Psyche's Links: 2017 : 18,286 Links
New Year Could Bring Record Low Temperatures To Parts Of U.S. | HuffPost - Lows are predicted to hit minus 20F to minus 30F from Montana into the Dakotas and Minnesota, well below average.
New Year Kicks Off With Supermoon Lunapalooza | HuffPost - 2018's biggest supermoon will be followed at the end of January by a "super blue blood moon"
The 2018 In/Out List - Washington Post
US closer to 'nuclear war with North Korea' than ever before: Former Joint Chiefs head (meanwhile, in let's kill millions of people land -- let's put a bunch of idiots and military guys in charge of foreign policy)
Iran protests: Telegram and Instagram restricted - BBC News
Iran's president urges protesters to avoid violence as unrest grips the country
Iran warns protesters who pose major challenge to country -- Iran warned of a crackdown on Sunday against demonstrators who pose one of the biggest challenges to the government and clerical leadership since a revolution in 1979.
Iran protests: 'Iron fist' threatened if unrest continues - BBC News
Fact-checking 'The Crown' : Did the Duke of Windsor plot with Hitler to betray Britain? (yes, +Wallis Simpson banged Ribbentrop)
48 underage girls have been rescued from the ashrams of a 'goodman' in Delhi ... Dixit claims to be an incarnation of, among others, the Hindu god Krishna, who according to myth has 16,000 wives.
Facebook Says It Is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments ... Facebook representatives were meeting with the Israeli government to determine which Facebook accounts of Palestinians should be deleted on the ground that they constituted "incitement." (that would be all of them)
The 7 most important polling trends of 2017 - CNNPolitics -- 1,2: Trump, Republifucks down; 3: economy good, Trumps wins; 4: midterms look bad for Republifucks; 5: imploding Obamacare very popular; 6: Russia "witchhunt" continues, no one believe Trumpster; 7: World give up on U.S. tirefire)
ACLU suing DC police over arrests during Trump's inauguration | TheHill (70 yrs in prison for practicing journalism at a public event sends a clear message)
Republican Attacks on Mueller and F.B.I. Open New Rift in G.O.P. - The New York Times (oh, sure, welcome to anarchy)
Devin Nunes, targeting Mueller and the FBI, alarms Democrats and some Republicans with his tactics - The Washington Post (little Russian Republirat)
For Trump, a Year of Reinventing the Presidency - The New York Times - In ways that were once unimaginable, President Trump has discarded the conventions and norms established by his predecessors. Will that change the institution permanently? (fuck your libturd norms)
Tina Smith prepares for crash course in the U.S. Senate - - learning Senate ropes even as she dives into campaign mode.
Judge Says Pennsylvania Election Districts Give Republicans an Edge, but Are Not Illegal - The New York Times (perfectly legal for Repubifucks to cheat on elections)
Does the White Working Class Really Vote Against Its Own Interests? - POLITICO Magazine (race over class so they had someone to oppress in turn) (they had large poll taxes in the South before WWII) ... in 1936, three of four voting-age adults outside the South participated in the presidential election, but in the South, just one in four cast ballots ... "Once upon a time, down South, a rich white man made a bargain with a poor white ... 'You boss the nigger, and I'll boss the money.'" (the wages of whiteness)
David Golumbia on Twitter: "a wonderful lesson here in Glenn G's reading comprehension skills. now apply back to many, many other events (anything to suit his agenda)
Roseanne Barr threatens to retire in huff over Twitter feuding with liberals - "I voted Trump 2 shake up the status quo & the staid establishment ... drain the swamp" (god she's worse than the Alien lady)
How the Trump era is changing the federal bureaucracy - The Washington Post (dismantling government because rich/stupid people don't need it)
FBI Affidavit Details Ex-Sheriff David Clarke's Intimidation Of Fellow Passenger | HuffPost - Feds dropped their case against him in May, but Milwaukee investigators determined he had abused his authority, the filing reveals ... Black still has a civil rights lawsuit pending against Clarke. (why Trump dropped the asshole)
Hundreds of thousands of poor Americans will soon be able to move to better areas, thanks to this judge - The Washington Post - A federal judge has ordered the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to implement an Obama-era rule on Jan. 1 that would give low-income families greater access to housing in more affluent neighborhoods.
Partisans, Wielding Money, Begin Seeking to Exploit Harassment Claims - The New York Times - hundreds of thousands of dollars to support accusers who come forward with charges against President Trump and members of Congress, even amid questions about their motivation. (they changed "Partisans" to "Activists -- NYT suspects your "motivation" in calling Trumps a 'pussy-grabber" and their examples of "activistics are white supremo ratfuckers Cernovich and Charles Johnson and they diabled comments, of course)
America On Opioids: The Many Faces Of The Country's Addiction Crisis | HuffPost - than 63,000 Americans died of drug overdoses in 2016
Gunman ambushed deputies in deadly Douglas County shooting (CO)
Police believe man found with small arsenal at Hyatt Regency...
Elise on Twitter: "hello 911 I'd like to report a gruesome pizzagate murder"
Taking Out the Trash? That's Still a Man's Job, Even for the Liberal Coastal Elite (women's equality draws the line at garbage)
Anyone who thought that ditchwater was dull could have spent an instructive half-hour in that ditch with a powerful microscope -- For many people it is still a free country. If someone wants to spend $4,500 to extract water from the air because they think aitch-two-owe from the tap is too gross, they are free to do so. Just as I am free to say water snobbery the raw water movement is more proof that wealthy people are unseemly and a nuisance. (hog water is trending amoung rich millenials)
Cannabis will be everywhere :" California towns scramble to prepare for legal marijuana on Jan. 1 ... The Kern County Board of Supervisors voted recently to forbid the sale of cannabis (screwing MMJ patients because heroin is the gateway drug to pot)
The 10 most ridiculous celebrity apologies of 2017 (that have nothing to do with harassment) - The Washington Post
Self-injury more about coping than a cry for help -- Between 63% and 78% of non-suicidal people who self-injure do it as a short-term strategy to ease emotional distress. However, though self-injuring may work for short periods, the effect can be short lived, and make matters worse in the long term.
What is the scariest book, nosleep, creepypasta, or otherwise, that you've ever read? : books
NSFW - How did you find out about the magical world of masturbation? : AskReddit
Alleged 'Nigerian Prince' Email Scammer Arrested In Louisiana | HuffPost - He does not appear to be Nigerian or a prince.
Eastern U.S. to endure most numbing New Year's Eve cold in memory
Is the polar vortex back? Be afraid, frigid friends. - The Washington Post
How Climate Change Deniers Rise to the Top in Google Searches - The New York Times - advertising business to their advantage, gaming the system to find a mass platform for false or misleading claims. (when lies become commodities)
Trump is as unfit and ignorant as ever - The Washington Post
Trump is as unfit and ignorant as ever -- comment by Wrath of Con
Flu cases widespread in 36 states, CDC reports - because of cold weather gripping much of the USA and low efficacy associated with this year's flu vaccine
Three Months After Maria, Roughly Half of Puerto Ricans Still Without Power - The New York Times (disaster in chief)
Iran protests: Violence on third day of demonstrations - BBC News
This is Iran right now. Massive protests are sweeping the country as citizens take to the streets to protest the theocratic fundamentalist government. : pics
Woman branded "a hero" for removing hijab during anti-government protests in Iran
Police in Iran capital Tehran say they'll stop arresting women for not wearing headscarves : news
Defense Secretary Mattis breaks tradition, doesn't visit U.S. troops in war zone this December
Our Reporter Mike Schmidt on His Golf Club Interview With President Trump - The New York Times (yes, we bowed down to the Emperor)
10 Falsehoods From Trump's Interview With The Times ("falsehoods" = blatant delusional self-serving lies"
Trump sounded delusional in his New York Times interview -- Even as his administration struggles with historic unpopularity, Trump ascribes to himself qualities that surpass all predecessors - even reigning Republican icon Ronald Reagan. Taken together, his comments signaled an inability to grasp conditions in the country, the limitations of his own capacities and the nature of the office he holds.
2017: Our Reporters Reflect on Covering Washington and Politics - The New York Times
Trump's media neediness -- Trust in the media now exceeds trust in Trump in many polls. That's a sign of a healthy media, an alert electorate and trouble for the narcissist in chief ... "So they basically have to let me win." (because they are ratings-driven, hello CNN) comment: "a pathetic, insecure, empty man who has by a combination of unlikely circumstances found himself able to damage and even destroy tens of millions of lives." (+polezni durak = usefull idiot of Putin)
Donald Trump and the Limits of the Reality TV Presidency - The New York Times (viewing public gets bored with the same act. good history on McCarthy, a salesman selling "America's peril" which is what Trump is selling with MAGA -- the perilous decline of white supremecy)
Trump's free reign at his Winter White House
Donald Trump Is a Consequential President. Just Not in the Ways You Think. - POLITICO Magazine - his relentless shattering of norms: norms of honesty, decency, diversity, strategy, diplomacy and democracy, norms of what presidents are supposed to say and do when the world is and isn't watching (shattered the "norm" of sanity, good jobs Republifucks)
Why Do These Trump Campaign Advisers Keep Boasting About Their Collusion With the Russians? - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- I deplore this Russiaphobic McCarthyism designed to distract from the graspingly perfidious neoliberalism that Hillary Clinton used to CLEAR THE FIELD of real progressive alternatives like Jim Webb, Rand Paul, and Ron Paul.
Matthew Yglesias on Twitter: "Not to question Saint James of Bridgewater Associates but I'm struck that the FBI Director felt the need to offer running public commentary on the email server investigator while staying mum on the Russia thing. (history is not judging him well)
WikiLeaks Cold Open - SNL - YouTube
Trump Justice Department Pushes for Citizenship Question on Census, Alarming Experts | HuffPost - This is a recipe for sabotaging the census. ("are you an illegal immigrant crook?)
Dem senators fight to out-liberal one another ahead of 2020 - POLITICO - A half-dozen Trump foes race to embrace the liberal zeitgeist, occupying space Bernie Sanders once had to himself.
Breitbart's Astonishing Confession -- The editor of the right-wing news site admitted that its coverage of a major political campaign was dishonest, but the news barely made a blip in conservative media outlets. (Republifucks lying is not news)
What I Learned From Reading All The Media Safaris Into 'Trump Country' I Could Handle Before Wanting To Die | HuffPost - Turns out Trump supporters still support Trump -- "Cletus safari" -- and the reporters returned with tenderly crafted soft-focus portrait after tenderly crafted soft-focus portrait of people aching to say the n-word. the rural Trump diehard ... 36 such Trump supporter profiles published in the past year, 36 being the number I was able to read without melting my brain. (the stupidest of the racist stupids and their stupid media enablers)
Emboldened white nationalists? Look no further than this liberal Oregon college town | (they've always been in Oregon/Eugene +nazi cell)
sean. ?? on Twitter: "It seems like the rise of a re-invigorated and active white supremacist movement should get more attention than it currently receives.
California Prosecuting Man for Insulting Posts on Islamic Center's Facebook Page
California high school football player can't be forced to stand for national anthem, court rules : news
The Gambler's Ruin of Small Cities
Family says son killed by police in 'swatting' was unarmed, didn't play video games (fucker cop felt "threatened" by the door opening)
The LAPD has arrested a man in connection with the Kansas swatting death : news
Police release swatting call, video of man shot to death
Georgia trooper shoots, kills man who fled DUI checkpoint : news
Mother sues school district over voicemail mocking special needs daughter : news
Northern California Pot Distributor Wants Its Seized Marijuana Back : news
Of All the Blogs in the World, He Walks Into Mine - The New York Times - A man born to an Orthodox Jewish family in Toronto and schooled at a Yeshiva and a Japanese-American man raised on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, were married in the rare books section of the Strand Bookstore in Greenwich Village before a crowd of 200 people
Study of 550 college students who had used or were using Tinder finds about one in five participants admit to talking with a person on the dating app while in an exclusive romantic relationship : science
TIL that 6-10 billion light years away, there is a void in space 1 billion light years wide. It is completely empty of both normal matter and dark matter. It emits no detectable radiation or light of any kind. : todayilearned
Biggest void in space is 1 billion light years across | New Scientist
Texas is Leading the Country in Flu Cases : news
Snow Causes Roof collapses at Erie All Weather Roofing Company : news
What is something you could say both at dinner and during sex? : AskReddit
What happened with companies scaling up their customer service as they grow, why is it ok for Youtube and FB to offer no real human customer service? : AskReddit - They have a customer service, for their customers. The customers are the ad companies. We are the product.
Trump mocks global warming in tweet - Axios (he's smarter than your sciencey so-called fake news Chinese-hoax scientists)
The decline of U.S. influence is the great global story of our age - The Washington Post (meanwhile, in the failed democracy of Trumpistan)
Incoherent, authoritarian, uninformed: Trump's New York Times interview is a scary read -- The president of the United States is not well ... Whatever the cause, it is plainly obvious from Trump's words that this is not a man fit to be president, that he is not well or capable in some fundamental way. That is an uncomfortable thing to say, and so many prefer not to say it, but Trump does not occupy a job where such deficiencies can be safely ignored. (+Dunning-Kruger)
Donald Trump made 25 false claims in his latest New York Times interview | Toronto Star - Trump made nearly one false claim per minute in the 30-minute interview in Florida on Thursday. (God is he stupid)
Do bipartisan cyborgs dream of electoral sheep? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - latest crazy-ass disjointed stream of consciousness parody mashup of Bob Dylan 1960s liner notes and Molly Bloom on acid is hard to get through.
Joy Reid on Twitter: "But it's absolutely stunning that this is what's happening. But it is what's happening."
Donald Trump's New York Times Interview With Michael Schmidt Is the Sign of a Bigger Problem (Trump is totally incoherent -- talk about elephant in the room territory)
Do bipartisan cyborgs dream of electoral sheep? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Maggie Haberman is getting all snippy with critics who aren't happy that the Times lets Trump ramble on and on while providing essentially zero pushback to any of his dozens of preposterous lies.
138 things Trump did this year while you weren't looking Behind the crazy headlines, more conservative priorities got pushed through than most people realize. An exhaustive list of what really happened to the government in 2017. (let's put total assholes in charge of everything)
Eschaton - Nobody Could Have Predicted- In 10-20 years there won't be any train service through the NE. Heckuva job. -- The president officially scrapped his predecessor's proposal to have the federal government underwrite half the cost of a multi-billion-dollar Amtrak tunnel connecting New Jersey to Penn Station, the busiest transit hub in the U.S. The lone existing tunnel is rapidly deteriorating, threatening to sever Amtrak's popular Northeast Corridor and to divert tens of thousands of New Jerseyans from their daily Manhattan commutes via New Jersey Transit. (you don't have helicopters and private jets? )
President Trump Golfs For FOURTH Day in a Row After Tweeting It Was 'Back to Work'
Trump unchained: staff leaves, hardline ideas rise - Axios (stupid "ideas")
White House intern flashes 'white power' sign with Trump | Daily Mail Online
Reverse Death Wish Still Liberals'S Fault! (Trump caused dramatic fall in crime rate for the past 20 years)
The Vanity Fair staffers behind the Hillary Clinton video should not be fired - The Washington Post
The latest 2018 election-hacking threat: 9-month wait for government help - POLITICO - Some states might not get an intensive DHS review until weeks before the midterm elections. (almost like they don't want to stop Russia hacking our elections)
How a Liberal Scholar of Conspiracy Theories Became the Subject of a Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory | The New Yorker
Drexel professor resigns amid threats over controversial tweets - CNN - This is not a decision I take lightly; however, after nearly a year of harassment by right-wing, white supremacist media outlets and Internet mobs, after death threats and threats of violence directed against me and my family, my situation has become unsustainable
riemannszeros comments on Alabama officials to certify Jones as Senate winner despite Moore challenge | Reuters ... The busses fake-news was started here on reddit. The original stories quoted reddit as the source of the rumor and it spread from there.
Aedeus comments on Unless theres another terror incident in the USA this year, 24 of 29 terrorist attacks were perpetrated by White Supremacists, White Power Groups and Trump Supporters.
Rachel Maddow closes 2017 by beating the pants off Sean Hannity | Shareblue Media - Pitted against Sean Hannity in the 9 p.m. time slot, Maddow in recent weeks has moved ahead of Trump's favorite cheerleader and has been regularly beating Hannity among viewers 25-54, the demographic most sought after by advertisers.
Trump Fires HIV/AIDS Council in Its Entirety by FedEx Letter, Report Claims ... Dangerous that #Trump and Co. (Pence esp.) are eliminating few remaining people willing to push back against harmful policies, like abstinence-only sex ed (the theorcracy at work)
Why do so many Republicans hate college? - The Washington Post (screw your so-called moocher education) Arizona has cut state funding per student by 41 percent since 2008, second only to Louisiana in higher-ed disinvestment ... A June Pew Research Center survey found that a majority of Republicans believe colleges and universities have a "negative effect on the way things are going in the country." Democrats overwhelmingly said the opposite. (stupid people making everyone stupid but Koch bro\s to the rescue)
The one best idea for ending sexual harassment - The Washington Post (16 best ideas, actually)
NBA's Avery Bradley Paid Big Money to Silence Sexual Assault Accuser, Denies Allegation |
The Most Expensive Mile of Subway Track on Earth - The New York Times - How excessive staffing, little competition, generous contracts and archaic rules dramatically inflate capital costs for transit in New York.
Man killed by police; online gaming community blames 'swatting' | The Wichita Eagle ... As he came to the front door, one of our officers discharged his weapon. (let's put unfit trigger-happy men in charge of our communities)
Kansas Man Killed In SWATting Attack; Attacker was same individual who called in fake net-neutrality bomb
Palm Coast man rigs door to electrocute pregnant wife, changes Facebook status to 'widowed,' deputies say : news
The Dr. Phil show reportedly helped addicts score drugs and alcohol before they went on air : news
'Blade Runner 2049 is a roaring achievement': readers on the best films of 2017 | Film | The Guardian
Combatting PTSD by letting patients hear their own brainwaves
Neurofeedback, sham neurofeedback, and cognitive-behavioural group therapy in adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: a triple-blind, randomised, controlled trial - ScienceDirect -- Our findings suggest that neurofeedback training is not superior to a sham condition or group psychotherapy. All three treatments were equivalently effective in reducing ADHD symptoms. This first randomised, sham-controlled trial did not show any specific effects of neurofeedback on ADHD symptoms in adults.
Students whose sex ed programs teach abstinence as the only way to protect sexual health have less favorable attitudes toward condoms and are more likely to have unprotected sex than students who learn safe sexual practices. Abstinence-only sex education programs do not stop minors from having sex. : science (teach them to be stupid, they make stupid decisions)
Why "Just Say No" Doesn't Work -- A popular program for preventing teen drug use does not help. Here's what does (2014 still controversial +gateway drug hypothesis)
Separation of Drug Markets and the Normalization of Drug Problems in the Netherlands: An Example for other Nations?Journal of Drug Issues - Henk Jan Van Vliet, 1990 (it took 40 yrs and couunting to prove "just say no" doesn't work and - "separation of markets" = "pot is not heroin" does, so no "gateway drug hypothesis/bullshit, science at work)
Coffee Shops and Compromise: Separated Illicit Drug Markets in the Netherlands
Forgive_My_Cowardice comments on People keep uploading Hamilton to PornHub
Drivers of Reddit, what's the strangest/creepiest thing you've witnessed while driving at night?
TIL an Australian court ruled that "cunt" is not an offensive word : todayilearned
BuzzFeed slammed for 'bigoted piece of filth' article claiming white people ruin America : news
What is illegal, but completely moral? : AskReddit
Mt. Washington summit breaks daily record low temperature, wind chill reaches minus-89 degrees - The Boston Globe -- minus-34 degrees early Thursday morning, Mount Washington Observatory meteorologist Tom Padham said. And with winds gusting at more than 110 miles per hour at times between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. Thursday, he said wind chills on the summit reached minus-89 degrees.
China says no sanction-breaking oil sales to North Korea
Urgent Medical Evacuations Trickle Out Of Syria's Besieged Eastern Ghouta Enclave | HuffPost - Only four people have been transported to Damascus hospitals so far. Others have died waiting.
Islamic State Claims Deadly Blast at Afghan Shiite Center - The New York Times - At least 41 people were killed and dozens more wounded on Thursday in a bombing at a Shiite cultural center in Kabul
Saudi-led airstrikes kill 68 civilians in one day of Yemen's 'absurd' war | World news | The Guardian
France Fails to Face Up to Racism - The New York Times
A cruel new front in the war on reproductive rights - The Boston Globe - s policy to block detained undocumented teens from accessing abortion services (mostly rape victims)
Romanian hackers took over D.C. surveillance cameras just before presidential inauguration, federal prosecutors say - The Washington Post ... two-thirds of the District's outdoor surveillance cameras just before President Trump's inauguration ... The January attack affected 123 of the D.C. police department's 187 outdoor surveillance cameras, leaving them unable to record for several days. (if they can do that ...)
Report: Haley Duped by Prank Call From Fake Polish Leader
Was Nikki Haley pranked by Russians, or are these tricksters fooling us all? | Palmetto Politics |
Eschaton: Morning Thread - Who gets thrown under the bus after Flynn? My guess (okay wish) is the Kush.
Trump legal team readies attack on Flynn
America and the Great Abdication - The Atlantic - Abdication is not isolationism (just following Vlad's orders)
17 striking findings for 2017 | Pew Research Center - 1: Partisan divides dwarf demographic differences on key political values. 2: Donald Trump's presidency has had a major impact on how the world sees the United States. A global median of just 22% have confidence in Trump to do the right thing when it comes to international affairs 3: About four-in-ten Americans say they live in a gun-owning household, while three-in-ten say they personally own a gun. 4: Democrats and Republicans disagree now more than ever on the news media's "watchdog" role. (Renuts don't trust fake news which is anything Trump says it is)
Trump asks supporters to help award 'Fake News' trophy
These Are 50 Of The Biggest Fake News Hits On Facebook In 2017 - Viral fake news generated more engagement on Facebook in 2017 than last year ("Couple hospitalized after man get his head stuck in his wife's vagina" +fackchecking site are useless) ... When it came to crime hoaxes, World News Daily Report dominated the genre. (lies sell better than truth)
PolitiFact's guide to fake news websites and what they peddle
GitHub - BuzzFeedNews/2017-12-fake-news-top-50: Data and analysis supporting the BuzzFeed News article, "These Are 50 Of The Biggest Fake News Hits On Facebook In 2017," published on Dec. 28, 2017
Trump builds his 2018 political message by rebranding Obama's economic legacy -- After disputing economic gains under his predecessor, the president is seizing the same trends as his own. (because Republicans/media can't remember yesterday, let alone last year)
In the heart of Trump Country, his base's faith is unshaken -- Sandy Hook, Ky ... "He was the hope we were all waiting on, the guy riding up on the white horse" ... God, guns, patriotism, saying "Merry Christmas" ... He almost always sides with Fox News and anchors who dismiss allegations of Russian collusion as a "witch hunt" ... Steven Whitt says that most people he knows fret about transgender bathrooms and their Second Amendment rights being snatched away. (they are so oppressed by the coastal elites who give them money because they're moochers)
Trump Attacks Vanity Fair, Anna Wintour Over Hillary Clinton Video | Hollywood Reporter
Vanity Fair "Regrets" Video Telling Hillary Clinton To Take Up Knitting, Drop Politics (new woman editor fucks up)
Patricia Arquette on Twitter: "@VanityFair Hey STOP TELLING WOMEN WHAT THE F-CK THEY SHOULD DO OR CAN DO. Get over your mommy issues."
Minnesotans Don't Think Franken Should Resign; Franken Remains Popular, Especially With Women ... little appetite from Democratic voters at the state level for Franken to go, with 71% opposing his departure. A majority of independents- 52%- as well think he should not resign, with just 41% favoring his exit. (thanks, Gillibrand)
Name-Drawing Delayed In Tied Virginia Race After Democrat Launches Last-Minute Court Challenge | HuffPost
It was good for Alabama that Roy Moore didn't concede |
Roy Moore Files Lawsuit Contesting Alabama's Senate Election Results | HuffPost - The suit was filed less than a day before the state officially declares Doug Jones the winner.
Alabama Certifies Jones Win, Brushing Aside Challenge From Roy Moore - The New York Times ... To this day, Republicans note, Mr. Moore has not conceded his losses in the 2006 or 2010 Republican primaries for governor, and there is already speculation in Montgomery that he might run for governor or attorney general next year.
Evangelical Christians 'uncritical' in support for Trump, UK bishop says | World news | The Guardian ... "self-styled evangelicals" (meaning they don't care about the Jesus stuff except for victimizing women who need an abortion ... iow, satangelicals" screw the "poor and the weak" is their motto)
Nathan Bedford Forrest statue along I-65 in Nashville vandalized | WZTV - covered in pink paint.
Confessions of a Digital Nazi Hunter - The New York Times (TW and FB could give a shit)
Number of officers killed hits 2nd-lowest in more than 50 years : news (our lives-in-constant-danger hero warrior cops in one the safest professions)
Melania's Darkest Secrets Will Be Revealed in Omarosa Manigault's Tell All ... From the moment President Donald Trump gave Omarosa Manigault Newman a job in his administration last January, she treated 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue like her own playground. The polarizing reality TV personality brought her bridal party of 39 people to the White House for a photo shoot; she hosted a bridal luncheon there, too; and she would regularly breeze into the Oval Office unannounced to chat with her former mentor ($10 million)
Charlie Dent says Trump a factor in decision to not seek re-election - CNNPolitics - Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pennsylvania, said Republican candidates facing re-election would have to surpass challenging hurdles, among them Trump's divisive nature
Crime in New York City Plunges to a Level Not Seen Since the 1950s - The New York Times ... even as the police, under Mayor Bill de Blasio, use less deadly force, make fewer arrests and scale back controversial practices like stopping and frisking thousands of people on the streets. (bring back Rudy)
We Asked 615 Men About How They Conduct Themselves at Work - The New York Times -- In a new survey, about a third of men said they had done something at work within the past year that would qualify as objectionable behavior or sexual harassment. (there's your problem, right there +most NYT comments -- they wouldn't be there if they couldn't read -- by men are defensive and indicate they didn't get past the headline)
CNBC director accused of spying on teen nanny with bathroom cam - NY Daily News
BuzzFeed fires White House correspondent after allegations - Business Insider ... Adrian Carrasquillo, has been let go following an investigation into inappropriate comments to a colleague (is on shitty media men list and "innappropriate comments" = "dick pics")
Global editor Howard Fineman is leaving HuffPost - Business Insider - Howard Fineman is leaving HuffPost after seven years. His departure comes as many top figures at the site have left amid a shifting editorial focus ... In recent months, many top figures have left the organization amid an editorial shift to what Editor-in-Chief Lydia Polgreen described as a digital-media tabloid. (they've lost half their traffic, good job VRZ +Business Insider thinks they are worth $99/yr hahah)
Huffington Post'ss new editor seeks new audience -- Trump voter ... New editor-in-chief Lydia Polgreen believes that it can. (so, Verizon bought them and rebranded pro-Trump, but it destroyed the site, they could give a fuck - 2/17) Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa - How popular is (not any more)
Aid-in-dying process not as graceful as Colorado couple imagined - From acquiring medication to waiting for it to take effect, they encounter the unexpected
Modern life too much for you? Maybe a tiny box in the woods is the cure. - The Washington Post
A Woman Allegedly Got Drunk On A First Date And Destroyed Her Date's Fine Art, Including Two Warhol Paintings -- Lindy Lou Layman is accused of tearing down two original Andy Warhol paintings and throwing two sculptures across the room in a $14 million mansion.
Planned Parenthood Closes Abortion Clinic Operating for 18 Years After It Loses Taxpayer Funding | - LifeNews can report excellent news today from the state of Iowa. There, a Planned Parenthood abortion business that had been killing unborn children for 18 years is closing down. The abortion company blamed the Iowa state legislature for revoking its taxpayer funding as the reason why. (no abortions for women in Iowa)
How a Giant Psychiatric Hospital Company Tried To Spin Us -- And Silence Its Staff A $100,000 crisis PR plan. An employee fired for supposedly speaking to a reporter. Another employee sued for allegedly leaking internal surveillance videos. Inside the war room of America's largest psychiatric hospital chain as it responded to our two-year investigation ... patients who didn't need treatment were being held in order to boost profits. The company -- Universal Health Services, or UHS ... to counter our two-year investigation, which revealed internal surveillance videos of UHS employees choking and dragging patients and which led the state of Oklahoma to investigate a UHS hospital executive for abuse and neglect, and to cut off state funding ... UHS purchased two days after the Boston Globe published an article about failures in care that led to multiple deaths within the Arbour system of hospitals in Massachusetts.
"DELETE UGH" -- In making a deal with Milo Yiannopoulos, Simon & Schuster/Threshold Editions seems to have gotten what it asked for, but not what it wanted.
The Oldest Surviving Aerial Photo Was Taken From a Hot Air Balloon Over Boston in 1860
Reddit user unveils a spam ring and also includes explanations why they are all bots : bestof
What bot accounts on reddit should people know about? : AskReddit
regoapps comments on I legit would live in the house my 11 year old son built in 1 hour in Minecraft.
