obama and Democrats in Congress and to “protecting the core founding principles” of the nation (mo irony there)
FreakOutNation » Christine O’Donnell Blames The Liberal Media For Character Assassination
Why is This GOP House Candidate Dressed as a Nazi? - Joshua Green - Politics - The Atlantic (Rich Iott: pervy Republican Nazi-fetishist)
Oilsands expansion 'fool's gold,' scientist warns - Yahoo! Canada News
The Story Behind Tesla's History-making IPO: Tech News «
Memo To Bruce Mcmahan, Daughter-Seducer (Updated) - New York News - Runnin' Scared (superrich pervy incestous Republican is sueing the world)
'University student loses scholarship over porn film' - Telegraph
Duke Graduate Karen Owen's 'Sex Thesis': Newest Example of Sending Before Thinking
Why Is Wi-Fi Coverage So Bad in My House, and How Can I Fix It?
How to Replace Your Landline with Google Voice
Libya Not Taking the Internet Light.LY - FoxNews.com
Judge to US: Yes, Really, Torture is Illegal. | Mother Jones A major terrorism prosecution is derailed because "enhanced interrogation" taints evidence (Obama's torture policies illegal)
Gen. James Jones Resigning As Obama's National Security Adviser: AP Sources
Town Hall: Should Americans Fear Islam? Full Episode - This Week - ABC News (because they're terrified stupid racists?)
Before Auction, John Lennon’s New Brush With F.B.I. - NYTimes.com John Lennon has been dead for 30 years, but the Federal Bureau of Investigation is still on the case (the ghost of J. Edgar)
The American Data Octopus | Emptywheel Data octopus. That’s how one European Parliament official described the US’ continued grab for unfettered access to more and more European data (all your data are belong to Obama)
Poll: More Republicans Support Strip Club Over Mosque Near Ground Zero (that makes perfect sense)
No right to lawyer during police interrogation: Supreme Court - ruled Friday that importing U.S.-style "Miranda rights" in Canada, by allowing suspects to have lawyers present during police interrogation, would frustrate criminal investigations and delay the administration of justice. (oh, Canada)
YouTube - Homicide: Life on the Street - The Documentary
The Pirates Are Winning! by Jeffrey Gettleman | The New York Review of Books
Trapping the Lord of War: The Rise and Fall of Viktor Bout - Spiegel Online - News - International
D-squared Digest -- On not being obliged to vote Democrat, part one (won't get fooled again)
Two Months After He Negotiated It Away, Obama Argued for Public Option in Joint Address to Congress | Firedoglake (he lied)
FDIC Ready To Sue Executives From Failed Banks (should have done this a year ago)
Today's Power Play: Dems Hope to Avoid Their Own Eviction With Foreclosure Moves | Foxnews.com (how Fox spins Obama vetoing forclosure bill)
Mitch McConnell Open To A Government Shutdown, Joe Miller Says (Repubicans at un-work)
No More Mister Nice Blog - Obama Addressed The Problem, But Wingnuts Still Blame Him For It (WSJ/Murdoch at work, lying to you as usual)
Think Progress » Gingrich Can’t Figure Out Why Food Stamps Are Stimulative: ‘I Don’t Understand…Liberal Math’ (you know the kind where the numbers add up, unlike ... Republican math where they make up the answers)
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect In total, that’s $23,480 for each of the 392,000 people the U.S. removed last year, or $9,204,944,000 ... as long as the number of undocumented immigrants in the country remains steady at about 11 million, which is highly unlikely, it'll only take another 28 years or so to deport everyone (Obama's ridiculous anti-immigration policies at work +Latino "enthusiasm gap")
Lou Dobbs plays word games on undocumented labor story, would like you to feel sorry for him | Media Matters for America (deport Lou Dobbs)
Daily Kos: Chamber still won't deny mixing of foreign funds (but they keep on lying about it)
Daily Kos: DE-Sen: O'Donnell becomes a bigger embarrassment each day
Daily Kos: NV-Sen: 'Sharia Sharron' fears Muslims are imposing theocracy in America (in one month we'll see just how crazy America is and how much insanity money can buy)
Christine O'Donnell 'I'm You' Ad Parodied, Winningly (VIDEO) Delaware has already become what Alex Balk calls "the most ontological race in the nation."
How Widespread Mortgage Fraud Toppled the U.S. Housing Market - Real Estate Channel Global News Center How Widespread Mortgage Fraud Toppled the U.S. Housing Market (turns out, after all, it wasn't brown people buying houses they couldn't afford, no shit)
Nonfarm Payrolls: Economy Sheds 95,000 Jobs; Rate at 9.6% as Easing Looms - CNBC (not good)
Social Security Officials Tell Hill: No Cost-Of-Living Raise This Year For Seniors (sorry, banks took all the money)
Where is the foreclosure mess leading? | Analysis & Opinion |
Foreclosure Fraud – Fighting Foreclosure Fraud by Sharing the Knowledge
Failing U.S. transportation system will imperil prosperity, report finds (Republicans hate infrastructure, they have helicopters)
Gov. Christie to kill N.Y.-N.J. rail tunnel project | NJ.com (he has a helipcopter, and he will just keep the money!)
Transit Economics - NYTimes.com (congestion costs money, duh!)
Op-Ed Columnist - The End of the Tunnel - NYTimes.com (just buy a fucking helicopter already)
Chronicle of a Slowdown Foretold - NYTimes.com what bothers me about Ezra’s remarks here is that they perpetuate the all-too-common tendency to frame everything in terms of financial market confidence. That is not the issue right now (Greece is not the problem, Ezra)
Bank Of America Stops Foreclosures In All 50 States
Time’s running out for job growth | Analysis & Opinion (Obama: we might do something eventually when Congress comes back from vacation)
Ohio AG Richard Cordray: “What we’re seeing is a systematic fraud on the courts of Ohio” | FDL News Desk (it's the bank's world, we just rent it)
Foreclosure Fraud For Dummies, 1: The Chains and the Stakes « Rortybomb
Employers Continue to Discriminate Against Jobless, Think 'The Best People Are Already Working' (catch-22: you can only get a job if you already have one)
WIN: new BBC guidelines say science news stories must link to the scientific paper - bengoldacre
'Science as the Enemy': The Traveling Salesmen of Climate Skepticism - Spiegel Online - News - International In all cases, the tactics are the same: Spread doubt and claim it's too soon to take action (see Kochtopus)
Danny Lampley Arrested: Lawyer Charged With Contempt For Staying Silent During Pledge Of Allegiance (is Judge Talmadge Littlejohn a member of the Taliban? you decide)
Pot Grows Up, Ctd - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Judge tells school to admit nose-pierced NC girl - Yahoo! News Richard Ivey, the Iaconos' Raleigh minister in the Church of Body Modification, said the temporary order is encouraging
Caught Spying on Student, FBI Demands GPS Tracker Back | Threat Level | Wired.com (you'll have to sign for that, sir +Obama's warrentless spying is ubiqutous)
gap-changes-logo-why: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
YouTube - Huge Bike Jump into a Pond 35 feet in the air
Yo Dawg Yo Yo
lgzip.jpg (Inception vs Yo Dawg)
Yo Dawg Macros // All the best and funniest Yo Dawg meme pictures
Microsoft, Citrix and Wipro partner to outsource virtual desktops | NetworkWorld.com Community Using Citrix's new XenDesktop 5 and Microsoft VDI, Wipro now offers 'Desktop as a Service'
Lou Dobbs, American Hypocrite | The Nation But with his relentless diatribes against "illegals" and their employers, Dobbs is casting stones from a house—make that an estate—of glass. Based on a yearlong investigation, including interviews with five immigrants who worked without papers on his properties
Hullabaloo: So it turns out that after vociferously denying it, Rand Paul wants to charge seniors a $2,000 deductible for their Medicare after all. Elder Abuse
The Man Who Never Was | Politics | Vanity Fair Desperate to keep his Senate seat, John McCain repudiated his record, his principles, and even his maverick reputation, entrenching himself as the anti-Obama. Which raises the issue of whether the leader so many Americans admired—and so many journalists covered—ever truly existed.
Could Republicans gut parts of Wall St reform law? | Reuters
U.S. Waivers After Threats of Lost Health Coverage - NYTimes.com
Little-Noticed Bill Could Make It Harder To Challenge Foreclosures
Foreclosure Cover for Banks Seen in Bill at Obama's Desk The bill, passed without public debate in a way that even surprised its main sponsor, Republican Representative Robert Aderholt, requires courts to accept as valid document notarizations made out of state, making it harder to challenge the authenticity of foreclosure and other legal documents
Jobless Claims Edge Down to Lowest Level in 3 Months - CNBC nitial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 11,000 to a seasonally adjusted 445,000, the lowest since the July 10 week
U.S. companies buy back stock in droves as they hold record levels of cash U.S. companies buy back stock in droves as they hold record levels of cash
WalesOnline - News - Wales News - Teenager questions council on web ‘cure’ (Crohn's disease anti-quackery)
Study Finds Americans Get The Most Exercise While Drunk (explains a lot)
The last of the sea nomads | Environment | The Guardian
Albert Mohler, Southern Baptist Leader, On Yoga: Not Christianity Mohler says the stretching and meditative discipline derived from Eastern religions is not a Christian pathway to God.
visions of vulva « gimcrack hospital (PG)
caring for your neovagina*** « gimcrack hospital (PG)
purple Diary
The Most Dangerous Man in America on Vimeo (Daniel Ellsberg)
In the Courtyard of the Beloved By Andreas Burgess On ExposureRoom
Ted Hughes's last letter: Unearthed, poet's lament on Sylvia Plath's suicide | Mail Online
Mario Vargas Llosa Nobel Prize Winner In Literature : The Two-Way : NPR
El Guincho | Bombay on Vimeo
YouTube - Jimmy RIP & Mick Jagger - Gimme Shelter - Tokyo Dome 1988
Late Late Show Video - Craig & The Mythbusters - "Melt With You" - CBS.com
Want to See How Hakeem Olajuwon Helped Dwight Howard? | Magic Basketball
The Gentle Art of Poverty - Magazine - The Atlantic
In the Life of ‘The Wire’ by Lorrie Moore | The New York Review of Books
Tree Porn - Beautiful Photographs of Trees, Forests, Woods and Wooden Things.
MSNBC on the Web May Change Its Name - NYTimes.com (tv channel too liberal, so website will be renamed, or something)
JavaScript Guide - MDC
ShadyURL - Don't just shorten your URL, make it suspicious and frightening.
Afghan War's 9th Anniversary: U.S. Nears Decade Of Fighting (forever war)
Karzai’s Kin Use Ties to Gain Power in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com
Whistle-blowing soldier moved to solitary confinement - CNN
5 Afghan children among 9 dead in Kandahar blasts
10 days after settlement freeze expires, 350 new units under construction - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News West Bank settlers satisfied with the momentum; council chair: Building proceeding normally, not at a heightened pace (lie much?)
FBI — San Juan - Press Room - Headline Archives 10-06-10 Early this morning the FBI launched a massive public corruption takedown in San Juan, Puerto Rico, as our agents fanned out across the island to begin arresting 133 subjects—the majority of them police officers
Low blow Morales: Bolivian president knees football opponent in groin | World news | guardian.co.uk
Oil Spill Panel: White House Blocked Federal Scientists From Releasing Worst-Case Scenario For Gulf Disaster - the White House was directly involved in controlling the message (that was kind of obvious all along, BP owned NOAA and the Coast Guard)
Truth about the public option momentarily emerges, quickly scampers back into hiding - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Baucus staffer who led health reform drafting moving to Obama administration Fowler, chief health counsel for the Senate Finance Committee, which Baucus chairs, will become deputy director of the Office of Consumer Information and Oversight at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (missed this in July: Liz Fowler, former Wellpoint exec, wrote Obama's healthcare bill, will now be in charge of "consumer affairs" - that's how it works)
Elizabeth J. Fowler, PHD, JD - Vice President for Public Policy and External Affairs WellPoint, Inc.
Economic Scene - Health Care Law’s Uneven Path to Better Insurance - NYTimes.com plans that devote 30 percent of revenue to salaries for their workers
McDonald's, 29 other firms get health care coverage waivers - Usatoday.com
Democrats Ready an October Surprise for the Overconfident GOP
Poll - Hispanics May Skip Midterms Over Immigration - NYTimes.com (largest "enthusiasm gap" because Obama hasn't done shit for Latinos)
Political Memo - Obama, Seeking Votes, Makes Appeal to Liberals - NYTimes.com (hold your nose and vote for me because I'm a good Republican)
Hullabaloo: White Tea - Tea Party members were trying to "redefine whiteness as an object of racial discrimination" ... *The poll also found out that they are overwhelmingly socially conservative and vote Republican. And they love Sarah Palin and Fox News.
New Senate Poll Pushes West Virginia To Lean Republican (long history of destroying their own state)
Meg Whitman's Campaign Rocked With More Domestic Drama As Ex-Nanny Backs Up Housekeeper ($100,000,000 can't cover up the fact that eMeg is a cold, heartless billlionaire bitch who treats her help like shit)
Think Progress » Joe Miller Thinks His Own Senate Race Should Be Unconstitutional (especially his)
The Tea-Partiers: Christianists, Not Libertarians - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - you need a big God to have a small government.
Roger Ailes I guess "swamped starting a new blog" and "learning to post video" were Kurtz's euphemisms for fetching T-Brown's drycleaning.
Ohio Attorney General Sues GMAC, Seeks $25,000 Per False Affidavit | FDL News Desk
Monetary Versus Fiscal - NYTimes.com
Streetsblog New York City » Chris Christie Expected to Kill ARC Transit Tunnel (Repubicans hate infrastructure; you don't have a helicopter?)
How Fake Money Saved Brazil : Planet Money : NPR
Living In The Middle: Series Overview : NPR (no middle anymore: great job, Republicans)
Observations: White House to get (more) solar panels (Repubicans object)
6 Surprisingly Effective Treatments for Depression on mbvc:
Mouse Party: the chemical interactions at the synaptic level that cause the drug user to feel 'high'
Chocolate Eaters at Lower Risk for Heart Disease Consuming moderate amounts of the popular treat is associated with reduced incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD),
Do Your Organic Eggs Come from a Factory Farm? - Planet Green Whole Foods, Walmart, A&P, Costco, Meijer, Safeway, and Trader Joe's store-brand eggs all received the lowest possible rating in Cornucopia's study.
Fischer: “Firefighters did the Christian thing in letting the house burn to the ground.” « Gordonokc's Blog spokesmonster of the American Family Association
Legal or not, sex industry powers on Whether prostitution is legal or not has ''little or no impact on the size of the industry'' but it does affect the health of sex workers, Australian research shows.
For the Love of YA (Reviews & Author Interviews): This is Not Me Backing Down
At Sam Zell’s Tribune, Tales of a Bankrupt Culture - NYTimes.com (Sam Zell kills newspapers: rapacious capitalism at its best: his new CEO: he sat down and said, “watch this,” and offered the waitress $100 to show him her breasts. The group sat dumbfounded)
The “harm” of political correctness: a rant | Epiphany 2.0
Lee Abrams | NewsBusters.org
Examiners_Sworn_Interview_of_Donald_Grenesko_June_25_2010.pdf (application/pdf Object)
PLoS Computational Biology: Ten Simple Rules for Editing Wikipedia
comScore: Android Continues Assault On RIM, Apple
Are We Getting the Bandwidth We're Paying For? | News & Opinion | PCMag.com (don't be silly)
The real cost of free | Cory Doctorow | Technology | guardian.co.uk
A Graphic Guide to Facebook Portraits | Fast Company
The .ly domain space to be considered unsafe | :Ben Metcalfe Blog (they'll delete your domain if you violate Sharia Law)
Erqqvg - Vizeddit
xkcd: Online Communities 2
War on Terror logic - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com our foreign policy for the last decade: we're going to stop Terrorism by doing more and more of exactly the things that cause it
Robots at war: Drones and democracy | The Economist (we're not at war, we're just playing video games)
First Gitmo Habeas Case Makes Way To SCOTUS | Emptywheel
Do German Authorities Believe Ahmad Sidiqi Is Being Tortured at Bagram? | The Seminal
BBC News - 'Sexual element' in Saudi prince's servant killing A Saudi prince murdered his servant in an attack which had a "sexual element", the Old Bailey has heard.
Red toxic sludge spill sparks Hungary emergency | Reuters a torrent of toxic red sludge from an alumina plant reservoir tore through local villages, killing four people and injuring 120.
Chief scientist who questioned evolution theory fired - Israel News, Ynetnews Dr. Gavriel Avital, who called environmental groups 'green religion' and said, 'There are many people who don't believe evolutionary account is correct,' dismissed by Education Ministry (not in America, land of the willfully stupid)
Video: French women cause a stir in niqab and hot pants in anti-burka ban protest - Telegraph
The Great British Venn Diagram @ Things Of Interest
Daschle Admits -- Then Denies -- That White House Agreed With Industry To Scrap Public Option | TPMDC (whoops, truth slipped out: the public was not a "stakeholder")
California Governor: Two New Polls Confirm Brown Rebound (eMeg going down?)
Prop 19 Gains Slightly in Latest Poll; Now Winning 48-41 | Elections
Tea party, religious right often overlap, poll shows half of those who consider themselves part of the tea party movement also identify as part of the religious right, reflecting the complex - and sometimes contradictory - blend of bedfellows in the American conservative movement (WaPo still pretending they aren't just Republicans)
'Likely' Voters: How Pollsters Define And Choose Them
Dana Milbank: Mormon Prophesy Behind Glenn Beck's Message - "the White Horse Prophecy."
Jon Stewart Addresses Rick Sanchez Firing On 'Daily Show' (VIDEO)
'I'm Not A Witch,' Republican Candidate Christine O'Donnell Tells Delaware Voters : The Two-Way : NPR
Howard Kurtz Jumps To Daily Beast (everyone off the sinking WaPo ship)
Poll: Majority Of Voters More Likely To Back Candidates Who Supported Health Care Reform (except for insane Repubicans, of course)
Open Left:: Where is the Middle? (not where Washington thinks it is)
Pelosi Calls For Investigation Of Foreclosure Fraud
Ezra Klein - The output gap in two graphs
Economist's View: "A Perspective on the Future of U.S. Monetary Policy"
Robert J. Samuelson - The real jobs machine: Entrepreneurs The real jobs machine: Entrepreneurs
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect (Fed for the Feds sake, only)
Bank changes locks on occupied, foreclosed homes | HeraldTribune.com (we're in your house, stealin' it)
“This October has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays all in one month. It happens only once in 823 years.” « Doug’s Darkworld
Research integrity: Sabotage! : Nature News Postdoc Vipul Bhrigu destroyed the experiments of a colleague in order to get ahead. It took a hidden camera to expose a surreptitious and malicious side of science.
A Dark Tale Behind Two Retractions (ZT)
Bacchus Seduces in New High-Res Imagery | Underwire | Wired.com
Firefighters Watch As Home Burns: Gene Cranick's House Destroyed In Tennessee Over $75 Fee (VIDEO) The event was dubbed "pay for spray" by MSNBC host Keith Olbermann. It's a chilling vision of what could play out in a third world America, where paying taxes isn't enough to cover basic services
Think Progress » After Firefighters Watched Home Burn, Obion County Expands Subscription-Only Fire Service To More Towns - a paltry 0.13 cent increase in property taxes on each household would be all it would take to fund fire services for the towns within the county (no new taxes, burn, baby, burn)
Solar Panels On White House: Obama To Install Solar Panels In 2011 (after resisting the idea for two years)
Erik Sass: US History: 13 Myth-Busting Facts That Will Make You Rethink Everything You Know
YouTube - Kendall on Sharecropping
Oral and Anal Sex Are Becoming More Popular - Asylum.com "experimental" sex is more prevalent among Americans today than it was in 1994 ... The Indiana researchers found 41 different ways people have sex with each other. They also reveal that 85 percent of men claim they gave their partner an orgasm during their latest sexual event, whereas only 64 percent of women said they achieved orgasm during their most recent sexual encounter.
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The One Fuck Rule he lives of most teenagers are R-rated, from the language they use to the experiences they have. Nevertheless, since teenagers are the main audience at the multiplex, the whole movie industry engineers its product to fit within the arbitrary PG-13 guidelines:
College Girl's PowerPoint "Fuck List" Goes Viral
Duke Players Incensed, Paranoid Over "Fuck List" (it's not ok when girls do it)
A statement from The Jewish Standard - The Jewish Standard (they caused the Orthodoxim to "feel pain and consternation" by publishing same-sex marriage notice and won't do it again ... bowing to the rabid rabbis)
Natan Slifkin - Wikipedia (fundamentalist Jewish Rabbis at work denying science)
Modiya: Haredim and the internet "The Internet is a danger 1,000 times greater [than television, which was banned 30 years ago], and is liable to bring ruin and destruction upon all of Israel." (except for business use)
The best of Bill Brett's wedding photos - Boston.com
Top 50 US politics Twitter accounts to follow | Richard Adams | | guardian.co.uk
Eric Schmidt: all your privacy are belong to us
25 Best Startup Failure Post-Mortems of All Time | ChubbyBrain Blog
Film Review: Winnebago Man
Censorship at its finest: One teachers story on how ignorant parents are destroying quality education. : WTF (scroll down for censored post on censorship; Montgomery County, KY is seriously retarded)
U.S. Terror Warning Could Hurt Europe's Economy
Frenzy of Rape in Congo Reveals U.N. Weakness - NYTimes.com (UN troops "up the road" useless)
2 Israelis Convicted for Using Boy as Shield During Gaza War - NYTimes.com
Millions march in France against austerity as opposition to Sarkozy grows
BBC News - Anger simmers over Okinawa base burden (imperial Amercia with its 700+ bases in foreign countries)
Games India Isn’t Ready to Play - NYTimes.com - “as hard as we try to build a new India ... old India still has the power to humiliate and embarrass us.” - there are more poor people in just eight Indian states than in all the 26 countries of sub-Saharan Africa, with the large state of Madhya Pradesh comparable in intensity of deprivation to war-ravaged Congo.
Monkeys Deployed to Guard Indian Games - NYTimes.com
News Analysis - As Maliki Clings to Power, Iraq’s Fissures Deepen - NYTimes.com (why we can't leave Afganistan ever)
U.S. Military Apologizes for Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com
Case of Soldiers Accused in Civilian Killings May Eclipse Those That Came Before - NYTimes.com
How the Republican Party Could Blow It - The Daily Beast Peter Beinart - Face it: Republicans will win big in November. But if they actually carry out the Tea Party mandate to slash spending, the GOP will lose public support in the long run
Jack Camp, Senior Federal Judge, Arrested On Drug, Gun Charges appointed to the bench by Ronald Reagan in 1987. He is a former chief judge for the Northern District of Georgia ... charges after an exotic dancer at an Atlanta strip club told authorities he used cocaine, marijuana and other illegal drugs with her
Barbour, Cornyn, Cantor Lower Expectations For GOP Congress President Clinton on the other hand chose to triangulate... and that is to try and work with the Republican Congress on some things like welfare reform, which, though we vetoed it twice, he ultimately signed the bill (that would be the welfare bill that made sure there's no safety net under you right now)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation The good news is that the DNC raised a whopping $16 million in the month of September alone. The bad news is that the post-Citizens United political landscape is as ugly as promised for the interests of fair elections, giving Republicans a 7-to-1 advantage (the democracy game is over)
Sharron Angle Slams Republicans For Losing 'Their Principles,' Says She's 'Not Sure' If She Can Win
New Colorado Polls Confirm Ken Buck Leads Michael Bennet (teapartying!)
Joe Miller: Federal Minimum Wage Is Unconstitutional (you get what you vote for)
Rachel Maddow: Bill O'Reilly A 'Race-Baiting F**k,' CNN Wanted Olbermann: NYMag (war is breaking out +Chris Matthews wanted Phil Donahue out of MSNBC because he wasn't insane like Tweety)
'It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia' Explains O'Keefe's Journalism
Rahm Emanuel's Chicago Mayoral Campaign Takes Early Steps On YouTube (gangbangers!)
Must Blacks Prepare To Meet Rising Tide Of White Resentment? - Hartford Courant (well, duh)
Choosing sides: Fox figures defend Paladino after he threatens their News Corp. colleague | Media Matters for America
Beck Bombs: Only 700 People Attend Restoring Honor Tour Kickoff | Politicususa
YouTube - The Glenn Beck Apocalypse: Supernews!
YouTube - Donald Duck Meets Glenn Beck in Right Wing Radio Duck
Op-Ed Columnist - Fear and Favor - NYTimes.com A note to Tea Party activists: This is not the movie you think it is ... Fox News seems to have decided that it no longer needs to maintain even the pretense of being nonpartisan ... So the Ministry of Propaganda has, in effect, seized control of the Politburo. What are the implications? ("every major contender for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination who isn’t currently holding office and isn’t named Mitt Romney is now a paid contributor to Fox News" which makes Murdoch ...)
Companies Borrow at Low Rates, but Don’t Spend - NYTimes.com
Calculated Risk: Rates keep falling: 2-Year Treasury Yield Hits Record Low (they coulda borrowed really cheap money and rebuilt America)
Ezra Klein - Infrastructure: The best deal in the economy (massive Obama failure, huge missed opportunity, but we have the catfood commisson!)
Companies Borrow at Low Rates, but Don’t Spend - NYTimes.com - Corporations keep saving, waiting for the economy to perk up — but the economy is unlikely to perk up if corporations keep saving (no one has any money to buy their stuff, duh)
Shift to Wealthier Clientele Puts Life Insurers in a Bind - WSJ.com (tax shelter for the rich)
New York Times to Repay Carlos Slim's $250 Million Loan Three Years Early - Bloomberg
Fighting for Homeowners: A Visit to a NACA Loan Modification Marathon | FDL News Desk
Foreclosure Paperwork Scandal 'Same Process' That Fed The Housing Bubble
Corporate Profits 'Near-Historic' In Second Quarter, Thanks To Cost-Cutting (that would be "jobs")
Editorial - First Monday - NYTimes.com - The Roberts court has championed corporations (the poor, oppressed corps)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Science Marches On (in-vitro just fine; stem-cell research against God's will)
Sex Study By National Survey Of Sexual Health And Behavior Is Biggest Since 1994
National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior
Study of American Sex Habits Suggests Boomers Need Sex Ed – Time (Boomers are the stupid)
Condom Use Is Highest Among Teenagers, Study Finds - NYTimes.com (kids are smart, despite the Republicans)
Scratched glasses give perfect vision for any eyesight - tech - 04 October 2010 - New Scientist - presbyopia cure: engraving the surface of a standard lens with a grid of 25 near-circular structures each 2 millimetres across and containing two concentric rings.
Unearthed Aryan cities rewrite history | The Australian BRONZE Age cities archaeologists say could be the precursor of Western civilisation is being uncovered in excavations on the Russian steppe
What we can learn from procrastination : The New Yorker - Later: What does procrastination tell us about ourselves?
“I Did It”
John E. Reid & Associates, Inc. (copyrighted interrogation, you can see where this is going)
Mayor Bloomberg Defends 'Inhumane' Study On Homeless "These are real parents and children, not rats in a lab experiment," said Patrick Markee, a senior analyst with the Coalition for the Homeless.
Reports: Some states charge poor for public defenders - USATODAY.com Of the 15 states with the largest prison populations, 13 charge some fee for the use of public defenders (revenue source)
25 most dangerous neighborhoods 2010 (mostly in the South, actually)
Going to the Bar, Pistol in Pocket, Is Legal in 4 States - NYTimes.com
Firefighters watch as home burns to the ground | WPSD Local 6 - News, Sports, Weather - Paducah KY | Local Each year, Obion County residents must pay $75 if they want fire protection from the city of South Fulton. But the Cranicks did not pay.
Welfare in California | Mother Jones - LA Times: Welfare Queens! ... but The out-of-state spending accounts for less than 1% of the $10.8 billion spent by welfare recipients during the period covered (in para 18 of scare story)
His Master’s Voice | Redstone Science Fiction
YouTube - Sedayne : Holly and the Ivy (The Wren's Heart Carol)
How to disable conversation thread view gmail | Business 2.0 Press
Verizon Wireless To Refund Up To $90 Million In Wrongful Data Charges (looking for way to screw you)
News Analysis - Iraq’s Fissures Only Deepen - NYTimes.com (Iraq was such a success we can't leave Afganistan)
Killing each Taliban soldier costs $50 Million | Dprogram.net (cut out the military and just give them the money, they can set up their own hedge fund)
CIA hired Karzai's brother before 9/11, Woodward says - BlackListed News (explains a lot)
YouTube - Poison DUst: Depleted Uranium Kills --
U.S. Issues Terror Alert For Tourists In Europe (keep your eye on the ball)
Afghanistan bans 8 security firms - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) including the controversial company formerly called Blackwater, a spokesman for Afghan president Hamid Karzai said.
British schools where girls must wear the Islamic veil - Telegraph Hundreds of girls are bring forced by British schools to wear the Islamic veil in a move which has been heavily criticised by mainstream Muslims.
Court overturns US tycoon's will that left fortune to Panama's poor | World news | The Guardian Accusations fly after judges rule that Wilson Lucom's $50m to set up foundation for poor children should go to his family instead
Netanyahu Humiliates Obama Again | CommonDreams.org The Obama administration must understand that the Israeli prime minister is essentially a right-wing Republican (but you see ...)
Adopting China’s Tactics in Currency Fight - NYTimes.com
Joseph Stiglitz: the euro may not survive - BlackListed News
In the 10th Year of War, a Harder Army, a More Distant America The U.S. Army now begins its 10th continuous year in combat, the first time in its history the United States has excused the vast majority of its citizens from service and engaged in a major, decade-long conflict instead with an Army manned entirely by professional warriors.
Tomgram: Engelhardt, Forever War | TomDispatch - No wonder the president, according to Woodward, exclaimed in anger, "So what's my option? You have given me one option." (you can see who's boss here)
'It Changes Who We Are' The Cost Of War (brain damaged soldiers the new Agent Orange)
Slapping David Shedd, or How I Learned to Love the CIA Interrogation Program | The Seminal on December 9, 2008, President-elect Barack Obama was shepherded into a tiny SCIF office to meet with CIA Director Michael Hayden and Director of National Intelligence Michael O’Connell (torture and rendition briefing)
Tens of thousands attend progressive 'One Nation Working Together' rally in Washington
Here's Your Enthusiasm Gap: One Nation Rally Draws More Attendees Than Beck's "Whitestock" | Crooks and Liars Preliminary satellite estimates put the crowd size at 175,000 to 200,000 at about noon EST. By the calculations of Bachman/Beck, et al., that would mean at least 1,000,000, non?
Welfare's safety net hard to measure among states How would the reshaped welfare system respond, policymakers and advocates wondered then, if the economy plunged into long, serious trouble? (terribly: Clinton's triangulation now screwing millions)
Inside the Senate’s battle over climate change : The New Yorker How the Senate and the White House missed their best chance to deal with climate change (idiots)
Op-Ed Columnist - The Very Useful Idiocy of Christine O’Donnell - NYTimes.com ALL it took was some 30,000 Republican primary voters in a tiny state to turn Christine O’Donnell into the brightest all-American media meteor since Balloon Boy (but she has billionaire rightwing funding)
Murdoch's checks - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com the company didn't realize its $1 million to the RGA would become public. And the $1 million to Chamber of Commerce was supposed to be secret as well.
Bill Maher Calls Republicans 'A Deadly Enemy' - Democratic Underground
Jon Stewart Breaks Rick Sanchez Silence, Responds
Meg Whitman and immigration reform - latimes.com The media are ignoring the deeper issues in the gubernatorial candidate's alleged treatment of a former housekeeper. (eMeg is like, a total bitch)
On The Media: Transcript of "A Fox Presidential Primary?" (October 1, 2010) Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are all deemed possible 2012 Presidential candidates. They’re also all current employees of Fox News.
The Washington Monthly - Friedman'S Third-Party Mess (his head is flat and hot)
Fair Game - TARP Is Done, but Count on Sequels - Remember this: Financial backstop is just another term for a taxpayer bailout - NYTimes.com - THE government is pulling a sheet over TARP, the Troubled Asset Relief Program (not a success, don't believe Treasury propaganda, make a profit, yada-yada)
Warren PR Push Intensifies as Evidence Against Her Succeeding Mounts « naked capitalism So the Obama camp has played this extremely well. They get to avail themselves of the Warren brand, give her a Potemkin role, and use it to push the timetable for nomination of the permanent director out, which give them cover for installing a more compliant choice (Obama bought and sold by the banksters)
The (Liz) Warren Commission and Financial Reform | Emptywheel
Editorial - On the Foreclosure Front - NYTimes.com The central weakness in the administration’s antiforeclosure efforts is that participation by lenders has been voluntary — with little or no consequences if loans are not adequately reworked. The robo-signing scandal is yet another reminder that it is folly to rely on banks that got us into this mess to get us out (Obama: the anti-FDR)
Why sloppy foreclosure process could ruin Florida - St. Petersburg Times A growing cancer is infecting the backlogged legal process of foreclosing on hundreds of thousands of homes in Florida (bought judges using "rocket docket" to steal homes +Obama's HAMP was voluntary for banksters, worked out really well)
Las Vegas Faces Its Deepest Slide Since the 1940s - NYTimes.com The nation’s gambling capital is staggering under a confluence of economic forces that has sent Las Vegas into what officials describe as its deepest economic rut since casinos first began rising in the desert here in the 1940s (and they're still building like crazy)
Daughters Divorce - Daughters of divorce, sons of marriage - Baltimore Sun Why do parents of girls seem to split up more often?
Ezra Klein - Shouldn't taxpayers get a receipt? (where your money goes, but using mean household income instead, much more goes to Feds)
Matthew Yglesias » Obesity in International Context
How Healthy is that Baby Food? baby/toddler foods examined in a recent study were high in sodium, sugar, or both. The worst offender was was Gerber’s Fruit Medley Dessert, with 75% of its calories coming from added sugar.
No Evidence for Clovis Comet Catastrophe - Catastrophe Monitor "There is no compelling data to indicate that North American Paleoindians had to cope with or were affected by a catastrophe, extraterrestrial or otherwise, in the terminal Pleistocene," they conclude.
BBC News - What does the Equality Act mean in practice?
Diversity: Yes, in my backyard - The Globe and Mail (diversity/tolerance survey)
Reddit: I need help. What would you do if you found your husband/wife was keeping a secret file on you? : AskReddit
Top 10 Anti-Gay Politicians Caught Being Gay: Anti-Gay Activists Out of The Closet | Ranker - A World of Lists
Beyond McLuhan: Your New Media Studies Syllabus - Christina Dunbar-Hester - Technology - The Atlantic
Rules for Mobile Data Privacy Lacking: Latest Research on Android and iOS Apps Proves It - iSmashPhone iPhone Blog
Call phones from Gmail - Official Gmail Blog
7607058888 - who calls me from 760-705-8888? 1/9
France24 - ICC can examine aid flotilla case: UN expert
BBC News - US may issue travel warning for Americans in Europe The US government is considering warning its citizens to be vigilant while travelling in Europe because of the threat of an al-Qaeda commando-style attack,
Israeli-Indian alliance to take out Pakistani nuclear program goes back to 1982 - BlackListed News France staged dubious evacuations of the Eiffel Tower and St. Michel and St. Lazare train stations in Paris, citing the “terrorist” threat from Pakistan (keep your eye on the ball)
U.S. Soldiers Accused Of Murdering Afghans Posed For Dozens Of Photos With Corpses And Body Parts, Records Show (support your troops)
CIA Escalates Campaign in Pakistan - WSJ.com Pentagon Diverts Drones From Afghanistan to Bolster U.S. Campaign Next Door (you can see where this is going)
Sullivan's defense of presidential assassinations - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Eunomia » Assassination (rogue President with no moral center; bad as Bush/Cheney or worse)
The President’s Power to Order the Extra-Judicial Execution of an American Citizen—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) - we’re looking at another power grab for the imperial president.
The Heart of the Matter: This is Your Brain on War - ". Sullivan doesn't argue for war as a tool; he repeatedly argues for war itself"
Governor, top lawmakers announce budget deal - latimes.com Officials refuse to reveal plans of an accord that would end the longest budget deadlock on record. A hearing is expected Wednesday with a vote as early as Thursday.
CNN Fires Rick Sanchez After Comments About Jews, Jon Stewart | TPM LiveWire
Angle: Sharia Taking Hold In The United States | TPMDC
Christine O’Donnell Lying About Lying About Her Lying • Progressive Nation
Fox News' Parent Company Gave $1 Million to Pro-Republican Group | TPM LiveWire
Whitman Says Husband Probably Knew About Maid's Letter From Social Security | TPMMuckraker ($100,000,000 can't erase bad karma)
Insane Stalker Assistant AG Takes Leave Of Absence To Spend More Time With His Hate | Firedoglake
Reminder to journalists: O'Keefe was not dressed as a pimp inside ACORN offices | Media Matters for America (your elite reporters still can't get their facts straight)
Sadly, No! » Please, Alex, Do The World A Favor And Set Yourself On Fire the sheer loathsomeness of America’s homeliest gay quisling and date rape apologist Alex Knepper.
Jesse Ventura's 'Conspiracy Theory' raises further questions - USATODAY.com
Utah residents fear ‘Israeli art students’ prying into NSA data center | Raw Story (whut?)
Bank Of America Delays Foreclosures In 23 States
Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz calls for second federal stimulus : BusinessJournalism.org Reynolds Center for Business Journalism (Larry "The Bummer" Summers already vetoed the idea)
Lenders told to review foreclosure procedures A top federal bank regulator said Thursday that he has directed seven of the nation's largest lenders to review their foreclosure processes after learning about the widespread mishandling of homeowner evictions by the industry (banks plan to steal your home grinds to a halt)
Political Economy - Connecticut halts all foreclosures for all banks (what Florida refused to do)
Nearly 3,000 Millionaires Collected Unemployment In 2008, IRS Data Show 2,840 households reporting at least $1 million in income on their tax returns that year also collected a total of $18.6 million in jobless aid. They included 806 taxpayers with incomes over $2 million and 17 with incomes in excess of $10 million (welfare queens)
'Flash Crash' Report: Waddell & Reed's $4.1 Billion Trade Blamed For Market Plunge ("already stressed" market)
National Journal Magazine - Summers On The Upside Of Economic Cycles Lawrence Summers looks back at two years on the front lines, and ahead to the prospects of a stronger recovery ("no one could have predicted" and this is better than a great depression)
NASA’s Hansen: Would recent extreme “events have occurred if atmospheric carbon dioxide had remained at its pre-industrial level of 280 ppm?” The “appropriate answer” is “almost certainly not.” « Climate Progress "It is likely that 2012 will reach a record high global temperature."
Empathy’s failures – Bad Science people who harm larger numbers of people get significantly lower punitive damages than people who harm smaller number of people. Juries punish people less harshly when they harm more people.
Putting your hand in the Large Hadron Collider There's not a definite answer...the responses range from "nothing" to "you'd die for sure, instantly".
A Tour through the Visualization Zoo - ACM Queue
Reinventing Boston's schools - The Editorial Page - Boston Phoenix Throw the teachers' contract out the window
BBC News - School 'no touch' rules to be scrapped - Michael Gove "No touch" rules discouraging teachers from restraining and comforting children are to be scrapped, Education Secretary Michael Gove has said.
YouTube - The English Language In 24 Accents
What I Think About Atlas Shrugged « Whatever
When the Yogurt Took Over: A Short Story « Whatever
RobotUnicornAttack.swf (don't click on this)
Creating Graphs With Adobe Illustrator - Smashing Magazine
Ecuador declares emergency as police protest, president is attacked - CNN.com (Obama coup)
The Field: Coup Attempt in Ecuador Is a Result of Sec. Clinton's Cowardice in Honduras the State Department-controlled Millennium Challenge Corporation had poured extraordinary amounts of money into Honduras in the months leading up to the June 29, 2009 coup d'etat. And in story after story, we demonstrated with documented fact how Clinton's Millennium Challenge Corporation went so far as to violate the ban on US aid to the Honduran coup regime.
Esperantia Chronicles: Coup Attempt in Ecuador. The army released to President Correa's hospital where he remained sequestered
The Own Photo - Detail
BBC News - China launches Moon mission
Iran Unveils The Opposite Of A “Smart Bomb” ("Ritard" bomb)
BBC News - US sorry over deliberate sex infections in Guatemala The United States government has apologised for deliberately infecting hundreds of people in Guatemala with gonorrhoea and syphilis as part of medical tests more than 60 years ago (big pharma and big gov at work)
YouTube - People & Power - White Power USA (won't see this on Amercian teevee)
White America Has Lost Its Mind - Page 1 - News - New York - Village Voice The white brain, beset with worries, finally goes haywire in spectacular fashion (see Taibbi)
Bradford Plumer Discusses Glenn Beck And The Tea Party Interest In Revising The Constitution. | The New Republic The Tea Party’s goofy fetish for amending the Constitution.
Is the Tea Party religious?: On Faith at washingtonpost.com
On Faith Panelists Blog: Teaparty: Party/religion/sect/cult - Mathew N. Schmalz (a lot of equivocation, but yes, basically)
The Religion of the Tea Party: A Cautionary Tale to Scholars : ReligionNerd.com (typical WaPo: they are Republican nuts, but you can't just label them Republican nuts)
Progressives don’t screw other progressives. Okay, shouldn’t. | Grist
Republican Pledge on Spending Freeze Would Reduce Budget by $100 Billion - Bloomberg would slash spending for education, cancer research and aid to local police and firefighters.
Wonk Room » McCain Has Become A Climate Conspiracy Theorist everybody in the world deserves correct answers whether the scientific conclusions were flawed by outside influences (like oil corps and the Koch brothers?)
Matthew Yglesias » Rahm for Mayor
Rick Sanchez And Keith Olbermann Trade Jabs About MSNBC, CNN (VIDEO)
Rick Sanchez: Jon Stewart A 'Bigot,' Jews Run CNN & All Media
Andrew Sullivan: Bill O'Reilly Is A Dishonest Propagandist
Feds Sue Fox News Over Reporter Catherine Herridge's Charges Of Discrimination, Retaliation
Elizabeth Warren’s principles | Analysis & Opinion | Warren said she hopes to take a more “principles-based approach” to regulation, rather than simply saddling companies with more of what she calls “thou shalt not” rules
Foreclosures Slow as Document Flaws Emerge - NYTimes.com Evictions are expected to slow sharply, housing analysts said, as state and national law enforcement officials shine a light on questionable foreclosure methods revealed by two of the country’s biggest home lenders in the last two weeks.
TARP Bailout Could Cost Less Than $50 Billion -- Or Even Turn A Profit, Treasury Says
The Postal Service Service Is Going Broke | The Atlantic Wire The agency posted a $3.8 billion loss last year and it has projected cumulative losses of $238 billion over the next decade (no mail for you)
Human landscapes in SW Florida - The Big Picture - Boston.com (and they're still building in Florida)
Biometrics: The Difference Engine: Dubious security | The Economist (biometrics are a joke)
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Just Decriminalized Marijuana in California | Internet Today
The Galveston County Daily News: New sex ed funding ends decade of abstinence-only (which worked not at all)
Should All Public Transit Be Free? | Think Tank | Big Think
High court hang-ups - Miles Kington, Columnists - The Independent 'Why did you steal 40,000 hotel coat hangers, knowing that hotel coat hangers are designed to be useless outside hotel wardrobes?'
There's no place like a hotel - Miles Kington, Columnists - The Independent
YouTube - How Ink Is Made
Nathan Kensinger Photography: The South Edgemere Wasteland
YouTube - Developexec's Channel - Mike's trip across America on the American Discovery trail.
The Slightest of Perversions..., lotsagirls: OK: super hot. Zero nudity, zero...
On "I know it when I see it." (Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart's famous opinion regarding pornography) - The Yale Law Journal | HighBeam Research - FREE trial
YouTube - Guster - Do You Love Me
YouTube - AC360 - Tyler Clementi, Tragic Rutgers Suicide
NJ Student's Suicide Illustrates Internet Dangers - NYTimes.com
rm: just because I didn't kill myself, doesn't mean I didn't feel like I was dying
Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack II
What's It Like to Be a Gay Teen
YouTube - itgetsbetterproject's Channel
MICHIGAN: Students support transgender classmate for homecoming king (2010-09-27) Mona Shores High School, Michigan (ACLU on their homophobic butts)
Transgender Teen Becomes Facebook Superstar After Homecoming Snub
Oak is my King | Facebook
Google makes push to standardize new WebP web picture format | Business 2.0 Press “WebP” (pronounced “weepy”), would be an alternative to the JPEG format that is already internationally accepted because of the good quality it offers with relatively small file size.
AFP: US judge dismisses hearing into Guantanamo 'suicides' a complaint by the families of two Guantanamo detainees who alleged the men's deaths in 2006 had been covered up when the Pentagon ruled them as suicides (tortured to death: no judicial recourse in Amercia)
BBC News - Ecuador declares state of emergency amid 'coup attempt'
Obama gives Stewart's rally a boost | Politico 44
Corporations Have Unlimited Lobbying Power, Lobbyist Says (and unlimited money)
Secretive 'Super PAC' Takes Out New Anti-DeFazio Ad Buy, Less Than A Week After High-Profile Confrontation
Locked and Loaded: The Secret World of Extreme Militias - time (nothing to worry about, they're not Muslim)
Carl Paladino Threatens Reporter: 'I'll Take You Out' (video)
HuffPost TV: Arianna To Progressives, Middle Class: Obama's Not That Into You "Maybe progressives and the middle class need to sort of face up to the fact that the President is not that much into them, that he would rather hang out with Larry Summers, or flirt with Olympia Snowe, or play wargames late into the night with General Petraeus," she said. "He has compromised his own arch-narrative. Remember, he set up a deficit commission before he set up a jobs commission."
GOP Still Thwarting Spill Panel | Mother Jones
Obama Administration Announces New Offshore Drilling Rules To Reduce Chance Of Oil Spills
Researchers Found 40-Fold Increase In Carcinogenic Compounds In Gulf
Tea & Crackers | Rolling Stone Politics - How corporate interests and Republican insiders built the Tea Party monster - A hall full of elderly white people in Medicare-paid scooters, railing against government spending and imagining themselves revolutionaries as they cheer on the vice-presidential puppet hand-picked by the GOP establishment. If there exists a better snapshot of everything the Tea Party represents, I can't imagine it.
Inside C Street–Six Questions for Jeff Sharlet—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) (The Family)
Linda McMahon: 'We Ought To Review' The Minimum Wage (they will review everything except themselves)
Take Action | NOM Exposed The truth? NOM is a radical organization with deep ties to hateful anti-LGBT zealots.
Think Progress » GOP Candidate Allen West Claims He Has Higher Security Clearance Than President Obama
Ireland Takes Over 2nd Bank as Bailout Bill Rises - NYTimes.com the Irish government said Thursday that it expected to inject as much as €40 billion into two of its largest banks, underscoring the extent to which they continued to jeopardize the country’s fiscal condition (Ireland=1/70 US pop.=$2.8 tillion)
Federal Reserve 'Will Be Gone' In 25 Years, Top Financial Mind Predicts, Despite Geithner's Vote Of Confidence
Elizabeth Warren Extends Olive Branch, Borrows Idea From Lenders In First Major Speech
Will McDonald's End Health Coverage for 30,000 Workers? - DailyFinance
U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
Earth-Like Planet Can Sustain Life : Discovery News Planet G -- the sixth member in Gliese 581's family -- orbits right in the middle of that system's habitable region, where temperatures would be suitable for liquid water to pool on the planet's surface.
U.S. government bombs Guam with frozen mice to kill snakes
First Artificial Ovary Matures Human Eggs | Preserving Fertility of Cancer Patients, Chemotherapy | LiveScience
Deep brain stimulation: how does it work? — Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine
When hoarders resist help, aid is an uphill struggle - Chicago Tribune Agencies say there's little they can do to force help on homeowners who live amid debris and clutter
Can men and women really be friends? - By Juliet Lapidos - Slate Magazine Can men and women really be friends?
Public reaction to white male vs black male stealing a bike The results are not surprising. What a shame. From the show “What Would You Do?”
Only 1.7% of sites blocked by Scandinavia's "child-porn" filters are actually child porn - Boing Boing
New Whitepaper Claims GPUs Threaten Malware Security - HotHardware
101 Free Alternatives to Commonly Used Paid Software
RIAA Claims That If COICA Isn't Passed, Americans Are 'Put At Risk' | Techdirt
S. 3804: Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (GovTrack.us)
Bill Would Give Justice Department Power to Shutter Piracy Sites Worldwide | Threat Level | Wired.com
Senate votes to turn down volume on TV commercials - Yahoo! News (more big government interference in the rights of corps to make you miserable)
Obama Out Of Afghanistan 'Psychologically,' Woodward Says
Robert Gates: 'We're Not Ever Leaving' Afghanistan (and you know who's boss)
'Operation Dark Heart': Comparing The Censored Version With The Real Thing
GOP Senate Candidate Ron Johnson Tried To Stop Sex Abuse Victims From Suing Abusers « Oliver Willis (the teapartier who's beating Russ Feingold)
Ted Kaufman Exit Interview: 'The System Is So Awful' (totally broken)
Fake pimp from ACORN videos tries to 'punk' CNN correspondent - CNN.com
Stunt politics should not be tolerated | OPINION Blog | dallasnews.com The sad thing is that it appears CNN was in the midst of documenting a young conservative movement to help dispel the myth that the GOP is just a bunch of aging tea party cranks. Young conservatives know how to organize their communities, too!
Our Documentary Takes A Strange Detour – CNN Special Investigations Unit - CNN.com Blogs
James O’Keefe isn't a punk. He's worse. | Media Matters for America (lying asshole the words you're looking for?)
Glenn Beck vs. Fox News: 'Tension' Between Beck & Network
Being Glenn Beck - NYTimes.com
Assistant attorney general blogs against gay student body president - CNN.com (Andrew Shirvell: totally gay? you decide)
Attorney General Cox rebukes staffer for anti-gay comments | detnews.com | The Detroit News
Cox files brief in Prop. 8 federal appeal case « Michigan Messenger (see above)
Nicandra Diaz-Santillan, Whitman's 'Undocumented' Former Maid: Candidate Never Asked For Papers (surprise: eMeg is a sleazeball)
Why income distribution can't be crowd-sourced. - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine Why income distribution can't be crowd-sourced- The richest 1 percent account for 35 percent of the nation's net worth; subtract housing, and their share rises to 43 percent. The richest 20 percent (or "top quintile") account for 85 percent; subtract housing and their share rises to 93 percent (Americans are too stupid to know they're getting screwed)
Your Bad Economic News for the Morning | Mother Jones spreads have been steadily rising since May in Greece, Ireland, and Portugal, and now stand as high or higher than they were at the height of the crisis. And Spain may be next ... closer to home ... cities and states — but mostly cities — are on the verge of a massive wave of defaults that are going to reprise the systemic bank defaults of 2008. "
Lost in the system that took the house (Obama bailed out the banksters and now they're stealing your home)
Florida’s Foreclosures Nightmare « Rortybomb (property rights for the rich only)
Florida’s Kangaroo Foreclosure Courts: Judges Denying Due Process on Behalf of Banks « naked capitalism
Unserious Central Bankers - NYTimes.com Bankers (the upper class doesn't like experts)
Graphed: U.S. Foreclosures and Home Repossessions, 2005 to 2010 - The Awl (Obama's HAMP at work)
Matthew Yglesias » Pity the Northeast Corridor Amtrak is unveiling a $117 billion, 30-year vision for high-speed rail on the East Coast that would drastically reduce travel times along the congested corridor (too expensive even spread over 30 years, but it's one year in Afganistan)
The Real Impact of Food Stamp Cuts « The Washington Independent (latest from Obama and the catfood commission - what "class warfare" really looks like)
Intercity Bus Travel on the Rise in the U.S. and Abroad | TheCityFix.com
Hit-and-run victim was quiet and dependable, co-workers say - St. Petersburg Times (by Andrew Meacham)
ArtPrize - An open art contest based in Grand Rapids Michigan, the world's largest Art Prize.
HTML 5 Browser Comparisons
Los Angeles Heat Wave Bakes At Record 113 Degrees
Pat Tillman's Brother: 'I Wish He Would've Lit These F--king Idiots Up' (Army coverup led by McChrystal)
Tapes describe U.S. servicemen killing for sport in Afghanistan - CNN.com
Soldiers' trial: Soldier charged with murdering Afghan civilians faces court-martial - latimes.com In a hearing for Jeremy Morlock, one of five soldiers accused of murder, testimony focuses instead on Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs. Soldiers say he urged the attack (support your troops)
U.S. Government Wants to Read Your Emails : Discovery News The White House hopes to make it easier for intelligence services to eavesdrop on the Internet.
UN Report: American Citizen Executed By Israelis During Mavi Marmara Raid | Investigations | AlterNet The report shows conclusively that US citizen Furkan Dogan and five Turkish citizens were murdered execution-style by Israeli commandos (Israel will soon release their own report completely absolving themselves)
Israel Seizes Gaza Aid Boat | CommonDreams.org
Dozens of Arab families may be evicted from East Jerusalem neighborhood under court ruling - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Obama in Command: The Rolling Stone Interview | Rolling Stone Politics
Rahm Emanuel Likely to Leave White House - ABC News Final Decision Not Yet Made, White House Chief of Staff All but Certain to Explore Campaign for Mayor of Chicago (clap, clap)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect A Better Conversation About the Affordable Care Act (no leadership, sucky messaging)
Obama Hits Democrats Ahead Of Midterms, Calls Voter Apathy 'Inexcusable,' 'Irresponsible' (typical blaming the victim)
The Plum Line - Dear White House: Here's how to handle the left's "whining" (who's whining really?)
Hectoring the Base: It’s Not About GOTV, It’s About Laying the Blame | FDL Action - Obama Distances Himself From Democratic Voters
Has the White House Lost Their Minds? | FDL News Desk (Bubble-Boy and his crack team of Republican numb-nuts)
Do Progressives Need Tough Love or Coddling? | Talking Points Memo Obama doth protest too much and seeks a scapegoat for his own failure of vision and leadership. It's just too damn bad he couldn't have gotten mad at his enemies at any point since becoming President and instead saves his disdain and anger for his allies. It's kind of the story of his Presidency.
Obama: Fox News Has A Point Of View That 'Is Ultimately Destructive' For America (just call them commies)
Income Gap Widens: Census Finds Record Gap Between Rich And Poor (teapartiers: cut taxes on the superrich)
Connecticut Senate Race: Polls Show McMahon Gaining on Blumenthal (the zombies are coming for you)
Hullabaloo The Village is having a full blown hissy fit about the ad, although I notice that it seems to be quite a bit less offensive to women than men. I wonder why? (they hate the truth)
Ezra Klein - Why the offshoring bill? One other thing about the Democrats' dumb anti-offshoring proposal: They don't expect it to pass. No one does (more sucky strategy from the gang who couldn't message for shit)
The Slump Goes On: Why? by Paul Krugman and Robin Wells | The New York Review of Books (Larry Summers is an idiot?)
The Way Out of the Slump by Paul Krugman and Robin Wells | The New York Review of Books
Republicans On Obama Debt Commission Push For Corporate And Capital Gains Tax Cuts | TPMDC (just what we need)
Tracking Bank Failures | The Big Picture (what's up with Nebraska, Chuck?)
The Truth About Short Sales and Their Impact on Your Credit | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
How to sue your homeowner association to get records or repairs - Los Angeles Times
Calculated Risk: Richmond Fed: Regional manufacturing activity contracted after seven months of expansion
Larry Summers: 'People Aren't Going To Live With Their Parents Forever' (more wisdom from Larry The Bummer Summers)
Census: Income gap widens between rich and poor | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/28/2010 (the answer is tax-cuts for the rich!)
Kill Whitey. It’s the Right Thing to Do. | Wired Science | Wired.com - Tyrone Payton or Chip Ellsworth III”
Water Use in Southwest Heads for a Day of Reckoning - NYTimes.com
'Potentially hazardous' asteroid spotted heading towards Earth
Atheists, agnostics most knowledgeable about religion, survey says - latimes.com (: 4% of Americans believe that Stephen King, not Herman Melville, wrote "Moby Dick.")
Atheists Outdo Some Believers in Survey on Religion - NYTimes.com (45% of Catholics don't know they are cannibals)
Find the Graduate School That's Right for You — PhDs.org Graduate School Guide
Erroneous NRC Ranking Data for UW CSE (garbage-in garbage-out)
Leiter Reports: A Philosophy Blog: A Quick Guide to the New National Research Council (NRC) Rankings
bit-player » Blog Archive » Four questions about fuzzy rankings
4,100 Massachusetts Students Prove Small Isn’t Always Better - NYTimes.com A decade ago, Brockton High School was a case study in failure (small isn't better; bonuses don't work either: our elite education policy)
Fallen on Vimeo
The Angry Monk: Zen Practice for Angry People Zen practice stirs up energy and emotion, and it can be downright ugly
LegitScript – Not So Legit?
Milford cop suspended for erasure of dashboard video - Connecticut Post A police lieutenant was suspended for one day without pay for inadvertently ordering the destruction of thousands of hours of dashboard video sought by the family of one of the two teens killed when a speeding Milford police cruiser slammed into their car ... unintentionally violating an order to retain video files that were being reviewed for possible release under the pending FOI request (catch that "unintentionally?" not even a slap on the wrist, more like a kiss on the butt)
Small Kombucha Brewers Find Themselves in Hot Water
BBC News - Fresh ACS:Law file-sharing lists expose thousands more A list of more than 8,000 Sky broadband subscribers and a second of 400 PlusNet users surfaced following a security breach of legal firm ACS:Law.
The Ongoing Myth That Web Content Must Always Be Short (tl;dr)
Xmarks Blog » End of the Road for Xmarks
Microsoft Replacing Windows Live Spaces with WordPress.com
Google Blacklist - Words That Google Instant Doesn't Like
Why I Quit “Creepy” Oracle: The Father Of Java James Gosling Speaks Out | eWEEK Europe UK Why I Quit “Creepy” Oracle: The Father Of Java James Gosling Speaks Out
Why Oracle, not Sun, sued Google over Java | Deep Tech - CNET News
Obama argues his assassination program is a "state secret" - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - not only does the President have the right to sentence Americans to death with no due process or charges of any kind, but his decisions as to who will be killed and why he wants them dead are "state secrets," and thus no court may adjudicate their legality (more above the law than Bush)
Tony West, Lawyer At Center Of Al-Awlaki Filing, Was Once Smeared As 'Al Qaeda Seven' (an enemy of Liz Cheney's creepy fear-stoking organization, Keep America Safe: your surveillance state at work)
FBI Test Scandal Explodes: Investigation Finds Widespread Cheating On Domestic Spying Exam balking at the required 16-hour classroom training and in particular a 51-question multiple-choice open-book exam - cheating on an exam intended to test agents on Bush-era domestic intelligence-gathering guidelines (which explains a lot)
U.S. Works To Make Internet Wiretaps Easier ... a bill next year that would require all online services that enable communications to be technically equipped to comply with a wiretap order (Obama's spy-state at work)
U.S. Tries to Make It Easier to Wiretap the Internet - NYTimes.com
Summary of international crypto controls
Money transfers could face anti-terrorism scrutiny
Electronic Frontier Foundation | Defending Freedom in the Digital World
EuroTelcoblog Whose net is it anyway?
American fascism: by political definition the US is now fascist, not a constitutional republic - Los Angeles LA County Nonpartisan | Examiner.com
The Zfone Project - Getting Started with Zfone w secure VoIP phone software product which lets you make secure encrypted phone calls over the Internet.
YouTube - Wont Get Fooled Again
FBI raids six locations in Minneapolis as part of terrorism investigation | MichaelMoore.com - "This is a direct attack on people who are strong, dedicated advocates of freedom, of the right of people to be free from U.S. domination," Nestor said. "It is an attack upon anybody who organizes against U.S. imperialism and U.S. militarism abroad."
Actions Planned In Coming Days: Protest FBI Raids « Kasama
Students for a Democratic Society Speaks Out Against FBI Raids | Students for a Democratic Society
Statement on the FBI Raids
FBI Raids Homes of Antiwar and Pro-Palestinian Activists in Chicago and Minneapolis
U.N.: 100,000 more dead in Darfur than reported - CNN.com In March, international figures, including U.N. data, put the death toll in Darfur at 200,000, with another 2.5 million people displaced.
Israeli settlement freeze ends with peace talks in balance | Reuters (all your landz are belong to Israel)
B'Tselem: Since 2000, 7,454 Israelis, Palestinians killed (Muslim life is cheap)
Chinese police investigate illegal jails 'where complaining citizens are held' | World news | guardian.co.uk Company allegedly charges local authorities fees to prevent provincial petitioners reaching Beijing officials
Is Iceland Preparing To Blow Again? | zero hedge the seismic activity at the base of Bárðarbunga stratovolcano, which also happens to be the highest mountain in Iceland, has picked up materially over the last 48 hours ... What many dont know is that the most powerful volcano eruption on earth happened at Bárðarbunga some time ago
Andrew Reinbach: Tiny Upstate New York Town Wants Local Muslims to Dig Up Their Cemetery ... "When everything that's untrue is disproved, what's left must be true, and this is obviously bias." (no dead terrorists in their town)
David Axelrod And His Disillusionment, By Noam Scheiber | The New Republic What’s Eating David Axelrod? (parochial failure)
Poll: 40% Believe Health Care Law Didn’t Go Far Enough | FDL News Desk (Obama looked in the mirror and saw a center-right nation)
Diesel Dangers: Mining Companies Get First Look at Government Cancer Study (Obama pre-triangulates everything)
Barbara Boxer Rebound Confirmed By Another California Poll ... by eight percentage points (51% to 43%) (Crazy Carla going down despite all her money)
Rand Paul On Bush Tax Cut Debate: 'You Can't Punish Rich People' (of course not)
Pastors plan to 'bait' IRS with pulpit politics - USATODAY.com On Sunday, a group of 100 preachers nationwide will step into the pulpit and say the only words they're forbidden by law from speaking in a church (church-state separation is so over, their tax-exempt status should be too)
Balloon Juice » Marty’s Party (Peretz at Harvard: good job, kids! 1-2-3-4, shame on you)
Op-Ed Columnist - Structure of Excuses - NYTimes.com - structural unemployment is a fake problem, which mainly serves as an excuse for not pursuing real solutions. Bill Clinton recently told an interviewer that unemployment remained high because “people don’t have the job skills for the jobs that are open.” (center-right lies from the Clenis) (Krugman getting really pissed lately)
This is a news website article about a scientific finding | Martin Robbins | Science | guardian.co.uk
Journalism in the Age of Data
Sex Scandal Threatens a Georgia Pastor’s Empire - NYTimes.com “muscular Christianity,” a male-dominated view that emphasizes a warriorlike man who serves as the spiritual authority and protector in a family.
w Policeman stages fake arrest of boy for having sex with his daughter - Telegraph - One of the boy's parents videoed the incident and complained to police (cops gone wild)
Baltimore Crime Beat: Motorcyclist wins taping case against state police - Baltimore crime news: Police, courts and police stories in the city and central Maryland - baltimoresun.com The judge ruled that Maryland's wire tap law allows recording of both voice and sound in areas where privacy cannot be expected. He ruled that a police officer on a traffic stop has no expectation of privacy (next up: Massachusetts)
Twitter, Facebook, and social activism : The New Yorker - Small Change: Why the revolution will not be tweeted. by Malcolm Gladwell
Misreading Tehran: The Twitter Devolution - By Golnaz Esfandiari | Foreign Policy
BBC News - Segway boss Jimi Heselden dies in scooter cliff fall
Book details motives for suicide at Harvard - The Boston Globe
Porn titans come together to expose pirates - Yahoo! News
Why Parents Should Support Legalizing Pot | Drugs | AlterNet when a person is convicted of a marijuana offense, he or she is precluded from receiving federal student loans, will forever have a drug record that diminishes job prospects, and is precluded from many other benefits, not to mention being arrested, possibly serving time, and other harsh and harrowing outcomes. We don’t prevent even violent criminals from getting student loans. Or underage drinkers, for that matter. I don’t want people to have their lives derailed for a youthful indiscretion. Do you? (depends if you're a Republican or Diane Feinstein)
Fashion Websites: Trends, Showcase, Interviews - Smashing Magazine
The Motley Moose:: The Fifth Domain of Warfare: Stuxnet worm (Israeli cybercrimes)
Malware called Stuxnet, attacks 45,000+ computers | Hewreck - Technology News
Apple CEO Steve Jobs Disses College Student -- 'Leave Us Alone' - Lemondrop.com (Jobs being his usual asshole)
Swiss minister's giggling fit an online hit - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee
YouTube - Hans-Rudolf Merz - Bündnerfleisch - Fleisch Lachanfall Bundesrat
Google gives $10 million for “world changing” ideas - tech.blorge.com
Pentagon destroys thousands of copies of Army officer's memoir - CNN.com "Someone buying 10,000 books to suppress a story in this digital age is ludicrous." (more bullshit from your Imperial Military)
Twitter / WikiLeaks: Burn all the books you want, Nazi punks. We already have a copy
Obama’s secret war — War in Context
Rumsfeld, Bush and the Supreme War Crime | Informed Comment
CIA used 'illegal, inaccurate code to target kill drones' • The Register 'They want to kill people with software that doesn't work'
Illinois Anti-War Activists Accuse FBI Of Intimidation the government targeted them because they've been outspoken against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and U.S. funding of conflicts abroad. They denied any wrongdoing (Obama hates civil rights)
The Saturday Profile - An Uzbek Survivor of Torture Seeks to Fight It Tacitly - Biography - NYTimes.com (it's "torture" in Uzbekistan, slightly "enhanced" interrogation in America)
Israeli Settlement Slowdown To End At Midnight
Sudanese fear future as historic referendum looms - Yahoo! News
The Waiting Room: Sudan at a crossroad by Alexandra Sicotte-Levesque — Kickstarter
Murder by way of national insanity (Israel will justify any injustice)
Sara Robinson: Why Are Conservatives Targeting Muslims? And Why Now? Conservatives can do without a god, but they can't get through the day without a devil. Their entire model of reality revolves around the existence of an existential enemy who's out to annihilate them.
Obama's MIA Volunteers: Organizing for America Shrinks - Time - After Obama was elected, his political aides ignored the army he had created until it eventually disappeared (more like they told their enthusiastic base to shutup and go home and into the void jumped the teaparty)
Obama: GOP's agenda rehashes harmful ideas
Steny Hoyer: Stephen Colbert's Testimony To Congress Was 'An Embarrassment For Mr. Colbert' (completely clueless Dems deserve to go down in flames)
Democrats' strategy: Start slinging | StarTribune.com (too little way too late)
Dems' dismal, detached design: I thought Team Obama knew branding (brain-dead Dem logo dismal failure)
Hullabaloo: digby: On Hippie Punching (Axlerod's cluelessness + "Why stop at punching when we can blow thier[sic] LSD addicted brains out.")
Hullabaloo The Stinking, Filthy Libs (example of rightwing hate mail being forwarded around the country: it's not their own utter stupidity, it's the libs!)
Letter From Washington - Tea Party Doesn't Need Votes to Win U.S. Elections - NYTimes.com The Tea Partiers believe they are on the cutting edge of a revolution: the “future of politics,” as Ms. Palin says. More likely, they are a short-term catalyst for Republicans and a long-term problem (as if teapartiers aren't Republicans)
Ezra Klein - The GOP's bad idea America, it turns out, is an "idea," an "inspiration," and a "belief." And the GOP wants to govern it (well, they can't govern anything else)
Daily Kos: On climate change, it's the Republicans versus reality (obstructing the facts)
Alan Grayson Opponent Challenged By Local Media On Opposition To Abortion Rights For Rape Victims (what a non-bought Dem looks like: rare species with balls)
Think Progress » Republicans Ludicrously Assert That Their ‘Pledge’ Will Lead To Smaller Deficits And Less Federal Debt
A GOP Pledge to Do Nothing | FrumForum (contra teapartiers)
Walking away with less A new wave of distressed home sales is rippling, more quietly this time, through American cities and suburbs.
Structural Failure - NYTimes.com An important new report from EPI on why you shouldn’t believe the hype about structural unemployment ... the argument that we should basically do nothing in the face of a terrible economy (econo-fail: bankers loves lots of unemployed)
Structural Unemployment: The First Generation - NYTimes.com published in 1935. That’s right: in the depths of the Great Depression, wise heads proclaimed the problem one of structural unemployment, which obviously could not be cured just by increasing demand (our naive, ahistorical Pres)
t r u t h o u t | Dean Baker | The Role of Government and the Foreclosure Crisis The basic story of the foreclosure crisis is that banks made trillions of dollars of bad mortgage loans that were used to buy or refinance houses at bubble-inflated prices. With the collapse of the housing bubble, more than a fifth of all mortgages are underwater. As a result, many homeowners are struggling to pay mortgages on houses in which they have no equity and have no real prospect of ever getting equity (Obama and his crack team of idiot Republican monkeys designed HAMP to screw you)
The economy can’t grow forever Rex Nutting - MarketWatch Commentary: The whole planet must live within its means (tell that to the American super-rich)
Cultural cognition of scientific consensus - Journal of Risk Research The 'cultural cognition of risk' refers to the tendency of individuals to form risk perceptions that are congenial to their values.
Four out of Five Experts Agree — With Me! | Smart Journalism. Real Solutions. Miller-McCune (Fox has its experts)
Media Reform Information Center (experts controlled by fewer people)
That 'Official' Poverty Rate? It's Much Worse than You Think | Economy | AlterNet Clearly, the Census is setting the income level for its poverty measurement extremely low. If we were to increase that measure by just a small increment, to $25,000 for a family of four, I estimate that the National Academy of Science would come up with a number of nearly 100 million Americans in poverty (more like half of all Americans: impoverished America still fighin' its wars and feedin' its bankers)
Told to Eat Its Vegetables, America Orders Fries - NYTimes.com (your NYT at work: no mention of the cost of vegetables)
Suicide risk linked to word association - White Coat Notes - Boston.com
Survey: Bisexual women in poorest health - White Coat Notes - Boston.com
Language Log » “Open fraud as Op-Ed discourse” the use of first-person pronouns is not a very good way to measure modesty vs. narcissism,
Language Log » More on the stupidity of Kathleen Parker (you can't believe anything they say)
Mitchell Heisman: suicide_note
New York native left 1,905-page manifesto on Internet before committing suicide in Harvard Yard - NYPOST.com 1,905-page Web rant after Harvard tragedy
RED shows off some EPIC HDRx test footage -- Engadget
CEO Offers Little On Verizon iPhone Release (just keeping you guessing)
Traffic Jam: Google Chrome 6 Apparently Screws Up Google Analytics
Larry Magid: Experts: 'State-sponsored' Worm Aimed at Power Plants & Gas-Pipelines
Brief on Cleric’s Case Uses State Secrets Argument - NYTimes.com asks a federal judge to throw out a lawsuit seeking to stop the government from killing an American citizen accused of ties to Al Qaeda ... litigating the matter would jeopardize state secrets (of course)
Obama invokes 'state secrets' claim to dismiss suit against targeting of U.S. citizen al-Aulaqi - "The idea that courts should have no role whatsoever in determining the criteria by which the executive branch can kill its own citizens is unacceptable in a democracy" (more Bush than the old Bush)
Obama Invokes 'State Secrets' Claim To Dismiss Lawsuit Against Targeting Of U.S. Citizen "This lawsuit asks for an American court to block the government from protecting its own citizens," Justice Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in a statement (protecting them by killing them; Obama double-speak)
F.B.I. Searches Antiwar Activists’ Homes - NYTimes.com - people who have helped organize demonstrations against the war in Iraq and protests held two years ago during the Republican National Convention in St. Paul (protesting the Iraq debacle = providing "material support" to Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda and Columbian rebels: against the war? you're a terrorist in Obama America)
Widespread Fraud Seen in Latest Afghan Elections - NYTimes.com (just like America: bringing fake democracy to Muslim countries)
Japan Retreats With Release of Chinese Boat Captain - NYTimes.com a concession that appeared to mark a humiliating retreat in a Pacific test of wills (Beijing: we're the boss of you)
World Briefing - United Nations - Agency Will Not Ask Israel to Sign Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty - NYTimes.com (truth is off-limits to Obama)
Army Limits Use of Images of Casualties in G.I.’s Case - NYTimes.com involving an American soldier accused of murdering three Afghan civilians during a deployment to Afghanistan this year (evidence is no longer operative for military)
Gas Blasts Spur Questions on Oversight of Pipelines - NYTimes.com weak oversight of gas pipelines in the United States, a problem that has contributed to hundreds of pipeline episodes that have killed 60 people and injured 230 others in the last five years (go Republicans! get government out of our lives!)
HuffPost TV: Arianna: Dem Punt On Tax Cuts Shows Inability To Govern (the audacity of hope, the incompetence of governing)
tax.com: So How Did the Bush Tax Cuts Work Out for the Economy? Total income was $2.74 trillion less during the eight Bush years than if incomes had stayed at 2000 levels.
Senate leaders drop plans for pre-election vote on extending tax cuts
FactChecking ‘The Pledge’ | FactCheck.org (the Pledge to lie about screwing America)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The Conservative Assault on the Independent Judiciary I really find it odd that some liberals are apparently upset with the phrase the “American Taliban.”
YouTube - Fabrice Florin, Executive Director of NewsTrust.net explains how the site works
US-Cong. Generic Ballot | TPM PollTracker (Dems are toast, Obama taking the whole party down with him)
Forbes’s Obama Critique Spurs Fact Checking and Media Soul Searching - NYTimes.com the magazine, which initially defended the article, agreed to a post-publication fact-checking process to see if an apology or a correction was warranted ... sometimes elevating opinion above rigorous reporting (oh sure: Dinesh D'imbulb D'Souza and Forbes' lies)
Stephen Colbert: The Whole Truthiness and Nothing But - NYTimes.com “I don’t want a tomato picked by a Mexican — I want it picked by an American, then sliced by a Guatemalan, and served by a Venezuelan in a spa where a Chilean gives me a Brazilian,” Mr. Colbert said
Immigrant Farm Workers - C-SPAN Video Library Stephen Colbert appeared in character to testify. Mr. Colbert was part of a United Farm Workers campaign calling on unemployed (the clips the NYT and lamestream media won't report)
Witt Reinstated To The Air Force; Wittless In The White House | Emptywheel Instead, what the Obama Administration, by and through the actions of their Department of Justice, have proven that their current rhetoric about being dedicated to ending DADT is as empty as their similar campaign promises were hollow ... Tin ear does not begin to describe this arrogance (and they wonder why they lost their base - clap harder!)
Think Progress » Bill Maher’s New Clip Of O’Donnell: ‘Why Aren’t Monkeys Still Evolving Into Humans?’
Tea Party Convention Is Canceled - NYTimes.com Let’s put this pompous and impervious collection of Congressional men and women out of work!” (by electing more Republicans!)
Steve King Accuses Colbert Of Staging Farm Work: 'I Saw No Sweat' (VIDEO) | TPMDC "I know that term is offensive, to some people, because corn-packer is a derogatory term for a gay Iowan." (King might be gay)
Tax Cut Tick Tock: How The Dems Championed The Issue Before Letting It Fall Apart | TPMDC
AP Poll: Repeal? Many Wish Health Reform Went Further A new AP poll finds that Americans who think the law should have done more outnumber those who think the government should stay out of health care by 2-to-1 (huge majority of Americans think Obama's half-full half-assed pre-trianulated health care reform didn't go far enough; where's my public option, dude?)
Op-Ed Columnist - Downhill With the G.O.P. - NYTimes.com - Banana republic, here we come.
Structural Failure - NYTimes.com The question is, why on earth would you believe that structural unemployment is our main problem right now? ... I really don’t think there’s any way to make sense of the fuss about structural unemployment unless you posit that a lot of influential people are looking for reasons not to act
Op-Ed Columnist - We Haven’t Hit Bottom Yet - NYTimes.com (just a little "structural unemployment")
Short-sale 'flopping' may be next big housing scam - Los Angeles Times
U.S. Bails Out Major Credit Unions
Review - Science vs. Religion - 64% of scientists does not believe in or does not know whether or not there is, and there is no way of finding out, a God; and this contrary to 6% of the general nonscientific U.S. population
How Religious People Misunderstand Scientists - Science and Religion Today - If religious people better understood the full range of atheistic practice—and the way that it interfaces with religion for some—they might be less likely to hold negative attitudes toward nonreligous scientists
Op-Ed Contributor - Anatomy of a Misdiagnosis - NYTimes.com
Letters - A Spotlight on Shaken Baby Syndrome - NYTimes.com
Financial Crisis and Food Crisis – the Links | Raj Patel
UN warned of major new food crisis at emergency meeting in Rome | Environment | The Guardian Environmental disasters and speculative investors are to blame for volatile food commodities markets, says UN's special adviser
The food bubble: How Wall Street starved millions and got away with it By Frederick Kaufman, from Harper's | Re-Imagining Economics
WWill the meeting in Rome result in action against food speculation? | Madeleine Bunting | Global development | guardian.co.uk The idea that speculating on food prices has become a way for western financial institutions to make money at the cost of lives is abhorrent
EU to wage war against speculation on commodity markets | EurActiv
Toxie's Dead : Planet Money : NPR
Property Taxes in America | The Big Picture Median household property tax by Credit Loan.
Autism’s First Child - Magazine - The Atlantic
Kafka’s Last Trial - NYTimes.com During his lifetime, Franz Kafka burned an estimated 90 percent of his work.
False Claims, Lies Caught on Tape at Farmers Markets | NBC Los Angeles An NBCLA investigation exposes vendors at multiple farmers markets
NBC Los Angeles Uncovers Local Farmers Market Frauds | TakePart - Inspiration to Action
In Good Faith: Texas school board mulls limiting Islam references - baltimoresun.com (or references to any other country or ethnic group)
Islam v. Christianity: Are Texas Textbooks Fair? (America is a Christian Nation!)
Texas Freedom Network: SBOE Islam Resolution
29 Famous Quotes Translated into LOLCat
The Last Dragon Movie - Sho nuff - Taimak - Bruce Leroy - Vanity
"I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot." (David Thorne scores again)
everlasting blort - sad preacher nailed upon the colored door of time
Rands In Repose: The Nerd Handbook
Get a Geek in Five Easy Lessons | AMD at Home
The Associated Press: Feds object to 'don't ask, don't tell' injunction Attorneys for the Obama administration objected Thursday to a proposed worldwide injunction being considered by a California federal judge that would halt the military's ban on openly gay troops - "It's like the South saying they won the Civil War" (another great Republican move by Obama)
British Cuts to Military Concern U.S. Officials - NYTimes.com
Queen tried to use state poverty fund to heat Buckingham Palace - Home News, UK - The Independent Ministers were asked if money earmarked for schools, hospitals and low-income families could be used to meet soaring fuel bills
CBC News - Ottawa - G8/G20 costs include $80M for food, lodging (one day: who the rich live at your expense)
Israeli navy kills Gaza fisherman, Palestinians say - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News IDF confirms naval vessels fired toward fishing boat after it approached the limits of waters where Israel permits Palestinian maritime traffic (whose life is cheap?)
'Israel flotilla raid was unlawful' - Middle East - Al Jazeera English The UN Human Rights Council's fact-finding mission has accused Israeli forces of violating international law when they raided a Gaza-bound aid flotilla.
The perils of false equivalencies and self-proclaimed centrism - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com both the attacks on the right against President Obama for being everything from a socialist to un-American and on the left against former President Bush for being a war criminal.
The true history of the Koran in America - The Boston Globe The true history of the Koran in America
Op-Ed Columnist - Downhill With the G.O.P. - NYTimes.com - war on arithmetic - Banana republic, here we come.
Under a Tax-Exempt Cloak, Dollars Flow to Political Causes - NYTimes.com - the first test of the Supreme Court decision allowing unlimited, and often anonymous, corporate political spending. Already they have spent more than $100 million — mostly for Republicans and more than twice as much as at this point four years ago.
Blogger Susie Madrak Asks David Axelrod: “Do You Know What Hippie Punching Means?” | FDL News Desk (Obama's crack team of Republican idiots)
The Plum Line - Liberal blogger directly confronts David Axelrod, accuses White House of "hippie punching"
On K Street, An Ex-Senate Staffer Is Worth $740,000 A Year
Tea Party Script Written In Washington (video)
Half of California voters want Pelosi replaced as House speaker | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News
Peter Orszag Trashed By White House 'Inner Circle': Most 'Disloyal Former Staffer' (Republicans attacking each other)
Nobel Laureate Retracts Two Papers Unrelated to Her Prize - NYTimes.com
NASA - New Map Offers a Global View of Health-Sapping Air Pollution
Questions and Answers About WHI Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy Trials, NHLBI, WHI
For Women > Menopause and Hormones
Gene Weingarten - Goodbye, cruel words: English. It's dead to me.
HPO The Snowbird on Vimeo
When he died, his wife commissioned this sculpture, as an expression of her love for him – bns
TripAdvisor could face legal action over reviews | Travel | The Guardian As many as 700 owners of guesthouses, B&Bs and hotels are joining forces over what they see as unfair reports
Revisiting “The Canadian Conspiracy” R. Colin Tait / FLOW Staff | Flow
First Read - Jokester Colbert goes to Washington
At MadCon, an ailing Harlan Ellison will say goodbye - Isthmus | The Daily Page
Why I gave up on Digg | Web Crawler - CNET News
The Anthropology of Hackers - Gabriella Coleman - Technology - The Atlantic
Roadside Bombs in Kandahar: Images From an Afghan War Zone - Louie Palu - International - The Atlantic (for what?)
BBC News - Israeli raid on Gaza aid flotilla broke law - UN probe (no kidding)
Obama to urge support for Middle East peace at U.N. - Yahoo! News
How the CIA ran a secret army of 3,000 assassins - Asia, World - The Independent The US Central Intelligence Agency is running and paying for a secret 3,000-strong army of Afghan paramilitaries whose main aim is assassinating Taliban and al-Qa'ida operatives not just in Afghanistan but across the border in neighbouring Pakistan's tribal areas
Iran is far from united behind Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - latimes.com Opposition figures, moderate politicians and even hard-liners openly criticize the divisive Iranian president.
Axelrod: If Tax Cuts Aren't Done Before The Election, 'We Will Insist On It After' (which worked so well when you had a fucking majority, David)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation This headline might as well read "Democrats inch closer to lighting themselves on fire." (killing Social Security: "all cards on on the table;" slightly raising taxes on the super-rich: "unthinkable")
Senate Dems Ready To Shelve Tax Cut Vote | TPMDC (the clown party)
Open Left:: Curse of the control freaks the massive edge in money pro-Republican outside groups have over pro-Democratic groups. The article cites a $23 million to $4 million dollar ratio in advertising so far (it was so brilliant to shut down his base in his second week in office)
Stewart ‘saddened’ by Obama – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs I have been saddened to see that someone who ran on the idea that you can't expect to get different results with the same people and the same system has kept in place so much of the same system and same people,"
Republican 'Pledge To America' Centers On Spending Freeze, Tax Cuts
Republicans Now Blocking Obama's Picks For Lower Courts, Dems Threaten Retaliation (Obstructicans)
GOP 'Pledge To America' Director Lobbied For AIG, Exxon, Pfizer, Chamber
AP-GfK Poll: Independents as upset as Republicans - Yahoo! News (the 1% who call themselves "independents" who always vote Republican)
Some Think Reid Bowing To Pressure From Dem Candidates | TPMDC One such incumbent, Sen. Barbara Boxer
The Terror of H-A-L-A-K-H-A-H | Talking Points Memo (it'l ok if you're Jewish)
Initial claims for unemployment aid rise to 465K - Yahoo! News The tally of newly laid-off workers requesting unemployment benefits rose last week for the first time in five weeks as the job market remains sluggish.
Man without Mortgage Loses Home in Foreclosure | The Big Picture (bankers just stealing homes)
Amid mountain of paperwork, shortcuts and forgeries mar foreclosure process
The Federal Reserve, Financial Innovation and the Next Recession - NYTimes.com
Learn Sarver Heart Center's Continuous Chest Compression CPR | College of Medicine (new technique)
CPR: More Rib Fractures, But Better Survival Rates
CNN.com - Study: New study shows that fellatio may reduce the risk of breast cancer - Oct. 2, 2003 Women who perform the act of fellatio and swallow semen on a regular basis, one to two times a week, may reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 40 percent ... "Only with regular occurrence will your chances be reduced, so I encourage all women out there to make fellatio an important part of their daily routine," said Dr. Helena Shiftee
Americans Vastly Underestimate Wealth Inequality, Support 'More Equal Distribution Of Wealth': Study Americans thought the richest 20 percent of our society controlled about 59 percent of the wealth, while the real number was closer to 84 percent (keep 'em stupid, Fox)
Grading 'Waiting for Superman' | The Nation (charter schools: Republicans totally control the message)
Officials: Sheriff Joe's Office Charged Luxury Trips To County, Misused Up To $80 Million | TPMMuckraker
BBC News - Family's Titanic secret revealed Confusion about steering orders was responsible for the Titanic sinking, according to a relative of one of the ship's officers (wrong turn)
Zuckerberg pledges $100m to Newark, N.J. schools | The Social - CNET News
Blockbuster Bankrupt: Video Chain Files For Bankruptcy Protection (end of an era)
Woodward Book Says Afghanistan Divided White House - NYTimes.com (our naive, a-historical Pres pwned by the military)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect America's Schools Have Failed Conservatives.
'Vatican Bank' Under Investigation Again: A History of Unholy Scandal
Was Stuxnet Built to Attack Iran's Nuclear Program? - PCWorld (guess who?)
2010 U.S. Election Ratings - Google
Twitter / Oprah Winfrey: I think Jon Stewart's on to something. Rally to Restore Sanity. Would you consider going? Oct 30, 2010?
Emanuel Eyes Chicago Run, Could Leave White House Soon - Time (two years too late; damage is done; massive advisor FAIL)
The Washington Monthly: The Drive To Break From Forced Neutrality (reporter leaves NYT for Huffpo: "he found he was engaged in "almost a process of laundering my own views, through the tried-and-true technique of dinging someone at some think tank to say what you want to tell the reader." (arms of the propaganda machine: how reporters work)
Supreme Court Justice Scalia Takes On Women's Rights - TIME Leave it to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to argue that the Constitution does not, in fact, bar sex discrimination (next up: slavery)
Joe. My. God.: Confirmed: Sen. Saxby Chambliss Admits "All Faggots Must Die" Comment Came From His Atlanta Headquarters
Daily Kos: The wrong way to answer Ms. Velma Hart
Hullabaloo The Method To Their Madness (Obama is blaming "the left" for the economy while the rabid Right eats his non-partisan lunch)
Suburban Guerrilla » Blog Archive » I Guess He Told Us - And those of us left living on a wing and prayer thanks to your “half full”, half-assed economic policies just don’t have a sense of humor about our continuing plight. I know it’s been a long time since your mom got food stamps, but you might want to give that empathy thing some thought (bingo)
President Obama to Hedge Fund Manager: Taxing You More Like Your Secretary is Not Anti-Business | Video Cafe
The Fix - Christine O'Donnell: I'm not doing any more national TV interviews
Ezra Klein - Federal Reserve won't help, won't explain why ("Everthing's Terrible It's All Our Fault And We're Not Going To Change")
Eschaton: Decision Points (Obama's crack Republican economic team scores a three-fer)
Ally Financial legal issue with foreclosures may affect other mortgage companies Some of the nation's largest mortgage companies used a single document processor who said he signed off on foreclosures without having read the paperwork - an admission that may open the door for homeowners across the country to challenge foreclosure proceedings (WaPo reports this as a "mistake")
Health insurance: Big medical insurers to stop selling new child-only policies - latimes.com Major health insurance companies in California and other states have decided to stop selling policies for children rather than comply with a new federal healthcare law that bars them from rejecting youngsters with preexisting medical conditions (glass half-empty; good job Obmama)
Five minute drugs test 'can tell parents if their children use cocaine' - Telegraph
MI6 'used bodily fluids as invisible ink' - Telegraph British intelligence services experimented with using semen as an invisible ink to write top-secret letters, it has been disclosed.
World Famous Design Junkies » wfdj_popchartlab_thegrandtaxonomyofrapnames
YouTube - OK Go - This Too Shall Pass - Rube Goldberg Machine version - Official
Senate GOP Blocks Consideration Of DADT Repeal (game over; Obama spent no political capital on it)
Daily Kos: GOP blocks defense authorization in Senate To the sound of DNC money being flushed down the toilet, Blanche Lincoln voted with Republicans, as did her Arkansas colleague Mark Pryor. The final vote was 56-43 (that Blue-Dog strategy was a winner, wasn't it?)
Is Lady Gaga a Better Politician Than Barack Obama? | Mother Jones (she knows how to message; Gibbs is useless)
Gibbs Offers Procedural Criticism Of Don't Ask Don't Tell Vote: '60 Is The New 50' (idiots)
Michael Ware, Former CNN War Correspondent, Speaks Out On Alleged War Crime CNN Refused To Air (the military owns your propaganda)
James Amos, Obama's Pick To Lead Marine Corps, Opposes Repealing 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' (typical Obama move; now he can triangulate your rights away)
U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised by Unidentified Aerial Objects | Reuters In some cases, several nuclear missiles simultaneously and inexplicably malfunctioned while a disc-shaped object silently hovered nearby (Stephen Hawking was right)
Facing Social Pressures, Families Disguise Girls as Boys in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com
City puts cost of Quran-burning security at $200,000, sends bill to church | Northwest Florida Daily News
More on 'Muslim Life is Cheap' - James Fallows - Politics - The Atlantic (Marty Peretz has a long history of bigotry)
On the Cheapness of Life - Ta-Nehisi Coates - National - The Atlantic "Looking for a qualified black since 1914" as a motto for The New Republic.
Obama, Dems Try To Make Shadowy Conservative Groups A Problem For Conservatives (will run an ad or two the week before the elections)
the albany project:: NY-18: Lowey's challenger opposes interracial marriage and school integration; supports eugenics (teapartiers crawling out of their caves)
Law Professor's Blog Post Sparks Controversy Over Why The Rich Don't Feel 'Rich'
We are the Super Rich - Grasping Reality with Both Hands (the rich are revolting)
In Which Mr. Deling Responds to Someone Who Might Be Professor Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx - Grasping Reality with Both Hands
Think Progress » Tea Party Leader Dick Armey: Social Security Is A Corrupt ‘Ponzi Scheme’ (how'd Armey get left off the catfood commission?)
Summers Said to Be Expected to Leave White House After Election - Bloomberg (way too late, damage is done)
Eschaton Summers did not include Romer’s $1.2-trillion projection. The memo argued that the stimulus should not be used to fill the entire output gap; rather, it was “an insurance package against catastrophic failure.” (and then he catastrophically failed)
Jacob Lew, Obama Nominee And Former Citigroup Executive, Doesn't Believe Deregulation Led To Financial Crisis (typical Obama nominee)
[1009.2212] A Scientometric Prediction of the Discovery of the First Potentially Habitable Planet with a Mass Similar to Earth
Genocide Wiped Out Native American Population : Discovery News Physical traces of ethnic cleansing that took place in the early 800s suggest the massacre was an inside job
BBC - Earth News - Gibbons of southeast Asia are the 'forgotten' apes Gibbons have become the "forgotten apes" and many species will soon go extinct unless urgent action is taken.
YouTube - Flying with the fastest birds on the planet: Peregrine Falcon & Gos Hawk - Animal Camera - BBC
America's creaking infrastructure: By the numbers - The Week (America is disintegrating)
Frankfurt: your next city-break destination | Travel | The Guardian A new high-speed rail link could mean Frankfurt is only five hours away from London. But what does the city have to offer the tourist? (stuff America couldn't do if it tried)
Ex-trooper convicted in double fatal crash wants money for his injuries - From the online desk - bnd.com Former Illinois State trooper Matt Mitchell is asking the state to compensate him for injuries from a crash in which he hit and killed two Collinsville sisters at triple-digit speeds (texting, 126mph, two dead, no consequences, wants workers-comp)
Trashonomics: The Garbage Economy | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
Chicago Woman Arrested for Breastfeeding in Public bout 12,000 women per year (Per YEAR!!! On average!) get arrested for breastfeeding in public in the United States. Another 30,000 women per year get arrested for being "topless" under various "indecency" laws across many states in the US.
California Planned Parenthood Medical Center Firebombed | Women's Rights | Change.org (rightwing terrorists)
Daily Kos: It Takes All of Us To Win The Texas State Board of Education Races
The Price of Weed, Marijuana, Cannabis - PriceOfWeed.com
When Humans Ruled the Earth on Vimeo
My relentless pursuit of the guy who robbed me - Life stories - Salon.com
T-Mobile Sued For Allegedly Censoring Marijuana Service (what they really want to do is control your information)
Activists upset with Facebook - Josh Gerstein - POLITICO.com As the number of Facebook members signed up for the “Boycott Target Until They Cease Funding Anti-Gay Politics” page neared 78,000 in recent days, Facebook personnel locked down portions of the page (see above)
Jann Lipka
'OnMouseOver' Twitter Security Flaw Takes Over Twitter.com (UPDATED)
Twitter ‘onmouseover’ security flaw widely exploited | Graham Cluley's blog
Timothy Karr: Net Neutrality: We're Still Waiting Instead of doing what's right for Internet users, Genachowski has dodged, dithered and delayed (what he was hired to do)
Google Transparency Report: Government Requests
CE-Oh no he didn't!: Anssi Vanjoki says using Android is like peeing in your pants for warmth -- Engadget
The Best 30 HTML5 games
White Knuckles (shot in one take)
FBI probes were improper, Justice says The FBI improperly opened and extended investigations of some U.S. activist groups and put members of an environmental advocacy organization on a terrorist watch list, even though they were planning nonviolent civil disobedience (Obama at work, spying on you)
IG: FBI gave inaccurate statements on surveillance - Boston.com The FBI gave inaccurate information to Congress and the public when it claimed a possible terrorism link to justify surveilling an anti-war rally in Pittsburgh - "an ill-conceived project on a slow work day," (several "slow" work days, actually) (and then lying about it)
Afghanistan War | U.S. Military | Taliban - On Location: A firefight in Kunar Province
Obama Aides Weigh Bid to Tie the G.O.P. to the Tea Party - NYTimes.com (and they'll be "weighing" the blindingly obvious in November)
NYT: Facing Mid-terms Blowout, White House Wonders If It Needs a Political Strategy | The Seminal (didn't spend any of his political capital and now he doesn't have any and his crack team of advisors are waking up)
Eschaton - Stop Your Whining
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Armageddon - if Feingold goes down, I don’t know how you continue to scream that the Democrats have been too moderate. We’re clearly a center-right nation that deserves to be ruled by teabagging clowns and their wealthy masters
High-Risk Pool Guidance Viewed As Anti-Abortion Victory; Other Reform Issues Draw Attention Anti-abortion activists have "scored a victory" after a decision last week by the Obama administration to not allow the new high-risk pools in America to cover most abortions (Obama: marriage is between a man and a woman, and a fetus is a human being)
More House Democrats stressing independence from Pelosi, Obama (running like Republicans, a winning strategy)
McConnell's Tax Argument Deems Obama A 'Small Business' McConnell's definition would also include billionaire George Soros, who last week called the U.S. economy "blah." (they don't even pretend anymore)
Ken Buck Opposes DADT Repeal: Military Should Be 'As Homogeneous As Possible' (onward, white, Christian, non-gay male soldiers)
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Showdown Looming in Senate - Swampland - TIME.com
Gay servicemen and women talk about life under 'don't ask, don't tell' | Culture Monster | Los Angeles Times
A note of apology to readers | The Portland Press Herald (apologizes for covering Ramadan)
Utah Paper’s Stance on Immigrants Causes Clash - NYTimes.com
Jon Stewart's 'Rally to Restore Sanity' already outpacing Glenn Beck's rally - National Political Buzz | Examiner.com
Have You Left No Sense Of Decency? - NYTimes.com Pretty soon, we’ll be having serious, completely un-self-conscious discussions in major magazines about the servant problem
Krugman - The Angry Rich and Taxes - NYTimes.com No, I’m not talking about the Tea Partiers. I’m talking about the rich (they are rioting in the streets)
The Recession Has (Officially) Ended - NYTimes.com this official end date makes the most recent downturn the longest since World War II. This recent recession, having begun in December 2007, lasted 18 months. Until now the longest postwar recessions were those of 1973-5 and 1981-2, which each lasted 16 months (well, we're glad it's officially over)
‘Great Recession’ over, research group says - Business - Eye on the Economy - msnbc.com (we're all celebrating)
Wall Street’s Engines of Profit Are Slowing Down - NYTimes.com Even after taxpayer bailouts restored bankers’ profits and pay, the great Wall Street money machine is decelerating
Older Unemployed Struggle to Rejoin the Work Force - NYTimes.com (Republican death panels)
Harvard misconduct case casts shadow over other research - The Boston Globe Colleagues fear questions surrounding Harvard scientist will hurt their work
9th baby in California dies from whooping cough - CNN.com (Jenny McCarthy will go on Oprah)
Lion-Man : More than 30 000 years ago, at the beginning of the upper paleolithic age, the suebian mountains have been part of the living area of the early anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens sapiens)
Archaeology: Lionheaded Figurine
Race and ethnicity - a set on Flickr (how segregated is your city?)
Segregation report raps Boston, Springfield schools - The Boston Globe Public schools in the Boston and Springfield metropolitan areas are among the most segregated in the country, often isolating black and Latino students in low-performing schools
I'm Not O.K., You're Not O.K.
Yale Alumni Magazine: To an Aesthete Dying Young
A CEO and His Son (Howard and Andrew Solomon & Celexa)
Andrew Solomon: The Refugees - The Moth Podcast - CastRoller - A survivor of the Pol Pot's death squads teaches an American to handle depression.
Closing the talent gap | Social Sector Office
Procrastinators Beware! All Paris Review Interviews Now Online | The New York Observer
Pod Cars Start to Gain Traction in Some Cities - NYTimes.com (brain-dead, tnx NYT)
Texting by Lifeguards Is Raising Safety Concerns - NYTimes.com . “When they are excluded from texting networks, their self-esteem declines. I don’t think it’s compulsion to multitask as much as it is a compulsion to belong.”
Draper Daniels vs. Don Draper - Chicago
The Nervous Breakdown
Sumbul Ali-Karamali: Who's Afraid of Shariah? | loonwatch.com
Sharia-phobia | Editor’s Column | NJJN
Cuil, once touted as a 'Google killer,' appears to be dead
The Petraeus Bait and Switch Maneuver | The Seminal He has now let it be known that he may not go along with beginning a troop drawdown in July 2011 as he had agreed with Obama. When asked on “Meet the Press” on August 15 whether he might tell Obama that the drawdown should be delayed beyond mid-2011, Petraeus said, “Certainly, yes”. (Obama doesn't have a clue how to be a leader)
The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same.... - NYTimes.com It is September in Afghanistan, and things are not going so well. Everyone is waiting for news of progress in Kandahar ... There is one general who is considered able and experienced from previous campaigns, but he is, reportedly, persona non grata with his commander in chief (1880)
U.S. contractor accused of fraud still winning big Afghan projects | McClatchy (no consequences)
Regulators Ignored Warnings About Afghan Bank - NYTimes.com ("regulators" = crooks - your tax dollars at work investing in Dubai)
Brazil needs dose of constructive paranoia - Andres Oppenheimer - MiamiHerald.com
Whale Meat Served in 18% of Japanese Grade Schools (only for "research" purposes)
Cardinal Kasper reveals the Vatican's true beliefs | Andrew Brown | Comment is free | The Guardian "an aggressive new atheism has spread through Britain. If, for example, you wear a cross on British Airways, you are discriminated against."
Gulf Oil Spill: Officials Declare BP Well Dead
Whistleblower Group Sues To Find Out Why Administration Lowballed BP Oil Spill Estimates (because the Coast Guard is an arm of BP? Because only Obama doesn't like the truth? They lied from the beginning.)
Louisiana Oil Spill 2010 PHOTOS: Gulf Of Mexico Disaster Unfolds
Colin Powell: Newt Gingrich's Obama Critique 'Doesn't Make Any Sense' (VIDEO) But he is not a Muslim. He is a Christian, and I think we have to be careful when we take things like Dinesh D'souza's book, which is the source for all this, and suggest that somehow the president of the United States is channeling his dead father through some Kenyan spirits.
Gingrich Calls For Federal Ban On Shariah Law In US | TPMDC (promoting Islamophobia)
Obama Aims Barbs at Liberals, But Catches Moderates in the Crossfire | Firedoglake (true colors dept. - it's how he really thinks)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation With the Latino demographic growing at over three times that of Anglos, its clear that Idaho's days as a lily white enclave are finished
Joe Miller Says Unemployment Benefits Are Unconstitutional, Struggles To Say How He Would Deal With Poverty (video)
Christine O'Donnell: Con Artist | Video Cafe (they all are)
Think Progress » CNBC Guests And Hosts All Agree Christine O’Donnell’s Victory Is Good News For Wall Street (everything is good news for Wall Street)
Below The Beltway » Blog Archive » Tea Party Candidate For Congress: “Separation Of Church And State” Came From Hitler
Election 2010: Wisconsin Senate - Rasmussen Reports™ Wisconsin Senate: Johnson (R) 51%, Feingold (D) 44% (the only Senator to vote against the Patriot Act)
U.S. hard-pressed to stem domestic R&D losses - latimes.com The nation's ability to turn ideas into products and profits at home has been eroded by deep manufacturing cuts and policies that result in others reaping the benefits.
DOJ, Tech Firms Near Deal in Hiring Probe - WSJ.com Several of the U.S.'s largest technology companies are in advanced talks with the Justice Department to avoid a court battle over whether they colluded to hold down wages by agreeing not to poach each other's employees.
The History Of What Things Cost In America: 1776 to Today - 24/7 Wall St.
Mysterious force holds back Nasa probe in deep space - Telegraph
Early Female Puberty Linked To Absent Biological Father
Op-Ed Columnist - Aren’t We Clever? - NYTimes.com “China’s leaders are mostly engineers and scientists, so they don’t waste time questioning scientific data.” The push for green in China, she added, “is a practical discussion on health and wealth. There is no need to emphasize future consequences when people already see, eat and breathe pollution every day.” (America, land of the stupid)
The smart Dutch take on teen sex - Sex News, Sex Talk - Salon.com Despite parents' allowing romantic sleepovers, the Netherlands has one of the lowest youth pregnancy rates (no abstinence education)
Conference Report - Explaining Religion at Bristol University 2010 | Biology of Religion
Guernica / Muslim Grrrls haria and feminism aren’t always mutually exclusive (doesn't really sound like it, and no community property in Indiana?)
Journal of Religion and Society: Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies
'Cult' Suicide Feared: 5 Adults, 8 Kids Sought By Police Near L.A.
Topless Robot - The 12 Most Anti-American Anime
If God Were on Facebook | Cool Material
Man arrested over nude pictures posted to ex-wife's Facebook account | McClatchy
Whitespace: multiple trials begin while FCC prepares to vote (big TV has a fit)
Government Continues Its Fight for Indefinite Detention | Emptywheel - The government appealed its loss in the habeas petition of Mohamedou Ould Salahi Friday. (no other word for it but evil)
Petraeus And Obama, The Buddy Comedy | attackerman (“He essentially promised the president very bankable results,” - and you know how we can trust banks)
Report: Afghanistan War Costs Jump - Washington Wire - WSJ
Pope Apologizes To U.K.: Deeply Sorry, Ashamed Of Sex Abuse (the crocodile cries)
As Iraq winds down, U.S. Army confronts a broken force | McClatchy
Former Mossad Chief: World Must Attack Iran Now -- News from Antiwar.com Urges World to 'Come to Its Senses,' Start Major War (all for Israel)
Netanyahu: Iran is real nuclear threat - Jerusalem Post | Netanyahu's warning that Iran will be capable of nuclear war within five years (in 1995: guess he was lying, huh?)
Poll: 74 Percent Support Higher Taxes On The Rich - EconWatch - CBS News (Blue-Dog Dems go the mat for the rich)
Obama Hammers GOP For Stalling Campaign Finance Bill (big money flowing in)
Sarah Palin Calls On Fox News To Help Republicans Campaign For November (Satan will definitely do that)
Rendell's office releases content of all bulletins on planned protests | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/18/2010 (Homeland Security spying on Americans for Big Oil; we're back to J. Edgar "I'm not gay" Hoover)
Lisa Murkowski Write-In Bid Decision: Alaska Senator Announces Run (good news)
Weigel : Values Voter Summit: Christine O'Donnellmania!
Morals, Morals, Morals! Conservatives Gather For Values Voter Summit | TPM Photo Galleries
O'Donnell In 1999: 'I Dabbled Into Witchcraft' (video) One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar
Montana GOP Policy: Make Homosexuality Illegal (death penalty for gays)
Republican Meg Whitman will not visit Chron ed board, first statewide candidate in memory to decline : SFGate: Politics Blog (she could buy the SF Chronicle and do her own interview with herself)
Al D'Amato Unloads On Fellow Guest On Fox Business: 'Racist Bullsh*t' (VIDEO) "You are a nasty racist..that's a bunch of bullshit and you should be ashamed of yourself and have your mouth washed out." (Postal Service stocked with Nigerians and Kenyans)
Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell won't stay execution of Teresa Lewis a 41-year-old woman who is set to become the first woman executed in the state in nearly a century - the two men who fired the shots received life sentences. (stay classy, Va)
Black Box Voting : (TN) 9/10 - Shelby: 3,221 Phantom Votes Found; Same Locations Had Uploads Day Before Election (no only more votes than voters, they all voted the day before the election! Republicans at work)
The Hunting of the Snark: That's Our Megan! (McMegan McAddled McArdle makes shit up! and is outraged!)
Medical Daily: Gene limits learning and memory in mice (the stupid gene may exist in humans, too)
Metabolically-Healthy Obesity: An Oxymoron? (Series Pt 1/5) | Obesity Panacea
YouTube - Tea Party Express derails GOP candidates (Taiwan reports on America)
Big Alcohol Donates Money To Fight Legalization Of Pot (when will big Pizza step up?)
It's Not Santa's Reindeer You Hear on the Roof, It's Lars Johnson's Goats - WSJ.com Danny Benson, the offending market's owner, says that "legally we could fight it, because it is ridiculous." But it would have been too expensive to fight,
YouTube - Inceptionauts
YouTube - PARP: Animowana "Historia Polski" (1200 years of Polish history)
4chan Users Organize Surgical Strike Against MPAA | PandaLabs Blog
Intel Threatens to Sue Anyone Who Uses HDCP Crack | Threat Level | Wired.com - The leak comes just months after the movie studios persuaded the FCC to let them remotely switch-off the analog ports on your satellite receiver or cable box (yes, they can do that now, thanks for Big Content)
Balloon Juice » Chart of the day (here's your war, dude)
Blackwater's Black Ops Jeremy Scahill | September 15, 2010
Total Intelligence Solutions, LLC - SourceWatch
The U.K. phone-hacking scandal is Rupert Murdoch's Watergate. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine The U.K. phone-hacking scandal will undo the media mogul (unlikely, but we'll see)
How did rape charge for Arab man go from rape to racism? - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
EU forced to apologise as Sarkozy goes on the attack over Nazi 'insult' - Europe, World - The Independent French President denies blazing row with Barroso but threat of legal action over Roma crackdown remains
Obama's view of liberal criticisms - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (it's clear he has no idea)
Mason-Dixon Poll: GOPer Boozman Still Up Big On Dem Lincoln In AR-SEN | TPMDC topping Lincoln 51%-34% (President Lincoln going down, Rahm's Blue-Dog strategy failing)
Americans' Net Worth Tanked In Second Quarter, Erasing This Year's Gains (just a little confidence problem)
Delay austerity if economy stays weak: OECD's Gurria | Reuters The world economy is proving weaker than expected in the second half and countries should consider pushing back austerity measures if that weakness persists (o rly)
Where Have All the Deficit Hawks Gone? | FDL Action t earlier this year we were overwhelmed by a wave of anti-deficit grandstanding throughout the Democratic Party while the Catfood Commission was sending up trial balloons about cutting Social Security benefits, raising the retirement age (which is just a sleight-of-hand way of cutting benefits) or cutting the health care benefits for military service personnel - “damn the deficit we can’t let the wealthy suffer during this economic downturn!”
A White House road trip with a solar rock star | Grist (Obama vetoes restoring panels Reagan removed because oil would last forever)
Timothy Noah: the Great Divergence: Trying to understand income inequality, the most profound change in American society in your lifetime. - By Timothy Noah - Slate Magazine Trying to understand income inequality, the most profound change in American society in your lifetime.
Nouriel Roubini - What America needs is a payroll tax cut
Wonk Room » Bayh Says Poverty Increase Means Congress Should Ignore ‘Fairness’ And Cut Taxes For The Rich - And all these other issues involving, oh, fairness and things like that can wait. (Christ, what an asshole)
The Error of Revisionism on TARP | FDL News Desk
California Braces for Showdown on Environmental Law - NYTimes.com Charles and David Koch, the billionaires from Kansas who have played a prominent role in financing the Tea Party movement, donated $1 million to the campaign to suspend the Global Warming Solutions Act, which was passed four years ago ... $8.2 million, with $7.9 million coming from energy companies, most of them out of state (Kochtopus: end of democracy)
CDC: One-third of sex ed omits birth control | AP | 09/15/2010 ("abstinance education" = absence of education)
New Microscope Enables Real-Time 3-D Movies of Developing Embryos [Slide Show]: Scientific American
9/11 Memorial Lights Trap Thousands of Birds | Wired Science | Wired.com
Culture-War Conservatives Battle Sperm-Donor Business - Newsweek
Speculation builds that Barry Diller plans to combine the Daily Beast with Newsweek digital operations - NYPOST.com Such a combination would give both Web operations some critical mass and clear the way for Daily Beast Chairwoman and Editor-in-Chief Tina Brown to oversee the operation as the new editor-in-chief of Newsweek (revenge is sweet)
Geocentrism First Annual Catholic Conference on Geocentrism!
The AntiPornMenProject
How Not To Act Old » List
Beer Lobby Gives $10,000 To 'No' On Proposition 19 Pot Legalization - Los Angeles News - The Informer
Best Buy CEO claims iPad has killed 50 percent of laptop sales , as more and more people are buying gadgets, rather than high-dollar items.
Security researchers 'destroy' microsoft asp.net security - The Inquirer
DarkPatterns.org user interfaces that have been designed to trick users into doing things they wouldn’t otherwise have done.
Diaspora: Developer Release
Code for open-source Facebook littered with landmines • The Register Diaspora release not for noobs
Confirmed: Intel says HDCP 'master key' crack is real -- Engadget
Cambodia War Crimes Court Indicts Former Khmer Rouge Leaders | News | English The Khmer Rouge tribunal has indicted four senior surviving leaders of the 1970s government that devastated Cambodia (where's Henry?)
Pope Bendict XVI Visits UK, Admits Failures in Sex Abuse Scandal
The misguided reaction to Tea Party candidates - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Nobody wants someone like her coming in and trashing David Broder and Sally Quinn's place (class-warfare within the wingnut villager party)
The New GOP Money Stampede - TIME "Shadow Republican groups formed by longtime party officials and party operatives are raising and spending hundreds of millions of dollars in this election
Christine O'Donnell Slams Welfare, Pop Culture: You Can Legislate Morality (VIDEO) "repeal the health care law, create health care vouchers for veterans and block any attempts at cap-and-trade legislation."
Christine O'Donnell's Sexual Evolution | TPMMuckraker (she's either a 42 year-old virgin or ...)
Karl Rove Walks Back His Diss And Gives In To O'Donnell Fever (video) | TPMDC (kisses Limbaugh's ass)
Can Republicans Win Senate Without Delaware? To win the necessary ten seats to gain control of the Senate, Republicans would need to sweep the toss-up states plus a state like West Virginia, Washington or Connecticut (go, teabaggers)
Clinton's warning: Tea Party is a corporate front - Tea Parties | Tea Party Movement, Tax Day Tea Party - Salon.com Stumping in Minnesota, he calls Michele Bachmann "the ultimate example of putting ideology over evidence"
Stewart On Tea Party Wins: 'How Will Democrats F**k This Up?' (oh, they'll find a way)
"I think you're an ass": Conservative media finally discover their colleagues are frauds | Media Matters for America (more in-fighting)
Hoyer: I Will Not Support An Extension Of Bush Policies | TPMDC
YouTube - Mexican vs. Racist Angry white minutemen
FOXNews.com - Poll: Nearly Half Oppose Tax Hikes on Wealthy (how Fox works: "The survey showed that by 54 percent to 44 percent, most people support raising taxes on the highest earners" - 44% = "nearly half" but 54% = buried)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect "Raise taxes on the rich!" Say a Majority of Americans - the converse of "nearly half" is "more than half," and the quoted poll -- a new survey by AP-Gfk -- makes this clear. According to the poll, 54 percent of voters support raising taxes on the highest earners, while 44 percent oppose. (AP now getting a feed from Fox)
The First Flickers of a Press Pushback Against Sarah Palin
Chris Hedges: Do Not Pity the Democrats - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig (Democracy is so over)
AlterNet: Our Menace Isn't Insane Right-Wingers, It's Unrivaled Corporate Power and the Decay of Our Democratic Institutions
The Least We Can Do - Magazine - The Atlantic (the Greatest Generation ruined America)
U.S. Poverty Rate Highest Since 1994 : NPR The poverty rate surged to 14.3 percent last year, the highest since 1994, as the recession took its toll on incomes, the Census Bureau said Thursday (Republicans won't be happy until it's 98%)
Poverty Rate Rises To 14.3 Percent In 2009
SF Fed on Labor Force Participation and Older Workers « Rortybomb . The number of disability insurance applications has increased by 26.4% over the past two years, suggesting that many prime-age men who recently left the labor force may never come back (Alan Simpson's wet dream: killing the American work force, especially older workers)
Real Estate: Foreclosures Rise; Repossessions Set Record - CNBC US foreclosure activity rose in August from the previous month, and banks and lenders took ownership from homeowners at a record pace, according to a new report released Thursday ... “There is a buildup in delinquent loans that are not in foreclosure,” (you can see where this is going: thank Obama for HAMP)
FHA: Banks Should Share Fannie, Freddie Bailout Costs (fat chance)
Precursor to H.I.V. Was in Monkeys for Millennia, Study Says - NYTimes.com What happened in Africa in the early 20th century that let a mild monkey disease move into humans, mutate to become highly transmissible and then explode into one of history’s great killers, one that has claimed 25 million lives so far?
Around the Solar System - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Children under four and children with autism don't yawn contagiously
Bacterial Bonanza: Microbes Keep Us Alive : NPR . That means that we're 90 percent microbial and 10 percent human. There's also an estimated 100 times more microbial genes than the genes in our human genome. So we're really a compendium [and] an amalgamation of human and microbial parts." (some of us are less human)
The Secret Lives of Big Pharma's 'Thought Leaders' - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Falling in Love Loses You Precisely Two Friends - Time (get one, lose two)
New York Times Paywall Loophole - Access Through Links | WebProNews
model-morphosis - T Magazine Blog - NYTimes.com
Appealing to "The Calmer Voices of the Community," DPD Chief Brown Releases Dash-Cam Footage of Beating - Dallas News - Unfair Park (something actually happened, maybe because the FBI got involved)
Study: Android Will be Number 2 Mobile Platform Before 2011 (Android will crush Steve Jobs)
French Senate Passes Full Islamic Veils Ban
Gates starts outlining cuts to save $100 billion for defense Gates starts outlining cuts to save $100 billion for defense (drops in the bucket +national security!)
Walter Kasper, Top Pope Adviser, Calls UK 'Third World' (throwing stones)
Belgium | Catholic Church | Sex Scandal Child sex abuse, and other church failings, lead Belgians to formally renounce religion.
Caution ... - Imgur (cold, man, cold)
On the Advice of the FBI, Cartoonist Molly Norris Disappears From View - Page 1 - News - Seattle - Seattle Weekly (fatwas now extending to US)
Letters: Harsh judgments on the pope and religion | World news | The Guardian We, the undersigned, share the view that Pope Ratzinger should not be given the honour of a state visit to this country
Massive fish kill reported in Louisiana | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News (NOAA says everything is hunky-dory)
U.S.: 3,500 unused Gulf wells must be plugged - U.S. news - Environment - msnbc.com
White House Taps Warren To Set Up Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (about fucking time, but Dodd will defund her)
Meg Whitman Campaign Spending BREAKS RECORD: $119 Million Burned So Far On California Race (only billionaires need apply)
The Enthusiasm Gap or He’s Just a President | The LA Progressive
Primary Voter Turnout Stays Low, but More So for Democrats - NYTimes.com
A look at the Tea Party's primary season wins - 2010 Elections News | Midterm Elections: Senators, Governors - Salon.com - It was a dangerous primary season for anyone who crossed the Tea Party crowd
The Real Winner of the Republican Primaries | FrumForum (Obama)
September 14 Election Results: Tea Party Candidates Crush GOP Establishment
Republicans Put All Their Chips On The Tea Party Table
The Future of Tea Party Conservatism | Mother Jones | Keven Drum: sane conservatives are going to have to wait until the aftermath of 2012 at the earliest to have any chance of regaining any influence with their party.
Kelly Ayotte Defeats Ovide Lamontagne In GOP Senate Primary: New Hampshire Election Results (Palin-endorses nutball barley defeats even crazier Teapartier)
The Infamous Brad - Christians in the Hand of an Angry God (part 1) The gospel that is being taught in almost every evangelical and fundamentalist church in America is a false gospel, and it has condemned tens of millions of people to eternal damnation in the fires of Hell.
Delaware Election Results: Christine O'Donnell Defeats Mike Castle In GOP Senate Primary antiestablishment movement can claim wins in at least seven GOP Senate races, a handful of Republican gubernatorial contests and dozens of House primary campaigns, and it influenced many others.
New Statesman - Christine O'Donnell versus Eddie Izzard (running on anti-masturbation platform)
Christine O'Donnell, the 'Anti-Masturbation' Delaware Senate Candidate, Has Money Issues and Is 'Truly Strange': Gail Collins - she claims her opponents enjoy “hiding in the bushes
The Craziest Things Christine O'Donnell Has Ever Said (PHOTOS)
Right-wing media turn on Rove for "trashing" O'Donnell | Media Matters for America Rove attacked O'Donnell's "checkered background," says she does not "evince the characteristics of rectitude and truthfulness" (take one to ...)
YouTube - Politically Incorrect August 1998 Part 2 of 2 Martin Mull Jasmine Guy Eddie Izzard Christine O’Donnell
Mike Castle won't endorse Christine O'Donnell - David Catanese - POLITICO.com "She is a con artist who won by lying about Castle's positions and her own life," said Kate Dickens, a Castle aide. "Out of state support was enough to pull her through yesterday so she can rely on it through November."
Rove Responds To O'Donnell's Attacks: Prove Me Wrong (video) | TPMDC (getting good)
Palin Slams Rove On O'Donnell: 'Buck Up!' (video) | TPMDC (... and even better +metafilter: mean-girls-in-training, take notice. this is how it's done: Palin: "I have absolutely nothing against Karl Rove," she continued, "or any of the guys who have much fatter resumes than I will ever have")
Rush Limbaugh Apoplectic Over Rove's O'Donnell Diss (video) | TPMDC (Dimbaugh joins the fight)
Op-Ed Columnist - Horror in the Hedges - NYTimes.com
Christine O'Donnell Delaware Primary - Charles P. Pierce on Delaware Primary - Esquire Charles P. Pierce (Pierce is back!)
Daily Kos: Disaster in Delaware, By The Numbers In other words, those fired up Republicans, you know the ones who have a massive enthusiasm gap working for them, made up just 9% of the possible electorate last night ... Assuming similar turnout in this general election, O'Donnell will need at least 120,000 votes to beat Coons. In other words, four times the votes she got last night
New York Election Results: Carl Paladino Defeats Rick Lazio In GOP Gubernatorial Primary
Wisconsin Election Results: Ron Johnson Defeats Republican Rivals In GOP Senate Primary
Vincent Gray Ousts Incumbent Adrian Fenty In DC Mayoral Contest
The Professional Left Isn’t Dead Yet | The Nation In an open Democratic primary for New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional district, progressive candidate Ann McLane Kuster handily defeated self-styled Blue Dog Katrina Swett, who co-chaired Joe Lieberman’s 2004 presidential campaign (the professional left scores one)
Pennsylvania Protest Reports: Governor 'Appalled,' Shuts Down Practice (BP protesters, Lesbians get put on terrorism list; who could have predicted?)
John Baer: Your tax dollars in flames on the way to Valhalla | Philadelphia Daily News | 09/15/2010 Greenfield, nicknamed "Moose," gave Rendell $6,500 during Ed's '02 run for governor (and got back $20 million)
National Review Online - ‘Bail Out Studebaker.’” (clever and deep)
Democracy Corps » Democrats Should Want This Tax Cut Debate (but the gang-who-can't-message-for-shit will triangulate)
Democrats Seize On McConnell's Plan To Add $4 Trillion To The Deficit With Tax Cuts | TPMDC (what suckers the WH were/are; Republicans (actually nobody) cares about deficits; except as an excuse to get rid of Social Security)
Matthew Yglesias » Businesses Need More Customers, Elites Are Failing
Once more, no link found between vaccine preservative and autism - Los Angeles Times (whooping cough epidemic in ... Marin County!)
Laminated Linen Protected Alexander the Great : Discovery News (kevlar)
Gary Lachman's blog | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History Pop Culture and Esotericism: An interview for Conscious TV
The 727 that Vanished | History of Flight | Air & Space Magazine A case pursued by the FBI, the CIA, the U.S. Departments of State and Homeland Security, CENTCOM, and the sister of Ben Padilla.
Toke of the Town - California Pot Dispensary Finds Sweet Market Niche: Ice Cream (and cheese!)
YouTube - SWTH.flv (scared of heights?)
This Is The Second Time A Google Engineer Has Been Fired For Accessing User Data
Nokia E7 first hands-on -- Engadget
9 Deceptively Simple But Powerful Tools for Web Developers | Expansive Derivation
Iraq combat over but U.S. troops still in danger | Reuters (troops pissed at WH message that "combat operations are over")
Veterans Agency Made Secret Deal With Prudential Over Benefits - Bloomberg (they took the benefits of dead soldiers and kept them, VA approved: profit!)
BBC News - Verdict still out on Church's abuse stance The Roman Catholic Church in Belgium has acknowledged that its clergy took part in the widespread sexual abuse of children for years and tried to reassure the public that it can help the victims and prevent further abuse in future (that's like ...)
A note of apology to readers | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram (Portland Press Herald apologizes for saying anything about Ramadan: please go out of business soon)
WashPost's Milbank: Imam Rauf "exploiting" Ground Zero controversy by defending himself. Or something | Media Matters for America (also, WaPo and their team of idiots)
Assembling What We Know: The Terry Jones, Dove World Timeline | The Seminal
The Democratic fear-based strategy - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (new Dem slogan: "he's not as bad as her")
Civil Rights Photographer Unmasked as Informer - NYTimes.com But now an unsettling asterisk must be added to the legacy of Ernest C. Withers, one of the most celebrated photographers of the civil rights era: He was a paid F.B.I. informer.
Cal Thomas takes a stand against freedom of religion | Media Matters for America (only Christian Churches allowed in America)
Jobless are straining Social Security's disability benefits program (another reason for Obama's Commission to Get Rid of Social Security So We Can Have Wars and Give Money to Bankers, to do just that)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » So Is This Rich or Not? So- 250k isn’t rich, according to these guys. Yet, without missing a beat, the same folks can turn around and flip out over public employees making significantly less than that.
Pa. acting as security agent for energy interests? | Philadelphia Inquirer | 09/14/2010 (it costs a lot of money for the state security apparatus to function as an arm of big corps)
Obama May Name Warren as Interim Consumer Finance Agency Head - BusinessWeek (sat on his hands for six months waiting to see if all the professional left would really desert him: doesn't need Chris Dodd's fucking "approval")
Dodd: Congress Could Defund Consumer Bureau Over Warren Interim Appointment (President Dodd vetoes Warren)
Fables of the reconstruction: Mindless Paperwork: One Aspect of the Health Insurance Reform Law That Needs to Change
New drug-resistant superbugs found in 3 states - Yahoo! News - called NDM-1 and named for New Delhi.
Naked Black Hole Builds Future Galactic Dream Home | Wired.com - By sending a jet of gas and highly energetic particles into a neighboring galaxy, the black hole has touched off star formation at a rate 100 times the galactic average.
Home of "Ice Giants" thaws, shows pre-Viking hunts - Yahoo! News
Dead Sea Scrolls debate spurs NY criminal trial - Yahoo! News - Raphael Golb
Former Corpus Christi police officer takes plea on child indecency charges » Corpus Christi Caller-Times As part of the deal, Vasquez was sentenced to 90 days in jail and six years deferred adjudication probation (Canadian pot activist gets five years hard-time)
YouTube - Luck : A Compilation of Close Calls
Xet comments on Men of Reddit – What is an unforgivable thing a female could do?
The Buzz Log - Dancing Kid the Latest Viral Hit - Yahoo! Buzz
Religious Search Engines Yield Tailored Results : NPR
HDCP 'master key' supposedly released, unlocks HDTV copy protection permanently -- Engadget
Nokia Beats Apple and Android In Shipment of Smartphones, Atleast | Globalthoughtz
w Adobe Flash under fire with another zero-day exploit (Jobs was right)
Massive Cache of Iraq War Docs to Be Published by WikiLeaks | Threat Level | Wired.com - Newsweek has quoted anonymous sources who say that some of the most-disturbing information in the documents relates to the abusive treatment of detainees by Iraqi security forces - . There has been no evidence to date, however, that anyone has suffered actual harm due to the documents (you mean they lied again to protect their own asses?)
That Beacon of Hope We’ve Created in Iraq | Emptywheel (what "winning" looks like: Hulk SMASH)
Iraq Posting Massive Surplus Thanks To U.S. Taxpayers (bailouts for everyone but you)
The US Soldier Who Committed Suicide After She Refused To Take Part in Torture | The Nation
Israel Bends Slightly on Settlement Building - NYTimes.com (not a complete fuck you)
Luke Angel: Teenager Banned from America For Life For Sending Abusive Email To Barack Obama | UK News | Sky News
Should the Pope face charges? - Books, World - Macleans.ca A renowned lawyer makes the case that the Pope should have his day in court for harbouring pedophiles
The pastor and cheap, selective concern for "blood-spilling" - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Ted Koppel: Nine years after 9/11, let's stop playing into bin Laden's hands
Park51, and Islam in America : The New Yorker : Intolerance by Lawrence Wright - The best ally in the struggle against violent Islamism is moderate Islam (cooperative extremism)
Quran Burning FAIL: Skateboarder Foils Extremist (video) Jacob, who snatched away the holy book -- already doused in a flammable liquid -- and told the agitator, "Dude, you have no Quran!" before running off.
Koran Burner: Creepier Than You Think | The Smoking Gun Florida church’s “rulebook” worthy of pastor’s bonfire
Fourteen killed in Koran protests across Indian Kashmir | Reuters
Feisal Abdul Rauf Says He Will Resolve Islamic Center Dispute - NYTimes.com
Bush was right: We're not at war with Islam - CNN.com (but he wasn't a Muslim or an Islamofacsist Kenyan Anti-Colonial)
San Bruno Explosion: Photos Of The Fire's Aftermath Paint A Bigger Picture
Sharron Angle Surrogate Danny Tarkanian: I Disagree With Advocating 'Second Amendment Remedies' I heard a lot of people say to me, you know, why do we have our Second Amendment rights, it's to, so the public can overthrow the government if they fail to respond to the government's will. That may be all good and well, but I'm not going to take the position that we need a civil uprising to overthrow our government (un-American terrorists)
Tea Partiers Storm DC For Second (And Smaller) 9/12 Rally | TPM Photo Galleries ("bullets, no ballots" - armed insurrection by white people too stupid to figure out who screwed them)
Survey: 40% Of Republicans Watch Fox News Regularly (in case you had any questions about the origins of their insanity) w
CNN host calls out Sean Hannity for ‘deceptive’ video editing | Raw Story (Fox at work, spreading the lies of Satan)
The media (temporarily) discover that Newt Gingrich is an extremist | Media Matters for America (that'll last about 5 minutes)
Fineman: What Went Wrong for Obama and the Dems - Newsweek A ‘pre-mortem’ for the Democrats (well, yeah, but the main problem was no leadership and acting like a Republican)
The Plum Line - "The Obama tax cuts for the middle class" Call them "the Obama tax cuts for the middle class." (yeah, can't message for shit)
New Poll Shows O'Donnell-Castle Race 'Too Close To Call'
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect Forbes Embraces Birtherism Lite - elements of the right have chosen not to evaluate Barack Obama based on his actions or his policies, but through the kind of post-modern literary interpretation that wouldn't make it through the vetting process of a freshman bong circle at Wesleyan (good one, Adam +Dinesh D'unhinged D'Souza and the mainstreaming of wingnut racisim - we are all Kenyan anti-colonialists)
New Survey Reveals Why Jon Stewart is the Biggest Long Term Threat to Fox News
Ezra Klein - What if growth had been equal? The top 1 percent now accounts for 23.5 percent of the national income if you include capital gains. In 1979, they only had 9.8 percent of the nation's earnings. During that same period, tax rates on the richest Americans have actually dropped. So as the economy went one way -- toward more money going to the rich -- the tax system went the other (if you only look at one graph today ... you will see why we're in this mess)
Krugman - China, Japan, America and the Renminbi - NYTimes.com Chinese purchases of our bonds don’t help us — they hurt us. The Japanese understand that. Why don’t we?
“Letting Prices Fall” Versus Resetting the Housing Market | FDL News Desk
Basel III Accord Reached: Capital Requirements Set at Minimum 7% | FDL News Desk
New Jersey Halts New Work on Tunnels Under Hudson - NYTimes.com New Jersey officials have abruptly halted new work on an ambitious $8.7 billion plan to build two new commuter rail tunnels beneath the Hudson River, raising concerns about the fate of a project that had been hailed as a potential savior for the region’s overcrowded mass transit system (the end of infrastructure because the rich need tax cuts and can take helicopters)
Retiring Later Is Hard Road for Laborers - NYTimes.com (people with desk-jobs want them to work until they die)
Ruth Marcus - Overtaxing the rich isn't the answer ("over-taxing" - WaPo, guardian of the Village of idiocy +Ruth Marcus: let them work longer)
Portrait of HAMP Failure: How HAMP Went from the Bank’s Counter Offer to the Whole Enchilada | FDL News Desk In fact, the banks essentially created HAMP. It was their counter-offer to cramdown, their attempt to put a foreclosure-mitigation scheme friendlier to their interests in place (the program our banker-friendly Pres designed to screw homeowners and protect ... banks!)
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Diamond star thrills astronomers
Derek Sivers: Keep your goals to yourself | Video on TED.com why people who talk about their ambitions may be less likely to achieve them.
OCD getting more attention - Baltimore Sun At least one in 100 suffer from the disorder
Transparency: Which Countries Have the Most Vacation? - Business - GOOD
Sunday Late Night: The NYT & That Old-Time Bias | Firedoglake
Is Sarah Palin a Computer Criminal? | Electronic Frontier Foundation In short, Facebook believes that if you use Facebook in a way that Facebook doesn't like — as defined by its terms of use — you commit a federal crime. (Zuckerberg will lock you away for life)
Stupid California Police Warn Parents of Pedobear, the 'Pedophile Mascot' (Updated)
Nokia smartphone exec to jump ship amid falling share | Electronista (Apple and Android ate their lunch while they were sitting around Espoo getting their tactile feedback exactly right)
Groklaw - Vernor v. AutoDesk - Vacated (first sale) and remanded (copyright misuse)
Google search index splits with MapReduce • The Register
YouTube testing live streaming service | Business 2.0 Press
America the Exceptional - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com "To this date, not a single victim of the Bush administration’s torture program has had his day in court," [the ACLU's Ben] Wizner said. . . . "If this decision stands, the United States will have closed its courts to torture victims while providing complete immunity to their torturers." (nothing Obama does is illegal)
Security in Afghanistan Is Deteriorating, Aid Groups Say - NYTimes.com (the surge against the insurgents isn't surging so well)
HP Holds Navy Network ‘Hostage’ for $3.3 Billion | Danger Room | Wired.com (military can't run their own computers; of, by, and for the corps)
Imam Feisal Rauf: Moving Islamic Cultural Center Would Have 'Fueled Terrorism'
Op-Ed Columnist - Is This America? - NYTimes.com For a glimpse of how venomous and debased the discourse about Islam has become, consider a blog post in The New Republic this month. Written by Martin Peretz, the magazine’s editor in chief, it asserted: “Frankly, Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims.” (Peretz at work: Muslims aren't human and don't deserve rights in America, land of the free)
A Harsh Thing I Should Have Said (Martin Peretz Dept) - Politics - The Atlantic
2theadvocate.com | Opinion | Letter: Obama’s no Muslim, but so what? — Baton Rouge, LA
Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog! Go!: A Final Thought on 9/11/10
The Unofficial Story | CBC News: the fifth estate
ESPN.com: Page 2 : Fear & Loathing in America - We are going to punish somebody for this attack, but just who or what will be blown to smithereens for it is hard to say. Maybe Afghanistan, maybe Pakistan or Iraq, or possibly all three at once. (Hunter S Thompson on 9/12: totally right and prescient)
San Bruno Explosion: Residents Wait To Move Back To Burned Neighborhood The section of gas pipeline that ruptured and exploded in a suburban San Francisco neighborhood, killing four and injuring nearly 60 others, was ranked as high risk
San Bruno Pipeline That Exploded Had Been Ranked As 'High-Risk'
Frank Rich - Time for This Big Dog to Bite Back - NYTimes.com
Imagine If NYT Columnists Like Thomas Friedman Had to Know About the Great Recession? | Beat the Press - What planet does Mr. Friedman live on and why on earth is he given space in the NYT to spew utter nonsense? (billionaires telling us to sacrifice more)
Nostalgic for ... Bill Clinton? - Baltimore Sun Democrats are panicking, Republicans aren't much better, and Obama is turning into Carter before our eyes
DADT Repeal Looking Very Bleak | The Seminal | Republicans’ newly discovered tolerance of gay people was short lived. They are still objecting to a defense authorization bill which contains a "controversial" amendment that 75% of Americans support (another leadership fail)
Hullabaloo: If We Build It They Will Use It: The story also points out that the Border Patrol is the second largest police agency in the country after the New York City Police Department (no accountability, of course)
Ezra Klein - The health-care reform bill's empty promises, and their curious fullness (McMegan McWrong links to Mr. McMegan who is also full of shit)
Tea Party Activists Protest Coast To Coast, Glenn Beck Apears With Sarah Palin In Alaska (Palin-Beck 2012! The End of the World!)
Geithner Urges Action on Economy - WSJ.com citing the example of countries who "shift too quickly to premature restraint" after a crisis, including the U.S. in the 1930s.
DownWithTyranny!: How Alan Greenspan Helped Bring Down the US Economy-- And What Boehner And His Cronies Have In Store For Us If They Win In November (they are never wrong, and America never learns)
Poverty Rate In U.S. Saw Record Increase In 2009: 1 In 7 Americans Are Poor (but they all want tax-cuts for the rich)
Simon Johnson: Republican Nightmare: Putting Elizabeth Warren to Work Now (why the fuck did he wait a year?)
Vacation-Renter Index ™ | Vacation-Renter, Inc.
Sierra Sciences Successfully Lengthening of Telomeres to Extend Human Lifespan
Drug holds promise to halt debilitating condition of diabetes KU-32 can stop and even reverse diabetic peripheral neuropathy, or DPN, in mice.
Titans of science: David Attenborough meets Richard Dawkins | Science | The Guardian
Please, do this some more : Pharyngula There is a wonderful program in place at a bible camp in Massachusetts: the children get phone calls…from God. He tells the kids to proselytize for him, to be just like Jesus (do you think they'll feel deceived when they find out Santa Claus doesn't exist?)
Evidence of second fast north-south pole flip found
BBC News - Astronomers find evidence for unusual class of black holes If confirmed, HLX-1 would be classified as an intermediate-type black hole - something astrophysicists suspected to exist, but for which there have been only tentative detections in the past.
Genomics, Evolution, and Pseudoscience: Stem cell heroes and villains let’s take a look at the so-called scientists who filed the case, and examine their claims (fake "scientists")
The art market: Hands up for Hirst | The Economist How the bad boy of Brit-Art grew rich at the expense of his investors
Canadian pot activist Marc Emery sentenced to five years in US prison | Raw Story t U.S. authorities targeted his operation over other Canadian seed-sellers because of all the funding he's provided to the legal movement to regulate cannabis in the U.S.
Keeping crime at bay on cruises - Sun Sentinel (cruise ships not required to report serious crimes until just now)
Sheriff's department warns parents of Pedo Bear image - Local News - San Luis Obispo, CA - KSBY-TV - msnbc.com Although there have been no reported sightings of the image on the Central Coast, individuals dressed in the bear costume and car decals have been seen in Southern California (idiots)
IOBPq.jpg (great ad placement)
Inception: Wait.. What happened? |
Seventeen Ways of Criticizing Inception « Big Other
Hal Phillips — Inception
How Are Adults Using Mobile Phones? / Flowtown (@flowtown)
Remote Desktop Mac | Remote Desktop Software Comparison Chart
No, you don't own it: Court upholds EULAs, threatens digital resale (no, you don't actually own what you bought; first-sale is so over)
Guess What, You Don’t Own That Software You Bought | Threat Level | Wired.com (next up: license to use cars and homes)
Resale Fees That Only Developers Could Love - NYTimes.com ("resale fee" for your home; you thought we were kidding)
Above the Law - Russia Uses Microsoft to Suppress Dissent - NYTimes.com
Top 10 Things to Do with a New Windows 7 System
Obama Asserts “We Will Not Sacrifice Liberties” Due to September 11; Reality Begs to Differ | FDL News Desk (Hayden, Bush CIA Director: “You’ve got state secrets, targeted killings, indefinite detention, renditions, the opposition to extending the right of habeas corpus to prisoners,” Hayden said. “Although it is slightly different, Obama has been as aggressive as Bush in defending prerogatives about who he has to inform in Congress for executive covert action.”) (anything Obama does is legal by definition)
Eschaton: 9/11 Day: A tragic day which brought out the worst in our country. Not right away, but once evil people saw opportunity to exploit it for their own dreams of destruction.
Did 9/11 make us all go mad? Nine years, two wars, hundreds of thousands dead - and nothing learnt - Robert Fisk, Columnists - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk
September 11 Anniversary Stained By Politics And Prejudice
Charles Blow - A Lesson From 9/11 - NYTimes.com
Editorial - Sept. 11, 2010 - The Continuing Human Damage - NYTimes.com (American priorities)
Covering the 'Fifth Column' The decadent left in its enclaves on the coasts is not dead--and may well mount a fifth column." (November 2001: dirty fucking hippies are the enemy)
Instaputz: Top 5 Craziest Things Putz Wrote on 9/11.
Perspective On 9/11 And The Invasions Of Iraq & Afghanistan | Prose Before Hos (one 9/11 every eight days in Iraq and Afganistan, great job, America)
Haiti Earthquake: Just 2 Percent Of Quake Debris Has Been Cleared
25 Killed In Mexican City's Deadliest Day In 3 Years (Hillary drawing up occupation/liberation plans) Calderon: ""These kind of comments like the ones made by Secretary of State Clinton ... so careless, so lacking in seriousness, are very painful for Mexico"
U.S. weapons fuel drug violence, Mexico's president says - CNN.com "We live next to the world's largest drug consumer, and all the world wants to sell them drugs through our door and our window. And we live next to the world's largest arms seller, which is supplying the criminals," Mexican President Felipe Calderon told CNN en Español Friday (qft)
Greek Protesters Confront Government On Economy In Huge Protests (see sovereign debt, defaults and Michael Lewis)
Pervasive Abuse Found in Belgian Catholic Church - NYTimes.com - Sexual abuse of children reached all parts of Belgium’s Roman Catholic Church, and it drove at least 13 victims to kill themselves, a report released Friday said.
Roger Vangheluwe, Ex-Bishop In Sex Abuse Scandal, Goes Into Hiding (time for the coverup leader to go)
Gainesville, Aghast, Disavows Pastor’s Talk of Burning Koran - NYTimes.com
September 11 Anniversary: Dueling Demonstrations Begin After 9/11 Memorial Afghans, meanwhile, set fire to tires in the streets and shouted "Death to America" for a second day despite Jones' decision to call off the burning. The largest drew a crowd estimated at 10,000.
If the 'Mosque' Isn't Built, This Is No Longer America | MichaelMoore.com
There Already Was A Ground-Zero Mosque -- On The 17th Floor Of The World Trade Center
Anti-Mosque Rally All About How It's Not About Intolerance | TPMMuckraker
Inquiry Sifting Cause of Blast in the Bay Area - NYTimes.com - The utility has some history of problems with federal regulators, records show.
Op-Ed Columnist - Paying the Price - NYTimes.com Like homeowners in the path of an approaching wildfire, Democrats are scrambling to salvage what they can from an anticipated disaster in the coming elections ... voters do not feel that the administration and Congress have delivered the fundamental change they were seeking when they swept President Obama and huge Democratic majorities into office nearly two years ago (no one could have predicted that Obama's crack team of tinkle-down Republicans would alientate all the people who voted for him)
Fact Check: Obama's Tone Shifts On Health Care An analysis from Medicare's Office of the Actuary this week said that the nation's health care tab will go up – not down – through 2019 as a result of Obama's sweeping law (who could have predicted after killing single-payer and public-option)
US ruling class prepares attack on Social Security (see Republican-front Chamber of Commerce and Simpson's "lesser people")
U.S. Chamber of Commerce Accused of Tax Fraud - NYTimes.com - With a war chest rivaling that of the Republican Party itself, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has emerged in the last year as perhaps the Obama administration’s most-well-financed rival ... violated tax codes by laundering millions of dollars meant for charitable work from a group with ties to the insurance giant A.I.G. (how they work)
Arson Investigation in Houston Voting Machine Fire - NYTimes.com Arson investigators have been called in to scrutinize a fire that destroyed the warehouse where all of Harris County’s voting machines were stored ... Troubles at the polls in Houston could skew the governor’s race (draw your own conclusions)
G.O.P. Leader Is Tightly Bound to Lobbyists - NYTimes.com (tanned, drunk, and ready to screw you)
Knife Tricks: I Am Detained By The Feds For Not Answering Questions (interrogation now a pre-requisite for Americans re-entering their own country)
Knife Tricks: 10 Brief Responses To 700 Comments About Refusing To Answer Questions At Passport Control
Daniel Rubin: An infuriating search at Philadelphia International Airport | Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/18/2010
Pregnant Traveler: TSA Screeners Bullied Me Into Full-Body Scan - The Consumerist
School Suspends Boy for Bloodshot Eyes The teen said he was not high. Instead his eyes were red because he had been grieving the loss of his murdered father.
Matthew Yglesias » Momentum! (value investing is terrible: convential wisdom)
Japan Planning a Currency Intervention to Curb Yen - NYTimes.com
Nokia Names Stephen Elop as Chief Executive - NYTimes.com (a match made in heaven)
FDA Warns Of MRI Drugs' Deadly Side Effect
Shortcuts - No Reason to Change the Oil Every 3,000 Miles - NYTimes.com
On Fashion’s Night Out, Normal Hits the Streets - NYTimes.com
Premier Chat 006 Transcript: Kyle Wiens of iFixit
Facebook users 'are narcissistic, insecure and have low self-esteem' | Mail Online Facebook provides an ideal setting for narcissists to monitor their appearance and how many ‘friends’ they have, the study said, as it allows them to thrive on ‘shallow’ relationships while avoiding genuine warmth and empathy.
Burglary Ring Uses Facebook To Target Victims Police in New Hampshire busted a burglary ring that targeted people's homes using Facebook status updates
BBC News - Sex movie worm spreads worldwide
Bing exec: Google Instant may be fast, but Bing results are smarter - usatoday.com
Judge in California rules on military's ban on openly gay service members
U.S. Marines Take Ship From Somali Pirates (PHOTOS)
Pentagon Fighting Release of New War Memoir, 'Operation Dark Heart' - DailyFinance (National Security means "bad PR)
Weary of drug war, Mexico debates legalization | McClatchy
The Associated Press: Priest sex abuse linked to 13 suicides in Belgium (every church in Belgium, children as young as 2 yrs old, massive coverup by the Vatican, no charges)
BBC News - Belgium church abuse detailed by Adriaenssens report Two-thirds of victims were boys but 100 girls also suffered, he said (time to ban the Catholic Church)
One woman's nightmare, and a crime against humanity - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent Forced to marry her own rapist, Hanan now lives in terror of losing her son – and of being murdered by her family. Her case-history introduces a four-day series investigating a global scandal that destroys many thousands of lives every year (the "honor" of the patriarchy)
Quran Burning Story: This Is How The Media Embarrass Themselves ... because when, exactly, did the Pentagon start negotiating with two-bit terrorists? (two years of paying almost exclusive attention to the most fringe elements in American society and this is the result)
How (and why) the media made Terry Jones a star - War Room - Salon.com Gen. Petraeus' comments sparked a frenzy in the U.S. But the story had been going strong in Muslim media for weeks (no sanity left in Amercia)
Playing with Fire: On Christian Book Burning | The Smirking Chimp Christians have a long tradition of book burning, dating back to the first decades of what some call the "Jesus movement." ... since the seventh century, the Islamic world has been generally more tolerant towards books than the Christian world
Foreign Policy In Focus | A Plan Colombia for Mexico Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated Wednesday that Mexico and Central America were facing an “insurgency” that requires the equivalent of a Plan Colombia in the region (brutal US-Military-supported "anti-insurgency" strategy, facist government required, next Afganistan? all to stop the pot smugglers)
Man posts bomb instructions on Facebook, is charged in plot - CharlotteObserver.com A Concord man was charged with describing how to make explosives, in an effort to bomb an abortion clinic (your "homegrown" terrorism not by brown people set up by the government)
San Bruno Fire (photos, video): At Least 6 Dead, Dozens Of Homes Destroyed After Explosion In San Francisco Suburb
Residents Reported Leak Days Before Explosion - The Bay Citizen PG&E investigated and left, one man says; assemblyman `outraged'
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect Exiting The Imperial Presidency (Republicans may save us)
59% of Americans Want to Mess With Bush Tax Cuts - Business - The Atlantic
Obama Hints At Procedural Compromise On Bush Tax Cuts, Says GOP's Holding 'Middle Class Hostage'
Axelrod On Wave Of Political Crises: 'You Just Shake Your Head And Smile And Say This Can't Be' Obama and his team's reputation as messaging gurus was predicated, in large part, on the fact that there was only one narrative to control: the presidential campaign. Once they took office, the dynamics changed, the narratives expanded uncontrollably and the perception that the president's team was made up of virtuosos was gone.
Are You Ready for Some Midterms? - MSNBC's Political Narrative - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 9/9/2010 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
Public Policy Polling: Tough Road for Snowe Maine Republicans disapprove of Olympia Snowe and they think her rightful place is in the Democratic Party. (President Snowe should become independent - neither side likes her)
Booman Tribune ~ Retiring Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio) said he plans to help push a package of small-business incentives through the Senate next week (President Snowe seems to be out of the loop)
Ezra Klein - Forum: Andy Stern's plan to create 12 million new jobs
Fine Rubin! | Analysis & Opinion | The SEC wants to settle with Citigroup — which is to say, impose pain on its current shareholders, many of whom are the victims here — without fining Rubin at all. That’s silly (there are never any personal consequences for banksters)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation "I want you to know that the intensity of my investigation will be directly related to the intensity of your fight on Medicare." (this is a really evil man, and he has the full backing of the White House: they were fully aware of his hostility to Social Security)
Cash For Clunkers A Year Later: It Was A Wash | Toyota in the News the seven months that followed the program saw a sales decline by 360,000
How Hereditary Can Intelligence Be?: Studies Show Nurture at Least as Important as Nature - Spiegel - International Researchers have long overestimated the role our genes play in determining intelligence. As it turns out, cognitive skills do not depend on ethnicity, and are far more malleable than once thought (huge surprise: Larry "The Bummer" Summers wrong again)
BBC News - Alien oceans could be detected by telescopes
Book Excerpt: Stephen Hawking's 'The Grand Design' - TIME
Basics - Surviving by Disguising - Nature’s Game of Charades - NYTimes.com - psychologists are coming to appreciate the profound importance of nonconscious mimicry in making us feel loved and appreciated, or simply smoothing the edges of our everyday affairS ... “I think the negative effect of not being imitated is even stronger than the positive effect of being imitated,” said Dr. van Baaren. NON/(->nonconscious<- also, mirror neurons and "alien transplants")
YouTube - To Life: Vanessa's Wedding Surprise
Google Instant Blocks Sexy Searches: See What Basic Terms Google Thinks Are NSFW
Apple TV vs. Google TV: How do they differ? (Jobs markets his "hobby" to dumb Apple fans)
Obama wins the right to invoke "State Secrets" to protect Bush crimes - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (because he wants to do it himself; more Bush than the old Bush; no moral center)
US court rejects Binyam Mohamed torture case | World news | guardian.co.uk British resident cannot sue firm for allegedly flying terror suspects abroad for CIA because of 'national security concerns' - "To this date, not a single victim of the Bush administration's torture programme has had his day in court (disgusting)
US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies' | World news | The Guardian Soldiers face charges over secret 'kill team' which allegedly murdered at random and collected fingers as trophies of war
'Plan B' For Afghanistan Aims To Spark Long Overdue Debate
Afghanistan: Whistleblower Claims Many US Interpreters Can't Speak Afghan Languages - ABC News Says Translators Failed Language Tests, Were Still Embedded With US Troops In Afghanistan (outscourced to contractors for $1.4Bn; useless)
Terrorism : Suicide attack in Russia kills 15, wounds over 100 - Catastrophe Monitor
Vancouver taxpayers on hook for $1-billion as most Olympic Village units unsold
5 surprises from Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s CNN interview – CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs
YouTube - Burn A Quran (A Terry Jones / Fred Phelps MOCK Ad by DC Douglas)
Anatomy of the Phone-Hacking Scandal - Interactive Feature - NYTimes.com (the hand of Satan)
What the Coulson affair tells us about Murdoch's lust for power | Will Hutton | Comment is free | The Observer The Andy Coulson allegations have highlighted the shabby nature of media regulation in this country
YouTube - Chris Bryant tears into Kay Burley on Sky News (this will never happen in Amercia)
YouTube - Wall Street Journal takes on New York Times
Merkel to honor Mohammed cartoonist at press award | Reuters
Phone-hacking: MPs set to agree top inquiry | Media | The Guardian (they didn't want to upset corrupt cops)
Andy Coulson should resign say 52% of the population. | Tom Watson MP
Jack of Kent: MetGate: A Guide to the Current Issues
Regulatory Capture Of Oil Drilling Agency Exposed In Report
Obama Refuses To Say He'd Veto Extension Of Bush Tax Cuts For Wealthy (signaling support for the plan, while he cuts Social Security and Medicare; no moral center)
Republicans Dominate Medicare Discussions On White House Fiscal Commission | TPMDC (first they came for Social Security ...)
Obama: Rahm Emanuel Would Be 'Terrific' Chicago Mayor (which Republican will he appoint to replace Rahmbo?)
Pensito Review » GOP Now Running Against Wall Street Bailout They Voted for – Here’s a List of GOP Reps and Senators Who Voted ‘Aye’ - In the Senate, as Maddow pointed out, the bailout was strongly supported by then-presidential candidate John McCain, along with his running mate, Facebook blogger Sarah Palin (oh, snap! but Americans can't remember yesterday)
Obama Implores Minister To Call Off Quran Burning
Jon Stewart On Koran Burners: 'Who's Funding These Radical Christian Clerics?' (video) | TPMMuckraker
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Won't Rule Out 2012 White House Run (mu-hahaha)
Barbara Boxer Aide Marcus Stanley Busted For Bringing Pot Into Senate Office Building
Ganja yoga combines marijuana and meditation - The Globe and Mail
OECD Says Slowdown `More Pronounced' Than Anticipated - Bloomberg
The Plum Line - More House Dems balking at ending Bush tax cuts for rich
Simon Johnson: Think Long-Term Fiscal Sustainability - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com Can Obama's tax cut package promote a faster recovery? - According to the Congressional Budget Office, extending all the Bush tax cuts would add $2.3 trillion to the total 2018 debt. The single biggest step our government could take this year to address the structural deficit would be to let the tax cuts expire (therefore, Obama won't, but he'll cut SS and Medicaid)
Low-Carbohydrate Diets and All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality — Ann Intern Med
Dr. Dean Ornish: Atkins Diet Increases All-Cause Mortality
High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being — PNAS (anything over $75K/yr is useless for feeling good)
Laws of physics vary throughout the universe, new study suggests (alpha, fine-structure constant)
Origin of magnetic fields may lie in special relativity's spacetime distortions
The brain speaks: Scientists decode words from brain signals
5 Worries Parents Should Drop, And 5 They Shouldn't : Shots - Health News Blog : NPR (irrational parental fears)
Stephen Hawking on God, Science and the Origins of the Universe - WSJ.com There is a sound scientific explanation for the making of our world—no gods required
Ancient Roads Lead to Discovery in the Egyptian Desert - NYTimes.com
Lake Michigan's ecosystem facing collapse - CSMonitor.com An invasive mussel is devouring Lake Michigan's phytoplankton, the basis for the lake's food chain.
US court suspends ban on embryonic stem cell research - Yahoo! News Lamberth ruled in favor of a coalition of groups, including several Christian organizations, which had sought a temporary injunction on funding of the research ahead of a planned lawsuit (the pig's injunction overturned)
Supreme Court won't order California to defend Prop 8 - San Jose Mercury News
Girl Scouts breed "pro-abortion" lesbians, says Republican | Nerve.com
Middletown High School: 17-year-old shot with Taser for stealing a meat patty in the cafeteria. - Courant.com The board of education does not have a policy against the use of Tasers in the high school, Fontaine said.
Researchers Skeptical of Claims by Online Dating Sites researchers at the University of Arkansas caution users that some Web sites’ claims of scientific justification may be “junk science.”
Holder, Axelrod Denounce Florida Church's Planned Quran Burning
Why aren't politicians speaking out against the would-be Quran-burner who's endangering our troops? - By Fred Kaplan - Slate Magazine Why aren't politicians speaking out against the would-be Quran-burner who's endangering our troops? (Republicans strangely silent on rightwing crazy fundies getting troops killed)
U.N. puts Congo sex attacks at more than 500 - CNN.com
YouTube - 1/16 The Maltese Double Cross
Haley Barbour To Republicans: Social Issues 'Ain't Going To Change Anybody's Vote' Mississippi was voted the safest state in the country for an unborn child
Stewart Uses Jan Brewer Fiasco To Show Democrats' Midterm Challenges (they can't even beat totally insane idiots)
Right Network Launches: Conservative Entertainment Channel Debuts (the fourth or fifth one: Kelsey Grammer promoting "new" conservative network: Frasier is an idiot)
Some Guy With a Website by August J. Pollak - xoverboard.com : Mike Lester just threatened to sue me (Mike Lester, Editorial Cartoonist for the Rome (Ga) News Tribune, makes himself famous on the internets for all eternity by looking like a vengeful, stupid, racist clown: monitor this, Mike)
Montana Tea Party Leader Axed Over Comments Concerning Hanging Of Homosexuals
Obama Is Against a Compromise on Bush Tax Cuts - NYTimes.com (Repubicans: compromise and give us everything we want)
Beware of Greeks Bearing Bonds | Business | Vanity Fair But beyond a $1.2 trillion debt (roughly a quarter-million dollars for each working adult), there is a more frightening deficit. After systematically looting their own treasury, in a breathtaking binge of tax evasion, bribery, and creative accounting spurred on by Goldman Sachs, Greeks are sure of one thing: they can’t trust their fellow Greeks (another Lewis gem, see sovereign debt below)
Claims of Recovery But Results Nowhere To Be Found | International Forecaster Weekly | Bob Chapman | The International Forecaster (buy gold)
Scientists: Go ahead, kill all the mosquitoes. The world will be better for it. | SciGuy | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Eerie Ukrainian Salt Mines House Convalescing Asthmatics | Raw File
Law and Biosciences Blog | Stem Cell Madness – Judge Lamberth’s Opinion and Order Enjoining hESC Research (crazy Republican judges at work)
Royce C. Lamberth - Wikipedia (just look at his photo)
Ditching Ethanol Subsidy Will Save US $6 Billion - Won't Hurt Domestic Production Either : TreeHugger
Hypercities Beta 2
De Condimentis (1) | HiLobrow
Teravolt.org - Laser Microscope
YouTube - pacific sun hit by big waves
Marine Accident Investigation: Pacific Sun
Events at Sea 2010
msnbc video: Miracle on the Wild Coast: sinking of the Oceanos
Cruise ship - Snotr
YouTube - Cat Parkour
YouTube - Amazing Cat Jump!!
Freescale - Consumer on Vimeo
Google Scribe Google launched a very interesting tool that offers suggestions as you type: Google Scribe
Google enters music war vs. Apple | Toronto Sun (trying to break the jobsopoly)
Xbox rules chief apologizes to W.Va. gamer suspended for listing real home town of Fort Gay (really pathetic)
America's Empire and Endless Wars Are Destroying the World, and Ruining Our Great Country | World | AlterNet For more than 50 years, Washington has subscribed to the absurd notion that America can police the world with military action. All we've managed to do is bankrupt our country (our militant, Republican, South at work)
Terry and the Terrorists | The Moderate Voice 500 angry demonstrators turned out in Kabul on Monday to protest plans by the pastor of Florida’s Dove World Outreach Center to burn Qurans on Saturday. Their number dwarfed the total number of pastor Terry Jones’s flock: His church has only about 50 members. They chanted “Death to America” and burned American flags (way to go, racist Christian fundies)
Gulf Oil Blowout Preventer: Where Is It? (Pres Transparency won't say)
Election Spending Sets Records: No Recession Here (superrich contributors/corps not that affected by recession)
Supreme Court Clerks, Like Justices, Lean Left or Right - NYTimes.com (big surprise: Republicans behave like Republicans)
David Axelrod: Republican Congress Could Be 'More Extreme' Than Bush (ya think?)
What’s Howard Kurtz reading? | Media Matters for America Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz has a new blog, and with it a new (conservative-heavy) Blogroll (they talk about whatever conservatives what them to talk about)
Calculated Risk: Part 5A. What Happens If Things Go Really Badly? $15 Trillion of Sovereign Debt in Default
Calculated Risk: Sovereign Debt Part 5C. Some Policy Options, Good and Bad
Rome is Burning « Modeled Behavior
Krugman and Well: The Slump Goes On: Why? | The New York Review of Books (the fools who rule us who think unemployment isn't a big deal)
Economist's View: Krugman and Wells: The Slump Goes On: Why?
Krugman: Infrastructure - NYTimes.com - Once again, they’re striking right at the capillaries (it won't pass anyway, so why not inform the public about what is really needed? - more shitty strategy from the WH +people have no concept of "public good")
You Say Recession, I Say Depression: The Difference Between Those Words Is The Key To Recovery | The New Republic Why the difference between those two words is so important to the future of our economy.
Peter Orszag - One Nation, Two Deficits - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com (Orszag supporst extending Bush tax-cuts to top 1% of superrich so they will tinkle down on the unemployed)
Orszag's Column Points To Odd-Man-Out Status At White House: it was "totally outrageous" that Orszag had earned the reputation of being a progressive voice on economic matters -- a perception largely earned by his fierce advocacy for health care reform as a means of changing the country's fiscal trajectory. "He never was," (nor, was anyone else)
Florida’s High-Speed Answer to a Foreclosure Mess - NYTimes.com (stupid, retired, maybe corrupt, judges)
Arch Gen Psychiatry -- Abstract: Pilot Study of Psilocybin Treatment for Anxiety in Patients With Advanced-Stage Cancer, September 6, 2010, Grob et al. 0 (2010): archgenpsychiatry.2010.116v1
BBC News - ME 'could be caused by a virus' Blood tests conducted on children with the illness found abnormalities in their white blood cells which is seen as an indication of a viral infection.
Low vitamin D linked to schizophrenia › News in Science (ABC Science) Babies born with low vitamin D levels are twice as likely to develop schizophrenia later in life, researchers from the Queensland Brain Institute have found.
Mind - Research Upends Traditional Thinking on Study Habits - NYTimes.com - “The contrast between the enormous popularity of the learning-styles approach within education and the lack of credible evidence for its utility is, in our opinion, striking and disturbing,” the researchers concluded.
Why Americans believe Obama is a Muslim There's something beyond plain old ignorance that motivates Americans to believe President Obama is a Muslim (and the answer is ... Fox News! +John McCain is senile!)
Pants Size Chart - Waist Measurements for Men - Esquire
» The Running of the Dead, Part 1 Christian Thorne • Commonplace Book
LiveLeak.com - Pacific Sun Cruise liner in very heavy seas. Internal CCTV footage.
YouTube - St. James Infirmary
AP Begins Crediting Bloggers as News Sources (instead of just stealing their work)
On Wikipedia, Cultural Patrimony, and Historiography | booktwo.org
Nicolas Sarkozy falls victim to 'Google bomb' attack - Telegraph
YouTube Diary: Woman Reunites With Boyfriend After Break-Up Videos - ABC News British Woman's Break-Up Videos Attract Thousands of Views Online
Globe Genie - Joe McMichael
BBC News - West Bank settlement freeze will end - Israeli minister (once again, in your face)
Avigdor Lieberman, Israel's Foreign Minister, Pushes For New Settlement Construction Amid Middle East Peace Talks (who could have predicted that would happen?)
French officials unfazed as thousands rally for Roma (Sarkozy continues with ethnic cleansing)
Petraeus Condemns U.S. Church's Plan to Burn Qurans - WSJ.com the planned burning of Qurans on Sept. 11 by a Florida church could put the lives of American troops in danger and damage the war effort.
Mideast Youth » Blog Archive » Israel: “Rape by deception” turns out to be brutal rape of a vulnerable and abused woman - Thinking Ahead
When blue-collar pride became identity politics - Joan Walsh - Salon.com Remembering how the white working class got left out of the New Left, and why we're all paying for it today (if you want to know what happened)
Political Scientists Forecast Big Losses For Democrats In 2010 Midterm Elections (this was obvious a year ago, and the crack team of advisors did nothing useful)
Analysts: White House Panicking Over Elections - Face The Nation - CBS News Say Dems Are Distancing Themselves From Obama, Angry Over Economy, Health Care Fallout (they reap what they sow, and they are so surprised)
Hullabaloo Village: Fop Flop
100 Grand Bore « Margaret and Helen if more than a hundred thousand dead civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan can be dismissed, so can slightly less than a hundred thousand peckerwoods at a Beck rally.
No lie: Ethics probe of Joe Wilson's travel wider than disclosed | McClatchy
Jerry Brown Finally Goes On TV In CA-GOV Race (72-yr old geezer hates unions: Dems really know how to lose) | TPMDC
Jerry Brown says he'd be a frugal governor (unions first target)
Jan Brewer's Criminally Insane Son and His Mysteriously Sealed File - Phoenix News - Valley Fever (Obama appointed her Governor)
DownWithTyranny!: Maybe Jan Brewer Sounded Like A Lunatic During Her Debate Because It Runs In The Blood
Weigel : How Al Franken Changed America
Details On C-Street's Midnight Intervention For Ensign | TPMMuckraker
Krugman - 1938 in 2010 - NYTimes.com (they couldn't have failed worse if they tried ... oh, wait)
Matthew Yglesias » Political Implications of Over-Bashfulness in The Non-Economics Social Sciences Meanwhile, economists are free to go out there and mostly spread right-wing dogma across the galaxy
One Dollar, One Vote? | Mother Jones This is the shape of American politics. If your income is low — and probably a fair number of the 56% who want Bush's tax cuts for the rich repealed are low-income voters — politicians simply don't care (they are, after all, members of the ruling class)
Democrats Scattering on Economy as Republicans Demand More Tax Cuts | FDL News Desk
Obama To Back $50 Billion Infrastructure Plan For Roads, Rail, Air Travel (a pre-election effort to show he's trying to stimulate the sputtering economy ... but not that hard)
Obama Economic Policy: Yet Another "Obama Bunts" Edition - Grasping Reality with Both Hands (always underperforming: the best he can do is tax-cuts for businesses!)
The Washington Monthly: GOP Attacks On Infrastructure Investment Already Underway (is "we want to fix your bridges and they don't" too partisan?)
Department Of Labor Launches New Website To Help Unemployed Americans (find the jobs that aren't there: useless)
Portrait of HAMP Failure: The Bank’s Bait-and-Switch | FDL News Desk (program Obama designed to screw homeowners)
Research finds repressed memories don't exist - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Professor Richard McNally from Harvard University described the theory of repressed memory as "the most pernicious bit of folklore ever to infect psychology and psychiatry".
Statement by Harvard professor Richard McNally concerning repressed memories
Repressed memories don't exist - "the most pernicious bit of folklore ever to infect psychology and psychiatry" : science (reactions)
Scientists find evidence discrediting theory Amazon was virtually unlivable (they had all died from European diseases, so, no one lived there)
Bee decline already having dramatic effect on pollination of plants - Telegraph (the end of food)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation According to 48 percent of American voters, it's "too easy" to have an abortion in this country.
College Campus Assaults a Constant Threat - ABC News one out of four female college students will be raped before receiving a diploma.
Can We Date? by Erik Bryan - The Morning News (see flowchart)
Solitude and Leadership: an article by William Deresiewicz | The American Scholar - If you want others to follow, learn to be alone with your thoughts (no sign Obama can lead, so ...)
FOXNews.com (May, 2010) - Obama Set to Hold First Full-Blown News Conference in 10 Months As president, Obama has held just four prime-time news conferences in the first 485 days of his term, but that is equal to the total number that his last three predecessors – combined – had held by the same point in their first terms ... As a candidate two years ago, Obama, then a senator, mused aloud about holding a news conference every month (add one in July, and that's it)
A frustrated White House press corps bites the hand that feeds it | McClatchy President Barack Obama Thursday grudgingly faced his first full-blown East Room news conference at the White House in almost a year, and it was no love-fest (May, 2010)
YouTube - Alice doesn't live here any more...Bill Lee on Pitching
Zakaria: Why America Overreacted to 9/11 - Newsweek What America Has Lost
Op-Ed Columnist - Freedom’s Just Another Word - NYTimes.com What was so grievously missing from Obama’s address was any feeling for what has happened to our country during the seven-and-a-half-year war whose “end” he was marking (where was he, anyway?)
The true cost of the Iraq war: $3 trillion and beyond (which could have bought ...)
NATO General Says Foresight on Marja Was Poor - NYTimes.com NATO commanders were overly optimistic when they predicted quick success last winter in taking the town of Marja from the Taliban, the outgoing deputy commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan said Saturday (hello, NYT, they were selling the new surge)
U.S. Quran Burning Sparks Indonesia Protests Outside American Embassy (Christian Taliban vs Muslim Taliban)
Japanese schools serving whale meat | News.com.au Japan hunts whales under a loophole to an international moratorium that allows the killing of the sea mammals for scientific research but it does not hide the fact that the meat is later sold in shops and restaurants.
BBC News - One dead in Israeli raids on Gaza Israeli aircraft have carried out three bombing raids on the Gaza Strip, killing one man and injuring another.
Britain looks at Portugal's success story over decriminalising personal drug use | Politics | guardian.co.uk
BBC News - New Zealand assesses quake damage
Deepwater Horizon's Blowout Preventer Pulled From Gulf, FBI Present
Our Long National Nightmare Isn't Over, It's Just Beginning | CommonDreams.org | ...we are talking about people who are already fantastically rich. And who, despite this, are absolutely hell-bent on getting richer, even if that means depriving hundreds of millions of people in the American middle class of their middle classness, and in many cases, ultimately of their lives ... the worst, though, is what is to come. Obama and the Democrats will get slaughtered in November ... the administration will have no option after the election but to tack yet further to the right in the ensuing two years ... History will record - if there are historians left to record it - that this was a moment of monsters, cowards and indolents: those being the right, the supposed left, and the public, respectively. (good comments, too: "Our long National Nightmare of relentless "Defense" spending isn't going to end until the country collapses")
War is hell on presidents' approval ratings - latimes.com Like previous presidents, Obama is suffering opinion-poll fallout from unpopular conflicts (we thought all Americans approved of the endless war on brown people)
Democrats Plan Political Triage to Retain House - NYTimes.com (will direct all the money to Blue Dog Republicans)
Open Left:: Great comment on neoliberalism - When Barack Obama made his famous remarks about Ronald Reagan being transformational, it was misinterpreted as being political, an attempt to reach out to the other side. It actually was, as some feared, philosophical. It really did mean, sincerely, that except around the edges, he thought that Reaganism-Thatcherism was irreversible. Just as Bill Clinton does, just as Tony Blair does (our naive, a-historical, no-moral-center Pres)
John McCain Calls For Republicans To Put Out An 'Agenda,' Shies Away From Paul Ryan's Roadmap (ol' cranky wants a new Contract On America)
Pollster.com - Newsweek Poll 'Cooked?' Please (Republicans always attack the truth)
Michael Moore on His Life, His Films and His Activism (Olbermann, Franken attacked Moore because he didn't support the glorious Iraq War +New Yorker, NYT gave cover to Bush's lies)
t r u t h o u t | Secure Communities Opt-Out May Be on the Table (here's an example of Obama's immigration polices at work; he doesn't need Congress to do this shit, his own rightwing "Immigration Reform")
Gingrich Suggests Tough Drug Measure - NYTimes.com Speaker Newt Gingrich said on Friday that he would ask Congress to enact legislation imposing the death penalty on drug smugglers, and he suggested that mass executions of people convicted under such a law might prove an effective deterrent (1995: Newt wanted death penalty and "mass executions" for three joints)
Gingrich admits having affair in '90s - Politics - msnbc.com Former speaker who led impeachment push cites ‘periods of weakness’ (period of weakness = affair with woman 23 years younger while he was impeaching Clinton for infidelity)
Florida’s High-Speed Answer to a Foreclosure Mess - NYTimes.com Lawyers say judges are simply ignoring problematic or contradictory evidence and awarding the right to foreclose to institutions that have yet to prove they own the properties in question (the new cram-down: fuck the homeowners)
A climate warning from the deep | Environment | The Observer The dispersal of tiny sea creatures in Antarctica has alerted scientists to the vulnerability of Earth's ice sheets - Bryozoans make unlikely prophets of doom (someone call the Koch brothers)
48% Say It’s Too Easy To Get An Abortion in America - Rasmussen Reports™
FBI: Marines won't be charged with hate crime | ajc.com Two U.S. Marines accused of knocking a gay Savannah man unconscious will face only misdemeanor charges in the attack after the Justice Department declined to prosecute them for hate crimes,
Electronic Village: 96 Taser-Related Deaths in the United States Something is wrong in America when the police electrocute folks on a WEEKLY basis with their taser arsenal ... and the public is mute in its response.
Alex Kotlowitz: The Trenchcoat Robbers: After fifteen years and twenty-seven banks, they finally tripped up.
YouTube - Professor Longhair, Big Chief
YouTube - dont Freerun (You Will Dies)
Mining social networks: Untangling the social web | The Economist Software: From retailing to counterterrorism, the ability to analyse social connections is proving increasingly useful
The future of the internet: A virtual counter-revolution | The Economist The internet has been a great unifier of people, companies and online networks. Powerful forces are threatening to balkanise it
The Economist Markets to the Sophisticated - NYTimes.com
Only in Japan, Real Men Go to a Hotel With Virtual Girlfriends - WSJ.com
Population of Japan since 1872 - Japan will be extinct by 2150
Digital Domain - A Strong Password Isn’t the Strongest Security - NYTimes.com - “Keeping a keylogger off your machine is about a trillion times more important than the strength of any one of your passwords
Hillary Clinton: Mideast Peace Talks May Be 'The Last Chance For A Very Long Time' (and Netanyahu knows this very well)
Blackwater Won Contracts via Web of Companies - NYTimes.com
Cheney’s “Hard, Hard Power” and Syria | Emptywheel Apparently, the Poodle’s memoir (the tour for which got a little messy in Dublin) confirms something that was blatantly obvious: Dick Cheney wanted to conquer the entire Middle East, country by country.
Corruption Allegations Surround Kabul Bank : NPR
Afghan Bank Bailout: U.S. To Prop Up Kabul Bank To Prevent Crisis - Afghanistan's central bank had ordered Kabul Bank's newly resigned chairman to hand over $160 million in Dubai real estate holdings (your can see where your money went: protecting drug profits and corruption) (but: "No American taxpayer funds will be used to support Kabul Bank" ok, then ...)
U.S. to temper stance on Afghan corruption U.S. to temper stance on Afghan corruption (Plan B: tolerate corruption which means participating in it)
U.S. Marines, British advisers at odds in Helmand
Pentagon declined to investigate hundreds of purchases of child pornography | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News (world's third-largest pedophile ring)
Belgian Church Leader Urged Victim to Be Silent - NYTimes.com The former leader of the Roman Catholic Church in Belgium urged a victim of serial sexual abuse by a bishop to keep silent for a year, until the bishop — the victim’s own uncle — could retire
SpyTalk - Israeli spies wooing U.S. Muslims, sources say
Muslim cleric calls for beheading of Dutch politician | Reuters
BBC News - Tony Blair pelted with eggs at book signing in Dublin
YouTube - Resisting Hegemony - Vandana Shiva
Experience: I tracked down a man who killed 14,000 people | khmer rouge | Life and style | The Guardian 'I knew immediately who he was. It was the same face I'd been carrying around with me for over a decade
Nazis Meet the Firing Squad - Photo Gallery - LIFE
BP Says Cost of Spill Hits $8 Billion - WSJ.com
Hullabaloo: Message: They Care (Obama: no message: all hat, no cattle)
Right-wing "cannot wait" for gov't shutdown, "just like in '95 and '96" | Media Matters for America The 1995-1996 gov't shutdowns had massive impact on public and cost the government at least $800 million (and they can't wait to do it again)
Choke It, Starve It, Shrink It: What That Government Shutdown Talk Is Really About | TPMDC
The Field: A Primer on the 2010 US House and Senate Elections (media comparisons to 1994/5 are nostalgia for their own golden age of Villagerism)
The Washington Monthly: The Kids Are All Right (NYT article about everyone under 30 turning rightwing teaparty wrong, but will they turn out?)
The debate over Markos Moulitsas’ “American Taliban” : Peter Daou
Hullabaloo: digby: Paul Revere Was Very Shrill Too
Hullabaloo: tristero: Talk about it in detail, please! Tell us all about the important differences between al Qaeda's homophobia and Focus on the Family's. Explain all the nuances so we understand (parts of the "left" should get jobs on NPR)
Murkowski Upset Erases Alaska Seniority In The Senate (mu-hahah, they're a bunch of welfare queens, of course)
Fed May Face Less Pressure to Add Stimulus After Jobs Report - Bloomberg (bad news is the new good news)
On Economy, Democrats Face a Lack of Unity and Time - NYTimes.com (Obama won't lead, but he never has)
Obama promises new jobs aid (too little, too late from the non-leader +Republicans: top 1% of rich people = "small businesses")
Robert Reich - How to End the Great Recession - NYTimes.com - In the late 1970s, the richest 1 percent of American families took in about 9 percent of the nation’s total income; by 2007, the top 1 percent took in 23.5 percent of total income (most since 1928, but this time, Obama protected the superrich)
What went wrong with Marc Hauser's search for moral foundations. - By David Dobbs - Slate Magazine What went wrong with Marc Hauser's search for moral foundations.
Adam Phillips on the happiness myth | Books | The Guardian
This Summer’s Sexiest Images From Saturn | Wired Science | Wired.com
Scientist Watches Glacier Melt Beneath His Feet : NPR
When Is Offering a Drink of Water a Crime?—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) (Jay Bybee: water is for torture: insane)
Balkinization The United States countered that the water bottles constitute "garbage" in the sense of the statute - This is the same Jay Bybee who thinks that terms like "torture" and "severe suffering" are so vague that it would be unfair to apply statutes prohibiting them to interrogators who waterboard people and keep them awake for a week at a time, naked and hanging in chains. (yes, Obama defended this outrage: he's on the same side as war criminal Jay Bybee)
Don't Cry for Jay Bybee, the Torture Memo Boss Who Became a Judge
Jay Bybee's sociopathic self-absorption - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
The only ones: Escaping near death | sole survivors | World news | The Guardian What does it feel like to be the only person to survive a plane crash, a boat wreck or an ambush? Sole survivors tell their stories
This Chaplain Is Protected By God—and by an Atheist--at War - WSJ.com
Questions for Deepak Chopra - Interview - NYTimes.com - I say God gave humans the truth, and the Devil came and said, “Let’s organize it, we’ll call it religion.”
Charles Blow - Religious Outlier - NYTimes.com (religiosity plotted against GDP - US remains primitive)
California Council of Churches IMPACT Endorses Proposition 19 | yeson19.com - 21 different denominations and over 1.5 million members within the mainstream and progressive Protestant communities
Agreement reached to clean up Santa Susana Field Laboratory » Ventura County Star the site of a partial meltdown of a small reactor in 1959 (but it's just a "conceptual" agreement: your military at work)
Field of secrets: The Santa Susana Field Lab cleanup saga hits 20 - LA Daily News They soon realized that secrecy and obfuscation were as deeply entrenched in the field lab as the contamination imbedded in the very soil of those hills
Billionaire Koch Brothers Back Suspension Of California Climate Law
All Our Ideas - A Suggestion Box for the Digital Age
Without a Trace: Turn Your Flash Drive into a Portable Privacy Toolkit
State of the Art - OpenDNS Simplifies Life for Web Users - NYTimes.com (or use Google's DNS servers, wonder why Pogue didn't mention that?)
namebench - Project Hosting on Google Code
Craigslist Censored: Adult Section Comes Down
The Meme Team rolls out : pics
meme - Wolfram|Alpha
Strong quake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand - CNN.com
AP Issues Standards Memo: 'Combat In Iraq Is Not Over'
AP refuses to use WH/NBC propaganda terms for Iraq - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (the Pentagon's 27,000 member $.5 billion PR dept at work)
Soldier admits to looting Turkish ship - Israel News, Ynetnews
Stations Picked, Huge Automated Transit Project for Paris is Closer to Realization « The Transport Politic (twenty billion euros or three months in Afganistan)
Gulf oil rig explosion reportedly spreading sheen in Gulf of Mexico | NOLA.com
BP Says Curb on Drilling Would Imperil Payouts - NYTimes.com (in other words: "fuck you")
For families of Muslim 9/11 victims, a new pain (hate mail from Glenn Beck/Palin fans)
Crossroads County - Fewer Young Voters See Themselves as Democrats - NYTimes.com (Obama managed to turn off an entire generation in two years)
Obama Should Feel 'Uncomfortable' That Conservatives Are Co-opting Gay Rights Issues: Top Dem (Obama "a marriage is between a man and a woman" is now to the right of GOP)
The profound mystery of the "enthusiasm gap" - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (Obama governed like a Republican; Dems losing on issues +DiFi leading attack on marijuana +Elizabeth Warren will be the last straw)
GOP Will 'Descend Into A Brawl' Upon Taking Power: Top Strategist
Meet The Next Sarah Palin: Arizona Governor Jan Brewer | Prose Before Hos (there is nothing she could do that would lose her support by insane Republicans)
The Rachel Maddow Show - Journalism: Jan Brewer will get you for that (she's got the avenging harpie part down)
Think Progress » DOJ Sues Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio For Refusing To Cooperate With Civil Rights Probe
Tea Party Rocks Primaries -- RollingStone.com - Just to prove that it can be done, I’d like to see at least one firm get blown out of business as a consequence of financially supporting the network that is telling America that its black president wants to kill white babies.
Sarah Palin Slams 'Impotent,' 'Limp' Reporters Who Use Anonymous Sources
Sarah Palin's Shopping Spree: Yes, There's More... | Politics | Vanity Fair Bose headphones. A birthday dress for Bristol. Campaign documents and e-mails reveal the fine print.
Krugman - The Real Story - NYTimes.com - If you were, say, reading The Wall Street Journal’s opinion pages in early 2009, you would have been repeatedly informed that the Obama plan would lead to skyrocketing interest rates and soaring inflation ... So, as I said, here’s hoping that Mr. Obama goes big next week. If he does, he’ll have the facts on his side. (he won't; he doesn't know how)
Employment Situation Summary the unemployment rate was about unchanged at 9.6 percent
Matthew Yglesias » New Jobs Program Coming? (not really)
Administration’s September Rollout: Big Payroll Tax Cut | FDL News Desk the Administration doesn’t want to use the word “stimulus.” And in fact, what they’re proposing, according to Lori Montgomery and Anne Kornblut, is a series of big tax cuts (for your overlords)
White House considers pre-midterm package of business tax breaks to spur hiring White House considers pre-midterm package of business tax breaks to spur hiring (see what they did there?)
Hebrew U. researchers develop treatment to kill HIV cells - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News New therapy is superior to current treatments, which only delay the development of the disease and make AIDS more manageable.
An idle brain may be the self's workshop - latimes.com Recent research suggests that mind-wandering may be important and that knowledge of how it works might help treat such conditions as Alzheimer's disease, autism, depression and schizophrenia.
Withdrawal Method Finds Ally - NYTimes.com withdrawal “almost as effective as the male condom — at least when it comes to pregnancy prevention.”
New Discovery Encourages Alzheimer’s Researchers - NYTimes.com a new protein that is needed to make beta amyloid, which makes up the telltale plaque that builds up in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s.
SAM-e May Be Effective Treatment for Depression - NYTimes.com SAMe stands for S-adenosyl methionine, a naturally occurring molecule that is widely used in Europe for depression, arthritis and other ailments.
Phys Ed: Does Stretching Before Running Prevent Injuries? - NYTimes.com (no)
Bonnie Bassler on how bacteria "talk" | Video on TED.com
The Student Loans Scheme: a Gateway Drug to Debt Slavery (student loan debt now exceed credit card debt: Amercian educational system at work)
Inside a toxic hellhole, Iron Mountain Mine
Guest Post: Go Where? Sex, Gender, and Toilets » Sociological Images
Stormdrane's Blog: a million uses for paracord
Important: Gmail Priority Inbox Should Now Be Available To All
Hurricane Earl closing in on Virginia and North Carolina coast - latimes.com
Hurricane EARL
Hurricane Earl 2010: Parts Of New York, Massachusetts Put On Notice
Obama Wants Us To Forget The Lessons Of Iraq | The New Republic . The surge, now remembered as an epic feat of arms, functions chiefly as a smokescreen, obscuring a vast panorama of recklessness, miscalculation, and waste that politicians, generals, and sundry warmongers are keen to forget ... The United States leaves Iraq having learned nothing
Iraq: The Morning After Commentary (Updated) | Center for a New American Security does anyone out there see a U.S. administration ever embracing the kind of neo-isolationism that Bacevich is apparently demanding? And is it just me, or is he crankier than normal lately? (rightwingers aren't happy unless they are looting the treasury and blowing people up - everything else is "neo-isolationism")
Karzai's brother calls for U.S. to shore up Kabul Bank as withdrawals accelerate the brother of the Afghan president and a major shareholder in beleaguered Kabul Bank called on Thursday for intervention by the United States to head off a financial meltdown (TARP extends to Afganistan to protect graft and drug profits)
Tony Blair: Gordon Brown Has 'Zero' Emotional Intelligence Tony Blair regrets banning fox hunting, but not invading Iraq (+drunk into Baghdad)
Dead British spy was 'padlocked in bag' - Yahoo! News described by friends as a shy mathematics genius (MI6 suggests he padlocked himself into the bag)
Israel is willing to give up east Jerusalem in final deal, key official says - NYPOST.com
Up to 90% of oysters dead in DMR’s reef sample - Pass Christian - SunHerald.com
Oil platform explodes in Gulf, rescues under way – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs
ISS - Big Oil rallies to save Big Oil - "astroturf" events that are designed to appear grassroots but which are actually funded by corporate interests.
Did BP Assassinate This Man? | Death and Taxes
Beck: "We have been setting up re-education camps. We call them universities" | Media Matters for America (college students, the new Muslims)
DGA Files Complaint Against Fox News For Illegal Contribution To GOP Candidate
pandagon.net: Whitey McWhiterson, Sam, And Their Pal Darko Black, Who Is, Ironically, White (Jim Treacher, creepy rightwinger, doesn't undertand anything)
Late Night: Jehovah Goes Galt | Firedoglake (Michael Medved: God is a Republican!)
Daily Kos: "Guiding assumptions" of American governance (American Prospect wankers)
American Taliban Not So Talibanish After All? | Mother Jones Over at the American Prospect, Jamelle Bouie goes to town on Markos Moulitsas's new book, American Taliban: How War, Sex, Sin, and Power Bind Jihadists and the Radical Right (pathetic)
Vanity Fair's Sarah Palin Profiler: 'The Worst Stuff Isn't Even In There' - "This is a person for whom there is no topic too small to lie about," he said. "She lies about everything."
Obama White House Still Backs Catfood Co-Chair Alan Simpson After Vietnam Vets Slur | The Seminal (there is nothing he could say that would get him fired)
Meet The 18 People Who Could Determine The Fate Of Social Security | TPMDC (these are the people Obama appointed to dismantle SS/Medicare - 25 years before it might have problems: shows their priorities)
Daily Kos: The deficit commission's conservative bias (Obama, being a center-right Republican, stacked the catfood commission with center-right Dems - Conrad and Baucus, the guys who screwed health care -- and far-right Repubs)
Hullabaloo: digby: Dealing With The Devil Redux
Right-wing media's pathetic attempt to spin the Discovery Channel hostage situation | Media Matters for America
Did NIST Edit WTC 7 Footage To Hide Evidence Of Implosion?
Democrats unlikely to repeal tax cuts for the rich | McClatchy (because that would go too far to balance the budget and Obama can't stand to upset rich Republicans who hate him)
Eschaton: Farewell: Christina Romer's departing words (they didn't listen to girls)
Story Topic: This is the headline - CNBC Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped for a second straight week, slipping 6,000 to a seasonally adjusted 472,000
Bernanke says stopping housing bubble was not an option « HousingWire (but screwing millions of ordinary people was)
Fed’s Rosengren: Consider community needs in solving foreclosure crisis | REO Insider (fat chance, unless it's a "community" of billionairies)
Banks Playing 'Foreclosure Roulette' With Delinquent Homeowners (they never gave a shit about homeowners)
Steven Rattner's 'Overhaul' Pulls No Punches On Obama Administration's Auto Rescue But Minimizes His Own Troubles (plenty of blame to go around, but Obama and Emmanuel and Summers don't look good)
Irish Worries For The Global Economy « The Baseline Scenario - The consensus among officials and most of the international banking community is that the global economy has stabilized and is now well down the road to recovery (and they have always been right)
FT.com / Columnists / Martin Wolf - Obama was too cautious in fearful times (the timidity of governing +Obama should have listened more to Summers, muhahaha)
Researchers build mysterious "Quantum Cats" from light | NetworkWorld.com Community
Researchers discover how to conduct first test of 'untestable' string theory
Scientist at Work - Dr. Donald A. Redelmeier - Debunking Myths of the Medical World - NYTimes.com
How the Innocence Project Decides to Take a Case | Barry Scheck | Big Think
What to Do When Police Tell You to Stop Taking Photos, Video « Change… You're World
ACLU Seeks End To Prosecutions For Recording Public Conversations With Police | American Civil Liberties Union
Maryland Attorney General Upholds Right to Video Traffic Stops Maryland attorney general rules that state police were wrong to charge motorist with felony for recording his traffic stop (and where is Martha Coakley? protecting cops who abuse the law, what a loser)
Paley & Doctorow argue over Non-Commercial licenses « Nina Paley’s Blog
Op-Ed Contributor - Google's Earth - NYTimes.com
F**k you official video FAIL: colossal waste of money. - My Quilt
The Best of YouTube - bestofyoutube.com | Dancing Merengue Dog - The Best of YouTube (unfucking believable)
The "nobody-could-have-known" excuse and Iraq - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (by which they mean none of the Village Idiots who always support idiotic lies: 9/11, WMDs, Iraq, financial crisis)
Eschaton: The Wayback Machine: November 13, 2003: The Bush administration plans to support the creation of a reconstituted governing body in Iraq that will assume a large degree of sovereignty by next summer -- a move that could lead to a relinquishing of control by the U.S.-led occupation before the 2004 presidential election (suckas!)
Tony Blair Memoir: Thinks War In Iraq Was Right (they are all crawling out of their holes)
Think Progress » Bush-Era Iraq War Architects Emerge To Demand ‘Credit’ For Iraq War ‘Success’
Matt Miller - My Iraq mistake may God save America's unaccountable chattering class.
As Troops Leave Iraq, Why Is Obama Sounding Like A Neocon? | The Seminal And I didn’t even mention how insulting it is for Obama to praise the man who should be getting investigated for war crimes. It reminds me of the final scene from Animal Farm.
Palestinians arrest 250 Hamas members after shooting deaths of 4 Israelis - latimes.com The Palestinian Authority appears to be sending a message that it is committed to peace talks about to begin in Washington (but you-know-who isn't)
Obama Tiptoes Into The Israel-Palestine Crisis
Afghanistan's dirty little secret For centuries, Afghan men have taken boys, roughly 9 to 15 years old, as lovers - Afganistan pedophilia capital of Asia (Islamic law makes women unavailable, so ...)
Julian Assange Rape Investigation Reopened: Sweden Probing WikiLeaks Founder
Brazilian agriculture: The miracle of the cerrado | The Economist Brazil has revolutionised its own farms. Can it do the same for others?
Islamic Center Imam: Fight Could Shape Future Of Muslims In America
Teens Harass Muslims In Upstate New York | TPMMuckraker (crankin' up the hate)
James Lee, Discovery Hostage Taker, Has List Of Demands That Is Hilarious And Crazy ! All human procreation and farming must cease!
Police kill Discovery building gunman - msnbc.com ‘The planet does not need humans’
Alan Simpson Calls Recipient Of Angry Letter (angry old man know nothing; WH says he's just the guy to kill SS)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Disabled vets are just like seniors--those "lesser people" of Simpson's, the ones who fought our wars. Those disabled vets that our own military poisoned while they were serving, can just shove it (Gibbs stands firm behind their man)
Glenn Beck's George Washington Whopper | Mother Jones The Fox host says he held the inaugural address of the famously truthful founding father. Yeah right, says the National Archive
Murkowski Concedes Alaska GOP Senate Primary To Joe Miller (t-bagged!)
Sarah Palin the Sound and the Fury | Politics | Vanity Fair (all your Palin trainwreck in one place: "anywhere you peel back the skin of Sarah Palin’s life, a sad and moldering strangeness lies beneath.")
Argument by Analogy - The Atlantic - Glenn Beck has emerged as the Lich King
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect Glenn Beck Is Not Malcolm X.
Dethroned Miss California Carrie Prejean lands right-wing book deal | Media Matters for America with Regnery Publishing, the notorious right-wing publishing house (wingnut welfare)
Biden To Cool His Heels In Mexico For A While | The Onion - America's Finest News Source "I need to steer clear of D.C. until some shit blows over," said Biden
Wall Street Believes Elizabeth Warren Will Get CFPB Nod | FDL News Desk
The Economic Narrative - NYTimes.com The way the right wants to tell the story — and, I’m afraid, the way it will play in November — is that the Obama team went all out for Keynesian policies, and they failed. So back to supply-side economics! (another Obama messaging fail: they tried to have it both ways, got none)
Tax Cuts, Infrastructure Spending Weighed to Spur Economy - WSJ.com
The 10 Banks That Recieved The Biggest Bailouts Spent The Most On Lobbying In 2010 (of course)
The 10 Highest-Paid CEOs Who Laid Off The Most Workers: Institute For Policy Studies
Science, Reason and Critical Thinking: Modern Science Map
The fine-structure constant and the nature of the universe: Ye cannae change the laws of physics | The Economist - alpha: fine-structure constant variance
BBC News - Charles Darwin's ecological experiment on Ascension isle
Computer Chips Seem Poised to Shrink Again - NYTimes.com
Author Simon Singh Puts Up a Fight in the War on Science | Magazine
Bedbugs Crawl, They Bite, They Baffle Scientists - NYTimes.com
Oliver Sacks on Vision, His Next Book, and Surviving Cancer | NeuroTribes
Texas Court: Gay Couples Can't Divorce
How Much Pee in Pan Will Prompt Museum Intervention?
Julia Oldham: Brooklyn is Burning 4 at PS1: The Morning After (+Genesis BREYER P-ORRIDGE)
Google Chrome Is The New “Down For Everyone Or Just Me”
Put Your System on a Diet: Replace Bloated Apps with Command-Line Alternatives
New Digg CEO, take note: How social media companies respond to irate users | Technology | Los Angeles Times
Five US soldiers killed in Afghanistan, brings August death toll to 55 in fight against Taliban (Obama's pointless war)
BBC News - Assessing America's 'imperial adventure' in Iraq (complete and tragic failure accomplished; Americans still love Bush and their wars)
John Bolton's Revisionist History Of Iraq War Criticism
The Washington Monthly - Hatch Gets It Right On Religious Liberty - Hatch is the first high-profile Republican official to offer a strong endorsement of the Park51 proposal. My suspicion is, he's also likely the last (he's also a Mormon: where's Mittens?)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect The Impending Democratic Bloodbath - we should expect another round of pointless investigations and ridiculous witch hunts (because Obama decided to govern like a Republican)
Voters Leaning Republican On Economy, Terrorism, Other Hot Button Issues (poll)
Immigration Boosts Wages, Employment And Productivity, Fed Study Finds (Arizona'a head explodes)
Glenn Beck's rally was large, vague, moist, and undirected—the Waterworld of white self-pity. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine Glenn Beck's rally was large, vague, moist, and undirected—the Waterworld of white self-pity (stupid white people at work, or not)
Beck: Obama's not a racist, he just believes in an "evil" theology | Media Matters for America ("liberation theology")
Poll: Majority Of GOP Believes Obama Sympathizes With Islamic Fundamentalism, Wants Worldwide Islamic Law (Conservative white people: stupid and insane)
'Young Guns' Ad Campaign Mocked Mercilessly On 'Morning Joe'
Robert Kuttner: Simpson's 'Tits' Are the Least of It Exhibit A is a doubly dishonest column by the New York Times' new whiz-kid pundit, Matt Bai
Brother, Can You Paradigm? - NYTimes.com they argued that too big a plan would alarm the bond markets, and that anyway fiscal stimulus was only needed as an insurance policy (that would be Larry "Always Wrong" Summers and our naive, ahistorical Pres bought the line)
Why Paul Krugman Is Perhaps The Biggest Economic Optimist There Is
Why Paul Krugman Is Perhaps The Biggest Economic Optimist There Is Bottom line: Paul Krugman thinks the solution to the economic malaise is fairly simple, and thus he can't think the slump is fundamentally that bad. He's an optimist (and if he's an optomist ...)
Wastebasket Overdue For Failed Theories of Economics | The Seminal (house of cards +always wrong with no consequences except for destroying the world)
Why Conservatives Are Bad on Energy: It's All About the Costs : Greentech Media Wall Street Journal: PV is a “speculative and immature technology that costs far more than ordinary power.” (except for the externalities part; lying Conservatives are generally bad about everything)
Wall Street May Pay Bonuses Early To Dodge Possible Repeal Of Bush Tax Cuts (plan B)
Lawrence O’Donnell is Dangerously Wrong About Social Security | FDL News Desk
Senator Simpson’s Quick Budget Quiz | Op-Eds & Columns (give it to Dimbulb O'Donnell)
tenreasons.pdf - top ten reasons not to raise the retirement age
Bank Profits Soar, Lending Falls As Banks Pay Next To Nothing For Funds
Bjørn Lomborg: $100bn a year needed to fight climate change | Environment | The Guardian 'Sceptical environmentalist' and critic of climate scientists to declare global warming a chief concern facing world (stupid and wrong, found himself left in the dustbin of history)
Bjørn Lomborg - RCwiki
6 global warming skeptics who changed their minds - The Week
The Lomborg Deception: About Yesterday’s Front-Page Story in the Guardian | CommonDreams.org
The Lomborg Deception : Deltoid
Debunking Lomborg, the Climate-Change Skeptic - Newsweek - Friel's conclusion, as per his book's title, is that Lomborg is "a performance artist disguised as an academic."
