Psyche's Links: 2016 : 12,360 Links
House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology Tweets Climate Change Article...from Breitbart : badscience (yes, we're doomed)
The risk of flooding in the United States is changing regionally, and the reasons could be shifting rainfall patterns and the amount of water in the ground. The threat of flooding is growing in the northern half of the U.S. and declining in the southern half. : science
The Deepwater Horizon Aftermath | The UCSB Current - Researchers analyze 125 compounds from oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico to determine their longevity at different contamination levels
What happened in my birth year?
Turkey: armed attacker kills dozens in Istanbul nightclub | World news | The Guardian
Enter your address and out everyone who represents you in government, from the president to the local sheriff. : InternetIsBeautiful
If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama - The New York Times - By James Risen dec. 30, 2016 - Over the past eight years, the administration has prosecuted nine cases involving whistle-blowers and leakers, compared with only three by all previous administrations combined. It has repeatedly used the Espionage Act, a relic of World War I-era red-baiting, not to prosecute spies but to go after government officials who talked to journalists.
Trump leaves press pool behind to golf | TheHill
Trump tweets: Happy new year to my enemies who lost so badly
Jeff Sessions Omits Decades Of Records For His AG Confirmation Hearing | The Huffington Post - He once argued that doing this is a felony.
2016 was the year white liberals learned about disillusionment.
Trump refuses to face reality about Russia - The Washington Post
Democrats' Religion Problem - The Atlantic (more like religion has a reality problem)
Russian hackers strike Burlington Electric with malware - Shumlin said in a statement, "Vermonters and all Americans should be both alarmed and outraged that one of the world's leading thugs, Vladimir Putin, has been attempting to hack our electric grid, which we rely upon to support our quality-of-life, economy, health, and safety."
Your Weekly Alarming Anonymous Friday Night WaPo Dump: Vermont Electrical Grid Edition - emptywheel - And - having been alarmed off a premature report here that was not sufficiently researched before publicized - they will be utterly justified in believing the government is making baseless claims to generate fear among the public. (exactly what happened: see below - but Putin already pwns the grid)
WaPo Writes False Story On Russians Hacking Electrical Grid | The Daily Caller
Indiana bill would allow gun owners to carry without a permit : news
Where and when OUI convicts had their last drinks before arrest - The Boston Globe (per-capita: isolated areas are more drunk - P-Town, Salisbury, Edgartown - +football)
Kitty Dukakis, a Beneficiary of Electroshock Therapy, Emerges as Its Evangelist - The New York Times
1940: Electroshock Therapy - The New York Times
Leohond15 comments on Child protective workers of Reddit, what are some tell-tale signs of child abuse that the average person might not notice but should look out for?
The Moment I Fell In Love With Carrie Fisher All Over Again At Last Night's Roseanne Roast - xoJane - "I'll do another period joke," Fisher responded to the crowd. She sneered flatly, brutally, hilariously, all pretenses gone. "White joke, short joke, old woman joke, ah-ha-ha-ha-ha, yes God, hilarious." The audience lost it.
Tonsillectomy does not provide a decrease in upper respiratory infections, which decreased over time whether or not a tonsillectomy was performed, based on a national cohort study. : science
100,000 Stars
Land Lines - Chrome Experiments
Total Solar Eclipse 2017: When, Where and How to See It (Safely)
USA - 2017 August 21 Total Solar Eclipse - Interactive Google Map - Xavier Jubier
TIL that on Aug. 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will be visible across the United States. The last total solar eclipse visible from the U.S. mainland happened on Feb. 26, 1979, but this one is different.
People who lost their jobs by going off on a customer, what is your story? : AskReddit
What is the most bizarre thing you've caught yourself doing after your brain's autopilot misfired? : AskReddit
Guy that makes videos about learning new skills shows what he learned in 2016 : videos
Skeptical Climate Scientists Coming In From the Cold | RealClearInvestigations - Researchers who see global warming as something less than a planet-ending calamity believe the incoming Trump administration may allow their views to be developed and heard. This didn't happen under the Obama administration (which unfortunately believed in science but now we have Trump)
FBI Analysis Fingers Russian Spy Agencies For U.S. Election Hacks | The Huffington Post - The report included samples of malicious computer code. (Trump has his own KGB "intel")
How Donald Trump Made Russia's Hacking More Effective - The Atlantic - hyperbolic characterizations of the pilfered material that turned routine documents into the stuff of scandal.
Sad - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Asked for his opinion of Breitbart News, acclaimed journalist Glenn Greenwald praised the news site's editorial integrity and said the site was "very impressive in terms of the impact they've been able to have."
Barack Obama Needs to Lead the Resistance to Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money
On Perez/Ellison - Lawyers, Guns & Money : and, now, the strongest reason for supporting Ellison: Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz said Friday he'll leave the Democratic Party if Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) is appointed the next chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
"You Know, You're a Nasty Guy." - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The fact that the Clinton Foundation - a philanthropic organization that has saved millions of lives and entailed no significant misconduct by the Clintons despite the very real potential for conflicts of interest - received considerably more sustained critical coverage than the Trump Foundation - a straight-up grift - is, in a nutshell, the story of the coverage of the 2016 campaign.
Eschaton: These Things Are Not The Same - An outspoken advocate of free-market economics and fan of the novelist Ayn Rand, he created the model because he expected the invisible hand of the market to drive better results (destroyed Sears)
Fix pot law, but not in smoke-filled room - The Boston Globe - The Names: Senator Stan Rosenberg, Senator Bruce Tarr, Senator John Keenan, Rep Paul Donato, Rep Louis Kafka, Rep Donald Wong, You can find their contact info at - Urge Mr. Charlie Baker to veto S2524 at (617) 725-4005.
Netanyahu to be investigated for bribery, fraud -- report | The Times of Israel - A-G said to give approval for full-blown criminal probe after new documents come to light; PM to be called in for questioning in coming days, Channel 10 says
Bibi Netanyahu Makes Trump His Chump - The New York Times
Is Israel Abandoning a Two-State Solution? - The New York Times (NYT ed board wakes up after a decades-long slumber)
U.S. expels 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds: official : news
Top secret Snowden document reveals what the NSA knew about previous Russian hacking : technology
Trump: Don't Blame Russia For Hacking; Blame Computers For Making Life Complicated | The Huffington Post - "I think we ought to get on with our lives. I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly." ("very greatly" dumbshit)
The Republican plot to devour retirees' nest eggs (those old dumb white Trumpster guys)
The US could be vastly different a year from now. Here's how | Opinion | The Guardian (down the drain with Trump)
Trump Weighs Letting Veterans Opt Out of V.A. Medical Care - The New York Times
Donald Trump is, once again, taking credit for jobs he had no part in creating - (lies are the new truth)
David Fahrenthold tells the behind-the-scenes story of his year covering Trump - The Washington Post
Americans - especially but not exclusively Trump voters - believe crazy, wrong things - The Washington Post (gotta both-sides that)
Questions Surround Jehovah's Witness HQ and Allegations of Sex Abuse - "Jehovah's Witnesses also have a database that potentially contains the names of thousands of child sex abusers." : news
An interesting perspective on Millennials in the workplace and their relationship with technology : videos
Boy Scouts on transgender youths: We defer to birth certificates : news
[Serious] Those who have had sex with someone who has had a sex change, how did it compare? : AskReddit
What's the coolest mathematical fact you know of? : AskReddit
The helical model - our solar system is a vortex - YouTube
Vortex motion: Viral video showing Sun's motion through the galaxy is wrong
Is the Solar System Really a Vortex? - Universe Today
Divorce lawyers of Reddit, what things do clients always think is unique about their divorce, but is actually common? : AskReddit
Flight Attendants of Reddit: What do the passengers *not* know? : AskReddit
Serena Williams is engaged to Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian : news
How Adobe Flash, once the face of the web, fell to the brink of obsolescence : technology
Republicans, Climate Change, And The New Reality | The Huffington Post
Solar power at 1"/kWh by 2025 - "The promise of quasi-infinite and free energy is here" : technology (moar coal! dig, baby, dig!)
Inside the coming war between the United States and the United Nations - The Washington Post
Kerry Rebukes Israel, Calling Settlements a Threat to Peace - The New York Times
John Kerry: Two-State Solution In Jeopardy In Middle East | The Huffington Post - "We cannot, in good conscience, do nothing, and say nothing."
Netanyahu Intensifies Criticism Of The Obama Administration, Thanks Trump | The Huffington Post - This kind of animosity toward a U.S. president is "certainly unprecedented," an Israeli analyst says.
John Kerry Issues Dire Warning On Israeli Settlements Ahead Of Pro-Settlement Donald Trump Entering Office | The Huffington Post - Kerry delivered his harshest rebuke of the current Israeli government
Kerry defends US decision not to veto UN resolution against Israeli settlements | World news | The Guardian - US secretary of state pushes two-state solution and criticises Netanyahu in toughest remarks on Israel by a US official in years
Netanyahu 'told New Zealand backing UN vote would be declaration of war' | World news | The Guardian (Netanfuckyu will nuke NZ)
Israeli puts Netanyahu into perspective. : bestof
Purphict comments on Netanyahu 'told New Zealand backing UN vote would be declaration of war'
Tyranny, one tiny step at a time - How ideology, group identity & collective guilt destroy societies - YouTube
ELI5: George Bush & Reagan made more executive orders than Obama. Why are Obama's EO's bad and Bush/Reagan's okay? : explainlikeimfive
They're Shooting the Wounded & You Say 'taking aim' - In defining "fake news" so broadly and seeking to dilute its meaning, they are capitalizing on the declining credibility of all purveyors of information, one product of the country's increasing political polarization. - I believe in the right words for the job and the right words right now are NO FUCKING SHIT, YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS.
- These coal country voters backed Trump. Now they're worried about losing Obamacare. (and will have to pay for their black-lung disease; thinking is hard)
Perjury and retaliation allegations hit the San Diego Police Department : news (corruption, it's what they do)
State Rep. Chris Corley accused of punching wife in face, pointing gun at her | State Politics | - COLUMBIA - A young, conservative state lawmaker known for his defense of gun rights and support of the Confederate battle flag was released from jail Tuesday after posting $20,000 bail on charges that he beat his wife and pointed a handgun at her.
Palmetto Politics: With Trump in the White House, could casinos in S.C. be next? | Palmetto Politics | - curious that people who for years have been against bringing casino gambling to South Carolina voted for someone in the casino business.
Where the heaviest-drinking Americans live - The Washington Post - New England is home to the nation's heaviest drinkers - New Hampshire, where about 64 percent of residents age of 12 or older drink monthly, is tops in the country. Vermont, Maine and Connecticut also come in at drinking rates above 60 percent. Hard-drinking cheeseheads in Wisconsin see to it that their home is the only Midwestern state in the top tier of American drinkers.
Mass. lawmakers vote to delay retail marijuana shops - The Boston Globe (booze industry vetos voters)
A closer look at the rare move Mass. lawmakers used to delay pot shops - The Boston Globe
'They called me the antichrist': JT LeRoy, Laura Albert and the literary hoax | Film | The Guardian - The subject of the film Author: The JT Leroy Story says she was attacked with the 'fury of wasps' after her deception was uncovered
What is surprisingly NOT scientifically proven? : AskReddit - What exactly the Earth's core is made of and how it works.
Cancer therapy that engineers patient white blood cells to recognize and destroy tumors in their body posts impressive early clinical results: 57% of patients experienced a complete remission, over 5x better than current standard of care : science
Company server gets hacked. The company's on-call IT person posts a few details to the hack to reddit. The person who wrote the hack responds. : bestof
Germany Considers Fining Facebook $522,000 Per Fake News Item : technology
Major flooding in UK now likely every year, warns lead climate adviser | Environment | The Guardian - A year after severe floods in wake of Storm Desmond, John Krebs says ministers still have no coherent long-term plan to deal with it (Tories don't believe in science)
A Defiant Israel Vows to Expand Its Settlements - The New York Times (crooked Netanfuckyu)
- Sorry, Liberals. Bigotry Didn't Elect Donald Trump - , one-fifth of voters - more than 25 million Americans - said they "somewhat" disapproved of Mr. Trump's treatment of women. Mr. Trump won three-quarters of these voters, despite their disapprobation. (well, bigotry + stupidity)
Charged a Fee for Getting Arrested, Whether Guilty or Not - The New York Times
Earth is overdue for collision with 'dinosaur-killer' asteroid, Nasa warns : news - giantmeteor2016 - There's still a chance!
Rex Tillerson Supposedly Shifted Exxon Mobil's Climate Position. Except He Really Didn't
Hard predictions for 2017 : Futurology
Julian Assange, social analyst - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - I wonder why Wikileaks only published stuff that harmed Clinton? It is a deep and abiding mystery. (Julian is a fascist idiot
Must-See Visualizations And Investigations From The Huffington Post | The Huffington Post
Internet ridicules Trump's narcissistic Christmas tweet: No family, no warmth, just a tiny fist and a tree
City's Annual Cost Per Inmate Is $168,000, Study Finds (incentivizing the cop/prison industry)
Police union demands Amazon to remove 'Bulletproof Black Lives Matter' shirt : news - When the police union is "against" your organisation that's effectively the police being against your organisation.
Eschaton: And There's The Punchline - "The wise investment to make will be in accelerating adoption of self-driving cars and in reserving lanes for them" (free infrastructure because it has to happen)
The Hogan Sisters: How conjoined twins share body and mind - Home | The Current with Anna Maria Tremonti | CBC Radio
Women of Reddit, what's the most attractive thing a man can do that isn't sexual? : AskReddit - Sometimes I catch my husband just looking at me and smiling when he thinks I'm not paying attention ... I love watching men do things they love and are passionate about and good at ... When a man is in his niche, it's sexy as hell
What is the weirdest supernatural experience you've had? : AskReddit
What's the coolest thing Redditors have done together? : AskReddit
What's the worst case of computer illiteracy you've ever seen? : AskReddit
Six more radio signals from deep space deepen mystery: Are we being hailed by intelligent beings? - A total of 17 such radio signals -- called fast radio bursts (FRBs) -- have been received from this location in space since their discovery in 2007. (See Gerson's question below - more likely She would bang neutron stars together than write in the skies with English)
Israeli PM Netanyahu Summons U.S. Ambassador Over Anti-Settlement UN Vote | The Huffington Post (Netanfuckyu is your boss)
Russian Plane Crashes En Route To Syria With 92 On Board | The Huffington Post - The TU-154 military aircraft crashed in the Black Sea near Sochi after disappearing from radar screens.
Nigel Farage's attack on Jo Cox's widower is a new low. Enough (racist bully asshole unchained is the new civiliation)
Senator Says Trump Has 'Maturity Of A 5-Year-Old' -- Which Makes Nuke Talk Very Scary | The Huffington Post
Trump Advisor A.J. Delgado Hints at Comms Director Jason Miller Sex Scandal, Deletes Twitter Account | Mediaite
Orion Magazine | Forget Shorter Showers - More than 90 percent of the water used by humans is used by agriculture and industry. The remaining 10 percent is split between municipalities and actual living breathing individual humans. Collectively, municipal golf courses use as much water as municipal human beings.
Solar power is now the cheapest form of energy in almost 60 countries : technology (Trump will bring back black-lung disease and MAGA)
Where is God? - The Washington Post - It is one of the common questions of eighth-grade theology (which is generally more insightful and useful than post-doctoral theology): If God really exists, why doesn't he show himself in some dramatic, undeniable way?
Rebuffing Israel, U.S. Allows Censure Over Settlements - The New York Times
The Obama administration fires a dangerous parting shot - The Washington Post
For Obama and Netanyahu, a Final Clash After Years of Conflict - The New York Times
How the Pentagon punished NSA whistleblowers: Long before Edward Snowden went public, John Crane was a top Pentagon official fighting to protect NSA whistleblowers. Instead their lives were ruined - and so was his : news
The Year in Pictures 2016 - The New York Times
The Least Influential People Of 2016 | GQ - A comprehensive, anger-fueled list of everyone who ruined our year.
World War Three, by Mistake - The New Yorker - Harsh political rhetoric, combined with the vulnerability of the nuclear command-and-control system, has made the risk of global catastrophe greater than ever.
The Warhead Gap! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The whole point of nuclear de-escalation is that if the US continues to push Russia at all-whether conventionally or with nuclear attacks-Moscow will respond with a massive nuclear attack.
TIL that a single vote prevented an all-out nuclear war between USA and USSR in 1962 : todayilearned
Exclusive: Trump team seeks names of officials working to counter violent extremism | Reuters (his new anti-Muslim task force)
When Unions Don't Help Their Members - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - This is unfortunate. The Rocketts are being dragooned into performing at Trump's inauguration, an event that is becoming a hilarious embarrassment for Emperor Tangerine because no one will participate.
Democracy in action - Lawyers, Guns & Money : (Trump voters didn't believe his actual words because Hillary)
Republicans Are in Denial on Health Care - The New York Times (their hatred got the best of their stupidty)
Planned Parenthood focus groups reveal Clinton's big blunder (she underestimated the stupidity of women voters
Don't Blame Loretta Lynch For James Comey's subversion of democracy - Comey's decision to violate norms and rules to intervene in the election although he had no information about a gnat fart of a scandal, a decision that led to Donald Trump becoming president contrary to the will of the electorate, is his and his alone.
what might be the best question: do we really need government funded research at all."
The Future of Science Research - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - In a stunning September 9 Facebook post (that's since been deleted but is still cached), Mulvaney asked, " what might be the best question: do we really need government funded research at all." (and your sciency fakefacts
Democratic Backsliding in the USA - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - In fact, when evaluated using comparative metrics, North Carolina is no longer a democracy (dismantling the Union one state at a time +Mr. Putin has consolidated power into what the political scientist Karen Dawisha calls "kleptocratic authoritarianism.")
The Party of Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money :- Carl Paladino: Michelle Obama. "I'd like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla." Remember: Democrats practice identity politics, Republicans are bracingly POLITICALLY INCORRECT.
Liberal prof 'watchlist' is McCarthyism for the bullying age
Key officials switch sides from DEA to pharmaceutical industry: The hires came after the DEA launched an aggressive campaign to curb a rising opioid epidemic that has resulted in thousands of overdose deaths each year. : news
Here I Am: Jonathan Safran Foer Tries to Grow Up -- Vulture - a Philip Roth Novel in the Style of a Hallmark Card
What's a sign that someone was raised well? : AskReddit
If Reddit had its own 'YouTube Rewind', what would be in this 'Reddit Rewind 2016'? : AskReddit
Exclusive: FBI probes FDIC hack linked to China's military - sources | Reuters
How the Obama Coalition Crumbled, Leaving an Opening for Trump - The New York Times - In 2016, the Obama coalition crumbled and so did the Midwestern Firewall.
Was Barack Obama Bad for Democrats? - The New York Times
Populism, Real and Phony - The New York Times
BREAKING! Republicans Don't Care About Deficits - Lawyers, Guns & Money - To dream in technicolor for a minute, perhaps the next time (if any) Democrats take over the federal government again, they will remember this. Under the current partisan configuration, caring about deficits makes you a massive sucker. All that cost trimming done to make the ACA fiscally responsible? All gone.
GOP Wants Trump to Trim ACA Benefits, Say Congress Aides - Bloomberg ("trim" = "destroy")
In American Towns, Private Profits From Public Works - The New York Times (private equity buying your water system what could go wrong)
Painting Damnation: Celebrating 500 Years of Bosch - The New York Times
The Dyslexia Paradox | Research - Differences in how the brain adapts to sights and sounds could be at the root of reading disorder
Letters: "A Troublesome Inheritance" | Stanford Center for Computational, Evolutionary, and Human Genomics - Published in The New York Times Book Review August 8, 2014
New Ebola vaccine shows 100% effectiveness in a study of nearly 6,000 patients (p-value 0.0033) : science
Just finished Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind and it really changed my perspective. : books
Yuval Harari on Sapiens | EconTalk | Library of Economics and Liberty
Orion Magazine | State of the Species
Orion Magazine | Charles C. Mann Discusses the Fate of Homo sapiens
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind - Wikipedia
The Old New World ; American Scientist - Michael Coe - 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus. Charles C. Mann.
What is the darkest corner of Reddit you have found so far? : AskReddit
Microsoft Admits It "Went Too Far" with Aggressive Windows 10 Updates : news
House Report Accuses Edward Snowden of Being 'In Contact' With Russian Intelligence | The Huffington Post - The report brands the fugitive NSA leaker a dangerous, disgruntled "fabricator." Snowden said this month that retired Gen. David Petraeus mishandled far more sensitive information than he did
Italy Overwhelmed - The New York Times (innumerate Times)
Why is Italy seeing a record number of migrants? - BBC News - UN refugee agency says that 347,709 people have arrived in the region by sea this year - a significant fall from the million who crossed in 2015 ... (you know those wars Republicans started?)
Donald Trump Calls For Expanded Nuclear Capability In Vague Tweet | The Huffington Post - "The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes." (more = less)
Is it possible Trump doesn't divest because he can't afford it?
Obamacare Enrollments Exceed 6 Million, Outpacing Last Year's Sign-Ups | The Huffington Post - Just in time for Donald Trump and the Republicans to repeal it.
The GOP's Obamacare 'Repeal-And-Delay' Plan Is A Slow Motion Disaster | The Huffington Post - You can't just leave 22 million people and the entire health care industry hanging for three years. (just watch them)
Trump's Small Business Pick Defended Wrestling Empire Against Teen Sex Abuse Allegations - Linda McMahon had a direct role in settling at least one lawsuit. (but Hillary was a lawyer)
Tom Perez Wants To Rebuild His Party Without Abandoning Obama. It Could Be A Tough Sell. | The Huffington Post
North Carolina NAACP Calls For State Boycott After Legislature Fails To Repeal HB2 | The Huffington Post - "We must do it, we believe, as this new legislature is trying to raise a new Confederacy, in policy, right here in North Carolina." (which was always the point)
Percentage of Young Americans Living With Parents Rises to 75-Year High : news
American Public Health Association - US Traffic Fatalities, 1985-2014, and Their Relationship to Medical Marijuana Laws
US states with medical marijuana laws and dispensaries were associated with reductions in traffic fatalities, especially among those aged 25 to 44 years based on analysis of data from the 1985-2014 Fatality Analysis Reporting System. : science
Islamophobic Myths Debunked : islam
/u/marisam7 with thorough details and facts exposes the unreasonable fear the Western world has of Islam : bestof
What thing that people love is basically just a rip-off? : AskReddit
Made Solid Medium Leather Wrapped Stone | Nordstrom (sold out)
Evacuations out of Aleppo resume following intermittent delays | World news | The Guardian - Thousands were left stranded in freezing temperatures for nearly 24 hours, with reports of four babies dying in the extreme weather
Gold Rush -- These Are The Criminals and Corporations That Have Gotten Really, Really Rich Off The Refugee Crisis - The Huffington Post - How the refugee crisis is changing the world economy.
German Officials Identify Suspect In Berlin Christmas Market Attack | The Huffington Post - 24-year-old Tunisian Anis Amri as the suspect in the attack on a Berlin Christmas market that killed 12 people
Moving US embassy to Jerusalem could provoke violent 'chaos', experts warn | US news | The Guardian - Donald Trump's oft-stated desire to relocate the embassy from Tel Aviv has been seen by many as a grave threat to the Israel-Palestine peace process ("peace process")
Nick Gourevitch on Twitter: "Interesting how few Trump voters said taking a "tough approach on immigration" was why they voted for him. Via NBC/WSJ poll:" (#1 improve economy working + middle class; #2 America First #3 stop Hillary)
James Comey stole the 2016 presidential election for Donald Trump, full stop - Lawyers, Guns & Money (from the none dare call it treason party)
Trump posse browbeats Hill Republicans - POLITICO - Lawmakers are loath to say anything remotely critical, fearful they might set off the president-elect or his horde of enforcers. (how far we've fallen after eight years of virulent anti-Obama)
Donald Trump's 16 Obsessive Letters To 'Mad Alex' Salmond About Wind Turbine 'Monsters' In Scotland Revealed By FOI | The Huffington Post - didn't take long for personal attacks to begin.
Trump adds billionaire Carl Icahn to team as special adviser on regulation | US news | The Guardian - Yet another wealthy businessman, who invests in the oil industry and bought the president-elect's floundering Atlantic City casinos, joins transition team
Why the white working class feels like they've lost it all - "they're consumed by nostalgia (stuck in an entitled past, they "lost" the 1950's)
And Then You Have This Idiot - Balloon Juice - Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin called for a new "war on drugs" Tuesday to combat the opioid crisis striking his state of West Virginia, eagerly adopting the language of the now much-criticized Nixon-era push to curb illicit substance use.
Living At Home Has Become Steadily More Popular Since the 1960s | Mother Jones - Almost 40% of young Americans were living with their parents, siblings or other relatives in 2015, the largest percentage since 1940
Oracle executive publicly resigns after CEO joins Trump's transition team | Technology | The Guardian - George Polisner penned an open letter of resignation to Oracle co-CEO Safra Catz that he calls a credible action as opposed to an expression of frustration
Asylum-Seeker Arrested Over Truck Attack On Berlin Christmas Market | The Huffington Post (or maybe not)
Turkey, Russia and an Assassination: The Swirling Crises, Explained - The New York Times
The Subpoena That Rocked The Election Is Legal Garbage, Experts Say | The Huffington Post - The warrant assumes that the mere existence of emails from or to Hillary Clinton is probable cause that a crime occurred.
Clinton allies rip into FBI after search warrant unsealed - POLITICO - 'It is salt in the wound to see FBI rationale was this flimsy,' Clinton's former spokesman says.
Voters Really Did Switch To Trump At The Last Minute | FiveThirtyEight (and there we are)
Mitch McConnell Rejects Growing Calls For Select Panel On Russia Hacks | The Huffington Post - The majority leader wants to keep the probe limited to Congressional committees, which Democrats say will limit the scope of the investigation. (Yerkel is a commie)
A Historic Number of Electors Defected, and Most Were Supposed to Vote for Clinton - The New York Times - In Washington, a state where Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont had strong support in the Democratic primary against Hillary Clinton, three of the state's 12 electoral votes went to Colin L. Powell, the Republican former secretary of state. One more elector voted for Faith Spotted Eagle, a Native American leader. Another Democratic elector in Hawaii voted for Mr. Sanders.
Trump National Security Adviser Met With Leader Of Party Founded By Nazis | The Huffington Post - "This is not just any opposition party: It is one with Nazi sympathies," a former state department official said.
Team Bernie: Hillary F*cking Ignored Us in Swing States - "A ham sandwich could beat Donald Trump," Melissa Arab, a Michigan delegate for Sanders, told The Daily Beast during a protest outside the Democratic convention in July. "And Hillary cannot beat Donald Trump... "She had too many people [on her campaign] wearing Prada going into pollster meetings, not enough of us." (learned nothing from the last time)
Eschaton: Your Liberal Media - 12 years later it isn't the most pressing thing, but I was reminded about how the press treated Theresa Heinz Kerry during the 2004 campaign. Lots of gossipy reports about how she was a total "rich bitch" diva who couldn't stand mixing with the disgusting Real Americans from Fritters and their stupid deep fried state fair food. You know the kind of thing I'm talking about. "Funny" to think about now.
Yes, there is shame in not knowing - The Boston Globe - The emerging narrative of this election is that Donald Trump was elected by people who are sick of being looked down on by liberal elites. The question the people pushing this narrative have not asked is this: Were the elites, based on the facts, demonstrably right? (don't bother us with your librul facts)
Eschaton: A Beat So Sweet - The road to riches in journalism is, sadly, to be a horrible journalist. Just ask Mike and Mark Halperin. The Trump era journalism is going to require a sick bag. If they're already pushing out the loving profiles of Sexy Neo-Nazis, imagine what we're going to get.
Donald Trump and the madman theory - The Boston Globe - "We must as a nation be more unpredictable," he said during an April address. "And we have to be unpredictable starting now."
Poll: Women should be punished for abortions, say 39 percent of Trump voters.
The Republican Party is the Party of Trump, Which Means It's Also the Party of Larry Kudlow - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The CEA chair is typically an economist. Kudlow is not, a fact on his risumi that qualifies rather than disqualifies him for his job. Kudlow is a fanatical adherent of supply-side economics ... have nonetheless described the arguments used by Kudlow as those of "charlatans and cranks." (how Trumpy)
If Ya Can't Beat 'Em, Screw 'Em: North Carolina Governor Signs Bills Gutting Successor's Power | The Huffington Post (fuck your democracy)
What's the Matter With North Carolina? Our cities are solidly blue, while our rural regions, which thanks to gerrymandering have an outsize power, are reactionary red, and their representatives are bent on breaking every rule to keep a hold on power.
GOP' Rep's Vision Of Post-ACA World: You Wait To Treat Your Kid's Broken Arm (health care only for rich white people)
DOE decides enough is enough for Infilaw scamsters - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Trump loves scams so may reverse)
Eschaton: Impound - Uber has deeply held religious principles - Despite threats of legal action from the department of motor vehicles (DMV) and California's attorney general, Kamala Harris, Uber refused to back down on Friday, claiming its rejection of government authority was "an important issue of principle".
People who report using seven to 11 social media platforms had more than three times the risk of depression and anxiety than their peers who use zero to two platforms, even after adjusting for the total time spent on social media overall. : science
IamA Neuroscientist who studies how cannabis interacts with opioids AMA! : IAmA
Sunlight energizes T cells that play a central role in human immunity through a mechanism separate from Vitamin D production, potentially explaining why sunlight is associated with positive health outcomes including reduced incidences of autoimmune diseases. : science
Study Tied to Food Industry Tries to Discredit Sugar Guidelines - The New York Times
ELI5: What causes some people to be more "addiction prone" than others? : explainlikeimfive
A series of experiments showed that sudden insight may yield more correct solutions than using gradual, methodical thinking : science
Women of Reddit, What was the smallest thing a guy did on a date that seemed to be going really well, that completely ruined it? : AskReddit
TIL An Oxford University study concluded that men need at least two "guys nights" a week to stay healthy : todayilearned - So a girlfriend
FCC Republicans vow to gut net neutrality rules "as soon as possible" : technology (draining the swamp, thanks, stupid Americans)
What site has everyone forgotten about but is still online? : AskReddit
Arctic ice melt 'already affecting weather patterns where you live right now' | Environment | The Guardian (Americans don't believe in observational data)
IMF Chief Lagarde Found Guilty In French Tycoon Payout Trial | The Huffington Post - Her lawyer says his team will look into appealing the decision.
As Trump Tweets, China Quietly Weighs Options to Retaliate - Bloomberg (President Bonkers)
Trump has no idea how to run a superpower, say Chinese media | US news | The Guardian
Reince Priebus Plays Down Prospect Of Upending 'One China' Policy | The Huffington Post
- With electoral college vote, Trump's win is official
All This Talk of Voter Fraud? Across U.S., Officials Found Next to None - The New York Times
How Republics End - The New York Times (with a thud)
John McCain, Chuck Schumer Call For Select Committee To Investigate Russia Hacks | The Huffington Post - "There's no doubt they were interfering, and no doubt there was a cyberattack."
Donald Trump Still Not Convinced Russians Meddled In Election: Reince Priebus | The Huffington Post (he'll be the judge of your so-called "intelligence")
Trump private security force playing with fire
The Marijuana Industry and the Trump Administration - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Ex-Stanford professor: I was pushed out after reporting sexual harassment : news
Reuters finds lead levels higher than Flint's in thousands of locales (AK, MS (don't test) CA +upper midwest
Pregnancy causes long-term changes to brain structure, says study | Science | The Guardian - "[It] is not that mothers are losing brain cells, losing grey matter in these regions, it is that they have actually have other cells come in to help reorganize and change up some of those connections to strengthen them, or at least make them more efficient,"
ALPHA experiment at CERN observes the light spectrum of antimatter for the first time : science
What have you found out about someone AFTER they died? : AskReddit
Eschaton: Syria - I figured the "humanitarian intervention left" would have learned a few things from Iraq, but no. There still isn't a Muslim country that they aren't willing to send freedom bombs to in the name of freedom.
LeDankRedditUserxD comments on US 'got it so wrong' on Saddam Hussein, says CIA analyst who interrogated dictator | 'We never thought about using weapons of mass destruction,' former Iraqi ruler told CIA
Saddam Hussein should have been left to run Iraq, says CIA officer who interrogated him : news
Majority Want Monday's Electoral College Vote Postponed In Wake Of Russia Scandal: New Poll | The Huffington Post - A majority of American voters
Leak reveals Rex Tillerson is director of Bahamas-based US-Russian oil company : news - The leaked 2001 document comes from the corporate registry in the Bahamas. It was one of 1.3m files given to the Germany newspaper S|ddeutsche Zeitung by an anonymous source. Heh, the Panama papers are still giving.
Intelligence expert: 10 years ago Trump would have faced a treason trial after being co-opted by Putin
Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill? 3 Professors of Psychiatry Ask President Obama to conduct "a full medical and neuropsychiatric evaluation" | The Huffington Post
A new poll shows an astonishing 52% of Republicans incorrectly think Trump won the popular vote - The Washington Post
Michigan unemployment agency made 20,000 false fraud accusations - report | US news | The Guardian - Automated system erroneously accused claimants in 93% of cases, state review finds: "It's balancing the books on the backs of the poorest (Rick Snyder and Kochistan)
What is one thing you envy the most of the opposite sex? : AskReddit
What are some common forms of sexism that men face? : AskReddit
A couple without kids described the party I had last night as "very effective birth control" : videos
Asian guy sings Country and blows the audience away : videos
Google Publishes Eight Secret FBI Requests: Google revealed in October it had been freed from a gag order preventing it from talking about a secret FBI request for customer data made in 2015 : technology
"It's like twitter. Except we charge people to use it." ("Simon Edhouse" goes viral)
Eschaton: Unpresidented - Where we will be, soon.
Donald Trump accuses China of 'unpresidented' act over US navy drone | US news | The Guardian - President-elect makes spelling error in belligerent early morning tweet
A Dangerous Choice for Ambassador to Israel - The New York Times - In appointing David Friedman (his fucking bankruptcy lawyer for fucks sake)
Donald Trump's Israel ambassador is hardline pro-settler lawyer | US news | The Guardian - David Friedman opposes two-state solution, backs undivided Jerusalem as capital and has acted for Trump's failing hotels
Trump raises specter of treason - The Boston Globe - Seventeen US national intelligence agencies have unanimously concluded that Russia engaged in cyberwarfare against the US presidential campaign
Trump Grill Could Be the Worst Restaurant in America | Vanity Fair - And it reveals everything you need to know about our next president.
Trump Grill's star rating is plummeting, and Yelp is trying to save it from the trolls
Trump's Tweet Attacking Vanity Fair Backfired In A Big Way - The magazine gained a record number of subscriptions after a review savaged the president-elect's steakhouse Customer Reviews: Ivanka Trump Women's Issa
Donald Trump's Economic Team Continues To Align With His Billionaire Hedge Fund Advisor | The Huffington Post - His OMB selection supports policy that will make John Paulson billions.
Sen. Schumer Is Leading Democrats to Their Doom, Continued
A new theory for why Trump voters are so angry - that actually makes sense - The Washington Post - Just about all of her subjects felt a deep sense of bitterness toward elites and city dwellers; just about all of them felt tread on, disrespected and cheated out of what they felt they deserved. (vote Republican since Reagan, blame everything on city folks)
Under Trump, red states are finally going to be able to turn themselves into poor, unhealthy paradises - The Washington Post
Coal workers in the United States when we had a small federal government, no EPA, no unions, and no regulation. : pics (MAGA: bring back child labor)
Cognitive therapy alone was the most effective treatment for social anxiety disorder, compared to medication alone or a combination of cognitive therapy and medication together, finds researchers based on a randomized clinical trial. : science
January 2017 - National Geographic Magazine - Gender
Denver Law Firm Considering Lawsuit Over DEA's New CBD Classification : news
Can neutrinos interact with each other? : askscience (almost never)
Calm people of reddit, How are you so calm? : AskReddit (psychotic parents)
The Great A.I. Awakening - The New York Times
Pentagon demands China return US underwater drone - - The Pentagon is demanding that China return an "unlawfully seized" underwater drone after a Chinese warship took the device from waters near a US oceanographic vessel.
Is Donald Trump a Threat to Democracy? - The New York Times
Useful Idiots Galore - The New York Times
Clinton say 'personal beef' by Putin Led to Hacking Attacks
FBI backs CIA view that Russia intervened to help Trump win election - The Washington Post
Russian hacking activity continues unabated -
Obama Vows Action Against Russia For Hacking DNC Emails | The Huffington Post
Trump has been lying about the Russian hack. He just accidentally admitted it himself. - The Washington Post
Trump Denies Thing That 66 Million People Saw Happen
The Scariest Thing About Trump's Presidency So Far Is Michael Flynn and His Team of Nutters By Jonathan Chait
Intelligence officials refuse to brief House panel on Russian hacking
'Infuriating': John Podesta Unleashes On 'Deeply Broken' FBI | The Huffington Post
An 'epic mistake' - environmental groups fume over Rex Tillerson nomination - One non-profit leader compared Donald Trump's choice for secretary of state to choosing the CEO of a tobacco company for surgeon general
Advanced Black Lung Cases Surge In Appalachia : NPR (so they voted for more death and less regulation)
Snowden: Censorship Is Not The Answer To Fake News Problem, "We have to exercise and spread the idea that critical thinking matters now more than ever, given the fact that lies seem to be getting very popular." : technology (there's your problem, right there)
Officials: Master Spy Vladimir Putin Now Directly Linked to US Hacking - ABC News
Trump Falsely Says U.S. Claim of Russian Hacking Came After Election - The New York Times (time, how does it work?)
Trump's cabinet: The first 17 cabinet-level picks are richer than a third of US households combined - Quartz (well, there you go)
Donald's Beautiful Dark Fascist Fantasy - What do Trump and Kanye have in common? Totalitarian aesthetics and disconnection from reality. (Kanye will become America's Offical Rapper)
/r/the_Donald after hearing about the Putin Election Hacking Scandal : AdviceAnimals
Did the Russians "hack" the election? A look at the established facts | Ars Technica - No smoking gun, but evidence suggests a Russian source for the cyber attacks on Democrats.
NeverHadTheLatin comments on Electors demand intelligence briefing before Electoral College vote
Congressman Proposes National Surveillance Program After Trump Meeting - The New York Times
Fake news is a convenient scapegoat, but the big 2016 problem was the real news - Vox
News Feed FYI: Addressing Hoaxes and Fake News | Facebook Newsroom
Facebook Mounts Effort to Limit Tide of Fake News - The New York Times - If an article receives enough flags as fake, it can be directed to a coalition of groups that will fact-check it. The groups include Snopes, PolitiFact, The Associated Press and ABC News
International Fact-Checking Network fact-checkers' code of principles (facts fight back)
ConfusedInKalamazoo comments on Trump Supporters Love Russia And Think CNN And The New York Times Are "Fake News"
A false dichotomy - Lawyers, Guns & Money : economic/class issues, or, supposedly in the alternative, what is called "identity politics."
Government by Uday and Qusay Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Trump bros select hunting buddy for Sec Interior)
We just got ambushed in the General Assembly - here's what's happening (Sen. Jeff Jackson) : Charlotte
Dylann Roof Found Guilty in Charleston Church Massacre - The New York Times
Dylann Roof Convicted of Murdering 9 Black Charleston Churchgoers : news
A 20-year toll: 368 gymnasts allege sexual exploitation - IndyStar investigations revealed that children were being abused in gymnastics gyms, but no one knew how widespread the problem was. Until now. (priests and trainers)
It's official: Marijuana is legal in Massachusetts (sorta/mostly)
A film student let a thief steal his smartphone and followed him several weeks with a hidden app - He made a film about it : videos
Lightning engulfs a volcanic eruption in Chile [1000x622][OS] by Francisco Negroni : EarthPorn
Francisco Negroni, Volcanoes and Patagonia Photography
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler to Step Down After Trump Takes Office : technology
Syrian Rebels To Exit Aleppo As Truce Begins | The Huffington Post - There is great concern over the plight of thousands of civilians in Aleppo, where the conditions were characterized as a "complete meltdown of humanity" by the UN.
U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack - NBC News
Vladimir Putin's Popularity Is Skyrocketing Among Republicans | The Huffington Post - The guy is accused of manipulating U.S. politics and enabling the killing in Aleppo, and his favorability rating goes up. Seriously? (if ever you needed proof)
Trump's national security adviser shared secrets without permission, files show (since when is that a problem?)
Trump's National Security Adviser Wants You To Forget He Spread Fake News | The Huffington Post - Gen. Mike Flynn quietly deleted a tweet that promoted a baseless story about Hillary Clinton's "sex crimes"
North Carolina G.O.P. Moves to Curb Power of New Democratic Governor - The New York Times (Rethugs never lose)
There Have Been Over 200 School Shooting Incidents Since The Sandy Hook Massacre | The Huffington Post - Progress on gun violence prevention policy has been steady at the state level, but nearly nonexistent at the federal level.
- Abortion Is Found to Have Little Effect on Women's Mental Health
Yahoo discloses hack of 1 billion accounts : technology
Donald Trump's New War With Twitter
President Obama on Campaign Hacks: Very Clear Relationships Between Team Trump and Russia
Trump Says He Doesn't Need Daily Intelligence Briefing Because He's 'Smart' | The Huffington Post -"I don't have to be told the same thing in the same words every single day"
Carl Bernstein: Donald Trump's Disdain For Facts Worse Than Nixon | The Huffington Post - "Trump lives and thrives in a fact-free environment."
John Bolton Clarifies 'False Flag' Claim In Second Interview | The Huffington Post
Trump: It's 'Ridiculous' To Think Russia Intervened In The Election On My Behalf | The Huffington Post - "I don't believe it"
Flynn deputy raises more doubts about Trump team - POLITICO - Former Fox analyst K.T. McFarland, out of government for three decades, is the unlikely choice for the pressure-filled job of No. 2 at the National Security Council.
Trump's Distractions Will Provide Republican Cover to Rip Apart the Safety Net
Fiorina, reportedly considered for national intelligence director, calls China 'most important adversary' (they are all scary-stupid)
Eschaton: The Government, How Does It Work? - In the age of google, the ignorance of the political press about what the government is for really has no excuses. (Amy Walter is dumber than Rick Perry)
Taibbi Reviews Thomas Friedman Book, 'Thank You for Being Late' - Rolling Stone - Which meant we had uber-steroids amplifying steroids amplifying flatteners, with each list comprising items that belonged to other lists. He mashed all of that together for 470 pages or so.
Toilet doors in Germany [r/pics by u/TimeVendor] : topofreddit
Eschaton: Mythologies - It seems that "global warming is an expensive hoax made up by Fat Al Gore" has climbed to the top of the conservative mythology (they've made science-denying central to their belief system, which comes with an expiration date)
Fmr. CIA Acting Dir. Michael Morell: "This Is the Political Equivalent of 9/11" | The Cipher Brief
C.I.A. Judgment on Russia Built on Swell of Evidence - The New York Times
Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House : news
jacquedsouza comments on CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House
Bipartisan Anger Grows Over Russian Interference Into U.S. Election | The Huffington Post
Reid: FBI director's letter cost Democrats the election, Senate -
UN rights chief claims Donald Trump is using similar propaganda tactics as Islamic State : worldnews
FBI and CIA give differing accounts to lawmakers on Russia's motives in 2016 hacks (FBI are commies)
Russia withheld hacked RNC emails to help Trump's campaign
TIL of the Russian "Firehose of Propaganda" Model: Overwhelm your enemy with lies from multiple sources, so people will see the lies first, thus winning the first impression. Multiple sources reinforce the same lies, all before real journalists can even find the facts. : todayilearned
Let's just give Donald Trump $15 billion (it's more about the fame and attention)
Trumps Cabinet Transcends the Concept of Parody - Lawyers, Guns & Money (the clowns took over)
Bullsh*t hatred cover to cover - Vandals deface Korans and books about Islam in libraries across US (signed with a swastika)
The Democratic Fault Line Between Obama And Sanders Is Different Than You Think | The Huffington Post
Long-term relationships may reduce women's sex drive. New research examines the relation between female sexual functioning and changes in relationship status over time. : science
How having first baby makes 2 in 3 parents unhappy with effect comparable to divorce or death of a partner | Daily Mail Online
Most first-time parents experience a decline in happiness after initial excitement, research says | The Independent - Lack of sleep and financial worries can place a great strain on new parents
Bodymindisoneword comments on Do you think there's anything to this whole battle of the generations between Baby Boomer and Millennials (with Gen Xers somewhere in the middle)? What have you seen to convince you one way or the other? - Be completely ignorant that every generation before you and every generation after you has always considered the Baby Boomers to be the most titanically selfish group of humans to ever live and die on this earth.
Teenagers of Reddit, what is something you want to ask adults of Reddit? : AskReddit
What is a dirty little (or big) secret about an industry you've worked in, that people outside the field ought to know? : AskReddit
What major company would you like to see fail and why? : AskReddit
A black woman was accused of stealing - so this Victoria's Secret kicked out all black customers.
Greenland's Vast Ice Sheet Is Way Less Stable Than We Thought, And That's Bad News For The World | The Huffington Post
Scott Pruitt, Trump's Climate-Denying EPA Pick, Is Worse Than You Think
Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House - The Washington Post
Bombshell Secret CIA Report Says Russia Aimed To Steal White House For Trump | The Huffington Post - Trump camp dismisses The Washington Post's report, saying it's "time go make America great again"
CIA Reportedly Concludes Russian Interference Aimed To Elect Trump : news
Yale History Prof Timothy Snyder's 20 Pts for Defending Democracy under a Trump presidency
Donald Trump Will Produce Upcoming 'Celebrity Apprentice' | The Huffington Post - Yet another conflict of interest for the president-elect. (by the Celebrity President)
Top executives of a major fentanyl company arrested for allegedly leading a huge criminal conspiracy : news (and funded anti-marijuana)
What is the most extreme example of helicopter parenting that you have ever witnessed? : AskReddit
EPA fears 'unprecedented disaster' for environment over Scott Pruitt pick | Environment | The Guardian - EPA fears 'unprecedented disaster' for environment over Scott Pruitt pick - a climate denier who has sued the agency multiple times as attorney general of Oklahoma (there will be consequences for electing world-destroying stupidity and evil)
Reid predicts death of filibuster - POLITICO - the departing Democratic leader blamed his party's 2016 debacle on Jim Comey and said no big changes are needed.
Donald Trump insulted a union leader on Twitter. Then the phone started to ring. - The Washington Post (death-threats from the alt-right zombie army)
Donald Trump's latest Twitter tempest targets CNN reporter
U.S. life expectancy declines for the first time since 1993 - The Washington Post - In all, death rates rose for eight of the top 10 leading causes of death. (heart attacks, lungs, accidents lead)
PewDiePie hits 50 million subscribers, promises again to delete his account - The Verge
They Are Slaughtering Us Like Animals - Inside President Rodrigo Duterte's brutal antidrug campaign in the Philippines, our photojournalist documented 57 homicide victims over 35 days. (meanwhile, in another corner of authoritarian hell)
- Charts of the Day: Income Inequality Doesn't Have to Spiral Out of Control - In 1980, adults in the top 1 percent earned on average 27 times more than bottom 50 percent of adults. Today they earn 81 times more. (the Reagan Revolution destroyed the country)
The Comet Ping Pong Gunman Answers Our Reporter's Questions
He did it for the children! {update} - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Guess how many paragraphs the reporters write before they get around to mentioning the gun-toting cock nugget of the hour has a rap sheet? (Hint: Many.) (armed self-investigation of delusional propaganda by career-challenged deranged white idiot)
Pizzagate: From rumor, to hashtag, to gunfire in D.C. - The Washington Post
Florida woman calls Sandy Hook massacre 'hoax,' threatens to kill parent of victim, officials say : news
Cracking the elaborate code - The Verge
second life - YouTube
Man jailed for attacking boy over embrace with girl in London street: Michael Coe, an associate of hate preacher Anjem Choudary, sentenced to 28 months after knocking teenager unconscious : worldnews
Hospitals Issue Dire Warnings About Repealing Obamacare Without A Backup Plan | The Huffington Post
Orange County Sheriff's Deputies' Once-Secret Log On Jail Informants Reveals Rampant Misconduct | The Huffington Post (Dept of Crime)
Mistrial declared in case of South Carolina officer who shot Walter Scott after traffic stop : news
Sofma Vergara sued by her own embryos | Page Six - when a right-to-live lawsuit was filed on behalf of the fertilized eggs against their mom.
Key ingredient in hallucinogenic ayahuasca brew stimulates the growth of human neural cells (in vitro) by 71.5% in four days. : science (literally mind-expanding)
New discovery shows that paleo diet was heavy plant based and had less meat than what modern cookbooks suggest : science - Plants are pretty slow & easy to catch.
'Mythical' Sea Blob Finally Spotted a Century After Its Discovery. A mysterious giant sea blob whose very existence was questioned has been rediscovered a century after its first sighting. : worldnews
ELI5: What's the significance of Planck's Constant? : explainlikeimfive
What is the Uncertainty Principle? - YouTube
Planck's Constant and The Origin of Quantum Mechanics | Space Time | PBS Digital Studios - YouTube
/u/Amafellow's near-verbatim Trump quote mistaken for parody : bestof (psychotic ramblings from the Beast of the Earth)
Reddit users with siblings born significantly later, 10-15 ish years after you. What kind of relationship do you have with them? : AskReddit
What's an instant turn on for you? : AskReddit
What's the trashiest wedding you've been to? : AskReddit
Who owns CRISPR - one of the most important genetic inventions of our time? - The Verge
The Crispr Quandary - The New York Times - A new gene-editing tool might create an ethical morass - or it might make revising nature seem natural.
Samsung triumphs over Apple at the Supreme Court, no longer has to pay $400 million in damages : technology
Scores on posts are about to start going up : announcements
Environmentalists Celebrate Halt Of Dakota Access Pipeline: 'Indigenous People Were Heard' | The Huffington Post - "Indigenous activists have won a smashing victory, one that shows what nonviolent unity can accomplish."
Eschaton: Why Hillary Clinton Will Lose This Election - a tendency by it (very broadly defined, this was much more of a Clintonland thing than a Clinton campaign thing, though one doesn't always know where one began and the other ended) to dismiss criticism as being unfair.
GOP Leader Breaks With Donald Trump On Suggested 35 Percent Tariff | The Huffington Post - Yeah, traditionally, Republicans have been against trade wars.
Incoming national security adviser's son, who peddles conspiracies, has a government transition email -
- Pizzagate, the fake news conspiracy theory that led a gunman to DC's Comet Ping Pong, explained - How Pizzagate went from the musings of 4chan trolls to the cause for a gunman at Comet Ping Pong.
Ku Klux Klan Members Drive Through North Carolina Town To Hail Trump Victory | The Huffington Post - The president-elect is going to "turn this country around," spokeswoman says.
North Carolina's Governor Finally Admits He Lost The Election After Alleging Voter Fraud For A Month | The Huffington Post - Pat McCrory filed for a statewide recount as well as election protests in 52 counties.
Celebrities Express Disgust Over Non-Consensual Rape Scene In 'Last Tango In Paris' | The Huffington Post - "As a director, I can barely fathom this. As a woman, I am horrified, disgusted and enraged by it," Ava DuVernay said. (today's surfacing of evil dept.)
Gog and Magog - Wikipedia - In the prelude to the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, President George W. Bush told Jacques Chirac, "Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East". "This confrontation", he urged the French leader, "is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase His people's enemies before a new age begins"
[Serious] What is the most unprofessional thing a medical professional has ever said to you? : AskReddit
A memo that reveals UK prime minister Theresa May is furious about internal leaks was leaked immediately - Quartz
A total of 55 British clubs now involved in growing football child abuse scandal : worldnews (lot of institutionalized child abuse in UK)
Exclusive: Snowden says Petraeus disclosed 'far more highly classified' secrets 'than I evr did'
US Army Corps of Engineers to look for alternate route for DAPL : news
U.S. Denies Entry to Canadian Photojournalist Covering Standing Rock | The Huffington Post - Awarding-winning photographer Ed Ou, detained at the border, refused to turn over cell phones containing confidential information.
Why Blue States Are the Real Tea Party
Why Hillary Clinton Lost | The Huffington Post - She wrote off working people.
Donald Trump Will Be President In Just Over A Month And The Constitution Is Already Under Attack | The Huffington Post
Eschaton: Torture Mouse, Hippie Mouse - Sure it's easy sometimes to not see the connection between policy and outcomes (oh, gee, I didn't really mean to break up those families...), but with a lot of Trumpkins the suffering isn't an unanticipated bug, it's the feature.
Eschaton: Is Trump Bigger Than Jesus? - A debate between Kellyanne Conway and Jeffrey Lord, coming to CNN for the next 1000 days...
Eschaton: Benghazi
Armed man arrested at DC pizzeria targeted by conspiracy theory | TheHill (Hillary's child-sex ring)
Maine Gov. Paul LePage Is Still Questioning Election Results, For No Apparent Reason | The Huffington Post - LePage said in October he was concerned that Maine residents could vote without identification. Muszynski noted that the state does require identification to register to vote in Maine.
TIL that the guy who wrote the US Pledge of Allegiance was a socialist, and wanted to include "equality and fraternity" but omitted them because the, "state superintendents of education on his committee were against equality for women and African Americans." : todayilearned
TIL that the Baby Boomers were nicknamed the "Me Generation" due to their perceived narcissism. : todayilearned
Old Economy Steven | Know Your Meme
Oakland Warehouse Party Fire Death Toll Could Reach 40, Officials Say | The Huffington Post - Fire officials are still trying to determine how the blaze started.
'It went up in a heartbeat' - 10-alarm blaze devastates Cambridge neighborhood
Photos, videos of the Cambridge fire from the scene - The Boston Globe
Nabokov was such a jerk - The Boston Globe (Alex Beam)
Men Explain Lolita to Me | Literary Hub - December 17, 2015 By Rebecca Solnit
Rebecca Solnit "Men Explain Lolita to Me" | The Mary Sue
the "lolita" covers | GOWNS (yeah, really)
Carl Sagan explains the 4th dimension in terms I actually comprehend. : videos
Skin remains a barrier despite skin cells continually shedding because the shape of a skin cell is a tetrakaidecahedron, a shape proposed in 1887 by Lord Kelvin, which means that it can always form a very tight, cohesive bond with the cells surrounding it, based on mice and mathematical models. : science
- Autistic brains are more symmetrical. (lack lateralization)
Division of Labor in the Brain | NewsCenter | SDSU
What is your wildest sexual secret that you want to indulge in at least once in your lifetime? : AskReddit
If Cosmo gave sex tips for guys to use on their girlfriends rather than the other way around, what would some of these tips and tricks be? : AskReddit
US President-elect Donald Trump has spoken directly with the president of Taiwan - breaking with US policy set in 1979 when formal relations were cut. Washington cut formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan in 1979, expressing its support for Beijing's "One China" policy. : worldnews
Hackers steal 2 billion rubles at Russia's central bank : worldnews - 2 billion Russian Rubles is the equivalent to USD$31,280,320
Torture appeared widespread after Turkey coup: UN expert : worldnews (coming soon to a country near you)
Senate Democrat Urges Obama To Ensure The CIA Torture Report Won't Disappear | The Huffington Post - Ron Wyden is worried the report could be destroyed under the Trump administration if it's not made a federal record. (good luck with top-secret Barry)
Eschaton: The Trump Show - I guess they're going to cover it as Celebrity President for the entire time.
Jon Stewart Finally Went Long About The Election And Donald Trump - "He said she was unqualified because she gave a speech to Goldman Sachs. His Secretary of the Treasury is somebody from Goldman Sachs."
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "I promise you that I'm much smarter than Jonathan Leibowitz - I mean Jon Stewart @TheDailyShow. Who, by the way, is totally overrated."
Eschaton: Jill Stein Is Horrible. What's Your Point?
Doctor Calls Michelle Obama 'Monkey Face,' But Says She's Not Racist | The Huffington Post - Dr. Michelle Herren, a white pediatric anesthesiologist at Denver Health Medical Center and a faculty member at University of Colorado School of Medicine ... Herren makes a reported $363,600 annual salary ... graduated from Creighton University School
When germ-free mice with normal motor skills were given fecal samples from humans with Parkinson's they began to show Parkinson's symptoms. About 75 percent of people with Parkinson's have gut symptoms like constipation years before motor symptoms appear.
Former smokers of Reddit, what were the most efficient ways you found that helped you stop? : AskReddit
What is one thing you won't try no matter how great people on Reddit say it is? : AskReddit
Military experts warn of 'epic' humanitarian crisis sparked by climate change - AOL News UK
Magic mushroom ingredient psilocybin could be key to treating depression - studies | Immediate reduction in depression and anxiety for up to eight months seen in patients with advanced cancer given a single dose of psilocybin : worldnews
Man 'cured' of prostate cancer after doctors shock tumour to death with testosterone : worldnews
Is There Something Unique about the Transgender Brain? - Scientific American - Imaging studies and other research suggest that there is a biological basis for transgender identity (transgender brain trapped in wrong-sex body)
Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome - Wikipedia
Postnatal Testosterone Concentrations and Male Social Development - In infant boys, serum testosterone (T) concentrations that are gonadal in origin increase to pubertal concentrations between 1 and 3 months of age and fall to prepubertal values around 6 months of age
Sexual dimorphism of Broca's region: More gray matter in female brains in Brodmann areas 44 and 45 : science
Men and Women experience stress-induced anxiety differently at the neural level. : science - it seems to mean that women will benefit more from mindfulness therapy, while men benefit more from cognitive behavioural therapy, in reducing anxiety ... Men externalize, women internalize
Left-Handedness and Language Lateralization in Children - The incidence of atypical language lateralization in left-handed children in this study was similar to that reported in adults. We also found similar rates of increase in left-hemispheric language lateralization with age between groups (i.e., independent of handedness) indicating the presence of similar mechanisms for language lateralization in left- and right-handed children.
What are you proud of, but can't tell anyone who knows you? : AskReddit
TIL a 12 year old boy who saw his own father murdered by a family friend, avenged the death of his father by killing the alleged murderer in a revenge attack he had planned for 12 years. He cut him into 12 pieces, one each for the years of wait. : todayilearned
India unveils the world's largest solar power plant. : worldnews - By 2022, India aims to power 60 million homes by the sun. It is part of the Indian government's ambitious targets to produce 40 percent of its power from non-fossil fuels by 2030
With TPP's Demise, What Happens to US Intellectual Property Rights Abroad?
Castro and Africa - Lawyers, Guns & Money (US supported apartheid, of course)
New #5 notes contain animal fat, Bank of England admits, causing outrage among vegetarians | The Independent - A petition demanding the replacement of the notes with a vegan alternative already has 5,000 signatures
Drug-testing of welfare clients fails to yield any positive drug tests : news
Evan Rachel Wood reveals in emotional letter that she was raped. : television
'Knees together'judge Robin Camp should lose job, committee finds
The Understudied Female Sexual Predator: According to new research, sexual victimization by women is more common than gender stereotypes would suggest. : science - If you exclude rape, then 92.5% of female victims of sexual violence other than rape reported only male perpetrators. A majority of male victims reported only female perpetrators when being made to penetrate (79.2%), sexual coercion (83.6%), and unwanted sexual contact (53.1%).
What is the greatest unsolved mystery of all time? : AskReddit
Biker returning lost wallet smashes driver's phone after driver swears and gives him the finger -- Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability as much higher than it really is.
ELI5: How come if I say, "A. B. A. B..." over and over again it sounds different than if I say, "B. A. B. A..." even if I slice the audio so the both start with A? : explainlikeimfive
TIFU by editing some comments and creating an unnecessary controversy. : announcements - submitted 7 hours ago by spez
Adblock Plus wins its 6th court case, brought by Der Spiegel | Ars Technica - Eyeo GmbH has beaten back German court cases seeking to shut down its business.
Climate change: Arctic lost nearly 95% of its old ice since 1984 | world-news | Hindustan Times
Chapecoense players who didn't travel with the squad, meeting up in the dressing room after the plane carrying the team to a continental cup final crashed killing 76 people : pics
Night vision devices provided by the United States to the Pakistani Army recovered from terrorists in Kashmir : worldnews
Eschaton: Reminder - Back when Reagan was president members of the press knew that the man had some form of dementia, that he was not actually fit to run the country, and they covered it up because the feefees of America would be hurt because Reagan was the most popular president in the history of the universe. (what will they hide this time?)
Ten Days After: Harassment and Intimidation in the Aftermath of the Election | Southern Poverty Law Center
The Republican Governor of North Carolina Has Finally Run Out of Options | Mother Jones - His desperate attempts to stay in office are over. Probably. (one bright spot)
- You may have to wait longer for legal pot in Mass. State officials, such as Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg who will oversee the new industry, have argued that to create an effective new bureaucracy that can regulate and police recreational marijuana sales requires more time than the ballot question gives them. (stop'n'shop Deb)
New Mass. pot law needs minor fixes, not big delays - The Boston Globe - But to the greatest extent possible, the basic outline that voters supported on Election Day by an 8-point margin - the legalization of personal marijuana use, possession, and cultivation - should remain the law of the Commonwealth. (Trump may veto)
There is no association between maternal influenza infection anytime during pregnancy and increased autism spectrum disorder risk, finds researchers based on a cohort study of 196,929 children born at Kaiser Permanente from 2000 to 2010. : science
Belgian scientists discover bacterium that protects against obesity and diabetes : science - administration of Akkermansia muciniphila to mice prevents the development of obesity and associated complications
A Dump of Parenting Tips : funny (unusually good)
[Serious]Children with LGBT parents of reddit, how do you feel about it? Are the sayings right, do you feel like you're actually missing something? : AskReddit - "Lesbian mom pizza night"
Zispinhoff comments on Favourite Star Trek scene?
What's your favorite way to mess with strangers? : AskReddit
Howdy /r/Seattle - I am your Mail Man and let's talk about Holiday Packages and theft! : Seattle
TIL that a woman created a fake facebook profile of a teenage girl and sent a friend request to her husband, then used transcripts of their conversations to get him arrested. He was freed and all charges were dropped when he produced a notarized affidavit, proving he knew it was her all along. : todayilearned
Microsoft Surface Studio: Unboxing and Review : Surface
10 Solar Energy Facts & Charts You (& Everyone) Should Know | CleanTechnica - 3. The lowest wholesale solar price bid from a solar project developer (unsubsidized) is 2.42"/kWh. That'S cheaper than what new natural gas, coal, or nuclear power can provide practically anywheIt's all about sowing confusion and doubt.
re in the world.
Michigan's biggest electric provider phasing out coal, despite Trump's stance | - "I don't know anybody in the country who would build another coal plant" (stop the future!)
Umberto Eco's outstanding essay on fascism from 1995 : books
Islam, Middle East and Fascism - by Ibn Warraq
The Original Axis of Evil - The New York Times - By Samantha Power MAY 2, 2004 - The Anatomy Of Fascism By Robert O. Paxton. -- ''onagrocracy'' -- or ''government by braying asses'' -- he also hopes to enable us to recognize ''what the 21st century must avoid.'' (too late) 'A form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation or victimhood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy and purity ..."
The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear (TV Mini-Series 2004)
American Fascists - Wikipedia - The Christian Right and the War on America
Fidel Castro Executing Political Opponent : pics
Eschaton: Good Luck With That - Actually this part could happen (though not necessarily before Article 50 is triggered), but the weird belief that there could be no negative consequences of Brexit while still actually undertaking Brexit is cute. (conservative Brits think they are very special people)
Eschaton: Maybe God Hates Britain? - "I am a practising member of the Church of England and so forth, that lies behind what I do." (said Theresa May)
If you're even asking if Russia hacked the election, Russia got what it wanted - It's all about sowing confusion and doubt.
The Media Refuses Accountability For Its Own Malpractice - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump Turned Away Intel Briefings But Spread A Rumor Made Popular By One Guy On Twitter | The Huffington Post - That claim about "millions of people" voting illegally? There's no evidence whatsoever.
Donald Trump can kill the American union - The Washington Post - His election is "an extinction-level event for American labor."
Lawyers, Guns & Money - Of course, the very combination of real economic anxiety and racism that sent white union members into the Trump camp is going to just cause more economic anxiety for them. But hey, it will cause terrible things for black people too so win! I guess.
American Unions: An Extinction Level Event - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Of course, the very combination of real economic anxiety and racism that sent white union members into the Trump camp is going to just cause more economic anxiety for them. But hey, it will cause terrible things for black people too so win! I guess ...So Bill Clinton's decisions ultimately doomed Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign. But it seemed so perfect at the time - adopt a bunch of Republican positions and claim them as your own. What could go wrong?
Trump is turning Twitter into a state disinformation machine - The Verge - about to be president and he's tweeting enormous lies)
Florida Killings Increase After 'Stand Your Ground' Gun Law Passage, Study Finds | The Huffington Post - Gun-related homicides in Florida jumped nearly 32 percent since 2005, according to new report.
Donald Trump Still Thinks Climate Change Is 'A Bunch Of Bunk' | The Huffington Post - His presidency will likely be disastrous for global efforts to mitigate climate change. (great job America, you elected an evil idiot who can't think)
Afghanistan Is All Ready To Be Donald Trump's First Foreign Policy Disaster | The Huffington Post
Ruling Party in Korea Imploding on Impeacement : worldnews
A senior Indian politician has caused outrage by building a large mansion including a bullet-proof bathroom using #5.8m of taxpayer money. : worldnews (inequality discussion, US worse than Russia)
TIL the Anti-Defamation League denied the Armenian Genocide and fired their New England director for opposing this stance. Their reason was "Our focus is Israel. If helping Turkey helps Israel, then that's what we're in the business of doing. Was it genocide? It was wartime. Things get messy." : todayilearned
Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New, Hidden, and Very Shady Group
Russian Agents Are Not Behind Every Piece of Fake News You See
Donald Trump Just Told One Of His Most Brazen Lies Yet | The Huffington Post - "millions of people who voted illegally"
Fucking Politics, How Does It Work? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (the coalition of the cruel and stupid just took over)
It is important not to normalize this or see it for anything other than what it is - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - This is going to get a lot worse. This is his best behavior, when he's in his conciliatory stage, and when he has yet to receive any formal power.
"We Are Getting What We Asked For, Good and Hard" - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Imagine if he were to refuse to accept the outcome of the next election once he is the president, and after he has appointed loyalists to control America's security apparatus.
Falwell says Trump offered him education secretary job
U.S. Postal Service: record breaking surge of marijuana being illegally shipped throughout the United States
Gary Snyder at Cornell Plantations | Cornell Botanic Gardens
The double slit experiment: the weirdest, most bewilderingly inexplicable phenomenon in all of science : videos
Low-calorie sweetener use is independently associated with heavier relative weight, larger waist, and higher prevalence and incidence of abdominal obesity, suggesting that low-calorie sweetener use may not be an effective means of weight control, based on a study of 1,454 participants over 10 years. : science
Well-Tempered Clavier - some history for laymen : westworld
What's one thing every man should know before having sex for the first time? : AskReddit
Social Media Companies Are Not Free Speech Platforms : technology
Fidel Castro, Cuban Revolutionary Who Defied U.S., Dies at 90 - The New York Times
- Castro: It's Complicated
Obama Must Save the Courts to Save America From Trump - The Daily Beast - The Constitution gives the president the power to appoint judges in the upcoming congressional recess.
Trump rages as Clinton helps recount - POLITICO - Clinton campaign says it will have a presence in the Wisconsin process.
U.S. Officials Defend Integrity of Vote, Despite Hacking Fears - The New York Times
- Can the Democratic Party rise again? (Governorships)
The Democrats biggest mistakes
Donald Trump and the Rise of Alt-Reality Media - POLITICO Magazine - You think the truth took a hit last year? It's about to get worse. A lot worse. (in our post-truth democracy)
Republicans Are Worse Than Democrats On Everything, An Ongoing Series - Lawyers, Guns & Money : A pyramid scheme multilevel marketing heir-in-law wanting to funnel money to largely unregulated private schools. What could possibly go wrong? (Republicans have always hated education)
He should ask Beyonci how well demanding a picture be taken down works. : pics (his doofus look)
Combined two pictures that the subjects wanted removed from the internet. : pics
Trump supporter calls passengers 'Hillary b----es' during rant on plane | TheHill
Boston police set to buy social media monitoring software - The Boston Globe - on the verge of buying new software that will scan social media and the Internet for criminal activity and threats to public safety - a step that civil liberties groups say is a worrisome risk to free speech and privacy. (it's gonna "scan" the internets)
CNN, RCN Deny Reports of Porn Airing on Channel in Boston | Variety
Arctic ice melt could trigger uncontrollable climate change at global level | Environment | The Guardian - 'tipping points' with catastrophic consequences felt as far away as the Indian Ocean
Edward Snowden's bid to guarantee that he would not be extradited to the US if he visited Norway has been rejected by the Norwegian supreme court. : worldnews (because they would send him to Gitmo)
One by One, ISIS Social Media Experts Are Killed as Result of F.B.I. Program - The New York Times
Eschaton: Not Every Household - Fortunately it'll be mostly the poors who pay the price -- Every household will lose a staggering #1,250 a year because of the Brexit vote, independent forecasters say - as they painted a devastating picture of falling living standards, including no increase in real wages for at least another decade. (there will be a Trumpreckoning here also)
Eschaton: Anti-Immigrant Party Chief Announces Plans To Be An Immigrant - Well, you know, not anti-ALL immigrants... He said that he wanted his country back but now Nigel Farage is planning to abandon it in favour of a new life in the United States.
Eschaton: Always Doing It Wrong - Chris Patten, now a member of the House of Lords and chancellor of the University of Oxford, said it was "dishonest, dishonourable and reckless" to conflate the push for greater democracy in Hong Kong with the argument for independence.
Eschaton: What's It All About Then - I'm starting to think that austerity was simply about cutting the parts of the state they didn't like anyway? - "UK can sustain a relatively high level of debt." (we were very serious about it then)
A Russian human rights group has published a database containing personal information about nearly 40,000 members of the notorious security force that carried out Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin's purges, shedding light on an ugly stretch of history the Kremlin would prefer to remain hidden.
Top scientist who discovered Litvinenko poison 'stabbed himself to death with two knives' after trip to Russia : worldnews
- Russian propaganda effort helped spread 'fake news' during election, experts say (Putin rigged it for his puppet)
President-elect Donald Trump following through on campaign vows to court Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin | Miami Herald - Since his election win, Trump has talked to Putin more than any other world leader
Electoral College must reject Trump unless he sells his business, top lawyers for Bush and Obama - Ethics lawyers for the last two presidents are in agreement.
The Electoral College (choose your constitutional crisis)
Oh, And Fuck Jill Stein Too - While we're chatting, fuck you to everyone who cast a protest vote or chose not to vote. Fuck you to Susan Sarandon and of course, fuck Jill Stein. History will remember this.
Josh Nelson on Twitter: "Updated poll numbers 231,556,622 eligible voters 46.9% didn't vote 25.6% voted for Clinton 25.5% voted for Trump 1.7% voted for Johnson"
Noam Chomsky: People Who Didn't Vote For Clinton To Block Trump Made A 'Bad Mistake' | The Huffington Post - "deep feelings of anger, fear, frustration, hopelessness, probably among sectors like those that are seeing an increase in mortality, something unheard of apart from war and catastrophe." (so let's blame it on off-white and gay people not our stupid voting decisions)
The Populism Perplex - The New York Times - the fact is that Democrats have already been pursuing policies that are much better for the white working class than anything the other party has to offer. Yet this has brought no political reward ... some combination of white resentment at what voters see as favoritism toward nonwhites (even though it isn't) and anger on the part of the less educated at liberal elites whom they imagine look down on them (because they are stupid and full of hate)
Donald Trump's Cabinet Is On Track To Be The Least Experienced In Modern History (from the guy who doesn't know anything)
Wolf Blitzer Nails Exactly What's Wrong With Donald Trump's 'Hamilton' Outrage | The Huffington Post - He doesn't seem to go out of the way to express his outrage over people hailing him with Nazi salutes,
\Group Funded By Trump's Education Secretary Pick: 'Bring Back Child Labor' | The Huffington Post -
Returning to the Gilded Age - Lawyers, Guns & Money : In Trump's America, finally children will be free to work again.
Ivanka Trump Responds Predictably To Aquazzura's Shoe-Copying Lawsuit | The Huffington Post - She denies, denies and denies some more. (not far from the criminal tree)
White-Collar Supremacy - The New York Times - Richard B. Spencer is one of the main figures of the alt-right movement, a former doctoral student from Duke
Donald Trump's Words And Tweets Are About To Become Global News. All of Them.
Mitch McConnell Doesn't Think Draining The Swamp Is A 'Real Concern' Of Regular People | The Huffington Post (said the swamp-dwelling turtle)
GOP Lawmaker Who Sexted Teen Boy Says He's 'Not Gay' In Bizarre Interview | The Huffington Post - He previously admitted to exchanging explicit sexts with the teen.
The angry white man next door: Hearing out a Trump voter [Video] - Chris Fresiello ... Perhaps it was the noose, I suggested
2-Year-Old Critically Wounded in Accidental Shooting by 4-Year-Old Cousin on Thanksgiving - ABC News
Pot shops may not open till mid-2018 if some lawmakers have their way - The Boston Globe - Senator Jason M. Lewis, an authority on the industry and a leader of the opposition (note, self-appointed) ... There are numerous issues and policy details that will need to be addressed by the Legislature ... (just concerned for your "safety")
Belief in Santa could adversely affect parent-child relationships, warns study. Two psychologists say lying to children, even about something fun and frivolous, could undermine trust in their parents and leave them open to "abject disappointment" when they eventually discover that magic is not real. : science
Who has changed the world yet is no longer remembered? : AskReddit
47 of the world's poorest countries are aiming to hit 100% renewable energy - "The idea is ... to skip from pre-industrialisation to renewables, avoiding the 'messy part' in the middle where a need for more energy to support economic growth spurs fossil fuel use to dangerously high levels." : worldnews
Entire internet history of UK citizens to be viewable by government bodies including police, tax agencies, pensions body, and Food Standards Agency within weeks : worldnews (UK just went full 1984 with nary a whisper)
Hillary Clinton is going to win the popular vote by a margin greater than the total population of 40% of the states - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Note that 40% of the United States of America have total populations of less than three million (the system is so rigged)
The Airing of Grievances V: Jill Stein - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The sparrow with four sexes : Nature News & Comment
Sex education in Norway (female anatomy) : videos
Situational Blindness experiment gets some funny reactions : videos
ELI5:Why do men go bald more often then women? : explainlikeimfive
The CEO of Reddit confessed to modifying posts from Trump supporters after they wouldn't stop sending him expletives : news
Trump to scrap Nasa climate research in crackdown on 'politicized science' - NASA's Earth science division is set to be stripped of funding as the president-elect seeks to shift focus away from home in favor of deep space exploration - (60 million Americans doen't "believe" in science and have just made the planet a much more dangerous place) )
Trump's climate denial is just one of the forces that point towards war - Monbiot - The failure to get to grips with our crises, by all mainstream political parties, is likely to lead to a war between the major powers in my lifetime
Our Climate Change Emergency & Three-Legged Barstool Survival: Part 1 of 3 - YouTube
Tuna's Declining Mercury Contamination Linked to U.S. Shift Away from Coal (moar coal)
All Queens Must Die | The Verge - On Santa Cruz Island, they killed the cows, sheep, and bees. Now it's time to finish the job (first they came for the cows)
UK to censor online videos of 'non-conventional' sex acts | Technology | The Guardian
Porn websites in the UK will be banned from showing a huge range of sex acts under new law : news - Porn is the scapegoat. When infrastructure is set they can start blocking whatever the want.
Massive paedophile ring uncovered by police in Norway after arrest of 51 men : worldnews - West Police district has confiscated a total of 150 Terabytes of data depicting many forms of sexual abuse on children.
US navy's most expensive destroyer breaks down in Panama Canal | US news | The Guardian
Trump in the White House: An Interview With Noam Chomsky : TrueTrueReddit
Kissing the ring - Crooked Timber - There are many theories of Trump out there - here's another - Trump as Renaissance princeling. The New York Times:
Donald Trump Is Handling The Transition Exactly Like He Campaigned | The Huffington Post - There is no other Donald Trump.
Eschaton: The Christmas Gift For All Those Relatives You Hate (Friedman asks Trump)
Donald Trump Elector In Montana Under Fire For Saying Hang Gays 'Where They Can Be Seen' | The Huffington Post - Dennis Scranton - " think fruits are decorative. Hang up where they can be seen and appreciated. Call Wyoming for display instructions"
Trump's tax plan: massive cuts for the 1% will usher 'era of dynastic wealth' | US news | The Guardian - More than eight million low-income and single-parent families will face sharp tax increases under Donald Trump exacerbating income inequality, experts warn (alms to the rich)
Trump Backs Off Torture Because a Guy Named "Mad Dog" Doesn't Like It | Mother Jones (an empty, evil, man)
How Fake News Goes Viral: A Case Study - The New York Times
Want to Know if the Election was Hacked? Look at the Ballots - Medium - may have found persuasive evidence that results in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania may have been manipulated or hacked.
ELI5: In the United States what are "Charter Schools" and "School Vouchers" and how do they differ from the standard public school system that exists today? : explainlikeimfive
Hatred in Black and White at the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot | The Huffington Post
Jailed for ending a pregnancy: how prosecutors get inventive on abortion | US news | The Guardian - Donald Trump has flirted with punishing women for their abortions. But some already are prosecuted under a variety of laws in what is murky legal territory
The Religion With No Name - Graham Hancock Official Website
What is one thing you envy the most of the opposite sex? : AskReddit
/u/ilikepix makes sense of hipster culture : bestof
OK Go - The One Moment (shot in 4.2 seconds) : videos
One chart captures alarming decline in sea ice - The Boston Globe - We're confronted, in Mr. Trump, with a man who holds his unscientific views with no apparent hesitation or qualm. In his version of reality, climate change is BS invented by the Chinese; his appointees to key offices have expressed the same views. And so the small comfort of even small action is gone.
20000 in 2006 and 60000 in 2013 in two separate mass die off events
- The share of the top 1% is up from 53% last year, shows a Credit Suisse report (model for America)
Statement by Chelsea Manning - The New York Times - Chelsea Manning's support network provided The New York Times with a copy of a complaint from her addressed to the Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General (they've been trying to drive her crazy for years - the dark sadistic heart of the "security establishment, see Gitmo, etc)
Donald Trump - the boy king - The Boston Globe
Donald Trump Backs Away From His Threat To Throw Hillary Clinton In Jail | The Huffington Post
Trump Says Any Conflicts Of Interest Were Priced Into Your Vote | The Huffington Post - It's all the media's fault, of course
Donald Trump Cancels Meeting With The New York Times | The Huffington Post - The paper says his team tried changing ground rules to only participate off-the-record.
Kixylix comments on Trump aide: No plan to pursue charges against Clinton - To be fair, he has a lot on his plate for his first day already. Day One folks, it's all getting signed in on Day One. Believe me:
'Furious' Jake Tapper Calls CNN's Display Of Anti-Semitic Comment 'Unacceptable' | The Huffington Post - Hey CNN, this is a terrible chyron! ("some people wonder" if Jews aren't people)
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: The End of Identity Liberalism. Or The Re-Branding the Democratic Party - Mr. Lilla wants to see the end of identity liberalism, because it divides us and doesn't unite us: (Dems need to stop caring about social justice)
Politics Is Identity Politics - Lawyers, Guns & Money (racist "identity polictics" doesn't count +Bernie) )
- NY Times Public Editor Says Problem With Paper's Election Coverage Is It Was Too Mean To Trump Supporters (Liz Spayd)
The Farewell Dossier - The New York Times (all the deep dark secrets Trump is about to learn)
After tense encounter caught on camera, police eye charges for three - The Boston Globe - But now Cambridge police are seeking assault and other charges against Hodge and a woman who tried to intervene, and pursuing a lesser charge against a second woman who recorded the incident with her cellphone. - "Get away from me, you're going to be arrested in two seconds" Ahern shouts apparently at the woman recording the confrontation, and then slaps at the phone, knocking it out of her hand. "I'm police" Ahern says after she retrieves her phone. "Go away."
Men of Reddit, what are some things that you think us ladies just don't understand? : AskReddit
Without naming the location, where do you live? : AskReddit
Marijuana: Adam Ruins Everything : television
No Evidence of Aloe Vera Found in the Aloe Vera at Wal-Mart, CVS: Wal-Mart, Target, CVS sell aloe without appearance of plant. : news
Goodbye - Lawyers, Guns & Money : SEK has passed.
Powerful Earthquake Strikes Off The Coast Of Japan | The Huffington Post - Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami advisory.
Police clash with North Dakota pipeline protesters, arrest one | Reuters (on the front lines of the fuck your climate war)
- Aleppo Bombs Leave Quarter Million 'Living in Hell' and Withought Hospital Care (because they bombed all the hospitals in Hell)
Zimbabwean Dictator Robert Mugabe announces retirement after 29 years. : worldnews - However ZanuPF said Mugabe will still be contesting in the country's next election in 2018 and if he is re-elected, he will only retire in 2023, when he turns 99.
UK Government Confirm Move to Force ISPs into Blocking "Adult" Sites : worldnews (it already happened there)
Michael Flynn, Trump's new national security adviser, loves Russia as much as his boss does
- Michael Flynn, on trip to Russia, said 'who knows' whether Syria gas attack was a 'false flag'
Former NSA Director Doesn't Think Michael Flynn Is Up To The Job | The Huffington Post
Trump's National Security Adviser Changed His Mind About Turkey Coup Attempt After His Firm Got Involved | The Huffington Post
Trump: Making America White Again - The New York Times - Make America a White, Racist, Misogynistic Patriarchy Again
Record-High 77% of Americans Perceive Nation as Divided | Gallup - Americans are split about evenly on whether Trump will do more to unite the country (45%) or do more to divide it (49%). (45% of Americans want to unite a white country)
- Will Republicans rein in a corrupt Trump presidency? Don't bet on it
Eschaton: An Exciting New Odor - But in modern history it really has been a no-no for a president to personally profit from their position during their administration.
House GOP maps out ambitious start to Trump presidency - POLITICO - Killing Obama administration rules, dismantling Obamacare and pushing through tax reform are on the early to-do list. ("reform" = massive tax cuts for the rich)
President Obama Expanded Overtime Pay For Millions Of Workers. President Trump Could Take It Away. | The Huffington Post (oh look, white working class fucked over again but can they connect the dots?)
Using a few links to Breitbart, /u/loki8481 proves the New York Times is correct when it says Breitbart is a birther website : bestof
- Alt-Right Exults in Donald Trump's Election With a Salute: 'Heil Victory' (not that we are neonazis or anthing) (toxic white masculinity, embodied in Trump, won the election)
Sinclair Lewis Novel It Can't Happen Here Sells Out Online (too late)
Decree banishing Trump's grandfather from Germany found by historian. : news
Donald Trump's media summit was a 'fucking firing squad' (hope they're happy)
Elizabeth Warren fills the Democratic void - POLITICO - The Massachusetts senator is making clear she intends to stand against Donald Trump every step of the way.
Literacy Not A Right For Detroit School Kids According To State + CBS Detroit
Dallas Stares Down a Texas-Size Threat of Bankruptcy - The New York Times - The city's pension fund for its police officers and firefighters is near collapse and seeking an immense bailout ... But in fact, the fuse was lit back in 1993, when state lawmakers sweetened police and firefighter pensions beyond the wildest dreams of the typical Dallas resident. (because wingers love their cops, Republican legislature strapped a suicide vest to Dallas)
Kanye West hospitalized after abruptly canceling national tour : Music
Snoop Dogg Reacts To Kanye West's Rant at Sacramento Concert : videos
Here's A Full Transcript Of Kanye West's Sacramento Concert Speech - Once he finished, West canceled the rest of the show.
Kanye West sings a few songs, rants against Beyonci and Jay Z, then leaves angry audience on Saint Pablo tour : Music
Ex weed dealers from Colorado, how did things go for you after cannabis was legalised? : AskReddit
Dramatic decline in dementia of approximately 25% seen among older adults in the US : science
What is the weirdest subbreddit you've accidentally stumbled across? : AskReddit
The story of Foamhenge, a subreddit about a rock on a styrofoam cup - The Verge
Reddit What is the most interesting NSFW fact? : AskReddit
What are some truths that no one likes to admit? : AskReddit
AnOnlineHandle comments on Fiji invites Donald Trump to come and see climate change is not a hoax (links to lots of dimbulb facist dictator fuckhead tweets denying climate change)
US launches most advanced weather satellite ever built | US news | The Guardian - Spacecraft is quantum leapabove others and will improve forecasting and warnings of acute weather across America
Desperate search for survivors after India train crash kills 120 | World news | The Guardian - More than 200 people injured after express train derails near northern city of Kanpur in early hours
Meanwhile in Seoul, South Korea: Millions demand President Park Geun-hye's resignation. Geopolitics aside, this is dazzling. : pics (should be happening here, but isn't)
Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, to seek fourth term - BBC News
Shopkeeper's monkey pulls off girl's headscarf, sparked violence between rival groups in Libya that left 16 dead - Business Insider - "There was an escalation on the second and third days with the use of tanks, mortars and other heavy weapons,"
Marine Le Pen takes huge lead over nearest rival in new French presidential election poll : worldnews
Thousands rally against Turkey's new child sex conviction bill that would overturn men's convictions for child sex assault if they married their victims. : worldnews
- As American as Apple Pie? The Rural Vote's Disproportionate Slice of Power (20% rural voters have majority power in a rigged by the stupid system)
Lashing Out at 'dentity Politics,' Pundits Blame Trump on Those Most Vulnerable to Trump - Every one of the above pundits who is blaming identity politics and political correctness for Trump, it can't be stressed enough, hated identity politics to begin with, and would have regardless of who won. They're jamming a long-held dislike into a topical and convenient narrative-an act that could be dismissed as cynical self-flattery if it wasn't in the face of an upsurge of reactionary politics, also helping provide ideological cover for racists and demagogues. (Maher, Brooks, Lilla - see below - Will, Haidt - of course - it's the liberals fault for not being racist enough)
The End of Identity Liberalism - The New York Times - Fully two-thirds of white voters without college degrees voted for Donald Trump, as did over 80 percent of white evangelicals ... The surprisingly high percentage of the Latino vote that went to Mr. Trump should remind us that the longer ethnic groups are here in this country, the more politically diverse they become. (end of emerging democratic majority and Hillary should have gone full Bernie)
Automated Pro-Trump Bots Overwhelmed Pro-Clinton Messages, Researchers Say - The New York Times - For example, the top 20 accounts, which were mostly bots and highly automated accounts, averaged over 1,300 tweets a day and they generated more than 234,000 tweets ... political chatbots had played a role in shaping the political landscape that led to Britain's 'Brexit' vote ... computational propaganda ... highly automated accounts - the accounts that tweeted 450 or more times with a related hashtag and user mention during the data collection period - generated close to 18 percent of all Twitter traffic about the presidential election. (censorship by flood of lies)
Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg Finally Details Fake News Countermeasures | The Huffington Post - A week ago, Zuckerberg was dismissing the scourge of fake news on Facebook.
Well, At Least This Didn't Result In Donald Trump Becoming President or Something - trying and failing to wrap my mind around a scenario in which Bill or Hillary Clinton paid $25 million to people they defrauded by offering "seminars" which were essentially nothing but high-pressure sales pitches to purchase access to future sales pitches. (IOKIYPsychoticR)
Eschaton: Respect Authoritah - Trump is an uncouth rude motherfucker. If his gang can dish it out, backed by the full power of the state, they can sure as hell learn to take it. (safe spaces for bullies)
(1) In the NOW
Reince Priebus Voices Support For Altered Muslim Ban | The Huffington Post ("parts" of Islam "problematic")
Based on Trump's reaction to any and all criticism... : AdviceAnimals - You cannot lead a nation by making an enemy of everyone who criticizes you and only listening to those who kiss your ass.
Trump's Picks For AG & CIA Happy To Undermine Civil Liberties, Increase Surveillance | Techdirt
Donald Trump Meets With His Indian Business Partners Despite Blind Trust Promises | The Huffington Post - Can these conflicts of interest be resolved?
How did less than stellar high school student Jared Kushner get into Harvard? accepted into the Ivy League university in the wake of a $2.5m pledge made by his parents
'Something will crack': supposed prophecy of Donald Trump goes viral | US news | The Guardian - Nearly 20-year-old prediction by a late leftwing philosopher, widely shared since the election, foresaw the rise of a Trump-like strongman - Rorty suggested that so long as "the proles can be distracted from their own despair by media-created pseudo-events, including the brief and bloody war, the super-rich will have little to fear". (+Luttwak: "a product-improved fascist party" that would dedicate itself to "broad masses of (mainly) white-collar working people".
Confederate Monument Near University of Louisville Campus Removed - NBC News - The statue of a confederate soldier was removed from outside the University of Louisville campus on Saturday after the city won a months long legal battle to relocate the controversial monument.
Cornel West will return to teach at Harvard - The Boston Globe - Cornel West, the fiery African-American scholar who broke with Harvard University 14 years ago and whose searing critiques of President Obama earned him the enmity of many on the left, has been invited back to the university to teach.
Proposed Bill Would Make Teachers Out Their LGBT Students | The Daily - Texas Republicans are really uncomfortable with LGBT kids. (tatoos and internment camps for little gay kids)
Proposed Bill Would Make Teachers Out Their LGBT Students : news
Heroin Addiction's Fraught History - The Atlantic - The United States has long condemned opiates and stigmatized those who use them, even when the drugs were as legal-and popular-as Tylenol. (best thing for your kid's cough!)
- Amos Oz on His Novel 'Judas' Which Challenges Views of a Traitor (written as if he he were the first to think of it)
Cell study suggests that electronic cigarettes are as equally damaging to gums and teeth as conventional cigarettes. Exposure to the vapors of e-cigarettes caused gum tissue cells to release inflammatory proteins, resulting in damage that could lead to various oral diseases. : science
Vaporizing 101: What Temperature Is Best? - "In general, I would say 210C (410F) is the best balance between efficient evaporation of terpenes and cannabinoids and smoothness of the vapor"
FC Vaporizer Review Forum
Tesla Autopilot Full Self-Driving Demonstration : videos
Autopilot Full Self-Driving Hardware (Neighborhood Long) from Tesla Motors on Vimeo (show to you know who)
Women of reddit, whats a seemingly small gesture from a man that actually means a lot to you? : AskReddit
Men of reddit, whats a seemingly small gesture from a woman that actually means a lot to you? : AskReddit
What popular saying is NOT true at all based on your experience? : AskReddit
What question do you hate to answer ? : AskReddit
What makes you instantly respect someone? : AskReddit
Must be a professional soccer player behind the wheel : funny
(Serious) What is the scariest thing you have ever witnessed? : AskReddit
What is the #1 thing that you should never say at a job interview? : AskReddit
What's the most common mistake people make when choosing their spouse? : AskReddit
What did you think was going to be amazing but ultimately let you down? : AskReddit
Trucker explains why he prefers semis with automatic transmissions over semis with manual transmissions. : videos
People of reddit in long term, healthy relationships: What was the hardest issue you needed to work out and how did you get past it? : AskReddit
How can you tell that a Reddit post is going to take off? : AskReddit
Redditors who work in retail, what's the saddest thing someone ever returned? : AskReddit
Casey Neistat's Final Vlog : videos
Ian Wright Arsenal legend, meeting his old school teacher who he presumed dead. Very moving. : videos (watch them riff on "someone said you was dead")
What's your most un popular belief on Reddit? : AskReddit
This security camera was infected by malware 98 seconds after it was plugged in : technology
Router Security
Jarett Kobek: The internet has been enormously detrimental to society - The author of Silicon Valley satire I Hate the Internet on the evils of social media, and how novelists have failed to tackle it ("the internet" != "social media" and it's really about hypercapitalism)
Unprecedented: More than 100 million trees dead in California
'Extreme surveillance' becomes UK law with barely a whimper : worldnews - We live in a time where censorship exists through a flooding of information rather than a lack of it
President Obama Claims He Cannot Pardon Snowden; He's Wrong | Techdirt(as usual, preserving his conservative cred)
President Obama Claims He Cannot Pardon Snowden; He's Wrong : technology
Donald Trump's The Wall - YouTube
Cataloguing how half of the American electorate got duped by a con artist
High in Tower, Trump Reads, Tweets and Plans - The New York Times (they mean that literally)
The Calamity of Jeff Sessions (end of Civil Rights in America)
Trump's Transition Team Is Straight From the Swamp (drain the swamp by electing the Swamp Monster)
On The Accept-No-Responsibility, Blame-Everyone-Else Posture - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Amazingly, Glenn Greenwald has gone back to this well a second time (Glenn needs to move back to America because he's kind of clueless)
Pentagon and intelligence community chiefs have urged Obama to remove the head of the NSA - The Washington Post - Adm. Michael S. Rogers - n a move apparently unprecedented for a military officer, Rogers, without notifying superiors, traveled to New York to meet with Trump on Thursday at Trump Tower. (all the moles coming out of their holes, thanks, Barry)
Donald Trump's Pick For National Security Adviser Loves To Stoke Islamophobia | The Huffington Post - Michael Flynn has called Islam a "cancer."
California's Democrats Are Ready for Political War
- Since the election, the West Coast has been abuzz with talk of breaking away from Donald Trump's America - Calexit to Cascadia - it would also be a monumental mistake for the most prosperous and progressive part of the United States to even consider abandoning a country that could be dominated by the old Confederacy. (Egan wants the smart people to take care of the racists -- let them have their old Confederacy)
Apparently #BoycottHamilton is trending after a video of the cast delivering a message of inclusion to Mike Pence went viral. : AdviceAnimals
Twitter Absolutely Destroys the #BoycottHamilton Movement - "The irony of the #BoycottHamilton movement is that it's s mostly folks who already boycott both hip-hop and knowledge of history."
- Patriarchal supremacy relies in part on people's willingness to reflexively attribute the noblest of motives to the basest of individuals. Provided they're the right sort of individual.
Boo Mike Pence Whenever Possible [Updates] (Itzkoff and Haberman say Americans fucked over by stupid people should play nice and be "civil")
- Inside Chris Christie's fall from grace - It was Trump himself who lost confidence in the New Jersey governor, transition sources say. (revenge of the Kushners)
- Trump's big infrastructure plan? It's a trap (and a scam for dumb whites)
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: A White Supremacist Speaks - To get a better idea of the people who believe that Donald Trump is in their camp, check out this NPR interview with one white supremacist. (Very Polite Republicans)
Eschaton - On Civility - Every generation needs to read the Keyboard Kommandos.
The 'Hell No' Caucus: Some Democrats May Not Work With Donald Trump At All | The Huffington Post - On anything.
'Make America Great Again' billboard features Bloody Sunday (put them in their place this time)
Mississippi Billboard Says to Make America Great Again While Using a Picture from Blood Sunday : news
Federal judge: 'If you don't like [Trump], you should go to another country' |
Update: Incidents of Hateful Harassment Since Election Day Now Number 701 | Southern Poverty Law Center
Detroit TV Reporter Resigns Following Alleged Use Of Racial Slur | The Huffington Post - "I'm tired of reporting on these n*****s killing each other in Detroit"
Affidavit: ABQ police have illegally deleted, altered videos of shootings : news (criminal org)
Feds: 2 teens, 3 women held as sex slaves behind steel gate, Michigan man in custody : news
u83dsjd777 comments on Minnesota mom sues her trans child over gender reassignment
Chel_of_the_sea comments on CMV: Being Transgender to the point of wanting surgery or hormonal treatment is a mental illness, and saying otherwise is harmful to both transgender people and to the stigma surrounding mental illness. (refuted)
WOOO peddling and concern trolling at it's finest : badscience
user/chel_of_the_sea - changemyview - . /u/Chel_of_the_sea has received 11 deltas for the following comments:
CMV: There is a spectrum of two genders, you can be anywhere you want but there are no others. : changemyview
CMV: I feel like transwomen demand too much of others by expecting us to accept them as being the same as cis women. : changemyview
NASA's peer-reviewed EM Drive paper has finally been published online as an open access 'article in advance' in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)'s Journal of Propulsion and Power, to appear in the December print edition. - It bounces off the very act of space time and matter communicating.
Don't believe any scientific studies, oh and also don't worry about climate change because there's fluoride in our water - my chemistry teacher : badscience ("the solution to global warming is just to wear tank tops" -- science teacher)
ARE_WE_PADDLING comments on You don't need to worry about global warming because Jesus will add an 8th energy level to atoms during the rapture
Staff Archive - Bellevue Christian Schools - Cullen, Mary - Position: (HS) Science (Seattle, WA) | Cullen, Mary - Bellevue Christian Schools
Bellevue Christian School teacher charged with molesting student | - Police say school records show there have been complaints against the teacher going back 17 years.
Bellevue Christian School teacher charged with molesting student : Seattle
[SPOILERS] Arrival: Some Easter Eggs and explanations of some subtle parts of the movie. Seriously, don't read if you haven't seen the movie. : movies
- How the short story that inspired Arrival helps us interpret the film's major twist -- Living with the power of choice
Algorithmically-generated, readability-adjusted scatter-plot of the musical genre-space. Not really a graph. : itwasagraveyardgraph
What is your biggest "I didn't think this through" moment? : AskReddit
Straight people of Reddit: when did you first realize you are straight? : AskReddit
SqAznPersuasion comments on Straight people of Reddit: when did you first realize you are straight?
WubbaLubbaDubStep comments on Straight people of Reddit: when did you first realize you are straight?
What is the limiting factor on how fast I can tap my finger on my desk? : askscience
It's time to get rid of the Facebook 'news feed' because it's not news
Businesses Must Take the Lead on Climate-Change Action | TIME (that always works)
Watch people on the frontlines of the Dakota Access fight defend their water and their rights. - Um, wheere did all of the Arctic and Antarctic sea ice just go? Into the ocean, it seems.
Europe at risk of collapse; France, Germany must lead: French PM : worldnews
Britain has passed the 'most extreme surveillance law ever passed in a democracy' | ZDNet - The law forces UK internet providers to store browsing histories -- including domains visited -- for one year, in case of police investigations. (it just happened there)
Ukip 'misspent almost #400,000 of EU money on Brexit campaign and general election' | The Independent - Nigel Farage's party broke spending rules by diverting taxpayers' cash to its own polling, including ahead of the EU referendum, an audit has found (lie, cheat and steal, again)
Brexit: Fresh blow for Theresa May as Supreme Court rules Scotland and Wales can intervene in Article 50 triggering : worldnews
New Zealand quake: Preacher under fire over homosexuals claim - BBC News - An online petition calling for the church to be classed as a hate group and lose its tax-free status has been signed by 100,000 people. (sorry, bigotry can be a religion)
Study White Working Class Voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan Who Voted for Trump, But We Know the Answers - This story has been unravelling for decades.
This Isn't About Partisan Bickering. This Is About Protecting Civil Rights. Trump's nomination of Jeff Sessions is a national disgrace.
Donald Trump and His Business Dealings Must Be Held Accountable During His Presidency - Someone Has to Hold Donald Trump and His Business Dealings Accountable. The United States presidency is not a Trump property. (well, it is now)
- The Media Is Failing to Explain Trump's Recklessness - The press must defend all norms, not just those that pertain to themselves.
Eschaton: Norms - The post-racial country has entered a new era of open racism, where unthinkable things will be debated on the teevee like we're debating soda taxes. This Is Not Racism, you see.
Eschaton: Both Sides - I used to joke that political views acceptable to our mainstream media ranged from the New Republic to the Free Republic.
The Trump Era Is Already a Disaster for Civil Rights | New Republic
We have 100 days to stop Donald Trump from systemically corrupting our institutions - Vox
American Rape Victims Forced to Parent With Their Attackers : news
Scientists have identified an antibody that neutralises 98% of HIV strains - "When the researchers exposed N6 to 181 different strains of HIV, it managed to destroy 98 percent of them, including 16 of 20 strains resistant to other antibodies of the same class." : worldnews
On Finding Your Purpose: An Extraordinary Letter by Hunter S. Thompson : books
What are toxic ideas about sex that society still promotes? : AskReddit
Why don't you talk to your once "best friend" anymore? : AskReddit
China Is Now Embarrassing the United States on Climate Change - How Did We Get Here? (60 million Americans don't believe in reality)
Viral Fake Election News Outperformed Real News On Facebook In Final Months Of The US Election - BuzzFeed News
Trump Supporter Cites Japanese Internment A Designating Egypts 'Precedent' For Muslim Registry | The Huffington Post
- How Trump Could Take Down Muslim Civil Rights Groups - Designating Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization could lead to major fallout for American Muslims.
- How To Normalize Trump, Cont'd - Invite Breitbart Grand Wizard on to NPR to debate the highly debatable question, 'is Steve Bannon a racist?'
- Breitbart Editor Joel Pollak Insists They Have Nothing to Do With The Alt-Right, Calls NPR 'Racist' (standard post-truth lie)
Donald Trump Is the New Bill de Blasio (more post-truth statements)
Donald Trump tries again to pay less in taxes on his fancy new hotel.
The Story of the 2016 Elections is That Republican Voters Voted Republican - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The biggest mistake Obama made for the 2016 elections was putting James Comey in charge of the FBI. But given that the Orlando and Tampa suburbs and exurbs won Florida for Trump, I wonder if Obama's failure to provide substantial relief for people with foreclosed houses and failure to punish the malefactors had an important effect. (Barry sabotaged his legacy at the very beginning by searching for his rejecting daddy)
The Comey Effect - Lawyers, Guns & Money : There was a very clear, major shift towards Trump in battleground states after October 28th, and the more polling that was done in this period, the more likely it was to be picked up. (+media hardon for emailzzz porked our democracy) )
The Clinton Campaign Was Undone By Its Own Neglect And A Touch Of Arrogance, Staffers Say | The Huffington Post
Is Our Democrats Learning? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Flagstaff police officer placed on leave after violent video surfaces
Colo. officials talk marijuana concerns with Boston regulators - The Boston Globe (beer-selling sports-dude Globe owner hates pot, commenters think he's stupid)
Microsoft Surface Studio review: a beautiful invader of Apple's base : Surface
Tested: Microsoft Surface Studio Review [Video Review] : Surface
Dear meditators: I recently drank Ayahuasca and I found it highly conducive to my practice. These are my thoughts. : vajrayana
Lao Tzu: The Flying Dragon | Theosophy Watch
The Existential Buddhist | dharma without dogma - Dogen's Universe and Ours
As the global climate warms up to 250 C (770 F), soil respiration rates increase, adding even more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and accelerating climate change, finds scientists based on the largest dataset to date of soil respiration response to experimental warming. : science (good luck in your gated communities when the temp is 160 degrees)
Trump Could Face a Nuclear Decision Soon - POLITICO Magazine - In North Korea, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, escalating crises await the new commander in chief.
Titanpointe: The NSA's Spy Hub in New York, Hidden in Plain Sight
Russia's Involvement in the 2016 Election Is Growing by the Day - Now the NSA director admits Russia used Wikileaks to meddle in the campaign (Obama sat on this also) .
Russia Hackers to Blame for Wikileaks Emails - Proof Vladmir Putin Was Behind the Clinton Email Hack - Putin, Wikileaks, the NSA and the DNC email fiasco that gave Trump and Clinton another reason to be at odds.
Lindsey Graham Calls For Senate Investigation Into Whether Russia Hacked DNC | The Huffington Post
A US judge has ordered the FBI, CIA, and NSA to turn over any potential evidence they spied on Occupy Philadelphia protesters. The American agencies have 60 days to comply with the order from Senior US District Judge Berle Schiller. : news (thanks, Obama, that help a lot too)
Gaddafi gave Nicolas Sarkozy 50m for 2007 presidential campaign - Businessman Ziad Takieddine repeats claim of Libyan funding days before former French leader seeks nomination for 2017
British woman arrested on 'extra-marital sex' charges after reporting gang rape to police in Dubai as attackers go free : news
Wrong_on_Internet comments on Obama: Congress stopped me from helping Trump supporters (yeah, and all your deportations helped a lot too, fuck you)
How Will Donald Trump's Administration Respond to Protests? - They will not stop. How will his administration respond?
Eschaton: On Teevee (reality as a reality show)
Eschaton: Both Sides, Really - Protesting the rise of white nationalism in our government is really just the same as symbols of genocide. I can't tell the two apart, really. Both sides. (WaPo)
One week down - This thread is intended to give people a chance to describe their own emotional and intellectual journey over the past seven days.
A Man Who Justified Torture Is Worried About Trump - You have to wonder just how far from its best self the United States has wandered when one of the nation's leading war criminals is nervous about the incoming administration. (Torture Yoo )
How is making a narcissistic sociopath with no (as opposed to thin) skin the most powerful person in the world going to work out? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (just great)
So, You Say You Want To Get Rid Of The Electoral College, Eh? | The Huffington Post
Why Vote For Nixon When You Can Just Vote For Wallace And Skip The Middleman? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is for the Media to Care Far More About Email Management Than Racism - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Tom Hanks on Trump Presidency: Everything's Fine (thanks, rich white guy)
Reported Trump Immigration Advisor Says He's Drafting Plan For Muslim Registry | The Huffington Post (and tatoos)
The Man You Say Assaulted You Will Be President. Here's What That's Like
Build a wall. : funny
The God That Failed | RealClearPolitics - "Emerging Democratic Majority" - Trump received more votes from white evangelicals than Clinton received from African-Americans and Hispanics combined
'Post-truth' named word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries | Books | The Guardian - in which objective facts are less influential than appeals to emotion (next up, "post-reality")
'Post-truth' named 2016 word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries /\_(?)_//
Researchers And Politicians Slam The War On Drugs As A Failure - " over $100 billion is spent each year on trying to enforce prohibition, but with very little effect. In 2014, around one in 20 adults around the world are thought to have used some sort of illegal drug" : worldnews (well, it did employ a lot of white people)
Bob Dylan tells Nobel prize committee he will not go to Sweden for ceremony | Music | The Guardian - "other commitments"
Missouri home contaminated by wartime radioactive waste, lawsuit says | US news | The Guardian - a dumping ground for the radioactive waste from that process, and eventually a haphazard storage site for other radioactive waste - including 60 tons of radioactive sands captured from Nazi Germany near the end of the war. (wut?)
A great purge? - Twitter suspends Richard Spencer, other prominent alt-right accounts
Twitter suspends alt-right accounts
How to Be a Bodhisattva - Lion's Roar
Leonard Cohen Burns, and We Burn with Him - Lion's Roar
Ayatana - Wikipedia - In Buddhism, there are six internal sense bases
BBC - Future - Psychology: How many senses do we have? - We often talk of having five senses as a universal truth. In reality, there may be more - or fewer - depending on the way you look at the question.
Humans Have a Lot More Than Five Senses - there are at least nine senses and most researchers think there are more like twenty-one or so
A place to gather for those who have awakened to who they are
Tai ChiKung Chuan - Mantak-Chia-Taoist-Secrets-of-Love - Page 92-93 - Created with
Initiate's Gold - Mantak Chia - male/female sexual energy
Qabalah Books, Cabala, Kabbalah Books
Most people are wildly underestimating what Trump's win will mean for the environment (no, seriously, the end of the world, or how to kill your grandchildren)
Wildfires Rage in Southeast, in Many Counties That Elected Climate Change-Denier Donald Trump - Reminder: Our President-elect thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax ... Last Tuesday, by an average spread of 41 percent, those six counties voted to elect a president who believes that the climate crisis is a hoax created in China. Tantrums have consequences.
ICC prosecutors: US forces may have committed war crimes - "Members of US armed forces appear to have subjected at least 61 detained persons to torture, cruel treatment, outrages upon personal dignity on the territory of Afghanistan between 1 May 2003 and 31 December 2014," (oh, torture under your administation?)
Right-wing Israeli leaders push forward assertive new legislation to preserve Jewish settlements - The Washington Post (nothing stopping them anymore)
A Paris suicide bomber's mobile phone has been found underneath a pile of paperwork in a Belgian police station, many months after it went missing : worldnews (Belgium)
Wikileaks latest insurance files don't match hashes : bestof
Julian Assange: What are the sexual assault allegations and why has it taken six years for him to be interviewed? - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Julian Assange faces Swedish prosecutor in London over rape accusation | Media | The Guardian - Swedish lawyer says he has been barred from attending interview, scheduled to take three days (why would they do that?)
Julian Assange sex assault allegations: Timeline - BBC News
Clinton's lead in the popular vote passes 1 million
There's No Such Thing as a Good Trump Voter - People voted for a racist who promised racist outcomes. They don't deserve your empathy. - NYT: "The left needs to stop ignoring people's inner pain and fear. The racism, sexism and xenophobia used by Mr. Trump to advance his candidacy does not reveal an inherent malice in the majority of Americans" (yeah, right)
Steve 'Turn on the Hate' Bannon, in the White House
Firings and Discord Put Trump Transition Team in a State of Disarray - The New York Times
Trump Transition Slows as Kushner Said to Oust Christie Allies - Bloomberg Politics - As U.S. Attorney for New Jersey, Christie in 2004 prosecuted Kushner's father, Charles, for tax evasion, witness tampering and illegal campaign contributions. A plea agreement led to a two-year prison sentence
Here's How Bad It Is - the departures were engineered by two Trump loyalists who have taken control of who will get national security posts in the administration: retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner. (fired three-star general Flynn and noted national security expert Kushner)
Trump faces growing tension with key Republicans over national security issues - The Washington Post (here we are, a week later)
We Are One Statehouse Away from Constitutional Peril - 33. That's the number of state legislatures over which the Republican Party now has complete control. You want a scarier number? 34. That's the number of state legislatures required now to call a new constitutional convention under Article V of the Constitution. (democracy implodes)
Does Donald Trump Know How to Be President? - As we transition from stodgy old democracy to whatever it is that comes next, I plan to cling to Lily Tomlin's legendary rule for living-that no matter how cynical you are, you can never keep up.
Elizabeth Warren Gets Real, Dings Obamacare: 'We Failed Not In Our Messaging But In Our Ideology' | The Huffington Post - The senator is rapidly emerging as a leader of the opposition.
Bernie Sanders on the Late Show: Now More Than Ever, It's Our Revolution : television
Insert mordant title here - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Also, in a surprising development, sociologists at the University of Clueless Old White Guys Who Should Just Go Away Now have determined that more than 61 million Americans, most of whom are neither white nor affluent, actually belong to the liberal elite: (class and race)
Focusing on the white working class is how privileged white people avoid confronting who actually put Trump in the White House : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The white middle and upper classes elected Trump. These are the people who have always run the country and still run it today ... WWC ... What are the options? Mostly: manufacturing, construction, transportation, or law enforcement. (prisons employ a lot of white guys to control black people)
Why can't people focus on the good things about having a bigoted BBQ potato chip for president? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : In the Trumpnited States of MAGAmerica, a president who makes a white supremacist one of his top advisers is not divisive. Noting that the white supremacist advising the president is in fact a white supremacist is divisive and irresponsible. So everyone should shut up.
Breitbart's Greatest Hit (Pieces): Some Of The Website's Most Disgusting Headlines | The Huffington Post
US election: Why did evangelicals vote for Donald Trump? - US election 2016 - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) - This election was mostly a rural versus urban phenomenon (they are religious, moral people)
White Evangelicals Win White House for Trump, But Lose Big | Religion Dispatches - On Tuesday night, white evangelicals set fire to what remained of Reagan Republicanism and overwhelmingly endorsed Trumpism, a toxic brew of white ethno-nationalist populism spiked with heavy doses of misogyny and xenophobia. In doing so, they may have also destroyed their witness to the nation. (white Evangelical Christian pawns of Satan)
West Virginia official who called 'Michelle Obama an 'Ape in Heels' fired following outcry (she was "a victim of a hate crime")
West Virginia official who called 'Michelle Obama an 'Ape in Heels' fired following outcry : news
UPDATE: Clay mayor resigns after response to controversial Facebook post
A Paris suicide bomber's mobile phone has been found underneath a pile of paperwork in a Belgian police station, many months after it went missin : worldnews
Young mother dies during 30-day sentence in Michigan jail : news (Guiliani will fix this)
What's the most powerful an earthquake could be? What would this look like? : askscience
Arrival shows there's still room for literary science fiction films in Hollywood
People of Reddit who have been denied when they proposed, why did it happen and what was the end result? : AskReddit
Mark Zuckerberg Is in Denial : technology
Alan Watts Enlightenment HQ : Buddhism
Huh what : zen - Allen Ginsberg reads 'My Kitchen in New York'
Top 10 Zen Jokes | Psychology Today
Ch'an and Chih-kuan: T'ien-t'ai Chih-i's View of "Zen" and the Practice of the Lotus Sutra : zen
Leonard Cohen's tortured love affair with Zen Buddhism - Quartz
Leonard Cohen On Poetry, Music And Why He Left The Zen Monastery : NPR
"Hallelujah" singer Leonard Cohen has died at 82 - Quartz
New climate change estimate predicts global temperature increase of 4.78-7.360C by 2100 : science
The Years of Living Dangerously | The Huffington Post - The Republican numbers barely budged in the 3 elections, getting about 60 each time. Democratic votes went down by almost ten million over the last 8 years, and that's with millions more in Democratic base groups- Latinos, millennials, unmarried women- in the voting age population.There was no huge angry old white man voting surge
The Presidential Election Was A Referendum on Gender and Women Lost - Trump beat Clinton among white women 53 percent to 43 percent, with white women without college degrees going for him two to one (you go, white girls)
- Praise for Reince Priebus is another sign of how we're lowering the bar for Trump
The Resistance Begins - Lawyers, Guns & Money : First we take Foxboro, then we take D.C. - Maybe Belichick should have spent more time gameplanning and less time writing multiple drafts of mash notes to his favorite authoritarian white nationalist?
What's VP-elect Mike Pence hiding in his emails?
UPDATE: Threats being made after controversial Facebook post - "It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I'm tired of seeing an ape in heels." Clay Mayor Beverly Whaling responded to the post saying, "Just made my day Pam." (W.Va)
Girl, 4, Accidentally Shoots Herself And Her Mother In The Head | The Huffington Post - "Curious kids and loaded guns have deadly consequences," the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department later tweeted.
Jason Lewis, Republican elected to congress this week, has railed against the drug war, civil forfeiture laws, and says we failed to learn the lessons of alcohol prohibition. He also dismisses "gateway" theory, says prescription drugs are much bigger threat, and has called out prison industry lobby. : trees
Current NC marijuana laws prove detrimental - The Blue Banner - Asheville Police Department, police made more than 600 marijuana-related arrests so far in 2016. A whopping 92 percent of these arrests amount to misdemeanors, which usually include up to a $200 fine but do not warrant jail time.
Boston Has Become a City Without Children - also happening in Seattle, San Francisco, Washington, DC, and other so-called hot cities that rank among the nation's most expensive places to live
Reddit, what was the biggest sexual scandal at your school? : AskReddit
what is increasingly becoming socially acceptable? : AskReddit
Koooooj comments on I'm a teenager who's never flown alone before. What should I know so I won't be a complete train wreck at the airport?
New Zealand earthquake: Tsunami follows powerful tremor - BBC News - the magnitude-7.8 quake hit just after midnight (11:02 GMT on Sunday), some 95km (59 miles) from Christchurch.
Tsunami Pummels New Zealand After Series Of Strong Quakes | The Huffington Post
Powerful 7.4 earthquake strikes near Christchurch, New Zealand - BBC News : worldnews
New Zealand earthquake PREDICTED in October by amateur weatherman : videos
Climate Change Has Already Altered Nearly Every Ecosystem on Earth | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community - Some animals are already shrinking, as a smaller body mass helps stay cool on rapidly heating planet
Trump looking at fast ways to quit global climate deal: source | Reuters (moar coal)
Rtreesaccount420 comments on Donald Trump presidency a 'disaster for the planet', warn climate scientists: 'At the heart of his energy and climate thinking is an "America first" policy where "draconian climate rules" are repealed and the US escalates its production of coal, oil and natural gas.'
Climate change has destroyed half of Japan's major coral reef
Nimrud: Iraqi forces 'retake ancient city from IS' - BBC News
TIL the Toyota War was the end phase of the Libyan-Chadian war where the Chadian army and its Toyota pickups destroyed 92 T-55 battle tanks, 33 BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles, and 784 soldiers while only losing 18 men and three trucks. : todayilearned
Trump election: Nato chief warns against going it alone - BBC News
Stephen Bannon and Reince Priebus named to lead Trump's White House | US news | The Guardian - Former CEO of far-right (alt-right MRA moves into the WH)
Donald Trump's immigration plans: start by deporting 3 million 'criminals' | US news | The Guardian - Speaking to 60 Minutes, president-elect says Mexico border wall would partially consist of fencing: (a gold fence)
This man will be president in 67 days - Lawyers, Guns & Money (bend over, America)
Anti-Trump Protests Bring Thousands To Streets Around U.S. | The Huffington Post - Days after the election, protests show no sign of fading.
Racially Charged Incidents Continue at US Universities - ABC News
Insiders say Donald Trump is 'disgusted' by Chris Christie (so is everyone else)
Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Victory Will Likely Keep Growing | The Huffington Post - Currently estimating Clinton's popular vote lead at 1.8 million. - Clinton will have a 1.7-percentage-point popular vote lead over Trump. That means Clinton will have a larger margin of victory than Richard Nixon had over Hubert Humphrey in 1968 or John F. Kennedy had over Nixon in 1960. Her edge is also larger than Al Gore's in 2000
Eschaton: You Lost The Election To Donald Trump
Eschaton: The Unknowables - It's easy to nitpick these things without a full understanding of what actually happened and why, but there are some pretty frightening suggestions that Clinton's GOTV operation was idiotic.
Could Hillary Clinton Have Won By Spending More Ad Money In Wisconsin and Michigan? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Clinton lost the White House (despite winning the popular vote) to Republican Donald Trump on the strength of about 100,000 votes in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
The Democrats Screwed Up - The New York Times
My beef over Hillary Clinton's loss is with liberal feminists, young and old | Opinion | The Guardian
- Shattered - Hillary Clinton aimed at the highest glass ceiling. What broke instead was the coalition she thought would pierce it - and faith that it will happen. - 53 percent of white women voters chose Donald Trump, a man who has been accused by over a dozen women of sexual assault or harassment, rather than Hillary Clinton, who not only is a woman but ran on a raft of policies that would better support women.
Kate McKinnon As Hillary Clinton Sings Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah' On 'SNL' | The Huffington Post
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right: Arlie Russell Hochschild: 9781620972250: Books
Why Do People Who Need Help From the Government Hate It So Much? - The New York Times
A Berkeley sociologist made some tea party friends - and wrote a condescending book about them - The Washington Post (negative experiences of environmental regulation so let's dump the whole thing because government is the problem)
Arrival is a stunning science fiction movie with deep implications for today : movies - communication, not battle or combat, is the only way to avoid destroying ourselves. Communication means not just wrapping our heads around terms we use but the actual framework through which we perceive reality.
Soon adults in California could get a joint delivered faster than a pizza : nottheonion
10 Benefits Of Reading: Why Reading Is Key To A Strong Mind : books (hello, Dumpster)
First home brain implant lets 'locked-in' woman play games: "A paralysed woman has learned to use a brain implant to communicate by thought alone. It is the first time a brain-computer interface has been used at home in a person's day-to-day life
Can a computer simulation create itself inside itself? : askscience
Scientists of Reddit, what misconceptions do us laymen often have that drive you crazy? : AskReddit
Saturn's Rings Could Have Formed when Dinosaurs Walked the Earth - rings are billions of years younger than we thought
[NSFW] People who used penis enlargement pills/methods, how did that work out ? Do they work? : AskReddit
AdultFriendFinder network hack exposes 412 million accounts : technology
Trump Moving To Quit Paris Climate Agreement -- Quickly | The Huffington Post - Trump has called global warming a hoax. Now he is going to be President.
Trump taps climate-change skeptic to oversee EPA transition - The Washington Post
These Republicans Who Used To Run The EPA Are Terrified Of Trump, Too | The Huffington Post - "Donald Trump has shown a profound ignorance of science."
Hundreds dead in Islamic State 'killing field' near Mosul - Sky News finds evidence of mass slaughter by IS militants in the traumatised town of Hammam al Alil.
'Intense' fighting in Mosul as elite Iraqi troops take out Isis suicide bombers and civilians flee | The Independent
At least 52 killed, 102 injured in blast at Khuzdar shrine - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
At Least 500,000 Protest In South Korea Demanding Resignation Of President Park Geun-hye : The Two-Way : NPR
Donald Trump signifies he will end US support for Syrian rebels despite their pleas to him for help : worldnews (Putin's puppet)
Hillary Clinton blames James Comey letters for election defeat, reports say | US news | The Guardian - Source tells Politico that Clinton made comments during call with megadonors, as Hispanic Chamber of Commerce chief blames lack of Latino outreach
Over 90 Million Eligible Voters Didn't Vote - 2016 was still far from the high reached in 2008, when 58.23 percent of the voting-age population participated. In 2008, 131,313,820 total votes were cast.
Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Victory Keeps Growing | The Huffington Post - She is up by 1.8 million votes, with millions still being counted in California.
Democrats Hoping 'Trump Effect' Would Drive Latino Turnout Neglected Engagement Work "It was just pitiful." (Debbie Wasserdoodle defunded Latino outreach)
Swedish Nazi group hails Trump in largest demo yet - The Local - its leadership saying the election of Donald Trump in the US marked the start of a world revolution.
Ann Arbor police: Woman forced to remove hijab after man threatens to set her on fire : news
Phedericus comments on If you voted for Trump because he's 'anti-establishment,' guess what: You got conned ("drain the swamp" the Republicans made)
/u/RoachKabob reminds us of what life was like before the ACA : bestof (necromongers killing your health insurance)
Donald Trump Prepares for White House Move, but His Tower May Still Beckon -
Autocracy: Rules for Survival | by Masha Gessen | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books
Seth Mandel on Twitter: "This is utterly unhinged and completely, totally insane"
The U.S. Media Is Completely Unprepared to Cover a Trump Presidency - The Atlantic - Donald Trump and his surrogates have shown an uncanny ability to lie in the face of objective facts. They will now have the power of the federal government to help them.
Orcinus: The Press and Donald Trump's Army of Haters - its most grievous sin the failure of the press to take seriously the reportage that was being done, and was in fact widely available, documenting Donald Trump's alignment with and empowerment of white nationalists, neo-Nazis, militia 'Patriots,' and various extremist factions.
Buck you, Nick Kristof - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Abusers are horrible people, but their enablers are almost as bad, and with the I like to watch vibe thrown in as a nightmare bonus.
Facebook Is Said to Question Its Influence in Election - The New York Times (you've been fuckerberged)
Up Goes The Wall: New Yorker Cover Nails Donald Trump-Induced Despair | The Huffington Post - "When we first received the results of the election, we felt as though we had hit a brick wall, full force," the magazine said.
How the Terrible, Skewed, Anachronistic Electoral College Gave Us Trump | New Republic - Once again, a Democrat has won the popular vote but lost the election. It is time to throw out this badly outdated institution. (remnant of slavery)
American Christianity Is Dying | The Huffington Post
New UTSA study describes method to detect dishonesty online - Based on word choice, punctuation and context, the method is able to detect whether one person or multiple people are responsible for the samples.
Higher Vitamin D Levels Linked to Better Breast Cancer Survival Rates
Good and bad is the same: a Taoist parable - (Katrina proves Hitler was good for you)
Climate change may be escalating so fast it could be 'game over', scientists warn | The Independent
Leonard Cohen Dead at 82 - Rolling Stone - Leonard Norman Cohen was born on September 21st, 1934, in Westmount, Quebec
News - The Official Leonard Cohen Site
Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah - YouTube | Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah (Official Video) - YouTube
Leonard Cohen has passed away at 82. : Music
Every wondered what the heck the Iran/Contra scandal was about? American Dad perfectly describes the history in an entertaining way. : videos (Republicans fucking the world for like ever)
FBI operated 23 Tor-hidden child porn sites, deployed malware from them | Ars Technica - Researcher: FBI was likely enabled to run half of all child porn sites on the servers. (who is the enemy, again?)
/u/EPILOGUEseries collects all of the heavily upvoted AMA questions that WikiLeaks staff refused to answer about their influential and partisan role in the 2016 election. : bestof
Eschaton: You Lost The Election To Donald Trump
Eschaton: Primary Colors - It was their job to win. They took on that responsibility.
Surviving the Age of Trump | Beat the Press | Blogs | Publications | The Center for Economic and Policy Research
Comeyism - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The 2016 election: the first time the state security apparatus has directly intervened in a presidential election to push a favored candidate. What a great precedent.
Fuck You, James Comey | Mother Jones
How EMAILS! Threw the Election - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Airing Of Grievances IV: James Comey, Partisan SUPERHACK - Lawyers, Guns & Money
That Putin's Government Spoke to the Trump Campaign Should Be Dominating the News Cycle - Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, who said in an interview with the state-run Interfax news agency that "there were contacts" (Republicans hated the commies until they didn't)
I'm going to miss Harry Reid
After pot legalization, public officials scramble - The Boston Globe - Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg also said Wednesday lawmakers should hike the 3.75 percent tax on marijuana sales included in the new law so there will be enough money to police the industry and have some cash left over. And Goldberg wants legislators to ax a provision allowing people to grow up to 12 marijuana plants per household, which she believes could gut the retail market and be detrimental to public health and safety. ("she believes")
Open Knowledge Maps - A visual interface to the world's scientific knowledge - "theory of mind"
Cambridge's newest condo building moved to town from Maine
And So It Begins - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Donald Trump has selected one of the best-known climate skeptics to lead his U.S. EPA transition team, according to two sources close to the campaign.
Where did ISIS come from? The story starts here. - The Boston Globe - Paul Bremer's tenure is the place to begin. (Obama didn't want to look backwards)
Graphic: An in-depth look at America's popular vote
A rightwing supreme court could be Donald Trump's most insidious legacy | Scott Lemieux | Opinion | The Guardian
Presidential Election 2016: An American Tragedy - The New Yorker - a tragedy for the American republic, a tragedy for the Constitution, and a triumph for the forces, at home and abroad, of nativism, authoritarianism, misogyny, and racism
The Democratic Party establishment is finished after Trump. - What a joke.
The media didn't want to believe Trump could win. So they looked the other way.
What Trump's Win Means for Democrats Across All Levels of Government
This Is the Worst Election Night of My Life
Hillary Clinton Was More Qualified. Donald Trump Was the Better Candidate. - She has weaknesses. He exploited them. Trying to put HRC in jail is going to be the ultimate loyalty oath.
The American People Did Not Choose Donald Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The candidate the American electorate chose will not be president because an anachronistic electoral system created to curb democracy and over-represent southern white men chose Donald Trump. (the gift that keeps on giving)
Dear Fellow White Women: We F**ked This Up | Huffington Post - The exit polls from the Nov. 8 election show that 53 percent of white women voted for Donald Trump, compared to only 43 percent for Hillary Clinton. (they love being grabbed by the pussy)
Exit polls: Clinton fails to energize African-Americans, Latinos and the young -
Trump Did Better With Blacks, Hispanics Than Romney in '12: Exit Polls - NBC News
Why the Latino Vote Didn't Save America - one in three ended up splitting for Trump.
Mexico said it will not pay for a border wall : worldnews
Democrats, Trump, and the Ongoing, Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit
McConnell says GOP will quickly repeal Obamacare - politico
GOP makes big gains at the state level | TheHill
Ayotte concedes to Hassan in New Hampshire - POLITICO - Maggie Hassan led Kelly Ayotte by just 1,016 votes out of more than 738,000 cast
After pot legalization, public officials scramble - The Boston Globe
Maine voters approve recreational marijuana use. : news
To the DNC. This is 100% their fault. : AdviceAnimals
Why scientists are so worried about sea-level rise in the second half of this century - The Washington Post - The study finds that by 2100, New York could see a sea level rise of more than 3.5 feet. (all of Trump's shit will be under water)
Venezuela, a Failing State - The New Yorker - Once the richest country in South America, it now has the world's highest inflation rate and is plagued by hunger and violent crime. How did this happen? (corruption and the stupid bus driver)
Bank DNB says considering pulling financing on N. Dakota pipeline | Reuters - if concerns raised by Native American tribes against its construction are not addressed, it said late on Sunday.
Assange Statement on the US Election (bye-bye, Julian)
Presidential Election Live: Marco Rubio Re-elected to Senate as Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Await Results in Battleground States - The New York Times
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post
Live Presidential Forecast - Election Results 2016 - The New York Times
PredictWise - PredictWise is for Informational Purposes only.
Live election results: Who will control the Senate? Vox is tracking it here. - Vox
Ten Presidential Election Shit Shows, Part I (1800-1876) - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Broken Voting Machines Across U.S. (In Other Words, Everything is Normal) - Electionland
Here's a Map of the Problems at the Polls So Far | Mother Jones
1 dead, multiple people shot near Azusa polling station as heavily armed assailant opens fire - LA Times
Female Suspect Remains at Large After 4 Shot, 1 Fatally, in Azusa; Memorial Park Polling Place Closed | KTLA
This 99-Year-Old Man Rode His Bike to the Polls. Wisconsin Republicans Turned Him Away. | The Nation - Scott Walker's voter-ID law is disenfranchising the greatest generation.
2 precinct clerks fired at Herb Skolnick Center in Pompano... - Fight breaks out between man, woman at Jupiter polling location
Election Update: Clinton Gains, And The Polls Magically Converge | FiveThirtyEight
HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | Huffington Post - Democrats stand a strong chance of taking control of the Senate as well.
What Time Will the Polls Close? (And When Will We Know Who Won?) - The New York Times - Polls begin closing across the country at 6 p.m. Eastern time in parts of Indiana and Kentucky. In-person voting across the country will finish at 1 a.m. Eastern time Wednesday on the western islands of Alaska.
What 2016 Has Taught Us - The New York Times - This election year has been an exhausting parade of ugliness (both sides!)
Donald Trump Has Shattered Campaign Norms In Damaging, Potentially Lasting Ways | Huffington Post - We have grown numb to policies, rhetoric and conduct that was once far beyond the bounds of acceptability.
- New poll: 30% of Trump supporters say they'll protest the election if he loses
Apocalypse Now: Survivalists Dig in for November 9 - POLITICO Magazine - Trump or Hillary, they're ready for the chaos. In fact, business has never been better.
The Real Voter Fraud - The New York Times - In reality, the suppression efforts are just a campaign tactic, by Republicans trying to prevent heavily Democratic-leaning groups - racial minorities and younger adults - from voting
How Much Did Comey Hurt Clinton's Chances (just a couple of Senate seats)
Final Answer: Trump or the Republic? This is not a joke. This is one of the moments in history when the republic is at the brink.
2016's Big Reveal: Donald Trump is a demagogue. Period. The right's failure to see it is a disgrace. (said the WSJ)
This Election Is a Referendum on Hate | Mother Jones - For the Republican Party, Trumpism has brought about a reckoning that's been decades in the making.
Trump Team Claims A Poll Watcher Was Threatened With A Belt In Philly. Here's What Really Happened. | Huffington Post - The man was reportedly confrontational, argumentative and "interfering with the voters."
The 65 Words That Defined the 2016 Election - An Election Day Glossary
Donald Trump Ends His Campaign By Getting Booed While Voting For Himself | Huffington Post - Sad!
I'm A Stats Prof. Here's Why Nate Silver's Model Was All Over The Place. | Huffington Post
- Voters Who Long for 'Leave it to Beaver' - seven in 10 Trump supporters prefer the more culturally homogeneous America of 1950s and that the same proportion of Clinton voters believe that American society has changed for better since then. (back to Jim Crow and women in their place)
All the Sad, Woke Men Forced to Vote for Hillary Clinton
A Catholic priest put an aborted fetus on the altar in an appeal for Donald Trump - The Washington Post
9 States Are Voting On Marijuana On Election Day. Here's Where They Stand Right Now. | Huffington Post - Follow along here as voters decide.
Penn State has paid $93M to 33 Sandusky victims, new audit says : news
Harvard scientists think they've pinpointed the physical source of consciousness - "Scientists have struggled for millennia to understand human consciousness - the awareness of one's existence. Despite advances in neuroscience, we still don't really know where it comes from, and how it arises." : worldnews (lights in the brain!)
Neanderthal genes are being removed from the modern human genome by weak but widespread natural selection : science
The phenotypic legacy of admixture between modern humans and Neandertals | Science
How do you recognize a smart person? : AskReddit
What is something that people complain about that makes you roll your eyes? : AskReddit
What random information do you know, that you would like to share on Reddit? : AskReddit
Donald Trump Finally Said Something Concrete About Climate Policy | Huffington Post - And it was very bad. - "cancel all wasteful climate change spending" - New Deal for Black America!
China passes controversial cybersecurity law - China's new cybersecurity law requires companies to verify a user's identity, effectively making it illegal to go online anonymously : technology
Toronto Muslim police chaplain says women commit 'major sin' if they refuse to have sex with husbands: Canadian Council of Muslim Women says comments are 'appalling' and 'really set us back' : worldnews
Wikileaks Gets DDoSed after Leaking 8,200 DNC Emails One Day before U.S. Election : technology (Juian takes a last big poop on US election)
Our final map has Clinton winning with 352 elector al votes. Compare your picks with ours. - LA Times (AZ, NH, FL)
Monmouth University - Clinton Leads by 6 Points - Most expect Clinton to win, few believe system is rigged
Clinton 3 Points Ahead of Trump in Final Bloomberg National Poll - Bloomberg Politics - The Democrat has strong advantages among women, non-whites, Hispanics, and young voters.
Trump and Clinton Tied in Final Upshot Poll of North Carolina - The New York Times - Mr. Trump has consolidated the support of many Republican and white voters. He now has 44 percent of the vote, up from 39 percent after the third debate.
How Hillary Clinton could win 270 electoral votes - Vox
Hillary Clinton has enough electoral votes to win the White House in final Fix map - The Washington Post
The Daily 202: Why Democrats are likelier than not to win the Senate majority - The Washington Post (NC and it's over)
Is 99% a reasonable probability? - Based on this evidence, if Hillary Clinton does not win on Tuesday it will be a giant surprise.
What's wrong with 538? (see Sam Wang above)
Can't Be Closer: Trump 44%, Clinton 44% - Monday, November 7, 2016 - New York Times Upshot/ Siena College North Carolina Poll (McCrory goin' down either way)
New UNH poll: Democrats Clinton, Hassan, Van Ostern lead Republican foes - Shea-Porter, Kuster lead in U.S. House contests
Columbus Dispatch Poll: Clinton Leads In Ohio By 1 Point
Republicans hold lead in Colorado early voting entering Election Day
In Trump's Most Important County, a Surge of Hispanic Voters Trump officials believe the Florida county of Miami-Dade can tip the must-win state their way. But an analysis of early votes shows eye-popping Hispanic numbers. (revenge of the rapists and criminals)
This Time, There Really Is a Hispanic Voter Surge - The New York Times
Fear of Donald Trump Helps Democrats Mobilize Hispanics - The New York Times
Trump Lead Widens To 2, His Biggest Yet, Despite 'November Surprise': IBD/TIPP Poll | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD (they've always thought Trumpster would win)
Good News For Clinton In Pennsylvania: SEPTA Strike Ends Ahead Of Election | Huffington Post - There should be no problems getting to the polls in Philly on Tuesday.
Oregonians on track to cast 2 million votes in heated Trump-Clinton race | - Oregon voter turnout is on track to reach 80 percent by Tuesday's deadline. (when you really let people vote, they vote)
Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and the Demographics of the 2016 Race - The Atlantic
Exit polls under siege - POLITICO - The flow of Election Day information is about to change dramatically.
Comey's damage can't be undone (well, you could start by firing/jailing him and all the ratfuckers)
The real Clinton email scandal is that a bullshit story has dominated the campaign - Vox - If you agree with her on policy, vote with a clear conscience about the server. (thanks, media and Feebs)
It's hard to see how James Comey could have handled this last 9 days any worse (soon to be a Fox talking idiot)
The Question for James Comey - The New York Times
FBI Director James Comey Is Unfit for Public Service - James Comey should not simply be fired as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He must be barred forever from any form of public service. (and he's been doing this shit for a long time, thanks, Barry)
Barack Obama Skewers Donald Trump For Losing His Twitter Access | Huffington Post - If somebody can't a Twitter account, they can't handle nuclear codes
Inside Donald Trump's Last Stand: An Anxious Nominee Seeks Assurance (and attention)
Trump Says The FBI Clearing Clinton Is More Proof The System Is 'Rigged' | Huffington Post - "You can't review 650,000 new emails in eight days. You can't do it folks" (computers, how do they work?))
Yes, Donald Trump, the FBI Can Vet 650,000 Emails in Eight Days | WIRED
Edward Snowden Shows Just How Fast The FBI Could Read Hillary Clinton's Emails | Huffington Post - "Old laptops could do it in minutes-to-hours."
2016 election: 16 surprises that shifted the 2016 contest - POLITICO
We Have Never Resolved the Fight Over What We Are - Lessons from Gettysburg
Here's What Could Happen if Donald Trump Doesn't Accept The Election Result - scary stuff (well, Repubicans didn't accept Obama's election either)
Did Donald Trump Just Make Up An Award He Won? | Huffington Post - He says he was named "Man of the Year" in Michigan five years ago. But there's no evidence of this (who needs "evidence")
I went to a Trump rally and all I got was groped - Vox
Voting is About Strategy and Power. Voting is Not a Consumer Choice - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Political Party As Thinking Engine | The Realignment Project
Social media leads some users to rethink a political issue | Pew Research Center
Twitter bots responsible for about one-fifth of entire US election conversation: study : technology
Astroturfing Information Megathread- revision 8 : shills
Yet Another E-voting Machine Vulnerability Found : technology - Hacking voting machines: not that difficult. Hiding a secret deviation in votes from after-the-fact statistical analysis: nearly impossible. - Edward Snowden (@Snowden) November 7, 2016
$37M awarded in Mich. police beating caught on camera - a federal jury responded to the graphic videotape with a jaw-dropping $36.6-million verdict rarely seen in this area. The verdict not only sought to make the victim whole but sends a message to law enforcement everywhere that excessive force cannot be tolerated, lawyers said. (make the taxpayers hurt, then things will change)
Hundreds evacuated from Cambridge mall - The Boston Globe
The secret to a happy sex life in long-term relationships is the belief that it takes hard work and effort, instead of expecting sexual satisfaction to simply happen, says University of Toronto based on research with approximately 1,900 participants from both heterosexual and same-sex relationships. : science
Cannabis nasal spray stop grand mal seizure in children : videos
Mom charged after treating daughter's seizures with marijuana butter: 'It was my last resort' : news
Why does marijuana seem to help patients suffering from seizures? Have there been studies that worked out the specific biochemistry of how cannabinoids interrupt a seizure and/or reduce their frequency? : askscience
Ask Ethan: Could The Universe Be Infinite?
What's something you memorized in school that you still remember today? : AskReddit
What dirty little secret do you know about someone, but they don't know you know? : AskReddit
What's the smallest decision you made that had the biggest impact on your life? : AskReddit
What part of Reddit history were you there for? : AskReddit
Onionfinite comments on What is a free pc game that everyone should get?
Microsoft highlights what Surface Studio partners are doing with the Dial in new videos - WinBeta
Tesla's price shock: Solar + battery as cheap as grid power -... "The price per kWh stored and re-used has halved in less than a year" : technology
The MacBook Pro is a lie | Not designed for professional use : technology
UN report: climate goals rapidly moving out of reach | Ars Technica - Paris Agreement made progress, but 20C warming limit takes much more.
Volkswagen Emissions Scandal Inquiry Widens to Top Levels - The New York Times
Montenegro says foiled Russian-backed plan to kill PM Djukanovic | Reuters (Putin rigging elections all over the world)
Eschaton: Bigly - First woman president or last election. Which will it be?
Eschaton: I can't wait for this election to be over. - Neoliberalism is not faith in free markets. Neoliberalism is not free market capitalism. Neoliberalism is a specific form of statecraft that uses financial markets as a veil to disguise governing policies. (Stoller)
White riot - Vox - How racism and immigration gave us Trump, Brexit, and a whole new kind of politics - strong statistical correlations between a group's decline in status and the likelihood that it turns to violence against another group. (white are entitled to be stupid and not keep up with reality)
Nobody Who Followed This Election Can Say It Hasn't Been a Show - The entire campaign has been shot through with the dynamics of the modern entertainment industrial complex. The Republican candidate is completely a creature of it, and he has managed to wrench the campaign into those dynamics by amplifying the elements of the modern entertainment industrial complex that already were there in varying degrees of dormancy.
Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump by 4 Points in Latest Poll - WSJ - Wall Street Journal/NBC survey finds 44% of likely voters support Mrs. Clinton compared with 40% for Mr. Trump
Final NBC/WSJ Poll: Clinton Holds a Four-Point National Lead Over Trump - NBC News
2016 Senate Forecast | FiveThirtyEight - Democrats 50.1% Republicans 49.9% (razor-thin)
Early Voting Blog: Early voting kills Trump in NV - Story
Nevada GOP chair: Polling locations open late so 'certain group' can vote - (you know, those off-white people)
Two Democratic electors threaten to throw the election to Donald Trump - Can we get rid of the Electoral College now? Please?
Clinton campaign: Ignore 'whopper' emails from WikiLeaks in last 2 days - Business Insider
The first 100 horrific days of a Trump presidency - The Washington Post (your worst pre-election nightmares in one list +half the country wants to destroy itself and you)
Emails Warrant No New Action Against Hillary Clinton, F.B.I. Director Says - The New York Times
- FBI director says agency once again won't recommend charges over Clinton email
Comey says FBI stands by decision to not pursue case against Clinton - politico - The October surprise yields another twist.
Hillary Clinton Won't Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress | Huffington Post - A week after rocking the campaign, Comey cleared the Democratic nominee.
It Sure Looks Like FBI Renegades Are Trying To Swing The Presidential Election | Huffington Post - One of the most unsettling developments yet in a campaign filled with them.
Al Franken: FBI's James Comey should face Senate hearings - - "I think that there should be hearings, and I'm certain there will be hearings in the Judiciary Committee on this matter" (he's you know on the committee)
Lawmakers should scrutinize FBI inquiry after election - The Boston Globe
FBI director: Additional Clinton emails do not change conclusion she should not face charges |
Tim Kaine: Some FBI Employees Are 'Actively Working' To Help Trump | Huffington Post - "This is absolutely staggering."
Jim Acosta on Twitter: "New Comey letter: FBI has not changed its conclusion regarding Clinton use of personal email server"
The anti-Clinton insurgency at the FBI, explained - Vox - "His actions were unprecedented, unethical, shocking, and have apparently led to chaos within the bureau, an unprecedented number of leaks, and chaos in our election cycle"
The FBI's War On Democracy - Comey staying on as FBI director if Clinton wins is obviously untenable, and hopefully Obama will correct his mistake before leaving office
Never mind - Lawyers, Guns & Money : . . . apparently Pete Williams of NBC is reporting that all the emails on Weiner's laptop were duplicates of already-reviewed emails, which sounds plausible, since otherwise it's hard to see how they could reach a definitive conclusion so quickly. What a clown show. (wait, all 650,000 of them?)
Reminder: The Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Was Totally Overblown (no, Dems didn't "love" him when he "exonerated" her with unprecedented smear tactics at an unnecessary press conference)
Donald Trump Has Caused A Historic Drop In The Stock Market | Huffington Post - The S&P 500 is down for nine straight days for the first time in 36 years.
Trump To Close Out Campaign By Rallying With Ted Nugent, Of Course | Right Wing Watch
Kellyanne Conway Calls Protester Involved In Secret Service Scare A Democratic 'Plant' | Huffington Post - The man said he is a registered Republican.
Speaker At Donald Trump Rally Jokes About Hillary Clinton Being A B***h | Huffington Post - Less than 24 hours earlier, Trump criticized Jay Z for the language used in his music.
Something has been going badly wrong in the neighborhoods that support Trump - The Washington Post - The respondents also were more likely to view Trump favorably if they lived in Zip codes where more of their neighbors received the Earned Income Tax Credit, which the government pays to low-wage workers, or where a greater share of income came in the form of checks from Social Security for the elderly or disabled. (which makes perfect sense) ... supporters have not themselves fallen on hard times, they often live in places where economic opportunity is scarce (and their states have fucked them over with Republican policies)
A river of lost souls runs through western Colorado - The Washington Post - numbers are even worse for middle-aged white women with a high school diploma or less. For them, the suicide rate has more than doubled over the past 15 years, according to a Washington Post analysis of federal health data. Most of the victims lived in small towns and rural areas, particularly in the Southeast and in mountain states, where social isolation can be acute.
E-cigarette vapour have been found not to induce DNA mutations commonly observed with tobacco smoke exposures using a lab-based method called the Ames test to compare the mutagenic potential of cigarette smoke with that of vapour from a commercially available e-cigarette. : science
A new type of atomic bond has been discovered - "This new binding mechanism, in which an electron can grab and trap an atom, is really new from the point of view of chemistry," explained lead researcher Chris Greene. "It's a whole new way an atom can be bound by another atom." : worldnews
Who/what have you never found funny? : AskReddit
Reddit, what do you keep in your car in case of emergency? : AskReddit
What's the biggest realization you had from a context of a conversation where you had to act normal to protect someone/yourself? : AskReddit
Dads of Reddit, what's your best don't tell mom story? : AskReddit
Will Florida Voters Be Duped Into Killing Solar Power? | The Nation - ? A Florida ballot initiative is written in pro-solar language-but its actual meaning is far more sinister.
Canadian Lawmakers Hear From Organ Harvesting Investigators - Human rights subcommittee urged to help stop organ pillaging from prisoners of conscience in China - Chinese hospitals have performed an estimated 60,000 to 100,000 organ transplants a year since the year 2000, and that most of the organs were sourced from innocents-Uyghurs, Tibetans, House Christians, with Falun Gong practitioners being the primary source.
top 200 commentsshow 500? subscribe
Three New Scandals Show How Pervasive and Dangerous Mass Surveillance is in the West, Vindicating Snowden
Donald Trump: The unauthorized database of false things | Toronto Star (10,000 lies from the mouth of Satan)
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President? - The New York Times - Hillary Clinton has an 85% chance to win.
2016 Senate Election Forecast - The New York Times - The Democrats have a 55% chance of winning the Senate.
Is 538's Bearish Clinton Prediction Likely to be the Most Accurate? - . Right now, 538 has Trump with a roughly 5% chance of winning Connecticut, a 10% chance of winning Delaware, Oregon and Rhode Island, and a 20% chance of winning Minnesota and New Mexico. Do any of these estimates seem remotely plausible to you?
It Sure Looks Like FBI Renegades Are Trying To Swing The Presidential Election | Huffington Post - One of the most unsettling developments yet in a campaign filled with them. (Hillary should dismantle the criminal operation)
Tense Senate Tussle in New Hampshire Illustrates Murky Finish Line - The New York Times
An early sign Trump is being out-organized: A big Democratic advantage in Nevada voting - The Washington Post
What one swing state can teach us about political polarization in America - Washington Post - North Carolina (suppression central)
Florida Moving Faster From Battleground To Blue? Thanks, Donald. | Huffington Post - A surge in Latino votes could spell long-term term trouble for Republicans for years to come.
In Florida, early voting trends narrowly favor Clinton - politico - If current trends continue, Clinton is on pace to win the crucial battleground state. However, Florida has a history of razor-thin elections.
Early voting data in 3 key states show spike in Latino turnout - - So far, Latino voting in Florida, Georgia and North Carolina is significantly up from 2012
Latino Turnout Surges Across Battleground States
Giuliani denies getting leaked info from FBI as Dems call for investigation
Criticized by Candidates, Comey Has Tense Days Ahead After Election - The New York Times
The Gamble of Trump - WSJ - The case for Donald Trump is political disruption. A broken Washington needs to be shaken up and refocused on the public good, and who better to do it than an outsider beholden to neither political party? (Republicans broke Washington, WSJ thinks Trump even though he's "no gipper" can fix it)
In 1 Unscripted Moment, Hillary Clinton Finds Joy in the Rain - The New York Times
Can You Take a Voting Selfie? States Wage Legal Battles Days Before Election - The New York Times - 18 states prohibit sharing photos of ballots. Another, California, joined the list this week. (and MA)
Donald Trump Approaches The Finish Line As Unhinged As Ever
Electoral College Voter Says He Will Not Vote For Hillary Clinton Even If She Wins His State | Huffington Post - The elector from Washington state says Clinton is a "criminal" who hasn't done enough on Native American issues (which Trump will surely do, you idiot)
Podesta: Calling Chelsea 'Not Smart' Is An 'Understatement' | The Daily Caller - Chelsea had apparently launched an internal investigation of the Clinton Foundation's finances, and then told one of former President George W. Bush's twin daughters about it. The information had then made its way to a Republican operative (so they all hang together with Ivanka)
Remember When Hillary Clinton Almost Went To Jail Because She Fired Her Travel Agent?
Taking America's political pulse: A deep anxiety sets in, but some optimism lingers (best economy since Bush destroyed it, but that requires memory and thinking)
Specter of election day violence looms as Trump spurs vigilante poll watchers | US news | The Guardian - as militia members and neo-Nazi groups take Donald Trump's claims of ballot rigging seriously ("watchers" = "gun-bully intimidators"
The Men Feminists Left Behind - The New York Times - But the ugliness of the Trump campaign is evidence of how white men existing in their own shrinking universe can be a real threat ... As of early October, more than half of men believed that Mr. Trump respected women either "some" or "a lot" ... 4 in 10 after ... the tape came to light ... The men feminism left behind pose a threat to the country as a whole. They are armed with their own facts and heaps of resentment, and one electoral loss, even a big one, will not mean widespread defeat
Dave Chappelle Slams Hillary Clinton During Bizarre Comedy Set
Luxury Texas Doomsday Development Readies Bunkers, Tunnels, DNA Vault | NBC 10 Philadelphia - have enough food, water and electricity to live off the grid for a year - You get life assurances for when stuff really gets bad, but while you're at it you live in a five-star resort waiting for that doomsday (very rich preppers)
Texas jail nurse allows woman to die in diabetic coma after refusing requests to test blood sugar : videos
The many faces of economic anxiety - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Greene was hired last month to work at Central Iowa Fencing, a small construction business in suburban Des Moines, but quit within days, a manager there said Thursday - Until we as Americans find a way to make sure people like Greene never experience a moment of economic anxiety, we'll just have to accept the role we play in abusing moms and getting police killed. Also, African-Americans will be called the N-word and haveviolent assholeseconomically anxious white men wave the Confederate flag in front of them at high school sporting events. (46, was living in mom's baseemnt)
What we know about Iowa cop shooting suspect Scott Michael Greene - NY Daily News - An officer described Greene as "noncompliant, hostile, combative" in a complaint and said Greene "made furtive movements toward his pockets." (you know what would have happened if he were black and make "furtive movements"?)
Men Are More Likely to Be Sexually Attracted to Friends -- Science of Us - It appears that to at least a segment of the population, when you hear the word friend, what you really think of is would-be sexual partner. (that would be guys)
An Alzheimer's drug, verubecestat, has been shown to effectively "switched off" the production of toxic amyloid proteins that lead to the sticky plaques seen in the brains of Alzheimer's patients by halting the steady production of amyloid-beta proteins through blocking a brain enzyme called BACE1.
Acute Flaccid Myelitis | AFM Surveillance | CDC - CDC is investigating the increase in AFM in 2016. As of September 2016, 89 people in 33 states were confirmed to have AFM.
Redditors who have experienced being in a coma, what was the experience like? We're you able to comprehend time passing or was it seemingly in the blink of an eye? Anyone who've experienced extended comatose, what's it like to time travel? : AskReddit
German nature hippie girl gives birth in own backyard... standing up. : WTF
Why Vladimir Putin's Russia Is Backing Donald Trump By Kurt Eichenwald On 11/4/16
- Former CIA chief: Trump is Russia's useful fool - Michael Hayden (CIA and FBI at war, Feebs want Putin)
Sources: U.S. intel warning of possible al Qaeda attacks in U.S. Monday - CBS News (with their Toyota pickups and machine guns)
2016 Presidential Election Candidates, Polls - The Washington Post - Democrats are trying to win their third presidential election in a row and retain the White House after a two-term Democratic president for the first time since the mid-19th century.
- The electoral map is definitely moving in Donald Trump's direction
Trump, Clinton blitz across the country in final push amid tightening polls - The Washington Post
Exclusive: The Democratic National Committee Has Told the FBI It Found Evidence Its HQ Was Bugged | Mother Jones - Back to Watergate?
Fox News apologizes for falsely reporting that Clinton faces indictment - The Washington Post - Fox News anchor Bret Baier apologized Friday
FBI examines fake documents that suggest Hillary Clinton is stealing election; Russia suspected |
Report: FBI Examining Fake Documents Targeting Clinton Campaign | Huffington Post - In a letter identified as fake, Senator Tom Carper, a Democrat, is quoted as writing to Clinton, "We will not let you lose this election." (could be Putin, could be the Feebs)
'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say | US news | The Guardian - Highly unfavorable view of Hillary Clinton intensified after James Comey's decision not to recommend an indictment over her use of a private email server (or Powell, or Bush ...) < Rudy Giuliani Confirms FBI Insiders Leaked Information To The Trump Campaign | Huffington Post
The FBI. Giuliani. Of Course. - only downhill from here.
The real Clinton email scandal is that a bullshit story has dominated the campaign - Vox - If you agree with her on policy, vote with a clear conscience about the server.
br /> Republicans are now vowing Total War. And the consequences could be immense. - The Washington Post - There appears to be a war going on inside the FBI, and from what we can tell, a group of rogue agents, mostly in New York, may be in such a fervor to destroy Hillary Clinton that they may be aggressively leaking damaging innuendo to the press against her in the waning days of the campaign
History will remember which Republicans failed the Trump test - The Washington Post
Macedonians Take Advantage of U.S. Post-Truth Politics to Make a Buck - Anything is true if enough people believe it. - the FBI is clearly at war with itself, and both of these conflicts are playing themselves out publicly in the campaign. The Republican candidate has surrounded himself with an inner cadre of paid liars and career ratfckers more virulent than anything we've seen since the brawling presidential campaigns of the early 19th Century. (but with more twitter)
Donald Trummp's Impeachment Threat - In effect, what they're saying is, Mrs. Clinton won't be able to govern, because we won't let her. So don't waste your vote on her. Vote for us. (the psychotic party and he's already your dictator)
John McCain Isn't Backing Down From Vow To Block Clinton's Supreme Court Nominees Yes, Republicans are totally serious about this. Don't act surprised (it's really about voting for/against a functioning government)
Look at This Very Problematic 1990s Photo of Donald Trump - Watch as Donald force-feeds Marla Maples grapes. It's weirder than it sounds.
"Spirit Cooking": Clinton Campaign Chairman Practices Bizarre Occult Ritual ; Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! - Menstrual blood, semen and breast milk: Most bizarre Wikileaks revelation yet
No, John Podesta didn't drink bodily fluids at a secret Satanist dinner
Anthony Weiner rides through sex addiction rehab on a horse | New York Post
4 Organizers Of The Presidential Debates Have Ties To Debt-Crazed Billionaire Pete Peterson | Huffington Post (Social Security is in crisis! must cut benefits!)
An Oklahoma Elected Official Discussed Killing Hillary Clinton by 'Firing Squad' Over Benghazi
North Carolina Republicans are using one shameful trick after another to keep Democrats from voting - Vox (again and again and again)
- North Carolina Voter Suppression Is Real, and It's Horrifying - "It almost looks like a cattle call, the way people are being purged"
Southern states have closed down at least 868 polling places for the 2016 election - Vox - The shutdowns follow a Supreme Court decision that limited federal oversight of elections. (You don't need no steenking oversight)
Bridgegate verdict: Bill Baroni and Bridget Kelly guilty on all counts | (but bully-fuck walks)
The Bridgegate Verdict Could Not Have Come at a Worse Time for Chris Christie and the Trump Campaign - Time for some campaign problems in Fort T.
Top Chris Christie Aides Found Guilty Of All Charges In Bridgegate Scandal | Huffington Post - Uh oh.
My Journey to the Center of the Alt-Right - The Huffington Post (the psychotic core of toxic white masculinity)
ABC News staged crime-scene shot, photograph shows - Nov. 4, 2016
Officials: SA cop fired for attempting to feed fecal sandwich to homeless person - San Antonio Express-News
Oregon man flees police, gets stuck in badger hole |
Man shoots at his stolen car, kills woman in nearby house, officials say |
Rolling Stone Loses Defamation Case Over Rape Article - The New York Times
This Map of the World Just Won Japan's Prestigious Design Award
Age of onset for multiple sclerosis 'linked to distance from equator' | Society | The Guardian - The main finding is that if you have higher latitude you have earlier age of onset (vitamin D)
Review: Doctor Strange
The Canadian Military Is Investigating a Mysterious Noise In the Arctic - Hunters say it's coming from the bottom of the sea & scaring wildlife. : worldnews (Russians or Godzilla)
Two More Shipwrecks Off Libyan Coast Kill At Least 239 Migrants, U.N. Says | Huffington Post
Mosul Neighbors Wake Up to a Day Without ISIS - The New York Times (meanwhile, one part of hell cools off)
A humanitarian crisis looms in Afghanistan as the number of displaced climbs - The Washington Post (and another heats up: if only we'd bombed them with money)
British court delivers blow to E.U. exit plan, insists Parliament has a say - The Washington Post - For the government, meanwhile, it boosted the chance that May will have to call a new election next year to seek a mandate to begin negotiations for the E.U. divorce.
Saudi Arabia refuses to even consider allowing women to drive | The Independent - The Kingdom is the only country on the planet that still bans female drivers
Hackers Release More E-Mails They Say Tie Putin Aide To Ukraine Crisis
Assange: WikiLeaks did not receive Clinton emails from Russian govt (John Pilger Exclusive) - RT News (RT is Putin, so either lying or it was the FBI)
Assange: WikiLeaks did not receive Clinton emails from Russian govt : worldnews
U.S. officials warn of Russian mischief in election and beyond - The Washington Post
THE CURSE IS OVER! After 108-Year Drought, Chicago Cubs Defeat Cleveland Indians To Win 2016 World Series | Huffington Post - The Cubs beat the Cleveland Indians 8-7 in their first World Series win since 1908.
Election maps are telling you big lies about small things - Washington Post (many people live in cities)
Five days to go: The presidential race tightens - CBS/NYT poll - CBS News
New Polls Show Hillary Clinton Leading In Most Key States | Huffington Post - Plenty of people seem ready to freak out, but the race remains as it was.
Hillary Clinton just got some scary-looking polls in New Hampshire - Vox - 3) And a poll from American Research Group showed Trump winning by 5 points.
WBUR Poll: Trump Edges Ahead Of Clinton In N.H. | Politicker
Democrats' Senate chances are peaking at the right time - With less than a week left to go until Election Day, the odds of the Democrats controlling 50 seats or more in the Senate are as high as they've been:? 72 percent.
Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball ; Is Clinton slipping? - There are more signs of erosion, but her floodgates appear to be holding
Arizona leads nation in early-voting surge by Latinos
Poll 'Shy' Trump voters are a mirage
The Election Polls That Matter - The New York Times
Bookmaker: Nearly all election bets coming in are on Trump | TheHill
Donald Trump has never been closer to the presidency than he is at this moment - The Washington Post (he grabbed America's pussy)
The only way Trump can win - The Washington Post - It is mystifying that so many Republicans, after criticizing Mr. Obama for eight years for showing insufficient pride in the United States, would attach themselves to someone who has such contempt for the country, its institutions and its values.
Homeland Security Chairman: Clinton Could Be Impeached If Elected - essentially delegitimizing Clinton before Election Day. (they'll pre-impeach her and fuck your democracy)
'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaks, sources say | US news | The Guardian (authoritarian coup attempt)
FBI launches internal investigation into its own Twitter account - An FBI tweet may have crossed the line.
The FBI Wants to Make America Great Again - Bloomberg View (working together with Putin to control Trump)
FBI Director James Comey Feared Leaks In Deciding To Disclose New Emails Linked To Clinton | Huffington Post - bombshell just days before the election raised questions about his motives and drew criticism from some over his timing.
FBI's War On American Democracy (they were never that fond of it)
How Donald Trump Outsmarted George Will (which isn't that hard, but still) The most important analytical failure of the anti-Trump conservatives is their blindness to the centrality of white racial backlash. They simply cannot imagine how movement conservatism could result in bigoted authoritarianism, and their confusion produces absurdity
Why Republicans Falling In Line Behind Trump Was Inevitable : Lawyers, Guns & Money -... surely Hillary Clinton's emails are a far more important issue than whether we return federal economic policy and constitutionalism to the Gilded Age and destroy the planet's climate
Andrew Sullivan: Trump, America, and the Abyss - More to the point, if Trump wins, he will almost certainly bring with him the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. A President Clinton will be checked and balanced. A President Trump will be pushing through wide-open doors. Who can temper or stop him then?
- New Trump ad ties Clinton to Weiner to portray her as 'unfit to serve'
Catholic parish's bulletin says Democratic voters are doomed to hell, Clinton is satanic
Woman Accusing Donald Trump of Raping Her At 13 Fails To Appear At Planned Press Conference (doesn't smell right)
Trump Hotel workers say Donald Trump isn't fit to be president - Business Insider
Megyn Kelly Gone Rogue! Fox News Star Claims Perv Boss Roger Ailes Harassed Her Too! - Radar Online - prize anchor drops a bombshell amid contract talks. Is she ready to go?
Report: Megyn Kelly's memoir details her alleged sexual harassment from Roger Ailes
Megyn Kelly's New Memoir Reportedly Details Sexual Harassment by Roger Ailes | Mother Jones - A leaked excerpt describes multiple attempts to grope and kiss her. (he grabbed her by the pu*sy)
1901? Could be 1898 Soon - Lawyers, Guns & Money : the Wilmington Race Riot of 1898 documents the lengths to which Southern White Democrats went to regain political domination of the South after Reconstruction. (North Carolina up to its old tricks)
High court rules for jury trials in civil forfeiture cases | Montana & Regional | - The Montana Supreme Court says citizens have a right to trial by jury before the state can take private property in civil forfeiture cases, a ruling that bolsters a law that state legislators passed last year to limit police seizures.
Transcript of Juror 4's emails: His explanation for Ammon Bundy verdict |
Ranch dressing is what's wrong with America - Fancy restaurants need to stop experimenting with this revolting milk-rot.
The books students at the top US colleges are required to read. : books
The strangest coincidences of your life probably aren't that strange at all (coincidences/synchronicities in comments)
Why First-Born Children May Have Greater Success - Scientific American - Birth order differences can emerge before the age of three - Parents may choose to relax some non-essential rearing needs for their later born children. These changes in parental behaviour appear to set later born children on a lower path for cognitive development and academic achievement, with lasting impact on adult economic outcomes. (temperament/personality not affected)
[Serious] What event actually traumatized you as a kid? : AskReddit
What's the shittiest thing you've ever done? : AskReddit
Redditors who have had no friends for a period in your life, how did you find a new group to fit into? : AskReddit
Ever wonder what tripping on LSD actually looks like? Here's a replication of a 400ug dose! : videos
Eternally65 comments on Waving to people on the road (in Vermont)
How Apple lost last week to Microsoft - The Washington Post
Why Light Bulbs May Be the Next Hacker Target - The New York Times
Philippines' Duterte discovered this week that his actions have consequences
Florida poll: 28 percent of GOP early voters picked Clinton | TheHill
New CNN / ORC polls suggest new strength for Trump, Clinton rise in Florida - - Clinton holds a 4-point edge among likely voters in the historically blue-tilting Pennsylvania, and Trump tops Clinton by 5 with voters in red-leaning Arizona
Monmouth University - Donald Trump has taken a double digit lead over Hillary Clinton in Missouri, but the Senate race remains up in the air. The Monmouth University Poll also found that the Democratic candidate for governor has lost his early lead in that race and the contest is now tied.
Post-ABC Tracking poll finds race tied, as Trump opens up an 8-point edge on honesty - The Washington Post (half of America truth-blind)
Trump Rated More Honest; Contest Stays a Dead Heat (POLL) - ABC News
Obama sounds alarm about low black turnout | TheHill
Oklahoma legislator references Clinton's execution in Facebook post | News OK (it's becoming a thing among Republican officals)
Obama on FBI: We don't operate on innuendo (Obama's Republican daddies coming home to haunt him)
- Obama Criticizes F.B.I. Director: "We Don't Operate on Incomplete Information"
GOP Pins Its Dwindling Senate Hopes On The FBI | Huffington Post
Election Day Is Less Than A Week Away, And We Still Don't Know James Comey's Next Move | Huffington Post - It's undetermined whether the FBI or the Justice Department will say more about the Hillary Clinton email probe in time. (keepin' you in sus-pence)
Nancy Pelosi Says FBI Director James Comey May Not Be 'In The Right Job' | Huffington Post (how about breaking rocks?)
James Comey's Self-Righteous Meddling
Conservative Group Raises Cash To Help GOP Senators Block Supreme Court Nominees | Huffington Post - The Heritage Foundation has a policy arsenal ready to go in the event Hillary Clinton wins the presidency.
WATCH: Keith Olbermann lays out the links between Trump and Russia - and it's incredibly damning (sorry, too complicated for media brains)
Hill Republicans raring to investigate Clinton from Day One - POLITICO - If she beats Trump, the former secretary of state could be at war with Capitol Hill before she's even sworn in
Ron Johnson Says Hillary Clinton Should Be Impeached | Huffington Post - Of course Republicans gotta get a jump on this before she wins the election. (RoJo goin' down)
How Low Can Political Journalism Sink? | New Republic - After the 2016 election, we now know the answer. Campaign coverage has never been more vacuous, policy-free, and corrosive to democracy.
Mass media has utterly failed to convey the policy stakes in the election - Vox
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: The Job Interviews. Applicants Trump and Clinton. - Since the beginning of 2016, ABC's World News Tonight, CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News have devoted just 32 minutes to issues coverage (mostly terra, hours on Hillary's emails)
Republicans and Russian hackers have made Hillary Clinton the most transparent candidate in history - Vox - And Donald Trump is the least.
What Clintonworld Thinks About the Latest Abedin-Weiner Scandal | Vanity Fair - "If Weinter hadn't taken pictures of his weiner, we wouldn't be in this thing"
Anthony Weiner has checked into a facility for SEX ADDICTION treatment | Daily Mail Online - "I would bust that tight p***y so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week" staffers knew as early as 2011 that Anthony Weiner had been messaging anpther underage girl, but they did nothing about it (and Huma kept sharing a laptop with the pervert)
Lisa Bloom on Twitter: "BREAKING: woman who sued Donald Trump for child rape breaks her silence today."
Trump child rape accuser calls off news conference over threats | TheHill
Donald Trump Is Accused Of Raping A 13-Year-Old. Why Haven't The Media Covered It? | Huffington Post (no big deal for them and they someone might say bad words about them)
Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored | Huffington Post - 06/29/2016
A Black Church Was Burned in the Name of Trump - The Atlantic - Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi, was reportedly set on fire and spray painted with the words "Vote Trump"
Mississippi Black Church burned, spray painted "Vote Trump"
Black Mississippi Church Burned And Vandalized With 'Vote Trump' | Huffington Post
An Early Look at 2024? - survey of the preferences of K-12 kids. (here's your secession map)
The Republican Party Is Now Just a Shakedown Racket - "I'm now convinced that we will be facing the very real possibility of a constitutional crisis with many dimensions and deleterious consequences should Secretary Clinton win the election" Trump quoted
- Time to Mentally Prepare for a Bloody Election - Both metaphorical and non-.
The plot against America - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The NPI is an alt-right think tank run by Richard Spencer. It was founded by William Regnery, who is the heir to the Regnery publishing fortune.
White nationalists plot Election Day show of force - POLITICO - KKK, neo-Nazis and militias plan to monitor urban polling places and suppress the black vote.
U.S. militia girds for trouble as presidential election nears | Reuters - Down a Georgia country road, camouflaged members of the Three Percent Security Force have mobilized for rifle practice, hand-to-hand combat training -- and an impromptu campaign rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Iowa police shootings: Confederate flag incident at stadium under scrutiny - The suspect in Wednesday's killings was removed from Urbandale High School's football stadium Oct. 14 after he claimed his Confederate flag was stolen by other spectators, authorities said.
Scott Michael Greene was convicted in combative 2014 encounters
Michael Moore Warns Men: Your '10,000-Year Reign Is Over' If Hillary Clinton Wins | Huffington Post - Guys have got about a week to wrap their heads around the fact that Hillary Clinton is going to be president of the United States
Top Trump Supporter In Texas Calls Hillary Clinton A 'C**t' On Twitter | Huffington Post - Sid Miller's office tried to claim his Twitter account was hacked. But it wasn't
Extremely Wealthy Crank Urges Swing State Voters To Try To Elect Donald Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Your wokest aunt Saran Sarandon, who once suggested Donald Trump might make a better president than Hillary Clinton because of the subsequent revolution, has endorsed Green Party candidate Jill Stein. Jill Stein, in turn, endorses continued remembrance of Harambe and vaccine skepticism. ("corrupt Hillary" will never get Susie's vote)
Empathy for the Devil...I-I-Mean Super-Nice, Misunderstood, Salt-of-the-Earth Types - Lawyers, Guns & Money (findidng "common ground" with stupid and evil)
I Talked To Some Trump Voters, Too - the only article people are writing about Trump voters
Will the Republican Party split into two parties? | - Is it even possible to split evil?
FBI investigating alleged donor scheme tied to Senate candidate | TheHill - The Murphy campaign noted that a conservative super PAC earlier this year filed a complaint on the issue that the FBI is looking into. (Feebs rigging the system for Trumpster)
Cliven Bundy Calls for Revolution to Preserve His Right to Freeload Off the Federal Government - I would like to take a moment to thank that jury in Oregon for declaring public lands to be free fire zones for every moron in a camo cap. Per The Washington Post - Freeloaders for Freedom
Bundy brothers discharged from Oregon jail, headed to Nevada with U.S. Marshals |
What's Wrong With Politics? Let's start with the benches
Suffolk Univerity student's claim of racism adds to turmoil at school
New twist explains how a single giant impact could blast the moon into being - The Washington Post - "Giant Impact with a Twist" - "A more violent impact
that vaporized a good part of the Earth as well as the projectile would homogenize the isotope ratios" "You can say, well it took something really special to make what we have, and maybe that's right"
Discussion: Veritasium's newest YouTube video on simulating quantum mechanics with oil droplets! : askscience
Woman gives birth in car, hospital charges full delivery fee : news
Nosey parents of teenagers, what do you wish you shouldn't have seen? : AskReddit
What is something you won't tell your friends or family, but you will tell Reddit? : AskReddit
The PixelSense Display - The Microsoft Surface Book Review
Iraqi elite forces enter Mosul over 2 years after Islamic State seized the city - The Washington Post
Weekend marks deadliest of year with 17 fatally shot - Chicago Tribune - A bloody year for Chicago hit a new low this past weekend as 17 people were fatally shot, marking the deadliest weekend so far this year and pushing homicides past the 600 mark for the first time since 2003.
What Else Makes Corporations Sad? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Never mind that in 78 years of the minimum wage, we literally have zero evidence that a single minimum wage increase has ever led to a net decrease in jobs. None. Despite the models of economists, we simply have no evidence that this has ever happened. That's worth stating over and over and over again in these debates.
2016 Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight - Hillary Clinton 71.0% Donald Trump 29.0% (Trump rocketing)
Trump Leads Clinton by 1 Point in New Poll as Enthusiasm Declines - ABC News
Post-ABC Tracking Poll: Trump 46, Clinton 45, as Democratic enthusiasm dips - The Washington Post
The Odds Of An Electoral College-Popular Vote Split Are Increasing | FiveThirtyEight(Trump will get Gored and they're be revolution in the streets)
A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump | Mother Jones - Has the bureau investigated this material?
Clinton camp questions FBI release of Marc Rich pardon files - politico - Comey doubles down and FBI goes full partisan and releases files on eve of election)
Why is the FBI releasing old Bill Clinton files one week before the election?
Hullabaloo - standard operating procedure now for federal police organizations to decide for us who gets to be president. Good to know. We can stop this charade about democracy and elections and find other ways to spend our time.
The FBI Is a Player in the 2016 Election, and the FBI Is Out of Control
Trump Raises Specter Of Crisis If Clinton Wins The White House | Huffington Post - The investigation will last for years. The trial will probably start
Comey faces a firestorm of criticism over renewed Clinton email probe - The Washington Post
- A dirty trick that won't change the outcome
Comey was concerned publicly blaming Russia for hacks of Democrats could appear too political in run-up to elections - The Washington Post
- James Comey's Big Mistake - Now, thanks to Mr. Comey's breathtakingly rash and irresponsible decision, the Justice Department and F.B.I. are scrambling to process hundreds of thousands of emails to determine whether there is anything relevant in them before Nov. 8 - all as the country stands by in suspense.
Will Trump Bring Sen. Rubio Down in Florida? - ABC News (538: Rubio 85%)
Carville Blows Up On MSNBC Anchor: Our Democracy Is Under Assault By Comey, The KGB And Republicans | Video | RealClearPolitics
Samantha Bee Spreads Her Own Conspiracy Theory About Donald Trump | Huffington Post - If you are reading this, you are not Donald Trump #TrumpCantRead
Peter Thiel's Fantasy Trump (authoritarian assholes love people like them) Peter Thiel is a very white privileged German American immigrant plutocrat gay male. Trump is the grandson of German draft dodger and son of a German American real estate baron multimillionaire.
Artist Barbara Kruger Calls Trump A Loser On The Cover Of New York Magazine | Huffington Post
Newspapers endorsing Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money (all six of them, including Kushner's NYO and Adelson's LVRJ and Waxahachie Daily Light)
How the Hillary Clinton Outrage Cycle Took Over the Media - Rolling Stone - Outlets feed the impression that Clinton is a criminal without letting facts stand in the way
The Price of Certainty - The New York Times - Dr. Kruglanski and his team of researchers found that as the color-coded terrorism threat system increased, support for President George W. Bush went up accordingly. The more uncertain our world seems, the more we compensate by seeking out certainty.
CNN Chief Jeff Zucker Rips Donna Brazile's 'Disgusting' Dealings With Clinton Campaign | Huffington Post
Saudi college student in Wisconsin dies after assault - The Washington Post - Many advocates point to rhetoric from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who has at various points called for a complete ban on Muslim immigrants
NYPD settlement on Muslim surveillance not 'sufficient', judge rules | US news | The Guardian
Bundy Verdict Puts a Target on the Backs of Federal Workers - The New York Times (invading Federal property with guns is ok if you're white)
In the Nevada desert, Bundy family warns of another standoff - The Washington Post
Murder, Memory And the Klan - A special report. - Widow Inherits a Confession To a 36-Year-Old Hate Crime - - Merely forcing a person to jump from a bridge does not naturally and probably lead to the death of such a person (in the annals of racism)
Spanaway mother accused of injecting heroin into children, calling it sleep juice (and "feel good medicine")
Bones Found 76 Years Ago Could Actually Be Amelia Earhart's | Huffington Post - The skeletal remains were found in 1940 on the island of Nikumaroro, then known as Gardner Island. At the time they were dismissed as belonging to a male.
Now that "Inferno" has bombed, we must remember to contain ourselves and not make fun of Renowned Author Dan Brown : books
Don't make fun of renowned Dan Brown
Telomere shortening and metabolic compromise underlie dystrophic cardiomyopathy
Phys. Rev. C 94, 055801 (2016) - ``Parking-garage'' structures in nuclear astrophysics and cellular biophysics
[Physics] Is entropy quantifiable, and if so, what unit(s) is it expressed in? : askscience
What wild speculation or rumour turned out to be true? : AskReddit
MacBook Pro 2016 Parody Ad : videos
Ukraine stunned as vast cash reserves of political elite are made public | World news | The Guardian - New wealth declaration system shows officials owning Fabergi eggs, weapons collections and huge stashes of currency
Did Moscow Botch a Coup in Montenegro? - The American Interest
Nigerian soldiers, police sexually abuse Boko Haram victims, Human Rights Watch says | Reuters
Indonesian woman becomes latest person to be caned 'for standing near boyfriend' | The Independent - Twenty-year-old becomes 14th person to be caned in Banda Aceh this month
Eschaton: Which Bastards - Maybe this election will finally bring us closure on this issue! It must get confusing when the people we're arming are being killed by weapons given to the last people we armed, but the world is deeply complicated in ways that only the Mustache of Understanding can explain, after consulting with his cab driver ... this is an evergreen comment about the state of the Foreign Policy Community (otherwise known as the Very Serious People).
The GOP's Age of Authoritarianism Has Only Just Begun - And it will not end with a Clinton presidency. - Never before in our history has a major presidential character stood apart as so great (in the Great Fire of London sense) or so opposite-of-great. We have been consumed with wonder at just what it would mean to have this flamboyant sociopath pacing the Oval Office. Trump has made Great Man theorists of us all ... from a doddering Ronald Reagan to Dan Quayle to George W. Bush to Sarah Palin. From this standpoint, Trump is less a freakish occurrence than something close to an inevitability. (Republicans are very angry people)
First Poll Since James Comey Announcement Shows No Effect On Hillary Clinton -- Yet | Huffington Post - Hillary Clinton retains a steady lead over Donald Trump.
Clinton loses popularity edge in tight race with Trump, new Post-ABC Tracking Poll finds - The Washington Post
Nevada's Early Vote Numbers Have Hillary Clinton Supporters Thrilled | Huffington Post
Comey faces a firestorm of criticism over renewed Clinton email probe - The Washington Post (backfire)
- Comey opposed naming Russians, citing election timing: Source
FBI Making Inquiry Into Ex-Trump Campaign Manager's Foreign Ties
Was a server registered to the Trump Organization communicating with Russia's Alfa Bank?
FBI's James Comey Opposed Naming Russia As An Election Meddler, Source Confirms | Huffington Post - The revelation raises questions about his handling of the matter of Clinton's emails (another Putin plant)
Eric Holder: James Comey is a good man, but he made a serious mistake - The Washington Post
Dozens Of Former Federal Prosecutors Sign Open Letter Criticizing James Comey | Huffington Post
James Comey Just Unmasked Himself | Huffington Post - His carefully maintained nonpolitical image is now starting to fray. (so many true colors outed)
FBI Director's Unworthy Choice - Comey acceded to the apparent wish of Obama that no charges be brought against Clinton. (WSJ tries distraction)
Why FBI Director Comey jumped at chance to reopen Hillary Clinton email investigation | Daily Mail Online - Resignation letters piling up from disaffected FBI agents, his wife urging him to admit he was wrong (Daily Mail just makes shit up: "piles" of agents resigning and giving up their government pensions)
Here's Some 'October Surprise' Nonsense to Start Your Week - Buckle up. (comparative thinking is too hard)
Welcome to the James Comey comedy hour, or maybe 15 minutes - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The official said some government insiders are perplexed as to why Comey would have election timing concerns with the Russian disclosure but not with the Huma Abedin email discovery disclosure he made Friday.
The 4th Amendment Problems Presented by the Latest Clinton Snipe Hunt - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Bush White House Lost 22 Million Emails - Did you look in the couch? (Dick Cheney with his finger on the delete key 22,000,000 times)
Clinton's critics know she's guilty, they're just trying to decide what she's guilty of - Network news has devoted more minutes of coverage to Clinton's emails than to all policy issues combined, even as email investigations have not uncovered any wrongdoing
Study Confirms Network Evening Newscasts Have Abandoned Policy Coverage For 2016 Campaign
Abedin tells colleagues she's in dark about new email trove Clinton aide said to be unsure how emails ended up in her husband's laptop, and what their significance could be. (so many pieces don't add up)
Hillary Clinton's Emailgate Is an Attack on Women (she emails too much)
Donald Trump's Companies Destroyed Emails in Defiance of Court Orders (half of America wants a fraudster-in-chief)
Donald Trump is refusing to pay his campaign pollster three-quarters of a million dollars - The Washington Post
Trump plugs Interstate 11, Nellis Air Force Base during Las Vegas rally - Las Vegas Sun News
The Incredibly Sexist Book Once Mysteriously Billed As Trump's Debut Novel
Reminder: Donald Trump due in court after Election Day on child rape and racketeering charges
The Girl From The Haunting 'Daisy' Ad Is Back, This Time To Warn Against Donald Trump | Huffington Post
In private, Burr quips about gun owners shooting Clinton - - Sen. Richard Burr privately mused over the weekend that gun owners may want to put a "bullseye" on Hillary Clinton, according to audio obtained by CNN.
Does Hillary Clinton Need More Republican Daddies In Her Administration? (SPOILER: LOL No.) - Lawyers, Guns & Money
CNN Parts Ways With Donna Brazile, a Hillary Clinton Supporter - The New York Times (but not Lewandosky)
Monmouth University - Young Catches Up to Bayh for Senate; Trump Widens Lead for President
Embatled Darrell Issa: 'I'd advise Clinton if she asked - On the cusp of losing his seat, the icon of partisan rancor is pitching himself to voters as a bipartisan figure. (temporary rebrand)
Colorado Lawmakers Want Arizona's Anti-Marijuana Campaign To Stop Misleading People About Their State | Huffington Post - As Arizona voters prepare to vote on legalization, an anti-drug group paints a bleak picture of life in a neighboring state - More than $138 million was distributed to the state's Department of Education
I Just Voted Early in Massachusetts. This Is What Happened.
Chicago school cancels 'Christian' haunted house that depicted Pulse nightclub massacre for Halloween : news (nothing to do with all the dead gay people)
Guys, why are you single? : AskReddit
Italy hit by strongest quake in 35 years, no deaths reported - The Washington Post
Doubts About the Promised Bounty of Genetically Modified Crops: genetic modification in the United States and Canada has not accelerated increases in crop yields or led to an overall reduction in the use of chemical pesticides. : science
- Fire, Film, Tweet: The Taliban's New Way of War ... The Taliban are making constant use of the American equipment they have captured from the Afghan forces, including the Humvee the fighter is driving. (if we'd only dropped money instead of bombs it would have been a lot cheaper and no dead people)
May declines to make extra commitments to take more Calais child refugees | World news | The Guardian - 1,500 asylum-seeking children left in Calais
The New Blue and Red: An Educational Split Is Replacing the Culture War - The New York Times (the real big sort: smart vs dumb)
To Flip the House, How Big Would a Clinton Victory Margin Need to Be? - The New York Times - House Democrats need to stretch that edge to around 55-45 percent to come within range of a majority - Of roughly three-dozen Republican-held seats where Democrats are within shouting distance, they'd have to win 30 of them
Fraud Claims in Philadelphia? They Add Up to Zero - The New York Times - In fact, there are predominantly black pockets in Philadelphia where no one wanted to vote for Mr. Romney. (yes, Rudy is a "moron")
Early Turnout Tilts Toward Democrats in Swing States - The New York Times (slightly)
- Post-ABC poll finds tight presidential race, with mixed reaction to FBI's review of Clinton's emails (which weren't even her emails, but whatevs)
Latest Upshot Poll Shows Trump With a Lead in Florida - The New York Times (Dumpster is surging in white America!)
Kansas GOP distributing extremely Islamophobic mailer - Republicans stoke fears just weeks after three Kansas men were arrested for plotting a terror attack against Muslims. "The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim" one of the suspects said
Harry Reid to FBI director Comey: "You may have broken the law" - Vox - Reid says the FBI has "explosive information" about Trump's ties to Russia - but it's sitting on it to help Trump win. (the email scandal is just a distraction)
FBI in Internal Feud Over Hillary Clinton Probe - WSJ - As federal agents prepare to scour roughly 650,000 emails (something doesn't add up)
On Clinton Emails, Did the F.B.I. Director Abuse His Power? - The New York Times (is he a Republican? +Hatch Act)
New FBI Announcement Could Throw Wrench Into Down-Ballot Races | Huffington Post - But no one really knows how revisiting the Clinton email investigation will affect other candidates on the ballot.
James Comey is damaging our democracy - The Washington Post (could he be one of Putin's puppets?
The Ridiculous Hackery of James Comey, Republican SUPERHACK - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Justice Dept. Strongly Discouraged Comey on Move in Clinton Email Case - The New York Times
FBI Director James Comey Defied Attorney General With Email Announcement | Huffington Post
Why FBI director James B. Comey was able to defy Justice bosses on Clinton email announcement - The Washington Post - officials said Comey put the department in an untenable position by informing them that he was sending a letter to Congress because he had an obligation to lawmakers or they would feel misled. (he thought he had them in a corner)
Here Are 3 Really, Really Simple Questions The FBI Needs To Answer Fast | Huffington Post - The Federal Bureau of Investigations has jumped into the election in a historic way. It has some questions to answer.
Tim Kaine Wants James Comey To Say If He's Even Seen New Emails | Huffington Post
Election Update: Four Ways Forward For Clinton After The FBI News | FiveThirtyEight
- Clinton aide Huma Abedin has told people she doesn't know how her emails wound up on her husband's computer
A Scandal Too Far? Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, and a Test of Loyalty - The New York Times
For Democrats, Anthony Weiner Makes an Unwelcome Return - The New York Times - "They knew he was a narcissist who was massively flawed and now we're all stuck with him"
Trump Attacks Clinton As Supporter Chants 'Jew S. A.' | Huffington Post
GOP braces for turmoil after Election Day - The Boston Globe
Nobody Cares About Policy, Part 80 Gazillion - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - 9 days to go. It feels like 9 million. Among other reasons, because 2016 has been a gigantic exercise is no one caring about policy one bit. That certainly has included the media. (network have spent half and hour covering policy issues - mostly terrorism - since the beginning of the year and why is everyone stupid?)
A Conveyor Belt of Dropouts and Debt at For-Profit Colleges - The New York Times (who could have predicted?)
Dakota Access pipeline protesters see bias after Oregon militia verdict | US news | The Guardian
Conspiracy charge, defendants' 'state of mind' proved hurdles in Ammon Bundy prosecution |
She used Indiana's 'religious freedom' law as a defense for beating her son, then got probation (see Pence)
The tragedy that Boston forgot - The Boston Globe
1916 trolley disaster: The 46 who perished - The Boston Globe
Leonard Cohen Makes It Darker - The New Yorker - At eighty-two, the troubadour has another album coming. Like him, it is obsessed with mortality, God-infused, and funny.
This new compound could help kill up to a quarter of all cancer types: "What makes S63845 so promising is that, in addition to cutting off cancer's life support system, it can be given at doses that don't harm normal cells, the team suggests." : science
No Difference in Behavioral Issues In Children Adopted By LGBT Parents When Compared To Children Adopted By Heterosexual Parents. : science
Teachers of Reddit, what's your most NSFW story involving students? (NSFW) : AskReddit
GWBlueBlueBlue comments on In the spirit of Halloween - Paranormal or not, what is the scariest, creepiest or most unsettling experience of your life?
Whats your best nursing ghost story? | allnurses
America, why do you need 18 months to figure out who to vote for and how are some of you still not decided? : AskReddit
What single question can you ask someone to find out a lot about their personality, beliefs, and values? : AskReddit
Russia loses seat on UN Human Rights Council by 2 votes -
The South Korean President has been under the control of a Shadow Cabal of 8 oligarchs : worldnews - The 8 Heavenly Fairies (all women)
Brazil saw more violent deaths than civil-war torn Syria in 2015, report says | The Independent
Income Inequality/Racial Inequality - Lawyers, Guns & Money (the system is rigged)
New Poll Puts Trump and Clinton in Dead Heat (the same IBT poll who had Trump up by 2 last week)
Clinton enjoys solid lead in early voting: Reuters/Ipsos poll | Reuters - leads Republican Donald Trump by 15 percentage points among early voters surveyed in the past two weeks
Clinton Leads Trump - And Obama And Reagan - In The Newspaper Endorsement Race | FiveThirtyEight
Hillary Clinton and the Populist Revolt - The New Yorker - The Democrats lost the white working class. The Republicans exploited them. Can Clinton win them back? - George Packer
Why Trump Stays Afloat - The New York Times - At his lowest point, Mr. Trump still had more support than George McGovern, who got the smallest percentage of the popular vote by a major party candidate in the postwar era in 1972, with 38 percent (why are polls stable? polarization) - In 2012, Mitt Romney came with the baggage of his party; in 2016, Mr. Trump is baggage personified ... In a Florida survey, 84 percent of Trump voters said that Mrs. Clinton should be in prison, and 40 percent said she was a demon. (no undecided voters left, seriously)
WikiLeaks Proves Clinton Adviser Neera Tanden Is a Hero
Emails Again, This Time With Anthony Weiner - The New York Times (with more dickpix!)
Funniest Tweets on the Clinton Email Investigation
The debate over FBI director James Comey's new Clinton email letter, explained - Vox
Anthony Weiner takes center stage in presidential race about men's sex lives | US news | The Guardian - Biden: "Oh God" - The 2016 election now faces the prospect of being defined by the sexual behaviour of three men: Trump, Weiner and Bill Clinton.
Anthony Weiner's Impact on the 2016 Election - Two days ago the media said it was a blowout. Now they'll say it's a horse race - OK, I've had it. Fire all the writers. This TV series called 2016 has jumped the shark at a sufficient altitude that it is now clearing the rings of Saturn - the story of the election takes another violent twist and we find that the world's greatest democracy has ended up (again) at Anthony Weiner's zipper. No kidding. Bloodbath in the Writer's Room. Nobody gets out alive ... the script on the 2016 race for the presidency is now being written by five acid casualties and a basset hound
Can This Please the End of Republican Daddies in Democratic Administrations? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Barack Obama, for reasons I've never understood, chose a Republican to be head of the FBI. His reward? James Comey - truly a hack in full - going over the heads of his bosses to send an letter to his Republican friends in Congress he had no obligation to send and contained no actual information but was worded in a way that insinuated that Hillary Clinton might have engaged in wrongdoing (Bush fired 8 US Attorneys to rig the system, Obama appointed partisan hedge-fund Republican to FBI: thanks, Barry, that really worked +who thought of that, Rahm?)
Barack Obama Picked James Comey To Head FBI For All The Wrong Reasons | Huffington Post - The FBI director was terrible way before Emailgate. - If Obama wanted to invoke novel legal theories to pursue mass surveillance, then Comey was a pretty solid bet. But another aspect of Comey's resume may also have comforted the Obama administration. In 2010, he took a job as the top lawyer at Bridgewater Associates, the largest hedge fund in the world ... In early 2013, he briefly accepted a post on the board of scandal-plagued British bank HSBC, which he gave up for the FBI job. (yeah, those are really good reasons)
Hillary Clinton's Emails: The Real Reason the FBI Is Reviewing More of Them - The truth is much less explosive. There is no indication the emails in question were withheld by Clinton during the investigation, the law enforcement official told Newsweek, nor does the discovery suggest she did anything illegal. Also, none of the emails were to or from Clinton
Latest CLINTON SCANDAL Has Nothing to do With Clinton - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Weiner is a walking disaster and a total creep)
Hillary Clinton Demands FBI Release Any Information It Has On New Email Investigation | Huffington Post
Heat Rises For FBI Director James Comey As Both Campaigns Demand Email Answers | Huffington Post - Top aides to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump called on the FBI to come clean with voters.
News Outlets Dial Back Reports Of FBI 'Reopening' Hillary Clinton Email Case | Huffington Post - A Republican congressman tweeted "case reopened" and many in the media followed.
Why the Weiner emails won't matter - Tribalism reigns.
James Comey Broke with Loretta Lynch and Justice Department Tradition - The New Yorker - By Jane Mayer
News Outlets Dial Back Reports Of FBI 'Reopening' Hillary Clinton Email Case | Huffington Post - A Republican congressman tweeted "case reopened" and many in the media followed.
F.B.I. Chief James Comey Is in Political Crossfire Again Over Emails - The New York Times
The damage Comey's bad timing could do
Callan: It's time for FBI director Comey to go -
Former DOJ spokesman blasts Comey after email letter - POLITICO
Read the letter Comey sent to FBI employees explaining his controversial decision on the Clinton email investigation - The Washington Post
- Justice officials warned FBI that Comey's decision to update Congress was not consistent with department policy
FBI Director James B. Comey under fire for his controversial decision on the Clinton email inquiry - The Washington Post
Hillary Clinton's Emails: The Real Reason the FBI Is Reviewing More of Them -
- Five takeaways from Comey's October Surprise
Donald Trump Is Fulfilling His Destiny with 10 Days Left - Things are getting Biblical - He has his seven-headed beast (the current administration), his whore of Babylon (guess), and his four horsemen (immigration, crime, Isis, and Obamacare). They have all followed with him, as the old book puts it. But now, at the end of the campaign, he's is finishing his Revelation. He is selling them the walls of jasper and pounded gold, the place of eternal life and living water, his own New Jerusalem, undoubtedly with a large white grand piano in the lobby.
The Final Days of Trump's Unprecedented Campaign - Gabriel Sherman - Jared Kushner is building a proprietary database of some 14 million email addresses and credit-card numbers of Trump supporters.
Trump lawyers given court date over lawsuit alleging rape of 13-year-old | US news | The Guardian - Counsel for Jeffrey Epstein, associate of Prince Andrew convicted of underage sex crimes in Florida in 2008, also ordered to appear for December civil hearing
The latest Trump tape accidentally explains rape culture in less than 3 minutes - Vox (half of America will vote for this turd)
Voter fraud suspect arrested in Des Moines - Rote, a registered Republican, reportedly cast an early voting ballot at the Polk County Election Office, 120 Second Ave., and another ballot at a county satellite voting location in Des Moines, according to a Des Moines police report.
Virginia Paper Endorses Pat McCrory Because HB 2 Is Sending Them Jobs | Huffington Post - This may be the finest example of trolling of the entire election cycle - North Carolina has already lost at least $395 million to HB 2, according to a tally by Wired. That doesn't include the $250 million and 730 jobs the state lost this week when CoStar Group, a real estate research firm, announced it chose Richmond, Virginia, for a major expansion instead of Charlotte, North Carolina, because of the law
Eschaton - Surely The Commission Can Invent the Technology - "Both rural legislators and voters understand: Minnesota can't afford to waste billions to build an already-obsolete 19th-century rail system - not when we're suddenly but obviously at the beginning of a 21st-century transportation revolution. That involves automated, on-demand vehicles. (shills for Uber: see China's "19th Century" 300 mph trains)
Baker City man bounced from Oregon standoff jury calls fellow juror's note 'a personal attack' |
'I was left speechless': Bob Dylan breaks two-week silence over Nobel prize | Music | The Guardian - The news about the Nobel prize left me speechless
- Dylan Does What He Wants. That's the Way This Whole Thing Goes. (Dylan bein' Dylan)
A graphic history of sex: There is no gene that drives sexuality. All sexuality is learned
Countering the anti-pot hysterics with a yes on Question 4 - Most of the same politicians who now oppose legalization opposed medical marijuana too. Ditto, shamefully, the Massachusetts Medical Society. (and the Catholic Archbisop)
Archdiocese to spend $850,000 against marijuana legalization - The Boston Globe - contribution represents about a 50 percent increase over what the antimarijuana Campaign for a Safe and Healthy Massachusetts has collected so far
Further proof that home-buying is increasingly for the wealthy - The Washington Post - A recent trend in home construction points to growing polarization in the market, as more new homes come with three-car garages than ever before.
Will the sentient robots of the future ally with men or women, MGTOW wonders :: We Hunted The Mammoth
What are some of the "unspoken rules of sex"? : AskReddit
In a rhyme, how would you best describe your sex life? : AskReddit
RamsesThePigeon comments on What do you wish your sex ed classes had actually taught you?