TIL a wedding photographer was awarded $1,080,000 in a defamation suit when a couple refused to pay for a $125 fee. : todayilearned
Women of Reddit, what do you think is the hardest part of being a man ? : AskReddit
How Fans Invented #Hannie, the Ultimate Social Media Supercouple
Tesla's enormous battery in Australia, just weeks old, is already responding to outages in 'record' time ... An electric grid consisting of distributed solar panels, paired with a large battery, could prove transformative for some island economies, (PR, etc +HI +in story about energy independence, Russian and oil trolls descend, commenters laugh)
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service - Migratory Bird Program | Conserving America's Birds (cats, not turbines )
Trump is quietly cementing his bird-killing legacy. | New Republic
63 inches of snow in Erie, PA. A new 2 day snowfall record. : pics
Venezuela expels top Brazil and Canada diplomats - BBC News - Ms Rodriguez accused Brazil of violating the rule of law and Canada of interfering in Venezuela's internal affairs
These Cities Are Suing The Pentagon Over 'Deadly Gaps' In America's Gun-Check System | HuffPost (almost like they don't care how many people get killed ... oh)
U.S. Coaliton: ISIS Is Down to Fewer Than 1,000 Fighters in Iraq, Syria : news (remember Paul Bremer?)
56,000 layoffs and counting: India's IT bloodbath this year may just be the start
World's Wealthiest Became $1 Trillion Richer in 2017 (they stole all the monies)
Israeli transport minister wants to name a new Jerusalem train station after Trump ... Trump called Nazis "some very fine people" yet this Israeli politician wants to name a train station in his honor? The world officially makes no sense.
Putin may be in more trouble than we know - The Washington Post ... Mr. Putin now seeks popular favor with nationalist adventurism, such as the invasion of Ukraine; the election is scheduled for the anniversary of the Crimea annexation.
Russia is accusing the US of 'direct interference' in its elections ... by condemning the decision to bar the opposition candidate Alexei Navalny from running. (just shut up, State Department +hahaha pretty funny)
Obama Warns Social Media Risks Splintering Society | HuffPost - All of us in leadership have to find ways in which we can recreate a common space on the Internet - "One of the dangers of the Internet is that people can have entirely different realities, they can be just cocooned in information that reinforces their current biases." (like being bi-partisan)
Trump Should Pardon Michael Flynn, Who Took 'The Biggest Fall,' Family Says
Eschaton: Loyalty - Never work with Trump. -- President Trump's legal team plans to cast former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn as a liar seeking to protect himself if he accuses the president or his senior aides of any wrongdoing, according to three people familiar with the strategy.
Seth Abramson on Twitter: "2/ The legal analysis here is underwhelming. YES, it's common to say those who cut deals to save themselves are liars. But NO, it's not common ...
Let Robert Mueller do his job: Smearing Mueller - If Trump is innocent, why the effort to discredit the special counsel's findings?
U.S. Lawmakers Question Businessman At 2016 Trump Tower Meeting | HuffPost - eldest son met with a Russian lawyer promising damaging information on Hillary Clinton.
Eschaton: How Does Anything Work - He is so stupid. -- Recently, Trump bemoaned the Republicans' loss in a special election in Alabama and in part blamed Sessions, whose departure from the Senate to head to Justice necessitated the election. (can he fire himself? +good job, idiot America)
Russia Wants Americans to Doubt Mueller, Experts Warn -- Russian meddling in the 2016 election was apparently just the prequel.
Mueller probe outgrows its 'witch hunt' phase -- But now, as Trump prepares to end his first year in office, the witch hunt narrative may have outlived its usefulness ... lawyers Ty Cobb and John Dowd, are pressing Mueller to wind down the investigation and exonerate their client, which they have assured the president will happen by early next year. (fake treason)
Mueller is reportedly zeroing in on the Trump campaign's data operation -- and the RNC (lock all the traitors up, forever)
Trump and the press: 10 questions journalists never thought they'd have to ask | US news | The Guardian - volatile temper and thin skin have prompted many improbable exchanges this year, including questions about neo-Nazis, slavery and morons
A year in Trumpland - Lawyers, Guns & Money
There Will Be No Republican Pivot Against Trump (While He's In Office) - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... "deep state" ... (authoritarian assholes love authoritarian assholes)
Mike Huckabee Says Trump Is Like Churchill. Historians Disagree. - The New York Times (Fuckabee)
'Never Trump' Will Be the Only Faction Still Standing When He's Gone (yeah, all five of them, +Trump doesn't care about your fake "majority"
: Impeachment drive builds digital army to take on Trump (Nancy says shut the fuck up)
How to crush Trump - Contrary to the grandiose West Wing delusions of Benjamin Wittes, there will be no grand bipartisan alliance of liberals and honest conservatives to accomplish this. Mainstream Republicans and the conservative movement produced Trump, and they will continue to protect him so they can keep looting the country. Republican lawmakers are the problem. They must be stopped. And there's only one way for liberals to do it: Vote. Win. Govern.
Damn, We Wish We'd Done These 11 Stories -- By FiveThirtyEight
An Explosion Of Small Donations Powered Democratic Wins In Virginia House | HuffPost - Democratic candidates received more than 153,000 donations of $100 or less -- compared to about 7,000 for GOP candidates ... Donations of $100 or less made up 12.2 percent of Democratic House candidates' undraising total, and 2.5 percent of the total for Republican candidates (which means ...)
These "Trump supporters are sticking w Trump" article-supporting editors are sticking w "Trump supporters are sticking w Trump<" articles /a>
Oliver Willis on Twitter: "at a certain point, we have to assume the media is intentionally running these to tell those of us in the blue america to go screw off"
Atrios on Twitter: "unemployed coal miners didn't put Turmp in office, your rich republican neighbors did. stop it"
There are some very expensive homes outside Boston with Trump signs. Profile these people -- rich, selfish, racists -- they're the true heart of the modern Republican Party.
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Retain Most Admired Titles - Barack Obama edges out Donald Trump as most admired man - Hillary Clinton wins narrow victory over Michelle Obama - Clinton has won the past 16 years; Obama the past 10
Sen. Susan Collins: New tax law will benefit hardworking Mainers, not Washington elites - Portland Press Herald - Among the positives are a larger standard deduction, relief for small businesses and an expanded child tax credit. (little Susie lies her ass off, and "tinkles down" on her voters, will Mainers believe her again?)
Breitbart's Disgrace -- In other words, Breitbart facilitated the continued persecution of a credible childhood assault victim for purely political purposes. It subordinated fact-finding to its political agenda. It acted not as a journalist enterprise but as a partisan opposition research firm with a quasi-journalistic platform. (National Review: Republicans fighting with each other)
You can bring guns into the new Tennessee legislative building, but you have to leave 'hand-carried signs and signs on hand sticks' because they "represent a serious safety hazard." (guns, not thoughts)
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: Terror of the skies since 1995 - The Democrat has developed a reputation for making life hell for any clerk, stewardess, or pilot unwilling or unable to make her three-and-a-half-hour flight anything less than glamorous. She takes advantage of federal travel perks to book multiple flights (only to cancel at the last minute and at no charge). She demands an upgrade to premier seats. She expects, in her words, "like a queen"
How the Era of the Big-Name News Anchor Crashed to an End - Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, and Bill O'Reilly's careers ended dramatically this year, mired in scandal. With them, the era of the multimillion-dollar news anchor may also be over. (could you guys use the words male, or men? oh, nevermind)
TIL that Dr Dre has beaten a couple women. Years ago he publicly beat a female reporter at a party while his bodyguard held the crowd back. He also beat his ex girlfriend while they were together. : todayilearned - Beats by Dre ... Missed opportunity for Apple not to call them IBeats. Then again the earplugs are called BeatsX
Man Beats Pregnant Woman and Injected Her With Meth, Police Say : news
Lawsuits: Correctional officers sexually abused inmates | Columbus Ledger-Enquirer - Three women are suing the West Virginia Division of Corrections and three correctional officers who they say sexually abused them ... jail officals showed 'deliberate indifference" (perk of the job)
California ready to go green with legalization of marijuana in 2018 : news
California regulators to Nestli: Halt unauthorized water diversions : news (4xlegal)
Aid-in-dying process not as graceful as Colorado couple imagined
A German nursing home tries a novel form of dementia therapy: re-creating a vanished era for its patients - The Washington Post
Price of 40-year-old cancer drug hiked 1,400% by new owners : news (Make Ameerica Dead Again)
TIL that scientists found a drug called Tideglusib that can repair cavities by re-growing teeth : todayilearned
If two identical twins produced an offspring (gross), would the offspring be some kind of genetic clone? : askscience
New study reveals that the majority of the anti-vaccination movement on Facebook is female and that the comment networks exhibit 'small world' characteristics : science (thinking is hard for girls)
[Serious] People who have personally survived cancer, what was the worst part you experienced between diagnosis and remission? : AskReddit
Trump's Mental Health -- Is It Morally Permissible for Psychiatrists to Comment?
What's a sensation that you're unsure if other people experience? : AskReddit
[NSFW] What is the strangest thing you've walked in on someone doing? : AskReddit
What is something about the opposite sex that you envy? : AskReddit - Women have way better sex toys ... When a girl buys a vibrator it's seen as a bit of naughty fun but when a guys buys a 240 volt FuckMaster 5000 pro blow-up latex doll with 6 speed pulsating vagina, elasticized anus with a non-drip semen collection tray and a suction mouth piece he is called a pervert.
What is something that you and your SO will never agree upon? : AskReddit
Snow emergency declared in Erie | Snow emergency declared in Erie - 53 Inches in the Past 48 Hours : news
In Central Texas Where Wind Power Means Jobs, Climate Talk Is Beside the Point | InsideClimate News - Wind turbines bring jobs, tax dollars for new schools, income security for farmers and energy independence. To these Texans, climate change has little to do with it. (so they still vote Trump so they can make money off the Chinese hoax) Nearly three-quarters of Nolan County voters who showed up in November 2016 voted for Donald Trump, who has been more outspoken about reviving the dying American coal industry than about supporting the flourishing wind sector.
In Tangled Afghan War, a Thin Line of Defense Against ISIS - The New York Times
Using Billions in Government Cash, Mexico Controls News Media - The New York Times (meanwhile, in War-on-Drugs Corruptico)
Eschaton: Lost - Oopsie. Just a little mistake. Not intentional so stop saying that -- Thousands of government papers detailing some of the most controversial episodes in 20th-century British history have vanished after civil servants removed them from the country's National Archives and then reported them as lost.
Government admits 'losing' thousands of papers from National Archives | UK news | The Guardian - Documents on the Falklands, Northern Ireland's Troubles, and the infamous Zinoviev letter among those 'misplaced' leaving historians suspicious (conservatives always delete the history they are so proud of)
[last lines]James Hacker: How am I going to explain the missing documents to "The Mail"?Sir Humphrey Appleby: Well, this is what we normally do in circumstnces like these.James Hacker: [reads memo] This file contains the complete set of papers, except for a number of secret documents, a few others which are part of still active files, some correspondence lost in the floods of 1967...James Hacker: Was 1967 a particularly bad winter?Sir Humphrey Appleby: No, a marvellous winter. We lost no end of embarrassing files.James Hacker: [reads] Some records which went astray in the move to London and others when the War Office was incorporated in the Ministry of Defence, and the normal withdrawal of papers whose publication could give grounds for an action for libel or breach of confidence or cause embarrassment to friendly governments.James Hacker: That's pretty comprehensive. How many does that normally leave for them to look at?James Hacker: How many does it actually leave? About a hundred?... Fifty?... Ten?... Five?... Four?... Three?... Two?... One?... *Zero?*Sir Humphrey Appleby: Yes, Minister.
Government pleads with Prince Harry not to invite Barack Obama to his wedding - The property billionaire does not hide his loathing of Mr Obama and is expected to be enraged if his predecessor gets the coveted call up when he won't (they don't like the orange turd)
Homeland Security Increasingly Means Putting Agents Outside the Homeland - The New York Times (oh, look, a whole new military where they own your country already) )
With Net Neutrality Dead, Proposed Bill Promises Internet "Fast Lanes" - It's pay to browse fast in the post-net neutrality age -- Tennessee Republican touts that this bill will prevent blocking and throttling of legal web content ("legal" = pro=Trumpkins)
Embattled FBI admits it can't verify dossier claims of Russia, Trump campaign collusion (can't say it isn't all true, either)
Trump's claims he's boosting U.S. influence, but many foreign leaders see America in retreat (Putin's orders while China plays them both)
Trump has brought U.S. to the brink of historic break with Europe
Russia is going to attack our next election. The Trump administration may not even try to stop it. - The Washington Post
10 times the intel community violated the trust of US citizens, lawmakers and allies | TheHill (Barry was so focused on spying on Americans he didn't think Russian spies were a problem)
Julian Assange's Twitter account reappears after mysterious absence (Obama and and Hillary and Soros deleted his account ahead of a "blockbuster story")
monkeybiziu comments on Report: Kremlin Troll Wrote for Far-Left U.S. Sites
Russia never stopped its cyberattacks on the United States - The Washington Post (thanks, Barry, you did a great job)
New York's Attorney General in Battle With Trump ... "The biggest threat to New Yorkers right now is the federal government, so we're responding to it"
GOP lawmaker calls for 'purge' of FBI ... Rep. Francis Rooney (R-Fla.) ... warning of "deep state" figures at work in the agency. (all 5 democrats must go, sounding a lot like Russia aren't we?)
The Trump-True GOP (their basic authoritarian roots, bow down to the orange god-emperor)
Trump's first year was even worse than feared
Where is Trump's Cabinet? It's anybody's guess. -- Agency heads are carrying out the Trump administration's agenda largely in secret, in many cases shielding their schedules from public view. (like a true autocrat)
America Is Not Yet Lost - The New York Times - Krugman
Incomes Grew After Past Tax Cuts, but Guess Whose - The New York Times (haha suckers)
President Trump Spent Nearly One-Third of First Year in Office at Trump-Owned Properties - WSJ - Unlike his predecessors, president traveled frequently to places he owns but where others pay to stay (hahaha suckers)
What happens when Trump targets you on Twitter - Five Americans named by the president on social media talk about the unexpected fallout in their real lives. (genocidal Dershofuck got op-eds and tv appearances)
Democrat Shelly Simonds to file court challenge over disputed ballot in tied Virginia House of Delegates race - The Washington Post
California governor pardons immigrants facing deportation : news
Democrat running for Congress indicted in $803G fraud, embezzlement case | Fox News - Prosecutors said Brown received about $803,000 via her nonprofit organization as a participant in a U.S. Department of Agriculture's Summer Food Service Program. ("irregularities")
Why people really want to move to Idaho but are fleeing its neighbor, Wyoming - The Washington Post - "resource curse" in which natural-resource wealth actually harms developing countries because it crowds out important long-term investments in infrastructure, education and industrialization ... The Boise metro area alone is home to more people than in all of Wyoming. (and they still get 2 senators) ... The population of Wyoming is 585,000. By comparison, DC has 681,000. (and DC gets 0 senators)
Inspector general says mishandling of sexual harassment complaints at Justice Department is a 'systemic problem' (and you can guess why)
The Reckoning: more than 100 power brokers have been accused of sexual misconduct
How the legal system fails victims of sexual harassment - Vox - Federal judges have developed a narrow view of what behavior is bad enough to be illegal. (judges don't think men rubbing their genitals against you is sexual harasssment)
Justine Damond death: Police remove white nationalist memorial - BBC News - Minneapolis police have removed a memorial created by a white nationalist group to honour an Australian woman killed by a Somali-American officer.
Justine Damond death: Police remove white nationalist memorial : news ... Still no charges filed? Seriously? This is the dude who shoved his gun across his partner's nose and blasted an unarmed woman walking over to speak to them, right? (they were "startled" by her walking over)
Washington Post scion kills self like publisher dad | New York Post - William Graham, 69, died Dec. 20 at his home in Los Angeles, according to an obituary in the Washington Post, which quoted his brother Donald as saying the cause was a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
People couldn't believe two dogs killed their owner. So the sheriff described the horror.
New York City's electric bike delivery workers face crackdown | US news | The Guardian - Under city law, the bikes are legal to own and sell, but riding them on the street can lead to a fine of up to $500.
Prostate stimulation delivers man into the hell of unstoppable orgasms | New York Post - The scientists discovered that regularly massaging the "male G spogt" can actually rewire the brain ... It has proved difficult to stop experiencing these orgasms and "unwire" himself back to normal
The 2017 Boston-area restaurant awards - The Boston Globe
WSU anthropologist proves Arkansas City site was lost city of Etzanoa | The Wichita Eagle
For the first time in history, astronomers have witnessed a supermassive black hole actively shaping its environment, a new paper published in The Astrophysical Journal reports. : science
Calcium and vitamin D supplements may not protect against bone fractures - The Washington Post
What makes you secretly go, "yeash, good luck with that?" ... "Love is not something you find. It's something you build."
Hilarious shirt my son received : funny
Big Tech: The New Predatory Capitalism - The tech giants are menacing democracy, privacy, and competition. Can they be housebroken? ... Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft (zuckerfucked by the libertarian techbros)
This Day in Labor History: December 25, 1831 - Lawyers, Guns & Money - On December 25, 1831, the Baptist Rebellion began in Jamaica. This slave rebellion of up to 60,000 people, put down over the next couple of weeks, also was the final straw that moved the United Kingdom toward outlawing slavery in its colonies.
That's super: Seriously, this whole it's OK to say Merry Christmas again nonsense is in its own small way a perfect encapsulation of how Donald Trump pollutes everything he touches or looks at or references.
Saudi Arabia Pressured Lebanese Prime Minister To Resign: Report | HuffPost - The high-stakes gambit backfired amid international uproar.
Russian officials bar Navalny from running for president
Why Saad Hariri Had That Strange Sojourn in Saudi Arabia - The New York Times ... stripped of his cellphones, separated from all but one of his usual cluster of bodyguards, and shoved and insulted by Saudi security officers. Then came the ultimate indignity: He was handed a prewritten resignation speech and forced to read it on Saudi television. This, it seemed, was the real reason he had been beckoned to the Saudi capital, Riyadh, a day earlier: to resign under pressure and publicly blame Iran, as if he were an employee and not a sovereign leader ... When asked, one of them said, Mr. Hariri just looked down at the table and said it was worse than they knew. (Saudi price string-pulling looked very bad)
Julian Assange's official Twitter account not appearing : news (redddit is aware of Russian bots and Red Julian +Mueller is on the case)
Block Scanning Resources - BeamStat -- wikileaks
Kremlin trolls burned across the Internet as Washington debated options - The Washington Post (but float-above-it-all Barry decided he couldn't look partisan against Russia)
Sally Yates: Watch out for ghosts at Mar-a-Lago | TheHill ... a relatively rare tweet for Yates, who has only 14 published tweets on her account.
AfricanRoboticsTeam comments on Trump 'dossier' firm: Republicans leaked bank records in retaliation (traitor Nunes and the Azores)
'I hope I can quit working in a few years' : A preview of the U.S. without pensions ... In 1950, a 65-year-old man could be expected to reach age 78, on average. Today, that -65-year-old is expected to live beyond 84. The extended life expectancy means pension plans must pay out substantially longer than they once did ... But today, only about 24 percent of workers at midsize and large companies have pension coverage (old white people, who did they vote for?)
TIL That the vast majority of meth labs in the U.S. are located in the Midwest, with Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee home to as many labs as the rest of the U.S. combined : todayilearned National Clandestine Laboratory Register (methlabs in your town)
Federal agency reports show 'continuum of harm' from sexual misconduct ... sexual harassment is a gateway offense to more serious transgressions. The studies indicate that more than a third of male service members surveyed considered sexual assault part of hazing; victims of sexual harassment or gender discrimination suffered higher rates of sexual assault; and about one-third of service members who were sexually assaulted were first sexually harassed by the offender ... "people are more likely to engage in problematic behaviors, such as sexual harassment, if that person perceives that peers and leaders condone those actions."
Conductor Dutoit denies sexual misconduct allegations - The Washington Post - Renowned conductor Charles Dutoit on Saturday denied serious accusations of sexual misconduct that have caused major symphonies in Europe, Australia and the United States to suspend relationships with him ... The 81-year-old Dutoit is artistic director and principal conductor at the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London
Jessica Chastain Responds To Criticism Over All-White Magazine Cover | HuffPost - The industry needs to become more inclusive in its storytelling ... "Then why did you accept the cover? Honestly? If not you, then who? Who will stop this?"
Marilyn Manson to #MeToo movement: Say it to police, not to the press
OkCupid is making changes to stay relevant in the Tinder era. But not everyone is happy with them. - The Washington Post
Should White Supremacists Be Allowed To Practice Law? | HuffPost - he legal profession is supposed to weed out people who aren't morally fit to be lawyers. But they let neo-Nazis in.
Forced out over sex, drugs and other infractions, fired officers find work in other departments - The Washington Post (serial perps, so we need a national bad-cop registry database, it's not that hard)
Police Say Man Has Raped 12 Prostitutes At Gunpoint In 3 Years : news
Arkansas man tells girl he raped from ages 4 to 12 to get over it, police say
People with a greater sense of entitlement are less likely to follow instructions than less entitled people are, because they view the instructions as an unfair imposition on them, finds new research in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. : science
How do you feel about legalizing euthansia for anybody who wants it? : AskReddit
What is the best question to break a 10 year old's mind? : AskReddit
Guys that stuck their dick in crazy regardless of warnings, what happened next? : AskReddit
Redditors, what screams "I'm educated, but not smart"? : AskReddit
What's the best sex advice you ever got and from whom? : AskReddit - If you look hungry, you're going to starve. Told to me by my older cousin when I started college
How to give cunnilingus (aka eating pussy). TAKE NOTES! -
Maria's Bodies -- The hurricane in Puerto Rico has become a man-made disaster, with a death toll threatening to eclipse Katrina (Trump fiddled as PR died)
North Korea flooded with illicit information carried by hydrogen balloons as tensions escalate : news
Man raped in Canterbury city centre park - BBC News : news
Male Survivor
For Britain's tweed-and-shotgun set, 'It's warfare.' Over a bird on the moors. The British care deeply about animal protection and the environment, and to see half a million birds shot out of the sky each year for sport? ... In all, about 40 people would serve the nine Guns. Then add the inns, pubs, gun shops, tweed tailors and Land Rover dealerships (the Lords at play, supporting the local economy)
Judge Sides With ACLU, Ruling American Detainee In Iraq Has Right To Lawyer : news
Exactly how cruel is Homeland Security? - The Washington Post (very, but more under Trump)
Trump ratchets up feud with FBI | TheHill
FBI investigates Russian-linked Cyprus bank accused of money laundering | World news | The Guardian - Request for financial information may be connected to inquiries into possible conspiracy between Trump and Kremlin
No longer a 'lonely battle' : How the campaign against the Mueller probe has taken hold (rightwing authoritarian machine ramps up)
'Trump fears them': Former officials defend FBI leaders swept up in the Trump-Russia firestorm
Yes, Virginia, there is a Crisis of Democracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Out of chaos, Trump reshapes immigration - The Boston Globe - More than 2,500 were from Afghanistan, a terrorist haven, the president complained. Haiti .. "they all have AIDS" Nigerians ... "would never go back to their huts" (racist fucking asshole pres elected by racist fucking assholes)
The Election of Donald Trump Was the Defeat of IDENTITY POLITICS - Lawyers, Guns & Money - not even surprising to hear nakedly racist statements from the President of the United States:
Despite White House denial, some find Trump's comments about black immigrants believable ("some" = almost everyone)
Trump tells Mar-a-Lago guests: "You all just got a lot richer"
How Trump and the Nazis Stole Christmas To Promote White Nationalism
The backlash Trump is creating may be the hugest one ever! - The Washington Post
Bomb Squad Responds After Gift-Wrapped Horse Manure Sent to Steve Mnuchin's Home
Departing GOP lawmakers warn that their party could lose majorities in 2018 - The Washington Post
U.S. Ambassador Apologizes After Denying Own Comments, Then Lying About Denial | HuffPost
The color purple: How millennials and Gen X after electing Doug Jones could change a red state | (old racist Republican fuckers dying off)
Black Turnout in Alabama Complicates Debate on Voting Laws - The New York Times -- in which registered black voters appeared to cast ballots at a higher rate than white ones, has become the most recent reference point in the complicated picture about race and elections laws ("complicated" means some people say voter suppression works but opinions differ)
growing political divide leaves rural communities feeling forgotten and voiceless -- A political transformation in Colorado is exacerbating the tension in elections and at the Capitol ... The leaders in this part of the state held a referendum in 2013 on whether to secede and form a 51st state (and entitled Trumpsters voted against MJ so they could be proudly screw themselves)
Ta-Nehisi Coates v Cornel West: black academics and activists give their verdict | Opinion | The Guardian
No, naming and shaming sexual offenders doesn't always help ... comment: "According to Naomi Wolf, speaking on Smerconish, 1/3 of child victims are boys. About 40% of those are attacked by women."
Press Forward - Posts - STATEMENT from ten victims of Mark Halperin?, including Dianna Pierce Burgess, Katie Glenn, Dianna May, Ella Spektor McManus, Emily Miller and Lara Setrakian ... Ms. Brezinski and her cohost, Joe Scarborough, have a long-standing personal friendship with Mark Halperin which appears to be shaping their position on his case.
In California, harassment scandals roil ruling Democrats - POLITICO - Resignations and turmoil are upending 2018 plans.
ABT principal dancer Marcelo Gomes resigns amid misconduct investigation - The Washington Post ... most popular and distinguished principal dancers, abruptly resigned amid an investigation into an allegation of sexual misconduct.
Lobbyist says Daniel McComas, Roy Cooper appointee, pulled her by ponytail | News & Observer (Republican)
Former Texas Congressman says he was abused at boys ranch : news
Forty years of sex and gender in the wilds of New York - The Washington Post
Police: Ohio postal worker facing dismissal kills 2 bosses - ABC News - Twenty-four-year-old DeShaune Stewart, of Columbus, was naked during both slayings Saturday morning inside the Dublin post office and at an apartment complex in nearby Columbus, police said.
Utah blogger known for posting Mormon theology tinged with alt-right themes apparently booted from Twitter : news
Utah blogger known for posting Mormon theology tinged with alt-right themes apparently booted from Twitter - The Salt Lake Tribune - Ayla Stewart, "Wife with a Purpose"
Mormon mogul eyes small-town Vermont for vast, futuristic development - The Boston Globe - And forget government by town meeting. Each village would answer to a hierarchy akin to the Mormon model. (millions living in 200 sqft houses, with robot furniture, right)
Eschaton: Peak Stupid - Do people who write these things live in this world? I mean, my bus doesn't always come when it is supposed to but at least it doesn't make pit stops. ("UberFree" free rides if you spend 15 minutes in a participating store)
In an Era of Online Outrage, Do Sensitivity Readers Result in Better Books, or Censorship? - The New York Times
Does the force of gravity travel at c? : askscience
After studying 129 countries, academics discovered that the majority of people become more interested in sex and pornography around religious festivals. : science
Diet rich in apples, tomatoes may help repair lungs of ex-smokers, according to a study from Johns Hopkins. : science
We left our 15 year old daughter to decorate the Gingerbread People. : funny
What did you do as a kid that formed bad habits as an adult? : AskReddit
What sucks about being a dude? : AskReddit
What was your worst consensual sexual experience? : AskReddit
Climate Change Could Trigger More Volcanic Eruptions, Study Finds | HuffPost - a lot more volcanic activity in areas of the world where glaciers and volcanoes interact (see, you melt the volcano plug, it erupts in your face)
Thomas fire becomes largest wildfire in California's history
Texas Attorney General Says It's Fine To Carry Loaded Guns Into Churches | HuffPost - Attorney General Ken Paxton has been calling for more people to bring guns into houses of worship. (fake cowboys want carnage in the pews)
Victor Cha on Twitter: "Limited Strikes on North Korea Are Past Due | U.S. Naval Institute (meanwhile, in armageddon, the war guys are salivating)
More Than 100 Dead In Philippine Mudslides And Flash Flooding | HuffPost - Dozens of people are also missing after a tropical storm struck.
Coptic diocese says hundreds attack church in Egypt - Hundreds of Muslim demonstrators attacked an unlicensed church south of Cairo wounding three people, an Egyptian Coptic Christian diocese said on Saturday, in the latest assault on members of the country's Christian minority
At least 10,000 people died in Tiananmen Square massacre, secret British cable from the time alleged : news
'I'm Struggling to Survive': For Rohingya Women, Abuse Continues in Camps
SkynetJusticeWarri0r comments on Aroused by the constant sharing of "pedo art" on r/conspiracy, top mind shares his own explicit amateur "pizza" implicating himself and the entire sub as a major distributor of child exploitation material. (analysis of the pizzagate projection and its foundation in stupidity +Trump is the perv behind the screen)
How Facebook's Political Unit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda -- Some of unit's clients stifle opposition, stoke extremism. (Zuck is selling propaganda tools to undermine democracy and zuckerfuck the country)
Large police response in Harrisburg City - Harrisburg gunman had ties to Middle East; Authorities ask anyone with information to call 911 -- Ahmed Aminamin El-Mofty, 51. (allahu fuckbar)
Now we know why Republicans are attacking the FBI - The Washington Post - Republicans are desperate to distract from the Russia investigation and undermine the credibility of the FBI and Special Counsel Mueller's investigation. This truth was laid bare when we learned last evening that a group of Republicans have been secretly meeting for months for just that purpose. (Republicans are the new Russians)
Top FBI official linked to reporter who broke Trump dossier story - politico - James Baker ... was in touch with David Corn of Mother Jones in the fall of 2016
Facing Republican attacks, FBI's s deputy director plans to retire early next year
Trump's angry tweets about FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, explained Andrew McCabe is at the center of a political firestorm over alleged anti-Trump bias at the FBI. (he will rebrand it as the TBI)
Republican Party Bows to Trump, Completely, to the Mad King, Does His Russia Bidding - now running interference in the Russia probe and kissing the Trumpian ring. (party of Satan are all 100% traitors) ... uranium one ... (Here I would like once again to congratulate The New York Times for getting into bed with Bannonite apparatchik Peter Schweitzer, whose book-like product, Clinton Cash, jump-started all of this nonsense.) (Dean Baquet says NYT only does the most beautiful journalism)
Trump visited his properties over 100 times this year - CNNPolitics (Golfer-in-Chief)
Appeals court rules against Trump travel ban 3.0 - POLITICO - won't have immediate effect due to Supreme Court stay.