The Lomborg Deception: The Septical Environmentalist (sic) says 16 feet of sea level rise wouldn’t be so bad, absurdly claims it would only “force the relocation of 15 million” people « Climate Progress
More on the Lomborg Deception « Climate Progress
Linking Head Trauma and A.L.S. in Military - NYTimes.com
Severely increased risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis among Italian professional football players -- Chiò et al. 128 (3): 472 -- Brain
Head trauma could make football players end up with an ALS-like disease later in life - SmartPlanet
Heavy Drinkers Outlive Nondrinkers, Study Finds - TIME abstaining from alcohol does actually tend to increase one's risk of dying even when you exclude former drinkers. The most shocking part? Abstainers' mortality rates are higher than those of heavy drinkers
A tolerance of rape The Justice Department insists that it wants to take the time to do this right (so Republicans won't object?)
Stripped of dignity
Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » In Colorado, A New Breed of Degrading Search in Prisons
Focus On The Family: Anti-Bullying Efforts Are A Gay Front | TPMMuckraker (they are bullies)
The Online State of Nature | Big Questions Online Why has Internet discourse devolved into a "war of every man against every man"?
Hurricane EARL
Lawsuit challenges Obama's power to kill citizens without due process - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Iraqi Citizens Angry After U.S. Combat Troop Withdrawal - time (freedom isn't free)
U.S. Military Loses Control Of Subcontractor Spending, Warlords Benefit (lobbying against disclosing fraud and waste)
Op-Ed Contributor - Hamas, the I.R.A. and Us - NYTimes.com (you don't usually read this in America)
Abbas, Palestinians should die: Israeli rabbi - Yahoo! News An influential Israeli rabbi has said God should strike the Palestinians and their leader with a plague, calling for their death in a fiery sermon before Middle East peace talks set to begin next week.
Not guilty. The Israeli captain who emptied his rifle into a Palestinain schoolgirl | World news | The Guardian · Officer ignored warnings that teenager was terrified · Defence says 'confirming the kill' standard practice (16 more times) (nothing is too ourtrageous)
More than 3,000 Mexican federal police fired, commissioner says - CNN.com - Of those, 465 have been charged with crimes.
‘Sinner’ singer given 39 lashes by rabbis Punishment for performance in front of "mixed audience." (they were only "symbolic")
Ex-Federal Contractor Indicted For Leaks To Fox News | TPMMuckraker
Charlie Brooker | 'Ground Zero mosque'? The reality is less provocative | Comment is free | The Guardian Millions of Americans are furious about the 'Ground Zero mosque'. But it doesn't exist (millions of Americans are racist and insane)
d Anti-mosque sentiment rages far from Ground Zero - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Gallup: Republican Congressional Ballot Lead Highest Ever | TPMDC (way to go, crack team of advisors)
Democrats' Generic Ballot Poll Numbers Drop (great strategy, guys)
What Can Obama Really Do? | Ian Welsh self-defeating, pre-negotation concession has been a repeated pattern for the Obama administration (assuming that Obama does seek Liberal ends) (which is a big assumption) (there is a lot he could have done without the Republicans) (assuming he really wanted to)
Hullabaloo: digby: Dealing With The Devil Redux (Gibbs: the professional left can shut the fuck up, Alan Simpson is staying)
DownWithTyranny!: Koches, Singers, Murdochs... The Vultures Move In For The Kill (We're The Kill)
David Addington's Return to Power | The National Interest Blog (the creeps are coming out of the shadows, natch)
FRONTLINE: cheney's law: analysis: david addington - cheney's powerful, one-man legal office | PBS
I Don’t Think “Identity Politics” Means What Ross Douthat Thinks It Means | Firedoglake (Douthat is a dishonest idiot, really)
Jan Brewer: UN Human Rights Report 'Downright Offensive', Remove Reference To Arizona Immigration Law
Border Wars | National Geographic Channel
Most Think Palin Wouldn't Be An Effective President (poll) 41% of conservatives said that she could be (and they are completely insane)
Booman Tribune - Gibbs: "Nobody had, in January of 2009, a sufficient grasp of ... what we were facing." ("no one" = "no one we/Larry was willing to listen to because we're the smartest people in the world!")
Matthew Yglesias » Inadequate Easing in Japan (America now doing what Japan did to fail; bankers cheer)
Robert J. Samuelson - The saving mentality is hurting the economy's recovery (it's all the jobless consumers fault)
Eschaton - The Optimistic View - So the good scenario - the worst is over - unemployment will drop all the way down to 9% by the end of 2011!! In January 2009, the administration projected that unemployment would drop below 7% by the end of 2011, without any stimulus (Larry Summers at work)
Small businesses hold off spending while waiting for aid - usatoday.com
Obama could kill fossil fuels overnight with a nuclear dash for thorium - Telegraph
Dr. Michael J. Breus: Sleep Disorder Linked to Risk of Dementia
Spatial History Project
Pennsylvania Outlaws Shackling of Prisoners Giving Birth | PhillyNow (way to go, Pennsylvania)
Stop Violence Against Women Excessive Use of Restraints on Women in U.S. Prisons: Shackling of Pregnant Prisoners
NYC Public Advocate - Worst Landlords Watchlist
10 Rules for Radicals
Plans for Print-Free Oxford Dictionary Aren't Fully Defined - NYTimes.com
Reddit Bucks Condé Nast Owners, Runs Pro-Pot Legalization Ads | Epicenter | Wired.com
Just Say Now: Facebook, Google and the Reddit Revolt | FDL Action Jay Rosen also weighed in, saying “So Facebook is deciding what the sphere of deviance is now? They were supposed to be a platform.” (corporate censorship fails)
Behind The Bidding War: The Real Reasons Why HP And Dell are So Desperate For 3Par
What you don't know about Wi-Fi channels can hurt performance - Computerworld Blogs
Toll From Afghan Base Raids Rises - NYTimes.com Despite the presence of almost 150,000 foreign troops, violence across Afghanistan is at its worst since the Taliban were ousted by U.S.-backed Afghan forces in late 2001 (that went really well, didn't it?)
A U.S. 'legacy of waste' in Iraq - latimes.com (on to Afganistan with the same crew)
General Protection Racket | The Seminal In WWII, there was roughly one general officer for every 14,545 troops. Today there is roughly one general officer for every 1,557 troops (and they get paid more +huge ego-staffs)
Leaks Aren't 'In,' Clapper Tells Intelligence Community - Politics - The Atlantic Director of National Intelligence James Clapper admonishes intelligence community personnel to stop "blabbing secrets"
Muslim shops ban Israeli produce in Palestine protest - Herald Scotland | News | Home News (AIPAC will investigate)
Fidel Castro claims Osama bin Laden is a US spy | World news | The Guardian Former Cuban president says the 9/11 mastermind is in the pay of the CIA and cites WikiLeaks as his source
Graduates warned of record 70 applicants for every job | Education | The Guardian
YouTube - Death of a Nation - East Timor
The Decade in Pictures - Pixcetera Blog
Fire at Tenn. Mosque Building Site Ruled Arson - CBS News "No mosque in Murfreesboro. I don't want it. I don't want them here," Evy Summers said to WTVF. "Go start their own country overseas somewhere. This is a Christian country. It was based on Christianity." (so much for the Constitution)
Op-Ed Columnist - The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party - NYTimes.com The other two, the brothers David and Charles Koch, are even richer, with a combined wealth exceeded only by that of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett among Americans (the Kochtopus bankrolls the Teaparty and the extreme-right)
Glenn Beck 'Restoring Honor' Rally (VIDEO): Attendees Talk Illegal Immigration, Gun Rights For Terror Suspects
Eric Deggans: The Frightening Prospect of Seeing Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin Use Big Media to Rewrite Civil Rights History black people still earn 72 cents for every $1 earned by a similarly-educated white person, and are 445 percent more likely to be imprisoned, 527 percent more likely to be murdered. (racist white America)
Failure To Rise - NYTimes.com I still don’t think people in the administration understand the magnitude of the catastrophe their excessive caution has created. I keep waiting for Obama to do something, something, to shake things up; but it never seems to happen ... he important thing is that all signs are that the next few years will be a combination of economic stagnation and political witch-hunt. (Clueless in DC: will he fire his crack team of advisors who got it wrong?)
Laura Tyson - Why We Need a Second Stimulus - NYTimes.com (Obama advisor: trial balloon)
Carmen Reinhart Warns That Economic Recovery Could Be Slow - NYTimes.com The American economy could experience painfully slow growth and stubbornly high unemployment for a decade or longer as a result of the 2007 collapse of the housing market and the economic turmoil that followed (but they will do just fine)
How Obama Got Rolled by Wall Street - Newsweek Why the 44th president is no FDR—and the economy is still in the doldrums (Obama rolled by the bankers: our naive, a-historical Pres with no moral center)
Editorial - Waiting for Mr. Obama - NYTimes.com If President Obama has a big economic initiative up his sleeve, as he hinted recently, now would be a good time to let the rest of us in on it.
The Washington Monthly - There Is No Secret 'Big Economic Initiative,' But There Could Be
No Decision on Reviving Homebuyer Credit - Donovan - NYTimes.com (will try again the re-inflate the bubble?)
Westerners vs. the World: We are the WEIRD ones (Ultimatum game)
The Millions : Are Picture Books Leading Our Children Astray? | The Millions : Again, I Ask: Are Picture Books Leading Our Children Astray?
School District Seeks Gag Order to Limit Media Access in Pregnancy Test Case | Pacific Justice Institute a 12-year-old student in Nevada City who was allegedly pulled out of class and forced to take a pregnancy test by a school counselor, without her parents’ knowledge or consent.
Older Adults and Social Media | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project (geezers invade twitter and facebook)
Armorize Blog: More than 500,000 (or 5,000,000 according to Yahoo) Network Solutions parked domains actively serving malware
Armorize Blog: Parked domain numbers and traffic, and more on the exploits served
Time Explorer
Insurgents In U.S. Army Uniforms Attack 2 Bases In Afghanistan
India, China Defense Row Heats Up
Sen. John McCain wants to allow U.S. citizens to be arrested, held indefinitely - Virginia Beach conservative | Examiner.com The bill has nine co-sponsors including Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) - If it was not clear before, it should be now that John McCain has as little respect for the Constitution as he does for our borders.
Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans - Andy Greenberg - The Firewall - Forbes
Beck's Restoring Honor Rally: Thousands Expected To Attend, Civil Rights Leaders Protest Event - ""Something beyond imagination is happening," he said. "America today begins to turn back to God."
MonkeyBusinessBlog: We Had ONE President Who Told Us The Truth.
Daily Kos: Calls increase for Simpson's removal from deficit commission (but it only took a faked video and the rumor of a Glenn Beck show for them to dump Shirley Sherrod ... they couldn't do worse if they were Repubicans ... oh, wait)
The Washington Monthly - Smart Policy, Smart Politics - Given a choice between economic growth and deficit reduction, large majorities -- over and over again -- said policymakers should focus on the latter. There was no real rationale for the majority of the public to be so wrong about this (idiot Americans)
Americans Pay $140 Billion, Spend 7.6 Billion Hours A Year Just To File Their Taxes, Report Finds
Beware That New Credit-Card Offer - WSJ.com Professional cards aren't covered under the Credit Card Accountability and Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009
Aids PSA Topsy 90 human Mix-Simian H.264 2 on Vimeo
Does Your Language Shape How You Think? - NYTimes.com
WNYC - Radiolab: Words (September 10, 2010)
Behind the Scenes
Fox Panel Including Judith Miller Discuss Public Losing Faith in Broadcast News | Video Cafe (post-irony)
"Were You Born on the Wrong Continent?": America's misguided culture of overwork - Nonfiction - Salon.com Germany's workers have higher productivity, shorter hours and greater quality of life. How did we get it so wrong? (might have something to do with socialism?)
OUPblog » Blog Archive » The Gender-Neutral Pronoun: 150 Years Later, Still an Epic Fail
Obama Iraq Speech To Signal Shift To Afghan Focus (on to the new war!)
WikiLeaks Airs Classified CIA Memo, But Real Message Is No Secret | Threat Level | Wired.com
44 - Bush BBQ at the center of German lawsuit But when it was reported that the BBQ's bill came to a reported 8.7 million euros, one taxpayer felt he'd been overcharged. Using Germany's freedom of information law, he filed a request to see the exact breakdown of expenditures
Toronto formally endorses harm reduction on drug use - The Globe and Mail City becomes the first in the world to do so
Found: BP's Missing Oil | Mother Jones (it's on the beaches your not allowed to see)
Bloomberg Bashes Park51 Critics On 'The Daily Show'
The Daily Show on Tennessee's Ground Zero Mosque | Indecision Forever | Political Humor, 2010 Election, and Satire Blog | Comedy Central (all of America is "ground zero")
Joseph Bafumi: A Forecast of the 2010 House Election Outcome (Republicans will win House, maybe Senate: brilliant strategy, Obama)
Stewart RIPS Glenn Beck's Civil Rights Rally: 'I Have A Scheme'
News Analysis - Gay Bush Aide? No Bombshell in Age of Fiscal Cares - NYTimes.com (hating Obama changed their focus)
Hard Pressed, Cities Take Ax to Once-Sacrosanct Firehouses - NYTimes.com (teapartiers celebrate end of socialism)
Building a Nation of Know-Nothings - NYTimes.com (who vote Republican)
Economic Growth at 1.6%; Bad, But Not as Bad as Expected - CNBC ("they" expected 2.4%)
Op-Ed Columnist - This Is Not a Recovery - NYTimes.com Tim Geithner, the Treasury secretary, says that “we’re on the road to recovery.” No, we aren’t.(they'd rather lie than admit the truth)
Banks’ Self-Dealing Super-Charged Financial Crisis - ProPublica (then they gave themselves huge bonuses)
Extend and Pretend about to Bite the Banksters in the Butt | Emptywheel (another Obama policy failure - no cramdown)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Triumphs of Bureaucracy - If you can pass out over a quarter of a trillion dollars without any major examples of what we in Washington call "Waste, Fraud, and Abuse," you've really done something.
An Analysis of Using "Progressive Price Indexing" To Set Social Security Benefits — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Obama's Catfood Commission to gut Social Security is full of idiots and ideologues)
Daily Kos: Alan Simpson: Social Security denialist, senior citizen hater (THIS is the guy Obama appointed to head his cut-Social-Security Catfood Commission: career-long hater of SS and AARP)
Cenk Uygur: White House Circling the Wagons Around Alan Simpson | Video Cafe (but they fired Shirley Sherrod in a heartbeat over a fake video ... see the difference? +"So the White House counsel Greg Craig who tried to keep the promise on Guantanamo is gone and Alan Simpson who wants to cut Social Security gets to keep his job.")
Unless Obama Lets All The Bush Tax Cuts Expire, Deficits Are Here To Stay (charts) | TPMDC (isn't it funny what the deficit-hawks are willing to cut and what they aren't?)
Roles of the President’s White House economic advisors | KeithHennessey.com (these are the idiots responsible for screwing policy and losing the next election: mainly Larry Summers and our clueless Obama)
Portrait of HAMP Failure: Like A Lottery Ticket, With Servicers | FDL News Desk (they couldn't have come up with a bigger failure if they had tried ... oh, wait)
U.S. Birth Rate Sets Record, Hits Lowest Level In A Century (recession causing people to rethink the whole $750K/child thing)
The Greatest Mathematical Discovery? « Math Drudge (decimal notation)
Dr Pachauri - Apology - Telegraph (Telegraph retracts it's denialist lies, too late to do any good)
RSA Animate – Drive « RSA Comment
Reflections On Judging Mothering - Chris Gottlieb
Editorial: Watching is a crime? | Salisbury, NC - Salisbury Post Can a person be charged with resisting arrest while observing a traffic stop from his or her own front porch? (yes, in North Carolina: end of "your home is your castle")
Who writes pro-cable Internet legislation? Cable does
The revolving door: Froyo for Droid Incredible coming tomorrow, Froyo for EVO 4G gets rooted -- Engadget
reddit's official statement on prop 19 ads : blog (Conde-Nast pro drug-war, pro-wrecking California's economy)
Reddit Won’t Run Any Display Ads for Marijuana Legalization [updated with Reddit, Conde Nast Responses] | FDL Action (but Scientology ok)
Pro-Cordoba House Group Ties Harry Reid And Howard Dean To Muslim Cab Driver Stabbing
Zero Party Politics: The Ground Zero Synagogue—Lebanon Becoming More American than America
Amy Goodman: Rotten Eggs and Our Broken Democracy - Truthdig
Ben Smith: 'Don't Ask' at issue in Nevada ad - politico.com - The Family Research Council's new spot, to air in Nevada, pits images of soldiers against "Harry Reid and homosexual activists."
REPORT: Martin Luther King would have been on Glenn Beck's chalkboard | Media Matters for America - Beck is completely rewriting history (isn't that what Republicans do?)
WATCH: Glenn Beck's egomania reaching comical proportions | Media Matters for America
Sizable Portion Of Louisiana Electorate Has No Knowledge Of David Vitter's Past Scandals (the whole state watches Fox)
Dodd Questions Elizabeth Warren's Management Experience -- A Concern He's Never Raised Before (and no one elses: you can see where they are going with this)
Nouriel Roubini: Double-Dip Odds Now Greater Than 40%, GDP To Be 'Pathetically Lousy' (video)
We're Still In A Paradox Of Thrift World - NYTimes.com That’s why fiscal austerity is such a terrible idea: no only does it raise unemployment, it actually makes us poorer in the long run. (Obama's crack team of economic advisor - you know who they are - are tragically wrong, again)
With Economy Shaky, Bernanke Will Set Monetary Policy Course | FDL News Desk (out of options)
Echidne Of The snakes - How does the poor thing walk? Lie down? Does she reach from here to Honolulu? (did Obama appoint Alan fucking Simpson, ex-R,WY, chair of the Catfood Commission in the first place?)
Eschaton - For Immediate Release - “We cannot trust the integrity of any product or recommendations of the Commission as long as former Senator Simpson is the Chairman. His insulting and outrageous comments reveal his own mistaken belief that Social Security is a) in crisis, b) about to collapse, and c) contributes to the deficit. None of this is true. (Obama at work)
Portrait of HAMP Failure: Strangled by the Bureaucracy | FDL News Desk (Obama's program designed to screw homeowners)
Foreclosures fall but new delinquencies up: MBA | Reuters (over $1 Trillion overdue by 90 days)
Choice Blindness | Wired Science | Wired.com
Magic at the marketplace: Choice blindness for the... [Cognition. 2010] - PubMed result
YouTube - Asteroid Discovery From 1980 - 2010
Cambridge Police shoot rabid raccoon - Cambridge, Massachusetts - Cambridge Chronicle
Redefining the American Citizen | Politics & Media | SPLICETODAY.com Looking beyond history for a justification of birthright citizenship.
Inmate Sexual Victimization Persists, While Feds Stall On New Rules (rape: good old American justice)
Jason Pinter: Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Weiner Speak Out On Franzen Feud: HuffPost Exclusive
Women’s Tennis — The Beauty of the Power Game - Video Feature - NYTimes.com
Third Coast International Audio Festival :: A Lucky Wind (listen)
Littlewood's law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Littlewood defines a miracle as an exceptional event of special significance occurring at a frequency of one in a million
mosteller89.pdf (PDF) Methods for Studying Coincidences
YouTube - Announcer Larry Collmus calls the 7th at Monmouth Park
Let the Corpses Decay - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
YouTube - 100 Ways To Love A Cat: Ways 1-100
YouTube - Ghost In The Sealab
Jerry Stiller Unscripted on Vimeo
Digg - RIP digg.com (digg 4.0 sucks)
Why The New Digg Version 4 May Lead To The Companies Demise | ScottBradley.name
100 Ways Google Can Make You a Better Educator | OEDb
Google: Call phones from Gmail
Moldovan authorities seize smuggled uranium - CNN.com Officials in Moldova seized 1.8 kilograms (about 4 pounds) of smuggled uranium and arrested three of seven suspects ... The smugglers were trying to traffic the uranium with an intent to sell it for more than $11 million
Gareth Williams, Suspected British Spy, Found Stuffed In Bag In His Apartment
Canada school board supports anti-Israel novel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News By Canadian author Anne Laurel Carter, 'The Shepherd’s Granddaughter' portrays Israelis soldiers and Jewish settlers negatively - because it describes accurately that IDF soldiers and Israeli settlers harass Palestinian farmers. Does reality now have an anti-Israel bias?
The Anarchic Republic of Pakistan | The National Interest
Fact-free accusations about WikiLeaks - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (The Atlantic's Conor Friedersdorf wanks and lies: "His carelessness has killed people")
Bloomberg Launches Another Impassioned Defense Of Cordoba House
Daily Kos: CNN goes for the racist's point of view on Park51 CNN decided that giving a known racist airtime to voice his deep thoughts on the subject was a good idea. Mark "Judenrat" Williams - and why should zoning decisions made in New York City need a clearance from an out-of-work teabagger from Texas?
Michael Enright Charged With Hate Crime: Ahmed Sharif, Muslim Cab Driver, Attacked For Religion "Consider this a checkpoint" (result of revin' up the hate)
Gulf Oil Spill: Rick Steiner Got BP Disaster Right From The Beginning, Warns Crisis Is Far From Over (Pres "Transparency" supporting huge coverup +NOAA is a division of Big Oil)
Katrina: 5 years later - Then and Now - Special Coverage on CNN.com
Daily Kos: WH on Simpson: "We accept his apology and he will continue to serve" NOW: Alan Simpson is not fit to lead the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. The ugliness of his disrespect for women is matched only by his dogged determination to dismantle Social Security by cutting benefits or increasing the retirement age.
Daily Kos: Simpson's apology fails to convince Krugman, lawmakers - The credibility of the entire enterprise--dubious with many observers from the git-go--has been even more damaged by Simpson showing, once again, his true colors on the process.
Tits4anAss - Call on President Obama to fire Alan Simpson
Election Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight Blog - NYTimes.com The Democratic majority is in increasing jeopardy in the Senate (Obama's crack political team is a disaster)
The Monkey Cage: Is 538.com Good for Political Science?
Election Results LIVE: August 24 Primary Liveblog “Today, the Republican party of Arizona nominated for Senate JD Hayworth in the shell of a politician that was once John McCain,” (someone learned how to message?)
Alan Simpson: Social Security Is 'A Milk Cow With 310 Million Tits' (these are the guys Obama appointed to lead the catfood commission - Simpson's "disdain for the very program he claims he is trying to protect" makes him unfit for a leadership position on the commission, which is considering cuts to Social Security.)
Republicans' Long, Hot, Racist Summer - The Daily Beast The GOP's Long, Hot, Racist Summer
Former RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman Comes Out: I'm Gay Mehlman headed the RNC when the Republican Party was pushing anti-gay initiatives and increasingly speaking out against marriage equality
Next: Andrew Malcolm discovers “issue ads” | Media Matters for America LA Times blogger/former Bush flack Andrew Malcolm breaks news of a newfangled tactic you probably haven’t heard of: The “prebuttal” (Gore used the term 15 years ago +media loves formers Bushies)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect The Dark Side of Beltway Bipartisanship.
The WSJ Changes Its Line - NYTimes.com It’s not the fact that lots of people made a bad forecast; that’s going to happen now and then. it’s the fact that people were pushing a theory — a theory that said that we had to be terribly afraid of those bond vigilantes — which had no basis in actual evidence. Yet you wouldn’t have known that from reading the financial news media, which reported this theory, not as a hypothesis, but as fact (and the White House and their elite advisors bought it hook, line and sinker)
Economy Caught in Depression, Not Recession: Rosenberg - CNBC (breaking news)
Economy: Durable Goods Orders Ex-Transportation Tumble - CNBC (expected? people with no jobs are going to buy shit?)
Inside the secret world of Trader Joe's - Aug. 23, 2010
The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements unusual linkage between solar flares and the inner life of radioactive elements on Earth
Drinking Water Proven to Help Weight Loss : Discovery News scientists find that dieters who drink two cups of water before meals lose more weight.
Robert Reich: Corporate Rotten Eggs Wright County Egg," headquartered in Galt, Iowa (you can't make this shit up)
Egg Recall: U.S. Chose Not To Require Vaccine For Salmonella Egg Threat ... although in Great Britain, officials say vaccinations have given them the safest egg supply in Europe (it would have inconvienenced Big Egg)
Law and Disorder – After Katrina, New Orleans Cops Were Told They Could Shoot Looters - ProPublica (people trying to get fresh water were "looters" and should be killed - the media, law enforcement and the military all agreed)
'Time For Adults': The Onion Mercilessly Spoofs Time Magazine
Sumner Redstone’s $1 Million Harassment Settlement - The Daily Beast (very creepy angry guy)
Fox News Rejects Media Matters Ad Highlighting Its $1 Million GOP Donation, Admits News Corp Opposes 'Democratic Candidates'
Web of Stories •
YouTube - journeymanpictures's Channel
The Vagina Dialogues - Page 1 - News - Los Angeles - LA Weekly
A letter to my students « The Berkeley Blog
Can you take a child away from an abusive parent? - By Brian Palmer - Slate Magazine Can a flight attendant take a child from an abusive parent? (you mean "alleged" abusive parent +no)
Gary Arndt: 20 Things I've Learned From Traveling Around the World for Three Years
Westboro Church Protest Against Jews Hilariously Interrupted By Brick Stone (video)
Dr. Joseph Mercola: Is This Common Kitchen Appliance Harming Your Health?
Kodak 1922 Kodachrome Film Test - Boing Boing
UVB-76: August 23, 2010 9:35AM PST Voice transmission confirmed
How Authors Really Make Money: The Rebirth of Seth Godin and Death of Traditional Publishing
Net-neutrality group challenged by ties to MoveOn.Org, ACORN - The Hill's Hillicon Valley The Gun Owners of America (GOA) severed ties with the net-neutrality coalition Save the Internet after a conservative blog questioned the association with liberal organizations such as ACORN and the ACLU (you know, the non-existent ACORN that the Dems killed off after seeing a fake video)
Facebook Death Threats Come True: Colombian Teens Murdered Off 'Hit List' (social networking)
Google testing voice calling in Gmail | CNET News - Google could be ready to turn Gmail into a communications hub by adding the ability to make phone calls from the Google Chat interface
Alexa: YouTube surpasses Yahoo! as the Internet’s 3rd most visited site
Microsoft ID guru slams 'duplicitous' Apple • The Register Jobs' non-personal data claim 'hogwash'
'I Can Stalk U' Reveals TwitPics as Creepy Tracking Devices
Steve Jobs Is Watching You: Apple Seeking to Patent Spyware | Electronic Frontier Foundation (Jobs is a total control-freak: just say no to Apple's Big Brother)
BBC - Dimensions - Index The area affected by the 2010 Pakistan floods as shown over 02138
In Focus: Kashmir, Valley of Tears – Plog Photo Blog
Death toll from Hong Kong hostage crisis rises to 10
China's massive traffic jam could last for weeks | Asian Correspondent Bumper-to-bumper gridlock spanning for 60 miles (100 kilometers) with cars moving little more than a half-mile (one kilometer) a day
The Canadian Press: UN chief calls Congo rapes an outrage and urges government to investigate (but they did nothing)
Mark Williams' New Line On NYC Mosque: Mayor Bloomberg Is A 'Judenrat' | TPMMuckraker (they will stop at nothing)
Why do pundits think Bush regularly attended church? | Media Matters for America CNN’s Candy Crowley says people think President Obama is Muslim because he doesn’t go to church regularly, like George Bush did (but he didn't, but media airheads don't know crap or they are deliberately lying, like Fox)
Protests, Rhetoric Feed Jihadists' Fire - WSJ.com Islamic radicals are seizing on protests against a planned Islamic community center near Manhattan's Ground Zero and anti-Muslim rhetoric elsewhere as a propaganda opportunity and are stepping up anti-U.S. chatter and threats on their websites (be afraid of chatter on websites and don't build any mosques in America)
Stewart: FOX Failed To Mention Co-Owner Is One They Accuse Of 'Terror Funding' (VIDEO) Showing a photo of the prince shaking hands with Rupet Murdoch, Stewart exclaimed, "That's right, the guy they're painting as a sinister money force OWNS Fox News." "If we want to cut off funding to the terror mosque, we must, together as a nation, stop watching Fox."
ColorOfChange.org a FREE TurnOffFox sticker (and that includes shipping — you pay nothing)
Keith Olbermann Mocks Obama Muslim Conspiracy Theorists With Apocalyptic Video
The Plum Line - Karen Hughes: I don't remember any of my work with Imam (funny how the Bushies can't remember anything)
propaganda - Imgur - Obama's Relentless Attack on Christian Virtues (now circulating in Christian churches)
Fox News' White House Seat A 'Travesty': Former White House Correspondents Association President
The Senate In Play ... Barely
Shirley Sherrod Declines Offer To Return To Ag. Department She told reporters she did not think she could say yes to a job "at this point, with all that has happened." The NAACP also apologized for its reaction. (Breitbart rules their world)
2.53 - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com 10-year bond rates (they were completely, tragically, wrong +bond vigilantes never showed up)
Existing Homes Sales PLUNGE To 15-Year Low (reinflating the bubble didn't work)
Housing in Ten Words « The Baseline Scenario “Housing Fades as a Means to Build Wealth, Analysts Say.” - Housing is generally a worse investment than either stocks or simple U.S. Treasury bonds. (+inflation is too complicated for homeowners to understand)
Portrait of HAMP Failure: “It Makes Your Financial Situation Worse” | FDL News Desk (Obama's program designed to not only fail but to fuck up homeowners)
The cruelty of HAMP | Analysis & Opinion | It’s undeniably cruel to raise people’s hopes like that if you know those hopes will end up being dashed.
Hangover Theory At The Fed - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com (completely ideologically driven and wrong every time: our elites at work)
Extinction Countdown: Deadly fungus spreads to ninth North American bat species (no more bats; insect invasion to follow)
Darwin May Have Been WRONG, New Study Argues "competition did not play a big role in the overall pattern of evolution."
BBC News - Space is the final frontier for evolution, study claims
Links between global taxonomic diversity, ecological diversity and the expansion of vertebrates on land — Biology Letters
Do-gooders get voted off island first: People don't really like unselfish colleagues, psychologists find (people prefer selfish sociopaths)
The Problem With Self-help Books: The Negative Side To Positive Self-statements these statements can actually have the opposite effect.
Planets Weighed Using Pulsar Flashes | Wired Science | Wired.com
Introduction: A Different Kind of College Ranking by the Editors | Washington Monthly
25 TED Talks Every Parent Should Watch | Nursing Schools.net
The Spoon Theory written by Christine Miserandino | But You Dont Look Sick?
interactions magazine | On Education
Satirical Christian Site Hoodwinks the Huffington Post | The Atlantic Wire HuffPo Hides Its Mistake Instead of running a correction, The Huffington Post article in question was re-written to suggest that they suspected it was satire all along (low-integrity)
Facebook Blocks Ads For Pot Legalization Campaign
The Craziest Beliefs Shared By 'One-In-Five' Americans (PHOTOS)
s Minneapolis will pay $165,000 to zombies | StarTribune.com Minneapolis will pay seven people who were jailed after a street theater protest (way to go, Minneapolis cops: this won't stop until settlements come out of their own budget)
The Harper government and the Insite flim-flam - Inkless Wells - Macleans.ca he RCMP’s protracted attempts to make up new “facts” about Vancouver’s Insite safe-injection centre (Canadian The Harper government and the Insite flim-flam - Inkless Wells - Macleans.ca he RCMP’s protracted attempts to make up new “facts” about Vancouver’s Insite safe-injection centre - Canadian The Harper government and the Insite flim-flam - Inkless Wells - Macleans.ca he RCMP’s protracted attempts to make up new “facts” about Vancouver’s Insite safe-injection centre - Canadian Repubicans at work lying
How "The Last Washington Painting" Became "The Lost Washington Painting": On the trail of Alan Sonneman's apocalyptic image of nuclear doom - Washington City Paper
BBC News - Pont-Saint-Esprit poisoning: Did the CIA spread LSD? (well, yes)
The "mystery stone" that suggests ancient Greeks were in New Mexico in 500 BC
All Movie Talk » Vintage: Ballyhoo, Part 1
YouTube - Canon 7D vs Hacked Panasonic Gh1 - 1080P 24fps versus comparison - Bundled lenses
Pay Up :: News :: Article :: Philadelphia City Paper Got a blog that makes no money? The city wants $300, thank you very much.
True stories of bloggers who secretly feed on partisan cash | The Daily Caller - rightwing astroturf
Icons of the Web A large-scale scan of the top million web sites
Pakistanis Tell of Motive in Taliban Leader’s Arrest - NYTimes.com because they wanted to shut down secret peace talks that Mr. Baradar had been conducting with the Afghan government that excluded Pakistan, the Taliban’s longtime backer.
Funny How All Those Peace Negotiations Seem to Fail… | Emptywheel
Some 200 Women Gang-Raped Over 4 Days Near Congo U.N. Base More than three weeks later, the U.N. mission has issued no statement about the atrocities and said Monday it still is investigating (and will issue a report in 2-3 years)
Wikileaks’ Assange: Pentagon may be behind rape claims | Raw Story
Dan Collins: New York GOP Sinks to New Low on Ground Zero Politics The battle for the Republican gubernatorial nomination is now officially being fought over who can whip up the most religious and racial hysteria over the "the mosque.
YouTube - Obama warns Americans of covert sponsored manipulation of peoples opinion (like, by the 27,000 person Pentagon PR team)
The billionaire Koch brothers’ war against Obama : The New Yorker The billionaire brothers who are waging a war against Obama by Jane Mayer (minions of Satan)
Howard Dean: Obama Advisers 'Have Really Misjudged' Political Climate (Rahm, Gibbs, Alexrod have been consistently wrong; Obama incapable of independent critical thinking)
RNC Committeewoman Kim Lehman Claims Obama Told Muslims That He Was A Muslim (Republican=Liar)
A Breakthrough for the GOP: More Women Running - time (and they are all insane)
Republicans Love the Constitution, Except All the Parts They Want to Change | Firedoglake
Op-Ed Columnist - Bush Tax Cuts - Now That’s Rich - NYTimes.com But these same politicians are eager to cut checks averaging $3 million each to the richest 120,000 people in the country.(Bush's tax cuts must be preserved say deficit hawks)
Real Estate’s Gold Rush Seems Gone for Good - NYTimes.com - Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, estimates that it will take 20 years to recoup the $6 trillion of housing wealth that has been lost since 2005. After adjusting for inflation, values will never catch up. (breaking news from the paper for rich people)
Real Estate Boom-Time Won't Be Returning Anytime Soon
FT Alphaville » Moving targets, US housing edition In the grand tradition of stimulus policy gone wrong, that seems to be just what the US Treasury has done in relation to its Hamp mortgage modification programme (the program Obama designed to fail homeowners was actually designed to protect ... bankers!)
Eschaton: No They Are Cruel People - Conning homeowners by announcing a government program designed to help them when in fact it was designed to help the banksters is, in my world, "cruel." (extend-and-don’t-even-bother-to-pretend.)
“We the Parasites” Benefiting from HAMP | Emptywheel
Marginal Revolution: Will there be a helium crisis? Right now the government is committed to selling off its strategic reserve of helium, located near Amarillo, Texas, by 2015
Nordea: Let banks crash - Politiken.dk Nordea’s CEO Christian Clausen says the idea that politicians automatically buoy up irresponsible and rash banks is not a good one
The clown shoe still capers : Pharyngula (the new, "totalitarian" atheists are coming to get you)
AD79eruption Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabiae, Oplontis and Boscoreale were lost to the world in August AD79 to lie hidden for almost 1800 years. Through their destruction and re-discovery, they provide us with a time capsule of Roman life in the first century AD
The Timeless Beauty of National Geographic - Retinart
No Copyright Law: The Real Reason for Germany's Industrial Expansion? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International Did Germany experience rapid industrial expansion in the 19th century due to an absence of copyright law?
Students, Welcome to College - Parents, Go Home - NYTimes.com (special programs for helicopter parents)
ExtremeTech Overclocking Guide 2010 - How To by ExtremeTech
Most Useful Cheat Sheet For HTML, CSS and Javascript
Prosecutors Eye WikiLeaks Charges - WSJ.com
Why won't the Pentagon help WikiLeaks redact documents? - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Charges against Julian Assange withdrawn, unfounded - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Is Assange the target of a U.S. smear campaign? – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs (ya think? +our moral-centerless CEO Pres)
Sweden Rescinds Warrant for WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - NYTimes.com
Visualizing the Wikileaks War Logs - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com
The Associated Press: Swedish prosecutors defend WikiLeaks about-face Swedish prosecutors defended their handling of a rape allegation against the founder of WikiLeaks, saying Sunday that they had made no mistakes in issuing an arrest warrant and withdrawing it less than a day later - "It is such an unbelievable unfolding of events that it would be unnatural not to consider that there is something behind it," he said
JO-call prosecutor notified - News - On-call prosecutor walked across the border (they are having trouble explaining things)
Assange claims 'smear campaign' - Europe - Al Jazeera English Assange told Al Jazeera on Sunday that while he had been forewarned by Australian intelligence on August 11 to expect a campaign against him
New Swedish Documents Illuminate CIA Action - washingtonpost.com Probe Finds 'Rendition' Of Terror Suspects Illegal (2005: Sweden illegally extraordinarily rendited innocent people to be tortured, no consequences)
PressTV - Israeli aircraft enter Lebanon airspace Four Israeli warplanes and one spy drone have illegally flown over Lebanon's airspace in the third day of provocative violations of the country's sovereignty
U.S. Seen as Less Important, China as More Powerful: Section 2: Global Threats and Use of Military Force - Pew - Majorities of the public and Council on Foreign Relations members say Islamic extremist groups, Iran’s nuclear program and international financial instability represent major threats to the well-being of the United States (crank up the fear)
Hamid Karzai: U.S. Taxpayer-Funded Private Contractors Engaging In Terrorist, Mafia-Like Activity (takes one to know one ...)
Blackwater’s Erik Prince Moves to Abu Dhabi - NYTimes.com “He needs a break from America,” said one colleague (but he's a real, freedom-loving real American)
Australia in political limbo after voters punish PM
YouTube - Anti-muslim Rally at Ground Zero (racist teaparty crowd mistakes black carpenter for Muslim: hilarity ensues)
Op-Ed Columnist - How Fox Betrayed Petraeus - NYTimes.com - The prime movers in the campaign against the “ground zero mosque” just happen to be among the last cheerleaders for America’s nine-year war in Afghanistan
How the "ground zero mosque" fear mongering began - War Room - Salon.com A viciously anti-Muslim blogger, the New York Post and the right-wing media machine: How it all went down
Question Amidst Anti-Mosque Flare-Up: What's The Deal With That Church? | TPMMuckraker - With the state committed to help rebuild the church, a new building six times the size of the original location ... directly receive $20-million in public funds, and the New York-New Jersey Port Authority agreed to pay for a $40-million blast proof platform and foundation for the church (Hallowed Ground Zero)
At AP, It’s Officially Not the ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ The controversial proposed New York City mosque and Islamic center is not the “ground zero mosque” and its location two blocks away is “near” – not “at”— ground zero of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks, The Associated Press’ style arbiter told staffers in a memo Thursday (American is all Hallowed Ground)
10 Shameless Right-Wing Tributes to Ayn Rand That Should Make Any Sane Person Blush | Tea Party and the Right | AlterNet As the evangelical Right's influence has declined, conservatives are adhering to another religion -- one based on the scribblings of a sociopath.
Picture Past: August 18, 1925, Ku Klux Klan in Washington | In Pictures | The First Post | Members of the Ku Klux Klan marched down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC (Glen Beck)
Ruling sets up IRS as overseer of groups' gifts to campaigns (loopholes!)
Top 10 Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories | News & Politics | AlterNet The American radical right has to be considered a strong contender for the title of modern conspiracy champion (the paranoid style ...)
Daily Kos: UPDATED: Fox News Scrubbing Wikipedia Entry on $1 Mil. Donation News Corps secretly donated $1 million to the republican governors association back in June...one of the largest donations in history by a media organization.
The O’Reilly Factor : CJR How the Fox host used raw corporate power to crush a critic (Fox O'Reilly really evil)
McConnell: I Take Obama 'At His Word' That He's A Christian (...even though I know he's lying)
The Unnecessary Fall | The New Republic A counter-history of the Obama presidency.
The View’s Right-Winger, Elizabeth Hasselbeck, to the Left of Obama on Marriage Equality | The Seminal (Obama: "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman")
CNN’s Erick Erickson: Lying, Theocratic Bigot | Firedoglake
Small Investors Flee Stock Market Even as Companies Recover - NYTimes.com
Talking Business - Consumers Are Clamoring for Elizabeth Warren - NYTimes.com (Obama and Summers hoping Dodd will kill her off)
Small Investors Flee Stock Market Even as Companies Recover - NYTimes.com Small investors are “losing their appetite for risk,” a Credit Suisse analyst said (idiots - no one has income - your elites at work)
Calculated Risk: Greece Unemployment Rate continues to Rise (elites at work: making sure creditors/banks get their money: no one could have fucking predicted)
Bond Market Deficit Cheerleaders - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com So what the austerity people are in effect saying is that they are smarter than bond investors — that they know what the bond market is going to want, it just doesn’t know it yet. And on this basis they want us to ignore the plight of tens of millions of jobless workers.
Repaying The Compliment From Paul Krugman | Capital Gains and Games It’s hard to convey the sheer audacity of this argument: first we were told that we must ignore economic fundamentals and instead obey the dictates of financial markets; now we’re being told to ignore what those markets are actually saying because they’re confused.
Bond Madness - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com And though the story shifts, the moral is always the same: the little people have to suffer.
The Power Of Error - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com he same people confidently declaring that there was a bubble in the bond market completely missed the housing bubble.
Could a Legal Technicality Prevent Banks from Having the Right to Foreclose on 62 Million Homes? | Economy | AlterNet A judge recently held that banks' electronic shortcut for recording mortgage information makes it impossible for banks to establish their rights to ownership.
Post-Mortgage Meltdown, Where Do We Go Now? : NPR (back to feudalism? +Obama's homeowner program designed to fail)
Target Corp. feels backlash from shareholders - latimes.com Institutions with stakes in the retail giant are demanding that the company revamp its donation process after a $150,000 contribution backed an anti-gay-rights candidate.
Target Shareholders Demand Review After Pro-Emmer Donation Fiasco | TPMDC Another fun fact in all of this: Target's previous name and corporation incarnation was as the Dayton-Hudson company -- the century-old family business of Dem nominee Mark Dayton.
The Prehistory of Prop 8 | Psychology Today "Marriage as the union between one man and one woman has been the universally-recognized understanding of marriage not only since America's founding but for millennia.” is hogwash
BBC News - Fate of Universe revealed by galactic lens A "galactic lens" has revealed that the Universe will probably expand forever.
Astronomers use galactic magnifying lens to probe elusive dark energy
Model describes universe with no big bang, no beginning, and no end the new models might explain the increasing acceleration of the universe without relying on a cosmological constant such as dark energy, as well as solve or eliminate other cosmological dilemmas such as the flatness problem and the horizon problem.
Supernovas could be directing the development of life throughout the universe
MIT researchers develop a better way to grow stem cells — Science Blog materials scientists and biologists have devised a synthetic surface that includes no foreign animal material and allows stem cells to stay alive and continue reproducing themselves for at least three months
Global tropical forests threatened by 2100 By 2100 only 18% to 45% of the plants and animals making up ecosystems in global, humid tropical forests may remain as we know them today
Ancient bacteria has chlorophyll see red › News in Science - the new pigment named chlorophyll f, absorbs a far redder part of the spectrum than other types of chlorophyll, extending into the near-infrared range.
Raucous Active Galaxy Destroys Own Environment : Discovery News the galaxy-altering power of the active supermassive black hole in the center of M87.
Researchers identify two FDA approved drugs that may fight HIV
Returning astronauts as weak as 80-year-olds: study - CTV News according to a new study that raises serious health concerns as NASA contemplates prolonged trips to asteroids and Mars.
pandagon.net Adulthood, lack of jobs, and slippery definitions (the NYT article about 20-somethings "delaying adulthood" didn't think jobs or enormous debt was a big deal)
Your Extra Virgin Olive Oil Is Lying to You. It's Not Its First Time. - Borborygmi - GOOD
Background Music Impairs Performance at Work (no shit)
Autostraddle — Does Gay Marriage Make Gays Straight?
FBI: North Carolina Crime Lab Buried Blood Evidence in Hundreds of Criminal Cases Including in Death of Michael Jordan's Father - ABC News FBI Report Says Crime Lab Misrepresented Crucial Blood Evidence in Hundreds of Cases - Of the 190 cases that will now be reviewed, four people are sitting on death row, three have already been executed and five died in prison (way to go, North Carolina)
What happened in my birth year?
Earth from Above a collection of aerial photography
We've made the world's largest amateur space rocket. - The Something Awful Forums
Inside the HDMI cable scam - Technology & science - Tech and gadgets - msnbc.com HDMI cables can no more be manufactured for specific refresh-rate HDTVs than a garden hose can be manufactured specifically to water seeded lawns and sod lawns.
BBC News - Swedish rape warrant for Wikileaks' Assange cancelled
Julian Assange Rape Case: Sweden withdraws Arrest Warrant ("lacked substance" but maybe they could have figured that out first?)
News Analysis - In Mideast Talks, Scant Hopes From the Beginning - NYTimes.com
Blackwater Fine: $42 Million Deal On U.S. Export Violations (slap on the wrist, no criminal charges, contracts ok)
PressTV - Blackwater/Xe founder relocating to UAE
Troops: Skipping Christian Concert Got Us Punished (onward, Christian military)
Gulf Oil Spill Bound BP, Feds Together: AP Enterprise (Obama's tough talk a sham)
Little Green Footballs - Meet the Leaders of the Anti-Mosque Movement (blacks and women shouldn't be allowed to vote)
Daily Kos: John McCain loses his mind -- but he didn't change it
Obama Housing Program Slowing To A Crawl While Homeowners Suffer (the program Obama/Summers designed to fail because only bankers need bailouts: where's my bonus?)
Treasury Admits HAMP Expectations Not Met, Thinks Extend and Pretend Is A Virtue | FDL News Desk
Back: Rortybomb Goes to Treasury « Rortybomb They are sticking by HAMP. The narrative seemed to change from helping homeowners to spacing out the foreclosures.
Eschaton The Horror Show Continued - if HAMP is actually a program designed to boost the housing market and funnel money several billion more dollars to banks, it's also a really fucking horrible and stupid and inefficient way to do that even without the "screwing people over" part
Harvard Finds Marc Hauser Guilty of Scientific Misconduct - NYTimes.com (the photo is telling)
Media Lens Message Board: Marc Hauser "Moral Minds" & The New York Times - Chomsky & Research Investigation Expert on Morality Is on Leave After Research Inquiry
What is going on in the brain when we experience déjà vu?: Scientific American ("out of sync brain" and "processing errors")
Kurzweil still doesn't understand the brain : Pharyngula
An interview with Douglas R. Hofstadter » American Scientist If you read Ray Kurzweil's books and Hans Moravec's, what I find is that it's a very bizarre mixture of ideas that are solid and good with ideas that are crazy. It's as if you took a lot of very good food and some dog excrement and blended it all up so that you can't possibly figure out what's good or bad.
File:PPTSuperComputersPRINT.jpg - Wikipedia - exponential growth of computing power surpasses human brain in 2025 supposedly
'Hot Jupiter' moons unlikely to exist › News in Science (ABC Science)
Beliefs - Sex Scandal Has American Buddhists Looking Within - NYTimes.com (sex, lies, coverups)
The Bay Citizen - University Head’s Housing Raises Ire and Expense - NYTimes.com - Mark Yudof - “He essentially turned the Office of the President into his personal staff,” a university official said.
Egg Recall Expands To More Than Half A Billion Nationwide
Peruvian hallucinogen ayahuasca draws tourists seeking transforming experience ("sludge")
Report: Men Unfaithful to Women Who Earn More - time
Your fears confirmed: "up to" broadband speeds are bogus
Mea Culpa | The Agonist Wikileaks, based on the evidence that the DoD has presented, did its level best to work with the DoD to redact any names that might harm innocent Afghans. The Pentagon not only lied about it, but has even refused to cooperate going forward: The blood, if there is to be any, is on the Pentagon's hands. It's that simple.
Wikileaks Lawyer Says Pentagon Given Access to Unpublished Secret Documents - Newsweek
Sweden seeks Wikileaks founder arrest in rape case "We were warned to expect 'dirty tricks.' Now we have the first one," one Tweet said.
U.S. Persuades Israel That Iran's Nuclear Threat Is Not Imminent - NYTimes.com (now why would Obama do that?)
Israelis and Palestinians to Resume Talks, Officials Say - NYTimes.com (yeah, Israel will really talk)
U.N. study: Israel’s restrictions on Gaza ‘devastating’ | JTA - Jewish & Israel News (deliberately)
Israel, Palestine To Resume Peace Talks, Officials Say
Jeffrey Goldberg's fabrication on NPR - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (he's a fucking liar, and NPR/Ashbrook let him do it: will NPR issue a retraction? yeah sure)
Why Not to Bomb Iran - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com (why Jeffrey Goldberg should be deported to Israel)
Saudi Hospitals Asked to Maim Man as Punishment - NYTimes.com
Can Taliban Assassinations Change Game in Afghanistan? - time
Fox News Covered Iraq Withdrawal For Under TEN MINUTES Wednesday
'Tillman Story' Director: Media Bought Bush Administration Spin On Pat Tillman Death (remember Stanley Mcchrystal?)
Think Progress » Media: Maybe Obama Should Go To Church More Publicly So People Know He’s Christian 18 percent of the American public believes President Obama is a Muslim. That number includes 31 percent of Republicans. Only 34 percent of the adult public says Obama is a Christian, down from 48 percent in 2009
Eschaton: Mainstream Positions (facts vs beliefs: all the same to mainstream media +yeah, whatever happened to that Reverend Wright ragegasm?)
Could George W. Bush End the Mosque Madness? | The Atlantic Wire
Another Mosque Project Comes Under Fire -- In Kentucky | TPMMuckraker (too close to Hallowed Ground)
Franklin Graham: 'President's Problem Is That He Was Born A Muslim' (video) | TPM LiveWire (son of Billy)
In Murfreesboro, Tenn.: Church 'Yes,' Mosque 'No' - TIME
BP Oil Spill Settlements Likely to Shield Top Defendants - NYTimes.com (Obama treated BP just like the bankers: destroy the world, get rewarded!)
Gov't Admits There's A Lot More Oil Left In The Gulf Than They Initially Said | TPMMuckraker (+Gibbs lies again)
Extremist Makeover - Homeland Edition - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 08/19/2010 - Video Clip | Comedy Central If Fox News wants to play a game of guilt by association with Imam Rauf, Jon can find Rupert Murdoch's questionable ties to terrorism (Fox has not denied it)
Glenn Beck Lets the Mormon Out While Talking About Native Americans
Beyond City Limits - By Parag Khanna | Foreign Policy The age of nations is over. The new urban age has begun.
Op-Ed Columnist - Appeasing the Bond Gods - NYTimes.com the policy elite — central bankers, finance ministers, politicians who pose as defenders of fiscal virtue — are acting like the priests of some ancient cult, demanding that we engage in human sacrifices to appease the anger of invisible gods (faires and lepruchans too)
The Power Of Error - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com So policy makers live in awe of savage priests, who demand that we sacrifice virgins to the invisible gods of the bond market. But what puzzles me is this: why do the priests have such influence? (subtext: Larry Summers)
Dean Baker: When Wall Street Rules, We Get Wall Street Rules
Calculated Risk: HAMP data for July (the program Obama/Larry Summers designed to fail, failed spectacularly, but no one will lose their job)
Obama Housing Program Slowing To A Crawl While Homeowners Suffer
Obama Administration Defends Lackluster Foreclosure Programs; Says Interest Rates Will Remain Low To Help Housing Market (not the bond market vigilantees)
Target Political Giving 'A Debacle' Says Target Institutional Investor (teabagger CEO pisses off America)
MSNBC Rejects MoveOn's Ad Calling For Target Boycott | TPMDC ("only profit-making corporations have free speech")
L.A. teacher ratings: L.A. Times analysis rates teachers' effectiveness - latimes.com looks at which educators help students learn, and which hold them back.
X-Phi's New Take on Old Problems - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com (look: lights in the brain! may save Philosophy)
Ray Kurzweil Responds to “Ray Kurzweil does not understand the brain” | KurzweilAI
Gregory Taylor Released From Prison After Serving 13 Years For Food Theft (prison-state-America-Repubican-war-poor-people-one-strike-you're-in-prison-for-life)
Crash in Huntington Beach, pay a fee | The Orange County Register - upwards of $3,000 depending on the accident. (end of public services: a Libertarian wetdream!)
Manhunt in Arizona Ends in Arrests - NYTimes.com The prison has a badly defective alarm system, a perimeter post was unstaffed, an outside dormitory door had been propped open with a rock and the alarms went off so often that prison personnel often just ignored them, the report said. Also, operational practices often led to a gap of 15 minutes or longer during shift changes along the perimeter fence, Ryan said (Arizona's private prisons at work)
Straub: 'The system failed' | IndyStar.com | The Indianapolis Star Outcry swift after DUI charges against officer dropped (but the drunk-driving-killer-cop coverup worked)
World-O-Crap » Blog Archive » REAL Movies for Mythological Families (more American mythology propagated by the teaparty front American Family Association: back to the past! +only Christians have faith +homosexual agenda!)
Hollywood Rangers To Manage Overpopulation Problem By Killing Off 1,200 Celebrities | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
The 'Cougar' concept: older women preying on younger men is a myth, claim scientists - Telegraph but the trend of older women going out with younger men is a myth outside of the world of celebrities, a study claims.
Do Gay Pets Go To Heaven? | ChristWire (there are no gay animals, and if there were, no)
What Is The Agenda Of ChristWire.org? - Find Answers to this Question
Video: Immigration crackdown creates insecure communities | Need to Know | PBS
Cancer journal: A happy birthday despite grim news - TODAYshow.com
Canon 7D vs. Barbie Video Girl on Vimeo
YouTube - Canon 7D vs Hacked Panasonic Gh1 - 1080P 24fps versus comparison - Bundled lenses
YouTube - Air New Zealand - Crazy About Rugby - Safety Video
Rep. Alan Grayson: Verizon-Google: There's a Hard Rain Coming
FCC Commissioners Copps, Clyburn Strongly Support Open Internet | FDL News Desk (but Obama doesn't really)
Privacy lawsuit targets 'Net giants over "zombie" cookies
Apple may be looking to lock out unauthorized iOS users describes several ways a device could sense who is using an iPhone or iPad. Among the methods considered are voice print analysis, photo analysis, heartbeat analysis (!), hacking attempts, or even "noting particular activities that can indicate suspicious behavior." (Jobs=Stalin or at least Tony Blair)
The viability of open source forking | Open Source - InfoWorld (fuck Larry Ellison)
Last U.S. Combat Brigade Pulls Out Of Iraq
Civilians to Take U.S. Lead as Military Leaves Iraq - NYTimes.com
France24 - US/Iraq: "Mission accomplished"? In one of the worst attacks this year, at least 57 recruits and soldiers were killed and more than 120 were injured by a suicide bomber at an army recruitment centre in Baghdad
Lori Berenson, American Activist, Has Parole Revoked In Peru Lori Berenson was arrested by police at the U.S. Embassy,
Pakistan To Receive Additional Flood Aid
Gulf Oil Spill: Full NOAA Report On Amount Of Oil In Gulf Won't Be Released For MONTHS (maybe years)
National Journal Magazine - The Gray And The Brown: The Generational Mismatch A contrast in priorities is arising between nonwhite young voters and white, older voters (Boomers are idiots)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Idiot Nation, Volume 2 Almost one in five Americans believe Obama is a Muslim (couldn't have anything to do with our elite media, could it?)
'Professional Left' Saga Says More About Media Than Obama the 20 percent of the public who think the president is a Muslim, 60 percent said they learned as much from the media (oooh, there you are)
Op-Ed Columnist - Our Mosque Madness - NYTimes.com When the president skittered back from his grandiose declaration at an iftar celebration at the White House Friday that Muslims enjoy freedom of religion in America and have the right to build a mosque and community center in Lower Manhattan, he offered a Clintonesque parsing.
When does Fox News’ ugly Muslim bashing become the story? | Media Matters for America - One month after launching a jaw-dropping campaign of racial discord and warning of a looming, Obama-led “race war,” Fox News and the far-right media have turned the page of the hate hymnal and embraced a new enemy: Muslims (bigots gotta bigot)
The Daily Mash - Outrage Over Plans To Build Library Next To Sarah Palin - Campaigners have described the project as insensitive and a deliberate act of provocation by people with brains.
Hullabaloo: digby: Martian Logic: And now a word from the woman who would have been a 76 year old's heartbeat away from the presidency if the Republicans had won
Shirley Sherrod Interview: Fired USDA Official Describes Her Ordeal, Blames Fox News she continues to assert that USDA Deputy Under Secretary Cheryl Cook told her that the White House asked for Sherrod's firing, despite the denials of Vilsack (yes, Obama/Gibbs lied: they had no fucking clue and were glued to the Glenn Beck show, and had never heard of Andrew Breitbart)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect- Mike Allen's Mind-Mis-Meld. - Sure makes it seem like the administration wants to cut social security, doesn't it?
Robin Carnahan, Missouri Senate Candidate, Wants Bush Tax Cuts Extended For Wealthy (Rahm trying to create replacement Blue Dogs)
Jon Stewart Brings Back His Glenn Beck Impression (video)
Glenn Beck Rally Continues to Spur Controversy - CBS News Washington Post: Civil Rights Leaders Are Holding Countermarches to Rally Planned by Fox News Host on MLK Speech Anniversary
Weekly Jobless Claims Post Surprise Jump, Hit 500,000 - CNBC unexpectedly climbed to a nine-month high last week, yet another setback to the frail economic recovery.
New Unemployment Claims SURGE, Hit Highest Level Since November 2009
Jobs Outlook Isn't Just Bad, It May Be Getting Worse - CNBC (ya think?)
Labour markets: Summer spikes | The Economist High unemployment, he supposes, is due to the unwillingness of labourers to take jobs, which he attributes to various government policies that create bad incentives for unemployed workers.(Casey Mulligan plays an economist on planet Bizarro)
interfluidity » Monetary policy for the 21st century
Counties Creating Least Revenue Use Most Services: The California Report | The California Report (more Republicans leeching off Dems)
Junk DNA Can Revive and Cause Disease, Study Finds - NYTimes.com
The rich have more money but the poor are rich in heart: study
Statisticians Confirm Age for "Mother of Us All" | Mitochondrial Eve | Human Evolution | LiveScience A maternal ancestor to all living humans called mitochondrial Eve likely lived about 200,000 years ago, at roughly the same time anatomically modern humans are believed to have emerged, a new review study confirms.
Sex Is Stressful, But Good For You | Wired Science | Wired.com acute sexual experience increased circulating corticosterone levels and the number of new neurons in the hippocampus. Chronic sexual experience no longer produced an increase in corticosterone levels but continued to promote adult neurogenesis and stimulate the growth of dendritic spines and dendritic architecture.
Sex, Stress, and Neurogenesis | The Decision Tree
Fossil reveals 48-million-year history of zombie ants
New Ocean Life Discovered at the 'Hadal Zone' (Deeper than Mount Everest is High)
Hurstwic: Health and Medicine in the Norse era (Vikings were tall and took baths and combed their hair, which made them very attractive to British women)
Davidson College's Police Force Powers Limited By Court A prestigious North Carolina private college cannot have police officers with the power to arrest suspects and enforce state law because the school is a religious institution (your theocratic South)
Grand Canyon University officially settles $5.2 mil lawsuit Phoenix-based Apollo Group, parent of the University of Phoenix, settled a whistle-blower lawsuit over the same issues for $78.5 million last year.
What Is It About 20-Somethings? - NYTimes.com (the new tweens, or twixsters, or something)
Is My Husband GAY? | ChristWire Right now in America there are over 2 million couples secretly struggling with homosexuality in their marriages ("I like how you did no research and linked to other hate-filled areas or sites that talk about weird as hell sex toys.")
Goodfella's Movie Blog: #94: The Hitch-Hiker (Ida Lupino, 1953)
YouTube - The Unsettling Truth About Life
Lawsuit Update :The Armed Citizen: Righthaven doesn't want you to see thair website or they will sue you)
Google Product Graveyard | MakeUseOf.com
A Plan B For Afghanistan a dramatic reduction in the American troop presence, a mission focused on the minimal Al Qaeda threat rather than on trying to defeat the Taliban, and a peace process that leads to power-sharing (Plan A is kill everybody and create thousands of terrorists)
US Soldiers: Suicides vs. KIA
Israel Places Order For 20 F-35s; U.S. Picks Up The Tab | Defense Tech (because you can afford it if we cut Social Security)
Eugene Robinson - Republicans pander over 'Ground Zero mosque'
Joe Scarborough Takes On Newt Gingrich Mosque Comments: 'It's Deplorable, It Is Sick Politics' (video) (Joe "Dead Intern" Scarborough: "our party")
Mosque debate strains tea party, GOP - Kenneth P. Vogel - politico (they want you to believe the aren't the same)
Nancy Pelosi, house speaker, wants investigation into Ground Zero mosque opposition funding (couldn't be Repubicans, could it?)
Obama: 'No Regrets' Over Ground Zero Mosque Comments (despite the Clintonesque waffling)
Ailing 9/11 responders slam President Obama: Focus on Zadroga health bill, not Ground Zero mosque
Howard Dean: "Mosque" should move - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Tensions Flare Over Proposed Mosque on Staten Island - NYTimes.com Muslim groups have encountered unexpectedly intense opposition to their plans for opening mosques in Lower Manhattan, in Brooklyn and most recently in an empty convent on Staten Island.
Ground Zero Mosque: Democrats Acting Like Cowards - The Daily Beast Grow a Pair, Democrats (America is united in hatred of Muslims)
Daily Kos: Poll: New York state residents support right to build "mosque"
"Hallowed Ground" | History Eraser Button
Hollowed Ground
Jurors: No 'smoking gun' in the Blagojevich trial :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich Prosecution vows to try again after former gov is convicted only of lying to FBI, with jury hung on 23 other counts
AMERICAblog News: 8 out of 10 Democrats who the Cook report just downgraded are Blue Dogs (first good news in a long time)
Political Times - The Paradox of a Legislative President - NYTimes.com The president who ran such a brilliant campaign, they argue, has utterly failed to communicate his successes (Podesta: not bi-partisan enough (cough, cough) when actually he was really a deal-making Senator)
Obama and the Problem with “Post-Partisanship” in the Age of Palin | Firedoglake Podesta’s notion that people wanted “nonpartisanship” is just rank Broderism< /a>
Chris Coons, Dem Senate Candidate, Wants Lifetime Ban On Senators Becoming Lobbyists
Health Reform 2.0 | The American Prospect If reform is to succeed, progressives will have to fight for a stronger government role, including a public option
The Washington Monthly - The Chamber Of Commerce And The Pay Gap (+women's wish for equality "reflects a Scrooge-like fetish for money." - yeah, they really said that)
Sarah Palin Said What? The 15 Craziest 'Palinisms'
Dr. Laura announces she will end her radio show due to criticism of her N-word rant | Media Matters for America "my First Amendment rights have been usurped by angry, hateful groups." (who don't have any First Amendment Rights)
Dr. Laura's History Of Incendiary Statements
WND DROPS Ann Coulter As Keynote Speaker Over Speech To Gay Republicans (race to the bottom)
In U.S., Confidence in Newspapers, TV News Remains a Rarity (wonder why that happened?)
Journalism Warning Labels « Tom Scott
Daily Kos: Obama, partly right on Social Security That "population is getting older" bit is one of the Zombie Social Security lies that has become conventional wisdom (the fact that Obama repeats this canard is really sad)
Desperate Dodd Grabbing at Straws to Stop Warren Nomination | Firedoglake (only doing Obama's bidding)
Obama: Social Security 'is not in crisis' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room (but open to changes)
US Says Bankruptcies Reach Nearly 5-Year High - CNBC
Entering a Death Spiral?: Tensions Rise in Greece as Austerity Measures Backfire - Spiegel Online (who could have predicted the bankers would be wrong? unemployment reaches 70% in parts of Greece)
FT.com / Technology - US matches Indian call centre costs Call centre workers are becoming as cheap to hire in the US as they are in India (Republican policies=slave labor)
State By State Revenue From Marijuana If It Were Legal | Prose Before Hos
Stanton Peele: The Hidden Health Benefits of Alcohol? drinking results in a longer life and less dementia, according to the government
Don’t Be a Dick, Part 1: the video | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Career Advice: Stop Admitting Ph.D. Students - Inside Higher Ed
Ketamine lifts mood quickly in bipolar disorder | Reuters An infusion of the anesthetic ketamine can lift mood within minutes in patients suffering from severe bipolar depression
Study Uses Ketamine in Worst Cases of Bipolar Disorder - NYTimes.com ketamine
Arch Gen Psychiatry -- A Randomized Add-on Trial of an N-methyl-D-aspartate Antagonist in Treatment-Resistant Bipolar Depression, August 2010, Diazgranados et al. 67 (8): 793
Just Say Now | Rolling Stone Culture
State By State Revenue From Marijuana If It Were Legal | Prose Before Hos
Why I Live With 57 Things (and what they are) « Far Beyond The Stars | Live a Minimalist Lifestyle and Work from Anywhere
Dangerous Minds | John Lurie’s disappearing act: the strange tale of a Loung Lizard and his stalker
Lounge Lizard John Lurie’s disappearing act : The New Yorker
YouTube - This American Life: Horses in North Philly
L. Weingarten - Don't You Think You Still Carry Male Privilege?
Trans 101 — Feministe
Is the web really dead? - Boing Boing
What's Wrong With 'X Is Dead' - Science and Tech - The Atlantic
Anthologize transforms WordPress 3.0 into a platform for publishing electronic texts.
Kindle and iPad Displays: Up close and personal. | BIT-101
A Fascinating Communications Map (updated) - Science and Tech - The Atlantic interactive map of the world's undersea data-cable architecture.
Afghanistan News | Private Security | Afghanistan President A push to oust private security firms from Afghanistan puts "fear of god" into foreign forces.
CIA Tapes Of Terrorist Interrogation FOUND Under Desk (they got rid of all the others)
Suicide Bomber Kills Dozens in Attack on Iraqi Army Recruits - NYTimes.com (Petraeus has moved on)
Eden Aberjil Facebook Photos Controversy: Ex-Israeli Soldier Says She Didn't Humiliate Palestinians she insisted she did not humiliate the detainees and said she was surprised the pictures were viewed as offensive (well, obviously, it wasn't in Israel)
'Facebook photos of soldiers posing with bound Palestinians are the norm' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Rights group Breaking the Silence refutes IDF claim that photos posted by female soldier under the heading 'the time of my life' are an anomaly (there you go)
Noam Chomsky: The Real Reasons the U.S. Enables Israeli Crimes and Atrocities | World | AlterNet the United States has overwhelmingly vetoed Security Council resolutions condemning Israeli crimes and atrocities
France urged to repay $23-billion in compensation to Haiti (but then ...)
Slavery Reparations Information Center The National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives (oxymoron alert)
The two faces of Winston Churchill - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com Note, too, the glaring irony that Obama's grandfather was "imprisoned without trial for two years and tortured on Churchill's watch, for resisting Churchill's empire." (racist junior Hitler: takes one to know one)
Eschaton: Two Blocks Is A Million Miles - 99% of the obvious response is: you people are insane bigots and our mainstream media apparently loves you (the bigots all live in suburbs with one house per block: eek, it's next door!)
Olbermann: There Is No 'Ground Zero Mosque' (video)
Republicans Support Strip Clubs on Ground Zero Sacred Ground
Twitter / Jason Mustian : In fairness, we've been building 'ground zeros' near Iraqi mosques since March 2003.
Editorial - The Constitution and the Mosque - NYTimes.com Mr. Obama and all people of conscience need to push back hard. Defending all Americans’ right to worship — and their right to build places to worship — is fundamental to who we are.
Mosque-Erade - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 08/16/2010 - Video Clip | Comedy Central John Oliver says Muslims are allowed to put a mosque near Ground Zero, just like Catholics can build a church next to a playground (oooh, good point)
Ground Zero Mosque: Paterson Tries To Broker Deal For Alternate Location (Christ, what an asshole)
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect Islamophobia And The Bigger Picture.
Calif. Gays Must Wait To Wed During Prop 8 Appeal - News Story - KCCI Des Moines
Is the White House Angry That the “Professional Left” Keeps Getting Proven Right? | FDL Action (yes, they hate having their failures and incompetence called out, surprising they haven't used a Predator on Krugman)
News Corp Donates $1 MILLION To Republican Governors Association (just the beginning)
Glenn Beck On 99ers: 'Some Of These People, I Bet You'd Be Ashamed To Call Them Americans' (the unemployed are un-American and should be deported to France or somewhere)
Tim Wise » With Friends Like These, Who Needs Glenn Beck? Racism and White Privilege on the Liberal-Left
Tim Wise » Reading Racism Right to Left: Reflections on a Powerful Word and Its Applications
How The Unemployment Crisis Has Swept Across America (video)
Monetary policy: Why isn't the Fed acting? | The Economist (unemployment is not their thing)
What’s Worse Than Credit Card Debt? Student Loans | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice why in the world would you ever let your 18-year-old kid, who is no longer allowed to get a measly credit card on their own, to walk blindly down the path of financial suicide just to go to an expensive school?
The fear campaign and Social Security - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com "the imminent threat to Social Security right now is from the administration -- and its pet Catfood Commission."
MoveOn.Org Calls For Target Boycott In New Ad (their CEO supports far, far right agendas)
American Apparel Bankruptcy Appears Likely
Ray Kurzweil does not understand the brain : Pharyngula The media will not end their infatuation with this pseudo-scientific dingbat, Kurzweil, no matter how uninformed and ridiculous his claims get (he's not the only one, either)
6 reasons why you'll never upload your mind into a computer | DVICE
Presidential election outcomes directly influence suicide rates, study finds (Republicans energized!)
Why Antarctic Sea Ice Is Growing in a Warmer World Models solve mystery, but suggest South Pole sea ice melt will soon accelerate.
Why A Brush With Death Triggers The Slow-Mo Effect : NPR
Francis Collins: One year at the helm : Nature News Francis Collins must now help his agency over a funding cliff.
Welcome — UC Davis Olive Center
One Man's Experience With the Stop-Smoking Drug Chantix -- New York Magazine
Chantix, a smoking cessation pill causes "strange or unusual dreams"
My Top 3 Incredibly Weird Dreams While Quitting Smoking on Chantix
My Experience With Chantix: Stop Smoking, Start Hallucinating
How to Understand American Decline - Newsweek America may be declining, but don’t despair.
Beloit College Mindset List
What Killed Kevin Morrissey? - Faculty - The Chronicle of Higher Education How the death of an editor threatens the future of the University of Virginia's prestigious literary review
Family of woman killed in botched drug raid to receive $4.9 million - CNN.com the raid was based on falsified paperwork stating that illegal drugs were present in the home ... Smith admitted to planting bags of marijuana in Johnston's home after her death. (way to go, Atlanta)
How to Order at Starbucks: 12 steps - wikiHow
"Stickler" English professor Lynne Rosenthal: Starbucks booted me over a bagel order - NYPOST.com
Anger Management: What is Your Anger Language?
Language Log: Language Anger Management
House Dems: FCC Must Reject Google-Verizon Deal To Ensure Net Neutrality
Internet access at home increases the likelihood that adults will be in relationships Internet is especially important for bringing together same-sex couples, and may soon replace friends as the prime way all Americans meet their romantic partners
Clients From Hell
Jetting Through the Grand Canyon | Airspacemag.com
Film features: The 25 Most Disturbing Movies Ever | TotalFilm.com
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » You Better Do As You’re Told, You Better Listen to the Radio the RIAA, who along with the National Association of Broadcasters, wants to mandate an FM radio in every cellphone and iPod. I’m sure Congress will get right on that, as soon as they’ve mandated that every car has a buggy whip holder.
At&t claims net neutrality is oppressive - The Inquirer AT&T has come out in support of Google's contention that wireless communications are different than wireline Internet services (wireless company)
Lycos Is Still Around – Sold By Daum To Ybrant In $36 Million Deal (sold in 2000 for $5.4Bn)
Why Android developers are losing money, and it’s not due to piracy | Royal Pingdom In other words, piracy isn’t the root of the problem, the inability to pay is.
Flooding in Pakistan : Natural Hazards (NOAA: before/after)
YouTube - Countdown Iran / Israel War part 1
China Passes Japan As Second-Largest Economy
Think Progress » Cato’s Pat Michaels admits 40 percent of funding comes from big oil. Michaels: I don’t know. 40 percent? I don’t know. (60? 70? Cato idiolibertarians at work lying)
Washington, We Have a Problem | Politics | Vanity Fair How broken is Washington?
Lexington: Build that mosque | The Economist Like Mr bin Laden, Mr Gingrich is apparently still relitigating the victories and defeats of religious wars fought in Europe and the Middle East centuries ago. He should rejoin the modern world, before he does real harm. (+the racist ditz)
Gingrich compares NYC Islamic community center to "Nazis" putting a "sign next to the Holocaust museum" | Media Matters for America (he will be on teevee this Sunday)
Defeat the Right in Three Minutes | Conceptual Guerilla | Right-Wing Ideology in a Nutshell (free slaves, er, cheap labor)
Were Philly's Irish Immigrants Murdered? | NBC Philadelphia (what we do with immigrants around here)
Robert Creamer: What's the Difference Between Mainstream Republican Leaders and Tea Party Extremists? The main difference is the willingness of the Tea Party gang to say what they believe out loud (i.e. zero)
Fineman: Immigration, Ethics, and Islam - Newsweek A Season of Fear The GOP’s shortsighted immigration play.
Tea Party Activists Gather at U.S.-Mexico Border - CBS News Over 400 People Have Gathered to Show Support for Arizona's Immigration Laws (as estimated by the baggers; national media goes 24/7 on them)
Op-Ed Columnist - Attacking Social Security - NYTimes.com Rumor has it that President Obama’s deficit commission may call for deep benefit cuts, in particular a sharp rise in the retirement age (Obama's Catfood Commission hard at work)
Economists See Increased Chance Of Double-Dip Recession
Homeowner Questionnaire Shows Banks Violating Gov’t Program Rules - ProPublica - Despite violations of the program guidelines such as the extended trials, the Treasury Department has not penalized any servicers. (that would be HAMP, the program Obama designed to do absolutely fucking nothing)
David Rosenberg: 'If You Don't Believe In A Double Dip, It's Because The First Recession Never Ended'
Stock Market Likely To Stay Difficult For Some Time
Dangerous bacterium hosts genetic remnant of life's distant past an ancient but functioning genetic remnant from a time before DNA existed
Bed Bug Infestation Is Scaring Millions Of Americans | Personal Health | AlterNet Outbreaks of bed bugs, soaring in the most unexpected places -- like CNN's headquarters -- stoke some of our deepest fears.
Deadly Whooping Cough, Once Wiped Out, Is Back : NPR (anti-vac crowd kills children; thank you Oprah and Jenny McCarthy)
Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes
The Allure of a Female Hitchhiker’s Breast Size (To Male Drivers). | Psychology Today
The Cyborg: Kevin Warwick is the World's First Human-Robot Hybrid | Motherboard
Calif. school settles suit over anti-abortion shirt
Factum on Vimeo intensive interviews with seven pairs of identical twins and a single set of identical triplets in and around Toronto during the summer of 2009
Tea Party groups out against net neutrality - The Hill's Hillicon Valley (they love paying more for corporate-controlled content)
Gen. David Petraeus says Afghanistan war strategy 'fundamentally sound' (just like their previous sound adventure; time for Moveon to get a medal)
Petraeus Begins Media Blitz to Counter Calls for Rapid Afghanistan Withdrawal | The Seminal (the PR surge: your tax dollars at work)
Gen. David Petraeus Cites Progress In Afghanistan, Hedges On July 2011 Troop Withdrawal ("progress" is just six more months -'FU's' +just why does get to use taxpayer money to sell his failure to taxpayers?)
Derrick Crowe: Media Failing to Ask Tough Questions on Afghanistan War...Again (they love their wars and now they don't have to cover dead people)
I’ll Take Choice “C:” Civil Society | Emptywheel Barely expressed in the NYT’s long story about our use of paramilitary strikes in places we’re not officially at war is a conflict between three choices.
NewsDaily: Afghanistan says finds 1.8 billion barrel oilfield (remember all the minerals they "found" a couple of months ago?)
An Israeli Attack on Iran would reduce Barack Obama to a One-Term President | Informed Comment
Putin's Russia: Exile Businessmen - Newsweek Corruption is forcing Russia’s best and brightest to flee the country - Putin's Russia: Exile Businessmen - Newsweek - fully one third of Russian businesses have been targeted in attempted corporate raids by police.
Abkhazia: two years of independence | openDemocracy
Tens of thousands of CCTV cameras, yet 80% of crime unsolved | News - CCTV cameras have cost the taxpayer in the region of £200million in the last 10 years but it's not entirely clear if some of that money would not have been better spent on police officers.
The Yorkshire Ranter: GCHQ Review, Part 2 - GCHQ and the Tech Industry (Brit's spy industry)
Japan, Checking on Its Oldest, Finds Many Gone - NYTimes.com
Losing faith in Pakistan - Culture - livemint.com Another attack on a shrine underscores the zeal to cleanse Islam of all references to the Indian subcontinent.
UN Chief Ban Ki-Moon: Pakistan Floods Are Worst Disaster I've Ever Seen
Cholera Confirmed In Pakistani Flood Disaster The floods have killed about 1,500 people, and aid workers have warned that diseases could raise that toll.
Pambazuka - Banks, blood and chocolate Rudolf Elmer, whistleblower and former CEO of Swiss bank Julius Baer’s Cayman Island operations, reveals the secrets of the murky world of offshore banking
The Cyprus Scramble: An Investigation into Human Egg Markets | Pulitzer Center
A million mutinies now - India - The Times of India Separatism of this variety has been endemic in the north-eastern region of India, a melting pot of 475 ethnic groups. There are over 35 avowed separatist groups in the region’s seven states, active to varying degrees.
China in Africa
Gail Collins - My Favorite August - NYTimes.com - Women's Suffrage: 56 referendum campaigns directed at male voters, plus “480 campaigns to get Legislatures to submit suffrage amendments to voters, 47 campaigns to get constitutional conventions to write woman suffrage into state constitutions; 277 campaigns to get State party conventions to include woman suffrage planks, 30 campaigns to get presidential party campaigns to include woman suffrage planks in party platforms and 19 campaigns with 19 successive Congresses.” And you thought health care reform was a drawn-out battle.
Op-Ed Columnist - Angels in America - NYTimes.com
Obama Stands On Principle, Defends Muslim Rights | The New Republic
Obama's Ground Zero Mosque Comments: President Recalibrates (that was fast)
> FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Obama Defense of "Ground Zero Mosque" Less Risky Than it Seems
GOP takes harsher stance toward Islam - Ben Smith and Maggie Haberman - POLITICO.com
SoHo properties, developer of Park51 mosque near Ground Zero, willing to talk about moving (to somewhere in the Middle East)
Twitter / Anil Dash: Because of their track record of killing Americans, I can't support the construction of a Ground Zero McDonald's (or the Constitution, apparently)
The Washington Monthly - Cornyn Should Try To Keep Up With Current Events - When the right organizes to prevent a Muslim American from converting a clothing store into a community center, solely because Muslims will pray there, it's quite obviously about freedom of religion. (Box Turtle Ben Cornyn)
It’s Not About THEM, It’s About Us | ATTACKERMAN We need to figure out to what extent we want other people’s hatred to determine whether we can actually have faith in the promises and guarantees made to us in the founding documents.
Tea Party Activists Rally Along Arizona-Mexico Border To Protest Illegal Immigration (hundreds of thousands ... well ten's of thousands, well, hundreds, well actually about 10 guys)
Robert Reich: Forget a Double-Dip, We're Still in One Long Big Dipper
Professional Traders Exited Market Before Flash Crash | Firedoglake
We’re Making Quite A Gulf in Life Forms | The Seminal The Gulf of Mexico faces a renewed and enlarged threat to marine life: a low-oxygen “dead zone” about the size of Massachusetts, caused by chemical runoff into the Mississippi River that flows into the sea.
Daily Kos: Harry Reid touches a nerve "I don't know how anyone of Latino heritage could be a Republican, OK?" Reid said. "Do I need to say more?" - the Republican Party is, increasingly, a party of bigots.
MoDo Applauds Gibbs for Making Shit Up | Emptywheel Shorter MoDo: I think Gibbs is at his best when he just makes shit up about people I don’t like - MoDo, who finds Robert Gibbs most right when he just makes shit up. And then complains that Robert Gibbs doesn’t take “journalists” like her–the ones who applaud him for making shit up–seriously. (they are both idiots: "Dept of Peace?")
SPLC Sues Mississippi Authorities, Hospital for Illegally Taking Immigrant's Newborn | Southern Poverty Law Center - "Mississippi officials and hospital workers conspired to steal Cirila Baltazar Cruz's baby by inventing false charges against her – allegations she couldn't refute because she doesn't speak the right language – and then told her she couldn't talk about it
El Rushbo and the Rocket Man | Media Matters for America (Limbaugh is a really nice guy who likes gays if you ignore everything he says on the radio)
Krugman - The Flimflam Man - NYTimes.com - the innovative thinker du jour: Representative Paul Ryan of Wisconsin - the audacity of dopes (good one, Paul +the roadmap is more tax cuts for the rich!)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation (it's like the "Contract on America")
Fair Game - In the Mortgage Drama, One Role Is Enough - NYTimes.com MEET Brad Miller, a Democratic representative from North Carolina who was elected to Congress in 2002, talks straight and understands how big banks can put consumers at peril.
The P?NP “Proof” Is One Week Old « Gödel’s Lost Letter and P=NP
Language Log » The Linguistic Diversity of Aboriginal Europe
BBC News - Sun's 'quiet period' explained the longer-than-expected period of weak activity may have been linked to changes in the way a hot soup of charged particles called plasma circulated in the Sun.
Extended solar minimum linked to changes in sun’s conveyor belt — Science Blog
In Weather Chaos, a Case for Global Warming - NYTimes.com (so when are you going to publish another climate-change-denier op-ed?)
Italy History | Coast | Death Heat | City Safety death came because of the temperature, not suffocation,” said Giuseppe Mastrolorenzo, a rogue vulcanologist from the Naples Observatory. “Everything that has been written in the guides, and the texts, and that has been re-told to tourists is false,” he said.
Frozen jet stream links Pakistan floods, Russian fires - environment - 10 August 2010 - New Scientist
Weekend Essay by Jonah Lehrer: How Power Affects Us - WSJ.com Contrary to the Machiavellian cliché, nice people are more likely to rise to power. Then something strange happens: Authority atrophies the very talents that got them there
Why Your Kids Need Recess - Forbes.com They might be better off putting down their books and heading outside.
StoryCorps » Listen Listen to any of the hundreds of stories we’ve recorded, drawn from conversations between more than 30,000 participants in all 50 states.
LA36: Public Access
In Praise of Fast Food We need a culinary ethos that comes to terms with industrialized food
Red menace - The Boston Globe How the ‘strange and horrible’ tomato conquered Italy, and America
Lack of nearby parks, playgrounds one reason why children are obese, health officials say - Orlando Sentinel (+their parent won't let them walk anywhere)
Tila Tequila suffers cuts, but escapes juggalos attack - CNN.com
Watch Obama's Net Neutrality Promises, Promises, Promises (we've heard them all before)
12 Valuable WordPress Cheat Sheets You Must Know
XKCD-Inspired Cartoon Maps the World's Social Networks [pic]
xkcd: Online Communities (old version)
Why Petraeus Can't Make The Sale That reality, increasingly obvious to national security experts and the general public alike, is that no amount of good intentions or firepower is going to advance our fundamental interests in Afghanistan - Petraeus's target audience "shouldn't buy into this military incrementalism. 'Six months more' is not a strategy." (but the Pentagon's 27,000 person PR dept will surge all over you)
Gunmen Kill 5 In Baghdad Checkpoint Shootings; Two Policemen Set On Fire (and here we see his last success)
Secret Assault on Terrorism Widens on Two Continents - NYTimes.com But the strike, it turned out, had also killed the province’s deputy governor, a respected local leader who Yemeni officials said had been trying to talk Qaeda members into giving up their fight.(your brilliant military at work making enemies for them to fight)
Massey: Don't 'Rush To Judgment' Blaming Us For West Virginia Mine Explosion
Obama defends "Ground Zero mosque" - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com This is one of the most impressive and commendable things Obama has done since being inaugurated - when is the last time a President voluntarily entered an inflammatory public controversy by taking a position opposed by 70% of the public?
Obama Strongly Backs Islam Center Near 9/11 Site - NYTimes.com (he actually took a position +fuck you, David Patterson)
Social Conservative Bryan Fischer: Paterson Wants To Impose Sharia Law On New York | TPMMuckraker - "every single mosque is a potential terror training center or recruitment center for jihad." (the "American Family Association" at work +whut?)
New York Conservative Party Planning Anti-'Ground Zero' Mosque TV Ad Campaign - The ad states "patriotic Americans" want "real answers" about the cultural center
The memory hole: the real tragedy of the Omar Khadr trial. - By Dahlia Lithwick - Slate Magazine The real tragedy of the Omar Khadr trial.
UN envoy warns of implications of trial of last child soldier held in Guantánamo - “Since World War II, no child has been prosecuted for a war crime,” (another first for Obama)
Prop 8: Jerry Brown Urges Speedy Return To Gay Marriages
The Woods - Personal - The Atlantic In a world where Newt Gingrich, is allowed to credibly position himself as a defender of "marriage," there is something gut-wrenching about engaging people who think gays shouldn't be allowed to marry.
Congress Had Right to Bar Acorn Funding, Appeals Court Rules - WSJ.com (not a "Bill of Attainder" uh-huh)
The Volokh Conspiracy » ACORN decision explained
Obama Weekly Address: GOP Trying To Destroy Social Security (video) (finally stating the obvious, but media wankers will pay no attention)
Social Security Keeps 20 Million Americans Out Of Poverty, Report Finds (Republicans: yeah, well, fuck them)
Florida Republican: Put immigrants in "camps" - War Room - Salon.com State GOP candidate wants to "ship them out to the middle of the country and put up high walls"
Limbaugh: "It's the Democrats that try to keep black people out of political powerful positions, it ain't us" | Media Matters for America (straight from the mouth of Satan!)
Lautenberg Fundraises With Lady Gaga Concert the 86-year-old New Jersey Democrat (will be 92 when he runs next time)
Hal Turner GUILTY: Blogger Convicted After Threatening Judges Over Chicago Gun Ban Turner's defense had argued that his rants were "political trash talk" protected by the First Amendment (it always is, for them)
South Carolina Senate Candidate Alvin Greene indicted On Felony Pornography Charges
Police Dismiss Right-Winger's New 'Proof' Of Phony Mexican Drug Cartel Raid | TPMMuckraker - cops: "She's trying to save herself from criticism of going too far off a branch. I don't care, I really don't care." (how crazy can they get?)
Victorious GOPer Allegedly Flashes Gun At Defeated Rival's Staffer Over Sex Allegations | TPMMuckraker (Republicans!)
Anderson Cooper Grills Shouting GOPer Louie Gohmert On 'Terror Babies' Conspiracy (video) | TPMDC (the babies want to impose Sharia law! talk about projection ...)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » And Yet Another Update on History’s Greatest Monster A bunch of wingnut blogs got together and ranked the 25 worst people throughout all of American history. (#1 - Jimmy Carter!)
Meg Whitman donates another $13 million to her gubernatorial campaign - ContraCostaTimes.com
YouTube - Ben Quayle Commercial (Quayle 2.0 - OMFG)
Op-Ed Columnist - Paralysis at the Federal Reserve - NYTimes.com he Fed — which is required by statute to promote “maximum employment” — isn’t doing its job. (but the inflation faires! will get us!)
Matthew Yglesias » Science Fiction Budgeting there needs to be more attention paid to the fact that sitting around in 2010 talking about the 2080 budget is insane (Paul Ryan's idiotic roadmap! )
If Obama Opposes Ryan’s Social Security Plan, Why Did He Appoint Him to the Catfood Commission? | FDL Action
Technical Gauge 'Hindenburg Omen' Senses Stock Gloom - WSJ.com Technical Gauge and Its Creator Sense Stock Gloom; 'Good Conspiracy Theories'?
Federal Reserve's Low Rate Policy Is A 'Dangerous Gamble,' Says Top Central Bank Official (ya think?)
Secret of life on Earth may be as simple as what happens between the sheets -- mica sheets, that is
Single neurons can detect sequences
Retraction Watch (watch science at work!)
The shroud of retraction: Virology Journal withdraws paper about whether Christ cured a woman with flu « Retraction Watch
Neptune 'dead zones' hold more rocks than asteroid belt - space - 12 August 2010 - New Scientist
Al Gore: 'The United States Government as a Whole Has Failed Us' on Global Warming
F.D.A. Approves 5-Day Emergency Contraceptive - NYTimes.com (the Republican womb-police will go nuts)
U.S. Broadens Bribery Inquiry Into Drug Makers - NYTimes.com into whether the companies made illegal payments to doctors and health officials in foreign countries.
Michael Bader, D.M.H.: Why We Need a "Practical Psychoanalysis" Daphne Merkin's New York Times Magazine article about her forty-year history of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy (+shrinks have "special knowledge," yo)
Hamlet: Watch the Film | Great Performances | PBS
LRB · Colm Tóibín · Among the Flutterers The Pope Is Not Gay by Angelo Quattrocchi, translated by Romy Clark Giuliani (but "98% of the Vatican is")
Catholic church embarrassed by gay priests revelations | World news | The Guardian Vatican on defensive again after magazine exposes priests visiting gay clubs and bars and having sex (but they're not gay)
Are these the bones of John the Baptist? - CNN (no)
Study: Orthodox Jews More Open To Mental Health Counseling, But Needs Remain for marriage problems despite the community's relatively high marital satisfaction rate, according to a new study released Friday (no contradiction there)
Kristin M. Swenson, Ph.D.: The Bible and Human 'Dominion' Over Animals: Superiority or Responsibility? (Christians: eat Fluffy!)
social-creature » The First 21st Century Vampires
My Roommate, The Diamond Thief -- New York Magazine He found me on Craigslist. I found him on America’s Most Wanted.
Mass Romance Novel Publisher Going All In On E-Books | Epicenter | Wired.com
Reaching the Last Technology Holdouts at the Front of the Classroom - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education (old profs can't type and use teh google)
Line2 2.4 (iOS) Review & Rating | PCMag.com
Life without a CA | The Tor Blog
YouTube - Ford Fiesta road test - Top Gear - BBC
Showcase Afghan Army Mission Turns Into Debacle - NYTimes.com “There are a lot of lessons to be learned here” (don't ever trust the military to tell the truth?)
Petraeus Hedges On July 2011 Afghan Pullback, NYT Airs Skepticism Over War (complete failure)
U.S. Military to Press for Slower Afghan Drawdown - NYTimes.com
Pat Tillman's Father To Army Investigator: 'F--- You... And Yours' (support our troops, especially our lying Generals))
Guantanamo critic removed from jury - Americas, World - The Independent Robert Verkaik reports from Camp Delta on a questionable selection process (your military at work, ensuring they get the outcome they want)
Experts call for David Kelly inquest | Politics | guardian.co.uk Official cause of David Kelly's death is 'extremely unlikely', say group of legal and medical experts (Blair-ordered assassination)
Vladimir Putin, Macho Man: His Funniest Headlines EVER (pictures)
alJazeera Magazine - Itching to fight another Muslim enemy If you read the major American newspapers or watch the propaganda on cable TV, it’s pretty clear that the U.S. foreign policy Establishment is again spoiling for a fight, this time in Iran (see Jeffrey Goldberg, Israeli Lobby wanker)
Noam Chomsky: speaking of truth and power | http://underclassrising.net
Judge Doubts Gay Marriage Ban's Backers Can Appeal - NYTimes.com By contrast, same-sex couples are being denied their constitutional rights every day they are prohibited from marrying, Walker said. (no standing for the "cloud of obscurity" and wait for it ... ''Proponents have not, however, argued that any of them seek to wed a same-sex spouse.'' (rimshot))
White House Ethics Initiatives At A Crossroads (you know that whole transparency and ethics thing? never mind)
Does the past record of journalists matter? - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - No American elites are supposed to pay any price -- even reputationally -- for the role they played in leading the country into a horrific and unfathomably devastating war based on false pretenses. (James Fallows tries to defend the indefensible Jeffry Goldberg: wanker, Israeli Lobby +what country has damaged the US more, Mexico or Israel?)
Fun With Paul Ryan and the Washington Post | Beat the Press The Washington Post really really hates Social Security. They hate Medicare almost as much (those programs caused 9/11)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect But It's Awesome Broccoli for the Rich! - Matt Bai writes about the Paul Ryan's budget plan ... without writing about Paul Ryan's budget plan (the new "Road Map" - tax cuts for the rich, private accounts for SS)
full audio: Dr. Laura Schlessinger's N-word rant | Media Matters for America (nasty old Republicans: what crypt did they resurrect her from?)
Stewart Mocks Media For Focus On Proxy Battles (video)
Stewart Exposes GOP Hypocrisy: Extending Bush Tax Cuts Won't Lower Deficit (call John Boehner)
Liberals Start "F*ck Tea" Party Campaign - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
‘Hindenburg Omen’ Suggests Slump in Stocks: Technical Analysis - BusinessWeek
Elizabeth Warren Wins The Support Of Two More Senators (John Kerry finally pulls his head out of his banker-friendly ass)
Calculated Risk: More Europe: Greek Recession, Irish and Spanish Worries (how's that conservative austerity thing working out for you?)
Youth Unemployment Hits Record High - CNBC
Fermi detects 'shocking' surprise from supernova's little cousin a finding that stunned observers and theorists alike. The discovery overturns the notion that novae explosions lack the power to emit such high-energy radiation.
Rare Sharing of Data Leads to Progress on Alzheimer’s - NYTimes.com (instead of privately hoarding data, they finally make progress)
Tom Toles - Election digest We are apparently going to let the debate on the science run until hell freezes over. If you can't accept the conclusions of 98 percent of the scientists whose FIELD IT IS, then why even bother with science?
Vampire Bats Kill 4 Kids, Attack 500 in Peru - CBS News Emergency Teams Sent to Amazon to Battle Outbreak of Rabies; Bat Attacks Linked to Amazon Deforestation
Israeli Suspect Nabbed in Deadly Stabbing Spree - CBS News Elias Abuelazam Arrested at Atlanta Airport Waiting for Flight to Tel Aviv; Linked to 18 Attacks, 5 Murders Across 3 States (just practicing his IDF skills)
Chicago Girl, 8, Gunned Down While Jumping Rope - CBS News (solution: give guns to all kids)
The Most Homoerotic Vintage Ads Of All Time (photos)
5 UFO Sightings That Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy | Cracked.com
Traveler to the undiscovere'd country - Roger Ebert's Journal
Tea Party groups out against net neutrality - The Hill's Hillicon Valley (because, well, actually, they don't make any sense)
The Force Is Strong In Public Ridicule: Lucas Backs Down From Threats Against Wicked Lasers | Techdirt
The shit finally hits the fan.... : On a New Road - With Oracle, everything is always about money. It is the only metric they know. (Ellison sues Google over patents they got from Sun)
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange Could Face Criminal Charges from U.S. Allies - The Daily Beast The Obama administration has asked Britain, Germany, Australia, and other allies to consider criminal charges against Julian Assange for his Afghan war leaks (President "Transparency" is an asshole)
The Coming Military Offensive Against the July 2011 Timetable | FDL News Desk (McChristal may come out of retirement to spread more lies)
The killing fields of Afghanistan | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian
BBC News - Iraqi general says planned US troop pull-out 'too soon' Iraq's top army officer has criticised as premature the planned US troop withdrawal by the end of next year.
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, Woman Who Faced Stoning Death, 'Confesses' On Iranian State TV (American Taliban jealous)
Nieman Watchdog > Commentary > The real story behind Time’s Afghan woman cover: American complicity The repressive and misogynistic forces the picture depicts are the very ones that were bolstered by U.S. policy in the early 1980s, and again now (see how that works?)
Russian Wildfires Reach Chernobyl Site, Recontamination Likely (Video)
How to find the radiant point for Perseid meteors | Tonight | EarthSky
Chinese Economy Turning 'From Boom To Bust' And It Could Hurt The U.S. Stocks in Asia tumbled in early trade Wednesday, after underwhelming stimulus steps announced by the Federal Reserve in the U.S. failed to rally shares there from early losses.
Ecuador Earthquake 2010: Magnitude-6.9 Quake Shakes South American Nation
Marijuana may cause Canada's economic comedown | Douglas Haddow | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk A thriving marijuana industry has aided Canada's economy – but political shifts in the US and at home are now threatening this
Pope Benedict rejects Irish bishop's resignation | Irish News | IrishCentral In a move that has stunned his critics the Pope has rejected the resignations of Bishop Raymond Field and Bishop Eamonn Walsh (by their deeds ye shall know them)
No more mosques, period each Islamic mosque is dedicated to the overthrow of the American government (Sharia law, etc, from the hard-core racist fringe of the American Taliban)
Great Mosque of Córdoba - Wikipedia (we should be so lucky)
$20 Billion BP Spill Fund Finalized, But 40,000 Claims Still Ignored : TreeHugger
Breaking: Judge Walker Won’t Stay Prop 8 Ruling Pending Appeal! Gay Marriages Can Start After August 18 at 5 PM. « Above the Law: A Legal Tabloid
Senate Passes $600 Million Border Security Bill
CNN - Anderson Cooper - Texas Rep Debbie Riddle and "little terrorists" - crazy, evasive white woman (Debbie Dingbat) with American Republican Elephant pin has no "actual facts")
Meet Debbie Riddle, Terror Baby Expert
Think Progress » Just 25 Americans Died As A Result Of Terrorism Last Year — Less Than Traffic Accidents, The Flu, Or Dog Bites 32 reported incidents of dogs fatally killing humans last year (but watch out for those anchor babies)
Citizenship Down - Akhil Amar - The Colbert Report - 8/10/10 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
A Tiny Revolution: Jeffrey Goldberg Still America's Preeminent Propagandist (that would be Israeli lobbyist)
Goldberg's War, By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine, 2006))
A Tiny Revolution: Jeffrey Goldberg Still America's Preeminent Propagandist
How propagandists function: Exhibit A - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Jeffrey Goldberg
Jeffrey Goldberg Probes Israel's Iran Strike Option: Is Netanyahu a "Bomber Boy"? | TPMCafe
The Weak Case for War with Iran - By Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett | Foreign Policy Jeffrey Goldberg's new article in the Atlantic is deeply reported -- and deeply wrong about the Middle East. But it's his misunderstanding of America that is most dangerous of all (Israeli propaganda mouthpiece)
INSTAPUTZ: The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of. This admisson from Mike Allen isn't a surprise, but it is nonetheless appalling (they rock your world +check out Hugh Hewitts wet dream)
Jon Stewart: Boehner's Stance On The Economy Is 'Profoundly Retarded' (VIDEO) | TPM LiveWire (duh, he's a Republican)
Geller falsely claims Imam Rauf made comment blaming "the Jews" for 9-11 | Media Matters for America (Israeli lobby hack spreads racist lies)
Glenn Beck: Gay Marriage No Threat To Me, Or America
Sovereign Citizens Spin History, Reject Government As many as 300,000 people identify as sovereign citizens (the hard-core rightwing fringe of the hard-core Republican loonies)
Nieman Watchdog > Ask This > Six essential questions about the deficit, Wall Street and Washington
2nd Quarter G.D.P. May Be Revised Even Lower - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com ("even" - like half)
Jobs Market Still Gloomy as Weekly Claims Show Gain - CNBC The number of U.S. workers filing new claims for unemployment insurance unexpectedly rose to its highest level in close to six months, a fresh signal of a weak jobs market.
The Fed’s Fallacious “QE Lite” Logic « naked capitalism In case you somehow missed it, global markets got a bad case of deflation heebie jeebies over the last few days.
RealtyTrac: No foreclosure peak until 2011 MarketWatch News Break - MarketWatch (12 ... 13 ...)
Free statins with fast food could neutralize heart risk, scientists say Free statins with fast food could neutralize heart risk, scientists say
Are you ready for a world without antibiotics? | Society | The Guardian Antibiotics are a bedrock of modern medicine. But in the very near future, we're going to have to learn to live without them once again. And it's going to get nasty (bacteria declare victory)
Tool Use by Early Humans Started Much Earlier : Discovery News Small-brained human ancestors used stone tools to whack into large mammals some 800,000 years earlier than previously thought.
Breast cancer death rates fall by a third - Telegraph Death rates from breast cancer in Britain have dropped by a third in a generation, a pan-European study shows.
How to find the radiant point for Perseid meteors | Tonight | EarthSky
YouTube - Radiolab and NPR Present Words
WNYC - Radiolab » Words
Teach Yourself to Sew: How to Sew Buttons, Snaps & Hooks - Threads
Thousands of Dead Fish Line Jersey Shore | NBC Philadelphia
Concert venues are hurting all over, except in Philadelphia | Philadelphia Daily News | 08/09/2010 Yeah, that's why they call them "Ticketbastards." (Live Nation discovers a limit to their infinite pricing)
TV’s top salaries: Winfrey, Seacrest, Sheen, Laurie (Judge Judy makes four times as much as Conan? So wrong...)
McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Our Daughter Isn't a Selfish Brat; Your Son Just Hasn't Read "Atlas Shrugged" ("bed-wetting looter!")
For the Pauls, Libertarianism Began at Home - NYTimes.com
Fire Megan McArdle
Barack Obama ¦ DiD US Presidential Election ¦ 2008 action figure w/accessories
Online gambling: House bill offers new approach - latimes.com
Why DRM Doesn't Work - PC opinion at Thunderbolt Games
Greatest hot chick internet hoaxes, White board Jenny hoax | Ranker - A World of Lists
Web Explodes With Best Quitting Stories -- Daily Intel
The Ballad of Steven Slater on CNN's Situation Room on Vimeo (avec metafilter)
Exclusive: Upcoming Apple TV loses 1080p playback, gains apps... and will be renamed iTV -- Engadget (crappy, out-of-date TV based on cell-phone processor that runs ... apps! and iTunes! and you can shop at Apple with it!)
What Happened to Yahoo (old media)
MozBackup - Backup tool for Firefox and Thunderbird
The Point of No Return - Magazine - The Atlantic how, if things remain on the current course, an Israeli air strike will unfold (by Jeffrey Goldberg, "American-Israeli jounalist" pumping out the propaganda)
The Jeffrey Goldberg Media - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Negative Reaction to Charity Campaign: German Millionaires Criticize Gates' 'Giving Pledge' - spiegel online - The pledge has been criticized in Germany, with millionaires saying donations shouldn't replace duties that would be better carried out by the state.
Asia Times Online :: General and scholar test reform waters (advocate democracy in China)
ASA - ASA Adjudication on The Association of Chief Police Officers (UK's "Everyone is a potential terrorist" ad campaign)
Hillary Clinton Drags Taliban Leader's Body Through Streets Of Kabul | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect NYT On The So-Called Ground Zero Mosque - The reason this became a national controversy is because Republicans see a political advantage in harnessing anti-Muslim sentiment, particularly if that forces Democrats to defend an unpopular minority group. (Anne Barnard at the NYT wanks on the mosque and blames everyone but the rightwing smear machine - Rush pulls their strings)
Robert Gibbs says leftwing critics of Obama 'ought to be drug tested' | Richard Adams | World news | guardian.co.uk White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says Obama's critics on the left are 'crazy' - and then tries to apologise (naive, out-of-touch political hack thinks he can count on swing voters he disses)
White House Gets Double Dose Of Relief In Colorado Ken Buck joins fellow Tea Partiers Sharron Angle, Rand Paul, and Marco Rubio as candidates that the National Republican Senatorial Committee either didn't want to see win their nomination or officially chose not to endorse
Connecticut Primary: Republican Linda McMahon Wins in U.S. Senate Race - Courant.com Millions Spent Pay Off With Big Victory
Joe Lieberman Says He'll Likely Run For Reelection In 2012 (S.Israel will run again and again)
South Carolina and Some Other States Relented on Taking Stimulus Money - NYTimes.com The reversal by Mr. Sanford attracted virtually no notice, but it made South Carolina the 33rd state in the country to expand jobless benefits to qualify for its full share of stimulus money under the program (he sure got a lot of "notice" when he campaigned against it)
Analysis Looks at Effect of Letting Tax Cuts Lapse for Rich - NYTimes.com Taxpayers with income of more than $1 million for 2011 would still receive on average a tax cut of about $6,300 compared with what they would have paid under rates in effect until 2001 (poor little rich babies are whining and their teaparty servants are crying)
Monetary policy: Small stuff | The Economist the Fed has taken the minimum possible non-contractionary action (suck it up, Americans)
FT Alphaville » Hamp – it’s worse than we thought (the program Obama designed to fail and not help anyone and not upset the bankers)
Where's relief for homeowners who played by rules? - Orlando Sentinel (you fools, no one got relief)
Wells Fargo Must Pay Consumers $203 Million in Overdraft Case - Bloomberg (rigged the game)
Perseid meteor shower nears peak - BostonHerald.com
BBC News - New 'superbug' found in UK hospitals bacteria that make an enzyme called NDM-1 have travelled back with NHS patients who went abroad to countries like India and Pakistan for treatments such as cosmetic surgery.
Tire tags reveal driver whereabouts - BusinessWeek wireless communications between new cars and their tires can be intercepted or even forged
The Least and Most Religious States nine of the top 10 church-going states are in the South, Utah is the only exception (fundamentalist, militaristic, racist and stupid)
Catholics don't get to define my marriage — even if I am heterosexual : Pharyngula (+baby Ross Douthat: relationships between men and women are specialer than those between men and men or women and women.)
Author on leave after Harvard inquiry - The Boston Globe
Confirmed: HOPA Dry Erase Girl Is A Hoax, Identity Revealed
YouTube - Jackie Evancho Opera Singer Americas got talent You tube edition.HQ-8-10-10
Eric Schmidt On Privacy (VIDEO): Google CEO Says Anonymity Online Is 'Dangerous' (to our planned surveillance state - Schmidt is dangerously naive: "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place.")
Craig Aaron: Google-Verizon Pact: It Gets Worse
A Review of Verizon and Google's Net Neutrality Proposal | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Don't Tax the Internet | John C. Dvorak | PCMag.com A new piece of legislation claims to level the playing field between Internet retailers and brick-and-mortar stores, but this "fairness" bill is anything but.
Business Email Usage Statistics | Email Usage Graph by State and Region | Blog
What Were Black People Talking About on Twitter Last Night? - The Awl according to Pew, 26% of African-Americans online use Twitter; only 19% of white Internet people use Twitter. S
Prof. Dr. Style
Obama Administration In Danger Of Establishing "New Normal" With Worst Bush-Era Policies, Says ACLU | American Civil Liberties Union (more Bush than the old Bush)
Gitmo Judge Parrish Allows Evidence From Teen Coerced Under Threat of Rape by Joshua Claus | The Seminal (endorsed by Obama)
China rescuers search sludge for mudslide survivors | Reuters The count of dead from the disaster in Zhouqu, in a narrow valley in Gansu province, jumped from 137 earlier on Monday evening to 337
Taliban Execute Pregnant Woman (Fundamentalists in Amerca jealous)
Richard Dawkins Likens Burqas To Trash Bags, Speaks Of 'Visceral Revulsion' To Islamic Veils (fatwa territory)
Lebanon crisis feared as indictments near in assassination of Rafiq al-Hariri (Hezbollah+Syria)
The US tank crew wanted for murder / Features / Home - Morning Star The Spanish government wants a three-man US army tank crew to stand trial for the death of cameraman Jose Couso in Baghdad in 2003. (collateral murder again)
Putin puts out two wildfires in central Russia (update 1) | Russia | RIA Novosti - He dumped approximately 12 tons of water on each of two fires, extinguishing both completely (let's see Obama try that with the Republicans)
Open Source Tools Turn WikiLeaks Into Illustrated Afghan Meltdown (Updated) | Danger Room | Wired.com
The Washington Monthly - Cordoba House 'Compromise' Has Some Serious Flaws (Patterson puts his foot up his ass, urges compromise with vicious racism)
White House unloads anger over criticism from 'professional left’ - TheHill.com - “They will be satisfied when we have Canadian healthcare and we’ve eliminated the Pentagon. Gibbs said: ” Those people ought to be drug tested,” “They wouldn’t be satisfied if Dennis Kucinich was president.” (still dissing their base; we'll see who's out of touch)
Robert Gibbs attacks the fringe losers of the left - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - In 20 short months, we've gone from "hold me accountable" to "get drug tested," you wretched ingrates.
Gibbs’ Walk-Back: Clueless about “in America” | Emptywheel that professional DC hack Robert Gibbs should lecture hippies about what people “in America” think of Obama’s economic policies was the worst. (+taking credit for our wonderful "recovery" - clap louder, dirty hippies)
AFSCME - New TV Ad: Senators Collins, Snowe Found the Money to Bail Out Wall Street …But They Can’t Spare a Dime to Keep Cops, Teachers and Nurses Working in Maine? (that would be the "professional left" from Maine)
Gibbs on the Left: Dog Bites the Man | OurFuture.org
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: As Liberals Lose Hope, the White House is Losing Its Cool
Eschaton So frustration at right wing assholes on cable news make you lash out at The Professional Left, who are busy trying to get teacher funding passed? (they really are Republicans somewhere between Nixon and Reagan)
Obama vs. Obama On Endless Wars: Who Wins? (the one we voted for, not the one who won)
Ted Stevens DEAD: Former Senator Reportedly Killed In Alaska Plane Crash carrying ex-NASA chief Sean O'Keefe
The Senator in Full : CJR The press must fight the impulse to whitewash Ted Stevens’s record
Newt Gingrich's Ex-Wife Goes Public: Messy Relationship Life, Meltdowns, And 2012 - "It doesn't matter what I do," he answered. "People need to hear what I have to say. There's no one else who can say what I can say. It doesn't matter what I live." (but he's on teevee all the time)
Print - Newt Gingrich: The Indispensable Republican - Esquire (they love their creeps)
Clash of the Tea Party Travel Agents | Mother Jones Meet the activist-entrepreneurs battling to become the movement's official unofficial travel planner (back-stabbing in the teabaggers?)
House Passes State Aid Bill To Help Teachers, GOP Freaks Out | TPMDC
Levi Johnston preparing to follow in Palin footsteps | Raw Story Levi Johnston to run for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, in reality show.
Senate Passes “The ______Act of____”—No Foolin’! – The WashingtonWatch.com Blog
Advising Like It’s 1999 - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com Hence the view that fiscal stimulus was just an insurance policy, that the big thing was to stop the economy’s headlong descent, and then unemployment would come down mostly of its own accord. (Larry "Big Failure" Summers at work)
Fed to Meet, With Concerns on Deflation Rising - NYTimes.com - Greenspan still running the economy: "“At this particular moment, disinflationary pressures are paramount. They will not last indefinitely.”"
Incomes Fall in Most Metro Areas - WSJ.com (except for southern military centers: DC, San Antonio, Virginia Beach)
Tax reform for the rich and ultra-rich : The New Yorker (wait, that's socialism)
House Clears $26.1 Billion State-Aid Package, Dems Slam GOP Obstructionism
Letters of Note: The Tiger Oil Memos constantly angry CEO - Edward 'Tiger Mike' Davis - to his staff (Christ, what an asshole)
Spinal-Fluid Test Is Found to Predict Alzheimer’s - NYTimes.com
Petermann Glacier loss is 3x Manhattan Is. area; largest loss observed for Greenland « MODIS Studies of Greenland
CSI | Bridging the Chasm between Two Cultures A former leader in the New Age culture—author of nine titles on auras, chakras, “energy,” and so on—chronicles her difficult and painful transition to skepticism.
Mankind must abandon earth or face extinction: Hawking (game over)
Consumers Find Ways to Spend Less and Find Happiness - NYTimes.com - research on consumption and happiness.
Don’t Be Ugly By Accident! « OkTrends
girl quits job on dry erase board exposes farmville boss called her hopa - theCHIVE
UPDATE: Jet Blue Flight Attendant Curses, Quits, Makes Emergency Chute Exit - Gothamist
Designer Leading The Charge For Fashion Copyright... Caught Copying Someone Else's Design | Techdirt
Anthony Bertolone, Moron of the Day: Drugged & Raped Fellow Frat Brother at Drake University - True Crime Report - Sigma Chi has booted him from the frat for revealing its secret homoerotic agenda. If the videos would have involved an incapacitated woman, we're guessing they would have made Bertolone president for life.
Google, Verizon say no ‘net neutrality’ for wireless | Raw Story "In recognition of the still-nascent nature of the wireless broadband marketplace, under this proposal we would not now apply most of the wireline principles to wireless." (everything is moving to wirless, where everything will be paid for)
4Chan Founder Moot's Weird Testimony In Sarah Palin Email Hacking Trial
BBC News - Google offices raided by Korean police Police in South Korea have raided Google's headquarters in Seoul.
Apple most criticised brand in blogosphere - Social Media - Tech - The Times of India
Which Types of Businesses Will Be Affected by Net Neutrality - should net neutrality become law, "an ISP’s customers will suffer slower speeds so that other customers can use disproportionate capacity for which they are not paying their share." (US 28th in world, and no other country has had this happen)
Don’t Get Fireballed | brown blog
Gen. David Petraeus Media Blitz Planned (cranks up his taxpayer-funded PR army to sell the war to ... taxpayers!)
27,000 Work in Pentagon PR and Recruiting | Danger Room | Wired.com ($4.7bn in 2009)
Pat Tillman's mother on Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal: I told you so Mary Tillman speaks on Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal and his role in covering up the truth about her son's death.
Red Dawn - An FP Slide Show | Foreign Policy
Moscow Deaths DOUBLE Amid Smog And Heat Wave (PHOTOS) "Our ancestors haven't observed or registered a heat like that within 1,000 years," Frolov said at a news conference. "This phenomenon is absolutely unique."
German Mosque Used By 9/11 Attackers Shut Down authorities believed the prayer house was again being used as a meeting point for Islamic radicals
The Duchess of York faces bankruptcy over her £5m debts - Telegraph (the style to which she is accustomed)
How the baby boomers blew it | Francis Beckett | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk The greatest crime of the boomers who benefited from the 60s was their role in destroying the freedoms of those who did not
British Towns and Institutions Reel From First Austerity Cuts - NYTimes.com
Todd S. Purdum Asks, Can Washington Be Fixed? | VF Daily | Vanity Fair
Jan Brewer's Re-Election Chances Boosted By Arizona Immigration Law (nothing succeeds for Republicans like racisim)
Marriage Is Not a Zero Sum Game | Mother Jones (Ross Douthat can't really think very well)
Michelangelo Signorile: Judge Vaughn Walker Gets Smeared By the Media (point being, they'd never do this to a closeted anti-gay legislator, preacher, etc)
Op-Ed Columnist - America Goes Dark - NYTimes.com - America is now on the unlit, unpaved road to nowhere.
Rubinites Trading Off a Mid-90s Happy Accident | FDL News Desk (Obama's expert economic team)
Why is the Journal Mystified that Some Employers Are Having Trouble Finding Workers? « naked capitalism (because they are lazy fucks who are turning down good jobs!)
A decade of declining house prices By Mike Whitney : ICH - Information Clearing House 51 million homeowners have a meager $1 trillion in home equity. We're a nation of paupers (all your equity is gone)
How Will You Measure Your Life? - Harvard Business Review
secrets-to-maximizing-social-security: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
P ? NP-- Greg and Kat’s blog
A Proof That P Is Not Equal To NP? « Gödel’s Lost Letter and P=NP
Shtetl-Optimized » Blog Archive » Putting my money where my mouth isn’t
Rethinking Einstein: The end of space-time - physics-math - 09 August 2010 - New Scientist
God's Number is 20 - Every position of Rubik's Cube™ can be solved in twenty moves or less.
Pesticides linked to bee decline, say green groups | Environment | guardian.co.uk
Daily Nebraskan - US drops to 12th among college degrees earned (30 yrs of Republican policies have stupidized Amercia)
Swift Kick Central: Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling in Graduation Speech Instead of using her graduation speech to celebrate the triumph of her victory, the school, and the teachers that made it happen, she channeled her inner Ivan Illich and de-constructed the logic of a valedictorian and the whole educational system.
#6: Leave Children Behind: Don't Prepare Everyone for College | Dangerous Ideas | Big Think (like we aren't doing that already)
Counterexamples to Relativity - Conservapedia (Republicans are a dangerous idea)
A Hoarder Confronts Her Clutter - Video - TIME.com
The 4 Issues That Divide America the Most doctor-assisted suicide, same-sex relations, abortion, and having a baby outside of wedlock divide the country the most.
Churchgoers, strippers protest one another in Coshocton County | The Columbus Dispatch
Marijuana Policy Project: The DEA has gone rogue. Despite clear guidance from the Department of Justice directing them to do otherwise, agents are conducting raids of homes and businesses where the occupants are acting in compliance with state medical marijuana laws.
Greg Mitchell: How Press Censorship Hid the Shocking Truth About Nagasaki A-Bomb 65 Years Ago
ILGWU: Doing the Reactionary
How to Microwave Gourmet Popcorn in a Brown Paper Bag | Squawkfox
Apple may have known of iPhone antenna flaw two years ago | Electronista
Google and Verizon Announce Net Neutrality Proposal - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com (that would be non-Neutrality, NYT)
net-neutrality-thumb-550xauto-27419.jpg - after Net Neutrality: tiered pricing plan to be announced soon
Google Sold Out the Open Internet -- Help Us Protect It | Public Knowledge
Google-Verizon plan: Why you should worry - Dan Gillmor - Salon.com Ominous references to the "public Internet" inescapably suggest something else entirely
U.S. Commander Ray Odierno: Iraqis 'Ready To Assume Full Operations,' Handle Own Security (all done, we're sorta outa here)
Battles Around Nation Over Proposed Mosques - NYTimes.com (Republican war on moderate Islam, always looking for someone to hate)
Think Progress » Study: Contemporary Mosques Are A Deterrent To The Spread Of Terrorism (which is why Think Progress » Study: Contemporary Mosques Are A Deterrent To The Spread Of Terrorism (which is why ...)
GAO Audits and Poppy Bush’s Covert World | Emptywheel
NKorea seizes SKorean fishing boat amid tension - Yahoo! News
Iran set to execute 18-year-old on false charge of sodomy | World news | The Observer on the basis of "judge's knowledge", a legal loophole that allows for subjective judicial rulings where there is no conclusive evidence (they hate people they think might be gay too)
Pope acts against incest priest's group - Americas, World - The Independent Immensely wealthy Catholic organisation, set up by controversial Mexican cleric and favoured by John Paul II, likely to be closed down
YouTube - Evacuation de familles sans logement à la Courneuve
Detained Belarusian Investigator Hospitalized - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty © 2010 (KGB investigator hospitalized in ... KGB hospital!)
WikiLeaks not shielded by Swedish law: experts - The Local
YouTube - Judge Andrew Napolitano: The Plain Truth - The Government Lies to You!! Freedom Watch 7/31/2010 (wikileaks and Obama's absent moral center)
New Petition Gains Prominent Signatures: “Defend WikiLeaks – End the Secret Wars” | The Seminal
U.S. base in Kyrgyzstan remains on track despite tensions
In Mexico's Nuevo Laredo, drug cartels dictate media coverage (why, that's just like ...)
Daily Kos: An unfortunate debate here's something really depressing about the debate over whether it would have been better to fight BP's oil spill with or without the aid of chemical dispersants (see, two toxic chemicals cancel each other out! +Obama aided in BP coverup)
Filibusters and arcane obstructions in the Senate : The New Yorker The Empty Chamber Just how broken is the Senate? by George Packer
Force women to bear rapists’ babies, say multiple GOP candidates | Raw Story - "We're in a period of deep economic anxiety," Harris-Lacewell replied, suggesting that people are trying to assert control over their own lives by controlling women's reproduction" (the first thing they try to control- more disgustingness from the Republicans, Dems are quite as usual)
Why The Prop 8 Ruling Scares Religious Conservatives
A More Perfect Constitution, by Larry J. Sabato
A More Perfect Constitution, by Larry J. Sabato (24th suggestions)
Rachel Maddow Takes On Bill O'Reilly: 'Stupid,' 'Bullpucky' (video)
David S. Broder - Mitch McConnell comes to the Senate's defense he threw a curve by endorsing the idea that the 14th Amendment guarantee of U.S. citizenship to every child born in this country, whatever the child's parentage, should be examined in congressional hearings. That is a radical change, freighted with emotional baggage, and if this is an example of what it would mean to have more Republicans on Capitol Hill, watch out.
PolitiFact | Fact-checking the claims about 'anchor babies' and whether illegal immigrants 'drop and leave'
Whitman's jab at Poizner may cost GOP votes (eMeg, brilliant manager)
Wall Street's Big Win | Rolling Stone Politics ... But Dodd-Frank was neither an FDR-style, paradigm-shifting reform, nor a historic assault on free enterprise. What it was, ultimately, was a cop-out, a Band-Aid on a severed artery. If it marks the end of anything at all, it represents the end of the best opportunity we had to do something real about the criminal hijacking of America's financial-services industry - Matt Taibbi (our ahistorical banker-friendly Pres blew the opportunity)
Economy outranks Iraq, Afghan wars for voters this year | McClatchy
U.S. Economy Improving, More Stimulus Isn't the Answer, Rubin, O'Neill Say - Bloomberg . A “major second stimulus” might create uncertainty and undermine confidence, Rubin said ... Companies are concerned about demand and won’t expand facilities and hire new employees until sales have improved, said O’Neill, who was Treasury secretary under Republican (why should we have confidence in these idiots?)
Warren Buffett's billionaire donors club: By the numbers - The Week
With income from debit card fees falling, banks likely to raise other charges | cleveland.com
AP Source: Ousted HP CEO Settles With Accuser - ABC News Disgraced former HP CEO Mark Hurd (took over after the Carly debacle)
How to Become Unemployed in 7 Easy Steps - CBS MoneyWatch.com
Higher U.S. Food Prices: Why a Russian Heatwave Could Hit Your Wallet - DailyFinance (there's no shortage but the profiteers are out)
Irvine Housing Blog - Irvine Real Estate and Irvine Homes - Another Ignorant and Misguided Attack on the 30-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgage (McMegan McAddled McHack McArdle runs into a brick wall)
How Brilliant Computer Scientists Solved the Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Salem-News.Com significant quantities of methane hydrates and older eruption sites.
Robot to explore mysterious tunnels in Great Pyramid - Science, News - The Independent For 4,500 years, no one has known what lies beyond two stone doors deep inside the monument
Deep brain stimulation may slow Alzheimer's in some - Healthzone.ca
Entire Island the Size of Hawaii Could be Made from Pacific Plastic | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World
Clay Farris Naff: The End of Times: Do Scientists and Fundamentalists Concur?
Public Sees a Future Full of Promise and Peril: Section 3: War, Terrorism and Global Trends - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press Fully 58% of white evangelical Christians say Jesus Christ will definitely or probably return to earth in this period, by far the highest percentage in any religious group.
Appeals court limits use of GPS to track suspects - police cannot use a Global Positioning System device to track a person's movements for an extended time without a warrant, (small victory)
Hullabaloo: "It Doesn't Look Good" (black farmers not high on Obama's priority list, and besides, if we wait long enough, they will all be dead)
Gun Ownership: ‘An Obligation to God’ | Politics | Religion Dispatches The right hopes to create “sheriff’s posses,” militias armed to avenge the godless federal government (Jesus is carryin')
Clay Farris Naff: The End of Times: Do Scientists and Fundamentalists Concur?
Think Progress » Anti-Choice Group Says Its ‘Prayers’ Have Been Answered When Abortion Clinic Closes Due To Doctor’s Leukemia (Christians killing people with prayer)
Anne Mai Bertelsen: Visualizing Hunger and Its Impact: Why We Need a Hunger Data Consortium
Dallas PD Chief’s Solution for Date Rape: Women Quit Drinking | FrontBurner
Ad campaign: She didn't ask for it - Broadsheet - Salon.com
YouTube - Love & Theft
5 Real Historical Death Stars (Complete With Baffling Flaws) | Cracked.com
Roald Dahl's darkest hour - Telegraph friend Donald Sturrock reveals the extent to which Dahl’s life was shaped by catastrophe - and why his wife called him 'Roald the Rotten’.
'Private Browsing' Not So Much - PCWorld
Position-based quantum cryptography: New method for securing location-sensitive data
s Schneier on Security: Location-Based Quantum Encryption
Slashdot Your Rights Online Story | US Military 'Banned' From Viewing Wikileaks ("security measure" ha-ha-ha)
Plugging The WikiLeak: US Government Frustrated By Lack Of Options ("nothing new" not working; Obama considering Predator missle attack on their Swedish servers, may have to invade Iceland)
WikiLeaks Interview: 'We Will Keep Publishing Documents'
Russian Capital Moscow Covered in Heavy Smog
6 Americans Killed In Afghanistan, Part Of Medical Team
Government Abuses Computer Crime Law to Boost Criminal Charges | Electronic Frontier Foundation EFF Asks Appeals Court to Block Attempt to Turn Misdemeanors into Felonies
What collapsing empire looks like - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com once a society ceases to be able to afford schools, public transit, paved roads, libraries and street lights -- or once it chooses not to be able to afford those things in pursuit of imperial priorities and the maintenance of a vast Surveillance and National Security State -- that a very serious problem has arisen, that things have gone seriously awry, that imperial collapse, by definition, is an imminent inevitability?
BBC News - Child protection database to be switched off - A £235m government database containing the records of England's 11 million children (dismantling Blair's surveillance society)
Germany gave assassination list to secret US unit | Raw Story Buried in the 92,000 pages of documents released by the Web site Wikileaks is evidence that show the German government abetted a secret program to kill or capture Taliban leaders. (remember all the media outlets - lookin' at you, NPR - that said "nothing new here?")
Little Britain: How the rest of the world sees us - This Britain, UK - The Independent Britain was once a great power. Are we now best known for oil spills, airline strikes and Simon Cowell?
Petermann Glacier: Giant Ice Island Breaks Off Greenland - 100 square miles – more than four times the size of New York's Manhattan Island. (seems to be headed towards Kentucky)
Matthew Yglesias » Zakaria Returns ADL Prize - "Admitting an error is a small price to pay to regain a reputation." (constitutionally incapable)
The Plum Line - ADL: If mosque-builders really wanted to promote reconcilation, they'd move (sorta like ... the Palestians! ... Foxman's racism hits its expire date)
Ground Zero Mosque Opponents Must Not Have Heard About Muslims At The Pentagon (oh wait, that must mean ...)
This isn't the America I love | Mehdi Hasan | Comment is free | The Guardian As a Muslim and friend of the nation, I pray decency triumphs in the row over the Ground Zero mosque (racist-state America)
Got Medieval: Professor Newt's Distorted History Lesson (Gingrich plays historian on Fox)
BP Fires 10,000 Cleanup Workers | Mother Jones (oil all gone, go home and eat toxic seafood)
Final Deepwater Horizon Flow Rate Estimate Is Likely Too Low, Which Benefits BP (Obama's oil-friendly see-no-oil approach)
Gulf Oil Spill Investigation: Companies At Fault Will Be In Charge Of Recovering Evidence (which will work really well)
BP Wants to Keep Drilling Near Gulf Oil Disaster Site | Fast Company
What Obama Should Have Said to BP | The New York Review of Books (the Timidity of Obama)
Schwarzenegger, Brown File Motions To Resume Gay Marriage
Dr. William Tam’s Understanding of “The Gay Agenda” and Vaughn Walker’s Prop 8 Decision | Emptywheel (bigot in the headlights just got squashed +famous on the internets for all eternity for his "gay agenda")
Will Bush-bashing help Democrats win over weary voters? - CNN.com
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Sen. Bennet pushes back against critical report « - Blogs from CNN.com (Times publishes hit piece on Dem (again) right before election; Cheney rule doesn't apply)
One Part French Revolution, One Part Race Baiting = Rush Limbaugh | Media Matters for America - "Michelle 'Antoinette' Obama," (700 media outlets gladly spead Rushhead's racism +Jesus, do they project)
Rush Limbaugh: Media Giving Michelle Obama Vacation Pass Because Of 'Slave Past'
Is NH Republican Jack Kimball Jumping On The Nullification Bandwagon? | TPMDC
Akbar Ahmed On Jon Stewart: Americans' Perception Of Islam Is Way Off Base (video)
Late Night: Jane Hamsher on Obama’s Boys’ Club That Won’t Listen to Women Who Were Right | Firedoglake how, especially within the White House economic team, women who were right about the economic meltdown are ignored in favor of the men on the team who were “aggressively wrong” in making both the decisions that led to the disaster as well as current decisions that are not improving the situation sufficiently. (also, Volcker and Stiglitz: Obama hates people who are right even more than women; the "team of rivals" is an old-boys-always-wrong-club)
Administration Kicks Off "Recovery Summer" with Groundbreakings and Events Across the Country | The White House
HP CEO Mark Hurd Resigns After Sexual-Harassment Probe for allegedly falsifying documents to conceal a relationship with a former contractor and help her get paid for work she didn't do. (replaced the Carly, gets paid $26 million to leave)
Obama Anti-Business? Think Again. - Newsweek ("anti-business?" bha-ha-ha)
Your Money - Nervous About Social Security? Better Prepare Now - NYTimes.com (NYT article advising the top 5% what to do ... the bottom 95% can go fuck themselves)
reaganomics.jpg : "We told them the wealth would 'trickle down'"
Get It Straight: Consumer Spending is *not* 70% of GDP - BusinessWeek - "households actually lay out about $5.5 trillion a year which drives domestic economic activities—about 40% of GDP" (lies, lies)
Economic Recovery for the Few | Professor Richard D. Wolff
Gartner Says the World of Work Will Witness 10 Changes During the Next 10 Years
GM, Chrysler spent millions lobbying after federal bailouts
As spending by wealthy weakens, so does economy - Forbes.com
U.S. Economy Is Increasingly Tied to the Rich - The Wealth Report - WSJ the top 5% of Americans by income account for 37% of all consumer outlays. Outlays include consumer spending, interest payments on installment debt and transfer payments. By contrast, the bottom 80% by income account for 39.5% of all consumer outlays.
Market Data Firm Spots the Tracks of Bizarre Robot Traders - Science and Tech - The Atlantic
Nanex - Market Crop Circle Of The Day
Suicide Risk Tests: Coming Soon to a Psychiatrist Near You? (shrinks fail at assessing suicide risk)
The Last Psychiatrist: This Is Why The American Dream Is Out Of Reach
The Wrong Stuff : Error Message: Google Research Director Peter Norvig on Being Wrong
Gregory Denny Charged With Impersonating U.S. Marshal, Falsely Deporting Woman
Camden prepares to close library system | 6abc.com (no child left literate)
Mass Paperback Publisher Goes All Digital - WSJ.com Dorchester Publishing Inc., a closely held book and magazine house, said it is making the switch after its book unit sales fell 25% last year
Anis Shivani: The 15 Most Overrated Contemporary American Writers (PHOTOS)
‘Baby-Sitters’ Club’ By Bret Easton Ellis: Chapter 1 « Crushable
Words | The New York Review of Books - Tony Judt
Fresh Air Interview: Historian Tony Judt On Living With ALS : NPR
Op-Ed Contributors - Generations in the Balance - NYTimes.com
Class Struggle - Jaime Escalante, Alfie Kohn, John Taylor Gatto and Frank Smith
Class Struggle - Jaime Escalante, Alfie Kohn, John Taylor Gatto, Frank Smith (part 2)
Education Sector: Research and Reports: On the Clock: Rethinking the Way Schools Use Time (in 2007, as a response to Bush's unfunded mandates, schools considered a longer school-year; now they are lucky if they have any teachers left +180 day school year a product of the rich taking their kids to their summer homes/resorts)
YouTube - Q: Do TIGERS like catnip??
YouTube - "Stop" Al Kooper & Mike Bloomfield (Super Session)
Kerry: FCC Only Shot at Net Neutrality | FDL News Desk
FCC Abandons Efforts At Net Neutrality Compromise (business-friendly-captive Pres Obama caves yet again)
Wikipedia’s Lamest Edit Wars
Government Abuses Computer Crime Law to Boost Criminal Charges | Electronic Frontier Foundation EFF Asks Appeals Court to Block Attempt to Turn Misdemeanors into Felonies (Obama's cop-state America)
10 Google Services That Don’t Get the Limelight They Deserve
Rash Of Traffic Accidents Blamed On ‘iPod Oblivion’ more than 17 accidents per day in the UK Alone
RIAA moves against bloggers sharing Radiohead’s ‘In Rainbows’ | ZME Music
Flickr: The Help Forum: [Official Topic] New Photo Page FEEDBACK - Kudos | Gripes
Kucinich Bill will Stop the Extrajudicial Killing of Americans | War Is A Crime .org (anti-Assassinator bill will be vetoed by the Assassinator)
Derrick Crowe: NATO Forces in Afghanistan Can't Deny They Killed Civilians in Sangin Anymore
The World from Berlin: 'The Kremlin's Central Control Is the Real Disaster' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International The German press on Friday says the overcentralization of power is partly to blame for the disaster.
Adnan Shukrijumah, New Al Qaeda Leader, Lived In U.S. For 15 Years has become chief of the terror network's global operations, the FBI says
CIA Whisked Detainees From Guantanamo Before Giving Access To Lawyers - The transfer allowed the U.S. to interrogate the detainees in CIA "black sites" for two more years without allowing them to speak with attorneys or human rights observers or challenge their detention in U.S. courts.
Iraq's Garden of Eden: Restoring the Paradise that Saddam Destroyed - Spiegel
Wyclef Jean Announces Haitian Presidential Bid on CNN; Sean Penn Skeptical (video) "One of the reasons I don't know very much about Wyclef Jean is that I haven't seen or heard anything of him in these last six months that I've been in Haiti."
Ten Musicians Better Than Wyclef Jean to Lead Haiti - Miami Music - Crossfade
Calling Gaza a prison camp is an understatement | Laila El-Haddad | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk There may be some semblance of civil life and stability in Gaza, but it is our freedoms that are under siege
BBC News - Harriet Harman: Class holds you back more than gender
Gulf oil spill: White House accused of spinning report | Environment | The Guardian Scientists say it is 'just not true' that the vast majority of oil from the BP spill has gone (White House: spin central)
The U.S. Military Spends Trillions for Oil - By Peter Maass | Foreign Policy It's not polite to say so, but if Americans understood just how many trillions their military was really spending on protecting oil, they wouldn't stand for it. (and we wouldn't want to be "impolite" to all those dead people, would we?)
Dean: Individual Mandate Will Be Removed From Health Care Reform By 2014 once Senate negotiators removed any hope of a public option for insurance coverage from the final health care reform package, he became much more outspoken in his criticism
James Tibbets Does Not Speak For Me. Nor Does Fox News. | Popehat (interesting contrast with venerated Confederacy)
Unemployment Rate Unchanged In July -- Employers Cut 131,000 Jobs
CRimages: Employment Recessions July 2010
Fannie Mae: Home Prices To Decline Into Next Year
Christina Romer Resigning: Top Obama Adviser Leaving Council of Economic Advisers (she was a girl, and correct, so she had to go, pushed out by "Always Wrong" Larry Summers)
'This Week' Transcript: NEC Director Larry Summers - ABC News (April 2009: "Now the process of job creation has started. We expect that it will accelerate" - rewarding failure and incompetence, but dumping Romer)
The Washington Monthly "The economic case for more government action to create jobs is about as clear as they come." (Larry Summers will make sure that doesn't happen)
Obama Making Sales Pitch for Auto Bailouts to Skeptical Voters - Bloomberg
t r u t h o u t | Dude, Where's My Industrial Policy?
The Return of Industrial Policy - Project Syndicate
Playing Ourselves for Fools | The American Prospect The trading system America sold the world is killing U.S. industry. Here's a better way.
America's New-Old Industrial Policy - Forbes.com If you liked the housing bust, you'll love the clean-tech boondoggle.
The global revival of industrial policy: Picking winners, saving losers | The Economist Industrial policy is back in fashion. Have governments learned from past failures? (bankers first, corps second, everyone else goes down with the ship)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: US Manufacturing Is Not Dead
ESO - eso1032 - Seeing a Stellar Explosion in 3D
Churchill Ordered UFO Cover-Up, Archives Show ordered an alleged UFO incident in the 1950s be kept secret to prevent "mass panic"
Coloured X-Rays of Flowers : Turning X-Ray Into An Art by Hugh Turvey
extracts of local distance
On Her Wedding Day, Saying the Things Left Unsaid
How Not to Congratulate Your Ex on Her Wedding Day : Andrew Cohen ("Legal Analyst" and "Self-Centered Relational Doofus")
crap email from a dude - Jezebel
Miss at la Playa: The magic of make-up, photography and a good model
Amy Sedaris Is Betty Draper In “The Jewish Mad Men“ | Videogum
YouTube - Rabbit Rescue featuring Amy Sedaris
YouTube - Amy Sedaris on The Martha Stewart Show
YouTube - Amy Sedaris - Cheeseballs - Part 1 of 2
YouTube - Exit 57 Alley Cat
Barnes & Noble: The final chapter? | The Economist The world’s best-known bookstore puts itself up for sale
Elena's Inbox | A Project of the Sunlight Foundation
On Morality and Making Choices Matter in Video Games | Hellmode
The Rigging Of Digg: How A Covert Mob Of Conservatives Hijacked The Web’s To Social News Site | The Public Record
Aloha Editor - The HTML5 Editor
ACLU, CCR seek to have Obama enjoined from killing Awlaki without due process - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (Obama: The Assassinator)
Michael Hastings' embed permission is revoked - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com how the embed process is used to reward subservient journalists and punish ones who report negatively on the war (Hastings barred from embed)
Obama's growing unpopularity in the Muslim world - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com with approval ratings in many key nations collapsing to Bush-era levels.
Pentagon demands return of leaked war documents - Yahoo! News (everyone should mail in their copy now)
Karzai Asserts Control Over U.S.-Backed Anticorruption Units Upset by the recent arrest of a key adviser accused of taking a bribe, Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Wednesday sought to have more oversight over the work of a new anti-corruption task force (we don't need no steenking anti-corruption force +learned from Cheney)
Thanks to WikiLeaker, Afghan War Will End Soon | The Smirking Chimp So anyway, when a Pentagon biggie calls someone irresponsible, take them seriously. These guys know from irresponsibility.
Children found starving in rural Australia - Australasia, World - The Independent
Police filmed dragging women and babies during protest - CNN.com showing French police evicting African immigrants with babies and children during a housing protest in a Paris suburb.
Garbage islands threaten Three Gorges Dam - World news - Asia-Pacific - msnbc.com (world's largest trash-compactor)
Nongoloza's Children: Western Cape prison gangs during and after apartheid - Jonny Steinberg
Harry Shearer: K Plus 5 -- What We Know, and What We Don't
'The Big Uneasy' Documentary Explores How Hurricane Katrina Could Have Been Prevented - Among the most controversial accusations made in the film is levied against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, arguing that they ignored warning signs of a potential storm of Katrina's size, and covered up their negligence, all while insisting that the damage caused by the hurricane couldn't have been prevented.
Judge Hands Victory to Proposition 8 Opponents, Gay-Marriage Ban Overturned -- Daily Intel
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Framing
Prop 8 Ruling Exposes Democrats' Weak Support For LGBT Community - Nevertheless, Obama has also publicly opposed same-sex marriage, and a White House aide said the president's position has not changed. (well, fuck him and good luck in November)
Elena Kagan CONFIRMED To Supreme Court
Memo to the media: The Tea Party movement has collapsed | Media Matters for America - But how many people actually showed up last Saturday for the national Tea Party rally? One local report put the number at 300. (media doesn't report on their failures)
pandagon.net: Maggie Gallagher: Keeping The Government Out Of The Government’s Business (or something)
Colbert Hammers Fox News For Lack Of African-American Viewers - only 1.38% of their audience is African-American, while CNN and MSNBC's black viewership adds up closer to 20% (White News Network)
Stewart On Killing Of 9/11 Bill: 'I Give Up' (video)
The Pseudo-Conservative Revolt: an article by Richard Hofstader from the Winter 1954-55 issue of The Scholar | The American Scholar (+5 crystal ball: they hate America)
Medicare Gets New Lease On Life; Social Security Remains Healthy The new health care law has significantly improved the prognosis for Medicare, extending the life of its trust fund by 12 years until 2029, and thereby delaying any need for dramatic changes in benefits or revenues (Republicans: make the lazy bums work until they are 102)
Source: Debt Commission Fights Over Freezing Military Pay, Slashing Benefits | TPMDC (Obama's "Let Them Eat Catfood" Commission: Republicans are making us dump Social Security)
Romer To Leave White House - Hotline On Call - "She has been frustrated," a source with insight into the WH economics team said. "She doesn't feel that she has a direct line to the president. She would be giving different advice than Larry Summers [director of the National Economic Council], who does have a direct line to the president." (Obama is really the problem)
Eschaton: Don't Listen To The Girlymaths: The people who are always wrong about fucking everything maintain power. (from Inside the Crisis: Larry Summers ignored Chritiana Romer's expert projections (and fucked everything up for the second or third or fourth time +takes character to judge character)
Matthew Yglesias » Priorities In an Era of Deficit Anxiety (cut nutrition for kids rather than unnecessary nuclear weapons)
Mitch McConnell: After November, Legislation Is 'Going To Have To Be Center Right' (Obama is already "center right," he means "far right extremist")
Waxman sees bright side to Nov: 'Difficult' Dems won't be back - TheHill.com - Specifically, he is fed up with the Senate and what he calls “the tyranny of 60 votes.” (Republican Dems in danger)
Rachel Maddow: Fox News 'Slimeballs,' CNN 'Not Really Trying' (video)
Breitbart writer Kevin Pezzi's sockpuppet MySpace harem | Media Matters for America
Meet Breitbart's Sherrod writer: Racist sexual "expert" and inventor (who cured cancer) | Media Matters for America
Rasmussen Poll On Bush Tax Cuts Is Just One Of Many
Nearly half of those nearing retirement lack adequate savings - Chicago Tribune About 47 percent of early baby boomers are not expected to have enough money to cover basic living expenses (but they hate socialism)
Weekly Claims Show Surprise Gain in Wobbly Jobs Market - CNBC Initial claims for state unemployment benefits rose 19,000 to a seasonally adjusted 479,000 in the week ended July 31, the Labor Department said. That was the highest level in claims since early April.
How Wall Street Can Win industry lobbyists who oppose some new regulations outnumber consumer advocates 50 to 1
Desperation Grows as Jobless Benefits Run Out - NYTimes.com (Republicans: they should get hedge-fund jobs)
Ovulating women unconsciously buy sexier clothing to outdo attractive women
Radioactive Wild Boars Increase in Number : Discovery News
My Life in Therapy - NYTimes.com (from WP: "the unacknowledged complexities of growing up rich on Park Avenue")
200.full.pdf Inner-City Poverty Why Both Social Structure and Culture Matter in a Holistic Analysis of
Sen. Dianne Feinstein Bill Passes: Stiffer Penalties Possible For Pot Brownies - Los Angeles News - The Informer - "It's a sad narrative on how, I think, how out of touch the Senate is," he said. (billionaire Di-Fi's personal war on reefer madness)
Portland lemonade stand runs into health inspectors, needs $120 license to operate | OregonLive.com this entrepreneur was a 7-year-old named Julie Murphy.
Dailymotion - Bobby Hebb - Sunny - une vidéo Musique
John Robbins: The Dark Side of Vitaminwater In a staggering feat of twisted logic, lawyers for Coca-Cola are defending the lawsuit by asserting that "no consumer could reasonably be misled into thinking vitaminwater was a healthy beverage."
n+1: Internet as Social Movement A brief history of webism
Love, Lies, and Online Dating by Nozlee Samadzadeh - The Morning News
Massive Censorship Of Digg Uncovered « OOO A group of influential conservative members of the behemoth social media site Digg.com have just been caught red-handed
Google, Verizon Web Deal Could Upend Net Neutrality (soon: paying by the word and picture)
Josh Silver: Google-Verizon Deal: The End of The Internet as We Know It (Us will soon be at the bottom)
Bend - A modern text editor
Richard A. Posner: Just Friends The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting the World
Israeli troops south of border when Lebanon fired, U.N. says - CNN.com showed Israeli forces were on their own side of the border when Lebanese troops opened fire,
FCH agrees to discuss legalization of drugs - El Universal - Mexico President Felipe Calderon said the debate should be having a plurality in the country (28,000 deaths later in the failed REpublican war on drugs)
WikiLeaks in Baghdad | The Nation "They'll take you in a room, close the door and knock you around if they didn't like your answer," says former Army Spc. Ray Corcoles, who deployed with Stieber. (collateral murder: kill civilians or get beat up)
The Associated Press: AP IMPACT: Before the CIA, there was the Pond
Israel to US: Stop Arming Lebanon | Firedoglake - Israel gets $2.2 billion a year in US military aid.”
Mayor Bloomberg Stands Up For Mosque
NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Ground Zero Mosque Vote - WSJ.com
YouTube - Mayor Bloomberg Discusses the Landmarks Preservation Commission Vote On 45-47 Park Place
Mosque Controversy Reveals a Lot About the Republican Party | The Progressive - The Republican Party is fast degenerating into identity politics of the worst sort.
Ground Zero Mosque Imam’s Muslim Brotherhood Friends - The Corner - National Review Online We permit thousands of mosques in our country, and Islam is not a religion (Andy McCarthy, Republican, unclear on the concept of "religion")
Islam on My Side » Muslims after 9/11 “I was really hassled perhaps because of my name being Khan. These guys just wouldn’t let me through.” Khan, who is a Muslim, also called the incident “absolutely uncalled for” and pointed out that he was only released after he contacted the Indian Consulate (TSA racist thugs at work)
The Oil Drum | BP's Deepwater Oil Spill - Start of the Static Kill - and Open Thread
Oil in Gulf Poses Only Slight Risk, New U.S. Report Says - NYTimes.com
BBC News - BP says 'static kill' to stop oil leak was successful
Susan Buchanan: Feds to Add Dispersant Test to Seafood Safety Tools
BP Confirms That Thousands Of Claims Decisions Will Be Deferred
Graphic shows how static kill operation plugged oil well | NOLA.com
Court Overturns Prop 8; Joy For Marriage Equality | Emptywheel
Proposition 8 Overturned: Gay Marriage Ban Ruled Unconstitutional (will go the Ninth Circuit and then lose 5-4 in SC)
Perry et al v. Schwarzenegger et al
Prop. 8 Overturned: The Facts, Not the Law, Matter - Politics - The Atlantic (oh, those pesky facts)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Proposition 8: Long road to the Supreme Court « - Blogs from CNN.com
Judge being gay a nonissue during Prop. 8 trial - SFGate
The Prop 8 Report
The American Nations Plan - seantevis.com (Sean Tevis and XKCD +Justin Bieber)
The Dred Scott Republicans--UPDATED | Crooks and Liars They are not just saying we need a re-examination of the fundamental idea of birthright - but a repeal of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution which includes our right to due process and equal protection. They truly do want to take us back to 1868.
Alan Keyes: Lindsey Graham's Calls To Scrap Birthright Citizenship Are Too Crazy For Me (video) | TPMDC (Keyes goes suddenly sane)
Prop C passes overwhelmingly Missouri voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly rejected a federal mandate to purchase health insurance (Missouri rejects health care reform, wants to stay on the old more expensive nonworking system that maximizes corporate profit)
Open Left:: The World's Greatest Election Forecast, in the World
Dodd Presses Senate Freshmen To Back Off Effort To End Filibuster (it would look bad and Republicans angry)
Lou Dobbs Opposes GOP Push To Repeal The 14th Amendment Over Immigration (too much even for Lou "White America" Dobbs)
Bike agenda spins cities toward U.N. control, Maes warns - The Denver Post - CO Republican gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes: ""This is bigger than it looks like on the surface, and it could threaten our personal freedoms," Maes said. (bikes are communist, or something; file under Republican insanity)
HuffPost TV: Ryan Grim: "You Almost Have To Feel Sorry For Sharron Angle" (VIDEO) she wants the press to "ask the questions we want to answer, so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported."
Republican Jobs Plan: Bigger Tax Cuts For The Rich (teaparty goes wild)
State Aid Clears Senate Hurdle, GOP Votes No Even Though Bill Reduces Deficit
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect NRO Lies About Faisal Rauf. (as usual)
Stephen Colbert Calls Laura Ingraham A Racist Who Can't Write (Republicans: mainstreaming racism)
YouTube - "This Is What Hitler Did": Beck's Obsessive Nazi Analogies (projection)
Sparky predicts: Bogus wingnut scandals of the future - This Modern World - Salon.com (crazy and proud of it!)
YouTube - Ken Buck: No abortions, even in cases of rape and incest (and be a good wife to your daddy!)
Angle: Reid Agenda Is 'A Violation Of The First Commandment' | TPMDC (and America is a Christian, Bronze-Age, Nation)
Poll: 27% Of Americans Doubt Obama's Citizenship -- Including 41% of Republicans | TPMDC (41% of Republicans need anti-psychotic medication)
extend and pretend: The Obama Administration's Failed Foreclosure Program Extending the process by which homes enter foreclosure allows banks to continue carrying the loans on their books at full value, delaying loss recognition. That allows unhealthy banks to appear healthy, staving off costly bank failures (program designed to fail was never about homeowners, it was about making banks look better than they really are)
Calculated Risk: Fed Research Supports Mortgage Cram Downs (but ... then banks would have to report real numbers ... and that would make them look ... bad!)
Elizabeth Warren Freak Out, 2: Other things. « Rortybomb According to a citation count, Warren is only the third most cited scholar on bankruptcy in the country. (+number 1 and number 2 aren't -consumer- bankruptcy experts +she's for transparency which Obama hates)
Meet the 99ers: "Even McDonald's Won't Hire Me" | Poverty in America | Change.org (Republicans: let the lazy bums eat dirt)
Canada Economic Development – Economy of Canada in 2010 - Esquire - How Canada's Dollar Got Ahead, and Left America Behind (Bush+bankers)
12 Events That Will Change Everything, Made Interactive: Scientific American
Mysterious Glow from the Milky Way Decoded scientists have identified the mystifying infrared emiters as PAHs that in space are probably produced by carbon-rich, giant stars. "
Ragbir Bhathal: Aussie Alien Hunter - Royce Akers & Alex Dunbar | VBS.TV Blog
openscholar free website builder for the academic community
Should Videotaping the Police Really Be a Crime? - TIME
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect | Aging And Prisons (Republican war on some crimes is bankrupting America, especially the South)
Aging inmates burden budget in Georgia | The Augusta Chronicle they are also dealing with a wave of prisoners whose health care is the most expensive: geriatric inmates (they didn't think of that when they voted against HCR) w
Body Scan Images From Security Checkpoints Were Saved By Feds (you know, what they said they'd never/couldn't do, of course: the TSA assholes lied)
DNA evidence could prompt release of Zion man jailed for murder :: Chicago Sun-Times ("20-hour intense interrogation" or, as some might call it, torture)
Cranberry rape victim's suit revived - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (the limits of "qualified immunity")
For-Profit Colleges Mislead Students, Report Finds - NYTimes.com ("mislead" = "lie")
Anita Diamant: A Happily Bifurcated Yoga Jew: Why I Keep My Asanas and My 'Adonais' Separate - "Yoga is for emptying my head. The Jewish stuff is about filling it up." "Think of your body as an aleph," she said. (wrong)
William Andrews Clark and Huguette Clark, an American story of wealth, scandal and mystery - Business - msnbc.com
PA Mulls Teen Sexting Laws That Would Outlaw Explicit Pictures, Texts (Republican: thrown them in prison, that'll teach 'em)
BBC News - Web attack knows where you live
Apple Security Breach Gives Complete Access to Your iPhone ("Your?" + but Macs don't have viruses!!!)
The recovery disc rip-off | News | PC Pro
Official Google Blog: Update on Google Wave We don’t plan to continue developing Wave as a standalone product, but we will maintain the site at least through the end of the year and extend the technology for use in other Google projects. (buried the lede on that one, didn't you)
U.S. Congressman Calls For Execution Of Wikileaks Whistleblower Congressman Mike Rogers (R.MI) (you see, we're in a "time of war")
BBC News - Wikipedia and FBI in logo use row (you might think they are Wikipedia, or something)
F.B.I. Challenges Wikipedia Over Use of Its Seal - NYTimes.com
3 Lebanese soldiers, journalist killed in clash on Israel-Lebanon border - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
What I learned about Hugo Chávez's mental health when I visited Venezuela with Sean Penn. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine (he's insane)
Obama signs order to close Guantanamo Bay facility - CNN.com "restore the standards of due process and the core constitutional values that have made this country great even in the midst of war, even in dealing with terrorism." (1//22/09: he lied)
Mayor Bloomberg Delivers Teary-Eyed Defense Of Ground Zero Islamic Center
ADL's Ground Zero Mosque Opposition Prompts Pushback
The Anti-Defamation League's Ground Zero Mosque Hypocrisy - The Daily Beast The Anti-Defamation League's opposition to building a mosque at the site of the 9/11 attacks betrays its own founding principles (Abe Foxman at work: anti-defamation against Jews only league)
Seriously, Anti-Defamation League? | Attackerman : Spencer Ackerman
Ground Zero Mosque Site Denied Landmark Status
The Republican campaign against a Ground Zero mosque. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine The Republican campaign against a Ground Zero mosque.
Daily Kos: State of the Nation "To Bigotry No Sanction." Couldn't Be More Clear. (George Washington, talking about Republicans)
J Street’s Blog» Blog Archive » Statement on Cordoba House Controversy (neo-con Foxman increasingly isolated)
U.S. Puts Oil Spill Total at Nearly 5 Million Barrels - NYTimes.com
Reason Foundation - Illegal Immigrants are Paying a Lot More Taxes Than You Think ($50Bn/yr into Social Security, the program we have to cut because it costs too much +see Bernie Sanders below)
Illegal? Better if you're Irish - latimes.com There are an estimated 50,000 Irish illegal immigrants in the U.S.; 30,000 of them are thought to live in New York City.
Think Progress » McCain pledges amnesty for 50,000 illegal Irish immigrants. (they're white and they "work hard")
Confessions of a Tea Party Casualty | Mother Jones GOP Rep. Bob Inglis slams Republican demagoguery, bemoans anti-Semitic tea party conspiracy nonsense, decries Sarah Palin’s ignorance, and looks for a job. (teaparty: insanity a requirement, critical thinking is a deal-breaker)
"Tea party" activists drawn to Williamsburg and its portrayal of Founding Fathers (idiots)
Democratic Surge In Polls Is Just Noise (Dems tanking)
WashPost TV critic doubles down on his Amanpour smear as Taliban sympathizer | Media Matters for America Amanpour simply said, "We remember all those who died in war this week." And from that, Shales suggested the ABC anchor was mourning the Taliban dead? (Tom Shales wanks for the Republican war-machine)
The Facebook posts Palin doesn't want you to see. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine
Jesus' General: Mexicans Seize Branson (will Obama act? or will he cede Missouri to Mexican Muslims?)
Burn the Confederate Flag Day
Consumer Spending, Incomes Flat in June; Saving Up - CNBC
Eschaton Learn Something Useful, Losers (Geitner's NYT op-ed: no mention of jobs or foreclosures)
If You Cannot Sell Your House, You Cannot Move « The Washington Independent (your ruling elite at work)
Political economy: Look on the bright side, please | The Economist Given the choice between a party asking voters to be patient and a party promising action (however ill-defined and ill-advised) there is no choice.
James K. Galbraith Calls for Expanding Entitlement Programs - The Daily Beast While seers from Wall Street proclaim a "deficit crisis," obviously the capital markets don't take that talk seriously. (your ruling elite, etc)
America's Incredible Shrinking Safety Net - a campaign to reduce the deficit impact of further spending almost entirely through slashing the safety net. (your ruling Republican elite: you don't need no steenking safety-net) )
Stanford engineers' new solar energy conversion process could revamp solar power production
'Just Say Now': Left-Right Coalition Launches Campaign To Legalize Pot
Thirty Books Everyone Should Read Before They’re Thirty - DivineCaroline
New York will always be a tech backwater, I don’t care what Chris Dixon or Ron Conway or Paul Graham say | AdGrok
Obsessive Internet Use Linked with Depression in Teens - time
Most Internet time now spent with social networks, games
Google begins rolling out multiple account sign-in
How to Get Started with Usenet in Three Simple Steps (but can you tweet on it?)
Obama: 'Our Commitment In Iraq Is Changing' (mission accomplished, sorry about the electricity)
Where Did the Money to Rebuild Iraq Go? - Boing Boing (94% just, well ... disappeared!)
A Benchmark of Progress, Electrical Grid Fails Iraqis - NYTimes.com (not here, for sure)
The Republican campaign against a Ground Zero mosque. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine The Republican campaign against a Ground Zero mosque. (the new gay marriage)
Think Progress » Texas mosque and educational center vandalized with offensive graffiti and fire, causing $20,000 in damage.
Giuliani: The Cordoba Mosque Is A "Desecration" - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (Mayor 911 adding to the flames)
New North Korea Sanctions Target Suspected Financiers Of Nuclear-Weapons Program
Pakistan summons British envoy after Cameron's remarks - CNN.com less than a week after British Prime Minister David Cameron criticized the country's handing of terrorism.
Peres denies calling Brits anti-Semitic President had been quoted as accusing MPs of pandering to Muslims. (same old game)
Israel to expel 400 children native-born children of non-Jewish foreign workers to help safeguard the country's Jewish identity. (did he just say "racial purity?")
Dutch troops withdraw from Afghanistan
BBC News - In pictures: Famine-beating farming in Niger
Key WikiLeaks Figure Detained, Phones Seized by US COil Spill Legislation Passes House - "In typical Democrat fashion, this bill overtaxes, over-regulates, and costs American jobs" (said Republicans, who want American taxpayers to underwrite out-of-control oil companies)
Waters That Look Clear of Oil Can Be Deceiving | 13WMAZ.com | Macon, GA (what oil?)
Feds Dramatically Increase Oil Spill Estimate, Making BP's The Worst Oil Accident In History
Gulf Dead Zone The Size Of Massachusetts
AP: High court trims Miranda warning rights bit by bit
Miranda Rights Trimmed Down By Supreme Court You have the right to remain silent, but only if you tell the police that you're remaining silent. (+short shelf-life on your non-right right))
WashPost TV critic smears ABC's Amanpour as possible Taliban sympathizer | Media Matters for America Post critic Tom Shales can't stand Christiane Amanpour and has what is now officially a creepy obsession with belittling her work (Shales is a wanker and a sick neocon puppy)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Graham fears left, right in ‘unholy alliance’ on Afghanistan « - Blogs from CNN.com
Arizona was once tolerant of illegal immigrants. What happened? - latimes.com Analysts suggest it was a perfect storm of demographic shifts, a scary criminal element, the recession and a new governor (Republican scare-mongering and the new "Western Strategy")
Virginia Health Care Reform Lawsuit, First Before A Judge, Clears Legal Hurdle (lazy bums shouldn't have health care)
Jon Kyl Backs Republican 14th-Amendment Repeal Effort To Deny Citizenship To Immigrants' Children (Republicans going all full-blown race wars)
Wash. Post hides the holes in Rep. Ryan's proposed budget | Media Matters for America
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - RNC cancels Breitbart fundraiser « - Blogs from CNN.com (just temporary)
Reid expected to table Medicaid extension - The Hill's Healthwatch (or, Repubicans hate jobs)
Wyoming and Mississippi Labeled Most Conservative States - Newsweek
Abreast of the Market: Big Investors Fear Deflation - WSJ.com Bill Gross Among Those Bracing for Possible Decline in Prices: 'It's Happening'
Cantor Admits Bush Tax Cuts Will Add To Deficits | TPMDC (deficits that make us rich are fine)
Op-Ed Columnist - Defining Prosperity Down - NYTimes.com last week Richard Fisher, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, argued that the Fed bears no responsibility for the economy’s weakness, which he attributed to business uncertainty about future regulations — a view that’s popular in conservative circles, but completely at odds with all the actual evidence (they were worried Americans would elect a socialist Pres, Greenspan and Bush had nothing to do with it)
'Double Dippers' could enable what they fear - Politics - msnbc.com Politicians, economists who see back-to-back recessions are vocal minority (they're lookin' at you, Paul: it's all your fault)
Few in U.S. move for new jobs, fueling fear the economy might get stuck, too (no jobs, no equity, no health insurance: just like our rulers planned)
Cash-Strapped States Pushing Back Retirement Ages For Workers (new Republican plan: work 'til you die)
Intuit Still Lobbying Hard To Stop Governments From Making It Easy To File Taxes | Techdirt
Incoming! The Sun Unleashes CME at Earth : Discovery News (will impact Earth on 8/3)
Nasa scientists braced for 'solar tsunami' to hit earth - Telegraph The earth could be hit by a wave of violent space weather as early as Tuesday after a massive explosion of the sun, scientists have warned.
Food For Thought: Meat-Based Diet Made Us Smarter : NPR
Cooking Up Bigger Brains: Scientific American Our hominid ancestors could never have eaten enough raw food to support our large, calorie-hungry brains, Richard Wrangham claims. The secret to our evolution, he says, is cooking
Review: Feast by Martin Jones | Books | The Guardian Tom Jaine whets his appetite with Feast, Martin Jones's social and evolutionary history of our eating habits
Undersea river discovered flowing on sea bed - Telegraph Massive underwater rivers that flow along the bottom of the oceans have been discovered by scientists.
Monkeys hate flying squirrels, report monkey-annoyance experts - CSMonitor.com The research could pave the way for advanced methods of enraging monkeys.
Scientopia (the new science blogging site)
Back in the Saddle « Brian Switek New York Times writer Virginia Heffernan on the recent Pepsi-induced exodus from ScienceBlogs entitled "Unnatural Science." (really stupid and unconsciously-biased Virginia "I've never heard of climate denialism" Heffernan says a lot about the NYT +""I was nonplussed by the high dudgeon of the so-called SciBlings")
Two Sick Boys and a Deadly Medical Mystery
Putting "One Medicine" into action : Worms and Germs Blog we are not a population of people living with dogs, cats, horses etc. - we are a population of animals.
Clinical Trial Results Demonstrate Copper Reduces MRSA & VRE In Hospital Rooms
Huge rise in 11-year-olds on the pill - Telegraph The number of 11 and 12-year-old girls prescribed the pill by a family doctor has soared five-fold in the past decade, according to figures.
Forecast Weather Without Gadgets [infograph] | GeekFill
Affirmative Action Ban Upheld By California Supreme Court
Sidney Harman Buys Newsweek Harman's wife is California congresswoman Jane Harman.(he's 91)
Lines on Plagiarism Blur for Students in the Digital Age - NYTimes.com (ctl-c/ctl-v, done!)
All Creative Work Is Derivative (Minute Meme #2) | QuestionCopyright.org
Are Cameras the New Guns? | The Freeman | Ideas On Liberty
Goodbye to All This: On Leaving True/Slant - Mark Dery - Doom Patrol: Annals of Our Age - True/Slant - "chief product officers" and "a turkey baster for injecting content into the user’s brain"
Android may now be largest smartphone platform in US | Electronista
Apple blocks Time, others from running iPad subscriptions | MacNN (Jobs wants his Apple-tax)
FOSS Patents: Western civilization runs on the mainframe
Apple starts patenting mobile app ideas » Unwired View
Afghans protest civilian deaths, American presence and NATO bombardments
Targeted Killing Is New U.S. Focus in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com (just kill everyone who wants us to leave, then we can leave)
Op-Ed Columnist - Kiss This War Goodbye - NYTimes.com
Cordoba House - New York City | Cordoba
Statement On Islamic Community Center Near Ground Zero (and what about the Muslims who died at Ground Zero? What about their pain?)
Crossword Bebop Archives: How Many Muslims Died In The 9/11 Attacks? A Few More Found...
Jewish Group Opposes Muslim Center Near Ground Zero - NYTimes.com (but Abe Foxman and the ADL have joined forces with Sarah Palin against this un-Amercian travesty - "an influential Jewish organization")
Paladino for the People : About Carl - "As Governor of New York, I'll stop the Ground Zero Mosque with eminent domain."
YouTube - Distance From Ground Zero to Cordoba House (45 Park Place)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Polls, Reporting on "Ground Zero Mosque" May Mislead
On Faith Panelists Blog: Land of the free, home of the mosque near Ground Zero - Valerie Elverton Dixon
An Accurate Look at Timothy McVeigh's Beliefs on EthicsDaily.com (demolish all chruches in OK City)
Attention Bigots: There Is Already a Mosque Near the WTC Site
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: A Street-Level View of the "Ground Zero Mosque"
58% in New York Oppose Mosque Near Ground Zero - Rasmussen Reports™ (poll from you know who)
Polls, Reporting on "Ground Zero Mosque" May Mislead
NYC - Islamic Center Would Not Be ‘at’ Ground Zero - NYTimes.com
Interfaith Alliance Expresses Disappointment in ADL Statement on Islamic Center
Bad for the Jews - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com
Daily Kos: Those great patriotic Republicans who have been more than happy to use 9/11 victims and heroes as political props for years but when it comes time to do something for them, obstruction is more important.
Teaparty Jesus weighs in on the mosque
Temecula mosque proposal targeted in pending protest :: The Valley News (freedom of religion for Christians only)
ADL local leader fired on Armenian issue - The Boston Globe (ADL's sordid history)
Fire Foxman | Jewcy.com Denying the Armenian Genocide should be the last atrocity perpetrated by the ADL chief.
Tea Party Caucus members endorse Israeli attack on Iran | The Cable
Trafficking in Persons Report 2010 Country Narratives -- Countries N Through Z
Human Trafficking In The U.S.: One Woman's Story : NPR
How Avi Weiss’s Ordainment of the First Woman in Orthodox Judaism Sparked an Outrage -- New York Magazine When Avi Weiss ordained the first woman in American Orthodox Judaism, he didn’t spark the outrage some were expecting. Then he tried again.
Hullabaloo: digby: It's As If She Had No History At All - Sherrod’s rich and tragic 62 years makes it all the more embarrassing for Obama. Her father was murdered in 1965 by white men who were never indicted. (our Black Pres needs to pay attention during Black history month)
The American Conservative » Karl Rove Strikes Back
'This Week' Transcript: Pelosi and Gates - ABC News
Whiskey Fire: Hey, That's Our Word (the "mongrel" controversy cooked up by rightwingers: they forgot the white supremecy part)
Paul Craig Roberts: Let Them Eat Cake Chelsea's Wedding
Op-Ed Contributor - Four Deformations of the Apocalypse - NYTimes.com IF there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing (Republican David Stockman)
Krugman - The Third Depression - NYTimes.com (Republicans continue their world jihad)
FT.com / Reportage - The crisis of middle-class America (Republicans killed the middle class)
Matthew Yglesias » Dallas Fed Pushing Zero Inflation Agenda the view that the Federal Reserve should deliberately prolong economic downturns in order to ratchet the inflation rate down to ever-lower levels. It’s a crazy idea (legacy of the Chicago School of Randian Stupidity)
Memory's master switch: Molecular power behind memory discovered The key is GABA (?-Aminobutyric acid), a natural molecule that occurs in the brain
Guest Blog: Of two minds: Listener brain patterns mirror those of the speaker Uri Hasson, can project her own brain activity onto another person, forcing the person's neural activity to closely mirror that in her own brain. The process is otherwise known as speech.
Hospice medical care for dying patients : The New Yorker What should medicine do when it can’t save your life?
Potter County library faced protests over gay documentary | PennLive.com (teaparty homophopes and liars)
Glenn Beck and the Oakland shooter
Glenn Beck Seizes On Bell Salaries - Los Angeles News - The Informer
Talk To Action | Debunking "Beck U" -- Faith 102 with "Professor" David Barton (stupid or liars or stupid liars? you decide)
The Great Textbook War - WVPubcast.org Charleston native Trey Kay examines the 1974 textbook controversy in the radio documentary, “The Great Textbook War.” (people have different opinions on the shape of the earth +Heritage Foundation for lies and stupidity)
Sticky Business: The Ten Most Humid Cities in America - DivineCaroline
Cape Cod Shark Sightings: Another Great White Seen Off The Beach
Snapshots | Leaping Loon
Modesty Survey :: Main (1600 Christian/Taliban boys tell girls what to wear: no calves, try a burka!)
Guys on Immodesty, Lust, and the Violence of Women’s Bodies » Sociological Images
Starbucks Used Social Media to Get One Million to Stores in One Day
An Introduction to Cookies | Nettuts+
World Population Forecast to Top 7 Billion in 2011 - NYTimes.com With 267 people being born every minute and 108 dying, the world’s population will top seven billion next year, a research group projects, while the ratio of working-age adults to support the elderly in developed countries declines precipitously because of lower birthrates and longer life spans.
Pakistan Floods Kill More Than 800: Official
Israeli Airstrike Kills Senior Hamas Rocket Maker
Robert Fisk: Israel has crept into the EU without anyone noticing - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent "Israel has developed such strong political and economic ties to the EU over the past decade that it has become a member state of the union in all but name."
Military airstrike video leak suspect in solitary confinement - CNN.com
Army Broadens Inquiry Into WikiLeaks Disclosure - NYTimes.com - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates denounced WikiLeaks on Thursday for endangering lives because it included the names and villages of Afghan informants in the documents released ("truth is the first casualty of war")
White House Begs WikiLeaks: Don't Publish More Afghan Secrets : NPR (Gibbs: "mortal peril" - what a fucking hypocrite)
#Wookieleaks: Force is strong among Star Wars fans posting Wikileaks parodies
Wikileaks Founder Thinks Everyone's Out to Get Him: Don't Buy It
The Story Behind the Publication of WikiLeaks’s Afghanistan Logs : CJR
Andrew Breitbart’s conservative Internet empire : The New Yorker
WikiLeaks and Julian Paul Assange : The New Yorker
t r u t h o u t | The Lonely, Dangerous Fight Against Christian Supremacists Inside the Armed Forces
Gulf Oil Spill: Debris In Relief Well Sets Back Work On Gusher
Maxine Waters Ethics Charges: Democratic Rep May Face Public Trial (trial: we do not think that word means what you think it means; perhaps "hearing" is what you're looking for)
Op-Ed Columnist - A Sin and a Shame - NYTimes.com The treatment of workers by American corporations has been worse — far more treacherous — than most of the population realizes.
Op-Ed Columnist - Obama’s ‘Race’ War - NYTimes.com Americans are engaged in a war over a word: racism.
How do they get to be that way? - Roger Ebert's Journal
Netroots Schizo | Ian Welsh - This is a two party state, with those parties having an unbreakable oligopoly on power. ("Or as the Army War College verbally pwned us: The internet is to the techno-capable disaffected what the United Nations is to marginal states: it offers the illusion of empowerment and community.")
parameters, US Army War College Quarterly - Summer 1997 (Ralph Peters, 1997 vintage)
Teabaggers are *not* racist! | Rumproast (Liberals have been ruining the lives of millions of Black Americans for 50 years! - from Team Sarah!)
The Strange Case Of The Mysterious Uber-Racist 'Tea Party Comix' | TPMMuckraker
Right-Wingers Stand By Their Fabricated Mexican Drug Cartel Raid Story | TPMMuckraker
Arizona Immigration Law: Governor Brewer Considers Changing Law (Jan Brewer: spawn of Satan)
Court denies request for expedited hearing on Arizona immigration law - CNN.com
Arizona's immigration law: aimed at criminals or at workers? - latimes.com ("an invading criminal army" of course)
Think Progress » Pastor Hosting ‘International Burn A Quran Day’: ‘We Have Nothing Against Muslims’
Dwindling Retirement Savings 'Undiscussed Explosive Bomb' Of Recession (the lazy bums cashed in their 401K's to survive)
Chris Hayes Highlights the Failed HAMP Program on The Rachel Maddow Show | FDL News Desk (program designed to fail: “the single biggest failure of the Obama Administration.” - Despite a price tag of $50 billion, HAMP has only spent $250 million, or 0.5%.)
The Saturday Word: The Economy - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com Republican leaders on Thursday filibustered the $42 billion package – which several Republicans helped write and had the backing of the Chamber of Commerce and the National Federation of Independent Business – making passage before the August recess highly unlikely. (Obama compromises with Repubicans as usual, get nothing)
Dodd Approached FDIC's Bair to Gauge Interest in Consumer Post - WSJ.com (Dodd hates Elisabeth Warren, Obama will triangulate with him)
American railways: High-speed railroading | The Economist - America’s system of rail freight is the world’s best. High-speed passenger trains could ruin it
A Consumer's Guide to the Latest Credit-Card Traps - WSJ.com Just months after historic legislation banned certain billing practices, card issuers have dreamed up new ones designed to trip up consumers.
Do Economic Slumps Produce More Churchgoers? - Newsweek “When the business cycle goes up, religious attendance goes down, and vice versa. The good mystery is why.” - “Rates of religious belief and religious activity tend not to decline with income, and most rates increase with education.” (o rly)
Scientists Map Entire Brain Network: “The most complex mass of protoplasm on earth—perhaps even in our galaxy."
Brain On a Chip | h+ Magazine
Unconscious Will Sways Actions, Desires, Say Researchers - Time
Under Pressure: The Search for a Stress Vaccine | Magazine
Physicists Dream Up the Antilaser | Wired Science | Wired.com
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA: Past Decade Warmest on Record According to Scientists in 48 Countries
Global warming pushes 2010 temperatures to record highs | Environment | guardian.co.uk
Global warming: NASA says it's the hottest year on record | McClatchy
Phytoplankton in retreat : Nature
Lack of votes for Senate Democrats' energy bill may mean the end (nice headline, WaPo, how about "Republican obstructionism and greed will lead to the end of the world")
Senate Dems, GOP squabble may sink spill bill - The Hill's E2-Wire (good job, The Hill, how about "Republicans deny facts, bring doom upon the planet")
Free Republic posts a climate change chronology - a site where members seem to get the most upset over any problem they can't shoot - demonstrate their stupidty
Puberty Blues | More Intelligent Life - Boys’ voices are breaking earlier; girls are developing breasts as young as six. But why? Fiona Neill meets the Danish scientists who are on the case ... (chemicals)
Oldies, but Goodies – “You Don’t Look Sick” – The Face of Invisible Illness … Arthritis Sure Ain’t Pretty! by Ashley Boynes « Wellness With a Side of Life, Please
Howard Zinn's FBI Files Reveal A Boston University Official's Efforts To Oust Him | TPMMuckraker (pre-Silber)
Anybody else waiting for the old generation to die so that we can legalize filesharing, marijuana, gay marriage, etc. and then get on with our lives? « Philip Brocoum (boomers+Sourthern Baptists are ruining America)
California Courts Uphold Order Making Homeless Man Pay Child Support and Lose Inheritance, Reports National Coalition For Men (despite no DNA match, etc)
Toke of the Town - Court Rules Marijuana Use No Reason To Take Mother's Kids
The Longest Photographic Exposures in History - The Latest - itchy i
Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis: Steve Carell from Between Two Ferns, Zach Galifianakis, Steve Carell, Comedy Deathray, and Scott Aukerman - Video
The Incompatible Food Triad --- George W. Hart
Human Foodstuffs Bad For Cats
IEEE Spectrum: The Future of Social Networking is the Surveillance State
YouTube - RSA Animate - First as Tragedy, Then as Farce
YouTube - RSA Animate - Crises of Capitalism
Officials Say the Darndest Things
Private Facebook Data Becomes Big Business - PCWorld Business Center
Project Management For Dummies Cheat Sheet - For Dummies
Apple lawsuit targets knockoff iPod and iPad accessories | MacNN (psycho-Jobs)
Welcome to EasyBCD 2.0! — The NeoSmart Files
WikiLeaks Posts Mysterious ‘Insurance’ File | Threat Level | Wired.com (protection against Obama targeted assassination: the setup: "Mullen was even more direct and said that WikiLeaks “might already have on their hands the blood of some young soldier” or an Afghan informant who aided the United States.")
3 more US troops die in southern Afghanistan - Boston.com bringing the U.S. death toll for July to at least 66 and making it the deadliest month for American forces in the nearly 9-year-war (Obama's war)
Rolling Stone Writer: McChrystal Pals 'Were Lying' About Ground Rules - DailyFinance
Four More Years Of War -- Just For Starters
Eschaton If We Cared About The Women And Children Of The World
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect Administration Wants To Expand Reach Of National Security Letters. (no Constitution for you)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Quality Politico Journalism (WaPo lies routinely)
U.N. rights body tells Israel to end Gaza blockade | GlobalPost (you know, the blockade they promised to end ... someday)
Israeli settlers evict Palestinian family from their home of 70 years | World news | guardian.co.uk - Takeovers have created dozens of Jewish 'outposts' in the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem's Old City in recent years
Anti-Defamation League Comes Out Against Ground Zero Mosque - The Anti-Defamation League has joined the likes of Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Rick Lazio, and a slew of other Conservative protesters in standing against the building of a mosque in the vicinity of the World Trade Center site (Israeli Lobby is in good company)
J Street’s Blog» Blog Archive » Statement on Cordoba House Controversy (J-Street stays classy)
The Plum Line - ADL: Some opponents of Ground Zero mosque are bigots, but we should let them win anyway (ADL supports bigotry)
The We-Could-Go-Either-Way-On-Defamation League Weighs In | Firedoglake
Beijing Wary Of Rising Tide Of Veterans' Discontent : NPR
UK government to be sued over Congolese 'conflict minerals' | World news | The Guardian Campaign group Global Witness claim British firms bought minerals from rebel militias (wait ... they can do that?)
Leader of Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel killed - Telegraph One of the top three leaders of Mexico's most powerful drug cartel, Ignacio "Nacho" Coronel," has been killed in a gunbattle with soldiers (country-destroying Republican/Obama war on some drugs)
Biohazard - By David E. Hoffman | Foreign Policy What the world doesn't know about germ warfare.
BBC News - Brazil's sex tourism boom Young children are supplying an increasing demand from foreign tourists who travel to Brazil for sex holidays
Indian lecturer barred from teaching by students for refusing burka - Telegraph
Gulf Oil Spill: BP Says Time For 'Scaleback' Of Cleanup Efforts (all done)
BP denies Texas a cash advance, gets scathing response - Yahoo! News (they deserve each other)
Scientists Find Evidence That Oil And Dispersant Mix Is Making Its Way Into The Foodchain
Despite anger over BP spill, Washington might not act on it | McClatchy (their track record on reacting to disasters doesn't look promising)
China Oil Spill Far Bigger Than Stated, U.S. Expert Says
Op-Ed Columnist - Curbing Your Enthusiasm - NYTimes.com Why does the Obama administration keep looking for love in all the wrong places? Why does it go out of its way to alienate its friends, while wooing people who will never waver in their hatred?
Obama may have worn out his welcome on Capitol Hill - Los Angeles Times The president's threat to veto a war funding bill is an 'unwelcome message' to House Democrats, many of whom face a tough midterm election after yielding to the White House's agenda.
Stewart To Media: 'Nothing Obama Does Will Ever Make You F**king Happy' (video)
Lindsey Graham Leaps into Wingnut Land, Wants to Repeal the 14th Amendment | Video Cafe (remember, this is Obama's go-to Republican)
Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Obama 'Crafty' On 'The View' But 'Wonderful Citizen'
Fox News' 50-state Southern strategy - Joan Walsh - Salon.com The network hypes one "scary black people" and "Obama's a racist" story after another. What's its problem?
Obama Keeps Saying He Hates Polls But He Depends On Them
President Obama calls African-Americans a ‘mongrel people’ - TheHill.com
Hullabaloo: digby: Joe Scarborough: "Most Americans Are Like Me" (yeah, we all have dead interns in our past and got big jobs on MSNBC)
The Stupidity Of Liberal Apathy | The New Republic
Ben Nelson Opposes Elena Kagan, First Democrat To Do So (conservafuck)
Newt Gingrich Suggests Attacking Rest Of 'Axis Of Evil' (Iran and NKorea)
YouTube - Anthony Weiner Rips Apart Republicans on 9/11Health Bill
Does an Endorsement From Sarah Palin Help Republican Candidates? - Newsweek (no: SATSQ)
Barefoot and Progressive: Rand Paul again says that Hitler is coming to America
The Washington Monthly - If Sessions Wants To Compare, We Can Compare
The Washington Monthly - Spare Us The Ethics Lecture, Fred (Fred Hiatt, WaPo wanker emeritus wanks in the WSJ and on Fox)
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Not Relenting After Court Ruling (says "you can take your steenking Constitution and stick it up your brown Latino ass")
Al Gore Sexual Harassment Charges Dropped: Portland Authorities Won't Pursue Case (National Enquirer looks really bad in this)
Visualizing the Fortune 500 in America (Infographic)
Calculated Risk: Revisions: Real GDP and PCE well below previous peak
Deflation Risks - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com more people at the Fed are taking the risk of a Japanese-type trap seriously. But not all of them:
Obama Housing Bailout Under Attack - CNBC (HAMP, the program designed to fail)
House to vote on stripping HUD secretary Donovan’s travel budget - TheHill.com (they're going to strip the travel budget as punishment)
Did emotions evolve to push others into cooperation? - life - 28 July 2010 - New Scientist
A solar salamander : Nature News Photosynthetic algae have been found inside the cells of a vertebrate for the first time.
Ezra Klein - What happens when Congress fails In July 2010, Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, announced that the Senate couldn't find a supermajority for a companion piece of legislation. Cap-and-trade was dead.
Who Killed the Climate Bill? FP Expert Round-up | Foreign Policy - Without a single Republican backing the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act
Suburban Phila. burglaries on the rise | 6abc.com
Surge in 'virginity repair' operations on the NHS | Mail Online (revirgination)
sergey_larenkov - Then and Now (Russian WWII pictures superimposed with now)
YouTube - Swedish policeman dancing - polis dansar på stortorget i malmö
YouTube - Wisdom Project presents Youth Jail Chronicles
YouTube - The Dubai Fountain - Baba Yetu
Macabre kids’ book art by Gojin Ishihara ::: Pink Tentacle
The Face on Vimeo
Personal Details Exposed Via Biggest U.S. Websites - WSJ.com
What They Know - WSJ
Library Ideas, LLC - freegal
Bizarro Davis - Davis Wiki
China Floods PHOTOS: Worst Floods In A Decade Leave 30,000 Trapped
Is Israel a liability for the US? | Al Jazeera Blogs
Opposition Demands Answers: War Logs Spark German Debate on Afghanistan Conflict - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International The Social Democrats are threatening to withhold support for an extension of the German mission's mandate if the government does not provide answers about alleged wrongdoings revealed in the secret reports.
Australian forces backing Afghan war lord - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Leaked documents from the Afghanistan war appear to confirm that Australian forces are backing a local war lord who has been extorting money from NATO convoys carrying supplies to Coalition forces.
Eschaton: Time Magazine Can't Die Soon Enough (girl mutilated by family during US occupation: so we can't leave)
France's Sarkozy Orders Illegal Gypsies Expelled - CBS News French President Ordered Authorities to Expel Illegal Roma Immigrants and Dismantle Their Camps - amid accusations that his government is acting racist in its treatment of the group known as Roma. xs
Lawmakers in Catalonia Vote to Ban Bullfighting - NYTimes.com
BBC News - UN declares clean water a 'fundamental human right' (next up: air and food)
Crews Step Up Work to Contain Michigan Oil Spill - NYTimes.com an oil spill, believed to be among the largest ever in the Midwest, might reach Lake Michigan if efforts to contain the oil were not strengthened.
Matt Sledge: Just How Far Is the "Ground Zero Mosque" From Ground Zero? (2 1/2 blocks, and it's an office building, not a mosque)
Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Mosque? TPM Rounds Up The Latest In Right-Wing Fear-Mongering | TPMMuckraker
Veterans Funding Passes With Overwhelming Majority As Republicans Abandon Tough Talk On Voting Against Spending
Patrick H. Caddell and Douglas E. Schoen: Our Divisive President - WSJ.com Barack Obama promised a new era of post-partisanship. In office, he's played racial politics and further split the country along class and party lines.
Ariz. sheriff: I’ll jail immigration protesters | Raw Story
Math Is Hard: John Thune's Plan To Eliminate Deficits In 10 or Many, Many Years | TPMDC
Vitter, Breitbart Revive Death Panel Smear In Attack On FDA Breast Cancer Drug Decision | TPMDC
CNN Thinks Racist Flame Thrower Erick Erickson is Qualified to Weigh in on Race Relations | Video Cafe
Sherrod Critic: She Used 'Lynching' To Gin Up Democratic Voters | TPMDC
Timing of stock sales by Moody's chief raises questions | McClatchy The chief executive of Moody's Investors Service sold almost $3 million in company stock this year, and $7.1 million last year, both times right before his company's stock price fell from its peak levels (what they do)
Congress Is Rethinking Its Ban on Internet Gambling - NYTimes.com The taxes could yield as much as $42 billion for the government over 10 years, supporters said (4.2 Bn/yr is peanuts but 16 times what HAMP spent)
FOXNews.com - Quick Analysis of the Arizona Immigration Law Ruling
Obama Insists On Performance Standards For Teachers - Politics - The Atlantic
BBC News - US experiment hints at 'multiple God particles' (physics goes polytheistic)
Every black hole may hold a hidden universe - space - 23 July 2010 - New Scientist
Extreme Close-Up of the Face on Mars | Universe Today
BBC News - Pampered pigs 'feel optimistic' Pigs feel optimistic or pessimistic about life depending on how pleasant their environment is, researchers at Newcastle University have found.
YouTube - Telescopic Evolution - Waking Life excerpt
Researchers Say Asteroid Has 1 in 1,000 Chance of Hitting Earth in 2182 | Universe Today
Ten key indicators show global warming "undeniable": Scientific American
BAMS Annual State of the Climate | 2009
Phytoplankton Population Drops 40 Percent Since 1950: Scientific American Researchers find trouble among phytoplankton, the base of the food chain, which has implications for the marine food web and the world's carbon cycle. (besides food, half the world's oxygen declining 1%/yr)
Amis-free Booker prize longlist promises to 'entertain and provoke' | Books | The Guardian Booker prize longlist of 13 ignores Amis, McEwan and Rushdie for novels characterised by humour and storytelling
Feted British authors are limited, arrogant and self-satisfied, says leading academic | Books | The Guardian Gabriel Josipovici dismisses the portrayal of Barnes, Rushdie and co as modern literary giants
Jasmine Tyler: Congress Passes Historic Legislation to Reduce Crack/Powder Cocaine Sentencing Disparity (but retains racial discimination ratio of 18:1)
Underwear packaging reportedly recalled from Walmart after Cullman pastor’s complaint - Cullman, Alabama - Frank Boren, pastor of New Hope Christian Center Church of God in the Springhill community (picture of underwear on package was "too revealing," "pornographic" and "too gay")
The Intimidator- by GarE Maxton
Thoughts On a Train: Alban Berg's Lulu: Up Close but Not Too Personal (Part 1)
YouTube - V Pomparkour Ladder Sport
YouTube - Imitating a xylophone
List of unusual deaths - Wikipedia
BBC News - The women who choose not to be mothers
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: The Broadus Effect? Social Desirability Bias and California Proposition 19
Maxton's Art Gallery
Net Index by Ookla (broadband speeds around the world)
/g/ - Technology (4chan cracks Glenn Beck's website - all registered users)
> The Real Question About Facebook Questions: What Will The API Do?
Hacker Proves Facebook’s Public Data Is Public
s BBC News - Details of 100m Facebook users collected and published
Facebook Goes (Very) Public With Questions Product (all your privacy are belong to our advertisers)
Quora - A continually improving collection of questions and answers created, edited, and organized by everyone who uses it.
How to Turn Your Android Phone into a Fully-Automated Superphone
1dl.us :: Your all-in-one tool site.
Listiki - Bringing order to the real-time web, like now!
Pakistan Plane Crash: Airblue Jet Crashes Near Islamabad With 152 On Board
House Approves Money for Wars, but Rift Deepens - NYTimes.com The 308-to-114 vote, with strong Republican support
The Plum Line - Dear Dems: Stop reading from Rove's playbook on Afghanistan "We should support our men in uniform who are currently in harm's way," she said. (Karen Hyer is a real idiot)
Jon Stewart Mocks Media For WikiLeaks Reaction - Stewart showed clip after clip of pundits essentially saying the information is "nothing new." Stewart fired back; "I'm not responding to the 'newness' of the reports - I'm responding to the 'fucked-upedness' of it!"
Haim Saban to CBS: Cancel Oliver Stone's Showtime Series | TheWrap.com (criticism of Israel is always wrong)
Police destroy dozens of buildings in unrecognized Bedouin village in Negev - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Oil Spill: 100 Days On And Gulf Life Will Never Be The Same
Good-bye and good riddance to Tony Hayward, BP's gaffe master: An editorial | NOLA.com
Offshore drilling legislation is in express lane in Congress | NOLA.com
Gulf Surface Oil Vanishing Quickly - NYTimes.com
Criminal probe of oil spill to focus on 3 firms and their ties to regulators
Oil spill update: State of emergency declared as 800,000 gallons of leaked oil begins flowing through Kalamazoo County | MLive.com - a 30-inch oil pipeline in Marshall sprung a leak and released oil into the Talmadge Creek, which feeds into the Kalamazoo River.
France24 - French sprinter breaks 10-second barrier in 100m dash (the "sprint gene")
Harry Reid: New Energy And Oil Bill Draft Unveiled, Less Sweeping Than Failed Climate Legislation (diminished expectations)
Democrats' 2010 Strategy: Republican Party, Tea Party Are 'One And The Same' ... overlapping the two groups to paint the GOP as a party of extremists and the grassroots activists as tools of the establishment (that'll work)
The Daily Caller double-standard | Media Matters for America (oh, but the bloggers!)
Arizona Immigration Law: Judge Puts Hold on Key Provisions on SB 1070 - ABC News U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton put on hold are the "reasonable suspicion" section that would allow police to arrest and detain suspected illegal immigrants without a warrant and a provision making it illegal for undocumented day laborers to solicit or perform work.
Fleeing Phoenix out of fear of Arizona's immigration law - latimes.com As families leave the city, and state, some neighborhoods — already suffering from the weak economy — are left with fewer customers to sustain businesses (Repubicans: well, we got rid of all the brown people)
Arizona Deportation Stats: Thousands Deported Even Without New Law (Republicans: we don't need no steenking laws)
Jasmine Tyler: Congress Passes Historic Legislation to Reduce Crack/Powder Cocaine Sentencing Disparity (20 years too late, and they even say sorry)
Bush Memoir Release Has Republicans Concerned "Monumentally bad timing" was the reaction of one former Bush aide who learned of the book release date.
NOW Questions Obama's Reluctance To Nominate Elizabeth Warren, Asks Whether Sexism At Play (Obama hates uppity women)
Economist's View: A Triple Dip?
Larry Summers and the White House economic team : The New Yorker Larry Summers and the White House economic team.
How Did We Know The Stimulus Was Too Small? - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com
On Walking Away | FDL News Desk HAMP’s complete failure – to date only $250 million of the $75 billion promised by the program has even been spent (program designed to fail, spectaculary failed and did nothing to help you)
Calculated Risk: Treasury: HAMP Re-default Rate incorrect
HAMP Report Revised After Analysts Question New Metric
Credit Cards Transfer Money From Poor To Rich Households: Study
Matthew Yglesias » The Not-So-Scammy Interchange Fee Scam Because credit card spending and rewards are positively correlated with household income, the payment instrument transfer also induces a regressive transfer from low-income to high-income households in general
Job Title: #2200 - Bus Operator Wages start from $13.18/hr to $14.54/hr (remember those rich Repubicans who thought bus drivers shouldn't make any money?)
The State Worker: Schwarzenegger orders more furloughs for state workers (Aaahnold destroyed Califoria, but voters will elect eMeg)
Fools Gold: Inside the Glenn Beck Goldline Scheme | The Big Picture
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Bravery, bullshit, and scientific illiteracy
On Walt, Mearsheimer, Weiss, Greenwald And Me, Ctd - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - I think the chilling effect of this charge of fomenting anti-Semitism by criticizing the actions of the pro-Israel lobby is worse than getting it all out in the open. (cf Pejman for the Israel Lobby position)
Mauritania's hidden manuscripts | World news | Guardian Weekly Precious Arabic manuscripts from western Africa are under threat as Mauritania's desert libraries vanish
Math Is No Match for Locust Swarms | Wired Science | Wired.com
postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies - Our cyborg past: Medieval artificial memory as mindware upgrade (ars memoria is the new transhuman but they don't use that term)
You Are Not So Smart
Disputed chemical bisphenol-A found in paper receipts
Air-conditioning: Keeping cool and green | The Economist Innovations in air-conditioning systems mean cooling down buildings is going to require less energy
Print - Invasion - Esquire - You think it'd be impossible to share your house with your wife, your daughter, and fifty million or so Argentine ants. And you would be correct.
Has the Most Common Marijuana Test Resulted in Tens of Thousands of Wrongful Convictions? | Investigations | AlterNet More than 800,000 people are arrested on marijuana charges each year in the United States, many on the basis of an error-prone test (Republicans ruining peoples lives with test that is always positive)
5 Stupid, Unfair and Sexist Things Expected of Men | Reproductive Justice | AlterNet
Cool Tools: The Best Magazine Articles Ever (mostly men)
Young Women, Newsweek, and Sexism - Newsweek
Fire the Bastards! pp. 1-2 (Gaddis The Recognitions)
ADILEGIAN | "Mr. Difficult: William Gaddis and the Problem of Hard-to-Read Books," by Jonathan Franzen
On the wings of commerce: Penguins and lipstick, strawberries and gold—aloft, By Barry Holstun Lopez (Harper's Magazine)
Lost Highway Article - Premiere Sept. 96 - David Foster Wallace: David Lynch Keeps His Head
Learn Your Damn Homophones
Reader's Almanac
YouTube - Undoubtedly the best 'dancing in the rain' video ever
Apple Sued Over Claims IPad Tablet Overheats in Sunlight, Warm Conditions - Bloomberg (just don't use it when the temp is above 75, said Steve Jobs)
iPad Users Are 'Selfish Elites,' Study Says
Is Google Watching You? New Plugin Will Let You Know
Eric Schmidt: The World Doesn’t Need A Copy Of The Same Thing
Cyber Mastermind Arrested: Suspect Accused Of Infecting 12 Million Computers
BBC News - Nato probes reports raid killed 45 Afghan civilians
Wikileaks: War Diary: 2004-2009
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » - Unimportant Yet Dangerous (NYT - remember Bill Keller bowing to Bush pressure and throwing the 2004 election to the Republicans?)
WikiLeaks Creates Fresh Doubt About Afghan War, Secrets
WikiLeaks Afghan War Diary Reactions
Is WikiLeaks the Pentagon Papers, Part 2? Parallels, and differences, exist.
Daniel Ellsberg describes Afghan war logs as on a par with 'Pentagon Papers' | World news | The Guardian (yeah, well, what does he know?)
Wikileaks Too Confusing for Citizens? | Firedoglake
Wikileaks May Have Just Changed the Media, Too - Science and Tech - The Atlantic
Afghanistan war logs: Story behind biggest leak in intelligence history | World news | The Guardian
Afghanistan war logs: our selection of significant incidents | World news | guardian.co.uk
Afghanistan war logs: US covered up fatal Taliban missile strike on Chinook | World news | guardian.co.uk
Military Disputes Its Own WikiLeaked Missile Report | Danger Room | Wired.com
Why WikiLeaks turned to the press | Dan Kennedy | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk That WikiLeaks went to the press with the Afghanistan war logs shows old-fashioned news organisations still have a role to play (yeah, disseminators of reporting done by honest people who disclose their source info)
White House Attempts to Downplay Fallout from Wikileaks Afghan Logs | FDL News Desk
Why is the NY Times Underplaying Account of Task Force 373’s Extrajudicial Killings? | The Seminal (NYT: nothing to see here, move along)
ISI paid Taliban to kill Indians in Kabul: Wikileaks - Hindustan Times
WikiLeaks report fictitious, says Pakistan's ex-spy chief Hamid Gul - CSMonitor.com WikiLeaks' release of classified US documents include claims that Pakistan's former spy chief Hamid Gul ordered attacks against NATO troops (who do you believe, me or your lying leaks?)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Barack & Hamid’s Excellent Adventure
Why WikiLeaks’ ‘War Logs’ Are No Pentagon Papers - ProPublica
Afghanistan war logs: Wikileaks founder rebuts White House criticism | World news | guardian.co.uk Julian Assange rejects accusation that publishing thousands of secret US military files about the war in Afghanistan has compromised America's national security
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange: more revelations to come | Media | guardian.co.uk Whistleblowing site Wikileaks says it has a 'backlog' of further secret material after publication of Afghanistan war logs
Pentagon Can't Account For $8.7 BILLION In Iraqi Reconstruction Money, Audit Finds (trust the military, then look in Cheney's bank account)
Nancy Pelosi: How Dare the Administration Say they Would Veto Intelligence Reform? | Emptywheel (same old Bush)
Who Is Behind the 25,000 Deaths In Mexico? | The Nation Calderón's war, assisted by the United States, terrorizes the Mexican people, generates thousands of documented human rights abuses by the police and Mexican Army and inspires lies told by American politicians that violence is spilling across the border (in fact, it has been declining on the US side of the border for years) (one word for you: Republicans)
Statistical Analysis and Visualization of the Drug War in Mexico | Diego Valle's Blog
Uniform Impunity | Human Rights Watch This 76-page report details 17 cases involving military abuses against more than 70 victims, including several cases from 2007 and 2008. The abuses include killings, torture, rapes, and arbitrary detentions
Latest Vatican document is final straw for women - The Irish Times - Mon, Jul 26, 2010
Oliver Stone: 'Jewish Domination Of The Media' Propagates Holocaust Myths (well?)