NoxWild comments on Redditors who have cared for parents with cancer, what food items have your parents been able to tolerate when they aren't feeling well?
PacSan300 comments on What have you learned from reddit?
The Internet of Things Is Growing Faster Than the Ability to Defend It - Scientific American (security was never a thought, let alone priority)
Inside the secret meeting that changed the fate of Vine forever | Mic (see 1600 Vine St and Logan Paul)
Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal doomed, ex-PM Brian Mulroney predicts - Politics - CBC News - because of hostility in the U.S. Congress and widespread antipathy to trade initiatives in general.
A Dangerous Standoff in Venezuela - The New York Times - The effort to oust President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela through a referendum was always a long shot. But it represented the best hope of ending an era of authoritarian rule and epic economic mismanagement through peaceful, constitutional means. (bus driver takin' his bus over the cliff)
when_the_tide_comes comments on How serious is the scandal surrounding South Korean President Park geun-hye?
Pentagon Spent $58 Billion on Weaponry It Ended Up Canceling - Bloomberg (58bn here, 58bn there)
When CIA and NSA Workers Blow the Whistle, Congress Plays Deaf - We now live in a country where the committees charged with reining in excessive domestic spying instead too often act as apologists and attack dogs for the agencies they are charged with regulating (war on terra)
How did one contractor steal 50TB of NSA data? Easily, say former spies | ZDNet -
Snowden: 'Journalists Are a Threatened Class' in Era of Mass Surveillance | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
Hillary Clinton Leads by 7 Points in Pennsylvania Poll - The New York Times - Pat Toomey trails the Democratic challenger Katie McGinty by three points
Clinton lead shrinks, even as nearly 6 in 10 expect her to win, Post-ABC tracking poll finds - The Washington Post (Dumpster surging)
New Electoral College Ratings: Texas and North Carolina Shift in Clinton's Favor
Professor who's predicted 30 years of presidential elections correctly is doubling down on a Trump win (13 keys)
What's the matter with Silver? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (bullish on Trump)
Hillary Clinton Will Be the Next President of the United States - Lawyers, Guns & Money
October surprise: FBI opens new Clinton email investigation | TheHill (something about Weiner's dick?)
Computer seized in Weiner probe prompts FBI to take new steps in Clinton email inquiry - The Washington Post (so Huma was using the same computer Tony was sending his dick pics from, what could go wrong?)
FBI Says It Will Investigate New Hillary Clinton Emails - NBC News
Hillary Clinton Hints at a Health Care Takeover to Keep Obamacare Alive | The Fiscal Times - premium subsidies in 2016 would come to $43 billion, or about $4,240 per subsidized enrollee. A 25 percent increase in premiums would increase that cost to $5,525 for 2017 if the out-of-pocket deductible remains $75, a 30.3 percent increase.
Obamacare Hits a Pothole - The New York Times
President Obama Grants Another 98 Commutations in the Month of October | (his deportations dawrf his commutations)
Republicans at war over Supreme Court - POLITICO - Senate Republicans are girding for a brutal conflict over how to handle the lingering Supreme Court vacancy.
Clinton eyes Biden for secretary of state - politico
Liberals are preparing blacklists of appointees they want Clinton to avoid - The Washington Post
Former Miss Finland becomes 12th woman to accuse Trump of sexual assault (Groper-in-Chief)
Facing potential loss, Trump expands the list of conspirators plotting against him - The Washington Post
Once again, Donald Trump embraces conspiracy theories to undercut the results of the election - The Washington Post - Also: This is Texas. Gregg County, where one report came in, backed Mitt Romney by 40 points in 2012. The idea is that the Republican leadership in the state or in that county is rigging the vote on behalf of Hillary Clinton? Is that it?
Donald Trump believes the United States can get $1 trillion in new roads - for free - The Washington Post - advisers have embraced a modified version of a theory some liberal economists have been pushing for years: that at a time of very low interest rates, increased federal spending on roads and bridges would actually pay for itself.
Want to save the Republican Party? Drain the right-wing media swamp. - The Washington Post - If Republicans truly want to save the Republican Party, they need to go to war with right-wing media. That is, they need to dismantle the media machine persuading their base to believe completely bonkers, bigoted garbage (
Washington Monthly | The Republican Waterloo - Republicans made a fateful choice back then to tie their prospects to a medium addicted to rage and the conspiracy theories that fuel it. That came back to haunt them with the candidacy of Donald Trump. Now they find themselves between a rock and a hard place.
- We Are in for a Pretty Long Civil War - In back rooms and think tanks, Republicans are already mourning their party-and plotting the fight over who's going to be in it after Trump.
The Great Democratic Inversion - The New York Times - From the 1930s into the 1980s and early 1990s, majorities of downscale whites voted Democratic and upscale whites voted Republican. Now, looking at combined male and female vote totals, the opposite is true.
5 Points On How Allies Funneled Money To Clinton Foundation
Florida Man Starts To Flag
FL Voting worker, a 74 year old temp, arrested Friday for marking blank ballots with a pen she had hidden in her purse : news - The illegal votes were cast in favor of Miami mayoral candidate Raquel Regalado, a Republican. It's not known how many illegal votes were cast.
GOP Sen. Kirk Mocks Mixed-Race Heritage Of Dem Opponent Duckworth (the face of a real asshole)
- Sen. Mark Kirk questions opponent's American heritage in Illinois debate
The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman - The New York Times - S.E.Cupp (hahaha, go ahead, fuck yourself)
Harassed On Twitter: 'People Need To Know The Reality Of What It's Like Out There' : NPR - GROSS: So this was all because you criticized Ann Coulter?
Christie's lieutenant governor goes rogue (sweet)
Oregon standoff defendants found not guilty in 'unbelievable, truly astonishing' verdict |
The verdict for those armed militants who took over a federal building is white privilege in action - Vox - They armed themselves and took over a wildlife refuge in Oregon. They were found not guilty.
Oregon standoff: As trial ends, defense lawyer stunned with Taser by U.S. Marshals in courtroom : news
- Will acquittal of Oregon refuge occupiers embolden extremists, militias?
Jury awards $7.3 million to Penn State whistleblower in Sandusky scandal | Reuters - to a former Penn State University assistant football coach who said the school retaliated by firing him after he implicated Jerry Sandusky as a molester of young boys.
Is Modern Feminism Incompatible with Science? | American Council on Science and Health - "knowledge itself is considered a patriarchal construct." (girly brains)
Five myths about the Salem witch trials - The Washington Post
The day Doctor Who changed face - and transformed TV for ever | Television & radio | The Guardian
Swifts spend ten months a year entirely airborne, study reveals | Environment | The Guardian - wifts eat and sleep in the sky, as some birds did not land at all during their migratory period
Think cranberry juice guards against urinary tract infections? Think again. - The Washington Post
Tesla Powerpack 2 has twice the energy density, began shipping in September : technology
Trying LSD (Acid) | Drugslab : videos
Lonely men are increasingly 'talking dirty' to virtual assistants like Siri and Cortana : technology
We Built a Fake Web Toaster to Tempt the Mirai Botnet. It Was Hacked in an Hour. : technology
What's the dumbest reason you had to go to the hospital? : AskReddit
In light of the apple event, Steve Jobs talking about Xerox is eerily accurate. : videos
Steve BlankWhy Tim Cook is Steve Ballmer and Why He Still Has His Job at Apple
?? Pure Imagination (Surface Studio cover) | Stephanie Tarling
As Expected, FCC Passes Modest Privacy Rules For Broadband Providers, ISPs Act Like World Has Ended | Techdirt
Sixth mass extinction? Two-thirds of wildlife could be gone by 2020 - (humans are death-bringers)
The spy who couldn't spell - how the biggest heist in the history of US espionage was foiled
Dakota Access Pipeline Standoff Lapses Into Violence | Huffington Post
Adoptee Adam Crapser Denied Relief, Expected To Be Deported - NBC News - Crapser - who is the father of three young U.S. citizens - was adopted from Korea at age three, but because his adoptive parents never applied for naturalization, is one of an estimated 35,000 intercountry adoptees who do not have U.S. citizenship and who can be deported to their country of birth for various minor crimes (thanks, Pres Deporter-in-Chief)
- Naomi Klein and Glenn Greenwald Tackle Ethics of WikiLeaks' Podesta Emails
I Missed the Memo Telling the Left That We Now Support the Widespread Invasion of Privacy - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Yglesias completely owned Greenwald here:
In U.S., Support for Assault Weapons Ban at Record Low | Gallup - 36% favor a ban on assault rifles, down from 44% four years ago
Eschaton: No Big Woop - Entire elections (and all punditry) can revolve around the tax rates of the 1% who can most afford them, but suggest that it might be important that 3% of the population has to deal with the Obamacare exchanges...
I Waited 96 Years! Women Voting for Hillary Clinton - Born Before the 19th Amendment
UT/TT Poll: In Texas, Trump holding narrow lead over Clinton | The Texas Tribune - Donald Trump and Mike Pence held a 45-42 lead over Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine
Clinton nearly doubles lead over Trump in latest CNBC survey - With only a dozen days to go before the election, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has ratcheted up her lead over Republican nominee Donald Trump to 9 points
Clinton leads by 6 points, Post-ABC tracking poll finds - The Washington Post
- California poll: Trump's numbers dropping into 'uncharted territory' - Less than two weeks before Election Day, Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris have commanding leads and propositions to legalize marijuana and levy a $2-per-pack tax increase on cigarettes appear heading for approval.
Cruz says there's precedent for keeping ninth Supreme Court seat empty
Harry Reid Warns Of 'Constitutional Crisis' If Democrats Don't Win Back The Senate | Huffington Post - Senate Republicans have suggested that they will continue to leave a Supreme Court seat vacant if Hillary Clinton is elected president.
Young Scholar, Now Lawyer, Says Clarence Thomas Groped Her in 1999 | - The anticipation of meeting a U.S. Supreme Court justice for the first time turned to shock and distress for a young Truman Foundation scholar in 1999
Speaking out - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Jason Chaffetz blows it - The Washington Post (witch-hunt starts on day 1)
Great Republican Men of Principle, An Ongoing Series - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Utah Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz is openly excited for Hillary Clinton to get elected, because he plans to spend years badgering her with bullshit congressional hearings. But he also wants you to know that he plans to vote for Donald Trump, despite showily unendorsing him over Trump's plain and explicitly stated fondness for grabbing women by their pussies. Values are overrated.
Donald Trump Still Won't Say If He'll Accept Election Results | Huffington Post - "Don't worry about it."
Some Donald Trump Backers Call for Revolution if Hillary Clinton Wins - The New York Times (that'll be fun : "From deplorable to despicable to certifiable, Trump's treasonous terrorist minions")
Inside the Trump Bunker, With 12 Days to Go - Bloomberg - Win or lose, the Republican candidate and his inner circle have built a direct marketing operation that could power a TV network-or finish off the GOP. "We have three major voter suppression operations under way" (Bill's Dick! Superpredators! Facebook!)
Trump, facing likely defeat, tries to salvage his business interests. It may be too late. - The Washington Post
This Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Trump Campaign Is Terrifying - They admitted they don't want black people to vote
Anderson Cooper Smacks Down Newt Gingrich Over Megyn Kelly Sex Claims | Huffington Post - This is a guy who is, what, on his third marriage, cheated on his first two wives, and was having an affair while he was impeaching Bill Clinton.
Jill Stein's Ideology Says One Thing-Her Investment Portfolio Says Another (consistency has never been her thing)
Wall Street and Teacher Pensions: What Could Go Wrong? - This week in the laboratories of democracy. (using public school teachers' pensions to fund charter lobbying +no-fly zones in North Dakota but not Syria)
Pitch to voters rises on charter schools - Worcester Telegram
- Behind the retreat of the Koch brothers' operation
Gov. Sam Brownback's hidden reports reveal a Kansas economy in the dumps
The Kansas Economy: Three Pictures | Econbrowser (edges out Alaska for worst economy in the entire country, the Brownback/KochBros Trickle-Down Miracle)
The Kansas Economic Miracle - Lawyers, Guns & Money
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio's struggle to survive explains why Trump may lose Arizona
Another parent's overdose, another child in the back seat: A 'New Norm? for drug users?
Bundy Brothers Acquitted in Takeover of Oregon Wildlife Refuge - The New York Times
Oregon standoff: All defendants found not guilty |
Oregon Standoff Leaders Acquitted For Malheur Wildlife Refuge Takeover | Huffington Post - A scuffle broke out in court after the defendants were acquitted for the armed takeover of a U.S. wildlife refuge.
Mike Benner on Twitter: "ALSO - Ammon Bundy's attorney fought with judge, agents moved in & tackled attorney, media rushed out of court, I've never seen that before!"
Jury finds all Oregon standoff defendants not guilty of federal conspiracy, gun charges |
The FCC just passed sweeping new rules to protect your online privacy - The Washington Post
Greenland Is Melting - The New Yorker - riggering feedback loops that accelerate the global crisis. The floodgates may already be open.
Second, stronger earthquake strikes Italy - - Tremors felt in Rome
US and allies prepare to take Raqqa from Isis as battle for Mosul continues | US news | The Guardian
How the Islamic State is using scorched earth tactics as it retreats - Washington Post
10 new wars that could be unleashed as a result of the one against ISIS - The Washington Post
75 years of major refugee crises around the world - Washington Post
Russian warships to bypass Spanish refueling port, as NATO pledges to bolster its defenses - The Washington Post
Iran's top Quran reciter to face court over child rapes, "threatened to leak the names of 100 of Iran's high profile officials also implicated in raping and molesting children"
This Could Be The Beginning Of The End Of The Supreme Court As We Know It | Huffington Post - Conservatives lay the groundwork for blocking all of Hillary Clinton's nominees - The Senate is fully within its powers to let the Supreme Court die out, literally. (kill the third branch muhahah, they've gone full psychopath)
To work as intended, Obamacare needs a bigger, more unpopular mandate - Vox (another Obama designed to fail)
Mike Drucker on Twitter: "Can't believe the latest #Wikileaks release. Hillary is DONE!"
Seeking Common Ground with 'Deporable' Trump Voters is Both Wrong and a Major Waste of Time - This is about 40 percent of the voting public believing, in some cases as a matter of providence, that this unapologetically malevolent circus peanut, with all of his childish outbursts and catastrophically unpredictable psychoses, is the most qualified American to hold the office. It's a staggeringly bizarre point-of-view revealing a deep sickness among nearly half of all voters. ("common ground" with evil)
Indiana officials are trying to block almost 45,000 black citizens from voting - Police raided the largest voter registration drive in the state with the lowest voter turnout in the country.
This Is What Actual Voter Suppression Looks Like, And It's Appalling | Huffington Post - In one county, a reduction in polling places has helped cut early voting by 85 percent.
Trump Loyalists Planned Voter Intimidation Using Fake ID Badges, Fake Exit Polling -- Until HuffPost Asked Them About It | Huffington Post
Hillary Clinton Is Spending Election Night In A Room With A Literal Glass Ceiling | Huffington Post - the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York, which has a literal glass ceiling:
Florida Poll - Bloomberg Politics - In the U.S. Senate race, Republican incumbent Marco Rubio leads by 10 percentage points.
Let Us Dispel With This Fiction That Marco Rubio Is Unbeatable - Lawyers, Guns & Money : "I understand it's not chuck Schumer's job to worry about presidential politics, but we're all going to look a little dumb if Rubio wins by 80,000 votes and announces for president in two years." (true, but he could get 2 senators for the price of Rubio)
Evan Bayh damaged, but not yet defeated by Republican hammering - The Washington Post ("yet")
- House Republicans are already preparing for 'years' of investigations of Clinton (Benghazi!!)
Republicans Plan to Break the Government Again After Trump Loses - how he's going to faux-investigate a Clinton administration into oblivion.
Panicking GOP makes major last-minute Senate investment - politico (Yertel pretends everything is ok)
Trump's Surrogates Have Entered the 7th Circle of Crazy - Gingrich, Hannity, Jones & Co. have left the rails far behind ... A new symbol for the Grand Old Party: Not just an elephant, but the biggest, grandest, oldest whitest white elephant there absolutely ever was.
Donald Trump Allies Focus Anger on Another Target: G.O.P. Leaders - The New York Times
Election 2016: Donald Trump campaign turns infomercial - POLITICO - Two weeks out and Trump shifts his focus back to his real job - real estate.
Images from the Trump cartoon that never happened | Fusion
Trump stops holding high-dollar fundraisers that were raising big cash for the GOP - The Washington Post
Trump's Got A New Hotel Venture, But You Didn't Hear About It From Him | Huffington Post (Trump de Dump)
Inside Trump's Runner-Up White House: A Glitzy, Empty Hotel on Pennsylvania Ave.
Donald Trump's D.C. Hotel Shows His Brand Is Sinking Along With His Poll Numbers
Yooooge. Classy. The Best. - Lawyers, Guns & Money
- Donald Trump Has a Huge Conflict of Interest That No One's Talking About (DC hotel scam)
Washington Monthly | How to Make Conservatism Great Again - To save their party from Trumpism, Republicans need to once again take on monopolists. (ain't gonna happen)
- WATCH: Furious Charles Blow explodes on Corey Lewandowski after being called a 'hypocrite'
Three People Have Now Testified That Cuomo Knew About Bridgegate | Village Voice (what a lying piece of shit)
Chris Christie Is Over - Chris Christie's Career Has Quietly Ended as Trump has Imploded - The Atlantic - Trump's greatest gift to the GOP may be the distraction he's provided from other party meltdowns. (fat bully fuck is toast, hopefully will go to jail)
Eschaton: I Guess The Press Will Need A New Mancrush - the one-time rising Republican star ... Chrisie's is a fall of epic proportions, precipitated by an unfathomably petty revenge plot. The contrast of the two, the top-heavy-ness of the fallout compared to the insignificance of the initial transgression, would be comic, were it not so tragic. Remember that in November of 2012, Governor Christie had a 72 percent approval rating. Today, it stands at 21 percent. (only Rethugs get the "rising star" treatment)
The Trials of Sheriff Joe Arpaio - The Atlantic - Joe Arpaio has reigned as Sheriff of Arizona's largest county, Maricopa, since 1993, when Latinos made up less than a fifth of the state's population (speaking of assholes going down)
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio officially charged with criminal contempt
The white flight of Derek Black - The Washington Post
Struggling for an Emmett Till Memorial That Withstands Gunshots - The New York Times - ... mutilated body was pulled from the Tallahatchie River in the summer of 1955. For eight years, the sign has been riddled with bullet holes. (it's what they are)
Sean Hannity Offers To Send Obamas To Canada, Kenya Or Indonesia -- If They Don't Come Back | Huffington Post
Why North Carolina asked PayPal to return a wooden bowl after House Bill 2 fallout | The Charlotte Observer
Sean Hannity gives Megyn Kelly another reason to leave Fox News - The Washington Post (bail, Megyn, you can't stay anymore)
The mainstreaming of racism on Fox News - The Washington Post
Police: Ten police officers fired weapons in Md. incident that killed fugitive couple - The Washington Post (firing squad)
Senior Md. corrections investigators out of jobs following internal affairs probe - The Washington Post - two senior Corrections Department employees who helped in the probe say they have been fired.
In pop culture, there are no bad police shootings | The Washington Post
Santa Ana to pay marijuana dispensary $100,000 after video appears to back police harassment claims : news - the three officers in question made a combined $567,000+ in pay and benefits in 2015. The city paid nearly 200k a piece to shake people down... that 100 grand doesn't sound like so much, now.
I Went Undercover With a Border Militia. Here's What I Saw. | Mother Jones
- Dozens come forward in University of Wisconsin sex assault case, 'stalking list' seized
Brigham Young University announces new amnesty policy for sexual assault victims - The Washington Post - Students who report being sexually assaulted at Brigham Young University will no longer face the possibility of punishment for honor code violations (to make sure they don't report sexual assault)
- Teaching evolution in the South: an educator on the"war for science literacy" - people in the South are 84 percent less likely than their counterparts in other parts of the country to learn about evolution ... they can't teach it where they are because they will get fired (stupid will stupid and thinking is hard - idiotopia)
The Meaning of Bob Dylan's Silence
Mythology of 'Patient Zero' and how AIDS virus traveled to the United States is all wrong ... The pandemic virus ultimately comes from nonhuman primates, probably circulating in sub-Saharan Africa for probably 100 years at this time point today ... The lineage of the virus we're talking about in this paper, so-called subtype B of HIV-1 group M, is just one of many branches on that evolutionary tree
Study finds when and where HIV arrived in the U.S., and clears the name of 'Patient 0' : science
Hey, it's Reddit's totally politically neutral CEO here to provide updates and dodge questions.
TIL that US president Cleveland developed a close relationship with his friend's baby daughter. When his friend died, a court appointed him to administer the estate, making him closer to the then 11 y.o. girl. When she graduated university at 21, Cleveland (49 y.o.) married her while President. : todayilearned
What was the MOST computer illiterate moment you've seen? : AskReddit
What did you find out about your wife/husband only after you got married? : AskReddit
Wife wins $1 million while trying to show husband lottery tickets are a waste of money : news
Why Google Fiber is no longer rolling out to new cities - The Washington Post
Microsoft Announces iMac Competitor: Surface Studio : apple
Bash on Ubuntu on Windows - About
Climate Change Is Creating Vast Deserts
The incredible rise of China and India, in two GIFs - The Washington Post
U.N. Shelves Plan To Evacuate Patients From Aleppo | Huffington Post - government doesn't allow relief and medical supplies into the eastern part of the city.
AT&T Is Spying on Americans for Profit - The Daily Beast - The telecom giant is doing NSA-style work for law enforcement-without a warrant-and earning millions of dollars a year from taxpayers.
Obama Hits The Trail For Hillary Clinton -- And To Cement His Legacy For Generations | Huffington Post - "winning three elections in a row can shift the tectonic plates of the political debate towards the left"
The Right Is Giving Up on Democracy | New Republic - It's not just Donald Trump and his fans who think the system is rigged. Roughly 70 percent of Republican voters believe that if Hillary Clinton wins the election, it'll be due to fraud ... only half said they'd accept a Clinton victory ... Richard John Neuhaus ... the disappearance of a god-fearing nation built on Judeo-Christian values ... Bill Clinton "probably a rapist"
Election Update: Why Our Model Is More Bullish Than Others On Trump | FiveThirtyEight
Senate Democrats Poised to Pick Up 5-7 Seats
Clinton Leads By Eight Points In Siena/NYT Upshot North Carolina Poll
Poll: Republican Party Fractured As Hillary Clinton Maintains Solid Lead - NBC News
Election 2016: Florida spirals away from Donald Trump - POLITICO - With the GOP nominee trailing in poll after poll and lacking a ground game, a low turnout may be Trump's only hope of carrying the state (there goes Flubio, also)
Trump Is Losing Ground in the Reddest of Swing States
- Trump Says Polls Showing Clinton Winning Are 'Phony" - His Argument Is Ludicrous - latest effort to turn an eight-year-old email about a totally noncontroversial polling practice into proof of an ongoing Democratic conspiracy is so blatantly cynical that it bespeaks contempt for the mogul's followers. (neither can think)
How will Trump supporters react if he loses? - The Washington Post (49% of ReThugs don't believe in elections unless they win)
Obama Was Right About Republican Extremism All Along | New Republic
Trump's mixed-up version of the latest Hillary Clinton email controversy - Trump seized on a Wall Street Journal article about donations made by Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a close Clinton ally, to suggest again that Clinton escaped prosecution over her private email server because of malfeasance by the FBI. (time, how does it work?)
House wave still looking more like a ripple for Democrats - The Washington Post - Two weeks can be a lifetime in politics, but it remains unlikely that Democrats will win back the House. There simply are too few takeover opportunities for them. On the other hand, the size of the Republican majority is sure to be cut, making for an obvious headache for House leaders next year. GOP losses of 12 to 20 seats would not be surprising.
The 282 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List - The New York Times
Exclusive investigation: Donald Trump faces foreign donor fundraising scandal
What Drives Donald Trump? Fear of Losing Status, Tapes Show - The New York Times
- Fearing Trump, Bar Association Stifles Report Calling Him a 'Libel Bully'
The New Republican Platform: Sue Everyone - Trump Threatens Lawsuit, So Do Republicans Linked to Trump - This is an amazing feat of self-refutation - Let's run away from research that proves El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago is a media bully because he might prove once again what a media bully he is.
Trump's Donors Paid For His Jetliner, His Hotels And Now, His Books Nearly $300,000 of small donations went to 'Art of the Deal' publisher
Glenn Beck Says Trump Is A 'Frightening' Sociopath | Huffington Post
Deepak Chopra Breaks Down Everything That's Spiritually Wrong With Donald Trump | Huffington Post - "He thinks with his penis" (which isn't that big) "incapable of moving beyond the emotional development of a 3-year-old"
Donald Trump Has Irrevocably Changed How We Will Grade Our Presidential Candidates | Huffington Post - he will have fundamentally moved the Overton Window for what qualifies as scandalous behavior for a presidential candidate.
GOP Senator Really Doesn't Want To Talk About Donald Trump | Huffington Post - Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.)
Clarence Thomas's Twenty-Five Years Without Footprints (an empty, evil, man)
Justice Dept. Shakes Up Inquiry Into Eric Garner Chokehold Case - The New York Times - The Justice Department has replaced the New York team of agents and lawyers investigating the death of Eric Garner, officials said, a highly unusual shake-up that could jump-start the long-stalled case and put the government back on track to seek criminal charges.
One juror questions impartiality of another juror during deliberations in Oregon standoff case |
New York Giants Release Josh Brown Amid Horrifying Abuse Revelations | Huffington Post - The placekicker admitted in 2015 to physically and emotionally abusing his then wife. (but Brady is a crook)
Big debate about Shakespeare finally settled by big data: Marlowe gets his due - The Washington Post
Scientists Have Made a Major Breakthrough in Developing Male Birth Control : news
What was the biggest roast in history? : AskReddit
Girls of Reddit, what signs should a guy pick up on that you like them? : AskReddit
Apple just had its first annual revenue decline since 2001 : technology
CO2 levels mark 'new era' in the world's changing climate - BBC News
Enterprise's Seaway Crude pipeline system shut after Cushing, Oklahoma spill - - A leak late on Sunday prompted Enterprise Products Partners to shut its Seaway Crude Pipeline system, the largest conduit for moving oil from the major storage hub in Cushing, Oklahoma to Gulf coast refineries.
China is working on a new maglev train that can reach 600 km/h, going from Shanghai to Beijing in 2 hours : worldnews
Venezuelan Congress Declares That President Maduro Has Staged a Coup : worldnews
Philippines senator calls for Duterte to face crimes against humanity inquiry | World news | The Guardian - Leila de Lima tells the Guardian she fears for her own life after challenging president on a mission to wipe out drug dealers
Harry Reid's Parting Shot: Dems Will Nuke The Filibuster For SCOTUS
The Filibuster For Supreme Court Nominees Will Not Survive a Democratic Senate
Obama endorses all the way down ballot - politico
Obama Turns Focus On Senate Races As He Campaigns For Clinton | Huffington Post - Democrats desperately want to get back control of the Republican-controlled Senate.
Eschaton: Voter Fraud
The conservative media is a symptom of GOP troubles - Business Insider
Republicans Threaten Lawsuits Over TV Ads Linking Them To Donald Trump | Huffington Post - Saying a candidate supports Trump is basically defamation, they argue. (then they defamed themselves, didn't they)
It will take conservatives a lot of work to clean up after Trump. We should start now. - The Washington Post
- Anger unleashed: On the trail in Trump's America (stupid and angry white people)
Inside Donald Trump's One-Stop Parties: Attendees Recall Cocaine and Very Young Models
- Very bad analysis of a 2008 email is Donald Trump's new excuse for why he's losing (knowledge is hard - "oversampling")
We're in the Universal Derp Implosion
Oversampling Is the Latest Hotness in Trumpland | Mother Jones
No, Donald Trump Did Not Win A Medal From The NAACP | Huffington Post - The real story is much, much weirder. (he got the anti-immigrant medal, which was popular then)
No, Donald Trump Did Not Win A Medal From The NAACP | Huffington Post - Fugazy had plenty of support. New York Mayor Ed Koch, a Democrat, called the selections "idiotic" and announced plans to hand out his own awards
Donald Trump's Former Ghostwriter Slams GOP Nominee's '200-Word Vocabulary' | Huffington Post (why he repeats himself so much)
Yes, American Democracy Could Break Down - POLITICO Magazine - It might not be Trump, but our system is more vulnerable to a demagogue than you'd think.
Long Before Trump, There Was Ross Perot | FiveThirtyEight - If Donald Trump is the kind of Jesus of the disenchanted, displaced non-college white voter, then Perot was the John the Baptist of that sort of movement (Carville)
In the Land of Raw Firepower, a Feeling That Trump Is Out of Ammo - POLITICO Magazine - Machine gun enthusiasts gather to celebrate their beloved and embattled weapon. The prospect of losing White House and Senate gives them nothing to cheer about = at the Knob Creek Gun Range, the crowd of 8,500 began pressing forward against the fence that separated them from the objects of their fascination (KY)
Late polls show Dems gaining in governor races | TheHill - former Indiana House Speaker John Gregg (D) leading Lt. Gov. Eric Holcomb (R) by a 48 percent to 43 percent margin in the race to replace Republican Gov. Mike Pence,
The collapse of Evan Bayh - politico - a confident Bayh said in an interview with POLITICO after greeting volunteers at the Vanderburgh County Democratic headquarters in Evansville.
The sad, hypocritical retirement of Evan Bayh - The Washington Post - By Ezra Klein March 15, 2011
'The radical inside the system' - Tom Hayden, protester-turned-politician, dies at 76
Prominent Anti-War Activist And Member of Chicago 7 Tom Hayden Dead At 76
The man who invented the 60s - Lawyers, Guns & Money : In April, Hayden explained why he was switching his vote from Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton in the California Democratic primary.
How Post-Watergate Liberals Killed Their Populist Soul - The Atlantic - In the 1970s, a new wave of post-Watergate liberals stopped fighting monopoly power. The result is an increasingly dangerous political system.
- Would Progressive Economics Win Over Trump's White Working Class Voters? (no, that would take thought)
The Trouble With Anti-Antiracism | Jacobin (the anti-corporatists vs the anti-racists)
Adventures in Sexual Implicature - Crooked Timber (intraleft fighting)
TIL the consumption of fresh mango 45 minutes before inhaling cannabis will result in a faster onset and greater intensity of the psychoactive effects : todayilearned
Nicotine changes marijuana's effect on the brain -- ScienceDaily
/u/Yishan, former Reddit CEO, explains how internal Reddit admin politics actually functions. : bestof
What videogame was a 10/10 for you? : AskReddit
This complete psychopath is manipulating dozens of young men into committing degrading and publicly humiliating acts, with the ultimate goal being getting them to commit suicide. : videos
Girls of Reddit, what is something that guys may consider nice but is actually creepy to you? : AskReddit
Guys: What makes a girl "crazy?" : AskReddit
What super power would be super useful 30 years ago but completely useless today? : AskReddit
Why is the 1982 AT&T breakup considered one of the most successful spinoffs in history? | Investopedia
Japan Quake Map
Mosul offensive: Turkish and Kurdish forces launch attacks on Isis | World news | The Guardian - Offensive encircles strategic town of Bashiqa as Isis launches diversionary attack on Rutba
GPS has stopped working in central Moscow near the Kremlin, and nobody knows why : worldnews (something's going on)
China police detain person for spreading rumors of labor unrest | Reuters - a video purportedly showing a demonstration involving workers at Wuhan Iron and Steel (Wugang) (those videos are just rumors)
China wants to give all of its citizens a score - and their rating could affect every area of their lives: The Communist Party wants to encourage good behaviour by marking all its people using online data. Those who fall short will be denied basic freedoms like loans or travel : worldnews (reddit sees a problem)
WinsomeJesse comments on [WP] You live in a world where love and relationships have a "credit score". If you're a good SO it makes it higher, if you cheated on someone it's plummets. You just went on a date with someone and you're convinced they're perfect. You look up their score that night and it's -500 and tells you why.
kingofeggsandwiches comments on Brexit: leading banks set to pull out of UK early next year
Cannibals raped woman in sauna before chopping her up and serving her to party guests - The two men were sentenced to just 12 years in prison for the horrific crime (Siberia)
Man killed wife's father and sister to lure her to their funeral, then murdered her at the service : news (Texas)
Inside The Strange, Paranoid World Of Julian Assange - BuzzFeed News - The WikiLeaks founder is out to settle a score with Hillary Clinton and reassert himself as a player on the world stage, says BuzzFeed News special correspondent James Ball, who worked for Assange at WikiLeaks. (paranoid pawn of Putin)
Clinton Vaults to a Double-Digit Lead, Boosted by Broad Disapproval of Trump (poll) - ABC News (45% of Americans support the killer clown)
The Internals of the ABC Poll Could Be a Big Deal - The share of registered Republicans who are likely to vote is down 7 points since mid-October (do you really want to vote for a big loser?)
Election Update: Trump May Depress Republican Turnout, Spelling Disaster For The GOP | FiveThirtyEight - The nightmare scenario for the GOP is that high-information Republican voters, seeing Trump imploding and not necessarily having been happy with him as their nominee in the first place, feel free to cast a protest vote at the top of the ticket.
Trump Up 2 Points Nationwide, While Clinton Campaigns As If The Race Is Already Won - IBD/TIPP Poll | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD (Putin rag)
CBS News Battleground Tracker poll: Who won final presidential debate, Clinton or Trump? - CBS News
Buoyed by rising polls, Clinton shifts to a new target: the House and Senate - The Washington Post (well, the Senate, anyway)
Fox News Just Landed A Brutal, Clean Hit On Hillary Clinton's Campaign | Huffington Post - The campaign is having to answer for $12 million the Clinton Foundation received from the king of Morocco.
Morning Cartoon: Thursday, October 20th - The New Yorker
The Shame and the Glory - now seeing numerous examples across the country of extremely long lines and long waits to vote - especially in states which took steps since 2012 to make it harder to vote and vote early. North Carolina is one of the best examples of this ... All of these states are entirely capable of deploying the resources and allowing the time to make these lines disappear. It's not a lack of resource. It's a deliberate strategy. (vote them out)
A First: Clinton Attacks A Down-Ballot Republican - BuzzFeed News - Clinton took aim at Sen. Pat Toomey, who is locked in a tight race with Democrat Katie McGinty.
A Chance to Unseat Marco Rubio - The New York Times - Representative Patrick Murphy, a second-term congressman, is within striking distance of defeating Mr. Rubio
Texas becomes tossup, RealClearPolitics declares | TheHill
The New Yorker Endorses Hillary Clinton - The election of Hillary Clinton is an event that we would welcome for its historical importance, and greet with indescribable relief.
Daily News Editorial: Bury Trump in a Landslide - NY Daily News
Donald Trump Gets First Major Endorsement in Las Vegas - The New York Times - The Review-Journal was bought late last year by the casino magnate and billionaire Sheldon Adelson, a Trump supporter and longtime Republican benefactor (and hand of Satan)
Arizona Residents Call Trump's Wall A 'Waste Of Money' | Huffington Post (57% of AZ Rethugs think it's a great idea)
The time Donald Trump got groped - The Washington Post - Donald Trump: a victim of unceasing sexual harassment and assault.
How fascist is Donald Trump? - He does not dress his followers in ersatz military garb. Two Benitos.
Gay Republicans Explain Why They Are Proudly Supporting Donald Trump - ABC News (cf. Jenner - if they'll vote against their sexuality, they'll certainly vote against their economic interest)
Fox News pundit: 'Anyone voting for Hillary Clinton is aiding and abetting murder of homosexuals' - Brunell Donald-Kyei, the vice chair of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump
Trump attorneys seek to block testimony from Times columnist - LA Times - seeking to block Los Angeles Times consumer columnist David Lazarus from testifying in a class-action fraud case brought by former Trump University students.
- Donald Trump is killing Ivanka's business as women boycott her brand - and the stores that carry it
Curt Schilling Joins Breitbart - jump to Breitbart will give him a national platform as he prepares to challenge Elizabeth Warren for her Senate seat in 2018.
Curt Schilling's Trump rally attracts only 15 people (Photos) | - Around 15 people showed up to Curt Schilling's Trump rally on Saturday
Curt Schilling Finds Powerful Media Platform To Launch Sure-to-be-Successful Senate Run - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Schilling proclaimed that he beat real Indians when he was a pitcher, so surely he can beat a fake one now
TIL the custom of standing for the National Anthem was started by an Irish immigrant in 1893. : todayilearned (the wheel turns)
Cubs shut out Dodgers, advance to first World Series since 1945 : news
When T.R. Saw Lincoln - The New York Times
Letters of Note: Gentlemen, I just don't belong here - In 1987, multi-award winning author Ursula K. Le Guin was asked to supply a blurb for Synergy: New Science Fiction, Volume 1 ... "which not only contains no writing by women, but the tone of which is so self-contentedly, exclusively male, like a club, or a locker room."
Cheetah-Dog Friendship Isn't As Strange As It Sounds
- Like something out of a horror movie - Flesh-eating bacteria infection kills man in four days - Vibrio vulnificus
This woman (Miss Iceland) was recently told by the owner of Miss Grand International to lose weight. She did the sane thing and quit. : pics
SQUID_FUCKER comments on Jessica Jones Hires All Women Directors for Season 2
[Serious] Drivers of Reddit, what is a scary/weird/inexplicable thing you've seen/experienced while driving at night? : AskReddit
DOCTOR STRANGE review megathread : movies
IAmA trans woman who has medically transitioned, ask me your invasive questions! : IAmA
DoktorSoviet comments on TIL post war america was absolute shit.
People Like Netflix's Original Content More Than Its Other Content
Channel With 100,000 subs gets blackmailed into either paying $1000 or getting their channel falsely terminated from strikes. They didn't pay and now their channel's been shut down. : videos
Americans are more afraid of clowns than climate change, terrorism, and ... death - Vox
Pictures of two Egyptian children engaged to be married trigger outrage - once again - The Washington Post
The US told Ecuador to give Wikileaks 'an eviction notice,' according to intelligence officials : worldnews
Clinton camp preparing for possibility Trump won't concede
Republicans Could Lose The Senate Majority | Huffington Post - The most likely outcome is a 50-50 split. But with the Clinton-Kaine presidential ticket likely to win, it would become a Democratic majority. The flip was caused by new data in the Indiana race, moving it from a 50 percent chance for each candidate to a 99 percent likelihood of flipping toward the Democratic side.
Paul Ryan attacked Bernie Sanders. It backfired spectacularly. - Vox - If we lose the Senate, do you know who becomes chairman of the Senate budget committee?
Donald Trump Victory Would Send Stocks Plummeting 10 To 15 Percent | Huffington Post - Stock markets around the world are uncharacteristically averse to the Republican nominee. (no bigly, he'll make deals)
What is the long-term effect of Donald Trump? - The Washington Post - Has Trump transformed America, or simply revealed it? (let's go with revealed the worst part that were always there, but denied, plus Murdoch/Satan, FB and the Twitter and normalizing raw hatred and aggression)
Adult film actress accuses Trump of offering $10,000 to come alone to hotel suite - The Washington Post
Trump Uses Major Policy Speech To Threaten To Sue Sexual Assault Accusers | Huffington Post (and Mexico will "reimburse US for wall)
Trump in Gettysburg address: 'I look so forward' to suing female accusers | (comments)
Antiabortion activists face headwinds with Clinton leading and Trump stumbling on women's issues
Atlanta's GOP Women Are Poised To Help Hillary Clinton Run Up The Score
Early voting shows upsurge of women - POLITICO - In Georgia, North Carolina, and Florida, Democrats see uptick in women taking ballots as reason for optimism.
Hillary Clinton's 3 presidential debate performances left the Trump campaign in ruins - Vox
Donald Trump off-base in claim about Michelle Obama ad against Hillary Clinton | PolitiFact
Trump wants everything he's said during the campaign excluded from Trump University trial His lawyer argues it will unfairly malign his character
Eric Trump's Possible In-N-Out Lemonade Heist Has The Internet Going Crazy (for the pics)
Trump loyalists plan own exit poll amid claims of 'rigged' election | US news | The Guardian (making sure no off-white people voted)
Presidential Campaigning Involves Politics - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Berniebros outraged about leaked emails showing Clinton campaign practiced politics quite well)
Jessica Valenti on Twitter: "So I know conspiracy theories are a lot of fun, but misrepresenting people's work in this political climate has a dangerous impact" (MRA Berniebros have big meltdowns, call women "cunts")
JashSF on Twitter: "@JessicaValenti before he deletes his FB." - Daniel Barber (indelibly incribed on the internets)
Salma Hayek: I Denied Trump A Date, So He Planted A National Enquirer Story About My Height - BuzzFeed News (personality consumed with revenge)
A Front Group, a Lawsuit and a Private Investigator: How Trump Rigged the System to Delay Gambling in New York - WNYC
Trump Hotels Ditching Name for New Hotels | Travel + Leisure (no one wants to stay there haha)
Donald Trump presidential campaign key staff and advisors, 2016 - Ballotpedia (remember their names)
Indiana Officials Target A Black Voter Registration Drive On A Technicality | Huffington Post (the Republican Way: Lie, Cheat and Steal)
We The Tweeple - Compare Beyonci with NASCAR. Search the bios of 8 million Clinton and Trump Twitter followers.
Eschaton: The Third Rail - I never quite understand why on an issue as obviously popular as Social Security "making Fred Hiatt happy" was more important than "getting lots of people to vote for you" but that was where we were (reform Social Security!)
Eschaton: Petty Dictators - The big man is a small man.
Andrea Bernstein on Twitter: "BREAKING BRIDGEGATE 4 Kelly, in tears sez Christie threw a water bottle at her and said "What do you think I am a fucking game show host?"" - .@AndreaWNYC Ironically he's actually a game show host's manservant.
- Virginia sheriff says most people shot by cops are 'on the way to jail' anyway
Father gets 1,503 years in prison for raping teenage daughter, longest sentence in Fresno history : news - And that Montana judge gives some guy 6 months for banging his 12 year old....
Would you use time travel to kill baby Hitler? - YouTube
Why your daughter may never need to buy a tampon - The Washington Post
What could you do in the next 24 hours to fundamentally improve your life forever? : AskReddit
What are you in the mood to get in an argument about? : AskReddit
Skeptics of reddit - what is the one conspiracy theory that you believe to be true? : AskReddit
AT&T Reaches Agreement To Buy Time Warner: WSJ | Huffington Post - The colossal merger could reshape the media ecosystem - if regulators let it happen.
The Only Thing on Autopilot at Tesla Is the Hype Machine - Bloomberg View
A Journalistic Disgrace - Lawyers, Guns & Money : 4 debates, zero questions about climate change (but the deficit!)
Breathtaking Photos Reveal The Dangers Soldiers Face In Battle For Mosul, Iraq | Huffington Post - the biggest Iraqi battle since 2003.
It's official: Venezuela is a dictatorship
How Charges of Voter Fraud Became a Political Strategy - The New York Times (around the same time as lying in defense of slavery)
White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports> - Trump with a 43% to 41% lead over his Democratic rival. (but down from their last fake poll)
AJC poll: Trump and Clinton are deadlocked in Georgia | Political Insider blog (commenters are sure Trump will win, bigly)
Most states have no laws about guns in polling places. Some election officials think that could be a problem. - The Washington Post (just a few)
Washington Monthly | When Hillary Is a Better Politician than Barack Obama and Bill Clinton - when it comes to debates ... Captain Khan | Hillary Clinton - YouTube
This Khizr Khan ad for Hillary Clinton is incredibly powerful - The Washington Post
- New Humayun Khan Ad Is Brutal to Watch and Devastatingly Effective
Russia Hackers to Blame for Wikileaks Emails - Proof Vladmir Putin Was Behind the Clinton Email Hack - Putin, Wikileaks, the NSA and the DNC email fiasco that gave Trump and Clinton another reason to be at odds.
Trump Is No Freak Accident for the Republican Party, and Paul Ryan Is No Solution - But Paul Ryan has never advised anyone to grab someone by the pussy, so that makes him Pericles, I guess.
WikiLeaks poisons Hillary's relationship with left - After learning how Clinton feels about them, liberals vow to push back against her agenda and appointments. (shut up, politco)
Bad Hombres, Nasty Women: The Presidential Debate in Song - The New York Times - By The Gregory Brothers And Weird Al Yankovicy
Trump Booed At Al Smith Dinner; Clinton Slays | Crooks and Liars - But for the most part, Trump was dark and unfunny. At one point, he was so terrible he was booed by the New York society dukes and duchesses who paid a fortune to attend the dinner.
Donald Trump Heckled by New York Elite at Charity Dinner - The New York Times
Watch Donald Trump Make An Ass Of Himself At A Charity Dinner | Huffington Post - The crowd booed and jeered.
Watch Hillary Clinton Tease Donald Trump At Charity Dinner | Huffington Post
At charity roast, Donald Trump delivered what might as well be a campaign eulogy - The Washington Post
- Alfred E. Smith dinner: Maria Bartiromo's boobs looked AMAZING (she knew what she was doing)
GOP braces for Trump loss, roiled by refusal to accept election results - The Washington Post
- Would A Republican Senate Confirm Hillary Clinton's Supreme Court Nominee? (Yertel says no way)
The Speaker Pro Tem of the Kansas House Praised Hitler in a Facebook Post (he had some good ideas) Seriously, what in the fck is wrong with Kansas? Dred Scott is a valid legal precedent and now Hitler is a guy with ideas we can use. Who votes for these people?
- GOP congressman on Clinton: 'A lady needs to be told when she's being nasty' (and Republifuck dipshit needs to be told he's a groping asshole)
Trump TV? | Chris Lehmann - Jeff Zucker explains how he became Donald's useful idiot
Let's This Bullshit in the Bud (Kellyanne is not a "nice person" and she's from south Jersey)
Mouthbreathing Machiavellis Dream of a Silicon Reich - The Baffler - Justine Tunney ... how does a "tranarchist" (transgender anarchist) become a hard-right seditionist? (make America corporate again!)
Fox News Drops in 2016 BrandIndex Ranking Among Republicans | Campaign Trail - AdAge - In 2014, Fox News was the brand 10th best-perceived by Republicans; Craftsman was No. 1, CNN was No. 1,291 and MSBNC was No. 1,293. (make Sears great again!)
She Never Spoke of It to Her Husband. Then She Heard the Trump Tape. - The New York Times - 65 percent of women said they had been verbally or physically harassed in public places. About one in four men said they had been harassed.
Chris Christie Was Told Of 'Bridgegate' Closures In Advance, Former Aide Says | Huffington Post - Bridget Kelly told jurors she discussed the plans to shut down access lanes with the governor a month before they occurred. (karma)
Trump unloads on Christie: He knew about Bridgegate, plus much more | (of course he did)
Curt Schilling asks Jake Tapper why Jewish people support Democrats- Boston Globe
What 130 of the Worst Shootings Say About Guns in America - The New York Times (and they're worried about pot stores)
- Mississippi - No joke: Mississippi county bans clowns 'til after Halloween - anyone caught in public wearing a clown costume, mask or makeup could face a $150 fine. (can they dress up as Trump? and oh, white sheets are ok)
AG Scott Pruitt says 'Right to Farm' won't eliminate state water regulation - Opponents say passage could cripple clean water regulations - Tulsa World ("could')
Bob Dylan removes mention of Nobel prize from website | Music | The Guardian - After taking nearly a week to acknowledge award of Nobel prize in literature, sentence noting it disappears from his website
Official Panama Canal Construction Time-Lapse - YouTube
TIL the ancient Greeks' word for vulgarity was "apeirokalia", which means "lack of experience in things beautiful". : todayilearned
Women of Reddit, when did you first notice that men were looking at you in a sexual way? How old were you and how did it make you feel? : AskReddit
I e-mailed a teacher to say thank you, and he posted it on Facebook saying "I really needed this." What's something you've said/done that you didn't expect to have such a big impact? : AskReddit
Quickmeme is banned reddit-wide. More inside. : AdviceAnimals
Internet Attack Disrupts Major Websites - The New York Times
This Is Why Half the Internet Shut Down Today - hackers unleashed a large distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on the servers of Dyn, a major DNS host.
First new US nuclear reactor in 20 years goes live : news
Map of Syrian Civil war/ Global conflict in Syria - Syria news -
Syrian military threatens to down any Turkish jet that enters Syrian airspace - Map of Syrian Civil war/ Global conflict in Syria - Syria news -
How Hackers Broke Into John Podesta and Colin Powell's Gmail Accounts
- If elected, Clinton would support an 'Encryption Commission' help feds (a "Manhattan Project" to smash encryption to pieces!)
A 10th Woman Accuses Donald Trump of Inappropriate Touching - The New York Times
J.K. Rowling on Twitter: "Well, there you have it. A highly intelligent, experienced woman just debated a giant orange Twitter egg. Your move, America. #debate"
CBS News Battleground Tracker poll: Who won final presidential debate, Clinton or Trump? - CBS News - Forty-nine percent say Clinton won, while 39 percent think Trump was the winner. Twelve percent call it a tie. (she mopped the floor with his orange wig)
- With 19 Days to Go, Clinton's Lead Is Bigger Than Ever - Arizona leans HRC; McMullin rises in the west; dark red states take on lighter hue
Hillary Clinton wins third presidential debate, according to CNN/ORC poll - - 52% who watched tonight's matchup thought Clinton did the best job, to the 39% that thought Trump did
Where Do Clinton and Trump Have the Most Upside? | FiveThirtyEight
- Who Won the Debate? Hillary Clinton, the 'Nasty Woman'
Hillary Clinton's 3 debate performances left the Trump campaign in ruins - Before 10 debate: Clinton +1.5 : Before 20 debate: Clinton +5.6 : Before 30 debate: Clinton +7.1 (beaten by a pussy. sad.)
Trump's lack of self-control allows Clinton to sweep the debates
- We scored the third presidential debate. Hillary Clinton won, and it wasn't even close
Donald Trump's Contempt for Democracy - The presidential debate was another exercise in narcissism, bombast and mendacity by Mr. Trump. One could only hope that this might be the last grand display of his gross unfitness to be president.
Final Presidential Debate Zingers - Video -
Can America Move Beyond Trump? - - The Ego-Driven Life
Hillary Clinton, Mocking and Taunting in Debate, Turns the Tormentor - The New York Times
- Debate Takeaways: Donald Trump Had a Lot to Do, and He Didn't Do It
Best and Funniest Trump-Clinton Final Debate Tweets
delrayser on Twitter: "GIF of the night."
Nani Albornoz on Twitter: "The new gender spectrum #debates #ASdebate"
25 Logical Reasons to Vote for Donald Trump
Fact-checking the third Clinton-Trump presidential debate - The Washington Post
- Hillary Clinton Told People to Google 'Donald Trump Iraq.' They did.
Clinton Probably Finished Off Trump Last Night | FiveThirtyEight
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Third and Final Presidential Debate Recap - The Worst Hombre - Trump stubbornly refused to condemn such tampering and then the whole cafeteria exploded into a barrage of flying snickerdoodles ... Trump was speaking in the English of talk radio, of the conservative media bubble that has surrounded him, and of the chain e-mail. It was drunk-uncle English, so convinced of its own righteousness that it's blind to its own cartwheeling ignorance.
- Donald Trump Says He Will Accept Election Outcome 'If I Win'
Final Debate Does Justice To An Absurd Campaign, Ends With Trump Refusing To Accept A Loss | Huffington Post - Clinton's grasp of policy and ability to turn sentences into paragraphs that express coherent thoughts set her apart in a stark way from her opponent.
Trump Threat to American Democracy - Donald Trump Confirms at 3rd Debate He Is a Domestic Insurrectionist
Trump's breathtaking repudiation of American democracy
Donald Trump's Campaign Flails Trying To Defend His 'Rigged Election' Talk | Huffington Post
Kobach warns that non-citizens could tip election | The Wichita Eagle - The top election official in Kansas (nice, KS)
The Republican Party Promises To Accept The Results Of The Election | Huffington Post - Even if Donald Trump doesn't
Trump's Shocking Answer On Respecting Election Results Is The Only Debate Moment That Matters | Huffington Post - Until that point, he was actually having a pretty good night. (no he wasn't) - comment: "Wishful thinking that Trump was doing well prior to his thumbing his orange nose at 240 years of democracy... Clinton ate his lunch. Not even close. But the bar is so low for The Donald, as long as he shows up on the stage without his fly unzipped, his dwindling supporters and campaign surrogates will call it a win."
Fox News' Chris Wallace is lauded for being first debate moderator to ask about abortion - but he perpetuated a right-wing myth - "partial birth abortion" (is a rightwing talking lie)
- Chris Wallace Let Trump Push The Right-Wing Media Myth Of "Partial Birth" Abortion (no he didn't, he used the term first)
Interview With a Woman Who Recently Had an Abortion at 32 Weeks
Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton a 'nasty woman' and the internet reacted accordingly |
Watch Rudy Giuliani And Mark Cuban Tangle In Their Own Debate | Huffington Post
Donald Trump Jr.: Becoming President Would Be 'A Step Down' For My Father | Huffington Post - that'll convince voters.
Debate Moderators Under the Spell of Deficit-Obsessed Billionaire Pete Peterson ("Obama doubled the deficit")
Donald Trump's North Carolina death spiral: Even white suburbanites flee the "idiot"
Trump-driven divide will consume GOP long after the election - The Washington Post
WMUR poll: Hassan takes 8 percentage point lead over Ayotte - Nationally watched race could determine which party controls U.S. Senate in 2017
Eschaton: So Much For The Trump Pardon Plan - All those beat sweetening mancrushes on Christie for nothing (corrupt fat bully-fuck goin' down)
Chris Christie hit with misconduct summons in Bridgegate probe - NY Daily News - A Bergen County courtroom echoed with cheers after Judge Roy McGeady signed off Thursday on the criminal summons presented by retired smoke-eater William Brennan.
Kansas Solicitor General Cites Dred Scott v. Sanford in Appeal Before Kansas Supreme Court (they love their slavery)
Laughable arguments against legalizing marijuana - The Boston Globe - That new ad trying to scare voters into opposing Question 4 is so over the top, so replete with retro alarmism, it's kind of adorable. (six pot shops on every block)
Plummeting Newspaper Ad Revenue Sparks New Wave of Changes - WSJ - With global newspaper print advertising on pace for worst decline since recession, publishers cut costs and restructure (end of paper)
No Link between Appetite and Calorie Consumption, New Study Finds : science - Amount of EI (energy intake) is not determined by your appetite regardless of calorie type. Simply, people are eating for other reasons than just hunger.
Facebook bans 'offensive' Swedish breast cancer awareness video | Technology | The Guardian (FB hates boobs)
Kurt Vonnegut in 1991: "Bob Dylan Is the Worst Poet Alive" : books
Damn satellites this time of year : WTF - Like, we're able to track down and put together two completely different dash cams in two cars that happened to be filming each other all while an extraordinary event is unfolding before them both. What a day to be alive....
Wide-band WebSDR in Enschede, the Netherlands
What is a piece of Reddit history every Redditor should know? : AskReddit
Redditors who've had their nude photos leaked without consent, what happened and what did you do about it? : AskReddit
Open Letter from Climate Scientists for I-732: Open Letter on I-732 from Climate Scientists (meanwhile, back on planet earth)
Geologists have found a new fault line under the San Francisco Bay. It could produce a 7.4 quake, effecting 7.5 million people. "It also turns out that major transportation, gas, water and electrical lines cross this fault. So when it goes, it's going to be absolutely disastrous," say the scientists : science
The final Trump-Clinton debate transcript, annotated - The Washington Post
The 14 biggest moments of the final debate - POLITICO - Trump will not commit to accepting a loss while Clinton warns he is a Russian puppet.
Fact Checks of the Third Presidential Debate - The New York Times
A competent, qualified woman debated a blustery, clueless man. Again. - Vox
3rd presidential debate highlights: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and a fitting end to this bizarre election - Vox
Donald Trump just said he may not accept the results of the election : politics
2016 Presidential Race - Third Presidential Post-Debate Megathread : politics
Trump: 'I'll Keep You in Suspense' About Accepting Election Outcome : politics
Donald Trump Refuses To Commit To Accepting His Forthcoming Election Loss | Huffington Post
Final Debate Does Justice To An Absurd Campaign, Ends With Trump Refusing To Accept A Loss | Huffington Post
These Are The Bad Ombres Donald Trump Was Talking About | Huffington Post
Donald Trump Just Called Hillary Clinton A 'Nasty Woman' | Huffington Post - no one has more respect for woman
These Celebrities Killed It On Twitter During The Third Presidential Debate | Huffington Post - The only person with more respect for women than Donald Trump is Bill Cosby.
Poll: Most Americans think Donald Trump is a raging jerk - The Washington Post
- Julian Assange was Ecuador's guest of honor. Until he wore out his welcome.
Everything you ever wanted to know about the U.S. foreign assistance budget - Washington Post - From building wells to building armies
What This 2012 Map Tells Us About America, and the Election - The New York Times - In broad strokes, the South flipped from blue to red starting in the 1960s over race, and Democrats eventually took over the Northeast, the West Coast and the Upper Midwest. And here we are.
PolitiFact | Comparing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump on the Truth-O-Meter
- I spent 33 days fact-checking 253 Donald Trump falsehoods.
Introducing a New Series: Trump and the Truth - The New Yorker ("and" = "vs")
News about #TrumpCheck on Twitter (orange Satan spouting a fountain of lies from his tiny mouth)
Are Clinton and Trump the Biggest Liars Ever to Run for President? - POLITICO Magazine
Hillary Clinton's Record of Accomplishments
What the fuck has Hillary done?
Donald Trump Says Everything Is A Disaster. Here's The Reality. | Huffington Post (Hillary hasn't been very good at this part)
PRRI - Clinton maintains double-digit (51% vs. 36%) lead over Trump
2016 Senate Forecast | FiveThirtyEight (bye-bye, Kelly)
Poll: Clinton up 4 points over Trump in Arizona
Donald Trump's Polling Lead Is Not Bigger In Texas | Huffington Post
Hillary Clinton Leads In Most New Battleground State Polls | Huffington Post
- Five things to watch in tonight's last debate - Clinton's on defense and Trump has nothing left to lose.
At Previous Debates, Melania Trump and Bill Clinton Shook Hands. Not Anymore. - The New York Times (no dirty tricks)
Presidential debate live updates: Donald Trump expected to hit Hillary Clinton hard in final event | (NW commenters)
- Why Chris Wallace Could Be Donald Trump's favorite moderator (the rigged it, Fox gets the last debate)
Officials Fight Donald Trump's Claims of a Rigged Vote
- Elizabeth Warren: Trump didn't invent the 'rigged election' myth. Republicans did.
For No Reason At All, Donald Trump Wants President Obama's Half-Brother At Final Debate | Huffington Post - Malik Obama came out as pro-Trump in July.
- Steve Bannon says that Trump is bringing a mystery special guest to tonight
Why Are Senate Democrats Letting Marco Rubio Win? (not supporting Murphy is their worst blue-dog DNA)
Trump's Worst Positions Aren't 'Un-American.' They're Flashbacks To Our Ugly History. | Huffington Post
A People's Hisotry of Donald Trump's Business Busts and Countless Victims
- Paste Magazine brings us the truly epochal pairing of Walker Bragman and HA! Goodman (politics, how does it work?)
- Perlstein on Trump, Clinton and the future of the "conservative" movement
Donald Trump's Sad, Lonely Life - Trump continues to display the symptoms of narcissistic alexithymia, the inability to understand or describe the emotions in the self. Unable to know themselves, sufferers are unable to understand, relate or attach to others.
Bad Blood?: Donald Trump and Roger Ailes Reportedly No Longer Speak | Vanity Fair - The G.O.P. nominee and former cable news king, longtime friends, have reportedly had a falling out in the midst of the campaign.
Billy Bush and Roger Ailes got paid to leave. Women should get paid for tolerating them. - The Washington Post
There's a new 'silent majority' voting for Hillary Clinton and it's voting for Hillary Clinton
- The kids were always alright, and according to the latest polling, they're now even more awesome
Amy Schumer issues sarcastic apology to Trump supporters in Tampa - NY Daily News
North Carolina Governor On Transgender Bathroom Law: The Liberals Made Me Do It | Huffington Post
Record high 60 percent of Americans now back legalizing marijuana: Gallup poll - Chicago Tribune (MA officals resist history)
NYPD Officer Shoots Woman Who Tried To Attack Him With Baseball Bat, Police Say | Huffington Post (elderly, mentally-ill, in her bedroom, when he had a Taser, two bullets in her chest instead of leaving her room)
- Black Man Is Arrested While Walking, and Minnesota City Starts a 'conversation' (they still don't understand they're almost always on TV/Youtube)
Applebee's attack: Woman pleads guilty to hitting immigrant with beer mug - - As a result of the plea deal, Burchard-Risch will serve 180 days in jail and five years of probation. She will have to pay restitution.
See the stunning images that won Nikon Small World's microscope photography contest
Airbnb Proposes Cracking Down on New York City Hosts - The New York Times - Airbnb said on Wednesday that it was willing to crack down on individuals in New York City who rent out multiple homes, bowing to pressure
The left vs. a carbon tax - Vox - The odd, agonizing political battle playing out in Washington state.
At the Mosul Front: Traps, Smoke Screens and Suicide Bombers - The New York Times (meanwhile, in Hell)
After Losses in Syria and Iraq, ISIS Moves the Goal Posts - The New York Times (Apocalypse 2.1)
Judge presiding over 'El Chapo's' case shot, killed while jogging outside home : worldnews
- The Government's Addiction to 'Secret Law' (Barry loves his secret laws)
When the facts don't matter, how can democracy survive? - 4 in 10 Americans somewhat or completely distrust the economic data reported by the federal government. Among Donald Trump voters, the share is 68 percent, with nearly half saying they don't trust the data 'at all' (reality vs delusion)
- Striking new research on inequality: 'Whatever you thought, it's worse' - Compared with many European countries, for example, few Americans end up with an income or educational level that is substantially different than their parents ... The new research, which takes account of grandparents, suggests that the correlation in education across generations is 20 percent higher than previously thought
Clinton holds clear advantage in new battleground polls - The Washington Post
John McCain Represents the Steady Decline of the Republican Party - Maverick. Right.
Republicans May Block Any Of Clinton's Supreme Court Nominees, McCain Says | Huffington Post - So much for letting the people and the next president decide.
- Imagine Where We'd Be If Trump Did't Go Insane Every Night (now that's a scary thought +"William James: "Piety is the mask. The inner force is tribal instinct")
Anti-Semitic Anti-Zionism - The New York Times
Trump Now Claims 'Illegal Immigrants' Are Behind Voter Fraud | Huffington Post
This Election Is Being Rigged-but Not by Democrats | The Nation - The GOP's voter-suppression efforts are the real voter fraud. voter-fraud crusade dates back to the 2000 election in Florida.
We're Missing The Point About Trump's Charges Of Illegitimate Elections - It's the self-projection, stupid - this is an information transfer issue: can people's votes be accurately turned into reliable and representative vote totals? (so, it's already been hacked and the rigging has been going on for a long time)
The Vote Fraud Fraud: Another Way In Which Donald Trump is the Culmination of Longstanding Republican Trends - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Non-citizens not voting - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Perils of Cherry Picking Low Frequency Events in Large Sample Surveys | CCES What can we learn about the electoral behavior of non-citizens from a survey designed to learn about citizens? - The Washington Post
Could non-citizens decide the November election? - The Washington Post (no)
The People Who Know How To Actually Rig An Election Say Trump Is Wrong | Huffington Post
Hullabaloo - A story that is only interesting in bizarroworld, apparently - Dating back to 1952, there has never been a 26-percentage-point gender gap. (historic gender split, you can see who can think)
- Revealed: 6 People Who Corroborate Natasha Stoynoff's Story of Being Attacked by Donald Trump
A RicksiLeaks Exclusive!: Federal government post-Trump plans | Foreign Policy
Hillary Fixer Breaks Ranks: I Arranged Sex Trysts For Her - With Men & WOMEN | National Enquirer
- FiveThirtyHate: Meet The Trump Movement's Post-Truth, Post-Math Anti-Nate Silver
After This Bright Kid Attacked Barack Obama, Facebook Did THIS to Him : - Rumor: 12-year-old CJ Pearson was suspended from Facebook because he criticized President Obama.
NBC News Brian Williams: Donald Trump 'Driven Well Past The Last Exit To Relevance' - YouTube
What Our Sons Are Learning From Donald Trump - The New York Times (grap those slutty pussies) Conspiracy Theorists: Pamela Anderson Poisoned Julian Assange With a Vegan Sandwich - The Daily Beast
Trevor Noah: Trump Is Rigging The Election Against Himself | Huffington Post - The media is not rigged against you. They're just recording what you say, and playing it back (one big feedback loop of Trumpism)
Extremist militias recruiting in fear of Clinton winning election, activists say | US news | The Guardian
The Trials of Snack Team 6: The Embezzling! - Balloon Juice (pootriot chronicles)
Judge Thwarts Trumpian Attack on Freedom of the Press - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Needless to say, this is appalling. Amy Goodman filmed pipeline company goons attacking protestors, and was brought up on charges for her efforts:
Bob Dylan: 'No word' from singer on Nobel Prize for Literature - BBC News (something is going on)
A New Biography of Hitler Separates the Man From the Myths - The New York Times - in the end Germany decided to see Hitler just as he saw himself; the country matched his psychosis with its own.
Scientists discover physical source of depression - - he lateral orbitofrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for a non-reward mechanism.
Scientists Accidentally Discover Efficient Process to Turn CO2 Into Ethanol : news
Trypanosome parasites are hiding in human skin, a discovery that may undermine the World Health Organization's efforts to eliminate sleeping sickness by 2020. : science
Brain Tumor Cells Will Shrink, Die Without Cholesterol, Study Finds : news
Japanese researchers create fully functional eggs from skin cells : science
Microsoft researchers reach human parity in conversational speech recognition : science
Redditor's father loses parrot named "Mojo", and asks for help. Another redditor "mojodjo" rescues him almost immediately : bestof
- Iraqi forces converge on Mosul in decisive battle for Iraq's second city
- WikiLeaks says Assange's Internet link was severed by 'state party' ("severed" like with a hatchet)
Ecuador cut off Julian Assange's internet access, WikiLeaks says | Media | The Guardian (oh, turns out the 'state party' was Ecuador - they changed their wifi password!)
2016 Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight (11.8 down 3 in the last week and dropping like a rock)
MIDNIGHT SUN EXCLUSIVE: New Poll Shows Trump-Clinton Tied In Alaska - The Midnight Sun
Obama, Holder to lead post-Trump redistricting campaign - POLITICO
- I read Hillary Clinton's speeches to Goldman Sachs. Here's what surprised me the most. Meet the private Hillary Clinton, more assured and less awkward than the public Hillary Clinton ... these transcripts mostly reveal a person who says similar things in private that she does in public. (Assange's October Surprise: HIllary is smart, thoughtful and grounded in reality: good job Julian!)
Hillary Clinton Uses Biff Tannen In Trump Attack Ad | Huffington Post
Republican Party Office Firebombed in North Carolina
- Poll: 41 percent of voters say election could be 'stolen' from Trump (41% of all voters have no clue how elections work)
REVEALED: The vast international conspiracy to stop Trump, in one chart - The Washington Post
The Daily 202: Trump has reached his ceiling, with little or no room to grow - The Washington Post
Juan Williams: Women will doom Trump | TheHill
- It Lost Black Voters. Now It's Losing Latinos. What's Left Is a Broken, White GOP - Donald Trump is accelerating a process that began half a century ago. - Jamelle Bouie - What's popular with the Republican base has been poisonous with Latino voters. (because the base is deeply racist)
Poll: Clinton Maintains 50-Point Lead Among Latinos - NBC News
The paranoid style, 2016 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Their predecessors had discovered conspiracies; the modern radical right finds conspiracy to be betrayal from on high. (Hoffstadter)
Inside Donald Trump's echo chamber of conspiracies, grievances and vitriol
It's time to tell the truth: Donald Trump isn't running a presidential campaign, he's leading a cult
- Republicans fear for party's future - There is a civil war in the party that is going on right now. The question is whether, after the election, the party will be able to repair itself; or cease to exist; or continue to exist in some diminished way
Chris Hedges: Donald Trump: The Dress Rehearsal for Fascism - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
Biographer: Trump will get even more dangerous and unhinged as election loss looms on the horizon
The Note: Ruckus Over Rigging - ABC News
Trump Digs In On Claims Of 'Rigged' Election | Huffington Post
Brian Stelter Sums Up Why Trump's Rigged Election Claims Are So Dangerous | Huffington Post - This is a propaganda technique
- The George W. Bush White House 'Lost' 22 Million Emails
Trump son-in-law holds talks over post-election TV network - Jared Kushner (TrumpTV will be huge!)
Is Shep Smith The Future Of Fox News? | Huffington Post
sy Hey, Remember How The GOP Had A Bunch Of 2016 Candidates Who Weren't Serial Sexual Predators?
Trump fans boo, walk out on Amy Schumer show in Tampa | Tampa Bay Times - About 200 people walked out
Nobel panel gives up knockin's on Dylan's Door - Days after being awarded the literature prize, Bob Dylan has yet to get in touch with the Swedish Academy, or indicate whether he will attend the celebrations
How Apple Scaled Back Its Titanic Plan to Take on Detroit - Bloomberg - Apple executives have given the car team a deadline of late next year to prove the feasibility of the self-driving system and decide on a final direction
U.S. And Britain Call For Immediate Ceasefire In Yemen | Huffington Post - horrific war is finally getting more attention from international powers. (meanwhile, in another corner of Hell)
Syrian Rebels Claim To Capture Town Of Dabiq From ISIS | Huffington Post - The village holds huge symbolic value to the militant group. (Apocalypse postponed)
ISIS massacres families fleeing to Sharqat, kills 12 including women and children - Iraqi News
Iraqi forces begin assault to retake Mosul from Islamic State - The Washington Post
- Daunting Questions Lurk Beneath Israel's Quarrel With Rights Group - broader arguments over definitions of patriotism and the very character of the country. (hello, religious apartheid state)
A2/AD Is Dead, Long Live A2/AD | The Diplomat - Has one of our favorite buzzwords died?
ND Prosecutor Seeks "Riot" Charges Against Amy Goodman For Reporting On Pipeline Protest : news
How Dictatorships Are Born - The New York Times
Clinton has 4-point edge as voters weigh in on Trump's treatment of women - The Washington Post (48% of Americans are deplorable)
Poll: Clinton leads Trump by just 4 points despite lewd comments - politico
Clinton Holds 11-Point National Lead Over Trump: NBC/WSJ Poll - NBC News (ok, 44%)
Register's endorsement: Clinton a vote for American values (Des Moines)
Editorial: Hillary Clinton is prudent pick for president | Opinion | (Omaha)
From the publisher: A response to threats about our presidential endorsement
An unshackled Trump. An unmoored campaign lurching to the finish line. - The Washington Post (he's gone full Trumpolini: campaign has been "one long tantrum")
The Trump-Induced Breakup Of The GOP Has Begun | Huffington Post - Trump is mad at elected officials. Donors are mad at the RNC. And everyone anticipates a bloodbath on Election Day.
Donald Trump's Locker Room Is the Entire World (so suck it up, libs) - Since sexual assault is a way of life for Trump, there is going to be no end to the reporting of them. There could be dozens more stories ... (Republicans love serial rapists)
- In the last 24 hours Trump has body shamed Clinton and claimed she's used PEDs ... CNN ... He offered no evidence to back up his wild claim. (but both sides!)
Pence, ISP: Voter suppression allegations 'complete false' (Pence just took 45,000 black voters off the roles)
Mike Pence Admits 'Evidence' Points To Russia Interfering With U.S. Elections | Huffington Post - It's a break from what his running mate, Donald Trump, has been saying.
'Here come the rape police': Rush Limbaugh reacts to Trump's 'sex-talk scandal' - SFGate - Rape Police - "If there is consent on both or all three or all four, however many are involved in the sex act, it's perfectly fine. Whatever it is. But if the left ever senses and smells that there's no consent in part of the equation, then here come the rape police. But consent is the magic key to the left" (Make America Rape Again - decriminalize rape)
There Will Never Be Peak Dreher, But... - Lawyers, Guns & Money - "Miley Cyrus is a far more dangerous figure to human dignity and the imago Dei."
One of Washington's reddest counties struggles with Trump -- but he'll win there anyway - Garry Rosman can't remember the last time he voted for a Democrat
EWG's Farm Subsidy Database put the issue on the map and is driving reform. Just ten percent of America's largest and richest farms collect almost three-fourths of federal farm subsidies; cash payments that often harm the environment. - Garry Rosman received payments totaling $171,965 from 1995 through 2014 (oh, look, a Repubican moocher who hates government)
- Donald Trump Intensifies His Claim That Campaign Is 'Rigged' - "absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary -- but also at many polling places. SAD."(off-white people are voting!)
- Rudy Giuliani: Democrats commit election fraud because they 'control inner-cities' (you know, black people slums) "Dead people generally vote for Democrats instead of Republicans"
- Jake Tapper Pushes Back On Rudy Giuliani's Dog Whistles About Election Fraud in "The Inner Cities"
Newt Gingrich Backs Rigged-Election Claim, Says Voters Should Monitor Polling Sites - ABC News (white guys with guns)
Donald Trump needs a civics refresher: Illegal aliens can't vote (Letters to the Editor) |
Republican HQ in Orange County, NC firebombed : news
Peter Thiel to Donate $1.25 Million in Support of Donald Trump - The New York Times (ex-human tech-zombie) < Donald Trump Hates Alec Baldwin's Portrayal Of Him On 'SNL' | Huffington Post
Where the Trump Name Is Emblazoned Now: The Front Yard - The New York Times ("I am a racist idiot and proud of it")
Nation's Largest Seniors Group Is Using Conservative Scare Tactics On Social Security | Huffington Post - AARP is promoting alarmism about the program and giving awards to Republican lawmakers who want to cut it. (AARP/ALEC wants to destroy Social Security)
12 Springfield officers facing investigation in beating of men outside bar | (lots of cops and Trumpers in the comments)
Some Chicago police officers have had more than 100 complaints : news
Video Shows Black Man Being Arrested For Apparently Walking In Street | Huffington Post
Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge released from Ryan Bundy's subpoena |
How Cats Evolved to Win the Internet - The New York Times
Milky Skies over San Francisco [1376x2000] : EarthPorn
network - sfwpornnetwork
How To Shoot Truly Contagious Milky Way Pictures | PhotoPills
Calculators | PhotoPills
If, theoretically, you were in an infinite sized room, and there was complete darkness. If you lit a candle, how far away would you have to be from this candle before you couldn't see it? : askscience - you could go up to 300 km away and still get that one photon per second entering your eye.
Elementary school teachers, what have you heard your students say about Trump and Clinton? : AskReddit - Nothing since they started talking about killer clowns.
What will cease to exist in 2017? : AskReddit
What seemingly innocent Google search has dirty results when googled? : AskReddit
Which celebrities killed their careers in a matter of seconds? : AskReddit
Counter to contrarian claims, new research finds that not only did significant global-scale tropospheric warming occur within the last 18 years, but also that the average of 37 climate models is in close agreement with satellite data. : science
Nations, Fighting Powerful Refrigerant That Warms Planet, Reach Landmark Deal - The New York Times
Israeli human rights group urges UN to take action to end country 'brutal occupation of Palestine'
Egyptian army kills over 100 ISIS militants in response to deadly terror attack - Middle East - Jerusalem Post
A Right-Wing Italian Mayor Is Introducing An "Anti-Kebab" Law - BuzzFeed News - The city of Padua has announced a bill that will demand new takeaways sell 60% local produce.
Eschaton: You Fucked Up, You Trusted Them - It's a bit confused, much like Americans wanting the government to get out of their Medicare, but Brexit support was, in part, due to the decline of public services - "Theresa May has told the head of the NHS that it will get no extra money despite rapidly escalating problems that led to warnings this week that hospitals are close to breaking point." (suckers)
What did Trump know, and when did he know it? - Medium - Why i In an essay shared with POLITICO, the campaign accuses Trump and Russia of criminal theft.
s Trump protecting Putin by lying about Russia's role in these hacks? What did his campaign know and when did they know it? Why won't he condemn this?
Clinton's team unleashes Watergate attack against Trump - In an essay shared with politico, the campaign accuses Trump and Russia of criminal theft. (lock him up)
The Fury and Failure of Donald Trump - Rolling Stone - Win, lose or drop out, the Republican nominee has laid waste to the American political system. On the trail for the last gasp of the ugliest campaign in our nation's history - Taibbi (great illustration)
A Shrinking Trump Mocks His Accusers to Shrinking Crowds | The Nation - ? Even as he denigrated the appearance of the women he allegedly assaulted, Trump left open the possibility that he did, in fact, assault them.
Trump's Image Slides Among Republicans - Donald Trump's favorable rating among Republicans dropped from 69% to 64% (yes, 65% of Republicans support sexual assault on women)
Donald Trump's Campaign Is Imploding. Most Republicans Are Still With Him. | Huffington Post - 72 percent of Republican officeholders were still supporting Trump to some extent.
Donald Trump campaign denounces, severs ties with Ohio Republican Party Chairman Matt Borges |
The Trump-Induced Breakup Of The GOP Has Begun | Huffington Post - Trump is mad at elected officials. Donors are mad at the RNC. And everyone anticipates a bloodbath on Election Day.
Taking Trump voters' concerns seriously means listening to what they're actually saying ("we're committed racists") what it means that a large segment of the US population, large enough to capture one of the two major political parties, is motivated primarily by white nationalism and an anxiety over the fast-changing demographics of the country. (deport them and their guns to Mars?)
Americans are losing faith in democracy - and in each other - The Washington Post - More than 6 in 10 voters backing Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton express faith in U.S. democracy, compared with just over 4 in 10 of those backing her Republican rival
Depressing poll of the day - politico - 25 percent of Americans completely distrust the economic data reported by the federal government, including statistics like the unemployment rate, the number of jobs added, and the amount of consumer spending. 48 percent of Donald Trump supporters compared to just 5 percent of Hillary Clinton supporters. (your lying crooked statistics)
This Is A Genius Response To Trump Voters Who Think The Election Is Rigged | Huffington Post
Is The 2016 Election Rigged? (No, but who believes facts?)
- supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies
Sheriff Supporting Trump Says It's Time To Bring Out 'Pitchforks And Torches' | Huffington Post - This is horrifying.
Meet Fancy Bear, The Russian Group Hacking The US Election - BuzzFeed News - At a glance, they looked like a standard message from Google, asking that users click a link to review recent suspicious activity on their Gmail accounts. Clicking on them would lead to a page that looked nearly identical to Gmail's password reset page with a prompt to sign in. Unless they were looking closely at the URL in their address bar, there was very little to set off alarm bells. (they still didn't have a clue about basic security)
- Hillary Clinton's Worst Friend - Sidney Blumenthal
The Clinton Campaign Is Flawed, and So Is WikiLeaks - Information doesn't become a bombshell just because you stole it.
Trump refusal to accept government assessments on Russian hacks dismays former officials - The Washington Post (the conspiracy idiots can't recognize a real conspiracy)
Trump Wonders Why No One's Accusing Obama of Sexual Assault (it's a mystery)
Trump air-quotes Obama's presidency - politico
Romney: "It Will Be Very Difficult" For Party "To Be Put Back Together Again" - BuzzFeed News
Donald Trump Is Probably Past The Point Of No Return | Huffington Post
Trump Says He And Clinton Should Take A Drug Test Before The Next Debate - BuzzFeed News - "I don't know what's going on with her, but at the beginning of her last debate she was all pumped up" (said the coke-head about the "low-stamina" candidate)
Trump Proposes Drug Test Ahead Of Next Debate With Clinton | Huffington Post - She had such energy at the last debate, she must have been on something.
The press always got booed at Trump rallies. But now the aggression is menacing. - The Washington Post
Frenzied Donald Trump Supporters Are Turning On The Media -- And It's Getting Scary | Huffington Post ("lock 'em up!")
A Running List Of The Women Who've Accused Donald Trump Of Sexual Assault | Huffington Post - All their stories in one place.
The Man Providing Trump's Alibi Has A Long History In UK Political Sex Scandals - BuzzFeed News
Trump Camp Offers Colorful Brit As Witness To Dispute Groping Claim
Armed Men Stand Outside Democratic Campaign Office to Intimidate Staff, Volunteers
House Republicans in Close Races Worry Trump's Problems May Hurt Them - "Barbara Comstock" (the sex detective) AG Pam Bondi calls Trump's actions 'disgusting' but still supports him - Story | WFTS-TV ("Make America Disgusting Again")
Pat McCrory loses Observer endorsement to Roy Cooper | The Charlotte Observer - for the first time in 25 years
America's Last Liberal President (TM) Responds To Attica - he violent takeover was enthusiastically ordered by Saint Nelson Rockefeller, another Republican some liberals and left-of-liberals like to compare favorably to contemporary liberal Democrats for roughly the same reasons (and with the same factual basis) that sports broadcasters like to say stuff
Charles Mingus - "Remember Rockefeller at Attica" (Studio Version) - YouTube
Campaign Mailer Implies Rosie O'Donnell And Eva Longoria Support Trump | Huffington Post
- How a lie takes flight on Fox News' 'Hannity'
Muslim Prayer Hall Vandalized With "Donald Trump" And "Fuck Muslims" Graffiti - BuzzFeed News - Members of the New Jersey congregation were heading to morning prayer on Friday when they discovered the graffiti.
Group accuses Mike Pence of voter suppression after state police raid registration program in Indiana - The Washington Post - state police raided the offices of a voter registration program aimed at signing up African Americans ... 45,000 people, most of them African Americans, might not be able to vote on Nov. 8 because their applications were seized during the raid. (how America will look when it's crappy again)
How Ken Bone's Reddit AMA Ruined Him As a Meme (no it didn't)
Trump Isn't A Team Player
Overwatch Trump Is Not a Team Player: Nuisance Committee Ads (when you've lost the gamers)
'You got a bad attitude:' Agitated judge tears off robe, tackles man in courtroom, video shows - "She's instigating it," Larson replied and talked about pictures she posted wearing a lot of makeup and with her "hair done and all that stuff, the full nine" (Trumper)
Priest charged with purchasing sex with juvenile prostitute | - MacKay is a priest at a Serbian Orthodox church and also teaches at Lane Community College.
Youth pastor arrested at church after admitting he impregnated a 15-year-old, police say - The Washington Post - Faith Brethren Bible Church
- The drug mentioned in Sanders tweet, Iclusig, helps to treat a rare form of leukemia, and has indeed seen its price raised four times this year alone, to $16,000 for a 30-day pack.
There's Such a Thing as Too Much Neuroscience - For decades, the National Institute of Mental Health provided crucial funding for American clinical research to determine how well psychotherapies worked as treatments ... But over the past 13 years, Dr. Insel increasingly shifted the institute's focus to neuroscience, strangling its clinical research budget. (pawn of big pharma and that worked so well - "oh, look, lights in the brain")
Antibiotics Encourage Spread of C.diff To Subsequent Patients Who Occupy the Same Bed and Haven't Received Antibiotics -
Science Says This Trick Can Help You Beat Jet Lag | Huffington Post - Peripheral clocks respond to food and the central clock responds to light
Tornado on Oregon coast leaves damage, but no injuries |
'Last battle' against Isis in Iraq: forces mass for Mosul assault | World news | The Guardian
Russian citizens react with fear over reports telling them to fly relatives home | Daily Mail Online
The rotten foundations of China's real-estate market -- short-term fixes mask deep structural problems
Islamist girls' school in Nottingham faces closure after pupil blew the whistle | Daily Mail Online - school which taught that gay people could be killed and men could beat women faces closure two years after pupil exposed its sharia-style regime
Entire US political system under attack by Russian hacking, experts warn - be a new spin on an old strategy
Elizabeth Warren Asks Obama To Fire Top Wall Street Regulator For 'Brazen Conduct' | Huffington Post - The progressive firebrand has long warred with SEC Chair Mary Jo White, a former corporate lawyer. (installed by Obama to proetect the banks)
The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn't About Hillary Clinton - the way power works in the Democratic Party - Froman, an executive at Citigroup, which would ultimately become the recipient of the largest bailout from the federal government during the financial crisis, had mapped out virtually the entire Obama cabinet, a month before votes were counted
Michelle Obama and Donald Trump's Speeches Tell You Everything You Need to Know - Two speeches today tell you everything ... In our major political parties, there are two people running for president now, but there is only one presidential campaign. There is one presidential campaign and one rampage.
Two speeches in two hours crystallize the state of Campaign 2016 - The Washington Post
- Michelle Obama Just Gave This Election's Most Important Speech - " today, we as women have all the power we need to determine the outcome of this election. We have knowledge. We have a voice. We have a vote. And on November 8th, we as women, we as Americans, we as decent human beings can come together and declare that enough is enough"
How Trump Took Hate Groups Mainstream | Mother Jones - The full story of his connection with far-right extremists.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg apologizes to Colin Kaepernick after criticizing anthem protest -
New poll: Trump lead shrinks in Texas, within margin of error | - lead in Texas has slipped to four percentage points - Today, even if they won all 6 seats in Lean Democratic and all 18 seats in Toss Up, they would still need to win 11 of 13 races in Lean Republican to win the majority (so, no)
The 2016 electoral map is collapsing around Donald Trump - The Washington Post
Hillary Clinton's experience earns Idaho Statesmen nod for president (Mormons)
Obama to GOP: You built Trump - politico (own him, mofos)
Barack Obama Lays Into Republicans Who Revoked Trump Support: 'You Don't Get Points For That' | Huffington Post - He hasn't forgotten their years of enabling Trump's birther lie.
Donald Trump Goes to War - The Atlantic - As the campaign descends into chaos, the Republican nominee lashes out in all directions, consequences be damned.
Donald Trump rants about sexual assault allegations -
Donald Trump vs. a Free Press - The New York Times
Americans Give Thumbs Down To Donald Trump's Debate Attacks | Huffington Post (but 64% of Republicans in favor of turning country into tin-pot dictatorship)
Trump Finally Went There - "when she walked in front of me, believe me, I wasn't impressed"
The Most Misogynistic Things People Wore to Trump Rallies
- Guy Angrily Staring at Trump During the Debates Was Thinking Exactly What You Thought He Was
Woman says Trump reached under her skirt and groped her in early 1990s - The Washington Post
Donald Trump Talks Family, Women in Unearthed Transcript: "When I Come Home and Dinner's Not Ready, I Go Through the Roof"
- Donald Trump Called Deaf Apprentice Marlee Matlin "retarded" - The Republican presidential nominee has a long history of demeaning women and people with disabilities. But even for The Donald, this is sick.
Donald Trump Trashed Khloe Kardashian On 'Apprentice' Set, Staffers Say | Huffington Post - Sources say he called her a "piglet" (but Kim and Caitlyn will still vote for him)
Son of Serial Sexual Harasser Says Women Should Suck Up Sexual Harassment - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Apparently, the orange doesn't fall far from the tree - Donald Trump Jr., the embodiment of every stereotype about people named "Jr." said in 2013 that women who can't handle harassment at work "should go maybe teach kindergarten"
Donald Trump Jr: Women Who Can't 'Handle' Harassment 'Don't Belong In The Workforce' - Tree, meet apple (orange, apple, let's go with "nut") Only 12 Of Trump's 22,450 Employees Have Given A Substantial Donation To His Campaign | Huffington Post
Some Thoughts on This Fake Catholic Outrage, Paul Ryan, and the Evangelical-Catholic Alliance - This stuff isn't new, folks - In truth, there was throughout the last two decades of the 20th century an attempt by conservative Catholics to ally themselves with the most politically active splinter of American Protestantism, which was at that point only about 15 years removed from calling the Pope "the whore of babylon" (+a "relatively bloodless" civil war that resulted in a Catholic Church purified of all dissent and the religious dismemberment of the United States of America)
Trump: The Suffering Messiah Of The Alt-Right | Huffington Post
Trump's D.C. Hotel Shows His Brand Is Sinking Along With His Poll Numbers - When the government inked a 60-year, $200 million lease with Trump in 2012, rival hoteliers took the unusual step of warning Uncle Sam that the deal could turn into yet another Trump business failure. Those warnings look increasingly prophetic ... Deutsche Bank, the troubled German bank, is putting up $170 million for the project.
- FBN Host Stunned by Curt Schilling Defending Lewd Trump Remark (adding to his rep)
(36) The Economist on Twitter: "Donald Trump has taken a knuckle-duster to American political culture" (don't miss)
Militia members arrested in alleged mosque attack plot - CBS News - Three right-wing militia members have been arrested for allegedly planning attacks at a mosque and a housing complex in Kansas, CBS News has learned - the Kansas Security Force (the Trump Militia)
Ronald Reagan's shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness - As president and governor of California, the GOP icon led the worst policies on mental illness in generations (so then we needed more lawn-order)
New Jersey Transit, a Cautionary Tale of Neglect - The New York Times (how Chris Christie, angry Repubican, destroyed New Jersey)
Yah, Don't Give To Them ... while at Boston's WGBH, where Antiques Roadshow, Frontline and Nova are produced, the chief executive earns a total of $490,826. (pledge millions to their rich entitled execs)
Ferguson Officer Investigation Shows Just How Far The Police Force Has To Go | Huffington Post - newest cop has come under fire for problematic tweets. (they hired a white cop with a history of racism and transphobia on social media)
15 confidential sources fed FBI info from Malheur National Wildlife Refuge |
Sheriff Glenn Palmer makes his own rules in Grant County |
Why we won't endorse a presidential candidate: Editorial Endorsement 2016 | (comment: "Very disappointing that the largest newspaper in our blue state does not have the courage to endorse the democratic candidate as the only choice in this election. Newspapers across the country, with far more Republican readerships, have endorsed Hillary Clinton as the only alternative to the dumpster fire of Trump and the GOP. Shame on you for this spineless piece of journalism.")
No presidential endorsement from the editorial board? (Letters to the Editor) |
Marc Morris: Killer Question: How Did Harold Die?
A 48-year-old just broke the speed record for the Appalachian Trail - Business Insider - 45 days, 22 hours, and 38 minutes
G-WAN > Web Application Server > Blog - Google's "Director of Engineering" Hiring Test
NASA Chief Knowledge Architect David Meza interview - Business Insider - graph database,
Coal Ash Is More Radioactive Than Nuclear Waste - Scientific American - By burning away all the pesky carbon and other impurities, coal power plants produce heaps of radiation (so clean it radiates)
Images Of A Badly Damaged HSV-2 Swift Emerge Following Attack Off Yemeni Coast - The Drive
NSW Parliament Officially Calls Donald Trump 'Revolting Slug'
The good old days - Lawyers, Guns & Money : This ad is going to run in 30 urban markets through the end of the month.
Election Update: Post-Debate Polls Show Trump Still In Big Trouble | FiveThirtyEight
White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports - White House Watch: Trump Takes the Lead
White House Watch - Rasmussen ReportsWhite House Watch - Rasmussen ReportsWhite House Watch - Rasmussen Reports
- The full result - White House Watch: Trump Takes the Lead
- White House Watch: Trump Takes the Lead
Trump Warns Of Dark Conspiracy By Clinton, Media, And International Banks
Nationalism Into the Abyss - Is it desperation? The themes and instincts of the anti-Semitic radicals and extremists his campaign stews in?
A global conspiracy of international bankers and other cosmopolitan elites who control the media - Lawyers, Guns & Money (you know, the Jews)
Top Sanders Aide Defends DNC Chair in Wikileaks Controversy - NBC News
Four women accuse Trump of forcibly groping, kissing them - The Washington Post
A Fifth Teen Beauty Queen Says Trump Visited Dressing Room - BuzzFeed News
- Former Miss Arizona: Trump 'just came strolling right in' on naked contestants
Miss Washington 2013 says Donald Trump groped her |
Video Shows Donald Trump Joking About Dating A Young Girl When She Gets Older | Huffington Post - I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?
- Physically Attacked by Donald Trump - a PEOPLE Writer's Own Harrowing Story
Donald Trump Reportedly Treated Miss USA Contestants Like 'property'
More Women Come Forward With Donald Trump Groping Allegations | Huffington Post - Trump says his boasts of sexual assault were just talk. These women say it happened to them.
All of Donald Trump's Accusers: A Timeline of Every Alleged Grope and Assault - The Republican nominee for president faces a long and growing list of women
- A Timeline of Donald Trump's Creepiness While He Owned Miss Universe
Arianne Zucker Tears Into Donald Trump In New Interview | Huffington Post
Facing new charges of groping, Trump lashes out in self-pity and impotent rage - The Washington Post
Trump Will Sue New York Times Over Assault Article: Reports | Huffington Post - The newspaper reported two women say Trump groped them.
Trump Threatens To Sue His Female Accusers | Huffington Post
Why isn't Howard Dean's allegation that Donald Trump does cocaine a bigger deal? (plain as the nose on his face +"snort-gate")
Jason Gay on Twitter: "I'm never complaining about sports TV talk shows again."
The existence of the Velvet Underground proves Donald Trump is a good and decent man - Lawyers, Guns & Money
'Armrest Truther' Katrina Pierson Launches The Most Bizarre Conspiracy Theory Ever | Huffington Post
Trump Supporters Tweet #RepealThe19th After Poll Shows He'd Win If Only Men Voted | Huffington Post
2016 Race Devolves Into Ugly Fight Over Treatment of Women - ABC News
Michele Bachmann Warns Christians: Voting For Hillary Clinton Will Lead To Sexual Assaults | Huffington Post
On-Duty Texas Police Officers Wore Pro-Trump Hats. That's A Problem. | Huffington Post
The closing argument against Donald Trump | The Washington Post - For 16 months, Washington Post columnists and contributors have been making the case against Donald Trump.
- Republicans fed the monster for far too long. Now he's devouring them
- Inside Donald Trump's Total Meltdown (the devil is running for Pres and the Evangelicals are are getting uneasy, finally)
Donald Trump, Unshackled and Unhinged - The New York Times
Trump Campaign Pulls Out of Virginia, Reallocates Resources to More Competitive Battleground States - ABC News
Deb Fischer: A profile in cowardice - The Washington Post (Nebraska's Kelly Ayotte)
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton headed for felony fraud trial after high court refuses his last appeal | Politics | Dallas News (anti-government government only goes so far)
Mercedes autonomous cars will protect occupants before pedestrians | Auto Express
Trash those incandescent bulbs today! |
Bob Dylan approximately - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Judged by this standard, giving the Nobel Prize in Literature to Bob Dylan is absurd. It comes off as a publicity stunt on the part of the Nobel committee. ETA: Also as TWBB says it's literally Peak Boomerism to an almost parodic extent.
The DEA is withdrawing a proposal to ban another plant after the Internet got really mad - The Washington Post
Universe has two trillion more galaxies than previously thought | Science | The Guardian - Hubble telescope images from deep space were collected over 20 years to solve the puzzle of how many galaxies the cosmos harbors
After Torture, Ex-Detainee Is Still Captive of 'The Darkness'
Missile again fired at U.S. Navy from Houthi territory in Yemen | Reuters
Turkey Carries Out Major NATO Purge | Huffington Post - It just fired more than 100 military staff serving the alliance.
Muslim father rapes his daughter in Norway as punishment for becoming 'too Westernised' | Daily Mail Online
Election Update: Women Are Defeating Donald Trump | FiveThirtyEight - Clinton trailing Trump by 11 percentage points among men but leading him by 33 points among women. To put those numbers in perspective, that's saying Trump would defeat Clinton among men by a margin similar to Dwight D. Eisenhower's landslide victory over Adlai Stevenson in 1952, while Clinton would defeat Trump among women by a margin similar to ... actually, there's no good comparison, since no candidate has won a presidential election by more than 26 percentage points since the popular vote became a widespread means of voting in 1824 (men are fighting a last-ditch losing battle)
New Ohio poll puts Hillary Clinton ahead of Donald Trump by 9 points after news of Trump's vulgar talk |
Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately - The New York Times (how many shoes does he have?)
It's not so much the other shoe dropping as a category 4 shoe storm - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Clinton campaign chairman ties email hack to Russians, suggests Trump had early warning - The Washington Post
Report: Trump walked into teen beauty pageant changing room | TheHill
- More questionable footage of Trump's comments on women
Donald Trump: Woman says candidate groped her
Multiple Accounts Emerge of Women Saying Trump Sexually Assaulted Them | Mother Jones (Cosby squared)
Obama To Hecklers: 'Get Your Own Rally' | Huffington Post
Obama To GOP: What Took You So Long To Denounce Donald Trump? | Huffington Post - He called out House Speaker Paul Ryan and others still endorsing the Republican nominee.
Facebook Helped Drive a Voter Registration Surge, Election Officials Say - The New York Times - Facebook clearly moved the needle in a significant way
"Voter fraud," i.e., non-white people voting - Lawyers, Guns & Money : merely a repetition of the birther nonsense, and features the same underlying psychology. (the facts are out there somewhere and don't bother me with your librul "statistics")
Donald Trumps Dangerous Vote Rigging Comments Follow Years of Republican Voter Fraud Hysteria ("hordes of angry delusional hysterical zombies")
Brian Adam Jones on Twitter: "Ok guys this is really the best picture of the entire election." (read down for memes +TheDonald is one sick dude)
What two body language experts saw at the second presidential debate - Washington Post (Trump did he usual alpha orange chimpanzee threatening/stalking/lurking to establish dominance; Hillary smiled too much and sat down)
Trump, turning the tables, accuses Clinton of invading his space at debate - The Washington Post (WaPo commenters not buying it: " What a complete lunatic. Lurker space invader does the old rubber glue argument yet again")
Donald Trump is four centuries too late - The Washington Post - Mr. Trump would have enjoyed the 17th century, the tumult, the divine right of kings, the suppression of Parliament. Vituperation was normal discourse, the idea of privileged sexual aggression was common in high places, money flowed freely, rich men commissioned great monuments to themselves
- I Think He's a Very Dangerous Man for the Next Three or Four Weeks - The Emergency Session of the Trumpologists.
Split Over Donald Trump Threatens to Tilt Republican States - The New York Times
- USA TODAY survey shows that a quarter of elected top Republicans won't endorse Trump
Poll: Trump falls into tie with Clinton among Utah voters | Deseret News (commenters apparently representative of the area)
Editorial: In the end, Hillary Clinton is the only qualified candidate, and the best choice | The Salt Lake Tribune
Wisconsin poll: Clinton surged after Trump tape - POLITICO
Poll: Clinton widens Mich. lead as Trump support slides
GOP nears all-out civil war as party clashes over Donald Trump - Chicago Tribune (contrast with Chicago)
Donald Trump's Weird World (as Putin's puppet)
What Trump and Clinton Did on 9/11 - POLITICO Magazine - Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump took different paths on that day. Their experiences shaped them and their campaigns.
Donald Trump Settled a Real Estate Lawsuit, and a Criminal Case Was Closed - The New York Times (this got lost)
Major GOP Donors Are Asking Trump for Their Money Back - NBC News
Solving the Riddle of the Slovenian Sphinx and the Pussy Bow - The New York Times - Melania Trump is Wearing an $1,100 Pussy-Bow Blouse Right Now
Are Women People With Rights Independent of Their Relationships With Men? Views Differ - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump Supporter Tells Mike Pence She's 'Ready For A Revolution' If Hillary Clinton Wins | Huffington Post - Republicans built Trump, the Frankenstein of stitched together conspiracies and hysterical nightmare scenerios where there is an enemy all around them. If its not government , its Islamic terrororists, mexicans or demons from the underworld. We are talking about a wide scale mentally deranged mania. A hoard of angry delusional zombies. (comment)
Samantha Bee and the Challenges of Anger in Comedy - The Atlantic
This 'Jaws' Analogy Did Not End Well For Mike Huckabee | Huffington Post - Then, Kelly let it out: "Captain Quint got eaten by the shark."
BUSTED: Rudy Giuliani says he never saw Hillary Clinton in NYC on 9/11 - but pictures prove he's lying
Catholic group demands top Clinton aide resign over leaked emails | TheHill - an amazing bastardization of the faith. They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.
The Human Toll of Criminalizing Drug Use in the United States | HRW - Every 25 Seconds
Police arrest more people for marijuana use than for all violent crimes combined : news (which is why they oppose legalization)
Caitlyn Jenner Must Use Men's Bathroom In North Carolina, Transphobic Governor Says | Huffington Post - Gov. Pat McCrory also thinks Donald Trump is a "role model" (but Caitlyn will still vote Republican)
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin Declares 'Oilfield Prayer Day' To Ask God To Protect The State's Oil Industry | Huffington Post (pray to God to raise oil prices, that'll work)
Preserving The Ramps To Nowhere Is A Broken Symbol - The Urbanist
TIL that there are 5x more studies into erectile dysfunction than PMS despite only 19% of men experiencing erectile dysfunction while over 90% of women experience PMS. : todayilearned
Calcium supplements may damage the heart - Futurity - But our study adds to the body of evidence that excess calcium in the form of supplements may harm the heart and vascular system
A disturbing kidnap video from 2009 is found on YouTube, a redditor links it to an actual abduction, authorities and FBI run with lead, story reported internationally, a second redditor miraculously IDs the perpetrator in the video as an actor and alerts authorities that it's probably a fake : bestof
What's a bad habit you never knew you did until someone pointed it out to you? : AskReddit
What fetish is surprisingly actually a "thing?" [NSFW] : AskReddit
Russian jets resume heavy bombing of eastern Aleppo: rebels, monitor | Reuters
Benghazi Middleman Tied To Unaoil Bribery Scandal, Source Told FBI | Huffington Post
Federal appeals court rules the structure of CFPB is unconstitutional - The Washington Post - the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which is led by a single director, was not structured in line with other independent agencies, which are run by a group of commissioners. (Repubican court)
YouTube challenged TV in the second presidential debate (updated)
Russia and the 2016 Campaign - Lawyers, Guns & Money - This is a dramatic shift from recent elections; the GOP was somewhat to the right of the Democrats on Russia in 2008, and was far to the right of the Democrats in 2012. (Putin's Trumpuppet and the right loves their commies all of a sudden)
Dear Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, I Am Not Sidney Blumenthal - Kurt Eichenwald On 10/10/16
Donald Trump is quoting fake "information" directly from a Russian propaganda disinformation campaign - This is not funny. It is terrifying. The Russians engage in a sloppy disinformation effort and, before the day is out, the Republican nominee for president is standing on a stage reciting the manufactured story as truth. How did this happen? Who in the Trump campaign was feeding him falsehoods straight from the Kremlin? (+"Hey Republicans, how does it feel to be forced to carry something to term that you really, really don't want?)
The horror is everything the GOP could tolerate about Trump. - Republicans supported his vision of a whites-only America until he posed a threat to the voters the party needs. By Jamelle Bouie
Trump's One Public Service Was Exposing the Misogyny of the GOP - Which is worse: Threatening to grab someone by the pussy or forcing someone to carry and give birth to a baby that is the result of rape?
You Are What Your Record Says You Are - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Somehow, Republicans began to discover that Trump was violating their alleged principles when his bigotry took a specific form that was inconsistent with their federal electoral viability. It is truly the party of Paul Ryan.
Paul Ryan Turns Focus From Donald Trump to House Races, Roiling G.O.P. - The New York Times
Trump declares war on the Republican Party four weeks before Election Day - The Washington Post (and Bezos has his own war going, these are all WaPo stories)
The Daily 202: Is Hurricane Trump a Category One, a Category Five or something in between? - The Washington Post
Donald Trump is blowing up the Republican Party - The Washington Post - I can say without hesitation I have NEVER seen anything close to this. And I expect I never will again ... But, the disaster scenario -- an electoral college wipeout, losing the Senate and the House -- now has to be on the table (Trump/Pence 2016 : Grab Them by the P*ssy)
Donald Trump unleashes a stream of falsehoods - The Washington Post - Mr. Trump averaged about one misstatement every five minutes. By our reckoning, he far exceeded that pace Sunday night. (post-truth democracy)
The religious right makes a deal with the devil - The Washington Post (and it isn't the she-devil, either +the immoral minority)
Member of Trump's Evangelical Council Calls Him 'Lecherous and Worthless'
- Conway loses her integrity and eviscerates GOP's appeal to women (like she had "integrity" ever)
Paul LePage Calls For Trump 'To Show Some Authoritarian Power' | Huffington Post - Authoritarianism is supposed to be considered bad in America. (not by 40%)
Paul Ryan Turns Focus From Donald Trump to House Races, Roiling G.O.P. - The New York Times - People today ask -- why do moderate Muslims not take the Islamic extremists to task for their desecration of Islam? I want to ask -- where has mainstream Christianity been for the past 40 years not calling out these false Christians? (comments)
A Christian Nation? Since When? - The New York Times - Accordingly, throughout the 1930s and '40s, corporate leaders marketed a new ideology that combined elements of Christianity with an anti-federal libertarianism - the gospel of faith and free enterprise ... "in order that we might be a God-directed and God-controlled nation" (Jesus was a capitalist: the sheep in the chapel of a corporate god build in reaction to the loss of the Gilded Age and the New Deal and Billy Graham was their prophet)
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram sent feeds that helped police track minorities in Ferguson and Baltimore, report says - The Washington Post (techbros love the surveillance state)
U.S. To Seek Criminal Contempt Charge Against Joe Arpaio | Huffington Post - They are seeking no more than six months incarceration for 84-year-old Republican Arizona lawman, citing his age and other factors.
Defense resumes with testimony on FBI informant, David Fry's mental eval and 'ugly guns' |
Millennials aren't big spenders or risk-takers, and that's going to reshape the economy (no, the boomer economy limited their options)
UK government finally concedes cannabis has a medicinal effect | The Independent
UK government finally concedes cannabis has a medicinal effect : worldnews
Legal pot could upend years of drug smuggling in Arizona : news (and the cops don't want that to happen)
Are Airport Bathrooms Spreading Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Globally? | American Council on Science and Health - One of the strains found in Paris, a type of MRSA, is rare. A genetic analysis suggested that it originated from India, which means the bacterium is now being spread around the world by international travelers.
Why you should give your sons more chores than your daughters - The Washington Post (because girls do most of the work so boys can play with soldiers)
Taboo word fluency and knowledge of slurs and general pejoratives: deconstructing the poverty-of-vocabulary myth - Taboo word fluency is correlated with general fluency. Taboo words comprise pejoratives and slurs.Taboo fluency is correlated with neuroticism and openness (cursing is good for you)
The Fantastic Ursula K. Le Guin - The New Yorker
Which profession is full of people with bloated egos? : AskReddit
What are people slowly starting to forget? : AskReddit
What was "the incident" at your school? : AskReddit
What's a problem girls/guys have that the opposite sex probably doesn't realize? : AskReddit
The U.S. Is Part Of A War In Yemen, And Neither Clinton Nor Trump Will Talk About It | Huffington Post - no evidence the next president has a plan forward for the country where American ally Saudi Arabia has been slaughtering civilians. (why did Barry buy into mass murder?)
Some secrets are not dirty - Yesterday, Hillary Clinton's PEC win probability hit 95%
Billmon on Twitter: "If you want to know why the GOP pros are freaking out, this is it. Most of their gerrymandered House seats aren't designed to handle this."
Poll: Hillary Clinton won the second debate - POLITICO - Three-quarters of all voters, and 76 percent of Republicans, say the GOP is divided today, compared with only 10 percent who say it is united. (the super hard-core insane 10%)
Trump's hreat to Jail Clinton Also Targets Democracy's Institutions (oh, you just noticed what he's doing?)
Here's Why Republicans Are Still Willing To Vote For Donald Trump | Huffington Post - Even after the GOP nominee was caught bragging about sexual assault, supporters seem to be sticking with him - 74 percent of Republicans agreed that party leaders should continue to back the embattled nominee. (America is full of evil stupid people)
Paul Ryan Turns Focus From Donald Trump to House Races, Roiling G.O.P. - The New York Times
GOP Senator Says Grabbing A Woman's Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault | Huffington Post - "I think that's a stretch" said Jeff Sessions (more true colors dept, thanks for the creepy asshole, AL)
The Inside Story Of Donald Trump's Comedy Central Roast Is Everything You Thought It Would Be | Huffington Post - The 2011 event is a window into the mind of the Republican nominee for president. ("Mister" Trump: lfe-long bubble of sexist entitlement)
Ana Navarro Unloads On '50 Shades Of Crazy' Trump Supporter Scottie Nell Hughes | Huffington Post - To compare running for president to an erotic film or an erotic movie, an erotic novel, it's (50 shades of) crazy) (America: the S/M erotic novel)
- Donald Trump is the GOP's chemotherapy (George, the big fat orange tumor is the cancer, you idiot)
Gloria Allred Says More Women Are Contacting Her About Trump Misconduct: Gothamist
Elon Musk Burns Coal-Mining CEO Who Called Tesla A Fraud | Huffington Post - Have a look in the mirror, Robert Murray. (look at his pic, is Murry even human?)
Haitians are urging people not to give money to the Red Cross : worldnews
In the UK, running a blog over HTTPS is terrorism, says Scotland Yard : technology
Mysterious factory break-in raises suspicions about Chinese visit | World news | The Guardian - A burglary at an innovative Scottish wave-power company went forgotten, until a very similar project appeared in China
xenoids comments on Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has said he will donate the money from the Nobel Peace prize to help the victims of the 52-year conflict in his country. He was awarded the prize for reaching a peace agreement with the Farc rebel group last month.
New Poll Gives Hillary Clinton A Double-Digit National Lead | Huffington Post - An NBC/Wall Street Journal survey shows Donald Trump crashing after Friday's video release
2016 Election Forecast: Who Will Be President? - The New York Times - Hillary Clinton has an 86% chance of winning the presidency.
CNN poll: 57 percent of viewers say Clinton won the debate (and 73% of your media said Trump won)
Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper Steered Debate With Sharp Questions - The New York Times
Was That a Debate? Or Were the Candidates Just Trying to Go Viral? - The New York Times (both sides, of course)
Eschaton: Undecided Voters - If at this point in a campaign season you claim to be genuinely undecided, you're lazy, lying, or stupid.
Fact Check 2016: Tall Tales From the Trail - NBC News
Here's A Complete Rundown Of What Happened At The Second Presidential Debate | Huffington Post
- This Trump Lie from Sunday Night's Debate Is Stunning, Even By Trump Standards - Of course it's about Hillary
Trump is wrong: Hillary Clinton did not laugh about the rape of a 12-year-old - politico
Five takeaways from a brutal debate - politico - Trump slings mud, Clinton exposes a weakness, and reporters get a dare. - the spin room crowd declared him the winner (of course they did)
Second Presidential Debate: 11 Moments That Mattered - ABC News
13 times Trump was dead wrong at the debate, and 2 times Clinton was - politico
Daniel Dale on Twitter: "This debate: Donald Trump 33 false claims, Hillary Clinton 5. Last debate: Donald Trump 34 false claims, Hillary Clinton 4."
This Trump Lie from Sunday's Debate Is Stunning - Trump lied 33 times to Clinton's five last night - Trump lied 33 times to Clinton's five last night.
Three revealing Donald Trump moments in that hot mess of a town hall - The Washington Post
The 7 nastiest insults of the debate - politico
Second Clinton-Trump debate sees big ratings drop compared to first - Oct. 10, 2016 - The audience was still massive by any measure. The six biggest channels that televised the debate -- CNN, ABC, CBS, Fox News, MSNBC, and the Fox broadcast network -- had a combined 60 million viewers. (at least that many uncounted streaming viewers) 20 million users in the United States were commenting, liking and sharing content about the debate.
Trump's Pledge to Jail Clinton Unprecedented (sounds like Putin or Erdogan)
Donald Trump confirmed our worst fears about the kind of president he would be - Vox - Donald Trump is running for dictator, not for president.
Max Fisher on Twitter: "Political candidate promising to direct the state to imprison his rival if he wins This is what happens in dictatorships. Not democracies."
How President Donald Trump could ruin his enemies' lives - Bezos will pay for siccing his Post reporters on us. (Democracy, how does it work?)
Donald Trump Goes Low - The New York Times - Donald Trump boiled his decadent campaign down to one theme during the presidential debate on Sunday night: hatred of Hillary and Bill Clinton.
Donald Trump's Campaign Goes All In On Jailing Hillary Clinton | Huffington Post - The idea is more commonly associated with dictators, but that didn't stop team Trump from cheering it on after the debate
Donald Trump Threatens Hillary Clinton With Special Prosecutor, Jail | Huffington Post - Trump told Clinton she would be in jail if he were president.
Donald Trump Is Without Parallel - This is your democracy, America. Cherish it - the first time in American political history that one candidate promised to throw the other candidate in jail.
Notes on the garbage fire that is American politics - Vox - Every Republican who endorsed and normalized Trump bears part of the blame for this moment.
Donald Trump Goes Full Rage-Monster on Hillary and Bill Clinton - The Daily Beast - Tens of millions tuned in to an event of historic darkness, dominated by conspiratorial accusations, unflinching rage, and hints at despotism.
The answer is no: We haven't seen anything quite like this - But never has there been a debate in which the attacks, the body language and the exchanges conveyed the degree to which this campaign has reached the depths of division and disagreement, not just between the two candidates but between two Americas ... For Trump, this is a final roll of the dice. For Republicans this is about more than the presidency and they know they will be living with the fallout from this campaign long after the results of this election are known on the night of Nov. 8.
Why Did NBC News Sit on the Trump Tape for So Long? - politico Magazine
'This is on you': John Oliver ridicules Republicans over Trump groping tape | Television & radio | The Guardian - And, in a way, perhaps we have been always heading towards this historic moment. The first female presidential nominee versus the human embodiment of every backwards, condescending, Mad Men-esque boys' club attitude that has ever existed, rolled into one giant, salivating dick-size-referencing, pussy-grabbing warthog in a red power tie
Is grabbing women's genitals sexual assault? Trump backers suggest it's not | US news | The Guardian
Trump lashes out at Ryan - politico - The highest-elected Republican official abandons Trump as he plunges in the polls.
Sources: Ryan discussed revoking Trump endorsement - politico
House Speaker Won't Defend Donald Trump, Upsetting G.O.P. Hard-Liners
Let's Talk About Paul Ryan's Non-Unendorsement - And bask in this wondrous ecce homo moment.
In The Abuser's House - I thought Trump did considerably better than he did in the first debate. But throughout he was blustering, visibly angry, frequently whining to and about the moderators. He was bellicose, harsh and taunting.
Trump wanted to put Bill Clinton's accusers in his family box. Debate officials said no. (and make him shake their hands)
Trump Denied Ever Sexually Abusing Anyone. But Plenty Of Women Say Otherwise. | Huffington Post
Who paid for Bill Clinton's accusers to travel to the debate? - One of the women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault, Juanita Broaddrick, told reporters at the debate on Sunday that the website Breitbart paid for her trip to St. Louis.
Trump Ally Paid Sexual Assault Victim Critical of Clinton - ABC News
Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl : - A civil suit against Donald Trump alleging he raped a 13-year-old girl was dismissed in California in May 2016 and refiled in New York in June 2016.
Trump, companies accused of mistreating women in at least 20 lawsuits
A Misogynist Without A Clue - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Chuck Todd Served Rudy Giuliani a Cold, Hard Dish of the Truth - pretty awkward defending Donald Trump right now.
How the 'Today' show ha show handled Billy Bush's suspension on air Monday
Emails: Firm that hired Abedin called Chelsea Clinton a 'spoiled brat kid' | Washington Examiner
A man who kept sexts sent between his teenage stepdaughter and her boyfriend because he wanted police to act has been convicted of possessing child pornography and placed on the sex offenders register : news
TIL light in itself isn't special, it's just that according to Einstein, the fastest speed reachable in the universe is 300K m/s. It just happens that light is the only thing we detected that travels without limitations in vacuum, which is why we associate the speed limit of the universe with it. : todayilearned
This is not concrete..this is New Delhi : pics
Ladies of Reddit, what's the most confusing thing about a penis ? : AskReddit
At what moment did you realize you were dating an idiot? : AskReddit
TIFU by enraging the parents of my girlfriend by pretending not to know what a potato is. : tifu
What is your CraigsList 'horror' story? : AskReddit
Yahoo Turned Off E-Mail Forwarding Just When People Might Want To Leave : technology
Bloomberg's 404 page is pretty full on ... : WTF
Comcast tries to rationalise data caps : videos
We have money to fight climate change. It's just that we're spending it on defense | The Guardian ("defense" = completely unnecessary stupid wars")
Hurricane Matthew Toll Climbs to at Least 17 as North Carolina Suffers Record-Breaking Flooding - The New York Times
Matthew batters Carolinas; major flooding feared - The Washington Post
After Wreaking Havoc On East Coast, Weakened Matthew Is Downgraded | Huffington Post - The most powerful Atlantic storm since 2007 killed at least 11 people in the U.S. and almost 900 in Haiti.
What Options Does the U.S. Have After Accusing Russia of Hacks? - The New York Times - Just as Henry Kissinger and other American strategists argued decades ago whether it was possible to wage a limited nuclear war, officials at the Pentagon and intelligence agencies, as well as outside experts, have been debating whether it is possible to control the escalation of a cyberconflict.
18 dead in car bombing attack at Turkish military checkpoint | World news | The Guardian - Ten soldiers and eight civilians killed in attack in south-eastern province that government blames on Kurdish militants
White House: U.S. Support For Saudi Air War In Yemen Not A 'Blank Check' | Huffington Post - It's unclear if harsh words from the Obama administration will lead to a change in policy (no it isn't and why did Barry think this was a good idea?)
- A competent woman just debated a man who has no idea what he's talking about
Everything that was said at the second Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton debate, highlighted - The Washington Post
Live Blogging Round Two of the Presidential Debates - Well. That was something, wasn't it?
michael koh on Twitter: "HILLARY: i told you he'd fuck the chair TRUMP: *while fucking the chair* I never fucked the chair"
Donald Trump Made It Clear -- Again -- That He's Unfit For The Presidency | Huffington Post - Just Wow
Donald Trump Threatens Hillary Clinton With Special Prosecutor, Jail | Huffington Post - Trump told Clinton she would be in jail if he were president.
A Whole Lot Of People Thought Trump's Debate Performance Was A Disaster
Trump Hosts Women Who Accused Bill Clinton Of Misconduct | Huffington Post - Four women appeared with the nominee ahead of the debate.
Here's A Live Tally Of All The Times Presidential Candidates Lie During The Debate | Huffington Post
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House (OH goes blue)
Poll: GOP Voters Not Following Trump-Abandoning Elites | Huffington Post - Beltway Republicans continue to influence nobody. (increases support from dumb white guys who hate women)
America Has Been Waiting for Donald Trump - He is not an aberration. He is the culmination - The campaign of El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago always has been a ridiculous campaign run by a ridiculous man who hijacked a ridiculous political party and now has rendered the entire American political system as ridiculous as the ferret he wears on his head. (every.fucking.word.)
Presidential Debate: Donald Trump Pushes Back Against G.O.P. Critics and Focuses on Bill Clinton - The New York Times - a widely anticipated second debate that comes as extraordinary upheaval in the Republican Party has upended the presidential race just a month before the election.
What We're Watching for in the Second Debate - Trump's Vision of Manhood (crisis of toxic masculinity and stupidity as a virture of realness +"chivalric mode" women need to be protected and worshipped)
The Sleaziness of Donald Trump - The New York Times - And so we have now heard the Republican nominee for president of the United States bragging about repeated sexual assault.
Clinton team girds for all-out assault - politico - With little to lose, Trump expected to tear into both Clintons at town hall debate.
Donald Trump just retweeted Juanita Broaddrick calling Bill Clinton a rapist. All bets are now off. - The Washington Post - the woman who publicly alleged in 1999 that Clinton had sexually assaulted her two decades prior - GOP has basically turned this into Trump, Unplugged.
The rape allegation against Bill Clinton, explained - Vox
Here's Is Juanita Broaddrick's Affidavit That Destroys Trump's Attack On Hillary Clinton
Another Newspaper Breaks Conservative Tradition With Endorsement Of Hillary Clinton | Huffington Post - The Columbus Dispatch broke from a centurylong tradition of endorsing Republican presidential nominees (Republicans own all the media in OH)
- Leaked Campaign Emails Show 'Moderate' Side of Clinton
Donald Trump's Conduct Was Excused Again and Again. But Not This Time ... There was just lasciviousness in its purest and cruelest form ... Romney's 47% times 10
NBC waited for green light from lawyers before airing Trump video - The Washington Post - NBC News was scooped by The Washington Post, which took just five hours to vet and post its story. (NBC tried to delay until after the debate)
Are More Lewd Donald Trump Tapes Out There? | Huffington Post
Here Are All The Republicans Dropping Their Support For Donald Trump | Huffington Post - So it wasn't a Muslim ban, slut shaming, calling Mexicans rapists or insulting a Gold Star family. It took Donald Trump talking about grabbing women by the p**** for GOP lawmakers to pull their support for him.
Republicans Are Shocked (!) That They've Nominated An Ignorant Boor | Huffington Post - the poor things.
You Knew Who Trump Was When You Endorsed Him, Republican Leaders | Huffington Post - You will never live down what you've done
You Knew Who Trump Was When You Endorsed Him, Republican Leaders | Huffington Post - Stephanie Georgieff (great comment, See More)
Inside Trump Tower, an Increasingly Upset and Alone Donald Trump - The New York Times
Condoleezza Rice Calls On Donald Trump To Drop Out Of The Race | Huffington Post - too late to take him off the ballot. (oh, look what I helped create!)
GOP consumed by crisis as more Republicans call on Trump to quit race - The Washington Post
We knew this Trump all along - The Washington Post
With less than a month to go, a major party is walking away from its nominee - The Washington Post
Will Ted Cruz Take His Trump Endorsement Back - BuzzFeed News (muhahaha)
Donald Trump just retweeted Juanita Broaddrick calling Bill Clinton a rapist. All bets are now off. - The Washington Post
Nancy O'Dell Reacts to Donald Trump Recording
Trump Son Disses Bill Clinton | Nitwitia - The Dumbest Conservative Posts On Facebook
Exclusive poll: GOP voters want the party to stand by Trump - politico
The real significance of the (first) Trump tape - Lawyers, Guns & Money : What this poll at least suggests is that, among the electorate, collapsing support for Trump among GOP elites may well have no discernible effect whatsoever. And really, this makes sense: if you were willing to vote for Trump before Friday ...
Iceberg - The upshot is that while GOP elites may finally be done with Trump they appear not to speak, even remotely, for base Republican voters.
Call me a racist, but don't say I'm a Buddhist - meet America's alt right (how about stupid idiot?)
The 'barbaric' tradition of throwing live turkeys from planes continues in the Ozarks (meanwhile, deep in the American psyche)
When Harvard Hated Unions: A Labor History Many Would Just As Soon Forget | Cognoscenti
As Drug Deaths Soar, a Silver Lining for Transplant Patients - The New York Times - The surge in deaths from drug overdoses has become an unexpected lifeline for people waiting for organ transplants, turning tragedy for some into salvation for others.
Hurricane Matthew batters South Carolina coast; storm-surge flooding feared - The Washington Post
Hurricane Matthew Weakens Off U.S. Coast After Ravaging Haiti | Huffington Post - The number of deaths in Haiti jumped to at least 877 as information trickled in from remote areas previously cut off by the storm.
Photos Show Hurricane Matthew's Force As It Lashes U.S. Coast | Huffington Post - Officials warn the storm could gain strength as it climbs the Atlantic Coast.
How U.S. Torture Left Legacy of Damaged Minds - The New York Times - Beatings, sleep deprivation, menacing and other brutal tactics have led to persistent mental health problems among detainees held in secret C.I.A. prisons and at Guantanamo. (Obama pardoned all the evil-doers)
Little consensus within administration on how to stop fall of Aleppo to Assad - The Washington Post (as if they could)
Airstrike kills more than 100, injures hundreds at Yemen funeral - The Washington Post - An airstrike by an American-backed, Saudi-led coalition killed more than 100 people and injured hundreds more at a funeral (and we're doing this why again?)
Eschaton: Ausldnder - What a way to destroy a country. (fire the experts because they aren't stupid enough)
UK Government no longer accepts advice from non-British academics on Brexit and restricts access to information, first British public university rejects contributions from leading academics with foreign citizenship (including dual citizenship); officials cite "security measures" as reason : worldnews
Leaflet calling for death of those who insult Islam 'handed out at London mosque' : news
A Sikh man was brutally attacked by a group who removed his turban, cut off his hair - The Washington Post - Maan Singh Khalsa was stopped at a red light in Richmond, Calif., when, authorities say, a group of white men in a pickup truck began to attack him, completely unprovoked. (patriotic white trash idiots)
U.S. Says Russia Directed Hacks to Influence Elections - The New York Times (in support of their clown puppet Trumptster)
Why Hillary Clinton could be in even stronger shape than the polls show - Vox - The main reason is that early voting
Hacked emails appear to reveal excerpts of speech transcripts Clinton refused to release - The Washington Post - "open trade and open borders" and a suggestion that bankers are best positioned to know how the industry should be regulated
The most revealing Clinton campaign emails in WikiLeaks release - politico
Fact check: This is not really a post-fact election - The Washington Post - In a Monmouth University poll conducted days before the first presidential debate, 60 percent of respondents said that moderators should fact-check the candidates. Only half as many said that task should be left to the candidates themselves, an unfortunate approach endorsed by the chief of the Commission on Presidential Debates. (that would be Janet "How do we know what a fact is, anyway? Brown)
The explanation for October's clown sighting hysteria is staring us in the face | Mary Valle | Opinion | The Guardian
A caller had a lewd tape of Donald Trump. Then the race to break the story was on. - The Washington Post - which some observers said might deal a death blow to Trump's presidential campaign was the second major revelation, or 'October surprise' that came courtesy of an anonymous source ... story proved to be the most concurrently viewed article in the history of The Post's website ... it briefly crashed the servers ... Bush, 44, a cousin of former president George W. Bush, is now a co-host of NBC's 'Today' show
Robert DeNiro's Video Was 'Too Partisan' For A GOTV Campaign, But... | Crooks and Liars
The Sleaziness of Donald Trump - The New York Times - And so we have now heard the Republican nominee for president of the United States bragging about repeated sexual assault. (and everyone is shocked!)
Lewd Donald Trump Tape Is a Breaking Point for Many in the G.O.P. - The New York Times (yeah, right)
Donald Trump, Groper in Chief - The New York Times (make America rape again)
Trump caught on tape making crude, sexually aggressive comments about women - politico - just over 48 hours before the next presidential debate and immediately sent political shockwaves across the nation ... "Game over, he is discussing sexual assault"
Trump's Latest Comments About Women Are Rape Culture In A Nutshell | Huffington Post - Grab them by the p***y. You can do anything
More Trump tapes surface with crude sex remarks - The Washington Post
The Bottom Could Fall Out For Trump | FiveThirtyEight - 53 percent of voters are women.
It's Time To Bury Donald Trump Once And For All | Huffington Post - Trump is only 5 points from becoming the biggest loser in presidential history - That title is currently held in the modern era by Democrat George McGovern, who won 37.4 percent of the vote in 1972 against Richard Nixon, a defeat so thorough that it marked the beginning of the end of the liberal wave that had begun with FDR and the New Deal.
Donald Trump Just Lost The Election - The Daily Beast - bragging about sexual assault has alienated key allies and confirms his critic's suspicions - This entire campaign has been an exercise of the electorate being slowly simmered in a pot of boiling water, losing our sense of outrage amid a steady of onslaught insults and lies. But sex and cruelty resonates in a way that financial scandals or demagoguery just don't ... This is, apparently, the real Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is a walking, talking example of the tyrannical soul - The Washington Post
Trump issues defiant apology for lewd remarks -- then goes on the attack -
- Donald Trump to Howard Stern: It's okay to call my daughter a 'piece of ass'
Trump Called Pregnant Melania A 'Monster' And A 'Blimp' | Huffington Post
It Is Too Late For The GOP To Rid Itself Of The Trump Stench | Huffington Post - The hot mic moment is just the latest controversy. And Republicans now own it.
Donald Trump's Comments About Groping Women Are The Least-Surprising Thing Ever | Huffington Post - His history of misogyny is a matter of public record.
Jon Huntsman And Other Republicans Call On Donald Trump To Drop Out Of The Race | Huffington Post - The time has come for Governor Pence to lead the ticket (that'll work)
Reince Priebus, Other Republicans Denounce Trump's 'Indefensible' Comments About Women | Huffington Post
Donald Trump 'Apologizes' In Recording That Looks Like A Hostage Tape | Huffington Post - Then he went after the Clintons.
Trump Calls Woman 'It' In New Leaked Audio | Huffington Post (the 'pussy' is an it; remember the "Moral Majority?")
Women Share Stories Of Sexual Assault To Show Trump What Rape Culture Looks Like | Huffington Post - "It's funny because every woman you know has been grabbed in the p***y by a stranger"
CNN Panel Devolves Into Shouting Match About 'Pussy' | Huffington Post - "Don't tell me you're offended when I say 'pussy' but you're not offended when Donald Trump says it' (wow, national TV just broke the pussy barrier)
Seth Abramovitch on Twitter: "This @ananavarro speech could be the best single moment in the campaign"
John McCain Unendorses Donald Trump | Huffington Post - (finally) had enough.
Mike Pence 'Offended' By Donald Trump's Lewd Remarks About Women | Huffington Post
Here Are All The Republicans Dropping Their Support For Donald Trump | Huffington Post - The list is expanding to sitting senators, members of Congress and governors.
RNC halts Victory project work for Trump - politico
Kelly Ayotte Finally Dumps Trump | Huffington Post - a sign that other senators in tight races might do the same. (too late, Kelly)
Philip Rucker on Twitter: "A source close to Trump camp told me Pence and his team are "absolutely apoplectic," "melting down" and "inconsolable."" - Given Mike Pence said he believed Trump was sent by God, I imagine he's having something of a crisis of faith
Sen. Mike Lee urges Trump to quit, as Utah Republicans abandon their party's nominee (little much for the Mormons)
Congressman Jason Chaffetz withdraws his endorsement of Donald Trump |
- Ayotte: Trump's Predatory Comments 'Inappropriate And Offensive' (but she 'absolutely' thinks he's a good role model for kids)
Donald Trump Tried to Fire Nancy ODell After She Rejected His Sexual Advances - Video of the Republican talking about trying to have sex with a married female journalist adds new context to his reported effort to have her kicked off of his Miss USA pageant.
Trump's Legacy Will Haunt GOP Beyond 2016 - how the party stood by Trump despite concrete evidence of extreme lewdness from its nominee.
Jamelle Bouie on Twitter: "For the last year, Trump has campaigned on state repression of nonwhites and state benefits for whites."
Robert De Niro Unloads On Donald Trump With (Almost) Every Insult Under The Sun | Huffington Post
Donald Trump apologizes for lewd taped remarks about pursuing, groping women | (the view from OR)
Daniel Roberts on Twitter: "I know everyone is going to jump on Donald Trump for admitting to serial sexual battery on tape, but try to remember Hillary once had a cold"
Member of 'Central Park 5' blasts Trump - Trump involved himself in the controversy soon after it took place when he took out full-page ads in major newspapers calling, among other things, for the death penalty to be reinstated in New York. (for black people, anyway)
Donald Trump Expresses More Economic Anxiety - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The Republican nominee for president believes that African-Americans who are innocent should nonetheless be in prison:
Eschaton: How Things Change - Way back in the aughts, Move On had a contest in which anyone could submit a video for an ad ... Now Trump supporters are filled with neo-Nazis, white supremacists, white nationalists, the alt-right, or whatever they're calling it this week ... Not a lot of denouncing going on. (your media is responsible for a lot of this)
Evangelical leaders stick with Trump, focus on defeating Clinton | Reuters (you know, the moral majority)
Henry Wallace and Third Party Campaigns on the Left - Lawyers, Guns & Money
U.S. marshals end Ammon Bundy's contact visits with lawyers in courthouse over 'disrespect' |
Does Ammon Bundy's 10-hour testimony help or hurt his case in Oregon standoff trial? |
- Drug cops raid an 81-year-old woman's garden to take out a single marijuana plant - grew a single marijuana plant in her garden, tucked away behind the raspberries. She used it to ease the ailments of old age: glaucoma, arthritis and the occasional sleepless night - So on the afternoon of Sept. 21, a team of Massachusetts State Police and Massachusetts National Guard troops sent a helicopter, several vehicles, and a handful of troopers to Holcomb's house to chop down the plant and haul it away in a pickup truck ... This year, the DEA gave Massachusetts $60,000 for marijuana eradication efforts (Charlie Baker swatted her pot plant)
The lesson of this drug bust: Never come between an 81-year-old and her marijuana plant - The Boston Globe - carried out by State Police in conjunction with the Mass. National Guard, made possible by a $60,000 US Department of Justice grant ... "very low-flying, official-looking helicopter" (Baker vows to use more tanks and bombers)
Safety Questions Raised After Cyclist Is Killed In Cambridge Crash + CBS Boston - Basically, if you come through Porter Square on a bicycle, you're taking your life in your hands" (Cambridge will ban trucks)
Creepy clown gets beat up with a baseball bat in US video | Daily Mail Online
Eschaton: Dance, Monkeys, Dance - The help must show their respect. (the riches call shame on you but they pay themselves hugh bucks))
Effort to repeal transgender law advances - The Boston Globe
Posting Rules in Online Discussions Prevents Problems & Increases Participation, in a Field Experiment of 2,214 Discussions On r/science : science
John Wick 2 Official Trailer : movies
Big Brother Awards Belgium: Facebook is the privacy villain of the year - EDRi (you've been zuckerfucked)
Hurricane Matthew Death Toll Passes 800 In Haiti, Cholera Takes Lives | Huffington Post - Matthew pushed the sea into fragile coastal villages, some of which are only now being contacted.
- Hurricane Matthew rumbles along Florida's eastern coast
As Hurricane Matthew Bears Down On Florida, Drudge Suggests Government Lying About Its Force | Crooks and Liars (libruls and their phony hurricanes)
What About the Planet? - The New York Times - Our two major political parties are at odds on many issues, but nowhere is the gap bigger or more consequential than on climate. (Republicans' chance to vote for literally the end of the world)
Governor Who Looks Like a Cartoon Supervillain a Cartoon Supervillain - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Vote suppression today, vote suppression tomorrow, vote suppression for as long as Republicans control the state:
At the Boiling Point With Israel - The New York Times - If the aim of the Israeli government is to prevent a peace deal with the Palestinians, now or in the future, it's close to realizing that goal. ("If" and Fuckanyuhu is laughing)
U.S. government officially accuses Russia of hacking campaign to interfere with elections - The Washington Post
The Truth Is Out There in 2016. Way Out There. | TIME - In 2016, political debate has become unhinged from reality.
Hillary Clinton's Paid Speeches to Goldman Sachs Finally Leaked
The mass exodus from Puerto Rico may be very good for Hillary Clinton - The Washington Post
HUFFPOLLSTER: Democrats Are Rallying Around Hillary Clinton | Huffington Post
Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005 - The Washington Post
How the shocking hot mic tape of Donald Trump was exposed - Oct. 7, 2016
Donald Trump's Debate Practice Is A Joke | Huffington Post - If he wanted to lower expectations for Sunday, he succeeded.
As Trump Slumps, Top Adviser Roger Stone Lashes Out At Kellyanne Conway
Guiliani's daughter is for Clinton
Ride the Ducks suspends operations in Philadelphia - Police said a witness reported seeing Karnicki crossing the street against a red light just before she was hit. At the time, she was looking at an electronic tablet.
Sweet Cakes by Melissa, bakery that turned away lesbians, closes | - Sweet Cakes supporters raised more than half a million dollars for the bakers.
Ammon Bundy: Guns allowed Oregon refuge occupiers to express First Amendment rights |
A look at Gold Butte, Nevada, two years after the Bundy standoff - High Country News - Surveyors found illegal cattle grazing, defaced petroglyphs and ditch-digging.
Sheriff Glenn Palmer contradicts earlier statements about emails |
Lawmakers step up pressure on Park Service in sexual misconduct probe, threatening subpoena - The Washington Post - "You have somebody on your staff who is essentially protected and empowered by his wife. How do you let that happen?"
The Fight to Save Johnny Manziel from All-Out Self-Destruction | Vanity Fair
'It's not in your head' - Striking new study links birth control to depression
A painful case - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Leiter emphatically denied sending excrement to anyone.
Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Announces Criminal Charges Against Senior Corporate Officers of for Profiting from Prostitution and Arrest of Carl Ferrer, CEO | State of California - Department of Justice - Kamala D. Harris Attorney General
Lawsuit: Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer led illegal purge of male workers (esp. male workers with security experience)
Urgent message from The Weather Channel for Those in the Path of Hurricane Matthew : videos
Millions evacuate East Coast before Hurricane Matthew makes landfall in US | Daily Mail Online
Southeast Braces For Potentially 'Catastrophic' Hurricane Matthew | Huffington Post - Matthew's winds increased to 140 miles per hour, making it an 'extremely dangerous' category 4 hurricane
Hurricane Matthew intensifies as Florida governor orders 1.5 million to evacuate - The Washington Post
Hurricane Matthew's Strength Is Yet Another Climate Change Indicator | Huffington Post - It's unusual for a storm like this to hit in October. (librul conspiracy to drown you in your ignorance)
How Hurricane Matthew Could Make Zika Worse - The virus is likely to spread from Florida in the aftermath.
Myanmar Gives Tourist Who Pulled Plug on Buddhist Chants 3 Months in Prison - The New York Times - A Dutch tourist who unplugged an amplifier that was broadcasting Buddhist chants, which he said disrupted his sleep, was sentenced to three months of hard labor in prison by a court here on Thursday (there's some culture clash)
Iceland finds all guilty in banker market-abuse case : worldnews
The American chess champion challenging Iran's hijab fetish
[Updates] Someone Just Hung A Huge Banner Of Putin On The Manhattan Bridge: Gothamist : Peacemaker (well played)
U.S. Government Health Plans Spent Over $1 Billion On EpiPens Over Past 5 Years | Huffington Post - Now the company behind the emergency allergic reaction treatment is under additional scrutiny.
Obama approval hits new high - - 55% in a new CNN/ORC poll, the highest mark of his second term, and matching his best at any time since his first year in office.
Trump's Doing Worse Than Romney Did Among White Voters (with a third-grade education, anyway)
- Still live near your hometown? If you're white you're more likely to support Trump - Young Adults Less Certain About Voting in 2016
PRRI - Two-Thirds of Trump Supporters Say Nation Needs a Leader Willing to Break the Rules ("rules" = 'laws')
Inside Planned Parenthood's $30 Million Ground War to Stop Trump-Pence - How an army of thousands could tip the balance in as many as half-a-dozen swing states
Hillary Clinton's lead drops to 2 points over Donald Trump in N.H., new poll shows
A President Trump could destroy the world economy - The Washington Post
How Trump 'absolutely' corrupts the GOP (role model! for kids!)
Paul Ryan plans to steamroll Democrats with budget tool - POLITICO - bluntly promising to ram a partisan agenda through Capitol Hill next year, with Obamacare repeal and trillion-dollar tax cuts likely at the top of the list. And Democrats would be utterly defenseless to stop them.
Donald Trump's Ventures Began With a Lot of Hype. Here's How They Turned Out.
How Howard Stern Owned Donald Trump - POLITICO Magazine
We Just Can't Back Donald Trump, 30 Former GOP Lawmakers Say In Letter | Huffington Post - The guy is too toxic for many ex-public officials.
The Lesser Evil Argument Works Because It Can Always Get Worse and It Will With the Greater Evil - Lawyers, Guns & Money - the greater evil is going to be far, far worse. Someone whose family has lived under a dictatorship has a much better chance of understanding that than a white middle-class American college student.
Donald Trump is setting a time bomb for racial violence on Election Day. - His calls for racial voter intimidation on Election Day could explode in all our faces.
Put another log on the dumpster fire - Lawyers, Guns & Money - "thousands of white people will freak the fuck out when their Racist Corn Dog Emperor ungraciously loses to a woman. ("rigged elections" = ones in which minorities vote)
Can Women Be Trusted on Abortion? Two Men Weigh In - The New York Times - And when abortion came up, it was not because the moderator, Elaine Quijano, posed a direct question but because she invited the candidates to talk about their faith
- Mike Pence's lies don't make him a 'winner' (very presidential in his lying)
- Tim Kaine Never Really Cared About "winning" the debate
Bruce Springsteen: 'The republic is under siege by a moron' ('morons' are half the republic)
Sean Hannity Freaks Out After Megyn Kelly Mocks Him As Trump's Safe Space | Huffington Post - Hannity also accused his Fox News colleague of supporting Hillary Clinton.
You Won't Believe What Donald Trump's Own Lawyers Did When Meeting With Him - always met with him with another attorney present because Trump was known to have a vivid fantasy life - "Hey, Trump is a leader in the field of experts -- he's an expert at interpreting things. Let's put it that way." (they knew he was fucking nuts and a liar)
Did Gary Johnson just get dumped? - The Boston Globe ("what is Bill Weld?")
A 90-Year-Old Woman Who's Voted Since 1948 Was Disenfranchised by Wisconsin's Voter ID Law (Scott Walker's Kochistan hates the wrong kind of voters)
Tennessee Mom Throws A Fit When Her Daughter Learns About Islam In School | Huffington Post - "It is time as parents, teachers and administrators we stand up and take back our families, our schools and our country" - Michelle Edmisten claims her daughter's "personal religious beliefs were violated" (with basic knowledge about the world -- stay stupid, Michelle)
A boy shot his abusive, neo-Nazi dad. The Supreme Court just let his murder conviction stand. - The Washington Post - At the heart of Joseph's case was his decision to give up his Miranda rights while being interrogated by a police officer. His supporters argue that Joseph, now 15, has developmental disabilities and could not have understood what that meant.
Ga. deputy fired for racist Facebook posts, targeting black... | - I have a dream. That one day my people will not act like animals
His criminality was astounding: An osteopathic doctor, a motorcycle gang and $5 million in prescription pills
Ammon Bundy testifies how Bunkerville shaped his views in Harney County | (the poots)
Ammon Bundy Says Armed Takeover Of Wildlife Refuge Was Totally Legal | Huffington Post - Guns brought by followers helped spread the anti-government message, he testified.
Heated exchanges, with some lighter moments, during the federal conspiracy case Wednesday |
Ammon Bundy describes arrest: 'Men in the trees and everywhere else' |
Paedophile caught with 137,000 indecent pictures of children spared jail so he can start family : news
Video appears to show Hartford Police Officer stomping on handcuffed man : news
- Harvard strike could be seen as a battle against the 1 percent. It's not (or maybe it is)
Bicyclist killed in Cambridge's Porter Square identified as 60-year-old Lexington man - The Boston Globe - The death of Bernard Lavins marked the second cyclist fatality since June in a city that prides itself on being bike-friendly (and car-hostile)
Report finds sharp racial disparities in marijuana arrests - The Boston Globe - arrest rate was 3.3 times higher for blacks than for whites in 2014, even though research shows blacks and whites use the drug at about the same rate. (they will always pull shit like this so legalize it)
Spotlight: The Broken Covenant - Comprehensive Outpatient Services Inc. The for-profit behavioral health company had just filed for bankruptcy, they were told. The building was being seized. Powers had less than an hour to get out.
If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world | The Poke
Men conceived through IVF have about half the total sperm concentration and a twofold reduction in sperm count compared to traditionally conceived men, study shows : science
TheTimeNotTheMiles comments on ELI5: If bacteria die from (for example, boiled water) where do their corpses go? (pyrogens)
What internet acronym have you misinterpreted and what did you think it stood for? : AskReddit
Working class white men have lower incomes than they did in 1996 : news
What about your current life would shock 13 year old you the most? : AskReddit
Yahoo let the NSA read your email before you even opened it. Yahoo was just revealed to be the very first US internet company to build a program, at the request of US Intelligence Services, to search every single incoming message of every single user in real time. : technology
Hurricane Matthew: Evacuations underway as storm nears -
Al Gore to campaign for Clinton, hoping to galvanize young voters on climate change - The Washington Post
There is between a 70 and 99 percent chance that the United States will see a historic, 35+ year drought by 2100 in the Southwestern quarter--from San Fransisco to Boulder, CO, to the Gulf of CA. : science
Maryland Man Charged With Theft Of Classified Government Material | Huffington Post - Harold Thomas Martin, 51, worked as a contractor for Booz Allen Hamilton.
Top CIA officers to face questions about brutal interrogations in civil suit - The Washington Post
United States Criticizes Israel Over West Bank Settlement Plan - The New York Times (same old shit from Fuckanyahu)
Panti Bliss, Ireland's Queen of Drag, Expands Her Kingdom
Donald Trump's Slip in Polls Has G.O.P. Worried About Congress - support has plunged across the swing-state map over the last 10 days, wiping out his political recovery from September and threatening to undo weeks of Republican gains in the battle for control of Congress.
The Editorialists Have Spoken; Will Voters Listen? - The New York Times - The Atlantic magazine has made only two presidential endorsements in its 159-year history: one for Abraham Lincoln in 1860 and one for Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964.
Clown sightings: the day it all began | Culture | The Guardian - An epidemic of clown sightings is spreading across America - and no one is laughing any more (the clowning of America)
Trump Took Polaroids, Interviewed Models In 1994 Playboy Video -
Aftermath of Kaine-Pence debate pits reality against alternate reality - The Washington Post (truth vs lies, you decide, America)
Watch The Best Moments From The Vice Presidential Debate | Huffington Post
6 things Donald Trump definitely said that Mike Pence claimed he didn't
Mike Pence To America: Trump Never Said Those Things He Said | Huffington Post
All The Things Mike Pence Said Trump Didn't Say, He Did
Trump Team To Tim Kaine: We're Not Unhinged, You Are! | Huffington Post
'The Deficit' Rises from the Dead - a "bipartisan" commission - sneaks it into the debate - he Committee To Help Crooks Get Their Hands On The Social Security Trust Fund (oh, how did that happen?)
- Mike Pence Is Key to Donald Trump's Biggest Con - But who is getting conned: Trump supporters or Republican elites? (Trump: putting the Con in Conservative)
The VP Debate Questions On Debt And Social Security Were Really Bad | Huffington Post
John McCain: Media twisted Donald Trump's comments on PTSD | Local news | - Sen. John McCain is defending Donald Trump over his controversial comments about veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. (that's pretty low, Johnnie, even for you)
Outsourcing to the Pain Caucus - Lawyers, Guns & Money
WATCH: Megyn Kelly Reminds Conway Why Trump Polls Poorly With Women
It's official: Fox News can do whatever the heck it wants (and Fox Zombies will believe it)
Fox News Video in Chinatown Is the Latest Racist O'Reilly Factor Stunt - Are we still perpetuating Asian stereotypes in 2016?
It's Like, How Much More Jill Stein Could This Be? And the Answer Is, Well, It Could Mention How Both Candidates Are Slaves to BIG VAXX - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Stein and Johnson are both empty people)
Chris Christie Apparently Responded To Being Called Fat With An Expletive-Laden Rant | Huffington Post - fat motherf**ker.
Conservative News Darling Is Falling Apart, Staff Says | Huffington Post - The Blaze was once the envy of other right-leaning sites. Not anymore.
State Police raid Indy office in growing voter fraud case - a voter fraud case that spans nine counties. (state attacks voter-reg)
'Brutal' video shows white officer violently arresting black man sitting on his mother's porch
Man dies after being shocked with Taser 15 times, deputies face no charges : news
Pa. couple found dead from overdoses after daughter alerts school - NY Daily News - Christopher Dilly, 26, and Jessica Lally, 25, in the den of their McKeesport home Monday night, along with three other living children elsewhere in the house,
A 7-year-old told her bus driver she couldn't wake her parents. Police found them dead at home.
Prosecutor Wants to Charge 14-Year-Old Girl with Sexual Exploitation for Taking PG-13 Pictures of Herself - Hit & Run : - Bull told the kids that they could be charged with possessing child pornography and have to register as sex offenders (she exploited herself with a fashion-mag pic and school and cops were the real obscenity)
One Million Moms Is Losing Their Minds Over This New H&M Ad | Huffington Post - a division of the American Family Association
- Marijuana legalization is leading in every state where it's on the ballot this November - in Massachusetts, the marijuana legalization measure there enjoys 53 percent support among likely voters (Charlie and Marty on the wrong side of history)
Failed replication study shows reading literary fiction doesn't boost social cognition
PNAS | Mobile - the great terminal Permian crisis eliminated only about 81% of marine species, not the frequently quoted 90-96%. Life did not almost disappear at the end of the Permian, as has often been asserted.
socsa comments on As a child, I never imagined that I would be attracted to butts.
shaliekj comments on Christian lady goes off on Norf Norf by Vince Staples
this morning i edited this christian woman... - Shaliek LaFlare Jenkins
Dick nipple : WTF
Hurricane Matthew triggers evacuation in South Carolina as east coast braces for worst | US news | The Guardian
Planet at its hottest in 115,000 years thanks to climate change, experts say | Environment | The Guardian
Americans' views on climate change and climate scientists | Pew Research Center - Republicans, particularly conservatives, are highly critical of climate scientists and more likely to ascribe negative rather than positive motives
DiCaprio: Climate change deniers shouldn't hold public office
What Just Happened in Colombia? | World Affairs Journal - By a razor-thin margin of less than half a percentage point, Colombian voters narrowly rejected a proposed peace plan that would have formally ended the longest-running war in the Western Hemisphere.
Philippine President Duterte Flips Off President Obama-Again | Huffington Post (Trump of the Philippines)
- Clinton Maintains Lead; Senate Race All Tied Up
The End Of A Republican Party | FiveThirtyEight
- Trump backers realize they've been played as WikiLeaks fails to deliver October surprise
If You Can't Stop Taking Julian Assange Seriously After the First Half Hour, You Are the Sucker - Misquoting = quoted me verbatim. Apparently this is not only a Republican thing
- The Daily News also had Trump's tax return -- they just couldn't verify it
Donald Trump's Business Decisions in '80's Nearly Led Him to Ruin - For a single businessman to declare losses approaching $1 billion is so extraordinary that it caused several accountants and lawyers consulted by The Times to blanch (great businessman, really great +sounds like a coke-head)
Art of the Steal: This Is How Trump Lost $916M and Avoided Tax - The Daily Beast - accountants and lawyers most likely used the tax code to avoid paying income tax for almost two decades.
Riches-to-Riches Trump Spins Fake Horatio Alger Tale | Huffington Post - Trump inherited a massive fortune and has underperformed both the economy as a whole and the real estate market.
Trump Tax Return Story Exposes Policy Ignorance Of Political Reporters (including and especially the one writing this story, Ryan Ellis, who never heard of the "personally responsible" part)
Insiders: Trump will sink Pence in VP debate - politico
- Donald Trump's s humiliation of Mike Pence has made tonight's VP debate very strange - What would a Mike Pence win in the debate mean? That Republicans should be filled with regret?
Don't be fooled by the presentation: Mike Pence is a rightwing zealot | John Paul Brammer | Opinion | The Guardian (and a lizard)
Eschaton: Rudy 9/11 - Rudy Giuliani is a horrible person. As they do with so many weird bizarre horrible old white dudes, our media got a big mancrush on "America's Mayor" ... Rudy 9/11 hasn't held elected office or really done anything (positive) of note otherwise in 15 years. (and is a disgusting evil semi-person)
- US Sen. Kelly Ayotte Says She 'misspoke' After Calling Trump Role Model For Kids ('sorry, I lied through my Republican fangs')
Kelly Ayotte Thinks Donald Trump Is A Good Role Model, But She Still Won't Endorse Him | Huffington Post
Will Trump-Endorsing Senator Kelly Ayotte Lose Because of Her Endorsement of Donald Trump? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Kelly Ayotte's Donald Trump agony continues
"Absolutely" - YouTube
Gary Johnson, War on Drugs Hypocrite - Lawyers, Guns & Money : To say the least, he is the dumbest man I have ever seen in such an office, and that includes George W. Bush
Frank Linkmeyer: Parade float-maker apologizes (sort of) for depicting Trump executing Clinton in electric chair - Story
Ammon Bundy says he tried to resist father's push to rally around Oregon ranchers |
The pill is linked to depression - and doctors can no longer ignore it | Holly Grigg-Spall | Opinion | The Guardian - newly published study from the University of Copenhagen has confirmed a link between hormonal contraceptives and depression ... the hormonal IUS/coil, the patch and the ring - were shown to increase depression at a rate much higher than either kind of oral contraceptives.
Amazon bans incentivized reviews tied to free or discounted products : technology
What harsh reality every teenager will face going into adulthood? : AskReddit - Years will go by way faster than they used to.
What's some very informative but practically useless information you'd like to share? : AskReddit
Encryption App Signal Wins Fight Against FBI Subpoena And Gag Order | The Daily Dot
Encryption Backdoors Lose Steam in Congress | The Daily Dot
Exclusive: Yahoo secretly scanned customer emails for U.S. intelligence - sources | Reuters
Yahoo's CISO resigned in 2015 over secret e-mail search tool ordered by feds (someone's integrity score just went up)
- Yahoo secretly monitored emails on behalf of the US government - , scanning hundreds of millions of Yahoo Mail accounts at the behest of NSA or FBI, say former employees (but not a dime for security)
Yahoo may have let the government spy on emails. Now will we embrace encryption? | Trevor Timm | Opinion | The Guardian
Unusual earthquake warning prompts action, anxiety in Southern California - LA Times
When Are We Going to Answer for Torture? - And when is John Brennan going to get fired? (one of the larger lumps under Obama's carpet)
U.S. Suspends Talks With Russia on Syria - The New York Times
"I had to:" Inside the mind of an 'honor' killer in Pakistan (of course you did)
May speech makes it clear: We're leaving the single market (chaotically)
Iraqis Use 9/11 Bill to Demand Compensation from US for 2003 Invasion : worldnews (to justify their own foreign terrorism bill)
ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi poisoned. : worldnews (they killed him again)
Supreme Court Won't Rehear A Challenge To Obama's Executive Actions On Immigration | Huffington Post - This means a lower court ruling against the president still stands, and his plan remains in limbo.
Under Intense Pressure to Silence Wikileaks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Proposed Drone Strike on Julian Assange | True Pundit (she was gonna blow up the whole embassy)
Hillary Clinton Is Likely To Be The Next President Of The United States | Huffington Post - forecast model gives her about an 84 percent chance of winning.
Clinton up 6 in POLITICO/Morning Consult national poll - POLITICO
Wow, There's A 16 Percent Chance Donald Trump Will Be President | Huffington Post - s a birther who says vaccines cause autism
New York Attorney General Orders Trump Foundation To Halt Activity | Huffington Post
Donald Trump: Terroristic Man-Toddler - The New York Times
AP: "Apprentice" cast and crew say Trump was lewd and sexist
Who gave Trump's taxes to the New York Times? The mystery behind a bombshell story.
Is a Cryptic Tweet by Marla Maples a Clue as to Source Behind Trump Tax Leak? - The Daily Beast - Is a Cryptic Tweet by Marla Maples a Clue?
- Trump hopes to revive campaign after tax discovery caps a week of 'self-sabotage'
Analysis: Trump May Have Had the Worst Week in Presidential Campaign History - NBC News
How Trump's 'Apprentice' moved from capitalism to sexism
BREAKING! Donald Trump is an Asshole Who Hates Women - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
Breaking: I Will Miss Harry Reid - Lawyers, Guns & Money : hard to imagine Tom Daschle, say, issuing this statement ... Still, I yearn for the Golden Age of the Democratic Party when real liberals like Robert Byrd led the party in the Senate.
- Scholars and Writers for America group endorses Trump - - , including former House speaker Newt Gingrich and Silicon Valley billionnaire Peter Thiel (more like morons and evil dumbasses)
Want To Know Who's Raising Money For Trump? Well, You Can't (so shutup)
Donald Trump's Creepy Ogling Of His Daughter Happened More Than You Think | Huffington Post
George W. Bush's daughter attends Clinton fundraiser in Paris - - Barbara Bush is the latest member of Republican family to tip their hand toward Clinton over Republican nominee Donald Trump. (check out Huma's new boyfriend)
Hey, Is Matt Drudge OK? | Huffington Post - Could someone check on him? (Sludge Report)
Andrew Kaczynski's BuzzFeed Team Joins CNN | Huffington Post - The cable network scores a major coup in hiring the political research unit known for 2016 scoops.
Christie the destroyer: How he ruined the PA and NJTransit - NY Daily News - Christie the destroyer: How New Jersey's governor ran the Port Authority and NJTransit into the ground (corrupt fat bully fuck fucked NJ, learn your lesson, voters)
Police Detective Who Threatened To Kill Teens And Plant Drug Evidence, Is Suspended, Not Fired : news
Judge drops firearms charge against Shawna Cox; Harney County sheriff called back to testify |
The Children Who Saw Too Much - RYOT 360 Videos, Virtual Reality | The Huffington Post - Could A Summer Camp Stop Kids From Repeating The Violence They Saw Growing Up?
Eschaton: Strike Over - Management basically caved, though of course the performers will be blamed for destroying the rich people party even though management could have caved on Friday and not destroyed it (highly-paid stupid people)
Kim Kardashian West Robbed of Millions in Jewelry in Paris - NBC News - Kim Kardashian Robbed at Gunpoint of $10M in Jewelry
Thousands of deaths from hospital superbugs are going unreported, research shows : news
And on that day, he became a legend : funny - He could have ended racism, but instead he got laid.
What was the worst humiliation in history? : AskReddit
What movie would you rate 0/10? : AskReddit
Someone captured the moment a plane was struck by lightning in Iceland this morning : pics
TIL the world population growth rate is decreasing and total world population could start declining around the year 2100, according to the UN. : todayilearned
Russia warns US not to intervene as hospital is hit in latest Aleppo blitz | World news | The Guardian - leaves residents in east of the war-torn city with next to no access to essential healthcare (meanwhile, in Hell)
Brexit: Theresa May to trigger Article 50 by end of March - BBC News
#BrexitJustice hires lawyers to prosecute Brexit politicians - Business Insider
Somalia says US air strike killed civilians not al-Shabab - BBC News
Serial killer suspected of poisoning 48 elderly patients at Japan hospital : worldnews
Women to go on strike in Poland in protest at planned abortion law | World news | The Guardian - Proposed ban would criminalise all terminations with women punishable by up to five years in prison (rightwingers always do this)
Colombians vote against historic peace agreement with FARC rebels - The Washington Post - Colombian voters rejected a peace deal with FARC rebels Sunday, in a surprise outcome that risks prolonging a 52-year-old armed conflict and plunges the country's future into uncertainty ... By a razor-thin margin of 50.25 to 49.75 percent, Colombians voted against the peace accord, in a Brexit-style backlash
'October Surprise' Thwarted? Wikileaks Cancels Highly Anticipated Tuesday Announcement Due to 'security concerns at the Ecuadorian Embassy' (like what?)
Challenger on Twitter: "@JesseRodriguez @wikileaks L'assange au balcon"
Slowly Killing Social Security: Death by a Thousand Cuts | Huffington Post - replacing it with means-tested welfare, but now also with inadequate 401k-type layered on top, as sugar-coating.
Donald Trump weighs post-election options if he loses - CBS News (plotting a coup)
As news of Trump's taxes breaks, he goes off script at a rally in Pennsylvania (getting pretty incoherent)
- Talking of Trump's Temperament - Apparently it was on full display in Pennsylvania last night, but at least he didn't leap down from the stage and bite someone.
Howard Stern says Trump backed Iraq War in 2002 -
53 percent of people in new WaPo-ABC poll say Hillary Clinton won the debate - The Washington Post (and 47% are completely nuts ...Hillary "lied on purpose" much more than Trump)
Donald Trump's Taxes
- The Time I Found Donald Trump's Tax Records In My Mailbox
Trump boosters laud his tax 'tax genius' tax avoidance shows how the rich don't pay their share - Reid: "Trump is a billion-dollar loser who won't release his taxes because they'll expose him as a spoiled, rich brat who lost the millions he inherited from his father"
Donald Trump's Campaign Isn't Denying He Paid Zero In Federal Taxes Over The Years | Huffington Post - It sure sounds like a tacit admission.
Donald Trump's 1995 Tax Returns Leaked from Trump Tower - The three documents arrived by mail at The Times with a postmark indicating they had been sent from New York City. The return address claimed the envelope had been sent from Trump Tower
The New York Times risked legal trouble to publish Donald Trump's tax return -- Dean Baquet wan't bluffing
Trump's s Taxes - The story is also good by showing the massive tax advantages available to the .1%.
Washington Monthly | The Day of the Deranged: Part I - A group of Newton North High School students who drove through the school parking lot waving a large Confederate flag out a car window
Bernie Sanders: Trump's Tax Avoidance Is Why Americans Are Angry With Corrupt System | Huffington Post
Watch Donald Trump Lecture Americans For Not Paying Taxes | Mother Jones - "You do have a problem because half the people don't pay any tax"
Chris Christie: Bombshell Trump Tax Piece Is Actually Good For His Campaign | Huffington Post - Nothing to see here. Move along.
Twitter Users Get Nostalgic Over The #LastTimeTrumpPaidTaxes | Huffington Post
Live by the sword - Balloon Juice - Here is a fun thought. Whoever leaked Donald Trump's 1996 taxes likely has more than just three pages from one year. If we learned anything from the Clinton emails*, we learned that a story in drips never, ever dies. It does not even need to have anything interesting in it. But Trump's tax story is so, so interesting
Donald Trump Won Control Of A Prized D.C. Landmark - Going Postal (he lied, as usual)
- L-looked f-fluffier - Buzzfeed engaged in genuine journalistic activities and obtained the transcript and video deposition of Donald Trump, Republican nominee for president, taken June 16. (these are just the tip of the shitberg)
Trump country: why Democratic strongholds are turning red | US news | The Guardian - Donald Trump is finding support in traditional Democratic strongholds in Appalachia.
- No, Hillary Clinton Didn't Insult Sanders's Supporters as 'Basement Dwellers'
- The first debate was a defeat for Trump. Here's why the second could be an outright massacre ... The audience for the next debate will be made up of undecided voters selected by the Gallup organization. (if they're undecided at this point, they're clueless morons or liars, not a good idea)
Clinton, Trump in tight race in New Mexico | Albuquerque Journal (Johnson pulling Trump voters more than libs)
No true herrenmensch! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The battle for the hearts and minds and cash of the right wing continues ... Its readers spend more time on the site than they do on Stormfront and, on a slow day, more than 10,000 log on. Daily Stormer also reaches a younger and wealthier demographic.
Cheating California Prosecutors Face Prison Under New Law | Huffington Post - Prosecutors thinking of bending the rules might think twice in the Golden State.
In 'serious and disturbing' letter, incoming Missouri lawmaker accuses another of raping her (only black lawyers in the legislature so he Cosbys her +MO legislature full of creepy guys)
'We're obsessed': Oregon standoff trial draws spectators from near and far |
Robin Williams' Widow Writes A Devastating Account Of His Final Year | Huffington Post - The actor suffered from Lewy body disease. - and his doctor prescribed antipsychotic medications. Susan would later find out, months after her husband's death, that antipsychotics can cause severe reactions in people with LBD, and in some cases even worsen their cognitive and physical symptoms. (he never had a neuropsych even though the symptoms were obvious)
Yes on 4 to launch first TV ad on marijuana legalization - Despite a united front of opposition from leading Beacon Hill politicians and Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh
Elena Ferrante: literary storm as Italian reporter 'identifies' author | World news | The Guardian - Some were afraid it would stop Ferrante from ever writing again, saying the story had been driven by the ego of the reporter and the New York Review of Books.
HIV cure close after disease 'vanishes' from blood of British man : news
TIL that the deadliest earthquake in recorded history struck Shensi province in China in 1556, killing about 830,000 people. : todayilearned
What is something the opposite sex does that they think is cute, but is actually annoying? : AskReddit
What is starting to really become a problem? : AskReddit
Road rage shut down in 3..2..1 : gifs
Jehovah's Park - The Monsters God Made | Creation Research Store - great for all who've been confused by the nonsense of evolution
A Curious Plan to Fight Climate Change: Buy Mines, Sell Coal - The New York Times - Tom Clarke, a nursing home owner, concocted a strategy to cut carbon emissions by gaining control of millions of tons of coal reserves and multiple mines.
Timber Company Tells California Town, Go Find Your Own Water - The New York Times - For the past 50 years, the company charged the city $1 a year for use of water from the Beaughan Spring. As of July, it began charging $97,500 annually. A contract signed this year directs the city to look for alternative sources ... The corporate mentality is that they can make more money selling this water to Japan ... "He said if he didn't get his way, he was going to blow up the bottling plant" (just die of thirst, peasants)
- Philippines President Compares Himself To Hitler, One Week After Telling Brussels "Fuck You"
Bulgaria bans the burka with a fine of #662 for those who flout law | Daily Express - driven by the nationalist Patriotic Front coalition, comes after France, the Netherlands and Belgium banned the wearing of burqas or niqabs in public.
Extremist Imam Tests F.B.I. and the Limits of the Law - The New York Times
Flying While Muslim: A Civil Rights Advocate on Travel Right Now - The New York Times
Support for death penalty lowest in more than four decades | Pew Research Center
- The Voting Booth ... Is Simply NOT the Place to Protest
- Donald Trump Might Accelerate Asian-Americans' Drift Toward Democrats - Asian-Americans are identifying as Democrats at a quicker pace than any other racial group
'The end of Trump': how Facebook deepens millennials' confirmation bias | US news | The Guardian - Six out of every 10 millennials (61%) get their political news on Facebook, (and boomers watch Fox)
Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube (we'll fuck up America so bad no one will vote for him, whoops that didn't work out so well)
Trump says he may not accept result if Clinton wins, in reversal from debate | US news | The Guardian (he will invade DC with his army of thought-zombies)
Trump's Irresponsible Vote-Rigging Statements Literally Putting Our Democracy at Risk
The last six days proved Donald Trump is dangerously unfit for the presidency - Vox - The lesson of the Machado saga: America's enemies would find Trump predictable and easy to control.
As America Sleeps, Donald Trump Seethes on Twitter - The New York Times
Trump sex tape comments frustrate GOP supporters | TheHill
Donald Trump Opens New Line of Attack on Hillary Clinton: Her Marriage - The New York Times
Donald Trump Reportedly Pressured His Second Wife To Appear In Playboy | Huffington Post - detecting a pattern here
HUFFPOST HILL - Donald Trump Lowered His Body Mass Index With This One Weird Trick | Huffington Post - the GOP presidential nominee has managed over the past year, going from the 6-foot-2 that had long been his claimed height to 6-foot-3, his stature according to his physician, Harold Bornstein, following a Sept. 9 exam. Perhaps coincidentally, that extra inch lets Trump escape the obesity label that being merely 6-foot-2 would have saddled him with (he's yuge and short)
- Trump Surrogate: Obama Was Given Everything "Because Of The Color Of His Skin" Howie Carr: "He Didn't Have To Work For Anything ... And He Still Hates The Country" (said the reptilian spawn of Satan)
The Other Trump - The New York Times - "I can say with real confidence that he spent virtually no time with them when they were young,"
Donald Trump Appeared In A 2000 Playboy Softcore Porn - BuzzFeed News
Rudy Stumbles Outside the Race War Bubble (he's always been a little racist creep)
Ukip denies that Farage is coaching Donald Trump for next debate | Politics | The Guardian - Party denies that former leader has flown to US to help Republican nominee prepare for second debate with Hillary Clinton (just a coincidence)
After 148 Years, The San Diego Union-Tribune Endorses A Democrat For President | Huffington Post - he editorial board fears that Donald Trump could be America's Hugo Chavez (more like Duterte)
- Psst, there is another debate on Tuesday.
Racist Trump Troll in a Gorilla Mask Is Exposed - The Daily Beast - Tristan Rettke, a fervent Trump supporter online, suddenly brought his politics into his real life in a very ugly way (ever hear of google, dude?)
Wisconsin Got Caught Stiffing Citizens On Voter ID, And Now A Judge Wants Answers | Huffington Post - News reports documenting troubling incidents of voter disenfranchisement led a court to act. (in Kochistan)
Republican Official: Don't Raise The Minimum Wage, Because Workers Will Just Spend It On Heroin | Huffington Post - Rick Snow said the additional income would be squandered on "illegal activities" - The Center, which is connected to billionaires Charles and David Koch
Confessions of a former neo-Confederate - Vox - 43 percent of Americans oppose removing the Confederate flag from government buildings and 41 percent believe slavery was not the primary cause of the Civil War. In the latter case, the percentage is roughly the same across all age groups.
Leaderless and Underfunded, N.J. Transit Had Troubles Well Before Fatal Crash - The New York Times (the whole job was getting him elected President)
New Jersey Will Increase Gas Tax 23", Ending Long Political Stalemate - The New York Times - Gov. Chris Christie, who has long resisted raising any taxes ... a day after a fatal train crash in Hoboken focused attention on the troubled conditions of the state-run railroad ... first tax increase during his seven years in office (screw your infrastructure)
Democrats object to Chick-fil-A voter registration drive | Tampa Bay Times - decision to hold voter registration drives at nine Chick-fil-A locations. Chick-fil-A, the fast-food chain known for putting faith ahead of profits, supports conservative causes. (like if the Dems did it at Planned Parenthood)
Graphic Video Shows Fatal Police Shooting Of Unarmed Black Man In El Cajon, California | Huffington Post
Video Shows Carolina Cop Violently Arrest Black Man For Sitting On His Porch | Huffington Post - Greensboro Officer Travis Cole was stripped of his law enforcement credentials, but he escaped criminal charges.
Sacramento police tried to run over man before shooting him, recordings reveal | The Sacramento Bee (they didn't get the memo either)
A Texas sheriff who once busted Willie Nelson linked to a rogue US intelligence unit under criminal investigation : news - A secret base, Pentagon intelligence officials and their family moonlighting as deputies, and a court case with a lot of sealed evidence ...
Lawmaker Who Pushed Bill to Protect People Filming Police Arrested for Filming Police
Should You Intervene When a Parent Harshly Disciplines a Child in Public? - The New York Times
Big winners after one year of recreational pot sales: Consumers, tax coffers | (more pot shops than McD's and Starbucks combined +coulda been you, MA if you weren't run by moralistic idiots)
Portland's Small-House Movement is Catching On
Introducing The First Sex Toy Designed Specifically For Transgender Men | Huffington Post
Secret of connection between dogs and humans could be genetic | Science | The Guardian - Scientists have found a handful of genes that they may be linked to the tendency for dogs to seek human help and contact
What's the strangest thing someone's said to you during sex? NSFW : AskReddit
A tough sell: why Facebook's e-commerce dream failed to take flight | Technology | The Guardian - The social network has never become the online shopping emporium once predicted. Will its most ambitious strategy yet change all that? (salesbots!)
Earth's C02 levels just crossed the 400 parts per million threshold. Here's Toby from The Office to tell us what happens next : videos
Utah Zika Case Shows Physical Contact Can Spread The Virus | Huffington Post - But it's very unusual
Congress Now Blaming Obama For Its Embarrassing Override Of His Veto | Huffington Post - The fallout of overriding his veto of the Saudi lawsuit bill is apparently too painful (reality is hard for Republicans)
Philippines President likens himself to Hitler - - Hitler massacred 3 million Jews. Now there is 3 million, what is it, 3 million drug addicts (in the Philippines), there are,
Chinese man 'killed 17 neighbours to cover up murder of parents' : news
German mayor who wants to accommodate refugees beaten up in suspected xenophobic attack | The Independent - Mayor previously received several death and bomb threats
Shimon Peres claims from beyond the grave that he stopped Netanyahu from attacking Iran (the maniac almost destroyed the ME)
Wealth of people in their 30s has 'halved in a decade' - BBC News (capitalism at work as the old eat the young)
listenthenspeak comments on Millennials have very little confidence in most major institutions (and the problem with 401(k) plans)
Don't forget how the Soviet Union saved the world from Hitler - for every single American soldier killed fighting the Germans, 80 Soviet soldiers died doing the same ... 26 million Soviet citizens died during World War II, including as many as 11 million soldiers ... the Germans suffered three-quarters of their wartime losses fighting the Red Army ... 95 per cent of the military casualties of the three major powers of the Grand Alliance
- What the FBI Files Reveal About Hillary Clinton's Email Server - syNew documents tell the full, strange story of a technophobic VIP, a sloppy State Department, and the jerry-rigged computer that held it all together.
GOP Blocks Probes Into Trump-Russia Ties - The Daily Beast - Russian hackers are apparently trying to mess with our elections. But congressional Republicans are crippling any investigation -- while their probes of Hillary Clinton continue.
A Vote For President is Not Just a Vote For President - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Jill Stein is an idiot, continued)
UP FOR DEBATE: The Lesser Evil - 3 Reasons to Vote for Hillary Clinton That Have Nothing To Do with Hillary Clinton
The clear and present danger of Donald Trump - The Washington Post
Donald Trump's appeal was just perfectly summed up by Chris Matthews (anger at the "elites" of which Trump is apparently not one +hatred is "patriotic")
Trump Pleaded The Fifth 97 Times To Avoid Admitting To Adultery | Huffington Post - But he has no problem attacking Clinton over her husband's infidelity
Here is Donald Trump's Newly Released Videotaped Deposition - BuzzFeed News filed court motions seeking the release of the videos. In it, Trump implied he planned to call Mexicans "rapists" when he announced his run for president.
The surprisingly logical reason Donald Trump is bringing up Bill Clinton's sex scandals - Vox - Indeed, in the first weeks after the Drudge Report broke the Lewinsky story on January 17, 1998, Clinton's approval rating spiked upward, from about 60 percent to 69
- Donald Trump Is Being Outplayed by Women -- And He's Losing His Mind Over It - pathological sexism could be what kills his presidential hopes. Good.
Why Was Donald Trump Tweeting About a Sex Tape in the Early Morning Hours? Vote for the Candidate You Would Trust at 3:30 in the Morning
Trump's Latest Repulsive Attack On Alicia Machado: 'Check Out Sex Tape' | Huffington Post - Sad
Republicans Who Endorse Trump Struggle With Sex Tape Tweet | Huffington Post
Taking the Bait - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Trump is now on day 4 of his increasingly unhinged and consistently sexist attacks on Alicia Machado. It's well known at this point that this was the result of a trap carefully set by Clinton, which predictably proved enticing for the ludicrously unprepared Trump.
Maureen Dowd Perfectly Summed Up Donald Trump's Relationship With The Press | Huffington Post - using the press as a selfie stick
melania trump nude photos - Google Search
Samantha Bee Nails Why Hillary Clinton's Real Debate Foe Was Sexist BS | Huffington Post
Trump Foundation lacks the certification required for charities that solicit money - The Washington Post (his "foundation" is rigged and crooked)
How Donald Trump Set Off a Civil War Within the Right-Wing Media - The New York Times
William F Buckley - A Case Study In Narcissistic Personality Disorder | Bring the Apocalypse, and welcome the wails of the Cuckservative right.
- U.S.: Wells Fargo illegally repossessed 413 service members' cars
Alabama Chief Justice Suspended For Blocking Same-Sex Marriage In The State | Huffington Post - Roy Moore is effectively sidelined for the rest of his term, a state court ruled.
Pennsylvania Mayor Posts Racist Meme About Lynching President Obama | Huffington Post - Charles Wasko is being urged to resign, but he may seek reelection instead.
Franklin Graham answered FBI's call to save lives, he testifies during Oregon standoff trial |
Judge inclined to dismiss firearms charge against defendant Shawna Cox |
Convictions now required to seize cash or property from criminal suspects - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Law enforcement officials across California will no longer be able to share in the proceeds of most cash and property seizures unless there is a criminal conviction resulting from the case, under a bill signed Thursday by Gov. Jerry Brown. (making the line between crooks and cops a little clearer)
- DEA Plans To Ban Kratom, Calls Drug 'Imminent Threat'
Scientists Have Identified the Mechanism That Decides Between Cell Death and Genome Repair : worldnews
Women of Reddit: There's "Guy code" and "Bro code", what are some details about "Girl's Code"? : AskReddit
A Massive Cable Industry Disinformation Effort Just Crushed The FCC's Plan For Cable Box Competition | Techdirt (evil at work)
Vladimir Putin's Outlaw State
Darkness and fear in Aleppo as the bombs rain down - The Washington Post (meanwhile, in Hell)
Putin is making a mistake in Syria - and Russia will pay the price - The Washington Post - by supporting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the merciless bombardment of Aleppo, Russia is destroying the cease-fire agreement. In so doing, Putin is imposing serious costs not only on defenseless Syrians, but on Russia itself.
Americans Were Still 'Buying' Indigenous Canadian Children Just a Few Decades Ago - This is a horrific report. (colonial legacies, see America)
UK Study: Police body cameras cut complaints by 93% : news (hello Boston PD)
1 Dead, Scores Injured After Train Crashes In Hoboken, New Jersey, Station | Huffington Post - A woman standing on the platform was killed by falling debris.
- Why New Jersey's Trains Aren't Safer - there are technologies to make trains safer that New Jersey Transit and many other commuter systems have been slow to install. (Christie and the Republifucks)
Six lessons from a five-year FOIA battle - Columbia Journalism Review (Not Really Freedom of Information Act)
- Pondering the Supreme Court's Future
The Losers of Globalization - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - globalization is not great for everyone, that there are real losers, and that dealing with job loss and long-term unemployment is a real thing that maybe we should deal with before it fuels racial nationalism and extremist political movements. ("capital mobility")
Clinton Leads in Key Battlegrounds; Seen As Big Debate Winner - Public Policy Polling
Reid Congratulates GOP For Eight Years Obstructing The First Black President Their reward is a Frankentein's monster named Donald Trump.
- The Hillary Shimmy Song
He fought in World War II. He died in 2014. And he just registered to vote in Va. - The Washington Post - at least 19 dead Virginians were recently re-registered to vote in this critical swing state. (Putin's zombie voter army is vast)
'Missing' White Voters Could Elect Trump. But First They Need To Register. (48 million mostly white non-college non-voters)
- Trump Slams First Presidential Debate: "What A Rigged Deal'
Trump's Debate Flameout - the sniffing, sipping, scowling, raging, interrupting display of petulance and agitation that was Donald Trump
How Donald Trump's Company Violated the United States Embargo Against Cuba By Kurt Eichenwald
- NY Attorney General's Probe Of Trump Foundation Appears To Widen
- Redditor outlines Trumps attempts to force out rent controlled residents of 100 Central Park South
- Trump wanted to fire women who weren't pretty enough, say employees at his California golf club
- The silence of the lambs: Why sheepish GOP leaders have been conspicuously quiet since Donald Trump
Trump Campaign Memo Tells Surrogates To Bring Up Clinton Sex Scandals - "she's been an active participant in trying to destroy the women who has come forward with a claim" (they said)
Right-Wing "Porn Star" Attack On Former Miss Universe Falls Apart
Dept. of Corrections - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Correction: The star of Apprentass 4 was Angel Dark, not Alicia Machado (from Fucker Carlson)
This May Be The Most Horrible Thing That Donald Trump Believes | Huffington Post - Trump agrees with the dangerous and abusive theory of eugenics.
Donald Trump proves he is unfit, unserious and unprepared on national security - The Washington Post
This Donald Trump New Yorker Cover Is A Thing Of Beauty | Huffington Post
- Megyn Kelly Tears Kellyanne Conway to Bits Over Trump's History of Misogyny
Listen To Donald Trump And Howard Stern Talk About How 'Vagina Is Expensive' | Huffington Post - Oh God.
Trump Wouldn't Have Said A Bunch Of Sexist Things To Howard Stern If He Could See The Future | Huffington Post - Who could predict that people would really listen to him someday?
Newspaper Loses Subscribers, Receives Death Threat After Endorsing Hillary Clinton | Huffington Post - The Arizona Republic
If Trump Disputes the Election, We Have No Good Way Out - History suggests we've been lucky to avoid a full-blown crisis after contested elections. Whose fault is it? Start with the Founders.
There Is A New Book Out About the Rise of Adolf Hitler - Lawyers, Guns & Money
You know who else the elites thought they could control? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Where brooklyn at? - YouTube (Adoph Trumpler)
Insane Clown Posse - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Fear of a Trump presidency has reached such heights that people are seeing frightening characters with garishly painted faces and weird hair everywhere they turn. (mass psyche is hallucinating killer Trump clowns in the bushes)
Rize Final Battle clip - YouTube
Where Does Chris Christie Go from Here? - Reactions to the Bridgegate Trial - The bridge was closed. Now it's burned
Stein trolls Johnson on world leaders gaffe, also fails to name world leaders - politico
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: Short Posts 9/28/16: The Shimmy Song, Fashion Magazines And What Online Writing Is
Oskar T. Brand - EVERY WOMAN SHOULD WATCH THIS! A shocking video about the ugly truth hidden in beauty and fashion magazines.
All guns in U.S. should be dumped in ocean, judge says |
Victim In El Cajon Police Killing Pointed Vape Pen At Officer, Police Say | Huffington Post - Police say that the man assumed a "shooting stance" after pulling out the vape pen. (and if he just pointed a finger at them?)
Woman who worked in Washington County Jail kitchen accused of cornering, fondling 2 men |
A couple's performance - YouTube
Missile which shot down flight MH17 over Ukraine in 2014 was brought in from Russian territory - investigators : worldnews
Senate Overrides Obama's Veto Of 9/11 Victims Bill | Huffington Post - This is a first for the 44th president.
It's Finally Possible to Understand What Happened to Amanda Knox (tabloids)
Hillary Clinton Won The First Presidential Debate, Polling Finds | Huffington Post - Donald Trump was viewed as ill-prepared. By a 27-point margin, 49 percent to 22 percent, Americans who had heard at least something about Monday's debate (and 36% thought Hillary's chances worsened: hard-core crazification factor)
Republicans in Denial That Debate Exposed Trump As Unfit - comment:We are down to immutable tribal loyalties now. Any conservative who was seriously debating jumping off the Trump Train would have surely done so long before the debate. From here on out it is unrelenting hard-core defense of the indefensible -- whatever it may turn out to be.
Trump's false claim that stop and frisk in NYC wasn't ruled unconstitutional - Stop and frisk was introduced under Giuliani and expanded under former mayor Michael Bloomberg, who took office in 2002.
Trump defended the NYPD's stop-and-frisk policy. The NYPD said Trump got the facts wrong. Even the New York City Police Department fact-checked the debate.
Stop and Frisk - Lawyers, Guns & Money
- Avenging Angels - The New York Values that Shaped Donald Trump - By Rick Perlstein
Donald Trump's Fortune Falls $800 Million To $3.7 Billion
New Debate Strategy for Donald Trump: Practice, Practice, Practice - (that'll help, for sure)
Conservative Newspaper Editorial Boards Line Up Behind Hillary Clinton | Huffington Post - But will these tradition-breaking endorsements matter? (not for the unreasonable deplorables)
Republicans Just Cannot Let The Clinton Emails Go | Huffington Post (it's all they got after the Benghazi fiasco)
Trump Backers Blasting Clinton For Poor Vetting Should Maybe Think This Through | Huffington Post
Christ, What a Pathetic Operation Tucker Carlson Is Running - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Politics and politicians: Who won the presidential debate? (Letters to the Editor) |
Election, Tracy Flick, and Hillary Clinton's 2016 Campaign
This New York Times 'Hitler' book review sure reads like a thinly veiled Trump comparison
This Should Scare the Ever Loving Shit Out of You - Balloon Juice - The NY Times has a handy review: (JC goes full documentarian on the comparison)
RIGGED: Damning Video Busts Hillary Using Hand Signals To Trigger Lester Holt | True Pundit
I sold Trump $100,000 worth of pianos. Then he stiffed me. - The Washington Post (he loves fucking people over, good job Republicans, he embodies your core values)
3 Injured In Shooting At South Carolina Elementary School | Huffington Post (+dead dad)
Possible shooting reported at Townville Elementary, deputies say : news
- Exoneration not recommended for man who served 31 years for crime he didn't commit
Defense begins case with a Siletz Tribe supporter, playing of Ammon Bundy call with FBI agent |
Internal 'clock' makes some people age faster and die younger - regardless of lifestyle | Science | The Guardian
Psychiatrists/psychologists of Reddit, have you ever treated anyone with sociopathy on the higher scale? What was your most interesting/unnerving experience or case? : AskReddit
Lesbian ends in "an", what's a lesbian? : videos
Defending Against Hackers Took a Back Seat at Yahoo, Insiders Say - The New York Times - Marissa Mayer ... emphasized creating a cleaner look for services like Yahoo Mail and developing new products over making security improvements, the Yahoo employees said
There Is No Good Way To Explain Donald Trump's Climate Change Tweet | Huffington Post - How do you deny saying what you clearly said? (no problem if your supporters don't remember yesterday and can't think)
Turkey Arrests 32,000 In Coup Plot Investigation Since July | Huffington Post - Another 70,000 face legal proceedings on suspicion they are linked to clerk Fethullah Gulen. (purge)
Russian-Made Missile Downed MH17: Investigators | Huffington Post - It was fired from territory held by pro-Russia rebels, international prosecutors say.
Swing-state Republicans dump on Trump - politico - In front of the largest televised debate audience ever, Donald Trump blew it.
Clinton to score another GOP endorsement: former senator John Warner of Virginia - The Washington Post
For The First Time In Its 126-Year History, This Newspaper Endorsed A Democrat | Huffington Post - The Arizona Republic backed Hillary Clinton and trashed Donald Trump in the process. "Instead of offering solutions, he hangs scapegoats like piqatas and invites people to take a swing"
Republican Senators Call Trump's Debate Performance 'Interesting' | Huffington Post
Trump boasts after first debate against Clinton: 'I didn't want to embarrass her' | US news | The Guardian (it's always all about him)
- Suburban Women Find Little to Like in Donald Trump's Debate Performance (but smug Hillary)
'How do we support a racist?' Young Republicans grapple with 2016 election | US news | The Guardian (the same wayou always have, duh)
Democrats target Libertarian ticket | TheHill
Bridgegate testimony: Christie 'knew about traffic jam as it was happening' | US news | The Guardian (corrupt lying fat fuck need to go to prison like everyone else would have)
Maine's governor is completely unhinged - Although Maine is still the nation's most racially homogeneous state, its white population dipped from 95.2 percent in 2010 to 94.9 percent in 2015. (white paradise +Mainers like their right wing nut job)
EpiPen Gougers Dissemble To Congress - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Joe Manchin's daughter lied through her teeth to Congress)
Kratom drug ban may cripple promising painkiller research : news - The DEA shouldn't be the body that makes the decisions as to what is legal and what isn't. An enforcement body should never also be the regulatory body. It's a gross conflict of interest. (war on drugz is different)
How decades of divorce helped erode religion - The Washington Post - The children of divorced parents have grown up to be adults of no religion.
Wife locked away ill husband for years, fed him one meal a day and withheld medicine, police say - The Washington Post
[Serious] Therapists of Reddit, have you ever come across a narcissistic client who does not realise they are a narcissist? How did this affect your ability to treat them? : AskReddit
UCR Today: Vaccinating Babies Without Vaccinating Babies - UC Riverside-led study shows a baby makes copies of maternal immune cells it acquires through mother's milk
The Democratization of Censorship - Krebs on Security (censorship routes around the internet)
Greenland's receding icecap to expose top-secret US nuclear project | World news | The Guardian - A system of about 4,000 kilometres of icy underground tunnels and chambers extending over an area around three times the size of Denmark were to have housed 600 ballistic missiles in clusters six kilometres apart, trained on Moscow and its satellites. (holy fucking shit)
ISIS no longer controls any Iraqi oil
Missed the Clinton-Trump Debate? Watch the Whole Thing Here | WIRED
- Clinton Won The Debate, Which Means She's Likely To Gain In The Polls
Trump's Debate Performance Was The Worst Ever | Huffington Post - not clear in this crazy campaign how much it will matter.
Hillary Clinton Goes the Distance As Donald Trump Punches Himself Out - The Daily Beast
Donald Trump Fell For Hillary Clinton's Trap At Monday's Presidential Debate | Huffington Post
Ranting Bully Donald Trump Came Unglued in First Debate
- Making It Up as He Goes Along - In the past, Trump has done a passable job working his way out of jams. His approach usually involves a few lines of bluster, a few fudges of truth, and a bull rush to change the subject.
Even Stormfront Thinks Hillary Clinton Won The Debate
Why Hillary Clinton Won the First Presidential Debate Against Donald Trump - He couldn't be bothered to prepare for the biggest test of his life - He also claimed "they" had given him a defective mic, by which he might have meant that it actually worked ... so damned convinced that not knowing dick about anything actually makes him smarter than the rest of us mortals, that he was utterly incapable of raising any of these points in a coherent fashion
The First Presidential Debate Of 2016 Was The Most Watched In History | Huffington Post - drew 84 million viewers.
FactChecking the First Debate
As Clinton builds on a strong debate, Trump lobs attacks and complaints - The Washington Post
Clinton's Sickest Burns From The First Debate | Huffington Post
My Temperament - YouTube (they had this one waiting also)
The Daily 202: Why even Republicans think Clinton won the first debate - The Washington Post
The Five Biggest Moments Of The First Presidential Debate
Trump Held It Together For About 10 Minutes, And Then He Started To Unspool | Huffington Post - Sometimes, it helps to do your homework
Nothing Sums Up Trump's Disastrous First Debate Quite Like This | Huffington Post - The Declaration of Independence FTW.
Donald Trump states he never claimed climate change is a Chinese hoax. /u/Hatewrecked posts 50+ tweets by Trump saying that very thing : bestof
Trump Boasted About Taking Advantage Of America's Housing Crisis, Laws And Workers | Huffington Post
Donald Trump Couldn't Stop Interrupting Hillary Clinton On Debate Night | Huffington Post - manterrupting
Turns Out The New, Improved Trump Is Not So Improved Without His Script | Huffington Post - In his biggest test since adopting his teleprompter, Donald Trump reminds everyone why his staff insisted he use one.
Clinton Destroys Trump On His Missing Tax Returns | Huffington Post - It "must be something really important, even terrible, that he's trying to hide"
10 Times Women Wanted To Throw Things At The TV During The Debate | Huffington Post - Mansplaining, manterrupting, and #MasculinitySoFragile. Oh, what a night!
Hillary Clinton Goes After Donald Trump As The New Mitt Romney | Huffington Post
Donald Trump Accuses Lester Holt Of Bias In First Debate | Huffington Post - That didn't take long.
Donald Trump Sniffled His Way Through The Debate, And People Noticed | Huffington Post (there's something going on)
Of Course Men Commented On Hillary Clinton's Looks During The Debate | Huffington Post - Apparently, she smiles too much! And she's not attractive!
BREAKING! Donald Trump Is An Asshole Who Hates Women - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Hillary Clinton: 'Trump victim: Alicia Machado' | Campaign 2016
Trump victim: Alicia Machado | The Briefing - YouTube
Miss Universe Fat-Shamed By Trump Slams Him In New Clinton Campaign Vid
First Presidential Debate: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump battle over taxes, race, terror | (comments from OR)
Presidential debate live updates, reactions: Did Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton win? The world decides |
- Clinton gets under Trump's skin
Donald TRUMP Sniffing Montage Presidential Debate 2016 - YouTube
"Ooo cocaine!" : gifs
Dee on Twitter: "Via my friend Amanda G.." (coke-head meme)
The Donald got freakin : thedonald - rekt
Finally Hillary has been caught : thedonald - She murdered that man in front of 100 million witnesses.
Are Little Trumpsters Crying Yet? : thedonald
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: I really enjoyed the debate last night.Crooked Hillary says she is going to do so many things.Why hasn't she done them in her last 30 years? : The_Donald
Erin Gloria Ryan on Twitter: "This is going to be like the Lincoln Douglas debate if Douglas were replaced by a YouTube comment section. #debatenight"
Chrissy Teigen's Tweets Won The Presidential Debate | Huffington Post - She probably should have moderated, tbh.
TODAY on Twitter: ".@HillaryClinton's shoulder shimmy #debatenight"
Ben Collins on Twitter: "And now 4chan is turning on its God Emperor. #debatenight"
mic drop - Texts from Hillary | Meme Generator
The 15 Worst Fails from Presidential Debates - YouTube
Donald Trump's sniffles, 'law and order': Memes from Trump-Clinton debate |
Lawyers, Guns & Money - . The point is that he has one great issue upon which he may well be elected. Hillary Clinton has no good answer because she ultimately is a supporter of free trade and has not really thought through the real hardships that the working-class faces when they lose their jobs because of capital mobility.
Grant County sheriff invokes the Fifth when questioned about public records | - Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer
California triple homicide suspects, victim belonged to 'furry' community |
There is a man who filmed himself annually for 35 years and made a video going backwards to 1977 - YouTube
Cancer therapy that engineers patient white blood cells to recognize and destroy tumors in their body posts impressive phase II result: 47% of patients experienced a complete remission, 5x better than current standard of care.
TIL that bug zappers can spread a mist containing insect parts up to 2.1 m from the device, meaning air around the bug zapper can become contaminated by bacteria and viruses that can be inhaled by people or settle on food. : todayilearned
World's First "Chronic Deja Vu" Study -
'Anti-Vaxxer' Mom Changes Mind After Her Three Kids Fall Ill : news (germs, how do they work?)
The brain becomes 'unified' when hallucinating on LSD : news
Being Mad At A Presidential Candidate Is NOT A Reason To Call 911
Germany orders Facebook to stop collecting data on WhatsApp users : technology
How Do Presidential Candidates Lie To Thee? Let HuffPost Count The Ways | Huffington Post (Trump 16 Clinton 0)
Trump Totally Bungles Attempt To Fact-Check Lester Holt On Stop And Frisk
We're scoring Clinton and Trump's debate - LA Times (she cleaned his sniffley clock)
Who's Ahead in the Presidential Debate - NY Times (Clinton)
First presidential debate: Clinton, Trump accuse each other of not having the temperament to be president - The Washington Post (but Trump has "the best" temperament)
Trump boasts of letter of support from 88 retired military officers. What about the rest? - The Washington Post
- Debate: Clinton delivers poised showing as Trump forced on the defensive
Post Debate Open Thread - Balloon Juice - I think Hills wiped the floor with him, and I honestly thought he was on blow.
Hillary Clinton on Twitter: - When Donald Trump says he has a "winning temperament"
The first debate featured an unprepared man repeatedly shouting over a highly prepared woman - Vox - The coherence gap between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was devastating. Trump did his best to be fair. He interrupted Clinton 25 times in the debate's first 26 minutes. He talked over both her and Holt with ease. But the show of dominance quickly ran into a problem: Trump would shout over his interlocutors only to prove he had nothing to say
Donald Trump's first presidential debate confirmed he has no idea what he's talking about
Trump campaign says he didn't know debate moderator Lester Holt was a registered Republican - LA Times - Clinton-Trump debate live updates: Our scorers give it to Clinton
Clinton Destroys Trump On His Missing Tax Returns | Huffington Post - "must be something really important, even terrible, that he's hiding
Donald Trump Suggests Barack Obama Isn't His President | Huffington Post
Trump falsely claims U.S. allies don't pay for troop presence (and a bunch of other lies)
Frank Luntz on Twitter: "So far, 17 people in my group say Hillary is winning; 3 say Trump. Tax question weakened him, birther question destroyed him. #DebateNight"
Josh Barro on Twitter: "18 out of 20 members of CNN's undecided Florida voter panel say Clinton won."
How Hillary Clinton Took Charge In The First Presidential Debate - BuzzFeed News - One candidate came prepared. The other was winging it.