Stoking Fears, Trump Defied Bureaucracy to Advance Immigration Agenda - The New York Times - The changes have had far-reaching consequences, both for the immigrants who have sought to make a new home in this country and for America' s image in the world
Today in American Ethnic Cleansing - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Another day, another horrifying story from our fascist agency of ethnic cleansing known as Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Murder Convictions Overturned, Two Men Are Immediately Seized By ICE - who claim they were coerced by a disgraced Chicago police detective into confessing to crimes they didn't commit. But before they could be set free, immigration agents arrested them. (in the fascist state of Trumpistan)
Judge Orders Trump's Voter Fraud Panel To Hand Over Documents To Democratic Member | HuffPost - The decision was a loss for the commission, whose leader dismissed the suit as "baseless and paranoid" (Ken Kobach, satangelical)
Eschaton: Both Sides - The myth of the last several decades is that bothsides wanted similar outcomes, but they just disagreed about the way to get there. Evil socialist communist liberals thought that big government was the answer, and hot sexy randian conservatives thought the private sector was the answer, but but both, ultimately, thought that the welfare of all human beings was important. This was bullshit ... That rich people should get all the welfare won. Heckuva job, opinion shapers. (+Hecate_Demetersdatter thinks Atrios is a berniebro, didn't condemn Ugyar enough for stuff he did before Atrios had a blog even)
Republicans, fearing midterm disaster, seek course correction | TheHill (McConnell will go all bi-partisan hahaha)
The next special election that could portend a Democratic wave - POLITICO - Republicans are bracing for a potentially competitive special election in a usually reliable part of Pennsylvania ... The congressional seat left vacant by ex-Rep. Tim Murphy, an anti-abortion Republican who allegedly encouraged a lover to terminate a pregnancy (will they vote for another lying asshole?)
Carter Page: I Can Haz Dissertation, Plz? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Republican with fake brain)
Bundy mistrial draws Sessions probe, calls for broad review - ABC News - Nevada has been without a top federal prosecutor since March, when Sessions, President Donald Trump's appointee, sought the resignations of 46 U.S. attorneys remaining from Barack Obama's administration
Judge who tossed out Virginia delegate candidate's one-vote win was supported by her GOP opponent ... eportedly has a conflict of interest. (their "interests" are lie cheat and steal)
Past Debates Echo in Split Between Cornel West and Ta-Nehisi Coates - The New York Times
Ta-Nehisi Coates Deletes Twitter Account Amid Feud With Cornel West - The New York Times
jelani cobb on Twitter: "2. And also, given what I do for a living and the necessity of intellectual engagement I should say up front that no one is above critique."
Five Takeaways From a Year of Talking About Race - The New York Times
What Happens When You Report Sexual Harassment? - The New York Times - For many women, it's a complicated maze that can cost them their careers and leave them with long-term emotional scars. Here are some of their stories.
Twitter Skewers Los Angeles Times -- and Stars -- For All-White Actress Cover - "change the way many stories are told" -- "If you're a white woman and someone asks you to pose for a magazine cover with only other white women, YOU SAY NO." ... Chastain, Robbie, Kruger, Ronan, Bening, Winslet ... Except for Chastain, all are blond. (#apparentlynotyoutoo)
scott poulson-bryant on Twitter: "i guess the redhead is the diversity offering? hey, @LATimes, i can think of one way that we can "change the way many stories are told"... look up irony in the dictionary before you write your cover lines (LAT only interested in white mostly blond womens' stories)
At Vice, Cutting-Edge Media and Allegations of Old-School Sexual Harassment - The New York Times - A media company built on subversion and outlandishness -- was unable to create "a safe and inclusive workplace" or women, two of its founders acknowledge.
New York Times Publishes Investigation Into Vice Media's Sexual Misconduct Problem
Vice Media Admits 'We Failed' to Curb Sexual Harassment at Company ... Over 20 women were subject to or witnessed other employees experiencing sexual harassment
Miss America CEO and Board Chair Resign Under Pressure Amid Scandal | HuffPost - Email messages sent by CEO Sam Haskell contained misogynistic language. -- embattled CEO Sam Haskell has resigned. Josh Randle, president and COO of the organization, has also tendered his resignation. Board chair Lynn Weidner who sent emails that were the source of controversy has also resigned. (Lynn has a nice boob job)
Paul Farhi on Twitter: "Just got this: Ten women who have accused Mark Halperin of sexual misconduct send statement to @msnbc rebutting @morningmika's comments this morning about Halperin: (clueless blond white woman)
MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski apologizes for remarks about Mark Halperin victims - Dec. 22, 2017 (Mika and Jerkoff are bffs but she had to crawl that one back)
Trump-supporting singer claims Lewandowski slapped her butt at recent party - POLITICO - Joy Villa, who wore a MAGA dress to the Grammys (Corey looks like an animatronic fake human)
Nobel laureate will step down from leading embattled Salk Institute | Science | AAAS - The unexpected news comes as Salk faces gender discrimination lawsuits from three veteran female scientists and Blackburn herself has been challenged for not moving quickly enough to change what one plaintiff's suite called an "old boys club" at the renowned research institute.
Body camera video: Topeka man beaten, wrongly arrested | The Kansas City Star - The city of Topeka has paid more than $400,000 in settlements related to police activity since 2010, according to Ganieany.
A Kansas man was beaten, arrested and convicted. This bodycam footage cleared his name : news
Missouri youth pastor is charged with five counts of child molestation : news
Escaped inmate with skull-face tattoo found in California | Fox News
A Victorian mother has lost a legal bid to stop her three children from receiving vaccinations for measles. : news - Under Victoria's "no jab no play" laws, children who are not fully vaccinated cannot go to child care.
Eschaton: I Might Ride That To The Airport Or The Baseball Game - This is right. -- Many poor transit investments have arisen from a too-small group of fortunate people assuming that everyone shares their tastes and priorities. They forget that to be elite is to be a minority, and it makes no business sense to design transit around elite tastes if what you really want are lots and lots of riders. -- but transit decisions are driven by people who imagine riding transit is something they would do occasionally in certain circumstances, instead of by/for people who use it every day.
Debunking Myths About Estrangement -- New research challenges the deeply held notion that family relationships can't be dissolved and suggests that estrangement is not all that uncommon. ("deeply held?" up to 20% reported that another relative or they themselves were no longer in contact with family.)
One serving of leafy greens a day may slow brain aging by 11 years, according to a study published in Neurology, the journal of the American Academy of Neurology. : science
Why are so many mathematical constants irrational? : askscience
People who believe businesses should be able to deny services to same-sex couples aren't necessarily citing religious reasons for discriminating. Many believe they should be able to deny services to anyone -- even though that violates civil rights laws that protect certain classes of people. (straight white men don't need civil rights)
An old drug for alcoholism finds new life as cancer treatment : science (Antabuse)
A Comeback for the Gateway Drug Theory? - The New York Times (NYT bringing back D.A.R.E to be stupid)
TIL that Phenylephrine, the nasal decongestant that replaced pseudoephedrine in OTC cold medicine, was shown to be ineffective vs placebo at up to 4X the recommended dose, and was not well tolerated starting at 4X the recommended dose. : todayilearned
Two heterosexual Irish men marry to avoid inheritance tax on house : news
Men of Reddit, what have you learned from living with women that you had no idea about before? : AskReddit
Bad Women's Anatomy: Sure I know!
Ladies, what's your best/worst story of a man being clueless about sex? : AskReddit
I Love You Guys: The Effects of Smoking Toad Venom : videos
Turns out bug spray and meth don't mix : WTF
ELI5: How does the body separates water from stomach acid? : explainlikeimfive
AT&T Lays Off Up to 1400 Employees Just Before Christmas : technology
E.P.A. Officials, Disheartened by Agency's , Are Leaving in Droves (we don't need no steenking environment)
Top Marine general: 'There's a war coming' (of course there is, as the necromongers salivate)
War!?!?!?!?!? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Russian submarines are prowling around vital undersea cables. It
The-Autarkh comments on Putin's First Year in the White House -- Welcome to the Confederate Oblasts of Trumpistan, a banana republic and Russian client state.
Jerusalem: UN resolution rejects Trump
Eschaton: What Are We Going To Do, Bomb Them All? - Nikki Haley tried to threaten ALL the countries at the UN and the vote was a squeaker. -- The United Nations General Assembly has overwhelmingly rejected the Trump administration's decision to recognize the disputed city of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. By a lopsided 128-9 vote
Nikki Haley, the Trump administration's breakout star - Jeff Jacoby - Boston Globe (comments in general good, but one:) "You go, Ms Haley! Somewhere Von Ribbentrop is smiling, along with Putin, at an Indian-American US Ambassador threatening the whole world (including the UK, France, and Japan) in defense of a racist right-wing Israeli government because a racist German-American president owned by the Russians told her to do so. Can life become any more surreal?"
Former CIA Director Brennan Rips Trump's 'Narcissistic, Vengeful' Behavior On UN Vote | HuffPost -- "He expects blind loyalty and subservience from everyone" (bow down before supreme god-emperor Trump)
'The World's Biggest Terrorist Has a Pikachu Bedspread' Not every leaker is an ideological combatant like Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning. Reality Winner may be the unlikeliest of all
US ambassador to Netherlands describes own words as 'fake news' - Dat woord heb ik niet gebruikt. -Nee? -- denied ever saying that there were no-go zones in the Netherland (fucking Hoekstra and fake people lie constantly)
Reason to believe - Lawyers, Guns & Money
FBI: Man planned Christmas terror attack for SF's Pier 39 -- The FBI arrested Everitt Aaron Jameson, who is a tow truck driver and lives in Modesto. According to a handwritten letter obtained by the FBI, Jameson also referred to himself as Abdallah adu Everitt ibn Gordon.
Warner sees fire in Russia probe; wants Kushner, Trump Jr. to face senators - Axios
Former US attorneys, GOP officials come to Mueller's defense -- More than 40 former U.S. attorneys and Republican and conservative officials are pushing back against efforts to discredit the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Bannon and Lewandowski Are Asked to Testify to House Russia Investigators - Bloomberg
Prosecutors Said to Seek Kushner Records From Deutsche Bank - The New York Times
Russian hackers targeted more than 200 journalists globally
Trump bucks White House tradition by skipping end-of-year presser - Dec. 22, 2017
Sessions rescinds Justice Dept. letter asking courts to be wary of stiff fines and fees for poor defendants - The Washington Post (lock up the poors and spend more money on prisons than helping them would have cost; evil elf strikes again)
'It's 'very gold': The presidential coin undergoes a Trumpian makeover (reads like a parody but isn't +eliminates E Pluribus Unum)
Presidential Coinage in a Fascist Age - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The White House knows the midterm election will probably be bad. Behind the scenes, top aides are scrambling to avoid the worst.
Trump advisers vent frustrations about 2018 strategy as president listens - The Washington Post -- The gathering saw tempers flare as aides vented their frustrations with electoral defeats this year and concerns about the 2018 political map.
Dispute Over Political Strategy Erupts Inside the White House - The New York Times
Eschaton: Not Quite Rich Enough - One "good" thing about likely media coverage of the tax bill going forward (and some of it now) is that our media loves to talk about the lifestyles of the "not quite rich enough." You know, living in New York on "only" $400,000 per year. That kind of thing. That's because they're talking about themselves and their friends ... Who cares about the poors, why can't I fully deduct my $30,000 in property taxes???
55 Ways Donald Trump Structurally Changed America in 2017 - These are the concrete actions his administration has taken to alter how the country works. (making sure it doesn't work except for him and the riches)
More than 4 in 5 enrolled in 'Obamacare' are in Trump states (suckers ... oh, hello, Susie)
Once again, Ivanka Trump shows off her cluelessness - The Washington Post - a walking advertisement for the danger of nepotism, an exemplar of class privilege and a perfect representative for Republican know-nothingism. She was supposed to be the brains of the family and the moral ballast; instead, she's a self-righteous enabler.
Ex-Trump adviser Carter Page accused academics who twice failed his PhD of bias | World news | The Guardian - Page's 'verbose' and 'vague' thesis was failed twice at University of London -- Compared treatment to Russian oligarch sent to Siberian prison by Putin (sounds like Gorka)
Allegations of Racial Bias and Illegal Campaign Activity at a Conservative Nonprofit That Seeks to Transform College Campuses | The New Yorker - Turning Point USA, a conservative nonprofit
Obamacare Sign-ups at High Levels Despite Trump Saying It's 'Imploding'
Second Federal Judge Blocks Trump's Rollback On Contraceptive Coverage | HuffPost (let's have more unwanted babies so we can put you in jail for having an abortion if you can ever find a clinic to do one)
Tennessee lawmakers to allow guns but prohibit 'hand-carried signs'; in new building (so they can shoot the 'bad guy with a sign')
Why I started saying 'reality-based press' in 2017 instead of 'mainstream media' ("lamestream media" - Palin mainstreamed fake news)
Opioid Deaths Are Spreading Rapidly Into Black America - The New York Times (the white disease killing black people +Cape Cod is opioid death land)
Eschaton: I Might Ride That To The Airport Or The Baseball Game - Many poor transit investments have arisen from a too-small group of fortunate people assuming that everyone shares their tastes and priorities. They forget that to be elite is to be a minority, and it makes no business sense to design transit around elite tastes if what you really want are lots and lots of riders ... but transit decisions are driven by people who imagine riding transit is something they would do occasionally in certain circumstances, instead of by/for people who use it every day. (elite riches always know what's best for you)
What is wrong with these people? The important thing is Mark Halperin's feefees, apparently ... If his accusers are telling the truth, and he says they're lying, he's defaming them. Abusing them again. They're supposed to have coffee with him? Fuck you, Mika. The brains of elites are broken. (Morning Jerks)
Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski chastises Mark Halperin's sexual harassment victims for not wanting to see him so he can apologize.
Several Women Accuse Progressive Media Executive Don Hazen Of Sexual Harassment | HuffPost - One journalist told HuffPost that Hazen mimicked his favorite sex act while having lunch with employees.
Women At The New York Times Feel Neglected, Frustrated As Paper Stands By Glenn Thrush | HuffPost - "punishment" only makes their own issues more plain to see, and the internal data backs them up
Louis C.K. Is No Longer A 'Sweaty Horrifying' Monster In Disney Cartoon | HuffPost
Internal correspondence reveals name-calling, slut-shaming and fat-shaming in emails between the Miss America CEO, board members and a pageant writer.
The people she told: How bystanders grappled -- or didn't -- with a story of sexual harassment -- the woman says she told and retold the story about her bizarre and violent encounter with Mark Halperin, the longtime political director for ABC News, cable pundit and best-selling author, whenever his name came up ... Another person she said she informed was John Heilemann ... Heilemann intensified his professional relationship with Halperin; they went on to earn millions of dollars ... (another convienient memory loss by an enabler)
Jimmy Choo's 'Tone Deaf' Ad Goes Viral For All The Wrong Reasons | HuffPost "Nothing says 'buy me' like harassment."
Why men sexually harass women - The Washington Post
Mark Schwahn Fired From E!'s "The Royals' Amid Harassment Allegations -- The showrunner has been accused of sexual harassment by the cast of his current show as well as the one that put him on the map, 'One Tree Hill' (looks the part)
Renowned Conductor Charles Dutoit Accused of Sexual Misconduct | Hollywood Reporter - Four women say that the two-time Grammy winner sexually assaulted them between 1985 and 2010 ... physically restraining them, forcing his body against theirs, sometimes thrusting his tongue into their mouths, and in one case, sticking one of their hands down his pants.
Men, hush now. Let us womansplain it to you
'Young Turks' Founder Cenk Uygur Apologizes for 'Ugly,' 'Insensitive' Old Blog Posts -- Liberal host once wrote that women are genetically "flawed" because they don't want to have sex often enough ... Rule 1: There must be some serious making out by the third date. If I haven't felt your tits by then, things are not about to last much longer ... Rule 2: There must be orgasm by the fifth date (18 yrs ago when he was a conservative asshole)
Harvey Weinstein's Ex Wants Remaining $5 Million in Child Support in Case He Goes Broke : news
A note to Globe readers about our sexual harassment coverage - The Boston Globe
How BSO conductor Karl Muck landed in trouble because of the national anthem - The Boston Globe -- Sex, spies, and the national anthem: The BSO scandal you've never heard of
James Rosen Out at Fox News | TVNewser - without providing further detail.
Papa John Is Cooked, Founder John Schnatter Steps Down as CEO of Pizza Chain - Exit as chairman comes after he publicly criticized the NFL leadership over national anthem protests by football players
Remodeling contractor hired a hit man to kill homeowner. The hit man was a cop (with a video camera). - The Washington Post
Popular Texas blogger scooped police on a story. They charged her with 2 felonies and searched her phone records. : news
Grand Rapids police clears cops who cuffed girl at gunpoint (they felt threatened)
Grand Rapids police open inquiry after officer points gun at girl, 11 - officers pointed their guns at an 11-year-old girl then handcuffed and searched her ... The description of the suspect at the time was a 40-year-old woman.
ACLU Wants Child Porn Charges Against 14-Year-Old Who Sent Selfie Dropped : news ...
`ACLU Wants Child Porn Charges Against 14-Year-Old Who Sent Selfie Dropped | - The 14-year-old girl, whom KSTP is not identifying, was charged after prosecutors said she sent an sexually-explicit selfie to a boy at her school through the social media app, Snapchat.
Homeless Man Comes to Rescue of Columbia Police Officer |
4-Month-Old Attacked By Raccoon Inside Home + CBS Philly
Woman stabbed in Back Bay during apparent road rage incident - The Boston Globe
After a feature in a weed magazine, two Mass. men arrested for illegally growing marijuana - The Boston Globe
A study has found that people with the lowest social class scores -- those with less income, less education, and more worries about moneyscored about twice as high on the wise reasoning scale as those in the highest social class
I'm Mike Cernovich - Journalist, Author, and Filmmaker. Ask Me Anything : IAmA (tirefire)
What annoys you the most on Reddit? : AskReddit
What's the worst thing you've seen happen at a party? : AskReddit
What's the most X-Files like experience you've had in real life?
Amazon Music Ending Cloud MP3 Storage, Streaming Option | Billboard (ANZN going MSFT)
Your Stars December 2017 - Neil Spencer - This year the solstice arrives on 21 December at 16.27.55 GMT, with the Sun moving into Capricorn a matter of hours after Saturn makes the same shift. Such an occurrence is not without precedent but it is unusual; you have to go back to 1664 to find something comparable.
Scientists just presented a sweeping new estimate of how much humans have transformed the planet - The Washington Post
SUV barrels into busy Melbourne intersection filled with Christmas shoppers, injuring at least 19 - The Washington Post - Police named the driver as a 32-year-old man of Afghan descent, an Australian citizen with a history of mental health issues. (allahu fuckbar)
Exclusive: US making plans for 'bloody nose' military attack on North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons programme (meanwhile in delusional death mongering)
Trump threatens to cut aid to U.N. members over Jerusalem vote (every country in the world except SA, Israel)
Rebuking Trump, U.N. General Assembly Condemns U.S. Decision on Jerusalem - The New York Times (U.N. says fuck you)
Nikki Haley Confronts the U.N.'s 'Jackals'
All 6 Defendants Not Guilty In Key Felony Trial Of Trump Inauguration Protesters | HuffPost - The case could determine the fate of many of the nearly 200 people arrested during the inauguration. ... hey alleged the defendants were part of a rioting conspiracy and should be held responsible for more than $100,000 worth of property damage sustained that day.
The Real Coup Plot Is Trump's -- The Republican Party is no longer just obfuscating the truth or defending the president when he is accused of wrongdoing. Rather, Mr. Trump, Fox News and Republicans in Congress seem to be actively using falsehoods to prepare an assault on the institutions that allow American democracy to function. (traitors, see below)
The presidency survived the Watergate, Iran-contra and Clinton scandals. Trump will exact a higher toll. - The Washington Post ... Trump appears Nixonian in his disregard for democratic norms, Clintonian in his personal recklessness and beyond Reaganesque in his distance from the details of policy. But where the parallels and parables of past scandals fall apart is with Trump's well-documented disregard for truth. In Watergate, Iran-contra and the Clinton impeachment, views of the president's honesty played a significant role for the public (post-truth ideology)
Jeff Sessions Reportedly Revives Probe Of Uranium One Deal | HuffPost - An FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton's ties to the deal has found no wrongdoing.
Nunes supposedly recused himself, didn't he? (little Russian ratfucker)
We just got a big reminder of how much Devin Nunes still controls the House's Russia Probe
Mueller Is Looking Into a U.S. Foundation Backed by Russian Money - Bloomberg - Foundation got $500,000 in undisclosed Russian donations - Representatives attended meeting with Trump campaign officials (tangled web of treachery and treason)
The Great American Tax Heist - The New York Times (Make Riches Even Richer)
Elites Were Fervently Opposed to Donald Trump (haha suckers)
Eschaton: Fiscal Responsibility - It'll be vogue again in 5...4...3...2...1... and the press will play along.
Trump praises 'Fox & Friends' for being named 'most influential' because he watches it (and there you have it)
Trump administration targets certain words, and the bureaucracy pushes back - The Washington Post
'BLAH BLAH BLAH f*ck the poor': Ivanka comes on Fox News to talk tax policy -- and gets destroyed by Twitter
You Cannot Be Too Cynical About the Republican Tax Bill - The New York Times
"I Have Power" : Is Steve Bannon Running for President? -- former aide and alter ego reveals what really went down in the White House, his unfettered thoughts on Javanka, his complicated relationship with his erstwhile boss --
Steve Bannon says Russian collusion case is meritless, as demonstrated by Jared Kushner's collusion with the Russians
Remember the soul-stirring principled conservatism of the Never Trump movement? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Frum points out that, as researchers into the matter have confirmed, the right wing media universe has essentially been taken over by Breitbart et. al., and that if National Review types want to keep getting paid for their opinions, their opinions need to be reasonably congenial to the mainstream conservative audience. And although Frum doesn't come right out and say it, after decades of being shaped by propaganda cranked out by increasingly profit-addled demagogues, the mainstream conservative audience now consists of readers, listeners, and viewers dog paddling in a cesspool of paranoid lunacy.
Let's Put Up New Monuments -- Last night, as monuments to the racial terrorists and national treasonists Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest came down in Memphis
Hiram Revels, Charlottesville & the Civil War Monuments We Never Built
Memphis removes Confederate statues from Downtown parks
Most Influential In News Media 2017 | Mediaite
Ridiculous video emerges of wealthy Koch heir-- and the internet is dying of laughter (overweight animatronic cartoon kid w/moneybag shirt)
Trump robot has been the object of ridicule. Here's what would make it better.
Virginia officials will randomly pick winner of tied House of Delegates race on Dec. 27 | Virginia Politics | (election powerball)
Sore loser Roy Moore lashes out at Doug Jones's gay son ... Moore's own son, 27-year-old Caleb Elisha Moore, has been arrested nine different times
Rose McGowan is right. Wearing black is no way to take a stand on the red carpet - The Washington Post
What's the difference between sexual assault and harassment? Let's break it down
Why 'Cat Person,' a New Yorker short story, is essential reading for this #MeToo moment
Men React to Cat Person on Twitter
Sinclair Broadcast Group Sued for Sexual Harassment and Retaliation | Hollywood Reporte (propaganda network full of sexual harassers) r
Sexual harassment lawsuit filed against Sinclair Broadcast-owned website Circa - Baltimore Sun
McKayla Maroney says USA Gymnastics tried to silence her abuse story : news
Chuck Close Apologizes After Accusations of Sexual Harassment - The New York Times - Several women complained that the celebrated artist, known for his outsize portraits, asked them to pose naked and made inappropriate sexual comments. (creepy, entitled, clueless)
Five Women Are Accusing A Top Left-Leaning Media Executive Of Sexually Harassing Them - Don Hazen, the executive editor of AlterNet, was placed on "indefinite leave" after BuzzFeed News asked his oversight board about accusations that he inappropriately touched employees, sent lewd emails, and showed them explicit photographs. 'I deny most of the allegations," Hazen said.
Former BAMTech Executive Bob Bowman Forced Out Amid Troubling Workplace Behavior | Deadline - Bob Bowman, the longtime head of MLB Advanced Media
Matt Lauer's wife is lawyering up
A Eulogy for the Alt-Weekly - politico Magazine - American cities will be duller, sadder places when these plucky, fearless papers finally die. (as hedgies buy them for vanity projects or to kill them)
Venus Williams fatal crash: No one is to blame, police say - Sun Sentinel
Ex-MSP trooper faces murder charge in death of Detroit boy
U.S. life expectancy falls for second straight year as drug overdoses soar : news - The death rate from drug overdoses rose 18 percent a year from 2014 to 2016, the team reported. In 1999, 6.1 per 100,000 people died from drug overdoses. That rate rose to 19.8 per 100,000 in 2016.
How much bandwidth does the spinal cord have? : askscience
TIL President Nixon interfered with Vietnamese peace talks in order to get elected. : todayilearned (the lie, cheat and steal party depends on your very short memories, see St Ronnie)
Meistermalkav comments on Top EU Court Rules Uber Should Be Regulated Like a Taxi Company
Facebook Job Ads Raise Concerns About Age Discrimination - The New York Times (Zuck says fuck off and die, boomers)
Winter solstice 2017: 7 things to know about the shortest day of the year - Vox
Vast undercount of Mosul dead: 9,000 civilians paid in blood (the "U.S.-led coalition" liberated them into their graves)
Massive Fraud in Net Neutrality Process is a Crime Deserving of Justice Department Attention : technology (Trump and the Russians hacked the process)
Mark Zuckerberg named 'Misinformer of the Year' by media watchdog group
San Bernardino woman, detained by ICE despite being U.S. citizen, sues : news
'Trump's Benghazi' : Frederica Wilson wants the truth about what happened to La David Johnson in Niger (well, it's not the same at all, fools)
Wall Street Journal Killed Editorial on Trump's Mob Ties (62 million Americans elected a Russian agent with deep mob ties and no morals) ... In a short period of time, five staffers have departed The Wall Street Journal editorial page ... the Journal editorial line has increasingly conformed with the pro-Trump dictates of the rest of the Murdoch media empire.
Donald Trump quotes said by Zapp Brannigan - YouTube (listen and weep)
Donald Trump quotes said by Zapp Brannigan. Part 2! - YouTube
Mark Hamill is reading Trump's Tweets as Joker
Sen. Mark Warner Warns Trump: Firing Robert Mueller Would Be A 'Gross Abuse Of Power' | HuffPost -- Sen. Mark Warner also slammed Republicans and Fox News for calling for an end to the Russia probe.
Trump is the most despised president in modern American history - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump's approval rating just entered a league of its own -- earning the approval of just 35% of Americans less than a year into his first term.
Democrat's 2018 advantage expands
Fox contributor floats conspiracy theory that the FBI might have planned to assassinate Donald Trump - Serial liar and conspiracy theorist Kevin Jackson
Tucker Carlson Hits Media Over Mueller: Journalists Shouldn't Be 'cheerleaders For Prosecutions' (but Benghaaaazi and those emails are different)
Eschaton: Maybe She Said "Sexy" ... Quite a moment just now. We asked Susan Collins about House Republicans vowing not to pass the provisions McConnell promised her to win her tax vote. She stared for several seconds and said she thought the press's coverage of the tax bill has been extremely sexist. (in case you forgot little Susie is a soulless lying Republikan)
A Rare Actual Example of IDENTITY POLITICS in the Pejorative Sense - Lawyers, Guns & Money - sexism to point out that Collins justified her indefensible vote for an atrocious bill with arguments she knew to be false.
Democrats Express Outrage As GOP Tax Cuts Inch Closer To Completion | HuffPost - "Let's call this out for what it is: Government for sale"
Chuck Schumer Warns GOP: 'You're Messing Up America. You Could Pay Attention.' | HuffPost
Eschaton: I Forget Whose Line It Was - The update for this tax bill is... "I don't understand why conservatives want poor people to work and rich people to stay at home." It takes money from people who work (because they have to) and gives it to people who don't.
The Tax Bill Shows the G.O.P's Contempt for Democracy (in case you haven't realized that already)
A Truly Trumpian Tax Bill - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Good point about how the No Billionaire Left Behind Act loots America in the same way as the President has looted shareholders, contractors, and countless other marks over the years:
Trump and Republicans Celebrate Tax Bill Passage - A godawful tax bill and a bizarre celebration.