Report: Some mentally ill detainees deported were US citizens | Raw Story (oh well, they were probably brown)
L'Oreal Heiress Met By French Police, Questioned About Her Finances
BP Oil Spill: Where Did All The Crude Go? Mother Nature Breaks Down Slick in Gulf of Mexico - ABC News As Size of Slick Shrinks, Experts Say Oil is Breaking Up, Staying Below Surface
Ousted BP CEO Tony Hayward: I Was 'Demonized' In The U.S. he may be "too busy" to make it to hearings on the Gulf Oil spill.
BP CEO Hayward’s Next Assignment: Siberia
Catfood Commission’s Social Security “Expert” Alice Rivlin Makes A Huge Blunder | FDL Action (Obama's commission to dismantle Social Security is ignorant of basic facts, just like ...)
Illegal Immigration Fingerprint Program, Secure Communities, Has Advocates Up In Arms ("Secure Communities" "Perfect Citizen" - someone has been reading too much Orwell)
Megan McArdle’s Hack Post on Elizabeth Warren’s Scholarship « Rortybomb (McMegan McAddled McHack McArdle, the shame of the Atlantic Monthly, is always wrong)
DISCLOSE Act Faces GOP Filibuster In Senate (Leiberman cops out)
Eric Boehlert: Glenn Beck's Incendiary Angst Is Dangerously Close to Having a Body Count
Colbert Returns, Takes On Sherrod Fiasco
Sherrod Scandal Is A Conservative Problem, Argue Brian Stelter And Greg Sargent
MoveOn.org: Breaking: Andrew Breitbart admits true allegiance to Al-Qaeda
Permanently High Unemployment - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com The point is that while policy makers may think they’re being prudent and appropriately cautious in their responses to unemployment, there’s a good chance that they’re prudenting and cautiousing us into a long-term jobs catastrophe (Bankers and Obama don't care about fucking jobs)
Ma! He’s Looking At Me Funny! - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com That’s basically the thrust of Mort Zuckerman’s op-ed accusing Obama of “demonizing” business (+FT does no fact checking: "But I guess such rules don’t apply if you’re a conservative.")
Europe's Debt Still Cause for Worry - Kiplinger
Debate Heats Up Over Stimulus Spending - WSJ.com ("debate in the WSJ's mind: Hoover was right)
Apartment Rentals Surge in U.S. on Home Foreclosures, Job Gains - Bloomberg
postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies - Our cyborg past: Medieval artificial memory as mindware upgrade
Vaccine campaign plea: parents who lost baby Dana stonewalled by government (call Jenny McCarthy and Oprah)
Maryland's High Court Strikes Down Montgomery County Fortunetelling Ban Under First Amendment | American Civil Liberties Union (discrimination against gypsies)
Fortuneteller can continue getting paid to gaze into the future, Maryland court rules
Fortunetelling Protected Under First Amendment « Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog
D.A. investigating why Bell council members get nearly $100,000 a year for a part-time job - latimes.com
POM sued by Hogan Lovells over legal tab Bartnoff, as she considered the order, said, "If I am throwing 80 years of First Amendment jurisprudence on its head, so be it." (First Amendment is so passe)
$pread Magazine – Whores And Other Hackers
There will be blood: why Apple and Intel are destined to clash
Akamai: World's Net connection speeds rising | Wireless - CNET News (and corporate-controlled America is getting even slower)
EFF Wins New Legal Protections for Video Artists, Cell Phone Jailbreakers, and Unlockers | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Apple’s Official Response To DMCA Jailbreak Exemption: It Voids Your Warranty | Cult of Mac (also: fuck-you, FCC)
What is WikiLeaks? | Open Culture
Afghanistan: The war logs | World news | guardian.co.uk
View Is Bleaker Than Official Portrayal of War in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com
The War Logs: Reaction to Disclosure of Military Documents on Afghan War - At War Blog - NYTimes.com
A Note to Readers - Piecing Together the Reports, and Deciding What to Publish - NYTimes.com (and, of course, what not to publish)
The Unwinnable War II: Didn't We Know All This Already? - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (well, if "we" means "dirty fucking hippies," then yes)
WikiLeaks 'Afghan War Diary' Provides Ground-Level Account Of Afghanistan War
WikiLeaks Founder On Afghan War Diary: Evidence Of War Crimes In Leaked Documents (hey, support the Generals)
WikiLeaks: Evidence of War Crimes in Afghan Docs - CBS News Founder Julian Assange Says "No Reason" to Doubt Documents, which Include Unreported Incidents of Afghan Civilian Killings (no one will be held accountable)
Wikileaks Afghanistan Log Released on Eve of War Supplemental Vote | FDL News Desk
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange on the 'War Logs': 'I Enjoy Crushing Bastards' | CommonDreams.org
Ezra Klein - WikiLeaks and the press (media tried their best to ignore info)
The WikiLeaks Afghanistan leak - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (compare w/Pentagon Papers)
PressThink: The Afghanistan War Logs Released by Wikileaks, the World's First Stateless News Organization
Close Read: WikiLeaks and the War : The New Yorker
BBC News - US military curbs 'reduce' Afghan attacks in some areas (reducing civilian killing reduces attacks, and conversely...)
NATO rocket killed 45 Afghan civilians: government | Reuters
Why has the Post series created so little reaction? - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Pakistan Aids Insurgency in Afghanistan, Reports Assert - NYTimes.com
Hearing on Lockerbie Sets Off More Finger-Pointing - NYTimes.com (completely botched)
Verdict Due in the Trial of a Khmer Rouge Figure - NYTimes.com (one bad apple)
CIA Tapes Destroyed Without Lawyers Included On Memo
Pool Parties and Golf - Your Tax Dollars at Work - CBS Evening News - CBS News Questionable Spending at the Department of Justice is Poorly Monitored
How to Relax at Pentagon? Watch Child Porn | SciTechBits - Interesting Bits of Science & Technoglogy Served For You!
Think Progress » McCain On The Iraq War: ‘We Already Won That One’ (in the deluded minds of war-hawk Republicans: mission accomplished!)
Mexican Officials Say Prisoners Acted as Hit Men - NYTimes.com Prisoners in a northern Mexico jail were allowed out at night to carry out murder-for-hire jobs using jail guards’ weapons and vehicles, officials said Sunday, revealing a level of corruption that is stunning even in a country where prison breakouts are common as guards look the other way.
Day 96 - The Latest on the Oil Spill - NYTimes.com
BP CEO to walk away with $18 million: report | Reuters BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward will collect a pay and pension package worth at least 11.8 million pounds ($18.03 million)
Daily Kos: BP to replace Hayward with Dudley BP Is Expected to Replace Chief With American - It's an image move, having nothing to do with substance.
Gulf toxicologist: Shrimpers exposed to Corexit “bleeding from the rectum”; Dispersant “ruptures red blood cells, causes internal bleeding” (VIDEO) | Florida Oil Spill Law (seems to disperse body cells too)
NOAA Admits Toxic Corexit Dispersants May Be In BP Gulf Oil Spill Seafood | Alexander Higgins Blog
No To Oligarchy | The Nation Bernie Sanders
the u.s. middle class is being wiped out here's the stats to prove it: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance (and they do)
Bruce Bartlett on the deficit, economy and VAT: Six questions for Bruce Bartlett | The Economist ("The word “chutzpah” is insufficient to describe how utterly indefensible the Republican position is, intellectually.")
Sources of Our Current Deficit - Brad DeLong (Republicans are hugely responsible for the deficit but won't say so and neither will Dems)
"Can American Conservatism Ever Be Reformed?" - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Ezra Klein - The public's incoherence on spending -- and spending cuts -- in one graph
Ezra Klein - A chart is worth a thousand words
File:PerCapitaInflationAdjustedDefenseSpending.PNG - Wikipedia
The American Spectator : America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution In short, the ruling class has a party, the Democrats. But some two-thirds of Americans -- a few Democratic voters, most Republican voters, and all independents -- lack a vehicle in electoral politics. (+Tribe, Bok, Kagan and Obama)
Trickle Down Meanness - Maxine Udall (girl economist)
High-debt History - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com
E.J. Dionne Jr. - Enough right-wing propaganda
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect Webb And "White Privilege." (conserva-dem outrage at non-existent affirmative action)
Bloggers aren't the problem -- The Washington Post is. | Media Matters for America (including Ruth Marcus, elite wanker who convieniently forgets the Post's own wanking) (EJ: "When an outlandish charge for which there is no evidence is treated as an on-the-one-hand-and-on-the-other-hand issue, the liars win.")
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect - Defining Lynching Down (Jeffrey Lord invents racist definition of lynching)
Matthew Yglesias » The Care and Feeding of the Liberal Psyche - But in terms of emotional impact, nothing will make a difference like Warren. (which is why ...)
Senate Strips Funding For Legal Settlement To Black Farmers From War Bill | TPMMuckraker (what they've always done in racist Amercia)
GOP lawmakers optimistic about 'no' votes (the party of fuck-you)
Ted Haggard: 'I Over-Repented' For My Meth-Gay Prostitute 'Crisis' | TPMMuckraker (said the mouthpiece of Satan)
Danny Westneat | 'Self-made' myth divides us | Seattle Times Newspaper Nowhere is the myth as confused with reality as in rock-ribbed Eastern Washington. The place depends utterly on the government and communal resources for its existence, from the New Deal irrigation system still being paid for by taxpayers elsewhere, to farming subsidies and crop price supports. Yet in their own minds, they are mavericks living off the land (it's always the other guys leeching off big government)
Momentum For Senate Filibuster Reform Builds
The Republicans Approach To Jobless Benefits | Prose Before Hos Senate Republicans filibustered against a bill to extend jobless benefits to over 2 million unemployed Americans, saying they were fiscally unwise and irresponsible given the current national deficit. It’s too bad all of these Republicans voted for Bush’s tax cuts ($34bn vs $2.2 trillion)
U.S. Small-Business Aid May Create $300 Billion of `Junk' Loans - Bloomberg The way lawmakers see it, “everyone’s a good borrower, and that’s just not the case.”
Calculated Risk: Private Investment? Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner as saying it is time for private investment to take over from government stimulus (but "there is no reason for significant new private investment.")
HAMP Is Hurting Liberalism | FDL News Desk It’s putting a face of bureaucratic incompetence on a program designed to help people (the program designed to fail, failed: "The Administration designed this entirely on their own, using money already appropriated. And they designed it terribly.")
Neel Kashkari, TARP Guru, Supports Cutting Entitlements, Citing 'Me-First' Attitude Of Beneficiaries (Neel Kashkari, head of the Program Designed to Fail is moving on to make sure Social Security fails: people actually expect to get back the money they paid in! give it to the bankers!)
Goldman reveals where bailout cash went - USATODAY.com Goldman Sachs sent $4.3 billion in federal tax money to 32 entities, including many overseas banks, hedge funds and pensions, according to information made public Friday night.
Op-Ed Columnist - Who Cooked the Planet? - NYTimes.com But will any of the deniers say “O.K., I guess I was wrong,” and support climate action? No. (SATSQ)
Monarch migration mystery solved by Canadian researchers - Winnipeg Free Press why monarch butterflies east of the Appalachians showed up later in the year than those found west of the mountain range, which runs roughly from Atlantic Canada to Alabama.
Growing Body Parts - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Quantum time machine 'allows paradox-free time travel' - Telegraph Quantum physicists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe it is possible to create a time machine which could affect the past without creating a "grandfather paradox". ("post-selection" the new "back-action?")
Gamma-Ray Bursts Could Halt Photosynthesis | Wired Science | Wired.com
Edge: The New Science Of Morality
The Real Scoop on Ad Age in the 'Mad Men' Era - Advertising Age - Rance Crain
L.A. Places: Pasadena: Arts and Crafts
Paul Raushenbush: The Complex Power and Wisdom of Religious Texts: Introducing HuffPost's Scripture Commentary Series (along with crystal healing, quack doctors and Creationism)
How Religious Is Your State? - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life (American South: MS, AL, AK, LA, TN, SC, OK, NC, GA, KY)
NVSRP: Deaths: Final Data for 2006 (highest in religious states)
Five Best Book Recommendation Services
MediaShift . Writers Explain What It's Like Toiling on the Content Farm | PBS
MediaShift: Search Results | PBS : content farms
Sissy Bounce, New Orleans’s Gender-Bending Rap - NYTimes.com
Fired Over Facebook: 13 Posts That Got People Canned
AT&T's Insane Service Plan Strategy | Sascha Segan | PCMag.com
iPhone 'Jailbreaking' Legal Under New Government Rules (Apple can no longer sue you for using "their" phone but that's all)
50 Useful Tools and Resources For Web Designers - Smashing Magazine
Major Flaw Found in Apple’s Safari Browser
Android 3.0: 10 things Google should change | News | TechRadar UK
Afghanistan war logs: Massive leak of secret files exposes truth of occupation | World news | The Guardian
Inside the Fog of War - Reports From the Ground in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com (notice the difference)
US Troops Captured In Afghanistan: Report
Idea of Boycotting Israel Is Repellent - Newsweek - The very idea is repellent (said the Zionist neocons at Newsweek)
U.S. Military Strike On Iran Likely, Ex-CIA Chief Says Michael Hayden, a CIA chief under President George W. Bush,
British girls undergo horror of genital mutilation despite tough laws | Society | The Observer Female circumcision will be inflicted on up to 2,000 British schoolgirls during the summer holidays – leaving brutal physical and emotional scars. Yet there have been no prosecutions against the practice
The blackest hearts: War crimes in Iraq | World news | The Guardian In March 2006, four US soldiers, strung out after months in the deadly battleground south of Baghdad, hatched a plan: to carry out one of the worst war crimes ever committed in Iraq
Germany to Investigate Deaths in 'Love Parade' Stampede - WSJ.com
Death Toll Rises to 19: Focus Shifts to Organizers after Love Parade Stampede - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
China’s Money and Migrants Pour Into Tibet - NYTimes.com
Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima' - Middle East, World - The Independent The shocking rates of infant mortality and cancer in Iraqi city raise new questions about battle
WHO | Depleted uranium
How to Write about Haiti - Haiti Rewired
National Journal Magazine - The Gray And The Brown: The Generational Mismatch A contrast in priorities is arising between nonwhite young voters and white, older voters - Minorities now make up more than two-fifths of all children under 18, and they will represent a majority of all American children by as soon as 2023 ... fully four-fifths of this rapidly expanding senior population is white
Records Show Doubts on ’64 Vietnam Crisis - NYTimes.com - Even at the time, there was widespread skepticism about the Gulf of Tonkin incident, in which the North Vietnamese were said to have attacked American destroyers on Aug. 4, 1964, two days after an earlier clash. (but no one wanted to say that Johnson lied us into war ...)
Feinberg: He's Not Writing Checks Because BP Hasn't Put Money In Liability Account Yet | Crooks and Liars (beginning to sound like ...)
Gulf Oil Spill: BP Tries To Block Release Of Oil Spill Research (facts are anti-corporate and must be hidden)
BP CEO Tony Hayward To resign Before Tuesday: Reports (rich, clueless twerp to quit)
Howard Dean Calls Fox News 'Absolutely Racist' For Handling Of Shirley Sherrod Controversy (like, hello?)
Charles J. Ogletree Jr. and Johanna Wald - After Shirley Sherrod, we all need to slow down and listen The subtext to all this? Let's wrap up this incident quickly so we can all go on our vacations guilt-free, secure in the knowledge that our "post-racial society" remains intact.
Op-Ed Columnist - There’s a Battle Outside and It Is Still Ragin’ - NYTimes.com What does it say about America now, and where it is heading, that a racial provocateur, wielding a deceptively edited video, could not only smear an innocent woman but make every national institution that touched the story look bad? ... This wasn’t a failure of due diligence — there was no diligence. (there's a pattern here)
Op-Ed Columnist - You’ll Never Believe What This White House Is Missing - NYTimes.com - The Obama White House is too white - The West Wing white guys who pushed to ditch Shirley Sherrod before Glenn Beck could pounce not only didn’t bother to Google, they weren’t familiar enough with civil rights history to recognize the name Sherrod.
On the Media: Even when in error, Andrew Breitbart is on the attack - latimes.com "Above all, attack, attack, attack," Giles said. "Never defend."
Think Progress » Breitbart’s New Conspiracy Theory: The ‘Purported’ Farmer’s Wife Is A Plant - In his desperation to defend his ugly tactics, Breitbart is resorting to dragging an innocent family’s name through the mud.(wouldn't be the first time, would it?)
Sarah Palin Facebook Post DELETED, Social Network Apologizes (for racist Palin comment)
Court Under Roberts Is Most Conservative in Decades - NYTimes.com (too extreme for America)
Balkinization: "Persuasion" versus "authority" (and "authoritarianism") in the law (Kennedy not "swing vote" SC firmly in the hands of extemists)
Is the ‘Kennedy Court’ Over? - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com Is the ‘Kennedy Court’ Over? (no, and it won't be for a long time)
Putting A Face To The Cost Of Dem Cowering - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime Putting A Face To The Cost Of Dem Cowering - The vast majority of working Americans have suffered from this horribly damaging reflex from the Obama Administration and the Dems (the timidity of governing: the mistake of electing of black Pres who's afraid of "racial controversy" and just about everything else)
Robert Greenwald: Carly Fiorina: Runs to the Tea Party, Away From the Truth (the destroyer of HP wants to T-party California)
Angle Backtracks On Social Security: 'I've Never Said' I Wanted To Scrap It (video) | TPMDC
Conservative Counter-Event Boasts Bigger Size Than Netroots (But It's Not) | TPMDC
Daily Kos: There is a group of people, mainly older, conservative, white males, who believe that blacks get too many advantages. The false story about Ms. Sherrod feeds that narrative.
Why Friends Don’t Let Friends Cite The Atlantic’s “Business and Economics Editor”: Further to the Megan McArdle is Always Wrong chronicles. « The Inverse Square Blog (McMegan McAddled McArdle and the shame of the Atlantic +Loathesome)
Mesmerized by the Right | Firedoglake
After bailouts, new autoworkers make half as much as veterans in same plant After bailouts, new autoworkers make half as much as veterans in same plant (why, it's almost like the banksters planned that ...)
Timothy Geithner: Allow Bush Tax Cuts For The Wealthy To Expire (video)
Al Franken Endorses Elizabeth Warren For Consumer Protection Bureau
Why Conservatives Hate Keynes | Firedoglake
The political genius of supply-side economics | Martin Wolf's Exchange | FT.com
UK government warned over 'catastrophic' cuts : Nature News Royal Society predicts 'game over' for British science (rightwing governments everywhere hate science)
Mayan king's tomb discovered in Guatemala
Does Language Influence Culture? - WSJ.com New cognitive research suggests that language profoundly influences the way people see the world; a different sense of blame in Japanese and Spanish - About a third of the world's languages (spoken in all kinds of physical environments) rely on absolute directions for space ... Pormpuraawans, we found, arranged time from east to west.
The Advantages of Being Helpless: Scientific American Human brains are slow to develop--a secret, perhaps, of our success
Guest Blog: Frans de Waal on the human primate: Strength is weakness
The Advantages of Being Helpless: Scientific American Human brains are slow to develop--a secret, perhaps, of our success
A man outside: John A Hall's biography of Ernest Gellner - The National Newspaper
McLemee on Hall on Gellner — Crooked Timber
Book Review: Ernest Gellner - WSJ.com A defender of the West when it was most embattled, a defender of reason at a time of dangerous irrationality.
Zip It by Paul Romer, City Journal 23 July 2010
Condé Nast Hopes to Wean Itself From Ad Revenue - NYTimes.com - publisher of titles like Vogue and Vanity Fair that are wildly expensive to produce yet cost subscribers as little as a dollar, is betting its future that the answer is yes.
Norman Spinrad At Large: Eat The Canada Geese!!
Daily Kos: Most Successful Conspiracy Theory Evah (anti-global warming)
The Web Means the End of Forgetting - NYTimes.com (famous on the internets for all eternity)
YouTube - Sparks Jane Wiedlin Cool Places
Top 50 Branded Facebook Pages, June 2010: Clear Winners Emerge | Ignite Social Media
Quick & Easy PC Setup for Windows XP - Allmyapps
North Korea Warns of Nuclear Response to Naval Exercises - Bloomberg
Netanyahu: I deceived US to destroy Oslo accords > Palestine > Damaging video released - He dismisses the US as “easily moved to the right direction” and calls high levels of popular American support for Israel “absurd”.
U.S. tries to calm Iraqis over hazardous waste | McClatchy
Associated Press: Saudi: OK to uncover face in anti-burqa countries
US Soldiers Kidnapped In Afghanistan: Report
LRB · Gareth Peirce · The Framing of al-Megrahi
U.S. charges top leaders of Tijuana-based drug cartel - latimes.com
Crime and punishment in America: Rough justice | The Economist America locks up too many people, some for acts that should not even be criminal (while the real criminals ...)
Penal reform in South Carolina: Prisons full, coffers empty | The Economist Southern Republicans think it’s time to slow down the growth of locking up (American South a prison-state)
Cato Unbound » Blog Archive » A Nation of Jailers
Rough justice in America: Too many laws, too many prisoners | The Economist Never in the civilised world have so many been locked up for so little
Trading prisoners in the Low Countries: It's a deal | The Economist (prisoner shortage in W.Europe)
Emptier prisons: Inmate population drops for first time in 40 years - CSMonitor.com The number of inmates in state prisons declined in 2009 after a long upswing. Efforts to control skyrocketing corrections budgets are a key reason.
Abolishing the Prison Industrial Complex - Infoshop News
Daily Kos :: Diaries - Criminal InJustice
Gulf Coast Oil Spill Could Cost Tourism Industry $22.7 BILLION, Study Finds
Researchers confirm subsea Gulf oil plumes are from BP well | McClatchy
BP Hires Prison Labor to Clean Up Spill While Coastal Residents Struggle | CommonDreams.org
Daily Kos: BP Catastrophe Liveblog Mothership: 60
Success at containing earlier oil spills led to BP gusher | McClatchy
CNN anchors attack the scourge of anonymity - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - the plague of "anonymous bloggers" who are "a bunch of cowards" for not putting their names on what they say, and who use this anonymity to spread "conspiracy," "lunacy," "extremism" and false accusations (from the most trusted name in propaganda and lies +Roberts is creepy)
Scenes From the Gulf Clean-Up: Local Crew Takes On BP - National - The Atlantic
Breitbart lied about Shirley Sherrod. Now he's lying about the NAACP. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine Breitbart lied about Shirley Sherrod. Now he's lying about the NAACP.
Timeline of Breitbart's Sherrod smear | Media Matters for America - On CNN Newsroom, Sherrod claims she was told to resign because she would "be on Glenn Beck tonight."
Did fear of racial backlash trigger administration blunder? | McClatchy
Bob Herbert - Shirley Sherrod, Thrown to the Wolves - NYTimes.com - The most obvious and shameful fact is that the Obama administration, which runs from race issues the way thoroughbreds bolt from the starting gate, did not offer this woman anything resembling fair or respectful treatment before firing and publicly humiliating her.
Shirley Sherrod To Obama: Come To Georgia, See How 'Regular Folks' Live
Daily Kos: The Corporate Empire Strikes Back: Corporate Dems Seek "Alternative" To Public Option. Again. (again)
Alaska terrorism: Terrorism case shocks remote Alaska town - latimes.com The FBI says the weatherman in tiny King Salmon, aided by his wife, had an assassination list and was an adherent of Islamic extremism.
Judge Blocks Arizona Law That Would Eliminate Domestic Partner Benefits For Gay State Workers
Hidden Danger: How The GOP Could Kill Health Reform Without Repealing It | TPMDC
GOP Rep. And TN-GOV Candidate Wamp: States Might Have To 'Consider Separation From This Government' | TPMDC (please!)
Coburn Turns Over Emails To Feds Investigating Ensign Scandal | TPMMuckraker Coburn and Ensign were roommates at a Christian house on C Street at the time of the affair.
Hullabaloo The Five Circles of Conservative Hell
Prop 19 Legalizing Marijuana Would Generate “Hundreds of Millions” Annually for the State According to Official Analysis | Elections
White House: 9% unemployment until 2012 - Jul. 23, 2010 (or maybe 10 or 11% ... remember when?)
Here Comes The Real Stress: Only 27% Of China Project Loans To Be Repaid In Full | zero hedge
The safety and efficacy of ±3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-assisted psychotherapy in subjects with chronic, treatment-resistant posttraumatic stress disorder: the first randomized controlled pilot study — J Psychopharmacol (MDMA)
I Was Kidnapped By Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space!!! » Archive » Issue 01 Cover
what I got wrong about LUGs « Emily Nagoski :: sex nerd ::
Correspondent's diary: By the West Pier | The Economist Our Obituaries Editor's diary
How to Organize Your Life with Springpad
The Holy Grail of Ubiquitous Plain-Text Capture
Pentagon Child Porn Scandal: Security Agencies Were Left At Risk, Investigators Say dozens of military officials and defense contractors, including some with top-level security clearances, allegedly bought and downloaded child pornography on private or government computers.
New Believers: A Religious Revolution In China : NPR China's Leaders Harness Folk Religion For Their Aims
Table: The World's Happiest Countries - Forbes.com
Protofascism Comes to America | Commentary | AltWeeklies.com - "The Tea Party is a protofascist movement."
Eco - "Eternal Fascism: 14 Ways of Looking at a Blackshirt"
LRB · Slavoj Žižek · Resistance Is Surrender
No To Oligarchy | The Nation - The 400 richest families in America, who saw their wealth increase by some $400 billion during the Bush years, have now accumulated $1.27 trillion in wealth.
Gulf Oil Spill: Feds Work To Put A Price On Damage
Oil Rig Alarm Was Not Fully Turned On, Worker Says - NYTimes.com (they "didn't want to wake anyone up")
Abortion Supporters Now Blast Administration Over Health Law : NPR (Obama's "Stupak on Steroids")
Republicans Threaten Repeals, Subpoenas If They Take Back The House (it's what they do)
GOP Rep. And TN-GOV Candidate Wamp: States Might Have To 'Consider Separation From This Government' | TPMDC (over Health Care Reform, the new slavery
"Grassroots" Rove-linked group funded almost entirely by billionaires - War Room - Salon.com Four of them, including three from Dallas, have put up 97 percent of the money for his new political operation (payback time)
Rockies Gone Wild: Colorado Races Devolve Into All-Out War
Paul Dobson, Phoenix Cop Who Opposes Arizona Immigration Law, Is Now Under Investigation - Arizona policy considers only certain types of public opinions off-limits for officers. (profiling opinions)
FORA.tv - Race, Rights, and Politics in America # NAACP President Says Van Jones Fired Over Neo-McCarthyism (and Obama want to avoid any "racial controversy" which proved to be an excellent strategy)
The Washington Monthly - Blame Where Blame Is Due (Senate fucks up Energy Bill)
Rachel Maddow Responds To Bill O'Reilly Over Shirley Sherrod, Ratings (video)
Not Smart to Run Against Obama | FrumForum
The Washington Monthly . The far-right Washington Times published two op-eds, on the same page, on the same day, demanding the impeachment of President Obama.
Mass. Sen. Kerry docks yacht in RI, saving $500K - Boston.com Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry is docking his family's new $7 million yacht in neighboring Rhode Island, allowing him to avoid paying roughly $500,000 in taxes to his cash-strapped home sta
Inhofe Still Insists 'We're In A Cold Spell': Is The Heat Getting To The Senator? (more batshitinsane Inhofe)
Are Depressions Necessary? | The American Prospect The current crisis has revived an old debate about the utility of economic downturns - More like the forest fire caused by a careless camper than the natural cleansings produced by mother nature. (Samuelson vs Krugman +careless camper = bankers +we're not cleansing the real rottenness)
Pay Czar Criticizes 17 Bailed-Out Banks For Huge Pay Packages -- But Won't Go After Money Already Paid
HAMP Comedy: Requiring a Death Certificate for a Modification Edition. « Rortybomb (the program Obama designed to fail, did even better!)
TARP Watchdog Questions if HAMP Results are Worth the Cost « HousingWire (program designed to fail, failed in more ways than one: success! +Geitner)
Calculated Risk: Deflation Watch
Why Obama will nominate Warren (Felix Solomon is optimistic)
Barney Frank: Elizabeth Warren Should Head CFPB, By Recess Appointment If Necessary
For-Profit Colleges and the Student-Loan-Default Gap | Fast Company students at for-profits are much more likely to default on student loans -- 23% default after four years compared to fewer than 10% of public-university grads.
Race and Class | Mother Jones . We could target based on poverty, perhaps with some sort of regional cost of living adjustments. (wait 'til Fox gets ahold of this)
More than 100 Earth-like planets found in just past few weeks | Mail Online
asteroids_comets_sc_0-000-100_2010.png (PNG) Asteroids/comets visited in scale)
The Beauty Advantage: How Looks Affect Your Work, Your Career, Your Life - Newsweek Handsome men earn, on average, 5 percent more than their less-attractive counterparts (good-looking women earn 4 percent more)
Parking takes up space - Greater Greater Washington
The Photo That Brought AIDS Home - Photo Gallery - LIFE
Die young, live fast: The evolution of an underclass - life - 22 July 2010 - New Scientist
Last Kodachrome roll processed in Parsons | Business News for Wichita Kansas | Local Journal of Wichita Business News and Kansas Business News | Wichita Eagle
YouTube - Lovin' Spoonful - Summer In The City
How HuffingtonPost Will Take Over The New York Times
Analyzing The Facebook Contract: Is Mark Zuckerberg Screwed?
India's Rs.1,500 laptop a godsend for students
Malware Spreading Via USB Drives -- Malware -- InformationWeek - The Stuxnet rootkit launches even with AutoRun and AutoPlay disabled and is known to affect Windows 7 Enterprise Edition x86 operating systems.
UPDATE: Should you be worried about the Windows "LNK" vulnerability? | ZDNet
Can Windows kill the Internet? - Computerworld Blogs
Microsoft LNK Vulnerability Brief Technical Analysis(CVE-2010-2568) - Security Labs
Mitigating .LNK Exploitation With SRP « Didier Stevens
Ariad « Didier Stevens
Secunia: Apple software has the most holes | Software, Interrupted - CNET News
Remove Antivir Solution Pro (Uninstall Guide) (like Anti-Virus 2009 trojan)
State Dept. planning to field a small army in Iraq | McClatchy - State Department "contractors"
Court Says Kosovo Independence Legal, Expect More States | HULIQ - If yes to Kosovo, why not Karabakh, Abkhazia and S. Ossetia
BBC News - G20: No charges over Ian Tomlinson demo death (just like America)
No charges over Ian Tomlinson G20 death // Current
YouTube - IDF Officer refuses to protect Palestinians
A fifth of girls pregnant by 18, survey reveals - UK - The Independent
Gulf Oil Efforts SUSPENDED: BP Shuts Down Well Work Due To Bad Weather
Workers on Doomed Rig Voiced Safety Concerns - NYTimes.com
Eugene Robinson - Obama needs to stand up to 'reverse racism' ploy
Shame on Obama? | Talking Points Memo
Vilsack, White House apologize to former USDA official - CNN.com - Vilsack told reporters that he alone made the decision regarding Sherrod, with no White House involvement. (oh, sure)
Tom Vilsack: Shirley Sherrod Has 'Been Put Through Hell,' Deserves New Job (Drudge rocks their world)
Sherrod: I'm a Victim of Breitbart, Fox 'Racism' | Media Matters for America - "The news media should tell it like it is and not the way they want it to be," she said.
In meeting, Messina praised Sherrod handling - Ben Smith - politico.com (chickenshits)
Keith Olbermann Blasts Fox News Over Shirley Sherrod, Begs Obama To Stop Enabling Them (he can't control his Republican impulses)
Rachel Maddow Show: Omission Accomplish (White House firing of Sherrod at Breitbart and Fox's behest)
The Plum Line - Shirley Sherrod blasts Fox News as racist
Beck Subtext: Obama Planning to Assassinate Tea Partiers | Informed Comment
I-580 shooter was headed to ACLU and other non-profit to kill people | abc7news.com (same organizations targeted by Beck for assassination)
The shame of right-wing "journalism" - Joan Walsh - Salon.com Andrew Breitbart and Tucker Carlson distort facts to smear liberals, and it works. What liberals should learn
Woolsey to introduce ‘robust public option’ bill | Raw Story
Senate Democrats’ Plan to Aid Small Businesses Hits G.O.P. Resistance - NYTimes.com - One Democrat, Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska, voted against it. (is really a Republican)
Weekly Claims Turn Higher, Keeping Jobs Outlook Fragile - CNBC New U.S. claims for jobless benefits climbed more steeply than anticipated last week, the latest sign that the moribund labor market is struggling to recover.
Key Democrat backs keeping tax cuts for rich - Yahoo! - Senator Kent Conrad (is really a Repubican)
Geithner Refuses To Say Whether He'd Be Happy With Warren Leading Consumer Agency
No Fed Plans for More Economic Support, Bernanke Says - NYTimes.com (let them eat nothing)
Boehner's three brothers lost jobs during recession - TheHill.com he agrees with other Republicans that the cost of extending unemployment benefits should be offset with other spending cuts.(+tax cuts for the rich)s
As credit card holders play it safe, issuers increase non-penalty service fees
Antibody Neutralizes 91% of HIV Strains, Strong Step Towards a Vaccine | Singularity Hub
BBC News - Archaeologists unearth Neolithic henge at Stonehenge Archaeologists have discovered a second henge at Stonehenge, described as the most exciting find there in 50 years.
Attention Disorders Can Take a Toll on Marriage - Well Blog - NYTimes.com
Why The Next Big Pop-Culture Wave After Cupcakes Might Be Libraries : NPR
BBC News - 'Cut down on meat to lose weight'
Fred Wilson: Apple is evil and Facebook is just a photo-sharing site | VentureBeat
Verizon To Kill Unlimited Data Plan This Month? (who could have predicted?)
Researchers: Authentication crack could affect millions - Computerworld
World-Wide Military expenditures : America's sacred, banktupting military /a>
Interview with Mariela Castro: 'We Need Changes in Cuba' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International No one is punished for free speech in Cuba. If free and inconvenient thoughts were a crime in our country, I would have been a good candidate for prison, with my advocacy for sexual self-determination. Those people are in prison because they are mercenaries paid by Washington.
Bill Clinton: Pushing Free Trade On Haiti Was A 'Mistake' That Contributed To Hunger | Crooks and Liars
Palestinian jailed for rape after claiming to be Jewish - Telegraph A Palestinian man has been convicted of rape after having consensual sex with an Israeli woman who believed he was Jewish because he introduced himself as "Daniel". (sex while being non-Jewish a crime)
BP's oil spill caused by fed's 'dangerous culture of permissiveness' | McClatchy
The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : No Crimes Re:Bush US Attorneys
Hullabaloo Forced Pregnancy For Sick People (Obama's great compromise: "Stupak on steroids")
Obama administration apologizes for firing Shirley Sherrod | McClatchy Apparently fearing conservative attacks that it was anti-white, the administration of the nation's first black president rushed to dismiss her without asking to see the rest of the video or waiting to learn other facts about her. (White House fingerprints all over this)
Firing of USDA official (Shirley Sherrod for something she didn't say 24 yrs ago) highlights larger political problems involving race A fuzzy video of an Agriculture Department official opened a new front Tuesday in the ongoing war between the left and right over which side is at fault for stoking persistent forces of racism in politics (another fake video from Andrew "Slimeball" Breitbart)
Will media fall for Breitbart's attempt to spin his spectacular failure? | Media Matters for America (satsq: yes)
Shirley Sherrod Scandal: How The White House Is Backing Away From The Decision To Fire Her - she was fired because everyone panicked in the face of a media scandal that turned out to be non-existent and which unraveled the moment people began the work of diligent verification (more lies from the Obama team)
American Crossroads GPS, New Rove Group, Has Dems Questioning Obama's Political Operations
Bush Official on Sex, Meth and Oil: What's the Big Deal? | Mother Jones (Gale Snortin')
Think Progress » Ben Stein: The Unemployed Are People With ‘Unpleasant Personalities…Who Do Not Know How To Do A Day’s Work’ (Ben Stein: fat, rich, stupid, selfish Republican like the ones that caused the economy to crash)
Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Surprisingly Passes - TIME
Inside Man - Magazine - The Atlantic Timothy Geithner
The Top 10 Things You May Not Know About the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act | The White House No more taxpayer-funded bailouts. If a company can’t make it, it will have to liquidate.
Hullabaloo: digby: Exploding the Social Security Myths - They have been lying for 70 years
You Won't Believe How Little Stimulus We'll Get If We Diverted The Bush Tax Cuts Into Stimulus Spending (Megan McAddled McArdle can't do math, makes a fool of herself and the Atlantic)
Fiscal Drag - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com we continue to expect extension of most of the expiring 2001/2003 tax cuts. This adds almost a full percentage point to the drag on growth from Q4 2010 to Q4 2011 to what we had already estimated (Goldman: Repubican tax-cuts a drag on the economy)
Dems to Extend Bush’s Middle Class Tax Cuts - Swampland - TIME.com
Unemployment Extension: Republicans Delay Final Vote
BBC News - Astronomers detect 'monster star'
Having White Roofs Would Save the U.S. $735 Million per Year | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World
What really happened to Phoebe Prince? - By Emily Bazelon - Slate Magazine - "I've wrestled with how much of this information to publish. Phoebe's family has suffered terribly. But when the D.A. charged kids with causing Phoebe's death and threatened them with prison, she invited an inquiry into other potential causes. The whole story is a lot more complicated than anyone has publicly allowed for." (un-intended consequences)
Selling A Positive Self-Image / Group weighs in on advertising impact Group weighs in on advertising impact
About-Face: body image, media, eating disorders, and more
New Smithson!- Why I Hate Anthony By Shaenon K. Garrity
pandagon.net: Nice Guy-ism, now in cartoon form!
Flickr Photo Download: For Worse or For Worse
"Smithson" Written by Shaenon Garrity, Art by Robert Stevenson, Brian Moore, and Roger Langridge
Hulu - Parks and Recreation: I'm Just a Girl
Widow of fallen Wharton firefighter at center of legal dispute | Chron.com | The family of a Wharton firefighter who died battling a massive egg farm blaze is fighting to keep his widow from receiving death benefits, arguing that the 37-year-old had found out his bride of two years was born a man.
Pulse of the Nation: U.S. Mood Throughout the Day inferred from Twitter
Cause and effect in the War on Terror - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com Britain, unlike the U.S., is currently in the process of Looking Backward, Not Forward, as they investigate both the events that led them to the attack on Iraq as well as their involvement in America's torture regime ... the U.S.-led invasions had substantially raised the number of plots against Britain. (Obama: no moral center)
A Rumsfeld-era reminder about what causes Terrorism - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (2009)
Israel's Ultra-Orthodox Reject the Diaspora, Threatening to Split World Jewry Last week, a committee in the Israeli Knesset passed a measure that would effectively undermine all branches of Judaism other than the most militantly Orthodox.
Israel to Diaspora: Drop Dead - The Atlantic
Friedman - Can We Talk? - NYTimes.com - I find Nasr’s firing troubling
Kwon Ho Ung, North Korea Official, Reportedly Executed North Korea executed a former Cabinet official who was in charge of talks with South Korea,
BP's Photoshopped Command Center Just The Latest In A Pattern Of Deception
Interior Secretaries Under Bush And Obama Exposed By House Panel For Lax Oversight Of Oil Drilling
Alan Grayson To Republicans Blocking Unemployment: 'May God Have Mercy On Your Souls' (what souls?)
Pension fund takes control of Philadelphia's 10 Rittenhouse Square condo building | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/20/2010
Elizabeth Warren Could Head CFPB Without Senate Confirmation (but little Timmy hates women)
Tim Geithner’s Ninth Political Life « The Baseline Scenario - Financial “reform” is already very weak. If Secretary Geithner gets his way on consumers protection, pretty much all of the Democrats efforts vis-à-vis the financial sector’s treatment of customers have been for naught. (nothing succeeds for Republicans like huge failures)
Information Processing: Social Darwinism: 21st century edition
Information Processing: Social Darwinism: 21st century edition
3quarksdaily - Darwin's Method
The Domestication of Man: the Social Implications of Darwin - Powered by Google Docs
Adventures in Very Recent Evolution - NYTimes.com
The Dragon's Tales: Once Upon the Permian: Beaked Bites of a Lost Lineage
SpringerLink - Journal Article False rape allegations - These false rape allegations constitute 41% the total forcible rape cases (n =109) reported during this period.
They called me a child pornographer - Salon.com I took some photos of my kids naked on a camping trip. A drugstore employee called the police -- and my family's life became a living hell - t out of the nearly 3 million child abuse reports made every year, seven in 10 of them are without merit. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, nearly 60 percent of child abuse or neglect reports are "unsubstantiated.
Henry Blodget: Murdoch's First Newspaper Paywall Not Off to a Great Start Some early numbers are leaking on Rupert Murdoch's London Times paywall experiment.
Times loses almost 90% of online readership | Media | guardian.co.uk Less than three weeks after the Times paywall went up, data shows a massive decline in web traffic
freesound :: home page
.CO Domain Names Now Available
Over 70,000 Blogs Mysteriously Shut Down
Top Secret America | washingtonpost.com (mostly costly waste +giving up privacy to make you less secure)
A hidden world, growing beyond control | washingtonpost.com In Washington and the surrounding area, 33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work are under construction or have been built since September 2001. Together they occupy the equivalent of almost three Pentagons or 22 U.S. Capitol buildings - about 17 million square feet of space.
Frontline video | washingtonpost.com
The Real U.S. Government - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com . Secrecy is the religion of the political class, and the prime enabler of its corruption ... "amounts to an alternative geography of the United States, a Top Secret America hidden from public view and lacking in thorough oversight." (lookin' at you, Pres Above-It-All)
Wanted by the CIA: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange - Belfasttelegraph.co.uk (Obama's war on things he doesn't want you to know)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Wikileaks on TED
Haass: Time to Get Out of Afghanistan - Newsweek Here’s how to draw down in Afghanistan.
US military build-up in Kandahar will bolster Taliban, warns security monitor | World news | The Guardian Nato's counterinsurgency tactic shows no signs of success, says Afghanistan NGO Security Office (doing what we do well: making things worse - but good for Halliburton!)
Op-Ed Columnist - Rome Fiddles, We Burn - NYTimes.com If the Vatican is trying to restore the impression that its moral sense is intact, issuing a document that equates pedophilia with the ordination of women doesn’t really do that.
Pakistani Taxes Widen Divide Between Rich and Poor - NYTimes.com because the politicians who make the rules are also the country’s richest citizens, and are skilled at finding ways to exempt themselves.(why that sounds like ...)
July 2011 “Withdrawal” From Afghanistan to Include Four Troops, One Damaged Field Medical Kit | FDL News Desk
Gurkha ordered back to UK after beheading dead Taliban fighter | Mail Online (winning the hearts and heads)
Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: Muslim bus drivers’ ban on guide dogs
Muslim bus drivers refuse to let guide dogs on board? *UPDATED* | Daily Mail Watch
Syria Bans Full Islamic Veils At Universities
The Department of Justice and Law Reform: Ahern Welcomes Coming Into Law of Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010
BBC News - Seventeen partygoers shot dead in Mexico 'Kill them all' (your Republican war on drugs and other countries)
Matthew Yglesias » Shocking True Tales of Austerity: Bleak Growth Outlook Leads to Loss of Investor Confidence in Irish Debt (they protected their bankers, too)
U.S. Tells BP to Prepare for Reopening Oil Well After Seep Found - Bloomberg Allen said a “seep” was found “a distance” from the well and anomalies had been observed at the well head ("seep" = gusher)
Firedoglake “Do you think the spill proves off-shore drilling is just too dangerous and should be banned in U.S. waters, or was this a freak accident and offshore drilling can be made safer and should not be banned?” (nice framing, Michael)
Oil Cap Leak? Coast Guard Concerned About Seabed Floor Leak, BP Wants Cap On
Hullabaloo: Ratigan's Righteous Rant - Today he's ragging on GE. I wonder how much longer he'll last.
Op-Ed Columnist - Dog Days of Obama - NYTimes.com “Only 13 percent of Americans say Mr. Obama’s economic programs, among them the stimulus package, have helped them personally. Twenty-three percent say they have hurt, while 63 percent say they have had no effect.” Ouch. (Pres "I'm Not Leaving My Bunker")
Think Progress » Sessions And Cornyn Refuse To Detail GOP Agenda, Offer Zero ‘Painful Choices’ To Cut Spending GREGORY: But wait a minute, conservatives need a Democratic president’s debt commission to figure out what it is they need to cut?
Daily Kos: GOP wants to go back to the good old days of George W. Bush
Judge a Presidency By Its Crises Avoided - TIME
The GOP’s Phony Religious Diversity: Peter Beinart on Nikki Haley - The Daily Beast religious barriers are alive and well. Just ask Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley. Peter Beinart on the GOP’s phony diversity ... The GOP’s basic problem is that many Republicans equate Christianity, or at least Judeo-Christianity, with Americanism
The Washington Monthly 0 When Trent Lott Is The Voice Of Reason - But Lott said he's not expecting a tea-party sweep. "I still have faith in the visceral judgment of the American people," he said.
Democracy Corps » Special Report on the Tea Party Movement The Tea Party is a grass-roots, intensely ideological, conservative Republican movement, fired up by Fox News and Glenn Beck. It is not remotely an independent or populist revolt against the elites or a working class revolt rooted in frustration with the recession, Wall Street and government
Hullabaloo: digby: It's Official (tparty heros: Beck, Limbaugh, Palin, otherwise they're just very conservative, dumb, Republicans)
Tea Party movement funding - SourceWatch (the usual "independent" suspects like Rove and Freedom Works)
Geoffrey Dunn: Palin's Bigoted Twitter Calls on Muslims to "Refudiate" (go tbaggers)
The Tea Party’s hawk | The Cable Sarah Palin is waging a battle inside the Tea Party movement to exempt defense spending from the group's small-government, anti-deficit fervor.
Mel Gibson's tirades are the distilled violence, cruelty, and bigotry of right-wing Catholic ideology. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine His tirades are the distilled violence, cruelty, and bigotry of right-wing Catholic ideology ... what he is issuing is the distilled violence, cruelty, and bigotry—and sexual hypocrisy—that stretches from the Crusades through the Inquisition to the "concordats" between the church and Hitler and Mussolini.
What Part of Legal Immigration Don't You Understand? (jpg)
5 Financial Bubbles: Are We Facing a Bubble of Bubbles? | Balance Junkie
Unemployment Extension: The GOP's Nearly Unprecedented Deficit Demands Congress has never allowed extended unemployment benefits to lapse at a time when the national unemployment rate is above 7.2 percent.
Calculated Risk: Summers: More Fiscal Stimulus Now, Reduce Deficits when economy has recovered
John R. Talbott: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren Geithner, being very close to the nation's biggest banks, is concerned that Warren, if chosen, will exercise her new policing and enforcement powers to restrict those abusive practices at our commercial banks that have been harmful to consumers and depositors (+she's a woman)
Robert Kuttner: The Warren Drama: Another Missed Opportunity? (hanging another woman out to dry and choosing a busniness-friendly guy instead)
A Keynesian Success Story: Germany's New Economic Miracle - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International During the worst of the global financial meltdown, Berlin pumped tens of billions of euros into the economy and spent hundreds of billions propping up German banks. Now, the country is reaping the benefits as Germany is once again Europe's economic motor (Obama/Summers/Geitner/Repubicans missed opportunity)
AIDS breakthrough: Gel helps prevent infection A vaginal gel containing an AIDS drug cut in half a woman's chances of getting HIV from an infected partner.
Black Holes: Peering Into the Heart of Darkness (w/ Video)
Rivers of Ice - Vanishing Glaciers of the Greater Himalaya
Naval laser test blasts drones from the sky - usatoday.com
WGBH | Station | Forum Network | Free Online Lectures from PBS and NPR
BBC News - Swiss bank to lift lid on hidden Kafka works the Israeli state claims them as part of the country's cultural heritage ... arguing that because Kafka was Jewish, his works belong there. (that could be a useful precedent)
DIY medicine on YouTube: It’s not a how-to, people! - The Globe and Mail
The Agnostic Cartographer - John Gravois
Why Do Anonymous Geeks Hate Scientologists?
Why Online Dating Is So Unsatisfying | Dan Ariely | Big Think
Postcards from a Peaceful Divorce
Cyberwarrior Shortage Threatens U.S. Security : NPR there are now only 1,000 people in the entire United States with the sophisticated skills needed for the most demanding cyberdefense tasks
Jezebel v. Jon Stewart – Why We Worry But a review of the Jezebel staff (listed on the left of their page) reveals that the number of male writers/editors is quite low. Zero. (pot, kettle)
11-Year-Old Viral Video Star Placed Under Police Protection After Death Threats ... An astonishingly profane rant in which Jessi tells Internet haters to "suck my non-existent penis" and "Get AIDS and die" and hurls epithets no 11-year-old should know. (parent fail)
Windows token kidnapping returns to haunt Microsoft | ZDNet
WPA CRACKER WPA Cracker gives you access to a 400CPU cluster that will run your network capture against a 135 million word dictionary created specifically for WPA passwords. While this job would take over 5 days on a contemporary dual-core PC, on our cluster it takes an average of 20 minutes, for only $17.
Internet Accuracy Project
Google to Discontinue Nexus One
The NYT's nationalistic double standard - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com The New York Times' editorial policy -- it cannot be "torture" if the United States does it ("rough interrogation")
U.S. has now lost 75 percent of Guantanamo habeas cases | McClatchy
State Department warns employees about new website highlighting Top Secret facilities | The Cable (that would be illegal top-secret "facilities")
EU Authorities: Implementation of Net Surveillance Directive Is Unlawful | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Nini and the European Dream - The Globe and Mail - In Spain, almost everyone is ‘not in education or employment.’ It’s the end of the job for life
Odierno: Iran 'training militants' to attack U.S. troops in Iraq | McClatchy
Burka ban ruled out by immigration minister - Telegraph Britain will not follow France by introducing a law banning women from wearing the burka, the immigration minister has ruled.
Yubari: From the culture of coal to the cult of caramel « Spike Japan
“Do I have your permission to say something sexual?” – Scotland’s new law against “indecent communication” | openDemocracy - It will soon be illegal to communicate with someone sexually – either in writing or in speech – without obtaining their consent
African Immigration to Europe - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Joe Sacco: Not in my country | World news | The Guardian A tale of unwanted immigrants
BP execs should go to jail - Baltimore Sun
Giant oil skimmer won't work in Gulf spill cleanup - Yahoo! News
Obama To Open Up 1.8 Million Alaskan Acres To Oil Drilling
Presidential Job Approval Center
Wash. Post ombudsman says his paper should cover the phony New Black Panthers story | Media Matters for America (because Fox had 95 phony stories)
YouTube - Rachel Maddow - ACORN gets the Last Laugh (except for that little de-funding; another story Fox ran with and the rest of the media followed)
Video Cafe » NAACP president on NBPP: 'They're not in our group' "The reality here is that the New Black Panther Party is like 12 people, 13 people" (but worth 95 stories on Fox - why, it's ACORN all over again!)
Why is CNN still allowing Mark Williams on its network? | Media Matters for America - Mark Williams' own fellow tea partiers no longer want anything to do with him, why does CNN? (RNN)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » I’d Recommend a Shitload of Scotch (+great writing from JC)
The Embarrassing Racist 'Satire' of Tea Party Leader Mark Williams
Tea Party Federation Expels Mark Williams Over 'Offensive' Response To NAACP's Racism Charge
YouTube - Tea Party Signs You Won't See on TV
Cassandra Time - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com there was only one chance at doing this on a sufficient scale. And the administration didn’t take that chance (no vision, no knowledge, no moral center)
Obama's Economic Dilemma: To Spend or Not to Spend - TIME
More On Deficit Limits - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com
Inspector General Criticizes Treasury's Role In Auto Dealer Closures - WSJ.com (contrast with banksters)
Scholars and Rogues » Climate disruption denier Monckton responds to detailed scientific rebuttal with attempted intimidation (updated)
MIT Scientists Create Fibers That Can Hear, Sing, Generate Electricity | Ecouterre
Fayum mummy portraits « That's How The Light Gets In
Wild cat found mimicking monkey calls; Predatory trickery documented for the first time in wild felids in Americas
Chicago cop: 'Scary' growth of gangs in war zones :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Chicago Crime Chicago cop who served in Afghanistan and Iraq has warning: Gang members are coming home with military training
Is excited delirium killing coked-up, stun-gunned Miamians? - Miami New Times - Fifty-two people died in Florida after being hit by the 50,000-volt department-issued Tasers, second only to California's 55.
Frank Sinatra, Jilly Rizzo, Jeffrey Perrotte; parole battle pits Sinatra family against killer of singer's right-hand man - latimes.com
Op-Ed Columnist - The Good News About Mel Gibson - NYTimes.com a powerful and canonized figure in the political and cultural pantheon of American conservatism.
Broken Secrets
mail-tube-map-medium-large.png (PNG) Daily Mail Editorial Process depicted as a Tube map)
Deuteronomy 25:11-12 - Passage Lookup - New International Version - BibleGateway.com (batshit-insane Bible passage of the day - every word is true!)
Kodi, 1997 – 2010 « Whatever
Attention movie pirates: New round of lawsuits coming
The five stages of Facebook grief - Computerworld The world's largest social network is about to hit 500 million. But users are losing interest. Here's why.
Red Dead Redemption: World in Motion - Page 1 | DigitalFoundry | Eurogamer.net
YouTube - 11 Annual Gathering Of The Juggalos Infomercial
MAD MEN: Best Pick Up Lines Mashup video
Adactio: Journal—Analogue Inception
YouTube - Balloons and Dyson Air Multiplier™ fans
Vacation rentals, private rooms, sublets by the night - Accommodations on Airbnb
Rivals Hit Back at Apple Over iPhone 4 'Death Grip' Claims | News & Opinion | PCMag.com
Richard Haass In Newsweek: Rethink Afghanistan Because Nation Building Is Not Working And We're Not Winning
Taliban's Mullah Omar orders attacks on women, U.S. says | McClatchy
The Torturer’s Burden | The Seminal (they have, or should have, PTSD - in the future, all Presidents should do their own torturing)
US Says Israel Rocket Shield Will Work (US-funded "Iron Dome")
Clinton Heads To Afghanistan As US War Fears Grow
Mexico Drug War Sees First Ever Car Bomb (Obama continues to de-stabilize Mexico with his Repubican drug war)
America – The Grim Truth | EFAM | Escape From America Magazine
The Iranian Regime's Numbered Days - Forbes.com The country's conservative and influential merchant class is on strike. This does not bode well for Ahmadinejad's government (well, consider the source)
Champion of UK burka ban declares war on veil-wearing constituents - UK Politics, UK - The Independent
Fibi Netanyahu - by Liel Leibovitz > Tablet Magazine - "the only way to deal with the Palestinians is to “beat them up, not once but repeatedly, beat them up so it hurts so badly, until it’s unbearable ... America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. ” (calling Abe Foxman)
LRB · Tariq Ali · Not Crushed, Merely Ignored Tariq Ali on the recent killings in Kashmir
Twitter / WikiLeaks: Real change begins Monday in the WashPost. By the years end, a reformation. Lights on. Rats out. (this could be interesting)
Despite Gulf cleanup efforts, nature will have to do most of it | McClatchy
Gulf Oil Spill 'Blob' Changes But Never Vanishes, Presents Ongoing Battle For U.S.
After The Fall - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com - Republican shutdown of government - And if anyone remotely connected to the administration should die — oh, boy.Oh, and you can be sure that many media figures will play right along.
Hullabaloo: Forced Pregnancy For Sick People (Obama caves again: compromise between Stupak and Nelson: no moral center)
America’s Dilemma: Teachers or Food | Emptywheel (White House starves poor people so Republicans can have their tax cuts; who they gonna screw next?)
Who Can Obama Nominate To Head Up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? | The Seminal (Dawn Johnson redux + not a woman for sure)
Republicans divided on the importance of an agenda for midterm elections (because it would look really, really, crazy)
Top 5 Republican Retro Refrains They'll Sing For Recess | TPMDC
Boehner: No New Regs! | TPMDC A moratorium on all new federal regulations, for a year.
Cliff Schecter: The NRA Protects a Potential Serial Killer (protecting terrorists, domestic abusers and now serial killers: your NRA at work)
Judge: Law Penalizing Fake Heroes Is Unconstitutional (because it violates free speech)
Arizona Immigrant Deaths In Desert Soaring
Man With Neo-Nazi Ties Leading Patrols In Arizona
Two Utah State Employees Accused Of Compiling 'Illegal Immigrants' List | TPMMuckraker
REPORT: Fox News has hyped phony New Black Panthers scandal at least 95 times | Media Matters for America (Murdoch=Moloch)
Hullabaloo: A Teabag Scorned Is Not Pretty (tbaggers go ballistic on Scott Brown's Facebook)
The Plum Line - Senator Vitter suggests Rachel Maddow only looked like a woman "a long time ago"
Congressman introduces resolution to protect citizens who videotape cops These types of arrests have become an epidemic throughout the country as more people are carrying some type of video-recording device on them at all times (cops: you have no right to see what we do)
Rep. Towns Introduces Resolution Condemning Arrest of Citizens Filming Police Officers « jonathan turley (yeah, that'll teach 'em)
Axelrod: Warren A Candidate To Lead New Consumer Protection Bureau | TPMDC ("a candidate" - Geitner will win this one, for sure)
Obey: White House Suggested Cutting Food Stamps to Pay for Education Program « The Washington Independent (new Obama plan to screw the starving poor: because the rich aren't rich enough)
Obama SLAMS Republicans For Obstructing Economic Progress In Weekly Address (video) (but has no problem with reducing food-stamps)
The Rich Catch Everyone Else’s Cutback Fever - NYTimes.com (more NYT sympathy for the super-rich, time for another tax-cut!)
Timothy Geithner's realm grows with passage of financial regulatory reform (just the guy you want to have even more power: Republican policy WIN)
10 Cities Where Sellers SLASHED Home Prices In June (PHOTOS) Boston, Massachusetts - 34% Of Homes Had Their Price Slashed
Mystery trader buys all Europe's cocoa - Telegraph Even Willy Wonka might struggle to use this much chocolate. Yesterday, somebody bought 241,000 tonnes of cocoa beans
Economic Crisis Forces Local Governments to Let Asphalt Roads Return to Gravel - WSJ.com Asphalt Is Replaced By Cheaper Gravel; 'Back to Stone Age'
The Great Higgs Boson Rumormill
Vaccine that will protect against every type of flu - Telegraph could be available within a few years
Self-Referential Aptitude Test
Breakthrough achieved in explaining why tectonic plates move the way they do
Gene Makes Some Drink More When Other Boozers Are Around | Wired Science | Wired.com
Making Way for the Pipeline: A Treasure Trove in the Baltic Sea - spiegel online
Infographic: Countries Where Gay Marriage is Legal - good Blog
Cinema's most pivotal gay sex scenes - Gays and Lesbians - Salon.com As "The Kids are All Right's" refreshing love scene hits theaters, a look back at the hook-ups that got us there
YouTube - How To Tell People They Sound Racist
Massachusetts State Trooper barred from airport duty - The Boston Globe Orders abruptly changed for officer disciplined for improper conduct (paid for stalking, only transferred, of course)
LRB · James Meek · Some Wild Creature - Tolstoy and his crazy wife
Atheists Use Blow-Dryers to De-Baptize Nonbelievers Adopt Provocative Ceremony to Make a Point About Baptism
'I Write Like' Website Goes Viral, Authors Bewildered the site's text analysis is largely keyword based. Even if you write in short, declarative, Hemingwayesque sentences, its your word choice that may determine your comparison.
Top YouTube Videos 2009: See What Made The List
Microsoft Is Trashing Us For Not Eating Enough Crow About Bing's Market Share Gains--So We'll Eat A Bit More Crow
Facebook assets frozen in bizarre New York lawsuit - Jul. 13, 2010
BetterPrivacy :: Add-ons for Firefox
The Rachel Maddow Show - Maddow: The hard choice in Afghanistan - 'Each Additional American Life Sacrificed To A Goal We Know We Won't Reach Is A Moral Outrage'
Vatican Puts Ordaining Women Priests on Par With Child Sex Abuse Is a priest who sexually abuses a child as sinful as one who ordains a female cleric? Some say a new set of laws issued by the Vatican implies one is just as bad as the other.
Vatican makes attempted ordination of women a grave crime | World news | guardian.co.uk Revised Catholic rules put female ordination in same category of crime under church law as clerical sex abuse of minors
The Daily Mash - Pope Says Child Abuse The Same As Using The Wrong Cutlery
Oil Spill Capped for a Second Day, Offering Some Hope - NYTimes.com
Guest Post: Initial Results from Well Integrity Test Are Inconclusive « naked capitalism (you've just been BP'd)
BP Faces New Scrutiny in Lockerbie Case - NYTimes.com
Oil Spill Lawsuits: BP Spending Big To Acquire An Army Of Expert Witnesses In the latest salvo of BP's War On Everything, the company is deploying its deep pockets in an attempt to buy up every single scientist it can get its hands on, in order to create an army of expert witnesses to take up its side in court
How Much Oil Has Leaked Into the Gulf of Mexico? | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS
How much oil has spilled in the Gulf? - Boston.com
Obama biggest recipient of BP cash | Reuters
Robbing New Orleans to Pay for BP's Spill | Mother Jones
Marine Biologist: Corexit Being Sprayed by Coast Guard | Crooks and Liars (BP's Navy)
Marine Toxicologist: Oil/Corexit Mix Caused Heart Palpitations, Liver, Kidney Damage and Bleeding From the Rectum | Video Cafe
YouTube - MSNBC July 15: Matt Simmons still says BP covering up MASSIVE HOLE miles away, cap test is "absurd"
YouTube - UDK - 50,000 barrels mass physics
Plugging the Gulf oil leak with the works of Ayn Rand. | Facebook
Will the Bush-Cheney Check Ever Be Paid? Maybe. - Politics - The Atlantic
Torture and Truth | Emptywheel
Classified documents reveal UK's role in abuse of its own citizens | Law | The Guardian Previously secret papers show true extent of involvement in abduction and torture following al-Qaida attacks of 2001
Britain Investigates Torture—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) (the speech Obama will never give)
Statement on Obama Administration Policy Excluding Abortion Coverage from High-Risk Pools | CommonDreams.org (Obama reverses women's rights:: Stupak won, after all)
Obama Administration Applies Stupak Amendment to High Risk Pools | RHRealityCheck.org
Planned Parenthood decries restrictions on abortion coverage in high-risk pools - The Hill's Healthwatch
Health Law Sparks Abortion Fight In Pennsylvania : NPR
Think Progress » Peter King: Republicans Shouldn’t ‘Lay Out A Complete Agenda,’ Because It Might Become ‘A Campaign Issue’
Shameful GOP Ad Blames Democrats for Scarce Jobless Aid - Business - The Atlantic (Rove)
The Bush Revival: How Jeb, Rove, Gillespie Are Leading The GOP Again
Well Known: Twitter; Little Known: John Roberts: Overview - Pew Research Center for the People & the Press Only about a third of Americans (34%) know that the government’s bailout of banks and financial institutions was enacted under the Bush administration. Nearly half (47%) incorrectly say that the Troubled Asset Relief Program – widely known as TARP – was signed into law by President Obama (Rove)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Zero Mississippi Public Radio pulled Terry Gross’ program Fresh Air because of a single complaint by someone who heard some mild talk about sex from Louis CK (the word "sex" can't be mentioned on the radio in Taliban-dominated Mississippi)
What Went Wrong: The Rahm Factor - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com (Obama's Chicago team FAIL +the two crown princesses from Maine [Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins]
Larry Summers and the White House economic team : The New Yorker (sabotaged from the inside, from the beginning +no jobs for you)
Ezra Klein - The scariest jobs graph you've seen yet adding new jobs at a rate of 200,000 a month would take us 150 months -- or 12.5 years -- to get back to normalcy.(12 years of free-loading drug-taking bums)
Tim Geithner’s Ninth Political Life « The Baseline Scenario On top of all this, it now appears that Secretary Geithner will oppose Elizabeth Warren becoming the new chief regulator responsible for protecting consumers from defective financial products – despite the fact that she has led the way for this issue, on both intellectual and political fronts, over the past decade. (Geitner: Republican at work)
Wall Street Is Laundering Drug Money and Getting Away with It | Economy | AlterNet So why isn't anybody being punished?
SPACE.com -- Record Collapse of Earth's Upper Atmosphere Puzzles Scientists - "Something is going on that we do not understand,"
Primordial Sperm Gene Found | Wired Science | Wired.com
Nuclear fusion – what is it worth? | Steven Cowley | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk Experiments in fusion power have at last started to prove its viability. It would be foolish not to continue funding research
Une Affaire de Famille - Forbes.com The unhappy fallout between Europe's richest woman and her daughter--and the man in the middle.
William Faulkner Goes Online, 50 Years Later: Audio Recordings : NPR
Shareable: The Guy Who Worked For Money
Don't Rape, Part I: Society teaches 'Don’t get raped' rather than 'Don’t rape' | The Dominion
Apple could face EU probe under new antitrust rules - Rethink Wireless
Apple's Brewing Shitstorm (Dave Winer with a big grain of salt)
Steve Wozniak: use a MiFi as backup for your iPhone 4 :: MIFI 2352 WIRELESS HOTSPOT – European online distributor of MiFi, Eye-Fi, Huawei and Major Mojo
The iPhone 4 Redux: Analyzing Apple's iOS 4.0.1 Signal Fix & Antenna Issue - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News
The New iPhone’s Other Performance Problem - Gadgetwise Blog - NYTimes.com
E-Commerce News: Opinions: Is Apple the New Toyota?
What we know about iPhone 4's antenna (FAQ) | iPhone Atlas - CNET Reviews
Daring Fireball: Translation From Apple's Unique Dialect of PR-Speak to English of the 'Letter From Apple Regarding iPhone 4'
How I Think The iPhone 4 Antenna Press Conference Is Going To Play Out
Apple Engineer Told Jobs IPhone Antenna Might Cut Calls - Bloomberg
Apple deleting mentions of Consumer Reports' iPhone 4 piece on forums, can't delete your thoughts -- Engadget (don't be so sure)
Apple: Hold Different | Know Your Meme
iPhone 4 Vs HTC Evo Video
Would Wordpress Sue The Maker Of Thesis, A Leading Wordpress Theme? – with Chris Pearson and Matt Mullenweg
Software Freedom Law Center Says WordPress Themes are GPL | The Blog Herald
Cisco Linksys among "millions" of hackable routers | NetworkWorld.com Community Black Hat talk will show how DNS rebinding can access consumer routers
“Millions” Of Home Routers Vulnerable To Web Hack « The Firewall - Forbes.com
WineHQ - Wine Announcement This release represents two years of development effort and over 23,000 changes
Shahram Amiri, Iran Nuclear Scientist, Reportedly Paid $5 Million By CIA
Argentina Passes Gay Marriage Bill | News | Advocate.com the first country in South America to legalize same-sex marriage.
Good Neighbors - time
Sudan 'unprepared' for referendum - Africa - Al Jazeera English
Vatican: Ordination Of Women A 'Grave Crime'
Saudi Arabia | Islam | Wahhabism | Ahmed Bin Baz A kingdom divided How Sept. 11 led a preeminent scholar to challenge the House of Saud's teachings on Islam.
The motive behind whistle-blower prosecutions - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com government concern over leaks is about avoiding embarrassment and other accountability; national security harm is but the fear-mongering excuse (Obama hates transparency)
Former NSA executive Thomas A. Drake may pay high price for media leak waste, mismanagement and a willingness to compromise Americans' privacy without enhancing security (Obama hates embarrassment)
Spy Files | American Civil Liberties Union (Obama hates you)
Gulf Oil Spill Stopped: BP Says Oil Leak Is HALTED
BP faces US ban on new oil and gas drilling licences - Telegraph
Grim | Talking Points Memo reading between the lines, you're left with the distinct impression that Cheney, 69, is entering the late stages of congestive heart failure (will avoid prosecution)
Dems To Dems: Don't Worry! Obama Still More Popular Than Bush Was! | TPMDC (reassuring)
The Plum Line - Politico's theory: Liberal bloggers don't care if Dems sustain large losses this fall In private conversations, White House officials are contemptuous of what they see as liberal lamentations unhinged from historical context or contemporary political realities (we'll see who's out of touch)
Daily Kos: Phil Griffin and MSNBC Scarborough's crappy show is last in the advertising demo among the four cable morning shows ... Griffin is the guy who had Oliver North anchor MSNBC for most of 1999. He's the guy who pays white supremacist and Hitler apologist Pat Buchanan (literally) to camp out at MSNBC HQ. (they tried really hard to be a Republican network)
Utah Illegal Immigration List: Investigators Examining Records For Origins Of List Terrorizing Immigrants (Republican terrorists at work)
Karl Rove’s Self-Delusions Hit New Heights–Forgets He Outed Valerie Plame | Emptywheel
Megyn Kelly's minstrel show - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - by Dave Weigel
The Numbers Behind Palin's Facebook Strategy | techPresident
PBS Won't Air Paul McCartney's Jab At Bush During White House Concert Special "After the last eight years, it's great to have a president who knows what a library is" — is "tactfully excised from the TV version," which will air on July 28. (nice, polite, journalism)
CJR: Journalists Should Recognize That The Economy Is 'The Most Important Thing' (but it's too compliated for them to understand)
Wall Street Reform Passes (only took two years)
Sen. Ted Kaufman: The Wall Street Reform Bill: How Much Did We Lose Getting to 60? (almost everything except Consumer Protection which would have looked really bad for Pres Floating-Above-It-All)
Erskine Bowles and the Price of Ignorance: $335,000 a Year | TPMCafe (Atrios: "The catfood commissioners are well-rewarded know-nothing sociopaths" - $335K/yr to get rid of Social Security - Obama's idea of "bi-partisanship)
Deficit Peacocks on Parade | FDL News Desk
Companies pile up cash but remain hesitant to add jobs Nonfinancial companies are sitting on $1.8 trillion in cash, roughly one-quarter more than at the beginning of the recession.
Voters Say To Hell With Deficit Reduction, Help The Unemployed (Congress deaf to their pleas)
Foreclosures hit record: U.S. foreclosures jump in second quarter to record high - latimes.com Bank repossessions increased 38% in the second quarter from the same period a year earlier for a record total of 269,952 (the new normal)
t r u t h o u t | How the Sneaky Hands of the Big Banks Are Working Overtime to Rip You Off
Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: Why Our Universe Must Have Been Born Inside a Black Hole A small change to the theory of gravity implies that our universe inherited its arrow of time from the black hole in which it was born. (torsion)
Matt Ridley: When ideas have sex | Video on TED.com
The Creativity Crisis - Newsweek For the first time, research shows that American creativity is declining. What went wrong—and how we can fix it - The correlation to lifetime creative accomplishment was more than three times stronger for childhood creativity than childhood IQ. - the space between anxiety and boredom was where creativity flourished. (No Child Left With Any Creativity)
How Creative Are You? - Newsweek Torrance Test of Creative Thinking measures your CQ: how well you think creatively.
DNA talent tests for kids … way ahead of the science (but still for sale) - latimes.com
MSU paleontologist questions traditional views of triceratops, torosaurus
BBC News - Internet has 'not become the great leveller’ according to Harvard academic Ethan Zuckerman.
40th Anniversary | Smithsonian Magazine | 40 Things You Need to Know about the Next 40 Years
The New Abortion Providers - NYTimes.com (anti-abortion terrorists eliminated abortion from hospitals)
Los Angeles Why firing the desk-sleepers, burnouts, hotheads and other failed teachers is all but impossible
The Last Psychiatrist: "Nobody will understand what went on in this house to drive my dad to this level of insanity"
YouTube - Ferris Club
YouTube - Star Wars Subway Car
English Russia » Ice diving in Kazakhstan
Teens Now Getting High Off 'Digital Drugs' - KOTV.com (iPod is the new gateway drug to heroin)
The Big Lies People Tell In Online Dating
NZCS News - - NZ Computer Society
2.5 Million Muslims Threaten to Quit Facebook on 21st of July!
iPhone 4 Reviewers: Who Caught The iPhone's Antenna Issues? (Photos) (not the companies who get Apple ads)
Twitter gets you fired in 140 characters or less - Technology & science - Tech and gadgets - Technotica - msnbc.com
Fired Over Twitter: 13 Tweets That Got People CANNED
False Claims Led to Attacks on Grenada, Iraq Twenty years ago this past Saturday, 1,900 United States marines and paratroopers invaded the tiny Carribbean island of Grenada (the model for Iraq: lies +managed media)
Iceland Review Online: MP Considers Suing Over Magma Energy Decision (someone sold all of Iceland's mineral rights for 65 years, renewable)
BP Is Set to Test Whether New Well Cap Stops Gulf Oil Spill - NYTimes.com
Gulf Oil Still Gushing After Cap Efforts Suddenly Halted
Anybody Got A Plan? | Talking Points Memo (nice description of Obama's strategy)
Daily Kos: Poll: People want government spending cut, but ... the spending that people want cut most is for foreign aid and the military. There was practically no support for cutting public spending on health care and education. (so we'll get rid of Social Security because Israel and the Church of the Military)
The Washington Monthly - When An Entire Political Party Moves To Bizarro World - Spending should be paid for, Kyl said, but tax cuts shouldn't ... Bush's tax cuts led to massive deficits, and if existing policies are left in place, those tax policies will be the single biggest factor in our budget deficits for many years to come. (and their corporate media buddies)
Billboard From Official Tea Party In Iowa Compares Obama, Hitler « Oliver Willis (stay classy, Republicans)
Judge blocks new Neb. abortion screening law - Yahoo! News (Nebraska anti-women)
FOXNews.com - NAACP Resolution Calls on Tea Party to Repudiate 'Racist Elements' in Movement "When you look at the crime and poverty and family breakdown of the African-American community ... you see a half-century of failure by the NAACP," (said the Republicans)
Monetary policy: The view from the Fed | The Economist For the next two years, at least, inflation looks likely to be well below what is generally understood to be the Fed's target rate.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your Engines... - Grasping Reality with Both Hands
Federal Reserve: Continued High Unemployment Threatens Fed Policy Of Pursuing 'Maximum Employment' (you can see what that looks like)
Calculated Risk: FOMC Minutes: Forecast revised down
Fears Grow as Millions Lose Jobless Benefits - NYTimes.com (and they'll blame it on ... Obama!)
The Economic Case for Extending Unemployment Insurance | The White House
Too Rich to Live? - WSJ.com The estate tax is set to come roaring back in January. That sets the stage for a perverse calculus: End it all—or leave a massive bill for your heirs to deal with. (death-panel for old rich people?)
Who Rules America? Power, Politics, & Social Change
How Microbes Defend and Define Us - NYTimes.com (C-Diff)
Glacier Loses Nearly 3 Miles of Ice — Overnight - Ecocentric - time.com
'The chicken came first, not the egg', scientists prove | Metro.co.uk ‘It had long been suspected that the egg came first but now we have the scientific proof that shows that in fact the chicken came first,’ said Dr Colin Freeman
UC Irvine Release: Whisker stimulation prevents strokes in rats :: UC Irvine today
The US may be the richest nation, but it's not the happiest - CSMonitor.com The United States, which had the highest gross domestic product per capita, can't claim to be as happy as Denmark and New Zealand
Netflix's (Surprisingly) Most-Rented Films of All Time - Newsweek
Recording Industry vs. The People . RIAA paid its lawyers more than $16,000,000 in 2008 to recover only $391,000!!!
RIAA Accounting: Why Even Major Label Musicians Rarely Make Money From Album Sales | Techdirt
RIAA Radar: Home a tool that music consumers can use to easily and instantly distinguish whether an album was released by a member of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).
Bob Dylan Discography | How to Listen to Dylan
Brick, A Literary Journal: Issue 85: The Lizard, the Catacombs, and the Clock
Disabling Facebook Connect on Non-Facebook Websites | dhcollier.com
Israeli Military Finds Flotilla Killings Justified - NYTimes.com (as if there was ever any doubt)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com hauling out one of the neocon Right's most disproven though still-favorite myths: that Jewish American voters are about to abandon Democratic politicians en masse because of their supposed lack of devotion to Israel.
France Burqa Ban: French Parliament Approves Ban On Face Veils
Abuse Took Years to Ignite Belgian Clergy Inquiry - NYTimes.com (coverups all over the place - why Belgium raided the Catholic Church)
Hullabaloo "Not Having Sex Doesn't Make You Sick (said the Catholic Bishops - no birth control for you)
At BP, a History of Boldness and Costly Blunders - NYTimes.com ("Boldness" = "dangerous risk-taking and cost-cutting")
NOAA Hoarding Key Data On Oil Spill Damage - Dan Froomkin - NOAA insists on putting the data through a ponderous, many-weeks-long vetting process before making it public. (another arm of BP)
Breaking News: Due to Public Outcry, Coast Guard Rescinds Ban of Reporters and Photographers from Oil Spill - Washington's Blog - "We have provided unprecedented media access to the largest oil spill response in US history" (said Captain Jim McPherson, BP spokeman)
Did BP Ask For Lockerbie Bomber's Release? U.S. Senators Seek Probe Of Al-Megrahi Emancipation
Daily Kos: Bobby's berms already washing away the contract to build Bobby's berms was awarded by Jindal to the number three contributor to his congressional campaigns. (how predictable on both counts: how Republicans work: failure +cronyism)
Majority of Americans lack faith in Obama: poll - Yahoo! News Nearly 60 percent of American voters say they lack faith in President Barack Obama
Harry Reid on President Obama: 'He Doesn't Like Confrontation,' Isn't 'Tough Enough' On Repubs | Crooks and Liars Now, think about this: Harry Reid is saying Barack Obama needs to be tougher. Let that sink in. (wrong man for the job)
Log Cabin Republicans Challenge DADT If the Log Cabin Republicans win their case, their lawyer says he will ask a federal judge to do what President Obama has so far failed to do – halt the policy immediately nationwide.
David Vitter Birther? GOP Senator Supports Lawsuits Over Obama Birth Certificate (video) (teh crazy goes on)
Below The Beltway » Blog Archive » Judge Napolitano: Bush & Cheney Should Have Been Indicted (but we're looking forward, not backwards, which is why we're in such a mess)
The Washington Monthly - Fiorina And The Tax Fairy (delusional - no wonder HP fired her)
Ezra Klein - 'A Chart That Screams, "Extend Unemployment Benefits!" ' (heartless Republicans +conservaDem Nelson +the number of lazy people has risen dramtically)
Ben Nelson Bucks Party, Helps GOP Block Jobless Aid (Nebraska unemployment: 4.9%)
News from The Associated Press
Strategic Defaulters as the New Welfare Queens « naked capitalism his is a very clever push to stoke jealousy among what is left of the middle class to keep the focus off the way the banksters wrecked the economy, got lots of cash and prizes, and have every reason to repeat that profitable exercise.
Economist's View: Fed Watch: A Deepening Divide? (they don't know what the fuck they are doing)
FTC Urges States To Rein In Frivolous Debt-Collection Lawsuits Overwhelming Courts Given the current balance of power in debt-collection cases, it's easy to scare people
Op-Ed Contributor - America Builds an Aristocracy - NYTimes.com
Government Type and Economic Prosperity Visualized - Kiplinger
Four Economic Benchmarks We Need Now - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review
A Scientist Takes On Gravity - NYTimes.com (Erik Verlinde)
Large Hadron Collider rival Tevatron 'has found Higgs boson', say rumours - Telegraph
UC takes scientific journals to task over fees - latimes.com
Belly-buttons key to success in sport: study - Yahoo! News
Medications found to cause long term cognitive impairment of aging brain - Benadryl
NASA: First half of 2010 breaks the thermometer — despite “recent minimum of solar irradiance” « Climate Progress
Heat Waves Could Be Common By 2039 In U.S., Finds Stanford Study Devastating heat waves that result in fatalities and crop losses may increasingly become a common occurrence in the United States over the next three decades
t r u t h o u t | Henry A. Giroux | The Disappearing Intellectual in the Age of Economic Darwinism - "upscaling of ignorance"
Dan Gilbert: LeBron James Letter Had Nothing To Do With Slavery (everything he said was a projection)
YouTube - RetroBites: Hunter S. Thompson & Hell's Angels (1967)
FCC Swear Word Censorship Policy Tossed By Federal Court
Police Officers CHARGED In Katrina Bridge Shootings Four more New Orleans police officers have been charged in the deadly shootings of two people in Hurricane Katrina's chaotic aftermath and could face the most serious punishment yet – the death penalty
Peter Edelman and Barbara Ehrenreich -- Why welfare reform has failed - washingtonpost.com (Clinton's answer to "welfare queens" - more rightwing policy - like DOMA, DADT, etc)
The True Purpose of Welfare Reform
The Coming Battle Over the Cost of Birth Control - The Daily Beast Dana Goldstein - Health-care reform raised the possibility that birth control could soon be free for most women. But not if conservative activists have their way.
One in five adults in love with someone other than partner - Telegraph
Honor Killings in America - Honor Killing Victim Noor Almaleki - Marie Claire
Johann Hari: So that's OK then. It's fine to abuse young girls, as long as you're a great film director - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent
Scientologists vs. Anderson Cooper: Church Attacks CNN Host
Nicolas Cage Took Psychedelic Mushrooms with His Cat (video)
Schneier on Security: The Threat of Cyberwar Has Been Grossly Exaggerated There's a power struggle going on in the U.S. government right now. It's about who is in charge of cyber security, and how much control the government will exert over civilian networks. And by beating the drums of war, the military is coming out on top
North Korea 'not responsible' for 4 July cyberattacks
More women lured to pornography addiction - Washington Times 9.4 million women access adult websites each month, and 13 percent of women admit to accessing pornography at work.
ESRB accidentally releases email addresses of Real ID complainants | Joystiq
Is Yemen the Next Afghanistan? - NYTimes.com
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect When Nation-Building Becomes Cowardly Escape (infrastucture fail; military's mission is killing people)
Afghanistan is a catastrophe. But we will have to wait for a new Chilcot to admit it | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian Our leaders would rather avoid embarrassment than be honest about the horrific futility of the wars we are fighting (sounds like you know who)
North Korean soldiers defect to China fuelling fears of imminent military clash - Telegraph An upsurge in the number of North Korean soldiers defecting into China fuelled fears of food shortages and an imminent military clash.
Anger in Costa Rica over deal to ‘invite’ 46 US warships | Raw Story - and 7,000 US Marines to enter the country as part of an anti-drug effort.
Uganda bombs kill 74, Islamists claim attack | Reuters
» Stunning photos of Child Labor in Bangladesh nmvsite
AFP: Bangladesh bans religious punishments In some cases, rape victims were flogged for being a "participant" to their assault.
Why is the U.S. Treasury Department subsidizing zealots who oppose our foreign-policy objectives? - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine Why is the U.S. Treasury Department subsidizing zealots who oppose our foreign-policy objectives?
Government to issue new moratorium on deepwater drilling - CNN.com
Obama Wants To Continue Deepwater Drilling If It's Proven Safe: Gibbs
You Are Not Authorized to See These Pictures of the Oil Spill, Citizen ... Do Not Look! ? Washington's Blog
Repeal Of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Paves Way For Gay Sex Right On Battlefield, Opponents Fantasize | The Onion - America's Finest News Source (so true)
July 11: Robert Gibbs, roundtable - Meet the Press - Transcripts - msnbc.com (still can't message for shit +Harold fucking Ford)
FOXNews.com - Holder Floats Possibility of Racial Profiling Suit Against Arizona
Jon Kyl: Extend Bush Tax Cuts For Wealthy Even If They Add To Deficit
Bill O’Reilly Humiliates Sarah Palin on Fox News (Palin=Teaparty=really, really dumb)
Seven Things Republicans Were For Before They Were Against Them
Howard Kurtz - Fox News's Bill Hemmer melds middle-of-the-road persona with conservative guest list (mostly radical extremist guests on Fox)
Rand Paul: Tea Party Activists Have Been Mischaracterized As 'Right-Wing Lunatics' (Video) (o rly)
Eric Cantor Says Republicans Could Take Back The House In November: Will They Really? One thing that's truly amazing about this cycle, historically: The fact we're headed for a third-straight cycle where more than 20 seats change hands.
Poll: Majority Of Americans Not Quite Sure What 'Progressive' Means | TPMDC (rebranded "liberals")
Research 2000 Chief Says Business Has Taken 'A Fatal Hit,' Promises 'Criminal Sanctions' For Kos | TPMMuckraker
Matthew Yglesias » Debt Commission Eying Mostly-Cuts Package three-quarters of the deficit reduction would be accomplished through spending cuts and the remainder with additional revenues. (Obama's catfood commission)
Sweet public worker pensions costing retirement-strapped taxpayers more and more - NYPOST.com Cops and firefighters are guaranteed an 8.25 percent return on their contributions, and can take loans from the plans up to twice a year,at 4 percent interest (almost like the Fed)
Krugman - The Feckless Fed - NYTimes.com (inflation Fed's only mission; jobs not in their job description)
End of Census, and for Many, End of a Job - NYTimes.com (additional 700K workers about to be out of work)
Ezra Klein - Jon Kyl gives away the game on deficits "You should never have to offset cost of a deliberate decision to reduce tax rates on Americans," he said (Republicans: our free money comes from slave workers)
The Washington Monthly - Republicans Just Don'T Like The Unemployed, Cont'd (shiftless bums choosing not to work)
Rural outsourcing helps Arkansas compete with India - Jul. 8, 2010
Aon Brings Hewitt Into The Fold - Forbes.com “leading global provider of risk management services, insurance and reinsurance brokerage, and human capital consulting” with 36,000 associates in offices across 120 countries (yeah, but what do they do?)
Irvine Housing Blog - Irvine Real Estate and Irvine Homes - How to Lose $1,100,000 in Irvine Real Estate
Show Him the Money - James Verini Tom Donohue scares millions of dollars out of corporations and Republicans. But is his U.S. Chamber of Commerce good for business?
Merchants of Doubt - CSMonitor.com How “scientific” misinformation campaigns sold untruths to consumers. (the same agents of Satan speading lies)
Scholars and Rogues » WordsDay: Merchants of Doubt - t Fredrick Seitz, Robert Jastrow, William Nierenberg, and S. Fred Singer were the main instigators of attacks on science in service of their ideology (adopted by all the rightwing [un]thinktanks - AEI, Heritage, Reason, CATO, etc +Chicago School of Economics and you-know-who)
Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: The Death of Nemesis: The Sun's Distant, Dark Companion
[1007.0437] Nemesis Reconsidered
Ribbon at edge of our solar system: Will the Sun enter a million-degree cloud of interstellar gas?
The Tenacious Buzz of Malaria - WSJ.com The malaria parasite has been responsible for half of all human deaths since the Stone Age, and one in 14 of us alive today still carry genes that first arose to help protect us from its ravages.
The Science of Cougar Sex: Why Older Women Lust - Time
Leaked docs show Motorcyclist caved to advertiser pressure, fired editor - Hell For Leather
Handlebars - An Effort to Sort Out Differences in Helmet Safety Standards - NYTimes.com
Target of alleged murder for hire plot talks about ex-wife - NBCActionNews.com
Karl Giberson, Ph.D: Are Science and Religion Compatible? (yes, if you ignore the incompatibilities)
Matt J. Rossano: Why Religion Does Not Equal War (false dichotomy)
How facts backfire - The Boston Globe when misinformed people, particularly political partisans, were exposed to corrected facts in news stories, they rarely changed their minds. (that would be right-wing "partisans" but the Globe wants to appear "fair")
Shankar Vedantam - The Power of Political Misinformation
Boston Globe article on correcting misperceptions - Brendan Nyhan
squid314: Stuff So yeah. Stay away from the History Channel. Unlike most of the other networks, they don't even try to make their stuff believable (plot holes and cliches in WWII)
Consumer Reports Can't Recommend The iPhone 4 Due To 'Design Defect' (video)
Editorial - Security Council Blinks on Korea - NYTimes.com the Security Council’s new statement on the sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan is absurdly, dangerously lame.
Eurasia Review | Eurasia Review
Disarranged Reality » Srebrenica burials mark anniversary
LRB · Adam Shatz · Mubarak’s Last Breath Egypt has never been a democracy. The military has always dominated its political life.
Diego Huerta Photographer: The day that color didn't exist / El día que no tuvimos color (hurriane Alex
LRB · Bernard Porter · Pariahs Can’t Be Choosers The Unspoken Alliance: Israel’s Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa by Sasha Polakow-Suransky
In Haiti, the Displaced Are Left Clinging to the Edge - NYTimes.com
Paul The Octopus Finishes Historic World Cup Run (Stunning Pictures)
Washington Post and transparency: total strangers - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
BP: Cap on gushing well removed, oil flows freely | al.com
BP's dubious July 27 'kill' date - The Week While BP officials claim the gushing well could be capped weeks ahead of time, skepticism abounds. What's really going on in the Gulf?
University of Georgia confirms the presence of Methane Gas in the Gulf of Mexico | Trends Forecasts and Prophecies Blog (Obama's science dept/BP: "what methane?")
BP in talks with Apache on Prudhoe Bay assets: report | Reuters
YouTube - BP Oil Spill Disaster. Steven Seagal speaks out against Oil Companies.
BP's paid less than half of claims | McClatchy
On Economy, White House Says 'Better' Isn't 'Good' - Political Punch “It’s true that there is not a great desire” on Capitol Hill to spend more money, Axelrod said, “even though there is some argument for additional spending in the short-run to continue to generate economic activity.” (the gang that couldn't message for shit)
Eschaton - Confused About The Politics - Option two is back off proposals you've previously made and have Axelrod get on the teevee and say, "there is some argument for additional spending in the short-run to continue to generate economic activity.
Lakoff: Disaster Messaging | Dog Canyon
Robert Gibbs: There Are Enough Close Races For GOP To Take The House (Obama and his Chicago incompetents: FAIL)
Kabuki Democracy: Why a Progressive Presidency Is Impossible, for Now - It's possible that he fooled gullible progressives during the election into believing he was a left-liberal partisan when in fact he is much closer to a conservative corporate shill (but it's more complicated than that)
LRB · David Bromwich · Diary When the president launched his proposal last spring, two-thirds of Americans approved the idea of national healthcare. By the time it passed the number had shrunk to a third (your establishment President)
Despite Obama's Lofty Words, Scientific Integrity Rules Are Lagging A full year later, federal agencies still have not received any new directives and some government scientists say that conditions have not improved noticeably since Obama took power.
Scientists expected Obama administration to be friendlier - latimes.com A culture of politics trumping science, many say, persists despite the president's promises. The use of potentially toxic dispersants to fight the gulf oil spill is cited as just one example
Daily Kos: Supporting the troops - Don't ever let Republicans claim to be more supportive of U.S. military personnel.
Pentagon Slams Critics Of Don't Ask Don't Tell Survey | TPMDC (military to have "gay showers")
Biden On Russian Spy Swap: 'I Thought They'd Take Rush Limbaugh' (good one, Joe)
Fox News Interviews The Head Of The New Black Panthers Party | TPMMuckraker
The Washington Monthly- Amendment Mania - excluded "persons born in the United States who are foreigners" from becoming citizens. It's 142 years later, and the Republican Party of Iowa is still on the case. (this is how deep it runs)
ZCommunications | Wall Street Criminals by Danny Schechter | ZSpace 1500 Bankers went to Jail After the S&L Crisis. Almost None Today.
Rush Limbaugh Sells Fifth Ave. Apartment for $6.5M profit and WSJ readers rail against the elitist snobbery of it all | Danwin: Dan Nguyen, (of liberals)
Free Email, Unlimited Storage, Anti-Virus & Spam Protection and Personalized Content - Mail.com
United Farm Workers invite Americans to 'Take Our Jobs' - Jul. 7, 2010
When Geithner Talks About Reducing the Deficit, He Means Steal from the Poor and Give to the Rich | FDL Action - This shows what a complete farce Obama’s Cat Food Commission really is
Republicans And Democrats Lining Up Behind Major Changes To Social Security | TPMDC
AlterNet: Wealthy Are Cashing in Huge, While Workers' Salaries Keep Shrinking
Fish oil salemen find EU in the way | Ben Goldacre | Comment is free | The Guardian It's tough wading through health claims for food supplements, but Brussels has rejected 80% of 900 examined so far
BBC News - Rosetta probe passes Asteroid Lutetia
The Turn - 93.12
Daily Kos: And never the twain shall meet - the case of Pepsiggedon at the Scienceblogs
LRB · Peter Godfrey-Smith · It Got Eaten - Review of What Darwin Got Wrong by Jerry Fodor and Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini (Fodor != Chomsky)
Barefoot Bandit arrested in the Bahamas | World news | guardian.co.uk Colton Harris-Moore, 19, captured in Caribbean after allegedly crash-landing plane stolen in US
Jesse Kornbluth: 'To Kill A Mockingbird' Anniversary: On Its 50th Birthday, Why Is 'To Kill A Mockingbird' Being Attacked?
A Quick Primer On The US Newspaper Collapse
Until Cryonics Do Us Part - NYTimes.com (Alcor nuts and their wives)
American Ethnography
Urban Gardening Help
Google Co-Founder Accuses Jobs of 'Rewriting History' of iPhone and Android - Mac Rumors
Google Secretly Invested $100+ Million In Zynga, Preparing To Launch Google Games
Princeton University - 2010 Baccalaureate remarks "We are What We Choose" Remarks by Jeff Bezos
Blizzard Nixes Real-Name Requirement In Forums
YouTube - Know Your Meme: "Weird Al" Yankovic Helps Explain Auto Tune
Which loads faster? (google vs psyche)
Casey: U.S. Could be at War Another Decade - Political Hotsheet - CBS News (the endless American "war")
BBC - Adam Curtis Blog: Kabul: City Number One - Part 10 I have just got my hands on something wonderful and precious. It is five computer drives containing the unedited rushes of everything shot by the BBC in Afghanistan over the last thirty years. It fills 18 terabytes of space. ("we in the west have become like foolish bit-players blundering around in a complex regional war that we do not understand.")
Monkeys trained as battlefield killers in Afghanistan - People's Daily Online - According to the report, American military experts call them "monkey terrorists." (Chinese report)
News | France denies citizenship to Muslim man
BBC News - South Africa black-owned farms 'failing' Some 90% of farms redistributed to South Africa's black population from white farmers are not productive
Infographics – How Britain has changed since 1997 « Prospect Magazine
War & Pizza Hut: Volume 2 | Prose Before Hos 1/3 of FOX News viewers polled believe we really did find WMDs in Iraq (compared to 5% of NPR listeners).
Kristof - In Israel, the Noble Vs. the Ugly - NYTimes.com (not all Israelis think like Amercian neo/ziocon fanatics)
Gulf Oil Spill: Cap Removed From Gushing Well, Oil Flows Freely
Anadarko To BP: We're Not Paying That Bill | TPMMuckraker
NSA supposedly planning to spy on US networks, denies report ("Perfect Citizen" - you can see where they're coming from)
Poll: 55% Of Likely Voters Think Obama's A Socialist | TPMDC Have months of Fox News hyperventilating and right-wing fear mongering over our supposed socialist-in-chief finally paid off? (why, yes)
Poll: Californians Oppose Legalizing Marijuana ... But Just Barely | TPMDC
The Rich Got Rich And The Poor Got Poorer. But Ain't We Got Fun? | Crooks and Liars The gap between the wealthiest Americans and middle- and working-class Americans has more than tripled in the past three decades
Tremble, Banks, Tremble | The New Republic The key to financial recovery: restoring the rule of law on Wall Street.
Is the Fed Happy with the Crappy Economy? « naked capitalism - official U3 of 9.5% is now acceptable.
The Dumbest Financial Laws Of All Time - ABC News
Pfizer: The Drug Giant That Makes Bank from Drugs That Can Kill You | | AlterNet To say that Pfizer has been accused of wrongdoing is like saying BP had an oil spill (but keep weed illegal!)
Slowing graduation rate growing problem in state - SFGate California's high school graduation rate actually declined by a whopping 4.7 percentage points, the second worst in the nation.
Intelligence: The Evolution of Night Owls | Psychology Today
Purely Obsessional OCD - Wikipedia
The Interpretive Value of Different Perspectives | Fredericksburg Remembered - two narratives reflecting on the same moment in history: the arrival of the Union army opposite Fredericksburg on April 18, 1862 (nothing has changed)
Schoolgirls Controlled by Loverboys: Math Class in the Morning, Turning Tricks at Lunchtime - Spiegel Online - Schoolgirls Controlled by Loverboys
Harper: Question types in social Q&A sites
How Offline Gatherings Affect Online Communities - Information, Communication & Society
www.me.uk RevK's rants: What a moron...(voip honeypot for telemarketers)
"Zombies" crash on I-84 near Lloyd exit | kgw.com | Portland News, Local News, Breaking News, Weather | News "We're glad that everyone is alive, despite being 'undead'," Sgt. Stewart said
I Feel Safe Now (Pic) | Top Cultured (LA County Zombie Control)
Hans Rosling on global population growth | Video on TED.com The world's population will grow to 9 billion over the next 50 years -- and only by raising the living standards of the poorest can we check population growth
Poverty within white South Africa - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Iran: woman 'adulterer' will not face stoning - Channel 4 News but still faces the death penalty.
Afghanistan: Self-Immolation by Women Still Common - time
Drugs Inc | National Geographic Channel
YouTube - Hurricane Alex In Monterrey - Huracan Alex En Monterrey
Obama endorses Netanyahu as “man of peace” (no moral center)
Afghanistan War: Petraeus to Review Rules of Engagement - Time (winning the hearts and minds by blowing them up)
Non-Believer | The New Republic
Eunomia » Obama and Afghanistan - Obama’s instinct to accommodate will eventually lead him to embrace such an amoral policy, at which point he will be deserving of the contempt Prof. Bacevich evidently wants to heap on him now.
NSA setting up secret 'Perfect Citizen' spy system • The Register The paper quotes an internal Raytheon email as saying that "Perfect Citizen is Big Brother" (Obama's program to spy on American citizens illegally)
Gulf Oil Spill: Containment Cap Could Stop Leak Within 3 Days
BP prepares to change well's cap, then start plugging it
Octavia Nasr's firing and what The Liberal Media allows - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (kicked out of the Village: Abe Foxman had a fit)
The passing of decent men | World news | guardian.co.uk commenting on the death of Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah. It was posted on the Foreign Office blog on 5 July, but then removed on William Hague's orders yesterday (Abe Foxman complained)
Benjamin Kerstein | Jewcy.com - Bostonian by birth, Israeli by choice (and loyal to whom?)
The neocon method « false dichotomy
Alan Gilbert: Democratic Individuality: The political paralysis of Keynsianism "A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war, 'This way of settling differences is not just.' (MLK) (ideology vs theory and punishing the poor)
Meet the conservative U.S. Commission on Civil Rights | Media Matters for America (Obama's Government still Bush's)
Hullabaloo: digby: The Village In Full Effect (they are the real "American People")
Hullabaloo: digby: Le Hameau de la Potomac (2009: origins of the "Village")
Dana Milbank Calls Premise For Arizona Immigration Law 'A Fallacy'
Emmer In Damage Control Mode: Meeting Waiters After Claiming They Made $100K In Tips | TPMDC Minnesota state Rep. Tom Emmer, the presumptive Republican nominee for governor (Repubicans aghast that other people might make money - as low as $2.13 per hour too much)
Alan Grayson To The Fed: 'We'll Be Back'
Remarks by the President on the Economy at Smith Electric Vehicles in Kansas City, Missouri | The White House
Open Left:: Mixed messaging bewilderment at how the White House sometimes says two different things in its messaging (the gang that couldn't message straight, or at all)
Mark Penn: Poll Shows People Support Checks and Balances, But Want More Limits on Supreme Court Justices
Walking Away From Million-Dollar Mortgages - NYTimes.com (let's rewrite the lede: "After lying to you for years about the "sub-prime" crisis and brown people, turns out it was rich people all along. Sorry.")
Who’s to Blame for the Housing Bubble? - Developments - WSJ (2009 WSJ: brown people borrowing beyond their means caused Bubble)
What Went Wrong? - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com (Larry Summers?)
When Unemployment Benefits Run Out | MintLife Blog (the rich laugh and get richer)
'Hollywood Accounting' Losing In The Courts | Techdirt (you could call this "tax evasion")
Despite Obama's Lofty Words, Scientific Integrity Rules Are Lagging (it wouldn't be business-friendly)
Female mice 'can be turned lesbian by deleting gene' - Telegraph by deleting a single gene at embryo stage, scientists have discovered.
It's Only A Theory: On Pythagorean structures and Summer musings
Guns to Be Allowed in Louisiana Houses of Worship | The Atlantic Wire
What Can Our Times Learn From the Launch of the London Times’ Pay Wall? -- Daily Intel
Olive oil: U.S. cracks down on smearing of the product's reputation - latimes.com
Cavs owner's letter mocked for Comic Sans font - CNN.com
Why Facebook Killed A $100 Million Baby the marketplace for virtual goods is expanding. Projected to reach $10 billion globally, this year (real goods distracting people from not-so-real goods)
Experts Agree: Gen Y Will Not Grow Out of Social Networking [STUDY] By 2020, members of Generation Y (today’s ‘digital natives’) will continue to be ambient broadcasters who disclose a great deal of personal information in order to stay connected and take advantage of social, economic, and political opportunities
Google Maps gets native URL shortening.
GodBlock - Protect your children | GodBlock by Jeffrey Crouse — Kickstarter
Ghostbusters (1984) - Are You a God?
Anti-terror stop and search powers to be scrapped | Law | guardian.co.uk Police forced to abandon power to stop and search the public without reasonable suspicion after European court rules it illegal
Norway Al Qaeda Arrests: 3 Suspected In Terrorist Bomb Plot a terrorist plot linked to similar plans to bomb New York's subway and blow up a shopping mall in England.
Iraq's widows: a grim legacy for postwar Iraq - Nation - TheState.com as many as a million widows, by Iraqi government count (mission accomplished, time for war crimes trials)
Judges: gay refugees must get asylum | World news | guardian.co.uk Ruling that protects gay and lesbian asylum seekers may help restore Britain's reputation as a human rights haven
CathiefromCanada: Worst yet (G20)
Amputee alleges G20 police ripped off his prosthetic leg
Why the 'five metres' mattered - The Globe and Mail
Schiller et al. v. NYC/Dinler et al. v. NYC (Challenge to Fingerprinting and Detention during Republican National Convention) | New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) - American Civil Liberties Union of New York State The City has since agreed to expunge or destroy the fingerprints from all participants arrested for minor offenses (suspending the Constitution when convienient gets a slap on the wrist, if that)
Topic : Canada's 'guest workers' - thestar.com
Gulf awash in 27,000 abandoned wells — and no one at all is checking to see if they are leaking | Raw Story - more than 1,000 wells have lingered in that unfinished condition for more than a decade. (what's a little leaking oil?)
Wonk Room » Bush MMS Director Defends Tenure: ‘When I Was There It Seemed To Work Well’ (we're sure it did)
Alliance for Justice Releases Report on Oil-Industry Ties to Fifth Circuit Judges Hearing Drilling Moratorium Case | Alliance for Justice
Federal gay marriage ban is ruled unconstitutional
Federal Court: DOMA Section Violates Equal Protection | FDL News Desk
National Briefing - West - Hawaii - Governor Vetoes Same-Sex Unions - NYTimes.com
Bay Windows - New England's largest GLBT newspaper
Why The Tea Partiers Should Oppose DOMA - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
$200 Million GOP Campaign Avalanche Planned, Democrats Stunned (Rahm is shocked)
CNN Drops Editor After Hezbollah Comments - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com - He warned Muslim men that abuse of women was against Islam.”
A Tiny Revolution: Credibility William Barr is on the board of directors of Time Warner, the parent company of CNN. Barr was a senior advisor in the Reagan administration, which attempted to assassinate Fadlallah, missing him and killing more than eighty bystanders.
The Plum Line - MSNBC's excuse for banning Markos doesn't hold water Markos got publicly dressed down and banned by the president of the network, no less, all because he got under Scarborough's skin with a few nasty little Tweets (that would be Repubican Joe "Dead Intern" Scarborough)
Ann Coulter: Michael Steele Was 'Right' About Afghanistan, Bill Kristol 'Must Resign' (crazy times )
Sharron Angle's Advice For Rape Victims Considering Abortion: Turn Lemons Into Lemonade (be a good wife to your daddy)
Jon Stewart Rips Fox News For Their Fear Of Muslims (video) (and racisim)
IMF says U.S. on mend but job rate to stay high - MarketWatch the unemployment rate will stay above 9% through 2011,
Federal Reserve weighs steps to offset slowdown in economic recovery Federal Reserve weighs steps to offset slowdown in economic recovery
Unemployment Extension Standoff, Day 36: Blaming The Unemployed (lazy, drug-taking leeches says Congress)
These Are Not the Ones We Have Been Waiting for... - Grasping Reality with Both Hands I had expected that we economists would have to fight Democratic political advisors who would be pushing for policies that were bad in the long run but that gained votes in the short run. I had never expected to be fighting Democratic political advisors who are pushing policies that are: * bad in the long run. * bad in the short run. * lose votes too. (our a-historical, a-political, a-economic Pres)
Structural Basis for Broad and Potent Neutralization of HIV-1 by Antibody VRC01 -- Zhou et al., 10.1126/science.1192819 -- Science
Rational Design of Envelope Identifies Broadly Neutralizing Human Monoclonal Antibodies to HIV-1 -- Wu et al., 10.1126/science.1187659 -- Science
Inactivity 'no contributor' to childhood obesity epidemic, new report suggests
If the Earth Stood Still
Huffington Post publishes anti-Darwin smears from creationist think tank - Huffington Post - Salon.com
Why Men and Menopause Don't Mix - Newsweek Now that menopause has come out of the closet, men seem to be claiming it as their own. We object.
Nation's suburbs show increasing diversity, Brookings report finds
Frank Gruber: What To Do With the Suburbs?
Nimble Cities: Help Slate improve urban transportation. - By Tom Vanderbilt - Slate Magazine
Wonkette : That’s Objectivist: Ayn Rand in the 21st Century
Study: Marijuana Prices to Crater If Legalized - CBS News Pot Could Go from Nearly $400 an Ounce to Around $40 In California If Legalization Measure Is Successful
Larry Rivers’s Daughter Seeks Return of Nude Videos - NYTimes.com - films and videos of his two adolescent daughters, naked or topless, being interviewed by their father about their developing breasts. (creepy old guy)
redcode.nl - Patent Infringement...!? (for describing the patent)
Twitter Now the World's Fastest Growing Search Engine | Fast Company
Prince Claims Internet Is Dead, Lady Gaga Disproves It | Fast Company
Apple BANS Developer From App Store Over Fraud
Men Use Facebook To Hook Up, Break Up (Study) but 42% of women are okay with sharing photos of themselves looking "visibly intoxicated,"
U.S. Counterterror Chief: We Need Debate on CIA Terror Targets - Newsweek (Obama's targeted assassination program for Americans - more Bush than the old Bush)
Wikileaks Leaker Bradley Manning Finally Charged | Emptywheel
Adventures in media transparency - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
FAIR Blog » Blog Archive » Congo: The Sucking Vortex Where Africa's Heart Should Be The lesson from this article? If you want to see what's wrong with Africa, don't look to Time to find out.
A White God Freakout -- RollingStone.com (Alex Perry's meltdown +the dangers of Google in more ways than one (FOTIFAE - now first hit) +projection: the "kitchen she seems to have wandered into by mistake.")
Russia, US Considering Spy Swap Deal involving Russians recently arrested in the United States and an imprisoned nuclear researcher, his brother said Wednesday (why they arrested the gang who couldn't spy for spying)
Guernica / Living with the Enemy Applying the ideas of Holocaust survivor Jean Améry to present day Rwanda, our author argues that reconciliation after genocide is just another form of torture
Statistical Analysis and Visualization of the Drug War in Mexico | Diego Valle's Blog (your Republican War on *)
Gulf Oil Spill: Scientists Beg For A Chance To Take Basic Measurements (BP puts Top-Hat on information)
Gulf Awash In 27,000 Abandoned Oil And Gas Wells
Media Filters: For Washington Post, Krugman not a reliable source but Wall Street analyst totally impartial—By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine) - spare us the charade of your virginal “objectivity.” (more crap from Republican WaPo)
Jon Stewart Enlists Nouriel Roubini To Refute Fox News (video)
Michael Hastings Still Attacked By Military Correspondents, For Not Following 'Formula' (why journos have no credibility anymore)
Instaputz: The Formula ("Has anything of late so well explained the institutionalized awfulness of the media's Pentagon coverage?") (NYT John Burns supports "following the Formula" in covering military)
Huffington Post Buys Pollster - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com
Rush Limbaugh: Obama Created Recession As 'Payback' For Racism 230 years of racial oppression and because Obama simply doesn't like America (yeah, Greenspan and Bush had nothing, nothing to do with it)
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect Flashback To The Bush Days At The DoJ.
Octavia Nasr Canned at CNN | Talking Points Memo (our Israeli media)
FOXNews.com - Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study Finds says Bob Dane, director of communications at FAIR, a conservative organization that seeks to end almost all immigration to the U.S. (FAIR and balanced on Fox)
Why Isn’t Investment Higher? - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com Truly, we live in a time of mass delusion — or maybe make that elite delusion — where there are lots of things that everyone believes, without a shred of evidence to back that belief
Ralph Martire: Deficit hawks wrong to nix jobless benefits extension - The State Journal-Register (Bush's tax-cuts=40% of deficit; unemployment benefits=3% so lets cut the benefits that are keeping people alive)
Mayberry Machiavellis: Obama Political Team Handcuffing Recovery
EU CAPS Bank Bonuses: Company Performance To Dictate Bonus Pay (what an un-American idea!)
Foreclosures the majority of area sales | mydesert.com | The Desert Sun Fifty-six percent of all home sales in Riverside County in the first three months of the year involved foreclosure or bank- owned properties, according to RealtyTrac
Ezra Klein - Research Desk researches: How do the U.S., Switzerland and Sweden spend money? (public spending?)
Inflation Spike Alarms Britain - BusinessWeek British price inflation including housing costs hit a 20-year high of 5.3% in April, sending shockwaves through an economy still struggling to exit recession
Stubborn Inflation Raises Fear for British Recovery - NYTimes.com
How to Make an American Job Before It's Too Late: Andy Grove - Bloomberg (too late +little billionaire Tommy Friedman is wrong again))
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Summer Opportunities for Indentured Servitude.
'Climategate' Investigation Vindicates Scientists, Finds Research Reliable (well, what would you expect these "experts" who rely on "facts" to say?)
No Age Limit on Picky Eating - WSJ.com
Secret of AA: After 75 Years, We Don’t Know How It Works | Magazine
The Lucretian swerve: The biological basis of human behavior and the criminal justice system — PNAS ("no free will" clashes with criminal justice)
YouTube - Year On Earth
ScienceBlogs, we have a problem | Science | guardian.co.uk
Knight Science Journalism Tracker » Blog Archive » ScienceBlogs trashes its bloggers’ credibility.
Knight Science Journalism Tracker » Blog Archive » ScienceBlogs trashes credibility: Leaked response from editor.
Say hello to…PepsiCo??!? WTF? : Pharyngula
Alliances, Beginning and (Maybe) Ending : Casaubon's Book
Pepsi Ethics : Living the Scientific Life (Scientist, Interrupted)
A Pepsi Blog? Initial Thoughts : The Thoughtful Animal
Seed, Conflicts of Interest, and Sleaze : Good Math, Bad Math
Welcome to inescapable conflict of interest. : Adventures in Ethics and Science
Transparency regarding Food Frontiers : Page 3.14
Huffington Post Is Afraid of Criticism From Their Own Writers : The Primate Diaries
Center for Ethics — Crooked Timber The University of Toronto’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences has decided to close down its Center for Ethics for budgetary reasons (can't afford ethics anymore)
Walmart Reportedly Spending MILLIONS To Fight $7,000 Fine Over Trampling Death Of Employee
Glenn Beck starts online 'university' - Andy Barr - politico.com
Glenn Beck under fire for touting Nazi author's book
How feminist blogs like Jezebel gin up page views. - By Emily Gould - Slate Magazine
Savage Truth is a cold one :: Chicago Sun-Times :: Letters to the Editor (Terry Savage makes herself famous on the internets for all eternity for being a joyless captialist wanker)
YouTube - The Block Is Hot_part 2
YouTube - Judy & Liza "LIVE at the London Palladium" - Hooray for love
AP owes China an apology - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com A few cigarette stubs into a forearm for a handful of days? That's it? That's "torture"? Not according to the official definition of that term adopted by the U.S. Government, as explained by John Yoo ("organ failure" +total double standard)
BBC News - Belgian child sex abuse police probe death threats (Vatican saber-rattling)
Human rights activist tries to stop death by stoning for Iranian woman - CNN.com
CBC News - Canada - G20 reporters complain to police watchdog Four journalists have filed complaints with Ontario's police watchdog, alleging physical assaults and threats of sexual violence by police during the Toronto G20 summit, their lawyer says.
Thaddeus Russell: Does U.S. Support for Israel Threaten American Safety? - The Daily Beast the United States has given more than $100 billion in aid to Israel, which has been roughly one-third of all foreign aid given by the U.S (was supposed to "make American safer")
Israeli judge: Learn from Nazis - Israel News, Ynetnews Retired Judge Hadassa Ben-Itto says as part of PR war, Israel should adopt tactics used to distribute Protocols of Elders of Zion
B'Tselem - Publications - By Hook and By Crook, July 2010 Some half a million Israelis are now living over the Green Line: more than 300,000 in 121 settlements and about one hundred outposts, which control 42 percent of the land area of the West Bank
Tax-Exempt Funds Aiding West Bank Settlements - NYTimes.com (win-win)
Recovery effort falls vastly short of BP's promises In the 77 days since oil from the ruptured Deepwater Horizon began to gush into the Gulf of Mexico, BP has skimmed or burned about 60 percent of the amount it promised regulators it could remove in a single day. (we've seen this before, but no consequences for the biggest lies)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com Journalists who come too close to oil spill clean-up efforts without permission could find themselves facing a $40,000 fine and even one to five years in prison under a new rule instituted by the Coast Guard late last week. (First Amendment suspending for entire Gulf of Mexico and all US land near beaches - Coast Guard, local cops owned by BP
Rep. Barney Frank: Why We Must Reduce Military Spending
DownWithTyranny!: Is Rahm Correct In Predicting That The Right's Vicious Attacks On Obama Will Cause Sane Americans To Rally Around Him Despite His Poor Performance? (as usual, no)
Gallup: Tea Party’s top concerns are debt, size of government - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room (see, if you just called them Republicans, then they would seem really crazy because these were not concerns when Bush was idiot-in-chief)
Jan Brewer's 'Beheaded' Bodies Claim Disputed By Local Law Enforcement Agencies (but what about the zombies?)
Mexico's Drug War Heats Up Near Arizona Border
EBay’s Lost Years - The Bay Citizen As a CEO, Meg Whitman has had her ups and downs (eMeg was crappy CEO)
Unemployment Extension Standoff, Day 35: 'Harsh Reality Has Now Set In' (and they'll blame it on Obama)
Confidence Fairies Have Infiltrated The White House - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com - some people in the WH — I’m guessing a political person, but who knows — have bought the right-wing line hook, line, and sinker (like we said, they're basically Repubicans anyway)
National Mortgage Delinquency Rate Swells to 9.2% in May: LPS « HousingWire
New lows make for unreal estate | Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/04/2010 With huge price and rate drops, the bust in housing is about more than dollars and sense. People aren't buying talk of recovery.
If a Social Security Annual Report Vanishes into the Forest-- | Angry Bear (Obama suspends information)
We Are Live at the Week: "A (Keynesian) Voice Crying in the Wilderness, Saying..." - Grasping Reality with Both Hands (Obama and the progress fairies)
David Brooks Swings at Paul Krugman, Knocks Himself Out | The Seminal (this is the guy Rahm/Obama calls every week to find out what he's "thinking" +dishonest coward)
The Arrogant David Brooks Tells Readers That Stimulus Will Risk National Insolvency | Beat the Press
Arguments From Authority - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com And you just have to wonder how it’s possible to have lived through the last ten years and still imagine that because a lot of Serious People believe something, you should believe it too. Iraq? Housing bubble? Inflation? ... The moral I’ve taken from recent years isn’t Be Humble — it’s Question Authority. And you should too. (why David Brooks should set himself on fire)
Irvine Housing Blog - Irvine Real Estate and Irvine Homes - Strategic Default: The $10,000,000,000 Monthly Economic Stimulus
Irvine Housing Blog - Irvine Real Estate and Irvine Homes - The Unceremonious Fall from Entitlement
Irvine Housing Blog - Irvine Real Estate and Irvine Homes - HELOC abuse Hollywood Style ($120K in, total mortgage equity withdrawal is $3,367,500 - the infinite piggy-bank)
BBC News - What the Higgs 'harmonic signatures' may sound like
Dissension Over Ending Saturday Mail Delivery - NYTimes.com
Wrongly citing New York law, NBC’s Today rejects same-sex couples from wedding contest | Media Matters for America (any excuse will do)
Politicians' salaries: Leaders of the fee world | The Economist How much a country's leader is paid compared to GDP per person
Hays County Texas deputies accused of excessive force against 80yr-old man and his son « Injustice Everywhere
Clay Shirky: 'Paywall will underperform – the numbers don't add up' | Technology | The Guardian on the death of newspapers, why paywall will fail and how the internet has brought out our creativity – and generosity (good luck, NYT)
The Curse of the Little Rascals
YouTube - Surfin´ USA
Whose Data Is It? Facebook's Business Is Your Information - Hartford Courant
Israel Eases Gaza Blockade Restrictions, Releasing List Of Allowed Items
No intention of apologizing, Israel tells Turkey (they never have and never will)
BBC News - Turkey threatens diplomatic break with Israel over raid
Death by Gadget in Congo - NYTimes.com “Blood diamonds” have faded away, but we may now be carrying “blood phones.”
BP Oil Spill Relief Well Scenarios: What Happens If It Doesn't Stop Gusher? ("If?")
Tar Balls Hit Texas, BP Oil Spill Now Reaches All Gulf States
Arianna Huffington: PolitiFact Embraces Equivocation, the Truth Gets Squeezed
FOXNews.com - Arizona Candidate: Cut Off Power to Illegal Immigrants (yeah, and their water, food and air too)
Matthew Yglesias » Confusion at The Washington Post (Ezra writes facts; Post gets confused about their role)
How New York ‘Times’ Political Columnist David Brooks Manages to Be Both Irrelevant and Absolutely Essential -- New York Magazine Every Monday and Thursday, as his deadline approaches, Brooks gets a call from someone in the White House—“I’m not going to say who,” he says, which means Rahm—asking if tomorrow is going to be a good day (wtf? +David Brooks has thoughts?)
The Media Equation - For Blogger, ‘Outspoken’ Was a Selling Point, Till It Wasn’t - NYTimes.com
Tea party gatherings on the Fourth mix the educational and the patriotic (because it wouldn't be a story if they just said "Republicans")
Sean Hannity Utah | KSL Radio | Salt Lake | Mediaite
CHART OF THE DAY: Reminder, The Deficit You're Freaking Out About Is Bush's Fault
Is the Recovery Act helping the economy? - Jul. 2, 2010 The job market and economy need a serious jumpstart, but the stimulus program likely won't be able to do it.
Krugman - Punishing the Unemployed - NYTimes.com we’re facing a coalition of the heartless, the clueless and the confused (and the really stupid)
Plan XVII For Europe - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com (confidence fairies!)
Warning signals of a double-dip recession flash brightly across the world - Telegraph Global bond markets are flashing warning signals of a sharp slowdown in growth across the world and a possible slide toward a double-dip recession and outright deflation.
With the US trapped in depression, this really is starting to feel like 1932 - Telegraph The US workforce shrank by 652,000 in June, one of the sharpest contractions ever. The rate of hourly earnings fell 0.1pc. Wages are flirting with deflation
The Washington Monthly - White House Economists Vs. The White House Political Team (which is, you know, mostly Republican at heart)
Alan Krueger is Wrong, Robust Recoveries Do Move In Straight Lines | Beat the Press (we need a new Fed)
Econopocalypse: the Marxist animated whiteboard explanation - Boing Boing
How Goldman Sachs gambled on starving the world's poor - and won : Johann Hari
The science of lying: Why the truth really can hurt - Science, News - The Independent Lying causes humans emotional stress – yet psychologists say we are primed to deceive. Studies show there are clear biological benefits to dishonesty
The Way We Live Now - Why Is It So Hard to Apologize Well? - NYTimes.com
New Dates for Egypt's Pharaohs - ScienceNOW Now a radiocarbon study concludes that much of the assumed chronology was right, though it corrects some controversial dates and may overturn a few pet theories.
New Dates for Egyptian and Bronze Age History: What About Santorini?
Egyptian kingdoms dated : Nature News Radioactive isotopes nail the timeline of Egyptian dynasties.
RESET Response of Humans to Abrupt Environmental Transitions
RESET WP-1 Neanderthals and modern humans in Europe, 60 to 25 ka BP
CERN | ATLAS pop-up book - LHc
ESA Portal - Planck unveils the Universe – now and then
BBC News - Planck telescope reveals ancient cosmic light
It's too late to worry that the aliens will find us - opinion - 05 July 2010 - New Scientist
British Medical Association labels gay conversion therapy harmful, discredited
The Changing Demographics of America | 40th Anniversary | Smithsonian Magazine The United States population will expand by 100 million over the next 40 years. Is this a reason to worry?
The Sexual Revolution and Children: How the Left Took Things Too Far - Spiegel Online
The 6 Most Gigantic Everything in the History of War | Cracked.com
Sci-fi illustrations by Shigeru Komatsuzaki ::: Pink Tentacle
YouTube - BIG BANG BIG BOOM - the new wall-painted animation by BLU
Bookworm - KCRW
Michael Geist - ACTA Consensus on Transparency Breaks Down (more of Obama's super-secrit backroom deals)
The 7 Best Windows 7 Gadgets
xkcd: Analogies
Where ‘America’ really came from - The Boston Globe (Matthias Ringmann and Amerigen/Amerigo)
Waldseemuller Map, 1507 (Geography and Map Reading Room, Library of Congress)
The Declaration of Independence in American
YouTube - Yosemitebear Mountain Giant Double Rainbow 1-8-10
Jacob Leicht, 1,000th Serviceman Killed In Afghanistan, Born On Independence Day
Michael Breen: A Democracy Cannot Fight a Seven Years War
Petraeus Touts “One Team With One Mission” but Fails to State Mission in Afghanistan | The Seminal
Jon Fleischman Is Latest GOP Official To Criticize Afghan War
Fareed Zakaria Criticizes 'Disproportionate' Afghanistan War On CNN (video)
Videos Posted by Rethink Afghanistan: July 4: Declare Your Independence from War [HD] | Facebook
Lebanon's Shia Muslim leader dies - Middle East - Al Jazeera English A 200kg car bomb exploded near Fadlallah's Beirut home in 1985. He was unharmed, but dozens of people were killed in a nearby apartment building, which was demolished by the blast (CIA: connect the dots)
Ecuador authorities seize drug-smuggling sub - CNN.com - The vessel utilized twin screws and was diesel electric-powered, the agency said. It was about 30 meters (98 feet) long and nearly 3 meters (nine feet) high from the deck plates to the ceiling.
Finland enshrines 'legal right' to broadband - Telegraph - the plan means it will be difficult for the authorities to cut off people suspected of illegal file-sharing. Instead of restricting internet access, the Finnish government plans to send letters to anyone breaking piracy laws.
Maude Barlow: "The World Has Divided into Rich and Poor as at No Time in History"
BP Oil Spill: Mississippi Coast Polluted, Gov. Haley Barbour Asks for Help - ABC News Just weeks ago, Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour claimed that oil was not a big threat to the people of the Gulf Coast. Now, with oil hitting his state's beaches for the first time since the start of the BP spill, the Republican governor says his state isn't prepared for the spill and needs more help ... it's not poisonous," though he said it probably wasn't a good idea to brush one's teeth with it (apparently being an idiot is a political strategy)
Millions Of Migrating Birds Headed Toward Gulf Oil Spill Mess
Democrats Resist GOP Efforts To Frame Midterm Elections As Referendum On Obama
The Washington Monthly - The Wrong Answer To The Wrong Question (Republicans: after running up $5 trillion in reckless debt, suddenly don't want you to have a job)
eridani's Journal - Excerpts from the Republican Party platform of 1956 - By these standards, modern Democrats have become Republicans, and modern Republicans have become batshit crazy.
Howard Kurtz Takes On Politico's Patrick Gavin (video)
Strategies - Robert Prechter’s Market Forecast Says ‘Take Cover’ - NYTimes.com Mr. Prechter is convinced that we have entered a market decline of staggering proportions — perhaps the biggest of the last 300 years - The Dow, which now stands at 9,686.48, is likely to fall well below 1,000 over perhaps five or six years as a grand market cycle comes to an end. ("The Great Decline" or "The Long Slide")
Can These Men Fix the Deficit | Parade.com We’re not going to cut Social Security—we’re going to stabilize it. None of the ideas that have been presented will affect anyone over age 58. But we’re going to make the system work. As it is, it can’t sustain itself (more lies from rich Repubicans: the catfood commission at work)
Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With Deflation - Daniel Gross: “The combination of slow growth or stagnation and deflation is the thing that’s scary,” (that word doesn't mean what you think it does)
Funds prepare for inflation's eventual resurrection - Baltimore Sun
Krugman - Myths of Austerity - NYTimes.com - Much of what Serious People believe rests on prejudices, not analysis. And these prejudices are subject to fads and fashions.
Hullabaloo: digby: Bleeding he Patient ("invisible bond vigilantes and confidence fairies")
Disease and intelligence: Mens sana in corpore sano | The Economist Parasites and pathogens may explain why people in some parts of the world are cleverer than those in others
Shocking extent of man's impact on world's water | Mail Online
What happened to studying? - The Boston Globe college students are cracking the books less and less - the number one reason, agreed upon by 33 percent of students, who said they struggled with one particular problem “frequently” or “all the time”: They simply did not know how to sit down and study.
APOD: 2010 July 4 - Companion of a Young, Sun-like Star Confirmed The first direct image of an extrasolar planet orbiting a star similar to our Sun has been confirmed
Ovary transplants could extend women's lifespan, mice study suggests | Science | The Guardian
What Big Eyes You Have, Dear, but Are Those Contacts Risky? - NYTimes.com
Haitian Farmers Fight Back Against Monsanto | World | AlterNet Monsanto is only the latest perpetrator in a series of foreign aid exploitations committed against Haiti.
Hydroelectric power's dirty secret revealed - environment - 24 February 2005 - New Scientist
Reservoir vs Streaming (Run of River) Hydro
The Willpower Paradox: Scientific American Setting your mind on a goal may be counterproductive. Instead think of the future as an open question
Stephen Fry: What I Wish I'd Known When I Was 18 on Vimeo
Elizaphanian: Radical Orthodoxy: the official Twenty-Four Theses
Presentation for ‘Minority Report Interface’ That Blew People’s Minds at TED (video) | Singularity Hub
Video comments hidden by some sort of script? - YouTube Help
iTunes accounts hacking more widespread than initially thought. The facts, and what you should do.
(94) wikipedia down - Twitter Search
Wikipedia Is Down [ALERT]
Robert Gates Tightens Rules For Military And The Media Following Rolling Stone's McChrystal Profile
G20/Toronto cops - ‘I will not forget what they have done to me’ - thestar.com “I was told I was going to be raped, I was told I was going to be gangbanged, I was told that they were going to make sure that I was never going to want to act as a journalist again.”
Another 21 die in deadly drug war that has claimed 23,000 Mexican lives in just FOUR years | Mail Online
U.S. Rushes to Complete Only Some Iraq Projects - NYTimes.com
Bill Keller's self-defense on "torture" - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (disgusting and demented)
Clinton: Activists Being Crushed By 'Steel Vise' Around The World
Nightmares Continue for Pope Benedict | Firedoglake
Filibuster Making Speaker’s Job a Joke; Pelosi Finally Calls for End to “60-Vote Stranglehold on the Future” | FDL Action
The Biggest Michael Steele Gaffe of All - Politics - The Atlantic - Michael Steele suggested to Republicans at a small gathering that President Obama started the war in Afghanistan and that Republican candidates should campaign against his decision to send more troops there. Literally.
GOP chairman: Afghan 'war of Obama's choosing' | ajc.com
Hullabaloo: digby: Shocker! - There is significant overlap between Americans who identify as supporters of the Tea Party movement and those who identify as conservative Republicans. Their similar ideological makeup and views suggest that the Tea Party movement is more a rebranding of core Republicanism than a new or distinct entity on the American political scene
No work, and now no safety net - KansasCity.com n just one week and in just one state — last week in Missouri — more than 8,300 people fell through the unemployment insurance safety net. Actually, their nets were removed (vote Republican!)
SSRN-Insider Trading Inside the Beltway by Stephen Bainbridge A 2004 study of the results of stock trading by United States Senators during the 1990s found that that Senators on average beat the market by 12% a year. In sharp contrast, U.S. households on average underperformed the market by 1.4% a year and even corporate insiders on average beat the market by only about 6% a year during that period
Census Bureau reports fall in median household income - The Curious Capitalist - TIME.com The median household income in 2008 was $50,303. The median household income in 1999, expressed in 2008 dollars, was $52,748 (so vote Republican!)
Ezra Klein - Are Democrats setting themselves up for failure in 2011 by not passing a budget?
Payback Time - Budget in the Red, Illinois Has Stopped Paying Bills - NYTimes.com - “Their pension is the most underfunded in the nation,”
California State Workers Brace For Minimum Wage
When the scientific evidence is unwelcome, people try to reason it away | Comment is free | The Guardian Research results not consistent with your world view? Then you're likely to believe science can't supply all the answers
David Freedman, 'Wrong' Author, on Why to Not Trust Experts - time
Two billion year-old fossils may rewrite natural history books
Watching Trends in Dating - NYTimes.com
Detroit police probe own gang unit | detnews.com | The Detroit News
YouTube - GUI interface using visual basic to track the killers IP address CSI
YouTube - Numb3rs' description of IRC
The administration defends its assassination program - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com Obama officials are now apparently going around the country and, with chest-beating rhetoric, overtly defending their right to target Americans for assassination with no due process of any kind:
YouTube - Amnesty International - "Death to the death penalty"
Australian priest jailed for 'sadistic' child abuse - Yahoo! News
Deepwater Horizon: Statistical Modeling | Recent and Historical Incidents | Emergency Response | NOAA's National Ocean Service Office of Response and Restoration
Oil spill confirmed to be in seabed off Alabama coast | al.com (o rly)
Is BP rejecting skimmers to save money on Gulf oil cleanup? | McClatchy
A cycle of stupidity - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
The Plum Line - Dems say Steele is "rooting for failure." Really, Dems? (same BS as the Republicans)
Keep Congress in session this August - The Week
Democrats shaping battle plan against Republicans for November "If we allow a Republican Party that took a $237 billion surplus and turned it into a $1.3 trillion deficit over eight years to masquerade as the party of fiscal responsibility, then shame on us," Axelrod said (well, Dave, you're doing pretty well so far)
Gohmert On Terrorist Babies Theory: 'It's Not Just A Theory' (video) | TPMDC (Republicans will defend us against the baby jihad)
Kristol misrepresents Phoenix crime levels to defend AZ law | Media Matters for America
Steve Clemons: Lindsey Graham: In Today's Republican Party, Reagan Wouldn't Make It as a Republican (no, he'd be ... Obama!)
Poll: 26% Of U.S. Clueless On Who We Declared Independence From | TPM LiveWire (the same "twenty-seven percenters" who love Sarah Palin)
U.S. Government Sued by ACLU Over No Fly List Terrorist Watch List Violates Constitutional Rights When Those Barred From Flying Are Not Told Why, Says ACLU (please donate to the ACLU)
Heritage spin-off targets ObamaCare in first grassroots campaign | The Daily Caller (people are so dumb)
Matthew Yglesias » Broadband Grants It’s a scandal that amidst an economic crisis of this enormity the Obama administration has allowed vacancies on the Fed Board to persist for so long.
Phantom debts, real anguish
Michael Mann exonerated yet yet again : Deltoid (but ... Climategate!)
Long Life Is in the Genes, Study Shows : Discovery News Diet and exercise can certainly help you to live a long, healthy life, but that might not be the whole story.
Tibetans May Be Fastest Evolutionary Adapters Ever : NPR
2010 Industrial Security Clearance Decisions
A Very Scary Fireworks Show: Exploding H-Bombs In Space : NPR (no, they don't mention the words "radioactive fallout raining down on everyone" see also: Telstar 1) )
Damn Interesting • Starfish Prime
Prose Before Hos 2: 'Electricty', Courtesy of Bob Jones University
Illinois Budget Crisis | Chicago Public Library Commissioner Reacts to FOX Chicago News' Story (which suggested closing all the libraries to save money for tax cuts)
YouTube - Beached Whale
Your Freedumb
How to Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fi Networks (like McD's and starbucks)
"Torture" study reveals appalling cowardice of America's newspapers | Philly | 06/30/2010 (un-American to print the truth)
New study documents media's servitude to government - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect When Is Torture Not Torture? (why, when Americans do it, of course!) As soon as Republicans started quibbling over the definition of torture, traditional media outlets felt compelled to treat the issue as a "controversial" matter
Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public PolicyTorture at Times: Waterboarding in the Media
NYT: We Stopped Calling Waterboarding 'Torture' Because The Bush Administration Didn't Approve - the big takeaway here is that as long as you are able to frame immorality as an interesting point of view in a political dispute, the New York Times is ready to suspend decades of crystal-clear judgment, subserviently (NYT: torture is an "opinion" kept off news pages +rotten at the core)
Kroaky: How I Got Arrested and Abused at G20 in Toronto, Canada. By Tommy Taylor
McGuinty washes his hands of police mistreatment allegations - The Globe and Mail Ontario Liberals prepared to give police carte blanche
CBC News - Toronto - Police powers expanded for G20 New regulations give police right to search anyone near security fence (they lied, of course)
‘Weapons’ seized in G20 arrests not what they seem - The Globe and Mail Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair during a Tuesday press conference in the lobby of police headquarters at 40 College St. in Toronto. Fred Lum/The Globe and Mail - Police display items confiscated in unrelated incidents (learning from Israel)
A black eye for democracy (well, Toronto cops, anyway)
BBC News - Baghdad diary: Searching for power (mission fucked up)
BBC News - Finland makes broadband a 'legal right'
Pope slams cardinal who exposed abuse cover-up (kinda says it all, doesn't it? +WLPR)
Pope launches mission to re-evangelise the West - Europe, World - The Independent (making the world safe for pedophilia)
Pope battles secularization, 'eclipse of the sense of God' - usatoday.com
Is it God or the Catholic Church facing 'eclipse' in the West? - Faith & Reason
Pope Shuffles Vatican Bureaucracy Before Vacation : NPR (back to the third century)
The Grand Inquisitor by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Russian Tradecraft Ain't What It Used To Be | TPMMuckraker so incompetent that the American government couldn't even charge the alleged spies with espionage (so why claim they are "spies?" what political calculus was worth upsetting Russia for their "unregistered foreign agents?")
Louisiana Governor Seals Oil-Spill Records - Green Blog - NYTimes.com - Louisiana has an open records law, but it does not apply to records in the custody of the governor’s office.
BP Oil Spill Nears Record As Largest In Gulf History
Italy Surpasses US in Solar PV | Renewable Energy World Installing More Every Two Months than California in an Entire Year (why bother when we can Drill, Baby, Drill?)
msnbc video: Oil spread leaves horror in its wake - Olbermann (what BP/your gov doesn't want you to know)
The Plum Line - To subpoena BP or not to subpoena BP? That is the question Senate Republicans take active steps to impede any investigation into BP. And that's what Senator Jim DeMint has now done.
Brewer Falsely Claimed Immigrants Beheaded People In Arizona (video) | TPMMuckraker (and eat their brains!)
Obama Mocked Commissions, Then Established Four - Political Hotsheet - CBS News (WSJ strains for objectivity)
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Columnists Call Obama A 'Female' With A 'Humanoid' Problem
acemoglu_institutions_aer2001.pdf (PDF) The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical Investigation
the24typesoflibertarian_thumb.png (PNG) (what it says on the tin)
Weak economic data suggest recovery is fizzling - Yahoo! Finance Jobless claims rise and millions could lose benefits; home sales plunge, manufacturing slows
Unemployment Extension Fails: Senate Rejects Jobless Benefits 58-38 (let them pull themselves up by their bootstraps, or eat their bootstraps)
Weekly Claims Post Rise in Sign of More Job Weakness - CNBC The number of U.S. workers filing new applications for unemployment insurance rose unexpectedly last week, a report showed on Thursday, heightening fears the labor market recovery was stalling.
Jim McDermott: Unemployment Standoff 'A Class Warfare Issue'
Hullabaloo: digby: The Little People Need To Adjust (Jonathan Alter: the "liberal orthodoxy" is responsible for 10% unemployment)
Final Financial Reform Bill Passes House
Fed Made Taxpayers Unwitting Junk-Bond Buyers - Bloomberg (Bernanke: "investment grade")
Media: News Releases > Fannie Mae Increases Penalties for Borrowers Who Walk Away Seven-Year Lockout Policy for Strategic Defaulters (not the way to restart the housing bubble)
Why Doctor's Data Is Trying to Shut Me Up
Giant Whale-Eating Whale Found : Discovery News
British scientist uncovers 'secret messages' hidden in Plato's ancient text | Mail Online
Leiter Reports: A Philosophy Blog: The Ultimate "Esoteric" Reading of Plato
Fox News advocates shutting down public libraries - Boing Boing
Al Gore Sex Allegation: Portland Police Re-Opening Investigation
Movie piracy crackdown: Feds shut down nine websites - latimes.com according to a statement from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which coordinated its investigation with the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies (because, obviously, this is an immigration and National Security issue)
`Training kicked in' for run at killers Game and Fish worker gets medal of valor, is credited with saving lives
Andy Kaufman Hosts Fridays
Why Team Jacob always has to lose in Twilight Eclipse is a movie about rejecting adulthood, not just as a person but also as a culture. It's about rejecting adult relationships between men and women, but also between people of different races and between people from the city (like Victoria's army) and people from Forks. It's about never crossing boundaries, never leaving home (Christian subtext)
Is Microsoft's U-Prove The Answer To Better Online Privacy? | NetworkWorld.com Community Microsoft's U-Prove identity framework aims for security and privacy.
Microsoft Kin DEAD: Microsoft Pulling The Plug On New Phone, Sources Say (yet another epic FAIL)
What killed the Kin? -- Engadget
ACLU launches "Spyfiles" to track domestic surveillance - The Hill
More About Spy Files | American Civil Liberties Union
Russian spy ring: 11th suspect arrested in Cyprus; Moscow calls spy claims 'baseless and improper' (and a distraction from Afganistan)
NYT: Alleged spy ring — thriller or sitcom? - The New York Times - msnbc.com - The charges did not include espionage; the 10 suspects were charged with failing to register as foreign agents (sort of like Mexicans)
Anna Chapman: One of the alleged Russian spies arrested by the FBI
CBC News - Toronto - Chief admits 5-metre G20 security rule didn't exist Toronto's police chief is admitting there never was a five-metre rule that had people fearing arrest if they strayed too close to the G20 security perimeter (but 900 arrested anyway)
Toronto Police to review G20 response - The Globe and Mail
BBC News - Blair to receive US peace medal Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair is to receive a prestigious US medal and $100,000 (£67,000) prize for his work in conflict resolution (and helping to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people)
Researchers find evidence of oil spill in Gulf's food chain | gulflive.com (you can eat oil)
Rough Seas From Hurricane Alex 2010 Pushing Oil Closer To Gulf Coast Beaches
BP Oil Spill Cleanup Did Not Consider Hurricanes
Sen. Menendez Scores Important Victory In Lifting BP's Liability Cap (call Haley Barbour)
Avertible catastrophe Nearly oil-free isn't good enough for the U.S. regulators, who have a standard of 15 parts per million -- if water isn't at least 99.9985% pure, it may not be returned to the Gulf of Mexico. (therefore ...)
Biologists find 'dead zones' around BP oil spill in Gulf | Environment | The Guardian Methane at 100,000 times normal levels have been creating oxygen-depleted areas devoid of life near BP's Deepwater Horizon spill, according to two independent scientists
NewsDaily: Special Report: BP oil spill a gusher for lawyers
Health of Exxon Valdez cleanup workers was never studied | McClatchy
Israel's anti-boycott belligerence | Miri Weingarten | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk A bill seeking to outlaw boycotts of Israeli institutions and products – including in settlements – is diplomatically explosive (back in your face)
Pope slams cardinal who exposed abuse cover-up
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Research 2000 Issues Cease & Desist Letter to FiveThirtyEight (Nate says "fuck you")
Hullabaloo: Family Values - According to Sharon Angle, God wants fathers to rape their daughters. Or at least he wants daughters to bear their fathers' children. That's what they call family values in her neck of the woods (pro-rape Republicans)
Pelosi To Boehner: You're Not Taking My Gavel
Joe Scarborough: John Boehner 'Not The Hardest Worker,' Bar Hopper (video)
Vacation Interruptus - Swampland - TIME.com , Greenwald--who, so far as I can tell, only regards the United States as a force for evil in the world (crap from JokeLine - defending the indefensible)
talking head like a hole « the crow (2008, and it's still the same)
Stewart: Blame Clinton, Not Bush (video)
Big Brother Inc. | Politics | Vanity Fair Knowing your business is big business for Aristotle Inc., whose Orwellian database of voter records has been an essential campaign tool for every president since Ronald Reagan.
The CEPR Deficit Calculator
Unemployment: Congress Has Never Before Dropped Extended Benefits With Jobless Rate So High (deficit hawks at work)
a href="http://yglesias.thinkprogress.org/2010/06/new-expectations-estimates-from-the-cleveland-fed/">Matthew Yglesias » New Expectations Estimates From the Cleveland Fed
Economy: Lawmakers are putting U.S. recovery at risk - latimes.com Although reform efforts are moving ahead, the nation's fragile rebound is being threatened by fiscal stimulus cuts.
Goldman admits it had bigger role in AIG deals | McClatchy Goldman Sachs now says that it also used its own money to make secret wagers against the U.S. housing market.
s Barcelona’s Metro Continues Its Expansion at a Relatively Cheap Price « The Transport Politic (can-do America can't, only good for fightning wars and making rich people richer)
Does national IQ depend on parasite infections? Er… | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine
Do Parasites Make You Dumber? - ScienceNOW
Airport body scanners deliver radiation dose 20 times higher than first thought | Mail Online
Hospital May Have Exposed Hundreds Of Veterans To HIV (VIDEO) A hospital in Missouri may have exposed hundreds of veterans to the HIV and Hepatitis C viruses.
The rise of the new agnostics. - By Ron Rosenbaum - Slate Magazine At least we know what we don't know - "Why is there something rather than nothing?" (now that you mention it ...)
Maslow’s Pyramid Gets a Makeover | Miller-McCune Online (highest need: become a suburban parent with an SUV)
Renovating the Pyramid of Needs — Perspectives on Psychological Science
Attention, perversely assertive women! You are abnormal! : Pharyngula
Medical Ethics: Prenatal Dexamethasone Use Questioned - time
The Last Psychiatrist: Are Certain Behaviors-- And Jobs-- More Masculine? And Out Of Our Control? ("wouldn't you know it, all the best derivatives traders are lesbians")
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency: A paradigm for prenatal diagnosis and treatment. [Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2010] - PubMed result
Not So Neighborly Associations Foreclosing On Homes : NPR In many states it is not difficult for an HOA to foreclose on a member's home for past dues even if the amount owed is just a few hundred dollars
Tea Party Jesus: Blog Puts Words Of Conservatives In The Mouth Of Christ ("Christians")
An Unfunny Joel Stein Walks Into Some Cow Dung - Sepia Mutiny
Eating Well On $1 A Day - Grocery Coupon Guide
The Minimalist - 101 Fast Recipes for Grilling - NYTimes.com
New Statesman - Why the Taliban is winning in Afghanistan - William Dalrymple - Certainly it is becoming clearer than ever that the once-hated Taliban, far from being swept away by General Stanley McChrystal's surge, are instead regrouping, ready for the final act in the history of Hamid Karzai's western-installed puppet government
Stanley McChrystal Retiring From The Army After Firing By Obama
Petraeus Senate Confirmation: General Faces Questions From War-Weary Lawmakers Petraeus also promised to "look very hard" at the rules of engagement governing troops in Afghanistan, if confirmed as the war's next top commander (no more Mr Nice Guy not blowing up civilians)
BBC News - Viewpoint: Ending wars peacefully just got harder The US Supreme Court ruled last week that giving support to groups listed as terrorist is illegal, even if that support is designed to end violence (America does not want to end violence anywhere)
Salon exclusive: Choice plots at Arlington reserved for VIPs - Arlington National Cemetery Investigation - Salon.com How top officials at Arlington National Cemetery violated Army guidelines -- and may have broken the law
Mexican Candidate for Governor Is Assassinated - NYTimes.com killed along with at least four others Monday morning in a brazen attack, rattling a nation already alarmed by surging drug violence.
Made in his own image: The Catholic Church faces another scandal - Faith, Opinion - The Independent Pope Benedict's papal career risks being eclipsed by the dark shadow of John Paul's legacy (very evil Saint)
YouTube - BP Slick Covers Dolphins and Whales.mov (good job, Americans!) w
The New Yorker (cover nails it)
The Washington Monthly - What Did Thurgood Marshall Ever Do To The GOP? (besides being Black?)
Daily Kos: More on Research 2000 (Kos retracts ALL Research 2000 polls ... at least the numbers were released)
Daily Kos: Research 2000: Problems in plain sight
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Pollster Ratings v4.0: Results
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: My Own Suspicions About Research 2000
Kos Alleges Top Pollster Provided Bogus Data, Will Sue | TPMMuckraker
Scott Brown: No on FinReg | FDL News Desk
Matt Taibbi: Lara Logan, You Suck -- RollingStone.com - True, the Pentagon does have perhaps the single largest public relations apparatus on earth – spending $4.7 billion on P.R. in 2009 alone and employing 27,000 people (holy shit +fire some more teachers)
Matt Taibbi's Lara Logan Takedown: 'Lara Logan, You Suck'
Idaho GOP Approves Far-Right Platform: Repeal 17th Amendment, Buy Gold And Silver | TPMDC (withhold Federal Taxes which will really work because Utah gets $1.07 back for every Fed tax dollar)
The Tax Foundation - Federal Taxing and Spending Benefit Some States, Leave Others Paying Bill (Red States are welfare queens and should all be drug-tested)
GAO Study Finds Improper Burrowing During Bush Years | TPMMuckraker
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Chait Bait: World Cup As Popular As World Series ... As many people watched the U.S.-Ghana Round of 16 match as did the average World Series game last year
^TNX: 2.99 -0.47 (-13.60%) : CBOE Interest Rate 10-Year T-No - Yahoo! Finance - 2.99% (quick, fire some teachers!)
Calculated Risk: Ireland: Austerity in Action As the Irish government cut the budget, the economy contracted faster and the deficit as a percent of GDP increased.
A Terrible Ugliness Is Born - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com Liz Alderman offers an excellent, if depressing, portrait of Ireland in austerity ... the invisible bond vigilantes are about to strike
Learned Helplessness In Macro - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com It’s only if you’re committed to a failed research project — a project that failed a generation ago, but refused to admit it — that you’re baffled.
A Year in Foreclosures: Bank-Owned Properties (most of America)
Worst chart I've seen all day | Media Matters for America (Fox vs Reality)
21 Things You Should Never Buy New - Yahoo! Finance
Bering in Mind: One reason why humans are special and unique: We masturbate. A lot
When Intuition And Math Probably Look Wrong - Science News
Science historian cracks the 'Plato code'
Yes on Prop 19: Marijuana Legalization Gets its Number in California | Elections
Poll: More Americans accepting of gay marriage - ContraCostaTimes.com Americans' support for the moral acceptability of homosexual relationships crossed the symbolic 50 percent threshold in 2010, while the percentage of Americans who say such relationships are immoral dropped to 43 percent, the lowest in Gallup's decade-long survey.
Supreme Court Ruling: Obama Is Not Coming for Your Guns - The Daily Beast Americans right now live in a country that is taxed less and has fewer restrictions on gun ownership than it did under George W. Bush.
Carol Brey-Casiano Tells a Patriot Act Story (stupid and bullies)
Police Blackout - Reason Magazine Law enforcement agencies in Northern Virginia say you have no right to know what they’re doing.
FOXNews.com - Teacher Chides Girl, 12, for Wearing Mexico Shirt in School, Activist Says (but they can't mention the insane racist teacher's name?)
Full List - Best Blogs of 2010 - TIME
In Suit Over Faulty Computers, Window to Dell’s Fall - NYTimes.com
Google says China censorship a free trade issue - SFGate
IPAM Freeware
Robert Byrd DEAD: West Virginia Democrat Was Longest Serving Senator In History
10 Alleged Russian Secret Agents Arrested For Spying, Justice Department Says
House Dems, Citing Corruption, Block Reconstruction Funds For Afghanistan
Lara Logan Slams Michael Hastings, Rolling Stone Over McChrystal Article (video) Kurtz asked Logan if there is an "unspoken agreement that you're not going to embarrass [the troops] by reporting insults and banter." "Absolutely," she said (CBS: propaganda outlet for US military +Christ, what an asshole)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com These two segments should be put into a museum, or a journalism class, to illustrate what journalism is supposed to be (Hastings' views) and what it has actually degenerated into (Logan's) ... she drops the neutral journalist mask and shows her Bill Kristol face, and actually spat: "Michael Hastings has never served his country the way McChrystal has." (and there you have it)
The Media Equation - Hijacking Rolling Stone’s McChrystal Article - NYTimes.com (Time, Politco are content pirates, file under professional journalistic ethics)
Obama won't charge Blackwater with violation of Sudan sanctions - Yahoo! News Had the company been indicted, it could have been suspended from doing business with the U.S. government (and we wouldn't want that to happen)
Fun and games with the "terrorism" label - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (it's anything Obama wants it to be +Livni/Solomon and Irgun)
Glenn Greenwald & Dylan Ratigan on Targeting American Citizens for Assassination | FDL Action And again, if you justify that — targeting American citizens for assassination without any due process – what don’t you approve of?
YouTube - Dennis Kucinich - End the Wars. Bring our Troops Home.
Oil spill: Is Gulf safe for swimming? | pnj.com | Pensacola News Journal (no)
Think Progress » BP Slick Reached Mississippi While Haley Barbour Went Fundraising In Washington
Oil spill makes first landfall on Mississippi mainland, hits Alabama beaches | al.com
BP Oil Spill Reporting: Media Lessons - The Monroe County Tourist Development Council announced Friday it will receive $400,000 for an advertising campaign to counter the misconception that the Gulf oil spill is fouling Florida Keys beaches and waters.” (who ya gonna believe, our ads or yer lyin' eyes?)
Judicial Ethics in the Gulf: Judge Feldman’s Conflicts and DOJ Malpractice | Emptywheel (worse than you thought)
Commentary: Meet Joe Barton, R-Big Oil | McClatchy
Supreme Court Extends Rights Of Gun Owners Across The Country
Chicago Gun Ban Axed After Violent Weekend: At Least 29 Shot, 3 Dead In Weekend Shootings
Christian Group Can't Bar Gays, Get Funding At Hastings College, Court Says
Adam Serwer Archive | The American Prospect | Sargent On Weigel - ""This is really about the serial stupidity of allowing these bloggers to trade on the name of the Washington Post." (irony)
Krugman - The Third Depression - NYTimes.com - And who will pay the price for this triumph of orthodoxy? The answer is, tens of millions of unemployed workers, many of whom will go jobless for years, and some of whom will never work again. (the rich always win)
The Invisible Bond Vigilantes Continue Their Invisible Attack - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com
Scott Brown May Oppose Wall Street Bill Despite Bay State Buy-Off (oh, Lucy moved the football again! oh my!)
Carla Bruni-Sarkozy | Redistributing knowledge: André Markowicz, writer and translator By the time he finished the mammoth undertaking in 2002 he had proved something: what people had been reading by Dostoyevsky wasn’t Dostoyevsky.
Philip H. Howard | Information Graphics - Organic Food Production
Jesus Died on a Tree Trunk? | The Atlantic Wire
Why We Dream | Solving Problems While We Sleep | LiveScience one purpose for dreaming itself may be to help us find solutions to puzzles that plague us during waking hours.
Jon Burge case: Silence is no longer an option - chicagotribune.com (torture by Chicago cops)
News Analysis - Chicago News Cooperative - Verdict in Burge Trial Will Not Bring Issue to a Close - NYTimes.com
The State of the Internet Operating System - O'Reilly Radar
State of the Internet Operating System Part Two: Handicapping the Internet Platform Wars - O'Reilly Radar
Email… Not “E-mail”: Yahoo Creates Style Guide for Web Content
Apple vs Adobe: Are Apple’s MacOS/X Graphics Drivers to Blame « (yes)
Leon Panetta: There May Be Less Than 50 Al Qaeda Fighters In Afghanistan (could have given them each $20 billion and their own hedge-funds)
We Spend $1 Billion/Year Fighting Each al Qaeda Member in Afghanistan | Emptywheel
Feinstein: If Petraeus Wants Afghanistan Troop Drawdown Scrapped, 'Give It To Him, Absolutely' (the endless war just got longer)
Americans Growing Weary Of Endless War - the percentage of Americans who disapprove of Obama’s Afghan policy has nearly doubled in four months
The Real News From The McChrystal Interview: The Troops Aren’t Happy
Op-Ed Columnist - The 36 Hours That Shook Washington - NYTimes.com
Afghan Hawalas Transfer Billions Out of Country - WSJ.com U.S. investigators believe top Afghan officials and their associates are sending billions of diverted U.S. aid and logistics dollars and drug money to financial safe havens abroad
G-20 Protests In Toronto (photos)
G-20 Protests: Police Arrest Hundreds In Toronto
Hullabaloo: digby: Making Their Move - The insanity continues - Apparently all we "small people" need to be taught a lesson in responsible fiscal management and we're going to get it by sacrificing the dreams and futures of millions of people
G-20 Leaders Pledge To Halve Deficits By 2013
US Joint Chiefs Chair’s Close Alliance With the IDF | Firedoglake (Mullen: “I always try to see the threats and the challenges from an Israeli perspective.”)
US-Israeli relations suffer 'tectonic rift' - Telegraph A senior Israeli diplomat has warned
No skimmers in sight as oil floods into Mississippi waters | McClatchy
Mississippi officials slam Coast Guard as BP oil hits shores | McClatchy Barbour, who once confidently predicted that the oil would skirt Mississippi, rushed back to the state on Friday from a fundraising tour he was making on behalf of Republican candidates (priorities, now he's crying for Big Gov to help with what he said wasn't a problem)
Obama orders firms to change drill plans that mimic BP's | McClatchy (shamed by McClatchy)
Ta-Nehisi Coates - Authors - The Atlantic The press corps is toting water-pistols, and so armed, merrily carousing with the very people they claim to cover. But Ezra Klein is the scourge of the North.
Senator Robert Byrd Hospitalized, 'Seriously Ill'
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's Immigration Comments Draw Fierce Criticism that most illegal immigrants enter the United States to smuggle drugs rather than seek work have prompted a wave of criticism. But Brewer is standing by her comments
Republicans are Undercutting National Economic Recovery -- and Dems Need to Say So 24/7 | TPMCafe (they won't, and Obama is a "terrible salesman")
America Speaks in LA – They Want Economic Recovery, No Social Security Cuts | FDL News Desk (contrary to Republican propaganda)
Editorial Notebook - The Cheap Cost of Cheating the Lowest Paid - NYTimes.com
In Colorado, Pot-Selling Pioneers Try to Turn a Profit - NYTimes.com
File:Mauna Loa Carbon Dioxide-en.svg - Wikipedia (all you need to know about AGW in one pic)
What the Earth Knows: an article by Robert B. Laughlin | The American Scholar You get a long way toward understanding geologic time by just disciplining yourself to use your common sense.
BBC News - Mars' entire surface was shaped by water
Save a Whale, Save a Soul, Goes the Cry - NYTimes.com
Studied - College Students Are Found to Have Less Empathy - NYTimes.com college students today are 40 percent less empathetic than those of 30 years ago, with the numbers plunging primarily after 2000 ... authors speculate a millennial mixture of video games, social media, reality TV and hyper-competition have left young people self-involved, shallow and unfettered in their individualism and ambition.
When Chimpanzees Go on the Warpath - NYTimes.com
Did Bill Clinton have anything to do with our definition of sex? only 20 percent of those students considered oral-genital contact to be sex, compared with nearly 40 percent of a similar group of students surveyed in 1991.
4 Pinoys lose US jobs for speaking in Tagalog | ABS-CBN News | Latest Philippine Headlines, Breaking News, Video, Analysis, Features Four Filipina ex-staffers of a Baltimore City hospital haven’t gotten over the shock of being summarily fired from their jobs, allegedly because they spoke Pilipino during their lunch break (one word on lunch break will get you fired)
Breastfeeding is 'creepy', says parenting magazine | Life and style | The Observer Mother & Baby's deputy editor, Kathryn Blundell, shocks mums and midwives with pro-formula milk confessio
Ohio 6-Year-OId Alyssa Thomas Turns Up on Terror Watch List he worst thing his daughter has ever done is probably been mean to her sister.
Apple Retina Display – Jonesblog
Free Technology for Teachers: Five Real-time Search Engines for You to Try
Disillusioned Facebook users quit social-networking site - Los Angeles Times They say what started as a personal, close-knit community turned into an alienating experience.
5 Bummers About Apple iPhone 4 - Mobile - IT Channel News by CRN
Top 10 Clever Google Voice Tricks
Closing Guantánamo Fades as a Priority - NYTimes.com (that was then)
Guantanamo and presidential priorities - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com Guantanamo -- the closing of which was one of Obama's central campaign promises -- will still be open as of 2013, by which point many of the detainees will have been imprisoned for more than a decade without charges of any kind and without any real prospect for either due process or release, at least four of those years under a President who was elected on a commitment to close that camp and restore the rule of law (don't look back)
How many Americans are targeted for assassination? - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (you won't know until it's too late)
News Analysis - The President Reasserts His Authority - NYTimes.com
Op-Ed Columnist - Worse Than a Nightmare - NYTimes.com , the fiercest counterinsurgency advocates in the military will tell you that something on the order of 10 to 15 years of hard effort would be required for this strategy to bear significant fruit (which is exactly what your endless-war military wants)
Black-clad protesters clash with G20 police - CTV News
The Saturday Profile - Icelander’s Campaign Is a Joke, Until He’s Elected - Biography - NYTimes.com Mr. Gnarr needed a coalition partner, but ruled out any party whose members had not seen all five seasons of “The Wire.” (he's got point)
On Religion - A Resurgence for American Jews Who Reject Zionism - NYTimes.com
NYT describes Jewish terrorism as ‘romantic’
Think Progress » New York Times Reporter On Zionist Terrorism: ‘It Was A More Romantic Era’ (Tzipi Livni and Deborah Solomon reveal their unconscious bias)
Israel/Palestine: Is Two-State solution realistic anymore? - The Something Awful Forums
BP Oil Spill Effect on Wildlife - G4tv.com (journalism done right)
Road Sign Rage Against BP Oil Spill - Newsweek
Louisiana Wants U.S. Help, and Its Own Way - NYTimes.com (Jindal: Gov eat my cake and have it too)
Editorial - What the Gulf Can’t Afford - NYTimes.com The judge, who owns stock in oil-related companies, described oil and gas drilling as “elemental” to gulf communities and said he was certain a higher court would find the moratorium “arbitrary and capricious.”
Gulf Oil Spill Time-Lapse Video From NASA Satellites Is Haunting (video)
La. Police Doing BP's Dirty Work [Video] | Mother Jones Everyone knows by now that BP is still blocking press access to oil-spill sites even though they're not supposed to anymore ... Major Malcolm Wolfe of the sheriff's office says the deputy's pulling someone over in his official vehicle while working for a private company is standard and acceptable practice, because Wheelan was acting suspicious and could have been a terrorist (bet they see alot of those)
A Gulf gale might halt BP oil collection efforts for two weeks | McClatchy
Stupak: BP Won't Let Congress Talk To Key Employees He also said he isn't ready to issue subpoenas yet (well, fuck you then)
Johann Hari: We Are All Trapped in a Global Oil Slick
Charles Blow - Take the Long View - NYTimes.com (Obama tanking, has totally re-vitalized Republicans, but white people are dying off +Obama a "terrible salesman")
Jan Brewer: Most Illegal Immigrants Are Smuggling Drugs (dog-whistle for "brown")
Follow-up on the weak, impotent, helpless presidency - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Rachel Maddow: Obama getting a lot done (compared to Reagan)
Palin Drama: Live Mic Left On, Reporters Call Palin "Dumbest of Dumb"
GOP Rep: Hezbollah Partners With Drug Cartels To Infiltrate America's Southern Border | TPMMuckraker Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC) (R-Nutcase)
Green Party blocked from Texas ballot Democrats contended that a petition drive to put Green candidates on the ballot was actually an effort to help Perry, a Republican, by diverting votes from his Democratic challenger Bill White (Texas Republicans at work)
Weigelgate: Jeff Goldberg's Jealousy | TPMCafe My guess is that Goldberg's whole take on Weigel is just a product of his jealously of the 26 year old Klein who is now a Post columnist, a famous blogger, a television personality, and, did I say 26. Klein better watch his back. Goldberg has e-mails, and he'll use them
Second Thoughts on Dave Weigel - National - The Atlantic (Goldberg: everything is always all about Israel)
Wall Street CEOs Are Nuts « The Baseline Scenario “Geithner’s team spent much of its time during the debate over the Senate bill helping Senate Banking Committee chair Chris Dodd kill off or modify amendments being offered by more-progressive Democrats (pro-business Obama at work)
Ben Nelson Is Bored With Unemployment Already | Firedoglake “15 million people unemployed,” she stressed, “is an emergency.” Not so, according to Ben Nelson. “I don’t buy that distinction,” Nelson said yesterday. “At some point, it ceases to be an emergency. It’s ongoing…I think the bill should be paid for.” (10% unemployment A-OK with conserva-fucks)
How The Financial Reform Bill Affects Your Everyday Life (until the next TBTF crisis)
Income Gaps Between Very Rich and Everyone Else More Than Tripled In Last Three Decades, New Data Show — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Republicans at work)
SPACE.com -- Rare Hole In the Moon Photographed
Scientific Journals Are Bad for Science | The Atlantic Wire
We Must Stop the Avalanche of Low-Quality Research - Commentary - The Chronicle of Higher Education (crap research published by super-expensive journals)
Court Upholds Denial of ICR Degrees : Dispatches from the Culture Wars ("low-quality" research)
AFP: Study indicates life was possible all over Mars Conditions suitable for life -- most notably the presence of water -- may once have existed all over Mars, the European Space Agency (ESA) has said.
New Nicaraguan sign language shows how language affects thought | Not Exactly Rocket Science | Discover Magazine
U.S. Childlessness Up Amid Demographic Shift - CBS News Nearly 1 in 5 American women beyond childbearing years never gave birth as fewer couples, particularly higher-educated whites, view having children as necessary to a good marriage (+they didn't have $500K per child lying around) ("Government Projects that U.S. Minorities Will Become Majority by Mid-Century" bye-bye Repubicans)
Mark Hyman, MD: 9 Steps to Reverse Dementia and Memory Loss As You Age
Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox: Welcome: 22 Questions for Cardinal Ratzinger and the Silver Lining in the Election of this first Grand Inquisitor as Pope
Coming in 2011: New Labels for Light Bulb Packaging
Racially Profiling Kids? NAACP Investigates Solon PD - WJW Turns out, the children had nothing to do with the burglary and a middle-aged man was arrested.
Marine Widow Michaela Brummund Battles Verizon Over $350 Termination Fee despite Brummund "being a widow and Verizon not living up to its contractual obligations to provide actual cellphone coverage" In another instance, a Verizon representative allegedly threatened to blow up a man's house over a $308 bill (terrorist phone co's)
Mozilla likes HTML5 over Flash | NetworkWorld.com Community the Adobe product will never be bundled with the browser.
How to Access the Internet (A Guide from 2025)
Postcards from Hell - By Elizabeth Dickinson | Foreign Policy
Michael Hastings, Rolling Stone's McChrystal Profiler, Says Troops Are Happy That General Was Ousted Look, I went into journalism to do journalism, not advertising. My views are critical but that shouldn't be mistaken for hostile - I'm just not a stenographer. There is a body of work that shows how I view these issues but that was hard-earned through experience, not something I learned going to a cocktail party on fucking K Street. That's what reporters are supposed to do, report the story (swoon)
Ikhwanweb :: The Muslim Brotherhood Official English Website Turkey has decided to continue severing ties with Israel by canceling the agreement it signed in 2000 to supply Israel with water for a 20 year period.
Oil from spill pushes ashore from Panhandle to Mississippi (with photos, video) | al.com
Gulf Coast Governors Leaving National Guard Idle - CBS Evening News - CBS News Thousands of Troops Called Up to Fight Oil Spill Haven't Been Deployed
As Jindal Criticized Federal Bureaucracy, Louisiana Guard Troops Sat Idle - ProPublica (Christ, what a hypocrite)
Rep. Markey Wants All Oil Response Resources Directed To The Gulf, Introduces Bills To Improve 'Tool Kit'
New NBC/WSJ Poll: Sarah Palin and George W. Bush Liked By Same Percentage of Americans | Firedoglake ("27 Percenters" -- but yer media love 'em)
A Questionable Excuse on Immigration - Kiplinger Polls show a majority of Americans back the law even though a majority also think it will lead to racial discrimination. They’ve apparently decided it’s worth the price (or that it was the whole point in the first place)
Twenty Other States Considering Copying Arizona Immigration Law There has been little sign that the other three states that border Mexico will follow Arizona's lead. California, New Mexico and Texas have long-established, politically powerful Hispanic communities (so what's Nebraska's problem?)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Another Head for the Right and the Left
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect - Toilet Training - Dave Weigel is leaving The Washington Post over private e-mails mocking conservative figures .. not because of any kind of professional misconduct but because someone leaked private correspondence in a deliberate effort to make Weigel look bad (but lying about WMD is just fine with Goldberg and WaPo)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Potty Training By Judith Miller and Sally Quinn - That’s the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, who single-handedly wrote the absolutely most factless pieces of propaganda in the run-up to the war in Iraq this side of Judy Miller, and to my knowledge has never corrected the record in detail and atoned for his sins.
Goldberg's War, By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine) (2006: and nothing happened)
Blog Network - On The Topic of Dave Weigel
Dave Weigel's Resignation: The Backstory And Meaning (purge of rationality, ala Froomkin)
Financial Reform Bill Passes: Banks Keep Derivatives Units, Volcker Rules Softened; House-Senate Conference Passes Financial Reform Bill After Marathon Session
Dylan Ratigan: Wall Street Reform: Politicians Lie, Media Applauds, America Suffers
Phony Farmers Exposed | Michael Crowley | Reader's Digest Billions in tax dollars go to frauds who have never plowed a field. How did the system get so corrupt? (just a few small "family farms" nothing to see here)
Newspapers Retract 'Climategate' Claims, but Damage Still Done - Newsweek (which they knew would happen +Murdoch lies +ACORN!)
Foetus 'cannot feel pain before 24 weeks' - Telegraph n foetus cannot feel pain before 24 weeks, according to an official review of scientific evidence, contradicting one argument that anti-abortion campaigners have used for reducing the termination limit.
Halfway to Pluto, New Horizons Wakes Up in 'Exotic Territory'
Morality: Rose-coloured spectacles? | The Economist Cheats may or may not prosper, but they despise themselves for cheating
YouTube - ISS Tour - Welcome To The International Space Station!
Nobody's watching: The strange genius of the fourth season of 'Til Death | TV | The A.V. Club Blog | The A.V. Club
Courthouse News Service Police Tasered an 86-year-old disabled grandma in her bed and stepped on her oxygen hose until she couldn't breathe, after her grandson called 911 seeking medical assistance (trial lawyers!)
YouTube - NIMOKG's Channel
YouTube - Excited dog plays with baby
Apple responds to iPhone 4 reception issues: you're holding the phone the wrong way -- Engadget (they would say that +you're not cool enough for reception)
Obama Says Afghan Policy Won’t Change After Dismissal - NYTimes.com (of course not)
Petraeus Is Now Taking Control of a ‘Tougher Fight’ - NYTimes.com (victory is always one more surge away)
For Obama, Decision to Remove General Came Quickly - NYTimes.com ... . He reached out for advice to a soldier-statesman, Colin L. Powell (an expert in coverups and lying)
Early Morning Swim: Rachel Maddow Examines McChrystal’s War | Firedoglake
Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » MoveOn Scrubs “General Betray Us” Page From Website . . . Update: Flashback to 2007, Obama Skipped Senate Vote to Condemn MoveOn . . . Update 2: Rationale Page Also Flushed
Liberal Dems' battle to cut defense spending reaches a turning point - TheHill.com
The Case for Calling Them Nitwits - Magazine - The Atlantic
N Korea seeks $75 trillion in compensation - ABC News for six decades of hostility.
Sexual Assaults Add to Miseries of Haiti’s Ruins - NYTimes.com
Gulf Oil Spill: Containment Cap BACK ON It had captured 700,000 gallons of oil in 24 hours before one of the robots bumped into it late in the morning (which is 125x what they said was leaking originally)
BP Is Pursuing Alaska Drilling That Some Call Risky - NYTimes.com
Judge Denies Obama Administration's Request For Stay On Deepwater Drilling Moratorium, Another Attempt Coming The same judge who ruled this week that the administration's temporary ban was illegal denied the Justice Department's attempt for a "stay" on the ban Thursday morning (bought by BP)
Daily Kos: FL-Sen: Rubio supports oil because it's safe (we don't think that word means what you think it does)
Daily Kos: Bush administration reversed Clinton requirement to model deepwater spills
The Associated Press: House votes to give subpoena power for spill panel The vote Wednesday was 420-1, with Republican Rep. Ron Paul of Texas casting the only no vote.
Michael T. Klare: The Era of Xtreme Energy: Life After the Age of Oil
Confidence Waning in Obama, U.S. Outlook - WSJ.com (good news for Republicans!)
Border Drones? Homeland Security To Use Unmanned Surveillance Aircraft Over U.S. Border (next: with Hellfire missles)
NYC mayor, major CEOs lobby for immigration reform
Rand Paul's Underground Electric Border Fence Baffles Cornyn, Libertarians
Senator introduces legislation to shift tax burden back to billionaires | Raw Story ndependent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is sick of the super-rich avoiding estate taxes.
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: The Emerging Republican Minority
The GOP's Expiration Date Nears? - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Should the Republican Party Move to the Center on Social Issues?
Texas Republicans’ Idea of “Small Government”: Criminalizing Homosexuality, Blow Jobs | Firedoglake
State GOP chief tackles party's big debt | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle New Houston chairman trying to keep the party out of bankruptcy
Jobs Bill: Democrats Say Thursday's Doomed Vote Is The Last Chance Democrats are giving up on trying to break a Republican filibuster of a bill to reauthorize several expired domestic aid programs, including extended unemployment benefits.
Final Derivatives Showdown Thursday: Read The House Offer
Daily Kos: Senate ready to hang states, the unemployed, the economy out to dry
Against The Super-Asinine, The Gods Themselves Contend in Vain - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com
Matthew Yglesias » Will Bad News Spur Action? (SATSQ:NO)
Final Derivatives Showdown Thursday: Read The House Offer
Weekly Claims Drop Offers Some Jobs Hope; Durables Fall - CNBC The number of U.S. workers filing new applications for unemployment insurance fell slightly more than expected last week,
For the 'funemployed,' unemployment's welcomed - Los Angeles Times (2009: when unemployment was fun! +they're all on drugs!)
Taxpayer-Owned Fannie Mae Attacks Struggling Homeowners (now there's a homeowner retention program we can believe in)
New-Home Sales Fell to New Low in May - NYTimes.com (33% drop)
Niall Ferguson: A Checkup on Global Financial Health | WBUR and NPR - On Point with Tom Ashbrook
Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Former Enron CEO Jeff Skilling he ruling does not necessarily require Skilling's conviction to be overturned ("honest services" law overturned)
Aid to the Unemployed Facing Foreclosure: Too Little, Too Late? « The Washington Independent (HAMP: program designed to fail exceeded expectations)
Report: Toxins found in whales bode ill for humans - Yahoo! News Sperm whales feeding even in the most remote reaches of Earth's oceans have built up stunningly high levels of toxic and heavy metals (+its already too late)
The Vanishing Mind - Promise Seen for Detection of Alzheimer’s - NYTimes.com
Stem cells reverse blindness caused by burns - KansasCity.com
When Humans and Neanderthals Split : Discovery News A new study on dental fossils indicates Neanderthals and our own species, Homo sapiens, shared a common ancestor at least one million years ago, which is more than 500,000 years earlier than previously thought.
Whooping cough declared epidemic in California - San Jose Mercury News (anti-vax hysteria +Jenney McCarthy, Playboy model and health expert)
BBC News - Extreme DIY: Building a homemade nuclear reactor in NYC - 38th independent amateur physicist in the world to achieve nuclear fusion from a homemade reactor
U.S. Supreme Court: OK to release initiative signers' names - The Politics Blog - The Olympian - Olympia, Washington in refusing to bar the disclosure of names of voters that signed the Referendum 71 petitions last year
The New Segregation Debate - Newsweek Can educating girls and boys separately fix our public schools, or does it reinforce outmoded gender stereotypes?
Portland woman says Al Gore groped her in hotel room | OregonLive.com
'Time' Magazine: The Last Of The Big Newsweeklies : NPR
Fresh Air Interview: S.C. Gwynne - Comanche Nation: The Rise And Fall Of An 'Empire' : NPR
The Volokh Conspiracy » Youtube wins Viacom Lawsuit:
Communities Dominate Brands: Full Analysis of iPhone Economics - it is bad news. And then it gets worse
"Login" is not a verb
Hundreds Missing as Floods Sweep Northeastern Brazil - NYTimes.com
Canada Earthquake 2010: Toronto, Ottawa Report Ground Shaking
Mexico asks court to reject Ariz. immigration law
Gillard ousts Rudd in bloodless coup - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
General McChrystal Relieved Of Command: Obama Takes General Off Top Afghan Post
McChrystal Survived Tillman Cover-Up And Detainee Abuse, But Not Rolling Stone's Profile
Frank Schaeffer: McChrystal's Disdain: Symptom of a Mercenary Force With Few Ties to Civilian Leaders (and the biggest miliary budget in the world) ("evangelical Christians -- now a force for reactionary Far Right politics -- created an alliance between themselves, the Republican party, and the military beginning in the 1970s")
David Bromwich: McChrystal, Obama, and Authority This was General Stanley McChrystal's third outburst of insubordination - if the government in a box could turn so quickly into a bleeding ulcer, there must have been a fault (among other places) somewhere in McChrystal's thinking
McChrystal Arrives In Washington To Meet With Obama, Denies Reports Of Resignation Offer
Modo - Seven Days in June - NYTimes.com After nine years, more than a thousand troops dead, and hundreds of billions spent that could have been put toward developing new forms of fuel so that all our miseries and all our fun doesn’t derive from oil, we’ve fought our way to a stalemate.
Doris Kearns Goodwin - What Would Lincoln Do? - NYTimes.com - the “insolence of epaulettes”
General McChrystal Failing to Follow Obama’s Afghan Policy - The Daily Beast Last summer, he tried to split the difference—surging in Afghanistan while simultaneously pledging to retreat on the theory that within eighteen months the U.S. could so weaken the Taliban that they would sue for peace. Six months in, that strategy looks increasingly absurd.
Another view on 'runaway general': Don't fire McChrystal - USATODAY.com At this moment, as we enter into perhaps the most crucial six months of the entire war, I hope and pray that President Obama will decide we cannot afford to be without the leadership of such an amazing American! (O'Hanlon wanks for six more months, 17 Friedman Units later)
Olbermann Tells Obama: Reject McChrystal's Resignation Offer (conventional wisdom)
TriValley Central - Army probes claims of US funds flowing to Afghan insurgents
Israeli Criticizes Plans to Raze Palestinian Homes - NYTimes.com
“As Jews we should stand as a beacon for human rights not as an internationally known perpetrator of atrocities.” « Orwell's Dreams
Hamas: We won't let Red Cross visit Shalit - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Hamas official says visitation denied for fear it might lead Israel to try to free abducted IDF soldier in military operation.
Oil in the Gulf, two months later - The Big Picture - Boston.com
More Oil Gushing Into Gulf After Problem With Cap - NYTimes.com The current worst-case estimate of what's spewing into the Gulf is about 2.5 million gallons a day (remember "minimal" and "5,000 gallons?" )
Judge Blocks Obama’s Moratorium on Deep-Water Drilling - White House Sets Appeal - NYTimes.com
More oil flows into Gulf of Mexico after accident | Reuters
BP Gulf Oil Spill Myths - Gulf Oil Spill Myths and Facts - thedailygreen.com the moratorium affected fewer than 1% of Gulf of Mexico oil wells - shut down 33 exploratory deepwater wells - left 3,600 existing offshore oil wells active in Gulf waters
A grim technical view on the BP Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico | Editor's Choice |Axisoflogic.com
Tomgram: Michael Klare, The Coming Era of Energy Disasters | TomDispatch
Poll Finds Deep Concern About Energy and Economy - NYTimes.com By a large margin, the public over all said more regulation of offshore drilling to protect the environment was needed, but respondents were also more likely to attribute the BP accident to a failure of the federal government to enforce existing rules than to a lack of adequate regulation.
A Mystery: When Did Gov’t Exempt Gulf Drilling from Detailed Enviro Reviews? - ProPublica Somehow, the Minerals Management Service decided that there was little chance of disaster and thus gave the entire [2] central and western Gulf an exclusion from a requirement for comprehensive environmental reviews.
Oil Execs Grilled On Copycat Emergency Plans : NPR
Revealed: Judge who overturned Obama’s offshore moratorium owns drilling stocks | Raw Story
AMERICAblog News: Why the Deepwater Horizon rig may have blown up
BP Magazine Discovers Bright Side to Oil Spill - The Source - WSJ
Soros’s Oil Spill Payoff | FrontPage Magazine
India fury over US 'double standards' on BP and Bhopal | Environment | The Guardian Barack Obama's tough stand on Gulf oil spill contrasts with lack of action on Bhopal, campaigners say
Joe Barton Will Keep Energy Committee Post After Apologizing To GOP Colleagues
BBC - Adam Curtis Blog: BP AND THE AXIS OF EVIL They gave the world Ayatollah Khomeini.
The History of Oil - Robert Newman
CIA Gives Blackwater Firm New $100 Million Contract
Gonzalo Lira: Is the U.S. a Fascist Police-State? « naked capitalism yesterday’s Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project decision (No. 08-1498, also 09-89) of the Supreme Court, coupled with last week’s Arar v. Ashcroft denial of certiorari (No. 09-923), the case for claiming that the U.S. is a fascist police-state just got a whole lot stronger.
- IPS Inter Press Service Peace Groups Slam High Court Ruling on "Terror Support"
Kagan scores win on terror-support law - Josh Gerstein - politico.com (signs of things to come)
Poll shows Perry, White with 43 percent each in Texas gubernatorial race | Elections & Pol...
Senator David Vitter's Aide Brent Furer Attacked Girlfriend, Pleaded Guilty - ABC News Drunk Driving, Attack on Girlfriend, Open Warrant Detailed in ABC News Report ... has spent the last five years posted in his Washington office to handle, among other things, women's issues
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » And the Fluffing Begins South Carolina state Rep. Nikki Haley cruised to the Republican nomination for governor tonight, a victory that makes her not just the frontrunner for the office this fall but a likely national GOP star (they are always rising +Chris Cilizza is an idiot)
alicublog: Why I Am Not A Libertarian, Part 4,229 (The article actually compares an Afghan Taliban interdiction against ladies eating ice cream with an anti-Mr. Softee drive in Park Slope)
Carlson says her job on Fox & Friends is "just like" being president | Media Matters for America
'Party of Parasites' author took $1M in farm subsidies - KansasCity.com The Raytown farmer who posted a sign on a semi-truck trailer accusing Democrats of being the “Party of Parasites” received more than $1 million in federal crop subsidies since 1995 ... David Jungerman can't spell "hypocrite" but is now famous on the internets for all eternity
Editorial - Cutting Off the Unemployed - NYTimes.com 900,000 jobless workers have already lost their benefits, a number that will swell to an estimated 1.6 million people if an extension is not passed by the July Fourth (test them for drugs!)
Calculated Risk: FOMC Statement: Less Positive . The Fed noted the financial issues in Europe, and also commented that "underlying inflation has trended lower". Each statements was slightly less positive ...
How Is It That We Have Lost the Argument? - Grasping Reality with Both Hands many “sound” people prefer orthodox recessions to unorthodox recoveries (never argue with idiots?)
Open Left:: Harold Meyerson also questions the Underpants Gnomes theory on jobs/deficit - "But today, the Blue Dogs insist on offsetting stimulus with cuts, which can create a self-negating position" (but the deficit!)
Square Feet - New Accounting Rules Could Unsettle Leasing Market - NYTimes.com As a result of the change, public companies will have to put some $1.3 trillion in leases on their balance sheets, according to estimates by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Because many private companies also follow GAAP accounting, the number could be closer to $2 trillion, experts said.
Geithner Says Bailout Money Is Being Repaid - NYTimes.com (but AIG will wipe it all out)
The Writer Who Couldn't Read : NPR
IBM’s Watson Trivia Challenge - Interactive Feature - NYTimes.com
Beyond the petaflop: DARPA wants quintillion-speed computers | NetworkWorld.com Community
Texas judge tosses creationists' plan for science degrees | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Organic pesticides not always 'greener' choice, study finds
Remains of 72 people found at World Trade Center site - Telegraph
Queens Prosecutors Make Use of Broader Vision on Hate Crimes - NYTimes.com
Police vs. City Council on Oakland budget cuts
Courthouse News Service A homeowner says he was arrested for "illegal photography" when a police sergeant followed him into his own home, and he objected and took the cop's photo with his cell phone.
Virgin Atlantic Passengers Faint, Deprived Of Water For Hours On Runway stuck in a hot, dark plane parked on a tarmac, while babies squirmed and people yelled and screamed. At least three people fainted and were taken away in ambulances.
Oprah Rigs Votes Against Zach Anner?
YouTube - Jessica's "Daily Affirmation"
Jessica of 'Daily Affirmation' Fame - An Urlesque Interview - Urlesque
YouTube - Goodnight Moon
pretty dumb things
Just around the Corner: GPS Navigation Evolved
F.lux: software to make your life better (change monitor brightness by the hour)
The 5 Most Advanced Search Engines On The Web
The Runaway General | Rolling Stone Politics Stanley McChrystal, Obama's top commander in Afghanistan, has seized control of the war by never taking his eye off the real enemy: The wimps in the White House (time for the wimp-in-chief to stand up)
General Stanley McChrystal: The Runaway General by Michael Hastings | Politics News | Rolling Stone - The Rolling Stone profile of Stanley McChrystal that changed history
Robert Greenwald: McChrystal Must Resign For insubordination, for disrespecting the Office of the President of the United States and for allowing derision of the White House among his staff, General Stanley McChrystal must resign.
McChrystal - Swampland - time.com I suppose he will have to be sacked now (Joe Klein at work)
Gen. Stanley McChrystal: Latest developments – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs Gen. Stanley McChrystal has submitted his resignation, Time magazine's Joe Klein told CNN, citing an unnamed source. CNN is working to confirm Klein's information.
General McChrystal's Rolling Stone Interview A 'Significant Mistake,' Gates Says
BBC News - General Stanley McChrystal summoned over article claims
Obama’s MacArthur Moment? McChrystal Disses Biden | Informed Comment
The Night Beat: What the Heck Was McChrystal Thinking? - Politics - The Atlantic
Obama leaving options open on firing McChrystal, Gibbs says
McChrystal Apologizes, But The Question Remains: Defrock The Pope? | ATTACKERMAN
Parents of Slain Army Ranger Tillman: McChrystal Shouldn't Get Top Afghanistan Post - FOXNews.com (5/2009: he was at the heart of the Tilman coverup)
Jon Krakauer: McChrystal's Explanation For Pat Tillman Cover-up Is 'Preposterous' 'Not Believable' | Video Cafe
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Krakauer: McChrystal shouldn’t be in charge in Afghanistan « - Blogs from CNN.com
Tillman mother sought to warn Obama of McChrystal - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com
A D.C. whodunit: Who leaked and why? - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com The leak is a shot across the bows, he said, of Vice President Joe Biden and of leading congressional Democrats who oppose a buildup in Afghanistan (remember this? McChrystal did it)
Why Military Code Demands McChrystal's Resignation - Newsweek
Farewell to McChrystal, hello to Mattis? - By Tom Ricks | The Best Defense
Analysis: Afghanistan timeline provokes concerns - News - Stripes (didn't like Obama making withdrawlal noises)
A General Who Speaks His Mind (Even When He Shouldn't) - Newsweek
How Rolling Stone Won The News Cycle And Lost The Story | TPM LiveWire
YouTube - Apocolypse Now!: Better angels of our nature
'The Runaway General': General McChrystal Faces BLOWBACK From Rolling Stone Expose
McChrystal's Rolling Stone Interview: General's Team SLAMS Key Obama Officials (slideshow) ("It was a 10-minute photo op," says an adviser to McChrystal. "Obama clearly didn't know anything about him, who he was. Here's the guy who's going to run his fucking war, but he didn't seem very engaged")
Duncan Boothby RESIGNS: McChrystal Aide Steps Down In Wake Of Rolling Stone Piece in the wake of an explosive Rolling Stone expose that features McChrystal's staff openly criticizing key members of the Obama administration.
Rolling Stone Editor: McChrystal Knew He Was On The Record, Didn't Dispute Accuracy Of Quotes (video)
Hamid Karzai, Brother Endorse McChrystal After Rolling Stone Interview: 'Best Commander' Of Afghanistan War
Ralph Peters’ General-Betray-Us Moment | attackerman (9/2009: background)
North Korea watches live as its team loses big
The RCMP: a police force in denial | Full Comment | National Post
'A Pandora's Box': Arrest of Suspected Mossad Agent Strains German-Israeli Relations - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International Officials in Berlin say the Israeli secret service went too far in obtaining a German passport for alleged use in the murder of a Hamas official in Dubai -- especially as they apparently used a fake story of Nazi persecution to get it (well?)
Just How British Is BP? - Green Blog - NYTimes.com 39 percent of the company is owned by American shareholders and six Americans – half the total – sit on its board of directors.
Judge blocks Obama move on drilling - Disaster in the Gulf- msnbc.com Feldman's financial disclosure report for 2008, the most recent available, shows holdings in at least eight petroleum companies or companies that invest in them, including Transocean Ltd., which owned the Deepwater Horizon ("oil judge")
Judge who overturned drilling moratorium reported owning stock in drilling companies - Yahoo! News
Conservative media defend BP against "shakedowns," "show trials," and environmentalists at least 62 times | Media Matters for America
Stewart Nails GOP For Flip Flopping On Escrow Fund (video)
Everyday Corruption | The American Prospect The policy-making process has become an extension of the market battlefield.
Orrin Hatch: Drug Test The Unemployed Utah voters have reacted enthusiastically to Sen. Orrin Hatch's legislation to drug test the unemployed and those receiving other forms of government cash assistance (how about Wall Street CEOs? since they're the ones on crack ... and Senators!)
PressThink Fixing The Ideology Problem in Our Political Press: A Reply to The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder
In which I agree with Howard Kurtz | Media Matters for America If we can't find a way to make such fundamental issues compelling, we ought to find another line of work (well?)
Dems won’t pass budget in 2010 - TheHill.com The House has never failed to pass an annual budget resolution since the current budget rules were put into place in 1974.
Americans to Congress: Give Us Jobs, Not Deficit Dance | FDL Action (the 5%'ers are controlling the conversation)
Greenberg Quinlan Rosner | How Democrats Can Win the Economic Debate by Making Small Business the Center of Their Agenda Republicans led Democrats by a 48 percent to 38 percent on which party would do a better job “helping small businesses succeed.” Among independents, that gap widens to 29 points.
In a Michelangelo Fresco, Visions of a Brain Stem - NYTimes.com
nsf.gov - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Researchers Discover Relative of Best-Known Human Ancestor - US National Science Foundation (NSF)
BBC News - Monsanto GM seed ban is overturned by US Supreme Court The bio-tech company Monsanto can sell genetically modified seeds before safety tests on them are completed, the US Supreme Court has ruled (Roberts' Court: too extreme for America?)
YouTube - Dave Chappelle- Drugs
Lady Power - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com There is nobody like Lady Gaga in part because she keeps us guessing about who she, as a woman, really is.
Timothy Karr: The Fate of the Internet -- Decided in a Back Room - the Federal Communications Commission is holding "closed-door meetings" with industry to broker a deal on Net Neutrality -- the rule that lets users determine their own Internet experience (Obama loves his back-room deals)
Adobe Flash gets its full launch on Android | VentureBeat
The Growing Geek iPhone Backlash - Business - The Atlantic (is Steve Jobs a Republican?)
Official Google Blog: Google Voice for everyone
Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Terror Law The court ruled 6-3 Monday that the government may prohibit all forms of aid to designated terrorist groups, even if the support consists of training and advice about entirely peaceful and legal activities (like talking)
Korea Radiation Surge Detected Days After Hydrogen Bomb Claims
White House: July 2011 Afghan withdrawal 'firm' | AP | 06/20/2010 (at least 12 troops will leave by then, if the Generals allow it)
The Key to Success: in Afghanistan: A Modern Silk Road Strategy: S. Frederick Starr, Andrew C. Kuchins (PDF)
David Ignatius - Afghanistan's future lies in trade partnerships (and infrastructure! - way too late for that, WaPo)
YouTube - Portugal legalizes drugs. Crime/Usage falls (never in America)
Israeli Easing of Blockade of Gaza Draws Praise of U.S. - NYTimes.com (way to crystallize international opinion, Israel)
Regulators Failed to Address Risks in Oil Rig Fail-Safe Device - NYTimes.com (regulators?)
The Washington Monthly: Barbour: Moratorium Worse Than Spill - Barbour neglected to mention is that Obama got BP to commit to a $100 million fund to compensate unemployed oil rig workers affected by the closure of other deepwater rigs (Obama should take him up on that)
Joe Barton: The Vultures Circle As Barton makes his case to GOP leadership, it doesn't help that he ran against Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) for the top spot following the 2006 Democratic takeover
Joe Barton's Apology: Dems Doing All They Can To Draw It Out Through November
Melancon: Obama Gets A 'C' On Oil Spill Response | TPMDC the difference here, and that's the frustration that I have and I keep asking people what is it exactly that you want the federal government to do? (surprisingly sane Dem from coastal Louisiana)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Godwin's Law Needs Updating ... if Salam thought about it for a moment, he'd realize that the government pressuring BP to pay for the damage it caused out of its own pocket is not exactly "similar" to the ethnic cleansing of Native Americans or the The Opium Wars, both of which involved the coercive use of military force and large numbers of human casualties (Reihan Salam is an idiot and jumps on the "shakedown" bandwagon)
Gulf Oil Spill: Undersea oil masses confirmed in tests | Greenspace | Los Angeles Times (tell the fish to apologize to BP for dying)
The oil blowout will mean more subsidies for the ethanol industry. That's bad news for consumers. - By Robert Bryce - Slate Magazine The oil blowout will mean more subsidies for the corn-fuel industry. That's bad news for consumer
How the Gulf crisis made BP British again. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine
Update: Jimmy Buffett announces Gulf Shores concert to promote tourism | al.com (promoting oil-soaked beaches!)
Rahm Emanuel Leaving The White House: Sooner Or Later, Maybe Or Not! (a year too late)
Joe Scarborough: Fox News 'The Only Organizing Institution For The GOP' (video)
Hullabaloo: digby: Solidarity Through Bigotry - ""Every time we give amnesty for an illegal alien, we deport a liberal." the goal of the movement is to unite America the way it was immediately following the 2001 terrorist attacks (those good old hippie-bashing unity days)
It Never Ends: The Boiling Frogs - Science and Tech - The Atlantic (cliche-ridden pundits, esp little Tommy Friedman)
For Democrats, Internal Dissent Could Stop an Agenda Cold - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com
TLC Makes Push For Red America the network is making maybe its strongest play yet for the non-elite, middle-class audience, with a new show starring the queen of Red State America, Sarah Palin (appealing to everyone in red-state America with an IQ under freezing)
Zombies Have Already Killed The Deficit Commission - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com Simpson has resurrected the old nonsense about how Social Security will be bankrupt as soon as payroll tax revenues fall short of benefit payments, never mind the quarter century of surpluses that came first (good job, Obama, appointing Alan "the lesser people" Simpson as head of the commission)
National League of Cities: Local Jobs for America Act Introduced in the Senate | Al Franken - U.S. Senator, Minnesota (Republicans will veto)
Some Winners Emerge From Europe’s Debt Crisis - NYTimes.com While Germans have complained the loudest about having to bail out Greece and the other overindebted nations, Germany is arguably the big winner from the financial crisis in the form of lower interest rates and a more robust stock market.
Swipe Fee Deal: Merchants Beat Wall Street
Borrowers exit troubled Obama mortgage program - Business Breaking News - MiamiHerald.com More than a third of the 1.24 million borrowers who have enrolled in the $75 billion mortgage modification program have dropped out. That exceeds the number of people who have managed to have their loan payments reduced to help them keep their homes (program designed to fail from the beginning, failed miserably)
Matthew Yglesias » Angela Merkel Lucky the Bar for “Worst German Leader” is Very High
How To Become a Millionaire In Three Years | Jason L. Baptiste
The Anosognosic’s Dilemma: Something’s Wrong but You’ll Never Know What It Is (Part 1) - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com
Defense.gov News Transcript: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers - February 12, 2002 11:30 AM EST (" But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know")
No One Knows What the F*** They're Doing (or "The 3 Types of Knowledge")
YouTube - known unknown (Boondocks)
Mind Over Body: Scientific American - Stroke victims cannot perceive paralysis in themselves--or others
Hallucinations in Hospital Pose Risk to Elderly - NYTimes.com
Skin Cancer Is on the Rise, Indoor Tanning to Blame | LiveScience The invention of the tanning bed changed that, and throughout the 1990s, the rapid proliferation of tanning salons provided venues for millions of people to sunbathe regardless of weather, season, or time of day.
Doctors limit new Medicare patients - Usatoday.com
Should pregnant women be medical test subjects? – Paging Dr. Gupta - CNN.com Blogs
BBC News - Lung cancer risk 'cut by B vitamin'
CNN Drops AP Wire Service CNN has been an AP customer since the cable network launched in 1980.
Ted Koppel's Son Andrew Died From Alcohol, Cocaine, Heroin & More combined effects of alcohol; heroin; cocaine; diazepam, the generic form of Valium; and Levamisole
ThinkGeek :: Blurgh! The ThinkGeek Blog - Officially our best-ever cease and desist (product of the best corporate legal minds in Amercia)
Swype Reinvents Typing on Touch-Screen Phones - NYTimes.com
School Ban Would Crack Down On Sexting--Even In The Home , "It comes down to the fact that these kids are just lawless."