Donald Trump Fell For Hillary Clinton's Trap At Monday's Presidential Debate | Huffington Post
The Clinton Rules - Lawyers, Guns & Money : - .@chucktodd: #debatenight exposed Trump's lack of preparation, but Clinton seemed over-prepared at times. - Meet the Press - "The guy was completely unprepared. But the woman seemed kinda over-prepared. Let's call it even"
Sopan Deb on Twitter: "!!!! In the spin room, Trump told reporters that he had a defective mic: "I wonder. Was that on purpose? Was that on purpose?"" (the mic was rigged by Hillary)
Josh Barro on Twitter: "Even his own campaign manager is calling him fat and slovenly now."
- Presidential debate looms as Clinton-Trump race tightens
2016 Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight (Dumpster up by 2, pulling away)
Trump, Clinton Deadlocked in Bloomberg Poll Before Key Debate - Bloomberg Politics
Networks reject on-screen fact checking during debate - politico (sorry, we don't know what "facts" are)
This is the worst fact check ever - Politico went to extreme lengths to create even this level of equivalency between Trump and Clinton.
Asymmetry between the major parties fries the circuits of the mainstream press ; Pressthink - And five other ideas I use to interpret campaign coverage this year.
Trump's About To Face His Biggest Test Of 2016 | Huffington Post - No script. No teleprompter. No coaching.
Why Donald Trump Should Not Be President - The New York Times - Donald Trump is a man who dwells in bigotry, bluster and false promises.
Trump May Have More To Gain From The First Debate Than Clinton | FiveThirtyEight (very low expectations, so he'll win no matter what)
Debate Bar So Low For Donald Trump That If He Doesn't Vomit, He's Exceeded Expectations | Huffington Post - No doubt Trump will boast that his win was HUGE.
Clinton vs. Trump: The only 30 minutes that matter - politico - opening rounds, something Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would do well to remember.
First Clinton-Trump Debate Is Framed by Rifts Over Race and Gender - The New York Times
Nine Months Too Late, A Media Panic | commentary
Progressive Family Values - The New York Times
'Strongmen' Are Back. Will America Elect One? | Huffington Post (Putin's puppet will win)
Nazi Flags at Bloomsburg Fair, Sold By Sex Offender | News | Philadelphia Magazine - right next to Donald Trump flags. This is the America we're living in
Ahead Of Debate, Bush Alumni Endorse Donald Trump | Huffington Post - Dozens of former appointees of the administration of former President George W. Bush announced their support for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Sunday a>
Trump's reference to Bill Clinton affair underscores his own history of infidelity
- Kellyanne Conway on accusation that Trump lied: 'A lie would mean that he knew' (instead of just being incredibily stupid)
How 'Doonesbury' Creator Garry Trudeau Saw Donald Trump's Candidacy Coming A Mile Away | Huffington Post - My first raw impression? Biggest. A**hole. Ever. Must draw
Fucking Politics, How Does It Work? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Jill Stein is an idiot)
Should Chris Christie Be Impeached? - Room for Debate - (corrupt lying fat fuck?)
A disaster is looming for American men - The Washington Post - by mid-century about aquarterthird of men between 25 and 54 will not be working at any moment (men are obsolete)
- Big investors join list of heavyweights against North Carolina's 'bathroom bill' - Morgan Stanley and RBC are among the 53 investors who signed open letter ... 'bad for business' (way to go, Republifucks)
Reading in Prison - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The Texas list is not just long but diverse. It includes former Senator Bob Dole's World War II: An Illustrated History of Crisis and Courage; Jenna Bush's Ana ... and 101 Best Family Card Games ... banned are (everything else)
Police Violence: American Epidemic, American Consent - The New York Times (the 40 yr legacy of "tough on crime" and "war on drugz and black people"
U.S. Murders Surged in 2015, F.B.I. Finds - The New York Times - The 10.8 percent increase in the rate of murders from 2014 to 2015 represented the largest year-to-year jump in at least 20 years, according to the F.B.I. data, but the murder rate remained about half the level from the 1990s, when violent crime reached a modern peak.
Suspected Cascade Mall gunman charged with 5 counts of premeditated murder | The Seattle Times - Arcan Cetin has been charged
- The struggles of female bartenders
Academia is sacrificing its scientific integrity for research funding and higher rankings in a "climate of perverse incentives and hypercompetition" : science
Experts May Have Finally Found The Cause Of Crohn's Disease | Huffington Post - Now, a new study has identified a specific fungus and two bacteria they think play a key role in what leads some people to develop the disease.
Russia accused of war crimes in Syria at UN security council session | World news | The Guardian - Accusations centre on widespread use of bunker-busting and incendiary bombs on civilians in rebel-held eastern Aleppo
High Hitler: how Nazi drug abuse steered the course of history | Books | The Guardian - astonishing account of methamphetamine addiction in the Third Reich changes what we know about the second world war (they were all meth-heads and coke and heroin junkies, especially Hitler)
The wrong immigration debate - The Washington Post
Poll: Clinton, Trump in virtual dead heat on eve of first debate - The Washington Post
Democratic hopes of winning Senate fade as Trump proves less toxic for Republicans - The Washington Post
A huge moment for Clinton and Trump at first of three debates - The Washington Post
Hullabaloo Monday's Debate Is Not An Episode of America's Got Presidential Talent
Fact checks are such stupid things - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The head of the Commission on Presidential Debates agreed Sunday. Speaking on CNN's Reliable Sources, Janet Brown said that it's not the moderators job to factcheck ("who can tell what a fact is, anyway?" post-factual society)
Washington Monthly | If Facts Don't Matter, Presidential Debates Are Just a Reality Show - Janet Brown, the executive director of the Commission on Presidential Debates has declared that the debates should be a fact-check-free zone (she watches too much Fox)
A Week of Whoppers From Donald Trump - The New York Times
My Vote - The New Yorker - By Roger Angell ,
What We Know About the Details of the Police Shooting in Charlotte - The New York Times
Pledging change: the transgender college students integrating Greek life | Society | The Guardian
I cannot grasp the concept of the 4th dimension can someone explain the concept of dimensions higher than 3 in simple terms? : askscience
Redditors, what movie emotionally broke you? : AskReddit
Do your tits hang low? : videos
Oculus Founder Palmer Luckey's Support For Pro-Trump Trolls Angers VR Game Developers : technology (24 yr-old)
Canadian town steams over Nestli bid to control local spring water well | World news | The Guardian
Barack Obama Vetoes Bill Allowing 9/11 Victims To Sue Saudi Arabia | Huffington Post - But in a first, Congress will overrule him.
FBI and DOJ Vow to Continue Using Junk Science Rejected by White House Report - there is scant scientific underpinning to a number of forensic practices that have been used, for years, to convict thousands of individuals in criminal cases,
One of India's most-populous states recently banned alcohol. Mayhem ensued. (drunken men beating their wives - "who are you to question me?") Prohibition, however, has brought unintended consequences - much as the United States found out almost a century ago - and now thousands are in jail, liquor smuggling has exploded, and vigilantism is on the rise.
Map: How the U.S. is a lightweight among the world's booziest nations (Estonia, Austria, France and Ireland are drunk)
Two Army generals have been relieved of their duties - The Washington Post
Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal - POLITICO
They Found Bombs on a Beer Run. What Gratitude Are They Owed? - The New York Times - "Make no mistake, this isn't a cottage industry," Mr White told me. "But if there's a reward out there, I'll take it." 'That's What Triggered It': Orlando Nightclub Shooter Revealed Motive To Police Negotiator | Huffington Post - he complained about U.S. strikes on ISIS.
Hillary Clinton for President - The New York Times - Our endorsement is rooted in respect for her intellect, experience and courage
- The Mystery of Trump's Man in Moscow - Reports of deep Russian ties swirl around Trump advisor Carter Page. Oddly, nobody in Russia seems to have heard of him. (he was a travel/booking guy and Putin's secret agent and a big liar)
U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin
Trump supporters include most of anti-Semitic alt-right, and 19 percent of Jews? - The Washington Post
Old Lefties, Scared of the Kids, News at 11 - Lawyers, Guns & Money: Them damn kids, they don't hold the same set of principles as we true leftists of the 60s! (NYT at work, again)
Eschaton: Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit - One of the stupidest (and persistent) ideas out there has been that The Internet has led to people being stuck in their little community bubbles, seeing only the information they want to see, exposed only to things that please them.
The Golden Age of the Democratic Party, Cot'd - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - I long for the days when real liberals represented New York in the United States Senate: Holy shit, this Pat Moynihan story from Peter Edelman - "There's that nigger woman who's married to that rich Jewish asshole." (speaking of assholes +"He was the man who led the ludicrous international campaign to declare that Zionism as practiced by Israel since 1948 had no racist components")
- Bridge Case Culprit Says Christie and Ex-Aides Used Port Authority as 'Goody Bag' - testifying in federal court here that everything he did in his job was at the direction and for the benefit of Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey. (lying corrupt fat fuck needs to go to prison)
5 Dead in Shooting at Mall in Washington State, Police Say - The New York Times
Yielding to Pressure, Charlotte Releases Videos of Keith Scott Shooting - The New York Times
Rakeyia Scott's Slip Of The Tongue Is A Window Into The Poignancy Of Police Shootings | Huffington Post - The reaction of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg officers to a man dying at their feet was strikingly familiar (stand around waiting for their victim to die, which is what they intended)
Eschaton: Big Scary Black Man - Always shooting at the white women.
Officer Sherry Hall charged after saying black man shot her | - she described a 6-foot, 230-pound black man who took off after shooting her
Hasidic Man Found Guilty of Gang Assault in Beating of Black Student in Brooklyn - The New York Times - Shomrim ... punched and kicked by men, including one who drove a thumb into his right eye.
Oregon standoff defendant Scott Willingham sentenced for theft of government cameras |
10 things you need to know about vaginas | Life and style | The Guardian
Vagina Dispatches episode one: the vulva - video | Life and style | The Guardian
What is the silliest reason you've seen someone get offended? : AskReddit
Double bottle flip : gifs
Series of Texas quakes likely triggered by oil and gas industry activity : science
'Doomsday Today in Aleppo' : Assad and Russian Forces Bombard City
A ferocious assault on Aleppo suggests the U.S. may be wrong on Syria - The Washington Post
Over 300 Civilians Have Been Killed in Yemen Since August, U.N. Says - The New York Times
EFF to law enforcement: Please remember that an IP address is not enough evidence for a search warrant or subpoena : technology
Chelsea Manning to be sent to solitary confinement for suicide try : news - this should help the feelings of isolation and loneliness.
The Lying Game - The New York Times - what we don't know: Will the moderators step in when Mr. Trump delivers one of his well-known, often reiterated falsehoods? (Trump lies three to eight times more than Hillary; will the media/moderators devote 8 times the time to his lies?)
- Times Editor Dean Baquet on Calling Out Donald Trump's lies
Elizabeth Warren Seems To Be Staking Out Her Place In A Clinton Presidency | Huffington Post - as a bulwark against the influence of Wall Street.
Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump and "The Choice 2016" | The Choice 2016 | FRONTLINE | PBS
It Was Hillary Clinton's Idea To Take The Plunge And Go On 'Between Two Ferns' | Huffington Post - Brave
Hillary Clinton Offers Specific, Genuinely Progressive Policy on Estate Tax
The new old normal - Lawyers, Guns & Money (NC state rep says blacks hate whites because whites are better, see Glenn Reynolds)
USA Today columnist clarifies exactly when he thinks you should kill protesters with your car
A Tiny Revolution: Only So Many Ways To Be Crazy (he has always been a monster)
U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin (Putin has rigged the election)
Eschaton: I See The Future - If Trump wins, he will be the first legally elected president since George W. Bush, and perhaps our reigning monarch, the greatest Republican, no the greatest person, in American history. If he loses, he won't really have been the real representative of the current Republican party, just a pretender, an aberration. As such, Hillary Clinton's election will be illegitimate ... It isn't even clear, really, if a woman is allowed by the constitution to be president. Certainly not what the founders intended ...
Ted Cruz Endorses Donald Trump, Producing the First Funny Moment in this Campaign in a While - In a year in which the entire Republican Party demonstrated time after time that it has the collective backbone of pond algae and all the intellectual integrity of a flesh-eating virus, on Friday, we may well have reached Peak Sellout. Bring it to us, CNN. - Sure, he slandered my father and he mocked my wife, but I now will support him for president of the United States (because Hillary is more evil)
Nobody Knows What Happens Next in the 2016 Election - I can't remember an election like this in my lifetime. s it just me, or are the various polling operations tracking this presidential election starting to take on the aroma of the various bond-rating agencies immediately before the trillion-dollar dungbomb went off in 2008?
Omarosa Manigault: 'Every Critic, Every Detractor, Will Have To Bow Down To President Trump' | Huffington Post - "It is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful man in the universe' - Trump's director of African-American outreach has an ominous warning for all who dared to criticize the Republican presidential nominee: (the man half of America wants to dictate to them)
Trump received $1.6 million from Secret Service - politico
What Do Trump Advisors Think About the Civil War? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (treason in defense of slavery is still popular)
Trump, Clinton, and Rural America - Lawyers, Guns & Money : I liked this piece on support for Trump in eastern Colorado, an area which relies on an extremely globalized world in farm products to have any economy at all ... Yet of course they hate Hillary and love Trump because nothing is about policy and everything is about racial and cultural identity (one problem with stupidity)
Glenn Reynolds should not be disciplined - Crooked Timber - Glenn Reynolds is a piece of work. Much of his blogging is in the ambiguous borderland between right wing hackery and active depravity. Even so, I was disturbed to see this in Inside Higher Ed:
- Palmer Luckey: The Facebook Near Billionaire Secretly Funding Trump's Meme Machine (24 yr old fascist techbro)
Key NJ Legislators Looking at Christie Impeachment: Sources | NBC New York (50-50 the lying fat fuck will go down but Trump will pardon him)
Release the Charlotte Police Video - The New York Times (cops need more time for coverup)
Wife of Keith Scott, Charlotte Shooting Victim, Filmed Police Encounter - The New York Times
Release the video or not? Cities wrestle with approaches after police shootings. - The Washington Post (Tulsa vs Charlotte)
Rioting May Tip Presidential Scales in Crucial North Carolina - Bloomberg Politics (fear)
Cop Who Shot Terence Crutcher Has History Of Drug Use, Domestic Disturbances | Huffington Post - Aren't these the characteristics that describe a "thug"? - Dave Shelby was in the helicopter that flew overhead and recorded the moments leading up to the shooting ... Shelby also has two excessive force complaints, according to KJRH. Both of those cases were held to be unfounded. (of course they were)
TIL North Carolina does not require mandatory rest breaks or meal breaks for employees 16 years of age or older. Companies can force employees to work 8 hour days with no breaks and it's not against the law. : todayilearned
The Bill of Rights Is Hanging By a Thread in Louisiana - Public Defenders (you don't need no steenkin' public defenders)
In America, gun rights are for whites only - The Washington Post (wasn't that always the idea?)
- Area Judge Fears Polygamy After 2015's 'Pretty Close to Insane' Gay Marriage Ruling (he's probably gay)
Judge Claims Same-Sex Marriage Is An 'Oxymoron,' Like 'Jumbo Shrimp' | Huffington Post
Inviting wrath of judge may be part of a calculated approach by Ammon Bundy's lawyer |
MD Laughter - ??????PATRIOT COMMUNITY?????? Ol' Grifter Gavin Seim is...
Will the Left Survive the Millennials? - The New York Times - Midway through my opening address for the Brisbane Writers Festival earlier this month, Yassmin Abdel-Magied, a Sudanese-born Australian engineer and 25-year-old memoirist, walked out. ("cultural appropriation" and very special millennials)
Eschaton: Please Provide Massive Government Subsidies For My Vaporware - Cool plan, techbro. - To speed the transition, governments may give drivers financial incentives to replace their cars with autonomous vehicles, similar to the Cash for Clunkers program offered in 2009 to get gas guzzlers off the road, Google's Medford said (give billions to Google!)
Terry Jones Of 'Monty Python' Diagnosed With Dementia At 74 | Huffington Post - Primary Progressive Aphasia, a variant of Frontotemporal Dementia,
If Reddit decided to immediately, without warning, merge two active subreddits, which combination of subreddits would cause the most chaos? : AskReddit
An Important Message About Yahoo User Security | Yahoo
Liberals Have Failed to Teach Millennials About the Horror of George W. Bush | New Republic (led by "don't look back and learn anything" Obama)
Clinton leads Trump by 6 points in nationwide poll - politico (tune in tomorrow)
This poll of the U.S. military has Gary Johnson tied with Donald Trump in the race for president
President Trump's First Term - His campaign tells us a lot about what kind of Commander-in-Chief he would be. - As for the Trump Organization, by law Trump could retain as much control or ownership as he wants, because Presidents are not bound by the same conflict-of-interest statute that restricts Cabinet officers and White House staff ... his victory would be not a failure of imagination but, rather, a retreat to it-the magical thought that his Presidency would be something other than the campaign that created it.
- Repeat, repeat and repeat and it's all people hear (the words the media use)
Hullabaloo - There is Only One Candidate Part Three (and Clinton's density)
- The Model for Donald Trump's Media Relations Is Joseph McCarthy
Republican's kangaroo court - Not since 1876 has an executive-branch appointee been impeached, and not in the history of the republic has Congress impeached an executive-branch official below the Cabinet level. < Confirmed: Trump campaign is controlling every word of prominent CNN commentator - The Washington Post
Are Donald Trump and his supporters racist? (Spoiler alert: No.) - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - So says Damon Linker, professional serious thinking person and human logical fallacy distribution center.
br /> - Yikes! Now Donald Trump Jr. says he would "love" to run for office as a "patriot"
Evangelical Pastor: Donald Trump Under 'Concentrated Satanic Attack' | Huffington Post - Pastor Darrell Scott said Lucifer himself is taking a shot at the GOP presidential candidate. (you mean "herself")
USA Today Columnist Urges Motorists To 'Run Down' Protesters On North Carolina Highway | Huffington Post - Twitter suspended the account of Glenn Reynolds after the inflammatory comment.
- Glenn Reynolds (a Professor of Law) suggests his Twitter followers "run down" Charlotte protestors
Trump Proposes Reinstating Stop And Frisk At Event Aimed At Black Voters | Huffington Post
Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby charged with manslaughter -
- If you don't understand Black Lives Matter after Terence Crutcher's death, you never will
Prosecutor announces charges against officer in Tulsa shooting - The Boston Globe
New videos, photos and documents provide fresh look at 2011 St. Louis police killing | Law and order |< /a>
Judge to Ammon Bundy's lawyer: If he continues to defy her orders, she'll hold him in contempt |
Family matters: EpiPens had high-level help getting into schools - After Gayle Manchin took over the National Association of State Boards of Education in 2012, she spearheaded an unprecedented effort that encouraged states to require schools to purchase medical devices that fight life-threatening allergic reactions.
This Epic Netflix Ad Celebrates The Power Of Women On TV | Huffington Post
Brits Kick Butt: Smoking In England Hits Record Low | Huffington Post - n fact, over a million people in England used e-cigarettes in order to stop smoking tobacco - even though opinions are split about whether e-cigs are a safe option ... In the United States, however, the Centers for Disease Control has actively advocated against e-cigarettes. (gateway drug nonsense)
How bad science misled chronic fatigue syndrome patients
Life not as we know it possible on Saturn's moon Titan
What perfectly true story of yours sounds like an outrageous lie? : AskReddit
What's a subtle sign that someone is good in bed? : AskReddit
What's a polarizing social issue you're completely on the fence about? : AskReddit
Yahoo confirms major breach - and it could be the largest hack of all time : worldnews
No matter what, don't use Google's new Allo messenger app, says Edward Snowden
375 top scientists warn of 'real, serious, immediate' climate threat | John Abraham | Environment | The Guardian (Trump will fire them)
Antibiotics: World leaders sign groundbreaking UN declaration to tackle 'biggest global health threat' | The Independent - If antibiotics lose their effectiveness then key medical procedures - including gut surgery, caesarean sections, joint replacements and chemotherapy - could become too dangerous to perform
Republicans Want To Use Zika Funding Bill To Keep Truckers On The Road Longer | Huffington Post (and defund Planned Parenthood, give guns to kids and put Confederate traitor flags everywhere)
Reddit brings down North Korea's entire internet after links to country's 28 websites are posted online : technology
Muslim schoolboys who refused to shake hands with female teachers lose appeal: Case at school near Basel sparks fierce debate across Switzerland : worldnews
- Teachers at Christian fundamentalist schools in Britain allegedly performed exorcisms on pupils, beat children in religious rituals and "groomed" girls for marriage, according to former students who say they have decided to speak out now after years of suffering in silence.
Chelsea Manning readies for disciplinary hearing over suicide attempt | US news | The Guardian - which could lead to indefinite solitary confinement (so let's make her more suicidal)
I called the Wells Fargo ethics line and was fired : news
I Will Never Stop Hating This Election for Unleashing So Much Stupid on This Country (but Charlie, that's the whole point)
Meet the Horde of Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and Other Extremist Leaders Endorsing Donald Trump | Mother Jones - The Republican nominee for president has not disavowed any of them - David Neiwert and Sarah Posner (but Hillary sent email to Sid Blumenthal)
'The Daily Show' Uncovered Some Hot New Hillary Conspiracies - Straight from the mouths of Trump supporters.
If You Vote For Trump, Then Screw You | GQ - Drew Magary wants a word with anyone who's about to be on the wrong side of history. (read this)
Sam Bee Is at the Top of Her Game, So of Course a Columnist Tries to Take Her Down - Ross Douthat also neglects to understand that bathroom rights are human rights. (Cardinal Moral Fuss-Budget)
375 Top Scientists Warn Us Not To Vote For Trump | Huffington Post - Stephen Hawking is among those who say the GOP nominee could prove disastrous for the planet.
This Is How Many Undocumented Immigrants Donald Trump Wants Out Of The Country | Huffington Post - 11.1 million, according to the most recent estimate.
masamunecyrus comments on Why is Mike Pence disliked in Indiana? (IN elected a Republcan death-zombie)
Justice Kennedy, Author of Citizens United, Shrugs Off Question About His Deeply Flawed Premise - Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, the author of the 2010 Citizens United decision that unraveled almost a century of campaign finance law, doesn't seem to care that the central premise of his historic decision has quickly unraveled. (stupid evil white men immune to consequences of their stupid evil)
The Palin Rebound - The New York Times - David Brooks OCT. 2, 2008 (he still has a job)
Texas Got Caught Flouting A Court Order On Voter ID, And Now It's Under Supervision | Huffington Post - The state said it would ask the Supreme Court to review its voter ID law.
Mass. High Court Says Black Men May Have Legitimate Reason To Flee Police | WBUR News - Boston Police Commissioner Bill Evans blasted the SJC ruling (from the guys that don't want no steenking cameras)
Mass. High Court Says Black Men May Have Legitimate Reason To Flee Police : news
Las Vegas Police Union Wants Black Lives Matter Pins Banned From Court | Huffington Post - A public defender was asked to leave a courtroom for wearing a Black Lives Matter button. (cops telling you what you can say)
Police In North Carolina Fatally Shoot Black Man, Sparking Protests | Huffington Post - Protests erupted after the sixth killing of a civilian by Charlotte-Mecklenburg police in the past year.
Data show Iowa's growing take of personal property - data from Iowa law enforcement agencies shows they seize cash, vehicles and other private property from at least 1,000 people a year without proof the property was acquired as a result of a crime or was being used to help people commit crimes. (organized crime ring, Republicans)
Mark McConnell, man driving Jeep before Ammon Bundy's arrest, was informant, testimony reveals |
Ammon Bundy had $8,031 in cash when arrested, talked on cell en route to jail |
Who killed JonBenet Ramsey? CBS docuseries blames a suspect close to home | (comments)
School Official To Teen Assault Victim: 'Why Didn't You Bite His Penis?' | Huffington Post - This story of alleged sexual assault at a Georgia HS is a lesson in victim-blaming. Peachtree Ridge high school, in Suwanee, Georgia. (tried to discipline her for having sex at school)
Cafeteria Worker Resigns Over School District's 'Disgusting' Lunch-Shaming Policy | Huffington Post - he Canon McMillan School District, outside of Pittsburgh,
Anthony Weiner sent sexually explicit messages to 15-year-old, report says | US news | The Guardian - The ex-politician asked her to undress and masturbate over video chat, as well as engage in rape fantasies among plethora of erotic exchanges, Daily Mail reports
If Brangelina broke up over marijuana, what could it mean for their divorce? | Film | The Guardian
Entitled People Are More Likely to Be Disappointed by Life - Depression -
The Insomnia Machine - The New York Times
How We Got Here: DNA Points to a Single Migration From Africa - The New York Times
The most visually stunning music video I've ever seen. : videos
What's the most obscene display of private wealth you've ever witnessed? : AskReddit - A guy who moved 300 miles away just so he could buy a plane to fly to work everyday.
The Night Dad Went to Jail: What to Expect When Someone You Love Goes to Jail (Life's Challenges): Melissa Higgins, Wednesday Kirwan: 9781479521425: Books : Future Essentials Organic Dehydrated Water : Camping Freeze Dried Food : Sports & Outdoors
Good bye Apple. : Surface
Warning: Microsoft Signature PC program now requires that you can't run Linux. Lenovo's recent Ultrabooks among affected systems. x-post from /r/linux : technology
Don't just pardon Edward Snowden; give the man a medal (
- Journalists Against Journalism - It's quite impressive that the WaPo editorial board has come out with both barrels against their own journalists. (Fred Hiatt should fire all his traitor journos)
UN Postpones Aid Convoys After Deadly Attack On Relief Trucks Near Aleppo | Huffington Post - Syrian or Russian aircraft struck an aid convoy near Aleppo on Monday, a war monitor reported, as the Syrian military declared a one-week truce over.
Angry Chinese couple protest on Beijing airport runway to stop plane after they arrive too late to board | South China Morning Post - Shanghai-bound Air China flight delayed 20 minutes as husband and wife stand with bag underneath the jet
North Korea accidentally leaks DNS for .kp: only 28 domains : technology
North Korea Has Accidentally Enabled Outside Access to its Propaganda Websites : worldnews
The Border Wall - Los Angeles Review of Books
- Sikh man who found bombing suspect: 'I did what every American would have done'
- Minnesota Restaurant Posts 'Muslims get out' Sign
I Went to D.C. to Watch Elizabeth Warren Stand Up for Our Country Today - And I also got a reminder that the financial industry's business model is fraud.
5 EpiPen execs raked in almost $300 million after huge price hikes
Mylan CEO's mother used position with education group to boost EpiPen sales nationwide - Gayle Manchin (corruption run in the family)
Republicans are now favored to hold the Senate in our inaugural 2016 Senate race ratings - The Washington Post (Hillary dragging down the ticket)
We Gave Four Good Pollsters the Same Raw Data. They Had Four Different Results. - The New York Times
Hillary Clinton Regains Momentum Against Donald Trump: Poll - NBC News
- some perspective on the current spate of confusing presidential polls
Here's the Real Problem with the Clinton Foundation - Americans don't know jack-sh*t about it - I swear, I spent a lot of my life around Jesuits, and damned if I can figure out how thinly Ryan and Spayd have sliced the salami here. (Liz Spayd)
- The House Oversight Committee is reviewing a Reddit post that alleges an IT specialist who worked on Hillary Clinton's private server sought advice on how to alter the contents of "very VIP" emails (bleachbit advice)
Hillary Clinton IT Paul Combetta Asked How To Destroy Evidence On Reddit : technology
White Men Are the New Soccer Moms - Lawyers, Guns & Money : It's odd how the arbitrarily selected Demographic That Matters This Election never involves poor people of color:
Vote preference over time | Pew Research Center
- Trump did not get a pass' defiant Bondi says of fraud case (send crooked Pam to prison)
Where Was Donald Trump Born? He Even Lies About That. | Huffington Post (on third base with a golden baseball in his tiny hands)
- New York Times editor on Trump: "We will call out lies" (as long as we call out Hillary too)
Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems - The Washington Post - for-profit businesses,
Trump Won Tax Breaks While Donating Tens Of Thousands To Corrupt Official | Huffington Post - Alan Hevesi, a New York state comptroller who later went to prison for his role in a pay-to-play bribery scandal,
Eschaton: The Kids Today - The savvy thing for liberal pundits to do is to write think pieces that millennials will never read about how stupid millennials are for considering voting for 3rd parties, even though millennials (according to polls) are voting for Team D in a higher proportion than any other age group. Amazingly they figured that out without the sage wisdom from their elders, who are voting for Trump. Stupid Kids Today!
Eschaton: No Front Page Spread? - Where oh where could conservatives find each other before Codias came along? I have never come across one on the internet before???
McCrory'sHB2 stance begs the question (no it doesn't but it certainly "raises the question" of his being a big fat chronic evil liar)
- After court threat, Mich. removed Flint's power to sue (Republifucks at work)
- Bridgegate Was Child's Play - Chris Christie can see that now, thanks to his new boss.
Clown Facebook post, warnings put more Alabama schools on lockdown |
Feds: Houston man bought explosives to 'blow up a building'
Andrew Sullivan: My Distraction Sickness - and Yours - I Used to Be a Human Being (if Republicans are human +went to a Buddhist retreat)
Self-Driving Cars Gain Powerful Ally: The Government - The New York Times
Angelina Jolie Files for Divorce from Brad Pitt | - Allegations of Substance Abuse, Anger (jeez, tabs were right, Brad is a weed-head)
Study of Fatal Car Accidents Shows Medical Marijuana May Help Curb Opioid Use | Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health - Since Passing Medical Marijuana Laws, States Have Seen Lower Numbers of Fatal Car Crashes Involving Opioids (corrupt Baker and Walsh bought by opiod death-lobby)
Cut-throat academia leads to 'natural selection of bad science', claims study | Science | The Guardian
Nashville Council Member Admits AT&T & Comcast Wrote The Anti-Google Fiber Bill She Submitted | Techdirt
French schools use 3D printed anatomical clitoris models in sex-ed classes / Boing Boing
Extraordinary Passion: Understanding the Male Orgasm
u Extraordinary Passion: Tantric Sex: Escaping a Dead Bedroom
What is tantric sex? - Quora
Shakti Amarantha
- People who have witnessed a "There's not going to be a wedding" moment following a bachelor/bachelorette party: what went down?
How was your adult revenge on your childhood bully? : AskReddit
- What are some "creepy" things girls do that's an immediate red flag ?
ShaktiAmarantha comments on Mismatched couples.
I analyzed 18,000,000 Amazon reviews and prove the "I received this product for free in exchange for my honest review" ones are totally biased. : videos
The Washington Post is wrong: Edward Snowden should be pardoned | Trevor Timm | Opinion | The Guardian - little truth in the five charges most often levelled at the whistleblower. Here's why he deserves acclaim, not punishment
Ahmad Khan Rahami Is Arrested in Manhattan and New Jersey Bombings - The New York Times
Bomb suspect Rahami a deadbeat, hated America, says his daughter's mother (main beef with America is the gays)
Thieves Helped Crack the Chelsea Bombing Case, Sources Say - Chelsea - DNAinfo New York - they inadvertently disabled the explosive, sources said. That allowed investigators to examine the cellphone attached to the bomb intact and discover that it was connected to the family of Rahami.
Trump Complains That Bombing Suspect Will Get Medical Care, Due Process | Huffington Post - Ahmad Rahami is an American citizen.
- Ahmad Rahami: Fixture in Family's Business and Lately, a 'Completely Different Person'
Eschaton: Another Glorious Victory For Humanitarian Intervention - I try not to hold grudges generally, but there are people who are just off my list permanently over the whole "Libyan intervention" issue ... Heckuva job, assholes, how come none of you talk about Libya now?
libya cameron - Google Search
Here's the Thing About Trump and Internment Camps - You will not be surprised to know that Australia has subcontracted the job of running the facilities on Nauru to private companies, and you also will not be surprised to know that access to the facilities is rigidly controlled (what happens when you elect conservative assholes)
Donald Trump Is Winning September (American love the Trump landslide)
Where the presidential race stands today: The USC Dornsife / Los Angeles Times poll - Los Angeles Times (Trump up by 6%)
The Progressive Case for Hillary Clinton Is Pretty Overwhelming | Mother Jones (and conversely ...)
- The Republican Party is now institutionally defending Donald Trump's racism (true colors dept)
White nationalists won't elect Donald Trump. Young voters will, poll indicates |
- The Death of 'He Said, She Said' Journalism - The New York Times responds to a candidate who breaks all the rules by discarding some of its own. (and the challenge for debate moderators)
Jill Stein Has Got to Be Kidding with This Trump-as-the-Lesser-Evil Stuff - Trump is not the lesser evil. Full stop. (speaking of vanity and stupidity)
Oklahoma Officer Fatally Shoots Unarmed Black Man In Alarming Video | Huffington Post - an unarmed black man by a white female officer.
Graphic video: Tulsa Police footage from fatal shooting of unarmed Terence Crutcher : news
Federal prosecutor says Christie knew about lane closings (no shit)
Chris Christie Knew About Bridge Lane Closings as They Happened, Prosecutors Say - The New York Times (crooked Christie)
'More guns in fewer hands': US study charts rise of hardcore super owners | US news | The Guardian - just 3% of American adults own half of guns in the US,
Pat McCrory's Utterly Absurd Excuse For Not Repealing HB2 | Huffington Post (any bullshit will do for Republcans)
- Don't Believe the Charter School Hype - he people seeking to blow up the cap on the number of charter schools here in the Commonwealth (God save it!) have turned on the afterburners in recent weeks, as we get closer to balloting in which a referendum on lifting the cap will be placed before the voters
Eschaton: Choices - One common assertion over the past several decades is that the suburbs grew because the suburbs are popular and who are you to interfere with THE MARKET stupid hippie ... But not in Indianapolis
Left in the dark: Indianapolis' deadly streets - Here, city officials stopped adding streetlights more than 35 years ago to save money on the city's $2.9 million annual electric bill. Compounding the problem, they also failed to build any new sidewalks for 20 years during that time. (we don't want no government... )
- 'Five Second Rule' for Food on Floor Is Untrue, Study Finds (bacterias are fast)
Where do Americans get cancer? (interactive) | (the midwest)
Opiates Are a National Epidemic. Enter the Opioid Lobby. - Have we hit rock bottom yet?
Deniers club: Meet the people clouding the climate change debate - The Washington Post (Trump building a wall against reality, you will pay for it)
Zika virus: transmission zone expands some South Beach through Middle Beach | Miami Herald
Powerful Blast Injures at Least 29 in Manhattan; Second Device Found - The New York Times
29 Injured In Explosion In Manhattan's Chelsea Neighborhood | Huffington Post
Investigators Sift for Clues in Hunt for New York Bomber - The New York Times
FDNY confirms outdoor explosion in Chelsea : news - The guy on msnbc kept calling it an IUD instead of IED.
WashPost Makes History: First Paper to Call for Prosecution of Its Own Source (After Accepting Pulitzer) - Three of the four media outlets that received and published large numbers of secret NSA documents provided by Edward Snowden - The Guardian, the New York Times, and The Intercept -- have called for the U.S. government to allow the NSA whistleblower to return to the U.S. with no charges
Russia's Response To Latest Syria Crisis Is Pure Trump | Huffington Post -
Caliphate in Peril, More ISIS Fighters May Take Mayhem to Europe - The New York Times
- Straightforward Answers to Basic Questions About Syria's War
Between Rojava and Washington | Jacobin - The Kurdish struggle has been undermined by world-power clashes over the future of Syria.
Three Algerian teens charged after woman lured to Eiffel Tower via Facebook and gang-raped - Mirror Online
EU states set to veto any Brexit deal threatening free movement | Politics | The Guardian - Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic ready to protect rights of citizens to live and work in the UK
'TTIP threatens our way of life,' say Berlin protesters | Germany | DW.COM | 17.09.2016
Archbishop Hon to Pope Francis: Remove Apuron as head of archdiocese - because of gravely serious allegations of sex abuse of altar boys. (Guam)
Justin Trudeau Is Not Your Friend | Jacobin - Everybody loves Justin Trudeau. But his policies are bad for workers, the environment, and struggling people everywhere.
What San Francisco Says About America - The New York Times - San Francisco has less than one-tenth Bangkok's population but six times as many homeless people (the American way)
See how Trump and Clinton's support has changed since June along lines of race, religion, education (uneducated white women +12 uneducated white men +35 and there's your problem right there; core Trump voter is uneducated, rural while male, evangelical protestant)
Hillary Clinton Struggles to Gain Traction in Florida, Despite Spending - The New York Times
- Among Democrats, deep concern about Clinton's Hispanic strategy (the Queen of Coasting)
A Trump Empire Built on Inside Connections and $885 Million in Tax Breaks - The New York Times
Donald Trump threatens to sue New York Times over 'irresponsible intent' | US news | The Guardian - In a tweet, the US presidential candidate calls the newspaper "really disgusting" (see above, and it's always about disgusting and other cleanliness tropes)
- Trump goes hard after Robert Gates, saying he likely has undisclosed 'problem'
Donald Trump's police: officers backing Republican haDespite multimillion dollar evidence system, NYPD have no idea how much cash they seize.
ve murky legal histories | US news | The Guardian (the crooked cops behind Trump)
Other from Another Planet - Lawyers, Guns & Money : WATCH: Castellanos says there is an "otherness" about Pres. Obama this morning on #MTP (Meet the Liars)
Meet the Press on Twitter: "WATCH: Castellanos says there is an "otherness" about Pres. Obama this morning on #MTP"
VICE News reporter arrested outside a Donald Trump campaign event | VICE News - Alex Thompson, a reporter for VICE News, was arrested by Houston Police today while inquiring about press access to an event held for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the Omni Westside Hotel.
Vice News Reporter Arrested While Seeking Credentials For Trump Event | Huffington Post
Trump's Behavior Similar To Male Chimpanzee, Says Jane Goodall | Huffington Post (the orange chimp)
Gary Johnson's Hard-Right Record championing private prisons and austerity. (waste your vote on a rigtwing asshole)
- NYPD Can't count cash they've seized because it would crash computers - Despite multimillion dollar evidence system, NYPD have no idea how much cash they seized (must be a pretty big number, no?)
Sitcom Men, Grappling With a New Reality on TV - The New York Times - " On new fall sitcoms, the male leads are adjusting to new roles or reduced circumstances (a-changin)
The Intellectual Yet Idiot - Medium - Nassim Nicholas Taleb - With psychology papers replicating less than 40%, dietary advice reversing after 30 years of fatphobia, macroeconomic analysis working worse than astrology, the appointment of Bernanke who was less than clueless of the risks, and pharmaceutical trials replicating at best only 1/3 of the time, people are perfectly entitled to rely on their own ancestral instinct and listen to their grandmothers (or Montaigne and such filtered classical knowledge) with a better track record than these policymaking goons. (but tell us how you really feel, Nassim)
Gun nation: a journey to the heart of America's gun culture - video | World news | The Guardian (uneducated white male Trump voters)
In Jim Cooley's open-carry America, even a trip to Walmart can require an AR-15
Oregon standoff trial: Friday highlights, and what's next |
Morgan Spurlock is making a doc about the Oregon "Patriot" movement 7 Newswire 7 The A.V. Club
The Dumb and the Restless - Rolling Stone - Ammon Bundy and his band of weeping, self-pitying, gun-toting, wannabe-terrorist metrosexuals are America's most ridiculous people
Absolutely, God Told Us To Do This - Home of the Brave (invaded by Duck Dynasty)
Marijuana May Alleviate America's Opioid Crisis, New Study Suggests In 2014, more than 14,000 people ? nearly 40 per day ? died from overdoses of prescribed opiates. (someone call Chawlie and Mawty and let them know they are killing people with their ignorance)
Rejecting opioids, pain patients find relief with marijuana - The Boston Globe
Opioid makers, allies gave $1 million to Utah politicians : news
Ask Well: The Health Benefits of Meditation - The New York Times
Barely Legal: 30 Nearly Pornographic Mainstream Films | Rolling Stone
A friend and I developed a simple online EMDR tool to help people combat PTSD, depression, or just relax for a while. : InternetIsBeautiful
"What's the most common mistake people make when choosing their spouse?" Divorced volunteer couples councilor/mentor gives fantastic and insightful advice that can be applied to all serious relationships. : bestof
what is it like being a short man in denmark, one of the tallest countries on earth? : Denmark
Ex-airman beats deployed friend's toddler to death, gets 18 months probation : news
Uber driver's passenger opens fire; Uber won't help with damages : news
Woman Claims Sexual Harassment after Random Man Says "Hello" : videos
What's the worst 'snowflake' name you've ever come across? : AskReddit
Video surfaces in DUI lawsuit showing officers planning fabricated charges : news
Reddit today : pics
My beloved girlfriend and the mother of my child turned out to be my sick secret stalker - Mirror Online
- That time when 'hat time when' took over the internet (nostalgia for the present moment makes us miss out on the experiences we're so excited to share)
Why a Donald Trump Victory Could Make Climate Catastrophe Inevitable | Mother Jones - on the forces moving us toward an uninhabitable planet. (Republicans working to kill the planet +coal miners)
- Bernie Sanders: 'This is not the time for a protest vote'
Washington Monthly | The Cruelty of the Vince Foster Murder Accusation - "The WSJ editors lie without consequence" (and still do)
Eschaton: Is Voting For A Third Party Stupider Than Voting For Trump? - blasting them for not living up to the arbitrary standards you set for them despite the fact that they actually lived up to them as is shown in the thing you just linked to. (Clara Jeffreys make herself famous on the internets)
Donald Trump Suggests Hillary Clinton's Bodyguards Should Stop Protecting Her | Huffington Post (disarm the Secret Service so Trump can rig an assassination)
Trump: Never wrong, never sorry, never responsible - The Washington Post - The one thing that is consistent about him is inconsistency.
- Donald Trump's birther event is the greatest trick he's ever pulled
The Birtherism of a Nation - The Trump campaign believes that the elite political media is as much of a dumb beast as the Trump campaign believes the voters are. There is no longer any reason to cover this campaign as anything but a truthless danger to the American republic
How Roger Ailes used 'key man clauses' for his stars to protect himself - Sep. 16, 2016 - Nonetheless, the Murdochs moved quickly to replace Ailes. Just two weeks after ex-anchor Gretchen Carlson sued Ailes, he stepped down.
Governor's Views Don't Help as Maine's Population Dwindles - Gov. Paul R. LePage makes sweeping statements denigrating asylum seekers, saying they are bringing diseases into the state or draining public money that should be going to people born in Maine. (LePage and Mainers flushing themselves down the drain)
Eschaton - But locally, it can be a bit of a problem, especially given our federal system, if you have an ageing problem not being replaced by younger ones, especially if your crackpot governor isn't lowering the drawbridge. (self-created "demographic time bomb" necessitating cutting Social Securities so everyone will die early, mission accomplished, shut up with your sciencey statistics)
American Politics Will Drown in a Sea of Dark Money - The other day, we took a look at how some recently leaked e-mails exposed how the judicial elections in Wisconsin were opened up to bid. Now, our good friends at the Brennan Center at NYU bring us one of their now-regular studies of how an elected judiciary is The Second-Worst Idea In American Politics (in Kochconsin)
Shut up and sing - Lawyers, Guns & Money (David Brooks, fool and idiot, explains patriotism to young people)
Largest indoor theme park in Americas coming to Meadowlands | - Triple Five hopes to secure $2.7 billion in financing, including $1.15 billion in public bonds, by the end of September to resume construction on the long-delayed project (could have had a tunnel to Manhattan which people would actually use)
The $4B road to a runaway American Dream | - American Dream started out as Xanadu, which started out as a plan to develop land near Continental Airlines Arena. Fourteen years later, Continental Airlines Arena is called the Izod Center and it's closed. Xanadu was supposed to open in 2006, then 2008, then 2009, then 2010, then 2014, then 2016, then 2017 and now 2018. What happened along the way? (Chrisco Christie, for one thing)
Behind the Scenes at LIU - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Read this interview with Long Island University librarian Emily Drabinski for some behind the scenes insight on the horrible attempt by the administration to lockout the faculty and crush the union.
14 Trader Joe's Beauty Products That Are Actually Amazing | Huffington Post
Apple Is Still Ignoring One of the Biggest iPhone Engineering Flaws of All Time | Motherboard - phones that have been Otterboxed from the beginning starting to get them (iSuckers got iScammed)
Eschaton: Nothing to See Here - Move along, folks. - A grim new study led by a UCLA geography professor revealed that the current 5-year drought in California could last indefinitely, with the resulting arid conditions becoming "the new normal" for the state (the Great California Desert and no food for America)
Egyptian state media claims 9/11 was carried out by West to justify war on terror : worldnews
Swedish Court Upholds Arrest Warrant For WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange | Huffington Post - Assange is wanted by Swedish authorities for questioning over allegations that he committed rape in 2010.
US to pay 1m to family of Italian aid worker killed in drone strike | US news | The Guardian - The Obama administration has agreed to pay 1m to the family of an Italian aid worker who was killed in a US drone strike in 2015.
Elizabeth Warren Just Trolled Wells Fargo's CEO So Hard | Huffington Post - The senator had some rather pointed questions for the executive in the wake of his bank's scandal.
Johnson and Stein fail to make cut for first presidential debate - politico
Gary Johnson, Jill Stein Fail to Qualify for First Presidential Debate - Washington Wire - WSJ - Commission rules they lacked sufficient support in the polls
Sometimes life comes at you fast - National polls currently show Clinton ahead by only 1.0 1 0.6 % (median 1 estimated SEM, 7 pollsters with at least some post-Phlegmghazi respondents) ((with Trump gaining fast))
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: The New Times-CBS Presidential Race Poll. How Are White Men And White Women Planning To Vote? - I believe that a Trump-As-A-Misogynistic-Asshat*** effect is visible in those findings, especially when it comes to the possible voting patterns of white women this year.
Donald Trump fooled cable news into airing a 25-minute infomercial for his campaign - Vox
Hillary Clinton On Donald Trump's Latest Birther Remarks: 'This Is Who He Is' | Huffington Post - "When will he stop this ugliness, this bigotry?"
Harry Reid Goes On Epic Rant Against Trump | Huffington Post - He calls The Donald a "human leech" who will bleed America dry and laugh about it.
Senate Democrats go big in red states - POLITICO - The party is devoting millions to competitive Senate races in North Carolina and Missouri, but scales back in Ohio and Florida.
Trump Admits Obama Was Born In The United States After 5 Years Of Racist Denials | Huffington Post - The admission was wrapped in a veil of falsehoods, but it was still there.
Irony Alert: Donald Trump Made His Birther About-Face On Constitution Day | Huffington Post
CNN Anchors Have Finally Had It With Donald Trump's Lies | Huffington Post - They really got riled up about his birther-announcement fiasco.
Networks Refuse To Air Donald Trump's Hotel 'Press' Tour After Reporters Barred | Huffington Post - The moment of media solidarity follows a year of the candidate bullying and blacklisting journalists.
Black Lawmakers Rip Donald Trump As A 'Disgusting Fraud' | Huffington Post - His birther comments about President Barack Obama are "a dog whistle to all Americans, especially African-Americans."
Hillary Clinton Reminds Donald Trump She Didn't Start The Birther Movement | Huffington Post - Trump lied and said she did.
Trump's absurd claim that 92 million Americans represent a 'nation of jobless Americans' - Republicans started citing a decline in the labor participation rate, which has occurred largely because the Baby Boom generation has begun to retire. (any excuse to lie will do and dumb Americans will believe Fox)
Eschaton: The Kids Today - About sums it up. (Clara Jeffrey, co-editor Mother Jones)
Don't Hate Millennials. Save It For Bernie Sanders.
How Internet Trolls Won the 2016 Presidential Election - the Chanterculture.
- California High School Student's Grade Lowered For Sitting During Pledge Of Allegiance
Florida Schools Are Forcing Students To Stand During National Anthem | Huffington Post - In several school districts, students need a written excuse from a parent to kneel during the anthem. (the totalitarian state of Florida)
Eschaton: Pretty Simple Formula - They built a ballpark and didn't surround it with acres of parking lot
Chicago Cop Indicted For Shooting At Black Teens In Car | Huffington Post - Officer Marco Proano faces two federal civil rights charges for the 2013 shooting, which was caught on a dash cam.
The Librarian's Bequest: University of New Hampshire to spend $1mil of Librarian's $4mil donated estate on football scoreboard, only $100k on library. : books
Adnan Syed Of 'Serial' Just Got A Big Boost In His Quest For Freedom | Huffington Post
A 3D printer clitoris model - and the start of a sexual revolution
- People who use "incognito Mode" on your web browser for reasons other than porn, what are those reasons?
- The House Science Committee's Anti-Science Rampage (when you live in a delusion to start with)
Latest Estimate Pegs Cost of Wars at Nearly $5 Trillion (thanks, Bush/Cheney/Republicans for ruining the world)
Colin Kaepernick and a Landmark Supreme Court Case - The New Yorker - Robert Jackson: "freedom demands that those in power allow others to think for themselves"
- Elizabeth Warren Asks Newly-Chatty FBI Director to Explain Why DOJ Didn't Prosecute Banksters (because Obama was bought and paid for)
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton locked in tight race nationally - CBS/NYT poll - CBS News
Donald Trump, scam artist - The Washington Post (all Republicans are scam artists but Donald is the bestest and half the country will vote for him because Americans are idiots)
Time to Face It: Trump Really Could Win This - POLITICO Magazine - If Democrats are starting to panic, they should. What else do they have to throw at him?
- New Records Shed Light on Donald Trump's $25,000 Gift to Florida Official ("gift" = "bribe")
Trump's Path to Victory Is Starting to Look Very Real
Can Trump win? Why polls might be shifting - Business Insider - What if the shift in the polls is more about Donald Trump campaigning better? (it's gonna be a Trumpster landslide, a generational wave victory!)
Here's What Hillary Clinton Said About Obama's Supreme Court Pick | Huffington Post
Five dramatic revelations from Powell's leaked emails ("leaked" = "hacked by Putin")
Colin Powell Called The Cheneys Idiots - BuzzFeed News - They are idiots and spent force peddling a book that ain't going nowhere
- Powell in leaked email slams Bill Clinton on continuing affairs with 'bimbos'- "a husband still dicking bimbos at home" (of course he would risk fucking America over, again, for a bimbo ride)
Ralph Nader and the tragedy of voter-as-consumer politics. - In the 2000 election, the high priest of anti-consumerism turned politics into the very thing he hated most.
An Editorial -- Joseph W. McQuaid, Publisher: A better choice for President (No need to hold your nose) | New Hampshire - New Hampshire Union Leader Publisher (vote for Johnson/Stein and waste your vote is great advice from proven idiots)
-Donald Trump Jr. Says Releasing Father's Tax Returns Would Raise Too Many Questions
Donald Trump Jr. Casually Makes A Holocaust Joke | Huffington Post
The Trump Kids Are (Definitely Not) Alright (Ivanka is quite the little dimbulb princess +wake the fuck up, America)
Donald Trump Wants Peter Thiel On The Supreme Court, Sources Say | Huffington Post - The eccentric billionaire endorsed Trump in a speech at the Republican National Convention this summer. (Gaybro has said he hates democracy)
Donald Trump is breaking the white supremacist internet: Stormfront forced to upgrade servers to deal with Trump traffic surge -
Scott Walker, the John Doe files and how corporate cash influences American politics | US news | The Guardian (Wisconsin, Koch Bros subsidiary run by their puppet gov)
ACC pulls events from North Carolina over bathroom law - politico - Atlantic Coast Conference (good job, Republicans)
Some Farmers Just Beat a Massive Pipeline Company - shut up about health records for a second. This Is a Powerful Political Moment That Most Americans Are Missing
Missouri Lawmakers: You Don't Need A Permit, Or Training Or Even A Background Check To Carry A Concealed Weapon | Huffington Post - The move aims to override Democratic Governor Jay Nixon's vetoes of the bills. (necromonger Repubs guns everywhere)
- New Gun Law Is Basically Straight Out of the Wild West - This week in the laboratories of democracy, where the right to get shot shall not be infringed.
Boston police commissioner says union sent harmful message by fighting body camera program
Kidnapped 6-Year-Old Girl Found Alive, Chained to Tree in North Carolina; Registered Sex Offender Arrested : news
Judge rebukes feds for 'lack of diligence, attention to detail' in failure to secure Facebook material |
Ammon Bundy chooses to wear jail scrubs in trial | (fashion statement)
You Want to Understand the Alt-Right? Read This. - Remember our friends out in Oregon? - American revolutionary rhetoric has dropped a few notches since Tom Paine died, I can tell you that.
Drama at Horace Greeley High School -- The Cut - A beloved theater teacher, sexual-assault allegations, and the scandal that has rattled Chappaqua.
Free Wi-Fi Kiosks Were to Aid New Yorkers. An Unsavory Side Has Spurred a Retreat. - The New York Times - But they have also attracted people who linger for hours, sometimes drinking and doing drugs and, at times, boldly watching pornography on the sidewalks. (who could have predicted that?) homeless people and other idle users who took full advantage of the unlimited access to the internet to turn the kiosks into al fresco living rooms, watching movies and playing music for hours.
UCLA Freshman Sends Future Roommate Insane Dramatic Email
Dolls and Feelings - The New Yorker - Jill Soloway's post-patriarchal television.
Dammit I'm Mad - a poem by Demetri Martin
Astronomers might have just caught a glimpse of a black hole being born - ScienceAlert
Scientists reveal most accurate depiction of a dinosaur ever created | Elsa Panciroli | Science | The Guardian - Reconstruction is based on studies of a spectacular fossil from China, preserved with skin and pigments intact
[Serious] Men, what's something that would surprise women about life as a man? : AskReddit
FCC Republicans refused to give Congress net neutrality documents | Ars Technica
Super Typhoon Meranti Hits Taiwan As Category 5 Storm | Huffington Post - "This typhoon is the world's strongest so far this year"
- Edward Snowden did this country a great service. Let him come home - Bernie Sanders, Daniel Ellsberg, former members of the NSA and more weigh in on whether Obama should grant clemency to the divisive whistleblower (Hillary wants him in prison)
- Bernie Sanders, Daniel Ellsberg, former members of the NSA and more weigh in:
Eschaton: Did I Say The Worst? - Heckuva job. - David Cameron's intervention in Libya was carried out with no proper intelligence analysis, drifted into an unannounced goal of regime change and shirked its moral responsibility to help reconstruct the country following the fall of Muammar Gaddafi, according to a scathing report by the foreign affairs select committee. - Another one who just wanted to bomb and then have a parade.
How the Trump Organization's Foreign Business Ties Could Upend U.S. National Security (he will rebrand America)
Hacker Guccifer 2.0 Gives Rambling Speech at Cybersecurity Conference | Motherboard - But, perhaps unsurprisingly, Guccifer 2.0, whom experts believe is just a front for Russian government hackers, was a no show. Instead, someone else read out loud a rambling statement purportedly sent by the hacker.
- Colin Powell Called Benghazi A "Stupid Witch Hung" -- And Condi Rice Agreed -- "basic fault falls on a courageous ambassador who thoughts Libyans now love me and I am ok in this very vulnerable place" (for this, Republicans went insane for four years and the media thought they were serious people)
- Colin Powell Urged Hillary Clinton's Team Not to Scapegoat Him for Her Private Server, Leaked Emails Reveal
EXCLUSIVE: Colin Powell's Personal Email Hacked | The Daily Caller (hacked by Putin's KGB)
- Colin Powell Calls Trump a 'National Disgrace' in Hacked Emails
Trump Has 5-Point Lead in Bloomberg Poll of Battleground Ohio (OH and GA swap places in confusing times)
- How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people's money - David A. Fahrenthold
- The secrets of David Fahrenthold's reporting on the Trump Foundation (reporting, a lost art)
- Mike Pence Is Rebuffed as He Tries to Rally G.O.P. Leaders Over 'Deplorables' (says David Duke not deplorable at all)
- Meet Donald Trump's 'basket of deplorables' (and their "religious freedoms" and persecution complexes)
Donald Trump's Dr. Oz Gambit Makes Mockery Of Transparency Norms (he will let Hulk Hogan see his tax return
Eschaton: Through The Looking Glass - The olds among us remember when it was controversial that candidate Bill Clinton played sax on the Arsenio Hall show. The political world will be glued to their televisions when candidate Trump gives his fake medical records to quack "miracle cure" purveyor Dr. Oz on the teevee. (how far we've come, thanks, Republicans)
Keith Olbermann Is Back, And He Thinks Donald Trump Is A 'Demonic Messiah' | Huffington Post
Trump's Maternity Leave Plan Is His Biggest Insult To Women Yet - It confirms once again his antiquated, sexist worldview. (Ivanka's plan for keeping women in their place)
Corey Lewandowski Tried To Smear A Reporter. It Did Not Go Well. | Huffington Post
Jeremy Durham expelled from Tennessee House in 70-2 vote - Embattled Rep. Jeremy Durham, accused of sexual misconduct toward at least 22 women and still under investigation by state and federal officials, was expelled Tuesday from the Tennessee House of Representatives (took 22)
Burns man who rode in first caravan to refuge Jan. 2 testifies for government |
Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward testifies: 'I didn't go to pick a fight. I wanted them to go home.' |
Crude Anti-Obama Stickers Seen on Lockers During Tour of Police North Precinct - Slog - The Stranger - Ahead of a City Council vote on whether to build a $149 million police station, Seattle police led a group of journalists and activists on a tour of the existing North precinct station (it never occured to them it might look strange and stupid)
Long Island University Lockout of Faculty Is Over | American Federation of Teachers - After 12 days of intransigence, the LIU administration discovered that denying students the education they deserve is never a successful strategy.
Louis Saint Ange Morel, chevalier de la Colombe
Donald Trump Says Much Needs To Be 'Investigated' In Climate Science | Huffington Post ("There's something going on")
UN Rights Chief Condemns Assad Regime For Abuses In Syria | Huffington Post - This is a state led by a medical doctor and yet is believed to have gassed its own people.
Eschaton: The Worst Prime Minister - It is true that David Cameron was horrible. It's also true that this mostly will never make it into the political discourse in the UK
Stunning Photo Shows Boy Standing Up To Thousands Of Anti-Gay Protesters | Huffington Post - A 12-year-old Mexican boy became an overnight icon after a journalist snapped a photograph of him attempting to block an anti-LGBT demonstration
- The George W. Bush White House 'Lost' 22 Million Emails - Clinton's email habits look positively transparent when compared with the subpoena-dodging, email-hiding, private-server-using George W. Bush administration (IOKIYAR)
WikiLeaks Feeds Conspiracy Theories That Hillary Clinton Has Parkinson's Or Head Injury Complications | Huffington Post
andrew kaczynski on Twitter: ".@wikileaks deleted their tweet. Obviously in the nature of openness & transparency I have preserved it right here:" - This is embarrassing Julian
The man who discovered CTE thinks Hillary Clinton may have been poisoned - The Washington Post (Putin with the Polonium in the Teapot)
Yeah, Hillary Has Pneumonia, But Trump Is Still A Deranged Threat To America | Huffington Post - Modern medicine can remedy one of these ailments more thoroughly than the other.
- Democrats Push for Federal Look Into Donald Trump's Donation in Florida
- New York attorney general opens 'inquiry' into Trump Foundation
69-year-old woman punched in face outside rally by Trump supporter | WLOS - She asks if people find a Trump supporter punching her in the face deplorable. (zing)
Yes, half of Trump supporters are racist - The Washington Post
- How Breitbart Conquered the Media
Approval Ratings Drop For Vulnerable GOP Senators In Key States | Huffington Post - Sens. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) are both at risk of losing their Senate seats in November.
New poll shows competitive 2016 race in Maine - The Boston Globe (Maine turns out to be very racist)
Kentucky's governor said something really scary over the weekend
Kentucky Gov. Bevin: It might take bloodshed to save religious, conservative values | Lexington Herald-Leader - America is at a fork in the road and if something isn't done soon to protect religious and conservative values, people might have to physically fight for them.
- Democrats strike back after Bevin's bloodshed remark
Do We Face a Threat of Armed Sedition?
This Is What Happens When Your State Government Blocks The Medicaid Expansion | Huffington Post - The South is missing out and falling behind.
The Crisis at The Times And That Public Editor Piece (Liz Spayd)
- You are here: Home ; General ; Hell Exists On Earth? Yes. I Won't Live in It - Maureen Dowd in Conversation With Frank Bruni
NCAA Pulls All Championship Events From North Carolina Over Anti-LGBT Laws | Huffington Post - We believe in providing a safe and respectful environment at our events
Ohio University Rejects Roger Ailes' Name And Money | Huffington Post - gift came in the form of a $500,000 donation to the school in 2007.
Thanks for letting me know MSN news : windowsphone
- Netflix asks FCC to declare data caps "unreasonable"
Idubbbz takes on Leafyishere : videos
- Earth smashes another monthly temperature record as planet's fever goes on
Ice in Northwest Passage Depleted by Climate Change - The Northwest Passage is running out of ice.
war1 | - get your war on 1 - #8 10/9/01
The ACLU Is About to Launch a Campaign Asking Obama to Pardon Edward Snowden - The long-expected campaign will start just two days before Oliver Stone's Snowden hits theaters : technology - "Obama won't do shit"
- No looking back: the CIA torture report's aftermath (Obama's policy from day 1 - no learning from experience allowed)
- Federal Judge: Hacking Someone's Computer is Definitely a 'Search' (we weren't searching his computer we were just "hacking" it)
Long-Secret Stingray Manuals Detail How Police Can Spy on Phones
Obama to Veto Bill Allowing 9/11 Lawsuits Against Saudi Arabia - The New York Times
Pentagon confirms it killed senior ISIS leader Abu Muhammad al-Adnani | Fox News
Sniper takes out ISIS executioner from a mile away | New York Post - A sharpshooter killed a top ISIS executioner and three other jihadists with a single bullet from nearly a mile away - just seconds before the fiend was set to burn 12 hostages alive with a flamethrower
Chinese student lodges suit over homosexuality terms in textbooks | World news | The Guardian - Gay rights activist Qiu Bai wants ministry of education to remove textbooks that describe homosexuality as mental disorder
Soaring inequality in UK contributed to Brexit - Richest one per cent in UK own 20 times more total wealth than the poorest fifth
This one quote shows what angry white guys mean when they talk about government overreach - Vox - LImbaugh: The Four Corners of Deceit: government, academia, science, and media. Those institutions are now corrupt and exist by virtue of deceit.
Yearning for Trumpocalypse: what's behind a viral conservative essay - Vox - Comparing America to Flight 93, Trumpists argue that maybe we must be broken to be saved. - Last Chance For America!
Bullish Senate Democrats target North Carolina, Missouri - politico
Shape of Earth: Views Still Differ - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Shorter Liz Spayd: If you're catching flak, both sides must be doing it. (we miss Margaret Sullivan)
- Tell me again why Donald Trump is no different than Hillary Clinton.
New York Times Public Editor Shrugs Off Charges of False Equivalence | Mother Jones
Hillary Clinton Is Set Back by Decision to Keep Illness Secret - The New York Times
Why did Hillary Clinton lie about her health? (she didn't have to, as usual)
Watching, and Wincing, as Clinton Stumbles - The New York Times
Hillary Clinton's Health Scare: 9 Unanswered Questions (she specializes in unforced errors)
Does Hillary Clinton Have a Classic Case of Walking Pneumonia? - NBC News
Hillary Clinton's Pneumonia Bug Also Sickened Campaign Staff :
- Cokie Roberts Floats That Dems Are 'Nrevously Whispering' About Clinton 'Stepping Aside'
Cokie Roberts Brings Us Back to the Three Great Premises of Idiot America - People are saying things! - Cokie's Law: Thus did Cokie Roberts rearrange American journalism in such a way that truth no longer mattered, and in such a way that something that didn't happen could be said to have happened because people were talking about it, as if we could all gossip an actual plesiosaur into Loch Ness ...
Conservative media - and NPR - entertain the possibility of a Hillary Clinton replacement - The Washington Post (Cokie said it, so someone must be talking about it)
Donald Trump gave an interview this morning that should be shocking - but we're numb (to the big fat liar with tiny hands' lies because he tells them like it isn't)
Daniel Dale on Twitter: "This is a list of things Trump said in one interview on CNBC this morning."
- There were five phantom donations in the files of Donald Trump's foundation. Here's what we know - Instead, he has retooled his personal charity so that it gives away other people's money - although Trump has kept his name on the foundation, and atop its checks.
Bros Just Wanna Watch the World Burn - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - An unnamed D.C. reporter says lets elect a white nationalist because it will be interesting.
The Most Detailed Map of Gay Marriage in America - The New York Times (San Diego, Windham VT and Cambridge MA are so gay)
National Anthem Protests Spread In NFL Opening Games | Huffington Post - The demonstrations for social justice, sparked by 49er Colin Kaepernick, have spread around professional sports.
Alabama Pastor Allen Joyner Says People Who Don't Stand For The National Anthem Should Be Shot | Huffington Post (by Jesus-loving military firing squads without any trials)
California Charter School Scandals Shows the Movement Is a Vehicle for Fraud & Corruption - As it is presently constituted. (as millions in dark money flows into MA 'lift the cap' Question 2)
- Mass. K-12 Education Board Chair Donated $100K To 'Lift The Cap' On Charter Schools
And everyone saw it - The Washington Post - sexting in the seventh grade in Auburn Mass
Asia Argento and Others Are Angry About Being in JT LeRoy Documentary - The New York Times
- Sugar industry funded research to cast doubt on sugar's health hazards
The sugar industry began funding research that cast doubt on sugar's role in heart disease - in part by pointing the finger at fat - as early as the 1960s, according to an analysis of newly uncovered documents. : science
Time crystals - objects whose structure would repeat periodically, as with an ordinary crystal, but in time rather than in space - may exist after all. : science
Neutronst4r comments on Time crystals - objects whose structure would repeat periodically, as with an ordinary crystal, but in time rather than in space - may exist after all.
Dolphins recorded having a conversation 'just like two people' for first time
How to Lose Weight: 9 Strategies to Try - The New York Times
ELI5: How do Chinese manufacturers take a power tool that used to cost $100-$200 a few years ago and sell it to me for $35 including shipping from friggin China and will it be $5 in a few years? : explainlikeimfive
What's something everyone just accepts as normal that's actually completely fucked up when you think about it? : AskReddit - Commuting over an hour to a 45+ hour per week job.
Inside the fight to reveal the CIA's torture secrets | US news | The Guardian (Obama loves torture and coverups)
Most Of The 9/11 Plotters Haven't Been Convicted Or Executed. Blame Gitmo. | Huffington Post - The military commission system is uniquely bad at bringing alleged terrorists to justice. - The U.S. government is committed to keeping details of the CIA torture program a secret.
Never Forgetting 9/11 In The Worst Possible Way | Huffington Post - The words of lawmakers promise one thing, but the heroes of Sept. 11 see very different deeds. "They want to be patriots when it's convienient for them"
France Arrests 15-Year-Old Boy Over 'Imminent Paris Attack | Huffington Post - The boy allegedly had ties to those who carried out a recent attack in Paris.
- The Secret History of Colombia's Paramilitaries and the U.S. War on Drugs - After decades of atrocities, the warlords were finally being held to account. Then the Americans stepped in (pardoned by Bush)
Netanyahu's 'Ethnic Cleansing' Video Pushes Obama Closer to UN Security Council - Israel News - Haaretz - White House was again reminded that Netanyahu has no qualms about attacking them, even when he needs them. PM's comments were almost word-for-word on hasbara talking-points penned by far-right political strategist. (if you don't let us kill all the Palestinians, you support ethnic cleansing of Jews)
Sick African dictator 'eats his enemies' testicles and brains to boost his sexual prowess' - Mirror Online - The 74-year-old took control of the country in 1979, and is referred to as the "torturer-in-chief" following his reported sadism
The Time U.S. Spies Thought Al Qaeda Was Ready to Nuke D.C. - The Daily Beast - "massive amount of chatter"
Arrest Warrant Issued For Journalist After Covering Dakota Access Pipeline Protests - On September 3rd, Journalist Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! filmed security guards attacking Native American protesters with dogs and pepper spray. The footage was widely covered, garnering significant negative press for the Dakota Access Pipeline company. Now, an arrest warrant has been issued for Goodman
San Bernardino Shooting Report Details Heroism And Horror | Huffington Post
Ex-VP Dick Cheney delivers stinging rebuke to Barack Obama in searing op-ed | Daily Mail Online - Iraq was stable when Obama took office, but then the president allowed ISIS to flourish there, the Cheneys write
Presidential Debate Moderators Are Feeling The Heat Like Never Before | Huffington Post - Voters - and many journalists - are increasingly concerned that TV networks will let candidates's lies slide.(c'mon, that's not their job, they're "entertainers")
The Senator and the Mogul: A 9/11 Diary - POLITICO Magazine - Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump took different paths on that day. Their experiences shaped them and their campaigns.
Hillary Clinton 'rushed from 9/11 memorial service following medical episode' | Daily Mail Online (would have fallen on her face)
Feeling 'overheated,' Hillary Clinton leaves 9/11 anniversary ceremony early | - and retreated to her daughter's nearby apartment - A senior law enforcement official who was briefed on the matter said that after leaving the memorial plaza, Clinton was observed "fainting" in a departure area.
Clinton Aides Attack, Threaten Reporter for Saying Hillary Looked 'Low Energy' at Friday Press Conference (as opposed to "passed out on the sidewalk")
Hillary Clinton fainting at the 9/11 memorial : gifs
Clinton holds lead over Trump in new poll, but warning signs emerge - The Washington Post - lagging interest among some of her supporters poses a potential turnout challenge for Democrat
Clinton, Trump Deadlocked in Battleground States: Polls - NBC News - Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump are essentially deadlocked in four presidential battleground states - ranging from red Arizona and Georgia to blue-ish Nevada and New Hampshire (Nampshire will vote for Trump and Kelly)
Hillary Clinton Is Within Striking Distance Of Donald Trump In Arizona And Georgia | Huffington Post - But Trump is running a close race in Nevada and New Hampshire.
Presidential Race a Near Toss-Up Among Likely Voters - Morning Consult
Potent Critiques of NBC Forum Raise Stakes for Moderators - The New York Times
- Where does the phrase "basket of deplorables" come from?
- The Truth About This Alleged 'Basket of Deplorables' - And the truth about the 2016 election: It's being graded on a curve.
- Trump Adviser, Son Post Image of Trump's 'Deplorables' Featuring White Nationalist Symbol - Prominently featured over Trump's right shoulder: popular white nationalist symbol, Pepe the Frog. (memes are getting very dank)
Former CIA Director: Trump Cannot Credibly Serve As President | Huffington Post - praise for Vladimir Putin, "an adversary of the United States," rules him out.
Eschaton: Give Me All Your Moneys - Trump is a small man with small hands. Sad! He only got a 6 foot painting of himself with $20,000 in charity money. Really sad! With your money I will have an even bigger picture of me! I only need $40,000 for a 12 foot painting! That would not be sad!
- How Donald Trump retooled his charity to spend other people's money
Neighbor Lashes Out At Family For Hanging Rainbow Flag In Honor of Orlando Victims | Huffington Post - I think Trump has given closeted bigots a sense of empowerment and they now feel the freedom to express their hate
We Need Somebody Spectacular - Views From Trump County (KY: Make America Pollute More!)
Maker Of Dangerous Opioid Is Spending Big To Stop Legal Pot In Arizona | Huffington Post - Insys Therapeutics has been accused of illegally marketing its oral spray of fentanyl.
Defendants' intent the central question in Oregon standoff trial |
Gonzo Journalism in Oregon: Behind Enemy Lines at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge - YouTube
Pete Santilli talks about dismissal of Oregon case, doesn't hold 'ounce of bitterness' |
Cast-Out Police Officers Are Often Hired in Other Cities - The New York Times
Salem teen fights-off drugged intruder with case of beer, power tool | KATU
Eschaton: He Actually Deleted His Account - Under fire for controversial online posts, the chair of Ursinus College's board of trustees has resigned (because asshole white business dudes know everything about education)
You Won't Believe What This 1,700-Year-Old Obituary Says | Huffington Post - The epitaph also describes her age at death to be about 60 in a time where women typically lived to be just 25. (math, and concepts like "infant mortality" are hard for journos)
sunagainstgold comments on In the 1519 election the viable candidates for Holy Roman Emperor were the King of England, the King of France, and the King of Spain, none of whom spoke German. Was this a particularly strange election for the empire, and if so, why was it so strange?
What's the trashiest thing you've seen in public? [NSFW] : AskReddit
Eschaton: Maybe Some Other Time - We are spared an iCar which will stop in the middle of the highway so you can verify your iCloud password despite having no network connection. The Genius mechanics would have told you, "That's how it's supposed to work!"
Dozens of birds fall from sky in Boston, dead from unknown cause | US news | The Guardian - 32 songbirds and two cats died
- Geologist Sees Clues, and Further Dangers, in Puzzle of Oklahoma's Earthquakes
In Siberia, a "Blood River' in a Dead Zone Twice the Size of Rhode Island - One hint at the possible cause is the path the river, the Daldykan, takes past the Norilsk Nickel mine and metallurgical plant, by many measures one of the world's most polluting enterprises. (nah, couldn't be that)
Dear Mark. I am writing this to inform you that I shall not comply with your requirement to remove this picture. - Aftenposten (your news has been Zuckerfucked)
- Facebook needs an editor - media experts urge change after photo dispute - "users" primary news source (largest newpaper in the world isn't a newpaper and doesn't have an editor or any reporters)
A constitutional crisis: the CIA turns on the Senate - Tensions flare between the CIA and the Senate in the fight to release the report on torture - leading the agency to spy on its own legislative overseers (and no one was fired/went to jail)
French reports: Booby-trapped car found outside Marseille synagogue | The Times of Israel - Suspicious vehicle said to contain two gas canisters; security cordon set up in area, local media says
Google Program to Deradicalize Jihadis Will Be Used for Right-Wing American Extremists Next - targets potentially violent jihadis and directs them to a YouTube channel with videos that refute ISIS propaganda. (that will really work)
- The FBI Accused Him of Terrorism. He Couldn't Even Tie His Shoes (usual FBI bullshit prosecution)
- Clinton: Half of Trump supporters are in 'basket of deplorables'
The Selling of Donald J. Trump - The New York Times - isn't just the first reality-TV candidate; he is the first candidate to embrace a slice of the country that sees everything, even the fate of the nation, through the logic of cutthroat American capitalism.
A popular conspiracy theory is spreading in the Trump family. It's totally false - For a year now, the alleged billionaire has insisted that the "real" unemployment rate is something like 42 percent instead of the 4.9 percent it actually is (telling it like it isn't)
New York Post published fully nude photo of potential first lady on cover, sparking outrage - but not from Trump - The Washington Post
A Touching Sendoff for a Lovely Person - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Donald Trump is expected to speak at conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly's funeral
The Curious Case of Susan Estrich - The New York Times - For many years, Ms. Estrich was a lively liberal commentator on Fox News and she has defended another Republican man accused of sexual misconduct, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the former governor of California. (and so, another true colors revelation)
Strickland cancels ads in Ohio Senate race | TheHill (they won't even get the Senate back)
driftglass: The 2020 Vision of Mr. McBobo - But first, travel with me back, back, back to the Age of Dubya when a shamelessly self-promoting Iraq War pimp and prophet of false equivalence named David Brooks was already such a human punchline that the inimitable Ton Tomorrow cartoonized him for the benefit of future generation who will never believe that such a creature as David Brooks could ever have existed. (perfect fit for the NYT)
David Brook's Realignment Won't Happen - He posits a future in which the Hollywood, Silicon Valley and Wall Street professional classes unite under a Democratic Party banner, while the great faction of millennials and regular workers of all races join a changed Republican Party free of bigotry.
How one Washington Post reporter uses pen and paper to make his tracking of Trump get noticed ; Nieman Journalism Lab
- Officer threw black teen 'like a child's doll' during parking lot encounter, lawsuit claims ... a 15-year-old girl pedaling a bike through a mall parking lot in Washington state ... "causing a disturbance" (needing deadly force by psycho copster)
- Many foreign fishermen who man Hawaii's fishing fleet are underpaid and virtual captives on their boats - your modern-day, totally legal slavery system.
Is the Forthcoming Netflix Amanda Knox Doc Troofer-Curious? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Justice Finally Done - Lawyers, Guns & Money : March 27, 2015 (for the TJ dynamic)
Italian scientists convicted over earthquake warning | Reuters - Mon Oct 22, 2012
- Toronto Film Review: 'Amanda Knox' - Amanda the witchy libertine vixen - the crazy American who brought her sexy evil to the Old World. (tabloid "journalism" virus rotting your brains originating in Murdoch)
As Lionel Shriver made light of identity, I had no choice but to walk out on her | Yassmin Abdel-Magied | Opinion | The Guardian - keynote address at the Brisbane writers festival was a poisoned package wrapped up in arrogance and delivered with condescension
The Big Uneasy - The New Yorker - What's roiling the liberal-arts campus?
When Love Isn't as Simple as Standing by Your Man
A Quadruple Take on the Giraffe: There are Four Species, Not One - The New York Times
Archaeologists find ancient tombs in Peru hinting at human sacrifice | Science | The Guardian - remains, including two footless children (there have always been Republicans)
Smoking and Drinking Rates Among U.S. Teenagers Fall to New Lows - The New York Times - Just 9.6 percent of adolescents, ages 12 to 17, reported using alcohol in 2015, down from 17.6 percent in 2002, according to the data. Far fewer adolescents smoke every day: about 20 percent in 2015, down from 32 percent in 2002.
Rethinking the Use of Hormones to Ease Menopause Symptoms - The New York Times - new research suggests that the benefits of short-term hormone treatment to control life-disrupting menopausal symptoms outweigh the risks - as long as the treatment is started at or near menopause.
Vitamin B12 as Protection for the Aging Brain - The New York Times - 500 or 1,000 micrograms a day, but 5,000 is ridiculous."
Gawker's New Owner Deletes Six Posts Involved in Lawsuits
North Korea's 'biggest' nuclear test sparks sanctions push - BBC News
U.S., Russia clinch Syria deal, aim for truce from Monday | Reuters
WikiLeaks bluntly threatens Daily Dot journalists with retaliation for exposing WikiLeaks covering up emails showing a payment of $2.4 billion from Syria to Russia in 2011 : technology (Putin is Julian's boss)
Facebook backs down from 'napalm girl' censorship and reinstates photo | Technology | The Guardian (Mark Zuckerberg, Editor-in-Chief of the world, couldn't tell the difference between tragic history and porn)
Egyptian police 'investigated' Giulio Regeni days before his murder | World news | The Guardian - Egypt had said the programme to retrieve the deleted footage was very expensive, and had asked Italy to help.
Senate investigator breaks silence about CIA's 'failed coverup' of torture report | US news | The Guardian (disgusting, and no consequences except for the truth-tellers and Obama deeply behind the coverup)
US House passes bill allowing 9/11 victims to sue Saudis, despite White House veto threat (Obama has their backs)
Matthew Isbell on Twitter: "Today marks the anniversary of the 19th amendment. It's final vote in the US House had some clear regional splits." (hardcore of the hardcore of women haters)
9/11 tapes reveal raw and emotional Hillary Clinton | US news | The Guardian
- The Black Eyes in Donald Trump's Life (disgusting little creep)
Trump's shot at top brass rankles military circles (but not the grunts)
Trump Threatens Act Of War As Response To Rude Hand Gestures | Huffington Post
Donald Trump Could Get Booted Off The Ballot In Minnesota | Huffington Post - It is likely none of the Republican electors were legally elected
The lies Trump told this week: from military spending to his tax returns | US news | The Guardian - claims over donation to Florida attorney general contradicted by her spokesman while the Republican distances himself from Obama birther theories
Judge: Boston police can order officers to wear body cameras - Suffolk Superior Court Judge Douglas Wilkins ruled Friday morning. (Boston cops in the 3% who refuse cameras ... why?)
alicublog: Grading On The Curve. Fuckin' Dreher, man. He's just too rich a subject (Rod Dreher, primitive moralistic asshole and crunchy-con)
The Idea That Legalizing Pot Will Drive Kids To Get High Just Went Up In Smoke | Huffington Post - young people are using less and less of it.
How Is Scab Teaching At LIU Going? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (meanwhile, in the halls of academe)
Component of ketamine produces rapid improvement in treatment-resistant depression within just 2 hours : science
TIL that astrophysicists have discovered a faraway object that's hotter than any contemporary theory can explain, a discovery that might require scientists rewriting galaxy operation manuals for years to come. : todayilearned
When Will New York City Sink? -- NYMag - Even locals who believe climate change is real have a hard time grasping that their city will almost certainly be flooded beyond recognition (but the billionaire towers will stick out of the water)
- North Korea nuclear test: Japan and South Korea confirm quake caused by explosion -
Muslim women's group demands complete ban on Shariah courts (India) - Next story, "Shariah court demands complete ban on Muslim women's groups")
Exclusive: Maldives president's corruption revealed - News from Al Jazeera - Al Jazeera investigation exposes a $1.5bn money-laundering plot, bribery, theft and fraud in paradise.
- Up to 20 marines could face disciplinary action over Muslim recruit
Did Anyone Notice There Was a School Shooting Today? - I Hate This School Shooting Chart, and LBJ Would Have Too
The Media Coverage of Hillary Clinton Is Out of Whack | New Republic
- Matt Lauer totally blew it on Trump's blatant lying about Iraq and Libya
Matt Lauer's Pathetic Interview of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Is the Scariest Thing I've Seen in This Campaign
Matt Lauer Fields Storm of Criticism Over Clinton-Trump Forum - The New York Times (interrupts Hillary multiple times, lets Trump spout lies forever)
Matt Lauer Lets Donald Trump Get Away With Iraq War Lie | Huffington Post
Matt Lauer Failed The Moderator Test | Huffington Post
Hillary Clinton And Donald Trump Made Some Inaccurate Claims During The NBC Forum | Huffington Post
We're Just Asking for The New York Times' Political Coverage to Make Sense (they don't even know they aren't)
What Really Happened at Donald Trump's Intelligence Briefing - NBC News (he had no intelligence and some ex-general was an asshole but Trump read their "body language")
Donald Trump Keeps Saying Things That Would Destroy Any Other Presidential Candidate | Huffington Post - There were six such moments during the Commander-in-Chief forum.
Trump's shrinking swing state map - politico - Several battleground states appear unwinnable for the GOP presidential nominee.
Donald Trump Just Cozied Up Even Closer To Vladimir Putin | Huffington Post - So much love in the air.
Donald Trump Defends His Awful Claim About Military Sexual Assault | Huffington Post - He previously argued having women serve alongside men in the military increased the likelihood of assault.
Donald Trump: Generals 'Reduced To Rubble' Under Obama, Clinton | Huffington Post - Vladmir Putin was a better leader than Obama.
Is Ivanka for real? - The Huffington Post
Oregon man who drove swastika-emblazoned truck repaints to support Donald Trump |
Dems sound alarm on Senate majority | TheHill (Kochbros burying them in money)
- Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson: 'What is Aleppo?'
The Internet Is Having A Great Time Ripping Apart Gary Johnson | Huffington Post - It only takes four words to discredit a candidacy. (unless you're Trumpster, then you get infinite stupid)
Woman Reportedly Killed at J'Ouvert After Asking Man to Stop Grinding on Her
Obama Administration To Schools: Stop Using Police To Enforce Rules | Huffington Post - School-based police officers should mentor and support students, not push them into prison.
40 potential jurors identified so far in Oregon standoff trial |
Documentary film will chronicle the Oregon standoff at Malheur wildlife refuge |
TheDukeofReddit comments on Industry insiders estimate EpiPen costs no more than $30
People that quit their job in a hilarious fashion, how did you do it? : AskReddit
What company has forever lost your business and why? : AskReddit
Cheetah leaps into safari jeep in Kenya : pics
Great drone shot... : pics (virtigo discussion)
No, Apple, killing your headphone jack is not "courage" : technology - 9050 comments
Seven years old and never more relevant. : videos
iPhone 7 announced with water resistance, dual cameras, and no headphone jack : technology
Congress Resumes With Another Zika Failure - Mitch McConnell called Democrats' objections to riders about Planned Parenthood and the Confederate flag 'partisan excuses' (kill womens' health care and fly the traitor flag everywhere and we'll spend a few dollars on mosquitos)
Panama Papers: Denmark buys leaked data to use in tax evasion inquiries | World news | The Guardian - Denmark pays up to #1m for documents from anonymous source and plans to investigate up to 600 Danes who may have evaded tax
Russia faces HIV epidemic with 1 million positive cases; Kremlin blames moral lapses : worldnews - The HIV epidemic is a perfect storm for Russia. You have a government that promotes the idea that condoms are to blame for HIV and that traditional family values are the way to fight the epidemic ...
"Big Fucking Deal" - For the first time, the rate of those without medical insurance has dropped below 9%:
- The human toll of America's public defender crisis - Years of drastic budget cuts have created bottomless caseloads for public defenders ... and tipped the scales of justice against the poor (yes, the system is rigged)
Trump's donation to Florida's attorney general: the controversy explained - Pam Bondi's office dropped an investigation into Trump University in 2013 days after the donation - and Trump may have claimed it improperly in tax filings (for the rich and corrupt)
Trump Held Fundraiser For Pam Bondi At Mar-a-Lago After She Dropped Investigation
USA Freedom Girls Sue Trump Campaign for Stiffing Them - The Daily Beast - All they wanted was to hawk some merchandise and money for airfare, but the lawyer for three patriotic girls say all they got was broken promises. (the grift is wide and deep)
Trump Says He Hired Lots of Women Executives. His Casino Records Say Otherwise. | Mother Jones - public filings reveals very few women in senior roles.
We recommend Hillary Clinton for president | Dallas Morning News (first time since WWII)
Donald Trump is no Republican | Dallas Morning News
Eschaton: Press Conferences - It's a complete mystery why Hillary Clinton doesn't always find it important to give press conferences for the national political press corps. (black and hispanic reporters aren't real reporters, said white reporters)
$20 million settlement and a host's abrupt exit add to Fox's summer of discontent (lots of interesting synchronicities) Good news: Greta Van Susteren out at Fox News - The Washington Post ("see no evil" Greta is gone)
Too Much Johnson - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Do you know any lefties who are so disgusted with $hillery that they say they will vote for Gary Johnson. If you do, they are probably kind of morons. In any case, make sure that you send them this profile of Johnson, who is a hard-right politician who just likes to smoke weed. His record as governor of New Mexico was absolutely horrible. - an ideologue, sincerely committed to his project of dismantling government (just the guy for running the government)
- Scathing LePage mural tests Portland's stance on free speech - Some people take matters into their own hands, changing the graffiti that depicted the governor in Ku Klux Klan garb so that his likeness has Mickey Mouse ears.
Industry Insiders Estimate EpiPen Costs No More Than $30 - NBC News (yay, capitalism)
- Exclusive: How Elizabeth Holmes' s House of Cards Came Tumbling Down - She built a corporation based on secrecy in the hope that she could still pull it off. Then, it all fell apart. ("secrecy" = "lies")
Her marriage was the jewel in her blog universe. Then she found out her husband was cheating. - The Washington Post - Glennon Doyle Melton, Momastery - before Oprah announced ... "Love Warrior: A Memoir" (!)
The Drug of Choice for the Age of Kale - How ayahuasca, an ancient Amazonian hallucinogenic brew, became the latest trend in Brooklyn and Silicon Valley.
A revolutionary drug that melts away cancer in some stage four patients has been given fast-track approval in the United States. : news
- EM Drive is about to be tested in space
List of largest cosmic structures
What are some fake NSFW pro-tips that would only be believed by inexperienced teenagers? : AskReddit
- YouTubers are accusing the site of rampant 'censorship'
Women must undergo female genital mutilation to curb male 'sexual weakness', Egyptian MP says | The Independent - Nine out of 10 Egyptian women between the ages 15 to 49 have undergone FGM
Pentagon: Seven Iranian fast attack boats harass US Navy ship | TheHill
Top UK Islamist Preacher Sentenced For Encouraging Islamic State Support - Anjem Choudary, Britain's best-known Islamist preacher whose followers have been linked to numerous plots around the world
French Prime Minister Faults Times Article Giving Voice to Muslim Women - The New York Times - sharply criticized on Monday a New York Times article in which French Muslim women described being ostracized by non-Muslims, discriminated against when they sought jobs and made to feel persecuted. (how to look stupid)
Norwegian hairdresser who threw woman out of salon for wearing hijab faces six-month jail term | The Independent
Congress returns with one goal: No government shutdown - The Washington Post
Presidential poll: Donald Trump pulls ahead of Hillary Clinton - - with Libertarian Gary Johnson standing at 7% (Trumpster up by two! Will bury Killary in a huge landslide, says CNN)
Five reasons Hillary could be blowing it - politico - (Clinton) is down by two points nationally to one of the worst presidential candidates since the advent of the indoor flush toilet: Donald J. Trump. (Hillary is the "Queen of Coasting")
A new 50-state poll shows exactly why Clinton holds the advantage over Trump - The Washington Post - What once was a Clinton lead nationally of eight to 10 points shortly after the party conventions ended a month ago is now about four points
New poll shows how Trump-Clinton matchup is redrawing the electoral map - Washington Post
Clinton Holds Steady Against Trump as Campaign Enters Final Weeks: Poll - NBC News
- Inside Bill Clinton's nearly $18 million job as 'honorary chancellor' of a for-profit college (nice work +that's pretty quid pro quidy) )
Donald Trump Is Endorsed by Nearly 90 Military Figures - The New York Times
Trump Living Large On Donors' Dime - campaign is spending lavishly on Trump businesses instead of cheaper alternatives. (profit!)
Will Presidential Debate Moderators Really Not Challenge Lies? - Chris Wallace says it isn't his job to "truth squad'though some journalists strongly disagree. (not his job to know anything either)
9 Senate seats most likely to flip | TheHill
Fox Settles With Carlson - Then Van Susteren Quits
Good Times at Fox News - It sounds like the latest defenestration at Fox News was like a scene out of The Godfather, admittedly without bullets. But still.
BREAKING: Fox Settles with Gretchen Carlson for $20 Million-and Is Exp | Vanity Fair - Act II of the Ailes saga may have just begun.
Greta Van Susteren Abruptly Leaving Fox News After 14 Years | Mediaite - On The Record at 7 p.m. EST will be hosted instead by Brit Hume. (Greata is a Scientologist)
Van Susteren leaving Fox News, Hume tapped as replacement through election | Fox News
Fox Is Replacing Greta Van Susteren With Ailes-Defender And Sexual Assault Denier Brit Hume
Fox News to Reportedly Pay $20 Million to Gretchen Carlson, Apologize - The Atlantic - Settlement With Gretchen Carlson - The network will reportedly pay the former anchor $20 million and has apologized. Meanwhile, Greta Van Susteren, the longtime anchor, is leaving immediately.
Fox News offers public apology to Gretchen Carlson, settles Roger Ailes sexual harassment suit for $20 million - - Unprecedented multi-million dollar settlement comes on the same day veteran host Greta Van Susteren quits Fox News
Greta Van Susteren abruptly leaves Fox News- POLITICO Media - Brit Hume to take over 7 p.m. timeslot
Greta Van Susteren Abruptly Leaving Fox News After 14 Years | Mediaite
Fox News Settles With Gretchen Carlson Amid Growing Sexual Harassment Scandal - Fox will pay Carlson $20 million to end her lawsuit against Roger Ailes, Vanity Fair reported. - She alleged her former co-host, Steve Doocey, also mistreated her. (Douchey)
Roger Ailes Hires Lawyer For Possible Lawsuit Against New York Magazine - lawyer has represented figures like Hulk Hogan and Melania Trump.
- Trump Remembers Anti-Feminist Activist Schlafly As 'Champion for Women' (as much as he is a "champion" for black people)
Ann Coulter calls Captain Humayun Khan's father 'snarling Muslim' | Daily Mail Online
All Eyes Are on Chris Christie as Trial in Bridge Scandal Starts - The New York Times - Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey was himself once a leading, if not the leading, presidential hopeful in his party. Then came revelations of a scheme so preposterous that it was hard to believe
Four Ways Media Attack Organized Labor (Fox lies, all the time)
The Sandy Hook Hoax (crazy all the way down)
Eschaton: Michael Marcon, Delete Your Account - In case you were wondering why there's so much bullshit at universities these days, part of the reason is boards filled with people like this asserting control...
Ursinus College controversy erupts over board chairman's tweets - Marcon, chief executive president of Equity Risk Partners
Woman Documents Vacation on Instagram Before Cocaine Bust - two Quebecois women were arrested with over $30 million worth of cocaine when they docked in Sydney, Australia, after two months traveling the world on luxury cruise ship the MS Sea Princess. Melina Roberge, 22, and Isabelle Lagaci, 28, face life in prison
Sex in later life: Better for women than men? -- ScienceDaily - Having sex frequently -- and enjoying it -- puts older men at higher risk for heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems. For older women, however, good sex may actually lower the risk of hypertension.
Blasts Kill Dozens In Syria As U.S.-Russia Truce Talks Make Little Progress
Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin in tense G20 standoff as the famously hostile pair fail to reach a breakthrough on Syria - Grinning Putin shakes hands with stony-faced Obama after US President was snubbed by Chinese hosts
The Isis-US kill ratio is 1-15,000 : worldnews
Theresa May Breaks With Brexiteers Over Immigration Proposals - May also declined to commit to Leave campaign promises to increase healthcare spending.
A new crisis in the Muslim world: Is it too young? - The Washington Post - Muslims are expected to outnumber Christians by about 2070 ... "That Muslims are growing twice as fast as the world's population is really striking and remarkable" (no jobs)
Duterte tells Obama not to question him about killings - "or son of a bitch I will swear at you"
Philippines president to Obama: 'I'm no American puppet' - - White House cancels Obama meeting with Philippines leader
Why Mother Teresa is still no saint to many of her critics - The Washington Post - persistent allegations of misuse of funds, poor medical treatments and religious evangelism in the institutions she founded.
Australian Teen Jailed Over ANZAC Day Kangaroo Bomb Terror Plot - Sevdet Ramadan Besim, 19, was sentenced to ten years in prison ... involved beheading a policeman and attaching explosives to a kangaroo (IEK)
Intelligence community investigating covert Russian influence operations in the United States - The Washington Post (Putin rigging the election for Trumpster)
This study shows American federalism is a total joke - Vox - Voting for state legislators is dominated by feelings about the president.
Are baby boomers turning out to be the worst generation? - The Orange County Register - Someday, boomers will lose power, but right now they make up almost a third of the American voting-age population and hold nearly two-thirds of the seats in Congress.
Chris Wallace Won't Call Candidates On Their Lies During Last Presidential Debate - "That's not my job" ("My job is spread lies at Fox")
Clinton understands America's place in the world. Trump does not. (Fred Hiatt weighs in: more bombs!)
Hillary Clinton Looks Strong Heading Into Fall - Democrats stand a decent chance of retaking a Senate majority, too.
Is Rudy Giuliani Losing His Mind? - politico (which begs the question...)
Eschaton: Is Arnold President Yet? - For no particular reason I'm reminded of when Arnold became the Governator and Republicans along with much of the press were falling all over themselves to discuss making sure that he'd be eligible to be president one day.
Glenny Gonna Glenn - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Here is an excerpt from a Democracy Now! interview in which Glenn Greenwald makes the exact same argument conservative outlets have been floating for months now-that Democrats have "cried wolf" too many times in past elections. (see Chait: Did Trump Happen Because Liberals Are Too Mean? : GG says Dems made Repubs like McCain and Romney the "epitome of evil" so it's their fault)
'Rolling Coal' in Diesel Trucks, to Rebel and Provoke
Educational Leadership:Beyond Instructional Leadership:Unequal School Funding in the United States
Education Spending Per Student by State (MA went from 19th to 8th in 16 yrs)
NEA - Rankings of States and Estimates of School Statistics
The states that spend the most (and the least) on education, in one map - The Washington Post - Top spenders among the largest 100 school districts: 1. Boston ($20,502)
A General Theory of Love - The authors maintain that various forms of therapy are effective not so much by virtue of their underlying theory or methodology, but to the degree to which the therapist is able to empathetically modify these set patterns (limbic revision).
A General Theory of Love Quotes by Thomas Lewis - "Who we are and who we become depends, in part, on whom we love ... In a relationship, one mind revises another; one heart changes its partner. (144)"
Lynn O'Connor reviews A General Theory of Love by Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, and Richard Lannon
What is love? Five theories on the greatest emotion of all | The panel | Opinion | The Guardian (Philia, Ludus, Pragma, Agape, Philautia, Eros)
Love as Passion: The Codification of Intimacy - Niklas Luhmann - Google Books
Middle-aged parents are now more likely to smoke weed than their teenaged kids - The Washington Post
New opioid douses pain without being addictive or deadly in primates : science - BU08028 (Analogue of buprenorphine, partial agonist, agonist of 5-opioid receptor, has analgesic properties without physical dependence
Accurate to-scale zoom-out from Earth to the observable universe made by the American Museum of Natural History. Blew my mind. : videos
Revolution against 'rich parasites' at utopian Burning Man Festival as 'hooligans' attack luxury camp - A band of hooligans raided our camp, stole from us, pulled and sliced all of our electrical lines leaving us with no refrigeration and wasting our food, and glued our trailer doors shut
Bi-curious people who are no longer curious, what did you find out? : AskReddit
What is the funniest child logic you've ever heard? : AskReddit
Arrival Review: An Exciting New Sci-Fi Language Is Created - "Arrival makes us care about each discovery and less about what conflict might impede it.
Arrival Review: An Exciting New Sci-Fi Language Is Created | Collider
Warner Bros. Flags Its Own Website as a Piracy Portal : technology
Hermine Strengthens Off North Carolina, Moving To Mid-Atlantic - The storm could linger off New Jersey for days.
Merkel's Party Beaten By Anti-Immigrant AfD In German State Election - a stinging defeat
Bumpy beginning for Obama in China, starting on the tarmac - a quarrel broke out between a presidential aide and a Chinese official who demanded the journalists traveling with Obama be prohibited from getting anywhere near him. It was a breach of the tradition observed whenever the American president arrives in a foreign place. - "This is our country! This is our airport!" the Chinese official yelled ("We're the boss of you!")
- Barack Obama 'deliberately snubbed' by Chinese in chaotic arrival at G20 - The US president was denied the usual red carpet welcome and forced to 'go out the ass' of Air Force One, observers say
Confrontations Flare as Obama's Traveling Party Reaches China
While Mother Teresa has been canonized recently, here is a great post critiquing here work with references : bestof
Hundreds of child refugees have vanished since arriving in the UK, prompting trafficking and abuse fears | The Independent
U.S. Strategy on Syria Is a Non-Issue in Washington and on Campaign Trail - The New York Times (non-strategy)
Isis 'cut off from rest of world' as rebels expel Islamists from Turkish border | The Independent - Everything is finished. There is no more Isis at the border ... After three years in control of portions of the border (Erdogan left them alone for three years)
- Court of Appeals Avoids "Doomsday Effect" in Iran ccTLD Decision - Earlier today the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit issued its decision in Weinstein vs. Iran, a case in which families of terror victims sought to have ICANN turn over control of Iran's .IR ccTLD to plaintiffs (they tried to confiscate Iran's internet)
At Least 38 Killed In Afghanistan After Fuel Tanker Collides With Bus
Turkish Tanks Roll Into Syria, Opening New Line Of Attack - Turkey is hoping to drive out Islamic State militants and check the advance of U.S.-backed Syrian Kurdish fighters
- Egypt MP Says Women Must Accept FGM Due to Country's 'Sexually Weak' Men (Egyptian dudes use a lot of penis pills so women can't have clits)
What Obamacare's Successes Should Tell Us About Its Failures - Nobody ever said health care reform was going to be easy.
- The most memorable comedy moments of the Obama presidency from SNL to 'Luther the Anger Translator'
6 things we know heading into the final months of the presidential race - The Washington Post
- Donald Trump wanted to 'see who the moderators are.' Now that he has, will he debate? (they gave Fox the last debate, entirely)
Megyn Kelly thinks she knows why Donald Trump wants to change the debate dates - The Washington Post (NCIS, football, wants bigger ratings but may say screw it)
Where Has Hillary Clinton Been? Ask the Ultrarich - The New York Times - "I stand between you and the apocalypse"
F.B.I. Papers Offer Closer Look at Hillary Clinton Email Inquiry - The New York Times - She said she was either unaware of or misunderstood some classification procedures.
- Some blacks agree with Trump on Democrats -- but can't stand the rest of his message
Trump Debuts 'A New Civil Rights Agenda For Our Time' - The GOP nominee claimed that "civil rights" include anti-crime programs, school vouchers and industry trade protections. ("civil rights" for rich people!)
Don't Be Fooled: Donald Trump's Immigration Plans Have Not Changed - He still wants to kick millions out of the country ASAP.
EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump made millions from Saudi government - NY Daily News
The Fix - Weeks after campaign pledged answers, big questions about Melania Trump's immigration status (she's a dreamer)
Wayne Barrett: Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani, peas in a pod - NY Daily News - top surrogate, Rudy Giuliani, is on the payroll. In January, he joined a law firm, Greenberg Traurig, that represents Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Donald Trump's kids try Millennial outreach, get turned into memes instead | (they do look like rich zombies)
- Support Wanes for Paul LePage, Maine's Brash Governor ("brash" = "insane Republifuck") Mr. LePage, who has vowed this week to never speak to the press again, did not respond to a detailed request for comment
How Anthony Weiner's risque messages shaped our revenge-porn laws - Right now, we are all participants in someone else's nightmare (his dick is newsworthy because his dick was newsworthy last time, ad recursio)
White women are dying faster all over America - but what about where you live? - Washington Post
- Meet the parents who won't let their children study literature - the drift toward pre-professionalism on college campuses (no need to be human)
In Brooklyn, Stifling Higher Learning Among Hasidic Women - The New York Times - "shouldn't God forbid take a degree which is according to our sages, dangerous and damaging" (to our regressive patriarchy)
His white suit unsullied by research, Tom Wolfe tries to take down Charles Darwin and Noam Chomsky - The Washington Post - Jerry A. Coyne ... Perhaps his social conservatism has bred such a discomfort with the implications of modern science ... (Republicans hate science)
Loneliness can be depressing, but it may have helped humans survive - The Washington Post
Depression Test Finds Many Who Need Help Aren't Getting It -- Science of Us - Less than a third of adult Americans with the mental disorder are receiving treatment for it
How dementia makes it harder to offer end-of-life comfort - The Washington Post
Experience the Wonder of Interactive Nebula in Stunning 3D : InternetIsBeautiful
Yahoo Finance is a mess ... the last good thing about Yahoo ... (explained in one picture)
Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, Has Already Begun - The New York Times - warnings that the rise of the sea would eventually imperil the United States' oastline are no longer theoretical. (thanks, Republicans)
The Role of Seafloor Methane in Ancient Global Warming - Eos - New research suggests that release of methane from seafloor hydrates was much slower than hypothesized during a period of rapid global warming about 56 million years ago.
The Deadly Collusion of UAVs and Infographics - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Zika: Two billion at risk in Africa and Asia, study says - BBC News
ISDS Courts - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Investor State Dispute Settlement courts that make up a central tenet of the Trans Pacific Partnership and other trade agreements. These extra-national courts effectively give corporations a new legal system to protect their interests that has no accountability to nations or peoples, no access for those peoples to defend themselves, and no system so that citizens can even know what is going on in them. (that's just the way Obama likes it)
ISIS Chainsaw Massacre: Nine Youths Literally Sawed In Half, Accused Of Being Part Of Resistance Faction
Libyan naval attack on charity ship adds new danger to migrant rescue | World news | The Guardian - Crews fear armed violence as a Libyan naval vessel opens fire in Mediterranean and EU sends in protective seapower
British woman raped before being killed for 'honour' in Pakistan - The Express Tribune
Millions of Indian workers strike for better wages - News from Al Jazeera - Thousands of state-run banks, government offices and factories shut as workers rally against Modi
Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Took To Venezuela Streets To Protest Living Conditions - ThinkProgress
Haredim Demand Halt to All Railway Work on Saturdays, Rejecting Netanyahu Compromise - Israel News - Haaretz - Israel Railways says that halting critical infrastructure work on Saturdays could lead to cancellation of late-night train services and those before and after the Sabbath. (Jewish Sharia law shutting down railroad for everyone else, of course)
Woman who mocked burka faces rape and death threats from online trolls | World | News | Daily Express - A JOURNALIST has faced a barrage of chilling rape and death threats after criticising the burka - forcing her to go into hiding ... Lejla Colak said forcing women to wear the Islamic headscarf was like forcing them to strap a sex toy to their heads.
Secrets and Suspicion in Uzbekistan - The New York Times - Uzbekistan was built largely around the cult of Mr. Karimov. Secretive and suspicious, he never named a successor ... Roughly half of the country's population is under 25 years old ... But the true peril lay in his brutal suppression of independent thought (crimes against Uzbekness ... "a future great state")
Edward Snowden's Long, Strange Journey to Hollywood
- Hundreds at New York mosque mourn woman murdered in 'hate crime'
White nationalist movement growing much faster than Isis on Twitter, study finds | The Independent - Twitter users who self-identify as white nationalists and Neo-Nazis have grown 600 per cent since 2012, according to a new study (they are trending!)
Yes, the U.S. presidential election could be manipulated - The Washington Post (by lies about "rigging")
Memo to GOP: Forget your obstructionist policies. They backfired. - The Washington Post (never stopped them before and the stupid is a big problem)
6 Things We Learned in the F.B.I. Clinton Email Investigation - The New York Times
Clinton emails wiped clean after NYT story | TheHill - A number of Hillary Clinton's were erased weeks after The New York Times published a story reporting on her use of a private email server while secretary of State, according to notes from the FBI's investigation released on Friday. ("accidentally deleted" and "accidentally' wiped clean)
FBI Played Trick on Clinton During Email Probe, Newly Released Documents Show - ABC News (no one told her "C" was for "confidential")
Clinton's Mind-Boggling FBI Interview - What Was Cheryl Mills Doing There? "Like with a cloth or something?" But we now know, as the FBI notes recount, she had the server purged with a sophisticated software program, BleachBit,
Someone using Tor breached email account on Clinton server - POLITICO - someone accessed an email account on Jan. 5, 2013
FBI Says a Laptop That Held Clinton's E-Mails Has Gone Missing ("lost in the mail")
Trump just hired the Captain Ahab of Clinton haters - The Washington Post - new deputy campaign manager, conservative activist David Bossie
Hey Does Anyone Find Roger Ailes' Recent Career Trajectory Puzzling, Or Is It Just Me? - he went from being ousted at Fox News under scandal to advising a presidential campaign
Donald Trump surrogate admits falsifying biographical claims - - South Carolina preacher Mark Burns
- Media Matters President Bradley Beychok Responds To Report That Fox Sought Our Reporter's Phone Records
Gretchen Carlson Taped Conversations With Roger Ailes | Variety
Gretchen Carlson Taped Conversations With Roger Ailes : news
The Rise And Fall Of FOX News CEO Roger Ailes : NPR - July 26, 2016 (Gabe Sherman on Terry Gross)
- Inside the Republican creation of the North Carolina voting bill dubbed the 'monster law' (created by monster Republicans) "the most restrictive voting law North Carolina has seen since the era of Jim Crow."
'It's terrifying : Alaskans on edge after unsolved murders on trails and in parks - Anchorage has had 25 homicides this year and nine deaths remain unsolved
This small Indiana county sends more people to prison than San Francisco and Durham, N.C., combined. Why? - The New York Times - Dearborn County represents the new boom in American prisons: mostly white, rural and politically conservative ... "Letting local prosecutors enforce state laws differently throws all notions of equality under the law out the window" ... In smaller counties, prisons are often the only well-funded response to a range of social ills, including drug abuse and mental illness. (12 yrs for 15 oxycodon pills)
Hate Crime Charge Considered Against White Supremacist Who Ran Over Black Teen - Police say Russell Courtier, a member of European Kindred, admitted to intentionally running over Larnell Bruce Jr.
Ammon Bundy's lawyer quotes from Western film, mocks federal prosecutors in last-minute legal motion | ("we don't need no steenking badges")
Sheriff Glenn Palmer makes his own rules in Grant County | ... "You are not kicking us off our public lands" (which actually aren't "public" +"Constitutional sheriffs")
Airbag Propellant Bound for Takata Factory Detonates en Route - The New York Times - The immense blast -- he victim's remains were not found for two days -- highlighted the potency of the explosives used by Takata in its airbags as a propellent to activate its bags in a car crash ... Engine parts were found as far as two miles away from the wreckage
Eschaton: The Worst People in the World - There is some stiff competition, but the clear winner of the Worst University Administration Ever Award has to go to the dangerous cretins who run Long Island University, Brooklyn. Long Island University informed the LIU Faculty Federation (LIUFF) that it plans to lock out faculty at midnight on Friday, September 2, on the eve of a no confidence vote in President Kimberly L Cline
Local TV News Report: Mom Felt Scared in Grocery | Free Range Kids - A Fargo mom is telling local parents to watch out after an incident at a local grocery store (they were "following' her around the store with their grocery cart) "I noticed a couple that seemed rather close to me. Wherever I went they followed in the same pattern"
Study finds that asexuality is not a disorder, but rather a heterogeneous entity that likely meets conditions for a sexual orientation. : science
It's official: one joint of cannabis makes you lazy ... but only in the short term
- New research debunks reports that "regular marijuana use may contribute to the development of more passive, inward turning, amotivational personality characteristics" shows that motivation back to normal a mere 12h after consumption (bad science)
We Are Reading Less Literature - Pacific Standard - one finding of new research from the National Endowment for the Arts. (and more Facebook and Netflix, concentration is hard; books will be obsolete by 2030)
What company is surprisingly behind the times for how successful they are? : AskReddit
Unofficial rules of Reddit
What was the biggest "fuck you" given in history? : AskReddit
ELI5: Why is the diatonic order of a piano CDEFGAB instead of ABCDEFG? Why is it moved two letters forward? : explainlikeimfive
What is surprisingly still impossible in 2016 ? : AskReddit
The price of pot is tumbling in Colorado : news
The "Do Not Call" List Isn't Working, Now the FCC is launching the "Robocall Strike Force"
Police seize two Perfect Privacy VPN servers : technology
Americans Now More Politically Polarized On Climate Change Than Ever Before, Analysis Finds | Campaigns funded by vested fossil fuel interests and pushed by a network of ideological think tanks, many linked to the oil billionaire Koch brothers, have helped to widen the gap : science (hands of Satan making America stupid and doomed)
Hanjin ships, cargo and sailors stranded at sea - BBC News - With South Korea's biggest shipping company filing for bankruptcy protection, the vessels, sailors and cargo of Hanjin Shipping are stuck in limbo, stranded at sea.
Uzbekistan's Authoritarian President Islam Karimov Dead At 78 - He had ruled Uzbekistan since 1989, first as the boss of the local Communist Party and then as president of the newly independent republic from 1991.
- Putin Says DNC Hack Was a Public Service, Russia Didn't Do It
- Hacker Guccifer, who exposed Clinton's use of private e-mail, gets 52 months
Colin Powell Told Hillary Clinton To 'Be Very Careful' If She Used A BlackBerry For Email - He used one with caution when he was secretary of state.
FBI Releases Documents Related To Its Clinton Email Investigation - She told the FBI she couldn't recall some things because of a concussion she suffered in 2012.
The Latest Clinton Scandal Is Another Flop - Hey, look, there goes the plot.
- Good news for the GOP: Most Clinton voters say they'll split the ticket - In contrast, a majority of Donald Trump supporters say they probably or definitely will vote only for Republicans (tight race and dems will vote for Republifuck congress and state offices)
Clinton's advisers tell her to prep for a landslide - Displaying unchecked confidence, the Democrat's paid consultants see plenty of paths to the White House.
Donald Trump Can't Resist Slamming 'Morning Joe' Hosts On Twitter - pretty petty.
Donald Trump Has Not Yet Paid Several Top Staffers ("suckers")
- Melania Trump Is Seeking $150 Million in Damages After Publication of the 'Escort' Articles
Melania Trump: A retraction | Daily Mail Online - Naked photoshoots, and troubling questions about visas that won't go away: The VERY racy past of Donald Trump's Slovenian wife
Did Trump Happen Because Liberals Are Too Mean? - This theory holds that Trump prevailed at least in part because liberals blew their credibility by hyperbolically denouncing previous Republican presidential candidates, thereby conditioning Republicans to ignore the warnings when Trump came along. New York Times columnist Frank Bruni gives this theory credence in a column - "Crying Wolf, Then Confronting Trump" (in case you had any doubts about where he's coming from +Trump is forcing so many reckonings)
- American Workers Can Do Everything Right and Still Lose
Who Works for the Workers? | Issue 26 | n+1
Roger Ailes's Lawyers Escalate His Vicious Vendetta Against Journalist Gabe Sherman - Noted journalist Gabe Sherman is preparing a major exposi about the former Fox News chief and women for New York magazine ... Sherman conducting ... a sick personal vendetta ... no one reads New York Magazine (eventheliberal Susan Estrich joins in the vile slanders)
- The Revenge of Roger's Angels - How Fox News women took down the most powerful, and predatory, man in media. By Gabriel Sherman
Anthony Weiner Confirms Child Welfare Agency Is Investigating Him - The New York Times
Colin Kaepernick National Anthem Protest Continues As Other Players Join - The quarterback ignited controversy with his protest over racial injustice and police violence.
- ESPN Radio Host Paul Finebaum Says Black People Aren't Oppressed
'Birth of a Nation' actress Gabrielle Union: I cannot take Nate Parker rape allegations lightly - In 1726, at the age of 20, Benjamin Franklin created a system to develop his character. In his autobiography, Franklin listed his thirteen virtues as:
We're Not Quite 'Born this Way
Sexual Orientation, Controversy, and Science - Association for Psychological Science
H3H3 Explains the recent Youtube censoring problem : videos (YT "de-monitizes" informative videos about difficult topics)
Hurricane Hermine nears US as Florida braces for first direct hit in a decade | World news | The Guardian - The storm was expected to blow ashore then drop back down to a tropical storm and push into Georgia and up the east coast with potential for deadly flooding
Muslim refugee jailed after he thought 'raping a 10-year-old boy was okay' | Daily Mail Online - The Myanmar refugee said it was culturally acceptable in his home land
Clinton makes it rain campaign cash | The campaign minute | US news | The Guardian
Election Update: As The Race Tightens, Don't Assume The Electoral College Will Save Clinton (Nate says it's a tight race, Hillary up 2-4%)
Donald Trump's Trip to Mexico Was an Embarrassment for Our Nation's Media - Newspapers, television, everything. It made a jackass out of every member of the media who ever has used the word 'presidential' in any connection with El Caudillo del Mar-A-Lago, and particularly those members of the media who got played for suckers on Wednesday afternoon. (again)
The Duplicity of Donald Trump - The New York Times - Donald Trump is the internet troll of presidential politics. (and a bully)
When this is over, you will have nothing that you want - Chicago Tribune - Garrison Keillor
Donald Trump Just Cranked Up The Volume On Immigration - Anyone hoping for a kinder, gentler GOP nominee can forget it. He's getting worse
'Plastered by the gringo' Trump meeting a public relations disaster for Pena Nieto (well, that didn't work)
Welcome To The Mexican-American Election - El Norte is going through one of its periodic fits of fear of the immigrants who define and power it.
Rudy can fail - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The unwilling suspension of disbelief necessary to understand the bad political novel we're living in becomes more burdensome by the day.
- Rudy Giuliani wears new 'Make Mexico Gret Again Also' cap at Trump rally (he really attracted the worst people)
Woman Charged With Child Abuse Uses Indiana Religious Freedom Law As Defense - The law cited by Thaing's attorney was signed by Pence on March 26, 2015. He did so in a quiet, closed-door signing ceremony with conservative and religious leaders. (child abuse a Christian tradition)
Eschaton: A Kindler, Gentler Donald - That was basically the NYT writeup of his speech last night, posted on the site, before it got a few edits. (they're hopeless)
She Was Raped During Study Abroad. Then Her School Said She Couldn't Talk About It. - A female student is accusing her small Minnesota college of failing to support her after she was sexually assaulted overseas.
Jared Fogle plans to sue parents of young girl he was convicted of abusing | US news | The Guardian - Fogle, 39, is claiming that the parents of one of his victims are partly responsible for her abuse, according to a report in TMZ.
Trial shows tantalising signs that new Alzheimer's drug could benefit early-stage patients | Science | The Guardian - The small study of only 165 people with mild symptoms of the disorder found that a dozen monthly injections of the antibody aducanumab removed clumps of protein that build up in the Alzheimer's brain
Study: 'Bad trips' from magic mushrooms often result in an improved sense of personal well-being
More U.S. adults use pot as laws, attitudes shift - CBS News - fewer people perceive pot as harmful, according to a new study published in The Lancet Psychiatry.
An increasing number of U.S. adults are using marijuana, and attitudes about the drug are shifting - fewer people perceive pot as harmful, according to a new study published in The Lancet Psychiatry. : science
Redditor predicts a 12 year old MMO will go free-to-play a year ago and got eaten alive in comments. Today, his prediction came true. : bestof
What was your "I was only gone 'X' minutes, what the hell happened?!" story? : AskReddit
Dropbox hack leads to dumping of 68m user passwords on the internet : news (good password info)
Anthropocene: Planet Earth has entered new epoch, experts say | Environment | The Independent - The phenomenon is of sufficient scale to be considered as part of the Geological Time Scale
- Nasa: Earth is warming at a pace 'unprecedented in 1,000 years' (Rethugs: just a little weather)
Europe's net neutrality guidelines seen as a victory for the open web
Thousands to receive basic income in Finland: a trial that could lead to the greatest societal transformation of our time : news
3 men in line for Brazilian presidency accused of corruption
Brazil's Senate Votes To Impeach President Dilma Rousseff - first female president will be removed from office. (that didn't take long +and replaced with more corrupt leaders)
North Korea Executes Vice Premier For Not Sitting Up Straight, South Korea Says - Kim Jong Un has been purging top officials since he came to power in 2011.
How An Egyptian Spy Stopped The Deadliest Terror Plot On Israel In History - Palestinians once almost shot down an Israeli airliner carrying around 400 people (the "Angel")
Gallup: Life got better for pretty much everyone under Obama - The Washington Post
Democracy And Capitalism May Be Headed For Divorce - Inequality is fueling global political unrest.
President Obama Grants 111 Additional Commutations. To date, President Obama has granted 673 commutations: more commutations than the previous ten presidents combined. : news
And Let's Tell The Press About It (Clinton's secret plan to rattle Trumpster, so of course ...)
Hillary Clinton Is Doing Better In States With Highly Educated White Populations
Hillary Clinton Disliked By A Record Number Of Americans, Survey Finds - the worst view Americans have had for the former secretary of state in a quarter-century of public service. (Fox and NYT +she gets no points for experience and dedication)
Why Clinton will always have low favorable ratings, no matter what she does - The Washington Post
In NTY's Hillary Clinton Coverage, An Obsession With "clouds" and "shadows"
Leaked 2015 Memo Told Dems: 'Don't Offer Support' For Black Lives Matter Policy Positions (can you spell out-of-touch?)
Trump Supporters: It's Both Race and Class - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The useful thing in this piece is how it identifies the divide between relatively wealthy Republicans who hate welfare programs and believe in bootstrapism no matter what and poor whites who really need government programs but who associate them with blacks and immigrants and see Trump as a way out of that.
Trump In Unexpected Trip To Mexico After Harsh Criticism - Mexican President Enrique Peqa Nieto once likened his tone to the ascent of dictators like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini (the Trumpetron)
Can Trump Be This Stupid? (Not a Trick Question)
- Michele Bachmann: God 'Raised Up' Donald Trump - "Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know" (if by "God" you mean "Satan")
LePage demands apology from reporter, vows to never speak to press again - politico (meanwhile, in LePage's head ...)
Embattled Florida Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown Loses Primary - re-election bid was dogged by her federal indictment on 22 charges that include conspiracy, mail fraud, wire fraud and tax violations.
One Of The Most Reviled Prosecutors In Florida Just Got Kicked Out Of Office - Prosecutor Angela Corey made a name locking up juveniles, securing death sentences and failing to get George Zimmerman convicted ... "an encouraging sign that the public will no longer tolerate overzealous and unprincipled criminal prosecutions, including women and children"
Eschaton: Rhee Era - Rhee had everyone in DC convinced that she was saint and savior, the one woman capable of fixing the schools by opening a can of whoop ass (firing them) on the evil teachers and principals who stood in her way. Of course it was all bullshit.
Quote of the Day: Jay Mathews' Biggest Mistake Was Trusting Michelle Rhee (Barry and Arne's and the beltway presses' favorite cheating education scammer)
Voting Rights Are Under Attack from Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach - Kris Kobach has quite a track record. (oh, hello, Kansas)
North Carolina Voter ID Law Remains Struck Down After Supreme Court Deadlock ... This is a boot in the eye ... of ... Chief Justice John Roberts, who has spent his entire career trying to undermine the gains made by the Civil Rights Movement and now finds himself one Scalia short when he needs one the most.
Whining Isn't Everything, It's the Only Thing: wingnut Cornell Professor William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection has acquired a new second home -- not bad, the life of a tenured radical! -- and talks about it thus: (Ithaca is a hellhole for rich professors and it's Obama's fault)
Teen Says She'll Fail High School If Trans Students Use Her Locker Room ... undressing in front of someone who is biologically male before marriage is simply a violation of her religious beliefs ... Aryn Coyle told The Morning Call that she was not aware of any actual transgender students in Sigourney's gym class, but "Although, how could you know?" (and her Christian nutball mom)
Framed: She was the PTA mom everyone knew. Who would want to harm her? - Los Angeles Times
Officers tackle pregnant student; say they were fired for being white : news
Feds Declare War On Herb Touted As A Solution To Opioid Addiction
Chris Brown is currently in a stand-off with SWAT : Music
Opioids and anti-anxiety medication are killing white American women | The Washington Post - Overdosing on prescription drug combinations plays a part in the growing rates of premature death among white women
Investigation finds 5 cases of sexual misconduct at Phillips Academy - Alexander Theroux
(5) Annaliese (@tornadoliese) | Twitter
- Turns out the signal astronomers saw was"strong" because it came from Earth
- Turns out the signal astronomers saw was "strong" because it came from Earth
Not a Drill: SETI Is Investigating a Possible Extraterrestrial Signal From Deep Space : news
Famous Wow! signal might have been from comets, not aliens | New Scientist
Dogs can understand human speech, scientists discover | Science | News | The Independent
Dogs can understand human speech, scientists discover: Brain scans discover evidence that dogs process language in a similar way to humans and are only truly happy if a praising tone of voice is matched by the actual words spoken : worldnews
TIL of 1177 BC: The year that civilization collapsed. In a short period of time all empires along the Mediterranean collapsed violently;including the Egyptian, Hittite, and Mycenaean empires.Almost every significant city in the eastern Mediterranean world was destroyed, and historians don't know why : todayilearned
What are the alternative ways to measure advancements of civilisation other than the Kardashev Scale, and what are their pros and cons? : askscience
3.7-billion-year-old fossils may be the oldest signs of life on Earth - The Washington Post
What monthly subscription is worth it? : AskReddit
Vocal fry Valley girl assaults overly polite lyft driver over a doll on his dash : videos
Nurses who has to ask the famous "sexual history" question, what was the best answer you got?
The most absurd Internet privacy class-action settlement ever | Ars Technica - Lawyers get millions. Consumers get nothing. E-mail snooping continues unabated.
Weather, Politics, Climate Change - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - December of 2015 was the warmest ever recorded in New Hampshire, by far. Indeed, in temperature anomaly terms (degrees above or below average) it was the warmest of any month for at least 121 years. (Teapartiers say what warmth? even though they just lived through it)
G20 Summit to deal with rising anti-globalization sentiment - CCTV News - English
The Big Problem With The Trans-Pacific Partnership's Super Court That We're Not Talking About - Financiers will use it to bet on lawsuits, while taxpayers foot the bill.
UN pays tens of millions to Assad regime under Syria aid programme | World news | The Guardian (left hand-right hand)
IS buried thousands in 72 mass graves, AP finds
At Least 10,000 Killed In Yemen Civil War - It's almost twice as many deaths as what was previously thought.
Suspected Suicide Car Bomber Attacks China's Embassy In Kyrgyzstan - The driver of the vehicle was killed and three people were injured.
European Commission State aid: Ireland gave illegal tax benefits to Apple worth up to 13 billion
Court Ruling on Apple Tax in Ireland Puts It at Center of Fight Against Multinational Corporate Power - The Gaels vs. Tim Cook.
- The massive sum was 40 times bigger than the previous known demand by the European Commission to a company in such a case. (Steve Jobs at work)
- Russia-Backed DNC Hackers Strike Washington Think Tanks
FBI alert sparks fears that state voting systems are under digital assault - politico - a nationwide alert about the possible hacking of state election offices after breaches in Illinois and Arizona is raising concerns that a nationwide attack could be afoot, with the potential for creating havoc on Election Day. (Putin installing his puppet Trump)
WikiLeaks Plans To Pay For Dirt On Clinton And Trump - "Lesser publications" are "not able to maintain accuracy when financial incentives are involved," the organization says.
- a Big Problem With One of Hillary Clinton's Favorite Campaign Stories (she makes shit up all the time)
Hillary Clinton Piles Up Research in Bid to Needle Donald Trump at First Debate - The New York Times
Colin Powell's foundation and Hillary Clinton's are treated very differently by the media (good example of the media's decades-long vilification of Clinton)
- Trump Campaign CEO Was Accused Of Sexual Harassment In '90's Legal Dispute - Steve Bannon (MRA douchebag)
Trump Campaign CEO Once Blasted "Bunch Of Dykes" From The "Seven Sisters Schools" - BuzzFeed News
Republican Voters Wish They'd Picked A Different Nominee
- Trump said he could put several blue states in play. (he lied again)
Trump's popularity with African-American voters polling at zero (they love him)
Poll: Donald Trump Chips Away at Hillary Clinton's National Lead - NBC News - The latest NBC News | SurveyMonkey poll was conducted online (yeah, right)
The New York Times Has a Hillary Clinton Problem - Loyal readers deserve better ... The Times obsession with finding something-anything!-it could hang on the Clintons goes all the way back to that moment three editors ago when the paper realized that its big Whitewater scoop was little more than a bag of Arkansas hot air. (it's in their DNA)
Eschaton: Step 1, Delete Your Account - Step 1, Delete Your Account There is something deeply broken about the DC press. (11 ways)
Donald Trump Floats Conspiracy Theory That Huma Abedin Has Terrorist Ties
11 ways to think about the Anthony Weiner-Huma Abedin split - The Washington Post
"She Has Not Been Chief Of Her Husband's Staff" (ho-ho) Rush Limbaugh Blames Huma Abedin For Her Husband's Sexual Tweets
Maggie Haberman on Twitter: "The problem for Clinton team - after Democrats repeatedly pointed to Bannon personal past, going to be hard to argue Weiner is off limits" (NYT and Maggie specialize in false equivalence)
Eschaton: Both Sides
Democrats delay ad spending on Ohio Senate race - The Washington Post - where former governor Ted Strickland (D) has struggled to gain traction against incumbent Sen. Rob Portman (R).
House Conservatives Plot Coup Against Speaker Paul Ryan - Gulp. Here they go again.
Sarah Palin falls and cracks her head - and makes it all about Hillary Clinton - Sarah Palin falls down, cracks her head, then out of her mouth come some random nouns, a verb salad and an attack on Hillary Clinton. (like it wasn't cracked already)
Pastor apologizes for tweet of Clinton in blackface | TheHill - An African-American pastor who has become a prominent surrogate for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump apologized Monday night for sharing a cartoon of Democrat Hillary Clinton in blackface earlier in the day.
In the morning Gov. LePage says he might resign; by afternoon he discounts the idea - The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram
Maine's Problem-Governor Paul LePage-Is America's Problem - Will he or won't he? Does he even know??
Fox News Calls Ex-Anchor Andrea Tantaros An 'Opportunist' Over Ailes Harassment Claims - comment: " been so snarky and condenseding toward Obama for 8 long years without fail. I mean, it was to the point of hate and despise. So it makes it hard to have sympathy for someone that took great joy in tearing down POTUS." (lie down with snakes ...)
Andrea Tantaros Wants Roger Ailes, Fox News Execs To Take A Lie Detector Test - An innocent person would jump at the chance for this kind of vindication - - comment: " this is an individual who for years claimed there are no sexual harassment issues in the military. She sadisticly belittled those brave women who came forth to complain about it."
Petition Demands Fox News Fire Bill O'Reilly Over Harassment Claims
4 teens charged with murdering Chinese food delivery woman |
A 'Debtors' Prison' Judge Locked Up This Arkansas Mom For 35 Days Because She Bounced A $29 Check
California Lawmakers Pass Mandatory Jail Bill Inspired By Stanford Rape Case - The bill now goes to Democratic Governor Jerry Brown for his approval.
A decade on, vaccine has halved cervical cancer rate. : worldnews (Republicans would rather women die)
Resident Miffed Over $50 Fine for Swimming With Wife at New Jersey Condominium Complex | NBC New York - Jewish law prohibits men and women from bathing together, and the rules at A Country Place were implemented to accommodate the majority of Orthodox Jewish homeowners at the 376-unit Lakewood adult community (Sharia Law)
Modern Man told men how to talk to women who are wearing headphones | Metro News
Facebook fires trending team, and algorithm without humans goes crazy | Technology | The Guardian
Three days after removing human editors, Facebook is already trending fake news - The Washington Post
The Anthropocene is here: scientists - The human impact on Earth's chemistry and climate has cut short the 11,700-year-old geological epoch known as the Holocene and ushered in a new one, scientists said Monday.
The Anthropocene epoch could inaugurate even more marvellous eras of evolution | Martin Rees | Environment | The Guardian - The darkest prognosis is that bio, cyber or environmental catastrophes could foreclose humanity's potential. But there is an optimistic option (singularityville)
Iceland's largest volcano set to erupt after biggest tremors in 40 years | Environment | The Independent - Two quakes larger than four in magnitude have rocked the crater of Katla, the country's Met Office says
A Climate Change Vacation - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Last week, the cruise ship Crystal Serenity set sail from Anchorage, Alaska, and is expected to cross the fabled Northwest Passage in eight days.
First stop Ulukhaktok: Crystal Serenity cruise ship sails into N.W.T. - North - CBC News - Small hamlet first Canadian stop for massive vessel carrying 1,000 passengers (global warming a boon for local economy if you live in the arctic)
Iraqi Woman Shoots Dead ISIS Commander That Once Made Her A Sex Slave - American Military News
Suicide Car Bomber AttackDaniel L. Hatcher
s Militia Compound, Killing At Least 54 In Yemen - The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.
Italy Rescues About 1,100 Migrants In Mediterranean - The migrants were picked up from eight rubber dinghies, one large boat and two punts during 11 rescue operations.
Female tourists should not wear skirts in India, says tourism minister | World news | The Guardian - Foreign arrivals issued with welcome kit including safety advice for women, after high-profile assaults
Great Exploitations | Boston Review - The Poverty Industry: The Exploitation of America's Most Vulnerable Citizens - Daniel L. Hatcher - Indeed, the Right's efforts to starve government of the level of resources necessary for competent functioning have made a self-fulfilling prophecy of the claim that government is moribund. (whole states are corrupt, see KS)
FBI says foreign hackers penetrated state election systems [Video] (Putin is rigging it for Trump)
Clinton Campaign Happily Using Strong End-To-End Encryption To Communicate; Will They Let The Rest Of Us Use It Too? | Techdirt - The other oddity in this story is that Hillary Clinton has called for Snowden to be put in jail, and yet now her campaign is telling everyone to use Snowden-approved encryption?
Trump's slump in Nascar country deepens Republican fears of defeat | US news | The Guardian - Even at the Hall of Fame in North Carolina, pessimism is rising as fast as the billionaire falls in the polls, threatening GOP control of Congress - Nascar dads
Donald Trump Is Down In The Polls, But Not Out Of The Race Yet - The GOP nominee needs to be mindful of courting controversy if he wants to gain much.
Democrats Step Up Pursuit of House Republicans Left Limping by Donald Trump - The New York Times (give Nancy back the hammer)
- Donald Trump's Bigotry - Trump enjoys a roughly 40-point lead among white men without college degrees but only a high single-digit lead among college-educated white men. Among white women without college degrees, he leads by low double-digits but trails by nearly 20 points among college-educated white women (dumb white guys screwing themselves, again)
- Even if some officers thought his orders were illegal or unethical. (he would just fire them, duh)
Grifters Gonna Grift - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The second is a scheme run by Ian Hawes, a 25-year-old Maryland man who has no affiliation with Trump or his campaign and who has preyed on more than 20,000 unsuspecting donors, collecting more than $1 million in the process.
Huma Abedin And Anthony Weiner Are Separating
Anthony Weiner Reportedly Caught In Yet Another Sext Scandal - One of the raunchy selfies included his young son in the background
Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner reportedly separating | - Weiner has once again been sending images of his genitals to a woman, this time to "a self-avowed supporter of Donald Trump and the National Rifle Association who's used Twitter to bash both President Obama and Clinton."
Ann Coulter Is Singled Out And Mercilessly Destroyed At Rob Lowe Roast - BRUTAL.
Paul LaPage's Race War
When Two Memes Collide: Dr. Jill Stein Speaks Out About Harambe
New York governor sparks anger after killing threatened shark | US news | The Guardian - The New York state governor, Andrew Cuomo, and his news anchor brother Chris have been criticised by conservationists and constituents after posing beside a threatened shark they killed on a fishing trip.
Is It "Irrational" for People to Get a Ph.D. in the Humanities (Or Even in the Sciences) (devaluing education, and society, in general )
Rebel cowboys: how the Bundy family sparked a new battle for the American west | US news | The Guardian (Cowliphate Pootriots)
What is the worst case of edgy teenager syndrome you have ever witnessed? : AskReddit
What is something the opposite sex generally does that you baffles you? : AskReddit
Dotcom allowed to livestream court hearing | NZNews | Newshub
Russian journalist critical of Vladimir Putin found dead on his birthday with gunshot wound to head | World | News | The Independent - Alexander Shchetinin found dead with a gun near his body after friends tried to visit him at home
Half of Germans against Merkel serving fourth term: poll | Reuters
From Bikinis to Burkinis, Regulating What Women Wear - The New York Times
A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread of False Stories - The New York Times
Turkey Ratchets Up Syria Offensive, Says Warplanes Hit Kurdish Militia - A dangerous escalation
How the Clinton Campaign Is Foiling the Kremlin | Vanity Fair - Staffers are now using a 'Snowden-approved' app to hide Trump-related e-mails from hackers, in Russia and elsewhere. (Signal +maybe she'll pardon him, because Barry sure won't)
GOP plots early wake-up call for Clinton - politico - Looking past Election Day, Republicans sketch plan to stymie a President Hillary Clinton agenda.
Swing states: how changes in the political landscape benefit Trump | US news | The Guardian - Despite campaign troubles and low favorability ratings, Trump will almost certainly win at least 20 states, if not 25 - half the US - on election night.
Trump might already be out of time - politico - With negative perceptions hardened, his late adjustments on policy and rhetoric could sway too few people to matter.
Trump was MY warm-up man... but I gave him a bounce - and he'll be new Ronald Reagan | Daily Mail Online (birds of a racist feather)
'No Vacancies' for Blacks: How Donald Trump Got His Start, and Was First Accused of Bias
Trump Goes Back To Original Immigration Position With Second 180 Flip - He now promises immediate action on deportation, with no mention of a path to legal status
Ice Cube Takes Down Donald Trump In 1 Devastating Tweet - will never endorse a mothafucka like Donald Trump! EVER!!!
- Trump Really Is a Racist.
Donald Trump has a massive Catholic problem - The Washington Post (we'll see)
Ann Coulter is currently experiencing every nonfiction author's nightmare - Sympathy for the devil in Prada - So, to sum up: Ann Coulter has had a book come out this week about how Trump is awesome, built on a thesis that Trump managed to eviscerate just as the book was released.
Joanna Rothkopf on Twitter: "this is an actual passage in @AnnCoulter's book!!!!!!!!!!!!"
A Southern city wants to secede from its school district, raising concerns about segregation - The Washington Post
Stephen King: Maine Governor Is A 'Bigot, A Homophobe, And A Racist' - "I think that about covers it." (you voted for him twice, Mainers)
What's on Your Vagenda Today? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Guns of Maine: "Beware the Beast - Hildabeast Clinton and her vagenda of manocide
A literary guide to hating Barack Obama - The Washington Post (swiftboaters!)
"Surrendered Dads" - "Fathers, who enjoyed absolute authority within the household for several millennia, now find themselves at the beck and call of their wives and children." (WSJ publishes MRA garbage)
- Siblings charged with murder in death of Dwyane Wade's cousin - about 1,400 people drive 85% of the city's gun violence
Video Shows Police Pepper Spraying 84-Year-Old Woman, Tasering Son
- A fortress against fear - In the rural Pacific Northwest, prepping for the day it hits the fan - "I'm not paranoid"
Lavoy Finicum's widow announces plans to sue feds, state cops over husband's death |
Ryan Bundy to keep metal fragments in arm to 'preserve evidence' |
Deb Jordan says Oregon Standoff Co-Defendant Jason Blomgren Will Testify for Prosecution About Explosives at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge | Challenging the Rhetoric
Steve Sorenson (Bunkerville)
My girlfriend elaborately made me homeless. : legaladvice
A Story of a Fuck Off Fund - The Billfold
It's nice to hear a story that ends: Reader, she left him' | Life and style | The Guardian - So when she donated her $7 million divorce settlement to a children's hospital and a domestic violence charity, it was a classy move
On the University of Chicago's Letter toStudentsProspective Donors
What I See as a Marketing Ploy by the University of Chicago... - Live from DerpLand on the Midway:
University of Chicago dean declares war on student autonomy
Trigger Warning: Elitism, Gatekeeping, and Other Academic Crap - The Tattooed Professor
- Why are sales suffering at so many women's stores? They made bad clothes - Banana Republic has acknowledged that it struggled to sell a blazer last year because women couldn't fit their arms into the armholes. Yes, a venerable clothing brand that raked in $2.65 billion in 2015, manufactured a jacket that was physically unwearable.
Best Hippie Songs Of All Time - YouTube
An international team of researchers has announced the detection of "a strong signal in the direction of HD164595" : news
CPAP machines don't prevent heart attacks, strokes in some sleep apnea sufferers - the CPAP group was able to wear the masks only about 3.3 hours per night, a length of time that is consistent with CPAP users in the real world
A clown appears to be trying to lure kids into woods in South Carolina : news
Have you ever hooked up (sex/dating/marriage) with a former school classmate 10+ years after graduation? How'd it work out? : AskReddit
Just 90 companies are to blame for most climate change, this 'carbon accountant' says | Science | AAAS - Just 90 companies are to blame for most climate change (send them the bill)
More female extremists leaving Canada to join Islamic State: report : worldnews
Survey: Germans want a burqa ban : worldnews
France's highest court suspends burkini ban in test case | Suspension concerns single ban in southern town but is likely to set precedent for other places that have prohibited full-body swimwear
Former prime minister Stephen Harper resigns as MP | Toronto Star - Harper stepped down as Conservative party leader in October on the night he lost the election to Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and has now resigned from his Calgary seat.
FBI's massive porn sting puts internet privacy in crossfire (meanwhile, in fuck your privacy land)
US judge upholds state law requiring vaccinations - SFGate
Clinton leads Trump by 5 points in Reuters/Ipsos poll | Reuters - down from a peak this month of 12 points (Trump coming on strong as 47% of voters are insane and possessed by Satan)
Hillary Clinton Is Winning The Ad War (but Trump in the news way more)
Tech firm brags about blocking FBI from recovering Clinton emails | Washington Examiner - BleachBit stifles investigation of Hillary Clinton
The 40 top Republicans (and counting) who won't support Donald Trump
Donald Trump Makes Another Tragedy All About Him - He exploited the shooting of a mother of four to his political advantage.
- The disturbing dawn of the alt-right: Donald Trump's the leader of a dark movement in America - The rising right-wing ethno-nationalist movement in Europe is the progenitor of Trump and the American movement (Digby)
Hillary and the alt-right: The toxic endurance of political extremism - - Hillary Clinton takes on a right-wing racist fringe that will live on long after Donald Trump is done exploiting it - Trump has really, more than any person in memory, pushed the radical right in general, and the alt-right specifically, into the political mainstream
The rise of American authoritarianism - Vox - What they found has implications that go well beyond 2016. (uneducated white guys want a dictator, 20% of Trumpsters say Lincoln shouldn't have freed slaves)
Republicans can't pretend not to know what fuels the Trump campaign (no need to whistle when you can sing it out loud)
- The strange tale of Donald Trump's doctor letter just got stranger
Southern Poverty Law Center to list White Lives Matter movement as a hate group : news
News from The Associated Press - The investigation and possible prosecution of metropolitan Phoenix Sheriff Joe Arpaio will be handled by the U.S. Justice Department after federal prosecutors in Arizona asked to be removed because of unspecified conflicts of interest, according to a court filing made public. (they love their crooked sheriffs)
Black Brooklyn teen shot by cops in 2013 was surrendering: video - NY Daily News - claim that this young man repeatedly took aim at him with an unloaded toy gun not only defies logic, but it is blatantly contradicted by the video
Revealed: Fox News' 400-page oppo file on Gabriel Sherman
Opiate Addiction Experts Turn to Marijuana As Safer Alternative to Pain Relief | L.A. Weekly (call Mawty Walsh)
Racial bias found in Texas death penalty cases, Harvard Law School study says | US news | The Guardian
Judge quashes Ryan Bundy's subpoena of Gov. Kate Brown |
Pastor who praised Orlando gay killings charged with child molestation in Brunswick : news
Is the earth pulled toward where the sun is now, or where the sun was 8 minutes ago? : askscience
ELI5: What are sine and cosine? : explainlikeimfive
Science AMA Series: I am Tyler VanderWeele, professor of epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of public health and I study the health effects of religious service attendance; Ask My Anything! : science
Genes and the Intergenerational Transmission of BMI and Obesity - Strong BMI correlation in biological parent-child pairs, but none for adoptees. Suggests primary role of genetics in intergenerational body weight transmission. Health transmission may contribute to persistence in economic success in families
Eagle free falls from top of World Tallest Building into the hands of its trainer : videos
What's history's best example of "that escalated quickly"? : AskReddit
What's the 'next big thing' that's going to fail for sure?
Parents of Reddit, what was the best lie that your child has told you, that you knew was a lie, but wanted to see how big of a hole they would put themselves in? : AskReddit
- Woman goes crazy on large guy for making a "sexually harrassing" joke
What would "Lord of the Flies" have been like if it was all girls on the island instead of boys?
What opinion of yours did you do a 180 degree flip on? : AskReddit
Extreme Weather, Climate Change, Science Communication - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Italy Quake Death Toll Hits 267, State Funeral Planned - A day of national mourning was announced, with flags due to fly at half mast around the country for the dead, who include a number of foreigners.
The revolution-inspired graffiti changing the face of Kiev - in pictures | World news | The Guardian
Top French Court Makes Initial Ruling To Suspend Burkini Ban - following a request from the League of Human Rights to overturn the burkini ban on the grounds it contravenes civil liberties.
Clinton leads Trump by 10 in national poll - POLITICO - The Democratic nominee opens up a big lead as Trump muddles through controversy.
- Hillary Clinton Denounces the 'alt-right' and the Alt-Right Is Thrilled - Richard Cohen, the president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups, dismissed the idea that Mrs. Clinton was doing the public a disservice by drawing attention to the alt-right. "It is a fancy, almost antiseptic term for white supremacy in the digital world" ("alt" = "extreme")
Whose Alt-Right Is It Anyway? | Southern Poverty Law Center - "The goal is often offensiveness for the sake of offensiveness in the way that many young white men embrace." ... "No it isn't. The goal is to ethnically cleanse White nations of non-Whites and establish an authoritarian government. Many people also believe that the Jews should be exterminated."
- Getting Cucky: A Brief Primer On The Radical Right's Newest 'Cuckservative' Meme - aims to depict conservatives who don't kowtow to ultra-right political views as inept traitors to the conservative base that elected them. But the term, at its core, may be racist.
The Grand Old Alt-Right Party - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The alt-right is more than warmed-over white supremacy. It's that, but way way weirder. ("neoreactionairies" the new paleocons - corps are your royalty)
The Darkness Before the Right - The Awl - Neoreaction -- aka NRx or the Dark Enlightenment (pls, endarkenment) - As Land has it, through the acceleration of global capitalism the human will be dissolved in a technological apotheosis, effectively experiencing a species-wide suicide as the ultimate stimulant head rush. Rust Cohle meets Ray Kurzweil
Clinton draws a sharp contrast between Trump, Republican Party | MSNBC
In Her Alt-Right Speech, Hillary Gave the GOP a Mafia Kiss | New Republic - Clinton seemingly took the high road in courting Republicans, but only to make their existence a living hell.
Saying Donald Trump is totally unlike mainstream Republicans could be the best way to beat them - Vox
Fox News Won't Stop Linking Hillary Clinton To Birther Claims (not good for your rep, Megyn)
After Ailes, Fox News Has a New Crisis: Can It Keep Megyn Kelly? | Vanity Fair - Within its subterranean newsroom, staffers and executives have a new fear: Will they be able to convince Megyn Kelly to re-sign with the network and stave off a potential post-Ailes ratings decline? And does that mean the end of Bill O'Reilly?
Trump campaign chief Steve Bannon is registered voter at vacant Florida home | US news | The Guardian (they always pull shit like this +Guardian does original reporting in US)
Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case - politico
Donald Trump's Campaign Chief, Stephen Bannon, Faced Domestic Violence Charges in 1996 (real piece of work)
- No, Donald Trump, America Isn't a Hellhole - Krugman - what happens when you nominate a short-attention-span candidate who knows nothing about policy and refuses to sit still for more than three minutes. Today's increasingly multiracial, multicultural society is a nightmare for people who want a white, Christian nation in which lesser breeds know their place. (and Trump is their man)
Donald Trump: I'm Not Racist. Hillary Clinton Is Racist.
Trump: Only Liars Cry Racism. Also Hillary Is Racist.
Donald Trump Once Compared Unauthorized Immigration To Vomit'
Donald Trump's 'Apprentices' Had to Agree to Go Nude - "whether I am clothed, partially clothed or naked, whether I am aware or unaware of such videotaping, filming or recording." 2016 is the first election in American history in which lowbrow entertainment and politics have merged to such a degree that they are nearly indistinguishable
Working-Class Trump Supporters: Motivated by Racism, Economic Dislocation, and Community Decline - Lawyers, Guns & Money (and anger. lots of anger.)
Will I run? | 38 Pitches (Curt Shilling "I don't know how anyone could think I'm a racist homophobe" weighing run against Elizabeth Warren in his head +"lowbrow entertainment")
Obama administration essentially puts ITT Technical Institute out of business - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - ITT, which has about 43,000 students nationwide, is facing accusations from its accreditor of chronic mismanagement of its finances and using questionable recruiting tactics. The company is also under investigation by state and federal authorities.
New Concerns Arise About Mental Health Of College Students + CBS Boston - Dr. Gene Beresin, a psychiatrist and Executive Director of The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds at Massachusetts General Hospital, says 50% to 60% of college students have a psychiatric disorder.
Man Jailed For Oral Activity On Boardwalk | The Smoking Gun - -A man spotted yesterday afternoon performing oral sex on a woman lying down on a Florida beach boardwalk told cops that he was an "emergency responder and had to assist the female as it was his duty"
Lifelike baby dolls designed to deter teenage pregnancies actually have opposite effect, scientists find - found girls who took part were twice as likely to get pregnant and a third more likely to have an abortion than those who did not ... Virtual Infant Parenting (VIP) "Baby Think It Over" (who could have predicted that giving girls cute little animatronic babies ...)
Italy Earthquake Death Toll Climbs To Nearly 250 As Rescue Teams Continue To Search Through Rubble - Rescuers saved a 10-year-old girl, pulling her alive from the rubble where she had lain for some 17 hours. Many other children were not so lucky.
France Has a Strange Concept of Feminism -- and Secularism (wrong and couterproductive) Katha Pollitt
Are the United States and China Condemned to a Military Stalemate? | The Diplomat - A new article posits a technology-heavy analysis of the future of the U.S.-China military balance.
Julian Assange to release material from Hillary Clinton's election campaign | Daily Mail Online
The Anti-Democratic Urge | New Republic - With populism on the rise in both parties, it has become fashionable for elites to bash the masses. But we need more democracy, not less.
The AP's big expose on Hillary meeting with Clinton Foundation donors is a mess
Washington Monthly | How the AP Spun the Story About the Clinton Foundation
The Clinton Rules: Still In Effect - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Clinton Foundation Still Not Criminal, Still Not Great
AP's Bombshell Clinton Foundation Report Comes Under Scrutiny
CNN: Clinton on foundation attacks (smoke, no fire)
Clinton ad ties Trump to KKK, white supremacists - POLITICO
Breitbart, explained: the conservative media giant that wants Trump to burn down the GOP - Vox - The story of Breitbart is the story of the traditional conservative movement being defeated by a force, a kind of white populist nationalism, that it had previously depended on.
Why many veterans are sticking with Trump, even after he insulted a Gold Star family - The Washington Post (thinking is hard)
Coulter Goes to War with Trump And It Is Glorious - Liberals may die tonight because there are limited supplies of those injections they give you for acute schadenfreude toxicity
UNCUCKED AND HELL-BENT - Lawyers, Guns & Money : [TRIGGER WARNING: to paraphrase Pauline Kael, it would take the wisdom of Solomon to determine whether this video is more offensive aesthetically, psychologically, morally, or politically.]
TAKE THE 'R' TRAIN, new campaign song - YouTube
trump negging - Google Search
Trump Normalized Hate Groups. The Media Normalized Trump. - Looking back on the week everyone in America started saying "alt-right"
- The Alt-Right Garbage Fire Was Always Burning Since the World's Been Turning (link broken but find on google)
Rachel Maddow's fascinating duel with Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, annotated
Has Fox News Hit Its Ceiling? - politico Magazine - Some unsolicited advice for the Murdoch brothers.
Eschaton: Post-Apocalyptic Hellscape
Federal judge to Ryan Bundy: 'Open defiance' of court authority shows he's unfit to serve as own lawyer |
Blaine Cooper, Jerry DeLemus plead guilty in Nevada standoff near Cliven Bundy's ranch |
- This Badass CEO Innovated Her Way to a Higher Salary by Disrupting the Pricing of a Drug That Saves Kid's Lives - Mylan CEO Heather Bresch (and Joe Manchin's daughter)
PRRI - Laws about the Use of Bathrooms by Transgender People - A majority (53%) of Americans oppose laws that require transgender individuals to use bathrooms that correspond to their sex at birth rather than their current gender identity, compared to 35% who favor such laws. (down to 35% hardcore)
Texting while driving - Lawyers, Guns & Money (watching this should be a requirement for getting a license)
Cocks Not Glocks: Texas students carry dildos on campus to protest gun law | US news | The Guardian (Texas Rethugs made guns legal on campus, so "campus carry")
Straphangers go berserk after woman tosses bugs in subway car | New York Post
Climate change as an economic issue will hurt Clinton and the Democrats in 2016 - The Washington Post
Brain Scans of Brazilian Babies Show Array of Zika Effects - The New York Times (Republican virus)
New Zika Cases Investigated in Florida - The New York Times
Powerful Earthquakes in Italy Kill Dozens and Shatter Towns - The New York Times
Dozens Dead After Strong Earthquake Levels Buildings In Central Italy - The worst affected town were believed to be Accumoli, Amatrice, Posta and Arquata del Tronto.
Italy's History of Severe Earthquakes
Kenya's Gold Medal for Corruption
Turkish Military Begins Major Offensive Into Syria in Fight Against ISIS - The New York Times
French police make woman remove clothing on Nice beach following burkini ban | World news | The Guardian - Authorities in 15 towns have banned burkinis, citing public concern following recent terrorist attacks in the country
- Queensland stabbing: British woman killed by attacker who allegedly shouted 'Allahu Akbar' - A British man is in a critical condition and a woman is dead after attack witnessed by up to 30 people in Home Hill, in Queensland
- If law enforcement officials wanted to stage a mock terrorist attack to test security at New York City, they couldn't have planned it better than what actually happened on Aug. 14 ... It exposed serious flaws at all levels of airport security (but Chuckie is on the case)
Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump By 12 Points In New Poll - according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday.
Democrats Have a 60 Percent Chance to Retake the Senate - The New York Times - which includes a 17 percent chance that the Senate ends up evenly split with a Democratic vice president providing the tiebreaking vote.
Bernie Sanders's New Political Group Is Met by Staff Revolt - At the heart of the issue, according to several people who left, was deep distrust of and frustration with Mr. Weaver (former campaign manager and a jerk)
Many donors to Clinton Foundation met with her at State - More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money (she did everything she could to give the "vast rightwing conspiracy" ammunition)
Now Hillary has a big Clinton Foundation problem, too - The Washington Post - Hillary Clinton has never been great at understanding that, in politics, perception almost always equals reality ("never been great" = "sucked") an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president.
- Citing InfoWars, Fox News Complains Google Is Covering Up "Clinton Body Count" Stories (well, there's a closed loop +Hillary most successful serial killer)
Chappatte on Hillary Clinton's Email Scandal (so many self-inflicted wounds)
Emails Show Huma Used To Put Hillary Down For Nap Time | The Daily Caller - Huma Abedin served as the Director of Nap Time while working at the State Department.
Donald Trump Campaign Manager Goes Into Full Poll-Truther Mode - The hidden Trump vote in this country is a very significant proposition. (millions of stealth zombies will appear on election day to eat your brains)
Donald Trump Used Campaign Donations to Buy $55,000 of His Own Book - The Daily Beast - FEC rules dictate the Republican nominee must forgo royalties on the book's sales (meanwhile, the ethically-challenged Drumpfster)
From Jill Stein, disturbing echoes of Ralph Nader - The Washington Post - Stein, making an appearance at the National Press Club in Washington, took her campaign on an unexpected detour when she accused the famed leftist Noam Chomsky of being cowardly.
EpiPen Price Rise Sparks Concern for Allergy Sufferers - The New York Times - Mylan, the pharmaceutical company, acquired the decades-old product in 2007, when pharmacies paid less than $100 for a two-pen set, and has since been steadily raising the wholesale price (and their corrupt executives salaries)
Eschaton: This Blog Contains Multitudes - The CEO of Mylan, the EpiPen Price Gouging Corporation, is Heather Bresch, the daughter of Senator Manchin. There was a bit of a controversy about her academics awhile back, though shockingly she's managed to do quite well in spite of it. Maybe that ethics class was one of the ones she missed. (experts in screwing other people)
More Attacks on Transgender Rights - The New York Times - Texas' attorney general, Ken Paxton, set out to challenge them. (how they rig the system against you)
Entire Neighborhood Flies Rainbow Flags After Bigots Egg Their Gay Neighbors - One person's act of fear and maliciousness created such a powerful statement of love - "It was our first experience in Natick of having any type of prejudice"
GOP Lawmaker, Already Punished For Claiming Parents' Money As His Own, Does It Again - Rep. Frank Guinta (R-N.H.) doesn't seem to have learned his lesson
- Mass Lesbian Farm Infiltration Is Obama's Best Scheme Yet
Eschaton: I Just Thought They Were Too Busy Buying Skinny Jeans - Such a mystery why those kids today behave in this weird incomprehensible fashion - Must be because they just aren't mature like We Were when we were The Kids Today. Built our homes ourselves, we did, after putting our way through college on summer jobs while taking care of 3 children.
Montana man with controversial past to serve as 'volunteer paralegal' for Ryan Bundy | - U.S. District Judge Anna J. Brown allowed Montana resident Roger L. Roots, a convicted felon, to serve as a volunteer paralegal for Bundy and his standby counsel.
BBC - Earth - Why do women have periods when most animals don't? - Apart from humans and our close relatives, the only animals that menstruate are elephant shrews and certain bats. Why did it only evolve in these species?
PLOS ONE: Natural Selection of Human Embryos: Decidualizing Endometrial Stromal Cells Serve as Sensors of Embryo Quality upon Implantation - Pregnancy is widely viewed as dependent upon an intimate dialogue, mediated by locally secreted factors between a developmentally competent embryo and a receptive endometrium.
The evolution of menstruation: A new model for genetic assimilation - Emera - 2011 - BioEssays - Wiley Online Library - Explaining molecular origins of maternal responses to fetal invasiveness - We argue that decidualization became genetically stabilized in menstruating lineages, allowing females to prepare for pregnancy without any signal from the fetus
ESO Announcement To Address Reports Of Proxima Centauri Exoplanet - Universe Today
BBC - Earth - Why bullying is such a successful evolutionary strategy
Is Elysium Health's Basis the Fountain of Youth?
Alan Watts: Making Decisions - YouTube
Abu Zubaydah, detainee tortured by CIA, makes case for Guantanamo release | US news | The Guardian - Detainee, who the CIA admitted it had waterboarded and who has never been charged with a crime, appears for first time in 14 years at quasi-parole hearing (your government at its evilest)
Evidence points to another Snowden at the NSA : news
Commentary: Evidence points to another Snowden at the NSA | Reuters
Report: Rio police exaggerated their version of Ryan Lochte events, too
WikiLeaks posts medical files from rape victims and sick kids in new data dump | Media | The Guardian - organization has published sensitive personal data belonging to hundreds of ordinary citizens, an investigation has revealed (wikievil)
Private lives are exposed as WikiLeaks spills its secrets - Medical records are widely counted among a person's most private information. But the AP found that WikiLeaks also routinely publishes identity records, phone numbers and other information easily exploited by criminals. (asshole Julian can rot in the embassy)
Is Terrorism Getting Worse? In the West, Yes. In the World, No. - The New York Times - Terrorism Killed More Westerners in the 1970s and 1980s
The Lynching Memorial in Alabama Will Be a Truth We Cannot Flee - This country has needed a serious homegrown kind of Truth and Reconciliation Commission literally for centuries now. We need to acknowledge thoroughly the crimes and the murder and the blood that provided so much of the foundation of what we call American Exceptionalism.
Russians Suspected In Hack Of New York Times, Other U.S. Media: CNN - The intrusions were detected in recent months.
- The Fake $400 Million Iran 'Story'
50 Years of Electoral College Maps: How the U.S. Turned Red and Blue - The New York Times
Eschaton: Let Us Know How That Worked Out In About 40 Years - In my dealings with people who were paid lots of money (and not) to think deep thoughts about retirement issues, there were 3 basic things I came across:
Hillary Clinton's 15,000 New Emails to Get Timetable for Release
Drip, drip, Clinton'S emails come out
Emails reveal how foundation donors got access to Clinton and her close aides at State Dept. - The Washington Post - the requests were directed to Clinton's deputy chief of staff and confidante, Huma Abedin
Clinton, Conquering Pickle Jar, Laughs Off Claims Of Ill Health On 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' - I would prefer to be running against somebody I thought was qualified to be president and temperamentally fit
What Are the Chances That Democrats Retake the House? - The New York Times (probably not)
Sad New Poll Shows Trump And Clinton Basically Tied In Missouri - The Show Me State went to Republican candidates in the last four presidential elections.
Voters Don't Trust Donald Trump On Any Of These Major Issues - most distrusted Republican candidate in recent history when it comes to policy
When Republican Donors Grow Up, They Will Attend Trump University - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The Trump campaign, as has long been obvious, the purest distillation of the contemporary Republican Party, a cycle of grift with no other real purpose: the Trump campaign spent $1.8 million in July on campaign memorabilia, an amount that eclipsed even what it was spending on payroll. The focus on merchandise instead of building out a ground game continues to defy the logic of traditional politics.
Donald Trump Jacked Up His Campaign's Trump Tower Rent Once Somebody Else Was Paying It - Office rent soared in July after Trump's campaign began accepting donor contributions. (grifters will grift)
Donald Trump Still Supports Mass Deportation For Undocumented Immigrants - So much for that flip-flop. ('heads will spin' is one of his favorite tropes)
- Trump Advisor: Hillary and Obama Want 'ethnic cleansing of white working people'
CNN headline makes blacks and felons synonymous | TheHill - Trump wants GOP to court black voters -- then slams voting rights for felons
- Oh, there may be several reasons for this phenomenon, all of them rooted in the fact that El Caudillo de Mar-a-Lago is the lead bozo in an ongoing carnival dunk-tank of a political campaign.
GOP Congressional Hopeful Dan Bongino Launches Profanity-Laced Tirade Against Politico Reporter - Behold the modern irrelephant. Marsupial, yet pouchless, they lumber across the American political landscape blinded by their own rage and hate. (congenital bullies)
Andrea Tantaros of Fox News Claims Retaliation for Harassment Complaints - The New York Times - "Fox News masquerades as a defender of traditional family values, but behind the scenes, it operates like a sex-fueled, Playboy Mansion-like cult, steeped in intimidation, indecency and misogyny" (Cult of the Penis) "Roger wants to see your legs."
Fox News Run As A Playboy Mansion-Like Cult, Ex-Host Claims - high-ranking executives fostered a newsroom culture in which abusive behavior flourished ... Scott Brown made "sexually inappropriate comments" and once grabbing her waist while she was buying lunch ... O'Reilly asking her to stay with him at a "very private place" (dudebros gone wild)
Scott Brown named in FOX sexual harassment lawsuit - The Boston Globe
Federal judge admonishes Oregon standoff defendant Duane Ehmer for threatening social media post | - "It's hunting season against liberal Democrats," shortly after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested at an Aug. 9 rally in North Carolina that "Second Amendment people" could act against Hillary Clinton. (Cowliphate gun-bullies enabled by the Drumpfster)
Residency where marijuana is legal no reason for police search: U.S. court | Reuters - A federal appeals court on Tuesday said police officers cannot stop and search vehicles belonging to out-of-state motorists simply because of where they reside, including states where marijuana use is legal. (profiling by state)
Rules for Wives, 1955 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : 18.) A good wife always knows her place.
In The Suburbs (1957) - YouTube
The Troubled-Teen Industry Has Been A Disaster For Decades. And It's Still Not Fixed (since McClean Hospital in the '60s)
- Alan Watts - Why your life is not a journey
Mylan Execs Gave Themselves Raises As They Hiked EpiPen Prices - NBC News
U.S. lawmakers demand investigation of $100 price hike of lifesaving EpiPens - The Washington Post
The Life-Changing Magic of Choosing the Right Hospital - The New York Times
How melanoma spreads to other organs in the body: Findings may lead to a cure for the deadly disease -- ScienceDaily - Findings may lead to a cure for the deadly disease
Researchers find lab rats on marijuana just can't be bothered | Science | The Guardian - THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, makes rats less willing to exert cognitive effort - lazy - but, you know, that's your opinion, man
Too much activity in certain areas of the brain is bad for memory and attention : science
What's your favorite palindrome? : AskReddit
Seal seeks shelter on motor boat : gifs
Pokimon Go loses its luster, sheds more than 10 million users | Ars Technica - Engagement, downloads, and time spent in the app are fading fast.
Neoliberalism has had its day. So what happens next? | Martin Jacques | Opinion | The Guardian - After almost nine years, we are finally beginning to reap the political whirlwind of the financial crisis. But how did neoliberalism manage to survive virtually unscathed for so long?
The richest 10% hold 76% of wealth - Aug. 18, 2016
Japan's PM emerges from green pipe dressed as Mario, accepts Olympic torch Super Shinzo Abe dresses as iconic Italian plumber as Brazil passes baton to Japan.
USA TODAY Sports investigation raises questions about Rio cops, Lochte incident - not everyone has concluded Ryan Lochte and his teammates are entirely in the wrong or that the account offered by Rio authorities is entirely accurate.
Speedo, Ralph Lauren Cut Ties With Ryan Lochte - Syneron-Candela and Airweave also dropped the Olympian. (lyin' Ryan takes a hit in the pocketbook)
Speedo USA Drops Sponsorship of Ryan Lochte Amid Scandal, donates Lochte's $50k fee to children in Brazil : worldnews
Ultra-Orthodox rabbis ban women from going to university in case they get 'dangerous' secular knowledge - 'We will be very strict about this. No girls attending our school are allowed to study and get a degree. It is dangerous. Girls who will not abide will be forced to leave our school'
Drug War Deaths Climb To 1,800 In Philippines - In the last seven weeks alone.
Presidential Plagiarism - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Mexican president Enrique Peqa Nieto, a man who makes George W. Bush seem like a complete genius by comparison, plagiarized at least 28 percent of his legal thesis on Alvaro Obregon from at least ten authors
Here's The Story Behind This Summer's Incredible NYT Magazine Middle East Issue
FBI uncovers 14,900 more documents in Clinton email probe - The Washington Post
New Abedin Emails Reveal Hillary Clinton State Department Gave Special Access to Top Clinton Foundation Donors - Judicial Watch
- The FBI found 15,000 emails Hillary Clinton didn't turn over. Uh oh.
Colin Powell sets record straight on involvement in email scandal | Page Six - The truth is she was using it (her personal email) for a year before I sent her a memo telling her what I did [during my term as secretary of state].
- Colin Powell Says Hillary Clinton's 'People Have Been Trying to Pin' Email Scandal on Him
Monmouth University - Hillary Clinton holds a slim 4 point lead over Donald Trump in the perennial battleground state of Ohio
Why Hillary Clinton Might Win Georgia - The New York Times
A Majority Of Republican Voters Fear Something That Virtually Never Happens - In-person voter fraud just isn't a real problem in the U.S. So why do states keep trying to fight it? (they are evil and lie)
A Voters Guide: What Is This Trump Campaign, And Where Is It Pivoting?
No, Syrian Refugees Have Not Caused Four Decades Of Wage Stagnation - "I mean, wages have been stagnant for the last 15 years and it's because you have, you know, Syrian refugees coming in" Eric Trump continued (not far from the stupid tree)
Eschaton: The Real Story - No media figure did more to help Donald out during the primary than Morning Joseph did. He basically handed his show over to Trump. Such gratitude. -- "the real story of @JoeNBC and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, @morningmika. Two clowns!" -- Anyone seen Chris Christie lately?
Sen. Mark Kirk Says President Obama Is 'Acting Like The Drug Dealer In Chief'
Trump Ally Roger Stone Says GOP Nominee Should Release Tax Returns 'Immediately'
Donald Trump Is Abandoning Every Network But Fox
Meet The Press's Chuck Todd Will 'Disqualify' Most Republican Congressional Candidates (except he won't)
White Supremacy Illustrated - Lawyers, Guns & Money (White Lives Matter; media reports both sides except when one side is white supremecist)
Against the Voter-As-Consumer And Politics-As-Soap-Opera - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Insulin price spike leaves diabetes patients in crisis | Montana & Regional | - A massive spike in insulin prices is causing a health crisis for millions of diabetes patients who depend on the lifesaving drug, doctors say.
Student debt can balloon with little notice | The Columbus Dispatch - With compounding interest and fees assessed on top of other fees, some of these borrowers now owe as much as five times the original principal.
What is the most NSFW thing that happened at your work? : AskReddit
Gawker Was Murdered by Gaslight - A lie with a billion dollars behind it is stronger than the truth. Peter Thiel has shut down
Gawker, RIP - Lawyers, Guns & Money (billionaires can sue you into rubble)
Turkish wedding suicide bomber was 12-14 years old, Erdogan says -
The Case for the Bringing Back the Political Machines | New Republic - Political machines were corrupt to the core-but they were also incredibly effective. If Democrats want to survive in the modern age, they need to take a page from their past.
'Clown Runs for Prez' - New York Daily News Front Pages
Trump's Empire: A Maze of Debts and Opaque Ties - Among the lenders: the Bank of China, one of the largest banks in a country that Mr. Trump has railed against as an economic foe of the United States, and Goldman Sachs, a financial institution he has said controls Hillary Clinton
Ukraine Releases More Details on Payments for Trump Aide, Paul Manafort - The New York Times - line-item entries, some for millions of dollars.
Donald Trump July FEC report: Trump paid dearly to boost fundraising - POLITICO - he haul came at a steep price and that the campaign was still not dedicating resources to catching up on building the staff and field organization that all previous presidential efforts have required.
Trump campaign doubles spending but staff is a tenth the size of Clinton's | US newTrump aired no television ads and paid fired campaign manager - the Guardian - Republican nominee raised $37m in July to Clinton's $58m
Donald Trump's Campaign Manager Rose Quickly By Playing To His Ego - telling Trump what he wants to hear
The mystery that is Melania Trump - The Washington Post - Billy Joel, Elton John, Paul Anka and Tony Bennett performed, and more than 300 guests, a great many of them the global elites that Trump now frequently campaigns against, dined and danced into the evening.
Casino tycoon launches multimillion-dollar effort to boost Israel's image on campuses - LA Times - art of a multimillion-dollar effort to combat the BDS movement, led by Las Vegas casino tycoon Sheldon Adelson
Republicans Set To Lose Senate Control - Democrats have a 78 percent chance of getting 50-plus seats in November, the HuffPost Senate model shows.
- Roger Ailes biographer: "The impact could be greater than phonee hacking" - Sherman reported that Ailes had offered television producer Randi Harrison an extra $100 a week in the 1980s if she agreed to have sex with him whenever he wanted ... inside Fox News it's kind of a Lord of the Flies situation where everyone
U.S. Marshals Are Arresting People in Texas Who Have Outstanding Student Loans - And, this week in Texas, they began to involve federal agents in combat gear bursting into debtors's houses and arresting them (and shooting their dogs, thanks, Obama)
Roommate drama lands Penn State sorority sisters in federal court - But this spat between sorority sisters, which started during a spring sojourn in Spain, has escalated to involve college authorities, multiple lawyers, and a federal judge.
- Hugo awards: reading the Sad Puppies's pets
The Long, Remarkable History of the GIF - long, doomed quest to replace its most iconic? and flawed filetype. ?
How panics about pictures of naked women shaped the Web as we know it - The Washington Post - Maybe the Internet really is for porn.
As Louisiana floods rage, Republicans are blocking modest climate action | Raul M Grijalva | Opinion | The Guardian (cult of stupidty and death)
Pregnant Women Advised to Avoid Travel to Active Zika Zone in Miami Beach - The New York Times
Ryan Lockte's apology is clear: He doesn't realize what he has done wrong - His so-called apology was a lame, crisis-crafted statement that showed zero sincerity and no awareness of his affront to Brazil
U.S. Swimmer Bentz Says Lochte Played Key Role In Rio Scandal
U.S. Army fudged its accounts by trillions of dollars, auditor finds | Reuters (largest organized crime ring outside Russia) "Where is the money going? Nobody knows" (would America notice if it had free healthcare, healthy infrastructure and good education?)
Gaziantep in Turkey rocked by huge bomb blast | Daily Star - A SUICIDE bomber has reportedly detonated their device at a wedding in Turkey, it is not clear who is reponsible for the bombing though officials in the region suggest ISIS may have been behind the attack
Nice becomes latest French city to ban burkinis : worldnews
More than 30 Christians hacked to death in DRC
Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world, study finds | US news | The Guardian - As the Republican-led state legislature has slashed funding to reproductive healthcare clinics, the maternal mortality rate doubled over just a two-year period (Repubican success)
Hillary Clinton's Ethics Problems Are Worse Than She Understands (Chait)
Hullabaloo - Medical Mudslinging: the swiftboats of August 2016
Trump predicts he can win 95 percent of the black vote - politico
Donald Trump's Pitch To Black Voters: 'What The Hell Do You Have To Lose?' - Just 1 percent of black voters currently support the GOP nominee.
They Can't Stay in Character
African-American Shoutreach - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump hands his campaign to the 'alt-right' movement - (homophobic, women-hating, racist and nationalistic dudenazis)
Win or lose, Trumpism may be here to stay in the GOP - The Washington Post (like it never wasn't)
Inside the fall of Paul Manafort - politico - campaign chairman thought he could weather the scrutiny of his lucrative foreign political consulting. He was wrong.
FBI Investigating U.S. Ties To Alleged Corruption By Former Ukraine President - The alleged scandal reportedly involves Paul Manafort, who recently resigned as chairman of the Trump campaign.
- The Best And Worst Of Paul Manafort's Failed Trump Pivot
Ivanka Trump Mocked For Having Unpaid Intern Blog About Getting By Without Pay
Looks Like Ivanka Trump Doesn't Pay Her Interns - This is rich.
Right-Wing Operative Tried To Infiltrate At Least 3 Democratic Campaigns - Allison Maass has been spotted at offices for Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Russ Feingold. (nice internet resume you got there, Allison)
Judge Seeks Criminal Contempt Charges Against Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio (lock him up)
Do you know what the lesbians are doing to our soil? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : lesbian corn farmers are the latest Right Wing bugbear.
Religious Freedom Law Protects Business Owner Who Fired Trans Woman, Judge Rules - The businessman says allowing one of his employees to express her gender identity "would be violating God's commands" (the judge agreed)
Texas Halts Execution Of Non-Triggerman Over Questions Of 'Dr. Death' Testimony - Wood was convicted as an accomplice to murder, with a controversial psychiatrist testifying that he would commit more violence.
Suspect's Hit-And-Run On Arab Neighbor Was Harbinger Of Alleged Murder To Come - Majors' husband, Stephen Schmauss, posted the bond on May 25 and Majors was freed.
Sheriff Glenn Palmer makes his own rules in Grant County |
Wanted fugitive caught by Massachusetts police despite elaborate 'old man disguise' | Americas | News | The Independent - He was charged alongside 11 others as part of larger complaint into a major Cape Cod drug trafficking ring known as the Nauti-Block gang.
Connecticut shooting wounds 13 people at house party | US news | The Guardian - Police believe two shooters opened fire on partygoers in Bridgeport
Josh Brown, New York Giants Kicker, Suspended One Game For Alleged Domestic Abuse - His ex-wife told police he had been violent for years.
The New Science of Single People -- Science of Us - Understanding the new science of single people requires grasping two main points: the weaknesses of the extant literature on the (ostensible) connection between marriage and happiness and well-being, and the intriguing nuggets that those few researchers who have dipped a toe into the study of singles have already uncovered.
- The most powerful voter this year, who in her rapidly increasing numbers has become an entirely new category of citizen, is The Single American Woman - By Rebecca Traister - the number of adults younger than 34 who had never married was up to 46 percent, rising 12 percentage points in less than a decade. For women under 30, the likelihood of being married has become astonishingly small: Today, only around 20 percent of Americans ages 18-29 are wed, compared to nearly 60 percent in 1960
Starr: Baylor wanted him out as law professor - Higher Education - Ken Starr has decided to leave his last remaining post at Baylor University, saying university officials wanted him out
What is the most common colour in the universe? : askscience
Life lessons from a small-town undertaker as white women die younger in America - The Washington Post
One of the most powerful descriptions of suicide I've ever read. David Foster Wallace - Infinite Jest : books
A Night of Fire: The Mystical Vision that Converted Scientist Blaise Pascal | ChurchPOP
The NSA hack proves Apple was right to fight the FBI : technology
Firefighters Gain Ground On Monster Southern California Wildfire - So far, the Blue Cut fire has blackened 35,969 acres of drought-parched heavy brush and chaparral.
White Male Privilege Is Why We Laugh At Lochte And Vilify Douglas - Pay close attention to the words being used to describe them. #LochteGate
Zika: South Beach confirmed as second site of US-based transmission | World news | The Guardian - CDC adds popular Florida tourist destination to travel warning after five cases confirmed, but governor Rick Scott says state won't dvise people to stay away
The NSA Leak Is Real, Snowden Documents Confirm (should have hired Hillary for their security)
Police killings of favela residents continue as Games go on in Rio | World news | The Guardian
Mexico Police Executed 22 On Michoacan Ranch In 'Grave' Rights Abuse, Report Finds - The National Human Rights Commission says officers also moved bodies and tortured two people they arrested after the shootout.
Egypt Suspends 8 Female TV Anchors, Saying They Are Overweight - The New York Times (they like them skinny in their burkas)
American Genocide - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The esteemed historian Richard White reviews Benjamin Hadley's new book on the organized American genocide against California Indians and reiterates the utter brutality behind American expansion, a history Americans are simply not willing to deal with at a time when they are happy to, fairly, condemn actions overseas that, once again, American helped create (see, ISIS today, the Khmer Rouge 40 years ago).
Obamacare Hits a Bump - The New York Times
State Dept. confirms $400 million Iran payment conditioned on hostage release - politico - We deliberately leveraged that moment to finalize these outstanding issues nearly simultaneously
Hillary Clinton Told F.B.I. Colin Powell Advised Her to Use Private Email - The New York Times (lock him up!)
Trump spokeswoman claims Clinton has rare brain disease | TheHill - Katrina Pierson alleged that Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, has a disorder called dysphasia, a condition brought on by brain trauma that erodes a person's ability to speak or comprehend language. (you almost think they did that on purpose)
Paul Manafort resigns from Donald Trump campaign - The Boston Globe - in the wake of campaign shake-up and revelations about his work in Ukraine
Trump advisers waged covert influence campaign - on behalf of Ukraine's ruling political party, attempting to sway American public opinion in favor of the country's pro-Russian government (they knew the shit was about to hit the fan)
Manafort's man in Kiev - The Trump campaign chairman's closeness to a Russian Army-trained linguist turned Ukrainian political operative is raising questions, concerns
Ukrainian Lawmaker Outlines Details On Alleged Payments To Trump Campaign Chief - Serhiy Leshchenko says a pro-Russian political party made payments worth millions of dollars to Paul Manafort. Manafort didn't work for free in Ukraine, he served the Party of Regions for over 10 years and it is clear that his work was paid
Donald Trump Campaign, Republican Groups Targeted By Hackers: Report - The report follows the hack of Democrat groups.
Trump Campaign CEO Steve Bannon Failed To Properly Pay Taxes For Several Years - The former CEO of Breitbart News faced numerous federal and state tax liens in the 1990s. (he defunded big government)
Regretful Trump pivots 107 days late - POLITICO - The Republican nominee delivers one of the most comprehensive, on-message rationales for his candidacy to date.
Donald Trump Steps Out of Character to Voice Unexplained Regrets - The New York Times
A veiled truth revealed about America - The Boston Globe - Donald Trump didn't bring bigotry to America. It has always been there. He has merely brought it into the light.
Republicans Worry a Falling Donald Trump Tide Will Lower All Boats - The New York Times
- How NYers React To A Life-Size Naked Donald Trump Statue In Union Square
NYC Parks Department Confirms What We Already Knew: Donald Trump's Penis Is Disturbing
Naked Donald Trump statues erected in multiple cities | (tiny dick)
Donnie's s little lies are yuuuge: Trump has redefined what it means to be deceitful on the campaign trail
'The Daily Show' Analyzes Third-Party Candidates (So You Don't Have To) - If Hillary and Bernie had sex and someone watched it, it would be Dr. Jill Stein
Cruz's Image Among Republicans Tanks After GOP Convention - Among U.S. adults, 29% see him favorably, 58% unfavorably
Charles Lane and the WaPo Sleaze Bernie Sanders | Beat the Press | Blogs | Publications | The Center for Economic and Policy Research - At best, this claim shows how utterly ignorant Lane is of what Sanders said throughout his campaign. ("socialists" not allowed to buy houses)
Donald Trump foreign policy adviser accused of anti-Semitic remarks | McClatchy DC - Joseph Schmitz, named as one of five advisers by the Trump campaign in March, is accused of bragging when he was Defense Department inspector general a decade ago that he pushed out Jewish employees.
Pregnancy-Related Deaths Nearly Doubled In Texas After Cuts To Women's Health - Texas experienced a sudden and dramatic spike in pregnancy-related deaths in 2011, the same year the state slashed funding for Planned Parenthood and women's health programs - Seventy-two women in Texas died from complications of pregnancy and childbirth in 2010, and that number jumped to 148 in 2012. (Republicans killed several hundred women - go, Christians!)
Today in the Kansas Economic Miracle - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The new July jobs report released Friday is an utter disaster for Kansans and embattled Gov. Sam Brownback. (will Kansas learn anything from this self-destructive disaster?)
Will thinkfluence for food - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The University of California, Berkeley, paid $200,000 to consultants to improve the national and international image of Chancellor Nicholas Dirks, who announced Tuesday that he was stepping down - "a key thought leader forming key partnerships"
Nate Parker, 'The Birth of a Nation,' and the Court of Public Opinion - The Atlantic - The up-and-coming filmmaker is under intense scrutiny for rape charges leveled against him 17 years ago
Nate Parker and the Limits of Empathy - The New York Times
'It feels like censorship' - Guardian readers on NPR's decision to close comments
How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet | TIME - They're turning the web into a cesspool of aggression and violence. What watching them is doing to the rest of us may be even worse (trolls are "stalkers" who harrass women)
Twitter rolls out quality filter setting to all users | Venture | Social | by Ken Yeung - which automatically screens out tweets from suspicious accounts and hopefully will minimize or eliminate abuse from taking place on the platform.
Time to listen to the ice scientists about the Arctic death spiral | Opinion | The Guardian - We must reduce emissions, fast, or the human castastrophe predicted by ocean scientist Peter Wadhams will become reality - the ice world, or the cryosphere, and in just 30 years has seen unimaginable change.
How is there still no funding act for Zika? | Liz Seegert | Opinion | The Guardian - The need for more testing grows ever more dire. But it's unclear how states will afford it, potentially allowing the virus to spread unnoticed (Republicans don't believe in germs)
- Tony Perkins blamed gays for God's wrath. Then his house was swept away - Perkins also frequently compares homosexuality to pedophilia ... "Our house flooded, a few of our cars flooded" (only a "few" of them)
Divine wrath for thee, nearer my God for me - Lawyers, Guns & Money : When God tries to flush Perkins like an oily turd, it is a sign that it's time to fleece the following some more Jesus loves him.
Tony Perkins | Southern Poverty Law Center (a "good Christian")
Mounting Evidence Indicates Ryan Lochte Fabricated Rio Robbery Story - Brazilian police say Lochte's teammates admitted it was a lie
Ryan Lochte in hot water: Internet goes nuts with memes | (Ryan goes meme-viral)
U.S. Swimmers Pulled From Flights In Rio After Robbery Accusations - Olympic Gold medalist Ryan Lochte, also involved in the incident, had already returned to the U.S.
2 US Olympic Swimmers Pulled From Flight Amid Ryan Lochte's Claims of Robbery in Rio - ABC News
Ryan Lochte leaves Rio as police announce he's under investigation over gunpoint robbery claims | Daily Mail Online
Exclusive: Team GB member held up at gunpoint at Rio Olympics | Sport | The Guardian - A member of the British Olympic team in Rio has been held up at gunpoint while enjoying a night on the town. (cops will arrest him)
U.N. Admits Role in Cholera Epidemic in Haiti - The New York Times - killing thousands of Haitians nearly six years ago, (United liars)
Two Car Bombs Kill At Least 7 And Wound Hundreds In Southeast Turkey - The government blamed Kurdish militants for the attack.
Uncovering the brutal truth about the British empire | Marc Parry | News | The Guardian
Fake human sacrifice filmed at Cern, with pranking scientists suspected | Science | The Guardian
Clinton Foundation hired cyber firm after suspected hacking: sources | Reuters (always way behind the curve)
Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball ; Clinton Rises To 348 Electoral Votes, Trump Drops To 190 - Clinton now above 270 Safe or Likely Democratic electoral votes for the first time
- Election Update: Why Clinton Doesn't Have This Race Locked Up
- The Era of 'The Bitch' is Coming - A Hillary Clinton presidential victory promises to usher in a new age of public misogyny. (Hildebeest is coming for your dick)
CNN Anchor Owns Trump Adviser After He Asks For Proof Campaign Is In Trouble - Says who? Everyone.
Fox News Host Eric Bolling Gets Called Out After Epic Meltdown Over Polls - Bolling claims crowd size is more important than poll results.
This Should Solve All Of Your Problems - Lawyers, Guns & Money : If you are a liberal and are not Thomas Frank, you will recognize this as excellent news, because the bigger Trump loses the better. We are already starting to get into territory where Trump could threaten the Republican House majority:
Eschaton: Never Go The Full Trump - Apparently the seat of power of the Republican party has moved from Fox/Limbaugh to Breitbart. - I do miss the Republican party of that nice Jeff Sessions.
- Alt Right Rejoices at Donald Trump's Steve Bannon Hire
Donald Trump's campaign is basically a RSS feed of Russian disinformation and white supremacist sites - Lawyers, Guns & Money
- Jared Kushner's Second Act
Trump's damage has already been done: He has nurtured a generation of racist bullies - Win or lose, Trump has inspired a new wave of racial hostility in America, and capitalized on it
The Justice Department Is Going To Stop Using Private Prisons - The announcement follows a damning report on the safety conditions in contracted facilities. (Pres Mittens would never have done this)
alicublog: BUTCH, PLEASE.
There's A Strange Link Between Height And Political Conservatism - Recent research involving surveys of people in the U.K. suggests that taller people are more likely to hold certain politically conservative views, and to vote for right-wing politicians. the fact that height predicts political preferences is driven by the fact that taller people generally earn more (height and money makes you evil)
North Carolina Tries To Save Its Racist Vote Suppression Law - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The Democratic Attorney General of North Carolina is unwilling to defend the state's We Will Stop African-Americans From Voting And We Can't Even Be Bothered To Pretend Otherwise Act, which was recently nuked from orbit by the Fourth Circuit. (taxpayer money)
Omaha dad finds pot brownies, eats 4 of them, says mean things to cat | Omaha Metro | - crawling around on the floor, randomly using profanities and calling the family cat a 'bitch'
NPR is killing off comments. That's great news ... realized that there are other, better ways to achieve the same kind of community discussion around the issues we raise in our journalism ... In July, recorded nearly 33 million unique users, and 491,000 comments. But those comments came from just 19,400 commenters, Montgomery said. That's 0.06 percent of users who are commenting, a number that has stayed steady through 2016.
How The Internet* Talks | FiveThirtyEight
Peter Thiel's War On Gawker: A Timeline
Peter Thiel Explains Why He Endorsed Donald Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Microsoft admits to distributing Windows printing bugs in KB 3177725 and KB 3176493 | InfoWorld - Attention Windows users: You can speed up your update scans or you can print multiple documents. In the wacky world of Windows, you can't do both.
More Win 10 Anniversary Update problems -- and what to do about them | InfoWorld
As Louisiana Floodwaters Recede, the Scope of Disaster Comes Into View - The New York Times - Louisiana officials said Tuesday that at least 11 people had died, and that about 30,000 people had been rescued.
See aerial footage of flooding devastation in Baton Rouge area |
Louisiana's quiet crisis: Cable news and the folly of disaster porn coverage - The worst natural disaster since Hurricane Sandy is happening right now. So why is the media downplaying it? (Trump+Olympics+crooked Hillary is all they can handle) Sadly, this is not surprising. There is no such thing as television news in this country. There are networks that peddle entertainment under the guise of news
Tens of Thousands Evacuated as Fire Rages in Southern California - The New York Times (LA drowning, CA burning down)
Southern California Bluecut Fire Forces Mass Evacuations - Wildfires are raging in the western U.S., in what has been a deadly wildfire season. Authorities in southern California ordered the evacuation of 82,000 people on Tuesday
July 2016 Was The Hottest Month Ever Recorded - The hottest month since at least 1880 continues a streak of record-smashing temperatures.
- 5,400 diagnosed with cancers linked to September 11 attacks (Bush: the gift that keeps on giving)
'Shadow Brokers' Leak Raises Alarming Question: Was the N.S.A. Hacked? (were they running their own email server?)
Brazilian Police Arrest Olympics Official For Scalping Tickets - Patrick Hickey is the head of the European Olympics Committee. (corrupt from top to bottom)
After Massive Crackdown, Turkey To Release 38,000 Prisoners To Make Space For Alleged Coup Plotters (Sultan "Tiny Dick" Erdofuck ran out of cells)
Aetna CEO Threatened Obamacare Pullout If Feds Opposed Humana Merger - Give us our merger or we'll quit Obamacare, the insurer told Justice Department officials in a July letter. (time for single-payer, dudes)
Donald Trump, in Shake-Up, Hires Breitbart Executive for Top Campaign Post - The New York Times (race to the bottom)
Donald Trump Attempts To Salvage His Campaign With Leadership Shakeup - A top Breitbart News executive will be his new campaign manager.
- Staff Shakeup Signals a Return to Donald Trump's Rebellious Roots (full rebel yell) The hiring of a hard-right provocateur concerns some Republicans
Donald Trump Is The Candidate From Breitbart News
Trump shakes up campaign, demotes top adviser - The Washington Post - Stephen Bannon, a former banker who runs the influential conservative outlet Breitbart News and is known for his fiercely anti-establishment politics, has been named the Trump campaign's chief executive
Donald Trump Attempts To Salvage His Campaign With Leadership Shakeup - A top Breitbart News executive will be his new campaign manager.
Donald Trump To Bring Adviser With Russia Ties To Classified Briefing - Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn will join Trump (Putin is winning this)
Is Donald Trump's Popularity Fueled By Racism Or Economic Anxiety? Yes. - Decades of research backs it up. In 1959, psychologist Seymour Martin Lipset found that the prevalence of labor unions in the United States curbed authoritarian impulses in the electorate. (so, the authoritarian Republicans got rid of unions)
Donald Trump: The New York Times Is Biased Because 'It's Owned By Mexico' - "A rich guy in Mexico actually has power at The New York Times. I wonder why they don't like us" - Trump was referring to Carlos Slim, the Mexican billionaire who gave The New York Times Co. a $250 million loan in 2009. Last year, he exercised his options to acquire 15.9 million shares in the company, becoming its largest stakeholder. (so, he's right)
Eschaton: Both Sides - As we tried to tell them, The Right will hate you no matter what you do or how many of them get columns and teevee shows and permanent offices at Meet the Press. And here we are ("both sides" = "one side")
When a right-wing radio host reveals the truth - At his rallies, which in recent days have again begun to resemble the outtakes from Triumph of the Will, The Donald has urged his supporters to yell, taunt, and give the one-fingered salute to reporters already penned-in, like sitting ducks in a barrel.
Liz Cheney Claims Victory In Wyoming Primary For U.S. House Seat - "I'm honored by the trust Wyoming Republicans have placed in me to serve as our next Representative in Congress." (good job, WY!) Wyoming is a reliably red state, with the Republican primary winner all but assured of a general election victory in November.
Oregon standoff defendant Jon Ritzheimer pleads guilty in federal conspiracy case |
Prosecutors in Oregon standoff case admit faux pas in Facebook account sharing |
Corey Lequieu becomes first Oregon standoff defendant sent to prison in conspiracy case |
Co-chair of Trump veterans group pleads guilty in 2014 Bundy standoff - Gerald DeLemus - Susan DeLemus, who is a Republican state representative in New Hampshire
The Ballad of the Malheur Patriots (Song of the Oregon Wildlife Refuge Standoff) - YouTube
'It is a hostile workplace': As Sheriff Dan Staton retires, notes from inquiry emerge |
9th Circuit Court bars feds from prosecuting medical marijuana cases | (Obama's war on pot)
City of Omaha bulldozes pothole-filled street after complaints, residents still complaining about new dirt road - The Denver Post - "Smaller government is better, but we still want our roads to function" (="we want someone else to pay for it")
My old school - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Leo Botstein has been, among many other things, president of Bard College for the past four decades. This profile, published in the New Yorker a couple of years ago, describes Botstein as being extremely good at raising money but even better at spending it: (and terrible at math)
Ask Well: Can Naps Make Up for Sleep Deficits? - The New York Times - No. Unfortunately, sleep does not work that way. Substituting periodic naps for one consolidated night of sleep creates severe sleep deprivation
First 'gold-standard' trial of ketamine's anti-depressant effects launched
Osteoporosis, a Disease With Few Treatment Options, May Soon Have One More - The New York Times - If the Radius drug is approved, it would compete with Forteo, whose average retail price is now $3,100 for a four-week supply,
Show Down at Aspen - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Hunter S. Thompson's 1970 campaign for mayor of Aspen
What happened when Hunter Thompson told me Garry Trudeau was spying on him. - What happened when Hunter Thompson told me Garry Trudeau was spying on him.
Doonesbury Strip - March 7 2005
Univision Buying Gawker Media For $135 Million - Spanish-language broadcaster will add to its stable of digital, millennial-geared properties.
Pesticides linked to large-scale population extinctionsof wild bees - Insects play a key role in pollination of crops but many species are believed to be in trouble (Big Poison lied)
Federal Judge Says Real-Time Cell Location Info -- Whether Obtained With A Stingray Or Not -- Requires The Use Of A Warrant | Techdirt
Snowden speculates leak of NSA spying tools is tied to Russian DNC hack | Ars Technica
- Hackers Have Allegedly Stolen NSA-Linked 'Cyber Weapons' and Are Auctioning Them Off
Someone is Spying on the Researchers Behind the Veracrypt Audit : technology
German govt: Turkey supports terror groups in Middle East - politico - central platform for action for Islamist groups (Sultan Erdogan's Caliphate)
Turkey accused of legalising sex with children - Ministers say critics are 'misinformed' and 'spreading lies' that could tarnish the country's reputation
Duterte's Brutal Drug War Skyrockets Killings In The Philippines - Hundreds are being shot dead in the street.
Gunmen in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Kidnap Up to Dozen People - The New York Times - both the kidnappers and their victims were members of criminal organizations.
Sex pigs halt traffic after laser attack on Pokimon teens - The Local
As Canada Moves to Legalize Marijuana, Shop Owners Ask: Why Wait? - The New York Times - entrepreneurs have opened hundreds of illicit dispensaries across Canada, selling products like organic marijuana buds and potent cannabis concentrates, while local governments and the police have tended to look the other way.
How Do Trump's Conspiracy Theories Go Over in the Middle East? Dangerously. - Egypt's ormer culture minister to a former deputy prime minister of Iraq, have publicly ventured conspiracy theories that Washington created the Islamic State. (cause and effect is very hard to follow +NYT publishes this long article that never once says who if not U.S., who did?)
Insurer exit darkens ObamaCare picture | TheHill
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner jet ski off Croatia on Democratic Hollywood's boat | Daily Mail Online
- Fact-checking Donald Trump's 'major' speech on the Islamic State (Republicans lie, constantly)
- The dark history of Donald Trump's rightwing revolt - his message of cultural and racial resentment has deep roots in the American right (and deep stupidity)
Troll So Hard: Harry Reid Demands That Trump Take The Naturalization Test - "He would almost certainly fail, given his general ignorance and weak grasp of basic facts about American history, principles and functioning of our government"
Trump Adviser Clarifies: Clinton Should Be Executed, Not Assassinated
Donald Trump finally found a poll he wants to tweet - The Washington Post - just a 2-point race, Clinton 38%, Trump 36 (when you've lost Zogby)
Right now polls show Donald Trump losing every single swing state - Vox - Clinton currently has very large leads in enough states to give her the presidency
Trump unpopularity fuels wide lead for Clinton in new Virginia poll - The Washington Post
- Poll: Clinton Maintains Big Lead as Voters Doubt Trump's Temperament ("sanity")
- Early Voting Limits Donald Trump's Time to Turn Campaign Around
READ: GOPers Urge RNC To Cut Off Funding To Trump In Open Letter - More than 100 Republicans
Roger Ailes Is Advising Donald Trump Ahead of Presidential Debates - The New York Times (birds of a feather)
GOP's Chances Of Holding The Senate Are Following Trump Downhill (bye-bye Teaparty Kelly)
Kelly Ayotte: I will 'stand up' to Trump but will vote for him
Here's why we're still arguing about trickle-down tax policy ... I wish I could stop wasting time arguing against the junk economics that claims trickle-down works. But this dark fantasy goes deep, and it's blocking needed changes in tax policy, fomenting gridlock, and promoting fact-free policy analysis in a crucial area of political economy. (hello, Kansas)
Trump may cost the GOP a generation of voters - The Washington Post (Bush should have accomplised that)
The Psychiatric Question: Is It Fair to Analyze Donald Trump From Afar? - The New York Times (breaking the Goldwater Rule)
Clinton Super-PAC Going Dark in Colorado and Pennsylvania - Bloomberg Politics
Hillary Clinton's breakout moment at Wellesley College (social justice warrior rebuked Ed Brooke, Wellesley Pres apologized for her)
Jury: A.G. Kane guilty of perjury, obstruction, all other charges
'I'm not a Mormon': fresh 'mass resignation' over anti-LGBT beliefs
New York To Pay $4.5 Million To Settle Police Killing Lawsuit - The New York City Housing Authority and Officer Peter Liang will pay a combined $425,000 to help settle the lawsuit.