If Paul Ryan's GOP Tax Bill Wins Millions of Americans Lose - Republican Tax Bill Explained - The GOP Tax Bill is the culmination of a dark, dangerous dream. (they are achieving all their evils)
Obamacare Plagued Democrats In 2010. The GOP Just Voted For A Bill Even Less Popular. | HuffPost (well, really, the Teapartiers were about a black pres, not revolted about healthcare being "shoved down their throats like a black dick")
State's Christmas Letter to Kids: No Health Care for You Sh*t has begun hitting the fan with CHIP, the federal program giving health care to 9 million people that has run out of money.
On the Front Lines of the GOP's Civil War
In Virginia, a 11,608-to-11,607 Lesson in the Power of a Single Vote - The New York Times
A court rules against Shelly Simonds one-vote victory for Virginia House of Delegates - The Washington Post (down to a coin toss)
Cornell West's attacks on Ta-Nehisi Coates, explained -- Coates is the latest target in West's war against Obama
Should-Read: FYI, IMHO Cornel West has not read even the first page of Ta-Nehisi Coates's "We Were Eight Yars in Power": An American Tradedy (Guardian editors should have caught that, if they have any)
The Mooch rips 'loser' Steve Bannon at Hanukkah party ... For unfathomablereasons, the Mooch was invited to Rabbi Shmuley Boteach's Hanukkah party ...
Awans' Suspicious Used Car Dealership | The Daily Caller (Debbie Wasserdoodle's pals)
What Does 'Sexual Misconduct' Actually Mean? -- The almost infinite shades of creepy misbehavior on display are challenging the legal and cultural categories used to describe them.
New York Times decides Glenn Thrush "does not deserve to be fired" over sexual misconduct -- Thrush will lose his White House beat and face a two-month suspension.
Glenn Thrush, Suspended Times Reporter, to Resume Work but Won't Cover White House
More Allegations Made Against 'On Point' Host Ashbrook And WBUR ... There are now at least 23 current and former WBUR employees who've alleged verbal abuse, intimidation and/or unwanted touching by Ashbrook (toxic male environment killed hopes)
The 'Lost Boys': Hollywood producer Gary Goddard accused of sexual misconduct by 8 former child actors : movies
nvestigation concludes Florida Sen. Jack Latvala's conduct may be criminal -- Clearwater Republican may have committed sexual harassment against multiple women and a sexual assault, including allegations of "quid pro quo" physical contact or sexual intimacy "in exchange for support of legislative initiatives."
Jack Latvala's political legacy takes a bad turn | Miami Herald - A pillar of Tampa Bay politics for three decades, Latvala now faces the inevitability of a highly damaging report by a special master who found probable cause that the veteran lawmaker repeatedly sexually harassed a Senate staffer, and even more damaging, that he may have broken the law by trading sexual favors for legislative action.
Meryl Steep #SheKnew posters in L.A. allege Weinstein complicity - NY Daily News
Hollywood loves Harvey Weinstein : videos
Author of online hit 'Cat Person' has 7-figure book deal
Eschaton: There's A Simple Solution - When you're done, say "I am am sorry, I will be right back with your tip," then walk across the street, get some cash, and go give it to the person. -- People who don't carry cash aren't oblivious to the plight of these workers. Maya Chung, 27, hasn't carried paper money since she was a teenager, instead relying on a combination of digital apps, PayPal and plastic to get through her day. ... "Every time I go there without cash they miss out on their tips cause they don't have the mechanism to put it on the credit card, and I always feel bad" said Ms. Chung, a digital reporter at ... Still, she can't seem to remember to visit the A.T.M. before she goes. (b/c she'd have to "think" about those nail salon employees she's fucking over)
Koch heir sues ex-fiancie to get giant ring back | Page Six (tub 'o lard couldn't get a gf w/o his money) ... a Tallahassee lassie named Ivie Gabrielle Slocumb.
Cardinal Bernard Law, who left Boston in wake of clergy abuse scandal, dies at 86 - The Boston Globe
Mass. Recreational Pot Industry Won't Just Line Pockets Of Big Businesses, Regulators Say
Marijuana 'clubs' could be coming to Massachusetts -- New York Post
With New Cannabis Cafes, You Can Smoke 'Em Where You Bought 'Em
Fake police car (containing fake money) pulled over in Chelmsford - The Boston Globe
US government recovered materials from unidentified flying object it 'does not recognise' : news
Some Think An Alien Space Probe Just Passed Earth And Deliberately Ignored Us | HuffPost (you wish)
U.S. and European physicists searching for an explanation for high-temperature superconductivity were surprised when their theoretical model pointed to the existence of a never-before-seen material in a different realm of physics: topological quantum materials : science
Reddit was misinformation hotspot in 2016 election, study says : technology
Teens who face rejection by their fathers tend to experience more social anxiety -- and more loneliness -- later on
Should those accused of rape be provided anonymity until proven guilty? Why or why not, and what would be some negative results of such provisions? : AskReddit
What fact blew your mind recently? : AskReddit
If you're planning to go back to the gym next month, don't be like this girl that hogs the equipment for 40 minutes : videos
If you were immortal, What's the most dangerous thing you would do? : AskReddit
Apple admits it slows older iPhones, confirming Geekbench report : news
Derailed Amtrak Train Was Going 80 MPH In 30 MPH Zone | HuffPost - The crash over a Washington state highway killed at least three people. (faster, faster)
Congress Stalled Technology That May Have Prevented Washington Amtrak Derailment -- Which killed three and injured over 100. (rich people don't ride trains, fools)
Eschaton: Prediction - We'll bail out the banks and leave the homeowners with nothing. -- Now Puerto Rico is bracing for another blow: a housing meltdown that could far surpass the worst of the foreclosure crisis that devastated Phoenix, Las Vegas, Southern California and South Florida in the past decade ... could rival what happened in Detroit, where abandoned homes became almost as plentiful as occupied ones. (it's called the "Obama Plan")
Obama didn't force FCC to impose net neutrality, investigation found : technology (b/c no one can remember 6 yrs ago)
Comcast, Cox, Frontier All Raising Internet Access Rates for 2018 : news (oh wait, if Trump does it it's ok)
Former Intel chief: Putin is handling Trump like 'an asset' (yes, Putin owns him. yes, America elected a Russian agent)
xstyBooman Tribune ~ Clapper Refocuses the Russian Investigation - Since at least 2011, the Russian government has been cultivating, supporting and assisting Donald Trump is an effort to encourage splits in the western alliance.
James Clapper Tells CNN Donald Trump Is Vladimir Putin's Kremlin Asset -- Jim Clapper Just Nuked the Trump Presidency ... this is the most jaw-dropping statement ever uttered about any American president by any serious commentator.
The FBI Routinely Abuses Its Powers but the Trump Investigation Has Been By the Book
The real reason Trump allies are attacking Mueller - POLITICO - Sowing public doubt about the special counsel's Russia investigation can give the president cover for pardons, even if the investigation is allowed to proceed.
Trump team's meeting with Mueller's office poised to ratchet up tensions
Republicans Already Say They'll Need Another Bill To Fix Their Tax Mistakes | HuffPost - Normally, you'd want to fix problems befoUnchecked by norms or political prudence, itre passing a law, not after.
Poll: Trump's approval rating hits historic low of 35 percent - POLITICO - Before Trump, no president dating back to Dwight Eisenhower ever had an approval rating lower than 49 percent in December of the first year in office.
We're witnessing the wholesale looting of America -- Unchecked by norms or political prudence, it's smash-and-grab time for the GOP. (suckers)
Poll: Public sours on GOP tax plan as Democrats regain lead on economy - NBC News
Americans think Trump's tax plan is a giveaway to the rich. These new graphs show they're right
Press Item | Press | Ranking Member's Newsroom | Ranking Member | U.S. Senate Committee On The Budget (this time is was tax-breaks for Christian home-schoolers)
Public opposition to tax bill grows as vote approaches - CNNPolitics
The G.O.P. Tax Bill Is Unworkable | The New Yorker - the kind that Senator Bob Corker and certain other members of Congress just so happen to own. (lie, cheat, steal, loot, rape, pillage)
Collins decries coverage of her tax bill support as 'unbelievably sexist' (killing healthcare for Mainers but it's "sexist" to point that out)
Trump Drinks Water Like Small Child During Big Speech | HuffPost
Why Trump's Foreign Policy Speech Failed - Requiem for reality.
Disney's Animatronic Trump Seems More Presidential Than The Real Thing | HuffPost - And, yes, the hands on this Donald seem normal-sized. (and 150libs lighter)
The other side of opioids - Lawyers, Guns & Money
In Conclusion, Both Parties Are the Same and Only Jill Stein Can Save Women's Rights
Your Vote Doesn't Matter So Why Bother! - Lawyers, Guns & Money - This now means that no Republican bill can pass the Virginia legislature without Democratic votes.
Roy Moore Still Won't Concede Defeat. It's Been A Week Since The Election. | HuffPost (he's still fund-raising to get a "recount"
Kaine's bid for Senate harassment data rejected -- The secretive office that processes workplace misconduct complaints on Capitol Hill has declined (of course)
Ian McKellen Says Actresses Used To Proposition Directors For Sex | HuffPost
Fear and yelling in L.A. congressman's office led to silence on harassment, aides say -- Los Angeles-area Congressman Brad Sherman says none of his staff ever complained about longtime aide and California Assemblyman Matt Dababneh, who's been accused of sexual harassment while working in the congressman's district office ... Congressman Sherman showed zero interest in the personal well-being of his staffers and there's no reason to believe he would have cared or taken any action if a complaint was made, ("Brad")
How a Culture of Harassment Persisted on Ford's Factory Floors ... Supervisors traded better assignments for sex and punished those who refused. (and then nothing changed)
Kevin Spacey Went 'Underground' After Sexual Misconduct Allegations, Ridley Scott Says | HuffPost
Star T.J. Miller Accused of Sexually Assaulting and Punching a Woman == Ever since his college days, allegations of sexual violence have followed the acclaimed comi
T.J. Miller Series 'The Gorburger Show' Canceled by Comedy Central, decision taken before today's allegations of sexual assualt. : television
Man cleared of rape to sue police after they hid 40,000 messages from 'victim' : news
Pastor Fails Miserably When Interviewed By Court About How He Spends The Ministry's Funds! : videos
Former Pentagon UFO official: 'We may not be alone ... very compelling evidence'
Pentagon's UFO Program Raises a Serious Policy Issue -- Also, the story is just very 2017.
Why the Government Is Cagey on UFO Matters - Who wants egg on their face?
Superworms that can eat styrofoam : videos
400-Rabbits comments on Did Native Americans have any interaction with dinosaur fossils?
A study concluded that chronic pain sufferers who were legally able to use medical cannabis eventually ended up using fewer opioids and other dangerous prescription drugs. Over a third of the patients enrolled in the medical cannabis program stopped using prescription drugs altogether. : science
ELI5: Why do finger nails grow faster than toe nails? : explainlikeimfive
The Worst Roofing Job Ever! This Tops Anything I have Seen in 25 Years of Roofing : videos
New security strategy drops climate from threat list - Axios (erasing rationality)
CDC director says there are 'no banned words' at the agency : news
Passenger Pigeon - Lawyers, Guns & Money
A new NASA sea level simulator lets you bury Alaska's Columbia glacier in snow, and, year by year, watch how it responds. Or you can melt the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets and trace rising seas as they inundate the Florida coast. : science
The Latest: Authorities say 13 train cars derailed
E.P.A. Employees Spoke Out. Then Came Scrutiny of Their Email. - The New York Times -- The emails of Gary Morton, an E.P.A. employee in Philadelphia, were requested seven days after he participated in a union rally challenging proposed budget cuts (big Satan is watching)
Sandy Hook Mom Slams Trump For Partying With NRA Head On Massacre Anniversary | HuffPost - "While they ignorantly partied and remained uninformed on an issue that kills thousands of Americans every year, I was crying myself to sleep ... The appalling lack of humanity and decency has not gone unnoticed" (plenty of evil satananity)
Thousands disappear as China polices thought : news (China agrees to share methods with Trump)
Twitter suspends far-right British figure retweeted by Trump | TheHill - effort to crack down on hate speech. (Trump loves hate)
Internal FCC Report Shows Republican Net Neutrality Narrative Is False - Motherboard - The story of net neutrality as an Obama-led takeover of the internet was refuted by an Inspector General investigation whose findings were not made public prior to Thursday's vote (this is the WSJ line -- the Internet used to be free before the Obama takeover -- because no one can remember 8 fucking years ago)
J20 Defendants Await Verdict in First Test of Government Attempt to Criminalize Protest Group as a Whole - a bleak year for the 194 protesters, medics, and journalists facing multiple felony charges stemming from their arrest surrounding Donald Trump ... Those charges together carry a maximum sentence of 50 years in prison. (welcome to Trumpistan)
The List That's Freaking Out Everyone in Moscow -- Congress ordered the Trump administration to submit a roster of Russians tied closely to the Kremlin.
FBI warned Trump in 2016 Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign - NBC News
Fox News Host Suggest "We Have a Coup on Our Hands in America" (Jesse Watters, hand of Satan)
Trumpworld's inside/outside strategy to fend off Mueller
Top Republicans Say Trump Isn't About To Fire Mueller. But They Can't Stop Attacking him ... Cornyn says no democrats allowed in FBI, only Trumpstrers)
Eschaton: A Good Boy Letter From The Teacher - The boy ain't right -- Until those next signs emerge, Trump is boasting to friends and advisers that he expects Mueller to clear him of wrongdoing in the coming weeks ... I have no idea where any Mueller investigation is going, but this really must be Cobb telling him anything he can to prevent him from firing Mueller. Not sure what the ethic of that is, but...
Trump predicts exoneration in Russia investigation as allies fear a 'meltdown'
What (if Anything) Does Carter Page Know? - The New York Times
Russia Investigation Is Now Looking Into Jill Stein (she did like lap-dancing with the Russkis)
Champion of the 'Little Guy'? Trump's Actions Tell Another Story (you got conned, white suckers)
Sharing the News in a Polarized Congress | Pew Research Center - Partisan and ideological divides shape which news outlets legislators share links to on Facebook ... Democratic members of Congress became more likely to share stories from national news outlets once President Donald Trump took office in January 2017. (Rejerks, not so much)
Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner are sued over financial disclosures - politico
The Republican tax bill got worse: now the top 1% gets 83% of the gains - Vox - In its last year, the bill raises taxes on more than 53 percent of Americans. (suckers)
Final Tax Bill Could End Up Costing $2.2 Trillion | Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (they will suddenly remember the deficit and kill Medicare and Social Security because deficit)
Monmouth University: Half The Public Say Their Taxes Will Go Up Under GOP Plan ... policies not helping middle class
Eschaton: So They Say '31 Is Gonna Be A Good Year - Ron Howard: It was't. "Small businesses will have the lowest taxes since 1931" ... Ivanka Trump discusses impact of tax reform (soup kitchen business will be yuuuge +they didn't teach history at Wharton)
FOX & friends on Twitter: ""Small businesses will have the lowest taxes since 1931" ... Ivanka Trump discusses impact of tax reform ... "Who wants to tell her what happened after 1931? ??"
Republicans are joining a festival of corruption - The Washington Post
A Tax Plan to Turbocharge Inequality, in 3 Charts - The New York Times (we're shocked the litthe guy Trumpsters are getting fucked)
Taxpocolypse - Lawyers, Guns & Money - David Sirota and Josh Keefe broke the story that the Junior Senator, and oh-so very troubled Republican, from Tennessee changed his vote on the tax bill after the conference committee added provisions that would net him a significant amount of money.
Fallout from allegations of tea party targeting hamper IRS oversight of nonprofits - The Washington Post (extremist Teapublicans can no longer be audited)
HHS holds back critical comments on faith-based rule - politico - selective disclosure could lead to legal challenges, particularly under the Administrative Procedure Act. ("we don't need your negative options")
Don Choad on the Road - Lawyers, Guns & Money - And besides, there are a lot of totalitarian trashvolk with intellects so tiny that they can't get from one side of a sentence to the other without the help of a Boy Scout who are looking at what's in the White House now and thinking Why not me?
On West on Coates - Lawyers, Guns & Money (bad-faith arguing to call attention to himself)
Today in the War On (Some Classes of People Who Use Some) Drugs - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The new war on drugs - Vox - Not every state is responding to the opioid epidemic with just public health policies. (prisons are big. Big)
'Radical homosexuals?' Anderson Cooper's contentious interview with Roy Moore' spokeswoman, annotated
Eschaton: Better Things Are Not Possible - Similarly, Northam said he has no plans to try to force Republicans to accept a broad expansion of Medicaid. Instead, he has begun talks with lawmakers in both parties s about overhauling the state's Medicaid system to expand access to health care while better defining eligibility to control costs ... Outgoing Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) tried every year to push the legislature to accept millions in federal money to expand the health program to hundreds of thousands of low-income Virginians. Northam campaigned heavily on the promise of getting more Virginians access to health care. -- Expanding access by restricting eligibility. Cool idea, bro. (another fucking bluedog and he's not even in Alafuckingbama) )
Sen. Cory Booker Gets Extra Security Following Death Threat | HuffPost (Fox's flying monkeys)
How China got a U.S. senator to do its political bidding - The Washington Post - Its dealings with Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) this year offer a success story for Beijing.
Rebelling Republican Suburbs Offer Democrats Path to House Control - The New York Times
Today in the War On (Some Classes of People Who Use Some) Drugs - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Police Decertification and the Mechanics of Accountability - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Police Seen Breaking Man's Leg in Newly Released Arrest Video (no consequences because cops)
Sarah Palin's oldest son, Track, arrested on domestic violence charges ... the second time he's been arrested on suspicion of domestic violence in two years. (Wasillabillies)
Track Palin, son of former Gov. Sarah Palin, arrested for assaulting his father - Anchorage Daily News
Franken urged to reverse his resignation - POLITICO - The demands from Democrats that he step down were 'the most hypocritical thing I've ever seen done to a human being,' Sen. Joe Manchin says
Former Fox News contributor who settled sexual harassment lawsuit breaks confidentiality agreement | TheHill - in order to return fire on Fox mogul Rupert Murdoch.
Panthers Owner Puts Team Up For Sale As NFL Probes Sex Harassment Claims | HuffPost - Richardson was also accused of inappropriately touching women and requesting foot massages ... "how me how you wiggle to get those jeans up" ... Besides the racial slur -- for which the team paid a settlement -- Richardson also commented on black player's appearance and threatened to discipline team members who addressed social issues (very patriotic Christian guy)
Diddy wants to buy the Panthers and sign Colin Kaepernick - The Washington Post
Production Suspended On Morgan Spurlock's Docuseries About Women's Rights | HuffPost - The filmmaker admitted to a history of sexual misconduct last week.
Rose McGowan Rips Meryl Streep For Black-Dress Protest At Golden Globes | HuffPost - for her response to sex abuse allegations against Harvey Weinstein and Hollywood. (sorry, Meryl, too late, didn't work)
BBC to make Weinstein documentary : television
Harvey Weinstein Pursued For Embezzling Studio Funds To Cover Up Assaults
Alex Kozinski announces immediate retirement following accusations of sexual misconduct - The Washington Post Kozinski goes down)
News Regarding John Skipper - ESPN MediaZone - ESPN President John Skipper announced today that he is resigning from his position, citing a substance addiction problem.
ESPN President John Skipper Resigns, Cites Substance Addiction : news
The most germ-infested places you encounter every day -- and how to avoid getting sick -- your clothes ... kitchen sink, kitchen sponge and kitchen counters ... your cellphone ... restaurants, especially their menus ... germs!
LInda Sarsour Accused Of Enabling Sexual Assault | The Daily Caller - The inspiration behind the Women's March on DC ... during her time as executive director of the Arab American Association ... accused was a "good Muslim"
Linda Sarsour accused of enabling sexual assault, harassment in workplace : news
Women's sexual problems are finally getting their due, with new treatments designed to restore pleasure ... The new remedies range from from pills to inserts to a five-minute laser treatment that some doctors and patients are hailing as a miracle cure. (laser mah hootchie-cootchie +men get viagra, women get told "it's part of aging, you dried up cunt" +WaPo says no comments about vajayjays)
'Safer' 20mph zones led to rise in number of road deaths but too costly to reverse, council admits : news (sounds like you-know-where)
Navy pilot recalls encounter with UFO: 'I think it was not from this world' : news
SernyRanders comments on The Pentagon's Secret Search for UFOs
What is a mindfucking paradox? : AskReddit
Gabriel Garcma Marquez' Archive Freely Available Online
What are some things that happened simultaneously in history that blew your mind to find out they happened around the same time? : AskReddit
What did that one teacher at your school do to get fired? : AskReddit
Redditor explains how to stay sane and set boundaries while working with low-income clients & students who can't seem to stick to a schedule or follow basic instructions that would help their situation
Enforcing New Rules to Reduce Hateful Conduct and Abusive Behavior
Twitter has widened what constitutes hateful and harmful behaviour on its platform, and says it will begin enforcing stricter rules concerning it. : news
Silicon Valley Techies Still Think They're the Good Guys. They're Not. | WIRED ... Sam Altman: "This is uncomfortable, but it's possible we have to allow people to say disparaging things about gay people if we want them to be able to say novel things about physics" (idiot +bubble of lies and delusion +
Words banned at multiple HHS agencies include 'diversity' and 'vulnerable'
FCC Has Reportedly Been Using Dead People's Social Media Accounts To Spread Propaganda: The FCC might be making pro-repeal comments on your or even your dead relatives' behalf.
Nobody is above the Law -- Mueller Firing Rapid Response
3 Ways Trump Or His Allies Might Try To Disrupt The Mueller Russia Probe : NPR
Key Officials Push Back Against Trump Campaign's Claim That A Federal Office Illegally Turned Over Emails To Special Counsel
How Fox News and President Trump create an anti-Mueller 'feedback loop' (of lies and pure evil)
CNN's Stelter Goes Off on 'Friends of Trump' at Fox News: Talking Like Propagandists' (prepping to be the state-run media)
But his emails - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Dean Baquet: "we have nothing to apologize for, nothing, I say." +the truth never sticks to Trump anyway)
Trump Allies Flip Out After Mueller Lands Tens Of Thousands Of Emails | HuffPost - The complaint appears to be baseless. (they just realized how screwed they are and the little fox toadies are scurrying everywhere)
emptywheel on Twitter: "Dear everyone: Mueller is conducting an investigation into possible espionage targeting people who had access to a SCIF. What the fuck kind of legal process do you THINK he needs to get govt docs? Have you ever once followed a single leak investigation? ... And note: the very same people SQUEALING abt Mueller obtaining (but not leaking) the govt emails of espionage subjects, HAD LEAKED the texts of Peter Strzok. (and Jared is really looking like espionage)
The Hoarse Whisperer on Twitter: "As we now know: 1) Mueller obtained ALL of the emails sent to/from Trump transition team accounts 2) The Trump gang only realized this after Mueller's seemed to know all about their emails 3) This made them quite... upset ... 9) As a result, Trump's people walked into their interviews with Mueller and team with a completely false sense of confidence that he didn't know what he already knew in spades. They thought he was fishing. He was just reeling fish in. (and now they are very ... upset)
Toad on Twitter: "@HoarseWisperer"
Letter to Congressional Committees -
Mueller Has 'Sensitive' Jared Kushner Emails and Thousands More From Trump Transition, Report Says (lock the little spy up)
"Oh Lord, It's Hard To Be Humble When You're Perfect In Every Way" (Russian agent Glenn Greenwald congratulates himself on being pro-Russian)
Trump's newest enemy: Gravity -- Trump believed he could get away with flouting the political commandment that says Thou Shalt Not Endorse Accused Child Molesters. He thought his cloak of immunity was large enough to enfold Roy Moore, with room for Stephen K. Bannon left over.
Senator Bob Corker Said He Hasn't Read The Tax Bill, Denies Changing His Vote In Exchange For Personal Tax Breaks (he's a real corker)
Once Unthinkable, Now Possible: Senate Looks Like a Tossup in 2018 - The New York Times - Alabama's surprising result gives Democrats a plausible path to take control.
The Shape of the Senate 2018 - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Democrats hold biggest lead in congressional preference since 2008 - NBC News
Trump's Ambassadors Are Going Rogue On Twitter -- Callista Gingrich, Nikki Haley and Scott Brown are all running afoul of federal guidelines on social media while the State Department whistles in the wind. (Callista is a real case and Scottie is an idiot)
A Democratic winner in Virginia says it's time for bipartisanship (good luck with that, Ralph)
Doug Jones Says Congress Should 'Move On' From Trump Sexual Misconduct Allegations | HuffPost -- senator-elect called on Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) to resign over groping accusations. (congratulations, Dems, you got your first new bluedog)
Ralph Northam Draws Progressive Ire Over Medicaid Comments | HuffPost
A journey through a land of extreme poverty: welcome to America | Society | The Guardian - the dark heart of the world's richest nation
Iowa Supreme Court justice blocks Register's use of court records -- An Iowa Supreme Court justice has issued a highly unusual order prohibiting the Des Moines Register from publishing information gleaned from court records. (covering up; for crooks)
Sorry, NRA: The U.S. was actually founded on gun control - (Trump considering banning the word 'history')
This Evangelical Leader Denounced Trump. Then the Death Threats Started. - POLITICO Magazine - Jen Hatmaker is one of the most popular religious figures in America -- and she is paying a steep price for speaking out for what she believes. (the Trumpangelical flying monkeys went after her)
We feel like our system was hijacked : DEA agents say a huge opioid case ended in a whimper (a billion in fines and execs in jail but Trump pardoned them and no one is responsbile)
Bizarre film of Omarosa surfaces amid White House exit | Page Six
NBC Paid Chris Matthews Harassment Accuser | The Daily Caller
NBC paid out severance to staffer who accused Chris Matthews of sexual harassment | TheHill
This is How a Woman is Erased From Her Job - If we write women out of history, we never know the truth of things. -- After taking over from George Plimpton, Brigid Hughes was pushed out as the editor of The Paris Review and omitted from the magazine's history (good read +the women on the board also wanted a strong, virile, party man)
Are High Heels Headed for a Tumble? - The New York Times
In Allston, the transit lesson we never learn - The Boston Globe (MA has always said fuck you to public transit, "maybe by 2040")
Experts challenge the science behind ban on psychiatrists discussing politicians' mental health (psychosociopaths lie skillfully, relationships with others and tweets may tell more than interviews)
Children's screen-time guidelines too restrictive, according to new research, and not necessarily beneficial for wellbeing. The authors found the AAP guidelines themselves to be based on out-of-date research, conducted before digital devices had become so ingrained into everyday life.
Adolescents who are willing to exploit others for personal gain are more likely to bully and have sex than those who score higher on a measure of honesty and humility. According to a study : science
What product do you love, but thought it was stupid before you tried it? : AskReddit
What's the biggest double life you've ever personally seen revealed?
Eschaton: Just A Bit Of A Slip - Just A Bit Of A Slip -- Get used to these kinds of announcements. == It's been awhile since we heard anything about Volvo's audacious experiment to deliver 100 self-driving cars to regular people in Sweden for testing. The program, called Drive Me, was supposed to kick off in 2017, but now the company says it's pushing the date to 2021 (or so)
Most Of The California Wildfires Are Under Control, But The Thomas Fire Is Still Raging | HuffPost - The blaze has already cost nearly $89 million and claimed the life of one firefighter ... At least 728 homes have been destroyed, and 18,000 others are still under threat. (+no avocados and lemons)
Thomas Fire: More evacuations ordered as deadly California blaze threatens Montecito - The Washington Post
Report: Trump Bans 'Transgender,' 'Fetus,' 'Science-Based' From CDC Documents | HuffPost (get outa here with your fake science stuff in the dummification of America)
CDC gets list of forbidden words: fetus, transgender, diversity - The Washington Post (under consideration: "vaccine," "dementia," "center" "disease" and "control") Instead of "science-based" or "evidence-based" the suggested phrase is "CDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes" (so, no more sciencey stuff as the prion disease spreads through the system)
Literally_A_Shill comments on CDC banned from using 'evidence-based' and 'science-based' on official documents: report
E.P.A. Contractor Has Spent Past Year Scouring the Agency for Anti-Trump Officials - The New York Times (you will swear loyalty or be disappeared)
Hundreds of EPA Employees Have Quit Under Trump - quitting in disgust (fuck the environment)
Polls: A 2017 roundup of public opinions - Washington Post
Guantanamo Bay inmate refused access to book on non-violence written by bereaved 9/11 relatives : books (meanwhile, in the dark sadistic heart of America)
U.N. council mulls call for U.S. Jerusalem decision to be withdrawn
World's Most Expensive Home? Another Bauble for a Saudi Prince -- A $300 million chateau is one of a string of extravagant purchases for a prince who is cracking down on ill-gotten wealth and preaching fiscal austerity.