HOW TO : Enable Wordpress 3.0 New Features After Upgradation
2000 iMac compared to the 2010 iPhone - Ars Technica OpenForum
Ars reviews iOS 4: what's new, notable, and what needs work
Move your Windows XP installation into Windows 7 with VMware | Microsoft Windows | TechRepublic.com
Ethnic attacks in Kyrgyzstan - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Japan Has 'Priority' On Rights To Mine Afghanistan Mineral Deposits, Says Hamid Karzai (muhahaha)
Somali Pirate Cook Saves Hostages, Then Disappears
McClatchy blog: Nukes & Spooks So far in 2010, nearly as many active and non-active duty troops have committed suicide as have died while serving in Afghanistan, 163 and 172
VA quietly giving benefits to Marines exposed to toxic water | McClatchy - "any Camp Lejeune veteran who files a claim now is presumed to have been exposed to the contaminated drinking water"
Israel Eases Gaza Blockade, Will Allow In All Goods Except For Weapons
Over a thousand blocking gates at Oakland docks : Indybay This could be history; a first in the United States; joining actions in many countries.
Poll: Most Palestinians want peace with Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News 89% Palestinians support PA legislative elections this year, 84 % believe Fatah will win.
The Oil Drum | What Were the Causes That Led to the Deepwater Horizon Blowout and Explosion? - and Open Thread
Frank Rich - Clean the Gulf, Clean House, Clean Their Clock - NYTimes.com - In the short history of the Obama White House, two of its most urgent projects, reducing unemployment and pacifying Afghanistan, have yet to yield persuasive results. The dividends on the third, health care reform, won’t be in the mail for years.
Rahm Emanuel: Joe Barton's BP Apology Represents Difference Between Democrats And Republicans (video)
Large oil spills are old news in the Niger Delta
Crews drill deep into Gulf of Mexico to halt leak - Yahoo! News
The oil spill colors the fabric of Gulf coastal life | McClatchy
BP Relied on Cheaper Wells - WSJ.com WSJ Analysis Shows Oil Giant Used 'Risky' Design More Often Than Most Peers
BP Thought Spill Could Be 100-Times Larger Than It Told Congress, According To Internal Document
Gulf Oil Spill Causes Other Nations To Rethink Drilling
Think Progress » Kristol: ‘It’s not healthy for the country…for the President to bully’ BP (where their loyalties lie +Christ, what an asshole)
John Fund: BP 'Shakedown' Sends Message The U.S. Can Resemble Banana Republic Overnight with Wrong President in Charge | Video Cafe (Republican hacks at work protecting the rich +ditto)
Louisiana lawmakers propose prayer to stop oil disaster - CNN.com (thought God caused it, this might piss Him off even more)
Twitter / Sarah Palin: Gulf disaster needs divine intervention as man's efforts have been futile. Gulf lawmakers designate today Day of Prayer for solution/miracle (just ask Big Butter Jesus)
Gates: 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Repeal Could Be Vetoed Because Of Budget Battle Obama probably still would veto an upcoming spending bill that includes the repeal – if the bill also contains money for defense projects he says are wasteful.
Hullabaloo Calling Out The Obstructionists - “Gridlock as a political strategy is destructive to the country.”
Daily Kos: Some excerpts from the Texas Republican Party platform: Confederate Widows Plaque, Sodomy Statutes, make it a felony to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple, don't give money to the Republican party
Daily Kos: The Republicans are not on your side
An unexpected result for some census takers: the wrath of irate Americans "I was stunned, I really was, that America is so mad at the government," said Chesney, who no longer works for the census. "People don't know what it's like out there. It's scary and dangerous, and it's not worth my life." (Beck/Limbaugh and the stupid/insane crowd)
Social Security: Punching Bag For Right Wingers Since 1935 | Firedoglake (Alan Simpson, grouchy old man: "We’re trying to take care of the lesser people" because he's a "greater person")
Matthew Yglesias » Millionaires vs the Unemployed
Fannie and Freddie tab is $146B and rising - STLtoday.com - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac took over a foreclosed home roughly every 90 seconds during the first three months of the year
China Agrees to “Flexible” Exchange Rate | FDL News Desk
2010 could be among warmest years recorded by man | Environment | The Guardian Figures from US scientists show Arctic sea ice is at a record low, while land temperatures are likely to hit new highs (just a plot by liberal nature to deprive us of our Republican life-styles)
2010 So Far Has Been Hottest Year on Record: NOAA : TreeHugger
RealClimate: Leakegate: A retraction (WP: "The Sunday Times is published by Times Newspapers Ltd, a subsidiary of News International, which is in turn owned by News Corporation - Murdoch at work +Jonathan Leake is a wanker)
Leakegate : Deltoid - Leake deliberately concealed the fact that error in the IPCC was a missing cite, rather than a factual error
Forests expert officially complains about 'distorted' Sunday Times article | Environment | guardian.co.uk
Pubs.GISS: Abstract of Foster et al. 2010
McSweeney's Internet Tendency: Could It Be That the Best Chance to Save a Young Family From Foreclosure is a 28-Year-Old Pakistani American Playright-slash-Attorney who Learned Bankruptcy Law on the Internet?
The man who’s tutoring Bill Gates … - The Globe and Mail Prof. Smil is an expert on the history of technological innovation.
VA quietly giving benefits to Marines exposed to toxic water | McClatchy any Camp Lejeune veteran who files a claim now is presumed to have been exposed to the contaminated drinking water"
Are Australian honeybees behind U.S. hive collapse? | McClatchy federal regulators say they'd consider import restrictions if necessary.
Alfred the Great's granddaughter comes home - News, Archaeology - The Independent
Duke study: PCs hurt students | McClatchy - North Carolina middle school students' test scores dropped after they got home computers, suggesting they spent more time playing "The Sims" than working practice math problems (and watching porno)
A Pacemaker Wrecks a Family's Life - NYTimes.com What Broke My Father’s Heart
David Friedman Photography: Blog: Inventors Archives
don kenn gallery (monsterdrawings on post-its)
Penguin Canada head fired, faces sexual harassment suit - thestar.com
Penguin Canada: How Not to Manage a Sexual Harassment Suit | BNET Media Blog | BNET
homosexuality TIME Magazine - Search Results (see Time Mag's evolution in thinking about gay sex)
Metric madness: How automakers refuse to give it up - usatoday.com (dumb reporter gets trashed in comments)
Dude - An $800,000 Disaster. Where Did They Go Wrong? by Patricia Bosworth The New York Times - October 22, 1972
Best kept secrets in Cambrige, MA? : AskReddit
Are Michelle and Barack Obama the reincarnation of Queen Tiye and Akhenaton of Ancient Egypt? « Fahrusha's Weblog
Everything We Know About Fatherhood, We Learned From YouTube - Newsweek
Twitter Annotations Are Coming — What Do They Mean For Twitter and the Web?
AT&T Randomly Cancelling iPhone 4 Pre-Orders?
10 Fun Facts You Didn't Know About Google
Derrick Crowe: General Petraeus Starts Moving the Goalposts on Afghanistan Withdrawal (they always do)
17 Afghan Military Go AWOL In Texas, Alert Issued (once they've seen Paree)
Turkish Jets Raid Northern Iraq, Clashes Kill 23
CBC.ca News - Air India Flight 182 Canadian authorities should have known that Air India Flight 182 was a potential terrorist target, a long-awaited report says in blaming a "cascading series of errors" by government, the RCMP and CSIS for failing to prevent the disaster.
BBC News - Canada stun gun death 'not justified' Robert Dziekanski, who did not speak English, died after being stunned five times with a Taser in 2007 (whoops, there was a video made by a bystander: "before his death, Mr Dziekanski asked the policemen in Polish: "Have you lost your minds?")
Iceland passes gay marriage law in unanimous vote | Reuters
Ultra-Orthodox parents evading jail-time in segregated school row to spend Shabbat at home - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News illegally segregating their Ashkenazi daughters from Sephardi classmates.
Hasidic Jews in Israel Protest Ruling on School - NYTimes.com Many of the more modern Orthodox leaders in Israel denounced what they saw as blatant racism and segregation in Immanuel (61% of Israeli first-graders are Haredi, who will never have jobs: this is how Israel self-destructs from within)
Opinion: Emanuel Isn't Little Rock - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News Could it be that the extreme leftwing anti-settlement New Israel Fund earmarked its attack against parents in Emanuel because they are Samaria residents? (could it be? you decide)
FailedMessiah.com: Letters from Israel: Supreme Court Ruling Against Haredi Racism Restores Faith In Democracy It is no coincidence that there is a Sefardic haredi party in the Knesset. It was formed solely to countermand haredi racism, but it failed to stamp out that racism.
Gulf Oil Spill: BP Partner Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Blasts BP's 'Reckless Decisions And Actions'
Gulf Oil Spill: Tony Hayward Attends Glitzy Yacht Race As Oil Spews Into Gulf (let them eat tar-balls)
Foot, Meet Mouth: Our Top Six GOP Oil Spill Gaffes | TPMDC
Iceland Passes WikiLeaks Law - Truthdig
Iceland rewrites law to create haven for investigative reporting - The Independent - ncreases protection for anonymous sources, creates new protections from so-called "libel tourism" and makes it much harder to censor stories before they are published.
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Red State or CBS News? Shorter John Cole: Mark Knoller is a fucking idiot
John Huppenthal, Keith Wagner Interview: AZ State Senator Schooled By High School Student (video)
John Huppenthal 2010 - John Huppenthal is one of Arizona’s leading authorities on education issues - John Huppenthal is endorsed by Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Republican Leader Len Munsil and many others acorss Arizona (that's the only time "Republican" appears on his website)
The strange and consequential case of Bradley Manning, Adrian Lamo and WikiLeaks - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Jon Stewart on Obama's executive power record - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com ("respect ma authoriteh!" - Obama worse than Bush in civil liberties)
Banished by the FBI | Mother Jones When he offered to fly home handcuffed and flanked by air marshals, Mr. Wehelie said, F.B.I. agents turned him down (American citizen trapped in Cairo on Obama's fuck-you list)
Tea Party - Confessions of a Tea Party Consultant - Rogues of K Street (very ugly - about what you'd expect but more)
The Very Angry Tea Party - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com
What's wrong with libertarianism: they don't know what an actually oppressive government looks like; they've never experienced a depression; they've never lived in a slum or experienced racial discrimination. At the same time, they have a very American sense of entitlement: a gut feeling that they've earned the prosperity they were born into, that they owe the community nothing, that they deserve to have whatever they want, that no one should stand in their way.
Stuck Rubber Baby Home Page
Chuck DeVore To TPM: Jury Still Out On Whether Fiorina Will Be A 'Trainwreck' | TPMDC
bsom: Washington Post Alternate Reality: Public More Concerned About Deficit Than Jobs or Economy Overall - It's a trendy right-wing meme of the last few months, but here it is in the news pages of the Washington Post. But is this notion supported by what the polling actually says? No. Not even close (Fred Hiatt at work with the trendy rightwing memes)
Election-year deficit fears stall Obama stimulus plan (the trendy meme)
Rand Paul to long-term jobless: Just go back to work | McClatchy (escalating war on the unemployed by country-club Repubicans)
The New Poor - Peddling Relief, Firms Put Debtors in Deeper Hole - NYTimes.com
Matthew Yglesias » Avoiding the Resource Curse
Payback Time - In Budget Crisis, States Take Aim at Pension Costs - NYTimes.com Many states are acknowledging this year that they have promised pensions they cannot afford and are cutting once-sacrosanct benefits, to appease taxpayers and attack budget deficits (only future hires, won't help much)
Retail rents rising in some top cities - Morning Call New York is most expensive Chicago ranks 14th in world
F.D.A. Panel Opposes Sexual Desire Drug for Women - NYTimes.com voted against recommending approving a drug to treat female sexual desire disorder (the "Twilight" pill)
SPACE.com -- Hundreds of Possible Alien Planets Discovered By NASA Spacecraft
Observations: Faster-than-light electric currents could explain pulsars
Ben Goldacre: Predictions are fine, but there are better ways to protect a population | Science | The Guardian
LIFE: How LIFE Works, NIF & Photon Science The concept of fusion-fission hybrids
Ed Moses : Clean Fusion Power This Decade - The Long Now
Exclusive: The unseen photographs that throw new light on the First World War - Europe, World - The Independent
Chernobyl - 24 years on - Europe, World - The Independent
Man Arrested Over 'Unrivaled' Stash Of Child Porn Photos (Austian, hmmm)
Atlanta expected to pay $20,000 to woman arrested for asking a police officer ‘why' | ajc.com
Retailers Revive the Market in Women’s Plus Sizes - NYTimes.com 28 percent of the adult population was obese last year, the highest percentage yet. Almost two-thirds of American women are either overweight or obese, according to the most recent CDC figures.
An Excerpt From ‘Portrait of an Addict As a Young Man: A Memoir’ by Bill Clegg -- New York Magazine
Learn HTML5: 10 Must Read Lessons
CBC News - Canada - Air India families find no closure in report "cascading series of errors" by government, the RCMP and the country's spy agency for failing to prevent the disaster.
Obama internet 'kill switch' proposed US President Barack Obama would be granted powers to seize control of and even shut down the internet under a new bill that describes the global internet as a US "national asset" (all your internets are belong to us)
Asia Times Online :: Bhopal, BP and karma (what goes around ...)
Think Progress » BP Executive To Gulf Residents: You Need Us, So Don’t ‘Shoot The Dog Who Is Trying To Bring Home The Bone’ (just 'cause we filled your house with dog-shit for 60 days)
CNN's Erickson agrees: WH "meeting with" BP was "a shakedown" | Media Matters for America (CNN's elite pundit)
Liberals and Obama on the Oil Spill -- continued | TPMCafe Many liberal pundits are making absolute fools of themselves bashing Obama over the Gulf spill (way to miss the point, Theda)
Overlooked BP oil spill problem: Well gushes vast amounts of methane, could create Gulf 'dead zones' | al.com The oil emanating from the seafloor contains about 40 percent methane, compared with about 5 percent found in typical oil deposits (we are so fucked: here's your "shakedown")
BP Must Stop Using Toxic Dispersant Now, Says Environmental Engineer (video)
Stewart Calls Joe Barton A 'Disdainful A--hole' (video)
Joe Biden on Joe Barton: "Incredibly Out of Touch" | Blue Wave News
Tony Hayward removed From Gulf Spill Operations, Carl-Henric Svanberg Says (gets his life back)
Wall Street Said 'Buy, Buy, Buy' BP Stock As Gulf Crisis Unfolded ... There was not a single rating of "sell" or "underperform" among those tracked.
Official: Justice Department plans to sue over Arizona law - CNN.com
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Accountability Makes Us Vaguely Uncomfortable For the DC Press Corpse, the “rule of law” is a quaint notion that went out at the turn of the century (+"the problem with Toyota wasn’t that its cars were killing people, it was his description of how their cars were killing people")
More Republican candidates boycott the press; journalists have only themselves to blame | Media Matters for America - That's right, we now have two major party candidates running for state-wide office who pretty much won't answer questions from reporters (Angle, Paul and Obama)
You've seen the stimulus. Now, meet the anti-stimulus.
Op-Ed Columnist - That ’30s Feeling - NYTimes.com Suddenly, creating jobs is out, inflicting pain is in (Republifucks and Conservadems at work)
Alan Greenspan: U.S. Debt and the Greece Analogy - WSJ.com Don't be fooled by today's low interest rates. The government could very quickly discover the limits of its borrowing capacity (just listen to Mr Always Wrong)
Alan Simpson: Cutting Social Security Benefits to “Take Care of the Lesser People in Society” | FDL Action (the "secret" deficit commission is gunning for Social Security)
Language Log: The social psychology of linguistic naming and shaming
What is the most annoying phrase in the English language? - Telegraph
Vandana Shiva: From Seeds of Suicide to Seeds of Hope: Why Are Indian Farmers Committing Suicide and How Can We Stop This Tragedy?
Introducing the Google Command Line Tool - Google Open Source Blog
Experts: U.S. has no long-term political strategy for Afghanistan | McClatchy (that's been obvious for about 10 years)
Democrats Challenge Pentagon On Afghanistan (no long-term strategy, and their short-term strategy sucks)
In Bitchy Outburst, Risen Confirms Lithium Story Timed to Afghan Setbacks | Emptywheel absolutely confirms one of the concerns raised about the piece: that its timing had everything to do with recent setbacks in Afghanistan and, probably, Petraeus’ testimony before Congress (+bloggers jerking off in their pajamas, oooh)
Afghanistan Mineral Wealth May Be Greater Than Estimated: $3 Trillion (latest from Petraeus)
Obama Calls for Return of Honduran President | News | English
A Tiny Revolution: "History Could Be Swallowed Up So Completely" (but if anyone can do it, it's Mr "Don't Look Back")
The American Empire Project Empire's Workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the Rise of the New Imperialism
Top Ten Myths about the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | FPJ (that would be Israeli myths)
Is the BP Gusher Unstoppable? | Mother Jones (probably)
The Oil Drum | Deepwater Oil Spill - A Longer Term Problem, Personnel - and Open Thread 2
BP acknowledges it never followed blowout preventer law, blames MMS | NOLA.com the British oil giant blamed the federal oversight agency, Minerals Management Service, for not asking it to comply with the law.
Obama overlooked key points in giving OK to offshore drilling | McClatchy "The best piece of evidence we had was that there hadn't been a problem for decades," Browner said (which is a lie)
Who Assured Obama That Offshore Drilling Was “Absolutely Safe”? | Firedoglake (Carol Browner)
Obama's speech: There's a pipe spewing a gazillion gobs of oil into the gulf, so let's build more windmills | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times Obama, the first modern president to pass his first full year in office without addressing the country from his historic desk
License To Drill | Mother Jones — Liassic/Flickr - Why did the Obama administration just approve more than 400 new leases for oil companies to operate in the Gulf of Mexico? - 198 of them in deepwater (he was "drill, baby, drilling")
More Dirty Details From My BP Mole | Mother Jones - "They've brought in prostitutes." (but no health-monitoring)
Will Obama's Actions Match His Words? - Politics - The Atlantic Obama ran for office on the promise of restoring Americans' faith in their government's ability to solve modern problems. The economy aside, this is the biggest test of whether he can bend the curve of history in that direction.
The Associated Press: Miss gov.: $20B escrow by BP might hurt, not help "If they take a huge amount of money and put it in an escrow account so they can't use it to drill oil wells and produce revenue, are they going to be able to pay us?" Gov. Haley Barbour told The Associated Press (stupid Republicans at work)
GOP Outraged By 'Shakedown' BP Escrow Account, Apologizes To CEO
Great National Tragedy is ... The Escrow Account? | Talking Points Memo
U.S. Rep. Joe Barton's gas well stake raises ethical questions | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Washington News (drenched in oil money)
Barton Retracts Apology To BP | TPMDC "I apologize for using the term 'shakedown'
Barton's Top Campaign Contributor Is Implicated In Gulf Oil Disaster | TPMMuckraker - Barton's number one career campaign contributor, Anadarko Petroleum, has 25% ownership in the well where the April 20 rig explosion occurred
ISS - Coal's Dirty Secret: a week-long, eye-opening investigation into the growing but under-reported threat of toxic coal ash to our health, communities and environment.
Op-Ed Columnist - The Boring Speech Policy - NYTimes.com All we got from President Obama was a vague call for some sort of new energy policy (+bipartisan "ideas")
Stewart Takes On America's Oil Dependence (video)
Rachel Maddow's Oval Office Oil Spill Speech: What She Wishes Obama Had Said (video) (Obama is really talking to Republicans, not the American people)
Bob Cesca: Americans Simply Don't Do Sacrifice Anymore Aren't conservatives always talking about self-reliance and personal responsibility? It goes without saying that conservatives will be the last ones to make any changes.
White House Guts Reform To Protect CEO Pay (your business-friendly" Pres as work)
Jobs Bill Bombs In Senate, 45-52 (DiFi, net worth $75mil says suck.it.up.unemployed)
Limbaugh attacks school lunches, suggests hungry children should "dumpster dive" | Media Matters for America (let them eat garbage)
GOP Shields Angle And Paul To Avoid Making Them Face Of '10 | TPMDC (stupid and insane Republicans!)
The Christian Reconstructionism Behind Sharron Angle's Independent American Party | Religion Dispatches
What Would It Take to Fully Invest in the Northeast Corridor? « The Transport Politic almost $100 billion investment between Washington and Boston. Amtrak confirms it’s evaluating constructing another Hudson River tunnel (Atrios: "we should remember that the military wants another emergency supplemental bill for $33 billion") (but not one penny for socialism!)
Jobless Claims Stay Stubbornly Higher; Inflation Ebbs - CNBC initial claims for jobless benefits rose by 12,000 to a seasonally adjusted 472,000, the highest level in a month (not coming down, no unemployment comp for you)
Senate Accepts Expanded Fed Audit
‘Too Young Not to Work but Too Old to Work’ « The Washington Independent (Republicans: increase retirement for everybody (else) to 80, they're just lazy anyway)
So What Do We Know About Policies to Successfully Move the Long-Term Unemployed Back to Where They Ought to Be? - Grasping Reality with Both Hands ("We are really going to need such policies in a year. That is all.")
Sexual trauma may spark mental health problems Traumatic sexual incidents may cause serious mental health problems in the years after the events, research at the University of Ulster has shown - sexual trauma plays a role in the development of psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia (which was supposed to be a genetic disease)
A drug that could make you live 30 percent longer - but only if you're fertile a gene called Ash-2.
Mutations on three genes could predispose people to suicidal behaviour These three genes code the 5-HT1E serotonin receptor (HTR1E, SNP rs10944288); the pi subunit of the A gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor (GABRP, SNP hCV8953491); and the alpha-2-actinin (ACTN2, SNP rs707216) subunit of the ionotropic glutamate receptor channel
First replicating creature spawned in life simulator - physics-math - 16 June 2010 - New Scientist
California Ethics Commission finds Mormons guilty on 13 counts of late Prop 8 campaign reporting he Mormon Church was fined $5538 in an agreement worked out ending the 19 month long investigation (yeah, that'll teach 'em)
Gail Posner's Dog Conchita Recieves Dead Heiress's Massive Inheritance The New York Post reports that Posner has left her $8.3 million Miami mansion and a $3 million trust fund to her beloved pooches, including one named Conchita (the priorites of stupid rich people)
The Sneaky, Unexpected Ways Anti-Choice Right-Wingers Are Chipping Away at Women's Rights | Civil Liberties | AlterNet Since Roe v. Wade passed, anti-choice groups have been waging a war on abortion rights. This year it's been even worse (good job, compromising Dems)
t r u t h o u t | Haitian Farmers Commit to Burning Monsanto Hybrid Seeds
Atlas of True Names
Language Log » Atlas of True(?) Names
languagehat.com: atlas of true names.
Italian Recipes-Great Chicago Italian Recipes and Cooking
YouTube - Malena Ernman & Martin Fröst in Flight of the Bumblebee (toning)
YouTube - MisterSharp's Channel - The Perils of Lesbianity
stuff no one told me
Internet 'Kill Switch' Would Give President Power To Shut Down The Web A new Senate bill, sponsored by Senator Joseph Lieberman
US Government Told Piracy Losses Are Exaggerated | TorrentFreak many of the estimates of piracy losses touted by the entertainment industries were inflated or misleading ("inflate" = "lie")
HP partners with Yahoo for targeted ads - Computerworld (spam your printer, yo)
WordPress 3.0: Ultimate Guide to New Features
An Exercise in Wordpress Integration, or Why Wordpress Sucks | PHP vs .Net
Build a Website - Create a Blog - Squarespace
Squarespace: Could It Make Web Designers Redundant?
Squarespace 2010 - TopTenREVIEWS
Editorial - The Truth About ‘Bloody Sunday’ - NYTimes.com “What happened on ‘Bloody Sunday’ was both unjustified and unjustifiable.”
Nepal Travel Warning: U.S. Warns Against Visiting Nepal
Militant Group Expands Attacks in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com
WikiLeaks Founder Has Garani Massacre Video, According to New Email - The Daily Beast
Senators Challenge Afghan Deadline - NYTimes.com
Is Blackwater's Erik Prince Moving to the United Arab Emirates? | The Nation The Middle Eastern nation, a major hub for the US war industry, has no extradition treaty with the United States.
Spain Moves Toward Restricting Burqa
Financial Scandals: The Hidden Wealth of the Catholic Church - spiegel online
Ariel, Luna Maya Sex Tape: Indonesia's First Celebrity Sex Tape Scandal "I may be obsolete, but I don't see that sex education in schools is needed," he told reporters. "I believe people will learn about sex naturally."
German Government Approval Rating: 86 Percent Dissatisfied with Angela Merkel's government and the chancellor's own popularity has hit a new low.
Border Patrol Shooting Video: Footage Emerges Of Moments Before Teenager Was Shot U.S. agent may have crossed the border in order to shoot the boy (throwing rocks; Palestine all over again)
U.S. Citizen, Placed on No-Fly List, Is Stranded in Cairo - NYTimes.com “The lady told me that Columbus sailed the ocean blue a long time ago when there were no planes,” (and you can swim home if it's so important to you)
BBC News - UN warship hearing angers N Korea
Newburgh Terror Case May Set a Line for Entrapment - NYTimes.com
First, China. Next: the Great Firewall of... Australia? - time (joins China and Iran, good job Oz)
Israel To Vote On Easing Gaza Blockade
CounterPunch: Paying the Price for Objectivity Toward Palestinians: Helen Thomas: an Appreciation By Paul Craig Roberts, an editor of the Wall Street Journal and an Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury - The bought-and-paid-for US Congress voted, on the instructions of their master, the Israel Lobby, to deep-six the Goldstone Report by a vote of 344 to 36. Amazing, isn’t it, there were only 36 US Representatives who were not owned by the Israel Lobby (the de-selected fact)
Scientists: Oil leaking up to 2.52M gallons daily (up from 5,000)
Government Doubles BP Leak Estimate To 60,000 Barrels Per Day (your lying eyes at work)
BP Agrees to Create Fund to Pay for Spill - NYTimes.com
How Much Will BP Really Pay? - Room for Debate Blog - NYTimes.com
Day 56 - The Latest on the Oil Spill - NYTimes.com
Reducing U.S. Oil Consumption - Council on Foreign Relations
Estimates of Oil Flow Jump Higher - NYTimes.com (they just can't tell the truth)
News Analysis - With Call to Arms, Obama Seeks to Shift Arc of Oil Crisis - NYTimes.com (FAIL)
At Meeting, Obama Setting Terms for BP Claims Fund - NYTimes.com
BP engineer's testimony contradicted by e-mail released by congressional investigators | NOLA.com Hafle expressed concerns in the week before the April 20 disaster on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, calling the Macondo well 5,000 feet below that rig "a crazy well."
Obama's Oil Spill Speech: Running On Empty | Mother Jones (pathetic)
Obama's Oil Spill Speech: What Was The Point?
Obama's Oil Speech Panned: Short On Details, Broader Climate Plan
Robert Reich: Obama's Missed Opportunity to Tell it Like it Is - The man who electrified the nation with his speech at the Democratic National Convention of 2004 put it to sleep Tuesday night
Gulf Oil Spill: Cuba Preparing For Possible Wave Of Oil
Oil Executives Try to Explain Differences From BP - NYTimes.com publicly blamed BP for mishandling the well that caused the disaster.
Rep. Ed Markey: Waking America From the BP Nightmare
The rise and fall of BP | Business | The Guardian In its 100-year history, BP has been dogged by appalling accidents and an absence of diplomacy. Can it ever reinvent itself? Andrew Simms reports
t r u t h o u t | EXCLUSIVE: New Documents, Employees Reveal BP's Alaska Oilfield Plagued by Major Safety Issues (you don't say)
Obama Calls for Energy Reform—But Doesn’t Mention a Carbon Cap - Ecocentric - TIME.com
Jon Stewart Blasts Obama for War-Related Lies, Broken Promises
Op-Ed Columnist - Can The One Drop the Buzzer-Beating No. 23 Act? - NYTimes.com So it’s unnerving now to have yet another president elevating personal quirks into a management style (sorta like Nixon)
When Mama Grizzlies Rebut | Firedoglake
Iowa Politics Insider: Profiling helps in law enforcement, King says | desmoinesregister.com | The Des Moines Register (rightwingers can say anything)
Sen. Hatch wants unemployed to face mandatory drug tests - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room (because that's why they don't have jobs: Republicans at work)
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Shares To Be Pulled From NYSE
Commercial Brokers Fight Back in a Post-Boom World - NYTimes.com
Shutting the Doors: A Decade of Bank Failures | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
Overcoming Bias : Are Drugs About Sex? (war on drugs turns out to be war on free love)
Sex, drugs and moral goals: Study of reproductive strategies and recreational drug use
Insulin that doesnt need a fridge or a needle
The 'God particle' may exist in five forms, Large Hadron Collider's rival project finds - Telegraph
Jupiter Impact: Mystery of the Missing Debris
Durham astronomers' doubts about the 'dark side'
How to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs (1. therapy; 2. sunlight. 3. exercise 4. diet: tryptophan, sorta)
Public Safety Agencies Aim to Stop Spectrum Auction - NYTimes.com (you don't need no steenking 911)
Why is it OK to send 16-year-old Abby Sunderland sailing solo around the world if her parents can't afford to pay for her rescue? | MLive.com Abby's mother said, "We're not wealthy people. What price would you put on a child's life?" (should have thought that one through)
The media's understanding of its role - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - holding government officials accountable is not actually their purpose (+highschool)
PressThink: Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right: On the Actual Ideology of the American Press (+stupidity)
YouTube - Chinese dancers or something
YouTube - Tortoise helps tortoise
YouTube - Cranbrook Deer
How 4G phones will change the way we use cellphones | DVICE
David Petraeus COLLAPSES During Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing (video)
Setbacks Cloud U.S. Plans to Get Out of Afghanistan - NYTimes.com ("clouds")
Awareness Of Outside World Growing In North Korea : NPR
Federal Bureau of Investigation - Edward “Ted” M Kennedy
FBI Releases Thousands Of Documents About Senator Edward M. Kennedy : NPR
Ron Suskind: The Way of the World Transcripts , if you've ever seen the vice president's stationery, it's on the White House letterhead (Cheney forged letter linking Saddam to 9/11)
BBC News - Key findings
BBC News - Irish to expel Israeli diplomat over Hamas killing
Does the White House Understand That It, Not BP, Is the Government? | The Seminal (SATSQ: "no")
Michael Bromwich Named To Head Minerals Management Service , a former assistant U.S. attorney and Justice Department inspector general, will lead a reorganization of the Minerals Management Service.
Onshore Oil Spill Response Is Described as Chaotic - NYTimes.com (completely disorganized, except for the part about no pictures)
Foreign flagging of offshore rigs skirts some U.S. safety rules - latimes.com The Deepwater Horizon oil rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico was built in South Korea. It was operated by a Swiss company under contract to a British oil firm. Primary responsibility for safety and other inspections rested not with the U.S. government but with the Republic of the Marshall Islands — a tiny, impoverished nation in the Pacific Ocean.
Exxon, BP CEOs: It Was 'Embarrassment' To Include Walruses In Gulf Response Plan (themselves)
Oil Executives Try to Explain Differences From BP - NYTimes.com - BP Spill Is an Aberration (and sorry about your Gulf of Mexico)
The Rachel Maddow Show
BP sets up floating hotels for Gulf oil spill cleanup workers – USATODAY.com 40-foot-long corrugated steel boxes that contain dormitory style beds (and no a/c)
Beck suggests that Obama won't meet with head of BP because "he's a white CEO" | Media Matters for America (meanwhile, on planet Insane)
Bill seeks to curb corporate political spending - Sacramento Business, Housing Market News | Sacramento Bee
Do laws even matter today? - Usatoday.com 60% of people supporting the Arizona law
Sidebar - Governor Refuses to Free Man, Despite Son’s Efforts - NYTimes.com (God, is Brewer scary-looking)
Rep. Steve King Suggests Illegal Immigrants Can Be Spotted By Their Shoes Or A "Sixth Sense" | Political Correction
Families in 9/11 Financing Case Ask to Have Judge Replaced - NYTimes.com hold charities, financial institutions and other defendants responsible for providing money and other support to Al Qaeda and for the 9/11 attacks.
John Haggerty Indicted Over Bloomberg Campaign Funds - NYTimes.com (hey, it's what they do)
The Plum Line - Sharron Angle floated possibility of armed insurrection
NRA Remains The King On The Hill House Democrats granted the National Rifle Association a nearly exclusive exemption from the stringent new standards that they were applying for campaign finance disclosure
Volcker: New Government Powers Won't Be Able To Dismantle Megabanks; Too Big To Fail Lives Despite Reform Bill (another Obama flip-flop-flop)
Franken Battling Frank On Wall Street Reform Under Franken's proposed system, raters would be assigned randomly to a financial institution, leaving them with the freedom to issue a poor rating without fear of losing business -- raters who are more accurate will get more business (Frank: "untested" offers to "study the issue" - of course it's fucking untested)
Calculated Risk: Fed's Bullard on the Economy he U.S. economy would be fully "recovered" from the very sharp downturn of late 2008 and early 2009."
AXA: Eurozone Breakup a Real Possibility « naked capitalism
I Haven't Heard Anything that Hints That This Sort of Thing Is a Consideration at All... - Grasping Reality with Both Hands Goldman Sachs' latest forecast (and they've been pretty accurate so far) is that unemployment will rise to 9.9% by early 2011 and trend down to 9.7% for the last quarter of 2011. Obviously, this is a simply awful scenario but it seems one that is being accepted. That is, we seem to be in the process of accepting the unacceptable.
Hullabaloo: Basic Arithmetic - Any deficit scold who doesn't put reducing health care costs at the very top of the agenda is just a demagogic crank doing the dirty work for the aristocratic overlords.
Change The Way We Measure Poverty - Hartford Courant White House wants to inch toward better measurements
The Real Science Gap | Miller-McCune Online not insufficient schooling or a shortage of scientists. It’s a lack of job opportunities
New look at chemical safety - Baltimore Sun High cancer rates rightly inspire reexamination of how we regulate toxic substances ("regulate?" bahhahaha)
Records Toppled as NOAA Releases Latest Surface Temperature Data | WWF Climate Blog - global surface temperatures this Spring rose to record levels.
In the Hunt for Planets, Who Owns the Data? - NYTimes.com (scientists and their smoke-filled rooms)
Long Road to Adulthood Is Growing Even Longer - NYTimes.com (somewhere around 60)
An investigation into the startling fraud accusations that have upended the fine wine world. - By Mike Steinberger - Slate Magazine An investigation into the startling fraud accusations that have upended the fine wine world.
Bloggingheads: Gay Rights vs. Religion - Video Library - The New York Times (the freedom to be a bigot, yay NYT)
Handling of 'abduction' case involving teen has been absurd - OrlandoSentinel.com (14 yo helps lost 3 yo find mother, charges with abduction)
Remember the 14-year-old kid in Orlando arrested for "abducting" a little girl? Here's the other side of the story. : reddit.com
468 – Crime Topography of San Francisco « Strange Maps
Map: Where Americans Are Moving - Forbes.com
Information is beautiful: 30 examples of creative infography
OKCupid Is Hiding The Good-Looking People From Us Ugly Freaks - The Consumerist
Hacker News | Google Checkout Nightmare and the $126,000 phone call Google Checkout Nightmare and the $126,000 phone call
Rethink Afghanistan - Hulu
Eschaton: And Speaking Of Hundreds of Billions: we've spent roughly $250 billion on the war in Afghanistan. The CIA tells me annual GDP is about $25 billion there (was killing people a wise use of the money?)
U.S. Identifies Vast Riches of Minerals in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com (Times stenos DOD propaganda)
The Mineral Miracle? Or A Massive Information Operation? - Politics - The Atlantic ("The Soviets knew this in 1985" Bush knew it in 2007)
Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community Let Afghanistan become the indispensable source of laptop batteries. That is so much more hopeful than the source of heroin.
Matthew Yglesias » Afghan Minerals News: Less Than Meets The Eye? For one thing, the findings on which the story was based are online and have been since 2007
The Pentagon’s Afghan Mineral Hype « Unsilent Generation
Coca Production Makes a Comeback in Peru - NYTimes.com (Republican/Obama war on drugz is a huge failure; maybe they'll find lithium in Peru)
YouTube - Israeli soldiers murdering Peace Activist on The Freedom Flotilla
Red Cross: Gaza blockade illegal - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
BP Engineer Called Deepwater Horizon 'Nightmare Well' Days Before Blast, Oil Spill
Nieman Watchdog > Ask This > The BP disaster underscores government as the problem, not the solution
Oil spill coats Louisiana's Barataria Bay | al.com
"We Don't Need This on Camera": BP's Crappy Cleanup Job | Mother Jones
How Obama decided to expand offshore oil drilling - KansasCity.com - "This is not a decision that I've made lightly" "Oil rigs today generally don't cause spills," he added two days later
What Does the Gulf Oil Industry Look Like? » Sociological Images
Pressed by Obama, BP Weighs Options on Dividend - NYTimes.com (but dividends are a Constitutional right!)
BP: its 10 biggest shareholders - Telegraph (oooh, all those little old British ladies on pensions!)
The U.S. wins the right to abduct innocent people with impunity - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (increasingly Obama's true colors)
Border Patrol Texas Arizona Predator drones | PressDemocrat.com (racial-profiling from 10,000 ft)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive (Times op-ed telling Obama to be LESS partian: rimshot)
Rand Paul Not Board Certified: Kentucky Senate Hopeful Faces Challenge From Medical Panel
Tea Party Candidates Begin Toning Down Their Views -- On Fox News, No Less (video)
The Very Angry Tea Party - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com - In truth, there is nothing that the Tea Party movement wants; terrifyingly, it wants nothing. (but destruction)
Eric Balderas, Harvard Student Brought To U.S. From Mexico At Age 4, May Be Deported (Obama hates immigrants)
Candidate May Have Lied About Heroic Death In Vietnam | The Onion
Monetary policy: Shouting fire amid a flood | The Economist
Lawmakers' committee assignments and industry investments overlap (of course they do)
Obama's Treasury Dept Working To Defeat Derivatives Proposal 'Of Utmost Importance' To Reforming Wall Street
Debt Burden Falls Heavily on Germany and France - NYTimes.com French and German banks have lent nearly $1 trillion to the most troubled European countries and are more exposed to the debt crisis than the banks of any other countries (bailing out the banks, not the countries)
Government to Use Direct Deposit, Stop Printing Checks - ABC News White House Orders Government to Stop Mailing Paper Checks, Switch to Electronic Transfers
In jail for being in debt | StarTribune.com More Minnesotans are surprised to find themselves being locked up over debts (Republicans bring back debtor's prison)
The New Due Date to Get the Completed Ms. to Editor Tim Sullivan Is August 1... - Grasping Reality with Both Hands if the unemployment rate continues to kiss 10% for two more years, then the odds are that we will find that our long-term unemployed have become effectively unemployable, and that we will have a mammoth structural unemployment problem that cannot be solved either by Keynesian aggregate-demand stimulus or by the osmotic adaptation of the structure of production.
FOXNews.com - Overexposed: US leads the world in radiation from medical tests, raising cancer concern
In the Singularity Movement, Humans Are So Yesterday - NYTimes.com nine-day, $15,000 course at Singularity University,
One Percent Club | Singularity University Those students who start new companies (coming out of SU or SU relations) are encouraged to donate 1% (non-dilutive) or 5% (of Founding Equity) of their company to SU (muhahaha)
Congratulations Human, You've Been Accepted to Singularity University
Congratulations Human, You've Been Accepted to Singularity University
3039066439_2bd30d567d.jpg (the crushing vacuousness of Ray Kurzweil)
Do Kids Still Matter to Marriage? - Well Blog - NYTimes.com - As an ingredient to a happy marriage, kids were far from essential, ranking eighth behind good sex, sharing chores, adequate income and a nice house, among other things.
Old Hag: This Thing Looks Like This; Or, Maintain mental purchase but…
I Can Has Cheezburger Blog Leads to a Web Empire - NYTimes.com
Starbucks to Offer Free AT&T Wi-Fi Service July 1 - Investing - Breaking News - SmartMoney.com eliminating a $3.99 fee for two hours of access ... several months after McDonald's Corp. (MCD) also dropped all access fees on wireless Internet service
Tensions high after ethnic clashes in Kyrgyzstan - CNN.com
Kyrgyzstan Ethnic Violence Spreads: Rioters Target Uzbek Villages - More than 75,000 Uzbek refugees have fled in panic to the nearby border with Uzbekistan. Some Uzbek women and children were gunned down as they tried to escape
Op-Ed Columnist - The Courage to Leave Afghanistan - NYTimes.com There is no good news coming out of the depressing and endless war in Afghanistan. There once was merit to our incursion there, but that was long ago. Now we’re just going through the tragic motions, flailing at this and that, with no real strategy or decent end in sight (McCrystal FAIL)
U.S. Intelligence Puts New Focus on Afghan Graft - NYTimes.com ("new")
Suspect Is Held in Dubai Killing - NYTimes.com - “It looks like there are links to a foreign intelligence agency.” (Times write entire story without mentioning the word "Israel" - way to go, NYT)
French Protest of Israeli Raid Reaches Wide Audience - NYTimes.com (French ADL jumps into action)
Obama Plans to Force BP’s Hand on Oil Spill Fund - NYTimes.com - “The president will use his legal authority to compel them,” said Robert Gibbs (and that would be?)
Obama To Demand BP Create Liability Account For Spill Claims
Lessons in Accountability: Escrow Accounts for BP, Bailouts for Wall Street | The Seminal (our naive, "business-friendly" Pres and his education in reality)
Boehner: Lift Liability Cap for BP - Political Punch (which way is the wind blowing today?)
Olive: Tony Hayward, the anti-crisis manager - thestar.com
Think gas is too pricey? Think again. According to the Energy Information Administration, the average price of a gallon of gas was $2.72 last week. It should really be as high as $4.37 (subsidized gas is an American right!)
Florida Skips Offshore Oil Binge but Still Pays - NYTimes.com (maybe they should sue Louisiana?)
U.S. Gives BP 48 Hours to Boost Containment Capacity - Bloomberg.com - (1,248 hours later)
YouTube - BP Blocking Media Access? New Orleans interview
Oil Spill May Spur Action on Energy, Probably Not on Climate - NYTimes.com (Rahm's idiotic "grand bargain" didn't work out)
Robert Reich: Why the United States Still Can't Get BP to Do What's Necessary Yet BP is still in control of what's happening in Gulf to stop the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history.
Under siege by Marcellus marauders - More than a thousand Marcellus Shale drill sites are in the works, with tens of thousands more poised to descend on Penn's Woods, its towns and neighborhoods, threatening to poison water tables, suck streams dry, pollute the air with ear-splitting noise and toxic fumes -- all without meaningful regulation, without meaningful taxation (thanks to Ed "Drill, Baby, Drill" Rendell)
Utah Oil Spill (photos): 500 Barrels Spill Into Red Butte Creek After Pipeline Breaks (oil, oil, toil and trouble)
"Gasland" . NOW on PBS Will the boom in natural gas drilling contaminate America's water supply? ("will?" +Bush/Cheney you don't need no steeking clean water bill)
Oil spill: The Lakeview gusher of 1910 dwarfs the gulf spill of today - latimes.com (without the being spread over thousands of square miles and killing all the fish and ruining toursim parts)
Op-Ed Columnist - Obama and the Media - Isn’t It Ironic? - NYTimes.com Obama refuses to deal with the media world as it is. He’s holding out for the media world that he wants.
Arizona Immigration: Authorities Raid Sizzler Restaurants, Arrest Undocumented Workers (profiling by restaurant)
FOXNews.com - At Convention, Texas GOP Passes Immigration Plank Similar to Arizona Law
Obama Warns Of 'Massive Layoffs Of Teachers, Police, And Firefighters' (but what about the deficit?!)
Obama pleads for $50 billion in state, local aid ("pleads" +no consistent message from Obama so this gets labeled as "bailouts")
A Decade Later, Human Genome Project Yields Few New Cures - NYTimes.com
Doctor and Patient - An Important Vaccine Few Patients Are Getting - NYTimes.com Although only one dose is required, the vaccination costs $160 to $195 per dose, 10 times more than other commonly prescribed adult vaccines; and insurance carriers vary in the amount they will cover.
New birth control pill re-ignites debate - UPI.com Ella promises to increase that time frame to at last 120 hours, HRA Pharma says (the "week-after" pill)
List of animals by number of neurons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (whales win!)
85% of Kids' Drinks, Snacks Could Contain High Levels of Lead | Inhabitots 125 out of 146 products—or more than 85%—contained enough lead in a single serving to warrant a warning label under California’s Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986
The Public Editor - A Final Report From Internal Affairs - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com (Clark Hoyt says goodbye)
NYT, Republican Opposition Rag | Emptywheel Clark Hoyt has a really curious final column summarizing his three years as the NYT’s public editor.
Rent a White Guy - Magazine - The Atlantic
so hey.. remember zach? he is now number 1 by about a million votes. 4chan has finally done something good. : WTF
Is it time to reconsider Google Buzz vs Facebook or Twitter? — Scobleizer
Nation & World | 1.3 million flee as China flooding kills 155 | Seattle Times Newspaper The office said 140,000 houses had collapsed and more than 1.3 million people had been moved to temporary shelter.
McChrystal: Kandahar operation 'will happen more slowly' | McClatchy (the plan isn't working)
Karzai Is Said to Doubt West Can Defeat Taliban - NYTimes.com (smart guy)
Saudi Arabia gives Israel clear skies to attack Iranian nuclear sites - Times Online
Terror Suspects Had Troubled Teenage Years - NYTimes.com He showed a particular fixation on the ideas that Muslim men should be bearded, and should hold one another’s hands.
Poland Arrests Alleged Mossad Agent: Official
AFP: 28th NATO soldier dies in Afghanistan this week (go Bushbama and your useless wars)
Bomb kills 2 Americans, 3 Iraqis on joint patrol - Yahoo! News(more useless deaths)
Quote For The Day II - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (BBC docu on North Korea)
Abby Sunderland Rescued By French Fishing Boat Dad: "In this day and age we get overprotective with our children. If you want to look at statistics, look at how many teenagers die in cars every year. Should we let teenagers drive cars? I think it'd be silly if we didn't." (because they are exactly the same thing)
Israeli document: Gaza blockade isn't about security | McClatchy "economic warfare" against the Islamist group Hamas (you don't say)
Editorial - What Happened on the Mavi Marmara? - NYTimes.com (Israel lied, people died +no international investigation)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Chuck Schumer: Mainstream Democrat (and racist Jew)
Schumer Says Strangle Gaza Until They Do What We Want - Zaid Jilani - Youthful Populism - True/Slant
Former EPA Chief On Gulf Oil Spill: 'It's Going To Blow The Record Books Up' (but it's really good news for Republicans)
Potential Long-Term Damage From the Gulf Oil Spill - Video - time.com ("potential" = inevitable doom)
Spill-scene coordinator gives BP 48 hours to come up with more resources | NOLA.com (like they didn't know this a month ago)
A Tourist Mecca Fears a Long-Term Oil Smear - NYTimes.com ("years" but LA still totally drill, baby, drill)
BP Directors to Discuss Suspension of Dividends - NYTimes.com
BP's 8 dumbest mistakes - The Week
The Fox-industrial complex | Media Matters for America "The boom manufactured by Packgen did not pass an initial quality control test." (Republicans at work: government should buy our crappy, ineffectual product)
Balkinization Paging Dr. Mengele: Medical Experimentation and the CIA Detainees (Obama covering this up)
Administration Hardens Stance Against Leaks to Press - NYTimes.com (Pres Transparency hates whistle-blowers +even more of control freaks than Cheney/Bush)
The Washington Monthly - Coming To Terms With A 'Debilitating Energy Stalemate'.. It's tempting to think that conservative policymakers, if nothing else, would care about American competitiveness on the global stage (no, no, no; blowing people up is what makes America great!)
YouTube - More Votes Counted Than Ballots Cast In South Carolina Election (well?)
'Tea party' candidates hurt by lack of organization in movement
Anti-Establishment Candidates Take Power in GOP Senate Primaries | Elections
Arizona's Next Immigration Target: Children of Illegals - time
Oklahoma State Senator Aims To Stop 'Liberal Judges' From Imposing Sharia Law | TPM LiveWire (and while you weren't looking...)
Hullabaloo Protecting The Country From Liberal Mullahs - Somebody's got to stop all those liberal judges from imposing ultra-conservative Sharia Law and stoning gays and women who stray from God's path. Oh wait...what are we talking about again?
Rand Paul on mountaintop removal: "I don’t think anyone’s going to be missing a hill or two here and there" | Crooks and Liars - a typical out-of-touch country-club conservative Republican -- not to mention that he likewise manages to carry on his dad's tradition of right-wing extremism.
Come Saturday Morning: Minnesota Crime Scene | Firedoglake ("Gutshot" Pawlenty and the Republican war on intelligence)
Ezra Klein - My name is my name
Ezra's Model - And Mine - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Calculated Risk: N.Y. State "classic budgetary sleight-of-hand" they will borrow the money to make the payments to the pension fund — from the same pension fund.
Robert Reich: Why We Are Moving Toward a Recessionary Era, and Why Keynes is Being Exhumed
FBI to Begin Arresting People for Foreclosure Fraud? | The Seminal
Matthew Yglesias » Demystifying Charter Cities
The Wrong Stuff : On Air and On Error: This American Life's Ira Glass on Being Wrong
Books of The Times - ‘Being Wrong,’ by Kathryn Schulz - ‘Wrong,’ by David H. Freedman - NYTimes.com
Do We Really Want to Hear Someone Say ‘I Was Wrong’?: A Guest Post - Freakonomics Blog - NYTimes.com ("Bush")
Book Review - The Icarus Syndrome - By Peter Beinart - NYTimes.com
mySouTex.com - Father says he is sorry for science fair hoax (balloon-dad confirmed)
Legal Fight Delays Paper on Psychopathy Scale 3 Years - NYTimes.com
The Science of Gaydar
Op-Ed Contributor - The 40-Year Itch - NYTimes.com
Gobar Gas
'New York Times' Bans the Word 'Tweet' - The Awl
Apple would rather remove app than leave open-source license | NetworkWorld.com Community GNU Go has disappeared from the iTunes app store. Here's why - and why Apple is wrong (Jobs: open source is the same as porn)
Notepad++ new site: notepad-plus-plus.org | Current version : v5.6.8
Home and Away: Iraq and Afghanistan War Casualties - CNN.com (the tragic cost of evil)
The War is Making You Poor by Justin Raimondo -- Antiwar.com
Memo To Deficit Hawks: Here's $1 Trillion To Cut -- From The Pentagon ways to tame the nation's long-term deficit, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Slashing benefits for the old and sick? Or taking a few whacks at the spectacularly bloated defense budget? (take a guess)
Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Hunted by Pentagon Over Massive Leak - The Daily Beast Anxious that Wikileaks may be on the verge of publishing a batch of secret State Department cables (they're going to Predatorize him)
Transcript: Daniel Ellsberg Says He Fears US Might Assassinate Wikileaks Founder | FDL Action (you thought the Predator thing was a joke +Obama and state-sanctioned extra-legal executions)
YouTube - Obama's Crackdown On Whistle Blowers Targets Press Freedom
Journalistic balance at the expense of truth - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (vast majority of detainees wrongfully detained +the myth of "the left")
Silvio Berlusconi's attack on a free press belongs to the Mussolini age – Telegraph Blogs
Italy's senate passes wiretap restrictions bill Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi won a major victory when Italy's Senate passed a controversial law to restrict wiretapping and impose fines on news organisations that publish leaked information on criminal probes.
Round-the-world teen sailor alive, well - today People
20 dead in Arkansas flooding - CNN.com
YouTube - Israeli Attack on the Mavi Marmara // Raw Footage
Israeli Navy Attacks Gaza Freedom Flotilla | Cultures of Resistance
New Video Smuggled Out from Mavi Marmara of Israel's Deadly Assault on Gaza Aid Flotilla
Victimhood is not an excuse for Israeli injustice - The National Newspaper , Israelis have been taught to see in the Holocaust a different message: that the world is plagued by a unique and ineradicable hatred of Jews, and that the only safety for the Jewish people is to be found in the creation of a super-power Jewish state that answers to no one. Put bluntly, Israel’s motto is: only Jewish power can prevent Jewish victimhood.
Think Progress » Schumer Says It ‘Makes Sense’ To ‘Strangle [Gaza] Economically’ Until It Votes The Way Israel Wants “they don’t believe in the Torah (divided loyalty much, Chuckie?)
Schumer’s Ugly Endorsement of Economic Apartheid | FDL News Desk
Two State Dissonance | The American Prospect Even apart from the Gaza flotilla attack, Jews can't reconcile the real Israel with some of their deepest assumption
Israel’s Greatest Loss: Its Moral Imagination - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News A million and a half civilians have been forced to live in an open-air prison in inhuman conditions for over three years now, but unlike the Hitler years, they are not Jews but Palestinians. Their jailers, incredibly, are survivors of the Holocaust, or their descendants.
Kill a Turk and Rest - Gush Shalom - Israeli Peace Bloc - Exodus 1947
Obama overlooked key points in giving OK to offshore drilling | McClatchy (not really a detail-guy +pathetic risk-assessment +Rahm's idiotic "grand bargain" with Lindsay Graham)
Video: Oil washes ashore on Alabama beach at Gulf Shores | al.com (smuggled out from media blackout)
Experts Double Estimated Rate of Spill in Gulf - NYTimes.com The new estimate is 25,000 to 30,000 barrels of oil a day. That range, still preliminary, is far above the previous estimate of 12,000 to 19,000 barrels a day (not to mention "none" and "5,000")
BP: Is Team Obama Pushing for a Full Externalities Precedent? « naked capitalism “This demand is chilling,” said one executive in the meeting. “The administration keeps pushing the boundaries on what we are responsible for.” (not that hard, since they started with "zero")
ABC Reporter Hassled By BP: Days After Thad Allen Directed Open Access, Media Clampdown Continues (Coast Guard still taking orders from BP, Fourth Amendment suspending in Gulf)
Are Journalists Being Kept From the Oil Spill? | The Atlantic Wire
Riki Ott: From the Ground: BP Censoring Media, Destroying Evidence
Fox News Poll: Support for Offshore Drilling Down 26% in Two Months | The Seminal (to 44%)
Gulf Oil Spill: BP's Poor Record So Far Dulls Hope For Future Cutting off the snarled riser pipe in order to install a containment cap significantly increased the flow of oil and gas
Thad Allen, Obama's Oil Point Man, STILL Trusts Discredited BP CEO Tony Hayward (your BP/Coast Guard at work)
BofA: A "Conservative" Estimate Is That Deepwater Will Cost BP $28 BILLION | TPM LiveWire
Fox News strains to tie Obama administration to BP | Media Matters for America
Republicans Jubilant About Gulf Coast Oil Spill Coverage (Drill, Baby, Drill Jindal looks like Iron Man)
U.S. Fury at BP Stirs Backlash Among British - NYTimes.com
Rep. Nick Rahall to expand Minerals Management Service investigation - Jake Sherman - politico.com (look into the meth and prostitutes, please)
Rahm Emanuel persuaded Obama to play it cool on climate bill. Post-spill, will the game plan change? | Grist
Hullabaloo - Punk'd By A Grand Bargain Fantasy ... Again - Everyone believed Rahm's 2006 hype, but they were wrong. He's incompetent. The Republicans knew it and punk'd him -- and the country -- but good (these guys seem really naive and not that smart)
Chaos, Anarchy To Reign If Gov. David Paterson Shuts Down New York - wcbstv.com The clowns in the state Legislature, now deadlocked for 71 days on the budget, are ready to take down the "big tent" and bring state government to a standstill
A Letter to Chris Christie | Health Professionals & Allied Employees (Republicans: teachers are the enemy)
Shame on WSJ and NYT for ignoring Salon's Arlington Cemetery reporting | Media Matters for America (your elite newspapers at work: stealing other peoples stories with no credit)
Matthew Yglesias » Small Business Federation Says Firms Are Facing a Crisis of Demand (who could have predicted that would happen with no fucking jobs)
We learn why they hate social security | Angry Bear a nostalgic reminiscence for the good old days when Americans faced debtors prisons and had no sense of “entitlement” (presumably to the Social Security and Medicare benefits workers already paid for their entire working lives)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect more than 3 million children in rural areas who benefit from the extension of the child tax credit in the stimulus package might lose it (rural poor not real Americans (rich Republicans) either)
Corporate General Counsel Puts Fear of God into Legal Educators (And You Should Be Worried Too) « Above the Law: A Legal Tabloid - News, Gossip, and Colorful Commentary on Law Firms and the Legal Profession
Love hormone Oxytocin helps soldiers like each other and hate the enemy - Telegraph Soldiers form loyal "Bands of Brothers" fighting and dying for each other because they have the same instincts that cause mothers to ferociously protect their newborns, a study suggests
Why men will judge a woman in milliseconds - Telegraph but they should not be called shallow because they are genetically programmed to do so, scientists say (women not as shallow)
Museum of Animal Perspectives (M.A.P.)
Institute for the Future of the Book
The Atlantic :: Magazine :: Our Houses, Our Selves A new crop of books suggests that for women, obsession with real estate is replacing obsession with love and marriage.
Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off - Magazine - The Atlantic (end of marriage)
YouTube - The Orson Welles Sketchbook Episode 4 Part 1
Florida Teacher Jaretta Hamilton Fired for Becoming Pregnant Out of Wedlock - ABC News Woman Conceived Just Days Before Wedding, but School Fired Her for 'Fornication' (Christians at work)
Five New Orleans Police Officers Indicted In Post-Katrina Shooting, Burning
AVP Redemption on Vimeo
Groklaw - Stewart Rules: Novell Wins! case closed!
iPhone On T-Mobile? May Be Soon, Analyst Says
How To Permanently Delete Your Account on Popular Websites - Smashing Magazine
Help - How to Delete Accounts from Any Website Tips, Solutions & How Tos | PCMag.com
Delete Your Account
When Will Afghan Army Be Ready to Relieve U.S. Troops? - Time (SATSQ: "no")
The Vietnam War | Landmines | In Vietnam, cluster bombs still plague countryside | Cluster Bombs At the present rate, UXO clearance will take 300 years.
Views Show How North Korea Policy Spread Misery - NYTimes.com
Amnesty links U.S. to "Abyan massacre" - The Majlis
Officials: Taliban executes boy, 7, for spying - CNN.com
Three Charts to Break Your Heart - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine (prison-state America)
BBC News - Thousands of anti-terror searches were illegal Thousands of people across the UK might have been stopped and searched illegally
Abby Sunderland, Teen Sailor Possibly Lost at Sea - ABC News Crew Receives Repeated Distress Signals, Loses Contact With 16-Year-Old Attempting Circumnavigation
Man in Brazil jails daughter, has 7 kids with her - Yahoo! News
AFP: US Senator unveils pro-Israel resolution in flotilla feud Republican Senator John Cornyn (Abe Foxman just called him up)
John McQuaid: The Real Helen Thomas Scandal the debate shifted from Israel behaving badly to Helen Thomas behaving badly.
Tony Judt - Talking About Israel, Without the Clichés - NYTimes.com (Jews "running the country" on every issue that matters to Israel, Tony)
Formidable Opponent - Michael Oren | June 9, 2010 - Sam Nunn | ColbertNation.com Michael Oren defends Israel's flotilla raid and explains why he does not support an international investigation into the incident (just tell the Palestinians to go back to whereever they came from)
Study: Spill bigger than previously thought - Washington Post- msnbc.com Scientists say busted well most likely spewed 30,000 barrels daily (what amazing about this is the co-optation of NOAA by Obama's spin machine)
Chamber Of Commerce Says Taxpayers Should Help Pay For BP Spill Cleanup; GOP Leader Agrees, Then Recants ... this is one of those times when the words "federal government" is used as a euphemism for "American taxpayers." (Boehner's oil boner)
Boehner: Government--i.e. Taxpayers--Should Help Pay For Oil Spill | TPMDC
Gulf oil spill: Why BP's cap success is turning sour - CSMonitor.com BP's containment cap is collecting 630,000 gallons of oil a day. It could be collecting more, but BP failed to send another tanker to increase capacity. And some scientists think the process of fitting the cap on the well made the situation worse (half-assed +much worse)
BP and Officials Block Some Coverage of Spill - NYTimes.com (most successful press-censorship operation since the Iraq war +BP owns the Coast Guard +wtf?)
BP Now Valued At Less Than Its Assets BP's stock plummeted to a 14-year low
Can the U.S. Punish BP’s Shareholders? - Room for Debate Blog - NYTimes.com
BBC News - Oil spill: BP shares slide as crisis continues (UK wants liability cap)
Matt Simmons, Dr. Doom of the Gulf Coast spill - Jun. 9, 2010
Trust me (what could possibly go wrong?)
Editorial Observer - The Reality of Life for Louisiana Fishermen Is an Unpalatable Choice - NYTimes.com On Friday, Mr. Nguyen finally landed a job that promises $2,300 a day and something of a future: cleaning up oil for BP (might have said that's for his boat, fuel, etc)
Obama meets with relatives of oil rig blast victims - CNN.com
As BP promised, the walruses are fine: Stephanie Grace | NOLA.com Out in the Gulf, a spill might cause "some detrimental effects" on fish habitats, the report concedes, but it would likely be "sub-lethal." Both finfish and shellfish, the company pointed out, can swim away (muhahaha)
Offshore Drilling Halt Puts Louisiana Congressman Charlie Melancon In Tough Spot (oil-drenched Lousiana totally against drilling moratorium; what would it take to change their minds?)
BP oil leak aftermath: Slow-motion tragedy unfolds for marine life | Environment | The Guardian The wildlife haven Grand Isle is at the heart of the environmental catastrophe engulfing Louisiana (apparently, this is not enough)
Jim Sensenbrenner, BP Investor And GOP Congressman, Won't Recuse Himself From Oil Spill Hearings (oh, of course not)
Rise in Offshore Spills Raises Wider Questions on Drilling - ProPublica
Dick Cheney's Last Laugh | Mother Jones The Deepwater Horizon disaster raises new questions about the Bush administration's secret energy task force.
Robert Menendez: Oil Spill Will Be A Political Issue In 2010 Elections (the drill, baby, drill crowd)
Daily Kos: Poll: Florida voters oppose 51 - 42 percent increasing the amount of offshore oil drilling, a 48-point swing from the 66 - 27 percent support for drilling in an April 19 survey
YouTube - BP Spills Coffee
Think tank: Neocons’ influence remains strong under Obama | Raw Story (still doing Israel's bidding)
Hullabaloo: digby: Where Did Their Love Go? (Obama hates having his Blue-Dogs challenged)
Primary Results: So Much For That Anti-Incumbent Rage! Another primary day has come and gone and, once again, the big loser is one of your generic media narratives
Sharron Angle: Nevada Candidate Already Providing Treasure Chest Of Goodies For Harry Reid (wants to bring back prohibition, get rid of IRS, EPA, Dept. of Ed (especially that last one) +teh teacrazies)
AMERICAblog News: House Liberal Dems. finally figured out they're getting screwed by Blue Dogs (they believed them)
Daily Kos: Lincoln, with us on everything but allowing EPA to do its work Blanche Lincoln voted for Murkowski's resolution, the resolution President Obama had vowed to veto, should it pass. Lincoln was joined, surprise, by Evan Bayh, Mark Pryor, Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu, and Jay Rockefeller. So did those great Republican moderates, Snowe, Collins, and Scott Brown. And so it goes. (there they are)
Hispanics flee Arizona ahead of immigration law - usatoday.com
Language Log » Is Nikki Haley a manizer?
Top Fiscal Hawk On Fed Supports Restricting Banks' Derivatives Bets, Goes FURTHER Than Obama
Personal Finance NewsReel - WSJ.com - Bond Giant Pimco Buys Treasurys in Recent Weeks
Feds Didn't Do Enough To Avoid 'Poisonous' AIG Bailout And Now Changing Story To Defend It, Watchdog Says
Matthew Yglesias » The View From Two Years Ago how the Fed saw things in June 2008 (5% unemployment!)
House Targets Underwater Homeowners The House GOP launched an assault Thursday on homeowners who walk away from underwater mortgages, arguing that such foreclosed-on former homeowners are using the money they save to dine out and go on cruises (homeownes are the new welfare queens)
The Atlantic :: Magazine :: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Ending Poverty
The Atlantic :: Magazine :: The End of Men - couples were requesting more girls than boys, a gap that has persisted, even though Ericsson advertises the method as more effective for producing boys (some clinics 2:1) ("Men dominate just two of the 15 job categories projected to grow the most over the next decade: janitor and computer engineer.")
WB - Statistics & Data - Quick Stats on Women Workers, 2009
Employed persons by detailed occupation, sex, race, and Hispanic or Latino ethnicity
Many U.S. Jobs Have Become Less Male-dominated
Male–female income disparity in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bat, Bean, Beam - A Weblog on Memory and Technology: The Happy Worker
The Female Factor - In Sweden, the Men Can Have It All - NYTimes.com
Economist's View: "21st Century Regress"
Why did nearly all life on Earth die 250 million years ago? (see the Great Dying video for perspective)
World's largest DNA scan reveals rare variants that disrupt gene activity in autistic children (call Jenny McCarthy)
Testing the flotation dynamics and swimming abilities of giraffes by way of computational analysis : Tetrapod Zoology
Infographic: Tallest Mountain to Deepest Ocean Trench
SPACE.com -- New Comet Visible in Early Morning Sky
U. of California Tries Just Saying No to Rising Journal Costs - Research - The Chronicle of Higher Education The current average cost for the Nature group's journals is $4,465; under the 2011 pricing scheme, that would rise to more than $17,000 per journal, according to the California Digital Library (yay, privitisation)
Re: Informational Update on a Possible UC Systemwide Boycott of the Nature Publishing Group
Press release archive: About NPG ("we're not rip-off artists, really" and we're not going to mention actual, you know, prices)
Financial highlights - Annual Report 2008 - Reed Elsevier
PHD Comics: Nature vs. Science, pt. 2
The Female Factor - In Sweden, the Men Can Have It All - NYTimes.com
Videoconferencing Is Used to Administer Abortion Drugs - NYTimes.com
Freethought Today - FFRF Publications
Copyright: The Elephant in the Middle of the Glee Club : Information Society Project at Yale Law School
Fuck the South
The 'Alejandro' Video: Lady Gaga and Failures of Pastiche - The Awl
YouTube - Tour De France (Remi Gaillard)
YouTube - The Stupid Cup (Rémi Gaillard)
Larry Niven's Ringworld
Analyst Challenges Apple's iPhone 4 'Retina Display' Claims | News & Opinion | PCMag.com
Joyce’s Ulysses Banned Again—by Apple, Not the Government | The Big Money (Big Brother Steve)
Judge may dismiss 4,576 of 4,577 P2P defendants from lawsuit
15 genius algorithms that aren't boring
Apple's "evil/genius" plan to punk the Web and gild the iPad (+un-blockable iAds!)
FAS: Global Strike Report (PDF) the US plan to put Predators in space so they can kill anyone, anytime and destabilize the world
List of countries by Failed States Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
U.N. votes to slap new sanctions on Iran - CNN.com
NATO Helicopter Shot Down in Helmand Province - NYTimes.com (what are we doing there, again?)
Misreading Tehran – By Reza Aslan, Abbas Milani, Azar Nafisi, and others | Foreign Policy Leading Iranian-American writers revisit a year of dreams and discouragement.
Islamic Republic Implementing Mass Executions in Advance of One-Year Anniversary of Iranian Uprising | Persian2English
BBC News - Poland castration law takes effect that can force some rapists and paedophiles to undergo chemical castration
Chowk: Current Affairs: Drone Attacks May Stop, But Is That Good News? A twenty-nine page report submitted today to the UN Human Rights Council, by special representative Philip Alston demanding an immediate suspension of drone attacks will not persuade Obama’s war cabinet to change course; but an ever growing domestic opposition appears promising.
Obama Calls Gaza Situation ‘Unsustainable,’ Announces Aid Plan - BusinessWeek he U.S. will provide $400 million in aid for housing, school construction and other infrastructure improvements in Gaza and the West Bank to help improve the “day-to-day life” of Palestinians
How Israeli propaganda shaped U.S. media coverage of the flotilla attack - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - This campaign of suppression and propaganda worked to shape American media coverage (as state propaganda campaigns virtually always work on the gullible, authority-revering American media).
In Helen Thomas case, the world sees a taboo being enforced (say Jews out of Isael, get fired; say Palestinians out of Palestine, get high-paying job on Fox)
Dana Milbank - The sad farewell of Helen Thomas
Chowk: Current Affairs: Israel and the Distortion of American Politics
The Spill, The Scandal and the President | Rolling Stone Politics - Like the attacks by Al Qaeda, the disaster in the Gulf was preceded by ample warnings – yet the administration had ignored them (read this, please)
Thad Allen Letter To Tony Hayward: BP Is Not Being Transparent (took them 2 months to figure that out)
AFP: US sets deadline for BP as mistrust grows (conciliate this)
Pelosi Demands Oil Spill Legislation By July 4 (Republicans laugh)
Underwater Plumes: Doug Suttles DENIES Existence Of Large Concentrations Of Oil Beneath The Surface, Contradicting Scientists (who you gonna believe? BP or your lyin' eyes?)
Gulf Oil Spill Dive: Reporter Takes A Dip Without Hazmat Suit
Louisiana Oil Spill 2010 PHOTOS: Gulf Of Mexico Leak Reaches Land (non-existent oil covers pristine beaches)
Poll: Many fault federal regulators for Gulf of Mexico oil disaster Just a quarter of Americans back expanding offshore drilling in the wake of the BP oil spill, and most fault federal regulators for the environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico ... Support for drilling in general has slipped from 64 percent last August to 52 percent now. (and what were the numbers for the Drill, Baby, Drill states? +predictable Salazar FAIL)
Gulf Oil Spill Dive: Reporter Takes A Dip Without Hazmat Suit
Palin Chides Obama Over Gulf Oil Spill: 'Give Me A Call' ("we have decades of experience ruining the environment")
Howard Kurtz, please define “wrong” | Media Matters for America Got that? Barack Obama was wrong to say he was in the gulf before pundits started paying attention, because the day after he was there, network newscasts and cable shows covered the spill. Heck of a job, Howie.
‘Peak Oil’ Movement Prepares for the Worst - NYTimes.com (yur elite press peeks out from under the covers)
Surface area required to power the whole world by solar power on Photos (keep drillin')
Economic Enlightenment in Relation to College-going, Ideology, and Other Variables: A Zogby Survey of Americans · Econ Journal Watch: Economic enlightenment, college education, economic education, schooling
Daniel Klein: Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? - WSJ.com Self-identified liberals and Democrats do badly on questions of basic economics.
Study Proves Libertarian Economists Ignorant | The New Republic (another rigged poll: liberals are stupid, according to conservative libertarians)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Are You Smarter Than a George Mason University Economics Professor? (Nate Silver: "The only thing this study demonstrates is the ideological hackery of its authors.")
Editorial - Doctors Who Aid Torture - NYTimes.com
A growing part of the Obama legacy - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - NYT: many unresolved issues from the Bush administration that President Obama and Congressional leaders have swept under the carpet.
Open Left:: Senate expands on House version of economic relief bill It's hard to believe, but the House is now emerging as more of a problem to progressive governance than the Senate
'Flabbergasted' Murkowski Hits Back At White House (Murkowski wants to block EPA from regulating carbon)
Graham says he won’t vote for the climate bill he wrote | Grist (the designated Republican Lucy of the week)
Blanche Lincoln Win Sparks Furious Sniping Between White House, Labor "Organized labor just flushed $10 million of their members' money down the toilet on a pointless exercise," the unnamed official said to Politico's Ben Smith. (go AR!)
CA GOP Chooses Carly Fiorina To Challenge Barbara Boxer | TPMDC
Fiorina Open Mic Gaffe On Boxer's Hairstyle: 'So Yesterday!' (immediate cat-fight) | TPMDC
Mario Piperni dot Com » Blog Archive » Orly Taitz – GOP’s Nightmare Orly Taitz is an Israeli émigré
Our hard-core, adversarial press corps - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (infantile elite reporters)
Are Liberal Supreme Court Judges 'Judicial Activists'? - time (see, there's this thing called "projection" which Republicans are really good at)
Last Night's Tea Party Winners And Losers | TPMDC
Fred Barnes’ very bad advice | Media Matters for America (WaPo editorial page some kind of delusional Bermuda Triangle of thought +"the last time we had a Republican Congress and a Democrat in the White House, the GOP handed out subpoenas like they were lollipops, even going so far as to investigate the White House cat."
The magical thinking of Fred Barnes - Brendan Nyhan Barnes may wish that presidents were re-elected based on spending restraint, but that's just not the world we live in. Obama's fortunes will rise or fall depending on the state of the economy.
Unemployment Benefits Lapse Causes Panic And Confusion For The Jobless (keep voting Republican, people)
Bernanke Warns Congress Not To Cut Spending, Cautions About 'Fragile' Recovery (Republicans only try to cut Democratic spending)
Calculated Risk: MBA: Mortgage Purchase Applications decline 35% over last four weeks (Obama's foolish attempt to re-inflate the housing bubble has failed; now what? +Larry Summers is an idiot)
Martin Wolf on the Dangers of Austerity « naked capitalism Premature fiscal tightening is, warns experience, as big a danger as delayed tightening would be.
The Perils of Studying Economics « The Baseline Scenario
Estate Tax Dormant, Billionaire’s Bequest Is Tax-Free - NYTimes.com (go Republicans!)
Only In It For The Gold: A New Low
Only In It For The Gold: NSF: Letter "Fraudulent" (balloon-girl?)
NY Times, WSJ, and Washington Post all rejected op-ed/letter from 255 National Academy of Sciences members defending climate science integrity « Climate Progress
The science and magic of cheesemaking | Andy Connelly | Science | guardian.co.uk
Report: White Population Dwindles as California Grows - AOL News - whites accounted for just under 41 percent of California's overall population in 2008, down from 47 percent in 2000
Tips For Coping With Bad-News Burnout : NPR
"Empathic Discernment " by Dr. Charles Figley
The Silver Dream Machine: The synthesizer that accidentally changed the world.
Google Acknowledges To Ct AG It Has Been Collecting Data From Unsecured WiFi | Connecticut Watchdog
Apple's Worst Security Breach: 114,000 iPad Owners Exposed (all the cool people get their emails advertised)
Mass hack plants malware on thousands of webpages • The Register When good sites pwn ... affected sites running a banner-ads module on top of Microsoft's Internet Information Services using ASP.net (like wsj.com)
More NATO Troops Killed in Afghanistan | Asia | English
US Soldiers Implicated In Killing Of 3 Afghan Civilians, Army Says
Labour contender under fire over 'kill Thatcher' joke - Yahoo! News (it wouldn't work anyway)
BBC News - North Korean border guard 'shoots three Chinese dead' (sending a signal)
Mass Grave Found In Mexico: 55 Bodies Found In Old Silver Mine (your Republican drug war at work)
Gaza Blockade: Israel Launches Investigation Of Deadly Flotilla Raid (into why they didn't just sink it)
Facebook Fans Offer Support To White House Reporter Fired Over ‘Offensive’ Comments | news junkie post
Reuters under fire for removing weapons, blood from images of Gaza flotilla - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
NOAA: Under water oil plumes confirmed (the ones tht BP said didn't exist a fucking week ago - and NOAA agreed)
Op-Ed Columnist - Don’t Get Mad, Mr. President. Get Even. - NYTimes.com IT turns out there is something harder to find than a fix for BP’s leak: Barack Obama’s boiling point.
BP's Long History Of Destroying The World
Ezra Klein - It's useful to have geniuses around The suggestion at first elicited snickering and "Incredible Hulk" jokes. Then they tried it, and it worked.
Pa. Halts Drilling by Company After Gas Accident - NYTimes.com (remember Ed "Drill, Baby, Drill" Rendell?)
Could the spill restore Jindal as a GOP whiz kid? | NOLA.com (yes, idiocy is always respected)
ICE Running Immigration Raids on Oil-Spill Workers | Mother Jones (good they have their priorities straight)
The ties that bind. Remember Rahm Emanuel's rent-free D.C. apartment? The owner: A BP adviser | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times Now, we learn the details of a connection of Rahm Emanuel, the Chicago mayoral wannabe, current Obama chief of staff, ex-representative, ex-Clinton money man and ex-Windy City political machine go-fer (total sleeze in every direction)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect POTUS Descends Into B-Movie Parody - we talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick." (try Rahm's)
Supreme Court Blocks Ariz. Campaign Finance System : NPR (pubic financing will be illegal, corps unleased with no oppositon)
Disapproval dominates Public dissatisfaction with the performance of Congress is greater now than it was at this point in 2006 and 1994, the last two times control of the House changed hands.
E-mails show effort to keep Palin's fee secret - SFGate
Glenn Beck promotes book rife with anti-Semitism and racism | Media Matters for America
Open Left:: White House orders 5% spending cuts on top of discretionary spending freeze (just what we need)
Counting on Medicaid Money, States Face Shortfalls - NYTimes.com
Op-Ed Columnist - ‘A Very Deep Hole’ on Jobs - NYTimes.com For all the money that has been spent so far, the Obama administration and Congress have not made the kinds of investments that would put large numbers of Americans back to work and lead to robust economic growth (too late, it all went to the banks and the military, screw you +50 mini-Hoovers)
Matthew Yglesias » The No-Stimulus Economy there hasn’t been any net fiscal stimulus, all the Obama administration’s efforts plus the automatic stabilizers have done is mitigate the contractionary impact of state and local policy (congress encouraging 50 little Hoovers)
More On Why Banks Aren't Foreclosing On Homeowners | Capital Gains and Games Foreclosing would require that the mortgage owners re-estimate downward the value of the second liens to what Morgenson calls "fantasy levels." That, in turn, would require them to admit that the loans had gone bad and, therefore, require that they repurchase the loans from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Banks Paying Colleges For Students Who Rack Up Credit Card Debt
Talking Ourselves Off The Edge Of The Cliff | Pragmatic Capitalism (but the deficit!)
Economist's View: "Private Sector 'Make Work' Jobs?"
Robert Skidelsky - Why markets need governments
We Need Bigger Deficits Now! - Grasping Reality with Both Hands
Economist's View: Things are Different at the Zero Bound
Economist's View: "A Missing Macroeconomic Playbook?"
Brain scans 'could be used to snoop on thoughts' - Telegraph The use of brain scanners must be regulated in order to prevent them being used to invade privacy and threaten civil liberties, a legal expert has warned.
Global Pain-Law Reform: Morphine Still Scarce for Many - TIME
Suzanne Collins’s “The Hunger Games,” review : The New Yorker
Joran Van Der Sloot Confession: Natalee Holloway Murder Suspect Confesses To Killing Stephany Flores In Peru "I did not want to do it. The girl intruded into my private life... she didn't have any right.
Girlfriend killed by lightning minutes before Knox man's proposal
One-Size-Fits-All Government « John Stossel "The sentence here shocks the conscience… The minimum penalty for first degree murder is 50 years. She could get 25 years for 2nd deg murder... She is getting a greater penalty for letting a boy touch her breast than for murder.”
Your Brain on Computers - Attached to Technology and Paying a Price - NYTimes.com
An Android User’s Take On Yesterday’s iPhone News
Google Maps previews in Gmail and Google Buzz - Official Gmail Blog
Ballmer bites back: Microsoft-Apple battle brews anew - Computerworld
The End of :hover? | writing | Andy Croll | Web Designer & Developer | Singapore | UK
David Cameron: cuts 'will change British life' | Politics | The Guardian Canadian-style star chamber to enforce savage spending decisions
Indian court finds chemical execs guilty in Bhopal disaster - CNN.com and the company they worked for are guilty for their role in the 1984 industrial disaster that killed thousands in Bhopal, India.
BBC News - Cairo court rules on Egyptians married to Israeli women
Clinton: Iran Will 'Pull Some Stunt'
Gaza blockade: Iran offers escort to next aid convoy | World news | The Guardian
Israel Navy Kills Four Palestinian Militants Off Gaza Coast
Israel forced to apologise for YouTube spoof of Gaza flotilla | World news | The Guardian The clip features a group led by the Jerusalem Post's deputy managing editor Caroline Glick (there you go)
Helen Thomas RETIRING Effective Immediately (no criticism of Israel allowed; the last truth-asker standing falls, Pres No Press Conferences agrees)
Right Now - ADL's Abe Foxman hails retirement of 'bigoted' Helen Thomas
Readers’ Photos: The Gulf Oil Spill - Slide Show - NYTimes.com (including Haley Barbour's "pristine" beaches)
"The rig's on fire! I told you this was gonna happen!" | Mother Jones
Gulf Oil Spill: How Much Oil Is The Containment Dome Catching? (less than half and that's if they're not lying, as usual)
Oil spill seafood testers sniff out tainted fish, shrimp, oysters at Pascagoula lab (with video) | gulflive.com (trained noses, the best your government can do)
Rep. John Conyers: Ending the Longest War the War in Afghanistan passing the Vietnam War to officially become the longest military conflict in American history (forever war)
Robert Greenwald: It's Always a Bad Year to Get Out of Afghanistan
Rep. Alan Grayson: The Longest War , the war in Afghanistan becomes America's longest war. Longer than the war in Vietnam. Longer than the Korean War.
Rep. Mike Honda: America's Longest War Leaves Little Legacy in Afghanistan (nothing accomplished)
At least $500 million has been spent since 9/11 on renovating Guantanamo Bay an abandoned volleyball court for $249,000, an unused go-kart track for $296,000 and $3.5 million for 27 playgrounds that are often vacant (military spending will never be but)
U.S. Intelligence Analyst Arrested in Wikileaks Video Probe | Threat Level | Wired.com
The Torture Reports
Did the Bush Administration Experiment on Detainees? | Mother Jones Not only were terrorism suspects tortured, they were also used as human guinea pigs, a new report alleges (ex-Pres Mengele +"never look back")
Doctors helped CIA perfect 'torture' technique | The Daily Telegraph MEDICAL professionals helped the CIA perfect legal but harsh interrogation methods for terror suspects during the George W. Bush administration, according to a new report.
Experiments in Torture: Physicians group alleges US conducted illegal research on detainees - Boing Boing
Obama, the Oil Spill, and the Carter Comparisons - Newsweek.com The president, consumed with cleaning up after his predecessors, can't just strip emotion from the public parts of his job (Mr Cool Non-Partisan)
Open Left:: Blue Dogs self-asphyxiate In case you missed it, after passing Afghanistan war funding without battling an eyelash, last week Blue Dogs slashed an economic relief bill by nearly $100 billion. It was a glorious "victory" for them:
Matthew Yglesias » The No-Stimulus Economy
More On Why Banks Aren't Foreclosing On Homeowners | Capital Gains and Games
Goldman Sachs Subpoenaed By Financial Crisis Panel For Withholding Key Info
Simon Johnson: Richard Fisher, Senior Fed Official: White House Is Dead Wrong (we knew that a year ago +Larry Summers is an idiot)
Bernie Madoff: "F--k My Victims" . "I carried them for twenty years, and now I'm doing 150 years."
Spirialing 'UFO' Over Australia Was Likely Falcon 9 Rocket | Universe Today ("likely")
Review - Children with Sexual Behavior Problems - Childhood Disorders
Review - The Porn Trap - Sexuality The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography
US National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study: Psychological Adjustment of 17-Year-Old Adolescents -- Gartrell and Bos, 10.1542/peds.2009-3153 -- Pediatrics
The Secret to Having the Perfect Child: Be a Lesbian
Kids with Lesbian Parents May Do Better Than Their Peers - time
Kids of lesbians have fewer behavioral problems, study suggests - CNN.com
National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study, lesbian mothers, lesbian families, lesbian family study
Kids With Lesbian Parents Do Just Fine - US News and World Report Study shows they might even be better adjusted than kids from traditional families (go traditional values!)
same-sex parenting: Beliefs of conserative Christians | same-sex parenting: conclusions
Ohio Tornado Storm Kills Seven, Wrecks Cop Cars, Graduation
Sheriff: Dad 'Tazes' daughter's friend | Local News | PE.com | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California (William Atwood Sr, famous on the internets for all eternity +tazes his dogs "daily")
Ohio Supreme Court Rules Officers Can Just Guess How Fast You’re Going | autoinsane
Mom Finds Missing Kids After 15 Years Using Facebook
John Sculley on Why He Fired Steve Jobs
Why didn't video phones take off? (DFW)
New Jersey Terrorism Arrests: 2 NJ Men Arrested At JFK Airport On Terrorism Charges
LRB · Jacqueline Rose · ‘J’accuse’: Dreyfus in Our Times - "because of Dreyfus, so Israel" "That the story of Dreyfus, the fight for justice, leads rather to universal human rights and the need to abide by international law" (learn from history +Zola, Colonel Picquart, Bernard Lazare and Proust in the audience)
Michael Chabon - Chosen, but Not Special - NYTimes.com “GAZA Flotilla Drives Israel Into a Sea of Stupidity” declared the Israeli daily Haaretz on Monday, as though announcing the discovery of some hitherto unknown body of water (racism is taught to Jews)
LRB · Judith Butler · No, it’s not anti-semitic (2003 +Larry Summers is an idiot)
Israeli Ambassador To U.S., Michael Oren, Rejects International Investigation Of Flotilla Deaths (of course)
Flotilla raid diary: 'A man is shot. I am seeing it happen' | From the Guardian | The Guardian
Maan News Agency: Israel under fire for doctoring flotilla recordings (there is nothing they won't do)
Students plan counter-flotilla - Israel News, Ynetnews - "we need three elements: Money, logistics and balls," he said. "We're bringing the balls and some of the logistics, but we need lots of money." (and a little thinking about that missing blockade +cheaper to just use paypal)
Thad Allen: Oil Spill Is 'Holding The Gulf Hostage'
Op-Ed Columnist - Don’t Get Mad, Mr. President. Get Even. - NYTimes.com f Obama is to have a truly transformative presidency, there could be no better catalyst than oil (transformation has been proven to be not his thing +Larry Summers is an idiot)
Haley Barbour: Oil? What Oil? Press Should Stop Scaring Tourists (psycho-Republican +conserving is communist))
Oil touches down on Florida beaches - usatoday.com (Floriduh screwed, Miss. OK, drill, baby, drill)
BP Ignores Order to Pay for Barrier Islands, Drops $50 Million on Oil Spill Ad | ecopolitology
Jimmy Carter's solar panels help power a Maine college, then star in film - The Green Blog ... But in 1986, President Ronald Reagan took the solar panels down when the White House roof was being repaired. They were never reinstalled (Republicans destroyed this country in so many ways)
Daily Kos: Nuclear Follies: How Not To Stem the BP Oil Gusher
worst_case_scenario.png (XKCD nails it)
Speech Highlights: Obama Hits Republicans, Pledges to Find Votes for Energy - Politics - The Atlantic (nukes + natural gas not "clean energy")
Daily Kos: To fully embrace a clean energy future
Daily Kos: Book review: New thinking about voter polarization - Jonathan D. Weiler: Most succinctly, we mean by authoritarianism a tendency to see the world in simple, clear, black and white terms in support of a social order that prefers sameness and uniformity over diversity and difference (+wars and intolerance: strong, angry, not-so-smart, drunken daddy)
Lost Decade, Here We Come - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com Yet the conventional wisdom now is that these countries must nonetheless cut — not because the markets are currently demanding it, not because it will make any noticeable difference to their long-run fiscal prospects, but because we think that the markets might demand it (even though they shouldn’t) sometime in the future. Utter folly posing as wisdom. Incredible (K-Thug at his best)
Fair Game - Banks Say No to Freddie and Fannie, but Taxpayers Can’t - NYTimes.com - And when disguising problems winds up harming the taxpayer — the same folks who rode to the rescue of banks with billions of dollars — the denial is downright exasperating (good job, Barry)
Neanderthals walked into frozen Britain 40,000 years earlier than first thought, evidence shows - The Channel is also a critical area for further research, with the buried landscape between Boulogne and Newhaven -- provisionally christened "Boulognia" -- possibly containing the crucial evidence.
Largest supercomputers to simulate life on Earth, including economies and whole societies
Bill Maher: New Rule: Al Gore Must Come Out With a Sequel to His Film and Call It An Inconvenient Truth 2: What the F*ck Is Wrong With You People? Or take this recent headline: "TV weathercasters divided on global warming." Who gives a shit? My TV weathercaster is a bimbo with big tits who used to be on a soap opera on Telemundo.
Fifty Political Manifestos and Platforms of Our Time
Modern and Contemporary Political Ideologies
Americans have lost their commitment to shared sacrifice. The Gettysburg Address can help them recover it. - By Eliot Spitzer - Slate Magazine
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal: The Prisoner's Dilemma
"74 Democrats sold you out to AT&T, Verizon and Comcast" | The Agonist 74 Democrats signed a joint letter to the FCC supporting internet throttling by Verizon, ATT and Comcast. Throttling lets carriers slow or block internet traffic. This is a clear attack on net neutrality
Opt-Out Required to Prevent Your Yahoo! Mail Contacts From Being Used for Social Network | Electronic Frontier Foundation
New iPhone Data Plans: Is 200MB Enough? - Gearlog , we found that 200MB just isn't enough for a tech-savvy iPhoner, but 2GB definitely is (unless you tether, then you're screwed +this is for the 4G highbandwidth future, suckas)
Sexy Videogameland: You Look Nice, Miss
The Proposition: So, Hey Baby Then… | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
hOZXT.png (the timid, shy, misunderstood guy)
Israel ready to intercept another ship, won't apologize to Turkey | McClatchy (rule #1: never apologize)
Rule of the Gun - With U.S. Aid, Warlord Builds an Afghan Empire - NYTimes.com (of course, this will work out really well)
Obama Briefed in April by Carol Browner On How Bad BP Spill Was - The Daily Beast The president was not only briefed on the real-time events of the spill, but also on just how bad it would be—and how hard it would be to plug the hole (and couldn't bring himself to tell you, preferring to let BP/Republicans control the message, as usual)
What if BP Never Stopped the Oil in the Gulf of Mexico? - ABC News Engineers Say Deepwater Horizon Well Could Leak for Years if Not Stopped (enjoy your oil, drill, baby, drill states)
Gulf Oil Spill: Cap Placed Over Leak Collecting Only Fraction Of The Oil ("fraction" = hardly any)
A Disaster Reaches Beyond the Gulf Coast - NYTimes.com - “Is it going to be what Three Mile Island was to nuclear?”
What the Spill Will Kill - Newsweek.com Giant plumes of crude oil mixed with methane are sweeping the ocean depths with devastating consequences (you know, those giant plumes that BP and Obama's NOAA says don't exist)
Pelicans, Back from Brink of Extinction, Face Threat From Oil Spill - NYTimes.com (good job, oil-states)
BP Amoco: Accidents Not Waiting to Happen | Chemically Green
BP says oil flowing from ruptured well to ship on Gulf surface - CNN.com The plumes are as wide as 6 miles, though their lengths are unclear, researchers said. In the past, BP has denied that such large amounts of oil, which can choke fish and harm their eggs, have formed into underwater plumes.
BP Buys Search Engine Phrases Redirecting Users - ABC News
Firedoglake Apparently the cleanup site of the oil hemorrhaging into the gulf is the perfect place for Immigrations and Customs Enforcement officials to pick up undocumented workers (but of course)
Op-Ed Columnist - Disaster in the Amazon - NYTimes.com indigenous people from a formerly pristine region of the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador have been trying to get relief from an American company, Texaco (which later merged with Chevron), for what has been described as the largest oil-related environmental catastrophe ever.
EU to propose lifting Israeli blockade of Gaza: Spain - Hindustan Times
How to Defend the Indefensible (and get away with it) | Stephen M. Walt
Thousands demonstrate across the world against Israel's Gaza flotilla raid - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Week-long ban is initiated by Swedish Port Workers Union, who says act is reaction to the 'unprecedented criminal attack on the peaceful ship convoy.'
Israeli navy reportedly intercepts Gaza-bound aid ship
Rachel Corrie, Aid Ship, Seized By Israel With No Resistance - intercepted in international waters
Ari Fleischer: Fire Helen Thomas video surfaced on Friday of her declaring that Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and go back to Germany and Poland (AIPAC has a fit, but really)
HuffPost cuts ties with BP consultant Rosen - Ben Smith - politico.com
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation : Index
Text of Justice David Souter’s speech | Harvard Gazette Online
Editorial - Justice Souter’s Counsel - NYTimes.com
Souter at Harvard, on the Supreme Court - latimes.com
E.J. Dionne: Souter takes a big swing at Scalia's ‘originalism' | Viewpoints, Outlook | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Justice Souter’s Class - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com
Arizona Elementary School Will Whiten The Faces Of Its Own Students On A Mural Because Some Racists Yelled At It
Steve Blair Fired By KYCA - Prescott eNews removed from his radio talk show as of today, due to a controversy over the mural painted on Miller Valley School (Steve Blair: dumb racist fuck)
Corporations Are NOT People! » Politics Plus
Hullabaloo: Global Neo-Hooverism
The Washington Monthly: The Economy Or The Deficit - Every Republican in Congress, still of the Hoover school of economics, wants to take their foot off the gas and slam on the brake (except when it comes to wars they started)
Hullabaloo Brad Delong asked if we are seeing the creation of an underclass of long term unemployed. Here is some more evidence that we are (if you're unemployed, you can't get a job; 19% jobless: please the bond-holders above all else)
stimulus-vs-unemployment-may-corrected.gif (Obama's economic team - and you know who that is - was )
Crizotinib, Lung Cancer Drug, Shows Big Promise In Early Tests
NASA - What is Consuming Hydrogen and Acetylene on Titan? What is Consuming Hydrogen and Acetylene on Titan?
Omega-3 lesson: Not so much brain boost as fishy research | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk One tiny brain-imaging study of fatty acids has been used to endorse fish oil as education's magic pill
Mark Hyman, MD: Nutrition Tips: Folic Acid: Killer or Cure-All?
Stone Age Color, Glue 'Factory' Found : Discovery News The color and glue trade could have been a blossoming industry some 58,000 years ago.
Infant Mortality Study Shows How Our Health Care System Fails Women And Children | ATTACKERMAN
U.S. Consumers Lag Others in Sustainable Choices - NatGeo News Watch
Greendex: Survey of Sustainable Consumption - National Geographic
U.S. Consumers Lag Others in Sustainable Choices - NatGeo News Watch
Op-Ed Columnist - Gay? Whatever, Dude - NYTimes.com For the first time, the percentage of Americans who perceive “gay and lesbian relations” as morally acceptable has crossed the 50 percent mark
Americans' Acceptance of Gay Relations Crosses 50% Threshold
sweet juniper! - Another Selection from our Collection of Terrifying Nixon-era Children's Books: The Way It Is (1969)
Diana Butler Bass: The Real Reason for the Anglican-Episcopal Divide
PCH: Pacific Coast Hellway (Porsche owner angry that there are other cars on the highway and he can't use it for his personal race-track)
Ken Fells revisits the Shawinigan handshake - Nova Scotia News - TheChronicleHerald.ca
YouTube - NPR: All Things D
Does the Internet Make You Smarter? - WSJ.com Amid the silly videos and spam are the roots of a new reading and writing culture, says Clay Shirky.
Henry Blodget: Google to Change Gmail, Add "Normal Email" Option Instead Of Just "Conversations"
Don Norman at IIT Design Research Conference 2010 on Vimeo (Steve Jobs head is as big as the galaxy)
What to do if locked out of Gmail, and what to do now if you aren't
Gmail and Google Apps Account Hacked But Restored Soon After
Expert says Burma ‘planning nuclear bomb’ | Democratic Voice of Burma
BBC News - N Korea hails development of new 'super drink' that, it says, can multiply brain cells and stop skin ageing
AFP: Deadly fighting erupts in Sudan's Darfur: rebels
YouTube - for Neda (English)
Gaza flotilla activists were shot in head at close range | World news | The Guardian (executions)
The Gaza Flotilla Raid: What Happened On The Ship? (video) | TPMMuckraker
Israel Signals New Flexibility on Gaza Shipments - NYTimes.com (won't sink ships in home ports)
Gaza Blockade: Israel Vows To Block Rachel Corrie, New Aid Ship (death to the Irish!)
News Desk: Debriefing: Lawrence Wright on Gaza : The New Yorker
Interesting Times: Israel Takes the Bait : The New Yorker by George Packer
The US Is Defending Not Just Its Closest Ally in Israeli Raid, but Also Approach to War | Emptywheel
BBC - Adam Curtis Blog: 21 Miles Off The Coast of Palestine
Autopsies reveal 9 men on Gaza aid boat shot, 5 in head - CNN.com Video: Heroes' welcomed home in Turkey - In one case, Ince said, a gunshot victim had been shot at at extremely close range (executions)
Stewart Slams Glenn Beck For Lying About Flotilla Raid Footage (video)
Op-Ed Contributor - Prosecuting Crimes Against the Earth - NYTimes.com
Relief Wells Proceed During Efforts on Sea Bed - NYTimes.com
Caught in the oil - The Big Picture - Boston.com (this is the result of six weeks; imagine another six months)
Making money on an oil disaster « Climate Progress Will BP take responsibility, or squeeze the tragedy for profits the way Exxon did?
Tar Balls Wash Ashore On Florida Beaches, Scientists Warn Oil May Spread Up Atlantic Coast (video) (enjoy your tarballs, Nantucket)
My BP Mole Spills the Secrets of BP's Cleanup Ops | Mother Jones Elmer says that last Thursday, when the Coast Guard was announcing that the top kill seemed to be working, the cleanup supervisors on Grand Isle had already been informed it was a failure—which, of course, was not publicly announced until several days later (BP still owns the cops)
Defense Secretary Robert Gates Declares Gulf Oil Spill Beyond Military's Expertise (Army of none, only good for killing people)
BP Hit With £47m Bill For Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Gulf Of Mexico Crisis Costs The Company | World News | Sky News (same as downloading 600 illegal songs)
Another Torrent BP Works to Stem - Its C.E.O. - NYTimes.com (worse than Biden)
How Long Can Mississippi's Governor Keep Downplaying The Oil Spill? | TPM LiveWire Haley Barbour (R) has been a man apart in his low-key response to the catastrophic oil leak still gushing in the Gulf of Mexico.
Gas Spews for Hours From Out-Of-Control Pa. Well - NYTimes.com
Wash. Post op-ed flat-out lies about law to suggest White House conversations were illegal | Media Matters for America (Fred Hiatt at work)
White House Talk Lightens Tone of Dispute on Immigration Law - NYTimes.com (the great conciliator at work)
Wonkette : Arizona School Demands Black & Latino Students’ Faces On Mural Be Changed To White (mural featuring the faces of kids who attend the school has been the subject of constant daytime drive-by racist screaming, from adults, as well as a radio talk-show campaign (by an actual city councilman, who has an AM talk-radio show) to remove the black student’s face, and now the school principal has ordered the faces of the Latino and Black students to be changed to Caucasian skin
Jake Knotts' 'Raghead' Remark: Nikki Haley, Obama Called Indian Slur By South Carolina State Senator the remarks about President Barack Obama and state Rep. Nikki Haley were meant as a joke - Republican state Sen. Jake Knotts (joke this, you fucking racist)
U.S. Likely To Miss Deadline On Prison Rape Rules : NPR (not a high priorty)
‘The Time We Have Is Growing Short’ | The New York Review of Books by Paul Volcker
Employment Situation Summary Total nonfarm payroll employment grew by 431,000 in May, reflecting the hiring of 411,000 temporary employees to work on Census 2010 (stimulus!)
CRimages: Percent Job Losses During Recessions, aligned at bottom, May 2010 (who need jobs as long as the bankers are happy?)
The Washington Monthly: Minority Leader John Boehner says you don't need a job
Unemployment: U.S. Economy Added 431k Jobs In May, But Vast Majority Came From Census Hires hiring by private employers, the backbone of the economy, slowed sharply. They added just 41,000 jobs
Deficit Eclipses Jobs In Congress: 'Nickel-And-Diming The Most Fragile People' (Senate walks away from jobless)
US Stock Futures Extend Losses After Jobs Report - CNBC
Robert Reich: Why We're Falling Into a Double-Dip Recession
Summers Predicts Job Growth by Spring - NYTimes.com (December, 2009: another Summers failure)
Six Giant Banks Made $51 Billion Last Year; The Other 980 Lost Money - Forbes.com (too big too fail is very, very, profitable)
Daily Kos: WSR: Senators making the case for credit ratings reform and Volker Rule (Larry Summer's still sabotaging everything)
UC Berkeley offer to test DNA of incoming students sparks debate - Los Angeles Times
News: Unwinding Berkeley's DNA Test - Inside Higher Ed
Berkeley Asks Freshmen for DNA Samples - NYTimes.com
YouTube - Aliens vs Human Intelligence DNA Evolution Science Alien Contact with Lifeforms Galaxy Universe SETI
'Helicopter' Parents Have Neurotic Kids, Study Suggests - Yahoo! News (shocking news)
Book owners have smarter kids - Laura Miller - Salon.com
Another Jupiter impact? | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Tale of two versions of 'Life' on Blu-ray | Crave - CNET two versions of the Blu-ray edition out there--one narrated by British naturalist David Attenborough, the other by Oprah Winfrey (the American editon for really dumb people)
Guided by Parasites: Toxoplasma Modified Humans
arXiv vs. snarXiv
Less Wrong: Diseased thinking: dissolving questions about disease
Operation Mincemeat and spycraft in World War Two : The New Yorker It was a dazzling feat of wartime espionage. But does it argue for or against spying? by Malcolm Gladwell
Boston 1775: William York: ten-year-old murderer
Sculptris - Sculptris wants you to make 3D models. Download it and have a go! (free)
Publishing Locations Of Pirate Movies Is The Same As Hosting Them | TorrentFreak a court reasoned that by allowing the publication of the location of pirate movie stored on Usenet, FTD was effectively publishing the movie
How Android, Chrome, and the iPad are shielding us from malware. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine (especially the jPad) w
A Facebook privacy scanner that can adjust settings for you | VentureBeat
Derrick Bird, UK Taxi Driver, Kills 12, Wounds 25 In Shooting Spree (see, open carry would have stopped this)
Gaza flotilla raid: 'We heard gunfire – then our ship turned into lake of blood' | World news | The Guardian Activists aboard Mavi Marmara speak of shock at rapid attacks and deny assaults on Israeli commandos
In raw video, reporters claim Israelis fired on activists before boarding ship | Raw Story
Turkey-Israel ties head for major shift | Reuters
New Israeli Tack Needed on Gaza, U.S. Officials Say - NYTimes.com
Robert Mackey: A Former Military Planner's View: Why Israel Lost
Reporting Israeli Assault Through Israel's Eyes Attack on humanitarian flotilla prompts little media skepticism
Israel Flotilla Disaster: Gaza Embargo, U.S. Supporters to Blame - The Daily Beast
Gaza aid flotilla: Israeli sabotage suspected | World news | The Guardian
I Already Shot You § Unqualified Offerings
What Could They Have Been Thinking?: Initial Thoughts on the Gaza Flotilla | Stephen M. Walt
Amos Oz - Israeli Force, Adrift on the Sea - NYTimes.com
Israel and the world: Israel's siege mentality | The Economist The government’s macho attitude is actually making Israel weaker ... Israel is caught in a vicious circle. The more its hawks think the outside world will always hate it, the more it tends to shoot opponents first and ask questions later, and the more it finds that the world is indeed full of enemies.
BBC News - Activists describe Israeli raid on Gaza aid convoy as well as firing live and plastic rounds, commandos had administered electric shocks and beaten passengers during the assault. Israeli soldiers have said the troops acted in self-defence
American Killed on Gaza Aid Flotilla - ABC News Furkan Dogan Was Shot Five Times, Including Four Times in Head (he was "resisting")
AFP: UN chief urges Israel to lift Gaza blockade (Netanyahu: "fuck you")
Israel REJECTS International Investigation Of Deadly Flotilla Raid (what a surprise)
Gaza Flotilla Raid May Not Change U.S. Policy Towards Israel (nothing Israel could do would "change US policy")
Reports: Young U.S. Citizen Killed By IDF In Gaza Flotilla Raid | TPMMuckraker
The Israeli flotilla attack: victimhood, aggression and tribalism - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com Dogan, who held a U.S. passport, had four bullet wounds to the head and one to the chest (self-defense, you anti-semitic or something? +rogue state at work)
Israel's use of 'captured' video draws criticism - Yahoo! News drawing sharp criticism Thursday from foreign correspondents who say some of the footage was shot by journalists
Right-wing media rush to blame Obama for Gaza flotilla incident | Media Matters for America
LiveLeak.com - Israelis celebrating attack on Turkish Aid Ship - infront of Turkish Embassy,Tel Aviv
YouTube - Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers
DEBKAfile: Why was Israeli raider force unprepared for violent resistance?
Gulf Oil Spill (photos): Animals In Peril
Coast Guard Admiral Says Gulf Oil Pipe Is Cut - NYTimes.com
Gulf Oil Spill: Latest Federal Government Estimate Still Understates Oil Flow (more stupidty)
Oil Companies Weigh Strategies to Fend Off Tougher Regulations - NYTimes.com (oh sure)
BP Oil: Coming to a Beach Near You in Summer 2010 | Mother Jones the spill "might soon extend along thousands of miles of the Atlantic coast and open ocean as early as this summer." (hey, Nantucket, you listening?)
Gulf Oil Spill: Relief Wells Are Risky, Could Actually Make Spill Worse (oh, now you tell us)
New Oil Well Approved 50 Miles Off Louisiana Coast, South Of Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge
Nuclear Option on Gulf Oil Spill? No Way, U.S. Says - NYTimes.com (turn the Gulf into a stinking mass of radioactive oil, great idea)
BP 'Cut-And-Cap' Plug Attempt Suffers Setback: Saw Is Stuck, Shears Next (next up: tweazers)
The Washington Monthly: Penn's Vision Of 'Immediate Action' Jon Chait to conclude, "I've said it before and I'll say it again: this man is a total fraud. He has absolutely no idea what he was talking about." (insane stupid Republicans at work)
Oil Spill Tar Patties Wash Ashore In Alabama, As Angry Governor Blasts Coast Guard Decisions sticky "tar patties," as big as a flattened palm.
The Downward Spiral: Oil Giants Involved In Spill Are Worth Way Less Than They Once Were | TPM LiveWire
Bob Cesca: How Soon Until the Free Market Stops the Oil Spill?
Sarah Palin Blames Environmentalists For Gulf Oil Disaster
Gulf Coast oil spill could wreck region's tourism and fishing industries (elite press slowly waking up)
Daily Kos: Rep. Taylor: Volcano of oil looks like...chocolate milk! (a month ago ... will he apologize and punch himself in the dick?)
BP’s Hayward Faces Downgrades, Investors as Spill May Cost Job - Bloomberg.com BP’s Hayward Faces Downgrades, Investors as Spill May Cost Job
BP CEO Tony Hayward Admits Company Was Unprepared For Deepwater Oil Leak (send him up the oil-stained river)
Gulf Oil Spill Criminal Case Difficult Against Execs
Bobby Jindal Asks Obama To End Moratorium On Deepwater Drilling (Lousiana Repubicans: drill, baby, drill insanity at work +Jindal is a real idiot)
Dying, dead marine wildlife paint dark, morbid picture of Gulf Coast following oil spill - Here's what President Obama didn't see when he visited the Gulf Coast: a dead dolphin rotting in the shore weeds
BP Media Clampdown: No Photos Of Dead Animals, Please (BP owns everything)
Gulf Oil Spill: Feds Halt New Drilling In Gulf
U.N. Report Criticizes American Drone Attacks - NYTimes.com the growing use of armed drones by the United States to kill terrorism suspects was undermining global constraints on the use of military force. He warned that the American example would lead to a chaotic world as the new weapons technology inevitably spread.
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The Drone Wars Basically, the United States has decided that it has an absolute right to impose the death sentence on anyone they suspect of being a terrorist, and anyone who happens to be near the alleged suspect. Or anyone who is mistaken for someone we suspect to be a terrorist (or anyone near them)
George W. Bush Defends Waterboarding: Would Waterboard Khalid Sheik Mohammed Again
U.S.-Mexico Border Safety: Area Is One Of Safest Parts Of America (but there are all those brown people!)
Rolling The Dice: How Artur Davis Ended His Own Political Career | TPMDC
ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report The 4-week moving average was 459,000, an increase of 1,750 from the previous week's revised average of 457,250.
Hullabaloo Lucky Duckies On A Bad Trip (the new welfare queens: long-term unemployed +let's increase retirement age to 107)
Things Everyone In Chicago Knows - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com - Which happen not to be true (zombie lies about the housing crash)
Buffett’s PR disaster | Analysis & Opinion | He was dragged against his will — with a subpoena, no less — in front of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, which grilled him on whether, as Moody’s largest shareholder, he took any responsibility at all for the disaster that happened there. His answer — no — was met with unanimous derision (Warren "Pants on Fire" Buffett, the Liar of Omaha)
Buffett denies that Moody's executives flagged bad bonds | McClatchy
Fed should raise rates to 1 percent: Hoenig | Reuters
3quarksdaily: The Nominees for the 2010 3QD Prize in Science Are:
Laminar Flow Reversibility: Why does the Blob Rewind? | Unruled Notebook
Magic quantum wand does not vanish hard math , a new paper has shown that adiabatic computers are actually quite bad at hard math problems.
New blood test speeds up cancer detection | Health Tech - CNET News
Rebel scientists force Royal Society to accept climate change scepticism - Times Online - Sir Alan, 72, an electrical engineer, is a member of the advisory council of the climate sceptic think-tank (all you need to know about "Sir Alan" and the British press)
Hubble Images Suggest Rogue Asteroid Smacked Jupiter eaving a dark bruise the size of the Pacific Ocean
ConwayLife.com • View topic - Universal Constructor Based Spaceship
An Orangutan Bonds with a Hound Dog Video - Animals & Nature - Unlikely Friends - National Geographic Channel Videos
New York Expected to Give Protections to Nannies - NYTimes.com (domestic workers unprotected)
Raising Children Costs Between $286,000 and $476,000 - CBS MoneyWatch.com
Joran Van Der Sloot ARRESTED In Peru Murder Case five years to the day after Natalee Holloway disappeared.
Free heroin gives good results - Politiken.dk
Are Cameras the New Guns? . In at least three states, it is now illegal to record any on-duty police officer (war on what really happened)
Michael Geist - The Canadian Copyright Bill: Flawed But Fixable
Microsoft: No Matter What Google Says, Windows Is Secure - PCWorld
10 Things Android Does Better Than iPhone OS | Maximum PC
Candid answers from AT&T on the new iPhone data plans
Dell Streak: $500 unlocked in US, available next month -- Engadget
What Settings Should I Change on My Wi-Fi Router?
AT&T warns customer that emailing the CEO will result in a cease and desist letter -- Engadget (you know what to do)
Al Qaeda's Number 3: What his death means - The Week
Japan’s Premier Will Quit as Approval Plummets - NYTimes.com
Task Force Conclusion: “Many” Detainees Were Legally Detained | Emptywheel No word about the others who have been detained for up to 8 years for whom the Task Force found no legal basis to hold (so many of them were "illegally" detained for no reason for years and years)
Air hostess 'kidnapped and raped in Dubai desert' | Mail Online
Glenn Greenwald and Eliot Spitzer on the Gaza Flotilla | FDL Action - You don’t often get a piece of cable TV this good
Editorial - Israel and the Gaza Blockade - NYTimes.com At this point, it should be clear that the blockade is unjust and against Israel’s long-term security.
After Israel Raids Flotilla, U.S. Is Torn Between Allies - NYTimes.com (torn? this proves there is nothing Israel can do that won't get a US veto in the UN Security Council)
Mossad chief: Israel gradually becoming burden on U.S. - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Israel has turned from an asset to a burden; Senior IDF officer says the IDF didn't sabotage a Gaza aid ship in bid to avoid humanitarian crisis.
Gaza flotilla activists deported to Jordan claim Israeli mistreatment | World news | guardian.co.uk amid increasing calls for independent inquiry into deadly assault (keyword: "independent")
BBC News - UN statement on Israel's Gaza aid ships raid - "takes note of the statement of the UN Secretary-General on the need to have a full investigation" (do you see the word "independent?")
Gaza Blockade Defended By Netanyahu "Israel is facing an attack of international hypocrisy," Netanyahu said (in your face)
Israeli Arab MK who joined Gaza flotilla: IDF raid was a 'pirate' operation - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Likud tells Hanin Zoabi: 'Go to Gaza, you traitor
Israeli Knesset member rejects navy account of attack
Activists: We have funding for another larger Gaza flotilla - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News 'Freedom 2' expected to set sail in coming week (maybe this time you can install some direct-upload webcams?)
Israel Deports Activists Detained During Flotilla Raid
Barney Frank: 'As A Jew' I'm 'Ashamed' Over Treatment Of Palestinians (must be self-hating Jew)
u9Kul.jpg IsraelMFA's photostream: Weapons found aboard the Mavi Marmara (pathetic lies)
nBeMx.png (more "weapons" found on the boat full of terrorist insurgents)
Cyprus bans activists from joining flotilla | Reuters
Israel Turns to YouTube, Twitter After Flotilla Fiasco | Danger Room | Wired.com (cranks up the propaganda machine)
YouTube: Noam Chomsky pwns hostil Israeli reporter
Oil could hit Florida Panhandle by Wednesday - Oil balls bobbing toward Pensacola by the thousands (denial crumbling)
BP Gulf Oil Spill: The Cut, Clean-Up and Criminal Investigation - ABC News
Does Howard Kurtz read the Washington Post? | Media Matters for America Howard Kurtz’s complaints about Barack Obama’s handling of the BP oil spill are pure theater criticism
BP Oil Leak May Last Until Christmas in Worst Case Scenario - Bloomberg.com (funny how that "worst case scenario" keeps getting worse; how about seven years?)
Storm clouds gathering for a brutal hurricane season | FP Passport
Spill response leader: 'Touch and go' through hurricane season - CNN.com
Hurricanes Versus the Oil Spill - weather.com
BP Media Clampdown: No Photos Of Dead Animals, Please
NOAA Director Toes BP Line; Won't Confirm Sub-Surface Oil Despite Evidence
Underwater Oil Plumes In Gulf Exposed By ABC News (Video) (they finally got a reporter through the blockade; you know, the plumes that don't exist)
Oil 'Everywhere' On Alabama Beach (video) (what BP and the oil-cops don't want you to see)
Oil spill nears Florida beaches as BP tries risky cap move | NOLA.com
Ian Bremmer: Does 'The End Of The Free Market' Mean The End Of Big Oil And The Multi-National Corporation?
Senate Democrats to BP: Suspend dividend payment | NOLA.com
Attention: CNN looking for “The Good Side of the Oil Spill” | Media Matters for America - So, if you can think of a "good side" to one of the worst environmental disasters on record, make sure you let CNN know (pre-oiled shrimp! pretty tar-balls on the beach! insane Republican congressman!)
Think Progress » Rep. Tom Cole on oil spill: ‘Acts of God are acts of God.’ Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), an ardent supporter of the oil industry and adherent of the “drill here, drill now” chant (asshole)
Think Progress » As Oil Arrives On MS Beaches, Will Barbour Continue To Praise BP And Mock News Coverage Of The Spill? (no one will remember anyway)
SCOTUSblog » Analysis: Tilting Miranda toward the police Berghuis v. Thompkins, Opinion recap (five fascist supremes)
Supreme Court Says Suspects Must Disclose Intent to Remain Silent - WSJ.com
Parker Griffith, Alabama Party Switcher, Goes Down In Primary Congressional Fight (a Rahm-bo blue-dog traitor goes down)
Anti-Washington Anger Triggers Highest Number Of Candidates To Run For Congress In 35 Years
Jim Greer Arrested: Former Florida GOP Chairman Charged With Attempting To Defraud State Party
Sarah Palin Snubs Lisa Murkowski, Endorses Tea Party Challenger For Alaska Senate Seat
SEC May Let Goldman Sachs Off The Hook With $621 Million Fine | news junkie post (slap on the wrist)
FT Alphaville » Greek fire (sale)
Is This Woman Too Hot To Be a Banker? - Page 2 - News - New York - Village Voice
Chronic Joblessness Bites Deep - WSJ.com seven million Americans have been looking for work for 27 weeks or more, and most of them—4.7 million—have been out of work for a year or more.
CERN Press Release: Particle Chameleon Caught in the act of Changing (neutrinos have mass)
The Mysterious Neutrinos Strike Again! : NPR
symmetry - April 2010 - Explain it in 60 Seconds: Neutrino
What's a Neutrino? The neutrino and its friends
PowellsBooks.Blog - Original Essays - In Making Our Own Weather, Have We Remade Ourselves? - Powell's Books - "those who live exclusively in an air-conditioned environment endanger their ability to cope with severe heat load."
Teenagers cannot concentrate because their brains are undeveloped findings suggest the brain is not fully developed until people reach their late twenties or even early thirties, which is much later than previously thought.
Darpa Wants to Predict Deadly Pathogens with ‘Prophecy’ | Danger Room | Wired.com
SPACE.com -- Computer Program Learns to Sort Galaxies Like a Human
Fruitfly larvae smell the light : Nature News Genetic tweak fools flies into mistaking light for unpleasant odours.
Is Betelgeuse about to blow? | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine (probably not, but yu never know)
How Much The Average American Spends on Entertainment (5.6%)
Welcome to blogland, Paris Review | Jacket Copy | Los Angeles Times
The Paris Review Blog
My Father's Library - Forbes.com
Natalee Holloway Suspect Joran Van Der Sloot Sought for Peru Murder - ABC News (well, well)
Good50×70 2010 » Healthcare Deprivation
Hospital uses armed man in unannounced drill - Saturday, May 29, 2010 | 2:01 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun Test of security procedures results in frightening moments (now if the nurses had been packing heat ...)
Digg is Deadd - Website Magazine - Website Magazine ("social fatigue")
AT&T makes sweeping changes to data plans, iPhone tethering coming at OS 4 launch -- Engadget ($20/month tethering charge all by itself)
AT&T Kills Unlimited Data Plan or iPhones, iPads (raises the Apple tax)
Keep tabs on what Google knows about you | Workers' Edge - CNET News
Sonic Solutions To Acquire DivX In $323 Million Deal
What is data science? - O'Reilly Radar ("productizing" data)
The RIAA? Amateurs. Here's how you sue 14,000+ P2P users (lawyers discover new revenue stream)
4 Actually Useful Health Apps For Your Android Phone
Teaching with Google Wave - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education
AT&T Just Killed Unlimited Wireless Data (and Screwed Everybody in the Process)
AP Stylebook Adds 42 New Guidelines for Social Media
Steve Jobs says Flash has had its day, says Apple focuses on emerging technologies | NetworkWorld.com Community (no flash for you, silly)
U.S. Officials: Al Qaeda No. 3 Killed his wife, three of his daughters, his granddaughter, and other men women and children were killed (just a little collateral damage)
Costofwar.Com - The Cost of War (all of them)
Tropical storm leaves at least 115 dead in Central America - CNN.com
The Gates of Hell Just Opened In Guatemala
Flotilla Response Won't Hurt Obama's Standing In Muslim World, Says Gibbs (dodges and weaves and says ridiculous things)
Israel Holds Hundreds Seized During Raid on Flotilla - NYTimes.com (won't let anyone who would contradict their lies talk to press)
Israel should lead investigation into attack on Gaza flotilla, says US | World news | The Guardian Turkey's demands for international inquiry blocked at meeting of United Nations security council (there you go)
Judges Quit BP Gulf Oil-Spill Lawsuits Over Conflicts (Update1) - BusinessWeek Hughes has lectured for an oilfield industry professional group that pays his travel expenses, according to filings obtained from the Judicial Watch website.
Israel to release activists detained after flotilla raids - The Irish Times - Tue, Jun 01, 2010 - Taoiseach Brian Cowen warned there would be “most serious consequences” should any harm come to Irish citizens involved with an aid flotilla destined for Gaza.
Turkish PM: Israeli Raid A 'Bloody Massacre'
'The ship turned into a lake of blood,' says activist on Gaza flotilla - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Six Greeks and several others, including a Turkish woman and her 1-year-old baby, were released on Tuesday.
'Next time we'll use more force' (the fuck you state)
NATO Wants Probe Of Israeli Raid
Flotillas and the Wars of Public Opinion | STRATFOR
'Rachel Corrie' Aid Ship Headed Toward Gaza (US waters down UN resolution: both sides at fault for "acts" - there is nothing that Israel could do that would cause condemnation; who's the client state?)
MuzzleWatch: only right-wing Jews can speak for Jews and decide what a "valid" charity is)
Museum of Tolerance premieres documentary about 'Arab Schindlers' who saved Jews | Culture Monster | Los Angeles Times
What does Israel fear from media coverage? - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (the truth?)
Eunomia » The Gaza Blockade The blockade is a policy aimed at the steady immiseration and deeper impoverishment of Gazans (this policy is supposed to make Hamas unpopular with Gazans and is totally insane unless it is the end itself: to propagate and replicate oppresson and misery
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Larison’s Right
Eunomia » Self-Destructive “Self-Defense” (reflexive Israel-defender Leslie "no atrocity too far" Gelb attacks knee-jerk "legion of poseurs" which is either anti-semetic hippies or the UN Security Council
The Plum Line - Anthony Weiner strongly defends Israeli attack on flotilla - Weiner, one of Israel's leading allies in Congress (where are the allies of America?)
Egypt Lifts Its Side Of Gaza Blockade
GIYUS.ORG - Give Israel Your United Support (Israeli propaganda tool now available for download)
BP Oil Spill Close To Florida: Oil Sheen Spotted Nine Miles From Pensacola Beach
Efforts to End Oil Flow From BP Well Are Over, Coast Guard Says - Bloomberg.com (all the happy-talk is over, now what, Obama?)
BP Criminal Investigation Launched, Attorney General Holder Says
BP Criminal Investigation Launched By Feds "We ought to take him offshore and dunk him 10 feet underwater and pull him up and ask him 'What's that all over your face?'" said Nungesser.
Magazine Preview - Spillonomics - Underestimating Risk - NYTimes.com Years before the Deepwater Horizon rig blew, BP was developing a reputation as an oil company that took safety risks to save money
Gulf Oil Spill: Massive Underwater Plumes Spell Disaster, Scientists Say
Underwater Oil Plumes Disputed By BP CEO Tony Hayward ("what fucking plumes")
Ed Markey Demands BP Produce Oil Plume Research, Data (those fucking plumes)
In 1979, Less Complicated Oil Leak Took 10 Months To Stop
BP Adopts the Public Face of Dick Cheney | Emptywheel
Browner won't guess prospects of plugging oil leak - Gulf Oil Spill 2010 | Gulf Oil Spill Pictures, Gulf Oil Spill News - Salon.com Top Obama advisor won't pick odds on whether BP will manage to fix the spill this time around (last week it was 60-70%)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Good news for Bobby Jindal Even the liberal New Republic is impressed (and can't bring themselves to mention his rabid support of off-shore drill baby drilling)
YouTube - Cop Kicks BP Protester Off Bike Then Arrest Cameraman Who Flimed It!
Supreme Court Miranda Ruling: Suspects Must Explicitly Tell Police They Want To Remain Silent: turns defendants' rights "upside down." (5-4 with the usual assholes: no "rights" for you)
Bob Herbert - Our Epic Foolishness - NYTimes.com - If a bank is too big to fail, it’s way too big to exist. If an oil well is too far beneath the sea to be plugged when something goes wrong, it’s too deep to be drilled in the first place (No we can't +tragic missed opportunity costs)
Shadow Congress: More Than 170 Former Lawmakers Ply The Corridors Of Power As Lobbyists | TPMMuckraker (Texas and New York win)
Health Care Repeal Losing Steam - "To date, the opposition has been more successful in defining (the law) than we have been," said Democratic pollster Celinda Lake. (the party of no has been more successful defining just about everything)
Daily Kos: GOP epic fail on health reform repeal
Memo to media: Do not trust Andrew Breitbart and James O'Keefe | Media Matters for America (the next CNN hires)
Richard Cohen - Did liberals get it wrong on crime? (they made the mistake of thinking it was linked to poverty, or something +Cohen hates black people)
Don't ask GOP pollster about Brown poll - Ben Smith - politico.com (Scotty "Cosmo" Brown voted against DADT repeal, against 77% of his constituents +now he's "a contender for the Republican nomination for the presidency")
Al Gore, Tipper Gore Separating After 40 Years Of Marriage
For Some Homeowners in Foreclosure, a Rent-Free Approach - NYTimes.com
Jingle mail and the mortgage crisis | Analysis & Opinion | about 24% of all mortgaged properties are underwater. And if you’re being foreclosed upon now, you probably defaulted 438 days ago. In New York, that figure is 561 days.
Is Digital Revolution Driving Decline in U.S. Car Culture? - Advertising Age - Digital (no, you idiots, they don't have fucking jobs)
Interesting times in the sky (Betelgeuse may go type-II supernova soon)
Physicists solve missing neutrino mystery › News in Science (ABC Science) Under the prevailing Standard Model, neutrinos cannot have mass. But the new experiments prove that they do.
WikiLeaks and Julian Paul Assange : The New Yorker Julian Assange’s mission for total transparency (wikileaks and the battle to control what you're allowed to know)
Sean Haldane: 'I now think poetry has more capacity to change people than psychotherapy' | Agenda Q&A | From the Observer | The Observer Sean Haldane, a nominee for the post of professor of poetry at Oxford, talks about his dual life as a poet and neuroscientist
Sean Haldane
BBC News - Work starts in £15m plan to get Concorde flying
Free Speech FAQ
The Atlantic :: Magazine :: How to Save the News Its business rationale is as an advertising-delivery vehicle, with 80 percent of the typical paper’s total revenue coming from ads. That’s what’s going away
Why the Digital Economy Act simply won't work | Cory Doctorow | Technology | guardian.co.uk
Google Dumps Microsoft Windows Company-Wide -- Blames Windows For China Hacking Attack (employees can use Apple or Linux)
Leaked Intel roadmap reveals six new notebook CPUs for 2010, better battery life in 2011 -- Engadget
Android’s Froyo vs. iPhone OS4.0. Fight!
Apple is the new AOL and new Microsoft, and whoa that can't be a good thing | Betanews
Québec is on fire Video
CBC News - Montreal - Quebec fire situation remains critical
German President Horst Koehler Quits Over Military Remarks
The English Defence League uncovered | UK news | guardian.co.uk
AP: Pope's coverup before he was Pope
Top Canadian Commander In Afghanistan Ousted Over Allegations Of 'Inappropriate Personal Relationship'
Smoke From Canada Fires Wafts Into NH - New Hampshire News Story - WMUR Manchester
Quebec Forest Fire Smoke Drifts Into Region - News Story - WPTZ Plattsburgh
Update: Smog alert issued because of forest fire smoke in Ottawa
Canadian fires bring smoke to northern New England - Boston.com
This Is The Article I Am Sick Of Reading » Ten Percent
CBC News - World - Israelis on ship acted in self-defence: Netanyahu
NATO to meet Tuesday on Gaza flotilla raid by Israel-Politics/Nation-News-The Economic Times
BBC News - Where next for under-pressure Israel? The high number of deaths in the Israeli interception of the Gaza flotilla has led to an inevitable diplomatic fallout for Israel.
Daily Kos: Israel's attack tests NATO Doctrine. [Update] NATO agrees
Daily Kos: Israel massacres unarmed peace activists (time to suspend all aid to Israel)
YouTube - IDF Boarding Gaza Aid Flotilla
Mavi Marmara video: Footage From Israeli Raid On Gaza Flotilla
DEBKAfile - Why was Israeli raider force unprepared for violent resistance?
Israeli Raid: 'Bloody, Bungled Takeover' Deepens Israel's Isolation - Israel also appears close to destroying its relationship with key strategic ally Turkey.
Israel Boat Raid Sparks International Outcry (Turkey: "This was murder")
A Special Place in Hell / The Second Gaza War: Israel lost at sea - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News We are no longer defending Israel. We are now defending the siege, which is itself becoming Israel's Vietnam.
'The images we saw this morning were devastating for the country I love so much' - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Bernard-Henri Levy rebukes Israel for action over Gaza flotilla.
Israeli prime minister cancels White House meeting - Yahoo! News Israel's prime minister has called off a planned visit to the White House to deal with a crisis over a botched naval raid that killed 10 pro-Palestinian activists (failed terrorist state)
Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet - Middle East - Al Jazeera English At least 19 people were killed and dozens injured when troops intercepted the convoy of ships dubbed the Freedom Flotilla early on Monday, Israeli radio reported.
Israel attacks Gaza flotilla - live coverage | World news | guardian.co.uk
Gaza Flotilla ATTACKED: Israel Storms Aid Ship, At Least 10 Dead
MJ Rosenberg: Israel's Kent State: After Flotilla Massacre, Netanyahu Cannot Come
Israel attacks aid ship, kills at least 10 civilians - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - The one silver lining from these incidents is that the real face of Israel becomes increasingly revealed and undeniable. Not even the most intense propaganda systems can prettify a lethal military attack on ships carrying civilians and humanitarian aid to people living in some of the most wretched and tragic conditions anywhere in the world ... will the US be the only country not to condemn Israel's actions? (yes +deselected fact: " Israel is the official Owner of international waters (which is where the flotilla was when it was attacked). +sorta like BP)
Videos Of The Raid - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan They attacked a civilian flotilla in international waters breaking no law. When they met fierce if asymmetric resistance, they opened fire. And we are now being asked to regard the Israelis as the victims ... The Israelis seem to be making decisions as if they can get away with anything
Why the Gaza boat deaths are a huge deal | FP Passport
Israel's Memorial Day Attack on Gaza Aid Flotilla | The Middle East Channel
Update: Initial reports – 10-16 people killed, 30-60 injured in Israeli attack on freedom flotilla
Gaza aid flotilla could hit Turkey tourism - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
YouTube - Protesters storms Israeli consulate in Turkey
YouTube - Israel attacks aid flotilla Turkish ship
Free Gaza Movement (freegazaorg) on Twitter
Did Twitter censor the #flotilla hashtag following the Israel attack? | Technology | guardian.co.uk (no, just thought it was spam)
The Audacity of the Free Gaza Flotilla | CommonDreams.org Breaking the Israeli Siege of Gaza May Lead to an Attack at Sea, Detention Camps and Deportation
IsraelFactSheet.pdf - Ensure a Strong U.S.-Israel Partnership: Barack Obama and Joe Biden strongly support the U.S.-Israel relationship, a bond that is mutually beneficial to each country as we share common values, histories, and a dedication to democracy (I don't think that word "partnership" means what you think it does)
World in shock over fatal convoy raids - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) with many accusing the nation of using excessive force.
Bush administration pledges Israel more than requested in loan guarantees « Partners for Peace (what Junior did)
Israeli Commandos Kill as Many as 10-16 Aid Activists, wound over 50 as they Board, Capture Gaza Aid Flotilla | Informed Comment here is no reason to think that denying Palestinians enough food or medical supplies or concrete will actually deter the small number directly involved in violence ... It is worth noting on Memorial Day that the Israeli attack deeply complicates the task of the US military in the region.
Anitboycott Compliance: the United States adopted two laws that seek to counteract the participation of U.S. citizens in other nation's economic boycotts or embargoes (the AIPAC law: you can't boycott Israel)
Lift the Gaza blockade | Nick Clegg | Comment is free | The Guardian The suffering is shocking. And nobody will benefit from the radicalism that confinement engenders (December 2009: ideas your government is not allowed to think)
American Radical: the trials of Norman Finkelstein
Irish Boat the MV Rachel Corrie proceeding to Gaza #flotilla - Ali Abunimah
Robert Reich: Why Obama Should Put BP Under Temporary Receivership
BP Prepared for Spill 10 Times Gulf Disaster, Permit Plans Say - BusinessWeek BP Plc said in permit applications for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico that it was prepared to handle an oil spill more than ten times larger than the one now spewing crude into the waters off the southern United States (rubber-stamped by Bush's corrupt MMS)
BP chief to Gulf residents: 'I'm sorry' - CNN.com "We're sorry for the massive disruption it's caused their lives. There's no one who wants this over more than I do. I would like my life back." (poor baby: you know, the one with the $4.5 million salary)
Ed Markey: BP 'Lying Or Incompetent' About Scope Of Gulf Oil Spill
BP CEO: Sickened Cleanup Workers Probably Have Food Poisoning | Work in Progress
First-aid tent set up for oil spill workers on Louisiana's Grand Isle | al.com
Gulf Fisherman On Oil Spill: 'Our Way Of Life Is Over. It's The End, The Apocalypse' ("BP + Obama put us out of business" -- not voting for fucking retarded drill, baby drill, Republicans)
YouTube - Interview: Naomi Klein on oil spill
Hullabaloo: Smell Test: the best example I've seen of how the noise machine is framing this Sestak non-scandal (Liz "the media loves me" Cheney doesn't like the way it "smells" and that's enough)
Liz Cheney's deliberately obtuse attack on Bill Clinton and the White House | Media Matters for America
Daily Kos: Mark Kirk's history of lying about his military records (the real scandal you won't hear on Fox from Liz Cheney)
AZ Gov Disses AG And Turns Immigration Laws Defense Over To Outside Counsel | TPM LiveWire Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) is outsourcing (sort of) the legal defense of her state's new immigration laws.
Rand Paul Remarks Lead Kentucky Legislature To Pass Civil Rights Legislation has adopted a resolution declaring any form of discrimination to be inconsistent with American values.
Robert Samuelson's Cellphone Standard of Living (let them eat cell-phones, and while we're at it, they can't be poor if they have a TV)
Calculated Risk: Chicago: Shadow Condo Inventory
Genomics, Evolution, and Pseudoscience: A breakthrough cure for Ebola
Chinese Edge Toward Supercomputing Record - NYTimes.com
BBC News - In graphics: Supercomputing superpowers
Support Is Growing For Openly Carrying Permitted Weapons - Hartford Courant (Connecticut is the latest gun-state)
When Companies Respond to Online Criticism With Lawsuits - NYTimes.com (T&J Towing, Kalzmazoo MI, worst towing company in the galaxy, hits the NYT)
Facebook Censors 'Everybody Draw Mohammad Day' Page, Pakistan Lifts Ban
Skype 2.0 Is Here But With Lack Of Full iPad Support | Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
UN says case for saving species 'more powerful than climate change' | Environment | The Guardian (just when you thought it couldn't get worse)
Robert Greenwald: Falling Off the $1 Trillion Cliff all of those little cost of war counters that have been furiously spinning away on countless websites crossed the $1 trillion mark.
Rep. Jan Schakowsky: What Have we Bought for $1 Trillion? (a whole lot of dead brown people, and not much else, except for giving Iran what it wanted)
Taliban Push Afghan Police Out of Valley - NYTimes.com
Will the World Bank undermine the people of El Salvador in mining dispute? | Grist
Carol Browner: Administration 'Prepared For The Worst,' Oil May Leak Until August (always with the optomistic projections
BP Says 'Top Kill' Failed to Stop Gulf Leak - NYTimes.com
BP Disaster Plan Lacked Realistic Solutions - Newsweek Before flooding the gulf with oil, BP’s plan to handle a disaster was alarmingly short on solutions.
Documents Show Early Worries About Safety of Rig - NYTimes.com
Op-Ed Columnist - Obama’s Katrina? Maybe Worse - NYTimes.com (defining moment in Obama's business-friendly presidency: he dithered while opportunity burned)
BP 'top kill' falters: Macondo well keeps spewing oil into the Gulf - CSMonitor.com It will take 7 years for the oil deposit below the Deepwater Horizon well to empty if left alone (seven years of oil into the Gulf)
Gulf Oil Spill: Media Access 'Slowly Being Strangled Off' (there goes your Fourth Amendment)
Oil spill: Fishermen seeking compensation for losses fear the tax man - latimes.com BP's request for tax records poses a problem for some residents of fishing communities in southeastern Louisiana — the nonconformists who haven't kept records or reported their cash income.
But When the Articles Go Away About BP, So will our Memory and Our Rage, Just Like the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. | BuzzFlash.org The oil tyrants and their slaves are just going to re-shuffle the pack. They aren't going to quit. And we'll all be indignant about the oil spill as long as we keep reading articles about it.
Our Fix-It Faith and the Oil Spill - NYTimes.com Americans have long had an unswerving belief that technology will save us — it is the cavalry coming over the hill, just as we are about to lose the battle.
Fishermen Fear Disruption of Their Way of Life - NYTimes.com (fishing for oil; might to re-think that whole D,B,D thing)
Gulf oil spill: BP's 'top kill' effort fails - latimes.com 'This scares everybody — the fact that we can't make this well stop flowing,' an official says. Some hope lies with a new maneuver to cap the leak.
The Oil Drum | The BP Deepwater Oil Spill - LMRP Attempt Continued and Sunday's Open Thread
The Oil Drum | The BP Deepwater Oil Spill - LMRP Attempt Continued (comments: "We put drunk drivers in jail for killing people. Why should these jokers not get the same treatment?")w
How air imperils the sea - CSMonitor.com Rising levels of carbon dioxide make oceans more acidic, putting shellfish, corals, and more at risk (world coral reefs dead in 10 years and we're worrying about some shrimp in Lousiana)
Nigeria's agony dwarfs the Gulf oil spill. The US and Europe ignore it | World news | The Observer The Deepwater Horizon disaster caused headlines around the world, yet the people who live in the Niger delta have had to live with environmental catastrophes for decades
Peter Maass | Articles | Inside the Soul of an Oilman | The Big Money Are petro-execs intrinsically more corrupt than other businessmen?
Six Questions for Peter Maass on the Violent Twilight of Oil—By Ken Silverstein (Harper's Magazine)
A constructive suggestion for retribution against BP : Pharyngula (+why the Gulf States have Republican Governors)
Undersea forces from hurricanes may threaten Gulf pipelines
World's Liquid Fuels Supply (JPG) (the problem)
Mike Mullen On DADT Repeal: Joint Chief Chairman Critical Of Gay Ban Vote The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said Sunday he would have preferred that Congress had waited before voting to repeal the "don't ask, don't tell" law that bans gays from serving openly in the military (at least another 100 years; your evangelical military at work, underminding their commander)
Planned Muslim Cultural Center Near Ground Zero Prompts Massive Right-Wing Freakout | TPMMuckraker
Whiskey Fire: A Special Strategy According to the always sagacious (trans: douchebag) Jacob Weisberg, there exists "a struggle for the soul of the Republican Party." (which is "racist and stupid")
Liz Cheney Wants Investigation Of Joe Sestak White House Job Offer (and who the fuck is Liz Cheney?)
WATCH: Separation of Corporation and State: The Birth of the 28th Amendment Movement : Chelsea Green
Is Palin tarnishing her brand? - The Week As the candidates she's endorsing flame out, even some Republican strategists are wondering whether Sarah Palin is damaging her political credibility (that's ok, Rahm Emmanuel is having the same problem)
For unhappy GOP voters, California's a tea-party free zone | McClatchy Despite their claims to the contrary, the candidates seeking to become governor or senator are all political or corporate insiders.
Maine Business Is Shut Without a Renewed Visa - NYTimes.com (Obama wants to see everyone's birth certificate)
Will Wall Street Go Free? - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com - This is simply incomprehensible (AIG walks: nobody responsible)
On Financial Reform, White House Frustrates Wall Street And Progressives | TPMDC (but you can guess which one more)
Fundamentally - How Far Will Europe’s Economic Tremors Reach? - NYTimes.com
Fair Game - 3,000 Pages of Financial Reform, but Still Not Enough - NYTimes.com (Glass-Steagall was a 34-page document)
The Consensus On Big Banks Shifts, But Not At Treasury « The Baseline Scenario Our top policymakers are simply convinced that what is good for the biggest and most dangerous element on Wall Street is good for the American economy (rest of the world getting control of their predatory banks, but not US; "Don't look back" Barry is a captive of Wall Street)
Politics -- Wall Street's War -- RollingStone.com - Congress looked serious about finance reform – until America's biggest banks unleashed an army of 2,000 paid lobbyists
States Passing Budget Cuts Onto Local Governments
Nearly 900,000 Californians are long-term unemployed | McClatchy
elaine ecklund | The Intersection | Discover Magazine
Ecklund vs Larson & Witham on Religion Among Elite Scientists | The Intersection | Discover Magazine
Are Top Scientists Really So Atheistic? Look at the Data | The Intersection | Discover Magazine (* for comments)
Should God Attend Chemistry Class? - Percolator - The Chronicle of Higher Education (scientists should "discuss" religion in science class)
SSRC Guide: Religious Engagement Among American Undergraduates
Scientists and Religion : EvolutionBlog (Ecklund's methodology/selection issues)
Elaine Howard Ecklund - How Religious Are Scientists? | Point of Inquiry
"Science vs. Religion" discovers what scientists really think about religion - detailed survey of almost 1,700 scientists at elite American research universities
Science vs. Religion: What do scientists say? - Rod Dreher (one of Rod Dreher's "colleagues" - the Templeton Foundation)
The Curious Case of the Templeton Crusaders « You're not helping (+Jerry Coyne is "alchohol fueled")
Scientists as “spiritual atheists” | Gene Expression | Discover Magazine (mainline Protestants over-represented among scientists +"Jewish" is a religion)
Does Reason Know What It Is Missing? - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com
Polypterus / CornellEvolutionProject.org
Are the {New,Affirmative} Atheists "extreme"? : Thoughts from Kansas
Salty Current: Questions for accomodationists
Nature, "Leading scientists still reject God" July 23, 1998 Nature, Vol. 394, No. 6691, p. 313 (1998)
A 'cascade' of brain activity as people die could explain near death experiences - Telegraph
Full List - The 50 Worst Inventions - TIME
Mobile phone number suspended after three users die in 10 years - Telegraph
Police: Girl raped, then relocated | Concord Monitor 13 years later, suspect arrested - After being raped and impregnated by a fellow churchgoer more than twice her age, a 15-year-old Concord girl was forced by Trinity Baptist Church leaders to stand before the congregation to apologize before they helped whisk her out of state, according to the police (homeschooled in proper Christian behavior)
Op-Ed Contributor - One More for the Path - NYTimes.com
Why preserve Van Gogh's palette? – Telegraph Blogs
Tate Modern in display of voyeurism for photography curator's debut | Art and design | The Guardian
Follow My Logic? A Connective Word Takes the Lead - NYTimes.com (so, um, like so, is the new oh)
Choosing to Wear the Muslim Headscarf - Oprah.com
When Freedom Means Choosing A Headscarf : NPR
New Statesman - The veil: a modesty slip for misogyny It is patriarchy rather than religion that oppresses women across the world.
hijab: Women, Islam, and Hijab
Ballmer just opened the Second Envelope | Monday Note
Digital Domain - YouTube Wants You to Sit and Stay Awhile - NYTimes.com
BBC News - Thousands flee volcanos in Ecuador and Guatemala
U.S. Army Developing Pakistan Attack Plan As Possible Response To Terror Attack (invade)
Operators of Drones Are Faulted in Afghan Deaths - NYTimes.com (o rly: winning the hearts and blown-up bodies in the video-game war)
English Defence League: Inside the violent world of Britain's new far right | UK news | The Guardian to hit racially sensitive areas in attempt to provoke disorder over summer (they have their own teabaggers)
Merkel Goes From Glories To Disgrace the German chancellor's handling of the continent's economic crisis has turned her into someone widely disliked at home and increasingly isolated and even reviled abroad.
Vatican Sex Abuse Prosecutor Calls For Death Penalty, Hell For Guilty Priests
Tropical Storm Agatha, First Of Season, Forms Off Guatemala
‘Top Kill’ Fails to Plug Leak - BP Readies Next Approach - NYTimes.com
BP says top kill has not stopped Gulf oil leak and now considering other options | NOLA.com it will move on to its next option, known as LMRP (Lower Marine Riser Package) (on to the next FAIL)
Robert L. Cavnar: Top Kill Likely a Failure
Limits on access to oiled waters, coast frustrates journalists | NOLA.com (BP owns everything, screw your "free press")
BP 'systemic failure' endangers Gulf cleanup workers - Yahoo! News
A nation mesmerized: Can BP plug the Gulf gusher? - Boston.com (that 70% chance of success is turning into 100% chance of filling the Gulf with oil)
BP and US Government 'Command Center' Guarded by Company From Afghan Embassy Hazing Scandal | The Nation (the pieces come together)
Oil Spill Response: 'Army Of Temp Workers' Bused To Grand Isle For Obama Appearance Leave Soon Afterward (it's always been about the visuals)
The Oil Drum | Deepwater Oil Spill - Why Top Kill Starts and Stops, Watching the Flows, and a Live Comment Thread
Scientists Build Case for Undersea Plumes - NYTimes.com (but if you can't see it, it doesn't matter)
Oil spill is taking a toll on BP's and government's credibility | McClatchy (they're joined at the hip)
Obama White House Defends Itself Against James Carville's Oil Spill Criticism Carville described the findings as "One of the most devastating things ever. Why this place wasn't fumigated, cleaned out? I don't know."
Chamber President Says His Group Will Find Way to Get Government to Share Cost of Gulf Coast Clean-Up - The Note (you know, that free-market, capitalist CoC)
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Don't over regulate BP - Dianna Heitz - politico.com (and don't raise the liability cap, either)
Congress Shouldn't Raise Liability Limits on BP, Says Chamber's Donohue - The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times (see's no inconsistency in his radical-right organization)
Toxic Oil Spill Rains Warned Could Destroy North America | EUTimes.net
Will BPA's Impact on the Male Sex Drive Finally Spur a National Ban? | Business | GreenBiz.com (patented "secret" dispersant makes your penis fall off)
Oceans and human history - Boston.com (God gave us the oceans to drill, baby, drill)
George Lakoff: Obama's Missing Moral Narrative (couldn't bring himself to say anything for 5 weeks) (might be related to his missing moral center) (spectacular message FAIL)
Administration opposes Arizona law that penalizes hiring of illegal immigrants
Obama Administration Signals Lawsuit Over Arizona Immigration Law
Immigration law protesters march on Ariz. Capitol
Why So Few Medals of Honor? - NYTimes.com
Mindless NYT Story on Weakened Jobs Bill Stirs More Deficit Hysteria | The Seminal
Hullabaloo I am honestly gobsmacked that this government has decided that pretending to care about the deficit on the backs of the unemployed is good politics or good policy at a time of 10% unemployment. It's mind boggling. I guess they figure the other 90% are employed so to hell with those losers (Rahm's Blue Dogs vote against extending un-employment benefits +Obama pouring 1/2 billion into useless border security)
Your Money - Another Debt Crisis Is Brewing, This One in Student Loans - NYTimes.com
Special report: Living in denial - New Scientist
Opinion: Lyme Disease Is a Terrifying Health Epidemic That's Going Largely Unnoticed - AOL News Lyme disease -- a disease carried by ticks - as many as 420,000 because of underreporting (doctors hate to diagnose this disease)
Daily Kos: Is elite education worth it? (not unless you're already in the elite)
The Future of Surveillance — When Automated Brains Keep Watch 24/7 - Popularmechanics.com
Watching the Watchers: Why Surveillance Is a Two-Way Street - Popularmechanics.com If governments and businesses can keep an eye on us in public spaces, we ought to be able to look back (that's why there are laws against recording criminal cops)
FQXi Community Is our universe housed in a black hole? Or did it exist before the Big Bang? If so, we could solve the mystery of dark energy—surprisingly, it’s all down to the humble neutrino (that would explain a lot of things)
YouTube - Jonathan's Cochlear Implant Activation 8 mo., Rt Ear cont'd
Team readies for 520-day simulated Mars trip - Space- msnbc.com Six men from Russia, Europe and China are preparing to spend 520 days together in a sealed-off warren to take a simulated trip to Mars to test how long isolation would affect humans.
Cambodian 'jungle woman' flees back to wild - Telegraph
The Deconstruction Zone: Things That Make Us Go Hmmm...Part 4
The Deconstruction Zone: Many Tongues, One Voice...Hmmm
brody.pdf Invoking the Ancestors: Edward Sapir, Bugs Bunny, and the Popol Vuh - Michal Brody
Maya Hero Twins - Wikipedia
YouTube - The Official Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden Trailer
Cognitive Behavior Therapy On The iPhone - Personality Disorders - Cognitive Behavior Therapy On The iPhone (logical end-point)
Woman Follows Google Maps “Walking” Directions, Gets Hit, Sues (responsible for stupidity)
North Korea: We're Heading To 'The Brink Of War'
BBC News - China 'will not protect' Korea ship attackers whoever sank a South Korean warship in March, Premier Wen Jiabao has said ("we're not mentioning anybody by name; it could have been a giant whale armed with torpedos")
Sectarian Attacks on Lahore Mosques Kill More Than 80 - TIME
Australia Sues Japan Over Whaling ("scientific" whaling)
Guatemala Volcano: Pacaya Eruption Kills TV Reporter, 3 Missing
Ireland | Human Trafficking | Sex Slaves | Prostitution Human trafficking is a growing problem in Ireland.
Tight Pants Ban Takes Effect In Indonesia
Peru to free Lori Berenson - Los Angeles Times
'Top Kill' Hype Collides With Reality
There Was 'Nobody in Charge' - WSJ.com After the Blast, Horizon Was Hobbled by a Complex Chain of Command; A 23-Year-Old Steps In to Radio a Mayday (and was reprimanded by BP! +no safety rules, natch)
22-Mile Oil Plume Under Gulf Nears Rich Waters ... nearing an underwater canyon, where it could poison the foodchain for sealife in the waters off Florida
Gulf Oil Spill Cleanup: Boom Hasn't Been As Effective As Hoped (laughable)
Mitchell Bard: GOP Hypocrisy Has Been Exposed by the BP Oil Disaster Many of the same conservatives who chanted "Drill baby, drill" are now using the BP oil spill to score political points, accusing the president of Katrina-like incompetence.
Palin smears famous author as possible pedophile; Time calls the attack shrewd | Media Matters for America Beltway reporters are so enamored with (or scared to death of) right-wing hardball that they're incapable of even defending their own brethren when condemned by the GOP Noise Machine (+Time's new hire, Michael Crowley, hearts Caribou Barbie)
White House Asked Bill Clinton To Talk To Joe Sestak About Senate Run (offered job for no money)
The American Conservative -- McCain and the POW Cover-Up The “war hero” candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam (but the press loves McCain)
Democrats try to nix 'America Speaking Out' funds through 'YouCut' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Think Progress » Former Argentine president says Bush told him ‘the best way to revitalize the economy is war.’ (we'll never know just how insane Bush was during his reign of Gog and Magog)
Glenn Beck smears Obama's 11-year-old daughter | Media Matters for America
Calculated Risk: "Housing Production Credit Crisis"? The last thing we need is more production - and then sticking the U.S. taxpayers with more bad loans
Is there any reason to subsidize construction loans? | Analysis & Opinion (no, but Obama wants to restart the bubble)
Simon Johnson: Is The SEC Still Working For Wall Street?
Exclusive: US Probes Goldman's Timberwolf Deal, Alleged Victim Says 'Whole Thing Was Fraudulent Concoction'
Tier 5: The Despair Of The 99ers (no help for long-term unemployed - "try Mexico")
Light-rail extension delayed until 2026 in Arizona (that would be "never")
friends of the pleistocene
How To Crowdsource Grading | HASTAC
Soldier in Iraq Loses Home Over $800 Debt | Mother Jones (Texas HOA sold $300K house out from under him for spare change)
How The U.S. Government Killed The Safest Car Ever Built
Tell Slate about your political memories. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine
How Slate Edited History
Slate conducted a mass experiment in altering political memories. Were you fooled? - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine
Contaminated memories and criminal injustice. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine Contaminated memories and criminal injustice.
A cookbook for memories of sexual abuse. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine
Exploiting psychology in law and advertising. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine
friends of the pleistocene
New Ebola Drug 100 Percent Effective In Monkeys : NPR
The 4 Stages of Fear, Attacked-by-a-Mountain-Lion Edition | Memory, Emotions, & Decisions | DISCOVER Magazine
Daring Fireball: Tynt, the Copy/Paste Jerks
Why can programs empty the clipboard when they start up? - The Old New Thing - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
What is an HTML 5 WebSocket - KAAZING.ORG - Home - Kaazing Gateway
xkcd: Snopes
One tablet per kiddo | Loaded - CNET
The next Apple TV revealed: cloud storage and iPhone OS on tap... and a $99 price tag -- Engadget
Jamaica: 73 killed in hunt for alleged drug lord (consequences of the American-funded war on drugs/price-support system)
Deepwater Horizon fire and oil spill news | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
APNewsBreak: New, giant sea oil plume seen in Gulf | Top AP Stories | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
New, giant sea oil plume seen in Gulf - Gulf oil spill- msnbc.com Plume stretches 22 miles from leaking wellhead toward Alabama
Setback Delays ‘Top Kill’ Effort to Seal Leaking Oil Well in Gulf - NYTimes.com
Gulf Oil Spill Now Far Worse Than Exxon Valdez, Worst In U.S. History, Scientists Say
Report: 'Top Kill' Effort Succeeds In Blocking Gulf Coast Oil Leak | TPM LiveWire (well, for the length of Obama's speech, anyway)
BP worker takes 5th, making prosecution a possibility | McClatchy
Nation & World | Rig worker: BP official rejected safety concerns | Seattle Times Newspaper
Gulf oil spill: 'Top kill' procedure begins | Greenspace | Los Angeles Times
Obama Oil Spill Press Conference: Government In Charge Of Oil Disaster Response
Deepwater Horizon Response
Daily Kos: Gulf gusher "top kill" attempt
Daily Kos: Fishgrease: Booming the Top Kill
Critical Perspective | Talking Points Memo
Oil Spill Kabuki | Mother Jones
Elizabeth Birnbaum QUITS Under Pressure: MMS Director Is Pushed Out After Gulf Spill (Obama appointee: she de-regulated sex and drugs at the MMS)
Crisis Places Focus on Beleaguered Agency’s Chief - NYTimes.com Ms. Birnbaum, a Harvard-educated lawyer who has moved among staff jobs on Capitol Hill for 23 years ...
The Project On Government Oversight (POGO) Blog
2010 oil spill update: BP may be trying to stop the wrong leak (video)
Gulf well 'shouted' warnings for hours before BP rig explosion | McClatchy
Worker: Transocean, BP argued before blast - Gulf oil spill- msnbc.com Rig's top mechanic corroborates other statement of BP 'taking shortcuts'
Curious To Hear Your Thoughts | Talking Points Memo But it's a national crisis and seems like it requires a national response, not even some attenuated subcontracting out of it to a private company that has numerous interests quite different from the public good.
Count Crimes Committed in Oily Gulf of Mexico: Ann Woolner - Bloomberg.com
BP wants Houston judge with oil ties to hear spill cases | McClatchy (their own judge, their own Coast Guard, their own local police depts)
UPDATE 3-BP-owned Alaska oil pipeline shut after spill | Reuters * 800-mile pipeline from Alaska's oilfields closed
Moratorium On Deepwater Drilling Expected To Be Announced At Obama Press Conference
Obama's Options: What He Can And Should Say About The Oil Spill Today
Gulf Oil Spill Illness: Four Hospitalized After Getting Sick, 125 Cleanup Boats Recalled
James Carville To Obama: Tell BP 'I'm Your Daddy' And Take The Lead In Response
WH pulling out all the stops to defend oil spill handling to media - Yahoo! News (six weeks late and a billion short)
A Drilling Moratorium That Isn't -- Institute for Public Accuracy (IPA)
PROTEST! 1 pm, Sunday May 30, by Jackson Square! « Murdered Gulf: Stop the BP Oil Flood now!
Live Feed Oil Gusher GOM
- Cause of Blowout/Fire on Horizon
The Oil Drum | Deepwater Oil Spill - Top Kill "Stage 2," Junk Shots, and Live Comment Thread
Photographers Say BP Restricts Access to Oil Spill - Newsweek Photographers say BP and government officials are preventing them from documenting the impact of the Deepwater Horizon disaster - “We strongly feel that the reason for this massive [temporary flight restriction] is that BP wants to control their exposure to the press.” (BP owns the Gulf and surrounding states)
Grassroots Mapping
BP oil spill: 9 strange facts - The Week
YouTube - Oil Spill in Alaska Rachel Maddow (in 1979: same players, same corruption, nothing learned)
Rachel Maddow Covers Gulf Oil Spill... From 1979 - mediabistro.com: TVNewser (same techniques: "top hat" "junk shot" "top kill" - all failed)
Hullabaloo The Bush style macho "decider" pose was laughable and Obama's dry technocratic style which relies on "experts" isn't getting us anywhere. So, maybe individuals just have to figure this out for themselves.
Think Progress » Rove Finally Admits That Bush Really Blew It During Katrina: By filling the Minerals Management Service — the government agency responsible for regulating off shore oil drilling — with industry shills who took drugs and had sex with the officials they were supposed to be policing, the Bush administration dangerously eroded the regulatory regime, and missed warnings that could have helped prevent the BP disaster.
Senate Panel Votes To End Don't Ask, Don't Tell | TPMDC Maine Republican Susan Collins joined 15 Democrats in adopting the repeal plan as an amendment to the 2011 Defense Authorization Act (minus Dem Jim Webb)
Obama’s Immigration Policy: "Bush on Steroids"? | Mother Jones The White House’s border-security push draws heavy fire from the left.
Ezra Klein - Here comes impeachment if Obama sits in the White House for six years with a GOP majority in the House of Representatives that the odds are very good -- better than 50 percent -- that he'll be impeached (it's what Republicans do)
Of Course They Are! : Lawyers, Guns & Money filibustering the repeal of DADT would be entirely consistent with the history of this indefensible device ... one of these days politics will end, and What’s In McCain’s Heart will finally emerge! (the real McCain at work +Jacob Weisberg at work)
John Stossel's continued advocacy for a right to discriminate | Media Matters for America Fox's John Stossel has repeatedly called for the repeal of part of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, saying that "private businesses ought to get to discriminate" and that free-market forces will resolve racial discrimination (the mustache of evil)
Beck renews witch hunt: Sunstein has "more power than the Fed," "will control your every move" | Media Matters for America
Is Rand Paul Crazier Than Anyone Else in D.C.? - Newsweek The media mock libertarians and other candidates outside the mainstream. But are their ideas really any less valid than those of the ‘centrists’?
Federal Eye - Census takers targeted 113 times this month this year's figures are already much higher than ten years ago (teabaggers at work)
Why Wall Street's Political Poison Is Still Catnip For Many Incumbents | TPMCafe
Looniness in the Cause of Deficit Reduction at the NYT Looniness in the Cause of Deficit Reduction at the NYT - using the pre-1980 method, the Consumer Price Index would be over 9 percent, compared with about 2 percent in the official statistics today." (the elite never cared about your job)
Solar Scientists Agree That the Sun's Recent Behavior Is Odd, but the Explanation Remains Elusive: Scientific American The most recent solar minimum was both long and pronounced. But why?
German physicists develop a quantum interface between light and atoms
The Three Christs of Ypsilanti: What happens when three men who identify as Jesus are forced to live together? - By Vaughan Bell - Slate Magazine
WNYC - Radiolab: Animal Minds (April 02, 2010)
tallguywrites: The Facts In The Case Of Dr. Andrew Wakefield A fifteen page story about the MMR vaccination controversy
Jenny McCarthy Body Count
YouTube - Charlie Brooker's Newswipe S1E4P2
The Contribution of Diagnostic Substitution to the Growing Administrative Prevalence of Autism in US Special Education -- Shattuck 117 (4): 1028 -- Pediatrics
Wakefield gets a wake up call Matt Lauer really come through and take Wakefield to task
WHO | Measles In 2008, there were 164 000 measles deaths globally – nearly 450 deaths every day or 18 deaths every hour.
FRONTLINE: the vaccine war: watch the full program online | PBS
The Immunisation Maze Part 1 (transcript available) - Life Matters - 10 July 2007
:::Philebrity…media, culture, music and more::: » Blog Archive » New Inky CEO Spouts Deluded Pay Wall Jive Mirage All Over Helpless Marty Moss-Coane
Larry King Is Losing the Ratings War to Fox and MSNBC - NYTimes.com (NYT false equivalency: Maddow just the same as Hannity: "bombastic opinion shows" +76 yr-olds really popular among the 18-35 demo)
On the Media: Why no Pulitzer for the National Enquirer? - Los Angeles Times
M.I.A.’s Agitprop Pop - NYTimes.com
Pitchfork: M.I.A. Takes Revenge on New York Times Writer Lynn Hirschberg
Lynn Hirschberg's Response to M.I.A. Tweet: 'Fairly Unethical' and 'Infuriating' | The New York Observer
English Russia » Russian Lord of the Rings (illustrations)
The Third Policeman - Wikipedia - Brian O'Nolan, writing under the pseudonym Flann O'Brien
Is This Really The Future of Magazines or Why Didn’t They Just Use HTML 5? - Did anyone at Conde Naste look at this and wonder why someone would choose to use this over their very own website?
A GOP Suggestion Site Gets Hijacked by Commenters - Newsweek
Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains | Magazine
Matias Corporation :: One-Handed Typing Demo
U.S. Is a Top Villain in Pakistan’s Conspiracy Talk - NYTimes.com ("think tanks" causing all the trouble ... and they're right!)
NYC community board OKs ground zero mosque plans - Yahoo! News
Mikey Weinstein's Crusade - By Stephen Glain | Foreign Policy Meet the man who's trying to purge evangelical Christianity from the Pentagon (good luck with that)
Rothschilds Engineer Fire Sale Of UK Infrastructure To Offshore Corporations (at least they sell it in the UK)
Conspiracy For Good
The Associated Press: Bishop: 100 cases in 10 yrs for Italy priest abuse (WLPR)
BP Official Outlines Best, Worst Case Scenarios for Stopping Oil | PBS NewsHour | May 25, 2010 | PBS (they lied about the flow-rate because they didn't want to hurt tourism ... when they knew beaches would be covered with oil in three weeks ... no consequences)
Gulf Coast chefs, fishermen fight tide of misinformation - CNN.com ("misinformation" = "information")
BP Is 'Big And Important': BP Chairman Strikes Out At Critics, CEO Scolds Photographer At Oil Spill Site (video) (get off my fucking oil!)
Dylan Ratigan: Mr. President Defend America our current President, who often appears to think that government works best when it is subservient to Corporations under even the most dubious circumstances.
Oil on the Beach at Grand Isle State Park | The Seminal
Gulf of Mexico oil spill means mini job boom for the short term | NOLA.com (for all those who were, you know, employed before BP destroyed their jobs +death from chemicals)
BP Fixed a Negative Pressure Test before the Well Blew | Emptywheel
Daily Kos: The problem is oil, the solution is to break our addiction (+Jindal is a dumb-ass)
Bill Nelson: Obama Should Send In Military If BP Can't Stop Leak Today (yeah, Florida is screwed, how's that Bush V Gore thing working out for you?)
BP Oil Spill Becoming Political Headache for Obama? Some Democrats Slam White House Response - ABC News - The "political stupidity is unbelievable," (the gang that couldn't message straight)
James Carville To Obama On Oil Spill: 'Get Down Here And Take Control... We're About To Die' , "Man, you got to get down here and take control of this! Put somebody in charge of this thing and get this moving! We're about to die down here!"
Gina Solomon: Oil Spill Clean-Up Workers Getting Sick (which is why, you know, they had to sign those death-waivers if they wanted the job)
SkyTruth: BP / Gulf Oil Spill - 39 Million Gallons And Growing
Poll Finds Americans Pessimistic, Dissatisfied with Washington - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Would Defeat of Sham DADT Repeal Boost ENDA’s Chances? | The Seminal
Zev Chafets's 'Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One,' reviewed by David Frum (multi-millionaire, house looks like Versailles, rails against "elites")
Deportation Nightmare: Eduardo Caraballo, US Citizen Born In Puerto Rico, Detained As Illegal Immigrant Despite presenting identifying documents and even his birth certificate, Caraballo was held by federal immigration authorities over the weekend and threatened with deportation ... "Because of the way I look, I have Mexican features, they pretty much assumed that my papers were fake." (Arizona: papers? you got papers?)
America’s Voice | Pres. Obama Challenges GOP to Help on Immigration Reform – Then Rewards Those Who Are Blocking It (seems to love doing shit like this)
Police vent to Holder on Arizona immigration law | Reuters Arizona's controversial new immigration law will strain police ties to the community, sap limited law enforcement resources and could lead to an increase in crime, a group of police chiefs told U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder on Wednesday.
AZ Gov To Obama: How About Some Helicopters And Drones For The Border? | TPM LiveWire (crazy lady wants predators on the border, no papers needed)
Mitch McConnell On Rand Paul: 'He's Said Quite Enough' To The National Media (not really)
Top Social Conservative: Hitler Used Gay Soldiers Because They Had 'No Limits' | TPMMuckraker (been watching too much gay s&m porno)
New Gun-Rights Gambit Sweeping Nation: 'Firearms Freedom' | TPMMuckraker (guns, baby, guns!)
O'Keefe Pleads Guilty In Landrieu Phone-Tampering Case, Gets Three Years Probation | TPMMuckraker O'Keefe was sentenced to three years of probation, a fine of $1,500 and 100 hours of community service (that worked out really well: an ACORN too far)
Progressives Demand: No Behind-Closed-Doors Deals On Wall Street Reform | TPMDC (but back-room Obama just can't help himself)
Geithner Urges Europe to Act on Markets - WSJ.com - Reassure Markets (always their first priority)
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (US Debt Clock: passes $13 Trillion)
BBC News - First human 'infected with computer virus'
Really? - Throat Exercises Can Relieve Sleep Apnea - Question - NYTimes.com (as good as CPAP)
Post Now - Funding restored for D.C. streetcars (idiots on city council)
Movieclips Wants To Drink Other Movie Clips Sites’ Milkshake With Mashups
Top ABC News Producer Leaving Network To Become High School Guidance Counselor | The New York Observer Mimi Gurbst liked to advise her colleagues on various ways to improve their personal and professional lives (read comments (many ABC people) to learn some of the reasons for ABC's long, slow, decline into mediocrity: esp. see "Disclosure Time" +"culture of Heathers")
Who Hates Mimi Gurbst?
When Online Commenters Attack - mediabistro.com: WebNewser
Burkas and Birkins by Lindy West - Film - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper I Watched 146 Minutes of Sex and the City 2 and All I Got Was This Religious Fundamentalism
SATC 2: Painfully Clichéd, "Epic Eyesore" (review roundup)
YouTube - Johanna Blakely: Lessons from fashion's free culture (no copy-protection on clothes)
Hipster Dykes | Model Lesbians
Autostraddle — Why Lesbians Won’t Give Up the Hipster
10 Things You Need To Know About Today’s Facebook Privacy Changes
New King of Technology - Apple Overtakes Microsoft - NYTimes.com
Whisper Systems Mobile Security Suite (Android, you won't see this on the Jobs-Phone)
Hawkeye Poll: Most Americans support preemptive nuclear strikes (most Americans are insane)
Europe Feels Heat Despite Drive to Cut Deficits - NYTimes.com
Children Taunted In Iraq: U.S. Soldier Under Investigation (video) ("Are you going to grow up to be a terrorist?)
Lionel Garcia, Marine From Pasco, Brags on Facebook About Humiliating Afghani - Seattle News - The Daily Weekly
Who says Jews and racism don't go together? - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Haaretz expose: All the corruption charges being leveled against Ehud Olmert - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Israeli Academics Denounce Government's Chomsky Ban
BBC News - Kenya court rules Islamic courts are illegal
CBC News - World - N. Korea to sever ties with S. Korea
BP’s Police Protection Units | FDL News Desk
Bob Herbert - Following BP’s Lead on the Oil Spill - NYTimes.com - after all this time, after more than a month of BP’s demonstrated incompetence, the administration continues to dither ... Incredibly, until The Times blew the whistle in an article on Monday, environmental waivers were still being offered for oil drilling in the gulf ... President Obama has an obligation to make it unmistakably clear that BP’s interests are not the same as America’s interests (he just can't bring himself to do it)
Obama administration conflicted about relying on BP to stop gulf oil spill (could have used disaster to push for energy bill - another missed disaster)
Daily Kos: GOP blocks Dem proposal for unlimited liability caps in oil spills Republican Senator James Inhofe has stepped up to the plate yet again for big oil, pledging a Republican filibuster against legislation offered by New Jersey's Robert Menendez that would completely lift the $75 million liability cap currently protecting big oil companies from claims of economic damage from oil spills.
Ezra Klein - The big offshore lie The Obama administration, in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico disaster, has apparently decided that digging in on its misguided decision in March to expand offshore drilling is the way to go (d,b,d)
Inspector General Faults Minerals Management Service - NYTimes.com Federal regulators responsible for oversight of drilling in the Gulf of Mexico allowed industry officials several years ago to fill in their own inspection reports (Bush-era "regulation")
Tidewater CEO says regulations in wake of oil spill could push energy exploration to foreign shores | NOLA.com
AMERICAblog News: BP CEO walks on oil covered beach, barks orders to media - United States of BP - "Get off my oil"
BP Oil Spill: White House Says It Will Be Worst in U.S. History - ABC News Day 36 of the Gulf Coast Oil Spill With No End in Sight (the Gulf of Oil)
Interior Department IG Report: Regulators Accepted Oil-Company Gifts, Lunches, Sports Tickets ... In addition, MMS employees admitted using crystal meth .. and did we mention the prostitutes? (lotta free time doing regulatin')
BP Oil Spill Live Feed: Company To Cut Video During Top Kill Procedure
U.S. Is Said to Expand Secret Actions in Mideast - NYTimes.com (now the military is doing the spying and assassinations; this will surely end well)
Dems Reach Deal To Repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' | TPMDC
Levin: White House Got Serious About DADT 'In The Last Few Days' | TPMDC (he was in no hurry +military: the fourth branch of government)
Fox News Video Omits Applause During Obama's West Point Speech (video) (Fox at work)
Petraeus’ Challenge to Obama | Emptywheel
Any Given Sunday | The Nation - We have witnessed the greatest implosion of American capitalism in nearly a century, and the only grassroots movement the cataclysm seems to have birthed is a right-wing populist backlash
Goldman Sachs: Lincoln's Derivatives Proposal Likely Won't Pass (she never wanted it to)
Investor concerns on Europe, Korea drive markets down
Libor Spike Is Rekindling Fears Of Another Financial Crisis - Yahoo! Finance
SPACE.com -- Comet's Collision with the Sun Captured in 3-D
Planetary Bullies Make Astronomers Rethink the Habitable Zone | Wired Science | Wired.com
Testosterone Makes Women Less Trusting | LiveScience (and more likely to watch football)
BBC News - Whales and dolphins - 'resource' or 'right'? New research is showing that whales and dolphins possess intelligence and culture more complex that we had previously assumed
Sharks Can Become Invisible : Discovery News (invisible land-sharks!)
Not just oil: US hit peak water in 1970 and nobody noticed
Magic numbers: A meeting of mathemagical tricksters - physics-math - 24 May 2010 - New Scientist
Prosecutor: Why charges against Bryant were dropped - thestar.com
Ann Curry dispenses graduation advice to the wrong student body - Yahoo! News co-host of "The Today Show" on NBC (elite reporter gets college wrong, imagine how she mangles the news)
Fight with student may wreck tow firm | freep.com | Detroit Free Press - Suing an angry college student with 11,000 followers is "like dousing dry sticks with kerosene and lighting a match," Kurtz's lawyer, Dani Liblang of Birmingham, said last week (T&J Towing, Kalamazaoo, MI is a very, very, bad company)
AT&T, Verizon dominate wireless... Is it time to regulate?
South Korea condemns North over torpedoing, halts trade | McClatchy ratcheted tensions to their highest level in years on the Korean peninsula, which is home to more than 25,000 U.S. troops
BBC News - Australia expels Israeli diplomat over Dubai killing Israel was behind the forging of Australian passports linked to the murder of a Hamas operative in Dubai.
BBC News - S Korea freezes trade with North over warship sinking
Israel 'tried to sell nuclear weapons' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) Israel offered to sell nuclear weapons to South Africa in the 1970s (the liar state)
Revealed: how Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons | World news | The Guardian Secret apartheid-era papers give first official evidence of Israeli nuclear weapons
Israel strongly denies report of South Africa nuclear talks (bombs? what bombs?)
Priest Accused Of Abusing Boy, Turning Home Into 'Erotic Dungeon' Surrenders To Police
McClatchy: Cartoons of the Week - "And BP ... You're doing a heck of a job" (Carville is right)
Oil reaches Louisiana shores - The Big Picture - Boston.com
More oyster beds closed to harvesting | NOLA.com (let them harvest tar-balls)
The EPA’s History of William Reilly | Emptywheel
BP pledges up to $500 million to 10-year oil spill research program | NOLA.com (amortize that)
BP Still Using Dispersant It Was Told to Drop - NYTimes.com (USPB: you can't tell us what to do)
Expert Is Confident of Gulf Oil Well’s Death - NYTimes.com (you might think they would wait 'til he actually did something)
Gulf Oil Disaster: Pelicans Coated In Crude, Marshes Heavily Damaged (Picture) With oil pushing at least 12 miles into Louisiana's marshes and two major pelican rookeries now coated in crude, Jindal said the state has begun work on chain of berms (which will surely work, see Oil Booming 101)
“It’s BP’s Oil” | Mother Jones - cops drive up and down Grand Isle beach explicitly telling tourists it is still open, just stay out of the water. There are pools of oil on the beach ... (reporters banned, Louisiana cops working for BP)
Fishermen Report Illness From BP Chemicals - Health News Story - WDSU New Orleans Toxicologist Says Chemicals Harmful, Can Lead To Death (heckuve job, BP)
BP: We Have to Use Corexit Because No One Tests for Endocrine Disruptors | Emptywheel
Enviros Go Veal Pen 2.0 with BP’s Money | FDL Action (green groups captured by big oil)
Gulf Residents Now Have Daily Oil Slick Forecast | The Seminal
Obama's War Supplemental: Recent Reports Strengthen The Case Against It two recent reports that question many of the administration's key premises and assumptions (it won't cost any money, Karzai will function, McCrystal will win, Taliban will greet them with flowers)
Obama plans to send 34,000 more troops to Afghanistan | McClatchy "We have to start showing progress within six months on the political side or military side or that's it," the U.S. defense official said (we've been down the Friedman Unit road before, right?)
The absence of debate over war - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (battlefield Fred Hiatt loves sending other peoples' children off to die for bogus wars)
Daily Kos: A Different Result: Obama: "The real gamble in this election is playing the same Washington game with the same Washington players and expecting a different result." (which is why he keeps supporting conserva-dem losers - "Even worse, Blanche Lincoln nearly destroyed any chance Obama had at passing the legislation that he was intending on using to establish the success of his entire presidency" +the two party system)
Nikki Haley Accused Of affair With Conservative Blogger (not just for Republican men anymore)
Health Care Law Loses Support: People Can’t Stay Excited About a Plan Taking Effect in 2014 | FDL Action
Hayworth: 'In My History' U.S. Didn't Formally Declare War On Nazi Germany (video) | TPMDC (not even stupid)
Man Who Killed Arkansas Police Officers Had Anti-Government Views (video) | TPMMuckraker (teaparty terrorist? you decide)
Far-Right Extremists Gather At 'Liberty Convention' | TPMMuckraker (terrorist convention)
Mason-Dixon poll: Idaho top in Tea Party popularity | McClatchy A new poll says 63 percent of likely Republican primary voters in Idaho "generally support the agenda of the tea party movement" (just won the "dumbest state" award)
Financial Reform Bill Full of Loopholes - Newsweek.com The financial-reform bill will do its part to save the economy—by creating jobs for accountants and lawyers (Obama never looks backwards, never learns from the past)
One false move in Europe could set off global chain reaction
Wall Street Expresses Some Relief at Reform Bills - NYTimes.com
Psychoanalyzing the Relationship Between Obama and Wall Street -- New York Magazine Psychoanalyzing one of America’s most dysfunctional relationships.
Long-Term Unemployment: No Help For The 99ers (let them become libertarians)
Daily Kos: Cleaning Up After The Cold War: Hanford's Tank Waste
Study: Many Sunscreens May Be Accelerating Cancer - AOL News because they contain vitamin A or its derivatives,
Britain bans doctor who linked autism to vaccine - Health- msnbc.com
Unethical Business Practices by Associated Content (AC) | CuteWriting
common drinks sorted by their calorie to alcohol ratio
Canada Traffic | Car Accidents | Road Safety 14 died on the Canadian city's streets in a four-week period — the highest one-month total in a decade.
Army 'lost control' of colonel, still paid $400,000 - Washington Times
What next – penalising students for taking caffeine? | Geoffrey Alderman | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk The 'war on drugs' has been lost – it's time to rise above the moral panic and decriminalise, regulate and tax ("yellow peril" now the "brown peril")
YouTube - Valentina Lisitsa plays Rachmaninoff Etude Op. 39 No. 6 "Little Red Riding Hood"
Adopted children face anguish as birth parents stalk them on Facebook | Technology | The Observer Social networking sites being used to flout rules leading to 'intrusive and unplanned' contact
Inside AdSense: The AdSense revenue share
Insurgents Attack NATO's Kandahar Base
Results of Kandahar offensive may affect future U.S. moves The Obama administration's campaign to drive the Taliban out of Afghanistan's second-largest city is a go-for-broke move that even its authors are unsure will succeed (well, Betrayus and McCrystal were pretty "sure" a few months ago when they were underminding their commander's authority)
Anwar Al Awlaki, Yemeni Cleric, Advocates Killing Americans In Al Qaeda Video (well, American's are advocating killing him)
Israeli nuke whistleblower back in jail Mordechai Vanunu (state of the truth in Israel)
Israel's navy will have its work cut out | Al Jazeera Blogs Ten thousand tons of cargo, 800 passengers, 50 nationalities, nine vessels - one aim - to break the siege on Gaza.
Warsaw Mosque | Europe Immigration | Islamophobia
Obama Repudiates Bush Doctrine In West Point Graduation Speech (VIDEO) The U.S. must shape a world order as reliant on the force of diplomacy as on the might of its military to lead (aside from the fact that Bush bankrupted the country and put two wars on Obama's charge card)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Gates says veto defense spending bill if unwanted projects remain « -
BP oil spill: A holiday beach gets a deadly brown bath | McClatchy f the nation wants to regard Grand Isle as a laboratory to study the effects on tourism from that dark swill vomiting up from the wreckage of the Deepwater Horizon, early indications look damn near fatal (yeah, now media still start to notice)
A month after oil spill began, Obama begins taking charge | McClatchy (he tried to mediate the oil first)
Peter Daou: The Great Shame: America's Pathetic Response to the Gulf Catastrophe - This isn't Katrina II, it's worse. (too busy watching Lost and drill, baby, drilling)
U.S. Will "Push" Out BP if Spill Response Falls Short - NYTimes.com (after sending a sternly-worded letter and waiting another month)
BP says oil-siphoning tube not working as well as before | al.com (neither are their lies))
Low estimate of oil spill's size could save BP millions in court | McClatchy
Louisiana coast's battle against drifting oil expected to last months, if not years | NOLA.com (just a little "sheen" what's the problem? +say goodbye to oysters)
Frustration Mounts As Oil Seeps Into Gulf Wetlands "The government should have stepped in and not just taken BP's word" (o rly)
Gulf Oil Spill: Cleaning Wetlands May Be Impossible, Scientists Say - More than 50 miles of Louisiana's delicate shoreline already have been soiled by the massive slick (might want to rethink that whole drill, baby, drill thing)
BP Chief Warns New Attempt Isn't Guaranteed to Stop Gulf Oil Spill - WSJ.com (well, whatever, we're sure it will be "minor")
Robert Gibbs Defends White House On Oil Spill Response - "we were there immediately" (and we immediately did nothing)
Daily Kos: Vampire Blues (blood on their hands goes way back)
ESOP - Oil and Democracy – More than a Cross-Country Correlation? ("if there's oil in the ground, democracy isn't above it")
Florida officials hope oil spill fears won't keep tourists away - CNN.com (no, but the goddamn oil will)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation
Djou wins special election for Congress - Bulletin - Starbulletin.com
Liberated from Libertarianism: Rand Paul Runs and Hides from... Rand Paul | CommonDreams.org
Palin: Maddow Was 'Prejudiced' In Her Rand Paul Interview (against morons like both of them)
Rand Paul skips ‘Meet the Press’ but remains show’s top topic | McClatchy
Taking Tea Partiers Seriously By Chip Berlet
NY Times ' Hoyt misses mark with defense of Blumenthal hit piece | Media Matters for America (yeah, now it really looks like it)
mystical musings and politics - How To Destabilize Countries Legally. Economic Hitman - Amy Goodman interviews John Perkins
The Road To Economic Serfdom « The Baseline Scenario Unregulated finance, the ideology of unfettered free markets, and state capture by corporate interests are what ended up undermining democracy both in North America and in Europe (contra Hayek)
Robert Reich: Closing Tax Loopholes for Billionaires
dshort.com: Federal Debt-to-GDP by President and Party
FBIC Ranks Insurers Payment Of Claims Records And Bad Faith Practices
MIT debuts fuel-saving "double bubble" aircraft | Environment | guardian.co.uk Researchers claim space-age design could cut aviation industry fuel use by up to 70 per cent
Op-Ed Columnist - Moonshine or the Kids? - NYTimes.com if the poorest families spent as much money educating their children as they do on wine, cigarettes and prostitutes, their children’s prospects would be transformed
Polygamy: A luxury too much?
BBC News - Duchess of York 'wanted cash for Prince Andrew access'
Toke of the Town - Hundreds Of 'Pot Plants' Seized By Texas Cops Aren't Marijuana
On Faith Panelists Blog: Pro-life feminism is the future - Colleen Carroll Campbell the feminism that once attracted them with its lofty goal of promoting respect for women's dignity has morphed into something antithetical to that dignity: a movement that equates a woman's liberation with her license to kill her unborn child, marginalizes people of faith (WaPo decides Feminism is icky or un-Christian or something)
After keeping us waiting for a century, Mark Twain will finally reveal all - News, Books - The Independent The great American writer left instructions not to publish his autobiography until 100 years after his death, which is now
Blog matters: who is "revere"? : Effect Measure
Daily Kos :: Comments On pseudonyms and blogging Response from "revere"
Huge Infographics Design Resources: Overview, Principles, Tips and Examples | Onextrapixel
50,000 Films Is a Very Good Thing - TheWrap.com more than 3,000 films were submitted to Sundance last year
vbNPq.jpg (JPEG Image, 451x1982 pixels) (Things are Queer)
Top 10 Privacy Tweaks You Should Know About
Being smart about Web mail | Defensive Computing - CNET News
The Medium - The Death of the Open Web - NYTimes.com (just buy an Apple product, and Steve Jobs will make SURE you don't see anything you don't want to +nytimes going gated also)
Updating to Android 2.2 (Froyo) for the Impatient - Gadget News, Analyzed - Gadgetopolis
Android 101: Copy files to your storage card in Windows | Android Central
Garmin 2011 GPS Update | Haklabs.com
India plane with 166 on board crashes; 8 survive - Yahoo! News
Clinton Condemns Attack on South Korean Ship - NYTimes.com (will send sternly-worded letter)
In Kandahar, the Taliban targets and assassinates those who support U.S. efforts
Final Vote Results for Roll Call 284 To authorize assistance to Israel for the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system (vote to give Israel $250M for their Star Wars Program: only Conyers, Kuchinich, Stark and Paul not members of the Knesset)
Plane crashes in India, 160 people feared dead - Yahoo! News
YouTube - Russians Capture, Raid and Destroy Pirate Ship
Video: The death penalty on trial | Law | guardian.co.uk
Obama wins the right to detain people with no habeas review - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Few issues highlight Barack Obama's extreme hypocrisy the way that Bagram does
Letter from Washington: The Hidden Power : The New Yorker The legal mind behind the White House’s war on terror (Obama adopts the David S Addington approach: “He doesn’t care about the Constitution.”)
Cleaning oil-soaked wetlands may be impossible, scientists say | NOLA.com (nothing to see here, drill, baby, drill +new plan: set Lousiana on fire)
Column One: Engineering a solution to the oil spill - latimes.com
Gulf Oil Spill Size: How Big Is It? Day by day, the oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico is adding up to mind-boggling numbers. (Obama still sitting on his business-friendly hands) /a>
James Carville Takes On Obama On Oil Spill: He's 'Risking Everything' With 'Go Along With BP Strategy' (workin' hard to make it his very own Katrina) (Chris Matthews argued during a "Tonight Show" appearance that the President was "acting a little like a Vatican Observer.")
Gulf oil spill: Oil washes ashore on Grand Isle, La. - latimes.com Dark ooze washes ashore in the tourist town of Grand Isle, La., the first direct hit on a populated shoreline (but still won't be real to the media)
Month After Oil Spill, Why Is BP Still In Charge? (they own the Gulf? they threatened to arrest Obama?)
Gulf Oil Spill Presidential Commission Named By Obama ("expert" ex-politicians, will meet sometime next year)
Weekly Address: New Oil Commission, More Drilling, and the Definition of Insanity | The Seminal
BP is sticking with its dispersant choice | NOLA.com (the deadly one made by them; tells EPA to fuck off or BP will have them arrested)
Illegal aliens helping with oil spill booms? Panhandle authorities make arrests | al.com ("I would hope there'd be enough people locally to work and do the same thing people from out of state are doing," but there weren't you know, because it's all very toxic)
At worst, oil spewed already could fill 102 gyms - Yahoo! News
Op-Ed Columnist - More Than Just an Oil Spill - NYTimes.com The response of the Obama administration and the general public to this latest outrage at the hands of a giant, politically connected corporation has been embarrassingly tepid (Americans don't give a shit and too stupid to connect the dots)
YouTube - BP Fails Booming School 101 Gulf Oil Spill
Daily Kos: Fishgrease: DKos Booming School
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Fishgrease: DKos Booming School
Mac McClelland on Twitter
"Drill, Baby, Drill" Cake Apology: Oil Regulator Says Pro-Drilling Dessert Was Wrong (captive much?)
BP’s Made-Up Claims Make the Coast Guard and NOAA Look Incompetent | The Seminal (just branches of BP anyway)
Rove claims Bush ‘never’ let aides question Dems’ patriotism or motives | Raw Story (now that's how you lie)
Daily Kos: Russell Pearce vs. the Constitution (Russell Pearce: too exteme for Arizona?)
Author of Arizona immigration law wants to end birthright citizenship - Yahoo! News (Arizona: too extreme for America?)
Matthew Yglesias » What If They Gave a Terrorist Attack And Nobody Noticed? (and the bomb actually exploded)
Man Who Shot Police Had Antigovernment Views - NYTimes.com (sounds like a teabagger, doesn't it?)
Hullabaloo: Should We Let Al Qaeda Pilot Our Jets? (then why would we let Republicans try to run the country?)
'Over the Cliff' warmup: The Top Ten Provably Untrue Things Tea Partiers Believe | Crooks and Liars
t r u t h o u t | Republicans and the Tea Party of No - . And it’s fighting a Democratic White House and Party that stand for nothing, which is why being the “Party of No” will continue to be a winning strategy for Republicans. (*) (+so much lost opportunity by our "centrist" corporatist Pres)
The lesson of Rand Paul: libertarianism is juvenile - Rand Paul | Kentucky Senate Republican, Ron Paul's Son - Salon.com
Explaining the Rand Paul Disaster - Politics - The Atlantic the "diminished local press corps" theory of why Paul was skating by (no press left in KY; Maddow was first real journalist he had ever talked to)
What A Week: Rand Paul Takes The National Stage | TPMDC The week that began with Paul triumphantly bursting out onto the national stage ended with him slinking away from it.
Ron Paul Appeared On Meet The Press In '07 And Spoke Out Against Civil Rights Act (video) | TPMD (the Paul Family: too extreme for America?) C
Bill Maher Describes Rand Paul: It's As If Sarah Palin Made It Through Med School (video) "the shit doesn't fall far from the bat." (ooh, good one)
Daily Kos: Rand Paul's terminal case of foot-in-mouth (Rand Paul: too extreme for Kentucky? Kentucky: too exteme for America?)
Taking the Tea Party seriously - Joan Walsh - Salon.com Stop name-calling, admirers ask, and focus on what the movement wants to do! That's happening, and it isn't pretty (they really don't know what they want to do)
Andy Borowitz: Poll: Rand Paul Surges Ahead of Palin Among Voters Who Describe Themselves as Morons
Analysis: Markets Won't Wait For EU On Debt
Corporate PACs betting on Republicans to regain control of Congress
Prosecutors Said to Drop Probe of Ex-AIG Executive - Bloomberg.com (they always do)
Perks unchecked for some Wall Street CEOs
Will Wall Street Reform Negotiators Publicly Weaken Derivative-Trading Regulations? (video) | TPMDC (yes: SATSQ)
Transition to adulthood takes longer than ever - chicagotribune.com For Millennials, traditional markers of adulthood prove elusive - In 1960, 77 percent of women and 65 percent of men had acquired certain traditional markers of maturity by age 30: leaving home, completing school, full-time employment, marriage and family. In 2005, the figure had plummeted to 27 and 39 percent
Checking in on Saturn - The Big Picture - Boston.com
White-Light Solar Flares Finally Explained | Wired Science | caused by the sun’s acceleration of electrons to speeds greater than half the speed of light.
Methanol versus Ethanol: Technical Merits and Political Favoritism
Mark Hyman, MD: Vitamin D: Why You Are Probably NOT Getting Enough and How That Makes You Sick
The Open Gov Initiative: Enabling Techies to Solve Government Problems
100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom | Online Universities
50 Best Blogs for Genealogy Geeks | Online Universities
dwfiction: A Partial Map of Your TARDIS (Subject to Change)
Space Shuttle: The Time-Lapse Movie | Space Exploration | Air & Space Magazine
Texas Cooks the Textbooks - Newsweek.com - "Explain how Arab rejection of the State of Israel has led to ongoing conflict." Now that's not at all a loaded statement, is it? (dumbfucks)
Texas schools to teach kids that ’separation of church and state’ not in Constitution | Raw Story
Texas board approves social studies standards that perceived liberal bias minimize the separation of church and state and say that America is not a democracy but a "constitutional republic." "a Christian land governed by Christian principles." (Republicans hate democracy: not right for America?)
The Teachers’ Unions’ Last Stand - NYTimes.com
We're Better Than That, Too!!!! w/ Dale Peterson from Almost Twins, Jake, and FOD Team - Video
Diane Ravitch's The Death and Life of the Great American School System. - By Sara Mosle - Slate Magazine Diane Ravitch shares a timely lesson: We don't (yet) know how to save schools.
how metafilter saved two russian women from potential human trafficking the woman behind the rescue speaks out - The Human Condition Blog - Newsweek.com
MetaFilter Saved My Pals From Sex Traffickers—Exclusive Interview | Mother Jones
The Internet Rescues Two Russians From Sex Slavery
how metafilter saved two russian women from potential human trafficking the woman behind the rescue speaks out - The Human Condition Blog - Newsweek.com
YouTube - Man faces jail for recording out of control cop
Woman Prisoner Sent to Solitary for Reporting Rape by Guard | Mother Jones
YouTube - We are Better than That!!!!!
We're Better Than That, Too!!!! w/ Dale Peterson from Almost Twins, Jake, and FOD Team - Video
YouTube - Dan Fanelli Ad
Penn AG Withdraws Twitter Subpoena | TPMMuckraker (asshole Republican AG slinks away)
IsoHunt Forced to Shut Down in the US | TorrentFreak
How To Create An Options Page For Your Wordpress Theme | Graphic and Web Design Blog
How To: Try Android Froyo On Your Computer
Find The Content That Matters To You On Twitter [Part 1]
Twitter’s role in Bangkok conflict unprecedented - The Globe and Mail
BP concedes more oil than estimated flowing into the Gulf | al.com (lying liars, we've known this for a month, BP's Coast Guard won't let Gov scientists measure spill)
Marsh Island oil report confirmed | NOLA.com (media won't think it's real until Miami is under two feet of oil)
Think Progress » Paul Calls White House Pressure On BP ‘Un-American,’ Says That ‘Sometimes Accidents Happen’ (Rand Paul: Not Right For America)
In Spill’s Aftermath, Conflict of Interest Worries - NYTimes.com But the laboratory that officials have chosen to process virtually all of the samples is part of an oil and gas services company in Texas that counts oil firms, including BP, among its biggest clients (huge conflict of interest, but BP's Coast Guard won't let real scientists test oil)
Grand Isle closes beaches, station reports | NOLA.com
A month in, outrage over Gulf oil spill grows | al.com (despite best efforts of media and welfare-queen states_
Gulf Oil Spill: Obama Orders BP To Give Daily Updates On Cleanup (a month late and 10 billion short)
Gulf Oil Spill: Vast Majority Of Pollution Could Lurk Below Surface For Months Or Years
Grand Isle Louisiana Beach Closed After Thick Oil Washes Ashore (globs resembling "melted chocolate")
Congress’ 30-Day Deadline for Rubber-Stamping Exploration Plans | Emptywheel
Debacle of BP’s Live Feed of Pipe a Microcosm for this Whole Clusterf@#k | The Seminal (they can't even put video on the web)
Federal Appeals Court Bars Bagram Detainees From Civilian Trials
GOP Wants War Funds Paid For But Not With Tax Hikes war-funding bill must be paid for with cuts in spending (after putting two wars on Obama's credit card)
Rep. Alan Grayson: The War Is Making You Poor Act
PostPartisan - On Civil Rights Act, no cheers for Rand Paul (Rand Paul: Republican radicalism setting America back 150 years)
Beck preaches the "good news" that a "blaze is coming" that will "burn everything down" | Media Matters for America
How Rand Paul became the Tea Party's Obama - Rand Paul | Kentucky Senate Republican, Ron Paul's Son - Salon.com His father's libertarian army and Rush Limbaugh's "Dittoheads" aren't natural allies. But Rand Paul has united them (Rand Paul: too extreme for America?)
Matthew Yglesias » Rand Paul Only Likes the Easy Part of Freedom
Is Rand Paul Good or Bad for Republicans? Rand Paul Leads GOP Kentucky Senate Race as Outsider - time (oh, he's very, very good)
Libertarians On Paul's Civil Rights Stance: 'Very Reasonable' | TPMDC
msnbc.com: How are we going to allow people to be treated in America? (+boy is Eric Cantor creepy)
Simon Johnson: Focus on This: Merkley-Levin Did Not Get a Vote (real reform blocked by not real American Republicans)
Thank You, Lloyd Blankfein - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com thanks to a changed climate. Wall Street in general, and Goldman in particular, provided scandals at just the right time. Thank you, Lloyd Blankfein.
Financial Reform Bills Don't Do Enough To Prevent Another Financial Collapse, Says Grayson On 'Ratigan' (video)
Op-Ed Columnist - Lost Decade Looming? - NYTimes.com we may be heading for a Japan-style lost decade, trapped in a prolonged era of high unemployment and slow growth (keeping interest rates low more important than employing people, you know)
Wall Street Power Play: Bankers In Bizarre Showdown With Auto Dealers
I write to you from a disgraced profession « Real-World Economics Review Blog (economics is corrupt)
Euro’s slide may give U.S. more rope to hang itself | Analysis & Opinion |
Living in denial: Unleashing a lie - opinion - 21 May 2010 - New Scientist (how Republicans work)
Newborn Babies Learn While They’re Asleep | 80beats | Discover Magazine
Bering in Mind: Scientists say free will probably doesn't exist, but urge: "Don't stop believing!" - : if a deterministic understanding of human behavior encourages antisocial behavior, how can we scientists justify communicating our deterministic research findings?
New pyramid discovered in Peru linked to ancient copper industry - News, Archaeology - The Independent
Ex-Hacker Adrian Lamo Institutionalized for Asperger’s | Threat Level | Wired.com
JetBlue Pilot's Gun Taken From Him By Police There are reportedly 10,000 pilots carrying handguns under the program (no one could have predicted that would happen)
Texas Board Of Education Tried To Keep Word 'Slave' Out Of 'Slave Trade' (and other really stupid Republican tricks)
Plotting to Erase Hitler From History - NYTimes.com - The resulting novel is both shockingly tasteless and deeply offensive.
Film - Jean-Luc Godard’s Film, but Not Himself, at Cannes - NYTimes.com
BBC News - Canada 'marijuana seed dealer' extradited to US My husband committed a crime punishable by only a $200 fine in Canada, yet this Conservative government is sending him to serve up to 25 years in US jail,"
Why The Hills’ Opening Credits Are Both Creepy and Cruel -- Vulture
Rape accused to be given anonymity - Telegraph the same anonymity rights as their alleged victims under a major change in the law.
Chief: Officers’ actions appropriate | The Columbia Daily Tribune - Columbia, Missouri monthslong internal investigation into the raid that resulted in the shooting of two dogs, one fatally, and the discovery of a misdemeanor amount of marijuana. (there's nothing they can do that would be "inappropriate")
Ogle Earth: China officially announces crackdown on maps, annotations
Google Android 2.2: Questions and Answers - PCWorld
Android 2.2 Froyo: everything you ever wanted to know -- Engadget
Google TV: everything you ever wanted to know -- Engadget
Google Is Leapfrogging Apple
louisgray.com: While Apple Slept On Their Hobby, Google Executed
Google Slams Apple At Google I/O (video) a "Draconian future, a future where one man, one company, one device, one carrier would be our only choice." Then he shows a poster of 1984, with the title, "Not The Future We Want."