Guns Don't Kill People - The ability of people involved in "domestic disputes" to acquire handguns the very next day is the only thing standing between us and tyranny ... Mark Short Sr. was the gunman, killing his wife Megan and their children before shooting himself.
Father Suspected To Be Gunman in Pennsylvania Shooting That Killed Entire Family (family says he was a "good guy" just trying to hold his family together)
Fremont: Man who drugged, assaulted women he met online gets 20 years in prison - Mercury News - When he met a woman in person, Jin would give the victim an alcohol drink spiked with Xanax. When the woman fell unconscious, Jin would sexually assault her.
A Halifax Transit bus driver left his job Friday after being accused of child luring; the same driver was one of two drivers accused of child luring two years ago - Creep Catchers pose on social media as young girls, and wait for men to contact them for sex. Then, the Creep Catchers arrange a meeting with a man and confront him, posting the video online for the purposes of public shaming.
Caitlyn Jenner's 'I am Cait' Cancelled After 2 Seasons at E! - I stopped watching because watching Caitlyn trample all over her families feelings with all the sensitivity of a tank made me feel a little ill. Also, the complete lack of awareness about how difficult other trans people have it. Caitlyn can kind of be an asshole.
Death by Medical Error: Adding Context to Scary Headlines - The New York Times - a study in the BMJ declared that number has now risen to more than 250,000, making preventable medical errors in hospitals the third-largest cause of death in the country in 2013. (either way, more than cars and guns)
What makes marijuana users different from everyone else - The Washington Post - many of those frequent users are poor and lack a high-school diploma. Adults with less than a high school education accounted for 19 percent of all marijuana use in 2012 and 2013 (compared to 13 percent of the total adult population) ... a sharp contrast between what policy is best for the typical user versus what is best for the people who consume most of the marijuana
Today's men are not nearly as strong as their dads were, researchers say - Millennial women fared much less worse in the study (gettin' stronger)
Arlington studying a plan that would pay for your Uber to Metro - The Washington Post - Arlington County is looking to partner with transportation providers such as Uber and Lyft to offer residents rides from more remote residential areas of the county where bus service to Metro stations is limited.
Traces of sun storms locked in tree rings could confirm ancient historical dates | Science | The Guardian - Anew science, astrochronology, could finally fix precise dates for key events in prehistory using traces of violent solar storms preserved by trees
Schizophrenia emerged after humans diverged from Neanderthals according to a new study. : science
Acetaminophen during pregnancy linked to ADHD : news
Couples of Reddit what are fun things you should do with your SO at least once? : AskReddit
The Obesity Epidemic in America : funny
Chatbot lawyer that overturned 170,000 parking tickets now helps fight homelessness | Ars Technica UK - robot lawyer
Burkinis banned in Corsica after beach brawl involving harpoons and hatchets. : worldnews
Austria arrests nine Iraqis over gang rape of German woman | Reuters
UN Secretary-General Condemns Saudi Airstrike On Yemen School That Killed 10 Children - More than two dozen children were also wounded in the attack.
Suspected Queens shooter of Imam and friend nabbed by cops - NY Daily News - Sources pointed to an ongoing feud between Muslims and Hispanics in the neighborhood, saying the shooting may have been payback after a group of Muslims allegedly attacked some Hispanics a few weeks earlier.
2 Killings Near Mosque Plunge a Queens Neighborhood Into Fear - The New York Times - Even so, many in the neighborhood were not waiting for an official declaration, saying unequivocally that the killings were a reflection of a particularly hostile moment for Muslims in the United States (or not)
Milwaukee man shot by police seen with gun in body camera footage, officials say | Fox News - no sound of the critical moments because Milwaukee police body cameras do not begin recording audio for 30 seconds (and the reason for that is?)
Man killed by Milwaukee police had lengthy record - Sylville Smith, 23, was fatally shot after he refused to drop a gun, which was loaded with 23 rounds, police said.
- Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump's Campaign Chief - Paul Manafort ($20mil)
Report: Documents show millions in payments to Trump campaign manager from pro-Russian group | - Manafort's name appeared at least 22 times in a secret, hand-written ledger, discovered by Ukraine's National Anti-Corruption Bureau, the paper reported, with payments of $12.7 million allegedly changing hands over the course of five years.
GOP's New Delusion: Hillary Would Be Losing Badly to Any Other Republican
Pollsters: Trump approaching zero hour - politico - Candidates polling ahead after the conventions have won the popular vote in 16 straight elections.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton (6.8%)
Even Donald Trump's Supporters Are Telling Him To Release His Tax Returns
Republicans Got Totally Scammed By Donald Trump's Creation Myth Ignoring evidence, the party bought into the image of a savvy, successful businessman.
New Poll Shows Millennial Voters Fleeing Donald Trump Like The Plague | RedState
I Might Lie to You - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Trump is telling the truth for once!
Billy West Reads Donald Trump Quotes In The Voice Of Zapp Brannigan From 'Futurama'
Why I don't think it makes sense to attribute Trump's support to economic anxiety - it's racial resentment that drives who does and doesn't support Trump (no dog whistles for him) < br /> The Trump vote: New data reveals hints as to who is most likely to pull the lever for Trump - - A new Gallup analysis undermines some assumptions about Trump voters, and confirms that race plays a huge role
Donald Trump Is Apparently Ignorant About What Freedom of the Press Means | Mediaite - Crooked Hillary Clinton is being protected by the media. She is not a talented person or politician. The dishonest media refuses to expose!
What's the Matter With Thomas Frank? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Fox News confronts (but just barely) a scandal in its own house - The Washington Post - Fox has devoted a total of about 11 minutes of airtime to the news about Ailes over the past five weeks (30 seconds/day: the harrasserbros remain in charge)
- The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore Canceled by Comedy Central
Aerobic Exercise Improves Cognitive Functioning in People With Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Do women's periods really synchronise when they live together? (no, another '70's myth)
Girl uses Fifty Shades of Grey as basis for false rape claims against her father : news
Girl uses Fifty Shades of Grey as basis for false rape claims against her father - Barrister speed reads novel, then gets girl to confess after seven minutes of cross-examination
Woman And Suspect In Swiss Train Attack Die Of Their Injuries - Two girls are also in serious condition
Women burn burqas, men cut beards as Syrian town celebrates IS ouster - Times of India - According to the Observatory, 437 civilians, including more than 100 children, were killed in the battle for Manbij and surrounding territory.
'We want cash' : Drug agents seize $209mn in random profiling of 5,200 travelers - report (one of the world's largest organized crime rings)
Violence erupts after officer-involved shooting ("officer-involved" = "killed by cop"
Violent Protests Erupt In Milwaukee After Police Kill Suspect At Traffic Stop - A crowd of more than 100 people hurled rocks as police officers attempted to disperse the protesters.
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke requests mobilization of National Guard : news
Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter: "#BlackLivesMatter rioters target whites: "They beating up all the white people." #Milwaukee"
Has Donald Trump hit bottom? - The Washington Post - The unraveling of Donald Trump's candidacy continues apace, a long and steady decline since the high point three months ago. If he were deliberately trying to avoid winning the election, he could hardly be doing a better job.
- How Democrats could win the House: With lots of help (and no fuckups)
- How Trump Remixed the Republican 'Southern Strategy' - The presidential candidate has resurrected divisive GOP campaign tactics that target and alienate minorities.
Once in control of their party, conservatives agonize over the election and beyond - The Washington Post
Trump refuses to disclose his bundlers. What is he hiding? - The Washington Post
The Trump we saw: Populist, frustrating, naive, wise, forever on the make - The Washington Post - He rarely refused to answer our questions, but when the subject was uncomfortable or raised doubts about some of his past decisions, he often gave us disjointed answers that steered into completely unrelated matters. (telling it like it is)
13-year old Staten Island Boy Commits Suicide After Bullying; suicide note says school officials did nothing to help : news
Sausage Party review - Seth Rogen's surprisingly tasty supermarket sweep | Film | The Guardian
- What event divided your life into 'before and after'
Pokimon Go's augmented reality is augmenting the reality of this small town
- Officials: 1 in 4 people in Puerto Rico will have Zika by year's end
America's Latest 500-Year Rainstorm Is Underway Right Now in Louisiana - classic signal of climate change
More than 1,000 rescued as Louisiana swamped by 'unprecedented' flooding |
EPA Fracking Report Needs Some Big Revisions, Says Science Advisory Board - This letter is pretty scathing, for scientists at least. (remember when Obama said no problems?)
The Caliphate Of Sultan Erdogan
Kyrgyzstan president - Women in mini skirts don't become suicide bombers (they become bombshells)
- Sexual assaults on children at Greek refugee camps Charities claim youngsters and women are too afraid to leave tents after dark at government-run camps
Hacker Releases More Democratic Party Documents - The New York Times - A hacker believed to be tied to the Russian intelligence services made public another set of internal Democratic Party documents on Friday, including the personal cellphone numbers and email addresses of nearly 200 lawmakers.
Trump allies, WikiLeaks and Russia are pushing a nonsensical conspiracy theory about the DNC hacks - The Washington Post
Inside the Failing Mission to Save Donald Trump From Himself - The New York Times - Advisers who once hoped a Pygmalion-like transformation would refashion a crudely effective political showman into a plausible American president now increasingly concede that Mr. Trump may be beyond coaching
Why Trump's Crazy Talk About Obama and ISIS Matters
GOP could be near Trump breaking point; frustration abounds
- Trump Spox Katrina Pierson: We Weren't in Afghanistan Until Obama Decided to Go In (history, how does it work?)
- Sean Hannity is Melting Down Already Because He Knows He'll be to Blame For Hillary Winning (and JoeScar and the Meat Puppet, also)
Donald Trump's Plan of Committing Massive Blunders While Not Advertising Is Going Well
5 Kinds of Republicans Defecting From the Party of Trump
- Avenging Angels - The New York Values that Shaped Donald Trump
Donald Trump: 'Cheating' is only way Hillary Clinton will win Pennsylvania
Donald Trump: Clinton Can Only Win Pennsylvania If 'They Cheat'
A Reminder That Donald Trump Did Not Oppose The Iraq War From The Very Beginning
- New Study Reveals That the Washington Post Is Eager to Dismiss Economic Explanations for Trump's Rise (just concern for their less-well-off neighbors)
Pat Buchanan: If Trump Loses, There Could Be A Revolution | Right Wing Watch ("2nd Amendment remedies")
BREAKING: Illinois Governor Vetoes Law That Would Have Registered 2 Million Voters - ThinkProgress - Republican Governor Bruce Rauner vetoed a bill that would have made the state the sixth in the nation to automatically register millions of voters.
Murdoch Promotes Roger Ailes Loyalists to Run Fox News
Prosecutor: Officers made up shooting story; both on leave - The Washington Post - A Missouri prosecutor has dropped charges against a man who was accused of trying to shoot a police officer to avoid arrest, saying he thinks the two officers who were there lied about what happened and that their supervisor covered it up so that the criminal case could proceed.
Iowa man arrested for flying American flag upside down. : news
I'm scared of what the estrogen shortage might do to trans women like me | Hannah Simpson | Opinion | The Guardian
Anthony Weiner caught in new flirty online chat | New York Post - "deceptively strong .?.?. like a mongoose"
Silicon Valley CEO who allegedly kicked girlfriend 117 times gets one year in jail | Technology | The Guardian - Former tech mogul Gurbaksh Chahal, who had pleaded guilty over the 2013 attack that was caught on camera, was sentenced for violating probation
The 5 Missteps That Toppled Linda Katehi - The Chronicle of Higher Education (they finally dumped her)
List of countries by length of coastline (Canada and Norway)
Students who've had sex with their teachers, at what point did your relationship turn physical? How do you feel about it now? : AskReddit
People revving your engines at 8am on a Saturday...whatcha doin'? : AskReddit - One of my housemates was on Ambien a while back, and I kept odd hours. I miss watching her climb out her (first floor) window and have arguments with squirrels. In squirrel.
Appeals Court Says It's Perfectly Fine For The DOJ To Steal Kim Dotcom's Money Before Any Trial | Techdirt - from the this-is-pretty-fucked-up dept
Facebook Facing Heavy Criticism After Removing Major Atheist Pages : technology
In exile, Edward Snowden rakes in speaking fees while hoping for a pardon (Obama will never, ever, pardon him)
As Zika Threat Looms, Texas Funnels Women's Health Money To Anti-Abortion Group - Critics say a $1.6 million grant should have gone to health facilities prepared to deal with Zika-related concerns. (win-win for Rethugs)
Thailand Resort Shaken By More Blasts Hours After Deadly Bombing - Two people died and at least 24 were injured in four of the bombings at a resort south of Bangkok.
London Schoolgirl Who Left To Join ISIS Killed In Syria, Lawyer Says - Kadiza Sultana reportedly died in a Russian airstrike as she was making plans to return to Britain.
Britain's Paper Tigers - a following largely inspired by its deliberate, offhand meanness, specializing in articles written by women for women who hate women
Bomb! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : A new survey on the use of aerial bombing during the Vietnam War has seemingly confirmed what many suspected: the systematic bombing of South Vietnam detracted from, rather than furthered, U.S. war aims. (and Cambodia?)
McCain Should Stop Meddling in the Bergdahl Case - The New York Times (he's always been an entitled asshole)
The Election Won't Be Rigged. But It Could Be Hacked. (Bush's voting machines have no paper trail)
Clinton releases 2015 tax return, calls on Trump to release his - The Washington Post
New Polls Show Clinton Leading In Four Crucial States
A massive new study debunks a widespread theory for Donald Trump's success -- , those who view Trump favorably have not been disproportionately affected by foreign trade or immigration, compared to people with unfavorable views of the Republican presidential nominee. The results suggest that his supporters, on average, do not have lower incomes than other Americans, nor are they more likely to be unemployed ... Trump supporters might not be experiencing acute economic distress, but they are living in places that lack economic opportunity for the next generation.
Pieces of Silver - The New York Times - obvious to everyone with open eyes that Donald Trump is an ignorant, wildly dishonest, erratic, immature, bullying egomaniac. On the other hand, he's a terrible person
If Donald Trump loses, will the Republican party sink with him? | US news | The Guardian
- GOP insiders: Trump can't win - it would take video evidence of a smiling Hillary drowning a litter of puppies while terrorists surrounded her with chants of 'death to America' said an Iowa Republican.
Experts Reject Trump's Claim That Obama Founded ISIS - time for Trump to beef up his team of foreign policy advisors.
Donald Trump Is Now Calling Obama The 'Most Valuable Player' For ISIS
Trump Calls Comments About Obama Founding ISIS 'Sarcasm' - Just kidding!
The Donald Trump interview that should terrify national Republicans, annotated - The Washington Post
Trump says he'd try U.S. citizens in Gitmo military tribunals (he will send all the reporters to Cuba)
Trump Says He'd Try Americans At Gitmo. Which Is Illegal. - Minor details though, right?
Conservative Legal Scholars Prefer A Liberal Supreme Court To A President Trump
Fred Trump Taught His Son the Essentials of Showboating Self-Promotion - The New York Times
Donald Trump Just Named A Discredited Fabulist To His Econ Team - Betsy McCaughey built a career out of saying bombastic, completely false things about health care reform
Eschaton: Thanks, Andy - And before Betsy McCaughey did her best to torpedo Obamacare, she wrote the infamous bullshit article for TNR which helped to torpedo Hillarycare. Weird life mission. (mouthpiece of evil)
Trump Makes Play For Critical Andrew Sullivan Constituency - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Serial fabricator Betsy McCaughey recently made arguably the most ridiculous argument she's made in a pundit career consisting entirely of ridiculous arguments, describing Donald J. Trump as a serious policy wonk. You can probably see where this is going:
Trump Supporters, Circa 1949 - Lawyers, Guns & Money (marketing racial fear for, like, ever)
This Week in Dumb-as-Rocks Punditry, Featuring the National Review and NPR Both-Siderism - Ron Elving of NPR who, just when most of the political media is realizing that the candidacy of He, Trump pretty much has blown up Both Sides Do It as a template for political analysis, has decided that the rubble of that template is worth picking through to see if somebody left some loose change behind. (NPR)
- : campus rape victim demands to be heard - Colorado student Austin Wilkerson avoided prison time for raping an intoxicated woman. Now she wants to share her court statement with the world
Jerry Sandusky flatly denies molesting boys in bid for retrial |
Chicago mother sues CPS, claims security guard handcuffed 6-year-old daughter at Fernwood Elementary School | - a security guard at Fernwood Elementary School put her daughter in handcuffs in March for allegedly taking a piece of candy. Madisyn Moore was left alone under a stairwell by the boilers for more than an hour, her mother said. (cop-bullies)
Brendan Dassey's Conviction Overturned After 'Making A Murderer' Tells His Story
Marijuana to remain illegal under federal law, DEA says : news
Mystery object in weird orbit beyond Neptune cannot be explained | New Scientist
TIL a small part of the brain that controls sexual behavior is twice as large in men than in women, except for gay men. A human study found that in most gay men, this area is significantly smaller than in straight men. The same phenomenon has been found in homosexual rams. : todayilearned
Have we detected an alien megastructure in space? Keep an open mind | Seth Shostak | Opinion | The Guardian - KIC 8462852, aka Tabby's, shows a pattern of behavior that has perplexed scientists and fascinated amateurs
More Old Than Young: A Demographic Spreads Around the Globe - Bloomberg - By 2030, 56 countries will have more people aged 65 and over than children under 15
Fractured Lands: How the Arab World Came Apart - The New York Times
Hack of Democrats' Accounts Was Wider Than Believed, Officials Say - breached the private email accounts of more than 100 party officials and groups, officials with knowledge of the case said Wednesday
Democrat Xavier Becerra Sees House Control Within Reach - Washington Wire - WSJ
Why Georgia is looking peachy for Hillary Clinton.
North Carolina Races Tight Across The Board - Public Policy Polling
Email: Trump campaign scrambling in SW Ohio - Hamilton County, a key county in a swing state crucial to a Republican victory,
Eschaton: Everybody Loves Henry - what advantages are there to publicly embracing Henry Kissinger and Negroponte? Is there a single voter out there who ponders to her/himself, "Well, I was on the fence a bit, but now that those brutal amoral assholes Kissinger and Negroponte are on board, I trust that Clinton will support enough political violence to make me happy?" Well I'm sure there are a few, but they all write for the Washington Post op-ed pages.
Republicans have themselves to blame for the slow economy, study says | Business | The Guardian - Report blames lackluster pace of recovery on GOP-led budget cuts, unwillingness of local officials to spend money, and their refusal to expand Medicaid (austerity + let the poors die to spite Obama)
- Inside Donald Trump 'Meltdown' - Time - sinking polls, unending attacks and public blunders have the GOP reconsidering its strategy for November (strategize away, guys)
Is it over? Abandonment of Donald Trump spreads across Republican party | US news | The Guardian
A match made in hell: Donald Trump, Mike Pence, and the bigots | John Paul Brammer | Opinion | The Guardian
- Reince Priebus reportedly threatened to dump Donald Trump
Dozens of Republicans to urge RNC to cut off funds for Trump - POLITICO - The open letter pushes the RNC to shift resources to Senate and House races.
Donald Trump Says Obama, Clinton The 'Founder' And 'Co-Founder' Of ISIS - Lock her up!
- Trump Cites Iraq Withdrawal He Passionately Supported To Say Obama 'Founded ISIS'
Rudy Giuliani Agrees With Donald Trump That Obama Founded ISIS
Trump predicts winning the presidency will get him into heaven - politico - And once I get in, I will do my thing that I do very well.
- Too good to check: Sean Hannity's tale of a Trump rescue
The Party of Lincoln Becoming the Party of Calhoun In One Chart - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Lee Drutman on Twitter: "In case you weren't convinced Democrats are becoming the cosmopolitan elite party." ("elite" "went to college and got a lot of debt")
Is Trump Wrecking Both Parties? - The New York Times (no)
U.S. affirms its prohibition on medical marijuana - The Washington Post (Obama and his drug warriors)
Harassment Crisis Builds at Fox News, Despite Its Swift Response - The New York Times (fire Rupert)
Policing In Baltimore is a Racist Shitshow - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Justice Department's incredibly damning report on Baltimore police, explained
Florida officer who killed woman during demonstration has checkered record | US news | The Guardian
Set To Stun - Children are being Tasered by school-based police officers. No one knows how often it's happening or what impact it's having on students.
Glenn Beck loses round in Boston Marathon bombing defamation case | Media | The Guardian - Conservative radio presenter ordered to name sources he quoted in labelling injured Saudi Arabian student the 'money man' behind 2013 attack
Housing official in Silicon Valley resigns because she can't afford to live there | Technology | The Guardian
- This Daily Beast Grindr Stunt Is Sleazy, Dangerous, and Wildly Unethical
Newspapers rethink paywalls as digital efforts sputter - Yahoo News - Paywalls were supposed to help rescue newspapers from the crisis of sinking print circulation as readers shifted to getting their news online. - But with a few exceptions, they have failed to deliver much relief, prompting some news organizations to rethink their digital strategies. (how's it working out for you, BoGlo?)
Woman tells police she was RAPED by a Pokemon Go character after she felt an assault and the virtual reality game detected the creature in her bedroom
Seas aren't just rising, scientists say -- it's worse than that. They're speeding up
The lake that left town: why is this California community drying up? | US news | The Guardian - Eagle Lake is one of the largest in the state, but receding waters have caused the town around it, and its industries, to dwindle. Is climate change to blame? (not according to the people who live there)
U.S. Special Operations troops aiding Libyan forces in major battle against Islamic State - The Washington Post (here a war, there a war)
Twitter is not legally responsible for the rise of ISIS, rules California district court - The Verge - Filed by the family of an American contractor named Lloyd Fields
Putin raises stakes over alleged Ukrainian terror plot in Crimea | World news | The Guardian - Russian president says Moscow will not ignore incidents in which two soldiers were killed, but which Kiev denies took place
The Nauru files: cache of 2,000 leaked reports reveal scale of abuse of children in Australian offshore detention | Australia news | The Guardian - details assaults, sexual assaults and self-harm
French 'burkini' pool party for Muslim women cancelled after organisers receive death threats
Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte insults US envoy with homophobic slur | World news | The Guardian - As you know, I'm fighting with (US Secretary of State John Kerry's ambassador) His gay ambassador, the son of a whore. He pissed me off,
Ex-CIA Director Who Endorsed Clinton Calls for Killing Iranians and Russians in Syria - Michael Morell (kill more civilians is always the answer to make Putin "pay a price")
House Republicans Set to Release Shortest Investigation Report Ever | Mother Jones - top brass were a little too addicted to happy talk in the war against ISIS: There was nothing that implicated either Obama or Hillary Clinton, so nobody really cared. That makes sense. (Benghazi much more important than Bush's world-destroying wars)
FirstNet Is a $47 Billion Emergency-Response Network That's Already Obsolete - FirstNet was envisioned as a way for police and firefighters to communicate with one another in the wake of 9/11. But four years later, it's still not up and running.
The $47 Billion Network That's Already Obsolete: FirstNet was envisioned as a way for police and firefighters to communicate with one another in the wake of 9/11. But four years later, it's still not running
Who Will Be President? - The New York Times - Hillary Clinton has an 86% chance of winning the presidency.
Emails Renew Questions About Clinton Foundation and State Dept. Overlap - The New York Times (meanwhile, in Hillaryland, also an astounding lack of awareness)
Hillary Clinton Should Not Brag About John Negroponte Endorsement - Iran-Contra, Honduras - A recurring series. (and who is Negroponte?) n the 1980s, he served as the U.S. ambassador to Honduras. In addition to (at best) covering for that country's murderous autocrats, he also served the Reagan Administration by helping to turn Honduras into a staging area for American-trained death squads in places like El Salvador and Guatemala.
WikiLeaks is fanning a conspiracy theory that Hillary murdered a DNC staffer. conspiracy theorists have glommed on to a fantastical story that Rich was an FBI informant meeting with purported agents who were actually a hit team sent by Hillary Clinton. (Julian off the deep end)
Let's Talk About Julian Assange's Latest Conspiracy Theory
Bloomberg Politics National Poll - Bloomberg Politics (47% of American are possessed by Satan)
Man Spotted Scaling Side of Trump Tower in New York : news
One-in-five U.S. Republicans want Trump to drop out: Reuters/Ipsos poll | Reuters
Donald Trump's problem, in a nutshell: More than half the country says they'd never vote for him (sounds like Romney or McCain, then)
Donald Trump Is the GOP's Disease in Its Terminal Stage - What nearly four decades of conservative politics hath wrought. (live by the stupid, die by the stupid)
Donald Trump's Support Among Republican Women Starts to Slide ("starts")
Trump On Second Amendment Backlash: 'I Think It's A Good Thing For Me' - The real villains, he said, are the news media.
Trump Campaign Floats Every Defense In the Book For Second Amendment Fiasco
Here's The Most Indecipherable Defense Yet Of Donald Trump's 'Second Amendment People' Remarks
Donald Trump Has A History Of Linking His Political Opponents To People's Deaths - He once implied that President Barack Obama was connected to the death of the Hawaii official who had verified his birth certificate.
The GOP must dump Trump - The Washington Post - By Joe Scarborough
Dan Rather Warns Donald Trump Supporters: 'History Is Watching' - This cannot be treated as just another outrageous moment in the campaign
Donald Trump's Newest Adviser Once Compared Syrian Refugees to Rattlesnakes - Texas ag commissioner Sid Miller (Sid, meet history)
Text analysis of Trump's tweets confirms he writes only the (angrier) Android half - Variance Explained - the Android and iPhone tweets are clearly from different people, posting during different times of day and using hashtags, links, and retweets in distinct ways. What's more, we can see that the Android tweets are angrier and more negative, while the iPhone tweets tend to be benign announcements and pictures (why is the spoiled rich kid so angry?)
Christie 'Flat Out Lied' in George Washington Bridge Case, Aide Said - when he said he did not believe any senior member of his staff knew about the plot to block traffic to the George Washington Bridge (no, really?)
Stanford trial judge handed down a four-day sentence in child abuse image case | US news | The Guardian - yet another apparent instance of over-light sentencing by Judge Aaron Perksy, who is facing recall campaign related to Brock Turner sexual assault case - found dozens of disturbing videos and images of minors, including one depicting the sexual assault of an infant (one night in the county jail)
Baltimore officials, Justice Department promise sweeping overhaul of city police - The Washington Post - indictment of "zero tolerance" and "broken windows" policing (oh look, Michael Bloomberg)
Findings of Police Bias in Baltimore Validate What Many Have Long Felt - The New York Times
Making Sense of the Damning New Baltimore Police Report - When Self-Government Dies and Nobody Seems to Care
Three-time widow goes on trial for second-degree murder in Mississippi | US news | The Guardian - Emma Raine, 52, is accused over shooting of her second husband and is a suspect in the death of her third - while the first also died mysteriously, say police
Today In Republican Policy Wonderlands - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Welcome back to Kansas, the comprehensive policy trainwreck Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan want to take national: Early in the Reagan administration, Congress decided to turn most amusement park regulation over to our benevolent local overlords. It seems to be working out great! (a few dead kids are worth it)
Verruckt, where child died Sunday, operated with little government oversight | - Open records show no federal or state inspection of deadly slide
Inspection reports reveal lack of government oversight on Verruc - KCTV5
Deadly water slide accident prompts questions on safety inspections | Local News - KMBC Home
Kansas, Where Science De-Evolves into Creation Myths - New Economic PerspectivesNew Economic Perspectives (Kansas, destroying the education of its children for decades)
Baltimore Police Used Force 2,818 Times In Six Years. They Found One Violation.
- Film-makers demand inquiry into 'targeting' of people who record police - "harrassment" of citizen journalists (America has a cop problem)
The Alan Kazdin Method for Making Your Children Behave - The Atlantic - A child psychologist argues punishment is a waste of time when trying to eliminate problem behavior. Try this instead. (talk to them)
Psychologists say single people are more fulfilled. I'm getting to understand why | Sara Benincasa | Opinion | The Guardian
Her Story: the transgender-themed web series up for a 'shock' Emmy | T elevision & radio | The Guardian
What if Addiction Is Not a Disease? - The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Biology Of Desire by Marc Lewis | Kirkus Reviews - Why Addiction Is Not a Disease
Earliest Americans could not have arrived by dry land, study indicates | Science | The Guardian - Research shows that ice age corridor between Siberia and Alaska would have been too inhospitable a migration route, contradicting longstanding theory
Replication of Big Bang reveals flaws in theory of atom formation | Ars Technica - can't account for lithium.
The rarely seen back of the Hoover Dam before it filled with water 1936 [950 W 760] : HistoryPorn
Mossberg: The 9.7-inch iPad Pro might be your lightest laptop, thanks to Logitech - The Verge - The Create keyboard finally helped the iPad Pro replace my laptop - By Walt Mossberg - using its modern, full-screen, touch-centric software. (meanwhile on planet Mossberg)
Kissinger hindered US effort to end mass killings in Argentina, according to files | World news | The Guardian - Newly declassified files show the former secretary of state jeopardized efforts to crackdown on bloodshed by Argentina's 1976-83 military dictatorship
Eschaton: Henry K. - Just the distinguished elder statesman one should have the counsel and support of: "The quicker you succeed the better," Kissinger told Argentina's foreign minister in 1976, shortly after the coup took place
US releases secret docs on Argentina's 'dirty war' (hello darkness)
Obama Administration Releases 1000 Pages on US Involvement in Argentina 'Dirty Wars' - Henry Kissinger, Hillary Clinton - President Obama Continues to Air America's Dirtiest Laundry. Take note, Hillary Clinton.
- If Hillary Clinton Seeks (or Accepts) an Endorsement from Henry Kissinger, She's Lost My Vote
Corbyn consolidates grip on Labour with high court and NEC successes | Politics | The Guardian - After court allows new party members to vote in leadership contest, Corbyn supporters sweep board in NEC elections
Stiglitz quits Panama Papers commission, cites lack of transparency - - Economist Joseph Stiglitz and anti-corruption expert Mark Pieth quit Panama Papers commission after Panama's government refuses to guarantee that their investigations will be made public
Obamacare Appears to Be Making People Healthier - The New York Times (Republicans very upset more Americans didn't just die )
Obamacare Has Made People Healthier - Obama's Affordable Care Act - Big Government strikes again.
Benghazi Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton Shows Benghazi Will Never Die - Oddly, another piece of prima facie evidence to that effect is mysteriously missing from the Times account. For that, we have to move on to The New York Post. Watch where you step - The parents of the slain Americans are being represented by Larry Klayman, a longtime foe of the Clintons (NYT doing its usual all the news you don't need to know thing)
Donald Trump Suggests Shooting Hillary Clinton, Her Supreme Court Picks, Or Both - Seriously.
Trump implies 'second amendment folks' could stop Clinton judge picks - Trump hints at assassination of Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump's 2nd Amendment Line Will End His Campaign - If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know
Is the Secret Service subtweeting Donald Trump? | - It's hard to quantify or know exactly what it means to live in a world where the Secret Service is subtweeting a candidate for President of the United States. Imagine what yourself 10 years ago would say if someone told you this was the future.
Trump says 'Second Amendment folks' could stop Clinton : politics
The Polls Aren't Skewed: Trump Really Is Losing Badly (that's not what you said two weeks ago)
Donald Trump needs a miracle to win - The Washington Post (but 46% of Americans are evil and insane)
Poll: Clinton Opens Up Double-Digit Lead Over Trump - NBC News - Hillary Clinton now holds a 10-point lead over Donald Trump, 51 percent to 41 percent, (ok, 41%)
Elizabeth Warren Was Not Pleased With Donald Trump's Economic Policy Speech - econ plan was written by rich corporate insider advisors to make the economy even greater for rich corporate insiders. (econ for dummies)
GOP senator Susan Collins: Why I cannot support Trump - The Washington Post (little Susie slowly waking up too late)
GOP Senator Won't Back Donald Trump Because He's 'Unworthy Of Being Our President' (you got what you wished for, Susie)
Here Are All The Congressional Republicans Who Have Come Out Against Donald Trump - The list just keeps on growing.
Ted Cruz May Get The Last Laugh If Donald Trump Implodes - Texas senator's decision to not endorse the GOP nominee is looking pretty good right now.
Donald Trump Responds To Critical Letter Signed By 50 Republican National Security Officials - "Well, I respond by saying that I wasn't using any of them and they would have loved to have been involved with the campaign. But I wasn't using. I had no interest in using (weird syntax of the terminal narcissist)
50 Republican National Security Officials Eviscerate Trump In Open Letter - would be the most reckless President in American history
Donald Trump's Temperament Could Explain His Abysmal Poll Numbers - Research shows that voters are more focused on candidates' personalities and statements than their policy positions.
Donald Trump Says He Will 'Absolutely' Do Three Presidential Debates - I want to debate very badly. But I have to see the conditions
The GOP tried to sink Obama. Instead, the party imploded | Richard Wolffe | Opinion | The Guardian - If your political priorities are the total defeat of a single politician - not the advancement of your own policies - it fans the flames of extremism
'Sesame Street' parodied Donald Trump in sketch 10 years ago (whoa, Donald Grump!)
Huffington Post - Never underestimate The Donald.
Trump Ally Roger Stone: The Clintons Recently Had Four People Murdered (the total is about 40)
Roger Stone Confirms That He's In Communication With Julian Assange (can't get much more flea-ridden than that)
Quake in Fear, Liberals! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Former Major League Baseball player Curt Schilling is apparently ready to bring his racism and homophobia to the White House in eight years. (the Duck Dynasty of baseball)
Eschaton: Why Not? - Schilling/Baio 2020!
- WSJ Editor Stokes Feud With Op-Ed Eviscerating Fox 'Huckster' Sean Hannity
Exclusive: Inside the Fox News Bunker | Vanity Fair - In the subterranean newsroom, fear is everywhere
Andrea Tantaros Made Harassment Claims Against Roger Ailes
- Report: Multiple Women 'Taped Talks' With Roger Ailes
Fox News staff feared Roger Ailes was monitoring them - Aug. 8, 2016 - many Fox News hosts, on-air personalities and producers have long feared that Ailes had tapped their phones and was monitoring their conversations. (what a slimeball)
CNN Host Accuses Fox News Of 'Spying' On Him Through Staffer He Dated - She was actually reporting back to Fox News about me
Justice Department report: Baltimore Police routinely violated civil rights - Baltimore Sun
We were wrong: Ending stop and frisk did not end stopping crime - NY Daily News - Not only did crime fail to rise, New York hit record lows. Post stop-and-frisk, the facts are clear: New York is safer while friction between the NYPD and the city's minority communities has eased. (Guiliani and Bloomfuck were tragically wrong)
Man Allegedly Yells 'F*** Indians' During Vicious New York City Assault - The victim is calling for hate-crime charges in the attack, captured on NYPD video.
No Child Left Behind has been unsuccessful, says bipartisan report | Education | The Guardian - Report says US has been outperformed by a majority of advanced industrial nations as well as some less-developed nations since bill was passed in 2001 (thanks, Bushbama)
Shortage of estrogen drugs in US worries trans women: 'It's my peace of mind' | Society | The Guardian
What's a good YouTube channel to binge watch? : AskReddit
What things would be taught in Flirting 101? : AskReddit
Researchers crack open unusually advanced malware that hid for 5 years : technology
'Project Sauron' malware hidden for five years - BBC News - The malware may have been designed by a state-sponsored group.
Pakistan: dozens dead as bomb hits mourners at Quetta hospital | World news | The Guardian - Explosion, reportedly killing more than 60, occurred as body of prominent lawyer Bilal Kasi arrived at hospital after he was shot
ELI5: How come Venezuela is in such a poor state if it has nearly 300 Bn barrels of proven oil reserves? : explainlikeimfive
Priest who molested 'maybe 20 boys' says he was ordered to pray as punishment | Americas | News | The Independent - Church members knew about the abuse but did not tell him to stop, according to Mr Brouillard
French girl, 16, charged with allegedly supporting Islamic State | World news | The Guardian - was administrator of Isis propaganda chat group on Telegram app
Obama and the Courts - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - One thing too few people understand is how seriously many Democratic senators -- and not just more conservative ones, but also some liberals like Leahy and Fiengold -- took the Senate's sclerotic procedural norms, including the ones Republicans were no longer adhering to. (dimbulb dems, hope Feingold has learned something)
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein (7.4% with dramaqueen Stein in the race)
Bounced - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Trump a yoooooge underdog
- Beat him like a drum: Donald Trump must not just lose in November; to correct the institutions he's broken, he must suffer a humiliating defeat - a man who has no political core, lies practically every time he speaks and is patently unstable
Reagan Republican: Trump is the emperor with no clothes -
Republicans warn Donald Trump: Right the ship or lose Senate -
Washington Monthly | Why Trump Peddles Fear while Hillary Preaches Hope - a skyrocketing violent death rate among older white Americans, even as everyone else gets safer ... a middle-aged White is at greater risk today of violent death (by suicide, accident, or murder, and especially from guns or illicit drugs) than an African American teenager or young adult. (they were always toxic and have a lot of guns)
I can no longer justify calling myself a Trump supporter | New York Post (and then you're losing the Post ...)
After Conservative Media Attacked Khizr Khan, He Started To Receive "Hateful Messages" (Michelle Malkin's/Pam Geller's flying monkeys attack)
Third Portland businessman backs away from Donald Trump |
Donald Trump Tries a Campaign Reboot - WSJ - As the GOP nominee slumps in polls, he plans an economic speech in Detroit (WSJ/Murdoch is worried)
Mark Singer on Trump: 'The wheels are starting to come off dramatically' delves into the Republican's mentality, and explains why he thinks he's destined to drop out ... Singer blames Fox News and the web for what seems to be a growing disregard for the truth (biggest quitter)
SPREAD THIS: Media RIGGING The Polls, Hiding New Evidence Proving Trump Is WINNING ("Truth Division" is going to very unhappy +"Facebook likes" ha-ha-ha)
the dumbest man on the internet - Google Search (Jim Holt, "Gateway Pundit" by far)
Family of boy arrested over homemade clock sues Texas school officials | US news | The Guardian - Federal lawsuit on behalf of Ahmed Mohamed says his civil rights were violated as school's actions prompted death threats and forced family to leave US
Police will be required to report officer-involved deaths under new US system | US news | The Guardian - Federal officials will actively work to confirm fatal cases rather than wait for voluntary reports (which were never "volunteered" by the copsters)
Portland Public Schools didn't label lead-tainted sinks out of fear people would panic | (which would have been way worse than actually having brain damage)
Two more women allege assaults by Bill Cosby; total now 60 - The Washington Post (which means it's in the hundreds +WaPo male commenters pro-rape)
Sorry, cat people. You are more likely to be single (according to Facebook) | Life and style | The Guardian - Meanwhile, dog people lean toward trashier subject matter including Fifty Shades of Grey, Step Up, The Hangover, The Hills, Duck Dynasty, Marley & Me and Eat, Pray Love. (dog people are dumb)
Why being bilingual works wonders for your brain | Science | The Guardian - Research suggests we may be predisposed to speak more than one language and that doing so brings health benefits, such as delaying the onset of dementia
- Whats a big industry secret that isn't supposed to be known by the general public?
what's that shitty thing about your city? : AskReddit
Thermostats can now get infected with ransomware, because 2016 : technology (""if it can kill you, don't connect it to the network" +"that requires pants)
The world's first website went online 25 years ago today
Most Americans Support Allowing Late-Term Abortion In Cases Of Zika-Linked Birth Defects
Rubio: No abortions for Zika-infected women - Sen. Marco Rubio said Saturday that he doesn't believe a pregnant woman infected with the Zika virus should have the right to an abortion (hates health care also)
Syrian Rebels Claim To Break Assad's Siege Of Aleppo - Pro-government media outlets denied the claim as intense fighting continues.
They're Taking Everyone - With suspicion running amok in Turkey, fear grips the country as Erdogan cracks down
Europeans Are Quietly Preparing for War with Russia
Two Police Officers Attacked with Machete in Belgium - ABC News - 'Preliminary Indications' Suggest Machete Attack Was Act of Terrorism ("Allah Akhbar" = "death to infidels!" )
From a Dacha Wall, a Clue to Raoul Wallenberg's Cold War Fate - To the Soviets occupying Budapest, the ties that Wallenberg had forged with senior Nazis and Americans smelled like espionage, with rescuing Jews an implausible cover story ... Wallenberg was executed in a Moscow prison.
Julian Assange special: Do Wikileaks have the email that will put Hillary Clinton in prison? (E376) RT - Going Underground (crooked Hillary will be in jail by November!)
Democrats feare 'October surpise' as White House ponders hack response = Security experts from both parties want to see strong action if the U.S. concludes Russia is meddling in the election.
No, WikiLeaks Isn't Trying to Hack Trump's Tax Returns (dramaqueen Julian)
The Rage Against Trade - The New York Times - both candidates have made major trade agreements an important issue in their campaigns ("trade" "hollowed out the middle class" NOT Republicans!)
Researchers or Corporate Allies? Think Tanks Blur the Line - The New York Times - Think tanks are seen as independent, but their scholars often push donors corporate influence in Washington. ("scholars" at "think tanks")
Where Are All the Republican Women? - POLITICO Magazine - There are fewer Republican women in Congress now than in 2006. The trend repeats at every level of government. Since 2006, the proportion of women in the House GOP caucus has dropped from 11 percent to just 9 percent today.
Poll finds Clinton has widened lead ahead of Trump to 8 points - The Washington Post
2016 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
Pennsylvania holds keys in Clinton-Trump tilt | TheHill - Clinton holds an 11 percent lead over Republican Donald Trump among likely voters, 49 percent to 38 percent. She has a slightly larger edge, 48 percent to 35 percent, among registered voters. (it's a close race! Trump will win!)
The new Post-ABC poll shows just how badly Donald Trump blew his convention - The Washington Post
The Party Of Honest Abe Now Stuck With Dishonest Don - Historians see in Trump the biggest liar in presidential politics. Ever.
- In N.H., Trump calls Clinton 'unstable' (said the pot) "Build that wall!! (said the crowd)
- Trump, in series of scathing personal attacks, questions Clinton's mental health
Expert Analysis of Hillary Clinton's Physical and Mental Breakdown - The agent gave Hillary Gorilla Mindset coaching on the spot, and she was finally able to continue.
- Top Nazi leader: Trump will be a 'real opportunity' for white nationalists (= "racist assholes")
Trump is right: He didn't kick a baby out of a campaign rally (and that's saying a lot, it was just his "sense of humor")
As Donald Trump Incites Feuds, Other G.O.P. Candidates Flee His Shadow - The New York Times (bye-bye, Kelly)
Christ, What an Asshole - Lawyers, Guns & Money : You all enjoy this - Today @gop commemerates the 51st anniversary of the #VotingRights Act Every American has #Right2Vote #VRA - Reince Priebus (@Reince) (irony implodes +"commemerates" spelling is hard for Republicans)
White Room Lyrics - Cream
(Karaoke) White Room by Cream - YouTube
Q&A: Ginger Baker on Why 'the Rolling Stones Are Not Good Musicians' - Rolling Stone
- Roger Ailes Used Fox News Budget to Finance 'black room' Campaigns Against His Enemies - a crucial question remains unanswered: How was Ailes able to spend millions of dollars to settle sexual harassment claims without it setting off alarm bells? (Rupert knew, of course, he should fire himself)
MyNY - BTWBush's Profile
But he can't be wounded 'cause he's got no heart
Elvis Costello - Watching The Detectives - YouTube
- Jill Stein is laying out some carefully considered foreign policy while visiting Moscow and being a useful idiot for Putin.
And for those of you who don't like sport assholes, there's sport Bill Maher - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Bill Maher's True Story tries to say something profound about stand-up, but fails spectacularly (backstory on Maher: CWAA)
Victims of abuse at private schools sometimes face retaliation instead of sympathy - The Boston Globe - at least 15 instances of apparent retaliation against students who were sexually exploited by staffers or against employees who raised concerns about alleged sexual abuse and harassment.
Spotlight: Sexual abuse at New England boarding schools - The Boston Globe - More than 200 victims. At least 90 legal claims. At least 67 private schools in New England. This is the story of hundreds of students sexually abused by staffers, and emerging from decades of silence today.
Look up details on a specific school - The Boston Globe - More than 100 private schools in New England have faced reports that their staff sexually abused or harassed students. Select a school from the dropdown menu below to explore the claims.
Lab is liquidated, and so is decade of cancer studies - The Boston Globe - Boston is a city of haves and have-nots, and a new study by the Boston Redevelopment Authority quantifies the growing divide, portraying the trend in stark numbers that show few benefits from the economic boom going to those near the bottom of the income scale.
What's ahead for Suffolk University? (BoGlo leaves George Regan under the rug)
My boyfriend was intimidated by my sexual history. So I dumped him. - The Washington Post - How many people have you slept with?
In string theory, if strings are 1-dimensional, how do they vibrate in more than 1 dimension? E.g. If a piece of paper (defined by dimensions ,y) was truly 2 dimensional, could you bend it along the z-axis? : askscience
Man awarded $150000 after Facebook post ruined his life : news
Redditor does acid for months, discovers the truth and chooses to forget. : bestof
The U.S. coast is in an unprecedented hurricane drought - why this is terrifying - The Washington Post - A major hurricane hasn't hit the U.S. Gulf or East Coast in more than a decade.
Embarrassing Photos of Me, Thanks to My Right-Wing Stalkers - The New York Times - Bill Mckibben - America Rising Squared, an arm of the Republican opposition research group America Rising, had decided to go after me and Tom Steyer, another prominent environmentalist (rightwing anti-science bullies)
In Japan, electric car charging sites surpass gas stations - Japan has more car charging sites than gas stations as electric vehicles are becoming a more viable option around the country.
Anger Grows as Taiwan Forced to Compete in Olympics as 'Chinese Taipei'
Rouen fire: at least 13 dead in birthday disaster at bar in French city | World news | The Guardian - Emergency services pull survivors from Cuba Libre where ceiling in basement apparently caught fire when birthday cake with lit candles was brought out
Thomas Salbey who stood up to Munich shooter facing charge for insulting killer | World | News | Daily Express - A MAN who famously stood up to the Munich shooter after he killed nine people is facing being charged by a prosecutor for insulting the killer.
Assailant dies after machete attack on Belgian police officers | World news | The Guardian - The officers, reportedly both women, were assaulted in Charleroi, south of Brussels, on Saturday afternoon by an attacker shouting in Arabic, police said.
Afghan girl, aged just six, sold into marriage with 55-year-old man in exchange for a GOAT | World | News | Daily Express - A HORRIFYING video has emerged which appears to show a six-year-old girl being sold into marriage with a middle aged man in exchange for a goat and a few items of food.
- Biggest story you missed: Saudi Arabia's stranded foreign workers - More than half the country is under 30 years old, and many have grown up with the expectation of easy government jobs and a lifetime of generous handouts
Dallas woman discovers new Secret Service sex scandals through public information requests : news
FBI Worked with 'Draw Muhammad' Shooter Up to Incident (FBI responsibile for most terrorist plots in America)
Julian Assange Says Wikileaks Is Working On Hacking Trump's Tax Returns
We're in a Low-Growth World. How Did We Get Here? - Economic growth in advanced nations has been weaker for longer than it has been in the lifetime of most people on earth. 81 percent of the United States population is in an income bracket with flat or declining income over the last decade.
Strong Job Gains, for Second Month, Reframe Economic Outlook - The New York Times (jobs up, growth flat)
Donald Trump Just Had Another Very Bad Polling Day - Two new surveys show him with less than 40 percent of the vote against Hillary Clinton.
For Donald Trump, this was more than a terrible week. It was a turning point | Richard Wolffe | Opinion | The Guardian - It would be tempting to say this was just another episode in the bizarre life of the Republican presidential nominee. But it was far worse
How Donald Trump Created The Worst Week Any Candidate's Ever Had - Here are all 16 of Trump's terrible gaffes this week. (dunderhead)
Donald Trump Endorses Paul Ryan and John McCain in Bid for G.O.P. Unity - The New York Times (and Ayotte who is even more toast)
Clinton winning over Hispanics, new poll shows - Univision - Clinton has dramatically increased her favorable rating among Hispanic voters, while Trump is plummeting - Donald Trump, continues to see his favorability rating sink, dropping four points since May, from 21.8% to 17.8%, while his unfavorable rating increased almost seven points from 60.8% to 67.6% (o rly)
Trump's Economic Team: Bankers and Billionaires (and All Men)
Worthy of Our Contempt - The New York Times - a YouGov survey found that 61 percent of Republicans support his call for Russian hacking of Hillary Clinton. (61% of Republicans are treasonous traitors to America)
How Paul Krugman Made Donald Trump Possible - The Daily Beast - Liberal pundits write viciously about Trump. But they wrote viciously about Romney, McCain, Bush... and they wonder why people outside their circle stopped listening. (yeah, it's all his fault)
People Aren't Really Appreciating Just How Bad Trump's Campaign Has Been - He is a neutron bomb that has gone off in the Republican Party
Questions raised about Melania's marriage history - Univision - A former lawyer for the Trump Organization adds to doubts about Melania Trump's immigration status, and how she earned U.S. residency
Trump website Won't Let Supporters Cancel Recurring Donations (his business plan)
Are You Ready for the End of the Republican Party? - It's been a long, a long time coming... (cancer on the body politic of America) Ryan Lizza of The New Yorker even posited that, as a gesture of good faith, HRC should allow the Republicans to pick a Supreme Court justice, a stratagem that has been proven to work only on The West Wing, which was not a documentary series (we're sure they would do the same)
Hillary Clinton Answer on E-mail, FBI, James Comey at Press Conference Not Good Enough - Trump is imploding. Hillary should be soaring. What's wrong? (her girlybrain short-circuited) Hell, it's barely in the neighborhood of English. It is legalistic gobbledegook. You can turn an ankle trying to get from premise to conclusion in that tangled thicket of weaselspeak (not like she didn't have time to rehearse an answer) That's the way you talk when the mule you sold somebody died on the way home.
Republicans for Hillary? Clinton campaign woos those lost by Trump | US news | The Guardian
'White Trash' - The Original Underclass
Why white trash Americans are flocking to Donald Trump
Drive-By Cuckers - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Why Angry White Men Love Calling People "Cucks" | GQ (weird denial: their "cuckservatives" are getting laid by the 1% because these idiiots voted for them so they'd get thair racisim and anti-abortion/gay/whatever)
The Trumph of the Will - Josh Marshall Published January 28, 2016 - But this driving force of Republican politics has only become more salient and central as the GOP has become increasingly dominated by core constituencies animated by anger and resentment that things to which they believe they are entitled are being taken away from them. (primitive dominance symbolism)
The Latest Anti-Abortion Stupidity - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - he hot new trend in anti-abortion laws is 'fetal burial' requirements, which force patients and healthcare providers to bury or cremate aborted and miscarried fetuses
Organizer of Bernie volunteers talks about some of the horror stories working with the campaign : bestof (good history of Sanders' campaign non-organization)
Obama for America 2012 Campaign Organization - Ohio Field Organization (Obama was organized)
Videos of deadly cop shooting show procedural errors, confusion over shots - Chicago Tribune (and cops who couldn't give a shit about killing people)
Chicago Police Release Video Of Officers Shooting Unarmed Black Teen - "B***h-ass motherf****r," one officer says before kicking Paul O'Neal who was dying (contrast w/ChiTrib story)
Group of Chicago Police officers known as the "Skullcap Crew" has been named in over 20 federal lawsuits and over 60 different misconduct complaints - Largest punishment being only 5 day suspension and have received 180 commendations
SFPD union's dog photo called insult to Black Lives Matter cause
Donald Trump Is Wrong. Police Shootings Are Not At A Record Level. - That record was set in the 1970s. (but Boston cops claim shootings are at all-time high, need machine guns and rockets)
Sheriff Raids House to Find Anonymous Blogger Who Called Him Corrupt : technology (enjoy your lawsuit, corrupt not-very-bright Sheriff Jerry Larpenter)
- I thought I was the only one - survivor of elite prep school sexual abuse speaks out - Anne Scott broke a 25-year silence to go public last year, and this week the St George's School agreed to pay compensation to victims.
'Loving wife' and 'longtime girlfriend' place dueling obituaries after N.J. man's death | PhillyVoice
- TIL research indicates that marijuana use may cause complete remission of Crohn's disease
The Particle That Wasn't (the bumplet)
Can you see time dialation ? : askscience
Oxford team achieves a quantum logic gate with record-breaking 99.9% precision, reaching the benchmark required to build a quantum computer : science
What short story completely mind fucked you? : AskReddit
What's a dark part of American history that gets no attention in schools? : AskReddit
[Serious] Parents who regret having kids: Why? : AskReddit
OSU geologist: Building marine science center in tsunami zone is 'completely inexplicable' |
- FBI Agent Apparently Egged on 'Draw Muhammed' Shooter (FBI largest terror-supporting organization in America)
How Republican Efforts to Suppress the Vote Backfired Big Time | New Republic - A string of judiciary defeats could result in a more devastating one: a Supreme Court hostile to voter ID laws. (Roberts' overreach)
The Republican Party's Future is Bright - The latest Marist poll has Donald Trump pulling a grand 9% of voters age 18-29. - It is also worth noting if you get into the details on the poll that for all the talk of 90 percent of Sanders (BernieBros for Trump/Stein!)
Trump's No Longer Kicking Ass With the White Working Class - Mitt Romney won non-college-educated white voters by an estimated 62-36 in 2012. (stupid is as stupid does)
AJC poll: Hillary Clinton has slim lead over Donald Trump in Georgia | Political Insider blog - Clinton at 44 percent and Trump at 40 percent (Red since '96)
New Poll Has Trump at 9 Percent Among Young Voters
Did Paul Ryan just predict that Clinton will win in a landslide? - The Washington Post - "If we fail to protect our majority in Congress, we could be handing President Hillary Clinton a blank check"
Insiders to Trump: Drop out - POLITICO - rather take our chances with nearly anyone else than continue with this certain loser who will likely cost the Senate and much more said a New Hampshire Republican.
BREAKING! Party that Nominated Racist Buffoon Attracting Few African-American Voters - Lawyers, Guns & Money - If these polls are to believed, there are ~30k black people who are Trump supporters in USA. There are ~50k people at tonight's Yankee game.
Clinton broadens campaign effort to target wary Republicans - The Washington Post
I Ran the C.I.A. Now I'm Endorsing Hillary Clinton. - Michael J. Morell
Donald Trump: Stop calling him crazy (Opinion) - (psychology has no credibility +'ableism')
How Did We Get Into This Mess?: Medicalizing Presidential Candidates, past and present.
How Howard Stern gave us Donald Trump -
'No Doubt' President Obama is a Muslim, Donald Trump's New York Campaign Chair Says - Carl Paladino "He is not a Christian" (said crazy Carl)
Virginia Mayor Richard Silverthorne Gave Meth to Undercover Cops for Sex: Police - NBC News - was allegedly distributing meth through a website used to arrange casual sex between men
A black woman called 911 because she was afraid of a police officer. A violent arrest followed. - The Washington Post - The Metro Police Department has cleared the officer of any wrongdoing and said his actions were valid. Still others criticized White for getting out of her vehicle in the first place. (cops are gods)
USA Gymnastics routinely ignored warnings of sexual abuse by coaches, report alleges - The Washington Post - because of fears that the allegations would damage the reputations of the coaches in question.
Men may have evolved better 'making up' skills - BBC News - after divorce, men tend to more easily form peaceful relationships with their former wives' new spouses than vice versa.
For Better or For Worse: Divorce Reconsidered | American Journal of Psychiatry
Scientists Confirm Legendary Ancient Flood Was Real - ?Scientists have found evidence that the cataclysmic event did indeed happen. - roughly 1920 BC an enormous flood on the Yellow River barreled down a corridor now known as the Jishi Gorge, into the Guanting Basin in central China
Scientists develop small, reprogrammable quantum computer - Science News : science
Where Americans smoke marijuana the most - The Washington Post - tiny Rhode Island is the marijuana capital of the United States, at least as measured by the percent of state residents who regularly use marijuana. (AK, VT OR)
Map: Real American men don't wear cargo shorts (jorts)
The most compelling reason to never talk politics on Facebook - The Washington Post (unless you are a RWN)
The U.S. coast is in an unprecedented hurricane drought - why this is terrifying - The Washington Post (la-di-la syndrome)
Eschaton: When Bombing Is Not Enough - These Very Serious People have determined that it isn't enough to bomb Syria. Why let a good opportunity go to waste? We have to find a way to bomb Syria that will piss off Russia as much as possible!
Syrian women burned a burka after being freed from the Islamic State | VICE News
Two Muslim women who work for US government escorted off plane as they made staff uncomfortable' | Americas | News | The Independent - ?The two friends were escorted off the plane after one of them questioned why they had not been given water for hours on the tarmac, and were greeted by armed police officers
British woman held after being seen reading book about Syria on plane | Books | The Guardian - Faizah Shaheen was detained after a Thomson Airways crew member reported her for suspicious activity on a flight to Turkey
WikiLeaks' Motivations Aren't What You Think - If someone gave Assange emails showing Putin and intelligence firms orchestrated the DNC hack to get Trump into power, Assange would 'publish that in a second' aid Gabriella Coleman, a professor at McGill University who studies the politics of hackers. (yeah, "emails," that's what we need)
The Political Process Isn't Rigged -- It Has Much Bigger Problems
The newest polls are devastating for Donald Trump - Vox
Hillary Clinton has opened up a huge lead over Donald Trump | McClatchy DC
WBUR Poll: After Conventions, Clinton Up 15 Points Over Trump In New Hampshire | Politicker (bye-bye, Kelly)
Pennsylvania poll: Clinton has double-digit lead over Trump | TheHill
Clinton jumps to big lead over Trump in Michigan poll
The Latest: At least 10 conservative Kansas lawmakers lose | McClatchy DC
- GOP reaches 'new level of panic' over Trump's candidacy
Trump tries to stop the bleeding - POLITICO - frustration with their nominee nears a breaking point.
Donald Trump did not actually watch an Iranian recording of that controversial money transfer - The Washington Post
Imagining The World With A Nuclear-Armed Donald Trump Is Truly Terrifying
Trump Boasts About Watching 'Top Secret' Iran Video Immediately After Becoming Eligible To Receive Classified Briefings
Trump Repeats His Lie That He Watched A Video Of Money Landing In Iran - His own campaign admits no such video exists.
The Eternal Return of Unenlightened Despotism - The New York Times (authoritarian scales, Black Protestant at the top, what's with that?)
Voices From Donald Trump's Rallies, UnCensored(raw hatred focused by Trump)
NYT's horrifying video of hateful Trump rally attendees / Boing Boing - No wonder so many GOP senators and governors are supporting Trump. Just look at how smart and considerate his rally attendees are! (Trump's Satanic Mission to bring out the worst in America)
Rallies Gone Wild - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump Reflects White Male Fragility - The New York Times
GOP Consultant Breaks Down Donald Trump's 'Loud-Mouthed Dick' Strategy On Live TV
Gaps in Melania Trump's immigration story raise questions - A racy photo shoot is prompting fresh scrutiny of the would-be first lady's early visits to the United States.
Many questions and few answers about how Melania Trump immigrated to the U.S. - The Washington Post
Deceased FBI Agent Found At Trump Tower With Silenced Pistol - Get Off The BSGet Off The BS -
Missouri's head public defender assigns case to Gov. Nixon, cites overburdened staff | Regional |
At any a recent ex-resident of's me
What is feminist hero Susan Estrich doing representing Roger Ailes? - The Washington Post - That includes Estrich herself, a longtime commentator on Fox
Facebook deactivated Korryn Gaines' account during standoff, police say | US news | The Guardian - law enforcement portal
American Psycho - Lawyers, Guns & Money (BEE and Scott Adams)
Bret Easton Ellis, David Foster Wallace, and the ethics of criticism - Kill Your Darlings Journal
Humpback whales around the globe are mysteriously rescuing animals from orcas : science
78% of the children in a study who had ADHD as a child, no longer had the disorder when they were 18. Their ADHD resolved over time. : science
Sleep in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children and adults: Past, present, and future
TIL that the microcontroller inside a Macbook charger is about as powerful as the original Macintosh computer. : todayilearned Amcrest Connect Energy-Saving WiFi Smart Plug AH357 (USA Warranty) - Plug-and-Play Setup, WiFi Enhancer Mode, Intelligent Charging Protection, and More - Simplified Home and Office Automation with Free APPs Included: Electronics
What's the most intellectual joke you know? : AskReddit
What is socially acceptable in America which is not anywhere else? : AskReddit
Roger Stone Foments Violence, Says 'Bloodbath' Will Ensue If Trump Loses | Crooks and Liars
RNC Chairman Priebus 'Apoplectic' Over Trump's Refusal to Endorse Ryan - NBC News
Trump Allies Plot Candidate Intervention After Disastrous 48 Hours - NBC News
Joe Scarborough: Donald Trump Repeatedly Asked Why We Couldn't Use Nukes
Trump asks why US can't use nukes: MSNBC's Joe Scarborough reports (CNBC commenters mostly insane)
Dr. Drew Pinsky: Trump may be mentally ill - so what does that say about his supporters?
Former top Gingrich ally calls Trump nom 'mistake of historic proportions'
Ally of Trump staffer Paul Manafort: The staff is suicidal, he's mailing it in
What happens if a candidate - say Donald Trump - drops out of the presidential race (they have a plan)
Khizr Khan Blasts Trump Over Purple Heart: 'You Dodged The Draft!' - "I always wanted to get the Purple Heart, this was much easier"
Megyn Kelly Has The Perfect One-Word Response To Donald Trump's Latest Sexist Comment - Sigh
Samantha Bee apologizes to Eric Trump then trolls him with barrage of hunting pictures (disgusting little fucker)
Petition 7 #DiagnoseTrump 7 - Narcissistic Personality Disorder DSM IV Criteria:
Getting granular with NPR's culture of timidity - NPR would not call it plagiarism when Melania Trump's speech to the Republican convention took passages from Michelle Obama. But there was a revealing moment when its people defended this policy online. ( "mirrors" ... "near-indentical" ... "echos" ... (NICE Polite Republicans have a "lower threshold" for stealing and lying +Rosen destroys Sarah McCammon) If you have high standards, you take the heat. If you have low standards, you worry about how much heat you will get. Sarah McCammon had flipped this in her mind, and she was unaware of it ... At NPR, the journalist steps in to suspend judgment. It's weird.
- Here, a reporter thinks she is following the standards of her profession, but she doesn't seem to know that NPR has fallen behind the rest of the profession in its ability to call things by their right names. That's a big thing.
With RNC Speech, Melania Trump Joins Long List Of Accused Plagiarists : NPR
Creepy Pilot on Twitter: "@NPRinskeep "I listened to NPR's morning after coverage today and what I heard was a timid newsroom unable to rise to the moment." Jay Rosen" (Steve Innskeep, the half-million dollar man)
How one paper filed a FOIA request in Michigan--and got sued by the county - Columbia Journalism Review ... file revealed that he was once disciplined for losing nearly 11 grams of cocaine, given to the department by the DEA for a training exercise involving a drug-sniffing dog. (lost up his nose)
Tim Huelskamp, Anti-Establishment House Republican, Loses Primary in Kansas - The New York Times (more internal fallout from the teaparty revolution)
Huelskamp loses GOP primary after ideological battle - politico
- Fresh Insights From the Poor Man's Mark Penn - It has been a while since we have discussed Niall Ferguson's descent from respected academic into subpar hack Republican pundit
Fishtown vs. Belmont, 2016 - The Boston Globe (commodities-trader-sports-dude BoGlo specializes in subpar hack Republican pundits)
Niall Ferguson on Twitter: "The 2016 election is quinoa against Chick-fil-A." @nfergus gets laughed at
Now Jill Stein Thinks Wi-Fi Might Be Hurting Kids
Nazi Heinrich Himmler's Lost Diaries Show How He Mixed Family With Mass Murder
Dentists have stopped being strung along by the great flossing yarn. About time | Ollie Jupes | Opinion | The Guardian
Rio 2016: Swimmers need to ingest only three teaspoons of water to be almost certain of contracting a virus | Olympics | Sport : worldnews (meanwhile, in Rio)
Rio 2016: Swimmers need to ingest only three teaspoons of water to be almost certain of contracting a virus | Olympics | Sport | The Independent - A report commisioned by the Associated Press has revealed that water in Rio's Olympic and Paralympic venues holds viral levels 1.7m times what would be considered alarming in the United States and Europe just five days before the Games get underway
Germany Searches for Answers After Recent Wave of Attacks - spiegel online
Toxic Gas Dropped On Syrian Town Where Russian Helicopter Shot Down, Rescuers Say - A spokesman for Syria Civil Defence said 33 people, mostly women and children, were affected by the gas in Saraqeb.
France has 'shut 20 radical Islam-preaching mosques' 7
- Reign of terror : Fear in the Philippines as police embark on state-sanctioned 'killing spree' (summary execution of "suspects")
Pilot In Fatal Hot Air Balloon Crash Had Drunk Driving, Drug Convictions - basket caught fire after hitting power lines and killed 16 people in the crash.
Veteran Homelessness Has Dropped By Nearly 50% Since 2010: Report (thanks, Obama)
Turning the Tide on Voting Rights - The New York Times - a series of victories that seemed unlikely when their cases against these laws were first brought. (when Scalia was still alive)
- The Federal Courts Strike Back at the GOP's War On Voting Rights
Today in Post-Racial America - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Scott is right that Shelby County is far and away the worst decision of the Roberts Court. It tilts far toward the Plessy point. Southern states used it as an excuse to do what they have always wanted to do-stop black people from voting.
Judge strikes down Wisconsin voter ID, early voting laws - Gov. (Scott) Walker and the Legislature wanted to create a bottleneck in the city of Milwaukee to make it more difficult for people to vote (Republicans, a cancer on your democracy)
Federal Judge Blocks North Dakota Voter ID Law - Seven Native American voters filed the law suit, claiming measures passed by the Republican-led legislature were unconstitutional and violate the U.S. Voting Rights Act. (Republifucks destroying your democracy)
Obama Says Republicans Should Withdraw Support for Trump - The New York Times - "unfit to serve as president"
Will GOP officials jump ship on Trump? - The Washington Post - Trump's comments about Russia and Vladimir Putin have further shredded the Republican Party
First Read: A Last Exit Ramp for the GOP? - NBC News - Mr. Ryan and other Go-Along Republicans should treat the Khan episode as their last best hope to preserve political reputations they have worked so hard to build
Donald Trump's Draft Deferments: Four for College, One for Bad Feet
Trump tests his limits - politico - The GOP nominee has broken nearly every conventional boundary, but he has never gone this far before.
Why Donald Trump Is Uniquely Unqualified To Speak About Military Service And Sacrifice (only Fox News allowed on miliary bases, so troops love him)
Vets In Congress Urge Paul Ryan To Un-Endorse Trump - The profound disrespect Mr. Trump has shown toward Gold Star parents is a new low
- Trump blasts New York Times: 'They don't write good'
Trump Exposes Trump - YouTube
- That poll showing Clinton leading in Utah? It doesn't exist
The Post-Convention Polls Are In And Trump Has A Lot Of Ground To Make Up
How And Why Trump Will Try to Ditch the Debates - Remember, it's Trump. The stupidest possible scenario that can be reconciled with the available facts is most likely to be right.
Trump refuses to support Paul Ryan, John McCain in upcoming Republican primaries - The Washington Post - Trump also said he was not supporting Sen. John McCain in his primary in Arizona, and he singled out Sen. Kelly Ayotte as a weak and disloyal leader in New Hampshire (bye-bye, Kelly)
There is something very wrong with Donald Trump - The Washington Post - If you are a Republican, the real problem, and the thing that ought to keep you up nights as we head into the final 100 days of this campaign, is that the man cannot control himself. (said Robert "Regime Change" Kagan)
Balloon Juice - President Obama used his Jedi mind tricks and employed his weapons grade troll fu on the tangelo tyrant, and as usual, it worked, provoking an immediate response. Unable to display even the slightest bit of self control, the mandarain manchild rushed to his keyboard (Size EXTRA SMALL) and used his dainty digits to furiously pound out a heap of bullshit:
Eschaton: Both Sides - the DC press brought down a Republican president, so they had to bring down a Democratic one just to even the score, because both sides. It's only objective and fair, after all. Also, too, balanced. (Ken Starr, saint of the DC press)
"I AM NOT A CRANK" - The Ballad of Jill Stein
Texas allows guns in college classrooms under new law : news
Are Final Clubs Too Exclusive for Harvard? - The New York Times - Secretive, selective ... sexist? The college is pushing its elite all-male (and all-female) organizations to change.
All Scott Adams All the Time Links - Lawyers, Guns & Money (like all the others, he's really defined himself in Trump's shadow and what an asshole)
TIL that the term 'Strnger Danger' may leave children more susceptible to abuse because it puts focus on strangers when in reality 93% of children know their abuser.
If Facebook existed during WWII. - Imgur
There isn't really anything magical about it: Why more millennials are avoiding sex (porn) primarily young women who have stopped having sex.
Medically accurate vagina jokes on Conan. : videos (and visual puns)
Kanye West has put his notoriously huge ego aside and admitted that headlining Glastonbury left him feeling "depressed". : Music
reddit user preserves what reddit is talking about the most in 2010, comment posted 6 years ago : bestof
Stranger Things doesn't just reference '80s movies. It captures how it feels to watch them. : television
250 + monday punday
Hackers Accessed Telegram Messaging Accounts In Iran: Researchers - reliance on SMS verification makes it vulnerable in any country where cellphone companies are owned or heavily influenced by the government
- Peter "Nosferatu" Thiel - Last month, Gawker noted that the logical endpoint of Thiel's dystopian world vision could feature an economy in which the wealthy, who wished to live forever, subsist on the blood of the poor, who would die at a normal age.
- Washington state to sue Comcast for $100M. A news release says the lawsuit accuses Comcast of "deceptive practices" (where is carmen Ortiz? oh, nevermind)
Florida's Worsening Zika Outbreak - The number of those infected in the U.S. from mosquitos has risen from four to 14. Scientists have warned the government for a year about the possibility of mosquito-borne Zika inside the U.S., but Congress has done little or nothing to act on this information. ("congress" = "Republicans")
1,500 reindeer dead, 40 humans hospitalized amid anthrax outbreak in Siberia | VICE News
India Rescues 10,000 Starving Workers In Saudi - Many workers in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have been living in inhumane conditions after losing their jobs - Construction projects have ground to a halt after the oil price crash sy
Turkey: Erdogan Takes Charge Of Military : news - Enjoy your democratatorship.
'One ISIS attack every 84 hours' - spurs dread and anger in Europe
- Afghan cleric defends 'marriage' to six-year-old girl by saying she was 'religious offering' to him: 'This girl does no speak, but only repeats one thing - 'I am afraid of this man'' (why child sacrifice was a thing +redditors go on massive diversion)
The Five Worst Roberts Court Rulings (for those who are going "to sit this one out" because they don't like Hillary or something)
A Georgia town is sending police to black residents' homes to challenge their voting rights by dispatching deputies with summonses commanding them to appear in person to prove their residence or lose their voting rights (see above: Roberts: "you don't need no steenking voting right act")
3 a.m. | The SIMPSONS - YouTube
Everybody be Calmer - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The first post-convention polls are out, and Clinton has a significant lead: (wait, what about last week?)
Who Will Be President? - The New York Times - Hillary Clinton has about a 73% chance of winning the presidency.
Gallup Poll Finds Trump's Convention Is A Historic Dud
Americans More Positive About Democratic Than GOP Convention
New polls show Hillary Clinton surge ahead as John McCain hits at Donald Trump |
How the 'Stupid Party' Created Donald Trump (when you've lost Max Boot but a good summary of their appeal to the stupid)
Trump overwhelmingly leads rivals in support from less educated Americans | PBS NewsHour
Republicans Must Make the Only Moral Choice: Renounce Trump and Vote for Anyone Else (that would require morality)
- With 98 Days to Go, Donald Trump Decides This Election Is 'Rigged' In this installment of Whatever Happened to the Rails?,
Families Of Fallen Soldiers Remind Trump He Has No Idea What Sacrifice Means - You are not just attacking us, you are cheapening the sacrifice made by those we lost.
Trump Pushed For GOP To Change Ukraine Position, Now Claims He Didn't -- The pro-Russia change was the only party platform tweak the Trump camp cared about, sources say.
Trump has gone totally off the rails. Will his base finally notice? | Richard Wolffe | Opinion | The Guardian
Melania Trump's girl-on-girl photos from racy shoot revealed
- State toxicologist: Claim that NC well water was safe was 'scientifically untrue' on the close ties between the McCrory administration and Duke Energy. (=Republican Gov McCrory lied, of course)
Eschaton: The Starr Report - Another horrible person who was revered in DC. "A number of victims were told that if they made a report of rape, their parents would be informed of the details of where they were and what they were doing"
Oregon standoff defendant Joseph O'Shaughnessy pleads guilty to conspiracy charge |
Mystery of the female orgasm may be solved | Society | The Guardian - "It doesn't mean it is not important, it just means it doesn't have an evolutionary purpose"
E-cigarettes emit harmful chemicals, research suggests: Researchers found as e-cigarettes get hotter the more toxic emissions they give off : science
Bear uses open door. : videos
Kentucky Couple, Under the Influence, Crashes Car into Bee Hive and Get Attacked. Eye Witness Reporting is Priceless : videos
What are some places no one should EVER visit in their lifetime? : AskReddit
What has someone said to you that you can never forget? : AskReddit
Netflix finishes its massive migration to the Amazon cloud | Ars Technica - After move to Amazon, only the DVD business still uses traditional data center.
Sex ban recommended for British tourists in Florida after Zika outbreak (well that kind of takes the fun out of the fun vacation)
Human chain rescue in Maryland last night : gifs
At the Front in a Scarred Falluja - The New York Times (Mission Accomplished)
Flight MH370 was flown into water, says crash expert | World news | The Guardian - suggesting rogue pilot brought plane down
Clinton Says Russians Hacked DNC, Calls Trump's Putin Remarks 'Troubling'
The Path to Prosperity Is Blue - The New York Times - Yet income differences between red and blue states stopped closing around 1980 (Twilight in America: red states went supply side and stupid and destroyed themselves, as usual)
The smoking gun proving North Carolina Republicans tried to disenfranchise black voters = One of the most comprehensive studies on the subject found only 31 individual cases of voter impersonation out of more than 1 billion votes cast in the United States since the year 2000. Researchers have found that reports of voter fraud are roughly as common as reports of alien abduction. (Art Pope's little racist empire and Pat McGrory his satanic puppet)
How Clinton and Trump's very different Americas - Trump's speech described a dramatic present for the U.S., leaning heavily on fear (Repubicans have always been WATBs)
- Khizr Khan responds to the latest from Trump: 'Typical of a person without a soul' Responding to Trump: "This is faked empathy" all the snake oil he is selling, and my patriotic, decent Americans are falling for that. Republicans are falling for that. And I can only appeal to them. Reconsider. Repudiate. It's a moral obligation
Trump Time Capsule #65: 'I'd Like to Hear the Wife Say Something' - The Atlantic
"You have sacrificed nothing." Khizr Khan as the Joseph Welch of 2016 - Welch wounded McCarthy deeply with hiWhat kind of person is Donald Trump?s famous question: Have you no sense of decency, Sir.
Donald Trump's slander of Captain Humayun Khan's family is horrifying, even for Trump - What kind of person is Donald Trump? - Welch: "Until this moment, I think I never really gauged your cruelty"
Ghazala Khan: Trump criticized my silence. He knows nothing about true sacrifice. - The Washington Post
Donald Trump Goes After Grieving Mother Of Killed American Soldier - Just when you thought he couldn't sink any lower
- Donald Trump proves he hasn't read the Constitution in statement claiming he has
The Republicans waged a 3-decade war on government. They got Trump. - Vox (government AND democracy - the politics of destruction)
Electoral Map Gives Donald Trump Few Places to Go - The New York Times
Donald Trump Gives Questionable Explanation of Events in Ukraine - The New York Times
Here we go again? Donald Trump is back to criticizing Megyn Kelly on Twitter - The Washington Post - Everybody should boycott the @megynkelly show. Never worth watching. Always a hit on Trump! She is sick, & the most overrated person on tv. ("except me, of course")
Where We Are Now II: What Does Donald Want? - Let Me Maximize You - For what? To lose to a woman in front of the world? To be responsible for Madame President?
Melania Trump Like You've never seen her before (America needs a porn-star first lady)
3rd Chicago cop relieved of powers over man shot in back | WSBT (cops killing four a five people a day)
1 Dead And 4 Injured After Gunman Opens Fire Into Crowd In Austin, Texas (moar gunz)
As campus carry becomes Texas law, memories of UT Tower massacre linger | US news | The Guardian - Monday marks 50 years since the first US mass shooting of the modern era. It also brings a controversial gun law to campuses across the Lone Star State (gunz everywhere, what could go wrong, Republicans at work)
AG faces sexist, antigay slurs after imposing gun ban - The Boston Globe (toxic male gun-bullys out in force)
Rural counties across the US becoming a powder keg for HIV outbreak | Society | The Guardian - recipe that includes high rates of fatal overdoses, prescription opioid sales and searing poverty
Joy, clay and nudity: a weekend in the woods with LGBT faeries of color | World news | The Guardian
Into the woods with the Rainbow Family of Living Light - The Boston Globe
Divorce continues to take a psychological toll on kids | Life and style | The Guardian - Divorce rates are down, with marriages becoming more enduring in the last decade. But are we getting any better at managing the effect on children?
Listen to her purr how to train your cat | Science | The Guardian
Immunotherapy Offers Hope to a Cancer Patient, but No Certainty - The New York Times
Harnessing the Immune System to Fight Cancer - The New York Times
What Is Immunotherapy? The Basics on These Cancer Treatments - The New York Times
John Kerr, Chronicler of Freud-Jung Rift, Is Dead at 66 - The New York Times
Witty, Irreverent Photos That Satirize Family Living
Deadly California Wildfire Near Big Sur Set To Explode In Size - The blaze near Big Sur has destroyed nearly 60 homes and prompted mass evacuations.
Anthrax sickens 13 in western Siberia, and a thawed-out reindeer corpse may be to blame - The Washington Post - Across Siberia, some provinces warmed an additional 10 degrees Fahrenheit beyond normal. In the fields, large bubbles of vegetation appeared above the melting permafrost
In Florida Zika Probe, Federal Scientists Kept At Arm's Length - Florida has yet to invite a dedicated team of the federal government's disease hunters to assist with the investigation on the ground. (Rick Scott and Republicans don't believe in your liberal "germs")
4 Zika Cases in Florida Were Likely Spread by Local Mosquitoes, C.D.C. Says - The New York Times (Rick Scott claims they were "Mexican" illegal immigrant mosquitos)
Fifty-three cases of Zika virus confirmed in UK, says health agency | World news | The Guardian - There is extremely low risk of contracting Zika virus in the UK as the mosquito that transmits the infection is not present in the UK, however it can be spread by sexual transmission
Meningitis outbreaks among gay men have experts puzzled - LA Times - New York, Chicago and now Southern California have experienced outbreaks disproportionately affecting that population ... the cases are likely among men who have multiple sexual partners, engage in anonymous sex and use drugs that make them more susceptible. (or not so "puzzled")
America is hacking other countries with stealthy submarines - The Washington Post
ISIS church-attacker worked at a French airport as a baggage handler | Daily Mail Online (ISIS staffing French airports)
Venezuela calls for mandatory labor in farm sector (Maduro revives slavery)
U.S. Military Admits Airstrikes in Syria May Have Killed More Civilians | TIME
Turkey Kills 35 Militants After They Try To Storm Base, Officials Say - Kurdish militants after they attempted to storm a base in the southeastern Hakkari province early on Saturday
Canada Day bomb plot couple freed after judge rules police entrapped them | World news | The Guardian - police-manufactured crime (in America, they would be locked up forever)
Texas hot air balloon crash causes 'significant loss of life' | US news | The Guardian - A hot air balloon carrying at least 16 people crashed in central Texas on Saturday, apparently leaving no survivors
Hot Air Balloon Carrying at Least 16 People Crashes in Texas : news
Wisconsin Voter ID, Early Voting Law Partially Struck Down By Judge - The laws have been decried as tactics to disenfranchise minorities.
2016 Democratic, Republican Convention Recap - Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump - A look back at last night, and two weeks in Cleveland and Philadelphia. - "Listen to the ancient chorus in which deep calls unto deep."
The Rev. William Barber dropped the mic - The Washington Post - an articulation of a liberal and patriotic philosophy with what Barber said was the moral force to shock and resuscitate the heart of the nation. "We are being called like our forefathers and foremothers to be the moral defibrillators of our time"
War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness
We Compared Obama's Words To Trump's And The Result Will Make You Sad (compare and contrast American values with gross insanity)
Bernie Sanders Breaks Down Exactly Why Donald Trump Is 'Dangerous' - This guy is running his entire campaign based on bigotry
- For This Republican, Never Trump Means"I'm with her" - Caroline McCain
In final 100 days, Clinton and Trump to chart different paths to White House - The Washington Post - the Trump campaign is going to continue holding big rallies and tweeting
Donald Trump Is 'Starting To Agree' Hillary Clinton Should Be Locked Up - "no more Mr. Nice Guy" (get ready)
- Donald Trump Says Hillary Clinton 'Doesn't Know How to Win' "I think I have a great temperament, I have a temperament where I know how to win'
Trump floats opposition to debate schedule | TheHill
Computer Systems Used by Clinton Campaign Are Said to Be Hacked, Apparently by Russians - The New York Times (another date-free article)
Clinton campaign denies reports that its computer system was hacked - The Washington Post - "If the email leak was orchestrated by the Russian government, this is an attack not on one party but on the integrity of American democracy" ... The GRU apparently stole not only DNC emails but also opposition research files on GOP candidate Donald Trump ... " a whole new dangerous ballgame, with a level of brazen interference that we haven't seen before" (does sound like Trump)
The Democrats' Putin dilemma
Donald Trump and Russia: a web that grows more tangled all the time | US news | The Guardian - Frank Mermoud, a key figure at the recent Republican convention, has strong business ties with Ukraine, to which others in Trump's orbit have been linked as questions (treason is in their Repubican blood)
The return of the Luddite president - POLITICO - Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton would each bring a tech-challenged record to the White House. (politico tries hard for bothsiderism)
Seven Minutes That Shook the Convention - POLITICO Magazine
Donald Trump to Father of Fallen Soldier: 'I've Made a Lot of Sacrifices" "I've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I've had tremendous success (when the world is all about you, everything is a "sacrifice")
Khizr Khan helped Democrats take back religious liberty.
Father Of War Hero Near Tears As He Pleads With Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell To 'Repudiate' Trump
Bill O'Reilly irretrievably loses it over White House slaves (in defense of slavery)
- There Are Too Many Liberals Nowadays. Please Eliminate All of Them. I Am Not A Crackpot - Jill Stein: "The only way to stop the neofascist Donald Trump is to elected Donald Trump."
Jill Stein Explains Her Plan to Stop Trump by Electing Him President
This Lawsuit Has Put Big Ag On The Defensive In A Major Way - A pending Iowa case could set a new national precedent for water pollution stemming from farms.
Flint water crisis: charges against low-level state workers draw scrutiny | US news | The Guardian - Experts raise concerns over whether the right people have been targeted in the lead contamination case as high-level officials remain untouched - "The Michigan attorney general continues to pile on charges against career government officials without addressing the fact that the decisions that caused the Flint water crisis were made far above their pay grades" (Rick Snyder)
Witness to William Chapman shooting contradicts police officer's account | US news | The Guardian - made a gesture (any excuse for killer cops to kill you )
Fatal police shooting of Native American woman prompts racial bias questions | US news | The Guardian - Loreal Tsingine killed by officer Austin Shipley in late March as fatal shootings of Native Americans by police have increased in 2016 (she was "armed" with a tiny pair of medical sissors)
Louisville Jail Humiliates Black Woman by Bringing Her to Court With No Pants : videos
Oakland police sergeant faced no charges for domestic violence arrest despite video evidence : news
Prosecutors: Oregon standoff defendants broke into safes, stole federal documents, called refuge takeover 'another Bunkerville' |
Attachment parenting: the best way to raise a child - or maternal masochism? | Life and style | The Guardian - It's the increasingly fashionable approach, with an emphasis on baby-wearing, co-sleeping and long-term breastfeeding. But does it make for happier, better children? - Attachment parenting was developed in the 1980s by the American paediatrician William Sears and his wife Martha ... "The sound of my daughter whining in the night woke him and we realised that, when he slept on the sofa, everyone slept better.'
The Most Metal Word in the English Language -- Science of Us - The most metal word of all is burn, followed by cries, veins, eternity, and breathe. The least metal word is particularly, followed by indicated, secretary, committee, and university
This Woman Giving Birth In A Stream Has Been Watched Over 54 Million Times (NSFW) | Decider | Where To Stream Movies & Shows on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Instant, HBO Go
Pure Nude Yoga
Harry Brant busted for drugs and bailing on taxi fare | Page Six (Kardashian lips)
'Ayahuasca is changing global environmental consciousness' | Environment | The Guardian - Interview with US scientist Dennis McKenna on powerful Amazon hallucinogen, plant intelligence and environmental crises
Cognitive Ability Varies, but Prejudice is Universal. When it comes to prejudice, it does not matter if you are smart or not, or conservative or liberal, each group has their own specific biases. : science
The mystery of how early humans survived the Ice Age while Neanderthals disappeared into evolutionary oblivion may lie in their choice of outerwear. Unlike early modern humans, Neanderthals were not equipped with the cold-weather clothing needed to survive the glacial Ice Age. : science
Ovarian cancer risk nearly doubles in women who douche | Reuters
Human-Like Speech Seen In Orangutans For The First Time - NOVA Next | PBS : news
dpmull comments on Saying No to Kevin a bad look internationally
TIL The ampersand (&) was once the 27th letter of the alphabet. : todayilearned
Israel Proves the Desalination Era is Here - Scientific American - One of the driest countries on earth now makes more freshwater than it needs - the new Sorek desalination plant, the largest reverse-osmosis desal facility in the world
Eschaton: Heckuva Job - Sorry millions of lives were destroyed. Bygones ... The real problem is that no one trusts elites anymore.
IMF admits disastrous love affair with the euro and apologises for the immolation of Greece
Former Brazilian president Lula to stand trial on obstruction charges | World news | The Guardian - party conspired with politicians and businessmen to buy silence of former Petrobras official
Erdogan tells US intelligence chief: 'Know your place!' | News | DW.COM | 29.07.2016 (meanwhile, in Furkey Erdogon unleashed)
New Zealand jiu-jitsu champion flees Rio de Janeiro after third run-in with Brazilian military police : worldnews
Brazilian police arrest Lebanese former Hezbollah member before Olympics | World news | The Guardian - Fadi Hassan Nabha, 42, is on Interpol wanted list for drug trafficking
French Prime Minister plans ban on foreign funding for mosques with more Isis terror attacks predicted | Europe | News | The Independent
Ireland jails three top bankers over 2008 banking meltdown | Reuters
Breaking and Analysis: Partially Divided 4th Circuit Strikes NC Strict Voting Law, Finds Discriminatory Intent | Election Law Blog
Full text: Hillary Clinton's DNC speech
Hillary Clinton did very well indeed -- with one small reservation
The Reviews Are In: Conservatives Say The DNC Was 'Disaster' For The GOP (Dems owned the patriotism theme)
DNC insiders detail months of escalating dysfunction - politico (even worse than we thought)
For It After He Was Against It After He Was For It - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Tim Kaine has decided to change his changed position on the Hyde Amendment: (Hillary, having apparently learned nothing, chooses a "safe" bland white anti-abortion guy for veep)
Eschaton: A Bit Too Early For The Shit Eating Phase - Pretend just a bit longer, at least.
TV Ratings: Hillary Clinton's DNC Speech Falls Just Shy of Trump's With 33 Million Viewers - Hollywood Reporter
Hillary Clinton's speech was a powerful, primal first - and it blew me away | Xeni Jardin | Opinion | The Guardian
Trump Supporter Trolls Estonia's President On Twitter, Gets Burned - Toomas Hendrik Ilves is not the one to be messed with.
Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe has endorsed Donald Trump - Quartz (authoritarian dictators support each other)
Father Of Muslim American War Hero: We Cannot Defeat Terror By Dividing America (offer to loan Donald a copy of the Constitution)
Guess what? You can be a Muslim American and criticise our foreign policy | Moustafa Bayoumi | Opinion | The Guardian - Khizr Khan made a huge impact with his speech at the Democratic convention. But the choice of a man whose son fought as an American soldier is telling
Donald Trump Threatens To Hit Democratic Convention Speakers 'So Hard Their Heads Would Spin' - The GOP nominee appeared to single out former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg for special insults. (raw, primitive bullying narcissism)
Some Donald Trump Supporters Are Now Calling Him 'God Emperor'
Mr. Sullivan wants a candidate as warm & poetical as M. Thatcher - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Sully returns to blogging prematurely, hates Hillary, will vote for her anyway)
Melania no more: why did Donald Trump take down his wife's website? | US news | The Guardian - has disappeared, and a kerfuffle over a college degree may be to blame. But experts say it could amplify what they hope will remain unseen
FBI warned Clinton campaign last spring of cyberattack
- Former Fox News Booker Says She Was Sexually Harassed and 'Psychologically Tortured' by Roger Ailes for More Than 20 Years (a more sophisticated Cosby)
The uncouth Roger Ailes - Jul. 28, 2016 - In addition to being accused of making unwanted advances, Ailes has been accused of making a litany of inappropriate remarks about women's faces and bodies. (the dark satanic heart of Fox was even sleazier and creepier than we thought - the price of success was sexual harrassment)
- Jill Stein on vaccines: People have 'real questions' (in case you didn't realize she's an evil idiot)
6 state employees criminally charged in Flint water crisis (all low level, of course)
Baton Rouge Drug Enforcement Has Plummeted Since Police Killed Alton Sterling | FiveThirtyEight - Murders rose in other cities under similar circumstances - will Baton Rouge be next?
- The forgotten police bombing of a Philadelphia pro-black group
Cool Zombie version of the BioDigital Human Experience : InternetIsBeautiful
Top Ravishing Tattoos For Women and girls - YouTube
Cyberstalking subreddit has existential moment. : bestof
/u/dudebro_fistbump outlines how another redditor uses posts to deceptively market his book and correctly predicts author's next promotional attempt. : bestof
Guys, what inappropriate questions about girls have you always wanted answered? : AskReddit (3K comments)
Girls, what inappropriate questions about guys have you always wanted answered? : AskReddit (18K comments)
ELI5: What is meant by right-wing & left-wing in politics? : explainlikeimfive
Microsoft faces two new lawsuits over aggressive Windows 10 upgrade tactics : technology
- A stunning prediction of climate science -- and basic physics -- may now be coming true -- the likely gravitational imprint of our changing climate on key features of the Earth (Republicans not a big fan of gravity)
- Scientists have found a perfect illustration of how the climate is spiraling 'out of control' (or temperature)
Chelsea Manning faces charges, solitary confinement after suicide attempt | US news | The Guardian - Serving 35 years for leaking secrets to WikiLeaks, she was being investigated for resisting guards, prohibited property and threatening conduct charges (the dark sadistic heart of American "national security")
How a Currency Intended to Unite Europe Wound Up Dividing It - The New York Times - But the euro, in the 17 years since the common currency came into existence, has instead reinvigorated conflicts, yielding new crises, fresh grievances and a spirit of distrust. So argues the Nobel laureate economist Joseph E. Stiglitz in a timely new book,
Turkish Military Is Divided and in Disarray After Failed Coup - The New York Times
'America is already great' : Obama urges US to back Clinton in DNC speech - in emotional Democratic convention speech that cast Donald Trump as a threat to American values
Championing Optimism, Obama Hails Clinton as His Political Heir - The New York Times
Obama's Powerful Message: Donald Trump Is Un-American
Democratic National Convention Ratings: DNC Beats RNC on Night 2 | Variety
Hillary Clinton just won a presidential nomination. These newspapers ran front-page photos of her husband. - Vox
Smooth, Barack. Very Smooth. - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - I think it easily tops the 2004 convention speech that ended up propelling him to the White House. In addition to the obvious I greatly appreciated the subtweeting of Rahm Emmanuel.
The End of the Democratic Defensive Crouch on Abortion Rights - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Threat to Legacy Gives Obama Powerful Motive to Stump for Hillary Clinton - The New York Times
- Trump Urges Supporters To Boycott Hillary Clinton's DNC Speech Tonight
After Lying Low, Deep-Pocketed Clinton Donors Return to the Fore - The New York Times
Suffolk University Poll Shows Clinton Leading Trump by 9 Points in Pennsylvania - Suffolk University
- North Carolina GOP apologizes after mistakenly attacking Kaine for 'shameful' Marine pin that honored his son
An Eight Point Brief for LEV (Lesser Evil Voting)
Chomsky on the Voter-As-Consumer - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Exclusive: FBI investigates hacking of Democratic congressional group - sources | Reuters
Donald Trump's Appeal to Russia Shocks Foreign Policy Experts By Max Fisher July 28, 2016 (where's Joe McCarthy when you need him? +Brookings tells us that Trump isn't a traitor, he just doesn't have a "norm" of not being treasonous)
- Donald Trump Again Praises Putin's Leadership, Saying It's better Than Obama's
Following the Trail of Stolen Emails From Russia to WikiLeaks - The New York Times (Vlad and Julian and the Donald conspiring)
- A Stony Silence at Fox News After Ailes Departure
Sebastien De La Cruz Blows DNC Away With Stunning National Anthem Performance
Public Shaming - Racist Basketball Fans PISSED a Mexican-American Boy Dared to Sing Their National Anthem (make America un-Hispanic again)
Prosecutors Say Baltimore Police Mishandled Freddie Gray Case - The New York Times (the thick blue wall)
Federal Appeals Court Rejects Sexual Orientation Protections Under Existing Civil Rights Law - BuzzFeed News - Sexual orientation discrimination protections for lesbian, gay, and bisexual people can only come from the Supreme Court or Congress, the federal appeals court in Chicago rules.
The Divorce Surge Is Over, but the Myth Lives On - The New York Times - If current trends continue, nearly two-thirds of marriages will never involve a divorce
TIL the "50% of US marriages end in divorce" statistic is misleading. In reality, divorce rates peaked in the early 1980s and have been steadily decreasing since then. If current trends continue, only a third of today's marriages will end in a divorce.
Marriage and divorce: patterns by gender, race, and educational attainment : Monthly Labor Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Don't Blame Divorce on Money. Ask: Did the Husband Have a Job? - their marriages are one-third more likely to break up.
- Harvard Study: Biggest Factor in Divorce is Husband's employment status - 35% more likely to divorce if you lose your job as a guy.
Oregon standoff's singing mom loses custody of younger children | - Odalis Sharp
- Ryan Bundy wants $1M to be 'defendent' or 'judge'
What Is a Man For? - The New York Times - Modern Love - By Karen Rinaldi
New York Film Festival: Five Questions for Rebecca Miller - The New York Times - "Maggie's Plan"
Enemies: A Literary Love Story | Observer
Home - Joel Rose
What's something men do to impress women that actually impresses women? : AskReddit
What's your favourite paradox? : AskReddit
Climate models are accurately predicting ocean and global warming | John Abraham | Environment | The Guardian - A new study from my colleagues and I vindicates climate models, which are accurately predicting the rate of ocean heat accumulation
Russian climate scientist gets choked up reporting on the potential for methane escape in the Arctic : videos (Republicans have so screwed the planet and billions of people)
How worried should we be about the Clathrate Gun? : askscience
Iran Arrests 150 People for Attending a Mixed-Gender Birthday Party. : worldnews
US and Mexico's mass deportations have fueled humanitarian crisis, report says (which America created with its drug war)
Donald Trump's Path: What Map Should Democrats Fear the Most?
#BernieorBust Dead-Enders Are Not Representative of Sanders or his Supporters - Lawyers, Guns & Money (they support Hillary +Jill Stein is stupid and evil)
Clear and present danger - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Jill Stein isn't going to let Donald Trump win the battle to utter the most noxious and irresponsible things during this news cycle without a fight: (politics, how does it work?) (+"[Home is] ... Something you somehow haven't to deserve' -R FRost)
Trump & Mortality | Rooted Cosmopolitan
No, the DNC Didn't Rig the Primary in Favor of Hillary The controversy surrounding WikiLeaks' big email dump obscures a much bigger problem. - The latest breach has raised deeply troubling questions about the integrity of American elections and whether foreign agents can destabilize them ... Just last week the Illinois State Board of Elections announced it had been hacked by a "foreign entity" (Republicans have always been traitors to truth, justice and the American way)
Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) | Twitter
- I thought the RNC was very disciplined in its relentless stimulation of old white people's fight-or-flight mechanism.
Bill Clinton Tells Democrats How He Met Their Nominee
Bill Clinton Democratic Convention Speech - Political Love Story - He told a love story and a political story on his own terms.? - the Hilliad (CPP zings another neologism) Clinton: "One is real, the other is made up. You just have to decide. You just have to decide which is which, my fellow Americans."
Major American political party nominates woman for president - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Donald Trump Press Conference on Russia, Vladimir Putin, Clinton DNC Email Hack, Anthony Weiner - Another day, another Trump episode that won't cost him a vote - nice to keep a record, because future historians are not going to believe this happened.
Assange, Avowed Foe of Clinton, Timed Email Release for Democratic Convention - The New York Times
Anarchobro Confused About American Politics - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Julian Assange is timing leaks in attempt to throw the election to Trump ... And, of course, trying to throw an election to Donald Trump because of freedom of the press concerns is insane, but anyway. (Julian's true colors)
Harry Reid To Intel Community: Give Donald Trump Fake Briefings - "This man is dangerous"
'Treason'? - Critics savage Trump over Russia hack comments
- Carl Bernstein: Trump's Russia talk 'disqualifying'
Donald Trump's Crimean Gambit - he'd recognize Russia's annexation of the Ukrainian territory in 2014.
Someone Finally Said The Word 'Abortion' On The DNC Stage - It's time to stop avoiding the A-word like it's an A-bomb
- 16 Years Ago, William F. Buckley Wrote This About Donald Trump And It's Eerily Accurate
In 1995, Walmart Thought The Phrase 'Someday A Woman Will Be President' Was Offensive
Native American teen faces a year in prison for possessing one gram of weed | US news | The Guardian - Devontre Thomas faces a federal trial that advocates say is a waste of resources and a stark reminder that law enforcement continue to target people of color
ELI5: Why does Saturn have a hexagon storm and why is it a hexagon not a circle? : explainlikeimfive
Bizarre Giant Hexagon on Saturn May Finally Be Explained
Cortana can no longer be disabled after the Windows 10 Anniversary Update : technology
What 'insider' secrets does the company you work for NOT want it's customers to find out? : AskReddit
166 Years after his Mysterious Death: A Brief Insight into the Fascinating Life of Edgar Allan Poe : books
Girls of Reddit, what are the least successful ways a guy has tried to impress you? : AskReddit
Scientists caught off-guard by record temperatures linked to climate change | Reuters - The earth is on track for its hottest year on record with June marking the 14th straight month of record heat, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said last week.
2 Suicide Car Bombs Near UN Offices Kill 13 in Somalia - ABC News
'Hostages taken' in French church by 2 armed men- BBC News : worldnews
Hillary Clinton Shatters Glass Ceiling, Clinches Democratic Presidential Nomination - the first woman ever to top a major party's presidential ticket.
Nancy Pelosi Declares Opposition To Obama's TPP Trade Deal - joins Tim Kaine in uniting the Democratic ticket against the Trans Pacific Partnership. (well, that's a change)
Bernie Sanders Holds Back Tears As Brother Memorializes Their Parents During DNC Vote - They would be immensely proud of their son and his accomplishments
- election forecast now has Trump winning
Election Update: Trump Gets Convention Bounce, Drawing Polls To Dead Heat | FiveThirtyEight
DNC Hacker Unmasked: He Really Works for Russia, Researchers Say - But new research shows he worked directly for the Vladimir Putin government in Moscow.
The DNC hack is Watergate, but worse. - The email dump isn't a high-minded act of transparency. It's a foreign power attempting to swing an election for its favored candidate - What's galling about the WikiLeaks dump is the way in which the organization has blurred the distinction between leaks and hack (and it just keeps getting better)
The 4 Most Damaging Emails From the DNC WikiLeaks Dump - ABC News
- The Media Sure Is Playing It Fast and Loose with the Term 'Chaos' (short memory media)
Bernie Sanders Protesters Storm Media Tent to Protest Hillary Clinton Nomination
- Time for Bill Clinton to Take His Talents Far From His Wife's Campaign
Elizabeth Warren Democratic Convention Speech - Arena-Sized Burns for Donald Trump - And who were those bros chanting "Goldman Sachs" at her?
At the Democratic Convention, All Hell Breaks Loose - The Atlantic (Fournier the Republican operative)
- Elizabeth Warren repeatedly heckled, booed during DNC speech
Texas delegation breakfast descends into screaming match - POLITICO
- The (alleged) Russian hack of the DNC should be one of the biggest stories of the year. Why isn't it (Putin owns Trump, not a story)
Inside Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Decision To Scrap Her Convention Gig - It was very painful for all
Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community - Debbie Wasserman Schultz Was the Last to Know
S&P drops Kansas credit rating, citing ongoing budget issues - A major rating agency on Tuesday downgraded Kansas' credit rating for the second time in two years because of the state's budget problems (and Republican government)
Judge Jails Lawyer For Wearing 'Black Lives Matter' Pin. Now, Activists Are Pushing Back. - Attorney Andrea Burton was defending her client in court Friday when Judge Robert Milich of the Youngstown Municipal Court noticed her nickel-sized pin (Robert Milich, Youngstown OH immortalizes himself on the internets with his angry whititude)
Grayson's ex-wife claimed domestic abuse over two decades
35 deaths linked to scope infections after Olympus told execs not to warn hospitals - Thirty-five people died in the United States after contracting infections from contaminated medical scopes made by Olympus Corp. in the years after a company official told American executives not to issue widespread warnings to U.S. hospitals (needs corporate death penalty)
- A Message To Carmen Ortiz: "Hands Off the Mayor" Thanks to Huffington Post's Power - "You want any more benefits from the Democratic Party then stop playing footsie with the Boston Globe" - Putting Mayor Martin Walsh in the starting lineup at the Democratic National Convention after the Huffington Post made national news of the ongoing plan to try to force him out of office or to prevent his reelection between the Globe and Ortiz's office ... For years the Ortiz gang operated like Mafia members under the local godfather the Boston Globe
Highest-paid CEOs run worst-performing companies, research finds : worldnews
Officer says he wanted to testify about Sandra Bland, was threatened with retaliation | Dallas Morning News
Documents: Kaylee Sawyer hit by car, body dumped - A college public safety officer was charged with murder Tuesday after he allegedly hit a 23-year-old woman with a car, dumped her body and fled to California where he was arrested for kidnapping and carjacking, among other things.
Virginia officer said 'This is my second one' after killing William Chapman | US news | The Guardian - Rankin, who was responding to a complaint about Denyakin loudly banging on the door to an apartment building, shot him 11 times.
The Oppressive Gospel of Minimalism
General Mills Expands Massive Flour Recall After Even More Illnesses - The recalled flour and cake mixes likely contain a sickening strain of E. coli.
Google's quantum computer just accurately simulated a molecule for the first time
Evolution Is Happening Faster Than We Thought - The New York Times - But recently, we have come to understand that evolution can happen very quickly, as long as natural selection is strong
Widow explains the heartbreaking reality of a high functioning alcoholic and how quick it can end : bestof
Report: At Least 15 Killed, Dozens Injured In Tokyo Knife Attack
Stabbings in Sagamihara, Japan: 19 dead : worldnews
The U.S. Blew $1.4 Billion on Abstinence Education in Africa : news
Israeli woman allegedly gang-raped in Indian tourist town of Manali | World news | The Guardian
Rio Olympics Athletes' Village Declared "Uninhabitable" (another impending disaster)
Iraq: Suicide attack kills at least 15 near Baghdad - News from Al Jazeera - Hospital sources say death toll likely to rise after bomb goes off with cars waiting to enter Khalis, north of capital.
2 Killed In Mass Shooting Outside Nightclub In Fort Myers, Florida - The shooting outside the Club Blu Bar and Grill in Fort Myers, Florida, has left two people dead and at least 16 injured.
Before Benghazi: 20 fatal U.S. embassy attacks during the Bush administration you may not know about |
The Clinton Campaign Wanted A Unity Fest. Some Sanders Supporters Had Other Ideas. - On the opening day of the Democratic National Convention, a lot of intra-party conflict was on display.
xsy Sanders seeks unity at Democratic national convention after chair resigns | US news | The Guardian
The Convention - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Watching a few minutes of Bernie Sanders's speech to his supporters made me very worried about this convention. Not because of Sanders. But because many of his die-hard supporters who are at the convention hate Hillary
Wasserman Schultz resigning as party leader -
With Donna Brazile, Democrats Dump One Centrist Loyalist For Another - Everyone knew Debbie Wasserman Schultz was on her way out as DNC chair, but replacing her with Donna Brazile isn't much of a change.
DNC email leaks, explained - Vox
DWS - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Wasserman Schultz booed at DNC as FBI announces inquiry into email hack | US news | The Guardian
Barack Obama's half-brother Malik says he's voting for Donald Trump | US news | The Guardian
How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President - Defense One
This Is Truly Comical - Julian Assange: Well there is no proof of that whatsoever. (that Russians hacked DNC mail)
Trump Credits One Of 'Our Friends' In Russia, China With DNC Hack (video)
The Trump and Putin Thing, A Detailed Response
Donald Trump has gone back to rambling, unscripted speeches at campaign rallies - Vox
Donald Trump's long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2016, explained
Trump Could Easily Win - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - but because there is literally nothing he could do that would convince most Republican voters not to vote for him. All the racism, all the complaining among the Republican elite about him, it all means nothing ... Even an extremist racist unstable candidate like Donald Trump is going to win 45 percent of the vote ... a fight to finish, perhaps not only for this election but for the future of the republic
How Republicans went from the party of Lincoln to the party of Trump, in 13 maps - Vox
Fox News ousts 2 more executives - But the firing of Michael Clemente and his top deputy, Peter Boyer, were not related to the sexual harassment allegations that forced Ailes out at the network that he started two decades ago,
47 people shot in Chicago over weekend as total nears 2,300 for year - Chicago Tribune
The Washitaw sovereign citizens: where the Baton Rouge gunman found a home | US news | The Guardian - Gavin Long killed three Louisiana police officers. He also claimed membership of a strange and increasingly African American extremist movement
Ammon Bundy's lawyer wants to inspect grand jury selection records to challenge indictment |
Alzheimer's symptoms could be prevented with a computer game, researchers say. How skeptical should we be?
BBC - Earth - How did evil evolve, and why did it persist? - evil behaviours can be categorised into four basic groups - Machiavellianism, Psychopathy, Sadism, Narcissism
TIL 'Evil' behaviours can be categorised into four basic groups: machiavellianism, psychopathy, sadism and narcissism - and all have been researched in animals other than humans. : todayilearned - Sounds like a teenage girl.
Dark Triad Personality Test
Stephen King On Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey, Lovecraft & More (55:51) - YouTube
What do you need to get off your chest? : AskReddit
What is the most annoying trend going on right now? : AskReddit
What is the best innuendo for masturbation you've ever heard? : AskReddit
Yahoo Sells To Verizon In Saddest $5 Billion Deal In Tech History - Forbes
xsy Marissa Mayer hits out at 'gender bias' as Yahoo is sold for $5bn | Technology | The Guardian
Turkey ruling, opposition parties rally together after coup | Reuters
Suspected coup supporters in Turkey beaten, raped while detained: Amnesty | Middle East Eye (Erdofucked)
ISIS men dressed as women arrested in Syria - Iraqi News
Clinton campaign blames Russia for leaked DNC emails about Sanders | US news | The Guardian
Twitter users erupt: #DNCLeaks disappears from trending news as WikiLeaks emails released : technology (FB blocking WikiLeaks as a dangerous website)
Lawyers, Guns & Money -Lawyers, Guns & Money - Rejected blog post titles - The chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee resigned Sunday after a trove of emails were disclosed showing DNC officials working to undermine the underdog presidential campaign of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. (Russian hackers caught Dirty Debbie backstabbing Bernie)
Sanders says he wanted Clinton to pick Warren as running mate - The Boston Globe
Is Donald Trump a Racist? - The New York Times (yes, and so was his dad)
Kisses, propositions, and fears of reprisal for women at Fox News - The Boston Globe - Her break seemed to come in early 2007, she said, when she met for coffee in the lobby of her Washington hotel with a friend and colleague, Brian Wilson (Roger had their backs, fuck them or you're fired)
IamA 23 year old girl with a neuromuscular disease that has confined me to a wheelchair all of my life. AMA! : IAmA
North Miami: Man with autism traumatized after shooting, family says -
- Police officer delivers life-saving projectile to therapist's leg
Exclusive: White House to review ban on military gear for police - police leaders : news (cops under attack, need more tanks and machine guns and robot bombs)
Legislators restore $100 million to state budget - The Boston Globe (undoing Chawlie's austerity)
Victims of abuse at private schools sometimes face retaliation instead of sympathy - The Boston Globe - 67 private schools in New England that had been touched by allegations of sexual misconduct by staffers over the past 25 years
A look at the schools that allegedly retaliated against students - The Boston Globe
What is the physical difference in the brain between an objectively intelligent person and an objectively stupid person? : askscience
Super-hard metal 'four times tougher than titanium' : science
People Who Drink Enough Water Are Less Likely to Be Obese, Study Finds
Male circumcision: the issue that ended my marriage | Society | The Guardian
The difference between TED and TEDx talks. : videos
What was the moment that your game of Truth or Dare got way out of control? : AskReddit
US Navy accused of pirating 558,000 copies of VR software | Ars Technica UK (laws don't apply to them)
Heavy Rain In China Kills At Least 87, Thousands Evacuated - Some 8.6 million people have been affected by the flooding.
ISIS Claims Suicide Attack On Kabul Protest By Hazara Minority, Dozens Killed - It was one of the deadliest attacks in Afghanistan since 2001.
Munich Gunman Was German-Iranian Teenager With No Islamic Militant Ties
Hillary Clinton Picks Tim Kaine as Her Running Mate
Tim Kaine greets crowd in Spanish as Clinton introduces VP pick in Miami | US news | The Guardian
Hillary Clinton Introduces Tim Kaine As 'Everything Donald Trump And Mike Pence Are Not'
WikiLeaks releases thousands of documents about Clinton and internal deliberations - The Washington Post
Washington Monthly | The Trump and Clinton Awfulness Relativity Index
The 2016 Endorsement Primary | FiveThirtyEight
Donald Trump is a unique threat to American democracy - The Washington Post
Donald Trump's nomination is the first time American politics has left me truly afraid (more a reflection of EK's youth but nice compilation of the bottom of the Republican barrel)
Donald Trump Promises Not To Lie, Right Before Lying A Bunch Of Times
The Imaginary Progressive Donald Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Donald Trump talked about then infant daughter Tiffany's future - YouTube (boobs and legs)
Virginia Supreme Court Rules Against Restoring Voting Rights To 200,000 Ex-Offenders
Police Commander Suspended For Alleged Fabrications About Charles Kinsey Shooting
Oregon standoff: 9 guilty pleas up ante for Ammon Bundy, 16 others | (toxic male gun-bully y'all queda poopriots)
Munich attack: city in lockdown after shooting leaves at least nine dead | World news | The Guardian - Police warn citizens to stay in their homes amid hunt for up to three attackers feared to be at large in German city
Nice officials reject request to delete truck attack surveillance footage | World news | The Guardian - Le Figaro newspaper said national police were concerned the images would leak out and be used for jihadi propaganda.
Brexit Wreaks Havoc on U.K. Economy as Recession Risk Increases - Bloomberg (xenophobes marched off the cliff and took the country with them)
Donald Trump: the madman in his castle | US news | The Guardian - Isolated from power, the Republican party has turned inward and driven itself insane on a toxic mix of fear and rage. Trump is its natural figurehead
Book Review: Norman Mailer's Miami and the Siege of Chicago
Donald Trump's Un-American Acceptance Speech - There was no reference to the nation's history, its values, or even its armed forces. There was only Trump. (will rebrand America)
Republicans debate: Kill Hillary, or merely jail her - The Washington Post
Donald Trump's Dark, Dark Convention Speech By John Cassidy , 05:42 A.M.
Republicans Have Made a World-Historical Mistake | New Republic - we're about to learn just how dangerous Donald Trump is.
Ship Of Fools Lyrics - Grateful Dead
Grateful Dead perform "Ship of Fools" 3-28-81 - YouTube
Despair and fear after Trump at the RNC.
That Thing That Happened Tonight, In One Tweet - Lawyers, Guns & Money : If Leni Riefenstahl were alive, Trump would hire her to film this speech. Then not pay her. - Norman Ornstein
Oh dear, what can the matter be? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Only 18 Black delegates at GOP convention - lowest share (0.7%) since at least 1912!
Here's What Bernie Sanders Had To Say About Donald Trump's RNC Speech
Ohio county official apologizes for Hillary Clinton remark - should be hanging from a tree
Gideon Resnick on Twitter: "The reviews are in" (Trump cornering the evil market)
White Supremacist David Duke Gives Trump's Speech Rave Review
I've heard this sort of speech a lot in the last 15 years and trust me, it doesn't sound better in Russian - Garry Kasparov
The world wakes up to Trump - POLITICO - "apocalyptic," "dystopian" and a "horror story."
Eschaton: And Now That It's Over...Or Just Begun - One last (probably) time.
Will Roger Ailes' downfall finally help end sexual harassment in TV news? | Betsy West | Opinion | The Guardian
Ailes' Downfall Is A Testament To The Rising Power Of Women
NBA Pulls All-Star Game Out Of Charlotte Over 'Bathroom Bill' - The league is apparently looking at New Orleans as the replacement city. (Rethugs blame Hillary's zombie minions)
Indiana court tosses woman's feticide conviction (Lil' Mikey Pence at work criminalizing abortion)
Cop 'Accidentally' Shot Mental Health Therapist Charles Kinsey Trying To Protect Him, Police Union Leader Says - The officer misjudged the threat and shot the wrong person, the Miami-Dade union boss said. (his eyes malfunctioned)
There's Something Disturbing About The Way Cops Act Just After They've Shot Somebody - Don't they see a fellow human being lying there?
Alcohol is a direct cause of seven ??forms of cancer, finds study | Society | The Guardian - Analysis implicates alcohol in development of breast, liver and other types of cancer and says even moderate consumption is a risk
'Invasive' Snapchat of teen who later killed himself was illegal, court says | Technology | The Guardian
y Most Wanted: San Francisco flyers name and shame Airbnb hosts | US news | The Guardian
Driver who killed 84 in France had accomplices, plotted for months |
Turkey Suspending Human Rights Convention: Report - The Justice Minister says the state of emergency is aimed at averting a possible second military coup.
The Effect of Emailgate on the Presidential Race Was...Zero | Mother Jones
The big speech - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Trump speech tonight is the *full* Buchanan. Very very dark, dystopic. Straight up nationalism no chaser.
Donald Trump Sets Conditions for Defending NATO Allies Against Attack - The New York Times (no treaties for Trumpster)
The emperor of the world - Lawyers, Guns & Money
You give *one* Nazi salute to a national television audience and the PC crowd is all over you - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Not a Dime's Worth of Difference!
- Laura Benanti Impersonates Melania Trump on The Late Show and It's Perfect
Ted Cruz Buries the Hatchet - In Donald Trump's Back
The Cruz Speech - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Ted Cruz believes that, gay or straight, you are protected by the fundamental rights of the constitution, unless you're gay
- New Study Shows Reading Harry Potter Lowers Americans' Opinions of Donald Trump - three core themes from Harry Potter: The value of tolerance and respect for difference; opposition to violence and punitiveness; and opposition to authoritarianism. (and, of course, knowing the difference between fantasy and reality)
Ailes is out as Fox News head, Murdoch named acting chief | The Seattle Times - is expected to get a payment of at least $40 million.
Fox and Fiends: The End of Roger Ailes - The New Yorker
Unarmed Black Man Lying In The Street With Hands Up Gets Shot By Police In North Miami (trained to kill)
Oregon standoff defendant Travis Cox, youngest of refuge occupiers, pleads guilty to conspiracy |
When Did the Media Turn Against Taylor Swift? -- Vulture - hard to imagine now, after a week that saw her go up against Kimye and seemingly confirm every bad feeling you may have had about her, but as recently as two years ago, a lot of smart, progressive people were on her side
When Did You First Realize Taylor Swift Was Lying to You? - The Ringer
Etymologists of reddit, what is your favorite story of how a word came to be? : AskReddit
Greenland lost a staggering 1 trillion tons of ice in just four years - The Washington Post
Earth Just Experienced The Hottest June Ever Recorded - This marks the 14th consecutive month of record-breaking global temperatures.
Historic amnesty ruling in El Salvador met with controversy - Humanosphere (St Ronnie is dead, but there are others ...)
Turkey revokes licenses of 24 radio and television stations | World news | About Croatia
Turkey coup: Purge widens to education sector - BBC News
Turkey's Erdogan Declares 3-Month State Of Emergency After Failed Coup - The Turkish president has launched mass purges of state institutions
monkeyseemonkeydoodo comments on All Turkish academics banned from traveling abroad - report (Erdofuck arrests entire legal system, shuts down country)
Eid 2016: How Muslims around the world are coming to terms with one of the bloodiest Ramadans in recent history | Middle East | News | The Independent - 350 people have been killed during the holy month after Isis made calls for its supporters to attack wherever possible
U.S.-Backed Moderate Rebels Behead a Child Near Aleppo
- Brother of Pakistan's Qandeel Baloch: I'm 'pround' of strangling my sister - "girls are born to stay home"
Syria: 85 civilians feared dead after US air strike 'mistake' - US military confirms it is investigating what could be one of the worst incidents of civilian deaths by coalition forces
US Department of Justice seeks to overturn recent Microsoft ruling; allow search warrants to be served internationally : technology
Tim Kaine Calls To Deregulate Banks As He Campaigns To Be Clinton's VP - Who needs consumer protections when we have all these job creators?
Melania Trump's plagiarism matters because it exposes Donald Trump's profound laziness
- The racism unleashed at the RNC is bigger and uglier than Melania Trump's plagiarism
Meredith McIver: The mystery of the Trump employee behind Melania's plagiarised speech - A ghost writer or a ghost? (no internet presence until 2 days ago)
- Donald Trump staff writer Meredith McIver who apologized for Melania's plagiarism scandal is a registered Democrat
From Links to Lucifer to Calls for Execution, Republicans Seethe at Hillary Clinton - The New York Times
Donald Trump Adviser Says Hillary Clinton Should Be Shot By Firing Squad - Al Baldasaro advises Trump on veterans issues.
Eddie Vale on Twitter: "guy who called for Clinton to be shot on floor of convention last night"
The GOP Will Be the Party of Trump for a Long Time | New Republic - not the outsider anymore, but the most important voice in his party.
Does the party of Trump have a future? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Donald Trump's Convention Is a Low-Energy Show So Far
Ted Turns the Tables on Trump. Hard.
The GOP convention just turned ugly, because the Trump-Cruz feud never really ended - The Washington Post
Chris Christie Suggests Hillary Clinton Was To Blame For Boko Haram's Kidnapping Of Hundreds Of Schoolgirls
RNC Speakers Spent A Lot More Time Bashing Hillary Clinton Than Praising Donald Trump
Lucifer Gets A Shoutout At The Republican National Convention Thanks To Ben Carson
Eschaton: Lock Her Up - I can imagine the fainting couch all of the Very Serious People would require if the 2004 DNC had centered on promises to lock George Bush up.
Donald Trump has 'the best words'; Melania steals them: Letters to the Editor |
Caitlyn Jenner: It was easier to come out as trans than Republican | People | News | The Independent - Ms Jenner made the admission at the Republican National Convention
Jill Harth, woman who sued Trump over alleged sexual assault, breaks silence | US news | The Guardian
A Narcissism Supreme - Lawyers, Guns & Money : And let's be clear: Jill Stein is at this point a reprehensible public figure willing to risk inflicting harm on many of the most vulnerable citizens for what is at best a pointless exercise in ego gratification. (and Cornell West needs a moral compass)
Rogers Ailes Stares Into the Abyss From Atop the TV News World - The New York Times - In 20 years at the helm of his news network, Mr. Ailes helped lead the movement he is so closely associated with to a sociopolitical promised land, in a year in which Fox News had some of its highest ratings ever (odd conjunction of events when evils come home to roost)
Gabriel Sherman on Twitter: "21CF sources say Rupert wants to pay Ailes out, Lachlan/James want him fired for cause. But sons aren't resisting, just want Ailes gone"
Rape victim put in jail after breakdown on witness stand - At the end of the day she received less due process, less protection than the rapist did
Police kill family dog at child's birthday party : news
Ryan Bundy's 15-foot 'escape plan' comes up short |
Birth defect is plaguing children in FLDS towns | Deseret News - Fumarase Deficiency afflicts 20, is linked to marriages of close kin
Mt. Hood Community College board member refuses to resign following Obama meme |
Woman shot in face crawled away from scene of Woodland triple homicide: court records | (and check the tats)
We are U.S. News reporters who spent 6 months investigating how rich school districts get billions of federal money meant for poor kids. Ask Us Anything. : IAmA
JT LeRoy: The strange case of the celebrity who never existed
Scientists unearth two rocky planets in 'habitable zone' of their star | Science | The Guardian - Planets orbit Trappist-1, a cool dwarf star about 40 lightyears from Earth, and may have conditions suitable for life based on observations during double transit
Hitting the Sun is HARD : videos
What made you realize that you are getting old? : AskReddit
What is something that was very outdated within 5 years of it being created? : AskReddit - The Pony Express. Lasted less than two years, thanks to the telegraph.
Regrexits, I've Had a Few
- Turkey government seemed to have list of arrests prepared
WikiLeaks suffers sustained attack after announcing megaleak of Turkey govt docs
Man 'knifes French woman and her three daughters' in Alpine resort - Despite the prosecutor's denial, TF1 reported that he was angry that the girls were wearing shorts.
3 years later, Indian girl raped again by same five accused. No arrests made. : worldnews
DOJ Accused of Deliberately Using Old Tech for FOIA Requests | News & Opinion | - The government has been sued for intentionally obstructing Freedom of Information requests. (the Federal Fuck You Agency)
This mashup of Melania Trump reading text plagiarized from Michelle Obama is incredibly damaging. | New Republic
Did Melania Trump include a Rickroll in the middle of her convention speech? - Vox
Melania Trump Is Plagiarizing Michelle Obama, Chris Christie Is Plagiarizing 73% of the Undergrads Caught Plagiarizing - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Melania Trump couldn't have plagiarized Michelle Obama because Hillary Clinton is the REAL SEXIST - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Melania Trump Plagiarized Her Convention Speech From Michelle Obama - Mrs. Trump appears to have lifted two paragraphs almost verbatim from Mrs. Obama.
Melania Trump's Claims She Graduated From College Are About As Credible As Her Speech Last Night
Prime-Time RNC Speaker Claims Obama Is 'Absolutely' A Muslim - the actor and former underwear model
Republican Convention Roars Approval Of Baltimore Officer's Acquittal In Freddie Gray Death
Black Lives Matter-Bashing Black Sheriff Is Donald Trump's New Best Friend
Donald Trump, Roger Stone, and the Dark, Tangled Forest into Which This Campaign Is Heading
Benghazi Roars To The Fore On Trump's First Convention Night - Speakers spent more than 30 minutes blaming Hillary Clinton, when no investigation has.
Checking Patricia Smith's Claims about Clinton and Benghazi
A GOP Congressman Just Made An Argument For White Supremacy On Live TV - Rep. Steve King (R Iowa)
Utah delegate threatened in RNC bathroom | - Birkeland reportedly went to the women's restroom and when she emerged from a stall, a group of Trump supporters surrounded her and threatened to kill her, urging her to leave the party and the state.
Violence, Blood and Betrayal inside the Trump Potemkin Village
Donald Trump's Ghostwriter Tells All
Roger Ailes Is Said to Be Negotiating His Departure From Fox News - The New York Times
Sources: Kelly Said Ailes Sexually Harassed Her -- NYMag (right before her career took off)
Roger That - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The big shoe finally drops:
Ann Coulter Says 'Every Woman Who Has Ever Been Employed By Fox' Has Stories About Roger Ailes - Megyn Kelly has reportedly joined the group of women accusing the network chief of sexual harassment.
Comics, Political Cartoons - The Nib
Assault Charges Dropped for Alabama Cop Who Partially Paralyzed Indian Grandfather : news
Kim Kardashian's Taylor Swift-Kanye West Snapchat story, explained - is proof that Swift might be a cold-blooded pop star.
THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN - Official Trailer (HD) : movies
Karma for text-posts (AKA self-posts) : announcements
What was banned at your school and why? : AskReddit
Yahoo's Latest Earnings Report Confirms That Tumblr Purchase Was a Waste of Money : technology
Obama Should Tell Florida Gov. Rick Scott: This Emergency Is Yours... Own It - It is the zenith of hypocrisy for Gov. Scott to plead for federal assistance on the algae bloom catastrophe when his entire record is hacking, whittling and chopping federal authority into little, little pieces. And not just any federal authority -- specifically federal rules to regulate fertilizers and specifically federal actions to hold Florida accountable. (go fuck yourselves, FL)
Six richest countries host less than 9% of refugees | Oxfam International - China, Japan, Germany, France and the United Kingdom hosted 2.1 million refugees and asylum seekers last year
In South China Sea Dispute, Filipinos Say U.S. Credibility Is On The Line : NPR - An international tribunal in The Hague delivered a stinging rebuke to China last week, ruling that China's claims to nearly the entire South China Sea were invalid. (all your seas are belong to us)
UK Prime Minister May Suggests Brexit Delay With Scotland Eyeing EU
Brexit could cut London house prices by more than 30%, says bank | Money | The Guardian - Sociiti Ginirale warns high-end properties could even halve in value as companies move top staff abroad (whoosh)
Turkey coup could threaten country's Nato membership, suggests John Kerry | Europe | News | The Independent
Turkey coup attempt: who were the plotters and why did it fail? | World news | The Guardian - The Turkish government alleges links to Fethullah G|len, while others say it was a badly organised coup and Hizmet connection is doubtful
Turkey Detains Over 7,500 People As Crackdown Widens After Bloody Coup Attempt
Turkey removes 8,000 police across country: security official | Reuters
Pakistani Feminists Rise Against Latest Honor Killing | News | teleSUR English - Qandeel Baloch, a social media celebrity who was an outspoken feminist, is strangled to death, apparently by her own brother.
Mexican Govt Version of Student Massacre Discredited Again | News | teleSUR English
Mass Axe Attack On German Train Leaves Many Wounded - A 17-year-old Afghan refugee wielding an axe and a knife attacked passengers on a train in southern Germany on Monday evening, severely wounding four, before he was shot dead by police, the interior minister for the state of Bavaria said.
'Many hurt by axeman' on German train : worldnews
Bernie's Foreign Policy Failure - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Last-Ditch Rebellion Against Donald Trump Fails
#NeverTrump Movement Fails on Convention Floor as Rules Pass - Pour one out for the #NeverTrump crowd.
Donald Trump Floats Gross New Conspiracy Theory About Barack Obama - "You just look at the body language and there's something going on ... Look, there's something going on ... There's just bad feeling"
These Prominent Republicans Won't Show Up At The RNC
Trump's Campaign Manager Says He'll Channel 'Law And Order' Richard Nixon (dog whistle because it's just like 1968 again)
So Long, Grand Old Party; Hello, White People's Party - A Donald Trump nomination paints Republicans even further into a demographic corner.
The Republican Convention Is Going To Be A Mess - two dozen corporate sponsors and wealthy donors have backed out of funding the convention
Spencer Tunick | Cleveland
100 Sheroes Just Posed Nude At The Republican National Convention
Fox News Stars At The GOP Convention Really Don't Want To Talk Abut Roger Ailes
Roger Ailes' Days Running Fox News May Be Numbered - The Murdochs have reportedly agreed to remove the network's CEO in response to a sexual harassment investigation. (what will Megyn do now?)
United Suspends Pilot Who Called for Hanging Hillary Clinton - Bloomberg
3 Officers Dead, 3 Injured In Baton Rouge Shooting
- Baton Rouge shooting: details emerge about gunman's radical views
"Destination Related Assets" ... Who could resist the dining facilities? (Christie's Folly goes on and on)
What Really Happened at Politico | Washingtonian
TIL religious belief in America has hit an all time low. Prayer rates have decreased fivefold since the early 1980s and many Americans think the bible is is an "ancient book of fables, legends, history, and moral precepts recorded by men" : todayilearned
Richard Roeper receives online backlash for negative Ghostbusters review : movies
A Comprehensive Outline Of Everything That Just Went Down In The Kimye-Taylor Swift Feud
21 Of The Best Tweets About Taylor Swift vs. Kanye And Kim Kardashian
What are you sick of explaining? : AskReddit
Pentagon loses Turkish airspace access crucial in airstrikes against Isis | World news | The Guardian
Why Turkey's Coup Failed ... craven excesses made it so inevitable.
Fethullah Gulen claims President Erdogan orchestrated Turkish coup | Daily Mail Online
42 Helicopters Missing in Turkey Sparking Concerns of a Second Coup Attempt
Turkey has detained 6,000 people in the wake of a failed coup attempt, : worldnews
At height of Turkish coup bid, rebel jets had Erdogan's plane in their sights | Reuters
Turkey coup arrests hit 6,000 as Erdogan roots out 'virus' - BBC News
Turkey may no longer be a viable partner in fight against Isis following coup, says French Foreign Minister : worldnews
How terrorism in the West compares to terrorism everywhere else - Washington Post
Antidoping Officials Are Expected to Ask That Russia Be Barred From Rio Olympics - The New York Times
An Indian rape survivor was allegedly raped again by the same five men - The Washington Post
Time Is Running Out to Save Net Neutrality in Europe : technology
W., Borne Back Ceaselessly - The New York Times
Clinton holds narrow lead over Trump on eve of conventions - The Washington Post (43% of country are racist fascist evil morons)
Can the G.O.P. Senate Majority Survive Donald Trump? - The New York Times - Mark Kirk in Illinois Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire, Ron Johnson in Wisconsin, Marco Rubio in Florida, Pat Toomey in Pennsylvania and Rob Portman in Ohio. (Teaparty wave)
Trump Plans To Steal The Spotlight Back With Cabinet Announcements - The presumptive GOP nominee loves to make a huge splash in the news, but his VP announcement failed to deliver.
This Probably Won't Be The Craziest Republican National Convention In History (because they've institutionalized the crazy)
Donald Trump doesn't read much. Being president probably wouldn't change that - desk is piled high with magazines, nearly all of them with himself on their covers
- Months of Servitude With No Payoff Has Left Chris Christie "livid" ("lunchboy" never had any dignity)
Chris Christie Lost Out on the Job He Wanted. And His Bad Year Got Worse. - The New York Times
Chris Christie's worst day ever | Moran |
What political pros are saying about Christie after Trump jilted him | (complete fuckup fucked up NJ for decades to build his career towards this smoldering ruin)
Reeling from Falling Polls, Paul Ryan Floods District with Mailers on Border Security After Funding Every Obama Open Borders Initiative - Breitbart (because MI has lots of Mexicans +Ghost of Breitbart hates him)
Baton Rouge Shooting Leaves 3 Officers Dead and 3 Wounded - The New York Times - The gunman, who was identified as Gavin Long of Kansas City, Mo., was killed by the police. Mr. Long was a Marine who served six months in Iraq, according to his service record. He joined the corps in 2005, served five years and was made a sergeant in 2008.
3 Baton Rouge Police Officers just shot. - Developing. : news
- Three officers, 1 suspect dead in Baton Rouge shooting
Baton Rouge police shooting leaves 3 officers dead -
Philando Castile Was Pulled Over 49 Times in 13 Years, Often for Minor Infractions - The New York Times ("minor" = "madeup")
More police officers die on the job in states with more guns - The Washington Post
Chicopee shooting leaves 15-year-old dead; homeowner charged with murder |
Massachusetts homeowner shoots teen through door, faces murder charges : news
The curse of urban sprawl: how cities grow, and why this has to change | Cities | The Guardian (up, not out)
At Sea, and Seeking a Safe Harbor - The New York Times
Saw Adam Savage at Ritual Coffee in San Fancisco. He flicked out his sunglasses, and straightened his hat, and road away on this one-wheel skateboard. : pics
Tested - YouTube
Excluding my mom, what's the worst sex you've ever had? : AskReddit
Watch The Climate Change Ad Fox News Didn't Want Its Viewers To See - The network declined to air the ad during the GOP convention, a communications agency says.
The Arc of a Coup Attempt in Turkey - The New York Times
Turkey Detains Thousands of Military Personnel in Bid to Regain Control - The New York Times
Turkish forces try to crush last remnants of coup after Erdogan returns | Reuters
After Bloody Coup Attempt, Erdogan Vows Retribution - Dozens are dead, over a thousand are injured, a crackdown is underway and Turkey is in chaos.
Turkey removes more than 2,700 judges following coup attempt (any excuse will do for Erdofuck)
Relief, And Fear, Grip Turkey After Bloody Coup Attempt - Hundreds are dead and thousands arrested the day after a failed coup plunged Turkey into chaos. (should have learned from Egypt)
Jeremy Corbyn's supporters are so dangerous they took over the Labour Party before they were even born | Voices | The Independent - If you were cynical you might wonder if, despite their ability to reach out to people, Corbyn's opponents feel they'd be unlikely to beat him in a straight vote of members
- US Declassifies Secret 9/11 Documents Known as the '28 pages'
A Mosque In Rhode Island Was Vandalized After The Nice Attacks - Muhammad Prophet of butchers
5 Things You Need To Know About Sharia Law - Asking American Muslims to swear off Sharia law is a violation of religious liberty. (well, we didn't mean liberty for those people)
How Donald Trump Finally Settled on Mike Pence - The New York Times (Lil' Mikey)
Donald Trump Makes Mike Pence Introduction All About Donald Trump - It took him nearly half an hour to even bring Pence onstage.
GOP convention organizers apologize to Sheldon Adelson - politico (grift inception)
Chris Christie Lost Out on the Job He Wanted. And His Bad Year Got Worse. - The New York Times (couldn't have happened to a worse person)
People Aren't Too Happy About President Obama's Town Hall On Race - a bunch of fluff - Milwaukee Chief said more in two minutes than POTUS has in 45. Shameful. (respect the cops!)
America's great housing divide: Are you a winner or loser?
Here's How Much Space You Can Rent For $1,500 In Major Cities
How Main Line political insiders made millions placing billions in public funds with outside firms (pic is worth 137 words)
GOP Officially Approves of Bundyism - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The Republican Party has basically made Cliven Bundy Donald Trump's Secretary of the Interior: (pawns of the Mormons and KochBros and the Rape, Loot and Pillage Party)
Federal judge: Possible misconduct by FBI in LaVoy Finicum shooting irrelevant to defense in Oregon standoff case |
Everything Is Now Illuminated - Lawyers, Guns & Money
- The most singular of all the things that we have found = Clouds study alarms top scientist
Massive heat dome forecast to bake much of U.S. by late next week - The Washington Post
Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel: who was the Bastille Day truck attacker? | World news | The Guardian
Truck Barreled, Zigzagged Into Nice Crowd, Video Shows
In Nice, a Vibrant Celebration Gives Way to a Trail of Death - The New York Times
Witnesses Relive 'Carnage On The Road' In Nice Terror Attack
At Least 84 Dead After Truck Crashes Into Crowd In French City Of Nice - Local officials said dozens more were also injured in the attack.
What counts as a terrorist attack? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (it probably wasn't, except for the muslim part)
Hero stopped killer's rampage by jumping into lorry and wrestling with him : news
- Turkey military coup: tanks open fire near parliament building
Tumult in Turkey: What We Know and What We Don't Know
President of Turkey Urges Resistance as Military Attempts Coup - The New York Times
Turkish president calls on supporters to oppose military coup - The Washington Post (!?! just when you thought)
[live] Turkish military locks down bridges of Bosphorus that connecting European & Asian sides of Istanbul; Possible Coup!
[Breaking News]Military Coup in Turkey : AskReddit
Turkey's Army Says It Has Taken Control of Country
Both of Istanbul's Bosphorus bridges closed: TVs | Reuters
Boris Johnson 'lied a lot' says French foreign minister
"It's really ugly" - anger and anxiety over sexual violence at the Pamplona bull run
Russian Images of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Were Altered, Report Finds - The New York Times
What We Know from the 28 Pages - The families of 3,000 dead Americans are still waiting for justice.
-How a modest contract for 'applied research' morphed into the CIA's brutal interrogation program
Fourth Amendment Caucus defeats Patriot Act expansion in Congress : technology
(704) trump pence logo - Twitter Search
Reactions to the Donald Trump/Mike Pence logo are NSFW |
Donald Trump's Candidacy Is a Threat to American Democracy - Welcome to the 2016 Republican convention: a four-day celebration of the ritual suicide of American democracy. - With balloons.
The GOP Wants to Eliminate National Parks - Happy Friday. (give them to the Mormons and KochBros to sell to china and profit!)
Trump Jumps To Conclusions Minutes After Nice Attack, Says He Would Declare A World War As President | ThinkProgress
Newt Gingrich Says We Should 'Test Every Person' Of Muslim Descent (that worked before)
The Party Left Cornel West, A Perpetual Cycle - Lawyers, Guns & Money (supports Jill Stein) ... in 2000 West made exactly the same seamless transition from Bradley supporter to Nader supporter
Ginsburg Thoughts - Lawyers, Guns & Money (this was a real litmus test of prissy moralitude while ignoring the obvious corruption)
My Four Months as a Private Prison Guard: A Mother Jones Investigation | Mother Jones
Starved, tortured, forgotten: Genie, the feral child who left a mark on researchers | Society | The Guardian
She loved her husband. Could she love her transgender wife? |
I noticed Nice, France looks very tropical. It is at 43 degrees N. I'm in Portland, ME...hardly tropical at 43 degrees N. How is this? Is it because of the Mediterranean? : askscience
Electronic cigarette aerosols and copper nanoparticles induce mitochondrial stress and promote DNA fragmentation in lung fibroblasts : science
My 60 lb robot fighting 17 robots : videos
Dennis Cooper fears censorship as Google erases blog without warning - The author and artist's 14-year-old blog, in the same vein as his transgressive novels, was taken down by Google
Dennis Cooper fears censorship as Google erases blog without warning | Books | The Guardian (too special for backups)
- 60 people feared dead after truck hits Bastille Day crowd in Nice
Truck Crashes Into Crowd In French City Of Nice In 'Attack'
Truck crashes into Bastille Day crowd in Nice, France : worldnews
Britain's new foreign secretary Boris Johnson: a career of insults and gaffes (they have their own clown show)
Here's A Short List Of Times Britain's New Foreign Secretary Was The Best Diplomat Ever - BuzzFeed News - 11. That time he said basically anything about women.
US reveals Isis commander was not killed in March airstrike | US news | The Guardian - Senior Islamic state operative Abu Omar al-Shishani is believed to have attended meeting of Isis officials on 10 July, Pentagon says
National Debt Graph by President - zFacts - the National Debt would now be lower by $13.5 trillion! (Republicans fucking up the country for hundreds of years)
From 'Argo' to 'Homeland' to 'Zero Dark Thirty,' How the CIA Used Hollywood to Promote Itself - The Atlantic
2016 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
- The Republican platform is extremist - This is a party that has abandoned the mainstream
Pence - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Assuming this checks out, it would be a rare case of the Trump campaign doing something right.
Mike Pence Has Led The Fight Against Reproductive Rights For Half A Decade - He once threatened to shut down the federal government over Planned Parenthood funding.
Here's Why Establishment Democrats Just Repeatedly Broadcast That Party Unity Is 'Falling Apart' - This is how the DCCC operates. For years, the organization has been building a reputation as one of the most consistently obnoxious digital fundraising operations in American politics
GOP Senator: Confirming Obama's Judges Has 'Nothing To Do With Doing Our Jobs' - It is literally the Senate's job to confirm judges. - Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C., Land of Idiots)
Technology and Protest - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - In the last week, the crucial role of technology documenting the shockingly routine murder of black people by the police has again been demonstrated.
Epidurals and Purity - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Theresa May becomes British Prime Minister : worldnews - Boris Johnson as Foreign Secretary? SOMEONE GRAB THE POPCORN
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Criticized for Comments Denouncing Donald Trump - we are now at the end of a 30-year process in which a well-financed conservative infrastructure restructured the federal court system from top to bottom, seeding it with reliable judges who supported dubious interpretations of laws to which their ideological sponsors were unfriendly.
Obama's Big Flip-Flop to Save Obamacare - A public option for the Affordable Care Act is back on the table.
Guccifer 2.0 releases new DNC docs | TheHill - The documents include more than 11,000 names matched with some identifying information, files related to two controversial donors and a research file on Sarah Palin.
Can the Murdochs Contain the Ailes Damage? -- NYMag
Religion and the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign | Pew Research Center - Today, 36% of white evangelicals describe themselves as strong Trump supporters, whereas just 26% described themselves as strong Romney supporters in June 2012. (the moral center of our country)
Report indicates Rep. Durham gave college student alcohol, had sex in his office | WKRN News 2 - The documents outline Durham's alleged interactions with 22 women since 2012. Of those alleged incidents, 13 occurred between 2012 and 2014, eight in 2015 and one this year.
Transgender bathroom legal fight reaches Supreme Court | Reuters
Phillips Exeter Academy under fire again for its handling of sexual misconduct allegations - The Boston Globe - After Michaella Henry claimed she was sexually assaulted by a male classmate this year, the school minister asked him to deliver baked goods to her each week.
Science AMA Series: I'm Dr. Greg Smith, author of the recent textbook Medical Cannabis, What Clinicians Need to Know and Why: Basic Science and Clinical Applications. Over 98% of doctors who practice in states with legalized medical cannabis, don't recommend it. AMA!
David Cameron's premiership is a tragedy for which we will all pay - He failed his own fiscal targets and leaves a bitterly divided country in crisis, with the union at risk of splitting, after gambling our future on the EU referendum - All that misery; all that stagnation; all that bloodcurdling rhetoric about the disastrous consequences of Britain not cutting its deficit. All for what?
Tribunal Rules Chinese Have No Legal Claims Over South China Sea - China says its armed forces will defend its sovereignty and maritime interests ... "China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea shall under no circumstances be affected by those awards" ("fuck you' and "all your base are belong to us")
2 trains collided head on in Italy today. : pics
Body count rises as new Philippines president calls for drug addicts to be killed : worldnews - If you know of any addicts, go ahead and kill them yourself as getting their parents to do it would be too painful.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg risks her legacy to insult Donald Trump. - Why she did it.
Ginsburg Knows, If Trump Wins, the Rule of Law Is at Risk -
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has crossed way, way over the line - The Washington Post - The Supreme Court is becoming more politicized. The Notorious RBG just made things way worse.
Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton For President - In these stressful times for our country, this election must be about bringing our people together, not dividing us up
James Stavridis, Retired Admiral, Is Being Vetted as Hillary Clinton veep
Bernie Sanders's Philosophical Victory
Bernie Sanders' Long Goodbye - He left his mark on the party. He won't let you forget that
Emerging Republican Platform Veers Far to the Right - The New York Times (and off the cliff)
- How American Politics Went Insane - It happened gradually - and until the U.S. figures out how to treat the problem, it will only get worse.
Trump's Vegas Hotel Spent Half A Million Dollars To Stop Maids From Unionizing - And yet the candidate claims to be a friend of regular working people.
Baton Rouge Police Trample on the Rights of Protesters, Provide Shoddy Explanation - Baton Rouge cops are operating like they're on the streets of fallujah (you know, the cops that stole the video of their killing)
Obama To Speak At Memorial Service For Slain Dallas Officers - George W. Bush will also speak at the service.
Joe Paterno knew of Jerry Sandusky abuse in 1976 per testimony in newly unsealed records - The Washington Post (family has been lying for years)
Unsealed Court Documents: Sandusky Abuse Allegation Was Reported To Joe Paterno In 1976
War On Weed's End In Sight (Obama is sad and so is Chawlie Baker)
The World's clouds are in different places than they were 30 years ago
Houston's mosquito hunters take on Zika: 'We cannot spray our way out' (Republicans want you to die)
A giant quake may lurk under Bangladesh and beyond
Theresa May: unpredictable, moralistic and heading to No 10 | Politics | The Guardian - She may lack a grand political vision, but in a time of national crisis, her calm consistency and sense of moral duty may be just what is called for ("moral duty" = austerity and bullshit)
Theresa May to be Next UK PM - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Facebook Sued for $1 Billion for Alleged Use of Medium for Terror - Bloomberg - alleging it allowed the Palestinian militant Hamas group to use the platform to plot attacks that killed four Americans and wounded one in Israel, the West Bank and Jerusalem.
Anti-Korea Sentiment Growing in China Due to THAAD (you are not allowed to defend against our missles!)
North Korea Makes Threats Over U.S. THAAD Missile System - NBC News
- Leaked document says 2,000 men allegedly assaulted 1,200 German women on New Year's eve ... including more than 600 in Cologne and about 400 in Hamburg ... about half of them foreign nationals who had only recently arrived in Germany
An Italian baby raised on a vegan diet is hospitalized for severe malnutrition and removed from parents - The Washington Post
TIL there are only 5 countries were suicide rate for women is higher than men and they are China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iraq and Indonesia : todayilearned
A Saudi Morals Enforcer Called for a More Liberal Islam. Then the Death Threats Began. - The New York Times (too late, guys)
Bernie Sanders Expected to Join Hillary Clinton at New Hampshire Rally - ABC News
Donald Trump hopes to cure cash woes with $449,400-per-ticket fundraiser | US news | The Guardian - The Republican hopes to persuade wealthy California donors to part with nearly half a million for one event,
The Latest: Wharton Students Sign Ant-Trump Letter - ABC News (ABC lays off copy editors, though it's true Trump is an insect)
Walter Mosley: "Donald Trump is a lazy, spoilt guy"
Why conservative Christians are losing faith in the Republican party | US news | The Guardian - they no longer know whom they should vote for (well, they could always try Satan again +oh look, old white men)
Evan Bayh mounting Senate return - - Bayh stunned Democrats in 2010 when he left the Indiana Senate race after being named the nominee. Indiana Democrats picked then-U.S. Rep. Brad Ellsworth to fill the Senate slot on the ballot, but he lost to Coats in the 2010 tea party wave.
Aren't more white people than black people killed by police? Yes, but no. (statistics are hard for Republicans)
Surprising New Evidence Shows Bias in Police Use of Force but Not in Shootings - The New York Times - Official statistics on police shootings are poor. (Republicans and cops hate research into "facts")
This Black Lives Matter Photo Should Be Seen Around The World
Protesters Flood Streets Around U.S After Week Of Bloodshed - Dozens of arrests were made across cities everywhere.
Peaceful Protest In St. Paul Turns Chaotic With Arrests, Injuries - Protesters shut down a major freeway for nearly five hours.
Baton Rouge Cop Points Assault Weapon At HuffPost Reporter, Protesters - An officer just pointed a machine gun at me
With Prosecutors at Odds, U.S. Inquiry Into Eric Garner's Death Drags On (cop justice grinds very slowly)
Is the Ground Shifting on Police Violence? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
- Is America Falling Apart or Finally Waking Up? Lessons from a week of violence.
After Dallas, conservatives rebel against the Drudge Report - Business Insider - BLACK LIVES KILL
Radio Recording Suggests Disturbing Reason Philando Castile Was Pulled Over: Report - "The driver looks more like one of our suspects, just cause of the wide-set nose"
Alton Sterling Witness: Cops Took My Phone, My Surveillance Video, Locked Me Up - The Daily Beast - Abdullah Muhlafi says the Baton Rouge officer who killed a man selling CDs immediately ordered him to be detained and then stole footage of the slaying.
Alton Sterling Witness: Cops Took My Phone, My Surveillance Video, Locked Me Up : news
GOP Platform Identifies Pornography As A National Public Health Crisis - As opposed to, say, guns.
GOP Platform Committee Wants Feds To Turn Fed Lands Over To States ASAP
Federal judge: Bundy brothers should be housed in same jail, deputies shouldn't share contents of overheard phone calls |
Ex-Gypsy Joker motorcycle member was horrifically tortured before his body was dumped, police say |
- Allergic to life: the Arizona residents 'sensitve to the whole world' - In Snowflake, people tell Kathleen Hale they have found refuge in the desert to escape fragrances, electricity, Wi-Fi and other facets of modern life
Tents, cows and rock'n'roll: a look back at Woodstock - in pictures | Music | The Guardian
Ancient Philistine Cemetery Could Solve Biblical Mystery - where the ancient Philistines came from
Study suggests "vaping" in high school is capturing kids who ordinarily wouldn't smoke : science
Thumb Suckers and Nail Biters May Develop Fewer Allergies - The New York Times (not to mention booger pickers)
[Serious] Women of Reddit: What's the hardest thing about being a women, that you would like men to know? : AskReddit
Pokimon Go Brings Augmented Reality to a Mass Audience - The New York Times
Pokimon Go: armed robbers use mobile game to lure players into trap | Technology | The Guardian - after another incident saw game lead player to dead body (that didn't take long)
Sharing your Netflix password could be a federal crime | - A new ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit found that password sharing violates the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
The Fact of Sisyphus - The Barrett Brown Review of Arts and Letters and Prison - I've spent a total of five months over the past few years of incarceration being held in 23- to 24-hour-a-day Special Housing Unit confinement cells, collectively and informally known as 'the hole'
Marie Colvin's Family Blames Assad for Her Death - Award-winning Sunday Times journalist was killed in Baba Amr in 2012. Her relatives say she was murdered by the Baath regime.
Washington Monthly | Conservatives Just Lost the War to Privatize the VA - Indeed, representatives from two Koch brothers-allied pro-privatization groups were given seats on the commission, as were several executives from major medical centers that stand to profit from outsourcing VA care. The fix, it seemed, was in. (talk about roots of evil)
20 veterans a day committed suicide in 2014, new data show
Dallas Police Chief Defends Decision To Use Robot To Kill Gunman - "I approved it and would do it again if presented with same circumstances
Micah Johnson, Gunman in Dallas, Honed Military Skills to a Deadly Conclusion - The New York Times (dude had a nice house)
Dallas Shootings Deal Black Police Officers A Double Heartbreak - My heart has been totally torn out of my chest by both violence perpetrated on officers and violence perpetrated by officers
Protests Over Police Shootings Block Roads In U.S. Cities - Several arrests were made in Baton Rouge by police dressed in riot gear.
DeRay McKesson Arrested During Baton Rouge Black Lives Matter Protest (ordered to get on the sidewalk that didn't exist so arrested)
America - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Stay on the sidewalk. There is no sidewalk. Oh well, you're going to jail
- For those of you who don't like shouty racists, there's shouty racists
- Joe Walsh decided to delete this tweet. So let's all retweet it.
CNN Invited Joe Walsh To Defend His Tweet Declaring War On Obama and Black Lives Matter | ThinkProgress (racism is Obama's fault and it's only black people who are racist)
- Update: Baton Rouge police arrest at least 3 journalists at Alton Sterling protest outside police station - Slaughter appeared to be bumped from the sidewalk where he'd been standing -- along with a number of other television journalists -- after a line of officers in riot gear charged into the crowd. Slaughter, who was wearing a WAFB shirt and media credentials, was immediately grabbed by officers and led away. (lawsuit coming down the road)
Police Said They Shot A Man Because He Pointed A Gun At Them. Video Shows He Had His Hands Up. | ThinkProgress - Appears to have his hands up right before being shot 10 times by the Houston Police late Friday night. (10 times for the fun of it)
- The Deadly Cost of America's Anti-Cop Ideology (what the racist Republicans say)
What Happens After Cops Start Getting Shot? | Zero Hedge - We are now in the Fourth Stage and the media that you falsely believe represents the views of the American people are calling for a harder crackdown
- Rudy Giuliani says black children have a '99% chance' of killing each other, calls Black Lives Matter 'inherently racist' (his delusions don't add up)
Eschaton: Why Are Police Involved? - Kinda think just about anything short of murder involving the behavior of 8-year-olds in school shouldn't have police involvement... At Zane North Elementary School, police on June 6 questioned a student who had made a gun noise and held his wooden ukulele "like a gun" during music class ... the new protocol required police to respond to many incidents they previously would not have investigated, including anything "as minor as a simple name-calling incident that the school would typically handle internally" (treating 8 yr olds as terrorists in copified America)
Collingswood police questioned schoolkids about brownies, name-calling, a zombie drawing - 22 complaints Collingswood police investigated during the last month of school, when officials in the district of 1,875 students began reporting nearly every incident of student misbehavior to law enforcement as part of a new policy. (lock up the little criminals)
If You Don't Want to Get Raped, Quit Getting So Drunk, Kansas City Star Columnist Advises Women -- Laura Herrick (just went down in internet history)
What's a statistically proven fact that nobody wants to hear? : AskReddit - 1 in 6 men have experienced abusive sexual experiences before age 18 and this figure is probably on the low end as males who have such experiences are less likely to disclose them than woman are. ... About one man a year accidentally shoots his dick off ... More Americans were killed by toddlers than terrorists in 2015 ... ore things live on your skin than there are humans on planet Earth ... If the number of medical errors we have in hospitals was the same as pilot errors in airlines, we'd have 267 fully loaded (366 passenger) Boeing 747's crash EVERY year.
Toddlers Killed More Americans than Terrorists in 2015 : - Statistics about the numbers of toddlers killed versus terrorism victims (time for a war on the real enemy)
Largest US measles outbreak in Arizona after people refused vaccinations : news
Largest US measles outbreak in Arizona after people refused vaccinations | - He said ICE employees at the large facility have not been as cooperative. Nine of the 22 total cases were facility staff.
Ghostbusters (2016) Review Megathread : movies
Insides of a vagina slowly closing up : WTF
Review: 'Bush' - a Biography as Scathing Indictment - "Whether George W. Bush was the worst president in American history will be long debated, but his decision to invade Iraq is easily the worst foreign policy decision ever made by an American president" (in a just society, Bush and Cheney would be rendited to the Moon)
What rhymes with scum & needs to STFU? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : US-UK intervention offered Iraq a better future. Whatever West's mistakes: sectarian war was a choice Iraqis made for themselves. - David Frum (@davidfrum) July 6, 2016 - Frum has the post-colonial blues because he thinks the people of Iraq squandered the opportunity his ex-boss gave them in the form of good old Western-style imported blood, devastation, death, war and horror. ("It takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen")
Axis of evil - The phrase was attributed to former Bush speechwriter David Frum, originally as the axis of hatred and then evil. (as usual, he was projecting)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Issues Travel Advisory for Bahamians traveling to United States of America - Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration - Bahamas - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration has taken a note of the recent tensions in some American cities over shootings of young black males by police officers.
Brexit: Government rejects petition signed by 4.1 million calling for second EU referendum | UK Politics | News | The Independent - We must now prepare for the process to exit the EU, the Government says (here we see the danger of propaganda and lies for a stupid populace)
The Secret Rules of the Drone War - The New York Times
Hillary Clinton strongly backs public option, wins praise from Bernie Sanders - Vox
Does Donald Trump Have Anger Issues? - The Donald says he doesn't have time to deal with his problems.
Trump barred from speaking to NYPD officers - NY Daily News
Caitlyn Jenner is Headed to Cleveland During GOP Convention - The Daily Beast
What we know about the attack on police in Dallas - Washington Post
Dallas sniper Micah Johnson was sent home from Afghanistan over sexual harassment | Daily Mail Online - harassing a female soldier who said he bought her Victoria's Secret underwear - then 'got in touch with bad folks and went all Black Panther'
Use of police robot to kill Dallas shooting suspect believed to be first in US history | Technology | The Guardian - lethal use of bomb-disposal robot in Thursday's ambush worries legal experts who say it creates gray area in use of deadly force by law enforcement (next, autonomous racial-profiling killer drones)
- Megyn Kelly And Mark Fuhrman Agree That African-Americans' Grievances With Police Are Overblown (Megyn: "we used to be able to kill black people without getting caught on cameras, so it's not happening more")
- Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick calls Dallas protesters 'hypocrites' for running from sniper's bullets (Republican "logic")
Conservative Media Finally Starting To Realize That Racism Is A Problem - "police brutality toward African-Americans is a pervasive problem that has been going on for generations"
- Dallas and American 'contradictions'
Is America Repeating the Mistakes of 1968 and Ignoring Structural Racism? - The Atlantic - The Kerner Report confronted a tense nation with data about structural racism throughout the country and made recommendations to solve the problem. But America looked away.
It Is Not 1968 -- NYMag - in the feverish late-night heat, race-baiters at the New York Post, Breitbart, and Matt Drudge stoked a race war they clearly craved. It was 1968 again, more than a few observers said
No, We Are Not In The Midst Of A Race War - implies only one side should win. (wasn't that always the point?)
Philando Castile Had Been Stopped 52 Times By Police : news (only a matter of time before they killed him at #53)
- Facebook Live Video of Philando Castile's Death May Have Been Removed By Police, Not a "Glitch" - The Facebook live video feature has introduced an ironclad method for citizens to document what is happening to them, including graphic violence against them and their family members.
Man Shows Up With Gun At Alton Sterling Memorial - A young white man decided to practice his Second Amendment rights at the site where Sterling was killed.
- An off-duty NYPD cop waited just one second before -fatally gunning down another driver in a Brooklyn road-rage incident early Monday. (this one is as bad as the other two)
[Serious] Redditors who lived through the civil rights movement and societal upheaval in the 60s, how does what is going on now compare? : AskReddit
The HuffPost Story That Bizarrely Rocked Boston - An indictment of the Boston media's failure to expose a federal prosecutor results in more lax treatment - Connolly said it took a media outlet not based in Boston to challenge Ortiz, and to point out the close relationship she has with the town's flagship paper, the Globe. (Vennochi defends Ortiz, of course)
Texas Supreme Court halts deep cuts to therapy payments for disabled kids | Dallas Morning News - An all-Republican, three judge panel ruled that providers and patients lacked jurisdiction to sue (Republicans at work killing you)
Fox News' Roger Ailes Demands Arbitration In Gretchen Carlson Harassment Case ('arbitrate my dick" he said)
Six More Women Allege Ailes Sexual Harassment -- NYMag (Cosby II) Marsha Callahan, a former model who says Ailes harassed her in the late 60's shortly before he became Richard Nixon's media advisor (talk about axes of evil +"Ailes is a bug-ugly, offensively sweaty and bald Jabba-The-Hut lardmountain")
Roger Ailes Clearly Underestimated Gretchen Carlson
- Fox Host Greta Van Susteren Defends Fox News CEO Roger Ailes
Six women accuse Roger Ailes, raising speculation of ouster at Fox News | Media | The Guardian - If Lachlan and James are looking for a way to shuffle the 76-year-old network head into retirement, they may have found it.
SNIPERS AND CHOPPERS: How 'deadly force' used to keep prying eyes from mysterious Area 51 | Weird | News | Daily Express
Not Even Scientists Can Easily Explain P-values : EverythingScience
Bayes' Theorem Illustrated (My Way) - Less Wrong
What doesn't actually exist? : AskReddit
Ashley Madison customer service threatened to expose customers who disputed bills : technology
Muslims face fines up to #8,000 for wearing burkas in Switzerland | Europe | News | The Independent - Burka ban received 65 per cent of the vote in 2013 in the region, which has a Catholic majority
Republicans Have a Banner Day of Stupid with Trump, Senators Meeting, Comey Hearing - Trump predicted that Flake would lose his reelection, at which point Flake informed Trump that he was not on the ballot this year, the sources said.
- We Also Need To Stop Having Presidents Who Owned Casinos and Have Bad Haircuts - I present to you the funniest thing that will ever be written about the 2016 elections: "One thing matters. One thing only. That is restoring the rule of law, and only a Trump presidency can do that." (clownhall: suck it up and vote for Trump to preserve white America)
Micah Johnson Identified As Dallas Shooting Suspect - The attack killed five police officers and injured seven others.
The Dallas Shooting and the Advent of Killer Police Robots - The Atlantic
- The Dallas police used a 'bomb robot' to kill a shooting suspect. That's really big deal - n the war in Iraq, a device called a MARCBOT (Multi-Function Agile Remote-Controlled Robot) has been deployed to effectively carry explosives to kill insurgents.
We Have Gotten Too Good at Moving on from Terrorism and Tragedy - We have gotten too good at moving on from terrorism and tragedy.
I Dread What's Coming. Truly, I Do. - None of these people need to be dead right now.
Alton Sterling - The Special Treatment Louisiana Gives to Police Officers Suspected of a Crime Police Bill of Rights that gives law enforcement officers suspected of illegal conduct privileges far beyond those afforded to regular citizens. (a law unto themselves)
There are now more guns than people in the United States - The Washington Post (why stop there?)
America's child marriage crisis: Virginia law tackles continuing issue - There are a handful of states, such as Florida and New Mexico, that set no minimum age for minors to marry if a female is pregnant. All states allow some minors under 18 to marry. (and pardon the male perpatrator)
It's Like, How Much More Modo Could This Be? And the Answer Is None. None More MoDo. : Lawyers, Guns & Money - "I was armed with a bunch of newspapers, so I could pretend to study up on the Brexit vote convulsing Europe." (unconsciousness squared)
Do We Really Want To Be Members of a Tribe? Sebastion Junger's fascinatingly wrong-headed 'Tribe: on Homecoming and Belonging' (don't coddle the troops, make society more militaristic)
Review: Jonah Lehrer's 'A Book About Love' Is Another Unoriginal Sin (a lot of great lines by Jennifer, here are two: "There's a lot of dime-store counsel in this book, often followed by academic citations. It's like reading an advice column by way of JSTOR. and " It was a referendum on a certain genre of canned, cocktail-party social science, one that traffics in bespoke platitudes for the middlebrow and rehearses the same studies without saying something new."
"a nonfiction McMuffin"
- Jonah Lehrer's Deceptions (2012)
Isaac Chotiner: The Curse of Knowledge: A Review of Jonah Lehrer's "Imagine: How Creativity Works" | New Republic - Imagine: How Creativity Works By Jonah Lehrer
New Study Destroys Malcolm Gladwell's 10,000 Rule - Business Insider
This Book of Essays by the Head Writer of 'Inside Amy Schumer' in Hilarious
Reddit now tracks all outbound link clicks by default with existing users being opted-in. No mechanism for deleting tracked data is available. : technology
Amid Zika Crisis, House GOP Proposes Eliminating Birth Control Program - Republicans are trying for the fifth time in seven years to scrap the Title X Family Planning program. (any excuse to fuck you twice)
Chilcot Inquiry: What Blair knew in the rush to war - f how Britain was misled into an illegal, unnecessary, unpopular, foolish and ultimately disastrous war in 2003. (the elites always escape their colossal fuckups)
I read the UK's huge Iraq War report. It's even more damning than you think. The disaster in Iraq was not just foreseeable but, in the case of the UK, actually foreseen. The United States just went ahead with the war anyway. Though Britain screwed up, this is truly America's shame (for not prosecuting Bush/Cheney +George W. Bush gives Tony Blair a medal (specifically, the Medal of Freedom))
Iraq war still casts a long shadow over a dangerous and deeply unstable region | UK news | The Guardian - As the Chilcot report is released, the war's toxic legacy:
Eschaton: Hold, Suckers - I don't like making predictions about the future, but this is starting to seem like deja vu all over again - Over half of the property fund sector is now on ice, and will remain so until managers raise enough cash to meet redemption ... Clearly there has been a knee-jerk reaction to Brexit in the commercial property sector, which may moderate over time. (or not)
- Man admits killing Glasgow shopkeeper 'because he disrespected Prophet Mohamed'
The Not-So-Liberal Roberts Court - The New York Times
The Center Cannot Hold - 1)although there were some big liberal wins and Obama's legislative agenda mostly survived intact, we shouldn't forget how conservative the Roberts Court has been and 2)the Court is about to take a major lurch to the left or right: (the cosmic struggle for the soul of America goes on)
- The Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Was Totally Overblown - We learned nothing new from the investigation or James Comey's statement - and yet, here is New York Times political reporter Patrick Healy, in a front-page news analysis (it's in the NYT DNA +yeah, what's with Obama's far-right appointees?)
Hillary Clinton's Email Was Probably Hacked, Experts Say ... It very likely had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work (absence of evidence is not evidence of absense but the NYT has a story to tell)
You can vote for Hillary Clinton and not be too thrilled about it - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Poll sees Hillary Clinton trouncing Donald Trump in California | The Sacramento Bee - Clinton leads Trump by 30 percentage points in head-to-head matchup
2016 Campaign: Strong Interest, Widespread Dissatisfaction | Pew Research Center - As convention nears, most Republicans see a party divided - (41%) say it is difficult to choose between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton because neither would make a good president ("thinking" was at a low when Bush got selected)
- GOP Flack: 'Hillary Clinton Is the New O.J. Simpson' - Eric Fehrnstrom ("columnist" for the Boston Globe's commodities-trader owner guy, really BoGlo, Sunnunnu was bad enough)
The Most Corrupt Candidate Ever Is Donald Trump -- NYMag (Chait)
Eschaton: I Hates Him, I Loves Him, I Hates Him - The boy blunder, Rubio, can't make up his mind about Trump.
Trump Manages To Give Some House GOPers More Heartburn In Hill Meeting ("say great things about me, say I'm great")
Trump, seeking GOP unity, has tense meeting with Senate Republicans - The Washington Post ("Trump the Great")
GOP blocks Dem attempts to allow federal gun research | TheHill (they hate your so-called "research" and also "reality")
From Ferguson to Baltimore: The Fruits of Government-Sponsored Segregation | Economic Policy Institute
The Counted: people killed by police in the United States - interactive | US news | The Guardian (561 and counting)
Cop Fatally Shoots Black Man, Leaves Victim's Girlfriend To Record Tragic Aftermath - A graphic video shows Philando Castile bleeding in the car while his girlfriend's young daughter watches
The story behind the filming of the fatal Baton Rouge police shooting. It was no coincidence. - The Washington Post - Early Tuesday morning, members of the group, called Stop the Killing, followed a call they overheard on police scanners to the Triple S Food Mart in Baton Rouge. There, they filmed the shooting that has created a nationwide furor.
Video emerges of fatal Fresno police shooting | (he reached for the bullet wound in his stomach, so they shot him again, 2 cops had 37 yrs exp)
Police, Prosecutors and Judges Rely on a Flawed $2 Drug Test That Puts Innocent People Behind Bars - ProPublica - Tens of thousands of people every year are sent to jail based on the results of a $2 roadside drug test. Widespread evidence shows that these tests routinely produce false positives. Why are police departments and prosecutors still using them? (silly question)
Watch Gretchen Carlson's Co-Hosts Objectify Her On Air - looks were a common topic (slimy people)
Outfoxed?- politico Media - Gretchen Carlson's harassment suit against Fox News chairman Roger Ailes seems to catch the network flat-footed (the slimy disgusting heart of Fox revealed)
Outsourcing Journalism - Lawyers, Guns & Money : You may have heard that the International Business Times has laid off a whole bunch of editors and reporters. Is IBT cutting back? Is it in trouble? No, of course not. It just figured it could outsource most of it to India. This is basically the future of the entire American middle class unless keeping Americans employed in dignified jobs becomes a national priority
Can Attachment Theory Explain Our Relationships? -- The Cut - The most important parenting you'll ever do happens before your child turns one nd may affect her for the rest of her life. (ya think?)
We've long blamed carbs for making us fat. What if that's wrong?
- Chilcot report live: Blair expresses "sorrow and ajpology) but mounts lengthy defence of Iraq war strategy (sorry about all those dead people, but they did the right thing)
Chilcot Report Summary: Iraq Inquiry Main Findings Show Tony Blair Knew Iraq Invasion Would Make The UK Less Safe - After more than seven years, the Chilcot report has been published
UK Inquiry Releases Scathing Report On Iraq War - It is now clear that policy on Iraq was made on the basis of flawed intelligence and assessments (by deeply flawed people)
Tony Blair Letters To George Bush Published In Full - Include 2002 Pledge To Back Iraq Invasion - Eight months before invasion: "I will be with you, whatever"
Bush's Poodle - The Chilcot Report is out and, as you would expect, it's devastating
Eschaton: Out-Leaving UKIP - like just about everyone else, Farage didn't even know what he was pushing for. I didn't mean you should kick out my wife
Chelsea Manning rushed to hospital after trying to take own life (list of atrocities revealed)
Aid and Africa: Why Demonising Privilege Is Not The Solution - The Vocal
America's Colombia problem: Widespread ignorance of the mess the U.S. has made in South America - Under the guise of a phony war on drugs, the U.S. continues to bankroll a humanitarian crisis in Colombia (sorry, too far away and drugs are evil)
Republican Response to Comey Recommendation on Hillary Clinton Email Charges Is Too Predictable ...Trump: "Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, right? He was a bad guy. Really bad guy. But you know what he did well? He killed terrorists. He did that so good. They didn't read them the rights, they didn't talk. They were a terrorists -- it was over. Today, Iraq is Harvard for terrorism"
Corker withdraws as potential Trump running mate - The Washington Post
Ernst all but withdraws from Trump veepstakes - politico
- White Nationalist Leaders Praise Trump's "stunning" anti-semitic tweet
Trump May Become The First Republican In 60 Years To Lose White College Graduates | FiveThirtyEight (too stupid for even them)
Remarried couples should abstain from sex, Philadelphia Catholic church says | World news | The Guardian (also, gay people)
Graphic Video Shows Baton Rouge Police Shooting Alton Sterling - A Louisiana state politician told local news that additional footage of the incident exists.
Congressman Calls For Investigation Into Alton Sterling Shooting - There are a number of unanswered questions surrounding Mr. Sterling's death
Second video emerges of Alton Sterling fatal shooting by Baton Rouge police (Warning: Graphic) : news
This Federal Prosecutor Is Building A Career Indicting The Good Guys - But is U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz the one gone wrong? (in the tradition of Martha Coakley)
The Prosecutors Who Aim to Kill - The New York Times - The prosecutors are Joe Freeman Britt in North Carolina, Robert Macy in Oklahoma, Donnie Myers in South Carolina, Lynne Abraham in Philadelphia and Johnny Holmes in Texas.
MuckRock's Approach Is Working, One FOIA at a Time - Last year, IRE declared the Massachusetts State Police the most secretive government agency in the nation, due to its lengthy rap sheet of public records delays, redactions, and exorbitant request fees. On its way to the award, the MSP edged out the U.S. Department of Defense (maybe Carmen could investigate a little bit?)
Sexual Harassment: Not Just a Women's Issue - Gretchen Carlson
Read The Most Damning Parts Of Gretchen Carlson's Suit Against Roger Ailes - Just gross. (and Stevie Douchebag)
Fox News Sources: Gretchen Carlson Wasn't The First Roger Ailes Victim - He told me that if he was thinking of hiring a woman, he'd ask himself if he would fuck her, and if he would, then he'd hire her to be on-camera
Gretchen Carlson Files Sexual-Harassment Suit Against Fox News Chief Roger Ailes : television
There's a Reason Someone Is Supposed to Keep an Eye on Massive Mergers - Especially when it comes to basic things like healthcare. (many active vectors of evil in our capitalist economy)
Georgia Mom's 'Naked Twister' Party Ends With Guilty Plea, Probation - The mom, who is reportedly a Sunday school teacher (good Christian values)
A death on Usenet: Sharon Lopatka and the strange case of "consensual murder"
Can You Teach a Coal Miner to Code? - Backchannel
Most available antidepressants are ineffective, and some may be unsafe, for children and teenagers with major depression, according to the most comprehensive comparison of commonly prescribed antidepressant drugs so far. : science
How monotheists modelled god on a harem-keeping alpha male | Aeon Essays - Protective, omnipotent, scary and very territorial. The monotheistic God is modelled on a harem-keeping alpha male
Data Mining Novels Reveals the Six Basic Emotional Arcs of Storytelling - The six basic emotional arcs are these:
Learn to Use Slant Rhyme - Flocabulary
What view is only expressed by ignorant people? : AskReddit
I_DID_LSD_ON_A_PLANE comments on [Daily Discussion] Wednesday, July 06, 2016
What CAN'T you find on the internet? : AskReddit
What is a stupidly easy way to die ? : AskReddit
- Protect Minnesota's Boundary Waters (from rape and pillage by corps)
US oil reserves surpass those of Saudi Arabia and Russia
Is Tony Blair responsible for all Iraq's bloodshed? The truth is more complicated, and less comforting (well yeah, but a trillion in weapons)
Pound sterling falls below $1.31 hitting new 31-year low | Business News | News | The Independent - The pound hit fresh lows after the Bank of England confirmed that the financial stability of the UK had already been affected by Brexit
Britain's Labour Party Readies For Potential Leadership Battle - Lawmaker Angela Eagle says she has the support to trigger a challenge to leader Jeremy Corbyn.
Eschaton: Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste - Tax cuts for rich people to the rescue! - George Osborne has pledged to cut corporation tax to encourage businesses to continue investing in the UK following the EU referendum vote.
Government refuses to guarantee EU citizens living in UK can stay | Politics | The Guardian - Minister says it would be unwise to offer guarantee without assurances about UK nationals living in other EU countries
I Broke It, You Bought It - Lawyers, Guns & Money : - Nigel Farage has decided that someone else can help clean up the mess he helped create his his flagrant lying:
Pound plunges to new 31-year low as Mark Carney warns UK is 'entering period of uncertainty' and urges people to be 'prudent' over borrowing
Ken Clarke caught on camera ridiculing Conservative leadership candidates - but Sky News face backlash after releasing footage
Medina bombing is an assault on Islam itself (Opinion) - - Three separate suicide bomber attacks in Saudi Arabia ... Some Muslims got irresponsibly angry, and a few turned to terrible, unacceptable violence, when the Prophet Mohammed was but mocked by a cartoonist and a satirist. I've got to wonder how Muslims will react now that someone tried to blow up his mosque. ("someone" = Muslims +because Wahabism isn't primitive enough; death vultures come home to roost)
Muslims united in condemning suicide attack on Islam's holy site
US Government Approved 100% Of Wiretap Applications In 2015 - Vocativ - A 10-year study shows the U.S. wiretaps increasingly often and effectively
Silent Circle has killed its warrant canary. : technology
The Security State and History - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Security State's belief that the general public has no right to see any document or information and they resent having to provide anything.
The GOP v. Democracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Robert's Court gutting of the Voting Rights Act is having its intended effect, part the umpteenth:
F.B.I. Director James Comey Recommends No Charges for Hillary Clinton on Email - The New York Times
Hillary Clinton's email problems might be even worse than we thought - FBI Director James B. Comey dismantled large portions of Clinton's long-told story about her private server and what she sent or received on it
Trump Says AG Lynch Accepted Bribe From Hilary Clinton
In Unprecedented Development, Clinton Scandal Massively Overblown - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Hillary Clinton Isn't Getting Indicted. Here's Why
- FBI Director Shades Everyone Freaking Out About Clinton Emails: "Opinions Are Irrelevant"
- We Have the Final Word; And It Was Friggin' Obvious All this said, this was 99.9% predictable and 100% obvious. It's a mammoth press failure that for various reasons this reality was concealed from the public.
F.B.I. Recommends No Charges Against Hillary Clinton for Use of Personal Email : news
Campaigner-in-chief: Obama hits trail with Clinton | US news | The Guardian
Hillary's First 100 Days
Pro-Donald Trump Super PAC Tries To Tie Hillary Clinton To The KKK - The website is called
- Trump Campaign Blames Anti-Semitic Tweet on "Microsoft shapes"
TomatoHere comments on Trump tweets image depicting Clinton, cash and the Star of David
A home that looks perfect, until bigotry rears its ugly head - The Washington Post - "We don't want Muslims in our clubhouse. Take off that robe over your head!" she boomed ... "like they were wearing masks all these years. And they just took them off" (rich unamerican racist Trumpies hate everybody except rich Christian whites)
Trump supporter - 'Mexican restaurant refused to serve me' (she hates Mexicans so she went to a Mexican restaurant)
The truth of cosmopolitanism - The Washington Post - Ross Douthat suggests that cosmopolitans are their own tribe
The Kansas Economic Miracle - Lawyers, Guns & Money : As most of you know, Kansas was provided an excellent test case for supply-side economics. The answer is that upper-class tax cuts have utterly failed to deliver the promised economic growth and caused state revenues to crater, threatening valuable state services.
Off-duty cop shoots man dead in road rage incident in Brooklyn - NY Daily News< (man died, violent cop lied) /a>
The Lancet: New stem cell transplantation method may halt multiple sclerosis symptoms long-term, but therapy comes with high risk | EurekAlert! Science News
ELI5: Is the 'neutral' of the pH scale based on something scientifically objective, or simply what is ideal for humans? : explainlikeimfive
Biomedical scientist teaches you how to never get a poison ivy rash again. : videos
If there was a planet with the same orbit and orbital period as the Earth but on the opposite side of the Sun would we ever detect it from Earth? : askscience
Reddit, what is the fastest way you've seen a room full of happy people turn real ugly and sour. What happened? : AskReddit
Whats the weirdest unexplained event 50+ years old that we have photographic or video evidence of? : AskReddit
Who is a famous person that frequently browses Reddit? : AskReddit
You are in a room with 100 strangers. What is one food item you are confident you could eat more of than anyone else in the room? : AskReddit
It's Time We Called the Declaration of Independence's Bluff - In his epic speech in Rochester, New York, in 1852, Frederick Douglass was savage in his contempt for the general celebration of the Fourth of July.
Celebrate America's Birthday with Record Income Inequality!
Income inequality today may be higher today than in any other era - The Washington Post (the Diamond-encrusted age)
Income for top 1% rose twice as fast compared to the 99% - NY Daily News
American Charity - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Another way to celebrate how great America has become is to note how charities are now being used as another way to generate profit for the financial industry.
Eight of the most misleading promises of the Leave campaign, ranked - Just to recap: the UK has voted to leave the European Union in a result that came down to just 1.39m votes.
People are really, really hoping this theory about David Cameron and Brexit is true
Bailing After Brexit: UK Independence Party Leader Farage Quits
There ain't no resignation like a Nigel Farage resignation - "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"
Michael Gove has 'an emotional need to gossip, particularly when drink is taken' - why he can't be trusted with Britain's most sensitive secrets (backstabbing continues)
$800 million of bonuses wiped at Deutsche Bank, Barclays, UBS and Credit Suisse - Business Insider
After Slaughter, Bangladesh Reels at Revelations About Attackers - The New York Times -the privileged backgrounds of the half-dozen attackers believed to have butchered 20 patrons of a restaurant during a bloody siege here late last week - That these kids from very affluent families with no material want can still be turned to this kind of ideology, motivated not just to the point of killing but also want to be killed
Iraq: Baghdad bombing death toll climbs to 157 |
#JeSuisBaghdad: the chart that shows the escalating violence in Iraq
- Suicide bombing reported outside the Prophet's Mosque in Saudi city of Medina, one of Islam's holiest sites
Attack near US consulate in Saudi city of Jeddah - BBC News
hourworkisneverover comments on Saudi Arabia Hajj Disaster Death Toll at Least 2,110
Before Islam: When Saudi Arabia Was a Jewish Kingdom - Archaeology - Haaretz - Israel News - The discovery of the oldest-known pre-Islamic Arabic writing in Saudi Arabia, from ca. 470 CE, evidently caused some consternation, given its Christian and Jewish context.
In the fight against Isis, there's hope in the history of Islam | Voices | The Independent
CIA knew it had the wrong man, but kept him anyway | Duluth News Tribune - Even though the agency realized early on that al-Masri was the wrong man, it couldn't figure out how to release him without having to acknowledge its mistake.
Did a Fear of Slave Revolts Drive American Independence? - The New York Times (Mythamerica)
Slavery, Race and American Independence - Lawyers, Guns & Money : the creation of the United States was utterly catastrophic for African-Americans and was genocidal for Native Americans. (evil buried deep in the soul of America)
The Undermining of American Charity by Lewis B. Cullman | The New York Review of Books
- The Craziest Convention Moments You've Never Heard Of - Convention history is dotted with dramatic, even farcical, events that have changed the course of politics.
Trump Days - The New Yorker - a new understanding of America emerges. The Trump supporter comes out of the conservative tradition but is not a traditional conservative. He is less patient: something is bothering him and he wants it stopped now, by any means necessary. He seems less influenced by Goldwater and Reagan than by Fox News and reality TV ... "I've never before imagined America as fragile, as an experiment that could, within my very lifetime, fail" (in the end, stupid and not thoughtful, like Drumpf)
Coal Baron Promises Huge Layoffs, Then Tells Workers To Vote Trump
Republicans' many tortured excuses for not going to their Donald Trump-led convention
- Donald Trump blames 'dishonest media' in furor over 'antisemitic' Clinton tweet
Trump Praises Elie Wiesel After Using Neo-Nazi Image To Attack Hillary
Surveillance Video Shows Two Youths Viciously Beaten Outside A Brooklyn Mosque - BuzzFeed News
- Sanders: Democratic platform doesn't go far enough
CDC report reveals magnitude of Flint water crisis -
Washington Monthly | Kansas' Experiment in Right-Wing Economics Is Still Failing Miserably - This is what happens when you put Republicans in charge with the freedom to pursue their economic ideology ... Conservative economic orthodoxy is completely dysfunctional for running governments and society because it's built on assumptions that aren't true (they've always had that problem, how's that Laffer Curve working out for you, KA?)
Mormon Bundy Loyalist Against Land Gift To American Citizens | Crooks and Liars - The Quimby family, the makers of Burt's Bees products, have offered to donate nearly 90,000 acres of pristine woodland area in Maine. Not only that, they have also included a generous donation of $40 million for the upkeep of the land. (Mormons and LePage)
Transgender nominee for Congress: 'It's about damn time' politics got inclusive | Society | The Guardian - MIsty Plowright, a 33-year-old Colorado resident, became the first transgender candidate to win a major party primary for the US House of Representatives. At the same time, Misty K Snow, a 30-year-old Utah native, became the first transgender candidate to do the same for the US Senate.
'Embedded' reporter at Oregon standoff seeks release while facing federal gun charges |
Hikin' Is Fun (@tikitorches1) | Twitter
Biden and Obama rewrite the rulebook on college sexual assaults - The Washington Post
13-year-olds can no longer get married in Virginia | - t between 2004 and 2013 over 200 children 15 or under were married in Virginia and there were 13 times more underage brides than grooms. They also show 90 percent of underage marriages were to an adult spouse. Many people see this as a loophole in statutory rape laws
Virginia introduces law to stop 12-year-old girls from getting married : news
Internet Access Is Now A Basic Human Right : technology - a non-binding resolution - so it is not a basic human right
California Wildfire Prompts Evacuations As Blaze Grows - Recent weeks have seen several major fires in California. Some have been deadly.
Half of working Britain has seen no rise in living standards since early 2000s. Squeeze on earnings and rising housing costs have hit family budgets, fuelling disillusionment at economic and political status quo. : worldnews
EU tells Swiss no single market access if no free movement of citizens | World news | The Guardian - Swiss-EU talks reveal determination of EU to make no concessions to UK over Brexit terms - The Swiss only narrowly voted to restrict immigration in the original 2014 referendum, with 50.3% in favour (sounds familiar)
The inside story of the most infamous, treacherous week in Tory history (backstabbing is in their blood)
Jeremy Corbyn held back by aides after furious confrontation with reporter who asked if he was 'running away' from Labour crisis (being idiots is in their blood)
Jeremy Corbyn is neither nice nor decent - he is a nasty bully and an embarrassment to the country
More on the Short-Run Macroeconomics of Brexit - The New York Times
Nearly 95 Killed And 200 Injured In Baghdad Car Bombings - ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack.
At least 83 killed, 176 wounded in separate bombings across Baghdad : worldnews
ISIS Dhaka cafe attack victims in Bangladesh pictured | Daily Mail Online
Dhaka terrorists were highly educated: Police - The New Indian Express - The terrorists who massacred 20 foreigners and Bangladeshi at a popular cafe here were highly educated and most came from wealthy families, a minister said on Sunday.
File 17 is glimpse into still-secret 28 pages about 9/11 - the government quietly declassified a little-known report listing more than three dozen people who piqued the interest of investigators probing possible Saudi connections to the hijackers - Former President George W. Bush classified the 28-page chapter to protect intelligence sources and methods, although he also probably did not want to upset U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia ... the hijackers had an extensive Saudi support system while they were in the United States.
28,000 People Missing in Mexico in the last Decade: Report | News | teleSUR English - since the country began its war on drugs (great job, America)
The most interesting tidbits you missed in the Benghazi depositions - The night of the attacks, Clinton emailed her daughter, Chelsea ...
/pol/ - == MY DICK IS ABOUT TO BE DIAMONDS ==Clinton Foundation Hacked, juicy secrets about to come. ** and so am I **"The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation was among the organizations breached by suspected Russian hackers in a dragnet of the U.
Donald Trump taps into manufacturing regions to extract Democratic voters | US news | The Guardian - The Republican appeals to fears over disappearing jobs in coal mines and steel factories of Ohio and Pennsylvania, persuading voters to abandon loyalties (and fuck themselves over, once again, in the name of racism)
Donald Trump Slammed Candidates Taking Big Money, Then Became One Of Them
Donald Trump's 'Star of David' Hillary Clinton Meme Was Created by White Supremacists
Muslim Man Shot Outside Mosque In Texas - It is very scary right now given the current political climate - The incident comes the day after another Muslim man was beaten outside of a mosque in Florida. (Keep America Racist)
Muslim doctor 'shot and stabbed' outside mosque in Texas : news - Houston police are calling it a robbery, and that it happened in an apartment complex near the mosque.
UAE warns travelers not to wear traditional dress after Emirati visitor is arrested in Ohio - The Washington Post - The tourist, Ahmed al-Menhali, was detained at gunpoint last week in Avon, Ohio, after a suspicious hotel clerk alerted relatives, who called 911. Menhali, a 41-year-old businessman, was in the United States for medical treatment and tried to book a hotel in the Cleveland suburb
Republican leader resigns, blasts Tennessee GOP - in his resignation letter, Mark Winslow said the party's "soul rotted away some time ago" ... As it's currently constituted, the TNGOP is really nothing more than a small corrupt core group who view our party as their private club and personal piggy bank. Money is passed around, doled out to friends, handed to favored consultants and staffers who ignore bylaws or common sense,
Delta County chairwoman of GOP resigns | - "There's no room for racism, intended or not, in society" (the South rose again, in the rotted soul of the Republican party)
- In latest Kansas revenue fiasco, it's still the tax cuts, stupid - income tax cuts have caused huge revenue shortfalls in Kansas, as a state report clearly showed Friday ... Kansas has actually lost 700 jobs over the last year, for the sixth worst rate of growth in America (and the stupid white voters who screwed the state and themselves because being assholes was more important)
Online bigots beware: 'Hello Racist' is going to expose you on the Internet (commenters have different opinion)
The Most Important White Supremacist Of 2016 | ThinkProgress - Matthew Heimbach
As a psychiatrist, I diagnose mental illness. Also, I help spot demonic possession. - The Washington Post - The official Catholic Catechism holds that demons are sentient and possess their own wills; as they are fallen angels, they are also craftier than humans (commenters go berserk)
Iowa State Team Describes Prion Folding at Molecular Level - "Our study establishes a direct link, at the molecular level, between copper exposure and prion protein neurotoxicity"
What is a phrase most often uttered by assholes? : AskReddit
Zika in Florida: 10 new cases confirmed amid concern over US response | World news | The Guardian - Figure marks largest number of infections found on single day, with nearly 1,000 people infected with virus across country
- Police chiefs hint the current figures may be the tip of the iceberg as hate crime is 'significantly under reported'
Tory party leadership: support for Theresa May surges as Gove struggles | Politics | The Guardian (serial backstabbing not over and it's all Cameroon's fault)
Brexit: The Continuing Fallout - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Amsterdam the new London)
- Paul Krugman on 'Brexit' and Its Impact
- Commandos storm foreigners' restaurant in Dhaka as terrorists kill 20
Bangladesh Attack Suggests Shift by ISIS as It Loses Territory - The New York Times
New 'Highway of Death In Iraq As ISIS Convoy Gets Annihilated From The Air
Heavy blow to ISIS: 225 terrorists killed in Nangarhar raids by Afghan army : worldnews
Australia In Limbo After Election Too Close To Call(economy down, so cut corporate taxes!)
The FBI interviewed Hillary Clinton today. The next two weeks will be huge. - The Washington Post
- time to wind down the Clinton email investigation
How everyone looks bad because Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch - The Washington Post
Bill Clinton's Bad Judgment
- Democrats: The White Working Class Isn't Voting for You, So Stop Pandering to Them (stupid and racist for a long time)
A fact checker looked into 158 things Donald Trump said. 78 percent were false. - The Washington Post
Trump's surrogate handlers quit. Departures Suggest That Perhaps This Is a Highly Dysfunctional Enterprise (perhaps?)
The hypocrisy at the heart of Trump's Campaign (more like very deep evil, probably where Trump's torture fetish comes from)
Why Trump's Message Resonates, In 1 Chart - The U.S. fell to 19th place out of 133 countries on a global ranking of "social progress" (-3 from last year, hello Republicans driving America down)
What It's Like to Cover Mass Shootings
Texting and Driving Statistics (increase your chance of dying by 23 times!)
Disabled Cancer Patient Sues Memphis International Airport, TSA After Bloody Checkpoint Scuffle : news
People who have surprisingly woken up admitted into a hospital, what happened? : AskReddit
- growing up intersex
'Doctors still do not acknowledge that I'm intersex' - Channel 4 News
Maya Posch: How not being punished gets one into jail
The hate keeps coming: Pain lingers for lesbian couple denied in Sweet Cakes case |
Modern Love: The Column and the Podcast - The New York Times
Pyrotechnic Party of Legend, Killed Off by Social Media - The New York Times
Scientists found cells within a malignant brain tumor, known as glioma, rely on fats in order to fuel tumor growth. This contradicts previous scientific findings that stated that tumor cells require mostly sugar in order to create energy, opening doors to new improved treatments for patients. : science
What fear/phobia do you have that might be really odd? : AskReddit
[Serious] What is the deepest, darkest secret you found out about a friend, that really messed with your head? : AskReddit
Family outraged after neighbor shot therapy dog : news
What is the craziest thing you've ever witnessed at a party? : AskReddit
Brexit cannot be cancelled or delayed, says Frangois Hollande | World news | The Guardian - French president says UK must face consequences of its vote and a quick exit from EU would avert economic instability
Boris Johnson's Shock Withdrawal From The Tory Leadership Race: How It Happened - The shock in the room was like a bomb went off
How Boris Johnson was brought to his knees by the 'cuckoo nest plot' - It makes House of Cards look like Teletubbies ... gobsmacked!
Boris Johnson's allies accuse Michael Gove of 'systematic and calculated plot' to destroy his leadership hopes
Austrian Court Overturns Presidential Election Results, Calls For Rerun - narrowly defeated candidate another chance to become the first far-right head of state in the European Union. (back to their roots)
Dhaka attack: two police officers killed and seven Italians among hostages | World news | The Guardian - Italian ambassador says his countrymen among those held by gunmen at Holey Artisan Bakery cafe in diplomatic quarter of Bangladeshi capital
Brazil: Huge spike in number of police killings in Rio ahead of Olympics | Amnesty International UK
Memories of Rubber - Lawyers, Guns & Money : This is a really powerful piece about how indigenous peoples in South America have integrated the horrors of the rubber baron era into their oral histories and storytelling style. (there are a lot of atrocities under the rug of capital)
Obama claims US drones strikes have killed up to 116 civilians | US news | The Guardian - Long-awaited assessment of death toll under Obama, criticized as an undercount, acknowledges government does not always know how many civilians it kills
Washington Monthly | A Look at the Use of Drones During the Obama Administration
Secret Rules Make It Pretty Easy for the FBI to Spy on Journalists - journalist's calls without going to a judge or informing the news organization being targeted. (metadata is data)
Elizabeth Warren's Consolidation Speech Could Change the Election
- Trump: Bill Clinton opened 'Pandora's Box'
Bill Clinton Airport Meeting with Loretta Lynch Is Latest Example of Bill Clinton Syndrome - My god, is it even necessary to describe how stupid and reckless this is? For the second presidential campaign in a row, Hillary Rodham Clinton is afflicted with a husband who can't make a political move any more without breaking the china across the room.
The president of France says if Brexit won, so can Donald Trump | VICE News
Trump Amps Up His Call For Torture: 'We're Going To Have To Do Things That Are Unthinkable'
Donald Trump Warns That A Plane Flying Over New Hampshire Might Be Mexico Ready To Attack - "I don't really need those notes, becuse I don't need notes. Aren't I luck? Nice to have ability isn't it? It's a good ability to have"
Donald Trump used money donated for charity to buy himself a Tim Tebow-signed football helmet - The Washington Post
Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored
Trump's Vegas Hotel Spent Half A Million Dollars To Stop Maids From Unionizing - And yet the candidate claims to be a friend of regular working people. "I believe [union] members will be voting for me in much larger numbers than for her" (sad but maybe true)
The lies Trump told this week: from US trade policies to his own campaign | US news | The Guardian - latest tweak to proposed Muslim ban, disavowal of Republican leader he once praised and more exaggerations, contradictions and half-truths
Is the Trump Campaign Just a Giant Safe Space for the Right? - The New York Times
Needs MOAR Newt! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Please, please, please let this be true: In addition to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), Donald Trump's campaign is vetting former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (repulsive squared)
Trump Endorsement Loses Tulsa Mayor Re-election - Dewey Bartlett Grabs the Wrong Coattails - He, Trump has coattails for sure. It's just that they're lined with poisoned spikes and they all end at the heads of live serpents.
Kaine, Non - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Sen. Tim Kaine legally accepted more than $162,000 in gifts when he served as lieutenant governor and governor of Virginia..
Next for Clinton: A Running Mate - a key question is how her pick might tilt the balance of power in the Senate.
alicublog: PERMANENT REVOLUTION. (Evangelical Christians permanently at war with the Sexual Revolution which is going on right now and undermining the foundations of Christianity)
- California governor signs stringent gun control measures - Jerry Brown passes six new laws as federal government remains deadlocked - New requirements on high-capacity magazines and background checks
Why The Most Common Type Of Gun Death Rarely Gets Mentioned - Most gun deaths in the U.S. are suicides.
Portland auditor: Charlie Hales' 'ignorance gets the better of him' |
Portland Auditor Mary Hull Caballero Returns to City Council With Modified Ethics Reforms - Willamette Week - Mayor Charlie Hales had blasted a previous proposal that sought stronger ethics rules.