In Italy, #MeToo Is More Like 'Meh' (Catholic patriarchy says Italian men have never harassed anyone +Berlusconi is making a comeback)
Billionaire philanthropists found dead in basement under suspicious circumstances, police say - The Washington Post - Barry Sherman, 75, the founder of Canadian pharmaceutical giant Apotex, was one of the richest people in the world
The FCC Is Blocking a Law Enforcement Investigation Into Net Neutrality Comment Fraud : technology
Mueller obtains "tens of thousands" of Trump transition emails
Democrat: Rumor is Trump could fire Mueller before Christmas | TheHill - Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) said Friday
If Trump Fires Mueller, We Must Impeach | The Nation - The country will find itself in a constitutional crisis, where the executive branch rejects checks and balances and the rule of law. (all Republicans are traitors, so no)
Trump lawyers set for key meeting with special counsel next week - CNNPolitics
The Real Russia Scandal - The New York Times (thanks, Barry and Hillary)
Eschaton: Alpha -- Trump favorability among Fox viewers (%): Jun: 90 Oct: 74 Dec: 58 -- At some point even the faithful realize the "alpha dog" is just an annoying cuck. (when you've lost Foxtards)
So much losing: Trump is least popular first year president ever, down 49 points from Obama | Shareblue Media
AP-NORC Poll: 52 percent say country worse off under Trump (48% brain-dead)
Trump hosted the NRA at the White House on the anniversary of Sandy Hook massacre | Shareblue Media - Trump thumbs his nose at the victims of the Connecticut school killing spree and enjoys quiet time at the White House with NRA gun boss. (the swamp is swamped)
Ivanka Trump Likely Didn't Expect This Reaction To Tweeting At Prince Harry, Meghan Markle | HuffPost -- "Dear Kremlin Barbie: still not getting an invite." (hahaha Kremlin Barbie)
Aww how sweet but I don't thik y'all are gonna get invited
Rep. Tom Cole doesn't trust the economists on GOP tax plan: 'There are about as many economists as there are opinions' ... The onetime college football lineman : "I can't tell you I'm a deep economic thinker" (reads at 4th grade level)
Sen. Susan Collins takes huge leap of faith with tax bill. Critics say she's getting played (wake up little Susie and you too Mainers, fire her stupid ass)
Omarosa Manigault Newman's White House role fraught with tension, sources say she thought she was on a reality show and shw was right) "There was nothing on substance that she would add. There was nothing she could deliver other than photo ops. Clearly no one really knew what she was doing in the first place" (and the 37 bridesmaids! +look at the first pic, their chins are like yin-yang +another narcissistic loonball)
Black conservatives reel after Manigault resigns - The Boston Globe (all 13 of them)
Ann Coulter Fears She'll 'Die Alone' In Self-Pitying Tweet Against Child Tax Credit | HuffPost - We singles live empty lives of quiet desperation and will die alone (there's a reason for that you non-human bag of shit)
'Trump, Trump, Trump!' How a President's Name Because a Racial Jeer ('White. White White!)
How the oldest Senate ever is taking a toll on the business of Washington - The Washington Post -- Eight octogenarians currently serve, nearly twice as many as ever before, according to records maintained by the Senate Historical Office. Another handful of senators are at least 75. (bunch of creaky old fogies)
Alyssa Milano Educates Matt Damon After His Horrid Response On Sexual Misconduct | HuffPost - micro that makes the macro. (well yeah, talk to the NYT about their 37 interviews about Thrush)
Fox News Women Furious Over Rupert Murdoch Comments On Sexual Misconduct | HuffPost - The media mogul said claims of rampant sexual harassment at the network are 'nonsense' (said the right hand of Satan)
Kihuen, accused of sexual harassment, says he won't seek re-election
Nine more women say judge subjected them to inappropriate behavior, including four who say he touched or kissed them - The Washington Post - Alex Kozinski (the legal system sent women clerks to him to get abused +there are slongdonglers, ass-grabbers and in this case, tit-squeezers +supported Muslim ban)
The creepiest sexual-harassment story we aren't talking about
Anita Hill to Lead Hollywood Commission on Sexual Harassment - The New York Times (revenge is sweet even after 17 years)
After taking over from George Plimpton, Brigid Hughes was pushed out as the editor of The Paris Review and omitted from the magazine's history ... In 2011, the New York Times ran Julie Bosman's energetic and gregarious profile of Lorin Stein, the latest head editor of the famous literary magazine The Paris Review -- a position for which she declared "Bacchanalian nights are practically inscribed in the job description" (didn't think once, let alone twice, refused to correct her erasure until she looked really, really bad +wikipediabros) ... Maris Keizman tweet: "George Plimpton sexually harassed me at my first book party in New York City and at the time I looked at it as a rite of passage." ... What should be crystal clear by now is Gourevitch managed to live with the untenable fiction of being erroneously called the second editor of the Paris Review for over a decade, and Stein managed to live with being called the third.
A. N. Devers on Twitter: At a certain publication two editors ago a nearly all-male board fired an amazing female editor in order to put a much more well-known male board fired an amzing femaile editor ...
The two expat bros who terrorized women correspondents in Moscow - The Washington Post - Matt Taibbi and Mark Ames trafficked in hideous stereotypes and body-shaming. (speaking of moments of reckoning)
Panther's statement on internal investigation -- into allegations of workplace misconduct against the team's owner and founder, Jerry Richardson. (racist abusive woman-hating asshole)
Rep. Scott denies sexual misconduct allegation - POLITICO - Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.) on Friday denied an allegation that he sexually harassed a staffer in 2013.
Trent Franks rescinded my internship when I wouldn't come to his house (good Christian man)
The Grande Dame of Documentary is Leaving Her Home at HBO - The New York Times - When Sheila Nevins first started working in television in the 1970s, she thought "being touched by a man inappropriately was part of the rules of the game"
Millennials Are Screwed - The Huffington Post - Some estimates show that 48 percent of workers with bachelor's degrees are employed in jobs for which they're overqualified. A university diploma has practically become a prerequisite for even the lowest-paying positions, just another piece of paper to flash in front of the hiring manager at Quiznos. (boomers so screwed their kids by voting Republican)
These Schools Get Millions Of Tax Dollars To Discriminate Against LGBTQ Students | HuffPost - They suggfested Sunnie wasn't acting "Christlike" by wearing her hair short and preferring pants to skirts. Sunnie was 8 years old. She wasn't traditionally feminine enough for them. Timberlake Christian Schools in Virginia is one of over at least 700 religious schools in America currently receiving public money while openly advertising and practicing anti-LGBTQ policies (De Vos will make those numbers huge)
Elon Musk just released his mental map of L.A. -- But what I find incredible about this map is that it shows a entire system designed solely with one man's desires in mind (LA will give Musk half a trillion in public land to make his own commute easy and only his)
The view from Sacri-Coeur: on Paris, London and the case for urban density (no, it doesn't have to look like billionaires row in mid-town Manhattan)
Glowing Auras and 'Black Money' : The Pentagon's Mysterious U.F.O. Program (Hillary promised to get to the bottom of this)
2 Navy Airmen and an Object That 'Accelerated Like Nothing I've Ever Seen'
Newly released video of UFO encounter with Navy FA-18 Super Hornet from Defense Department's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program : videos
The IMDB disaster: first they gutted discussions, now they are gutting user reviews : movies
Graph TV - The X Files
The Movie Database (TMDb)
Letterboxd Your life in film
Hard Questions: Is Spending Time on Social Media Bad for Us? | Facebook Newsroom - By David Ginsberg, Director of Research, and Moira Burke, Research Scientist at Facebook ("social media" deflection from FB evil)
UN official who visited North Korea sees 'high risk' of miscalculation
Rocket Men: The Team Building North Korea's Nuclear Missile (he believes in scientists, unlike you know who)
U.S. Accuses Iran of U.N. Violation, but Evidence Falls Short - The New York Times (Nikki's fake evidence)
Thoughts on Rod Rosenstein's Testimony By Benjamin Wittes (Trumpublicans undermining justice, of course)
Trump allies say Tillerson has 'not learned his lesson' and cannot continue in the job for long (You will obey the demented toddler!)
Democrats want to know why Justice Department released FBI texts - POLITICO
In Shocking Development, Media Gets Conned By Selective Republican Leaks - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- The scandal is that the Department of Justice selectively leaked private texts from its agents in order to placate the White House's desire to discredit the special counsel. And the news media let itself get suckered. (it always does) The fact that elite political editors and reporters have not merely failed to learn anything from their gross misconduct in 2016 but are convinced that they performed superbly and any criticism of their performance is out of bounds is a ticking tomb that may keep blowing up all over American democracy. (lookin at you, NYT)
"Hillary Is Corrupt and Trump Is Crazy" : At the F.B.I., Anger at Being Scapegoated (the crime of having opinions at all)
Kushner's legal team looks to hire crisis public relations firm amid Russia probe
Trump's Numbers Near a Tipping Point -- Things fell apart for Nixon when he dropped below 30 percent approval in his second term. Trump is getting there in his first year. (he has the best most beautiful numbers)
Once Unthinkable, Now Possible: Senate Looks Like a Tossup in 2018 - The New York Times - a plausible path to take control.
Senate parliamentarian strikes language allowing churches to endorse candidates from tax bill | TheHill (yeah, they really tried to do that)
This Tax Bill Is a Trillion-Dollar Blunder - Bloomberg - Congress and President Trump put politics ahead of smart reform.
One last chance for Collins to reject bad GOP tax bill - The Boston Globe (little Susie says fuck you to Maine)
Poll: 54 percent say Mueller has conflict of interest | TheHill - because of his past ties to former FBI Director James Comey, according to the latest Harvard CAPS-Harris survey.?? (Harvard rigged the poll and Rethugs are outraged people in the DOJ knew each other)
The EPA Hired a Major Republican Opposition Research Firm to Track Press Activity
Trump judicial nominee fumbles basic questions about the law - The Washington Post - ederal judicial nominees struggling to answer rudimentary questions about the law garnered well more than 1 million views in a matter of hours on Thursday night and stoked speculation that another of the president's nominations might get derailed ... Matthew Petersen, a member of the Federal Election Commission and a lawyer with no trial experience (another Trump idiot)
Homeland Security senior adviser promoted birtherism, said Obama knew 'nothing about the black American experience' (which this white Trumpster asshole is an expert on) Frank Wuco (Wuco?)
Paul Ryan Leaving Congress Is Overdue - Paul Ryan makes noises about going back to Janesville. (always a con)
School Segregation: The Evil of a Racist Nation - Lawyers, Guns & Money - our school segregation is the sign of an inherently racist society (keep schools poor in general so choices are few or expensive)
Why 41 percent of white millennials voted for Trump - The Washington Post - 41 percent of white millennials voted for Trump in 2016, an estimate that largely mirrors national exit polls. About 84 percent of millennial Trump voters were white. Compared to white voters who did not support Trump, Trump voters were more likely to be male, married and without college education. Contrary to what some have suggested, white millennial Trump voters were not in more economically precarious situations than non-Trump voters. Fully 86 percent of them reported being employed, a rate similar to non-Trump voters; and they were 14 percent less likely to be low income than white voters who did not support Trump. Employment and income were not significantly related to that sense of white vulnerability. So what was? Racial resentment. ("white vulnerability based in racial resentment and lack of education)
Candidate Who Began His Campaign By Calling Mexicans Rapists Won By Mobilizing White Resentment - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Next Off the Island on Survivor: White House? Omarosa was way over her head, but at least she did no real harm. The same can't be said about the administrations pseudo-royalist destroyers of the planet
That painful exchange between a Trump judicial pick and a GOP senator, annotated - The Washington Post (he didn't bother studying for the exam)
G.O.P. Establishment Declares Open Season on a Weakened Bannon - The New York Times
Democratic men are 31 points more likely to say that the country has not gone far enough on women's rights" than Republican women ... 38 percent of American women believe abortion should be illegal in most or all cases, only four points lower than American men. (Republican women trapped in abusive relationships with themselves)
Roy Moore's white female voters are part of a long history of internalized misogyny This acute cognitive dissonance has deep historical roots. by Marcie Bianco ... French feminist Simone de Beauvoir proffered an insightful reason for this noticeable lack of female collectivity in her seminal text, The Second Sex (1949) ... The woman is, therefore, the "second" sex. Never the first. Never independent. And the force of this history -- of patriarchy -- has informed not only how men see and treat women, but how women see and treat themselves.
The Weaponization of Awkwardness - The Atlantic - Don't make a scene. Look the other way. Social discomfort has long been used to maintain the status quo. -- "Young women say yes to sex they don't ctually want to have all of the time. Why? Because we condition young women to feel guilty if they change their mind."
"Bad Sex," Or The Sex We Don't Want Bt Have Anyway - Ella Dawson ... The hard truth is that we teach young women and girls to not make a scene, even when there's no one else in the room (Harvey told one of his victims as he assaulted her in the hotel hallway, "don't make a scene." as I try to rape you)
'Cat Person' and the Impulse to Undermine Women's Fiction
9 Men on Seeing Themselves in 'Cat Person'
"I enjoy the sexual interplay between the sexes" is something I, a human, like to say ... Here's a little secret we have to say out loud: Women love the sexual interplay they experience with men, and they relish men desiring their beauty. Why? Because it is part of their nature.
We tried to find the rabbi Roy Moore's wife said they're friends with. Here's whagt happened ... I decided I would try to call every rabbi in Alabama (good job, Devra)
Breitbart editor-in-chief: We had to defend Roy Moore from child molestation accusations to protect Trump from his accusers
A Sheriff, a Mystery Check and a Blogger Who Cried Foul - The New York Times - use of public funds -- In Alabama, an official's use of public funds and behavior toward critics raise questions about the broad powers of American sheriffs.
4 senior managers at Interior Dept. fired for harassment - ABC News - for inappropriate conduct, including sexual harassment.
Kansas Dem drops out of race after sexual harassment allegation | McClatchy Washington Bureau -- after the Kansas City Star asked her about accusations in a 2005 lawsuit that she sexually harassed and retaliated against a male subordinate who said he had rejected her advances. ... "In its rush to claim the high ground in our roiling national conversation about harassment, the Democratic Party has implemented a zero tolerance standard" (may be guilty, may be not)
Andrea Ramsey letter: 'I never engaged in any of the alleged behavior'
"We Know the Difference Between a Glenn and a Matt Lauer" : Inside The New York Times, the Glenn Thrush Scandal Is a Sex-Reckoning Test Case -- Some three dozen detailed interviews will determine whether the star White House correspondent will keep his job -- Cut chances are he won't be going back to cover the West Wing ... his fate at the Times will presumably be the first major decision in the era of A.G. Sulzberger, who will take over as publisher on January 1 from his father, Arthur Sulzberger Jr. If no further allegations materialize and the Times keeps him, Thrush will be a rare casualty of the so-called #MeToo movement to avoid career annihilation, and in that regard, the Times's decision could potentially set the tone for future cases that are similar in nature. Everyone will be watching.
Inside Matt Lauer's Secret Relationship With a 'Today' Production Assistant
Matt Lauer's Accuser Is 'Terrified' of Being Identified
Ashley Judd, Mira Sorvino thank Peter Jackson for 'being honest' about Weinstein blacklist
Peter Jackson: I blacklisted Ashley Judd and Mira Sorvino under pressure from Weinstein | Film | The Guardian
Matt Damon opens up about Harvey Weinstein, sexual harassment and confidentiality agreements - ABC News
Dustin Hoffman Accused of Assault, Exposing Himself to Minor (his daughters 16 yr-old friend, what a creep loves to "stick his fingers inside" many women)
Kelly Cutrone: Russell Simmons tried to rape me | Page Six
'Russell Simmons Is Just the Beginning': Music Industry Braces for #MeToo Impact -- The music industry has largely avoided the sexual harassment and assault allegations of the #MeToo movement. Many industry professionals feel its time has finally come ... eleven women have thus far accused Queens native Simmons, 60, of sexual harassment or assault
Three more women accuse California assemblyman of sexual misconduct - LA Times - A Los Angeles woman has filed a police report alleging Democratic Assemblyman Matt Dababneh had sex with her without consent four years ago, adding new allegations of sexual misconduct to those that led the politician to announce his resignation last week. He says her claims are false ... Dababneh masturbated in front of her and asked her to touch his genitals at a 2016 party (they love doing that: look in wonder at mah awesome dickitude)
The #MeToo Moment: How One Harasser Can Rob a Generation of Women - The New York Times - Last week Heidi Bond, a former law clerk to Judge Alex Kozinski, accused the prominent judge of sexually harassing her while she was working in his chambers a decade ago. Her story, like all of the #MeToo revelations, is deeply upsetting.
New Mexico School Shooter Had Secret Life on Pro-Trump White-Supremacy Sites
College Basketball Made Louisville, Then Broke It - Bloomberg - Money ruled everything around this basketball-mad university town long before the Adidas bribery scandal. (Kenfucky, $280 million in taxpayer money given to sports team which flopped)
Oh Hey, Andrew Sullivan Exists and He's Still Racist ... In conclusion, one of the most embarrassing things about the early blogosphere is that people took Andrew Sullivan seriously. What a horrible person. I am also reminded about the era when Sullivan gave Freddie the keys to his site. What a pair of geniuses.
The 9 Most Insane Sex Diaries of 2017
The Juiciest Anonymous Gossip of 2017
Star Wars: If Only You Knew the Power of the Dark Side - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Reddit's Favorite High-School Porn Magnate Is Actually 22 -- Jack Kim made it to the top of Reddit on Tuesday claiming he was a high schooler who got lucky with a viral porn app. Turns out he's none of those things
Lindsey Graham: There's a 30 Percent Chance Trump Attacks North Korea - The Atlantic - gonna have to use the military option, because time is running out (to kill millions of people, our first priority)
Aid group says at least 6,700 Rohingya were killed in Burma in first month of 'ethnic cleansing' (good Buddhist)
Baby formula recall: Lactalis products banned after salmonella outbreak - Dec. 11, 2017 - after French authorities ordered a leading dairy company to stop selling hundreds of products because of concerns about food safety.
Having a misogynist leader has consequences. And no, I don't mean Trump -- Italy, where having the notoriously sexist Silvio Berlusconi in power for more than 20 years, on and off, is showing its effects -- Very few women have come forward, and men have faced few consequences. More alarming is the fact that in Italy no politician has been implicated -- nor any high-profile writer, CEO, doctor, TV personality or journalist ... Berlusconi ... the product of 2,000 years of patriarchy mixed with Catholicism. The cultural phenomenon of his personal machismo signaled to Italian men that it was acceptable and even normal to objectify and diminish women.
Is the European Meteor Air-To-Air Missile Really the Best in the World? - The Drive
The Secret History of the Russian Consulate in San Francisco Foreign Policy - West Coast spies were busy.
Ajit Pai Thinks You're Stupid Enough to Buy This Crap [Update: One of the 7 Things Is Dancing With a Pizzagater]
The FCC just voted to repeal its net neutrality rules, in a sweeping act of deregulation - The Washington Post
Trump's Lies vs. Obama's
Former high-level officials submit 'unusual' Russia brief in lawsuit against Trump and Roger Stone ... Among the former officials are John Brennan, a CIA director; James Clapper, a director of national intelligence; and Michael Hayden, a director of the National Security Agency.
Report: CIA Captured Putin's 'Specific Instructions' to Hack the 2016 Election
Trump described admitting Kremlin hacked Dem emails as a 'Trap'
Doubting the intelligence, Trump pursues Putin and leaves a Russian threat unchecked
This new report confirms that Trump's megalomania threatens our democracy -- The result is without obvious parallel in U.S. history, a situation in which the personal insecurities of the president -- and hiss refusal to accept what even many in his administration regard as objective reality -- have impaired the government's response to a national security threat. The repercussions radiate across the government ... there is an unspoken understanding within the NSC that to raise the matter is to acknowledge its validity, which the president would see as an affront. (Putin owns him, what an inronic paradox after all those years "fighting the cold war" ... Make Russia Great Again)
It's payback time for those whom Trump has bullied ... African Americans [in Virginia] accounted for 21 percent of voters (rural, uneducated whites have minds like Trump)
There are many ways that Donald Trump can cease being president. One path is far superior to all others. By Daniel W. Drezner -- For Trump to lose properly, it has to be at the ballot box. Trump has to run for reelection and be repudiated by American voters. He has to lose the popular vote again, get trounced in the electoral college, and see his party pay the consequences of backing the most ignorant, illiberal president in modern American history. (Drezner says wait while he dismantles everything including the electoral process so you can vote him out in 3 years when there's no government left because treason isn't enuogh of a reason to throw him in jail) )
In the Senate, Republicans are paying a price for their extremism - Vox - self-destructive primaries have cost it a lot of power, particularly in the Senate.
When Will Paul Ryan Step Down? | HuffPost - a question lawmakers are asking.
Donald Trump Tickles Tweeters With His Curt Message To Omarosa | HuffPost - Wait come back, we need a shot of you rolling your suitcase out of the board room and getting into the cab.
Omarosa Manigault speaks out about WH exit: 'I have seen things that have made me uncomfortable'
Desegregation Has Never Happened - Lawyers, Guns & Money - This nation has flat out never integrated and liberal whites are as responsible for it as conservative whites.
Why Using the Dictionary Definition of Racism Just Doesn't Work - Everyday Feminism
Heather Hever's Mom:? I'm Starting to Hold Trump Responsible for Her Murder in Charlottesville
Millennials Are Screwed - The Huffington Post - Why millennials are facing the scariest financial future of any generation since the Great Depression. (screwed by Republican boomers)
26-year-olds face challenges as they fall off parents's health insurance
2018 looks like a Democratic wave - The Washington Post
The Republican Nightmare Is Just Beginning - The Atlantic (Make America Fucked Again)
Roy Moore Still Won't Concede Defeat: 'The Battle Rages On' (can't believe God flunked him)
Roy Moore turns refusal to concede into religious crusade: 'mmorality sweeps over the land' (and its name is Roy)
Deep Thoughts From America's Greatest Moral Sage - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Judge Humbert Bilbo shows that nobody can express sore loserdom with more staggeringly hypocritical pomposity: "Abortion, sodomy and materialism have taken the place of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
No Fear Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice: Act 1, Scene 3, Page 5 - Mark you this, Bassanio, The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness Is like a villain with a smiling cheek, A goodly apple rotten at the heart. Oh, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!
Matthew 7:15-20 KJV - Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. - Bible Gateway
Urban Dictionary: #cino (christian in name only)
Enthusiastic Democratic voters delivered Doug Jones a victory -- 1.3 million people cast ballots in the U.S. Senate election Tuesday, or just over 40 percent of the electorate. (MA 4.5 million, 75% turnout in 2016)
Stephen Colbert Sends Roy Moore Off Into The Sunset With Hilarious Farewell Song | HuffPost - The failed Senate candidate gets the musical tribute he deserves.
The Late Show on Twitter: "After a shocking loss to a Democrat in Alabama, Roy Moore is riding off into the sunset. (The mall is in that direction.) #LSSC"
A few hours before Roy Moore lost : insanepeoplefacebook (haha libturds)
Why Jones won: Moore missed Trump's standard in every Alabama county ("standard" is a strange word in this context)
Voters Think Trump Should Resign Over Harassment Allegations | Public Policy Polling - 53% think Trump should step down to just 42% who think he should remain in office. (83% of Deathpublicans)
Suffolk University/USA Today Poll: 74 Percent Say Sexual Harassment Must Be Addressed Seriously - Suffolk University - Fifty-nine percent said they believe the accounts of women accusing prominent men of sexual harassment, while 5 percent believe these men's denials and 35 percent are undecided ... Over 84 percent of voters said that members of Congress should be barred from using public funds to settle sexual harassment and other workplace disputes, and over 89 percent said that the names of members of Congress involved in these settlements -- past and future -- should be make public
Single women find voice on sexual harassment -- There is a disparity between women and men, where women report higher incidences of sexual harassment, file more complaints, and feel that this is a watershed moment on sexual harassment in America. Men, on the other hand, feel sexual harassment is less prevalent, report it less, and are more apt to say that things will go back to where they were once the attention to this issue fades away. (they hope) ... "single/never married" women (49 percent) were aware, compared to married women (31 percent), widowed women (23 percent), and divorced women (22 percent) who were less aware
Farentholld won't seek reelection amid allegations of sexual harassment (semi-human lump of mashed potatoes is history) the sixth lawmaker to fall due to allegations of misconduct as Congress grapples with how to address what some aides have described as a culture of inappropriate behavior on Capitol Hill.
A politician cracked that women belong in the kitchen. A 'furious' woman just took his job ... Atlantic County Freeholder John L. Carman, had posted a meme on Facebook the day of the Women's March, showing a woman stirring a pot over a kitchen stove. "Will the woman's protest be over in time for them to cook dinner?" ... She beat him as a Democratic challenger in a Republican stronghold, winning by nearly 1,000 votes out of the 14,000 cast for the seat
Head of Congressional Ethics Office Sued for Abusing Position, Accused of Assaulting Women Foreign Policy - A key official involved in House investigations faces a federal lawsuit alleging misconduct.
Second woman accuses Kihuen of persistent, unwanted sexual advances - The Nevada Independent
Dustin Hoffman Accused of Exposing Himself to a Minor, Assaulting Two Women (EXCLUSIVE) Variety
At ESPN, the problems for women run deep - The Boston Globe
Morgan Spurlock Admits History Of Sexual Misconduct, Including Rape Accusation | HuffPost - Spurlock also admitted that he settled a sexual harassment allegation with his former assistant eight years ago.
New Allegation: Photographer Terry Richardson Sexually Assaulted Designer In His Studio Doorway | HuffPost - coming forward 10 years later because she hopes her story might help younger women in the fashion industry.
Why is legal academia still remaining (mostly) silent on Alex Kozinski? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - But it remains striking how the most highly-trafficked legal academic blogs, most notably the Volokh Conspiracy (run by a former Kozinski clerk) and Taxprof (which normally at least links to discussions of every notable story in legal academia), refuse to print a word about this affair.
William Baude on Twitter: "My friend Heidi Bond's ... account of her clerkship for Judge Kozinski:"
Judge Alex Kozinski made us all victims and accomplices. - For 20 years, I've felt it was too early to speak up about Judge Alex Kozinski. Now I fear it's too late. (Dahlia Lithwick)
Kentucky State Rep. Dan Johnson dies of 'probable suicide' in Mt. Washington
The Pope's Long Con - A Kentucky preacher-turned-politician's web of lies (KyCIR)
KY state rep. Dan Johnson - an accused child molester and definite insane person - posted this incoherent suicide note to his facebook page before killing himself : insanepeoplefacebook
Who killed Kentucky Rep. Dan Johnson? Jews, probably. [First comment on an article about Johnson's death] : insanepeoplefacebook
An orgy of serious policy discussion with Paul Krugman - Ezra Klein
News media offers consistently warped portrayals of black families, study finds - The Washington Post -- Major media outlets routinely present a distorted picture of black families -- portraying them as dependent and dysfunctional -- while white families are more likely to be depicted as sources of social stability ... "This leaves people with the opinion that black people are plagued with self-imposed dysfunction that creates family instability and therefore, all their problems"
Video shows officers handcuffing a shrieking 11-year-old at gunpoint - The Washington Post (little black kid terrorized by copsters)
Activist DeRay Mckesson sues Fox News, media personality Jeanine Pirro for defamation - Baltimore Sun (the 105mph lady)
Mimi O'Donnell Reflects on the Loss of Philip Seymour Hoffman and the Devastation of Addiction
Youngstown State University student picked up in Austintown sex sting | - Police said the Orwell man believed that he was meeting a 15-year-old boy for sex
Massage therapist pleads guilty to sexually abusing clients in D.C. - The Washington Post
VIDEO: Woman appears to get angry at Walnut Creek Starbucks customers for speaking Korean |
Disney buys much of Fox in megamerger that will shake world of entertainment and media - The Washington Post
Thursday Linkage - Lawyers, Guns & Money (for the HA Goodman thread)
5 Gender-Neutral Alternatives to Boyfriend and Girlfriend
How Europeans evolved white skin | Science | AAAS - Spaniards, in particular, shrank in stature 6000 years ago, perhaps as a result of adapting to colder temperatures and a poor diet.
Every. Single. Week. (x-post r/vaxxhappened) : insanepeoplefacebook
The Postal Service kept him from renewing his DACA. Now he's in immigration detention. Pennsylvania father Osman Enriquez was waiting for a letter telling him to reapply. (ICE ethnic cleansing continues)
Rod Rosenstein: No good cause to fire Mueller - CNNPolitics
Monmouth University - Trump Rating Hits Record Low -- Democrats have 15 point edge in generic House vote -- current job rating stands at a net negative 32% approve and 56% disapprove. This marks his lowest rating in Monmounth's polling since taking office in January (5 points to 27% core crazy)
Iowa Poll: 60 percent of Iowans disapprove of Donald Trump (waking up?)
Republicans Tax Bill in Final Sprint Across Finish Line - The New York Times
Will Trump's lows ever hit rock bottom? -- A president who'd all but call a senator a whore is unfit to clean toilets in Obama's presidential library or to shine George W. Bush's shoes ... With his latest tweet, clearly implying that a United States senator would trade sexual favors for campaign cash, President Trump has shown he is not fit for office. Rock bottom is no impediment for a president who can always find room for a new low. (and this is USA Today saying that)
Trump's Twitter War with Kirsten Gillibrand Is a Reminder of What We Voted For - I suppose I should have something to say about the fact that the president* slut-shamed Senator Kirsten Gillibrand on the electric Twitter machine on Tuesday morning ... 62,984,825 Americans voted for this. (they voted for evil)
The reckoning on Republican shamelessness has only begun - The Washington Post -- There are four principal threats Trump represents. 1) Autocracy 2) Wealth disparity 3) Climate change 4) Courts
Special Elections So Far Point To A Democratic Wave In 2018 | FiveThirtyEight - Alabama is only the latest.
Alabama Senate election results: It's not just scandal: Moore lost in Alabama because the GOP agenda is toxically unpopular -- Republicans are now in trouble everywhere.