US Court: RapidShare Not Guilty of Copyright Infringement | TorrentFreak
AMD: Marketing the Unmarketable
WARNING: Facebook Clickjacking Attack Spreading Through News Feed
Facebook and Others Caught Sending User Data to Advertisers
Deleting your Facebook account (FAQ) | InSecurity Complex - CNET News
My Contrarian Stance on Facebook and Privacy - O'Reilly Radar
MediaPost Publications How Facebook Community Pages Hurt Brands 05/21/2010
BBC News - 'North Korean torpedo' sank South's navy ship - report (obviously, now what?)
NKorea Warns Of War If Punished For Ship Sinking - cbs5.com (yeah, we sank it, nyaa, nyaa)
2Bangkok.com - Almost like being there
Crackdown in Bangkok - The Big Picture - Boston.com
BBC News - Nick Clegg pledges biggest political reforms since 1832 "transform our politics so the state has far less control over you, and you have far more control over the state" (pushback against cop-state UK, finally)
Two Chinese Girls Rescued From Secret Dungeon
The fate of a generation of workers: Foxconn undercover fully translated (update: videos added) -- Engadget
Republicans Put Taxpayers ‘On Hook’ for Oil Damage, Obama Says - BusinessWeek
RSMAS/MPO Coastal and Shelf Modeling
ROFFS™ Deepwater Horizon Rig oil spill monitoring
Atlantic coast now under threat as current spreads Gulf oil slick | Environment | The Guardian Scale of disaster apparent as no-fishing zone doubles and controversial dispersant is used
Fmr. EPA Investigator Scott West: US Has Told BP "It Can Do Whatever It Wants and Won't Be Held Accountable" Fmr. EPA Investigator Scott West: US Has Told BP "It Can Do Whatever It Wants and Won’t Be Held Accountable" (Obama pretty two-faced on this)
While BP’s Oil Gushes, Company Keeps Information to a Trickle - ProPublica (Obama can invade Afganistan, the Gulf is a sovereign state run by BP)
A Drop of Rain » Blog Archive » Rumor Schlumberger Exits Deep Horizon Hours Before Blowout (rumor from last week surfaces, see gcaptain below)
BP and Coast Guard Blocking Media from Public Beaches (Coast Guard an arm of BP now)
Coast Guard Now Enforcing BP's Oil Spill Viewing Rules
Scientists Fault U.S. Response in Assessing Gulf Oil Spill - NYTimes.com prominent oceanographers accusing the government of failing to conduct an adequate scientific analysis of the damage and of allowing BP to obscure the spill’s true scope (cause BP owns the Gulf)
Magnolia Springs prepares for approach of oil slick | al.com one of Mobile Bay's most sensitive and important ecosystems and efforts are under way to prevent such damage (come on down, the beaches are fine)
Gulf Oil Spill: Government Remains Blind To Underwater Oil Hazard "The fact that NOAA has missed the ball catastrophically on the tracking and effects monitoring of this spill is inexcusable,"
Gulf Oil Spill: Oil Has Entered Loop Current, Officials Say
Gulf Oil Spill: Louisiana Wetlands Blanketed With BP Crude (video) - Jindal: "The day that we've been fearing is upon us today" (we feared it so much we drill, baby, drilled)
Senator Demands Info From Transocean On 'I'm Not Injured' Forms Signed By Workers | TPMMuckraker stating that they were not injured and they were not witnesses to what happened (did the Coast Guard force them to sign?)
Obama Ally Accuses GOP Of Doing Big Oil's Bidding After Gulf Spill (video)
Op-Ed Columnist - Obama and the Oil Spill - NYTimes.com “The Obama End to Oil Addiction Act” — or are you going squander your 9/11, too?
Florida State scientist: NOAA ignores spill findings | Deepwater Horizon | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle
Ken Saro-Wiwa, Excerpts from Saro-Wiwa on Shell in Ogoni
Post Carbon: EPA demands less-toxic dispersant - Juliet Eilperin (hear that? "less")
Fishermen Report Illness From BP Chemicals - Health News Story - WDSU New Orleans Toxicologist Says Chemicals Harmful, Can Lead To Death
Versita Publications - Journal Article Health complaints among subjects involved in oil cleanup operations during oil spillage from a Greek tanker "Tasman Spirit"
Acute Health Effects of Hebei Spirit Oil Spill : Epidemiology
Exclusive: President Obama To Replace Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair - Political Punch
Rand Paul On 'Maddow' Defends Criticism Of Civil Rights Act, Says He Would Have Worked To Change Bill (video) (go Kentucky!)
Rachel Maddow demolishes Rand Paul - Joan Walsh - Salon.com
Rand Paul and His 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist Friend | Mother Jones (look, this really is good news for Dems: the distillation of the pure radical teabagger fringe: "Rand Paul: not right for Kentucky, or anywhere else")
Matthew Yglesias » Freedom as White Supremacy (Reason Mag and the glibitarians love him)
REVERSAL: Paul Now Backs Ban On Discrimination By Businesses | TPMDC (that was quick)
FLASHBACK: Paul Campaign Spokesman Resigned Over Racism On Myspace Page | TPMMuckraker (this will only get better)
Little Girl Who Challenged First Lady Is Right: Obama Is Deporting More Immigrants Than Ever (more Bush than the old Bush)
Why do voters hate incumbents? - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
My Way News - Ex-Obama pastor: 'Obama threw me under the bus' The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's controversial former pastor, said in a letter obtained by The Associated Press that he is "toxic" to the Obama administration and that the president "threw me under the bus."
General Manager's Statement Regarding LADWP Power Generation Assets in Arizona
Penn. AG Subpoenas Twitter: A Move To Silence Critics? | TPMMuckraker (it's now a crime to criticize Republicans)
updated: Tom Corbett's stunning abuse of power | Philly | 05/20/2010
Corbett subpoenas Twitter for critics' names | Philly | 05/20/2010 (fallout)
Equating sexual orientation with "sex life" - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
1A02h.jpg - the Foxification of CNN: "Miss USA: Muslim trailblazer? Or spy? (or drone-worthy terrorist?)
ATMs a mystery to senator - Omaha.com (Ben Nelson, D,Neanderthal, has never used an ATM but knows about "holograms")
Meet the Facts : Meet the Press Needs Fact Checking (Meet the Press: facts are irrelevant)
PolitiFact | The latest statements we've reviewed
About PoliGraph | Minnesota Public Radio NewsQ
Stocks dive, Dow off 376 on world economic worries - Yahoo! Finance
Senate Clears Way For Final Passage Of Financial Regulation Bill (Scotty "Cosmo" Brown back on board, with Collins and Queen Olympia)
Ezra Klein - Reid loses cloture vote on financial regulation
New Claims Shoot Higher as Jobless Problem Persists - CNBC
"we're seeing the end of a global free market" says ian bremmer: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance
Obama's HAMP and Goldman's Abacus: Doomed to Fail? | Mother Jones (no, no: "designed to fail")
Craig Venter creates synthetic life form | Science | The Guardian
BBC News - 'Artificial life' breakthrough announced by scientists
Quantum teleportation achieved over ten miles of free space
Healthy types enjoy a daily tipple - Telegraph Drinkers who enjoy two or three glasses of wine a day are healthier than teetotallers, according to a study of 150,000 people.
Abdominal fat at middle age associated with greater risk of dementia: Obesity linked to lower total brain volume
Opinion: Health Risks of Bisphenol A Are Vastly Exaggerated - AOL News
Language Log » Mapping the Demographics of American English with Twitter
Teens Don’t Tweet; Twitter’s Growth Not Fueled By Youth | Nielsen Wire
Is This Your Brain On God? : NPR More than half of adult Americans report they have had a spiritual experience that changed their lives.
Nun Excommunicated For Allowing Abortion : NPR she had "right heart failure," and her doctors told her that if she continued with the pregnancy, her risk of mortality was "close to 100 percent." (the priorities of the Catholic Church: protect pedophile priests, let women die)
YouTube - Police Brutality: Cop Kills Dog, Tries To Buy Owner's Silence!
Look at Me! : CJR (<-- readme +"The Nothing-Based Economy")
Teacher suspended for President Obama assassination lesson | Richard Adams | World news | guardian.co.uk An Alabama teacher has been suspended after a geometry lesson on the best angles to assassinate President Obama (what they do in Alabama)
Michael Geist - National Post Reports "Heavy Handed" Copyright Law Coming Next Week
Ralph de la Vega 'just laughs' when asked about AT&T iPhone exclusivity expiration date, says most customers will stay -- Engadget
EFF Seeks Attorneys to Help Alleged Movie Downloaders | Electronic Frontier Foundation The U.S. Copyright Group has quietly targeted 50,000 Bit Torrent users for legal action i
8 Websites You Need to Stop Building - The Oatmeal
Fanboy! The Strange True Story of the Tech World's Favorite Put-Down.
Australian Wikileak founder's passport confiscated
Theora Founder: WebM Project is ‘Wonderful’
Three Cool Tools for Restoring Your Facebook Privacy - PCWorld
Firefox to Chrome: We’ll See Your 70 Million Users And Raise You 300 Million
Font Preview - Google Font Directory
Taliban Attacks Key U.S. Base In Afghanistan
Angela Merkel: Protecting The Euro A 'Historic Task'
Bangkok Burns After Thai Army Launches Deadly Assault On Protesters
5 Men With Knives Slash College Students In Latest China School Attack
Clegg makes his bid for a place in history - UK Politics, UK - The Independent
BBC News - Non-crew in cockpit in Polish president's plane crash
BBC News - Pakistan court bans Facebook in row over prophet The order came when a petition was filed after the site held a competition featuring caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad (the 20/80 rule)
Why We're Having an Everybody Draw Mohammed Contest on Thursday May 20 - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine (Reason's server overwhelmed with gay porno, shuts down their contest)
Obama's 'Proven' SM-3 Missile Interceptor May Only Succeed 20 Percent of the Time, Say Physicists | Popular Science (listened to his generals)
Bailouts Unlimited: Republicans Demand Corporate Welfare for Oil Companies | FDL Action ($75M "cap" = $10Bn bailout +Inhofe/Murkowski))
BP told feds it could handle oil spill 60 times larger than Deepwater Horizon | al.com (gee, they were lying, right?)
Heavy Sludge Oozes into Marshes of Louisiana - CBS News When CBS News tried to reach the beach, covered in oil, a boat of BP contractors with two Coast Guard officers on board told us to turn around under threat of arrest (arrest reporters? shows who's in charge +why you aren't going to see pictures)
Kevin Grandia: Shocking NASA Image: Never-Seen-Before Southeast Oil Slick Arm (BP told Coast Guard to arrest the satellite)
GreenvilleOnline.com | Greenville News | The Greenville News Voters back anti-DC, anti-establishment candidates
NOAA Discussed “Submerged Oil” From Spills in Five Year Research Plan | The Seminal
Wonk Room » BP CEO Hayward Bets On ‘Very, Very Modest’ Impact From Disaster
3 Hutaree released from jail | freep.com | Detroit Free Press
New prosecutor in Hutaree case « Michigan Messenger could it be that Waterstreet was replaced as lead counsel because he filed a brief containing several false statements about the release conditions, statements that prompted a highly unusual affidavit to be filed by the government official in charge of monitoring bond conditions for the court?
The Whole Delivery: Your Needed Flashback To Make You Laugh: "[Sestak] doesn't want to be marginalized," Rendell reasoned. "He doesn't want to get 15 or 18 percent [of the vote]. Joe should run for Congress again; establish some seniority. His time will come... but it is not this year." Hahahahahahahaha (Dem leadership at work)
The Washington Monthly - 'Where Is The Wave?' - "If you can't win a seat that is trending Republican in a year like this, then where is the wave?" asked Tom Davis, a former Republican congressman from Virginia (7th straight special election won by Dems; but the Republican teaparty wave is coming ... soon ... Washington pundits very disappointed)
Arkansas Senate: 2010 Election Lincoln, Halter Go To Overtime In Democratic Primary (kinda looks like a fucking progressive wave, doens't it?)
Primary Results Upend Both Established Politics And Political Establishment (+Olympia Snowe looking over her shoulder)
YouTube - Rand Paul Golf Not Exclusive Anymore
Connecticut Senate: 2010 Election - Video Shows Blumental Correctly Stating Military Service
Times Defends Blumenthal Story, Won't Say Whether It Viewed Full Clip But when asked whether or not she could confirm that the reporter, Ray Hernandez, had actually seen the entirety of the 2008 video before writing the article, McNulty declined to address the question, framing it as a non-issue (the truth is a non-issue)
“Instantly disqualifying” -- unless you’re a Republican | Media Matters for America Republican Senator Lindsey Graham’s repeated description of himself as a Gulf War veteran, despite the fact that the closest he came to the Gulf was South Carolina, where processing wills for soldiers who did deploy to the Gulf (naturally, IOKIYAR)
The New York Times has some explaining to do | Media Matters for America Republican Linda McMahon’s campaign has taken credit for feeding the Times the Blumenthal story, you have to wonder if it gave the Times the incomplete video, as well. Either way, the Times should explain why it chose to omit Blumenthal’s correct characterization of his service (the NYT will apologize in 2020)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Memo to David Gregory AP's Fournier: Their fact-checking efforts are almost uniformly the most clicked and most linked pieces they produce (you make more money with facts, media establishment trembles)
Frank Sharry: First Lady Michelle Obama Questioned by Second-Grader Worried About Her Mom's Immigration Status In fact, the Obama Administration is on track this year to exceed the deportation levels of the Bush Administration.
Kagan: In Bush v. Gore, Court Was Affected By Politics And Policy (yeah, it really empowered them didn't it?)
Et tu, Mr. Destructo?: The Alabama Gubernatorial Race: Winning the Counter-Reformation One Slain Apostasy at a Time - this ad marvelously documents the Republican party's commitment to total regression
Glenn Beck Hits 2010 Ratings LOW (soon to be in negative numbers)
Two Dems Help Defeat Senate Cloture Vote On Wall Street Reform Though Reid didn't specify which senator broke his word, the Majority Leader did have a tense discussion with Scott Brown on the chamber floor and Brown had previously told reporters he was a "yes" vote
Financial Reforms 'Cosmetic,' Won't Stop More Crises: Roubini - CNBC
Conspiracy of Banks Rigging States Came With Crash - Bloomberg.com (what the Republicans are trying to make sure happens again)
GOP Running Out Clock On Wall Street Reform
Simon Johnson: Finally, the Republicans Come Out to Fight: Where Is the President?
Daily Kos: Framing the GOP as an unacceptable alternative (busy diluting his message)
Calculated Risk: Mortgage Delinquencies by Period and by State
Attempt To Cap ATM Fees At 50 Cents Blocked In Senate
Financial regulation bill gets last-minute amendment from Sen. Chris Dodd (the inevitable happened: Dodd killed derivative regulation for two years or forever, whichever comes last; Blanche didn't like it)
GE and other manufacturers back exemption in financial regulation bill
Goldman Sachs Hands Clients Losses in ‘Top Trades’ (Update1) - Bloomberg.com
Mortgage delinquencies surge to a record - Real estate- msnbc.com The number of homeowners who missed at least one payment on their mortgage surged to a record in the first quarter of the year, a sign that the foreclosure crisis is far from over (but it's not a problem for the elites, so you don't hear about it)
Calculated Risk: MBA Q1 National Delinquency Survey Conference Call (the press got this one abysmally wrong from the beginning)
Calitics:: California Needs Prosperity, Not Austerity (pretty predictable that any Republican policy will screw everyone)
Calculated Risk: Duration of Unemployment
Number of the Week: 29.4 Million in ‘Industrial Reserve Army’ - Real Time Economics - WSJ (IRA the new "unemployed")
Worthwhile Canadian Initiative: The orthodox loss of faith we are witnessing the biggest silent shift in macroeconomic thought since the Second World War
Screw the Apocaholics -- The Optimists’ Case (The Rational Optimist from the ex-chairman of Northern Rock +from comments: "What we have seen in the past 10 years was transformation of PARASITES into PATHOGENS.)
Joblessness and Perceptions about the Effectiveness of Democracy (joblessness makes people lose faith in democracy and want a rogue/angry-daddy leader
Economist's View: Paul Romer: Persuasions and Norms
Esther Duflo: Social experiments to fight poverty | Video on TED.com
M.I.T.’s Esther Duflo and development economics : The New Yorker
Boosting Productivity Through Statistical Experiments - Real Time Economics - WSJ
FT - Political Ideas Need Proper Testing
Wave a clove of garlic and chant “randomization” – Chris Blattman there must therefore remain uncertainty and ambiguity about the breadth of application of any findings from randomized experiments
It’s Complicated - Making Sense of Complexity - NYTimes.com
The Technium: The Shirky Principle: "Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution."
Ezra Klein - Government in general the strange outcome of the manifold disasters in the public and private sphere has been more power accruing to those who contributed to the problem.
UnderstandingSociety: Social theory and the empirical social world
Methodology for the Social Sciences
The New World of the Anthropocene1 - Environmental Science & Technology (ACS Publications)
Worldchanging: Bright Green: The Anthropocene Debate: Marking Humanity’s Impact
11 Most Endangered Historic Places
Computer Algorithm Can Recognize Sarcasm (Which Is Just Soooo Cool) | Popular Science
Daily Kos: Rasmussen's (dishonest) game (they create their own reality)
Posner Plagiarizes Again - Miami New Times
Terri Schiavo: Family members profit from foundation funds | Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Sarasota | WTSP.com 10 Connects Schiavo says they are using their deceased sister's name to make money (what Republicans do)
Chefs Using Marijuana Create a New Kitchen Culture - NYTimes.com
noooooooo.com :: potent potables : bourbon Bourbon, From Signposts in a Strange Land by Walker Percy, 1975
YouTube - Grotesco - The trial part 1
Dangerous Minds | Lady Blue Shanghai: David Lynch’s new cinematic short for Dior
Attorney General Tom Corbett Subpoenaes Twitter To Identify Anonymous Critics (Republicans always try to silence criticism)
Facebook Grapples With Privacy Issues - WSJ.com (+Fuckerberg)
Facebook Community Pages Won't Let You Personalize Your Interests
Facebook Alternatives: A Look At 9 Social Networks You Could Switch To
Adobe - Flash Player : Settings Manager - Website Privacy Settings panel
8 in 10 browsers leave identifiable 'fingerprints,' EFF warns | NetworkWorld.com Community
FTC Targets Privacy Concerns Related to Copy Machines - PCWorld (kinkos has your copies)
Web 3.0 on Vimeo | Web 3.0 Transcript – Now with links! « kateray.net
1,000 American Deaths In Afghanistan: A Sad Milestone
Suicide Bomber Hits U.S. Convoy in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com killing 18 people, including five American soldiers and one from Canada. At least 47 people were wounded, nearly all of them civilians caught in rush-hour traffic.
AFP: Rocker Costello cancels Israel gig
Burqa rage as female lawyer rips veil off Muslim woman in French clothes store | Mail Online
Flickr: Greenpeace USA 2010's Photostream (Brit Hume doesn't believe this)
Scientists fear oil spill will endanger major barrier reef off Florida Keys | al.com
White House to Create Commission to Study Gulf Spill - NYTimes.com (but it will be all diluted and "not likely to have a significant impact")
What spill? Rig owner approves $1 billion dividend to shareholders | Raw Story
Think Progress » Loop Current Is Now Drawing The BP Oil Disaster To Florida Keys (no problem, it's really diluted)
NOAA closes 19 percent of Gulf to fishing – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs (81% still fine)
Hullabaloo: digby: I keep seeing scientists on TV with that "hair on fire" look about them, nearly frantic, trying to get people to understand how serious the spill is. They are followed by oil company flacks saying it's no big deal and politicians turning it into he-said/she-said. It's the strangest disaster coverage I've ever witnessed.
Jonathan Katz: Member Of Science Team Tasked With Gulf Solution Is A Homophobe, Climate Change Denialist (Obama just bein' bi-partisan)
Daily Kos: SCOTUS: Minors Who Didn't Kill Can't Be Locked Up For Life While Justice Thomas would apparently not rule out a death sentence for a $50 theft by a 7-year-old, the Court wisely rejects his static approach to the law. Standards of decency have evolved since 1980. They will never stop doing so. (Thomas stuck in the 15th Century)
A Generation Gap Over Immigration - NYTimes.com
Illegal Immigrant Students Protest at McCain Office - NYTimes.com
Politics -- Latest News -- Rove Rides Again -- RollingStone.com
Think Progress » Right Wing Reacts With Rage To First Muslim American Miss USA: ‘An Odd Form Of Affirmative Action’
Mark Souder To RESIGN Over Affair With Aide (another family-values Christian hypocrite falls)
Wonkette : video shocker: Republican Rep. Mark Souder Made ‘Web Video’ (Against Sex) With His Mistress-Staffer
YouTube - Rep. Souder and Tracy Jackson, discussing abstinence (the deleted video)
Beck's city of gold continues to unravel | Philly | 05/18/2010
Why Merkley-Levin Is Necessary « Rortybomb
Op-Ed Contributor - The Euro’s Lost Promise - NYTimes.com THE dream of monetary union across Europe has turned into a nightmare
FT Alphaville » A Greek refinancing interlude (bailing out the bankers who lent to Greece, not Greece)
How to attack the mortgage-interest tax deduction | Analysis & Opinion | point out that only 20% of American households itemize their deductions on their tax returns, while about 65% of American households own their own homes. This clearly isn’t something which helps most homeowners: it basically just helps homeowners in very expensive houses in New York and California (mobilize the teabaggers)
Mount St. Helens, 30 years ago - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Happiness Comes With Age, Study Reveals - Yahoo! News Life looks a little rosier after 50, a new study finds.
Sugar Within Human Bodies Could Power Future Artificial Organs: Scientific American A new approach to tiny fuel cells implanted in rats enables the devices to generate electricity for months using sugar in the rodents' bodie
Dolphins are violent predators that kill their own babies.
Scientists breed DEET-resistant mosquitoes - thestar.com (coming soon to a barbeque near you)
Mathematical model explains marital breakups
Obese, gluttonous, and cannibalistic is no way to go through life, son | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Terror Tots: Girl Suspended for Terroristic Threat in Pointing Finger At Teacher and Saying “Pew, Pew” « jonathan turley (faces life in prison)
Dan Rather: Pornland, Oregon: Child Prostitution in Portland
John Robbins: Greed, Cancer and Pink KFC Buckets Susan G. Komen for the Cure are teaming up ... to ... spread educational messaging via a major national campaign which will reach thousands of communities served by nearly 5,000 KFC restaurants." (never mind the cancer-causing diet)
Atty: Video shows police fired into Detroit home - Yahoo! News Police who carried out a raid on a family home that left a 7-year-old girl dead over the weekend were accompanied by a camera crew for a reality television show, and an attorney says video of the siege contradicts the police account of what happened (yeah, they lied, and that whole reality-show stormtrooper thing didn't work out very well)
The Big Caption (like the Big Picture, but with words)
The Most Widely Read Magazine in the World – The New York Review of Magazines
YouTube - Hail Storm Oklahoma City (holy shit territory)
Toronto woman sues Rogers after her affair is exposed - thestar.com Rogers denies any responsibility for affair or consequences
Glenn Beck's war on the FCC (and Satan worshippers)
YouTube - Mukhtars Fødselsdag - Flash Mob - Bedre Bustur
Taliban Hold Sway in Area Taken by U.S., Farmers Say - NYTimes.com (how's that hopey, surgey thing working out for you?)
Obama Takes On the Pentagon | Mother Jones Presidents Kennedy, Carter, and Clinton had all been played by the Pentagon at various points but hadn't fought back as directly. Now Obama was sending an unmistakable message: don't toy with me. (oh, but they will: withdrawal is always a Friedman Unit away)
BBC News - Nato future strategy set out by expert panel Reform of Nato is essential if the organisation is to be effective in meeting its responsibilities in the 21st Century
Sign of Afghan Addiction May Also Be Its Remedy - NYTimes.com (bad news: Afgan cops all on opium; good news: they're in rehab)
YouTube - Chomsky: "We were denied entry" (Israel: "we don't like what you say" Chomsky: "I don't think you can find a government in the world that does")
Examining Timothy Dolan's Record in the Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Crisis - NYTimes.com
Saudi woman beats up virtue cop Incident follows a wave of challenges to religious authorities.
White House to establish commission investigating Gulf oil spill | al.com (composed of oil-friendly ex-politicians)
Oil Spill Florida Keys: Scientists Think Oil Has Entered Loop Current And Poses Grave Threat To Reefs
Think Progress » Brit Hume Shrugs Off Oil Spill: ‘Where Is The Oil?’ Hume followed the lead of Rush Limbaugh and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R), who have been aggressively downplaying the disaster and bristling at comparisons to the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill
Deepwater Horizon Inspections: MMS Skipped Monthly Inspections On Doomed Rig
Riki Ott: At What Cost? BP Spill Responders Told to Forgo Precautionary Health Measures in Cleanup
Blowout: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster - 60 Minutes - CBS News
BP Safety Violations: OSHA Says Company Has 'Systemic Safety Problem'
Interior official who oversees offshore drilling for MMS resigns Chris Oynes, who oversaw oil and gas leasing in the Gulf of Mexico for 12 years
Op-Ed Columnist - The G.O.P. - Going to Extreme - NYTimes.com Republican extremism was there all along — what’s changed is the willingness of the news media to acknowledge it (he means, "promote it")
The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment | The New York Review of Books - Morally, American Zionism is in a downward spiral (+"Orthodox Jews make up only 12 percent of American Jewry over the age of sixty, they constitute 34 percent between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four")
Man held in NY car bomb probe denies suspect link - Boston.com
PQED: When is the genetic fallacy not a fallacy? Maddow takes a different tack. She shows that the people who wrote and endorsed the law have ties neo-Nazi groups, commitments to white supremacy, and general racist motivations.
Think Progress » Rep. Steve King Says It’s ‘Common Sense’ That Racial Profiling ‘Had Better Be Used’ What is ironic about King’s endorsement of using the race of a “young Middle Eastern male” to profile terrorist suspects is the fact that the last major attempted terror attacks in the United States were not commited by men from the Middle East.
The Plum Line - White House bracing for Arlen Specter loss? (Rahm in tears)
Time 's very bad Kagan headline | Media Matters for America Was Supreme Court Nominee Kagan a Youthful Socialist? (straight from redstate: exteme right-wing talking points; Time can't die fast enough; Newseek's take: "[T]here's simply not anything at all that's radical here.)
New study finds racial wealth gap quadrupled since mid-1980s National data reveal the effects of policies that benefit the wealthiest, persistent discrimination in housing, credit and labor markets (but what about all those white people?)
Beck: "[W]hat's coming is horrific. I don't even want to speak it out loud" | Media Matters (teabagger insanity: Glenn Beck edition)
Beck: "[Y]ou have to be prepared to take rocks to the head. You have to be prepared to lose everything" | Media Matters (already has rocks in his head)
Supreme Court: 'Sexually Dangerous' Inmates Can Be Held Indefinitely (infinite detention)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » So Why Bother With A Sentence? Indefinite detention sure is popular in the land of the free and the brave. But don’t worry. It’s just for sex offenders and accused terrorists. For now.
Quit releasing rapists into society to rape and kill again. | Women's Rights | Change.org
CSOM Publications: Myths and Facts About Sex Offenders
PsycNET - Predicting relapse: A meta-analysis of sexual offender recidivism studies.
Criminal Thinking: Do People with Mental Illnesses Think Differently? (PDF)
Mental Illness, Human Rights, and US Prisons | Human Rights Watch
Think Progress » NRA Members Don’t Think Gun Owners Should Bring Weapons Into Bars And Drink Alcohol a new bill state legislators passed this year that has “no exclusions for where guns can be carried, as long as permit holders don’t consume alcohol.” ... And in Georgia, the state house recently passed a bill would make it “legal to enter a bar or restaurant with a licensed concealed weapon and get drunk,” as long as the individual doesn’t fire the weapon. (you can see where this is heading)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation It seems like the National Organization for Marriage has a glass jaw.
Streetsblog New York City » State DOTs’ Prescription for American Cities: More Highways 30,000 more lane-miles of urban interstate
In Europe, Fears of a Deeper Crisis Are Intensifying - NYTimes.com
Europe’s Debt Crisis Is Casting a Shadow Over China - NYTimes.com
HAMP Update: Twice As Many Homeowners Kicked Out Of Obama Foreclosure Program As Given Permanent Relief, New Data Show (program designed to fail succeeded in not helping anybody)
Consumer spending trend is a shaky foundation for economic recovery - latimes.com (the rich are back! things must be ok!)
How Will They Spin This? - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com So much for the “global cooling” talking point. What I’m wondering is what excuse the deniers will come up with (they'll think of something)
Men developed thicker foreheads and jaws due to fighting over women - Telegraph
Plummeting Marijuana Prices Create A Panic In California : NPR (this is how you break the backs of the Mexican drug cartels)
Back to the Drug War: The Street Price of Cocaine: timeframe reflected below is an era of ever-increasing anti-drug spending (price way fell: the deadly co-dependent dance of the dealers and the enforcers)
Marijuana Prices by Location - Online Directory
WeBeHigh.com - Worldwide Marijuana Travel Guide With Marijuana Prices, Spots & Legalization Status
LiveLeak.com - Tornado Forms in Front of Car (April 25, 2010) (why women need men)
Tornado controversy? | Updraft | Minnesota Public Radio
Tornado Safety - Cars Versus Ditches: A Controversy
The Online Tornado FAQ (by Roger Edwards, SPC)
Detroit Cops Shoot and Kill Seven-Year-Old Girl in Raid - Fuckin Cops - Gawker No-knock warrants, which have risen over the last three decades, are notorious for resulting in the deaths of innocent people
FeralChildren.com | The Fairy Mythology
YouTube - Secret of the Wild Child part 1
MPAA Worries About Pirating U.S. Soldiers in Iraq | TorrentFreak
Graffiti artist Banksy leaves mark on Detroit and ignites firestorm | freep.com | Detroit Free Press Banksy was here. But what’s really fascinating is what happened after he left.
Bill Maher: Steve Jobs Would Run America Better Than Obama "John McCain thinks an iPad is something women wear on their Xboxes once a month."
Openbook - Connect and share whether you want to or not (graphic illustration of why Facebook can get you in trouble)
ReclaimPrivacy.org | Facebook Privacy Scanner
Google's Nexus One: How the Revolution Died - PCWorld
Fun Photo Tools: One-Trick Ponies - PCWorld
WordPress 3.0: Ultimate Guide to New Features
Terror in Thailand - Photo Gallery - LIFE
Bangkok in Turmoil as Deaths Rise - NYTimes.com
Thailand Protests: Red Shirt Leaders Offer To Negotiate, But Government Won't End Military Crackdown
BBC News - Thailand rejects protesters' UN-backed talks plan
Noam Chomsky denied entry into Israel and West Bank - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News Interior Ministry seeking IDF approval to let American professor just into West Bank; rights group: Decision characteristic of totalitarian regime (well?)
French Teacher Held in Iran Will Be Allowed to Leave - NYTimes.com arrested on spying charges last July for photographing demonstrations in Iran will be allowed to leave the country after paying a fine of about $300,000
Spain’s Jobless Find It Hard to Go Back to the Farm - NYTimes.com
Volcanic ash closes airports in England, Ireland - CNN.com
Indonesia Islam | Porn | Blasphemy
Sacked and fined £1,000 for a joke about an airport? | David Mitchell column | Comment is free | The Observer The case of the man interrogated for seven hours for a silly quip he made on Twitter shows a depressing sense of humour failure
IncidentNews: NOAA Situation Update 15 May 10 (tar-balls washing up)
Giant Plumes of Oil Found Under Gulf of Mexico - NYTimes.com (what's a little oil? we put it on our salads)
Giant Oil Plumes Found In Gulf Depths - BP has resisted entreaties from scientists that they be allowed to use sophisticated instruments at the ocean floor that would give a far more accurate picture of how much oil is really gushing from the well. "The answer is no to that," a BP spokesman, Tom Mueller, said on Saturday. (Gulf filling up with oil: but Lisa Murkowsky, R, Big Oil, doesn't think BP should pay more than 4 minutes of their profits)
Less Toxic Dispersants Lose Out in BP Oil Spill Cleanup - NYTimes.com BP PLC continues to stockpile and deploy oil-dispersing chemicals manufactured by a company with which it shares close ties, even though other U.S. EPA-approved alternatives have been shown to be far less toxic and, in some cases, nearly twice as effective.
Northeast Ohio seafood prices rise in advance of tighter supply of Gulf fish | cleveland.com prices for shucked oysters and Gulf shrimp have jumped as much as 15 percent.
GOP Blocked Raising BP's Liability Cap Because Company Promised To Cover Damages (video) Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala., Welfare State) suggested on Sunday that raising the cap was unnecessary because BP had given him it's word that it would cover the costs of the spill in the Gulf (muhahaha)
Pat Leahy Throws Cold Water On Obama's Hope For Miranda Fix (video) (Obama: I don't need no steenking Constitution)
U.S. Is Still Using Private Spy Ring, Despite Doubts - NYTimes.com under Pentagon rules, the army is not allowed to hire contractors for spying (another rule made to be broken)
Obama and the Bunkum of “Negotiating from Strength” | The Seminal
President Obama, Bringing the Truthiness on Afghanistan | The Seminal Twenty-nine districts are sympathetic to or support the Afghan government. Forty-eight are sympathetic to or supportive of the insurgency. Forty-four are neutral. Violence is up 87 percent.
Dana Milbank - GOP's Utah and Maine conventions show a party coming unglued - "Eliminate the Department of Education" (Milbank sees the obvious)
Maine Tea Party: Worse than you think - Tea Parties | Tea Party Movement, Tax Day Tea Party - Salon.com State GOP apologizes after conventioneers vandalize an eighth grade classroom (they hate education)
Maine's cracked Tea Party platform - Joan Walsh - Salon.com A moderate state party gets hijacked by opponents of ACORN, the "global warming myth" and "one world government"
New Poll: Restless Voters Prefer Democrats Again, But Still Hate Incumbents
Op-Ed Columnist - A Heaven-Sent Rent Boy - NYTimes.com Or check out the real-life closet case of George Rekers (Republicans: The Musical!)
7 Gay Sex Scandals of Career Anti-Gay Crusaders | Reproductive Justice | AlterNet
Janet Napolitano Urged To Cut Homeland Security Department Ties With Arizona Law Enforcement - or be complicit in the state's controversial immigration law.
Arizona tourism loses more business in wake of immigration law vote
AP Reporter Forgets All About Nelson, Stupak, and the Abortion ‘Executive Order’ | The Seminal Barack Obama now can officially be known as the president who did the most damage to a woman’s right to choose… even if the AP thinks it is ‘obscure
Sister Sledgehammer: Palin takes aim at Dem women - Kasie Hunt - politico.com
Abortion Foes Capitalize On Health Care Law hey're using it to limit coverage by private insurers.
Obama's nightmare: Exposé makes New York Times list Aaron Klein's exposé of the president's connections with extremists and America-haters is climbing best-seller charts everywhere.
Gibbons portrayed as absentee governor while state in crisis - Sunday, May 16, 2010 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun (another Republican Governor disaster)
Today's strangest passage, courtesy of the Wall Street Journal | Media Matters for America In old-money enclaves like Palm Beach, Fla., Nantucket, Mass., and Greenwich, Conn., WASPs are being priced out of their waterfront estates and displaced on their nonprofit boards by Jewish, Catholic and other non-Protestant entrepreneurs (hard times for WASPs)
President Obama’s Campaign Arm Tries to Get Grass-Roots Democrats to Defeat Fellow Progressive - Political Punch (our Republican Pres hates progressives)
Economist's View: Eichengreen: Europe’s Historic Gamble
Calculated Risk: ECB's Trichet: "Most difficult situation" since World War
The Rise and Fall of the G.D.P. - NYTimes.com - has not only failed to capture the well-being of a 21st-century society but has also skewed global political objectives toward the single-minded pursuit of economic growth. “The economists messed everything up,”
Economist Debates: GDP
The End of GDP ? | The Big Picture
Bernanke Offers a Lesson on Happiness - Real Time Economics - WSJ
From Business Models to "Betterness" Models - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review
Information Arbitrage: Seeding a Start-up Culture
The Case for Being Disruptively Good - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review
The Efficient Community Hypothesis - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review - "Why Are 25 Hedge Fund Managers Worth 658,000 teachers?"
Bernanke Offers a Lesson on Happiness - Real Time Economics - WSJ
Economist's View: Nation States and the "The Three-Layered Chess Box"
When risk becomes uncertainty | Analysis & Opinion |
Raptors at the Liquidity Fence, and the Big Whoosh - Rather than thinking of the "flash crash" as an outlier event, think of it as a feasibility test.
BBC - Newsnight: Paul Mason: Euro bailout. Now banking risk morphs into geo-political risk
PIMCO - Global Central Bank Focus May 2010 After the Crisis Planning a New Financial Structure Learning from the Bank of Dad
Economist's View: Intelligently Directed Evolution
We Stand on the Cusp of one of Humanity's Most Dangerous Moments | Media and Culture | AlterNet
Major Loophole In Senate Financial Reform Bill, Derivatives Reform May Be Illusory (wasn't it always?)
Bank-Failure Tally Grows to 72 for 2010 - WSJ.com
After Housing Bust, Builders Dust Off the Boom Machine - NYTimes.com Las Vegas is trying to recover by building what it does not need. It is an unlikely pattern being repeated in many of the areas where the housing crash was most severe
Calitics:: Eilimination of CalWORKS Puts the Lie to "Welfare Reform" But those who decided that the system needed to be exploded talked about the need to get the poor into jobs. Those lazy "welfare queens" needed to stop sitting at home with their children and go to work. That child care often costs more than their wages was no matter (30 yrs of Republican greed has destroyed California)
The Associated Press: Secretive speed traders in spotlight after crash Or, as he puts it, "If you try to pick up the penny, we'll probably beat you to it."
The Daily Bark » The Current State of Retail a 4% year-over-year sales increase in February. Modest as that statistic is, it nevertheless represents the strongest gain since November 2007
How Our Brains Make Memories | Science & Nature | Smithsonian Magazine Surprising new research about the act of remembering may help people with post-traumatic stress disorder
Texas schools board rewrites US history with lessons promoting God and guns | World news | The Guardian US Christian conservatives drop references to slave trade and sideline Thomas Jefferson who backed church-state separation
Is The Planet Facing A Mass Extinction? : NPR (yes, if Republicans have anything to say about it)
First of the last Space Shuttle launches - The Big Picture - Boston.com
50 Years Laser
Video: Is Steve Durnin's D-Drive the holy grail of infinitely variable transmissions?
Lying children will grow up to be successful citizens - Telegraph The earlier a child starts telling convincing lies the more likely they are to be a success in later life, new research suggests.
NASA: Easily the hottest April — and hottest Jan-April — in temperature record « Climate Progress Plus a new record 12-month global temperature, as predicted - especially impressive because we’ve been in “the deepest solar minimum in nearly a century.”
MOO Business Cards | Unique Custom Business Cards | moo.com USA
LiveLeak.com - Super Sexy CPR
9 Deadly House Plants (photos)
Top 10 gardening mistakes - CNN.com
Meet the sloths on Vimeo
could-online-hackers-steal-your-cash: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
List of regional Burning Man events - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Digital Domain - World’s Largest Social Network - The Open Web - NYTimes.com
Android 2.2, Google TV Expected at Google I/O This Week - Mobile and Wireless from eWeek with support for Adobe Flash 10.1.
Delete Your Facebook Account: 'Quit Facebook Day' Wants Users To Leave
The Preeminent Anthology of Alec Brownstein - The Google Job Experiment (targeted self-advertising)
Trouble sleeping? Maybe it's your iPad - CNN.com (resets your circadian rhythm)
iPhone App Sales, Exposed
Wild Fox Project - The Wild Fox project ('Wild Fox', or Wx for short), is a project aimed at releasing builds of Firefox which include features the Firefox builds do not include, including AVC (h.264) support with HTML 5 video.
Washington Times - Inside the Ring - The recent crash of a Polish military transport that killed most of Warsaw's senior civilian and military leaders - Perhaps the most significant compromise, according to a NATO intelligence source, is that the Russians are suspected of obtaining ultrasecret codes used by NATO militaries for secure satellite communications.
President Nicolas Sarkozy 'threatened to pull France out of euro' - Telegraph - slammed his fist on the table and threatened to pull France out of the euro
Turkish Opposition Asks Court to Reject Changes - NYTimes.com the proposed changes were meant to further democratize Turkey and bring its Constitution in line with European norms, to help it pursue full European Union membership (just in time)
Palestinian Youth Shot Dead in West Bank - NYTimes.com
Afghans Protest Deadly U.S. Raid - NYTimes.com A night raid by American troops in the eastern province of Nangarhar left at least 10 Afghans dead, and within hours, on Friday morning, protests by their relatives and friends turned violent, killing at least one other per
Church Crisis Shakes Faith of German Town - NYTimes.com
Political Affairs Magazine - Pedophiles and Popes: Doing the Vatican Shuffle
Militants kidnap about 60 in Pakistan tribal area
Salazar: Latest effort to stop Gulf oil leak hits snag | al.com ("snag" = total failure)
Obama Attacks Finger-Pointing by Firms Involved in Oil Spill - NYTimes.com
New Orleanians Report Odd Smells, and Think of the Gulf - NYTimes.com
Deepwater Horizon - Transocean Oil Rig Fire (Schlumbeger rumor)
Bryant: Speech not meant to calm tourists, not deny oil smell | gulflive.com (come on down, we swim in gasoline all the time)
BBC News - BP chief backs oil drilling in wake of US disaster
Rig owner holds closed-door meeting in Switzerland - Yahoo! News
Oily shrimp force new fishing closures Terrebonne Parish; two oyster harvesting areas reopened in St. Bernard Parish | NOLA.com expanding fishing closures in lower Terrebonne Parish due to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill ... a report of oil-covered shrimp was verified. (choclate milk, a little sheen, we cook them in oil anyway)
Why Libertarianism Doesn’t Work, Part N - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com
What We Know About Now-Confirmed 'Black Site' Prison at Bagram | The Atlantic Wire (Obama signed order banning torture in some cases)
President Obama Must Investigate Reports of Detainee Abuse at Bagram Air Base
ICRC Confirms Existence of Second Secret Prison at Bagram, BBC Reports Torture | The Seminal The shine is off this new president, and underneath it all we can discern the same old game of lies covering for crimes
Proposal Would Delay Hearings in Terror Cases - NYTimes.com (Obama: you don't have a right to a lawyer, either)
New target of rights erosions: U.S. citizens - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
You can’t have your cake and bomb it, II « The Poor Man Institute - If you want to stop people – including Presidents – from making the decisions that people and Presidents have always made during wartime, you have to make it not wartime.
Tea Party-Backed Repeal Of The 17th Amendment Gets Republicans Into Trouble | TPMDC (teabaggers want to take voting rights away from voters)
Think Progress » NRA Members Disagree With NRA Leadership: Those On Terrorist Watch List Should Not Be Able To Buy Firearms the NRA strongly objects to closing the “terror gap,” calling legislation dealing with the issue “21st Century McCarthyism.” (NRA: terrorists not terrorists when they are buying American guns)
Michael Gerson - The GOP's harsh immigration stance will cost it Consider that Hispanics make up 40 percent of the K-12 students in Arizona, 44 percent in Texas, 47 percent in California, 54 percent in New Mexico
Ezra Klein - About that $115 billion ... (McMegan McAddled is wrong again)
video: Jesus Hates Socialism, Obama | Mother Jones Meet the new religious right, same as the old religious right
Secretive Speed Traders In Spotlight After Flash Crash On Wall Street These quick-buck firms barely existed a few years ago but now account for two-thirds of all U.S. stock trading.
Kansas Mutual Fund Is Linked to Market’s Plunge - NYTimes.com
Schwarzenegger Calls for Deep Cuts - NYTimes.com (Cali-terminated)
Study Pokes Holes in Air Bag Standards - NYTimes.com New research into front air bags in automobiles is raising troubling questions about their effectiveness for drivers wearing seat belts.
Probing the link between slaughterhouses and violent crime - thestar.com
Viktor Frankl: Why to believe in others | Video on TED.com
Article | First Things I think I am very close to concluding that this whole “New Atheism” movement is only a passing fad— (more shallow thoughts from the Christians at First Things)
The Tyee – The 10 Most Harmful Novels for Aspiring Writers
Steve Jobs Offers World 'Freedom From Porn' - Apple - Gawker
Art Brodsky: The Big Lie About the FCC's Open Internet Plan (and a Dirty Little Secret)
The Enemy Within - Magazine - The Atlantic (conficker)
How To: Install Windows 7 from a USB Key! | Maximum PC
Japanese government blocks a ban on child pornography - Telegraph - with the country becoming the world's "kiddie porn superpower"
Obama's Gulf Oil Spill Response: The System Has Failed (video)
Calculations of Gulf Spill Volume Are Questioned - NYTimes.com But scientists and environmental groups are raising sharp questions about that estimate, declaring that the leak must be far larger. They also criticize BP for refusing to use well-known scientific techniques that would give a more precise figure ... could “easily be four or five times” the government estimate, (coverups, lies and incompetency)
Gulf Oil Spill May Be Far Larger Than Current Estimates
Where's The Oil? Your Government Doesn't Really Know
Tony Hayward, BP CEO: Gulf Oil Spill 'Relatively Tiny' (compared to all the water in all the oceans)
Look At All the Ocean That’s NOT Polluted! Why Must You Be So Negative??? | The Seminal
NYT: Oil Regulators Routinely Violated Environmental Laws, Muzzled Scientists | The Seminal
White House Allowed BP to Keep Video of Gushing Pipe from Public for Three Weeks | The Seminal all the while that same video played live in the White House Situation Room, ABC reports (they could have posted it on fucking youtube)
Last Seven Hours Of Data Missing From Deepwater Horizon Rig (small gap in the tape)
Oiled brown pelican found at Grand Isle Thursday | NOLA.com
Murkowski, Oil Lobby Block Effort To Make Industry Fully Pay For Spills | TPMMuckraker Sen. Lisa Murkowski blocked a bill that would have raised the maximum liability for oil companies after a spill from a paltry $75 million to $10 billion (they make $75M in about 4 hours)
Barbour Downplays Oil Spill: It's Just Like The Gasoline Sheen Around Ski Boats | TPM LiveWire (Republican idiots)
The Associated Press: Miss., La. govs contrast in responses to oil spill Mississippi's Haley Barbour, a well-connected former Washington lobbyist, has calmly said the oil slick looming offshore is just a sheen in most places and there's no reason for people to panic (idiot)
Transocean Seeks To Limit Liability For Oil Rig Blast : NPR it planned to petition a federal court in Houston to cap its overall liability from the incident at less than $27 million.
Will Salazar Let BP Wait 20 Years To Compensate Gulf Fishermen? | FDL Action (at least, plus good luck with that $75M cap)
Kenner hearing: Marshall Islands-flagged rig in Gulf oil spill was reviewed in February | NOLA.com Kenner hearing: Marshall Islands-flagged rig in Gulf oil spill was reviewed in February (why Marshall Islands? they have no regulations!)
Don Blankenship Calls Efforts On Mine Safety Regulation 'As Silly As Global Warming'
Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster: Justice Department Investigating Massey For 'Willful Criminal Activity'
Schneier on Security: Worst-Case Thinking (we're protected from terrorist babies and taking water on planes but not from giant economy-destroying oil spills)
Political Irony › Oh Yeah? (How's that hands-offy, non-regulatey thing workin' for ya?)
Obama: GOP Drove The Country Into A Ditch. 'Now They Want The Keys Back' (video) | TPM LiveWire
LRB · David Bromwich · Diary Once again, Obama is choosing to leave behind the popular base of the Democratic Party and build an ecumenical consensus which starts in his head ... To push through even one more victory on the order of healthcare, Obama will have to give up the posture of mediator that comes naturally to him. He will have to admit in his political practice that there are parties; that he is the leader of a party; that there is a worse and a better cause; that it feels like a fight because it really is a fight. This does not mean just the adoption of a new set of tactics. It will require almost the emergence of a new character (our naive Pres)
GOP Kills Science Jobs Bill By Forcing Dems To Vote For Porn | TPMDC (driving the country back into the ditch)
Tea Partiers Riding To Arizona's Rescue | TPMMuckraker (that will really work)
Pollster.com: US: Immigration (AP-Univision 5/7-12) (GOPers saying fuck you to Hispanic voters working out really well)
Olbermann: Palin An 'IDIOT' And Coward For Mocking Maddow, MSNBC (video)
Can the Daily Caller get any dumber than this? | Media Matters for America The Daily Caller posted an article accusing the president of being a hypocrite because he eats food.
NH Legislature Votes Down Attempt To Nullify Health Care Reform And Prosecute Federal Officials | TPMDC The margin was 121 in favor to 182 against (New Hampshire: still 39% insane)
Geithner Says Europe Will Manage Crisis as U.S. Keeps Growing - Bloomberg.com (never been wrong before ...)
Congress Gets It Right on Credit Rating Agencies Thanks to Senator Al Franken it appears the Senate took the obvious step to end the conflict of interest associated with issuers paying the credit rating agencies for rating their new issues.
Matthew Yglesias » Spain Deflation Sends Markets Tumbling: US policy in this regard isn’t all it could be, but it’s much better than European or Japanese policy and consequently we’re going to do much better.
National Journal Magazine - Repairing The Job Machine More jobs might be created this year than during George W. Bush's presidency (when the only jobs created were for bankers)
Jon Stewart: If We Switched To A Nut-Based Economy, Wall St. Would Say They're Squirrels (video) | TPM LiveWire
Schwarzenegger to unveil his latest budget proposal | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times Programs the governor has signaled would be targeted include in-home healthcare for the elderly and disabled, welfare and other social services (forcing elderly into expensive nursing homes and making the budget worse: great job, Republicans +who could have predicted Arnie would be an idiot)
6 simple steps to fix the financial system: full version - May. 5, 2010 (too complicated)
Wall Street lobbies against Senate measures on derivatives (with your money)
Dan Henninger: The We're-Not-Europe Party - WSJ.com The bill comes due for a life of fairness at the expense of growth - the European Union this week pledged nearly $1 trillion to inject green blood into Europe's economic vampires (WSJ blames it all on "socialism")
Subprime borrowing and innumeracy: The fear of all sums | The Economist The role of mathematics in America’s housing bust
Numeracy quiz | Diversions | Economist.com
Spinoza, Descartes and suspension of disbelief in the ivory tower of economics - Credit Writedowns
Weird Clouds Look Even Better From Space | Wired Science | Wired.com
Functional Neuroimaging of Belief, Disbelief, and Uncertainty :: Sam Harris
2010 food spending infographic: How America's biggest cities spend on food : Bundle
Colours In Cultures
Cover Versions
New York Times To Charge Online Beginning In January
The Neglected Books Page » The New Republic (1934) “Good Books That Almost Nobody Has Read” and “More About Neglected Books,” from The New Republic magazine, 1934
The Associated Press: AP IMPACT: US drug war has met none of its goals After 40 years, the United States' war on drugs has cost $1 trillion and hundreds of thousands of lives, and for what? Drug use is rampant and violence even more brutal and widespread (Republican war on black people and hippies has destroyed hemispheric stability)
Amateur sleuth unmasks male nurse 'who encouraged dozens to kill themselves online' so he could watch | Mail Online
Prosecutors Charge Former Nurse With Encouraging Suicide « jonathan turley
Car hackers can kill brakes, engine, and more Researchers have taken a look at the onboard systems of today's cars and found serious security problems
Dirty Old Women -- New York Magazine Teenage boys have always lusted after attractive teachers, but what happens when the teachers lust after the boys?
Have Sex Standing Up *
YouTube - Sex PSA Gets Real
Google Says It Mistakenly Collected Data on Web Usage - WSJ.com
BBC News - Internet approaches addressing limit In less than 18 months there will be no more big blocks of net addresses to give out, estimates suggest.
Quick Look: Mac OS X Portal Performance - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News Given that at the high-end the Mac platform is also a generation behind in hardware, and you’re looking at 2008 performance for Portal even with the best hardware you can get today for a Mac (the Jobs tax)
What WiMAX 2 promises
Microsoft Office 2010 Will Rule, Analysts Say - PCWorld
How to Quit Facebook Without Actually Quitting Facebook - Facebook - Lifehacker
Authorities search Boston-area home, gas station in NYC bomb probe - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe
With US COIN Plan Failing, bin Laden Plan to Bankrupt US Succeeding | The Seminal (+making Karzai very rich)
Arrest of 13 CIA Agents Sought in Spain—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine)
The FP Explainer: What do you learn at terrorist training camp? | Foreign Policy (smores)
UK stops selling 500 euro notes over crime fears | Reuters
The Associated Press: Muhammad cartoonist defiant after attack (Muslims deciding what can be said in Sweden)
Where's The Oil? Your Government Doesn't Really Know A new analysis of seafloor video indicates that nearly 70,000 barrels are gushing out every day, NPR reports. That is at least 10 times the U.S. Coast Guard's original estimate of the flow, and "the equivalent of one Exxon Valdez tanker every four days." (moving past worst-case scenarios but what will it take to change public opinion?)
Revelations of Multiple Deepwater Horizon Failures; Criminal Charges Coming? | FDL News Desk
Oil spill: BP had wrong diagram to close blowout preventer | McClatchy
Criminal charges likely from Gulf oil spill, legal experts say | McClatchy (not if Mary Landrieu has anything to say about it)
Disaster unfolds slowly in the Gulf of Mexico - The Big Picture - Boston.com
BP Oil Spill Underwater Video Shows Oil Gushing Like Steam From Geyser (video) (BP hides video for 23 days, pressured by Obama to release)
The banality of weasels | Firedoglake BP has come up with a new idea and is implementing it post, somewhat, in haste, pretty soon eventually (the "top-hat" plan)
50% Want More Offshore Drilling, Obama Gets Good Marks For Gulf Spill Response: AP Poll (the same 50% that wants to invade Iraq again)
The 7 Stupidest Statements Made About the BP Gulf Oil Spill | | AlterNet Environmentalists probably blew up the oil rig (courtesy of Rush Limbaugh) and other idiotic conservative ideas.
Cost & Effects of The BP Oil Spill |
Tracking the Oil Spill - Interactive Map - NYTimes.com
West Coast Senators Propose Pacific Offshore Drilling Ban | TPM LiveWire (don't want to end up like Louisiana)
Murkowski Blocks Oil Spill Liability Cap Increase | FDL News Desk - would raise the liability cap on oil spills from $75 million (no wonder BP wasn't worried +welfare states want "foreign aid" to pay for their folly)
The Tea Party Jacobins | The New York Review of Books
Doomsday for Congress' 'old bulls' - CNN.com
Hullabaloo When asked her opinion of the LA boycott of Arizona on Ed Shultz's show today, Karen Hanratty thinks LA is a foreign country (with great diagram of the lazy, good-for-nothing welfare states - cut of their "foreign aid")
Phoenix Says Immigration Law Boycott Is Causing 'Near Economic Crisis' | TPMMuckraker (now dependent on "foreign aid"
Obama Birth Certificate Law: Hawaii Can Now Ignore Repetitive Requests
Soaring Health Insurance Profits Fuel Push To Limit Rate Hikes
Daily Show: Lewis Black on Glenn Beck's 'Nazi Tourettes' | Gotcha Media
Progressives Buck Democratic Leaders On Wall Street Reform | TPMDC
Senator Kaufman Was Right – Our Financial System Has Become Dangerous « The Baseline Scenario
Ezra Klein - Galbraith: The danger posed by the deficit ‘is zero’ I think the danger is zero. It's not overstated. It's completely misstated.
Martin Feldstein on the Road to Damascus - Grasping Reality with Both Hands Allow all the Bush tax cuts to expire, he says, in a couple of years when the recovery is well-established.
Weekly Claims Edge Lower But Joblessness Still High - CNBC
Big TARP Banks Not Helping Small Businesses: Warren - CNBC (the "program designed to fail" which failed didn't help the Republican fetish: small businesses run by real Americans)
Psyches still in negative cycle - Morning Call Job losses loom large for investors, despite financial market gains
Mathematicians Solve 140-Year-Old Boltzmann Equation 7-dimensional equation
The "American Lion" is not a lion - NatGeo News Watch Panthera atrox was one of the largest true cats of all time, reaching an estimated weight of at least 351 kg (772 pounds)
Aiming to cure deafness, Stanford scientists first to create functional inner-ear cells
Think Progress » Caving To NRA, Tennessee Legislature Passes ‘Guns In Bars’ Bill (and shoot-outs in the street: their minds are in childhood westerns)
Ottawa Hills officer's trial begins, dash cam vid shown | 13abc.com
Rules 6, 7, 8 and 9 For After You've Murdered Someone - Orange County News - Navel Gazing
YouTube - Brontë Sisters Power Dolls
PhillyBurbs.com: 'Bright flight' from 'burbs (John Mullane, suburban reporter, thinks cities are full of "thugs" and "stinking winos slumped in doorways" as he defends his lifestyle against all evidence)
SubTropolis, U.S.A. - Magazine - The Atlantic
City Finds Tunnels Underneath Home
YouTube - Camp Century (1 of 4)
YouTube - Damian Aspinall's Extraordinary Gorilla Encounter on Gorilla School
HTC Sues Apple Over Patents, Demands Ban On iPhone, iPad Sales
The Price of Facebook Privacy? Start Clicking - NYTimes.com Facebook’s Privacy Policy is 5,830 words long; the United States Constitution, without any of its amendments, is a concise 4,543 words - the word count for the privacy-related FAQ adds up to more than 45,000 words.
Facebook Privacy: A Bewildering Tangle of Options - Graphic - NYTimes.com
BBC - dot.Maggie: The anti-Facebook
Well, These New Zuckerberg IMs Won't Help Facebook's Privacy Problems
Facebook Privacy Settings: How To Fix Your Profile In 2 Minutes (video)
About New York - Creating a Network Like Facebook, Only Private - NYTimes.com
Dirty UNIX Joke - NYT Facebook Rivals | Geekosystem
OneSocialWeb - Creating a free, open, and decentralized social networking platform.
When did Apple become uncool? - Yahoo! News
How to Get the Best of Both Google Docs and Microsoft Office - Microsoft Office - Lifehacker
The HTML5 Readiness Chart Highlights How Well Your Browser Handles the Future - HTML5 - Lifehacker
Adobe Responds to Apple’s Attacks on Flash with New Ad Campaign
Cameron Takes Over as British Premier After Brown Resigns - NYTimes.com
Police remove David Cameron 'wanker' poster | UK news | The Guardian
Libya Plane Crash: Afriqiyah Flight Crashes In Tripoli With 104 Aboard
Pope Issues Forceful Statement on Sexual Abuse Crisis - NYTimes.com The problem, he said, was “the sin inside the church,” and by implication not accusations from victims or the media
Tzvia Greenfield: peace activist, leftist, Israel's first female Haredi MK - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Hullabaloo: If You Can't See it, It Isn't Happening - We are a nation of cover-up artists. (media types up BP press releases, moves on)
Gulf Oil Spill: Dispersants Have Potential to Cause More Harm Than Good -- New Orleans, May 11 /PRNewswire/ --
Louisiana Considers Bill to Restrict Lawsuits - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com considering a bill to "kneecap" all university environmental-law clinics in the state, which have led the way in challenging the historically cozy relationship between state politicians and the petrochemical industry (welfare state response to disaster)
Obama Officials Seek Better Policing of Oil Industry - NYTimes.com seeking to end a decades-old relationship between industry and government that has proved highly profitable — and some say too cozy — for both (not to mention the cocaine-fueled sex orgies, see Krugman below)
Think Progress » BP makes enough profit in four days to cover the costs of the spill cleanup thus far.
White House proposes new Gulf Coast aid package in response to oil spill | al.com - that would also raise the cap on what BP PLC could have to pay in damages (drill, baby, drill states will ask rest of country to pay, baby, pay)
Whistleblower Claims That BP Was Aware Of Cheating On Blowout Preventer Tests
Arizona tourism loses more business in wake of immigration law vote (no problem, welfare state will just ask the big gov for a bailout)
LA approves Arizona boycott over immigration law
Froomkin: Kagan Under Obligation To Open Up
The Washington Monthly - Gop Reconsiders The Importance Of Empathy
Kagan appointment shows, Jews are the new WASPs
Rep. Alan Mollohan loses in West Virginia - Alex Isenstadt - Politico.com (pro-life, anti climate change Dem not conservative enough)
Stewart Hammers Conservatives For Hypocritical Obama-Bush Comparisons (video)
Hullabaloo The Democrats could have taken advantage of this structural weakness in the GOP narrative and come down hard with a populist attack on the Reagan era and particularly the Bush years, but they chose not to play the blame game and look in the rear view mirror. (Reagan ran against Carter for his first three years in office)
State budget woes grow deeper as rosy projections come up short - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee
Something for the media to note about Cantor's "YouCut" program | Media Matters for America
Matthew Yglesias » The Incredible Growing FinReg Bill
Economic Scene - In Greece, a Reflection of U.S. Debt Problems - NYTimes.com debt is projected to equal 140 percent of gross domestic product within two decades. Add in the budget troubles of state governments, and the true shortfall grows even larger. Greece’s debt, by comparison, equals about 115 percent of its G.D.P. today.
Regulators Dissect Trades, Searching for Cause of Plunge - NYTimes.com
Only $242 Million Spent So Far on Gov’t $75B Mortgage Mod Program - ProPublica (as we said a year ago, the program designed to fail totally failed)
A Mind in the Water | Orion Magazine
Doubt Is Cast on Many Reports of Food Allergies - NYTimes.com Many who think they have food allergies actually do not.
WNS Fungus: Mystery Syndrome Is Wiping Out America's Bats | TakePart Social Action Network: Important Issues, Activism, Environmental, Human Rights, Political News
GOOD.is | Drugged Culture (Raw Image)
A hole in space… no really, an actual hole! | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Your Genetic Profile, Now Available in Aisle 10: What's the Big Deal About Pathway, the New Take-Home DNA Test? - The Human Condition Blog - Newsweek.com
BBC News - Black hole 'hurled out of galaxy'
Jupiter loses a stripe - space - 11 May 2010 - New Scientist
Don't blame it on the burgers - Features, Health & Families - The Independent
Saturated fat, carbohydrate, and cardiovascular di... [Am J Clin Nutr. 2010] - PubMed result (blame it on the burgers, eat avocados instead)
Carbs against Cardio: More Evidence that Refined Carbohydrates, not Fats, Threaten the Heart: Scientific American
Saturated fat, carbohydrate, and cardiovascular disease -- Siri-Tarino et al. 91 (3): 502 -- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
The Heart Scan Blog: Glucophobia: The Novel
The Heart Scan Blog: Grazing is for cattle
The Heart Scan Blog: Atkins Diet: Common errors The diet approach advocated by the late Dr. Robert Atkins was a heck of a lot closer to an ideal diet than the knuckleheaded advice emitting from the USDA, American Heart Association, American Diabetes Association, and the Surgeon General's office.
What Are Prebiotics? | Mark's Daily Apple
YouTube - Reverse Type Two Diabetes With a Vegan Diet
Simply Raw - Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days Video by ROCCO - MySpace Video
The Hacker's Diet
Physics Diet
A Call for Access to Students' Arrest Records - Students - The Chronicle of Higher Education
UVa. wants state police to report students' prior arrests - Usatoday.com - Murphy is no longer married to George Huguely IV, the accused's father (that makes him: George V! - think about it)
Texas Officer Is Acquitted in Shooting - NYTimes.com the sergeant felt his life was in danger when he shot Robert Tolan, a 23-year-old waiter, in the driveway of the young man’s family home. The jury agreed that the shooting was justified ... Sergeant Cotton had given three versions of the shooting (it always is, especially in Texas, even when you're lying face-down in your own driveway while black )
What Have Atheists Lost? | Mother Jones the awe-inspiring catastrophe of two-thousand years of training in truthfulness that finally forbids itself the lie involved in belief in God.”
Home Depot Called "Arrogant," Must Actually Pay Inventor For Invention - The Consumerist
The Best Thing I've Read All Year - My firstborn son started suffering at the hands of the moral little thugs from your moral, upright families from the time he was in the first grade.
Young Girls Do Beyonce's 'Single Ladies' (video) (OMG)
YouTube - Electric Boogaloos Perform on TV on May-3-1980
Surviving the Age of Humiliation - WSJ.com
Megyn Kelly gives a nice demonstration in corporate censorship: She won't let Josh Silver explain how net neutrality works | Crooks and Liars
Reuters Breakingviews - Shifting Fortunes of Cellphones - NYTimes.com it’s the computing industry that is destroying the former leaders of the handset sector, namely Nokia and Motorola, whose roots lie in the wireless radio business.
Next generation iPhone unscrewed from Vietnam (update: video!) -- Engadget
A Revamped Microsoft Office, Free on the Web - NYTimes.com
Official Google Enterprise Blog: Upgrade here
Keep your charge on -- how to improve battery life on your Android phone | Android Central
BBC News - Red Cross confirms 'second jail' at Bagram, Afghanistan (Obama-approved secret torture chambers)
Kosovo Albanian mass grave found under car park in Serbia | World news | The Guardian Belgrade confirms site near Kosovan border believed to contain some 250 victims of Slobodan Milosevic's reign
Archbishop of Vienna accuses one of Pope’s closest aides of abuse cover-up - Times Online (more coverups)
BBC News - Pope pins abuse scandal on Church 'sin' (you know, sort of in general)
Pakistani air passenger caught with electronic circuits concealed in his shoes | Mail Online
Captured pirates likely dead - Evidently, they have all died,' the source was quoted as saying by Russian news agencies.
Traces of Explosive Found on Sunken S. Korean Ship - NYTimes.com
Israel Will Join Economic Group of Developed Nations - NYTimes.com
Daily Kos: Can Congress Limit 5th Amendment Rights? Once again the administration blinks in the face of the GOP's lies, much as it did on death panels, "illegals" getting insurance in the health insurance reform plan, and "tax-payer funded permanent bailouts." (calling a lie and lie would be too pre-post-partisan)
Public Policy Polling: The Politics of Oil Spills 28% of Republicans said the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico made them more likely to support drilling off the coast to an equal 28% who said it made them less likely to be supportive (Republicans: psychotic death cult? You decide)
Gulf Coast oil spill map: how big?
Blast Survivors Kept Isolated On Gulf For Hours : NPR (Coast Guard made them sign non-disclosure/no sue agreements)
Latest Gulf oil spill forecast: Edging nearer Mississippi, Alabama coastlines on Thursday | al.com (welfare states to ask for big government help)
Oil Spill Hearings In Congress: Companies Blame Each Other, Refuse Responsibility
Florida congressman on gulf oil spill: 'We've got to cap it today.' | McClatchy (welfare states waking up to the fact that they screwed themselves, now need big government bailout)
BP oil spill response hits methane ice hitch
White House Contrasts Kagan's Resume With Rehnquist's
News Analysis - Kagan Nomination Leaves Longing on the Left - NYTimes.com (4 of 5 most conservative justices ever now serving)
"Washington Intellectual Dishonesty" defined - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com Elena Kagan no longer thinks Supreme Court nominees should have to answer direct questions (flip ... wait for it ... flop)
Sessions, Hatch Distance Themselves From RNC Attack On Kagan It's a pretty lonely place right now, to be criticizing Thurgood Marshall for making one of the most obvious points in the universe (ahem, Republicans, your racism is showing)
Elena Kagan Is Not Gay | The Nation (but Andrew Sullivan is still a fucking hypocrite)
After Arizona, why are 10 states considering immigration bills? - CSMonitor.com The Arizona immigration law set off a national powder keg. But state lawmakers are not shying away from the issue – and some appear to be inspired by Arizona - Idaho, Utah, Missouri, Texas, North Carolina, Maryland, Minnesota, and Colorado
Arnold: I Was Going To Speak In Arizona, But I Thought I’d Be Deported « Alan Colmes' Liberaland
The Plum Line - Why Sestak might really pull it off Dem primary voters haven't voted for Specter for decades. Why would they start now?
Nation's suburbs show increasing diversity, Brookings report finds The idealized vision of suburbia as a homogenous landscape of prosperity built around the nuclear family took another hit over the past decade, as suburbs became home to more poor people, immigrants, minorities, senior citizens and households with no children (in WaPo's ideal world, suburbs are only white)
What Is Going On? | Talking Points Memo | Is Arlen Specter toast? (finally?)
Why is Rush Limbaugh defending slavery? | Media Matters for America (it's what he does?)
Top Strategist Advises GOP To Prolong SCOTUS Fight To Block Obama Agenda | TPMDC
Consortiumnews.com: How Rev. Moon's 'Snakes' Infested US - for 28 years, the right-wing Washington Times has sent disinformation slithering through the U.S. political system while creating a nest for propagandists who have befouled American democracy with irrationality and dirty tricks (sounds like Republicans)
alicublog: The Feast Of Unreason (CNN's elite pundit, Erik Erikson: the "great disintanglement" is not a "purge" +Erickson's "your shibboleths are crumbling around you and you grasp it not" is, in the words of one reader, "irredeemably douchey.")
Rekers Resigns From Board Of Ex-Gay Group NARTH | TPMMuckraker (gay ex-gay ex-member)
The Associated Press: Doctor: VP Joe Biden's son has mild stroke
Controversial War Memorial Cross Stolen From Mojave Desert Mountain - Local News Story - KESQ Palm Springs U.S. Supreme Court Just Ruled That It Can Stay Where It Had Stood (rendering decision moot)
Montana marijuana clinic firebombed before moratorium vote
96-0: Fed Audit Passes Senate
Senate Adopts Sanders' 'Audit The Fed' Amendment | TPMDC Though the measure was always popular, it faced extraordinary opposition from the White House, Wall Street and the Fed itself (why was Obama willing to "go apocalyptic" to stop this?)
Editorial - They Have to Do Better on Financial Reform - NYTimes.com Banks ahead, American taxpayers lagging behind. That’s the disappointing reality here after the first week of Senate action on the financial reform bill (their lies worked)
Tax bills in 2009 at lowest level since 1950 - usatoday.com (teabaggers enraged)
News Analysis - Europe’s Huge Rescue Raises Long-Term Doubts - NYTimes.com
South Korea: Samsung doesn't find satirical spoof amusing - latimes.com electronics giant's libel suit against a British columnist shows both the power of corporate conglomerates and a different view of defamation, satire and free speech
Zero tolerance ineffective in schools, MSU study finds | MSU News | Michigan State University (Republican War on Children is a failure, just like all their other wars)
New York Unveils Statewide Cancer Map - NYTimes.com
Observatory - In Fruit Flies, Gender Is Determined at the Cellular Level - NYTimes.com
Astronomers plan second look at mega star birthing grounds
DNA could be backbone of next generation logic chips
Using Laser to Map Ancient Civilization in a Matter of Days - NYTimes.com lidar will help transform Maya archaeology much in the same way that radiocarbon dating did in the 1950s and interpretations of Maya hieroglyphs did in the 1980s and ’90s.”
Video: Text 2.0 Will Blow Your Mind (Or At Least Follow Your Eyes) | Motherboard
Tea Party Turns on Roger Ebert, Mocks His Cancer (Updated) - tea party - Gawker- Caleb Howe. He blogs at Redstate.com (now famous on the internets for all eternity as a flaming asshole)
Mike Lux: How Do Christians Become Conservative? (they hate Jesus)
Essay - Theory, Literature, Hoax - NYTimes.com
The Moment You’ve Waited For - Lens Blog - NYTimes.com
Detroit Saved from Detroit by Marijuana - BlackBook
No dating, thanks, just sex - national | Stuff.co.nz young New Zealand women are regularly getting drunk and cruising around in packs looking for men to have sex with ... If the first-up sex wasn't any good women weren't prepared to waste their time progressing the relationship.
YouTube - cat stevens - Father & Son
YouTube - Yusuf Islam - Father & Son
YouTube - Cat Stevens - Moonshadow (live)
YouTube - Cat Stevens - Peace Train (live)
$200 Billion Broadband Scandal (the telcos took the money and ran)
Short Sharp Science: Global treaty may make your ISP spy on you (that would be the secret treaty Obama kept secret: he loves his spying)
Why U.S. Android Handset Sales Are Outpacing the iPhone Exclusivity on AT&T’s network limits the potential sales for Apple - "you can have any iPhone model you like right now, so long as it’s an iPhone 3G or 3GS."
New attack bypasses virtually all AV protection • The Register Bait, switch, exploit!
More Reasons Why You Should Still Quit Facebook - Facebook - Gizmodo
How Facebook Pulled a Privacy Bait and Switch - PCWorld
Pentagon Doubts Grow On McChrystal War Plan (that was fast)
Brown Announces New Talks and End of His Tenure - NYTimes.com
Gordon Brown To Resign As Labour Party Leader (video)
Alfie McKenzie, the 14-year-old who voted in the general election, tells why he did it | Politics | guardian.co.uk
U.S. Pressure Helps Militants Overseas Focus Efforts - NYTimes.com
At Least 84 Killed in Attacks Across Iraq - NYTimes.com
Mass Grave Of Kosovo Victims Found In Serbia - the bodies of 250 ethnic Albanians who were killed in Kosovo during the 1998-99 Serbian crackdown on separatists, officials said Monday
List of detainees accused of possessing Casio F91W watches - Wikipedia - in Combatant Status Review Tribunal reports and other government documents as a reason for these detainees' continued detention - "Millions and millions of people have these types of Casio watches"
BBC News - China clears murderer after 'victim' shows up alive police had forced him to drink chilli-tainted water and set off fireworks above his head in order to make him confess.
BBC News - How big is the Deepwater Horizon oil spill?
If You Think You Have a Sense of the Oil Spill's Scale - Science and Tech - The Atlantic
Track the Gulf of Mexico oil spill movement in animated graphic | NOLA.com
Gulf Spill Halliburton: Company Worked On Rig 20 Hours Before Explosion
Gulf Spill Hearing: Oil Execs Will Point Fingers At Each Other
Failures « The Poor Man Institute the US government should be making sure they have the best facilities and most attractive campus for training people how to fail six different ways at terrorizing anyone.
Elena Kagan, Supreme Court Nominee: Who Is She?
Elena Kagan Criticized 'Fundamentally Lawless' Military Tribunal System In 2005
The latest on Elena Kagan - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (captive of Goldman, basically Republican)
Joe Sestak: Pennsylvania Senate 2010 Election
Lawrence Lessig: A Case for Kagan
Myths and falsehoods about Elena Kagan's Supreme Court nomination | Media Matters for America
New Justice to Confront Evolution in Powers - NYTimes.com ("confront" = "support")
Ed Whelan smears New Yorkers in attack on Kagan | Media Matters for America Whelan is now attacking her for... not learning to drive until her late 20s (not a "real" American)
t r u t h o u t | Amy Goodman Strikes Back Against RNC Arrest, Files Lawsuit
Kentucky Next Tea Party Target After Utah
Sarah Palin: American Law Should Be 'Based On The God Of The Bible And The Ten Commandments'
Gay Sex Scandal Rocks Christian Right ... Again | | AlterNet - George Allen Rekers’ 10-day Europe vacation with a male escort
Right-wing media attack Obama over "unambiguously ... strong" jobs report | Media Matters for America
FOXNews.com - World Stocks, Euro Soar on EU's $1 Trillion Rescue
E.U. Details $957 Billion Rescue Package - NYTimes.com
EU Preps $645 Billion Fund to Fight ‘Wolfpack,’ Debt Crisis - Bloomberg.com ("reassuring the markets" doesn't work when they are all wolves)
Eurozone: The Kitchen Sink Goes In – Now It’s All About Solvency « The Baseline Scenario
Europe Financial Defense Package: Agreement Reached On Massive Preemptive Bailout
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | The Casual Lies of Goldman Sachs.
SEC investigating Moody's, sending stock price down | McClatchy
Mortgages: Walking Away - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Untitled Document The Inglehart Values Map visualizes the strong correlation of values in different cultures. Countries are clustered in a remarkably predictable way.
'Zombie' satellite runs amok in Earth's orbit - CSMonitor.com
QUT physicist corrects Oxford English Dictionary (w/ Video)
Rudy’s Blog » Blog Archive » SF and Quantum Mechanics, #1
New analysis of 40-year-old recording of Kent State shootings reveals that Ohio Guard was given an order to prepare to fire | cleveland.com - "the Ohio National Guard was commanded to kill at Kent State on May 4, 1970."
Brian Vicente on law enforcement's medical marijuana "desperation" - Denver News - The Latest Word
Screw happiness - Feminism - Salon.com Bombarded by studies about who is content and why, we forget one thing: Dissatisfaction has its own rewards (happiness pushed as criteria for being a successful woman)
Hope board stands pat on gay policy - Holland, MI - The Holland Sentinel Alumni, student groups petitioned for change (Michigan Christian tolerance)
Push for Florida bestiality law goes 'back to square one' - Florida - MiamiHerald.com (gay marriage: no; bestiality: ok w/Republicans)
The Lost Tribes of RadioShack: Tinkerers Search for New Spiritual Home | Magazine The new bosses want to turn RadioShack into a hipper, more mainstream place for “mobility” — which is what they insist on calling the cell phone market
Goat And Accordian Pic.Jpg
Exhausted Noam Chomsky Just Going To Try And Enjoy The Day For Once | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
7 Ways to Use Psychological Influence With Social Media Content | Social Media Examiner
Secret forum reveals Oz firewall backroom dealing • The Register Circumvention legal, but you can't tell anyone how
A faster Wi-Fi format aims to eliminate most wires | Technology | Los Angeles Times
MeetingWords: Realtime Collaborative Text Editing
10 Advanced Windows 7 Tips Part 2 | Windows 7 News
DocTranslator Translates Office Documents with Google and Keeps Formatting - Microsoft Office - Lifehacker
Confirmed: Apple and AT&T signed five-year iPhone exclusivity deal -- but is it still valid? -- Engadget
NPD: Android ousts iPhone OS for second place in US smartphone market -- Engadget - based on unit sales to consumers last quarter the Android operating system moved into second position at 28 percent behind RIM’s OS (36 percent) and ahead of Apple’s OS (21 percent)
"How Do I Delete My Facebook Account?" A Fast Growing Query (Image)
White House Counterterrorism Adviser Says Pakistani Taliban Behind Times Square Bomb Plot The attempt marks the first time the group has been able to launch an attack on U.S. soil
Intel officials: US missiles kill 10 in Pakistan - Yahoo! News
The economy after the election: A lamentable legacy | The Economist A lacklustre recovery could be blown off course by Europe’s woes
Raspadskaya Coal Mine Blast Kills 12, Traps 83 In Russia
How queen gets last word on UK election - CNN.com
Indian police seek spycam Swedish model - The Local
Wonk Room » Breaking: BP Effort To Use Dome To Contain Oil Disaster Fails - "Destabilization of hydrates during cementing and production in deepwater environments is a challenge to the safety and economics." (what a surprise, especially the economics part)
A New Setback in Efforts to Contain the Gulf Oil Spill - NYTimes.com
Top Kill: The Latest Idea On Stopping Oil Eruption Into Gulf | The Seminal
The Plum Line - Poll deflates "Obama's Katrina" meme
Paul Krugman - Sex and Drugs and the Spill - NYTimes.com
Castro on Spill: Corporations Unstoppable - CBS News Communist Leader Says Oil Disaster Proves Governments Are Too Weak to Prevent Large Companies From Controlling Our Destiny
No More Mister Nice Blog - Government Is Evil Until One Of Those Environmental Catastrophes Comes Along - Government is the "greatest evil of all" until a real evil pops up, an environmental disaster caused by corporate greed. Suddenly for you guys it's nanny state time (Teapublicans)
The Associated Press: Tainted nuke plant water reaches major NJ aquifer Radioactive water that leaked from the nation's oldest nuclear power plant has now reached a major underground aquifer that supplies drinking water to much of southern New Jersey, the state's environmental chief said Friday (half of NJ radioactive)
What’s It Take for Holder to Be Allowed to Do a Sunday Show? Kill Miranda! | Emptywheel
Eric Holder: Miranda Rights Should Be Modified For Terrorism Suspects (Obama caves to teaparty craziness, another 100,000 votes lost in November)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Enough About Rahm. Can We Sack Holder? I’ve completely had it with this administration’s complete obeisance to the national security state and their willingness to adopt indefensible positions (act like Bush, no Dems will vote for you)
Hullabaloo The frighting reality is that not even Dick Cheney thought of stripping Americans of their citizenship so that you could torture and imprison them forever --- even right after 9/11 when the whole country was petrified and he could have gotten away with anything.
Experts: Obama Admin Pioneering Robust Use Of Miranda Exception In Terrorism Cases (video) | TPMMuckraker
Nobody's Showing Up To Joe Lieberman's TEA Party | TPMDC - Terrorist Expatriation Act (get it?)
David Frum - Terrorists should keep their citizenship - The Week - If the goal is to expedite the interrogation and punishment of terrorists, this is precisely the wrong way to achieve it
WATCH: Pentagon Announces Banning Of Journalists From Gitmo Trials | TPMMuckraker
Op-Ed Columnist - They Don’t Report. You Don’t Have to Decide. - NYTimes.com
Senator Bob Bennett Ousted At Utah GOP Convention Bennett was under fire for voting to bail out Wall Street, co-sponsoring a bipartisan bill mandating health insurance coverage and for aggressively pursuing earmarks.
Utah Democrats Defy Steny Hoyer, Force Blue Dog Matheson Into 6/22 Primary | The Seminal (Obama's Republican team doing the same old shit)
McEntee: Right-wingers boot Bennett - Salt Lake Tribune
Howie Klein: Can Brigham Young's Great Great Gay Progressive Granddaughter Oust A Blue Dog & Win A House Seat In Utah? Bennett is one of only 16 senators with a ZERO rating on the key ProgressivePunch ranking. But-- like most Republican senators-- Bennett had gone along with George Bush's demands for the October 2008 no-strings-attached Wall Street bailout (teapartiers very confused and stupid)
Daily Kos: The Opportunity Primary This process is being repeated from coast-to-coast, where so-called mainstream or "establishment" Republicans are getting battered for their lack of commitment to the "principles" of conservatism.
Rekers Was Key Witness For McCollum In Defense Of FL Gay Adoption Ban | TPMMuckraker
Under the Influence - The 2010 TIME 100 - time (Palin, Scott Brown in, Hilary out)
Since When Is Hillary Clinton Less Influential Than Sarah Palin? - Jezebel
Fair Game - Freddie Mac’s Loss Is Ignored in Washington - NYTimes.com (taking the elephant off the reform table)
E.U. Weighs Measures to Reassure Markets - NYTimes.com ("reassure" - what are they, babies?)
Integrity Bank Executives Indicted Over Bribery - NYTimes.com (Jesus saves)
Largest scientific instrument ever built to prove Einstein's theory of general relativity - Telegraph
The little pill that could cure alcoholism | Society | The Observer When an alcoholic doctor began experimenting with Baclofen, he made what could be the medical breakthrough of the century
Girl frozen in time may hold key to ageing - Times Online American scientists are keenly studying the DNA of a 17-year-old girl who still has the body and behaviour of a baby
‘Fake Hills’ by MAD Architects | Auhana
Why Kindergarten children beat Business School graduates at finding solutions | screw work let's play
Suburbs Losing Young Whites To Cities, Brookings Institution Finds - America's suburbs are now more likely to be home to minorities, the poor and a rapidly growing older population as many younger, educated whites move to cities for jobs and shorter commutes.
Interactive: State of Metropolitan America Indicator Map - Brookings Institution - State of Metropolitan America - Brookings Institution
YouTube - James Howard Kunstler: The tragedy of suburbia
A Crude Awakening 2007
For same-sex couples, a patchwork of marriage laws - Yahoo! News
Operation Mincemeat and spycraft in World War Two : The New Yorker It was a dazzling feat of wartime espionage. But does it argue for or against spying?
YouTube - Pamelas Prayer - Trailer
YouTube - Pamela's Prayer (Christian anti-kissing propaganda)
Murder At UVA: George Huguely, Yeardley Love, And Lacrosse's Worst Case Scenario - SB Nation (Lacrosse culture in places where it cost $100,000 to go to high school)
Kristin Chenoweth Attacks Newsweek Article on Openly Gay Actors | Movieline
The Life of Game: Why I Live In Japan - tim rogers - Kotaku
MOVE: An Oral History - Philadelphia Magazine - phillymag.com
MOVE 25 years later | Philadelphia Inquirer
Obama: iPad, Xbox Turn Information Into A 'Distraction' ... "none of which I know how to work" (critical distinctions missing)
Learn 2 communic8, pls - Baltimore Sun (old guy doesn't get it)
Report: Apple developing a Flash alternative | Apple - CNET News
The Evolution of Privacy on Facebook (trending towards zero)
Facebook's Eroding Privacy Policy: A Timeline | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Decentralize the web with Diaspora — Kickstarter
Six Things You Need to Know About Facebook Connections | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Binary Intelligence: Facebook Leaks IP Addresses
PeteSearch: How I got sued by Facebook
Saving Facebook
Confusing *a* public with *the* public « BuzzMachine
Make: Online : How-to: Avoid "Facebook malware"
Group:GNU Social - LibrePlanet
21 Essential Social Media Resources You May Have Missed
Motorola Droid solves Lego-encased Rubik's Cube in 24 mind-melting seconds (video) -- Engadget
General Election 2010: Lib Dems may demand Gordon Brown's exit - Telegraph
BBC News - Searching for 'normal life' in old Baghdad At least under Saddam Hussein, Mustafa said, Iraq was the safest country on earth (mission accomplished, Republicans) w
Volcanic Ash Causes More Flight Disruptions Between Europe And North America
Whaling clash report fails to determine cause - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Nuclear Proliferation in Latin America: Is Brazil Developing the Bomb? - spiegel online - News - International
Wash. Nuns Investigated By Vatican complaints of feminism and activism (Popester working hard investigating)
Polish pop star faces two years' prison for blasphemy | Paliban Daily
Fire and Chaos at Sea - Audio & Photos - NYTimes.com
How BP Works Washington - Newsweek.com Slick Operator How British oil giant BP used all the political muscle money can buy to fend off regulators and influence investigations into corporate neglect.
Blowout preventers known to fail - like the one that failed to stop the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster have repeatedly broken down at other wells in the years since federal regulators weakened testing requirements
Bubble Of Methane Triggered Gulf Oil Rig Blast
Transocean Deepwater Horizon Explosion-A Discussion of What Actually Happened? - Drilling Ahead
Transocean Survivor Interview - Drilling Ahead
Oil stays offshore, but slick could hit Mississippi islands today | al.com
Think Progress » The BP Oil Spill’s Toll On Gulf Coast Wildlife: ‘All Bets Are Off’
Since spill, feds have given 27 waivers to oil companies in gulf | McClatchy (Obama workin' hard)
Obama's Oil Response Aggressive As Crisis Unfolded: AP (aggressively granting waivers to oil companies)
How Oil Breaks Down in Water - Deepwater Cleanup Efforts - Popularmechanics.com Nature has its own chemical processes to minimize oil's impact in seawater—can human dispersant efforts measure up?
KBR to Get No-Bid Army Work as U.S. Alleges Kickbacks - BusinessWeek $568 million through 2011
Pentagon asking Congress to hold back on generous increases in troop pay
Op-Ed Columnist - The Tea Party Tries to Outrun Race - NYTimes.com - : “About 61 percent of tea party opponents say racism has a lot to do with the movement, a view held by just 7 percent of tea party supporters.”
Right Now - Sen. Bob Bennett loses nomination battle at Utah GOP convention (not stupid enough)
Bill Maher Slams Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, George Will Over BP Oil Spill, Climate Change Denialism (video)
RedState blogger Howe mocks Roger Ebert's cancer, adds, "So f**k him" | Media Matters for America (Caleb Howe is a disgusting Republican creep)
Et tu, Mr. Destructo?: Field of Schemes II: Obama's Not a Natural-Born Man Weekly Standard or National Review a
Death Panel (it's hard to tell what's real, anymore)
Origin of Wall Street’s Plunge Continues to Elude Officials - NYTimes.com
Does the modified Audit the Fed amendment of Bernie Sanders do the job? | The Seminal
Hullabaloo Shifting Coalitions In The Sausage Casing - Ron Paul, a fake libertarian, Goldbug John Bircher, has a very different agenda than progressives on almost everything and his support for auditing the Fed is based upon different goals.
Is a Woman's MBA Worth Less? - Research - Harvard Business Review - $4,600.
The Moral Life of Babies - NYTimes.com
Neanderthal genome shines light on human evolution - CNN.com - 1 to 4 percent of the modern human genome of non-Africans can be traced back to the Neanderthal
New Flying Reptile Discovered; Soared Over Dallas
Lose weight fast to get lasting results: study | Reuters Want to lose weight and keep it off? The best way to do it is to drop the pounds quickly, not slowly, according to new research.
Weight Loss - How to Lose Weight - Exercise for Weight Loss - Weight Loss Programs
YouTube - Requiem for Detroit Part 1
Lies, damned lies and statistics (about TEDTalks) | Video on TED.com
"I was a middle-aged virgin" - Sex News, Sex Talk - Salon.com Roger is 49 years old and has only had intercourse once -- with a surrogate. He's not alone.
It's Time to End the Epidemic of Prisoner Rape | RHRealityCheck.org
John Shore: Ten Ways Christians Tend to Fail at Being Christian
Jim's Pancakes
25 (More!) Unique Book Shelving & Storage Solutions | Design + Ideas on WU
Conscientious Extended | Photography, Copyright, Plagiarism, and the Internet
Dissimulation Disco: I am a one-man conspiracy, apparently
Let's Not Chew This One Up and Spit Him Out | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper
This column will change your life: Are you an Asker or a Guesser? | Life and style | The Guardian
If You’re One of America’s Greatest Anti-Gay Crusaders, Does a Little Trip to Spain With a Rent Boy Really Make You Gay? | ChristWire (what do you think?)
My Teenager Is Innocent... | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper A new study reveals that parents of teens believe that all adolescents are sexual with the exception of their own children.
SnapScouts - Crowd Sourcing Crime Prevention (spy on your neighbors!)
SnapScouts might not be real, but the privacy implications are really scary
The Tell-All Generation Learns When Not To, at Least Online - NYTimes.com
Much ado about privacy on Facebook (I wish Facebook were MORE open!!!) — Scobleizer
ACTA and the Overblown Threat of Piracy | The Seminal (Obama loves big content)
Total victory for open source software in a patent lawsuit | opensource.com
FCC's Third Way: What You Need to Know | Lance Ulanoff | PCMag.com It's not called the "Federal Content Commission,"
Facebook’s Gone Rogue; It’s Time for an Open Alternative | Epicenter | Wired.com
louisgray.com: Why I am Using Google Buzz as An Alternative to Facebook
New hard drive write method packs in one terabyte per inch
How An Unfixed Internet Glitch Could Strand You Offline
How To: Jailbreak Any iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad - How to jailbreak - Gizmodo
Tor Browser Bundle
Reuters.com - Israel won't move on U.N. call for nuclear-free zone (what nukes?)
Israel Ready For Deal On Palestinian State, Peres Says
British Election 2010: Hung Parliament
Right Now - Mark Penn's tragically timed case of Cleggmania
Beyond Times Square: Pakistani Terrorism Targets U.S. - time (no one could have predicted)
Giant Container Lowered Into Oil-Fouled Gulf : NPR
Obama Administration Demands Amnesia From Reporters Covering Gitmo (worse than the old Bush)
Gulf Oil Rig Disaster And Mine Explosion Highlight Weak Safety Regulations
Since spill, feds have given 27 waivers to oil companies in gulf | McClatchy exemptions from doing in-depth environmental studies of oil exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico.
Fake Science, How Do We Get Oil?
Senate Polls: Sestak Gains on Specter, Lincoln Still Leads - The Eye (CQ Politics)
Utah Senate 2010: Bob Bennett will become the first incumbent Senator to lose his party's nomination in six decades.
Cantor's GOP Ideas Factory Declared Dead A Year After It Launched (video) | TPMMuckraker - the group is now dead one year after it launched to what, in hindsight, appears to be excessive media coverage of an entity that hadn't actually done anything (they always get "excessive media coverage" but they couldn't think of any ideas)
Arizona Explained By Crayola (picture)
Studies in Crap: '30s Texas history textbook on lazy Indians, idle Negroes and awesome white folks! - Kansas City News - Plog
Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization: U6: 17.1
Wall Street Ends a Down Week on a Sour Note - NYTimes.com
Obama says authorities probe cause of stock swoon | Reuters
Stock plunge raises alarm on algo trading | Reuters
Robert Reich: The (Almost) Crash of Wall Street
Comparing This Recession to Previous Ones: Job Changes - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com (the elites don't care)
Matthew Yglesias » The ECB’s Bad Reputation
Doctors defend genital "nick" for girls - Violence Against Women - Salon.com The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests the ritual to prevent extreme "female genital cutting"
50th Anniversary of the Pill: Love, Sex, Freedom and Paradox - Time
Quantum Honeybees | Animal Intelligence | DIscover Magazine How could bees of little brain come up with anything as complex as a dance language? The answer could lie not in biology but in six-dimensional math and the bizarre world of quantum mechanics - . If Shipman’s hunch is correct and bees are able to touch the quantum world of quarks without breaking it, not only would it shake up the field of biology, but physicists would be forced to reinterpret quantum mechanics as well.
Endometrial stem cells could repair brain cells damaged by Parkinson's disease
The Braille crisis - Arts & Culture - Macleans.ca In an audio-book era, do blind children still need to learn to read?
Are These Kids Terrorists? - AOL Travel News Those incidents happened despite the Transportation Security Administrations' assertions that there are no children on the Selectee Watch List or its more serious companion, the No Fly List,
A Manifesto for Radical Masculinity | CarnalNation
YouTube - Chinese Military Shovel WJQ-308 (HQ + Full length)
Entire Dog Lost, Delta Offers $200 Credit - The Consumerist
Sally Go 'Round the Roses | YouTube - The Jaynettes-Sally Go 'Round in Roses
FCC Turns Up the Heat in Battle for Net Neutrality
Internet Filters Approved By Washington Supreme Court Public libraries' refusal to disable content-blocking Internet filters for adult patrons does not run afoul of the state constitution
Zoe Williams, Facebook Hacker, Jailed After Falsely Accusing Boyfriend Of Rape
St. Louis Sex Blogger Loses Day Job Thanks to Twitter, Topsy
Apple Slammed With Nokia Lawsuit Alleging iPad, iPhone Violated 5 Patents
When 4Chan Gamed the Time 100 - Video - Time.com
What Happens When You Deactivate Your Facebook Account
New Riots Erupt In Greece (photos, video)
BBC News - Greek parliament set to vote on austerity measures
3 Dead in Greece Riots; Will Protests Threaten Reform? - Yahoo! News
The dog that hasn’t missed a single riot for years » This Blog Rules | Why go elsewhere?
Riot-Dog | Facebook
The Year of the Drone | NewAmerica.net (at least 32% civilians)
BBC News - Ghost estates testify to Irish boom and bust (1 in 5 Irish homes empty)
The Copenhagen Protocol: How China and India Sabotaged the UN Climate Summit - spiegel online - News - International
Gulf Oil Spill: BP CEO Tony Hayward Says The Leak Will Be Stopped Someday
Gulf Oil Spill (photos): The Most Outrageous Reactions (God's fault, etc)
Toxic Oil Dispersant Used in Gulf Despite Better Alternative | Wired Science | Wired.com
Greg Palast » Slick Operator: The BP I’ve known too well
Evidence Mounts for Taliban Role in Car Bomb Plot - NYTimes.com
Faisal Shahzad Did Dry Run Of Failed Times Square Car Bombing, Official Says
GOP about to go online with 'Commitment to America' - CNN.com (sound familiar? committment to wreck America even more than they did last time)
Collins and Kristof « Marion in Savannah Yes, if you are on the terrorist watch list, the authorities can keep you from getting on a plane but not from purchasing an AK-47. This makes sense to Congress because, as Graham accurately pointed out, “when the founders sat down and wrote the Constitution, they didn’t consider flying.” (that makes so much sense)
Republican Voter Enthusiasm Advantage Halved In Past Month: Gallup (teapartiers leaving the teaparty)
Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees | NBC Bay Area Freedom of expression or cultural disrespect on Cinco de Mayo?
After The Virginia State Seal Coverup, We Look At Other NSFW State Seals. : NPR (things that drive Republicans even crazier)
Stocks plunge as trading glitch suspected - Yahoo! Finance
Citigroup TRADING ERROR, Wrong Price For P&G Stock Said To Have Fueled Stock Plunge
Fed Audit Amendment Deal Struck In Senate though with modifications, the details of which are crucial to the weight of the audit.
Ezra Klein - Democrats, Republicans just can't quit Wall Street money
One Salient Oversight: Random Thoughts on the irony of Minarchism Just how limited should "limited government" be?
Economist's View: FRBSF Economic Letter: Is the “Invisible Hand” Still Relevant?
Economist's View: "The Economic Rewards of Virtue"
On Goldman, et al.: It’s the Compensation, Stupid
New Ad: The Big Banks Back Reform, So Let's Kill The Bill (video) | TPMMuckraker
Robert Reich (Swiftboating Finance Reform)
Fabrice Tourre: Gaining Cred on Wall Street - Newsweek.com The Goldman Sachs employee at the center of an SEC investigation may have been denounced in Senate hearings, but he's being lauded on Wall Street. What gives?
Linux Versus E. coli | The Loom | Discover Magazine
Comparing genomes to computer operating systems in terms of the topology and evolution of their regulatory control networks — PNAS
New insights into the mystery of natural HIV immunity: Findings may have implications for designing effective AIDS vaccine
Daniel Okrent - The Barnes & Noble Review - History of Prohibition)
YouTube - David Foster Wallace interview 2003 part 1 of 10
Video Released of Columbia Cops Shooting "Aggressive" Dogs in Marijuana Raid - St. Louis News - Daily RFT
Dog Gone Shame: Woman Says Cop Shot Her Beloved Pet for No Reason - St. Louis News - Daily RFT
Video of SWAT Raid on Missouri Family - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine
4.5 SWAT Raids Per Day - Reason Magazine Over the last six months of 2009, SWAT teams were deployed 804 times in the state of Maryland, or about 4.5 times per day.
Women of Paris Will Soon Be Able to Legally Wear Pants « TheGloss
Brooklyn's 81st Precinct probed by NYPD for fudging stats; felonies allegedly marked as misdemeanors
Bulletproof of Mind Mapping: Overview, Benefits, Tips and Tools | AEXT.NET MAGAZINE
Federated Storage: What the Hell? « Wikibon Blog
Reddit goes into “read-only” mode; Digg quality crumbles as a result
Skype to unveil group video chat function
Why Intel Will Be a Mobile Loser
Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh) « Socialnomics – Social Media Blog
10+ Tricks To Try With The Google Android Operating System
After reading 92 pages of the iTunes TOS, I was able to, with a clear conscious, continue downloading my app. #fb on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
First IDN ccTLDs now available
World’s most expensive Expo opens in Shanghai | Letitflow.com (2x Beijing Olympics)
What Led Up to the Arrest of a Bombing Suspect - NYTimes.com - Smoking Car to an Arrest in 53 Hours
Airlines required to check no-fly list more often Faisal Shahzad, who prosecutors say tried to blow up an SUV in Times Square Saturday evening, was added to the no-fly list early Monday afternoon, only hours before he boarded an Emirates flight bound to Dubai
Faisal Shahzad's Motive Remains A Mystery
Times Square bombing suspect's life had unraveled - Yahoo! News
Think Progress » Media Ignore The Fact That Man Who Alerted Police To Failed Times Square Bombing Is A Muslim Immigrant (deseleted fact)
BBC News - Gulf oil spill: first leak capped, says BP
Op-Ed Columnist - No Fooling Mother Nature - NYTimes.com (will Obama enact a gas tax? no)
Obama biggest recipient of BP cash - Erika Lovley - politico.com
cab drollery the sudden postural shift of the "small government" Southern politicians facing the Gulf oil spill and what it means to their states and their citizens - In states that voted strongly Republican, people received an average of $1.50 back from the federal government for every dollar they paid in federal taxes ... In Mississippi, it's $2.02. ... In strongly Democratic states, people got back just 86 cents on the tax dollar (welfare queens)
Arizona Immigration Lawsuits: Tucson, Flagstaff City Councils Vote To Sue
Phoenix Suns' Steve Nash Says On ESPN Viva "Los Suns" | Video Cafe
The Plum Line - Here's how Joe Lieberman's citizenship-stripping bill would work (the Israelification of America)
The Plum Line - Schumer comes out against Lieberman's citizenship-stripping plan (they keep pushing for their totalitarian state)
Lieberman's Citizenship-Revoking Law Slammed As 'Draconian' (once again, thank you Connecticut for the Lieberputz)
David Obey Retiring: Powerful House Appropriations Committee Chairman Won't Seek Re-Election In Wisconsin dealing Democrats defending their majority another blow in an election season of voter discontent.
Christian right leader George Rekers takes vacation with "rent boy" - Miami New Times (didn't know "rentboy" was "male prostitute," thought it was for baggage handlers)
Why does Breitbart hate Tea Partiers? | Media Matters for America | And when will he apologize?
Bloomberg 'Terror Gap' Argument Shot Down By Pro-Gun GOP Senators GOP Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lindsay Graham of South Carolina wouldn't go along (Republicans: terrorist have rights to guns too! At least until we take their citizenship away)
Galbraith, Baker & Auerbach: White House Should “Reconsider Apocalyptic Opposition” to Audit the Fed | FDL Action (once again, what's he hiding?)
Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS Bill Moyers sits down with veteran regulator William K. Black, who says Wall Street is already been breaking current rules.
Is Goldman Sachs simply a gambling operation? Does it do anything that helps America? - By Eliot Spitzer - Slate Magazine Do investment banks do anything that helps America anymore?
Politics -- The Feds vs. Goldman -- RollingStone.com
Confessions Of A Wall St. Nihilist: Forget About Goldman Sachs, Our Entire Economy Is Built On Fraud - By Mark Ames - The eXiled
The Capitol Fax Blog » Pay to play taken to an entirely new level (signs of things to come)
FRONTLINE: college, inc. | PBS - Investigating how Wall Street and a new breed of for-profit universities are transforming the way we think about college in America... (the Republican approach to education: profit!)
Current-fund expenditures and educational and general expenditures of degree-granting institutions, by purpose and per student: Selected years, 1929-30 through 1995-96 (2/3 of tuition goes to "administration")
Keep California's Promise » Soon every faculty member will have a personal senior manager: Is this a good way to spend money?
The New Poor - For-Profit Schools Cashing In on Recession and Federal Aid - NYTimes.com
Marine Can’t Recall His Lessons at For-Profit College - Bloomberg.com
The Subprime Student Loan Racket - Stephen Burd
"Born Schizophrenic": Q & A with Michael and Susan Schofield
We Need a General Theory of Individuality - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education a general scientific theory of individual differences.
Sleeping for less than six hours may cause early death, study finds | Society | guardian.co.uk
Medieval African Found Buried in England : Discovery News How did this man manage to journey from Tunisia to Ipswich, England, during the 13th century?
First Genetic Evidence Of Long-lived African Presence Within Britain
NASA team cites new evidence that meteorites from Mars contain ancient fossils
The effects of 118 years of industrial fishing on UK bottom trawl fisheries : Nature Communications : Nature Publishing Group LPUP reduced by 94%—17-fold—over the past 118 years. This implies an extraordinary decline in the availability of bottom-living fish and a profound reorganization of seabed ecosystems since the nineteenth century industrialization of fishing.
Scientists Explain Why Computers Crash But We Don't - “It is a commonplace metaphor that the genome is the operating system of a living organism. We wanted to see if the analogy actually holds up,” (not)
Capitol Weekly: Hundreds reportedly received unsolicited copies of Poizner memoir
Steve Poizner's Wild Ride to Number Five | This American Life
48 Hours, 1,000s of Contributors, 1 Magazine - Magazines - Gizmodo
Teens and Their Mobile Phones / Flowtown (@flowtown)
The Kinktrepreneurs by Dan Savage - Features - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper
YouTube - guggs222's Channel: Best Martial Arts Fight Scenes
The Internet is Eroding Journalistic Credibility - First Draft
Video: Major Facebook security hole lets you view your friends’ live chats
Cupidtino: Apple fanboys and fangirls unite on dating site - Crave at CNET UK
Volcanic Ash Cloud Grounds Flights in Ireland - NYTimes.com
Letter - Attacks on the Church - An Anti-Catholic Agenda? - NYTimes.com - Alphonse D'Amato: "As a Catholic, I am appalled at the now-daily assaults by the liberal media against the church."
Settlers torch West Bank mosque | Herald Sun
Denmark parliament approves equal adoption rights - from Pink News - all the latest gay news from the gay community - Pink News
News Analysis - Gulf Oil Spill Is Bad, but How Bad? - NYTimes.com
On Defensive, BP Readies Dome to Contain Spill - NYTimes.com
Gulf Oil Spill: Government Regulator Downplayed Environmental Impact Of Spill (Bush oil-friendly "regulators" - "blowouts are rare events and of short duration, potential impacts to marine water quality are not expected to be significant."
NOAA Warned Interior It Was Underestimating Threat Of Serious Spill (oil-friendly Obama's Interior Dept believed BP's lies)
What the Heck is BP Putting in the Gulf? | Mother Jones BP has bought up more than a third of the world's supply of dispersants (remember, no one could have predicted)
Nuke that slick - Julia Ioffe - The Moscow Diaries - True/Slant
Rick Perry Blames God For Gulf Oil Spill - Houston News - Hair Balls (advises sueing God, not the oil industry)
Upper Big Branch Disaster: Concern About Intimidation By Massey Prompts Mine Safety Investigators To Solicit Anonymous Tips
U.S. Arrests S.U.V. Owner in Times Square Case - NYTimes.com
Failed Bomb Could Leave Trove of Clues - NYTimes.com - “He was trying to cover his tracks, but he left more clues than a guy walking into a bank to rob it without a mask. This guy left everything here but his wallet.”
Bomb suspect lost home to foreclosure - Security- msnbc.com Chase sued him in September after he defaulted on $200,000 loan
How Faisal Shahzad Was Caught: AUDIO From Emirates Airlines Flight
Faisal Shahzad Arrest: Lieberman Proposes Taking Away Citizenship Of Suspected Terrorists Lieberman's bill would amend current law that revokes the citizenship of any American who joins a foreign military. The law exempts those who fight for Israel.
Rep. Peter King links 'South Park,' car bomb - Seung Min Kim - politico.com
Obama's criticisms of the Warren and Burger courts - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com President Obama's fairly stunning disparagement of the Warren and Burger Courts (expressed on the eve of naming Justice Stevens' replacement), as he echoed the classic, decades-old, right-wing claim that those courts were guilty of the "error" of "judicial activism."
Justices Agree on Detainee Death Case - NYTimes.com A man who received what the government concedes was negligent medical treatment while held by immigration authorities may not sue the personnel who failed to treat him, the Supreme Court ruled Monday in a unanimous decision (rules: no one responsible; they but off his penis and then gave him ibuprophin)
Step Away From the Courthouse Doors - NYTimes.com “no other Supreme Court in the world — including those, such as Israel’s, that face security concerns equal to or greater than ours — has closed its main entrance to the public.”
Favoritism Case Against Ex-Housing Official Is Dropped - NYTimes.com over allegations that he improperly steered federal contracts to friends (Bush-friendly DOJ says no accountability)
Today in evangelicals and gays - Religion - Salon.com
Is Every Right-Wing, Anti-Gay Christian Bigot Sucking Off Rent Boys? | Slog | The Stranger (yes)
Bank Bailouts: Goldman's Debt to Society - CEPR
Is Your Boss Younger
Rapid analysis of DNA damage now possible
Fetuses armed to fight viruses long before birth - health - 04 May 2010 - New Scientist
The Talents of a Middle-Aged Brain - Well Blog - NYTimes.com
U.S. Farmers Cope With Roundup-Resistant Weeds - NYTimes.com
National Journal Magazine - Do 'Family Values' Weaken Families? If you want to find stable two-parent families, bypass Palin country and go to Pelosi territory (red states: families form adults; blue states: adults for families) (Massachusetts has lowest divorce rate)
Web cam report blasts Lower Merion school district | Philadelphia Inquirer | 05/04/2010
Bored Florida State Senator caught viewing porn on Senate floor - Michael Roston - Newsbroke - True/Slant he claimed that he “was just sitting there, bored as they were debating the abortion bill.”
RIAA Can Unmask Anonymous File Sharers, U.S. Court Rules
Color Survey Results « xkcd
World Wide Words: The Colour of Words
Colour Words
Seeing the blues : Nature News Having different words for light and dark blue may change how you see them.
Do we all mean the same thing when we talk about colors? : Cognitive Daily
Are There Non-Trivial Constraints On Colour Categorization?
colornames: test your color perception
Categorical perception of color is lateralized to the right hemisphere in infants, but to the left hemisphere in adults — PNAS
Pelosi: Bush Admin Barred Officials From Briefing Congress On Impending Financial Crisis in Fall 2008 | TPMDC
The Day the S.E.C. Changed the Game - The New York Times
Greenspan Wanted Housing-Bubble Dissent Kept Secret
Greece Obtains Bailout, but Doubts for Region Persist - NYTimes.com
Video Shows U.S. Attack Did Not Kill Top Militant - NYTimes.com Hakimullah Mehsud, the leader of the Pakistani Taliban reported killed in an American drone strike four months ago, was shown alive and well in an Internet video posting
Islamist Insurgents Seize a Pirate Base in Somalia - NYTimes.com
BBC News - Details of Gaza blockade revealed in court case more detail than ever before about how and why Israel maintains its Gaza blockade - damage national security and harm foreign relations" (or, because we're a failed racist state with Bush-like excuses)
Christian preacher arrested for saying homosexuality is a sin - Telegraph A Christian street preacher was arrested and locked in a cell for telling a passer-by that homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of God (no free speech in the UK, but no Fred Phelps, either)
Abuse Case Offers a Look Into Vatican Politics - NYTimes.com (Pope Coverup)
Krugman - Oil Drilling, Disaster and Denial - NYTimes.com
Officials consider high-risk options to cap well in Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster | al.com
BP told to stop circulating settlement agreements with coastal Alabamians | al.com (backup plan: buy off affected residents cheaply)
Think Progress » Hume Acknowledges Oil Spill Disaster ‘Verifies’ The Concern Of Environmentalists (Fox viewers' heads explode)
Taylor expects spill to break up naturally - Oil Spill - SunHerald.com - U.S. Rep. Gene Taylor ("chocolate milk")
Oil Spill TRIPLED In Size In 3 Days (the chocolate milk is spreading)
The Associated Press: Ala. gov.: booms breaking down due to bad weather
Exxon Valdez Victims Give Gulf Region Oil Spill Advice, Describe Shocking Human Toll Of Disaster
Gov. Schwarzenegger Withdraws Support For Offshore Drilling Project In CA After BP Oil Debacle | FDL News Desk
Governor Ditches T-Ridge | Capital Notes -- From KQED's John Myers
Michael Brown: Obama Wanted The Oil Spill To Happen (video) | TPM LiveWire (and probably caused it with his amazing mental powers)
TwCGK.jpg - massive air-spill reported at wind-farm (Republicans call for regulation of wind)
Obama declares emergency as Mass. authorities test water - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe
Maher: Racists are more likely to be Republicans | Video Cafe - "That's a whole other round table conversation," Tapper said as he quickly changed the subject. (you don't say)
Coakley targeted by 'Twitter bomb' - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe - Boston.com A conservative group in Iowa was behind a viral attack on Coakley during her senate race against Scott Brown (outside influences)
Tulsa World: Judge to halt Oklahoma abortion law
Reuters Breakingviews - Big Banks, Systemic Risk and Global Change - NYTimes.com
Some Professors Call Financial Bill Premature - NYTimes.com
Science group: Climate science 'witch hunt' underway in Virginia - Usatoday.com (Republican war on science and boobs)
Cuccinelli is using the law to pursue a vendetta : Pharyngula
Virginia Politics Blog - After breast controversy, Cuccinelli ditches new staffer lapel pins
Re the VA AG's War on Science: Should Grant Reviewers Consider This? : Mike the Mad Biologist
SPACE.com -- Two Black Holes Found Hard to Kill
Rest in Peas: The Unrecognized Death of Speech Recognition - robertfortner's posterous
Church Counsels Women Addicted to Pornography - NYTimes.com - 200,000 to 250,000 unique visitors now view XXX Church’s site each month
Male Mannequins Being Made Skinnier And Skinnier
Bill Moyer's last Journal - Barry Lopez joins Bill Moyers to discuss nature, spirit and the human condition
How to save the Rose Kennedy Greenway from emptiness and disconnection - The Boston Globe ("placeless desert" - the zone of nothing is a failure)
24-Hours At Walmart: A Time-Lapse Video (video)
Couple Arrested For Asking For Directions - Baltimore News Story - WBAL Baltimore Baltimore City police arrested a Virginia couple over the weekend after they asked an officer for directions.
1854, the blog of the British Journal of Photography Agence France Presse filed a complaint in the United States District Court Southern District of New York against Haiti-based photographer Daniel Morel. Agence France Presse claims Morel engaged in an “antagonistic assertion of rights” after the photographer objected to the use by AFP of images he posted online of the Haitian earthquake of 12 January (they stole his stuff and sued because he protested)
When Life Gives You Pirates, Make Pirate Juice
Some Space to Think: How to Pay Writers When You're Broke
Pay The Writer: eHow? « Needle: A Magazine of Noir
CMAP #2: How Books Are Made - Charlie's Diary
Is the iPad leading to e-book piracy? - Yahoo! News (not really, they never of the "Usenet")
Wharton School New York Event Tackles the Future of Publishing
The golden age of movie critics - Roger Ebert's Journal
After the Deadline - Spell, Style, and Grammar Checker for WordPress, Firefox, TinyMCE, jQuery, and CKEditor
Lower Merion report rips “overzealous” Web cam use | Philadelphia Inquirer | 050310 "Our investigation leaves unresolved questions that raise serious questions about why so many images were captured without apparent regard for privacy considerations," the report said.
Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook - Facebook - Gizmodo
EU, IMF agree $147 billion bailout for Greece | Reuters
Rising Tory star Philippa Stroud ran prayer sessions to 'cure' gay people | Politics | The Observer Conservative high-flyer Philippa Stroud founded a church that tried to 'cure' homosexuals by driving out their 'demons (LOLTories)
Unconditional support for Israel 'is dangerous', say leading European Jews | World news | The Guardian Anti-settlement petition signed by Bernard Henri-Lévy and others causes division in Jewish community - More than 3,000 European Jews, including prominent intellectuals, have signed a petition speaking out against Israeli settlement policies and warning that systematic support for the Israeli government is dangerous.
Oil spill disaster ‘out of control’ - Times Online
Gulf fishing closed as oil spreads - Environment- msnbc.com BP: First temporary dome should be ready in 8-10 days
Ken Salazar Calls Gulf Coast Disaster A 'Grave Scenario' And 'Very Catastrophic' (video)
Gulf of Mexico - BP Oil Spill - British Petroleum - thedailygreen.com surprising statistics from the BP oil spill.
Oil hits Louisiana coast, could reach Florida by Sunday - St. Petersburg Times "The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there," Limbaugh said. "It's natural. It's as natural as the ocean water is."
Quote of the Day: Rush Limbaugh - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com "What better way to head off more oil drilling, nuclear plants, than by blowing up a rig? I'm just noting the timing here." (it's how they think, and what they do)
Oil leak: 'America's Chernobyl' | hattiesburgamerican.com
Halliburton in spotlight in gulf spill probe - Los Angeles Times Investigators look at the company’s role in cementing the deepwater drill hole in the Gulf of Mexico. Transocean and BP also face questioning (Cheney destroys Gulf of Mexico)
Transocean Survivor Interview - Drilling Ahead
Transocean Deepwater Horizon Explosion-A Discussion of What Actually Happened? - Drilling Ahead
The Oil Drum | Tech Talk: Revisiting Oil Well Pressures and Blowout Preventers after BP's Oil Spill
Leaking Oil Well Lacked Safeguard Device - WSJ.com (required by other countries but not regulaton-free America)
Oil spill is only the latest crisis media have dubbed "Obama's Katrina" | Media Matters for America
It’s Time for Republicans to Apply the “One Percent Doctrine” to Offshore Drilling | Firedoglake - Dick Cheney: "Even if there’s just a 1 percent chance of the unimaginable coming due, act as if it is a certainty."
FORA.tv - Logan Symposium: The New Initiatives (Wikileaks)
Times Square Bomb Investigation [UPDATE: 'It Appears To Be A Car Bomb,' Police Say]
Workers repairing water pipe; Boil order still in effect for 2 million - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe
The Comedian In Chief: Barack Obama At The White House Correspondents Dinner | Prose Before Hos
Are Tea Partiers Racist? - Newsweek.com A new study shows that the movement's supporters are more likely to be racially resentful (could be why they are all old, white, Republicans)
Driven to Destruction – The Rise and Fall of American Individualism | The Seminal (the McMansion/SUV culture)
What our immigration laws have in common with our drug laws: Rooted in white xenophobia, both needlessly criminalize people | Crooks and Liars (white Repubican paranoid policies)
Why Conservatives Should Beware of the Tea Party | FrumForum
Fair Game - At G.M., Repaying Taxpayers With Their Own Cash - NYTimes.com d a government-enabled “TARP money shuffle.
Colony Collapse Disorder Census 2010 - Colony Collapse Disorder Bee Losses - thedailygreen.com
Fears for crops as shock figures from America show scale of bee catastrophe | Environment | The Observer The world may be on the brink of biological disaster after news that a third of US bee colonies did not survive the winter
Grizzlies, polar bears interbreeding, DNA test shows - thestar.com
Laser creates clouds over Germany - tech - 02 May 2010 - New Scientist
For High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Sweet Talk Gets Harder - NYTimes.com
Coordinated Punishment Leads to Increased Cooperation in Large Groups
People of class drink alcohol | Gene Expression | Discover Magazine
CBC News - Film - Tiny talent time The documentary Babies follows four infants through their first year of life
Harry Meadows: accidentally killed another 3 residents of his care home by dressing up as the grim reaper and peering through the residents' lounge window whilst holding a scythe.
Sex Tourism | Prostitution From Jamaica to Jordan to West Africa, Western women of means find "romance" on vacation.
YouTube - Aretha Franklin - Bridge Over Troubled Water
Common Misconceptions About Publishing - Charlie's Diary
Why Our Civilization's Video Art and Culture is Threatened by the MPEG-LA
Hitler, as "Downfall producer" orders a DMCA takedown on Vimeo
Make a Map | Free Embeddable Maps
60 tweaks and hacks for Windows 7, Vista or XP | News | TechRadar UK
Five Best Password Managers - Password Managers - Lifehacker
U.N. Official Warns of Further Deterioration in War-Torn in Congo - NYTimes.com
Diplomat’s Arrest in Houston Spurs Complaint From China - NYTimes.com (police claim they didn't know they were instead the Chinese consulate)
Oil spill approaches Louisiana coast - The Big Picture - Boston.com
seafan's Journal - Halliburton completed cementing of well 20 hours prior to explosion (you don't say)
BP’s oil containment problem is unprecedented - latimes.com The company must stop a relentless gush of oil nearly a mile below the surface, in a situation that hasn't been dealt with before.
Jindal, federal officials losing patience with BP efforts to control Gulf of Mexico oil spill | NOLA.com
BP Is Criticized Over Oil Spill, but U.S. Missed Chances to Act - NYTimes.com
Troubling Details Emerge About BP's Oil Rig Explosion and Spill - Government Accountability Project U.S. regulators considered requiring the mechanism several years ago. They decided against the measure when drilling companies protested, saying the cost was too high ... BP joined with several other oil producers to say that current voluntary safety rules are sufficient
Documents: BP didn't plan for major spill - Environment- msnbc.com Obama to travel to Gulf Coast on Sunday
Louisiana Oil Spill Congressional Hearing Called By Reps. Waxman, Stupak
Scientists watch for environmental effects of Gulf of Mexico oil spill
FBI investigating Massey Energy for bribery | The Seminal
Climate Bill Could Be Harmed By Gulf Oil Spill (Obama said Drill, Baby, Drill to get Republican support; fail all around)
Mass. declares state of emergency after aqueduct break; 'boil-water' order issued for 1 million - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe
List of communities affected by 'boil-water' order - Local News Updates - MetroDesk - The Boston Globe
Obama backs 'Oz' reform: Expose wizards behind campaign funding - CSMonitor.com
National Journal Magazine - The GOP Keeps Catching Breaks Republicans have real pickup opportunities in Pennsylvania and Hawaii special elections.
The Washington Monthly - Boehner Takes Credit For Democratic Health Care Advances (but wants to repeal it anyway)
Local businesses already feeling financial fallout of SB 1070 | Phoenix News | Arizona News | azfamily.com | Home (this might not work out so well)
Protesters of Arizona's new immigration law try to focus boycotts
Only Straight White Men Can Be Judges. | Firedoglake we should only allow straight white men to be judges, because only straight white men can be trusted to be perfectly objective and untouched by identity politics at all times.
LRB · Joseph Stiglitz · The Non-Existent Hand Keynes: The Return of the Master by Robert Skidelsky
Warner: Senate could vote to reinstate Glass-Steagall - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
New Life for 'the Volcker Rule' - WSJ.com Senate Weighs Curbs on Bank Trading Sought by Former Federal Reserve Chief
The Federal Debt: How To Lose A Trillion Dollars : NPR CBO estimates that interest payments on the federal debt will total $916 billion by the year 2020.
Stop Robert Rubin Before He Kills Again
Blaming Rubin | Analysis & Opinion |
Goldman’s Market Value Plunges $21 Billion - NYTimes.com
Forbes.com - Still Government Motors (don't be fooled)
YouTube - How The Hell Did GM Pay Back Its Loans "in Full And Ahead of Schedule"? Well, It Didn't.
GM's Phony Bailout Payback - Reason Magazine The company is setting the stage for another taxpayer shakedown
Scientists Race to Create Cat-Level Artificial Brain | LiveScience (is that really a good idea?)
Oh, Mann: Cuccinelli targets UVA papers in Climategate salvo | The Hook News Blog
American Meat Is Even Grosser Than You Thought | Food | AlterNet In the focus on E. coli and salmonella, meat contaminated by heavy metals, veterinary drugs and pesticides has been slipping through the bureaucratic cracks.
Humans and neanderthals: Getting it on, after all? - Boing Boing - New genetic data suggests that, at at least two points in history, Homo sapiens were interbreeding with other species, most likely Homo neanderthalensis or heidelbergensis
ISS comes together (neat)
Giant Blizzard Raging on Saturn - Yahoo! News
Mark Hyman, MD: Dairy: 6 Reasons You Should Avoid It at All Costs or Why Following the USDA Food Pyramid Guidelines is Bad for Your Health
Common flower could revolutionise treatment of leukemia - Telegraph Baby's Breath can boost the efficiency of anti-cancer drugs by a million times, according to experts.
BBC News - 'Cuddle hormone' makes men more empathetic
Wildlife documentaries infringe animals' privacy, says report | Environment | The Guardian umans assume other species have no right to privacy during 'intimate moments', says author of study
USA Pavilion_the official Website of Expo 2010 Shanghai China
Shanghai Scrap » How could this happen? A Reporter’s Guide to the USA Pavilion Debacle at Expo 2010. how the United States managed to build a pavilion that commentators at Huffington Post have compared to – among other things – “a supply storage shed,” “a temporary NASA administrative building, circa 1970,” and “a combination Bose Sound System/Air Purifier (in a word, Republicans)
Magazine Preview - The Data-Driven Life - NYTimes.com
The Quantified Self
Is Cannabis Treated Unfairly in the United States (Infographic) | National Cannagraphic Magazine @Cannagraphic.com
Police Wiretapping Jumps 26 Percent | Threat Level | Wired.com - Not one request for a wiretap was turned down - 268,488 people had text messages or phone calls monitored through the surveillance in 2009, a new record (80% bogus/useless spying)
Top 10 Things You Didn't Know Google Maps Could Do - Google Maps - Lifehacker
AppleInsider | Smartphone sales jump 50%, Apple 3rd largest vendor globally
Google reportedly preparing to intro TV software next month
Online Advertising Revenues Jump Almost 15 Percent In First Quarter
The Real Reasons Big Brands Don’t Rank
US gives Abbas private assurances over Israeli settlements | World news | The Guardian Americans consider withholding veto protecting Israel at UN if building goes ahead at Ramat Shlomo (who's the client state?)
Hillary Clinton: Mideast Peace Talks Back On (until Israel moves the football)
Greece Debt Crisis: How to Rescue Euro-Zone Nation? - TIME
News Analysis - As Greek Drama Plays Out, Where Is Europe? - NYTimes.com (heads in sand)
Memo From Vatican City - In Abuse Crisis, a Church Is Pitted Against Society and Itself - NYTimes.com The battle lines are drawn between the church and society at large, which clearly clamors for accountability, and also inside the church itself.
Chavez exhorts Fidel, Morales to Twitter - Yahoo! News
BBC News - Belgian lawmakers pass burka ban Thursday's vote was almost unanimous with 134 MPs in support of the law and two abstentions.
Chinese Diplomat Harassed, Beaten By Houston Police, China Says - The officers said they were unaware they had pursued the diplomat into the Chinese Consulate's parking garage, Parker said (China threatens to nuke Houston)
Obama Criticizes Liberal Supreme Courts of ’60s and ’70s - NYTimes.com (Warren and Burger Courts just like Rhenquist and Roberts, implies he wouldn't have supported Civil Rights or Abortion rulings)
'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Repeal: Gates Warns Congress To Wait (need to study the situation and work on a plan)
The 'Obama's Katrina' Meme Myopia (they're exactly the same!) (but he decided to own drill-baby-drill)
Louisiana Drilling Rig Overturns: Accident At Mobile Inland Drilling Unit
Gulf of Mexico oil spill 2010: The worst-case scenario | al.com The Gulf spill could end up dumping the equivalent of 4 Exxon Valdez spills per week (the Gulf of Oil))
White House Says BP Will Pay Cost of Oil Cleanup - NYTimes.com (depends on the meaning of "cost")
Oil slick expected to hit coast reserve Thursday | Reuters a Louisiana wildlife reserve on Thursday as it threatens an environmental disaster across four southern U.S. states.
Wait, wasn't offshore oil drilling so safe even Hurricane Katrina couldn't cause a spill? | Media Matters for America (Mrs Greenspan says so)
Matthew Yglesias » Obama Administration Learns That Oil Leads to Oil Spills ("It must be particularly galling given the fact that your original flip to support off-shore drilling was to gain the support of Republicans for a climate change bill. In other words, chasing unicorns") (Obama repeats right wing talking point lie)
Hullabaloo: digby: Bad Roll Of The Dice: The president trusted BP to handle things because they are "experts" and there aren't more requirement and regulations because they can't upset Little Lindsay and the rest of the planetary destruction caucus ... the Obama Administration owning this environmental disaster, and it was for nothing (they aren't very good at politics, either)
Oil From Spill Is Reported to Have Reached the Coast - NYTimes.com
'Drill, Baby, Drill' Champions Silent On Gulf Oil Spill [UPDATED]
BP Oil Spill: Company Loses $25 Billion In Market Value
New Offshore Drilling Projects ON HOLD, White House Says (VIDEO)
Mary Landrieu Minimized Potential For Spill And Impact Of Damage (video) (Australian spill "wouldn't even fill the Reflecting Pool")
First Legal Challenges to New Arizona Law - NYTimes.com
National Briefing - Southwest - Arizona - Citizenship Bill Is Shelved - NYTimes.com A bill to require presidential candidates to show their birth certificates to get on the state’s ballot is being set aside in the Legislature (show us your papers state)
Wonk Room » EXCLUSIVE: Email From Author Of Arizona Law Reveals Intent To Cast Wide Net Against Latinos (Kris Kobach: very bad person)
Baseball alarmed by Arizona immigration law - MLB - Yahoo! Sports
New Arizona law forcing hard choices on migrants | Reuters (driving while brown)
Matthew Yglesias » MLBPA: AZ Immigration Law “Could have a negative impact on hundreds of Major League players”
Mack (R) compares Ariz. law to Nazi Germany - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room< (call Abe Foxman) /a>
Students Withdraw From Arizona Universities
Dems spark alarm with call for national ID card - TheHill.com
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Holy Loads of Tone Deaf It would require all workers across the nation to carry a card with a digital encryption key that would have to match work authorization databases (the new Dem immigration plan, papers for everyone!)
Arizona Ethnic Studies Classes Banned, Teachers With Accents Can No Longer Teach English (just gets better)
Arizona Police Launch First Immigration Crackdown Under New Law (VIDEO) Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio launched his latest crime and immigration sweep Thursday, arresting 89 people, with 61 suspected of being undocumented immigrants.
Inventing a Bush comeback | Media Matters for America Now Yahoo! News and McClatchy have decided the time is once again ripe for George W. Bush to convince Americans he wasn't a complete disaster of a president after all (the Washington press-corps' first boyfriend)
States Decide on Running New Pools for Insurance - NYTimes.com
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The sweetest taboo (Douthat, Steve Sailer, and racism)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » How We Stomach Elitism
Kansas Legislature Fails To Override Governor's Veto Of Abortion Restrictions Friday's vote was two short of overturning Gov. Mark Parkinson's action
New Oklahoma Law: Women Seeking Abortions Must Have Ultrasounds Against Their Will | Reproductive Justice | AlterNet
Shocking Law: Doctors Now Allowed to Keep Information About Birth Defects from Women in Order to Stop Abortions | Reproductive Justice | AlterNet
Patients Reacting To New Abortion Law - NewsOn6.com - Tulsa, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports - KOTV.com |
'Oklahoma, what have you done?' - CNN.com
America's 5 strictest abortion laws - The Week Oklahoma has just passed into law two of the most extreme abortion measures in the U.S. — and it's not alone
JURIST - Paper Chase: Oklahoma legislature overrides veto of anti-abortion bills
Wall Street Reportedly Circulates Class Warfare Email
Criminal investigation being considered for Goldman Sachs | McClatchy
Weekly Claims Slip But Jobs Picture Remains Shaky - CNBC The four-week moving average of new claims, which irons out week-to-week volatility, rose 1,500 to 462,500, increasing for a fourth straight week - moving in the right direction (inconclusively)
Calculated Risk: Unemployment: Many Workers exhausting all benefits (foreclosures to rise; elites declare recession and housing-crisis over and boring)
U.S. GDP Up 3.2% In First Quarter, Consumer Spending Shows Biggest Rise In 3 Years
Watching a living brain in the act of seeing -- with single-synapse resolution
Meet Stephanie Grace, the Harvard Law Student Who Started a Racist Email War - that's racist - Gawker
Jerome Ponette Wrecks Six Cars After Getting 86'd From Strip Club - Houston News - Hair Balls
DallasCowboys.com | Farewell To Texas Stadium
Capturing Somali pirates: first-person shooter view
Art - Lapham’s Quarterly
Hannah Gamble: "Good Warm Sad Blood
Spilling Out in the Forest" - Gulf Coast Issue 22.2 surrealism
iPhone Finder Regrets His ‘Mistake’ | Threat Level | Wired.com
Expert: Invalid Warrant Used in Raid on iPhone Reporter’s Home | Threat Level | Wired.com
Microsoft Kills 'Courier' Tablet (VIDEO)
hugo’s blog » Open Letter to Steve Jobs (Jobs: we are closing your so-called "open standards")
The real reason why Steve Jobs hates Flash - Charlie's Diary Steve Jobs' strategic dilemma in a nutshell: the PC industry as we have known it for a third of a century is beginning to die ("garden of pure ideology that is the iPhone/iPad fork of OSX.") (you see, you don't really need "computers")
Five Windows 7 features average users should know about -- and use!
If you code HTML, Zen Coding will change your life
Gulf Coast oil spill could eclipse Exxon Valdez - Yahoo! News
BBC News - Gulf of Mexico oil slick said to be five times bigger The US Coast Guard says five times as much oil as previously thought (thought by whom?)
Louisiana Oil Spill Gets Worse: New Leak Increases Estimated Spill By Five Times (guess what? BP has been lying through their teeth)
Oil Spills: A History Of Disaster (PHOTOS)
Daoud Kuttab » Israeli tourism maps annex Palestinian lands
B'Tselem - The Gaza Strip - 28 April 2010: Youth shot this morning by Israeli security forces on Gaza border dies
Vatican: Pope may apologize for abuse by priests
BBC News - Sudan's date-gin brewers thrive despite Sharia
Part X - So many palm trees, so few dates
Indonesia rounds up 'beach boys' over gigolo film
Hamas: Egypt kills Gazans with gas
Russell Williams faces 82 more burglary-related charges - The Globe and Mail
Key issues unanswered by Guantanamo tribunals manual | McClatchy
Facebook Group 'Praying' For President Obama's Death Passes 1 Million Members
White House keeps losing votes -- and loving it (just wait 'til November, they'll really be lovin' it)
More Malarkey About Health Care | FactCheck.org - We’ve seldom seen a piece of legislation so widely misrepresented, and misunderstood, as the new health care law
Arizona Immigration Boycott Zeroes in on Baseball - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
The Curious Politics of Immigration - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com - in 2004 Bush ran as the nation’s defender against gay married terrorists, then announced that the election gave him a mandate to … privatize Social Security.
NY Senator: 'You Racist People In Here' - wcbstv.com Sen. Kevin Parker Hurls Racism Accusations At Colleagues In Albany, Calls Republicans 'White Supremacists' (well?)
Federal criminal probe into Goldman trading: report - Yahoo! News
Financial Reform Moves Forward
Suspicion greets Democrat's stated reason for opposing financial overhaul bill For the third day in a row, Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) broke with his Democratic colleagues Wednesday and voted to block the start of formal Senate debate on a far-reaching bill to overhaul financial regulations (admits being owned by bankers)
Can Europe Save Itself? - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com
The Myth of Shareholder Capitalism - Harvard Business Review
Zoologger: The most bizarre life story on Earth? - life - 28 April 2010 - New Scientist
What happens to water if it’s not allowed to expand when frozen? – The Blogs at HowStuffWorks
Why Women Find Their Parents Unpleasant - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com (and everyone else except the boss they hope to marry)
Conservation Magazine » Blog Archive » The Problem of What to Eat Organic farming and eating locally make intuitive sense. But does conventional wisdom about eating sustainably hold up to the science
Attention Whole Foods Shoppers - By Robert Paarlberg | Foreign Policy Stop obsessing about arugula. Your "sustainable" mantra -- organic, local, and slow -- is no recipe for saving the world's hungry millions.
Squeezed: The Secrets of the Orange Juice Industry | Food & Think
This & That, Ceci et Cela » The semantics behind “fresh” orange juice
YouTube - Bill Hicks - My Truth
Ex-Officer Guilty in Critical Mass Confrontation - NYTimes.com Mr. Pogan faces up to four years in prison when he is formally sentenced.
Harvard Law School 3L’s Racist Email Goes National « Above the Law: A Legal Tabloid - News, Gossip, and Colorful Commentary on Law Firms and the Legal Profession
Feds’ push to seize restaurant a rare one - SignOnSanDiego.com Illegal workers at heart of French Gourmet case
YouTube - Beautiful but Dangerous Avatar
Doing Time, Doing Vipassana
HP to Acquire Palm for $1.2 Billion
Apple to Charge a Premium to Put Ads in Mobile Apps - WSJ.com
Jon Stewart Slams Apple Over Its Handling of Gizmodo Case - Jon Stewart - Gawker.TV
Highlights: The Journal’s Exclusive Interview With Adobe CEO - Digits - WSJ
Steve Jobs: "we strongly believe that all standards pertaining to the web should be open" [...] "What they don’t say is that almost all this video is also available in a more modern format, H.264"... wait what? : programming
Windows 7’s Worst Features - PCWorld
Officials Set to Burn Oil in Gulf Soon - NYTimes.com (spill, baby, spill)
Breaking: US Approves First Offshore Wind Farm : TreeHugger
Daily Kos: Drill, Baby Drill -- Spill, Baby, Spill -- Grill, Baby, Grill!
North Korea Is Building Up Military For An Attack
graphic: Afganistan Stability / COIN Dynamics
Poll: Majority of Israel's Jews back gag on rights groups - Haaretz - Israel News
Maan News Agency: Israel expels citizen from Hebron to Gaza
Election 2010: Gordon Brown's 'bigoted woman' insult to Gillian Duffy | Mail Online
Taiwan Mobster's Funeral Draws the Great and Good - AOL News
US soldier in WikiLeaks massacre video: “I relive this every day”
A Coda on Closure
After the dead horses — Crooked Timber
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step — Crooked Timber
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » A horse with no name
Today In Conservative Closure - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Ezra Klein - Re: Measuring epistemic closure
The Monkey Cage: Measuring epistemic closure
how_stupid.pdf - The Wilson Quarterly: Barry M Bartels: The Irrational Electorate (the more information you give a conservative, the more wrong he will be)
A Liberal, Right-Wing Progressive? - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Liberalism: Does the left need bigger ideas? | The Economist
Matthew Yglesias » The Very Big Picture: . It turns out that welfare state capitalism just is the alternative to capitalism.
Worldchanging: Bright Green: The Architect's Role in a Warming World: Learning from Jamie Lerner
The New New Left Book Club — Crooked Timber
A Loss of Faith in Government - CBS MoneyWatch.com
Scholars from Harvard and beyond address "hard problems" in the social sciences | Harvard Magazine
Open Left:: Roll out the cots! Confirmation of, and details on, the Senate all-nighter
Huckleberry Graham Returns To Form, Threatens To Filibuster Everything He Claims To Care About | FDL News Desk (media and John Kerry played for fools)
Daily Kos: Arizona's looming tourism disaster Arizona is heavily dependent (PDF) on the tourism industry (this might not end well)
Arizona's Immigration Law and Racial Profiling - Newsweek.com (what do you think?)
Arizona Immigration Law fallout: New Law Sparks Fiery Debate
City Insider : City workers banned from official travel to Arizona San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom announced today a moratorium on official city travel to Arizona
George F. Will - A law Arizona can live with (George Will, "moderate Republican" and elite WaPo columnist, supports racial profiling and discrimination)
Matthew Yglesias » George Will On Hispanics
Jeb Bush speaks out against Ariz. law - Jonathan Martin - Politico.com
Republicans Charge Kaine With 'Shameless' Race-Baiting (up is down, true is false, me is you)
Laura Bush Opens Up About Crash - NYTimes.com (yeah, sure)
Radoman comments on Palin on Fox News refers to something the "lamestream media" did. Turns out it was Fox News (saved for comment)
By "lamestream media," did Palin mean Fox News? | Media Matters for America (how she thinks, not)
Since 1945, the United States has overthrown fifty governments, including democracies, and crushed some 30 liberation movements, and supported tyrannies and set up torture chambers from Egypt to Guatemala. Countless men, women and children have been bombed to death. - John Pilger : politics Since 1945, the United States has overthrown fifty governments, including democracies, and crushed some 30 liberation movements, and supported tyrannies and set up torture chambers from Egypt to Guatemala. Countless men, women and children have been bombed to death. - John Pilger (War on Democracy)
Wake The President « The Baseline Scenario Everything you knew or thought you believed about the European economy – and the eurozone, which lies at its heart – was just ripped up by financial markets and thrown out of the proverbial window.
Roubini sees 'significantly rising' risk that European monetary union will rip apart | Money & Company | Los Angeles Times
European Debt Crisis Looms As Markets React To Greek Debt Woes
Lynn Parramore: The Deficit: Nine Myths We Can't Afford
Economic Scene - Why Financial Reform Needs a Bank Tax - NYTimes.com - A Bank Tax as Insurance for Us All (socialism!)
Election 2010: Gordon Brown's 'bigoted woman' insult to Gillian Duffy | Mail Online
Look What a Bunch of Chinese and Turkish Guys Found: Noah's Ark! - Gawker (Science from Fox!)
Space Shuttle Parking Lot: A Documentary About Humanity's... | Motherboard
Plants Recognize Siblings: ID System In Roots
YouTube - Disney Pixar Up - Married Life - Carl & Ellie by Michael Giacchino - The cut from BluRay disc
YouTube - Cnp Assurance
YouTube - Monster Television Commercial: Stork
Last Day Dream [HD] on Vimeo
YouTube - Mother's Day
YouTube - Tony Schwartz - Nancy Grows Up
YouTube - Folger's Coffee "Peter Comes Home For Christmas" Full Length
YouTube - Dieppe Bell Commercial
YouTube - xbox advert Life is to Short
Video | quietube (Thai ceiling board commercial)
YouTube - closing of 131 yr-old elementary school
YouTube - Live interactive mega billboard against agression
YouTube - grave of the fireflies part 12 English
Watts won't serve time | thetimesherald.com | The Times Herald Writer avoids jail in border dispute by paying fines (convieniently, no cameras installed at border-crossings so who could have predicted?)
Creditors Win Bid For Philly Newspapers - cbs3.com
District's Web-cam legal bill tops $550,000 so far | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/28/2010
T & J Towing continues to lose business, attorney says: Facebook following eclipses 10,000 in student's dispute with towing company | - MLive.com (death by Facebook)
Forbes.com - Magazine Article "The world's gone social. And women are more social than men." --Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg.
Lost iPhone Investigation (updated): Gizmodo Editor Jason Chen's Home Searched And Computers Seized
ISVs to blame for Vista/7 infections; Office updates ignored
Google Confirms Android 2.2 Will Support Flash
Gizmodo And The Prototype iPhone: What Do We Know? | TPMMuckraker
Journalist shield law may not halt iPhone probe | Apple - CNET News
Can Gizmodo Win the iPhone Legal Battle? - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com
How Apple Lost the Next iPhone - Leak - Gizmodo
Prosecutors defend Gizmodo search in iPhone probe | Apple - CNET News
Gizmodo considers suing police after iPhone raid | Apple - CNET News
Lost iPhone Investigation (UPDATED): Gizmodo Editor Jason Chen's Home Searched And Computers Seized
Don't prosecute Gizmodo for the lost 4G iPhone. - By Tim Wu - Slate Magazine Don't Prosecute Gizmodo for the iPhone That Walked Into a BarIt's a bad use of the government's power.
Has Gizmodo broken the law with its iPhone story?
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (another "make or break" battle)
Future Pope’s Role in Abuse Case Was Complex - NYTimes.com Published: April 26, 2010
World Briefing - The Americas - Haiti - 10 American Missionaries Cleared of Kidnapping Charges - NYTimes.com . But the only missionary still in jail, Laura Silsby, the group’s leader, still faces a charge of organizing the illegal transportation of 33 children in the chaos after the disaster
The Next Empire - Magazine - The Atlantic
Airspace Rebooted on Vimeo
Dick Cheney’s Counterterrorism Incompetence Continues to Endanger Us | Emptywheel
Are Undocumented Workers Really Bankrupting the Country? | Firedoglake (no)
Linda Greenhouse: Breathing While Undocumented - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com I’m not going back to Arizona as long as it remains a police state
Wave Of Arizona Lawsuits Expected Over Immigration Law
Stewart Hammers Arizona Lawmakers For Immigration Bill (VIDEO) "meth lab of democracy."
Early Morning Swim: Rachel Maddow on the Origin of Arizona’s Draconian Immigration Law | Firedoglake (Gov Jan Brewer: At a time of recession, how dare people not financially support our racist xenophobic laws.
Scarborough: Arizona immigration law is "un-American" | Media Matters for America
Seth Myers: Could We All Agree That There's Nothing More Nazi Than Saying 'Show Me Your Papers'? | Video Cafe
Daily Kos: Stupak's Revenge: Arizona First State to Restrict Abortion Coverage in New Exchanges This is precisely what Stupak and the bishops wanted to happen.
Daily Kos: Stupak's Revenge: Arizona First State to Restrict Abortion Coverage in New Exchanges - The new Arizona law is a radical mini Stupak - it was entirely about starting the end of private insurance coverage of abortion.
RNC Census Mailer Spurs Mail Fraud Report (GOP: party of sleeze and deception)
Open Left: Financial reform still not catching fire (real Americans love their greedy, world-destroying bankers)
Still Pushing Forward On Climate/Energy Bill | TPMCafe (clueless John Kerry: Charlie Brown to Lindsey Graham's Lucy)
Daily Kos :: Obama approval: Northeast: 67%; Midweswt: 57%; West: 59%; wait for it ... South: 40%)
Washington Examiner: 'Obama Disses White Guys' It didn't go unnoticed that Obama didn't specifically name-check our nation's terribly oppressed white people by name, leaving many concerned that they might continue to struggle with second-class status in a nation that has always hated and feared them.
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Antonin Scalia, Affirmative Action Pick.
Sen. Carl Levin: Wall Street and the Financial Crisis: The Role of Investment Banks
Think Progress » Former Goldman executive can’t say whether bank should have sold what it knew was a ‘shi**y deal.’
Wal-Mart To Face Massive Class-Action Suit In its 6-5 ruling, the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals said the world's largest private employer will have to face charges that it pays women less than men for the same jobs
Access : Massively parallel computing on an organic molecular layer : Nature Physics
BBC News - 'Hot' substance in chilli peppers key to killing pain
Apollo 11 launch revisited in slow-mo HD glory - Boing Boing
UMD plans to ban all transit from Campus Drive - Greater Greater Washington (hates mass transit, only cars allowed)
AlterNet: What Happened When I Went Undercover at a Christian Gay-to-Straight Conversion Camp
The ex-gay files: The bizarre world of gay-to-straight conversion - Features, Health & Families - The Independent
Ex-Gay Watch
BBC News - Police publish report into death of Blair Peach in 1979
Lady Gaga : Gaga's essay that she wrote in Tisch
Aladdin Sane Called. He Wants His Lightning Bolt Back: On Lady Gaga - Mark Dery - Doom Patrol: Annals of Our Age - True/Slant
More Steep Circulation Declines at Newspapers - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com (websites up)
EFF Lawyer: Seizure of Gizmodo Editor’s Computers Violates State and Federal Law (Steve Jobs IS the law)
What is Apple Inc.'s role in task force investigating iPhone case? - Yahoo! News (what do you think?)
Apple's Aggression Against the Press (Yep, Gizmodo Counts) : CJR
iPhone Leak Investigation Pauses As DA Ponders Gizmodo Shield Law Defense
Understanding the legal issues that are clouding the Gizmodo iPhone raid | Between the Lines | ZDNet.com
Police Raid Home of Gizmodo Blogger - WSJ.com
Why Apple Needs to Loosen Up - Newsweek.com Fortress Apple
AMD's $300 6-Core CPU: Too Good to Be True? | Maximum PC AMD’s new Thuban hexa-core CPUs come out swinging with prices that belie their s
Elite U.S. Units Step Up Effort in Afghan City Before Attack - NYTimes.com Two months after the Marja offensive, Afghan officials acknowledge that the Taliban have in some ways retaken the momentum there (oh well, that was last month)
Chinese report documents human rights disaster in the United States : Indybay
European push to ban burqas appalls Afghan women | Reuters
BBC News - Israel jails man for 'holy semen' sex abuse
IBM Bomb Attack Foiled By Swiss Police
Big Oil Fought Off New Safety Rules Before Rig Disaster (teapartiers willing to sacrifice workers' lives to maximize corporate profits and keep socialist gov off their backs)
Deep Horizon Oil Well Gushing 42,000 Gallons Into Gulf Of Mexico Per Day "We've never seen anything like this magnitude," he said. "The problems are going to be on the beaches themselves, that's where it will be really visible"
George W Bush memoir Decision Points: new details released - Telegraph (he's "the decider")
The New York Times' Muslim problem - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
A Kinder, Gentler Gitmo | The American Prospect Obama hasn't departed from the Bush administration tactics on national security; he's just changed tone ("Bush with a smile")
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Who’s being naive now?
Wikileaks Video Revisited: What Needs To Happen Now - "I want someone on Capitol Hill to give a shit." (crickets)
Colleague Defends Anthrax Suspect, Ivins - NYTimes.com - “Absolutely not.” At the Army’s biodefense laboratory in Maryland, where Dr. Ivins and Dr. Heine worked, he said, “among the senior scientists, no one believes it.”
Co-worker: Ivins didn't do it - The Frederick News-Post Online - though Heine discussed only scientific methods and technologies before the panel, he said afterward he firmly believes Ivins did not and could not have grown and prepared the anthrax (the case Obama wants to bury, looking forward, not backwards at atrocities committed by the government)
Various matters - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com There has been, and apparently will be, no real investigation of the FBI's case against Ivins because President Obama has threatened to veto any such investigation on the ground it "would undermine public confidence" in the FBI's case.
Republican Governors Anti-Obama Ad Borrows Political Terrorism Theme glorifying domestic political terrorism (Repubicans: party of terrorists, want to blow up the White House)
The Washington Monthly Guy Fawkes, new Republican hero - It's a reminder that the Republican mainstream made a right turn at scary, and have arrived right at stark raving mad.
This is Their Messaging? | Talking Points Memo The Republican Governors Association is embracing the mantle of a 17th century radical who tried but failed to pull off a mass casualty terrorist attack to kill the King of England and all of Parliament. Only now Obama plays the role of James I. Guy Fawkes is their new hero?
Daily Kos: The village people and their cupcakes (truly governed by morons and their moron reporters)
Joseph McVey, Armed Man, Arrested At Airport Where Obama Was Leaving (teaparty terrorist?)
U. Of Wyoming Cites Threats In Barring Ayers The University of Wyoming says it received threats after 1960s radical William Ayers was invited to speak on campus and it should be able to bar him for safety reasons (teaparty terrorism)
How Sarah Palin Has Become a Singular National Industry -- New York Magazine Sarah Palin is already president of right-wing America—and it’s a position with a very big salary.
Phil Gordon - Not in my state: Anti-immigration law doesn't reflect the beliefs of Arizona's people
Yes, the American Right really has gone insane | Crooks and Liars
Boston tea parties past and present : The New Yorker : Tea and Sympathy: Who owns the American Revolution? by Jill Lepore (Sarah Palin, apparently)
Voice Actor Fired By Geico, Lance Baxter, Blames FreedomWorks (free speech for them, not you)
Will White House Put the Screws to Blue Dogs on Immigration Like They Did on Health Care? | FDL Action
Supreme Court Video Game Case: SCOTUS To Decide If California Can Regulate Games (drawings of children=not ok; real animal cruelty=ok; videogame violence=?)
The trivialization of fact-checking | Media Matters for America (fact-checking Bill Clinton's true statements when they were obviously true!)
Statement by the President on Financial Reform | The White House
GOP, Ben Nelson Block Debate On Financial Reform Bill
Nelson Flips On Regulatory Reform After Buffett Provision Removed
Economists say the stimulus didn't help - Apr. 26, 2010
GOP Fighting To Keep Wall Street Negotiations Secret Condemning closed-door negotiations yet voting to prevent public debate is the height of hypocrisy (making your head spin)
Janet Tavakoli: President Obama: Bring Back Black
Op-Ed Columnist - Berating the Rating Agencies - NYTimes.com (one of the most corrupt parts of the system is not accountable)
Simon Johnson: When Will Chris Dodd Start Taking Yes For An Answer? (kabuki non-reform protecting mega-banks)
Warren Buffett Lobbying For Favorable Terms On Derivatives In Reform Bill to avoid derivatives reforms that would potentially hurt Berkshire Hathaway's $63 billion investment portfolio in the complicated financial instruments (special laws for special people)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Lucy and the Football
The Washington Monthly: The Fate Of Wall Street Reform - "Two-thirds of Americans support stricter federal regulation of banks and other financial institutions, and by a double-digit margin the public trusts President Obama above the Republicans in Congress to handle the issue." (Republicans: the party of terrorist bankers)
SEC IG's Report On Allen Stanford Investigation Underreported
Mathematicians offer elegant solution to evolutionary conundrum
Scientists make cancer cells vanish - Herald Scotland | News | Health Scottish scientists have made cancer tumours vanish within 10 days by sending DNA to seek and destroy the cells
Top 25 Newspapers By Circulation: Wall Street Journal Trounces USA Today
Court denies Texan's appeal over DA-judge affair (no corruption too much for the Court)
And the lies continue to mount in the Maryland police beating case | Photography is Not a Crime (flagrant coverup: tape erased by cop's cop buddy)
YouTube - Girl tries to convert audience during graduation speech (repents education; crybaby needs to grow up)
Virginia school kids to learn about gun safety--opponents of gun safety object (teaching elementary-school kids to kill: readin', writin, and rifles)
'Gay dog' refused entry to Adelaide restaurant
Talula's thriving despite divorce | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/25/2010 Chef leaves the table as iconic duo split.
Fools’ Gold: An Oral History of the Insane Clown Posse Parodies - ArtsBeat Blog - NYTimes.com
YouTube - Lady Gaga Telephone Parody Beyonce : Fella GaGa - Senate Vote! (feat. Sarah Palin)
Lost iPhone Investigation: Gizmodo Editor Jason Chen's Home Searched And Computers Seized
Steve Jobs' iPhone police state - Iphone - Salon.com Silicon Valley cops bust into Gizmodo editor's home and seize his computers. Bad P.R. for Apple, or for new media? (stinks)
Android Market passes 50,000 apps | Electronista
Word War III: Google vs. Governments | Epicenter | Wired.com
Congratulations Comcast; You're The Worst Company In America! - The Consumerist
YouTube - TEDx Seton Hall Talk 2: Ambassador Williamson: How to Rebuild Failed States (or ones we've destroyed)
The Public Editor - Questioning the Pope - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com A TOP Vatican official said The Times “lacks fairness in its coverage of Pope Benedict.” (Satan's newspaper responds to pedophia-supporting Catholics)
Oil Rig, Deepwater Horizon, Leaking Into Gulf Of Mexico (yesterday, they said it was "contained")
Mexico security official's convoy ambushed, 4 dead - Yahoo! News
Afghanistan: drug addiction growing | Infosud - Human Rights Tribune (entire gov on smack)
80 Afghan Schoolgirls Sick; Poison Suspected : NPR
Ministers apologise for insult to Pope - Telegraph over official documents that mocked his forthcoming visit to Britain by suggesting he should bless a gay marriage and even launch Papal-branded condoms (well?)
BBC News - Lebanese march in Beirut to demand secularism
Israelis shoot Maltese photographer as she films Gaza demonstration (IDF at work shooting journalists)
The stupidity of Ronald Reagan. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine Not Even a Hedgehog (Hitch from 2004 and the deslected fact)
Massey denies time off for workers to attend funerals of mine victims | Grist (Yo! Teapartiers! Look over here!)
G.O.P. Threatens Seats Long Held by Democrats - NYTimes.com (Obama's bi-partisan plan working out really well)
Feeling Warehoused in Army Trauma Care Units - NYTimes.com (supporting our troops)
Ephphatha Poetry: "Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black" - Tim Wise Imagine that hundreds of black protesters were to descend upon Washington DC and Northern Virginia, just a few miles from the Capitol and White House, armed with AK-47s, assorted handguns, and ammunition (it's all ok if you're white)
Cosmic Navel Lint: "Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black" - Tim Wise
City Brights: Michael Yaki : Arizona Anti-Immigrant Law: Boycott the Grand Canyon State (the white-people only state)
The Washington Monthly: Graham Asked For 'Stepped Up' Action On Immigration - Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is so upset that Dems might take up immigration reform this year, he's prepared to kill his own tri-partisan climate/energy bill (oh, Lucy moved the football again! surprise!)
Bill Moyers Journal . Transcripts | PBS (why aren't the teapartiers mad at big finance?)
Obama cites 'devastating chapter' in Armenia past - Yahoo! News Candidate Barack Obama repeatedly promised he'd call the almost century-old massacre of Armenians in Turkey a genocide. President Obama twice now has refused to do so (that was then)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Still Not Getting It - The Mustache of Understanding: ", I have a suggestion: Become the Green Tea Party (the sheer inanity of the NYT's elite columnist: they are all Republicans, you idiot!)
BLOGGERS POLL: Sip, Don't Gulp - The Hotline’s Blogometer The prospect of the GOP aligning itself with the Tea Party movement seems to carry a few more questions for right-leaning bloggers than it did seven months ago.
Screaming extremism - The Boston Globe Vying for attention in a high-decibel world - we hear a lot about the rage of the so-called Tea Partiers as if they were a band of poor disaffected grassroots populists, when surveys show that they are almost exclusively white Republicans who should have been among the chief beneficiaries of the system — hardly a prescription for radicalism (teapartiers get all the attention because they are loud and crazy)
Politico's Mike Allen, the Man the White House Wakes Up To - NYTimes.com (Drudgico rocks their world)
The Washington Post Makes A Major Factual Error « The Baseline Scenario Of all the weak, ill-informed, and misleading pieces written on the “resolution authority” – a central tenet of the Dodd bill – by far the most disappointing is the Washington Post editorial in Sunday’s paper (Fred Hiatt's scribble page: "Given that the Washington Post still has a large staff of excellent journalists working around the world, they could try asking G20 deputies about this in detail")
2nd UPDATE: US Regulators Close Seven Illinois Banks - WSJ.com Friday's failures bring to 57 the number of U.S. banks that have failed already this year, after 140 failures in 2009. The FDIC said the total cost to its deposit insurance fund from Friday's failures topped $970 million (a billion here, a billion there)
Bad News: U.S. Business Emissions Growing, Not Slowing | Climate | GreenBiz.com
Foreclosures up 21 in Mass. for March - The Boston Globe Data for March show housing recovery is still on shaky ground - f foreclosures in Massachusetts increased dramatically last month
The rootless world of the super-rich - Telegraph
Daily Kos: Book review: Staph Infections Gone Wild
Don’t talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking - Times Online aliens might simply raid Earth for its resources and then move on (who knew aliens were Republicans?)
Magnesium: Alternative Power Source
Huge 30 Year Cellphone Study Starts To Research Link With Disease - HotHardware
Harry Crowther: Schoolboy aging at five times normal speed | Mail Online
Mind Over Meds - NYTimes.com - psychiatry has been transformed from a profession in which we talk to people and help them understand their problems into one in which we diagnose disorders and medicate them. (in 15 minutes flat + the great discovery of "asking her what was going on in her life")
Air Force Launches Secretive Space Plane; ‘We Don’t Know When It’s Coming Back’ | Danger Room | Wired.com
Launch of secret US space ship masks even more secret launch of new weapon - Times Online
Op-Ed Contributor - Promises the Pill Could Never Keep - NYTimes.com “if the wives assumed the dominant role in the sex act or became the least bit animalistic,” husbands might become impotent (Margaret Sanger and Katherine McCormick)
Tom Wolfe - Faking West, Going East - NYTimes.com (Mark Twain)
YouTube - Southwest Airlines The Making of Florida One
Dozens Walk Past Dying Hero Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax On New York Sidewalk (video) a homeless Guatemalan immigrant
Phil Ochs: Outside Of A Small Circle Of Friends
In hiding, the mother accused of abuse for cuddling her child | Mail Online (UK nanny-state)
The Mean World Syndrome Preview | Media Education Foundation
YouTube - Cleanternet - for a cleaner and safer Internet - cleanternet.org
Russian hacker busted? facebook accounts for sale don’t look hacked | MerryCode email credentials generally sell at prices between $1 and $20.
Steve Wozniak On Apple Security, Employee Termination, and Gray Powell - Steve Wozniak - Gizmodo a story that paints Apple as many people already see the company: ruthlessly secretive, and even vindictive (Steve Jobs)
The State of Online Word of Mouth Marketing [stats]
Wave of Fatal Bombings Widens Fissures in Iraq - NYTimes.com
At least 61 dead in Iraq bombings - CNN.com (surge and forget!)
South Korea warship sunk by 'strong impact' - Yahoo! News an outside impact of considerable force (like, you know, an angry whale or something)
Bishop, 73, in Belgium Steps Down Over Abuse - NYTimes.com The longest-serving bishop in Belgium resigned Friday after admitting to sexually abusing “a boy in my close entourage” many years ago, becoming the latest cleric to quit in a spreading abuse scandal.
Seattle cartoonist launches "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" - Seattle News - MyNorthwest.com
YouTube - Jewish girl tries to criticise Dr. Norman Finkelstein
New Light on the Dangers of Millennialism to our Military | The Seminal
Constitutional Law Prof Blog: Arizona Immigration Law SB 1070
Law Professors on Arizona Immigration Bill: It's Unconstitutional - Law Blog - WSJ
Will Arizona's Immigration Law Pass Legal Muster? : NPR
Politicians React in Immigrant Workers Debate | News | YLE Uutiset | yle.fi
Boycott Arizona! - The Petition Site
Raul Grijalva Urges Boycott of Arizona, and Scott Rasmussen Proves That a Majority of Arizonans Are Bigots - Phoenix News - Feathered Bastard
Arizona immigration bill: Lawyers group to boycott Arizona
Truckers plan boycott over new Ariz. anti-illegal-immigration law - The Denver Post
With New Law, Outlook for Arizona Tourism Not Good (Arizona is a "welfare queen" getting $1.30 back for every $1.00 they send to the Feds)
Immigration officials detaining, deporting American citizens | McClatchy
Customs and Border Patrol Operating “Constitution Free Zone” Checkpoints « The Smoking Argus Daily | Investigating the Underbelly of Politics and Government
How Latinos In Arizona And In Other States Will Strike Back | news junkie post
Scott Blakeman: Crackdown on Ignorance Should Target Arizona Lawmakers
Who Closed the Conservative Mind? | Politics | The American Scene ("epistemic closure" = small minds afraid of the truth +Fox closes your mind +blame everyone but Reagan)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Young bucks dancing on the head of a pin
Have Conservatives Gone Mad? - Politics - The Atlantic (gone?)
Cenk Uygur Debates Libertarian Wayne Allyn Root - Asks Why They're Not Protesting Wall Street | Video Cafe
Tea Party Demographics: White, Republican, Older Male with Money
Jon Stewart of ‘The Daily Show’ Takes On Fox News - NYTimes.com
The “Radical” Muslim Group That Threatened South Park Creators Was Founded and Run by Joseph Cohen, a Former Israeli Radical Who Used to Live in a Settlement in the West Bank « American Everyman
Bill Maher Blasts Tea Baggers For Ignoring Defense Spending (cognitive dissonance has never been a problem for them)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation
Bachmann stirs the pot while angry tea partier assaults and threatens videographer | Crooks and Liars (teaparty terrorist)
Health, Privacy And Judgement Day Concerns Spurring States' Microchip-Implant Ban Bills | TPM LiveWire (states pass laws against secret gov plan to implant microchip pagers in your rectal-genital area and give the number to your co-workers and flash it in Times Square, srsly)
Op-Ed Columnist - Fight On, Goldman Sachs! - NYTimes.com
The Sickening Abuse Of Power At The Heart of Wall Street « The Baseline Scenario
Goldman Sachs Emails: Firm Had 'The Big Short' As Economy Fell
Op-Ed Contributor - Family Businesses at the Heart of the Greek Crisis - NYTimes.com Upward of 75 percent of Greek businesses are family-owned.
Deadly New Fungus Emerging in Oregon Expected to Spread | LiveScience - VGIIc of the fungus Cryptococcus gattii
SDO image - Stunning new images of the sun (photos) - CNET News
04.20.2010 - Can California fix the Delta before disaster strikes?
Plastics hamper DNA assays : Nature News Chemicals leaching from lab plastic throw off results.
Mark Hyman, MD: Why Antidepressants Don't Work for Treating Depression drug companies selectively publish studies on antidepressants. They have published nearly all the studies that show benefit -- but almost none of the studies that show these drugs are ineffective.
$18.5 Million in Liability for Scouts in Abuse Case - NYTimes.com (sexual abuse coverup, just like you know who)
50th Anniversary of the Pill: Love, Sex, Freedom and Paradox - time (contraception=abortion)
TBO.com - News From AP - Okla. governor vetoes 2 abortion bills he said are an unconstitutional attempt by the Legislature to insert government into the private lives and decisions of citizens ... "it would be unconscionable to subject rape and incest victims to such treatment" because it would victimize a victim a second time.
Officials discuss 2 suicide notes from road-rage suspect | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/24/2010 the first suicide note, Yannarell - who apparently killed himself with a drug overdose - professed his love to those close to him. Authorities were working to figure out who they were.
Inspirational Shame in the Era of Behavior - BusinessWeek
Private pictures, public shaming
19 Tips Every Windows 7 User Needs To Know - windows 7 - Gizmodo
Top 10 Hard Drive Upgrades and Fixes - Hard Drives - Lifehacker
WordPress Optimization: How I Reduced Page Load Time by 75% (by switching to Rackspace cloud)
I have a spare wireless-G router kicking around and I live in an apartment complex with wifi hopping freeloaders. How can I use this to mess with them? : AskReddit
Projects - fakeAP
James Murdoch and Rebekah Wade crash Independent's office – that's pretty uncool, isn't it? | Michael White | Politics | guardian.co.uk Rattled News International heavyweights respond to Cleggmania with visit to Simon Kelner's office
Gary Gibbon on Politics - How did Murdoch get into The Indy’s inner sanctum? - Nick Clegg just said he must be the only politician to have gone from Churchill to a Nazi in one week flat
Chilean Abuse Case Tests Loyalty of a Parish - NYTimes.com But the allegations have been largely met not with anger at Father Karadima but with outrage at the accusers by many of his parishioners, a prominent conservative politician and church officials (they always deny)
Pride and wickedness | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk Embattled and arrogant to the last, a Colombian cardinal implicates Pope John Paul II in the cover-up
d 'Sun' censored poll that showed support for Lib Dems - UK Politics, UK - The Independent (sounds familiar)
Will Murdoch Lose Britain?
The forces that have been blocking British democracy are becoming visible in this election : Johann Hari
South Park Fans Spoof Islamic Website (Updated) - South Park - Gawker
World Briefing - Middle East - Iraq - Navy Seals Member Cleared - NYTimes.com
Deep Well Is Not Spilling Oil in Gulf, Official Says - NYTimes.com
Oil Rig Blast Prompts Environmental Concerns
Obama Revives Rumsfeld’s Missile Scheme, Risks Nuke War | Danger Room | Wired.com
Behind the Air Force's and NASA's X-37B Space Plane - Popularmechanics.com
U.S. Faces Choice on New Weapons for Fast Strikes - NYTimes.com
Bush special counsel Bloch to plead guilty to withholding evidence from probe (the up is down Bush admin: whistleblower protection agency targeted whistleblowers)
Arizona governor signs immigration bill - CNN.com
AZ Gov Signs Immigration Bill | TPM LiveWire The legislation requires law enforcement to demand immigration papers from anyone who they have a "reasonable suspicion" is in the country illegally (show us your papers, we can tell by your clothes)
Obama Blasts Arizona Illegal Immigration Effort | The Plum Line (but "real Americans" hate immigrants)
Jan Brewer, Arizona Governor, To Act On Tough Immigration Bill
Cardinal Mahoney: Nazism In Arizona Immigration Bill
Raul Grijalva Gets Death Threats: Arizona Rep's Office To Close After Threats Over Immigration Bill - About 25 percent are "very racist" in nature, Reyes said, characterizing some as "telling that tortilla-eating wetback to go back to Mexico." (teaparty terrorism)
Don't ignore the Tea Party's toxic take on history. - By Ron Rosenbaum - Slate Magazine Ignore it at your peril - the historically ignorant misuse, of words such as tyranny, communist, Marxist, fascist, and socialist.
The crimes of the Stalin era, special report to the 20th congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. : Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich 1894-1971; Nicolaevsky, Boris I. 1887-1966 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive (the "Secret Speech")
The tea party's exaggerated importance - Jonathan Martin and Ben Smith - politico.com
Op-Ed Columnist - Don’t Cry for Wall Street - NYTimes.com
Glenn Beck: A Vatican-approved, "wildly important" warrior against forces of "great darkness"? | Media Matters for America (Glenn Beck is the Second Coming!)
Have a Blessed Charles Krauthammer Day — Crooked Timber "Hans Blix had five months to find weapons. He found nothing. We’ve had five weeks. Come back to me in five months. If we haven’t found any, we will have a credibility problem" - You’ve had seven years now, Charlie. How’s it looking? Hoping for a result sometime in year eight?
More proof that Beltway journalists don't really know what airs on Fox News | Media Matters for America - It's interesting. Romano covers politics for a living, but up until this month he had never watched a single installment of Fox News's signature program (elite reporters)
Can the CNN-ter Hold? - time (has James Poniewozik ever actually, you know, watched CNN, the "news" channel)
How important is IKB’s sophistication? | Analysis & Opinion (not that important when you're being lied to)
Dodd Bill Would Allow Fed To Hide Its Spending
America must face up to the dangers of derivatives | George Soros
Ties to Abacus Deal Cost Bankers $840 Million - NYTimes.com
One-Fourth of Nonprofits Are to Lose Tax Breaks - NYTimes.com As many as 400,000 nonprofit organizations are weeks away from a doomsday.
SEC and Pornography: Employees Spent Hours Surfing Porn Sites - ABC News Gov't Report Finds Securities and Exchange Commission Employees Surfing Pornographic Websites at Work
Community Structure in Multi-Scale Transportation Networks - Research on Complex Systems, ESAM, Northwestern University
Natural History Exhibit Asks: 'What Does It Mean to Be Human?' | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS
Brains, worms and computer chips have striking similarities
Deadly airborne fungus in Oregon set to spread - Infectious diseases- msnbc.com The new, rare strain has killed 1 in 4 infected, researchers say
Psychedelic Trips Aid Anxiety Treatments in Study - ABC News Psychedelic psychotherapy? Study tests magic mushroom drug to aid treatment of cancer anxiety
British family 'demanded white staff at Florida hotel' | World news | The Guardian A British family has been banned from staying at a chain of luxury hotels after allegedly requesting not to be served by "people of colour" at a Florida resort.
Connecticut Town Faced With Claims of Police Bias - NYTimes.com
National Briefing - Midwest - Ohio - Judge Removed for Web Postings - NYTimes.com
Apollo 11 Saturn V Launch (HD) Camera E-8 on Vimeo
where is my milk from?
Google Public Policy Blog: Content ID and Fair Use
Preliminary Analysis of the Officially Released ACTA Text | Electronic Frontier Foundation ACTA contains a number of provisions that are inconsistent with US law, despite the oft-repeated claim of the USTR that ACTA will "color within the lines of US law". (big contents doesn't need no steenking laws)
Google Not Suitable for Children Under 12, Says Web Censor | Fast Company
BBC News - Oil rig sinks in Gulf of Mexico after explosion
Brazil Sex Tape Priest Luiz Marques Barbosa Under House Arrest
Church Abuse Victim Sues Pope, Senior Vatican Officials The case of a Wisconsin priest accused of preying on boys at a school for the deaf was presented to the Vatican by one of the victims a year earlier than previously thought
James Moriarty, Irish Bishop, Resigns, Says He Didn't Report Abuse
Eurozine - How to become a real Muslim - Kenan Malik A media reliant on scandal has colluded with self-promoting but marginal Muslim clerics to create a cycle of self-reinforcing myths around the Mohammed cartoons
Afghan Massacre Survivor To Obama: You Be The Judge (video)
Frontline: the dancing boys of afghanistan: watch the full program | PBS (Afgan Warlords making people want the Taliban back)
YouTube - PBS Frontline - The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan
Gates of Vienna: Suing Mohammed’s Heirs for Libel
‘South Park’ Episode Is Altered After Muslim Group’s Warning - ArtsBeat Blog - NYTimes.com (which promptly gets their website hilariously hacked)
Boom! (Revolution Islam sacriligiously pwned, for now)
Blogger: Show cleavage to test cleric’s quake theory – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs
Dozens Of Gunmen Storm Hotels In Mexico, Kidnap At Least 6 (Mexico falls into narco-state chaos, destroyed by US war on some drugs)
The Obama administration's righteous stance against indefinite detention - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com For those who believe that there are certain types of hypocrisy and double standards too blatant and shameless even for the U.S. Government to invoke, I'd like to point out how wrong you are:
Former Bush Official Charged With Contempt Of Congress In Geeks On Call Case | TPMMuckraker
Court Slaps Government Over Use Of Torture Evidence | Emptywheel (nothing has changed, either)
The Wrong Man - Magazine - The Atlantic (Steven J Hatfill and why giving the gov unlimited power is a bad idea)
Unlearned lessons from the Steven Hatfill case - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (and why the Bruce Ivins case is deeply suspect - another life ruined)
Obama Veto Is Threatened on 2010 Intelligence Budget Measure - BusinessWeek if it calls for a new investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks, an administration official said (Obama personally blocking investigation of Bruce Ivins case: really, no moral center)
Surprise Coal Mine Inspections: Feds Target 57 'Problem' Mines
Democrats Fail at Health Care Messaging: CBO Scores a Near Meaningless Talking Point | FDL Action - this effort was a massive waste from a political perspective (Dems inept and naive)
GM Pays Back Government Loan 5 Years Early, Right-Wingers Wipe Egg from Faces | Firedoglake (it was really Bush's idea, anyway)
McCain: Illegal immigrants intentionally cause car accidents | Raw Story
YouTube - Republican Sue Lowden Won't Back Down From Health Care Bartering Scheme ("chickens for checkups" -- really stupid Repubicans longing for the "old days")
FOXNews.com - Texas Court to Rule Whether Gay Couples Can Divorce in State
Jim DeMint (R-SC) Explains the Driving Force Behind the Tea Party: Theocracy | Firedoglake It’s no coincidence that socialist Europe is post-Christian because the bigger the government gets the smaller God gets and vice-versa. The bigger God gets the smaller people want their government because they’re yearning for freedom (God hate government)
Bachmann standing by ‘gangster government’ - TheHill.com (another teaparty projection: thugocracy)
Exclusive: WellPoint routinely targets breast cancer patients | Reuters
Jane Hamsher: Wellpoint Lobbyists Axed Key Protections for Breast Cancer Patients From Health Care Bill
Video: Bernie Goldberg Fires Back | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
Both national party committees spend big chunks on fancy meals, hotels, travel
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Drill Here, Y’all the South, region that houses 36 percent of our population, consumes 44 percent of our energy. And, because of low utility rates, Southerners spend less per-capita on energy efficiency than any other region.
Happy Earth Day - NYPD trashes hundreds of bikes for Obama visit. - this is fyf (they might be pipe-bombs or anthrax delivery systems)
Dylan Ratigan: The Speech: The Good, The Bad and The Missing (could have stayed home and written a "stern letter")
New York Post Assails Obama For Wanting To Reform Wall Street (Murdoch at work)
Senate panel: Ratings agencies rolled over for Wall Street | McClatchy (no accountability, no consequences)
Blankfein: Suit Against Goldman Will “Hurt America” « naked capitalism
Ezra Klein - Dodd: 'It's not size; we're preoccupied with size.'
54% of Households Have Someone Who's Been Without Work This Year - Business - The Atlantic
Jobless claims fall 24,000 to 456,000 Economic Report - MarketWatch The four-week average of new claims -- considered a better gauge of underlying trends than the volatile weekly number -- rose by 2,750 to 460,250, the highest in a month.
'Hot News' Is a Triumph of Profit Over Free Speech - DailyFinance
Jobless pay expires for thousands - Baltimore Sun Congress on spring break while haggling continues
79% of Americans Don’t Want Ronald Reagan on Their Money (wait, what?)
Bizarre matter could find use in quantum computers acts like a particle with one-quarter electron charge also has a "quantum registry" that is immune to information loss from external perturbations
Self-starter: Life got going all on its own - life - 21 April 2010 - New Scientist
'Last Universal Common Ancestor': Life on Earth Before DNA
Unreal hormones: males treat games as social competitions
X-37B unmanned space shuttle to be launched tonight | Mail Online
LHCb - Large Hadron Collider beauty experiment
Novel negative-index metamaterial that responds to visible light designed
Anybody's Son Will Do By Bill Willers - Arguably the best anti-war film ever made, and tailored for public television, it scared the hell out of the U.S. military machine, which has done its best to "disappear" it. For years it has been nearly impossible to find a copy, but some kind soul has posted it on YouTube where it can be seen in six segments.
YouTube - Video Allegedly Shows Md. Police Beating Student
Julia O'Malley : Stereotypes stop Pacific Islanders at the bar door | adn.com (racial discrimation OK in AK)
Insurer balks at covering L. Merion in Web cam case | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/22/2010 (oopsie)
Television Number of murders seen on TV by the time an average child finishes elementary school: 8,000
D-Day for the Hitler 'Downfall' parodies? | Show Tracker | Los Angeles Times
Christian Singer Jennifer Knapp Comes Out | Entertainment News | Advocate.com
Google, YouTube received 10,000 government requests for user data
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Steve Jobs Comes Out of the Calvinist Closet
Nick Clegg: 'Cleggmania' Sweeps Britain, Liberal Democrats Surge In Polls
Liberal surge is biggest shock to electoral landscape for years - UK Politics, UK - The Independent Analysis: The changing dynamic since last week's debate means a hung parliament is a very real prospect (police-state UK in jeopardy)
BBC News - Will Christians swing the 2010 UK election? Explicit mention of religion is seen as "un-British", a bit "American" and a "turn-off" to the electorate (clearly not a "Christian Nation")
The Lib Dems are a Jekyll and Hyde party. Forget nice Mr Clegg. What about 'Dr Death'? – Telegraph Blogs (sounding like the US: "death panels!" "think of the unborn!")
NATO Apologizes For Killing 4 Unarmed Afghans, Admits They Weren't 'Known Insurgents' (we shot them anyway)
Let the American media and politicians and Jewish leadership blind themselves to this, too (they always are)
Shakesville: Mexican Authorities Block Abortion For 10-Year-Old Rape Victim
Saudis Won't Behead TV Psychic which are considered to be polytheism by the country's ultraconservative judiciary.
Sexting Case Befuddles Supreme Court: 'What's The Difference Between Email And A Pager?' (Supremely un-informed)
Gary Jackson Accused: Feds Blast Ex-Blackwater President's 'Sheer Arrogance,' 'Scofflaw Attitude'
GOP Objects And Objects And Objects... (Republicans at work making sure no work gets done)
Tea partiers in two camps: Palin vs. Paul - politico.com (and it's not like they're all Republicans, or something)
GOPer Tries to Ape My Snark | Talking Points Memo Nevada Senate candidate Sue Lowden suggesting that "bartering" for medical care would be a good way to rein in spiraling health care costs (can Republicans get any stupider? yes)
Dems To Attack Sue Lowden With “Chickens For Checkups” Web Site | The Plum Line - will allow people to send Lowden a “personalized message asking for her help in finding a doctor for their 19th century illness,”
Geico FIRES D.C. Douglas: Voice Actor Dropped After Insulting FreedomWorks, Tea Partiers (GE at work: no free speech for him)
Donny Deutsch Sidelined At MSNBC Over Keith Olbermann Segment (Olbermann's anger is fueling rightwing terrorist activity)
Lincoln Bill Passes With Republican Support
Transcript & Video: Bill Black Testimony on Lehman Bankruptcy | FDL Action We have a self-fulfilling policy of regulatory failure because of the leadership in this era (business as usual at Lehman with no regulation)
Lindsey Graham Gay? Conservative Group ALIPAC Demands Senator 'Admit Homosexuality'
Minds on the Edge | Minds on the Edge full program
Rutgers lab studies female orgasm through brain imaging | - New Jersey Magazine | Living in New Jersey | Inside Jersey - NJ.com
Essay - With AIDS, Time to Get Beyond Blame - News Analysis - NYTimes.com (criminalization of infection)
POZ - POZ Magazine - POZ.com - October #158 : Sex Crime - by Jennifer Morton,Regan Hofmann and Oriol R. Gutierrez Jr. Many of the criminal transmission laws were written in the late 1980s when then-President Ronald Reagan called for the establishment of the President’s Commission on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic .. here was a hook: Only states that created criminal penalties for exposure to and transmission of HIV received federal dollars for AIDS care and education (how St Reagan dealt with the "gay plague")
Hindsight - 21 March 2010 - Shutting down Sharleen
The Rachel Maddow Show - Georgia finally safe from involuntary microchip implantation (unless Sonny "Chicken-man" Perdue sides with big Microchip)
Filing states student broke rules and had no expectation of privacy | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/21/2010 Blake Robbins should have known better ... Even in his own home, the Harriton High School sophomore had "no legitimate expectation of privacy" from the camera on his school-issued laptop, information systems coordinator Carol Cafiero contended in a court filing on Tuesday (that defense will work)
Woman Gets Probation For Starving Son - wjz.com The mother of a child starved to death because he wouldn't say "Amen" will be released from jail (sentenced to Christian-based probation program: win!)
Scott Baio's Online Meltdown: A Complete Timeline - Scott baio twitter - Jezebel (moron)
YouTube - U2 - Stand By Me ft. Bruce Springsteen
Time Passing - Imgur
As IPv4 addresses run low, fears of IP cybersquatting increase - Computerworld Blogs
BBC News - Election 2010: Lib Dem policies targeted by rivals (police-state UK is scared, Murdoch might get shut out)
Church Pedophilia Scandal Grows In Latin America The detention of an 83-year-old priest in Brazil for allegedly abusing boys as young as 12 i
Data | The World Bank
The Untold History of Post-Civil War 'Neoslavery' : NPR : In Slavery by Another Name, Douglas Blackmon of the Wall Street Journal argues that slavery did not end in the United States with the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862. He writes that it continued for another 80 years, in what he calls an "Age of Neoslavery." (and still continues: NPR Talk of the Nation from 2008)
Neo Slavery Lasted Until WW2. Could it Happen Again? [.Common Sense] (it never stopped)
What happened to "look forward, not backward"? - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com a "highly unusual" prosecution for being a whistle-blower on the Bush era's sprawling and secretive Surveillance State.
Former N.S.A. Official Is Indicted on Charges of Leaking Secrets - NYTimes.com
What the whistleblower prosecution says about the Obama DOJ - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
The Abu Zubaydah Document | Emptywheel (remember Pat Roberts and the "Gang of Four?")
Brian Levin, J.D.: 15 Years Since, Lessons Remain From Oklahoma City Bombing
Do Dems Have A Unified Message To Counter GOP Filibuster Of Fin Reform? Not Yet | TPMDC
The Washington Monthly: It's Not A 'Christian Nation' - Obama: we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation (Christian rightwing nutballs go nuts)
Why Romney Should Take Credit for Obamacare - Newsweek.com Mitt Romney may be more responsible for national health-care reform than the president himself. Why he ought to take credit for it
Supreme Court voids law aimed at banning animal cruelty videos (but cartoon porno is somehow different)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Papers, Please - all those small-government Republicans in Arizona are busy passing a draconian law that would essentially make it illegal to be Latino and in Arizona without proof of citizenship
McCain: AZ Bill's Racial Profiling Aspect Is Fine Because Immigrants "Are Intentionally Causing Accidents." | Media Matters Action Network (welfare queens! crack mothers!)
Limbaugh responds to Clinton with torrent of incendiary rhetoric | Media Matters for America
Call the Waaaahmbulance! Fox talkers say critics of Tea Partiers' unhinged attacks just want to 'silence' them | Crooks and Liars (Fox: promoting terrorism)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Biden to announce change in Title IX women’s sports policy « - Blogs from CNN.com
Yasha Levine: Tea Party Financiers Owe Their Fortune to Josef Stalin - Truthdig
Rising Hegemon: Good Ol' Uncle Joe (Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are commies)
YouTube - National Anthem OF Soviet Union (The Internationale) (teaparty anthem)
Lincoln says she won't return Goldman contributions - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) said Tuesday she won't return contributions she's received from Goldman Sachs employees. Lincoln, who's authoring a section of the Wall Street reform bill that regulates derivatives markets ...
Daily Kos: GOP Runs to Defend Goldman Sachs, Wall Street
SEC Board Was Split Along Party Lines On Goldman Sachs Charges. Guess Which Side Defended Goldman Sachs? | Crooks and Liars (Republican on a regulatory board: oxymoron)
White Collar Fraud: Did a Clever SEC Bait Goldman Sachs into Compounding Its Legal Problems With the "Kiss of Death" Message?
Financial Regulatory Reform: Democrats Experiencing Health Care Deja Vu
Now we know the truth. The financial meltdown wasn't a mistake – it was a con | Will Hutton | Business | The Observer (the worst of the worst deserve billions)
Goldman Sachs Earnings: Bank's Profit Skyrockets To $3.5 Billion Over First 3 Months Of Year
Even With U.S. Oversight, AIG Keeps Secrets
Substance in breast milk kills cancer cells, study suggests HAMLET (Human Alpha-lactalbumin Made LEthal to Tumour cells)
What If The Very Theory That Underlies Why We Need Patents Is Wrong? | Techdirt
SSRN-Modeling a Paradigm Shift: From Producer Innovation to User and Open Collaborative Innovation by Carliss Baldwin, Eric Von Hippel
Participants and Spectators « On the Human by Robert Pippin
Pine mouth puzzle: Why do these nuts leave you with a bitter taste? | Mail Online
Climate sceptic wins landmark data victory 'for price of a stamp' | Environment | The Guardian
McCain: AZ Bill's Racial Profiling Aspect Is Fine Because Immigrants "Are Intentionally Causing Accidents." | Media Matters Action Network (lies and lying liars: making the banks pay for their own bailout is a government bailout)
DC Voting Rights Bill Gets Yanked By Congress
Gay Divorce? Texas Says No
Police Officers' Sexting Case Headed To Supreme Court
Legalize Pot? Poll Shows Most Americans Against Legal Weed, Except Medical Marijuana only 33 percent favor legalization while 55 percent oppose it.
Going To Pot: Could Legalizing Marijuana Solve California’s Deficit? | MintLife Blog
SSRN-Ideological Segregation Online and Offline by Matthew Gentzkow, Jesse Shapiro
Government requests directed to Google and YouTube
Google: U.S. Demanded User Info 3,500 Times in 6 Months | Threat Level | Wired.com (all terrorists, of course)
Cyberattack on Google Said to Hit Password System - NYTimes.com
Facebook Now Commands 41% of Social Media Traffic [stats]
Secret prison revealed in Baghdad - latimes.com Forces under the office of Prime Minister Maliki held hundreds of Sunni men at the facility. The U.S. fears that the news will stoke instability (bringing torturocracy to the Middle East)
Security Forces Kill Al-Qaeda’s Two Leaders in Iraq (Update3) - Bloomberg.com
They Fled from Our War | The New York Review of Books Eclipse of the Sunnis: Power, Exile, and Upheaval in the Middle East by Deborah Amos
Video: Dramatic footage of ash and lightning above Iceland volcano - Telegraph
Benjamin Netanyahu Urges 'Crippling Sanctions' Against Iran if the member nations of the U.N. Security Council cannot agree on such a tough move, there is a "coalition of the willing" among other countries that also are worried about Iran (yeah, and who the fuck would that be?)
Joint Chiefs Chair: No, No, No. Don’t Attack Iran. | Danger Room | Wired.com (where's Colin Powell when you need him?)
BBC News - Girls saved from forced marriage two girls living in Northern Ireland have been made the subject of a court order to stop them being forced into marriage in Pakistan.
Nick Clegg's rise could lock Murdoch and the media elite out of UK politics | David Yelland | Comment is free | The Guardian
Who Is Lying? The Torturers? Or John Yoo? | Emptywheel (or your lyin' eyes)
Court splits sharply on campus Christian argument - Yahoo! News (next up on your rightwing Supreme Court: discrimination ok)
The Washington Monthly: Leave The 19th Amendment Alone (next up: women shouldn't be votng)
Liberals scarce in WaPo Q&A sessions, but right-wing bigots are welcome | Media Matters for America (your liberal media at work)
Rescuers Recall 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing : NPR
15 years later, hearing McVeigh's confession - Documentaries- msnbc.com
Is the NRA Encouraging Anti-Government Extremism? | Mother Jones
Militia movement will be packing heat at rally on the Potomac ("we're armed and insane")
Gun Rally: Second Amendment Activists Swarm DC, VA Rallies (crazy gunsters invade DC)
Limbaugh: McVeigh attack happened because "Reno ordered tanks to be used against American citizens" | Media Matters for America (more seditious talk)
80 Percent of Americans Don't Trust the Government. Here's Why - Business - The Atlantic
Right Now - Tancredo: Send Obama 'back' to Kenya (yeah, he really said that: remember how we were supposed to worship Bush?)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Every Voter Is A Values Voter (but the only "values" that count are rightwing Christian hate values)
Tea partiers in two camps: Sarah Palin vs. Ron Paul - James Hohmann - politico.com (bullshit)
Sarah Palin's ignorant imperialism. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine Hegemoron
Matthew Yglesias » Jews for Sarah Launches; Palin Announces America is a “Christian Nation” (no cognitive dissonance there)
Atheistic liberals ARE smarter, but for a funny reason | Psychology Today that people who say they are “not at all religious” have about 6 IQ points on those who say they are “very religious,” and that those who are “very liberal” have an average of about 12 IQ points over those who are “very conservative.”
Obama Wall Street Speech Set, President Will 'Go Big' On Reform (after pre-compromising with Republicans voting no)
Brian Whetten: Goldman, Wall Street and Financial Terrorism (misplaced priorities in the Global War on Terror)
Goldman Sachs vs. SEC: All You Need To Know - The SEC's commissioners voted 3-2 along party lines to prosecute Goldman over its Abacus deals -- the three Dems voted to charge and the two Republicans voted not to charge.
FT.com / Companies / Banks - Angry Goldman lambasts fraud charges Documents obtained by the Financial Times throw new light on the rocky relationship between Goldman Sachs and the US Securities and Exchange Commission during the 20-month probe that led to last week’s fraud charges against the Wall Street bank
Time for contrition from Rubin and Goldman | Analysis & Opinion (not in our Republican accountability-free society)
Simon Johnson: Goldman Sachs: Too Big to Obey the Law (they bought the government, after all)
Top Goldman Leaders Said to Have Overseen Mortgage Unit - NYTimes.com
Surprise: Goldman Sachs to pay out $5 billion more in bonuses for first three months of 2010 | Raw Story
Calculated Risk: More Housing Bust and Construction Employment (no one could have predicted)
Arianna Huffington: Shorting The Middle Class: The Real Wall Street Crime
Party drug could ease trauma long term : Nature News Pilot studies demonstrate effectiveness of MDMA for post-traumatic stress disorder (SSRIs don't work with "many people with PTSD")
Vital Signs: The Changes of Aging | Health & Medicine | DISCOVER Magazine After 50 years together, it's easy to see changes in your spouse. But what do the changes mean?
Stem Cell Fraud Worries U.S. Scientists - washingtonpost.co (the new snake oil) m
Weighing the Evidence on Exercise - NYTimes.com “In general, exercise by itself is pretty useless for weight loss,”
I give my autistic son pot. - By Marie Myung-Ok Lee - Slate Magazine We hit a snag and made a big discovery about how medical marijuana works for him.
"Monumentalism" puts postcard DC above human DC - Greater Greater Washington
Lower Merion report: Web cams snapped 56,000 images | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/19/2010 (from "none" to "maybe a few" to 56,000)
Rolling Stone Releases Entire Archive on the Web
The 50 best author vs. author put-downs of all time
The professor, his wife, and the secret, savage book reviews on Amazon | Books | The Guardian
YouTube - [ARCHIVES] Andy Kaufman Interviewing Howdy Doody
Aline Smithson: portraits of her 85-yr old mother (don't miss)
YouTube - Axis Of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song (with song titles)
20 Super Stunning PSD (Photoshop) Web Templates For Free Download
Droid Incredible review -- Engadget
BBC News - World warming to US under Obama, BBC poll suggests
Volcano's grip on Europe's airspace expected for 3rd straight day - CNN.com
Airport Crisis Frustrates Travelers, and Airlines - NYTimes.com
Ash may hover for days over uncertain Europe
Iceland waits for volcanic shoe to drop - environment - 22 March 2010 - New Scientist (Katla)
Fleeing Drug Violence, Mexicans Pour Into U.S. - NYTimes.com (Republican war on drugs cause Mexicans to flee Mexico; Arizona arrests them all)
Priest says he was bullied into taking fall for Pope in abuse scandal - The Local
Did the White House Review CIA’s Records on Congressional Briefings? | Emptywheel (Pat Roberts really was a Republican torture-supporting slimeball)
The Timeline of Torture Tape Destruction in John Durham’s Documents | Emptywheel
Op-Ed Columnist - Welcome to Confederate History Month - NYTimes.com (same old Southern racism)
Editorial - Arizona Goes Over the Edge on Immigration - NYTimes.com The Arizona Legislature has just stepped off the deep end of the immigration debate, passing a harsh and mean-spirited bill that would do little to stop illegal immigration.
The Public Editor - Squandered Trust - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com THE Times continues to hurt itself with readers by misusing anonymous sources (nothing has changed)
Think Progress » McCain Denies That He Is ‘Running Away From The Maverick Title’: ‘I Prefer Great American Myself’ (a humble man)
Don't be too quick to mistake tea party for Perot movement: Greenberg: "almost no relationship between the Perot movement and today's tea party activism. Nor does he believe there is much mystery to the true allegiance of the tea party movement. Its members are, he believes, the base of the Republican Party by another name" but The Post poll of strong tea party supporters found that 49 percent identified themselves as Democrats or independents (they are also liars)
Daily Kos: What Conservatives Mean When They Say "Libertarian" Conservatives use Libertarian as a code word meaning "I want to continue to enjoy all the privileges I do now, but I don't want to share them with you and most of all I don't want to pay any taxes." Push come to shove, they're happy to abbreviate that to "Screw freedom. I just don't want to pay taxes."
Editorial - The Gun Show Loophole, 11 Years After Columbine - NYTimes.com (guns 'n racism)
Sarah Palin Mangles Obama’s Quotes To Paint Him As America-Hater | The Plum Line (lying liars)
Sunday Morning Fact-Checking - Jake Tapper & Bill Adair | April 14, 2010 - David Shields | ColbertNation.com
Joe Klein: Statements by Beck, Palin are "right up close to being seditious" | Media Matters for America
Burns: "Fox News is the very definition... of The Big Lie" | Media Matters for America
Cincinnati Enquirer: Hannity tea party scandal "raises questions" about whether Fox crossed "an ethical line" | Media Matters for America
Daryl Gates' real legacy - LA Observed - Visiting bloggers Gates' secret intelligence unit, an account that includes spying on Los Angeles leaders, sex, suspicious burglaries, and attempts by Gates to intimidate Johnston (he was a Republican)
Money talks in California politics - SFGate * Meg Whitman's $46 million contribution to her own gubernatorial campaign is the most visible example of money run amok in California politics (eMeg eSpends on herself)
GOP Rebuffs Dem Concession On Financial Reform | TPMDC (negotiating with the insane fails again, who could have predicted?)
Goldman Sachs set to pay £3.5bn in bonuses - Times Online ("screw you, regulators")
BBC News - Goldman Sachs: Brown attacks firm's 'moral bankruptcy'
Op-Ed Contributor - Keep the Fed on Main Street - NYTimes.com Unfortunately, the proposal for regulatory reform now before the Senate does not eliminate the concept of too-big-to-fail, and it deliberately narrows the central bank’s focus to Wall Street alone.
For Goldman Sachs, a Deal’s Stakes Keep Growing - NYTimes.com
Rising Hegemon: Re-Runs - "Goldman Sachs is scum" (you won't see this on American TeeVee)
Was Obama's Economic Advisor Lewis A. Sachs' Exit a Preemptive Strike? - ABC News Lewis Sachs Oversaw Firm That Sold Controversial Securities (too obviously co-opted)
John Paulson Needs A Good Lawyer « The Baseline Scenario
Matthew Yglesias » It’s Aggregate Demand, Stupid It’s not the inadequacy or laziness of the workers or the long-standing mismatch between workers’ skills and employers’ needs. It’s the old-fashioned Keynesian diagnosis: Too little demand in the economy.
Bacteria in household dust may help or hinder childhood asthma - actions that reduce bacterial populations in the home may actually increase allergy development.
Now charlatans will know to beware the geeks | Nick Cohen | Comment is free | The Observer Simon Singh's historic win is also a triumph for his online allies
Driven to Destruction – The Streetcar Conspiracy | The Seminal (car corps + big oil killed public trans)
Climategate Claptrap, II the conservative-corporate machine that conned people into thinking smoking was safe pulled off "the crime of the century." We are now witnessing the crime of the twenty-first century, using the same strung-out old script. (+Lord Fuckface)
Cat Brain Inspires Computers of the Future | LiveScience Electronic devices that mimic how brain cells in a cat work could allow computers to one day learn and recognize information more like humans do
Solar industry goes through shakeout
Why So Few Women in Silicon Valley? - NYTimes.com
The First-Person Observer:Breaking News From Inside Video Games
Texas city revives paddling as it takes a swat at misbehavior - Residents of the city's comfortable homes, most of which sport neighborly, worn chairs out front (planet Texas)
Sonoma County CA separates elderly gay couple and sells all of their worldly possessions | The Bilerico Project
imgur: update to "elderly gay couple separated"
Rise and Fall of Frank Ma, Last Asian Godfather - NYTimes.com
RIAA Wants Gov. to Delete Your Illegal Downloads Copyright holders are now lobbying to be allowed access to your computer to delete content they deem bad.