Bertha paused for 'high-pressure' maintenance -
Washington Monthly | Betraying His Adopted Tribe? - Sebastian Junger promotes PTSD denial and dismissal. - notion that a return to warrior culture is the solution to the problems of the modern world. The stone age and tribal cultures Junger idealizes have been, to put it mildly, hard on women.
Wild Light Show, Strange Sounds Coming From Jupiter As Juno Spacecraft Approaches Orbit
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) : DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria - What is a personality disorder?
What skill do you think is most attractive for the opposite sex to be proficient in? : AskReddit
Oracle Ordered To Pay HP $3 Billion In Itanium Case (Larry not doing so well lately)
Boris Johnson rules himself out of Tory leadership race | Politics | The Guardian - Main public face of Brexit makes shock announcement hours after his key ally Michael Gove launched his own campaign
Theresa May rules out early general election or second EU referendum if she becomes Conservative leader | UK Politics | News | The Independent
Conservative MP forced to deny Rupert Murdoch 'owns the Tory party' after Boris Johnson withdraws from PM race - Mirror Online
My thoughts on the plight of Labour - Medium - The country is in a very grave crisis.
Random Musings on the Continuing British Fiasco - Lawyers, Guns & Money
knowledgestack comments on Boris Johnson will NOT stand for Tory leader (ELI5 Brexit)
Istanbul Bombers Were Russian, Uzbek, Kyrgyz Nationals, Turkish Official Says
We Prayed For Paris -- But What About Istanbul? - There's a serious empathy gap
Taliban Suicide Bombers Attack Afghan Police Buses, Killing 27 And Wounding Dozens - The buses were carrying recently graduated cadets.
The Senate Is About To Anger Vulture Funds And Help Puerto Rico - A bill passed Wednesday that will help the island restructure its $70 billion in debt.
2016 Election Forecast | FiveThirtyEight
Donald Trump Has A 20 Percent Chance Of Becoming President | FiveThirtyEight
NY Daily News Trolls Donald Trump Over Plunging Poll Numbers Among African-Americans - GOP presidential candidate reportedly has the support of just 1 percent of black voters.
GOP Senator: Don't Tell Me I Shouldn't Be Concerned About Trump - Utah Sen. Mike Lee said
Airplane Banner With GOP Congressman's Anti-Gay Stance To Fly Over The Jersey Shore - Happy Fourth of July weekend!
Ammon Bundy seeks delay in September trial, asks for pretrial release |
Study Finds People Who Fall For Nonsense Inspirational Quotes Are Less Intelligent - The unexplainable is in the midst of boundless chaos
New-Age Bullshit Generator
Random Deepak Chopra Quote Generator - Wisdom of Chopra
Post-Brexit Labour: Our Own Omnishambles - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Effectively, the Labour Party has defaulted on its job to be an organised opposition to the equally disorganised Conservatives precisely when the country needs precisely that.
- Brexit Takes Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party to the Brink
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: Brexit Dreams And Nightmares (by the numbers)
What Comes After the Istanbul Airport Attack? - The New York Times
Time to End the Benghazi Witch Hunt - The New York Times
Pivot? Trump Doesn't Need No Stinkin' Pivot (he's already "presidential")
Corey Lewandowski's Debut On CNN Is Going Just Awfully - more interested in giving out Trump campaign talking points.
Voters to Decide Whether to Legalize Recreational Marijuana - ABC News
Harney County voters solidly reject effort to oust county judge who opposed Ammon Bundy |
As A Poor Kid From The Rust Belt, Yale Law School Brought Me Face-to-face With Radical Inequality
Study: The world views Americans as narcissists -- and so do other Americans : science
- What things do people of the opposite sex do that makes you think "that's why they're single"?
Formerly overweight redditors who are now a healthy size - what tips do you have for people starting out? : AskReddit
What was the biggest lie of your generation? : AskReddit
Scientology Seeks Captive Converts Via Google Maps, Drug Rehab Centers - Krebs on Security
Top science groups tell climate change doubters in Congress to knock it off - The Washington Post ("doubters" = "Republican death-mongers"
Brexit: What Can the Opposition Do? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Eschaton - Remember this is what they're using to justify trying to oust Corbyn, that he didn't try hard enough to prevent Cameron from fucking up the country. The reality is, they saw an opportunity long before the vote was taken. The "reasons" were inserted after ... Launching a coup in the Labour Party at this moment has diverted attention away from those responsible for this national crisis
Racist Incidents Skyrocket After Brexit Vote - The referendum result has stoked dangerous nationalistic fervor across Britain.
After a campaign scarred by bigotry, it's ecome OK to be racist in Britain
- EU chief to Brexiter Nigel Farage: 'Why are you here?'
U.K.'s Nigel Farage: Obama behaved 'disgracefully' by campaigning against Brexit
Jeremy Corbyn Allies 'Sabotaged' Labour's In Campaign On The EU Referendum, Critics Claim - Pro-EU messages deleted from speeches, events avoided
At least 36 killed in suicide attack at Istanbul airport, officials say - The Washington Post - and wounding 147, Turkish officials said Tuesday night.
Explosion At Airport In Istanbul : worldnews
[NSFW] Turkish guard shoots suicide bomber, immobilizing the bomber before he manages to blow up his vest : videos
Istanbul: explosion and shots fired at Atat|rk Airport : news
Would a Work-Free World Be So Bad? - The Atlantic - Fears of civilization-wide idleness are based too much on the downsides of being unemployed in a society premised on the concept of employment.
The Facts Win Out on Abortion - The New York Times - The dry, almost clinical tone could scarcely be more different from the meditative mood the Supreme Court struck the last time it stood up for abortion rights, in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 24 years ago this week
Why Kennedy Broke - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - why Kennedy finally agreed to put some teeth into Casey:
GOP's Presumptive Nominee Has Nothing to Say About Today's Abortion Ruling (crickets)
Two years, $7 million, still no smoking gun on Clinton and Benghazi - The Washington Post
- Benghazi goose chase comes up empty
House Benghazi Report Finds No New Evidence of Wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton - The New York Times (Republicans are terrible people)
Benghazi Committee Report Again Finds No Evidence Against Hillary Clinton, But It Won't Go Away - This is Whitewater, with email playing the part of cattle futures. (Republicans defunded embassy security, went batshit when something happened) But it did prove one remarkable inter-species theorem: It indeed is possible to fck rats while wearing a kangaroo suit.
- Farewell To Fox News' Benghazi Hoax
- email story continues to get harder and harder to believe - She handed over the work-related email and permanently deleted those that she and her team decided were purely personal. She wound up deleting more emails than she turned over to State (crooked Hillary)
Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren Take Aim at Donald Trump - The New York Times
The Party of Lincoln - Lawyers, Guns & Money - "When the Know-Nothings get control," he wrote in 1855, the Declaration of Independence "will read 'all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners and Catholics.' When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty"
- When the Know-Nothings get control
- Seemingly no one wants to speak at the Cleveland convention that will elect Donald Trump as the Republican Party's presidential candidate (there's always Ted Nugent and Clint's empty chair) Just to give an idea of the scope of the problem, in primetime of the first night of the 2012 convention, there were 18 separate speakers and a video.
Trump promised millions to charity. We found less than $10,000 over 7 years. - The Washington Post (big mouth, little hands)
What Donald Trump's New Communications Director Really Thinks Of Donald Trump, In 11 Deleted Tweets | ThinkProgress
CNN's hiring of Corey Lewandowski insults the press -- and women By Margaret Sullivan Media Columnist
Literally What Is Sarah Palin Even Talking About - "Trump's candidacy has exposed, not just that tragic -- that ramifications of the betrayal of a transformation of our country, but, two, he has exposed the complicity on both sides of the aisle that has enabled it, OK?" (prion-diseased Republicans, slightly more complicated syntax than Trump's)
Today in the Party of Calhoun - Lawyers, Guns & Money : It's nice that Congressional Republicans tried to use the Zika funding bill for the all-important goal of reversing the ban on flying the Confederate flag in national cemeteries. (in case you forgot who they are)
Civil rights leader Walter Fauntroy arrested at Dulles International Airport - The Washington Post - on a charge that he wrote a bad check for $55,000 to help pay for a 2009 ball he organized for President Obama
EXCLUSIVE: Gay, black man who was brutally attacked by Jewish security patrol gang sues city - NY Daily News - the Shomrim, a volunteer Orthodox Jewish security patrol. He was left battered, and lost eyesight in one eye.
In praise of those annoying baby boomers - The Boston Globe - By Charles P. Pierce June 23, 2016
New York Times braces for big change- POLITICO Media - The problem is that while print advertising is still a big slice of company revenues ($441.6 million out of $1.58 billion in 2015), it's been plummeting year after year as marketers become hotter on digital, and tech giants like Facebook and Google dominate online ad growth.
Washington Monthly | Is it Better to Teach Pure Math Instead of Applied Math? - OECD study of 64 countries and regions finds significant rich-poor divide on math instruction ('applied math' = addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers)
Absurdities of American higher education, financial edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Oberlin College, the highly-regarded liberal arts college in Ohio (it has a world famous music school, and is also the oldest co-educational institution of higher education in the US), is offering buyouts to faculty and staff, purportedly because of financial stress: (they are making tons of money to pay their high-paid administrators, but need to get rid of experienced faculty)
Texas Supreme Court Takes a Dive on Homeschooling Standards, Religious Liberty - The Texas Supreme Court takes a dive. (kids don't need education because they will be raptured)
Some Kauai residents unhappy about wall being built by Facebook billionaire | West Hawaii Today - The feeling of it is really oppressive. It's immense
Thanks to climate change, the Arctic is turning green - The Washington Post
There will be no second referendum, cabinet agrees | Gary Gibbon on Politics
The world's losers are revolting, and Brexit is only the beginning - Globalization didn't create a lot of losers, but the ones it did were concentrated in the countries that were the driving force behind it. (the riches ate all their money and now they are mad at immigrants)
Sterling dips below Friday's 31-year low amid Brexit uncertainty
Brexit cost investors $2 trillion, the worst one day drop ever
Barclays and RBS shares suspended from trading after tanking more than 8% : worldnews
Surge in Hate Crimes in the U.K. Following U.K.'s Brexit Vote - Shocking accounts have emerged following the vote to leave the E.U.
- Young Brits are angry about older people deciding their future, but most didn't vote - Polling and survey data indicate that young people voted in far fewer numbers than even senior citizens and that areas with the highest youth populations also had the lowest turnout. (17% higher than US elections)
- Brussels rejects Boris Johnson's 'pipe dream' over single market access - Diplomats dismiss idea UK could stay in single market without obeying the rules (BoJo makin' shit up as usual)
Jeremy Corbyn preparing for leadership contest | Politics | The Guardian - Source close to defiant Labour leader says number of shadow cabinet resignations is destabilising and new election likely (Corbyn voted 'Leave' of course)
Welcome to Hell. Brazilian cops and firefighters protest in the airport for incoming tourists. : pics
Associated Press Complains About Politicians Lack of Action on Global Warming | Beat the Press | Just kidding, AP wouldn't waste readers time on anything so frivolous as the future of the planet. No, it's calling politicians irresponsible because they won't run out and cut Social Security and Medicare.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Abortion Law - HB2 Defeated 5-3 - Breaking down the biggest reproductive rights case in decades.
Supreme Court strikes down Texas abortion clinic restrictions - The Washington Post (5-3)
Supreme Court Strikes Down Texas Abortion Law, Breathing New Life Into Roe v. Wade
Abortion regulations by state - Washington Post (hello, South and Wississippi)
It's finally official: limiting abortion in the guise of helping women is a sham | Jessica Valenti | Opinion | The Guardian (they are always doing what's best for you)
Supreme Court Strikes Down Strict Abortion Law : news
Ruth Bader Ginsburg Smacks Down Future Abortion Restrictions In A Single Paragraph - Many GOP-led state legislatures, especially across the South, have passed laws similar to the Texas law that are designed to regulate abortion clinics out of business. These so-called TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) laws
Justice Thomas Passionately Argues That Convicted Domestic Abusers Need Easier Access To Guns | ThinkProgress
After Legalizing Recreational Weed, Colorado Has Lowest Teen Use in the Country : news (somebody call Chawlie and Mawty)
Texas mom killed by police after she shot two daughters to death, police say - The Washington Post
Girls, what are the things a guy does on a first date that kills it? : AskReddit
Virgins of Reddit, how old are you and why do you believe you haven't had sex? : AskReddit
RaisedByACupOfCoffee comments on Waifu Simulator - Have fun with your Virtual Waifu
What's the weirdest thing that you've seen at someone's house that they thought was completely normal? : AskReddit
[NSFW] What's the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you during sex? : AskReddit
Judge Dismisses Movie Piracy Case, IP-Address Doesn't Prove Anything - TorrentFreak - In what's believed to be a first of its kind ruling, a federal court in Oregon has dismissed a direct infringement complaint against an alleged movie pirate from the outset. According to the judge, linking an IP-address to a pirated download is not enough to prove direct copyright infringement.
Antarctic CO2 Hit 400 PPM For First Time in 4 Million Years | Climate Central (Republicans: don't bother us with stupid facts)
The sun goes blank again during the weakest solar cycle in more than a century - The blank sun is a sign that the next solar minimum is approaching and there will be an increasing number of spotless days over the next few years. Exxon-Mobil is abusing the first amendment - The Washington Post - If large corporations were free to mislead deliberately the consuming public, we would live in a jungle rather than in an orderly and stable market.
- Brexit Sparks Worry About Fate of Global Climate Action
Erskine Wildfire In California Kills At Least 2 And Destroys 150 Homes - The fire is one of the state's worst yet, in what has already been an intense fire season that got an early start.
A yellow fever epidemic in Angola could turn into a global crisis | The Washington Post - Hundreds are dead and vaccine supplies are insufficient as the disease spreads
Thousands gather to witness Panama Canal launch $5B expansion project (photos) | - newly expanded locks that will double the Panama Canal's capacity in a multibillion-dollar bet on a bright economic future despite tough times for international shipping.
Brexit Will Fundamentally Change The Future Of Europe - vote affects over 500 million people living throughout the EU.
No clear end to financial uncertainty after Brexit vote: Don Pittis - Business - CBC News - Day 1 economic jitters are only the beginning of a long financial car crash
- Brexit triggers Corbyn coup: seven shadow cabinet members quit
Labour in crisis: shadow ministers resign in protest against Corbyn | Politics | The Guardian - Overnight dismissal of shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn followed by resignations of seven other high-profile Labour MPs (Corbyn fucked up bigtime)
Shadow cabinet resignations: who has gone and who is staying | Politics | The Guardian - Hilary Benn and Heidi Alexander among those to leave while Corbyn has backing of John McDonnell and Andy Burnham
Britain's Major Political Parties Are In Disarray After Brexit - Infighting and open conflict grip Britain's two main parties.
Racist incidents feared to be linked to Brexit result | Politics | The Guardian - Suspected racist graffiti at Polish cultural centre in London among incidents thought to be fuelled by vote to leave the EU (tell the Poles all the non-Anglo-Saxons to leave - "we won, get the fuck out of our country" -- they've unleashed a flood of abuse)
- UK faces Brexit crisis after Europe's leaders demand: "GET OUT NOW"
Britain, E.U. are at odds over timing of exit - The Washington Post
How David Cameron blew it - POLITICO - The behind-the-scenes story of a failed campaign to keep Britain in the European Union. (little piggie fucked up)
The Failure of the Stronger In Campaign: One Narrative - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Jeremy Corbyn is being thoroughly criticised within (and without) the party for his lukewarm embrace of remain, and his (putting it charitably) nuanced approach to the campaign ... Of course, the core Corbynista support will brook no critique of their messiah (and so did Corbyn who has a very bad history, see MacK on his divorce)
- IDS on the money for the NHS: "I never said that" (the bus said it)
Britons Express Serious #Regrexit As Reality Of Brexit Becomes Clear - Some voters wish they could turn back time. (that was the problem in the first place) "It's weird walking around your local tesco wondering who voted to ruin our future (who are the zombies?)
More Than 3 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum - winning margin to leave the union was so slim
Second EU Referendum Petition Started By Leave Voter William Oliver Healey - He started it in the event of a Remain win. (dumb and dumber)
Second referendum petition: Inquiry removes at least 77,000 fake signatures, as hackers claim responsibility for 'prank'
After Brexit, French Politicians Want English Language Out Of EU Too - Just one problem: There are other English-speaking EU countries. (well, not really)
Bye, Britannia! - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Spain Votes In Parliamentary Elections As Far-Left Set To Rise - The anti-austerity Podemos party could make big gains on Sunday.
Iraqi Forces Recapture Last District Held By Islamic State Militants In Falluja
China Bus Fire Kills 35 - a tour bus crashed and caught fire in central China, state media reported on Sunday.
C.I.A. Arms for Syrian Rebels Supplied Black Market, Officials Say - The New York Times - Weapons shipped into Jordan by the Central Intelligence Agency and Saudi Arabia intended for Syrian rebels have been systematically stolen by Jordanian intelligence operatives and sold to arms merchants on the black market, according to American and Jordanian officials. (how could that have happened?)
After Brexit, what? U.S. secessionists hankering for 'Texit' | Reuters - A 2014 Reuters/Ipsos poll showed nearly a quarter of Americans are open to their states leaving the union. (and you know what states those are)
From Brexit to Texit? Renewed calls for Texas secession after EU vote - CBS News
- Military installations provide Texas with plenty of 'bang' for its bucks - When you add up the economic impact of all of the state's military installations it comes to about $150 billion annually, or about 6 percent of the state's total economic activities
EconoME | Economic Outlook | The Texas Economy - Employ more than 255,000 military and defense-related civilian personnel
Impact of Defense Spending - A State -by -State Analysis
Supreme Court Set To Issue Major Abortion Ruling - The decision is about whether a Republican-backed 2013 Texas law placed an undue burden on women exercising their constitutional right to abortion.
Clinton Opens 12-Point Lead on Trump as Two-Thirds See Him as Biased (POLL) - ABC News
In new poll, support for Trump has plunged, giving Clinton a double-digit lead - The Washington Post - 51-39 (and 85% of Republicans love Trump)
Donald Trump's bad month just got worse, because Sanders backers just rallied to Clinton
Trump's numbers: Not a pretty picture - POLITICO - Any way you look at it, the presumptive Republican nominee has ground to make up.
Donald Trump Was The Victim Of Some Vicious British Insults, Which Are Incredible And My New Favorite Thing - Barstool Sports ("imcompressible jizztrumpet" - no one does it like the Scots)
Mitch McConnell Won't Say Whether Donald Trump Is Qualified To Be President
Three news outlets turned away from Trump golf course event - Jun. 25, 2016 - Staffers from BuzzFeed, The Washington Post and The Guardian tweeted about being blocked (Trump hates reporters)
Donald Trump Appears To Shift On Muslim Ban - His spokeswoman says he no longer supports a blanket ban. "people coming from the terror states" (which shows how stupid he is, again)
CNN staff revolts over Corey Lewandowski hire | Page Six (Jeff Zucker and his "news" organization)
St. Stein Speaks! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Jill Stein, as is well known, is the Only Real Leftist in America. Indeed, she is a figure of such pure, undiluted leftist perfection she agrees with Donald Trump only 41% of the time. So I'm sure her thoughts on Brexit will be highly enlightening:
Secret Campaign Cash Gushes Into U.S. State and Local Elections - Bloomberg Politics - The Citizens United decision allowed as free speech unlimited spending by corporations, labor unions, and the wealthy (your democracy is in ruins)
- Texas mother, a vocal gun rights advocate, killed by police after fatally shooting her two daughters during 'family agrument' - Christy Sheats, 42, shot and killed her two young daughters, Taylor, 22, and Madison Sheats, 17, on what neighbors said was their father's birthday - "It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away" Sheats wrote in March on her Facebook page ... "but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns" (Obama should have come for her gunz)
The Anti-Slavery Alphabet by Anonymous - Free Ebook
If You're Younger Than 31, You've Never Experienced This - The last time the global monthly temperature was below average was February 1985.
Devastating Floods Leave 23 Dead In West Virginia - including two young children - Hundreds of thousands of people are without power - probably looking at flooding that's going to be the worst in 100 years (get used to it, Republican voters)
What will Brexit do to Britain's place in the world? | Politics | The Guardian - Britain still belongs to the UN security council, the G7 and Nato -- but there are questions over its diplomatic clout (Cameroon fucked the pig)
EU governments pile pressure on UK to leave as soon as possible | Politics | The Guardian - Six founding member states demand earliest start to Brexit process, but they have few legal means to compel UK to invoke article 50
What is article 50 and why is it so central to the Brexit debate? | Politics | The Guardian - It's only 250 words long but has instantly become the defining clause in a war of words between Britain and the EU
Anger over 'Bregret' as Leave voters say they thought UK would stay in EU | UK Politics | News | The Independent (they didn't think they were really voting for that, feel deceived by obvious lies) )
Vladimir Putin: Brexit Is Result of 'Arrogance' From British Leadership (they need a good strong leader)
UK still 'indispensable ally' , says US, but new status uncertain - White House restates position that UK is now at back of the queue for trade deals, as world leaders react to Brexit vote
Who is Boris Johnson? The eccentric blond New Yorker set to rule the UK | Politics | The Guardian - After Britain voted for Brexit, the controversial former mayor of London who joked about being US president has his sights set on No 10 Downing Street
Pro-Brexit politicians are the dog that caught the car. Now immigration is their problem. - Vox - Their policies could actually increase immigration. And they have no idea how to control the fear they rode to victory.
How the United Kingdom voted on Thursday... and why - Lord Ashcroft Polls
Brexit: Who Voted How? Evidence from Ashcroft - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Tory white voters who don't pay attention to politics and are generally stupid and old)
Brexit -- The Ultimate "Triumph" Of Voter-As-Consumer - ""I would go back to the polling station and vote to stay, simply because this morning the reality is kicking in," she said (a BoJo of a hangover from the rage party) - the vote was not a considered view that leaving the EU would be better than remaining, but rather was a vehicle for sending a message to British elites
Why the Surprise Over 'Brexit' -- Don't Blame the Polls (blame thewhite, conservative pollsters)
Brexit Impact Begins: EU Presses UK To Leave Quickly - The European Commission chief says it "doesn make any sense" to stall the process.
Germany, France Lead Demands For Britain To Negotiate A Quick Divorce - Paris warned that populism will otherwise take hold
Brexit Will Fundamentally Change The Future Of Europe - vote affects over 500 million people living throughout the EU.
Britain's Vote Leave Says No Need To Swiftly Begin Formal EU Divorce Negotiations (reap what you sowed, fuckers)
More Than 1.5 Million Britons Are Demanding A Second EU Referendum - A petition calls for the U.K. government to act because Thursday's margin was so slim
Scotland Presses Ahead With Plans For New Independence Vote ("Less-Than-Great Britain")
Britain's EU Commissioner Says He Is Resigning Following Brexit Vote - I don't believe it is right that I should carry on as the British commissioner as though nothing had happened. - He has had a key role in setting regulations that give Britain's huge banking sector access to euro zone markets. (uh-huh)
Iceland historian Johannesson tipped to be voted president - BBC News - The election comes amid disenchantment with the political elite, some of whom were alleged to hold offshore accounts in the Panama Papers investigation into tax evasion.
US Customs wants to collect social media account names at the border | The Verge - Please enter information associated with your online presence
Democracies Have Developed Into Surveillance States - Now This Power Could Fall Into the Hands of Extremists
Brexit stands as a warning to American conservatives | Opinion | The Guardian - The fears of immigration whipped up by Nigel Farage mirror Donald Trump
Brexit Chaos Could Shock Trump Voters Back To Common Sense - Or it should anyway.
- Embattled Whiteness Gave Us Brexit. It Won't Give Us President Trump. (UK racial hierarchies upset by global capitalism so they attacked their own country because the tabloids told them to)
Guardian journalists denied entry into Donald Trump UK event | US news | The Guardian - Officials said the Guardian did not have credentials to enter golf resort in Scotland, a day after Trump called reporter for news outlet a 'nasty, nasty guy'
Sarah Palin goes full Alex Jones - and praises UK for defying apocalyptic One World Government
17 Of The Most Absurd Things Donald Trump Has Said About Marriage - When I come home and dinner's not ready, I'll go through the roof, okay?
Report: Rich Kid Democratic Challenger for Marco Rubio's Senate Seat Vastly Overstated His Business Experience
The Democrats' Florida fumble: Rep. Patrick Murphy is a disaster candidate that might help Republicans keep the Senate - The Democratic Party decided to recruit one of the worst possible candidates available in any state: Patrick Murphy - Congressman Patrick Murphy a two-term congressman with a very wealthy and generous Republican father. The Democrats had persuaded Murphy to switch his R to a D in 2012 and he unsurprisingly went on to compile one of the most conservative records in the House Democratic caucus. He was even one of the chief Benghazi witch hunters enthusiastically helping Republicans smear Hillary Clinton. (Obama, Harry, Chuckie, Debbie, and their Blue-Dog Republifucks)
Michigan's drug-testing welfare program has yielded zero positive results so far | US news | The Guardian - Program and others like it may face renewed scrutiny over discriminatory nature of policies as none of 303 applicants in Michigan test positive for banned drugs (well, they got it down to 301)
Teachers insulted students in private Slack chats. After a hack, they resigned in disgrace. - The Washington Post - The Slack conversations between the teachers at the Rhode Island school were filled with expletives (sorta like the cops)
Slate Pitches I Can Endorse - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Indeed a vast, disturbing literature has now accumulated on the ill effects of running marathons.
Tony Robbins Hot-Coal Walk Injures Dozens In Dallas - The seminar was intended to help people break through any limit to improve their life.
- What are some examples in the real world of the "Butterfly Effect" Small actions triggering something massive?
Your weirdest experience during puberty? : AskReddit
Deadly Storm Lashes Eastern China - Authorities say it killed 98 people and injured hundreds more.
After Brexit, U.K. Residents Google 'What Is The EU?' - And other sad things. (stupid wins)
EU parliament leader: we want Britain out as soon as possible | Politics | The Guardian - President Martin Schulz says speeding up of UK exit being considered after continent taken hostage because of Tory party fight
- Brexit latest: The UK must leave the EU immediately, say European leaders
EU referendum full results - find out how your area voted | Politics | The Guardian (white nationalists screw everyone including themselves again)
The future of the EU itself is in peril | Mary Dejevsky | Opinion | The Guardian - The British vote gives all those with misgivings about the power of Brussels the possibility of a way out: either to bargain for new terms or to leave altogether
White Tory men dominate EU referendum coverage, research finds | Media | The Guardian - Study says David Cameron, George Osborne and Boris Johnson were at centre of media on EU vote
Young remain voters came out in force, but were outgunned | Politics | The Guardian - Guardian analysis shows the higher the median age in an area the higher the turnout -- larger numbers of older, leave voters got their way
UK referendum: who can keep the post-Brexit landscape from falling apart? | Politics | The Guardian - The Leave vote throws into doubt the future of the United Kingdom, the EU, Nato -- and stewardship of the UK itself. Can anyone capably step into the void left by David Cameron's departure?
The downfall of David Cameron: a European tragedy | Politics | The Guardian - His predecessors as Conservative prime minister were both ousted by strife over Europe, so he knew the dangers
The English have placed a bomb under the Irish peace process | Fintan O'Toole - The vote for Brexit unthinkingly jeopardises the Good Friday Agreement, the greatest modern achievement of British diplomacy. It's an insult to Ireland
The Guardian view on the EU referendum: the vote is in, now we must face the consequences | Editorial | Opinion | The Guardian - A prime minister is gone, but that is of nothing compared to the fallout for the economy, our union and Europe. It will all have to be grappled with, and so too will the economic neglect and the social alienation which have driven Britain to the exit door
Britain allowed its populist right to rise. America should heed the warning | Richard Wolffe | Opinion | The Guardian (Cameroon played the race card, fucked everyone)
A pyrrhic victory? Boris Johnson wakes up to the costs of Brexit | Politics | The Guardian - Vote Leave's s poster boy should have been crowing, so why was his post-referendum press conference so subdued?
'Explosive Shock' As Britain Votes To Leave EU, Cameron Quits - The British people have made the very clear decision to take a different path and as such I think the country requires fresh leadership to take it in this direction (Cameroon fucked the world)
David Cameron Resigns As U.K. Prime Minister After Brexit Vote - The resignation casts Britain into further uncertainty following its referendum to leave the European Union.
BREXIT CARNAGE: Sterling, Stocks In Free Fall As UK Votes To Exit European Union - The British pound had collapsed no less than 15 U.S. cents, easily the biggest fall in living memory. (they Trumped themselves)
Pound To Euro Exchange Rate Crashes As EU Referendum Result Sends Sterling To 30-Year-Low While Dollar Forecast Plummets - The dive in value was bigger than historic Black Wednesday.
Wall St. Plunges At The Open After Shock Brexit Vote - The participants were caught off guard and it showed a touch of complacency in terms of the vote
Stocks crash as UK vote to quit EU shocks investors (oopsie)
Scotland Leader Pushes For A Second Independence Vote After EU Referendum - First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says she'll also "take all possible steps" to keep the country in the European Union. (UK disintegrates)
Sinn Fein: Brexit Referendum Results Intensifies The Case For United Ireland Vote - The British government as a direct result have forfeited any mandate to represent the interests of people here in the north of Ireland
Eschaton: Moochers and Scroungers - As far as I can tell, Leave was popular because enough people believe that all of the immigrants are on the UK's secret welfare system, even as they get squat ... There is actually a kind of secret welfare system. The EU provides it --Cornwall has issued an urgent plea for reassurance that it will not be worse off following the Brexit vote. The county has received a "signicant amounts" of funding from the EU for the past 15 years due to its "relatively weak" economy. But, following the vote to leave the Union, the council says it is seeking urgent reassurance money allocated to it will still be received. (good luck with that, idiots)
Eschaton: Bye Dave - Cameron's going to spend more time with his pigs. - Hello PM Johnson. (it would be funny except for the stupid and evil part)
It Doesn't Make Sense, But It Does -- places that have suffered economically through austerity seem to be those that are voting out. -- Better to blame immigrants than have no one at all to blame. (except themselves which is not an option)
Brexit spreads across Europe: Italy, France, Holland and Denmark ALL call for referendums | World | News | Daily Express
Brexit: Some Random Thoughts on WTF and Now What? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Brexit: The Morning After - The New York Times
mainly macro: The triumph of the tabloids (how they fucked England)
Sex, lies and paternity claims: Bolivia's president reels amid tumultuous scandal | World news | The Guardian - That Evo Morales lost a bid for a fourth term in February is today the least of his problems, as his government stands accused of targeting press freedom over coverage of the spiralling saga of a child fathered with an ex-girlfriend
Catholic priests in Montreal banned from being alone with children | World news | The Guardian - New policy, which includes church workers and volunteers - "too little, too late"
German nudists outraged at new rules ordering them to wear swimwear as refugee shelter arrives on lake | Europe | News | The Independent - Officials said the rules were for generic public swimming pools and had been applied by mistake
Donald Trump calls reporter Ewen MacAskill 'a nasty, nasty guy' - video | Politics | The Guardian
Bernie Sanders says he will vote for Hillary Clinton and work to stop Donald Trump | US elections | News | The Independent - The Vermont Senator announced his decision 12 hours after a speech to supporters in New York
The hidden sexism that could sway the election | PBS NewsHour (white men are ambivalent about women, are threatened by powerful ones)
Ban on transgender troops to be lifted July 1
Oregon standoff: Case of possible misconduct by FBI in LaVoy Finicum shooting now before grand jury |
FBI: Utah militia leader linked to Cliven Bundy tried to bomb BLM cabin |
Wesley Kjar, described as Ammon Bundy's 'personal security,' pleads guilty to federal conspiracy charge |
Here's How Often Cops Are Arrested For Breaking The Laws They're Paid To Uphold - That means that on average, police officers are getting arrested around 1,000 times per year. Alarmingly, forty-one percent of the total crimes were committed while on duty.
Walking while female in Portland: It shouldn't be this risky |
90-year-old man arrested on accusations of killing pedestrian with car in NE Portland | (driving while demented)
alicublog: NO, THAT'S NOT WHAT WE MEAN BY BOOBOISIE - Men Did Greater Things When It Was Harder To See Boobs [Blink. Blink.] (written by a woman)
Is it illegal to own the Blind Faith CD? - Straight Dope Message Board
Blind Faith's Original Artwork - She was glorious sunshine. Botticelli's angel, the picture of innocence, a face which in a brief time could launch a thousand space ships
Texan woman wakes up with 'British' accent after surgery | Americas | News | The Independent - Lisa Alamia was diagnosed with foreign accent syndrome, an extremely rare disorder that causes patients to suddenly have different accents
May sound gross but this is a very good health indicator. : InternetIsBeautiful
Beijing has fallen: China's capital sinking by 11cm a year, satellite study warns | World news | The Guardian - Pumping of groundwater blamed for causing soil to collapse as development roars ahead above, with railways among infrastructure at risk, say scientists
EU referendum results: 84 pro-Brexit tories back Cameron as counting begins - live | Politics | The Guardian
Brexit Results Roll In As The UK Votes In Historic EU Referendum
Last-minute EU referendum polls put remain support ahead | Politics | The Guardian
Brexit: A Disorganised Parting Shot for Remain - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Just as they reject historical context, lest it disturb the fantasy of their project, Brexiteers reject and ignore the problem of context in the policy debate. No complexity from the real world is allowed to compromise their unsullied imagined future.
Muslim women kicked out of US cafe accused of 'civilizational jihad' - " But if anyone had any doubts about what happened on that day, those doubts are eliminated by the fact that the owners of Urth Caffe decided to retain David Yerushalmi. There are 1.2 million attorneys in America, and for them to choose the most hateful, the most bigoted attorney, tells a lot about the values that Urth Caffe's owners hold"
Supreme Court Saves Affirmative Action, Fails to Protect 4 Million Undocumented Immigrants - Tell me again this election doesn't matter
Kennedy Abandons Roberts on Affirmative Action - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Democrats Are Learning You Have To Do Ridiculous Things To Deal With Ridiculous Republicans
Democrats Cause Chaos On House Floor As Republicans Pretend Everything Is Fine
Hillary Clinton's Message: Yes, the Economy Is Messed Up. But I Can Fix It.
The case for Clinton-Warren - Baltimore Sun - Clinton is clobbering Trump this week. Now's the time to double down with a bold VP pick.
Elizabeth Warren's Endorsement of Hillary Clinton Is a Shrewd Move - Of course, SPW has taken a bit of a beating these days from the Sanders dead-enders because she failed to meet their orders for personalized sparkle ponies - Elizabeth Warren is endorsing Hillary Clinton. Her progressive fans say she's betrayed them
Your Mumia sweatshirt won't get you into heaven anymore - Shadowproof (classic TBogg 2008 on Naderism-Sandersism)
Baltimore officer acquitted of murder, other charges in Freddie Gray case - The Washington Post (there's nothing they can't do to kill you)
Corey Lewandowski Joins CNN as Political Commentator - I give up. On journalism, on democracy, on America, on the Enlightenment, on homo sapiens, on God and his infinite grace, and on absolutely fcking every damn thing there is:
- Oops I Rubio'd Myself -- Who has convinced the boy blunder that he was destined to be president? Weird.
Let Us Dispel With The Fiction That Marco Rubio Isn't A Glib Snake Oil Salseman - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Paul Ryan, what are you afraid of? - The Boston Globe - A clumsy act of censorship by House Republicans Wednesday says more about the party's timidity than it could possibly have intended. The Republican leadership abruptly shut down the video feed from the House floor to prevent CSPAN viewers from seeing a protest by House Democrats, who were pressing for action on gun control
The Democrats Are Boldly Fighting For a Bad, Stupid Bill - aimed at embarrassing Republicans into allowing a vote on a measure that would restrict the ability of suspected terrorists to legally buy guns. The move is fantastic political theater. It's also a tremendous waste of popular support and activist energy in support of a measure that isn't just ineffective but also actively offensive.
The terrorist watch list is still a due process disaster, and trying to expand its use is shameful - Lawyers, Guns & Money
How You Gonna Keep 'Em Down On The Farm After They'Ve Seen The Farm? Part 296.
Federal prosecutors object to providing Oregon standoff defendants details on law enforcement response |
E-cigarettes should not be banned in public, medical experts warn | Health News | Lifestyle | The Independent - A ban on using e-cigarettes in public places could be damaging, as it may put off smokers from using e-cigarettes to help them quit
- E-cigarettes should not be banned in public, medical experts warn
Physicists suggest we might have just found dark matter while detecting gravitational waves. : science
How automobile commercials will be made from now on...mind blown. : videos
- Led Zeppelin Wins 'Stairway to Heaven' Trial
What is something that just screams scam but is actually 100% legit and worth it? : AskReddit
/u/mvanch12 accidentally posts a writing prompt to the wrong subreddit and gets a series of wonderful in character responses. : bestof
What is your "I better get the fuck out of here now, because some shit is about to go down" story?
Guy posts an alleged picture of 20 year old Tommy Chong on a date with his friend's Grandma in his AMA. Chong confirms its him in the picture, gives summary of his relationship with the Grandma, and passes a message along to her. : bestof
Last night, I paid $17 to see a movie and they showed 16 minutes of commercials before it started. And theaters wonder why people stay at home. : movies
Facebook Just Made A Pretty Awkward Change To Your Profile
Study finds surprising source of Colorado River water supply - High Country News - 56 percent of that flow comes from groundwater.
Colombia Rebels Reach Cease-Fire Deal With Government - The New York Times - In addition to a cease-fire, the rebels - known as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or the FARC - agreed to lay down their arms.
CIA Psychologists Admit Role In 'Enhanced Interrogation' Program In Court Filing - psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen responded to nearly 200 allegations and legal justifications (nuke the APA)
Here's Why Top Economists Forecast Gloom If Brexit Happens
British Rivals Race To Sway Voters On Eve Of EU Referendum
The State Department's Dissent Memo on Syria (bomb the children to save them)
New Polls Confirm Hillary Clinton's Decisive Lead Over Donald Trump - Surveys give her an average 7-point lead.
- Emails: State Dept. scrambled on trouble on Clinton's server
Donald Trump's Speech: What You Missed and Our Fact Checks
- 7 Of The Biggest Fibs In Trump's Speech Attahing "World-Class Liar" Clinton - While the New America Foundation, a Washington, DC think tank, found that 139 immigrants were implicated in jihad-inspired terrorist activity in the U.S., this number is far lower than the number of attacks carried out by anti-government activists, white supremacist and other non-Muslim extremists.
Why American Politics Really Went Insane -- NYMag - Democratic-leaning voters want their leaders to compromise, while Republican-leaning voters do not. Many Democrats feel frustrated with the system, but they want to make it work. Republicans do not feel this way at all.
Attacking Elizabeth Warren? Political Reporters Will Grant You Anonymity - That journalistic trend manifested itself most recently on Monday, in a piece by Ben White in Politico that quoted fully five anonymous sources ("she doesn't know how Wall Street works and should learn her place")
Congressman Says People Who Want Harriet Tubman On The $20 Bill Are The Real Racists | ThinkProgress - (Steve King, R, Assholes) He also called it "racist" and "sexist" to say that the United States should put a woman or person of color on the country (in the Republican mind)
"There Are Too Many Black People On American Currency Nowadays. Please Eliminate One. I Am Not A Racist Crackpot." - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Steve King, everybody:
Lawyers, Guns & Money - Do you care what Joe Lieberman thinks about the 2016 elections? No, of course not. But since he was interviewed about it and refused to endorse either Trump or Clinton, go ahead and make fun of him anyway. (Lieberputz)
The Scary And Heartbreaking Reason This Mom Photographed Her 3-Year-Old
Media Companies Hate News, the Internet, Employees and their Own Customers | First Draft - These are internal employee videos designed to PUMP YOU UP about your newfound place not at Tribune Publishing, a recognizable name that at least still sounded impressive, but at Tronc, which sounds like you stepped on a duck. (hedge-fund guys destroy another newpaper)
Eschaton: Can We Bring Back That Walrus And His Bucket - What's galling is that people get paid oodles of money to destroy journalism companies and then complain that it's all the internets fault
Gawker Founder Nick Denton on Peter Thiel, Conflict and Trollery and the Future of Media
Scorching Hot Southwest Is Climate Change In Action (new normal for Red States +CA)
Brexiting on Tuesday Morning: the Future of the Empire, and Fresh Numbers - Lawyers, Guns & Money : the core of Brexit support is English nationalism. Not British nationalism, not UK-ish nationalism, but specifically English nationalism
R.I.P., Jo Cox. May Britain Remember Your Wisdom. - The New York Times
America's gun problem is so much bigger than mass shootings | US news | The Guardian (AU solution won't work in US because too many guns/nuts)
More Than 500 People Were Shot In America During the Week After Orlando
Senate Republicans Call For More Surveillance After Orlando Massacre - authority to look at email metadata without a warrant (let's spy on everyone instead of lightly regulation weapons of mass destruction)
Sotomayor, Breyer and the Fourth Amendment - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Breyer thinks cops are honest)
The Few, the Proud, the Fit: Women Strive for Combat Jobs - ABC News
Benghazi panel misses self-imposed deadline to issue report - the latest setback for a probe that has gone on for more than two years and drawn scorn from Democrats who say its primary goal is to undermine Hillary Clinton (Trey Dipshit" Gowdy)
Secret Service veterans denounce anti-Clinton tell-all book - POLITICO - Former agents blast writer Gary Byrne for having 'underlying motives' (lies, lies and more lies)
Donald Trump Starts Summer Push With Crippling Money Deficit - The New York Times (grifters will grift in the grift party)
Donald Trump's Campaign Paid Trump Companies More Than $1 Million In May - use of his jets and his Florida mansion, Mar-A-Lago.
Will Trump Swallow the G.O.P. Whole? - The New York Times - Inside the identity crisis roiling the Republican Party.
- Clinton Goes There: Maybe Trump Isn't As Rich As He Says He is
Kumbaya - Lawyers, Guns & Money (MaxSpeak speaks again)
How American Politics Became So Ineffective/Went Insane - The Atlantic - and until the U.S. figures out how to treat the problem, it will only get worse. (duh, Republicans and no, it's not "both sides" do it)
- Oklahoma Lawmaker Shares Article Arguing Islam Isn't A Religion, Calls For 'Final Solution' (oh look, another insane Repubican)
alicublog: Local Woman Wins International Concern TROLLING COMPETITION. - There ought to be a political journalism equivalent of the Bulwer-Lytton Award, if only so Megan McArdle can at last have something to decorate her mantlepiece (always failing up)
Days After Orlando, Church Defends Its Horrific Anti-Gay Sign - "God's wrath may be getting started to fall on the gays' (syntax is hard)
Kim Davis Asks Court To Dismiss Lawsuit Against Her In Light of New Law - . Davis said the law accommodates her religious beliefs and makes the lawsuit against her unnecessary. (wants get out of jail free card)
District Attorney Admits Exactly Why He's Dropping Charges Against 2 College Football Players - the fact the men were athletes. (free pass for sexual assaults)
The 2016 KIDS COUNT Data Book - The Annie E. Casey Foundation (bottom 13, all Confederacy moochers)
Hershey School's board, despite orders to be frugal, runs up big expense bills - All 10 spent $362,000 in travel, meals and hotels over the last 21/2 years, including at least 60 limousine rides, often from the Philadelphia and Baltimore airports ... Then there was the $6.9 million that board members were paid for their service over the last three years, an unusually lucrative perk for a board overseeing a school for poor children. (their little piggy-bank)
The Dawn of Antidepressants | New Republic - Have antidepressant drugs ever truly worked-and does that matter?
The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why? by Marcia Angell | The New York Review of Books
The Illusions of Psychiatry by Marcia Angell | The New York Review of Books
Tonight's strawberry moon solstice: last seen during 1967's summer of love | UK news | The Guardian
Pleistocene Extinctions - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Luckily, there's no connection between a rapidly warming climate and human interventions decimating wildlife today so we have nothing to worry about.
Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act introduced for the first time in Senate - A New Century of Forest Planning (but Repubicans hate wildlife)
Russian state television accidentally broadcasts evidence that Moscow uses cluster bombs in Syria : worldnews
"There is no need for anyone else to engage in politics. Our duty is to support the leader in this country" -- No one should do politics in Turkey except Erdogan, says chief adviser
- Lexit: The Fool's Journey - A recent poll (10 June) estimated that 44% of those who voted Labour in the 2015 General Election will support Brexit
Drug-Related Killings Surge In The Philippines After Duterte's Election - The incoming president has repeatedly reassured police they would have his full support if they killed criminals who resisted with violence. (the Trump model of government)
What the Islamic State Has Won and Lost - The New York Times - Out of 10 Cities, the Islamic State Remains in Six
Eschaton: Imagine How Bad It Would Be Without The Bombing - This was a very mean post that probably hurt the feefees of those people who really just want to bomb children for their own good. That was very uncivil of me, and my tone makes me a very unserious person.
The Violence of Forgetting - The New York Times - Once ignorance is weaponized, violence seems to be a tragic inevitability
Record 65.3 Million People Were Displaced Last Year: UNHCR - One in every 113 people on the planet is now a refugee. (America largest single cause)
U.S. Likely Won't Deliver On Promise To Resettle 10,000 Syrian Refugees - Governmental agencies are being careful to ensure security screenings are thorough. (so "thorough" no one gets through)
- FBI Redacts Orlando Gunman's Calls, Sparking Outrage and Speculation - The bureau argued that letting the public hear or even read the gunman's justification for the attack in his own words risked encouraging further attacks (managing what you're are allowed to know)
911 transcript: Orlando gunman said he was Islamic soldier
Nine Lost Souls the FBI Charged as Terrorists While Letting the Orlando Shooter Go - Nine Lost Souls the FBI Charged as Terrorists While Letting the Orlando Shooter Go (FBI, manufacturing fake terrorists for 16 years)
Senate fails to pass new gun control restrictions in wake of Orlando shooting | US news | The Guardian - Republicans and Democrats put forth four separate measures on background checks and terrorist watch lists, all which were voted down Monday night
Here are the senators who just voted against closing gun-purchase loopholes. (Refucklican necromongers +Heidi Heilkamp)
- Supreme Court refuses to hear challenge to Connecticut's ban on 'assault weapons'
City records 300th homicide with 13 over Father's Day weekend - Chicago Tribune (meanwhile, in Chicago, an Orlando every week)
The Justices Are About To Hand Down The Most Important Abortion Case In A Quarter Century | ThinkProgress - The Supreme Court has been a dangerous battlefield for pro-choice advocates since 2006, when the appointment of Justice Samuel Alito gave conservatives a solid grip on the nation's highest Court.
Sotomayor issues blistering opposition to evidence obtained in unlawful stops | World news | The Guardian - Justice Sonia Sotomayor dissented as the US supreme court ruled that evidence of a crime could be used even if police illegally stopped the defendant (Breyer joined the rockheads, so it was 5 guys and 0 women)
Why America's men aren't working - Greece, Slovenia and Turkey have a larger share of men in their workforces than the United States does. The United States beats only Italy and Israel (where they collect bribes, harrass women and study Torah) The problem is particularly pronounced among men between the ages of 25 and 54, traditionally considered the prime working years ... Blue-collar jobs that were once the cornerstone of the middle class get outsourced or replaced by automation. (why? they voted Republican, duh)
Donald Trump Fires Corey Lewandowski, His Campaign Manager - The New York Times
Donald Trump Parts Ways With Controversial Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski - Lewandowski was known for his brash tactics and insistence that letting "Trump be Trump" would win the White House. (and who's he gonna be now?)
Why Trump Ousted Corey Lewandowski -- NYMag (Trump's kids did him in)
The Real News Is Trump is Broke
Trump adviser resigns after mocking Lewandowski on Twitter - - Ding Dong the witch is dead
The Trump campaign is becoming an outright catastrophe - The Washington Post ("becoming")
- The Mystifying Triumph of Hope Hicks, Donald Trump's right-hand woman - The 27-year-old press secretary was clad in a teal dress, and she dug her stilettos into the colorless carpet as she showed me into the office, a room festooned with enough Trump memorabilia to suggest a serial killer's shrine
- The Trump "Campaign" Rolls On
Democrats More Upbeat Than Republicans About 2016 Slate - Seven in 10 Democrats say someone who is running will make a good president - Six in 10 Republicans feel the same way (except for the 7 in 10 who hated him last week)
Mark Murray on Twitter: "Stunning --> Team Clinton has a 100% ad-spending edge in battlegrounds. In June 2012, it was 54%-46% for Obama"
- Clinton hires Sanders' top student organizer
- The Russian hackers who hit the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign burrowed much further into the U.S. political system, sweeping in law firms, lobbyists, consultants, foundations and the policy groups known as think tanks, according to a person familiar with investigations of the attacks. (they all clicked on the emails)
Textbooks and the Civil Rights Movement - Lawyers, Guns & Money - the civil rights movement has no real start or end. It's an ongoing series of struggles. The Civil Rights Movement we think of as having primarily existed between 1954 and 1965 is really just a moment where the black freedom struggle coincided with a peak of white liberalism that opened political space to change some of the laws oppressing African-Americans
Mike Allen, Politico's Newsletter Pioneer, Is Handing Over the Reins (and the NYT goes full Drudge)
- 16 is the Appropriate Age to Allow Children to Be Outside by Themselves -- New Albany, Ohio, Police Chief
Eschaton: We Do Love Our Children - Bad pay, bad job conditions, poor to nonexistent full time career opportunities, and you know the grifters are taking money to make sure it doesn't work well. Nobody could have predicted.
3 N.Y.P.D. Commanders Are Arrested on Corruption Charges - The New York Times - The core of the bribery scheme detailed on Monday, however, relates to the gifts showered on the police by two businessmen, Jeremiah Reichberg and Jona S. Rechnitz
Major differences between women and men who commit deadly violence - University of Gothenburg, Sweden - There were more pronounced differences between male and female perpetrators with adult victims compared with when the victim was a child (under 15 years).
The cult of ignorance in the United States: Anti-intellectualism and the "dumbing down" of America -- Society's Child -- - We're creating a world of dummies. Angry dummies who feel they have the right, the authority and the need not only to comment on everything, but to make sure their voice is heard above the rest, and to drag down any opposing views through personal attacks, loud repetition and confrontation.
BBC - Future - Maps have north at the top but it could have been different
Drowning in a Sea of Information - Digital Culturist
[Serious] Women of reddit, what do you wish guys would relax about? : AskReddit
What non-sexual thing are you in the closet about? : AskReddit
What event, besides losing your virginity, changed your sexual outlook forever? : AskReddit
Facebook facing criticism after removing major atheist pages. : news
Facebook facing criticism after removing major atheist pages | Dhaka Tribune - Facebook removed more than six Arabic-speaking atheist pages due to "violations" of Community Standards in the middle of April, reports The News Hub.
Acer admits hackers stole up to 34,000 customer credit cards - The US and Canada breach affects customers who bought before April 28, 2016.
New Declassified Documents Reveal How CIA Abused, Tortured Prisoners [Graphic] : worldnews
British Lawmaker's Killing Highlights Dangers Of Far-Right Nationalism - These are the groups fanning anti-immigrant fears
Sunday Brexitology Blogging - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Here are some of the massive security measures Cleveland is taking for the GOP convention - The Washington Post
The brutal numbers behind a very bad month for Donald Trump - The Washington Post - poll numbers slipping, they are at a low that no one, Republican or Democrat, has seen in the past three election cycles.
Donal Trump's path to victory - He needs to best Romney with white men and turn a few reliably blue Rust Belt states red.
Hillary Clinton's path to victory - If the blue wall holds, she needs only one swing state to win the White House.
'We're in limbo right now' abortion clinics' - Anti-abortion legislation comes to a head as US supreme court is expected to rule on Texas case that will reverberate across Louisiana and other states
Meet the New Kochs: The DeVos Clan's Plan to Defund the Left | Mother Jones - They beat Big Labor in its own backyard. Next up: your state?
Japan's dementia crisis hits record levels as thousands go missing | World news | The Guardian - National Police Agency reports more than 12,000 patients going missing in 2015, with hundreds of those later found dead
Nashville rape case echoes sex assault by Stanford swimmer
- Philosophy professors have worked behind the scenes for years to warn people about allegations against Thomas Pogge.
The Disadvantages of Being Stupid - The Atlantic - American society increasingly mistakes intelligence for human worth.
Micheal Pollan Explains Why Psychedelic Drugs Are the Ultimate Meal for Your Mind | Mother Jones - The legendary food writer takes us on a trip.
- Yale may cave on English poets course after students called it 'too white'
Major English Poets Makes the News: Notes from the Department Chair | English
The Internal Clitoris | MoSEX
TIL that during the 1995 OJ Simpson trial, the ABC, NBC and CBS networks nightly news broadcasts gave more air time to the details of that case than to the Bosnian War and the Oklahoma City bombing combined. : todayilearned
Ladies of Reddit, what is the creepiest thing your boyfriend past or present has ever done? : AskReddit
Kinky_Squash comments on Soldier detonates IED
Atheist people of reddit who were once religious, what changed your mind? : AskReddit
Open access: All human knowledge is there - so why can't everybody access it? - We paid for the research with taxes, and Internet sharing is easy. What's the hold-up?
Exxon Has No Free Speech Rights to Commit Fraud, say Climate Groups | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
California Wildfire Triples In Size - Another blaze in New Mexico had destroyed dozens of homes.
Belgium Conducts Major Anti-Terror Raids - Belgian officials said 40 people had been taken in for questioning and 12 among them were arrested.
U.S. Officials Fear Saudi Collapse If New Prince Fails - NBC News
Rio De Janeiro Declares State Of Financial Emergency - An Olympic organizing committee maintains the emergency did not impact the running of the Games. (meanwhile, in other crises)
For British expats in Spain, Brexit is a cloud over the sun | Matthew Tree | Opinion | The Guardian
Canada willingly makes tax deals with tax havens | Toronto Star - Billions of dollars are moving out of Canada - nearly all tax free - with 92 tax treaties signed.
Eschaton: Prove We Have Big Dicks - More than 50 State Department diplomats have signed an internal memo ... Basically, we have to kill a bunch of people in order to prove that we're "serious"
Orlando Shooter Omar Mateen Showed Few Warning Signs Of Radicalization, Investigators Say : The Two-Way : NPR - "typical mass shooter"
LGBT pride flag raised after Orlando shooting 'unbearable' for Christian employee, Hillsborough commissioner says | Tampa Bay Times (try having your friends killed or your village bombed for "unbearable")
Assistant state attorney suspended over Facebook comments on Pulse shooting | Local News - WESH Home - Downtown Orlando has no bottom. The entire city should be leveled. It is void of a single redeeming quality. It is a melting pot of 3rd world miscreants and ghetto thugs. It is void of culture. If you live down there you do it at your own risk and at your own peril.
Income inequality in the U.S. by state, metropolitan area, and county | Economic Policy Institute
Hillary Clinton Is On A Mission To Rebuild The Democratic Party - A 50-state strategy has been tried before. Her staff think they can do it right this time.
Bernie's Foreign Policy Failure (out of his depth)
Bern Rate: the Once and Future Sandernistas
November is fast becoming what the GOP fears: A referendum on Trump. - The Washington Post (do you support a crazy megalomanical racist facist asshole?)
A Week for All Time - The New York Times
The Trump effect: Could Arizona go blue for the first time in 20 years? - The Washington Post (dump fucking McCain)
Legal experts on Donald Trump: 'He lacks respect for basic norms' | US news | The Guardian - All consuming ego mania
Republicans Should Worry About Losing the House - Bloomberg View - an eight-point win would put Republicans in the danger zone.
Apple Withholds Support For GOP Convention Because Of Donald Trump - Apple will not contribute funds or other resources for the Republican National Convention
"But I'd Rather You Do Another 'omebody Is Doing Leftism Wrong' song" [UPDATED! With RIGOROUS Data] (FdB and CK don't know how numbers work)
Jury awards $22 million to man locked in closet by East Cleveland police for four days with no food or toilet : news (but nothing happened to the cops)
Police: Parents admit 'gifting' teen to Bucks man; all 3 arrested - Once their farm was saved, Daniel Stoltzfus, now 43, did some internet research and concluded that it was legal to give their daughter to Kaplan, Heckler said ... for helping his family out of financial ruin ... Because of an apparent Amish influence on the children
Oil Rig Workers Get Vulnerable To Make The Job Safer : Shots - Health News : NPR - That helped contribute to an 84 percent decline in Shell's accident rate companywide
Watch Cities Spread Across The Planet Over 5,000 Years - A group of researchers combed through 10,000 data entries to create the first mappable record of human population changes, dating back to 3,700 B.C.
[Serious]Bisexuals of Reddit, what the most surprising difference between dating each sex? What was shockingly similar? : AskReddit
RamsesThePigeon comments on Women of reddit, what about men baffles you the most?
Pro Divorce : ProRevenge
- Suspect in British Lawmaker's Killing Is Said to Have Neo-Nazi Ties
MP Jo Cox dead after shooting attack : worldnews ("Britain first")
Thomas Mair charged with murder of MP Jo Cox | UK news | The Guardian - West Yorkshire police charge 52-year-old man who lived in Labour MP's constituency of Batley and Spen
When You Think Your Racism Is Too Subtle, Go Full Wanker - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Iraqi Forces Enter Falluja, Encountering Little Fight From ISIS - The New York Times (so, ISIS is defeated now?)
Breaking Good | | The Times & The Sunday Times - Public health officials have seen the logic of decriminalising illegal drugs. This is an important step towards putting violent gangs out of business (never happen in America)
The Times calls for decriminalisation of all illegal drugs | Media | The Guardian - Newspaper breaks new ground by declaring itself in favour of treating drug use and possession as a health issue rather than a crime
Russia's Chances Of Competing In Rio 2016 Track And Field Rapidly Dwindling
Bernie Sanders loses convention leverage - POLITICO - summer was supposed to be about strengthening his hand for the Democratic convention. But since the California primary, his position has gotten weaker.
Sanders Pivots to New Role: Defeating Trump -- NYMag
Actually, This Was a Pretty Solid Speech
Where Does the Sanders Movement Go From Here? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : potentially historic message legitimizing socialism in American politics at a time when capitalism is immersed in a long-term crisis.
Donald Trump's Response To The Orlando Shooting Was Downright Horrific
- Poll: Americans split on Trump's proposed Muslim ban - The NBC News/SurveyMonkey poll shows 50 percent of those surveyed support Trump's proposed Muslim immigration ban, while 46 percent are opposed. (when can we ban white people?)
The Chaotic Trump Campaign | Washington Spectator - What Democrats need to know about violence at Trump rallies
Trump Is So Toxic That Even Members Of His Own Party Would Rather Vote Hillary
Dozens of GOP delegates launch new push to halt Donald Trump - The Washington Post (dozens!)
Still yet another cunning plan to stop Trump, part the XIX - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump And Political Violence - Lawyers, Guns & Money
He's obsessed with menstruation- Ex-producer exposes Trump's bizarre 'Apprentice behavior (fits the profile)
Donald Trump is getting schlonged | Washington Examiner (Hillz doing worse than Romney, but Trump is worser)
The Self-Immolation of the Republican Party - But instead the voters went for Trump, who has never run for nor held office, dodged the draft, and spent the last year insulting Mexicans, P.O.W.s, women, the disabled, Muslims, you name it, while saying George W. Bush lied us into war with Iraq and implying Ted Cruz's dad had a hand in the Kennedy assassination
Republicans, Democrats Interpret Orlando Incident Differently - 79% of Republicans describe it as an act of Islamic terrorism - 60% of Democrats interpret it as domestic gun violence - Blocking gun sales to terrorism suspects seen as best prevention
- Gun Store Owner: We Alerted FBI to 'suspicious' Customer Weeks Before Orlando Shooting (they were too busy creating fake terror plots)
Support For Gun Control Spikes After Orlando Shooting - Most respondents in a recent poll believe the shooting was both an act of terrorism and a hate crime.
20-Plus Years Of Anti-Gay Hate From The NRA (well, Republicans)
West Coast Marines under investigation for alleged threat to gay bars - Two active-duty Marines are under investigation in connection to a social media post purportedly threatening to attack gay bars following Sunday's deadly mass shooting in Florida.
Weapons Cache and Bomb-Making Instructions Found at Long Island Home - The New York Times (more neo-Nazis)
- Senator: Red Cross Misled Congress, Refused To 'Level with the People' on Haiti Money (they stole it all) CEO Gail McGovern and her aides tried to stymie congressional oversight -- and then made false statements about it (but won't to to jail)
Let's drug-test the rich before approving tax deductions, US congresswoman says | US news | The Guardian (corporate welfare queens)
Oregon standoff defendant Jason Blomgren pleads guilty to federal conspiracy charge |
Ammon Bundy, 4 co-defendants argue rights infringed by dual prosecutions in Ore., Nev. |
Evidence in Oregon standoff case immense, including 6,000 hours of video |
Microsoft Is Going Into The Marijuana Business - service will help ensure that legal sales of cannabis are above board.
F.D.A. Warns Whole Foods on Failure to Address Food Safety Problems - The New York Times - But the letter from the F.D.A. is the second black eye for health issues at the plant outside of Boston, known as its North Atlantic Kitchen, and could put some of those sales in peril.
What's your best "holy shit, that actually worked" story? : AskReddit
/u/manicmaximum analyzes the symbolism in a porn scene. NSFW : bestof
Exxon Has a Brilliant Plan to Get Itself Out of This Climate Change Thing - Just sue those pesky attorneys general investigating company practices.
Global Warming Skeptic Responds To Massachusetts AG: 'F**k Off, Fascist' (must be a Sovcit +DC commenters are insane deniers)
Panama Papers Firm Steps Up Hunt For Suspects Behind Massive Data Leaks - Switzerland detained an IT worker from Mossack Fonseca on suspicion of removing large amounts of data, a Swiss newspaper said.
As Russian Hackers Probe, NATO Has No Clear Cyberwar Strategy - The New York Times - Russia, China and Iran have increasingly sophisticated offensive cyberforces; NATO has none, and no established mechanism to draw on United States Cyber Command or its British equivalent.
Jo Cox, Member of British Parliament, Is Killed in Attack - The New York Times - A member of Parliament was gunned down outside a library in northern England as she was wrapping up a meeting with constituents on Thursday afternoon, a rare act of gun violence in a nation that strictly regulates firearms. (rising Labour star)
EgyptAir MS804 crash: Voice recorder recovered from sea - BBC News
Netanyahu's New York travel bill included $1,600 for hairstyling | World news | The Guardian - Israeli PM Netanyahu New York travel bill included $1,600 for hairstyling cost taxpayers $541,886 according to details published after months of efforts to prevent release
- John McCain: Obama is 'directly responsible' for Orlando attack due to his failure to combat the rise of the Islamic State terror group.
Clinton takes control of DNC - buh bye Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Omar Mateen Posted to Facebook Amid Orlando Attack, Lawmaker Says - The New York Times
The Boston Globe's Powerful Message On Gun Violence:
What Comes After the Orlando Shooting Filibuster? - It was a 15-hour feat. Votes will be on the record. But what actually happens next? (Ayotte voted for massacres and Bernie was out of town)
Democrats Filibuster For Nearly 15 Hours On Gun Reform - Senators vowed to keep talking until lawmakers agreed to do something to deal with America massacre problem.
Democrats Troll Donald Trump And Republicans On Gun Control - Every time Speaker Ryan tries to gavel us down, we're going to speak louder
[serious] Australians that were around in 1996 when guns were outlawed, what was your experience? Were there protests? What was it like if you owned a gun? How did you feel about the removal of guns? : AskReddit (because Oz never had a Confederacy)
Donald Trump Responds to Orlando Attack by Exploiting Fear, Not Easing It - The New York Times
Donald Trump and the Republican Party Are Stuck with Each Other
GOP Operative Lashes Out At Party, Calls Trump 'Cheeto Jesus' In Epic Tweetstorm - GOP "covered in stench"
- Starting to Doubt Trump Even Wants to Be President - Is he really just playing the long game to build a new media empire?
The Party Left Me And Other Complaints of the Voter-As-Atomistic-Consumer - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Freddie deBoer has made his quadrennial Dramatic Exit from the Democratic Party.
Are Left-Populists Wrong About Political Campaigns? - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
Why Healthcare Companies Are Leaving Kansas for Missouri - This week in the laboratories of democracy.
Evidence in Oregon standoff case immense, including 6,000 hours of video |
Oregon standoff defendant Darryl Thorn backs away from plea deal |
Oregon standoff defendant Geoffrey Stanek pleads guilty to federal conspiracy charge |
Gun-Toting, Bundy-Defending Nevada GOPer Loses Congressional Race - Michele Fiore (R), who is known for her fervent advocacy for gun rights and distrust of federal government agencies, lost her bid to join the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday.
Eschaton: Make New York Mojofied Again - When the Hudson tunnels go NYC is going to need a lot of that mojo. Of course there won't be enough time or money. At least there will be a niceshopping experienceairport. (999th reason why Cuomo is an idiot and an asshole)
This is why San Francisco's insane housing market has hit the crisis point - SFGate - That density, combined with the continued influx of people into San Francisco, has led to an epic housing crisis. In 2015, the median house price in SF was six times higher than the median price of existing homes in the US.
- Bob Dylan obliges annoying fan in Berkeley by actually playing 'Free Bird'
The average American woman now weighs as much as the average 1960s man - The Washington Post
Women of reddit, what about men baffles you the most? : AskReddit
remulean comments on [NSFW] What is something you always wanted to ask the opposite sex but can't do in person?
May marks one more record hot month for the world | Environment | The Guardian - May was the fifth record warm month this year, upping the odds that 2016 will be the hottest year on record, reports Climate Central
EgyptAir crash: Wreckage found in Mediterranean - BBC News - A terror attack has not been ruled out but no extremist group has claimed the downing of the plane.
ISIS Twitter accounts have been hijacked with gay porn : worldnews
Orlando Shooter's Wife Reportedly Knew Of His Plans For Attack
Hillary Clinton Welcomes Donald Trump To The Cause Of Gun Control - She had some choice words for the NRA, too.
- A Trump Rally in Greensboro - "Anger in here is palpable" in which a sane man live tweets insanity (the raw id of the Republican Party exposed and it's full of hate and very ugly and totally stupid)
Donald Trump Claims Obama Secretly Supports ISIS, Cites Debunked Conspiracy Theory As Proof | ThinkProgress
The Fundamental Question About Trump: What's Wrong With This Guy? - Trump exhibits traits of narcissistic personality disorder, experts say, but how bad is it? (very bad)
A Twitter Bot Is Beating Trump Fans: Scores of Trump supporters spent Tuesday fighting with an automated Twitter robot that spouts nonsense. : technology
- Trump's Unfavorables Spike, but Clinton's Challenged, Too (43% hate Hillary but 55% hate Trump)
Negative views of Donald Trump just hit a new campaign high: 7 in 10 Americans - The Washington Post (even worse)
- Now Peter Thiel's Lawyer Silence Reporting on Trump's Hair [Updated] (narcissism squared and deep evil in the "publicity averse" Peter Thiel - he Streisanded himself) < br />
Las Vegas Judge Who Humiliated Defense Attorney Loses Election In A Landslide - This judge came off looking unjudicial, undisciplined and unprofessional
What is spin in Quantum Mechanics? What function does it serve in QM? : askscience
Scientists have discovered the first complex organic chiral molecule in interstellar space. : worldnews
What's your kink? What was the first time you found out you were into your kink? : AskReddit
What announcement would make reddit explode? : AskReddit
What lost its appeal as you grew older? : AskReddit
What statement makes you roll your eyes IMMEDIATELY? : AskReddit
ELI5: What does the court's recent decision regarding net neutrality actually mean? : explainlikeimfive
Assault weapons must be banned in America - The Washington Post
NRA Blames Obama For Orlando Shooting, Says Gun Control Would 'Do Nothing' (we need assault weapons to protect ourselves from gay kisses)
Donald Trump's scaremongering response to Orlando shooting is the opposite of what America needs (+that's quite a picture)
This Is How Obama Destroyed Trump's Racist Arguments
- Latino community mourns Pulse shooting victims: '90% were Hispanic'(Republican singularity: home-grown Muslim terrorist killing brown gay people with assault rifle)
- FBI to investigate if Orlando gunman's sexuality was a motive in shooting
Polls Show Increasing Support For Brexit; Murdoch's Sun Backs 'Leave' - We must set ourselves free from dictatorial Brussels
The Problem with Elected Judiciaries - Regulars here at the shebeen are familiar with the Two Worst Ideas In American Politics. The Worst Idea In American Politics is the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution. The Second Worst Idea In American Politics is the concept of an elected judiciary - Throwing an independent judiciary into this cesspool should be so self-evidently wrongheaded that this report ought to be as unnecessary as a report explaining why drinking raw sewage is bad for your health.
The TPP and Big Ag - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - And once again, we need to note that the TPP is not about free trade in a region with very few remaining trade barriers. It's a global corporate rights agreement to benefit American companies and American foreign policy aims. It would be nice if its promoters argued honestly about the aims
The Split | New Republic - 19 reasons the Democrats will remain divided (most of them pretty lame in one of the starkest elections in history)
NRA Calls for Repeal of 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 14th Amendments - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Yes, this is the problem with the POLITICALLY CORRECT Obama administration. It might investigate people people with suspected terrorist ties and then refuse to arrest them merely because there's no evidence they intend to commit a crime. Hopefully President Trump and Attorney General Yoo will ensure that Muslim terrorist suspects are duly arbitrarily detained and tortured without any consideration for POLITICALLY CORRECT concepts (like 'probable cause' or 'equal protection')
Even Republicans agree: Trump failed his first leadership test miserably - The Washington Post
After Orlando, It's Clearer than Ever: tThis Election Is a Civil War -- The Cut (the South rose again)
A Choice Not an Echo - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Traister on an election that will feature one of the widest gaps between the agendas of the candidates in history ... on reflection, I'll concede 1932 (massive in retrospect) and 1936 (extremely stark during the campaign.) 2016 will in any case be one of the starkest choices ever faced by the American voters in a federal election. (sanity or insanity, you decide)
Who Supports Trump? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Racists. Racists support Trump - Basically, and thank God, there is no mushy middle anymore. This is going to be straight up war to the knife, and perhaps people will stop putting up those blithering diaries at dailkos about how no one is catering to the feelings of the lost white working class boys.
Two new studies find racial anxiety is the biggest driver of support for Trump - The Washington Post (big surprise)
Donald Trump's assault on our values
Is Donald Trump running to be conspiracy-theorist-in-chief? | Richard Wolffe | Opinion | The Guardian - "something is going on"
'Never Trump' say 63% of women in new national pol
Trump supporters denied service at Cook Out | - "Once you witness [discrimination] first hand, it's a totally different experience" the (white) teenager said. "I was in a state of shock" (dot #1 meet dot #2)
Stephen Colbert Goads Bill O'Reilly Into Big Admission About Trump - "self-congratulatory"
D.N.C. Says Russian Hackers Penetrated Its Files, Including Dossier on Donald Trump - The New York Times (oh, another plot twist!)
Eschaton: Loser! Sad! Hilarious! - The worst thing about the obsession with theatre criticism coverage of politics is that the people who do it are usually really really bad at it. So Chris Christie is a super charismatic macho man's man, the Alpha Dog of the bunch. In reality he's the dweeby kid who keeps getting pansted by the jocks even as he begs for more. (hitched his wagon to an even bigger loser)
Eschaton: Serve - A big pet peeve of mine is how we maintain this little fiction that being one of the most powerful people in the country is a way to "serve" ... Being a US senator? That's a cushy, powerful job, which almost guarantees you a lifetime of lucrative employment. (Marco Flubio is "serving" his country)
Gingrich: Let's Create New Version Of House Un-American Activities Committee (at least they're owning their evil)
Women's Rights Groups Criticize Obama For 'Excuses And Silence' On Abortion Policy - They want the president to make it easier for women raped in conflict to access abortions.
- Juror in Stanford sexual assault case says judge made 'mockery' of justice - I recently became an American citizen after being in the country for over 30 years. This was my first experience as a juror and frankly I am disappointed.
Moving as a child can change who you are as an adult - The Washington Post - The focused on a number of negative outcomes including suicide attempts, criminality, psychiatric disorders, drug abuse, and unnatural mortality. Moving during childhood was linked to increased incidence of all these negative outcomes later in life. Moving multiple times in a single year made long-term harms even more likely. (WaPo commenters have a big problem with "statistics")
- Teenage boys who show empathy attract 1.8 more female friends than boys who don't - When Empathy Matters: The Role of Sex and Empathy in Close Friendships - The researchers defined cognitive empathy as the capacity to comprehend the emotions of another person. (but boys aren't interested in empathic girls)
- Boys high in cognitive empathy attracted an average of 1.8 more girl friendships than low empathy counterparts,
- Researchers have found a 'striking' new side effect from eating fast food - The evidence is decades in the making. The rise of processed food, after all, has coincided with an alarming growth in the size of our collective gut.
Court Backs Rules Treating Internet as Utility, Not Luxury - The New York Times (2-1, the third judge is nuts)
Tom Wheeler defeats the broadband industry: Net neutrality wins in court | Ars Technica (Comcast said their monopoly was free speech)
Eschaton: Important Apple Announcement Today - iTunes will no longer be what happens if you put Windows 8 and Flash in a blender. Hahaha. It'll be worse, sillies.
What We Know About The Orlando Shooting Victims - All but one victim has been identified and authorities are notifying next of kin.
- In Orlando, Gunshots, Screams and an Urgent Facebook Post:
Gun Votes Are Coming To The Senate Floor, Unless Republicans Can Dodge Them - Democrats promise to fight to keep terrorists from buying weapons (Repubicans promise to go insane)
John Oliver - Orlando Shooting - YouTube
- Orlando is not merely the destruction of innocence. It's worse - Barack Obama has had to preside over more mass shootings of Americans than any president since Abraham Lincoln - This thing happened because this is America, where these things happen more often than any other place in the world. This thing happened because who we are comes up so very short of who we believe ourselves to be.
Obama Warned Two Weeks Ago That Something Like The Orlando Shooting Could Happen - "I cannot prohibit those people from buying a gun"
Shooter's Father Says 'God Himself Will Punish ... Homosexuality' - Seddique Mateen, the father of the Orlando shooter, has also appeared in video pretending to be the president of Afghanistan. (not far from the crazy tree)
- Orlando gunman's father condemns atrocity but says 'punishment' for gay people is up to God
Turkish website reports '50 perverts killed in a bar'
Facebook and Reddit accused of censorship after pages discussing Orlando carnage are deleted in wake of terrorist attack : news
- Washington Post: "Redditors checked r/news for updates on the Orlando shooting. Instead, they found a war"
sodypop comments on State of the subreddit and the Orlando Shooting
Let's talk about /r/uncensorednews : TopMindsOfReddit
I watched the Orlando debacle unfold from the very beginning and now reading the things I see here, I'm finally understanding why people call us conspiratards (yes I said us, because I like reading about conspiracy too). : conspiracy
Witness: Omar Mateen drank alone at Pulse before attack - Orlando Sentinel - At least four regular customers at the Orlando gay nightclub where a gunman killed 49 people said Monday that they had seen Omar Mateen there before ... Another Pulse regular, Kevin West, told the Los Angeles Times that Mateen messaged him on and off for a year using a gay chat app.
REPORT: Orlando shooter was a regular at the gay nightclub he attacked, used multiple gay dating apps : news
Journalist Walks Off TV Show When It Won't Address Real Cause Of Orlando Shooting - The bigots must not be allowed to hijack this atrocity (Murdoch News)
Donald Trump Wishes There Had Been More Armed Orlando Clubgoers Shooting Blindly In The Crowded Room - There actually was a security guard with a gun
Donald Trump Tweets Disgusting Humble Brag After Orlando Massacre
Donald Trump Calls On Obama To Resign Over Orlando Shooting (Obama is a radical Muslim)
Connecticut's Senators, Who Know Something About Gun Violence, Blame Congress For Orlando Slaughter - Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal, who represent Newtown, Connecticut, issued blistering statements in the wake of the shooting
It's 2016 And Two Men Kissing Is Still A Stunning, Terrifying Sight (to some idiots)
It's Not A Coincidence That The Orlando Attack Happened During Ramadan - There is an obvious shock value from carrying out disruptive attacks during a month of reflection, and groups like ISIS thrive off media ink. The disparity also heightens the contrast between militant Islamists and the vast majority of the world's Muslims
Compare These Gun Death Rates: The U.S. Is in a Different World - The New York Times (very exceptional)
Eschaton: Assholes With Guns
Deadliest Mass Shootings - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Let's be clear - the claim that Orlando i is the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history is just flat out wrong. Among other examples:
America's Deadliest Mass Shootings, Part II - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Here is another hate-crime mass shooting from history comparable to Orlando, with an even higher death toll: (be it was white people doing the killing, so)
Orlando shooting headlines gloss over Native American massacres |
A Dutch woman who alleged she was raped after being drugged in an upscale nightclub in Doha was convicted of having sex out of wedlock by a Qatari court on Monday and given a one-year suspended sentence. : worldnews
Muslim students in Denmark banned from praying during school hours : worldnews
Donald Trump Is Infinitely More Dangerous Than He Was a Year Ago - Just look at his speech in New Hampshire ... He is a ridiculous man running a ridiculous campaign and any dispatch from that campaign that doesn't make that basic point is committing journalistic malpractice.
Donald Trump Goes to War with Washington Post - Trump is going to war with The Washington Post, but he doesn't stand a chance against Marty Baron ... If He, Trump wants additional clarification, I suggest he contact Bernard Cardinal Law at the Basilica of Our Lady Of The Clean Getaway in Rome.
Republicans: The Party of Racism - Lawyers, Guns & Money : act is nonetheless voter suppression. Or take the question of equal opportunity for children. A bill adopted by the House Education and Workforce Committee this year, which Ryan has endorsed, forces 11,000 high-poverty schools out of eligibility for free-lunch programs, lowers nutritional standards, and makes it much tougher for schools to enroll kids who need help.
The Republican Party Are Trump's Towel Boys - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Governor Chris Christie, of New Jersey, another of Trump's opponents early in the campaign, has transformed himself into a sort of manservant (that's quite a career you had Big Chicken) A Trump presidency would marry awful Republican policy with an authoritarian id that respects no norms at all. But, you know, not a dime's worth of difference with the neoliberal Hillary Clinton ... Just think about that for a moment. Really. The Republican nominee for president is promoting the idea that the current president of the United States is an active agent in jihad against citizens of the United States.
The Fearmonger Republicans Have Been Waiting For -- NYMag
Donald Trump: Americans Who Don't Report Their Suspicious Neighbors Should Be 'Brought To Justice' - These people need to have consequences, big consequences,
Donald Trump Just Defied Congress To Stop His Muslim Ban - So about that idea that GOP leaders could constrain a President Trump ...
((((Matt Duss))) on Twitter: "Right now Christie is arguing with the dry cleaner who lost one of Trump's shirts (in March!)
TIL that, in response to Brown vs. Board of Education, Prince Edward County, Virginia closed all public schools for 5 years rather than integrate them : todayilearned
Ken Burns Offers Blistering Takedown Of Donald Trump In Stanford Commencement Speech - Asking this man to assume the highest office in the land would be like asking a newly minted car driver to fly a 747
Verizon Strike Postmortems - Lawyers, Guns & Money : A couple of good reads on the incredibly successful Verizon strike. Michael McCormick notes that one of the biggest victories here is the inclusion of the retail stores in the bargaining unit, pointing the way forward for further organizing.
Andrew Cuomo: Hypocrite - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Dave Zirin notes that Andrew Cuomo is hypocritically tweeting about how Muhammad Ali is the greatest while simultaneously destroying free speech in his state by criminalizing BDS or other boycotts of Israel for its treatment of the Palestinians
Couples who have different sex drives, how do you make it work in the bedroom? : AskReddit
Victims | City of Orlando - Posted date: June 12, 2016
- Florida nightclub shooting: 50 killed and 53 injured in 'act of terror' Casualty count rises after shooting attack on Pulse nightclub - Police recount raid that killed suspect named by media as Omar Mateen
- Orlando nightclub shooting: 50 killed in 'domestic terror incident' at gay club
'Terror' Attack At Orlando Gay Nightclub Leaves 50 Dead, 53 Wounded - Police say a gunman took dozens of people hostage during an hourslong standoff at Pulse nightclub Sunday morning.
Omar Mateen: Orlando gay club shooter identified by police - US media | Americas | News | The Independent - Authorities confirm identity of killer as his father says 'this has nothing to do with religion'
Omar Mateen, Terrorist Who Attacked Orlando Gay Club, Had Been Investigated by FBI - The Daily Beast - known quantity to federal law enforcement before he killed 53 people in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.
50 killed in Florida nightclub, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance -
- Ex-wife of suspected Orlando shooter: 'he beat me'
[Breaking News] Orlando Nightclub mass-shooting. : AskReddit
- The gun used in the Orlando shooting is becoming mass shooters' weapon of choice (only in America do we sell WMD's at Walmart)
The new norm: When tragedy hits, Americans stand divided - The Washington Post - gay rights, gun control and terrorism collided in a horrific way.
Orlando Nightclub Shooter Called 911 to Pledge Allegiance to ISIS : news
Orlando Nightclub Shooter Called 911 to Pledge Allegiance to ISIS : news
- Orlando Nightclub Shooter Called 911 to Pledge Allegiance to ISIS (deletions)
Donald Trump: What has happened in Orlando is just the beginning. Our leadership is weak and ineffective. I called it and asked for the ban. Must be tough : The_Donald
Reports of nightclub shooting in United States : news
Reddit Bans Users, Deletes Comments On Orlando Terror Attack | The Daily Caller - /r/news.
what is going on with /r/news and /r/the_donald in regards to the orlando shooting? : OutOfTheLoop
Full News: No censorship, just news
[Megathread] Orlando Shooting and /r/news : OutOfTheLoop
Pulse more than 'just another gay club'
- Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick deletes "reap what you sow" tweet after mass shooting at LGBT club (how very Christianist)
Repeal the Second Amendment - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Two-Thirds of the World to Suffer Water Scarcity in 10 Years ; IFP News
- MH370: Debris discovered off south Australian coast means missing plane's wreckage could span 10,000 km
Germany: Thousands Surround US Air Base to Protest the Use of Drones | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community - Over 5,000 Germans formed a 5.5-mile human chain to surround the base (drone-boy not impressed)
Bangladesh Arrests 3,000 After Gruesome Murders - Police round up suspects across the country a day after an elderly Hindu priest became the latest victim hacked to death. (fundie dialectic)
A young man is skinned alive. A sign of new Taliban brutality? - The Washington Post (ISIS-ification)
Eleven German MPs under police protection in 'genocide' row - BBC News - They received death threats after supporting a move to describe the 1915 massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turks as genocide. (Erdofuck terrorists bossing your country around)
Crowds steal flour, chicken and underwear in looting spree in Venezuela | World news | The Guardian - Episodes of looting increase as basic products run short in oil-exporting country, with opposition blaming president's economic policies (Maduro driving his country-bus off the cliff)
Releasing Drug Offenders Won't End Mass Incarceration (if all drug offenders were released, America would still be #1 prison-state, Obama still naive)
Google Officially Endorses Trans Pacific Partnership : news
WikiLeaks to publish more Hillary Clinton emails - Julian Assange | Media | The Guardian
Clinton Voters Like Obama More Than Sanders Supporters Do | FiveThirtyEight - And other divisions between Clinton and Sanders supporters.
How To Build A Strawman: Learning From the Master - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Jamelle Bouie on Twitter: "One thing that really complicates the idea that the Sanders campaign was an uprising of the base is this." (Sanders' voters more conservative (anti-Clinton) than Clinton's which is why 16.666% will vote for Dumpster)
Not One Vote! | The Nation (Eric Alterman in 2000 forecasts why Nader (who Bernie loved) is a disaster)
- How does Donald Trump stack up against American literature's fictional dictators? Pretty well, actually.
What rights do transgender people have to change their names? | Society | The Guardian - Name changes which allow a person to assume the role of a person of the opposite sex are, in effect, a type of fraud on the general public
In a town where pills are currency, staying clean is a lonely road | The Washington Post - In a town where pills are currency, opioid addicts have few options
Five myths about rape - The Washington Post
To Beat Anti-Semitic Trolls Online, Some Co-Opt Their Weapons and Mock Them - The New York Times - So I will be moving to Facebook where at least people need to use their real names and can't hide behind fakery to spread their hate. (Nazi's, MRAs and BernieBros)
The cancer drugs in your bathroom cabinet | Science | The Guardian - They are: the aforementioned anti-worm drug mebendazole; an antacid used to treat stomach ulcers called cimetidine; the angina drug nitroglycerin; a broad-spectrum anti-fungal called itraconazole; an antibiotic used to treat chest infections called clarithromycin; the anti-inflammatory painkiller diclofenac.
No Escape From Black Holes? Stephen Hawking Points to a Possible Exit - The New York Times - A black hole has no hair
First case of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis treated with both delamanid and bedaquiline.
A Comprehensive, CRISPR-based Functional Analysis of Essential Genes in Bacteria. - PubMed - NCBI
Research showing why hierarchy exists will aid the development of artificial intelligence | EurekAlert! Science News - hierarchy evolves not because it produces more efficient networks, but instead because hierarchically wired networks have fewer connections. This is because connections in biological networks are expensive
I've heard that galaxies across the universe are moving away from us at faster than the speed of light. How is this so? I thought nothing can move faster than light. : askscience
IamA electronics repair technician hated by Apple that makes YouTube videos, AMA! : IAmA
Recent study found students who consume primarily digital content (such as Reddit and Buzzfeed) had the lowest writing complexity scores, while those who often read literature and academic journals had the highest levels of writing complexity : books
ELI5: Why do computers use red, green, and blue to create any color when the primary colors in "real life" are red, green, and yellow? : explainlikeimfive
The Average Netflix Subscriber Watches 48% More Content Per Day Than the Average Hulu Subscriber : technology
What is the most pointless argument you have had? : AskReddit
What small obscure subreddits do you visit? : AskReddit
Ruin My Search History - Ruin your Google search history with a single click : InternetIsBeautiful
- According to CEO Thompson of the New York Times, adblock users will be banned soon: ... as I wrote this the page bloated to 8500 requests and 75 megabytes! One single page in 10 minutes. (NYT kills your data-cap with one page and they're the ones complaining)
The New York Times announces that adblock users will soon be banned. /u/aywwts4 demonstrates how much adware is pushed by visiting : bestof
Tom Scocca on Twitter: "@AoDespair Other media organizations published stills from the same video!" (David Simon is wrong and stupid, as usual)
Gawker's Bankruptcy and the .1% - Lawyers, Guns & Money : It is, for example, about $100,000,000 more than O.J. Simpson had to pay in the wrongful death verdict that resulted from him brutally murdering two people. The fact that an award that obviously has no chance of holding up on appeal was able to bankrupt a media organization is seriously disturbing. (judgemania)
Day before Mosier, inspection found 'very serious' problems with Union Pacific | - No railroad in the country has paid more in penalties in the last two years than Union Pacific, (exploding deregulated death-trains of mass-destruction)
Secret 9/11 Report's Publication To Absolve Saudi Arabia: CIA Chief - There have been questions of whether Saudi Arabia had a role in the 2001 terrorist attack for years. (end of story)
Mecca Goes Mega - The New York Times - A building boom in the city's sacred center has created a dazzling, high-tech 21st-century pilgrimage.
James Dyson Comes Out In Favour Of Brexit In Upcoming European Union Referendum - Sorry, it's cobblers - The inventor, best known for his bagless vacuum cleaner, told the Telegraph that he did not believe that the UK trade would be adversely affected by Brexit.
Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Have Been Enslaved In This African Dictatorship - A U.N. inquiry details crimes against humanity in Eritrea, as record numbers flee to Europe. (meanwhile)
Dutch woman held in Qatar after making rape complaint : news
What if PTSD Is More Physical Than Psychological? - The New York Times - A new study supports what a small group of military researchers has suspected for decades: that modern warfare destroys the brain.
After Bernie, Does the Left Need a Rethink? | Rolling Stone - What to make of the fact that Sanders ran the campaign progressives have been dreaming of for years, and lost
High-Profile GOP Donor Meg Whitman Indicates She Is Likely to Support Hillary Clinton, Say Sources - ABC News
Clinton 32 Years After Ferraro
The Indelible Stain of Donald Trump - The New York Times
Romney loyalists ponder a future with Trump
Mitt Romney: A Trump Presidency Would Spawn 'Trickle-Down Racism' (odd metphor from the piss-on-you guy)
- Donald Trump Thinks He Can Win California (He Can't) Profound financial mistakes are going to be made with the money Trump is able to siphon from wealthy GOP donors. And that's most likely how the GOP goes out of business.
How Donald Trump Bankrupted His Atlantic City Casinos, but Still Earned Millions - The New York Times
Down here it's just winners and losers - The NYT article about Trump's use of the Profit for Me, Risks for Thee business model is the detailed explanation of the complete clusterfuck that is his presidential campaign - consistently rewarded for blundering and blustering around, trashing shit and most importantly, being fastidious about deflecting downward any harm that might result from his incompetence
When Are the Bribery Charges Filed? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The open and seemingly illegal deal making between Trump and various Republican lawmakers (Pam Bondi, meet jail)
Pam Bondi sought donation before nixing Trump University fraud case - - Pam Bondi is denying that a $25,000 donation from Donald Trump is in any way connected to her office's decision not to pursue action against Trump University, despite dozens of complaints in Florida, her spokesman said.
- A Trump Presidency Just Got a Lot Less Likely -- and a Lot More Terrifying
Trump starting out $200 million behind.
Mark Cuban: Trump can't afford to self-fund campaign
These Conservative Media Figures Are Holding Out Hope That Delegates Will Dump Trump At The GOP Convention (that's not the way this works)
Democrats Will Learn All the Wrong Lessons From Brush With Bernie | Rolling Stone - smugness redoubled
Elizabeth Warren vice-president speculation boils over: 17 things you need to know about her |
Rabbi Michael Lerner Brings Down The House At Muhammad Ali's Funeral
Revolution in gender fluidity linked to rise of Trump, author argues | US news | The Guardian (TGs responsible for Trumpster)
Michael Hubbard, Alabama House Speaker, Is Convicted on 12 Felony Ethics Charges - The New York Times - leaving him stripped of power and facing the possibility of decades in prison.
Feds: Evidence of firearms training during refuge standoff by Malheur boat launch |
Judge dismisses one of the gun charges against Ammon Bundy, 7 co-defendants |
- These Florida Tea Partiers plan to set up a secret vigilante court to arrest -- and possibly execute -- Obama
Did for-profit college watchdog overlook deception? Feds consider shutting group down | - The Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools is meant to be a watchdog for hundreds of for-profit schools (non-profit for-profit watchdog watching the for-profits)
Mother of Stanford sexual assaulter speaks out | Fresno Bee
Stanford rapist Brock Turner 'took photograph of his victim's breasts during attack | Daily Mail Online
- Canadian doctors just reversed severe MS using stem cells
This isn't hype: Canadian doctors just reversed severe MS using stem cells Revealed: Cambodia's vast medieval cities hidden beneath the jungle | World news | The Guardian - the colossal, densely populated cities would have constituted the largest empire on earth at the time of its peak in the 12th century.
Four monks chant in ancient Byzantine style : videos
Byzantine chant - ?e?te ?a?? - YouTube
Byzantine chant - YouTube
Orthodox Chants
Trans people in UK could face rape charges if they don't reveal gender history : worldnews
Five years ago a guy at the theater stole my phone : self
Teachers of Reddit, what has one of your students done, that convinced you they were a villain in the making? : AskReddit
"Crhme Caramel" by Canada [NSFW] : videos
DIY videos under attack : videos
Apple Is Fighting A Secret War To Keep You From Repairing Your Phone : technology
Paris floods made almost twice as likely by climate change, say scientists | Environment | The Guardian - Manmade global warming greatly increased the risk of extreme rain affecting the French capital, analysis shows (freedom floods!)
U.N. Chief Admits He Removed Saudi Arabia From Child-Killer List Due to Extortion - U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon publicly acknowledged Thursday that he removed the Saudi-led coalition currently bombing Yemen from a blacklist of child killers -- 72 hours after it was published -- due to a financial threat to defund United Nations programs.
Brexiteers love democracy - that's why they don't want you to be able to vote | Voices | The Independent
Woman gets rid of her niqab after her village is liberated from ISIS : pics
Couple murdered in second Pakistan 'honour' killing in three days | World news | The Guardian - Saba's father murdered her and husband Karamat Ali, after couple returned to smooth relations with family - Hundreds of women are murdered by their relatives in Pakistan each year on the pretext of defending what is seen as family honour.
Rewrite the Racial Rules: Building an Inclusive American Economy - Roosevelt Institute - And, against the backdrop of stark racial economic inequality dating back centuries, we make the case for pushing past both explicit and implicit exclusions, as well as ostensible race-neutrality.
Clinton leads Trump by 11 points in White House race: Reuters/Ipsos poll | Reuters
- Six times as many Sanders supporters would shift to Clinton over Trump (or, 16.666% are flaming fascist racist assholes)
Delete your account: how Hillary Clinton dropped a 'weapon of mass disstruction' | US news | The Guardian
Elizabeth Warren declares herself ready to be Hillary Clinton's running mate | US news | The Guardian - Massachusetts senator endorses presumptive Democratic nominee and puts herself in the frame as possible vice-presidential candidate (clickbait misleading headline)
Hillary Clinton Denounces Donald Trump as Untrustworthy on Women's Issues (o rly)
Unlikely path for foes hoping to dump Trump at convention | The Big Story
- Anti-Trump Republicans seek last-ditch 'delegate revolt' (made your bed, now die in it)
At Romney summit, anti-Trump Republicans in exile ponder their party's future (ponder away, fuckers)
The Wall Street Journal is giving Paul Ryan and the Republican Party terrible advice. The Wall Street Journal Has Lost Its Mind (if you call that a mind)
Sen. Perdue offers prayer for Obama: 'Let his days be few' - politico (southern-Biblical for "I hope you die soon, fucker" with usual denials)
Army reserve officer threatens to kill Muslims at North Carolina mosque | US news | The Guardian
Thursday in Rhode Island - Lawyers, Guns & Money : What does an average Thursday look like in Rhode Island? Something like this: (entire legislature is an organized crime ring)
Oklahoma Police Can Seize Your Entire Bank Account on a Traffic Stop Without Any Charges | Armstrong Economics - Just stay out of Oklahoma at all costs. If other states follow, you better migrate to another country and fast. Look for a country not based on common law (English countries). This will destroy the freedom to travel for broke police have become highway criminals with guns. (Republican pirate-state)
Oregon church sued for $5 million after second child molester strikes | - First Christian Church failed to develop child-protection protocols that might have stopped Michael Cele Stephens from molesting the girl starting when she was 12 or 13, the lawsuit says.
Would-be bike thief brought down by horse-mounted hero in Eagle Point | - in front of a Walmart in Southern Oregon was foiled by a man on a horse Friday morning when the mounted rider lassoed the would-be thief and kept him roped up until police arrived, officials said.
Oregon court allows person to change sex from 'female' to 'non-binary' |
High-fat Mediterranean diet does not cause weight gain, study finds | Society | The Guardian - Researchers found that people whose diets were rich in olive oil and nuts lost more weight than those on low-fat regime - The fat content of foods and diets is simply not a useful metric to judge long-term harms or benefits. Energy density and total caloric contents can be similarly misleading
TIL: The Great pyramid of Giza has 8 sides, not 4. : todayilearned
Five years ago a guy at the theater stole my phone : self
What's a big NO-NO when it comes to a first Date? : AskReddit
Gawker Media Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy - Hollywood Reporter
Gawker, Filing for Bankruptcy After Hulk Hogan Suit, Is for Sale - The New York Times (they got Hulkamaniad and billionaired)
Gawker Has Filed for Bankruptcy : news - They filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, not Chapter 7. This means they're not shutting down, but can reorganize, sell to another company, etc...
Libyan forces claim to have ousted Isis from final stronghold | World news | The Guardian - Islamic State may have lost all territory in country as navy says city of Sirte has been secured after three-week offensive
British firm aims to open immigration detention center near US-Mexico border | Business | The Guardian - Billion-dollar company Serco has lobbied the US for more than a year in a push for detention contracts, sparking criticism from immigrant rights groups (outsourcing your detentions)
The Arabs of Palestine - The Atlantic - ACCORDING to Arab politicians and apologists, this is what happened, this is the authentic view, these are the facts. Doubt is treasonous. There can be only one truth, according to Arab politicians and apologists, and it belongs to them:
New British visa restrictions could get workers from non-European nations deported - The Washington Post - earn at least 35,000 pounds if they want to settle here (ha-ha, Brits just built a wall against non-rich Americans)
California sees surge in Chinese illegally crossing border from Mexico - LA Times - The Chinese account for the fifth-largest population of immigrants in the U.S. illegally, according to an October report by the Migration Policy Institute. An estimated 285,000 resided in the country in 2013.
'I'm with Her' - Barack Obama endorses Hillary Clinton for president
Obama Endorses Hillary Clinton, and Urges Democrats to Unite - The New York Times
Sanders' new slogan looks beyond nomination: 'The struggle continues' | US news | The Guardian
Lord of the Lies - The New York Times
The Media Is On The Edge Of A Murrow Moment - "He didn't create this situation of fear, he merely exploited it, and rather successfully ("edge")
The black hole within Donald Trump (where a soul should be)
- There Are More White Voters Than People Think. That's Good News for Trump - An Older, Whiter, Less-Educated Electorate - the former Confederacy plus Oklahoma, Missouri, Kentucky and West Virginia (the same-old story)
Donald Trump Judge Comments Right in Line with Republican Attitudes Towards Judicial System - There is only one important thing to remember as this freakazoid campaign rolls along. He, Trump is not an aberration. He is an exaggeration, nothing more than that.
Deadbeat Donald - Lawyers, Guns & Money : and a large number of those involve ordinary Americans, like the Friels, who say Trump or his companies have refused to pay them. (but uneducated, working-class white Americans love Trump) - He was his own victim, his own slave. He had made personality a profession, created a career out of selling himself. And he could not stray far, or for long, from his self-made self (The Grifters)
'You were born in a Taco Bell': Trump's rhetoric fuels school bullies across US | US news | The Guardian
- Tomorrow's front page: I'M WITH RACIST! Ryan still supports Trump "definition of racist"
Today in Trump's Campaign Is a Garbage Fire
Trump nom - Archeologists will be studying the ruins for awhile: GOP strategist - "Jeb's not built for the stupidest campaign in the world."
Voters Decide That Judge Having Sex In Chambers Is NBD - Steiner, a Superior Court judge for five years, was censured in 2014 by the Commission on Judicial Performance for boinking his intern and an attorney in his chambers, the Los Angeles Times noted. Both were once law students of the judge.
Family dog was shot and killed by deputies who went to wrong home for domestic violence call - LA Times (first thing they do is kill you dog)
These colleges have the most reports of rape - The Washington Post - Brown: 43 - U-Conn.: 43 - Dartmouth College: 42 : Reed College: 12.9 (reports per 1,000) - Wesleyan: 11.5 - Swarthmore College: 11.0 - the colleges with the most rapes reported were also those with the biggest problems of drunk driving and alcoholism.
The Swedish Stanford students who rescued an unconscious sexual assault victim speak out - The Washington Post
Founder of a Minuteman Border Group Is Convicted of Child Molestation - The New York Times - Later, he helped formed the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, which stepped into the national spotlight in 2005 with high-profile border patrols.
When universities try to behave like businesses, education suffers - LA Times - The bill of particulars against Linda Katehi, the suspended chancellor of UC Davis, certainly is eye-opening. (train-wreck keeps rollin' through the dough)
The University: Brought to You by the Same People Who Brought You the Housing Bubble and the Great Recession - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The corporatization of higher education is destroying it, high paid administrator by high paid administrator, exploited adjunct by exploited adjunct.
The Children Who Are the Future | Jacob Bacharach
- Ancient teeth and bone point to the origin of our mysterious 'hobbit' cousins
'Hobbits' died off earlier than we'd thought -- and we may have killed them (we ate them)
The U.S. Is Failing in Infant Mortality, Starting at One Month Old - The New York Times - Many more babies die in the United States than you might think. In 2014, more than 23,000 infants died in their first year of life, or about six for every 1,000 born.
A poor brain is as worthy as a rich brain: psychotherapy faces a privilege problem | World news | The Guardian - psychotherapists are less likely to offer appointments to working-class people comes as researchers say poor communities and communities of colour grapple with inordinate levels of trauma ("brain' is the new "mind")
Healing Spas and Ugly Clubs: How Victorians Taught Us to Treat People With Disabilities | Collectors Weekly
10 Signs You Have A Solid Foundation For A Marriage
Arctic Sea Ice Breaks May Record . . . By A Lot | Climate Central - Arctic sea ice shrank to its lowest level in 38 years last month, setting a record low for the month of May and setting up conditions for what could become the smallest Arctic ice extent in history,
Eschaton: Nobody Told Us They Needed To Work In Warm Waters - better spend some more money - The Royal Navy's s fleet of six #1bn destroyers is breaking down because the ships' engines cannot cope with the warm waters of the Gulf, defence chiefs have admitted.
Canada's tundra is turning green -- and its Boreal forest brown
Despite Voicing Criticism, Susan Rice Promises Israel 'Largest Military Aid Package in U.S. History' - Israel News - Haaretz (no consequences for anything for Israel, your boss)
Pakistani woman burned daughter alive over marriage dispute | World news | The Guardian - Police say Zeenat Rafiq, 17, was drenched in kerosene and set alight after marrying against her family's wishes
Four Killed, Six Wounded in Shooting Attack at Tel Aviv Shopping Center - Israel News - Haaretz - Two Palestinian gunmen open fire at passersby at the Sarona Market food and retail center & Police capture attackers & Netanyahu convenes emergency security briefing.
It's time to admit Hillary Clinton is an extraordinarily talented politician - This is the paradox of Hillary Clinton: She has achieved something no one else in the history of American politics has even come close to doing, yet she is widely considered an inept, flawed candidate. (by Republicans and your media)
Hillary Clinton Will Be Nominated Because More Democrats Are Voting For Her | FiveThirtyEight (the system is rigged, all right)
This Is What Making History Looks Like - There's only one more glass ceiling between Hillary Clinton and the White House.
Hillary Clinton Became A Presidential Nominee And The Internet Celebrated In The Best Way
Obama Will Meet With Sanders On Thursday - Obama congratulated Hillary Clinton on officially winning the Democratic presidential nomination.
Hillary Clinton's Remarkable Comeback - The Atlantic - Trump talks endlessly about strength. Clinton embodies it. (almost the entire Dem establishment - Teddy, Schumer, Rockefeller, McGaskill, Daschle: "icy prima donna" etc, stabbed her in the back)
Clinton Most Admired Woman for Record 20th Time - Americans again name Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama the woman and man living anywhere in the world they admire most. Both win by wide margins over the next-closest finishers, Malala Yousafzai for women and Pope Francis and Donald Trump for men.
Hillary Clinton Made History, but Bernie Sanders Stubbornly Ignored It - The New York Times
The Fixanalysis - Will Bernie Sanders supporters rally behind Hillary Clinton now? (25% of Clinton supporters wamted to switch to McCain because of the black guy, but only 17% did; 20% Bernistas will go full-fascist Trump)
- Inside the bitter last days of Bernie's revolution - For better and for worse, Sanders made all the big decisions - At the heart of the rage against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, the campaign aides closest to him say, is Bernie Sanders. (as narcissistic as Trump - it's all about him, refused to support Feingold, hates Barney Frank)
- The Sanders Endgame
- Sanders is beating Obama's 2008 youth vote record
Bernie Sanders Is Said to Plan Large Layoff From Campaign Staff - The New York Times
The 11 states that will determine the 2016 election - POLITICO - Trump vs. Clinton may be an unusual matchup, but their coming battle will be fought on familiar terrain.
alicublog: PC For Me But Not For Thee, Part 5,292,339. ("PC" means not agreeing with Republicans)
Wow She's Right - There does not seem to be any mention of Donald Trump on the official Republican Party website, Hillary is there. Bernie is there. George H.W.Bush is there. Reagan is there. Reagan/Bush. Lincoln is there. No Trump anywhere. Not on the blog, signups. Not anywhere that I could find.
Is Trump even going to get the nomination? - Lawyers, Guns & Money :(tire fire)
The taunt Clinton supporters think will haunt Trump gets airtime in new ad - politico - our paid media campaign that will ultimately reach millions of voters on a great number of issues that highlight his divisive, dangerous and dishonest record.
- Endorsers Can't Disown His Comments - Party leaders and down-ballot candidates who are backing Trump won't be able to distance themselves from his racism and bigotry. (Fournier doesn't mention Dems even once)
Is Implying That Only Straight Conservative White Men Can Be Impartial Judges Racist? Views Differ! - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Jeffrey) Lord has found a niche as a CNN election commentator. This has gone as you might have expected, with assertions that Gonzalo Curiel is the REAL RACIST (what an vile person)
Koch's Team To Meet Trump's Camp, But Industrialist Remains Skeptical ("Industrialist")
A Time Capsule of the Unpresidential Things Trump Says - The Atlantic
Shorter Tom Friedman: We need two major parties, because one party advocating my centerist neoliberal agenda is one too few - Lawyers, Guns & Money sy
Dilbert has gone fascist: The strange unrequited love Scott Adams seems to have for Donald Trump - (persuader-in-chief with his hypnotism skillz, sounds like an mra)
- ? The Republican Party Just Crashed and Burned in California The GOP won't even have a Senate candidate on the ballot in the nation's largest state - California has not voted for a Republican for the presidency or for the Senate since that year. (1988)
No Matter What Happens, The Next Senator From California Will Be Woman Of Color - Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez, both Democrats, are set to face off in November
Eschaton: They Just Came Up With It On Their Own - Yah I totally bet that Wall Street isn't a big fan of the legislation that their lobbyists probably wrote.
- But there are some deeply held positions that cannot just be ignored - Sen. Orrin G. Hatch, the veteran Republican lawmaker, said in an interview. (KochBro fueled Bundyites and MORMONS looting Federal land)
Utah National Park Dispute Yields Threats of Armed Insurrection, Sedition - The Bundy infection is spreading. - "There is a lot of conflict that has escalated into being on the precipice of violence that is unnecessary and unwarranted" - said Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah, Mormon Church)
Chief of New York Jail Officers' Union Is Arrested on Fraud Charges - Mr. Seabrook, who favors finely tailored suits and cigars and is chauffeured around the city in black S.U.V.s, has come to exert extraordinary control over the Correction Department. (oh, how could that happen?)
Why the Stanford sexual assault case has become a national flashpoint, explained - Vox
Pressure Builds On Judge Over California Sexual Assault Case - Six months for someone who viciously attacked a woman, especially after she was so brave to come forward, is outrageous
Mormon Church Sued by Fourth Navajo Alleging Sexual Abuse - ABC News - alleging religious leaders didn't do enough to protect him from sexual abuse he endured by his foster father in a now-defunct church program that placed thousands of American Indian children with Mormon families.
Introducing the Sprawl Tax | Streetsblog USA - American commuters have to pay a sprawl tax of over $107 billion dollars a year in the 50 largest metropolitan areas -- nearly $1,400 for the average commuter. That includes the costs of the 3.9 billion additional hours American commuters spend traveling to and from work per year, or about 50 hours per worker. (Atlanta, land of white suburbs, wins)
The Rise of Plagiarism in the Age of Self-Publishing Books on Amazon, Google Play, and Barnes & Noble - The Atlantic
Books by NOT A BOOK (Author of NOT A BOOK) (plagiarism flags on GoodReads)
Goodreads Librarians Group: Book Issues Folder (page 1 of 713)
Mammals began their takeover long before the death of the dinosaurs - Science Bulletin - This study shows that therian mammals, the ancestors of most modern mammals, were already diversifying before the dinosaurs died out,
How Did Consciousness Evolve? - The Atlantic - The Attention Schema Theory (AST), developed over the past five years, may be able to answer those questions. The theory suggests that consciousness arises as a solution to one of the most fundamental problems facing any nervous system: Too much information constantly flows in to be fully processed.
What's the creepiest thing that you've seen other families do that they accept as totally normal? : AskReddit
Your romantic first dates? Restaurants hate them. - The Washington Post - the first date has become an elaborate version of Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Because these days, nearly every first date is blind. - This has given rise to new rules: Dinner and a movie are out. Cocktails and casual, inexpensive dates are in. (the paradigm has shifted)
The Great Barrier Reef: a catastrophe laid bare | Environment | The Guardian - Bleaching caused by climate change has killed almost a quarter of its coral this year and many scientists believe it could be too late for the rest. (Conservatives don't believe in liberal climate-change)
FBI wants access to Internet browser history without a warrant in terrorism and spy cases - The Washington Post (oh, and porn)
U.S., NATO countries begin largest military exercise in eastern Europe since Cold War - The Washington Post
Death threats sent to German MPs amid Erdogan anger at Armenia genocide vote | Europe | News | The Independent - Turkish president says MPs who backed motion to recognise slaughter of 1.5 million Armenians are 'terrorists' with 'impure blood' (the Trump of Turkey)
Istanbul bomb attack on police vehicle kills 11 | World news | The Guardian - City governor says explosion killed seven officers and four civilians in Beyazit district (attacked by German MPs, presumeably)
Five Men in India Have Been Convicted for the Gang Rape of a Danish Tourist | TIME - Under new antirape laws the minimum punishment is 20 years in prison
Child sex abuse whistleblower resigns from UN | World news | The Guardian - failure to act over abuse by peacekeepers in Africa
It's Always Two Months Away - We've been waiting for the Fed to do its rate hike moves since 2010 or so. They're constantly overoptimistic about the current and future states of the economy, and they're clearly obsessed with the nonexistent monster under the bed, inflation.
2016 Election: June 7 - The Huffington Post (Hillary take NJ and more)
Bernie Sanders Wins North Dakota Caucus
Stating the Obvious - Lawyers, Guns & Money : what also should be obvious: 1)The early AP call was dumb but 2)about AP wanting a scoop and nothing else and 3)clearly not in the interests of the Clinton campaign, which was going to have a delegate majority after tonight no matter what but got its parade rained on while adding fire to conspiracy theories about the outcome of the primaries.
Strange Ideas Why Bernie Deserves Nomination -- NYMag
Bernie Sanders Has No Path to Nomination, But He Should Keep Running to the Convention - There no longer is even a marginally credible fantasy path to the nomination for Bernie Sanders.
State Dept. would need 75 years to compile Clinton emails | TheHill
Republicans finally discover that Trump is an actual racist - The Washington Post (takes one to know one)
Lindsey Graham Wants Republicans To Unendorse Donald Trump - If anybody was looking for an off-ramp, this is probably it
Democrats Jump on Allies of Donald Trump in Judge Dispute - The New York Times
A Handy Guide To Who's Calling Whom Racist These Days
Trump Campaign: Female Judges Could Be Biased, Too - campaign continues to defend his racist attacks against a federal judge. (rich white men are entirely bias-free)
Megyn Kelly Slams Donald Trump's 'Mexican' Judge Remarks: 'That Is Not The Way Our System Works' ... O'Reilly, on the other hand, defended Trump ... calling for the judge to recuse himself from the case.
Chris Christie Won't Comment on Trump Judge Criticism - Newt Gingrich, Sheldon Adelson - Gingrich? Adelson? Christie? Trump? - A Republican ticket that includes Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich, brokered into being by Sheldon Adelson, would pretty much be the event horizon of grotesque public tackiness.
- These Republicans Are Outraged By Trump. Also, They're Voting for Him. (and no Zika funding for you)
Trump Campaign Exposes Politicians Who Sold Out to Him Before He Entered Politics - If you play in the dirt, you get dirty ... He's like all those pet pythons with whom Floridians got bored and then turned loose in the Everglades. He is the ultimate invasive species.
St. Ralph Speaks: The Revolution Will Be Televised, And It Will Be Bob Hope Telling Polack Jokes Edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money (not content with fucking the world once, Nader tries again)
Rheeist Union Busting - Just in case you thought the charter school scam was about something other than union busting. (Obambi never met a corporate idea he didn't love +Jonathan Chait)
No men allowed: Women-only pool hours draw complaints in NYC - A New York City municipal pool that maintains female-only hours so that Hasidic Jewish women can swim with no men present has raised alarms among critics who say the accommodation to a particular religious group violates the constitutional separation of church and state. (Hasids don't believe in your Constitution)
Antisemitism watchdog adds (((echo))) symbol to hate list after Jews targeted | Technology | The Guardian - says US watchdog the Anti-Defamation League chief, days after Google removes antisemitic Chrome extension (parentheses banned)
Tased in the Chest for 23 Seconds, Dead for 8 Minutes, Now Facing a Lifetime of Recovery - Tased in the Chest for 23 Seconds, Dead for 8 Minutes, Now Facing a Lifetime of Recovery (America has a killer-cop problem)
Dashcam footage of cop tasing, dragging, and dropping teen is unsealed. : news
Stanford sexual assault victims see few options for recourse - in school or court | US news | The Guardian - one of the most unsupportive universities for victims.
Federal authorities find U.S. Attorney "violated laws, sexual harassment regulations" | - after engaging in a relationship with a subordinate.
Airbnb faces outcry after transgender guest was denied stay by a host | Technology | The Guardian - denied TV producer Shadi Petosky's request because of fears of having a trans guest around her son (well, you wouldn't want one in your bathroom, would you?)
Women Are Twice As Likely As Men to Have Anxiety -- The Cut - For a review published in the journal Brain and Behavior, researchers from the University of Cambridge looked at 48 previous studies and found that about 4 percent of people worldwide have an anxiety disorder. (America: 8% because they watch Fox, Walking Dead and don't have a job, actually NYMag can't read very well, white men are very anxious)
A systematic review of reviews on the prevalence of anxiety disorders in adult populations - Remes - 2016 - Brain and Behavior - Wiley Online Library - substantial prevalence of anxiety disorders generally (3.8-25%), and particularly in women (5.2-8.7%); young adults (2.5-9.1%); people with chronic diseases (1.4-70%); and individuals from Euro/Anglo cultures (3.8-10.4%) versus individuals from Indo/Asian (2.8%), African (4.4%), Central/Eastern European (3.2%), North African/Middle Eastern (4.9%), and Ibero/Latin cultures (6.2%).
Women and people under the age of 35 at greatest risk of anxiety | University of Cambridge
Why it's wrong to call addiction a disease | Marc Lewis | Opinion | The Guardian - Apart from being scientifically baseless, the disease model undermines hope, fails to end stigma and doesn't always get addicts the help they need
We are scientists from the LISA Pathfinder Collaboration, and we have demonstrated the technology to detect low-frequency gravitational waves from space. Ask us anything! : IAmA
- These 33 tweets perfectly explain why it's hard to be a woman in science - Caltech professor Christian Ott was suspended from his post after his inappropriate relationships with two female graduate students was revealed.
NOVA - Official Website | The Fabric of the Cosmos - Acclaimed physicist Brian Greene reveals a mind-boggling reality beneath the surface of our everyday world.
The helical model - our solar system is a vortex - YouTube
Gravitational wave
40 years ago Stephen Hawking showed information can be lost from the universe when black holes evaporate away. No one has resolved the paradox, which undermines determinism. In a new paper, Hawking points to a potential solution : science
Growing Up in Meditationland -- The Cut - I was 3 years old, with my mother and brother at an office of the Transcendental Meditation Center in Manhattan.
40 years ago Stephen Hawking showed information can be lost from the universe when black holes evaporate away. No one has resolved the paradox, which undermines determinism. In a new paper, Hawking points to a potential solution : science
We want information | The Economist
Earliest evidence of fire making in Europe found | Science News - Charred bone, heat-rippled stone in Spanish cave date back 800,000 years
Obesity Rate in US Women Climbs to 40% - But for U.S. men, the overall obesity rate in 2013-2014 was 35 percent, which was not a significant change from the rate in 2005-2006,
What is surprisingly NOT bullshit? : AskReddit
_tatka comments on Confession time - What are the big lies you fell for, then learned better as life went on?
Broadband CEOs Admit Usage Caps Are Nothing More Than A Toll On Uncompetitive Markets | Techdirt
These Maps Make A Pretty Powerful Argument For Fighting Climate Change - Rising sea levels could leave neighborhoods all over New York City underwater. (like Trump Tower?)
Sea Level Rise Viewer
Landscape Metrics
NYC Climate Change
On climate change, no need to teach both sides (OPINION) | - On the Portland School Board's decision to ax certain textbooks for their position on climate change, The Oregonian/OregonLive editorial board recently wrote "The board's climate-change resolution is not intended to teach students to think critically, which is what schools should do. It's designed, instead, to produce acolytes" (when Republicans own newspapers)
Tornado Town, USA | FiveThirtyEight - Four devastating tornadoes hit Moore, Oklahoma, in 16 years. Was it geography or just bad luck?
Regulators Fear $1 Billion Coal Cleanup Bill - The New York Times - The regulators worry that coal companies will use the bankruptcy courts to pay off their debts to banks and hedge funds, while leaving behind some of their environmental cleanup obligations. (how could that have happened?)
- ISIS is turning US Humvees into Iraq's worst nightmare (US armed the ISIS "moderates" in case you're wondering where all the money went so we can't have nice things)
Bloody Bloody Andrew Cuomo - The idea that nothing Israel has done in response to terrorist threats has been disproportionate is, to put it mildly, hard to defend. The idea that nothing it could possibly ever do could be disproportionate, well, res ipsa loquitur. (Cuomo, douchebag, owned by Netanfuckyu)
Binyamin Netanyahu accepted $40,000 from alleged fraudster | World news | The Guardian - Israeli prime minister admits receiving donation but says claim that Arnaud Mimran gave his campaign 1m is "lie" (from the mouth of Satan)
A Pause That Distresses - The New York Times - we should remember that private job growth under Mr. Obama has vastly exceeded George W. Bush's record, even if you leave out the economic collapse of 2008
AP: Clinton clinches the nomination, becoming first woman to top a major party ticket - The Washington Post
Hillary Clinton Has The Delegates To Clinch Democratic Nomination - History is made.
After-Bern - After thumping Senator Bernie Sanders in Puerto Rico yesterday, Hillary Clinton is just 25 delegates shy of the prize, with delegate-rich New Jersey and California voting tomorrow.
Bernie Sanders Campaign Is Split Over Whether to Fight on Past Tuesday - WSJ - The senator has vowed to press his case, but some urge him to unite behind Clinton
Roger Clinton -- DUI Arrest in California ... Impeccable Timing (UPDATE: MUG SHOT) |
Meet Al Giordano, the Man Who Wants to Take Bernie Down - The Daily Beast - Longtime journalist and blogger Al Giordano thinks Sanders is tearing the Democratic Party apart. In 2018, he's running against him.
Trump is a much worse threat than Brexit - The Washington Post - By Lawrence Summers
Donald Trump Finally Admits His Campaign Is Racist
GOP Fears Trump Could Revive Racial Politics of Past | RealClearPolitics (if by "past" you mean, like "yesterday")
Trump Orders Surrogates to Intensify Criticism of Judge and Journalists - Bloomberg Politics - During a Monday conference call with supporters, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee overruled a directive sent out by his own campaign.
Endorsing Trump will leave a mark - The Washington Post (the timing has been great all along)
Donald Trump does not have a campaign | MSNBC - It's becoming a serious problem - Aides appeared unprepared for the Trump University story last week, despite knowing in advance that unsealed court documents would reveal explosive allegations of fraud
The Trump Show, a Hit for Now, Faces a Test in the Fall - The New York Times - The solution is always more content, not less (Trump Productions, Inc)
Republicans Attack Trump For Repeating Republican Orthodoxy - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The Donald is upset that Republicans are criticizing him for making racist comments about a federal judge:
Is Suggesting That Judges With Mexican Parents Cannot be Impartial Racist? Views Differ - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Mark Halperin, complete tool)
The Quality of America's Racist Rhetoric Has Really Deteriorated. Sad!
Kelly Ayotte on Trump 'Mexican' Judge Comments - Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place - The trials of Kelly Ayotte, Senator, the Talleyrand of Tuftenboro (she made her deal with the devil, and he's coming to collect her soul)
McCain is Acting Like Trump Will Lose Arizona by Martin Longman | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly
No More Mister Nice Blog: MAUREEN DOWD: Stupid Racist One-Liners Are Going To Make Trump Tough To Beat
- Texas Congressman to Trump: Shove Border Wall 'Up Your Ass' - Why any modern-thinking person would ever believe that building a wall along the border of a neighboring country, which is both our ally and one of our largest trading partners, is frankly astounding and asinine."
Police: 59-Year-Old Man Brutally Attacked Outside Queens Mosque + CBS New York (he got Trumped)
Eschaton: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - What will I do with all of my David French lawn signs? Good thing I don't have a lawn, I guess.
Today in Terrible Republican Governance - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Example A) Texas leaving billions on the table because it won't expand medical care, dooming its poor to illness and death 0 Example B) The impending disaster in Illinois, most notably in higher education, but throughout state services, because the state's voters wanted a fresh voice and elected a right-wing extremist. (destroying America, one state at time)
Growing Up Coy Explores the Fallout After a Family Fought for Its Transgender Child
Brock Turner's Dad Gave Tone-Deaf Plea For Lenient Sentence In Son's Sexual Assault Case - "20 minutes of action" (with his dick inside an unconscious woman, but hey)
Stanford sexual assault: judge facing recall campaign over light sentence | US news | The Guardian - Stanford law professor leads campaign against judge who gave six-months to the former Stanford swimmer who sexually assaulted an unconscious woman
Stanford sexual assault: judge facing recall campaign over light sentence : news
Bundyism in Action - Lawyers, Guns & Money (sell off state lands to KochBros and Mormons what could go wrong, oh, hello, Idaho)
- The land transfer movement's great public-lands hoax - Idaho has sold off 40 percent of its state lands. Why would it do any different with formerly federal lands?
Report shows Idaho has sold 41 percent of its land since statehood | Idaho Statesman - More than 100,000 acres have been sold since 2000
The female orgasm simulation game that's too hot for Apple to touch | Technology | The Guardian
11 Angriest American Cities, Ranked (Boston #3)
Musicmap | The Genealogy and History of Popular Music Genres
Metros by the numbers: How D.C. stacks up against other capital cities - The Washington Post
Moscow Metro map in English (including future plans and Electrified Little Ring Railway)
- Peter D. Kramer Goes to the Antidepressant Ramparts
Behind the scenes of a U.S. superbug discovery that made headlines around the world - The Washington Post - In mid-May, a colleague had found a strain of E. coli bacteria from a 49-year-old Pennsylvania woman that tested positive for resistance to a drug called colistin ... The gene mcr-1 was found first in pigs and people in China and then spread across Asia and Europe. By March, there were even more reports from France, Switzerland, Malaysia, Brazil and Argentina.
- Shorter Uber: "Gentlemen, To Evil" - Meanwhile, David Plouffe's post-Obama career is as yucky as anyone could imagine. See, Uber has just received a $3.5 billion investment from Saudi Arabia? I know, what could possibly go wrong ... (so their women will never drive) (Obama's inner circle was/is pretty evil: the company he kept)
Uber sacks driver after passenger records vile homophobic rant
Alaska's huge climate mystery -- and its global consequences - the state stores 53 percent of all of the nation's carbon, much of it in permafrost below the ground (will 'artic greening" outweigh the permafrost melting and huge wildfires?)
Zika virus directly infects brain cells and evades immune system detection, study shows - Science Bulletin
'Mosier really dodged a bullet': Gorge derailment highlights oil train dangers | (Gov: "could have been far worse")
'Mosier really dodged a bullet': Gorge derailment highlights oil train dangers | (comment from resident)
Sewers shut off, water aquifers dry as Mosier deals with oil train derailment aftermath |
Oregon oil-train crash damaged town's water and sewer systems | US news | The Guardian
Exclusive: Snowden Tried to Tell NSA About Surveillance Concerns, Documents Reveal | VICE News (they lied, of course, and Barry believes all their lies automatically)
Iraqi Army Seen as Ill Equipped to Retake Mosul From ISIS, Despite U.S. Aid - The New York Times (you know that trillion dollars of weapons ... always more bombs and training)
- Nearly 60% of Qatar population live in labour cammps
Panama Papers Reveal How Wealthy Americans Hid Millions Overseas - The New York Times
Pope Scraps Tribunal To Prosecute Bishops Who Covered Up Sex Abuse (he would have had to fire 80% of his Bishops)
Criminal immigrants reoffend at higher rates than ICE has suggested - The Boston Globe (BoGlo in tight w/CB?)
Barack Obama Once Proposed Cutting Social Security. Here's What Changed His Mind ... He spent six and a half years trying to undermine the program in order to work with republicans. (the Tea Party, and they really didn't "change" his grand-bargaining, chained-CPI mind +HuffPo doesn't mention Duncan Black)
Conservative intransigence on the grand bargain five years ago has been a self-inflicted disaster - Vox (Obambi was all set to kill Social Security with his Grandest Bargain Evah because he's to the right of Nixon, but Repubicans stuck their tongues out and screwed themselves, as usual)
How Did Obstructionism Work Out for Republicans? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (not so hot, but it's all they know how to do, besides wars, killing the planet, racism and giving money to the riches)
Donald Trump Lies Again On Libya, Offers Heaping Portion Of Word Salad
#DonTheCon | Facebook
Clinton wins Puerto Rico primary - politico
Hillary Clinton And Bernie Sanders Vie For California's Support
How Bernie Sanders missed his chance to beat Hillary Clinton - The Washington Post
1928 and 1932 Elections, by County - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Hoover-Smith, Rooseveldt-Hoover total flip)
Eschaton: Slavery: Good or Bad? - The election of the Kenyan Muslim Socialist to the position of emperor definitely cracked opon the racism box which had been very slowly closing over the past few decades ... in an increasing number of contexts it just was no longer ok to be an obvious racist. And now Trumpf has blown it wide open, bringing us back to 30 years ago.
Pushing racial boundaries, Trump draws rebuke from a fretful GOP - The Washington Post (not supposed to be openly racist fucks)
- Halperin: Trump Attack On 'Mexican' Judge 'Not Racist,' Mexico 'Not a Race' ("Halperin widens his lead over Florida Man in the World Stupid Tournament.")
That's Interesting - But even a brief bit of research says that Judge Curiel's father's immigration to the United States predates that of Trump's mother
GOP worries rise amid hostile Trump comments on Latinos and Muslims - The Washington Post
Ex-Texas Official Says He Was Ordered To Drop Trump U Probe Due To Politics - "It had to be political in my mind because Donald Trump was treated differently than any other similarly situated scam artist in the 16 years I was at the consumer protection office" (paid-off TX Republicans, screwing the kids, as usual)
A major Native American site is being looted. Will Obama risk armed conflict to save it? - The Washington Post
The magic word this researcher says can get people to agree with you - The Washington Post (everything is a moral issue)
Is being transgender a mental illness? WHO text suggests so - being transgender is currently included in a section with kleptomania (the overwhelming impulse to steal), trichotillomania (the compulsion to pull out one's own hair), and pedophilia (a preference for having sex with children).
Extending Estrogen Suppressor May Aid Breast Cancer Patients, Study Says - The New York Times
Mediterranean diet may help stop breast cancer coming back, study says | Society | The Guardian
Standing desks boost productivity, not just health, study finds - The Washington Post
What happened at a wedding that let you know the marriage was going to end in a divorce? : AskReddit
Credibility and trust: Microsoft blows it by forcing Windows 10 on users : technology
-Here's what the science really says about Fort McMurray and climate change
Officials say 499 Islamic extremists pose threat in Germany - The Washington Post (deport them to ISIS)
Colombia Paramilitary Victims Fight Banana Giant in US Court | News | teleSUR English - Chiquita poured US$1.7 million between 1997 and 2004 into the outlawed far-right paramilitary group AUC, which operated as a death squad in Colombia. (o hai, Eric Holder)
One in three young South Africans victims of sexual abuse, report finds | World news | The Guardian - First ever national study finds boys at higher risk than girls, with few safeguards in place to protect them
Trump, Brexit and demand for change: the year of the political outsider | US news | The Guardian
Muhammad Ali, Boxing Legend And Anti-War Icon, Dies At 74
The Exact Moment Muhammad Ali Silenced His Critics
Seinfeld Is Unfunny - TV Tropes
"The Twilight Zone" An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (TV Episode 1964)
The media have reached a turning point in covering Donald Trump. He may not survive it. - The Washington Post (it took Trumpster to do this for a Republican candidate)
Who supports Donald Trump? The new Republican center of gravity | US news | The Guardian (to the overtly racist and insane)
Sorry, Brown People, Donald Trump Doesn't Believe You're Real Americans - He insists a judge born in Indiana is Mexican.
GOP Governor Hits Higher Numbers With Democrats | The Daily Caller
Oregon Militant Leaders Unhappy With Jail Rules, Want Facebook - If they are going to detain us as innocent men, then they are obligated to afford us the rights to defend ourselves and emotionally connect to our families
Sexuality today: how we embarked on a new age of freedom and tolerance | Society | The Guardian
- Stanford Swimmer Who Raped Unconscious Woman Gets Short Sentence Because Jail Would Have a 'Severe Impact on Him'
Here's The Powerful Letter The Stanford Victim Read To Her Attacker - BuzzFeed News
As a senior citizen, a self-driving car will be my godsend - The Washington Post (Matthews is 71)
Google Is Teaching Its Driverless Cars How to Be Bigger Assholes on the Road
Hubble clocks faster cosmic expansion - BBC News - It reinforces the tension between what we see happening locally and what we would expect from the conditions that existed in the early cosmos ... "we're missing something in our understanding of the cosmos" (dark neutrinos?)
AMA about my darkest secrets : announcements
Jacob's Ladder is now free on youtube! Thank you paramount! : movies
Jacob's Ladder -
Rabbit In Your Headlights on Vimeo
Blur - Coffee and TV - YouTube
How did your "crazy ex" become your "crazy ex"? : AskReddit
Zero-Day Exploit discovered that affects all versions of Windows from 2000 to Win10 - MSPoweruser
Droughtlandia - Pacific Standard - When climate change causes Californians to migrate north to Oregon and Washington.
alicublog: THE UP SIDE OF DROWN. - The other day Megan McArdle published a column about global-warming alarmists - Michael Mann called her column "the most intellectually bankrupt & misguided #climate piece yet" (McMegan really is one of America's Worst Humans, thinks the job of science to to find ways not to insult her when she is being incredibly stupid and evil)
Paris floods: Seine at 30-year high as galleries close - BBC News
'There's something terrifying about it': rise of the river Seine | World news | The Guardian
Oil train derails near Mosier in Oregon's Columbia River Gorge |
Zika May Be Transmitted by Oral Sex, Scientists Find - The New York Times
German parliament acknowledges Armenian genocide amid intense Turkish pressure - RT News (fuck off, Erdofuck)
Ankara to Berlin: You burned the Jews in ovens, and accuse Turkey of genocide -
MH17 crash: Prosecutors increase pressure on Russia - BBC News
UK Home Office is creating mega database by stitching together ALL its gov records The Register - At least it consulted... The public? Parliament? No one? WHAT!
- The battle for Falluja: 'If they lose it, Isis is finished'
26million drug pills aimed for jihadists seized in port of Piraeus - make them feel invulnerable
U.N. Adds Saudi Coalition To Blacklist For Killing Children In Yemen - The coalition was responsible for 60 percent of child deaths and injuries last year, killing 510 and wounding 667. (our best friends and close ally)
Watch: Some 200,000 people march in Tel Aviv LGBT pride parade - Israel News - Jerusalem Post
Report: U.S. Nuclear System Relies On Outdated Technology Such As Floppy Disks : The Two-Way : NPR - an IBM Series/1 Computer, first introduced in 1976. (trillions spent on other stuff)
Obama's TPP Arguments Make Little Sense
The Real Story Behind Obama's Radical U-turn on Social Security - Obama put chained CPI in his fiscal year 2014 budget ... This victory is a great credit to Duncan Black and everyone who moved a minority opinion in the corridors of power in the Democratic Party into the mainstream. (and remember the GRAND BARGAINS and YEARS WASTED embracing the opposition)
Eschaton: Sometimes We Get Results - Or, at least, play a part.
How an Outsider President Killed a Political Party: Zachary Taylor & the Whig Party - POLITICO Magazine - The Whigs chose power over principles when they nominated Zachary Taylor in 1848. The party never recovered. Born in 1784 into a prominent Southern slaveholding family,
- Hillary Clinton Just Kicked Trump in the Shins
Hillary Clinton rolled out the anti-Trump argument that could deliver a landslide - Vox
2016 Election: Why Some of the Smartest Progressives I Know Will Vote for Trump over Hillary - politico Magazine - Yves Smith June 01, 2016
Rarely Has An Argument Refuted Itself So Comprehensively - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Why Some of the Smartest Progressives I Know Will Vote for Trump over Hillary
Look at my African American over there - Lawyers, Guns & Money : This campaign is going to be a non-stop car crash - There's a non-trivial chance that Trump actually withdraws from the race at some point prior to the election - a good chance that the polls late in the race ... will show him suffering a massive, humiliating defeat.
Ugly, bloody scenes in San Jose as protesters attack Trump supporters outside rally - The Washington Post
Trump security removes POLITICO reporter from rally
Trump and Evangelical Voters - Is He the First Republican Candidate They've Betrayed Their Values For? - never been about Jesus (always about hatred and racisim and patriarchy)
Trump Vows To Prey Upon New Marks For His Super-Scammy 'University'
Police: Woman in Burka attacks Lawrenceville family with American flag | WAGA - Dami Arno told police she was in the garage talking with her daughter when she said Ahra came out of the woods wearing a full Burka, grabbed the flag from off the mailbox and charged at them.
Study: Same-sex experiences are on the rise, and Americans are increasingly chill about it - The Washington Post
Does Rheeism Work? No, Except for Crushing Unions - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Jonathan Chait wasn't happy (wife works for charter school)
Educate Your Immune System - The New York Times - Our bodies are confused by this 21st-century world - The implication is that, by delaying exposure to once-common infections, improvements in societal hygiene may increase the prevalence of autoimmune diseases.
'Major win' in pancreatic cancer fight - BBC News - against a combination of gemcitabine and capecitabine.
Elon Musk believes we are probably characters in some advanced civilization's video game - Vox (getting warm)
Oregon standoff: Judge declines to dismiss conspiracy, firearms in federal facility charges |
'Art Bastard': A Rebel With A Canvas : NPR
artnet Magazine - George Grosz - Cain or Hitler in Hell 1944
scans_daily | Stalin vs. Hitler!
British drone-freezing ray gets US airports trial - BBC News
Have I been pwned? Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach
Teamviewer for Windows
This Day in Labor History: June 2, 1924 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : On June 2, 1924, a constitutional amendment to ban child labor passed the Senate and was sent out to the states for ratification. Unfortunately, the states never ratified it, although they still could today ... Between 1924 and 1932, a resounding 6 states ratified it and 32 state legislatures had voted it down (kids were "child soldiers" in the "Civil War" and should be free to be slaves +the evil runs deep in America)
Trump's personal, racially tinged attacks on federal judge alarm legal experts
- Donald Trump warns Barack Obama he'll hit him 'like Bill Clinton' (huh?)
Hillary Clinton Calls Out Trump on Foreign Policy in Speech (battle of who's less reckless)
'Missing' White Voters Might Help Trump, But Less So Where He Needs It (the Perot effect - getting out the extreme crazies)
Donald Trump's Secret Weapon: Letter's of Love, Flattery, and Revenge
Pithy, Mean and Powerful: How Donald Trump Mastered Twitter for 2016 - The New York Times
A Chill Wind Blows - The New York Times - He seems to view any unflattering, or otherwise critical, coverage as an attack. His rhetoric suggests that in his mind, adulation is the only honesty
- Donald Trump in 1994: 'Putting a Wife to Work Is a Very Dangerous Thing' - "I don't want my wife shouting at somebody like that, I really don't want that"
Trump University Is Example of Big Business, Political Culture of Fraud and Scams - TU's playbook is the same one American big business has been using for years. (+Goldman:) This is the organization to which Hillary Rodham Clinton gave three speeches for fees totaling $675,000.
Donald Trump's judge-bashing crosses a line
The Hill on Twitter: "Mark Cuban questions if Trump is really a billionare" (battle of the narcissaurs)
Hispanic Official to Leave R.N.C. in Sign of Disaffection With Donald Trump - The New York Times
Salon, Camille Paglia on Clinton Email, Donald Trump - Salon ?has lost the plot when it comes to Hillary Clinton and her emails.
Kansas Schools, Victims of Bad Tax Policy - The New York Times - The grand myth of modern Republican politics -- the trickle-down theory that sweeping tax cuts generate rising revenues -- has come crashing down in Kansas. (Brownback took a billion from schools and gave it to the rich; you really screwed yourselves, KS, Republicans hate education)
- ACLU leader quits after daughters encounter men in the women's restroom - shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered
ACLU's Georgia director resigns over transgender bathroom debate (mommy, there are black people in the front of the bus!)
Pentagon's License-Plate Thief Placed on Leave - Bryan Whitman, a top Pentagon spokesman whose battles with a neighborhood nanny over parking allegedly led to stolen plates, threats and eventually a plea deal, has been put on administrative leave, the DoD announced Thursday.
Oath Keepers and the Age of Treason | Mother Jones - Glenn Beck loves them. Tea Partiers court them. Congressmen listen to them. Meet the fast-growing "patriot" group that's recruiting soldiers to resist the Obama administration ... a hub in the sprawling anti-Obama movement that includes Tea Partiers, Birthers, and 912ers. Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, and Pat Buchanan have all sung its praises ... Hitlerly ... Mao in a pantsuit ...dominatrix-in-chief (their little own faketriot cuckooland ISIS)
Horned Arizona Man, 53, Arrested For Bloody Knife Attack On His Wife | The Smoking Gun
Prince Died From Opioid Overdose - ABC News - accidental fentanyl overdose
How Apple lost its way: Steve Jobs' love of simplicity is gone - Ken Segall worked with Steve Jobs as his ad agency creative director for twelve years. He led the team behind Apple's legendary Think different campaign and set Apple down the i-way by naming the iMac. (simplicity for simple minds because computers are too complicated +everyone hates iTunes)
The Largest List of Chat Acronyms and Text Message Shorthand (IM, SMS) found of the Web - updated daily by NetLingo The Internet Dictionary: Online Dictionary of Internet Terms, Acronyms, Text Messaging, Smileys ;-)
Don't Fall For The Latest Zika Virus Conspiracy Theory (Americans (white) (Republican) are immune because they are exceptionally exceptional)
Fewer than 500 of 163,000 asylum seekers found jobs - The Local - Of almost 163,000 people who applied for asylum in Sweden last year, less than 500 landed a job (welfare queens)
2016 California Democratic Presidential Primary - Polls - HuffPost Pollster (Sanders closes the gap)
- New York AG: Trump U 'really a fraud from beginning to end' (but the bully-clown would make a greeeaaat pres)
Donald Trump Is a 2-Year-Old. It's Time for the Press to Treat Him Like One - the psychological and reactive profile of a small child. (which is actually the same profile as "the base") As the emotional equivalent of a toddler
Exclusive: Trump's 3,500 lawsuits unprecedented for a presidential nominee
Trump Campaign Releases a Video Defending Trump University... that is Itself a Scam | RedState (Trump is a scam-ception)
Iraq War Vet: Trump University Fired Me 'Because I Was In The Military' - Her boss allegedly called her military reserve duties a problem.
Intel CEO cancels Trump fundraiser amid outcry within the company, reports say | - Intel chief executive Brian Krzanich canceled a Thursday fundraiser for apparent Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump after The New York Times began inquiring about it, the paper reported. (comment: "Wow, 2500 comments and counting. Drumpf is giving Ammon (is there much of a difference ultimately?) a real run for his money here!")
Gun Lobbyist Warns Gun Owners Could Resort To 'Bullet Box' If They Don't Like Election Results - Warns of violence if Democratic president appoints liberal judges to Supreme Court. Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America (just a metaphor, like the "Civil War')
Eschaton: Summer of Love - reminded of Whitewater. No, nobody can explain Whitewater to The Kids Today. Nobody ever knew what Whitewater was supposed to be about back when it happened. It was a small land deal in which the Clintons lost a bit of money and then there were blowjobs and the rest is history.
Obamacare Breaks Through in Louisiana by Martin Longman | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - what happened after Democrat John Bel Edwards won a surprise upset victory and became the Bayou State's governor, replacing the disastrous Bobby Jindal:
Leader of white supremacist gang Krude Rude Brood sentenced to 14 years in federal prison | (yes, you read that right)
Federal judge allows Oregon standoff defendants Jake Ryan, Travis Cox to be released pending trial |
Teacher Arrested Over Claims She Became Pregnant By A 13-Year-Old Boy - Alexandria Vera is charged with continuous sexual abuse of a child. (family thought she was his 14 yr-old girlfriend, proud he was fucking her)
Prince Died of Opioid Overdose, Tests Show : Music
How film noir femme fatale Mary Astor's diary sparked the 'great American sex scandal' |
The 100 best stories from Radium Age sci-fi, which ruled the early 20th century | Ars Technica
Long-term marijuana use linked to periodontal issues |
Can long-term use of serotonergic antidepressants increase the likelihood of chronic depression through neuroplastic processes? : askscience
Two exciting bio-tech companies received approval to bring 20 dead human brains back to life : videos
King Tut's dagger blade made from meteorite, study confirms = Weapon was made by hammering in 14th century BC, 600 years before iron smelting developed in Egypt
UCLA on lockdown amid reports of shooting : news
Warner Brother's own video on thier own channel was taken down by Warner Brothers.
TeamViewer has been hacked. They are denying everything and pointing fingers at the users. : technology (company seems in denial)
- White House: Obama does not think Snowden performed 'public service' (I'd drone the fucker in a second, said Obama)
FBI Gets Warrantless E-mail Snooping Added to Two Senate Bills
FBI wants to exempt its huge fingerprint and photo database from privacy protections - The Washington Post
Judge grants extension to police investigation into Tory election fraud | UK news | The Guardian - Some Conservative general election victories could be voided if illegality is found, says judge
Gunmen kill at least 15 in attack on Mogadishu hotel | World news | The Guardian - Al-Qaida-affiliated group al-Shabaab claims responsibility for attack targeting Ambassador Hotel in Somali capital
Syria crisis: first aid convoy enters besieged Darayya since 2012 | World news | The Guardian - Delivery including medical supplies but no food made to rebel-held town after Russia announces 48-hour truce
Twitter suspends @DarthPutinKGB account mocking Vladimir Putin - POLITICO - A number of accounts spoofing Russia and its leaders have been banned from the social media site. (big social media continues to buckle to authoritarian regimes)
How child sexual abuse became a family business in the Philippines | World news | The Guardian - Tens of thousands of children believed to be victims of live-streaming abuse, some of it being carried out by their own parents
Cameron's shameless about-face on Sadiq Khan shows why people despise politics (no consequences for being a conservative lying asshole?)
France's Slave Past - France is finally dealing with the fact that much of its national wealth was built upon the enslavement of Africans - still waiting for the national museum of slavery in the United States comparable to the Holocaust Museum, an event that took place half way around the world.
Bad arguments against a universal basic income - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Eduardo Porter in the NYT: (UBI and NYT seems to have a probelm with math)
GOP Voters Are Rallying Behind Trump As If He Were Any Other Candidate | FiveThirtyEight (better than Bush and McCain)
- Trump has been involved in thousands of lawsuits, report finds
- Inside the Trump University 'playbooks'
The Short Con and the Long Con - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
- Donald Trump Appears Unfamiliar With Term "Brexit" (briefing papers are hard)
Donald Trump, bully in chief - The Washington Post (bikers and military love him)
Latino Republicans spurn Donald Trump, plan to leave presidential ballot blank - The Boston Globe (BoGlo is shocked)
- Clinton brands Trump a 'fraud' 'ook advantage of vulnerable Americans' (TU)
Donald Trump's Campaign Leverages the Sales Strategies of Trump University - The Atlantic - In court filings, former employees of Trump University allege that it preyed on the insecurities of its students, selling them courses they did not need or could not afford.
- Former Trump University Workers Call the School a 'Lie' and a 'Scheme' in Testimony
New York Probing Donald Trump's Closing Of Public Trump Tower Atrium For Campaign Events (+"velveeta raccoon")
Ken Starr Resigns From Baylor Amid Football Rape Scandal: Report - "matter of conscience" (as if he had one)
Louisiana begins enrolling 375,000 people into Medicaid | (that Jindal told to fuck off and die so he could be president)
Rush Limbaugh Baffled By Evolution - If We Were The Original Apes, Then How Come Harambe Is Still An Ape? And didn't become one of us? (science is not for the stupid and evil)
Human remains discovered in freezer, Goldsboro woman says | WNCN - "She sold me her frozen mother for $30. How do you do something like that??"
Long-term marijuana use linked to periodontal issues | - But unlike tobacco use, it was not associated with other physical problems like lung cancer and heart disease (or car crashes and domestic abuse)
Do cannabinoid receptors degrade with cannabis use? : askscience
Study: More Americans are having gay sex - Bisexual behavior rose from 3.1 to 7.7 percent, accounting for most of the change ... Among men, the youngest and oldest generations had the smallest proportion reporting same-sex sex from 2010 to 2014: 7.5 percent.
[CGP grey] You Are Two : videos
- Sex with 17-year-old girl is legal in Texas -- nude pics of her are kid porn
Every reference to the Great Barrier Reef removed from UN report on impact of climate change after 'intervention' from Australian government. (how conservatives work)
- Burr-Feinstein Anti-Encryption Bill Has No Support (granma DiFi didn't realize it would outlaw "banking")
'Human Catastrophe' Unfolds As Iraqi Army And ISIS Clash Outside Fallujah - More than 50,000 civilians remain trapped with limited access to water, food and health care.
Sweden stirs debate with women-only swimming, in nod to Muslims - - the new policy is bumping up against Swedish ideals of equality.
- Efforts to expose Russia's 'Troll Army' draws vicous retaliation ("retaliation" because both sides do it)
A British vote to leave the E.U. could shatter the United Kingdom - The Washington Post
Mass sexual assault reported at music festival in Germany | Europe | News | The Independent - The three men who have been arrested are asylum seekers from Pakistan. All have been charged with sexual assault charges.
The Untold Story Behind Saudi Arabia's 41-Year U.S. Debt Secret (Nixon, Kissinger, and that worked out really well)
Nearly 46 Million People Trapped in Modern Slavery, Report Finds - Bloomberg - "situations of exploitation that a person cannot refuse or leave because of threats, violence, coercion, abuse of power or deception
Why did the secular ambitions of the early United States fail? | Aeon Essays - The founding moment of the United States brought a society newly freed from religion. What went wrong? (America, the plantation)
alicublog: SORRY YOU'RE SUCH A DUMBASS. - One of the good things about this wretched election cycle is that the propaganda has gotten so shitty, if it still works we'll know there's no hope
An Open Letter to California Democrats and Independents - Jerry Brown - I have decided to cast my vote for Hillary Clinton because I believe this is the only path forward to win the presidency and stop the dangerous candidacy of Donald Trump.
Clinton's Best Defense - Hillary Clinton has overlooked her most potent tool for fighting back: her own sweeping democracy reform platform.
Where the money went: Trump details fundraising for vets - Under pressure to account for money he claimed to raise for veterans, an irritated Donald Trump lambasted the news media Tuesday for pressing the issue
- Shady accounting underpins Trump's wealth - The GOP nominee is rich. But how rich depends on odd accounting and subjective criteria.
Donald Trump and the Seven Broken Guardrails of Democracy - The Atlantic - The American republic was long safeguarded by settled norms, now shattered by the rise of Donald Trump. (bullshit, it was all dog-whistles and institutionalized)
Donald Trump and the Judge - The New York Times
Michael Hayden: Trump Is Helping ISIS - feeding their recruitment video
Donald Trump is a 'vulgar, demented, pig demon' says Hillary Clinton's ex adviser (that pretty much sums it up)
North Korean editorial supports Donald Trump | NK News - North Korea News
Donald Trump Soured on a Deal, and Hong Kong Partners Became Litigants - The New York Times
Racist meme posted by hacker on Facebook, Delta Republicans say | - comparing President Barack Obama to 1950s movie chimpanzee Bonzo (she 'hacked' herself)
Colorado GOP Officials Claim Hacker Posted Racist Obama Meme On Chair's Facebook Page - Someone got into the Facebook somehow
The most depressing moment of the 2016 race - The Washington Post (Gerson reaping what he sowed, is sad)
Michael Gerson on Trump - Thinks Conservatives Haven't Been Kicking the Weak, Indulging Conspiracy Theories for Years - time for people like Gerson to take a good long nap
Republicans in South Carolina Fail Citizens - Infrastructure Collapse Costs Billions, Lives - And why Republicans want to bring that model nationwide - Last October, 31 state-regulated dams failed in a historic rain storm, causing tens of millions of dollars in damage. (they counted on gay Muslim Obama to bail them out +they've been killing people forever, see below)
This Day in Labor History: May 31, 1889 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : On May 31, 1889, the South Fork dam, on the land of the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club above the city of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, collapsed during a heavy rainstorm. Over 2200 people died in the one of the worst disaster in American history - Henry Clay Frick, Andrews Mellon and Carnegie
Tulsa - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The side-walks were literally covered with burning turpentine balls. I knew all too well where they came from, and I knew all too well why every burning building first caught from the top, (whites bombed black neighborhoods)
Catholic Church hired lobby firms to block N.Y. kid-rape laws - NY Daily News (worlds largest organized pedophile ring)
There's No Point in Comparisons: The Warriors Hit 3s at Will
What should be done with the magic bowls of Jewish Babylonia? | Aeon Essays - clients used incantation bowls to protect and heal, to frighten off demons and evil spirits, and, in a few cases, to enlist demons to help secure love or money, or to harm adversaries.
As more states legalize marijuana, adolescents' problems with pot decline. Fewer adolescents also report using marijuana. (call Mahty and Chawlie)
Milky weigh: our galaxy has the mass of 700bn suns, say scientists | Science | The Guardian
Your brain does not process information and it is not a computer | Aeon Essays - Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories. In short: your brain is not a computer
Notes from Two Scientific Psychologists
Why science needs to break the spell of reductive materialism | Aeon Ideas
Does the meaning of words rest in our private minds or in our shared experience? | Aeon Videos (shared understanding because we can't know other's experience/private language)
What makes absolutely 0% sense to you? : AskReddit
Samsung starts producing 512GB 16mmx20mm BGA SSD weighing 1 gram : technology
A Worrisome Pileup of $100 Million Homes: The last time a sudden pop in $100 million-plus listings occurred was in 2007 and 2008, just before the housing crash. : news
Rise of Ad-Blocking Software Threatens Online Revenue - The New York Times - In India and Indonesia, two-thirds block ads (boo-hoo)
Canada's energy superpower status threatened as world shifts off fossil fuel, federal think-tank warns - 'significant disruptions' forecast in 10 to 15 years as cost of renewables, energy storage plummet
John Stewart & Stephen Colbert reporting on Prince Charles Scandal : television
UK is most corrupt country in the world, says mafia expert Roberto Saviano | Home News | News | The Independent - not the politics but what is corrupt is the financial capital
How Many Members of the US Military Have Died in Each War? (America is its own worst enemy)
Eric Holder now says Edward Snowden performed 'public service' - (if Obama doesn't pardon him ...)
Samantha Power to Receive Prize From Henry Kissinger, Whom She Once Harshly Criticized - Samantha Power built her journalistic and academic career around human rights, criticizing powerful nations for their complicity in abuses and failure to stop acts of genocide. (that was then)
Deportation - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Unfortunately, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has started another round of deporting thousands of people who have undergone great risks to be Americans, especially Central Americans fleeing horrible violence at home. - body would then be tightly wrapped in the security blanket and fastened with a series of Velcro belts. Limbs restrained, the deportee could then be carried on to the plane. (deported in a body bag and sent back to be executed, thanks, Obama)
Child Labor in Tobacco Supply Chains - Lawyers, Guns & Money : without holding western corporations legally responsible for what happens in their supply chains, massive global exploitation will continue. Human Rights Watch has a new report on out on child labor in Indonesian tobacco fields, noting that the profits from this labor go straight to big tobacco companies. The impact on the kids is awful:
Hillary Clinton Won't Say How Much Goldman Sachs CEO Invested With Her Son-in-Law (no scratch-my-back there)
- Donald Trump exposes the GOP - dirty secret: They build everything by nurturing white rage - For decades, GOP has used the war on drugs or voter ID laws as cover for race-baiting. Trump just blew their cover
WSJ editor: Trump needs to be destroyed in the November election to teach GOP voters a lesson - Stephens pointed out the the Journal has not endorsed anyone since Herbert Hoover, adding: "And we will not repeat that mistake"
- Even in victory, Donald Trump can't stop airing his grievances (it's all about him, all the time)
Trump wants big sports stadium for Cleveland acceptance speech | TheHill (gonna be yuge)
Thanks to Time Dilation, Earth's Core is 2.5 Years Younger Than its Surface (see Intersteller)
CEO of Reddit, Steve Huffman, about advertising on Reddit: "We know all of your interests. Not only just your interests you are willing to declare publicly on Facebook - we know your dark secrets, we know everything" (TNW Conference, 26 May) : videos
"Ghostbusters" (2016) and the Myth of the Disposable Woman | Kill To Party (angry dude says Hillary supporting women in movies is like Dukakis in the tank)
The Tingled Puppies - HOME
In 2007, Jonathan Lethem wrote an 11 page Essay for Harper's on plagiarism and influence, where every sentence was taken off of something else to deliberately show how influence is everything for the writer.
The Ecstasy of Influence | Harper's Magazine - Part 11
Police of Reddit, what is the absolute worst crime scene you've come across? : AskReddit
TIL: Six months after building a $680,000 custom house with an ocean view, the homeowners found out it was built on the wrong lot. : todayilearned
Professionals in any field of work, what is the most ridiculous thing that anyone outside of your profession has claimed to know more about than you? : AskReddit
A Walk in the Dead Woods - The New York Times - While the world burns and gasps, Trump is now leading the only major political party in the advanced world to deny climate change - "a total con job"
Rogue Justice review: Bush, 9/11 and the assault on American liberty | Law | The Guardian - new book explores the decade after the cataclysm of 9/11 and how the US came periously close to losing the Bill of Rights - the administration of George W Bush systematically exploited the panic of a horrified country to dramatically expand its own powers. (Obama was much more subtle)
U.N.: 700 migrants feared dead in Mediterranean shipwrecks - Horrific stories emerged Sunday about shipwrecks that killed more than 700 migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea since Wednesday
Panama Papers May Inspire More Big Leaks, if Not Reform - The New York Times (because reform, it is impossible!)
Debate Over Role of 'People's Army' in Israel Reflects Wider Fissures - the military finds itself at the center of a tumultuous debate about its role as the nation's conscience and most trusted institution. (devolution of Israel into rightwing Nazi-like fanaticism)
Missing Japanese boy left in mountains as punishment, say police | World news | The Guardian - Rescuers continue search for Yamato Tanooka, seven, in Hokkaido mountains after parents told police he got lost hiking
Hillary Clinton Struggles to Find Footing in Unusual Race - The New York Times (one yuge problem is that she has always had stupid "advisors" from inside her bubble and the Dem party elite tends to suck)
Sanders Says It's Clinton's Responsibility To Bring His Supporters Into The Fold (it's me or Trump!)
Everyday is a Whining Road by D.R. Tucker | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - Is the Hillary Clinton campaign prepared for the possibility that Bernie Sanders may never actually concede?
Really? - It is truly difficult for me to imagine that a Trump v Sanders debate is really going to happen. But it is an amazingly terrible idea for anyone who cares about preventing Trump from being the next President. (Sanders willing to burn down America for his ego)
McAuliffe heads off probe that could hurt Clinton | TheHill - McAuliffe has launched a media blitz insisting the FBI will not find any wrongdoing in its investigation of contributions to his 2013 gubernatorial campaign.
The Libertarian Party Is In Turmoil Over Its Vice Presidential Nominee (William Weld is drunk)
The War to Toss DWS - half of 2015, pretty much the ONLY topic of conversation was how much everybody hated DWS ... why it's so concerning, but also quite revealing, to see so many so many Democratic politicians suddenly coming out of the wood works to defend her (Dirty Debbie has always been terrible) On April 5, 2011, Vice President Joe Biden announced that Wasserman Schultz was President Barack Obama's choice to succeed Tim Kaine as the 52nd Chair of the Democratic National Committee (and Rahmbo)
Peter Thiel's Political Awakening - "Faggot! Hope you die of AIDS!"
Wanted: Better Defenses of Peter Thiel - Indeed, what Thiel is doing used to be illegal. There's even an archaic, Anglo-Norman word for the practice: chamberty
Viewer Discretion - This year marks the 20th anniversary of the launch of both MSNBC and Fox News, | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - Perhaps the 2016 presidential race can be best viewed as a fight between Rachel Maddow's America and Megyn Kelly's America ... if Kelly had a dream of becoming an idol to the ignorant, she has already achieved that goal
Unrelenting pressure finally catches up with Sheriff Dan Staton |
True Cost of Health Care
I am David Belk a doctor who has spent the last 5 years trying to untangle and demystify health care costs in the US. I created a website
TIL Scientists have recently discovered repeating radio signals coming from a mysterious source well beyond the Milky Way. While one-off fast radio bursts (FRBs) have been detected in the past, this is the first time multiple signals have been detected coming from the same place in space. : todayilearned
The Ekmans' Atlas of Emotions (only five: anger, fear, enjoyment, sadness, disgust)
The Dali Lama commissioned an Atlas of Emotions to help people navigate the morass of their feelings and attain inner peace. : InternetIsBeautiful
Rolig Reklam - YouTube
Lubos Motl
Backreaction: Lubo's Motl
Math Forum Discussions - Jack Sarfatti - Lubos Motl's forced resignation from Harvard University Physics Department
Climate misinformer: Lubos Motl
Lubos Motl's s apology
Lisa Randall on Twitter: "Lubos Motl explains our paper:"
The Reference Frame: Exothermic double-disk dark matter
- Climate Change is the National Park's Biggest Challenge - A Threat That Hits Close to Home for All Americans (Republicans don't believe in either climate change or National Parks)
The World Reaps What the Saudis Sow - The New York Times (chief exporter of terrorism for decades)
- Pakistani men can beat wives 'lightly' Islamic council says - if she defies his commands and refuses to dress up as per his desires; turns down demand of intercourse without any religious excuse or does not take bath after intercourse or menstrual periods (mainstream Islam in Pakistan)
Venezuela Drifts Into New Territory: Hunger, Blackouts and Government Shutdown - The New York Times
- Behind the Barricades of Turkey's Hidden War -- A simmering conflict with the Kurds threatens to consume an American ally and inflame an already-unstable region.
Paula Broadwell to NYT: I screwed up - politico
US anti-extremism group asks Israel to curb rightwing Jewish activist | World news | The Guardian - Anti-Defamation League calls for action against Lehava leader Bentzi Gopstein for allegedly inciting hatred against Arabs - Christians are "bloodsucking vampires" (like the ADL isn't an "extremist group" itself)
Here's How Much Money You Need To Afford Rent In Every State (SF wins the inequality race)
Out Of Reach: National Low Income Housing Coalition - Hourly wage required to rent a two bedroom unit by state.
4 things Hillary Clinton got wrong in her latest statement about those emails - The Washington Post (life in the elite bubble)
Is Bernie Sanders making a Trump presidency more likely? | Christopher R Barron | Opinion | The Guardian (Bernie is the new Ralph)
- Protesters v Donald Trump supporters
Protesters clash with police outside Donald Trump rally in San Diego | US news | The Guardian - Trump denies California is experiencing a drought as hundreds of riot police are deployed to deal with demonstrators
- The Nazi Tweets of 'Trump God Emperor' - The anti-Semitic hate, much of it from self-identified Donald J. Trump supporters (all that stuff you couldn't say because of the PC police is now normal)
Donald Trump Tells Drought-Plagued Californians: 'There Is No Drought' - going to start opening up the water (he will order the rivers to stop sending their water to the Pacific Ocean)
Trump's campaign is a mess - Donald Trump is running his presidential campaign like a junior high school cheerleading squad. And this is the man who claims his business savvy is what qualifies him for the presidency ... Trump doesn't read briefing papers (too complicated, all those facts)
Donald Trump Won't Debate 'Second Place Finisher' Bernie Sanders -- just have to debate the first place finisher "probably Crooked Hillary Clinton"
Rise of Donald Trump Tracks Growing Debate Over Global Fascism - The New York Times
Did Bernie Sanders deliver an ultimatum that Debbie Wasserman Schultz should be fired? - The Washington Post (another everything that's wrong with the Dems moment)
- Is Oklahoma trying to be America's least progressive state? - As a budget crisis bites, liberals and some conservatives wonder if rightwing fears over abortion and transgender rights are tipping their state into chaos (the stupidist state and distractions from terrible Republican governance
- Life under curfew for American teens: 'It's insane, no other country does this' Since the 1990s, millions of teenagers have been arrested for breaking curfew, which a policy analysis shows has a disproportionate impact on minorities (what a surprise)
Tech Titans Raise Their Guard, Pushing Back Against News Media - After the news that one of Silicon Valley's stars secretly funded a lawsuit to bring down a gossip site, the overwhelming response in the tech community has been: More power to him. (yeah, squash the news, richbros)
Bundy brothers in jail complain about lack of Internet service, ability to gather for prayer |
- Oregon Militia Leader Furious He Can't Have Guns or Facebook in Jail
The fall of politico media -The name is still being used, but the real Salon is gone - she (Jeffers) decided to go full tilt for traffic, and it destroyed the brand (+HA! Goodman destroyed the brand +paywall)
Meet the Guys Behind the Hilarious Salon Parody Twitter Account | Mediaite
"Honey Bear" - Berkeley student details alleged sexual advances by professor Blake Wentworth (old white privileged dicks)
Reddit, account security, and YOU! : announcements
Have I been pwned? Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach
zxcvbn tests - password rater
Australia scrubbed from UN climate change report after government intervention | Environment | The Guardian - All mentions of Australia were removed from the final version of a Unesco report on climate change and world heritage sites after the Australian government objected on the grounds it could impact on tourism (like the disappearance of the reefs won't) )
A dreaded superbug found for the first time in a U.S. woman - - A 49-year-old Pennsylvania woman showed the presence of a rare kind of E. coli infection, the first known case of its kind in the United States. It is a superbug that is resistant to many antibiotics, even Colistin, which doctors use as a last resort when other antibiotics fail.
Obama Mourns Dead In Hiroshima, Calls For World Without Nuclear Arms - Amongst those nations like my own that own nuclear stockpiles, we must have the courage to escape the logic of fear and pursue a world without them
Estately on Twitter: "Curious what questions each state Googles more than other states?"
The Pentagon deliberately misled Congress on sex assault cases. Do lawmakers care? - The Washington Post (all the people with guns lie)
Income Inequality in Silicon Valley and Asia - Lawyers, Guns & Money : As Silicon Valley boomed after the recession, its middle class shrunk, creating one of the widest gaps in the nation between the ultra-wealthy and everyone else.
Unnecessariat | More Crows than Eagles - consider this: county by county, where life expectancy is dropping survivors are voting for Trump. (we've moved on from Precariat)
- We don't know why it came to this - As white women between 25 and 55 die at spiking rates, a close look at one tragedy
Donald Trump's horrifying gullibility, as revealed in his energy speech
Trump's Delusions of Competence Paul Krugman MAY 27, 2016
Trump Withheld Alimony From Marla Maples When She Threatened His Presidential Ambitions - BuzzFeed News
How Donald Trump Destroyed the Interview - POLITICO Magazine (and castrated the media)
Don't Look At Us, We Didn't Do It - Megan McArdle proposes that the Donald Trump taking over the Republican Party was an amazing coincidence the previous actions of party elites had nothing to do with. Jonathan Bernstein disposes: (McMegan McAddled, always wrong about everything, supported Sarah Palin!)
alicublog: DEMENTIA '16. - That Egyptian river ran through Columbia Heights today:
Poll: Nearly 4 in 10 Trump SC supporters wish South won Civil War | TheHill (no "southern strategy" there)
Pandering - Lawyers, Guns & Money : White men make up about 30.6 percent of the United States population. In 2012 they made up 35 percent of voters (and 100% of veep candidates)
Theater Critic Analysis of Politics Is Tautology All the Way Down - Lawyers, Guns & Money (David Brooks cannot be disproved)
Donald Trump's Campaign Stumbles as It Tries to Go Big (details, details)
sultanism | AbsurdBeats - A] sultanistic ruler characteristically has no elaborate or guiding ideology. There may be highly personalistic statements with pretensions of being an ideology, often named after the sultan, but this ideology is elaborated after the ruler has assumed power, is subject to extreme manipulation, and, most importantly, is not believed to be constraining on the ruler and is relevant only as long as he practices it.
Transhumanist visionary Zoltan Istvan believes Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton need him to win | - He believes he could bring a candidate somewhere between 250,000 and a million votes ... Istvan, a former journalist, is the presidential candidate for the Transhumanist Party, which he created in 2014 (bribe him to get his twitter followers, transstupid)
Bernie Sanders's 'Scorched Earth' Strategy Seems to Be Working
- Chait Hates Teachers' Unions! To the Fainting Couch!
- In the Aftermath of LaVoy Finicum's Death, Growing Number of Rallies Push Martyrdom Narrative - SPLC
Talking With Proactive Strategery And Saying Nothing - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Ken Starr has been moved to a new sinecure rather than being fired, although at least Coach Briles has been fired
Baylor Is Full Of Shit
- Turns out Ken Starr hasn't exactly been fired after all (the sportsball Republican culture)
Police Called After Transphobic Preacher Trolls Teens Outside High School - She blasted students for smoking pot, watching MTV and... trans bathroom use. (stuck in 1986, thinks kids watch something called "MTV")
Amber Heard Granted Restraining Order Against Johnny Depp, Says She's A Victim Of Domestic Violence (UPDATE)
'Glee' Actor Mark Salling Indicted On Child Pornography Charges
Why Subways in the Northeast Are So Troubled - The New York Times (Republicans hate infrastructure, duh, oh hi, Chawlie Baker)
The story behind the cyclist who blocked a SEPTA bus for an hour - A cyclist who was apparently angry at the actions of a bus driver stood in front of a SEPTA bus for an hour Wednesday afternoon near 13th and Locust, stopping traffic until a police officer arrived. (On a Segway.) - "For the rest of my life, I'll have a go to image for what selfishness and privilege looks like" (millenial meltdown)
On Hipster Hate - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
New York City Can Enforce Salt Warnings on Menus, Court Says - The New York Times
Yes, your cell phone really could give you cancer, major National Institutes of Health study finds | - Where people were saying there's no risk, I think this ends that kind of statement
Neanderthals Built Mystery Cave Rings 175,000 Years Ago - ??Surprise! Neanderthals weren't just more sophisticated than you thought. They also built structures deep inside caves. - it is curious to note that it was not Humans (Homo sapiens) who were the first to explore far into caves, or to draw animals
Reddit, account security, and YOU! : announcements
What show has a main character that is the least likeable of all the characters? : AskReddit
What are you tired of arguing or trying to prove? : AskReddit - That you should not have your videos autoplay on your website.
A worm freaking out : WTF
eBay founder backing Gawker's appeal of Hulk sex tape verdict (Pierre to the rescue)
US nuclear arsenal controlled by 1970s computers with 8in floppy disks | Technology | The Guardian - obsolete museum-ready machines (too busy spending all those trillions on more important things)
Refugees Feared Dead In Second Migrant Shipwreck In Two Days - Over 80 people have been rescued from the capsized boat; the number of drowned is yet unknown.
FBI won't reveal hack, so child porn evidence tossed - hacking method, which allowed agents to track the defendant as he allegedly perused the so-called Dark Web, leads a federal judge to exclude the very evidence that could lead to his conviction.
Trump clinches GOP nomination by hitting 1,237 delegates, AP says |
Donald Trump's Top Adviser: 'This Is Not A Hard Race' -- "gonna win, no problem"
Trump says he would exit global climate accord, slash US oil regulation
Islamophobia (on the rise because "Make America Hate Again" from the racist Trumpster)
Donald Trump and the rise of anti-Muslim hate crimes.
- Trump fires back at Clinton over Muslim ban: "Ask Hillary who blew up the plane last night"
Why It's Actually Terrifying That Donald Trump Doesn't Sleep Much (he's got all the symptoms)
Clinton's tech team stumbles toward Trump - digital and data all-stars plot attack on low-tech Trump.
Bill O'Reilly: Black Lives Matter Is 'Killing Americans' - Ferguson Effect (lies from the mouths of Satan)
Congresswoman Shuts Down Transphobic Woman: 'You're A Bigot, Lady' - I cannot allow that kind of bigotry to go into the record unchallenged - "If I believe that I am a Russian princess, that doesn't make me a Russian princess, even if my friends and acquaintances are willing to indulge my fantasy" Gail Heriot, of the United States Commission on Civil Rights (must be a Bush appointee, or an Obama bi-partisan move)
- Inside the 'outings' of Peter Thiel
How Subaru targeted lesbians and revolutionized advertising |
Cylvia Hayes must pay The Oregonian's $128,000 legal bill, judge rules | - when she married an 18-year-old Ethiopian national to help him secure residency in the United States
Ammon Bundy retains new lawyer, former Utah State Rep. J. Morgan Philpot from Molalla |
Feds say they have no evidence of any NSA surveillance of refuge occupiers |
Jon Ritzheimer - This is horrible news!!! All someone has to do...
JJ MacNab on Twitter: ""Captain" Karl P. Koenigs, a WI sovereign citizen / self-proclaimed militia leader at Bundy Ranch in 2014, arrested." (mop-up of the stupid and crazy continues)
These Were The Most Popular Baby Names In Each State Last Year (Emma, Olivia, Ava, William, Liam, Noah)
Congress Is Finally Overhauling A Decades-Old Chemical Safety Law - Should we be excited for changes to a law everyone says is broken? - first time in 40 years
Who Will Debunk The Debunkers? | FiveThirtyEight
Neanderthals constructed complex subterranean buildings 175,000 years ago, a new archaeological discovery has found. Neanderthals built mysterious, fire-scorched rings of stalagmites 1,100 feet into a dark cave in southern France-a find that radically alters our understanding of Neanderthal culture. : science - Neanderthals constructed complex subterranean buildings 175,000 years ago, a new archaeological discovery has found. Neanderthals built mysterious, fire-scorched rings of stalagmites 1,100 feet into a dark cave in southern France -- a find that radically alters our understanding of Neanderthal culture.
ADHD and Women: A Vastly Under-Recognized Condition | Psychology Today
Women Who Hate Other Women: The Psychological Root of Snarky | Psychology Today - The study showed that the women clearly noticed the promiscuous woman and also had negative beliefs about her as a result.
AskScience AMA Series: I'm Sean Carrol physicist and author of best-selling book THE BIG PICTURE. Ask Me Anything about the universe and what it means!
What phrase or sentence can someone say to make you completely lose your respect for that person? : AskReddit (30K+ comments)
Billionaire technologist accuses NASA asteroid mission of bad statistics | Science | AAAS - Wright says his team doesn't have Myhrvold's computer codes, "so we don't know why he's screwing up.' But Wright archly noted that Myhrvold once worked at Microsoft, so "is responsible in part for a lot of bad software" (oh, burn +rich guy thinks he's a genius in all fields)
Reddit forsakes Imgur with launch of native image upload tool | Ars Technica - Will people choose an all-Reddit experience or still default to Imgur?
- Google beats Oracle Android "Fair Use"
- The future of software depends on a jury's ability to understand this question (Larry Ellison is close to the heart of evil)
FaceTime, iMessages hang in the balance after Apple loss to patent troll | Ars Technica - Kill these services because of "lost sales and reputational harm"
Technology has advanced so rapidly that a laptop computer today is 96% cheaper than a 1994 model and 1,000X better - AEI
The internet is obsessed with this new Acapella app | Technology | The Guardian
Tony Blair: Britain and US 'profoundly' underestimated chaos brought about by toppling of Saddam Hussein - Former PM offers no apology for the intervention in Iraq just weeks before the publication of the long-awaited Chilcot Report ... West should be prepared to put boots on the ground in the Middle East again if it wants to defeat Isis (cause and effect is very hard for them)
Tony Blair underestimated chaos brought about by toppling of Saddam Hussein | People | News (but isn't sorry at all, see GWB)
Congrats, FBI, You've Now Convinced Silicon Valley To Encrypt And Dump Log Files | Techdirt - regularly abused their snooping powers, folks would be more willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. But it's a bit late for that at this point.
Retired U.S. commander: North Korea collapse not far off -
Drones over North Korea: USB cards, flash drives dropped - - North Korean residents hungry for entertainment and information from the outside, a North Korean defector and activist said Wednesday
Sweden refuses to revoke Assange arrest warrant - BT - A Swedish court has decided not to drop an arrest warrant against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
Panama Papers confirm Canadian billionaire and university benefactor as mystery man in global bribery case - Business - CBC News - McGill and York
French nuclear plant workers to go on strike Thursday: CGT union | Reuters
- Clinton email use broke federal rules:
The 9 biggest revelations in the State IG report on Clinton's emails - POLITICO (#6: Huma fucked up)
What does the new Inspector General report actually tell us about Hillary Clinton's emails?
Hillary Clinton's email problems just got much worse
Clinton's inexcusable, willful disregard for the rules
Trump Protesters Hit With Smoke Grenades In Clashes With Albuquerque Police - Police say protesters threw bottles and rocks and fought with Trump fans.
- Trump accuses New Mexico's Republican governor of not doing her job - Susana Martinez (drunk Susana)
- Elizabeth Warren just absolutely shredded Donald Trump.
Elizabeth Warren Has Had It With Donald Trump - "Let me find the world's smallest violin to play a sad, sad song"
Koch-Funded Efforts To Win Hispanics Crashing, Burning - ruined a lot of the work that the Libre Initiative, and Hispanic pro-liberty activists have been doing ("liberty" is the new "stupid")
Trump campaign rift gets personal - politico
Dems discuss dropping Wasserman Schultz | TheHill (Dirty Debbie Wasserdoodle)
Big-name Democrats won't defend Debbie Wasserman Schultz - POLITICO
- Things that Shouldn't be Confusing (Corey Robin character and Bruenings)
Obama: WTF? A Facebook Roundtable of the Left (more history from 2011: CR, GG)
Where is my mind? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The people who are trying to get Matt Bruenig fired from his primary employment, and who are harassing Elizabeth Bruening, are the scum of the earth and should be treated as such.
Scott Lemieux on Twitter: "Also, "I contacted your employer but didn't literally ask for you to be fired" a Grade A dick move coming and going."
- Country Music Legend Charlie Daniels Wants Iran To Fear American "Swamp Folks" and "Mountain Men" The clip, released online by the National Rifle Association, showed the 79-year-old insulting President Barack Obama and people who have attended America's top universities (bizaare, could use a little education himself)
Meet the Woman Opening an Abortion Clinic in Anti-Choice Oklahoma | Rolling Stone - Julie Burkhart is expanding abortion access in Oklahoma
How Obamacare Town Halls Went From Chaotic To Downright Frightening - Tea party conservatives had another plan: They saw these earnest settings as opportunities for rage.
Ferguson Prosecutor Determined To Convict Activists Finally Resigns - Her resignation comes after a wave of courtroom losses. (fuckers fuck you till the end)
Massachusetts Prisoners Sent to Solitary After Meeting with State Legislators About Prison Reform : news
Massachusetts Prisoners Sent to Solitary After Meeting with State Legislators About Prison Reform | Solitary Watch (Massachusetts is one of the few states that holds prisoners in disciplinary solitary confinement for up to 10 years. Massassippi)
The Transgender Bathroom Debate and the Looming Title IX Crisis - The New Yorker
p_i_see_you comments on This is a bathroom pass. You can go to the bathroom five times in a nine weeks, after five times, you will get detention for every time you have to go to the bathroom. Story in comments.
School Says It Can Kick Students Out For Supporting Gay Parents - biblical Christian views (damnation by association, Jesus would be proud)
Why We Need the Liberal Arts - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Danielle Allen has a long essay on the attack on civic education by proponents of vocational education who think STEM fields are the only legitimate fields. There are of course an endless number of problems with STEM-only education. One of them is that it undermines political participation and an understanding of the world in which we all live together - attainment in the humanities and social sciences appears to correlate with increased engagement in politics ... In other words, we need the liberal arts. They were called the free person's arts for a reason. (slave-power manufacturing unthinking wage-drones for the corporatocracy)
South Carolina Governor Signs 20-Week Abortion Ban - South Carolina is the 17th state to approve such a ban.
Sarah Silverman Thinks It's Time To Start Legislating Male Masturbation - If we're going to dictate what women do with their bodies, might as well dictate what men do with theirs. (we could castrate those un-biblical jerkoffs)
Book Review: Michael Todd Landis, Northern Men with Southern Loyalties: The Democratic Party and the Sectional Crisis - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Landis chronicles northern Democrats from the Compromise of 1850 through the election of 1860, demonstrating how the aggressive Southern nationalists bent on turning the United States into a slave nation demanded increasing fealty from their northern allies they needed to hold power in the United States. (in your history of racisim in America series)
MOOC | Eric Foner - The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1850-1861 | Sections 1 through 10 - YouTube
1. Introductions: Why Does the Civil War Era Have a Hold on American Historical - YouTube - The Civil War and Reconstruction with David Blight
Not a Tea Party, a Confederate Party | The Weekly Sift
Filibustering with William Walker
William Walker: King of the 19th Century Filibusters | HistoryNet - and as the Southern states particularly supported and encouraged the filibusters, the newly acquired lands would join the Union as slave states. Others merely sought the opportunity to carve out private fiefdoms by force.
Teacher Who Called Obama a Gay Prostitute Loses Board of Education Race : news (she would have set education policy for the whole country)
Teacher Who Called Obama a Gay Prostitute Loses Board of Education Race | TIME - Mary Lou Bruner, 69, of Mineola, Texas, had been the front-runner for the powerful seat on the Texas State Board of Education, the second-largest school system in the nation.
Baylor not commenting on reports of President Kenneth Starr's firing (the Clenis moralist had a few failings, but got his wingnut welfare job at Baylor)
Fallen Starr - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Ken Starr might outdo Inspector Javert when it comes to the consensual sex of political enemies. When it comes to sexual assault by his football players, not so much:
Eschaton: Or Maybe You Could Just Read It Online And Mouse Over It - Another cunning plan from the newspaper industry. (richest doctor in the world has brilliant idea)
Eschaton: Assholes - People who "force" other people to pretend to pray anywhere other than their own homes are assholes.
Music Festivals Have A Glaring Woman Problem. Here's Why -- Half of music festival attendees are women. But on stage, the numbers tell a different story.
-It's been 8 months and Trevor Noah's Daily Show still sucks
Congratulations! You Lost. The Do Not Call list was supposed to defeat telemarketers. Now scammy robocalls are out of control. What happened? : technology - donotcall was a scam from the beginning
- scope of Black Death devastation - the post-Black Death population of England remained 35 and 55 percent below the pre-disease levels well into the 16th century.
Replication Crisis in Psychology: Part Five - Lawyers, Guns & Money : In a paper in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Baumeister offers another sort of explanation for why experiments might fail
Is there a Publication Bias in Behavioural Intranasal Oxytocin Research on Humans? Opening the File Drawer of One Laboratory - Lane - 2016 - Journal of Neuroendocrinology - Wiley Online Library (remember that oxytocin=trust thing?)
The Breakfast-Industrial Complex - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Many of the studies are funded by the food industry, which has a clear bias. Kellogg funded a highly cited article that found that cereal for breakfast is associated with being thinner.
Teachers, what was the best smart-ass response from a student you have heard? : AskReddit
What instantly screams insecurity to you? : AskReddit
Their paywall isn't as effective as they think. : AdviceAnimals
H3H3 video which resulted in the take down and lawsuit. : videos
What's your favourite maths fact? : AskReddit
NVIDIA's GTX 1080: The Tip Of The Iceberg?
RedShark News - Nvidia's GTX 1080: Is this the end of Mac-based video production?
- Peter Thiel Is Said to Bankroll Hulk Hogan's Suit Against Gawker (outed him as gay, revenge)
Florida Judge Denies Gawker's Motion for a New Trial in Hulk Hogan Sex-Video Case and Won't Reduce $140 Million Verdict - ABC News
- Billionaire investor Peter Thiel, who was outed as gay by Gawker in 2007, has been secretly funding Hulk Hogan
Foxconn axes 60,000 jobs as robots take over
Comcast Users Must Now Pay $50 Per Month Extra to Avoid Caps | DSLReports, ISP Information
AT&T Begins Capping Broadband Users Today | DSLReports, ISP Information - May 23 2016
Green really is the new black as Big Oil gets a taste for renewables | Business | The Guardian - But are the recent moves into solar and wind power lip service, fashion, or a real shift away from fossil fuels?
Don't start a fire in Asia, China warns Obama after Vietnam arms embargo lifted
China's scary lesson to the world: Censoring the Internet works (1/4th of world's population have no access to the truth, good job, authoritarian dictators)
U.S. Strike on Taliban Leader Is Seen as a Message to Pakistan - The New York Times - Early on Saturday, a middle-aged Pashtun man used forged documents to cross from Iran into Pakistan. A few hours later, on a lonely stretch of highway, he was incinerated by an American drone. (Obama in the WH basememnt)
Jimmy Carter, Seeing Resurgence of Racism, Plans Baptist Conference for Unity - The New York Times - "I think the country has been reawakened the last two or three years to the fact that we haven't resolved the race issue adequately" (o rly, Justice Roberts begs to differ)
- a map of the richest person in all 50 states. (You might recognize some of them.) (all Republicans except Buffet)
Young people more likely to live with parents now than any time in modern history - The Washington Post (mission accomplished, Republican Boomers)
Trump escalates attack on Bill Clinton - willingness to go far beyond political norms in his critique of his likely Democratic rival ... When asked in an interview last week about the Foster case ... (Hillary in the Rose Garden with the watermelon)
- Donald Trump once described Bill Clinton's women as unattractive losers
Donald Trump, the welfare king - The Washington Post - Now, just one presidential cycle later, Republicans have settled on a presumptive nominee who is himself among the 47 percent of non-taxpayers. Trump has been refusing to release his tax returns, and now we have a pretty good idea why: He has been feeding at the public trough.
Oh Brother - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Um: "Brother Bernie and Brother Trump are authentic human beings in stark contrast to their donor-driven opponents." - Cornel West (@CornelWest) August 25, 2015 - Sanders made the, ah, interesting choice to make West one of his choices for the platform committee (Sanders' lame attempt to appeal to blacks by cozying up to Obama-hating West, talk about stupid from both)
Cornel West and the Insular, Obama-Hating Left -- NYMag
Election From Hell - The New York Times - the race was a gubernatorial runoff between the Democrat Edwin Edwards (who reportedly once counseled Bill Clinton on how to deal with the Gennifer Flowers scandal) and the Republican David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan (who this year endorsed Donald Trump)
Don't blame Republican party for Trump's rise: Megan McArdle | (not one single sympathetic comment for McMegan's baloney)
On the day his daughter became his son, a father published this powerful message - The Washington Post
The Game of Thrones at Viacom - The New York Times (serial back-stabbing)
Replication Crisis in Psychology: Part Four - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Another major news story surrounding replication in the last few months was the failure to replicate the ego depletion effect. (psychology now about small to non-existent effects as the field swirls down the drain)
Replication Crisis in Psychology: Part Five - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
The GRIM test - a method for evaluating published research.
The GRIM test: A simple technique detects numerous anomalies in the reporting of results in psychology [PeerJ Preprints]
Penny-pinching restaurant owner convicted of manslaughter for serving peanut-tainted tikka masala to man with allergy - The Washington Post
A meatless burger that bleeds vegetable juices just debuted at Whole Foods - The Washington Post
Ban Devices in Classrooms - Lawyers, Guns & Money : economists at West Point, who randomly banned computers from some sections of a popular economics course this past year at the military academy ... These results are a bit strange. We might have expected the smartest students to have used their laptops prudently. (no OneNote for you says Loomis and other non-sciencey types)
Dome shelters pop up in backyards: Geodesic glamping photos |
Gawker Founder Suspects a Common Financer Behind Lawsuits - The New York Times (revenge of the techbros)
Chilcot report: Tony Blair set to be savaged in "absolutely brutal: Iraq war inquiry verdict - The report is set to be published two weeks after the EU referendum ... harshest criticism will be reserved for the former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw ... Richard Dearlove as well as Tony Blair and others. But there is a second half. The report will say that we really did make a mess of the aftermath ... "Saddam is now able to launch WMD within forty five minutes" - Blair, 2003 (meanwhile, in deeply delusional America, Bush kept us safe)
Immigration backlash at the heart of British push to leave the E.U. - The Washington Post
Afghan Taliban meets on succession after U.S. drones target leader | Reuters - strike targeting Mullah Akhtar Mansour on Saturday was perhaps the most high-profile U.S. incursion into Pakistan since the 2011 raid to kill al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and sparked a protest by Islamabad that its sovereignty had been violated ... A U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, acknowledged that Washington only notified Pakistan after the operation. (Obama just invaded another country)
Ex-US Official Reveals Risks Faced By Internal Govt. Critics - SPIEGEL ONLINE - US President Barack Obama has said that Edward Snowden should have used official channels instead of taking NSA spying public. Now, a former high-ranking US government official has revealed how the Pentagon retaliates against internal critics. (Barry lies a lot)
In historic move, U.S. lifts embargo on arms sales to Vietnam - The Washington Post
Saudi Arabia Spreading Wahhabism, Extremist Islam in Kosovo - Time to Stop the Saudis - When will we admit that many of our Gulf "allies" are spreading violent extremism worldwide? - Any influence over them that might come from us arming these governments is clearly nil. They are authoritarian theocracies, bribing murderers to kill people all around the world so they won't kill anyone back home. These countries are a blight, and their rulers, largely plutocratic criminals (another Obama failure)
Recalling Hillary Clinton's claim of 'landing under sniper fire' in Bosnia - Four Pinocchios - (WaPo digs up old dirt, and) 70%, yes, 70% of fact checks of Trump statements are are false. The right wingers have to go all the way back to the 1990's to dig up something on Hillary. Something that hurt no one except her.
John Oliver Has a Reality Check for Bernie Sanders Supporters - No, the system is not rigged. It's just broken
2016: Bernie Sanders Starts Losing Progressives - politico Magazine - Even progressives are criticizing him now after he's shown a harder edge
Single-payer health care is more popular than ever. Here are 10 questions for its future. - Vox (Bernie did move the conversation on this one)
Republicans Paying More Attention to Election Than Democrats - 7% of Republicans, 39% of Democrats following election news very closely
The civil war within conservative media | TheHill (neo-cons vs Breitbart)
Juan Williams: Electoral map looks grim for Trump | TheHill - Last week, a Fox News poll saw him take a 3-point lead over Hillary Clinton in a national survey.
The Daily 202: Refusal to release tax returns emerging as a big liability for Trump - The Washington Post - Donald Trump bests Hillary Clinton by 2 points among registered voters in the new Washington Post/ABC poll
Mark Cuban with Chuck Todd on Meet the Press - Cuban on Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, 2016 Election - This was a collision of the two poles of arrogance and entitlement so powerful that it's a wonder that existence itself was there on Monday morning. (another one of Yahoo's huge mistakes)
Timothy Foster case: Supreme Court finds jury tainted by race in murder case - politico - The shorthanded court ruled, 7-1, in favor of Timothy Foster, who was convicted of murder after a trial in 1987. The only dissenter was Justice Clarence Thomas. (no racism too far for the black dude)
Courts & Law - Supreme Court leaves in place Va. redistricting decision, rejects GOP lawmakers (on standing, not the racisim)
On the anniversary of Brown v. Board, new evidence that U.S. schools are resegregating - The Washington Post - The proportion of schools segregated by race and class climbed from 9 percent to 16 percent of schools between 2001 and 2014. (here's your post-racial America, Clarence Thomas)
Virginia Governor Under FBI Investigation Over Campaign Donations - McAuliffe was co-chairman of Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign and chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential bid
Federal judge insists Chicago mayor testify about police code of silence | US news | The Guardian - City attorneys say they are prepared to admit to code of silence in court to keep Rahm Emanuel off the witness stand in case of whistleblower officers' lawsuit
Harry Siegel: An agent of his own demise - NY Daily News - These are agents of de Blasio, not New York City, four of whom were paid handsomely to work for that campaign as it raised big bucks, including from donors who also paid those same agents to help convince government to do what they want -- which inevitably involves public money for their private needs. (Maaty on a bigger scale)
Freddie Gray case: Baltimore Police Officer Edward Nero found not guilty of all charges - Baltimore Sun (and there you are)
Gay Choir 'Humiliated' During National Anthem At San Diego Padres Game - But the first thought was, did they do this on purpose? (whoa, what a bunch of assholes)
- Sweden pays parents for having kids -- and it reaps huge benefits. Why doesn't the US? (Republicans hate non-fetuses)
After years of alleged bullying, an Ohio teen killed herself. Is her school district responsible? - The Washington Post
If lawyers make too much money why is Matt Bruenig panhandling on the internet? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Proposed national park is a multimillion-dollar gift wrapped up in distrust - The Washington Post - But it's not easy to give away a national park; Roxanne Quimby, the wealthy, polarizing co-founder of Burt's Bee has been trying for more than a decade. (old Mainers waiting for the timber industry to come back
Another Oregon standoff? Sheriff warns lawmakers over Owyhee Canyonlands plan |
Congressional report finds NFL improperly intervened in brain research, cost taxpayers $16 million - At least a half-dozen top NFL health officials waged an improper, behind-the-scenes campaign last year to influence a major U.S. government research study on football and brain disease, congressional investigators have concluded in a new report. (but will they go to jail?)
Is The New York Times Collaborating With Anti-Trans Lawmakers? - Gender 2.0 - Medium - In the past two weeks, Times coverage of trans issues has shifted from incomplete to completely inaccurate and horribly offensive. ("some say" men wear dresses all the time to molest young girls in bathrooms according to the NYT)
TransFusion: TERFs of the Times
- Stop Talking About Men In Women's bathrooms (men and boys invading the girls bathrooms, happens all the time, apparently, according the major media like the NYT)
Chris Geidner on Twitter: "And, I don't know how a NYT story with five writers could be so woefully inadequate, but, this story is:"
The Past Hundred Years Of Gender-Segregated Public Restrooms - While anti-transgender bathroom bills have only recently gained momentum, gender-segregated public restrooms have been sites of gender inequity for over a century ... As recently as 1992, female U.S. senators did not have their own restroom. (because by definition, men)
Federal Officials Protect Transgender Student Against Discrimination - BuzzFeed News
Teen Sues School District In Potentially Key Federal Case For Transgender Restroom Rights - BuzzFeed News - Gavin Grimm wants to use the boys restroom at school. His lawsuit filed in federal court Thursday may elevate a debate currently playing out in public schools and city halls across the country.
Federal Officials Protect Transgender Student Against Discrimination - BuzzFeed News
Office Humor, Tech Culture, Trending News
SNL killed it last night with a Dead Poets Society parody, "Farewell Mr. Bunting" : videos
Fool's Day HD
What movie scene is just SO GOOD that you ALWAYS have to watch it with rapt attention, and will never get old? : AskReddit
Which 4Chan or Reddit thread is the creepiest? : AskReddit
Facebooks's Troubling One-Way Mirror
Most coral dead in central section of Great Barrier Reef, surveys reveal | Environment | The Guardian - As mass bleaching sweeps the world heritage site, scientists also find an average of 35% of coral dead or dying in the northern and central sections of the reef
Snowden calls for whistleblower shield after claims by new Pentagon source | US news | The Guardian - Accusations that Pentagon retaliated against a whistleblower undermine argument that there were options for Snowden other than leaking to the media (if by "argument" you mean transparent lies and hello Obama)
How the Pentagon punished NSA whistleblowers | Mark Hertsgaard | US news | The Guardian - Long before Edward Snowden went public, John Crane was a top Pentagon official fighting to protect NSA whistleblowers. Instead their lives were ruined - and so was his
EgyptAir Was Aware of Threats to Security, Including One Scribbled on Plane - The New York Times
Suu Kyi Asks For 'Space' As Kerry Presses Her On Rohingya Treatment - Some 125,000 Rohingya in Myanmar are displaced and face severe travel restrictions. (needs a "safe space" for her oppression)
US releases Guantanamo prisoner after 14 years and no conviction | US news | The Guardian - Man known as Obaidullah was arrested in Afghanistan in 2002 but charges were thrown out in 2011 and lawyers had petitioned for release ever since (the baddest of the bad that could never be in supermax)
Explore Campaign Finance
I am Solomon Kahn, Harvard Fellow, visualizer of who gives money to US federal politicians. Ask me where your politician raises money from, and I'll show you using my newly launched visualization. AMA! : IAmA - I am Solomon Kahn, Harvard Fellow, visualizer of who gives money to US federal politicians. Ask me where your politician raises money from, and I'll show you using my newly launched visualization. AMA!
David Dayen's "Chain of Title" Reminds Us: The Obama Administration Could Have Jailed Wall Street Criminals. It Simply Chose Not To. By David Atkins - . Time and time again, Holder and the Obama Administration deliberately chose to stonewall investigations or to accept meager cash settlements for obvious illegal activity when criminal securities fraud prosecutions could easily have been undertaken ... the banks were running a criminal scheme on a mindboggling scale (Obama was always their puppet, see his Program Designed to Fail)
A Post-Primary Rally Boosts Trump, Albeit With Challenges Aplenty (POLL) - ABC News (Trumpster in a landslide)
Clinton's Lead Over Trump Shrinks to 3 Points: New NBC News/WSJ Poll
Hillary Clinton: Bernie Sanders Has The Right To Stay In The Race - But she believes she will be the Democratic nominee.
Eschaton: Do You Really Believe This Shit? - Can someone send out that batsignal or something and let people know the primary is over? We have a winner. (suck it up, Bernsters)
Bernie Sanders Says Debbie Wasserman Schultz Will Be Gone From DNC If He's President (Dirty Debbie needs to go no matter what)
Donald Trump Doesn't Want Guns In Classrooms, Except When He Does (honesty is not something we expect from Republicans anyway)
Donald Trump calls out Clinton over armed Secret Service protection - The Washington Post (WaPo: "calls out" by taking an insane position)
The Ongoing Primary is Helping Democrats in California by David Atkins | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - Californians are registering to vote in breathtaking numbers not seen since the Reagan Revolution, as the no-holds-barred presidential primary season and tech-based outreach efforts have rousted more than 1 million people from their political slumber ... The new voters are trending young and Democratic (wake up, Millenials, your fate is in your hands)
What Does the Upcoming Weiner Documentary Mean for Hillary Clinton? | Vanity Fair - And it would be hard to find a more apropos stand-in for the serially cuckolded Secretary Clinton than Abedin, who is repeatedly forced to swallow her pride, rage, and who knows what else in a grim effort to stand by her husband, Anthony Weiner, candidate for mayor of New York City.
The Horror - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Both Sides Do It! - If you look at an electoral contest between the most progressive platform a Democratic presidential candidate has run on in a long time and an orange-hued Mussolini and you conclude that they're essentially the same because "corporate" I'm not sure what to tell you. (Jill Stein says Trump and Clinton are Tweedledee and Tweedledum and speaking of Ralph of the Darkness ...)