Support from women hands Democrats victory in Alabama: Exit polls - ABC News - 51 percent of voters said the allegations against Moore were definitely or probably true, vs. 44 percent who saw them as definitely or probably false. Those who believed Moore's accusers backed Jones by 90-8 percent. (56% women voted Jones, 58% men voted Trump)
Alabama election exit poll results - Washington Post -- Jones benefitted from near-unanimous support from black voters, historically large support from whites
Black Women Kept Roy Moore Out of Office. Here's How to Actually Thank Them.
How Black Voters Lifted Doug Jones Over Roy Moore (Bubba and Cooter)
Why Black Voters Backed Doug Jones: 'It's a Matter of Character for Us'
Democracy (or "Democracy") in Action -- @leonardocarella -- If yesterday's Alabama Senate race had been a House election, the Republicans, who got *fewer* votes, would have won 6 out of 7 seats, and the Democrats, who *won* the vote statewide, only 1 out of 7. That's how gerrymandered Alabama is (racist at their hearts)
The Infuriating Psychology of White Women Voting for Moore ... 63 percent of white women who voted in the Alabama Senate race cast their vote for Republican Roy Moore ... motivated reasoning, the theory that our group identity shapes the way we see the world, and the information we choose to take in or reject. (that doesn't really explain anything)
Doug Jones's victory scrambles the Republican congressional agenda
Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball ; Blue Stars Fell on Alabama - Jones win another confirmation of Democratic momentum,
Why Unpopular In Parties Get Slaughtered - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Roy Moore Loses, Sanity Reigns - The New York Times ("Reigns" "shows signs of life")
All The Republicans At Roy Moore's Party Had The Same Reaction | HuffPost - Blame everyone. Except the candidate accused of sexual assault.
Morning Digest: Doug Jones epic win in Alabama puts Senate in play for 2018
Seve Bannon's political science experiment blew up in Trump's face
"We've go to stop looking like idiots" : Charles Barkley tells Alabamians not to vote for Roy Moore
Congratulations, Steve Bannon, you just elected a Democrat in Alabama - The Washington Post (the face, the face)
Donald Trump, the president of the United States, was unable to pull his candidate across the line. It is a terrible, terrible moment for Trump. This is total embarrassment.
Alabama Senate race: Democrats celebrate Doug Jones win as GOP bickers over what happened - The Washington Post
Donald Trump cannot stop endorsing losers - The Washington Post - losing streak in endorsements is now at three.
New York Daily News on Twitter: "Bama bucks the perv! An early look at Wednesday's front..."
We Are in a Trump-Driven Worst-Case Situation Right Now ... Jones lost college-educated white women by just 7 percentage points; in 2012, Obama lost them by 55 points
Roy Moore lost the battle, but he's winning the war ... Moore's vision for the Republican Party is becoming a reality. (slave-owning pedophiles with no women voting ... "Alabama values")
Eschaton: Your Moment Of Zen
Doug Jones' Victory in Alabama Is a Small Miracle - I choose to believe that Selma put Doug Jones over the top because I believe that the country owes that particular place a debt that it only has begun to repay, a debt on which it reneged for decades.
This Is How Steve Bannon And Breitbart Tried To Sabotage Twitter (wizards in their own minds)
Omarosa throws tantrum, is escorted from White House after firing - NY Daily News ... "cursing and threatening" ... It got physical and she had to be removed, (kicking and screaming) villain turned senior White House official also ruffled feathers when she reportedly brought members of her 39-person bridal party to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for an extended wedding photo shoot ... unannounced April visit ... "I brought the black vote.' General Kelly said 'no you did not. It's not there." (there is not "black vote" he said)
The Manigault Line - Lawyers, Guns & Money
April Ryan: Omarosa fired by Kelly, escorted out of White House | TheHill
Omarosa Out of the White House - American Urban Radio Networks
Omarosa Tried to 'Storm the Residence' in Reality TV-Style Ouster
Joe Biden Consoles Meghan McCain in Powerfully Emotional TV Moment - Joe Biden and Meghan McCain shared a truly powerful emotional moment Wednesday morning on The View while discussing how cancer has affected their loved ones.
Employers would pocket $6.1 billion of workers' tips under Trump administration's proposed "tip seatling" rule (yes, they can now steal employees' tips)
"Nikki Haley Stuck a Knife in His Back" : Roger Stone Is Already Writing the Story of Trump's Downfall
Democratic lawmaker: Women's clothing an 'invitation' to harassment -- 'I saw a member yesterday with her cleavage so deep it was down to the floor,' Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) tells fellow Democrats at a private meeting.
Alt-Right Hyped Sexual Harassment Hoax to Attack Schumer - The fake document accusing Sen. Chuck Schumer of sexual harassment copied language from a real document that exposed Rep. John Conyers ... Charles Johnson and Mike Cernovich boasted of obtaining a document that would put a senator out of a job. (Cernovich pranked, thinks Soros is behind it)
This Is The Daily Stormer's Playbook | HuffPost - A leaked style guide reveals they're Nazis about grammar (and about Jews).
Is Becoming the Party That Tolerates Sexual Misconduct Excellent News For the Republican Party? (SPOILER: No) - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Harvey Weinstein Is My Monster Too - The New York Times
Salma Hayek divulges years of terrifying abuse by Harvey Weinstein : news
Salma Hayek divulges years of terrifying abuse by Harvey Weinstein
Music Mogul Russell Simmons Is Accused of Rape by 3 Women - The New York Times - a powerful gatekeeper in the entertainment -- and media worlds, damaged careers and self-confidence with his pattern of sexual assault and harassment, the women say. (another everybody knew but he was too powerful/vengeful)
Five more women accuse Russell Simmons of sexual misconduct across three decades - LA Times
PBS Suspends 'Tavis Smiley' Following Sexual Misconduct Investigation (the reckoning continues)
Accused of molesting a teenage girl, Kentucky lawmaker Dan Johnson refuses to resign - The Washington Post - woke his daughter's friend during a sleepover in 2013 and forced himself on her, slipping his hands up her shirt and bra and putting his fingers in her vagina ... the boozy weekend parties Johnson would throw at the "Pope's House" -- the fellowship hall next to the Heart of Fire Church. Those parties, KyCIR reported, featured scantily clad women, body shots and costumes. (very evangelical)
Kentucky lawmaker Dan Johnson, who was accused of molesting a teenage girl likely killed himself, coroner says - The Washington Post - Kentucky lawmaker Dan Johnson was found dead Wednesday, an official said, days after allegations surfaced that he had molested a member of his church when she was 17. ... alleges the Republican's persona is orchestrated to mask a series of concerning incidents -- including sexual abuse, arson and false testimony ... In 2016, while running for office, he posted racist photos on his Facebook page that compared President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama to monkeys. He disregarded calls for him to drop out of the race -- and won.
Kentucky State Rep. Dan Johnson commits suicide on bridge in Mt. Washington : news
Exclusive: Ex-Farenthold aide shares new details of vulgar and abusive behavior - CNNPolitics
'Top Chef' cuts John Besh from episode after sexual harassment allegations -- after more than two dozen women alleged his company fostered a culture of sexual harassment ("kitchen culture")
An Open Letter to (Male) Chefs - Tom Colicchio -- Enough; Because deep down men know that sexist shit-talk is just a lazy substitute for real wit.
Kitchen workers sue McCormick & Schmick's alleging sexual harassment
Hip New York Restaurant Reportedly had a 'rape room'
A singer spoke up about sexual harassment in country music. Now she's being sued
Head of health care union suspended over allegations of inappropriate behavior - The Boston Globe - Tyrik D. Lee faces accusations of sexual harassment
Netflix Executive Fired After Discounting Rape Accusations Against Danny Masterson : news
Warren Sapp on sexual harassment allegations: You are not going to put that on me' ...
Weinstein Asian Executive Bey Logan Accused of Sexual Misconduct (another weird face) ... admits to a "too carefree attitude towards physical encounters with women."
New York Times D.C. bureau adds fact-checker - POLITICO
How Arizona Cops "Legally" Shoot People : videos
THC, has been found to potentially slow the process in which mental decline can occur in up to 50% of HIV patients. Cognitive function decreases partly due to chronic inflammation that occurs in the brain, and THC acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. : science
Medical Professionals of Reddit, When was someone's self diagnoses surprisingly accurate? : AskReddit
Women rate the strongest men as the most attractive, study finds. Height and leanness were appealing attributes, too, but strength played an outsize role in the ratings of a man's torso : science (girls like hunks)
ELI5: Why is it considered dangerous to reheat rice yet it's safe to have in ready meals? : explainlikeimfive
Portland Meteorologist rips apart "Flat Earthers" in under 5 minutes : videos
What is the creepiest disappearance case that you know about? : AskReddit
Straight people of reddit- What questions do you have for the LGBT community that you wouldn't ask in person? : AskReddit
What can you recite from memory? : AskReddit
We messed up. We're sorry, and we're not rolling out the fees change. (Patron)
Alaska is warming so fast, quality-control algorithms are kicking the data - The Washington Post ... The Arctic is warming faster than any other place on Earth, and Barrow is in the thick of it. With less and less sea ice to reflect sunlight, the temperature around the North Pole is speeding upward.
Poland's autocratic counterrevolution draws nearer (the face)
2017 Lie of the Year: Russian election interference is a 'made-up story' (told by the liar of the year)
Mueller's investigation is closing in on Trump. Congress must protect his investigation | Max Bergmann and Max Boot | Opinion | The Guardian - The closer Mueller gets to Trump, the likelier it is that Trump will act to try to end his investigation. That's why he must be rotected now
Trump Lawyers Want A Second Special Counsel | HuffPost (counter-investigation)
The Trump administration's tax 'report' reads like fan fiction (satan's minions always lie and facts are so Obama's thing so forget it)
Sarah Sanders Completely Rattled as Jim Acosta and WH Reporters Grill Her On Fake News Claims | Mediaite
CNN's Jim Acosta cites access threat from White House's Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Report: Americans view Trump White House as the most corrupt government institution - The Washington Post
Corruption in the USA: The difference a year makes - Transparency International - New public opinion survey compares 2017 with 2016 -- Nearly six in ten people now say that the level of corruption has risen in the past twelve months, up from around a third who said the same in January 2016 ... 44 per cent of Americans believe that corruption is pervasive in the White House, up from 36 per cent in 2016. (swamp drained)
Feminism is word of the year, Merriam-Webster announces - LA Times< No one should be surprised by journalism -- sexual harassment problem -- Women in the industry have long been treated as second-class citizens ... Journalism was the only category where women received more abuse than men, with female journalists and TV news presenters receiving roughly three times as much abuse as their male counterparts.
Schumer calls cops after forged sex scandal charge - Axios
U.S. House Democratic women seek probe of Trump misconduct accusations
A running list of the eyewitnesses who prove Trump's innocence on sexual misconduct
Donald Trump Claims He 'Never Met' Accusers Like PEOPLE's Natasha Stoynoff, But We Have the Photo
Sixth senator says Trump should resign - POLITICO
Trump respects women, you disgusting floozy - The Washington Post - Trump respects women more than anybody, you bimbo. You bleeding badly from a face-lift fat pig, why would you think Trump did not respect women or might harass them or assault them or single them out in any way, when they let him do anything, because he is a star?
Trump attacks Gillibrand in tweet critics say is sexually suggestive and demeaning - The Washington Post
Alabama Election Results: Doug Jones Defeats Roy Moore in U.S. Senate Race The New York Times (12,000 votes)
Once a Long Shot, Democrat Doug Jones Wins Alabama Senate Race - The New York Times
Democrat Doug Jones wins Senate race in Alabama, defeating Republican Roy Moore - The Washington Post
Democrats Just Scored A Historic Win In Alabama
Doug Jones Projected to win Alabama Senate : news
What The Hell Is Happening With These Alabama Polls? | FiveThirtyEight
In final-hour order, court rules that Alabama can destroy digital voting records after all | - Alabama is allowed to destroy digital voting records created at the polls during today's U.S. Senate election after all.
Who Won the Alabama Special Election? Watch the Live Results Here
5 things to watch in Alabama's Senate Election
What it would take for a Democrat to win Alabama - Washington Post
Roy Moore Emerges From Hiding for a Weird Election-Eve Rally ... ever traveled down a dirt path in rural southeast Alabama in December and arrived at a barn in the woods to find Steve Bannon, Representative Louie Gohmert, Sheriff D Election Results 2017 avid Clarke, Roy and Kayla Moore, a woman performing an interpretive dance in front of a tree, and several inflatable alligators?
NBC News on Twitter: "Kayla Moore, wife of Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore, accuses media of painting couple as anti-Semitic.
"Let me set the record straight.. One of our attorneys is a Jew" (And that really happened) (Kayla is very strange)
Horse Twitter Comes for Roy Moore
'Dear Alabama' Goes Viral As Folks Make Heartfelt Pleas To Reject Roy Moore | HuffPost
Alabama Voters To Decide Whether Accused Child Molester Becomes Their Senator | HuffPost
Some good reasons to vote for Roy Moore - The Washington Post -- On the other hand, if you ignore everything he has ever said or done in the course of his entire public life and imagine he is someone different, Moore is a pretty good person to have in the Senate. It is important to hear both sides. (controlling womens' bodies is their highest priority, including the women)
No, Christians do not face looming persecution in America - The Washington Post (George Soros is coming for your crossess)
I'm Not Convinced Franken Should Quit By Zephyr Teachout
The New Yorker Fires Star Reporter Ryan Lizza Over 'Improper Sexual Conduct' ... the political journalist best known for ending Anthony Scaramucci's brief Trump White House career
Tawdry Tales Depict a Texas Congressman's Frat House on the Hill (non-human Blake Farenthold, another rageaholic abusive harrassing asshole, Rethugs love him)
NFL Network Suspends Three Ex-Players Over Sex-Harassment Claims - Bloomberg - The former football players, including Heath Evans and Ike Taylor, allegedly groped and made sexually explicit comments to female colleague Jami Cantor (the usual toxic male sociopathic man-boys ... touch mah dick hahaha)
NFL Network Suspends Marshall Faulk, Ike Taylor, Heath Evans After Sexual Harassment Lawsuit
Anthony Bourdain's War on Famous Creeps -- The chef has, thanks to his partner Asia Argento, become one of the most outspoken famous guys when it comes to calling out bad celebrity men
Ken Friedman, Power Restaurateur, Is Accused of Sexual Harassment - The New York Times ... Even by the loose standards of the hospitality business, where rowdy drinking sessions after shifts and playful sexual banter are part of the culture, employees described Mr. Friedman's restaurants as unusually sexualized and coercive. Ten women said that Mr. Friedman, 56, had subjected them to unwanted sexual advances: (where Batali liked to hang out)
'I want to see you naked': When alcohol flowed, Mario Batali turned abusive, workers say
'Today' Ratings Continue to Surge After Matt Lauer Departure
Brooklyn teen used her last breaths to tell cops who shot her after she rejected man's advances
Child sex trafficking - as easy in Seattle as ordering a pizza; Police estimate up to 500 teens, some children as young as 12 years old, are working as sex slaves every day in King County. : news
If you miss Gawker, don't let Peter Thiel buy its archives (speaking of pure evil)
That was no typo: The median net worth of black Bostonians really is $8 - The Boston Globe
My Not Too Fast, Not Too Furious Ride In A Self-Driving Uber (give them their own streets and they'll be fine )
A new study shows that dogs are smarter than cats, with dogs' brains having as many as twice as many neurons as cats' brains despite being smaller : science
Study on humans reveals male homosexuality is connected to maternal immune responsivity to Y-linked protein NLGN4Y : science
3200 years ago empires and societies throughout the entire eastern Mediterranean completely collapsed, all complex politico-economic structures were abolished, and cities & towns were abandoned. A newly published hieroglyphic decipher tells of an invasion of a great mysterious army- The Sea Peoples. : science
Jupiter's Great Red Spot is 200 miles deep - The Washington Post
Astronomers probe 'Oumuamua for signs of intelligent life - The Washington Post ... Oumuamua has the optimal design of a vessel meant to travel through space
Scientists To Study Mysterious Interstellar Asteroid For Signs Of Alien Technology | HuffPost .... "we are very realistic about the chances this is artificial" (don't believe your eyes)
Interstellar asteroid to be checked for alien technology : news
ELI5: What is so different about their pathways that causes aspirin to be useful in anti-platelet therapy and Ibuprofen to be a detrimental factor regarding heart disease? : explainlikeimfive
TIL that John Travolta has a rank of Khakhan within Scientology which means he could kill someone and get away with it as the Church would cover it up as part of Ethics protection : todayilearned
How to Hijack Amazon Prime Now for Good : videos
What don't you see anymore?
What are some deeply unsettling facts? : AskReddit
What is the most statistically unlikely thing that has ever happened to you? : AskReddit
What do you really need to get off your chest right now? : AskReddit
Climate Change Has Come for Los Angeles
David Wallace-Wells on Twitter: "NBC news in LA is reporting that the wildfires are now burning down Rupert Murdoch's house." 6 Dec 2017 (hilarious and terrifying thread)
Mike Davis - The Ecology of Fear -- The Case for Letting Malibu Burn pdf
Suicide bomber strikes New York City at rush hour | New York Post - An ISIS-inspired suicide bomber set off a homemade explosive device at the Port Authority Bus Terminal subway station Monday morning, seriously wounding himself and injuring three others (allahu fuckbar)
Suspect In Manhattan Subway Blast Was Wearing 'low tech device' ... 27-year-old Akayed Ullah
21 Rohingya women recount rape by Myanmar armed forces - The Washington Post (good Buddhists)
What Putin Really Wants - The Atlantic - The Myth of Vladimir Putin the Puppet Master -- strongman president has many Americans convinced of his manipulative genius. He's just a gambler who won big
Former Facebook exec says social media is ripping apart society - The Verge - No civil discourse, no cooperation; misinformation, mistruth
Ex-Spy Chief: Russia's Election Hacking Was An 'Intelligence Failure' -- Former acting CIA director Michael Morell says the agency missed the meddling until it was too late. (Barry spied on everybody but the Russians)
Schiff: Evidence of coordination between Trump campaign and Russia 'prety damning'
The Trump-Russia Probe Is About to Get Uglier - Bloomberg - Unpleasant facts are spilling out. Republicans don't want to know them. ... "it is highly likely that special counsel Robert Mueller will find that there is a provable case that the president committed a felony offense," namely obstruction. (the Party of Pedophiles could care less)
Focus on Flynn, Trump timeline suggests obstruction is on Mueller's mind - NBC News
Report Suggests Trump Told Michael Flynn to Lie to the FBI
As Russia probes progress, one name is missing: Bannon's -- People close to the probe say the former campaign and White House strategist will be a key witness for prosecutors and Hill investigators ('ol red eyes)
This big development in the Mueller probe could put Trump in danger - The Washington Post - Did any of Trump's top officials -- or Trump himself -- direct Flynn to lie to the FBI about these contacts?
Jailed Russian hacker says the FSB coordinated his cyber-attacks on Hillary Clinton and the DNC
"Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages" -- Glenn spills 3217 words on this deeply humiliating debacle- the most humiliating that the US media has suffered in ages, dontcha know. (Greenwald looking stupid again)
8.8 million Americans face big tax hike if Republicans scrap the medical deduction ("if" hahaha)
Trump Takes Credit for Killing Hundreds of Regulations That Were Already Dead - Bloomberg - Overblown claims of sweeping deregulation. (liar in chief elected by deluded liars)
Four thoughts on the story that almost broke the #ToddlerinChief thread - The Washington Post - Regarding the sixty-source New York Times story confirming that the president has the emotional maturity of a four-year old.
A tufts professor 'broke Twitter' with this crazy-long thread about Donald Trump
Daniel W. Drezner on Twitter: "I'll believe that Trump is growing into the presidency when his staff stops treating him like a toddler.
Paper Tiger | New Republic - Why the media shouldn't be distracted by Trump's attacks on them ... Trump is simply continuing down a path Obama laid out for him. (good job, Barry)
Poll: Discrimination Against Women Is Common Across Races, Ethnicities, Identities : NPR - Discrimination in the form of sexual harassment has been in the headlines for weeks now, but new poll results being released by NPR show that other forms of discrimination against women are also pervasive in American society.
Atlanta Mayoral Race Shows What Happens When Progressives Don't Compromise -- The race in Atlanta between a Democrat and conservative-leaning independent appears to be headed to a recount. How did we get here? (very special snowflake Berniebos at work)
Politics as Tattoos, Revisited - Lawyers, Guns & Money - how progressives responded to the Atlanta mayoral election when the Bernie-approved candidate failed to reach the top two for the runoff. (virtue-signaling by white berniebros)
Let Me Show You My Pure Political Positioning Like I Show You My New Tattoo. Me, Me, Me ... Did you need a purity critique of Doug Jones from the left? Well here you go! ... I mean, really, what's the difference between a pederast theocrat and a fairly liberal guy running for Senate from Alabama who hasn't endorsed Full Communism? Not enought to matter! ... And here you have everything wrong with the leftist consumerist model of electoral politics in one paragraph. (from "Alex" on "Medium")
Roy Moore in 2011: Getting rid of amendments after 10th would 'eliminate many problems' (Make Slavery Great Again)
Rise of the Roypublicans - The New York Times (Make Pedophilia Great Again)
Shadowy Facebook Ads That Pushed Trump Are Back in Alabama - Three months after Mark Zuckerberg pledged to stop external forces from disproportionately affecting U.S. elections, targeted ads are bombarding voters in a pivotal Senate race (another Zuckerfucked election)
No One Ever Drowned in Roy Moore's Car - Say what one will about Roy Moore, but unlike Kennedy, he did not make a career of debauchery, and no one ever drowned in his car. (American "Thinker" but the Kennedy's were creepy and Republicans prefer pedophiles)
4 Trump Accusers Call On Congress To Investigate Sexual Misconduct Claims | HuffPost - People are being held accountable for unwanted behavior, but we are not holding our president accountable for what he is and who he is ... this is a lifetime of him and how he treats women
Trump's Accusers to Demand Probe at Monday Press Conference
Woman: Donald Trump Groped Me and Called Me a C*nt
Trump accusers renew sexual misconduct charges against him, say it was 'heartbreaking' to see him elected
Two Senators call for Trump's resignation over sexual assault, harassment allegations
Kirsten Gillibrand calls on Trump to resign - CNNPolitics
How Trump came around to an accused child molester - politico - full embrace of scandal-tarred Roy Moore.
The Latest: Dem concerned about teen pages if Moore wins - ABC News
Fox News Poll: Enthused Democrats give Jones lead over Moore in Alabama | Fox News - Jones leads Moore by 10 points in Alabama
Monmouth University - Slight differences in turnout could change the outcome of tomorrow's special U.S. Senate election in Alabama.
Nebraska RNC Official Joyce Simmons Resigns in Protest of Roy Moore Support - The Daily Beast
The Alabama Senate Race May Have Already Been Decided - The New York Times (photo-id to surpress black voters)
The Republican Overseeing the Alabama Election Doesn't Think Voting Should Be Easy (for black voters)
How Steve Bannon Rescued Roy Moore's Campaign Against All Odds ... "master strategist" (of white supremacy)
Congresswoman Moves To Protect Senate Pages From Accused Molester Roy Moore | HuffPost
Alabama's desire not to be embarrassed may be the best thing going for Doug Jones
As Alabama prepares to vote, Republican Sen. Richard Shelby says state 'deserves better' than Moore
Condoleezza Rice: Alabama Senate election one of history's most significant ... As a native daughter, I remain at heart - an Alabaman who loves our state and its devotion to faith, family, and country (wait, not Alabamian??)
Barack Obama tells Alabama voters to reject Roy Moore - CNNPolitics ... "this one's serious, you can't sit it out"
This Moment Isn't (Just) About Sex. It's Really About Work
Why a Short Story About a Terrible Date Went Viral - "Cat Person"
Mario Batali Takes Leave Following Sexual Miscondutc But that Allegations - Eater NY - Four women accuse the chef of inappropriate touching in a pattern of behavior that spans at least two decades, according to dozens of Eater interviews (looks like Harvey)
S.E. Cupp on Twitter: "Not the explanation I would have offered. Sexual harassment/assault isn't about having too much "fun."
12 Notorious Matt Lauer Stories ... At best, Lauer allowed Curry's firing. At worst, he orchestrated it: Her exit came in tandem with him re-upping his lucrative contract ... Curry described her final months at Today as "professional torture."
Alex Kozinski - Lawyers, Guns & Money - I will be particularly curious to see what the gang at the Volokh Conspiracy, who blog at the newspaper that broke the story, have to say, if anything (Eugene Volokh is a former Kozinski clerk).
Has Bryan Singer's Empire Finallly Crumbled ... accused of raping a minor ... a new lawsuit was filed against him by Cesar Sanchez-Guzman, who alleges the director forced a then 17-year-old Sanchez-Guzman to perform oral sex on him before raping him on a yacht in 2003.
Details Emerge About Accusations Against Ashbrook | WBUR News (rageaholic abusive sexual harrasser asshole and why does BUR keep running a 20 yr-old pic of the creep?) In an interview shortly after Ashbrook was placed on leave, General Manager Charlie Kravetz said he is committed to a positive work environment for everyone at WBUR. (hahah pretty funny, charlie)
NPR host Tom Ashbrook suspended alleged sexual misconduct ... The allegations include that he engaged in "creepy" sex talks and gave unwanted hugs, neck and back rubs to 11 mostly young women and men who worked on the show ... Ashbrook, a former Boston Globe foreign editor, reporter, author and internet entrepreneur, has hosted On Point for 16 years (career over, jerko, oh and he's really gay)
'On Point' host Tom Ashbrook accused of 'creepy' sex talks, unwanted touching of co-workers (and the 20 yr-old pic of the creep)
Longtime NPR Host Tom Ashbrook Is Facing Misconduct Allegations - Bloomberg (updated pic of the creep)
Tom Ashbrook (@tomashbrooknpr) | Twitter (creep's twitter goes silent)
Shot by Cops and Forgetten : Police shoot far more people than anyone realized, a VICE News investigation reveals -- police in these departments shoot black people at a higher rate and shoot unarmed people far more often than any data has shown. (America has a huge dirty cop problem)
Faculties' outcries slow UA System's tenure-policy redo - Mobile (Arkansas continues dismantling its educational system because Republican hate people who know things)
A brand new Boston, even whiter than the old - The Boston Globe - The city had a rare opportunity to build a new neighborhood for all Bostonians. Instead it built Seaport ($18 billion in taxpayer money given to rich white people and developers, screwed black folks, hey it's Boston)
Boston. Racism. Image. Reality: The Spotlight team takes on our hardest question - The Boston Globe - The Spotlight team takes on our hardest question
Scientists are slowly unlocking the secrets of the Earth
Who Really Matters in Utah? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - A uranium company launched a concerted lobbying campaign to scale back Bears Ears National Monument, saying such action would give it easier access to the area's uranium deposits and help it operate a nearby processing mill (it was always about the uranium and they knew if they made up a story about Hillary stealing it, then they could because people would remember Hillary +Utah is the new W.Va)
Violence Flares Near U.S. Embassy In Beirut Over Trump's Jerusalem Decision | HuffPost - Lebanese security forces fired tear gas and water canons at protesters near the U.S. embassy. ("canons")
Sweden attack: 'Masked men attack Gothenburg synagogue with petrol bombs' | World | News | -- Gothenburg, Sweden
What happens when society ignores sexual assault? You get Lesotho, where girls aren't even safe at the grocery store ... "Boys and men are just like that; they cannot control themselves. They treat women as they wish and we have to accept it"
The campaign to delegitimize the Russia probe is well under way - LA Times (Bannonski and Shamity leading)
People can't stop reading a professor's theory of a Trump-Russia conspiracy -- true or not (they made a deal in 2013 so it's treason, not just collusio)
20/ America was SOLD OUT by men who wanted POWER and were willing to trade U.S. POLICY to get it
Seth Abramson on Twitter: "BREAKING: On November 2, 2016 -- the day True Pundit threatened to leak fake NYPD-held Clinton emails if Comey didn't indict Clinton ...
Eschaton: The President Show - On teevee. -- Before taking office, Mr. Trump told top aides to think of each presidential day as an episode in a television show in which he vanquishes rivals. People close to him estimate that Mr. Trump spends at least four hours a day, and sometimes as much as twice that, in front of a television, sometimes with the volume muted, marinating in the no-holds-barred wars of cable news and eager to fire back.
Eschaton: What's Wrong With Trump - Every time I try to think what the conservative #nevertrumpers object to about Trump, I can't come up with much. He's gauche and crass. He isn't part of their inner circle. He doesn't listen to their sage advice. Okay, he might blow up the world, but a lot of the neocon nevertrumpers want to do that, too. Sure he says the quiet part out loud, but so does every Republican sometimes. Their policy objections are....?
As tax plan gained steam, GOP lost focus on the middle class - The Washington Post (except it never was the "focus" but otherwise, everyone is fucked)
Fascism Runs in My American Family - A large portion of Americans actually agree with the hateful things these men spew ... 35% of people voting for Donald Trump admitted to having a favorable opinion of Russian President Vladimir Putin, nearly four times as many as those who held a favorable opinion of outgoing President Barack Obama. (there's the problem)
Trump Didn't Start the Fire (for the comments)
More women plan to run for Congress than ever before - Axios
Why the #MeToo Moment Should Be Ready for a Backlash - POLITICO Magazine - As a much-needed reckoning happens in the workplace, look to college campuses for a note of caution.
Donald Trump, Roy Moore, and the Degradation of the G.O.P. | The New Yorker - In less than a year, the President, with help from the Alabama Senate candidate, has so damaged the Party that it may never recover ... Put another way, if the Party is willing to give its money and its credibility to protect a candidate accused of molesting teen-agers, what might it talk itself into doing to protect the President? Robert Mueller may be interested in the answer.