Google snapping photos of Vail trails | VailDaily.com
CloudMade’s OpenStreetMap Surges On Wikipedia-Like User Passion
Don't tell Google what it can't do with its data centers
AppleInsider | Inside iPhone OS 4.0: Multitasking vs Mac OS X, Android (lame apologetics for Jobs)
Opera Mini vs. Safari on the iPhone
AV-Comparatives - Independent Tests of Anti-Virus Software
Volcano Ash Cloud Flight Disruptions Worsen In Europe: Italy Closes Airspace
Ice cap thaw may awaken Icelandic volcanoes - Yahoo! News
Planes or Volcano? | Information Is Beautiful
Tibet quake toll climbs to 1144 - World - NZ Herald News
Extramarital sex fuels earthquakes: Senior Iran cleric - The Times of India - "Many women who dress inappropriately ... cause youths to go astray, taint their chastity and incite extramarital sex in society, which increases earthquakes," (women=earthquakes)
Benazir Bhutto 'left to mercy of assassins by security chief' - Telegraph
Judge May Be Kept From Grandson’s Bar Mitzvah - NYTimes.com - the threats “reveal a level of bigotry and intolerance meant to shut down any diversity of opinion.” (Jews=Israel +terrorism) )
» Terrorism that’s personal nmvsite
Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story | Video on TED.com
"I Don't Support It, Period." Why Is Kucinich the Only Dem Calling Out Obama's Plan to Assassinate a U.S. Citizen? | World | AlterNet
Why's Sen. McConnell trashing Wall Street regulation bill? | McClatchy
PolitiFact: Gingrich wrong; it wasn't just millionaires paying first income taxes - St. Petersburg Times
The 40 Dumbest Tax Day Signs: Pics, Videos, Links, News
Daily Kos: State of the Nation another tea party tax rally was held Wednesday in Washington D.C., where outraged Americans gathered, apparently to protest the fact that their taxes are the lowest they've been in 60 years
Damage To Public Lands Part Of Web Of Negative Consequences Connected To Marijuana Prohibition | FDL Action
New Republican Group Sparks Worries About Party's Future | TPMDC
1 in 3 Americans Failed to Return Census Forms - NYTimes.com (teabaggers)
Op-Ed Columnist - A Mighty Pale Tea - NYTimes.com (Blow misses point that 94% of teabaggers are Repubs)
National Briefing - South - Arkansas - Adoption Ban Struck Down - NYTimes.com a law approved by voters that banned gay couples and other unmarried people living together from being adoptive or foster parents (Christians in Arkansas: orphans better off in orphanages)
Why Young Voters Are Lukewarm on Abortion Rights - Newsweek.com How can the next generation defend abortion rights when they don't think abortion rights need defending? (mainstream pro-reproductive rights orgs -- lookin' at you, NARAL -- have utterly failed)
Bill Moyers Journal . Simon Johnson and James Kwak | PBS
Simon Johnson On 'Real Time' (video): Broken System If Goldman Conspirator John Paulson Is Not Charged (he won't be)
Goldman Sachs Said to Have Been Warned of SEC Suit (Update1) - Bloomberg.com (and said nothing)
For Goldman, a Bet’s Stakes Keep Growing - NYTimes.com to confirm many Americans’ worst suspicions about Wall Street: that the game is rigged, the odds stacked in the banks’ favor.
Report: Germany may consider Goldman action
Goldman Sachs case likely to increase calls for Wall Street reform - latimes.com Since 1989, the company's employees have contributed $31.6 million to federal political candidates, more than any financial firm,
Our Pecora Moment « The Baseline Scenario By Simon Johnson
Regulators Approve Movie Box Office Futures Market but major Hollywood studios immediately trumpeted a bill that would ban it.
Phil Jones vindicated some more : Deltoid
Rabett Run: Denialists denied again
Is Marriage Good for Your Health? - NYTimes.com (only if it's a "good" one)
$3 Healing Device Speeds Up Wound Treatment | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World
Roman ingots to shield particle detector : Nature News
In Wisconsin, Rush Is On for Meteorites - NYTimes.com
China Starts New Bureau to Police Web Traffic - NYTimes.com
Yahoo, Feds Battle Over E-Mail Privacy | Threat Level | Wired.com The government now contends it can get e-mail under 180-days old if that e-mail has been read by the owner, and the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment protections don’t apply (your "Constitutional scholar" at work)
Spam Suspect Uses Google Docs; FBI Happy | Threat Level | Wired.com
BBC News - Porn virus publishes web history of victims on the net
LRB · Benjamin Kunkel · Into the Big Tent Valences of the Dialectic by Fredric Jameson
YouTube - Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah
YouTube - K.D. Lang sings Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah
The Pit, Harvard Square, Cambridge | Facebook
BBC News - Cloud computing: Privacy and trust up in the cloud
Free Windows CD DVD Burning Software Download List
Apple files patent for new iTunes "Concert Ticket +" System | MacNN (part of the Jobster's plan to take over the entertainment industry)
The United States of Apple
Iceland Volcano Ash Shuts Down Europe Air Travel
Church in worst credibility crisis since Reformation, theologian tells bishops - The Irish Times - Fri, Apr 16, 2010 HANS KÜNG Pope Benedict has made worse just about everything that is wrong with the Roman Catholic Church and is directly responsible for engineering the global cover-up of child rape perpetrated by priests, according to this open letter to all Catholic bishops
Sex Abuse in the Church: Girls Also Victimized - Pat Wingert - Newsweek.com Boys aren't the only victims of the Catholic Church's sex-abuse scandal (they weren't all "gay")
Bishop Richard Williamson: Holocaust Denier Charge Heads To German Court (Catholics in the denial business)
Lib Dems will call for repeal of Digital Economy Act | News | TechRadar UK
Bhutto's Death Could Have Been 'Prevented,' UN Report Finds placed the blame for her death on the government of Pervez Musharraf, saying that the then president failed to provide adequate security arrangements for Bhutto and that his government did not properly investigate the attack.
BBC News - India 'human sacrifice' suspected in West Bengal temple
Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power Wealth, Income, and Power by G. William Domhoff
Holder Picks Wrong Crowd For Defense Of Military Commissions (the Constitution Project not a big fan of the Constitution)
The Obama DOJ's warrantless demands for e-mails - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com the Obama Justice Department is seeking to obtain from Yahoo "all emails" sent and received by multiple Yahoo email accounts, despite the fact that DOJ has never sought, let alone obtained, a search warrant, and despite there being no notice of any kind to the email account holders (46% of the country ecstatic they have Bush back)
CIA’s Lawyer Did Not Find Alteration of Torture Tapes “Noteworthy” | Emptywheel (of course not)
APNewsBreak: Feds Indict Ex-Blackwater President - ABC News An indictment issued Friday charges Gary Jackson along with four others, including former general counsel Andrew Howell and former executive vice president Bill Mathews.
The massive NYT suck-up to the Tea Party | Philly | 04/14/2010 Hey, remember back in late 2002 and early 2003, when tens of thousands of people showed up for several rallies to protest the looming war in Iraq ... yeah ... me neither (NYT goes nuts over a couple of thousand teabaggers)
Truly the worst person in the world | Philly | 04/13/2010 Don Blankenship of Massey Energy, who tweeted right-wing drivel and flitted around the Tea Party circuit while his working men and women were exposed to unsafe conditions on the coal mines of West Virginia (
Don Blankenship of Massey Coal bought off a judge (overturned by Supreme Court, that's how bad it was) )
West Virginia Mine Disaster: Massey Energy CEO Don Blankenship Spent Millions to Influence State Supreme Court - ABC News (Republicans at work)
Crist Vetoes Key GOP-Backed Education Bill -- Will An Indy Senate Bid Follow? | TPMDC The legislation, which was passed through the Republican legislature in the face of massive protests from teachers, would have abolished tenure for new teachers and instituted strict merit pay guidelines (Repubicans at work)
Dobbs confirms he's "considering" White House run -- What will United Stations Radio Network do? | Media Matters for America (go Lou!)
Fox News Pulls Sean Hannity From Tea Party Rally just one week after Rupert Murdoch said the network should not be supporting the tea party movement.
Jon Stewart To Fox News: "Go F--k Yourselves" (video)
Senator Ted Kaufman — Senator for Delaware: Newsroom - Press Release
Goldman’s Abacus lies | Analysis & Opinion |
S.E.C. Sues Goldman Over Housing Market Deal - NYTimes.com
Goldman Sachs' 'Fraud' Explained: How They Pulled Off The Alleged Scheme
Goldman Sachs Fraud Charges Could Be Just The Beginning, Say Analysts
Unified GOP To Block Senate From Debating Wall Street Reform (great positioning, guys)
Obama: I'll Veto Financial Reform Without Derivatives Regulation
Editorial - Fighting Foreclosures - NYTimes.com (not so much, should be in hands of local bankruptcy judges)
Why The VAT Tax Is Not Going To Happen | FDL Action (read my lips)
Solar ERUPTION: Powerful Sun Activity Captured By NASA Spacecraft (video) the largest solar prominence in 15 years.
Panic disorder and depression can be treated over the Internet
Password Tattoos To Keep Pacemakers Safer From Hackers - Uv password tattoos - Gizmodo ("12345")
Right Now - Lord Monckton, questioning Obama's citizenship (birther=denialist)
2theadvocate.com | News | National group to probe LSU’s firing of professor — Baton Rouge, LA LSU’s termination last year of Ivor van Heerden, one of the leading critics of federal engineers before and after Hurricane Katrina.
LSU professor Ivor van Heerden sues university, says free speech rights violated in his firing | - NOLA.com
Who stole Louis Sloan's paintings when he died? | Philadelphia Daily News | 04/16/2010 (family stole the will, among other things)
FOXNews.com - Straight Talk: Videotaping Police - Opinion
EXCLUSIVE: BART Police Ordered To Turn In Tasers - News Story - KTVU San Francisco
Fourth New Orleans Officer Charged In Coverup Of Post-Katrina Shootings | TPMMuckraker
Lower Merion schools: Number of webcam photos “substantial” | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/16/2010
Lawyer: Laptops took thousands of images | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/15/2010 The system that Lower Merion school officials used to track lost and stolen laptops wound up secretly capturing thousands of images, including photographs of students in their homes - "it was like a window into "a little LMSD soap opera," a staffer is quoted as saying in an e-mail to Carol Cafiero, the administrator running the program. "I know, I love it," she is quoted as having replied (Carol took the 5th last week)
Oppugn.us: Where The Rants Go: By Zed A. Shaw The LMSD "Soap Opera" And AT&T
It's not looking good for the Lower Merion school district-- Webcam Spygate. - Democratic Underground
YouTube - Every Painting in the MoMA on 10 April 2010
Windows Phone 7 vs. iPhone matchup: a developer's perspective
The Hidden Secrets of iPhone OS 4 - iphone os 4 - Gizmodo
20 Open Source Programs To Maximize Your Windows Experience
News Analysis - Obama Speech Signals a U.S. Shift on Middle East - NYTimes.com Mr. Obama declared that resolving the long-running Middle East dispute was a “vital national security interest of the United States,” - has alarmed American Jewish leaders accustomed to the Bush administration’s steadfast support (and who are these ... "Jewish leaders?" )
Contractor Deaths Accelerating in Afghanistan as They Outnumber Soldiers - ProPublica
Report: Zionist group bans Goldstone from grandson's bar mitzvah - Haaretz - Israel News
Gates: Wikileaks ‘Irresponsible’ for Releasing Video -- News from Antiwar.com Laments that Watchdog Will 'Not Be Held Accountable' (breath-taking irony)
Volcanic ash from Iceland shuts all airports leaving one million affected | News
Iceland's Volcanic Ash HALTS Flights Across Europe
Volcano in Iceland - a gallery on Flickr
Iceland's disruptive volcano - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Federal judge rules Day of Prayer unconstitutional - AP News Wire, Associated Press News - Salon.com
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Things That Should Take Less Than Five Years to Figure Out (the best minds of the military at work)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Question Of The Day - Does shtupping Muslim men make you love Islam and hate America? (demented)
Just angry about uh, something | Firedoglake - guess I want smaller government and my Social Security.” She added, “I didn’t look at it from the perspective of losing things I need. (dumb sore losers)
Late Night: Tea-Boring | Firedoglake To keep it simple, there’s Fox News America, there’s Village America, and then there’s Fucked-Over America.
FOXNews.com - Arizona Passes Strict Illegal Immigration Bill Supporters celebrated the bill as a tough crackdown on illegal immigration that will protect the state from violent criminals (and tacos, or something)
Segregation in Mississippi Public Schools in 2010? - ABC News Federal Judge Orders Mississippi School District to End Policies
Stewart Hammers Fox News For Comparing Nuclear Summit Logo To Muslim Flags (video)
Tea party activists protest excessive taxation, government spending in D.C. - "It's not just because he's black," (of course not)
Tea Parties Protest Tax Day 2010 (PICTURES, video)
Polling the Tea Party - Interactive Feature - NYTimes.com
Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated - NYTimes.com The 18 percent of Americans who identify themselves as Tea Party supporters tend to be Republican, white, male, married and older than 45.
Hot Air » Blog Archive » Video: Palin’s speech at the Boston Tea Party (from the teaparty perspective)
xiphias: Tea parties are So Much Fun! (Boston, 4/14/10)
Tea party rally generates plenty of criticism, opposing views - The Boston Globe
The Best Fake Teabagger Signs at the Boston Common Tea Party
The Tea Partiers' racial paranoia - Joan Walsh - Salon.com Can we stop pretending the anti-Obama movement is a populist, anti-elite uprising? - "People who think that "the U.S. government has done too much to support blacks" were 36 percent more likely to support the Tea Party than those who didn’t think so"
How to Talk to a Tea Party Activist
Bad Brew: What's Become of Tea Party Populism?
Effective Tax Rate | Project Potpourri
U.S. jobless claims climb 24,000 to 484,000 - MarketWatch
The Breakdown: What Will Student Loan Reform Do?
Literacy of Older Adults in America - Results from the National Adult Literacy Survey (60 and older: 70+% basically illiterate and innumerate, but watch fox news see "teaparty")
BBC News - Case dropped against Simon Singh The British Chiropractic Association has dropped its libel action (didn't work out so hot for them, but libel law in UK still sucks)
Adventures in nonsense: 500 Chiropractors reported to Trading Standards and GCC
BBC News - Diets may determine dementia risk Diets rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, vitamin E and folate but low in saturated fat and vitamin B12 appear to be best.
J.K. Rowling on welfare and patriotism — Crooked Timber
The single mother's manifesto | J.K. Rowling - Times Online
The words David Foster Wallace circled in his dictionary. - - Slate Magazine A complete list, courtesy of the Ransom Center.
YouTube - Simcity 3000 - Magnasanti - 6 Million - Absolute Maximum
Google LatLong: Dazzling new 3D buildings for New York City in Google Earth
National Labor Committee report on Chinese CE factories uncovers deplorable conditions -- Engadget
China's Youth Meet Microsoft - The National Labor Committee
'9/11-Style Plot' Foiled In Iraq: Al Qaeda Planned Air Attack On Shiite Muslim Shrines
Quake in western China kills 400, buries more - Yahoo! News
BBC News - China ship 'seriously damaged' Great Barrier Reef
The Anti Press: The media waits: four months on and still no official Nato press release on the existence of Special Forces Death Squads
Steve Clemons: Jordan's King Says Israel-Hezbollah-Lebanon War "Imminent"
Mosque vandalized as settlers attack Palestinian village - Haaretz - Israel News (more Israeli terrorism)
Asia Times Online :: Central Asian News and current affairs, Russia, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan (botched)
Vatican Enters 'Full-Fledged Damage Control Mode' Over Abuse (stonewall)
Leaked US military video boosts donations to Wikileaks | Journalism.co.uk Editors' Blog
Do 46% of Americans Really Want George W. Bush Back? Really? | Firedoglake (yes, they're that stupid)
Op-Ed Contributor - Our Fill-in-the-Blank Constitution - NYTimes.com For 30 years, conservative commentators have persuaded the public that conservative judges apply the law, whereas liberal judges make up the law (up has always been down for insane, lying Republicans)
FreakOutNation » Restoring Balance To The Supreme Court all tiers of the Federal Judicial branch are dominated by Republican appointees - Republican Presidents have used the Federalist Society and conservative legal organizations as a judge factory. Everyone knows this and it’s very clear.
Johnsen Drops Nomination Before Battle for Stevens' Seat - time (no)
Beck tells the media "it is time to choose sides" and warns they could be "complicit with the destruction of America" | Media Matters for America (cause)
Sarah Palin paints the President as a foreigner and calls his policies: 'Un-American' at Boston Tea Party rally | Crooks and Liars By the way, the teabaggers were saying that they were going to have 10,000 people attending, but Greg Sargent says only about 3,000 showed up (wall-to-wall on CNN)
Local men tried to move explosives across state lines, FBI says arrest of Daniel Bancroft, 43, and brother Robert for allegedly trying to sell blocks of C4 explosive (effect)
Ellen Smith: Is Massey's Ruby Engine Mine Even More Unsafe Than Upper Big Branch? (yes, if possible)
Finishing 'The Treatment' | The New Republic
Ted Deutch, Democrat, Wins House Race To Replace Florida's Robert Wexler - first U.S. House race since Congress passed a massive health care overhaul
Election 2012: Barack Obama 42%, Ron Paul 41% - Rasmussen Reports™ Twenty-four percent (24%) of voters now consider themselves a part of the Tea Party movement ("independents")
Daily Kos: Looking out for the richest 2 percent 98 percent of Americans are getting a tax cut this year thanks to Democratic legislation opposed by every single Republican ... how about 100 percent of the teabaggers send their tax cut to the 2 percent richest Americans who didn't get one.
Jon Stewart Exposes the Media's Laughably Dishonest Tax-Related Reporting - Jon Stewart - Gawker.TV
AP fact-checks Andrew Breitbart; Breitbart loses | Raw Story - Report: Breitbart used 'wrong video' to claim Dem lawmakers lied about racial slurs (he does that alot, doesn't he: Republicans working hard at lying)
McDonnell spokesman says voting rights letter sent to felons 'without approval' (oh sure)
Political Irony › John Cleese Explains Extremism
What Will HMO Health Plans Do Now? | VitalOne Health Insurance
World's worst teeth - latimes.com
Economic Scene - Yes, 47% of Households Owe No Taxes. Look Closer. - NYTimes.com - poor families generally pay more in payroll taxes than they receive through benefits like the Earned Income Tax Credit. It’s not just poor families for whom the payroll tax is a big deal, either. About three-quarters of all American households pay more in payroll taxes, which go toward Medicare and Social Security, than in income taxes
Matthew Yglesias » Bernanke to Unemployed: Drop Dead
Democrats Batter Mitch McConnell For Standing With Wall Street
Getting to 'sustainable' debt: What that really means - Apr. 12, 2010
Democrats Hold The Line Against Wall Street Derivatives Lobbying (we don't need no steenking regulation of our world-destroying innovative financial instruments)
Senator McConnell Is Completely Wrong On Financial Reform « The Baseline Scenario Senator McConnell Is Completely Wrong On Financial Reform - This proposal is dangerous, irresponsible, and makes no sense (they never do: scary Republican "ideas")
Senate again eyes carried interest tax: sources | Reuters U.S. lawmakers desperate for revenue are looking anew at changing the tax treatment of profits earned by hedge fund and private equity managers
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Prepare For a Lengthy Double-Dip Recession Because Larry Kudlow is predicting a recovery - Credibility is for chumps and Democrats.
Banks Making Big Profits From Tiny Loans - NYTimes.com (they always do)
Bank of America exec: 'Considerable number' will lose homes - CharlotteObserver.com Bank fields 125,000 daily requests for mortgage help and plans more options (no cram-down for you)
Morgan Stanley: How many millions lost for PA pension? | PhillyDeals | 04/14/2010 - Some $452.5 million of that money, 5 percent of the total, came from the Pennsylvania Public School Employees Retirement System... "That would likely make it the biggest dollar loss in the history of private-equity real-estate investing," says the Journal. "
The Return of Industrial Policy - Project Syndicate
Political Irony › John Cleese Explains Extremism
20 Things You Didn't Know About... Light | Light | discover Magazine
BBC News - 'No malpractice' by climate unit There was no scientific malpractice at the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit, which was at the centre of the "Climategate" affair (Republicans not apologizing)
Obesity Trends in the U.S.
Medicinal 'magic mushrooms': The new Prozac? - The Week Why psychedelic drugs are returning as a legitimate treatment for depression
The Curious Cook - Why Cilantro Tastes Like Soap, for Some - NYTimes.com
BBC News - Japanese whale meat 'being sold in US and Korea' clear proof that meat from whales captured under Japan's whaling programme is being sold in US and Korean eateries.
FORA.tv - Six Easy Steps to Avert the Collapse of Civilization
Why Newspapers Shouldn't Be Scared of Huffington Post - Culture - The Atlantic
New Scientology Book Claims To Expose Tom Cruise "Secrets": Drugs and Divorce Ultimatums | RadarOnline.com
Public triumph, private torment - latimes.com (Mike Penner/Christine Daniels) )
Mississippi Lesbian Constance McMillen to Lead NYC Pride Parade - Towleroad
YouTube - The Truth According To Wikipedia
ITT: Creepy Wikipedia pages. - IGN Boards
YouTube - communitychannel's Channel
Apple: An Evil Empire in the Making? | CIO - Blogs and Discussion (bad company)
Al-Qaeda trying to secure nuclear weapons, says Barack Obama - Telegraph
Shedding the Colonial Image: Hamid Karzai Bites the Hand that Feeds Him - Spiegel Online - News - International
WikiLeaks plans to post video showing US massacre of Afghani civilians | Raw Story (and the military won't be able to find their copy this time, either)
New law could deport thousands of West Bank Palestinians The new order makes it a criminal act for anyone to live in the West Bank without a permit (where have we heard that before?)
Russian President: ‘Obama is a thinker — unlike other people’ | Raw Story (unlike you know who)
Bishop Giacomo Babini blames Jews for attacks on Pope -Times Online
3quarksdaily Immersion in propaganda, race-based nationalism and the un-figure-outable vortex of Juche Thought: Colin Marshall talks to B.R. Myers, author of The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves and Why it Matters
Okla. tea parties and lawmakers envision militia | TPM News Pages Okla. tea party leaders and legislators envision militia designed to fight federal mandates (terrorist teapartiers at work)
Hullabaloo: Nuts - They don't like the results of the election so they want to raise an army to fight it. They simply don't think elections are meaningful if they don't win them. And they can't wait until 2012 to put Palin in the White House.
Sarah Palin Has Earned An Estimated $12 Million Since July - ABC News Since leaving office at the end of July 2009, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee has brought in at least 100 times her old salary – a haul now estimated at more than $12 million -- through television and book deals and a heavy schedule of speaking appearances worth five and six figures.
Obstruction: Mine safety hindered - Editorials - The Charleston Gazette - West Virginia News and Sports -
Nobody knows the trouble they’ve seen — Crooked Timber - conservative is the new black (because they are so discriminated against! +McMegan McArdle is stupid)
The Washington Monthly: Massa's Gone, Ensign'S A Sitting Senator - Massa drew scrutiny from the House ethics committee; Ensign is being investigated by the FBI. (WaPo coverage not so balanced)
Chris Harris: After Hobnobbing With Bankers, McConnell Attacks Wall Street Reform "private meeting" with "25 Wall Street executives, many of them hedge fund managers."
Pence Suggests Health Care May Play A Role In SCOTUS Vetting (Video) | TPM LiveWire
Remarks: Trumka’s Harvard Speech - The Page by Mark Halperin - TIME.com “Why Working People Are Angry and Why Politicians Should Listen”
Charity defends Christian-only hiring | tennessean.com | The Tennessean Critics say it shouldn't get federal funds (Bush giveways to religion)
Staffers' accounts paint more detailed, troubling picture of Massa's office (more wild 'n crazy Republicans)
FRONTLINE: obama’s deal | PBS A sobering look at the push to reform health care, revealing the realities of American politics, the power of special interest groups and the role of money in policy making.
American Family Association: Deport All Muslims | Media Matters Action Network (Christian nation; Jews and atheists next)
American Family Association: Muslims Can Stay In The U.S. If They Accept Christ | Media Matters Action Network
'The Fourteenth Banker,' Anonymous Bank Insider, Describes His Moral Crisis: 'The System Is Built To Be Gamed'
Greek Bailout, Lehman Deceit, And Tim Geithner « The Baseline Scenario
Calculated Risk: Report: Commuting Costs offset Lower House Prices ("drive 'til you qualify" has problems)
Andrew Ross Sorkin Owes Several People An Apology - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com (Times makin' shit up about their own columnists)
Whistle Blower Comes Forward With Solid Proof The Price Of Gold And Silver Is Being Manipulated By Major Financial Institutions
Op-Ed Columnist - Dealing With a Recession That’s ‘a Different Creature’ - NYTimes.com
Vice President Biden Lends His Prestige To Robert Rubin's Relaunch (Crash 2.0)
Executive PayWatch 2010 A chief executive officer of a Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500 index company was paid, on average, $9.25 million in total compensation in 2009.[1] At the same time, millions of workers lost their jobs, their homes and their retirement savings in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Why We Need Oil
US military warns oil output may dip causing massive shortages by 2015 | Business | The Guardian • Cost of crude oil is predicted to top $100 a barrel (looks like we peaked)
How Marijuana Could Help Glaucoma | LiveScience
California sees uptick in sizable earthquakes since the Mexicali temblor | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times
Lexus GX is a 'Don't Buy' for shoppers, Consumer Reports says - latimes.com the Lexus GX 460 SUV failed a key emergency-handling test. Toyota says it is 'mystified by the results' of the report (they always are)
'Growing concern' over marketing tainted beef - USATODAY.com
Justice Department Moves To Reform Notorious New Orleans Police Department | TPMMuckraker
Virginia's disgraceful move to discourage restoration of ex-cons' voting rights
Jonathan Klein: Photos that changed the world | Video on TED.com
Skin Deep - Unshaven Women - Free Spirits or Just Unkempt? - NYTimes.com
Teaching About the Web Includes Troublesome Parts - NYTimes.com
FT.com / Technology - Google accused of YouTube ‘free ride’
Google: Privacy Is Alive And Well - Forbes.com
Please do not change your password - The Boston Globe You were right: It’s a waste of your time. A study says much computer security advice is not worth following
52 Useful Firefox Add-Ons for Photographers - Photography Colleges
How to Try the New Google Docs Apps
YouTube - New York City 3D in Google Earth
MAPfrappe - Move Outlines
Thai holiday canceled amid protests, violence - CNN.com
Pilot ignored orders not to land, Russian officials say - The Globe and Mail Air traffic control warned pilot against landing, gave orders to divert to alternative airport, Russia's Air Force says
Poland crash pilots had been warned: investigators - Yahoo! News
BBC News - Could terrorists get hold of a nuclear bomb?
Fareed Zakaria - Learning to work with our man in Afghanistan (elite pundit tells us to support the Taliban)
Hamid Karzai: Liz Cheney's Favorite 'Arab' | The Atlantic Wire
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Iran to take US to UN over 'threat'
Vatican: Bishops must report sex abuse - Washington Times making it clear for the first time that bishops and other high-ranking clerics should report such crimes to police if required by law.
Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican's Number 2: Priest Pedophilia Linked To Homosexuality
Bishop 'blames Jews' for criticism of Catholic church record on abuse | World news | The Guardian (you know, the Jews at the New York Times, like Maureen Dowd)
Moscow Judge Who Sentenced Neo-Nazis Is Murdered
Dead Yemeni Child Bride Was Tied Up, Raped, Says Mom
More cause and effect in the War against Terrorists - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - we are a country that only Looks Forward and Not Backward (and never learns anything)
No Budget Resolution? Democrats Contemplate Giving Up Important Power In Face Of Republican Obstructionism | FDL Action
Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster: Should Investigation Be Public? (national security or something)
Don Blankenship: Investors, Politicians Begin Calling For Massey Head To Resign
Arianna Huffington: The West Virginia Mining Disaster and the Financial Crisis Have the Same Root Cause The "fundamentally weak" state of America's watchdogs is the deliberate end product of massive amounts of corporate lobbying ... with predictable results: profits up; dead miners up
AMERICAblog News: House leadership aide: No more tough votes until election
Ezra Klein - The political case for immigration reform
Hillary Clinton, Supreme Court Nominee? White House Says 'No'
Scott Brown To Skip Tea Party Rally In Boston With Sarah Palin (that would have generated some great local press)
Think Progress » Confused Palin: It is ‘mistaken’ to call GOP the ‘Party of No,’ but GOP is right to be ‘Party of No’ to Obama.
Mike Huckabee Compares Being Gay To Using Drugs And Incest « Alan Colmes' Liberaland - also said he’s against gays adopting children, because “you don’t treat children like puppies.” (rightwing nuts at work)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » I don’t understand what they mean and I could really give a fuck (David Gregory: is this a fact or not? you decide)
Eschaton CNN Chyron right now: The Search For The Middle: Extreme left & right dominate headlines - That extreme left, always so powerful
Tea Party NY Gov Candidate's E-Mails Exposed: Racism, Porn, Bestiality | TPMMuckraker
Reid Camp Dismisses Brutal Poll: Pollster Didn't Include 'None Of The Above' | TPMDC
Tea Party Warns Members: No Pre-Gaming! | TPMMuckraker (+don't act like teapartiers!)
Buying an Ad on Fox News is Easier Than You Think - Slate - Gawker able to buy space for $100 in the wee hours of the morning during repeats of The Glenn Beck Show. And they got over 1,000 people to go to this completely made-up website that was about absolutely nothing.
Glenn Beck Loses All U.K. Sponsors : Delaware Liberal
A White Day For Terror « Viceland.com
Fox News Reporter Spends Time with Tea Party Express, Concludes They’re Nuts | Firedoglake
Pulitzer Prize Winners 2010: Washington Post Wins 4, New York Times Gets 3
alicublog The awful Kathleen Parker has won the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary.
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Kathleen Parker Wins Pultizer for Commentary (has
The Washington Monthly 'Barter With Your Doctor'.... Once in a great while, we get a peek at Republicans' health care ideals, but rarely do we see them articulated as candidly as Sue Lowden - the favorite to defeat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) in November (yeah, and your insurance company too)
Washington Mutual created 'mortgage time bomb,' Senate panel finds - latimes.com
Calculated Risk: WaMu Hearings Start Tomorrow - Regulators failed for years to properly supervise the giant savings and loan Washington Mutual, even as the company wobble
Federal Eye - GAO: Postal Service business 'not viable'
The story BCG offered me $16,000 not to tell - The Tech
Looting Main Street : Rolling Stone How the nation's biggest banks are ripping off American cities with the same predatory deals that brought down Greece - They means Charles LeCroy and Bill Blount, the two principals in what would become the most important of all the corruption cases in Jefferson County (good 'ol Birmingham, AL taken down by white greed)
25-Story Apartment Tower Built in 2001 Now a Teardown • Seattle Bubble (Republican construction)
Steven Strogatz - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com Change We Can Believe In
Ecological Footprint Calculator
Scientists discover 'smart' insulin molecule
Gigantic Baby Stars Discovered in Cloud of Space Dust | Wired Science | Wired.com
Hubble Confirms Existence of Dark Matter (video)
Arsenic used to treat leukemia
Hawaiian submarine canyons are hotspots of biodiversity and biomass for seafloor animal communities
Making surgery scalpels from sound waves
13 Things that Saved Apollo 13 | Universe Today
Hallucinogens Have Doctors Tuning In Again - NYTimes.com
Hopkins Scientists Show Hallucinogen In Mushrooms Creates Universal “Mystical” Experience - The resulting experiences apparently prompt positive changes in behavior and attitude that last several months, at least.
Hallucinogens - Doctors Reconsidering? | Geekosystem
A Methodology for Studying Various Interpretations of the N,N-dimethyltryptamine-Induced Alternate Reality
YouTube - No Mas Presents: Dock Ellis & The LSD No-No by James Blagden
Will K3 fake weed get you high? The Pitch smokes up, er, product tests for you - Kansas City News - Plog
The Neighborhood Issue 2010 - The Clash Between Hasids and Hipsters in Williamsburg -- New York Magazine Hipsters, Hasids, and the Williamsburg street (next: "settlements")
Unkosher Wheels, Friendly Faces | The Jewish Week
Films That Change The World: Trembling on the Road (Hasid homophobia)
FailedMessiah.com: Annals of Theodicy: Gays Caused Haiti Earthquake, Haredi Rabbi Says (Fundies the same everywhere)
FailedMessiah.com: "Sit Shiva" For Your Lesbian Child, Rabbi Says "You want legitimacy for your world? There's (also) my world. The world of the primitive, of Menachem Froman, who is a proud primitive."
Mind the Gaps: John Derbyshire, NRO racist white idiot
National Review's white people summit on the problems of black America - War Room - Salon.com
gladwell dot com - none of the above - What I.Q. doesn't tell you about race.
War Against the Weak How American corporate philanthropies launched a national campaign of ethnic cleansing in the United States, helped found and fund the Nazi eugenics of Hitler and Mengele — and then created the modern movement of "human genetics."
Darwin 200: Should scientists study race and IQ? YES: The scientific truth must be pursued : Article : Nature
Darwin 200: Should scientists study race and IQ? NO: Science and society do not benefit : Article : Nature
YouTube - Jesse Ventura: Legalize Marijuana! (Fox: union workers getting "lavish pensions")
DNA testing exonerates Florida man convicted of 1983 murder - Los Angeles Times Anthony Caravella, 41, spent 26 years in prison for a rape and slaying. He was 15 years old when charged - "The shocking thing is that an innocent man can be convicted like this." (+black)
ACSBlog: The Trouble with ACTA | Public Knowledge
The Wellington Declaration | PublicACTA The Wellington Declaration |
Pay attention New Zealand « Red Alert
Rupert Murdoch Won't Let You Take That Extra Sugar Packet for Free - San Francisco News - The Snitch
News: Watch French Animated SciFi Short FARD
Vivos - The Underground Survival Shelter Network for 2012 and Beyond
Google Docs Adds Major New Features [PICS]
Can Android Overtake the iPhone? | Tim Bajarin | PCMag.com
Palm for Sale? Any Takers? - PCWorld
NYT: Google Android Tablet Imminent | Gadget Lab | Wired.com
Adobe Creative Suite 5 Brings Sexy Back | Webdesigner Depot
YouTube - Standing Cat IN BOOTS! (Feat. Zorro Cat and Mariachi Cat)
YouTube - Standing Cat Falling man
Tubedubber Youtube Dubber - standing cat/star wars
YouTube - Next Level Cat
‘Next Level Cat’ Obeys Laws Of Viral Videos: Use Pets
YouTube - standing cat with theremin
YouTube - Standing CAT but better.
YouTube - Standing Cat is Watching YOU with a Top Hat!
YouTube - What standing cat is watching
YouTube - The Standing Cat and The Amazed Cat impressed by Nora The Piano Cat
Lieberman: Obama Won't Get Nukes Treaty Without Major Changes (he will obstruct)
Op-Ed Columnist - Worlds Without Women - NYTimes.com The church has had theological schisms. This is an emotional schism. The pope is morally compromised. Take it from a sister
Bearing False Witness: The Pope Commits Perjury | News Junkie Post (corrupt pedophile enabler needs to resign)
Richard Dawkins calls for Pope to be put on trial | World news | The Guardian Critics including Christopher Hitchens are exploring legal options for Pope Benedict XVI to face trial in UK
Richard Dawkins: I will arrest Pope Benedict XVI -Times Online - planning a legal ambush to have the Pope arrested during his state visit to Britain “for crimes against humanity”. (Murdoch paper)
'Richard Dawkins: I will arrest Pope Benedict XVI' by Marc Horne - TimesOnline - RichardDawkins.net
t r u t h o u t | Ex-Bush Official Willing to Testify Bush, Cheney Knew Gitmo Prisoners Innocent (Obama still looking forwards to new war crimes)
GOP hopes to go from Party of No to Party of Choice - Politics AP - MiamiHerald.com (the choice to say "no" to Obama)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Down Is Up
YouTube - RNC chairman Michael Steele wrapped up the Southern Republican Leadership Conference (and this is the Republican Party?)
Op-Ed Contributor - Confederate History Month Blurs the Truth about the Civil War - NYTimes.com - Southern Discomfort by Jon Meacham - Whitewashing the war is one way for the right — alienated, anxious and angry about the president, health care reform and all manner of threats, mostly imaginary — to express its unease with the Age of Obama, disguising hate as heritage.
Op-Ed Columnist - No One Is to Blame for Anything - NYTimes.com If the captain of the Titanic followed the Greenspan model, he could claim he was on course at least 70 percent of the time too.
Obama's Jobs Agenda Stalled In Congress (deficit-hawks at work)
Can Workers' Pay Be Part Of The Recovery? - Hartford Courant
Waiting on the gains that matter: Jobs, not stock prices - Los Angeles Times (bankers got theirs, who needs jobs?)
Interest Rates Have Nowhere to Go but Up - NYTimes.com
Intractability of Financial Derivatives | Freedom to Tinker risks can arise because a seller can deliberately construct a derivative with a booby trap hiding in plain sight (we don't need no steenking derivatives regulations)
NASA Giving Climate Science Funding a 62% Boost : Planetsave
News Detail : National MS Society - Pursuing Promising Avenues in MS Treatment and Research - Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI)
SleepEducation.com Sleep related eating disorder (SRED) is a parasomnia: consists of repeated episodes of compulsive binge eating and drinking after waking up in the night.
Raiding the Refrigerator, but Still Asleep - NYTimes.com
Curbing nocturnal binges in sleep-related eating disorder - Nursing Link
How to Treat a Sleep Related Eating Disorder | eHow.com
Muslim staff escape NHS hygiene rule - Telegraph - Muslim doctors and nurses are to be allowed to opt out of strict hygiene rules introduced by the NHS to restrict the spread of hospital superbugs (the rest of you can just die)
Should a Journalist Turn in His Pedophile Sources? - TIME
Two California Counties Nix Marijuana ID Cards | NEWS JUNKIE POST Fourteen years after Californians voted to legalize the medicinal use of marijuana, two counties — in violation of state law — are still refusing to issue official identification cards to cannabis patients.
YouTube - Top 10 Biggest and Best Jumps Ever
Edge: Time To Start Taking The Internet Seriously By David Gelernter ("lifestreams")
David Gelenter: Bush's Greatness: Bush-hatred is racist hatred
Tao Effect Blog » Blog Archive » Steve Jobs’ response on Section 3.3.1
The HTML5 test - How well does your browser support HTML5?
29 Semi-Productive Things I Do Online When I’m Trying to Avoid Real Work | Marc and Angel Hack Life
President of Poland Killed in Plane Crash in Russia - NYTimes.com
Pope Put Off Punishing Abusive Priest - NYTimes.com
Beliefs - A Psychologist Steeped in Treatment of Sexually Active Priests - NYTimes.com “I had predicted 15 years ago that this would go up to the pope,” Dr. Lothstein said.
Italian Prosecutors Want Berlusconi to Stand Trial - NYTimes.com Milan prosecutors have asked for Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to stand trial for tax fraud and embezzlement in television-rights deals, but the case is likely to be suspended under a new law giving him temporary immunity (they can't keep up with his new laws)
Op-Ed Contributor - Running in Circles in Kyrgyzstan - NYTimes.com Let me be clear: What happened on Wednesday was not a revolution — it was a hijacking
The Associated Press: Slum disappears in Rio mudslide; 200 feared dead
Veteran of "Collateral Murder" Company Speaks Out | CommonDreams.org
Daily Kos: Full WikiLeaks Video Released, U.S. Iraq Command Says "Case Closed" (we lost the evidence)
Exclusive: Reuters Chief Spikes Story on Killing of His Own Staffers In Baghdad - Reuters - Gawker
Elena Kagan Emerging As Supreme Court Front-Runner far more conservative than Stevens and could shift the political dynamic of the high court (Obama goes far right to appease Republicans)
Associate Justice John Paul Stevens to Retire From Supreme Court After 34 Years - NYTimes.com - Political Test for Obama (how right-wing will he go?)
Top Judiciary GOPer Signals Health Care Could Be Next Court Nominee's Litmus Test | TPMDC (health care is unconstitutional or your don't get confirmed; Obama to cave, as usual)
Ill Fares the Land - The New York Review of Books - By Tony Judt (call for a new new left for our center-right-right nation)
Obama Nominee to Legal Office Withdraws - NYTimes.com ending a troubled but high-profile nomination that had dragged on for more than a year (hung out to dry by Obama)
The death of Dawn Johnsen's nomination - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - I find it virtually impossible to imagine Dawn Johnsen opining that the President has the legal authority to order American citizens assassinated with no due process or to detain people indefinitely with no charges (why Obama hung her out to dry)
Dawn Johnsen Wrote Forcefully About Confronting 'Our Nation's Past Transgressions' (no looking backward for Obama)
The Inevitable Sacking Of The Dawn Johnsen Nomination | Emptywheel - it is completely and unequivocally about the failure of Barack Obama and his Administration to support their own nominee and stand up for the values she proffered which led them to select her in the first place (that was then, you know, before the election)
Op-Ed Columnist - Demos, a Voice of Reason - NYTimes.com
Matthew Yglesias » “Bias” (or incompetency, you decide)
A Republican Party: Highlights From The Southern Republican Leadership Conference (the faces and voices of the Republican party) | TPM LiveWire
Miners Found Dead: Four Missing Miners Found Dead At Upper Big Branch Coal Mine (how about the death penalty for Massey Corp?)
The Washington Monthly: The Right's New Approach To Employment Discrimination (fire all the Dem employees)
Joan E. Dowlin: The Myth of Ronald Reagan the only modern president who cut taxes for the middle class, balanced the budget, created a surplus, cut the size of government, reformed welfare, created jobs, and presided over the nation during a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity was a Democrat, President Bill Clinton.
Nine Myths about Socialism in the US | CommonDreams.org
Neo-Confederate History Month | The New Republic
Media Debates The Merits Of Celebrating The Confederacy - Pat Buchanan, generously offering, "I think both sides were right." Slaves were right to want to be free, and the Confederacy was right to fight to defend their right to maintain a workforce of abused, indentured servants who were selected for the task solely because the ruling class deemed them to be part-human (your insane media at work)
Ayla Brown New "Early Show" Special Contributor - The Early Show - CBS News Mass. Senator Scott Brown's Daughter Joins CBS Morning Program
NPR Asks Self: "Where Are All the Women?"
Brooks: Let Them Eat Work - Matt Taibbi - Taibblog - True/Slant (but the real question is who edits Gail Collins?)
Climate Change - Building a Green Economy - NYTimes.com
BBC News - China reports rare trade deficit first monthly trade deficit in almost six years.
Simon Johnson: Fix The Dodd Bill -- Use The Kanjorski Amendment
The Preposterous Reality: 25 Hedge Fund Managers Are Worth 680,000 Teachers (Who Teach 13 Million Students) | | AlterNet
Monbiot.com » The Unpersuadables In fighting for science, we subscribe to a comforting illusion: that people can be swayed by the facts (not if they're insane and stupid)
Mark Hyman, MD: Glutathione: The Mother of All Antioxidants
nsf.gov - National Science Foundation (NSF) News - Scientists Explore Origins of 'Supervolcanoes' on the Sea Floor - US National Science Foundation (NSF)
Princeton Alumni Weekly: Nothing succeeds like failure
Near-Earth Object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies: Interim Report
The National Academies | News | NASA’s Asteroid Detection Programs Not Yet Meeting U.S. Goals
Near-Earth Object 2010 AL30 - Earth Science Picture of the Day
BBC News - Chlamydia test after every new partner call
10 Things Every Woman Should Know About a Man's Brain | LiveScience
6-Year-Old Boy Accused of Molesting 10 Classmates at Massachusetts Elementary School - True Crime Report
Key figure in ‘Webcamgate’ invokes Fifth | Philadelphia Daily News | 04/09/2010 A Lower Merion School District official at the center of the "Webcamgate" scandal invoked her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination today (looks like they might have been lying?)
Plain Clothes Officer Pulls Gun on Man for Speeding; Police Threaten to Jail Him for Recording the Incident « The Pursuit of Liberty (of course)
6-career-killing-facebook-mistakes: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
10 Simple Google Search Tricks - NYTimes.com
New in iPhone OS 4: The Full App-by-App Breakdown | iLounge Article
How iPhone OS destroys Windows Phone 7 without even shipping
Definitive PHP security checklist | sk89q
Israel Lifts Order of Silence in Spying Case - NYTimes.com - Anat Kam (tried to reveal illegal assassination program)
Netanyahu Cancels Trip to U.S. Nuclear Summit - NYTimes.com Israeli news media reported that the prime minister feared that Muslim states were planning on using the occasion to raise the question of Israel’s nuclear arsenal (which doesn't exist)
Kyrgyzstan President Says He Will Not Step Down - NYTimes.com
AP EXCLUSIVE: Future pope stalled pedophile case - Yahoo! News
German Church Abuse Hotline Gets Flood of Calls - NYTimes.com The Roman Catholic Church’s phone line for victims of sexual abuse in Germany
Paris Journal - Rumor of Infidelities Sets Off Modern French Farce - NYTimes.com (Sarkozy went all paranoid psychotic)
South Korean Sailors Say Outside Blast Sank Ship - NYTimes.com (that was pretty obvious)
Irish firm claims ‘significant’ oil find off coast of Dublin | Irish Business | IrishCentral
George W. Bush 'knew Guantánamo prisoners were innocent' - Times Online - George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld covered up that hundreds of innocent men were sent to the Guantánamo Bay prison camp because they feared that releasing them would harm the push for war in Iraq and the broader War on Terror (hurt their PR)
OPB News · Willamette Students File Suit For Guantanamo Detainee
With Stevens' departure, a judicial era passes - Yahoo! News
Diplomat Disrupted Flight by Lighting Cigarette - NYTimes.com
Dawn Johnsen Withdraws Her Nomination To Head OLC | FDL News Desk - Obama had the votes to confirm Johnsen last year, as soon as Arlen Specter switched parties (more changey not so much)
Video: The Big Bang Treaty | The Daily Show | Comedy Central (making the world safer=death)
Think Progress » The New ‘Death Panels’: Gingrich Says GOP Should Campaign Against Nonexistent IRS ‘Health Gestapo’
The Washington Monthly - George "Hows My Hair" Stephanopoulos: "Some conspicuously unintelligent right-wing media personality said something stupid about a subject she knows nothing about. Mr. President, how do you respond?" (what a little moron; Obama answers: "I really have no response. Because last I checked, Sarah Palin's not much of an expert on nuclear issues.")
Sources: Stupak retiring from Congress – This Just In - CNN.com Blogs (teaparty eats one of their own; that worked out really well)
Bart Stupak RETIRING: Tea Party Targeted Him Over Health Care Vote
CNN's Phillips scolds viewers over "vicious emails," says so-called "ex-gay" activist "was not the most appropriate guest" | Media Matters for America (Kyra is an idiot, really)
Editorial - An Immigration Policing Program Too Broken to Fix - NYTimes.com Outsourcing immigration enforcement to an ill-trained and poorly supervised assortment of state and local law enforcement agencies creates a lot of problems (no one could have predicted)
Bill Press: Setting the Record Straight on Erick Erickson
The Washington Monthly: Quote Of The Day: Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota: ", if they fire against the United States a biological weapon, a chemical weapon or maybe a cyber attack, well then we aren't going to be firing back with nuclear weapons" (MAD for cyber-attacks)
China Appears Set to Make Currency More Flexible - NYTimes.com
News Analysis - Running Out of Time in Greece - NYTimes.com - As Greek Bond Rates Soar, Bankruptcy Looms
Krugman - Learning From Greece - NYTimes.com - prospects for a rescue plan seem to be fading, largely thanks to German obduracy (trapped by the Euro)
Christie seeks cap on N.J. public college tuition | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/09/2010 (the Republican Terminator solution: cut funding, cap tuition raise)
KYW Newsradio 1060 Philadelphia - Stakeholders Stunned At South Philadelphia Casino Financing Blowup casino mogul Steve Wynn abruptly withdrew plans to take over the stalled Foxwoods slots parlor
Evolution, Big Bang Polls Omitted From NSF Report - ScienceInsider
Dwarf planets accumulate in outer Solar System - Australian Geographic
New Hominid Species, Au. Sediba, Discovered in South Africa - NYTimes.com bones of a new hominid species that lived almost two million years ago during the fateful, still mysterious period spanning the emergence of the human family.
Financing Plan Threatens Reading Is Fundamental - NYTimes.com (programs designed not just to fail, but to destory other working programs)
Suit Says H and R Block in Bronx Had Identity Thieves - NYTimes.com - “There’s only place that could have come from: H&R Block,”
Streetsblog Capitol Hill » New Analysis Tracks 40 Years of Changes in How Kids Get to School (their parents take them in cars now because they might get kidnapped)
DA's Sex Ed Warning Befuddles Wis. Teachers, Kids - NYTimes.com Juneau County District Attorney Scott Southworth last month sent a letter to area school districts warning that health teachers who tell students how to put on a condom or take birth-control pills could face criminal charges - Southworth, a Republican and a Christian evangelical - sex among minors, who are not legally allowed to have sex in Wisconsin (sex is a criminal activity, talking about it also)
The “Mean Prom” Masquerade Continues, Constance Not the First to Face Discrimination | La Figa
A Legislative Solution for the Fake Prom? | FDL News Desk the Student Non-Discrimination Act.
Editorial - Dial-Up Law in a Broadband World - NYTimes.com (electronic privacy)
Roy Greenslade: Murdoch's ad discounts to undermine New York Times | Media | guardian.co.uk
TheWrap's Cease & Desist Letter to Newser - TheWrap.com
Ars Technica reviews the iPad
What's wrong with the iPad? Let's start with the lack of a clock | Technology | guardian.co.uk t won't wake you up and won't charge while it's syncing. And other annoyances
10 hours with the iPad: Why the iPad Is Not a Kindle Killer | Dear Author
Report: Smaller and cheaper iPad already on its way - Gadgets (next year)
The Flash Blog » Apple Slaps Developers In The Face
Why does everything suck?: Steve Jobs Has Just Gone Mad
jlongster - Scheme is also dead on the iPhone
Daring Fireball: New iPhone Developer Agreement Bans the Use of Adobe's Flash-to-iPhone Compiler
Daring Fireball: Why Apple Changed Section 3.3.1
Apple: the iPhone walled garden is to keep porn out - Boing Boing
Poynter Online - Mobile Media - Did Apple just ban Wired's iPad app?
Index Page - Rapidshare Search Engine - Rapidshare8.com
Obama and Medvedev Sign Nuclear Arms Reduction Pact - NYTimes.com
Kyrgyzstan Uprising: Did Moscow Subvert a U.S. Ally? - TIME
Rushing for Inaccuracy in Bishkek — Registan.net
Doublethink – The Digital Economy Bill against the digital economy
Digital Economy bill: liveblogging the crucial third reading | Technology | guardian.co.uk
The Associated Press: 13-year-old Yemeni bride dies of bleeding A human rights group says a 13-year-old Yemeni girl has died of injuries to her genitals four days after a family-arranged marriage.
West Virginia disaster: Will Congress take on coal mining companies? / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com (no)
Gregory Giusti, accused of threatening Nancy Pelosi, has criminal history - 4/07/10 - San Francisco News - abc7news.com - Accused man's mom blames Fox News for behavior - "I say Fox News, or all of those that are really radical, and he, that's where he comes from." (the teaparty channel inciting violence)
Gail Collins - A Confederacy of Dunces - NYTimes.com “Many issues of the Civil War are still being debated today,” said Brag Bowling of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, which led the push to get that proclamation in Virginia (here's what's wrong with the NYT: Gail Collins won't tell you that the SCV is a known white-supremecist organization and her Serbs/Turks analogy is just plain stupid and historically blind to the legacy of the Civil War)
Uncivil War | Southern Poverty Law Center The Sons of Confederate Veterans back in extremist hands
A Nation Divided: Why Is America This Deeply Polarized? - Left, Right & Center on KCRW (the Dems are too partisan)
Ensign Facing New Pressure To Resign - KXNT - Las Vegas (the story main-stream media refuses to cover, but they'll recycle Clinton and Edwards forevah)
Broder: Remembering 'Jerry' terHorst, Liz Carpenter and Stewart Udall When I was a young reporter in the 1960s, this city was full of people who did their jobs not only with skill and energy but also with unquestioned integrity (so what happened, Dean?)
Glenn Beck Claims that God Wants People to Get a Damn Job (Beck=Jesus)
Pensito Review » Fox Failed to Vet O’Keefe’s Deceptively Edited Video and ‘Reporting’ – ACORN Cleared of Wrongdoing in California (lies and the lying liars)
Erickson should pay more attention to the articles he's reading | Media Matters for America (Erick Erickson, CNN pundit: not just a conservative asshole, a moron too!)
Poll: George W. Bush still blamed for economy - Andy Barr - politico.com (Republicans, of course, blame Obama)
Dana Milbank - Greenspan reflects on crisis, deflects blame
The Oracle Rewrites History | Mother Jones Greenspan hasn't been describing recent history so much as rewriting it (responsibility and truth-free)
Weekly Claims Jump as Jobs Picture Remains Cloudy - CNBC The number of U.S. workers filing new claims for unemployment insurance rose unexpectedly last week ("unexpectedly")
Simon Johnson: Standing At Thermopylae: Greek Economic Situation Worsening Fast
High and Low Finance - Why So Glum? History Suggests a Strong Recovery - NYTimes.com The American economy appears to be in a cyclical recovery that is gaining strength (well, the 10-20% without jobs might feel a little glum +long-term structural unemployment)
First Animals Found That Live Without Oxygen | Wired Science | Wired.com the first multicellular animals capable of surviving in an entirely oxygen-free environment (no mitochondria, but hydrogenosomes)
Stanford computational feat speeds finding of genes to milliseconds instead of years- Office of Communications & Public Affairs - Stanford University School of Medicine
Genomic architecture | Harvard Magazine Jan-Feb 2010 a structure resembling a Peano curve
Study Sheds Light on What Makes People Shy | LiveScience The brains of shy or introverted individuals might actually process the world differently than their more extroverted counterparts, a new study suggests - About 20 percent of people are born with a personality trait called sensory perception sensitivity (SPS)
Researchers shed light on ancient Assyrian tablets found to contain a largely intact Assyrian treaty from the early 7th century BCE.
Manual for Civilization - The Long Now Blog
David Chaim Smith exhibition entitled “Blood of Space: Drawings by David Chaim Smith” will be at the Cavin-Morris Gallery in New York City through May 15, 2010.
A Conscious Pariah: On Raul Hilberg - But no one who wrote about the Holocaust nettled Hilberg more than Hannah Arendt (who was a plagiarist)
Michael Hunter, Former New Orleans Cop, Admits Coverup In Post-Katrina Danziger Bridge Murders - "(The sergeant) suddenly leaned over the concrete barrier, held out his assault rifle, and, in a sweeping motion, fired repeatedly at the civilians lying wounded on the ground" (lying on ground wounded while black)
New York A campus-wide clampdown on last year's student film death won't keep us from giving you the whole picture
Jury clears 'Naked Guy' at home of indecent exposure charge
Littleton fires judge who issued warrant for overdue DVD - The Denver Post
Schneier on Security: The Effectiveness of Air Marshals - average of just 4.2 arrests a year - Let me repeat that: we are spending approximately $200 million per arrest
Twitter / WikiLeaks: Facebook has disabled the WikiLeaks user-account (cooperating with the CIA)
BBC News - Anger about 'stitch-up' over Digital Economy Bill
Firefox plans fix for decade-old browsing history leak • The Register 'I know where you surfed last summer'
Apple Announces iAd Mobile Advertising Platform
iPhone 4.0 OS Adds Multitasking and More (Apple catches up with other phones, media goes wild)
New Insane Clown Posse Video "Miracles" Is Pure, Motherfucking Magic, My Ninjas - Phoenix Music - Up on the Sun
Obama Limits When U.S. Would Use Nuclear Arms - NYTimes.com (wingnuts go nuts)
David Ignatius - Obama weighs new peace plan for the Middle East (good luck with that, Israel will never negotiate in good faith)
U.S. Approves Targeted Killing of American Cleric - NYTimes.com
Debate in Israel on Gag Order in Security Leak Case - NYTimes.com
U.S. Approves Targeted Killing of American Cleric - NYTimes.com
Bombings in Iraq Raise Fears of Resurgent Violence - NYTimes.com (mission accomplished: total failure)
Crisis in Kyrgyzstan - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Kyrgyzstan Protests: Opposition Claims Control, At Least 40 People Killed
BBC News - Kyrgyzstan clashes 'leave four dead'
YouTube - Bishkek chaos: Video of deadly protests in Kyrgyzstan
Rebel Ambush Kills at Least 73 Indian Officers - NYTimes.com
WikiLeaks' Iraq Killings Video: Military 'Can't Find' Its Copy (whoopsie)
Inside WikiLeaks’ Leak Factory | Mother Jones
Airstrike Video Brings Attention to WikiLeaks Site - NYTimes.com
For 2 Grieving Families, Video Reveals Grim Truth - NYTimes.com (military "looking into" what they already covered up)
N.Y. Times, Weekly Standard join in a falsehood - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - In fact, the first video is marked "Short version," and the second video -- posted directly under it -- is marked "Full version," (Elisabeth Bumiller can't fucking read)
Military To Break Silence On Wikileaks Video As Early As Today | The Plum Line
CNN Vs. Al Jazeera`s News Coverage Yesterday [Pic] (your info-tainment industry at work)
Ensnared by Error on Growing U.S. Watch List - NYTimes.com (soon to include everyone in the world +"abusing the secrecy privilege: shocked!)
Church Secrets - Records Information & News from The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN) - these documents contain descriptions of sexual abuse in extremely graphic detail (NSFW)
Memo From Rome - Sexual Abuse Crisis Puts Strain on Vatican Management - NYTimes.com (their 3rd-century org not functioning very well)
Priest in India Says He’ll Go to U.S. to Face Sex Charges - NYTimes.com
Catholic League president: Priests aren’t pedophiles, molesting children is ‘what gays do’ | Raw Story - Bill Donohue (is an agent of Satan)
Op-Ed Columnist - The Church’s Judas Moment - NYTimes.com (NY archbishop shouldn't have told Maureen to shut up)
BBC - 'Reef rat run' on the coastal coal highway (China taking shortcuts to save money - potentially have caused one of the biggest environmental disasters in Australian history and done untold damage to the Great Barrier Reef
Rachel Maddow: Raw ACORN tapes tell very different story (Fox complicit in edited tapes, sorry about that de-funding, but Obama was a community organizer)
Rachel Maddow ACORN | Fox News Video | Bogus Journalism | Mediaite
75 Democrats Don’t Vote to Defund Acorn - WSJ.com The only way they'd defund the outfit is if it endorsed the war in Iraq or Afghanistan (9/18/09)
Democratic Party Outraises GOP By More Than $2 Million In March
Jon Stewart Takes On McCain And His "Worthless" Soul (video) McCain may now have a hard time selling his soul, as this move may have made its currency "utterly worthless."
Group that Lobbied Republican Governor to Honor Confederacy Tied to White Supremacists | Firedoglake
Confederate History Month -- Virginia's new governor accused of racial insensitivity, political cynicism | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times (no mention of slavery)
McDonnell's Confederate History Month proclamation irks civil rights leaders
Unemployment on the rise for veterans of current wars - CNN.com The unemployment rate for veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars reached 14.7 percent in March, according to the latest government statistics ("supporting" our troops)
Op-Ed Columnist - Turning Our Backs on Our War Heroes - NYTimes.com
Census Paranoia: What Are Right-Wingers Afraid Of? | TPM LiveWire White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs responded to Erickson's comments today, called the comments "the remarkably crazy remarks of somebody that would threaten somebody simply trying to ensure that they're adequately represented in this country (CNN's elite pundit)
Robert Gibbs Rips Erick Erickson Over Census Comments: 'Remarkably Crazy'
Arrest Erick Erickson: Lock Erick Erickson up – and throw the key away.
Man Charged With Death Threats Apparently Attended Tea Party Protest Targeting Murray | TPM LiveWire (Republican teaparty wacko)
Report: Hutaree Created Map Of Country With Locations Named After Themselves | TPMMuckraker (12-year olds at work)
Wis. DA Threatens Arrest for Local Sex-Ed Teachers - AOL News
Rep. Bart Stupak not ruling out retirement - The Hill's Ballot Box
Dear Networks: Rudy Has No National Security Authority Whatsoever | The Plum Line (CNN really sucks)
Greenspan Testifies To Financial Crisis Commission, Blames Fannie, Freddie For Subprime Crisis (did nothing wrong, was right some of the time)
Federal Reserve Gets Political, Sends Congress Veiled Message
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect Did the Media Miss the Bubble? Did Saddam Win His Last War? - Yeah, it's all really really complicated. Except it isn't - Nationwide house prices had diverged from a 100-year long trend, increasing by more than 70 percent in real terms - The Post and the rest of the media failed disastrously at their job to inform the public and they continue to do so
Steven Pearlstein - Still no consensus or major reform after global financial crisis Still no consensus or major reform after global financial crisis - the close relationship between J.P. Morgan Chase chief executive Jamie Dimon and top officials of the Obama administration (administrative capture)
Rubio's call to change Social Security puts him in line with experts, if not voters - St. Petersburg Times (expert=the conservative American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research +just look at the numbers, you gonna raise retirement age on people already retired! +children!)
Income Tax: 47% Of American Households Won't Pay ANY This Year, New Report Says
House Republican Book Club: Michael Lewis Claims GOP Lawmakers Shockingly Uninformed About Financial Crisis (just like Alan Greenspan)
Outrageous: Exxon Mobil Paid No Income Tax in 2009 « SpeakEasy
Mysterious Planet-like Object Challenges Simple Definition, Reveals Its Surprising Identity
Fruits and Veggies Prevent Cancer? Not So Much, It Turns Out - Shots - Health News Blog : NPR
TexAgs.com - Politics (Texas (of course) doc fires employee who voted for Obama, brags about it on forum)
Rupert Murdoch defiant: 'I'll stop Google taking our news for nothing' | Media | guardian.co.uk News Corp boss hails iPad as potential saviour of newspapers, but says industry must stand up for itself and charge for content (grouchy old man doesn't understand how the internet works)
YouTube - Murdoch: Fox "Shouldn't Be Supporting the Tea Party" (from the man who thinks Google is stealing his news by giving him advertising money)
Flash : Maggie's choice
A Nation Without School Librarians - Google Maps
pandagon.net: ‘Christianity’ in Mississippi: Constance McMillen & learning disabled students sent to fake prom
Constance quit yer cryin | Facebook
Fan photos from Constance quit yer cryin | Facebook (for all eternity)
Followup: Constance McMillen’s classmates confirm prom ruse, the fact that they’re bigoted (when future employers google Lindsey Begley they will find this)
Classmate Explains Why Constance McMillen Was Sent To Fake Prom: Because She’s Lesbian! | AKA William (diggin' deeper)
NEMS360.com - Northeast Mississippi - McMillen goes to Itawamba County prom that is sparsely attended
What the Prom Constance McMillen Wasn't Invited To Looked Like / Queerty (the mean girls prom sucked)
Trans Student Suspended from Same School in Mississippi That Canceled Prom, Later Hounded Out of Town | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper
Hi. It’s me. — TheBloggess.com (they are us)
Daily TWiP – Mississippi ratifies the 13th Amendment (which abolishes slavery) today in 1995 - NashuaTelegraph.com
US Forest Service admits putting surveillance cameras on public lands | islandpacket.com
Feudal Japanese Star Wars Art: Pics, Videos, Links, News
YouTube - NYC Subway gets Rick Roll'd
P-books to e-books: The ethics of downloading and the legality of scanning | TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home
Israel Warns Palestine Not To Declare State (just moved the football)
Israeli journalist Anat Kam under secret house arrest since December | World news | The Guardian Woman faces treason trial after allegedly leaking documents that suggest military breached court order on West Bank assassinations
Journalist on the run from Israel is hiding in Britain - Middle East, World - The Independent 'Haaretz' writer fled to London fearing charges over exposé on Palestinian's killing
Israeli journalist to go on trial for treason over leaked papers - The National Newspaper
Israel arrests soldier Anat Kam over targeted-killings ‘leak’ - Times Online
Anat Kam | Tikun Olam Cozy Relationship Between Israeli Judiciary, Military Facilitates Gag Orders, Other Free Speech Violations /a>
Yediot Achronot: ‘Poor Pitiful Me, I Want to Tell You About Anat Kam, But the Bad Censor Man Won’t Let Me’ | Tikun Olam - Yediot Achronot: ‘Poor Pitiful Me, I Want to Tell You About Anat Kam, But the Bad Censor Man Won’t Let Me’
Judge dismisses scores of Guantanamo habeas cases | McClatchy because the Bush and Obama administrations had transferred them elsewhere, the courts need not decide whether the Pentagon imprisoned them illegally (that was then)
No Habeas If They’ve Moved Your Body | Emptywheel (you can see where this is leading)
Former UN Envoy To Afghanistan Suggests Karzai Has A Drug Problem (video) | TPM LiveWire ... "a certain fondness for some of Afghanistan's most profitable exports."
Canadian researchers reveal online spy ring based in China - The Globe and Mail Espionage network is breaching servers of dozens of countries and groups and focusing on India and the Dalai Lama
West Virginia Coal Mine Explosion: 25 Dead After Massey Blast t at a mine with a history of violations for not properly ventilating highly combustible methane.
West Virginia Mine explosion: Massey Energy Mine Had Scores Of Safety Citations 57 infractions just last month for (among other things) not properly ventilating the highly combustible methane.
Problem Spending And Mass Resignations Threaten To Implode RNC | TPM LiveWire
Pawlenty Says He'll Join Health Care Lawsuits | TPMDC an issue that has emerged as a conservative litmus test (insanity is the true litmus test)
Erickson Shotgun-Census Remark: Commerce Dept. Pushes Back So, that means someone knocking on a door in, for example, Macon, Georgia (CNN's elite pundit, Erick "shotgun" Erickson)
CA-Ching: Meg Whitman Chips In $20 Million More In Governor's Race bringing her contributions from her personal fortune to $59 million in what is expected to be the most expensive governor's race in California history (eMeg getting into Bloomberg territory)
Tea Time in America - Project Syndicate - Naomi Wolf - "I hope that the Republican establishment does not succeed in co-opting the Tea Party" (well, Naomi, since 94% are Republicans, your premise looks a little flawed)
Naomi Wolf Thinks the Tea Parties Help Fight Fascism -- Is She Onto Something or in Fantasy Land? | News & Politics | AlterNet (fantasy land)
Politically exhausted - The Boston Globe
The Tea Party Movement and American Democracy | The Agonist - The movement would do itself and the nation a great service if it avoided co-optation by any party and strengthened its bipartisan nature (muhahaha +delusional)
Young Eagles: Life in the fast lane - politico.com (young Republicans at work at a faux-lesbian strip club)
Daily Kos: $250 Million Down the Drain: But why let little things like facts -- not to mention opposition from a number of medical groups and educators who actually know what they're talking about -- get in the way of wasting money on bullshit programs that don't work? (quarter of a billion dollars for Christian shit that makes teen-pregnancy worse)
Liberals not invited to Washington Post Q&A sessions | Media Matters for America (WaPo=Fox)
Cincinnati Magazine: Henry Rollins: Can you put that in the article so maybe a tea-partier can get back to me if he gets his gills to close long enough to get off his daughter and write me a letter?
Charles Alan Wilson Charged With Threatening Sen. Patty Murray's Life - "There's a target on your back now," said one message on March 22. "It only takes one piece of lead. Kill the (expletive) senator! ... Now that you've passed your health-care bill, let the violence begin." (teapartier)
Texas Man Arrested After Filing Lawsuit Threatening To Use 'Deadly Force' At Abortion Clinic | TPM LiveWire - "a fully-fledged and devout Roman Catholic Christian." teapartier
Frum, Cocktail Parties, and the Threat of Doubt - epistemic closure
"...who are you better than?" - ADVrider (great post +"Tea-hadist")
SEC faces setbacks, skepticism in trying to reform its enforcement image - washingtonpost.com (because they always did so well before)
Economist's View: Giving Up on Policymakers
The American Dream | Mother Jones As Felix says, the notion that "housing prices never go down" has a strong hold on the American imagination. If the last few years haven't taught people otherwise, I'm not sure what will.
Have you got erotic capital? « Prospect Magazine - It can be just as valuable as a university degree—especially for women
3 Reasons Why "Erotic Capital" Is Bullshit - Jezebel
Erotic Capital | Suzannah
ScienceDirect - Journal of Health Economics : Sexual capital: an extension of Grossman’s concept of health capital
Sex Appeal May Have Hurt Sarah Palin | Smart Journalism. Real Solutions. | Miller-McCune Online Magazine by making voters less likely to support the GOP ticket - attractive women in high-status jobs are perceived as less competent (well?)
How David Beckham and Angelina Jolie have the elusive 'erotic capital' that helps them get on in life | Mail Online
Express.co.uk - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | UK News :: How the sex factor will help you get on in life (if you're like, 24 years old and a girl)
YouTube - Harvard Sailing Team - Girls Will Be Boys
YouTube - Harvard Sailing Team - Boys Will Be Girls
American Mensa | Top 50 (look pretty stupid)
Think Small, Miss Big - First Draft (newpapers are hopelessly stupid)
How a Book Publisher Failed to Get J.D. Salinger's Final Book 'Hapworth 16, 1924' Into Print -- New York Magazine - digressive 26,000-word letter sent home from summer camp by the breathtakingly precocious 7-year-old Seymour Glass
Ruling suggests limits on employer's access to personal e-mail There can be a legitimate expectation of privacy, New Jersey judge rules
Court Favors Comcast in F.C.C. ‘Net Neutrality’ Ruling - NYTimes.com ruling that the agency lacks the authority to require broadband providers to give equal treatment to all Internet traffic flowing over their networks - The ruling would allow Comcast and other Internet service providers to restrict consumers’ ability to access certain kinds of Internet content, such as video sites like Hulu.com or Google’s YouTube service, or charge certain heavy users of their networks more money for access
U.S. court rules against FCC on Net neutrality - Security- msnbc.com Ruling is setback for agency's push for national broadband plan (capitalism unleashed)
FCC Loses 'Net Neutrality' Case - The Two-Way - Breaking News, Analysis Blog : NPR
The Funniest Acts Of Wikipedia Vandalism Ever (pictures)
Uncle Sam Wants You (To Fight Hackers) - BusinessWeek
Apple iPad hit by technical glitches as users complain they are unable to connect to the internet | Mail Online (you don't need no steenking internet on your jobsPad)
Violence Helps Taliban Undo Afghan Gains - NYTimes.com (see below)
U.S. Admits Role in Killing of Afghan Women - NYTimes.com (no mention of their stenography, of course; someone call Clark Hoyt)
US special forces 'tried to cover-up' botched Khataba raid in Afghanistan - Times Online US special forces soldiers dug bullets out of their victims’ bodies in the bloody aftermath of a botched night raid, then washed the wounds with alcohol before lying to their superiors about what happened (your military at work)
Derrick Crowe: U.S. and Allied Forces: We Killed Those Pregnant Afghan Women After All (whoopsie, forget what we said before)
How Americans are propagandized about Afghanistan - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - the American media largely adopted the Pentagon's version, often without any questions
YouTube - Wikileaks leaked video of Civilians killed in Baghdad - Full video (still available)
5rXPrfnU3G0 - Wikileaks video on Youtube (direct flash video)
Collateral Murder | Collateral Murder: transcript
The war on WikiLeaks and why it matters - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
WikiLeaks Video Exposes 2007 'Collateral Murder' In Iraq Dan Froomkin
Daily Kos: Carnage and Cover-Ups
A Press Conference; Mankind Decides His Future, One Eye Open - Barrett Brown - The Great Pundit Hunt - True/Slant The incident in question is now said to be a July 2007 Baghdad firefight in which twelve civilians, including two journalists for Reuters, were killed by Coalition forces, who then allowed the impression that the civilians were perhaps killed by militants
Intelligence Agencies Allegedly Going to Extremes to Suppress Video Confirming Pentagon Massacre Cover-up | | AlterNet - Pentagon cover-up of a wartime massacre of civilians and journalists committed under the leadership of General David Petraeus
2 Journalists Among 16 Killed in Clash in Iraq - New York Times (2007)
Think Progress » Is The U.S. Military Covering Up A 2007 Killing Of Reporters And Civilians In Baghdad?
Reuters seeks U.S. probe into killing of Iraqi staff | Reuters Mon Jul 16, 2007
Military's Killing of 2 Journalists in Iraq Detailed in New Book - washingtonpost.com - September 15, 2009
WikiLeaks Exposes Video of 2007 'Collateral Murder' In Iraq (video) "Well, it's their fault bringing their kids to a battle."
Al Jazeera English - Americas - Website 'shows video of US attack'
Spy Talk - CIA’s top spy: No losses from waterboarding ban
Think Progress » GOP Congressmen Say That ‘Everyone’ In Congress ‘Would Agree That Iraq Was A Mistake’ (but mission accomplished)
New Media Models in Action: “Old Guy on a Plane” Fails Again | FDL Action both the New York Times and CNN got sucked into printing the Pentagon’s version of events about the February killings in the Paktia Province in Afghanistan - yesterday, the NY Times was forced to admit that the version of events was false and that US troops had killed them
One Night in Afghanistan | The White House
Archbishop Timothy Dolan: Nobody's Confronted Abuse 'Better Than The Catholic Church' (video) ("nobody"= almost everybody; "better" = worse)
Vatican Cardinal Accused of Protecting Fugitive Priest Joseph Jeyapual - ABC News A Catholic priest who fled Minnesota for India after being accused by two teenage girls of rape continues to serve as a priest in a Catholic school system five years after his case was brought to the attention of the Vatican (see above)
Death of the White House Press Corps - Page 1 - The Daily Beast With a Twitter-savvy president and their own ailing media companies, Lloyd Grove finds the boys in the briefing room more depressed than ever.
How the GOP Purged Me | FrumForum
Deborah Weinstein: The Senate Lets Unemployment Benefits Expire (Republicans fuck you over +no flood insurance, either)
The Washington Monthly 'I Never Considered Myself A Maverick' (McCain lies and gets a makeover)
McCain the Maverick Fights for His Soul: Margolick - Newsweek.com A maverick fights for his political life—and his soul (soul? what soul?)
Eric Erickson Threatens To 'Pull Out Shotgun' At Census Worker (CNN's latest elite pundit recruited from the bottom of the pond)
Attn Media: "Tea Party" = GOP | Media Matters for America | while 96 percent of Tea Party activists identify themselves as either Republican or Independent, only 4 percent say they are Democrats (and the 4% they were lying)
Bunning Blames GOP Blockage Of Unemployment Benefits Extension On Democrats | TPMDC (which Fox will report as true)
Anti-Census Fearmongering: GOP Tries To Walk It All Back
Kentucky AG: Health Care Lawsuits Are Baseless Tea Party Meanderings - "The last thing I need is a lecture on the constitutional law from Rand Raul or Sarah Palin"
How Would President Hillary Do It Differently? | The Atlantic Wire
America must get back to setting goals - Baltimore Sun (whatever happened to war and profit!)
Simon Johnson: Larry Summers: 'Senator Kaufman Is Exactly Right' the deregulation of finance has gone too far and big banks now need to be reined in; the continued prevalence of fraud among Wall Street's biggest bankers; and why the administration's proposed "resolution authority" would do nothing at all to end the problems associated with Too Big To Fail financial institutions.
The Fed and the Bubble | Mother Jones (no one -- especially not Alan Greenspan -- could have predicted ...)
Larry Summers' fight to define banking reform - Bank Reform News | Obama Bank Reform Bill - Salon.com Perception vs. reality: The White House bets that defending a weak bill will make it look strong
Incredible Video of Using Light to Control the Brain of Mice | Singularity Hub
Forget IQ, Collective Intelligence is the New Measure of Smart (video) | Singularity Hub (da hive mind)
Without Shuttles, Astronauts' Careers May Stall : NPR
Infighting ruined Gardner case lead, retired FBI agent writes in book - The Boston Globe Ex-agent says FBI was on right trail - efforts dashed, in part because of bureaucratic infighting among federal agents and supervisors (your effbeeye at work)
Philadelphia to ease marijuana penalty | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/05/2010
Northern Oil & Gas, Inc. • Drilling
Dairy Queen: Small-Town Texas Institution - Food - The Atlantic
For Hoarders, The Mess Begins In The Mind : NPR
Is the Financial Times the perfect digital model? | Media | The Guardian
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » You’re Gonna Miss Me When I’m Gone
Sharon Waxman: Newser.com: Why Michael Wolff and Co. Are Way Over the Line (Patrick Spain seems to be an parasitic asshole)
YouTube - Death of Martin Luther King, Jr. 1968 Announced by Robert F. Kennedy in Indiana
Nobody won - The Boston Globe Since he was shot on the Charlestown High football field 11 years ago this weekend, Darryl Williams has been confined to a wheelchair and a life of shattered dreams
Report cites questionable charter-school practices | Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/05/2010 (private enterprise at work )
Alabama Teen Erica DeRamus Suspended Over Too-Revealing Prom Dress - AOL News officials said 18 violated the dress code. All but DeRamus chose paddling as punishment, with DeRamus opting for a three-day suspension - Oxford High School (paddling? corporeal punishment for dress not meeting their standards? wtf? seriously, wtf?)
Girl Arrested For Doodling on School Desk Sues New York City - AOL News - "We want to stop this from happening to other young children in the future" (yeah, handcuffs for doodling? same mentality)
Apple's iPad: The End Of The Internet As We Know It? : NPR Apple even rejected an application that took a position that was critical of the former Bush administration ('A Gated Community' for hipsters)
Is your browser spying on you? - The Week
Why The iPad Actually Strengthens Amazon’s Position | paidContent
iPad Day One: Charts Show Big Media Mostly Playing In Free Apps, Not Paid | paidContent
Pricey iPad Not A Must-Have Dedicated E-Reader; Kindle App Outperforms Apple’s iBooks | paidContent - Apple’s strategy of limiting its e-books to iBooks on the iPad is close to a stranglehold on the reader.
How Do E-Readers Stack Up With iPad In The Mix? Use Our Chart As A Guide | paidContent
By the Numbers: Facebook vs The United States [infographic]
iPad Peek - what your website looks like on a computer from 2002
Magnitude 7.2 - Baja California, Mexico
LA Earthquake 2010 (video): Amateur Footage As Tremors Rock Southern California - The 6.9 magnitude quake struck at 3:40 p.m. in Baja California, Mexico
START follow-on: The Senate calculus | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
3 Explosions Rock Central Baghdad - NYTimes.com
Baghdad Suicide Bombings Target Embassies, Kill Dozens
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Dozens dead in Baghdad shooting
Haiti Earthquake Infographic Contest Winner Announced - Good Blog
Israel's Censorship Scandal - Page 1 - The Daily Beast A 23-year-old journalist is under arrest for exposing a secret Israeli assassination plot, and another has fled to London, afraid for his life (IDF at work)
Karzai: If I Can’t Control The Election Watchdog, I’ll Join The Taliban | Attackerman
Karzai Slams The West AGAIN - whose government is propped up by billions of dollars in Western aid and nearly 100,000 American troops fighting a deadly war against the Taliban, made the comments during a private meeting with about 60 or 70 Afghan lawmakers Saturday.
Church Abuse Scandal: Cardinal Defends Pope Against 'Gossip,' Hails Him As 'Unfailing' Leader At Easter Mass (of the world's largest pedophile ring)
More Evidence Emerges That Pope Benedict Helped Shield Pedophiles Before He Became Pope
Is It Time for Vatican III? Maybe Church Community Should Meet to Discuss Change in a New World ("New World" = world where child-rape is illegal)
Op-Ed Columnist - A Devil of a Scandal - NYTimes.com - falling into temptation is eating cupcakes after you’ve given them up for Lent. Rape and molestation of children is far beyond what most of us think of as succumbing to worldly temptation (Vatican chief exorcist says NYT is controlled by SATAN)
The New York Times Is Lying About the Pope « The American Catholic (Father Raymond J. de Souza at National Review Online ... explains)
Bob Schieffer: Catholic Church Has More Than A PR Problem
Carol Howard Merritt: Why Evangelicalism Is Failing A New Generation - There are three major reasons that a younger generation is leaving Evangelicalism: pernicious sexism, religious intolerance, and conservative politics
BBC News - The heroin epidemic advancing on Russia Since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001, opium production in Afghanistan has risen dramatically. Russia's geographic proximity ... sending thousands of Russians to an early grave
White supremacist Eugene Terre'Blanche is hacked to death after row with farmworkers | World news | The Observer Two suspects held over killing of South Africa's Nazi-inspired AWB leader as he slept in his bed
Dubai Kissing Couple: Jail Sentence Upheld For U.K. Couple Arrested For Kissing
The Obama Coalition - Politics - The Atlantic there is a growing consensus among economists that the unemployment problem is likely to become structural—no longer a temporary phenomenon.
Op-Ed Columnist - It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Obama! - NYTimes.com (Napolean doing pretty well after Waterloo)
NYT: Health > Image > Questioning the Cost of the Health Care Overhaul
Rasmussen Poll: Whom Do You Trust with Health Care? | The Seminal 53% now say they trust Republicans on the issue of health care. Thirty-seven percent (37%) place their trust in Democrats (Fox propaganda successful)
FBI Investigating Threat Letter To Governors : NPR from an anti-government group calling itself Guardians of the Free Republics. The letters warn the governors to leave office within three days or be forcibly removed - "sovereign citizen" philosophy, which finds government to be illegitimate
Who are the Guardians of the Free Republics? - War Room - Salon.com A fringe group says its Restore America Plan requires governors to get on board -- or resign
Guardians of the Free Republics Replace corporate government and restore the American republic … by March 31?
Guardians of the free Republics looked to Gandhi, King, and Mandela / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com
FBI sees little chance of copycat militia plots - washingtonpost.com (whoops)
Right-wing media complain that Pelosi incited tea partiers with her "big gavel" | Media Matters for America (they can't stand strong women, makes their dicks feel tiny)
The Illustrated Tea Party Dictionary - Field Guide - Gawker
Mises Institute Chairman: FBI Might Have Infiltrated the Tea Parties « The Washington Independent (it wasn't real teaparty dumbags at all)
California Attorney General: Breitbart's ACORN tapes were "severely edited" | Media Matters for America (sorry about that defunding)
Rush Limbaugh Has Decided That Having a Job is For Communists - Rush Limbaugh - Gawker
Stimulus Facts | Mercatus Testimony Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Veronique de Rugy (partisan Republican hack lies)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Study Claiming Link Between Stimulus Funding and Partisanship is Manifestly Flawed
Response to Nate Silver’s Criticism of My Study on Stimulus Allocation - Veronique de Rugy - The Corner on National Review Online
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Veronique de Rugy Responds to Critique of Stimulus Study
A Civilized Debate « The Recovery Act exchange between Veronique de Rugy of George Mason University’s Mercatus Center and Nate Silver of 538.com about some pivotal data and quality issues
National Journal Magazine - Dems' Governing Core Stays Intact After some wavering, Democrats have responded to adversity by closing ranks
The Vile Plutocrat - Rush Limbaugh is a closet Francophile
The Fed in Hot Water | TPMCafe The Fed has finally came clean. It now admits it bailed out Bear Stearns - taking on tens of billions of dollars of the bank's bad loans - in order to smooth Bear Stearns' takeover by JPMorgan Chase. The secret Fed bailout came months before Congress authorized the government to spend up to $700 billion
Robert Reich: The Obama Administration's Approach To Financial Reform Will Do 'Nothing' To Change Wall Street (video) Alan Greenspan and Larry Summers and Bob Rubin all -- if any trio were responsible for deregulating this financial economy ... it's those three (the bestest of the bestest)
To battle Wall Street, Obama should channel Teddy Roosevelt - washingtonpost.com (way too late for that)
Op-Ed Contributor - I Saw the Crisis Coming. Why Didn’t the Fed? - NYTimes.com ALAN GREENSPAN, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve, proclaimed last month that no one could have predicted the housing bubble. “Everybody missed it,” he said, “academia, the Federal Reserve, all regulators.” (more lies from Greenspan; Atrios: "everyone wrong was smart, everyone right was crazy")
Simon Johnson: Jamie Dimon: The Most Dangerous Man In America
Senators scold agency over Toyota response - Morning Call Investigators would rather focus on floor mats than microchips, senator says
Fox Business Channel doesn't disclose that Elaine Chao is married to Mitch McConnell | Video Cafe
In Pictures: What The 25 Top U.S. Companies Pay In Taxes - No. 2: ExxonMobil - Forbes.com - Income: $35Bn income, $0 taxes paid
A Population-Based Case-Control Study of Marijuana Use and Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma — Cancer Prevention Research Our study suggests that moderate marijuana use is associated with reduced risk of HNSCC
UN's Ban calls Aral Sea 'shocking disaster' - Yahoo! News
Parkinson's Linked to Genetic Mutation - Yahoo! News a mutation in a gene called LRRK2 may cause Parkinson's disease h
Cleverest women are the heaviest drinkers - Telegraph Women who went to university consume more alcohol than their less-highly-educated counterparts, a major study has found.
Review of the Constellation Program’s Request to Discontinue Using the Metric System of Measurement | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens Review of the Constellation Program’s Request to Discontinue Using the Metric System of Measurement
Organic Semiconductor May Pave the Way for Paintable Electronics | Inhabitat
Photo-s119e010506 - STS-119 Shuttle Mission Imagery - the International Space Station is seen from Space Shuttle Discovery
When Flash Mobs Attack, It's Plain Anti-Social : NPR
Shanksville-Stonycreek High School Students Recall 9/11 Crash
paxtonland - So, Flint is Burning
Op-Ed Contributor - The End of History (Books) - NYTimes.com , publishers painstakingly remove photos and even text extracts from print books as they are converted to e-books. So instead of providing a dazzling future, the e-world is forcing nonfiction to become drier, blander and denser.
YouTube - (Part 1 of 9) Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones Review
Unvarnished: A Clean, Well-Lighted Place For Defamation
Unvarnished - Should You Crowdsource Your Reputation? - NYTimes.com
The Completely Evil Social Network - Linkedin - Gawker
Unvarnished & Unintellible | Stanford Center for Internet and Society
Lawyers respond to controversial new people-rating site Unvarnished | Technology | Los Angeles Times
As Expected, No One Wants Those Expensive Newspaper iPad Apps - Henry Blodget
Dammit Dave! You promised you’d tell - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger? (yeah, but the comments are a portal into a parallel universe)
Five Best Windows 7 Tweaking Applications - Tweaks - Lifehacker
Firefox: 30 percent of the world market | NetworkWorld.com Community
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Israeli air raids wound children (IDF at work)
Russia and Venezuela announce nuclear union - Telegraph Russia has agreed to help Venezuela draw up plans for a nuclear power plant and space programme, President Hugo Chavez announced.
McChrystal: We've Shot 'An Amazing Number' Of Innocent Afghans (congratulations, General!)
White House: Karzai's Attack On Foreigners 'Genuinely Troubling' he international community was to blame for the controversy over last year's disputed Afghan election (not his corrupt, rigged election)
Abuse hotline set up by Catholic Church in Germany melts down on first day as 4,000 people phone in | Mail Online - In the end only 162 out of 4,459 callers were given advice before the system was shut down.
As Easter nears, priests struggle with how, whether to address church scandals - washingtonpost.com (most will just blame it on gay Nazi liberal media spreading smears)
BBC News - Outrage at anti-Semitism comparison by Pope preacher Fr Cantalamessa's sermon was printed in full on the front page of the Vatican's official newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano (Pedophile priests=victims of the holocaust)
The Orthodox Jews and their Catholic-Priest Problem -- New York Magazine Do the Orthodox Jews have a Catholic-priest problem? (2006)
Tzedek-Tzedek: Will Motty Borger’s Suicide Make Any Difference? (2009: he leading halachik authority for Chareidi ultra-orthodox Jews, Rav Shalom Yosef Elyashiv says reporting not mandatory)
Suicide groom's anguish Lebovits is accused of repeatedly sodomizing two boys and fondling another, sometimes in his car and even in a mikvah, a ritual bath, in a synagogue, from April 2000 to September 2004. "It was really well known in the community," said a source close to the probe. "It was no secret." (and the community was silent)
Steve Kappes, CIA Deputy Director, Helped Cover Up Detainee Death, Washingtonian Reports (then Obama helped coverup that)
Airport Security Checks Revamped For Travel To U.S. refining its terror-screening policy to focus on specific terror threats and not travelers' nationalities.
Daily Kos: Supreme Court Does Something Good
Wonk Room » Northeast Hit With Devastating Floods, As Federal Flood Insurance Expires Due To GOP Obstruction But it wasn’t only unemployment benefits that expired: the same package that the Republicans blocked also included extenders for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) (but unfunded trillion dollar wars and tax-cuts A-OK)
YouTube - MSNBCs Rachel Maddow - FOX News, GOP further 'the un-mooring of politics from fact'
Dan Quayle Warns GOP About Dangers Of The Tea Party "don't let the tea party go Perot."
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Don't Let the Revolving Door Hit You On the Way Out (lobbyist revolving door took about 30 seconds)
Time 's pointless haircut journalism repeats long-debunked lie | Media Matters for America "Hairgate (Republican journos at work)
Job Market Brightened in March - NYTimes.com (they surged so much that unemployment stayed the same)
Calculated Risk: Duration of Unemployment a record 6.55 million workers who have been unemployed for more than 26 weeks (and still want a job). This is a record 4.3% of the civilian workforce.
The Myth of Shareholder Capitalism - Harvard Business Review 31 of 34 directors surveyed (each of whom served on an average of six Fortune 200 boards) said they’d cut down a mature forest or release a dangerous, unregulated toxin into the environment in order to increase profits.
New Vehicle Emissions Rules to Save Corporate Fleets Billions | Climate | GreenBiz.com
Growth of Unpaid Internships May Be Illegal, Officials Say - NYTimes.com (elites screening for elites)
Clayton County loses vital bus service, link to Atlanta - latimes.com (they were just black people trying to get to work but Atlanta needed to save money)
Twin Suicides Shock Disneyland Paris Force Ouvrière, the worker, in his 40s, had told colleagues he wanted to leave his job because he was struggling with demands to "increase figures with fewer resources".
Next Big Thing - Literary Scholars Turn to Science - NYTimes.com “They don’t know that we know they know we know.” (Humans can comfortably keep track of three different mental states at a time)
Observations: Information-age math finds code in ancient Scottish symbols
New Written Language of Ancient Scotland Discovered : Discovery News
Language Log » Pictish writing? (probably not)
POV - Food, Inc. | PBS
How to cut down on sodium intake - Sun Sentinel
How a Biotech Company Almost Killed The World (With Booze) | Cracked.com The bacterium was called Klebsiella planticola, and it nearly murdered everybody; you just don't know it yet.
A Closer Reading of Roman Vishniac - NYTimes.com
Times Reader - New York Times - Buy Times Reader Now (paperless subscription only $240/yr! +you get the NYT famous stupidity for free!)
Google’s Episodic buy could make YouTube ready for its closeup | VentureBeat
Thank God we're not all atheists, bishop says: Godlessness and secularism led to Nazism, Stalinism, mass murder and abortion
Isn’t Sinead O’Connor overdue a massive, grovelling apology from absolutely everybody? | Tripping Along The Ledge
YouTube - Sinéad O'Connor - War (Live @ Bob Dylan Tribute)
Can The Pope Be Impeached? | Mother Jones (no, that would be like impeaching you-know-who)
Satan behind media attacks on the Pope, asserts Italian exorcist :: Catholic News Agency (CNA) (Satan=New York Times)
New Statesman - The Pope, the people and the paedophiles
< br /> The criminal NSA eavesdropping program - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (defended by Obama)
Military's refusal to discharge lesbian a new Catch-22 - latimes.com
PolitiFact | The Obameter: Tracking Barack Obama's Campaign Promises
Investigation Shows Ensign Appealed to Company - NYTimes.com (more trouble for Dems)
Is This an April Fool's Joke? - "Charles" Lane: Worst Washington Post writer alive. Shut it down now (people who freed slaves just like those who killed 100,000 to defend slavery)
Stewart Slams CNN For Hiring Erick Erickson (video)
Jack Cassell: Doctor Refuses To Treat Obama Supporters "If you voted for Obama ... seek urologic care elsewhere. Changes to your health care begin right now, not in four years." (Florida urologist Jack Cassell famous on the internets for all eternity for being a jerk)
Tax Day ‘war’? Tea Partiers promise to meet anarchists with firepower | Raw Story
'Scar My Tattered Body No More With Your Punishing Dildo Mallet': Accused Militia Plotter Bared Almost All In Film (video) | TPMMuckraker (batshitinsane tag)
How Small Town High School Drama Could Destroy Sarah Palin - sarah palin - Gawker (still true to form)
Palin's Boozy Wild Child - Celebrity News | Gossip - National Enquirer
Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization (U6 at 17.5)
Unemployment Rate Doesn't Budge, But U.S. Economy FINALLY Added Jobs In March
March Unemployment Report: Everything You Need To Know About The Latest Jobs Figures Though the U.S. economy showed the biggest monthly increase in jobs in three years, the national unemployment rate held steady at 9.
Simon Johnson: Contradicting Secretary Geithner
Top Fed Official Wants To Break Up Megabanks, Stop The Fed From Guaranteeing Wall Street's Profits
Moral judgments can be altered: Neuroscientists influence people’s moral judgments by disrupting specific brain region
[1003.2688] Warning: Physics Envy May Be Hazardous To Your Wealth! (economic quants make shit up)
UK Parliament - S&T PN32/100331 Insofar as the Committee was able to consider accusations of dishonesty against CRU, the Committee considers that there is no case to answer
Rabett Run: CRU Inquiry Report Insofar as the Committee was able to consider accusations of dishonesty against CRU, the Committee considers that there is no case to answer.
Phil Jones vindicated : Deltoid (rightwing noise machine made it all up)
Beyond The Stacks | The Harvard Crimson
Mark and Delia Owens, poachers, Zambia shooting : The New Yorker Did American conservationists in Africa go too far?
Sting: Let's End the War on Drugs Everyone knows the War on Drugs has failed. It's time to step out of our comfort zones, acknowledge the truth -- and challenge our leaders ... and ourselves ... to change
YouTube - 5 Agents busted in my door this morning - Unlawful entry 3-30-2010 - 6:30 am.wmv
LiveLeak.com - Dash Cam Footage of Grandmother Being Tased
Stalker jailed for planting child porn on a computer - An elaborate scheme to get the husband of a co-worker he was obsessed with locked up in jail
UW researchers look to reinvent the graphical user interface
James A. Fogarty - Research - Prefab Prefab represents a new approach to deploying HCI research in everyday software, and is also the first step toward a future where anybody can modify any interface.
Tablet PC Reviews: A Guide To 9 iPad Alternatives
Muqtada al-Sadr Made Prime Minister Of Iraq | FDL News Desk
Africa's Forever Wars: Why the Continent's Conflicts Never End - By Jeffrey Gettleman | Foreign Policy Why the continent's conflicts never end.
Maan News Agency: Israeli journalist held under secret house arrest - the Israeli military has repeatedly violated a 2006 ruling by the High Court of Justice against certain types of "targeted assassinations,"
Vatican: Pope has immunity in sex abuse trials - Europe- msnbc.com Legal official: Benedict does not have to testify because he is head of state (that would be a Vatican "legal official")
pandagon.net: 1963 letter: Pope Paul VI aware of pedophile priests; Vatican plans immunity defense for Benedict ... And knowledge of the problem goes back even further than that. The NYT has a letter to a bishop that is dated Sept 12, 1952. ("your steenking courts can't touch us" neener neener +"if God has a problem with child-rape, He'll take care of it)
Vatican Lashes Out At The New York Times Over Sex Abuse Coverage (how dare they report our child-rape ring)
Pope: Sex Abuse Scandal Is A 'Test' (and they've failed every one so far)
Pope Paul VI May Have Been Warned Of Pedophile Priests In 1963 - The letter shows that the Vatican knew, or should have known, about clergy abuse in the U.S. decades ago
U.S. Bishops Quietly Reinstate Accused Priests : NPR
Straight out of the 60s, the 1260s | Firedoglake And like Church apologist and professional angry person Bill Donohue, this same Clergyman, Walter Mixa, said all the Church’s problems were about the "sexual revolution" (i.e. divorces and "the gay").
US Navy Captures Pirate Mother Ship After American Warship Comes Under Fire
Information is beautiful: war games | News | guardian.co.uk - Who really spends the most on their armed forces? (Myanamar)
Federal Judge Finds N.S.A. Wiretaps Were Illegal - NYTimes.com rejecting the Obama administration’s effort to keep shrouded in secrecy one of the most disputed counterterrorism policies of former President George W. Bush.
The criminal NSA eavesdropping program - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - all 3 federal judges to consider the question have concluded that Bush's NSA program violated the criminal law (FISA)
Why DOJ Is Likely to Accept Vaughn Walker’s Ruling | Emptywheel
Hullabaloo A new USA Today/Gallup poll out this morning shows that more Americans blame the Democrats more than any other group when it comes to the inciting the violence and vandalism that have spread across the country in the week since health care reform became law ... If passing a party line vote in the US Congress is asking for violence and threats we have big, big problems.
Daily Kos: The Repeal Fizzle Continues
Op-Ed Columnist - Meet Mitt Romney, Liberal Icon - NYTimes.com - It turned out that the $1 billion goes back to the famous 2003 Medicare prescription drug entitlement passed by a Republican-controlled Congress and paid for through their innovative pretend-it’s-not-there financing system.
words can be as dangerous as bullets - chicagotribune.com (Palin and the violent Republicans)
Post-Palin Alaska has largest debt burden in US | Raw Story (she took out a home-equity loan on the state)
Getting Wacky Out There -- Health Care Lawsuits Spark Calls For Impeachment And Twitter Throwdowns | TPMDC
Only Simple Addition Will Do | Talking Points Memo conservatives have worked for the better part of two decades to stop the Census from taking any steps to correct numbers in the face of widespread non-response: namely, statistical sampling. And in the face of that pressure, the current Census Director has ruled out using sampling in the 2010 Census.
CREW Files Ethics Complaints Against C Street House Residents | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
Is Living in the C Street House An Ethics Violation? | Mother Jones
"Conservative Woodstock?" Fox News' all-day promotion of anti-Reid tea party rally | Media Matters for America
Daily Kos: Roll Out The Barrel! (drill, baby, drill: Obama's psychotic energy policy)
Wealth Redistribution? Wealthy Americans Are Taxed Less Now Than When Reagan Was President | Progress In Action (rich got richer)
Unemployment to stay 'unacceptably high' - Geithner | Reuters (nothing to do about it)
Richard (RJ) Eskow: The Trillion-Dollar Shadow
Geithner: Bailouts 'Deeply Unfair,' Financial System Was Run In A 'Crazy Way' (he should know)
Taxpayers Loaned Bank $100 Million; Bank Leased Pittsburgh Steelers Stadium Suite - ABC News
Barney Frank Permanently Bans Staff From Communicating With Aide-Turned-Lobbyist
Pay of Hedge Fund Managers Roared Back Last Year - NYTimes.com (best of the best at destroying financial systems give themselves a huge raise!)
Unemployed: America’s 35 Hardest Hit Cities
Don't Mess With Texas (Mortgages, That Is) | Mother Jones how Texas generally avoided the housing bubble that afflicted the rest of the country and nearly destroyed Wall Street. The key, she says, is that Texas had uniquely stringent regulation of home equity loans
CPOST - Chicago Project on Security and Terrorism
Op-Ed Contributors - What Makes Chechen Women So Dangerous? - NYTimes.com - suicide terrorist campaigns are almost always a last resort against foreign military occupation. Chechnya is a powerful demonstration of this phenomenon at work.
Northeast hit by record global-warming-type deluge « Climate Progress U.S. media misses the story, while "China spends big to counter severe weather caused by climate change" (shutup and just listen to your Republican TV weathermen)
Koching up the climate: how billion dollar businessmen pay to undermine climate action | Greenpeace International - The companies founder Fred Koch was a co founder of the John Birch Society
Koch Infographic - Koch Industries: Secretly Funding the Climate Denial Machine
REVE - Regulación Eólica con Vehículos Eléctricos - The “Danish Study” on Wind Power and Koch Industries
BBC News - Science writer Simon Singh wins libel appeal - had Justice Eady's ruling stood, it would have made it difficult for any scientist or science journalist to question claims made by companies or organisations without opening themselves up to a libel action that would be hard to win.
Grocery shoppers who try harder to track costs do worse, study finds But the harder they try, the worse they do — overspending by as much as 19 percent
The Amazonian tribe that can only count up to five | Science | The Guardian
8 Wonders of the Solar System, Made Interactive: Scientific American
Derek Sivers: How to start a movement | Video on TED.com
Newsweek Staff to Lose New Offices Newsweek will trade places with Washington Post Co. sibling Kaplan, the test-prep unit
Hook-Up Culture At Boston University Leads To Skepticism About Sexual Assault
Our Choice: The Funniest April Fools Jokes
April Fools 2010: The Definitive List
State of the Art - David Pogue’s Review of the iPad - NYTimes.com (the consumePad)
iPad Mega Meta Review: Works Great, No Surprises - Apple ipad review - Gizmodo
Apple - iPad-ready websites (nine websites that mostly don't use Flash)
Copyright Troll Loses High-Stakes Unix Battle | Threat Level | Wired.com
90 percent of Windows 7 flaws fixed by removing admin rights
Russia Suicide Bombs: Two Explosions In Dagestan After Twin Attacks In Moscow
Vatican, Catholic officials defend Pope Benedict XVI's record on child abuse cases - washingtonpost.com (Ratzo ran the Vatican coverup office for 24 years and then they made him popester: what could go wrong?)
German bishop accused of beating orphaned girls -Times Online - One of the Pope's closest conservative allies in Germany, Bishop Walter Mixa, has been accused of brutally beating and flogging children in his care. (perverted sadists)
YouTube - Somthing your Zionist media wont tell you...
BBC News - Belgian committee votes for full Islamic veil ban
In pictures: severe storms cause flooding in the US - Telegraph
Afghanistan now world's top cannabis source: U.N. | Reuters Long the world's largest producer of opium, the raw ingredient of heroin, Afghanistan has now become the top supplier of cannabis (bringing a pro-business environment to Afganistan)
Lords Hansard text for 3 Mar 201003 Mar 2010 (pt 0001) (bugs in the House of Lords?)
BBC News - House of Lords' mouse infestation sparks debate
Breaking: Judge Walker Grants Summary Judgement Finding Gov’t Liable Under FISA | Emptywheel (Judge: "defendants take a flying leap and miss by a wide margin" = US lied)
Federal Judge Rules Bush Program Illegally Wiretapped Americans - Holder's effort to stop the lawsuit marked the first time the administration has tried to invoke the state secrets privilege.
Eugene Robinson - The Hutaree militia and the rising risk of far-right violence It is dishonest for right-wing commentators to insist on an equivalence that does not exist. The danger of political violence in this country comes overwhelmingly from one direction -- the right, not the left. The vitriolic, anti-government hate speech that is spewed on talk radio every day -- and, quite regularly, at Tea Party rallies -- is calibrated not to inform but to incite.
YouTube - Congressman Grayson "There Have Been All Sorts Of Efforts To Incite Violence By The Right-Wing!
Chamber To Spend $50M On Anti-Health Care Reform Campaign | TPMDC The new push for the 2010 midterm elections adds to a more than $144 million ad campaign the chamber mounted on behalf of its business membership in the last year against passage of the measure (where the fuck do they get their money?)
Exclusive: FEC commissioner helped RNC conceal role in 2004 vote suppression | Raw Story Caroline Hunter, a Bush-appointed Federal Election Commissioner who remains in office, provided misleading statements under oath in an effort to conceal Republican National Committee involvement in vote suppression activities during the 2004 presidential election - Republican Party officials were busy stoking claims that voter fraud at the polls is a grave threat to the country (Ohio and election stolen, but you know, ACORN! +still in office, wtf?)
9/11 Mother Demands Obama Try Terrorist Plotters In Civilian Court (video) (Neo-cons are pussies)
Obama On Drilling: Time To “Move Beyond Tired Debates Between Right And Left” | The Plum Line (because I AM THE CENTER and it's not like anyone is actually, factually correct)
Obama to Open Offshore Areas to Oil Drilling for First Time - NYTimes.com (drill, baby drill - who was elected?)
Obama Oil Drilling Plan: East Coast, Alaska Waters Could Open For Drilling watch video of President Obama arguing against offshore drilling during his 2008 presidential campaign.
Health Care Repeal Campaigns Could Backfire On Republicans In Fall Elections
The Washington Monthly: Reaping What One Sows On The Census - Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said the process could lead to "internment camps." - . In King County, near Lubbock, McCain/Palin won nearly 93% of the vote -- and only 5% of locals are answering the census (teh stupid)
ABC News, please define "gathers steam" | Media Matters for America | Sarah Palin Gathers Steam (media loves her)
Daily Kos: Tea Party Leaders: Abolish Social Security in the middle of discussion about whether it was appropriate to accuse President Obama of "terrorism," (Larry King, whom no-one watches)
Teabonics - a set on Flickr (teapartiers need a tax-payer funded public education)
Fox Makes Up Breaking News In Order to Cut Away From Obama
Big Business, GOP Complain That Health Reform Slashes Corporate Welfare
Top Bank Regulator Changes Tune, Now Calls For Independent Consumer Agency
Op-Ed Columnist - Chinese New Year - NYTimes.com I predict that 2010 will be the year of China. And not in a good way (Chinese mercantilism)
China, the US, and the renminbi: A rejoinder to Krugman | vox | Yiping Huang
Breaking: District Court Rules Myriad Breast Cancer Patents Invalid
Pigs Fly: Federal Court Invalidates Myriad’s Patent Claims
Climatologists and Weathercasters Divided On Global Warming (scientists and Republican tv hacks don't agree! NYT is shocked!)
Who Funds Contrariness on Climate Change?: Scientific American Koch Industries, a sprawling private corporation based in Wichita, Kan., and run by two brothers, is the primary sponsor of the "climate denial machine" (but will the NYT do a story on this? no)
James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change | Environment | The Guardian | In his first in-depth interview since the theft of UEA emails, the scientist blames inertia and democracy for lack of action
Is Marriage Toxic to Women? Part II Massive Meta-Analysis Says Marriage Reduces Depression | Psychology Today
Stanford Magazine: March/April 2010 > Features > Clelia Mosher The Sex Scholar - Decades before Kinsey, Stanford professor Clelia Mosher polled Victorian-era women on their bedroom behavior—then kept the startling results under wraps.
Magazine Preview - Can Animals Be Gay? - NYTimes.com (Lesbian Albatross parent community)
Matthew Yglesias » Teaching Reading by Teaching Nonfiction “Fiction doesn’t have a monopoly on narrative” ... And boys tend to be more interested in nonfiction than fiction. It’s one of the reasons… that boys do less well and are turned off from reading.”
Morality Study Narrows Gap Between Mind And Brain : NPR
Sam Harris: Science can answer moral questions | Video on TED.com
The Moral Equivalent of the Parallel Postulate | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine
Moral confusion in the name of “science” | Project Reason
Sam Harris Responds | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine
Moral Cognitivism vs. Non-Cognitivism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Americans stock up to be ready for end of the world | World news | The Observer
survivalism lite - for middle class families - US Prepper movement explodes
BBC News - Americans get set for disaster day
American Preppers Network
The Daily Prepper Your Source For Survival, Preparedness and sustainability information.
The Prepper E-Book
The Democrats Are Doomed, or How A ‘Big Tent’ Can Be Too Big « OkTrends (by age 60, everyone is an authoritarian teaparty hater on Social Security)
Partisan/Bipartisan — Crooked Timber (bi-partisan will always lose)
Will Rising Nativism Doom Immigration Reform? | The Atlantic Wire
Bill: Make schools ask if kids are in US legally "The laws are intended to make people fearful," Pearce said.
'10 Rules for Dealing with Police' seeks to teach constitutional rights - washingtonpost.com
Film Premiere: 10 Rules for Dealing with Police
YouTube - Don't Talk to Cops, Part 1
Local News | Area 51 vets break silence: Sorry, but no space aliens or UFOs | Seattle Times Newspaper
YouTube - Lake Peigneur (disappearing lake) History Channel footage
Great Blue Hole, Belize : Image of the Day
Nine South Hadley teenagers are charged with bullying Phoebe Prince. What about the adults who knew it was going on? - By Emily Bazelon - Slate Magazine Nine teenagers have been charged with bullying Phoebe Prince. What about the adults who knew it was going on?
IN THE LIFE | "The Right To Live" We investigate Bullycides
Gay Porn | Prague Porn In the dark corners of Eastern Europe, economic crisis drives straight men into gay porn.
For Photographers, the Image of a Shrinking Path - NYTimes.com
Journalists in China say Yahoo accounts hacked - Yahoo! News
Young Saudis bypass social lockdown with Facebook - CNN.com
Hedge Fund Billionaire Philip Falcone's Plan to Take on Verizon and AT&T - DailyFinance
Computerworld > Thumbs down for software patents in NZ
Novell wins! SCO loses! - Computerworld Blogs (Microsoft fear campaign)
Attacks May Cement Russia's Hard Line In Caucasus : NPR
Aid must double to respond to natural disasters, UN warned - World Politics, World - The Independent Haiti calamity has exposed flaws and the need for urgent reform, UK minister tells Kim Sengupta
Calculated Risk: Market and Greece Update (the six percent solution)
Ireland Bank Crisis: 'Worst Fears Surpassed' As Banks Need An Additional $42.7 Billion
Decriminalizing pot would devastate cartels :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Steve Huntley (and we wouldn't want that to happen)
US ex-general apologizes for Dutch gay comments | News Story on 365gay.com - retired Gen. John Sheehan
Quebec bill would ban niqabs in public service
Quebec integration debate reignited over student's use of niqab
Veiled threat: Niqab new flashpoint in tolerance debate
With Greg Craig Out Of The Way, Coast Is Clear For White House To Make Legal Calls On Political Grounds (Barack Obama's conscience was surgically removed)
Abu Zubaydah’s Drawings | Emptywheel - officials are so worried about information on AZ coming out is that it’ll show the massive intelligence failure that resulted in the conclusion that he was a top al Qaeda officer (we really need a war on stupid)
t r u t h o u t | Torture Diaries, Drawings and the Special Prosecutor
Daily Kos: We had eight years of Bush and Cheney, Now you get mad!? - You finally got mad when the government decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick /a>
The Man Who Almost Killed Health Care Reform | Mother Jones Meet Richard Doerflinger, the powerful Catholic lobbyist who had Rep. Bart Stupak’s ear (Stupak got played: how the Catholic Bishops control women's bodies, made an alliance with Dobson and are totally immoral)
Hullabaloo: The Good The Bad And The Ugly: The Guttmacher institute has done a thorough analysis of the new health care bill's impact on reproductive rights: Abortion: Insurance Coverage Now an Endangered Species
Healthcare reformageddon - This Modern World - Salon.com
On kids’ care, insurance weaseling begins - The Boston Globe
The Washington Monthly: Insurers And Sick Kids: As of a few days ago, insurance companies thought they'd found a loophole (took them one week to prove Pelosi's point: "the fact that insurance companies would even try to deny children coverage exemplifies why the health reform legislation was so vital.")
The Associated Press: Insurance industry agrees to fix kids coverage gap (their loophole was bad PR)
Why Is Conservative Media Crushing Liberal Media? It's crushing it in ratings, crushing it in profits, crushing it in influence.
Michael Steele FIRES Staffer Over 'Bondage Club' RNC Expenses
BuhBuhBuhBenny and the Sex | TBogg | Shorter Ross Douthat: The slutty Chunky Reese Witherspoons of the seventies inflamed the loins of the seminarians and made them go on a decades long altar-boy binge. Now the Pope needs to mop up all of the semen. Damn you liberals! Damn you! (esteemed NYT columnist is a total fool)
Obama Signing Student Loan Reform In Virginia President Barack Obama on Tuesday sealed his health care overhaul and made the government the primary lender to students by cutting banks out of the process.
Bloomberg Sends Stern Letter To Obama Demanding Gun-Control Action
Cliff Schecter: Courting Another Oklahoma City
Law.com - Domestic Violence Victim Fights for Her Name at the Supreme Court Case asks who truly enforces restraining orders
Beck sub Thompson: Tanning tax makes health bill "racist" because "dark-skinned people" don't use tanning salons | Media Matters for America (tax on pale white people)
Streetsblog San Francisco » San Francisco First City in the Nation to Count Its Parking Spaces 441,541. Of the total, over 280,000 are on-street spaces, 25,000 of which are metered (free parking!)
Palin's secret CSU speaking fee sparks outcry But the school foundation hosting the $500-a-plate event won't say what they are paying her, or even how much the party will cost
Huff TV: Simon Johnson: Bailed Out Banks Are Even Bigger, More Powerful Than They Were Before The Crisis (video) (that worked out really well for them, didn't it?)
Failing US banks must fear government closure: Obama adviser - Yahoo! News
Bank Lobbyists Fought For Very Thing They're Now Trying To Kill, Says Elizabeth Warren
Gov't to give $600M in housing aid to 5 states - Yahoo! News - Ohio got the largest share of funding, at $172 million, followed by North Carolina at $159 million and South Carolina at $138 million. Oregon and Rhode Island are due to receive $88 million and $43 million respectively.
Unearthing the Sex Secrets of the Périgord Black Truffle - NYTimes.com
'Grrrr' Means Many Things in Dog Speak | LiveScience
Barack Obama Looking at Awesome Things - a set on Flickr
Transportation Department Embraces Bikes, and Business Groups Cry Foul - Green Inc. Blog - NYTimes.com
Books blog + Back to the Hugos | Books | guardian.co.uk
Mexican Narco Cinema Part 1 of 3 - The Vice Guide To Film | VBS.TV
Cyberbullies Charged With Harassing Phoebe Prince, Teen Who Killed Herself After Rape (happened in school, which did nothing and should be sued out of existence)
Standard searches on Google Hong Kong site blocked, China web users say | Technology | guardian.co.uk Standard searches from page result in internet connection being reset so no results are displayed
Google and China: What You Need to Know
Gov't, certificate authorities conspire to spy on SSL users?
The Best Free Software of 2010 - Reviews by PC Magazine
Speed Up Windows 7
Moscow Subway Explosions: Dozens Killed By Two Female Suicide Bombers
News Analysis - Housing Rift Exposes Other Differences in Israel and U.S. - NYTimes.com - “More countries than ever before see Israel as the problem.”
Israel to allow clothes, shoes into blockaded Gaza - washingtonpost.com srael will allow a shipment of clothes and shoes to be delivered to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip for the first time in its almost three-year-old tight blockade of the enclave,
Rethink Afghanistan - President Obama’s Flawed Premises in Afghanistan
The Decline of the Catholic Church – Sex Abuse Scandal Metastasizes | FDL News Desk - Pope Benedict XVI, Ratzinger struck back in his Palm Sunday sermon, vowing not to be intimidated by “petty gossip.” ("petty gossip" about child rape and coverups by his infallibility)
Clergy abuse threatens pope’s legacy - Europe- msnbc.com Key question: What did pontiff know and when did he know it?
Sexual Abuse Scandal Tests Catholics’ Trust in Leaders - NYTimes.com
Op-Ed Columnist - A Nope for Pope - NYTimes.com
NY archbishop defends pope against sex abuse furor - BostonHerald.com urged his congregation to pray for the pope, saying he was suffering some of the same unjust accusations once faced by Jesus.
BBC News - Special relationship between UK and US is over, MPs say
View from the US: The 'special relationship' is a very British obsession | World news | The Guardian
LRB · Joshua Kurlantzick · Red v. Yellow Tearing Apart the Land: Islam and Legitimacy in Southern Thailand by Duncan McCargo
Thailand's political stalemate: The battle for Thailand | The Economist Political chaos beckons—unless there is an election and an honest discussion about the monarchy’s future
BBC News - Wikileaks and Iceland MPs propose 'journalism haven'
Icelandic Modern Media Initiative
Hard-liners force out sex congress participants | The Jakarta Post Members of hard-line Islamic groups forced their way into a Surabaya hotel Friday, demanding participants of a planned congress on sexual orientation in the East Java city to leave the country by Sunday
China Testing Ballistic Missile ‘Carrier-Killer’ | Danger Room | Wired.com
Armed Gang Robs Switzerland Casino - NYTimes.com
9 Tied to Militia Charged in Plot to Murder Officers - NYTimes.com
Nine Christian Militia Members Charged With Seditious Conspiracy, Attempted Use Of WMD | TPMMuckraker
In the Wake of Arrests in Three States, Right-Wingers Rush to Defend Terror Suspects, Criticize FBI | Firedoglake
Chris Hedges: Is America ‘Yearning for Fascism’? - Chris Hedges' Columns - Truthdig
Minuteman Leader: When I Said To Come To The Border Locked And Loaded, I Didn't Mean Locked And Loaded | TPMMuckraker
pandagon.net Any fool could see from the outset that the teabaggers are a bunch of Fox News-addled right wing nuts that are sore losers whose anger is exacerbated by racist resentments. But the mainstream media insists on covering it like it’s an exciting, fresh shift in the political landscape.
AP Investigation: Cautionary tale from CIA prison - Yahoo! News - The Salt Pit death
Dusty Foggo’s Girlfriend, John Rizzo, and the Salt Pit | Emptywheel
Legal Memo - Obama Team Is Divided on Tactics Against Terrorism - NYTimes.com (still trying to please Lindsay Graham)
Officials worry anger at D.C. is behind low Texas census response | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle Officials worry low response rate is a form of protest - What's more, an under-count in Texas could cost the state more than just representation (teaparty idiots)
Timeline: When health care reform will affect you - CNN.com
How the Senate bill would contain the cost of health care : The New Yorker Testing, Testing: The health-care bill has no master plan for curbing costs. Is that a bad thing? by Atul Gawande - between 1999 and 2009, the average annual premium for employer-sponsored family insurance coverage rose from $5,800 to $13,400, and the average cost per Medicare beneficiary went from $5,500 to $11,900
The Health Care Blog: Is it Unconstitutional to Mandate Health Insurance?
The Health Care Blog: Are The Attorneys General’s Constitutional Claims Bogus?
Student loan data stolen: 3.3 million ex-college students look forward to giant headache The company implicated in this mess is Educational Credit Masters Corporation (private corp invented to profit from loan industry fails)
A kinder, gentler Erick Erickson | Media Matters for America newly minted CNN contributor Erick Erickson (Redstate idiot)
pandagon.net: Seriously, why are they so obsessed with rape metaphors?
Under Steele, RNC Considered Buying Private Jet, Spent Money At Bondage Themed Club | Oliver Willis (they love bondage)
Tucker Carlson responds to RNC complaints about DC’s Michael Steele article | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment How and why was RNC business conducted in a bondage-themed nightclub, and how and why were the nearly $2,000 in charges that resulted approved by RNC staff?
Huff TV: Ryan Grim On The RNC Strip Club Spending Spree (VIDEO)
CREW, VoteVets File IRS, FTC Complaints Against Sean Hannity Charity Freedom Concerts (inSanHannity
Patriot Majority PAC Going After Tea Party Candidates
We're No. 1! (In Executions) - Houston News - Hair Balls
Simon Johnson: Paul Volcker, Elizabeth Warren, Ted Kaufman: We Need New Law (banksters: we don't need no steenking regulation)
The 'Bank Tax' Gains New Popularity With World Leaders (except for you know who)
Vicky Ward: How Lehman's Hidden Inner Circle Brought the Bank Down (and none of best of the best went to jail)
Treasury's Citi Shares To Go On Sale This Year
FOXNews.com - NY judge rules that human gene patents are invalid
The Associated Press: Geneva atom smasher set for record collisions
Too much folic acid linked to cancer - Diet and nutrition- msnbc.com
Eye Computer: Turning Vision Into A Programmable Computer
D.C. Wire - Bag tax raises $150,000, but far fewer bags used
Michael Calderone Leaving Politico, Latest In Mini-Exodus
Pitchfork: Articles: What's the Matter With Sweden?
/> Five Boys: The Story Of A Picture | More Intelligent Life
New Wikipedia Layout 2010: Pictures Of The 'Vector' Redesign
Internet Usage World Stats - Internet and Population Statistics
U.S. troop deaths double as Afghan war effort ramps up - usatoday.com
Obama Makes Unnanounced Visit To Afghanistan | TPMDC
Obama In Afghanistan Tells Karzai He Must Deliver On Benchmarks, Battle Corruption (when have we heard that before?)
WikiLeaks to release video of civilians, journalists being murdered in airstrike | Raw Story (what the CIA was afraid of)
Maliki's forces move against winning Sunni candidates | McClatchy At least four Sunni Muslim candidates who appear to have won parliamentary seats on the winning ticket of secular leader Ayad Allawi have become targets of investigation by security forces reporting to the narrowly defeated Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki (bringing democracy to Iraq!)
See no evil? - SFGate - What did the pope know and when did he know it? (Ratzo going down)
Lawyer who found documents has long pursued church - Yahoo! News documents Anderson has unearthed have the potential to take a scandal that has plagued dozens of dioceses around the world and place it at the doorstep of Vatican leadership.
Axelrod On Israel Meeting: 'No Snub Intended' (one snub deserves another)
Below The Beltway » Blog Archive » Is Obama’s Treatment of Netanyahu And Israel Anti-Semitic? No, Now Stop Asking Stupid Questions Possibly Obama just hates Israel and hates Jews. That’s plausible — certainly nothing in his actions suggests otherwise, really (of course not)
Before you start mouthing off about Hitler, you'd better know your Nazis | David Mitchell | Comment is free | The Observer
Morally bankrupt and no longer even trying: Canada opposes ban on endangered bluefin tuna | Vancouver, Canada | Straight.com
The Salt Pit and the Bybee Memos | Emptywheel - How CIA Managers Protected Themselves From Murder/Torture Charges (circular pardoning squad)
Daily Kos: Getting A New START On The Road To Nuclear Arms Reductions
Sex Assault Reports Rise in Military - NYTimes.com an 11 percent increase in reports of sexual assault in the military over the past year, including a 16 percent increase in reported assaults occurring in combat areas, principally Iraq and Afghanistan (gays in the military? problem; sexual assaults? no so much)
Daily Kos: Bad for Morale
FBI raids in Washtenaw, Lenawee counties tied to Michigan militia group - AnnArbor.com - The nature of those raids has not been made public - Several other raids took place around the same time in Ohio and Indiana
Massive Federal Raid in Lenawee County || WXYZ.com | WXYZ-TV / Detroit | Detroit News, Weather, Sports and More The FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the Joint Terrorism Task Force are all involved in raids around Adrian that may be connected to a militia group.
Police, federal agents in raids in Sandusky, Huron
[UPDATED] Multiple Federal Raids on Militia Groups in Ohio and Michigan (US Gov trying to provoke civil war?)
Op-Ed Columnist - The Rage Is Not About Health Care - NYTimes.com How curious that a mob fond of likening President Obama to Hitler knows so little about history that it doesn’t recognize its own small-scale mimicry of Kristallnacht. (they hated the Civil Rights Act, too, and used the same words)
Bill Maher: New Rule: You Can't Use "There Will Be No Cooperation for the Rest of the Year" as a Threat If There Was No Cooperation in the First Half of the Year - Here's a word the president should take out of his teleprompter: bipartisanship
States Seeking Cash Hope to Expand Taxes to Services - NYTimes.com
t r u t h o u t | Secrets of the Tea Party: The Troubling History of Tea Party Leader Dick Armey Armey promoted the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran, otherwise known as Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK), which the State Department has branded a terrorist group (teaparty roots in supporting terrorism)
YouTube - Informed Debate on Health Reform. Tea Bagger vs. Liberal Congressman
Think Progress » Apple and other advertisers have ‘abandoned’ Fox News because of Glenn Beck - some Fox journalists told Kurtz that they think Beck “uses distorted or inflammatory rhetoric that undermines their credibility.” (ya think?)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Cyberwolverines! Former NSA director Mike McConnell thinks we need to gear up for cyberwar, and he has a modest little plan (“Reengineer the Internet” - outsource it to Halliburton!)
Congressman Spit On By Tea Party Protester (video) - Fox News personality Sean Hannity asked if there was any evidence proving that it had actually happened, and Tea Party groups offered a cash reward for proof (all white crowd spits on black rep: who you gonna believe? Fox or your lyin' eyes?)
GOP.com vs Democrats.org
Dealing With The Debt: A Brief Note - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com We could raise taxes that much and still be one of the lowest-tax nations in the advanced world. Or we could save a significant share of that total by not being totally prepared for the day when Soviet tanks sweep across the North German plain.
Who Will Tell The President? Paul Volcker « The Baseline Scenario Even Tim Geithner derided the banks recently as, “those who told us all they were the masters of noble financial innovation and sophisticated risk management.”
Alan Greenspan Throws Up His Hands Again; Blames Liberals | Firedoglake - Unsurprisingly, he says there was nothing the Fed could have done to stop it. Equally unsurprisingly, he parrots a right-wing talking point, that the massive subprime mortgage debacle is the fault of government affordable housing programs (all those poor black people brought down the world economy!)
Daily Kos: Too Big to Live
Science Still Suppressed in Obama-Salazar Interior Department | The Seminal (inconvienient truths)
British biologist tells fanciful tales about brain evolution « Why Evolution Is True (problem of relatively rapid increase in human brain size 200K yrs ago)
Anyone have objective data on the effectiveness of the Regenexx stem cell procedure?
Wi-Fi anxiety: Man sues neighbor to shut off electronics - latimes.com
Can Science Explain the Concept of Heaven? - Newsweek.com (apparently not very well)
BBC News - Times and Sunday Times websites to charge from June: News International (=Newcorp/Murdoch: "Users will pay £1 for a day's access and £2 for a week's subscription" = $40/month for conservative propaganda)
The Times of London to Charge Online - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com - The pricing runs contrary to Mr. Murdoch’s long-standing instincts and practice of under-cutting competitors on price to gain the largest audience.
Eagle Eye - John Rentoul: I want a refund a crucial step towards making the business of news an economically exciting proposition (feel the "excitement")
Times and Sunday Times websites to start charging from June | Media | guardian.co.uk "This is just the start. The Times and the Sunday Times are the first of our four titles in the UK to move to this new approach," said Brooks (+"apps that will enhance the experience" +ads!)
Rupert Murdoch's pathetic paywall | Jeff Jarvis | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk So Murdoch has decided to milk his dying cash cow dry, one pound at a time, and leave the future to the rest of us. Poor guy - Murdoch has not used the internet, let alone Google
WSJ on iPad for $17.99 a month, magazines to be at or near newsstand prices? -- Engadget - $17.99 per month for iPad subscriptions -- for comparison, the print version of the WSJ costs $349 for 52 weeks or about $29 per month. Not bad, but you can't roll up an iPad to swat the dog.
Is the Guardian beating its head against a paywall? - Business Analysis & Features, Business - The Independent The departure of Guardian Media Group's chief executive could isolate the editor of its flagship title and his digital strategy, says Tim Luckhurst
No Fox Google News for Greasemonkey (cut off Murdoch before he cuts you off)
six art market myths
The Swiss Army and the Porcupine Principle
Writer J.D. Shapiro, who wrote the movie 'Battlefield Earth,' apologizes to viewers and explains how the bomb came to be - NYPOST.com Let me start by apologizing to anyone who went to see "Battlefield Earth."
Airlines losing 3000 bags - every hour of every day | Gadling.com
Jesse James' Fourth Mistress, "Beautiful Model And Businesswoman," Hires Gloria Allred A fourth mistress has surfaced in the Jesse James cheating scandal.
I penned the suckiest movie ever - sorry! - NYPOST.com Let me start by apologizing to anyone who went to see "Battlefield Earth."
Ancestry: Edwardian England's drunkards | Mail Online
YouTube - yiddishtv's Channel
FOUND FILM - a set on Flickr (super-8 clips)
Massive Privacy Fail: Quiptxt.com is a site that lets iPhone users send picture messages. The problem? EVERY picture sent through the service is available online to the WORLD. : pics (this won't last long, but people sure do like to take pictures of themselves without any clothes on)
pwnat - NAT to NAT client-server communication
Netanyahu Remains Firm on Jerusalem Housing - NYTimes.com (that would be a "firm" fuck you)
Blasts Kill Dozens at Cafe and Restaurant North of Baghdad - NYTimes.com
For Years, Deaf Boys Tried to Tell of Priest’s Abuse - NYTimes.com - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, received letters about Father Murphy in 1996 from Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland of Milwaukee ... Vatican sat on the case, then equivocated, and when Father Murphy died in 1998, he died a priest.
Pope Had ‘No Knowledge’ of Transfer, Vatican Says - NYTimes.com
Christopher Hitchens: Catholic Church Wants 'Wiggle Room' For Rape And Torture Of Children (video) (oooh, another "enemy of the church" "smearing" the world's largest pedophile ring)
The Cardinal Law Solution Won’t Work for Pope Benedict | Firedoglake (promote him to hell)
CIA report into shoring up Afghan war support in Western Europe WikiLeaks release: March 26, 2010
Bush Administration's First Memo on al-Qaeda Declassified - Clinton: "All of President Bush’s neo-cons thought I was too obsessed with bin Laden. They had no meetings on bin Laden for nine months after I left office. All the right-wingers who now say I didn’t do enough said I did too much — same people."
Obama Recess Appoints 15 Top Officials, End-Running GOP Obstruction
Republicans Were For Obama's Health Insurance Rule Before They Were Against It
AT&T Plans $1 Billion Charge For Health Care and may cut benefits it offers to current and retired workers.
Gap in health care law's protection for children - Yahoo! Finance
Daily Kos: More About That Government Take Over of Federal Student Loans
Obama Cites Savings In Student Loans Measure "This reform of the federal student loan programs will save taxpayers $68 billion over the next decade," (fiscal conservatives - Republicans - wanted to stay on the corporate dole)
Shields and Brooks Tackle the Aftermath of Health Reform | PBS NewsHour | March 26, 2010 | Brooks: "And, so, those skills are maybe in her blood from her father and her brother" (what a Republican jerk, a woman can't have her own skills +Shields and Leher, old polite Republicans)
Nancy Pelosi: is this the most powerful woman in US history? | World news | The Guardian Hailed at first as an anachronism and a political gift to Republicans, the 'extreme liberal' is being seen as the best US Speaker for a century (and fuck you, David Brooks)
Daily Kos: How's that Repeal Effort Working Out for State AGs?
Rep. Alan Grayson Calls For Eric Cantor To Resign; Equates Words To “The Burning Of The Reichstag” « Alan Colmes' Liberaland
Health Care Spending: U.S. vs. Abroad - Kiplinger (best health care in the world, you betcha!)
alicublog: Pantload And The Perfesser Do America.
Senator: Which Part Of “Too Big To Fail” Do You Not Understand? « The Baseline Scenario
Hard Pressed, Senator Dodd Gives Ground « The Baseline Scenario - the provisions that deal with “too big to fail” are simply “too weak to make any sense.”
Why Women Don't Want Macho Men - WSJ.com New research suggests that women from countries with healthier populations prefer more feminine-looking men - In countries where poor health is particularly a threat to survival, women leaned toward "manlier" men (high testosterone=divorce, philandering, physical violence)
Marginal Revolution: A Theory for Why Latvian Women are Beautiful
The psychology of power: Absolutely | The Economist - Power corrupts, but it corrupts only those who think they deserve it
People in power make better liars, study shows - Careers- msnbc.com Findings suggest that dishonesty comes more easily to those on top (shocking)
Stress = Over half of business owners feeling increasingly stressed
Farming's Rise Cultivated Fair Deals - Science News
The Twists and Turns of History, and of DNA - New York Times
Research Programs - Interphone Study
Cell phones and electromagnetic radiation a growing concern | OregonLive.com
Full Signal - examines the contradiction between health and finance, one of the many ironies of the fight to regulate antenna placement (you know those industry-funded studies that said cell phones could never cause cancer?)
Cellphones and Brain Tumors: 15 Reasons for Concern: Science, Spin and the Truth Behind Interphone August 25, 2009 CNN: How Safe Is Your Cell Phone?
Cell-Phone-Radiation Health Warnings Alarm, Spur Studies - time
electromagnetic field (EMF), electromagnetic radiation - The Skeptic's Dictionary - Skepdic.com
Cell phone exposure may protect against and reverse Alzheimer's disease
Audit Finds Vulnerability of EnergyStar Program - NYTimes.com (Bush program a big scam)
Dr. Joseph Mercola: This Antioxidant Can Smash Insulin Resistance and Autoimmune Disease
Philosopher: Why we should ditch religion - CNN.com For the world to tackle truly important problems, people have to stop looking to religion to guide their moral compasses, the philosopher Sam Harris told CNN.
Winner of £1m Templeton prize attacks ‘fundamentalism’ of Dawkins - Times Online - Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Oxford, attacked the US National Academy of Sciences for hosting the Templeton ceremony.
Three pieces on Templeton « Why Evolution Is True
TPM: The Philosophers’ Magazine | Faith in funding
What's New by Bob Park - Friday, March 26, 2010 The first recipient of the Templeton Prize was Mother Theresa in 1973; in 1982 it was Billy Graham, and in 1993 Charles Colson of Watergate fame, but his award was delayed until he got out of prison.
Truth in Programming: Who is Wasting Our Time on TV
Literary Magazines Complete List | The NewPages Big List of Lit Mags
Little Magazine Interview Cumulative Index
Pankaj Mishra on America's little magazines | Books | The Guardian 'These magazines keep alive the ideal of the independent intellectual'
Council of Literary Magazines and Presses [CLMP]
Category:American literary magazines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
YouTube - Maxence Cyrin - Where Is My Mind (The Pixies Piano Cover +Garbo)
Alexis Pilkington, 17, Commits Suicide: Another Victim of Cyberbullying? - True Crime Report
McAfee Stinger Removes Hard-to-Tackle Malware and Pesky Fake-Alert Programs - McAfee Labs Stinger - Lifehacker
WikiLeaks: U.S. must stop spying on WikiLeaks
40 missing as South Korea warship sinks near North Korea's border
South Korea Navy Ship Sinks Near North Korea After Explosion
Russian bombers 'intercepted in British airspace' - CNN.com - rews have successfully scrambled to intercept Russian aircraft on more than 20 occasions since the start of 2009
Binyamin Netanyahu humiliated after Barack Obama 'dumped him for dinner' - Times Online (nice pic of him ranting at AIPAC, the "jewish lobby" that the NYT won't name)
Israeli soldiers 'used child to check for booby-traps' - Telegraph Two Israeli soldiers have been accused of using a nine-year-old Palestinian boy to check for booby-traps during last year's Gaza war.
Jayne Lyn Stahl: Blair Strikes Oil in Iraq - Tony-Gate - In the three years since he stepped down as prime minister, Blair pocketed more than $30 million in oil revenues from his secret dealings with a South Korean oil consortium
Allawi Wins Most Seats in Iraqi Elections - NYTimes.com
Memo to Pope Described Transfer of Pedophile Priest - NYTimes.com (time for the head of the world's largest pedophile ring to resign)
Pope May Be at Crossroads on Abuse, Forced to Reconcile Policy and Words - NYTimes.com (lies with policy)
E.J. Dionne Jr. - How the Catholic Church could end its sex scandal - washingtonpost.com . Enemies of the church will use this scandal to discredit the institution no matter what the Vatican does (child-rape protestors="enemies of the church")
Wis. priest accused of molesting 200 deaf boys - Yahoo! News
Vatican Denounces Media's 'Smear Campaign' - WQXR (you know, "enemies of the church" "smearing" the pedophile coverupers)
Instaputz: Bill Donohue, Rape Apologist - "Selective justice is the highest form of injustice." I dunno. Perhaps a greater injustice is 200 deaf kids get assaulted. Maybe?
Cuban leader applauds US health-care reform bill - Yahoo! Finance Dubious endorsement? Cuban leader endorses US health care reform, says it's about time (socialism)
An unwilling Afghan bride's defiance leads to death - latimes.com Frashta didn't want to marry her cousin, and she fled. In a land where tradition and family honor are everything, that sealed her doom.
What happens if Cameron loses? | Politics | The Guardian
MPs cash-for-influence: the inside story « Prospect Magazine Why did people who are supposed to possess the intelligence to run our country not have the intelligence to see through such a thin spoof?
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Former Bush flack Dana Perino recently said the claim of hundreds of prosecutions is “as false as it gets.” And GOP Senator Jeff Sessions dismissed it as “unsubstantiated.” (has been substantiated)
The 390 Terrorists Convicted in Civilian Courts | Emptywheel
Daily Kos: Court Strikes Down Contribution Limits On Speech Committees
Hullabaloo - Making Daddy Mad - America's wife beaters have actually decided to use the defense that these Democrats are "asking for" death threats from the right wingers because they are "making them mad." - It will be the Democrats complaining about their inflammatory rhetoric that made the teabaggers snap. If they'd just stayed quiet and not made daddy mad, he wouldn't have had to hit them.
Think Progress » Gingrich Says Democrats ‘Have To Take Some Moral Responsibility’ For Far-Right Death Threats (because, you know, Dems made them mad by not shutting up)
Crowley newborn with heart defect is denied insurance coverage | Health | Dallas-Fort Worth L... "How can he have a pre-existing condition if the baby didn't exist until now?" (go teapartiers!)
Hullabaloo: The Politically Correct: or Mirror, Mirror: The Prequel ("AEI couldn't risk displeasing its base by keeping Frum on after he criticized the Republican Party. "[T]he elite isn't leading anymore," said Frum. "It's trapped."")
The Washington Monthly: The Limits Of An Extreme Ideology - Mike Vanderboegh, a 57-year-old former militiaman from Alabama ... now lives on government disability checks. He said he receives $1,300 a month because of his congestive heart failure, diabetes and hypertension ... "hand-outs"
Fox's Doocy learns the hazards of not vetting guests | Media Matters for America "former 'Saturday Night Live' star" and Tea Partier Victoria Jackson ... explaining that she had learned about Obama's communism from Doocy's Fox News colleague Glenn Beck ... "Progressive is the new word for Communist"
Rep. Harry Mitchell, D-Ariz. receives death threats: "I wish a panty bomber would come in and just f*&king blow your place up." | Crooks and Liars
AMERICAblog News: FOX"s Glenn Becks says situation in America: 'It's 9/11 all over again except we didn't have the collapsing building'
On MSNBC, Media Matters ' Eric Burns says Beck is "a serious threat to our democratic process" | Media Matters for America That democratic process is supposed to include fair and reasoned debates between differing political philosophies, and the rightwing is NOT participating in that debate!
No "racial slurs"? Wash. Times tea partier apparently can't read his own sign | Media Matters for America
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » It’s So Easy After Dana Bash discusses the stray bullet hitting Eric Cantor’s office, David Gergen hits her slow pitch out of the park: "I think there’s going to be some wing nut out there on one side or the other of the political aisle (see how easy that was?)
Daily Kos: Spock with a Beard: The Sequel by billmon - The goal is to confront the public with two sides hurling identical charges at each other -- the better to convince them that it's just another partisan mudfight and who the hell knows . . . anyway (see?)
Rachel Maddow's Boston Globe Ad: I'm Not Running Against Scott Brown, He Won't Come On My Show
The Washington Monthly - One Incident Is Real, One Is Not (Eric Cantor's "directly threatened" and the eternal search for the false equivalence)
Charges Reduced Against O'Keefe In Landrieu Case | TPMMuckraker The four men "were charged in a one-count bill of information with entering real property of the United States under false pretenses, a misdemeanor,"
Tea Party Advocates Who Scorn Socialism Want a Government Job - Bloomberg.com
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » - Danziger on Boehner
7 Things Glenn Beck Doesn’t Know About US Public Lands Policy | ecopolitology
Wonk Room » TARP For Main Street (Finally!)
The Mother of All Jobless Recoveries - Business - The Atlantic (welfare leeches are just lazy)
On Apple's Board, Fewer Independent Voices - WSJ.com Mr. York said the concealment "disgusted" him, adding that the only reason he didn't quit at the time was because he wanted to avoid the uproar that would have occurred once he disclosed his reason. "Frankly, I wish I had resigned then," he said. (Jobs' coverup of his cancer)
Larry Summers May Be Leaving Obama Administration, Fox Business Reports An aide to Summers tells HuffPost that the rumors are "falso."
Juan Gonzalez: NY Pays 230 "Consultants" $722M Per Year for Computer Project 7 Years Behind Schedule
Astronomers Find 90% More Universe! | Universe Today
Bering in Mind: Animal Lovers: Zoophiles Make Scientists Rethink Human Sexuality
Global cooling: What happens if the Iceland volcano blows - usatoday.com ("The potential eruption of Iceland's volcano Katla would likely send the world, including the USA, into an extended deep freeze": just had to say "including the USA" for dumb Americans)
The world in a window | The Browser
The best five books on everything | FiveBooks
Can the Ethics of Islam Stop Environmental Terrorism? | ecopolitology
Why Rape Isn’t One Big Misunderstanding - The Sexist - Washington City Paper
Buy Food Gifts and Sell Artisan Food on Foodzie
Former militiaman unapologetic for calls to vandalize offices over health care - washingtonpost.com Mike Vanderboegh, a 57-year-old former militiaman from Alabama on Social Security Disability, of course - teaparty terrorist
Road rage, accident centers on Obama bumper sticker - WKRN, Nashville, Tennessee News, Weather, and Sports | - A Nashville man says he and his 10-year-old daughter were victims of road rage Thursday afternoon, all because of a political bumper sticker on his car (Harry Weisiger, teapary terrorist)
Roger Ebert BLASTS 3D As A 'Juvenile Abomination'
Online Dating Statistics Reveal What Women Lie About Most (INFOGRAPHIC)
19 of the Greatest Science Fiction Book Series
Facebook Threatens Greasemonkey Script Writer | Techdirt (not only do they own your personal photos, they own your fucking browser)
AT&T 3G MicroCell Will Improve Your Spotty Service--For $150 (surcharge for crappy service)
What Happens When Apple Passes Microsoft In Value? Yes, When.
Cisco buys into WiMax for Smart Grid, acquires stake in Grid Net | VentureBeat
CIA/State Dep Tailing, Detaining Wikileaks Over Decrypted Airstrike Video - CNN iReport
Last-Ditch Talks Fail To Resolve U.S.-Israeli Tensions : NPR (Netanyahu: shove it)
Netanyahu Gets Support Within Israel After White House Dispute
Netanyahu Faces Choice: Peace Or Settlements (made that decision a long time ago)
Pope Sexual Abuse Scandal: Benedict Implicated In Cover-Up Of Wisconsin Abuse Case (drip, drip, drip)
Vatican Says No Cover-Up In US Priest Molestation Case, Claims Campaign To Smear Pope (of course)
Despite Huge Debt, Britain Hesitant to Cut Public Services - NYTimes.com Britain operates one of the largest welfare states in Europe (yeah, if you call social spending like health and education, "welfare" like the NYT just did, wankers)
BBC News - Disputed Bay of Bengal island 'vanishes' say scientists (sea rises, problem solved)
Racist Police E-mails In Australia Lead To Investigation, Suicide The police ethical standards department found multiple e-mails that were too shocking to be released publicly
Russia and U.S. Report Breakthrough on Arms - NYTimes.com
David Frum, AEI SPLIT: Conservative's Position 'Terminated' By Major Think Tank (not allowed to think in the Think Tank)
The Death of the Public Option: After Parade of Lies, Democratic Leadership Now Stands Naked | FDL Action
Op-Ed Contributor - Myths About Health Care Reform Remain - NYTimes.com
Byrd Rule To Send Health Care Back To House, Rules Parliamentarian But the ruling might give Democrats another option -- the public one (not if Max Baucus and Kent Conrad have anything to say about it)
cab drollery - Civil Discourse: Apparently elections only matter when Republicans win (well, of course, no one else has the "will of the people")
Viagra, ACORN and Gay Marriage: The 10 Most Ridiculous GOP-Proposed Health Care Amendments | TPMDC (from very ridiculous people)
Steny Hoyer: Members are at risk - Jake Sherman - POLITICO.com he wants Republicans to stand up and condemn the threats (that will really happen)
How Republicans Learned To Reject Climate Change : NPR Skepticism: Practically The Party Line? (Sarah Palin: climate expert)
A Turning Point For Tea Party ... And The GOP? : NPR "If the television images that come out of this gathering are of a bunch of nuts, the American people are going to say that these people aren't fit to lead the government," (so media will be careful not to show those images)
Republicans Condemn Violence, Threatened Democrat Not Satisfied - Cantor: it's the Dems fault)
Angry Perriello: Boehner's Statement On Threats Was 'Outrageous' (VIDEO) | TPMMuckraker
National Briefing - Southwest - Texas - Housing Ban Is Struck Down - NYTimes.com A federal judge in Dallas struck down an ordinance on Wednesday in the suburb of Farmers Branch that would have barred illegal immigrants from renting housing there
Financial Overhaul Is Democrats’ Next Priority - NYTimes.com (more socialism)
James K. Galbraith: Oh Please In 66 pages, Mr. Greenspan fails to use the word "responsibility" even once. The word "blame" does not appear. The word "mistake" occurs once; financial firms made them. The word "failure" appears 14 times. None of them are self-referential - "garbage"
Jobless Claims: New Jobless Claims Fall as Employment Picture Improves - CNBC seasonally adjusted 442,000,
Social Security Payout to Exceed Revenue This Year - NYTimes.com
Former Boulderite A.K. Barnett-Hart's senior thesis has become a go-to guide to the financial crisis - Denver (the best of the best weren't best enough, so they went to a college student)
Keep Your Financial Records No Longer Than You Must - NYTimes.com the I.R.S. requires that individuals be able to produce such records for six years
This Is the Future of the Fight Against Cancer - Nanobots - Gizmodo
Caltech-led Team Provides Proof in Humans of RNA Interference Using Targeted Nanoparticles - Caltech Researchers unveil scientific results from siRNA Phase I clinical trial in cancer patients
New Proof Unknown "Structures" Tug at Our Universe Mysterious "dark flow" extends deeper than previously seen - unseen "structures" lurking on the outskirts of creation
Women on the pill may live longer - SFGate
Smallpox Outbreak in Africa, World Health Org. Investigates Reports of 4 Cases in Uganda | Newsolio - if confrimed, would be huge news with massive implications (the disease that was eliminated makes a comeback)
Calorie Postings Don’t Change Habits, Study Finds - NYTimes.com
ImpactMenuLabeling_AJPH_12.09.pdf Evaluating the Impact of Menu Labeling on Food Choices and Intake (yes they do)
Calorie Labeling Works, II - Food - The Atlantic
Evolution of Fairness Driven by Culture, Not Genes | Wired Science (see: Goldman-Sachs)
Epiphenom: Did world religions help bring about complex societies?
Markets, Religion, Community Size, and the Evolution of Fairness and Punishment -- Henrich et al. 327 (5972): 1480 -- Science
The Ethical Dog: Scientific American Looking for the roots of human morality in the animal kingdom? Focus on canines, who know how to play fair
Robert Allen on Why the Industrial Revolution Was in Britain
Marginal Revolution: *The Enlightened Economy*
Supply Chains and the Transfer of Intangible Assets « Mandel on Innovation and Growth
Alea | Beyond the Dollar: Rethinking the International Monetary System
Aging, Debt, and the End of Innovation
Matt Simmons: The Oil & Water Mix
FORA.tv - Steven Johnson: The Invention of Air
Cool Ad Watch - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
The pot and how to use it - Roger Ebert's Journal
Art of the Steal: On the Trail of World’s Most Ingenious Thief | Magazine
World Briefing - Europe - France - Man Accused of Hacking Twitter Accounts - NYTimes.com a 25-year-old Frenchman accused of hacking the Twitter accounts of several high-profile people, including the official account of President Obama and an account for Britney Spears
Google Official Calls for Action on Internet Restrictions - NYTimes.com A top Google executive on Wednesday called for rules to put pressure on governments that filter the Internet, saying the practice was hindering international trade (China and Australia make strange bedfellows)
Catholic Charity and Sprint Tangle Over Texting - NYTimes.com . The laws that prohibit phone companies from interfering with voice calls do not apply to text messages, a fast-growing medium.
Editorial - Prosecutors Gone Wild - NYTimes.com a Pennsylvania school district went too far when it referred several female students for criminal prosecution after their images showed up on other students’ phones and they refused to participate in an antisexting education program.
Is Facebook Chametz? - Rabbi Jason Miller
A Charger That is Garlic to “Vampire Draw” - Gadgetwise Blog - NYTimes.com
Q and A - Hunting Down an Elusive iPhone Signal - Question - NYTimes.com
State of the Art - Line2 Allows iPhone Users to Sidestep AT and T - NYTimes.com
Messages From Steve Jobs Are Making Recipients Swoon - NYTimes.com
How do I clone a hard drive with Clonezilla? | Microsoft Windows | TechRepublic.com
Opera Mini for iPhone submitted to Apple for approval (video) -- Engadget (blows Safari away, won't be approved 'til hell freezes over)
Pwn2Own 2010: iPhone hacked, SMS database hijacked | Zero Day | ZDNet.com (Jobs see conspiracy)
Building Web Reputation Systems: The Blog: On Karma: Top-line Lessons on User Reputation Design
Global Risks 2010 | WEF Risks 2010 - Risks Interconnection Map
Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories travel advice We recommend that you only hand your passport over to third parties including Israeli officials when absolutely necessary.
BBC - Democracy Live - Israeli diplomat expelled over UK passport 'misuse' (Israel: rogue failed racist terrorist state)
Israel Absorbs Twin Rebukes From Top Allies - NYTimes.com - Just hours after delivering a defiant speech in which he told a pro-Israel lobby that “Jerusalem is not a settlement; it’s our capital,” Mr. Netanyahu refused to budge (AIPAC, the lobby that must not be named by the Times)
How 1,000 days of blockade has stifled Gaza's economy by Rex Brynen | The Middle East Channel
U.S. and Mexico Revise Joint Antidrug Strategy - NYTimes.com refocusing their efforts on strengthening civilian law enforcement institutions and rebuilding communities crippled by poverty and crime (that will really work)
Warned About Abuse, Vatican Failed to Defrock Priest - NYTimes.com - Top Vatican officials — including the future Pope Benedict XVI (time for the Nazi-Youth popester to resign)
Catholicism in Peril | The Atlantic Wire
Drone Wars, Without Any Rules CIA's extensive use of unmanned drones to kill alleged terrorists in Pakistan and elsewhere is arguably against international law and raises the possibility that top U.S. officials will someday be tried at the Hague for war crimes, a law professor told a congressional oversight panel on Tuesday.
Airport worker given police warning for 'misusing' body scanner | UK news | guardian.co.uk Man, 25, issued with harassment warning after allegedly taking photo of a female colleague at Heathrow
Top military brass to hear review of 'mentors' program - usatoday.com (corrupt military)
Think Progress » Bush wipes his hand on Clinton’s shirt after shaking hands with Haitian residents (same old OCD George)
Economic Scene - In Health Bill, Obama Attacks Wealth Inequality - NYTimes.com he centerpiece of his deliberate effort to end what historians have called the age of Reagan (the age of the rich and stupid)
Grassley: Look How Great This Health Care Bill Is | TPMDC helped to start the "death panel" meme heard at town halls across the country throughout last summer
Pelosi: Health Care Bill a Conservative Bill (Time to Go Back Under the Bus, Veal Pen) | FDL Action “progressives” should be honest and admit that they are clapping for a health care plan that most found to be moral anathema when the GOP proposed it in 1994 ... “Shorter E.J. Dionne – progressives got rolled.”
Wonk Room » Chief Justice Roberts: Why Isn’t Obama Making Recess Appointments To The NLRB? (because he doesn't want to upset Republicans?)
Open Left:: Senate sliding inexorably toward procedural reform Republicans are now using whatever procedural means at their disposal to block not only virtually every Democratic piece of legislation, not only virtually every Obama administration nomination, but now even Democratic committee hearings
Is There A Tea Party Movement? | TPMMuckraker they're essentially conservative Republican base voters, who were demoralized by the failures of the Bush years and have been re-energized by Democratic control of Washington. And they're part of a strain of the conservative movement that has long been driven by cultural resentment and racial paranoia.
Poll: Tea Party Could Wreck 2010 Midterms for Republicans | Firedoglake hardline wingnuts who think the Republican Party has gone squishy
Insurers Back Effort to Make Health Care Reform Succeed - Time (why not, they got a really good deal)
DNC Rakes In Over $2 Million Since Bill’s Passage | The Plum Line
GOP Senators Refusing To Work Past 2PM, Invoking Obscure Rule
New Harris Poll Finds Nearly One Fourth of Republicans Believe Obama May Be the Antichrist | Firedoglake (2/3's of Republicans need anti-psychotic medication)
An open letter to conservatives | AmericanDad's Blog
reOAh.jpg - Repbulican propaganda in 1934 - they haven't changed a bit
Health care fury: 5 most unhinged video moments - The Week (that's funny, they all seem to be ... Republicans +Ratigan)
Boehner’s ‘Hell No, You Can’t’: The Remix - Washington Wire - WSJ
unsung heroes of healthcare reform, #8,129,123 - a grammar (you won't believe this)
Threats Against Lawmakers After Health Vote - NYTimes.com
Daily Kos: Threats Against Dems Escalating, Members Receiving Protective Detail
Hullabaloo Broken Windows (teaparty terrorists)
Rachel Maddow Show: militia leader Mike Vanderboegh (teaparty terrorism)
The Associated Press: NY lawmaker Slaughter receives 'snipers' threat
Severed gas line found at home of Perriello brother | Charlottesville Daily Progress - discovered the day after Tea Party activists posted the address online so opponents could “drop by” and “express their thanks” for Perriello’s vote in favor of health care reform - Do you mean I posted his brother’s address on my Facebook? Oh well, collateral damage.” (teaparty terrorists)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - FBI investigating Perriello incident in Virginia « - Blogs from CNN.com "It was enough that he could smell the gas," the aide said (teaparty terrorists attempted to blow-up his brother's family)
Matthew Yglesias » Tom Perriello Standing Tall: "If the worst thing that happens is that special-interest groups spend millions of dollars against me and my most ardent opponents organize against me, it’s hardly a ‘cry me a river’ moment — as long as people act civil and within the law.”
Twitter / David Waldman: What could one night of co ... What could one night of coordinated, targeted glass breaking aimed at political enemies really lead to? I mean, let's not get crazy, right?
msnbc.com: Clyburn/Hoyer: Dems at risk due to threats
Look At This Fucking Teabagger
UPDATED - Ann Coulter's Adventures in Ottawa: So, what happened last night? - Inside Politics
Sarah Palin's PAC Puts Gun Sights On Democrats She's Targeting In 2010
JPMorgan Chase Report Says Enhanced Unemployment Benefits Increase Unemployment (duh, no jobs, so just give the money to them)
Simon Johnson: The Brown Amendment: Do the Volcker Rules Live?
Key Senate Republicans Split On Financial Reform Plan (they want to do it all over again)
Calculated Risk: New Home Sales at Record Low in February
Streetsblog Capitol Hill » Feds Begin Redefining ‘Affordable Housing’ to Include Transport Costs
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect It's as if firefighters, charged with both rescuing people and putting out fires, emphasized during their job interviews how committed they were to the latter goal but promised not to rescue anyone unless the conditions were superb and it wouldn't bother anyone.
Scientists say they've identified new human ancestor - washingtonpost.com "People are going to be what we say 'gobsmacked' by this news" ... "Maybe it is overly simplistic to think of particular migrations out of Africa," said Svante Paabo
Drinking water from sunlight and seawater (nanotubule de-salinization)
Nature by Numbers Movie
Wired Reread - Iridium became one of the most spectacular business failures
'Man with the golden arm' James Harrison saves 2million babies in half a century of donating rare blood | Mail Online
California Reeling - California, in Financial Crisis, Opens Prison Doors - NYTimes.com About 11 percent of the state budget, or roughly $8 billion, goes to the penal system (Republican prison state)
St. John’s votes to fire principal: Women not allowed to vote, speak (Wisconsin Lutherans - St. John's Council President Don Finseth exercised his authority to prevent females from speaking, will be famous on the internets for all eternity for being an asshole)
YouTube - Really ! Children Slide Down Rail !
French Feminist Calls Children 'Tyrants' | The Atlantic Wire - -particularly the quest for perfect motherhood with its handmade baby-food, endless breastfeeding, and cloth diapers--is eating away at feminism's prior gains
Biographer took on Joyce's heirs to quote him - SFGate Shloss, 64, a consulting professor of English at Stanford University, recently won a large settlement from the Joyce estate (victory for fair use)
Telling Tales: the evolution of four stories
YouTube - Content-Aware Fill Sneak Peek (CS5)
Yahoo, Fox and Google Inadvertently Spread Malware through Ads major ad networks affiliated with Yahoo, Fox and Google have been distributing “poisoned ads” containing malicious code (another reason for adblock)
From The Morgue : Wikileaks: Something is up
WikiLeaks (wikileaks) on Twitter
Netanyahu in U.S.: Jerusalem not a settlement | TPM News Pages | His speech in Washington to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC (tells Obama, Clinton, to shove it, we're the boss of you)
UK To Expel Israeli Diplomat Over Dubai Murder Case
Victims: Vatican Response to Irish Sex Abuse Not Enough - TIME
Pope 'led cover-up of child abuse by priests' (2006: and they did nothing)
Council cuts down 6,000 trees to act as deterrent at 'dogging' site - Telegraph - A council has backed the removal of 6,000 trees at a beauty spot, saying that the clearance will deterrent to people meeting for sex in the woods.
Blackwater Charges: Justice Department Considers Indictment Against Former Executives Gary Jackson, Andrew Howell
Obama Signs Health Care Overhaul Bill, With a Flourish - NYTimes.com
The Washington Monthly "Repeal" is practically the official response of the Republican Party whenever the new health care reform law comes up in any context.
Could SCOTUS Be The Death Panel For Health-Care Reform? | TPMMuckraker
Frum: "Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us, and now we are discovering we work for Fox." | Media Matters for America
Ten immediate benefits of HCR | Crooks and Liars
Op-Ed Columnist - An Absence of Class in the G.O.P. - NYTimes.com For decades the G.O.P. has been the party of fear, ignorance and divisiveness. All you have to do is look around to see what it has done to the country. The greatest economic inequality since the Gilded Age was followed by a near-total collapse of the overall economy. As a country, we have a monumental mess on our hands and still the Republicans have nothing to offer in the way of a remedy except more tax cuts for the rich.
Senate Democrats get favorable ruling - Manu Raju - Politico.com - Frumin said that Democratic plans to push back an excise tax on so-called Cadillac insurance plans until 2018 was within the purview of budget rules allowable under the filibuster-proof reconciliation process
Poll: America's Opinion Of Health Care Reform Is...??? | TPMDC 43% oppose it for being too liberal, 39% favor it, and 13% oppose it for not being liberal enough (therefore: Americans are against HCR)
Beck criticizes civil rights activist John Lewis for "comparing" himself to a ... civil rights activist | Media Matters for America (yes, they're that stupid)
Think Progress » Rep. Steve King floats secession as possible response to health care reform (still fighting the Civil War)
Texas Rep. Neugebauer: 'I Exclaimed The Phrase 'It's A Baby Killer'' | TPMDC (and proud of it!)
WashPost: Christiane Amanpour can't be "objective" - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com TV critic Tom Shales condemns this decision on several grounds, including the fact that she is viewed by Far Right media groups as suffering from a "liberal bias." .. the Right thinks that everyone who is not Rush Limbaugh is a biased shill for "the Liberal Media .. Wolf Blitzer is Jewish, a former AIPAC official (!)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect - Amanpour Gets The Sotomayor Treatment (Tom Shales, shill for Israel)
Scary New GOP Poll - The Daily Beast Republican attitudes about Obama: Two-thirds think he's a socialist, 57 percent a Muslim—and 24 percent say "he may be the Antichrist." batsihitinsane)
Ex-Bush lawyer takes the Fifth in civil lawsuit | TPM News Pages Former Bush lawyer charged with attacking wife in Connecticut takes the Fifth in civil lawsuit
First Corporate Campaign Ads Appear After Supreme Court's Citizens United Decision
ACORN Set To Close Operations by April 1st | RaceWire the group had faced “a series of well-orchestrated, relentless, well-funded, right-wing attacks that are unprecedented since the McCarthy era.
B'klyn ACORN cleared over giving illegal advice on how to hide money from prostitution
Brooklyn prosecutors clear local ACORN office - War Room - Salon.com Breitbart, meanwhile, has refused to release the full videotapes of any of the ACORN visits. He says his critics may not "have the stomach to deal with" what's on the tapes
Final Vote Results for Roll Call 718 (the House vote on illegal ACORN de-funding - 172 Dems voted yes)
NY Times admits being played for fools on ACORN | Crooks and Liars
Bill Clinton: Funniest president ever? - The Week - "My only regret in creating 23 million new jobs is that 2 million of those jobs were for right-wing pundits."
An open letter to conservatives | AmericanDad's Blog
pandagon.net Bunnies! (Republicans hate sex for other people: you can't have contraception, either)
The bottom line on Medicare tax increases - Mar. 22, 2010 Couples making $500,000 in wages would pay an additional $2,250. If they made $1 million, they would pay an additional $6,750 (the poor rich)
Wall Street Reform Flies Through Committee, Headed For Floor Fight
Global reserves 'exaggerated by a third' - Upstream Online UK scientist Sir David King claimed today, warning of oil shortages and price spikes within years.
How Much Oil in ANWR - Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Oil - Tea Party - thedailygreen.com - If the Tea Partiers were right, we could join OPEC. Hell, we could run the joint.
Universe could be teeming with hidden dark stars and rogue planets
BBC News - The thin line of amazement
Jim Fallon: Exploring the mind of a killer | Video on TED.com
ZotZine Feature - Killer instinct
indiemaps.com/blog » political cartography: voting with our pocketbooks
Fine Structure @ Things Of Interest (Quantum fiction)
Separate together - the virtual choir - The Artful Manager
Love Your Vagina
Straight classmates exclude lesbian student from private prom - from Pink News - all the latest gay news from the gay community - Pink News
Self Publishing 2.0: eBook Piracy And The Moral Hazard Of DMCA (+ScribD)
Google China News: TIMELINE Of Events (2002 To 2010)
Henry Blodget: China Surprisingly Rattled By Google's Clever Pullout
Google China FALLOUT: Google's Exit Angers China
Conroy's internet censorship agenda slammed by tech giants
18 Firefox Add-Ons that Help You Save Money
Which Browser Should I Use: Firefox or Chrome? - Web browsers - Lifehacker
My Opera - Opera Mini Countup (since Mini was submitted to the Apple jobs-Store)
Apple Seeks Patent For Mobile Social Networking -- Mobile Apps -- InformationWeek The patent application describes a service called iGroups that would enable mobile device users to share geographic location data.
Rio Tinto, China Bribery Scandal: Executives Plead GUILTY To Receiving Huge Kickbacks
DOD’s Empty Vessel for Torture Authorization | Emptywheel (blank check)
Rampant patriotism breaches on America's right - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - , the American Right is now openly siding with a foreign government against their own, and bitterly Blaming America for these problems (but you see, it's Israel, the boss of you)
The Nation: Health Care Through FDR's Lenses : NPR (perspective)
Health Care Reform – A Short History: FDR to Obama | Over 50 Website
Ezra Klein - How big is the bill, really? (more perspective)
Ezra Klein - The five most promising cost controls in the health-care bill
How the Senate bill would contain the cost of health care : The New Yorker The health-care bill has no master plan for curbing costs. Is that a bad thing?
/ Health Care Bill PASSES
Obama On Health Care Passage: 'This Is What Change Looks Like' (video)
News Analysis - Obama’s Health Care Victory Carries a Cost - NYTimes.com Never in modern memory has a major piece of legislation passed without a single Republican vote (therefore, it's Obama's "loss" of bi-partisanship)
House Vote 163 - On Agreeing to the Resolution - NYTimes.com (see where the crazies live)
The Doctors of the House: Democrats Must Take Responsibility for What Comes Next in Health Care - WSJ.com A landmark of liberal governance whose price will be very steep (to Repubicans)
Health Care Reform Bill Summary: A Look At What's in the Bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News Would reduce the deficit by $143 billion over the first ten years (how the WSJ sees "costs")
FACTBOX-US healthcare bill would provide immediate benefits | Reuters
Ten immediate benefits of HCR | Crooks and Liars
Obama Against Choice | FDL Action - Steve Hildebrand — Obama’s Deputy Campaign Manager, who called up rich donors and told them to cut off 527s during the campaign — is threatening to primary her if she defends a womans’ right to choose from Ben Nelson’s assault (just so you know where he stands)
Miles Mogulescu: NY Times Reporter Confirms Obama Made Deal to Kill Public Option (behind your back-room deal)
Daily Kos: HCR: Dem "No" Votes and Dem Switchers
National Journal Online - Breaking Down The Numbers - HCR
House Passes Historic Health Bill - WSJ.com Deal on Abortion Puts Biggest Change in Decades Over Top; Democrats Rejoice, but Republicans Predict Electoral Gains (yeah, sure)
Student Loan Bill Poised to Pass in Health Vote - NYTimes.com - the government will expand a direct lending program, a step that the Congressional Budget Office said would save taxpayers $61 billion over 10 years, and use the money to increase Pell grants for students (what "privatization" was costing education because we can't have "socialism")
Matthew Yglesias » Waterloo - And that’s how Mitch McConnell brought universal health care to America
Orlando Sentinel – The Mike Thomas Blog – Alan Grayson trumps blowhard Chris Matthews on health care (will he apologize? no)
Is health-care reform constitutional? - washingtonpost.com - You might have heard of it: Bush v. Gore (in other words, ask John Roberts)
TribBlog: Texas "Fully Engaged" in Health Care Challenge | The Texas Tribune ("Texas will be undoubtedly challenge this constitutionally questionable law" (sic))
Poll: Majority oppose health bill, still trust Dems and Obama - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
Rep. John B. Larson: The Top Ten Immediate Benefits You'll Get When Health Care Reform Passes
Signed, Sealed, but Not Delivered: Six Big Flaws Need Fixing to Make New Law Meaningful Health Care Reform | FDL Action
What the health care overhaul bill could mean to your wallet
Wonk Room » Why The White House Should Embrace Grayson’s Medicare Buy-In Proposal (but won't)
Demand a Vote on the Public Option
At this point it's all we've got | The Agonist
New Economic Perspectives: This Is Not The Way To Do Healthcare Reform: Democrats Propose Windfall For Insurance Industry
Anthony Weiner Smacks Down Peggy Noonan On Health Care (video) | TPM LiveWire (he's been on fire)
Health Care REACTION: Frum: In We followed the most radical voices in the party and the movement, and they led us to abject and irreversible defeat ... a huge win for the conservative entertainment industry (!) ... the responsibility-free talkers on television and radio ... it’s Waterloo all right: ours.
The GOP's newfound love of public opinion - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Huh? Time says Beck and Limbaugh are the big winners in the health care vote | Media Matters for America (it's always good news for conservatives)
'Baby Killer' Yelled At Bart Stupak During Health Care Debate (VIDEO) A Republican member of Congress apparently called Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) a "baby killer"
Krugman - Closing Arguments on Health Care - NYTimes.com
Drug lobby applauds 'reform' passage | Washington Examiner (the backroom deal worked out well for them)
The Feminist Case for Flawed Reform | The American Prospect The anti-abortion provisions of both the House and the Senate versions of health care are a serious setback for reproductive rights. We need to support it nonetheless
Matthew Yglesias » A Song for Jim DeMint
Twittertwatters are seriously unfriending baby-eating Bart Stupak | TBogg (that worked out really well, didn't it?)
Owens "proudly stand[s] by" his "comment" that "jackasses" who think health care is "a 'right' deserve to be drawn and quartered" | Media Matters for America
House approves huge changes to student loan program - washingtonpost.com (more socialism)
Rove loses his cool in debate with Obama aide | Raw Story
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Scalia's Experience - in one recent First Amendment case, Scalia suggested that Christian crosses are appropriate memorials to the dead of other faiths (a very bad Republican)
Can Congress punish the member who shouted "baby killer" at Bart Stupak? - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine
Happy Warriors Still | RedState (want to know whatErick Erickson, new esteemed commentator on CNN thinks? - double-down on the crazy!)
Sadly, No! » By The Hammer Of Thor, This Liberal Perfidy Shall Not Pass! ("This shall not stand in my land." - more armchair revolutionaries)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Country First! Democrats shouldn’t expect much cooperation from Republicans the rest of this year, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) warned Monday (muhahaha)
Change of Subject: Ronald Reagan on Medicare, circa 1961. Prescient rhetoric or familiar alarmist claptrap? (9/2/09) (they never change, do they?)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: 2009's Most Valuable Democrat Is...
Twitter / John Boehner: I mean no disrespect to the urban community ... (he really said that)
t r u t h o u t | Racism, Homophobia Dominates Tea Party Protest Over Health Care Bill
Tea Party Head Spinner: Socialists Oppose Health Bill
Obama Pays More Than Buffett as U.S. Risks AAA Rating - Bloomberg.com
New York Fed Warehousing Junk Loans On Its Books: Examiner's Report (Timmeh at work)
Simon Johnson: Volcker and Bernanke: So Close and Yet So Far (Bernanke blocking reform, what he's paid to do)
Dodd Financial Reform Bill Passed By Senate Banking Committee Democrats sent a massive Wall Street regulation bill to the full Senate on a party line vote Monday after a temporary retreat by Republicans that still left the bill's chances for bipartisan passage in doubt.
The Perks of Being a Goldman Kid - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com
Calculated Risk: DOT: Vehicle Miles Driven decline in January
Wind contributing to Arctic sea ice loss, study finds | Environment | guardian.co.uk
How Dinos Ruled the World : Discovery News A massive volcanic eruption 200 million years ago tipped the scales in the battle between dinosaurs and crocodiles for global dominance.
Princeton University - A sweet problem: Princeton researchers find that high-fructose corn syrup prompts considerably more weight gain
SnakeOil? Scientific evidence for health supplements | Information Is Beautiful
NHS Choices - Health News - Index
How a lawsuit over school laptops evolved | Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/21/2010
Secret Life of the Gay American Basketball Player | Dime Magazine
Video games: Video games: the addiction : Tom Bissell was an acclaimed, prize-winning young writer. Then he started playing the video game Grand Theft Auto. For three years he has been cocaine addicted, sleep deprived and barely able to write a word. Any regrets? Absolutely none
How A $500 Craigslist Car Beat $400K Rally Racers - Rallying - Jalopnik
Pirating WRC Corona Rally Mexico Rally America | World Rally Sport
YouTube - SOUR (Hibi no neiro)'
Official Google Blog: A new approach to China: an update
Mainland China service availability
Rupert Cornwell: Obama won't restrain Israel - he can't - Rupert Cornwell, Commentators - The Independent His error has been not to think through the clout of America's pro-Israel lobby (Abe Foxman and the Catholic Bishops rule your world)
Zakaria: Bibi Is Undermining Israel's Security - Newsweek.com The Israeli Prime Minister says his nation's security is his top priority. Too bad he's undermining it
Israel: Settlement Construction Will Continue In East Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Says (we're the boss of you)
Pope Slams Irish Church Over Sex Abuse Scandal, But No Mention of Vatican Responsibility (he's infallible)
DAY OF WRATH: Thousands Of Russian Protesters Demand Putin's Resignation
Sarkozy's Party Braces For Electoral Wipeout (center-right is falling)
Stephen Byers claims no rules were broken during lobbying sting | Politics | guardian.co.uk Former minister says he did not break MPs' guidelines after being caught on camera offering political influence for money
Orlando Sentinel – The Religion World – American Muslim groups condemn call for jihad against U.S.
YouTube - Charlie Brooker's Newswipe S2E3P1 Charlie looks at how the media have dealt with the Haiti crisis.
How the West poisoned Bangladesh - Asia, World - The Independent A UN project aimed to help millions - but it brought them water contaminated with arsenic
White House Statement On Abortion Compromise | TPM LiveWire
Stupak Reaches Abortion Deal With Dem Leadership | TPM LiveWire (same language as in the goddamn Senate bill, couldn't resist his little grandstand)
Daily Kos: The Stupak Executive Order Gets His Vote What he has achieved is to force a Democratic president to confirm that women's health isn't equal to everyone else's, that a legal, medical procedure to which we STILL have a right is further stigmatized, further politicized.
Daily Kos: Let the (Republican) finger-pointing begin! - Republican David Frum: "We are encouraging a mood of radicalism in the party that is not just uncivil, that’s not the problem, the problem is it makes you stupid. It makes you make bad decisions, it leads you to think that President Obama with 53% of the vote is as beatable in 2009 as President Clinton with 42% of the vote in 1993, and that’s obviously not true."
Transcript - Obama’s Remarks to House Democrats - Text - NYTimes.com
Proposed Changes in the Final Health Care Bill - Interactive Graphic - NYTimes.com
The Money Fighting Health Care Reform - The New York Review of Books
Karl Rove Shouts At David Plouffe Over Health Care: 'That's Bunk!'
Wonkette : Nancy Pelosi Summons Pagan God, For Strength
Democrats' health plans echo Nixon's failed GOP proposal | McClatchy (how far we've come)
Mark Green: On Sunday, Will GOP be on Wrong Side of History Again? (what do you think?)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Principled, My Eye (the media will never portray pro-choice as an "issue of conscience" because women don't have one)
The Most OUTRAGEOUS Quotes From The Health Care Reform Debate
Immigrants to Obama: It's Time
YouTube - Sam Cooke A Change Is Gonna Come
New York Times finally comes clean about ACORN pimp hoax | Media Matters for America - Bottom line: The Times got the story wrong, and public editor Clark Hoyt admits he was wrong to defend it earlier this year. And oh yeah, Times editors are "considering" publishing a correction (assholes +Clark Hoyt is useless)
Fox responds to CBO score of health care bill by portraying CBO as untrustworthy | Media Matters for America
Op-Ed Columnist - Eraser Duty for Bart? - NYTimes.com - Stupak - +"Because Pope Benedict has addressed the sex scandal belatedly and sparsely, stonewalling on the skeleton in his German closet, he has lost authority to speak about the issue consuming his church"
The Obama administration, missing in action on gun control - washingtonpost.com (too partisan and "volatile")
Bill Clinton Gridiron Dinner: Former President Jokes About Democrats, Republicans, And Himself
Record 71% disapprove of governor, poll shows More Californians disapprove of the job performance of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger than any governor in modern state history including Gray Davis, who was ousted by Schwarzenegger in a popular uprising (another Republican success story)
slacktivist: I think maybe part of the reason you're so angry is you keep demanding that you get screwed and then, not surprisingly, you keep getting screwed
The GOP's Dirty War : Rolling Stone How Republicans have risen from the dead by distorting Obama's agenda and shutting down the government
Think Progress » Sen. Lindsey Graham and Glenn Beck Agree: Health Reform Is Like A Japanese Bombing Attack
YouTube - Rep. Broun Calls The Civil War "The Great War Of Yankee Aggression"
State of the health care debate: Talk radio attacks an 11-year old | McClatchy
Dems: Protests get ugly, racist - First Read - msnbc.com
Rep. Nunes On Epithets: When You Use Totalitarian Tactics, People Act Crazy (VIDEO) | TPM LiveWire (see, it's all Pelosi's fault and Obama's for standing firm in the face of Republican opposition, har-har)
GOP lawmakers unveil "Don't tread on me" flag before anti-#hc... on Twitpic GOP lawmakers unveil "Don't tread on me" flag before anti-#hcr crowd.
Tea Party Protests: 'Ni**er,' 'Fa**ot' Shouted At Members Of Congress
Think Progress » Tea Party sign threatens gun violence if health care passes.
YouTube - Santa Barbara Anti-American Protest (teapartiers get even more insane, if possible)
YouTube - The Tea Party & The Circus - Final Healthcare Reform Protest - angry, overweight white rednecks (+really stupid and crazy)
Think Progress » Rep. Steve King and Glenn Beck agree: Voting for health reform on Sunday is ‘an affront to God.’
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Getting Ugly
TIME.com - 5/25/99: The Cox Report on Chinese Espionage Satellite Launches in the PRC: Loral
The Space Review: The effects of export control on the space industry (Long March disaster)
How to Make a Three-Pendulum Rotary Harmonograph
Op-Ed Columnist - America’s Real Dream Team - NYTimes.com - finalists in the 2010 Intel Science Talent Search - most finalists hailed from immigrant families, largely from Asia (the people Glenn Beck and stupid America hate)
Woe, begone : Living : Jug Suraiya : TOI Blogs
Update: Prius crash in NY ruled to be result of driver error
Why Does a Salad Cost More Than a Big Mac? - GOOD Blog - GOOD
Crew had the time of its 'Life' filming whales' courtship ritual - Usatoday.com
Teen arrested in Wal-Mart racial announcement incident - CNN.com
Volcano Erupts Under Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland
YouTube - The Amazing Survival Abilities Of The Ibex
YouTube - Dog Cat Washing Machine
Visual Understanding Environment
GIF is NOW finally free - for real, with a final Unisys joke
Dear Mozilla, Please Don't Kill HTML5 Video! | Brian Crescimanno
Daring Fireball: Mozilla, Video, and Mobile Computing
Mozilla: Stick to Your Ideals, Shun H264
Marvell Teases with $100 Tablet for Students | Gadget Lab | Wired.com (iJobs killer?)
YouTube - Iraq: Thousands Dead, $747.3 Billion Spent And Not Any Safer
Pope Offers Apology, Not Penalty, for Sex Abuse Scandal - NYTimes.com (forgives abuse victims)
The Catholic church and paedophilia: Crimes and sins | The Economist The pope should say plainly and loudly that sexual abuse of children is not just sinful. It is criminal
Afghan Cops: A $6 Billion Fiasco - Newsweek.com Six billion dollars later, the Afghan National Police can't begin to do their jobs right—never mind relieve American forces.
Revealed: Tony Blair’s secret oil links to Middle East | News The former prime minister has been in the pay of the Kuwaiti government and a South Korean oil firm for up to 18 months, a parliamentary watchdog has revealed.
Bluefin tuna loses out simply because scarce fish make a profit | George Monbiot | Environment | guardian.co.uk Stocks will collapse after a few more seasons of fishing at current levels, and investors will just move on to the next catch
World Nuclear Stockpile Report | Ploughshares Fund
Peak water - Wikipedia
Projected Global Water Scarcity 2025 World Map - World • mappery
The peasant mentality lives on in America | The Smirking Chimp | by Matt Taibbi - You know you’re a peasant when you worship the very people who are right now, this minute, conning you and taking your shit ... If ever there was a textbook case of peasant thinking, it’s struggling middle-class Americans burned up in defense of taxpayer-funded bonuses to millionaires
House Leadership Dumps 'Deem and Pass', Will Take Separate Votes | Crooks and Liars (too partisan and "controversial" even though Republicans did it all the time: accepting the frame)
Hoyer: House Will Hold Straight Up or Down Vote on Senate Health Care Bill | TPMDC (too "politically volatile")
Pelosi: 'No Separate Vote' For Stupak...Or Anybody Else | TPMDC
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: The Progressives' Bad Bluff
Daily Kos: Ooops (Anthony Weiner pwns Republicans on fake memo)
Tea Partiers Clash With Circus During Final Health Care Protest In DC | The Public Record Averse to facts, no one interviewed was able to cite evidence for their false beliefs about the reform proposal, and instead suggested we seek the “truth” from Glenn Beck and Fox News.
Michael Moore: My Congressman, Bart Stupak, Has Neither a Uterus Nor a Brain - It turns out that Stupak has been living in a subsidized room in the "C Street House," run by the infamous right-wing Christian cult "The Family.
Stupak Deal is Dead, Obama Executive Order on Abortion “On the Table” | FDL Action Although NARAL’s Nancy Keenan had not planned to oppose the measure, outrage from within her own ranks caused her to speak out ("hadn't planned to oppose" most restictive anti-abortion provision ever, thank you NARAL)
NOW backs Stupak challenger - Alexander Burns - politico.com (good for NOW, and we're lookin' at you, NARAL)
Acorn on Brink of Bankruptcy, Officials Say - NYTimes.com (mission accomplished)
Key appointees at Treasury used as pawns in unrelated legislative battles - washingtonpost.com
Bernanke Says Bailouts of Banks ‘Unconscionable’ - Bloomberg.com (will send sternly-worded letter, or something)
FDIC: Failed Bank List
Environmentally Friendly Homes Attract Wariness From Banks Making Mortgage Loans - WSJ.com Odd Homes Built of Tires and Trash Lure Environmentalists, Turn Off Bankers
Cigna Gives $110.9 Million Compensation Package To Ex-CEO
10-places-not-to-use-your-debit-card: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Financial relationships and positive results in scientific research examined | Science Codex Virtually all (94%) of the scientific authors who provided positive results for the anti-diabetic drug rosiglitazone had financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies, according to research published on bmj.com today.
Drug Treatment Could Sharpen Adult Brains | Popular Science THP, a hormone that lowers stress in young and adult mice, but actually increases stress in teenage mice.
British boy becomes first in the world to have stem cell transplant - Telegraph
Acne Drug Prevents HIV Breakout - minocycline
current work Midway: Message from the Gyre (disgusting: plastic crap killing birds)
On Faith Panelists Blog: Non-believing clergy: Now what shall we do? - Daniel C. Dennett
Disbelief in the pulpit: On Faith at washingtonpost.com
The Great West Coast Newspaper War - Features - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper
Sting in the tail for web's video codec search | Cloud | ZDNet UK
Palm: this is your survival guide -- Engadget
Iraq War Seventh Anniversary: 'We'll Know Better Next Time' (sure we will)
BBC News - Dutch fury at US general's gay theory over Srebrenica - John Sheehan, a former Nato commander (it was teh gay)
Ban on fishing for bluefin is rejected - Nature, Environment - The Independent Japan and Canada lead campaign against plan to protect endangered tuna
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Has Rahm's assumption about progressives been vindicated? (they were all rolled, we ended up with a crappy corporatist bill that will expand coverage and save lives)
Tapped Archive | The American Prospect The Ridiculous Schumer-Graham Plan for Immigration 'Reform.' (thought up by white Republicans, reform that isn't)
Obama George Mason Speech On Health Care: 'If This Vote Fails...'
Who's in play: House health-care vote washingtonpost.com (this doesn't look possible +bonus: compaign contributions from health industry)
How Democrats will pay for health reform - Mar. 18, 2010
Echidne Of The Snakes - Oh Dear. Foot-In-The-Mouth Stupak - "When I'm drafting right to life language, I don't call up the nuns." He says he instead confers with other groups including "leading bishops, Focus on the Family, and The National Right to Life Committee." (what else do you need to know?)
Bart Stupak: I Don't Listen To Nuns | RHRealityCheck.org (what an obnoxious little asshole tyrant)
Underplayed Story of the Day: Arizona Drops Children’s Health Insurance Program - Swampland - time.com (Republicans will leave nearly 47,000 low-income children without coverage
Op-Ed Contributor - One Classroom, From Sea to Shining Sea - NYTimes.com - local control of schools is often an enemy of high-quality public education (politicizing the facts)
GOP Leadership Pushed Memo Dems Say Is “Hoax” | The Plum Line
Daily Kos: Politico: 'Hoax' memo "was purported by Republicans to be an internal Democratic memo"
Hullabaloo More Sickening Behavior (from demented teaparty Republicans like Michelle (I'm really a Phillapina) Malkin)
3 Reasons Why Republicans Might Not Take Over the House - Politics - The Atlantic (a Marc Ambinder special ... like they have any chance at all)
Virginian At Obama Rally: If Health Care Passes There Will Be Civil War (VIDEO) | TPM LiveWire Kris Fisher of Oakville, VA. (famous on the internets for all eternity for her incredible insanity)
The Misinformed Tea Party Movement - Forbes.com For an antitax group, they don't know much about taxes. (or anything else, actually)
Sean Hannity’s Freedom CONcert Scam: Almost None of Charity’s $ Went to Injured Troops, Kids of Fallen Troops; G5s for Vannity? (of course)
YouTube - Targeted by the Tea Party: Parkinson's Hero Speaks (in the face of hatred)
Video: Conservative Libertarian | The Daily Show | Comedy Central (pure genius)
Yves Smith: Indefensible Men « naked capitalism - "Wall Street just looted the public on a massive scale. Having found this to be a wondrously lucrative exercise, it looks set to do it all over again." (*)
U.S. Keeps Citigroup Names Secret on Harassment Fear (Update1) - Bloomberg.com (huge bonus bandits names are super-seecret)
Stephen Roach: 'We Should Take Out The Baseball Bat' On Paul Krugman Morgan Stanley's Asia chairman blasted Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman over the latter's stance on China's economic policy.
Lehman Brothers Collapse - Merrill Lynch Warned Regulators About Lehman - CNBC Securities and Exchange Commission and Federal Reserve officials were warned (you know, the Fed that wants to regulate banks)
Greenspan: Not My Fault - ProPublica "Fed did little" (which is why we need to let them "regulate" everything now)
Rep. Darrell Issa: The HAMP Hoax: How the Obama Administration is Hiding the Failures of a Disastrous Program (the prototype for all of Obama's programs designed to fail)
Kuwaiti study: Conventional oil to peak in 2014 — Autoblog Green (if it hasn't already)
The Psychology of the Taboo Trade-Off: Scientific American
What can policymakers learn from happiness research? : The New Yorker What can policymakers learn from happiness research? (Derek Bok: the poor don't mind being poor so why should we care?)
CMS e-commentary for the 2010 LHC Run both beams were successfully ramped to 3.5 TeV, 3 times higher than ever before! E
Hubble 3D Debuts at IMAX Theaters
YouTube - IBMAdvertising's Channel - Smarter Planet
Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Infographics | Designerati | Fast Company
How to Calculate a Dog's Age in Dog Years
No Moods, Ads or Cutesy Fucking Icons (Re-reloaded) » Guilty (Peter Watts guilty of) "failure to comply with a lawful command"
Pretty ugly: Can we please stop pretending that beautiful women aren't beautiful? - Feministing
Unprecedented 25-Year Sentence Sought for TJX Hacker | Threat Level | Wired.com
Interview: Eben Moglen - Freedom vs. the Cloud Log - The H Open Source: News and Features
Israelis Resist U.S. Demands on Building in Jerusalem - NYTimes.com - The New York Times again refers to settlements as "suburbs" and "neighborhoods," omitting the fact that they are illegal under the Geneva Convention, as ruled upon by the World Court. Orwell was right, the biggest lie of all is omission.
Netanyahu's Brother-In-Law Says Obama Is An Anti-Semite, Hates Israel (what more do you need to know?)
In Pictures / Danish artist dresses her baby as Hitler, exploring the meaning of evil - Haaretz - Israel News
CBO Score On Health Care Bill Released: Boosts Democrats' Hopes Of Passing Reform - leading to a reduction of $138 billion in the federal deficit, $1.3 TRILLION in the second ten years ("fiscally conservative" Republicans will vote against it)
Health Care Reform Bill Gains Ground But Release Delayed
Lynch will vote against President Obama's health care overhaul - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe “We’ve paid the ransom, but at the end of the day the insurance companies are still holding the hostages,”
Insurer targeted HIV patients to drop coverage | Reuters ($10 million settlement against Fortis: disgusting practices, "reckless disregard to his health and safety," Republicans say everything is ok)
Bart Stupak: "I Don't Listen To Nuns" | RHRealityCheck.org (only guys on abortion rights, Christ what an asshole)
Open Left:: Health insurnace reform updates
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect - Why People Don't Understand Health Care Policy - WaPo's Chris Cilizza: "Democrats were focused primarily on expanding coverage, while Republicans were fixated on controlling costs," Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office says [PDF] the Democrats' plan is the biggest deficit-reducer in 15 years (elite WaPo reporter is stupid or lying, you decide)
I-Team: DOJ Serves Subpoenas in Senator Ensign Investigation - Las Vegas Now (good news for Republicans and the media can't let go of John Edwards anyway)
Ensign scandal prompts National Republican Senatorial Committee subpoena - John Bresnahan and Manu Raju - politico.com
Not Exactly the War of the Roses… : Lawyers, Guns & Money Fred Barnes is a terribly stupid man.
Missouri Lawmaker Wants Women to Give Reason For Abortion - St. Louis News - Daily RFT - State Senator Tom Dempsey (R - St. Peters) (remember that name: anti-woman jerk)
Top GOP Senator: We're Willing To Wait Out The Clock On Wall Street Reform (after causing the worst disaster in the history of the world)
Government Bank Regulators Got Big Bonuses The government also was handing out millions of dollars to bank regulators, rewarding "superior" work even as an avalanche of risky mortgages helped create the meltdown (rewarding regulatory capture)
Madoff Was Beaten in Prison - WSJ.com Ponzi Schemer Was Assaulted by Another Inmate in December; Officials Deny Incident
Economy: Jobless Claims Down, CPI Tame Amid Slow Recovery - CNBC
Grade inflation gone wild / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com Most college kids spend more time drinking than studying. And they still get mostly A's.
CBC News - Canada - Is depression an evolutionary gift? (just take your Zoloft, already)
Scientists supersize quantum mechanics : Nature News Largest ever object put into quantum state.
This American Infographic (infographics based on TAL)
The Puritan Origins of American Patriotism - McKenna, George - Yale University Press Ironically, a great reversal has occurred, and today the most fervent believers in the Puritan narrative are the former “outsiders”—Catholics and Southerners.
Schwarzenegger considers monitoring devices to track in-home health care | McClatchy $5,000 high-tech devices to photograph and fingerprint Californians who get subsidized in-home care for the elderly and disabled (who are all criminals for needing assistance; Gov FAIL should try these on bankers)
Audubon Magazine Picture Perfect: Phony wildlife photography in magazines, books, calendars, and posters is giving people a warped view of nature.
Why women now prefer Johnny Depp to Sean Connery - Telegraph British women now prefer feminine looking men over their more rugged counterparts because they no longer need to worry about the survival of the fittest, new research suggests
Using Fatties in Marketing Campaigns Unlikely to Work, ASU Study Finds - Phoenix News - Valley Fever using chubsters in ad campaigns lowers womens' self-esteem and makes them less likely to buy a product.
Crew feared suicidal pilot, court told Should flight attendants be allowed to refuse to fly with a pilot they believe to be suicidally depressed?
Medical Marijuana User Fired After Failing Drug Test
NASA Mission Posters Are Hilariously Painful - NASA mission posters - Gizmodo
10 Things You Didn't Know About The Impending Apocalypse
How to Scan, Absorb and Process Information | Webdesigner Depot
Arts and Leisure Preview - Reading and the Web - Texts Without Context - NYTimes.com
Matthew Yglesias » Mashed Up Michico Kakutani has a somewhat curious piece in the New York Times in which she argues against the remix-based nature of so much digital culture
The further you go in … — Crooked Timber
The ecstasy of influence: A plagiarism, By Jonathan Lethem (Harper's Magazine) - A plagiarism By Jonathan Lethem
Book Review - 'Reality Hunger - A Manifesto,' by David Shields - Review - NYTimes.com
Culture Jam - Documentary
sniggle.net: The Culture Jammer’s Encyclopedia
Culture Jamming Culture Jamming and Meme-based Communication
Shovelware Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing and Sniping in the Empire of Signs
Rebel Sell: Why Culture Can't be Jammed- the case against counter culture and culture jamming | Chicago Art Magazine
The Rebel Sell | Andrew Potter and Joeseph Heath (2004)
The Rebel Sell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
YouTube - Situationist International - Part 1 of 3
YouTube Blog: Broadcast Yourself For years, Viacom continuously and secretly uploaded its content to YouTube, even while publicly complaining about its presence there. It hired no fewer than 18 different marketing agencies to upload its content to the site. It deliberately "roughed up" the videos to make them look stolen or leaked. It opened YouTube accounts using phony email addresses. It even sent employees to Kinko's to upload clips from computers that couldn't be traced to Viacom (Sumner Redstone at work)
Viacom, Google air dirty laundry in court docs | Media Maverick - CNET News
Encyclopedia Dramatica Blog » Blog Archive » The state of things to come Encyclopedia Dramatica has been in a lot of trouble in Australia lately (Oz hates free speech, see "Streisand Effect")
Interview: Encyclopedia Dramatica moderator Encyclopedia Dramatica is Wikipedia's evil twin. It’s a site where almost every article is biased, offensive, unsourced, and without the faintest trace of political correctness - "Largely the problem with the younger generation is that they've grown up in a bubble of Fisher Price rounded corners and bright colors where costumed animals never tell them anything that could hurt anyone's feelings"
Chatroulette Is 89 Percent Male, 47 Percent American, And 13 Percent Perverts
iPhone vs Others: The Mobile OS Market – GigaOM (heh, should be Symbian and others, jobsboy)
10 Ways Google Can Defend Its Android Turf Against Apple iPhone - IT Infrastructure from eWeek
Google TV Should Finally Push Apple TV Beyond A “Hobby”
Windows Phone 7 Series: the complete guide -- Engadget
HTC Press Release - HTC Disagrees With Apple’s Actions
Final destination Iran? - Herald Scotland | News | World News Hundreds of powerful US “bunker-buster” bombs are being shipped from California to the British island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean in preparation for a possible attack on Iran (because Israel wants it)
U.S.-Israel rift undermining some long-standing taboos - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com both Adm. Mike Mullen and Gen. David Petraeus within the last couple of months stressed the same causal connection to Obama officials: "Israel's intransigence could cost American lives." (call Abe Foxman)
B'Tselem - Testimony of Saed a-Sultan, February 2010 Siege prevents reconstruction of schoolhouse partially destroyed in Operation Cast Lead, February 2010
Israeli Minister Admits Boycotting Brazilian President
Simon Johnson: Mario Draghi and Goldman Sachs, Again Was Mr. Draghi involved in the Goldman-Greece relationship?
More Ex-Vienna Boys' Choir Members Allege Sexual Abuse
Brazil Church Sex Scandal: Video Allegedly Shows Priest Abusing Altar Boy (world's largest pedophile ring at work)
Vatican Official Says Rising Number of Sexual Abuse Cases Could Overload Staff - NYTimes.com - hundreds of new allegations of sexual abuse surface in the German church alone (staff of 10, yes 10)
Al-Qaeda crippled as leaders stay in hiding, CIA chief says - washingtonpost.com
Obama threatens to veto greater intelligence oversight - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Those authoritarian, torture-loving French - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com replica of the one conducted in 1961 by Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram
Liz Cheney Group Attacks Eric Holder: 'As If He Doesn't Know We're At War' (what will she say next?)
New Health Care Whip Count: Still 191 Yes, 206 No (205-209 with Leaners) | FDL News Desk
Obama On Fox News: Accuses Bret Baier Of Interrupting, Two 'Going At Each Other'
Hardball: Obama won't campaign for Democrats... | Gather (finally)
Hypocrisy: A Parliamentary Procedure « The Enterprise Blog the last Congress that Republicans controlled, from 2005 to 2006, Rules Committee Chairman David Dreier used the self-executing rule more than 35 times, and was no stranger to the concept of “deem and pass. (your media couldn't report that the first time around, could they?)
Dennis Kucinich Flips On Health Care Reform: Will Support The Bill
One-year freeze on earmarks fails in Senate, splits GOP | McClatchy
Open Left:: Rahm wanted to strip down Senate bill, everyone else wanted a reconciliation fix (now he's a hero for inventing reconciliation)
NOW, BlueAmerica Back Stupak Challenger (Rahm is unhappy)
UPDATED EXCLUSIVE: New England Journal of Medicine says it didn't publish or produce health care "survey" | Media Matters for America on Fox & Friends, co-host Brian Kilmeade said: "The New England Journal of Medicine has published a report and did a survey (makin' shit up and spreadin' it around)
Ex-Bear Stearns Economist Takes Step To NY Senate Run - CNBC David Malpass, president of Encima Global - "“We need financial reform legislation but one that gets us toward more jobs and growth, not one that gets us toward more Washington,”" (i.e., no finanical regulation for banksters!)
Ex-Congressman Enters Race to Unseat Gillibrand - City Room Blog - NYTimes.com (Republican, dad of American idol, of course)
Christie Seeks Spending Cuts to Close Gap in New Jersey - NYTimes.com (enjoy your Repubican gov, NJ)
alicublog Now Dr. Mrs. offers new and "different definitions of Going Galt."("producers and moochers")
Fox News 'Divided' Over Glenn Beck, Journalists Worried About His Popularity (Glenn Beck: the face of Fox)
Ed Henry should quit while CNN is behind | Media Matters for America a right-wing hate blogger is just like top-notch Democratic thinkers.