Bruenighazi: How a feisty Bernie blogger's firing explains Democratic politics in 2016 - Vox
sarah jeong on Twitter: "Ah. memories."
Sady Doyle on Twitter: "One of the better e-mails I've sent in my lifetime, I would think."
Today in Tabs: Ready on the Left Today in Tabs: The Jacobin Kerfuffle Jacobinghazi | sarahjeong dot net
- Inside Jacobin: how a socialist magazine is winning the left's war of ideas
Trustees say feds may be investigating Burlington College land deal, but no official confirmation | VTDigger
Sanders and Wife Steered Campaign, Nonprofit Money to Family and Friends - Washington Free Beacon - Her daughter Carina Driscoll, Sanders' stepdaughter, also drew a salary from the campaign. She was paid more than $65,000 between 2000 and 2004, according to her mother. By that time, the school had paid huge sums to the Vermont Woodworking School, which is run by Driscoll. The college eventually paid the school more than $500,000 for classes at its Fairfax, Vt., campus, about 30 miles from Burlington ... While she led the school, it paid six-figure sums to her daughter and the son of a family friend.
Bernie Sanders Accused of Using Campaign Money to Benefit Family | Vanity Fair - During her time there, the college paid nearly $500,000 to the Vermont Woodworking School, run by Driscoll, for classes, according to the Free Beacon. The college also reportedly paid tens of thousands of dollars to an all-inclusive Caribbean resort run by Jonathan Leopold, the son of a family friend, for a study-abroad program.
Vermont's Burlington College, Where Jane Sanders Was President, Will Close - The Atlantic - a controversial real-estate deal made by Jane Sanders, Bernie Sanders
- Mrs. Sanders Promised Other People's money would pay for Burlington College - It didn't
The only living Trump supporter in Silicon Valley | John Naughton | Opinion | The Guardian - PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel has come out in support of the Republican frontrunner - but then, he's also supported the idea of a libertarian utopia in space (that's actually a good idea, if by "space" you mean another galaxy)
Shelby County: The Gift That Keeps On Giving - Lawyers, Guns & Money : John Roberts' masterpiece in the field of self-refuting simulacra of constitutional law continues to have the desired effect: (keeping black/poor people from voting in a post-racial America +truly evil people)
Tom Cotton Says the US Should Put More People in Prison - Let's Hear It for the Republican Senator Who Thinks the U.S. Needs More People in Prison - Tom Cotton, everybody ... This drew the ire and astonishment of noted civil libertarian John Cornyn of Texas ... you start turning loose all those people convicted of weed-related offenses and the next thing you know, they're planting IED's all over Colorado (meanwhile, in the heart of Republican evil)
Elijah Wood Says That Child Abuse In Hollywood is Running Rampant | Complex
- Primed to fight the government - A fast-growing U.S. movement armed with guns and the Constitution sees a dire threat to liberty - Then Soper helped his 4-year-old daughter, in pink sneakers and a ponytail, work on her marksmanship with a .22-caliber rifle ... the Central Oregon Constitutional Guard was conducting its weekly firearms training ... The intent is to be able to work together and defend ourselves if we need to (from Obama's tanks and drones, presumeably, WaPo discovers #sovcits) They have passed out more than 2,000 pocket-size copies of the Constitution (no evidence for "fast-growing")
- Untold Damage: America's Overlooked Gun Violence - Most shootings with four deaths or injuries are invisible outside their communities. And most of the lives they scar are black.
Gender and sex: On the political debate regarding trans people (Letters to the Editor) | - This Democratic administration has decided to force women and girls to accept victimization by males who self-identify as girls just long enough to see them naked in the locker room. Yet the same party claims Republicans are waging a war on women. I'd say women and girls have an insidious new enemy. -- Lyneil Vandermolen, Tualatin (Lyneil has insidious stupidity)
Five-year-old shoots, kills self while playing with gun - FOX 8 WVUE New Orleans News - Many residents on Country Club Drive ... "The gun should've been locked up but at the same time, you should, I think that from an early age, getting children familiar with them and enough to know it's not a toy is the biggest thing" (priorities in gun-nut America: "sparking a conversation" about toddler firearms training)
Mother lets son drive golf cart at resort, gets jailed for child abuse : news
Eschaton: America's Worst Humans - Thomas A. Clare, Esq. (a giant in his own tiny for-profit mind)
Unaffordable Housing - Lawyers, Guns & Money : A random guy decided to track San Francisco rent prices over the past sixty years through the methodology of a quality historical study: he went to microfilm and charted rental ads. (6.6%/yr for 60 years, SF has always been broken)
Biomedicine facing a worse replication crisis than the one plaguing psychology. - a replication crisis in biomedicine -- and no one even knows how deep it runs.
Replication Crisis in Psychology: Part One - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Replication Crisis in Psychology: Part Two - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Replication Crisis in Psychology: Part Three - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Spurious Correlations
The Puzzle of Paul Meehl: An intellectual history of research criticism in psychology - Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science - Meehl has a sociological model of how the vacuum energy and the statistical significance operator can sustain a theory indefinitely even when true effects are zero. (academic psychology is a useless, self-serving fraud)
Has the age of quantum computing arrived? | Technology | The Guardian - It's a mind-bending concept with the potential to change the world, and Canadian tech company D-Wave claims to have cracked the code
Yale's Renowned Global Justice Professor Is Accused Of Sexual Harassment - A federal complaint filed against Yale University claims the Ivy League school violated the gender equity law Title IX multiple times between 2010 and 2015 by mishandling reports that one of its well-known professors, Thomas Pogge, harassed students.
Replication Crisis in Psychology: Part Three - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Most of effects psychology studies are pretty small.
Imagine a dog. Got it? I don't. Here's what it's like to be unable to visualize anything
Federal election last chance for the reef - JCU scientists - JCU Australia - Scientists from James Cook University say the Great Barrier Reef will be in a terminal condition within five years without a $10 billion commitment during this federal election campaign to improve water quality.
'Now of Never' to save Barrier Reef: scientists
Portland Public Schools bans material that casts doubt on climate change | - The resolution passed unanimously and requires that textbooks and other material purchased by the district present climate change as a fact rather than theory.
CDC says 157 pregnant women in U.S. test positive for Zika (Republicans say they'll do something it about maybe next year because rich people don't get mosquitos)
Smoke detected in EgyptAir plane before it crashed, French investigators say - The Washington Post (but can't put streaming video in their cockpits because it's too expensive to buy a cell phone)
- US Government's Own Report Shows Toxic TPP "Not Worth Passing" the TPP will produce almost no benefits, but inflict real harm on so many workers (Obama determined to shove it up/down your orifice)
- Extremist clerics and secretive associations funded by Saudis and others have transformed a once-tolerant Muslim society into a font of extremism. (left-hand, right-hand, keep giving them money)
We are like a bomb - food riots show Venezuela crisis has gone beyond politics (bus driver just drove his country over a cliff)
Venezuela: how the socialist paradise turned into debt and hyperinflation hell
Playing Chicken in the South China Sea - The New York Times - China has been behaving in a bellicose fashion in the South China Sea for some time as part of a sustained and increasingly dangerous effort to assert sovereignty over a vital waterway in which other nations also have claims
Watching the Tories debate Brexit is like witnessing the Greek philosophers at the peak of their intellectual powers | Voices | The Independent - The EU is the only thing stopping Europe returning to the Jurassic period - if we leave, within six months every house will have a stegosaurus in the garden (+BoJo)
British mother held prisoner in Iran moved out of solitary confinement after 45 days - Mrs Ratcliffe's British husband, Richard who lives in Hampshire, chose to publicise his wife's plight on the 37th day of her incarceration, after struggling to get information from the Iranian authorities. The move was against Foreign Office advice.
We've been ignoring an epidemic of child sex abuse in Britain - At first sight, the figures are jaw-dropping: police in England and Wales are preparing to deal with 30,000 new cases of child sexual abuse. Reports are being passed to the police at a rate of 100 a month by the Goddard inquiry, which was set up after the exposure of Jimmy Savile. One senior officer told the Guardian he predicts that police will be investigating 200,000 cases across the country by 2020.
- Judge orders Idaho to pay $250,000 in "ag-gag" fallout - Repubican Governor "Butch" Otter signed the bill into law after video in 2012 surfaced showing workers abusing dairy cows at Bettencourt Dairies. (sovereign citizen "ranchers" don't need no steenking Constitution; also, Right Wing fuckers)
Don't look now, but Barack Obama is suddenly popular (racist Republicans at 45% hate him with a passion)
This is how fascism comes to America - The Washington Post (WaPo keeps hitting the panic button, but nothing happens ... Kagan can't blame himself)
When it comes to lying, Trump is in a class by himself - The Washington Post (Ruth Marcus, reaping what she sowed for decades)
Trump bets on mass amnesia - The Washington Post (most Republicans never had a memory to lose)
We must weed out ignorant Americans from the electorate - The Washington Post - David Harsanyi is a senior editor at the Federalist. (after killing education for 30 years, Republicans want to spray Democrats with RoundUp)
David Harsanyi doesn't think he should be allowed to vote - " The citizenship civics test will do just fine." (the white civics tests)
Donald Trump, For Once, Has A Point - But Trump might want to add these to his list of America's shortcomings: we no longer win in education, in global competitiveness, in child well-being, in literacy, in national satisfaction, in health care efficiency, in wireless broadband, in gender equality or in freedom of the press. (see Republicans)
Ranking America | a site for information about the U.S. - The U.S. ranks 1st in prisoners (making your prison state great again) The U.S. ranks 2nd in ignorance (keep trying, make America #1)
As a Democrat, I Cannot Contain My Fear at This News - Lawyers, Guns & Money : All Democrats are now quaking in their boots. (KochBros to spend $10mil on Gary Johnson/Bill Weld, Libertarian 3rd-party candidates)
Hillary Clinton on Twitter: "Dear Congress, Let's get this done. Thanks, The vast majority of Americans" (women bad at math and circles)
'Corrupt in its roots' - as Oakland police scandals pile up, residents not surprised
Victims in Center City gay-bash case file suit - The two men who were insulted by anti-gay slurs and viciously attacked in Center City Philadelphia nearly two years ago filed a lawsuit earlier this week against the three Bucks County defendants who were criminally charged in the assault.
Blogger sues Kathryn Knott, her father, and Bucks D.A. (and two bully-cops)
In Delran, Facebook political post brings a cop's call - As a regular citizen wanting to protect himself, he consulted with the police department about his options. He did not direct him [Mitchell] to call (and if you believe that ...)
Harney County voters overwhelmingly supported candidates opposed to Malheur occupation |
Candidates Who Backed the Oregon Militia Overwhelmingly Voted Out | Rolling Stone - Harney County saw the highest rate of voter participation in the state
Man Seriously Injured In Savage SoMa Mob Attack + CBS San Francisco - San Francisco police said 6 Asian teenage boys and girls between 15 and 18 years old attacked a 29-year-old Asian man from Hayward.
- Assigned Male
No Sound, No Fury, No Marriage - The New York Times - Three years ago, my husband and I broke up after two decades of marriage.
Multiple boys 'caught on film having sex with 15-year-old girl' in Florida school bathroom | Americas | News | The Independent - Some 25 boys were seen going in and out of the toilets at South Fort Myers High School in Florida at the time, although the number who allegedly had sex with the girl was unclear.
Heart attacks could be caused by too LITTLE salt new study shows | Daily Mail Online - WHO expert tells of 'disbelief' at study as he blasts the 'bad science'
A clever tweak to how apples are sold is making everyone eat more of them - The Washington Post - Three years ago, a group of researchers at Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab had a hunch. Both overall apple consumption and the percentage of students who ate more than half of the apple that was served to them were more than 70 percent higher at schools that served sliced apples. ("Brand Lab")
- ox dowloaded a game clip from YouTube, used it in Family Guy and DCMA's the original (all your content are belong to us)
I am David Firth, creator of Salad Fingers AMA : IAmA
What is the most absurd thing you've heard someone, with complete seriousness, blame on President Obama? : AskReddit
Reddit, what is the most intelligent thing your pet had ever done? : AskReddit
[Serious] What is the creepiest wikipedia article you've ever read? : AskReddit
I'm Chris Voss I've worked over 150 international kidnapping negotiations for the FBI. Now I provide negotiation training to Fortune 500 companies. ("patience as weapon" and "tactical empathy")
The World's Largest Solar Plant Just Torched Itself
Zika Virus From Brazil Found In Africa For The First Time - The strain of virus that causes fetal brain abnormalities has been found in Africa.
Egyptian Military: Personal Belongings, Debris From EgyptAir Jet Found Floating In The Mediterranean
Here's What We Know So Far About EgyptAir Flight MS804 - Officials have not ruled out terrorism as the cause of the crash.
Israel Defense Chief Quits, Warns Of 'Extremist' Rise Under Netanyahu - To my great regret extremist and dangerous elements have overrun Israel as well as the Likud party (fanatics with nukes - that should set off alarm bells, especially in America diaspora but) "Our bonds of friendship are unbreakable and our commitment to the security of Israel remains absolute," U.S. State Department spokesman John Kirby said Washington looked forward to working with his successor.
Israel defense chief quits, warns of 'extremist' rise under Netanyahu : news - Netanyahu intends to appoint former foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman to the post. Lieberman, 57, is one of the country's most polarizing politicians
Albert Einstein Letter to The New York Times. December 4, 1948 New Palestine Party. Visit of Menachen Begin and Aims of Political Movement Discussed : Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, Sidney Hook, : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive - Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine. (--> Likud)
Meet the Chinese Trolls Pumping Out 488 Million Fake Social Media Posts | Foreign Policy - massive secretive operation to fill China's internet with propaganda.
- The Chinese government is fabricating almost 490m social media posts a year as part of a "massive operation"
Obama's War on Inequality
- Fact-checking in a 'post-fact world' - social media now multiplies the phenomenon: In a world where people get most of their information from friends, fact-checking doesn't reach those who need it most. (FB largest news provider without having any journalists)
Donald Trump Hasn't Killed the Tea Party. Donald Trump is the Tea Party -- NYMag
National Rifle Association Endorses Donald Trump For President - The Republican candidate once backed a ban on assault weapons.
The Dangerous Acceptance of Donald Trump - The New Yorker
Is Traditional Polling Underselling Donald Trump's True Strength? (either way, it's very close between light and darkness at this point)
Sting of Myself - The New Yorker - Amateurish spies like James O'Keefe III attempt to sway the 2016 campaign. (joke stung himself, hilariously)
- Republican tries to block nominee from office because he is a Muslim
- Next for Megyn Kelly?
Gov. Fallin vetoes bill that would make performing an abortion a felony |
'A target on Roe v. Wade' - Oklahoma bill making it a felony to perform abortions waits for governor
Oklahoma Introduces Measure To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathroom Rights - State lawmakers also want to take down the U.S. attorney general and the U.S. secretary of education ... just hours after lawmakers in the budget-challenged state set itself up for a bruising legal fight after approving a bill that would make abortions a felony punishable by up to three years in prison for doctors who perform them. (full-on crazy to distract from their failures)
War on women has a Democratic front, too (talk about false equivalence)
Police Body Camera Video Shows Cops Tasering Hallucinating Man To Death - Federal guidelines have specifically cautioned against repeatedly using stun guns on subjects.
40 Percent of the Buildings in Manhattan Could Not Be Built Today - The New York Times
The haunted summer of 1816 | Prospect Magazine
Alien Civilizations May Number In The Trillions, New Study Says - We really do know that pretty much every star in the sky hosts at least one planet ... even if there is just a one in a 100 billion chance of evolution creating exo-civilizations, the universe still has made so many of them that we are swamped by histories other than our own.
MS may have had some idea of what it was doing all these years. They've made OneCore to rule them all, and there's no volcano in sight.
Australia to Lay Off Leading Scientist on Sea Levels - The New York Times (will convert climate dept to energy marketing, Repubicans the same everywhere)
Alberta wildfire spreads out from Fort McMurray to Saskatchewan | World news | The Guardian
Terrorism 'most likely' cause of EgyptAir flight MS804 crash | World news | The Guardian
EgyptAir Flight MS804 Search Underway
Plane In EgyptAir MS804 Crash Had Strong Safety Record - The plane that vanished Thursday had logged thousands of flight hours.
- Chelsea Manning files appeal against 'grossly unfair' 35-year prison sentence
Court Backs Snowden, Strikes Secret Laws - Bloomberg View
Edward Snowden warns CIA never destroys something by mistake - Former NSA contractor responds to reports inspector general's office destroyed the 6,700 page report (good oversight)
ISIS execute 25 people by lowering them into NITRIC ACID | Daily Mail Online
Justin Trudeau apologises again as 'elbowgate' darkens 'sunny ways' image | World news | The Guardian - Footage from the House of Commons showed Trudeau elbowing New Democrat Ruth Ellen Brosseau as he pulled Brown away from the group.
Trey Gowdy Admits Pentagon Couldn't Have Gotten to Benghazi in Time to Stop Attack - Lashes Out at Ben Rhodes - Turns Out Benghazi Bad Boy Trey Gowdy Did a Bad Job with His Benghazi (what a weird looking simulcrum of a human)
Who in Libya will the U.S. send weapons to? It's complicated, says a top general ... waiting to see how the United Nations examines the Libyan request, which must include details about who will receive the weapons.
This is Obama's biggest failure - But a few token gestures aside, the Obama administration was consistently uninterested in the sort of aggressive action that would have halted the foreclosure crisis (Obama's favorite Program Designed to Fail)
Meet Maryora, A Teen Who May Be Deported To Her Death In The Next Month | ThinkProgress (one of Obama's other biggest failures, both involve major human suffering)
Different Nations Have Different Standards for Allowing Workers to Yawn-And That's OK! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Nike is no longer allowing the Workers Rights Consortium to monitor its Vietnam factory, ending its tradition of allowing for independent monitoring. The WRC has released a report evaluating the plant and it is not favorable to the company.
R.I.P., GOP: How Trump Is Killing the Republican Party | Rolling Stone - Donald Trump crushed 16 GOP opponents in one of the most appalling, vicious campaigns in history. His next victim? The entire Republican Party - Taibbi - If the convention isn't Liberace meets Stalin meets Vince McMahon, it'll be a massive disappointment ... blindsided by Trump, a foulmouthed free-coverage magnet who impulsively decided to make mocking the Republican Party mullahs his pet project for the years 2015-2016. ... If this isn't the end for the Republican Party, it'll be a shame. They dominated American political life for 50 years and were never anything but monsters
From Slump to Trump | Jacobin - The electoral ascent of Donald Trump is not the fault of unbridled democracy, but of unbridled capitalism.
Megyn Kelly Slams Trevor Noah For Criticizing Her Interview With Trump - Noah accused her of going easy on Trump.
- No, Bill Clinton did not, in fact, midwife Donald Trump into existence.?
Pro-Bernie Trolls on Why They Harassed Nevada's Democratic Chair | Rolling Stone - Here's what several men had to say for themselves after threatening Roberta Lange and calling her a "b-tch"
We Called Up Bernie Fans Who Threatened Nevada Dem State Chair and Asked Them to Explain Themselves
Wasserman Schultz faces million-dollar primary challenger | TheHill
Fuck you Debbie Wasserman Shultz : AdviceAnimals
Texas GOP Platform Calls for Return to Gold Standard, Abolishing Just About Every Federal Agency - . This is the real deal, the pure uncut hallucinogen of all American political ideology, the ultimate monster from the conservative Id
Pat McCrory Seems Nice - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - North Carolina governor Pat McCrory's embarrassing signature of the state's transgender bathroom law is fitting for a man who has hated gay people his whole public life.
'Right To Privacy' Looks Very Different For Conservatives Who Defend Anti-Trans Bathroom Laws
Oklahoma's Legislature Passed A Law Making It A Felony To Perform An Abortion - The legislation will get blocked if the governor signs it. (Red States going down in a spiral of hatred and resentment for their own stupidity and the party of big government for womens' genitals)
Oklahoma Senate passes bill to make it a felony to perform abortions : news
Prosecutors Finally Dropped Their Bogus Charges Against Me For Reporting In Ferguson. Not Everyone Is So Lucky. (real assholes)
FBI Confirms 2015 Was One Of The Safest Years Ever For Cops (heros on the front line of terror)
San Francisco police chief resigns in wake of fatal shootings and scandals | US news | The Guardian - SFPD boss Greg Suhr resigns just hours after officers fatally shot a 27-year-old black woman and as the police department faces a bigotry scandal
San Francisco police fatally shoot black woman in city's Bayview neighborhood | US news | The Guardian
First Oregon standoff defendant pleads guilty to federal conspiracy charge |
Hiring Hurdle: Finding Workers Who Can Pass a Drug Test - The New York Times (interestingly, marijuana is the only drug that stays in your body more than a short time)
Meadowlands ski park gets big name to run indoor resort | - a 12-story indoor ski and snowboard park in East Rutherford. (Chrisie Follies)
Jane Murdoch on Twitter: "Stop acting all offended, like someone is morally reprehensible for caring about you while also not wanting to have sex with you."
A hallucinogenic chemical in magic mushrooms shows promise for people with untreatable depression, a short study on just 12 people hints. : science
Mega-tsunamis in Mars's ancient ocean shaped planet's landscape | Science | The Guardian - A consensus is quietly growing that there was a great sea, an ocean, on ancient Mars, and this is another take on it
HIV Rates Among Gay Men Are Higher in South : science
Twelve of 20 drunkest American cities are in Wisconsin : news (that explains a lot)
The complete beginner's guide to sexting (NSFW) ("of the girls I've dated, dated, about half have asked for dick pics.)
Use LinkedIn? You might want to change that password ... now - LA Times - This latest one actually happened in 2012, when LinkedIn, and later EHarmony, revealed that hackers had stolen the login info for about 6.5 million users. The new development is the revelation it actually affected over 100 million users. (Yes, that's significantly more.) (o dey lied)
CIA 'mistakenly' destroys copy of 6,700-page US torture report - The report contains thousands of secret files about the CIA's use of interrogation methods (whoopsie)
Obama Is Bringing Overtime Pay To Millions Of Workers - The reform is one of the most consequential of his whole tenure.
Bernie Sanders takes Oregon primary while Clinton claims Kentucky | US news | The Guardian
Oregon, Kentucky primary results: Battle rages on as Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton score |
- Hillary Clinton's viral nightmare: A video of her 'lying for 13 minutes'
The sour grapes revolution that rocked the Paris Hotel | Ralston Reports - Rules, it appears, have no place in a revolution.
- The Nevada State Democratic Convention - Through a Delegate's Eyes - Will the Sanders people complain about the way that it ended? Probably. Were they disenfranchised in any way by the way it ended? No. Because they never understood what it was that they were protesting. (plus leadership lied to stir up outrage)
Clinton Exits Race, Vows to Fully Support Obama : NPR - June 7, 2008
Bernie Sanders can't afford to stay silent any longer
- Ex Ante Public Opinion Is Not Why It's Nearly Impossible to Pass Single Payer In the U.S. (Docs and administators need to be paid too much)
It Comes From the Very Top - the 'burn it down' attitude, the upping the ante, everything we saw in that statement released today by the campaign seems to be coming from Sanders himself. Right from the top ... Lying like this sets you up for stuff like happened over the weekend in Nevada. (Bernie is the alpha BernieBro)
Letting go - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Bernie Sanders ran a remarkably successful campaign against overwhelming odds, and in doing so pushed Hillary Clinton at least rhetorically to the left on a number of key economic issues. But now . . .
- Phil Robertson Supporting Trump, Willing to Be His 'Spiritul Advisor'
She had won the victory over herself. She loved The Donald. - Lawyers, Guns & Money : For all the disgusting insults Donald Trump has lobbed at Fox News Channel anchor Megyn Kelly (she still kissed his yuge golden dick)
How The Obama Admin 'Just Destroyed The Traditional American Public School' - When the Obama administration sent a letter to public schools offering guidance on how best to accommodate the needs of transgender students, conservatives lost it ... nine "bathroom bills" in state legislatures (not a bit worried about male child-molesters in boys' bathrooms ...transgendered now the most despised minority - will Kaitlyn reach out to others with her "core identity?" +comment: "The intentional creation of scandalous issues as a trope that declares their cosmic struggle against the unwashed." +Abbott: "trying to cram down as many parts of his liberal agenda")
Texas poised to be the next bathroom battleground in transgender fight | US news | The Guardian - "JFK wanted to send a man to the moon. Obama wants to send a man to the women's restroom. We must get our country back on track" Governor Greg Abbott tweeted - the Texas lieutenant governor, said the state is willing to forfeit potentially billions of dollars in federal funding rather than institute the policy ... Rick Perry turned down up to $100bn in federal funds over a decade that would have covered healthcare for about a million of Texas' poor ... Well, in Texas, he can keep his 30 pieces of silver ... (your cowboy hatIt will take years to recover from the damage that Arne Duncan
s are cutting off circulation to your Christian brains)
Labor-Environmentalist Rift in the Democratic Party? Not Really. - Lawyers, Guns & Money ("Labor" = workers for giant energycos and pipeline builders )
Diane Ravitch's devastating Arne Duncan critique: The education secretary earned his F - It will take years to recover from the damage that Arne Duncan's policies have inflicted on public education - But Arne Duncan and Barack Obama had a vision no different from George W. Bush and doubled down on the importance of testing, while encouraging privatization and undermining the teaching profession with a $50 million grant to Teach for America to place more novice teachers in high-needs schools. Duncan never said a bad word about charters, no matter how many scandals and frauds were revealed. (2015 for the memories)
Association Between Social Media Use And Depression Among U.S. Young Adults. - PubMed - NCBI
TIL after doing a 15-year study, a sports medicine Professor suggested women should stop wearing bras. : todayilearned
Guy finds wild ocelot and plays with it : videos
Rift Between Labor and Environmentalists Threatens Democratic Turnout Plan - The New York Times - environmental agenda as a threat to the jobs that can be created through infrastructure projects like new gas pipelines. (yeah, like those)
Rift Between Labor and Environmentalists Threatens Democratic Turnout Plan - The New York Times
Oilsands facilities and work camps north of Fort McMurray evacuated as firestorm rapidly moves north | Edmonton Journal (Alberta burning down)
Study Reveals Exactly How Easy It Is for the NSA to Spy With Phone Metadata | Inverse - Looking at you, small-time marijuana grow ops.
New move to impeach Tony Blair over Iraq War gains cross-party support : worldnews (now try Kissinger, Bush and cheney)
Memos on Alleged Saudi-Affiliated Support of the 9/11 Attacks - The New York Times - a compilation of numerous possible connections between the hijackers and Saudis inside the United States. The document appears to be a glimpse into what is still contained in the classified 28 pages of the congressional inquiry into the 2001 attacks.
Senate Passes Bill Letting 9/11 Victims' Families Sue Saudi Arabia
Iranian models arrested in sting operation for promoting promiscuity by posting photos without hijab - loose morals
IranWire | Kim Kardashian, the Infiltrator - Subverting the Islamic-Iranian Lifestyle ... Alizadeh blamed foreign powers for the Instagram modeling pages
Primary results: Kentucky official: Hillary Clinton apparent winner - - With 99% of the vote in, Clinton is ahead of Sanders 46.8% to 46.3%. - I do believe ... that based on what we are seeing coming in, that Kentucky will remain in a win column for the Clintons (note the plural)
Oregon's Democratic Primary Voters Push Bernie Sanders To Victory - the first time Sanders has won a primary closed to unaffiliated voters.
90 Percent of Americans Now Have Health Insurance - 90 percent of Americans have been insured against their will! - Who will free us from this authoritarian nightmare?
Noam Chomsky: Today's GOP is 'the most dangerous" threat to the species 'in human history' (party of vampire zombie necromongers +Saint Ronnie the root of all evil in our society)
Obama is bullish on war, no matter how you spin it | Trevor Timm | Opinion | The Guardian - The president has reached the dubious milestone of being at war longer than any of his predecessors. And the conflicts aren't ending anytime soon (Hillary will continue the tradition)
Sample of voicemails left for state Democratic Chairwoman Roberta Lange | Ralston Reports (Bernie Bros like to bully)
- The Vermont senator defiantly rejected accusations his supporters were violent. (he should listen to the voice mails)
More Bernie Sanders staffers exit campaign - politico
Donald Trump is Not Expanding the GOP - politico Magazine - little evidence for one of the Republican nomine's core claims ("claims" = lies)
Conservatives make a deal with the devil - The Washington Post (the resemblance is striking +the Party of Satan)
McCain In Deep Trouble in GOP Primary; Trump, Clinton Close in AZ - Public Policy Polling
Eschaton: Incrementalism - The unified message coming from both the Clinton and Obama camps is that incrementalism is the only possible path forward and [insert one here: BernieBros, The Kids Today, The Left, Naderites, Silly People Who Never Vote] just don't understand this iron law of politics and should be laughed at.
Programs Linked to Koch Brothers Teach High School Kids That Lives Are Worth Sacrificing for Profits - nti-tax industrialist billionaires like Charles and David Koch stand to gain a lot by financing higher education programs tailored to their ideologies.
Hullabaloo - having a hard time feeling sorry for anyone who send money to a scammer pretending to be a Donald Trump PAC. After all, anyone thinks he's donating money to Trump is, by definition, someone who wants a fascist president who believes in torture, mass deportation and potentially a nuclear war.
Trump Would Dismantle Most Of Dodd-Frank, Meet With North Korea If President - He also wants to renegotiate the Paris climate accord.
Boston Men Jailed For Trump-Inspired Hate Crime Attack - Two Boston brothers accused of urinating on and beating a homeless Mexican man and telling police "Donald Trump was right: All these illegals need to be deported" were sentenced to prison on Monday, prosecutors said. - Scott Leader, 38, and Steve Leader, 30
Alex Jones: 'Michelle Obama Is A Man' Who Murdered Joan Rivers To Cover It Up | Right Wing Watch
Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers? - The Atlantic - the disproportionate amount of federal aid that some states receive allows them to keep their own taxes artificially low
- Work and "Work - Robert Samuelson thinks Americans should work longer and retire later: (who never did a day of manual labor in his privileged life)
America's top CEOs pocket 355 times more than average workers | US news | The Guardian - Analysis by the AFL-CIO union found that chief executive officers of the top 500 companies took home $12.4m on average while they exported jobs overseas
Recall petition filed against Harney County Judge Steve Grasty |
Woman mistaken for transgender harassed in Walmart bathroom - NewsTimes - "People hate what they don't understand and they hate what they don't know" Toms said, "And it creates a cycle of disgusting bigotry that reflects back on our nation and makes us look ridiculous"
Connecticut woman mistaken for transgender and harassed in Walmart bathroom : news
Transgender woman told to leave female toilets in Fever nightclub in Gloucester | Gloucester Citizen
Gender-Segregated Public Bathrooms Have A Long, Ugly History
Mississippi city ordered to desegregate schools 60 years after landmark ruling | US news | The Guardian (they never got the memo)
Chicago and the Civil War - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - worth remembering that the Civil War transformed the entire nation, not just the South. From the tribes living in Montana to the slaves in Mississippi to Yankees in Vermont, no one in this nation was the same after 1865. That includes Chicago:
Eschaton: Extras - Basically some institutions do a pretty good job of providing free or cheap college to some number of poor kids, but then the support structure just isn't there.
Press Announcements > FDA Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg Statement on Prescription Opioid Abuse - Tragically, the most recent data shows that more than 16,000 lives are lost each year due to opioid-related overdoses. In fact, drug overdose deaths, driven largely by prescription drug overdose deaths, are now the leading cause of injury death in the United States - surpassing motor vehicles
Policy Announcement: Domains which require readers to disable ad-blockers will now be automatically flaired with a warning message. : technology
Reddit administrators accused of censorship : news
Cronyism, corruption, conspiracies and censorship are killing reddit.
Acknowledging the existence of the Southern Strategy is now a bannable offense in /r/Conservitive : badhistory
A student emails a professor while drunk. Results are amazing. : funny
Last Month Was The Warmest April Ever Recorded, Continuing 7-Month Hot Streak - Climate scientists have been warning about this since at least the 1980s ... and bloody obvious since the 2000s ... so where's the surprise (Repubicans will fuck the world no matter what your facts)
The International Space Station Just Orbited Earth for the 100,000th Time | Motherboard
House Zika Bill Is $1.3 Billion Short Of Obama's Request (just die, and leave your money to the Republican party)
- The Intercept is releasing nine years' worth of newsletters in batches, starting with 2003. The agency's spies explain a surprising amount about what they were doing, how they were doing it, and why.
Senate report on CIA torture is one step closer to disappearing : news
- Ex-CIA Officer John Kiriakou: "The Government Turned Me Into a Dissident"
CIA 'Accidentally' Deletes Senate Torture Report - Some thoughts on this latest "accident" involving a report on the agency's torture tactics.
Senate report on CIA torture is one step closer to disappearing - CIA inspector general officials deleted an uploaded computer file with the report and then accidentally destroyed a disk that also contained the document, filled with thousands of secret files about the CIA's use of "enhanced" interrogation methods. (the accountability office just deleted itself)
Nelson Mandela: CIA tip-off led to 1962 Durban arrest - BBC News - Mandela served 27 years in jail for resisting white minority rule before being released in 1990. - CIA said he was "the most dangerous communist" outside of the Soviet Union, although Mandela always denied being a member of the party.
How Russia allowed homegrown radicals to go and fight in Syria
Brazil's Cabinet - Of the 22 members of his new conservative Cabinet, 22 are white men. In a country of more than 200 million people, more than half of Brazilians identify as black or dark-skinned, and over half are women. This is the first executive government since the fall of Brazi's military dictatorship in the 1980s to not have a woman in the Cabinet.
Doctors Without Borders Pulls Out Of World Humanitarian Summit, Says It No Longer Has Hope | ThinkProgress - "fig-leaf of good intentions" that will not actually hold states accountable for their failure to address the humanitarian crisis in the world today. (Obama's war on doctors)
Iran is arresting models who pose without headscarves on Instagram : worldnews
Economic Inequality: It's Far Worse Than You Think - The great divide between our beliefs, our ideals, and reality - "the reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it" (GC)
President Obama Takes on Walls, Ignorance and Rigged Systems at Rutgers by Nancy LeTourneau | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - Facts, evidence, reason, logic, an understanding of science -- hese are good things. These are qualities you want in people making policy. These are qualities you want to continue to cultivate in yourselves as citizens. (Republcans and Trump hate facts and science)
Supreme Court Can't Make Up Its Mind In Religious Challenge To Obamacare - Zubik v. Burwell is one of the most closely watched cases of this term.
- Clinton: I'd put Bill "in charge" of revitalizing the economy" (there's your problem, right there)
Trey Gowdy's Former Top Lawyer Undercust
The Benghazi Committee - The former general said he believed military officials did everything they could to save four Americans. (evil will evil)
- what happened at Saturday's dramatic Nevada Democratic convention - The latest chapter came at this weekend's Democratic state convention in Nevada, where the Sanders faction went completely bananas because the rules by which you had to be a Democrat to participate in a Democratic convention were simply too much for them to bear.
- Time for Bernie Sanders to Pack Up and Go Home
Vermont college that Bernie Sanders's wife once led is closing (she destroyed the college)
- The Bernie-or-Busters In: Let's Get Pretentious - The latest in Salon's inexhaustable parade of atrocious "President Trump is the key to progressive change in America" (and Citizens United was done by Dems!)
America's Whoopee Cushion - Is Reince Priebus, just at the moment: Talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations.
Reince Priebus Struggles with Trump Questions on the Sunday Shows - Embrace the chaos, Reince.
He's A Very Devout Man - You can't be telling me that religious social conservative leaders are just conservative Republicans with a particular grift who have been feeding lines to the gullible press for years and are willing to suck up to any "conservative" in power? (IOKIYDT +for Charlie Rose, the "past" was yesterday)
Morning Joe Panel Downplays NY Times Report On Trump's Treatment Of Women: "People Expect It" (Mike Barnicle, of course)
- The Huge Cultural Shift That's Helping Trump Win Evangelicals - evangelicals just aren't all that evangelical anymore? a quarter of all Americans identify as evangelicals, and white evangelicals make up the majority of Republican voters in many Southern primaries ... four out of five of them preferred Romney over Obama. (if they could vote for underpants Romney, they could vote for Satan/Trumpster)
Social Conservatives, However Reluctant, Are Warming to the Idea of Trump - The New York Times
Game Changer! - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) on Thursday endorsed Donald Trump and left the door open to becoming the Republican vice presidential nominee.
The Note: More Troubles for Trump - ABC News
Democrats use Trump as bogeyman to get people to vote | Reuters
Susan Sarandon blasts Woody Allen and Donald Trump at Cannes | Film | The Guardian (toxic men)
Journalists Arrested In Ferguson Barred From Talking About Settlement - But St. Louis County police will be trained on freedom of the press and constitutional rights.
Voters in Grant and Klamath counties to decide whether to repeal local pot bans | (moralistic voters in poor counties screwed themselves out of tax money, want a do-over)
The day my therapist killed himself: shock, tears and then came a revelation | Life and style | The Guardian
ELI5: Is there real scientific evidence that marijuana has significant medicinal properties or is unreliable information being promoted in the interest of legalization? : explainlikeimfive
Exxon scrambles to contain climate crusade - POLITICO - A green campaign to make the company pay for climate change is besieging the oil industry and its conservative allies.
Promise of the Reel by D.R. Tucker | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - published just two weeks before the tenth anniversary of the release of An Inconvenient Truth, the Oscar-winning Al Gore documentary about the international climate crisis. Were it not for that documentary, and the climate movement it sparked, ExxonMobil would not be facing justice today. (the cost of Repubican evil +Ralph Nader)
"You Have Been Fooled": AGU Reopens Exxon Sponsorship Review After Stinging Letter From Sen. Whitehouse and Rep. Lieu | DeSmogBlog - the American Geophysical Union (AGU) (corrupted pawns of big oil)
- Tobacco Science, Climate Denial, and "Free Speech" (free to lie to you and destroy the world)
Should the 2016 Summer Olympics still be held in Rio? - The Washington Post - not sure it's such a great idea to hold a massive sporting event in the middle of an infectious disease outbreak.
Off the Podium: Why Public Health Concerns for Global Spread of Zika Virus Means That Rio de Janeiro's 2016 Olympic Games Must Not Proceed
The Map That Created The Modern Middle East | JSTOR Daily - An alliance with the Central Powers proved to be the old Empire's final undoing, leading to its splintering at the end of the war. According to Khalidi, Sykes and Picot assumed they were formalizing the pre-existing European financial control of the region by inaugurating a new era of more direct political control.
Eschaton: The Squat - Geithner foamed the runway. This is part of his legacy. Better to kick people out and leave behind devasted neighborhoods than let those irresponsible mortgage holders find a way to stay in homes they were probably screwed out of (the old Obama policy designed to fail)
- The map is tough for any Republican. It's completely daunting for Donald Trump.
RNC Chair Says 'People Just Don't Care' About Reports Donald Trump Mistreated Women (especially women)
Net Neutrality by D.R. Tucker | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - Is there a more miserable figure than the man or woman who says they will abstain from voting for either Hillary Clinton or Deranged Donnie on November 8? (hello, Chawlie Baker, Teaparty Gov)
- Sorry, liberals. Elizabeth Warren isn't going to be Hillary Clinton's running mate - the governor of Massachusetts is a Republican, Charlie Baker. That means that if Warren stepped down to become vice president, Baker would appoint a temporary successor for her Senate seat. In other years this might have been a relatively minor consideration, but in 2016 it's absolutely central to the fate of Clinton's presidency (see Scott Brown, destroyer of health-care for 100's of millions of Americans)
/r/the_donald Drilldown March 2016 : DeathByCirclejerk (Trump and Sanders have yoooge overlap)
Bernie Sanders 2016
Donald J. Trump For President
What is happening in /r/The_Donald? : OutOfTheLoop (ctrl-f "Stacey" for cucks)
Hillary Clinton
Hillary Worked for Goldwater? - She was a high-school Young Republican and "Goldwater Girl" in 1964 but swung to supporting Democrat Eugene McCarthy in 1968 (once she got to Wellesley)
Are Dems Baiting GOP on Transgender Bathrooms? -- NYMag (Obama playing 11-dimensional chess when the Republican know only one dimension)
As Redditors Predicted: New York Post Takes Credit for My Parking Ticket Findings : nyc
Fruit discovery could provide new treatments for obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease: Two compounds found in red grapes and oranges combined could treat diseases -- ScienceDaily - The compounds are trans-resveratrol (tRES) -- found in red grapes, and hesperetin (HESP) -- found in oranges. When given jointly at pharmaceutical doses the compounds acted in tandem to decrease blood glucose, improve the action of insulin and improve the health of arteries.
How to Get Drafted as a Quarterback in the NFL - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The whole article profiling the current crop of NFL QB draftees is really interesting, but the strong correlation between wealthy parents, stable home lives, and being drafted as a QB compared to the rest of the NFL is really striking. (why QBs are white)
How Victorian Writers Eroticized Mormons | JSTOR Daily - How Victorian Writers Eroticized Mormons
FoxType Culturally Aware Thesaurus
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Don Draper's Apartment
Aerial Bold Typewriter
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Create Custom Map | mapchart
Former UN climate change chief to face trial for sexual harassment of employees | Environment | The Guardian - Two more women file claims against Rajendra Pachauri after 29-year-old colleague from Energy and Resources Institute speaks out
The most polluted city in the world isn't Beijing or Delhi
Hawaii Could Be Devastated By A Tsunami Within 50 Years - Living in the middle of the Pacific has its downfalls.
Lightning strikes kill nearly 60 people in Bangladesh -
Former senator: Release the uncensored truth about 9/11 - The Washington Post - Bob Graham, a Democrat, represented Florida in the U.S. Senate from 1987 to 2005. (sorry, Americans must be protected from the truth )
American Public Is Not Entitled To See Full Senate Torture Report, Court Rules - as a "congressional record" the document is not subject to freedom-of-information laws. (because they don't work for you)
FBI bugged public spaces for years hoping to overhear a few illegal things | Fusion
Alan Rusbridger, Once Guardian's Celebrated Editor, Severs Ties With It - finally, a clash with his successor, Katharine Viner, who helped spearhead his strategy for international growth but now faces a period of retrenchment = The Guardian lost an estimated 45 million pounds, or $65 million, last year. (ladyboss fail, seems to happen a lot, she wants a paywall for the Guardian, coming soon)
Removal of Top Editors Signals Trouble for Independent Russian Paper - The New York Times
U.S. intelligence warns of Venezuela collapse - LA Times
What's Next For Brazil's Political Crisis
Hezbollah Blames Jihadists For Death Of Top Commander In Syria - and not by an Israeli air strike as one member of the Lebanese Shi'te movement had said.
At least three killed in Moscow cemetery brawl | World news | The Guardian - Apparent fight over right to work in Khovanskoye cemetery leads to 23 being hospitalised in serious condition and more than 90 arrests
Spain toxic tyre dump at Sesena forces mass evacuation - BBC News - Investigators believe the fire was started deliberately early on Friday.
Alcohol sales fall for first time in nearly 20 years - May. 13, 2016 - Global sales of alcohol fell in 2015 for the first time since market research firm Euromonitor International started keeping records in 2001.
- $23 billion worth of food stamp cuts over the coming decade. They are part of a $170 billion spending cut package aimed at getting tea party lawmakers to vote for a broader 10-year budget plan. (Republicans destroying America, as usual)
Poll: Clinton vs. Trump a tossup in Georgia |
Inside the GOP effort to draft an independent candidate to derail Trump - The Washington Post - Mitt Romney, a handful of veteran consultants and members of the conservative intelligentsia
Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved With Women in Private - The New York Times - Interviews reveal unwelcome advances, a shrewd reliance on ambition, and unsettling workplace conduct over decades. (sexist pig for pres!)
Donald Trump is following all the rules for a reality TV villain - The Washington Post - This is the ultimate reality show. It's the Presidency ... When you have a big reality-TV star as the front-runner for the Republican nomination, there is no way to separate it. This is the new reality (done deal) (+" America is filled with lazy, stupid people who love a fraud and charlatan like Trump.")
Trump taps climate change skeptic, fracking advocate as key energy advisor | Reuters
Trump offers a preview of his authoritarian presidency - The Boston Globe
A Man Ripped Off A Muslim Woman's Hijab, Screamed 'This Is America!' - The hate crime happened just days after Donald Trump called for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S. - Gill Parker Payne, 37, of Gastonia, North Carolina
Trump's Tax Returns - are big and beautiful - "I have very big returns, as you know, and I have everything all approved and very beautiful and we'll be working that over in the next period of time." (the mind of a complete bullshitter)
- Donald Trump on His Tax Rate: "It's None of Your Business"
Sheldon Adelson Is Poised to Give Donald Trump a Donation Boost - The New York Times - a sum that could exceed $100 million, according to two Republicans with direct knowledge of Mr. Adelson (evil will evil)
Assault Charges Dropped for Alabama Cop Who Partially Paralyzed Indian Grandfather : news
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Found In Contempt Of Court In Racial Profiling Case - Arpaio and his office could face fines, restitution for those harmed by the actions and tighter oversight of daily operations.
Senate Candidate Fails Miserably At Dodging Questions About Voter Fraud - Stop talking about your dog. Jon Keyser is the Republican establishment (how not to answer a question, what a spin machine)
Texas Lt. Gov. Would Forfeit Billions Over Anti-Trans Discrimination. Here's What That Means For Schools. - The Lone Star State's second in command would rather eliminate federal funds for poor students than comply with Title IX regulations. (TX not that hot on education anyway, so no loss
'Family' Group Member Can't Answer Simplest Question About Trans Bathrooms - What a spectacularly embarrassing segment for this guy. (Family "Research" Council)
If You Think Trans Bathroom Access Doesn't Matter, Listen To This Girl's story
Congressman Mocks The GOP's 'Great American Bathroom Controversy'
- Ted Cruz: Obama Is The "Bathroom Police" (because he's policin' our bathroom police!)
Religious Right Is Losing Its Mind About 'Frozen's' Elsa Possibly Being Gay - Just let it gooooo. (what mind?)
Denmark will become the first country to no longer define being transgender as a mental illness : news
gender dysphoria fact sheet.pdf
In transition: OHSU evolves to aid transgender patients |
Nationwide marijuana legalization could produce up to $28 billion in yearly tax revenue - Vox (they'd only use it for tax cuts for the rich anyway, better to keep the drug war going)
It's time for Sheriff Staton to resign: Editorial |
Analyst Uses NYPD's Open Data To Uncover Millions Of Dollars Of Bogus Parking Tickets | Techdirt (cops lie and steal?)
If 'The Biggest Loser' Doesn't Work, Why Is It Still On The Air? - findings of a recent study that raised questions about its drastic approach to weight loss.
How 'Concept Creep' Made Americans So Sensitive to Harm - The Atlantic - How Americans Became So Sensitive to Harm - A recently published paper explains how "concept creep" in the field of psychology has reshaped many aspects of modern society.
- First Evidence of Humans in North America Found Off Florida, New Study Says - The stuff dates back to 14,500 years ago. Score one for underwater archaeology - may change our understanding of when humans first populated North America.
What's the most surprising mathematical fact you know? : AskReddit
FDA warns an artificial sweetener is potentially fatal for dogs -, South Georgia News, Weather, Sports - xylitol, an artificial sweetener found in items for humans, like gum, peanut butter, toothpaste, breath mints, baked goods, vitamins and cough syrup, can be a quick-acting disaster for dogs.
An Old Idea, Revived: Starve Cancer to Death - The New York Times - In the early 20th century, the German biochemist Otto Warburg believed that tumors could be treated by disrupting their source of energy. His idea was dismissed for decades until now ... "I think there's no doubt that insulin is pro-cancer"
What was your "Holy shit I live in the future" moment? : AskReddit
ELI5: Why is adderall a prescription only drug? : explainlikeimfive
ELI5:In terms of gaining body fat, is there a difference between overeating 500 calories per day for 7 days vs 3500 calories in a single day of that 7 day week. : explainlikeimfive - the general consensus is that the threshold is right around 15000 calories and anything extra will just move through the intestines undigested.
- Declassified documents detail 9/11 commission's s inquiry into Saudi Arabia - may show connections between low-level Saudi officials and a terrorist support network in southern California led to the 9/11 attacks ("may" 16 years of bullshit later, thanks, Obama)
Secret area of Guantanamo could be opened to UN watchdog for first time | US news | The Guardian - Attorneys for alleged 9/11 co-conspirator request UN access to Camp 7 to prevent evidence they say was coerced during torture being used against him (Obama, pawn of the military-torture complex)
Terror Industrial Complex Timeline - Liberty Under Attack ("clash of civilizations" - create an industry to manufacture dead people. profit!)
US Catholic church has spent millions fighting clergy sex abuse accountability | US news | The Guardian - Lobbying funds have gone towards opposing bills that would extend statutes of limitations for child sex abuse cases or grant temporary windows to take action
Eschaton: Bothsidesism - There isn't actually any bothsidesism. What we actually have it a mainstream press which will find any way to legitimize Republican candidates as mainstream - no matter how much they lie, no matter how racist or sexist they are - while not offering the same "consideration" to Dem candidates. In 2004 the press had no trouble monstering (a British press term) Howard Dean over something ridiculous.
Donald Trump masqueraded as publicist to brag about himself - The Washington Post
Decline Of The US Middle Class - Business Insider (it all went to the top 1% and guess what happened?)
What's the Single Best Explanation for Middle-Class Decline? - The Atlantic - About half of the jobs created between 1990 and 2008 (before our current downturn) were created in education, health care, and government. What do those sectors have in common? They're all local. You can't send them to Korea
Middle class shrinks in Oregon's 4 metro areas, Pew study finds | (comments, always) - Live from the Missouri Valley that the Republicans are Trying to Turn into a Gehenna: Cass Sunstein goes horribly wrong: (again)
Obama orders public schools to allow transgender students access to restrooms | Society | The Guardian - Administration will send decree saying all students must have access to facilities consistent with their gender identity, even if others object
Obama transgender edict incites the right - POLITICO - move is seen as blackmail, federal overreach, even a gift to Donald Trump. But one thing is clear: The right is fired up. (the right is up in arms again again)
First Oregon standoff defendant pleads guilty |
Recall petition filed against Harney County Judge Steve Grasty |
Fight Erupts At Bundy Standoff Between Arizona Men | Phoenix New Time (history: toxic male bullying)
Blaine Cooper/Stanley Hicks; Oathkeeper strap hanger/fanboi : This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here (also)
Was NSA surveillance used on refuge occupiers labeled as 'domestic terrorists,' lawyer asks |
Fake Judges: How & Why Sovereign Citizens are Undermining Patriot Groups - Liberty Under Attack (even the nuts think they're nuts)
Colorado City To Use $1.5 Million From Pot Tax To Help Homeless (coulda been you, Maaaty and Chawlie, but you'd rather moralize)
Woman's high-heel petition receives 100,000-plus signatures | World news | The Guardian - Nicola Thorp, who was sent home for not wearing heels at PwC, says response shows importance of reforming dress codes
Ernie Kovacs - The Nairobi Trio "Solfeggio" - ABC Television Network Videotaped Version - YouTube
'Unusually' Thin And Fractured Arctic Ice Hints At Yet Another Record Melt - Could we even be facing an ice-free Arctic summer? (Republicans say it's a coincidence)
- Saudi officials were "supporting" 9/11 hijackers, commission member says - First serious public split revealed among commissioners over the release of the secret "28 pages" (sorry, just support our troops and everything will be fine)
Brazil's Rousseff Set To Bow Out After Senate Votes To Put Her On Trial - Corruption charges, a deepening economic crisis and insurgency by opponents led to the downfall of Rousseff.
Brazil's Democracy to Suffer Grievous Blow Today as Unelectable, Corrupt Neoliberal is Installed (counterrevolution is complete)
- IOC: Rousseff impeachment vote won't hurt games preparations
10 Reasons Why Vice President Michel Temer Won't Be Brazil's Next President
Germany Says It Will Rescind Convictions for Homosexuality - The New York Times - From 1949 to 1969, under a law inherited from the Nazi regime, about 50,000 men in West Germany were convicted of homosexuality. Many served time in prison.
French financial prosecutors confirm investigation into Tokyo 2020 bid | Sport | The Guardian - Officials to look into payments made to Black Tidings account - Tokyo Olympic organising committee deny wrongdoing
New Attack Reported by Swift Global Bank Network - The New York Times (this could also but worse happen right before the election)
HILLARY CLINTON: Restoring Faith In Democracy | Washington Informer | African American newspaper, Washington D.C. - Washingtonians serve in the military, serve on juries and pay taxes just like everyone else. And yet they don't even have a vote in Congress.
Fact Check: The Economy Is Doing Pretty Well These Days | Mother Jones
The middle class is shrinking just about everywhere in America - The Washington Post - But the largest metros in the country fall into this group, including New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston and Washington. In each of these metros, the middle class is relatively small because the upper-class share of the population is larger than average. (vote Trump!)
Eschaton: Think Pieces About MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE And How I Could Possibly Be Wrong - tired of reading think pieces about WHY WE ALL THOUGHT DONALD TRUMP WOULD LOSE (I'm looking at you, Chait). First of all, we all didn't and you did ... we hippie liberals have been telling you for years that a sizeable chunk of Republican voters are absolute blithering idiots. Also, racist. This is not news ... People who don't know shit sure do get paid a lot to not know shit, and then to write pieces about why they don't know shit but the'll know the shit next time ...
Is Cleveland ready? Police union boss warns city not prepared for GOP convention | Fox News
Trump is waging an assault on the entire structure of our democracy. Now what? - The Washington Post (hello, Republicans)
Donald Trump Will Release His Tax Returns, Just After He Runs Out Of Reasons Not To
Donald Trump: The Epitome of Post-Policy Nihilism by Nancy LeTourneau | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly (understanding is for morons)
The Free Trade Consensus - Lawyers, Guns & Money (is dead because it's a disaster foreveryone but riches and corps)
The Free-Trade Consensus Is Dead | New Republic - TTIP leak is a nail in the coffin.
- The Mythology Of Trump's 'Working Class' Support - Trump voters, like others in the GOP, have relatively high incomes
Among Republicans, Trump supporters have slightly lower incomes. But what really differentiates them? - Counties with Trump support correlate with counties where voters have less education, work in old-economy jobs, and when asked about their ethnicity say "I'm an American" (and proud of it)
The Smug Style in American Leftism - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Freddie tries to horn in on Emmett Rensin's racket - one of the less self-aware sentences ever written: "Nor did I get interested in politics for the righteous thrill of lording it over the wrong" (DeBore and the permanent eye-roll)
Curt Schilling Shares A Truly Transcendent Meme On Facebook (DeBoer comment: thinks Hillary was a "chief archetect of the Iraq war" if your mind needed to be boggled even more)
Samantha Power Brought Activism Inside to Sway Obama on Libya - Bloomberg (for the history: Samantha and Susan love invasions and penis-bombs)
Tiger Beatdown WHY TIGER BEATDOWN HAS JOKES ON IT: Turns Out Some Motherfucker Had To Ask Me (Freddie DeBoer)
Hedge Funds and Charter Schools - Lawyers, Guns & Money - This is an excellent report on how hedge fund managers have been behind the charter school movement since the very beginning. Now they are buying school board seats by overwhelming cities with campaign donations that competitors who oppose charter school can't begin to match (who could have predicted and remember when naive Barry thought for-profit charter schools were great?)
Eschaton: Radical - Madison residents and businesses dug out and replaced their lead pipes ... This radical plan cost about $20 million. Why you could build 1/3 of a very non-radical high school football stadium for that! (Republicans hate infrasture to keep you from dying with a passion)
A Good Use of Resources - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Since Texas obviously has the best system of education and most fair social programs in the United States, they have nothing better to spend public funds on. So might as well have a race to the top for high school football stadiums: Massive budget cuts to Texas schools in 2011 are still having ripple effects throughout the school system in the state, but apparently not in McKinney, Texas where a new $62.8 million stadium project passed with 63 percent of the vote on Monday. (educational priorities in TX)
Enforcing high heels in the office is the height of workplace sexism | Women in Leadership | The Guardian - petition over high heels at work shows that we still believe for a woman to look professional she must also be attractive
The struggle to speak up: how women are pushed to de-escalate sexist incidents | World news | The Guardian - Women shoulder the burden of keeping quiet amid harassment and casual misogyny ... don't be a "troublemaker"
Wrongful death suit filed against Colorado marijuana edibles company after man eats pot candy, kills wife |
Did marijuana-laced Karma Kandy Orange Ginger make man hallucinate and shoot wife? | Daily Mail Online - and taken prescription pills before starting to hallucinate
Caitlyn Jenner may 'detransition back to Bruce after suffering from sex change regret claims longtime friend' | Daily Mail Online - according to multiple sources ... told him it is because Jenner is still attracted to women (new reality show: "I am Bruce!)
World's carbon dioxide concentration teetering on the point of no return - Future in which global concentration of CO2 is permanently above 400 parts per million looms
New era of 'super fires' as climate change triggers hotter, drier weather - The Fort McMurray wildfire is nearing the Saskatchewan boundary (tie Marco Rubio to a tree)
Spiralling global temperatures | Climate Lab Book
Rio Olympics could spark 'full blown global health disaster', say Harvard scientists | Health News | Lifestyle | The Independent
- 9/11 judge and prosecutors should step down over 'destroyed evidence' defense demands Move throws case against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed into chaos as defense team says 'fatally flawed' Guantanamo military tribunal should be ended
Judge criticizes Pentagon suppression of thousands of Bush-era torture photos | US news | The Guardian - 12-year lawsuit to disclose military images of detainee abuse, may force further release of photographs
What motivates foreign ISIS fighters? New research has an answer. - Metrocosm - . Rates of ISIS recruitment are highest in highly developed western countries, the ones with cultures you might least associate with radical Islam. The finding is consistent with several other studies that have found overwhelmingly negative views of ISIS in majority-Muslim countries. (alienation and the internets)
US Can't Force-Feed Hunger-Striking Immigrant Detainee Yet, Judge Says - Alaa Ismail Yasin stopped eating on April 17, arguing he qualifies for release from a Georgia detention center.
Is There a UFO Cover-up? A Government Insider Speaks Out (definitely)
Hillary Clinton Is Not the Best Option to Match Up Against Donald Trump - Running against a rodeo clown is always going to be a struggle, but this is different.
Here's the Real Reason Everybody Thought Trump Would Lose - the factor I think everybody missed: The Republican Party turns out to be filled with idiots. Far more of them than anybody expected. (Idiocracy at work but Chait misses toxic masculinity and narcissism)
Exclusive: Trump surges in support, almost even with Clinton in national U.S. poll | Reuters (Triumpf, everybody loves him)
Mitt Romney | Facebook - It is disqualifying for a modern-day presidential nominee to refuse to release tax returns to the voters, especially one who has not been subject to public scrutiny in either military or public service.
Jian Ghomeshi trial: Former CBC radio host signs peace bond, Crown drops sex assault charge - Toronto - CBC News
- Fox News says new tabloid stories on Ed Henry raise "serious questions"
North Carolina school system to allow pepper spray | News & Observer - a policy one board member said may be useful for students who encounter transgender classmates in the bathroom.
NC Official Changes Stance On Pepper Spray In Trans-Friendly School Bathrooms (UPDATE)
Full Frontal's Samantha Bee Details How "Crisis Pregnancy Centers Are An Illusion" And "A Complete Hustle"
- N.C. school board caught up in "bathroom bill" debate after voting to okay pepper spray, mace (perverts lurking in the ladies room all the time)
Today In Highly Principled Libertarianism - Lawyers, Guns & Money : This New York Times profile starts out like a puff piece written by one of the Maoists who edit the Styles and Real Estate sections:
Andrew Carnegie: Tycoon Medievalism - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Carnegie was an awful person who used his philanthropy to justify his own rapacious and murderous behavior. We should be able to see through this today and look at him as some model for the wealthy of the present. (see Truman in comments)
ELI5: If humans have infantile amnesia, how does anything that happens when we are young affect our development? : explainlikeimfive
- We are L.A. Times reporters who spent more than a year investigating the nation's bestselling painkiller, OxyContin. Ask Us Anything.
Here's Everyone Who's Immigrated to the U.S. Since 1820 - Metrocosm
America's Shrinking Middle Class: A Close Look at Changes Within Metropolitan Areas - The middle class lost ground in nearly nine-in-ten U.S. metropolitan areas examined
Is Suburban Sprawl Inherently Family Friendly? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Visualizing Highway Traffic as a Living Circulatory System - Metrocosm
Roads to Rome
Map of Federally Regulated Weapons - Metrocosm (don't mess with Wyoming)
One Family's Government Paranoia Will Cost Taxpayers Millions of Dollars This Year ust scratching the surface of the damage the Bundys have done. (y'all qaeda cowliphate 3% sovcit whiteguntrash toxic maie moochers)
San Francisco Area Deputies Charged Over Videotaped Beating
5 years after Sandusky, Penn State has learned nothing. Zilch. Nada
Texas high school plans for $62.8 million football stadium - A high school in McKinney, Texas has voted in favor of building the most expensive high school stadium in the country.
My Father, Woody Allen, and the Danger of Questions Unasked (Guest Column) - Hollywood Reporter (Woody Allen is the white Bill Cosby)
North Pond Hermit discovered, arrested after 27 years in Maine woods - The Boston Globe
Therapy, not meds, should be first treatment for chronic insomnia, physician group says | MinnPost - The ACP recommends a specific form known as cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, or CBT-I, which helps people change both their beliefs and their behaviors about sleep.
Management of Chronic Insomnia Disorder in Adults: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American College of Physicians | Annals of Internal Medicine
Insomnia treatment: Cognitive behavioral therapy instead of sleeping pills - Mayo Clinic
6 Online Options for Insomnia Therapy - Sleep Review
CBT-I Conquering Insomnia Program
CBT for Insomnia: Techniques & Case Study - National Sleep Foundation
enigma_pop comments on friend from High School became a Gutter Punk. Her friends are pure r/trashy gold.
What websites have you slowly stopped visiting? : AskReddit
Monster Girl Grimoire Demo by MonsterGirlGrimoire
Top Patreon Creators: Best + Popular + Highest Paid + Successful
Amanda Palmer is creating Art | Patreon
CrashCourse - YouTube
SciShow - YouTube
The Fight Over NSA Internet Surveillance is Heating Up Again | Mother Jones (DiFi's hacked into your computer, lookin' at your porn)
Senate Kicks Off Debate Over Reauthorizing Controversial NSA Programs
Hackers Attempt to Hold Capitol Hill Data for Ransom - The House is under attack by hackers hoping to infiltrate congressional computers, encrypt their contents, and then force users to pay a ransom to get their access back.
British Hacker Wins Court Battle Over Encryption Keys
Bangladesh executes top Islamist leader - Bangladesh has executed a top Islamist leader for crimes committed during the war of independence from Pakistan in 1971, the law minister says.
- Decoding Russian criminal tattoos
The Costs of Violence - Noam Chomsky
Bernie Sanders Wins West Virginia's Democratic Primary
Trump expands the battleground to Utah?
Dead heat: Trump, Clinton tied in 3 swing-state polls - POLITICO - lose races in Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio.
GOP Quickly Unifies Around Trump; Clinton Still Has Modest Lead - Public Policy Polling
From playboy to president? Trump's past crude sex talk collides with his White House bid. (what a fucking dickhead)
A depressingly accurate 29-word description of the dismal state of our politics - The Washington Post - What has taken hold is an alternate reality, a virtual reality, where lies are accepted as truth and where conspiracy theories take root in the fertile soil of falsehoods.
- This is the ultimate reality show. It's the presidency of the United States
Trump Headstone in Central Park: Mystery Solved - The New York Times
Is This the End of the Religious Right? - The New York Times - how a religious movement entangled itself in partisan politics and ended up being marginalized by the party it embraced. (the moral majority was neither)
- Trump-ageddon: How Donald Trump is tearing religious conservatives apart
- North Carolina's "bathroom bill" battle embarrasses residents on both sides - The escalating fight over LGBT rights has turned the historically sophisticated, inclusive southern state into a battleground of intolerance (Guardian says those pesky trannies, not the bigoted Repubs are "escalating" the battle!)
The North Carolina Fight Could Be A Watershed Moment For Trans Rights
- North Carolina Republicans brace for 'bathroom bill' blowback - GOP strategists say their party is defined by the controversial law and it will cost them in November. (Republicans stand for bathrooms)
North Carolina at Its Finest - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - North Carolina is great at two things these days. One is rampant labor exploitation. The other is horrendous wingnut state legislators. I wonder if we can combine those issues? Of course we can.
Missouri's racist rape trolls: State GOP introduces horrendous anti-choice bill - complete with an unforgivable affront to rape victims - women of color are a unique threat to their children and need to be policed ("silver lining" to getting raped: you get to raise your rapist's baby with no help from the state that made you do it +Mike Moon racist hand of Satan)
New Utah Law Will Require Abortion Doctors To Lie To Their Patients | ThinkProgress
- Alabama Wants To Shut Down Abortion Clinics If They'e located near schools (clinics are sex-offenders)
Flint mayor diverted water-crisis money to political PAC, suit says - (a Dem, this time)
- California's Kern County settles for $1m over sexual assault by sheriff's deputy (cops charged $200 to rape you)
Arkansas Judge Resigns After Thousands of Nude Photos of Defendants Found - NBC News - nude male defendants.
Ammon Bundy had intended refuge occupation to end up in civil court, lawyers say |
The rise of militias: Patriot candidates are now getting elected in Oregon | US news | The Guardian
- Coalition of wildlife groups write to US Bureau of Land Management asking them to remove Cliven Bundy's cows from Federal land ("our land" says Bundyiots)
Cliven Bundy suing Obama, Nevada officials | TheHill
'I wasn't voted in here by the unions': Sheriff Dan Staton faces pressure to resign |
Scientific basis for laws on marijuana, driving flawed, safety foundation says | - not possible to set a blood-test threshold for THC, the chemical in marijuana that makes people high, that can reliably determine impairment. Yet the laws in five of the six states automatically presume a driver guilty if that person tests higher than the limit ...
- Probiotic goods a waste of money
Uber's $100m driver payout could have been $852m - Some Uber drivers in Massachusetts and California are feeling short-changed
Bartenders can't Refuse Pregnant Women Alcohol, New York City Says - At least 18 states have laws that regard the use of intoxicants by pregnant women as child abuse
Jessa Crispin - We're not allowed to say the Paris Review is boring - The editor of Bookslut, which shut down last week
Medical professionals - what is the most overtly self-inflicted sexual injury you've encountered, that your patient attempted to pass off as completely innocently obtained? : AskReddit
What do you *NEVER* fuck with? : AskReddit
After the Pacific Ocean swallows villages and five Solomon Islands, a study blames climate change - The Washington Post
A Year of Volcanic Activity - The Atlantic
Panama paper trail goes online with massive searchable database - CNET
Panama Papers include dozens of Americans tied to financial frauds - The Washington Post
Israel seizes Palestinian family's land by secretly altering documents : worldnews
David Patraeus, Who Leaked Classified Info To His Mistress, Says Snowden Should Be Prosecuted | Techdirt
Military Times survey: Troops prefer Trump to Clinton by a huge margin
No, The Party System Will Not Crack Up - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The Nation continues in this most befuddling trend of the 2016 election, seriously wondering if the 2-party system as we currently know it is about to fall apart. The answer is clearly no ... the Democratic Party has never been less constrained by conservatives than in the present
Trump calls for end to federal minimum wage as views shift | US news | The Guardian
North Carolina To Sue Justice Dept. Over Challenge To Bathroom Law
Men who can tell a good story are seen as more attractive and higher status : science
The day we discovered our parents were Russian spies | World news | The Guardian
What is our solar systems orientation as we travel around the Milky Way? Are other solar systems the same? : askscience
15yo discovers an hidden maya city by analyzing Mayan constellations : worldnews
What's the worst HOA (Homeowner Association) rule you have had to deal with or seen? : AskReddit
What's a perk of your gender that you think most people of the opposite sex haven't thought about? : AskReddit
Intel's strategic overhaul: what's in, and what's out |
- Alberta wildfire explodes across forests: 'in no way is this fire under control'
Helicopter flyover shows scale of destruction in Fort McMurray - YouTube
Canada's Wildfire Evacuees Warned They Will Not Return Home For Months - The inferno looks set to become the costliest natural disaster in Canada's history (this is how it starts)
US takes tougher tone on Israeli settlements in new report - in this case will align itself closer to the positions of the European Union, Russia and the United Nations (ie, the rest of the world)
Panama Papers Source Wants Whistleblower Immunity to Aid Law Enforcement
TIL that in the arab world 45% of married couples are related, and that this has led to very high rates of genetic problems. : todayilearned
Elizabeth Warren Unleashes A Tweetstorm At 'Weak' Donald Trump
Benghazi Committee Turns 2 Years Old, But Still Isn't Done -- It's cost $20 million, and all we know is Hillary Clinton used her own email server.
The Republican Party is dead - LA Times
Donald Trump breaks the GOP - politico - The presumptive nominee talks of unity, but the divide between Republican voters and party elite looks unbridgeable.
GOP's electoral-map problem is not about Trump. It's about demographics
This brutal new ad shows the shredding machine that awaits Trump - The Washington Post
- McCain calls on Donald Trump to retract POW criticisms - Sarah Palin said she would campaign against Paul Ryan (and open to being Trump's veep!)
Come Back HA!, All Is Forgiven - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Salon says don't vote, it's a tweedledee and dum situation with "no substantive difference" between Hillary and Trump)
Empire of Cotton: Clothes of the Dead White Man - Lawyers, Guns & Money : the exploitation of cotton upon the peoples of the world as not only central to the development of capitalism but also closely connected to how the growth and production of cotton continues to exploit people today - "clothes of the dead white man"
Arizona Lawmakers Call On Oregon Governor To Investigate Finicum Murder | Arizona Daily Independent - Arizona State Representative Bob Thorpe (sovcit commenters out if force)
LaVoy Finicum; One Cowboy's Witness #LibertyRising Public Group | Facebook - Michael Emry Arrest Talking with Professor Doom and Vicky Davis (sovcit/homeschool radio)
Who are the REAL victims in North Carolina? : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The people who just want to be left alone to discriminate against people in peace, of course. - protecting people's privacy by interfering with their ability to pee is exactly the sort of bonkers bullshit one expects from Republicans, who view restrictions on their ability to harm various groups of people as dreadfully unfair and will yell about government overreach even as they hold out their scabby little mitts for federal cash.
- How to use a urinal like a lady: a trans woman's rebel tour of North Carolina
Austin: Proposition 1, a ride-hailing ordinance supported by Uber and Lyft was defeated Saturday. (over fingerprints and who runs your democracy)
Uber and Lyft to leave Austin after failed vote : news
Is he nation's math instruction in crisis?
People who got divorced after 20+ years together, what was the reason? : AskReddit
Sumner Redstone Trial Roils CBS, Viacom - The entertainment is gripped by the trial, as Redstone has majority control of media companies Viacom and CBS.
Exclusive: New Photos Show Bush's Response To 9/11 Attacks | FRONTLINE | PBS
Saudi King Shakes Up Government as Economic Plan Moves Forward - The New York Times - King Salman of Saudi Arabia on Saturday replaced a number of top ministers and restructured government bodies in a shake-up that paved the way for significant changes in how the state is run.
Eschaton: Number 10 - The racist smear campaign against Khan didn't just come from Goldsmith. It came from Cameron, too.
Obama Defines Blackness - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Black skin "means we cannot sleepwalk through life, we cannot be ignorant of history. We can't meet the world with a sense of entitlement."
If These Guys Don't Convince You Judge Garland Is 'Superbly Qualified,' No One Will - A bipartisan group of solicitors general lavished praise on President Obama's Supreme Court pick
Social Security Administration Seeks Shortcut Through Massive Disability Backlog - Some worry the new policy could cause claimants to miss out on a fair hearing.
Why Hillary Clinton Is Uniquely Suited To Take On Donald Trump - The king of branding is going to have a hard time changing voters in Eugene | (commenters not fond of Drumpfster)
- Republican Party Unravels Over Donald Trump - what had seemed unimaginable: a hostile takeover - Rarely if ever has a party seemed to come apart so visibly. Rarely, too, has the nation been so on edge about its politics (make America white again)
Beyond Schadenfreude, the Spectacular Pundit Failure on Trump Is Worth Remembering
In Trump, the GOP has a foul problem on its hands - The Washington Post (couldn't happen to a fouler party)
- I Cannot Belong to the Party of Trump
Few stand in Trump's way as he piles up the Four-Pinocchio whoppers
All of Donald Trump's Four-Pinocchio ratings, in one place
Geraldo Rivera: Trump's Not Racist, 'Celebrity Apprentice' Was A Blast!
- Donald Trump will win in a landslide - The mind behind "Dibert" explains why (Scott Adams will explain his idiocy in November)
Alabama's top judge is suspended, and may lose job, after blocking gay marriage (Roy Moore, nut and two-time loser)
Ivy League economist ethnically profiled, interrogated for doing math on American Airlines flight - The Washington Post - Instead this quick-thinking traveler had Seen Something, and so she had Said Something. (she thought math was Arabic)
What Makes Texas Texas - The New York Times - People in this rapidly changing state believe their way of life is under attack, and they are making a kind of last stand by simply being Texan. (old bitter white guys)
Child Labor in Tobacco - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The tobacco companies persist in employing children to harvest tobacco. Not in Malawi and China. In Virginia and North Carolina. (oh, those pesky gubmint regulations)
In Queens, a Tyrant: Child Labor Trafficking in a New York Borough | Human Rights First - Sook Yeong Park, the 42-year-old woman who allegedly held these children hostage for six years, now faces multiple charges, including labor trafficking
Common Core Problems - Lawyers, Guns & Money : But do you think a corporation wants to employ a bunch of humans to do this grading? Of course not. So how are they grading writing? Through computer program. But computers are a terrible way to evaluate writing. - the standards are largely terrible, corporate, and designed not for students but to serve an ideological and financial agenda. (another one of Barry's bright ideas)
Sandusky Case Bombshell: Did 6 Penn State Coaches Witness Abuse? - NBC News (we love our children enough to be fucking liars for years)
Report: Sandusky victim says Joe Paterno tried to quash sexual abuse accusation - The Washington Post (sportsball heros)
Did Paterno Know In 1971? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Happy Valley)
Tweets About Gang Rape Roil 2 Atlanta Colleges and Spur a Mystery - The New York Times - Morehouse College
FBI Arrests Man Linked To Refuge Occupation On Weapons Charges . News | OPB - Michael Emry of Boise, Idaho was in Harney County throughout the armed occupation
Malheur Refuge standoff: The ranchers' story - Armed occupiers held the federally-owned Malheur Refuge for 41 days
The Dumb and the Restless | Rolling Stone - Ammon Bundy and his band of weeping, self-pitying, gun-toting, wannabe-terrorist metrosexuals are America's most ridiculous people (1/7/16, Taibbi pegged them early)
HBO Documentaries Requiem for the Dead American Spring - YouTube
Men Who Don't Wear Wedding Bands -- and Why (you can guess)
The Bliss of Grandmother Hormones - The New York Times (no science)
Blac Chyna's Pregnancy Causes Chaos For Kardashian Family Tree - And you thought your family was complicated.
3 Surprising Things That Increase Your Dementia Risk
Methylcobalamin vs Cyanocobalamin | Methylcobalamin Info - So why do pharmaceutical companies use cyanocobalamin in the first place? Why does it ever appear in multivitamins, and why do so few people know about the better alternative? The answer is predictably disappointing: money.
Six maps that will make you rethink the world - The Washington Post - Parag Khanna, a global strategist
- Just How Much Power Do Your Electronics Use When They Are 'Off?' (Apple is killing America)
- The real reasons you procrastinate -- and how to stop - If your job is to eat a frog, eat it first thing in the morning, and if your job is to eat two frogs, eat the big one first (Q2: delegate to future you)
Companies are betting on a new way to protect your identity: the selfie. - The Washington Post
Fort McMurray wildfire evacuees head south in mass road convoy | World news | The Guardian - Helicopter leads initial convoy of 400 vehicles through Fort McMurray as airlifts from work camps continue
- Fort McMurray evacuees describe terror of Alberta wildfires
San Diego to run 100 percent on renewable energy by 2035 - Solar Crunch
Panama Papers: US launches crackdown on international tax evasion | News | The Guardian - Barack Obama is taking executive action to close loopholes used by foreigners in US, White House announces
A First Lady and a Jailed Journalist - The New York Times - Ms. Ismayilova was convicted in an unfair trial and sentenced to more than seven years in prison after uncovering information about the secretive financial holdings of President Ilham Aliyev and his family
Whatever Happened to the Turkish Model? (Erdogan was always a model of authoritarian corruption in the name of religion)
Elections: Labour's Sadiq Khan elected London mayor - BBC News - The result bolsters leader Jeremy Corbyn after Labour were beaten into third in Scotland by the Tories and lost some English councillors. (no more BoJo)
The Word - Video Collection | Comedy Central Official Site |
Truth and Trumpism - The New York Times - First, and least harmful, will be the urge to make the election seem closer than it is, if only because a close race makes a better story - The news media should do all it can to resist false equivalence and centrification, and report what's really going on
Donald Trump's Idea to Cut National Debt: Get Creditors to Accept Less (the Argentina model -- what a deal)
News from The Associated Press - after Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus declared his support for Donald Trump and Trump bashed House Speaker Paul Ryan for not falling in line.
The City of Colorado Springs, which has sentenced hundreds of poor people to debtors prison, has agreed to not only end the unconstitutional practice of converting court fines to jail time, but to also to pay back those who were wrongfully jailed. : news
Record 110,000 change voter registrations in time for Oregon primary | - the biggest chunk, about 84,800, went to Democrats.
Restoring Bathroom Sanity in North Carolina - The New York Times - The state law peddles the malicious idea that transgender people are sexual predators and that allowing people to use a bathroom that reflects their gender identity violates the rights of others. (NC entitled to their big governement federal money to discriminate)
Transgender at school: As more teachers come out, districts struggle to put policy into practice |
Oregon lays out sweeping protections for transgender students |
Illinois district must give full locker room access to transgender student -
Caitlyn Jenner Meets Her Critics - Video - (Trump will let her use his bathrooms, so all is ok)
K-12 Achievement
NEA - Rankings of the States 2014 and Estimates of School Statistics 2015
94,000 Oregon students chronically absent from class |
Oregon ranks low in education; flat test scores, low funding, growing disparities to blame |
- Parents livid about charter company pulling out of North Philly school unexpectedly ... Scholar Academies ... The charter management organization had taken over the North Philadelphia school in 2013 through the Renaissance process, signing a contract that lasts through 2018. (for-profit schools, great idea, Obama thought so)
Should Prostitution Be a Crime? - The New York Times - A growing movement of sex workers and activists is making the decriminalization of sex work a feminist issue. (men love locking up women for any reason)
Court Opinion Reveals Joe Paterno Reportedly Knew Of Jerry Sandusky Molesting Children As Early As 1976
Why You Can't Lost Weight on a Diet
I just lost 100 pounds. Here's why almost nobody else will!
Bee Wilson - First Bite: How We Learn to Eat
- How Do We Get To Love At 'First Bite?' - Sapere movement
New study: no increase in brain cancer across 29 years of mobile use in Australia
Bipolar disorder has genetic links to autism, study shows Science Bulletin - here may be an overlap between rare genetic variations linked to bipolar disorder (BD) and those implicated in schizophrenia and autism.
Starry Nights in the Canary Islands - The New York Times
Check your freezers: Massive recall of frozen fruits and veggies expands after Listeria outbreak - The Washington Post
What's something all grown women should know about men ? : AskReddit
You're in the CIA and you suspect a fellow agent to be a spy. They're 25-35 and speak perfect English. What question do you ask to determine whether they grew up in the US? : AskReddit
- What will be the "turns out cigarettes are bad for us" of our generation? (interesting)
- Digital privacy advocates should be terrified of a Clinton presidency.
Hotspot called Mobile Detonation Device delays flight
Hellish Heat Could Spark 'Climate Exodus' In Africa And Middle East - A study predicts climate change will cause sweltering temperatures and extreme dust storms that will leave the region uninhabitable.
Climate Refugees
Dashcam footage from a truck escaping the fires in Fort McMurray. Terrifying stuff. : WTF
ljubavi_moja_uLVNV - YouTube - Fort McMurray Fire vids
It's raining fire in Fort McMurray as citizens are trying to flee the wildfire : gifs
Broke into the owners house to grab these 3 guys to get them out of mandatory evacuation zone in Fort Mcmurray : aww
Nothing short of terrifying - Alberta wildfires grow eight times in size - Unseasonably hot temperatures, extremely dry conditions and winds of up to 70km/h helped fuel the fire (300' high flames)
Wildfire in Alberta, Canada Tar Sands Region - 80,000 Evacuated - A few thoughts on the situation in Canada right now.
- The second-most widely used pesticide in the United States, already banned in Europe, was found to cause reproductive harm to mammals and birds in real-world scenarios according to the new EPA assessment. The assessment was posted on the EPA's website on Friday but has since been removed. (no liberal science for you)
EPA Finds Atrazine Likely Harming Most Species of Plants, Animals in U.S. - EPA Finds Atrazine Likely Harming Most Species of Plants, Animals in U.S.
After presiding over bin Laden raid, CIA chief in Pakistan came home suspecting he was poisoned by ISI - The Washington Post
Most of Greek bailout money went to banks: study | Business | DW.COM | 04.05.2016 - Only 5 percent of international bailout money for Greece was used to kickstart the country's languid economy, a new study has found. The rest was used to pay back private creditors, many of which were banks. (completely unexpected, shocking news, needs more austerity!)
Israeli Man Files Restraining Order Against God - The plaintiff just wants God to stop interfering in his life.
Police Used Stingray in Hunt for $50 Chicken Wing Thief : news
Bernie Sanders, Superdelegates, and the Democratic Primary - Outsiders Purposely Shut Out of Process
It's Time For Republicans To Answer For Their Standard-Bearer
- Stupidity, celebrity, plutocracy - Donald Trump is the Reagan revolution on steroids - their movement that celebrated ignorance
Donald Trump has one core philosophy: misogyny - Then he jams his penis inside her for the first time in more than sixteen months. Ivana is terrified It is a violent assault. "He raped me."
Donald Trump's Latest Abortion Comments Will Make Your Head Spin - an unbelievable academic answer.
Bush 41, 43 Have No Plans to Endorse Trump | The Texas Tribune
Paul Ryan Says He Is 'Not Ready' To Endorse Donald Trump Yet
John McCain Worries Donald Trump May Hurt His Re-Election Prospects - The Hispanic community is roused and angry in a way that I've never seen in 30 years
Progressive Groups Ratchet Up Pressure On Google To Dump The GOP Convention
- Why must the Trump alternative be self-satisfied, complacent Democrats? (What's the matter with Thomas Frank?)
North Carolina Bathroom Law - State Could Lose Federal Education Funding - This week in the laboratories of democracy. (didn't you mean lavoratories?)
- North Carolina says it will defy feds over LGBT bathroom bill - "we're not going to get bullied"
Book Review: Sven Beckert, Empire of Cotton: A Global History - Lawyers, Guns & Money - war capitalism
How An Accused San Francisco Cop's Rape Case Blew The Lid On A Racism Text Scandal (racist Asians)
Oregon standoff defendant Sean Anderson apologizes for inflammatory video messages from refuge |
Children fled with Kansas moms's guns while she showered, testimony says (Odalia Sharp, pooptriot child abuser)
Report: Joe Paterno allegedly told of Jerry Sandusky sex abuse in 1976 (lying fuckers)
Baby Boxes: pro-life campaigners bring the 'abortion alternative' to America | World news | The Guardian
Woody Allen Is Creepy AF About His Marriage To Soon-Yi In New Interview
Tow Truck Driver Leaves Woman With Disabilities On Side Of Highway Because She Supports Bernie Sanders (religious freedom to be stupid and an asshole)
Book Discussion Read | Video | - How to Read and Why Harold Bloom
The More You Comment Online, The Dumber Your Comments Become - Science explains why trolls are the worst.
Cumulus is your new favorite surveillance-fueled dystopian novel : books
[Serious] [NSFW] What is the story of/behind the worst date you've ever been on? : AskReddit
Scientists say sudden oak death epidemic is no longer stoppable. : science - a fungal pathogen (state failed to act, bye-bye oak trees)
The Pirate Party - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Fascinating political events in Iceland, where the conservative prime minister had to step down because of revelations in the Panama Papers about his tax avoidance
Doubts rise over TTIP as France threatens to block EU-US deal | Business | The Guardian - French president rejects trade pact in current form as lead negotiator blames Washington for impasse a day after leak (the full depth of Obama's evil has yet to be revealed)
More Carnage in Syria - The New York Times - a civil war that has reportedly killed up to 470,000 people over five years
An Army Captain Takes Obama to Court Over ISIS Fight - The New York Times - A 28-year-old Army officer on Wednesday sued President Obama over the legality of the war against the Islamic State, setting up a test of Mr. Obama's disputed claim that he needs no new legal authority from Congress to order the military to wage that deepening mission.
Eschaton: I See The WaPo Editorial Board Still Owns No Mirrors: "The White House's' Iraqi Delusion" (some many terrible human beings but WaPo is right up there)
Federal judge opens the door to Clinton deposition in email case | TheHill - as part of a review into her use of a private email server while secretary of State.
It's Trump's Party Now - trek into the darkness took a fateful step in Indiana on Tuesday - : To stamp what they still like to call the party of Lincoln with the brand of Donald Trump.
The Great Trump Reshuffle - The New York Times - A general election that pits Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump will produce a decisively more affluent and better educated Democratic presidential electorate and a decidedly less affluent and less educated Republican one than in any previous election going back as far as 1976. (racism election)
At the starting gate: Clinton leads Trump by double-digits -
When #NeverTrump Becomes #ImWithHer - The Daily Beast
Turns Out Some Republicans Would Rather Disown Their Party Than Vote For Donald Trump
Donald Trump's absolutely remarkable 323-day odyssey to the Republican presidential nomination
Eschaton: All Hail Trump - The entire commentariat is going to feel a little silly when Marco Rubio wins every Republican primary. - Ross Douthat 9/15 (useless idiot)
Beyond Schadenfreude, the Spectacular Pundit Failure on Trump Is Worth Remembering
The Defeat of True Conservatism - The New York Times - Ross Douthat ("true conservatism:" Reagan, Goldwater, founding fathers in three easy steps)
My Gut: Trump Beats Hillary in Landslide - The Rush Limbaugh Show (and that IS a large gut)
RIP, GOP: Donald Trump has shattered the Republican party. - The Boston Globe
The GOP is Not Dead - Lawyers, Guns & Money
There Is No Perfect Way to Design Institutions - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
Kasich drops out of presidential race - politico
US Justice Department: HB2 violates federal Civil Rights Act | The Charlotte Observer - Ruling could ultimately lead to the loss of millions in federal education money
Sweeping protections for transgender students welcomed in Chicago | Society | The Guardian
Muslim women kicked out of California restaurant sue for discrimination | World news | The Guardian - Seven women allege they were told to leave Urth Caffe in Laguna Beach for wearing headscarves but business claims they violated limited seating policy
ACLU Lawsuit: Man Wrongly Arrested, Jailed For Recording Police + CBS Pittsburgh - A Pennsylvania man was wrongly arrested, given a rough ride in a police car and jailed for hours after posting a Facebook video he recorded when a police officer responded to a parking dispute at his home, according to a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday. (asshole cop Officer Joshua Wilford and authoritarian asshole DA Scott Andreassi now famous for being assholes - taxpayers will pay but the internets will remember, censor this, fuckers +more cops who didn't get the memo)
Patton Oswalt's tribute to his wife, Michelle McNamara. : television
NSFW: Woman Confronts Man for Using Food Stamps at Walmart : news (in Walmart. where all the employees are on food stamps)
- As Flint was slowly poisoned, Snyder's inner circle failed to act (well, they "acted" in the first place - send the fuckers to prison)
FBI: Man sprayed mouse poison mixture on Ann Arbor grocery store produce; suspect in custody | - Officials believe the suspect used a liquid combination of an alcohol-based hand-sanitizer, water and Tomcat mouse poison to contaminate produce in three Ann Arbor grocery stores in the last two weeks. (comment: "Who does he think he is, Monsanto?")
No known sicknesses from mouse-poison mixture in Ann Arbor, health department says |
So, something interesting happens to weed after it's legal - Legalized marijuana is getting very cheap very quickly.
Recreational marijuana shoppers can buy marijuana edibles and extracts starting June 2 | - Oregon continues its early roll out of recreational marijuana sales next month by allowing people to buy pot-infused edibles and extracts.
What our gut tells us about the hygiene hypothesis - exposure to pathogens early in life is actually beneficial to the education and development of the human immune system and that the sanitary conditions in "westernized" countries ironically hamper our natural immunity. (let your kid play in the dirt)
Long-time Iowa farm cartoonist fired after creating this cartoon : news
Defense lawyers signal push for change of venue, wider jury pool in federal conspiracy case |
Long-time Iowa farm cartoonist fired after creating this cartoon | Local News - KCCI Home (local comments: farmers have fucked themselves by voting Republican)
This Number is Illegal : videos (yes, big content ordered your government to outlaw a number and throw you in prison if you use it)
Jenny Diski, Author Who Wrote of Madness and Isolation, Dies at 68 - The New York Times
What was the biggest fuck up in history? : AskReddit - slavery was not allowed under British law, where it was allowed under Boer (Dutch in South Africa) law.
Iamnotburgerking comments on [Dino Art] Mortal Combat ~ Herschel Hoffmeyer (dinosaurs fighting each other)
Ed Henry to take time off after tabloid affair report, Fox News says - The Washington Post - after a tabloid reported that the 44-year-old married newsman was having an affair with a Las Vegas hostess - Henry is married to NPR Deputy Washington Editor Shirley Hung.
Caitlyn Jenner to Pose Naked for 'Sports Illustrated' Cover - Us Weekly - Donald Trump, 69, permitted her to use the bathroom of her choice at his properties.
60 Free Literature Courses from Universities : books
Hacker collects 272m email addresses and passwords, some from Gmail | Technology | The Guardian - A security firm announced that it had persuaded a fraudster to give the database of email addresses along with passwords consumers use to log in to websites
Nine years of censorship- Canadian scientists are now allowed to speak out about their work -- and the government policy that had restricted communications. (conservatives hate facts)
- Zika Virus Birth Defects May Be Tip of the Iceberg
All of Fort McMurray ordered to flee wildfire in the largest fire evacuation in Alberta's history
Snowden: Inside the Assassination Complex -- Whistleblowing Is Not Just Leaking It's an Act of Political Resistance
Edward Snowden - Governments can reduce our dignity to that of tagged animals
WhatsApp, Used by 100 Million Brazilians, Was Shut Down Nationwide Today by a Single Judge : technology
Over 100 Killed In Migrant Shipwrecks Between Libya And Italy Over Weekend - The more dangerous crossing to Europe has become increasingly popular after Europe closed its land borders and sent people back from Greece.
- U.S. Military Attributes Doctors Without Borders Hospital Bombing to "Fog of War" (in their heads)
Bernie Sanders pulls off shock victory in Indiana Democratic primary | US news | The Guardian - Despite trailing behind Hillary Clinton in polls, Sanders once again proved his appeal to disaffected midwest voters by pulling off his 18th victory of 2016
Donald Trump Just Won Indiana -- And The Republican Nomination
Ted Cruz drops presidential bid -
Donald Trump and the GOP's crisis - Business Insider
Trump Has Won and the Republican Party Is Broken -- NYMag (it's been broken for 8 years, Jon)
- This fake fact is the basis for a fake narrative, crystallized in a Maureen Dowd column over the weekend christening "Donald the Dove"
- Trump bizarrely links Cruz's father to JFK assassin; Cruz goes ballistic ("pathological liar")
World Press Freedom Day Is A Terrifying Reminder Of What Reporters Could Face If Trump Is Elected - "lying, disgusting people" and vowed to make it easier to sue news organizations. (and maybe just shoot them like N Korea or chop of their heads like SA)
Morning Spin: Emanuel got free sports tickets, travel perks from wealthy friends - Chicago Tribune - 60 percent of Emanuel's top circle of 103 elite donors had benefited from his city government, receiving contracts, zoning changes, business permits, pension work, board appointments, regulatory help or some other tangible benefit ... (one rich guy got) ... contracts worth more than $39 million
New Report Details Devastating Effects Of Mass Incarceration On The U.S. - The White House reviews the many ways in which our criminal justice system is failing (well, if your goal is locking up non-whites and feeding the prison industry, then success!)
'Family' Group Says It's Now Sending Men Into Target's Women's Restrooms - The American Family Association says it's "testing" the stores - "In order to prove that this law will result in men hanging out in womens' public bathrooms, we're sending men into womens' public bathrooms" (a long as they wear a dress and stilletos)
Faculty can carry handguns on public college campuses under controversial new Tennessee law - The Washington Post (they need them to shoot the toddlers with guns)
Georgia governor will veto bill allowing concealed carry on college campuses | US news | The Guardian - Rejection of gun proposal comes weeks after the Republican governor, Nathan Deal, vetoed a bill shielding opponents of same-sex marriage
Yale and Calhoun - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Yale University, an institution that won't revoke an honorary degree even if the recipient is later shown to be a mass murderer, not surprisingly refuses to rename Calhoun College, named for the architect of secession himself (institutionalized racism on display)
Airline Profits Soar To Jaw-Dropping Record In 2015 - Holy baggage fees. (yay, capitalism)
Novel model illustrates the finer details of nuclear fission
Judge orders release of refuge holdout Sean Anderson despite inflammatory videos |
Leader of Oregon refuge singers arrested for assault; 7 children in state custody | - The matriarch of the Sharp Family Singers who performed at militant confrontations in Nevada and Oregon has been charged with assaulting police officers in Kansas and has lost seven children to state custody.
Warrant: Slain Pregnant Texas Teen Found With Uterus Removed : news
- The Naked and the TED - The new pamphlet by Parag and Ayesha Khanna, the techno-babbling power couple
And Yet Khanna Persists... - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Shingy Just Spent 20 Minutes Yelling Insane Gibberish on a Stage
Netflix Original: W/ Bob & David - episode 3 - "Shangy" - YouTube
How the rise of everything-as-a-service will drive IoT pay-as-you-go economy - Computer Business Review - thinganomical principal is, sensor-enable the products that you sell, extract the data from the channel and then sell them as analytics services
Evgeny Morozov on Twitter: "That famous saying should actually read: "Neoliberalism interprets sovereignty as damage and routes around it.""
Hope for Reversing Type 2 Diabetes - The New York Times - drastic changes in diet may reverse the disease in some people.
Type 1 Diabetes: Final Piece of the Puzzle Discovered - Scientists successfully revealed a complete picture of the areas which are attacked by the immune system and cause the type 1 diabetes
Sleepwalkers, what is the strangest incident of you wandering around? : AskReddit
What was your most memorable dream? : AskReddit
If you could sum up your current situation right now into a TL;DR, how would it read? : AskReddit
[Serious] Which is a fool-proof way to flirt with a girl? : AskReddit
Parents who have checked their child's internet history, what is the weirdest or most fucked-up thing you found on it? : AskReddit
Instagram hacked by 10-year-old boy - BBC News - A 10-year-old boy Finnish boy named Jani has been given $10,000 (#7,000) after he found a security flaw in image-sharing social network Instagram.
lordvadr comments on How do ISPs and modems actually obtain the right signal off of a phone/cable/optical fiber/whatever line?
Why Bill Gates' Math Error About Climate Change Matters | ThinkProgress (superrich technobro thinks "supply-side" innovations best option rather than "demand-side" carbon-tax, didn't major in math, oblivious to consequneces)
CIA Director: Missing 9/11 Report Pages Contain 'Inaccurate' Information - that could be used to tie Saudi Arabia to the 9/11 terror attacks. (unthinkable)
- Saudi Arabia labels reports of divestment from US assets 'rediculous' But foreign minister warns proposed law that would allow families of 9/11 victims to sue foreign governments would erode global investor confidence in US
Iceland president - wife linked to offshore tax havens in leaked files - HSBC files appear to show that Dorrit Moussaieff had links to offshore companies and trusts registered outside UK - A spokesman says the president has never had any knowledge of his wife's financial affairs (a common defense)
Iceland president's wife linked to offshore tax havens in leaked files | News
Turbulent Politics in Baghdad - The New York Times
After the leaks today showing just what it really stands for, this could be the end for TTIP | Voices | The Independent - The documents show that US corporations will be granted unprecedented powers over any new public health or safety regulations to be introduced in future. If any European government does dare to bring in laws to raise social or environmental standards, TTIP will grant US investors the right to sue for loss of profits (why Obama didn't want you to know anything about this)
Feinstein-Burr: The Bill That Bans Your Browser | Just Security (DiFi fucking up the internets again)
Catching a Flight? Budget Hours, Not Minutes, for Security - The New York Times
America, unrepentant still - The Boston Globe - New York Times recalled its story of Berrigan's 80th birthday in 2001, entitled "A Jesuit Lion Of Protest Turns 80, Unrepentant" (NYT thought Berrigan should "repent" for opposing Vietnam War)
New York Times' New Myth Is That Hillary Clinton Is More Hawkish Than Donald Trump (MoDo is stupid)
Bernie Sanders Promises A Contested Democratic Convention - The senator from Vermont is trying to convince superdelegates to switch from Hillary Clinton to him.
Whose Fault Is Donald Trump?
Jeb Bush Couldn't 'Fix It.' There's A Simple Reason Why. ("Bush")
"You suck! says 12-year old - Cruz to young heckler: You'd get spanked in my house (doesn't believe in the science about spanking turning kids into hyper-aggressive bullies)
Heidi Cruz Responds To Accusation Her Husband Is The Zodiac Killer (more plot wrinkles)
Donald Trump Campaigns in Indiana - Does He Understand the Forces That Have Powered His Rise? - "If I win, it's a mandate. It's a mandate for genius" (in the genius state)
America Has Never Been So Ripe for Tyranny -- NYMag - Democracies end when they are too democratic. And right now, America is a breeding ground for tyranny ... Trump is an extinction-level event (Sully goes all long form and invokes Plato to shift blame from old white Republican men like himself)
Pro Forma - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Andrew "Bell Curve" Sullivan - That's not the only thing that gets tugged during the very, very, very dense article about how mean, pushy liberals made white people flock to Trump in droves and now America is going to be destroyed.
Vote Suppression Laws Work - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Whatever disarray the Republican Party might be in at the national level, Republican statehouses are able to pass policy initiatives that quickly fulfill their goals: Thirty-three states now have ID laws, at least 17 of them -- including Texas -- equiring not just written proof of identity, but requiring or requesting a photograph as well. (Andrew Sullivan's hyper-democracy at work)
Jesse Watters On Ambushing Me: Bill O'Reilly 'Told Me To Get Her' - In 2009, Watters followed and harassed me while I was on vacation.
Toddlers have shot at least 23 people this year - The Washington Post (need more good toddlers with guns to stop the bad toddlers with guns)
Incidents of toddlers shooting others or themselves increasing, data shows | US news | The Guardian (guns everywhere, what could go wrong?)
- Signing a college loan shouldn't be a high school rite of passage (BoGlo thinks solution to runway tuition and administrator salaries is everyone should go to trade school unless you're rich)
Refuge takeover a casual topic at Harney County branding |
A Sting in the Desert - Los Angeles Times
Sexual harassment training may have reverse effect, research suggests | US news | The Guardian - cartoonish, unrealistic examples could be partially to blame for men's subsequent dismissal of allegations (train them not to be so obvious)
How Right-Wing Transgender Fearmongering Hurts People - Lawyers, Guns & Money : A year in prison and a $5000 fine for using the restroom. I am nearly speechless. I imagine such a bill will have real support in the Indiana legislature as well.
Man follows woman into restroom after mistaking her for a man |
- Confused by All the New Facebook Genders?
How the trans bathroom myth makes life difficult for trans women.
Your standard "I'm not really a woman" Jerry Springer clip, but with a twist. : television
6 Women Disappeared In A Small Town, And After 2 Years The Mystery Only Deepens. - Chillicothe, Ohio
Woman Files $5 Million Lawsuit Against Starbucks For Putting Too Much Ice In Her Drinks - Stacy Pincus accuses the coffee chain of fraud, negligent misrepresentation and unjust enrichment.
Runner's high: the athletes who use marijuana to improve their training - there are hints the drug and long-distance running could go hand-in-hand
Runner's high Comment (THC:CBD)
Marijuana delivery services flourish, with scant oversight - The Boston Globe
After the Biggest Loser - Their Bodies Fought to Regain Weight
- Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after "The Biggest Loser" competion
Study of Biggest Loser contestants finds that body returns to original or greater weight after diet due to slower resting metabolism and lowered leptin levels : science
The Fat Trap - The New York Times
Documentary - Why Are Thin People Not Fat ? - Horizon, 2008-2009 Episode 7 of 17
Minnesota Starvation Experiment - Starving Effects - the Minnesota Starvation Experiment
The Minnesota starvation experiment - BBC News
- Long-Term Persistence of Hormonal Adaptations to Weight Loss
How to Lose Weight: 9 Strategies to Try - The New York Times
The Cure For Fear | New Republic - propranolol, a beta blocker (one pill cure for PTSD)
Astronomers Find 3 'Temperate' Planets That May Support Life - The Earth-like planets are the first ones found orbiting an ultracool dwarf star.
Fire on the Roll!! : WTF
Today In the American Meritocracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Yahoo (YHOO) just disclosed the size of its executive pay packages and Marissa Mayer stands to make millions coming or going.
- tech CEO bullies low-income vendors by his home - The comments mark the latest example of a male tech CEO making aggressive, insensitive and tone-deaf remarks about people less fortunate than them (technodicks)
Mysterious Creator Of Bitcoin Finally Revealed, BBC Says - Craig Wright
Scientists find more reasons that Greenland will melt faster - The Washington Post
Who Rejects the Science Behind Climate Change? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Why, it's old white men! Younger people accept climate science at rates far higher than older people and both African-Americans and Latinos at rates far higher than whites - The unique views of conservative white males contribute significantly to the high level of climate change denial in the United States (thanks, stupid old white guys)
Scientists say oilfield wastewater spills release toxins - CBS News (remember when they said it was perfectly safe)
There will be pandemonium: The end of the old oil order has already begun - - Failed negotiations in Doha are just a sign of things to come. Big Oil has collapsed and is unlikely to recover (peak demand for oil and Saudi-Iran proxy war and SA's fundamentalism coming back to haunt them and power shifts)
- Digital privacy advocates should be terrified of a Clinton presidency. On Dec. 19, 2015, Hillary Clinton said she wanted a "Manhattan-like project" to break encryption (privacy for her, but not for you +clueless and stupid)
Snowden: Without encryption, everything stops | TheHill
- Venezuela nearing total collapse
Anarkhon comments on Looting intensifies in Venezuela - only 15 days worth of food remains
Report: Germany considering stopping 'unconditional support' of Israel - Ynetnews - senior officials in the German government believe Netanyahu is 'instrumentalizing' Berlin's friendship, while the magazine quotes Merkel as saying she understands 'why President Abbas continually seeks out the Security Council.' The Chancellery has also reportedly lost hope that Netanyahu would work to advance the peace process. (no push too far, Israel is everybody's boss)
Berlin bans Airbnb from renting apartments to tourists in move to protect affordable housing | Europe | News | The Independent - listings in German capital fell by 40 per cent in the last month
Deadly Suicide Blast Hits Turkish Police Station - Sources say the suspect is linked to ISIS.
Illegal Muslim prayer hall blown up in Russia after police find explosives inside : worldnews
Daniel J. Berrigan, Defiant Priest Who Preached Pacifism, Dies at 94 - The New York Times
Watch Obama's Remarks From The 2016 White House Correspondents' Dinner
The complete transcript of President Obama's 2016 White House correspondent's dinner speech (objectivity, baseline of facts, shine a light on the truth)
White House Correspondents' Dinner: Obama's best quotes -
- White House Correspondents' Dinner: Obama vs. Trump, the sequel
Obama Literally Drops The Mic
Don Lemon Flips The Bird At Larry Wilmore
- The complete transcript of Larry Wilmore's 2016 White House correspondent's Dinner speech
Nerdy fight breaks out at WHCD afterparty between Fox News and Huffington Post reporters - The Washington Post
Dear Salon, Set Your Dick On Fire And Eat It | Wonkette - Walker Bragman (made himself synonymous with stupid)
Life Is Tough for the Post, the Voters Reject Its Call for Cutting Social Security and Medicare In the Name of Democracy | Beat the Press | Blogs | Publications | The Center for Economic and Policy Research - So, we are suffering from a lack of democracy because voters are getting what they want? Only in the Washington Post. (hello deficit fanatics: Fred Hiatt and Bezos: hand over your lifetime of deposits and die)
Sam Brownback gutted Kansas: How America's worst governor and an ultra-conservative ideology wrecked an entire state - GOP zealots, enthralled by a fictitious fantasy of tax cuts and free-market nonsense, turned Kansas upside down (and white voters learned absolutely nothing because who needs education?)
Teach For America Applications Declining - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Seems as if young people are starting to realize that Teach for America is a scam that puts them in educational settings for which they have no preparation in order to bust teachers's unions, a position that might not make sense to some who want to become full-time teachers. (Obama's education policy)
The Worst Spot in America - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Stone Mountain, Georgia is an abhorrent place, one of the single most reprehensible spots in the United States. (KKK Temple of the Grand Dragons of Racisim)
Judge says Long Beach police discriminate against gay men in lewd conduct cases
Drunk driver arrested for driving into Gov. Mansion's garage door | Juneau Empire - Alaska's Capital City Online Newspaper
Happiness genes located for the first time - Medical News Today - We report that we found three genetic variants associated with subjective well-being - how happy a person thinks or feels about his or her life. We also found two genes harboring variants associated with depressive symptoms and 11 genes where variation was associated with neuroticism (well, that's progress)
Universe likely littered with dead civilizations : science
I can't imagine how those wings were chiseled out of marble without breaking. Cupid and Psyche by Antonio Canova. : pics
In life, what has been your greatest WTF moment? : AskReddit
What's the creepiest thing you've ever seen on reddit? : AskReddit
RioAbajo comments on How accurate is the Primitive Technology channel? from what we know of early humans, would he be a good representation of building techniques?
Women of reddit, what are the ways you show men you're interested? : AskReddit - Act awkward and never speak to them or make eye contact with them.
Science Faction (Updated) by D.R. Tucker | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - Will Congressional harassment of climate scientists become an issue in the 2016 general election? Four years after President Obama avoided bringing up the topic of human-caused climate change in his debates with Mitt Romney
- Obama administration warns of 'climate refugees' due to rapid Arctic warming (you know, the warming that isn't happening in Republican minds)
Zika virus: first American dies of complications linked to disease | World news | The Guardian - CDC reports man San Juan man developed autoimmune disorder after recovering from Zika symptoms, including fever and rash
Supreme court grants FBI massive expansion of powers to hack computers | Technology | The Guardian - At the FBI's request this week, the supreme court ruled that federal judges should be able to issue hacking warrants to federal law enforcement for anywhere in the US if the suspect has tried to hide their location, as criminal suspects are wont to do. (and some non-criminals, even)
- Can the government use it to compel Facebook to customize an algorithm that predicts crime? It's not clear where the line will be drawn, if at all. (Difi and the spy cabal)
Police cameras on power poles: Illegal 'unblinking eyes' or smart tricks of the trade? | - If your not breaking any laws, what is there to worry about? (commenters, pro-gun and pro-surveillance)
Russia Defends Intercept Of U.S. Reconnaissance Plane Over Baltic (Putin's dick)
U.S. Military Investigates And Finds Itself Not Guilty Of War Crimes In Afghan Hospital Bombing
Kunduz hospital attack: MSF's questions remain as US military seeks no charges
Hundreds Of Protesters Storm Baghdad's Green Zone, Enter Parliament
- Aleppo on fire again as Assad consigns ceasefire to history
Only 12% of those charged with raping children convicted in Delhi | india | Hindustan Times
Sikh man arrested on US bus pursues justice - Soon after the bus left the Texas panhandle city, he said, two passengers restrained him in his seat and police arrived and ordered him to step out - '15 police officers stood outside with guns pointed at me.' - Tianna DeCamp (famous for all eternity on the internets for being a racist idiot)
Sikh man detained on Greyhound bus after being falsely accused of terror bomb threat | 'The only crime I committed was wearing a turban, having a beard, and speaking in a different language' : news - Sikh man detained on Greyhound bus after being falsely accused of terror bomb threat
Why Is Productivity So Weak? Three Theories - The New York Times (depressing, neutral and la-di-la)
[Essay] | American Imperium, by A.J. Bacevich | Harper's Magazine - Untangling truth and fiction in an age of perpetual war (keepin' Murica safe, see Ted Cruz)
New Depths of Unpopularity by Martin Longman | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - Bernie Sanders is the most popular senator in the country and that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is the least popular. This comes at the same time that Donald Trump's newest caddie, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, has reached new lows in popularity in the Garden State ... Pew Research finds the Republican Party less popular than anytime since 1992, and Trump has a net unfavorable number of thirty-seven percent ... There was always a base of 23-25% that thought George W. was telling the truth about WMD right up to the day he left office.
Some Thoughts on Cynicism by Nancy LeTourneau | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly
The Women's Card?- We Measured, and It's Not Worth Much -- extensive search through United States data failed to locate a single woman who had ever been president. (US between Greece and Bangladesh, Algeria and North Korea in women in office)
- Insults and Ads: How Gender Hurts Trump but Doesn't lift Clinton (just play back his words)
Congressional GOP beginning to accept Trump as nominee (5th stage of grief)
Mocking Critics, Donald Trump Says He Can Win Without Republican Unity - The New York Times
Cruz - "Even if Donald Trump dresses up as Hillary Clinton, he shouldn't be using the women's bathroom"
John Kasich: People are 'probably' born gay - - Kasich: People are 'probably' born gay (that won't go over big with the "lifestyle choice" idiots) -- Last March, Ben Carson apologized after saying homosexuality is a choice because people "go into prison straight -- and when they come out, they're gay."
This 28-Year-Old Is Running For Congress To Try To Destroy U.S.-Saudi Relations - Barack Obama, Paul Ryan and others are protecting the kingdom for their own financial gain, Republican hopeful Alex Beinstein alleges. (and loves Kissinger)
Former Alabama governor Don Siegelman sent to solitary confinement - The Washington Post - Siegelman, 70, was quoted extensively in a Washington Post article this week on former Virginia governor Robert F. McDonnell, whose 2014 conviction on public corruption charges was reviewed by the Supreme Court on Wednesday.
- A Texan who called Obama a gay prostitute may soon control what goes in children's textbooks - Mary Lou Bruner (thinks Muslim are controlling everything)
Bakers Who Discriminated Against Same-Sex Couple Just Won't Admit Defeat - Aaron and Melissa Klein nab a former White House counsel for their appeal. (cake-bakers for gay-hating Jesus but adultery is ok)
- Mississippi advocates fear abuse 'epidemic' after senate kills divorce bill - A bill that would have made domestic abuse grounds for divorce died in the state senate - an abused spouse must remain in a violent marriage, according to the state legislature. (Fuckassippi: stay in your bible-sanctioned abusive marriage or else)
Ex-billionaire Tim Blixseth refuses judge's order to account for diverted cash | - what happened to hundreds of millions of dollars in assets he drained from the resort prior to its bankruptcy ... The club near Big Sky has a members-only ski mountain and golf course and an A-list membership that includes Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.
Changing Skyline: The public cost of privatizing Philadelphia's parks (have to pay the cop settlements somehow)
Large Swaths Of The Pacific Ocean May Actually Suffocate In Just 15 Years - Take a wild guess what the culprit is. (Repubicans, duh)
How a Cascade of Errors Led to the U.S. Airstrike on an Afghan Hospital - The New York Times - Human errors and technical and communication failures led to a devastating attack on a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan (war is a "human error")
Teens who bombed Sikh temple in Germany were ISIS sympathisers : worldnews
U.S. Special Ops Kill 40 ISIS Operatives Responsible for Attacks From Paris to Egypt : news
Obama-Netanyahu Rift Impedes U.S. Offer of Record Aid Deal for Israel - The New York Times (Fuckanyahu wants more than more than ever)
AP: S. Korea covered up mass abuse, killings of 'vagrants' In 1975, dictator President Park Chung-hee, father of current President Park Geun-hye, issued a directive to police and local officials to "purify' city streets of vagrants. (American puppet dictator, you mean)
Eschaton: As Long As You Apologized - Also, gonna take all these people hostage. Your fault if they lose their livelihoods. (VW)
Psychologist Whose Lawyers Say He Didn't Design CIA Torture Program Wrote A Book Bragging That He Did - James Mitchell's upcoming book promises "a dramatic firsthand account"
There's No Such Thing as a Free Rolex - A majority seemed ready to defend pay-to-play as a fundamental feature of our constitutional system of government. (unless you're a Supreme Court Justice
Wrath of the Conned - The New York Times - The Democratic establishment has won because it has, however imperfectly, tried to serve its supporters. The Republican establishment has been routed because it has been playing a con game on its supporters all along, and they've finally had enough (but not enough to actually think)
Donald Trump, and What It Means for a Nation to Forget -- and Remember - Language and memory must work together not only to preserve the past but to illuminate the present and to build a future ... A country that remembers, a country with an empowered memory that acts as a check on the dangerous excesses of power itself, does not produce a Donald Trump.
Paul Manafort isn't a GOP retread. He's make a career of reinventing tyrants and despots ... Getting Donald Trump elected will be a cinch.
Who Is the Lesser Of Salon's #BernieorBusters? The Answer Is Unclear - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Origins of the Religious Right by Nancy LeTourneau | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - "religious freedom" used as the justification for discrimination. Sound familiar? That was the issue at stake in Green vs Connally.
- High-Risk Pools Don't Work, Hav e Never Worked, and Won't Work in the Future (the Ryan plan to kill you)
Indiana Is Weird | FiveThirtyEight
Wayne Simmons, Right Wing Media's Benghazi Expert, Pleads Guilty To Fraud (Foxaganda)
Christies NJ Ratings Hit New All-Time Lows Post-Trump Support - Voters Cite Attitude, Governing, And Dishonesty As Main Reasons (the results are in, he really did fuck up the whole state)
The VA isn't Broken, Yet, - Inside the Koch brothers' campaign to invent a scandal and dismantle the country's most successful health care system. (support our troops by helping them die)
Civil asset forfeiture reform proposal signed into law | News |
Lawmaker Says He'll Help Target Leave Texas Over Transgender Policy - Women don't want to be subjected to that, and men don't their women to be subjected to that (their women)
California lawmakers reject John Wayne Day over racist statements | Film | The Guardian - "I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don't believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people" ... "Indians" ... were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves"
- Speech, as Long as It Doesn't Mock Him - latest dustup between Jeff Jarvis, a media futurist and journalism professor, and his satirical online alter-ego (Christ what a fucking self-important asshole reveals his true colors)
Eschaton: The Rot At The Top - University of California President Janet Napolitano placed UC Davis Chancellor Linda Katehi on administrative leave Wednesday night and ordered a probe into "serious questions" raised about her involvement in campus jobs for family members, possible misuse of student service fee revenue and misstatements about her role in social media contracts. (pepper-spray lady rose to the top through incompetence)
Smokers Urged to Switch to E-Cigarettes by British Medical Group - The New York Times - They are taking England into a series of policies that five years from now they all will really regret. They are turning England into this giant experiment on behalf of the tobacco industry (because ecigs are gateway drugs or something - but will he resign in shame in five years?)
Banana. We are regularly told that bananas are under threat. Are there other strains of Banana under development, if so how far away are they to commercial introduction and what other measures might be under way to protect this staple crop? : askscience
We're convinced that "Free Will" exists, but new research suggests it might be nothing more than a trick the brain plays on itself. : science
What is an experience or achievement that you wish you could brag about, but can't because either you don't know anyone who would appreciate it, or it reveals a secret interest? : AskReddit
Here's a comprehensive collection of FIO posts : FuckImOld
Billionaire investor Carl Icahn sells entire stake in Apple | Technology | The Guardian (China)
The Cable Industry Threatens To Sue If FCC Tries To Bring Competition To Cable Set Top Boxes : technology - even harm ethnic diversity.
The US House unanimously approved legislation Wednesday requiring authorities to obtain a court warrant to acquire e-mails and data stored in the cloud. : news (elected Reps just realized they were being spied on)
US House unanimously passed bill requiring warrants for e-mail | Ars Technica - It remains to be seen whether Senate has the wherewithal to approve House version. (but DiFi loves her spying)
Airstrike destroys Syrian hospital amid fears of catastrophic turn in fighting - A strike on a hospital supported by the aid group Doctors Without Borders has been destroyed in the Syrian city. At least 14 patients and medical workers are reported dead. (Obama kinda set the example in the war on doctors)
Up to 16 service members to be disciplined following hospital airstrike in Afghanistan - - that killed as many as 42 people. None of the military personnel involved are expected to face criminal charges
The Bombing Of A Syrian Hospital Is Part Of A Disturbing Worldwide Trend : Goats and Soda : NPR (first, kill all the doctors)
John Boehner talks election, time in office | Stanford Daily - When specifically asked his opinions on Ted Cruz, Boehner made a face, drawing laughter from the crowd. "Lucifer in the flesh ... I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life"
Can the Republican Party solve its science denial problem? | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment | The Guardian (no, that would take "thinking")
- Slavoj Zizek: "Trump is really a centrist liberal" Slovenian philosopher explains why he wants to 'problemetise' Europe (eye roll)
Why I'm Joining the Innovation Party - Please consume this content before casting your vote ... The Innovation Party will be phablet-first, and communicate only via push notifications to smartphones. The only deals it cuts will be with Apple and Google, not with special interests. (censored by Esquire)
We had questions for Jim VandeHei. He had answers. - Vox: Dylan Matthews
Being here - Lawyers, Guns & Money : A couple of days ago the Wall Street Journal published what almost seemed like a parody of an op-ed, arguing for a third way party - the "Innovation Party
Satire Is Satire Even When People Fall For It, Mr. Jarvis | Popehat (Jarvis protecting his brand from satire)
New York Times boss sued over alleged ageist, racist and sexist hiring practices | Media | The Guardian - claims that CEO Mark Thompson introduced culture that favors young, white nd single staffers to older female and black employees - Thompson, who was in charge of the BBC during a series of scandals over the way the broadcaster treats older women (what could go wrong? what were they thinking?)
Larry Summers is wrong. Harvard should be spending much, much more of its money. | Fusion - Larry Summers is, by a long shot, the worst thing that ever happened to Harvard. (and then Obama made him his advisor)
- Most Diverse Cities in America (LA 1 NY 19 Boston 87 Cambridge 170 Evansville 215
If only Mrs. Till had taught her son not to speak to white women - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Naturally a local police union seized the opportunity to remind everyone that head of a police union is a great job for someone who was thrown out of a gang of fascist goat-strangling bikers for being too scuzzy.
- Ohio family murder case turning into "very horrible" investigation, sheriff says
Oregon standoff defendants' motions: Dismiss charges due to vagueness, government overreach |
Senorjefe comments on [NC] What on earth is a sovereign citizen?
National Teen Birth Rate Plummets To All-Time Low - The largest decline was among black and Hispanic teens. (no thanks to Repubicans, who love starving babies)
- Utah Is Allegedly Dealing with a McDonald's Porn Epidemic - If you believe this batsh*t state legislator. (Mormon freakout)
Salon Demands FBI Indict Hillary Clinton - The Daily Caller Demands Jim VandeHei's Third Party Plan Be Put in Place - The punditocracy has taken aim at the shebeen.
Fishing for feminists? | Eva Wiseman | The Guardian - 27-year-old Nader Modgeddi - He is a psychopath who abuses women.
ESPN Finally Grows Tired of Curt Schilling's Barbed Language
Schilling - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Schilling himself continually walked a fine line being offensive and OMFG how could one say that. Finally, he outdid himself by promoting an anti-transgender image of Facebook, which is somewhat amazing in that transgender rights are now a real enough thing that you can be fired for saying terrible things about them.
ESPN Suspends Keith Law From Twitter For Defending Evolution [update]
End Game: Curt Schilling and the Destruction of 38 Studios | Boston Magazine | Boston Magazine - August 2012
What Are the Causes of Homosexuality? - The Atlantic - immune response to her male fetus
Is a Yellowstone eruption in the next decade imminent? : askscience
What 23 years of technology can do to graphics. DOOM 1993/2016 : gaming
What is a lie you have told, that has gotten so ridiculously out of hand that you've had to keep building on it and is now a part of your life? : AskReddit
Office 365 vulnerability made it possible to login to almost any business account, being able to access e-mails, OneDrive etc. for an undisclosed amount of time. : technology
- A 1.4GB leak of internal documents from Qatar National Bank gives data on al-Jazeera journalists, the ruling family and British spies
SNOWDEN - Official Trailer : movies
- Paris terror suspect is 'a little jerk' his lawyer says ... the intelligence of an empty ashtray - an abysmal emptiness ... perfect example of the GTA generation who thinks he lives in a video game
- There will be a huge new Panama Paters data dump on May 9th
Rio 2016: #100daystogo - (imploding)
Clinton decisively wins Democratic primaries in 4 states - The Washington Post - Hillary Clinton all but secured the Democratic nomination Tuesday after a long and bruising primary fight against rival Sen. Bernie Sanders, scoring decisive victories in four of five East Coast states to cast ballots.
Donald Trump Sweeps 5 States; Hillary Clinton Takes 4 - The New York Times
Donald Trump Tramples Through Northeast, March To Nomination Goes On - His hot hand in the Northeast continues.
A Fitting End - I cannot remember a presidential campaign in my lifetime and perhaps in more than a century where the two nominees not only differed so much on policy (we've had plenty of that) but tonally in the most basic way they exist as candidates and public people.
Eschaton: Fiorinamentum - Nights like this I'm reminded yet again of how much the political press tried to manufacture boomlets for all 17 (ok maybe not Jim Gilmore) clown car members despite the fact that except maybe for one brief week Trump has been clearly ahead in the polls the whole time.
Dennis Hastert Is Sentenced to 15 Months, and Apologizes for Sex Abuse - The New York Times
- Shattered Gavel: What We Know About Dennis Hastert's Elleged Sex Abuse
The Mirage of a Return to Manufacturing Greatness - The New York Times - Global employment in manufacturing is going down because productivity increases are exceeding increases in demand for manufactured products by a significant amount - Developing countries are suffering premature deindustrialization (manufacturing the new farming)
How the Other Fifth Lives - The New York Times - fracture the United States more and more into a class and race hierarchy.
Eschaton: Getoffmylawnism - The Kids Today seems to include anyone under 40, and that the olds (#notallolds) hate them with white hot passion. The Kids Today are Generation Screwed, and the Old Economy Steves of the world really should shut their pie holes
Race and the Standardized Testing Wars - The New York Times
120 Are Charged in Gang Takedown in the Bronx - The New York Times - The leaders of the Big Money Bosses, the indictment said, called themselves Big Suits, while other gang members, to signify their rank, were placed in categories like Burberry Suits, Gucci Suits, Ferragamo Suits and Sean John Suits
Ammon Bundy offered to plead guilty to federal conspiracy after arrest, lawyer says |
Ark-Building Creationist Explains Why It Was Totally Cool For God To Kill Almost Everyone (a Trump-like God)
Report: Sandy Hook denier James Tracy sues FAU for getting fired - CBS News - A Florida college professor fired after he allegedly harassed one of the victims of the 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Conn., is suing the school for wrongful termination and violation of his right to free speech, according to the Palm Beach Post.
U.S. suicide rate has risen sharply in the 21st century - The Washington Post - middle-aged white people, particularly women - mostly hangings
Lego Battleship : pics
Naval Legends - Yamato - YouTube
Texting and Driving? Watch Out for the Textalyzer - The New York Times - not being treated as seriously as drunk driving, and it needs to be
IPhone Sales Drop, and Apple's 13-Year Surge Ebbs (peak Apple)
Apple iPhone, Once a Status Symbol in China, Loses Its Luster - The New York Times
- ISIS blows up Mosul's iconic Clock Church
Number of foreign fighters entering Iraq and Syria drops by 90 percent, Pentagon says - The Washington Post - 80 percent of Arab teens and young adults rule out any support for the Islamic State, a number that is up from 60 percent in 2015
Hillsborough inquests: Fans unlawfully killed, jury concludes - BBC News (covered up for 27 years)
Hillsborough disaster : WTF - 44 ambulances arrived, but police prevented all but one from entering the stadium. Only 14 of the 96 fatally injured people arrived at a hospital.
Fox News commentator charged with lying about CIA work set to change plea - The Washington Post - Wayne Simmons, 62, of Annapolis, Md
A majority of millennials now reject capitalism, poll shows - The Washington Post
Hillary supporters accused of taking down Bernie FB pages in porn attack | TheHill (just when you thought it couldn't)
NY judge decides Trump University case going to trial | Fox News - raising the possibility that the Republican presidential primary front-runner could testify during campaign season. (they keep throwing in plot wrinkles)
HUFFPOLLSTER: Donald Trump Set To Dominate Northeastern Primaries - But his rivals are coordinating against him in the next states.
Trump at War - The Huffington Post (hilarious/scary)
What The Heck Is Clarence Thomas Doing In This Courtroom Sketch? (revealing his true worth)
Anger is a business - Vox - business models now depend on stoking anger. This exacerbates the political system's polarization and dysfunction. (Dimbaugh's Rage)
One of these Dem stars is about to suffer a crushing defeat | TheHill - Reps. Chris Van Hollen and Donna Edwards are vying to replace outgoing Sen. Barbara Mikulski in the Free State, and the stakes are enormous.
Sensible Gun Policies - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Douglas County, Colorado, will begin arming school security guards with semiautomatic rifles within the next month in order to protect students from mass shootings - It's hard to see how this goes wrong.
Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist resigns | POLITICO - John L. Smith resigned from the paper on Tuesday, after the paper prevented him from writing about casino owners Steve Wynn and Sheldon Adelson, whose family owns the Review-Journal.
Ex-Politico CEO Courts Silicon Valley With Bizarre 'Third Party' Op-Ed - Jim VandeHei
Target bathroom boycott gains steam | - That statement spurred outrage on social media throughout the country, as people who said they had safety concerns vowed to stop shopping at Target. (500,000 sign the bigot petition)
Federal Judge Upholds Voter ID Law In North Carolina - The ruling was a victory for Republicans. (one white person, six votes)
Kansas Governor Justifies Kicking 15,000 People Off Food Stamps | ThinkProgress (Kansas, the Fuck You State)
The states people really want to move to -- and those they don't (South, West, Mid-West, Northeast)
WSDOT will monitor ground around Bertha, viaduct and downtown Seattle (Bertha disaster)
A part of the magic of love - How Harris Wofford fell for a man 50 years his junior
Virginia Woolf in Brontk country: picking apart the genius in Jane Eyre | Books | The Guardian
ELI5: How does the lymphatic system work? : explainlikeimfive - This is where the lymphatic system comes in. It is a detour back to the heart. However, along this detour, there are many checkpoints (lymph nodes) where the police (B and T cells) make sure there are no criminals (viruses, bacteria, etc.). This is where the immune role of the lymph system comes into play.
AskScience AMA Series: I'm Alexis Kaushansky, a Principal Investigator at the Center for Infectious Disease Research in Seattle, WA. I research malaria and the interactions between host and pathogens. AMA - Zika is carried by Aedes mosquitoes which bite during day so insecticides are key. Anopheles mosquitoes which carry malaria bite at night so sleeping under bednets is advisable.
Disciplinary spanking increases childhood defiance and mental health issues - Redorbit - based on five decades worth of research involving more than 160,000 children (spare the rod)
Is entropy low in a black hole? : askscience - Entropy is actually extremely high in black holes: the entropy of a black hole is the number of Planck-length-sized squares that can fit in its cross sectional area (times Boltzmann's constant)
Scientists Have Solved A Major Diabetes Mystery - the chronic autoimmune disease involves the immune system attacking four molecules, called autoantigens, in the pancreas. However, diabetes experts have long speculated that a fifth molecule - tetraspanin-7 - the five major targets of the immune system's response in Type 1 diabetes are insulin, an enzyme called Glutamate decarboxylase, the proteins IA-2 and Zinc transporter-8, and of course tetraspanin-7.
[Serious] Police of reddit: Who was the worst criminal you've ever had to detain? What did they do? How did you feel once they'd been arrested? : AskReddit
Iphikrates comments on In ancient warfare, how was injuring a mans testicles to debilitate him viewed?
Which bands/musicians totally sold out, changing their tune, so to speak, to cash in on mainstream bucks? : AskReddit
Parents Who Forced Emaciated 6-Year-Old Boy to Live On Hot Dog Smoothies Sentenced to 20 Years : news
What is the strangest sub reddit you have ever found? : AskReddit
Controllable webcams
Broadband data caps are having their intended effect: punishing cord-cutters : technology
Apple Forecasts Second Sales Drop as iPhone Woes Deepen - Bloomberg - Sales of Mac computers declined 12 percent to 4.03 million units (no reason to upgrade to latest fashion-phone)
- The Fight Over The Future Of The Unicode Consortium
TIL the September 11 terror attacks on the WTC released a dust cloud of toxic asbestos fibers across Manhattan. An estimated 410,000 people have been exposed. It is believed lung cancer and mesothelioma cases in the city will reach a peak in the year 2041 (four decades after 9/11) : todayilearned
House Reps To James Clapper: No, Really, Stop Ignoring The Question And Tell Us How Many Americans Are Spied On By NSA | Techdirt
- After being released the head of the Berlin branch of Germany's Pirate Party who was arrested for citing an insulting poem about Turkish President Erdogan, has told RT people should expect to lose their freedom of speech when their government "signs deals with dictators"
FBI admits flaws in hair analysis over decades - The Washington Post (junk science, people died)
Millennials are now America's largest living generation |
With More Victories In Sight, Donald Trump's Camp Shrugs At Cruz-Kasich Pact - "Hey, it's a free country"
Wait, Are You Telling Me Employers Lie? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - I wonder, if you went back a 100 years and looked at economic predictions, would any group come out more wrong than employer's apocalyptic prognostication every time labor legislation was proposed?
Is "Smuggness" A Significant Causal Factor in American Politics? (SPOILER: No.) - The driving reason working-class whites abandoned the Democratic Party is race (fucking themselves over in the process and because no riches were ever "smug" only libruls)
"I Have Cherokee Friends" and Other Points in Jim Webb's Defense of Andrew Jackson (hello, Blue Dog)
Intel CEO describes employee 'threats' over diversity initiative | - "People worry that as a white man, you're kind of under siege to a certain extent" (yeah, right)
Ammon Bundy to challenge authority of feds to prosecute Oregon standoff defendants |
Update from Malheur Wildlife Refuge In Burns, Oregon - #OregonFront - YouTube (Ammon Bundy 1/14/16)
- Sorry to kill the 4/20 buzz, but dozens of people will die in US jails for pot charges (the only way pot kills: racist drug-warriors)
- Anti-vaxxers have been around as long as vaccines themselves - In defending the film "Vaxxed" De Niro joins a long line of science deniers (science too complicated for actors)
Anti-Vaccination Idiots Have Been With Us As Long as Vaccinations - Lawyers, Guns & Money
McSweeneyand Unwittingly Fueled a Vaccine Backlash
Use of cannabis during pregnancy is linked to low birthweight and the need for intensive care, reveals an analysis of the available evidence : science
What is one 'red flag' that when you see in someone, makes you question their upbringing?
(NSFW) What was the first time you learned you were into your kink? : AskReddit
What has somehow survived to the present day? : AskReddit
Proof that Carbonaro Effect is NOT FAKE! Raw footage included! : videos
mystic poetry by rumi
Coleman Barks | Poetry Everywhere | PBS
The Illuminated Rumi by Coleman Barks and Michael Green.
A new drill for Pa: Fewer gas rigs operate, and local economies suffer ... "The best thing that can be said is we had a few good years" (drill/blast, extract, leave, vote Republican)
White House Poised To Release Secret Pages From 9/11 Inquiry (waited long enough)
Court: Cops Need a Warrant to Open Your Phone, Even Just to Look at the Screen | Motherboard
Eschaton: Tactical Nukes - The dream of building nukes we might actually use never dies! - We've gotten rid of every other taboo, might as well get rid of that one, too. Just to keep us safe, of course.
Dutch journalist arrested in Turkey for criticising Erdogan | World news | The Guardian - Ebru Umar blocked from leaving country after facing prosecutors over tweets deemed critical of president (Erdofuck and his delicate authoritarian fee-fees)
Aid in Dying in Canada - The New York Times
Is Hillary Clinton Dishonest? - The New York Times (not really says Kristof)
Bernie Sanders Is Seeing Gains In States That Have Yet To Vote - Breaking down the national poll numbers reveals some surprising results.
Charles Koch: Clinton Might Make Better President Than Republican Candidates
Julian Castro - Lawyers, Guns & Money : this is one the pathetic job of the Democratic Party to cultivate Latino candidates. (Blue Dog Latino)
More on Georgetown and Reparations - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - I was prescient yesterday by saying the only answer for Georgetown was to pay reparations for descendants of its slaves. The New York Times editorial board calls for a very specific form of reparation:
Georgetown and the Sin of Slavery - The New York Times - In 1838, the Jesuits running the college that became Georgetown sold 272 African-American men, women and children into a hellish life on sugar plantations in the South to finance the college's continued operation. On that fact, there is no dispute ... Rather than retreating from slaveholding, the bishops built their church by tracking the westward expansion of plantation slavery after the Louisiana Purchase. (but no money, ok?)
Reasonable moderate John Kasich has a reasonable, moderate view on whether Washington DC residents should have any political representation in the nation's government - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Giving D.C. voting representatives in Congress would mean more Democrats in Congress ... Under the circumstances, maybe Kasich ought to consider a little dishonesty. I mean these guys aren't even trying anymore (sorry, we have enough black voters to disenfranchise already)
Civil Rights Movement Veterans - CORE, NAACP, SCLC, SNCC
Veterans of the Civil Rights Movement -- Women, SNCC, and Stokely
Today is Krauthammer Day #13 (Fuckhammer: no consequences for being tragically wrong and aiding in the killing of hundreds of thousands)
Denton County GOP Sheriff Candidate Calls for Violence Against Transgender People Needing to Pee | Dallas Observer
Prince's former drug dealer tells how the legend spent $40,000 at a time on six-month supplies of Dilaudid pills and Fentanyl patcheshighly addictive opioid pain killers for 25 years
Rhoden family victims identified in Pike County shooting investigation
Dr. - Advice - Signs and Symptoms of Hoarding
What is the most crushing thing anyone has said to you? : AskReddit
raisedbynarcissists: for the children of narcissistic parents
I Walked Across The USA. : pics
Cicada 3301
Five of the Internet's eeriest, unsolved mysteries
The Markovian Parallax Denigrate: Unraveling the Internet's oldest and weirdest mystery
Scientific silencers on the left are trying to shut down climate skepticism - The Washington Post - By George F. Will ("authoritarian" scientists, Repubicans always see themselves)
Pirate Party's leader detained in Germany for citing poem about Erdogan - ... In the evening instead of sleep, fellatio with a hundred sheep. ... Yes, Erdogan stout and rout, is a president with a small dick. ("The world's gone mad")
- The desperate scramble for Bernie's email list
Has Hillary Clinton Outstayed Her Welcome? | Vanity Fair - In 2000, journalists who were stuck with Al Gore got so sick of him that they got unfair (lookin' at you, Mo-reen +VF sees politics as a consumer choice where experience doesn't matter)
The splinter is coming: the Republican race is a real life Game of Thrones plot | US news | The Guardian - If they do, that person won't be my president. We'll start a coup and overthrow the government. The army is with Trump and will park a tank on the White House lawn
Delegates face death threats from Trump supporters - POLITICO - delegates describe vicious missives demanding they support the GOP front-runner. (vultures coming home to roost)
Rigged process? Wait till Trump sees how Pennsylvania picks delegates | McClatchy DC
Trump asks Kasich to change spelling of his name | TheHill - Every time I see it I say Kas-itch. But it's pronounced Kas-ick (said the Drumpf)
- Trump helped draft will that excluded his brother's children ... Donald retaliated by withdrawing the medical benefits he had promised to his nephew's infant son, who suffered from seizures that led to cerebral palsy, (nice guy)
Hollywood conservative club blames its end on Trump, cliques and own success | US news | The Guardian - The Friends of Abe, which has hosted gatherings for rightwing film-makers over the past decade, announced on Thursday that it was winding down - which counts Jon Voight, Jerry Bruckheimer and Kelsey Grammer as members ... Unfortunately it devolved into too many high school clique-type scenarios (who knew?)
Supreme Court blocks 24-hour abortion waiting period | Tampa Bay Times - The Florida Supreme Court on Friday tapped the brakes on the controversial state law
More than 500 pounds of explosives stolen from train - CBS News - authorities concerned that the explosives could fall into the wrong hands (dudes, that already happened) Technically the explosives are classified as fireworks
Virginia governor enables 200,000 felons to vote in November
Oklahoma House passes resolution calling for convention of the states - Tulsa World: Homepagelatest (carpet bomb them and make their plains glow)
- Of Course Congress Is Clueless About Tech -- it killed its tutor (Repubicans hate facty stuff)
The DEA Just Approved a Way to Smoke Marijuana Legally for the First Time : news - The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration for the first time approved smoking marijuana as legitimate medical research.
The Kentucky gun owner who developed his own count of gun violence in the US | World news | The Guardian - Since 2014, Bryant'team has recorded more than 100,000 incidents, including those where a gun is used in public and no one is hurt. Instances of "defensive gun use" - ie a good guy with a gun who made a difference - for less than 3%. (like that two year-old defending himself from his gun-nut mom)
Suspect dead after exchanging fire with police at Arizona Walmart | US news | The Guardian
The hyper-gendering of women in Silicon Valley is predictable and awful | Technology | The Guardian - The Silicon Valley season premiere panel was eight men and one woman, and anyone could predict what would happen.
At Tampa Bay farm-to-table restaurants, you're being fed fiction (expensive fiction)
Do all salts taste 'salty' i.e. Like sodium chloride? What about other sodium salts? Other chlorides? Alkali metals? Halides? Etc... : askscience
Discovery of 4,500-year-old female mummy sheds light on ancient Peru | World news | The Guardian - Archaeologists say the mummified remains, found near one of the oldest cities in the Americas, probably belong to a noblewoman aged 40 to 50
Heavy teen marijuana use may cut life short by 60 - CBS News (pre-vap era and call Chawlie Baker)
Toxic Friendships Can Lead To Serious Health Problems
What do kids/teenagers do that makes you shake your head and say "Kids these days"? : AskReddit
Brussels Airport Bomber Held Journalists Captive In Syria - Najim Laachraoui held four French journalists captive for months, the lawyer of two former hostages said.
IS executes 250 women for refusing to become sex slaves: report - The Hindu
Drone believed to have hit British Airways flight 'may have been a plastic bag' (oh well)
Drone believed to have hit British Airways flight 'may have been a plastic bag' : technology
Trump team tells GOP he has been 'projecting an image' - Trump team tells GOP he has been "projecting an image"
Eschaton: Nobody Could Have Predicted - Christie's NJ legacy: trying to prop up casinos in AC (fail) and a megamall no one will ever go to (likely fail) ... The 80s are calling. They want their economic development strategies back. (Christie complete disaster for NJ)
Fox News Shake-up Complicates Ailes Succession -- NYMag
Louie Gohmert Threatens To Quit Shopping At Target - The GOP lawmaker is mad about transgender bathrooms (Gumball wants you to know)
South Carolina Sheriff Says NAACP Is A 'Racist Group' Like The KKK - The most racist people in America right now sometimes are minorities (and you know who he's voting for)
Alabama 'personhood' bill dies without vote: Legislation would have ended abortion in state | - which would have effectively banned abortion in the state failed to make it to a vote Thursday in the House of Representatives.
Harry Reid's Last Power Play -- The titan of Nevada politics has a big finale in mind: Swing his entire state back to the D column.
Election 2016 Live Thread: Purple Reign Edition (T-200 Days) - Let's Talk Nevada - the latest chapter of US v. Bundy, et al.
Bundys, other defendants oppose long trial delay in Bunkerville standoff | Las Vegas Review-Journal
New Senate Bill Brings Bundy-Style Land Seizure To The Sea | ThinkProgress - Advocates for the seizure and sale of U.S. parks and public lands are training their sights on marine coastal areas with a new bill that would give state governors unprecedented power over America's coastal parks - introduced by Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) (Dubio still fucking America)
As The Bundy Brothers Occupy A Federal Building, Here Are The GOP Candidates Who Supported Their Dad | ThinkProgress (bullies supporting toxic bullies)
Bundy's battle not yet finished - Government stood down last year but still plans to collect unpaid grazing fees ... The area that Bundy claims as "Bundy Ranch" is slightly larger than the state of Rhode Island (April 2015 - "The FBI will take these fools down when they least expect it.")
CSU President Ronald Berkman's homes a textbook case of tone-deaf university stewardship: Brent Larkin |
- New protein injection reverses Alzheimer's symptoms in mice in just one week - Human trials are not far off.
An injection of a protein called IL-33 reverses Alzheimer's-like symptoms and cognitive decline in mice, restoring their memory and cognitive function to the same levels as healthy mice in the space of one week. : science
People who believe most strongly in God tend to make an especially strong psychological connection between feeling clean and seeing their own behavior as good and moral, according to a study to be published in Social Psychology and Personality Science. : science
[Psychology] Can adults lose/never obtain object permanence? : askscience
Prince was treated for overdose days before his death, TMZ reports | - The musician was rushed to a hospital and administered a "save shot"
Popping Pills: Prescription Drug Abuse in America | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) - 5 percent of the United States is the world's population and consumes 75 percent of the the world's prescription drugs
Global Initiative for Drug Policy Reform ; Switzerland - Treat heroin addicts with heroin: it's the best option, both for the addicts and society:
Does Circumcision Reduce Penis Sensitivity? The Answer Is Not Clear Cut - Circumcision ablates [removes] the most sensitive parts of the penis (and sketchy stats)
How audiobooks took over the industry: Once the domain of road-trip entertainment, audiobooks have come into their own, thanks in part to the ubiquitous smartphone, the increasing popularity of podcasts, celebrity narrators, and Netflix-style subscription services like Audible. : books
What are the most evil things in the modern world? : AskReddit
What are the STRANGEST things you've seen on the whole of the internet? : AskReddit
Couple made realistic dolls of themselves. : WTF
9/11 Commissioner urging release of report's 28 secret pages | Fox News - 9/11 Commissioner urging release of report's 28 secret pages
New York's Electoral System Must Be Reformed - Having a closed primary is fine. Having a system in which registered voters have a deadline almost 200 days before the primary is not remotely fine (a lot of buried institutional controls are surfacing)
New York Attorney General Investigating Primary Voting Irregularities - About 120,000 registered Democrats were dropped from voter rolls in Brooklyn.
John Kasich: 'My Republican Party Doesn't Like Ideas' (or the process required to have them
From Jackson to Trump: The Problem of American Whites - Lawyers, Guns & Money - But I think all of this lets the real culprits of American crimes off way too easy: white people ... The Democratic Party was the embodiment of white desire. Jackson may have been a reactionary, but so were the majority of American whites.
Andrew Jackson was a slaver, ethnic cleanser, and tyrant. He deserves no place on our money. - Vox
Andrew Jackson Was A Comprehensively Terrible President - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr's highly influential and deeply terrible book The Age of Jackson)
The Party of Jackson vs. the Party of Obama -- NYMag
3 reasons the American Revolution was a mistake - Vox
The New Anti-Pornographers - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Mormons: "porn is a public-health crisis epidemic" and threat to the patriarchy)
Paying the parkers - Lawyers, Guns & Money : $80,000 per space for 1.6% of the system's users
Mapping the End of Parking Minimums | Planetizen: The Urban Planning, Design, and Development Network - Many, but not all, people realize the pernicious effects of parking requirements.
Tape-recording laws at a glance | Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
Scientists unveil the 'most clever CRISPR gadget' so far - STAT - a new CRISPR system that can switch single letters of the genome cleanly and efficiently, in a way that they say could reliably repair many disease-causing mutations.
Prince | Music | The Guardian
Prince Hated What The Internet Was Doing To Music
Prince has passed away at his Paisley Park recording studio Thursday morning : news
Most Of Us Believe In Global Warming, But That's Not Enough To Stop It - A new survey finds 94 percent of Americans believe in the phenomenon (they didn't count any Republicans, apparently and) just 64 percent of people were concerned (that's right, end of civilization not a big concern among you know who)
- US weather "preferable" for most thanks to climate change; but there's a catch ... In America, a third of emissions come from electricity generation, with industry, transportation and agriculture also major contributors.
More Than Half Of The U.S. Is Living With Unhealthy Pollution Levels (inside their heads)
Ground Zero: Google Maps and Nuclear Weapons
Declassified memo shows multiple Saudi connections to 9/11 plotters: flight certificate of Al Qaeda operative found in envelope from the Saudi Embassy in DC : worldnews (leaks in preparation?)
Hundreds feared dead in migrant shipwreck off Libya | World news | The Guardian - Up to 500 people may have drowned after overloaded boat sank in Mediterranean - A repurposed fishing boat overloaded by smugglers with up to 500 Africans
Eschaton: Humanitarian Interventions It isn't clear exactly where all of these people are coming from. Their circumstances aren't necessarily directly or even indirectly due to our actions. But I submit there are cheaper and more effective ways to help people other than dropping lots of bombs.
Hillary Clinton Wins New York Primary - She drank bubble tea in Flushing and rallied in Buffalo to make it happen.
Hillary Clinton Won Among Wall Street-Friendly Voters In New York - About 30 percent of the state's Democratic voters
Sanders flies home to Vermont - politico - as he lost the New York Democratic primary to Hillary Clinton.
Little Path Left For Bernie Sanders After New York
How Every New York City Neighborhood Voted in the Democratic Primary - The New York Times
How Every New York City Neighborhood Voted in the Republican Primary - The New York Times
Donald Trump Easily Wins Home State Of New York - The Empire State loves The Donald.
What Went Down In The New York Primaries | FiveThirtyEight - A Yuge Night For Trump In New York - well ahead of the 71 delegates that our expert panel initially expected Trump to get in New York when we looked at the race a month ago.
Trump loses Trump Tower district to Kasich in unofficial results. - The 12th, which covers parts of Brooklyn and Queens as well as the eastern side of Manhattan including the Fifth Avenue block that's home to Trump Tower, which is where Trump lives and where the Trump Organization is based.
Elizabeth Warren Calls Out Ted Cruz's Hypocrisy In Epic Tweetstorm
Elizabeth Warren Plays Democratic Party Well, Keeps Focus on Real Issues - She has built a unique position in our politics
Lessons - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Here's the lesson: Being an independent is worthless. If you register as an independent, you are irrelevant ... If you wanted to vote for Bernie but couldn't soil yourself with being a Democrat, your fault. Voting isn't a consumer choice. It's a compromise with reality
What Will We Do to Actually Desegregate Our Schools? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Why Busing Failed (it was never meant to succeed)
Michigan's Top Attorney Charges 3 Officials With Crimes Over Flint Water Crisis - Many Michigan residents still seem to think the governor, who is not facing charges, shares the blame.
Sex Abuse and the Catholic Church: Why Is It Still a Story? - The New York Times - the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown engaged in an extensive cover-up of sex abuse by as many as 50 priests and church officials. (jail and tax)
Here's How Many People Have Fatally Overdosed On Marijuana - Democratic hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is the only candidate from either party to support outright legalization of marijuana by removing it from the federal list of Schedule 1 drugs, which includes substances like heroin and LSD. (but Barry hates pot, loves wars)
Republicans Present Mysterious Evidence Of Illegal Fetal Tissue Sales (Marsha Blackburn)
False Plagiarism Accusation Against Shaun King Shows Dangers of Online Mob Journalism
Tualatin High School principal issues email in response to Huffington Post sexual assault article |
Judge questions Oregon standoff figure about reported 'flock of geese' inspiration |
Spokane sheriff interviews Harney Sheriff Dave Ward, praises handling of Malheur takeover | (bullies terrorizing the community)
Months before Malheur standoff, militants were in town
Malheur militants harassed deputies for weeks before standoff, Oregon sheriff tells Knezovich | The Spokesman-Review
Sheriff's Report - Dave Ward OR Standoff: Part II
Why super-gonorrhoea is spreading and may soon be untreatable | New Scientist - Resistance to azithromycin is emerging
Asking the Wrong Questions: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - toxic masculinity
I Was a Men's Rights Activist - journey from misogyny to feminism
How to Explain Mansplaining - The New York Times
What are you losing passion in? : AskReddit
- Elizabeth Gilbert: Flight of the Hummingbird - The Curiosity Driven Life
What was the "Once in a lifetime" thing you witnessed? : AskReddit
TIL that a woman created a fake facebook profile of a teenage girl and sent a friend request to her husband, then used transcripts of their conversations to get him arrested. He was freed and all charges were dropped when he produced a notarized affidavit, proving he knew it was her all along. : todayilearned
Intel layoffs: More seismic changes to come |
Intel executive shakeup continues: Two more VPs out |
Intel Fires 12,000 Amid PC Crisis - to accelerate its evolution from a PC company to one that powers the cloud and billions of smart, connected computing devices
5 dead as historic, 20-inch rain swamps Houston area
Texas Deluged By As Much As 18 Inches Of Rain - Most of Houston is shut down.
A New Dark Age Looms - The New York Times - Historians of the next century will grasp the importance of this decline in our ability to predict the future (Republicans will defund science)
Bill Nye bets $20,000 to a meteorologist who believes that global warming is a hoax. : videos
White House signals veto on Saudi 9/11 bill | TheHill (Obummer covers up again)
Britain has exported #2.8bn of arms to Saudi Arabia since it started bombing Yemen in 2015 | Home News | News | The Independent - Kingdom is the biggest recipient of UK arms exports despite repeated calls for an embargo
Sens. Richard Burr (R) of North Carolina and Dianne Feinstein (D) of California should be stripped of their positions for introducing a bill that would endanger American digital security and privacy. : technology
Chinese Man Sentenced To Death For Leaking Over 150,000 Classified Documents - The filed reportedly ranged from secrets about the ruling Communist Party to military and financial issues.
Taliban Attacks Government Security Office In Kabul; Dozens Dead And Over 300 Wounded - Civilians and members of the Afghan security forces were among the dead and wounded - the Islamist group is believed to be stronger than at any point since it was driven from power by U.S.-backed forces in 2001. (a trillion fucking dollars for nothing)
Joe Biden: U.S. Feels 'Overwhelming Frustration' With Israeli Government (Netanyahu: "kiss my kosher ass")
Israeli Who Organized Lynching Of 16-Year-Old Palestinian Boy Convicted Of Murder - The crime helped trigger the 2014 Gaza war.
Thoughts on Brazil's Impeachment Vote Yesterday - worst torturers who from late 1970 to 1974 oversaw the very center where Dilma, and hundreds of other Brazilians, were tortured.
'Insult Turkey's Erdogan' contest set up by Spectator magazine - BBC News
New Yorkers Voters Plagued With Issues As They Scramble To Cast Ballots + CBS New York - Why is it alleged that 125,000 people have been removed from the voter rolls? Why did 60,000 people receive notices to vote that didn't have the primary date? Why were people told they were in the wrong polling place time and time again?
No, Hillary Isn't Stealing the Primary (Bernie is trending on Twitter, so he must be winning)
Debunking Republican Health Care Myths - The New York Times ("myths" = evil lies by chronic liars)
When the New York Observer endorsed Donald Trump, I had to resign | Opinion | The Guardian - Joshua David Stein
- Public Editor No. 5 Is Yesterday's News - These days, though, The Times seems like a digital media company that happens to put out a newspaper
Margaret Sullivan - Public Editor's Journal Blog - The New York Times - Out the door after four bumpy years, but not quite out of observations.
Margaret Sullivan, New York Times Public Editor, Joining Washington Post - The New York Times - as its media columnist,
Public Editor: Gay Talese (is an even bigger asshole than you thought)
Eschaton: Lack of Awareness - Sometimes I wonder if journalists ever read newspapers (oh, hello, NYT)
Southern Cities Split With States on Social Issues - The New York Times - Jackson is among a group of Southern cities from Dallas to Durham, N.C., where the digital commons, economic growth and a rising cohort of millennials have helped remake the culture. Many of these cities have found themselves increasingly at odds with their states
Bill to completely ban abortion with no exceptions advances through Alabama legislature : news
Malheur takeover part of larger 'extreme movement' threat, Interior chief says |
- An experiment in privatizing public land fails after 14 years - The Cato Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based libertarian think tank
Lawyer Says BYU Cited Title IX As Reason To Take Honor Code Action Against Alleged Rape Victim - A lawyer says Brigham Young University erroneously cited Title IX as a reason why it could not halt an honor code action against her client, a female student who said she was raped. (Mormons)
- Court overturns Virginia school's transgender bathroom rule - establishes legal precedent in the five states in the 4th Circuit, including North Carolina, which faces a lawsuit challenging a new state law requiring transgender public school students to use the bathroom that corresponds to the sex on their birth certificate.
Can a burgeoning satanic movement actually effect political change? - The Satanic Temple (TST), a satanic political movement that first appeared in 2013.
Common allergy and cold medicines shrink brain, could lead to Alzheimer's, study finds |
JAMA Network | JAMA Neurology | Association Between Anticholinergic Medication Use and Cognition, Brain Metabolism, and Brain Atrophy in Cognitively Normal Older Adults
- Hayfever drugs may shrink brain and raise dementia risk, warn scientists - a daily dose of pills like, Clarityn, Piriton and Nytol, for at least three years, raised the chance of getting Alzheimer's disease by more than 60 per cent.
Whats the sluttiest thing you've ever done? nsfw : AskReddit
Ecuador Earthquake Death Toll Rises To Over 400, Billions In Damage - The country was hit with a 7.8 magnitude quake two days ago.
Ecuador searches for quake survivors as death toll rises - The Washington Post - Pedernales, the epicenter of a 7.8-magnitude earthquake that killed at least 246 people
Massive Earthquake Strikes Ecuador Killing Hundreds
Story of cities #24: how Hiroshima rose from the ashes of nuclear destruction | Cities | The Guardian - In August 1945, a 16-kilotonne atomic bomb killed 140,000 people and reduced a thriving city to rubble
San Francisco earthquake of 1906, Beirut Embassy bombing: Today in history (photos) |
Flash Floods Hit Houston Area as Storm Drenches Harris Country - NBC News - a total of between 12 and 16 inches of rainfall was expected in the area by daybreak - Straying into deep or fast moving flood waters means certain death
US siding with Saudi Arabia over the 9/11 families - President Obama is under new pressure from families of Sept. 11, 2001 terror attack victims who want him to back legislation allowing them to sue the Saudi government.
- We Deserve the Truth About the Saudis Role in 9/11 (Obama loves secrets)
Cheaper Than China Again, First Solar Vindicates U.S. Investment - Bloomberg - justifying more than $3 billion in loan guarantees from the U.S. government.
Your phone number is all a hacker needs to read texts, listen to calls and track you | Technology | The Guardian - Weaknesses within mobile phone network interconnection system allows criminals or governments to remotely snoop on anyone with a phone - The hack uses the network interchange service called Signalling System No. 7 (SS7), also known as C7 in the UK or CCSS7 in the US, which acts as a broker between mobile phone networks.
At least 20 reported wounded in Jerusalem bus blast : worldnews
Israeli Military Charges Soldier With Manslaughter In Shooting Of Wounded Palestinian Assailant (once again, cellphone justice)
Fears 400 refugees have drowned in Mediterranean after boats capsize | Europe | News | The Independent - Reports say the refugees were fleeing to Italy from Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea
Ethiopia attack: 200 people dead, 100 children missing - AJE News - Death toll rises from cross-border cattle raid as government says more than 100 children were taken by attackers.
New poll finds young Arabs are less swayed by the Islamic State - The Washington Post (only 200,000,000 support terrorism)
- Iran urges other oil producers to freeze output after Doha debacle
Theresa May 'tried to alter drug report because she didn't like its conclusions
Fair use prevails as Supreme Court rejects Google Books copyright case | Ars Technica - Fair use is a defense to copyright infringement in US intellectual property law.
Supreme Court Doubts Texas Has A Legal Right To Challenge Immigration Policy
Why populist uprisings could end a half-century of greater economic ties - The Washington Post - as populist uprisings in the United States and Europe threaten to unravel decades-old alliances that have fostered free trade and deepened economic ties. (riches at WaPo are worried)
Pentagon misled lawmakers on military sexual assault cases (your corrupt military lied, again?)
Hardly Anyone Trusts The Media Anymore - People value accuracy, timeliness and clarity above all else ... just 12 percent of people trust media delivered via Mark Zuckerberg's evolving juggernaut, even though 87 percent of people get news from Facebook. (there's your problem, right there +LinkedIn is a "news site")
Some Democrats accuse Sanders supporters of harassing convention delegates - The Washington Post (nice kneeecaps you have there)
The Bernie Sanders Movement Won't End with His Campaign - Democrats Will Squander It - Better question: Are the lessons of his campaign already lost?
This One Line Sums Up The Big Clinton-Sanders Policy Argument - If you do the math on the Sanders health plan, you'll quickly discover that, as written, it'd be a pretty lousy deal for millions of low-income people who have jobs and, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, now have insurance. (devil is in the details, and Bernie is not a detail guy)
Trump orders new campaign hierarchy, spending plan - POLITICO - At a senior staff meeting on Saturday, the GOP front-runner gave Paul Manafort more authority and approved a major spending increase.
Superdelegate List | Let's take back our democracy! - It's time we take our democracy back from the DNC. Together we can find the Superdelegates and hold them accountable to our votes. (BernieBros attack)
DNC's Equal Pay Day plan turns sour - inadvertently confirming the oft-leveled charge by Republicans that Democrats wouldn't even know how to operate a lemonade stand.
Ted Cruz Just Reminded The Republican Establishment Why They Hate Him - old standard policy is a terrible idea with a long history. (dumb, delusional, evil, or all three?)
O'Reilly: Don't Most African Americans Know There Are Super Predators Among Their Ethnic Group? (how about super-predator cops?)
Why I can't donate to WHYY :: Blogs :: The Naked City :: Philadelphia City Paper - As a reporter, I cannot in good conscience endorse a model that allows one executive to vacuum up money that could be used to hire 10 additional journalists (that's assuming that the average WHYY reporter makes $50,000 or so). (why you should never give to NPR - Republicans always do shit like this)
Eschaton: The Ads Are Horrible - Also, too, having a deliberate strategy of letting facebook eat your content because 3) profit? I don't get it.
College Paper Ad Warns Prospective Students That Rape Could Be Part Of The Price Of Admission | ThinkProgress (Harvard)
In Most Extensive Comments in Centuries, Porcellian Club Criticizes Final Club Scrutiny | News | The Harvard Crimson
Issuing Second Apology, Porcellian Graduate President Resigns | News | The Harvard Crimson - president of Harpoon Brewery
40 percent of former NFL players suffer from brain injuries, new study shows - The Washington Post (shut them down and put the owners in prison for the rest of their lives)
This study 40 years ago could have reshaped the American diet. But it was never fully published. - The Washington Post - : Patients who lowered their cholesterol, presumably because of the special diet, actually suffered more heart-related deaths than those who did not ... "Had this research been published 40 years ago, it might have changed the trajectory of diet-heart research and recommendations"
Play around with DOS : InternetIsBeautiful
Netflix Has Twice as Many U.S. Subscribers as Comcast | AllFlicks
Scientists studied Freddie Mercury's range and how he "drove his vocal system to its limits" : Music
What's the worst post that has ever reached the front page? : AskReddit
Reddit, what is the best one liner joke you've ever heard? : AskReddit
Massive Earthquake Strikes Ecuador Killing Dozens - The quake follows two deadly temblors in Japan.
Science AMA Series: We just published a study showing that ~97% of climate experts really do agree humans causing global warming. Ask Us Anything! : science
Bill Nye the Science Guy v. Ted Cruz the Human Ooze - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - A gaggle of oil industry lackeys calling themselves the Competitive Enterprise Institute in May 2006 produced ads that ended with the line "We'd encourage our own parents to eat uranium if the uranium industry tossed a few moolahs our wayCO2: they call it pollution, we call it Life!" - BREAKING: water is essential to life, so drowning is impossible. Search on for Leonardo DiCaprio in N Atlantic.
Climate change: Renewable energy is a bad investment (Letters to the Editor) | (for the comments)
Florida Republicans Demand Climate Change Solutions - Scientific American - Democratic and Republican mayors in the Sunshine State realize something must be done about global warming (tie Rubio to Miami Beach)
The Scientific Method by D.R. Tucker | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - Bernie or Bust (literally)
Uber Transparency Report Reveals It Shared Data On 13 Million Users With Government : technology (13 million terrorists using Uber)
Brazilian congress votes to impeach president Dilma Rousseff | World news | The Guardian - Government concedes after lower house overwhelmingly backs move to remove Rousseff, who now faces vote in senate
German Comic Who Lampooned Erdogan to Extend Break From TV Show - The New York Times (Erdogan owns Merkel and there goes your free speech, Germans)
Thousands of troops on Paris streets but are they France's new Maginot line? | World news | The Guardian
Ed Miliband says Panama Papers show wealth does not trickle down
Inside Panama Papers: Multiple Clinton connections | McClatchy DC - Some donors to Clinton foundation used the Panamanian law firm for offshores
Jack Lew nears decision to keep Hamilton on front of $10 bill, put a woman on the $20 - Apr. 16, 2016
Criticizing Israel, Bernie Sanders Highlights Split Among Jewish Democrats - The New York Times (kowtow to Netanyahu lobby is upset)
Bernie Sanders smashes the Israel status quo -
John Kasich, SUPERGENIUS Explains It All To You : Lawyers, Guns & Money - After some mansplaining to yeshiva students, John Kasich returns to his even more natural role of mansplaining to women:
In Campaign and Company, Ivanka Trump Has a Central Role - The New York Times - Soon after, she and her friend Wendi Deng left
G.O.P. Chief Discourages Rule Changes That Seem to Block Donald Trump - The New York Times
- Pennsylvania cop threatens child on school bus: Don't smile or I'll drag you to the f*cking police car (psychocop setting a good example, thanks, America)
Iraqi seeks apology after being removed from Oakland-bound plane - SFGate
California minimum wage hike hits L.A. apparel industry: 'The exodus has begun' - LA Times - American Apparel, the biggest clothing maker in Los Angeles, said it might outsource the making of some garments to another manufacturer in the U.S., and wiped out about 500 local jobs ... Wages, meanwhile, jumped 17% adjusting for inflation, to $698 per week although that can include pay for top executives, as well as bonuses, tips and paid vacation time. (needs a copyeditor)
The End of Journalism as a Middle Class Job - Lawyers, Guns & Money : the downsizing of journalists and how what was once a middle-class job is now an itinerant job that is emblematic of the New Gilded Age economy - But a 41% decline in seven years ("From 2007-2015 the number of U.S. journalists at daily papers dropped from 55,000 to 32,900") is, with all due respect, something close to professional genocide.
The Nation wins April Sidney for Heartbreaking Profile of Downsized Journalists | Hillman Foundation (who needs liberal "journalism" when we have Fox News?)
"If You Put Me Around the Women, I Will Have No Choice But to Rape Them" - Charles M. Storey, Class of 1982, told The Harvard Crimson "Given our policies, we are mystified as to why the current administration feels that forcing our club to accept female members would reduce the incidence of sexual assault on campus"
Porcellian Club - hotsy-totsy final club
Sheriff Dan Staton: Leader with high standards, or vindictive and belittling boss? | - The sheriff lumbered through the door...
- Researchers have found a "striking" new side effect from eating fast food - levels of two separate phthalates
Japan earthquakes: Dozens dead and 1,500 injured after second quake in two days | Asia | News | The Independent
Experts Question AccuWeather's New 90-Day Forecast
This May Be The Biggest Environmental Catastrophe No One Is Talking About - Researchers used infrared cameras to scan for methane gas leaks at over 8,000 U.S. sites.
Hullabaloo - Friday Night Soother - After more than a century without a single baby tortoise sighting on the Galapagos island of Pinzsn, a small group of the tiny, shelled youngsters have been spotted again. - The incredible eradication of rats on this island, done by the park service and others, has created the opportunity for the tortoises to breed for the first time
- END OF HUMANITY? Artificial Intelligence could destroy us "within decades" warns expert
Saudi Arabia Warns of Economic Fallout if Congress Passes 9/11 Bill - The New York Times - if Congress passes a bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible in American courts for any role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks (why Obama has been sitting on this for eight years)
Nine more Guantanamo Bay prisoners released as population dwindles to 80 | US news | The Guardian
Anti-austerity protest brings 150,000 to the streets of London to demand David Cameron's resignation | UK Politics | News | The Independent
Edward Snowden on police pursuing journalist data: the scandal is what the law allows | Australia news | The Guardian - NSA whistleblower responds to admission by Australian federal police that it investigated leaks to a Guardian journalist by requesting his metadata
Which conspiracy theory has the highest chance of being true? : AskReddit
TIL the Russian Navy claimed three divers were killed and others injured by humanoid creatures in silver clothing in the depths of Lake Baikal : todayilearned (Hillary said she would release the X-Files)
Ethiopia: Armed men 'kill 140' near South Sudan border - BBC News
Israel's 'Absurd' Map Of Jerusalem's Old City (all your sites are belong to us)
How the Panama Papers revealed Nazi-looted art | Arts | DW.COM | 11.04.2016
- Millions Face Starvation As Haiti's Drought Stretches Into Its Third Year
The Brooklyn Dodgers: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Give Non-Answers at Debate - Dan Froomkin (evaders-in-chief)
The Real Motivation of the Pain Caucus - Lawyers, Guns & Money - because you think wealth needs to be massively redistributed upwards, with the debt as the tissue-thin pretext. (coming eventually to a dentist's office near you)
No Time for Credibility - The New York Times - Time magazine decides that now is a good time to devote its cover to dire prophecies about looming US insolvency, with the lead article by James Grant -- signatory of the infamous 2010 letter warning Ben Bernanke that his policies would cause inflation and debase the dollar, crusader for a return to the gold standard. Was Time purchased by Zero Hedge when I wasn't looking? (oh, singe)
It's on: Tensions between Trump and the GOP escalate in public fight
Hillary Clinton's Confusing And Conflicted Stance On The Minimum Wage - Should progressives fight for $15, or play it safe with $12? It's hard to tell with the Democratic front-runner.
U.S. Cites Extramarital Affairs as Misuse of Power in Sheldon Silver Case - The New York Times - "Each allegedly had an extramarital affair with a public official and then exploited her relationship with the public official for personal gain"
Here's The Problem With The Latest Planned Parenthood Video Conspiracy Theory - Anti-abortion groups are attacking California Attorney General Kamala Harris for doing her job.
UC Davis for all your pepper spray needs - Somehow, Katehi kept her job after the pepper spraying (which was a big mistake)
Mississippi Prison Boss Defends Repossessing Inmates To Cover Budget Shortfall - I have an agency to run. Public safety is paramount to MDOC's mission, not subsidizing counties's budgets (they will solve this by locking more black/brown people up)
Mississippi Governor Signs Law Allowing Guns In Churches
Students Refuse To Stay Silent About Their High School's Sexual Assault Response
Ammon Bundy, 4 others balk at pleas in Nevada standoff case |
Nevada Court Arraignment Of Bundy Brothers Goes Off The Rails
Bundy brothers, three others refuse to enter pleas in Bunkerville standoff | Las Vegas Review-Journal - With a crowd of emotional supporters looking on,
WATCH: Chicago police release video of cop standing on neck of suspect who died during arrest
Homeless people stole and killed puppy on Springwater Corridor, Portland woman says | (commenters think Obama poisoned Flint's water)
'Had I not been a black male': State lawyer in racial-profiling scandal files complaint | (lot of racists in Oregon)
The 'Fasting Mimicking Diet' could dramatically slow aging and ward off disease, study finds | (and they hate Obama)
With Gas Station's Closing, a Fuel Desert Expands in Manhattan
Changing Skyline: Green light likely for Blatstein's hated Broad Street high-rise
- Powerful 7.3-magnitude earthquake hits southern Japan
Bill Nye open to criminal charges, jail time for climate-change dissenters - Washington Times -Asked about the heated rhetoric surrounding the climate change debate, such Robert F. Kennedy Jr's previous comments that some climate skeptics should be prosecuted as war criminals, Mr. Nye replied, "we'll see what happens." (let's have a conversation)
- Climate change denier Sarah Palin: "Bill Nye is as much a scientist as I am" - Parents should be vigilant against attempts at mind control, Palin said. (if you had a mind)
March temperature smashes 100-year global record | Environment | The Guardian - Average global temperature was 1.07C hotter
US anti-encryption law is so 'braindead' it will outlaw file compression The Register - Burr-Feinstein's proposed legislation will screw over the NSA, too, says Bruce Schneier (Granma Difi)
- Federal police witnessed abduction of 43 missing Mexican students - New testimony suggests federal officers at least allowed local police to abduct some of the 43 students and may have actively participated themselves (obvious all along)
Eschaton: Solid Logic - In the US it's liberals who are the Real Racists, in the UK, it's liberals (Labour) who are the Real Tax Dodgers -- Corbyn was fined for sending in his accounts late, which David Cameron tried to make a joke about ... so if you give your son three quid for mowing the lawn without paying VAT, you're no different to an investment banker squirreling #10bn in the Virgin Isles so he can keep the lot and buy a Rembrandt to use as a dishcloth. (the same, everywhere)
How Brazil, the darling of the developing world, came undone - The Washington Post - Big parts of the Brazil model, it turns out, were glued together with kickbacks, dirty money and lies.
- Jokes About Erdogan Aren't funny in Germany - In announcing her decision Friday, Merkel also said her government would move to repeal the law that makes insulting foreign leaders a crime. (no insulting the royalty)
Charles Lane and the Washington Post Are Very Generous with the Jobs and Wages of Ordinary Workers | Beat the Press | The Center for Economic and Policy Research - Oh yeah, and also the richest one percent happened to get unbelievably rich in the process as well. So people like Bernie Sanders, who want trade policies that will help U.S. workers, are actually being selfish. It's the one percent who are really serving the poor. (sound familiar?)
- University Student to face $200,000 bill for "racist" Facebook comment (Oz)
- This is the worst argument about the national debt you'll ever find - So goodbye Social Security, goodbye Medicare, goodbye Medicaid, goodbye Obamacare, and probably goodbye food stamps and unemployment insurance, too. (Time Mag's plan to enrich the riches and destroy the country)
Republican leaders consider rewriting convention rules - Politico - The new rules would throw more power to the individual delegates and away from a powerful convention chair.
The Single Most Important Thing That Hillary Clinton Did Not Say Last Night | ThinkProgress - who she would name to the Supreme Court. "When I am president, I will take stock of where we are and move from there"
The Pastrami Principle - The New York Times - Is it possible that Mr. Sanders doesn't know this, that he imagines that Mrs. Clinton is riding a wave of support from old-fashioned Confederate-flag-waving Dixiecrats, as opposed to, let's be blunt the descendants of slaves? Maybe. He is not, as you may have noticed, a details guy
Why I Haven't Felt the Bern - Paul Krugman
Bernie Sanders Is Running Against Hillary Clinton And Losing Against Time - The Brooklyn-born senator had a good night. But he needed something bigger in his homecoming debate.
Bernie Sanders Stumbles On Guns And Sandy Hook Families - He continues to struggle explaining his vote to grant legal immunity to gun manufacturers.
Hillary Clinton Calls Out Debate Moderators For Ignoring Women's Health (birth control is icky)
Zach Carter on Twitter: "Bankruptcy reform is the correct answer. Amazing that Bernie still doesn't have that ready. Elizabeth Warren said it years ago. #DemDebate"
Trey Gowdy injects Benghazi into the 2016 campaign - The Washington Post - dragging the investigation into 2016 looks political (Refuckers doing their ratfuck thing)
Anti-Abortion Extremists in Major Nationwide Push - Hillary Clinton Right to Draw Attention - Hillary Clinton is right to ask why Democrats are not discussing it.
Education Reform, Teachers' Unions - California Appeals Court Upholds Teacher Tenure - There is no more inexcusable American couple than Kevin Johnson and Michelle Rhee - For all this president's accomplishments, his sweet-tooth for the education "reform" griftapalooza, from Arne Duncan, his Secretary of Education, to his prolonged slow dance with Johnson and Rhee, is a conspicuous exception (remember his grand bargain to end SS as we know it? and then there's the drones ...)
Should a Member of the Press "clear the air" with a Politician (never ask a Republican a real question)
Mississippi Jails Are Losing Inmates, And Local Officials Are 'Devastated' By The Loss Of Revenue - If they do not send us our inmates back, we can't make it (arrest more non-white people!)
Sen. Mike Lee to Flint: Drop Dead by Martin Longman | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly (Utah Mormon teafucker)
High copper and lead levels found in water at 19 Detroit schools - Chicago Tribune
Black Progressive Group Leaves Coalition That Ripped Julian Castro - BuzzFeed News - critical of a housing policy under Castro after questions over how progressive he is and whether he is qualified to be vice president became the focus of the campaign.
corathus59 comments on What are some experiences that a lot of gay people can relate with (besides just liking men)?
US cinema chain AMC set to allow customers to text during films - BBC News -you can't tell a 22-year-old to turn off their cellphone. That's not how they live their life.
Trotter v Chopper, day of judgment - when his mother (a regular diner there) arrived to act as a go-between. She walked up the stairs in her dressing gown, ending the tense standoff by hitting her son on the head with her handbag while telling him to stop being stupid
Technical glitches plague computer-based standardized tests nationwide - The Washington Post
As it turns out, most people cannot draw a bike. : pics
The anime Ghost Stories was a mediocre show without much to write home about. However, when it came time to translate it to English, the dub team was given enough leeway that they pretty much parodied the original material. The results are hilarious. (xpost r/redditdayof) : television
therealgano comments on The anime Ghost Stories was a mediocre show without much to write home about. However, when it came time to translate it to English, the dub team was given enough leeway that they pretty much parodied the original material. The results are hilarious. (xpost r/redditdayof)
The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon - Damn Interesting - frequency illusion - but it does cause the brain to lend excessive importance to unremarkable events (cognitive bias for patterns)
Apple stops patching QuickTime for Windows despite 2 active vulnerabilities -- If your Windows computer is running Apple's QuickTime media player, now would be a good time to uninstall it : technology
Apple stops patching QuickTime for Windows despite 2 active vulnerabilities | Ars Technica - Yes, we want you to knife the baby
Google Is Working on a Wireless Home Internet Service So You Can Dump Comcast - Yahoo Finance
New Documents Show Oil Industry Even More Evil Than We Thought - coordinated cover-up of climate risks stretches back decades and rivals that of big tobacco companies.
World Bank and IMF chiefs: tax dodging is grave concern for global economy | Business | The Guardian - Jim Yong Kim and Christine Lagarde say revelations from Panama Papers have a "tremendously negative effect" on global fight to end poverty (yeah, those revelations making people starve more unconscious slip or do they really mean that?)
- Antimicrobial resistance a greater threat than cancer by 2050
Burr-Feinstein encryption bill is officially here in all its scary glory | TechCrunch (DiFuckers legacy)
FBI has yet to find actionable intel from breached San Bernardino iPhone, report says (which was never the point)
Court rules warrantless collection of cellphone location data constitutional | US news | The Guardian - A federal court of appeals rejected a constitutional challenge from two convicted robbers making it more likely that the US supreme court will consider the issue
Microsoft sues U.S. government over data requests | Reuters
US corporations have $1.4tn hidden in tax havens, claims Oxfam report | World news | The Guardian - Charity analysis of the 50 biggest US businesses claims Apple have $181bn held offshore, while General Electric has $119bn and Microsoft $108bn
'Panama Papers': Oregon one of the worst states for anonymous incorporation (Letters to the Editor) | (how the riches fucked America, everywhere)
German intelligence agency disputes reports Salah Abdeslam had German nuclear files | World news | The Guardian - Spokeman for domestic intelligence agency says its head did not brief MPs on files found in Paris attacks suspect's apartment
- Putin praises Obama for admitting mistakes in Libya:
How Hillary Helped Ruin Haiti - The Daily Beast - State Department, whose handpicked president has only made things worse. (most of her interventions were disasters)
- UN could have prevented Haiti cholera epidemic with $2,000 health kit - Researchers find screening tests and antibiotics could have warded off illness, which has taken thousands of lives and will cost more than $2bn to eradicate - Some 150,000 UN peacekeepers are deployed from cholera-endemic countries each year but there is still no routine procedure to ensure they are free of the infection before being moved.
Did Blacks Really Endorse the 1994 Crime Bill? - The New York Times - punitive crime policy is a result of a process of selectively hearing black voices on the question of crime. (inside the Clinton bubble)
Gov. Charlie Baker Booed Off Stage At LGBT Event - The Massachusetts governor was yelled at mid-speech - after showing little support for a bill aimed at protecting transgender individuals (+Coakley fucked America by getting Brown elected)
The Obama Administration Is Out Of Patience For The Supreme Court's Birth Control Tomfoolery | ThinkProgress - Kennedy appeared to reverse his previous signs of support for the fill-out-the-form opinion, suggesting that the Court was headed towards a 4-4 split along party lines (what an asshole)
Verizon CEO: Bernie is "uninformed", "contemptible". Bernie Sanders: "I welcome their contempt".
Ayotte says she won't attend GOP National Convention | New Hampshire - Many high-profile Republicans, including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, told CNN that they do not intend to attend the convention in Cleveland this summer. (too late, tea-head)
Current Polls Favor A Trump Delegate Majority - April 9th, 2016, 4:59pm by Sam Wang
Rude and Stupid is No Way to Win the Presidency by Martin Longman | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly
The Negligible Impact of Vice Presidential Choices on Electoral Outcomes - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Vice presidential picks are essentially irrelevant politically, and why would you want to downgrade an effective senator to vice president? I never understand why this is supposed to be a good idea.
- The Little-Known Movers Behind North Carolina's Anti-Gay Law: Ted Cruz's advisors - A preacher and two real estate entrepreneurs offer a glimpse of how far the candidate could go in rolling back LGBT protections.
Morning Digest: A new poll has Pat McCrory losing re-election by 4 points as HB2 backlash continues (lose, evil fuckers)
Chicago Police Dept. Plagued by Systemic Racism, Task Force Finds - The New York Times - Racism has contributed to a long pattern of institutional failures by the Chicago Police Department in which officers have mistreated people, operated without sufficient oversight, and lost the trust of residents, a task force appointed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel has found. (Rahm didn't know that before he was forced to task it)
Tennessee Governor Skeptical Of Anti-Transgender Bathroom Bill - Personally, I am not hearing about problems out in the districts (fuckers at work)
UC Davis spent thousands to scrub pepper-spray references from Internet | The Sacramento Bee - UC Davis sought to eliminate negative search results for school and chancellor ... as Katehi is once again under fire, this time for her acceptance of seats on private corporate boards, including a textbook publisher and a for-profit university that was under scrutiny by the Federal Trade Commission. (yo, Linda, scrub this!)
The Sheriff Has More Power In Hsi | Political Vel Craft - County Than The President Of The United States: U.S. Constitution U.S. Supreme Court ~ Quashes Obama (extreme sovcitpa nutmania)
2 La Grande High students arrested in mass shooting plot | - some students overheard talk of classmates planning a shooting at the eastern Oregon campus.
Harvard Alum Says Allowing Women Into Elite Club Could Lead To More Rape - Because that makes total sense.
What I Learned As A Straight Woman At An All-Female Sex Party - Some adventures are just worth having.
Christian Author Mack Major Says Female Masturbation Is 'Direct Path To Satan' - He also warns that dildos are used in demonic sex rituals
ELI5: What the difference between a Democratic Socialist and a "traditional" Socialist is? : explainlikeimfive
TIL when the "affluenza teen" Ethan Couch was 13, he was allowed to drink and to drive himself to school. When the head of the school objected, Couch's father threatened to buy the school. : todayilearned
Sperm bank sued as case of mentally ill donor's history unfolds | World news | The Guardian - Donor 9623 had an IQ of 160 and was an internationally acclaimed drummer who was working towards a PhD in neuroscience engineering ... the donor was instead a convicted felon with multiple mental illness diagnoses, including schizophrenia.
Does the mass of a black hole increase by any appreciable amount by absorbing photons? : askscience
What is the absolute worst event in human history? : AskReddit
Hey Reddit, did you ever get suspended or expelled from school? If so, what for? : AskReddit
What is your hidden, useless, talent? : AskReddit
Man accidentally deletes his entire company with one line of bad code : technology
Blasphemy Channel: Good Samaritan - That Mitchell and Webb Look - YouTube
Dyson Airblades 'spread germs 1,300 times more than paper towels'
- FBI paid professional hackers to gain access to San Bernardino iPhone
Net Neutrality Rules in Danger | Electronic Frontier Foundation (Republicans try to fuck the internets yet again)
Panama Papers law firm Mossack Fonseca offices raided by police | World | News | London Evening Standard - in Panama City to find evidence of money laundering and the financing of terrorism. (after they had a week to shred everything)
Belgium Charges 2 More Men in Inquiry Into Terrorist Attacks - The New York Times
Swiss Widen Inquiry Into Malaysian Fund to Include 2 Emirati Officials - The New York Times - as part of an inquiry into the financial transactions of the troubled Malaysian state investment fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad - twist to a scandal that has rocked the government of the Malaysian prime minister, Najib Razak, who is also the country's finance minister and the chairman of 1MDB's advisory board (how convienient)
British Minister Admits Dating Woman in Sex Industry - The New York Times - The British minister of culture said on Tuesday that he previously dated a woman who was working in the sex industry and that tabloid newspapers had known her true occupation before he did -- raising questions about whether his role as a government minister with oversight of the nation's media was compromised
Culture Secretary John Whittingdale caught in prostitution scandal ... relationships with prostitutes are said to be well known in the London underworld and could potentially leave him exposed to blackmail ... her visits to Parliament and the Royal Sports Ball, which raises serious questions event security (he had no idea! +get this: "The Independent" not so independent)
Saudi Arabia strips religious police of arresting power : worldnews
Dispatcher Playing With Cellphone Is Faulted in German Train Crash - The New York Times - Eleven people died, and 80 were injured, some seriously, in the crash (angry birds)
'Living Wills' For Five Big Banks Fail U.S. Regulators' Test
This Map Of Donald Trump's Foreign Policy Would Be Funny If It Weren't So True - Remember, he has called himself his own adviser on the issue.
Likely Republican Presidential Nominee Made Key Contribution to Epochal Constitutional Battle - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Ted Cruz was there to help protect the ability of the state of Texas, in its Equalistic Sovereign Dignitude, to prevent its citizens from manipulating their genitals in a non-state approved manner. (they love supervising your sexytime)
Ted Cruz helped defend Texas ban against sale of sex toys in 2007 | US news | The Guardian - and masturbation was not covered by the right to privacy (they sure love their government oversight)
Racism at Harvard: months after protests began, students demand concrete change | Education | The Guardian - In the last year, students at Harvard Law School and 70 other schools have been successful in making symbolic changes, but institutional shifts remain elusive
NYPD Gets Sued After Kicking Wrong Family Out of Home - ProPublica
PlanPhilly | Parking rules questioned at City Council budget hearing - This is Philadelphia. People drive to the corner store. This is what we do
'You Are Special': Judge's Emotional Speech To Troubled Teens Brings Courtroom To Tears - For every person who didn't do what they needed to do ... we're missing something as a society"
Conjoined Sisters Connected At Waist Successfully Separated In Rare Surgery - Ximena and Scarlett Hernandez-Torres are 11 months old.
The Loss Mackenzie Phillips Wasn't Prepared For After Revealing Her Incest Bombshell
Oprah: Chynna & Bijou Phillips Respond To Mackenzie's Incest Claims
Letting them die: parents refuse medical help for children in the name of Christ | US news | The Guardian - The Followers of Christ is a religious sect that preaches faith healing in states such as Idaho, which offers a faith-based shield for felony crimes (child-killing legal in ID)
Doctors Say Aspirin Lowers Heart Attack Risk For Many Adults - Many adults who have never had a heart attack or stroke should take aspirin every day to keep it that way, new U.S. guidelines say.
Climate Change Is Literally Causing Earth's Poles To Shift - Scientists solve mystery of why the planet's axis is tilting eastward.
- Zika is tied to second adult brain disease, deepening fears of virus's unknown dangers - acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, or ADEM, which is so similar to multiple sclerosis that many practitioners have trouble distinguishing between the two.
Police arrest 400 at U.S. Capitol in protest of money in politics | Reuters - from Democracy Spring, an organization seeking to remove big money from politics and combat restrictive voter identification laws.
Police arrest 400 at U.S. Capitol in protest of money in politics : news (violence works)
Time to Reform Big Sanders? - Caucuses themselves
Indiana delegates say they're getting hate mail from Donald Trump supporters - After expressing reservations about Donald Trump, some of Indiana's delegates to the Republican national convention say they've received threatening messages from a few of the GOP front-runner's supporters.
Eschaton: Puke Funnel - Zomigod? What if it favors Anita Hill??? Your liberal media (WaPo).
Tennessee Passes Anti-LGBT Counseling Bill - "sincerely held principles" (sincere homophobia is ok with Christians)
Porn Site Bans North Carolina Users Due To State's Anti-LGBT Laws (Repubicans say porn site is "bullying" them)
Texas attorney general charged with federal securities fraud (teaparty crook)
Former South Carolina Police Officer Reportedly Gets Probation For Black Man's Slaying (no consequences for killer cops so they klll more)
Ammon Bundy's lawyer responds to Nevada senator's comments about 'the Bundy boys and his pals' |
Sheriff Palmer intends to sue city of John Day, employees - Local News -
- Military launches a new investigation into Marine major's sexual misconduct case
Patient secretly recorded doctors as they operated on her. Should she be so distressed by what she heard? - The Washington Post
The psychedelic drug ayahuasca could help us better understand and treat anxiety: study
Are moral foundations heritable? Probably | The Righteous Mind - Jonathan Haidt in Moral Foundations in Action
How Religion Affects Everyday Life | Pew Research Center - Highly religious Americans are happier and more involved with family but are no more likely to exercise, recycle or make socially conscious consumer choices (Jesus loves me, so why bother? +praying more important than research)
What are lesser known biological differences between men and women? : AskReddit
The US is dropping bombs quicker than it can make them
Leak of Senate Encryption Bill Prompts Swift Backlash - NBC News - that would let judges order technology companies to assist law enforcement agencies in breaking into encrypted data. (after everything, they still got what they wanted)
The Assad Files - The New Yorker - Capturing the top-secret documents that tie the Syrian regime to mass torture and killings.
- angry Icelanders feel like it's 2008 again - Revelations in Panama Papers shatter illusion that scandal had been left behind in reforms following banking collapse that brought country to the brink
Reports: Panama Firm Usurped Name of Red Cross to Hide Money - ABC News
One woman helped the mastermind of the Paris attacks. The other turned him in. - The Washington Post - the critical tip in the hunt for Abaaoud came from a Muslim
Half of British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal | Metro News - The poll also discovered that 31 per cent believe it is acceptable for Muslim men to have more than one wife, and 23 per cent would support parts of Britain being governed by Sharia law rather than British law.
The Rich Live Longer Everywhere. For the Poor, Geography Matters. - The New York Times
JAMA Network | JAMA | The Association Between Income and Life Expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014
Ruling Behind MetLife's "Too Big to Fail" Reprieve Unsealed ... Rosemary Collyer (bright U of Denver Bush-appointed Judge didn't like Obamacare, either)
Paul Ryan: The Last Serious Republican - Lawyers, Guns & Money : I wonder what will happen when the granny-starver proves as vapid and hopeless for the Republican future as Walker, Jeb, Jindal, and all the rest of the clowns?
Paul Ryan's Magical-Realist Presidential Campaign
Bill to make Bible Tennessee's official book heads to governor
Mounting data suggest antibacterial soaps do more harm than good : news
Cheating gets all the hype but what are some things that are actually more harmful to relationships in your experience? : AskReddit - five main love languages, and most everyone has a primary and secondary. They are physical touch, quality time, receiving gifts, words of affirmation, and acts of service.
How do people who always post the perfect meme/link do it? Do you have a catalogued folder of links at the ready? : AskReddit
A man has been arrested for trying to assassinate the chief forensic expert in MH17 probe : worldnews
What is the worst drug related experience you've ever had? : AskReddit
[Serious] Suicide survivors of Reddit, what was your first conscious thought after you realized that you hadn't succeeded? : AskReddit
Illinois police department discontinues body camera use, chief says workload for staff increased too much : news
A year after its launch, it's now clear that pretty much no one needs an Apple Watch (who could have predicted? now let's try their car)
Surveillance cameras sold on Amazon infected with malware | ZDNet
Zika virus may cause broader range of brain disorders than previously believed | World news | The Guardian - Study says five patients who tested positive for virus in Brazil reported difficulty with motor functioning while another had trouble with vision and memory
- Inside the Kunduz hospital attack: "It was a scene of nightmarish horror" - Dr Kathleen Thomas was working at an Midecins Sans Frontihres hospital in Afghanistan in October 2015, when a US gunship bombarded it in an attack that killed dozens. In an eyewitness account, she relives the horror of that day (thanks, Obama)
Scottish newspaper reveals identity of superinjunction couple | Media | The Guardian - Paper, which cannot be named, prints names of pair on front page after weeks of speculation as to their identities
American exceptionalism: the great game and the noble way | US news | The Guardian - A partial list of US-sponsored or actively supported interventions, regime changes and coup d'tats for the latter half of the 20th century would include Iran (coup, 1953), Guatemala (coup, 1954), Vietnam (coup, 1963; the war, 1965-1973), Chile (coup, 1973), Argentina (coup, 1976), Nicaragua (war, 1980s), El Salvador (war, 1980s), Panama (invasion, 1989) and Haiti (coup, 1991). (corps love wars)
How a US president and JP Morgan made Panama: and turned it into a tax haven | World news | The Guardian - In 1903 the US bullied Colombia into giving up the province that became Panama. The plan was to create a nation to serve the interests of Wall Street
Cameron faces questions over #200,000 gift from mother | Politics | The Guardian - Unprecedented release of prime minister's personal tax details reveal 2011 payments to help him avoid inheritance duties
David Cameron: blame me for mishandling Panama Papers news | Politics | The Guardian - Prime minister tells Tory forum he should have handled offshore fund revelations better as protesters call for resignation
Belgium Charges Paris, Brussels Attacks Suspects With Terrorism - man in the hat
Prosecutors: Brussels Bombers Had Planned New Attack In France
100 Dead, Almost 400 Injured, In Huge Fire In South India Temple - A fire and explosions during a fireworks display to mark the start of the local Hindu new year killed 100 people and injured more than 380 at a temple in India's southern Kerala state on Sunday. (there's terrorism and there's stupidity)
- Bernie Sanders Did Confuse Numbers of Dead and Wounded in Gaza War, but Israel's Mass Killing of Civilians Is a Fact ... a "a blood libel" (because they only murdered 1,473 civilians)
Bernie Sanders just won his seventh straight victory. Is he unstoppable? | Diane Francis | Opinion | The Guardian (get back to us after NY and PA, Gruan)
Obama sees 'carelessness' in Clinton's management of emails | TheHill
A new divide in American death: Statistics show widening urban-rural health gap | The Washington Post - correlation between places with high white death rates and support for GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. (poor white women drinkers and smokers dying because Republicans killed them but voting for Trumpster)
Boston Globe Trump front page: The GOP must stop Trump - The Boston Globe - deserves to be hoisted by an honorable and decent man, like Romney or Ryan (or Charlie Baker, thanks BoGlo)
Boston Globe Hammers Trump With Fake Front Page - Kid Rock is going to be an ambassador. To repeat, Kid Rock is going to be an ambassador.
Once again, Trump campaign makes mistakes trying to win delegates - The Washington Post
- Ted Cruz sweeps Colorado amid Trump camp's disarray
Trump's Saturday delegate disaster - grew even more desperate on Saturday, with crushing losses in Colorado and South Carolina that put victory at a contested convention further from his grasp.
Sheldon Adelson and top GOP donors retreat to the sidelines - politico - Ambivalence about a Trump-Cruz battle pushes many Republican fundraisers away from the presidential contest. (is he even human?)
Mayor de Blasio's Campaign Fund-Raising Scrutinized in U.S. Corruption Inquiry
Atlantic City: The Fall of the Boardwalk Empire - Gambling as an engine of economic development turned out to be a bad wager, and the famed New Jersey city is paying the price. (NJ fucked by Christie +4 Trump casinos)
I got an early tip about a priest's sexual abuse. And I sat on it - At the time, Rhode Island was the most heavily Roman Catholic state in the union, and people trusted the church (and newpapes had the pedophile's backs)
Portland homelessness: Bleeding-heart liberal is running out of blood (Letters to the Editor) |
Mackenzie Phillips' Big Regret About Revealing Her Incest Secret On Oprah -- Oprah didn't correct her use of the term at the time. ("consensual' child abuse is ok with Oprah)
Oregon marijuana by the numbers | (coulda been you, Dumbachusetts, Mawty and Chawlie +pop OR: 4 million pop MA: 6.7 million, OR pot income: $3.5 million = $70 million morality tax in MA but let's look at CO pop: 5.3 million, pot revenue $100+ million = $122 million lost because Marty isn't a scientist but knows drug counselors)
- Is porn immoral? That doesn't matter. It's a public health crisis -- The science is now beyond dispute. - Gail Dines is a professor of sociology at Wheelock College in Boston
UC Berkeley students to file state sexual harassment complaint against professor | US news | The Guardian - Allegations against Blake Wentworth, who was not terminated last year despite misconduct findings, renewed in significant development in scandal
Can We Fund a Kickstarter for This? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (porn catalyzed "transformation of sexuality"" in the '70's.
Fetishizing family farms - The Boston Globe - Rural social events often scandalized middle-class observers. Rural people took the rare sociality afforded by fairs, festivals, and weddings to let loose. Such events rippled with gambling, drink, dance, and sex. Far from quaint, quiet, or orderly affairs, rural public events could be bawdy and rambunctious.
Losing my religion: life after extreme belief | World news | The Guardian
Inside the Mosul Dam: A disaster waiting to happen? - - Mosul Dam, Iraq (here's your ticking time-bomb)
El Salvador raids local office of Mossack Fonseca - - The attorney general said the Mossack Fonseca sign had been removed from the office a day earlier and quoted an employee as saying the firm was moving.
U.S. general: Number of ISIS fighters in Libya doubles -
Wyoming Democratic caucuses: Bernie Sanders picks up another win -
- Exclusive: Blocking Trump could hurt Republicans in election
John Kasich Will Be the Republican Nominee for President - with Marco Rubio as his running mate
- How the feds uncovered Dennis Hastert's sordid past
Prosecutors: Hastert sought to hide sex abuse of 14-year-old
- North Carolina Congressman: Bruce Springsteen Is a "Bully for Canceling Concert
Agriculture and Commerce ^and Hate - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Tennessee has taken steps to protect the religious freedoms (a dog whistle that dropped to 10 kHz the first time it was used) of anyone who wants to call himself a counselor.