Alabama, Despite History of Unruly Politics, Has 'Never Seen Anything Like This' ... Mr. Moore has gone about creating a real-life political science experiment, testing whether last year's presidential campaign was an anomaly or whether voters remain just as willing to shrug off truth-stretching, multiple charges of sexual misconduct and incendiary speech ... "The rest of the state is in a time warp. They never progressed out of the '50's. They don't think. It's sad. ... But he's our son of a bitch, and I'm voting for him." (George Wallace voters +"they don't think")
Days before election, Roy Moore disappears from campaign trail
Trump Recorded Campaign Robocall For Roy Moore | HuffPost - The president is all in for the GOP Alabama Senate candidate.
Why I Can No Longer Call Myself an Evangelical Republican - The New York Times (because they are Satangelical)
CAA agent accused of offering sex in exchange for access to directors and a Hollywood star - LA Times - The agent, Cade Hudson, made the offers in 2013, according to text messages reviewed by The Times, as well as interviews with the recipient of the messages, actor Sean Rose. The texts show that Hudson offered to perform oral sex on Rose and solicited the actor for as much as $1,000, even though he was told the actor was heterosexual ... The New York Times reported Tuesday that several CAA agents knew about Weinstein's misconduct but still sent actresses to meet him.
Watch: Fox complains women reporting rape will make Christmas parties less "festive" | Shareblue Media - Fox News host Laura Ingraham is worried that women speaking out about sexual harassment and abuse is 'just killing all the fun of Christmas' (which was always about dragging girls under the mistletoe +what's wrong with her face?)
Fenway Health CEO resigns under pressure over handling of sex harassment complaints - The Boston Globe - Dr. Stephen L. Boswell
Privileged White Man Scandalized by Stupid College Essays and Stupid Tweets - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Frank Bruni is weird but very special)
Mass. is tackling marijuana rules this week. Here's what to watch for
Police officer broke shopper's leg, arrested over a tomato. : news (dirty psycho-cop)
What I am detained for? Comedian Hannibal Buress arrested in Miami
Dan Brown faces possible new plagiarism lawsuit over The Da Vinci Code
What's the worst thing you unknowingly did as a child?
Woman burns down home trying to kill bedbugs : news
Big ISPs Spent $1 Million Attacking Colorado Community Broadband
National Geographic photographer Paul Nicklen: "When scientists say bears are going extinct, I want people to realize what it looks like" (Republicans killing the planet, species by species)
Leonard Cohen: Everybody Knows
'Lead us not into' what? Pope Francis suggests changing the words of the Lord's Prayer (lead, fall, or expose?)
Iraq declares war with Islamic State is over - BBC News
Israeli jets hit Gaza following rocket fire, as protests surge in wake of Trump announcement - The Washington Post
Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Is Pushing His Country To The Brink. Will It Hold Together? | HuffPost - The nightmare scenario is the loud, messy collapse of a society full of weapons, money, frustrated young people and extremist tendencies.
US senator on North Korea: "Most Americans don't realize how close we are to this war"
This is how nuclear war with North Korea would unfold - The Washington Post - In one all-too-plausible worst-case scenario, millions die from mistakes and a tweet.
Kim Jong Un Posing With Millions Of Spuds Sparks Photo-Editing Battle | HuffPost
The British people will be in control if they dislike the Brexit deal (say the Tories and Tabloids)
Trump approves new Russia sanctions for violating Cold War arms pact - POLITICO
U.S. Diplomat's Resignation Signals Wider Exodus From State Department -- stinging resignation letter offers a glimpse into the weakening State Department under Trump ... with the White House handing over authority to the Pentagon to shape the country foreign policy
Inside Trump's Hour-by-Hour Battle for Self-Preservation With Twitter as his Excalibur, the president takes on his doubters, powered by long spells of cable news and a dozen Diet Cokes. But if Mr. Trump has yet to bend the presidency to his will, he is at least wrestling it to a draw
Trump watches up to eight hours of TV per day: report | TheHill (Fox and Friends) During his trip to Asia last month, Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One that he doesn't watch much television at the White House because he's busy "reading documents"
Florida rally cheers when Republican predicts Trump's erusalem embassy decision may usher in Armageddon -- Republican state Senator Doug Broxson represents the Florida Panhandle
The Mueller Investigation Is in Mortal Danger - If there was any single event that would cause the Republican elite to openly revolt against the ongoing Trumpification of their party, it would be the nomination of Roy Moore for U.S. Senate in Alabama. (party of evil knows no limits)
NO DEAL: How Secret Talks With Russia To Prevent Election Meddling Collapsed - With the 2018 midterms on the horizon, Moscow proposed a sweeping noninterference agreement with the United States, US officials tell BuzzFeed News. The Trump administration said no.
The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened (says Glenn "I am not a Russian" Greenwald)
Trump will not speak publicly at opening of Mississippi's Civil Rights Museum
Uranium firm urged Trump officials to shrink Bears Ears National Monument - The Washington Post (you can't make shit like this up)
GOP's all-out assault on justice ... Shamefully, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee launched an all-out assault on the special counsel and the FBI -- choosing to protect Trump at the cost of Americans's faith in the justice system and the rule of law.
Is this the beginning of the end of the exit poll? - POLITICO - Frustration with the much-maligned Election Day fixture boils over.
Trump asked RNC chairwoman to stop using 'Romney' in her name
Trump admin scraps Obama-era proposal requiring airlines to disclose bag fees | TheHill (the swamp is almost drained)
Eschaton: Nazis - Perhaps not the important point, but imagine the rich intellectual culture of Steve King. (he's a good 'ol white boy)
White Nationalists Have Been Saying 'Diversity Is Not Our Strength' For Years | HuffPost Rep Steve King's latest tweet once again puts him in the company of neo-Nazis, KKK members and fascists (speaks for you, Iowa)
Eschaton: The Best People - Rahm knows how to pick them. CHICAGO (AP) The head of Chicago's public schools system on Friday stepped down from his job amid allegations by the system's inspector general that he engaged in "full-blown cover-up" to block an ethics investigation. (and so did Barry)
Bitter Senate race tests Alabama's image in the country -- and at home (are we all racist white idiot assholes?) ... state's image had already taken a hit with the resignation of then-governor Robert Bentley (R) in April, after pleading guilty to two campaign finance misdemeanors in connection with a scandal involving secret recordings of inappropriate sexual conversations by Bentley with a woman who is not his wife ... Moore supported by more than 6 in 10 whites -- including a clear majority of white women ...
Roy Moore accuser Beverly Nelson says she regrets voting for Trump: 'The swamp is getting deeper' ("drain" = "fill" you know)
Fox News issues correction on Roy Moore accuser yearbook 'forgery' headline
Truck Ad Featuring Ivanka Trump Bashing Roy Moore Trolls Dad's Rally | HuffPost
Ex-Fox News Anchor Juliet Huddy Says Trump Kissed Her On Lips After A Lunch | HuffPost
Ex-Fox News anchor claims Trump tried to kiss her | Page Six
Congress reeling from sexual harassment deluge | TheHill
Scandal cost three congressmen their jobs this week. The last time something like this happened, it was over slavery. - The Washington Post
Brzezinski questions Franken accuser: 'Playboy model who goes on Hannity, voted for Trump'
Al Franken, martyr - The Washington Post
Public radio host Tom Ashbrook placed on leave; undisclosed allegations are being investigated - The Washington Post (how many times did he have Pat Robertson on his show?)
After Trent Franks, men worry if asking subordinates to bear their child is still okay - The Washington Post
Sex, Drugs, Glamour, Emptiness: Bryan Singer's Teen Ex-Lover Bares All About Life In Director's Orbit
Bryan Singer dangled the lure of a minor role in an X-Men movie, but the promised audition never happened. Disillusioned and exhausted by Singer's sexual demands over the course of their year-long relationship the teenager eventually moved to Fort Worth, Texas, to live with his father ... Why does Bryan Singer associate with so so many convicted and accused child molesters?
Eschaton: Baster Optional - I think we all assumed this was this case. -- Female aides said Franks suggested intercourse to impregnate them
Report: Taxpayers Forked Out $220,000 To Settle Sex Harassment Suit Against Florida Rep | HuffPost - It's the second known instance of a lawmaker using taxpayer dollars to quiet misconduct allegations. Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fla.)
Cadet Run Out of West Point After Accusing Army's Star Quarterback of Rape
Assemblyman Matt Dababneh to resign following sexual misconduct allegations - LA Times - ssemblyman Matt Dababneh said Friday he is resigning from office at the end of the month, a decision that comes four days after he was publicly accused of masturbating in front of a lobbyist and other inappropriate behavior.
Media, including Globe, walk fine line in the age of 'MeToo' ... "A female employee in her 20s filed an internal complaint against a Globe journalist. She said he propositioned her to have sex with his wife, using vulgar sexual language, according to the employee who filed the complaint." (in the 12th paragraph)
Isaly steps down from hedge fund giant OrbiMed after harassment claims - largest and most powerful biotech hedge fund, is stepping down from his leadership role at OrbiMed Advisors following a barrage of sexual harassment allegations published by STAT ... in 2008 and 2009 ... All the firm's investment professionals in the Manhattan headquarters were men, and the vast majority of OrbiMed's female employees worked as executive assistants ("barrage" against abusive misogynistic harrassing demeaning asshole hedgie #dirtyfinancialmen)
Charlie Sheen Sues for Defamation Over Report That Claimed He Raped Corey Haim : news
Severly underweight quadriplegic woman mistreated and humiliated by Northwestern Hospital. Room illegally searched by police because administrators saw her using CBD for pain relief on YouTube. Despite being dangerously underweight, not fed for 24 hours and forced to sit in own urine. Jump to 5:28. : videos
Arizona Cop Acquitted for Killing Man Crawling Down Hotel Hallway While Begging for His Life - Hit & Run : - Body camera footage released after jury reaches verdict.
Ex-Arizona police officer acquitted of murder in shooting of unarmed man : news
TIL the job of police officer isn't even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs in the USA, with a population of 379 million only 1 million people work in law enforcement in the USA, and according to FBI in 2016 only 118 officers died in the line of duty of which 52 were accidental and 66 were felonious. : todayilearned
Police Taser boy with broken back 19 times - Authorities say they were trying to "keep him from getting hurt' Authorities say their use of a Taser weapon should not be questioned, because they were trying to help Hutchinson to safety. (2008)
Judge: Mug shots, arrest reports of officials are public in Massachusetts - The Boston Globe
First in human gene therapy profoundly reduces bleeding and improves quality of life in hemophilia A patients : science
Pornography use linked to dissatisfaction with sexual variety among men -- but not women : science
TIL scientists discovered a dinosaur tail perfectly preserved in amber. It is full of feathers. : todayilearned
Higher educational attainment is associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease
Whats the biggest thing holding mankind back right now? : AskReddit
Physicists have confirmed the existence of a new form of matter excitonium
Playing Super Mario 64 increases hippocampal grey matter in older adults : science
How will humanity react to alien life? Psychologists have some predictions. - The Washington Post (down the comment tree: "How will humanity react to alien life?" Finding humanity is the greater challenge these days.
It's that time of year again, what is your biggest prediction for 2018?
One hundred years after his birth, Arthur C. Clarke is still the undisputed master : books
The mysterious Sri Lankan world of Arthur C. Clarke | The Independent - denied a newspaper claim that he is a paedophile.
Arthur C Clarke not a paedophile: Sri Lanka - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) - had been cleared of decade-old paedophilia allegations before his death last week.
My Mormon co-worker finds it funny when people ask if he has multiple wives (he doesn't) So for his Christmas card this year, he decided to commit to the bit to freak people out.
Hillary Thiccton : PunchedSoHard
What are some underrated subreddits? : AskReddit
Guys, what is better than sex? : AskReddit
Official Toll in Puerto Rico: 62. Actual Deaths May Be 1,052. - The New York Times
Argentine ex-president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner charged with treason - The Washington Post -- and sought her arrest over allegations that she covered up possible Iranian involvement in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires ... which killed 85 people, in exchange for a potentially lucrative trade deal ... The charges stem from an investigation initially conducted by Alberto Nisman, a crusading prosecutor who accused Fernandez of a coverup in 2015 and was later found dead in the bathroom of his apartment with a bullet in his right temple. (the reckonings continue)
DR Congo: 14 U.N. peacekeepers dead, dozens hurt in 'juge attack'
This Erik Prince Transcript Is Unbelievable - Take a seat ... t has been a terrific week for what used to be called contempt of Congress, back when we had a Congress run by people less worthy of contempt.
Who's Got More Chutzpah: Junior or Sarah Huckabee Sanders? - A showdown for the ages ... The pride of Ouachita Baptist University is presuming to tell John Lewis the real meaning of the sacrifices made by people like ... The pride of Ouachita Baptist University is presuming to tell John Lewis the real meaning of the sacrifices made by people like ... John Lewis?
Russian social media executive sought to help Trump campaign in 2016, emails show - The Washington Post< Email shows effort to give Trump camp WikiLeaks docs - CNNPolitics (Junior is definitely pardon material)
Email pointed Trump campaign to WikiLeaks documents that were already public - The Washington Post
F.B.I. Warned Hope Hicks About Emails From Russian Operatives - The New York Times
Trump's mental meltdown (JoeScar)
I study liars. I've never seen one like President Trump. He tells far more lies, and far more cruel ones, than ordinary people do ... That rate has been accelerating. Starting in early October, The Post's tracking showed that Trump told a remarkable nine lies a day, outpacing even the biggest liars in our research.
Another study bombs Clinton-Trump campaign coverage - The Washington Post (but emailz rigged it for Trumpster +Baquet in usual clueless denial)
Obamacare deal faces moment of truth -- House conservatives thumb their nose at the Maine moderate (little Susie got conned, Mainers will die more)
Eschaton: I Got Mad Online A Lot - The Obama administration response to the financial crisis was very bad. And unlike many things which happened during the Obama administration, the excuses are limited. They couldn't blame Republicans or even Joe Lieberman. They had a big no strings slush fund that they could spend and they didn't even spend it! And people suffered.
Fake Balance and Asymmetrical Polarization: A Dismal Combination - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- Krugman
An independent journalism expert appointed to evaluate the magazine's act checking program said the publication was not prepared. (you've been both--sides zuckerfucked)
All Hat, No Cattle - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The sheer ambition and the utter lack of principles come through loud and clear. But the best part is the end, one of the best endings to a savaging piece of journalism I've ever read (Zinke thinks he's the Marlboro Man but can't use a fishing rod)
Ryan Zinke Spent $6,250 To Ride A Helicopter To Go Ride Horses With Mike Pence | HuffPost - Get to the chopper. (he got the job b/c he cos-played hunters with Don Jr.)
How Did a White Supremacist Get a Job as an Equal Employment Officer? (easy)
The Good Guys Win One - Lawyers, Guns & Money - MSNBC has done the right thing and decided not to give the alt-right a veto over its staffing decisions based on willful misreading of tweets:
Poll Shows Trump's Support Dropping Among White Evangelicals | HuffPost - approval rating continues to fall in his first year in office ... approval rating among white evangelical Protestants dropped 17 percentage points from February to December, down from 78 percent to 61 percent. Eighty-one percent of white evangelical voters backed Trump in the 2016 presidential election, NPR reported ... Trump's approval rating has been hitting record lows ... 32 percent of respondents approved of Trump's job performance while 63 percent disapproved.
Franken Is Leaving and Trump Is Still Here - The New York Times -- Michelle Goldberg ... But the revolution is smaller than it first appears. So far, it has been mostly confined to liberal-leaning sectors like entertainment, the media, academia, Silicon Valley and the Democratic Party. It hasn't rocked the Republicans, corporate America or Wall Street -- with some exceptions -- because these realms are less responsive to feminist pressure ... It'S not similarly untenable for Republicans, because the Republican Party is not the party of people who are fundamentally opposed to sexual harassment. Democrats, by and large, want their politicians held accountable. Republicans, by contrast, just want Democratic politicians held accountable.
Al Franken's Resignation and the Selective Force of #MeToo ... Trump and Moore are immune because the blunt irresistible force works only on the other half of the country ... These are men who proclaim their allegiance to the Christian faith while acting in openly hateful, duplicitous, and plainly murderous ways. In response to this unbearable spectacle, the roughly half of Americans who are actually deeply invested in thinking of themselves as good people are trying to claim a moral high ground. The urge to do so by policing sex is not surprising ... based on the premise that Americans, as a society, or at least half of a society, should be policing non-criminal behavior related to sex.
Was Al Franken'S punishment fair? -- WaPo -- Ruth Marcus ... Trump ... and Moore. Franken paid not only for their sins but also for the alleged behavior of Bill Clinton two decades ago. Democrats underreacted then and consequently were impelled to overreact now ... If senators have the patience to let the ethics process proceed in the Menendez case, why not with Franken?
Republicans are failing the Roy Moore test - The Washington Post
Family Values - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Roy Moore likes slavery and Putin and AL red voters like Roy) ... Republicans used to want to go back to the 1950s; now they want to go back to the 1850s.
Roy Moore Believes America Was Great During Slavery. Twitter Users Detonate. | HuffPost
Roy Moore Slams America, Says 'Maybe Putin Is Right' | HuffPost ... United States "promotes a lot of bad things" (Putin is fine)
Lauer's "Double Life": Inside NBC, the Network Is Trying to Expunge the Lauer Era -- NBC executives have moved swiftly and adroitly to clean up Lauer's mess. The question that remains, however, is if they are in for any surprises.
New Dustin Hoffman Accuser Claims Harassment and Physical Violation on Broadway (Guest Column) | Hollywood Reporter ...Kathryn Rossetter performed eight times a week with the star in 'Death of a Salesman' -- but, she writes, a dream job soon became "a horrific, demoralizing and abusive experience at the hands (literally) of one of my acting idols."
Prominent appeals court Judge Alex Kozinski accused of sexual misconduct - The Washington Post ... called her into his office several times and pulled up pornography on his computer, asking if she thought it was photoshopped or if it aroused her sexually. (Reagan appointed, family values, ran porn site with his son, got away with it)
6 Rules of Business Etiquette in a Post-Weinstein World | Hollywood Reporter
GOP Rep. Franks, who asked staffers if they would bear his child as surrogate mothers, to resign - Sun Sentinel (reptilian)
Ex-aide: Franks offered $5m to carry his child
Female aides fretted Franks wanted to have sex to impregnate them - POLITICO (another shot of his meling face)
WBUR places Tom Ashbrook on leave over unspecified allegations - The Boston Globe ... comment: I know someone who works at WBUR, and it's been an open secret that Tom Ashbrook has harassed numerous women working under him on his show. Apparently he has quite an ego and high opinion of himself. (so let's see if that is true)
The Globe's #metoo moment is here | Universal Hub - Dan Kennedy reports Kirk Minihane and Gerry Callahan spent an hour this morning talking about the sexual-harassment allegations floating around a recently departed Globe reporter and that the Globe itself is now working on a story about it:
David S. Bernstein on Twitter: "OK, I want to be careful about what I say about the Globe not naming the journalist, because I'm approaching this as a commentator, not a reporter ...
Boston Globe omits name of reporter who left after harassment accusation - Media Nation
For years, Fenway health center kept prominent doctor accused of harassment, bullying - The Boston Globe - Harvey J. Makadon's alleged unwelcome touching of some male co-workers was widely known, according to three female former employees who witnessed it or were told of the behavior by alleged victims. It also was well known that Makadon, a prominent advocate for LGBT health care and a former chairman of the Fenway board, at times yelled at and belittled both male and female staff members, current and former employees said. (comments from insiders)
New Jersey Pastor Accused of Sexually Assaulting 4 Children | Time
Pastor Accused of Sexually Assaulting 4 Children Over the Course of 16 Years : news
Son of Jerry Sandusky sentenced to 3 1/2 to 7 years in prison in child sex abuse case : news
In 1960, she went to confession and vanished. Now we know the priest murdered her. - The Washington Post -- But prosecutors allege the district attorney and church leaders cut a deal to stop the investigation, to protect the reputation of the church ... The now 85-year-old man left the courtroom supporting himself with a walker. (his deeds came back to haunt him)
Mesa Police shooting: Daniel Shaver seen crawling, begging in disturbing video - CBS News -- Police in Mesa, Arizona released disturbing body camera video on Thursday hours after a former officer was acquitted of a murder charge in the fatal shooting of an unarmed man. (almost like they did that on purpose)
Graphic video shows Daniel Shaver sobbing and begging officer for his life before 2016 shooting - The Washington Post
Indiana female police officer reinstated after 'white male privilege' remark (angry snowflake cop)
Boston Herald sold to Gatehouse, files for Chapter 11, company says - The Boston Globe
Former state Senator Brian Joyce indicted on federal charges - The Boston Globe - Joyce was charged Friday with using his Senate office as a front to collect about $1 million in bribes and kickbacks that were laundered through his law firm, along with getting hundreds of pounds of Dunkin' Donuts coffee for free (it's Massachusetts)
Stealing a hot stove and coming back for the smoke - The Boston Globe
Why Blade Runner 2049 the best of 2017
Oregon punished an engineer for criticizing red-light cameras. He fought back and won. - The Washington Post - A nearly two-year investigation by the board found he had violated a state law that says only state-licensed engineers can speak publicly about technical matters. (he practiced "mathematics" without a license: licensed profession assholes in goverment)
Is Pink Floyd a drug oriented group? David Gilmour's response is priceless : videos
We're the rsearchers who conducted a study analyzing 839 Airbnb guest horror stories
My girlfriend left me a note. : funny
What is the most "What the fuck" thing your kid has done? : AskReddit
Men of Reddit, what are some things women THINK we like, but couldn't be more wrong about
How did you find out your significant other was cheating? : AskReddit
My dad passed away in late October. This is what i found when i was going through his computer. : funny
Over $900,000 spent by Comcast & Friends on failed fight against Fort Collins municipal broadband, per final campaign finance reports. Big cable spent $55.18 per vote, while the grassroots campaign only spent $0.70 per vote. : technology
Southern California's Wildfires Will Get Worse Before They Get Better | HuffPost - The prospects for containment are not good. Mother Nature is going to decide when we have the ability to put it out
Firefighters race to save Rupert Murdoch's vineyard estate from Bel-Air fire
Surge in gun sales after Sandy Hook led to spike in accidental gun deaths, study says - The Washington Post (20 kids died, about the same as SH)
Thursday's Morning Email: Australia Celebrates As Parliament Approves Same-Sex Marriage | HuffPost
Carter warns Trump: Jerusalem decision could jeopardize 'any prospect for peace' (AntiChrist doesn't want peace)
Mystery Buyer of $450 Million 'Salvator Mundi' Was a Saudi Prince (looking to park half a billion somewhere)
Trust no one: Scholar risked all to document Islamic State
TIL about the 1943 Bengal genocide in India, when Churchill as part of the war effort, diverted food from starving Indians to already well-supplied British soldiers and stores and elsewhere in Europe. 3 million Indians starved to death. Churchill's response was to ask why Gandhi hadn't died yet. : todayilearned
State Department issues 'worldwide caution' after Trump's Jerulalem announcement
John-Henry-Eden comments on Obama warns of complacency, notes rise of Hitler
Stark Partisan Divisions Over Russia Probe, Including Its Importance to the Nation | Pew Research Center (66% of commie-symp Reublicans believe Trump)
The Steele Dossier on Trump Is Looking More and More Real
Republicans hammer Mueller, FBI as Russia investigation intensifies - The Washington Post (any excuse will do)
Robert Mueller Jumps Onto the Trump Money Trail | The New Yorker
Erik Prince testimony House Intel Committee Devin Nunes Russia probe - Business Insider (little creep tried to arrange a few assassinations)
Gross Malpractice By the Mainstream Media Was a Much Bigger Problem Than Fake News In 2016 - Lawyers, Guns & Money (your elite truth-telling media is a big part of the problem)
Emails show Trump Tower meeting follow-up - CNNPolitics
Donald Trump Jr. is clamming up on Russia. Republicans may help him get away with it. - The Washington Post
Trump Jr. cites attorney-client privilege in not answering panel's questions about discussions with his father ... Though neither Trump Jr. nor the president is an attorney, Trump Jr. told the House Intelligence Committee that there was a lawyer in the room during the discussion (or down the hall, or in the parking lot)
9 legal experts on why Trump Jr. can't hide behind attorney-client privilege - Vox - "A lawyer isn't a walking cone of silence"
Christie: Warning about Flynn among reasons I was fired from Trump transition
Trump's Weirdly Slurred Speech Causes #DentureDonald To Trend | HuffPost - False teeth... or fake news? ... Think about it: Fake teeth, fake hair, fake tan... there's no part of Trump's party that's real
President Trump's slurred speech confuses many on Twitter -- Worth listening to the end of that Trump thing a bit angry, belligerent and even slurred speech. Something wasn't right ...
Former McCain aide Steve Schmidt: Trump's 'impairment is chilling'
Mercers vs. Kochs vs. Adelsons: The three ultra-rich families battling for control of the Republican party Quartz
CBS News poll: Americans say tax plan helps wealthy, not middle class - CBS News
The Democratic party is fine -- It is the most united American party in modern political history.
Taxes, Health Care, and the GOP's Insular Leadership - The Atlantic - The tax debate offers a clear measure of how deeply insular the GOP has become. It's now governing solely of, by, and for Red America.(literally)
Intrigue grows over what sparked the attack on Rand Paul - The Washington Post (nothing fishy about this story, I tell you)
Investigation into John Doe leak is complete -- Attorney General Brad Schimel wants sanctions and contempt proceedings over Gov. Scott Walker John Doe leak
Destruction Of Black Wealth During The Obama Presidency (no banker left behind meant black people especially got screwed, and usual but the political will wasn't there to help "those people")
Investigation into John Doe leak is complete
Former Colorado GOP chairman Steve Curtis found guilty of voter fraud, forgery - Denver7
Iconic Brooklyn sign taken down after 70 years | New York Post - The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is moving to upstate Warwick. The nonprofit sold five Dumbo buildings last year for $340 million to a joint venture of Kushner Companies,
Eschaton: Winning - Given my general knowledge of such things (I know nothing of the specifics) I am sure practically no money is involved here, but this is still important. -- Progressive radio and television personality Sam Seder will be offered his MSNBC contributor job back and plans to accept, according to multiple MSNBC sources.
MSNBC Re verses Decision to Fire Contributor Sam Seder (and admits "senior management has the reading level of a 5th grader")
Alan Dershowitz's new reality: Tweeted by Trump, shunned by liberal friends (he's a "liberal," you know, that loves torture, among other bad things)
Anderson Cooper clashes with combative Roy Moore spokeswoman in bonkers interview ... comparing the allegations against Moore to the Duke Lacrosse case and railing against the Democratic establishment, the Republicans establishment, homosexuals, the mainstream media and more for teaming up against Moore. (quite a conspiracy and looks like Trump)
Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., to quit amid inappropriate-behavior claims (a good Christian teapartier)
Arizona's Trent Franks to Resign Jan. 31 -- GOP lawmaker said to have made female staffers uncomfortable with talk of surrogacy
Rep. Trent Franks expected to resign - POLITICO - Franks was first elected in 2002 and was among the first members to join the Tea Party Caucus. He has been known as one of the most outspoken opponents of abortion in Congress (another rat off the SS Trumpster)
Inside the demise of Al Franken - POLITICO - Female Democratic senators had been talking privately for weeks about how they were losing their patience as harassment claims piled up. (Al "Copafeeled" Cranken)
Female lieutenant governor expected to replace Franken if he resigns - POLITICO
Franken was Comcast's biggest and loudest critic in the U.S. Senate (all the others took the money)
Al Franken resigns from Senate over sexual misconduct allegations | US news : news
Eschaton: We All Deserve A Second Chance - This organization is the best of us. For many pedophiles, it's impossible to make ends meet. These sex criminals are often shunned both socially and professionally, making it extremely difficult for them to find any sort of gainful employment. But now a group called the GOP is trying to change all that: This amazing organization helps disgraced pedophiles rebuild their lives by getting them elected to political office.
I Don't Think the Moral High Ground Exists Anymore -- Some thoughts on Al Franken's departure.
The Republicans have built an uneven playing field of morality. - Sure, don't stoop to their level. But let's acknowledge that the game Republicans are forcing everyone to play insists morality is for losers.
Dylan Farrow: Why has the #MeToo revolution spared Woody Allen? - LA Times -- The system worked for Harvey Weinstein for decades. It works for Woody Allen still
Oscars Academy Establishes 'Standards Of Conduct' In Response To Harvey Weinstein | HuffPost
Paris Review Editor Resigns Amid Inquiry Into His Conduct with Women - The New York Times - Founded in Paris in 1953 by George Plimpton, Peter Matthiessen and Harold L. Humes, the publication has catapulted the careers of writers like Rick Moody, Jack Kerouac, Philip Roth and Adrienne Rich. ... He repeatedly touched her knee, and at one point, she said, slid his hand up her skirt and touched her underwear. She immediately stood up and excused herself, she said, and asked a male colleague to switch seats with her ... Lorin Stein, 44 ... The Paris Review has been known to stage raucous parties and some women who worked there said it had a sexually charged office culture that Mr. Stein helped to cultivate ... "He wanted us to be pretty, he wanted us to act that role, and if we didn't we weren't in the light of favor. It was clear to me that a lot of the decisions being made were not about the work, and I could work as hard as I wanted and not be rewarded for it" (on the "Shitty Media Mem" list)
Exclusive: Former Congressman Harold Ford Jr. Fired For Misconduct By Morgan Stanley | HuffPost - Ford harassed her one evening in Manhattan several years ago.