YouTube - Tea Partiers Mock And Scorn Apparent Parkinson's Victim (sub-human)
Balloon Juice - Heckuva Job, Atlantic Great. Get back to us when you have Parkinson’s disease, asshole, and I can find a few people to throw shit at you. Are we going to have to end up paying these glibertarians to go Galt? (Megan McArdle shows her true colors +like CNN hiring Erick Erickson)
Meet CNN's Newest Contributor: The Guy Who Called Souter A Goat-F*cker | TPM LiveWire
Why Dodd's Financial Reform Bill Is A Lesson On How 'Broken' The Senate Is
Economic Scene - Deficit Builds as Americans Pay Less and Get More - NYTimes.com (loot and spend has problems)
Matthew Yglesias » Kinsley’s Transcendental Deduction of Hyperinflation - Kinsley freely acknowledges that “virtually every leading economist across the political spectrum” disagrees with him (but what to they know?)
Calculated Risk: Geithner, Orzag, Romer: "We do not expect substantial further declines in unemployment this year" (jobs bill is a success)
Op-Ed Contributor - Why the Fed is the wrong place to house a consumer financial protection agency. - NYTimes.com The Fed has a long and largely undistinguished history of consumer protection (programs designed to do nothing)
PaNu - PaNu Blog - “Cardio” Causes Heart Disease.
Nanotech Energy Source Discovered
Red in Jupiter’s Spot Not What Astronomers Thought | Wired Science | Wired.com The darkest red part of the spot turns out to be a warm patch inside the otherwise cold storm.
Asteroid Mission May Offer Clues into Life's Origins : Discovery News
Are Americans Giving Up On The Environment? | Mother Jones polls reveal Americans are becoming less concerned about the state of the environment (Republican propaganda effective)
Study: Today's youth aren't ego-driven slackers after all (3/16/2010)
Loud sex enough for cops to search your home, court rules | Raw Story
Local Man Jailed For Crossing Street - News Story - WPTZ Plattsburgh
Orlando Sentinel – Taking Names the Blog – Stemberger: Wrong pics of gay couple was ‘mistake’
Portraying Lesbian Parents » Sociological Images
Pot Postal Shipments on the Rise, Inspectors Say - AOL News
14-Hour LA-NY Flight Riles Passengers - CBS News Virgin America Plane Sits on Tarmac for 6 Hours Before Bus Ride to JFK; Passenger Reportedly Told to "Shut the Hell Up"
How Privacy Vanishes Online, a Bit at a Time - NYTimes.com
National Broadband Plan - Download the Plan (more socialism, just let Comcast run everything)
National Broadband Plan: A guide to America's internet revolution - The Week
Sickipedia: bid to shut offensive 'encyclopedia dramatica' - The Australian Human Rights Commission has threatened legal action against a widely read but controversial US-based website over an article that encourages racial hatred against Aborigines. ("Streisand" effect, whereby an attempt to censor online content only brings more attention to it)
Digital economy bill: Online piracy law unlikely to face major scrutiny | Technology | The Guardian Tories collaborate with government to rush bill into law before election
Charter Communications Rep Says Cable Companies Taking Over All Streaming Video On May 1st - The Consumerist
Why I Don't Use Google Docs - PCWorld Business Center
Microsoft shows off Internet Explorer 9: says 'yes' to HTML5, 'no' to Windows XP -- Engadget
s Windows Phone 7 Series won't have copy and paste -- Engadget - Microsoft says most users, including Office users, don't really need clipboard functionality (way to FAIL, MS)
The Age of Social Networks
Google Chrome 4.1, Now Available
Info for event ci14601172 - Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada - 4.4
Israel First? - Swampland - TIME.com I can't remember another ethnic or religious lobbying group publicly siding with a foreign country against the President of the United States...especially when the country in question is engaging in behavior that the international community believes is illegal (AIPAC is a front +failed, racist, terrorist state)
Netanyahu and Pastor Hagee’s Lovefest on Eve of Biden’s Arrival in Israel
David Petraeus On DADT: 'The Time Has Come'
The Volokh Conspiracy » Blog Archive » Eleventh Circuit Decision Largely Eliminates Fourth Amendment Protection in E-Mail (all your emails are belong to the cops, no steenking supoena required)
Encrypt Thunderbird Email with Enigmail
Health Care Opponents Demonize 'Deem And Pass' As The Media Gets It Wrong (don't they always?)
The Most Outrageous March 16 Tea Party Protest Signs (PHOTOS)
Ezra Klein - Everything David Brooks says about reconciliation is wrong (everything Brooks says about everything is wrong +NYT columnists entitled to their own facts)
The Washington Monthly 'COMITY' AT RISK.... The funniest thing you'll read today - "If they pull off this crazy scenario they are putting together, they are going to destroy a lot of the comity in the House," said Brian Darling, a congressional expert at the conservative Heritage Foundation. (muhahah)
Right-wing media attack "Slaughter solution" as unprecedented, but GOP "set new records" for its use | Media Matters for America (setting new records for lying and hypocrisy)
Hemmer falsely claimed the self-executing rule "does not require a single vote" | Media Matters for America
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Annals of Editorials: Barack Obama Isn't Your Dad - but you can thank David Brooks for this truly whacky effort, which manages to place a simple majority vote in the same category as the Holocaust, the Rwandan Genocide, and sectarian schisms in Islam.
The Washington Monthly Prominent conservative commentator and RedState.com editor Erick Erickson will join CNN as a political contributor (most trusted name in bullshit just got shittier)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Short Memories
Echidne Of The Snakes - Please Welcome Erick Erickson!
Right-wing media set sights on family of 11-year-old who spoke about his mother's death at health care event | Media Matters for America (attacking children for profit!)
Jon Stewart Spanks Congress for Its Sex Scandal Hypocrisy - Jon Stewart - Gawker.TV
Breitbartocalypse averted! Breitbart now says his comment about taking down "the institutional left" was a "joke" | Media Matters for America (Breitbart is a joke but will probably get a job on CNN))
Time for Truth: Three Card Monte is for Suckers » New Deal 2.0
Blogs Beat the Press on the Lehman Brothers Scandal : CJR (major media: either couldn't be bothered, or buried the story)
Hipsters on food stamps - Pinched: Tales from an Economic Downturn - Salon.com They're young, they're broke, and they pay for organic salmon with government subsidies. Got a problem with that?
PatientsLikeMe : Patients Helping Patients Live Better Every Day
Stand Up While You Read This! - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com
Sitting time and mortality from all causes, cardio... [Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009] - PubMed result (chairs=death)
Sitting is bad - ImmInst.org Forums
Non-exercise activity thermogenesis – James A. Levine, M.D. - Mayo Clinic (fidget more)
Matthew Yglesias » Bacterial Fingerprints and Bayes’ Law
America's 40 worst books. 'Gatsby'? Really? | Jacket Copy | Los Angeles Times
Prisoner charms female guards - Sexual abuse - Salon.com now some claim to be victims
> After 13 years, police still hunting for the East Coast Rapist - washingtonpost.com
Liquid Trust Spray - the first Oxytocin product, formulated to enhance people's trust in you!
C-Span Puts Its Full Archives on the Web - NYTimes.com
AIPAC Lashes Out At Obama Administration Over Israel Statements (the Abe Foxman crew censures Obama for criticizing what Israel apologized for, who are they loyal to?)
Steve Clemons: The AIPAC Statement We Need But Have Not Gotten (Yet) (and never will)
BBC News - Ties between Israel and US 'worst in 35 years' (because of Obama's "elevated rhetoric")
The Petraeus briefing: Biden’s embarrassment is not the whole story, by Mark Perry | The Middle East Channel
Murders in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, at All-Time High - ABC News Ciudad Juarez has had 1,986 homicides — almost all drug-related — through mid-October this year, up from 1,171 for the same period in 2008 (your Republican war on drugz)
AMERICAblog News: Vatican: Everyone is trying to set up the Pope - he's the victim
Rep. Ryan Fills Health Care Op-Ed With Distortions | Media Matters Action Network (Fred Hiatt's op-ed page for liars)
Ken Cuccinelli, Virginia Attorney General, Calls Obama Birther Charges Within 'The Realm Of Possibility' (certainly within the realm of possibility that you're insane)
Dodd Unveils Financial Regulatory Reform Bill With 'Consumer Financial Protection Bureau'
Daily Kos: Lindsey Graham's curious logic - Democrats will imperil their legislative agenda if...they pass their legislative agenda
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Larison is Shrill Douthat has his panties in a bunch about the lack of subtle shades in the movie “Green Zone”
Eunomia » We Wouldn’t Want To Be Simplistic And Naive, Now, Would We? (Ross Douthat, 30 yr old Harvard grad, NYT's neo-neo-con, says Greenzone not nuanced enough)
Bachmann: We're Not Going To Obey Health Care Law -- 'We Don't Have To' (video) | TPMDC
Krugman - Taking On China and Its Currency - NYTimes.com Treasury has been both unwilling to take action on the renminbi and unwilling to do what the law requires, namely explain to Congress why it isn’t taking action. Instead, it has spent the past six or seven years pretending not to see the obvious.
Former Park Avenue Bank president arrested | Reuters on charges including bank bribery, embezzlement and fraud, a federal prosecutor said.
Social Security to start cashing Uncle Sam's IOUs - Yahoo! News $2.5 trillion in IOUs from the federal government, payable to the Social Security Administration (Al Gore's "lockbox" - another opportunity missed)
Toxic Waters - Saving U.S. Water and Sewer Systems Would Be Costly - NYTimes.com (socialism)
International Measuring System of Units by Country (any questions?)
Star on course to meet Solar system identified - RT (Gliese 710 from the constellation Serpens Cauda: doom in 1.5 million yrs)
Tested: A Reboot for the Immune System | Popular Science
1 gene lost = 1 limb regained? Scientists demonstrate mammalian regeneration through single gene deletion
Climate Skepticism Grows as Emissions Fall | ClimateBiz.com
For better romantic relationships, be true to yourself
Hug the Monkey: My Oxytocin Dose
Could Porn Be Good For Society? Instead of causing sex crimes, porn might actually contribute to reducing their incidence (Republican war on porn counterproductive)
There Is Literally No Way to Make Money Selling News - journalismism - Gawker
The Hidden Meaning of Lady Gaga's "Telephone" | The Vigilant Citizen
Lady Gaga, The Illuminati Puppet | The Vigilant Citizen
File-Sharing and Link Sites Declared Legal in Spain | TorrentFreak
15 Noteworthy Websites That Changed the Internet | Web 2.0
Amazing Piano Freestyle on Chat Roulette - DivineCaroline
Digital: A Love Story
Indonesia hit by 6.4-magnitude earthquake - CNN.com
How Dubai unraveled a homicide, frame by frame - latimes.com
Explosions Rock Afghan City, Killing Dozens - NYTimes.com
BBC News - Obama aide condemns 'destructive' Israeli homes plan
Israel Apology: Netanyahu Expresses Regret Over Settlement Announcement , President Barack Obama's chief political adviser, David Axelrod, called Israel's action an "affront" and an "insult."
Does Barack Obama give a damn about us? - Times Online
Op-Ed Contributor - Today’s Russia - Perestroika Lost - NYTimes.com
Tom Friedman - Driving Drunk in Jerusalem - NYTimes.com “Message from America to the Israeli government: Friends don’t let friends drive drunk. And right now, you’re driving drunk (Tom Friedman is getting shrill on Israel)
After Israel Publicly Humiliates the United States, the Anti-Defamation League Attacks the Obama Administration | Firedoglake (where their loyalties lie)
Fearing Drug Cartels, Reporters in Mexico Retreat - NYTimes.com (your Republican war on drugz)
Americans Killed In Drive-By Shooting At Consulate In Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, Obama 'Outraged'
Sweden's PM apologizes for 'genocide' vote to distance himself from a parliament move branding the massacres of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as genocide, Ankara said Sunday.
Venezuela's Chavez calls for internet controls | Reuters
Union blackmail will bring chaos to Britain - Telegraph
Silvio Berlusconi | PdL | Rome elections | Italy's sandwich snafu
British couple face jail time in Dubai over kiss - The Globe and Mail
Black Cobra gang steals selection of small cakes - The Local - 120 boxes of almond tarts, punch rolls, apple crowns and brownies
Justice's wife launches 'tea party' group - latimes.com The nonprofit run by Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is likely to test notions of political impartiality for the court ("test?" are you kidding?)
As Health Vote Awaits, Future of a Presidency Waits, Too - NYTimes.com
Op-Ed Columnist - The New Rove-Cheney Assault on Reality - NYTimes.com - . History will be repeated not only if we forget it, but also if we let it be rewritten by those whose ideological zealotry and boneheaded decisions have made America less safe to this day.
Obama Calls for Major Change in Education Law - NYTimes.com (No Child Left un-educated stupid)
Letters - Where Scott Brown Is Coming From - NYTimes.com (how Massachusetts ruined health care for everybody)
Why Does Glenn Beck Hate Jesus? - Swampland - Time.com
Dobson's Exit From Focus: A Family Affair? | TPMMuckraker
Meg Whitman Stages Town Hall, Asks For 'Lots Of Cheering' | TPM LiveWire (eMeg is a disaster)
350 Coffee Parties Bring a Change in Flavor
Meet the Man Behind Utah's New Law Criminalizing Miscarriages | Reproductive Justice | AlterNet Rep. Carl Wimmer discusses his Criminal Homicide and Abortion Revisions bill and his long-term plans to overturn Roe v. Wade (Christ, what an asshole)
Business NewsReel - WSJ.com - Repos Played a Key Role in Lehman's Demise Report Exposes Lack of Information and Confusing Pacts With Lenders
Fair Game - Private Equity and Wind Hellas - A Tale of Debt - NYTimes.com
FDL Book Salon Welcomes Yves Smith, ECONned: | Firedoglake
PLoS ONE: A Demonstration of the Transition from Ready-to-Hand to Unready-to-Hand
Your Computer Really Is a Part of You | Wired Science | Wired.com
China looks to 'combustible ice' as a fuel source Buried below the tundra of China’s Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a type of frozen natural gas containing methane and ice crystals that could supply energy to China for 90 years.
Replica of big skull from 28,000 years ago suggests human brains have started to shrink | Mail Online (around the time Reagan was elected)
Op-Ed Contributor - P.S.A. prostate screening is inaccurate and a waste of money. - NYTimes.com - I never dreamed that my discovery four decades ago would lead to such a profit-driven public health disaster
DNA testing makes it easy to find the identity of anonymous sperm donors. - By Rachel Lehmann-Haupt - Slate Magazine
City Critic - The New York Skyline, Where Eagles Roam - NYTimes.com
Texas Education Board Approves Conservative Curriculum Changes By Far-Right
Paris 26 Gigapixels - Interactive virtual tour of the most beautiful monuments of Paris
What You Need To Know About Fish Oil - Forbes.com
Prius Recall: Runaway Prius Story Of Owner James Sikes' Questioned In New Report
Lesbian sgt. discharged after police tell military - Yahoo! News - police officers in Rapid City, S.D., saw an Iowa marriage certificate in her home and told the nearby Ellsworth Air Force Base.
E.E.O.C. Sees Bias in Almontaser Ouster at Khalil Gibran School - NYTimes.com (Murdoched)
"Making Sense of Privacy and Publicity" danah boyd
The Key To Gmail: Sh*t Umbrellas
Apple’s Spat With Google Is Getting Personal - NYTimes.com (like no one would ever make an iPhone competitor?)
Buzz by Tim O'Reilly from Buzz - In the end, if the iPhone fails, it will be because closed systems have weaker adoption dynamics than open systems, not because Eric Schmidt betrayed Apple. (personal for Jobs, because he's crazy, but not Google)
Sex-Abuse Scandal in the German Church Touches Pope Benedict XVI’s Archdiocese - NYTimes.com (der Popester looking complicit, at least)
Pope knew priest was paedophile but allowed him to continue with ministry -Times Online
Pope wants truth in child sex scandal, official says | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Headline | International News The pontiff is also under fire for a 2001 Vatican document he wrote instructing bishops to keep such cases secret.
Catholic abuse claims sweep Europe - Europe- msnbc.com Lawsuits alleging cover-up of pedophile priests could bankrupt dioceses - From Ireland to Germany, Europe's many victims of child abuse in the Roman Catholic church are finally breaking social taboos and confronting the clergy to face its demons - 'Typical Vatican cover-up'
Archbishop links priestly celibacy and Catholic sex abuse scandals | World news | guardian.co.uk Christoph Schonborn, archbishop of Vienna, calls for 'unflinching examination' of possible reasons for paedophilia
wbur.org » News » Irish Catholics Call For Cardinal Law’s Resignation, Following Clergy Abuse Report - “To keep Cardinal Bernard Law in the position he holds would suggest the papacy does not understand the principles of accountability,”
Boston Globe / Spotlight / Abuse in the Catholic Church / Scandal and coverup
NPR : The Catholic Church's Sex Abuse Scandal
Reese Erlich: The Difference Between a Terrorist and Someone Who Flies a Plane Into a Building - Truthdig
Countdown with Keith Olbermann
Gingrich Savors Another Turn in the Spotlight - NYTimes.com - still relishes stirring the pot of the culture wars (why are they paying attention to this irrelevant fool?)
Petraeus Makes Trip to New Hampshire -- Political Wire (pre-campaigning for Pres)
FOXNews.com - Stupak Claims Committee Chairman Wants Government to Fund Abortions (moron+liar)
Evangelical leader takes on Beck for assailing social justice churches - CNN.com
Woman: Garn lying about 'no contact' in hot tub when she was 15 (Mormon church/newspapers covered up)
In Lehman’s Demise, Some Shades of Enron - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com (the best of the best)
Chris Hayes: The Twilight of the Elites - 10 Ideas for the Next 10 Years - Time ("In the past decade, nearly every pillar institution in American society — whether it's General Motors, Congress, Wall Street, Major League Baseball, the Catholic Church or the mainstream media — has revealed itself to be corrupt, incompetent or both")
FDIC: Press Releases - PR-51-2010 3/12/2010 The Park Avenue Bank, New York, New York, was closed today by the New York State Banking Departmen
Treasury hopes new rules send short sales to the rescue of underwater mortgages - washingtonpost.com
Antimatter Supernova -The Biggest Bomb in the Cosmos The super-supernova SN2007bi is an example of a "pair-instability" breakdown
Saturn Moon Has Surprisingly "Slushy" Insides a new look at Titan's insides reveals even more oddities: Beneath the brittle crust of ice lies a layer of slush. Deeper still is an underground ocean over a solid core of rock and ice.
Ancient rivers buried under outback desert | COSMOS magazine
1,000-Year-Old Massacre Uncovered in England : Discovery News all males mostly in their late teens or early 20s, were likely Viking raiders who were brutally executed 1,000 years ago.
Obesity: The killer combination of salt, fat and sugar | David A Kessler | Life and style | The Guardian
Gary Vaynerchuk: Do what you love (no excuses!) | Video on TED.com
Texas Conservatives Win Vote on Textbook Standards - NYTimes.com - will put a conservative stamp on history and economics textbooks (Ronald Reagan was a founding father)
Telephone (Long Version) | Lady Gaga | Music Video | MTV
Bilski Oral Argument at the US Supreme Court — Free Software Foundation The Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in a case that could give the free software community (and software developers everywhere) a huge win in the fight against software patents.
Netflix Cancels $1 Million Contest, Settles Privacy Lawsuit - The Consumerist
Closeted Lesbian Sues Netflix For Potential Outing - The Consumerist (and outs herself, of course)
FCC releases Internet speed test tool | Reuters
Welcome to Broadband.gov
Speedtest.net - The Global Broadband Speed Test
Israel Moves To Change Law After Biden 'Mishap' to ensure the country's leader is not caught off guard by politically charged decisions, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was by the approval of 1,600 new homes for Jews in east Jerusalem during Biden's visit (oh sure)
The amazing true story of Zeitoun | World news | The Guardian For his trouble, he was arrested as a suspected terrorist (you know, Arab name, and all)
Rove: I'm 'Proud' Of Waterboarding (and torture and murder)
Op-Ed Columnist - Health Reform Myths - NYTimes.com (like the 1/6th of the economy Republican lie)
Nancy Pelosi Will Not Include Public Option In Final Bill (game over)
Dodd Decision A Surprise To Reformers (no Republicans on board)
Open Left:: In one day, Grayson piles up another 40 co-sponsors for Medicare buy-in bill
Three cheers for Howell Raines (but he didn't go far enough) | Media Matters for America Why haven't America's old-school news organizations blown the whistle on Roger Ailes, chief of Fox News, for using the network to conduct a propaganda campaign against the Obama administration -- a campaign without precedent in our modern political history? (because they might work for Fox someday)
Obama Social Secretary Ran Into Sharp Elbows - NYTimes.com (promoting the "Obama brand" while Obama hid in the bunker)
Obama picks charities to which he'll donate Nobel prize cash award - washingtonpost.com
Christians Urged to Boycott Glenn Beck - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com Last week, the conservative broadcaster Glenn Beck called on Christians to leave their churches if they heard any preaching about social or economic justice because, he claimed, those were slogans affiliated with Nazism and Communism.
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » There Will Be Goats Basically, they thought Mickey could not be trusted and would blab private conversations publicly. And, to prove them wrong, the moment Mickey Kaus got hold of some of the private email conversations on Journolist, HE BLABBED THEM PUBLICLY and published them.
Geithner Says U.S. to Recover Faster, Stronger Than Others - Bloomberg.com (ok)
The House’s Local Jobs Bill – Actually a Jobs Bill! | FDL News Desk
New round of foreclosures threatens housing market - washingtonpost.com - 5 million to 7 million properties are potentially eligible for foreclosure but have not yet been repossessed and put up for sale
NY Fed Under Geithner Implicated in Lehman Accounting Fraud Allegation « naked capitalism
Lehman Bankruptcy Report: Top Officials Manipulated Balance Sheets, JPMorgan And Citi Contributed To Collapse
Lehman Bankrutpcy: 'Repo 105,' Firm's 'Accounting Gimmick,' Was Like 'A Drug,' Emails Show
Toyota Hybrid Horror Hoax - Forbes.com -Sikes and his wife Patty in 2008 filed for bankruptcy and are over $700,000 in debt (balloon boy)
Amnesty International Report on U.S. Maternal Health - Time ikelihood of a woman's dying in childbirth in the U.S. is ?ve times as great as in Greece, four times as great as in Germany and three times as great as in Spain (but Amurica has the best health care in the world!)
BBC News - Women on pill 'may live longer' less likely to die of cancer and heart disease
Absent-mindedness is a middle-aged male problem, research shows | Society | The Guardian Women come out best in listening and recollection tests - in middle age at least, absent-minded-ness is a particularly male problem.OB
Targeting the Good Cell - JSOnline
Court Rules Vaccines Don't Cause Autism - ABC News
UPDATE 1-US court rules again against vaccine-autism claims | Reuters
Simon Singh: This is goodbye | Science | guardian.co.uk Being sued for libel is not only ruinously expensive, writes Simon Singh, it takes over your whole life. Which is why this will be his last column (end of science reporting in the UK)
Texas Conservatives Win Vote on Textbook Standards - NYTimes.com
Forty Questions: Grading Article In Teachers College Record - Relative to other schools, public-commuter and engineering schools grade harshly (disengaged students and fewer tech grads)
Pope Had Role in Moving Molesting Priest, Church Says - Bloomberg.com (der Popester of the world's largest pedophile ring)
Teen Sues District for Discrimination - CBS News Video (well, that worked out really well, didn't it?)
ACLU Sues Mississippi School That Canceled Prom Rather Than Let Lesbian Couple Attend | American Civil Liberties Union
Twitter / Roger Ebert: It's okay if girls go to a prom together because they can't get dates, but god forbid if they like each other
Toke of the Town - WalMart Fires Associate Of Year, Cancer Patient For Medical Marijuana
If you can’t move your face, can you still act with it? How Plastic Surgery Has Caused Acting to Be More Stilted, Stylized, and Masklike -- New York Magazine
Confessions of a call bear - TMI - Salon.com I'm just an average, slightly paunchy 40-something guy. And you might be surprised at how I make a living
Five insights into the behaviors of social media users
Google's stated list of competitors grows from two to 10
Apple vs HTC: The Real Purpose of Apple to somehow precipitate Google (that made sense)
BBC News - The top 100 sites on the internet - treemap
Official dogma: Iraq War a success - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com The New York Times' Tom Friedman, who did as much as any single individual to persuade large numbers of Democrats and "moderates" to support the invasion of Iraq
7.2-Magnitude Quake Hits Chile During Inauguration
Magnitude 6.9 - Libertador O Higgins, Chile
Use Cash And Enjoy Privacy? You’re A Terrorist Government ad running on British radio station tells public to report people who close their curtains as potential suicide bombers
Carville/Greenberg strategists and national security - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com we now have Obama trying to explain why civilian trials and closing GITMO are so necessary and just at exactly the same time he sets up military commissions and systems of indefinite detention ... It's not nuanced, smart or "pragmatic"; it's craven, unprincipled, cynical and weak (no moral center)
How to Win the War of Ideas | Foreign Policy What the Obama administration needs to understand about Muslims, extremism, and America's image.
John Yoo's Email Fail | Mother Jones
Liz Cheney: Taking flak from the right as well as the left / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com
Editorial - A Political Attack on Guantánamo Lawyers - NYTimes.com It did not take long for the lawyers to become a conservative target, branded the “Gitmo 9” by a group called Keep America Safe, run by Liz Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, and William Kristol
Thiessen brings "shameful" attacks on DOJ lawyers to Fox | Media Matters for America ("Mob lawyers")
Like Mother like Daughter: Lynne and Liz | Crooks and Liars (psychotic evil disorder runs in the family)
Liz Cheney allies: Critics are 'prissy' - Andy Barr - politico.com (prissy people don't torture and murder +attracting attention is the highest value)
msnbc.com: Conservatives against Liz Cheney?
Law.com - Big Law Defends Guantanamo Lawyers - of the 50 largest firms in the United States, at least 34 have either represented detainees or filed amicus briefs in support of detainees (the Al-Qaeda 34)
The Public Option's Last Stand: A Matter Of Will, Not Votes (and there never was a will)
How Expensive Will The Obama Health Care Plan Really Be? - Newsweek.com The bogus Republican claim that Obamacare is a government takeover of one-sixth of the economy (they lie, people die)
Ezra Klein - The day bipartisanship died - Nancy Pelosi kept pressing the White House to stop dealing with the Republicans. “It’s never going to happen,” a Democratic official quoted her as saying. “Grassley’s just going to wait you out and then pull the rug out from under you.” (Obama: naive, inexperienced or just dumb?)
House bans earmarks to for-profit companies - washingtonpost.com Facing an election-year backlash over runaway spending and ethics scandals
E-Mail Messages Are Disclosed in Ensign’s Ethics Case - NYTimes.com Previously undisclosed e-mail messages turned over to the F.B.I. and Senate ethics investigators provide new evidence about Senator John Ensign’s efforts to steer lobbying work to the embittered husband of his former mistress and could deepen his legal and political troubles.
The Washington Monthly - Where's Our Ensign Frenzy?.... Matt Yglesias highlights an important double standard: "sex scandals aren't interesting when they involve Republicans." - It's quite a racket, which the media encourages by playing along.
Jon Stewart On Beck's Massa Interview: Why The Night 'Wasn't A Total Loss' (video)
Think Progress » TurboTax drops Glenn Beck, whose show has gone without ads for more than a month in the UK.
Fifty-One Herbert Hoovers - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com (David Broder: "an old retired guys whose written a few columns" +stupid)
The World's Billionaires - Forbes.com
Commercial Real Estate Owners Beginning To Walk Away From Properties - WSJ.com (but ... the morality of it all!)
Jobless Claims Drop But Employment Picture Still Murky - CNBC
Dodd Financial Regulation Bill: Bipartisan Talks Failed, Senator Plans To Introduce His Own Bill (designed to do nothing)
U.S. Foreclosure Filings Increase at Slowest Pace in Four Years - BusinessWeek
Op-Ed Contributors - A Last Chance for the World Trade Center to Rise Again - NYTimes.com he historic heart of our city? ("historic" = since 1971, "heart" = somewhere around your leg)
Simon Johnson: The Speech For Which We Have Been Waiting On Thursday, Senator Ted Kaufman (D., DE) is due to deliver a strong blow to the overly powerful and unproductively mighty within our financial sector.
Dodd Financial Regulation Bill: Bipartisan Talks Failed, Senator Plans To Introduce His Own Bill (bipartisan talks failed? who could have predicted?)
Lehman Bankruptcy Report: Top Officials Manipulated Balance Sheets, JPMorgan And Citi Contributed To Collapse
How the Chile Earthquake Went Nuclear : Discovery News
Technology Review: Blogs: arXiv blog: New Charging Method Could Slash Battery Recharge Times
Brain Scans Depict Gulf War Syndrome Damage | Wired Science | Wired.com (you know, the syndrome that didn't exist)
Einstein's Gravity Confirmed on a Cosmic Scale - Proof of dark matter and dark energy, study says
Physicists build basic quantum computing circuit
CJO - Abstract - Oral sensitivity to fatty acids, food consumption and BMI in human subjects
So Fat, You Can Taste It - Slashfood
Under fire, judge clarifies ruling criticizing death penalty | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle Despite criticism, Fine maintains innocent people have been executed (in Texas? Bush justice? no, never)
Gay rights enter debate over Northrop Grumman's HQ pick | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com
Church Abuse Scandals 'Creeping Ever Closer' To The Pope (world's largest pedophile ring)
Mississippi Prom Canceled After Lesbian Date Request
Kansas becomes first state to ban K2 - Kansas City News - Plog
French bread spiked with LSD in CIA experiment - Telegraph A 50-year mystery over the 'cursed bread' of Pont-Saint-Esprit, which left residents suffering hallucinations
In a Tampa Bay area hospice, the mystery of a man with no identity - St. Petersburg Times
Norrie first registered transgender
Comic Book Legends Revealed #242 - Ira Glass, worst boyfriend evar)
Management Secrets of the Grateful Dead - Magazine - The Atlantic
Archive and Historical Society Exhibition for Grateful Dead - NYTimes.com
27% of Twitter users are active - is it becoming news feed? - Mar. 10, 2010 a whopping 73% of Twitter accounts have tweeted fewer than 10 times
Intel's Core i7-980X Extreme Edition 'Gulftown' review roundup -- Engadget
Hardmac.com : Le "Macbidouille" in English - RSA 1024-bits Key Encryption Cracked!
How to install Windows XP over Windows 7 in a dual boot ?
AppleInsider | Apple's iPhone 4.0 software to deliver multitasking support - One of the most requested features for the iPhone, multitasking has been falsely rumored to arrive on Apple's handset numerous times (1, 2, 3) over the last year, but never came to be. (you don't need no steenking multitasking)
India's upper house passes pro-women bill - CNN.com India's upper house of parliament has passed a historic bill aimed at reserving one-third of seats for women in federal and state legislatures.
Sex allegations against rabbi roil Israel's Orthodox community - Los Angeles Times - accused by a nongovernmental religious organization of sexually exploiting male students
Jerusalem Journal - Palestinian Family’s Eviction Stirs Old Ghosts in a Contested City - NYTimes.com Having been removed in favor of Israeli nationalist Jews (sound familiar?)
Settlers destroy natural spring used by Palestinians for farming near Salfit | International Solidarity Movement
Holland proposes giving over-70s who 'consider their lives complete' the right to die | Mail Online
Op-Ed Columnist - It’s Up to Iraqis Now. Good Luck. - NYTimes.com (from Mr Suck.On.This.)
Yemen | Radical Islam | Terrorism
Swedish media reprint cartoon that inspired alleged murder plot - Times Online (that worked out really well)
Wash. Post claims White House is "demoniz[ing]" insurance industry by accurately portraying industry's actions | Media Matters for America (is there any elite white-guy interest WaPo won't leap to lie about? ... no)
Chief justice: Obama criticism 'troubling' - First Read - msnbc.com (SOTU: they are above criticism, because ... well, because)
Harry Reid: Filibuster Rules 'Likely' To Change
Corporate Earmark Ban: House Dems Plan To Cut Earmarks From Spending Bills
All The Most Ridiculous Parts Of The Eric Massa/Glenn Beck Interview In Under One Minute (VIDEO)
That’s not going to help you get into Costa Rica | Firedoglake David Paterson will become the massa…who gets to appoint whoever gets to take Massa’s place. So, for the first time in his life, Paterson’s gonna be a massa. Interesting, interesting. (stay KKKlassy, Rushbo)
Minority births on track to outnumber white births - Yahoo! News (why the Republican racist strategy is doomed)
Jon Stewart Butts Heads with Former Bush Speechwriter - Jon Stewart - Gawker.TV
Paul Ryan's Plan to Tax You More | Mother Jones (Republicans at work)
Matthew Yglesias » The Ryan Tax Plan: Higher Taxes for 90% of Americans, Less Revenue for the Government (profit!)
Fox, Inquirer allow Santorum to attack health care reform without disclosing he works for health care industry | Media Matters for America (they always do)
Meg Whitman Campaign Ejects Reporters For Asking Questions (video) | TPMDC (eMeg meltdown)
Right-wing media eagerly spread absurd claim that Obama plans to "ban sport fishing" | Media Matters for America (you'll pry my fishing rod from my cold, dead hands)
Hullabaloo: Wingnut Mail Call (file under projection and insanity)
Simon Johnson on the Doom Cycle (MMBM) on Vimeo (we're doomed)
Frank wants reform conference televised on C-SPAN -- Corker blocks payday lender oversight -- Banks to pay fee for 'resolution authority' -- BofA dropping overdraft fees
Why Treasury doesn’t like principal write-downs | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters ("tweaks" but no relief: eat it, suckas!)
Inside Man | The New Republic | Paulson: a sophisticated web of misdirection (trying to save a reputation that can't be saved - see Cheney and Rove)
Continental CEO will cancel flights before fines - Yahoo! News
Vitamin D crucial to activating immune defenses
Earthquake Facts and Statistics
Scientists tease DNA from eggshell of extinct birds - iconic giants such as the moa and elephant bird
YouTube - Ant Superhighway
Porn: Good for us? - The Scientist - Magazine of the Life Sciences Scientific examination of the subject has found that as the use of porn increases, the rate of sex crimes goes down.
BBC News - Nanometre 'fuses' for high-performance batteries
Salt Assault! Lawmaker Wants Salt Banned From Restaurants - Gothamist
[Huffington Post removed article Jesse Ventura] Title: For Some, the Search for What Really Happened on 9/11 Isn't Over | 911Blogger.com
Joe. My. God.: Utah's Final Solution: Patriot Group Announces Bill To Force All Homosexuals Out Of The State, Arrest Fugitives
Phony Utah anti-gay resolution causes stir - ABC 4.com - Salt Lake City, Utah News (Yes Men)
Ombudsman Blog - Readers react to photo of two men kissing - There was a time, after court-ordered integration, when readers complained about front-page photos of blacks mixing with whites. Today, photo images of same-sex couples capture the same reality of societal change.
Daily Kos: Today begins the end of Sheriff Arpaio in Arizona Update 3 (goin' down)
Who Cheats? Docs and Stay at Home Moms! - Love + Sex on Shine (and docs)
Home Fires: Cut the War Film Some Slack - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com
Jeffersonville middle school student suspended for touching pill - WAVE 3 TV Louisville, KY | Martin Bell, COO of Greater Clark County Schools (famous on the internets for all eternity for being an idiot and an unthinking jerk)
Why Academic Tony Judt’s Dazzling, Cantankerous Brain Is One of This City’s Great Treasures -- New York Magazine
The Price Is Creepy: Bob Barker's Sexual Harassment Greatest Hits (video)
Hal Varian Is Right: Newspapers Need to Engage – GigaOM
HTML5 – New Old Semantics | Template Monster Blog
Woot! Bike There Feature Added to Google Maps! (Video) : TreeHugger
Consumers found vulnerable to e-mail threats - SFGate
Google launches app store | Technology | guardian.co.uk
Google Apps Marketplace: Instantly Connect Your App To 25 Million Users, Profit.
Free wireless broadband plan is déjà vu all over again
Biden Condemns Israel's Approval Of Plan To Build New Settlements In East Jerusalem (that was a no-no)
Village Massacres Shake Uneasy Nigeria - WSJ.com
BBC News - Lost Jewish tribe 'found in Zimbabwe'
Waterboarding for dummies - Torture - Salon.com Internal CIA documents reveal a meticulous protocol that was far more brutal than Dick Cheney's "dunk in the water"
In newest column, Wash. Post 's Thiessen defends witch hunt against DOJ lawyers | Media Matters for America (Dept. of Jihad: Fred Hiatt is a terrible person and WaPo deserves to die)
High standards at The Washington Post - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com Marc Thiessen catapulted himself from obscure, low-level Bush speechwriter into regular Washington Post columnist, joining fellow torture defenders Charles Krauthammer and Bill Kristol - "Attorney General Eric Holder hired former al-Qaeda lawyers to serve in the Justice Department"
Ken Starr: Liz Cheney Wrong For Attacking Department Of Justice Attorneys (video) (he might want to have a word with Fred Hiatt, too)
Obama sabotages himself with fake "pragmatism" - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com the Obama White House is hamstrung by its own embrace of the Bush/Cheney Terrorism template in advocating for its own policies (+Stanley Fish: "Bush’s policies came to seem less obviously reprehensible as the Obama administration drifted into embracing watered-down versions of many of them.")
Senate Democrats Unwilling To Fight Widely-Opposed GOP Nominee To Legal Services Corporation (more bi-partisanship idiocy)
Bart Stupak, Dem Threatening To Kill Health Care Bill Over Abortion, Says Deal Looks Likely (Obama to cave yet again)
Insurance Industry's Final Ad Blitz: Don't Blame Us For Your High Costs
Glenn Beck Urges Listeners to Leave Churches That Preach Social Justice -- Politics Daily "social justice," the term many Christian churches use to describe their efforts to address poverty and human rights, is a "code word" for communism and Nazism (lies for stupid people)
Rage on the Right | Southern Poverty Law Center The Year in Hate and Extremism (see Glenn Beck)
Terror From the Right | Southern Poverty Law Center ("tax protestors")
Inside the world of Obama's secret-service bodyguards | World news | The Guardian - nine murders by individuals who have white supremacist, xenophobic or antisemitic leanings since the inauguration of Obama.
Once Upon a Time...: Our Saint of Buckley: Derided, Defiled and Condemned - "is whether the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate numerically? The sobering answer is Yes -- the White community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race" (William F Buckley, white supremecist and rightwing terrorist)
Karl Rove Memoir: The 13 Must-Read Passages From 'Courage And Consequence'
Simon Johnson: Way Too Big to Save
Op-Ed Columnist - The Source of Obama’s Trouble - NYTimes.com (no jobs, no focus, no leadership)
Number Of U.S. Millionaires Soared In 2009: Spectrem Group The number of U.S. households making $1 million or more grew 16 percent last yea
Monbiot.com » The Unpersuadables In fighting for science, we subscribe to a comforting illusion: that people can be swayed by the facts - The attack on climate scientists is now widening to an all-out war on science (certainly not Republicans)
The trouble with trusting complex science | George Monbiot | Comment is free | The Guardian There is no simple way to battle public hostility to climate research. As the psychologists show, facts barely sway us anyway
Fixing the communications failure : Article : Nature (home-team rooting, facts be damned)
FORA.tv - W. Davis: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World
floatingsheep: The Beer Belly of America (where bars outnumber grocery stores - the stupid parts of America)
Gendercide: The worldwide war on baby girls | The Economist
The war on baby girls: Gendercide | The Economist Killed, aborted or neglected, at least 100m girls have disappeared—and the number is rising
Liberty University: Students Flock To School To Study Creationism (VIDEO) 40 percent of the United States believe in creationism, which holds that the Earth was created by God only several thousand years ago (hmmm, a lot of white Republicans there)
YouTube - Judge Jim Gray on The Six Groups Who Benefit From Drug Prohibition
The Wizard - The New York Review of Books
Avatar - The Metacontextual Edition
Energizer Duo battery charger hides a Trojan (since 2007)
Back Door Found in Energizer DUO USB Battery Charger Software | Symantec Connect
Verizon Bills Dead Man Bill Young, Says 'Death Certificate' Not Enough To Cancel Service
All Your Apps Are Belong to Apple: The iPhone Developer Program License Agreement | Electronic Frontier Foundation (you have nothing to lose but your iChains)
Study: False statements preceded war - Conflict in Iraq- msnbc.com Study: Bush led U.S. to war on 'false pretenses' - 935 false statements in the two-year period. It found that in speeches, briefings, interviews and other venues, Bush and administration officials stated unequivocally on at least 532 occasions that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or was trying to produce or obtain them or had links to al-Qaida or both (Bush lied, people died)
Explosions Hit Baghdad as Iraqis Vote in Pivotal Election - NYTimes.com
Turkey Earthquake: 6.0 Quake Kills Dozens (Earth is angry)
Graham to Obama: scrap New York terror trial, I'll stand with you / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com (as we both subvert the Constitution - more Republicans running the government)
Matthew Yglesias » GOP Says No to KSM/Gitmo Deal (well, well, well: they moved the football again - after Obama compromised yet again)
Daily Kos: GOP Caught Plotting Joe McCarthy-Style Fear Campaign Against Obama, Democrats (Obama still non-partisan)
End the Filibuster and Restore Majority Rule - Ezra Klein - Newsweek.com Government by Loophole How a bill shouldn't become a law (we don't need no steenking majority rule)
WSJ fails to disclose conflict of interest in health care op-ed | Media Matters for America (unethical behavior by the WSJ? muhahah)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Jon Chait is Shrill - "Jesus Christ, Mike Allen, Reconciliation Is NOT THAT COMPLICATED" ("Mike Allen, dishonest right-wing hack, or complete moron?" - he reports, you decide)
Chris Dodd: Public Option Supporter
Westboro Church Protests Head To Supreme Court (hate speech protected, like guns)
Sarah Palin: God Wrote Notes On His Hand, Too (teh stupid)
NBC’s Chuck Todd Blasts “Drudge Driven Journalism” | Mediaite “There’s no worse crime in journalism these days than simply deciding something’s a story because Drudge links to it.” (but he can't help himself)
To Hell in a Handbasket | CommonDreams.org
Palin Crossed Border For Canadian Health Care "We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada"
Palin tells Canada to get rid of public health care | Raw Story (11/09 -- what a lying hypocite)
Pam's House Blend:: Denver Archdiocese bars child from school: lesbian moms 'not living in accord w/Catholic teaching' (Christian tolerance and love)
Roy Ashburn: 'I'm Gay' the fierce opponent of gay rights who was arrested last week for drunk driving after leaving a gay nightclub, confirmed in a radio interview Monday that he is gay (of course)
Tim Geithner Saved The Economy, According To Two New Magazine Profiles
They Saved the Big Banks But Kind Of Lost The Economy Doing It « The Baseline Scenario
Fed To Keep Bank Oversight (more reform that stays the same)
Calculated Risk: Bloomberg: Banks Face Writedowns after FDIC Auctions "This problem" is many small and regional banks are carrying loans above market value. The FDIC auction will establish market value, and that will probably lead to significant losses for many banks - and more bank failures.
The Washington Monthly: The GOP Still Just Doesn't Like The Unemployed (shirkers should have been born rich)
DeLay: People are unemployed because they want to be | Raw Story
‘On the Edge’ Banks Facing Writedowns After FDIC Loan Auctions - Bloomberg.com Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. plan to auction more than $1 billion in assets seized from failed banks next month, including a loan to build a W Hotel in Atlanta, may trigger writedowns that weaken lenders nationwide (CRE hell)
At least 16 states try to ban credit checks on job seekers | National | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle Financial history can pose another hurdle for many desperately seeking work
Job creation datapoints of the day | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters Lending to small businesses is often a spectacularly good way of creating jobs
Scott and Scurvy - Now, I had been taught in school that scurvy had been conquered in 1747 - omehow a highly-trained group of scientists at the start of the 20th century knew less about scurvy than the average sea captain in Napoleonic times - the actual cause of scurvy would be rediscovered, and vitamin C finally isolated, in 1932 - At no point did physicians express doubt about their theories, however ineffective
Dan Nocera: Personalized Energy on Vimeo
YouTube - Lava Lamp in a Centrifuge - Would a Lava Lamp work on Jupiter with its higher gravity?
Usable Knowledge: From quantities to quality: How mathematical knowledge leads to better math teaching
Uncommon Schools : The Taxonomy of Effective Teaching Practices
Catholic Scandal Spreads: Former Regensburg Choirboys Talk of 'Naked Beatings' - Spiegel Online (world's largest pedophile ring)
BusinessWeek: Lessons from a $618,616 death - Your retirement- msnbc.com Widow recounts wrenching decisions of final months
Lessons of a $618,616 Death - BusinessWeek - "No other nation would allow a health system to be run the way we do it. It's completely insane"
Swiss Voters Reject Lawyers for Animals - CBS News Referendum to Appoint Special Attorneys for Abused Animals Is Voted Down
YouTube - Raw Video: Officer Punches Hand Cuffed Man - sentenced to 18 months in prison
Japan: It's Not Funny Anymore - tim rogers - Kotaku
What is your most traumatizing childhood memory? : AskReddit
Apple’s New Stance On ‘Cookie Cutter’ Apps: Add More Features Or Perish
Microsoft set to destroy Apple in every games market - Apple, with its locked-down, isolated sandbox is in trouble
What Cable Subscribers Pay for Channels They Don't Watch | Peter Kafka | Hate Paying for Cable? Here’s Why (you're getting screwed)
As Iraq votes, U.S. content to keep its distance - washingtonpost.com
Iraq Election: Major Turnout At Polls Despite Insurgent Violence
Afghan Drug Trade Complicates U.S. Task in Marjah - Time
Get up earlier, Germans tell Greeks | Business | guardian.co.uk
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Thousands march in Jerusalem rally to protest the eviction of Palestinians from their homes there in favor of Jewish settlers.
Italy's cabinet passes decree over election chaos | Reuters - aimed at reinstating candidates from Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's party stripped from ballots in two key regions due to irregularities in presenting their candidacies.
U.S. Enriches Companies Defying Its Policy on Iran - NYTimes.com - The federal government has awarded more than $107 billion in contract payments, grants and other benefits over the past decade to foreign and multinational American companies while they were doing business in Iran (no consequences for criminal corps)
Qaeda Operative, Believed to be American, Arrested in Pakistan - NYTimes.com
BBC News - Internet access is 'a fundamental right' Almost four in five people around the world believe that access to the internet is a fundamental right, a poll for the BBC World Service suggests.
Torture memos resemble Clarence Thomas' way of thinking - latimes.com The Supreme Court justice has a history of dismissing prisoner brutality. And it's his former law clerk who was investigated for authorizing harsh interrogation tactics as a Justice Department lawyer (looking forward, not backwards)
Op-Ed Columnist - The Up-or-Down Vote on Obama’s Presidency - NYTimes.com (no experience, no leadership, no moral center, terrified of Republicans)
White House Seizes On Goldman Sachs Report Of Health Premiums Rising "profits will continue to soar under the status quo."
E.J. Dionne Jr. - The Republicans' big lie about reconciliation - washingtonpost.com (WaPo publishes Orrin Hatch's lies, EJ responds)
Why do journalists expect to have credibility? - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (-the 11-dimensional chess)
The Washington Monthly - Updating Our Political Dictionaries ("Jamming it through": to vote on a bill.")
Texas Gov. Perry Must Win in Nov. Before 2012 Talk - NYTimes.com (all Republican males are "stong candidates" for Pres)
Doesn’t It Seem Like Every Week Some Republican Asshole Gets Caught Sending a Racist Email? | Firedoglake
Sadly, No! » What the banksters think of us - “To be honest with you, I really hope it blows up. I think the U.S. taxpayer deserves to lose a trillion dollars over this thing for the way they have behaved.”
New York Isn’t Silicon Valley, and That’s Why They Like It - NYTimes.com
Commercial real estate's challenges are apparent in downtown Cleveland corridor | cleveland.com (CRE hell)
‘Clean City’: São Paulo Scrubbed of Outdoor Ads | Design + Ideas on WU (4th largest city)
IBM Scientists Create Ultra-Fast Device Which Uses Light for Communication between Computer Chips
MIT researchers discover new way of producing electricity a previously unknown phenomenon that can cause powerful waves of energy to shoot through minuscule wires known as carbon nanotubes
Op-Ed Columnist - The Spread of Superbugs - NYTimes.com - “You could have very lethal pandemics,” he said. “We’re brewing some perfect storms.”
U.S. Annual Energy Outlook predicts alternative vehicles" won't top 50% market share in 2035 — Autoblog Green
Miniature Paper Laboratory Diagnoses Diseases With Comic-Book Colors - Whitesides - Gizmodo
First contact: The man who'll welcome aliens | Jon Ronson | Science | The Guardian Jon Ronson meets Paul Davies, the scientist with an awesome responsibility
The idea of anthropogenic global climate change in the 20th century. Spencer R. Weart. 2009; Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change - Wiley InterScience (denialists at work for over a century)
Confrontation between student and professor at Portland State University raises questions about school security, guns on campus | OregonLive.com
Daily Kos: Marijuana propaganda: Stupid as ever, never to improve.
Top home-school texts dismiss Darwin, evolution - Yahoo! News Christian-based materials dominate a growing home-school education market that encompasses more than 1.5 million students in the U.S. (educated stupid)
Christianity Crucifying the Constitution (atheists="hate filled groups" according to Christians)
Melinda Dennehy's Naked Pictures Popular with High School Students, Not With Police - Crimesider - CBS News Perhaps New Hampshire high school teacher Melinda Dennehy missed the orientation session when they explained that sending your naked photos to a student is sort of a bad idea.
Charter school in tough neighborhood gets all its seniors into college - chicagotribune.com
Definition of 'Having Sex' Varies - Science News - redOrbit - “There's a vagueness of what sex is in our culture and media,”
Kanawha woman alleges rape by state trooper - News - The Charleston Gazette - West Virginia News and Sports the troopers' internal affairs unit told her not to tell anyone about it.
SWAT Team Serves Drug Warrant : Dispatches from the Culture Wars So smoking pot = "child endangerment." Storming a home with guns, then firing bullets into the family pets as a child looks on = necessary police procedures to ensure everyone's safety. Just so we're clear (cop-state America)
“act up new york” - artforum.com / in print
A Trailer for Every Academy Award Winning Movie Ever - Funny Videos | Cracked.com
YouTube - Da Vinci's Notebook - Title of the Song
YouTube - Garth Marenghi's Darkplace Episode 1 - Part 1
Why Ad Blocking is devastating to the sites you love (or maybe not so much anymore because of all the ads)
DOIs and their discontents
The Social Media Cheat Sheet
Newegg accidentally ships counterfeit Core i7 920 processors « Icrontic Tech
Reported fake Intel CPU sold at Newegg (first build ever - i7 920) - Overclockers Forums
Fighting a Flood of Counterfeit Tech Products - BusinessWeek As distributors hunt for fakes, an "epidemic" of bogus chips, routers, and computers costs the electronics industry up to $100 billion annually
Where Are This War's Heroes, Military and Journalistic? | AfterDowningStreet.org (Americans shooting handcuffed children in Afganistan)
The Frame: Riots in Greece over debt crisis
Ahmad Chalabi: America and the Future of Iraq - WSJ.com (expert advice)
Reuters - Icelanders reject deal to repay British and Dutch
Capital Anglos mobilize against practice of spitting at Christians - Haaretz - Israel News - growing reports about Ultra-Orthodox Jews spitting at Christians (nice people)
Halt this pointless war (on drugz)
Obama and Social Security: NewDealDemocrat Tees Off | Angry Bear “So what I want to do is to be completely agnostic, in terms of solutions.” (our leader wants to bargain away Social Security, among other things)
Rahm’s Masterstroke—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) Meet Barack Obama’s new attorney general: Rahm Emanuel
Obama looking to give new life to immigration reform - latimes.com - a path toward citizenship for the 10.8 million people living in the U.S. illegally
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Romney: Palin is qualified to be President « - Blogs from CNN.com (takes one to know one)
Hullabaloo Conservatives vs Humans by digby - Yes, there were actually 8 Democratic non-humans and 145 Republican non-humans who voted in favor of torturing children
The Washington Monthly 'Stupak Happens To Be Wrong'.
Rachel Maddow Channels Glenn Beck, Savages Liz Cheney For Her 'Al Qaeda 7' Attack Ad | Crooks and Liars
The right kind of bigotry - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Marty Peretz: I couldn’t quite imagine any venture requiring trust with Arabs turning out especially well (substitute "Jew" for "Arab" and wonder what would have happened)
President Obama: Replace Rahm with Me ...an open letter from Michael Moore | MichaelMoore.com
Jobs: Short-term hope, long-term despair - Mar. 6, 2010 (the new Republican post-jobs economy)
Calculated Risk: Bank Failure #26: Centennial Bank, Ogden, Utah Centennial Bank is the 26th FDIC-insured institution to fail this year
Is it okay to ignore results from people you don’t trust? – Bad Science
Dark, dangerous asteroids found lurking near Earth - space - 05 March 2010 - New Scientist
Matthew Yglesias » The Siberian Methane Feedback Loop - But since it’s still cold in Siberia during the winter, this must all be made up, right? After all, Al Gore is fat!
95 per cent chance that Man is to blame for global warming, say scientists - Times Online (but socialism and fat Al Gore!)
Arguments from Global Warming Skeptics and what the science really says
Infographic: Top 20 countries with most endangered species | MNN - Mother Nature Network (+progressives in the US)
Snowball Earth: New evidence hints at global glaciation 716.5 million years ago
Knowing the mind of God: Seven theories of everything - physics-math - 04 March 2010 - New Scientist
Water practically flies off 'near perfect' hydrophobic surface that refuses to get wet
BBC News - Reports of Scottish UFOs released Reports of "flying Toblerones" and objects travelling at 1,100 mph across the Scottish sky have been released by the Ministry of Defense
Defendants more likely to be sentenced to death if victims are of high status - Science News & Press Releases
Low levels of vitamin D linked to muscle fat, decreased strength in young people
Text of e-mail sent by Detroit school board president Otis Mathis | detnews.com | The Detroit News (Is our childrens learning? No)
DNA’s Dirty Little Secret - Michael Bobelian A forensic tool renowned for exonerating the innocent may actually be putting them in prison
Op-Ed Columnist - Cops vs. Kids in New York City Schools - NYTimes.com (zero-tolerance for kids)
Former Book Designer Says Good Riddance to Print - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com
Will The Past Last In The Digital Age? | Smart Journalism. Real Solutions. | Miller-McCune Online Magazine
How Two Experts Build Strong Web Communities - Associations Now Magazine - Publications and Resources - ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership
6 Critical WordPress Plugins You Should Have Installed
30 Powerful Wordpress Plugins For Blog Administrators | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Top 20 Nginx WebServer Best Security Practices
Iraq Opens Up to Foreign Oil Majors - BusinessWeek Western producers like BP, Exxon Mobil, and Shell are enjoying their best access to Iraq's southern oil fields since 1972 (mission accomplished_
Eyes turn to "value for money" London 2012 - Yahoo! News UK Police will have powers to enter private homes and seize posters
Greece Bonds Sell Off The Charts As Nation Raises Badly-Needed Cash (Germany: sell your fucking islands)
Matthew Yglesias » Obama Prepping KSM Cave-In President Obama’s advisers are nearing a recommendation that Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, be prosecuted in a military tribunal (Obama caves to the Cheney's - the first family of torture: more leadership that sucks)
Feingold: Don’t Try KSM In A Military Commission | FDL News Desk
The full-scale collapse: From Murrow to Blitzer - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - "Al Qaeda 7?" -- also taken directly from the Cheney/Kristol ad, as Blitzer explained that numerous Justice Department lawyers have been -- as he put it -- "accused of disloyalty" by a national security organization headed by Liz Cheney.
Advisers To Recommend Trying KSM In Military Commissions | FDL News Desk ("advisors" - that would be the plural Rahm)
Keep'n It Foxy | Talking Points | Memo the Obama Department of Justice (CNN: Dept of Jihad!! - your liberal media at work)
Is It Time for Mass Resignations in Protest? | The Seminal a "sad day for the rule of law" if Obama decides not to proceed with a federal trial. "I thought the decision where to put people on trial — whether federal court or military commissions — was based on what was right, not what is politically advantageous," Colwell said (yeah, that's what we all thought)
Conservatives Turn Against Liz Cheney - As Bad As McCarthy
Hannah Giles Legal Defense Fund Is Looking for Donors « The Washington Independent a result of a lawsuit filed against her by ACORN and some of its former employees (good luck with that, it seem like a good idea at the time: "Obama's ally ACORN is trying to destroy me")
Insurers Set To Raise Prices, Walk Away From Consumers: Goldman Report (who could have predicted? HCR you can shoot yourself over)
Lynn Woolsey Should Resign As Head of the Progressive Caucus | FDL Action Lynn Woolsey says she’s a definite “yes” vote on the Senate health care bill. Even if it lacks a public option
Early Morning Swim: Rachel Maddow on Bart Stupak’s Hijacking of Health Care Bill | Firedoglake
Pentagon Shooter Worshipped Private Property Rights, Denounced Government 'Schemes' Like Public Education (AUDIO) | TPMMuckraker (police: "no terrorism connection" because he was a whitewing nut)
Colbert Treats Hannity Like A Prostitute (oh snap)
'John King, USA' to launch March 22 on CNN in Lou Dobbs' former time slot | Show Tracker | Los Angeles Times (Captain Amercia!)
Eric Massa Resigning: New York Congressman Quitting After Sexual Harassment Allegations
McClatchy blog: Planet Washington (not realizing, of course, that they have no shame)
Unemployment Rate Holds Steady At 9.7 Percent In February (worst recession since WWII)
Calculated Risk: The Very Expensive Home Buyer Tax Credit the extension and expansion of the home buyer tax credit will probably cost taxpayers over $100,000 for each additional home sold (another banker subsidy)
Unemployment Rate Holds at 9.7% as Job Losses Ease - CNBC (only)
Arizonans Rise Up to Protest Closing of Highway Rest Stops - NYTimes.com (they don't want to pay taxes, but it's all a conspiracy when shit closes down)
Wall Street Vet Involved In 1998 Long-Term Capital Management Bailout Says Nothing Has Changed James G. Rickards (LTC) (more change you can forget)
US may be headed for long decline. You don't have to follow. / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com Americans can avoid income decline by spending less and earning more. Here's how.
Snake Oil? The scientific evidence for health supplements | Information Is Beautiful
Dr. Douglas Fields: New Suspect In Gulf War Syndrome
Dr. Joseph Mercola: Avoid This If You Want To Keep Your Thyroid Healthy Bromines are common endocrine disruptors (Mountain Dew)
Scott Mendelson, M.D.: Alzheimer's Drug: Dimebon Is Down The Drain
Turkey: Archeological Dig Reshaping Human History - Newsweek.com Göbekli Tepe - the temple was built 11,500 years ago—a staggering 7,000 years before the Great Pyramid, and more than 6,000 years before Stonehenge first took shape.
BBC News - Probe may have found cosmic dust
Kristian Digby DEAD: BBC Presenter Died In Apartment From 'Solo Sex Game' Gone Wrong, Police Believe Auto-erotic asphyxiation
Vatican Hit By Gay Sex Scandal (do tell)
Skinvestigation claim: Detective gets 130 lap dances, makes no arrests Prosecutors claim prostitution is back at the Colacurcio-owned clubs in a big way (they should know)
Kindergarten student suspended for making gun with fingers | Guyism (zero-tolerance)
best of craigslist: I hate what America has become
The Death of the US Postal Service? | GDS Publishing
The Jobs Of Yesteryear: Obsolete Occupations : NPR
Jon Stewart Tries Chatroulette, Runs Into Brian Williams, Katie Couric, Keith Olbermann (video)
Epic Newsroom Fight Behind Anchor Caught On Camera (VIDEO)
'Sexting': the new infidelity? - Telegraph
iPad Release Date delayed To April 3 "unspecified production problem."
Microsoft's Courier 'digital journal': exclusive pictures and details (update: video!) -- Engadget (iSuck killer)
6.4-magnitude quake hits southern Taiwan - CNN.com
More than 60 killed in India temple stampede - CNN.com
BBC News - 'Son of Hamas' who spied for Israel
Who are the actual "crazy" people in American politics? - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com (dumbass "journalists" like Mark Benjamin, for one, with his crazy fair 'n balanced stick - Bachman=Grayson)
Rove Protects the Rear | Mother Jones In a new book, the ex-Bush aide contends W. didn't knowingly mislead the nation into the Iraq war. Here's the history he leaves out.
Does Anybody Still Like Karl Rove? by Lloyd Grove - As the "Turd Blossom" peddles his new book, even name-brand conservatives are taking shots at him. Plus, Rove's secret stint as Harold Ford's guru.
Infographic | A Brief History of Senate Reconciliation - SunlightFoundation.com (nuclear option! never been used before!)
Stark Runs Into Stiff Resistance - Roll Call But the 78-year-old Stark has a reputation among his colleagues as a loose cannon with a history of off-color remarks including calling then-Rep. Scott McInnis (R-Colo.) a “little wimp” and a “fruit cake” and accused then-Rep. Nancy Johnson (R-Conn.) of being a “whore” for the insurance industry.
RNC donors to gather at Blackwater compound - Ben Smith - politico.com (it all comes together)
Palin At Oscar Gift Suite: Sarah Palin And Entourage 'Like Locusts' - Or, in common-sense language, Palin and her handlers, "practically cleaned out the suite." (Wasilabillies)
Think Progress » Palin: ‘I joined Fox’ because there’s too much ‘opinion interjected in hard news’ in the mainstream media.
Jon Stewart Exposes Fox News 'Balance,' Goes After Sarah Palin And Megyn Kelly (VIDEO)
Daily Kos: Anthony Weiner Takes it to the FOX Liar Brigade
Open Left:: EMILY's List dumps Blanche Lincoln (serial liar and sleazeball)
Grayson, Bachmann Debate Health Care Reform On 'Larry King Live' (crazy Michelle lies about reconcilation)
DC: Congress Gradually Loosens Grip On District That lifted bans preventing the city from using tax money to help poor women pay for abortions and implementing a decade-old measure legalizing medical marijuana.
Liz Cheney's Attack On 'Al Qaeda Seven' Undermined By Bush-Cheney Lawyer A furious effort by Liz Cheney to label seven Justice Department lawyers who previously defended Guantanamo detainees as terrorist sympathizers
Funny Or Die Presidential Reunion Unites SNL Stars for Web Hit [video]
Funny or Die's Presidential Reunion from Will Ferrell, Chevy Chase, Ron Howard, Jim Carrey, Fred Armisen, Darrell Hammond, Dan Aykroyd, Maya Rudolph, Dana Carvey, FOD Team, Jake, and Antonio Scarlata - Video
Sheriff's Office Cites Islamic Terror 'Cells' In Bossier Parish | TPMMuckraker (training all the seniors in karate, setting up private militia)
Sources: Anti-Gay California State Sen. Roy Ashburn At Gay Club Before DUI Arrest - cbs4.com State Sen. Roy Ashburn, R-Calif., Nabbed For DUI, Issues Statement
RNC Handbook Plays On 'Fear,' Mocks Donors
Holly Graf: Navy Relieves Harsh Commander of USS Cowpens - time - The Rise and Fall of a Female Captain Bligh - even greater anger seems directed at the Navy brass for promoting such an officer to positions of ever-increasing responsibility ("no favoritsim" says Navy)
Here's a bargain: five dollars to overthrow the US government | Richard Adams | World news | guardian.co.uk Want to seize control of the US government? Just fill out this 'subversive agent' form and pay a $5 fee, thank you
US facing surge in rightwing extremist and militia groups | World news | guardian.co.uk • Civil rights report shows 250% rise in 'patriot' groups • Economy and media conspiracy theories fuel growth
Morgan Stanley: Americans Aren't Working Because They Can't Move Anywhere
White House Sends Volcker Rule To Congress (where it will die, like everything else)
GOP Tensions Simmer Over CFPA (making sure you have no consumer protection)
Credit-Score Urban Legends – Busted! | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
Drivers complain that Toyota's fixes didn't work - Yahoo! News
US Economy — Jobless Claims Fall in Sign That Employment May Thaw - CNBC initial claims for unemployment insurance fell by 29,000 to a seasonally adjusted 469,000
Herb Allison, Treasury Official: Government Barely Involved With Citi Despite $45 Billion Bailout
Simon Johnson: Questions For Mr. Pandit if you want to expose the hubris, mismanagement, and executive incompetence -- let's face it -- Citi is the low hanging fruit.
Depression’s Upside - NYTimes.com
YouTube - Dave Chapelle - The Secret Dave talks about depression at The Laugh Factory in Hollywood, CA.
Magazine Preview - Building a Better Teacher - NYTimes.com
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Forget it Jake -- it's Star Wars (generation gap gapping faster)
Time Travel in Lost: The Metaphorics of Predestination | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine
Lost Producers Consult Time-Specializing Physicist - Page 3 - Lostpedia Forums
The New Commandments | Culture | Vanity Fair
2010 Session - Bill History (dumbass South Dakota says CO2 natural, good for planet)
FDA warns 17 food companies of misleading claims on labels - washingtonpost.com (reverses Bush policy of letting foodco's put anything they wanted on their labels)
How Locavores Could Save the World | Foreign Policy
A Guide to When Fruits and Vegetables Are in Season - What We Eat - GOOD
Dan Barber's foie gras parable | Video on TED.com
In Obesity Epidemic, What’s One Cookie? - Well Blog - NYTimes.com - Numerous scientific studies show that small caloric changes have almost no long-term effect on weight.
Everyone Is A Photographer | RVA Magazine | Richmond, VA
PDN's 30 2010 (no they aren't)
Tom Watson: A Death in the Blogging Family (Jon Swift/Al Weisel)
Tim Burgess Approves Crackdown on Aggressive, Adorable Girl Scouts - Seattle News - The Daily Weekly ("aggressive pan-handling")
Vagina segment on ABC TV show Hungry Beast causes a stir | Herald Sun
Repent Amarillo | Repent Amarillo: map of sinner to throw stones at (4. Breast cancer events such as “Race for the Cure” to illuminate the link between abortion and breast cancer)
He Who Casts the First Stone (Christian harrassment)
Amarillo Citizens Against Repent Amarillo
Strategic-Level Spiritual Warfare « Spirit of Error
YouTube - God warrior!
“Sex Really” Ad is Misandry. Stop The Man Hate « The Sexademic
To Avoid Funding Gay Marrieds, Catholic Charities Denies Benefits to All Spouses - The Sexist - Washington City Paper
Nicholas W Skyles | Blog » New Work: Tommy Westphall’s Mind: A Multiverse Explored
Glasstire: Texas visual art online - Good Theory Can't Save Bad Art
YouTube - Teeth Mountain VS. Shams and Narwhalz
Publishing: The Revolutionary Future - The New York Review of Books By Jason Epstein
Streams of Content, Limited Attention | UX Magazine
SiliconRepublic.com: In three years desktops will be irrelevant - Google sales chief - Business
How Nokia helped Iran "persecute and arrest" dissidents
Geosense for Windows
Chile Quake Shows Limits of Tsunami Forecasting - NYTimes.com
NSA threatened Qwest CEO with repercussions if he didn’t cut a surveillance deal
Michael Bennet Will Introduce Reform Bill To Prohibit Members Of Congress From Becoming Lobbyists (Satan speaks)
Interference Seen in Blackwater Inquiry - NYTimes.com An official at the United States Embassy in Iraq has told federal prosecutors that he believes that State Department officials sought to block any serious investigation of the 2007 shooting episode in which Blackwater Worldwide security guards were accused of murdering 17 Iraqi civilians (remember when making campaign calls from the wrong phone was a Federal crime?)
Petition against Anti-Gay Bill Delivered to Ugandan Parliament | Africa | English
Tracking Monzer al-Kassar, an international arms dealer : The New Yorker The decades-long battle to catch an international arms broker.
A Jewish settler throws wine at a Palestinian woman in Hebron in the West Bank.
Roberts Versus Roberts | The New Republic Just how radical is the chief justice? (radical Republican activist judges)
Rahm Emanuel: Obama's Chief Of Sabotage - The latest toxic meme to spread across the pages of my once-beloved Washington Post is that President Obama's Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, is the one reasonable man in the White House.
Senate Ends Impasse Over Extending Jobless Benefits - NYTimes.com “This is one senator,” said Senator John Cornyn of Texas, a chief political strategist for Senate Republicans. “This does not represent the position of the caucus.” (except for Demented Demint and Bonehead Boehner)
Maddow Slams Orrin Hatch For Lying, Washington Post For Printing It (video) - Maddow noted that Sen. Hatch used reconciliation no less than 10 times over the past 21 years. (but that's what WaPo does!)
Wash Post's Parker equates Palin's "death panels" falsehood with Slaughter's dentures story | Media Matters for America (Washington Post? we're sooo surprised)
Republicans Worry About Objectivity Of Parliamentarian They Appointed
Health Care Deadline In Two Weeks: Dems Want Bill Finished By March 18 (and it really matters what "Dems want")
Jack Conway: Kentucky Needs a New Voice in Washington
Ford: 'America First'?! - Ben Smith - politico.com (listen to Woody Guthrie!)
Mort Zuckerman Out: Mortimer Zuckerman Not Running For NY Senate (one good thing Harold accomplished)
The Democratic Party | Highway Hypocrisy They voted against the Recovery Act, attacked it... then took credit for projects in their districts. They're Highway Hypocrites.
Rush Limbaugh's Penthouse For Sale (PHOTOS)
Proposal would put Ronald Reagan's face on the $50 bill - latimes.com Ronald Reagan is honored by, among other things, an airport, a freeway, an aircraft carrier and -- ironically for a critic of big government -- one of the biggest federal buildings in Washington
The Truth About 'Teabagging': Is the Term Offensive? - The Gaggle Blog - Newsweek.com the use of the word “teabagging” earned the second most indecency complaints on cable TV
A History of Obama Feigning Interest in Mundane Things -- Daily Intel
Consumer Agency Within Fed Seen as Victory for Banking Industry - Bloomberg.com Barney Frank, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, called a Senate plan to house the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency at the Fed “a joke.” (that worked so well last time)
Op-Ed Columnist - A Word From the Wise - NYTimes.com These local incentives matter because smart, skilled labor is everywhere now ('ol flathead has flipped)
Stimulus Money Shouldn't Go Overseas, Say Democratic Senators (creating jobs in ... China!)
Michael Bennet Will Introduce Reform Bill To Prohibit Members Of Congress From Becoming Lobbyists (video) (common sense will fail)
Depression’s Upside - NYTimes.com - For Darwin, depression was a clarifying force, focusing the mind on its most essential problems
We're so good at medical studies that most of them are wrong
Are There Really 'Continents' of Floating Garbage?
Scientists Have Discovered Booze That Won't Give You A Hangover - Alcohol - io9 oxygenated alcohol
Psychologists Win Prescribing Rights | The Lund Report Not surprisingly, closing one of the Oregon legislature’s most longstanding “scope-of-practice” issues still feels unresolved
Whales, Like Trees, Slow Warming : Discovery News Whales are the largest animals on the planet, and when it comes to storing carbon, they act like trees in a forest - whaling released around 105 million tons of carbon over the last 100 years -- as much carbon as burning most of Oregon's forests, or driving 128,000 Hummers for 100 years
The Union A very well built documentary about cannabis and drug prohibition. Does the drug prohibition work? Have a look and think for yourself.
To Court Blacks, Foes of Abortion Make Racial Case - NYTimes.com delivering the message that abortion is the primary tool in a decades-old conspiracy to kill off blacks (next up: the Emanciplation Proclamation)
Billboard Controversy: Signs in Atlanta Say Black Children are 'Endangered Species' Because of 'Too Many Abortions' - ABC News
Stop Perpetuating Myths About Black Women and Abortion | RHRealityCheck.org
Women of Color and the Anti-Choice Focus on Eugenics | RHRealityCheck.org
New weapon in fight against terror - the nose | News.com.au Every human nose is unique, says scientist
Giga-Biter In Obstruction Charge - March 2, 2010 - a New York City man grabbed a flash drive and swallowed the data storage device while in the custody of Secret Service agents
An Eyewitness News investigation talks to a police officer who reveals the pressure they are under to make quotas - 3/02/10 - New York News and Tri-State News - 7online.com
YouTube - Pedigree Dogs ad shot 1000 FPS using the Phantom camera
OK Go Slap a Tetherball for “This Too Shall Pass”: Behind the Clip : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily
The movies of Clint Eastwood : The New Yorker Out of the West Clint Eastwood’s shifting landscape.
YouTube - The Endless Night: A Valentine to Film Noir
Why There Is No Jewish Narnia > Publications > Jewish Review of Books
YouTube - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Review (1/4)
A Whole Lotta Nothing: The Art of Negotiation According to Pawnstars
How Apple and Google's Romance Turned To Hate - Apple - Gizmodo
Gary Flake: is Pivot a turning point for web exploration? | Video on TED.com
What Apple vs. HTC Could Mean - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com
Apple Sues HTC For Infringing On 20 iPhone Patents: The Complete Documents - Apple htc lawsuit - Gizmodo (patenting "gestures")
It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone’s Server Goes Down | The Marmot's Hole An army of Korean netizens apparently attacked the Japanese Internet forum 2ch for their anti-Korean postings, causing the site to shut down on Monday.
YouTube - I Am A Motherfucker [1/2] (Epic Beard Man)
Who really gets hurt when GOP's Bunning blocks this bill? | McClatchy
Bunning Blocks Jobless Benefits AGAIN
Bunning's callous grandstanding - Editorial - Kentucky.com
Consuming Interests: 4,700 Marylanders to Bunning: Thanks a lot, senator - baltimoresun.com
Unemployed To Suffer After Bunning's Filibuster - cbs4.com nearly 50,000 unemployed Floridians will lose benefits starting March 13 if Bunning's filibuster continues.
The cost of Bunning's ploy: 27,400 Texans will lose jobless benefits this week | Texas on the Potomac | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle ("tough shit" Texas)
Right-wing media praise Bunning for blocking worker pay, relief to unemployed | Media Matters for America (all those unemployed Limbaugh-listeners)
Jon Stewart On Bunning: Just Tell Him There Are 'Free Smoothies For Crazy People In The Lobby' To Get Him Out Of The Room (VIDEO) | TPM LiveWire
Three More Senators Join Public Option Effort
AMERICAblog News: It's Rahm's White House and everyone else works for him, including Obama Rahm Emanuel is continuing his p.r. offensive in the Washington Post today with a front-page article proclaiming him to be the smartest person in the White House (wtf?)
Hotheaded Emanuel may be White House voice of reason - washingtonpost.com (another WaPo steno-piece)
WaPo gives Hatch platform to mislead, contradict Post reporting | Media Matters for America (Fred Hiatt at work)
Orrin Hatch Rewrites History Of His Own Voting Record On Reconciliation | The Plum Line
Lindsey Grahamanuel, The Military Commissions & The Beginnings Of Administration Pushback | attackerman
Memo To Progressives: If You Disliked Bayh Just Wait Til You See Ellsworth | TPMDC - Abortion, gay rights, and gun control (in other words, he's a Republican)
Ford not running against Sen. Gillibrand - NYPOST.com (bye-bye, says he could have won)
Mickey Kaus Takes Out Papers For U.S. Senate Run - Los Angeles News - LA Daily (the devolution of the wanker run ... even more conservative than Boxer ... blows goats)
AFL-CIO Backs Halter In Arkansas, Commits $3M To Defeat Lincoln | TPMDC
Paterson Is Said to Have Ordered Calls in Abuse Case - NYTimes.com (Governor Disaster)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Yes, of course he’s running… Ralph Reed is getting ready to run for Congress in Georgia (sorry about that little Abramoff thing)
Too much crazy - This Modern World - Salon.com From right-wing teleprompter jokes to the ravings of climate change denialists, the fun never stops
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Schumer Pushes Back on Consumer Finance Compromise (Dodd negotiates a bill designed to do nothing with ... Republicans!)
15 Years Ago, the Combined Assets of the 6 Biggest Banks Totaled 17% of GDP... By 2006, 55% ... Now, 63% ~ Washington's Blog (the great screwing of America by the banksters)
Feds: KPMG Sent Sample Auditor Docs To Canopy’s Blackburn - Venture Capital Dispatch - WSJ
Ripoff Report: Canopy Financial Stole my Health Savings Account Internet
Wasted Stimulus - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com On average, for every extra percentage point of the labor force that is unemployed, a state got $25 less per capita (but Alaska won!)
A parable about how one nation came to financial ruin. - By Charles Munger - Slate Magazine
JapanFocus: Money in Socialist Economies: The Case of North Korea Ruediger Frank
Information Processing: Charlie Munger at Caltech
World warming unhindered by cold spells: scientists | Reuters "January, according to satellite (data), was the hottest January we've ever seen," (will they retract their Al Gore smears?)
NASA - Chilean Quake May Have Shortened Earth Days shortened the length of an Earth day by about 1.26 microseconds
Graham says GOP should stop demonizing climate change: You’re risking “your party’s future with younger people” by calling it a “hoax.” « Climate Progress "Are we the party of carbon pollution forever in unlimited amounts?" (why, yes)
Snake Vs. Dinosaur Deathmatch Preserved In Fossil Find : NPR
Polar Bears Survived Previous Warming : Discovery News
Book Review: Supernormal Stimuli - WSJ.com
Death of the Dawkins forum – The world’s busiest atheist forum closes « Reality Is My Religion
rationalskepticism.org • View topic - An Apology by Richard Dawkins
Just Let Them Eat the Marshmallow - The Daily Beast Images Judging a kid's ability to delay gratification by whether they eat a marshmallow or not is a ridiculous way of predicting their future achievement
Red Menace: Stop the Ug99 Fungus Before Its Spores Bring Starvation | Magazine
Return of the Fungi | Mother Jones
BC professor Lisa Dodson tracks ‘economic’ disobedience - The Boston Globe “The Moral Underground: How Ordinary Americans Subvert an Unfair Economy,’’
Ryszard Kapuscinski: He was hailed as the greatest reporter of his time. But how much did he make up? - Press, Media - The Independent according to a new biography, his books were more fiction than fact.
Next American City » Columns » Why is Joel Kotkin Extolling the Virtues of Suburbia? The elites are fighting to ensure the dominance of their preferred built form and the Obama administration, he claims, is in an all-out “war on the suburbs”—but low-density sprawl will eventually win out ("war on the suburbs" oh sure)
Cyberwar Hype Intended to Destroy the Open Internet | Threat Level | Wired.com The biggest threat to the open internet is not Chinese government hackers or greedy anti-net-neutrality ISPs, it’s Michael McConnell, the former director of national intelligence (wants replace the internet with a new spy machine)
Google Secures Broad Patent for Location-Based Advertising
10 Things Symbian Does Better Than Android | Symbian-Guru.com
Apple Sues HTC for Patent Infringement (Jobs: "we'll sue the shit out of everybody")
Core i3 takes on Athlon II - The Tech Report - Page 1
News: 8.8 Earthquake in Chile – Plog Photo Blog
Fractions of a Second: An Olympic Musical - Interactive Graphic - NYTimes.com
Asia Times Online :: Pyongyang Journal: Happy birthday, Comrade Kim By Pepe Escobar
The Raw Story | NATO sinks Somali pirate monthership
Excessive bipartisanship and other matters - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - A mountain of evidence has emerged over the last several years documenting pervasive, systematic abuse of the Patriot Act powers - "some Republican senators objected" and might have called Democrats "soft on terror," so that was the end of that. (who could have predicted?)
B'klyn ACORN cleared over giving illegal advice on how to hide money from prostitution "They edited the tape to meet their agenda," said the source (whoops, our bad, no consquences, move on, sorry about that de-funding ... not)
What do we need health insurers for anyway? - Los Angeles Times (the unaskable question)
WaPo 's Fred Hiatt falsely claims health care subsidies aren't popular | Media Matters for America (WaPo lies again)
Week in Review > image: What Might Have Been (how the Republicans screwed America)
How the Public Option Would Likely Get a Vote During Reconciliation | FDL Action
Adam Green: Public Option Garners Avalanche of Support in Senate
Your Congress at Work « On Politicking Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself. ~ Mark Twain
Arianna Huffington: Reform Déjà Vu: Democrats Follow Failed Health Care Strategy and Preemptively Surrender on Consumer Financial Protection Agency
Republicans Setting Filibuster Record "The numbers are astonishing in this Congress," (Repubicans take obstructionism to a new level)
Bunning Objects To Extending Unemployment Insurance AGAIN (video)
Jim Bunning Impasse Puts Federal Employees Out Of Work
Bunning Blockade Leads To 21 Percent Fee Cut For Doctors | TPMDC
Democrats On Unemployment Blockage: Thank You, Jim Bunning | TPMDC (for drawning attention to filibuster abuses)
The Washington Monthly - When The Gop Gives Dems Advice
Glenn Beck's eliminationist attacks on progressives: How long before someone acts on this violent rhetoric? | Crooks and Liars
A question for Glenn Beck: If progressives are the root of all evil, what about the civil rights they championed? | Crooks and Liars
In like a Lyin’ | Firedoglake (Beck: kill the progressives, squash them like the cochroaches they are (whoops, that was Begin talking about Palestinians))
DownWithTyranny!: Gay Money so many conservatives-- from Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and South Carolina "loner," Lindsay Graham to a dozen right-wing House members like Patrick McHenry, David Dreier, Aaron Schock, Trent Franks, etc-- are closeted, self-loathing gays themselves.
Quinn calls Obama a "little wuss from Kenya," adds, "Somebody should slap him silly" | Media Matters for America
Bill Halter Running For Arkansas Senate: Progressive Democrat To Challenge Blanche Lincoln (the second-worst Dem Senator after Ben Nelson)
ActBlue — Dump Lincoln -- Chip In To Bill Halter's Senate Campaign
GOP Rep Defends Terrorism-In-Convenience-Stores Comment | TPMMuckraker (all those brown-skinned people)
Robert Reich: The Enthusiasm Gap | TPMCafe The Republican base is fired up. The Dem base is packing up. - The Dem base is lethargic because congressional Democrats continue to compromise on everything the Dem base cares about (mission accomplished, Pres Cool)
Op-Ed Columnist - Financial Reform Endgame - NYTimes.com (reform designed to fail will fail)
Editorial - As Foreclosures Continue ... - NYTimes.com (program designed to fail was useless)
British Company to Buy A.I.G.’s Asian Unit for $35 Billion - NYTimes.com
Furious backlash from Simon Singh libel case puts chiropractors on ropes | Martin Robbins | Science | guardian.co.uk
Index on Censorship » Blog Archive » Judge ‘baffled’ by Simon Singh chiropractic case Lord Chief Justice Lord Judge said he was “troubled” by the “artificiality” of the case (Justice Judge)
Massive head of pharaoh unearthed in Egypt - Yahoo! News Amenhotep III
Darkness Begets Dishonesty, Study Finds - Yahoo! News Dim lights can make it seem as if no one is watching, triggering moral transgressions in many people, a new study suggests.
Fill in the Blanks: Using Math to Turn Lo-Res Datasets Into Hi-Res Samples | Magazine - Compressed sensing
Caltech Researchers Create Highly Absorbing, Flexible Solar Cells with Silicon Wire Arrays - Caltech
Long-term cannabis use can double risk of psychosis | Reuters
UN's climate link to hurricanes in doubt - Times Online
HIV/AIDS in the United States | Factsheets | CDC HIV/AIDS
Really? - The Claim - Fruit Juice Can Prevent Kidney Stones - Question - NYTimes.com
Daniel Kahneman: The riddle of experience vs. memory | Video on TED.com
John Huston and Jean-Paul Sartre
M. Sartre Goes To Hollywood - New York Times
Weaponizing Mozart - Reason Magazine “subjecting” (its words) badly behaved children to Mozart and others. In “special detentions,” the children are forced to endure two hours of classical music
Pregnant Iowa Woman Arrested for Falling Down | Women's Rights | Change.org
html5media - Project Hosting on Google Code
Overview | Pew Internet & American Life Project Some 46% of Americans say they get news from four to six media platforms on a typical day. Just 7% get their news from a single media platform on a typical day.
With Microsoft and Antitrust, Shoe Now on Other Foot - Law Blog - WSJ
FT.com / Technology - Google faces Brussels antitrust scrutiny
RSA 2010: Can Adobe Stop the Hate? - CSO Online - Security and Risk Security pros are unhappy with Adobe Systems over recent flaws and attacks
Google Chrome Continues to Grow at Other Browsers' Expense
Intel® Atom™ Developer Program Million Dollar Development Fund Details | Intel® Atom™ Developer Program (Intel gets into the appstore biz)
Underwater Plate Cuts 400-Mile Gash - NYTimes.com
Al Jazeera English - Middle East - Concerns over Israel heritage list (push, push)
The Torture Gang: The Entire Bush Administration | Emptywheel
Obama Signs One Year Extension of Patriot Act (which he used to oppose) | The Seminal (that was then)
Obama gives Patriot Act another year with no privacy protections | Raw Story
Does The Patriot Act Violate Free Speech? : NPR
GovTrack: House Vote #67 (Feb 25, 2010) ("Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act" = "No Privacy for You Act" - how they do it when they don't want you to know how they voted)
The Democratic Party's deceitful game - Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com The Democratic Party's deceitful game ("Rockefeller was willing to be a righteous champion for the public option as long as it had no chance of passing")
Congressional Memo - Genteel Partisan Conflict in Senate Getting Messier - NYTimes.com Then there is the fact that many senators are advanced in years and not eager to pull all-nighters (people are dying and the Senators don't want to stay up late)
Consumer Groups Rip Chris Dodd Over Financial Protection Agency Compromise ("compromise" = "eviserated")
Dodd's Consumer Financial Protection Plan | Mother Jones (Chris Dodd and the banksters don't want you to have any steenking protection)
Pelosi’s Challenge - Corraling Votes for a Health Bill - NYTimes.com (go anti-abortion Blue-Dog Republicrats! fuck everything up again!)
The Cost of Doing Nothing on Health Care - NYTimes.com “Hands off my health care,” goes one strain of populist sentiment.
a American Progress: Interesting Times : The New Yorker (George Packer translates Glen Beck's CPAC keynote)
Op-Ed Columnist - The Axis of the Obsessed and Deranged - NYTimes.com
Tea Party Lights Fuse for Rebellion on Right - NYTimes.com
How he got there: Chapter 1:A search for bias: Bush and Gore hit the trail (Bob Somerby's history of Campaign 2000)
Buffett calls out financial leaders - MarketWatch Berkshire Hathaway chairman suggests Wall Street execs have gotten off lightly (like that's going to change)
YouTube - Fall of the Republic HQ full length version
A Lot More Than Roads To TIGER Funding - Courant.com Beleaguered Detroit receives $25 million to help the city assemble funds for its first-ever significant transit line (except for that huge transit system the car co's destroyed in the '50's)
Technology: The data deluge | The Economist
A special report on managing information: Data, data everywhere | The Economist
The 'Boneyard': £22bn 'military cemetery' pictured in stunning Google Earth photos - Telegraph
Debunking The Myth Of Lady Jane Grey | More Intelligent Life
Op-Ed Contributor - We Can’t Wish Away Climate Change - NYTimes.com - By Al Gore
Is Mother Nature Out of Control? - AOL News - relative to a time period in the past, the Earth has been more active over the past 15 years or so (coincides with the Contract with America)
Sodas may be linked to higher risk of pancreatic cancer, but about that risk... | Booster Shots | Los Angeles Times
Real threat in virtual battleground: hackers
The Google Three: Italy's Personal Attack on Intermediary Liability | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Magnitude 8.8 - offshore maule, chile
8.8-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Chile - NYTimes.com
Maps of the Chile Earthquake - Map - NYTimes.com
World's biggest earthquakes since 1900 - CNN.com
Earthquake in Chile - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Tsunami arrival times
Robinson Crusoe Islands Hit by Tsunami | Ganpati News
National Data Buoy Center
Kucinich Opposes Intelligence Authorization | AfterDowningStreet.org (about the only one, too)
Bush tells aides he seeks 'anonymity' "I didn't like it when a certain former president -- and it wasn't 41 or 42 -- made my life miserable," he said in a reference to Jimmy Carter, who infuriated the Bush White House in 2007 when he accused the administration of allowing the use of torture on terror suspects.
Ethics panel clears 7 on earmarks - washingtonpost.com (bribes now legal)
Krugman - Afflicting the Afflicted - What We Learned From the Health Care Summit - NYTimes.com - Republicans — who had weeks to prepare for this particular event, and have been campaigning against reform for a year — didn’t bother making a case that could withstand even minimal fact-checking (what we learned: "Republicans lie")
YouTube - She's Back! (public option)
The Week Magazine - With his televised dominance of debate, Obama has invented a new style of presidential leadership. But on health care, the time has come for confrontation, not conciliation (yeah, well, that was a year ago)
Helen Thomas: Obama's impossible dream... bipartisanship | Chron.com - " Obama blew it big time when he refused to fight for a single payer program like Social Security and Medicare — essential government programs — to meet the needs of a reported 31 million uninsured Americans" (or anything else, for that matter)
FRONTLINE: sick around the world: five capitalist democracies & how they do it | PBS (not what the Repubicans say)
Gaffney issues correction on post linking Missile Defense Agency logo to Obama campaign logo, Islamic star and crescent | Media Matters for America (had to walkback his insanity)
How Paul Krugman found politics : The New Yorker : The Deflationist
47 million year old fossil of an ancient primate discovered
YouTube - stars orbiting our galaxy's supermassive black hole
Engineers Solve 80-Year Old Puzzle to Make Computer Modeling 100,000 Times Faster - computer modeling - Gizmodo
Home fertility tests for men: New device reveals if sperm count is low | Mail Online
Norway conquers infections by cutting use of antibiotics - Nation - MiamiHerald.com The best way to cut down on infections is to reduce antibiotic use, Norway finds
Op-Ed Columnist - Tyler Perry’s Crack Mothers - NYTimes.com (myth of black crack mothers won't die)
Think Progress » South Dakota legislators tell schools to teach ‘astrological’ explanation for global warming.
New Report Says: Jenny McCarthy’s Son May Not Have Had Autism After All « Hollywood Life - Evan suffers from Landau-Kleffner syndrome, “a rare childhood neurological disorder that can also result in speech impairment and possible long-term neurological damage.” (you know all that MMR and anti-vaccine stuff? well, just forget about it)
assertTrue( ): Three of five most prevalent Web exploits of 2009 were PDFs
Twitter phishing hack hits BBC, PCC … and Guardian … and cabinet minister … and bank | Technology | guardian.co.uk
Apple News | Workers Rights Wintek admits 62 workers fall ill from chemical exposure.
EU Tells Google to Delete Street View Pics After 6 Months (they hate non-government photography)
HTML5 Knocks Out Adobe Flash in Reader Vote
Could Facebook feed patent hurt social media? - PC World- msnbc.com
Reuters - Business News - Portfolio.com
Another Puzzle in Iran After Nuclear Fuel Is Moved - NYTimes.com
BBC News - EU: Goods made at Jewish settlements are not Israeli
Greek PM to Meet Merkel Amid Signs of Moves on Crisis - CNBC (bankrupted by Goldman Sachs)
BBC News - Thailand top court seizes part of Thaksin fortune
UN chief slams Gaddafi's call for jihad against Switzerland | People in the News | People | The First Post Holy war is in response to Swiss ban on minarets - but UN chief tells Libyan president to put a sock in it
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Senate votes to extend Patriot Act: Democrats retreat from adding new privacy protections to the law (Leahy: "some Republicans objected" to oversight and judical review, so of course, we caved)
The Meaning Of Newsweek's "Terrorism Debate" - Culture - The Atlantic
Yet Another Letter Asking about Lost Bush Era Emails | Emptywheel
Op-Ed Columnist - What We Learned From the Health Care Summit - NYTimes.com Democrats offering moderate plans that draw heavily on past Republican ideas, and Republicans responding with slander and misdirection ... the arrogance that the success of things like the death-panel smear has obviously engendered in Republican politicians
The Washington Monthly - Meet The New Way Forward (Same As The Old Way Forward) (after you, Alphonse +House doesn't trust the fucking Senate, with good reason)
Let them eat applesauce: Right-wing media mock the uninsured | Media Matters for America
Paterson Won't Run In 2010
No More Mister Nice Blog: Are Right-Wingers Even The Same Species As The Rest Of Us? - Are these people even capable of ordinary human empathy? (no)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Every Rose has its thorn The truth is, it’s more the fault of Charlie Rose and Tom Friedman and David Brooks. Glenn Beck didn’t get us into Iraq.
» Shepherd Smith making too much sense for Fox News | bogsource.com
Video: Moment of Zen - John McCain's Legitimate Point | The Daily Show | Comedy Central
GOP Rep. Franks: African-Americans 'Devastated' More By Abortion Today Than Under Slavery (VIDEO) | TPM LiveWire (check out the face of evil)
Jim Bunning Repeatedly Blocks Unemployment Benefits Extension, Tells Dem 'Tough Shit' (crazy Jim)
Ron Wyden To Block Other Extensions Until Senate Extends UI And COBRA Benefits
Housing Recovery Is Looking A Lot Shakier Than Expected - Yahoo! Finance ("expected?"
Obama May Prohibit Home-Loan Foreclosures Without HAMP Review - Bloomberg.com Obama May Prohibit Home-Loan Foreclosures Without HAMP Review (review by a program design to fail, which failed)
Tax Rate for Richest 400 Taxpayers Plummeted in Recent Decades, Even as Their Pre-Tax Incomes Skyrocketed — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (Republicans at work)
'Toyota defense' might rescue jailed Minnesota man - Yahoo! News (8 yrs in prison because Toyota lied)
2 huge icebergs let loose off Antarctica's coast - wtop.com - the size of Luxembourg
The First Test That Proves General Theory of Relativity Wrong - A spinning top increases its weight much more than expected - Softpedia
Innovation: Bloom didn't start a fuel-cell revolution - tech - 26 February 2010 - New Scientist
Tip-of-the-Tongue Moments Explained | LiveScience
Slowing Aging ... With Semen - Health Checkup: How to Live 100 Years - Time - spermidine
Former officer's plea in Danziger Bridge case spells trouble for other cops, analysts say | - NOLA.com
- Crime Library on truTV.com - The Desire Terrorist (NOLA cops death squad)
Internal Affairs leak eyed in 42nd Precinct cop-vs.-cop case
Vancouver Now - Emergency shipment of condoms headed to Olympic athletes - Post Sports
Why I’m Funny – Joel Johnson
The Art Of Discomfort | More Intelligent Life - Young Jean Lee, an American playwright and director, spoke plainly on the state of American theatre to the Nation. She described it as "our most backward art form"
The Best of Journalism (2009) - Conor Friedersdorf - Metablog - True/Slant
Yelp Accused of Extortion | Threat Level | Wired.com
Yelp facing class-action lawsuit over extortive "ad sales"
Hacker News | I am a former Yelp Account Executive; I was one of the people that would call ...
School administrator boasts to PBS about his laptop spying - the absence of any questions about student privacy from the interviewer - Boing Boing
Laptop Monitoring: It's Not Just In Pennsylvania - HotHardware
Internet Ideology War: Google's Spat with China Could Reshape Traditional Online Freedoms: Scientific American
The Google/China hacking case: How many news outlets do the original reporting on a big story? » Nieman Journalism Lab
EU cautions Google over Street View photos | Digital Media - CNET News
Researchers question Microsoft's botnet take-down
EntityCube - a research prototype for exploring object-level search technologies, which automatically summarizes the Web for entities (such as people, locations and organizations) with a modest web presence
The Picture - David Cox - Open Salon (support our troops)
Op-Ed Contributor - Extending the U.S. Presence in Iraq - NYTimes.com (indefinitely)
Blackwater's Gunrunners | Mother Jones
Blackwater used South Park character as alias to procure US weapons | Raw Story
The Missile Defense Agency - U.S. Department of Defense (check out the new O-logo)
Can This Possibly Be True? New Obama Missile Defense Logo Includes A Crescent - Big Government (Obama's secret plan to let Islamic Jihadists take over America: these guys are that crazy)
Trades in Greek Debt Add to Country’s Financing Burden - NYTimes.com - Banks Bet Greece Defaults on Debt They Helped Hide (banksters at work)
Emptywheel » Why Doesn’t The Obama White House Want Dawn Johnsen Confirmed? (because he doesn't want any torture oversight?)
Dem-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee extends PATRIOT Act provisions | Raw Story
Cheney Had Heart Attack, His Fifth - NYTimes.com (will he live for his war-crimes trial?)
Obama To GOP: It’s Over | The Plum Line We’re moving forward without Republicans (kind of a slow learner, isn't he?)
The Center for Public Integrity | Latest from the Center - Lobbyists Swarm Capitol To Influence Health Reform ("influence" = "prevent")
Obama on reconciliation - First Read - msnbc.com An additional note: McCain compared reconciliation to the stand-off on judges. But the two are completely different situations (they mean, "he lied again")
The Seminal » Health Summit: Nancy Pelosi Reminds Obama About His Support for Public Option (that was then, and it wasn't even then)
Hullabaloo: digby: Paying With Fairy Dust (Republicans hate government spending but don't want any of it cut - except for ACORN, of course - the party of magical thinking
UPDATE 1-US House slaps antitrust law on health insurers | Reuters (RahmObama will reconcile it out of existence)
"Nuclear Option" stupidity comes full circle | Media Matters - conservatives have waged an ongoing campaign to re-brand the process of reconciliation as the "nuclear option." (used to pass Bush tax cuts, of course)
Daily Kos: Harold Ford at NY Stonewall Dems: Many people held picket signs, with words like "Anti-gay liar," "Liar," and "Snakeoil Harold." Ford tried to distance himself from his pro-life past (Lawrence vs Texas fail +"This Ford is an Edsel, a non-starter.")
Fox guest blames Obama for rise in domestic violence | Raw Story
Longtime Congressman Tells NY's Paterson - Drop Out - NYTimes.com
Brauchli Confirms Print Death of “The Party” by Sally Quinn - City Desk - Washington City Paper
Sally Quinn's The Party: No 'dueling' Bradlee weddings, just scheduling mistake - washingtonpost.com
The Shadow Editors: Sally Quinn, Disinvited | The Awl The church which she was having such trouble lining up seems to be the National Cathedral. Choire: Oh yes, the little neighborhood church around the corner! (how they live)
Jon Stewart Sums Up Everything That is Wrong with America in Under Four Minutes - Comedy Central - Gawker.TV
The Immoral Minority: A Tale of Two Babies by Sarah Palin (tale of two Trigs?)
Sarah Palin faked pregnancy of Trig
Palin's Q&A + fun: Who Is Trig Palin?
Bree Palin: Musical Trigs?
Wall Street's Bailout Hustle : Rolling Stone Goldman Sachs and other big banks aren't just pocketing the trillions we gave them to rescue the economy - they're re-creating the conditions for another crash
The Big Picture » Blog Archive » Policy Errors Dog Treasury Secretary ("policy errors" = "huge blunders")
Obama may compromise on consumer agency to pass financial regulation - washingtonpost.com (he never wanted one anyway, now he's triangulated it out of existence)
FDL News Desk » Senate Passes Jobs Micro-Bill: What’s Next (strategy of looking like you're doing something != actually doing something)
Jobless Claims Keep Climbing; Durable Orders Show Drop - CNBC initial claims for unemployment benefits rose 22,000 to 496,000 last week, the Labor Department said.
State Workforce Agencies: Thank Congress If You Lose Your Unemployment Benefits Next Week
N.J. public pension shortfall grows by $11.5 billion | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/25/2010 Gov. Christie plans to eliminate an already small state payment in order to balance the current budget (Republicans raiding pension funds: ""That's like me telling my mortgage company, this month it's zero, next month maybe I'll get to you,' said Wayne Hall, a detective and trustee for the police and firefighter pension fund. "where the hell is the fiscal responsibility from the government?")
Calculated Risk: Freddie Mac: "Potential Large Wave of Foreclosures"
UnHAMPered | The New Republic FDR’s superb fix for our housing crisis (the program designed to do nothing, did nothing)
Madoff Family Changing Last Name (to "Ripoff")
State Workforce Agencies: Thank Congress If You Lose Your Unemployment Benefits Next Week
U.S. Mint rolls out a new penny- Smart Spending - MSN Money
Vermont Senate Votes to Close Nuclear Plant - NYTimes.com - citing radioactive leaks, misstatements in testimony by plant officials and other problems ("misstatements" = "lies")
Lessons of Gobekli Tepe - the earliest known temple on earth (patriarchy)
Quantity More Important than Quality for Adult Sleep For older folks, it appears that the amount of sleep they get is quite important when it comes to memory and other cognitive processing activities. What's not as important as we age is the quality of sleep we get.
Climate change could be accelerated by 'methane time bomb' - Telegraph
Disaster Awaits Cities in Earthquake Zones - NYTimes.com
Where Shoddy Construction Could Mean Death - Map - NYTimes.com
In the Pipeline: Derek Lowe: Things I Won't Work With: Dioxygen Difluoride (holy shit)
Lateral Science - Fluorine, Tiger of Chemistry (better living through chemistry)
A Reactor That Burns Depleted Fuel Emerges as a Potential 'Game Changer' - NYTimes.com - "a new type of nuclear reactor that can represent a nearly infinite supply of low-cost energy, carbon-free energy for the world,"
Girlfriend a Whore? Blame Her Parents «Regretful Morning (slut gene discovered)
Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change. - Pew Social & Demographic Trends
In praise of ugly buildings - The Boston Globe
Alternative Medicine Increasingly Popular, but Useless - DailyFinance
Photo: Armadillo-like Crocodile Fossil Found in Brazil
Death in the Atlantic: The Last Four Minutes of Air France Flight 447 - Spiegel Online
No crackdown on assaults at colleges - The Boston Globe
Ex-New Orleans Cop Pleads Guilty To Massive Cover Up In Post-Katrina Shootings | TPMMuckraker
Echidne Of The Snakes - Your Friendly Womb Police in Utah - A new law makes it possible that a woman who has had a miscarriage will then be exposed to police interrogation - Penalties range up to life in prison (they are finally criminalizing the mother, not just the doctor +Utah: second lowest GDP per capita in nation +last in education)
Understanding miscarriage | BabyCenter About 15 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage, and more than 80 percent of these losses happen before 12 weeks.
Per pupil spending by state - ePodunk
Police supervisor pleads guilty in Danziger Bridge probe; plea deal blows case wide open - NOLA.com - Lohman, who helped orchestrate an elaborate cover-up of the crime, supervised the investigation (Katrina coverup seems to be coming apart)
Ex-Cop Pleads Guilty In Hurricane Katrina Killing Probe: 2 Shot, Killed On Danziger Bridge (planted gun, lied)
Miami's Proposed Solution to Homelessness: Treat People Like Pigeons and Make It Illegal to Feed Them - Miami News - Riptide 2.0
Sam Tanenhaus, New York Times: Amy Bishop Proves Bitches Will Kill You; Why Won't Hollywood Act? - New York News - Runnin' Scared - Tanenhaus, in case you were wondering, is what some people like to call a "smart conservative."
L. Merion spying case figure: I did not snoop on kids | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/24/2010 (but still stonewalling on releasing spy-pics)
The truth hurts rape liar - NYPOST.com 3 yrs. in prison for framing innocent man (who spent four years in prison)
Andrew Young On Oprah: John Edwards Sex Tape Details (what? What?)
PETA to Feature Tiger Woods on Billboards About Spaying, Neutering Pets -- Back Porch FanHouse (whooa)
Sea World trainer killed: Trainer Dawn Brancheau killed at SeaWorld Orlando - latimes.com
Mall security guard accuses shopper of being a paedophile for photographing his own son Boing Boing (UK photocops are insane)
Welcome To My Garden! | Square Foot Gardening
Kitchen Garden Planner | Preplanned Vegetable Gardens by Gardener's Supply
Gardener's Supply - High Yield Garden
Gardener's Supply Kitchen Garden Planner Plan & Guide - Salsa and Tomato Sauce Garden
UK Gov nationalises orphans and bans non-consensual photography in public | Copyright Action (street photography now illegal in UK)
Conroy's website removes references to filter | News.com.au
How Australia’s Proposed Internet Censorship Will (And Won’t) Affect Video Games | Kotaku Australia
New Windows software turns one PC into many | Beyond Binary - CNET News
Prezi Is The Coolest Online Presentation Tool I've Ever Seen (powerpoint replacement)
Prezi - The zooming presentation editor
Behind The Wiki: Meet TV Tropes Cofounder Fast Eddie - Tv tropes - io9
BBC News - Microsoft shuts down global spam network
YouTube - Best Tech Guy caller EVER with Leo Laporte
The Teenager Audio Test - Can you hear this sound? - The Oatmeal
Mosquito Ringtones - Download the Mosquito Ring Tone Free
Can you hear THIS? Musicians high frequency hearing test | NoiseAddicts music and audio blog
HTML+RDFa, Microdata, and Canvas in HTML WG from Tim Berners-Lee on 2010-02-25 (public-html@w3.org from February 2010)
Planet War: Photos from the World's 33 Ongoing Conflicts | Foreign Policy From the bloody civil wars in Africa to the rag-tag insurgiences in Southeast Asia, 33 conflicts are raging around the world today, and it’s often innocent civilians who suffer the most.
Dubai now seeking 26 suspects in Hamas killing | Reuters ("near certain was a hit by Israel's Mossad spy agency" - to kill one guy)
Six more British passports used in Dubai assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh - Times Online
Haaretz exclusive: Hamas founder's son worked for Shin Bet for years - Haaretz - Israel News
Israel's 'miracle' anti-rocket defense plan raises anxieties - latimes.com The Iron Dome defense system is billed as a surefire guard against rockets targeting Sderot and other vulnerable Israeli towns. But many Israelis question its effectiveness and cost.
BBC News - Drone attack 'kills four' in north-west Pakistan ("militants")
Iran Says Capture of Rebel, Abdolmalek Rigi, Is Blow to U.S. - NYTimes.com Iranian officials on Tuesday hailed the capture of a Sunni rebel leader as a major antiterrorist coup, and sought to portray his arrest as a victory over Britain, the United States and Israel, saying those countries had supported the insurgent group.
Karzai acts to remove foreign election observers | Rebel News - Independent News and Analysis ("we don't need no steenking observers" +surge! +your tax dollars at work)
Frontline: behind taliban lines | PBS
BBC News - UN says Albania 'stalling' Serb human organs inquiry A UN expert has said Albania is holding up inquiries into reports that Serbs captured during the 1998-99 Kosovo war were butchered for their organs there
Russia warns West against crippling Iran sanctions | Reuters
General strike grips Greece, grounds flights | GlobalPost
BBC News - Top Turkish officers charged over 'coup plot'
MPs' verdict on News of the World phone-hacking scandal: Amnesia, obfuscation and hush money | Media | The Guardian - upert Murdoch's media giant News International could face a judicial inquiry after a highly critical parliamentary report today accuses senior executives at its top-selling newspaper of concealing the truth about the extent of illegal phone hacking by its journalists.
- Salon.com - Greenwald - Inside the mind of Newsweek on "terrorism" (only a foreigner who "protests the American government" can be a Terrorist. Americans cannot be)
The Washington Monthly - King Feels Heat For Suicide Bomber Sympathizes - To date, the Washington Post has not reported on King's comments at all (Kaplan Test Prep at work)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Blackwater: Respect Their Authoriteh : The Senate is holding a hearing today where several current and former Blackwater employees will be testifying, but honestly the only way Congress would stop giving Blackwater money is if it started registering black people to vote (QFT)
Robert Gibbs: Public Option Via Reconciliation Can’t Pass Congress | The Plum Line
Obama urges repeal of insurers antitrust exemption - Yahoo! News ("urges")
Poll: Americans place blame for partisanship - CNN.com Two-thirds of Americans think that the Republicans in Congress are not doing enough to cooperate with President Obama, according to a new national poll (call David Broder)
Robert Gibbs: Public Option Via Reconciliation Can’t Pass Congress | The Plum Line (leadership you can count on)
Dylan Ratigan Calls Out Joe Wilson For Calling US Health Care System "Best" In The World (Republican lying idiots at work)
New Effort for More Regulation of Wall Street - NYTimes.com (but not hard enough to, you know, upset any bankers or accomplish anything)
Shooting Banks | The New Republic | Simon Johnson: Obama’s impotent assault on Wall Street (your pro-business Republicrat Senator President failure)
Geithner May Give Regulators Leeway in Applying Volcker Rule - Bloomberg.com - plan to bar banks from making hazardous bets that could cause another financial crisis (OVERRULED by OBAMA)
Goldman Is Unpopular Because ‘It Brings Envy,’ Corzine Says - Bloomberg.com Goldman Is Unpopular Because ‘It Brings Envy,’ Corzine Says (NOT because they gamed the system and got a back-door bailout through AIG and gave a lot of your money to themselves)
Hiring Freezes Hamper Weatherization Plan - NYTimes.com many of the biggest states meeting less than 2 percent of their three-year goals to date - “The job creation impact of what was considered to be one of the department’s most ‘shovel ready’ projects has not materialized (program designed to fail, failed)
Calitics:: Mass Teacher Layoffs Loom Again For California Schools (Republicans at work: permanent destruction of social fabric)
Cave symbols hint at 30,000-year-old origins of written communication - The Globe and Mail
Killer dolphins baffle marine experts - Telegraph
Ridge parents arraigned on murder - Paradise Post Kevin and Elizabeth Schatz, the Paradise couple accused of murdering their 7-year-old adopted daughter during a discipline session - the girl was beaten for mispronouncing a word (Christian discipline)
Ramsey examines ministry connected to girl's death - Paradise Post
TulipGirl » Blog Archive » Hold ‘em Down, Defeat Totally
Beauty for Ashes: in which I discuss the unthinkable
Quiverfull in a Nutshell — No Longer Qivering
Spare the quarter-inch plumbing supply line, spoil the child - Salon.com Saying no to "timeouts," some fundamentalist Christians "train up" their children by carefully hitting them with switches, PVC pipes and other "chastening instruments."
Amazon.com: R. Craig "Mother"'s review of To Train Up A Child (Christian torture manual)
Members: To Train Up A Child by Michael Pearl | LibraryThing (263 identified supporters of child torture)
Flogging For God - Violence toward children under the guise of religion: The poisonous pedagogy of hucksters and quacks who promote the "benifits" of child beating
No Longer Quivering ‹(ô¿ôa)› - Quiverfull in a Nutshell
Daily Kos: Dominionism and child abuse, part 1 (creating a Christian Nation of Torturers for Jesus)
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Dominionism and child abuse, part 2
Daily Kos: State of the Nation Dominionism and child abuse, part 3: Why they aren't in jail
Created to Be His Help Meet -
There is no "you" in Qivering — No Longer Qivering
Republicans v secular America | Dan Kennedy | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk With blatant disregard for the first amendment, Republicans' intolerance of US secularism means things are turning ugly
The Swedish Ban on Corporal Punishment: Its History and Effects
Why autism is different for girls - Features, Health & Families - The Independent We may think it only affects boys. But the female variant is often much harder to spot – and that means thousands of girls may be going undiagnosed
ADD - Ten Word Wiki
Every Central Falls teacher fired, labor outraged | Rhode Island news | projo.com | The Providence Journal
Time to strip tax exempt status from all churches
THE READ: Settle Down Now | The New Republic What makes marriage preferable to single life, anyway? (Lori Gottlieb, "still alone at age 40, with a sperm-donated baby and no husband prospects on her horizon, Gottlieb doubted the wisdom of her choice." +arranged marriages!)
Mark Steel: You can teach birth control but you'll end in hell if you do it - Mark Steel, Commentators - The Independent Maybe they should demand an end to history lessons as well on the grounds that "I don't want my fourteen-year-old learning about Napoleon as he's too young to invade Italy."
The Lakers Sex Talk Needs A Bit Of Context – Lakernoise
When using open source makes you an enemy of the state | Technology | guardian.co.uk The US copyright lobby has long argued against open source software - now Indonesia's in the firing line for encouraging the idea in government departments (you buy our expensive shit or else)
Google Privacy Violation Conviction: Three Executives Found Guilty In Italy (they took video down within hours: criminally responsible: Berlusconi at work)
Official Google Blog: Serious threat to the web in Italy The video was totally reprehensible and we took it down within hours of being notified by the Italian police.
China imposes new rules for personal websites - latimes.com Applicants will have to verify their identities with regulators and have their photographs taken. A government ministry will review the requests.
Unlike Skype, a New iPhone App Makes VoIP Calls Over 3G – GigaOM
Apple Explains Semi-Ban of Sex Apps | Gadget Lab | Wired.com
AT WAR: Afghan Offensive 'Aimed To Shape U.S. Opinion On War' (which is why they attacked where the Taliban weren't)
Battle for Marja not only militarily significant - washingtonpost.com (trying to win the hearts and minds of the American people with an irrelevant military operation)
Nicaragua's abortion ban preventing cancer patient from receiving necessary treatment - Feministing (otherwise known as the Stupak Ammendment)
CAIR condemns US double standards on terrorism Washington would have labeled the suicide attack a terrorist incident if the pilot had been a Muslim.
2010 Midterm Elections To Be Most Expensive Ever: Analysis (Republicans unbound)
Stupak: 'Unacceptable' - Ben Smith - politico.com (politico stenos anti-abortion lies)
Ezra Klein - A failure of White House leadership (no public option, they never wanted it)
Op-Ed Columnist - California Death Spiral - NYTimes.com Health insurance premiums are surging — and conservatives fear that the spectacle will reinvigorate the push for reform (which is why they hate health care)
- Salon.com - Greenwald - The Democratic Party's deceitful game - Rockefeller was willing to be a righteous champion for the public option as long as it had no chance of passing (WH never wanted it either, now we have mandated expensive shitty insurance)
John Boehner Is Now Upset That The Health Care Bill Isn't Long Enough
Conservatives Turn On Scott Brown Over Jobs Bill Vote: 'Low Life Scum Hypocrite!'
Wonkette : Scott Brown Votes For Jobs Bill, Wingnuts Go Nuts On Twitter
Rahm's Parting Shot at Obama Insiders | The Smirking Chimp "Wow, what a hatchet job on Jarrett, Gibbs and Axelrod!" Since Rahm is obviously feeding this to Milbank, that is very revealing. You don't throw these kinds of bombs unless you've already lost.
Politico falsely suggests Obama's health care proposal is HUGE | Media Matters for America
The NYT really, really doesn't want to run an ACORN pimp correction | Media Matters for America (yeah, we're still waiting for the Whitewater corrections, too)
The Brad Blog : Exclusive: NYTimes Public Editor Declines to Recommend Retraction for Multiple Erroneous Reports on False ACORN 'Pimp' Story (all the news we transcribed from Republican lying points)
The BRAD BLOG : Exclusive: New York Times Editor 'Stands Behind' Contested 'Pimp' Reporting on James O'Keefe
Think Progress » Rep. King Justifies Suicide Attack On IRS: Sympathizes With Hatred Of IRS, Hopes For Its Destruction (pro-terror Republicans at work)
Sarah Palin's grandson gets state funded health care? How interesting - her own grandson is actually covered by socialized health care
Video: Rage Within the Machine - Progressivism | The Daily Show | Comedy Central (Glenn Beck is a communist)
YouTube - Juggalo News
Banks Pressure Customers on Overdraft Fees - NYTimes.com (pro-lobbyist Obama says we don't need no steenking consumer protection)
When Customer Service Fails, There's Always YouTube (video) (Chase cleaned out her account with fees)
The Big Picture » Blog Archive » Treasury Looks to Mandate Foreclosure Abatements, Mortgage Mods
Toyota Recall: Rep. Stupak Says Documents Show Toyota's Deception
Emptywheel » Henry Waxman Agrees w/Me; Toyota Study Is Horrible Whitewash
Bloom Box: What 60 Minutes left out / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com - Bloom Energy says hooking up one of its $700,000 to $800,000 Boxes is simple. "It takes one guy on a forklift and one technician on the ground to install it,"
Lawyer: L. Merion is mum on number of webcam pictures | Philadelphia Daily News | 02/23/2010
BBC News - Three films that would make Einstein blush
Accidental Hedonist - Avocado Global Politics: A short play in One act
Gamma error in picture scaling
YouTube - Security Threats for Smart Phone Users
Sex.com renews search for a sugar daddy | Technically Incorrect - CNET News
BBC News - Nato strike kills 27 Afghanistan civilians At least 27 civilians died in a Nato air strike in southern Afghanistan, the Afghan cabinet says, revising downwards a prior statement that 33 were killed (why the surge is a failure)
27 Afghan Civilians Killed in NATO Airstrike - Technological Disaster - ubAlert
Israel Unveils Drones Able to Hit Iran - NYTimes.com
Nato Afghanistan mission in doubt after Dutch withdrawal | World news | The Guardian • Fears withdrawal may prompt other countries to follow suit
Poland admits role in CIA rendition programme | World news | guardian.co.uk Warsaw air control service confirms that at least six CIA flights landed at disused military air base in northern Poland in 2003 (after years of denial)
Trento’s Take: Fox News Can’t Upset Murdoch’s Saudi Prince (who supports terrorism and owns 25% of Newscorp/SatanMedia)
U.S. Commander Describes Marja Battle as First Salvo in Campaign - NYTimes.com
Brazil’s Navy Defends Its Response to a Capsizing - NYTimes.com It took about 19 hours for the navy to deploy a search aircraft after it received a distress signal from the S. V. Concordia on Wednesday, but officials said that was in line with standard procedure ("standard procedure" = "making sure they were dead")
Gordon Brown in new bullying claim as ANOTHER employee emails helpline | Mail Online playing down a row over lurid claims about Gordon Brown's treatment of his staff (Christ, what an asshole)
Sadly, No! » God, Iraq again? (tight circles of insanity)
BBC News - Voodoo religion's role in helping Haiti's quake victims "Some Christian communities do not want to give food to voodoo followers," he says. "As soon as they see people wearing peasant clothes or voodoo handkerchiefs, they put them aside and deny them food
A lethal business model targets Middle America - Los Angeles Times Sugar cane farmers from a tiny Mexican county use savvy marketing and low prices to push black-tar heroin in the U.S.
Scott Salyer, Alleged Big Tomato Racketeer, Nabbed at JFK While Fleeing Felony Charges - New York News - Runnin' Scared (kept prohibition until 1999, just shut down liquor stores at 7 pm)
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - CNN Poll: American believe Iran has nuclear weapons « - Blogs from CNN.com (well, why else would John "McIdiot" McCain want to bomb them?)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Former Bush speechwriter and new Washington Post hire Marc Thiessen once tried to claim that torturing Khalid Sheikh Mohammed foiled a plot to attack Los Angeles.
Hullabaloo: digby: Lies And Damned Bloggers (Mitt Romney at CPAC lying out his ass = some anon dKos blogger telling the truth)
The Torture Memo Author You've Never Heard Of | TPMMuckraker Jennifer Koester Hardy - first-draft torture memo writer for Yoo (will never be forgotten in the Hall of American Shame)
Wonk Room » White House Unveils $950 Billion Health Bill To Bridge Differences Between House And Senate Legislation
Putting Americans In Control of Their Health Care | The White House (no public option: after a year, Obama comes out with ... the Senate plan!)
Obama's Health Care Proposal Lays Blueprint For Democratic Action
White House Health Proposal May Blow Up PhRMA Deal — Making Government Transparent and Accountable - Sunlight Foundation Blog
The Legacy of Billy Tauzin: The White House-PhRMA Deal — Making Government Transparent and Accountable - Sunlight Foundation Blog (RahmObama's back-room deal-cutting with special interests -- how they do it in the Senate -- and the sleazy legacy of failure)
Rockefeller Not Inclined To Support Reconciliation For The Public Plan Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.V.) threw a wrench into Democratic efforts to get a public option passed through reconciliation (what a dick)
Open Left:: Republicans gained by obstructing, Democrats lost by reaching out - Republicans are paying no political price for their obstruction. Quite to the contrary, they are actually reaping a political reward from it (RahmObama strategy a complete failure)
Perino claims the public "rejected" the public option; polling shows otherwise | Media Matters for America
Gay Soldiers Don’t Cause Disruption, Study Says - NYTimes.com (except to Republicans)
New York Times Silent On Major Carlos Slim Lawsuit (all the news that's fit for you to know, in our opinion)
At Politico , 1 month of working for a Dem outweighs 3 years with a Republican | Media Matters for America (weird Republican media)
ZCommunications | Wall Street's Bailout Hustle by Matt Taibbi | ZNet Article Goldman Sachs and other big banks aren't just pocketing the trillions we gave them to rescue the economy - they're re-creating the conditions for another crash
Risk taking, regulatory capture and bailouts: The doomsday cycle (why we're screwed +RahmObama against financial reform)
New Credit Card Laws: What You Need To Know About Rates And Fees (window dressing on huge fees)
New Credit Card Laws & Rules: The Credit Card Act of 2009
Should We Clone Neanderthals? (more Republicans)
BBC News - NHS money 'wasted' on homeopathy The NHS should stop funding homeopathy, MPs say.
Back-Prof-Nutt - epetition response | Number10.gov.uk (sacked by Gordon Brown for telling the truth who says "we don't need no steenking science")
Pictures of crazy Airport Runways
Bloomberg.com: News
Scott Salyer, Alleged Big Tomato Racketeer, Nabbed at JFK While Fleeing Felony Charges - New York News - Runnin' Scared
No One Knows What the F*** They're Doing (or "The 3 Types of Knowledge")
6 Insane Coincidences You Won't Believe Actually Happened | Cracked.com
The Religion Virus: Is Christianity Dying? Interesting New Data... A new report from the Pew Research Center shows that among "millenials" – those born after 1980 who became adults after 2000 – twenty five percent, one quarter of them, are not affiliated with any religion
Millennial generation less likely to claim religion, study finds - The Denver Post
The Templeton Foundation plays some more games : Pharyngula
Fighting back against Templeton « Why Evolution Is True
Evolution: Interesting graphs illustrating the acceptance of evolution « The Conservation Report (Us second stupidist country after fuck Turkey)
USA TODAY/Gallup Poll results - usatoday.com (66% of Americans are creationists)
Republican members of Congress do not believe in climate change or deem it a priority | Grist
The First Republican Presidential Debate: Three Of Them Don't Believe In Evolution! - Blogcritics Politics
Think Progress » Pence: I’m Not ‘Anti-Science’…But I Don’t Believe In Global Warming, Stem Cell Research, Or Evolution
Meet the Flintstones | The Texas Tribune Nearly a third of Texans believe humans and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time, and more than half disagree with the theory that humans developed from earlier species of animals
The Far Left Side • The Mathematical Web Comic • 2-19-10 • Unbelievable •
Oath Keepers and the Age of Treason | Mother Jones Glenn Beck loves them. Tea Partiers court them. Congressmen listen to them. Meet the fast-growing "patriot" group that's recruiting soldiers to resist the Obama administration
READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in United States - News - ReviewJournal.com Group asks police and military to lay down arms in response to orders deemed unlawful
Harry Potter plagiarism lawsuit could be billion-dollar case, says claimant | Books | guardian.co.uk
Making Light: Rowling's being sued for plagiarism again
YouTube - The making of Old Spice's commercial: The Man Your Man Could Smell Like
Greg Rutter's Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You're a Loser or Old or Something
Greg Rutter's Second Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You're a Loser or Old or Something
Why we don't trust Devil Mountain Software (and neither should you) | Between the Lines | ZDNet.com
Windows metrics source lies about identity Devil Mountain CTO was actually InfoWorld writer
BBC News - Saudi women to be allowed to argue cases in court
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com The GOP's "small government" tea party fraud ("This is what Republicans always do.")
Health-care shocker: Policy premium goes up 69% - MarketWatch College-age kids get more than twice Anthem's average rate hike in California (will cost more than a college education)
What Ever Happened to Candidate Obama? By Katha Pollitt (he always was a blue-dog Repubican)
Whiskey Fire: A Forest of Examples George Will is allowed to talk ludicrous bullshit in public (from the Kaplan cesspit: no consequences for lying)
Glenn Beck CPAC 2010 Speech VIDEO: Republicans Don't Need A Big Tent America is not a clown show. America is not a circus (said the biggest clown of them all)
CPAC 2010 Straw Poll RESULTS: Ron Paul Wins Big Texas Rep. Ron Paul - 31 percent Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney -- 22 percent Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin -- 7 percent (that will really work)
Supreme Court Justice Barack Obama? - washingtonpost.com (he'll only be confirmed if he appoints Sarah Palin as Pres)
A Conversation With Ryan Sorba - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (your homophobic CPAC moment)
The New Poor - Despite Signs of Recovery, Long-Term Unemployment Rises - Series - NYTimes.com Millions of Unemployed Face Years Without Jobs (Republicans: tough shit +reduced to prayer 'cause no health insurance)
Op-Ed Contributor - The I.R.S. vs. Tech Workers - NYTimes.com Our Low-Tech Tax Code (they assume computer contractors are crooked to give IBM a tax break -overseas- 29 years ago)
Think Progress » REPORT: How Conservative And Progressive State Governments Are Dealing With Their Budget Crises Conservative-led state governments are choosing the deficit peacock path, refusing to responsibly raise revenues and instead slashing their states’ social and infrastructure spending
Foreclose This! Home Bulldozed Before Takeover - Video - KCCI Des Moines
How a hobbit is rewriting the history of the human race | Science | The Observer (first to colonize world - the "little people")
Sun-powered water splitter makes hydrogen tirelessly - tech - 11 February 2010 - New Scientist (build more nukes!)
Tutu genome offers clues to genetic riddles
The St. Petersburg Times - News - Russians Close to Reaching Lake Vostok
The Tamarack Mines Mystery.
The little-told story of how the U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition. - By Deborah Blum - Slate Magazine The idea was to scare people into giving up illicit drinking. Instead, by the time Prohibition ended in 1933, the federal poisoning program, by some estimates, had killed at least 10,000 people ("deterring"="killing" - your government at work)
Boom Town Troubles: Sexual Predators Drawn to Energy Towns | ecopolitology
Dailymotion - Bob Dylan - Mr. Tambourine Man (Newport Folk Festival, 1964) - une vidéo Musique
Redbox, Movie Studios, and Subversion of First Sale | Electronic Frontier Foundation
7 Mind-Blowing Free Android Apps
BBC News - Dutch cabinet collapses in dispute over Afghanistan over disagreements within the governing coalition on extending troop deployments in Afghanistan.
Iranian opposition demoralized after failed protests at revolution's anniversary - washingtonpost.com
Saul Landau and Nelson P. Valdes: The Defense Elephant in America's Living Room Since 2001, under the guise of defending the country – which the Defense Department has never done – the DOD has scammed from US taxpayers $5.1 trillion
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » SATSQ Q: What will stop the next Republican President from torturing whomever he wants? A: Nothing (“most of Yoo’s e-mail records had been deleted and were not recoverable.” +our accountability president +no justice in America)
The Seminal » Math Error of 100-Fold in Amerithrax Investigation Improperly Excluded Suspects (another coverup by Obama)
Bush Official Criticizes Obama For Killing Too Many Terrorists
FDL Action » Democrats: “Who Will Rid Us of This Meddlesome Public Option?” The “60 vote” bar on the public option was always a sham. But now that it’s gone, nobody wants to be Joe Lieberman and play the role of spoiler so PhRMA can have their deal (option designed to fail, failed)
Obama Calls Bipartisan Summit A Test Of Problem Solving (President Senate-Insider-Club has learned nothing in a year)
Daily Kos: Obama: Get health care reform done or risk voter despair (too late, President Floating-Above-It-All)
Consumers who buy individual health policies feel trapped - latimes.com (premiums to double, triple, there's no end in sight)
Romney Accused Of Offering 'Bogus' Talking Points At CPAC (duh Mittster)
Santorum Suggest Military Was 'Indoctrinated' Into Supporting DADT Repeal (and recruited)
Daily Kos: New Study on Judges: Race and Gender Matter
Why the Census Bureau can and must start collecting the home addresses of incarcerated people - Full Report | Prison Policy Initiative (black prisoners count as white residents)
Wonkette : Black Man Puts His Feet On Desk, Wingnuts Furious (hard to get stupider or more racist)
Dangerous trend toward the Dark Ages for America
Presidential Spending: Expenditures by Year
Elizabeth Warren: It's Bank Lobbyists vs. American Families In Fight For Financial Reform (guess who's going to win?)
Geithner in Philly today to tout grocer subsidies (nothing better to do)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect Fed Exit Strategy? Where is the Article on the Fed Strategy for Full Employment? (fighting inflation, not creating jobs)
Government was told of Toyota claims in 2004: insurer | Reuters (and they keeping lying for 6 years)
Optimists 'are less likely to get heart disease' | Mail Online
Diabetes Drug Avandia Harms the Heart, Studies Find - NYTimes.com Hundreds of people taking Avandia, a controversial diabetes medicine, needlessly suffer heart attacks and heart failure each month (but think of the profit!)
Mark Hyman, MD: Mercury: How To Get This Lethal Poison Out Of Your Body
BBC News - Belgian coma 'writer' Rom Houben can't communicate ("facilitated communication")
Discovering the Giant Protist (giant ameobas are coming to eat you)
Man appears free of HIV after stem cell transplant - CNN.com
Visualizing science - Picture Stories- msnbc.com
Top 20 America's Most Miserable Cities 2010 | EpidemicFun.com
Starship pilots: speed kills, especially warp speed - space - 16 February 2010 - New Scientist
Lyndall Gordon on Emily Dickinson | Books | The Guardian A bomb in her bosom: Emily Dickinson's secret life (epilepsy)
Sex@MIT: The Survey - The Tech (50% or so who didn't consider oral sex to be sex)
sex@mit: Volume 129, Issue 49 - The Tech (floorcest rates)
Yale Daily News - Yalies, under the covers (one in six Yale men said they are attracted to men +bisexual women score the most)
Subpoena issued in L. Merion webcam case | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/20/2010
I'm On A Moose! - PBH3 (Teddy Rooseveldt fording river by riding a moose -- he could have handled those Republicans
FCC: open schools to community Internet use
RIP Google Gears
Confirmed: Google Reader is Going Real Time
Daily Kos: GOOD NEWS: Obama has caught more Taliban Leaders in 1 month than Bush/Cheney did in 6 years
Britain 'knew Mossad was using fake passports for Dubai hit' - Haaretz - Israel News U.K. denies Daily Mail claims Israeli spies tipped off MI6 before killing Hamas' Mahmoud al-Mabhouh (Israel the assassination state)
Peaceful Israeli Rock Throwers | BotlBrush (they always are)
'We deserved our punishment': What three Muslim Malaysian women said after being caned for having sex outside marriage | Mail Online (Fundies at work)
2 Chinese Schools Said to Be Linked to Online Attacks - NYTimes.com - close ties to the Chinese military (school for hackers)
DOJ: No misconduct for Bush interrogation lawyers - Yahoo! News (just a little "bad judgment")
Emptywheel » Unsolved Anthrax Case to be Closed Today (mission accomplished, CIA)
FDL News Desk » Sestak: White House Offered Me A Job To Get Out Of Specter Primary (how Rahm rolls)
Obama to Offer Health Bill to Ease Impasse as Bipartisan Meeting Approaches - NYTimes.com (a year late: leadership you can believe in)
Public Option Support Surging In Senate (but President Snowe will veto)
The Washington Monthly - Brown's Twisted Perspective - So, let me get this straight. An anti-government nut flies an airplane into a building and Scott Brown thinks the incident reminds him of ... his own campaign? (way to go, jock-radio)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | Public Option: They got screwed by Bart Stupak, then by Ben Nelson, then by Joe Lieberman, all while the White House seemed to care more about getting Olympia Snowe's approval than about standing up for progressive principles on the issue. The process was an endless series of disappointments, and it ground those progressives down
I Tried Being Tasteful… “I think we should take a page out of her playbook and take a nine iron and smash a window out of big government in this country. We’ve had enough.” (a day after Austin, Republican Pawlenty advocating for domestic terrorism)
Conservatives' Real Agenda Revealed at CPAC Conference: Love of Torture and Hatred of Obama | News & Politics | AlterNet
Romney's tribute to Bush: Ended recession, 'took down' Taliban - Ben Smith - politico.com (Republican parallel universe)
msnbc.com: Judging a conference by its swag (Rachel at CPAC)
Benny Hinn Divorce: Wife Suzanne Hinn For Divorce From Televangelist (Jesus loves money)
Glenn Beck's Dark Past - Page 1 - The Daily Beast Before CPAC tapped him for its keynote address, the Fox host's history was riddled with drugs and mental illness. John Avlon—author of Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe Is Hijacking America (with apologies to William Safire for the improper use of the term "wingnut")
Pawlenty repeats false tale about Obama teleprompter | McClatchy
'Will Marry for Health Insurance' -- One Woman's Desperate Quest - Lemondrop.com
Obama Announces Aid for Homeowners - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com the White House has decided to release $1.5 billion from bank bailout funds to help struggling homeowners in five states – Nevada, California, Arizona, Michigan, Florida (acting like you're doing something when you really aren't)
How a Tax Law Helps Insure a Scarcity of Programmers - NYTimes.com a 1986 law in which Congress decreed that most individual programmers cannot be entrepreneurs ... enough money to pay for a tax break, approved with Mr. Moynihan's support, that was sought by I.B.M. for its overseas operations (now known as the "fly airplanes into IRS buildings" law)
Suicide Note of Joseph A. Stack III Cited 1986 Tax Law - NYTimes.com “That the law still exists — even after its original sponsors called for its repeal and unbiased studies proved it unfairly targeted a tax-compliant industry — shows just how dysfunctional and unresponsive Democratic and Republican Congresses and our political system have been, even on relatively simple issues.”
Weird Science: The Bootstrap Hypothesis
Dolphins offer humans a clue to treating diabetes | Science | guardian.co.uk
Research uncovers how antidepressants actually work They have discovered the class of drugs that increase levels of a neurotransmitter known as ‘norepinephrine' triggers neurogenesis - the growth of new neurons - in a brain region called the hippocampus (that word "work" - I do not think it means what you think it does)
The Science of Sleep Tracking Gadgets and The Decision Tree - Sleep - Gizmodo
When Sleep Leaves You Feeling Tired - WSJ.com
Getting it Wrong 2: "Is it evolutionary, or is it...?" | Psychology Today
Bill Simmons on the Tiger Woods speech - ESPN - still playing by his own rules ... borderline train wreck .. only occasionally seeming human .. Elin not a domestic abuser
FORA.tv - Reaching the Audience in a Fragmented Media Landscape
Why Precious Isn't Worth Your Time, Or Oscar's
Shutter Island : Review : Rolling Stone
House Of Pain: A Look At Household Appliance Injuries - iSmashPhone iPhone Blog
YouTube - Hunter S. Thompson, another satisfied customer
cellphones.org – 8 Cell Phone Myths and Facts
The 30 Most Important Cats of 2009
Jesus Beer
Mitt Romney's Alleged Attacker -- Major Rap Star | TMZ.com (who you gonna believe: the Mittster or your lying eyes?)
Suit: School-issued laptops used to spy on kids on Main Line | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/18/2010
Student claims school spied on him via computer webcam | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/19/2010 - "School officials cannot, any more than police, enter into the home either electronically or physically without an invitation or a warrant."(out of control authoritarians)
Double Toke! Ammiano Reintroduces Bill to Legalize, Tax Marijuana. - San Francisco News - The Snitch
Arlington Student Wears ‘God is Dead’ Shirt For Photo « Proud Atheists “Given that photos of students in clothing with Christian messages are allowed in yearbook, one has to wonder if they are taking too much power into their hands with the whole discretion thing.”
Family Guy Actress with Down Syndrome's Sarah Palin Smackdown Too Hot for NYT - sarah palin - Gawker (all the news that fit for you to know and not offend Republicans)
The Future of the Internet IV | Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project
Google Buzzkill | Freedom to Tinker
What Third Parties Know About John Doe | Freedom to Tinker
Identifying John Doe: It might be easier than you think | Freedom to Tinker
The Traceability of an Anonymous Online Comment | Freedom to Tinker
Behind the Windows 7 memory usage scaremongering
Speeding Up Windows 7: Everything You Need to Know
Windows 7 tweaks: 3 Registry edits to speed performance
10 open source Windows apps worth a look | Between the Lines | ZDNet.com
The Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) - Update - Restart Issues After Installing MS10-015 and the Alureon Rootkit
13 killed in attack on govt building in west Iraq - Yahoo! News
Escape from Israel's Ultra-Orthodox: The High Price of Religious Defection - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International The community of ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel is half a million strong and growing. They live in a parallel universe cut off from the modern world in tight-knit communities where everything revolves around religion. Only a few dare to abandon this life -- and the price for doing so is high.
BBC News - MP's anger at expenses 'ban' on first-class travel The veteran Tory MP said there was a "totally different type of people" in standard-class train carriages.
Iran showing fastest scientific growth of any country - science-in-society - 18 February 2010 - New Scientist
FT Alphaville » Italy hearts currency swaps too (the Greece problem)
TSA to swab airline passengers' hands in search for explosives - CNN.com
Daniel Rubin: Another case of TSA overkill | Philadelphia Inquirer | 02/15/2010 Did you hear about the Camden cop whose disabled son wasn't allowed to pass through airport security unless he took off his leg braces? (and walked on his own?)
Official: Plane crash into office building 'a criminal act' | The Blotter
Austin IRS Plane Bomber's Suicide Note... : reddit.com (taken down by the FBI)
Well Mr. Big Brother IRS man... take my pound of flesh and sleep well.
"Plane crash into North Austin building" Austin Texas Photo Gallery | Statesman.com
Austin Plane Crash: Joseph Andrew Stack Hits Echelon Building | NowPublic News Coverage A spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security said there is no reason to believe that terrorism is involved. (because he was white, not brown)
Sen. Michael Bennet: Save the Public Option
Health Insurance Costs: 'Shocking' Premium Increases Coming, Says Health And Human Services Dept.
Evan Bayh Predicts Third-Party Candidate Could Win Presidency: 'Ross Perot Moment'
Cheney Confesses to Serious Crimes -- Torture Is Just the Beginning | Civil Liberties | AlterNet
Palin Wants CNN to Spill Beans on Levi Johnston | TMZ.com Britstol Palin apparently thinks her baby daddy, Levi Johnston, is a big fat liar ... and she's subpoenaing CNN and Playgirl to prove it.
FDL News Desk » Ellsworth Reported To Run For IN-Sen; Rasmussen Poll Finds Him Well Behind (Indiana Dems pick unpopular pro-life sheriff to run against Repubs)
Letterman Takes On Evan Bayh's Vacated Senate Seat (video)
Firedoglake » At CPAC, Marco Rubio Mocks Obama for Using a Teleprompter While Using a Teleprompter (glass houses 'n stuff)
Jeffrey Toobin Faces Off With Ex-Mistress Casey Greenfield In Love Child Court Case: NYDN A friend of Greenfield's said the outspoken Toobin has resisted putting his name on the infant's birth certificate and hasn't given his former lover the child support she's requested. (Republicans at work)
At CPAC, Rubio Grins At Audience Waterboarding Comment (video) | TPMDC (har-har)
Remarks By Speaker Rubio Before CPAC | Charlie Crist 2010 [staff enters with throne]
Crooks and Liars (mad dogs and Fox commentators)
The Scribbler | The New Republic Tucker Carlson’s latest venture will not be televised. Thank goodness.
Bush-o-Matic Beta
Recession takes uneven toll in Lincoln, Neb., and Merced, Calif. - usatoday.com (basing your local economy on construction!)
Elizabeth Warren: Shortcomings Of Credit Card Reform Show Need For CFPA (no consumer protection for you)
Senate GOP Staff Meet With Lobbyists On Jobs Bill "an extension of soon-to-expire tax breaks that are highly beneficial to major corporations, known as tax extenders, as well as other corporate giveaways that had been designed to win GOP support." (which always works)
Dems Looking For GOP Votes On Jobs Bill; GOP Not Interested | TPMDC "We are hoping that Republican senators like Scott Brown will oppose the will of their leadership, and buck the demands of Republican lobbyists who are busy scheming to defeat Senator Reid's legislation as we speak," (they never learn, do they?)
Obama Foreclosure Program Shows Slight Gains, Though Troubling Trends Remain (charts) (program designed to fail)
Administration pushed to expand foreclosure-prevention program - washingtonpost.com Administration pushed to expand foreclosure-prevention program (kick people out of their houses and then sell house for a mortgage the owner could have afforded -- failure by design)
ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report seasonally adjusted initial claims was 473,000, an increase of 31,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 442,000.
Gov. Rick Perry Sues The EPA Over Greenhouse Gas Regulation - Texas Gov race has lately been shaken up by Debra Medina, a far-right darling of the Tea Party movement, who has taken off in recent polls.(where we're headed)
Yvo de Boer, UN Climate Chief, Resigns To Work For KPMG
RealClimate: Daily Mangle the Daily Mail of the UK published a predictably inaccurate article
RealClimate: IPCC errors: facts and spin
Akermangate: Piers Akerman fabricates some more : Deltoid (when they lie, it's ok)
Growthgate « Open Mind (what "statistically significant" means, duh)
Leakegate: the case for fraud : Deltoid (Jonathan Leake is a lying wanker)
Leakegate: Leake verballed Richard Dawkins : Deltoid
Astronomers discover secret of the supernova - Telegraph most Type 1a supernovas are sparked by the merging of two white dwarf stars
Calif. Research Shows Pot Can Ease Muscle Spasms - NYTimes.com
Marijuana Provides Pain Relief, New Study Says The first U.S. clinical trials in more than two decades (decades? Republicans at work)
Dr. Joseph Mercola: Sugar May Be Bad But This Sweetener Is Far More Deadly consuming high-fructose corn syrup is the fastest way to trash your health
Talk To Action | Generational Curses, Deliverance Centers, and the Kingdom Health Care System The growing obsession with demons imperils reality-based discourse on issues (psycho-Christians)
Who's Getting Laid? The United States of Sex | Sloshspot Blog
The Science of Sleep Tracking Gadgets and The Decision Tree - Sleep - Gizmodo
A Diary of Numbers: Adam Savage and Digging Holes to China
Sven Kramer To Reporter: 'Are You Stupid?' (more people should do this) )
Marketing trumped safety in Olympic luge track design: engineer (it always does)
Introducing News Dots - By Chris Wilson - Slate Magazine
Google Books Fosters Intellectual, Legal Crossroads | Threat Level | Wired.com
Broad New Hacking Attack Detected - WSJ.com Global Offensive Snagged Corporate, Personal Data at nearly 2,500 Companies; Operation Is Still Running
School used student laptop webcams to spy on them at school and home Boing Boing
Surveillance Cameras in Middle School Locker Rooms Violate Fourth Amendment, Appeals Court Rules - The School Law Blog - Education Week (in case you didn't think they're that stupid)
Is the singularity here yet?
Butch Bakery | New York
The Butch Bakery: "Manly Cupcakes For Manly Men" - Cupcakes - Jezebel
YouTube - MAD MEN - "C'est magnifique!" (Joan's accordion) 3.3 (played by Christina Hendricks)
Real Women Have Curves | MetaFilter
Assassins of Hamas Official Caught on Tape, Dubai Says - The Lede Blog - NYTimes.com
Exclusive: Another Taliban Leader Captured in Pakistan - Declassified Blog - Newsweek.com
Ministry: Student swore at Zuma: News24: SouthAfrica: News "No person is permitted to use foul language, swear at another individual,
8 Of 10 US Missionaries To Be Freed, Haiti Judge Says ("Missionairies")
Is There Life in Health Care Reform? - The New York Review of Books - By Elizabeth Drew (no)
The Washington Monthly - Would The White House Present Its Own Bill? (leadership you can believe in)
FDL Action » Opposition To Health Care Reform Mainly From Those Who Would Never Vote For Democrats (surprise)
Dianne Feinstein Signs On To Public Option Push
Matthew Yglesias » Dodd Defends Filibuster, Calls for More “Civility” “I totally oppose the idea of changing filibuster rules,”
The Washington Monthly - It Is 'Broken,' But Who Broke It? - Biden, in other words, needs to name names -- Republicans broke the American legislative process.
Payback Time - Party Gridlock in Washington Feeds Fear of a Debt Crisis - Series - NYTimes.com - The poll also found that by a two-to-one ratio Americans oppose cutting health care and education; 51 percent oppose lower military spending (but you had to read all the way though to find that out)
Five ways to lose the Senate majority - David Catanese - politico.com (besides the ones Obama has already used)
Washington Post Hires Cheneyite Marc Thiessen (pro-torture, pro-criminal WaPo)
Wash. Post adds to its stable of former Republican staffers | Media Matters for America
Citing Mein Kampf, Limbaugh calls Obama's comments on the stimulus "the big lie" | Media Matters for America
The Media-Lobbying Complex (how they cooperate to destroy America)
Economic Scene - Success of Stimulus Bill Is Noteworthy as Another Is Weighed - NYTimes.com
Goldman Sachs, Greece Didn’t Disclose Swap Contract - Bloomberg.com ("It was legal at the time")
Fed President: Great Depression Possible If Federal Reserve Stripped Of Bank Oversight The U.S. risks falling into another "Great Depression" if the Federal Reserve is stripped of its bank oversight powers, a top Fed official warned Tuesday (yeah, because they used them so well last time)
Bank reform may have $220 bln capital hit | Reuters (wahh, wahh)
Calculated Risk: HAMP: 116,000 Permanent Mods, Over 1,000 Permanent Mods Cancelled (program designed to fail +the figures don't add up)
'Bubbles' of broken symmetry in quark soup
Uncoiling the spiral: Maths and hallucinations
The Male Brain: New Book by Louann Brizendine - ELLE (from the bogus "women talk more than women" "The Female Brain" lady)
YouTube - Pipa pipa - Surinam Toad Babies Emerging
LoC: Music and the Brain
Food Environment Atlas
Huntsville Shootings - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Daily Kos: Fox News: Study proves college makes you liberal (Repubicans against education)
The Case For An Older Woman « OkTrends (men are stupid +Is contraception morally wrong?)
Kevin Rudd On Why Young Women Should Be Having Babies
Suspect in slays fan of ‘Dungeons’ - BostonHerald.com killer Amy Bishop was a devotee of Dungeons & Dragons
The Futurist: The Misandry Bubble (libertarians hate women, or something)
Playboy interview: Camille Paglia (1995)
A stammerer's second life | Michael Grant | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk Although my voice rebels against me on a daily basis, the internet has allowed me to finally say what I want
HackerspaceWiki - community-operated physical places, where people can meet and work on their projects.
YouTube - Stargate Studios Virtual Backlot Reel 2009
Christina Hendricks and Her Husband Defend Her Controversial Golden Globes Dress – Style News - StyleWatch - People.com
Mr Toledano : A new kind of beauty
Ate Up With Motor
The Hyperfiction Network | Shadow Unit
Please Rob Me
Please Rob Me Makes Foursquare Super Useful For Burglars
Google Buzz Warning: Force Feeding Users Can Result In Vomiting
Windows Phone 7 Series: everything you ever wanted to know -- Engadget
Sources: Taliban’s 2nd-in-command nabbed - TODAY
Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh Murder: Dubai Seeks Global Dragnet For Alleged European Hit Squad
Bruce Anderson: We not only have a right to use torture. We have a duty - Bruce Anderson, Commentators - The Independent The Master of the Rolls has shown no understanding beyond courtroom niceties - Torture the wife and children
Human bones could reveal truth of Japan's 'Unit 731' experiments - Telegraph - "scientists" subjected more than 10,000 people per year to grotesque Josef Mengele-style torture in the name of science, including captured Russian soldiers and downed American aircrews
Why the war on drugs in Colombia may never be won | World news | guardian.co.uk Decades after Richard Nixon tried to end the trafficking of cocaine from Colombia, success seems as elusive as ever (your standard Republican plan)
t r u t h o u t | Cheney Admits to War Crimes, Media Yawns, Obama Turns the Other Cheek
Podesta: The Health Of America's Political System 'Sucks' | TPM LiveWire Podesta also said that President Obama has lost control of the political narrative. (President Floating-Above-It-All not the narrative they wanted)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Post-realism You’re more likely to hear a movie-goer complain “there’s no way a school teacher could afford that penthouse” than to hear David Broder complain “there’s no way `we win, you lose’ can be a serious foreign policy”.
CPAC Gets Radical, Offers Pizza and Hiphop - Conservatives - Gawker - There will be "somebody of Joe-the-Plumber stature" (4 millimeters tall)
When Ross Douthat Was 'That Guy' at Harvard - Gawker - young Douthat's life before he became the New York Times' official reasonable conservative columnist.
Democrats Polling For Bayh's Replacement - The Atlantic Politics Channel When it became clear to Bayh that the White House wasn't going to play his game -- wasn't going to sell out liberals at every turn -- Bayh decided he had had enough (almost every turn wasn't enough for Evan buh-Bayh)
Family Ties: Political Legacies In Pictures | TPM Photo Galleries
U.S. Approves Loan Guarantees to Build Reactors - NYTimes.com (nukes, baby, nukes)
Banks step up spending on lobbying to fight proposed stiffer regulations - latimes.com Expenditures jumped 12% to $29.8 million last year among the eight financial firms that spent the most to influence legislation (biggest failure in history of the world generates no financial reform from the bank-friendly Obama Administration)
U.S. looks to reluctant foreign investors to help fund the housing market - washingtonpost.com (that will really work)
States Revisit Home-Businesses Rules - WSJ.com Local Officials Search for Ways to Support Economically Squeezed Entrepreneurs While Keeping Noise, Traffic in Check
Bank Of North Dakota: America's Only 'Socialist' Bank Is Thriving During Downturn
Be lucky - it's an easy skill to learn - Telegraph Those who think they're unlucky should change their outlook and discover how to generate good fortune, says Richard Wiseman
Buzz Privacy Brouhaha: How to Keep Your Contacts Private | Entry-Level Rebel | BNET
“Cuddle chemical” may help alleviate autism symptoms - Wellness - Time.com - Oxytocin
The Hottest Science Experiment on the Planet | Subatomic Particles | DISCOVER Magazine In a Long Island lab, gold particles collide to form a subatomic stew far hotter than the sun.
King Tut Died From Malaria, Broken Leg, Study Finds - his father was most likely Akhenaten, the pharaoh who tried to revolutionize ancient Egyptian religion to worship one god
Ex-Police Chief Flips: Maybe Something Was Awry In '86 Bishop Shooting Case | TPMMuckraker (ya think?)
The Professor Accused In University Of Alabama Shooting: What Do We Know? | TPMMuckraker
Auto Body Worker: Prof In Alabama Case Held Me Up After Shooting In '86 | TPMMuckraker "And she's like, 'Hands up!' and I'm like, 'Yes ma'am' "
Attention, Mundanes: “You Don’t Ever Touch a Cop” « LewRockwell.com Blog And it’s difficult to think of two bullies more richly deserving of getting their backs dirty than Troopers Elmer Hertzog and James Erne of the Pennsylvania State Police.
Print Roger Ebert: The Essential Man
Editorial: Engadget on Windows Phone 7 Series --
Windows Phone 7 Interface: Microsoft Has Out-Appled Apple - Microsoft windows phone 7 - Gizmodo
How To Over-Share Every Detail Of Your Life Online
6 Ways Google Buzz's Terrible Privacy Constraints Can Screw the Queers / Queerty
Buzz Privacy Brouhaha: How to Keep Your Contacts Private | Entry-Level Rebel | BNET
Battle of Marjah | Afghanistan War | Helmand // Marjah: Not living up to the hype
The Associated Press: Congressman says US should break Gaza blockade "We ought to bring roll-on, roll-off ships and roll them right to the beach and bring the relief supplies in, in our version of the Berlin airlift (racist, apartheid, failed state)
Clinton: 'Iran Is Moving Toward A Military Dictatorship'
Allah Vs God: The Divine Identity Crisis in Malaysia - But alas, not all Malaysian Muslims are so devout and protective of the sanctified singularity of their imaginary friend. (God vs God)
Booman Tribune ~ Team Obama's PR Revamp (they didn't think Republicans would be so nasty +idiots)
Dick Cheney Admits to Torture Conspiracy | | AlterNet If the U.S. had a functioning criminal justice system for the powerful, former Vice President Dick Cheney would have just convicted himself with his Sunday comments (which it doesn't, of course, thanks to Obama)
The Fix - Evan Bayh to retire (and go fulltime at Wellpoint?)
Matthew Yglesias » Evan Bayh to Retire Bayh’s been the second-most conservative Democrat in the 111th Senate (after Ben Nelson) ($13 million in the bank from campaign contributions)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Bayh-Ford 2012?
Evan Bayh's Retirement Leaves Democrats Scarred And Demanding Aggression
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com The all-powerful Lindsey Graham must not be displeased - "You can’t close Guantánamo without Senator Graham," (leadership you can believe in)
Health Care Costs: More Americans Trapped In Increasingly Expensive Plans individual policies like the ones in WellPoint's Anthem Blue Cross plan, often with high deductibles.
Daily Kos: Anthem to Screw Customers in May Instead of March
Kurtz faithfully jots down misleading Fox attack on Maddow | Media Matters for America (the steno-Kurtz)
Matthew Yglesias » People Trust The Government When The Economy is Good (the "socialist" ran up a "deficit")
In Elkhart, Ind., Fear for the Day When Housing Aid Ends - NYTimes.com (bubble-reinflation didn't work; no mortgage relief achieved)
Goldman Goes Rogue – Special European Audit To Follow « The Baseline Scenario - A single rogue trader can bring down a bank – remember the case of Barings. But a single rogue bank can bring down the world’s financial system - The Federal Reserve must cooperate fully with this investigation.
Harrisburg excludes debt payments from 2010 budget | Reuters (wave of munipal defaults?)
Weighed down by recession woes, jurors are becoming disgruntled - latimes.com
Banks, Credit Card Issuers Find Clever Ways to Get Around CARD Act - DailyFinance (failure by design)
Switch that turns on the spread of cancer discovered
BBC News - Q&A: Professor Phil Jones (hacked emails)
Link found between golden ratio and atomic symmetry
In Utah, a plan to cut 12th grade -- altogether - latimes.com - "The bottom line is saving taxpayer dollars while improving options for students," said state Sen. Howard A. Stephenson, a Republican (the most Republican state that doesn't believe in climate change is getting even stupider)
Police sergeant won't be charged - The Daily Breeze A Torrance police sergeant will not be charged in an off-duty hit-and-run collision, although he admitted he fled because his "judgment was impaired by alcohol," according to prosecutors
Pregnant Woman, Husband Kicked Off Spirit Airlines Flight For Asking For Water "against corporate policy" to give him water before the plane was in the air.
Film features: 13 Serial Killers Who Should Be Movies | TotalFilm.com
Montrealers' borrowed lingo
The Fearful Symmetry of Pier Paolo Pasolini's "Salò"
BFI | Features | Salò | A Mad Dream
Sex: By the Numbers | Manolith
Monogamous Animal Relationships (photos)
The Most Promiscuous Animals (photos)
500 Years of Cougar History - MORE Magazine
polar r=(sin(t)*sqrt(abs(cos(t))))/(sin(t) + 7/5) -2*sin(t) + 2 - Wolfram|Alpha (geek love)
Ask Giz: The 7 Steps of the Online Break Up - Facebook break-up - Gizmodo
Google Buzz is Already Dead | AlanHogan.com
The Hexacopter: Awesome flying machine. [video]
AT&T and Others Announcing Rival to Apple App Store
Windows Phone 7 Series is official, and Microsoft is playing to win -- Engadget
Windows Phone 7 Series hands-on and impressions (updated with video) -- Engadget
Nokia and Intel Unite to Create New Mobile OS
How to Build a Custom Wordpress Theme from Scratch
I Caught Her Cheating and Got Revenge On Valentine's Day (Follow-Up) : AskReddit (see 021210 for original and advice)
NATO: Rockets Miss Target, Kill 12 Afghan Civilians During Marjah Offensive (in-surging to win hearts and minds)
Afghan Civilians Killed in Offensive on Taliban - NYTimes.com (Atrios: "We continue to liberate innocent people in Afghanistan from the hardship of existence.")
Israel is accused of waging covert war across the Middle East - Times Online
Wall St. Helped Greece to Mask Debt Fueling Europe’s Crisis - NYTimes.com - One deal created by Goldman Sachs helped obscure billions in debt from the budget overseers in Brussels. (it's what they do best)
Franken sponsors bill condemning Uganda’s anti-homosexuality act « Minnesota Independent
Somalia | Mogadishu | war rages
If You Could See America Through China's Eyes | TPMCafe - asked what China's grand strategy was? His reply: "We are trying to figure out how to keep you Americans distracted in small Middle Eastern countries."
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com Our human rights v. The Others (predictable)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Orwell, blinding tribalism, selective Terrorism, and Israel/Gaza
Charles Blow - Crucible of Change - NYTimes.com President Obama wanted to change Washington. It changed ... for the worse. And it’s now holding his agenda hostage. The question is: How much is he willing to change himself in order to save it? (you know the answer)
Frank Rich - Palin’s Cunning Sleight of Hand - NYTimes.com
Gibbs Plays a Palin Hand - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com
Lindsey Graham: John Brennan Needs To Leave His Job (their new theme: waterboard everybody)
Joe Biden Tears Into Dick Cheney On 'Meet The Press' (video)
Why Cheney attacks - Mike Allen and Jim VandeHei - politico.com - It’s the kind of brutal charge — nuance-free and politically explosive — that has become a Cheney specialty since he left office 13 months ago. (+factfree)
Why Cheney Attacks - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan it is very rational, an attempt to wrest the narrative away from the truth that he authorized horrifying war crimes, that he is criminally liable for them and will be described in history as the vice-president who made the US a symbol for torture throughout the world.
Cheney: Al Qaida Wants Nukes, Obama Doesn't Take It Seriously. Boogah Boogah! | Crooks and Liars
Lindsey Graham tries to blame Reid for GOP's record filibusters | Video Cafe Republicans used the filibuster 112 times in the 110th Congress. The filibuster was used 54 times in the 109th Congress.
Emptywheel » Scott Brown and Do-Nothing Senate Will Cause 900,000 More to Lose Jobs
Tina Fey: People hated me after Palin impression on SNL – The Marquee Blog - CNN.com Blogs
Firedoglake » Personification of Patriotic, Pro-America Areas No Longer Supporting Sarah Palin (Duh Plumber: "I was used!")
Rachel Maddow Stuns Rep. Aaron Schock By Calling Out His Spending Hypocrisy (video)
Obama Signs Bill Allowing More US Debt - ABC News Obama signs bill increasing limit on nation's debt to $14.3 trillion, sets new budget rules
Firedoglake » Financial Companies Don’t Self-Regulate - Apparently the entire profession is stunned to learn that in an empirical test, their theory created a financial catastrophe
Seeking to Crack the Fed’s Secrecy Around the Bank Bailout - NYTimes.com (Bloomberg suing the Fed)
Only In It For The Gold: Journalism (climate change not "statistically significant" since 1995) (Tories at work)
Daily Mail caught in another lie : Deltoid
Utah delivers vote of no confidence for 'climate alarmists' | Environment | guardian.co.uk The US's most Republican state passes bill disputing science of climate change, claiming emissions are 'essentially harmless' (the science state)
How Christian Were the Founders? - NYTimes.com (Christian Nation + Texas school boards)
Mystery Abounds as U. of North Texas Regents Accept President's Resignation - Administration - The Chronicle of Higher Education Both chancellors are former Republican state politicians, and both women were the first female presidents of their respective campuses.
Algae to solve the Pentagon's jet fuel problem | Environment | The Observer
Despite Obama admin’s promise, DEA continues raids on medical marijuana growers | Raw Story (liar!)
Full IN THE LOOP Screenplay Now Online - With a Special Note from Armando Iannucci - IFC Entertainment
The Early Woody Allen 1952-1971 - WFMU's Beware of the Blog
The case against banning the word 'retard' - washingtonpost.com
The Making of an Expert - Harvard Business Review
Is It Possible To Be Happy?
Calcium Levels Predict Prostate Cancer Study Shows High-Normal Calcium Level in Blood Linked to Fatal Prostate Cancer
Dairy products, calcium, and prostate cancer risk ... [Am J Clin Nutr. 2001] - PubMed result These results support the hypothesis that dairy products and calcium are associated with a greater risk of prostate cancer.
Diana Dyer, MS, RD - Frequently Asked Questions My husband has prostate cancer. I recently read that a high calcium intake may cause prostate cancer. How high is too high? Should I be restricting his calcium intake?
Parisian Love, Part II on Vimeo
"I Will See Paul Blart Mall Cop — Twice": A Woman's Response To The Dodge Charger Ad - Super bowl parody dodge - Jezebel
Werewolf: How a parlour game became a tech phenomenon - a game of deception and manipulation
Chip and pin should be overhauled to protect millions of bank customers - Telegraph (all your ATM cards are belong to us)
Missing Internet Pioneer Phil Agre Is Found Alive - All Tech Considered : NPR
Friends and Colleagues Search for a Missing Scholar, Philip Agre - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Video: Bing Maps at TED
TED Organizer Trashes Speaker, Fails Social IQ Test (Chris Anderson)
Verizon Plans to Put Skype on its Phones [REPORT]
Nokia Messaging
Nokia N8 To Be Announced at MWC with Symbian^3, 12MP, 720p Recording?
AT&T forcing smartphones (even unlocked ones) onto smartphone data plans? (updated) -- Engadget Mobile (just Nexus 1)
The Medium - The Google Alphabet - NYTimes.com
buzz_buzz (all your privacy are belond to us)
Google Buzz Abandons Auto-Following Amid Privacy Concerns - washingtonpost.com
YouTube Blog: Speed Matters: Introducing the YouTube Video Speed Dashboard
Make your own Ceiling Cat! (Images & Pictures)
BBC News - Afghanistan offensive on Taliban in Helmand (in-surging where the Taliban isn't)
US Marines, Afghan troops attack Taliban-held town | TPM News Pages US Marines, Afghan troops launch attack on biggest Taliban-held town in the south
News Analysis - Afghan Offensive Is New War Model - NYTimes.com “Mowing the grass,” the soldiers and Marines derisively call it (surge!)
Bob Herbert - Watching China Run - NYTimes.com (how China ate Reagan's (and America's) lunch +Jimmy Carter was right, which is why Republicans hate him)
The Greek Tragedy That Changed Europe - WSJ.com Greece's dysfunctional economy is now at the heart of a rescue effort that could be disastrous for the entire continent—and the rest of the world.
Simon Johnson: Greece Derails: Is Europe Far Behind?
Jerusalem: Demolition orders for Arab homes within days - Israel News, Ynetnews (meanwhile)
Eyeing midterms, Democrats to push Republicans to go on record against key bills - washingtonpost.com (Repubicans: "muhahaha")
Senate Republicans: Filibuster everything to win in November? | McClatchy
Obama Weekly Address: Now Congress Will 'Pay For What It Spends, Just Like Everybody Else" (who does he think he's kidding?)
Perino: Shoebomber And Undiebomber Are 'Apples And Oranges' | TPMMuckraker (the ninja of lies will always be on your teevee)
The Endless Disappointment | Talking Points Memo The current Democratic obsession with the phrase "Republican obstructionism" is a classic case of beltway Democrats failing to understand the electorate. Something like 25% (or less) of Americans know that 60 votes are necessary to overcome a filibuster in the Senate.
Patrick Kennedy won't seek reelection - John Bresnahan and Jonathan Martin - politico.com (end of the line)
'Warning: Tea Party In Danger': Leader Slams Palin As 'Wolf In Sheep's Clothing' | TPMMuckraker
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » They Don’t Even Know What They are Mad About Of people who support the grassroots, “Tea Party” movement, only 2 percent think taxes have been decreased, 46 percent say taxes are the same, and a whopping 44 percent say they believe taxes have gone up. (they went down for 95% of the country ... way to message, Dems)
The Atlantic Online | March 2010 | How a New Jobless Era Will Transform America | Don Peck
Economist's View: "Long-term unemployment in Canada and the US"
The Big Picture » Blog Archive » Food Stamps – The Great Recession’s Soup Lines
The massive cost of underemployment | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters
Plastic: Not A Mere Factor Of Production
The Growing Underclass: Jobs Gone Forever - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com
Poll Reveals Most Americans Don't Know They Got a Tax Cut - Political Hotsheet - CBS News (11% not sure their head is attached)
US Merchandise Trade | imports and exports
Toyota recalls 8,000 Tacoma trucks - CNN.com
FDL News Desk » Liberal Economists Criticize Schumer-Hatch Tax Credit this credit would create no more than 200,000 jobs in 2010. At a price tag of $13 billion, that comes out to about $65,000 per job created. There are more efficient options out there.
Should You Be An Entrepreneur? Take This Test - The Conversation - Harvard Business Review (are you an hyperagressive asshole with ADD?)
YouTube - Painfully Honest and Epic Mobile Home Commercial
YouTube - violent and awesome Credit Union Commercial!
Diagnosing Shortfalls in the Diagnostic Manual « The Pump Handle (how ADHD turned into bi-polar disorder turned into “Temper Dysregulation Disorder.”)
New Diagnosis Proposed For Kids Labeled 'Bipolar' : NPR (and we're really sorry about all that lithium)
CDC Novel H1N1 Flu | CDC Estimates of 2009 H1N1 Influenza Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths in the United States (57 million got sick)
Regarding ‘‘Phenylpropanolamine and Hemorrhagic Stroke in the Hemorrhagic Stroke Project’’: Mercenary EpidemiologydData Reanalysis and Reinterpretation for Sponsors With Financial Interest in the Outcome
Social Engineering, Race, and Geography in the 1970s
Do-It-Yourself Genetic Engineering - NYTimes.com
Airborne Laser zaps in-flight missile | Cutting Edge - CNET News
Liquid Galaxy project is Google’s glass elevator | News.com.au Technology Blog
Hubble Captures Double Aurorae Light Show on Saturn | Universe Today
YouTube - A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything
Anne Mitchell, Whistle-Blowing Nurse, Is Acquitted in Texas - NYTimes.com
Winkler County Nurse Anne Mitchell is not guilty, not guilty, not guilty, not guilty! : Respectful Insolence
Sexual harassment settlement for Brockton boy costs city $180K (AIG paid $240,000)
Tiger Woods' Rehab Rage? Golfer Reportedly Explodes At Sex Clinic (that's really working)
Professor charged in university shooting - Crime & courts- msnbc.com A biology professor at the University of Alabama in Huntsville accused of gunning down three of her colleagues during a faculty meeting in an apparent tenure dispute
Statement from Braintree Police Chief Paul Frazier on Amy Bishop - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe (she killed her brother in Braintree and was released under suspicious circumstances and the police report disappeared)
Police: Alabama college shooting suspect killed her brother in 1986 - CNN.com - Chief Polio -- now 87 and retired -- denied ever calling in the order. He said detectives had interviewed Anderson and her mother -- Judith Baker, who was a member of the police department's personnel board (dum-ta-dum-dum)
Damn Interesting • Operation Pastorius
‘No Frumpy’: Cornell’s Pi Phi Forbids ‘Gross, Plastic Shizzz’ « Fashionista: Fashion Designers, Models, Shopping & Style
Kansas City News - Plog - "Studies in Crap" Archives - 'Undiluted Maleness': Studies in Crap presents the hunks of Harlequin Romances!
‘Obscene’ U.S. Manga Collector Jailed 6 Months | Threat Level | Wired.com (cartoon art=Federal prison)
YouTube - Google Liquid Galaxy live demo at TED
How to Use Google Buzz - PCWorld
Ajaxian » Adobe, HTML5, and the confusion of standards groups
Are you password protected? | GDS Publishing
Top 10 Google Settings You Should Know About - Lifehacker
Gaza war fallout sharpens Israeli political divide | World | Reuters
China Sees Growth Engine in a Web of Fast Trains - NYTimes.com (for less money than the bank bailout in America)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect Torture Apologist Marc Thiessen Joins The Liberal Media - Clearly, Hiatt felt that between Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol and Richard Cohen he still didn't have the whole "I heart torture" contingent covered
Iraq seeks return of $900 mln paid for French jets | Reuters
Cantor To Obama And Dems: Um, You’re In Power, Remember? | The Plum Line ("we control everything but we're powerless" is really going to work in November)
No We Can't : Rolling Stone Obama had millions of followers eager to fight for his agenda. But the president muzzled them - and he's paying the price (give me your money, then shut up and go home didn't work and neither did Rahmbo's "transactional" backroom deal-cutting +stupid)
No More Mister Nice Blog they absolutely dropped the populism and the effective grassroots organizing from the moment they got into the White House (we thought they were smart people but they were really incredibily naive and stupid)
McConnell Objects To One-Week Extension Of Unemployment Benefits (VIDEO)
Paul Blumenthal: The Legacy of Billy Tauzin: The White House-PhRMA Deal (Rahm at work)
Health Reform in Limbo, Top Drug Lobbyist Quits - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com (sleazeball Tauzin and deal-making Obama)
FDL News Desk » Labor Not Thrilled By Obama “Win” On Appointments (he got his 27 appointments but none of them mattered, of course)
Ezra Klein - A deal on nominations that even a Republican could love (more bi-partisan Obama failure: "At this point in his presidency, George W. Bush had made 10 recess appointments. Over the course of his presidency, he would make almost 200")
White House Asks GOP To Come To Health Care Summit With A Plan | TPMDC (stupid)
Eschaton: People Like Us - In other words, the top 10% is experiencing what economists would consider full employment (but hey, they are really smart people!)
High Unemployment? Not for the Affluent - The Wealth Report - WSJ (always works this way)
Op-Ed Columnist - Republicans and Medicare - NYTimes.com Even as Republicans denounce modest proposals to rein in Medicare’s rising costs, they are, themselves, seeking to dismantle the whole program.
It's A Trap! Stewart Mocks GOP's Reluctance To Join Health Care Summit
The Paranoid Center
GOP Blinks: 27 Obama Nominees Confirmed After White House Threat (the threat? we'll act like Bush)
Politico : We're part of the Palin problem ... | Media Matters for America ... and we're going to continue to be part of the problem ("Who is f orcing Politico reporters to cover Palin, if not Jim VandeHei himself?" - the recursive echo-chamber of wankers)
Hullabaloo: A Terrifying Poll: 56,628,000 adult Americans are non compos mentis ... In extremis (26% of Americans think Palin would be great President - it's a diagnostic test)
Hullabaloo: Movements And Coalitions - the American far right is the same as it ever was: angry, resentful, bigoted, xenophobic and nativist, afraid of change, anxious to blame those who they perceive to be undeserving and the elites who defend them. Guess who those undeserving and elites are?
Harold Ford's Own Personal Tax Cut | TPM LiveWire
Lawrence O'Donnell Rages On Bush Speechwriter Marc Thiessen: ''Your Administration Invited The First Attack' (video)
Man Charged With Stockpiling Weapons Was Tea Partier, Palin Fan | TPMMuckraker
Think Progress » Conservative Activists Rebel Against Fox News: Saudi Ownership Is ‘Really Dangerous For America’
Bank of America forecloses on house that couple had paid cash for - St. Petersburg Times
Eco-friendly washing machine that uses almost no water - Telegraph
Slashdot Technology Story | Rootkit May Be Behind Windows Blue Screen
REDDIT, I Have Proof She Cheated On Me and Need a Revenge Plan -- Is This Too Cruel? : AskReddit
Civilian Casualties in Marjah “Inevitable” as Largest Military Operation of Afghanistan War Begins – Rethink Afghanistan War Blog
Global Bank Tax Near Deal, Gordon Brown Says (Obama promises to be unilateral)
BBC News - Binyam Mohamed torture appeal lost by UK government The foreign secretary has lost an Appeal Court bid to stop the disclosure of secret information relating to the alleged torture of a UK resident.
Haiti Judge To Free U.S. Missionaries, Reuters Reports
Brad and Melan Davis, Ex-Employees, Accuse Blackwater Security Company of Fraud - NYTimes.com by filing bogus receipts, double billing for the same services and charging government agencies for strippers and prostitutes
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com an amazingly ugly, reckless, and at-times-deranged screed from its Literary Editor, Leon Wieseltier, devoting 4,300 words to accusing Andrew Sullivan of being an anti-semite, largely due to his critical (i.e., forbidden) comments about Israeli actions and American neoconservatives (and call Abe Foxman)
Iran Revolution day protests: Islamic Republic now a nuclear state | Mail Online
Saudi religious police bar sale of red items to enforce Valentine's Day ban -
New National Security Distraction: Arabic Language Students | Crooks and Liars the ACLU filed a lawsuit on behalf of Nick George, a Pomona College student who was detained and aggressively interrogated by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) authorities, by the FBI and by Pennsylvania police when he tried to board a plane carrying Arabic language flash cards.
Dave Davies: Student air passenger handcuffed to echoes of 9/11 fears | Philadelphia Daily News | 09/11/2009
Student Handcuffed for English-Arabic Flashcards Sues TSA, FBI | The Progressive When George told them he didn’t know why he was being held, one of the agents called him a “fucking idiot.” (and speaking of "fucking idiots")
New 9/11 Aerial Photos Released: Helicopter Captured Pictures Of World Trade Center After Attack (photos)
White House Moves Swiftly To Stem Fallout Of Obama Interview (back-peddling and calibrating)
MoveOn Hits Obama For Bonus Remarks, Dem Senator Announces Bank Bonus Tax Citing athletic salaries is part of the standard rhetoric used by conservatives and the super-wealthy to justify exorbitant salaries ... And 'savvy' doesn't accurately describe a businessman who brought the world economy to the edge of collapse."
Healthcare Reform - Salon.com Why does Judd Gregg build the White House up just to let it down and mess it around? (RahmObama love their Republican jerks)
Ezra Klein - Food stamps one in eight Americans are on food stamps (Obama doesn't begrudge "savvy" poor people their food stamps, either)
The Safety Net - Once Stigmatized, Food Stamps Find New Acceptance - Series - NYTimes.com (Obama and Republicans explore plan to tax them)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » This Is What Obstructionism + Nihilism + the Wurlitzer Looks Like
Insurer writes defense of rate hikes | Politico 44
Obama at One The civil liberties area has been his worst. This is the one area in which the president's actions don't remotely match the candidate's promises.
Conservative writer: Tea Party movement is "dangerously detached from reality" | Media Matters for America
Grayson Explains Capitalism To Banks, Weighs In On Obama's Bank Bonus Comments (video)
Ezra Klein - Blame Rahm? (well?)
Hullabaloo - The Dean's Valentine (Broder, Dean of Washington Wankers, loves him some Sarah Palin +"Recall that they loved Junior Bush to death and he was barely sentient...")
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com Could Man of the Regular Folk David Broder possibly be any more out of touch with the Regular Folk?
Palin Unqualified To Be President, Says Vast Majority Of America (has tons of support inside the beltway)
GOP Rep. Deal insists birth certificate question not a knock on Obama’s ‘legitimacy’ | Raw Story
Newt Gingrich Trips Up Again With 'Daily Show' Correction
Poll: How Gays Are Described Influences Support For DADT Repeal | TPMDC
How long will you be underwater?, II: Modifications « Rortybomb
Reid kills Baucus bill, narrows focus of jobs legislation - TheHill.com
Elizabeth Warren Warns About Commercial Real Estate Crisis, 'Downward Spiral' For Small Businesses, Local Banks (but financial/consumer reform is dead, dead, dead)
Memoirs - Salon.com Alexandra Penney had her savings stolen by Bernie Madoff -- so why do so many people hate her?
BBC News - European Swift bank data ban angers US The European Parliament has blocked a key agreement that allows the United States to monitor Europeans' bank transactions (illegal spying on innocent people)
Wells Fargo rejects Richfield man's 30-year-old certificates
Waking the dead – University of Copenhagen Scientists at the University of Copenhagen have become the first to reconstruct the nuclear genome of an extinct human being.
Race & Gender of Judges Make Enormous Differences in Rulings, Studies Find - News - ABA Journal (justice is blindly sexist)
Nature's hot green quantum computers revealed - life - 03 February 2010 - New Scientist (next up: your brain)
Access : Coherently wired light-harvesting in photosynthetic marine algae at ambient temperature : Nature
Are Plants Really Using Quantum Entanglement In Photosynthesis? - Physics - io9
Quantum Photosynthesis | Cosmic Variance | Discover Magazine
Quantum secrets of photosynthesis revealed
YouTube - Rachel Maddow Interviews Scientist Bill Nye On Climate Change - 02/10/10
If Global Warming Is Real Then Why Is It Cold
Pictures: Undersea Volcano Erupts, May Form New Island
Ancient Tree Carving Points to the Stars : Discovery News
PLoS ONE: Optimal Waist-to-Hip Ratios in Women Activate Neural Reward Centers in Men
UB study shows encouraging sign in cause of multiple sclerosis : Latest Local News : The Buffalo News Blockages in veins that drain brain are cited
Brain surgery boosts spirituality: Scientific American (just remove a little piece of your brain)
YouTube - Principal's Office - Ain't Nothin Wrong... Is There? - from truTV.com
Comparing the Country's Largest Public Transit Systems - Cities, Rethought - GOOD
Rants: Homeowner Association: Happy Valentine's Day ... No More Kissing! | Burbia.com
Tosh.0 Presents: Extreme Salvia Challenge | Tosh.0 Blog
Keep your 20-sided dice, I have D&D on the Surface | Crave - CNET
Texting Is the Scourge Of This Generation - Texting - Gizmodo omewhere over 3000 text per month, per teen, on average.
Google baulks at Conroy's call to censor YouTube (Australia: biggest nanny-state)
Android Bug Reports, Songs, Rovers « xkcd
New Russian botnet tries to kill rival 'Kill Zeus' removes rival software from PCs, giving Spy Eye access to usernames, passwords
Google shuts down music blogs without warning | Music | guardian.co.uk Bloggers told they have violated terms without further explanation, as years of archives are wiped off the internet
Blogger (the Data Liberation Front) Escaping from Blogger
How to Do Everything in Google Buzz (Including Turn It Off) | Work Smart | Fast Company
WARNING: Google Buzz Has A Huge Privacy Flaw
Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union » Tell Google Not to Enter Into an Agreement With the NSA
New Patches Cause BSoD for Some Windows XP Users — Krebs on Security
Blue Screen, Unable To Boot After Windows XP Update Today
KB977165 BSOD resolve without CD / root access
Microsoft Security Advisory: Vulnerability in Windows Kernel could allow elevation of privilege
Slashdot Technology Story | Windows Patch Leaves Many XP Users With Blue Screens
Facebook Wants to Be Your One True Login (+comments +weep for America)
Open Thread: The Internet Is Hard
People browse by search (or ReadWriteWeb faces the Facebook Login problem)
A Browser Is a Search Engine
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Google Launches 'The Google' For Older Adults | The Onion
CIA Has Program to Assassinate U.S. Citizens
White House Mulls Legality of Assassinating US-Born Cleric -- News from Antiwar.com Can US 'Take Out' a Citizen Not Charged With Any Crimes?
Intelligence chief acknowledges U.S. may target Americans involved in terrorism
Brennan Slams GOP Over Obama Christmas Bomber Criticism - Time - Counterterrorism: The Debate Moves Right (it always does)
Battling Drugs in the Americas: 'The Military Is Not Suited to Pursue Criminals' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International the drug war has failed and that it is time to try a new strategy: decriminalization (instead of Republicans ruining the rest of the world)
Arab ambassador discovers bride is bearded and cross-eyed behind veil - Telegraph
The state of Britain: How broken is Britain? | The Economist
A moofable feast. - Suffer the children - "Laura Silsby is, unless the news has been uncharacteristically skewed against a white American Christian lady, a human trafficker. Another word for that is "slave trader".
Officer: U.S. missionaries had tried to take other Haitian kids - CNN.com
The Seminal » Baptists charged in Haiti & my talk with Laura Silsby’s former Employee “[Silsby has a willingness] to break laws and not follow proper procedures — it is common for her as is her feigned ignorance when she’s caught. I think this is [Haiti arrest] is outside her scope of people she can fool.”
Fellow Baptist has faith in Laura Silsby | News Updates | Idaho Statesman
Inside the Haitian Adoption Scandal - CBS News Video
Video: 'Ten detained Americans is a distraction from the 1 million suffering Haitians' | World news | guardian.co.uk The Haitian prime minister expresses his frustration at the media attention on American missionaries accused of illegally trying to take children out of the quake-hit country
Clueless - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com - I’m with Simon Johnson here: how is it possible, at this late date, for Obama to be this clueless? "Obama sought to combat perceptions that his administration is anti-business and trumpeted the influence corporate leaders have had on his economic policies." ("PK: Oh. My. God." "We’re doomed.")
Simon Johnson: Obama Still Doesn't Get It - What we have now is not a free market (that word doesn't mean what Obama thinks it means: bubble-boy)
The Washington Monthly: Climate Bill Buried Under Snow (no important legislation will pass because of the above) .
What Obama Said About Those Bonuses | The Plum Line (substance was bound to be overshadowed by Obama’s praise for the businessmen as “savvy,” his general unwillingness to “begrudge” wealth, and his discussion of their outsized bonuses in the context of the “free market system,” which seems off key, given the massive taxpayer bailouts of the financial industry)
#gingrichbamboozlefail | Talking Points Memo (Republicans will say anything, and the media will parrot it)
Streetsblog Capitol Hill » The Gas Tax Versus a VMT Tax: Is ‘All of the Above’ an Option? (or smoke-and-mirrors for an intellectually-challenged electorate?)
Washington Times : February snow storms "undermin[e] the case for global warming one flake at a time" | Media Matters for America (it's hard to get more stupid, but they're working on it)
N.Y. Times and Elisabeth Rosenthal Face Credibility Siege over Unbalanced Climate Coverage « Climate Progress: communications expert calls this attack on the IPCC, "the worst, one sided reporting I have ever seen." ("the New York Times has become an echo-chamber for the climate disinformation movement.")
Carl Levin: Filibuster Could Fall 'After Massive Conflict On The Floor'
Rep. Miller: Obama Won't Get Single GOP Vote Despite Bipartisan Outreach (he will never learn)
Chris Matthews Rips Palin: 'Frightening,' 'Empty Vessel,' 'Nothing Going On Mentally'
Ron Paul: ‘Neocon influence’ is infiltrating tea parties | Raw Story
Repeal Of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Supported By Solid Majority
Exclusive: Scott Brown plans memoir - Mike Allen - Politico.com (working title: "A Boy and His Truck")
Jobs Package May Cost About $80 Billion - NYTimes.com (but won't actually, you know, create any jobs)
He's Come A Long Way: Summers Attacks 'Bloated Financial System'
the-least-trusted-banks-in-america: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance Bank of America, Chase, Capital One, TD/Commerce, Fifth Third, Citibank, and in last place, HSBC
Michelle Obama Launches Plan to Fight Childhood Obesity - WSJ.com Michelle Obama Makes Childhood Obesity Prime Target With New Campaign
New black hole simulator uses real star data - space - 09 February 2010 - New Scientist
Stunningly Preserved 165-Million-Year-Old Spider Fossil Found | Wired Science | Wired.com
Deep Grief: The Loss Of A Child Leads Bereaved Parents To Create Living Memorials : NPR
The Disenchanted Naturalist’s Guide to Reality « On the Human
Hobocamp - babymamababy
the films of the 2000s on Vimeo
How Rich People Smoke Pot - Page 1 - The Daily Beast Volcano Vaporizer has become a coveted status symbol for posh pot smokers, who say it draws out the drug's aroma like "the bouquet of a wine," and their personal trainers insist on it.
Google to launch turbo-speed Internet trials - washingtonpost.com it is getting into the broadband service business with trials for fiber networks that will deliver Internet access speeds that are 100 times faster than what most Americans are getting today (bringing America in line with the rest of the world)
Google Turns Evil for Facebook and Twitter with Google Buzz | SaveDelete
Google Buzz: Gmail’s New Social Network Activity Aggregator | Smarterware
Hide/Remove Google Buzz Updates from Your Gmail Inbox - google buzz - Lifehacker
Blair, Bush, Israel and Iraq | Stephen M. Walt | there may have been conversations that we had even with Israelis, the two of us, whilst we were there. So that was a major part of all this." ("major")
Muslim students scream 'killer' during Israel envoy speech in L.A. - Haaretz - Israel News
Learning a Hard History Lesson in 'Talibanistan' - WSJ.com To Accommodate New Troops, the U.S. Military Expanded a Base and Inadvertently Disrupted Ancient Afghan Canals
CBC News - Ottawa - CFB Trenton commander charged with murder
Rahm Emanuel's latest gaffe points to larger issues - latimes.com
Shelby Releases Hold On Obama Nominees
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Hand me a 40 of Mad Bitch (so telling: WaPo's Dana "dickwhisperer" Milbank always votes Republican)
Washington Times - Stimulus foes see value in seeking cash - More than a dozen Republican lawmakers, while denouncing the stimulus to the media and their constituents, privately sent letters to just one of the federal government's many agencies seeking stimulus money for home-state pork projects (you betcha)
Murtha's Death Caused By Surgical Mistake
Calculated Risk: NFIB: Small Business Owners Report "shortage of customers" (Fed will import pump customers into the economy)
Study Links Ages of Both Parents to the Risk of Autism - NYTimes.com
Independent and dependent contributions of advanced maternal and paternal ages to autism risk. Janie F. Shelton. 2010; Autism Research - Wiley InterScience
Pentagon Looks to Breed Immortal ‘Synthetic Organisms,’ Molecular Kill-Switch Included | Danger Room | Wired.com (what could go wrong?)
PeteSearch: How to split up the US
No One Should Focus On Tim Tebow's Family | TV | Hater | The A.V. Club because there's clearly something wrong with them.
The Critics On The Super Bowl Ads: Boring, Misogynistic - Super Bowl Ads - Jezebel
YouTube - Every Violent Act in 2010 Superbowl Ads
Inkling Magazine - Crescat Graffiti, Vita Excolatur - Being a Statistical Analysis of Graffiti Found at the University of Chicago Library
The Jain's Death | Apocamon: The Final Judgement (electricsheepcomix)
YouTube - Trippy Ginger Rogers Pig Latin
Welcome to TrueSwitch. Ensure a successful move to your new Internet account
Op-Ed Columnist - The World Capital of Killing - NYTimes.com A peer- reviewed study put the Congo war’s death toll at 5.4 million as of April 2007 and rising at 45,000 a month
Greek Stocks Drop 3.9%; Banks Tumble - WSJ.com we are seeing a wholesale selling off of the country
Australian arrested for anti-Israel activities: lawyer - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Americans Held in Haiti Are Divided Over Leader - NYTimes.com
Super-wealthy investors move billions out of Greece | World news | The Observer (after pillaging the country)
License to Kill? Intelligence Chief Says U.S. Can Take Out American Terrorists - ABC News
Blackwater / Xe May Get $1 Billion Afghanistan Training Contract Despite Failure with Border Police – Rethink Afghanistan War Blog (rewarding criminal behavior)
Obama Plans Bipartisan Summit on Health Care - NYTimes.com (because that worked so well last time)
Exclusive: Sebelius Says Obama Will 'Accelerate' Health Care Reform After Bipartisan Meeting (after a year of stepping on the brakes)
Daily Kos: Where is the White House on HCR? - Obama's involvement has "dried up," (same place they've always been: nowhere)
FDL News Desk » The Future Of Health Care, Described Anthem Blue Cross in California announced that their rates would go up as high as 39% (Anthem: muhahaha Scott Brown muhahaha)
Krugman: 'America Is Not Yet Lost, But The Senate Is Working On It' NYTimes.com - Sure enough, Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, accused Mr. Shelby of “silliness.” Yep, that will really resonate with voters. (emulating Poland)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » The Joke’s On You: The Founding Bloggers (are totally stupid and we're laughing at THEM and Palin)
Whiskey Fire: Pressed, Printed, Stomped, Tripped: Rasmussen attempts comedy (spreading lies: "Now let's poll the actual politicians in actual positions of power willing to do something so obviously insane as to freeze federal spending during a recession.")
Echidne Of The Snakes: The Misogyny Bowl (never, ever, buy a Dodge truck)
Daily Kos: Justice Department Seeks Mentally Retarded - Lawyers Is Alberto Gonzales still looking for a job? (and that would be "intellectually challenged," please)
CNN contributor Erick Erickson: "Ugly feminists return to their kitchens" after Tebow Super Bowl ad | Media Matters for America CNN contributor Erick Erickson: "Ugly feminists return to their kitchens" after Tebow Super Bowl ad (that'll teach 'em ... from the finest name in news, or something)
The Tea Partiers: Fraudulent Fiscal Conservatives - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan This is about Christianism, permanent war against Islam, rounding up illegals (did you hear Tancredo?) and a culture war against the cities and "unreal Americans". Unreal means not Christianist.
Work in Progress » Ben Nelson to Join Filibuster of Craig Becker (Christ, what an asshole)
Washington Post actively sought out "liberals are condescending" piece | Media Matters for America - I wonder when we'll find out that a Washington Post staffer is actively seeking out a similarly disparaging column about conservatives?
Dow Closes Below 10,000 For First Time In 3 Months
Alea | Scariest Chart EVER: Loss Severity, Subprime First-Lien
Senate Jobs Bill Stalled
Fitch Says Prime Jumbo RMBS Near 10% Delinquent « HousingWire (but ... ACORN!)
Bank Securitization Woes Only Beginning « naked capitalism
John Thain Taking Reins at CIT - NYTimes.com (how have the mighty fallen ... into a good job)
The Fight over Prices on the Internet - NYTimes.com (rightwing Supreme Court at work)
U.S. sends a message by stepping up crackdown on foreign business bribes - washingtonpost.com
Toyota Recall: 300,000 Prius Hybrids Recalled
Streetsblog Capitol Hill » A Vow to ‘Bring Republicans to the Table’ for a New Transport Bill (gas tax "off the table")
Burj Khalifa, World's Tallest Tower, Closed A Month After Opening Electrical problems are at least partly to blame
Raymond J. Learsy: The Question Unasked Again and Again of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein and Hank Paulson "What was the nature of the myriad discussions at the height of the crisis between Treasury Secretary and former Goldman Chairman Hank Paulson and Goldman Sachs Chairman Lloyd Blankfein?"
American Airlines Blankets Will Cost 8 DOLLARS (next up: potty fee)
Democracy put to the test
Scientist: Autism Paper Had Catastrophic Effects : NPR
Research making sense of the nose and tongue - SFGate Science and some ancient arts unlock sensory mysteries
The Qanat: Ancient Antidote to Arid Iran’s Thirst
UNESCO Multimedia Archives | Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures. Yazd, Iran | Historic sites and cities
The Seminal » Obama’s Food Policy (conservadem strategy)
Body of Sea Urchin is One Big Eye | LiveScience
Toxic coal-tar cleanup to cost New York $3 billion | recordonline.com Utilities deploy to reclaim dangerous residue of manufactured gas
My Left Breast Put Fancy TSA Scanner to the Test -- Politics Daily (PETN implants next)
Flame Retardants Linked to Fertility, Development Problems : Discovery News
China finds 170 more tons of tainted milk powder increasingly clear many products discovered in the country's 2008 milk scandal were repackaged for sale instead of destroyed.
Are cat owners really top dogs for brains? | Mail Online According to a scientific study, cat owners tend to be cleverer than their dog-loving counterparts.
How the Letterman-Oprah-Leno Super Bowl Ad Came Together - Media Decoder Blog - NYTimes.com
A Conversation with Paul Ford, Web Editor of Harper's Magazine | The Awl
How Harper’s was doomed by its paywall | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters
"Slacker": 15 years later - Salon.com Richard Linklater, the pap-smear girl, the JFK guy and others remember the little indie creation that could, and all that came after.
Blogger Profile: Ai Weiwei / China Digital Times
21st-Century Shooters Are No Country for Old Men | GameLife | Wired.com
Shocker: Consumers Hate Waiting For Slow Web Sites - HotHardware
PayPal reversing India payments; here's why... - Computerworld Blogs
QuirksBlog: The iPhone obsession
BBC News - G7 nations pledge debt relief for quake-hit Haiti The world's leading industrialised nations have pledged to write off the debts that Haiti owes them
Emptywheel » “The president himself does not have to sign off on kill orders.” - the process by which US citizens are placed on a list to be assassinated - the President gets to retain plausible deniability for the killing of a US citizen (just target someone "near" the American)
Matthew Yglesias » Our Strange Constitution - the Obama administration has some kind of process in place to assassinate American citizens
Attackerman » The Depth Of Official Pakistani Anger At Us
Chevron hires twelve public relations firms to discredit indigenous Indians in Ecuador
Optics shriek 'hypocrisy' Danny Williams, with his bounce, bombast and obstreperous charm. So it is easy to wish the premier of Newfoundland and Labrador well as he begins his road to recovery following heart surgery in the United States.
Witch-hunt victim recounts torture ordeal - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) A woman has been tortured by her neighbours for two days and forced to eat human waste before she finally gave (Nepal)
They're Here, They're Queer, It's No Big Deal | Foreign Policy Gay Israelis have been serving openly in the military for 17 years, and their country is safer for it (US and Turkey only NATO countries not allowing gays to serve openly ... that's right, Turkey)
Steve Clemons: Core Chicago Team Sinking Obama Presidency
FT.com / Comment / Analysis - America: A fearsome foursome (Arrogant Gang of Four fucked America)
Anthem Blue Cross raises premiums 39% (because they can, and the teapartiers hate health care reform)
Frank Rich - Smoke the Bigots Out of the Closet - NYTimes.com But the press focus on McCain, the crazy man in Washington’s attic, was misleading. His yapping was an exception, not the rule.
Daily Kos: Even more great news for John McCain
FOXNews.com - Palin 'Would Be Willing' to Take On Obama in 2012 (you betcha)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Palin and the tea-party "movement": nothing new - "On her lapel, Palin wore a small pin with two flags -- for Israel and the United States."
Think Progress » Did Palin write the answers to Tea Party Convention questions on her hand? (talk to the hand)
Stefan Sirucek: Palin's Tea Party Crib Notes
Palin Considering 2012 Run, Defends Limbaugh's Use Of 'Retard' On Fox News Sunday (Limbaugh controls her brand)
National Abigail Adams Project Volunteers - Putting the power of information in the hands of the people. Putting the power of information in the hands of the people (as long as it isn't too much information: teapartiers: keep it simple and dumb, like Scott Brown)
Daily Kos :: Research 2000, MoE 2%, Jan 20, 2010 - Jan 31, 2010 crosstabs
EconomPic: Employment by Education Attainment This clearly shows the growing differentiation within the U.S. of the "haves" and "have nots" (no American left un-jobbed)
Hank Paulson: John McCain Gave Me Anxious Days And Hours
Record-breaking collisions Initial results from high-energy proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider offer first glimpse of physics at new energy frontier.
The worlds most precise clock | R&D Mag quantum logic clock
World's Biggest Snake Ate New Prehistoric Croc Species The 7-foot-long (2.1-meter-long) crocodile relative—called Cerrejonisuchus improcerus—wouldn't have stood a fighting chance against the 45-foot-long (13.7-meter-long) Titanoboa cerrejonesi
Biggest Snake Photos: Prehistoric Giant Discovered the snake was "longer than a city bus ... and heavier than a car,"
Which Organs Can I Live Without, and How Much Cash Can I Get for Them? | Popular Science
YouTube - White Blood Cell Chases Bacteria
The Miracle of Vitamin D: Sound Science, or Hype? - Well Blog - NYTimes.com
Texas Nurse to Stand Trial for Reporting Doctor - NYTimes.com indicted and threatened with 10 years in prison for doing what she knew a nurse must: inform state regulators that a doctor at her rural hospital was practicing bad medicine (Texas justice)
12-year-old Queens student handcuffed and arrested for doodling on desk with a ERASABLE marker - principal Marilyn Grant - Junior High School 190 in Forest Hills - is the worst pricipal in the world and is now famous on the internets for all eternity
Christians claim hate crimes law an effort to ‘eradicate’ their beliefs | Raw Story (which, of course, are based on hate)
Review - Sex on the Brain - Sexuality 12 Lessons to Enhance Your Love Life by Daniel G. Ame
Daily Kos: With Friends Like These... (anti-feminist women)
Elderly couple went on alleged swindling spree - The Boston Globe
Is ChatRoulette the Future of the Internet or Its Distant Past? -- New York Magazine
Uganda’s Kill-the-Straight-Friends-of-Gays Bill « wakingupnow.com - Uganda’s Kill-the-Gays bill
Irish eyes aren't smiling over ambassador's lavish Rockcliffe digs a re-construction tab exceeding $7 million, the 24,000-square-foot, four-storey house is now the accommodation envy of the diplomatic corps in Ottawa (while Ireland goes down the drain)
'Snowmageddon' blankets Mid-Atlantic in white
t r u t h o u t | Bush, Cheney and the Great Escape - Obama's DOJ went out of the way to make sure Bybee and Yoo escaped free and clear from any censure for their despicable activities
The winter of America's discontent - latimes.com
Daily Kos: How a poll is conducted (like the dKos Republicans are incredibly stupid and insane poll)
The Tea Party is still taking shape - washingtonpost.com
The New York Times' Tea Party convention coverage continues to be dreadful | Media Matters for America (Fact: Nancy Pelosi never called Tea Party supporters "Nazis." Period. But the Times quotes a conservative making that slanderous claim. The Times treats the outlandish allegation as fact)
Bill O'Reilly's House - Virtual Globetrotting - an "ordinary house" that "ordinary people" like Bill-O live in
Daily Kos: Duncan Hunter and the Hermaphrodite Apocalypse -"It's not just gays and lesbians. It's the whole gay lesbian transgender bisexual community. If you're going to let anybody in no matter what sexual preference that they have, that means the military's going to let everybody in." (words speak for themselves)
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Compares Job Losses Under Presidents Obama and Bush | TPM Document Collection (optomistic forcast, but you get the idea)
The Intelligent Investor: Will We Trust Wall Street Again? - WSJ.com (no, and not you either, WSJ)
Is Tim Geithner Paying Attention To the Global Economy? « The Baseline Scenario (no)
The Big Picture » Blog Archive » How Can Securitization != Lending Be Made Safer ? - the abdication of lending standards by the “lend-to-sell-to securitizers” business model that caused so much of the trouble
Investors treading water on $13-million property - Mortgage Insider : The Orange County Register (CRE opton-ARMs)
Our world may be a giant hologram - space - 15 January 2009 - New Scientist : "If the GEO600 result is what I suspect it is, then we are all living in a giant cosmic hologram."