The largest analysis of film dialogue by gender, ever. : movies
Reddit, who is the most terrifying fictional villain? : AskReddit
- Climate Models May Overstate Clouds's Cooling Power, Research Says - The new paper, then, if proved correct, would narrow the range left for the climate panel's goal to 0.7 degree, and the Paris target to just 0.2 degree Celsius. (it's pretty clear who is destroying the planet)
New study shows that the Northern Hemisphere has experienced considerably larger variations in precipitation during the past twelve centuries than in the twentieth century. Researchers have found that climate models overestimated the increase in wet and dry extremes during the twentieth century : science
Clinton campaign chair: The American people can handle the truth' on UFOs - "The U.S. government could do a much better job in answering the quite legitimate questions that people have about what's going on with unidentified aerial phenomena," (but Hillary will get to the bottom of it)
- Edward Snowden says Panama Papers show whistleblower role is "vital" - There is a lesson here. One of these is access to information is vital (Obama hates whistleblowers with a passion)
Belgium Arrests Fugitive Paris Attacks Suspect Mohamed Abrini: Report
It was a children's soccer game. Of course he knew he was going to kill children
One-Third Of Iraqis Believe America Supports Terrorism - popularity in Iraq has plummeted over the course of a year. (needs moar bombs)
Senate Republicans, do your job - The Boston Globe - By Elizabeth Warren April 07, 2016
Questioning Hillary Clinton's Qualifications Doesn't Sit Well With Women Backing Her - Many of these women have been told their whole lives that they're not as qualified as men.
Sanders gaining on Clinton in California poll | The Sacramento Bee - Clinton leads Sanders 47 percent to 41 percent
Fire Bill Clinton. - No one is doing more damage to Hillary's campaign than her husband - his draconian 1994 crime bill, which, among other things, expanded the scope of the death penalty, enshrined "three strikes" provisions into federal law, and allocated almost $10 billion in funding for prison construction.
Nothing Bill Clinton Said To Defend His Welfare Reform Is True - The economy went into recession in March 2001, two months after Clinton left office. This was not because George W. Bush had just moved into the White House. It was because Clinton had left the country with a fundamentally unstable economy and a social safety net that had been weakened by his own bill.
Bill Clinton Gets Into Heated Exchange With Black Lives Matter Protester : NPR
Bernie Sanders: I attacked Hillary Clinton because she attacked me - CBS News
- Sanders's Vatican Invitation Sparks Accusation of "discourtesy"
Sanders Over the Edge - The New York Times - Unfortunately, in the past few days the answer has become all too clear: Mr. Sanders is starting to sound like his worst followers. Bernie is becoming a Bernie Bro.
Corey Lewandowski Called Coworker F**cking B**tch, Yelled at Subordinate for Visiting Dying Grandma
Ted Cruz's terrifying reinvention: How America's most detestable senator is repackaging himself for November
Ted Cruz, Unwelcome In The Bronx, Gets A Taste Of 'New York Values' | ThinkProgress
The Trump effect: Koch-linked groups abandon GOP primary for Senate races | US news | The Guardian
- He Brutalized For You - How Joseph McCarthy henchman Roy Cohn became Donald Trump's mentor - "It would take an hour and a half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles" Trump said
A Mason-Dixon Line of Progress - The New York Times - Essentially, this Republican-controlled block has decided that it's better to be poor, sick and bigoted than prosperous, healthy and open-minded. (the South, sinking again)
Dennis Hastert accused of sexual abuse by at least 4, sources say - Chicago Tribune - For months, federal authorities have hinted at the motive behind the hush-money payments former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert has admitted to making: the sexual abuse of a teenage boy when Hastert was still a suburban high school teacher and wrestling coach.
The GOP encapsulated encore une fois - Lawyers, Guns & Money : After having decades to think about it, Dennis Hastert ... Perhaps I am being cynical, but I sometimes suspect the ability to feel remorse disqualifies one from membership in the GOP.
- Former House Speaker Denny Hastert 'sorry' For Being Sick Bastard, Please Don't Send Him to Jail
- Tennessee Lawmaker Exiled Because He May Pose A Risk To "unsuspecting women" - State Rep. Jeremy Durham (R) is accused of sexually harassing women in the statehouse ... In 2014, his colleagues also questioned his decision to be a character reference for a youth pastor who admitted to statutory rape and possessing child pornography.
How Habitat for Humanity Went to Brooklyn and Poor Families Lost Their Homes - ProPublica
- During my 5 minutes of daily NPR listening (shower radio), they began a report about how "saving Social Security" was a priority for older voters. I immediately hit the off button (Nice Polite Republican Bullshitters)
- Judge clears cop of sex assault of colleague's 9-year-old, orders counseling - Judge Charles Burns said prosecutors had failed at trial to prove, as required by law, that Dennis Barnes fondled the girl for his own sexual arousal
Concern about Montana sheriff raised during Oregon standoff figure Jake Ryan's detention hearing |
Mama the Reader
- David Cameron admits he profited from father's anama offshore trust fund
Panama Papers Leak Casts Light on a Law Firm Founded on Secrecy - The New York Times
The Panama Papers prove it: we can afford a universal basic income | Colin Holtz | Opinion | The Guardian - If the super-rich actually paid what they owe in taxes, the US would have loads more money available for public services (but the Republicans would start more wars and spend it all)
darthpizza comments on Venezuela Makes Every Friday a Holiday to Save Electricity
Switzerland shocked by Muslim teens who refused to shake hands with female teachers - The Washington Post (cooties)
Another Dead Blasphemerin Scotland - The Daily Beast - The stench of Islamic extremism has become all too common among the religious and community leaders of the U.K.
DEA to decide soon whether to stop classifying marijuana like heroin | US news | The Guardian - Agency says ruling could be made by July as timetable is the latest development in Senator Elizabeth Warren's challenge to federal marijuana laws
- Wall St is pretty certain Hillary Clinton will be president
Hillary Clinton Email Scandal Continues - Bernie Sanders Supporters Help - the increasingly hilarious H.A. Goodman, whose devotion to the notion that The Great Bernie Wave Is Just Around The Corner has become positively Millerite in its fervor.
Sanders - Clinton's not qualified to be president
Clinton questions whether Sanders is qualified to be president - The Washington Post
Hillary Clinton Literally Laughed Out Loud When The Sanders Camp Said She Was Too Ambitious - BuzzFeed News - LOLZ. ROFL. LMAO said Clinton
Bernie's giant misfire on guns: His tone-deaf position on Sandy Hook lawsuit should open Democrats' eyes - his leniency on the gun industry could hurt him in New York
Poll: 25 percent of Sanders voters would shun Clinton | McClatchy DC - Only 14 percent of Clinton supporters would not back Sanders - The poll also found Sanders edging ahead of Clinton nationally, by 49-47 percent - Sanders, an independent, edges Clinton nationally thanks to solid support from several groups. He leads 76-23 percent among those 29 and younger; 63-31 percent among Latinos; 62-32 among independents; 58-38 among the unmarried; and 56-42 among liberals.
Newt Gingrich: Donald Trump has made Ted Cruz look normal - politico (take one to know one to know one)
'No relief in sight' for long TSA lines - The TSA cut its airport screener staff by 10% in the past three years, anticipating PreCheck would speed up the process
Mining Companies Have Always Been Allowed To Choose Profit Over Safety - Don Blankenship was sentenced to just one year in prison on Wednesday, but any punishment at all for mine safety violations is unusual.
State Senator Emails AP English Teacher to Offer His Thoughts on Beloved (Too Many Breasts) - Virginia State Senator Richard Black called Beloved "moral sewage" (like between your ears, Richard Black, dumbass)
Chicago To Pay $4.9 Million To Family Of Man Dragged In Handcuffs - Philip Coleman died at a hospital in 2012, according to court records.
Video Shows Texas Cop Body Slam Middle School Girl (he feared for his life +Republican war on kids)
Oregon standoff figure Jake Ryan found hiding in shed in Clark County |
A tale of two wildlife refuges | TheHill - Once they took the cows off, the refuge began to recover immediately
Peter Walker - Attended "town hall" meeting with the Bundy... | Facebook (quite a comedown)
- Parents of standoff suspect respond to son's arrest - Jake Ryan (not far from the crazy tree)
Kiona on Twitter: "@CapitalismHQ @Easy1_76 From FBI anti-ISIS training doc but same principles apply to pro-#oregonstandoff => #socitpa" - From FBI anti-ISIS training doc but same principles apply to pro-#oregonstandoff => #socitpa
(1) #socitpa hashtag on Twitter
JJ MacNab on Twitter: "Sovereign citizen billboard. #socitpa #sovcit"
Two charged with making explosives in wake of east Columbus blast | WBNS-10TV Columbus, Ohio - hands were blown off Wednesday in an explosion at a home on South Hampton Road. - Meantime, fire investigators are probing Mobley Jr. as a possible "sovereign citizen"
On patrol near Hope Park: Drugs and squalor in West Kensington (Philly, ground zero)
Move Over, Rat Pack and Brat Pack: Here Comes the Snap Pack - The New York Times - On a warm-for-March night, a foursome led by a 23-year-old fledgling fashion designer named Andrew Warren shimmied themselves into an Uber S.U.V. They were heading from a pajama-themed party at the Dolce & Gabbana store on Fifth Avenue to dinner at a new restaurant, Vandal, on the Bowery.
20,000 lesbians in the desert: welcome to the Dinah, a world without men | Life and style | The Guardian - an alternate reality where gay women celebrate each other with pool parties, dancing and debauchery
Climate change threat to public health worse than polio, White House warns | Environment | The Guardian - Obama administration report details the diversity of risks and claims global warming is a far more challenging danger than polio virus in some cases (Republicans: doing anything about warming will give us autism)
- Climate Change Is Not About Temperature. It's bout Dying, Starving, Displaced People. Americans have dragged their feet toward an existential humanitarian crisis before.
Mosquito vs. Mosquito in the Battle Over the Zika Virus - The New York Times (weaponized gmos ready to go but people are afraid)
FBI Says a Mysterious Hacking Group Has Had Access to US Govt Files for Years | Motherboard - experts believe to be the government-sponsored hacking group known as APT6 (see, give us your encryption so we can give it to the Russians and Chinese)
FBI Says a Mysterious Hacking Group Has Had Access to US Govt Files for Years : technology
Facebook Groups Act as Weapons Bazaars for Militias - The New York Times (oh look, America flooded the world with cheap deadly heavy weapons in their endless arming of moderate militias)
China announces sanctions on North Korea : worldnews
Panama Papers: the revelations so far | World news | The Guardian - The unprecedented leak of 11.5m files is causing upheaval across the globe. Here is what has been revealed by the Guardian
Relatives of China's Top Leaders Are Identified in Panama Papers
Shots Fired: Wikileaks Accuses Panama Papers' Leaker Of Being "Soros-Funded, Soft-Power Tax Dodge" | Zero Hedge - Now the ICIJ has been outed for what it is, a corrupt US government run propaganda/misinformation/ dirty trick machine.
Who benefits from the Panama Papers Leak? | John M. Cunningham | LinkedIn
- Putin to Declassify Documents That Bear Some "very interesting names"
Mossack Fonseca worked with oil firms owned by Iranian state despite sanctions | News | The Guardian - Documents show law firm at centre of Panama Papers leak carried on doing business with companies after learning of their real owners
Americans show up in the Panama Papers, too | McClatchy DC - No politicians of note are in files but plenty of others
200 people in the US exposed for using tax havens in Panama Papers leak | News | The Guardian - how the rich use tax havens to hide their wealth included some powerful Americans
Forget Panama: it's easier to hide your money in the US than almost anywhere | US news | The Guardian - The term tax haven may evoke images of exotic locales, but Panama actually ranks as the 13th most attractive spot for hiding assets, while the US ranks third
From Kubrick to Cowell: Panama Papers expose offshore dealings of the stars | News | The Guardian - From X Factor boss to late film-maker, leaked files give glimpse of celebrities who have had offshore companies
Rich Kids on Instagram Are Revealing Their Parents' Shadiness to Investigators - hard to declare bankruptcy when your spoiled brat is posting pics of Dom Perignon.
- The Politics of Bangladesh's Genocide Debate
U.S. Scrambles to Repair Damaged Saudi Ties - Bloomberg View
A Corporate Tax Dodge Gets Harder - The New York Times - Pfizer never tried to hide the fact that its proposed $152 billion merger with Allergan, based in Ireland, would cut its tax bill in the United States. But even as it rushed to complete the biggest tax-avoidance deal in the history of corporate America ... (it lied)
Don Blankenship Gets 1 Year for Mining Disaster - BP Oil Spill Engineer Gets Probation - From Blankenship to Deepwater Horizon, it was quite a day for the justice system.
Blankenship - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - American justice: Be a wealthy white man who kills 29 workers and you get a year in prison. Be black and smoke a joint, get many years in prison, assuming the cops don't just kill you
Accused candy shoplifter faces life in prison - A 34-year-old Louisiana man could spend the rest of his life in prison over his alleged shoplifting of $31 of candy
Sanders hits Clinton over Panama Papers leaks - politico
WikiLeaks publishes searchable archive of Clinton emails | Washington Examiner (well, that didn't work out so good)
Bernie surges toward New York showdown - POLITICO - After losing six of the past seven contests, Hillary Clinton needs to stop Sanders in his tracks in New York.
Bernie Sanders Wins Wisconsin Democratic Primary, Adding to Momentum - The New York Times
Bernie Sanders Wins Wisconsin Democratic Primary - The state's primary was open, so non-Democrats could participate.
It's not over 'til it's over: For someone who has the nomination supposedly locked up, Hillary Clinton is sure losing a lot of primaries (seven of the last eight counting Democrats Overseas)
Did Bernie Sanders Botch An Interview With The Daily News? It's Not That Simple. - The interview exposes as much about the media as it does about Bernie Sanders. (editors weren't that smart)
Wisconsin Takeaways: Donald Trump Stumbles and Bernie Sanders Soars, for Now - The New York Times
Chances Of A Contested Convention Jump After Ted Cruz's Big Win In Wisconsin
Ted Cruz Wallops Donald Trump In Wisconsin's GOP Primary - Good news for establishment forces hoping to stop Donald Trump in his tracks.
Wisconsin Goes to Cruz, Raising Chance of Fight at Convention - The New York Times
Trump campaign in disarray - POLITICO - Morale sinks as key battleground state staff laid off, including senior data operative.
Donald Trump Settled a Real Estate Lawsuit, and a Criminal Case Was Closed - The New York Times
STUDY: Media Outlets Hosted Donald Trump For Nearly 14 Hours Of Interviews In March | Blog | Media Matters for America (fuck you, "media outlets")
Megyn Kelly on Donald Trump Feud, Interview Hillary Clinton and Sexism | Variety
Deep Thoughts By Sarah Palin - Lawyers, Guns & Money ("thoughts" used loosely)
California authorities raid home of anti-Planned Parenthood videographer - The Washington Post
Judge orders Rolling Stone rape hoaxer to testify | Washington Examiner
New video captures Ryan Bundy's comments, surrender after shooting |
Ammon Bundy's lawyers rely on social media to defend client, object to court's protective order |
9-year-old reporter breaks crime news, posts videos, fires back at critics - The Washington Post
Women's Emotions Do Not Cause Their Migraines - the affliction is three to four times more common in women than in men -homones a factor - environmental causes - a genetic component to at least 50 percent of migraine cases.
Changing the colour of single photons in a diamond quantum memory - bigger data rates.
NASA Just Opened Up Access To 2.95 Million Images Of Earth
Batman v Superman is 153 minutes of a grown man whacking two dolls together | Lindy West | Opinion | The Guardian
Lindy West on Twitter: "Anyway, read my Batman v Superman review, everyone! Apparently it's just "kill all men" repeated 300 times." (explodingbros)
I'm Comfortable Calling It Terrorism (gamerbros)
Climate change will wipe $2.5tn off global financial assets: study | Environment | The Guardian - Losses could soar to $24tn and wreck the global economy in worst case scenario, first economic modelling estimate suggests (Republicans have doomed the planet, don't give a shit)
NASA Is Facing a Climate Change Countdown - The New York Times - Kennedy Space Center and other NASA facilities near coastlines are facing the prospect of continually rising waters.
Do climate-change deniers have a point? Here are their key arguments | (Olive presents both sides)
Could There Be a Terrorist Fukushima? - The New York Times
- Wild radioactive Fukushima boars breed like rabbits, ravage local countryside
Review: Eric Fairs' "Consequences" - a Memoir by a Former Abu Ghraib Interrogator
Forget Apple vs. the FBI: WhatsApp Just Switched on Encryption for a Billion People | WIRED
- Panama Papers Leaker: "I Want to Make These Crimes Public" - An anonymous source began to expose the finances of the world's most feared and powerful men like Vladimir Putin with a single question: "Interested in data?" (well, I've got data for you)
Iceland's Prime Minister Resigns After Panama Papers Leaks
Panama Papers: Iceland president blocks embattled PM's snap election call | World news | The Guardian
The Prime Minister of Iceland has resigned : worldnews
Fifa president Gianni Infantino pulled into corruption scandal by Panama Papers | News | The Guardian
Panama Papers: Biggest Banks Are Top Users of Offshore Services - WSJ - With clients seeking discretion, banking firms often turn to experts in assembling bespoke financial structures
All mention of Panama Papers banned from Chinese websites | News | The Guardian - Internet watchdog forbids editors from covering the scandal as names of high-profile Chinese emerge
Sanctions: key questions answered | News | The Guardian - at least 22 individuals placed on sanctions blacklists by the US and the EU were connected to companies on the books of Mossack Fonseca, either as shareholders, directors or beneficiaries. (laughing at your so-called "sanctions")
Governments Across The World Open Probes Over 'Panama Papers' - The U.S. Department of Justice would determine whether there was evidence of corruption and other violations of U.S. law, a spokesman said. (but Obama has their backs)
Panama Trade Deal Would Undercut Efforts To Get Rich Americans To Pay Taxes (video) - Obama is also urging Congress to approve a trade agreement that would cement a key tax avoidance tactic deployed by some of the richest Americans. (2011)
DanGliesack comments on ELI5: The Panama Papers
News from The Associated Press - Hackers have posted a database online that seems to contain the personal information of nearly 50 million Turkish citizens in what is one of the largest public leaks of its kind.
As the poor die earlier, Social Security isn't paying off - CBS News - low-income Americans are projected to die as many as 13 years earlier than their wealthier cohort, while a century ago the rich and poor had relatively identical lifespans
The First City of Capitalism - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The Guardian has been running an interesting set of stories on world cities. This one highlights Potosi
Senate Dem questions FBI's 'truthfulness' during Apple iPhone spat | TheHill (Ron Wyden)
7 lingering questions in the Clinton email investigation | TheHill
Hillary Clinton: You Can 'Absolutely' Be A Feminist And Pro-Life (and you can be a presidential candidate and be totally stupid)
Late-Term Abortion Debate Reveals a Rift Between Clinton and Sanders | Mother Jones - Bernie Sanders opposes all abortion restictions. Hillary Clinton's stance is murkier. (still triangulatin' with the forces of evil)
Trump campaign in disarray - POLITICO - Morale sinks as key battleground state staff laid off, including senior data operative.
Charles Koch Is Privately Committed To Getting Paul Ryan Nominated In Cleveland: Source - A major investor in the Republican Party sees a chance to snatch back the nomination.
Republicans and Voter Suppression - The New York Times - Republican electoral prospects go up as the number of voters goes down. Conservatives have known this for a long time, which helps explain their intensifying efforts to make it harder to vote, or to eliminate large numbers of people from political representation entirely.
Report: Trump eyeing money transfers from immigrants in plan to build wall | TheHill - Trump plans to change a rule under the USA Patriot Act anti-terrorism law, shrinking the number of money transfers -- known as remittances -- into Mexico.
- After Trump Gaffe, Rightbloggers Insist They Won't Take Women's Freedom -- Just Their Rights
- You probably missed Sarah Palin's speech in Wisconsin. It was totally bizarre.
Republicans are plotting economic disaster for 2016 (the Jindal plan was a great success)
- Exclusive: Police Investigate Death Threats Made Against Michelle Fields
Anti-Muslim goons rip up Quran and beg Trump to turn Phoenix mosque into a 7-Eleven
David Fry makes unusual personal plea for his release in federal court |
Mississippi gov. signs law allowing service denial to gays - 7News Boston WHDH-TV
Parents of an Alabama woman shot and killed by police lambasted the officers for opening fire on their daughter after they called 911 for help to get her to a mental hospital. : news (cops: murderers waiting to happen)
What If We Measure Streets for Walking the Way We Measure Streets for Cars? | Streetsblog USA - Pedestrian Pain Index ($25 billion wasted waiting for lights to change at crosswalks)
Sacramento Shakedown | Cosmo Garvin - Kevin Johnson and his wife, Michelle Rhee once the brightest star in the corporate-backed "education reform" movement (corrupt basketball dude buys himself a new $300m stadium with taxpayer dollars, fucks up Sacramento for a hundred years)
Withering on the Vine | Thomas Frank (Martha's vineyard vs Decatur, ILL)
Apocalyptic upbringing: how I recovered from my terrifying evangelical childhood | World news | The Guardian - Raised under the dark bubble of religious fundamentalism, Josiah Hesse recalls a childhood filled with gloom, doom and preparing for the end of the world (institutionalized psychosis)
Boys Will Be Men | The Baffler - the dudes themselves who have changed their ways. Dick-lit is experiencing a major sea change for the better.
Teaching Men to Be Emotionally Honest - The New York Times - Last semester, a student in the masculinity course I teach (80% girls)
Love in the Time of Monogamy - The New York Times
Stockholm's coolest gang clash in a duel over who is the richest : videos
Today in the Sixth Extinction - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Republicans holocausting the world)
- The Guardian view on the Panama Papers: secret riches and public rage Editorial
Icelandic PM faces no confidence vote over Panama Papers disclosures | World news | The Guardian - wife owned offshore firm with large claim on collapsed banks
- Panama Papers: mass protests in Iceland call for PM to quit
- Kremlin dismisses revelations in Panama Papers as "Putinphobia" - spokesman Dmitry Peskov denies wife owned offshore companies but documents show she set up firm in 2014
- A Key Similarity Between Snowden Leak and Panama Papers: Scandal Is What's Been Legalized
WikiLeaks on Twitter: ""Oops" #PanamaPapers" - law firm sends mucho awkward letter to its elite and now busted clients. via @wikileaks
Lawyer At Center Of Panama Papers Data Leak Says Firm Suffered 'Limited Hack' - "an international campaign against privacy" (the "privacy" of corrupt elites to screw you)
Worldwide, jaws drop to 'Panama Papers' leak
Putin associates had $2 billion in offshore accounts, report says - The Washington Post (WaPo finally reports, but only about Putin, no Cameron or Iceland)
Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca leak reveals elite's tax havens - BBC News (all over the BBC, not a word from the NYT, guess who has offshore hidden assets?)
NYT: Public Editor Perfectly Reasonable Question: Why No Big Splash for Panama Papers? (people have noticed +Margaret quotes CPP +100 publications froze the Times out)
WikiLeaks on Twitter: ""thanks dad" PM David Cameron in multi-miilion pound #PanamaPapers inhertence dodge 1 : 2:" - "thanks dad" - PM David Cameron in multi-miilion pound #PanamaPapers inhertence dodge (never a second thought when you're an elite crook)
- Panama Papers Leak Sparks Protests in Iceland Over Prime Minister's Secret Finances
Fund run by David Cameron's father avoided paying tax in Britain - Panama Papers reveal Ian Cameron hired Bahamas residents, including a part-time bishop, to keep offshore company exempt
How Mossack Fonseca helped hide millions from Britain's biggest gold bullion robbery
Mossack Fonseca's response to the Panama Papers - "We are responsible members of the global financial and business community" (all of which is incredibly corrupt)
How Mossack Fonseca worked with Australian clients linked to tax investigations | News | The Guardian - The Australian Taxation Office has identified more than 800 individual Australian taxpayers in the files, and has launched investigations into some individuals after the disclosure of the data.
Icelandic Prime Minister Had Stake In Failed Banks, Leaks Suggest - Leaked documents show he and his wife were creditors to three banks that failed in 2008, even as he campaigned against creditor bailouts.
Yachts, jets and stacks of cash: super-rich discover risks of Instagram snaps | Technology | The Guardian
The Panama Papers - Corruption, Tax Evasion Rampant Among International Elite - the result of a brilliant international exercise in investigative journalism.
Is Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitism? - Room for Debate -
- Fighting Israeli Occupying Forces Is "Terrorism" Boycotting is "Anti-Semitism" What's Allowed (loyalty to Israel, of course)
Conservative challenge to voting rights unanimously rejected by supreme court | Global | The Guardian - Case was brought before the court after conservative activists challenged legal principle that election districts should be drawn to be equal in population
One Person, One Vote and the Supreme Court - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Clarence is quite the Confederate soldier)
Clarence Thomas Bizarre Concurrence in Evenwel v. Abbott Supreme Court Case - A truly bizarre line of reasoning.
Today's Voting Rights Victory Isn't All It's Cracked Up to Be - Despite some forceful words from Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
Donald Trump Has An Ace To Play Against Fox News - The GOP front-runner has information that could damage the cable news network if it were to be made public ... ultra-insider information about Fox News and its founder, Roger Ailes ...
Top Republicans talking up Paul Ryan as nominee - politico - One of the nation's best-wired Republicans sees a 54 percent chance that Ryan will end up as the nominee.
The (Un)Democratic Party - Krugman (caucuses and superelitedelegates)
San Francisco's liberal image marred by scandal-prone police department | US news | The Guardian
Undercover Officers Ask Addicts to Buy Drugs, Snaring Them but Not Dealers - The New York Times (literally, pigs)
- Diane Ravitch absolutely eviscerates the bipartisan education reforms of the last 15 years under Bush and Obama in a review of two new books for The New York Review of Books. The first shows the disaster that was Cory Booker and Mark Zuckerberg's attempt to remake the Newark schools by chartering them all, destroying teachers unions, and using students as subjects to experiment on through constant testing (schools were Zuckerfucked, picture is telling)
Solving the Mystery of the Schools by Diane Ravitch | The New York Review of Books (Charterism and the destruction of American education)
Utah ranchers vow to stand up to government despite Oregon arrests | US news | The Guardian - As the unofficial leaders of the land-use rights movement are being prosecuted, ranchers remain steadfast in fighting what they say is federal overreach ("ranchers" = welfare moochers and land scammers and sovcit Mormons - "militias" = white gangs +Graundian clueless)
Renting hell in New York City: how my hoarder landlady ruined my life | US news | The Guardian
Hoarding, Collecting, Accumulating: DSM-5 and American Life | Psychology Today
Late sleepers are tired of being discriminated against. And science has their back. - Vox (chronotypes)
Cannabis helps my epileptic son. If only we had known sooner | Opinion | The Guardian - Vital research on the medical benefits of marijuana has been obstructed by policies based on moral panic. Government needs to get out of the way of science
Is chronic fatigue syndrome finally being taken seriously? | Life and style | The Guardian - Once dismissed by many doctors as a psychological illness, new research suggests CFS has its roots in infection - In the 1980s, psychiatrists in the US and UK involved in investigating a similar CFS epidemic in Nevada decided the illness was largely psychogenic (shrinks guilty, again)
Study shows human sacrifice was less likely in more equal societies | Science | The Guardian - The more egalitarian a society, the smaller the chance its citizens being ritually burned, bludgeoned or crushed to death under a new canoe, research shows
It turns out this planet has three suns in its sky - The Washington Post - KELT-4 system
Socrates, Cynics and Flat-Nailed, Featherless Bipeds - The New York Times - Philosophy has pulled in both directions, systematic and subversive, for as long as it has remembered Socrates
The Danger of a Runaway Antarctica - The New York Times
Dawn of Justice by D.R. Tucker | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - the press conference New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman held with former Vice President Al Gore on Tuesday: More government officials are asking what Exxon Mobil knew about climate change. (Climate Crimes Court for Republicans next)
Stop Global Whining by D.R. Tucker | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - It is unfathomable that so-called committed progressives would selfishly sit out the 2016 general election because they can't get over the fact that their preferred candidate did not win the Democratic nomination.
High Winds Leave Thousands Across Northeast Without Power - The New York Times - cutting power to more than 200,000 homes across 13 states.
FBI Will Help Police Unlock iPhones - The government recently abandoned its to force Apple to help them unlock iPhones. (China cops just called)
The Panama Papers 7 ICIJ - The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists
Explore The Panama Papers Key Figures - Numbers 7 ICIJ
Panama Papers | The Power Players
Panama Papers - All articles by S|ddeutsche Zeitung
- A storm is coming (1/4 of Iceland's Cabinet, including PM, involved in corrupt offshore companies)
Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca leak reveals elite's tax havens - BBC News
- Over 100 news agencies sitting in 100 contries all over the world are disclosing the panama papers tonight at the exact same time. This will be a huge hit for several large figures in world sports, politics and economy. Names like Lionel messi, Vladimir Putin and the prime minister of Iceland are already leaked.
- Biggest leak in the history of data journalism just went live, and it's about corruption -- Edward Snowden on Twitter
Panama Papers: Iceland PM's investments questioned - BBC News
Iceland prime minister walks out of interview over tax haven question (that looked bad)
On the Icelandic prime minister and his wife's offshore activities
- The Panama Papers: how to hide a billion dollars - video explainer
The Panama Papers: what you need to know | News | The Guardian - What is Mossack Fonseca, how big is it, and who uses offshore firms? Key questions about one of the biggest ever data leaks (Plutonian oligarches)
News regarding the Panama Papers Scandal
WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) | Twitter
Corporate Media Gatekeepers Protect Western 1% From Panama Leak - Craig Murray - Unfortunately the leaker has made the dreadful mistake of turning to the western corporate media to publicise the results
WikiLeaks on Twitter: "WikiLeaks didn't lead the #PanamaPapers so most docs will not be released and you won't get a searchable database" - WikiLeaks didn't lead the #PanamaPapers so most docs will not be released and you won't get a searchable database
Revealed: the $2bn offshore trail that leads to Vladimir Putin | News | The Guardian - A massive leak of documents shines new light on the fabulous fortunes of the Russian president's inner circle - Iceland PM faces snap election over revelations
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal - The New York Times (is this connected?)
U.S.-led strikes putting a financial squeeze on the Islamic State - The Washington Post - They still have 60 percent of Syrian oil wells and 5 percent of Iraq's (bombing their oil)
Syria Says Mass Grave Found In Palmyra After Recapture From ISIS
Obama Nixed CIA Plan That Could Have Stopped ISIS: Officials - NBC News ("officials" = one ex-CIA liar guy)
Turkish President: Obama Spoke 'Behind My Back' On Press Freedom - You cannot consider insults and threats press freedom or criticism (Turkish Netanyahu has tantrum)
Insider's Account of How Graft Fed Brazil's Political Crisis
Crime Spike in St. Louis Traced to Cheap Heroin and Mexican Cartels - The New York Times
Family upset after teacher allegedly calls student 'a terrorist' |
2 Republican Senators Revoke Support for Garland Hearings - The New York Times (the "crack" just sealed itself with shit)
Why Trumpt Can't Break the G.O.P (because rural areas with no people have Senators)
How the Trump Campaign Spread a Dirty Meme About Protesters Paid by Clinton, Sanders and Soros (meme is the new ratfuck rumor)
Watch MSNBC's Chris Matthews Slam Trump For His Muslim Ban That Will Give "Exceptions" To His "Very Rich" Muslim Friends | Video | Media Matters for America (predictable)
Sicko by D.R. Tucker | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - Did Maureen Dowd just defeat Donald Trump? - When he was a swinging bachelor in Manhattan, was he ever involved with anyone who had an abortion?
Educational Divide in GOP White House Race; What's Behind It - ABC News (it's not about the stupid but it really is)
The Pathos of Republican Reformers - The New York Times (death of the Reformicons! +Douthat "remarkably naive")
The Republican's Gay Freakout (distraction from everything they broke)
Abortion and Punishment - The New York Times (Katha Pollitt)
According to the Periods for Pence Facebook page, people are calling and emailing the governor to keep him up to date on the conditions of their uteri. And perhaps any uteri in the vicinity. (Hoosierstan)
(2) Periods for Pence
Today in the Republican War on Women - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Louie Gohmert, saying the quiet parts loud again. (Louie "Yes I'm Insane" Gumball)
- Louie Gohmert Opposes Bill For Women Scientists: "A Woman's Job Is To Be At Home"
Despite $80,000 Fine, B&B Vows To Disregard 'Immoral Laws'
Kesha Says She Was Offered 'Freedom' If She Apologized For Rape Allegations - I would rather let the truth ruin my career than lie for a monster ever again
Lead Paint Violations In New York City Neighborhoods
How the $15 Minimum Wage Went From Laughable to Viable - The New York Times (the riches stopped laughing)
This model of wealthy suburban living is starting to fray - The Washington Post (no new taxes caught up with them, boo-hoo)
Eating something sweet can lead to a romantic date - The Washington Post
The Tampon of the Future - The New York Times (your vag part of the Internets of Thingys)
Vaxxed: an expert view on controversial film about vaccines and autism | Film | The Guardian - Andrew Wakefield's film acts as if his research had not been revealed as fraudulent and he had not lost his medical license (little detail escaped DeNiro)
Rage Disorder Linked with Parasite Found in Cat Feces - Scientific American - Toxoplasmosis may alter brain chemistry in people exhibiting bouts of explosive anger - More than 20 percent of the U.S. population has been infected by the Toxoplasma parasite
To diagnose autism, we should be watching the eyes - ScienceAlert - The tests analysed how long they spent focussing on the social and non-social aspects of a series of images and videos.
Current or former sex workers, what is the strangest thing a client has asked you to do? : AskReddit
- Companies turn to quirky interview questions -- even after Google says they don't work
Isil plotting to use drones for nuclear attack on West (they've upraded their Toyotas)
Threat of Nuclear Terrorism - Daunting Climate Change News from The New York Times
Scientists Find Groundwater in Wyoming Impacted by Fracking | The Weather Channel
Is China's Policy Toward North Korea Changing? - Room for Debate -
Muslim woman mown down by grinning far-right activist who then stops to take a PICTURE during anti-Islam rally in the troubled Brussels district of Molenbeek | Daily Mail Online
Greece Demands IMF Explain 'Disaster' Remarks In Explosive Leak
Big Banks Aided Firm At Center Of International Bribery Scandal - Unaoil relied on both banks as it cut deals with corrupt regimes.
U.S. Oil Industry Giant Paid Millions To A Company At The Center Of Huge Corruption Scandal - While KBR was being investigated for bribery in Nigeria, it was partnering with a company that bribed officials in Kazakhstan.
CIA left explosive material on Loudoun school bus after training exercise - The Washington Post - a bus that was used to ferry elementary and high school students to and from school on Monday and Tuesday with the material still sitting in the engine compartment, according to the CIA and Loudoun County officials. (inspires confidence in the Central Stupdity Agency)
CIA Leaves Bomb on School Bus After Training Exercise - They should put the dogs in charge.
Cracks in the GOP wall: The Republicans's hardline Supreme Court obstruction is crumbling
- The president said Trump's comments about nuclear weapons show he "doesn't know much" about proliferation. (or much of anything else
- Electoral Map Is a Reality Check to Trump's Bid (only candidate in 40 years to be hated more than Hillary)
G.O.P. Fears Donald Trump as Zombie Candidate: Damaged but Unstoppable - The New York Times
Abortion and Punishment - The New York Times - Mr. Kasich has signed 17 anti-abortion measures into law since he took office in 2011. Half the clinics in Ohio in operation at the beginning of his tenure have closed or stopped performing abortions.
Trump, Truth and Abortion - The New York Times - Maybe Donald Trump did everyone a favor with his famous jail-the-women comment
Does Trumpism Have Any Shelf Life? - If the worst enemies of conservatism were to construct a Frankenstein figure that represents the worst elements of right-wing politics, Donald Trump would be it.
Ted Cruz' evangelical problem - The Texan surged to second place as the candidate of Christian conservatives. His challenge now is how few are left to vote.
Ted Cruz is no savior: Sorry, Republicans, you're (probably) still screwed and stuck with Trump (into the TrumpsterDumpster)
Feel the Math - The New York Times - Sanders can have a lot of influence on the shape of the race. But with influence comes responsibility, and it's time to lay out some guidelines for good and bad behavior ... the Sanders campaign needs to stop feeding the right-wing disinformation machine
- In April Fools Spoof, Koch Brothers Claim "Clinton" is on their payroll -- Just now that Clinton
Edging toward an earthquake election | National Surveys
2 political scientists have found a key reason Republicans and Democrats see politics so differently - Vox (Fox and Megyn)
Megyn Kelly has a theory about why Donald Trump hates her. And it makes lots of sense. - The Washington Post - I think it's very clear to him that he cannot control the editorial on my show, or from me, in a debate or other setting.
Trump camp accuses Tennessee GOP of stealing delegates
The looming Trump disaster, in three charts - The Washington Post
The Bobblespeak Translations
Cruz: Why Is Your Number On The List Of D.C. Madam? (old plotlines re-surface)
Louisiana Creationism in Schools - Mississippi Guns in Church - only 43 percent of the student body was properly vaccinated (in CA elementary school full of disease-bomb special snowflakes)
North Carolina Law May Risk Federal Aid - The New York Times
Scott Walker Project in Wisconsin Nearly Complete - Destruction of the Wisconsin Idea (way to go, white voters in WI)
War on Voting - Kansas, Federal Officials Work to Restrict the Franchise - Thanks to Kris Kobach and his federal disciples.
North Hills man suspected of killing son because he was gay
Oregon standoff: Incidents reported at 13 other refuges during Oregon occupation |
A career on the range that was mostly cooperative except with Cliven Bundy | Las Vegas Review-Journal - Ben Collins is retired now and living in Oregon, but he spent most of his career roaming Nevada and the region with the Bureau of Land Management.
Bull in Queens Is Captured, and Jon Stewart Chauffeurs It to Freedom - The New York Times
What Happens To Your Body When You Skip A Meal Or Two
How Intermittent Fasting Might Help You Live a Longer and Healthier Life - Scientific American - Intermittent fasting might improve health, but clinical data are thin
Discovery Could Rewrite History of Vikings in New World - Guided by ancient Norse sagas and modern satellite images, searchers discover what may be North America's second Viking site.
I'm Not Male. I'm Not Female. Please Don't Ask Me About My Junk.
Caitlyn Jenner slips into stripy dress for casual night out in West Hollywood | Daily Mail Online - Caitlyn hinted that she would vote for Donald Trump should he win the Republican candidacy for the Presidential election (needs a brain-change)
What is a common misconception? : AskReddit
Retired lawyer sues Israeli airline after she was asked to move seat | World news | The Guardian - Renee Rabinowitz, 81, who fled Nazis as a child, says ultra-Orthodox Jew objected to sitting next to a woman on El Al flight
Unaoil chiefs questioned by police after Fairfax revelations - The headquarters of the Monaco-based oil company Unaoil and the homes of its executives have been raided by police in the wake of revelations in recent days that it has systematically corrupted the global oil industry.
- Elizabeth Warren praises Hillary Clinton's Wall Street Plan
- Hillary Clinton Just Delivered the Strongest Speech of Her Campaign -- and the Media Barely Noticed - Nothing sums up the high-drama, low-substance nature of 2016 race coverage more than the underplaying of a serious speech about the Supreme Court.
Hillary Clinton Was Liberal. Hillary Clinton Is Liberal. | FiveThirtyEight
Signs of Wisconsin Backlash Against Donald Trump, Who Trails in Poll - The New York Times
Trump would be least-popular major-party nominee in modern times - The Washington Post (the core crazy is exposed)
Donald Trump's Ratings Are Historically Awful (but not on teevee)
Oh, Susan Sarandon - The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness
The War on Reproductive Freedom Is A War On Women, Their Security of the Person, and Their Privacy - Lawyers, Guns & Money - John Kasich is also an anti-reproductive freedom fanatic. This is what Republican policy is.
U.S. Department of Labor - Wage & Hour Divisions (WHD) - Minimum Wages for Tipped Employees
Servers Tell Boss To Take Her Crap Anti-Minimum-Wage Op-Ed And Shove It | Wonkette - Michelle Corry wrote an op-ed that claimed to speak for her employees about the citizen-initiated ballot referendum in the state to both increase the minimum wage to $12 and eliminate the tip credit
Alabama Governor Dogged By Sex Scandal Bought 'Burner' Cellphones: Report - Gov. Robert Bentley changed cellphones frequently, a former top aide says ... campaigned on ... "family values" and anti-gay marriage platforms
The Rising Number of Non-Religious, Atheist, and Agnostic Homeschool Families - The Atlantic - Non-religious families often find it difficult to educate their children without relying on conservative Christian curricula and communities.
- Psychologists Have Invented a Test to Measure Your Secret Need for Drama - differentiated the need-for-drama trait from existing personality disorders, including borderline personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder.
One Crucial Truth Everyone Gets Wrong About Sex -- Science of Us (spontaneous and responsive desire)
The Most Highly Confident Young Men Have the Least Success in Online Dating
The depths of Okeanos
GOP Congressman Falsely Claims Study 'Confirms The Halt In Global Warming' - Rep. Lamar Smith (will they ever be held to account for their mega-holocaust?)
- Study drives a sixth nail into the global warming "pause" myth - Numerous climate records and denial myths have fallen in 2015 (well, when you fluctuate, you ... pause!)
In Landmark Ruling, Court Condemns Use Of Stingray Devices - an appellate court has for the first time ruled strongly against the use of controversial stingray devices (because obviously)
Nurse arrested over deaths of 13 patients in Tuscany | World news | The Guardian - Fausta Bonino accused of giving lethal doses of blood-thinner Heparin to intensive care patients
Unaoil Threatened To Seek Injunction Before Publication Of Bribery Expose - An Australian media company partnered with The Huffington Post on a six-month investigation that began with a source's unusual request.
FBI And Justice Department Probing Huge International Bribery Scandal - The feds are working with Australian and British investigators to investigate Monaco firm Unaoil and its partners. (injunct this)
The FBI, US Department of Justice and anti-corruption police in Britain and Australia have launched a joint investigation into revelations of a massive global bribery racket in the oil industry. : worldnews (reddit storms the MSM walls)
- The Supreme Court Just Did Something the Supreme Court Shouldn't Have to Do - Enjoy the view from the Ivory tower - whether or not you can pauperize a criminal defendant as a way of making sure this person's Sixth Amendment right to counsel is a sad and tattered joke.
The Perils of Our Split Supreme Court | New Republic - Public-sector unions caught a break from the Court's 4-4 opinion. But a divided Court is good news for nobody. (Republicans destroying democracy and civilization)
Washington Post Story on Clinton Email Scandal - Post Issues Two Important Corrections - When 147 could be 12, maybe you don't just stick that detail at the bottom (ratfuckers and their enablers)
There's A High Chance Of A Contested Republican Convention - Political betting markets, which tend to be pretty accurate, put the odds at 61 percent. (comment: Trump has done the majority of Americans an enornmus favor by cracking open the TP/GOP and exposing its parts. They all hate him but hate Cruz a little less) (the scriptwriters will not let us down )
alicublog: MY FRONT-RUNNER IS YOUR FAULT. - Trump is the Fault of Everyone Except the People Who Keep Voting For Him
Donald Trump Withdraws His Pledge To Support The GOP Nominee - Cruz and Kasich back off the pledge, too.
Anti-Abortion Group Weighs In On Donald Trump's Comments : NPR - I am flaberghasted at the utter and complete lack of actual journalism from Steve Inskeep. What sort of interviewer permits the person they are interviewing to tell two outright, easily provable, lies in less than thirty seconds and fails to mention that she has lied?
Here's why doctors are dumbfounded by Utah's new anti-abortion law - Vox (Mormon patriarchy)
Texas Forced This Woman to Deliver a Stillborn Baby - The Daily Beast
Vermont Governor on Marijuana Legalization: It's What "Enlightened" States Do (lookin' at you, Indiopia and Massascrewsetts)
Vermont Is Considering a 92 Percent Tax on Vaping to Protect the Children | Motherboard - Vermont is currently considering a new bill that would nearly double the cost of e-cigarettes in the state, giving it one of the steepest vaping taxes in the country. (nvm)
In Indiana, Opioid Abuse Continues Despite An HIV Outbreak : Shots - Health News : NPR
Drugs You Don't Need For Disorders You Don't Have - The Huffington Post
USWNT Files Lawsuit Against U.S. Soccer In Fight For Equal Pay - The USWNT earned roughly four times less than the men's players last year
Violence Surges in Chicago Even as Policing Debate Rages On - The New York Times - As of Friday, 131 people had been killed here in the first months of 2016, an 84 percent rise in homicides from the same period in 2015. There had been 605 shootings, nearly twice as many as at this point last year.
Cop Who Shot Teen Boy 16 Times On Video Hired By Police Union - Jason Van Dyke, who is accused of murdering Laquan McDonald, was rehired by the police union three weeks ago as a janitor. Despite the fact that the Chicago PD already tried to cover up this incident and got caught, they apparently decided to bring the accused back into the fold while he awaits trial.
New Claims Of Racist Texts Among SFPD Officers Mocking Prior Scandal + CBS San Francisco (they went meta with their racism)
- Tracing the Legacy of Zaha Hadid, Architecture's Esteemed Anomaly
Mom's smoking alters fetal DNA
Inherited gene changes take years off life expectancy, study finds | EurekAlert! Science News
The moon thought to play a major role in maintaining Earth's magnetic field - Now, a team of researchers from CNRS and Universiti Blaise Pascal1 suggests that, on the contrary, its temperature has fallen by only 3000 C. The action of the moon, overlooked until now, is thought to have compensated for this difference and kept the geodynamo active.
Astronomers have found a star with a 99.9% pure oxygen atmosphere. The exotic and incredibly strange star, nicknamed Dox, is the only of its kind in the known universe. : science (Dox)
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) use causes changes in the way that people think about time that may help develop drug therapies for people suffering from depression, according to a study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. : science
'Hobbit-like' hominins died out sooner than thought. Were humans to blame? | Science | The Guardian - Analysis shows that the diminutive Homo floresiensis, died out at least 50,000 years ago, making competition with modern humans a likely cause
This face tells us why we must rethink our views on our ancestors | Science | The Guardian
What is the best "OP delivers" moment in Reddit history? : AskReddit
'Drastic' Antarctic melt could double global sea-level rise - BBC News (liberal ice-shelfs are in on the plot)
Fracking Triggers 90% of Large Quakes in Western Canada | News | teleSUR English (WCHP?)
Pirate Bay allowed to continue operating by Sweeden Court : worldnews
- French minister compares veil wearers to "negroes who accepted slavery"
Complying With Israeli Censorship Order, NYT Conceals Name of Soldier Who Shot Wounded Palestinian - the fact that Israeli courts are protecting a soldier charged with murder, captured on video, by censoring media outlets from reporting his name is disturbing for all sorts of reasons
I Do Not Care to Finish Reading This Mediocre Kissinger Biography By Niall Ferguson
A Conversation on Privacy With Edward Snowden, Noam Chomsky, and Glenn Greenwald
Mikhail Gutseriev's son gets married in lavish ceremony | Daily Mail Online
Revealed: how Associated Press cooperated with the Nazis | World news | The Guardian - German historian shows how news agency retained access in 1930s by promising not to undermine strength of Hitler regime
Hundreds of thousands of leaked emails reveal massively widespread corruption in global oil industry : worldnews
There's A Huge New Corporate Corruption Scandal. Here's Why Everyone Should Care. - Bribery fuels political instability -- a propaganda tool for terrorists.
U.S. Oil Industry Giant Paid Millions To A Company At The Center Of Huge Corruption Scandal (Capitalists destroying democracy)
Surprise signal from Supreme Court on birth control | MSNBC - the court surprised everyone with a two-page order asking the parties for more information on their positions.
- Second judge says Clinton email setup may have been in "bad faith"
Republicans seethe at talk of giving up White House | TheHill
Donald Trump withdraws pledge to support Republican nominee | US news | The Guardian - as Lewandowski controversy swirls
They're sicker, plus ACA enrollees cost more in care, major insurer finds
No charges for Minnesota officers in police-involved deaths since 2000 - - Since 2000, at least 143 people in Minnesota have died after being shot, Tased or restrained by a police officer. To date, not a single officer has been charged in any of those deaths.
'Please don't shoot me,' pleaded Texas man before fatal Arizona police shooting - Houston Chronicle - (so they shot him)
Mississippi Bill Would Let Churches Create Armed Security Squads - "The reality is that we're a soft target" (for Muslim and Atheist Terrorists)
Oregon standoff: Grant County sheriff facing investigation pursues legal defense fund | (Glenn Palmer Constitutional Sheriff)
Long term vegetarian diet changes human DNA raising risk of cancer and heart disease - Populations who have had a primarily vegetarian diet for generations carried a genetic mutation which raised risk of cancer and heart disease
Someone compiled a list of sexualized male butts in reaction to Blizzard removing an Overwatch pose. : gaming
What makes you feel manly/womanly? : AskReddit
Mass surveillance silences minority opinions, according to study - The Washington Post
EgyptAir Plane Hijacker Surrenders (UPDATE)
China editor resigns over media censorship - BBC News - Unable to bear your surname
- Without Scalia, America's political landscape is being transformed
Trump's popularity nosedives in critical stretch - As he inches toward the GOP nomination, Donald Trump is becoming more and more disliked among American voters.
Poll: Trump Nearly at 50 Percent Support Among Republicans Nationally - NBC News
Donald Trump's Success Upends Battle for Control of Congress
- I did my best to understand Donald Trump's foreign policy. Here's what I came up with.
The Watchdogs: UNO's secret spending spree (Rahm is a very bad person, part the 100th)
Oregon public health officials reverse course on popular marijuana extracts |
Federal judge admonished Shawna Cox she's not to speak publicly about Oregon standoff case |
Bundy brothers and 2 co-defendants appeal to higher court to remain in Oregon |
Leaders should not be conformists in evolutionary social dilemmas : Scientific Reports
Novel Finding: Reading Literary Fiction Improves Empathy - Scientific American - The types of books we read may affect how we relate to others
TIL Lesbians are four times as likely as their heterosexual counterparts to own a Subaru : todayilearned - Vermont must be filled to the brim with lesbians.
What is an actual fact that people will instead refuse to acknowledge, call you ignorant, or try to insult you, while not providing any counterargument or proof at all? : AskReddit
Great Barrier Reef coral bleaching at 95 per cent in northern section, aerial survey reveals - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) - half of those corals die in the coming month (destroyed)
Alert Levels Raised As Alaska's Pavlof Volcano Spews Ash 20,000 Feet Into The Sky - Smoke started spurting at 4:18 p.m. local time on Sunday.
DOJ Says It Hacked Into Encrypted iPhone -- Without Apple's Help - The Feds withdrew legal action that would have forced Apple to help crack open an iPhone from the San Bernardino shooting.
CIA photographed detainees naked before sending them to be tortured | US news | The Guardian - sexual humiliation
Blackwater's Erik Prince in the Hot Seat
Bank Freezes Online Payment Over Dog's 'Terrorist-Sounding' Name ("Dash" sounds like "Daesh" +SF)
Many millions of Muslims 'fundamentally incompatible with the modern world', says Tony Blair | Middle East | News | The Independent - "It made it all, it built our ideology. We could never have all got together like this in Baghdad, or anywhere else" (mission of evil and stupidity accomplished)
Danish politicians want radical Islamic preachers deported | World | News | Daily Express - The call to expel extremist Imams comes after it was revealed religious leaders were telling worshippers to beat children and stone women to death.
Many millions of Muslims 'fundamentally incompatible with the modern world', says Tony Blair | Middle East | News | The Independent
Ex-CIA chief warns Britain it would WEAKEN Brussels with Brexit | World | News | Daily Express - David Petraeus
Why Merrick Garland Will Not Get A Confirmation Vote - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The Tea Party Patriots threatened to back a primary challenger against the first-term senator.
Paul Ryan is still a grifter: The GOP has become a tax-avoidance scam for the 1 percent -
- Hillary Clinton has evolved since the '90s. You probably have too.
Georgia governor vows to veto religious freedom bill | US news | The Guardian - I have examined the protections that this bill proposes to provide to the faith-based community and I can find no examples of any of those circumstances occurring in our state
Scale of Hearst plot to discredit Orson Welles and Citizen Kane revealed | Film | The Guardian - executives conspired to undermine Welles and stop release of film (in long tradition of ratfucking)
autotldr comments on TIL indie musician Paz planted 5000 copies of his own album into wrapped CD cases resembling Justin Bieber's "Believe", down to the bar code and cover, at major retailers. Paz stated retailers made it impossible to get indie music sold there and that 'the world won't really miss a Bieber record'.
If /r/NotTheOnion was around for all of recorded human history, what would be the top post of all time? : AskReddit
Google and Apple: the High-Tech Hippies of Silicon Valley - The New York Times - Why are the two companies spending billions to build offices that look lifted straight from the 1960s?
Easter Egg hunt turns into chaos after parents storm PEZ center field in Connecticut | Daily Mail Online - An Easter egg hunt descended into chaos on Saturday after parents in Orange, Connecticut, stormed the field. Children as young as four were trampled by adults in a rampage to steal buckets and grab as many of the 9,000 hidden eggs as possible from the third annual free event at the PEZ headquarters.
Parents turn Easter egg hunt at Pez into 'mess' - WFSB 3 Connecticut
- FBI reversal in Apple fight draws critics' ire - focus was on setting a precedent on encrypted communications, not investigating shooter Syed Rizwan Farook (kinda obvious)
Brussels attacks: Police move against 'hooligan' protesters - BBC News - Riot police intervened to try to restore order after the group confronted Muslim women in the crowds, made Nazi salutes and chanted.
Turkey is deliberately 'unleashing' Isis terrorists into Europe, says Jordan's King Abdullah | Middle East | News | The Independent - The fact that terrorists are going to Europe is part of Turkish policy
At least 60 killed in bomb blast at Pakistan park - The Boston Globe - A breakaay Pakistani faction of the militant Taliban group has claimed responsibility for an Easter Sunday bombing
Eschaton: Nobody Could Have Predicted - Everybody wins! - The fighting has intensified over the past two months, as CIA-armed units and Pentagon-armed ones have repeatedly shot at each other - Probably gives Fred Hiatt a boner
Al-Jazeera to lay off 500 staff worldwide | Media | The Guardian - Broadcaster announces 10% reduction in workforce amid tougher global media environment and oil price slump
Find Your Happy Place - The New York Times - new research suggests that people are significantly happier living in societies where there is less inequality of happiness. (Republicans want it all)
California May Lead the Nation Forward with a $15 Minimum Wage
Why did Bernie Sanders dominate Saturday? Caucuses in states with smaller black populations. - The Washington Post
Hawaii Democrats pick Sanders in landslide over Clinton | Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Petition pushes to allow guns at GOP convention -
The 'Massive Game Of Telephone' That Preceded The Ted Cruz Tabloid Rumors
Donald Trump's reign of bullsh*t: He's not lying to us, he's just completely full of it
- The media are losing their handle on this campaign -- not that they ever had much of one (that hasn't been their job for a long time)
Trump aide: Immigration increases risk of female genital mutilation | TheHill - You want to talk about women's issues? (they are coming for your clits)
Miley Cyrus blasts Donald Trump on twitter for his 'stupid a** sexist s***' | Daily Mail Online
Arizone voting rights fire bell - county's move left one polling place for every 21,000 voters -- compared with one polling place for every 2,500 voters in the rest of the state. (Republifuckers ratfucking your democracy +thanks, Kennedy)
Police Brutality Protesters 'Destroyed American Cities,' Senator's New Ad Claims - Sen. Pat Toomey brings his pro-law enforcement stance into his re-election push. (PA Teaparty)
Joking e-mails about Flint water among latest released (Snyder's gang of privitisation goons laughing)
Murder trial witness on alleged 1981 rape by prosecutor: 'He derailed my life' | US news | The Guardian
Key reports from Globe's Spotlight team on clergy sex abuse
Profit and care at Massachusetts nursing homes - The Boston Globe - The nursing homes are owned by Personal Healthcare, a for-profit Tarrytown, N.Y., company that also runs Cambridge Rehabilitation & Nursing Center ... For-profit nursing homes, which constitute three-quarters of those in the state, frequently devote less money to nursing care, compared to nonprofit homes, the analysis showed ... Ephraim Zagelbaum, chief executive of Personal Healthcare (o rly)
Robert De Niro Pulls Controversial Anti-Vaccination Documentary From Tribeca Film Festival
SSRI antidepressants not associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular conditions - The University of Nottingham
Considerate neighborhood drug dealers : funny
Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door still has one of the coolest opening credits I've ever seen : movies
aikido : gifs
The fall of religion in America. so few Millennials claim religious affiliation, regularly attend church, or believe in God that this generation is a contender for the title of the least religious generation in American history. (the internets happened)
- The fall of religion in America. More Americans than ever believe the bible "is an ancient book of fables, legends, history, and moral precepts recorded by men" ... However, Americans have become slightly more likely to believe in an afterlife. (like, what kind of afterlife are we talking about here?)
Muslims and Islam: Key findings in the U.S. and around the world | Pew Research Center - More generally, Muslims mostly say that suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilians in the name of Islam are rarely or never justified, including 92% in Indonesia and 91% in Iraq. In the United States, a 2011 survey found that 86% of Muslims say that such tactics are rarely or never justified.
Elizabeth Hovde: The familiarity of Islam |
Mormons Most Conservative Major Religious Group in U.S. - Six out of 10 Mormons are politically conservative
The case of Triple Talaq - Going Against the Spirit of Islam
India's Muslim women fight to end triple talaq law that yields instant divorce | Amrit Dhillon | Global development
shock and awe - baghdad bombing - bush addresses the nation - YouTube
and women.
Brussels attacks raids uncover "alarming" evidence of Europe-wide jihadist cell - CBS News
Daughter of dead ISIS commander and mother of four, who married to a physician, surrenders to Iraqi Kurds - AhlulBayt News Agency - ABNA - Shia News
In Brussels Bombing Plot, a Trail of Dots Not Connected - The New York Times
The Real Reason Obama Went to Cuba - a master of optics, despite reports to the contrary.?
Why Young People Are Right About Hillary Clinton | Rolling Stone
Bill Moyers: It's Time For These Two Democrats To Go - Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Democratic National Committee Chair -- and Florida congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. In one masterstroke, she could separate herself from two of the most prominent of all corporate Democratic elitists. (but she won't)
> In Donald Trump's Worldview, America Comes First, and Everybody Else Pays - he might halt purchases of oil from Saudi Arabia and other Arab allies unless they commit ground troops to the fight against the Islamic State (he's thinking outside the box)
- How The Rise Of Trump Mirrors The Ascendance Of Israel's Hard Right -- Ironically, strutters like Sharon and Trump are not themselves captives of the ideological cults that enable them. No men this fascinated with muscle can fail to see the state as a proxy for themselves ("bulldozers")
The slow-motion implosion of the Republican Party (Opinion) - - David Axelrod
Trump, Cruz, Kasich and the Ladies - The New York Times - Let's talk about the Republican presidential candidates and women.
Huffpollster: Republican Women Really Don't Like Trump - Male voters aren't too crazy about Clinton, though
Ted Cruz Accuses Donald Trump Of Planting 'Garbage' Affair Story
Anne Helen Petersen on Twitter: "The investigative talent at the Enquirer has fled, mostly for InTouch; also, most importantly, this isn't an Enquirer-based investigation"
How YouTube is shaping the 2016 presidential election - The Washington Post - The fact is that these candidates have become memes
University of California Adopts Statement Condemning Anti-Semitism - The New York Times - the first public university system to do so since the push for economic boycotts of Israel emerged on campuses across the nation (dot ... dot)
War on drugs harmed public health: report - Health - CBC News - 3 decades of the war on drugs had no measurable impact on supply or use (another trillion for militarizing the cops and racist fucking with people's lives)
The state of California has blood test results showing high levels of lead in children living near the closed Exide battery plant in Vernon but is not using the information to direct its massive cleanup of lead-contaminated homes and yards : news
Florida Governor Signs Law to Cut Funding for Abortion Clinics - The New York Times (Republican evil at work)
Oregon Standoff: Occupiers and sympathizers revealed |
Threats continue against troopers, governor, others after LaVoy Finicum shooting |
John Schmidt on Twitter: "The women were by far the most aggressive and violent. Most of the men just stood and stared at me with hatred. #SoCitPa" - The women were by far the most aggressive and violent. Most of the men just stood and stared at me with hatred.
Palmer deputizes man awaiting trial on felony theft charges - Local News -
Shawna Cox interview with Host Patty Aiken - also Thom Davis - YouTube
William C. Fisher is on Facebook (sinking in)
Conservative Lies about the Spotted Owl - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Your Favorite Fairy Tale Characters Now Have Guns Thanks To The NRA
The Evidence Against Safe Space - Unsafe Speech (young people have PTSD, wonder why?)
Concordia Pakistan-- The Throne Room of Mountain Gods - YouTube
Slaughter at the bridge: Uncovering a colossal Bronze Age battle | Science | AAAS - About 3200 years ago, two armies clashed at a river crossing near the Baltic Sea
Birth Control Pills Linked to Fewer Severe Knee Injuries in Teen Girls: MedlinePlus - Study reinforces theory that estrogen may be why females suffer more ACL problems than males
How Many of Me - Census Search Results (one special person)
How many of you are there, anyway? : InternetIsBeautiful (Barismo)
Chromapoetica | Apophenia and creativity in poetry
I gave my girlfriend a basic math question. It went exactly as I had hoped... : funny
Meteorologists overwhelmingly conclude climate change is real and human-caused - The Washington Post
Agent Orange Vietnam War Veterans - What a fine idea it all was (we've always not supported our troops)
Making The Moral Case Against Solitary Confinement | Ten Miles Square | The Washington Monthly
Ebola, Ruthless to Families, Leaves Liberian Man Alive and Alone - The New York Times
French agriculture ministry confirms case of mad cow disease (uh-oh)
Angola: Yellow Fever Outbreak Kills 178 - The New York Times - Yellow fever is spread by mosquitoes, most commonly the Aedes aegypti mosquito, the same species that spreads the Zika virus.
Congolese Politician, Jean-Pierre Bemba, Is Convicted of War Crimes - The New York Times - war crimes and crimes against humanity on Monday, finding him culpable for a devastating campaign of rape, murder and torture
Iraqi Security Officials Say a Suicide Bomber Has Attacked a Football Stadium South of Baghdad, Killing 29 and Wounding 60 - ABC News
BP and Statoil Pull Employees From Algeria Gas Fields After Attack - The New York Times
Explosions heard as Belgian police arrest suspect in Brussels | World news | The Guardian - Man is wounded and detained in operation linked to Brussels attacks and foiled French plot
Brussels police shoot suspect as two explosions are heard | Daily Mail Online
Brussels attacks: Molenbeek's gangster jihadists - BBC News
Three Dutch and two Americans among Brussels airport victims | World news | The Guardian - Siblings Alex and Sascha Pinczowski, who were looking to relocate to New York City, were among victims, most of whom were not officially identified
- French police make arrest in Paris over "advanced" terror plotPolice search address in Argenteuil for explosives
Isis second in command killed in US raid in Syria, Pentagon says | World news | The Guardian - Abd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli, a high-profile Islamic State target for the US (the 500th 'second in command" killed)
ISIS's Second-in-Command Killed in Raid : worldnews
Egyptian police claim to shoot dead gang that killed Giulio Regeni | World news | The Guardian - Confusion and outrage in Italy follow
Lawyer for Russian officer on trial in Ukraine found shot dead | World news | The Guardian - Yuri Grabovsky was representing Alexander Alexandrov, captured last year in rebel-held eastern Ukraine
The Supreme Court's Conservatives Don't Seem To Know What Obamacare Actually Does - Roberts suggested that it's not actually a big deal if women in such situations have to get their birth control covered some other way. Justices Anthony Kennedy and Samuel Alito appeared to share the same belief. (because filling out a form is much harder than trying to get birth control elsewhere)
Supreme Court Hears Little Sisters Case - Zubik v. Barwell - Contraception, Religious Liberty - If that is the case here, then the government wins and the company that insures the employees of the Little Sisters has to pony up for the sexytime medicine, no matter what the shade of Paul VI has to say about it from the Beyond
Why Raising The Social Security Retirement Age Could Hit Latinos Hardest
The Privilege of the Sanders Die-Hard - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money
Revealed: Donald Trump's Big Plan to Stop a Contested Republican Convention - NBC News
Thousands sign petition to allow guns at RNC in Cleveland | (shoot-outs between Trump and Cruz supporters!)
Trump and Cruz Continue Social Media Beef - Those Rats Won't Fuck Themselves - Well, let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him." (parody squared)
Donald Trump And America's 'Second Civil War' - Donald Trump is more like Jefferson Davis than Benito Mussolini, according to one expert on fascism.
Donald Trump has one core philosophy: misogyny - Trump once notoriously blurted that the pumping of breast milk in the office is "disgusting"
- Donald Trump can't stop saying nasty things about women. It could cost him.
Donald Trump's Trail of Comments About Women
Criticism of Trump Draws Online Harassment, Threats - NBC News (Trumpsters are very evil people)
Crazy About Money - The New York Times (Cruz is fucking nuts but so are the party elites - Gold Standard!)
America to Establishment: Who the hell are you people ? | McClatchy DC
Why Emily's List is spending big to defeat a progressive Democrat (Edwards vs Van Hollen)
The South Fails Again at Fair Pay - The New York Times
Transgender Law Makes North Carolina Pioneer in Bigotry - The New York Times
The U.S. Population Is Swelling in Almost Every State - Bloomberg Business
Here's Who Went To A Top-Secret Meeting Of America's Most Powerful People - Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larry Page, Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker and Tesla Motors and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk. (Cook likes the anti-gay party +they forget Charlie Baker)
A Mailman Handcuffed in Brooklyn, Caught on Video - The New York Times
Family Of Man Shot To Death By Fresno Police Release Disturbing Video - The video seems to indicate that less than two seconds elapsed between the officers telling Centeno to lie down and the officers opening fire
Chicago gun epidemic, out of control: the execution of nine-year-old Tyshawn Lee | US news | The Guardian - How could the failure to address gun violence become so deep that a great American city cannot protect the life of a little boy in the fourth grade?
Let's Hear It for the Congressman Who Wants to Cede More Public Land to the Next Cliven Bundy - What could go wrong? - Congressman Jason Chaffetz of Utah (Mormon land-grab using domestic terrorists to further their treasonous plots)
Oregon standoff figure Scott Willingham scrawled threats on rifle magazines, prosecutor says |
'Constitutional' Oregon Sheriff Under Investigation for Malheur Role Hired 70 "special deputies"
Photos Of Damage Caused By Oregon Occupiers Proves They Aren't Fit To Manage Anything
Sovereign Citizens Movement | Southern Poverty Law Center - The strange subculture of the sovereign citizens movement, whose adherents hold truly bizarre, complex antigovernment beliefs, has been growing at a fast pace since the late 2000s.
Woman who says Warren Jeffs forced her to marry her cousin at 14 can sue | US news | The Guardian
The Case Against B.F. Skinner by Noam Chomsky | The New York Review of Books - December 30, 1971 Issue - Beyond Freedom and Dignity ("malleable Chinamen")
What's the biggest mystery in the universe? : AskReddit
What was banned in your High School? : AskReddit
What is the worst mistake ever made in human history? : AskReddit
Investigators: Multiple ISIS plots being planned in Europe -
U.S. Frustration Simmers Over Belgium's Struggle With Militant Threat - Concern over the small European nation's ability to handle its worsening Islamic militant threat came to the fore following Tuesday's ISIS attack
Belgian Ministers Offer Resignation In Wake Of Brussels Attacks - The security lapses in a country that is home to the European Union and NATO have drawn international criticism.
Brussels Attacks Rekindle Debate Over Airport Security - The New York Times (you will be screened when you leave your house)
As Terrorists Cross Borders, Europe Sees Anew That Its Intelligence Does Not - The New York Times
Bomb attacks show how Belgium became an incubator of terror - The Washington Post - citizens speak French, Dutch and German ... undergone radical devolution since the 1980s in which federal power has been increasingly concentrated in a complex array of local and communal bodies ... Brussels has six police forces, each answering to a different mayor (19 of them)
Belgians Hunt For Bombing Suspects After Islamic State Bombings - Investigators also accumulated evidence that the same jihadist network was involved in the deadly Paris attacks last November.
- Fact-checking presidential candidate's claims about Muslims after Brussels
The scariest thing about Brussels is our reaction to it | Simon Jenkins | Opinion | The Guardian - Paranoid politicians, sensational journalists -- the Isis recruiting officers will be thrilled at how things have gone since their atrocity in Belgium
Rudy Giuliani Says Hillary Clinton 'Could Be Considered A Founding Member Of ISIS' - Former New York City mayor blames the Democratic frontrunner for creating the terror group. (had nothing to do with W)
Radovan Karadzic jailed for Bosnia war Srebrenica genocide - BBC News (there's hope for Cheney)
Video shows Israeli soldier shooting attack suspect -
In Syria and Iraq, the Islamic State is in retreat on multiple fronts - The Washington Post
Man arrested after 'Islamophobic' tweet : news
In Conclusion, Voting is a Consumer Choice and Both Parties are the Same Anyway, So If Bernie Sanders Isn't Nominated, Might as Well Vote Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money
In Ted We Trust - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Obama Burns Cruz on Muslim Patrols Proposal - Says His Father Fled Cuba for Same Reason - As far as the notion of having surveillance of neighborhoods where Muslims are present, I just left a country that engages in that kind of neighborhood surveillance, which, by the way, the father of Sen. Cruz escaped for America, the land of the free,
North Carolina Passes Laws Against Minimum Wage Increases, for Gender Discrimination - This week in the lavatories of democracy.
North Carolina Governor Signs Bill Banning Cities From Protecting LGBT People - This is a direct affront to equality, civil rights, and local autonomy (Refucks hate government except when it's used to surpress your rights)
Today in Conservative Reverence for Local Control - Lawyers, Guns & Money : - North Carolina wants to make sure that no subdivision can provide civil rights protections to LBGT people:
North Carolina blocks local laws on transgender use of bathrooms | Society | The Guardian - Governor signs bill that bars jurisdictions including city of Charlotte from letting transgender people use the bathroom matching their gender identity
Bathroom Panic Has Long Stood In The Way Of Equal Rights - The women's movement and now the LGBT movement have run up against restroom fears. Phyllis Schafly and other activists protested against the Equal Rights Amendment outside the White House in February 1977 ... right-wing fringe John Birch Society helped gin up opposition to the ERA
Angry Arizona Voters Demand: Why Such Long Lines at Polling Sites? - The New York Times (connect the dots, dudes)
Task Force Finds Michigan State Officials Accountable In Flint Water Crisis - It was a mixture of ignorance, incompetence and arrogance by many decision makers that created the toxic and tragic situation (send Snyder to jail)
How the Flint River got so toxic | The Verge
Corinthian Colleges must pay nearly $1.2 billion for false advertising and lending practices - LA Times
Alabama Governor Exposed as a Hypocrite by Martin Longman | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - . Gov. Bentley is a Deacon and Sunday School Teacher at the First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa. (Christian values)
$6 million will go to restore Malheur refuge, cover other costs of standoff |
Profiling Umpqua Community College shooter presented challenges (Editor's Notebook) |
In N.F.L., Deeply Flawed Concussion Research and Ties to Big Tobacco - The New York Times (oh, rich fucks lied and lied and people died)
Jian Ghomeshi acquitted of all charges in sexual assault trial | World news | The Guardian - Former Canadian radio star found not guilty of four counts of sexual assault and one count of choking in first trial to emerge from barrage of allegations
Jian Ghomeshi trial: why the prosecution's case fell apart | World news | The Guardian
Adam Johnson jailed for six years for sexual activity with schoolgirl | UK news | The Guardian
Top athlete Lauren Jeska charged with attempted murder | UK news | The Guardian - Fell runner appears in court accused of attempting to murder man who was stabbed at a stadium in Birmingham
Why smart people are better off with fewer friends - The Washington Post
19 new-pieces of non-human DNA in genomes of modern humans found | NH Voice - Tufts University and the University of Michigan Medical School have mentioned that one stretch of newfound DNA found in around 50 of the total studied has an intact, full genetic composition of a complete virus ... "It turns out that we may be less human than we thought. Scientists have found that non-human DNA lurks within us, left by viruses that first infected our ancestors hundreds of thousands of years ago
Ancient Virus May Cause Crippling Disease ALS, Study Finds - NBC News
In Defense of Moderate Drinking (Again) - The New York Times - The evidence still says that a moderate amount of alcohol appears to be safe, and that it might even be healthy for many people.
An Ancient and Proven Way to Improve Memory; Go Ahead and Try It - The New York Times
If subatomic particles make up everything, yet take up no space. How can everything around me take up space? : askscience
Microsoft scrambles to limit PR damage over abusive AI bot Tay | Technology | The Guardian - chatbot was shut down just 16 hours after she was turned on due to her becoming a genocide-supporting racist
Microsoft's 'teen girl' AI, Tay, turns into a Hitler-loving sex robot within 24 hours : technology
Is it true that even if Antarctica were to melt it wouldn't cause flooding due to water displacement? : askscience
Global Sea Level Rise Map - Global Warming & Climate Change Impact
Israeli firm helping FBI to open encrypted iPhone: report | Reuters (Israel is your security boss)
MIT Is Building 3D Solar Towers, and So Far They Have Achieved Phenomenal Results
Massive Bleaching Event Hits the Great Barrier Reef | Smart News | Smithsonian - Warm ocean temperatures have impacted large swaths of the Great Barrier Reef in the last month, part of a worldwide coral die-off
IS trains 400 fighters to attack Europe in wave of bloodshed
Anti-terror crackdowns may have spurred attackers, Belgian prosecutor says - The Washington Post
Brothers Among 3 Brussels Suicide Attackers; Another Assailant Is Sought - The New York Times
- Brussels attacks: airport suicide bomber el-Bakraoui cuaght in Turkey last June
- Brussels bomb suspect Najim Laachraoui still on run
Belgian authorities: Brothers carried out Islamic State suicide attacks - The Washington Post - Khalid and Ibrahim el-Bakraoui, both Belgians with criminal records
What The Bombs Used In Brussels Reveal About The Attacks - Belgian authorities found a highly volatile explosive, nicknamed "Mother of Satan"
Conservatives Spout Hateful Rhetoric In Wake Of Brussels Attacks - Donald Trump led the charge calling for closing borders, waterboarding suspects and blaming refugees.
Nearly half of England's teachers plan to leave in next five years (conservatives love to destroy education: see America)
In Argentina, mothers of "disappeared" protest Obama's marking of 1976 coup - Martial law was imposed on 24 March 1976 ... generals made their victims disappear by throwing them alive from helicopters into the freezing waters of the Atlantic (weird visuals, Barry)
The Story Behind The Craziest Corporate Collapse Of The Last Decade - Things have gone from bad to worse this week at drug giant Valeant Pharmaceuticals, and its future is looking bleak.
Sixth Circuit loses patience with the IRS - The Washington Post - scandal triggered by allegations that the IRS unlawfully and unethically targeted tea party and other conservative organizations for special scrutiny
AIPAC'S apology for Trump speech is unprecedented - implying that Donald Trump had violated a nonpartisan standard. (you are not supposed to know)
- Clinton calls out Trump and Cruz for dangerous national security agendas
Is Retaking the House a Democratic Pipe Dream? | New Republic - If Trump drags down the GOP candidates, there's a chance. But there are also a lot of obstaclesof the Democrats' own making.
Clinton and Trump Win Arizona; Cruz Picks Up Utah; Sanders Takes 2 - The New York Times
The Note: What Happened on Western Tuesday - ABC News
Jeb Bush endorses Ted Cruz - POLITICO
U.S. Citizen Detained By Immigration Agents After Protesting Donald Trump | ThinkProgress
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have gone full caveman | Jessica Valenti | Opinion | The Guardian
Trump In 1988: Ivana And I Don't Argue Because She 'Does Exactly As I Tell Her To Do'
- Utah Republicans are holding a first-ever online presidential primary. And it's not going so well
Gov. Walker Signs Voter Registration Bill That Comes at a High Cost | Project Vote - it is traditionally underrepresented voters who will pay the price for this bill. The most harmful provision buried in the bill effectively stops groups from organizing community voter registration drives. (Kochistan)
Disney To Boycott Georgia If Gov. Signs Anti-Gay Discrimination Bill : movies
Federal Court Rules in Favor of Brothers Who Had $270,000 Forfeited, Weren't Charged with a Crime (license to steal and fuck with lives)
- Report: Thousands of pedestrian stops by Philly police illegal, racially biased
As Coal Prospects Decline, a Colorado Town Reconsiders Marijuana - The New York Times - This mountain town of coal miners and organic farmers wasted no time in saying no to marijuana. (and screwing themselves)
Rape kit system unnecessary since most accusations false, Idaho sheriff says |
Judge opens door for Ammon Bundy, others to be prosecuted in Nevada and Oregon at same time |
Refuge occupier accused of threats against officers now faces federal theft charge |
First look: How the occupiers left Malheur Refuge
Andrew Dymburt (@DymburtNews) | Twitter
Jerry Jones calls link between football and brain disease 'absurd' | - Dallas Cowboys owner (his brain didn't work before football either)
Study: Regular marijuana use linked to problems in midlife | - heavy marijuana users who smoked for years often fared worse as adults than their parents: Many ended up in jobs that paid less, required fewer skills and were less prestigious.
The Gender Gap in Religion Around the World | Pew Research Center - American women also are more likely than American men to say they pray daily (64% vs. 47%) and attend religious services at least once a week (40% vs. 32%).
CBS 58 - Racine Teenager Rescued by Police After Unexpectedly Giving Birt
IAm Jason Morgan, VP of Engineering at Correlated Magnetics. We invented Polymagnets (recently on Smarter Every Day), Ask me and my team anything! : IAmA
A disorder that causes the individual to fly off the handle unexpectedly, as in road rage, has been significantly linked with toxoplasmosis, a parasite commonly associated with cat feces, according to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. : science
Ed Yong: Can We Fall Prey To Hidden Parasites? : NPR
Found out my girlfriend is cheating on me. Giving her this card tonight at my birthday dinner. : pics
Pornhub Just Launched a Free VR Channel and It Is Wild : technology
Jian Ghomeshi verdict could have lasting impact on sexual assault victims | World news | The Guardian - Despite initial hopes among advocates that the charges against the CBC host would bring positive change, the trial has shed light on a justice system riddled with barriers and stigma to reporting sexual assault crimes
When Jimmy Kimmel Destroyed Gawker : videos
Scientists Warn of Perilous Climate Shift Within Decades, Not Centuries - The New York Times (Boomers raped the world and left a disaster to their children)
World-Renowned Climate Scientist Makes Dire Warning About Sea Level Rise, Storms - Controversial new research explains why increasing global temperatures could be more dangerous than we thought.
Earth Hasn't Heated Up This Fast Since the People are sending carbon into the atmosphere ten times faster than during the hottest period in the past 66 million years.
Amid a Graying Fleet of Nuclear Plants, a Hunt for Solutions - The New York Times
More explosive devices reportedly found as Belgian police stage nationwide raids | Fox News
Brussels Attacks Underscore Vulnerability of an Open European Society - The New York Times - The country of just 11.2 million people faces widening derision as being the world
- Brussels Attacks: What We Know and Don't Know
Belgian Police Release Photo Of Brussels Suspects
Belgians' Worst Fears Realized After Months On High Terror Alert - The deadly attacks on Tuesday follow months of tensions, and warnings.
Brussels Airport and Subway Attacks Kill 34; ISIS Claims Responsibility - The New York Times
- Brussels explosions: Isis claims airport and metro attacks
Deadly Explosions Rock Brussels Airport And Subway - At least 34 people were killed.
Two Explosions Go Off At Brussels Airport, Third Explosion At Train Station
IS claims responsibility for Brussels attacks. : worldnews
hdah24 comments on Sky Sports News: BREAKING: Belgium national team cancel training after this morning's bombings in Brussels.
Photos From Brussels Show The Tragic Aftermath Of Deadly Attacks - Bombings in Belgium's capital have ground the city to a halt.
- Torture has now been normalized into a "policy" question - Ladies and gentlemen, your elite media at work:
- Trump All For Torturing Terror Suspects (makes you nostalgic for Cheney)
Navy officer accused of assaulting Japanese woman in U.S. custody - It was the second high-profile arrest of a U.S. serviceman for sexually related offenses in Japan in less than a week and could further complicate efforts to relocate a key U.S. airbase on the island of Okinawa.
Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford dies at 46 : news
Hammond criticises judge for stripping diplomatic immunity from Saudi billionaire | Law | The Guardian
Nixon aide: 'War on Drugs' was tool to target 'black people' - NY Daily News (and Clinton knew)
Hillary at AIPAC - Not good. Not good at all.
- Hillary Clinton Lays Out Her Own Middle East Approach -- and It's Not Obama's ("I'll kiss Netanyahu's ass" she said)
The Annual Banging of the Likud War Drums - Basically, everyhting that makes me not want to vote for Hillary was on display today. So help me, she is going to have us in a new war in the Middle East midway through her term.
Someone Actually Wrote This - The comments, and the reaction to them, threatened to undercut AIPAC's position as a nonpartisan group
We Think the Price Is Worth It - Secretary of State Madeleine Albright (on Clinton's disasterous Iraq sanctions killing half a million children - more than Hiroshima - they are very willing to spend other people's live)
Bill Clinton makes surprise Portland campaign stop, meets Kate Brown at Powell's |
A Most Hated Man | New Republic
Every NYT Millennial Trend Story in 2016 | Fusion
Those damn millennials: Why Goose Gossage, and everyone, should lay off - - The New York Times Style section, and its apparent crusade against millennials. This section's latest assault against 20-somethings came last weekend, when Ben Widdicombe profiled Mic ...
I Love My Children and I Owe Them So Much Money
Death by gentrification: the killing that shamed San Francisco | Rebecca Solnit | US news | The Guardian - Alejandro Nieto was killed by police in the neighbourhood where he spent his whole life. Did he die because a few white newcomers saw him as a menacing outsider?
Occupier who feds say dug trench for feces, disturbed sacred artifacts faces charges |
Ammon Bundy, others to be flown to Nevada for arraignment | News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KSNV
Plains man indicted in refuge standoff; sheriff seeks 'peaceful resolution' | Local |
After Bundy Clashes, House GOPers Push Bill To Kneecap Feds On Public Lands Chaffetz and the Mormons are coming for your parks)
'This land belongs to all Americans,' Interior Secretary Sally Jewell says in Burns |
After Oregon Standoff, Birding Is Back - The New York Times
The U.S. Constitution doesn't prevent the federal government from holding the title "to any real property" without state consent (but pocket Constitutions!)
Ancestors of Modern Humans Interbred With Extinct Hominins, Study Finds - The New York Times
Parrots Are a Lot More Than Pretty Bird - Out of the cage, they speak their own language, make tools, and wreak havoc on plants and researchers
Should Parents of Children With Severe Disabilities Be Allowed to Stop Their Growth? - The New York Times
What is the worst example of spoiled behavior you have seen? : AskReddit
Be very careful when taking bus in China : WTF
The Hogan Verdict
Randall Munroe, XKCD Creator, Goes Back to High School - The New York Times
The Terrifying Beauty Of California's Wildfires Captured In Stunning New Time-Lapse Video
FBI may have found way to unlock San Bernardino iPhone without Apple | Technology | The Guardian
Flaw in iMessage encryption revealed by researchers | Technology | The Guardian - The flaw, which will be fixed by iOS 9.3, allows the encryption key used by the messaging service to be guessed by a determined attacker
Beyond surveillance: what could happen if Apple loses to the FBI | Technology | The Guardian
Black Americans and encryption: the stakes are higher than Apple v FBI | Technology | The Guardian
French Police Report On Paris Attacks Shows No Evidence Of Encryption... So NY Times Invents Evidence Itself | Techdirt
After invading Iraq 13 years ago the US is still making the same mistakes | Trevor Timm | Opinion | The Guardian
Hillary Clinton to Aipac: Trump is dangerous for the security of Israel | US news | The Guardian
Religion and Birth Control at the Supreme Court - The New York Times - But it was still not enough for many religious-affiliated employers, who said that the very act of notification makes them complicit in the provision of contraceptives and violates their religious freedom. (saying "no" means they are complicit in other people saying "yes')
US Supreme Court orders Mass. high court to reconsider stun gun ruling - The Boston Globe - The Supreme Court has ordered the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court to reconsider its ruling that stun guns are not covered by the Second Amendment. (Constitution never said anything about "bullets")
Democrats to Sanders: Time to wind it down - POLITICO - Protracted combat with Hillary Clinton threatens to do real damage in a general election against Donald Trump, senators warn.
Bernie Sanders Raised More Money Than Hillary Clinton In February - It was the second month in a row in which Sanders out-raised Clinton.
Bernie Sanders attracts thousands to Vancouver rally, decrying 'establishment politics' | - Welcome to the Internet flypaper for American uninformed or unthinking voters . . .
Here comes the opposition book: Clinton and her allies prepare for Trump - The Washington Post
John Oliver slams Donald Trump's US-Mexico border wall
Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
- Supreme court rejects states' efforts to overturn Colorado marijuana law - and orders Massachusetts to re-examine stun gun ban (Scalia effect)
Leader of marijuana study comes out against legalization push - The Boston Globe - Lewis, a onetime McKinsey & Co. consultant, laid out a wide-ranging case against the measure (why we can't have nightiime subways and other nice things)
Legal marijuana sales forecast to hit $23B in 4 years (coulda built your fucking subway, Boston)
The great money-in-politics myth - Vox - Nor is there any evidence that Clean Elections advantages Democrats in elections. Indeed, while participating candidates shrink their opponents' victory margins, there is no evidence that accepting CE subsidies swings election outcomes at all - he real problem for the left is that many Americans are conservative, and that's never going to change (and stupid)
Flint water crisis: Michigan governor calls for stricter lead-level regulations | US news | The Guardian
Inside Jacobin: how a socialist magazine is winning the left's war of ideas - Vox
Austin Police Officer Caught On Video Allegedly Pepper-Spraying Handcuffed Man
14 Confederate relics that should be retired already.
Foxes' "The Passion" Jesus's Final Hours as Halftime Show - a live, modern retelling of the Passion of Christ built around contemporary pop songs, paired with a procession carrying a large cross along a route ending at the productions' stage (the disciples were all packing)
Is Prostitution Just Another Job? -- The Cut (your new college job)
Teenage Drivers? Be Very Afraid - The New York Times
What Happens When Millennials Run the Workplace? - The New York Times
No, New York Times, millennials are not at fault for the death of the workplace | Culture | The Guardian
A Slow-Motion Demise, a Fast-Forward Repair - The New York Times
Police report two separate sexual assaults involving rideshare services - The Boston Globe - Boston police are investigating two separate sexual assaults that took place early Sunday and may have involved assailants masquerading as ridesharing drivers, officials said.
The Translation Paradox by Tim Parks | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books
The Psychologists Take Power by Tamsin Shaw | The New York Review of Books - all of those I discuss here are making claims about which kinds of moral judgments are good or bad by assessing which are adaptive or maladaptive in relation to a norm of social cooperation
CT Scan vs MRI - Difference and Comparison | Diffen
Examples of Escher-style tessellations
TIL over 30% of one-night stands actually leads to a long-term relationship. : todayilearned
The Biggest Milestones From 10 Years Of Twitter, According To Twitter (Jenner bigger than BLM)
El Niqo Upsets Seasons and Upends Lives Worldwide - The New York Times
If the FBI Is So Worried About Car Hacking, Why Is It Fighting Encryption? | Motherboard (front line in the war on your privacy and democracy)
The Consequences of Failed States - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Gee, razing the Iraqi state and hoping that a new one would emerge ex nihilio under the supervision of some Heritage Foundation interns seemed like a great idea at the time. What went wrong? (a million people waiting to die for freedom!)
Former UN official accuses world body of 'colossal mismanagement' | World news | The Guardian - Former UN official accuses world body of"colossal mismanagement"
A 10 year old girl's smile after learning the court has granter her a divorce from her abusive husband (Nujood Ali, Yemen, 2008).
Brazil Impeachment Upheaval Proves to Be a Boon for Its Coffers - Bloomberg Business - borrowing costs fall to 7-month low at local auction
WEF: Countries with the lowest tax rates in the world - Business Insider
President Obama and the First Family Arrive In Cuba for Historic Visit - ABC News
McConnell: No New Supreme Court Justice Until The NRA Approves Of The Nominee | ThinkProgress
Do your job, senators! Yes or no on Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court? (Letters to the Editor) |
10 Senate seats most likely to flip in 2016 elections | TheHill
Did Hillary Clinton Defeat Bernie Sanders on Trade? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Anti-Trump Protester Punched, Kicked At Tucson Rally - Trump's campaign manager also appeared to rough up a protester on video.
Donald Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski Appears To Grab Protester At Rally
Elections: Massachusetts Registered Voter Enrollment (55% independent, 35% dem 10% gop)
Conservative Political SUPERGENIUS Designs Brilliant Strategery - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Even more terrifying is the possibility that this candidate will be the slightly more refined version Ted Cruz or a man who proved that you can be far too dumb to win a nomination twice captured by George W. Bush, now featuring glasses.
The Fight for $15: A History - Lawyers, Guns & Money
On the front line of the fight for $15 - The Boston Globe
In Louisiana, the Poor Lack Legal Defense - The New York Times (Jindal and the Republicans killing the state)
Think the millennials have it tough? For Generation K life's even harder -- of the 42 nationalities surveyed, only Macedonian and Polish teens are less happy with their lot. (brits)
Pay-to-pray scam finds families caught between faith and desperation | US news | The Guardian - A Washington judge has ordered the Christian Prayer Center to pay $7m in restitution as attorney general calls for more victims to come forward (outsourcing your prayers to Satan; grifters will grift)
News from The Associated Press - to comply with a Vermont law shows food companies might be throwing in the towel, even as they hold out hope Congress will find a national solution.
Obamacare's Birth-Control "Exemption" Still Tramples on Rights - The school simply doesn't want to be responsible for providing something it believes is bad for its students. It is the same with us (thinking not their strong suit: so don't take the fucking birth-control pills, you idiots)
The Hidden Price of Mindfulness Inc. - The New York Times (the brand is trending)
Co-Living - Shared housing is nothing new but the number of young people living with roommates has doubled since 1980 and some entrepreneurs see an opportunity (good job, boomers! +the Farmhouse)
When It Comes to Politics, Do Millennials Care About Anything? - Sort of. Transparency, it turns out, may be the closest thing to a unifying political philosophy that millennials have offered.
Newly acquired kiwi fruit allergy after bone marrow transplantation from a kiwi-allergic donor. - PubMed - NCBI
- John Elder Robison's Asperger's Brian is Changed
College Student Made His Own Braces For $60, And His Teeth Look Fantastic
Dad lies to his daughter every day, and she loves him more for it. : videos
The Best Places To Find Porn For Women Online
[Serious] (NSFW) Redditors who've had a stalker, what happened? : AskReddit
What is the weirdest fetish that an SO of yours has had? Did you go along with it? : AskReddit
Reddit's Historian of Pornography does an AMA. A wild u/fuckswithducks appears. : bestof
ELI5: why does the Ethernet cable from the router to the modem need many conductors when the coaxial cable from the modem to the "Internet" only need 1(plus sheath)? : explainlikeimfive
My tall and skinny cactus [OC] : pics
People who have pretended to fall asleep, what is something interesting you've overheard? : AskReddit
H3H3 - THE LEAFY RANT : videos
Could a smaller star get pulled into the gravitational pull of a larger star and be stuck in its orbit much like a planet? : askscience
What is your "wrong place at the wrong time" story? : AskReddit
Banned by Amazon for returning faulty goods | Money | The Guardian (you've been Bezosed)
'A tipping point': record number of Americans see global warming as threat | Environment | The Guardian - 41% of US adults - Republicans "are going to be screwed if they don't change their tune" (the one-note party)
Teach Your Childen by D.R. Tucker | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - video reaffirms just how alarming it is that either Cruz or Donald Trump, his brother in baseless climate denial, could be the GOP presidential nominee less than a decade after John McCain ran for the White House vowing to fight for cap-and-trade legislation. Can you think of any Presidential election in recent memory in which there was such a clear contrast between the values of the scholar and the values of the savage? (the thinking and the unthinking)
Once Again, Arguments Supporting Warrantless Surveillance Wither When Exposed to Sunlight | Electronic Frontier Foundation (John Yoo, the Reptile)
Illinois Senate Committee Passes Bill to Prohibit Warrantless Stingray Spying; Hinder Federal Surveillance Program | Tenth Amendment Center Blog
NoDairyFruit comments on American IS fighter: I made a bad decision (polarize and conquer)
Security Researcher Goes Missing After Investigating Bangladesh Bank Cyber-Heist
Istanbul hit by suicide bomb attack | World news | The Guardian - At least five people killed and more than 20 injured in suicide bombing in major tourist district of Turkish city
Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam appears before Belgian judge | World news | The Guardian - handover of Abdelslam although Belgium says extradition could take several weeks
Airliner Crashes In Russia, Killing All Aboard - The plane was landing at an airport in southern Russia.
- Brazil Is Engulfed by Ruling Class Corruption -- and a Dangerous Subversion of Democracy
Emmy-Winning Iraq Polls May Have Been Tainted By Fabrication, Researchers Say - The U.S. company in charge of data collection threatened to sue if researchers disclosed their findings. (Global war on Truth)
China Wants to Make Minority Report a Reality - Beijing is working on data-collection efforts that will help them identify subversives before they strike
- Scratch. One. Tory. (austerity fail? moar austerity)
Republican Senators In South Carolina, New York Propose Refugee Registries - The South Carolina lawmakers say they are less concerned about a possible constitutional challenge than a possible terrorist threat coming to the state.
Half The Country Sees 'Fascist Undertones' In Donald Trump's Campaign: New Survey - And just about as many say he encourages violence at his rallies.
Anti-Trump Protesters Block Road in Arizona and Clash With Police in New York - First Draft. Political News, Now. - The New York Times
Crackpot Party Crackup - The New York Times - The Republican Party, under Trump, is headed for a combustive breakup ... huge majorities of Trump supporters backed his call to ban Muslims from entering the country, and for rounding up and deporting 11 million illegal immigrants ... a dour, vengeful grievance party (you forgot extremely dumb and evil)
YouGov | A quarter of Republicans think protestors deserve to be 'roughed up' (Thuglicans)
Do Republicans really think Donald Trump will make a good Supreme Court choice? - The Washington Post - The multiplicity of Republican rationalizations for their refusal to even consider Merrick B. Garland radiates insincerity. (George Fucking Will is reaping what he sowed for decades)
David Brooks Says Trump Is 'Epically Unprepared', Supported George W. Bush and Iraq War - In 2003, when he was riding high on George W. Bush, this is what David Brooks wrote about another president who was epically unprepared, but was taking this country to war anyway ... "but the refined ratiocinators want to be seen luxuriating amid the difficulties, donning the jewels of nuance, even to the point of self-paralysis."
How the Merrick Garland nomination explains the rise of Donald Trump (vaporizing the lede)
Sanders Blasts Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio: He 'Ambushed' My Wife
Working-class White is the New Black - Lawyers, Guns & Money (fuck off and die after you vote Republican for decades)
The GOP Must Answer for What It Did to Kansas -- NYMag (like that will ever happen)
Grassley Compares Garland to Foreign Dictator - A good life lesson: once you do stupid, terrible things, pretty soon you have to end up saying stupid, terrible things. Here's the Chuck Grassley edition.
Religious liberty bill jeopardizes Atlanta Super Bowl bid
Planned Parenthood defund bill cites dentists as reproductive care alternative | US news | The Guardian - Schools also among options as Florida lawmakers aim to prevent state agencies from working with any organization that provides abortion care (insane, of course)
Sharron Angle running for U.S. Senate again in Nevada | Las Vegas Review-Journal
The brainwashed rebels of the Bundy siege: Why something like this was eventually bound to happen - - In a conservative bubble that encourages conspiracy theories and violence impulses, it was only a matter of time
Suburban Poverty: Hiding in Plain Sight
Can "Y'all" Mean Just One Person? (if the person is many)
Melissa Click & University of Missouri -- Her Defense of Her Actions Is Pathetic - "I didn't Know How Journalism at Protests Worked" (said the "journalism" professor)
Students freak out after teacher shows video of ISIS beheading | New York Post - Nazario now works as a roving substitute at different schools, -officials said.
Prep School Sexual Assault Convict Owen Labrie Sent To Prison - The case exposed a tradition of sexual abuse at the prestigious school.
Hadley Freeman: the trouble with Caitlyn Jenner | Life and style | The Guardian (lack of awareness is a "core value" of Jenner +wikipedia: As a young child, Jenner was diagnosed with dyslexia. graduated from Graceland College in 1973 with a degree in physical education. Graceland was established by, and is affiliated with, the Community of Christ, formerly the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
Microsoft Says They Regret Holding GDC Party With School Girl Dancers [UPDATE] ("women in gaming" conference with scantily clad dancers in school girl outfits)
Lufthansa jumbo reports near miss with drone over Los Angeles | Technology | The Guardian
Naomi Klein Takes Down Hillary Clinton: I Don't Trust Her on Climate at All
A Government Error Just Revealed Snowden Was the Target in the Lavabit Case | WIRED (there you are)
Erdogan claims fighting terrorism outweighs democracy in Turkey | News | DW.COM | 16.03.2016 (hand and glove)
Key suspect in Paris attacks captured in Brussels raid; four others arrested - The Washington Post
The Russian Quagmire in Syria and Other Washington Fairy Tales ("it will be their Vietnam")
PR firm accused of helping Saudi Arabia 'whitewash' its human rights record | Middle East | News | The Independent - Exclusive: Agency deleted reference to client after challenge from human rights group
Woman gunned down at wedding for refusing to marry cousin : news
Woman is shot dead at wedding after refusing arranged marriage to her COUSIN - Mirror Online
Ukraine tears down giant Lenin statue, live on YouTube | Reuters
- Chancellor Merkel's "invitation" in the refugee crisis
Brazil judge blocks Lula appointment to government - BBC News
Argentina had enough of Chinese trawlers raping their waters - my hat is off to the Argentine Navy. : videos
Donald Trump Poses As Big A Risk To Global Stability As Terrorism, Report Says - Trump and jihadi terrorism both ranked sixth on a recent list of the 10 biggest threats to the world's economy
How The Trump Campaign Could Evolve Into Organized Violence, In 6 Steps - State-sponsored thuggery doesn't happen overnight
Donald Trump is counting on an anti-trade backlash that doesn't appear to exist - Vox
The genealogy of American demagoguery - The Boston Globe - George Wallace
This election is gone - Focus group finds angry voters are now angry at the angry voters
House Republicans Staring Into the Abyss: 10 Ratings Changes Favor Democrats - If Ted Cruz is your back up plan, you're screwed
Trump calls for boycott of Megyn Kelly's show
- Read the Statement From Fox News About Trump's "Extreme, Sick Obsession" with Megyn Kelly
Daughter of state rep. charged with stapling opponent's head | Chicago Sun-Times
In 2010, the Cuyahoga County Recorder's Office in Ohio was sued when it decided to charge $2 per page for photocopies of public documents. The following scene is a deposition from that court case. The dialogue is presented verbatim. : videos
Ryan Bundy becomes second defendant in Oregon standoff case to waive right to an attorney |
Right-wingers still in denial about the Oregon militiamen: New video proves they were villains, not martyrs -
Oregon Justice Department opens investigation of Grant County sheriff |
Oregon standoff figure arrested after threatening to shoot federal officers, DA says |
Refuge occupier arrested on weapons charge - Scott Willingham is not listed among the 26 people indicted in the refuge case
Bundy standoff! Bundy Ranch Protesters Tasered by Federal Agents and Attacked by K9's - YouTube
There's an armed rally for Anthony Bosworth at the federal courthouse Monday. The last one got tense. | Bloglander | The Pacific Northwest Inlander | News, Politics, Music, Calendar, Events in Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and the Inland Northwest
Cliven Bundy's Son Had Run-In With Park Service Two Decades Ago - Forbes (psychotic and dangerous)
PUBLIC LANDS: Utah lawmaker accused of using official email for nonprofit -- Wednesday, March 16, 2016 -- - to promote his nonprofit, the American Lands Council, and lied about it to investigators, according to a complaint filed today by a watchdog group.
PUBLIC LANDS: Bill by Utah lawmakers would disarm BLM, Forest Service -- Thursday, March 17, 2016 -- - House members yesterday introduced a bill that would eliminate hundreds of law enforcement positions at the Bureau of Land Management and Forest Service and pay local police to patrol federal lands
What A Uranium Conspiracy Theory Taught Me About Sedition | Crooks and Liars
Manufacturing Fear | News | The Pacific Northwest Inlander | Spokane Republican sheriff says members of his own party are dangerously dividing people - hanging moral culpability for future violent acts on the shoulders of local Tea Party leaders, libertarians and, in particular, Washington state Rep. Matt Shea. (reaping what they sowed on a local level)
Right-wing extremist plotted bloody overthrow of West Virginia't state government: "We are at war" (#sovcit)
What is your creepy unexplained childhood experience? : AskReddit ("You need not, its he implying subtly that you were abused many times during sessions that could cause false memories")
Amildmexappeared comments on What is your creepy unexplained childhood experience?
rocketsocks comments on Breaker Finder (Chernobyl explanation)
Contact [1997] my childhood's Interstellar. Ahead of its time and one of my favourites : movies - ask yourself that question out loud and see if it makes sense.
Girls what's the strangest thing you've masturbated with? : AskReddit
Hulk Hogan Awarded $115 Million in Privacy Suit Against Gawker - The New York Times
Comcast failed to install Internet for 10 months then demanded $60,000 in fees | Ars Technica
John Kerry Calls Islamic State's Atrocities Genocide - While the genocide finding may make it easier for the U.S. to argue for greater action against the group, it does not create a legal obligation to do more.
Saudi Arabia-led coalition kills 41 civilians in strike on market in Yemen | Middle East | News | The Independent - A witness, Mazahem Khedr, said 'dozens were killed' and that he saw wounded people screaming for help
Eschaton: Both Sides - If Democrats treated a Republican SC nominee this way, the press would lose their shit. The press still loses their shit about Bork, who was given hearings and a vote, and was completely nuts, 30 years later.
Bring It On - The New York Time
Eschaton: Trump Is The Greatest Man History Has Ever Known - ah liberals eat shit sandwiches and vote for the lesser of two evils all of the time, but it is fun to watch the institutional right stamp its feet and pretend they won't support Trump in the Fall. They all will. Every one of them.
alicublog: ANNALS OF THE AGE OF TRUMP. - The long sad march of rightwing writers through the Slough of Donald continues.
Donald Trump: 'There's no violence, nobody's been hurt' at rallies -
Violence and Arrests At Trump Rallies Are Way More Common Than You May Think
Poll: Half Of U.S. Women Have A 'Very Unfavorable' View Of Trump - This is up from the 40 percent who felt that way in October
PBS News Story on First-Time Trump Voters Prominently Displays Longtime White Power Tattoos (like they didn't even notice)
[ nowhathappenedwas comments on 33 Percent of Bernie Sanders Supporters Will Not Vote for Hillary Clinton.] Oh, how I will miss H.A. Goodman and his unintentional brand of comedy. Here are all of his articles from the past eight months:
Meet The Biggest Bernie Sanders Booster On The Internet - Fantasy novelist-turned-political writer H.A. Goodman has gone viral with his complete certainty Sanders will win.
- " My Conscience Will Only Allow Me to Support Bernie. Or Rand Paul. Or Jim Webb. Or Zell Miller" A Story of American Principle And Integrity (HA Goodman)
Ted Cruz' Foreign Policy Team Is F*cking Psycho. "If ever there were a region that richly deserved being cauldronized, it is the Middle East today." (Michael Fucking Ledeen and Elliot "blood on my hands" Abrams are still stalking the land)
Cruz Names Anti-Muslim Paranoic As Top Adviser -- NYMag - Here are some other things that Gaffney believes: 1. Saddam Hussein was behind the Oklahoma City bombing.
Ted Cruz is trying his level best to make Donald Trump seem like a better choice - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
After This Video You Will Never Be Able to Watch Ted Cruz Speak Again
Take the Trump Quiz - The New York Times
Georgia Lawmakers Pass Anti-Gay 'Religious Liberty' Bill - More than 300 businesses, including Delta Airlines and Coca Cola, signed a pledge decrying the Georgia legislation.
EPA chief warned in September Flint water crisis could 'get big' | Reuters
Rick Snyder Says A Water Crisis Like Flint's Could Happen Anywhere (anywhere Republicans destroy government and wage war on the poor)
Flint Hearings Show Republican Hypocrisy on Environmental Issues
Stop repeating messages of Malheur terrorists: Letters to the Editor |
Today in the Charter School Scam - Lawyers, Guns & Money
What Doctors Got Wrong About 'Good' Cholesterol - You can have a heart attack even if you have high levels of good cholesterol.
Out Here, No One Can Hear You Scream - The Huffington Post
Semen-thrower terrorized Lehigh Valley women for decades, police say : news
Happy St. Patrick's Day - History, the Homeland, and Green Beer (CPP history)
El Niqo is rapidly filling California's once-dusty reservoirs, easing drought - LA Times
- Major sites including New York Times and BBC hit by "ransomware" malvertising Adverts hijacked by malicious campaign that demands payment in bitcoin to unlock user computers
It Is Not Just One iPhone, the FBI Wants a Future Where It Is Impractical to Deploy Strong Encryption Without Key Escrow - Rietta
- In the Apple encryption fight, the FBI is now on China's side (and authoritarian dictatorships everywhere)
Denmark world's happiest country, Burundi least: new report shows | Reuters
Belgian Authorities Find ISIS Flag After Deadly Raid - One gunman was killed in the raid in a Brussels suburb yesterday.
Rescuers: Female suicide bombers kill 24 at Nigerian mosque
Risk of schizophrenia and other psychoses three times higher in refugees - A study of 1.3 million people in Sweden found that the risk of being diagnosed with schizophrenia or other psychoses was three times higher in refugees than in the Swedish-born population - supports the theory that schizophrenia and other psychoses are influenced by life experiences.
- Chinese website publishes, then pulls, explosive letter calling for President Xi's resignation
More than 12 punished for attack on Doctors Without Borders' Afghan hospital - More than a dozen U.S. military personnel have been disciplined -- but face no criminal charges -- for mistakes that led to the bombing of a Doctors Without Borders hospital that killed 42 people in Afghanistan last year
Vatican to Replace Diplomat Who Set Up Kim Davis Meeting |
Obama nominates aggressively centrist, openly white male for SCOTUS - Lawyers, Guns & Money (in their conservative white male corporate faces)
Obama To Nominate Merrick Garland To The Supreme Court - by far the least controversial -- and most confirmable -- candidate from the president's short list.
Merrick Garland's Abortion Stance Is A Big Question Mark - Obama's Supreme Court nominee has not weighed in on Roe v. Wade.
Sen. Orrin Hatch: Senate Should Not Hold Hearings for Obama SCOTUS Nominee | TIME (the campaign is "toxic" because Obama is trying to be president)
Mitch McConnell: Nope, We Still Won't Consider Obama's Supreme Court Nominee - But some GOPers say they'll meet with Merrick Garland anyway.
Tortured logic - Lawyers, Guns & Money : (John Yoo, the torture prof says electing a president doesn't count)
The Guardian view on the White House race: getting clearer but not easier | Editorial | Opinion | The Guardian
Hillary Clinton Versus Donald Trump: The Battle Ahead - The New Yorker
Sorry, Hillary, but we're Keep repeating racist myths and praising Kissinger and the Reagans. I'm switching to Sanders (she's lived her life in the neo-liberal thought bubble)
What Happened In The March 15 Primaries | FiveThirtyEight - Why Clinton Won Ohio After Losing Michigan
2016 Republican Delegate Count
Donald Trump Warns There Could Be Riots If He Isn't GOP Nominee - "I wouldn'd lead it, but I think bad things would happen (white people would set fire to their mcmansions)
Fox News GOP Debate In Salt Lake City Cancelled (Drumpf shows them who's boss)
Inside Marco's Hollow Campaign
RIP Marco Rubio: Media Darling, Political Loser - Maybe the Florida senator should have spent more time contending with Trump, less time celebrating losses with the media.
The Prosecutors in Laquan McDonald and Tamir Rice's Cases Lost Their Jobs Last Night - On Tuesday, prosecutors Anita Alvarez and Tim McGinty, who worked the cases of Laquan McDonald and Tamir Rice in Chicago and Cleveland, respectively, were voted out in their primaries. Their losses are a victory for Black Lives Matter (she blocked for 400 days)
Chicago's prosecutor loses reelection battle in the shadow of the Laquan McDonald video
Trump rally assault victim applauds discipline of Cumberland County deputies :: - five deputies have been disciplined in connection with the assault of Rakeem Jones at a Donald Trump rally in Fayetteville on March 9
Conservatives to White Working Class: Drop Dead -- NYMag - The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assetThanks to Donald Trump, the conservative journal is regressing to the aristocratic conservatism of its founder William Buckley.
National Review's s Revolt Against the Masses - Thanks to Donald Trump, the conservative journal is regressing to the aristocratic conservatism of its founder William Buckley. (the ediface is crumbling)
Working-Class Whites Have Moral Responsibilities -- In Defense of Kevin Williamson
Kane: Friars turned 'a blind eye' on predator - n what appears to be the first case of its kind, state prosecutors Tuesday charged three former leaders of a Pennsylvania-based religious order with conspiracy and endangerment for not removing a cleric who sexually abused scores of children over decades. (another reason why the establishment hated her)
Republican Politicians Planned And Participated In Key Aspects Of Refuge Occupation . News | OPB - They were state lawmakers from four western states, including Oregon. Most of them were members of a group called the Coalition of Western States, or COWS. (treason is in their blood)
Rape kit system unnecessary since most accusations false, Idaho sheriff says |
Prosecutors want Bundy's detention hearing canceled
Bullet casings disappear from LaVoy Finicum shooting scene, sources say | (crooked Feebs at work)
Henderson Municipal Judge Hampton found dead in home | Las Vegas Review-Journal
Oregon FBI Special Agent in Charge, Greg Bretzing, Linked to Bundy Ranch Lead Agent DANIEL P. LOVE and Wrongful Deaths in 2009 Indian Artifact Investigation - The Voice of Idaho
The Smurfs "The Lost Episode" | Flash Videos
Henn. Co. to stop using grand juries in police shooting cases - - Secrecy, lack of transparency and no direct accountability strikes us as problematic in a democratic society,
- A Denver Police Department officer has been fired for a second time for using excessive force against a combative woman in a holding cell.
Story of cities #3: the birth of Baghdad was a landmark for world civilisation | Cities | The Guardian
People who use marijuana heavily have reactions to anxiety-inducing stimuli that resemble those of people diagnosed with anxiety disorders, according to a study to be published in the journal Addictive Behaviors Reports. : science - Cannabis is now the most widely used illicit substance in the world.
Suppressing traumatic memories can cause amnesia, research suggests | Science | The Guardian - New study could explain why people suffering from PTSD and other psychological disorders can have difficulty forming everyday memories (someone call E Loftus)
Remembering Dangerously - The Myth of Repressed Memory that Elizabeth Loftus Created
Recovered Memories of Sexual Abuse: Scientific Research & Scholarly Resources
Despite Gigabit Hype, U.S. Broadband's Actually Getting Less Competitive Than Ever | Techdirt (making America slow again)
- Comcast, AT&T Lobbyists Help Kill Community Broadband Expansion In Tennessee
Former Cyber Czar Says NSA Can Unlock iPhone Terror Data For FBI - Richard Clarke says the bureau just wants to set a precedent in its pursuit of Apple.
In the Apple Case, a Debate Over Data Hits Home - The New York Times
Clinton Wins Big In Florida Democratic Primary - Clinton headed into the contest with a significant lead in the polls.
Primary live: Trump and Clinton win big as Kasich takes Ohio and Rubio quits | US news | The Guardian
The Stop Trump Movement Got New Life In Ohio - dropping Ohio to John Kasich and struggling against Ted Cruz in Missouri.
- Tech policy activists find Bernie Sanders is best bet -- while Trump is the worst
Donald Trump and the Fall of the Republican Campaign Guru - The New York Times
- The Rise of Trump Shows the Danger and Sham of Compelled Journalistic "Neutrality" (Cokie tried to warn us about Trump and NPR had a melt-down)
- Trump campaign manager's behavior prompted staff concerns - Corey Lewandowski's emperament and inappropriate comments drew ire at his previous job, too ... Lewandowski, who sports a buzz cut, hooked up with the Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity
How Breitbart spiraled into chaos after its reporter got assaulted at a Trump rally - Vox
Sad Marco Rubio, On the Way Out, Is Deeply Sonned by Former Friends
- The Hard Power of "Soft" Voter-ID Laws
Military Times survey: Troops back Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders for president (Troops are 60% Republican)
Rahm Emmanuel's Disastrous Stint as Chicago Mayor Is Officially a Campaign Issue
Justice Department: States Should Not Jail Poor People Over Fine Nonpayment - NBC News
Since 2012 Harvard Law School has raised tuition 502% faster than the inflation rate - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
Vice Interview Might Land Owen Labrie in Jail - Earlier this month, Vice contributor Susan Zalkind spotted convicted sex offender Owen Labrie, 19, on a train in Boston.
Judge won't reduce jail term for Kathryn Knott's role in gay attack |
Marijuana economy may hit $44 billion by 2020 - Yahoo Finance (meanwhile, in Massachusetts ...)
- MRSA superbug's resistance is broken
Oldest ancient-human DNA details dawn of Neanderthals : Nature News & Comment - Sequence of 430,000-year-old DNA pushes back divergence of humans and Neanderthals.
Isotopic evidence for dietary ecology of late Neandertals in North-Western Europe
New Tyrannosaur species shows how T. Rex became such a fierce hunter - Redorbit
Scientists identify cause of multiple miscarriages for first time | Life and style | The Guardian - University of Warwick researchers say reduced number of stem cells in womb lining is likely cause, and same team will try to develop treatment
Centers to Treat Eating Disorders Are Growing, and Raising Concerns - The New York Times
What's the weirdest or most ridiculous subreddit you've found? : AskReddit
An ode to Ken M.
Sea level rise could threaten 13.1 million Americans by 2100 (tie Marco to the beach)
CENTCOM Embroiled in Climate of Fear - The Daily Beast - Analysts at U.S. Central Command say top officials have created a culture of intimidation during a congressional investigation into skewed ISIS intel. (your corrupt military)
- The War Against Obama's Potential Supreme Court Nominees Takes An Ugly, Offensive Turn (ratfuckers will ratfuck)
Hillary Clinton 2016: What's Wrong with Hillary - likely standard-bearer could do just as much damage to her own party. (politico says she's as bad as Trump!)
Hillary Clinton Death Penalty Answer - Hillary Must Be Bolder in Wild Political Times - On a death penalty question?, as with far too many others recently, she was stuck in a defensive crouch. (she really has a hard time thinking)
Trump Is No Accident - The New York Times - Marco Rubio ... was suggesting, albeit coyly, that a sitting president is a traitor ... On the contrary, the G.O.P. has spent decades encouraging and exploiting the very rage that is now carrying Mr. Trump to the nomination. That rage was bound to spin out of the establishment's control sooner or later. (Trumpenstein)
Trump's Week of Errors, Exaggerations and Flat-out Falsehoods
Inside the Protest That Stopped the Trump Rally - politico Magazine
How the Republican Party Became a Failed State - The Daily Beast - Teaparty Jihadis
The real problem with Donald Trump retweeting those provocative pictures of Megyn Kelly - The Washington Post - And this is the bimbo that's asking presidential questions? Trump-inspired classism - little doubt in my mind many Republican elites and opinion leaders have long felt a kind of seething contempt for the people whose votes they can't do without
Muslim student at Wichita State reports attack by man shouting Trump, Trump, Trump
How to Steal a Nomination From Donald Trump - Bloomberg Politics
Trump has profited from foreign labor he says is killing U.S. jobs - The Washington Post
- Every now and then I have to revisit this column to reassure myself that I'm not insane and that it was actually written - "On the contrary, I thought. We are a good country, attempting to do a good thing. In a post-Sept. 11 world, I thought the prudent use of violence could be therapeutic" (Richard Cohen, tragically wrong with no consequences)
Eschaton: Another Morning Thread - Apparently the Virgin Ben has resigned from because they're even bigger assholes than he is? We live in strange times.
- Breaking: Breitbart's Staff Is Revolting - The demise of a truly vile institution (CPP is on the case)
Michelle Fields, Ben Shapiro Resign From Breitbart - BuzzFeed News
Leaked Internal Messages Show Ashamed Breitbart Writers
Confederate Nostalgia Lives On - Lawyers, Guns & Money (the flag is back)
Sarah Palin Leaves Florida After Husband Hospitalized - The Daily Beast - Todd Palin was in a very serious snow machine crash last night, currently hospitalized in intensive care.
This Law Is Supposed to Protect Babies, But It's Putting Their Moms Behind Bars | Mother Jones (1 valium and your baby is gone)
The game is the game - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Life as a senior corporate-side associate at a top New York law firm (higher-paid serfs are still serfs)
- Are we there yet? Sexual harassment at ICANN
"Have You Seen this Shitfest Yet?" - Lawyers, Guns & Money
How Evan Smith Became Vivienne Ming: An Incredible Story Of Self-Discovery
The girl in the window | Tampa Bay Times
BBC Radio 4 - Ghosts of the Tsunami - some survivors report seeing the ghosts of the dead.
- stress helps you perform bette - The brain is an expensive machine to run, requiring approximately 20% of the human body's energy
People who weigh more than others see distances as farther away
There are only three ways to meet anyone anymore - The Washington Post (1. friends 2. bars 3. online 9. church)
Human influence on the climate dates back to 1930s - Recent record-breaking hot years globally were so much outside natural variability that they were almost impossible without global warming
Carbon dioxide levels took a record leap in 2015 | GlobalPost (Republicans consider war on molecules)
What if everyone had extremely long nose hairs?
WhatsApp Encryption Said to Stymie Wiretap Order - The New York Times (Obama coming for your passwords)
Portland-Bound Hellfire Missiles Found On Air Serbia Flight: Report - The flight was headed from Lebanon to Serbia.
Hundreds Of Thousands Pour Onto Brazilian Streets To Demand President's Exit - In a preliminary tally, polling firm Datafolha estimated 450,000 demonstrators in Sao Paulo on Sunday, the biggest rally in the city's history.
Explosion in Turkish Capital Kills at Least 27, Officials Say - The New York Times - killing at least 27 people and injuring 75
My Father's Killer's Funeral (American bombs and the Saudis have created a new, deadly form of Islam; see Drumpfism)
Gunmen Carry Out Fatal Attacks at Hotels in Ivory Coast - The New York Times - Gunmen stormed at least three resort hotels south of the capital here on Sunday in a fatal attack that pierced the calm that has prevailed in Ivory Coast in recent years.
Turkey Is 'Sliding Backwards,' Says Top Turkish Novelist
Indian Government Says It Won't Criminalize Marital Rape - It says the concept "cannot be suitably applied in the Indian context." (where all husbands are rapists)
George Osborne defends using disability cuts to fund middle-class tax break | Business | News | The Independent - Chancellor told his policies his priorities are 'callous' (but of course)
The macabre truth of gun control in the US is that toddlers kill more people than terrorists do | Lindy West | Opinion | The Guardian (Cruz says bomb the little fuckers into the glowing sand)
The Corporate Court - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - There are two types of Supreme Court justices when it comes to corporate matters. There are those who are virulently pro-corporate. And there are those who are moderately pro-corporate
The Resolve Fairy Strikes Again - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Obama essentially, on his own, rejected the broad (but utterly evidence free) Washington consensus on the importance of "credibility" in American foreign policy. (lines in the sand bullshit)
Oklahoma Senate Bill Would Make Performing Abortion First-Degree Murder | Fort Smith/Fayetteville News | 5newsonline KFSM 5NEWS
U.S. police escape federal charges in 96 percent of rights cases: newspaper | Reuters
The Bernie Sanders Revolution - The New York Times (NYT is very skeptical)
Hillary Clinton, Nancy Reagan, and AIDS - The New Yorker
On the Fight Against HIV and AIDS -- and on the People Who Really Started the Conversation (I-centered non-apology apology)
Hillary Clinton walks back bizarre statement about Nancy Reagan and AIDS - Vox - Q: In other words, the White House looks on this as a great joke? MR. SPEAKES: No, I don't know anything about it, Lester. (Clintons loved their Reaganisms +remember Larry Speakes?)
How Clinton's Reagan-AIDS Gaffe Helps Explain Why Populism Is Rising - Clinton has since offered a strange half-apology
Bernie Sanders Condemns Hillary Clinton For Inflating Nancy Reagan's Role In AIDS Crisis
Which Side Are You On, Hillary? - The New York Times - show of support contrasted with her long indifference to the concerns of organized labor (Clintons were captured in the Reagan Revolution)
Beyond the 90s - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating - Polls - HuffPost Pollster - Unfavorable 53.4% Favorable 41.0%
Donald Trump deflects blame from all sides after weekend of chaos | US news | The Guardian
Donald Trump is Merely the Symptom. The Republican Party Itself is the Disease. (#1: we create our own reality and fuck the facts; #2: racist confederacy; #3: voodoo economics - see #1 and let's add #4: stupidity)
American Demagogues: Joe McCarthy and Donald Trump (media creations)
Trump Ahead in FL, IL Kasich Up in OH... Clinton Ahead in FL, IL, and OH | Home of the Marist Poll: Pebbles and Pundits
Trump has lit a fire. Can it be contained? - The Washington Post
Donald Trump Digs In After Weekend Violence, Threatens Bernie Sanders Rallies - "Be careful Bernie, or my supporters will go to yours!" (yeah, it was Bernie's fault)
Trump Uses Doctored Video To Connect Protester To ISIS - BuzzFeed News - Trump cited an ISIS-style video when he claimed a man who rushed a stage at a rally was connected to ISIS. But the video appears to have been made just to troll the man.
Recall Effort in Michigan Intensifies Pressure on Gov. Rick Snyder - The New York Times - Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan hired a law firm using up to $800,000 in taxpayer money (fire the Republifucker)
Oregon standoff: Ammon Bundy comes to aid of embattled Grant County sheriff |
The door-to-door union killers: rightwing foundation takes labor fight to the streets | US news | The Guardian
In the Waiting Room of Estranged Spouses - The New York Times - We both worked full time and lived on opposite ends of a large city. We both searched the Internet for counselors and somehow decided on the same psychologist and arranged to meet her on the same day in consecutive hours.
Should All Research Papers Be Free? - The New York Times (corps stealing tax-payer paid-for research)
The Neuroscientist Who Lost Her Mind - The New York Times
The Superior Social Skills of Bilinguals - The New York Times - Now, two new studies demonstrate that multilingual exposure improves not only children's cognitive skills but also their social abilities.
Homes for Sale in Brooklyn and Manhattan - The New York Times
Dear Caitlyn: Stop. Please. Stop.
What scandals should NOT have been forgotten? : AskReddit
What is the stupidest conspiracy theory that you have ever heard? : AskReddit
IamA female who hiked the 2,189.2 miles of the Appalachian Trail alone AMA! : IAmA
Spatialities - DrownedCities Project
Boston Archipelago | Spatialities (Back-Bay, Water-Town, Chel-Sea, Trawlston, Cambriglugglug, Harvard Mer)
Climate Change: Climate Resource Center - Graphic: Global warming from 1880 to 2013
- Obama Wants Nonexistent Middle Ground on Encryption, Warns Against "Fetishizing Our phones" (Barry wants to poke a little finger in your backdoor)
Scheer Intelligence: William Binney and Blowing the Whistle On the NSA
Oil Crash Risks $19 Billion Wave of Junk Debt Defaults - Bloomberg Business
To Maintain Supply of Sex Slaves, ISIS Pushes Birth Control - The New York Times - Locked inside a room where the only furniture was a bed, the 16-year-old learned to fear the sunset, because nightfall started the countdown to her next rape.
The Go-Between - The New Yorker - The Mexican actress who dazzled El Chapo.
Mass Exorcism Needed: Mexico Swept by Wave of Satanic Killings - the so-called cult of Santa Muerte, depicted as a human corpse with all the flesh picked off the bones, and dressed like a bride for her wedding.
Donald Trump's Presidential Run Began in an Effort to Gain Stature - President Obama chose Mr. Trump, then flirting with his own presidential bid, as a punch line. (revenge of the Trumpenstein)
- How GOP anti-intellectualism created a modern fascist movement in America
The Geography of Trumpism - The New York Times - White, no high school diploma: 0.61
Don't believe Donald Trump has incited violence at rallies? Watch this video. - Vox (Rachel nails Drumpf)
Trump Concerned His Rallies Are Not Violent Enough
Republicans blame Trump for climate of violence - POLITICO - Rubio and Kasich waver on supporting the GOP front-runner if he wins the nomination.
Given violence, Rubio raises doubts that he can support Trump as the GOP nominee - The Washington Post
Donald Trump's ideology of violence
CBS News journalist caught in turmoil at canceled Donald Trump rally - CBS News - I've never seen anything like what I'm witnessing in my life
CBS News Reporter Sopan Deb Arrested While Covering Donald Trump Rally - He's charged with resisting arrest despite no evidence of doing so.
Donald Trump Rally In Chicago Canceled After Protesters Turn Out In Droves - Chaos broke out after the event was called off.
Donald Trump Encourages Violence At His Rallies. His Fans Are Listening. - Here's how Trump is drawing on insults and brutality to build his brand.
Donald Trump Says His Supporters Should 'Hit Back' At Protesters More Often - "And that's what we need a little bit more of."
Breitbart Spokesman Resigns Over Trump Aide Assault: 'This S**t Just Sucks' - He pointed to an "escalating pattern of behavior" at Trump rallies that is "incredibly dangerous."
Bill Maher Says Donald Trump's Lies Inflame Supporters' Anger - "He lies like no one is fact-checking."
Watch Secret Service Jump To Shield The Donald At Another Non-Violent Trump Rally
Breitbart Editor Ordered Staffers To Stop Defending Michelle Fields - BuzzFeed News (interesting sideshow)
Trump Supporter Who Made Nazi Salute Explains Why She Made the Gesture - First Draft. Political News, Now. - The New York Times - from her home in Yorkville, Ill., Birgitt Peterson, 69, The Republican Party needs to be broken up, and I believe Donald Trump is the one to do it,
Hillary Clinton: "The Reagans, particularly Nancy, helped start 'a national conversation' about HIV and AIDS." - - The Stranger (was she even conscious back then? or now? +Sanders not any better)
Hillary Clinton Apologizes After Shocking Praise For Nancy Reagan's 'AIDS Activism' - She was so out-of-touch with reality, it was baffling.
Hillary Clinton's backseat driver - politico (Bill hates Axelrod for telling the truth)
Petty Mayonnaise on Twitter: "@hurricaneaiken @orMaybe_No @GideonResnick as always Blacks are demanded to be forgiving N not scare the white peoples who have hurt them" (Hillary running like it's 2008)
Alinsky in the broom cupboard with a giant papier-mbchi puppet - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - You will never in a million years guess the identity of one of the culprits behind last night's Dump Trump protest in Chicago.
Book Review: Alan Taylor: The Internal Enemy: Slavery and War in Virginia, 1772-1832 - Lawyers, Guns & Money (white America's dark legacy)
With no ID, Sen. Richard Burr casts provisional ballot | News & Observer - Sen. Burr discovered he lost his ID when he arrived at the polling location
McDonald's U.S. President Says Worker Pay Hikes Are Paying Off - Fortune (how very un-Republican)
Kids Are Becoming Less Violent. Adults Not So Much. | Mother Jones - The lead-crime hypothesis is simple: lead poisoning in childhood affects the brain in ways that produce more violent crime later in life (thank the EPA, which lead-damaged Republicans want to destroy)
New Doubts About Official Version Of Sandra Bland's Death - Discrepancies in the records "could be criminal in nature," an official said.
Oregon standoff defendant says he was just borrowing government truck to get groceries |
(3) The Fakeriot Chronicles
Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned Compilation - YouTube
Burns Paiute Tribe Holding Post-Militia Cleansing Ceremony - - spirits were agitated and bothered ... She noted that the person waving things around died a couple of days later and the lady doing the filming had a tragic death in her family within a week.
Driver arrested after investigators link marijuana use to fatal Marion County crash |
Marijuana Doesn't Pose Significant Risk in Car Crashes, NHTSA Says
Electric Sheep in HD (Psy Dark Trance) 3 hour Fractal Animation (Full Ver.2.0) - YouTube
- Gawker has a strong first amendment case - that it keeps undermining
- Hulk v Gawker: bizarre case could have profound consequences for free speech
Severe Weather Events and Climate Change - Lawyers, Guns & Money
3/11 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Five years today since the Fukushima earthquake and subsequent nuclear power plant disaster. Some links for this anniversary.
FBI wants to change iPhone's iOS: Fmr CIA chief - the FBI was trying to get a right essentially to effectively decide what kind of an operating system Apple was going to have, and that they were not just trying to get into one phone.
Apple slams Justice Dept's latest filing as "cheap shot" | ZDNet - The company's attorneys said some of the Justice Dept.'s arguments are like "throwing pasta on a wall and hoping something sticks."
We Read The DOJ's Latest Apple Filing To Highlight All Of Its Misleading Claims | Techdirt
Obama comments on phone encryption - Tech Insider (clueless authoritarian)
Obama puts down his encrypted phone long enough to tell us: Knock it off with the encryption The Register
Florida sheriff threatens to arrest 'rascal' Apple CEO, if it comes up - Story | FOX 13 Tampa Bay
Surprise! NSA data will soon routinely be used for domestic policing that has nothing to do with terrorism - The Washington Post - In short, domestic law enforcement officials now have access to huge troves of American communications, obtained without warrants, that they can use to put people in cages (Obama building his spy state one outrage at a time)
Snowden, Pussy Riot, and Ai Weiwei launch AdBlock campaign to protest censorship | The Verge - Activists partner with Amnesty International to raise awareness around surveillance and privacy
270,000 dead, 4.7 million refugees: Syria's war in numbers
Mystery Deepens Over Death of Former Putin Ally Mikhail Lesin - The New York Times ("heart attack" and coverup by DC cops)
Turkey's Erdogan warns top court after ruling on detained journalists | Reuters - and warned the court that repeating such actions could bring its very existence into question. (slow disintegration)
China Has Unblocked Internet Searches That Refer to Kim Jong Un as a Pig
The first comparison of foetal abnormalities between Zika-positive and Zika-negative pregnant women has been published. Of those who tested positive, abnormalities were detected in 29% of foetuses. No abnormalities were detected among women without the virus. : worldnews
- Former Latin American leaders urge world to end war on drugs
Gujarat Nuclear Plant Shut Down After Major Leak, All Workers Safe - after a major heavy water leak in a nuclear reactor. No worker has been exposed to radiation
Hillary Clinton's Reagan AIDS Revisionism Is Shocking, Insulting, and Utterly Inexplicable
And the band played on - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Clinton has apologized for her remarkable amnesia on this topic:
- Bernie Sanders Said Something We Weren't Ready to Hear Last Night - It's lso something that could easily be ratfcked by the Republicans. - "the so-called Monroe Doctrine and that said the United States had the right do anything that they wanted to do in Latin America" (what a bloody history in service of corporations)
Transcript of Republican debate in Miami, full text -
The Republican Debate Was Civil, Respectful -- And Breathtakingly Extreme - A party moving backward.
Report: 46,000 Pa. Democrats Become Republicans Due To Trump + CBS Pittsburgh - Ditch and Switch - in Massachusetts, as many as 20,000 Democrats have gone from blue-to-red this year with Trump cited as a primary reason (by "lifelong" Democrats)
Trump Chicago rally postponed amid scenes of chaos - POLITICO - Raucous protests shut down a planned Donald Trump rally Friday night before the Republican presidential frontrunner even appeared, sparking scenes of chaos inside and outside the arena that the candidate said infringed his right to freedom of speech.
- Racial tensions explode at Donald Trump's rallies
Authoritarianism For Thee - Lawyers, Guns & Money
How The Rise Of Trump Mirrors The Ascendance Of Israel's Hard Right - How The Rise Of Trump Mirrors The Ascendance Of Israel's Hard Right
Marco Rubio Forced To Say How High He'd Raise Social Security's Retirement Age (FL retirees will support him because they got theirs)
Marco Rubio Spouts Every Type Of Climate Denial - South Florida's problem, he said, is that it was built on a swamp, and because "there are higher sea levels, or whatever is happening."
The Authoritarian Minds - Lawyers, Guns & Money : As you would expect, the Donald responded in true George Wallace fashion with a bunch of gibberish about how awesome the police are.
Breitbart Suspends Reporter Who Implied Co-Worker Lied About Being Attacked By Trump Staffer | Mediaite
Trump: Reporter Assaulted By Top Aide 'Made The Story Up'
The Washington Playbook - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Rejecting those who would draw lines in sand and start wars to defend American prestige - including Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Joe Biden, among many, many others ... Samantha Power? (Hillary loves waving her war dick around)
After 'Monster' Remark, Aide to Obama Resigns March 7, 2008 ... Samantha Power, a professor of public policy at the Kennedy School ... called ... Hillary a "monster" (for the history and so maybe not on the FP thing)
Gatesgate: Why Obama was right to Distrust his Generals on Afghanistan | Informed Comment - By Juan Cole | Jan. 9, 2014 ... He should have listened to Joe Biden (and also)
17-Year-Olds Should Be Allowed To Vote In Ohio Primary, Judge Rules - Decision comes just days before the state's primary contest, but the secretary of state says he will appeal it.
How Republicans Govern - Lawyers, Guns & Money : So Republicans are finally see that spending resources on social programs can be a good idea, right? Ha ha, no. Of course these programs are unfunded. (Kelly Ayotte going down)
Rhode Island, March 10, 2016 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : A Rhode Island state representative has pulled his name from legislation that would put a 10-year statute of limitations on the collection of state taxes after acknowledging that he may owe the state more than $120,000 in back taxes.
Robert Greenwald is friending social media to spread his anti-NRA film - LA Times - It should be as widely spread as possible - very few gatekeepers, which to me, coming from the commercial world where I spent 20 years dealing with good gatekeepers, bad gatekeepers and psychopaths, is the wonder of the new world
American devotion to religion is waning, according to new study - Religion in the United States is declining and mirroring patterns found across the western world, according to new research from UCL and Duke University in the United States.
State Senate bill would allow Bible literacy courses to be taught in public schools in Kentucky
List of stadiums by capacity
Female Republican Lawmakers Slam Indiana Abortion Bill As 'Overreaching'; House Approves It Anyway - "batshit crazy"
Texas County GOP Chair Has A Shocking Plan For Closeted Republicans - he plans on "flushing the commode on the corroded rectum of American politics." Part of that, he said, involves outing "wildly political" conservative lawmakers who happen to be in the closet. (nice rhetoric)
Inslee orders special session, vetoes 27 bills to spur action | The Seattle Times
Third state trooper was getting ready to fire at LaVoy Finicum, new reports reveal |
LaVoy Finicum's last moments echo earlier provocations |
DA clears officer in killing of unarmed man | WSB-TV - will not face criminal charges, despite a civil grand jury having strongly recommended it.
ADHD children may just be immature, research suggests - BBC News - August-born children were almost twice as likely to have ADHD as those born the previous September.
- Breast tumours shrunk "dramatically" in 11 days following treatment with lapatinib and trastuzumab.
Federal Investigation Underway for Chipotle Sabotage | TheSleuthJournal
ELI5: Since Norovirus is not a food-borne illness, why does Chipotle seem to have a disproportionate number of outbreaks within the past year as compared to other chain restaurants? : explainlikeimfive
What is the best reference you love to drop, but no one ever gets? : AskReddit
Bakanogami comments on What is an interesting story from history that most people probably don't know about?
[Serious] Post-op transgendered Redditors: How does your acquired genitalia compare visually & performance-wise to those of people born with them? : AskReddit
Ratchet Neighbor Note : funny (bae)
Six years ago, Eric weighed 340 pounds and was told by his doctor he had 5 years to live. Then he met Peety and everything changed. : videos
What scandal has rocked your family ? : AskReddit
Iran Told to Pay $10.5 Billion to Sept. 11 Kin, Insurers - Bloomberg Business (yeah, Iran did it)
- Obama Doctrine
Americans May Be Too Religious To Embrace Socialism | FiveThirtyEight (too primitively moralistic and selfish)
Hullabaloo - The Nones, the churches and the welfare state - We have known for some time that one of the reasons the US was unable to build a socialist welfare state like western Europe was our history of slavery and attendant racism. (It seems many Americans would rather be poor themselves than allow the government to provide any breaks to African Americans.)
The Democratic Debate In Miami Proves That 2016 Comes Down To Immigration - Both Democratic candidates made a big promise: No more deportation of children or non-criminals.
What gendered or sexist words do the media use to describe Hillary Clinton?
Why the GOP establishment was so determined to make Marco Rubio happen. - He would have been the most radical nominee in GOP history.
Cruz the radical - Lawyers, Guns & Money : of 32 major Republican presidential candidates, going all the way back to Barry Goldwater, and concluded that Cruz was the most right-wing candidate out of this entire group ... Nationally the GOP base wants a racist, authoritarian, fascist daddy to be their candidate. ("fascist vote" is 60-80% of Republicans)
Eschaton: When Did It Ravel - The guy has negative charisma, basically checked out of his Senate job, is known mostly for supporting citizen path legislation that the base hates, and never had any chance of winning this primary ... He's repulsive
Donald Trump Encourages Violence At His Rallies. His Fans Are Listening. - Here's how Trump is drawing on insults and brutality to build his brand.
Anderson Cooper's interview with Donald Trump was a disgrace.
White Supremacists of Politics Past - Lawyers, Guns & Money
- If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and hates immigrants, gays and people of color then what you have is a Republican duck. of course the KKK is a part of the Republican base. Are Republicans really trying to suddenly be outraged by that?
DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz Is Taking A Ton Of Heat For Helping Payday Lenders - Democrats are not happy. (Debbie Wasserdoodle Schultz must go -
Florida Governor Rick Scott Embarrasses Himself, And America, On National TV - Watch him dodge a question about Donald Trump and Muslims over and over again.
Angela Wozniak faces range of sanctions after affair with staffer - City & Region - The Buffalo News - Conservative ... soon after revealing the affair to her husband ...
Wounded Warrior Project Fires CEO After Spending Questions - The charity was throwing staff parties while only spending 60 percent of donations on veterans. (support our troops with more grift)
Police release their files of investigation into Finicum shooting |
Ammon Bundy, Others Face Weapons Charge With Possibility Of Life Sentence
UPDATE: Bundy refuses to enter plea in 2014 armed standoff near Bunkerville | Las Vegas Review-Journal - Cliven Bundy refused to enter a plea in federal court Thursday to criminal charges stemming from the 2014 armed standoff with law enforcement near his Bunkerville ranch.
Oregon militia members could face decades in prison over new charges | US news | The Guardian
Legislature creates fund for Utah's $14 million public lands lawsuit | The Salt Lake Tribune (wold have worked if Scalia were still alive)
What Are Mormon Beliefs on Government? - Mormon Beliefs
Go on in, the water's probably fine! - Lawyers, Guns & Money (KDrum minimizing?)
How do you fact-check whether you fabricated parts of your own book? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : the question Jesse Singal inadvertently poses to Matthew Desmond, while interviewing Desmond about his new book Evicted (which looks very interesting).
The Faculty Lounge: Setting the Standard for Fact-Checking Ethnography - Matthew Desmond's Evicted
Single Drop Of Blood Will Soon Be Enough To Diagnose Most Types of Cancer
TIL Researchers developed a blood test that can detect if a person has cancer from a single drop of blood with 96% certainty for most cancer types. : todayilearned
Study finally shows a causal link between body size and success. - higher body mass index is associated with lower income and greater social deprivation, which takes into account unemployment, car and home ownership, and home overcrowding. Shorter height is associated with a lower income, level of education, and job class.
Why Do We Love Tall Men? on average CEOs were just a shade under six feet. Given that the average American male is 5'9" that means that CEOs, as a group, have about three inches on the rest of their sex ... 30 percent were 6'2" or taller ... a tall person enjoying literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of earnings advantage (mediocrity rises to the top)
As a Girl, I Went Through Abstinence Ed. As a Woman, I'm Trying to Understand the Damage Done (groin central station and fed dollars to teach bullshit)
How is there no center of the universe? : askscience
Pentagon admits it has deployed military spy drones over the U.S. : news
Oliver Stone Reveals Clandestine Meetings With Edward Snowden, NSA Worries : technology
Oliver Stone Reveals Clandestine Meetings With Edward Snowden - Hollywood Reporter
- Snowden: FBI's claim it can't unlock the San Bernardino iPhone is bullshit
America has captured ISIS scientist in charge of chemical weapons : worldnews
Egypt drafts bill to ban burqa and Islamic veils in public places : worldnews
Russia warns North Korea over threats of nuclear strike | World news | The Guardian - says country is in danger of creating legal grounds for international military intervention
Stabbing victim pulls knife out of own neck, kills terrorist | The Times of Israel - Yonatan Azarihab, who was collecting money for charity, hospitalized in moderate condition after Petah Tikva attack - volunteers of the Ambucycle Unit
IS Registration Forms Identify 22,000 Jihadis - Thousands of documents detailing phone numbers and family contacts are handed to Sky News by a disillusioned convert to the group.
Man Who Thinks Public Figures Are Secret Martians Shoots Pastor, Flies to DC - And he has easy access to any gun he wants.
Bernie Sanders' Michigan Primary Win is Tied to Auto Industry - This is becoming an election for people who see past the politics all the way into their own lives.?
Poll Finds Majority of Voters Disapprove of Republicans' Supreme Court Delay
What The Stunning Bernie Sanders Win In Michigan Means | FiveThirtyEight - one of the greatest upsets in modern political history.
Sanders Triumphs In Michigan Democratic Primary - The vote comes at a critical time between Super Tuesday and major primaries in Ohio and Florida on March 15.
Polls Got It Seriously Wrong In Michigan's Democratic Primary - A swing and a Mich for pollsters, who said Hillary Clinton would easily win the state.
What Went Down In The March 8 Presidential Primaries | FiveThirtyEight
What Went Down In The March 8 Presidential Primaries | FiveThirtyEight
Everything You Need To Know About The Bad Democratic Turnout Numbers - When Democrats aren't feeling the Bern, they aren't showing up.
Sanders Sues Ohio Over Law Keeping 17-Year-Olds From Voting In Primary - the Ohio secretary of state over his decision not to let 17-year-olds who will be 18 by the general election vote in the presidential primary.
Poll: Romney helps more than hurts Trump with Republicans
Poll: Clinton leads Trump, aided by Obama coalition - The Washington Post
br /> Yes, There is an Anti-Trump Surge
Keith Olbermann: I can't stand to live in a Trump building anymore
John Oliver's 'Make Donald Drumpf Again' Hats Sold Out In Just Over A Week - HBO says they've sold 35,000 caps to date.
All the lies Donald Trump told in his election night infomercial
Trump campaign manager gets rough with Breitbart reporter - POLITICO
Marco on the brink - Politico - deja Rubio as he stalls out after trying to take on Trump
Editorial: Marco Rubio not ready to be president | Tampa Bay Times
Erick Erickson Demands Marco Rubio Drop Out Of The Presidential Race | Blog | Media Matters for America
Michigan Taxpayers Face Paying Millions In Legal Fees Over Flint Crisis - Critics called the proposals a "kick in the teeth" to those who suffered from lead-tainted water.
The Miracle of Republican Governance - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Louisiana now stands at the brink of economic disaster - Wow, 3 months of a Democratic governor and the state is already a mess! If only Bobby Jindal was still around to provide that high quality Republican governance .. (government doesn't work! let's destroy it osme more!)
They're Not Very Bright (Republicans accuse Tammy Duckworth of "not standing up for our veterans")
After epic 39-hour filibuster, Missouri Senate passes bill criticized as anti-gay - The Washington Post
New Hampshire Won't Ban Women From Showing Breasts, Nipples - ABC News - reckless disregard
New six-count indictment unsealed in Malheur refuge occupation case |
You have questions about the LaVoy Finicum shooting, we have answers |
Les Zaitz on Twitter: "Here is Robert "Lavoy" Finicum's truck, side facing police, that witnesses said was hit by 100+ rounds."
LaVoy Finicum's widow disputes police findings, says husband's shooting was 'assassination' |
Utah bigamy bill has polygamists pointing fingers at LDS Church | The Salt Lake Tribune
Judge: David Bundy will remain in Utah jail pending trial |
I was in the MTC with Lavoy Finicum... or, How Lavoy Finicum helped me become an Exmormon. : exmormon
Sheriff Babeu: Obama has handcuffed Border Patrol (very scary and totally racist comments on AZ's Channel 3 TV.
Lawmakers sick after drinking raw milk to celebrate legalizing raw milk |
Stem Cells Regenerate Human Lens After Cataract Surgery, Restoring Vision : science
Religion for the Nonreligious - Wait But Why
'Matrix' Filmmaker Lilly Wachowski Comes Out As Transgender
Awkward Hulk Hogan Testimony In Sex Tape Lawsuit Against Gawker - Terry Bolea wants jurors to distinguish between his public persona as Hulk Hogan and his private life.
The man with 1,000 Klein Bottles UNDER his house - Numberphile - YouTube (Cliff Stoll)
The man with 1,000 Klein Bottles UNDER his house - Numberphile : videos
Flickr takes a big step backwards by making its photo upload tool a paid feature : technology
what illegal thing did you get away with? : AskReddit
- Revealed: the 30-year economic betrayal dragging down Generation Y (Republicans eating their children)
Trump, Clinton look to pad leads in Michigan, Mississippi - The Boston Globe
- Michael Bloomberg Says He Won't Run for President - Trump had run "the most divisive and demagogic presidential campaign I can remember, preying on people's fears" (since my own)
Michael Bloomberg Will Not Run For President in 2016 - It's about time somebody decided not to run for president.
Samantha Bee Eulogizes The GOP | Crooks and Liars
Donald Trump Undercover Security at Rallies - 'Intelligence Work' - Things are getting more Mussolini by the day.
Why we can't endorse Trump, Rubio, Cruz or Kasich - Sun Sentinel - But conservative Republicans exhausted by the Obama Administration ("exhausted" by a government that tried to function - clutch your pearls, Sun-Sentinel)
Eschaton: Elites - "They see a clearer path to stopping Trump since his two losses and two narrower-than-expected wins in Saturday's contests" - Hilarious. (WaPo, your funny paper)
No, Elizabeth Warren Should Not Be Vice-President - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Impact of the ACA - Lawyers, Guns & Money : In conclusion, if voting mattered Republicans would try to make it illegal. Come to think of it, they are trying to make it illegal for the kind of people most likely to benefit from the ACA.
Kansas Would Rather Impeach Their Supreme Court Than Pay For Schools | Crooks and Liars - For them, it's a two-fer. First, they get to suck away more money from the schools to service the Kochtopus, and second, they can stick it to the girl who occupied the Governor's office before nasty Sam Brownback took over. (Kansas, land or morons)
'He was a monster' : how priest child abuse tore apart Pennsylvania towns - A grand jury report issued last week details abuse by dozens of Catholic leaders in the small communities of Altoona-Johnstown from the 1950s to the 1990s (World's Largest Pedophile Organization)
LaVoy Finicum shooting: Takeaways from the news conference in Bend |
What LaVoy Finicum shooting investigation found |
Officials Say Shots That Killed LaVoy Finicum Justified . News | OPB
Watch: New Video Details LaVoy Finicum Traffic Stop, Shooting . News | OPB
FBI agents under investigation for possible misconduct in LaVoy Finicum shooting |
LaVoy Finicum shot 3 times as he reached for gun, investigators say |
Bullet hole on LaVoy Finicum's truck traced to elite FBI team |
Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum shooting in slow-motion - Video |
How the traffic stop that resulted in Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum's death unfolded - Video |
In-car Finicum shooting video synched with FBI aerial video - Video |
Feds describe Pete Santilli as a "shill'' for Cliven Bundy in 2014 standoff in Nevada |
Mass. should not legalize marijuana - The Boston Globe (emergency services will be overwhelmed with pot od's and weed is a gateway to opiates, hard to get more concentrated stupid)
- Sex assault prevention report highlights Harvard's "final clubs"
Caitlyn Jenner Says Hillary Clinton 'Couldn't Care Less' About Women
Dr. Metablog: Bushlingo 1 -- Malapropisms
Franz Xaver Messerschmidt, The Original Ghost-Buster | Atlas Obscura
LD Resources ; Blog Archive ; Confusion about Confusion: Do Dyslexics Really Not Know their Left from Right?
Can't tell your left from your right? You needn't worry about it | MinnPost
US News map interactive lets you map how historical newspapers digitized by Chronicling America changed over time.
CGP Grey | The Trouble with Transporters : videos
What Makes You You? - Wait But Why
Google Hires 4Chan Founder Chris Poole : technology
The World Burns but Climate Change is Boring So the Media Doesn't Care - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The media is happy to report on a cataclysmic fire or flood, but climate change itself? Boooooooooooooring! - In 2015, ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox collectively aired approximately 146 minutes of climate change coverage on their evening and Sunday news shows, which was eight minutes less than the networks aired in 2014.
'Gathering storm' for global economy as markets lose faith
Revealed: the 30-year economic betrayal dragging down Generation Y's income - Exclusive new data shows how debt, unemployment and property prices have combined to stop millennials taking their share of western wealth
Islamist Fighters Attack Tunisian Army, Police Barracks Near Libyan Border; Dozens Dead - While Tunisia has been held up as a model of democratic transition since its 2011 uprising, the country is also caught up in a struggle with Islamist militancy.
Israel's Netanyahu declines offer to meet with Obama: White House | Reuters
US air strike 'kills 150 Somali militants' - BBC News
The Next Level of the Refugee Crisis - The New York Times - This is a catastrophe that will soon become far worse as warm weather swells the torrent of people fleeing war in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan (invade moar countries! +NYT giving Europe advice to be more accepting! irony-proof editoral!)
27 giant profitable companies paid no taxes
Why Are Our Cities Segregated? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Because that's what the government intended after World War II:
Trump and the disintegration of the GOP - Baltimore Sun - Republicans have destroyed their party; will they take America with them? (dumb question)
Lust for Destruction - based on a clear understanding of the structure of contemporary politics - one backed up by Trump's negative favorability ratings, which have never topped the mid-30s and are now trending down
The Trump Voter - Lawyers, Guns & Money : a large section of the American voter finally has someone committed to destruction and violence as they are ... Plenty of Americans would openly welcome fascism, although they wouldn't use that term.
Bernie's top strategist: 'Maybe they're going to put him on the ticket'
Donald Trump Still Tormented By 'Spy' Magazine Founders : NPR
Some supporters of Rubio say bad strategy, poorly run campaign killing his chances - The Washington Post (grifters will hire grifters to grift)
Eschaton: The Great Grift - Just give us lots of money, Marco. You'll be preznit. We promise. No it doesn't require any work or an actual campaign apparatus. Just give us money.
The Rubiobot's Malfunction - Lawyers, Guns & Money
When Fallacies Collide - The New York Times
The End of American Idealism - The New York Times
Don Lemon Race Question at Democratic Debate in Flint
- We Want a Brokered Convention? We Don't Want a Brokered Convention
Clinton And Sanders Show Republicans What A Real Debate Looks Like - Flint debate is sharp, cantankerous and deeply substantive. (sorry, too complicated for Republicans)
Bernie Sanders: Don't Hold Gunmakers Accountable After Mass Shootings - Clinton pointed out that she voted against the bill that gave gunmakers immunity, while Sanders voted for it.
Detroit Mom Asks Who Will Fix Her Daughter's Broken, Rat-Infested School - "My daughter cannot wait eight more years for success to take place."
The Democratic Candidates Haven't Been Asked About Abortion In Their Debates - It was Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders' seventh debate.
Republicans' Baseless Abortion Investigation
What Does It Mean to Be Evangelical Today? - Room for Debate - (basically, a white racist anti-abortion idiot)
Can't Decide? Maybe That's Your Best Choice (Maybe you just woke up yesterday?)
Supreme Court reverses Alabama court that denied lesbian woman's adoption
Charleston Gazette-Mail | Legislature overrides Tomblin, allows permitless hidden guns - It will soon be legal for adults in West Virginia to carry hidden handguns with no training and without a permit, after the Legislature acted swiftly, and against the wishes of law enforcement, to override Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin's veto
Investigation into LaVoy Finicum death concludes, results to be released Tuesday |
Prosecutors to seek protective order for evidence in Malheur refuge conspiracy case |
The Real Patriots - We are 99.99% of Americans. They are the 0.01% that encourage sedition: "Sovereign Citizens", "Patriots" or "Militia". Just 300,000 dangerous idiots.
Bundy Cards Post Cards - The Real Patriots
(4) John Schmidt (@uglyportland1) | Twitter (pooptriot SovCits
JJ MacNab on Twitter: "Ink color, to sovcits, is crucial. They believe that black or blue ink signifies corporations; red ink signifies flesh and blood people." ... Under one SovCit conspiracy theory, the country was secretly reorganized as a post office in 1789. Lots of good mythology in us of PO.
#sovcits hashtag on Twitter
Intelligence Report Special Edition - Sovereign Citizens | Southern Poverty Law Center
- The Need for Cognition Scale
Need For Cognition Test
Philosophy's True Home - The New York Times (analytic philosopy, of course
Photographers who do school picture days, what are your most cringe-worthy/strange stories of your career? : AskReddit
TIL taking magic mushrooms, just once ,can permanently change a person's personality, even as an adult. : todayilearned
Defense Secretary: National Guard May Join Fight Against ISIS - Ash Carter told reporters that the reserve force's cyber squadrons could play a larger role. (wft?)
Suicide Truck Bomb Kills At Least 60 South Of Baghdad - ISIS has claimed responsibility for the deadly attack.
French parliament votes to jail tech execs who refuse to decrypt data The Register - Because terrorism
Nancy Reagan, an Influential and Stylish First Lady, Dies at 94 - The New York Times
But the memory remains - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Researchers have found strong evidence that racism helps the GOP win - The Washington Post
The Political Legacy of American Slavery - slavery.pdf
What Does 'Sold Down The River' Really Mean? The Answer Isn't Pretty : Code Switch : NPR
An interactive map of slavery- Mapping the Nation Blog
The Return of the D.I.Y. Abortion - The New York Times
Bernie Sanders Sweeps Maine Caucuses
Poll of Kentucky Dems Shows Clinton with Narrow Lead, Strong Crossover Support for Trump by David Atkins | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly
How the Republican Party created Donald Trump - The Washington Post - The Republican Party has long been engaged in recurring struggles between its long-dominant establishment wing and various embodiments of an anti-establishment, conservative insurgency seeking to upend the status quo. (Goldwater, Reagan)
Donald the Dangerous - The New York Times
YouGov | Civil War in the G.O.P.
Elections Are Not About Your Fee-Fees - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Salon turns to Steve Salaita for the latest iteration of "I am too good for political coalitions" tripe
HHS in Flint - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The disaster in Flint is following the usual GOP governance story arc: Trash it. Hide it. Deny it. Let the feds clean it up.
VA employee letter reveals shocking allegations - Honolulu, Hawaii News and Weather - KITV Channel 4
This Must Be the Place (for Politics) by D.R. Tucker | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - I admire Harris-Perry, but I cannot defend these remarks; when I think of people fomenting bigotry in the cable news business, I think of Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes, not Lack and Griffin.
- Probable cause - Pursuing drugs and guns on scant evidence, D.C. police sometimes raid wrong homes ("training and experience" in being fuckers is enough)
More than 100 people gather in Portland in memory of LaVoy Finicum |
LaVoy Finicum Was Not Murdered. He Forced Oregon Police To Shoot Him.
Orange Juice & Bullets
Madonna is left 'bereft' after defeat to Guy Ritchie over Rocco custody battle | Daily Mail Online - 'Madonna has been caricatured as a crazy controlling mother'
The magical thing eating chocolate does to your brain - The Washington Post - We found that people who eat chocolate at least once a week tend to perform better cognitively,
Can Nicotine Be Good for You? - The New York Times
A Plagiarism Scandal Is Unfolding In The Crossword World | FiveThirtyEight
Heidegger's Ghosts
Japan very nearly lost Tokyo - World - NZ Herald News - Five years after Fukushima, the then prime minister reveals the 'paper-thin' margin that stood between his country and an unimaginable future ... There was a real possibility this could be bigger than Chernobyl. That was a terrible disaster, but there was only one reactor. There were six here.
Reports: Fessenheim nuclear accident played down by authorities | News | DW.COM | 04.03.2016 - An incident at the Fessenheim nuclear facility in France in 2014 was more serious than previously known. German media reports claim the authorities withheld information detailing the gravity of the situation.
North Korea sanctions: Philippines to seize cargo ship - BBC News
Zaman newspaper: Defiant last edition as Turkey police raid - BBC News - one of the darkest days in its history
China bans depictions of gay people on television | Television & radio | The Guardian - exaggerates dark side of society
Explosion rocks Texas plant at the center of international scandal : news
Belfast police called to second bomb in west of city | UK news | The Guardian - Police commanders fear upsurge in dissident activity in Northern Ireland as 100th anniversary of Easter Rising approaches
Former US military adviser David Kilcullen says there would be no Isis without Iraq invasion : worldnews
How a US prison camp helped create ISIS | New York Post
The Right to Sue the Gun Industry - The New York Times
Can a 3-year old represent herself in immigration court? This judge thinks so. - The Washington Post - an unconventional position in a growing debate over whether immigrant children facing deportation are entitled to taxpayer-funded attorneys ... Jack H. Weil, a longtime immigration judge who is responsible for training other judges, made the assertion in sworn testimony in a deposition in federal court in Seattle.
The Retirement Revolution That Failed: Why the 401(k) Isn't working (lets replace Social Security with ... private investments! what could go wrong?)
Eschaton: You Fucked Up - You Trusted Us! - The 401(k) experiment failed. We have to do something for the people who were failed by it, unless you delight in seeing homeless 70somethings, coming to a suburban neighborhood near you (moar wars is what we need and "means-test" Hillary is just the President to give us them)
Hillary Clinton on Social Security Expansion: Words are Wind. A Cold Wind. | naked capitalism (not the most trustworthy person, is she?)
Strengthen and Expand Social Security - Bernie Sanders (Bernie with his crazy peopleist ideas)
You get what you pay for - Lawyers, Guns & Money (most of what you need to know about Hillary)
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: Trumpeting One's Own Horn. Where Echidne Explains US Republican Politics to An Alien.
The Beast Is Us - The New York Times - So more than a third of Trump supporters in South Carolina wish the South had won the Civil War - 32 percent believe internment of Japanese-American citizens was a good thing
Trump throws the GOP into an identity crisis - The Washington Post - But now, the question is how close the Grand Old Party will come to annihilating itself and what it stands for. (yes, and stupidty and greed)
Is The Republican Party On The Verge Of A Historic Crackup? : NPR - The party of unity, tradition, order and hierarchy is breaking apart over one man who personifies the concept of disruption. (like they didn't spend eight years disruping everything)
If Super Tuesday Voting Pattern Continues, Donald Trump Will Reach Delegate Target - The New York Times (muhahaha)
- Rank and File Republicans Tell Party Elites: We're sticking with Donald Trump (oh, look, old white people)
Republicans Struggle To Stop Donald Trump - The front-runner is set to extend his lead in contests in several states on Saturday.
Trump kills GOP autopsy - POLITICO - Republican elders drew up a blueprint for a kinder, more inclusive Republican party. Trump is tearing it apart. (the "blueprint" was always fake)
The Republican Party Is Shattering - WSJ - Stop Trump? Unite behind him? No matter the outcome, nothing will ever be the same. (Nooners with pearls in one hand and a bottle in the other)
Donald Trump: John McCain "has to be very careful" - CBS News - CBSNews - When pressed on why, Trump tacked on: "He'll find out." (the fake war hero might find himself in a barrel of concrete)
How Donald Trump broke Fox News' debate rules - Mar. 5, 2016
Utah Senator says Flint doesn't need aid, blocks lead bill
Supreme Court may decide on Colorado marijuana legalization case - The Denver Post - Justices scheduled to conference on lawsuit over pot by Nebraska and Oklahoma
What a Knife Can Tell Us About the O. J. Simpson Case - The New Yorker
WV Senate overrides veto of concealed carry bill - Business, Government Legal News from throughout WV
'I guess that flag is coming down': Days numbered for Confederate icon outside Oregon Capitol | - On Friday, he repeated his insistence that letting Mississippi lawmakers take the lead was the best course, "out of respect for their and their flag and their people." (their symbol of racism and oppression deserves respect)
President Newman Resigns | Mount St. Mary's University (bunnies win)
UC Davis chancellor apologizes for controversial moonlighting activities - LA Times - Katehi, who earns $424,360 annually as chancellor at UC Davis, had come under fire for accepting a $70,000-a-year position with the DeVry Education Group, a for-profit firm that offers college degrees online and on 55 campuses nationwide, including 13 in California.DeVry is being investigated ... (the pepper-spray lady)
Peanut allergy theory backed up by new research - BBC News - In 2015, a study claimed early exposure to peanut products could cut the risk of allergy by 80% - I believe that this fear of food allergy has become a self-fulfilling prophecy, because the food is excluded from the diet and, as a result, the child fails to develop tolerance,.
AGAINST NATURE? - Naturhistorisk museum - - an exhibition on animal homosexuality
What is a NSFW story you would like to share? : AskReddit
Redditors who grew up filthy rich, what did you think was normal till your learned otherwise? : AskReddit
Global warming is now in overdrive: We just hit a terrible climate milestone
NSA Is Mysteriously Absent From FBI-Apple Fight
- U.N. Rights Chief Says Unlocking Gunman's iPhone Could Open "Pandora's Box"
- Notes on the Syrian exodus - Epic in scale, inconceivable until you witness it
- Bangladesh may abandon Islam as state religion after extremist attacks
Brazil's Ex-Leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Is Released After Raid - collosal graft scheme - Petrobas
Boko Haram Falls Victim to a Food Crisis It Created - The New York Times
a href=""> - Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Is Released After Raid
- ISIS Is a CIA and Mossad Operation
- Q. and A.: How China's National People's Congress Works
Kennedy-Nixon Oct. 13, 1960 Debate - Give 'Em Hell Harry - YouTube
Give 'em Hell, Harry! (1975) - YouTube
Joe Biden -- The Senate's- Duty on a Supreme Court Nominee
Jane Kelly could pose dilemma for top senator if nominated for supreme court | Law | The Guardian - she attended Harvard Law, from which she graduated with Obama in the class of 1991.
Polls Show The Supreme Court Blockade Is Hurting The GOP
There Were Lots Of False And Misleading Claims Made In The Fox News GOP Debate
Fact-checking the 11th GOP debate - The Washington Post
Clash of Republican Con Artists - The New York Times - So Republicans are going to nominate a candidate who talks complete nonsense on domestic policy; who believes that foreign policy can be conducted via bullying and belligerence; who cynically exploits racial and ethnic hatred for political gain ... voodoo economics and neocon fantasies all the way down.
Is A Brokered Convention The Most Likely Way Republicans Can Stop Trump? : NPR
Trump kills GOP autopsy - POLITICO - Republican elders drew up a blueprint for a kinder, more inclusive Republican party. Trump is tearing it apart. (like they really wanted it anyway)
Take a look at these hands - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Donald Trump Stares Forlornly At Tiny, Aged Penis In Mirror Before Putting On Clothes, Beginning Day
Donald Trump has just bragged about having a big penis at an actual presidential debate. : television
Jim Webb: I could vote for Trump, but not Hillary - The Washington Post - Reagan administration veteran-turned-Democratic senator from Virginia turned short-term presidential candidate Jim Webb said twice that he could not support Hillary Clinton if she won the Democratic nomination for president.
- In 1927, Donald Trump's father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens (not far from the tree)
Mitt Romney Donald Trump Speech - Romney Criticizes Trump - The difference between what, say, Young Marco Rubio has been doing on the stump and what Willard did in Salt Lake City is the difference between birdshot and a bunker-buster. All that having been said, you will forgive me if I spend the rest of the afternoon luxuriating in the pure absurdity of it all.
Republican Debate in Detroit Recap - Trump Wasn't the Only Crazy One Up There - Debate o Dicks - Klansmen on a Ferris wheel
TIL that a Catholic priest was kidnapped and castrated by KKK members, including the Gainesville mayor and police chief, at the University of Florida in 1924 : todayilearned - They believed that the priest was converting Protestant students to Catholicism.
alicublog: THEY HAD IT COMING. - Ours is an amazing country, where black people can get the shit beat out of them for hundreds of years, and chuckleheads agree that the real danger in a demagogic racist's volatile campaign is that black people might make his white supporters look bad by forcing them to beat them up some more (Beinart)
Florida Gay Marriage Religious Discrimination Law - Rep. Kevin Rader, a Delray Beach Democrat whose wife is a rabbi, compared it to passing a bill against aliens landing in Florida.
- New Hampshire GOP Rep "The Pope is the Anti-Christ" - Susan DeLemus (R) (wife of the Bundy Boy's sgt at arms)
The paranoid style, part infinity - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Randy Barnett is a Georgetown University law professor, who is well known for both his libertarian views and his insider status among DC conservatives (he was the academic point man in the battle to interpret the Affordable Care Act out of existence).
- Knife found buried on OJ Simpson's former estate
State Trooper Gets Just 6 Months For Raping Car Accident Victim : news
Texan who called Obama a gay prostitute might soon control textbooks | - Obama has a soft spot for homosexuals because of the years he spent as a male prostitute in his twenties. That is how he paid for his drugs said Mary Lou Bruner
Ammon Bundy says jail 'most difficult thing I've ever done' |
Balloon Juice Bunker Standoff Update: We Have Twelve Additional Arrests
- West Obsessed: What the heck is a Sagebrush Sheriff? - Behind a lot of anti-fed sentiment, you'll find "constitutionl" peace officers. Here's why that's worrying (you know, the whole sedition thing is very popular)
- Can we make sense of the Malheur mess? A writer finds camaraderie and despair inside the Oregon standoff.
- How an East Coast think tank is fueling the land transfer movement - ALEC is becoming increasingly involved in the public lands debate by providing model bills for Western states.
Think big, be free, have sex 10 reasons to be an existentialist | Books | The Guardian
Ask Well: The Best Exercises to Improve Balance - The New York Times
Poor Sleep Gives You the Munchies, Study Says - The New York Times - A study published on Tuesday in the journal SLEEP suggested that the brain receptors that can lead the sleep-deprived to crave unnecessary food were the same as those activated by marijuana. Essentially, not sleeping can give you a ferocious case of the munchies.
Psychology study that induced the "reproducibility crisis" was wrong, researchers say.
ELI5: Why weren't tons of babies born 200+ years ago born with fetal alcohol syndrome? : explainlikeimfive - Any baby with serious issues just died quickly - at that time maybe half of all children died before the age of 5 anyway.
ELI5: Why does the FDA allow, for example, 10 PPM of lead and 1 PPM of arsenic in titanium dioxide food coloring, rather than no lead and no arsenic? : explainlikeimfive (The essence of purity is dilution)
TIL: Harvard study found that Antioxidants had very little to no effect health benefits. : todayilearned
- When People With Schizophrenia Hear Voices, They're Really Hearing Their Own Subvocal Speech - Unlike most people, they just can't tell it's themselves
AskScience AMA Series: I'm David Johns, a doctoral student at Columbia University . I study the scientific arguments around the controversial question of how much salt we should be eating in order to stay healthy. Ask Me Anything! (3-6 grams sodium cloride)
- Scientists find cancer's Achilles heel
How Does A Beatle Live? - John Lennon Lives Like This - by Maureen Cleave - London Evening Standard, March 4 1966
Talking Heads - Born Under Punches - Rome, Italy - 1980 - YouTube
Hoosier Hotshots..I Like Banana's (because they have no bones).wmv - YouTube
What's the coolest thing you did that no one saw? : AskReddit
Student who sent nude pics of South Carolina teacher arrested, police say : news
Where did you see your first boobs, besides your mom? : AskReddit
What is the single greatest individual episode of a TV series ever? : AskReddit
What is obviously a complete ripoff, but no one cares enough about it to be outraged? : AskReddit
Hulk Hogam's Suit Over Sex Tape May Test Limits of Online Press Freedom
Chief justice rejects plea to block air pollution rule | TheHill
Top Pakistani religious body rules women's protection law 'un-Islamic' | Reuters
Russian atheist faces year in jail for denying existence of God during webchat | World news | The Guardian - offending the sentiments of Orthodox believers
Mexican Officials Pass Proposal To Ban Donald Trump From Their Country | ThinkProgress
The Fox New Debate in Detroit was ugly and immature. Of course Trump won.
Donald Trump Nearly Turns GOP Debate Into Literal Dick-Measuring Contest - Is this real life?
Watch Fox News' Megyn Kelly Grill Donald Trump On Trump University
Donald Trump and Why America is Hurtling Toward a Violent schism Unlike Anything Since the 1960s. - The Atlantic - The Violence to Come
Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball ; THE TRUMPMARE: CAN THE REPUBLICANS SAVE THE SENATE? - What will happen to the most vulnerable part of the GOP elective empire, the U.S. Senate?
The Least Self-Aware Moments in Mitt Romney's #NEVERTRUMP Speech - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Hahaha, yes, in the 1964 race Barry Goldwater was the candidate committed to lifting people out of poverty and creating opportunity for all, by, er, repealing Social Security and the Civil Rights Act.
A Fiery Debate on the K.K.K. in 2016. Who Figured? - The New York Times - On Super Tuesday, two commentators on CNN argued about the Ku Klux Klan. On television. In America. In 2016.
Fox Moderators to Face Donald Trump in Thursday's Debate
More Bad News for Rubio: He Just Lost Fox News -- NYMag
- If You Need to Understand the Stakes of This Election, Look to Today's Supreme Court Case - Everyone needs to pay attention right now.
Waiting for AMK - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: This Is Beautiful, Just Beautiful. On The Women Of The Supreme Court And Whole Woman's Health
- Time for DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Ride Off into the Sunset (everything that is wrong about Dems
Flint Water Crisis Will Dominate the Michigan Primaries - The Michigan primaries are next week. This is the only issue that matters.
- Pennsylvania bishops hid sex abuse by Monster priest for 40 years, jury finds - Graphic grand jury report reveals that bishops in a Pennsylvania diocese allegedly covered up sex crimes against hundreds of children for decades
How Very Communitarian of You - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - a Nov. 4, 2002, speech given by Mary Ann Glendon, a Harvard law professor who would later become U.S. ambassador to the Vatican.
Oil and gas industry has pumped millions into Republican campaigns | US news | The Guardian - Fossil fuel barons have invested more than $100m in Republican presidential Super Pacs
The Latest: AG says more charges will be filed in takeover - US News - Authorities now say 19 people from eight states have been indicted and arrested in a 2014 armed standoff over grazing cows on U.S. land near renegade cattleman Cliven Bundy's ranch in Nevada.
h ttp://
Trump campaign co-chair arrested for conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States
Trump Supporter Explains Why She's Supporting The Republican Presidential Candidate "My President Lies To Me, I Believe Donald!" | New Video
Attorney General Loretta Lynch praises 'peaceful resolution' to Oregon standoff |
Fraud Arrests May Be Turning Point for Polygamist Sect - The New York Times
Santiago Calatrava's Transit Hub Is a Soaring Symbol of a Boondoggle/a>
Evaluating a new critique of the Reproducibility Project | The Hardest Sci ence
Genetics of cancer tumours reveal possible treatment revolution | Science | The Guardian
From backyard pool chemical to nanomaterial | Newsroom - McGill University - Molecule used to disinfect water could be key to building new kind of DNA structures
Could meditation really help slow the ageing process? | Science | The Guardian
US agency says it has beaten Elon Musk and Gates to holy grail of battery storage | Environment | The Guardian - Breakthrough in next generation of storage batteries could transform the US electrical grid within five to 10 years, says research agency, Arpa-E
An eye-popping ethnography of three infant cognition labs | The Hardest Science
She Is Cait, and I Am Not: Face to Face with Jenner | - I like Ted Cruz
Students Rally Behind South Carolina Teacher Who Resigned After Nude Photo Theft - The New York Times
Students petition for South Carolina teacher who was fired after student stole nude photos from her phone. Student remains unpunished. : news
Americans Don't Agree On Much, But They Sure Like Lesbian Porn
My Way killings
Musical Marble Machine. MIND BLOWN! Man builds real life Animusic music box. (Wintergatan, Martin Molin). : videos
Business owner who sued scathing online review author loses case before Oregon Supreme Court |
NASA: Drought in Middle East Is the Worst in 900 Years - Middle East News - Haaretz - The Levant region could already be feeling the effects of human-induced climate change, the agency reports.
Indonesia earthquake: Tsunami warnings and deaths confirmed as 7.9 tremor hits south-east Asia | Asia | News | The Independent - The USGS initially reported the magnitude at 8.2
Brazil reports 5,909 microcephaly cases since October 2015 | Zee News
Mosul dam engineers warn it could fail at any time, killing 1m people | World news | The Guardian - Iraqis who built dam say structure is increasingly precarious and describe government response as "ridiculous" (totally in keeping)
Watch These Fearless Ugandan Journalists Broadcast Their Own Arrests - The Ugandan government's post-election crackdown on the media is captured on live TV. (Trumpganda)
Utah Senate narrowly votes to abolish death penalty - The Washington Post
- Hillary Clinton's Got This - Something truly crazy would have to happen for Bernie Sanders to win the Democratic nomination.
Bill Clinton Campaigned Brilliantly for Hillary in Worcester, Massachusetts - And he can make a phone book sound like poetry.
- Charlie Baker won't vote for Donald Trump in November
- GOP strategist Castellanos: Time to rally around Trump - too late to ask mommy to step in and rewrite rules
Murdoch: GOP Would Be Mad Not to Unify Around Nominee Trump
Growing Number Of GOP Politicians Refuse To Back Donald Trump In The General Election - #NeverTrump picks up steam.
Donald Trump marches on as Hillary Clinton sweeps south on Super Tuesday | US news | The Guardian - Trump and Clinton win seven states and start to look toward general election even as Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders each claim victory in multiple states
The cold, hard truth: it's game over for Bernie Sanders | Richard Wolffe | Opinion | The Guardian - Like Clinton in 2008, Sanders refuses to accept the reality of defeat. In contrast, Hillary now has her eyes on the prize, and a ruthless Republican opponent
The Exit Polls Were One Of The Scariest... - The Huffington Post | Facebook (nation of scared, racist, haters)
Can Republicans Still Take The Nomination Away From Trump? | FiveThirtyEight (yes)
Marco Rubio Loses 9 More States, Falls To 1-13 On Election Season - The candidate of the Republican establishment is in big trouble.
Donald Trump Previews General Election Strategy: Disowning Donald Trump - See, he's actually a "unifier."
Donald Trump: The GOP's Crazy Uncle Turned Existential Threat - A Republican operative didn't mince words: "If anyone tells you they're not worried about the long-term viability of the party, they're lying."
Republican Business Leaders Look to Raise Money to Stop Trump - The New York Times
- Chris Christie's wordless screaming
DNC Chair Joins GOP Attack On Elizabeth Warren's Agency - Payday lenders get a new ally. (Lil' Debbie Do Wrong)
Supreme Court Appears Sharply Divided as It Hears Texas Abortion Case - The New York Times
The Future Of Abortion Rests On How One Man Wants To Go Down In History - Once again, women need Justice Anthony Kennedy to come through.
Melissa Harris-Perry rejects MSNBC deal in scathing farewell - Mar. 1, 2016
Court sides with US agency in decades-old land-grazing case
Oregon standoff: Refuge workers had 'a sense' about visitors before takeover |
Oregon standoff: Workers find 'mess' left behind by occupiers |
Bundy's million-dollar herd of ornery cattle giving feds a meaty problem | Fox News
It's So Disgusting - Malheur Militia Dug Latrine Trenches Among Sacred Artifacts
- Court strikes down university ban on communicating in a manner likely to cause emotional or physical discomfort
See where your surname is most popular in the UK : InternetIsBeautiful
World Family Names
This website is a database of all known drug substances in existence, organized by class and alphabetical order. Each page has the substance's molecular formula, nominal mass, average mass, monoisotopic mass, and a link to its Wikipedia page when there is one. : InternetIsBeautiful
If It Were My Home
Moongiant - Current moon phases & moon position
I always hear about gravity in terms of planets and objects creating "depressions" in the fabric of space, but space is three-dimensional... why doesn't the explanation of gravity seem to take this into account? : askscience
Helen Garner learns of $207,000 literary prize win after checking junk email | Books | The Guardian
Redditors with nsfw content all over the Internet, how has it affected your life? : AskReddit
- Climate change adaptation in global megacities protects wealth -- not people
Guillain-Barri Syndrome outbreak associated with Zika virus infection in French Polynesia: a case-control study - The Lancet
A huge international study of gun control finds strong evidence that it actually works - Vox
- FBI Chief Admits "Mistake" With iPhone in Wake of San Bernardino Attack ... a misstep he acknowledged "made it hard" or investigators to access the information that federal authorities are now seeking in a growing dispute with Apple. (you will always pay for their fuckups)
- Apple case: judge rejects FBI request for access to drug dealer's iPhone - Judge James Orenstein says government's position has implications that are "so far reaching as to produce impermissibly absurd results" - the All Writs Act (AWA) can't be used to order a technology company to manipulate its products, he said. (of 1789)
- Congress tells FBI that forcing Apple to unlock iPhones is a "fool's errand"
- Senators Once Again Introduce Bill To Try To Stop FCC And Net Neutrality
Imam at Danish mosque: Stone women to death - The Local - we want the Islamic State to come out on top. We want an Islamic state in the world
Dick Cheney Edited Report on CIA Assassinations, Clandestine Activity - a Nice Little Dick Cheney Story to Ruin Your Day - He would have been right at home in any authoritarian regime.? (Gerry Ford fucked America)
Clinton and Libya by Martin Longman | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - Some say that Clinton is far to the right of the president. Others say that they are clones of each other. But, where it really matters, like on issues of military engagement, they are unquestionably different people. Clinton is more interventionist. (never met a war she didn't like and has learned nothing)
The Republican Party's Implosion Has Been a Long Time Coming. Today Is the Day.
Panicked GOP braces for big Trump win on Super Tuesday | TheHill
- With Notably Rare Exceptions, Donald Trump's Message Will Appeal to African-Americans
In Donald Trump's America, It's Fine To Use Violence To Put People In Their Place
Poll: Trump hits new high among registered Republicans | TheHill - 40 percent of registered Republicans
- Joe Scarborough Responds To Criticisms Of Morning Joe's Donald Trump Coverage - People Have Been Saying We Support Trump And "It's just a lie"
Trump: A War Criminal in the Making | Rolling Stone - how rabid nationalists and racists make countries great again
The Racial Controversy That Cost Sen. Sessions a Judgeship in 1986 - ABC News
Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders both top Donald Trump in new CNN/ORC Poll - - Clinton trails against Rubio, with 50% choosing the Florida senator compared to 47% for Clinton, identical to the results in January. Against Cruz, Clinton holds 48% to his 49%, a slight tightening from a 3-point race in January to a 1-point match-up now. Sanders -- who enjoys the most positive favorable rating of any presidential candidate in the field, according to the poll -- tops all three Republicans by wide margins ... Sanders fares better than Clinton in each match-up among men, younger voters and independents.
Cornel West lashes out at civil rights icons after Bernie Sanders suffers resounding South Carolina defeat - - There's no doubt that the great John Lewis of 50 years ago is different than the John Lewis today
Inside the Clinton Team's Plan to Defeat Donald Trump
Amid Trump surge, nearly 20,000 Mass. voters quit Democratic party | Boston Herald - with thousands doing so to join the Republican ranks ... nearly 3,500 more shifted to the MassGOP
Delusional David Brooks: His blind spot for Republican nihilism has become pathological - ("politics" is broken, "trends" are bad, wonder who did that?)
Rick Snyder Knew. Rick Snyder Didn't Care. - Lawyers, Guns & Money (profiting from death)
Alarm over lead found in drinking water at US schools | Environment | The Guardian
staggering abuse cover-up in Altoona-Johnstown Catholic diocese, grand jury says
- Mount St. Mary's University president resigns - Simon Newman - he had been in the financial industry for his entire career - a professor was thinking of the students as cuddly bunnies but that they had to drown the bunnies, "put a Glock to their heads" (another business asshole wrecking an educational institution)
Kids Are Facing Criminal Charges for Using Emoji | TIME - Cops are taking postings of gun emojis as legitimate threats (little terrorists)
NYPD allegedly violated civil rights in wrongful home searches | US news | The Guardian - Report from Civilian Complaint Review Board says more than half of substantiated complaints were homes of black residents
Fox News host Bill O'Reilly loses custody of his children after alleged domestic violence incident The anchor's two teenage children reportedly said they wanted to live with their mother full-time - his daughter also considered Mr O'Reilly as an absentee parent who was not interested in developing a relationship with her and struggled to control his rage, which she found "scary" = Mr O'Reilly was accused of sexual harassment in 2004 by former Fox News producer Andrea Mackris
O'Reilly loses custody of his children after alleged domestic violence incident
Bill O'Reilly Goes Crazy Nuts Mad to True Colors BEST REMIX - YouTube
University of Oregon loses $755,000 police whistleblowing case -- again | (change you can believe in)
Infamous 'Bowl' list just one of University of Oregon police chief's blunders |
More than a third of people shot by L.A. police last year were mentally ill, LAPD report finds - LA Times
Colon cancer gene mutation discovered in Hungarian mummy - - Very few diseases attack the skeleton, but soft tissue carries evidence of disease - genetic roots predate modern risk factors
- Mysterious chimpanzee behaviour may be evidence of "sacred" rituals
Merrill man, 22, accused of "waterboarding" his girlfriend : news
Those who had babies in their teens, what's it like being in your 30's and having teenage kids? : AskReddit
Whats the "Stairway to Heaven" of your favorite genre of music? : AskReddit
Reddit, what went 0-100 real fucking quick? : AskReddit
Twitter Has Lost a Staggering Amount of Money | TIME - it has lost more than $2 billion in total since launching a decade ago.
Google says it bears 'some responsibility' after self-driving car hit bus | Reuters - John M. Simpson, privacy project director for advocacy group Consumer Watchdog, said the crash "is more proof that robot car technology is not ready for auto pilot."
/ Planet on the Ballot - The New York Times - denial of climate science and opposition to anything that might avert catastrophe have become essential pillars of Republican identity. So the choice in 2016 is starker than ever before.
HMAS Canberra to the Rescue in Fiji | The Diplomat - in the wake of Cyclone Winston, which has reportedly killed dozens, done tremendous property and infrastructure damage, and left up to 30,000 homeless. The United Nations has suggested that Winston is the most devastating cyclone ever to hit the island.
Former TEPCO Bosses Indicted Over Fukushima Nuclear Disaster - The indictments are the first against officials at TEPCO.
- Catholic priest Fr Stephen Crossan caught snorting cocaine in Nazi room
Woman detained in Moscow carrying severed head of child | World news | The Guardian - Investigators say nanny killed young girl and set flat on fire before being detained at metro station
Knife-Wielding Attacker Stabs 10 Children Outside School Gate In Southern China - According to media reports, the assailant then took his own life.
Airbnb guests shocked by decomposing corpse in garden | Technology | The Guardian - The group had hoped to host a party at the house south of Paris but their plans were derailed by the macabre discovery
Dangerous radioactive material stolen in Mexico
Secret Service Agent Roughs Up Journalist Reporting At A Donald Trump Rally - The agency's role is to protect the candidate, not enforce the campaign's press restrictions.
Clarence Thomas Breaks 10 Years of Silence at Supreme Court - The New York Times
The Latest Hillary Clinton Conspiracy Theory Doesn't Make Sense - Activists accuse Twitter of interfering with the visibility of their anti-Hillary hashtag.
Poll: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders neck-and-neck, Trump up big ahead of Massachusetts presidential primary |
How is Trump winning over Massachusetts Republicans? He speaks their language - The Washington Post
Hullabaloo - There is no moderate GOP choice ... I would have thought that was obvious to any sentient being by this point.
Partisan Classiness - The New York Times - the Republican Party is the agent of an ideological movement, while the Democratic Party is best understood as a coalition of social groups.
John Oliver Demolishes 'Serial Liar' Donald Trump, Launches Campaign To #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain
Don't Assume Conservatives Will Rally Behind Trump
Donald Trump Is Already Crushing Mitt Romney's 2012 Performance - GOP voters had a more favorable view of Romney, but Trump is outperforming him in national polls.
Dear Americans: Our Rob Ford scandal shows dangers of dismissing Trump - The Globe and Mail - , Dec. 09, 2015
The Republican Party's implosion over Donald Trump's candidacy has arrived
- Nobody Can Believe We're Here, But We're Here - Trump is really, truly blowing up our politics. It was a long time coming. - The problem with the Times piece is that it doesn't take into account two obvious factors that the Republican Party itself resolutely fails to confront: first, that the prion disease that has afflicted the party since Ronald Reagan first fed it the monkeybrains in the 1980s has gotten worse ...
Donald Trump Secretly Told The New York Times What He Really Thinks About Immigration - BuzzFeed News
Make America Great Again, If You Know What I Mean - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Jeff Sessions very ugly racist career)
Trump Mortgage failed. Here's what that says about the GOP front-runner.
John Oliver Demolishes 'Serial Liar' Donald Trump, Launches Campaign To #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain - The gloves are off. (family named was Drumpf)
Marco Rubio on Donald Trump: ''He's not gonna make America great, he's gonna make America orange" -
Assessing the Threats We Face by Nancy LeTourneau | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - Black voters in South Carolina cast 6 in every 10 Democratic primary votes, according to CNN and sets a record-high in South Carolina black voter participation rate.
TIME Responds to Confrontation With Secret Service at Trump Event | TIME
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Resigns From DNC Post, Endorses Bernie Sanders (sicvk of lil' Debbbie Do Wrong)
Porngate: Inside the XXX Emails that Exposed Pennsylvania's Polluted Politics
- Did Everybody in Michigan's Government Know the Flint River Was Toxic? And have they known for two years?
Ku Klux Klan members linked to violent Calif. brawl released - Chicago Tribune
At least 3 students hurt in shooting at Ohio high school | Fox News - A shooting at a high school north of Cincinnati Monday morning wounded at least three students, and officials confirmed a suspect was in custody.
Salt Lake City Withhold Footage of Police Shooting - ABC News
Judge orders D.C. to pay $13.2 million in wrongful FBI hair conviction case - The Washington Post - The award Friday brings to $39 million the damages amount the city has been ordered or agreed to pay over the past year to three District men wrongly imprisoned for decades.
Woman whose car was rammed by Southfield cop can sue - The court notes that the officer left the scene and destroyed dash-cam video.
A 12-year-old girl is facing criminal charges for using certain emoji. She's not alone.
Colorado Bill Would Require Reporting Of Non-Vaccinated Children | KLFY - Colorado is one of 20 states that allow parents to claim any kind of personal opposition to required immunizations, and vaccine rates for some diseases are among the nation's lowest
TIL People who take vitamin B6 dream more vividly. : todayilearned
Oscar Winners 2016 Include 'Spotlight,' Leonardo DiCaprio And Brie Larson
Why is America turning away from Weight Watchers? Because it's hard work | David Ferguson | Opinion | The Guardian - A company that proposes eating less garbage and being disciplined has little chance against irritating fads that promise magical results
The secret life of a dementia carer: I'll never forget finding an iron in the fridge
Is it safe to use talcum powder? | Life and style | The Guardian
What is your weird sixth sense? : AskReddit
Parents of Missing Children, what happened and how did you survive? : AskReddit
Redditors who were cheated on, how did you get past it? : AskReddit
What's your best 'substitute teacher' story? : AskReddit
- Mervyn King: new financial crisis is certain - without reform of banks - The former Bank of England governor says in his new book that imbalances in the global economy makes a crash inevitable -
Iran election: Reformists win all 30 Tehran seats - BBC News - have won a landslide victory in Tehran, in the first parliamentary vote since Iran signed a nuclear deal with world powers.
British Muslim girls being forced into marriage via internet : worldnews
Eschaton: Libya - tl;dr We won't know any better next time. (fire everybody and start over)
The Unaccountable Death of Boris Nemtsov - The New Yorker - Nemtsov, who was fifty-five years old, was once a precocious political talent (Putin, as usual)
Spotlight: Top Vatican cardinal to testify about sex abuse - The Washington Post - One of the highest-ranking Vatican officials is being compelled to testify in public starting Sunday about clerical sex abuse, an unusual demonstration of holding even the most senior Catholic bishops accountable. Cardinal George Pell Pope Francis' top financial adviser ... will begin just hours before "Spotlight" vies for as many as six Academy Awards.
- Unearthing Antigua's Slave Past
- Hillary Clinton, "Smart Power" and a Dictator's fall - The president was wary. The secretary of state was persuasive. But the ouster of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi left Libya a failed state and a terrorist haven. (Hillary loves stupid, failed, wars)
Super Tuesday cheat sheet: everything you need to know | US news | The Guardian
With All Eyes On Trump, Clinton Is Winning The Democratic Nomination | FiveThirtyEight - South Carolina may be the beginning of the end for Sanders ... She beat Bernie Sanders by what looks to be nearly 50 percentage points thanks to overwhelming support from African-Americans
How Hillary Clinton won the battle for the black vote in South Carolina
Will Conservatives Abandon Donald Trump in the General Election? | Mother Jones (fuck no)
GOP Presidential Field Scrambles To Attack Donald Trump, Deepening The Party's Split
Meg Whitman, Former Chris Christie Campaign Chair, Slams Him Over Trump Endorsement - "Chris Christie's endorsement of Donald Trump is an astonishing display of political opportunism. Donald Trump is unfit to be President. He is a dishonest demagogue who plays to our worst fears. Trump would take America on a dangerous journey," - Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman
Inside the GOP Implosion and the War to Stop Trump - plan to deport 11 million people living in the US illegally or build the planned Trump Taj MaWal
Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi On Whether The Media Made Trump Unstoppable | Crooks and Liars
- Trump'd - The NYT could've told us that LePage was a wee bit "divisive" himself" (but NYT)
Donald Trump's Business Record Demands More Scrutiny
21 Questions For Donald Trump (liar, crook, bully)
Marco Rubio Pushed for Immigration Reform With Conservative Media - The New York Times (kissed Murdoch's and Limbaugh's ring)
Eschaton: A Nation Cries Out For Marco, But Does Not Vote For Him - Yah they rooted for McCain too, which was wrong, but I even sort of understood that. Lotsa Daddy issues in the press corps. Rubio ain't your daddy, he's a manchild
Showdown on Abortion at the Supreme Court - The New York Times
AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years - The average cost for a year's supply of a prescription drug doubled in just seven years to more than $11,000 about three-quarters of the average annual Social Security benefit.
- Who is Daniel Holtzclaw? - a postmortem
How SB Nation Published Their Daniel Holtzclaw Story
Gradient Lair - Explanation Of Misogynoir
Delaware officer who kicked black suspect in head resigns, gets $230,000 : news
Michigan Lawmakers Caught In Bizarre Sex Scandal Now Face Up To 15 Years In Prison | Crooks and Liars - Gamrat and Courser, both tea party members, were elected into office in 2014. Even though they were both married, they ended up in a classic workplace sexual affair.
Seventh graders arrested, accused of putting pepper flakes in teacher's soda - Orlando Sentinel - The three 12-year-old girls were arrested are being held at the Volusia Regional Juvenile Detention Center. ("pepper" = "poison")
Crime-fearing females attracted to physically dominant males - - Women with strong PPFDM feel relatively more at risk, fearful, and vulnerable (and likely to vote for you know who)
- At the Existentialist Cafi: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails by Sarah Bakewell
What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital : Waking Times - a very ancient ancestral energy that has been placed in stasis, that finally is coming out in the person.
Heidegger's Ghosts -- Heidegger has powerful adherents in societies as disparate as Russia and Iran. If liberal democracies are to reckon with his followers, they must wrestle with his thought.
- At the Existentialist Cafi: Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails by Sarah Bakewell
The Myth of the Barter Economy - The Atlantic
- Is there a war instinct? - Many evolutionists believe that humans have a drive for waging war. But they are wrong and the idea is dangerous
Why people oppose same-sex marriage | UCLA - many people believe gay men and women are more sexually promiscuous than heterosexuals, which they may fear could threaten their own marriages and their way of life.
Budget crunch could dissolve Berkeley's College of Chemistry. : news (comments)
Why are the charges of protons and electrons perfectly opposite to each other? : askscience
Carole King's Musical Intuition, in Her Own Words - The Atlantic - The Atlantic
- Behind the Scam: What Does It Take to Be a "Bestselling Author?" -- $3 and 5 Minutes.
- TIL that President Andrew Jackson told Vice President John Calhoun "If you secede from my nation I will secede your head from the rest of your body" when South Carolina tried to nullify federal law in 1832.
Being Married to a Sex Maniac. : funny
People who traveled the world. What did you choose not to say about a country you visited to keep the story positive? : AskReddit ("Russians are the black people of white people")
Shodan - The World's Most Dangerous Search Engine
Life after the Ashley Madison affair | Technology | The Guardian
- Arctic warming: Rapidly increasing temperatures are "possibly catastrophic" for planet, climate scientist warns
Apple: The FBI Should Ask the NSA to Hack Shooter's iPhone (well played)
Ireland Voters Oust Ruling Coalition In Rejection Of Austerity - Ireland is the latest European nation to be swept into turmoil over austerity.
Tim Cook of Apple - With all due respect, I think there has been a lack of leadership in the White House on this (wonder why?
Iran's pragmatic Rouhani cheers election wins, says government stronger - Yahoo News
Weekend Roundup: Modi Follows a Menacing Neo-Nationalist Trend - Like Modi's, the governments of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have also recently ramped up nationalism and cracked down on dissenters in an attempt to retain legitimacy.
130k migrants in Germany have simply vanished - World - NZ Herald News
The Cases for Public Investment - The New York Times - One of the annoying aspects of the Sanders/Friedman flap was the assumption of many Sanders supporters that anyone who doesn't accept extravagant economic projections is against a big program of public investment.
Stuff Keeps Getting Cheaper - Bloomberg View - Since 1995, durable goods (cars, televisions, computers and the like) have been getting cheaper in the U.S. That's even as the prices of services and nondurables have mostly kept rising.
A phony STEM shortage and the scandal of engineering visas -- how American jobs get outsourced - LA Times
Antonin Scalia's Death Just Cost This Company $835 Million - Dow Chemical settled a price-fixing lawsuit because it lost the late justice's vote. (which they had bought)
Hillary Clinton Wins A Resounding Victory In South Carolina - Her opponent, Bernie Sanders, had struggled to pick up enough support among black voters in the primary.
South Carolina gives Clinton her most important win yet | MSNBC
Bernie Sanders's disastrous night in South Carolina - even more heavily black than in the 2008 election that gave Barack Obama a 2-to-1 victory. Exit polls suggest that black voters supported Clinton at a 4-to-1
Read Live Updates From The South Carolina Democratic Primary - So, MSNBC is airing this Trump documentary instead of Sanders' speech. That's messed up.
Former CIA Head Explains Why Armed Forces Can't Legally Obey Trump - "If he were to order that once in government, the American armed forces would refuse to act."
- Inside the Republican Party's Desperate Mission to Stop Donald Trump - Should Mr. Trump clinch the presidential nomination, it would represent a rout of historic proportions for the institutional Republican Party, and could set off an internal rift unseen in either party for a half-century, since white Southerners abandoned the Democratic Party en masse during the civil rights movement.