Lonely whale's song remains a mystery - 10 December 2004 - New Scientist
Electric Charge Can Change Freezing Point of Water | Wired Science | Wired.com
Fossils show earliest animal trails - 565 million year
Security flaw puts iPhone users at risk of phishing attacks (Updated)
greenarraycips: GA144 Brief: with 144 g18 computers and capable of up to 100 billion operations per second
Blasts kill 40 at height of Iraq Shiite pilgrimage
Dubai Police May Seek Israeli PM’s Arrest Over Assassination -- News from Antiwar.com Police Chief Dismisses Israeli Claims Hamas Leader Was Meeting 'Iranian Officials' (Mossad at work)
Report: Israel Stole $2B from Palestinian Workers by Jonathan Cook -- Antiwar.com
Turkish Girl Buried Alive For Talking To Boys (Muslim "honor killing")
Obama Statue In Indonesia To Be Removed From Park
White House Prepares for Possibility of Two Supreme Court Vacancies - ABC News SCOTUS Watchers Believe Justices Stevens and Ginsburg Could Decide to Step Aside (but Scott Brown will block them)
Matthew Yglesias » The Ontology of Miranda Rights conservatives think that any constraint on the state security apparatus is too much. They believe, contrary to all of the evidence, that the rule-bound criminal justice system can’t or doesn’t function and that things would be better if we scrapped all the rules
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - On the claimed "war exception" to the Constitution (assassination of American citizens)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com The fact that the Government labels Person X a "Terrorist" is not proof that Person X is, in fact, a Terrorist.
Daily Kos: Shelby holds Senate hostage to win military contract for European firm (someone call Alito)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect| Extortion Day in the Senate. Sen. Richard Shelby has placed a "hold" on every single pending Obama nominee (well, look what they gave Ben Nelson)
Shelby's Blanket Hold Puts Spotlight On Defense Contractor Ties (American Democracy is over)
The (Missed) Second Chance | Talking Points Memo (but Rahm doesn't want to "offend" Republican Shelby who's holding the whole government hostage)
PFAW's Keegan Complains About Shelby's Hold: 'Obstruction' Reaches A 'New Low' Keegan went on to say that Shelby "better watch out" because "Carly Fiorina's sheep may want to have a few words with him."
Instaputz: This is Fucking Retarded - The New Yorker - “Rahm felt very, very strongly that it was a mistake to prosecute the 9/11 people in the federal courts, and that it was picking an unnecessary fight with the military-commission people,” - story says Emanuel’s opposition was driven in part by concerns that the decision would alienate Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect - What the White House Didn't Learn from the Obama Campaign - the role of Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel - victory begets victory (and defeat begets defeat) (this guy is really stupid)
2010 Top Ten "Dubious Polling" Awards (Strategic Vision +Nate Silver included)
Republican governor reverses course on stimulus cash; requests education funds - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room (Sanford)
John McCain, no more the iconoclast - washingtonpost.com (Dana Milbank, WaPo wanker, cries for McCain)
Disemboweler Jon Stewart Eviscerates Blogosphere (video)
The entire UNEDITED Bill O'Reilly-Jon Stewart interview was much different than the 10 minute heavily-edited segments you saw on tv. Seriously, if you're a fan of Jon Stewart you will like it and if you hate O'Reilly you'll hate him more after watching it. (link inside)
Daily Kos: Tom Tancredo Kicks Off Teabagger Convention With Some Old Time Racism ... asserting that Obama was elected because “we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country.”
Why Question Time Is Right for Obama, House GOPers and Washington -- Politics Daily
Peggy Noonan: Question Time Isn't the Answer - WSJ.com In the age of terror, America needs sober, bipartisan leadership (the crazy dolphin Jesus lady weighs in, because Repubs are SO bipartisan)
Paterson Sex Scandal In The Works? Media Abuzz About Possible 'Bombshell' Story
Daily Kos: Harold Ford Confused on New York Geography AGAIN (Harold Ford is a born liar)
Palin e-mails reveal a powerful ‘first dude’ - Politics- msnbc.com In Sarah Palin administration, her spouse was active in state business
EDITORIAL: Guns decrease murder rates - Washington Times In Washington, the best defense is self-defense (we need a gun-stimulus)
Krugman - Fiscal Scare Tactics - NYTimes.com (after running up $10 trillion in deficits, Republicans have a new evil)
The Gavel » Blog Archive » A Welcome Step In The Right Direction
Unemployment Rate Drop Is Good News But It's Likely To Rise Again
Firedoglake » Late Night: Remind Me Who The “Barbarians” at the Gate Are Again? - . “Our goal is to grow annual compensation expense at a slower rate than revenues.” - And someone needs to point out to the sanctimonious D.C. remoras like John Boehner, once he’s done fellating the Wall Street fat cat donors for campaign cash, that gluttony is a sin. (America at a tipping point?)
Is Toyota too arrogant?- MSN Money - From blaming Americans to being slow to apologize, Toyota is bungling its response in every way
Name change: ‘Dynamite Prize in Economics’ « Real-World Economics Review Blog
Born Poor? | Santa Fe Reporter Santa Fe economist Samuel Bowles says you better get used to it (educated stupid)
Medical groups assail patenting of human genes - USATODAY.com ACLU attorney Sandra Park. "We're arguing that isolating it does not make it patentable. It's a natural phenomenon, and the Supreme Court has always said natural phenomena are not patentable."
A Don's Life by Mary Beard - Times Online - WBLG: University cuts, redundancies - and bye-bye palaeography at King's College London University cuts, redundancies - and bye-bye palaeography at King's College London
Books - ‘The Trauma Myth,’ by Susan A. Clancy - Review - NYTimes.com - The Trauma Myth (sexual abuse found not traumatic)
Sexual abuse - Salon.com Susan Clancy discusses her controversial theory, and how an industry designed to help children may hurt them - Clancy's previous book, "Abducted," was a much-debated attack on repressed memory ... Repression is a psychiatric myth ... sexual abuse victims need to hear loud and clear that what happened to you is what happens to most people
Rind et al. controversy - Wikipedia
Mentally disabled 'self-advocates' oppose use of word 'retarded' - washingtonpost.com
David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., Ph.D.: 20 New Anticancer Rules
My Life With Death
BBC News - Microsoft to patch 17-year-old computer bug
AFP: US doing 'scientific research' to boost interrogations (leading the world in "research" on effective torture while forbidding "abusive interrogation techniques" - just "enhanced" ones)
Islamic Justice: 16-Year-Old Girl Lashed 101 Times For Conceiving After Rape - Her rapist was pardoned by the elders
U.S. missionaries charged with kidnapping in Haiti - CNN.com
Haiti’s Children and the Adoption Question - Room for Debate Blog - NYTimes.com
Dominican official: I warned U.S. church leader about Haitian kids - CNN.com
Whatever Things Are True: the Good, the Bad and the Beautiful in the World of International Adoption: A Look at the Changing International Adoption Landscape
UPDATE 1-Greek taxmen kick off wave of strikes against austerity | Reuters * Tax officials strike over pay squeeze (always freeze the pay of workers to get yourself out of a banker-caused debt-crisis)(in America, they wouldn't even have jobs)
Call a Convention (Constitutional Convention: Our Congress is broken. Even at a moment of extraordinary crisis, Members spend an endless amount of time simply raising campaign cash. We need Congress to focus; to address the problems that burden America; to do its job.)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: McGOP: The Virtues and Vices of Sameness (the dKos Republicans are idiots poll)
O’Reilly, Rove go nuts attacking DK/R2000 poll on crazy beliefs of Republican voters - Daily Kos TV (beta)
ISS - ANALYSIS: Southerners a stronghold of far-right views in Republican Party
Harold Meyerson - A jobs lesson from the New Dealers - washingtonpost.com
PostPartisan - John McCain's errors in judgment (when will they realize he's just a bitter nacissistic asshole?)
Hullabaloo: digby: It's All They Know - The majority (57%) are worried that there will be too much government regulation of business (and Fox is the most trusted name in "news")
Public Health-Care Spending to Hit Milestone - WSJ.com (public=private spending)
Did You Watch Jon Stewart on the O'Reilly Factor? | Comedy Central Insider Blog
Ron Suskind: Articles: January 1, 2003: Why Are These Men Laughing? (Rove flashback: . "We will fuck him. Do you hear me? We will fuck him. We will ruin him. Like no one has ever fucked him!") ("fucking retarded")
Toyota Recall: Did Toyota Hide Life-Saving Information? - ABC News
State Farm cancels thousands of Fla. policies - Personal finance- msnbc.com 125,000 customers to be cut during hurricane season
Calculated Risk: Option ARM Recast Update (the coming wave of loan meltdowns, as big as subprime, next year: another crash?)
Jobless Claims Still Gaining; Productivity Up 6 Percent - CNBC - The economy grew at a 5.7 percent pace in the fourth quarter, its fastest clip in six years.
CBS News Lays Off Dozens in New Round of Cuts - NYTimes.com (that would be "News")
DEMON SHEEP Ad (VIDEO): Carly Fiorina Campaign Attacks Primary Opponent With Epic, Terrifying Video
imgur: The Bosses of the Senate: how is was, and will be again
A Progressive Tax: It's Not Socialism, It's Correctionism | CommonDreams.org The result is a system in which one man (hedge fund manager John Paulson in 2007) can make more money than the total of the salaries of every police officer, firefighter, and public school teacher in Chicago, while another man stands hungry in the cold. And any attempt to fix the system is called socialism.
Perry v. Schwarzenegger Trial Re-enactment
Editorial - The Defense Budget - NYTimes.com
Senate Report: 'Dirty Money' Still Entering U.S.
Kevin Warsh: “No Firm Should Be Too Big To Fail” « The Baseline Scenario
New York Officials Bar Shackling of Youths in State Custody - NYTimes.com (prison-state America)
The Whale Whisperer: Astonishing bond between diver and Scar the giant sperm whale | Mail Online
The Union Official Site | World’s Premier Artiforg Technology (artificial organs for you!)
Obama Administration Knew Foreclosure Program Wasn't Working Right, Did Nothing (HAMP: the program designed to fail, failed, just like they knew it would)
Summers’s role questioned as US economic policy shifts - The Boston Globe Obama adviser fights talk of waning power (Larry "FAIL" Summers, failed)
Ex-BofA chief Lewis charged with fraud - Feb. 4, 2010
The Cygnus Bubble - Natural or Artificial? - Dyson sphere
Basics - Abstract Thoughts Prompt Literal Physical Responses - NYTimes.com - participants’ bodies subliminally acted out the metaphors embedded in how we commonly conceptualized the flow of time ... “How we process information is related not just to our brains but to our entire body,”
Giving the 'unconscious' a voice - health - 03 February 2010 - New Scientist
Millennium's Longest Solar Eclipse As Seen From Space (VIDEO)
Young leopard gets a prickly reception as it tries to eat a porcupine | Mail Online
Chris Weller, British Man, Turns House Into Reptile Aquarium (video)
Panel Suggests 100 Ways New York’s Buildings Can Be Greener - NYTimes.com
YouTube - Embrace Life - always wear your seat belt
Document: Victim impact statement of girl in Misty Series | HamptonRoads.com | PilotOnline.com
Victim of Child Pornography Wants Collectors to Pay - NYTimes.com
The Racial Politics of Riverdale: Why an Interracial Kiss Is Still a Big Deal - ComicsAlliance
BBC News - 'Internet addiction' linked to depression, says study
Grantbridge Street & other misadventures: Roy Thomas and Alex Nino. Harlan Ellison's Repent, Harlequin! said the Tick Tock Man.
Op-Ed Contributor - Microsoft’s Creative Destruction - NYTimes.com
Become a Gmail Master Redux - Gmail - Lifehacker
Google Map Buddy Generates High Resolution, Full Size Area Maps - Google Maps - Lifehacker
Augmented Reality Software
IE Flaw Makes local Files Public (going from worst to worstest)
Cisco backdoor still open | NetworkWorld.com Community IBM researcher at Black Hat says opening for Feds exposes us (NSA backdoor would never be compromised by hackers, would it?)
Iran Says It Sent Animals Into Space - NYTimes.com (rat, turtles and worms in space)
The Harvard Law Record - Harvard Law student detained, deported by Israel Clinical student was entering country to perform human rights research
Man Denied French Citizenship Because Wife Wears Veil (well, actually, he forced her to do that)
Marijuana Laws | Cannabis | Amsterdam | Dutch Pot
Karl Eikenberry Papers: US Afghan Ambassador's Report Warned Against Troop Escalation
Shift seen on role of military 'mentors' - Usatoday.com (Obama loves his corrupt Republican daddy-figures)
Jon Stewart Takes Aim At Hamas's Anti-Semitic Cartoons (well, let's see the other side)
Corporation Says It Will Run for Congress - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com ("for the best democracy money can buy")
More Question Time, Please | Mother Jones (should have tried this a year ago)
Evan Bayh's Budget Hypocrisy | The American Prospect What Evan Bayh says he wants out of the budget is less important than how he actually votes.
The Washington Monthly: Gender Gap.... One of the more persistent trends in recent elections is the gender gap -- more women have been voting Democratic than men (Republicans: "Women sometimes need a little more handholding, or they need their friends to help them make a decision.")
McCain appears to shift on 'don't ask, don't tell' (what a terrible old man)
The grisly truth about the Super Bowl abortion ad. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine - The grisly truth about the Super Bowl abortion ad (Christians+big media at work)
Media figures argue that $250,000 in income is "not wealthy" | Media Matters for America (not for them, at least, but screw the other 98% of the country)
Facts and Data Be Damned | Talking Points Memo - "Despite his roots, Obama struggles to show he's connected to middle class" (crap from WaPo)
Evan Bayh's Budget Hypocrisy | The American Prospect What Evan Bayh says he wants out of the budget is less important than how he actually votes (the Senator from Wellpoint and lobbyist for billionaires)
U.S. May Lose 824,000 Jobs as Employment Data Revised: Analysis - Bloomberg.com (optomistic estimates!)
Looking back, ahead at federal taxing, spending - usatoday.com
Podcast: To Stay Or Walk Away - Planet Money Blog : NPR
As Values Slide, More Weigh Walking Away From Mortgages - NYTimes.com (what would business do?)
When Will It Be "Morning in America"? (unemployment: after the long, long night)
Daily Kos: 'Volcker Rule' Seems Headed for Senate Fizzle (what financial regulation)
AIG Bonuses In 2010 Total $100 Million (rewarding abject failure)
AIG Bonuses: Pay Czar Calls AIG Bonuses 'Outrageous' But Legal (because, you know, Larry "Fail" Summers didn't want any conditions on the bailout)
Ambac hires Blackstone for restructuring - sources | Reuters (won't get the AIG treatment, should have failed sooner)
Justice Braun Orders Auction of Riverton Houses in Harlem - NYTimes.com Riverton, like a number of complexes during the real estate boom, was bought for top dollar in 2005 by a company led by the developer Laurence Gluck, who had a plan to increase profits by replacing tenants in rent-stabilized apartments with market-rate tenants (another Tishman-Speyer-type project with a business plan based on bullying: $12.5 million mortgaged to $240 million: captialism at work)
For 2011, FTA Shifts Focus Away from Project Cost-Effectiveness Index and Towards Local Financing Commitment « The Transport Politic
Open letter to Senior Editors of peer-review journals publishing in the field of stem cell biology | EuroStemCell
BBC News - Journal stem cell work 'blocked' Stem cell experts say they believe a small group of scientists is effectively vetoing high quality science from publication in journals - "unreasonable or obstructive" reviews (high school cliques in science) OB
Industrial-Strength Fungus - time
NASA Spots Mysterious Space Debris (giant x-wing fighter)
Do not adjust your sets: solar storms could cause blackouts at Olympics - Science, News - The Independent
'Henrietta Lacks': A Donor's Immortal Legacy : NPR
Bias towards negativity predicts vulnerability to stress (solution: therapy to make people notice negative things less!)
Disoriented on the North Sea: Saved from the Ice by a Web Cam - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
NYCityMap • DoITT • City-Wide GIS
Brooklyn Cop: Crime Statistics Are Lies - Gothamist After the confrontation, he was deemed unstable and committed to a psychiatric unit at Jamaica Center for more than six days—a move he told the Post was payback for coming forward.
Wis. women avoid jail in glue-related revenge plot - washingtonpost.com (and if they had been guys, what do you think would have happened?)
YouTube - Goose Attacks Pro Kayak Angler Drew Gregory
Recession has people switching to cheaper liquor | cleveland.com
The 6 Weirdest Things Women Do to Their Vaginas | News & Politics | AlterNet
Amelia's Magazine | art, fashion, music, earth
The Millions: The Magisterial Goal
Cotton Patch Gospel
YouTube - Pink Floyd breathe
My friend's cousin is a vet and yesterday she encountered the biggest cat ever! : pics (+comments +extra pics in comments)
play3393 comments on My friend's cousin is a vet and yesterday she encountered the biggest cat ever!
Eugene Hsu: the future of the web
Facebook Is a Cybercrime Danger Zone - Yahoo! News
Facebook 'doppelganger' craze is illegal (violates copyright, supposedly)
Adobe CTO Kevin Lynch Defends Flash, Warns HTML5 Will Throw The Web “Back To The Dark Ages Of Video” (yeah, sure)
Did Google Just Multi-Punch Apple In The Face?
Amazon Is Said to Buy Touch-Screen Company - NYTimes.com
Open talk about racial and cultural differences (stormfront on reddit)
New Details Emerge About US Hikers Bauer, Fattal and Shourd in Iranian Prison - AOL News (treated just like the US treats "terrorists")
Jesuit Priest Admits Molesting Youth: Germany Shaken By 'Systematic' Sexual Abuse at Berlin Catholic School - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International Germany Shaken By 'Systematic' Sexual Abuse at Berlin Catholic School (world's largest pedophile ring)
Why must agnostics be obliged to teach faith? - The Irish Times - Tue, Feb 02, 2010 (have to be Catholic to get teaching job, and that worked out so well last time)
South Australian Government gags internet debate | News.com.au (Oz censorship worse than China)
Daily Kos: The 2010 Comprehensive Daily Kos/Research 2000 Poll of Self-Identified Republicans (yes, they are really that crazy: Do you believe ACORN stole the 2008 election? Yes: 21; Do you believe Sarah Palin is more qualified to be President than Barack Obama? Yes: 53; Do you believe the birth control pill is abortion? Yes: 34 No: 48)
Large Portion Of GOP Thinks Obama Is Racist, Socialist, Non-U.S. Citizen: Poll
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com Michael O'Hanlon's "testosterone-laden tough guys" (one of the worst people in the world +"alternative lifestyle")
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com What exactly did Bush and Cheney do wrong? - In those few instances where Obama has rejected the Bush/Cheney template, the outrage and hysteria from Democratic and media voices is pervasive, and is growing louder.
Eunomia » All Of This Has Happened Before (stories, not facts)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect The Eternal Adolescence Of Political Identity.
Palin Calls For Rahm Emanuel To Be Fired (takes one to know one)
The Washington Post sinks lower | Media Matters for America (just when you thought it wasn't possible)
Truthdig - The Creed of Objectivity Killed the News
Rising FHA default rate foreshadows a crush of foreclosures - washingtonpost.com About 9.1 percent of FHA borrowers had missed at least three payments as of December, up from 6.5 percent a year ago, the agency's figures show.
Suburbia's Discontents | Mother Jones
Covalence SA » Technology Covalence Ethical Ranking 2009 for the Technology sector (IBM: #1; Apple: #24)
Travel Web sites win rollback of additional taxes | Reuters won the first of several pending legal battles to roll back tax assessments by California cities that claim they owe tens of millions of dollars in occupancy taxes
sNokia - Nokia Q4 2009 net sales EUR 12.0 billion, non-IFRS EPS EUR 0.25: Smartphone market share 40%, and 39% global market share
Nokia, Motorola win smartphone share; outlook weighs - Yahoo! News Analysts said the only clear market share loser among top smartphone vendors was Apple, which sold 8.7 million iPhones in the quarter, missing analysts forecasts. Shares in Apple slipped 3.6 percent.
Abstinence-only programs might work, study says - washingtonpost.com
The Republicans' Reagan Amnesia - The Daily Beast The resurgent GOP wants a Gipper purity test. Does the party faithful know he raised taxes, grew the federal government, and granted amnesty to illegal immigrants?
Vancouver's experiment with helping addicts get high. (1) - By Matthew Power - Slate Magazine
And The Choir Sings On - From small rural churches to center city arenas, voices rise in a joyful noise for the Lord. But AIDS has cast a pall of silence over the black gospel music community - Men, mostly ages 20 to 40, are being infected and dying in a deafening silence perpetuated by their congregations and the industry for whom they have spent the better part of their lives performing.
Mass drug overdose – none dead - health - 01 February 2010 - New Scientist No ill effects were reported by hundreds of volunteers who took part in a mass-overdose stunt around the world to demonstrate that homeopathic remedies are nothing more than sugar pills.
Eagle Cam | WVEC.com | News for Hampton Roads, Virginia
Photos of my models - a set on Flickr
The Golden Girls: How One TV Show Turned A Generation Of American Boys Into Homosexuals | ChristWire
Spudworks - The Abridged Atlas Shrugged
Ayn Rand: engineer of souls by Anthony Daniels - The New Criterion A critical account of the "Chernyshevsky of individualism."
Rachelle Gardner, Literary Agent: The Top Ten Query Mistakes
The iPad’s Closed System: Sometimes I Hate Being Right | Popular Science
Reddit Clone in 10 minutes and 91 lines of Clojure | Best In Class
BBC News - Israel reprimands top officers over UN compound strike Israel has revealed it has reprimanded two top army officers for authorising an artillery attack which hit a UN compound in Gaza last year (just in case you had any doubts about how Israel operates, they used white phosphorus on the fucking UN)
Suicide bomber kills 41 in Baghdad - latimes.com Iraqi police say a female bomber detonated an explosives belt among pilgrims
Ciudad Juarez Shooting: 13 Young Students Killed At Party In Mexico Border City (US-sponsored drug-wars at work)
Kim Jong-il's regime is even weirder and more despicable than you thought. - By Christopher Hitchens - Slate Magazine Kim Jong-il's regime is even weirder and more despicable than you thought (basically, what America would be if the militaristic, authoritarian Right had its way +which is why they are such little people)
Print: America's Secret Afghan Prisons
Special Operations Chiefs Quietly Sway Afghanistan Policy « The Washington Independent - Two senior military officers from the shadowy world of Special Operations are playing a large and previously unreported role in shaping the Obama administration’s Afghanistan and Pakistan strategy (prisons? what prisons?)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Nostalgia for Bush/Cheney radicalism
Reports: DOJ Torture Memo Probe Clears Yoo, Bybee | TPMMuckraker (approving torture just "bad judgment")
Daily Kos: Remember when Petraeus could do no wrong?
Dems Say Sen. Ben Nelson's Deal Was Setback For Health Care | TPMDC - Senate leadership inked a deal in December to win over Nelson (D-NE), allowing him to insert pro-life language in the measure and to secure federal funding for the cost of any Medicaid expansion in what has now been dubbed the "Cornhusker kickback." (blue-dog conservadems killed HRC) s
Gibbs: Dems Will Never Solve Our Problems Without GOP Help | The Plum Line (Atrios: "Dems think "you put us in power but we're powerless" is a winning message.")(Obama's bi-partisan failure +Gibbs is really looking like an idiot)
Senate Aides Identify Key Roadblock To Passing Reform Via Reconciliation | The Plum Line (themselves)
FT.com / Mergermarket - Volcker rule unlikely to move forward in Senate, lawmakers say “Chris is retiring so he wants to end his career with an important regulatory reform bill and he wants to make the bill bipartisan,” (ie, FAIL)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Parties at ground zero For the first time in recent history, the lobbying, grassroots and advertising budget of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has surpassed the spending of BOTH the Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee.
Jack Goldsmith - Can we stop the global cyber arms race? - washingtonpost.com (un-full disclosure: Goldsmith's service in the Bush Department of Justice's Office of Legal Counsel (which Obama refuses to replace)
The Seminal » Washington Post’s Disclosure Failure in Jack Goldsmith’s Cyberwarfare Op-Ed
Administration Proposals Seek Broad Changes to ‘No Child Left Behind’ - NYTimes.com (no child left un-screwed)
SCOTUSblog » The new world of campaign finance law Clearly operating on the premise that the Supreme Court last week changed the entire legal landscape for money in politics, the D.C. Circuit Court appeared on Wednesday to be leaning strongly toward giving even more freedom to campaign groups that are set up to operate independently of candidates and parties.
CNN's Kiran Chetry Spars With Orszag Over 'Middle Class' Tax Cut: Chetry: You also talk about letting taxes expire for families that make over $250,000. Some would argue that in some parts of the country that is middle class (In 2006, just 1.5 percent of the U.S. public lived in households where the income was $250,000 or higher: guess who makes more than $250K?)
Tearing down the Reagan myth -- now more than ever | Philly | 01/31/2010
Sarah Palin Used PAC to Buy Her Own Book -- Politics Daily (2.5 million printed)
Round-up: SarahPAC disclosures John P. Coale, reportedly one of Palin's close advisers and the husband of Palin's Fox News Channel colleague, Greta van Susteren. John Coale is also reportedly a part of The Church of Scientology, and we wondered what Scientology would want with Palin until we read this memo obtained by Gawker (getting even creepier)
Obama’s 2011 Budget Proposal, Department by Department - NYTimes.com (where the money is going)
Will Obama’s Middle Class Tax Cuts Impact You? | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
Matthew Yglesias » Unemployment Forever years worth of “recovery” during which the unemployment rate will be at what would normally be deemed recession levels (jobs are for suckers)
Eschaton When they passed the stimulus a year ago they projected that WITHOUT THE STIMULUS unemployment would drop below 6% by the end of 2012 (trapped in their own bullshit)
Swiss warn UBS bank could collapse - top bank UBS could collapse if sensitive talks with the United States over a high-profile tax fraud investigation fall through.
Obama's $3.8 Trillion Budget Includes Record Deficit (Bush's $12 trillion off the table)
Knives Are Drawn for Proposed Budget Cuts - WSJ.com (yeah, WSJ, you mean Repubican big-spenders hate Obama's ideas)
Frank Luntz Pens Memo To Kill Financial Regulatory Reform (Republicans at work; they've learned nothing from experience)
FT Alphaville » The latest Fed-Web offering Is a training site for bank directors. It looks like this: “Many people who are asked to serve on bank boards have little training or experience to prepare them for their new roles,” (banking 101 for casino operators)
Colorado Springs cuts into services considered basic by many - The Denver Post This tax-averse city is about to learn what it looks and feels like when budget cuts slash services most Americans consider part of the urban fabric (no new taxes!) (hey, wait, we thought the streets paid for themselves!)
‘The War Against Suburbia’ - Idea of the Day Blog - NYTimes.com The Obama administration’s city-focused, environmentalist “war against suburbia” helps explain the Democrats’ recent electoral setbacks from Virginia to Massachusetts, a commentator writes. Urban-dense, “smart growth” policies may not be smart politics (yeah, bullshit; that's why he spent 100's of billions on re-inflating the housing bubble; should have spent the stimulus on building new houses)
Five myths about America's credit card debt - washingtonpost.com (deregulation!)
5 Top Industry Sectors Predicted To Show Growth In Employment | Fortune Watch (consulting! taking care of old people!)
Toyota loses $21B in market share in one week, plans media blitz this week — Autoblog
electoral college reform: 50 states with equal population - Ends overrepresentation of small states and underrepresention of large states in presidental voting and in the US Senate.
Religiousity by State, from Mississippi to Vermont, with avg iq, poverty, murder, theft, divorce, health, generosity and conversatism (PNG) (stingy New England is going to Hell)
BBC - Richard Black's Earth Watch: Copenhagen - striking accord? given the way Copenhagen turned out, what basis does anyone have for believing that there is appetite among all significant parties for a stronger agreement with at least a whiff of legal obligation?
From Fish to Infinity - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com
Spray-on miracle could revolutionise manufacturing - Science, News - The Independent It sounds too good to be true: a non-toxic spray invisible to the human eye that protects almost any surface against dirt and bacteria,
Gingko Biloba and other ‘Natural’ Remedies May Be Dangerous : Discovery News
Silicone implants that generate 'leccy invented for US spooks • The Register a new kind of silicone implant which can generate electrical power from the movements of the bodily area in which it is placed (electric boobs! reduce carbon footprint!)
Teenager invents low-frequency radio for underground communications -- Engadget
Foamy Invention Could Save Energy and Lives | LiveScience inserting two pieces of her composite metal foam behind the bumper of a car traveling 28 mph, the impact would feel the same to passengers as impact traveling at only 5 mph.
Derek Sivers: Weird, or just different? | Video on TED.com
How to Survive a 35,000-Foot Fall - Plane Crash Survival Guide - Popular Mechanics
Barefoot running: How humans ran comfortably and safely before the invention of shoes
Why College Grads Are Happier in Marriage - Pat Wingert - Newsweek.com New research shows women with degrees are luckier in love (in the 50's, "Men needed and wanted someone who knew less.")
Hundreds of Mostly Tiny Quakes Are Rattling Yellowstone Park - NYTimes.com
Yellowstone supervolcano getting ready to blow its cork: 2009 - over 500 Earthquakes at Yellowstone - 1,608 quakes since Jan. 17
ksl.com - Plumbing of Yellowstone supervolcano larger than first thought
Mayor Wants Jesus Prayers and Christian Community | NBC Los Angeles Mayor and city council member alienate Muslims in Lancaster (because the Jews, atheists, UU'ers and pagans are totally ok with this)
The Wild Hunt » McCollum v. California and other Pagan News of Note (meanwhile, Pagans working overturn state-recognized religions, which are limited to five)
YouTube - Avatar Review (Part 1 of 2) (RedLetterMedia: the guy who brought you the Phantom Menace review)
Shouts & Murmurs: Fourteen Passive-Aggressive Appetizers : The New Yorker
Bill Watterson, creator of beloved 'Calvin and Hobbes' comic strip looks back with no regrets | Living - cleveland.com - - cleveland.com
iPhone-style App Store Limitation Makes iPad A Tough Sell - HotHardware - It's preposterous to imagine Microsoft or any other company successfully launching such a scheme around a 'traditional' computer and it's by no means certain that Apple's potential customers are jumping up and down for the privilege, either (you've been Jobsed)
65 Open Source Downloads That Could Change Your Life — Datamation.com
The Best Google Chrome Extensions - Reviews by PC Magazine
Full-Web Experience? No Thanks, Give Me Symbian Any Day | Symbian-Guru.com
V21.0.045 Now Available for the N97 via Nokia Software Updater
your.flowingdata / Capture your life in data.
Game Changer: China Plans to Open Military Bases Worldwide | Antemedius
Robert Fisk: Why does the US turn a blind eye to Israeli bulldozers? - Robert Fisk, Commentators - The Independent Most of the West Bank is under rule which amounts to apartheid by paper
YouTube - BBC Panorama - A Walk In The Park [ Part 1/3 ] (banned in the US)
Firedoglake » Gibbs: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Likely to be Executed — Why Even Have a Trial? (more stupid from Gibbs)
Tikkun Daily Blog » Blog Archive » Member of the Swiss Political Party that Pushed for Minaret Ban Converts to Islam
The Jihadist Next Door - NYTimes.com
BBC News - 'Super-fast broadband' in UK homes by 2017 - Tories (meanwhile Comcast makes sure you have the slowest/most expensive internet in the world)
Roger Ailes On "This Week": Defends Glenn Beck, Insists Fox Is No Longer At War With Obama (Satan on TV)
Krugman Hits Ailes for Fox's 'Deliberate Misinformation' on Health Care Bill | Video Cafe
Scurrilous Videos Besmirch, Enrage Forum, Leaders, World | The Yes Men
The Yes Men At Davos: 'World Leaders Pledge Strategy to End Poverty Now' | Crooks and Liars
Sen. Al Franken Announces Bill to Keep Foreign Interests Out of Elections | Crooks and Liars
Here it is, the Real Deal Holyfield QDR | Center for a New American Security (Quadrennial Defense Review)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Why the QDR Matters
RNC Passes Compromise On 'Purity' Resolutions | TPMDC (end of moderation in Rethug party)
The elaborate tricks John Edwards used to keep his affair secret. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine The elaborate tricks John Edwards used to keep his affair secret—and why they failed.
Daily Kos: It's the Stupid Sex, Stupid - Bristol is the perfect spokesperson for this campaign. Because even though she had sex, and we all know it, there’s no law that says she can’t pretend she didn’t have sex and that her vows of abstinence won’t be true in the future.)
Why Aren't Conservatives Funny? - Teabuggers - Gawker
In article about GOP hoping for NE resurgence, NYT only quotes GOP | Media Matters for America (another Adam Nagourny masterpiece)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Democrats Need a Proactive Messaging Strategy
Whitman disavows "proud racist" councilman | California Politics | Los Angeles Times (eMeg attracting racists?)
Conviction angers anti-abortion militants | Raw Story
Editorial - No Jobs, No Recovery - NYTimes.com
Bankers Put Focus on ‘Real Economy’ - NYTimes.com (you know, instead of the banker casino economy)
Op-Ed Contributor - How to Reform Our Financial System - NYTimes.com By Paul Volcker (imagine if Obama had put PV in charge a year ago instead of Larry "Fail" Summers?)
Bailout cop Barofsky says TARP still not working - Jan. 31, 2010 special inspector general Neil Barofsky said that the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, has failed to boost bank lending as well as halt the spread of foreclosures -- two key aims of the sprawling program (another program designed to FAIL)
TARP Watchdog Neil Barofsky: Government Bailout Has Increased Risk Of Economic Crisis- "we are still driving on the same winding mountain road, but this time in a faster car," Barofsky wrote.
Calculated Risk: TARP Inspector General: Government Programs "risk re-inflating bubble" (always was the plan, based on the delusion there was no housing bubble)
Formula Shows Why It's So Hard to Cut Jobless Rate - NYTimes.com - Growth would have to equal 5 percent for all of 2010 just to lower the average jobless rate for the year by 1 percentage point (IOW, unemployment will be 10% in November)
dear-wall-street-were-sorry: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Tishman Speyer Walked Away From Its Stuyvesant Town, Peter Cooper Village Mortgage. Why Can't You? (their credit won't go down, either)
Switzerland warns against using stolen bank data - Yahoo! News
Tampa Bay rail advocates scramble for ways to connect with proposed high-speed line - St. Petersburg Times - But how will people get from their homes to the downtown Tampa station? (cars!)
The End of Influence - By Brad DeLong and Stephen Cohen | Foreign Policy
Back Matter for Stephen S. Cohen and J. Bradford DeLong (2010), "The End of Influence: What Happens When Other Countries Have the Money" (New York: Basic Books) - Notes, etc., to "The End of Influence"
The Great Leap
The Atlantic Online | January/February 2010 | How America Can Rise Again | James Fallows (besides giving up its military?)
At last there's proof: 44% of Americans are crazy - James Fallows
Keeping America's Edge > Publications > National Affairs
The Rise of the Rest | Newsweek.com
Information Processing: Contested Modernity - summary of Martin Jacques' recent book When China Rules the World
Marginal Revolution: Why do the Chinese save so much?
Project Syndicate - Will China Rule the World?
The BRICs are Rich, But Poor
TheBurningPlatform.com » Economy » Jobs Of The Future - a country that has transformed from a young, healthy society that produced capital goods and built things with support from financial services, into a sickly nation that has outsourced production and filled the gap with high finance.
The Growing Underclass: Jobs Gone Forever - Economix Blog - NYTimes.com
Talk about the adjustable peg, man! « The Edge of the American West
FT.com / Weekend columnists / Tim Harford - What the wealth of nations is really built upon
Change in space for NASA: Renting the Right Stuff - Yahoo! News
Flickr Photo Download: Big Brothers: Satellites by Nation (Luxemborg has 2)
YouTube - Flight 1549 3D Reconstruction, Hudson River Ditching Jan 15, 2009
Kids good at handling deployment of military parents, study shows - CNN.com (a study by the military, of course)
Canadian climate research calls for radical strategy to reflect sun's rays (block out the fucking sun)
The Atlantic Online | January/February 2010 | What Makes a Great Teacher? | Amanda Ripley
Positive predictors of teacher effectiveness (PDF)
Grit Scale: what makes a good teacher (PDF)
YouTube - Change your Mind Change your Brain: The Inner Conditions...
A Lifetime Penalty: Spinal Cord Injuries in High School Football - TIME Each year, about 1 in 100,000 high school football players suffers a serious spinal-cord injur
Dead Sea Scroll dating now possible - Politiken.dk
Drugs companies face deeper cuts in research - Times Online
Voltaire’s Garden : The New Yorker
A FAQ about HillBuzz vs. Rumproast (and Me) | Rumproast
Actor Rip Torn charged with breaking into Conn. bank while drunk and carrying a loaded gun - latimes.com
YouTube - Rip Torn vs Norman Mailer - the infamous "Maidstone" brawl - UNCUT!
Tough Guys Are on Time: Rip Torn on Males, Mailer, McCain And That Barfight in Lakeville | The New York Observer
Amazon to Macmillan: You Win (for Now) (ebooks to cost as much as real books)
Google’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Mantra is ‘Bullshit,’ Adobe Is Lazy: Apple’s Steve Jobs | Epicenter | Wired.com (from "all your media are belong to us" Jobs)
AT&T: Synaptic Storage as a Service ($.35/GB/mo)
Firefox for Mobile Makes Its Debut
Fan maintenance - oiling bearings for fun and profit!
How to transfer photos from a digital camera to an iPhone/iPod touch (it's "easy" and you just need Joikuspot)
Can Obama's Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process Be Saved? - Time
New Files Show Margaret Thatcher Was At Odds With US On Iran
World hunger and the locavores | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters
Health Bill Stalled, Obama Juggles an Altered Agenda - NYTimes.com
#HealthCareFAIL: How The Dems Botched Their Signature Legislation | TPMDC
Hullabaloo: digby: What Happened? - allowing Max Baucus to drag the damn thing out so long that everyone in the country was so appalled by the political process they couldn't stand even thinking about it anymore.
FDL Action » Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: Senators Lied About Supporting Public Option
Justice Official Clears Bush Lawyers in Torture Memo Probe - Declassified Blog - Newsweek.com (looking forward, not backwards: whitewash)
The Seminal » David Margolis: Hatchet Man for Holder/Obama on OPR Torture Memos Report (just "poor judgment, no laws broken)
Firedoglake » Come Saturday Morning: It’s Official — Waterboarding Has No Justification Whatsoever
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Susan Collins spreads central myth about the Constitution - This notion that the protections of the Bill of Rights specifically and the Constitution generally apply only to the Government's treatment of American citizens is blatantly, undeniably false -- for multiple reasons -- yet this myth is growing, as a result of being centrally featured in "War on Terror" propaganda (+Susan Collins is really, really stupid)
David Brody: The New Star of Must See TV: President Obama
Daily Kos: Fox "News" Gutlessly and Unprofessionally Turned And Fled
BBC News - Why do people often vote against their own interests? ("It's like a French Revolution in reverse in which the workers come pouring down the street screaming more power to the aristocracy.") (+stories, not facts)(+media is addicted to stories)
Tim Tebow Super Bowl Ad May Be Based On Falsehood
I Just Remembered Chris Matthews Was White - Ta-Nehisi Coates
Summers: ‘Statistical Recovery and Human Recession’ - Davos Live - WSJ
Calculated Risk: Summers: "Statistical recovery and a human recession"
Roubini Calls U.S. Growth ‘Dismal and Poor,’ Predicts Slowing - Bloomberg.com
China Is Leading the Race to Make Renewable Energy - NYTimes.com
Is fusion success in sight? - Cosmic Log - msnbc.com
The Reference Frame: NIF: fusion breakthrough in 2010?
Pictures: "Mythical" Temple Found in Peru - Human Sacrifice
Rome's Ancient Aqueduct Found : Discovery News
Populism: Just Like Racism! - Matt Taibbi - Taibblog - True/Slant (David Brooks: elite racism)
Arabian Psycho By Makhmoud Al-Lis Easton
In their words: Experts weigh in on Mac vs. PC security | InSecurity Complex - CNET News
Official Google Enterprise Blog: ?Modern browsers for modern applications
Emptywheel » The Poodle’s Prevarications
Iraq inquiry: Second UN resolution was not necessary, says Lord Goldsmith | UK news | guardian.co.uk Former attorney general admitted to changing his mind over necessity of further justification for military action
The Seminal » Does the US Still Maintain Secret Prisons in Afghanistan? (look at this guy and tell me what you think)
Haiti, the earthquake, and my family : The New Yorker
The Globalist | Global Environment -- Haiti and the Dominican Republic: One Island, Two Worlds By Jared Diamond
Courts, Congress Shun Addressing Legality of Warrantless Eavesdropping | Threat Level | Wired.com
Washington Memo - Supreme Court Gets a Rare Rebuke, in Front of a Nation - NYTimes.com (and the NYT can't report the story, either)
Ezra Klein - Rahm Emanuel makes me very pessimistic about health-care reform (with good reason)
The Washington Monthly - Scream Bloody Murder (can't call the Repubs on obstructionism, too busy looking in the mirror)
Firedoglake » Orrin Hatch Threatens Obstruction If Democrats Try To Circumvent Obstruction
Sally Quinn's Washington | Media Matters for America (elite media village wanker)
Colbert Rips Republican Rebuttal To State Of The Union (video)
FDL Action » Obama Leads the Way on Lobbyist Transparency (+Daschle is a real sleezeball)
C-SPAN Video Player - President Speaks at GOP Retreat
Obama In The Lion's Den, Ctd - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
Barack Obama: Why I Voted for This Guy - Grasping Reality with a Ten-Foot Trunk
Daily Kos: President Obama takes questions from House GOP In fact, to get a sense of just how effective President Obama was, Fox "News" cut off the Q&A session before it ended
Matthew Yglesias » Conservatives Don’t Care About the Deficit The Senate took a vote on requiring Congress not to pass legislation that it can’t pay for. All 40 Republicans voted no (won't see this on Fox)
ManCrunch SuperBowl Ad rejected: Gay Dating Site Ad Denied By CBS (but Focus on the Family/anti-abortion A-OK)
Public Policy Polling: Palin Alaska Standing Falls
Abortion doc’s killer found guilty of murder - Crime & courts- msnbc.com Shooter convicted of first-degree culpability in death of Kansas physician
Economic Growth Accelerated in Fourth Quarter - NYTimes.com (even though jobs fell ... it was the bankers economny)
Bill and Melinda Gates Pledge $10 Billion in Call for Decade of Vaccines | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
BBC News - MMR scare doctor 'acted unethically', panel finds
Expert view: The media are equally guilty over the MMR vaccine scare | Science | The Guardian
Andrew Wakefield research exposed: the MMR investigation
Obama budget ends return-to-moon plan - Space- msnbc.com NASA to get $6 billion more, but for space station and commercialization
Was the moon created by a nuclear explosion on Earth? | Mail Online
Atoms and Molecules: Using magnetic toys as inspiration, researchers tease out structures of self-assembled clusters
Many Successful Gay Marriages Share an Open Secret - NYTimes.com - about 50 percent of those surveyed have sex outside their relationships, with the knowledge and approval of their partners.
CAPS Model Programs - Gay Couples Study (a sample of gay men (only) in the Bay area) | Center for Research on Gender and Sexuality
Monogamy - Wikipedia - Incidence of sexual monogamy
School system in Va. won't teach version of Anne Frank book - washingtonpost.com
Greylodge Podcasting Company and Occult Review
YouTube - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Movie Trailer
Wikileaks temporarily shuts down due to lack of funds | Media | guardian.co.uk
Save Wikileaks | Wikileaks - donate
Google mystery server runs 13% of active websites • The Register
IPad? That’s So 2002, Fujitsu Says - NYTimes.com
Your Friend's Ex-Girlfriend is Spreading a Virus on Facebook [WARNING]
70% of Employers Have Rejected Applicants Over Online Info
Strongest hint yet: Chrome OS to go touch | News | TechRadar UK
Adobe slams Apple for lack of Flash on iPad | News | TechRadar UK (your basic locked-down Apple product)
What's Missing from the Apple iPad? (most useful things)
ongoing by Tim Bray · Nothing Creative
iPad About « The New Adventures of Stephen Fry
The iPad is a Comedy Gold Mine - CollegeHumor video
Israeli companies excluded from bank’s investments
Poll: 83% of Speech Watchers Approve of Obama's State of the Union Proposals - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
The Bobblespeak Translations: State of the Union Address - President Barack Obama - Obama walks in, wearing a Nobel prize and carrying an iPad
NBC: Landrieu Plot Aimed To Test Sen's Response To Disabled Phone System | TPMMuckraker
Congress Hack Attack: House Member Web Sites Hacked With Anti-Obama Language
Giuliani falsely claims Obama never said "war" in State of the Union | Media Matters for America (Rudy 911)
YouTube - The Warriors (1979) Cyrus' Speech (what Obama should have said to the Republicans)
Supreme Court Ruling Spurs Huge Wave Of Good-Government Efforts
Leahy Slams Alito For 'Under Oath' Testimony To Committee (VIDEO) more damaging because it was an interference by the court in every election, rather than just one.
Obama State of the Union: Republican Response Frosty - Time
White House: Obama is right about Supreme Court decision - Mike Allen and Andy Barr - politico.com
Judge Orders 25-Year-Old O'Keefe To Live With His Parents | TPMMuckraker
Bachmann Backs Out Of Tea Party Convention
The Super Bowl Welcomes $2.8 Million Ad Buy From Hate Group Focus on the Family / Queerty
So what exactly is CBS' Super Bowl ad policy? | Media Matters for America (hate is ok, welcoming not)
Tim Tebow Super Bowl ad: an astonishingly bold stand / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com
Immigrants More Likely to Have Jobs Than Native Born: Report | NBC Los Angeles Foreign-born residents put more into economy than they take out of it, according to report (California, and Republican heads explode everywhere)
Jobless Claims Drop Less Than Hoped; Durables Climb - CNBC (how's that job thing working out?)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect How Popular Should Tim Geithner Be? (Atrios: "I don't think it's a coincidence that the program which might have helped people and not banks was the one to fail, and fail predictably.")
Bernanke: There's No Housing Bubble to Go Bust - washingtonpost.com - October 27, 2005 (but Republican daddies are always right)
Emptywheel » The Word Not Spoken: Foreclosure
The US loan-mod fail | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters he crisis isn’t over and that both the housing and the banking sectors are going to get much worse.
Sen. Whitehouse To Oppose Bernanke Bernanke did not appear to "give a red-hot damn about the American public."
Geithner: ‘I had no role’ in an AIG cover up | Raw Story ("It kind of happened, like, by itself")
Wall Street Pay: Banks Devise Ways To Skirt Compensation Cuts
Ford Posts First Annual Profit In 4 Years, Pulling In $2.7B
Academics fight rise of creationism at universities | World news | The Guardian · More students believe Darwin got it wrong · Royal Society challenges 'insidious problem'
Aliens can't hear us, says astronomer | Science | guardian.co.uk
The Downside of High, Facts About Marijuana Use : The Nature of Things with David Suzuki : CBC-TV
Letters of Note: You're an idiot of the 33rd degree - In November of 1905, an enraged Mark Twain sent this superb letter to J. H. Todd, a patent medicine salesman who had just attempted to sell bogus medicine to the author
Digital Maps Reveal Hidden Geographies Of Sex And Religion - Maps - io9
Tiger Woods' Sex Fantasies 'Not Normal': Loredana Jolie (on the D-L?)
Aussie censor balks at bijou boobs • The Register
YouTube - The Sonics - Psycho a Go-Go
YouTube - OMC - How bizarre
YouTube - The New Pornographers - The Laws Have Changed
YouTube - Amerie - 1 Thing
YouTube - Shindig! #2 (1964) - [2of3]
YouTube - The B-52's - Rock Lobster (Original Live)
YouTube - Charlie Brooker - How To Report The News
iPad vs. Kindle vs. HP slate: a close look | Electronista
Anything the iPad can do, Linux can do better. - Computerworld Blogs
Apple Restriction Zone: Your Computer is Our Computer
Government knew ‘no leg to stand on’ legally to go to war in Iraq - Telegraph Tony Blair and his ministers went to war in Iraq despite repeated warnings from senior Government advisers that they had “no leg to stand on” legally (sounds like you-know-who)
Britain 'complicit in mistreatment and possible torture' says UN | World news | guardian.co.uk Human rights report indicates clear evidence of UK role in secret detention of British Muslims
AP: Haiti govt gets 1 penny of US quake aid dollar - Yahoo! News
Settlers attack Palestinians to avenge West Bank outpost demolition - Haaretz - Israel News
BBC News - Rabbi arrested, suspected in West Bank mosque arson
Farewell to Yasser, The Times's driver: an unsung hero of the Iraq war - Times Online
Text - Text - Obama’s State of the Union Address - NYTimes.com
Top 10 Lines From Obama's State Of The Union Address
Samuel Alito At State Of The Union: 'That's Not True' (douchebag)
Chris Matthews: 'I Forgot Obama Was Black For An Hour' (and the rest of the time?) )
Photos -- Is Obama Keeping His Promises? - Newsweek
Organizing for America | BarackObama.com (from the guy who gave it away)
Editorial - Opposite of Bold - NYTimes.com
Media ignore Obama's accomplishments to claim he has "little to show for '09" | Media Matters for America (oh, he has lots to show, just ask the bankers)
Firedoglake » The People Have Spoken… And The Democrats Are Pretending They’re In A Tunnel.
Firedoglake » Early Morning Swim: Rachel Maddow on the Absurdity of the Spending Freeze
Emptywheel » The List of US Citizens Targeted for Killing (or Capture) shortlist of U.S. citizens specifically targeted for killing or capture by the JSOC, military officials said (in case you were feeling all hopey-changey)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
CIA Man Retracts Claim on Waterboarding | Foreign Policy A study in "enhanced reporting techniques." (heh)
Calitics:: Oregon Voters Deliver Game-Changing Victory
Bruce Bartlett Is Convincing Me That We Need a VAT - Grasping Reality with Opposable Thumbs
Elizabeth Warren On The Daily Show: If We Don't Act 'The Game Really Is Over' (it's over)
Ezra Klein - Waiting for Barack - part of a pattern of conflict-aversion that the president's supporters have refused to acknowledge (the Great Compromiser)
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect
Confirmation News Network - Ryan Sager - Neuroworld - True/Slant
Alleged Landrieu Phone Bug Crew Emerged From World Of Conservative Campus Journalism | TPMMuckraker (Watergate Burlery 101)
Landrieu Phone Bugging Case: What Is The Pelican Institute? | TPMMuckraker
Breitbart: I Pay A Salary To Alleged Landrieu Plotter O'Keefe | TPMMuckraker (sweet irony)
Majikthise : Is this the same Stan Dai arrested for trying to bug Mary Landrieu's office?
Joseph Basel: Phone-tapping suspect and former U of M-Morris conservative editor - Minneapolis / St. Paul News - City Pages - The Blotter
Think Progress » Fox News Devastated Over Arrest Of ACORN Pimp, Says The Story Probably Needs ‘A Lot Of Context’
American Zombie: Spy vs. Senator
"Louisiana Watergate" - Glenn Thrush - politico.com
ACORN-buster busted in senator's office: The Swamp
What We Know about the Young Republican Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight - James o'keefe - Gawker
Congressman Who Sponsored Resolution Honoring O’Keefe Criticizes the Landrieu Sting « The Washington Independent
Your Flagon Of Schadenfreude - Ta-Nehisi Coates
Breitbart admits paying activist who tried to bug Democratic senator | Raw Story
What Were They Thinking? | Talking Points Memo
Daily Kos: ACORN "pimp" James O'Keefe's prior attacks on Planned Parenthood
The O'Keefe Plot Thickens - Megan McArdle
Think Progress » Beck condemns O’Keefe’s operation: ‘If they were doing that — that’s Watergate. Insanely stupid and illegal.’
Conservative Bloggers Scramble to Disown the ACORN Buster | The Atlantic Wire
REPORT: After obsessive coverage of O'Keefe's video, Fox largely ignored his arrest | Media Matters for America Fox News provided 13 times as much coverage to O'Keefe's ACORN video as to his arrest
Fox News' Shawn: "[S]ources close to O'Keefe tell me" arrest was "not a case of wiretapping" | Media Matters for America
James O'Keefe arrest taints ACORN videos? Federal prosecution for attempted wiretapping of Landrieu - son of Acting U.S. Attorney Bill Flanagan of the Western District of Louisiana. His nomination was opposed by Landrieu, and Flanagan has been highly critical of Landrieu's role in the healthcare bill (Bushie still has his job?)
Obama Plans to Propose $38 Billion Business Tax Break - Bloomberg.com
Geithner Tells House Panel A.I.G. Rescue Was Essential - NYTimes.com (yeah, it was all "essential")
Ailing Banks Favor Salaries Over Shareholders - NYTimes.com (worst banks, biggest pay - the American system at work)
FDL News Desk » Bernanke Looks Safe For Passage (51 is the new 60 when it comes to bankers)
Housing markets now well undervalued - Jan. 27, 2010
Caucasians and Asians don't examine faces in the same way
Giant sculptured Mayan head found
231-mph NH wind gust is no longer world's fastest 253 mph gust on Australia's Barrow Island during Cyclone Olivia in 1996.
Deadly fish virus now found in all Great Lakes
Studies demonstrate link among Alzheimer's disease, Down syndrome and atherosclerosis
Down’s Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease: Two Sides of the Same Coin: Trisomy 21 Mosaicism in AD - young mothers of DS children have a fivefold greater risk of developing AD later in life
Studies demonstrate link among Alzheimer's disease, Down syndrome and atherosclerosis
Review and hypothesis: Alzheimer disease and Down syndrome--chromosome 21 nondisjunction may underlie both disorders (H Potter)
Poll: Fox most-trusted news outlet - BostonHerald.com
Dallas News - Better Off Deadbeat: Craig Cunningham Has a Simple Solution for Getting Bill Collectors Off His Back. He Sues Them. - page 1
Straight Talk about Grad School | Idiotprogrammer
Google Toolbar caught tracking users when 'disabled' • The Register
December 2009: Mark Bowden on Sexual Predators | vanityfair.com
FCC's Net Neutrality Plan Would Permit Blocking of BitTorrent | Electronic Frontier Foundation (neutral to corps)
YouTube - The Internet Is Made Of Cats
Apple's iPad will NOT save journalism | Philly | 01/27/2010
faultyimacsaga - Gizmodo | Apple iMac (Late 2009) Issues
Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Hello iPad, Goodbye PC
Analysis: iPad Is an iDRM Storefront For Apple Ambitions To Dominate All Digital Media Sales - SVW
8 Things That Suck About the iPad - apple ipad - Gizmodo
Apple's iPad not just a bigger iPod Touch - Consumer tech- msnbc.com
Create Digital Music » How A Great Product Can Be Bad News: Apple, iPad, and the Closed Mac
7 Essential Features Left Off of the iPad | Mac|Life
Howard Zinn, historian who challenged status quo, dies at 87 - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe
Tony Blair | Iraq War | Chilcot Inquiry (which will either be classified for 70 yrs or full of lies, or both)
Israel says Turkish leader fueling anti-Semitism - washingtonpost.com (always their answer)
Baghdad Blasts Shatter Sense of Security in Capital - NYTimes.com
U.S. Envoy’s Cables Show Deep Concerns on Afghan Strategy - NYTimes.com (more failed Repubican strategies from Obama)
Matthew Yglesias » In What Culture is Having a Shoe Thrown At You a Sign of Respect? (but not breaking into their homes and shooting everybody)
Science > Image > Caribbean fault lines
The Seminal » Eikenberry on Karzai Government: “They assume we covet their territory for a never-ending ‘war on terror’” (endless corruption train)
Is a pie in the face a terrorist act? - The Globe and Mail
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com The sanctity of military spending
Daily Kos: How About Freezing Defense Spending?
The BRAD BLOG : Exclusive: Group Receives 'Tsunami of Vile Hate' After ABC Exposé on U.S. Military 'Jesus Rifles' (+jewzii vs. "the Fire Arm of Jesus Christ.")
Daily Kos: 50 Votes to Confirm Bernanke You want to see a clear reflection of priorities in the Senate? They can't come together to agree to pass healthcare reform by reconciliation, but Bernanke will get a simple majority vote:
Decision Looms on Advancing Health Care Bill - NYTimes.com (complete failure)
Daily Kos: Sometimes a freeze isn't that much of a freeze (another stupid Obama idea)
FDL Action » 51% Of Self-Identified Republicans In Swing Districts Favor A Public Option (Dems screwing themselves)
Damage Control for Democrats | The American Prospect Are Democrats doomed? Not necessarily -- but they need to stop acting like it (doomed)
Sidebar - Justice John Paul Stevens Voices Frustration With Recent Decisions of Supreme Court - Series - NYTimes.com
Dana Milbank identifies the "far left" | Media Matters for America | I guess someone's been watching Fox News (the worst of Kaplan Test Prep)
Tax Increase for the Rich Is at Issue in Oregon - NYTimes.com
ACORN gotcha man among four arrested for attempting to tamper with Mary Landrieu's office phones | Louisiana Politics & Government - - Louisiana Politics | State Legislature News - NOLA.com
FLASHBACK: 31 House Republicans Supported Resolution Honoring Alleged Felon James O'Keefe | Media Matters Action Network - "Rep. Pete Olson (R-TX) even introduced a resolution praising O'Keefe and his partner, would-be prostitute Hannah Giles, for "their diligent investigative journalism."
ACORN Workers Cleared Of Illegality By Outside Probe - The Two-Way - Breaking News, Analysis Blog : NPR
The BRAD BLOG : ACORN Cleared YET AGAIN of Wrongdoing (missed this on the O'Reilly show)
Phila. ACORN sues secret filmmakers | Philadelphia Daily News | 01/23/2010
Dana Milbank - Sweeteners for the South Landrieu and Lincoln got the attention because they were the last to decide, but the Senate really has 100 Blanche DuBoises, a full house of characters inclined toward the narcissistic
Obama Liquidates Himself - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com (even Krugman is losing patience with O'Stupid)
Tishman Speyer Surrenders Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper - NYTimes.com - Tishman Speyer ... will lose only its original investment of $112 million. (BlackRock will also lose $112 million.) (and everyone else is screwed by the casino)
Banks Reviving Synthetic Bets as Volcker Blasts Default Swaps - Bloomberg.com (the casino, after a trillion $ cash infusion from taxpayers, if open for business)
Matthew Yglesias » Obama Budget to Call for Freeze in Non-Security Discretionary Spending
Senate says 'no' to federal debt commission Obama endorsed | McClatchy (really dumb Republican idea)
It only gets worse this year for commercial real estate | McClatchy | more than 8 percent of the bonds for apartment-complex mortgages and more than 9 percent of the bonds for hotel mortgages were delinquent (but ... ACORN!)
Eyes on the Ties » a blog by LittleSis » Blog Archive » Bernanke lobbyist authored Enron/Cheney energy plan (there you go)
Female teachers transmit math anxiety to female students
Female teachers’ math anxiety affects girls’ math achievement — PNAS
Bolivia's Glaciers Melt Away - Video Library - The New York Times
Vital Signs - Strength Training Aids Mental Acuity in Women, Study Finds - NYTimes.com
Global Update - ‘Tropical’ Diseases Are Found to Be Rife in the Arctic - NYTimes.com
A New Way to Look for the Genetic Roots of Common Disease - NYTimes.com do not decode the entire genome of every patient — just look at the few sites where genetic variations are common, defined as being present in at least 1 percent of the population.
Observatory - Slime Mold Proves to Be a Brainy Blob - NYTimes.com
Q and A - Dietary Dilemma - Question - NYTimes.com
At Physics of the Universe Summit, Dreams and Worries of New Science - NYTimes.com
Personal Health - Nation Watches as New York City Leads Attack on Salt Intake - NYTimes.com
In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are the New Bits | Magazine
After Three Months, Only 35 Subscriptions for Newsday's Web Site | The New York Observer - The web site redesign and relaunch cost the Dolans $4 million, according to Mr. Jimenez. With those 35 people, they've grossed about $9,000 (good luck with that plan, NYT)
YouTube - "Lost" Recapped by Extended Italian Family
National Geographic Magazine - The Polygamists - A sect that split from the Mormons allows multiple wives, expels
The Annotated White House Flickr Feed, with Ana Marie Cox and Jason Linkins: Barack Obama’s Top-Secret Message To Fox News | The Awl
Employer told they can't advertise for 'reliable' workers... because it discriminates against 'unreliable applicants | Mail Online
Google Voice Does An End Run Around Apple And Shows Up In The iPhone’s Browser (Screenshots)
Has Twitter peaked? - CNN.com
Cyberwar - The U.S. Studies the New Art of Cyberwar - Series - NYTimes.com
US oil industry hit by cyberattacks: Was China involved? / The Christian Science Monitor (what do you think?)
TechCrunch officially hacked.
Netanyahu Says Some Settlements to Stay in Israel - NYTimes.com (Israel, the Fuck You State)
BBC News - 'Chemical Ali' executed in Iraq after Halabja ruling (and then ...)
3 Coordinated Bomb Attacks Hit Hotels in Baghdad - NYTimes.com
U.N. Seeks to Drop Some Taliban From Terror List - NYTimes.com (not so terrifying anymore)
Terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba ‘planning paraglider attacks’ in India - Times Online
French Call For Veil Ban In Public Buildings
The World Today - Fears of disease and child trafficking in Haiti 25/01/2010
BBC News - In pictures: Negative images of Uzbekistan?
Take me back to Constantinople, by Edward Luttwak | Foreign Policy How Byzantium, not Rome, can help preserve Pax Americana.
Daily Kos: Canaries in the coal mine: poll: will/won't vote: Repubs: 82/17 Black: 26/55 Latino: 38/51 18-29: 38/53 (heckuva job, Barry +Gibbs has his head up his ass +incompetent & ineffective)
Obama critics say his economic vision is hazy - latimes.com (+foggy, dusty, cloudy and murky)
Obama Approval Ratings Deeply Polarized (65 pt gap between Dems and Thugs)
Can Obama Fight? | Mother Jones (not for you)
G.O.P. Lawmakers Reject Obama’s Latest Tax-Break Plans - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com
Wall Street: Obama's Bank Crackdown Signals Policy Shift - Time (but not really)
Dawn Johnsen's Nomination In Peril With Brown Senate Win (of course)
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room with Dianne | Crooks and Liars (one after another, zombie Senators step forward to kill you; now its DiFi who says it's time "to slow things down")
Suburban Guerrilla » Blog Archive » Memory Lane It’s not as if they didn’t try to warn us about Roberts (but his kids and hair looked good)
Fafblog! - around sunset - "Yknow it's always darkest before the dawn," says me. "Unless the sun blows up," says Giblets. "Cause now that the sun's blown up it's just always darkest before it gets more dark.
Robert Kuttner: Mixed Signals
The Sideshow January 2010 Archive: Follow that dream (+We wanted foresight, and we don't even get hindsight)
Democrats consider dropping insurance ban on pre-existing conditions | Raw Story (too anti-business)
The Unvarnished Truth About the US | Ian Welsh - a soft fascist state (and the Dems love their Alito and Roberts, no one could have predicted, etc)
G.O.P. Seeks to Widen Field of Play in Fall Elections - NYTimes.com
FDL News Desk » Why The Cornhusker Kickback Raised So Much Attention - The White House let Ben Nelson, Harry Reid and Max Baucus become the faces of the Healthcare process instead of Obama.
Obama announces initiatives for middle class - Yahoo! News (after a year of initiatives for the Republican class)
Harold Ford - Democrats, Get Down to Business - NYTimes.com (by adopting a Republican platform, of course)
Harold Ford Backs Pointless Deficit Commission
Twitter / daveweigel: Lucky for Republicans, Dem ... Lucky for Republicans, Democrats are set to spend the last year of their large majority explaining why they can't pass their own bills.
Matthew Yglesias » Obama SOTU Plan Includes Non-Refundable Child Tax Credit Expansion (more stupid from not-that-bright Dems)
The Gulf - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - Stephen Bainbridge (wanker+fool)
Pressing Issues: 'Post' Apocalypse? (So, how's that big swing to the right and gutting the news staff working out for The Washington Post? +tiny-minded Katherine Weymouth)
Hullabaloo: Media Criticism For Dummies (Howie Kurtz, WaPo: "Just as you have to make a distinction between The Post's news pages and its left-leaning editorial page" +muhahaha +"the sports talkers are uniformly right-wing and they love to bash liberals, just like their "opinion show" counterparts.")
The Schwarzenegger Experiment A Big Fail, Poll Says - Los Angeles News - LA Daily (turned out to be a girly-man)
Tim Geithner Says to Leave Your Money at Big Banks « The Baseline Scenario (Obama's Republican daddies)
Geithner Warns That Markets Could Dive If Bernanke Is Not Reconfirmed (video) (which would be the worst thing evar)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect Fox on Fifteenth (aka The Washington Post) Endorses Bernanke - The Post was absolutely gleeful at the prospect of UAW workers losing their jobs when the Big Three auto companies were on the edge of collapse in 2008. It wrote editorials expressing outrage that these people were paid $56,000 a year. (Dean Baker)
Editorial - Restarting Financial Reform - NYTimes.com
Krugman - The Bernanke Conundrum - NYTimes.com
Democrats look to new budget rules to tame deficit - Yahoo! News - Because in a time of deep recession, the people want fewer benefits and higher health care costs (dumb and dumber)
Of Fate and Fumbles - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com Instead, the administration played it safe — or thought it was playing it safe. Moderate-sized stimulus, non-disruptive bank policy (the timidity of doing anything to upset the Republicans)
Existing Home Sales Drop More Than Forecast - NYTimes.com
Calculated Risk: Stuyvesant Town turned over to Creditors - the most expensive real estate deal of its kind in American history. (all based on a crooked business plan - 5.4 billion wiped out)
An Apartment Complex Teeters - WSJ.com High-Profile Tishman/BlackRock Property in New York in Danger of Default (CRE meltdown ahead)
Huge N.Y. Housing Complex Is Returned to Creditors - NYTimes.com
Fed E-Mails On AIG Show Disdain For Transparency
Researcher: Money makes people happy, especially if they're paid by the hour
CBC News - Technology & Science - Leaf-like sea slug feeds on light
Ancestor of Galapagos tortoises to be resurrected from extinction | MNN - Mother Nature Network
Internet searching stimulates brain study says - SFGate Such engaging technology may help keep older minds agile imaging study shows
Your Brain Can't Handle Your Facebook Friends - Dunbar’s Number: max number of friends: 150)
World Government Data | guardian.co.uk
Off the Kuff: Why Texas politics are just different - "Tell Mr. Pickens I'll be his huckleberry. Please let him know that if I'm elected to represent the 31st District, the only water he'll leave the Panhandle with will be the urine I leave on his pant leg,"
A Silver Bullet of Big Ideas | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters
What Do You See? | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters - Is your brain East or West?
Homoeopathy sceptics plan mass 'overdose' - Health News, Health & Families - The Independent Protesters to swallow pills in bid to prove treatments ineffective
Alexa Ray Joel, daughter of Billy Joel, Christie Brinkley, out of hospital after suicide attempt but she only ingested a homeopathic antihistamine called Traumeel (and didn't even get a good night's sleep)
What's The Harm? (various alternative modes of thought that can kill you or lose all your money)
Virtually Speaking with Jay Ackroyd Mason Tvert 1/21/2010 - Virtually Speaking on Blog Talk Radio - Marijuana is Safer (Republican lies about weed)
Health Starts Here(TM) Launches at Whole Foods Market(R) -- AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 21 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Health Starts Here(TM) Launches at Whole Foods Market(R)
Tiger Woods' wife, Elin Nordegren, posed as golfer to trap mistress Rachel Uchitel on phone: report
Skater Nancy Kerrigan's brother, Mark Kerrigan, charged after his father is fatally attacked
'Oral sex' definition prompts dictionary ban in US schools | Books | guardian.co.uk A parent's complaint over a 'sexually graphic' definition has seen dictionaries removed from southern Californian schools (dumb and dumber)
Mexico City Journal - Where the Swearing Is All About the Context - NYTimes.com
Effective Swearing in D.F.
How to use a semicolon - The Oatmeal
China Denies Involvement In Google Hackings
Right-Wing Flame War! - NYTimes.com (Charles Johnson/Little Green Footballs)
HBO Imagine (missed this last year: non-linear story-telling)
Christopher Blizzard · HTML5 video and H.264 – what history tells us and why we’re standing with the web
michaelv.org: Windows 3.1 in your browser)
Emptywheel » The Brits Buried Evidence on David Kelly’s Death (and what would that be?)
David Kelly post mortem to be kept secret for 70 years as doctors accuse Lord Hutton of concealing vital information | Mail Online - The move, which will stoke fresh speculation about the true circumstances of Dr Kelly’s death, comes just days before Tony Blair appears before the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq War.
Kelly death paramedics query verdict | UK news | The Observer (2004)
Cultural Riches Turn to Rubble in Haiti Quake - NYTimes.com
Over Redaction in Audit of FBI’s Use of Illegal Exigent Letters | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Supreme Court’s Ruling on Campaign Finance Has Consequences for States - NYTimes.com - 24 States’ Laws Open to Attack
Firedoglake » Supreme Court: Moloch Unchained
Frank Rich - After the Massachusetts Massacre - NYTimes.com - The president is no longer seen as a savior but as a captive of the interests who ginned up the mess and still profit, hugely, from it.
Obama Moves to Centralize Control Over Party Strategy - NYTimes.com (thought they already did that when they told the netroots to get lost +central control is always good)
Making Sense of the New Political Anger - NYTimes.com
Bauer: Needy 'owe something back' for aid - South Carolina & Regional - Wire - TheSunNews.com - Governor of SC: "quit feeding stray animals" (they aren't usually this direct)
Ed Schultz To Robert Gibbs: You're 'Full Of Sh*t' Schultz continued: "I told Robert Gibbs, I said 'And I'm sorry you're swearing at me, but I'm just trying to help you out. I'm telling you you're losing your base. Do you understand that you're losing your base?'" (they are that dumb)
2009 Democratic agenda severely weakened by Republicans' united opposition - washingtonpost.com (they really believed their own bullshit, now they have an advancing tide of powerlessness)
Search Results - THOMAS (Library of Congress) Business Should Mind Its Own Business Act (Introduced in House)
Matthew Yglesias » Imagine If redraw the United States into jurisdictions with more-or-less equal populations that still reflects the ancestry of existing borders
The woman Democrats need - The Boston Globe ON THE day after Tuesday’s electoral loss, the Obama administration brought an unfamiliar face to the White House - Elizabeth Warren (and two weeks ago were willing to let consumer reform die)
SEC mulled national security status for AIG details | Reuters (because they made us all insecure)
Saudi to Pursue ‘Continuous’ Fiscal Stimulus in 2010 - Bloomberg.com (must be a bunch of socialists)
Boxer, Feingold Come Out Against Fed Chairman Bernanke - WSJ.com
Editorial - The Case for a Climate Bill - NYTimes.com (but teabaggers don't believe in climate change, yo, so forget it)
UN wrongly linked global warming to natural disasters - Times Online
Homeopathy licences based on 'no scientific evidence' | Science | guardian.co.uk
Johann Hari: The age of the killer robot is no longer a sci-fi fantasy - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent You can't appeal to robots for mercy or empathy - or punish them afterwards
BBC News - Experts stunned by swan 'divorce' at Slimbridge wetland It is only the second time in more than 40 years that a "separation" has been recorded at the centre
The Radiation Boom - Radiation Offers New Cures, and Ways to Do Harm - Series - NYTimes.com
if it’s catchy, why bother with the science? « weird things (twice the vaccines but 95% less antigens)
Richard Dawkins: Growing up in the universe | Video on TED.com
In the Loop - IFC Entertainment
Free The Heretical Two
Inside the Secret World of Literary Scouts
s Iran: A Bridge too Far? The weapon that could defeat the US in the Gulf (SS-N-22 Sunburn is the NATO designation for a Russian-made anti-ship missile)
The War Nerd: This Is How the Carriers Will Die (Updated Version) - By Gary Brecher - The eXiled
Rare Photos of Famous People (125 pics) | Crack Two
10 Bizarre Creatures from Japanese Folklore - Listverse
Tennessee Woman Accused in a Trail of Death - NYTimes.com
Barnidge: If government doesn't control marijuana, criminals will - ContraCostaTimes.com
Is The World Ready For The Successor of the MP3? | Epicenter | Wired.com
48 best free apps from Microsoft | News | TechRadar UK
What the Web of Tomorrow Will Look Like: 4 Big Trends to Watch
Black Hat SEO Case Study: How Mahalo Makes Black Look White! | SEO Book.com
AT&T Insiders Report iPhone Exclusivity Going Away On Wednesday - HotHardware
Terror level in UK raised to 'severe' | UK news | guardian.co.uk Home secretary says threat has increased, but no suggestion a terror attack is imminent (by the Tories)
Randi Responds to the Arrest of James McCormick Jim McCormick, inventor of the ADE 561 Bomb Detection Device has been arrested and charged with fraud.
ExecutedToday.com » 10 executions that defined the 2000s
The Vice Guide to Liberia - CNN.com
The Vice Guide to Liberia 5 of 8 | VBS Newsroom | VBS.TV
I Built an African Army - By Sean McFate | Foreign Policy (Liberia, and how it might work in Afganistan)
Joshua Blahyi - Wikipedia - General Butt Naked
The Redemption of General Butt Naked
YouTube - Cry Freetown - part 1 of 3 Sierra Leone
The Trial of Charles Taylor
YouTube - Africa Open For Business DVD Trailer
Ruth Marcus - Court's campaign finance decision a case of shoddy scholarship - washingtonpost.com
FDL Action » “60 Votes” — It Was Always Bullshit One of the ways the administration tried to jam its PhRMA deal/Aetna bailout on the country was forcing a series of false choices onto the debate (Meet 51: it’s the new 60 - time to walk away, they were never dealing in good faith, or had the people's interests in mind)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Obama confidant's spine-chilling proposal (Cass Sunstein: "cognitively infiltrate" online groups and websites -- as well as other activist groups -- which advocate views that Sunstein deems "false conspiracy theories" about the Government +Grubar)
Obama staffer wants ‘cognitive infiltration’ of 9/11 conspiracy groups | Raw Story
Democrats Mull Plan C For Health Care; Experts Say Get Real | TPMDC
PostPartisan - How the Democrats may solve their health-care problem
Mike Lux: Clear Path vs. Clear Meltdown Olympia Snowe got every single thing she asked for in the Senate bill after delaying the bill for six months, and she still voted no. What makes anyone think she or any other Republican would vote yes for anything in an election year when it's working so well for the Republicans to say no to everything?
FDL Action » The “Reconciliation Only” Option: Just Give Medicaid to Those Who Can’t Afford Insurance
Clyburn: Public Option Not Needed for Vote - Face The Nation - CBS News
Daily Kos: MA Poll: Voters Are Angry, But At What?
Research 2000 Massachusetts Poll Results | Progressive Change Campaign Committee
Firedoglake » The Writing Is On The Wall. But Who’s Reading It?
YouTube - Keith Olbermann's Response
Stiglitz Testimony: Incentives and the Performance of America's Financial Sector
FOXNews.com - Unemployment Up in 43 States in December
Elizabeth Warren: Pass A Consumer Protection Agency Or Kill Regulatory Reform (and you know which one it will be)
Goldman under investigation for its securities dealings | McClatchy
Barney Frank: Abolish Fannie and Freddie
Calculated Risk: On Bernanke's Reconfirmation (Obama loves his Republican daddies)
Paul Krugman For The Fed « The Baseline Scenario (but he's a communist)
Think Progress » Bayh Claims ‘There’s A Fighting Chance’ Obama Will Call For A Spending Freeze - Bayh is the signature model of a “deficit peacock”: someone who likes to harp on deficits, while at the same time voting for budget-busting expenditures like a $250 billion tax cut for the heirs of wealthy families. So his approval of a spending freeze fits right in.
Birth Weights Are Falling in U.S. - WSJ.com
Copper pipes could cause heart disease and Alzheimer's - Telegraph
Liberals Aren’t Un-American. Conservatives Aren’t Ignorant. The demonization that mars our politics is a failure of moral imagination
Jon Haidt's Home Page | Jonathan Haidt -- Science Paper
Civil Politics - Can't we all disagree more constructively?
Civil Politics - learn about moral psychology and the causes of moral conflict and self-righteousness
Morality Quiz/Test your Morals, Values & Ethics - Your Morals.Org
Reimagining a Politics of Trust
Morality, Trust, Community, and the End of Attack Politics
America’s Transpartisan Future Daring to accept our differences
Nonviolent Communication - Wikipedia
Bronx men to file $2M suit against city after cops arrested them for 'crack' that was really candy
Checkpoint-arrest case ruled homicide - The Boston Globe - But counsel to medical examiner says that finding does not imply wrongdoing (of course not)
Student: ‘Beating So Bad Thought I Was Going To Die’ - News Story - WPXI Pittsburgh
Vicki Iovine: Girlfriend's Guide: The REAL Secret To Staying Married: Separate Rooms
The Late Night Distemper of Our Times - WFMU's Beware of the Blog
YouTube - www.adme.ru - Aides Graffiti
Top 10 Tools for Better Reading, Online and Off - Reading - Lifehacker
A Big-Picture Look at Google, Microsoft, Apple and Yahoo - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com
Babelgum: GOOD: Internet Censorship
W3schoools Historical Browser Statistics
Well, I'm Back: Video, Freedom And Mozilla - H.264 is encumbered by patents whose licensing is actively pursued by the MPEG-LA.
Obama has suspicious number of letter-writing fans named 'Ellie Light' | OPEN: Ohio Politics - cleveland.com (Obama astroturf)
Ex-Conservative Charles Johnson's Next Crusade: Barrett Brown | Vanity Fair
Detainees Will Still Be Held, but Not Tried, Official Says - NYTimes.com
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Obama to indefinitely imprison detainees without charges (just like the old Bush)
Officials Estimate Death Toll In Haiti | NEWS JUNKIE POST Officials say the disaster has killed between 100,000 to 200,000 people and the Red Cross estimates some 3 million people have been affected.
US Mercenaries Set Sights on Haiti
Op-Ed Contributor - To Heal Haiti, Look to History, Not Nature - NYTimes.com - Along with the great colonial powers, America instead rewarded Haiti’s triumphant slaves with a suffocating trade embargo — and a demand that in exchange for peace the fledgling country pay enormous reparations to its former colonial overseer (Lincoln recognized Haiti in 1862)
Understanding Why Haiti's Buildings Collapsed - Newsweek.com
Haiti earthquake: 360° video - Special Coverage on CNN.com
India Hijack Plot: Alert Issued Over Possible Al Qaeda Plane Attack
China: Clinton Internet Speech Harms Ties With U.S. (information just wants to be Chinese)
120 al-Qaeda Suspects Detained In Turkey (there were only 12 in the entire world)
Gates Sees 'Trust Deficit' in Pakistan - WSJ.com (been down this road before)
AFP: No religious justification for child marriage: Saudi cleric - The comments by Sheikh Abdullah al-Manie, a member of the Council of Senior Ulema (scholars), followed the marriage of a 12-year-old girl to a man 68 years her senior
BBC News - Newsnight - Export ban for useless 'bomb detector'
BBC News - China condemns 'groundless' US criticism of web control (information just wants to be Chinese)
Supreme Court Blocks Ban on Corporate Political Spending - NYTimes.com
Editorial - The Court’s Blow to Democracy - NYTimes.com With a single, disastrous 5-to-4 ruling, the Supreme Court has thrust politics back to the robber-baron era of the 19th century
Lobbyists Get Potent Weapon in Campaign Ruling - NYTimes.com
Grayson: Fight now or ‘kiss your country goodbye’ to Exxon, Wal-Mart | Raw Story
Stevens Accuses Supreme Court Conservatives of Judicial Activism | Mother Jones
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - What the Supreme Court got right
If Health Care Overhaul Fails, Insurers Could Suffer - NYTimes.com (they already raised their rates)
Obama at One
Alan Grayson: Save Democracy: if it isn't dead already (sign petition)
Getting It Done: The Year In Obama-Led Health Care Reform | TPM LiveWire (tizzy yourself)
Obama: 'We've Run Into Buzz Saw' On Health Care | TPMDC
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » There Is Your Opening, President Obama ("populist" teabaggers love their bankers)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » SCOTUS Campaign Finance Ruling (nepotistic Luke Russert, Republican wanker)
Democrats Mull Plan C For Health Care; Experts Say Get Real | TPMDC (it's over and the Dems will lose big)
Mistakes? Gregory has made a few | Media Matters for America (bunch of elite media liars and hacks)
Hak-Shing William Tam, Prop. 8 Backer, Claims Gays More Likely To Be Pedophiles
Balls Beer for Health Care Reform | TPMTV
Anne Garrels - Wikipedia - on October 26, 2007 NPR aired a story by Garrels that was mainly based on information extracted via torture (Nice Polite Republican torturers)
Robert Reich (Why Obama is Now (finally) Getting Tough on Wall Street)
Obama's 'Volcker Rule' shifts power away from Geithner - washingtonpost.com
FDL News Desk » Will Ben Bernanke Become The First Casualty Of The Brown Election? (we can hope: is Obama finally letting go of his Republican daddies?)
Simon Johnson: Questions That Ben Bernanke Must Answer (and won't)
Opposition To Bernanke Growing In Wake Of Mass. Vote (very delayed accountability moment)
Obama Seen as Anti-Business by 77% of U.S. Investors - Yahoo! News
U.S. Life Insurers May Face More Real Estate Losses (the next wave of bailouts while you rot) - BusinessWeek
Three cheers for Obama’s banking reforms | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters (too little, too late)
The Faces Of Larry Summers And Paul Volcker Say It All (what an ass Summers is: no regulation for banksters)
How the World Works - Salon.com The Treasury secretary has "reservations" about Obama's bank reform plan. Maybe he should think about a new job
Moritz Kraemer: Is the Euro Headed for a Breakup? - WSJ.com Despite the hand-wringing, the costs of exiting the euro zone remain prohibitively high.
Calculated Risk: HAMP Changes Coming (program designed to fail)
Views: The Innumeracy of Intellectuals - Inside Higher Ed
Protozoans Against Intelligent Design - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine
Nick Veasey: Exposing the invisible | Video on TED.com
Space rock of doom attacks doctor | Metro.co.uk It is not clear if the space rock was deliberately targeting doctors in an attempt to destroy Earth's medical capabilities in advance of an alien attack, or if it just strayed off course, and had actually been trying to take out nearby Washington D.C
Salmon, Trout Populations Surge in Oregon Rivers - WSJ.com Population Surge Comes Despite Forecasts of Decline; Salmon at the Food Bank
Should obese, smoking and alcohol consuming women receive assisted reproduction treatment? (probably not)
The surprising reason why being overweight isn't healthy - CNN.com
BBC - Earth News - Sexy sparrow exposed as world's most promiscuous bird
Photos: Queen's Cat Goddess Temple Found in Egypt
APOD: 2010 January 20 - The Known Universe
Big city left with no bookstore - CNN.com
Air America is dead
Jon Stewart's Special Comment on Keith Olbermann | Indecision Forever | Comedy Central
New York Fire Dept. Ordered to Hire Hundreds of Minority Applicants - NYTimes.com (racism not dead in NYC)
Petraeus calls gunscope inscriptions disturbing | Reuters that a manufacturer had embossed biblical citations on rifle scopes sent to Afghanistan and Iraq, and the firm announced it would voluntarily halt the practice.
TSA Employee Thought It Would Be Hilarious To Plant Fake Drugs On You - The Consumerist
LRB · Anne Enright · Diary Iris Robinson is, at the time of writing, under acute psychiatric care in a Belfast hospital, after a BBC Northern Ireland documentary revealed that she had, at the age of 59, solicited £50,000 from two property developers to help fund a business run by her 19-year-old lover, Kirk McCambley.
Charles Darwin: Family Man, Scientist and Skeptic | LiveScience - The new film "Creation," starring Paul Bettany as Charles Darwin ... was slow to find a U.S. distributor because, according to the film's producer Jeremy Thomas, Darwin's theory of evolution was too much of a "hot potato" in America.
YouTube - Doug Stanhope: Voice of America on FEAR
YouTube - The Power of Nightmares Volume 1 Part 1 of 6
YouTube - Stanhope on immigration
Perspectives on Acquaintance Rape
YouTube - The Virtual Revolution Intro (BBC)
BBC - Digital Revolution - The Virtual Revolution
Google revenues disappoint the market despite 17pc increase - Telegraph
Amended Settlement Agreement (in English) - Google Books Settlement
FTC complaint says Facebook's privacy changes are deceptive
The 3 Facebook Settings Every User Should Check Now
Court Reduces ‘Shocking’ File Sharing Award | Threat Level | Wired.com (RIAA bullshit award +The decision came days after the Obama administration supported $675,000 in damages a jury levied against a Boston file sharer in the nation’s second and only other file sharing case against an individual to go to trial.
Official Google Blog: Understanding the web to make search more relevant
Nightmare in Haiti - Untreated Illness and Injury - NYTimes.com
Haiti Aftershock: Another Earthquake Near Port-au-Prince
Haiti: Is this the best picture in the world? - Evening Star 24
Britain Tightens Antiterror Measures on Air Travel - NYTimes.com
Hamas ready to cancel charter, senior member says | Middle East
Fort Hood Report: No Mention of Islam, Hasan Not Named - TIME
Federal Bureau of Investigation - The Washington Field Office: Department of Justice Press Release Twenty-Two Executives and Employees of Military and Law Enforcement Products Companies Charged in Foreign Bribery Scheme
CBC News - Canada - Ontario farmer not guilty of selling raw milk - dispensing milk straight from the cow (raided at gunpoint)
A Shameful Track Record : The Literary Review of Canada The Olympic movement plays fast and loose with basic democratic values
Supreme Court rolls back campaign spending limits - washingtonpost.com By a 5-4 vote, the court overturned a 20-year-old ruling that said companies can be prohibited from using money from their general treasuries to produce and run their own campaign ads (the Corporate Court)
Court decision opens floodgates for corporate political spending - Kenneth P. Vogel - politico.com
Supreme Court rolls back campaign cash limits - Supreme Court- msnbc.com
SCOTUSblog » Campaign disclosure rules upheld (Thomas dissented)
Corporate personhood debate - Wikipedia
Business Plot - Wikipedia
Six Explanations for Why Coakley Lost in Mass. - Newsweek.com
G.O.P. Senate Victory Stuns Democrats - NYTimes.com
How the G.O.P. Captured a Seat Lost for Decades - NYTimes.com
DownWithTyranny!: What Are Democrats Saying?
Obama Weighs Paring Goals for Health Bill - NYTimes.com
Post Apocalypse | The New Republic Inside the messy collapse of a great newspaper (how Kaplan Test Prep became a crappy paper: “an ethical lapse of monumental proportions.” for one)
Matthew Yglesias » Inside the Beltway
John Edwards Admits Paternity Of Quinn
State Regulators Warn Of Failing Foreclosure Prevention Efforts (HAMP: the program designed to fail ... failed!)
Obama (Finally) Gets Tough on Wall Street : CJR
Simon Johnson: Paul Volcker Prevails
Obama to Propose New Limits on Banks - WSJ.com
Goldman Sachs Profits Hit $4.8B, Pay Up 47 Percent
German Insurer sues Bundesbank to Open Central Bank Checking Account | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul
Human brain uses a grid to represent space - "These brain areas are also amongst the first to be affected by Alzheimer's disease which may explain why getting lost is one of the most common early symptoms of this disease."
I.O.C. Panel Urges Treatment for Female Athletes With Male Characteristics - NYTimes.com
TMI - Salon.com As a writer, I expose my deepest insecurities all the time. But could I really strip naked for a magazine -- at 44
Target Women With Sarah Haskins: Women in the Media Videos // Current
Confessions of an Aca/Fan: Archives: Never Mind The Bollocks: Shepard Fairey's Fight for Appropriation, Fair Use and Free Culture (Part One)
The 4 Big Myths of Profile Pictures « OkTrends
Simple Passwords Remain Popular, Despite Risk of Hacking - NYTimes.com
Magnitude 5.9 - HAITI REGION
Haitians flee in fear as big aftershock hits - Yahoo! News
Group: More than 200 dead in Nigeria violence - Yahoo! News the latest outbreak that began Sunday came despite the government's efforts to quell religious extremism in the West African country.
The Female Factor - In Germany, a Tradition Falls, and Women Rise - Series - NYTimes.com - The half-day school system survived feudalism, the rise and demise of Hitler’s mother cult, the women’s movement of the 1970s and reunification with East Germany
BBC News - Stop-and-search powers ruled illegal by European court Police powers to use terror laws to stop and search people without grounds for suspicion are illegal, the European Court of Human Rights has ruled.
Stop and search powers illegal, European court rules | UK news | guardian.co.uk Judges in Strasbourg say UK powers under Terrorism Act 2000 violate convention on human rights
2010 Massachusetts US Senate Special Election Results - Boston.com - Politics
Scott Brown Wins Mass. Race, Giving GOP 41-59 Majority in the Senate - New York News - Runnin' Scared
President Obama plans combative turn - Mike Allen - politico.com (wishful thinking)
News Analysis - A Year Later, Voters Send a Different Message - NYTimes.com
G.O.P. Senate Victory Stuns Democrats - NYTimes.com
Live coverage of the US Senate race - Local News Updates - The Boston Globe Brown: "I know I have a lot to learn in the Senate, but I know who I am and I know who I serve. I’m Scott Brown, I'm from Wrentham, and I drive a truck.
Paging CNBC's Jim Cramer, where's the "gigantic" Scott Brown stock rally? | Media Matters for America (Dow down 200)
Huff TV: Arianna: Massachusetts Loss Could Be Blessing In Disguise (VIDEO)
Coakley Pollster Defends Campaign Against White House
Bank Shot: Independents And Dem Base Still Aligned In Anger
Olbermann vs. Scarborough On 'Homophobic,' 'Racist,' 'Sexist' Scott Brown (video)
Coakley's Loss: HuffPost Bloggers React
Peter Daou: Liberal Bloggers to Obama and Dems: We Told You So
Howard Dean: The Message of Massachusetts Election Results Is 'We Gotta Be Tougher' (video)
Daily Kos: The Critical Distinction Between a Lame Duck and a Dead Duck
Daily Kos: The new bipartisan math: 41 is greater than 59
FDL Action » If You Run On Republican Obstructionism, You Will Lose
Firedoglake » Early Morning Swim: Keith Olbermann and Howard Fineman Discuss MA Senate Loss
Frank: Health reform dead if Coakley loses - Live Pulse - Politico.com
Martha Coakley, Curt Schilling, and Why Baseball Matters in Politics | MLB
A charisma shortage - The Boston Globe
What makes Coakley run - The Boston Globe
Annals of "progressive" idiocy | Corrente
Daily Show: Democratic strategists are ‘thinking three failures ahead’ | Raw Story
David Sirota: It's Not Mere Cynicism or Demoralization - More Likely, It's Humiliation and Alienation
Glenn Beck Destroys Scott Brown: “This One Could End With A Dead Intern” | Online | Mediaite (he's got a point)
The Washington Monthly - Lucy, Charlie Brown, And The Bipartisan Football
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com
Dem Talking Points: We're Screwed! | TPMDC . "It is mathematically impossible for Democrats to pass legislation on our own. Senate Republicans to come to the table (sic) with ideas for improving our nation and not obstructionist tactics." (blaming Repubs)
Drew Westen: Obama Finally Gets His Victory For Bipartisanship
Straining to Defend Martha Coakley - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine Commenting on Martha Coakley's role in the Gerald Amirault case ("Coakley was wrong for her extraordinary efforts to keep Gerald Amiralut in prison" +Keith Winfield case)
Featured Legislation | The White House (list of Obama accomplishments)
PolitiFact | The Obameter: Tracking Barack Obama's Campaign Promises
» The peoples seat - blogs.berlingske.dk - Simon Schama *
Daily Kos: What happens when Obama acts alone. Dammit!
Relieved | Talking Points Memo *
Economic Scene - Centrist Approach on Health Reform Fails to Build Consensus - NYTimes.com
Research 2000 Massachusetts Poll Results | Even Scott Brown Voters Want The Public Option, Want Democrats To Be Bolder
The Washington Monthly: No Way To Run A Government - One year into the Obama administration, there are 177. And dozens of those holds are directly affecting the agencies responsible for the United States' security and foreign policy, amid two wars and an amped-up terrorism threat
Matthew Yglesias » The Senate’s Underpants Gnome Problem
Ezra Klein - The other health-care reform option So you make it real simple: Medicare buy-in between 50 and 65. Medicaid expands up to 200 percent of poverty with the federal government funding the whole of the expansion. Revenue comes from a surtax on the wealthy (not complicated enough)
Weiner On Health Care's Demise: We Lacked Leadership From Obama (President Above-It-All)
Conservatives should embrace the health-insurance mandate | The Economist
Initial Reaction To Scott Brown’s Senate Victory In Massachusetts: An Imagined Monologue By The Republican Party | The Awl
Matthew Yglesias » Who’s “Ideological” in the Health Care Debate?
Norman Solomon: The Ideology of No Ideology
Erroll Southers Withdraws: TSA Nominee Drops Out Amid 'Political Agenda'
Christopher Speight Virginia Shooting UDATE: Suspect Turns Himself In After Multiple Fatalities
Jobs Not Created - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com (you don't need no steenking job)
How the World Works - Salon.com - Please, Obama, pick a fight with the banks: Wall Street whines that the meanie president is being unfair. It's about time
White House, Democratic lawmakers cut deal on deficit commission - washingtonpost.com (Obama backs a really bad idea)
FT.com / Video & Audio / Interactive graphics - Quantitative easing explained
Quantitative Easing
Administration Bank Tax Plan: An Empty Populist Gesture by Design? « naked capitalism (programs designed to fail)
Thoughts on the Bank Tax « The Baseline Scenario (big bankers will always win)
From Genomes, a Census of Early Humans - NYTimes.com - 18,500 people, but this refers only to breeding individuals, the “effective” population. The actual population would have been about three times as large, or 55,500
Undersea Internet Cables Could Detect Electromagnetic Tsunami Signals | Wired Science | Wired.com
Face recognition ability inherited separately from IQ
Calorie culprit might be home cooking - SFGate at least one mainstream cookbook, "The Joy of Cooking," the number of calories per serving for 17 classic recipes has increased quite a bit as the recipes have been updated since the first edition was published for mass circulation in 1936.
Gödel, Escher, Bach: Archive
New York Times to Charge Frequent Readers of Web Site - NYTimes.com
New York Times 'Metered Model': Paywall Announcement Confirms Report (2011)
Software Firms Fear Hackers Who Leave No Trace - NYTimes.com
Windows hole discovered after 17 years - Update - The H Security: News and Features
'Grave consequences' if web community doesn't switch to new address protocol - Telegraph
KML Screenshots - OpenEarth - Deltares Wiki
January 2010: Christopher Hitchens on "Like" | vanityfair.com - When Caroline Kennedy managed to say “you know” more than 200 times in an interview with the New York Daily News, and on 130 occasions while talking to The New York Times during her uninspired attempt to become a hereditary senator ...
British Girl Marries Laptop.
Best movie sex scene ever?
Best Movie Sex Scenes of All Time - Inside Movies
Bumgarner Splutters - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan One of the key figures in the alleged cover-up of a torture session gone wrong - "If the prisoner dies, you're doing it wrong" - responds to the Harper's Magazine piece
"Camp No" - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (Gitmo Torture Chambers)
attackerman » These Were Not Suicides At Guantanamo (MSM still ignoring this story)
As Haitians Flee, the Dead Go Uncounted - NYTimes.com
U.N. Expected to Approve Expansion of Security Forces - NYTimes.com (while the Pentagon works on a plan)
By Air, Sea and Land, Thousands Try to Escape Port-au-Prince - NYTimes.com
Translating David Brooks - Matt Taibbi - Taibblog - True/Slant Not many writers would have the courage to use a tragic event like a 50,000-fatality earthquake to volubly address the problem of nonwhite laziness and why it sometimes makes natural disasters seem timely, but then again, David Brooks isn’t just any writer (Brooks is Jewish? no kidding)
Kabul Attack Shows Resilience of Afghan Militants - NYTimes.com
Syria's Mufti: Islam commands us to protect Judaism - Haaretz - Israel News
Battle rages in pirate hub over $7 million ransom - Times Online
Opinion: The naked truth about future airline travel The federal government says Canadian air travellers will soon be asked to undergo full-body cavity searches (no washrooms, either)
FBI broke law for years in phone record searches - washingtonpost.com (send them all to prison)
Precriminations: Dems, Expecting Loss, Lay Into Coakley | The Atlantic Wire - . From the primary through last Sunday, Scott Brown held 66 events of varying size. Coakley held 19 ... "but she couldn't be bothered to carry out the tasks that would have allowed others to do so on her behalf."
Abortion Wars Overtake Mass. Race: Coakley Accused Of Being Threat To Babies (Catholic Church has skin in the game)
FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Martha Choakley?
Future of HCR? | Talking Points Memo And the lesson of 1994 is clear: the folks who killed health care in 1994 didn't gain any benefit from it. They were the ones who got slaughtered in November.
Jon Stewart Gets Fed Up: Dems Set The Bar So Low They're Tripping Over It (video) - "And the reason it will die... is because if Coakley loses, Democrats will only have an 18 vote majority in the Senate, which is more than George W. Bush ever had in the Senate when did whatever the fuck he wanted to."
Harold Ford, mulling an NY Senate run, says Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is 'weak' (zombie pedicure Harold)
YouTube - Free For All!: The High-Tech HighJack of Ohio (how Bush stole 2004)
Obama Mortgage Relief Program Fails to Deliver - ABC News Obama mortgage plan doesn't deliver 11 months later; only 66,500 homeowners helped so far (the program designed to fail ... failed)
Bank Bonuses: Obama Pushed To Go Hard, As Party Standing Suffers (but doesn't want to inconvienience his banker pals, who could have predicted?)
IMF chief: global recovery stronger than expected - Forbes.com
Governor Paterson Seeks $1 Billion More in Taxes and Fees for New York - NYTimes.com Mr. Paterson’s plan would cut school aid by 5 percent in a state with the highest per capita spending on education.
The Newfoundland lesson: during the 1930s, long before the IMF, the British Empire coped with a debt crisis in a small country. - Entrepreneur.com
U.N. Panel’s Glacier Warning Is Criticized as Exaggerated - NYTimes.com
Children Don’t Have Strokes? Just Ask Jared About His, at Age 7 - NYTimes.com stroke, by some estimates, is the sixth leading cause of death in infants and children.
New ‘nanoburrs’ could help fight heart disease
Her Crime? Sex Work in New Orleans By Jordan Flaherty With police charging sex workers as sex offenders—the majority of them Black women—activists hope the city’s mayoral elections next month will pave the way for fighting the law
The 11 Best Foods You Aren’t Eating - Well Blog - NYTimes.com
Strike at Cleveland Orchestra Points to Music’s Larger Woes - NYTimes.com
Michael Deal - Graphic Design - Exploration of Beatles music through infographics
Robert B. Parker is Dead - Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind
Eight in 10 Americans favor legalizing medical marijuana: poll | Raw Story (drug lords and law enforcement opposed)
Twins And A Fake Mirror Wreak Some Havoc - VidZest - Daily Hilarious Videos
5 Reasons to Ditch Your Digital SLR | Gadget Lab | Wired.com
BBC News - Google postpones China mobiles after censorship row it has postponed the launch of two Android based mobile phones in China following a dispute with the government over censorship.
Apple vs Google – Benevolent Dictatorship Vs Free Democracy? (Apple fan boy likes his dictatorship)
The Guantánamo “Suicides”: A Camp Delta sergeant blows the whistle—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) (smoking gun in Bush/Cheney war crimes trial)
Three Corpses In Gitmo: The Very Worst Seems True - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - And the only reason we do not know more about this is because of the criminal cover-up under the Bush administration and the enraging refusal of the Obama administration to do the right thing and open all of it to sunlight.
Haiti six days later - The Big Picture - Boston.com
LiveLeak.com - New Video of Haiti quake 1:25
Retribution swift and brutal for Haiti's looters | World news | The Guardian
Rescues Beat Dimming Odds in Haiti but Fall Short of Need - NYTimes.com
For 45,000 Americans in Haiti, the Quake Was ‘a Nightmare That’s Not Ending’ - NYTimes.com
Survivors Rescued 126 Hours After Haiti Earthquake (video)
Magnitude 6.0 quake hits Guatemala coast - Americas- msnbc.com
France and America bicker as Haiti aid fails to reach city - Times Online Mr Joyandet said that the UN would have to clarify the role of the US in the Haitian aid effort. "It's a matter of helping Haiti, not occupying Haiti" (Pentagon still "working on a plan" to shock and awe Haiti)
Daily Kos: USNS Comfort to be at full strength for first time in history
Pennies for Haiti, Billions for Israel, Egypt - Coop's Corner - CBS News (of course)
OpenSecrets.org: Money in Politics -- See Who's Giving & Who's Getting
Review of Jet Bomb Plot Shows More Missed Clues - NYTimes.com
5 Americans Detained in Pakistan Allege Torture - ABC News
Why they hate us? It's not a secret - baltimoresun.com the purported voice of Mr. bin Laden, "to liberate yourself from fear and the ideological terrorism of neoconservatives and the Israeli lobby; the reason for our dispute with you is your support for your ally, Israel, occupying our land in Palestine."
What To Trust: The Market Or Body Politic? - Baltimore Sun (neither, and they are both Republicans)
ABC The Drum Unleashed - Prioritising life Why are we in a War on Terror at all? Why not a War on Earthquakes, which kill hundreds of thousands more people each year than some goose with incendiary BVDs who was on a suspect-list anyway?
U.S. Military Weapons Inscribed With Secret 'Jesus' Bible Codes - ABC News the issue was being raised by a group that is "not Christian."
Krugman - What Didn’t Happen - NYTimes.com - Reagan spent his first few years in office continuing to run against Jimmy Carter (while Obama spent his trying to be Bush: pure genius, Rahm)
In Reliably Blue State of Massachusetts, Pockets Red With Anger - NYTimes.com
Brown Takes Lead; Campaign Turns Ugly; Rape Remark Leveled At Coakley (video)
No Way | Talking Points Memo If Michael Capuano had been the Democratic nominee, there's simply no way we'd have gotten to this point ... Coakley is just culturally and temperamentally not suited to the politics of 2009/2010.
The Republican wins, even if he loses | Media Matters for America (they always do)
FDL News Desk » Let Me Say It Again – The House Won’t Pass The Senate Bill
Hullabaloo: Missing Flippers by digby (Dems to double down on failure?)
Poll: Most Don't Want Sarah Palin to Run for President - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Firedoglake » Late Night: If Wishes Were Ponies, Then Bushies Would Ride - Man Hands Hughes joins the growing conga line of Bush sycophants who are desperate to rewrite the past in the vain hope that the Aughts will not be fondly remembered as “the goddamned worst fucking decade in this nation’s history
Sandra Day O'Connor Sandra Day O'Connor's most controversial vote may be her vote in 2001 to suspend Florida's ballot recount, thus ensuring the election of George W. Bush as US President. This vote, in a 5-4 majority, came just months after she publicly expressed her concern that Senator Al Gore's election could delay her retirement plans (historical footnote)
Conservative Vision Ascendant In Latest TX History Textbooks Draft; Gingrich, Schlafly Back In | TPMMuckraker
Bitter recount, loss to former 'SNL' comic Al Franken sours ex-Minn. senator to governor's bid - latimes.com (+losing to professional wrestler)
Consumer Protection Agency in Doubt - WSJ.com Dodd Weighs Dropping Idea of Creating Independent Body in Bid to Get Financial Regulatory Revamp Passed This Year
Watchdog's fate in Senate key to financial reform | Reuters The tag on U.S. financial regulation reform may as well say "Made on Wall Street" if bank lobbyists manage to gut the Obama administration's proposed consumer watchdog agency, said Elizabeth Warren on Monday.
FT.com / Comment / Opinion - A bank levy will not stop the doomsday cycle
BBC News - IMF head in 'double-dip' global economy warning (call Larry Summers)
Homeowners opt to flee instead of fight as loan modifications start to lose luster (HAMP: the program designed to fail, failed)
Calculated Risk: Principal Reduction and Walking Away
Law to Curb Lobbying Sends It Underground - NYTimes.com
Wall St. Weighs Legal Challenge to Proposed Bank Tax - NYTimes.com (unconstitutional to tax banks, Supremes will agree)
NorthJersey.com: Big Tobacco wants a deal
Top 10 Pet Poisons
Writing Good English: A talk by William Zinsser to foreign students at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism | The American Scholar
When Trying to Preserve the Planet Strains the Relationship - NYTimes.com (another outlet for OCD)
Aokigahara-forest of suicides | Crazy pics
Canopy Living: The Ultimate Tree House | TwistedSifter
Man arrested under Terrorism Act for Doncaster airport Twitter joke - Telegraph
The case against a 10" AMOLED Apple tablet
Apple: The Tablet Prophecies - Patently Apple
apple-vs-google: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
France warns against Internet Explorer use - Telegraph
Why Haiti Matters | Newsweek.com By Barack Obama
From Haiti's ruins, a chance to rebuild a nation - washingtonpost.com
Officials Strain to Distribute Aid to Haiti as Violence Rises - NYTimes.com
Earthquake Day in Port au Prince « Rollings in Haiti
The Missing in Haiti - Interactive Feature - NYTimes.com
Haiti Earthquake Caught on Tape - CBS News Video
Dominican Aid Workers Shot In Haiti: WNBC (video)
Haiti earthquake: News updates - CNN.com
Letter of the day: Haiti suffers, and Robertson sees the hand of Satan | StarTribune.com
Wyclef Jean Charity's Funny Money - January 14, 2010
Doubts raised about Jean’s charity group - Celebrities- msnbc.com
The DOs and DON'Ts of Disaster Donations
Mini Marshall Plan Is Needed for a True Resurrection of Haiti - DailyFinance
A Letter to Rush Limbaugh :: rogerebert.com :: Opinion
Attackerman » Did The Jordanians Torture The CIA Khost Killer?
3 Blackwater Guards Called Baghdad Shootings Unjustified - NYTimes.com
Bagram Detainees Named by U.S. - NYTimes.com - 645 detainees held at the main detention center at Bagram Air Base
With World Watching, Rio Focuses on Security - NYTimes.com
YouTube - Nacktscanner bei Markus Lanz (why TSA's body scanners and security theatre is USELESS FAIL)
Op-Ed Columnist - The Great Tea Party Rip-Off - NYTimes.com By Frank Rich
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Sources: Obama advisers believe Coakley will lose « - Blogs from CNN.com (just plain stupid +doomed)
Firedoglake » National Review Apparently Unaware that Substantial Majority of Republicans Reject Evolution (Scott Brown proabably doesn't believe in evolution
Williams and Krauthammer agree: "Democrats are losing" in Massachusetts "even if Coakley wins" | Media Matters for America
Political Memo - Massachusetts Election Tests Democrats’ Staying Power - NYTimes.com
Ed Schultz On MA Election: 'I'd Cheat To Keep These Bastards Out' (audio)
Justices to hear case on disclosure of names on a petition - washingtonpost.com (they love interfering in voting
The Seminal » Pissed Off Enough Yet? Blankfein - the guy who claimed G-S was 'doing God's work'
Up to 80 million Americans infected with H1N1: CDC | Reuters
Frozen In France? Thank The Arctic Oscillation : NPR
The way in which wolves adapted to the environment to turn into dogs reveals another insight into evolution
Dispersion of Sound Waves in Ice Sheets « silent listening
Ice Recordings Updated « silent listening
Proteins that might contribute to memory loss and Alzheimer's disease identified - kinases involved in Alzheimer's disease-related tau hyperphosphorylation.
Fire and Ice - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Even Plants May Not Like a Warmer World - TIME
BBC News - Oesophageal cancer cell errors threaten research
Wii board helps physios strike a balance after strokes - health - 16 January 2010 - New Scientist (medical corps: $17,000; WII: $84
Why beer is the latest hope in fight against cancer | Mail Online xanthohumol blocks the excessive action of testosterone and oestrogen. It also helps to prevent the release of a protein called PSA which encourages the spread of prostate cancer.
Faster-than-light pulsar radio waves found - Neoseeker News Article
Racism: 10 things you might not know about it - chicagotribune.com
Facebook causes one in five divorces, says law firm | Technology | News & Comment | The First Post
101 Ways to Lose Your Gut - Men's Fitness
New York Times Ready to Charge Online Readers -- Daily Intel (nothing succeeds like failure)
Not all information wants to be free. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine
User Reviews Can Be Biased - Daily Press
BBC News - German government warns against using MS Explorer
Does the Fourth Amendment cover 'the cloud'? | The Wisdom of Clouds - CNET News
FT.com / Comment / Analysis - China and the west: Full circle (Chinese go wild on uncensored google.cn)
China's attack on Google explained - CNET News
Windows 7 Security: What You Need to Know, Part One - PC World Business Center
Patience Wears Thin as Desperation Grows - NYTimes.com (US military is "working on a plan")
U.S. Gives Illegal Haitian Residents Protected Status - NYTimes.com
On rebuilding Haiti : The New Yorker: Suffering: by George Packer
Haiti deaths may reach 200,000; 1,415 Canadians missing - thestar.com
Security concerns cause doctors to leave hospital, quake victims - CNN.com
Haiti Earthquake Aid Slowly Reaching Victims As Desperation Grows
Hedi Annabi Dead: Bodies Of Haiti Mission Chief And Top Deputy Found, U.N. Says
Fox News Has No Idea How to Cover the Crisis in Haiti | PEEK | AlterNet Without an RNC, Obama-hating talking point to guide the newsroom, Fox News seems clearly adrift.
Guest Voices: Voodoo's view of the quake in Haiti - On Faith at washingtonpost.com
WireTap Magazine - From the Wire - Haiti Rescue Efforts: Checking Our Elitism At the Door
After six years, Charkaoui now a free man (the Canadian version of warrentless rendition forever, in the case for knowing karate)
Narrow Senate Race Unnerves Democrats on Health Care - NYTimes.com (no one could have predicted)
By The Numbers: A Brown Win Could Kill Health Care
Massachusetts: 'Bottom has fallen out' of Coakley's polls; Dems prepare to explain defeat, protect Obama | Washington Examiner - "So right now, she is destined to lose."
Kimberley A. Strassel: The Health Lady Has Yet to Sing - WSJ.com - ObamaCare is still no sure thing.
Lawmaker Reads Crude Web Posts at School - Sen. Scott Brown (Christ, what an asshole)
Why Jon Stewart failed to make John Yoo squirm. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine Why Jon Stewart failed to make John Yoo squirm.
Johnson & Johnson Facing Federal Suit for Nursing Home Kickbacks for Risperdal
David Axelrod - What Karl Rove got wrong on the U.S. deficit - washingtonpost.com
TAPPED Archive | The American Prospect | The Failure Of The Cheney Assault? (MoDo's big daddy)
Trusted Bloomberg Aides Get $400,000 Election Bonuses - NYTimes.com His total spending, the records show, was 12 times that of his opponent, William C. Thompson Jr. (but Obama couldn't bring himself to campaign for Black oppenent)
Editorial - Sentenced to Abuse - NYTimes.com - several juvenile facilities where 30 percent or more of the young people reported being raped (Republican justice)
Oyster Bay Divides Over a Law Aimed at Day Laborers - NYTimes.com (no "Waving while Latino")
The Dirtiest Player: Profiles: GQ
Ezra Klein - Obama's bank-friendly bank tax (he will reap the whirlwind)
Obama Weekly Address Slams Banks For Selfishness: 'It's A Sight To See' (stern words, no action)
AccuWeather.com News & Blogs: Ken Clark Blog
‘Potentially epic’ rain coming to O.C. - Sciencedude : The Orange County Register - with as much as 20” of precipitation in the Santa Ana Mountains and 4” to 8” along the coast (7x normal)
Wildlandfire Hotlist - View Single Post - CA-LNU - Next week's weather Interesting weather pattern building. If it comes to fruition, might cause us some problems ("a truly prodigious amount of snowfall is likely to occur in the mountains, possibly measured in the tens of feet in the Sierra")
The Daily Courier - Strong El Niño storms set to hit region next week
Next Week’s Wild Weather in Socal 3-10 FEET of snow. Flooding, mudslides, and avalanches will be widespread throughout the region. Travel over mountain passes will be nearly impossible
Cliff Mass Weather Blog: A Major Coastal Wind Event? | Cliff Mass Weather Blog: The First Coastal Wind Event
La Cañada Valley Sun: La Cañada Flintridge, California
YouTube - RAIN: H20...NO (Spring Sing 2009)
If The Levees Fail In California… The economic cost would top Katrina's. But a new tool may prevent catastrophe
Open Lab! That's all She Wrote! : Neurotopia (700 nominees for best science blog posts)
Announcing Open Lab, 2009!!! : Neurotopia (the winners)
Diamond Oceans Possible on Uranus, Neptune : Discovery News
Unbelievable Y chromosome differences between humans and chimpanzees | john hawks weblog - More than thirty percent of the chimpanzee Y chromosome has no homolog in humans, and likewise for the human Y in chimpanzees
News Blog: Manipulative meow: Cats learn to vocalize a particular sound to train their human companions McComb suggests that cats may be cashing in on human's naturally nurturing response to a baby’s cry. Previous studies have shown the cat’s embedded cry shares a similar frequency.
9NEWS.com | Denver | Colorado's Online News Leader | Pine beetles exhausting food source, foresters say
World Briefing - Europe - Austria - Experiment on Pigs Suspended - NYTimes.com (bury them in avalanches and watch them die)
A Rant About Women « Clay Shirky - (Women) "are bad at behaving like self-promoting narcissists, anti-social obsessives, or pompous blowhards, even a little bit, even temporarily, even when it would be in their best interests to do so." (+comments)
plasticbag.org: Should we encourage self-promotion and lies?
YouTube - "Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?" Rex Harrison
Women Don't Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide
Oh, gosh, thank you so much for mansplaining this to us! - Fandom wank wiki
The Open Source Boobs Project: Dear sir: I believe your patriarchy is showing.
Open Source Boob Project - FSFwiki
The Girl Who Conned The Ivy League : Rolling Stone
YouTube - Mozart sonata in C K.545 2nd mov, Mitsuko Uchida Piano | (Uchida) Chopin Etude Op.10,No.2
YouTube - Naudo - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Beatles) | Naudo - Stairway to Heaven (Zeppelin) | Naudo - House of the Rising Sun (Animal)
Denis Zilber Art Blog
Poll: Most won't pay to read newspapers online | Digital Media - CNET News
Would Apple Dump Google for Bing? - NYTimes.com
Verizon lowering barrier to 3G data entry with higher prices
Tensions Mount in Devastated Capital as Nations Step Up Aid Pledges to Haiti - NYTimes.com
Cuba Agrees to U.S. Medevac Flights - NYTimes.com
the nytpicker: The NYT's Haiti Coverage. Amazing.
Caribbean at risk of more large earthquakes - environment - 15 January 2010 - New Scientist
Congress.org - News : Rising military suicides More U.S. military personnel have taken their own lives so far in 2009 than have been killed in either the Afghanistan or Iraq wars this year
Massachusetts Senate Race: Poll Shows Shift Toward GOP Candidate (the male Sarah Palin)
The Washington Monthly: Who Votes Against Help For 9/11 Recovery Workers (Scott Brown, such a nice guy)
In MA-Sen Race That's All About Health Care, Is GOPer Brown Providing Coverage to Staff? | TPMDC
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - The creepy mind-set behind Cass Sunstein's creepy proposal
Did pollsters Pat Caddell and Douglas Schoen sleep through the Bush years? | Media Matters for America (swallow their shit and like it)
Jon Stewart: Palin Like A "Moose In Headlights" On Fox News (video)
Op-Ed Columnist - Bankers Without a Clue - NYTimes.com Goldman Sachs’s Lloyd Blankfein, who compared the financial crisis to a hurricane nobody could have predicted.
Consumer Protection Agency in Doubt - WSJ.com (Dodd will kill bill)
GM Corn & Organ Failure: Lots of Sensationalism, Few Facts | 80beats | Discover Magazine
Study: HIV-Drug Resistance May Rise, Threaten Treatment - Time
Pulsar watchers race for gravity waves : Nature News
Bible Possibly Written Centuries Earlier, Discovery Suggests | LiveScience (
Stay young on red wine drugs? Think again - health - 15 January 2010 - New Scientist
Male prostitution is Nevada's newest legal profession - latimes.com
Porno clip causes traffic jam in downtown Moscow
30 Best Blogs of 2009 - Fimoculous.com
Researchers identify command servers behind Google attack the iDefense report unambiguously declares that the Chinese government was, in fact, behind the effort.
ICSI Netalyzr (analyze/share info about your intertube connection)
Use tools running on M-Lab to test your Internet connection
Google Public DNS
Haiti 48 hours later - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Haiti Lies in Ruins; Grim Search for Untold Dead - NYTimes.com
YouTube - Haiti Earthquake Caught on Tape
Haiti Earthquake
Pat Robertson: Haiti 'Cursed' By 'Pact To The Devil' (video) (Christians at work)
YouTube - Olbermann Slams Limbaugh And Robertson For Sick Comments
As Wallets Open For Haiti, Credit Card Companies Take A Big Cut
Haiti earthquake | Help Haiti
BBC News - US editor at Palestinian agency fights Israel entry ban - "Israel cannot hide behind the pretext of security to sideline journalists who have done nothing more than maintain an editorial line that the authorities dislike,"
Witness Implicates Mayor Ampatuan in Philippines Massacre - NYTimes.com (30 journalists executed)
Doomsday Deferred: End-of-World Clock Set Back 1 Minute - Yahoo! News
Democrats Fight to Hold Crucial Seat - Kennedy’s - NYTimes.com
corrected: Brown Says He's Unfamiliar with Tea Partiers; Campaign Pix Say Otherwise | TPMDC
Poll: Coakley Up By Eight Points In MA-SEN | TPMDC
Is Ailes Finished at Fox? - The Daily Beast
Just like her newspaper preference: Palin says her "favorite" founder is "all of them" before eventually citing Washington | Media Matters for America (cosmically stupid)
Beck Calls 'Bullcrap' On Palin's Non-Answer About Favorite Founding Father (VIDEO) | TPM LiveWire
Please Tell Me This Is Sarcasm | Talking Points Memo - does Mika Brzezinski really chime in that her pick would have been Lincoln? (airhead Mika stupider than Palin: our elite media)
Op-Ed Contributors - Questions for the Big Bankers - NYTimes.com (excellent)
Jobless Claims, Retail Sales Show Economy Still Weak - CNBC new claims for unemployment insurance rose by 11,000 to a seasonally adjusted 444,000 (but Summers says "everyone agrees the recession is over)
DealBook Column - Wall St. Ethos Under Scrutiny at Financial Crisis Hearing - NYTimes.com
Record Year For Foreclosures: 2.8 Million Households Threatened In 2009, Up 21 Percent
December Retail Sales Drop .3 Percent, 2009 Sales See Biggest Drop In 27 Years (see: Larry Summers and the end of the recession)
Male Chromosome May Evolve Fastest - NYTimes.com - The decoding of the Y chromosome’s DNA was particularly difficult because the chromosome is full of palindromes — runs of DNA that read the same backward as forward — and repetitive sequences that confuse the decoding systems.
The Americanization of Mental Illness - NYTimes.com - We have for many years been busily engaged in a grand project of Americanizing the world’s understanding of mental health and illness. We may indeed be far along in homogenizing the way the world goes mad (disease model produces cruelty +Republicanization of mental illness)
MIT research finds 'noisiest' neurons persist in the adult brain New discovery likely to have significant influence on cell replacement therapies
American Obesity Rates Have Hit Plateau, C.D.C. Data Suggest - NYTimes.com
"Dinosaur-Sized Shark" Kills Tourist : Discovery News
Why is the news media comfortable with lying about science?
‘No such thing as safe cocaine use’ - Times Online
In Rebuke of China, Focus Falls on Cybersecurity - NYTimes.com
Obama backs Google in dispute with China - Telegraph The Obama administration has leapt to the defence of Google after the internet search giant threatened to pull the plug on its Chinese operations.
Technology Review: Google Reveals Chinese Espionage Efforts
Light Blue Touchpaper » Blog Archive » Ignoring the “Great Firewall of China”
Chinese entrepreneurs, investors on Google: ‘Just quit. We don’t care.’ | VentureBeat
Feature: Understanding TCP Reset Attacks, Part I | KernelTrap
Mikey Hicks, 8, Can’t Get Off U.S. Terror Watch List - NYTimes.com
YouTube - BB King Calls This One Of His Best Performances
7 Books We Lost to History That Would Have Changed the World | Cracked.com
Should You Pay to Read This? - TierneyLab Blog - NYTimes.com (Jaron Lanier)
Findings - Jaron Lanier Is Rethinking the Open Nature of the Internet - NYTimes.com When does the wisdom of crowds give way to the meanness of mobs? (Jaron Lanier)
Cato Unbound » Blog Archive » The Gory Antigora: Illusions of Capitalism and Computers Jaron Lanier
Edge; DIGITAL MAOISM: The Hazards of the New Online Collectivism By Jaron Lanier
Can We Change the Web’s Culture of Nastiness? - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com
Jaron Lanier Gets Old And Crotchety; Maybe He Should Kick Those Kids Off His Virtual Reality Lawn | Techdirt
Tell the FCC: Don't Let Hollywood Hijack the Internet | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Groups seek to challenge U.S. gov't on seized laptops
DNS Tool | Cricket Liu
IPAM Freeware Download
Haiti earthquake: thousands feared dead - Telegraph
U.N. Says Guatemalan Lawyer Hired His Own Killers - NYTimes.com
Giving corporations an outsized voice in elections - latimes.com Voters stand to lose out if the Supreme Court treats political spending by businesses and other big-money players as protected speech (Democracy is so 1700's)
Poll: More Think Health Care Reform Isn’t Ambitious Enough | The Plum Line (FAIL for all involved)
Will President Obama defend the 'Cadillac tax' to cut health-care costs? - washingtonpost.com
Eschaton Good Luck Sen. Gillibrand - Harold Ford Jr. is a slimier-than-most politician who wraps himself in sanctimony (+lies like a Republican +wtf, Bloomberg?)
Daily Kos: And WHY is Harold Ford being paid $1 million per year by Bank of America?
Daily Kos: New York listening tour, Harold Ford-style
Sarah Palin on Fox says she thought Iraq was behind 9/11 - Andy Barr - politico.com
Report: A Problem Finding Quality Recruits - Daily Press Across the country, 75 percent of Americans ages 17 to 24 are unable to enlist because they failed to graduate from high school, have a criminal record or are physically unfit (no child left un-screwed)
Just like her newspaper preference: Palin says her "favorite" founder is "all of them" before eventually citing Washington | Media Matters for America (stupid and proud of it)
Wounded In Wars, Civilians Face Care Battle At Home : NPR
Goldman admits 'improper' actions in sales of securities | McClatchy
Leo Hindery, Jr.: The 'Real Unemployment' Needs Real Solutions - "Everyone agrees that the recession is over," said Larry Summers, President Obama's top economic advisor, on December 13 - But in fact real unemployment in the United States is stuck at a dismal 19%, a figure nearly twice the so-called official number
The Disposable Worker - BusinessWeek Pay is falling, benefits are vanishing, and no one's job is secure. How companies are making the era of the temp more than temporary
New Evidence for Black Holes
Auto-appendectomy in the Antarctic: case report -- Rogozov and Bermel 339: b4965 -- BMJ
The Atlantic Online | January/February 2010 | Cultivating Failure | Caitlin Flanagan With the Edible Schoolyard, and the thousands of similar programs, the idea of a school as a venue in which to advance a social agenda has reached rock bottom.
FBI Defends Disruptive Raids on Texas Data Centers | Threat Level | Wired.com (FBI: "we don't need no steenking due process")
Florida grandmother jailed 15 days for suspended license - South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com (but it wasn't suspended)
Valet. > Living > Features > The Female Perspective - A Modern Guide to Dating
YouTube - Amazing Grace - A Cappella Multitrack
YouTube - Leadbelly: 3 songs, 1945
Court to RealNetworks: Stop Whining About RealDVD, It’s All Your Fault
RealNetworks' Founder Rob Glaser Steps Down as CEO -- SEATTLE, Jan. 13 /PRNewswire
Official Google Blog: A new approach to China We have decided we are no longer willing to continue censoring our results on Google.cn, and so over the next few weeks we will be discussing with the Chinese government the basis on which we could operate an unfiltered search engine within the law, if at all. We recognize that this may well mean having to shut down Google.cn, and potentially our offices in China.
Hillary :Statement on Google Operations in China
tianamen square - Google (misspelled) )
Official Google Enterprise Blog: Keeping your data safe
Twitter / WikiLeaks: Several rumours from google: China accessed google's US-gov intercept system which provides gmail subjects/dates
Adobe confirms 'sophisticated, coordinated' breach | Zero Day | ZDNet.com
Official Gmail Blog: Default https access for Gmail
Global Voices Online » China: Google’s possible exile leads to cyber protests; Netizens on move
Google May Close Operations in China - Video Library - The New York Times
China: Google attack part of widespread spying effort - Digital Lifestyle - Macworld UK Analysts see Google's threat to leave China as a public admission of corporate espionage
Official Google Docs Blog: Upload and store your files in the cloud with Google Docs
Google GDrive Launches. Just Don’t Call It That.
Conversations About The Internet #5: Anonymous Facebook Employee - The Rumpus.net
011210 Iraq invasion violated international law, Dutch inquiry finds | World news | guardian.co.uk
US Investigating 38 Cases of Reconstruction Abuse - NYTimes.com ("non-Afgans" and ... but what about ACORN!)
Lawyers, Guns and Money: The Ledeen Doctrine "Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business." (and kill a million people just for fun and profit)
Pentagon Scientists Target Iran’s Nuclear Molemen | Danger Room | Wired.com
Emptywheel » SCOTUS Scuttles Prop 8 Video Coverage; The History Behind The Denial
Haiti Earthquake: 7.0 Quake Prompts Tsunami Watch
Port in N.C. closed after containers with explosive material punctured - CNN.com - a forklift unloading a vessel punctured a large container and the drums inside it that contained the explosive compound PETN (wtf?)
CQ: Obama's Winning Streak On Hill Unprecedented : NPR
White House Opposes Harold Ford’s Challenge to Gillibrand - NYTimes.com (sure they do)
Daily Kos: A Caution for the WH: Public Doesn't Think Health Insurance Bill is Strong Enough
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com The fundamental unreliability of America's media
New York Times Company : Company : Business Units : Guidelines on Integrity (policy on anonymous sources which they ignore when they feel like it)
Veteran journalist blasts "convoluted" Halperin/Heilemann explanation of their ground rules | Media Matters for America
A Torturous Interview: John Yoo Does The Daily Show (VIDEO) | TPM LiveWire
Firedoglake » Early Morning Swim: Rachel Maddow Shines a Spotlight on Liz Cheney’s Dishonest Political Advocacy
Five Million Americans Hang in the Balance Between the House, Senate Health Bills -- Politics Daily
Chuck Norris Hunts for Obama's 'Secret Vault' as Interpol Conspiracy Theories Get Wilder - Declassified Blog - Newsweek.com (the pits of stupidity)
Full Body Scanner Lobby: Michael Chertoff & Rapiscan | NowPublic News Coverage
Harry R. Lewis: Larry Summers, Robert Rubin: Will The Harvard Shadow Elite Bankrupt The University And The Country? (history of complete failure +total secrecy)
Even in a Recovery, Some Jobs Won't Return - WSJ.com
No Seat for Wall Street at Tea Party - WSJ.com (the stupid may finally be waking up)
Obama Weighs Tax on Banks to Recoup Bailout Aid and Cut Deficit - NYTimes.com
BBC News - Federal Reserve makes record $52.1bn profit
Terrible Timing? Goldman's Bonus Bonanza Taking Stock of Some of the Individuals Set to Reap Outsized Pay Packages
Schwarzenegger budget ax would fall heavily on poor | Reuters (Republicans at work)
FoxNews, WattsUpWithThat push falsehood-filled Daily Mail article on global cooling that utterly misquotes, misrepresents work of Mojib Latif and NSIDC « Climate Progress Latif told me: "I don't know what to do. They just make these things up." NSIDC Director Serreze says it is "completely false." (SOP)
The Australian's War on Science 42 : Deltoid : Christopher Monckton makes shit up
Swine flu 'a false pandemic' to sell vaccines, expert says | The Daily Telegraph
Lizards' Camouflage Reveals Evolution in Action : Discovery News These desert lizards' accelerated evolution could provide researchers with new insights into how species form
Hijacking History | The Texas Tribune (Texas making the whole country stupid)
Bird-plane collisions may pass 10,000, a first - Yahoo! News
Team predicts satellite could locate hundreds of Earth-sized planets
The decline and fall of high-fructose corn syrup. - By Daniel Engber - Slate Magazine
Police fight cellphone recordings - The Boston Globe Witnesses taking audio of officers arrested, charged with illegal surveillance
Cougars In Training - MSN Relationships - article While some 40-plus women are rejecting the cougar label, there's a younger set of females who want to co-opt the title prematurely. Meet … the pumas.
Skeptic » eSkeptic » Audiophoolery - by Ethan Winer
[Citation Needed]
Cost-benefit analysis: net neutrality makes economic sense A new study warns that abandoning network neutrality could transfer billions of dollars from the most competitive sector of the Internet (online content) to the least (Internet service providers).
Google learning that users want real support for Nexus One
Google Plans to Upgrade Old Billboards in Street View What Happens When Somebody Wants to Put a Virtual Ad on Your Real-Life Billboard?
s Praetorian Prefect | Baidu.com the Latest Victim of Iranian CyberArmy
Facebook dismisses rumours of charging plans - Telegraph
Military Deluged in Drone Intelligence - NYTimes.com
Op-Ed Contributor - Russian Advice on Afghanistan - NYTimes.com
Lawyers, Guns and Money: Sunday Book Review: The Great Gamble (Afganistan and the Russians)
Celebrate Gitmo's Eighth Birthday With A McClatchy Read-In (someone still doing reporting)
Video | MiamiHerald.com | Never-before-seen photos of Guantanamo detainees
Palestinian official: Israel razed 150 Arab homes in West Bank - Haaretz - Israel News
'Hillary effect' cited for increase in female ambassadors to U.S. - washingtonpost.com
Torture caught on camera in UAE | GlobalPost
Heathrow robbery trial breaks with 400-year tradition of trial by jury | UK news | The Guardian
Rape: It's a war crime - Los Angeles Times
Court Rulings Erode Spending Restrictions for Elections - NYTimes.com (as much speech as money can buy)
Common Sense World » Blog Archive » Congressional Reform Act of (2010) (only hope for preserving democracy_
Hillary Clinton doesn't believe word about alleged Chuck Schumer betrayal portrayed in 'Game Change'
Obama, labor leaders to square off over tax on high-cost health plans - TheHill.com Labor sources acknowledge they will not succeed in completely eliminating the tax (Rahm's bright idea)
FDL Action » Krugman Shoots the Messenger: Blames Wheeler, FDL for Fueling “Fake Scandal” over Gruber
Firedoglake » Try not to be shocked, Civilian Courts much more effective than Military Tribunals
Supreme court blocks broadcasting of gay marriage case - Yahoo! News (in case you were wondering where they stood)
Prop. 8 trial to include unprecedented testimony - latimes.com Challengers of the same-sex marriage ban plan to call to the stand homosexual couples, experts on the history of sexual discrimination and marriage, and the architects of the ballot measure.
Manslaughter defense possible | CJOnline.com A man accused of killing one of the nation's few late-term abortion providers can try to build a case that the slaying was voluntary manslaughter because he sincerely believed it was necessary to save unborn babies, a Kansas judge ruled Friday.
National Abortion Federation: Clinic Violence: Army of God
Hullabaloo: tristero: MoDo Wants A Daddy (they never got out of jr high)
Hullabaloo: digby: They All Want A Daddy
Maybe Sarah Palin's Doing The Best She Can (special-needs Republicans)
Authors: McCain aides worried that Palin was ‘mentally unstable’ | Raw Story
BBC News - Sarah Palin signs on as a commentator with Fox News
Palin To Become Fox News Contributor | TPM LiveWire
Book: Obama, Biden clashed in '08 - Jonathan Martin
National Journal Online - White House Readies Aggressive Midterm Push Axelrod Says Focus Will Be On Republican Alternatives (Obama to go all partisan on their asses)
AMERICAblog News: A tale of two Jindals (black or white? you decide)
Profiling Will Never Work - The Daily Beast Peter - Beinart
BBC News - Cleaners 'worth more to society' than bankers - study
S.E.C. Seeks New Charge Against Bank of America - DealBook Blog - NYTimes.com
Federal Reserve Seeks to Protect U.S. Bailout Secrets - Bloomberg.com (all you need to know)
Krugman - Learning From Europe - NYTimes.com
N.Y. Attorney General Cuomo seeks bonus details at 8 largest banks - washingtonpost.com
Geithner called to explain AIG bailout secrecy - Yahoo! News
politico Morning Money - Obama budget likely to include (as yet undetermined) fee on banks to help taxpayers recoup cost of bailout -- Romer still sees recovery beginning in spring (and they'll pass on the fees to you, who gave them the money in the first place)
The 2010 Political Timebomb Is Unemployment
In Retrospect - Executives on How the AOL-Time Warner Merger Went So Wrong - NYTimes.com
A massive star is born
Green Sea Slug Is Part Animal, Part Plant | Wired Science | Wired.com (plantanimal)
Egypt Tombs Suggest Pyramids Not Built by Slaves - ABC News
the adventure life | The Dark Side of the Moon Ain’t So Dark
Jenny McCarthy Dismisses Pediatrics Study on Autism : Discovery News - “Mommy Doctorate” M.D which is sort of like saying that owning a car qualifies a person as a mechanic
Prisoners of Parole - NYTimes.com
Daily Kos: Feminism Fail (traditional orgs - HRC, NOW, NARAL, PP, Emily's List, Komen - are broken +nestbuilding +nowhere to be seen on Stupak +"do nothing strategy")
Does the National Enquirer Deserve a Pulitzer for Breaking the John Edwards Scandal? -- Politics Daily
A pilot's life: exhausting hours for meagre wages | World news | The Guardian $20,000 pay and lengthy commutes to work renew fears for passengers' safety
French court says 'oui' on workplace smut • The Register
YouTube - l'enculade medievale
Paige Williams – Journalism, etc. – About The Dolly Freed Story
Mark Green: How The Sixties Still Influence America In 2010 - Politics - Air America
What If Apple Designed Cars? HuffPost Photoshop Contest (you'd only have a license and couldn't work on it yourself)
Photos: World's Worst Rotten Rich Kids - Newsweek
15 Celeb Couples That Still Baffle Us
Facebook CEO Zuckerberg causes stir over privacy
Site's terms still enforceable even if users never read them
Dear Musicians – The Web Is Not A TV Channel | pampelmoose Dave Allen of Gang of Four's Music and Media Blog
Santa Fe Wi-Fi Fears Keep Getting Weirder - Man sues neighbor for refusing to turn off wireless - dslreports.com
Demonic Squirrel Motorcycle Riding Story
Top 5 Reasons Porn-for-Profit Is Dying - The Daily Beast
Top 10 YouTube Videos of All Time
MediaShift . Your Guide to Cutting the Cord to Cable TV | PBS
Phone Scoop
Nuclear threat demands a sustained U.S. effort | ajc.com By Howard James Hubbard and Leon Lederman
Daily Kos: US National Security Policy And Nuclear Weapons: Perspectives on the Nuclear Posture Review
FP Passport | New details emerge about the CIA bomber
democracyarsenal.org: Afghanistan Cluster&%$! Watch
BBC News - Israelis reject George Mitchell loan guarantee 'threat' Israeli officials have shrugged off a suggestion that the US could withhold loan guarantees to pressure Israel over the Middle East peace process (the Fuck You State)
FDL News Desk » Afghan President Karzai: “Corruption? What Corruption?”
Informed Comment: Iraq, Gaza, Drone Strikes in Pakistan-- the Radicalization of CIA Assassin Humam al-Balawi Unjust wars and occupations radicalize people. The American Right wing secretly knows this, but likes the vicious circle it produces. Wars make profits for the military-industrial complex, and the resulting terrorism terrifies the clueless US public and helps hawks win elections, allowing them to pursue further wars. And so it goes, until the Republic is bankrupted and in ruins and its unemployed have to live in tent cities.
Officials Obscured Truth of Migrant Deaths in Jail - NYTimes.com (disgusting criminality by ICE: 107 deaths in detention: they might as well have just shot them)
Italians cheer as police move African immigrants out after clashes with locals | World news | The Observer Mafia involvement is suspected as riots leave scores injured
Who will pay for Amazon's 'Chernobyl'? - Green Living, Environment - The Independent A film released this week in Britain recounts the 16-year battle by Ecuadorians for damages against Chevron for oil pollution
Senate poll: Coakley up 15 points - The Boston Globe
Poll: Scott Brown ahead of Martha Coakley by 1 point - The Scorecard - politico.com
Cavuto's flawed "global warming alert": "It is freezing across the entire globe" | Media Matters for America (Foxhole morons)
Think Progress » Right-Wing Radio Host Incensed That ‘Butt Sniffer’ Michael Steele Canceled Appearance On Her Show (teapartiers pissed: "butt-sniffer")
ATTACKERMAN » Hillary Mann Leverett Pwns Jeffrey Goldberg (beautiful)
Dohiyi Mir<: Five Pointed Palm Exploding Heart Technique (activisism requires, you know, action) /a>
An Excerpt From John Heilemann and Mark Halperin's 'Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime' -- New York Magazine - Saint Elizabeth and the Ego Monster - inside the Edwards triangle, nothing was too crazy to be true.
BBC News - China 'overtakes Germany as world's largest exporter'
Op-Ed Columnist - The Other Plot to Wreck America - NYTimes.com what Warren Buffett called the “financial weapons of mass destruction” that wrecked our economy (too late for reform, thanks, Barry)
For Wall St., Question on Top Bonuses Is 7 Figures or 8 - NYTimes.com - it looks as if it will be one of the largest and most controversial blowouts the industry has ever seen (good job, Barry)
Keeping America's Edge > Publications > National Affairs (confiration bias: see Krugman)
European decline — a further note - Paul Krugman Blog - NYTimes.com - It’s probably not a deliberate case of data falsification. Instead, like so many conservatives, Manzi just knew that Europe is an economic disaster, glanced at some numbers, thought he saw his assumptions confirmed, and never checked.
Emptywheel » Gruber Caveats the “Excise Tax Raise” Claim
Corrections - Correction - NYTimes.com - On Friday, Professor Gruber confirmed reports that he is a paid consultant to the Department of Health and Human Services, and that his contract was in effect when he published his article. The article did not disclose this relationship to readers (paid flack)
Stockton, California Is Foreclosureville, USA, Has One Of The Worst Foreclosure Rates In The United Sates
Firedoglake » Deliberately flouting securities law or grossly derelict in his duties? Tough call for Tim Geithner (if this had been anyone else but a Republican banker +conflicting stories
A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health (GM corn is toxic)
Steven Newton: Science Denial on the Rise (land of the stupid)
Some "Non-Avian Feathered Dinosaurs" May Have Been Birds : Discovery News (quacks like a bird)
Howstuffworks "Top 5 Unsolved Brain Mysteries" (cognitive scientiests will solve these any day now)
Mirror testing breaks superstitious myths | R&D Mag
HubbleSite - NewsCenter - Galaxy History Revealed in This Colorful Hubble View (01/05/2010) - Release Images
Gay marriage, Perry v. Schwarzenegger, and the Supreme Court : The New Yorker Is it too soon to petition the Supreme Court on gay marriage?
The Lawless Netherworlds of Gay Relationships in The Ballad of Tila Tequila
The New Cavemen Lifestyle Has Found a Home in the City - NYTimes.com
Myleene Klass warned after brandishing knife to deter intruders | UK news | guardian.co.uk Police tell TV presenter she was acting illegally in waving kitchen knife at youths who were peering in window late at night (no waving knives in your own home in UK: carrying an "offensive weapon", even in her own home, was illegal: will confiscate all steak knives and scissors)
Relatious | Relatious is a micro blogging place to share all aspects of your relationships
Body of Answers - Secure Computing: Sec-C (update on Victoria's Secret photoshopping analysis)
The World Question Center 2010 : How Is The Internet Changing The Way You Think?
Hands-On With the Boxee Set-Top Box and Remote | Gadget Lab | Wired.com
Why People Don't Like Video Chatting - TIME (Only 34% of Skype calls even use video.
So What Should Motorola Do Now? – GigaOM
Google nexus one | Just another blog about buying a google nexus one
HowardForums: Your Mobile Phone Community & Resource - Nexus One Compared to N900 and iPhone 3GS (Long Post)
Facebook's Zuckerberg Says The Age of Privacy is Over
A Closer Look at Facebook's New Privacy Options
Five Best DVD-Ripping Tools - dvd ripping - Lifehacker
Welcome to Moodio! | Moodio
Imposing Middle East Peace Israel has crossed the threshold from "the only democracy in the Middle East" to the only apartheid regime in the Western world (call Abe Foxman)
Hugo Hernandez: Mexico Cartel Stitches Rival's Face On Soccer Ball (Republican war on drugs is killing everyone)
Iris Robinson: Mrs. Robinson's Affair With Teen Rocks Northern Ireland an affair by 58-year-old woman named Mrs. Robinson with a 19-year-old male lover (and she was corrupt)
From bikinis to burkas - The Globe and Mail - A Yemeni memoir (fundamentalists rolling back the clock)
The Memory Bank » Blog Archive » The digital revolution and me
In France, a Move to Outlaw Psychological Abuse in Marriage - Yahoo! News
Court Rulings Erode Spending Restrictions for Elections - NYTimes.com (Republicans drive another stake into the corpse of democracy)
Fool Me Over and Over and Over Again - Dan Froomkin - "the dangers when editors run with exclusive leaked material in politically charged circumstances and fail to push back skeptically." (elite media fail; blow-dry Georgie is the model +Pentagon Fog Machine)
Seton Hall | Law - Guantánamo Reports (pack of lies from the Pentagon)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - Helen Thomas deviates from the terrorism script: until they all just decide to ignore her (they hate us for our freedoms)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - More cause and effect in our ever-expanding "war" - it is taboo to discuss how America's actions in the Middle East cause Terrorism (the word Israel cant be mentioned)
Obama Weekly Address: President Details Changes In Health Care Legislation (depends what you mean by "affordable")
Echidne Of The Snakes: And thus consumers are mandated to buy a policy, however crappy, however full of holes, from private companies only
Think Progress » GOP Senate Candidate Rep. Mike Castle Takes Credit For Over $5 Million In Stimulus Funds He Voted To Kill (Republicans at work: lying+hypocrisy)
Instant Pithyness Corrupts Instantly - Conor Friedersdorf - Metablog - True/Slant (InstaFuck)
Huff TV: ABC News Profiles Move Your Money (VIDEO) aims to change the practices of America's too-big-to-fail banks by encouraging account holders at those banks to withdraw their money and deposit it into smaller community banks or credit unions.
Nine Months Later, Obama Plan To Help 1.5 Million Struggling Homeowners Yet To Launch (completely useless fail)
The Changing Nature of Employment in the Great Recession
California Requests Billions From U.S. - WSJ.com (another Republican failure)
Project Syndicate - Grandmasters and Global Growth
Watch "Rachel Maddow's Blistering Commentary of Rudy Giuliani Over His 9/11 Comments" Video at mediaite (the mayor of 9/11: the end of his career)
What came first in the origin of life? New study contradicts the 'metabolism first' hypothesis the basic property of life as a system capable of undergoing Darwinian evolution began when genetic information was finally stored and transmitted such as occurs in nucleotide polymers (RNA and DNA).
Seeing Further edited by Bill Bryson | Book review | Books | The Guardian n November 1660, the world was a mysterious place. There was no explanation for the rise and ebb of the tides. Air was a puzzling, invisible fluid with unexplained properties. There was no known way to measure the height of a mountain. Minerals were produced by "certain subterranean juices through veins of the earth".
Begley: Does the Internet Change How We Think? - Sharon Begley - Newsweek.com (no, and you aren't multitasking either, you're just stupider)
Heavy Brows, High Art?: Newly Unearthed Painted Shells Show Neandertals Were Homo sapiens 's Mental Equals: Scientific American Neandertals were capable of symbolism, sweeping away age-old thinking that they were stupid
Snow stories: rare self-rolling snow balls found in UK - Telegraph
Genetics: Monogamouse | The Economist Genetically modified prairie voles may illuminate the human condition
How the Scientist Got His Ideas - The Chronicle Review - The Chronicle of Higher Education
Study says Texas death penalty a homicide deterrent | Chronicle | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle “Evidence exists of modest, short-term reductions in the numbers of homicides in Texas in the month of or after executions,
Pasadena's ESolar lands 2,000-megawatt deal in China - latimes.com
Top 10 Places You Can’t Go - Listverse
A Peek Into Netflix Queues - NYTimes.com
YouTube - The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again, Drum Cover, 4 Year Old Drummer
Ant Has Given Up Sex Completely, Researchers Confirm
Men think about sex 5,000 times a year - Telegraph but only get down to doing it 104 times, a new study has found.
Sherri Shepherd Reads Hilarious Excerpts From Madonna's "Sex" (video)
7 Kinds of Sex Every Couple Needs
YouTube - Are Woman as horny as men?
4 Quick Sites That Let You Check if Links Are Safe
Don’t Miss These Twitter and Facebook Guides « HeyJude
Afghan war kills three children a day: report - Yahoo! News (Obama's war on terrorist babies)
New Civilian Deaths Roil Afghans Thousands of Afghans shouting "Death to America!" protested the killings of children Thursday, the latest in a string of controversial cases in which international forces have been blamed for civilian deaths.
British woman 'arrested in Dubai after being raped' - Telegraph
BBC News - Malaysian churches fire-bombed as 'Allah' row escalates - Muslim groups are angry at a court decision allowing non-Muslims to use the word Allah to refer to God ("Allah" copyrighted by Muslims)
U.S. appeals court wary of habeas corpus challenge by detainees in Afghanistan - washingtonpost.com
Concern as China clamps down on rare earth exports - Asia, World - The Independent Neodymium is one of 17 metals crucial to green technology. There’s only one snag – China produces 97% of the world’s supply. And they’re not selling
IEEE Spectrum: The Rare-Earth-Metal Bottleneck: China produces most of the world's rare earth metals, and soon it will need all that it produces (all your electronics are dead)
The Butt Bomb | The New Republic Al Qaeda's hidden weapon (scanners useless: full body cavity search neccessary for all flyers, including pilots)
BBC News - World News America - Matt Frei's diary: Dangerous minds
Firedoglake » Those Who Misinterpret The Past Are Unable To Repeat It (Obama is no FDR even though Rahm thought bailing out rich bankers would look like 1934)
Emptywheel » Gruber Doesn’t Reveal that 21% of MA Residents Can’t Afford Health Care
Mr. 9/11 Gets Amnesia: 'We Had No Domestic Attacks Under Bush; We've Had One Under Obama' (VIDEO) | TPM LiveWire
Rudy Giuliani Wrong in Saying ‘No Domestic Attacks Under Bush’ - George's Bottom Line (puff-ball Georgie issues a statement on his blog, couldn't mention it on air: Republican liars always get free passes)
YouTube - Rudy Giuliani [2004 Republican National Convention] part 1/4
George Stephanopoulos, Ali Wentworth Shopping For $40K/Month New York Rental: NYP
Worst RNC cash flow in a decade - TheHill.com 2009 - spending spree
The Washington Monthly - Michael Steele'S Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week.
GOP Rep Launches Terror News YouTube Series, Warns Of Muslim Brotherhood Plot | TPMMuckraker - Rep. Sue Myrick (R-NC)
DownWithTyranny!: Lynne Woolsey Betrays Progressive Movement-- Raises Money For Blue Dog Jane Harman (self-described as "the best Republican in the Democratic Party.")
What if 2010 is Like 1982?
Fox's Andrew Napolitano: "If the feds had not stripped us" of gun rights, "9-11 would never have happened" | Media Matters for America (you know, the right to pack heat on airlines)
NY Fed, AIG Emails Spark New, Bipartisan Criticism Of Geithner - White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said that Geithner, who he said "was not involved" in the emails, still had President Obama's full confidence (Obama won't release documents)
Firedoglake » Trouble for Geithner? TARP IG Barofsky Has Open Investigation
Wall Street Reform: Traditional Foes Join Forces To Take On Bankers energy companies, airlines, truckers, farmers and other end users of derivatives, along with unions, consumer advocates and a host of progressive organizations.
Calculated Risk: Unemployed over 26 Weeks, Diffusion Index, Seasonal Retail Hiring
Lawsuit: Goldman Sachs bonuses bigger than its earnings | Raw Story (no problem, they'll use your money to make up the difference)
Goldman Sachs Wasting Shareholder Money On Huge Bonuses, Fiduciary Duty 'Wholly Abdicated,' According To Two New Lawsuits
Contrarian Investor Predicts Economic Crash in China - NYTimes.com “Dubai times 1,000 — or worse,” (but: Quantum Fund Jim Rogers says: “China is not in a bubble.” )
Op-Ed Columnist - Bubbles and the Banks - NYTimes.com For there’s a populist rage building in this country, and President Obama’s kid-gloves treatment of the bankers has put Democrats on the wrong side of this rage (Corporate Barry will pay the price)
Feinberg Says Lack of Pay Authority Is Disappointment - Bloomberg.com (of course, Obama made sure he had no power)
Simon Johnson: We're Setting Ourselves Up For A Big Catastrophe, 'Crisis Is Just Beginning' (Video) ("the next phase of the financial crisis could be precipitated by banks exploiting emerging markets like China)
Yahoo CEO Gives Herself B-Minus Grade in First Year (Update2) - Bloomberg.com - Carol Bartz (see: Autodesk)
1 in 5 Working-Age American Men Don't Have A Job
Best and Worst Jobs 2010 - The Wall Street Journal
New approach to fighting Alzheimer’s shows potential in clinical trial Nutrient mix shows promise in improving memory - — uridine, choline and the omega-3 fatty acid DHA (all normally present in breast milk) — are precursors to the fatty molecules that make up brain cell membranes, which form synapses
Scientists stalk the H1N1 virus - Orlando Sentinel Lab keeps watch for dangerous genetic jump
Evolutionary surprise: Eight percent of human genetic material comes from a virus - this virally transmitted DNA may be a cause of mutation and psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and mood disorder (Bornavirus)
The recession hits science MIT report reveals biotechnology funding troubles
First Earth-like planet spotted outside solar system likely a volcanic wasteland
Having sex twice a week 'reduces chance of heart attack by half' - Telegraph (in men)
Physicists Solve Difficult Classical Problem with One Quantum Bit
Advanced Imaging Reveals a Computer 1,500 Years Ahead of Its Time - Technology - io9 the mysterious Antikythera mechanism, a device so astonishing that its discovery is like finding a functional Buick in medieval Europe.
Finding 'Beautiful' Symmetry Near Absolute Zero | 89.3 KPCC - a kind of symmetry known as E8
African elephants could be extinct in 15 years
ABC beauty Bianna Golodryga, fiancee of Obama budget boss Orszag, was busted for DWI in 2000
Virginia mulls discrimination against divorced parents: child support college mandate Married parents don't have any legal obligation to pay for their adult children's college education or living expenses. But a bill just introduced in Virginia's legislature would require divorced parents to pay for such expenses (next: force divorced men to pay for graduate school and new cars)
Woe, Woe, Woe: Doesn't Get Much Worse Than This - Hartford Courant New Jersey, Connecticut and New York. (are very, very, unhappy)
A Champion of Black History - Los Angeles Times Librarian Mayme Clayton, who scoured stores, attics and even dumps to amass a prized collection that she kept in her garage, has died.
Bodega Down Bronx: Places: Design Observer
YouTube - Best/Most motivational video in the world.
Doctor sentenced to 5 years in prison for assaulting bicyclists in Brentwood | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times
Story Lab - Solving the bra color Facebook puzzle
In the name of awareness « Toddler Planet (Breast Cancer "awareness" marketing)
Facebook status...why is nearly every1 on my FB putting black or white on there status? - Yahoo! Answers
YouTube - Pink Ribbons (Penn and Teller)
A Gender Gap in Cancer The progress against prostate cancer greatly lags breast cancer research and treatment options (BC gets 2X funding of PC)
Cancer Research Funding - National Cancer Institute
Common Cancer Types - National Cancer Institute - type/new cases/deaths
CDC - Women's Health - Leading Causes of Death in Females
About The Heart Truth, HHS, NIH, NHLBI
Cancer Funding: Does It Add Up? - Well Blog - NYTimes.com - Breast Cancer Deaths: (41,430) N.C.I. funding per death: $13,452 / Prostate Cancer Deaths (27,350) N.C.I. funding per death: $11,298
The Marketing of Breast Cancer | | AlterNet (2002: Komen Foundation, creator of the 110-city Race for the Cure, is tied up in private interests that run counter to its charity-driven mission)
Tampabay: All may not be in the pink A pink-powered campaign has raised breast cancer awareness, but has commercialization of it been a healthy effect? (2006)
Pink Ribbons, Inc. Breast Cancer and the Politics of Philanthropy
Think Before You Pink »
Barbara Ehrenreich, author of Bait and Switch: Welcome to Cancerland
EclippTV :: Video :: Police use Drones to spy on Americans!! (next: targeted assassinations)
No Longer Sexiled: Universities Grapple with Sex in Dorms | RHRealityCheck.org ufts University officially banned students from having sex in residence hall room when a roommate is present
Sleep Talkin' Man
Best of 2009: DSLR Cameras
Beautiful | Disgusting
The 12 sci-fi/fantasy movies you HAVE to see in 2010 | SCI FI Wire
Two Gentlemen of Lebowski What if... William Shakespeare wrote The Big Lebowski?
Why the White House is backing away from Net neutrality | Wireless - CNET News (why do you think?)
The WELL: Bruce Sterling: State of the World 2010
Windows 7: Surprisingly nice UI - even to a Mac user - Computerworld Blogs
MagicJack's Next Act: Disappearing Cell Phone Fees - ABC News
Art Fag City » IMG MGMT: The Nine Eyes of Google Street View
Obama: The Buck Stops With Me ("We are at war, we are at war against al-Qaida," he said. "We will do whatever it takes to defeat them.)
Next stop: Yemen - chicagotribune.com - There were many other ways we could have responded to 9/11 besides all-out wars, such as police and intelligence actions against particular al-Qaida actors, but those paths were not chosen (this: sanity)
Suicide Bombing Puts a Rare Face on C.I.A.’s Work - NYTimes.com
Deadly Explosion Arouses New Afghan Anger at U.S. - NYTimes.com (we've learned nothing)
Interactive: Each US Soldier in Afghanistan Costs $1 Million - Newsweek.com
BBC News - Newsnight - Witch-doctors reveal extent of child sacrifice in Uganda (but what about the homos?)
Security test exposed people to great danger - The Irish Times - Thu, Jan 07, 2010
Canada's Parliament: Harper goes prorogue | The Economist Parliamentary scrutiny may be tedious, but democracies cannot afford to dispense with it
James Jones: National Security Adviser Says Christmas Bomber Report Will 'Shock' (Video) "That's two strikes,"
Health Affairs Blog: Health Care Reform: State Winners And Losers: the states most likely to benefit from the health care reform tend to have Republican representatives in the Congress who actively work against the reform
Emptywheel » White House Still Pushing the Excise Tax Hocus Pocus (smoke and mirrors from Corporate Barry)
Obama Tells House Democrats He Supports Senate Tax On Cadillac Health Care Plans (tell Dems to act like Republicans)
Health-care reform bill's proposed tax on high-cost plans raises questions - "Employers, the theory goes, would put the savings into higher wages." (yeah, that'll happen)
Jon Stewart Plays "Sad Libs" To Educate Us On Yemen - "That's Yemen. A place we'll be hearing about for 24 hours a day until we get bogged down there and the insurgency moves to Oman." (Video)
Todd Harris, GOP Strategist, DECIMATED By Chris Matthews - "Tell me what the Republican party has done for this country in the last ten to 20 years" (crickets) (video)
Hullabaloo: tristero: "Death For Gays" And American Christianism (the connections the NYT refuses to make)
Hullabaloo: digby: Ann Stone's Psychic Friends Network - pro-choice Republicans are just like the rest of them (fake PAC took the money and ran)
Judge: Gay Marriage Trial Must Go on YouTube
TBogg » Ann Coulter knows many things about foreskins and anal (but she's right)
YouTube - Noam Chomsky on the Role of the Educational System (educated stupid)
Global Guerrillas: You Are In Control - Median male incomes today are the same as they were in 1974
Geithner’s Fed Told AIG to Limit Swaps Disclosure (smoking gun found) - Bloomberg.com
Geithner’s dubious AIG cover up « naked capitalism - Damaging e-mails have revealed that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner urged AIG to withhold crucial information about the deterioration of its financial condition in the lead up to its demise. This will put further political pressure on Geithner, who has already been exposed for his dubious role in the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy ("This was looting and a cover-up plain and simple.") (Obama's bankster-boy)
E-mails from N.Y. Fed to A.I.G. to Not Disclose Counterparty Payments
UBS whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld deserves statue on Wall Street, not prison sentence (tell the truth about Wall Street? Go to jail +"Wolf and his employees donated $540,000 to Obama's presidential run. That made UBS the 12th largest source of his campaign funds.")
Why Is the Whistleblower Who Exposed the Massive UBS Tax Evasion Scheme the Only One Heading to Prison?
The Way We Live Now - Walk Away From Your Mortgage! - NYTimes.com
Daily Kos: Freak Current Takes Gulf Stream to Greenland
The Galilean Revolution, 400 years later | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
Is spanking children OK? Calvin College professor's research shows adults who remember being spanked are more well-adjusted | Grand Rapids News - - MLive.com (Calvin, a "distincively Christian" college)
Firedoglake » Late Night: Idiot “Conservatives” Turn to Nigerian E-Mail Scam Model to Harass Scientists
Mystery of World's Biggest Beasts Possibly Solved | LiveScience The origins of the largest animals in the world, the baleen whales, might be rooted in the mud, which they potentially sucked up like vacuum cleaners,
Oldest Land-Walker Tracks Found--Pushes Back Evolution
BBC News - Female toads inflate to avoid sex
Fighting Jet Lag May Help Cephalon Extend Patent on Nuvigil - NYTimes.com Nuvigil from Cephalon, could become the first medicine specifically approved by the Food and Drug Administration to combat jet lag.
Respecting your elders in your genes, finds monkey study - Telegraph
UPI POY 2009 - News and Features - UPI.com
Schwarzenegger Seeks Shift From Prisons to Schools - NYTimes.com - “This is a historic and transforming realignment of California’s priorities.” (which had been locking everyone up)
Paterson’s State of State Speech Chastises New York Lawmakers - NYTimes.com (thoroughly corrupt)
Media: A world of hits | The Economist - Ever-increasing choice was supposed to mean the end of the blockbuster. It has had the opposite effect
Casey Johnson's Friends Accuse Tila Tequila Of Publicity Whoring (dead on the floor for days?)
Casey Johnson, Tila Tequila's Fiancee, Dead at 30 - Casey Johnson - Zimbio authorities now believe she had been dead for several days (wtf?)
Casey Johnson Dead At Age 30
Susan Sarandon's Life Post Split: Sexy Nightspots and Flirting - Susan Sarandon : People.com
How to say stupid things about social media | Cory Doctorow | Technology | guardian.co.uk
Dual Boot Your Pre-Installed Windows 7 Computer with XP - the How-To Geek
Nexus One vs iPhone 3GS vs Droid vs Pre: The Definitive Comparison - Google nexus one - Gizmodo
Slow Start for Military Corps in Afghanistan - NYTimes.com
Drone Strikes Reported in Pakistan - NYTimes.com
Iran Shielding Its Nuclear Efforts in Maze of Tunnels - NYTimes.com
Hamas 2010 budget mainly 'foreign aid' from Iran
BBC News - 'Flaws' in key Lockerbie evidence An investigation by BBC's Newsnight has cast doubts on the key piece of evidence which convicted the Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi (remember when American media went nuts on this one?)
Britain threatens to freeze Iceland out of EU as loan payback vetoed - Times Online (foreclose and sell it to the Russians)
Jon Danielsson: The bill equates to £40,000 per family - Commentators, Opinion - The Independent
U.S. learned intelligence on airline bomb suspect while he was en route - latimes.com
Firedoglake » Obama’s Interrogation Policy and the Use of Torture in the Army Field Manual
Double Atomic Bomb Survivor Dies In Japan : NPR
The Tax Foundation - Federal Taxes Paid vs. Federal Spending Received by State, 1981-2005 (Red States leach off the Blue States) (if money is speech, how about the contributors get more?)
Sidebar - Group That Shaped Death Penalty Gives Up on Its Own Work - NYTimes.com (pro-death group pronounces: FAIL)
Obama: Hurry Up On Health Care, Bypass Usual Negotiations (leading from behind)
Byron Dorgan To Retire, Not Seek Re-Election (+Bill Ritter: Dems bailing on corporate Barry: incrementalize this!)
The Fix - Chris Dodd to step aside (Blumenthal swap +"Rep. Chris Murphy could be the long-term beneficiary as he is widely regarded as a rising star and would be at the top of the list of Democratic hopefuls to challenge Lieberman in 2012.")
Banks' Favorite Dem Set To Chair Banking Committee (however, Tim Johnson S.D.) )
Bloomberg - AIG Firestorm Has Democrats Edgy About Geithner, Team (from March 2009: Christopher Dodd added to the criticism, saying he weakened a provision dealing with executive pay and bonuses in last month’s stimulus legislation at the request of the Obama administration - corporate Barry's AIG giveaway)
Harold Ford Weighs a Challenge to Gillibrand - NYTimes.com (carpetbagger from TN, supported by Rahm)
Graham: Censure by few isn't a rebuke - S.C. Politics - TheState.com Graham on Tuesday dismissed his censure by the Lexington County Republican Party as the "misplaced priorities" of narrow interests within the larger Republican Party - not a rebuke of him (ambushed by Ron Paul supporter)
John Cherry Drops Out Of Michigan Governor's Race Michigan Lieutenant Governor John Cherry has dropped out of the race for governor, reports WLNS news. Cherry was thought to be the Democratic frontrunner in the upcoming primary.
Cantor Targets 37 Democratic Lawmakers To Switch Health Care Vote
What’s the Outlook for Democrats? - Room for Debate Blog - NYTimes.com
FDL News Desk » Report: White House To Re-Nominate Dawn Johnsen For OLC Chief
FDL Action » Top 20 Democrats Who Could Lose Their Seats Over Health Care Vote
The Atlantic Online | January/February 2010 | How America Can Rise Again | James Fallows
Ezra Klein - Anti-filibuster weekend there's no way to highlight Republican obstruction if Democrats can't stop the most conservative members of their party from breaking ranks in order to extort concessions
Ezra Klein - End the filibuster! An interview with Sen. Tom Harkin
The Case For An E-Congress - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan
TheBurningPlatform.com » Economy » American Pie “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.”
Awaiting the start of the 21st century - FT???
Swaggering, sneering incivility — Crooked Timber -> Clive Crook
Conundrum@state.ak.us, part II Alaska government, Palin was to learn, is more like a heavily laden oil tanker bound south from Valdez than the nimble fishing boats on which she and husband Todd buzz across the waters of Bristol Bay in summer.
Politico's Cheney Coverage: Editor Defends Its Stenography
Matthew Yglesias » Lane on Cost-Control there’s a certain kind of individual—heavily represented in the Washington Post opinion pages—whose interest in public policy seems largely motivated by a kind of rancid misanthropy (Charles Lane, WaPo misanthrope)
The Washington Monthly- ABC News to report that "Democrats are dropping like flies." - but Republican retirements, at least for now, outnumber Democratic retirements.
Houston's 61st Mayor: Annise Parker's Public Inauguration Ceremony - Houston - Slideshows (+Fred Phelps)
The Daily Show’s John Oliver Makes Fun Of FOX’s Hannity, Beck And O’Reilly Saying America Used To Be Better. | StoryBalloon.Org/Videos
Economic Scene - If the Fed Missed That Bubble, How Will It See a New One? - NYTimes.com If only we’d had more power, we could have kept the financial crisis from getting so bad (they were always wrong)
“All Serious Economists Agree” « The Baseline Scenario (that TOO BIG TO FAIL is a huge problem, contra conventional wisdom)
Fed's Hoenig backs bank break-ups where needed | Reuters - Hoenig stopped short of calling for restoration of Glass-Steagall banking laws that barred large banks from affiliating with securities firms and engaging in the insurance business
Wonk Room » Fed Official: ‘Dismembering’ Financial Firms ‘Is A Fair Thing To Consider’ - former Citigroup CEO Sandy Weill, in whose office “hangs a hunk of wood — at least 4 feet wide — etched with his portrait and the words ‘The Shatterer of Glass-Steagall.’”
Schwarzenegger: Let Me 'Live In Denial' ("I'm a Republican")
Clothes Make the Man | Cover Story | News and Opinion | Philadelphia Weekly Like Jack and his magic beanstalk, Urban Outfitters President Richard Hayne turned a few hippie beans into a hip $700 million retail empire.
R.O.I. on Cancer Spending: Better Than We Think? - Freakonomics Blog - NYTimes.com
Growing new body parts: Master mechanism for regeneration?
Straining forward: Nanowires made of ‘strained silicon’ — silicon whose atoms have been pried slightly apart — show how to keep increases in computer power coming.
Was there Really a Hawthorne Effect at the Hawthorne Plant? An Analysis of the Original Illumination Experiments
The Hawthorne Effect Revisited « Organizations and Markets
Depression - a Buddhist view
anotherpanacea :: Should there be a place for disdain in our emotional lives?
Browse Inside Dear Genius: The Letters of Ursula Nordstrom by Leonard S. Marcus, Illustrated by Maurice Sendak
Top NASA Photos of All Time | Photo Gallery | AirSpaceMag.com
Madatoms - Intern Sex Scandals: A Retrospective By Rick Paulas - Artist: Edwin Servaas
Lennart Green does close-up card magic | Video on TED.com
Flickr Photo Download: Starbucks Dubai style
25 Vegetarian and Vegan Meals from 2009 The Kitchn's Best Recipes of 2009 | Apartment Therapy The Kitchn
streaking1 "It Beats Rocks and Tear Gas": Streaking and Cultural Politics in the Post-Vietnam Era
YouTube - moviesgrandmajoy's Channel
What a Difference a Day Makes - Barrowman Finds a Knight To Bear His Standard and Slay Neil Patrick Harris | AfterElton.com
The House Next Door: Focus on the Family: Pixar's Small-c Conservatism
Update - The 2009 Weblog Awards are off - The 2009 Weblog Awards
Google's Nexus Name Irks Estate of Author Philip K. Dick - WSJ.com (Nexus-1, an early android model +please)
OnStartups Answers
Iceland Faces Crisis After Icesave Rejection - NYTimes.com
New scanners break child porn laws | Politics | The Guardian (two greatest fears go head-to-head: terrorism and kiddie porn)
Afghanistan Online: The Plight of the Afghan Woman
I Am For Sale, Who Will Buy Me? (women in Afganistan)
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
Dr. Trudy Bond: If Not Now, When? (APA "loses" its files on torture)
Obama to Add Air-Security Steps as Screening Expands - Bloomberg.com (none of which would have worked)
Jon Stewart Returns To Air, Skewers Underwear Bomber, Airline Security (Video)
Firedoglake » Early Morning Swim: Rachel Maddow on the GOP’s Failed Politics of Terror
All Together Now: Shut Up You Lefties!
Washington Post Intel Opinionator’s Epic Fail | Danger Room | Wired.com
Peter Daou: Ethics and Believability in Politics: On Sifry's Theory of an 'Obama Disconnect'
The Obama Disconnect: What Happens When Myth Meets Reality | techPresident
Letters Spur Anthrax Scares Across Alabama - CBS News (tea-party terrorism)
Greer Announces Resignation As Florida GOP Chair -- And Slams Right-Wing Critics On His Way Out | TPMDC
Labor moves quickly on job safety, workers' rights - Yahoo! News Hilda Solis warned corporate America there was "a new sheriff in town." Less than a year into her tenure, that figurative badge of authority is unmistakable.
California Gay-Marriage Legal Case Divides Activists - TIME
Lieberman's Approval Ratings Tank In Connecticut More than 80 percent (81 percent) of Democrats now say they disapprove of the job Lieberman is doing with only 14 percent approving.
How Nonprofits Won Special Treatment In Student Lending Bill
D'Oh: Embarrassed Canada Zaps Thousands Of Web Sites In Response To Yes Men Hoax | TPMMuckraker
Glenn Beck: 'African-American Is A Bogus, PC, Made-Up Term... Not A Race'
Editorial - This Year’s Housing Crisis - NYTimes.com It is increasingly clear that the Obama administration’s anti-foreclosure effort — which pressed lenders to reduce interest rates — isn’t doing nearly enough (sternly-worded letters by corporate Barry didn't work)
Silicon Valley ‘Bloodbath’ Leaves Entire Office Buildings Empty - Bloomberg.com the equivalent of 15 Empire State Buildings -- stood vacant at the end of the third quarter (CRE meltdown)
Housing Animal Spirits to Be Banished by Prime Foreclosures - Bloomberg.com
Bankruptcies Surge 32 Percent In 2009
FDL News Desk » Barney Frank’s Shocking Admission On Fannie And Freddie - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have become a kind of public utility.” (there are virtually no checks on what Treasury can do with these two companies)
Fannie, Freddie, and the New Red and Blue - Matt Taibbi - Taibblog - True/Slant
Paul Volcker: The Lion Lets Loose - BusinessWeek
10-things-not-to-buy-in-2010: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
The 11 Best Performing Stocks of the 2000’s | MintLife Blog | Personal Finance News & Advice
Placebos Are Getting More Effective. Drugmakers Are Desperate to Know Why.
Stephen Hawking: "The Human Species Has Entered a New Stage of Evolution" - The Daily Galaxy Top Story of 2009 - "an external transmission phase"
APOD: 2010 January 4 - Comet Halleys Nucleus: An Orbiting Iceberg
In pictures: Satellite eye on Earth - December 2009 | Environment | guardian.co.uk
Forget Viagra! Sound waves can send your sex life into orbit | Mail Online The pain-free therapy boosts performance by stimulating the growth of new blood vessels in the genital area.
Women 'may have lower sex drives due to guilt' - Telegraph - While most men feel physically and mentally aroused at the same time, women’s minds are less likely to reflect bodily arousal, researchers found.
BBC NEWS | Health | Female G spot 'can be detected' (2008: Italian scientists)
BBC News - The G-spot 'doesn't appear to exist', say researchers (2009: British scientists)
Where have all the g spots gone?
xkcd - By Randall Munroe - G-Spot
The "amazing" Boskops | john hawks weblog
Return of the "amazing" Boskops | john hawks weblog
What Happened to the Hominids Who May Have Been Smarter Than Us? | Human Origins | DISCOVER Magazine
FARK.com: Blog (Drew): Congratulations to the winners of Fark's 2009 Headline of the Year contest
Strange Horizons Fiction Department: Stories We've Seen Too Often
Fascinating letters | Letters of Note
The Risks Digest Volume 25: Issue 88 HP's facial-recognition can't recognize black people's faces
Nexus One review -- Engadget
Larry Osterman's WebLog : What’s up with the Beep driver in Windows 7?
The isolate utility [LWN.net]
Three days in Iran - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Debt-hit Dubai opens world's tallest tower - CNN.com
BBC News - Embassies shut after 'Yemen lost track of arms trucks'
Airport Security Tightened For Travelers Flying To U.S.
Jim DeMint Still Standing Firm Against TSA Nominee Erroll Southers
Author of Torture, Spy Memos Was Just Doing His Job | Threat Level | Wired.com (Torture Yoo is a good Republican)
Blame game won't stop terrorism - CNN.com
BBC News - Airport body scanners 'unlikely' to foil al-Qaeda - MP - the scanners would probably not have detected the failed Detroit plane plot of Christmas Day (all useless security theatre)
‘Passenger Behavior’ Key to Catching Airline Terrorists - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News
The war on terror has been about scaring people, not protecting them | Gary Younge | Comment is free | The Guardian The ease with which the plane bomber could operate exposes the vacuity and recklessness at the heart of the US response to 9/11: So there was no ticking time bomb. No urgent need ever arose to torture anybody who was withholding crucial details, so that civilisation as we know it could be saved in the nick of time. No wires had to be tapped, special prisons erected or international accords violated. No innocent people had to be grabbed off the street in their home country, transported across the globe and waterboarded. Drones, daisy-cutters, invasions, occupations were, it has transpired, not necessary (Bush/Cheney warcrimes)
Peek | AlterNet: Fox News Guest: "If You Are an 18 to 28-Year-Old Muslim Man Then You Should Be Strip Searched"
Exclusive: Dems 'Almost Certain' To Bypass Conference | The New Republic (but Americans love their obstructionist Republicans) w
Parker Griffith Staff Resigns: Nearly Every Member Quits
At least we can all agree rape is bad? « jad.blog (Republicans for rape!)
Ping Pong: The House Prepares To Take Up The Senate Health Care Bill | TPMDC
Secret Service Discovers Another State Dinner Party-Crasher | TPM LiveWire
Daily Kos: Buy More, Get Less, Die Sooner?
Hmm, Why Has Bachmann Stopped Bashing The Census? | TPMDC
Revisionaries - Mariah Blake How a group of Texas conservatives is rewriting your kids’ textbooks (to make your kids as stupid as they are)
YouTube - Evolution Has No Clothes - An introduction to Scott Thurman's documentary about the Texas State Board of Education science curriculum deliberations.
National Academic Standards: The First Test - Room for Debate Blog - NYTimes.com
SEIU - Service Employees International Union - Hell Freezes Over: Rush Limbaugh Loves Union Hospitals and Socialized Medicine
Believe It Or Not, They Have Found Another Way To Blame Poor People - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine (OMG is wasn't a sub-prime crises fueled by bad loans to poor people after all +recast crises)
U.S. growth prospects deemed bleak in new decade - Yahoo! News - a crippled real estate sector and hobbled banks will keep a lid on U.S. economic growth over the coming decade (and who crippled and hobbled them?)
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished as Banks Seek Profits From Bailout - Bloomberg.com the banks that received the biggest taxpayer bailouts are seeking to reap trading profits from securities rescued by the government (no one could have predicted this would happen if Obama put Republicans in charge of the money)
PPIP: Banks 'Making A Killing' On Government Toxic Asset Program
Krugman - That 1937 Feeling - NYTimes.com - Will the Fed realize, before it’s too late, that the job of fighting the slump isn’t finished? Will Congress do the same? If they don’t, 2010 will be a year that began in false economic hope and ended in grief
Bernanke Blames Weak Regulation for Financial Crisis - NYTimes.com (there's regulation, and then there's the regulators)
Roubini Global Economics - RGE Monitor -- Nouriel Roubini's EconoMonitor
AMERICAblog News: Whole Foods CEO is big climate change denier, says we shouldn't expect more from Whole Foods than we expect from Safeway (but we should pay more)
John Mackey and Whole Foods : The New Yorker Does Whole Foods’ C.E.O. know what’s best for you?
Hullabaloo Hippie Randism and Libertarian Lefties - In the early eighties, Mackey told a reporter, “The union is like having herpes. It doesn’t kill you, but it’s unpleasant and inconvenient, and it stops a lot of people from becoming your lover.”
Why New York City Needs a New Economic Strategy - Newsweek.com 'If New York City is a business, it isn't Wal-Mart,' Mayor Bloomberg once sneered. Maybe it should be.
Leukaemia vaccine being developed - Telegraph
BBC News - Mars' ancient lake beds spied by Nasa probe
Union of Concerned Scientists: Tell Congress: Keep Antibiotics Working! (see Norway)
Age of Solar System Needs to Be Recalculated | Wired Science | Wired.com
Why Ant will live longer than Dec... A first name beginning with D 'could wipe 10 years off your life' | Mail Online
Thomas Fleming: Prohibition: A Cautionary Tale - WSJ.com America's experiment with banning alcohol created problems that persist to this day.
Difficult languages: Tongue twisters | The Economist
Dubin at Work in Old New York : The Kisseloff Collection
architectural conjecture :: urban speculation :: landscape futures: One Million Years of Isolation: An Interview with Abraham Van Luik (Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump)
Court to Cops: Stop Tasing People into Compliance | Danger Room | Wired.com (authoritarian goons want to shoot people with less paperwork)
A New Kind of New Year’s Resolution: Saying No :: Tips :: The 99 Percent
Courthouse News Service - A judge in Dickson County, Tenn., had officers pull a spectator out of his courtroom "on a hunch," held him in custody and made him submit to a urinalysis for drugs
BBC News - BeautifulPeople.com axes holiday weight gain members
Italian-Americans hit back at Jersey Shore's use of the word 'guido' | Media | The Observer
MTV's 'Jersey Shore' 'Guido' Controversy - TIME
News | The Independent UK - Italian Americans outraged at reality TV 'slur'
YouTube - Snookie on The Wendy Williams Show
Hulu - Saturday Night Live: Update: Snooki
Dell pulls ads from Jersey Shore, calls show 'derogatony' (video) -- Engadget
YouTube - Snooki explains "guidos" and "guidettes"
The REAL Situation (Feat. MTV Jersey Shore's The Situation, Snooki, and Pauly D) from MoranisLover - Video
YouTube - Jersey Shore - Meet the Cast
YouTube - Father Guido Sarducci on art school
Bobby Bottleservice - Jersey Shore Audition Tape from Nick Kroll - Video
Hot Chicks with Douchebags
YouTube - Jersey Shore - The Situation (Room)
fourfour: The lessons of Jersey Shore
fourfour: The lessons of Jersey Shore: Episode 2
fourfour: The lessons of Jersey Shore: Episode 3
YouTube - Carmen "Habanera" - Muppet Style
Facebook blocks 'Web 2.0 Suicide Machine' | NetworkWorld.com Community 'Anti-social media' site says its attempts at virtual euthanasia are being thwarted
Culture & Society Articles | GIS Mapping Shows What Discrimination Looks Like | Miller-McCune Online Magazine
Skiff Reader is largest yet, will be hitting a Sprint Store near you -- Engadget (newsprint killer)
An Affordable $199 Tablet for Everyone -- And It's Not From Apple - PC World
A look at Apple's love for DRM and consumer lock-ins (Jobsed)
Official Army history finds Bush admin. ‘hamstrung’ troops in Afghanistan | Raw Story
Killings Rock Afghan Strategy - WSJ.com Bomber of CIA Base Was Being Recruited as Informant; Retaliation for U.S. Push
Order on Interpol Work Inside U.S. Irks Conservatives - NYTimes.com - ommentator Andrew C. McCarthy declared that an “international police force” could now operate inside the United States “unrestrained by the U.S. Constitution and American law.” - ommentator Andrew C. McCarthy declared that an “international police force” could now operate inside the United States “unrestrained by the U.S. Constitution and American law.” (apparently missed Bush/Cheney)
Just What Did President Obama's Executive Order regarding INTERPOL Do? - Political Punch -- mad dog Republicans afraid of the International Pacific Halibut Commission and Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission.
U.S. And Britain Close Embassies In Yemen Over Al-Qaida Threats
Darfuristan : Rolling Stone - How the world's campaign to stop a genocide created a quagmire
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Brennan: Some Guantanamo detainees will go to Yemen « - Blogs from CNN.com
Britain, US To Fund Yemen Anti-Terror Police Unit
BBC News - Iceland petition against pay-out over Icesave collapse The compensation amounts to some 12,000 euros for each citizen on the island nation of 320,000.
Atheist Ireland Publishes 25 Blasphemous Quotes | blasphemy.ie (including the the popester, uh-oh)
McCaskill: DeMint 'Nuts' To Block TSA Nominee Over Benefits (Video) (DeMented)
Soft on terror? Not this president - washingtonpost.com
Emptywheel » Why Did Obama Kill The Dawn Johnsen Nomination? (transparency is dead +Rahm with a knife)
DownWithTyranny!: Republicans Don't Jeopardize National Security For Partisan Ends, Do They? If Jim DeMint Has Been Doing That It Would Be Treason, No?
The Seminal » The Other Side of Airline Safety Kabuki (no attention to plain safety; crashes ok)
U.S. tightens international air security - Mike Allen - Politico.com (no underwear allowed on flights)
FDL News Desk » Calls Begin For Washington Post To End Content-Sharing Agreement With Pete Peterson-Funded “Fiscal Times” - It’s essentially a buyout of a national news section (by extreme rightwinger billionaire)
Hullabaloo: digby: Easy Redemption - The more ideologically marginalized these conservatives get the more their prejudices just come bursting through the surface of their "mainstream" personas (Britt Hume tells Tiger to convert to Christianity, where he can make a "total recovery" just like those C-Street guys)
Harvard Teaching Hospitals Cap Outside Pay to Top Officials - NYTimes.com Partners HealthCare is also forbidding speaker’s fees from drug companies for any employee, including nearly 8,000 with Harvard faculty appointments - no more than $5,000 a day (but ... trial lawyers!!)
Bernanke Blames Weak Regulation for Financial Crisis - NYTimes.com (Fed did nothing wrong, at all)
FRB: Speech--Bernanke, Monetary Policy and the Housing Bubble--January 3, 2010
Real Estate in Cape Coral, Fla., Is Far From a Recovery - NYTimes.com - More than a quarter of single-family homes in the city have been touched by foreclosure in the bust
Bernanke Calls For Regulation To Fight Against Bubbles - Critics blame the Fed for feeding that speculative boom in housing by holding interest rates too low for too long after the 2001 recession
Banks Roll Out New Check, Card Fees - Yahoo! Finance - e decision to charge the fee is partly tied to the costs that it will incur from the new rules.
The States and the Stimulus - WSJ.com How a supposed boon has become a fiscal burden (Murdoch says they should have refused the money +unions!)
Private Equity's Big Returns, Big Controversy - DailyFinance
AIG Chief Counsel Resigns, Will Collect $2.8 Million in Severance. Poor Baby. | Crooks and Liars
Montana's big sky views become bigger tax burdens - latimes.com One region in the northwest fears it's the next Vail, Colo., as celebrities and new money move in, forcing property values up and longtime residents out (rural gentrification)
Move Your Money
Psychology: Alone in the crowd | The Economist Loneliness is a contagious disease
Scientists say dolphins should be treated as 'non-human persons' - Times Online
The Darwin Awards
Pride Aircraft: Sukhoi SU-27 Flankers for Sale
The Top 10 Conservative Movies of the Last Decade – Telegraph Blogs
Dr. Nile Gardiner - Director of The Heritage Foundation's Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom (of course)
YouTube - Fight! THE RETURN OF THE KING (Obama Subtitles) :: Sauron Didn't Have A Birth Certificate, Either!
Losing the War - by Lee Sandlin
Bono calls for control over Internet downloads - Yahoo! News - The singer pointed out that the US effort to stop child pornography and China?s effort to suppress online dissent indicate that it is "perfectly possible to track" Internet content (there you go)
LiveLeak.com - Oh.. u wanna bash me down?? ok.. i m "here".... wearing "this"....
Ptak Science Books: Mapping the Invasion of America, 1942 (large, threatening arrows +5th columns of liberal college professors)
Biblical scholar's date for rapture: May 21, 2011
Ptak Science Books: Pale Horses and the Lake of Fire: a Map to the End of the World
Ptak Science Books: Blank and Missing Things: a Map of Missing People of Central Europe and Russia, 1881 (percentage of Jews in middle Europe in 1881)
Book: Warren Beatty Slept with Nearly 13,000 Women - Warren Beatty : People.com
You are not a gadget
Jaron Lanier's You Are Not a Gadget. - By Michael Agger - Slate Magazine Why Jaron Lanier rants against what the Web has become.
Facebook Data Team: How Diverse is Facebook? | Facebook
Who's on Facebook? - Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
apophenia: Race and Social Network Sites: Putting Facebook's Data in Context
fred design » Simple rules for good typography
Create a Master Control Panel shortcut and explore the all tasks
HOW TO: Build Your Personal Brand on Twitter (everyone is a "brand")
Google Nexus One Available on AT&T 3G? [Rumormill]
Top 25 Censored Stories for 2010 | Project Censored
Shooting Handcuffed Children | AfterDowningStreet.org The occupied government of Afghanistan and the United Nations have both concluded that U.S.-led troops recently dragged eight sleeping children out of their beds, handcuffed some of them, and shot them all dead.
The Seminal » Afghan Children Handcuffed, Then Killed By American Soldiers
Suicide Bombing in Afghanistan Devastates Critical Hub for CIA Activities - WSJ.com
Deep South calls in Iran to cure its health blues - Times Online In ground-breaking project, one of America’s poorest communities is turning to the Middle East to try to resolve its crisis
This Little Piggie Went to Market… « The Poor Man Institute Ah, the bucolic marketplaces of the New Iraq (Now with 20% fewer Iraqis!) (Sweet, sweet victory. All hail The Surge)
Think Progress » Official Army History: Bush Administration Neglected Afghan War, Diverted Resources to Iraq
FDL News Desk » Afghanistan’s Pentagon Papers
In the next decade, I hope to become more radical | Costas Douzinas | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk The left is the main hope against xenophobic, securitised, apocalyptic barbarism. We should expect radical change
Flight 253 passenger Kurt Haskell: "Today is the day that I realized that my own country is lying to me and all of my fellow Americans." | World News |Axisoflogic.com
Poll: Majority Favor Waterboarding Flight 253 Suspect | TPMDC (torture the fuck out of him)
Attackerman » It’s Not Obama’s 8/6/01 PDB, But It’s Not Nothing
The Homeland Secretary’s Job Security - Opinionator Blog - NYTimes.com (crazed Republicans +"Democratic strategist" Dan Gerstein)
2010 Election Situation Grows More Difficult For Democrats (we'll incrementalize after the Republicans get their majority back)
Emptywheel » Obama’s Royal Scam and The Iron Fist Of Rahm - Shutting down Democratic and progressive structures that do not toe his line is exactly what Obama and his right hand man, Rahm Emanuel, have done since the election
The Obama Disconnect: What Happens When Myth Meets Reality | techPresident (corporate Barry and the marketing scam)
Hullabaloo: digby: Them Whut Brung Him
Frank Rich - Tiger Woods, Person of the Year - NYTimes.com - suspicion that Obama’s brilliant presidential campaign was as hollow as Tiger’s public image — a marketing scam
Hullabaloo: digby: Technicalities - If it was unconscionable to release pictures of abuse because it would outrage the Muslim world, what would this do? (Blackwater mass murder)
Crooks and Liars » Shoes vs. Underwear: The GOP's New Terror Double Standard
Exclusive: Inside Account of U.S. Eavesdropping on Americans (2007: remember this? of course TSA would never do something like this)
America the Traumatized: How 13 Events of the Decade Made Us the PTSD Nation | Politics | AlterNet (America: land of the scared babies)
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - The degrading effects of Terrorism fears
Glenn Greenwald - Salon.com - They hate us for our freedoms
Just Murder Them All, Innocent And Guilty - The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (Repubican neo-fascism)
Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Even James Joyner - Napolitano’s only mistake is giving the GOP an easily repeated lie/talking point, not for saying anything wrong ... the GOP’s bullshit factory ... these are the folks who have managed to turn ACORN into SPECTRE and end of life counseling into death panels.
Kung Fu Monkey: RERUNS: "Wait, Arent You Scared?"
Light, With Intermittent Heat, Likely - Andrew Cohen (why TV news sucks)
Beat the Press Archive | The American Prospect Can the Post Find Someone Who Didn't Miss the $8 Trillion Housing Bubble to Discuss Fed Policy? (no)
Matthew Yglesias » Why the Budget Will Never Be Balanced (because the solution to everything for Repubicans is tax cuts)
The Tyranny Of Government And Our Duty Of Confidentiality As Bloggers
Blogger To Fight TSA Subpoena | TPMMuckraker (Obama's TSA goons killing your liberties)
Hullabaloo Chain Of Fools by digby (they really are this stupid)
Aughts were a lost decade for U.S. economy, workers - washingtonpost.com (no jobs added in 10 years; Repubicans at work)
Secrets of the Economist's Trade: First, Purchase a Piggy Bank - WSJ.com
Calculated Risk: HAMP Seen Hurting Housing ("The Obama administration’s $75 billion program to protect homeowners from foreclosure has been widely pronounced a disappointment, and some economists and real estate experts now contend it has done more harm than good.")
Mortgage Modifications Are Seen as Adding to Housing Woes - NYTimes.com (bankers: WIN; you: FAIL)
Solution to killer superbug found in Norway - Yahoo! News - The reason: Norwegians stopped taking so many drugs.
Futurity.org – A generation hooked on caffeine
Hubble Space Telescope Advent Calendar 2009 - The Big Picture - Boston.com
No rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide fraction in past 160 years, new research finds
Farms-to-forest plan worries Vilsack - Washington Times (inconvienent facts will be revised)
Andrew Jackson : Good, Evil & The Presidency . Themes . The Corporations | PBS (sure got that one)
DETNEWS | WebVideo | Detroit 2009, The Movie
Captured Photo Collection » Childhood Poverty in Colorado Photos (good job, Republicans)
YouTube - Bart Police shooting in Oakland KTVU report (murderer still free)
Slow Pace of Inquiry Into 8 Deaths Leaves Town Distressed - NYTimes.com (urban hellholes)
Sheriff concerned about appellate court ruling on Tasers - Bakersfield.com - "Passive resistance is out the door now with this decision," Gennaco said (poor babies can't shock people doing nothing)
Chicago cop tasered unconscious diabetic 11 times | Raw Story (just for fun)
Hullabaloo You put THAT one on your list…seriously? Top 10 films of 2009 (to counter that idiotic conservative list)
YouTube - How Japanense parents screw up their kids for life
Essay - The Naked and the Conflicted - Sex and the American Male Novelist - NYTimes.com (no-longer trendy anti-feminist Roiphe_
Like Men Betrayed : The New Yorker Revisiting Richard Yates’s “Revolutionary Road.”
Philip Roth: A Real American Asshole « Rage Against the Man-chine
Book Review - 'Wetlands,' by Charlotte Roche - Review - NYTimes.com
Top Ten VHS Finds of 2009 | Found Footage Festival
David Levine Gallery - The New York Review of Books
Levine in Winter | vanityfair.com
Writing Gay Characters
Apple misses its mark on Windows 7 Boot Camp support | Apple - CNET News
Welcoming 2010 - The Big Picture - Boston.com
Western troops accused of executing 10 Afghan civilians, including children - Times Online (hearts and minds)
Police: Suicide bombing kills 75 in NW Pakistan
Don't Mess with Yemen | World | AlterNet (no country left un-invaded)
Standoff in Iran Deepens with New Show of Force - NYTimes.com
Is Iran A Dying State in Denial? - ABC News Protester Calls Crackdown 'Last Efforts of a Dying State in Denial'
Gaza sees more newborns of malformation - English_Xinhua (long-term war crimes)
Flight 253 passenger Kurt Haskell: 'I was visited by the FBI' | Detroit News - - MLive.com
CBC News - Politics - PM shuts down Parliament until March
Taliban infiltrator who killed 7 from CIA wore Afghan uniform | McClatchy
The 'coalition of the willing' in Iraq becomes an army of one | McClatchy
Iraqis Angered as Blackwater Charges Are Dropped - NYTimes.com
Iraq to sue ex-Blackwater guards - CNN.com
Hundreds Demonstrate on Border With Gaza - NYTimes.com
U.S. Transferred Detainee Before Hostage Release - NYTimes.com
Focus on Internet Imams as Al Qaeda Recruiters - NYTimes.com
La Figa » Jesus Sucks Some Nuts: Restrictive Irish Blasphemy Law Goes into Effect Today (yeah, that Ireland, with the largest international pedophile right which isn't blasphemous in itself)
Irish atheists challenge new blasphemy laws | World news | guardian.co.uk
Montana Ruling Bolsters Doctor-Assisted Suicide - NYTimes.com
San Diego CityBeat - Obama entrapped me (promised to obey state laws, but no so much)
The Best and the Rightest « The Washington Independent The Top Ten Conservatives of 2009 (sad but true)
Fox spent weeks promoting apparent tea party scam | Media Matters for America (separating fools from their cash)
Another Breitbart dud | Media Matters for America
The Great Recession: A Hidden Depression? - DailyFinance
Robert Reich: 2009: The Year Wall Street Bounced Back and Main Street Got Shafted
20 million-plus collect unemployment checks in '09 - Yahoo! News
Millennium Mistake
Adult Learning - Neuroscience - How to Train the Aging Brain - NYTimes.com
Partners sculpt each other to achieve their ideal selves: If successful, relationship goes well A new international review of seven papers on "the Michelangelo phenomenon" shows that when close partners affirm and support each other's ideal selves, they and the relationship benefit greatly.
Traditional Gender Roles Cemented In Popular Therapy For Couples ("therapy" = "advice")
Earlier bedtimes may help protect adolescents against depression and suicidal thoughts
How Do GPS Satellites Know Their Locations? Quasars!
Safety of Beef Processing Method Is Questioned - NYTimes.com
Museum national d’histoire naturelle
BBC News - Tasmanian devil facial cancer origins 'identified'
Swine flu may be less contagious than feared - The Boston Globe
Moon hole might be suitable for colony - CNN.com
Scripps Florida scientists show 'lifeless' prions capable of evolutionary change and adaptation - "it's clear that you do not need nucleic acid for the process of evolution."
Rachel Wetzsteon, Poet of Keen Insights and Wit, Dies at 42 - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com
The Hadza — Portrait Gallery — National Geographic Magazine
Global Sea Services: Cooking: Best Practices
Cheery-voiced GPS units lead drivers into danger | Oregon Local News - OregonLive.com (load up James Earl Jones)
Is aviation security mostly for show? - CNN.com
YouTube - Bruce Schneier at The Rachel Maddow Show - Can gaps in security be filled? (2009-12-28)
Expert Bruce Schneier argues for security measures that actually work instead of theatrics. | November 2009 | New Internationalist
Matt Blaze: Fighting Terror with Uncertainty
Michael Chertoff - Former homeland security chief argues for whole-body imaging - washingtonpost.com
The 'Israelification' of airports: High security, little bother - thestar.com
What Israel can teach us about security
Fired Washington Times Sports Staffers Tweet Revenge - City Desk - Washington City Paper
XKCD - Random Number - Stack Overflow
How To Read a Book a Week in 2010 « in over your head
Public domain day 2010: Drawing up the lines « Everybody's Libraries
To the 12-year-old douchebags of reddit: if you do not agree with or like a contributor's comment, do not go through the last five pages of their comment history and downote everything. : reddit.com
Intel’s Upcoming 32nm Clarkdale Shows Impressive OC Potential - Expreview.com
Top 35 Most Useful Twitter Blog Posts of 2009
Twitter's Most Influential Topics of 2009
Search and sort available domain names - Score Tool
Location, Location, Location: 5 Big Predictions for 2010
Hidden phpMyAdmin Features « ht4