- Rubio and Trump now at war for the GOP's future (nice future you got there)
Trump faces wave of big-money attacks - A Marco Rubio-focused group raises $20 million in the last week, as the candidate zeroes in on Trump.
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: Bullying. The Republican Political Tactic Which Backfired.
GOP Panic! A possible Conservative 3rd Party Run in the Making?
The art of the con - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Trump University outright bait and switch scam
Trump Vodka - Top 10 Donald Trump Failures - TIME
Political science professor forecasts Trump as general election winner | The Statesman - Professor Helmut Norpoth
Bernie Sanders Turnout: Young Voters Say They Back Sanders But Don't Show Up To Vote For Him
Yes, Progressives, There Is a 'BernieBro' Problem - Recently, investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald doubled down on these ideas in an op-ed for the Intercept, arguing that the entire idea of "Berniebros" was constructed by Clinton supporters to scupper the Sanders campaign.
Hillary Clinton aiming for rout in South Carolina
- South Carolina Primary Will Test Hillary Clinton
Melissa Harris-Perry Walks Off Her MSNBC Show After Pre-emptions - The New York Times
- MSNBC to sever ties with Melissa Harris-Perry after host's critical email
3 Stabbed During Ku Klux Klan Rally In Southern California - One Klan member stabbed a counterprotester with the tip of a flagpole.
Federal judge: 'You're not allowed to record cops' |
Ahmed Mohamed's ex-school district sues state to keep civil rights investigation secret (something to hide, dudes?)
- Dear Lawrence, I Know You Are Only Doing Your Job, and I Truly Wish I Could Help Assuage Paypal's Conserns about my Donation to Syrian refugees, but ... (paypal is subdivision of NSA)
Eye-Opening Social Experiment Sheds Spotlight On Horrors Of Child Marriage
Graphene slides smoothly across gold
Amazing story of the 11,000 year old pendant found at Scarborough - The Scarborough News - may have been worn by a shaman
Do gravitational waves play a role in the expansion of space? : askscience
Can an object become a black hole by moving fast enough? : askscience
Exclusive: Inside the mind-blowing OK Go zero gravity music video with DP Evgeniy Ermolenko and BTS cameraman Geoff Shelton
What's the most violent game you've played? : AskReddit
A prominent dean at the University of Texas has quit for another job because of a new law which will allow students to bring concealed handguns into classrooms. : news
- What is your I don't get paid enought for this shit story?
Grilled_Bear comments on TIL In Switzerland, if your fail your practical driving test three times, you have to visit a psychologist to explain why. (Climbing a terrifying ridge and get passed by a heavily pregnant woman, annoyed at your slowness. MFS)
What's the most WTF moment a roommate ever put you through? : AskReddit
The difference between an Olympic swimmer and an Olympic gymnast : pics - Can you put that in Freedom Units?
A Few Guys Pick Up A Prostitute. Not What You Expect. Slightly NSFW : videos
What was the most fucked up book you've ever read? : AskReddit
Did Twitter's Exec Censor #WhichHillary in advance of Key Primaries? Twitter users speak out
Twitter Exec Censors #WhichHillary in advance of Sunday Fundraiser, Key Primaries : technology
Health officials identify first sexually-transmitted case of Zika in Oregon |
Google to File Amicus Brief Backing Apple in FBI San Bernardino Case | Re/code
themattpete comments on Judge confirms what many suspected: Feds hired Carnegie Mellon University to break Tor
Japan's population declines for first time since 1920s
Eschaton: Remember Libya? - All of the humanitarian interventionist liberals informed me that we had to bomb the shit out of the country in order to save the poor people of Libya from the tyranny of the guy we supported 10 days ago, and that not wanting to bomb the shit out of them made me a bad person. Predictably, everything went to hell in Libya, and humanitarian concerns magically disappeared as well. Where are the impassioned pleas for aid? (moar bombz)
Egypt Sentences Coptic Teenagers to Prison for Insulting Islam - The New York Times
Scalia Took Dozens of Trips Funded by Private Sponsors - The New York Times (bought and paid for SCJ)
Scalia (and Other Justices) Had a Thing for Exotic Trips That Other People Paid for - Yes, Virginia, there IS free lunch.
- Trump is the GOP's Frankenstein monster. Now He's strong enough to destroy the party. (logical consequences were always a problem for them)
Chris Christie Endorses Donald Trump, Probably Because He Wants a Cabinet Position - America, fuck yeah.
Marco Rubio Unloads On Donald Trump In His Best Debate Yet - unleashing a searing barrage of attacks against real estate mogul and current GOP front-runner Donald Trump.
Trump's Dominating Performance
The attack on Fortress Trump begins - The Washington Post
- Trump Flings Insults On Debate Stage:
Donald Trump Says He Can't Release Tax Returns Because He's Being Audited
New York Daily News Frotn wall | Fusion
Page Hypes Donald Trump's KKK Connection - "Ex-KKK leader: Vote for Donald, he's just like us!"
Time to fire him | The Economist - Donald Trump is unfit to lead a great political party
Comments on Time to fire him | The Economist
Hullabaloo - Maybe he was just afraid
Rubio Goes From Robot to Terminator Against Donald Trump - The Daily Beast - Marco Rubio was on a mission on Thursday night: Destroy The Donald. How much damage did he really do? - none of the remaining candidates for president have completed a major anti-Trump opposition research effort. (not up to the job)
Vicente Fox tells Trump he won't pay for that "fucking" wall
alicublog: GOING DOWN WITH THE FLAGSHIP. - That National Review broadside against Trump last month seems not to have done the trick
Donald Trump Is Winning Because White America Is Dying - Noam Chomsky says Trump's rise is partly due to deeply rooted -- and potentially fatal -- feelings of fear and anger.
WBUR Poll: In Mass., Clinton Edges Sanders, While Trump Leads Big | WBUR (Republicans crazy everywhere)
- Clinton regrets 1996 remark on "super-predators" - the words of a speech Clinton delivered 20 years ago voicing support for the now-debunked theory - "but first we have to bring them to heel" (can't change her spots)
A family secret - Lawyers, Guns & Money : For the past 50 years, ever since Richard Nixon realized that the civil rights movement presented a golden opportunity to peel the South away from the Democrats, conservative elite opinion has been in a state of continual denial about the fact that the electoral success of the contemporary Republican party depends to a great extent on catering to and energizing a base that contains a high percentage of racists. - Conservatism, and the modern Republican party, is the lineal heir of a historically continuous defense of white racial hierarchy that has been written out of the American civic tradition.
Snyder's resignation called for after reports show staff knew of Flint water problems |
Top Snyder aides urged going back to Detroit water - should try to get back on the Detroit system as a stopgap ASAP before this thing gets too far out of control.
Erick Erickson Compares Planned Parenthood President To A Nazi Doctor | Blog | Media Matters for America - Richards presides over Planned Parenthood, which chops up children and harvests their body parts for sale, including storing whole children in freezers for later sale.
Clearly, A Ranting, Videotaping Stranger Cares More About this Woman's Own Baby Than She Does - Obviously we need to look into a heavier law for leaving children in the car. I'm sorry but if they are under the age of 16 they shouldn't be left in a car
Gunman Kills 3 In Kansas Shooting Spree, Injures More Than A Dozen - Law enforcement shot and killed the suspect.
UT Architecture Dean Cites Campus Carry as a Reason for Departure | The Texas Tribune
- Tennessee's new official state rifle is so powerful it can destroy commercial aircraft (next up: official state bombs)
- Secret police? Virginia considers bill to withhold all officers' names
Bill to shield cop who killed LaVoy Finicum falters in Senate |
Who Funded The Malheur Occupation? | - the campaign to take public lands out of federal control is lengthy and well funded.
Ammon Bundy's Cow on Twitter: "@Yall_Qaeda Happy one month in jail, Ammon Bundy! #Oregonstandoff"
Clatsop County DA Josh Marquis files state bar complaint against Ammon Bundy's lawyers |
Unicorn leads CHP officers on 3 hour chase | KMPH
- The baffling reason many millennials don't eat cereal - because they had to clean up after eating it. (where's mommy?)
The surprising reason why lesbians get paid more than straight women - The Washington Post - Across years of research, women who have never lived with a male partner make more money than women who have.
Stephen Chow's The Mermaid: The wildest, most batshit blockbuster movie you'll never see and China's biggest movie ever : movies
AT&T sues Louisville to stop Google Fiber from using its utility poles | Ars Technica - Lawsuit could delay Google construction, give AT&T head start in fiber race.
Detective story behind Rutgers report on rising sea levels - With few or no reductions, average sea levels could rise by anywhere from 1.7 feet to more than four feet
Cyclone Winston Leaves Tens Of Thousands Homeless In Fiji - The death toll from Cyclone Winston, the worst storm ever recorded in the southern hemisphere, currently stands at 42.
Giant Waves Lash Hawaii Oceanfront Homes In Historic Surf Event - And a second swell is barreling toward the islands.
Apple Is Said to Be Trying to Make It Harder to Hack iPhones - The New York Times
Apple v the FBI: why the 1789 All Writs Act is the wrong tool | Technology | The Guardian - The law requires a balance between flexibility and tyranny, and was never intended to allow the government to dictate software design
Tim Cook: If The FBI Gets What It Wants, It Will Threaten Public Safety - Tim Cook said that the government was asking for "the software equivalent of cancer." (Obama behind this)
Apple CEO: We Will Take This iPhone Case to the Supreme Court : technology
China Stocks Plummet Over 6 Percent To Worst Loss In A Month - Traders and analysts cited a confluence of reasons for the slide, including profit-taking, fears of tighter liquidity and worries about the cooling economy.
In an Improving Economy, Places in Distress - The New York Times
Poorest Areas Have Missed Out on Boons of Recovery, Study Finds - The New York Times
- How Obama Should Play Scalia's Vacancy
Voting is for Dead Republicans, Not Living African-Americans - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Vote suppression guru Hans Von Spakovsky, the man with the most redolent name in American politics with the possible exception of Tony Perkins, finally finds someone whose vote he wants to count:
Obama Reportedly Considering GOP Governor Who Called Obamacare Unconstitutional For Supreme Court
Bernie Sanders for president - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Sanders to Clinton, because I prefer a New Deal Democrat to a classic Bill Clinton-era establishment triangulator, who has recently shifted her rhetoric a bit to the left for what are pretty obviously tactical reasons.
Professor Frances Fox Piven describes Sanders: You could call him a New Deal Democrat
Bernie Sanders: A New Deal Democrat - Lawyers, Guns & Money
With GOP nomination looming, Trump is slated to take witness stand in fraud trial - the trial over Trump University
Ingraham Pushes Claim That "Spanish Language Media" Are Teaching Undocumented Immigrants "How To Avoid Deportation" | Video | Media Matters for America - Center For Immigration Studies' Mark Krikorian: Spanish Language Media "Is Directed ... To Illegal Immigrants" (Spanish, the secret language of criminals and terrorists according to Murdock))
Iowa Lawmakers Approve Bill That Would Let Kids Have Handguns - a militia of toddlers - designed to correct "an injustice in Iowa code that now forbids children 14 and younger from handling pistols." (onward Christian babies)
Man, Woman Killed in Police Shooting Were Unconscious When Police Arrived: Mayor | NBC Southern California - For at least 45 minutes, police attempted "to rouse" them in an effort "to de-escalate the situation," said Butts.
Man and Woman Killed in Police Shooting Were Unconscious When Police Arrived: Mayor : news
Drama at the Capitol: No-show Senate Republicans block floor session |
Malheur Invaders Mooched At Local Senior Center Food Bank | Crooks and Liars
Polygamous church leaders and members indicted, arrested in investigation of alleged food-stamp fraud | The Salt Lake Tribune
Federal Arrests Reveal South Dakota Polygamist Sect Details - ABC News
- Jailed Oregon militants have extensive criminal histories
Understanding Cliven Bundy
Essential Reading on the Incidents at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
(4) @EASY1_76 (@Easy1_76) | Twitter
Ammon Bundy is, and militias in general are, bad for America. | Noosphere Geologic Blog
The Spokesman-Review - Google News Archive Search
- 5 teens cleared of Brooklyn gang rape charges, as prosecutors say woman's father committed incest
The New Dream Jobs - The New York Times
University of Missouri Fires Melissa Click, Who Tried to Block Journalist at Protest - The New York Times
Following debate, Harvard drops historic 'house master' title | Education | The Guardian - faculty dean
Science AMA Series: I'm Dr. Kevin Hill, an addiction psychiatrist at McLean Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. I currently research marijuana and have spoken to many law-makers regarding the legislation of recreational marijuana. AMA!
Tourists with pot-related problems double in Colorado emergency rooms | US news | The Guardian
Supermassive black holes banish matter to far-flung corners of the universe: Simulation reveals why a fifth appears to be 'missing' | Daily Mail Online - From the results the researchers found that about 50 per cent of the total mass of the universe is in the places where galaxies are found, compressed into a volume of 0.2 per cent of the universe we see, and a further 44 per cent is in the enveloping filaments.
Gordon MacRae - OH, What A Beautiful Morning from the film Oklahoma ! (HD) - YouTube
The Who - Who Are You? - YouTube
I Hate Everything gets two copyright strikes : videos
Whatever happened to the person you lost your virginity to? : AskReddit
Tips and Myths About Extending Smartphone Battery Life - The New York Times
Printing Gmail Backup Codes - The New York Times
New poll suggests nearly half of Americans support Apple in its fight with the FBI | The Verge
Exclusive: Tim Cook Not Budging on Apple Privacy Decision: 'Safety of the Public Is Incredibly Important' - ABC News
Judge confirms what many suspected: Feds hired CMU to break Tor | Ars Technica - Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) researchers at its Software Engineering Institute were hired by the federal government to do research into breaking Tor in 2014
MH17 report identifies Russian soldiers suspected of downing plane in Ukraine | World news | The Guardian - Investigative team says it can link Russian soldiers to missile thought to have downed Malaysia Airlines flight in 2014
Republican governor of Nevada Brian Sandoval being considered for Supreme Court - The Washington Post
Trump shatters the Republican Party - politico - How the 2016 primary will define the GOP for years to come.
In Nevada caucuses, Trump gets a third straight win - The Washington Post
Trumpland - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The Las Vegas caucuses gave Donald Trump his biggest victory yet, as he exceeded the total vote going to his two challengers combined in what is now all but officially a three-person race.
The best predictor of Trump support isn't income, education, or age. It's authoritarianism. - Vox - and a hybrid variable that links authoritarianism with a personal fear of terrorism (and a fear of tree-limbs falling on your head)
With Nevada In The Bag, Donald Trump Barrels Toward The GOP Nomination - How the West was Trumped.
Marco Rubio Just Lost To Donald Trump For The Fourth Time In A Row - The Florida senator still hasn't won a state.
What Some Nevada Caucus Poll Workers Are Wearing Is Causing an Uproar
- Donald Trump on a protester: "I's like to punch him in the face"
alicublog: New Village Voice Column Up ... - My favorite fallout so far is from Ben Domenech, explaining that evangelical Republicans are flocking to Trump because, basically, that Jesus stuff was all bullshit and they're really just mean sons of bitches who want to get back at the hippies:
Measuring Donald Trump's Supporters for Intolerance (they are white and very angry)
More Reason to Doubt Claim That Sanders Won Hispanic Vote in Nevada - The New York Times
The 2016 Endorsement Primary | FiveThirtyEight
Morning Blow: How Joe and Mika Became Trump's Lapdogs | Rolling Stone - Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski should be herded into a rocket and shot into space for their brown-nosing of Trump
Unprecedented (Republican destruction)
Plaintiffs had no First Amendment right to take cellphone video of police, federal judge rules - unless they are challenging or criticizing the police conduct. (cops need their "safe space")
Half all American black gay men are projected to get HIV
TurboTax: Most uninsured escaped ObamaCare penalty | TheHill - Nearly three in four people who lacked health insurance last year were exempt from the penalty under ObamaCare, according to data from the tax-filing software TurboTax.
Oregon standoff: Ammon Bundy, others plead not guilty; judge aims to avoid trial delay |
Bleeding the Beast: Polygamist sect accused of abusing welfare |
$3.3 million and counting: The cost of the Malheur occupation |
FBI done processing evidence at Malheur refuge, prosecutors say |
No Legal Issue in Oregon | ACS
5 Government Handouts the Bundys Businesses Depend On
- Public kept in the dark about BPD's use of covert cell trackers - Deployment of devices that intercept signals raises conerns
Man Allegedly Brandishes Gun, Yells 'All Of You Should Die' To Muslim Couple - "This state allows you to carry a gun and shoot you," he allegedly said. "You, your wife and your kids have to die."
Gay Conversion Therapy Group Targeted In Historic Consumer Fraud Complaint - Civil rights groups argue that the business' claims have no basis in reality.
I sold beer and hot dogs at the Super Bowl and got paid a pittance.
Science AMA Series: We're the OCD Research and Treatment Team at New York State Psychiatric Institute/Columbia University Medical Center. We will answer questions about the cutting edge research we've been doing and treatment options for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder! AMA
Meerkat expert cleared in assault against monkey keeper - NY Daily News
How do you subtly fuck with people? : AskReddit
TIP my wife into believing in magic! (That long con) : tifu
Geeraff comments on MRW Trump keeps winning
Popular YouTuber "TeamFourStar" (creators of Dragon Ball Z Abridged) have had their channel taken down by YouTube. Here's their latest episode from their website in case you missed it. : videos
Le Lenny Face Generator | +[s?s]+
- The Ad Blocking Wars - an unethical, immoral, mendacious coven of techie wannabes.
/ What rare event will happen this 2016 that we shouldn't miss? : AskReddit
Julian Assange: Swedish lawyers ask court to overturn arrest warrant against Wikileaks founder | Europe | News | The Independent - Journalist has spent the last three years in Ecuadorian embassy in London after failing to fight extradition to Sweden to face questioning over rape allegations
WikiLeaks - NSA Targets World Leaders for US Geopolitical Interests
Egypt: Toddler sentenced to life - - A 3-year-old Egyptian boy has been sentenced to life in prison for a crime he allegedly committed when he was 16 months old.
Syria conflict: Warring parties accept US-Russia truce plan - BBC News
Welsh Town Leads a British Revolt Against the Tax System and Corporations - The New York Times - gainst a tax system they see as rigged against them in favor of multinational corporations like Facebook, Google and Starbucks
FBI Insists It's Not Trying To Set A Precedent, But Law Enforcement Is Drooling Over Exactly That Possibility : technology
Majority of Public Wants Senate to Act on Obama's Court Nominee
GOP Senators Won't Even Meet With An Obama Supreme Court Nominee - "I don't see the purpose," Sen. John Cornyn said.
Supreme Court Squabbles Hit Peak Absurdity In Claims Of Hypocrisy - Mitch McConnell draws a fine line between their nefarious calls for delay and his wise calls for delay.
"Dishonest" and "Socialist" Lead U.S. Reactions to Dems - Americans give when asked to say what comes to mind when they think of each are "dishonest" and "dislike her" for Clinton, and "socialist" and "old" for Sanders
Actually, Ted Cruz Does Want To Round Up Every Undocumented Immigrant - Walls, border patrols and biometric scanners, oh my.
GOP wakes up to Trump nightmare - Top party leaders fear it may be too late to stop him.
- more worried about Marco Rubio than Donald Trump
Sheldon Adelson and the missing $100 million - POLITICO - The casino mogul, the biggest donor of 2012, is withholding his big checks, puzzling Republicans.
Cranks on Top - The New York Times - The other man, of course, has very peculiar hair.
Republican voter registration tanks in California as more voters than ever don't affiliate with a party - LA Times
Female student injures eight people in Canada school stabbing : worldnews
L.A. County spends more than $233,000 a year to hold each youth in juvenile lockup : news
Pete Santilli urges court to reopen, review his detention in Malheur refuge conspiracy case |
Editorial: Land grab movement could decay into violence | The Salt Lake Tribune
House Moves On Bills That Would Allow States To Seize Millions Of Acres Of Public Lands | ThinkProgress - Although Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Governor John Kasich (R-OH) are making Bundy-inspired pitches on the presidential campaign trail, their proposals to seize or sell public lands are deeply unpopular among most Westerners.
A New Normal Settles Over Harney County . News | OPB
(2) Edward Tiffin
(1) Jack Ryan (@jkryn) | Twitter
CEO Jack Griffin is out at Tribune | POLITICO - The CEO brings in a new shareholder as his 'partner' and his ally's first move is to kick him out. Act One is Romeo and Juliet and Act Two is Julius Caesar
Charlotte council votes to extend transgender rights - The Washington Post
HPV Sharply Reduced in Teenage Girls Following Vaccine, Study Says - The New York Times (Republicans are pro-cancer)
Do the past or future currently "exist" in some dimension or form? : askscience
Science AMA Series: We recently published a manuscript that showed modern humans had sex with Neandertals approximately 100,000 years ago, which is ~50,000 years earlier than previously known human/Neanderthal interactions. Ask Us Anything! : science
Sufficient oxygen for animal respiration 1,400 million years ago
Everything Thats Wrong With Youtube (Part2/2) - The Community Guidelines - GradeAUnderA : videos
VideoGameAttorney here to answer questions about fair use, copyright, or whatever the heck else you want to know! : IAmA
Zenefits Once Told Employees: No Sex in Stairwells - WSJ - Startup also bans alcohol in the office as it tries to reverse rambunctious culture
Seas Are Rising at Fastest Rate in Last 28 Centuries - The New York Times - and human emissions of greenhouse gases are primarily responsible, scientists reported Monday. (bye-bye Miami - vote Republican and kill the planet)
How Much Warmer Was Your City in 2015? - The New York Times
Zika has been linked to birth defects. Now it may be causing paralysis. - The Washington Post
U.S. Scrambles to Contain Growing ISIS Threat in Libya - The New York Times (worked out well, again)
Syria conflict: Homs and Damascus bomb blasts kill 140 - BBC News - So-called Islamic State (IS) said it carried out the attacks in both cities.
Hitler's Penis Gets The Short End Of History - British outlets have been abuzz that history's biggest dick had a really small dick.
How to Excuse Torture - Lawyers, Guns & Money
For Whom and For What: The Birth of the Republican Party and the Makings of Modern America (rise of the cowboy)
Hillary Clinton, With Little Notice, Vows to Embrace an Extremist Agenda on Israel - He vowed that, if elected, Hillary Clinton would make it one of her top priorities to strengthen the U.S.-Israel alliance. - beyond what it already entails: billions of dollars in American taxpayer money transferred every year, sophisticated weapons fed to Israel as it bombs its defenseless neighbors, blindly loyal diplomatic support and protection for everything it does? (Israel will be even more your boss)
Post-Policy Republicans Gave Us Donald Trump by Nancy LeTourneau | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly (like hating science and thinking)
Here's How Donald Trump Could Become President
The moment of truth: We must stop Trump - The Washington Post
Rubio super PAC compares him to Harry Potter - politico (and Hillary is Voldemort)
Bernie Sanders' Populist Movement Is Being Splintered on Racial Lines - too easy to splinter a populist movement along racial or ethnic lines.
Did Bernie Sanders really just win the Hispanic vote in Nevada? - The Washington Post
Sanders Struggles To Widen Appeal As South Carolina Primary Looms - The rush of March contests in big, diverse states could leave Sanders grasping for political life.
Delegate Count Leaving Bernie Sanders With Steep Climb - The New York Times (even though ahead in popular vote)
Sanders has the resources and a plan to go the distance. Will it matter? - The Washington Post
Will the Supreme Court Just Disappear? -- NYMag
Claire McCaskill Announces She Has Breast Cancer
The Republican Response to the Malheur Occupation - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The winner of the Joe McCarthy Lookalike Contest gets to be a true westerner now that the Nevada caucus is upon us:
Drexciya on DeBoer - Lawyers, Guns & Money
A spiral of confusion (with images, tweets) 7 nkallen 7 Storify - The Sarah Kendzior affair
Jacobinghazi | sarahjeong dot net
On being a thing | Sarah Kendzior
- City with Walls: Another Look at Manhattan's Luxury Towers
The Myth of "Mind-Altering Parasite" Toxoplasma Gondii? - Neuroskeptic
Winter Brain, Summer Brain: Seasonality in Brain Responses? - Neuroskeptic - However in my view, the study is too small to be conclusive.
Schizophrenia, Hubris and Science - Neuroskeptic
What are the empirical differences between men and women? : askscience
What really IS that bad? : AskReddit
Does ExxonMobil Really Support a Carbon Tax? (no, they lied)
San Bernardino County Calls the FBI Liars Over Terrorist's iCloud Account
Edward Snowden would be willing to return to US for fair trial | US news | The Guardian - Former NSA contractor tells supporters he would present public interest defence if he appeared before American jury (Hillary wants him in solitary forever)
Even this redacted letter wouldn't happen under the Investigatory Powers Bill | Privacy International
Missing radioactive material found dumped in south Iraq | Reuters - dumped near a petrol station in the southern town of Zubair,
- EU police chief warns that 5,000 jihadists returned from Middle East
Turkey's increasingly desperate predicament poses real dangers
Salman Rushdie: Iranian state media renew fatwa on Satanic Verses author with $600,000 bounty | News | The Independent - The announcement coincides with the anniversary of the fatwa issued in 1989
Crowd cheer fire at hotel being converted into refugee shelter in Saxony | World news | The Guardian - Suspected arson comes three days after protesters blocked bus carrying asylum seekers in east German state
China Capital Flight 2.0: Lose A Lawsuit On Purpose - China Real Time Report - WSJ
The Golden Generation - The New Yorker - Why China's super-rich send their children abroad.
Late Russian anti-doping agency boss was set to expose true story: report | Reuters - Nikita Kamayev, former head of Russia's Anti-Doping Agency, approached the Sunday Times before his death offering to expose the country's secret development of performance-enhancing drugs, the newspaper has reported.
Looking Back - The New Yorker - Antonin Scalia, who died this month, after nearly three decades on the Supreme Court, devoted his professional life to making the United States a less fair, less tolerant, and less admirable democracy.
Clinton defeats Sanders in Nevada; black voter support appears decisive - The Washington Post
Hillary Clinton deserves a massive amount of credit for winning Nevada - The Washington Post
Donald denialism, an ongoing series - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball ; The hour is growing late to stop Trump
If Rubio Can't Beat Trump Here, Then Where? -- NYMag
What Donald Trump's Win In South Carolina Says About The Republican Party
Jeb Bush Flops In South Carolina, Suspends Presidential Campaign - The one-time GOP frontrunner proved at just about every turn to be the wrong fit for the 2016 Republican electorate.
Why I'm more worried about Marco Rubio than Donald Trump - Vox
Bush's Path To Defeat Began A Year Ago - A look at five reasons why he dropped out.
Requiem for the Bush Dynasty | Vanity Fair
Exclusive: Mitt Romney To Endorse Marco Rubio - The establishment wagons are circling.
Kasich signs Ohio bill diverting Planned Parenthood funding, Columbus ohio - Gov. John Kasich signed legislation Sunday to strip government money from PlannedParenthood in Ohio, a day after the Republican presidential contender's weak performance
Class of 2015 has the most student debt in U.S. history - MarketWatch - The class of 2015 will each graduate with $35,051 in student debt on average
Federal prosecutors signal potential for new indictment, more defendants in refuge takeover case |
Donald Trump: Don't hand federal lands to states - CBS News
- Utah bill aims to force an end to the land transfer debate
Reps. Bishop & Chaffetz release Utah Public Lands Initiative (PLI) Discussion Draft | Congressman Jason Chaffetz - Senator Mike Lee will sponsor the companion legislation in the Senate.
Utah urged to sue federal government for control of public lands | - The report said the goal would be to gain control of federal lands, which comprise almost two-thirds of Utah's land. (Mormons want their kingdom back)
Police: Kzoo shooting suspect was Uber driver | - The man suspected of shooting eight people in the Kalamazoo area, killing six, was an Uber driver who was apparently taking fares in between opening fire at various locations, police tell 24 Hour News 8.
6 Dead, 3 Hurt in Apparently Random Shootings in Michigan : news
Water runs black in Texas town already wracked by corruption arrests - ABC57 News - "The previous administrations neglected it. Just neglect on the city's part. We had to clean their mess"
- State enforces rules that limit the intersection of scantily clad entertainment and liquor (and non-white people)
- High-performing charter school with "Got to Go" list sheds students quickly - Success Academy, New York City's largest charter school network, loses more than 10% of students from grade to grade, compared to 2.7% at nearby schools
Vermont Republic - he term Vermont Republic has been used by later historians[1] for the government of Vermont that existed from 1777 to 1791. - They also abolished adult slavery within their boundaries.
A deeper take on our sexual nature -- ScienceDaily - The organs in our body may have a sexual identity of their own, new research suggests. The idea that our organs could be "male" or "female" raises the possibility that women and men may need different treatments as a result
Can a particle be entangled to two other particles? : askscience
The Who - Who Are You? - YouTube
geirrseach comments on 21, Diagnosed with Cancer
Then & Now : pics
5 dimensional black hole
America Is Now Fighting A Proxy War With Itself In Syria - BuzzFeed News - Confusion in the Obama administration's Syria policy is playing out on the ground as U.S.-backed groups begin battling each other. (gtfo)
- FBI told San Bernardino County staff to tamper with gunman's Apple account
Basically Every Single Presidential Candidate Is Totally Clueless As To What's At Stake In The Apple / FBI Fight | Techdirt
Israel Dramatically Ramping Up Demolitions of Palestinian Homes in West Bank - Israel News - Haaretz - On average, the state has demolished 49 structures a week this year, compared with nine last year. Around 480 people, including 220 children, have been left homeless.
- Prominent American professor proposes that Israel "flatten Beirut" -- a 1 million-person city it previously decimated Amitai Etzioni, who teaches at renowned universities, says Israel may have no choice but to destroy Lebanon -- again - "ethics aside" - in 2001, he was among the 100 most-cited American intellectuals - an Israeli-American sociologist, best known for his work on socioeconomics and communitarianism. (only Jews in his "community"
- An Iranian official said Republican rivals of the current US administration attempted to stall last month's Iranian-U.S. prisoner swap until the eve of the U.S. presidential election (sound familiar?)
Hillary Clinton Beats Bernie Sanders in Nevada Caucuses - The New York Times
Nevada caucus results 2016: a clear win for Hillary Clinton - Vox
Hillary Clinton Just Won The Nevada Caucus - Clinton dominated in Las Vegas and the surrounding area, with more than two-thirds of precincts reporting.
Clinton Projected To Win Nevada, Bolstering Her Argument For Diverse Appeal
Donald Trump wins South Carolina primary, opening clear path to nomination | US news | The Guardian - Frustrated conservatives preferred his channeling of populist anger to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, confirming his campaign as a political juggernaut
- State Department says none was marked classified during Clinton's tenure
Attempt to place Review-Journal obituary for Hillary Clinton prompts report to Secret Service | Las Vegas Review-Journal - The man was seen leaving the RJ parking lot in a maroon Toyota Prius bearing several Bernie Sanders campaign stickers.
- Hillary Clinton just can't win: Democrats need to accept that only Bernie Sanders can defeat the GOP - Bernie Sanders will become our next president and it should come as no surprise to people actually paying attention - 71% of men and 64% of women find Clinton "not honest and trustworthy."
Man Captured on Film Being Arrested in a 1963 Protest is Bernie Sanders, His Campaign Says - First Draft. The New York Times
Clinton braces for Nevada nail-biter
Race in Nevada, Once a Hillary Clinton Firewall, Is Now Hotly Contested - The New York Times
How Bernie Sanders surged in Nevada
Paul Krugman: For wonks like me, Bernie Sanders is frankly horrifying - - Sanders is just as delusional when it comes to the economics as those vying for a spot on the GOP ticket
Trump hails torture, mass killings with pigs blood ammo in SC
North Carolina redistricting delay denied : SCOTUSblog - the first significant actions the Court had taken since the death of Justice Antonin Scalia
Christie's Bridgegate bills now top $10M - new invoices totaling $2.3 million from the forensics firm of Stroz Friedberg, which also did work for Christie's gubernatorial campaign committee. (well, there you are)
Rising Mortality Among Non-Hispanic Whites Is Only Among Women - Lawyers, Guns & Money : the increasing mortality rate only exists among white women, mostly in the South: (poor white women)
Portland's toxic hotspots discovered as an after-thought | - The research showed, for the first time, where cancer-causing cadmium was concentrated around the city.
Homeopathy found to be effective for 0 out of 68 illnesses: a systematic review concluded the controversial treatment was no more effective than placebo drugs : worldnews
Drinking more coffee may undo liver damage from booze | Researchers analyzed data from nine previously published studies with a total of more than 430,000 participants and found that drinking two additional cups of coffee a day was linked to a 44% lower risk of developing liver cirrhosis : news
Redditors who are schizophrenic: At what moment did you realise something was 'wrong'? : AskReddit
- Scientists are floored by what's happening in the Arctic -- where temperatures are 4 C above average
The Kochs Are Plotting A Multimillion-Dollar Assault On Electric Vehicles - A new group could spend $10 million a year on the campaign.
Ocean levels in the Philippines rising at 5 times the global average | Ars Technica - Globally, sea levels are going up, but there are big regional differences.
Isis sending children to die at unprecedented rate, report warns | World news | The Guardian - Analysis of 89 deaths of minors finds 39% drove vehicles laden with explosives, while a third died as foot soldiers
U.S. Soldiers Exposed to Dangerous 'Burn Pits' in Iraq - A few words about the burn pits.?
Biden hints at centrist Supreme Court pick - Picking a progressive is not going to happen (centrist like Kennedy or Roberts? O working on his legacy)
Scalia was an intellectual phony: Can we please stop calling him a brilliant jurist? - Cass - Sunstein says "was not only one of the most important justices in the nation's history, he was also among the greatest."
Black Lawmakers Say GOP Supreme Court Obstruction Is Racist - t has a smell of racism
At Least Republicans Will Be Consistent If They Block Obama's Supreme Court Pick - They're preventing Obama's other judicial nominees from getting confirmed. Why stop there?
Republicans Say Their Supreme Court Obstruction Is For The Good Of The Nominee
Senators bicker over past remarks as activists lay down SCOTUS battle lines - The Washington Post
- How the fight to fill Scalia's seat could change American politics forever
The Republican Primary Heads Toward a Stalemate - The Atlantic
New York Daily News Slams 'Anti-Christ' Donald Trump In Fiery Front Page Image
Bush machine running on fumes
thinkpadius comments on Why did the Rotary Club kick Jeb out during his speech?
Sandy Anderson, one of 4 refuge holdouts, wasn't aware of federal orders to leave, lawyer says |
Sheriff Doug Giddings | Howling For Justice
Two women detail sex abuse allegations against Bill Gothard - NY Daily News - nfluential Christian preacher with ties to the Duggar family
Ax looms over Pennsylvanian maple-sugaring family's natgas line protest | Reuters - A federal judge could hold a Pennsylvania family that runs a maple syrup business in contempt of court on Friday if it persists in blocking crews from felling a grove of trees to make way for a new shale gas pipeline that would cross its property.
Removing Barbed Wire Clears The Way For Wildlife And Wilderness . News | OPB
Binge drinking dangerous for young adults | EurekAlert! Science News
Science AMA Series: Hi Reddit, we're scientists at the Max Planck Institute for plasma physics, where the Wendelstein 7-X fusion experiment has just heated its first hydrogen plasma to several million degrees. Ask us anything about our experiment, stellerators and tokamaks, and fusion power!
Drinking more coffee may reverse liver damage from booze | New York Post - drinking two additional cups of coffee a day was linked to a 44 percent lower risk of developing liver cirrhosis.
Mods of Reddit, what's the most fucked up post you had to remove? : AskReddit
CRASH: The Year Video Games Died : videos
The Secret Lives of Tumblr Teens | New Republic
- Stephen Hull must work for free - editor for the Huffington Post, and was asked why the HuffPo doesn't pay its writers.
Scientists: water inequality could cause global disaster | Fusion
Colossal Antarctic ice-shelf collapse followed last ice age | EurekAlert! Science News - Study: 100,000 square miles of Ross Ice Shelf disappeared in 1,500 years
Zika Outbreak Could Be an Omen of the Global Warming Threat - The New York Times
- What The FBI Actually Asked Apple To Do
Inside the FBI's encryption battle with Apple - For months, the FBI searched for a compelling case that would force Apple to weaken iPhone security - and then the San Bernardino shooting happened
Google, WhatsApp and Snowden back Apple against FBI | Technology | The Guardian
Los Angeles hospital paid $17,000 in bitcoin to ransomware hackers | Technology | The Guardian - Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center had lost access to its computer systems since 5 February after hackers installed a virus that encrypted their files (you mean your security sucked)
- Cairo court sentences 4-year-old boy to life in jail for murder, disturbance of the peace and damaging state property. Crimes that the boy alledgedly commited two years ago
Hindu god issued with court summons in east Indian state | World news | The Guardian - to Hanuman after case filed against temple in Bihar for encroaching on government land - Encroachment on public land is widespread in India, including by religious groups who construct temples, shrines and other places of worship on public walkways, roads and vacant land. (oh, Mormons)
Pope Suggests Women Can Use Contraception During Zika Crisis - The pope stopped short of condoning abortion, however.
Pope Francis On Donald Trump: 'This Man Is Not Christian' - Trump replied that the pope's comments were "disgraceful."
The Last Stand of the Insurgency by Nancy LeTourneau | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly (confederacy going down traitors panicking)
Balkinization: Justice Scalia's Orwellian Jurisprudence
Cracks Emerge In GOP Strategy On Supreme Court Nominees - More and more GOP senators say they'd be open to voting on an Obama nominee.
Senate Republicans still divided over strategy for an Obama court nominee - The Washington Post
- Reid: GOP will cave
Sandra Day O'Connor Says Obama Should Get To Replace Justice Scalia - "Let's get on with it," the retired Reagan appointee said. (from the 13th circle of hell)
Blacks See Bias in Delay on a Scalia Successor - The New York Times - The color of his skin, that's all
Texas ranch owner clarifies how he found Justice Scalia amid death conspiracy theories - CBS News
- Literal Holy Crap: Glenn Beck Says Scalia's Death Part of God's Plan to Elect Ted Cruz (because God is a RWNJ)
Dukakis on Scalia - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - yeah. But he was to the right of Marie Antoinette for Christ's There was no consistency in his so-called philosophy. Money is corporate speech. This is all preposterous.
Stop the beatification of Scalia - The man was a confident ignoramus.
CBS News poll: Trump maintains commanding lead over GOP field - CBS News
- The Roots of Donald Trump's Candidacy Lie in a South Carolina Cemetery -- the late Lee Atwater
- This Morning Joe Segment Was the Yucatan Meteor of TV News - A seismic, destructive event.
MSNBCs Town Hall With Donald Trump Was Disgraceful (Squint and the Puppet!)
Bush struggles to mask mounting frustration - POLITICO - I should stop campaigning maybe
Mainstream G.O.P. Field of Three Faces Brutal Delegate Math - The New York Times
Hillary Clinton: Will the Democratic Presidential Candidate Make History? - Vogue
- LePage Jeered by Crowd After Saying Asylum Seekers Bring Ziki Fly to Our Land
SB Nation Publishes, Deletes "Complete Failure" Of A Story About Convicted Rapist Cop Daniel Holtzclaw
The many crimes of Mel Hall -
Rubin: The governor, memorialized in Flint-related lead - The governor looks pale. Worried. Sickly, even.
Transgender students push back against South Dakota bathroom proposal | US news | The Guardian - Governor Dennis Daugaard to meet with students as uproar centers on assigning public school bathroom use based on the restrictive definition of gender
How good government made fools of Cliven Bundy and his self-styled revolutionaries
State licensing board seeks investigation of Grant County sheriff who met militants |
Former Grant County undersheriff files to run against Sheriff Palmer - Local News -
Cliven Bundy, 4 others face federal indictment in Nevada |
Oregon standoff: What does Mormonism have to do with the U.S. Constitution? |
Refuge occupier seeks $666 billion in damages 'from works of devil' |
Klamath Siskiyou Film |
Study: Smoking pot doesn't make you anxious or depressed
New research published today found that using marijuana as an adult is not associated with a variety of mood and anxiety disorders, including depression and bipolar disorder. This is a challenge to some previous research which has shown that marijuana use is associated with depression and anxiety. : science
Abortion ban linked to dangerous miscarriages at Catholic hospital, report claims | US news | The Guardian - Five women suffered prolonged miscarriages, severe infections and emotional trauma at Mercy Health Partners when staff neglected patients' health to uphold religious directives against inducing delivery, report reveals
How Meditation Changes the Brain and Body - The New York Times - we still have no idea about the ideal dose
New Colorado bill would create guidelines for organic marijuana | US news | The Guardian
Early Behavior Therapy Found to Aid Children With A.D.H.D. - The New York Times
Testosterone Gel Has Modest Benefits for Men, Study Says - The New York Times
Unusual Molecules Shine Light on New Applications - The New York Times
Aurora | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
14 Teen Slang Terms Decoded For Confused Middle-Age Parents
- Apple challenges chilling demand to decrypt San Bernardino shooter's iPhone
CouchLint comments on Apple CEO Tim Cook directly responds to court order requiring decryption of San Bernardino shooter's iPhone
IS faces budget crunch, cutting perks and trimming salaries
Faced with a cash shortage in its so-called caliphate, the Islamic State group has slashed salaries across the region, asked Raqqa residents to pay utility bills in black market American dollars, and is now releasing detainees for a price of $500 a person. : worldnews
Blast hits Ankara military building : worldnews
Explosion hits Turkish community building in Sweden | Latest News | Breaking UK News & World News Headlines | Daily Star - A HUGE explosion has severely damaged a Turkish building in Stockholm just hours after a deadly bomb attack left 28 people dead in Turkey's capital Ankara.
Bilal Erdogan: Italy names Turkish president's son in money laundering investigation allegedly connected to political corruption | Europe | News | The Independent
The year of enormous rage - Number of hate groups rose by 14 percent in 2015
Why Justice Scalia was staying for free at a Texas resort - The Washington Post
Obama Calls Out GOP: Constitution Is Clear On SCOTUS Nomination Process
Brent Budowsky: The GOP's SCOTUS mega-mistake (off the electoral cliff)
Republicans Show Signs of Division on Supreme Court Tactics - Bloomberg Politics
GOP Will Back Down On Scalia Replacement, Chuck Schumer Predicts - The senator who would lead Democrats says Republicans will realize how angry the public is.
Grassley hasn't decided whether to hold hearing on Obama's Supreme Court pick
Sensing Republican confusion, Democrats boastfully predict Senate vote for Scalia successor - The Washington Post
Before Supreme Court nod, an intrusive interrogation - Just ask Judge Douglas Ginsburg. Nine days after President Ronald Reagan nominated him for the high court, it was revealed he had smoked marijuana as a law professor at Harvard and he was forced to bow out.
Carson: Republicans Wouldn't Wait To Replace Scalia If We Held The White House
GOP Senator Warns Against Party's 'Obstructionist' Supreme Court Strategy - Because refusing to let the president put anyone on the court doesn't look great.
Vulnerable GOP Senator Now Says He's Willing To Vote On Obama Supreme Court Nominee - Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) previously stood by the stance that there should be no vote until after the election.
S.C. Republican Primary Forecasts - FiveThirtyEight - According to our latest polls-plus forecast, Donald Trump has a 73% chance of winning the South Carolina primary
Watch This Chilling Moment From A Donald Trump Rally - Trump said it was "so great" that audience members tackled a protester.
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: Last Saturday's Republican Debate. A Review.
Carson says Muslims must be schizophrenic to embrace American values | (not to mention Christians)
- We've Been Waiting for the Jeb (!) Collapse All Along. Here It Comes ... The grotesquerie is glorious, a Southern gothic end for a dynastic political family, now rendered merely a curiosity, like a camel in the barnyard.
Firearms, explosives and trench of human feces found at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, feds say |
Rancher Cliven Bundy reveals new book, art commemorating BLM standoff | St George News - written by Shawna Cox and a picture painted by artist Jon McNaughton
2-17-16 Ecf 162 - U.S.A. v A. Bundy et al - Shawna Cox's Fantasy Sovcit Criminal Cross Complaint
Home - Redoubt News
UFOs, mutilated cows and Oregon: What's the link? (photos) | - only about one in 10 cattle mutilations might have a connection to extra-terrestrials possibly trying to learn about humans through cows
Houston man arrested for not paying $1,500 student loan - NY Daily News - Seven U.S. Marshals armed with automatic weapons arrested a Texas man for not paying a $1,500 student loan from three decades ago, he claims.
Student debt protests planned after armed marshals arrest man for old loans | Money | The Guardian - office plans to serve more than 1,200 warrants for unpaid student loans as for-profit college students demand action in Washington
Note Name and Pitch from Microphone | TONESCOPE
Broken discipline tracking systems let teachers flee troubled pasts (MA gets an F)
South Dakota Is The First State To Pass A Transphobic Student Bathroom Bill - The bathroom bill now goes to Gov. Dennis Daugaard.
- Atheism has ancient roots and is not modern invention - disbelief in the supernatural is as old as the hills
History of atheism
Sci-Hub: Russian neuroscientist running Pirate Bay for scientists with 48 million free academic papers
Library Genesis / LibGen - The Meta Library
Sci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of science
Libgen Online Library: Welcome
Are any two electrons, or other pair of fundamental particles, identical? : askscience
Humans and Neanderthals may have interbred 50,000 years earlier than previously thought - The Washington Post
Investigators from the U.S. Department of Labor discovered that a Kalamazoo restaurant was requiring wait staff to pay $2 an hour from tips to continue to work : news
The ax falls at Yahoo | POLITICO - Yahoo is shutting down a number of its content verticals, Yahoo global editor in chief Martha Nelson confirmed on Wednesday.
January Smashed Another Global Temperature Record | Climate Central - This past December was the warmest December on record and the most abnormally warm month on record, too. That is until now.
TIL of the Banana Massacre of 1928 where up to 3000 striking workers were murdered for United Fruit Company (Chiquita).
The NSA's SKYNET program may be killing thousands of innocent people
Massive US-planned cyberattack against Iran went well beyond Stuxnet | Ars Technica - Nitro Zeus
Paris terror attacks: What did the CIA know about the plot? - but attempts to stop it were foiled by advanced jihadi technology.
Anonymous: Hacker unleashes 17.8GB trove of data from a Turkish national police server
Vatican riven by internal battle over handling of child abuse claims | World news | The Guardian - Rift comes amid signs that special commission created by Pope Francis to handle issue is being sidelined by senior church officials in Rome
UK government to force all online porn users to identify themselves : worldnews
Trump sees unusual circumstances in Scalia's death amid conspiracy theories
Scalia's death casts uncertainty on major court challenge to legal marijuana - death could be a boost to advocates of legal marijuana in Colorado, which has been challenged by Nebraska and Oklahoma
Reid to GOP: For the good of the country, stop your nakedly partisan obstruction - The Washington Post
Battle over Scalia's replacement already spilling into Senate races
Vulnerable Senate Republicans Say No Scalia Replacement Under Obama - They want to wait until after 2016, in hopes that a Republican will win the White House.
The Looming Crisis Over Supreme Court Nominations - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Party polarization, in other words, will create a mutually reinforcing cycle that will escalate conflicts over Supreme Court nominations
Oregon standoff: What does Mormonism have to do with the U.S. Constitution? |
Sony Music Issues Takedown On Copyright Lecture About Music Copyrights By Harvard Law Professor | Techdirt
Lawless and violent Cliven Bundy held without bail - Bundy asked for a court-appointed attorney at his first hearing last week
WHEN ONE IS NOT ENOUGH An Excerpt from Secrets and Wives | The Brooklyn Rail
Eschaton: Nepotism - This picture was in my New York Times.
ELI5: Why is marijuana "impossible" to overdose on? : explainlikeimfive
Are photons taking longer to travel due to expansion of universe? : askscience
Science B*tch! : gifs
TIL that Jesus could not have actually been named Jesus because the letter J did not exist until later in history. Earlier versions of the bible referred to Jesus as "lesus." : todayilearned
The Federal Circuit Sticks to Its Guns: Patent Owners Can Prevent You From Owning Anything | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Doctors Without Borders: Hospital In Northern Syria 'Deliberately' Hit By Air Strikes - "The destruction of this hospital deprives about 40,000 people of healthcare in this conflict zone." (Obama leading by example)
23 dead as missiles hit three hospitals, school in Syrian towns | Reuters - as Russian-backed Syrian troops intensified their push toward the rebel stronghold of Aleppo.
Who is Obama's Immigration Police Deporting?
Did Leonard Nimoy Have Antonin Scalia Killed to Give Obama Enough Supreme Court Votes to Cancel the 2016 Election? |
Republicans and Democrats draw battle lines over supreme court nomination | Law | The Guardian - Republican debate united in opposing potential Obama nominee
How the politics of the next nomination will play out : SCOTUSblog - The stakes could not be higher:
Vulnerable Senate Republicans Say No Scalia Replacement Under Obama - They want to wait until after 2016, in hopes that a Republican will win the White House.
Eschaton: Both Sides - NPR helpfully informed me that Republicans don't think there should be a new Supreme Court nominee until we have a new president.
What Scalia Meant - Lawyers, Guns & Money : And what he could have meant had Reagan nominated Bork first and Scalia second and therefore probably gotten them both:
Supreme Court vacancies in presidential election years : SCOTUSblog - The historical record does not reveal any instances since at least 1900 of the president failing to nominate and/or the Senate failing to confirm a nominee in a presidential election year because of the impending election. In that period, there were several nominations and confirmations of Justices during presidential election years.
The battle over replacing Justice Scalia is just the start of a war over the Supreme Court - The Washington Post
How America Was Lost - The New York Times
A Solution to the Chaos Surrounding the Next Supreme Court Nominee - Anita Hill.
Scalia Links - Lawyers, Guns & Money
- Scalia Found Dead With "Pillow over Head"
Benghazi Marfa!! - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The Trilby of Inquiry rides again!
not richardkeith33 on Twitter: "@PFTCommenter hot #taek"
Calling it - Lawyers, Guns & Money - They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction, there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.
Debate rips open GOP wounds, and party risks tearing itself apart - The Washington Post
Another Supply-Side Miracle - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Move over, Kansas: you have some spicy company! - Louisiana is facing a $1.6 billion budget shortfall. (Republicans destroying America one state at a time - eliminate education!)
Oregon militia standoff: the 23 men and two women facing felony charges | US news | The Guardian
- Oregon senators: Portland's toxic air is public health emergency
MU chancellor to confer with Board of Curators about body camera footage of Melissa Click | Higher Education |
New video shows MU professor Click allegedly cursing at, confron -
Mizzou's Melissa Click told police 'get your f**king hand off me' at previous racial protest - The College Fix
Cancer researchers claim 'extraordinary results' using T-cell therapy | Science | The Guardian - Cancer researchers claim extraordinary results using T-cell therapy - more than half of terminally ill blood cancer patients experienced complete remission in early clinical trials
New species that causes Lyme Disease discovered at Mayo Clinic | KIMT 3 - The species is named Borrelia mayonii after Mayo Clinic. Dr. Pritt says from what they can tell this species only exists in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
What is your best NSFW life protip? (NSFW) : AskReddit
Mark Zuckerberg hired 16 bodyguards to protect him at home | Page Six
Four billion people face severe water scarcity, new research finds | Environment | The Guardian - Water shortages affecting two-thirds of world's population for a month every year and the crisis is far worse than previously thought
Russia's grip on Syria tightens as brittle ceasefire deal leaves US out in the cold
Assad 'will be removed by force' if peace talks fail, Saudi Foreign Minister says | Middle East | News | The Independent - 'Bashar al-Assad will leave - have no doubt about it'
Prince Mohammed bin Salman: Naive, arrogant Saudi prince is playing with fire | Middle East | News | The Independent - German intelligence memo shows the threat from the kingdom's headstrong defence minister
Week Eighteen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: a dramatic escalation appears imminent | The Vineyard of the Saker
ISIS continues massive retreat as Syrian forces advance towards Tabaqa
Leaked report reveals scale of crisis in England's mental health services | Society | The Guardian - Damning confidential report reveals suicides are rising and 75% of those needing help are not receiving it (when conservatives run your country)
Battle Begins Over Naming Next Justice - The New York Times
Scalia's death plunges court, national politics into turmoil (for a change)
Scalia's Boring Legacy -- I will remember Scalia mainly for the ugliness that permeated his opinions. He once wrote with astonishing callousness that it is not unconstitutional to execute an innocent person if that person has received a fair trial.
Replacing Antonin Scalia will be a profound test of the American political system - Vox
Elizabeth Warren Demolishes Arguments Against Filling Scalia's Supreme Court Seat
The Death of Antonin Scalia - The New Yorker - The bitter divide of this Presidential election season has widened to include the ideological composition of the nation's highest court. (because Republicans were supposed to live for another 199 years)
Replacing Antonin Scalia will be a profound test of the American political system - Vox (never happened before yesterday)
Justice Scalia's legacy: blistering zingers and a more partisan America
Conservatives Quickly Refuse Any Obama Court Replacement After Antonin Scalia's Death
"It's called delay, delay, delay," Donald Trump said.
Replacing Antonin Scalia Could Mean The Biggest Supreme Court Shakeup In 25 Years - Conservatives have had a functional majority at least since 1991.
Hillary Clinton: Obama Has 'Plenty Of Time' To Nominate Scalia Successor - Republicans who block Obama are "out of step with our history," she says.
Sometimes, Scalia Surprised the Living Sh*t Out of Me - Reflections on a once-admirable career.?
The political implications of Scalia's death - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - I would be very surprised if we don't spend the next year-plus with at most eight SCOTUS justices.
Is a recess appointment to the Court an option? (UPDATED) : SCOTUSblog
The Latest GOP Debate Was an Embarrassing Nightmare for the Party by David Atkins | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - . It was less of a debate than a nasty professional wrestling brawl, an ugly spectacle reminiscent of a violent online video one is ashamed to watch but from which one cannot turn away.
Trump blames George W. Bush for 9/11 - POLITICO
Does anyone understand what happened at the Republican debate? | Jeb Lund | Opinion | The Guardian - Donald Trump told the truth, insults were hurled, Spanish was spoken and the moderator had to threaten to turn the car around. It was a fiasco for everyone
Why Trump is winning - Lawyers, Guns & Money (more liberal than the 2011 version of Obama)
- Narcissism Is Increasing. So You're Not So Special
Oregon standoff: A chronicle of an occupation | Burns Oregon Standoff -
WSAZ Investigates: A Dose of Reality
Death, the Prosperity Gospel and Me - The New York Times
Previous research suggests that women, more than men, experience negative outcomes when they display dominance. A new meta-analysis finds that while explicit forms of dominance (e.g., demands) do affect likability and hireability of women, implicit forms of dominance (e.g., eye contact) do not. : science
Butler confirms 3 cases of mumps on campus : news
ELI5: If the age of the universe is about 14 billion years old how come the diameter of the universe is 93 billion light years? : explainlikeimfive
The Universe Never Expands Faster Than the Speed of Light | Sean Carroll
Literature Map - The Tourist Map of Literature - part of gnod, the global network of discovery
Married for 60 years. She has dementia and a stroke...but he is still there. Always. : pics
TIL that there is a school of thought that a major war between the supporters and opponents of intelligent machines, resulting in billions of deaths, is almost inevitable before the end of the 21st century. : todayilearned
submitted by SexyCyborg
More proof showing how screwed up Youtube is... Youtube approves fake GradeAUnderA ad to deceive Grade's fans into subscribing to a reaction channel : videos
What's the biggest mistake you've ever made on the internet? : AskReddit
- Over half the world's population suffers from severewater scarcity, scientists say
Winters Are Becoming More Rainy in the U.S. - Scientific American - Despite this weekend's cold blast, snow is shifting to rain in many states
150,000 penguins die after giant iceberg renders colony landlocked | World news | The Guardian - Penguins of Cape Denison in Antarctica effectively trapped by iceberg the size of Rome and face 120km round trip to feed
Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia found dead at West Texas ranch - San Antonio Express-News
Supreme court justice Antonin Scalia dies at 79 | Law | The Guardian - Local reports say Scalia died at ranch
Scalia Dead - Lawyers, Guns & Money
ELI5: Snowden just tweeted "Things are about to get real", re: the passing of SCOTUS judge Scalia. What does he mean by that? Why is this a big deal? : explainlikeimfive
What happens to this Term's close cases?
The Simply Breathtaking Consequences Of Justice Scalia's Death | ThinkProgress
Russia hit 1,888 targets in Syria in a week; US count? Just 16 - Middle East - Stripes
Reuters - Turkish forces shell Syrian air base captured by Kurds
APNewsBreak: EU Is Poised to Restrict Passport-Free Travel - ABC News - The switch would reverse a decades-old trend of expanding passport-free travel in Europe.
Donald Trump Accuses George W. Bush Of Lying To Invade Iraq - "We should have never been in Iraq. We have destabilized the Middle East." (Not allowed to say that in the land of stupid)
- This is such an embarrassing brawl. There can't be a single persuadable voter who wants any of these people as President.
We just learned a lot about what kind of Democrat Hillary Clinton really is - The Washington Post - Social Security is a big problem for Hillary Clinton.
Bernie and the Establishment - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Bloombergism is the Opposite of a Political Sweet Spot - Lawyers, Guns & Money - anti teachers'-union, anti-gun, pro-nanny state, pro-Wall Street, pro-stop-and- frisk, pro-inequality, pro-immigration, pro-surveillance, pro-Iraq War neoconservative is almost surgically designed to repel practically every American voter on some level.
Millennials Say They Love Socialism. But Does That Change Consumer Behavior? - Millennials have a higher opinion of socialism than they do capitalism.
The phony in American politics: how voters turn into suckers | US news | The Guardian - History tells us that the skeptical American people are easily conned when confronted with the promises of politicians
This Is Not A Love Story - America's Deadly Domestic Violence Problem
When Will Rick Snyder Face Charges? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Probably never and his actions in Flint will only improve his standing among Michigan's white voters. But the evidence against Rick Snyder is growing:
- Flint water crisis: governor's aides knew of issues within weeks, records suggest
Recorded interview reveals former Sheriff Lee Baca lying to a federal prosecutor - LA Times
Sweet U.S. Government Land Deals Charge Up Energy Companies: Report
Cliven Bundy arrest 2 years later: strategy or serendipity? |
Who killed LaVoy Finicum? Lawmakers weigh bill to protect officer's identity |
The Bundy brigade's delusional last stand: What the failed wing-nut revolt really tells us - This is what 60 years of fear-mongering in the conservative movement has wrought. This is the end result of a grand paranoia fueled by a vast archipelago of right-wing news sites and think tanks and TV and radio shows lying to you.
Bundy's World
- Ex-students say Iowa boarding school kept them in isolation boxes
Jheronimus Bosch - the Garden of Earthly Delights
What is a an interesting mathematical fact or a trick using math? : AskReddit
What's the coolest mathematical fact you know of? : AskReddit
Magic Sevenths
NUMB3RS Episode 511: Arrow of Time--Wolfram Research Math Notes
50 Centuries in 10 Minutes - YouTube
Warring States Japan: Sengoku Jidai - I: Battle of Okehazama - Extra History - YouTube
What's the greatest thing you've seen on the internet lately? : AskReddit< What is something that everyone does, but everyone does differently? : AskReddit
Inside The Most Important Supreme Court Case In Human History | ThinkProgress - The earth just had a terrible day in court.
Boko Haram is deadlier than ISIS, but nobody cares because they kill Africans | theGrio
Death Toll From War in Syria Now 470,000, Group Finds - The New York Times - 250,000 counted a year and a half ago by the United Nations until it stopped counting because of a lack of confidence in the data
F*ck you! : Indiana workers react with outrage after being told their jobs are moving to Mexico
Henry Kissinger's War Crimes Are Central to the Divide Between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders
Fear And Loving In New Hampshire: Your Wonkebago Primary Wrap-Up! | Wonkette - That was Mr. Charles P. Pierce
- In Democratic Debate, Hillary Clinton Paints Bernie Sanders's Plans as Unrealistic
The Democratic Primary Is A Fight Over Wall Street And Obama's Legacy - It's a deeply emotional problem for Democrats.
Democratic Debate: Clinton and Sanders Face Off In Wisconsin - NBC News
Democratic Debate in Milwaukee Recap - Hillary Clinton Refines Her Message - Clinton refined her message in Milwaukee last night.? - He was fighting for LGBT rights when the previous president Clinton was signing DOMA. He was railing against the monied interests when the previous president Clinton was signing away Glass-Steagall. He was standing up for unions when the previous president Clinton was pushing NAFTA.
A Black Woman Won The Democratic Debate - PBS veteran Gwen Ifill took an important step in exploring race relations.
Democratic Debate Exposes The Real Divide Between Clinton And Sanders - He thinks it's possible to change politics. She doesn't.
Harry Reid says contested Democratic convention possible -
- Bernie Sanders questions Obama's leadership The Vermont senator and the president have been ratcheting up their digs at each other.
Bernie Sanders can't fulfill the debate promise he just made on mass incarceration. - Sanders trotted out an absurd promise he has used several times before: that by the end of his first term, the United States will no longer be the world leader in incarceration
You May Not Be Surprised That.... - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Voter ID laws dampen turnout for minorities and young voters.
Disparity in Life Spans of the Rich and the Poor Is Growing - The New York Times
Oregon standoff: locals eager to resume normal life but things won't be the same | US news | The Guardian - 41-day occupation has left its mark on Burns, as the beloved wildlife refuge has turned into a crime scene and preexisting farming conflicts reemerge
- Final Armed Oregon Holdout's Concerns Included Abortion, Marijuana, UFOs
Birders rejoice as Oregon standoff comes to close |
High Desert Partnership : What We Do : Harney Basin Wetlands Initiative : About HBWI
Graphic: The hidden connections of the Sagebrush Insurgency (Finding common cause)
Oregon Local News - Malheur militants might receive only light sentences - A medical marijuana purveyor in California, Aaron Sandusky, is now serving a 10-year mandatory minimum sentence.
Grant County residents speak out against militia - Local News - - County commissioners still considering resolution condemning refuge occupation after standoff ends.
Photos from III% Security Force's post - III% Security Force | Facebook< Police raid Utah properties of well-known polygamist Kingston Clan | News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KUTV
Former members of The Order react to federal raids at Kingston family properties
When the Hospital Fires the Bullet - The New York Times
Anti-trans bill on the brink of becoming law in South Dakota | MSNBC - cleared the state Senate Education Committee Thursday on a 4-2 party line vote and could pass through the Republican-controlled state Senate as early as next week.
At Success Academy School, a Stumble in Math and a Teacher's Anger on Video (teachers should wear bodycams) A Teacher Tears Up a First-Grader's Paper Captures an Important Part of the Charter-School Debate
The One Thing That (Sadly) Most Women Agree Makes A Man Undateable - While 63 percent of those surveyed said they'd opt out of traditional labels like "homosexual," "heterosexual" and "bisexual," the same percentage also said they wouldn't date a man who has slept with another man.
Ignore the GPS. That Ocean Is Not a Road. - The New York Times
Ask Well: Are Pomegranates Good For You? - The New York Times - There is also research showing that pomegranate extract inhibits the growth of prostate, breast, colon and lung cancer cells in lab cultures, and may inhibit the growth of some tumors in animals.
History Timeline
Nude painting furore: court rules Facebook can be sued in France | World news | The Guardian - Teacher wins right to sue over suspension of account after he posted photo of Gustave Courbet's The Origin of the World
Did the Supreme Court Just Kill the Paris Climate Deal? Maybe. We Explain. - The New York Times (evil at work)
New study suggests northern tundra shifting from carbon sink to carbon source - GeoSpace - AGU Blogosphere
- Checking Ted Cruz's climate science denial howlers - confused which way is up
- Scientists Have Now Quantified Mountaintop Removal Mining's Destruction Of Appalachia (see graphic for evil devouring the land))
Who speaks up for poor white boys when it comes to their education? - They are now the lowest-achieving group in Britain
A bunch of amateurs: Indonesia's homegrown jihadis ridicule Isis after Jakarta attack | World news | The Guardian
Teacher shoots dead six colleagues in Saudi Arabia, state TV reports | World news | The Guardian
New York Police Are Using Covert Cellphone Trackers, Civil Liberties Group Says - The New York Times
Trump, Cruz are NH winners: Armageddon for the GOP Establishment
Fiery Republican race heads to S.C., known for dirty tricks and brawls - The Washington Post
Warning: The dirty tricks are about to start
Donald Trump And The GOP's 40 Percent Nightmare - The real estate mogul could cruise along under 40 percent, and still win or force a brokered convention.
John Kasich has been billed as moderate candidate, but his record is anything but | US news | The Guardian - a track record that puts him a big step to the right of what many Americans would consider in the middle
When Bernie Sanders' wife was in charge of small, private Burlington College in Vermont, it sank into debt - Jane Sanders, who led Burlington College from 2004 to 2011, spent millions on a new campus to attract more students and donations from alumni. It didn't work - Sanders reportedly took a $200,000 severance package
California Getting Closer To Having Lawmakers Wear Donors' Logos This ballot initiative wants to make lawmakers more transparent
New Hampshire Now Least Religious State in U.S.
What is the Least Religious State in America? - World Religion News - In Vermont, the moderately religious and non-religious come to 23 percent and 56 percent respectively. Other states where religion occupies a marginal space include Maine, Oregon, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York and Hawaii.
UPDATED: Gov. Snyder responds to allegations that he ordered MDEQ to withhold lead test results | Blogs | Detroit Metro Times - New emails, obtained by the Flint Journal, suggest that Gov. Rick Snyder ordered the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to keep mum about Flint lead test results as they figured out a way to best present the information to the public.
Oregon standoff: Last four occupiers surrender at Malheur refuge |
Oregon standoff: Mugshots of 4 refuge holdouts released by Multnomah County |
Oregon standoff: Last four occupiers surrender at Malheur refuge | (comment: "Some were on a mission from God. Some were taking back their Government. Some were recapturing their imaginary glory days. You know what the single, most unifying characteristic they all shared? They were failures."
Oregon standoff: 4 holdouts all in FBI custody as occupation ends (live updates) |
Live Updates: Possible End To Oregon Standoff In Sight . News | OPB
FBI Arrests All Remaining Occupiers at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
cliven bundy complaint.pdf - Google Drive
USFWS_Pacific Region
Oregon militia standoff: promise of surrender follows dramatic night of negotiations | US news | The Guardian
Oregon standoff Day 41: What you need to know Thursday |
Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy arrested by FBI in Portland |
FBI Arrests Cliven Bundy, Tightens Grip On Final Occupiers At Oregon Wildlife Refuge - The militants were indicted last week along with 12 others previously arrested on charges of conspiring to impede federal officers.
The Koch Brothers Are Now Funding The Bundy Land Seizure Agenda | ThinkProgress
John Sepulvado (@JohnLGC) | Twitter
Third Cliven Bundy son behind bars after skipping court dates on burglary and weapons conviction
Nevada pol arms family with guns for Christmas portrait - NY Daily News
The Brainwashing Of My Dad - The truth behind the right-wing media machine that changed a father--and divided the nation
- Same-sex couple gets license, condemnation in Gilmer County - Debbie Allen, the deputy clerk who processed their marriage license, and another deputy clerk who was there, Angela Moore (stupidity is an abomination unto YHWH)
Teenagers Are Much Better At Snapchat Than You
Deadpool: the pansexual superhero who has never had a non-heterosexual experience | Film | The Guardian
Airbnb Purged New York Listings to Create a Rosier Portrait, Report Says - The New York Times
Gravitational waves from black holes detected : worldnews
Gravitational waves: breakthrough discovery after two centuries of expectation | Science | The Guardian - Scientists announce discovery of clear gravitational wave signal, ripples in spacetime first predicted by Albert Einstein - The shock would have released more energy than the light from all the stars in the universe for that brief instant. The fusion of two black holes which created this event had been predicted but never observed
Everything you need to know about gravitational waves | Science | The Guardian
Is the world a better place?
LPT: When attempting to proofread your work, paste it into Google Translate and click on the speaker icon to have it read to you in order to notice mistakes. : LifeProTips
I Dream of Wires (2014) - The history and resurgence of the electronic modular music synthesizer. : Documentaries
Life as a Boomer vs life as a Millennial in one gif : funny
Dragon temple in Thailand : pics
Woman Targeted In 'GamerGate' Harassment Drops Charges - Zoe Quinn, a video game designer at the center of the online defamation and harassment nexus known as GamerGate, said Wednesday she has dropped harassment charges against her ex-boyfriend.
- Marc Andreessen, an influential investor, posted a tweet that appeared to back colonialism following India's decision to ban Facebook's free mobile internet (looks like one)
How changing climates shape the fate of empires - The Washington Post
What the Earth will be like in 10,000 years, according to scientists - The Washington Post
Cooling and societal change during the Late Antique Little Ice Age from 536 to around 660 AD : Nature Geoscience : Nature Publishing Group
GOP Congressmen Oppose Abortion Rights For Women With Zika In Developing Countries - They argued at a hearing that microcephaly, the birth defect linked to Zika, is not that bad. (since they have tiny brains too)
U.S. congressmen introduce bill that stops states from banning strong encryption
Soul Shattering Perspective : pics
Suicide-Bomber Girls Kill 58 in Nigerian Refugee Camp - The New York Times
British ISIS fighter who called himself 'Superman' but returned to the UK because Syria was too cold is jailed for seven years : worldnews
Privatizing Air Traffic Control - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Hard to see what could go wrong with the next target of Republican privatization schemes:
The tragi-comedy of the commons - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Please Enjoy This Donald Trump Biopic Starring Johnny Depp From Funny Or Die - The only way to cope with the results of the New Hampshire primary.
Carly Fiorina Drops Out of Republican Presidential Race - The New York Times
The education mess in Ohio under Gov. John Kasich - The Washington Post (making America stupid again))
Flint Water Crisis - Environmental Crimes Are Crimes Against Communities
Justice Department Sues Ferguson After City Rejects Reform Deal - The deal would have brought positive change to the mostly white police force in Michael Brown's hometown.
Oregon standoff: FBI moves in on last refuge occupiers |
Oregon standoff Day 40: What you need to know Wednesday |
Remaining Oregon Militia Idiots Will Do Literally Anything for Attention
Shane Roth (@apexnerd) | Twitter
antigovviolence.pdf - Anti-Government Extremist Violence and Plots As of February 4, 2016 (JJ McNabb +they went nuts since )Obama)
Police raiding Utah properties of well-known polygamist Kingston Clan | News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KUTV - A large police presence swarmed a well-known polygamous family's property in South Salt Lake Wednesday (extreme in-breeding)
Forbidden Fruit | Phoenix New Times (what happens when incest)
Les Zaitz (@LesZaitz) | Twitter - Senior investigative reporter, The Oregonian/OregonLive
Pocket Constitution (Text from the U.S. Bicentennial Commission Edition): Delegates of the Constitutional Convention: 9780880801447: Books
Pete Santilli Speaks Live From Multnomah County Jail - Monday - 2/8/16 - YouTube
Oregon Court of Appeals affirms Kip Kinkel's nearly 112-year sentence | - Kinkel, at age 15, killed his parents in their Springfield home on May 20, 1998, and then went on a rampage the next morning at Thurston High School, where he fatally shot two students and wounded 25 others in the cafeteria.
- The controversy at Mount St. Mary's goes national after professors are fired - " You just have to drown the bunnies
put a Glock to their heads"
Colorado marijuana sales total close to $1 billion in 2015 - | Continuous News | Colorado Springs and Pueblo (fuck you MA)
Rise in marijuana in U.S. use not as high as previously reported -- ScienceDaily - nstead increased by about 20 percent. Meanwhile, the rate of problems related to the drug has remained steady.
Dementia rate fell 44 percent since late 1970s: Framingham study | Reuters - Dementia caused by vascular diseases, such as stroke, accounted for the much of the drop. Alzheimer's disease showed a reduction, but it wasn't dramatic, and could be a statistical fluke, they said.
Stereotypes about Native Americans and alcohol debunked: Native Americans are more likely to abstain from alcohol than whites, and heavy drinking and binge drinking rates are about the same for both groups -- ScienceDaily - Native Americans are more likely to abstain from alcohol than whites, and heavy drinking and binge drinking rates are about the same for both groups
Gravitational waves: Einstein was right - and this announcement is the scientific highlight of the decade - A century after Albert Einstein explained his General Theory of Relativity, scientists are expected to announce that they have found gravitational waves - ripples created by the collisions of black holes
Gravitational Wave Discovery Would Open 'New Window On The Universe' - Confirmation that the mysterious waves have been discovered could usher in a new era of astronomy and answer big questions about black holes.
How to change someone's mind, according to science - The researchers analyzed nearly two years of postings on ChangeMyView, a forum on the internet community reddit where posters present an argument and invite people to reason against them.
[Meta] A New Research Paper Has Been Published on the Dynamics of /r/changemyview : changemyview
Change My View (CMV)
Noel Coward - Mad dogs & Englishmen (with lyrics) - YouTube
Twitter, to Save Itself, Must Scale Back World-Swallowing Ambitions - The New York Times
Eschaton: That Worked Out Well - At least there are more guns and stuff there, so that's a win. - After Iraq and Libya worked out so well, nobody could have predicted.
Trump and Sanders win New Hampshire primaries -- what we learned | US news | The Guardian
New Hampshire results: resounding wins for Trump and Sanders | US news | The Guardian - Democratic and Republican voters deliver resounding victories for two candidates whose 2016 presidential campaigns were once seen as far-fetched
Bernie Sanders sweeps to decisive win over Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire | US news | The Guardian - Scale of defeat for Clinton will raise questions about her appeal among younger voters and women, especially after closer-than-expected Iowa result last week
The GOP Establishment's Tragedy of the Commons (see below))
The Rubiobot Is No Poet And They Don't Know It - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - In light of the latest malfunction of the Rubiobot, some desperate hacks have come up with the idea that the Rubiobot is in fact engaged in a subtle literary technique. (Dylan Byers)
Rubio Glitch Truthers: He's a Poet, Not a Robot
Marco Rubio Short-Circuits Again, Inexplicably Repeats Scripted Line Word for Word - YouTube
Eschaton: Bullies - The political press love their GOP bully daddies - no Democrat could get approval with that behavior - but the political press the sheriff have little understanding of what people actually like (and they do!) about GOP daddies.
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback to cut $45 million in public-school funding | MSNBC - and higher education in his state by March. (plz, it was the plan all along)
Oregon standoff Day 40: What you need to know Wednesday |
ACLU of Oregon issues statement in support of Pete Santilli's First Amendment rights |
Former Malheur refuge occupier arrested on Kansas warrant |
Family charged in fake kidnap plot to scare 'too nice' child | MSNBC - The blindfolded child was then taken to family's home, put in the basement, and his aunt allegedly removed the child's pant and told him he would be sold into sex slavery
Supreme Court Blocks Obama's Carbon Emissions Plan - On a 5-4 vote, the court granted a request made by 27 states and various companies and business groups to block the administration's Clean Power Plan.
Julian Assange prosecutor to request interview at Ecuadorian embassy | Media | The Guardian - Swedish prosecutor working on new application to interview WikiLeaks founder in London over rape allegation
Trains Crash Head-On In Southern Germany, Killing At Least 9 - More than 100 people were injured.
Nikkei Posts Biggest Drop In 3 Years As Global Growth Fears Hit Banks - Banks took the brunt of the sell-off in Japan while a stronger yen dragged down stocks across the board.
Syria, already a catastrophe, seems on the verge of an uncontrollable disaster - The Washington Post
North Korea satellite in stable orbit but not seen transmitting: U.S. sources | Reuters
FBI still can't figure out how to get into San Bernardino attackers' encrypted phone - James Comey, the bureau's director, admits agents have made no progress in two months as he says encryption technology is thwarting crime fighting efforts
Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders Win the New Hampshire Primaries - The New York Times
Daily News Calls Out The 'Brain Dead' Voters Of New Hampshire - 66 percent of GOP primary voters supported a ban on Muslims entering the U.S
New York Daily News on Twitter: "Tomorrow's front page: DAWN OF THE BRAIN DEAD - Trump comes back to life with N.H. win:" - Tomorrow's front page: DAWN OF THE BRAIN DEAD - Trump comes back to life with N.H. win
- The audience went completely gaga over Trump's fetishization of torture
If Rubio Falters, Things Could Get Weird for GOP -- NYMag
Will New Hampshire result persuade Michael Bloomberg to run for presidency?
Why Did Marco Rubio Decide to Run as a Robot? | GQ - A once smart and quick-witted human, Rubio is now running as a machine. Can he make history?
The Anxiety Of Being Marco Rubio - BuzzFeed News - and an occasional propensity to panic in moments of crisis, both real and imagined.
What the RubioBot gaffe really reveals about Marco Rubio.
These Strikes are Wrong - Ed Milliband - YouTube
Frankfurt On Inequality - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Paul LePage Admits That He Was Actually Talking About Black Drug Dealers All Along - So much for this supposedly not being about race.
Oregon standoff Day 39: What you need to know Tuesday |
Oregon standoff: Sheriff's stance in LaVoy Finicum shooting draws outrage |
Cliven Bundy May Be Coming To Burns, Portland . News | OPB
2/9/2016 - Sean & Sandy speak - YouTube
Remaining occupiers in Oregon reduced to stunts, taunting FBI by driving federal vehicle - The Washington Post
- Bundy Boys In Oregon
The 2014 Range War - Cliven Bundy v. DC | Turning the Tide - Folk Hero or Scapegoat? Media Manipulation in the Age of Instant Messaging
The New Anti-Federalists | Turning the Tide - The Wellspring of the Bundy Sagebrush Insurrection
Propaganda, the Collective Unconscious, and Mass Movements | Turning the Tide
The Political Scientist Who Debunked Mainstream Economics - Evonomics - The Tragedy of Unmanaged, Laissez-Faire, Common-Pool Resources with Easy Access for Noncommunicating, Self-Interested Individuals - The truth about the tragedy of the commons
The Problem with Economists - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Maybe This Is The Reason Neanderthals Went Extinct - But the model showed that the arrival of modern humans on the scene meant almost certain doom for Neanderthals, who had been living there for hundreds of thousands of years.
The Political Scientist Who Debunked Mainstream Economics - Evonomics - The truth about the tragedy of the commons
A Fight Over Trans Kids Got a Researcher Fired -- Science of Us
Hacker Plans to Dump Alleged Details of 20,000 FBI, 9,000 DHS Employees | Motherboard
Turkey's Erdogan threatened to flood Europe with migrants: Greek website | Reuters
War on Isis: Chechnya leader Ramzan Kadyrov claims his special forces are on the ground in Syria
American Electoral - The Huffington Post - The Campaign of Magical Thinking
- Debate slip-up seems to halt Rubio
mminnoww comments on What happened to Marco Rubio in the latest GOP debate?
America Is Flint - The New York Times - , 535,000 children ages 1 through 5 suffer lead poisoning, by C.D.C. estimates.
City fails to warn Chicagoans about lead risks in tap water - Chicago Tribune
What did LaVoy Finicum die for? - LA Times - the radical edge of a larger, well-funded land-transfer, anti-environmental movement that seeks to privatize public property (Kochifacation)
Oregon standoff Day 38: What you need to know Monday |
Ammon Bundy issues new statement from jail: Urges elected officials to support their imprisoned constituents |
Refuge occupier calls for feds to leave Oregon in latest release of videos |
Utah's Ken Ivory recruiting 'leaders' to launch grass-roots lands-transfer movement | The Salt Lake Tribune - Utah lawmaker Ken Ivory is leaving his post as the American Lands Council
Our Team - American Lands Council (the ears)
SF cops admit car-theft victim was wrongly turned over to ICE - San Francisco Chronicle - San Francisco police officers handcuffed a car-theft victim, ran his name for warrants and then released him into the waiting arms of federal immigration agents, records show, in what is being investigated as a possible breach of local sanctuary-city laws.
Who planted drugs in the PTA mom's car? Upscale parents, and for petty reasons
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: Hi, Baby-Making Factories! - There is no known safe amount of alcohol
Trippy Video Teaches Entire History Of Japan In Just 9 Minutes - The perfect study guide.
The New York Public Library Lets You Download 180,000 Images in High Resolution: Historic Photographs, Maps, Letters & More | Open Culture
The paradoxical psychological effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) : science
Dreaming the dream | - Boltzmann brain.
What happened before the Big Bang? |
New, Reading-Heavy SAT Has Students Worried - The New York Times - longer and harder reading passages and more words in math problems
Persistent ADHD associated with overly critical parents
Persistent ADHD associated with overly critical parents. Children with ADHD whose families continued to express high levels of criticism over time failed to experience the usual decline in symptoms with age and instead maintained persistent, high levels of ADHD symptoms. : science
Fuckin' Carl. : funny
TPP Deal Just Signed: Paves Way for Authoritarian Technocracy : technology
Nevada's perplexing war on solar (Opinion) -
New York investigates radioactive leak in groundwater near city | US news | The Guardian - alarming levels of radioactivity
Eschaton: Nothing To See Here - Move along, folks. - Radioactive material has been detected in the groundwater below a nuclear power plant north of New York City, prompting a state investigation on Saturday.
Record Missouri flooding was manmade calamity, scientist says
Europeshockwaves could be huge for Web users
"Europe's highest court is considering whether every hyperlink in a Web page should be checked for potentially linking to material that infringes copyright, before it can be used. " : technology
Advantage Assad After Five Years of War in Syria - Bloomberg Business
Indian man could be first recorded human fatality due to a meteorite | Ars Technica - Indian officials say bus driver was killed by a meteorite, pending confirmation.
Lady Gaga - National Anthem - Super Bowl 2016 (HD 1080p) Full Video - YouTube
Lady Gaga Just Nailed the National Anthem : Music
MARCOBOT MALFUNCTIONS - Watch Marco Rubio Give The Same Canned Answer 3 Times In A Row - And then he did it again!
Everyone Ganged Up On Marco Rubio At Saturday's GOP Debate - And Rubio didn't do himself any favors.
Rubio endures an assault in a rollicking Republican debate - The Washington Post
Brit Hume: Rubio's Debate Performance Reminded Me Of Dan Quayle | Video | RealClearPolitics
This Is How Much the Koch Brothers Hate Donald Trump | Mother Jones
A Panic-Inducing Night for the GOP Establishment | New Republic
- Marcobot Moment
Eschaton: What About Tagg, Matt, Josh, Ben, and Craig - the press should write stories about Chelsea Clinton for the sake of writing stories about Chelsea Clinton.
Gloria Steinem and Madeleine Albright Scold Young Women Backing Bernie Sanders - The New York Times
Hope -- and clean water -- remains elusive for the people of Flint - But now the water is poisoned, and the world knows it. (Repubs destroy entire city's home values)
- Rachel Maddow deserves national praise -- for her coverage of the atrocity in Flint, Michigan, where residents were forced to drink lead-contaminated water as a result of a cruel cost-cutting choice by Republican Governor Rick Snyder, who deserves national, even international, scorn for his devious decision-making
Playboy Interview - Rachel Maddow Talks Hillary, Hate Mail & More in Our First Non-Nude Issue
Everyone Hates Martin Shkreli. Everyone Is Missing the Point - The New Yorker - One of the strangest things about the anti-Shkreli argument is that it asks us to be shocked that a medical executive is motivated by profit.
Financial despair, addiction and the rise of suicide in white America | US news | The Guardian - The death rate for white Americans aged 45 to 54 has risen sharply since 1999, but Montana officials wrestle to explain reasons why the state has the highest rate of suicide in the US at nearly twice the national average - The proportion of US pensioners living in poverty is more than double that in Germany and nearly six times that of France (vote Republican and die)
Is DOJ Rethinking Material Support Laws and Domestic Terrorism? - Lawfare
FBI throwing tantrums! - YouTube
- Response to Questions Regarding the Oregon Office of Sheriff
- Bobby Fuller Four - I Fought The Law(1966)
Leaked police files contain guarantees disciplinary records will be kept secret | US news | The Guardian - Guardian analysis of dozens of contracts revealed by hackers shows more than a third allow or require destruction of civilian complaint records
DEAD WRONG - A Botched Police Investigation And A Probable Wrongful Conviction Shed Light On The Murders Of Dozens Of Women In Nova Scotia.
Almost every top official in Texas city arrested in federal corruption case : news - However, according to this article: None of the officials will immediately lose their positions.
San Antonio Observer threatens to publish local cop addresses after 36-year-old unarmed black man Antroine Scott is shot dead | Daily Mail Online - Antronie Scott was fatally shot in San Antonio by police officer John Lee - 36-year-old was holding a cellphone, not a gun Lee thought he had seen
Professor who said Christians, Muslims worship same God to leave school | Reuters - according to a joint statement released by Wheaton College on Saturday night.
Professor who said Christians, Muslims worship same God to leave school : news
TIL a third-grade girl was expelled for a year because her grandmother had sent a birthday cake to school along with a knife to cut it. The teacher used the knife to cut the cake, and then reported the girl to the authorities as having a dangerous weapon. : todayilearned
- Best-Value Schools
Social Practice Degrees Take Art to a Communal Level - The New York Times
Sexual Harassment in the Sciences: Readers React on Social Media - The New York Times - The professor, Jason Lieb, a molecular biologist, made unwelcome sexual advances to several female graduate students
ADHD in kids: What many parents and teachers don't understand but need to know - 13.3 percent of boys and 5.6 percent of girls
KICKFARTED - Series about failed KickStarters : videos
Shitty Kickstarters
Aleppo siege looms as pro-Assad forces cut opposition supply lines | World news | The Guardian - 400,000 remain
Bombarded Aleppo lives in fear of siege and starvation | World news | The Guardian
Elizabeth Warren Looms Large In 2016 Presidential Race - She's not running, and she hasn't endorsed. But her influence is everywhere.
Hillary and Henry - Lawyers, Guns & Money : It's not that she's been bought, it's that she bought in.
Yglesiastical Contrarianism - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Flint Water Crisis: A Special Edition Environment and Health Roundtable - Edge Effects - lead in plumbing "Helps to Guard Your Health."
Oregon standoff Day 36: What you need to know Saturday |
30 minutes of chaos: Witness details events of Finicum shooting |
- Senate rejects Mike Lee's move to limit president's Antiquities Act power (Mormon and Koch-funded land-grab)
[Letter from Nevada] | The Great Republican Land Heist, by Christopher Ketcham | Harper's Magazine - Cliven Bundy and the politicians who are plundering the West
Suspicious mail mostly empty; hazardous substance in one - Local News - East Oregonian - Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer was taken to the hospital a little after noon after opening an envelope addressed to him at the Canyon City sheriff's office. The envelope contained a white substance and seconds later Palmer developed a physical reaction, including a rash on his arms, according to a county official at the scene.
THE WESTERNER: BLM pulls workers from Gold Butte after shots fired near surveyors - June 12, 2015
Woman with Asperger's syndrome who shared viral dog video shot dead by police in Arizona. : news (shooting suicidal people who have a knife in their room because you know, suicidal)
Lawsuit: Woman miscarried after cops 'battered' her during 'false' arrest : news - Lawsuit: Woman miscarried after cops battered her during false arrest
Struggling to Get Past Master By Harvey Silverglate By Harvey Silverglate
When Home Internet Means A Smartphone, Can A Kid Succeed At School? : All Tech Considered : NPR
A Conversation with Jonathan Haidt | Minding The Campus (Latinx)
Revisiting whether conservative and libertarian professors are more productive |
Something Slimy: The Signs of Bad Science |
Ray Dalio's unusual management strategy at Bridgewater - Business Insider - At Bridgewater, every employee has a believability score
The billion-dollar CRISPR patent battle: A case of big money shaping science - LA Times
ELI5: Why is it whenever I decide to hydrate myself and drink a lot of water does it seem like 20 minutes later I'm just peeing it all out? Is my body even using it? : explainlikeimfive
Are neutrinos and antineutrinos identical? : askscience - Majorana fermions are indeed their own antiparticle.
What's the strongest opinion you held that you later changed? : AskReddit
[Serious] Girls/Women: What's a bad quality in men that men might be unaware of? : AskReddit
This has got to be the most amazing numbers game answer ever. Countdown 1997 : videos - ...And that's Numberwang!
The Expanse: an ambitious, slow-build sci-fi mystery - Syfy's The Expanse is a handsomely designed, tense ten-episode sci-fi drama that's perfect for binge-watching. : television
PayPal blocks VPN payments, blames copyright infringement : technology
Australia guts government climate research | Ars Technica
FGM: number of victims found to be 70 million higher than thought | Society | The Guardian - Half of girls and women cut live in just three countries as Unicef statistics reveal shocking global scale of barbaric ritual - Indonesia, Egypt and Ethiopia
Zika crisis and economic woes bring gloom to Brazil's Olympic buildup | World news | The Guardian - Six months before Rio de Janeiro hosts the next Olympics, the country is struggling with a Zika epidemic and a cocktail of political and economic woes
Nearly 200 images released by US military depict Bush-era detainee abuse | US news | The Guardian - Court ruling forces Pentagon to release photos after 12-year legal battle over abuse at military sites around Iraq and Afghanistan
Denmark confirms US sent rendition flight for Snowden - The Local - The revelation that the US landed a private aircraft in Copenhagen intended to capture Snowden in June 2013 - Snowden was recently tipped as a favourite to win this year's Nobel Peace Prize by Nobel watcher Kristian Berg Harpviken
Denmark's justice minister admitted on Friday that the US sent a rendition flight to Copenhagen Airport that was meant to capture whistleblower Edward Snowden and return him to the United States
How did the UN get it so wrong on Julian Assange? | Discussion | The Guardian - The Guardian editorial policy - as always - pro Neoliberal Empire of the Exceptionals no matter what because they are the voice of Neoliberal ideology.
Twitter suspends over 125,000 accounts for 'promoting terrorist acts' | Reuters
ISIS Genocide Against Christians, Yazidis? European Parliament Recognizes Islamic State Targeting Religious Minorities
Homeland Security produces first estimate of foreign visitors to U.S. who overstay deadline to leave | Pew Research Center - The nation with the most visitors who failed to leave at the end of their authorized stay was Canada, followed by Mexico and Brazil (build that wall, eh)
Why the TPP is Terrible, Part the Millionth (Barry owns this)
A crane collapsed in the middle of the street in New York City today. : pics
Construction crane collapse in Manhattan kills David Wichs - NY Daily News
Payrolls in U.S. Climb as Jobless Rate Declines, Wages Rise - Bloomberg Business - Unemployment drops to an almost eight-year low of 4.9 percent - Hourly earnings increase 2.5 percent from a year earlier
Hillary Clinton's self-satisfied privilege: Her Goldman Sachs problem helps explain the popularity of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump
Who Won the Democratic Debate? - The Atlantic - Bernie Sanders doggedly pursued his one big idea about reforming American politics, while Hillary Clinton detailed her many proposals for change.
Bernie Sanders Forced Hillary Clinton to Defend Her Progressive Record Last Night
Highlights From The Democratic Presidential Debate In New Hampshire - time to end the very artful smear that you and your campaign have been carrying out
Sanders-Clinton debate transcript: Annotating what they say - The Washington Post
Meet the New Harry and Louise | Jacobin - Vox's attack on Bernie Sanders is sold as a policy critique. It's actually a dishonest exercise in managing the Democratic Party base. (neo-lib Yglesias)
Donald Trump Soundboard ** Presidential Campaign
Jeb Bush Seeks To Escape The Jaws Of Humiliation In New Hampshire - His deliberative style is a tough fit for 2016, but the nearly defeated candidate remains sanguine.
Questions Surround Marco Rubio's Role at Florida College - NBC News (no-show again)
Who Hates Obamacare? - The New York Times
The seven states that are doing much worse than the rest - The Washington Post - North Dakota, Wyoming, Wisconsin, Illinois, Mississippi, Louisiana and Alaska (oil+Snyder+dumb)
BridgeGate Defendants Can Subpoena Christie Office Docs
Oregon standoff Day 35: What you need to know Friday |
Militia group backs down, billboards go up in support of law enforcement as fifth week of Oregon standoff comes to an end |
Ethical Questions Surround Ammon Bundy's Legal Team, Strategy
State Sheriffs' Association: No support for illegal actions, threats of violence |
Mourners assemble for LaVoy Finicum funeral in Kanab, Utah today as Oregon standoff continues |
Sagebrush Insurgency connections Connecting the dots within a vast right-wing network of militia members, state and local politicians, and others.
Nevada ranching family loses federal lands court case | Las Vegas Review-Journal - "A dispassionate observer would conclude that the district judge harbored animus toward the federal agencies," Graber wrote. "Unfortunately, the judge's bias and prejudgment are a matter of public record."
Stonekettle Station: Bomb Shelter (in the trenches)
Stonekettle Station: Refuge of Scoundrels
The Next Christian Sex-Abuse Scandal - As sex-abuse allegations multiply, Billy Graham's grandson is on a mission to ?persuade Protestant churches to come clean.
How the Satanic Temple forced Phoenix lawmakers to ban public prayer - The Washington Post
Twilight of the Superpredators | Natasha Vargas-Cooper - The Clinton administration played its part in the reactionary sentiment of the time by passing the largest, most costly crime bill in the nation's history. Authored by then-Senator Joe Biden, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 allowed children who were thirteen years old and above to be charged with serious crimes
Who Killed the Sheridans? - The New York Times - The police say a prominent New Jersey lawyer killed himself and his wife of 47 years. Their sons refuse to believe it.
Wife crashes her own funeral, horrifying her husband, who had paid to have her killed - The Washington Post
In Baby's 'First Bite,' A Chance To Shape A Child's Taste : The Salt : NPR - babies are most open to trying new flavors between the ages of 4 and 7 months.
Two Grad Students Use Science To Bust The Dinner Hoax Of The Century : The Salt : NPR
Understanding Fourier Approximations & Oscillators
What do you not eat and why? : AskReddit
Error 53 fury mounts as Apple software update threatens to kill your iPhone 6
The Atlantic Ocean Is Acidifying at a Rapid Rate | TakePart - A new study finds the ocean is absorbing 50 percent more carbon than it was a decade ago, and that could have dire consequences for dolphins, whales, and other marine life.
Going, going... | The Economist - This blessed state of affairs is thanks to a 30-year campaign led by the Carter Centre
Winter storm threat early next week increases some - The Washington Post
- We Should All Fear Oilmageddon
UN Panel To Rule In Favor Of WikiLeaks Founder's Complaint Of Arbitrary Detention: BBC - Assange, 44, is wanted in Sweden for questioning over allegations of rape in 2010, which he denies. (thanks, Obama)
Julian Assange is in arbitrary detention, UN panel finds | Media | The Guardian - Guardian understands that WikiLeaks chief, who is avoiding extradition by living in Ecuadorian embassy, has won UN backing
Syrian rebels losing grip on Aleppo | World news | The Guardian - Russian bombardment helps pro-Assad militia close in on key northern city held by opposition forces for three years
Backed By Russian Jets, Syrian Army Closes In On Aleppo
Man Ejected From Somali Plane in Midair Was Suicide Bomber : worldnews
Venezuela Is So Fucked
Latin America Shows No Sympathy for Venezuela - Bloomberg View
Tanzania woman is found in pit where she was kept for EIGHT MONTHS | Daily Mail Online
Read Live Updates From The MSNBC Democratic Debate
There's Only One Question We Need to Ask About a Hillary (or Bernie) Presidency
Hillary Clinton at the groundbreaking ceremony for Goldman Sachs world headquarters in 2005. : pics
Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice Staffers Also Handled Emails Later Deemed Classified on Private Accounts, Officials Say - ABC News
Ryan offers new warning for Chaffetz on email probe
How Screwed Are Democrats in the House? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Really, really screwed.
Marco Rubio Slams Obama's Speech On Fighting Islamophobia - Seriously? Insults, threats and more insults: What it's like to be a reporter covering Trump
'Jesus' Reads Quotes From Republican Candidates On 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' - What would Jesus say?
- Chris Christie's office refusing to release Bridgegate emails
Michigan emails show officials knew of Flint water disease risk | Reuters
Martin Shkreli booted from Congress for refusing questions - NY Daily News (smirk)
U.S. eyes ways to toughen fight against domestic extremists | Reuters - Justice Department is considering legal changes to combat what it sees as a rising threat from domestic anti-government extremists,
Oregon standoff Day 34: What you need to know Thursday |
- Crook County Sheriff decries Malheur NWR takeover supporter intimidating local lawman
Lawyer: Massachusetts special needs school reported abuse of students -
Study participants subjected to Taser shocks and then tested for cognitive impairment showed short-term declines in brain functioning -- dysfunction on par with dementia. It calls into question the legitimacy of police questioning in the immediate aftermath of an arrest involving the use of a Taser. : science
Fentanyl: drug 50 times more potent than heroin ravages New Hampshire | US news | The Guardian
Earth Is Actually TWO Planets, Study Finds - Go ahead and forget what you know about the origins of the Earth and moon.
The removal of road markings is to be celebrated. We are safer without them | Simon Jenkins | Opinion | The Guardian
After Texas stopped funding Planned Parenthood, low-income women had more babies - LA Times - Over 18 months, the proportion of these women who gave birth to a child rose from 7% to 8.4% in counties that lost a Planned Parenthood.
Wrecked Ferrari Enzo sells for $1.7 million - Business Insider
Students Prefer Reading Print Books to E-Readers : books
rynebrandon comments on Was George W. Bush really such a bad president?
What do you enjoy that Reddit absolutely shits on? : AskReddit
Parents strap a GoPro to Toddler & then play Hide and Seek, what results is adorable : videos
Facebook Just Smashed 'Six Degrees Of Separation' To Bits
The Kremlin Is Not Going To Like Pussy Riot's New Video : Parallels : NPR
When The Bankers Plotted To Overthrow FDR : NPR - Denton says that as she was writing the book, she was struck by the parallels between the treatment of Roosevelt and that of Barack Obama. For example, a cottage industry much like the birther movement grew up around proving that the Dutch-descended Roosevelt was actually a secret Jew.
Bernie Sanders Raised $3 Million in One Day - US News - The average donor gave $27.
Donald Trump Says Ted Cruz Stole Victory in Iowa Caucuses - First Draft. Political News, Now. - The New York Times
Eschaton: From Winner To Whiner - I didn't think Trump would lose the plot this quickly. You're the Alpha, Donald. No whining. If you got out-hustled, you double down on being a bully, don't start whining.
Donald Trump Is No Master Campaign Strategist - Let's Bury the Idea That Donald Trump Is a Master Campaign Strategist - Enough, already.
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Will Not Be Called to Testify Before Congress on Flint Water Crisis - He is conspicuous in his absence.
Oregon standoff Day 33: What you need to know Wednesday |
Federal judge affirms release of Joseph O'Shaughnessy; delays decision on Pete Santilli |
Prosecutors Bring Sealed Indictment In Bundy Case . News | OPB
Live from Burns Oregon - latest interview with david fry - on 2/3/2016 - YouTube
Last Line Of Communication With Militants Cut . News | OPB
Range War Redux - Bundy Boys In Oregon
Retired cop files complaint against Philly cops
The CDC's incredibly condescending warning to young women
- Police swarm Katherine Clark's home after apparent hoax - Clark, a 52-year-old Democrat who has made fighting cyber abuse one of her top priorities
Sisters help launch cancer study aiming to end chemotherapy - BBC News
After just nine weeks of internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy, the brain of patients suffering from social anxiety disorder changes in volume. Anxiety is reduced, and parts of the patients' brains decrease in both volume and activity.
MoodGYM Training Program - Learn cognitive behaviour therapy skills for preventing and coping with depression
After just nine weeks of internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy, the brain of patients suffering from social anxiety disorder changes in volume. Anxiety is reduced, and parts of the patients' decrease in both volume and activity.
Free, Online CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy) | PsychEducation
Killing Off Certain Cells Makes Mice Live Longer : Shots - Health News : NPR - These are cells that have stopped dividing, though not necessarily because the cells themselves are old
Prehistoric human cuisine included roast tortoise, study finds - Technology & Science - CBC News - 400,000-year-old tortoise shells and bones in a cave in Israel that showed hunter-gatherers butchered and cooked tortoises as part of a diet dominated by large animals and vegetation ... Qesem cave was uncovered during road work in 2000 and was believed to be inhabited for about 200,000 years (!)
Qesem cave
Modern humans in Israel 400,000 years ago? : Anthropology - Humans, by most estimates, discovered fire over a million years ago. But when did they really begin to control fire and use it for their daily needs? - impressive levels of social and cognitive development of humans living some 300,000 years ago
With a 75% effectiveness, Ketamine being hailed as a miracle treatment in severe depression. : news
Ravens' fear of unseen snoopers hints they have theory of mind | New Scientist - Ravens hide their food more quickly if they think they are being watched, even when no other bird is in sight.
Nuclear fusion device's 1st test with hydrogen declared a success - Technology & Science - CBC News - Wendelstein 7-X stellarator in Greifswald successfully generated a plasma for a fraction of a second
The Temptation of Co-Working Spaces - The New York Times
Facebook deletes medical marijuana pages |
Neighbourhood bullies : AnimalsBeingJerks - As a veteran cockatoo prisoner of almost 40 years
Elon Musk personally bans blogger from buying a Tesla Model X : technology - Not some rando. He and Musk go way back.
[AMA Request] Ray Magliozzi, Co-host of Car Talk : IAmA
Photos from a Fake Instagram Road Trip Across America | VICE | United States
Dad punishes kid for bad grades with ridiculous haircuts : videos
Great use of positive and negative space : pics
Fisherman saved a bobcat from drowning while fishing. : pics
Ponzi Scheme In China Stole $7.6 Billion From Investors, Police Say : The Two-Way : NPR
Army and Marine Corps chiefs: It's time for women to register for the draft
Iowa count: Clinton nudges past Sanders in photo-finish race - The Washington Post
ghostofpennwast comments on C-SPAN Stream: Clinton Precinct Chair lied about the vote counting in Precinct 43 and it was all caught on camera.
Oregon standoff Day 32: What you need to know Tuesday |
Oregon standoff holdout David Fry says: 'This is the time to break the law' |
Letter: Indians will happily take ranchers' grazing permits | The Salt Lake Tribune
Militiamen, ranchers in showdown for soul of Burns |
LaVoy Finicum was a moron with a martyr complex Militiamen, ranchers in showdown for soul of Burns | (history)
Oregon Occupier Loses His AZ Foster Kids | The Range: The Tucson Weekly's Daily Dispatch | Tucson Weekly
LaVoy Finicum was a moron with a martyr complex -- who died without becoming a martyr
Study: More Guns Linked to More Mass Shootings | RealClearScience
FBI Joins Investigation Of Flint Water Crisis - It's the latest of four agencies to join the investigation into the poisoning of the city.
Flint water crisis spurs calls to change Michigan open-records law - Chicago Tribune
Why did two parents murder their adopted child? | Giles Tremlett | World news | The Guardian
With a 75% effectiveness, Ketamine being hailed as a miracle treatment in severe depression. : news
Fine Bros are apologizing and retracting all trademarks : technology
THE FINE BROS RANT - h3h3 Productions : videos
Lawyer takes on Fine Bros, free of charge : technology
What are some of the creepiest Wikipedia pages that you know of? : AskReddit
DNA gets a kid kicked out of highschool : 6th Grade Colman was out, for having the genetic markers of Cystic Fibrosis, even though he didn't actually have the disease. : news
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Statement on Palo Alto, Calif., Boy Required to Transfer to New School | CF Foundation
What experience is worse than people think? : AskReddit
A middle school cleaning lady was arrested and shocked with a stun gun after two Collegedale police officers mistook her for a burglar. : news
What's the most ridiculous thing you've ever seen at a party? [NSFW] : AskReddit
Wind, Sun and Fire - The New York Times - So what's really at stake in this year's election? Well, among other things, the fate of the planet. (vote Redumblican and die)
Exclusive: Brazil says Zika virus outbreak worse than believed | Reuters
How Scared Should You Be About Zika? - The New York Times
WHO Declares Public Health Emergency Around Zika Virus - The move will help galvanize a coordinated international response to the virus.
BofA: The Oil Crash Is Kicking Off One of the Largest Wealth Transfers in Human History - Bloomberg Business - A $3 trillion shift.
How Free Trade Killed the American Working Class - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Noah Smith bluntly states that free trade with China has devastated the American working class. Moreover, he attacks economists for being unwilling to question their assumptions that free trade is always good. (hello, Barry)
Free Trade With China Wasn't Such a Great Idea for the U.S. - Bloomberg View
Clinton Appears To Narrowly Beat Sanders In Iowa - But the outcome was so close, the party called the results a "virtual tie."
Donald Trump Came In Second, But The Republican Establishment Still Lost - The chaos has only just begun.
Ban The Iowa Caucus | ThinkProgress
Hillary Clinton May Win Iowa After All | FiveThirtyEight - Polls show Bernie Sanders close, but not gaining on Clinton.
Donald Trump lost the Iowa Caucus. Good job, America.
Iowa, Donald Trump, and the fate of the religious right. - Evangelical power brokers are losing their influence. Donald Trump is the proof.
Four Roads Out Of Iowa For Republicans | FiveThirtyEight - How Trump, Cruz and Rubio finish will set the terms of the campaign.
Now a Solid Bet: Donald Trump's Nomination Chances Are Better Than 50 Percent
The Republican Party May Be Failing | FiveThirtyEight
If You Choose Not to Decide, Have You Really Still Made a Choice? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
What if the party decided not to decide? - Vox
Veep Critique: Reviewing "Presidential Leadership in Political Time"
Republican candidates and the Iraq war | The Mischiefs of Faction
Donald Trump has flip-flopped so much that Stephen Colbert hosted a Trump vs. Trump debate - Vox
Trump Calls His Brownshirt Brigade To 'Knock The Crap' Out Of Disrupters | Crooks and Liars
Donald Trump Insulted Every Other Candidate For Months. Their Supporters Noticed. - Donald Trump's strategy (if you can call it that) of bullying, harassing and, at times, humiliating his primary opponents has proven far more successful than anyone could have predicted
Fox host shreds Ted Cruz over Obamacare falsehoods: More people have jobs and health insurance
Fox Kicks Off Black History Month By Bashing Black Voters As 'Slaves' To The 'Democrat' Party | Crooks and Liars
Ammon Bundy to appeal to another judge to be released pending trial, court records show |
Tension in air as protesters face off in Harney County - Outside groups demand resignation of Harney County officials
Cliven Bundy Calls For Refuge Occupation To Continue . News | OPB
(2) Bundy Ranch - Notice to Harney Co. Sheriff. Share share share.....
STATEMENT and KEY FACTS as the Bundy Refuge Seizure Nears an End
Freed Oregon occupier Shawna Cox heading home soon, husband says |
Cowboy Socialism - Lawyers, Guns & Money : their foundational myth that places them at odds with the government also erases a government that subsidizes almost everything about their lives.(super-moochers)
- Sovereign Citizens - A Growing Domestic Threat to Law Enforcement
ALS: 'Shockingly successful' Copper-ATSM mice trials show first signs of prolonging life : science
This is the atheist capital of America - MarketWatch - Seattle, San Francisco and Portland, Ore. have the lowest rate of religious affiliation
This Is What It Looks Like When Cancer Cells Form Tumors - Terrifying new video reveals how tumors develop in real time.
Babylonians used geometry to track Jupiter long before the Europeans | Daily Mail Online - Analysis of Babylonian tablets has revealed how they tracked the planets (much better article than DM brlow)
Babylonians used geometry to track Jupiter 1400 years before Europeans | Science | The Guardian - Astronomers discovered how to calculate Jupiter's position with geometry between 350 and 50 BC, predating work of European scholars by 14 centuries
ELI5: Why is it so hard to grip things tightly right after you wake up? : explainlikeimfive
Windows 95 has been compiled into Javascript so it can run Natively in the browser : technology
Snow falls in Kuwait for 'first time ever' | Middle East Eye - Temperatures have fallen in Kuwait and a small amount of snow has fallen in the country
10,000 refugee children are missing, says Europol | World news | The Guardian - criminal intelligence agency warns pan-European gangs are targeting minors for sex work and slavery
Boko Haram burns kids alive in northeast Nigeria: A survivor hidden in a tree says he watched Boko Haram extremists firebomb huts and heard the screams of children among people burned to death in the latest attack by Nigeria's homegrown Islamic extremists
Over 100 feared killed as Boko Haram burns kids alive in Borno -
Accountability: Nigerian Armed Forces' War on Boko Haram
Nigeria profile - Timeline - BBC News (chronology of chaos and corruption)
Spain offers citizenship to descendants of Jews who fled persecution during Inquisition | Fox News Latino
Bernie Sanders' Small Donor Fundraising Continues To Set Records - Almost all of the $75 million his campaign raised in 2015 came from small donors.
The New Anti-Sanders Super PAC Is Funded By Anti-Clinton Donors - Their attack ad did seem suspicious.
Oregon Standoff (@OregonStandoff) | Twitter
Karin Hildebrand (@Karimala1) | Twitter
Maxine Bernstein (@maxoregonian) | Twitter
OPB News (@OPBnews) | Twitter
The Bulletin (@thebulletin) | Twitter
AP News : Things to know about the Oregon wildlife refuge occupation
How A Digital Friendship Created An Unlikely Holdout . News | OPB
The Jihadist Who Wasn't via @intelwire - Joseph Brice of Clarkston, Wash.
- 4 remaining militants want pardons before they will willingly leave
Busy signals on phones of 4 remaining Malheur militia - 4 remaining militants want pardons before they will willingly leave
Oregon standoff Day 30: What you need to know Sunday |
Oregon standoff: LaVoy Finicum's family disputes police version of confrontation |
Sheriff Dave Ward, the true patriot in Harney County's spectacle: Editorial |
Oregon Town Torn Apart by Protest at Wildlife Refuge - The New York Times
Costs And Consequences: The Real Price of Grazing on America's Public Lands - CostsAndConsequences_01-2015.pdf (big moochers and still not happy)
Oregon State Police detective wasn't alone in bungling Pedersen-Grigsby case |
Shop fire turns deadly in Kanab | News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KUTV - Police and fire officials are investigating a deadly business fire in Southern Utah.
O.J. Simpson Drama Resurfaces Old Trial Packed With Familiar Issues - The New York Times
'American Crime Story' Finds Plenty Of New Material In 20-Year-Old O.J. Simpson Trial : NPR
Judge orders "Jackie" to turn over communications: A federal judge officially has ordered the young woman at the center of a debunked Rolling Stone article to turn over communications about her alleged sexual assault.
Positive fantasies about the future linked to increased symptoms of depression : science
The World's Best Science Fiction, Chosen By Scientists : books
TIL that in medieval Germany, married couples could legally settle their disputes by fighting a Marital Duel. To even the field, the man had to fight from inside a hole with one arm tied behind his back. The woman was free to move and was armed with a sack filled with rocks. : todayilearned
/ History of Female Combat / Female Single Combat Club)
First Transparency Report for /r/Science : science
More than 2,100 pregnant Colombian women infected with Zika virus | Reuters
US warship sails near island claimed by China in South China Sea | World news | The Guardian
Turkey warns Russia after a new airspace violation - The Washington Post
Why does Sweden have more boys than girls? - BBC News - There is something odd going on with the ratio between boys and girls in Sweden. The latest estimates suggest there are 123 boys for every 100 girls among 16 and 17-year-olds. That's an even greater imbalance than in the same age group in China.
Eschaton: No Wine, No Lunch - beginning to like this Hollande fellow.
Eschaton: Fraud - Really not sure how VW survives.
Judge rules FBI unlawfully refused to comply with information act requests | US news | The Guardian - court rules in favor of plaintiffs, who contend government was trying to shield itself from scrutiny
The Hillary Clinton top-secret email controversy, explained - Vox
- Congressman Who Led Benghazi Investigation Says He Succeeded By Hurting Hillary's Poll Numbers
A Chance to Reset the Republican Race - The New York Times
Will the Empire strike back? Hopes and fears in the GOP establishment. - The Washington Post
The party decides, unless it doesn't , in which case it's still deciding - Lawyers, Guns & Money : In a minimally functional contemporary major American political party, the party decides. In other words, if the current GOP is in the process of actually falling apart, then that would explain why Trump seems to be on the way to winning the nomination.
Bernie Skepticism - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Bernie Sanders's political revolution, explained - Vox
CNN Presses Snyder On Failure To Listen To Top Aide Who Said Flint Residents "Getting Blown Off By Us" | Video | Media Matters for America
Officials Warn Flint Residents That Some Areas Have Higher Lead Levels Than Filters Can Handle
- After November, then, Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen, Mark Halperin, and John Heilemann arguably the biggest superstars of modern political reporting could all be without platforms
1 Dead, Several Injured In Shooting, Stabbing At Denver Coliseum - Nine people were reportedly taken to area hospitals.
Oregon standoff militiaman Sean Anderson is an 'abusive' radical | Daily Mail Online - Step-daughter recalls him as a violent, drunk and 'abusive' parent
Why Haven't We Heard From All The Aliens? Because They're All Dead! - Universe Today
Aditya Chopra - The Case for a Gaian Bottleneck: The Biology of Habitability
Audrie & Daisy review: teenage rape documentary is essential viewing | Film | The Guardian - Film is sure to provoke a national discussion after events that led to California teen's suicide -- and scare viewers from laying foot near Maryville, Missouri
Off with her head! Girls' disdain for Barbie is a sign Mattel needs to do more | Life and style | The Guardian
- Zika in Texas? We have the perfect storm to allow virus to flourish
Was there ever a time when so few people controlled so much wealth? | Eoin Flaherty | Opinion | The Guardian - Two things are clear: radical new ways of getting rich have been invented, and things have probably never been this unequal since before the second world war
The crazy sequence of events that's making almonds cheap again
Russian fighter within 15 feet of U.S. Air Force jet - - over the Black Sea this week i
White House denies clearance to tech researcher with links to Snowden | Technology | The Guardian - Pulitzer prize-winning journalist and security researcher Ashkan Soltani says he has been denied security clearance for his new job with White House
US, UK intelligence agencies cracked Israeli drone data
France: If New Peace Initiative Fails, We'll Recognize Palestine - Israel News - Haaretz
Donald Trump Is Giving America Permission To Hate Women - When misogyny is amplified at the highest levels of our political system, it becomes legitimized.
Megyn Kelly Demolishes Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio | Vanity Fair
This is why Trump was smart to avoid her: Megyn Kelly just crushed the GOP debate - - This is why Trump was smart to avoid her: Megyn Kelly just crushed the GOP debate -- She is now well on her way to cementing herself as the indispensable star of Fox News, with or without the assistance of Donald Trump.
Sorry, Donald Trump. But Megyn Kelly is a fantastic debate moderator. - The Washington Post - To fact-check Christie on the spot here required a total command of the details and a level of assertiveness that we haven't always seen from moderators in this election cycle -- or any other. It was a great moment for Kelly.
Politico implodes - The Washington Post - In what can be described only as a cataclysm in Beltway media, CEO Jim VandeHei is leaving Politico, the eight-year-old politics website that shook up Washington journalism
Elizabeth Warren Says Obama Administration Must Better Enforce Regulations - Shrewd politics from the Massachusetts senator.
What The Washington Post (and Nearly Everyone) Gets Wrong About Bernie Sanders - Every presidential campaign is necessary aspirational.
Democrats badly underestimated Bernie Sanders. That was a very serious mistake. - The Washington Post ("Dems" = Hillz + DWS)
Morning Joe on Twitter: ".@kasie goes inside @BernieSanders' campaign, Sanders says: Don't underestimate me"
Joe Biden Says GOP Primary Is 'A Gift From The Lord' - "I don't know who to root for more --Cruz, Bush or what's that guy's name
The Republican Party Can't Rid Itself Of Trump, Even When He's Not There - His proposals and ideas came to the Fox News debate, even though he didn't.
- Ted Cruz Is Finding Out It's Hard to Succeed When Nobody Likes You And by nobody, we mean nobody.
You've Probably Missed This Key Struggle Among Democrats - Debbie Wasserman Schultz is facing a very serious primary challenge. What happens will say a lot about the Democratic Party. (dirty Debbie must go)
Memo to the Republican candidates: The Flint water crisis matters. Read up on it. - The Washington Post
Oregon standoff: Video of LaVoy Finicum's death fuels rampant rumors, debate |
Oregon standoff holdouts now want pardons for all involved |
Remaining occupiers tour refuge: 'Feels like a zombie apocalypse' |
Oregon Militants Will Now Fight Their Battle In Federal Court - Most of the people who occupied a federal wildlife refuge for a month will be defended at the expense of U.S. taxpayers.
Four holdouts want charge dropped for one to end occupation |
Oregon standoff Day 28: What you need to know Friday |
Life, Liberty & a Consequence-Free Existence - Lawyers, Guns & Money : If I ever need to explain how white supremacy is manifested in America to an alien, violent white people demanding that there be no consequences for their actions will certainly be one of the examples I use.
Voodoo Doughnut Creates Ammon Bundy Donut, Says 'Welcome To Portland' - The militia leader is currently behind bars in PDX.
The 1856 Handcart Disaster - Cholera, childbirth, Indian attack, drowning at river crossings, accidents, even cannibalism.
This Vehemently Anti-Gay Church Might Get The Ultimate Karmic Smackdown - An LGBT advocacy group hopes to secure the ATLAH World Missionary Church for its homeless clients.
Look at how much weight you're going to gain
Huge gas cloud hurtling towards our galaxy could trigger the creation of 200 million new stars : science
New Universe Evolution Simulation Is Most Realistic Yet | Video
Literally no fucks are given by corvids. Ever. : funny
Someone is pretending that he is an expert in your field. What is the single question you would ask to call him out? : AskReddit
The secret world of membership libraries : books
Zika virus 'spreading explosively,' WHO leader says -
Video: Being Inside a Category 5 Typhoon Is Truly Frightening
Man carrying two guns and a guide to the Koran hidden in a bag is arrested at Disneyland Paris as police hunt a woman accomplice/a>
Bernie Sanders And Elizabeth Warren May Have Just Saved Consumers $14 Billion - Cable rules are changing after months of pressure from liberal senators.
Hillary Clinton and the audacity of political realism - Vox
Hullabaloo - Yet more Republicans in disarray
Politico Co-Founder Jim VandeHei Expected To Leave In Possible Shakeup - Politico is going through some stuff. (organs of influence failing)
- campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said on Thursday that his candidate would be happy to debate Ted Cruz once the Texas senator gets a federal judge to rule him eligible to run for president.
Trump's Veterans Site Directs Donations To Trump's Personal Foundation
- Republican debate: Seven candidates against the man who isn't there
How Planned Parenthood Outsmarted Its Accusers By Turning The Tables On Them
- The Official Investigations Into Flint's Water Crisis Are Shaping Up to Be Republican Hack Jobs
Anger in Michigan Over Appointing Emergency Managers - The New York Times - Public outrage over the tainted water in Flint and the decrepit schools in Detroit has led many people to question whether the state has overreached in imposing too many emergency managers in largely black jurisdictions.
Flint Officials Reportedly Knew of Polluted Water Over One Year Ago - The emails always have a way of coming out.
Should The Times Have Been a Tougher Watchdog in Flint? - The New York Times
Oregon shooting: Police fire on occupiers at traffic stop -
The Public Lands
Chicago Police Hid Mics, Destroyed Dashcams To Block Audio, Records Show - Archer Heights - Chicago
Police confirm identities of family members dead in Chesapeake murder-suicide | - Six family members were killed during a murder-suicide in the Deep Creek area of Chesapeake on Wednesday.
Did Maine's Governor Just Tell Gun Owners To Track Down Drug Dealers And Kill Them? | ThinkProgress
- Father Arrested For Theft After Taking Daughter's Phone Vindicated
The Latest Adventures Of Richard Dawkins, SUPERGENIUS - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Did he tweet out an atrocious anti-feminist video made by the guy who started the harassment campaign against Zoe Quinn? Was he a dick about it afterwards? I think you know the answers to both of these questions!
Mizzou Professor Who Blocked Reporters From Protest Charged With Assault - The city prosecutor's office charged Melissa Click with third-degree assault over a November altercation with reporters on campus.
Barbie Has a New Body Cover Story
- Sexually transmitted virus strongly linked to risk of breast cancer - Women with abnormal cells on their cervix owing to certain types of human papillomavirus likely to be at higher risk of developing breast cancer later in life
Sticking Weed in Your Vagina Can Help Your Period Cramps | Broadly
Reddit, What are some "Bro," rules? : AskReddit - You can take the last beer or you can take the last slice of pizza. But taking both is just plain selfish.
Decembermouse comments on What are some of the unwritten laws of Guy Code?
Who was the worst guest that stayed at your house? : AskReddit
New survey reveals the book industry is overwhelmingly white, female, and straight. : books
ELI5: Why don't English people have "of the" or "the" in their name like Europeans who have names like "Mario LaSelle" or "Marco de la Rosa" : explainlikeimfive - Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana
Jefferson Airplane's Paul Kantner has died : Music
The Fine Bros from Youtube are now attempting to copyright "reaction videos" (something that has existed before they joined youtube) and are claiming that other reaction videos are infringing on their intellectual property : videos
The admiral in charge of Navy intelligence has not been allowed to see military secrets for years - The Washington Post
Turkish journalists face life in jail over Syria report - BBC News - Two Turkish journalists face life in prison over a story alleging that the Turkish government was arming Islamist militants in Syria.
Documentary on radical Islam raises hackles in France : worldnews
What Happened to Jane Mayer When She Wrote About the Koch Brothers - The New York Times
Gates Foundation accused of 'dangerously skewing' aid priorities by promoting 'corporate globalisation' | World Politics | News | The Independent - Controversial new report calls for Bill Gates' philanthropic Foundation to undergo an international investigation
Limbaugh's Conspiracy Theory: Bernie Sanders Is Worried Hillary Clinton Would Murder Him If He "Forcefully" Criticized Her | Video | Media Matters for America
Trump 'Definitely Not' Participating In Last GOP Debate Before Iowa
Fox News Slams Trump Campaign's 'Terrorizations' Against Megyn Kelly - "We can't give into terrorizations toward any of our employees."
Donald Trump Could Do Something Unprecedented In Modern Elections - Donald Trump may be about to do something that has never been done in the modern presidential nominating era: Win a state primary without a single endorsement from a member of Congress.
Fox Statement Taunting Trump Was All Roger Ailes -- NYMag - But Trump is saying he'll only talk to Rupert Murdoch directly. -- Fox News is a Snakepit, and all those mentioned in the article are merely serpents. Stupid but deadly.
- Megyn Kelly: the journalist who dinged Trump's ego
Clinton: Nominating Obama For Supreme Court Is 'A Great Idea' (if you want a spy-state)
Oregon standoff: A timeline of how the confrontation unfolded |
Occupiers leaving amid mounting calls to end the takeover |
Ammon Bundy Urges Remaining Militants To Stand Down, Go Home - The leader of the occupation has called for those remaining to "go home and hug your families."
Oregon standoff: 7 occupiers held in Portland; 'LaVoy' Finicum dead (live updates) |
Oregon standoff news conference: FBI says occupiers had 'ample' time to leave | - Oregon standoff news conference: FBI says occupiers had ample time to leave
Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum shot and killed while charging police, driver says |
FBI tells Oregon refuge occupiers to leave as authorities set up roadblocks | - In recent days, it looked as if about 40 people were staying in the buildings, including women and children. (fuckers. game over gtfo)
Leader of OR protest arrested, AZ activist killed in end of stan - CBS 5 - KPHO
Eyewitnesses knock down conspiracy theories about LaVoy Finicum dying with his hands up
Range War Redux - Bundy Boys In Oregon | Turning the Tide
original.jpg (Don't Laugh at Me)
Live video - YouTube
U.S. Shootings Since 1963 Have Killed More Americans Than All Wars Ever - Well, this is depressing.
Wounded Warrior Project Spends Lavishly on Itself, Insiders Say - The New York Times (support our scam)
Miami Doctor Accused of Attacking Uber Driver Calls It 'Biggest Mistake of My Life' - ABC News - Ramkissoon, a fourth-year neurology resident, can be seen in the video berating the driver, trying to hit him, and throwing items out of the window of the passenger seat, and ultimately trying to knee the driver.
- Scientists Move Closer to Understanding Schizophrenia
Antidepressants can raise the risk of suicide, biggest ever review finds - Antidepressant use doubles the risk of suicide in under 18s and the risks to adults may have been seriously underestimated, researchers found
Infants Need Free Tongue Movement to Distinguish Speech Sounds, Say Scientists | Linguistics, Psychology |
Why the calorie is broken | Ars Technica
Mahatma Gandhi statue defaced in India and scribbled "Long Live ISIS" : worldnews
Danish teen fought off her attacker - now she'll face fine. A 17-year-old girl who was physically and sexually attacked in Sxnderborg will herself face charges for using pepper spray to fend off her assailant. : news
Bundys in custody, one militant dead after gunfight near Burns |
5 arrested, 1 dead in connection with Oregon standoff, FBI says: read the press release |
Ammon Bundy Arrested, Follower Killed, During Confrontation With Law Enforcement In Oregon
LaVoy Finicum the Oregon militant beneath the blue tarp killed in police shootout: report
1 dead, 7 arrested after leaders of armed group occupying refuge clash with FBI | News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News | KATU
- Man joining Ore. occupation tells police, I will kill all of you during traffic stop
High-profile militant Jon Ritzheimer flees home to Arizona hours before feds spring trap
(7) Jon Ritzheimer
Sanders: It's A 'Mythology' That I Need To Win Iowa - Sanders appeared to lower expectations about his performance in the Iowa caucuses.
Donald Trump, Fox News and the implosion of the conservative media critique - The Washington Post
A group of high schoolers in Tulsa ditched class to sneak into a Trump rally and get this pic taken before being swiftly escorted out. : pics
Cleveland police officer Michael Brelo fired over deadly 2012 chase, shooting |
Cleveland Fires 6 Officers Involved In Deadly 2012 Police Chase - Cleveland officials said Tuesday they're firing six police officers involved in a 137-shot barrage that killed two unarmed people after a high-speed chase.
Lead poisoning strikes another US town - A lead poisoning scandal has struck a second US town, with schools closed in Sebring, Ohio Monday and the water treatment plant operator accused of falsifying reports.
Separate brain circuits for taste and calories helps explain the power of sugar
Latest Apple Earnings Prove The iPhone Is Starting To Struggle - Apple's cash cow sold fewer units than expected last quarter. Analysts are worried.
- Staples Lays Off Hundreds of Employees
Red Bull's 'Chain Reaction' Video Has Every Incredible Stunt You Can Imagine
Colorado city pays $262,500 to family whose dog was killed by cop : news
What is the worst possible way to be woken up? : AskReddit
The 2 Aussies that took the car keys out of robbers' getaway car had a hilarious TV interview : videos
What is something that you were surprised about being able to do? : AskReddit
Zika virus likely to spread throughout the Americas, says WHO | World news | The Guardian - only Canada and Chile expected to be free of mosquito-borne disease
Refugee crisis: Schengen scheme on the brink after Amsterdam talks | World news | The Guardian
Uncertainty Kills - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Interesting find by Politico, but gets a key part of the story fundamentally wrong: uncertainty was one of the key talking points of hawks within the administration (above and beyond all of the other reasons they wanted to invade Iraq).
Noam Chomsky Says GOP Is 'Literally A Serious Danger To Human Survival' Although 97 percent of climate scientists insist climate change is real and caused by human actions, more than half of Republicans in Congress deny mankind anything to do with global warming.
The Volcanic Core Fueling the 2016 Election
The New Gilded Age Court - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Michael Bloomberg has no chance of being president. Why is he trying? | Trevor Timm | Opinion | The Guardian
The Case for Reparations by Ta-Nehisi Coates - The Atlantic - Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole.
Exclusive: Gov. Rick Snyder's Men Originally Rejected Using Flint's Toxic River - An emergency manager said no to using the river in 2012 after speaking to environmental regulators. An ex-Flint official said the governor's office reversed that decision.
Flint rewrites water testing directions blamed in lead pollution crisis | US news | The Guardian
Amy Davidson January 22, 2016 The Contempt That Poisoned Flint's Water
all just poison now - Flint reels as families struggle through water crisis
The Tragedy in Flint Is What Conservatives Mean by Smaller Government
- Jeb Bush: Don't Blame Governor Snyder For Flint Crisis, Blame Regulations
MU professor charged with 3rd degree assault for actions during campus unrest: Melissa Click was captured on video attempting to force reporters out of protest space : news
- Rhode Island Proposes NEW Insanity: Children Under 10 Shall Not Be Left Home Alone, Even Briefly Recall that this is the state that once wanted to make it illegal for a child under age 12 to get off the school bus unless an adult was waiting there to walk the child home.
Grand jury investigating Planned Parenthood indicts anti-abortion activists instead | US news | The Guardian
When chickens go wild : Nature News & Comment - The feral chickens of Kauai provide a unique opportunity to study what happens when domesticated animals escape and evolve.
What Donald Rumsfeld Knew We Didn't Know About Iraq (the plot thickens)
Child Porn Sting Goes Global: FBI Hacked Computers in Denmark, Greece, Chile | Motherboard - effectively authorizes an unlimited number of searches, against unidentified targets, anywhere in the world
The genie grown monstrous: How Donald Trump, the all-American Frankenstein, devoured the GOP -
The rise and fall of Sarah Palin: plucked away from Alaska, she lost her soul | US news | The Guardian
This year's first batch of anti-science education bills surface in Oklahoma - "Teach the controversy" is once again dressed up as "academic freedom."
When the Water Turned Brown - The New York Times (connecting dots is hard work)
Florida leads U.S. in new HIV cases after years of cuts in public health | Miami Herald
Facebook friends are almost entirely fake, study finds | News | Lifestyle | The Independent - You can only count on about four of your friends, and most don't even care if anything bad happens to you
Bill Cosby wins defamation case : news
What is something common that people often do incorrectly? : AskReddit
What is your creepiest true story? : AskReddit
The Ring : Paranormal
[Serious] What seemingly innocuous phrase or term carries with it the most sinister connotations because of a historic event? : AskReddit
Snowboarding in New York City : videos
Bush laughs at no WMD in Iraq - YouTube
Why North Korea's Arrest Of An American College Student Should Come As No Surprise
Announcing: DEAD WRONG, Morning File, Friday, January 22, 2016
Bloomberg, Sensing an Opening, Revisits a Potential White House Run - The New York Times
Eschaton: Billionaires for Billionaires - Yah good luck with that.
Rick Snyder's Misleading Claim About Who Changed Flint's Water - The city's leaders didn't start this mess.
Haka Wedding Dance Is Tearjerking Expression Of Pride And Honor
Redditors who have completely flip flopped social or political ideologies, what happened? : AskReddit
Transgender Positive
Google just published a free, three-month course on deep learning | The Verge - Get ready to do some deep dreaming of your own
What's the worst sex you've ever had? : AskReddit
One trillion to the tenth power : videos
Quantum knots are real: The very first experimental observations of knots in quantum matter have just been reported in Nature Physics. : science
Toronto man found not guilty in Twitter harassment trial widely viewed as a Canadian first : worldnews
Major Winter Storm Could Cripple Parts Of Mid-Atlantic - Washington, D.C. could get more than 2 feet of snow.
Edward Snowden's Blizzard Tweet Was Awful - And we still have all weekend to go.
Study finds human-made aerosols exert strong influence on the geography of precipitation
C.D.C. Issues Travel Alert for 8 More Locations Over Zika Virus - The New York Times
Zika Virus May be Linked to Surge in Rare Syndrome in Brazil - The New York Times - the potentially life-threatening Guillain-Barre syndrome
ISIS issues threat to launch terror attacks in Spain to reimpose Muslim rule | Daily Mail Online
Trans-Pacific Partnership mirrors worst of NAFTA: Thomas Elias
Independent economists: TPP will kill 450,000 US jobs; 75,000 Japanese jobs, 58,000 Canadian jobs / Boing Boing
War-time 1,900lb naval gun shell found in central Vietnam | Society | Thanh Nien Daily - Unexploded ordnances (UXOs) have killed and maimed more than 8,000 people in Quang Tri, even after the war ended 40 years ago.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Confirms Five Dead, Two Critically Injured In Canada School Shooting - It is the country's worst school shooting in nearly three decades.
How Change Happens - The New York Times - Paul Krugman
Suffolk University Poll Shows Sanders Leading Clinton in NH Democratic Primary - Suffolk University
Clinton Steps Up Attacks On Sanders Days Before Iowa
Bernie Sanders "America" Ad Might Be the Best Political Commercial I've Seen
With Trump and Palin, Republicans get what they deserve - The Washington Post
A G.O.P. Majority in New Hampshire Pipes Up: We're Not for Donald Trump
Inside the Carson campaign meltdown - Behind the candidate with an inspirational life story is a campaign riven by disputes and backbiting.
National Review aims to take down Trump - The influential magazine turns to conservative leaders to make the anti-Trump case.
National Review Fails to Kill Its Monster | New Republic
Ted Cruz Forgets To Sign Up For Health Insurance, Blames Obamacare | ThinkProgress
New documents reveal how Donald Trump's racist dad inspired Woody Guthrie's most bitter writings
The Bundys and Rancher Anger - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Oregon Militia Is Stealing from All of Us - The Federal Government Must Protect Common Lands
Michigan Governor Will Likely Testify on Flint Water Crisis - Rick Snyder is done. He's toast.
As Water Problems Grew, Officials Belittled Complaints From Flint - The New York Times
America's lead poisoning problem isn't just in Flint. It's everywhere.The federal government collects data on lead poisoning. Most states don't bother reporting it. Flint, Michigan's water crisis: what the national media got wrong - Vox - A Washington Post article from last December doesn't even utter the words "emergency Manager."
Rubio to Flint: Drop Dead | New Republic
The Dark History of Liberal Reform | New Republic - A new history of early 20th-century American progressivism puts eugenics at the center. (or at least near the periphery)
Effects of A Year in Ketosis by Jim McCarter | Quantified SelfQuantified Self
The Seven Signs You're in a Cult - The Atlantic
The Corporate University - Lawyers, Guns & Money : You just have to drown the bunnies put a Glock to their heads.
Global temperatures in 2015 by far hottest in modern times. Not only was 2015 the warmest year since records began, it shattered the previous record held in 2014 by the widest margin ever observed. : science
Germany admits it cannot account for half of its 1.1m asylum seekers | Daily Mail Online
Israel warms to Sunni powers, questions US' Palestinian focus | Fox News
Vladimir Putin Probably Approved Killing Of Ex-Agent Alexander Litvinenko, UK Judge Says - Former agent-turned-Kremlin critic Alexander Litvinenko died after drinking tea laced with radioactive poison in 2006.
Stephen Colbert perfectly impersonates Sarah Palin endorsing Trump : television
Why the power is still on at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge - Democratic Underground - So in summary, Harney Electric Cooperative was set up to serve loons, not Loons of the Cowliphate.
The Bundy Family and Armed Resistance to Government Land Grabs Know the Facts
Oregon Standoff Turns Sour as Community Members Issue Ammon Bundy Stern Message |
- Our View: Don't make martyrs of Malheur occupiers
Rep DeFazio Urges the DOJ to take Action on Oregon Extremists - YouTube
Maddow: Posse Comitatus, "sovereign citizens", Jim Crow, the Reconstruction, and Cliven Bundy. - YouTube - Apr 26, 2014
Sovereign Citizens Getting Owned Compilation - YouTube
Phylogenetic analyses suggests fairy tales are much older than thought - 'The Smith and the Devil
A guy in purgatory gets the answers to as many questions as he can ask in one minute : videos
One of my friends students wrote this. : funny
[NSFW] Forensic Scientists of Reddit, what is the most WTF case that you ever had? : AskReddit
Texas high school student suspended after carrying classmate having an asthma attack to the nurse : news
ELI5: Do morbidly obese people burn through all that fat before starving? : explainlikeimfive
jettaboy04 comments on What is your worst field exercise story.
Head transplant has been successfully done on a monkey : worldnews - Dr. Sergio Canavero plans to perform the first human head transplant in December 2017.
California wants to ban encrypted phones - CNET - A bill in the state assembly would prevent companies like Apple from selling its encryption-enabled iPhone on its own turf.
Oracle just revealed how much money Google makes from Android | The Verge - Google has made $31 billion in revenue and $22 billion in profit from its Android operating system - Google has earned less money from Android throughout its existence than Apple earned from iPhone sales in fourth quarter of 2015
2015 Was Hottest Year in Historical Record, Scientists Say - The New York Times
Markets In Turmoil As Oil Prices Plunge - U.S. Crude prices sank by 6.6 percent in response to a supply glut.
- Russian airstrikes are working in Syria -- enough to put peace talks in doubt - relentless airstrikes that have mostly targeted the Western-backed opposition to Assad (Assad and Putin now winning, Barry looking more stupid)
At Least 20 Killed After Taliban Attack University In Northwest Pakistan - The Pakistani army said four attackers were killed. (their children reaping the death they sowed)
Cologne Imam: Girls Were Raped For Being Half Naked And Wore Perfume
So, Uh, Here's The Full Text Of Sarah Palin's Bizarre Trump Speech - BuzzFeed News - A manifesto for Donald J. Trump.
New York Daily News Rips Sarah Palin's 'Stupid' Endorsement Of Donald Trump - Paper blasts endorsement: "Hate minds think alike." ("half-baked alaska")
Palin's Late Style: He Knows the Main Thing
William Shatner reads Sarah Palin Twitter poetry - YouTube
Meghan McCain on Palin's Trump endorsement: It was hard to watch - POLITICO - It is hard for me to watch her endorse Donald Trump after what Donald Trump said about my father'sservice
- Zippity doobie blobbity ROOOAR summa summa ice ice baby boom boom boom boom da boom boom can't stop this hammertime run run rudolph run right wingy dingy WINGDINGS Clippy bop bop ba loo bop tutti frutti. Amen and praise god.
Scott Walker: He Never Left Us - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - still providing Koch Brothers rule in Wisconsin, seeking to turn back a century of political and labor reform during his time in office. He is now decimating the state's civil service in order that we can return to the spoils system, where a public employee can be fired at any time for political reasons. This is the ultimate in New Gilded Age governance
Rick Snyder To Flint: 'I Will Fix This' - Michigan's governor said in his State of the State address he's very, very sorry for poisoned water. (promises to do better at killing people next time, blames Dems for their stupid regulations)
Michigan GOPer Investigating Flint Water Crisis Also Defending State Against Flint Lawsuit - "We want to know whose side is he really on."
Eschaton: It's Absurd That Not Being Poisoned By Politicians Is Political - Generally this type of thing has been going on for years. Anytime Republican politicians do stuff like, say, poisoning entire cities, the entire conservative-industrial complex starts screeching about how wrong it is to politicize politics! The meta-point is that it's actualy the fault of liberals! If only they wouldn't politicize politics, conservatives wouldn't have to poison everybody!!!
Oregon standoff Day 19: What you need to know Wednesday |
Ammon Bundy is bad for America by Houston Wade | Kick! Making Politics Fun
- Novelist Obliterates The Bundy Militia -- And Oregon's Largest Newspaper -- In 194 Words
WATCH: Oregon militants sit silently as furious residents shame them for ruining their community
Oregon standoff leader warns feds: Back off |
- Oregon governor defies feds to slam inaction on militants spectacle of lawlessness -- the Cowliphate.
Republican Lawmaker Meets Teens, Asks If They're Virgins - The high school students had met with state Rep. Mary Dye to advocate for expanded insurance coverage for birth control as part of Planned Parenthood's Teen Lobbying Day when she asked the highly intrusive question.
Sources: Lawmakers to Introduce Legislation Allowing Bankruptcy, Oversight for City and CPS | Chicago Tonight | WTTW - legislation aimed at an emergency financial takeover of the city of Chicago and Chicago Public Schools. This comes in light of an imminent $500 million shortfall within the Chicago Public Schools system.
Eschaton: Morning Thread - Echidne digs through John Tierney's writings so we don't have to. Important to mention that this guy, with his pseudo science, was a columnist for the NY F*&*ing Times.
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: John Tierney And His Woman Trouble Through The Ages - John Tierney is a right-wing libertarian science writer at the New York Times. (Sulzbergers love their rightwing assholes, hate science, "Tierney" could be Maureen "I hate women too" Dowd's cousin)
Lawyer: Man Threatened CAIR Offices After A Week Of Watching Fox News
A history of violence: World's oldest massacre unearthed - CNET - The fossilised bones of a group of murdered humans dating back 10,000 years have been found in Kenya.
Caltech Researchers Find Evidence of a Real Ninth Planet | Caltech
How can a potential "Planet X" go undiscovered for so long within our own solar system? : askscience
Why Twitter Doesn't Work with Sarcasm, Chap. 823 - The Atlantic
Redditors who live or work in very wealthy communities: what's the most pretentious behavior you've witnessed? : AskReddit
- The snowstorm targeting the I-95 corridor from Richmond to Boston late this week has the potential to rank among the most memorable on record, according to the National Weather Service
Environmentalists warn of disaster for Everglades if oil fracking bill passes | US news | The Guardian - Florida politicians are debating a proposed law that would remove right of cities and counties to ban fracking and instead give power to a single state agency (Lex Luthor at work)
Denmark Just Set a Wind Power Record...Again | Climate Central - turbines accounted for the equivalent of 42 percent of all electricity produced for the year
Oceans running out of fish as undeclared catches add a third to official figures - The Ecologist
Jihadi John dead -
Islamic State holding estimated 3,500 slaves in Iraq, says UN | World news | The Guardian - Report says group committing abuses that may amount to war crimes, crimes against humanity and possibly genocide
German police make first arrest in Cologne New Year's Eve sexual assaults - World - CBC News - Assaults have sparked a debate in Germany about integration
Former Marine Amir Hekmati describes what it was like to finally leave Iran - The Washington Post
Family of ex-FBI agent believed held by Iran lashes out at White House | Fox News
Al-Jazeera America - Lawyers, Guns & Money (wrong name)
- Bernie Sanders in Iowa: I can beat Donald Trump
Fox Host: Anyone Who Sees 13 Hours "And Then Goes On To Vote For Hillary Clinton, They're A Criminal" | Video | Media Matters for America (who needs facts when you can go to a Michael Bay action-flick?)
The Party Decides! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump on Tuesday, becoming the first current or former statewide elected official in the US to back the real estate mogul for the White House.
Trump's bad bet: How too much debt drove his biggest casino aground
Rubio's Iran Tantrum and the Hawkish Loathing of Diplomacy (who needs it when you got bombs! baby)
Supreme Court Will Rule On Obama's Immigration Policy Before 2016 Election - The justices added an unexpected constitutional wrinkle to the case. (Texas in war with deporter-in-chief, Refucks will side with TX)
Tea Party Congressman Wants to Roll Back Clean Air and Water Acts | Lauren Windsor (and eliminate the EPA because you should just die)
Sagebrush Rebellion Warriors and Government - Lawyers, Guns & Money : the core of these protests is a declining rural economy of poor, older white people who see their power disappearing. Not surprisingly, Harney County is the most government dependent county in Oregon, but these welfare recipients (as well as holders of government jobs of course) look in bitterness upon the government
Exploit Your Children Well - Not only did he use the stipend to support himself, he also made them work on his ranch -- Catholic Charities USA, the largest charitable organization run by the church, receives about 65 percent of its annual budget from state and federal governments (new lows for the Y'all Qaeda Yahoos)
Fitzento comments on Flint water crisis: American city is still charging residents up to $200 a month for contaminated 'toxic waste' water
TIMELINE: Here's how the Flint water crisis unfolded | Michigan Radio
Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy says people judge you on 2 criteria - Business Insider - Can I trust this person? Can I respect this person? (can I fuck this person?)
LinkNYC's free gigabit Wi-Fi is here, and it is glorious (coulda been you, Cambridge, but you are focused on focus groups and preserving Comcast's monopoly)
Mom destorys Wipeout on drums : videos
Alcoholics of Reddit: What is your, "and then I realized I was an alcoholic" moment? : AskReddit
- oceans warming at increasingly faster rate, new study finds - Ocean water has absorbed more than 90% of the excess heat and nearly 30% of the carbon dioxide generated by human consumption of fossil fuels
The Next Great Famine - The New Yorker
Extreme Weather, Past and Present - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Fact-Checking The Fourth Democratic Debate - The three Democratic presidential candidates made misleading claims on health care, energy and guns.
- The One Weird Trait That Predicts Whether You're a Trump Supporter (authoritarian and sociopsychopathic personalities)
Hillary Clinton Readies for a Long Slog Against Bernie Sanders - The New York Times
Oregon standoff Day 17: What you need to know Monday |
Oregon standoff: Occupiers recruit ranchers to stop paying grazing fees |
Self-appointed (Federal) "judge" arrives in Burns to ask local residents to charge government officials with crimes
Freedom Fighter | News | Missoula Independent - When rancher Cliven Bundy engaged in a standoff with the BLM, a Montana man initiated a call to action to militia across the country. He considers it just the first battle in a war to reclaim America.
Two Arizona men in Oregon stalemate say Ducey had kids removed; Governor's Office says not true (video) - The Prescott Daily Courier - Prescott, Arizona
Increasing mortality rates and whiteness as a marked category : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Gina Kolata and Sarah Cohen have written up a massive study of 60 million American deaths over the last 25 years. Their findings are even more striking than those announced in the startling Case and Deaton paper a few months ago, which found mortality rates rising about middle-aged whites:
Cancer and Climate Change - The New York Times
Obama Just Got 4 Americans Released From Iran, But Republicans Are Still Criticizing Him - They also criticized him for not doing enough to free them.
Washington Post Declares '545-Day Nightmare' Over As Jason Rezaian Leaves Iran - The paper's staff now looks forward to the journalist's newsroom homecoming.
The American Prisoners Just Left Iran. But Kerry Almost Got Them Out Months Ago. - "We actually shook hands, thinking we had an agreement," the secretary of state said.
Sixty-two people have the same amount of wealth as half the world, says Oxfam
Just 62 people own as much wealth as the poorer half of the global population, a new report reveals, as the widening of the gap between the rich and poor accelerates. : worldnews
Baby, You Can't Drive My Car -- Amazing what a country can accomplish when it decides to invest in infrastructure for people instead of a perpetual war machine or corporate bailouts.
There Is No Evidence That a Sanders Victory Would Hurt Downballot Democrats. It's Likely the Opposite - New polls showing Bernie Sanders tied with Hillary Clinton in Iowa and ahead in New Hampshire is causing some consternation among conservative and corporate-friendly Democrats on Capitol Hill
Majority still supports single-payer option, poll finds | TheHill (you know, that extreme position)
Hillary Clinton Says South Carolina Dems Are One Of Her 'First Lines Of Defense' - The presidential candidates are debating for the last time before voters go to the polls.
DNC Chair Claims Weekend Debates Are Meant To 'Maximize' Attention For Candidates (Dirty Debbie: "maximize" by "minimizing")
Alan Grayson: I'll file suit if 'Canadian' Ted Cruz wins nomination - Washington Times
Is Nikki Haley Lying or Ignorant? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The answer is probably both.
Drug Overdoses Propel Rise in Mortality Rates of Young Whites - The New York Times (worst since Vietnam)
Oregon militia's behavior increasingly brazen as public property destroyed | US news | The Guardian
Tales from the Corporate University - Lawyers, Guns & Money ("study" funded by chocolate milk from "super, natural cows")
The incredible tale of irresponsible chocolate milk research at the University of Maryland - Vox
Drug overdoses are driving up the death rate of young white adults in the United States to levels not seen since the end of the AIDS epidemic more than two decades ago. : news
Surveillance and Control of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in the United States | Chikungunya virus | CDC
Redditors who quit their jobs in a blaze of glory, what's your story? : AskReddit
If it only takes the Earth 23 hours and 56 minutes to rotate on its axis, why doesn't the sun eventually set "in the middle of the day"? : askscience
Reddit "Ask a Rapist" Thread Is Now the Subject of a Research Study on the Self Justifications of Rapists
Women instinctively guard their sexual partners from other women who are ovulating : science
Burkina Faso, French Troops End Deadly Hotel Siege Claimed By Al Qaeda Group
Burkina Faso hotel attack: 18 nationalities among dead | World news | The Guardian - At least 27 killed in overnight assault by al-Qaida-linked terrorists on hotel popular with UN staff and foreigners
Iran Complies With Nuclear Deal; Sanctions Are Lifted - The New York Times (oil at $20 in 6 months)
Iran Releases 4 American Prisoners After Months Of Top-Secret Negotiations - Jason Rezaian is coming home. (Repubicans throw fits)
The 4th American Freed By Iran Is A Complete Mystery - No one had ever reported that Nosratollah Khosravi-Roodsari was in an Iranian prison.
Trump condemns terms of Iran prisoner swap as Republicans join in criticism | US news | The Guardian - Businessman suggests deal is unfair while Marco Rubio and Chris Christie attack prisoner exchanges under Barack Obama
Schoolgirls report abuse by young asylum seekers : worldnews
North African men suspected of stoning transgender women in German city. : news
Public kept in the dark about sexual harassment at youth festival - Radio Sweden | Sveriges Radio
- If we want Germans to accept Arabs, Arabs must also learn to accept them (that's not how it works)
Dow Jones Industrial Average: INDEXDJX:.DJI quotes & news - Google Finance - 15,988.08 -390.97 (-2.39%)
Why We Should Celebrate The Trump-Cruz Ascendancy by David Atkins | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly
- We Have a Serious Problem
A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy by Martin Longman | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - the Republican frontrunner has been doing massive construction in Atlantic City for decades now, and all of it has always been completely dependent on working with La Cosa Nostra. (Trump's mob ties)
Why the Republican Field is Incapable of Challenging Trump by Nancy LeTourneau | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - A general consensus seems to be forming after last night's debate that Republicans are in the phase of resigning themselves to a Trump candidacy.
Have Republicans Given Up on Fighting Trump? -- NYMag
Republicans have surrendered to Donald Trump - The Washington Post
From Panic to Acceptance on Trump?
The Real Reagan by Jacob Heilbrunn | The Washington Monthly - actual record diverges significantly from the posthumous conservative mythology about him. (amnesia for the tax-hikes and failures)
Hillary Clinton doesn't trust you - Vox
Clinton Campaign Underestimated Sanders Strengths, Allies Say - The New York Times (making the same mistake again)
States lead the way in extending open-carry gun laws | US news | The Guardian
Number of Deaths Due to Injury by Firearms per 100,000 Population | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
gunsvscars16.pdf - Gun Deaths Exceed Motor Vehicle Deaths in 21 States and the District of Columbia in 2014
Gun Deaths Are Now Outpacing Traffic Deaths In 21 States, And Counting - Some studies say it's only a matter of time before this trend extends nationally.
Some Inconvenient Gun Facts for Liberals - The New York Times - We spend billions of dollars tackling terrorism, which killed 229 Americans worldwide from 2005 through 2014, according to the State Department. In the same 10 years, including suicides, some 310,000 Americans died from guns
23 officers called before grand jury in Laquan McDonald shooting case | US news | The Guardian - Names of subpoenaed officers appear on court notification logs released on Friday in response to public records requests from the two newspapers
Flint's water crisis: what went wrong - After the water supply was found to contain high levels of lead, evidence is mounting that officials ignored or neglected indicators of a growing crisis (o rly - Synder should go to prison)
- Obama declares emergency in Michigan over bad water
The Destruction of Progressive Wisconsin - The New York Times (one state over, another laboratory for the destruction of democracy)
In Maine, Local Control Is a Luxury Fewer Towns Can Afford - The New York Times (meanwhile, Maine is de-organizing)
Autism rates balloon, but controversy remains over universal screening of children | Society | The Guardian
Study links autism with circumcision | ScienceNordic - A new study suggests that circumcision increases the risk of developing autism. Pain could be a possible reason for the connection, says scientist.
An insight to the Denmark circumcision debate - Opinion - Jerusalem Post (Jews freak out)
Ritual circumcision and risk of autism spectrum disorder in 0- to 9-year-old boys: national cohort study in Denmark
Circumcision and Sexual Function Difficulties - YouTube
Explosive Danish research - Dr. Morten Frisch: Circumcised males and spouses prone to have bad sex life ; Balder Blog
Male circumcision leads to a bad sex life | ScienceNordic - Circumcised men have more difficulties reaching orgasm, and their female partners experience more vaginal pains and an inferior sex life, a new study shows.
My boyfriend walked into his uncle's room today to this : WTF (Mucinex DM - dextromethorphan - and anti-depressant interaction )
Cruise ship being beached at full speed : videos
Stock Prices Sink in a Rising Ocean of Oil - The New York Times - Global financial damages trump the benefits of cheap oil at anything under $30 a barrel
More people in Europe are dying than are being born
German town bars asylum seekers from pool after harassment complaints - Yahoo News
German town bars asylum seekers from pool after harassment complaints : worldnews
Bill aiming to ban child marriages shot down - The Express Tribune ("un-Islamic" and "blasphemous" pedoIslamics)
- Bill aiming to ban child marriages shot down in Pakistan
Is Vast Inequality Necessary? - The New York Times (only to appease the anger of the rich)
Fact Checks of the 2016 Election - The New York Times
Trump Is Winning, And The GOP Can't Figure Out How To Stop Him - Trump and Cruz dominated the Charleston debate as the Republican race veered more sharply into the surreal.
Republicans have surrendered to Donald Trump - The Washington Post
At Republican Debate, Taunts and Quips as Rivals Battle - The New York Times
Marco Rubio Changes Course During Thursday Night's Republican Debate - The Atlantic - the Florida senator proved willing to betray his core beliefs for a shot at winning over Trump supporters. (sold his soul for less than 5 cents)
WATCH: Christie calls President Obama a 'petulant child' at GOP debate | (big fat chicken has a projection problem, oh wait, he's a Repubican)
Republican Debate Recap - Trump Bullies Cruz in Charleston - Rubio is one very small step here from hiding under a tarp in an Oregon bird sanctuary. But his real piece de resistance was reframing his cowardly abandonment of comprehensive immigration reform as a bold and courageous move to keep us all from being killed in our beds. (whiny little panicky babies)
Republican Debate Audience Repeatedly Boos Donald Trump
Here Are The Highlights From The Sixth Republican Presidential Debate - Donald Trump said "the police are the most mistreated people in this country."
Ted Cruz Goes In On Donald Trump Over Birther Accusations
The rebirth of birtherism, schadenfreude edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money (all their lies are biting them on their own butts)
New York Daily News Gives The Middle Finger To Ted Cruz On Its Front Page
Dave Brat Criticizes President Obama for Using 'the Christian Tradition' for Political Purposes - Dave Brat doesn't like President Obama using "the Christian tradition" for political purposes.
John Kasich Predicts What Will Happen If Bernie Sanders Is The Democratic Nominee - "We're going to win every state if Bernie Sanders is the nominee,"
Hillary Clinton Is Botching Her Best Chance To Win - Clinton's gone all the way 'round the bend and has decided to ramp up unnecessary fearmongering, dispatching her daughter to New Hampshire to darkly warn that Sanders is gonna take everyone's health care away
Hillary Clinton doesn't Want Your Vote - Earlier this week, Chelsea Clinton, rather suddenly acting as a campaign surrogate, delivered a blatantly dishonest attack against your favorite old socialist Bernie Sanders - Chelsea Clinton has a masters degree in public health from Columbia. She knows exactly how what she's saying obfuscates the issue.
Michigan Governor Asks Obama To Declare Emergency Over Flint Water Crisis - water is still not safe to drink. (that would be the same Repubican governor Rick Snyder who put the poison in the water, sound familiar?)
- And there's probably no actual statute that says "poisoning an entire town is a crime" -- A group of Virginia Tech researchers who sampled the water in 271 Flint homes last summer found some contained lead levels high enough to meet the EPA's definition of "toxic waste" (drink your poison and shutup)
TIL there used to be an "Office of Technology Assessment" in charge of providing Congress with unbiased analysis of scientific issues but it was closed down as part of the Republicans' "Contract With America" in 1995. (making America stupid for like ever)
Checking in on Bertha - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
A Bitcoin Believer's Crisis of Faith
Gravitational wave rumors ripple through science world
What's a trap that almost everyone will fall into at some point in their lives? : AskReddit
7 Dead After Islamic State Launches Militant Assault On Jakarta
Denmark is poised to pass a law requiring newly arrived refugees to hand over valuables, including gold or jewelry, to help pay for the costs of lodging them. : worldnews (sort of a "survival tax")
Danish 15yo girl who converted to Islam arrested for possessing explosives, sanctioning terror : worldnews
RNC Gears Up For A Contested Convention - The last time a Republican convention opened without such a clear nominee was 1976, when Gerald Ford led in delegates but lacked a majority coming into the convention.
Why I Will Never Vote for Donald Trump - The New York Times (your elites are scared but not scared enough to vote for Hillary)
Top Emanuel aides aware of key McDonald details months before mayor says he knew - Chicago Tribune (they call him "tiny dancer" in Chitown)
Upstate NY police seize $8.5 million in assets a year without having to prove a crime |
Investigate the newspaper delivery industry - The Boston Globe (but not your owner's stupid "cost-saving" decsions)
Eschaton: Where Did All Our Subscribers Go? - Perhaps the geniuses that run the newspapers should figure out how to actually get the newspapers to the people who are willing to pay for them.
Sean Penn meets God - The Washington Post - Ever since reading Sean Penn's article for Rolling Stone about his meeting with El Chapo, I have been unable to get his writing style out of my head. It was like he was being held at knifepoint by a band of drunk thesauruses.
When Cupid Is a Prying Journalist - The New York Times
Single, and Surrounded by a Wall of Men - The New York Times
What's going on with GoPro? - With layoffs and lower revenues ahead, GoPro needs something new. And it might not be far off.
Why Anne of Green Gables is a patron saint of female outsiders. - And why the makers of the new TV adaptation should take a few risks.
Reefer madness debunked as major UK study finds marijuana does not reduce IQ in teens : worldnews
A Mysterious Mammoth Carcass Could Change Human History - If those advances had already occurred 45,000 years ago, then people could conceivably have crossed the Bering Land Straight into North America around that time. By comparison, our current oldest evidence for humans in North America only dates back about 15,000 years.
Why We Become Such Assholes When We're Behind he Wheel -- 66% of all traffic fatalities are caused by aggressive driving, and that males under the age of 19 are the most likely to exhibit road rage.
What movie emotionally destroyed you? : AskReddit
Two Texans roped some runaway cows then gave the most Texas interview imaginable : videos
Want to save money by buying your own modem? Comcast will attack you with unstoppable pop-ups : technology
Skull of prehistoric crocodile Sarcosuchus next to a human : WTF
If you read 20 pages a day, this year you can read Moby Dick, The Grapes of Wrath, Ulysses, Lolita,War and Peace, Crime and Punishment, the Complete Stories of Kafka, and In Search of Lost Time by Proust. : books
Obama Disses Climate Change Deniers - "You'll be pretty lonely"
Scientists say human greenhouse gas emissions have canceled the next ice age - The Washington Post
Crude Falls Below $30 a Barrel for the First Time in 12 Years - Bloomberg Business
US defense chief says Isis strongholds will be targeted by coalition in 2016 | World news | The Guardian
Millions in ISIS Cash Destroyed in U.S. Airstrike - NBC News - when one of its banks was hit
A U.S. Trial For El Chapo Could Expose More Than Some Americans Want - If you want to know more about how cartels work, root for his extradition. (and America's insane war on some drugs some people like)
Obama at his first State of the Union Address and his last one : pics
Here Are The Best Moments From Obama's Last State Of The Union Address - Ask Osama bin Laden
Obama Issues Powerful Rebuke To Donald Trump In State Of The Union Speech - When politicians insult Muslims, when a mosque is vandalized, or a kid bullied, that doesn't make us safer
Obama Loves America So Much He Wants To Save It From Becoming Fascist - As frustration grows, there will be voices urging us to fall back into tribes, to scapegoat fellow citizens who don't look like us, don't pray like us, or vote like we do, or share the same background
Republican Party Takes Aim At Donald Trump In State Of The Union Response - South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley issues call for calm in wake of anti-immigrant rhetoric.
Will America Succumb To Trumpism? The World Is Watching. - If U.S. voters reject their country's unique founding ideals of diversity, inclusion and tolerance, then no democracy on earth is safe (the South rose again and destroyed America)
NARAL dings Nancy Pelosi abortion rhetoric - politico
Chelsea Clinton Said Bernie Sanders Would Take Health Care From Millions (she's not smart enough to know how dumb she is)
'Every gun in house is loaded' -- scare tactics rattle residents near Oregon occupation | (the gunnuts are harrassing the locals
Rancher: 'I didn't know anything' about Bundy entering property, destroying fence | (hillbilly vandals)
- The Oregon militia's bizarre PR tactics - from dildos to Facebook videos (dumb-de-dumb)
Militants Use Government Computers To Create Own Website . News | OPB - Fry also posts in support of ISIS.
Al Jazeera America To Shut Down By End Of April - But there was no indication that this sort of thing was coming
Prosecutors move to exclude video of drug raid | Crescent City California News, Sports, & Weather | The Triplicate - Prosecutors are hoping to exclude video footage of an officer allegedly stealing cash from the defendant during a drug raid, concerned that it will compromise the outcome of their case.
Former crazy SO's when did you realize you were the crazy boyfriend/girlfriend? : AskReddit
Naked Skiing and Snowboarding clip from VALHALLA : videos
Iran holds two US navy boats in Gulf | World news | The Guardian - Reports that 10 Americans are detained as small craft briefly go missing but US Defense Department has received assurances that vessels will be released soon
Explosion In Istanbul Tourist District Kills At Least 10 - Fifteen people were also injured in the blast.
ISIS burns fighters alive for letting Ramadi fall | Fox News (that's a selling point)
Mumbai police identify 16 no-selfie zones after drowning | World news | The Guardian - Mumbai police have identified 16 dangerous selfie spots across the Indian city after a man drowned trying to save a girl who fell in to the sea while taking a photo of herself.
An extremely normal and realistic 26% drop on the S&P 500 is taking shape
The Impact of the Obama Administration - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - But what the Democratic Party did under the leadership of Obama, Pelosi and Reid during a brief two-year window represents at worst the 3rd most consequential set of progressive reforms passed in the last century. This will become increasingly clear in retrospect.
What's Happening to Failing White Men - Ten numbers that explain the roots of white male rage. (screwed themselves by voting Republican, mad at "government")
The 1920s in the 2010s - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Stand for me, not by me - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Reason #I've e lost count why I refuse to regard the Republican Party as a serious political party and look askance at those who think anyone should: br /> Why the 2010s Are Reminiscent of the 1920s - The Atlantic - America is again caught between nationalists longing for the glories of an imagined past, and activists invoking ideals the nation has never yet attained. (that imaginary past has been around for a long time)
Marco Rubio Has Painted Himself Into a Corner - This is something of a dilemma, or it would be, if the Republican Party actually were still a political party, instead of an unwieldy planetary system of competing interests groups and billionaires, all with their own gravitational fields, all affecting each other's orbits in bizarre and strange ways. Which brings us to Marco Rubio. (read it all, CPP sees it better than anyone)
Maybe Ted Cruz Isn't Eligible to be President -- Cheney posing as Wyoming citizen was a fraud (interesting history)
Bernie Sanders Has Edge in Iowa and Widens New Hampshire Lead, Polls Find - First Draft. Political News, Now. - The New York Times (feelin' the Bern!)
Eschaton: Casinos and Megamalls - The 1980s called, they want their dumb policy priorities back.
Extremist Members of Congress Complicate Showdown Over Federal Building in Oregon
Oregon judge proposes militia pay $75,000 a day for occupying refuge | Discussion | The Guardian - Why are people like you unsuccessfully attempting to justify armed people threatening violence on federal land if they don't get their way, by comparing them to unarmed people not threatening violence gathering in public spaces to express an idea?
Media Baron Rupert Murdoch And Former Supermodel Jerry Hall Announce Engagement
- Rupert Murdoch and Jerry Hall announce engagement - in classifieds
The Story Of Sheldon Adelson's Purchase Of A Las Vegas Paper Is Even Crazier Than You Think ... (and way down at the bottom we find) ... famed Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz
Chris Hughes Selling The New Republic After Rocky Stewardship - underestimated the difficulty of transitioning an old and traditional institution into a digital media company ... Bought it, wrecked it, dumped it..
Gravitational wave detection could be a false alarm | Science | The Guardian - Caution is needed over claims that gravitational waves have been found. It could be a fake to test the detectors and scientists involved
- Dark matter and dinosaurs: meet Lisa Randall, America's superstar scientist
The 40,000-Mile Volcano - The New York Times
Mohammad Javad Zarif: Saudi Arabia's Reckless Extremism (our ally in death and destruction)
Neglect May Do What ISIS Didn't - Breach Iraq Dam (all that money)
Cologne sex assaults: Number of cases in New Year's Eve violence probe rises above 500 | Europe | News | The Independent - Police say around 40 per cent of cases involve allegations of sexual offences
Hospital Aided by Doctors Without Borders Is Bombed in Yemen - The New York Times (once the US did it ... )
The Obama Boom - The New York Times (remember the Bush Boom?)
Governors Get Smarter on Medicaid - The New York Times
Kentucky moves ahead with plans to dismantle health exchange | Fox News (Repub Bevin tells sick people to fuck off and die)
Arizona senate bill introduced to prohibit recording of law enforcement activity : news (laboratories of fascism)
Mega Millions Winners Might Not Be So Lucky: Jack Whittaker and More Unlucky Lotto Winners - The Daily Beast
The Stone - Nothing Remains: David Bowie's Vision of Love
Legendary Singer David Bowie Dead At 69 - "Blackstar," his 25th studio album, was released this month.
My Right to Die: Assisted Suicide, My Family, and Me | Mother Jones - Kevin Drum
Where Are Amazon's Data Centers? - The Atlantic - The company powers much of the Internet, but its cloud facilities are difficult to find.
China's Hunger for Commodities Wanes, and Pain Spreads Among Producers
This Is What Really Happened The Night Women Were Sexually Assaulted In Front Of Police - BuzzFeed News
New years eve 2015, Immigrant riots in Cologne Germany - An eyewitness account - YouTube
(English Translation) Cologne Riot - Yet another first person account - 2016 Jan 07 - YouTube
ISIS commander killed in Iraqi air strike - (for the 10Kth time)
Sean Penn Met With 'El Chapo,' And It Apparently Led To His Arrest
Death Valley by D.R. Tucker | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - [T]he Porter Ranch gas geyser is fresh evidence that locking in our [fracked] gas addiction would be a climate disaster.
The Company Behind LA's Methane Disaster Knew Its Well Was Leaking 24 Years Ago | Motherboard
No Short-Term Fix for California Methane Leak - The New York Times
CA in state of emergency after methane leak | MSNBC - Chris Hayes looks at the catastrophic gas leak that has been spewing into the Los Angeles area for months.
Living on Earth: Massive Natural Gas Disaster Hits Los Angeles
Porter Ranch Gas Leak Linked to California's Broken UIC Program | Briana Mordick's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC
Massive gas leak imperils people, environment | MSNBC
Obama's Policy Legacy: The Nation He Built - politico Magazine - the changes he made while nobody was paying attention.
- Hundred Thousand Pentagon Personnel Under Total Surveillance
The Relationship Between Happiness, Income Inequality, and Economic Growth - CityLab - Economic growth alone is not a sufficient condition for happiness, according to a recent study.
Koch Tears Are the Best by Nancy LeTourneau | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly - If you needed anymore evidence that $100 million can't buy you a presidency, take a look at this Gallup report today.
Hullabaloo - Ignorance is power - agnotology, the study of deliberate propagation of ignorance ... low childhood IQ predicts conservative and racist beliefs later in life. (Satanology)
Donald Trump and the Other Wall by Martin Longman | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly (we don't need no educations)
Ammo Ban - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Got mayo? Militia members in Oregon issue wish list
The Texas Rangers - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - love of memorializing its own racist history in sports nicknames goes farther than just the Washington Football Racists and the Cleveland Baseball Racists. It also extends to the Texas White Supremacist baseball franchise.
- The Genocidal Unconscious of American Sports's Naming Practices - The Texas Rangers bear the moniker of America's most celebrated death squad. (not so un-conscious)
Texas Governor Wants To Amend The Constitution So States Can Ignore The Federal Government - Short of secession, it's probably the next best thing.
"Catfishing" over love interest might have spurred U-Va. gang-rape debacle
As suicide rates rise, researchers separate thoughts from actions | Science News - Better understanding of risk factors could help those contemplating taking their own lives
Physics' metamorphosis explored in slim new book
Human bodies don't contain 10 times as many bacteria as human cells, new calculations suggest. (more like 50-50 and red blood cells 84% of human cells)
Young infants have perceptual superpowers | Science News
Beyonci Joins Channing Tatum on Lip Sync Battle | Vanity Fair
Era of climate science denial is not over, study finds | Environment | The Guardian - Conservative thinktanks in the US engaging in climate change have increased their attacks on science in recent years, a study of 16,000 documents finds. ("thinktanks" = lietanks +their base is old white male gun-toting confederate-flag racist afactual death-cult necromongers)
The Anthropocene is functionally and stratigraphically distinct from the Holocene (soon to be known as the Extincticene)
Bad Week for U.S. Stocks Dims Outlook - WSJ - In all, U.S. stocks lost $1.36 trillion in value this past week.
FBI Finally Completes FOIA Request 1,393 Days After It Was Filed; Withholds All 509 Responsive Pages | Techdirt
I went to join Isis in Syria, taking my four-year-old. It was a journey into hell
British woman jailed for trying to kidnap her children and place them under ISIS rule in Syria - AhlulBayt News Agency - ABNA - Shia News
I've never experience anything like that : Cologne in deep shock over attacks As police reveal that 18 of the 31 New Year's Eve suspects were asylum seekers, (Arab, North African)
Protests in Cologne after sexual assaults; 379 criminal complaints filed - Chicago Tribune
18 Asylum Seekers Are Tied to Attacks on Women in Germany - The New York Times
Unprecedented sex harassment in Helsinki at New Year, Finnish police report - estimated 1,000 Iraqi asylum seekers who had gathered in the tunnels surrounding the central railway station by 11pm, many of whom appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. (reaping the whirlwind of Bush/Cheney)
Eschaton: Other Countries Are Big - But, you know, dropping some bombs in the restive provinces of Northeast Philly probably wouldn't be heard from here in South Philly and it's only 10 miles away or so. Syria's about the size of Washington State. Libya's three times the size of Texas. Iraq's about the size of California.
A make-or-break moment for Supreme Court appointments - The Boston Globe - a lot at stake in this election. Nowhere is this clearer than in the US Supreme Court (but celebrity millenials will stay home if Hillary is the choice)
Muslim Woman Gets Kicked Out Of Donald Trump Rally For Being Muslim | ThinkProgress
Eschaton: Memories - As absurd as this election season is, I don't think there's been enough funny. Get on that, funny people. (McCain: "Like Hope, But Different")
For Republicans, Mounting Fears of Lasting Split - The New York Times (hatred-based party consumed with hatred)
Heavily armed men offer 'security' for Oregon militia at wildlife refuge | US news | The Guardian - A large group of heavily armed men showed up to the wildlife refuge occupation in eastern Oregon on Saturday, further escalating tensions and causing internal conflicts at the protests. ("showed up")
Oregon standoff: Harney County group asks Bundy to leave but takes on his cause | - We ask that you organize your people, explain that your point has been made and leave in a peaceful and honorable fashion,
Catholic Church spent millions providing for paedophile priests
Over 200 Members of German Choir Were Abused, Investigator Says - The New York Times - led for 30 years by the brother of former Pope Benedict XVI were abused over a period of almost four decades, a lawyer investigating reports of wrongdoing said Friday.
Beaverton plumber fired after racist road rage rant | - The man, who KGW is not identifying, can be heard repeatedly yelling Hispanic racial slurs at Khalaf and clapping ... Video cameras are everywhere now, so it can get out and your hatred will be seen by everybody ... Khalaf is an American of Jordanian descent. She was born in California and moved to Beaverton in 1992.
- Guns now allowed in Texas's state-run psychiatric hospitals (what could go wrong?)
New Video Appears To Show Exonerated Cop Shooting Handcuffed Man - Officer Matthew Taylor was cleared of wrongdoing last year -- but newly released footage has investigators asking questions. (oh, they surpressed evidence?)
- Prints of darkness: macabre vintage posters
What is something someone said that changed your way of thinking forever? : AskReddit
How did you first discover masturbation? (NSFW) : AskReddit
Light exposure and kids' weight: Is there a link? World-first study revealing light exposure plays a role in the weight of preschool children -- ScienceDaily - World-first study revealing light exposure plays a role in the weight of preschool children
You say advertising, I say block that malware - Forbes asked readers to turn off ad blockers then immediately served them pop-under malware.
Islamic State Militant Reportedly Executed His Own Mother - The woman in her 40s had warned her son that a U.S.-backed alliance would wipe out Islamic State and had encouraged him to leave the city with her.
U.S. Economy Adds 292,000 Jobs In December, Unemployment Steady At 5%
?Huge California gas leak could take months to fix - CBS News
Here's What It's Like To Live Next To California's Gas Blowout Catastrophe
President Obama Holds Town Hall on Guns - He was taking names at his town hall last night.
An Oregon Militiaman Spent the Money He Raised for the Cause on Whiskey - Out on the weekend, where the seditious claques are falling apart.
Donald Trump Rally in Burlington, Vermont - Trump to Speak at Oversold Venue Near Bernie Sanders Headquarters - By loving Trump, you love yourself. By embracing his campaign marked by no ideas and not even the bare bones of policy proposals, you pronounce yourself willing to answer the question on which He, Trump has built his entire career.
Rahm Emanuel and Rick Snyder Should Step Down - And Rick Snyder, too.
Maine Governor Paul LePage Says Out-of-State Drug Dealers Have Caused Heroin Epidemic - Ladies and gentlemen, the governor of Maine.
Paul LePage Makes Racist Claim About Drug Dealers Named D-Money Getting White Girls Pregnant (painfully stupid and racist. look up Eliot Cutler fantasy candidate)
Researchers Just Made An 'Astonishing' Finding About Americans' Sexuality (people are gayer, esp. girls)
NOAA Says 2015 Was Second Hottest Year On Record In U.S.
How China Is (Surprise!) Winning Its War On Air Pollution - Credit for those gains goes to falling demand for coal as Chinese heavy industry slumps, years of investment in renewable energy sources, and an increasingly robust policy framework for punishing polluters.
U.S. Stocks Tumble Again After More Chinese Turmoil - Chinese authorities shut down the market. Then they threw out the rule they used to shut down the market.
World Could Face Months Of Chinese Market Aftershocks - Trading has been halted for the day, the second daylong suspension this week.
SHCOMP - Shanghai SE Composite Index - (splat)
U.S. Tactically Surprised by North Korean Nuke (your CIA failing again and again)
What the Spat Between Iran and Saudi Arabia Is Really About | Craig Unger - The recent flare-up between Saudi Arabia and Iran not only exposes the ongoing Sunni-Shiite conflict throughout the Middle East for what it really is -- a proxy war between the two countries -- but it also makes the prospects of stability in the region increasingly remote
Tensions Boil Over As Iran Accuses Saudi Arabia Of Bombing Embassy - Iran on Thursday accused the Saudi-led coalition battling Shiite rebels in Yemen of hitting its embassy in the capital, Sanaa, in an overnight airstrike, but there were no visible signs of damage on the building.
Thanks, Obama, For Confirming That It's Totally Fine For Powerful Men To Cry - Finally, in 2016, crying is not a sign of weakness.
Trevor Noah Has A Question For Fox News Host Who Questioned Obama's Tears - "There is something here that's not really believable: the fact that the rest of us have to share the title of human being with you"
11 Million Sign Up For Obamacare With Weeks To Go Before Deadline - The open enrollment period ends on Jan. 31. (more massive failure, Republicans want you to die)
The Obama Administration Could Repeat Its Biggest Mistake Of The Financial Crisis
Why Bernie Sanders Wants To Make Credit Rating Agencies Into Nonprofits - The presidential hopeful says the industry has a major conflict of interest. He's not wrong. (see Big Short)
This Is How Big A Clusterf#$k The GOP Primary Has Become
Rubio Less Crazy Than Trump, Still Not Moderate -- NYMag - Being Less Crazy Than Donald Trump Does Not Make Marco Rubio "moderate"
How Michigan literally poisoned an entire city to save a few bucks - Trying to be cheap on Flint's water supply will end up costing the state of Michigan (and probably the country as a whole) a ton more money than it would have to fix it properly in the first place. (Rich Snyder, Republican asshole)
alicublog: WHEN LAST WE LEFT OUR HEROES.... - This week Conor Friedersdorf cried The people united will never be defeated! and asked his brothers and sisters to make common cause with the Bundy gang in Oregon because they, too, are against mandatory minimums
DNC chair: Young women have been complacent since Roe. Young women: WTF? - Vox (anti-pot psychotic Dirty Debbie, Rahmbo-protege continues trying to destroy Democratic Party with her cluelessness)
Exclusive: Lawyers Went to Rahm Emanuel, Then Quashed the Laquan McDonald Video - The Daily Beast - The mayor's men demanded that dashcam video be kept confidential for at least several years as part of a $5 million settlement with the teenager's family (time to go, asshole)
Video: Woman Lay In Hospital Parking Lot For 18 Minutes Before Dying - Attorneys for the family of Barbara Dawson renewed their charges of negligence against Liberty Calhoun Hospital and Blountstown Police as multiple state agencies continue their investigation into Dawson's Dec. 21 death.
What You Need To Know About The Government's New Dietary Rules - Most experts are disappointed. (written by big-ag industrifarms)
New York Medical Marijuana Program Begins -- And No One Is Excited - A lack dispensaries and participating doctors will likely cripple the pot program. (otherwise known as "the Massachusetts strategy")
When Liberals Attack Social Science -- Science of Us - Galileo's Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science
Alice Dreger's disingenuous campaign against transgender activism
julia serano - Debunking Psychological Diagnoses and Theories about Transsexual and Transgender People
The real autogynephilia deniers
Sexology's war on transgender children / Boing Boing
How to Write a "Political Correctness Run Amok" Article
Men Don't Realize The Sexual Dysfunction Risks Of Prostate Surgery Risks include the inability to achieve erections or ejaculate.
The Entire Observable Universe, Captured In One Stunning Image
No Winner In $500 Million Powerball Lottery, Official Says - The estimated prize for Saturday's drawing is $675 million!
North Korea Says It Successfully Tested Hydrogen Nuclear Bomb - The announcement -- which has not been verified -- followed detection of a 5.1 magnitude earthquake near North Korea's known nuclear test site.
Big earthquake detected near North Korean nuclear site: Reports North Korea says it has the 'H-bomb of justice' after nuclear test
When Will China Finally Abandon the Loons in North Korea? | Mother Jones
Cologne victim of "African and Arab" sex assaults describes ordeal - sex mob as police say they are gang of distraction
Cologne attacks: mayor lambasted for telling women to keep men at arm's length | World news | The Guardian - Henriette Reker urges women to avoid being in close proximity to strangers to prevent sexual harassment
Purity, Disgust and Donald Trump - The New York Times
Ann Coulter Now Suggests Ted Cruz Isn't A Natural Born Citizen < br />
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Thinks Young Women Are Complacent - The New York Times - one of a dwindling number of progressive politicians who oppose legalization of even the medical use of marijuana.
Harney County Sheriff: Armed Occupiers Will Face Charges . News | OPB
Tweet linking militia leader to Rosa Parks a hoax: brother - NY Daily News
Ammon Bundy took out $530,000 federal loan -
Law Enforcement Confirms Militiamen Are Free To Come and Go From Refuge
Those Jamokes In Oregon Aren't Terrorists, They're Jamokes
World Wide Words: Jamoke (jamocha and moke and mook)
Gun Store Owner Who Gave Trump a Rifle Has Armed Standoff with CNN Hosts | Mediaite - If you've ever wondered what it would look like if a First Order stormtrooper did a cable news hit while his armor was at the dry cleaners, today is your lucky day
Sagebrush Rebellion Politics - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Grand jury indicts DPS trooper who arrested Sandra Bland - Houston Chronicle
Galileo's Middle Finger and the politics of science - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Melting of massive ice 'lid' resulted in huge release of CO2 at the end of the ice age - However, the new findings suggest that although a decrease in the density of the deep ocean did occur, it happened much later than the rise in atmospheric CO2, suggesting that other mechanisms must be responsible for the release of CO2 from the oceans at the end of the last ice age.
- A Redaction Re-Visited: NSA Targeted "The Two Leading" Encryption Chips
- A British exit could be just the start of Europe's unraveling in 2016 (75 years of refugee crises)
Several Newspapers Publish Scathing Editorials On Saudi Arabia - Western news outlets fear consequences across the Middle East and want the U.S. to take a tougher stance. (when you're owned by both Israel and SA)
How Relations Between Saudi Arabia And Iran Reached A Breaking Point - The two countries have never been friends, but the increased tensions in recent months have a lot to do with the United States.
- About 90 women have reported being robbed, threatened, or sexually molested, and one woman said she was raped - officers described the men as looking as if they were from "the Arab or North African region" and mostly between 18 and 35 years old.
Donald Trump's first TV ad shows migrants 'at the southern border,' but they're actually in Morocco | PolitiFact (they did it on purpose one brown skin is as good as another)
Clinton: Aliens may have visited us already | TheHill - I think we may have been [visited already]. We don't know for sure
What the Bernie Sanders Die-Hards Fail to Realize (principled millenials would prefer a Republican apocalypse)
20 stats about Social Security in 2016 - Business Insider (lots of solutions to the "problem" of old moochers)
Gun Control and American Politics in 2016 - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Obama is "illegitimate ruler)
Internet Reactions To Bundy Militia Snack Request | UPROXX
Authorities plan to cut off power to militia at occupied Oregon refuge | US news | The Guardian - Armed militants will begin their third day at the wildlife refuge and have vowed to remain for months in protest at over the treatment of two local cattle ranchers
Meet Some of the Crazies Fighting the Government in Oregon - They include a former staff sergeant and a border-control activist.
False Flag of Convenience - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The New York Second is no longer the shortest measurement of time. It has been replaced by the Patriot Planck. That is, the amount of time it takes for the SIG-stroking jugheads and their fans to scream "False Flag!" when a fellow jughead does something that is so unpopular that they can't shrug it off of as liberal media bias (the conspiracy just went meta)
The black man always has it better, malheureusement - Lawyers, Guns & Money : In Oregon, the Give us snacks or give us death movement has achieved the airing of racist resentments phase.
Leader Of Oregon Militants Is No Match For Megyn Kelly - The Fox News host's response to Ammon Bundy is perfect.
Anti-Government Extremist Groups Are A Uniquely American Problem - ...And it's growing ... renewed scrutiny to American right-wing, anti-government extremist groups -- a population whose numbers surged in the 1990s and are on the rise once again ... 276 anti-government militia groups in the U.S., a 37 percent jump from 2014
- Kenney restores"sanctuary city" status
- ACLU Wants Students at NJ Elementary School to Stop Saying "God Bless America"
Eschaton: What The Fuckity Fuck - Gov. Rick Snyder quietly helped deliver 1,500 water filters to Flint last month -- even as state officials gave assurances that the city's tap water was safe and meeting all regulatory standards.
Justice Department Investigating Toxic Tap Water In Flint - High lead levels in Flint's water could have harmed thousands of city kids.
Here Are The Complete And Creepy Accusations Against Bill Cosby
Academics And Politics - The New York Times - Overall, the evidence looks a lot more consistent with a story that has academics rejecting a conservative party that has moved sharply right than it does with a story in which academics have moved left. (anti-factual party)
Uber and Employment - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Stephen Greenhouse has your must-read long-read of the day in his exposi of Uber and the argument that their drivers are not employees.
Blowhards, Beware: Megyn Kelly Will Slay You Now | Vanity Fair (in your heart you know she's hot)
New Indiana Bill Aims To Fine Trans People For Using The 'Wrong' Bathroom - The bill constitutes "lining up the potty police to stand at doors of bathrooms," Chris Paulsen tells HuffPost Live.
Late-Night Snacking May Have A Surprising Effect On Your Memory (no suger before bedtime)
This Year's El Niqo Is On Track To Rival The Worst On Record - NASA says the destructive weather system "shows no signs of waning"
Large and increasing methane emissions from northern lakes - With climate warming, particularly at high northern latitudes, longer ice-free seasons in combination with permafrost thaw is likely to fuel methane release from lakes, potentially causing their emissions to increase 20-50 precent before the end of this century. Such a change would likely generate a positive feedback on future warming, causing emissions to increase even further.
Wind, solar power soaring in spite of bargain prices for fossil fuels - The Washington Post
U.S. Stocks Fall After Chinese Markets Plummet - Losses in China were bad enough to close stock markets for the day.
DOW falls 450 points, its worst opening day in 84 years. : news
A Guide to China's Stock Market Crisis | Fox Business
worldnews: search results (Flair: Refugees) (Republican-created world crisis grows)
A virus linked to shrinking newborns' brains is spreading reapidly beyond Brazil
- Saudi Arabia stews in policy hell: Spengler - mass executions in Saudi Arabia suggest panic at the highest level of the monarchy. The action is without precedent, even by the grim standards of Saudi repression
Exclusive: UK Government urged to reveal its role in getting Saudi Arabia onto UN Human Rights Council | UK Politics | News | The Independent - Liberal Democrat and Green Party leaders call on David Cameron to reveal whether British government supported Saudi bid - "Based on the evidence, we remain deeply concerned that the UK may have contracted to elect the world's most misogynistic regime as a world judge of human rights." (and Barry?)
Saudi Arabia says to cut flights, trade with Iran, ban visits | Agricultural Commodities | Reuters
Saudi Allies Scale Down Diplomatic Ties To Iran - The tiny island kingdom of Bahrain announced it would sever its ties completely from Iran, as Saudi Arabia did late on Sunday. (Sunni-Shi'a split heats up, gtfo already)
Teachers executed in Mosul for refusing ISIS school curriculum
UN rights monitor on Palestinian territories quits over lack of access - Yahoo News - complaining that Israel had never granted him access to areas he is meant to monitor.
Deadly Siege At Indian Air Force Base Enters Third Day - Five gunmen and seven troops have been killed since the attack began.
In Yet Another Alleged Hate Crime, Elderly Sikh Stabbed To Death In US (land of the stupid)
Why This Was the Year the Traditional Presidential Campaign Died ? | Mother Jones
Donald Trump Highlights Anti-Muslim Stance In His First TV Ad - The commercial touts his call to block Muslims from entering the United States.
U.S. Troops Suspected Of Sexually Assaulting Military Dependents: Report - For a profession that prides itself on honor and discipline, any episodes of abuse cast a pall ... Child sex-assault cases are not included in the Defense Department's annual report to Congress on sexual assaults, which focuses primarily on adult-on-adult incidents (just a small oversight)
Obama's Second Term Could Be The Most Consequential In Recent Memory (still hates immigrants and drugs and loves killing people with drones unless they are white militianuts)
Eschaton: Crazy Ideas - I'm so old I remember when only sucky bloggers living in basements said this kind of thing ... "Social Security, which has become ever more important in retirement, needs to be expanded." (nah, cut those moochers they can die)
Scalia dismisses concept of religious neutrality in speech - Scalia said Saturday the idea of religious neutrality is not grounded in the country's constitutional traditions and that God has been good to the U.S. exactly because Americans honor him. (Jesus fuck, what an Constitutional asshole idiot +God gave us Cheney)
Oregon Militants Vow To 'Kill And Be Killed If Necessary,' But FBI Isn't Biting - The feds are taking a calculated approach to the ongoing standoff in Oregon. (calculate a few tanks)
Vanilla ISIS & Y'All Qaeda: Oregon Gunmen Mocked On Social Media - Self-styled militia comes under a different type of fire.
Explaining the long fight between the Bundys and the federal government, from 1989 to today - The Washington Post
Ban the Box - Lawyers, Guns & Money : A court in Pennsylvania on Wednesday struck down a state law that imposed a lifetime ban from employment on as many as 200,000 people with criminal records in the state (operation enduring racism)
'Making a Murderer' Petition Gets 100,000 Signatures : television
More than 13,000 rape kits remain untested in Florida, officials say | US news | The Guardian - Backlog could take years to clear, with costs up to $32m, report notes - News comes after investigation found 70,000 kits untested across US (just wasn't a big priority for Obama's Justice Dept)
Diversity Policies Don't Help Women or Minorities, and They Make White Men Feel Threatened (that's not hard to do)
- Diversity Policies Don't Help Women or Minorities, and They Make White Men Feel Threatened - A longitudinal study of over 700 U.S. companies found that implementing diversity training programs has little positive effect and may even decrease representation of black women
Sugars in Western diets increase risk for breast cancer tumors and metastasis: Study in mice points to sugar's impact on inflammatory pathways as culprit -- ScienceDaily - mpact on inflammatory pathways as culprit
Promising progress for new treatment of type 1 diabetes - Uppsala University, Sweden - administration of interleukin-35 (a protein made by immune cells) to mice with type 1 diabetes, reverses or cures the disease by maintaining a normal blood glucose level and the immune tolerance.
The Periodic Table Has 4 Brand New Elements - super-heavy man-made chemical elements temporarily named 113, 115, 117 and 118 are the first additions to the table since 2011, according to a statement from IUPAC
Why does psychology not study the effects of religion on the mind? : askscience
- Reading books on your Windows 10 devices
Tor Anonymity: Things Not to Do : technology
Why this National Review global temperature graph is so misleading - The Washington Post (lies are what they do)
Saudi Arabia cuts diplomatic ties with Iran after Nimr execution | World news | The Guardian - Riyadh gives Iranian diplomats 48 hours to leave after two days of protest and the burning of the Saudi embassy in Tehran follow death of Shia cleric
Saudi Arabia Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Iran, Foreign Minister Says - The announcement comes after increased tensions following the execution of a prominent cleric.
The Nation That Executed 47 People In 1 Day Sits On The U.N. Human Rights Council - Saudi Arabia enjoys the support of allies like the U.S. and U.K. at the human rights body.
r /> Fiorina And Carson Defend Saudi Government, Which Cites Sharia Law To Execute 47 People
Mexico Mayor Killed Less Than A Day After Taking Office
Oregon Standoff - Bundy Family and Extremist Militias Take Over Federal Property in Oregon - Its roots in our politics are deep and tangled. (none dare call it sedition)
- Why aren't we calling the Oregon militia "terrorists?
Gunmen Seize Federal Building In Oregon - The men include at least two sons of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and have said they'll stay for "years." (what happened to zero tolerance?)
Eschaton: Patriots - The most Merkin of Merkins. (NYT fails to mention the "activists" have machine guns)
Open Letter to All County Sheriffs | (how they unthink)
A sophisticated standard of journalism - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Ammo Bundy had many things to say to CNN - "CNN has not independently corroborated Bundy's claims" (why, that would require, uh, journalism!)
And the home of the brave - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Later, the men showed up at the sheriff's office to complain about the exchange involving his mother. She had, they said, threatened them.
Illinois Considers Allowing Recall Attempts Of Chicago Mayor - Illinois state law currently addresses only the recall of a governor.
A generation of failed politicians has trapped the west in a tawdry nightmare | Pankaj Mishra | Opinion | The Guardian - A cosseted, arrogant elite has presided over a swift decay in the very liberal values it claims, with bombs and guns, to be defending
Al-Shabab terror group uses Donald Trump soundbite in purported propaganda video - CBS News - Terror group al-Shabab, al-Qaeda's Somalia-based affiliate, is using a clip from Donald Trump in a purported Islamist propaganda vide
Eschaton: Buddy Pine - Yes, the chief villain. Right wing talk radio and blogs do nothing but talk about Chuck Schumer all day long. Kudos to getting the NYT to type this up, though I suppose that isn't that hard (never is)
The Big Problem With The FBI's Tracking Of Fatal Shootings By Police - A Washington Post senior editor says the agency did "a very poor job." (killer cops tracking killer cops ... what could go wrong?)
Scientists have used groundbreaking technology to figure out how the Earth looked a billion years ago - Quartz - first Kenorland, which would have broken up some 2.4 billion years ago, then Nuna, and after that, about 1 billion years ago, Rodinia.
Your Brain On Audio Books: Distracted, Forgetful, And Bored
How the Internet changed the way we read : TrueReddit
The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains by Nicholas Carr
What other subreddits do you get lost in for hours? : RedditForGrownups
The Website Obesity Crisis
- Happy New Year, It's going to be a doozy - I finally saw Spotlight over the weekend, and it is everything everyone said it was. (for the history and omissions)
France mosque attack: Soldiers open fire on car 'attempting to ram mosque' | Europe | News | The Independent - Three soldiers were reportedly injured, there also appear to be injuries among worshippers at the mosque in Valence, Drome
China's New Spy Airship Hunts Aircraft Carriers From the Edge of Space
Turkish politician jailed for almost three years after 'insulting president Erdogan on Twitter' -
It's No Surprise That Turkey's Erdogan Likes Adolf Hitler's Government | John A. Tures
- Hillary Clinton was told Angela Merkel is against "Obama phenomenon" - she dislikes the atmospherics surrounding the Obama phenomenon, that it's contrary to her whole idea of politics and how to conduct oneself in general
Saudi Arabia Ends A Brutal Year Of Executions By Beheading A Filipino National - The country hasn't carried out this many annual executions in twenty years ... after he spent nearly six years on death row seeking a pardon.
TIL the Great Bengal Famine of 1770 resulted in the deaths of 10 million people, approximately one-third of the population of the affected area. The famine occurred or was made more severe largely due to the British East India Company's policies in Bengal. : todayilearned
TIL During Prohibition, the government deliberately poisoned the industrial-use alcohol that bootleggers were stealing and turning into booze. 10,000 people died. : todayilearned (and then they made pot illegal ...)
TIL Kenneth Trentadue was arrested due to resembling Oklahoma City bombing suspect Richard Guthrie. It was ruled he committed suicide in his cell after bashing his head and cutting his own throat with signs of torture. Guthrie hanged himself in his cell a day before a television interview over it. : todayilearned
2015: The Year in Trump Tweets Part I -
Rubio Outraged by Spying on Israel's Government, OK with Mass Surveillance of Americans (he's bought and paid for)
Privilege, Pathology and Power - The New York Times - Wealth can be bad for your soul - Oligarchy, rule by the few, also tends to become rule by the monstrously self-centered. Narcisstocracy? Jerkigarchy? Anyway, it's an ugly spectacle, and it's probably going to get even uglier over the course of the year ahead (if you had a soul)
The Sudden But Well-Deserved Fall of Rahm Emanuel - The New Yorker - But then so much of the legend of Rahm Emanuel's brilliant career makes little sense. The bigger question, perhaps, is what this says about a political party and the political press that bought the legend in the first place.
- another sign the era of mass incarceration is slowly coming to an end
Two Ways of Dealing With Guns - The New York Times
Young black men killed by US police at highest rate in year of 1,134 deaths | US news | The Guardian - Final total of people killed by US police officers in 2015 shows rate of death for young black men was five times higher than white men of the same age
Chicago's sales tax now highest in the nation (10.25%)
Washington Post Claims It Dropped A Progressive Columnist Because Of Poor Readership. Readers Aren't Happy.
- The Greatest Books of All Time, As Voted by 125 Famous Authors
2015's top 11 websites for insightful and in-depth articles
Reddit in 2015 : blog
What did "that bitch" do at your wedding? : AskReddit
ELI5: How did the term "getting stoned" become synonymous with getting high? : explainlikeimfive
In 365 days I lost 100lbs+, ran a half marathon and live a healthier lifestyle. New years resolutioners: You can do it! : pics
At C.D.C., a Debate Behind Recommendations on Cellphone Risk - The New York Times