SIlicon Valley Investor Shervin Pishevar Accused Of Spreading False Information To Cover Up Alleged Sexual Misconduct - We are confident that the court will see through his strategy of filing deceitful lawsuits to intimidate women from coming forward
LAPD say they found audio of Corey Feldman naming abusers | Daily Mail Online ... comment from Herr Fischer: This is a show so dripping and infused with constant talk about sex and the acting out of sex scenes, that it seems almost normal to continue sex talk on the set after a take. Specially given that cast members and their consultants are requested to contribute their masturbating habits and sex practices into the script for the sake of authenticity. Maybe Tambot got carried away a bit in this sweeping up of everyone's sexuality
For 'Transparent,' Accusations Against Jeffrey Tambor Burst an Idealistic Bubble
Sexual Assault and the LGBTQ Community | Human Rights Campaign - 44 percent of lesbians and 61 percent of bisexual women experience rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner, compared to 35 percent of heterosexual women
You Want to F*ck With Me Tonight? : Horror Stories from the Texas Capitol -- Groping, forced kisses, and lurid cat-calls: New accusations hit two prominent Democratic state legislators from Texas. (cowboys)
Pa. Gov. Wolf asks House leaders to demote Daryl Metcalfe for antigay talk ("I swear on a stack of Bibles I'm not gay, definitely not gay, I tell you)
Brain Remaps Itself in Child with Double Hand Transplant - The first child to undergo a successful hand transplant also is the first child in whom scientists have detected massive changes in how sensations from the hands are represented in the brain (massive cortical reorganization). : science
Scientists one step closer to using CRISPR to treat humans, without cutting DNA and risking mutations. The approach successfully treated models of diabetes, kidney disease, and muscular dystrophy in mice. : science (literally, designer-bobies)
Long-lasting subjective effects of LSD: "2005g given to 16 healthy participants. After a year, 10 participants rated their LSD experience as among the top 10 most meaningful experiences in their lives." (2017) : science (design your mind)
Airbnb guests are finding hidden cameras planted in their rentals : news
Be Here Now - Ram Dass
ELI5: Why do tea bags say Do Not Microwave?
What do you proudly do "wrong?" : AskReddit
The ending to the episode "Baby Doll" on Batman: The Animated Series is more effortlessly powerful and poignant than anything in the DC Extended Universe : television
starstarstar42 comments on Christmas 1989 was memorable for my low income family.
19-Year-Old Yosif Al-Hasnawi was shot and killed in Hamilton on Monday. First Responders told Yosif he was "acting", and that he'd been shot with a pellet gun. : news
The ending to the episode "Baby Doll" on Batman: The Animated Series is more effortlessly powerful and poignant than anything in the DC Extended Universe : television
The most accurate climate change models predict the most alarming consequences, study finds - The Washington Post
A comprehensive study on climate change predicts warming of 5 degrees C by 2100, assuming "business as usual" conditions : science
Ventura fire: Bel-Air threatened, evacuations continue - CNN -- Fire rages near Bel-Air, Getty museum in Los Angeles
'Armageddon' : Apocalyptic images show the devastation caused by Southern California fires
The Silence Breakers are TIME's 2017 Person of the Year ... TODAY viewers selected the #MeToo Movement as the Person of the Year in an online reader poll.
The Silence Breakers are Times person of the year. : news
Time names hollywoods sexual abuse whistleblowers for its 'person of the year' award. : television
Putin Is a Force in the Syria Talks, With Trump on the Sidelines - Bloomberg - A deal would let the Russian president take credit as a peacemaker. The U.S. has given up on ousting Assad.
Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's Capital and Orders U.S. Embassy to Move
Is Trump About to Blow Up Jared Kushner's Mideast Peacemaking? (thinking that would require taking what they say seriously)
Leaders Around The World Incensed Over Trump's Jerusalem Decision | HuffPost - Everyone from the Pope to the Kremlin expressed concern that recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel would threaten regional stability.
UK will not pay lump sum Brexit bill, according to draft agreement
Doctors find brain abnormalities in victims of Cuba mystery
Warrantless Surveillance Can Continue Even if Law Expires, Officials Say - The New York Times
The richest 1 percent now owns more of the country's wealth than at any time in the past 50 years (good job, rural white voters)
Flynn Said Russian Sanctions Would Be 'Ripped Up,' Whistle-Blower Says
Read the Letter That Cummings Sent on Flynn Whistle-Blower - The New York Times
The White House press briefing, always a spin zone, is now approaching uselessness - LA Times ... "an artifact of an era when presidents and White House officials thought they had a duty to keep the country informed through the media, and they attempted to answer the media's questions in good faith." (Sarah Fuckyoubee says just shut the fuck up with your stupid questions)
Eschaton: The Resistance - One reason I am mad online all the time is the lefty habit of worshiping the right wing assholes who brought us here. David Frum and Bill Kristol Jon Chait and whoever else were always assholes. It is all their fault. Stop it.
Susan Collins is getting played. Will she really vote for the tax bill in the end? - The Washington Post
I Saw the Kate Steinle Murder Trial Up Close. The Jury Didn't Botch It -- These are some of the facts that were laid out to us: Zarate had no motive and no recorded history of violence. The shot he fired from his chair hit the ground 12 feet in front of him before ricocheting another 78 feet to hit Steinle. The damage to the bullet indicated a glancing impact during the ricochet, so it seems to have been shot from a low height. (prosecutors lied and overreached because cops and Republicans)
Woman accuses Franken of trying to forcibly kiss her in 2006 - POLITICO - The Minnesota senator is accused of making an unwanted sexual advance after a taping of his radio show in 2006. He denies the allegation ... The former staffer ducked to avoid Franken's lips. As she hastily left the room, she said, Franken told her: "It's my right as an entertainer" ... Franken, who has been accused by six other women of groping or trying to forcibly kiss them, denied the accusation.
I Believe Franken's Accusers Because He Groped Me, Too -- Tina Dupuy -- The Democratic Party needs to stand with women who have been harassed ... Al Franken's familiarity was inappropriate and unwanted. It was also quick; he knew exactly what he was doing.
Sen. Al Franken will resign, Democratic official says | Minnesota Public Radio News
Bill Clinton and Women | Vanity Fair - by Marjorie Williams January 1, 2007 ... Okay, class, let's review: The man in question has been sued for sexual harassment over an episode that allegedly included dropping his trousers to waggle his erect penis at a woman who held a $6.35-an-hour clerical job in the state government over which he presided. Another woman has charged that when she asked him for a job he invited her into his private office, fondled her breasts, and placed her hand on his crotch. A third woman ...
Tina Dupuy on Twitter: Sorry @MonicaLewinsky.
A lawsuit describes Harvey Weinstein as a crime boss. Exactly. - The Washington Post -- Weinstein's alleged ability to carry off an astonishing list of crimes depended on the participation of a disturbing number of other people
John Conyers III arrested but not prosecuted in domestic abuse case - NBC News
Democrats More Likely to Believe Sexual Assault Accusations | Time (well, they don't like facts in general, either)
Corey Feldman's 1993 audio files naming alleged sexual predators found by Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office : news
'I do't like men': Lawmaker brings meeting to a halt after male colleague touches his arm ("I'm not gay, I tell you! +gays are doing "open rebellion against God")
How brands secretly buy their way into Forbes, Fast Company, and HuffPost stories | The Outline -- contributors to prominent publications have taken payments in exchange for positive coverage.
Millions Are Hounded for Debt They Don't Owe. One Victim Fought Back, With a Vengeance
The End of Memory? | Documentary Heaven
Into The Inferno | Documentary Heaven (don't miss 1:02 and 1:07 lava firefall)
Double blind, clinical trial shows that the use of vitamin D supplement improves sleep quality, reduces sleep latency, raises sleep duration and improves subjective sleep quality in people of 20-50 year-old with sleep disorder. : science
More sleep, less bad behaviour | Pursuit by The University of Melbourne - New research finds adequate sleep may minimise the impact of many childhood behaviour problems
A comprehensive study on climate change predicts warming of 5 degrees C by 2100, assuming "business as usual" conditions : science
The most "What the fuck" moment with your siblings? : AskReddit
What's the fastest way you've seen someone fuck up their life? : AskReddit
XanderTheGhost comments on Before and after - 95 days clean from heroin today. I had money to buy myself new clothes for the first time in a very long time and I feel amazing.
What free shit should more people know about? : AskReddit What old organizations are clearly losing touch with the times? : AskReddit
What do you strongly suspect but cannot prove? : AskReddit
Ventura wildfire rages over 45,500 acres, destroys more than 150 structures, triggers evacuation of 27,000 - LA Times (Cali still burning)
lbgator comments on Trump says this land is not worth protecting. This is Hole in the Rock Road in Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument.
The president stole your land. In an illegal move, the president just reduced the size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante National Monuments. This is the largest elimination of protected land in American history. : pics
'The President Stole Your Land' Patagonia, REI blast Trump on national monument rollbacks
Why the Government Owns So Much Land in the West - The New York Times
Trump science job nominees missing advanced science degrees
How Ukraine's attempt to arrest Saakashvili led to a rousing rooftop speech
Austria legalises same-sex marriage from 2019, ruling all existing laws discriminatory : news
U.S. to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital, Trump Says, Alarming Middle East Leaders (and the rest of the world and Trump goes full bull-in-a-chinashop)
Russia Banned From Winter Olympics by I.O.C. - The New York Times (Pooty very unhappy)
Photos from North Korea's east coast show how tough life is away from the capital (19th century)
Apple agrees to pay over $15 billion to Ireland in back taxes : news (5% of GDP)
Mystery Shrouds Tether and Its Links to Biggest Bitcoin Exchange - Bloomberg (the tether scam)
FBI: Jacksonville man arrested for plotting mass shooting at Islamic Center : news
APNewsBreak: Border arrests plunge, deportation arrests soar (bigly)
Mueller Subpoenas Trump Deutsche Bank Records - Bloomberg - Trump owes lender about $300 million for real estate loans
PoppinKREAM comments on Bob Mueller's subpoena of Deutsche Bank, explained -- President Trump said the red line would be drawn at Special Counsel Mueller looking into the Trump Empire's finances. Why you may ask? The entire family is involved in laundering money.
Russia probe tests Pence in-the-dark defense - CNNPolitics
Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Goes To Bat Against FBI And Robert Mueller For Trump | HuffPost - The newspaper has published a series of pieces critical of the investigation into Russian election interference.
The special counsel is stonewalling Congress and protecting the FBI. (and the WSJ put the article behind a stonewall)
How the Kremlin Tried to Pose as American News Sites on Twitter - Bloomberg - Twitter has suspended dozens of accounts masquerading as U.S. news sources that had more than 500,000 followers.
Donald Trump Jr. asked Russian lawyer for info on Clinton Foundation - NBC News - Donald Trump Jr. asked a Russian lawyer at the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting whether she had evidence of illegal donations to the Clinton Foundation
White House spokesman refuses to answer questions on the record from reporters - LA Times - Reporters traveling with the president declined his offer to entertain off-the-record questions ... Why was the White House refusing on-the-record questions? Gidley said he would not answer that question on the record. (down the 1984 rabbit-hole)
Trump White House Weighing Plans for Private Spies to Counter "Deep State" Enemies (Trumps gonna have Erik Prince spy on the CIA with help from ... Oliver North!)
It's time to ask every Republican this question about Trump and Mueller -- If President Trump tries to remove special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, would you view that as an impeachable offense? (we already know the answer)
Trump's Russia defense in disarray
Pence pleads ignorance as Russia probe deepens - POLITICO - The vice president has been absent for key moments involving senior administration figures, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn. (just a coincidence, he's not really a commie and he knew nothing, nothing I tell you)
Plan for Mike Pence -- Will the vice president -- and the religious right -- be rewarded for their embrace of Donald Trump? (Satangelicals for St. Mike)
Everybody Lies: FBI Edition | Popehat
High Six Figures for G.O.P. Infighting: Another Times Reporter Is Cashing in on Trumpian Chaos | Vanity Fair - Jeremy Peter's Insurgency will be the latest addition to the fast-swelling politics shelf
Our School Systems Deserve Better Than This - Despite what Betsy DeVos may tell you ... If you're nostalgic for the days of racially segregated education, charter schools can deliver the goods there, too. (dismanttle public schools, give the money to white charter schools and Make America Dumb Again)
What happened when North Carolina cut taxes like the GOP plans to for the country - The Washington Post (give all the money to very rich, destroy education and healthcare, wreck government, white people surprised)
PRRI - There is a vast partisan divide in views of many current controversies: (the divide between facts and stupid)
Three Obama tweets, no Trump posts make list of 2017's most retweeted
An interview with Alan Dershowitz on Trump and the Mueller investigation. - Pressing the legal celebrity on his Trump-approved, controversial stance on the Mueller investigation. ("liberal" Dershofuck is "never wrong")
Supreme Court seems divided in case of baker who refused to create a wedding cake for a same-sex couple - The Washington Post (Kennedy thinks people calling people who use religion to hurt other people "despicable" are "biased")
Kennedy Ready to go Trump on Civil Rights Enforcement - Lawyers, Guns & Money
All the Ways the Republican Tax Bill Will Help Rich People While Screwing You Over (Yertle, the Kentucky Fuck-Turtle is very happy)
'Death to Democrats': How the GOP Tax Bill Whacks Liberal Tenets (you don't need no ... ed-u-cation, you don't need no steenky healthcare, you don't need no fucking infra-structure)
Senator Bernie Sanders printed out a gigantic Trump tweet and brought it to congress : pics (no one remembers)
This Is Just an Incredible Self-Own by John McCain (hahaha)
Conyers lawyer casts doubt on reports the congressman won't seek reelection after harassment allegations
John Conyers accuser says he groped her in church
Rep. John Conyers announces retirement, endorses son to run for seat
Conyers vs. Conyers? Congressman backs son for seat - It is up to Republican Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder when to schedule an election to replace Conyers. (weird pics they did that on purpose)
'We've already lost' -- GOP takes stock of the nightmare unfolding in Alabama (rock and a nutcase)
Roy Moore suggests George Soros is headed to hell | Jewish Telegraphic Agency (George Soros is sexualizing his campaign and Jews aren't real Americans)
The New '60 Minutes' Book Has a Troubled History (of covering-up it's history. Mike Wallace was a butt-slapping bra-snapper constant sexual harasser.
'They all knew': Media elites roared in laughter at obscene 2008 'roast' sending up; Matt Lauer's office sexcapades ... The 2008 Friars Club roast took place at the New York Hilton and was attended by everyone from future President Donald Trump to TV legend Norman Lear to a constellation of New York's media elite including Brian Williams, Diane Sawyer, Nancy O'Dell and Howard Stern. Also on hand were numerous top executives from across the business and almost everyone who was anyone at NBC News
AP Exclusive: Top gossip editor accused of sexual misconduct - The top editor for the National Enquirer, Us Weekly and other major gossip publications -- Dylan Howard, currently the chief content officer of American Media Inc., occurred while he was running the company's Los Andeles ofice ...
Weinstein's Complicity Machine -- The producer Harvey Weinstein relied on powerful relationships across industries to provide him with cover as accusations of sexual misconduct piled up for decades (longform, deep info, catch the photo of Dylan Howard, "editor of The National Enquirer, who has provided information to Mr. Weinstein on his accusers" see above /// she and Ms. Franklin said they were tasked with procuring injectable erectile dysfunction drugs, Caverject and alprostadil ... used before meeting with women) .
Who do you think will be the first powerful woman swept up in the sexual harassment wave? : AskReddit - Nancy Grace would just be a great dose of justice.
Timothy Heller on Twitter: "When I wrote this story about my assault, I initially wasn't going to make the abuser. But I think it's important for you all to know this is about Melanie Martinez /a>
John Oliver Gets Into Heated Argument With Dustin Hoffman Over Harassment at Film Panel (Report) : television
Dustin Hoffman accused of sexual harassment against 17-year-old | Film | The Guardian - Writer Anna Graham Hunter alleges the actor groped her and engaged in sexually inappropriate conversations on the set of 1985 TV movie Death of a Salesman
'Genius' Producer Accuses Dustin Hoffman of Sexually Harassing Her in 1991
John Oliver grills Dustin Hoffman over sexual harassment allegations - The Washington Post
Danny Masterson Fired From Netflix's 'The Ranch' Amid Rape Allegations : television (scientology)
Bryan Singer Fired From Directing Queen Biopic After On-Set Chaos : movies
MSNBC sides with rape apologist Mike Cernovich, fires contributor for 2009 tweet mocking rape apologists -- By severing ties with Seder, MSNBC has now made the same mistake that former New York Times Public Editor Liz Spayd made when she legitimized Cernovich's harassment campaign against New York Times reporter Sopan Deb.
Sam Seder's Firing Proves, Once Again, That Corporations Like MSNBC Can't Stop Getting Rolled by the Far Right
MSNBC Gives The Alt Right A Huge Win By Firing Sam Seder Over A Contrived Smear. We Must Speak Out. -- "Don't care re Polanski, but I hope if my daughter is ever raped it is by an older truly talented man w/a great sense of mise en scene" (MSNBC defends more rapists by firing Seder ov er 9 year-old tweet about Hollywood loving Polanski)
MSNBC Caves to Rightwing Smear Campaign and Cuts Ties With Contributor Over Old Satirical Tweet
MSNBC to Cut Ties With Sam Seder After Roman Polanski Rape Joke -- "Internally there was disgust over the tweet" (but not the rapist, tells you a lot about NBC management)
A congressman's accuser: Blackballed and babysitting for cash - POLITICO - Then she accused Rep. Blake Farenthold of sexually harassing her. (non-human pig)
Senate opens ethics inquiry into Rosenberg - The Boston Globe -- who has stepped aside as Senate president
"Alt-right" women are upset that alt-right" men are treating them terribly (suck it up, bitches)
Plainfield police captain on leave after 'white male privilege' comment at training session - Indianapolis, IN - "Because of your white male privilege, so you wouldn't know" (and the privileged while male cops had a meltdown)
Harvard sticks with current policy on final clubs - The Boston Globe
Cognitive behavioural therapy halves the risk of repeated suicide attempts. : science
'Fake news' study finds incorrect information can't be corrected simply by pointing out it's false : science
Harmful effects of being overweight underestimated - the widely reported suggestion that being overweight may be healthy is shown to be incorrect, according to a new study that analysed body mass index (BMI), health and mortality data in around 60,000 parents and their children. : science
Moore Police release body cam footage from night state senator found in hotel room with teen boy : news -- Shortey answered the door in a white t-shirt with the words Ephesians 5:22, a bible verse, written on it as well as 'now go make me a sandwich' written below an image of a sandwich. The bible verse is in reference to women submitting to their husband's will, as they do to the Lord
This is even harder than the harder that it looks. : UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG (read the title first)
Upvoted Not Because Girl But Because It Is Very Cool
What's a subreddit that deserves more subscribers and content?
TIL: After the infamous 'Nipplegate' controversy at the 2004 Superbowl halftime show, the FCC received ~540,000 complaints. In Canada, where the Superbowl was also broadcast, only 50 complaints were received. : todayilearned
IRLSmurfing: Real life smurfs
Best Damn Reporter Solves Arson Case LIVE on Facebook : videos
Trump Disbands Group Meant to Prepare Cities for Climate Shocks - Bloomberg
The Hague says claims of war crimes by UK troops have 'reasonable basis' | Law | The Guardian -- The Hague says claims of war crimes by UK troops have 'reasonable basis' | Law | The Guardian
US Ignores Allies' Torture in Yemen -- Evidence of US Complicity in Abuses by UAE and Yemeni Forces ... crammed into shipping containers smeared with feces and blindfolded for weeks, beaten, and trussed up on a grill -- a spit like a roast to which the victim is tied and spun in a circle of fire, Prisoners were also sexually assaulted, among other forms of abuse. The article also alleges that some prisoners were transferred to a ship where US "polygraph experts" and "psychological experts" conducted interrogations. (so the APA still has a finger in the pie but Tom Cotton will fix this)
Fury as Mexico presidential candidate pitches amnesty for drug cartel kingpins | World news | The Guardian - Andris Manuel Lspez Obrador says he wants a dialogue on the drug war that has cost the country an estimated 200,000 lives over the last decade
Ultra-Orthodox rabbis call for boycott of Jewish arts centre over LGBT support | World news | The Guardian - Synagogues receive letter saying community events at JW3 promote a way of life contradictory to the Torah and Jewish law (London)
Talk of a Peace Plan That Snubs Palestinians Roils Middle East - The New York Times (Kushner and Netanfuckyu at work)
Did American Missile Defense Fail in Saudi Arabia? - The New York Times ... The findings show that the Iranian-backed Houthis, once a ragtag group of rebels, have grown powerful enough to strike major targets in Saudi Arabia, possibly shifting the balance of their years-long war (Trump lied, again and again)
Microwave weapon could fry North Korean missile controls, say experts - NBC News (long after they launched the missiles).
Supreme Court allows full enforcement of Trump travel ban while legal challenges continue - The Washington Post
Missing the big picture in Flynn plea: Trump team crippled American diplomatic power | TheHill (Putin is happy)
VonFluffington comments on 'The last president to vilify the FBI was Nixon': Trump's war with the FBI is set to backfire spectacularly (one worthy of note stat: 58% of Republicans think college education is a bad thing)
None Dare Call It Collusion | Crooked Media -- There is more than enough evidence to say definitively that the Trump administration colluded with Russia, and there is every reason to believe the plot encompassed criminal activity, even if that activity remains invisible for now. (despite what the NYT told you)
Trump lawyer claims the "President cannot obstruct justice" ("he is absolutely above all laws")
White House paranoid: 'Everyone thinks they're being recorded' (Flynn's) secret deal was kept quiet for months. (while he wore a wire)
McFarland Contradicted Herself on Russia Contacts, Congressional Testimony Shows - The New York Times
Justice Dept. offers up key witness in Russia probe as House Intel Chair threatens contempt - CNNPolitics (little commie Nunes trying to distract, OMG an FBI agent didn't like Trumpster!)
Trump's Lawyer Says The President Can't Obstruct Justice Because He's The President | HuffPost - Attorney John Dowd also said Trump knew Michael Flynn lied to the FBI before firing James Comey.
Trump's uncontrollable tweeting triggers deeper anxiety among advisers -- By Sunday, he had already claimed Michael Flynn was fired in part for lying to the FBI
Trump tweets about Russia probe spark warnings from lawmakers ("shut your fucking mouth you fucking moron" they warned)
The Cost of Trump's Attacks on the FBI
Prosecutors: Manafort Wrote Op-Ed With Colleague 'Assessed To Have Ties' In Russia -- In the court filing, prosecutors say the op-ed appeared to violate an admonishment from the judge last month to refrain from public statements.
Who Lied to Who When and Why It Barely Matters
Protesters spell out 'Go Home Trump' on Utah Capitol lawn ahead of Trump visit
Trump moves to block Romney from the Senate - POLITICO - he president is working hard to persuade 83-year-old Sen. Orrin Hatch to run for reelection (they hate each other)
The Note: Reality check? Trump's contradictions on full display
Adrian Carrasquillo on Twitter: ""I like this kid, I like this kid!" Trump said, seeing this young mini-Trump in the ropeline in Salt Lake City."
Company partially owned by two governments expected to build Trump-branded resort in Indonesia | McClatchy Washington Bureau - A construction company owned in part by the governments of Saudi Arabia and South Korea plans to build a Trump-branded luxury resort development in Indonesia despite a vow from Donald Trump that his family business would not make any deals with foreign government entities while he serves as president.
Sessions argued in Clinton impeachment that presidents can obstruct justice - POLITICO
Eschaton: The Middle Class Tax Cut Challenge (it's "impossible" says Yertle)
Economist Larry Summers: 10,000 will die per year due to tax reform
Two top Republican tax writers reveal their prejudice and their strategy - The Washington Post
Your Republican Party - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The lead author of the Senate Republican tax plan, Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch of Utah, said that the federal government no longer has the money to fund the popular Children's Health Insurance Program, known as CHIP. (sorry, gave it all to the superrich, so please just die)
Levels Of Polarization In How People View The Media, Says This New Survey -- An alarming percentage of Republicans and Trump supporters see the press as "an enemy of the American people" Meanwhile, Democrats are seeing a surge in trust and confidence in the press. (the party of lies hates your facts)
Eschaton: Wise Racist Philosopher King - The Times has been doing this for years. At some point Occam's Razor applies in explaining why the Times covers things they way they do. They like Republicans. They like racist conservatives. Their "liberalism" is simply a marketing tool (not that I have ever really thought the Times was liberal over and above rich New Yorker liberalism which isn't really liberal, but their readers think it is)
The Cool Kid's Philosopher -- Ben Shapiro's fans apparently think he is very smart. It is not clear why ... "communist pieces of garbage" ... you guys are so stupid ... ou guys are so stupid you can all go to hell, you pathetic, lying, stupid jackasses. (brilliant oratory, worthy of "Aristotle" : he's a dumbass Republifuck but Dean Baquet thinks he's cool because he can read and they love their fuckers)
If Only You Had Voted For Nina Turner, 48 Could Be More Than 52 - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- Even when zero Democrats vote for a bill, they get dunked on for not voting against it harder.
NRSC staffers resign after digital break-in - POLITICO - aides used old passwords to gain access to a House GOP campaign arm donor database.
Eschaton: Aggro Tom -- Tom Friedman on criticism of his Mohamed bin Salman article: "fuck that" (the whole clip is really something)
Muhammad bin Kushner, Jared bin Salman, Daffy Duck & Co | Saudi Arabia | Al Jazeera - Thomas Friedman is the latest in the long panoply of Lawrences of Arabia dashing in and out of the peninsula in search of their oriental fantasies ... two rich daddy's boys ... who are now so intertwined we get their names mixed up as they are committing war crimes in Yemen, throwing the Palestinian cause under the bus, reforming Islam Israeli-style, causing mayhem in Lebanon, and hope to begin bombing Iran and to invade with the last American soldier their petrodollars and AIPAC lobby can buy ... We are running out of metaphors to understand this calamity. The axis of mendacity from Riyadh to Tel Aviv to New York requires a whole new set of allegories. (brilliant writing, worth the read)
Buchwald - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The Kansas City Star has printed without commentary this 1973 Art Buchwald commentary that was merely a list of statements. I will reprint it here too. ... 2. What about Chappaquiddick?
Farenthold: "I didn't do anything wrong" (pig)
Billy Bush: Yes, Donald Trump, You Said That - The New York Times
Trump may face a reckoning in case brought by female accuser - The Washington Post
Donald Trump Endorses Roy Moore For Senate | HuffPost - Moore is accused of sexually harassing or assaulting several women, including some who were teenagers at the time.
WaPo: Roy Moore Accuser Shares New Details About Their Relationship
Alabama's Disdain for Democrats Looms Over Its Senate Race (and disdain for intelligence and morals)
Lots Of Alabama Voters Care About Roy Moore's Scandals But it might not be enough to stop him from winning.
White women could send accused child molester Roy Moore to the Senate - The Boston Globe (once again, the face tells the story: deranged lunatic with frontal cortex issues)
New York City Ballet Investigates Sexual Harassment Claim Against Peter Martins - The New York Times
Netflix Exec Tells Woman The Company Doesn't Believe Actor's Rape Accusers. Then She Said She Was One. Police investigating four women's claims that "The Ranch" star Danny Masterson raped them in the early 2000s ... a Netflix executive told her this weekend that higher-ups at the company don't believe the four women who have accused Masterson of rape. (of course they don't ; serial rapist belongs behind bars)
NBC Is Reportedly Demolishing Every Trace of Matt Lauer (demolishing his sex-den)
Harassment and Bullying Allegations Rock WNYC After Departure of Celebrated Host - WNYC News - WNYC (they covered up for Fuckenberry)
Eschaton: It's Management - Basically, WNYC set up a radio show which was supposed to be a bit more diverse (however you want to think about that) than typical NPR offerings. A white host kept bullying his black female cohosts out of their jobs. He became the host. Management considered the bully victims the problem. That's before we even get to the sexual harassment.
Bill O'Reilly Is Sued by Woman Who Settled Over Harassment Accusations
Al Franken and the David Letterman Tribute -- Why Do We Condemn Some Men and Forget About Others? ... ormer Letterman writer Nell Scovell described the toxic work environment faced by women at Letterman's Late Show ... Nobody seems to see the hypocrisy of punishing Franken and feting Letterman in the same uninterrupted breath. (another pervy jerk in the shadows)
Weinstein Reportedly Tried to Hire a Gossip Writer Last Year (Rapestein)
'House of Cards' Sixth and Final Season Shooting to Resume in Early 2018, Without Kevin Spacey
When Serial Harassers Attack - Lawyers, Guns & Money
California assemblyman accused of forcing lobbyist into bathroom and masturbating - LA Times
MSNBC's Joy Reid apologizes for 'insensitive' LGBT blog posts -- "From 2007 to 2009 @joyannreid authored a dozen homophobic posts not only attempting to out Charlie Crist as gay, she attacked & mocked him for being so"
Sex Diary: 25-Year-Old Who Screams I Hate You! During Sex
Iowa Radio Station Employees Fired After Racist HS Basketball Commentary ... "hey oughta, as Trump would say, go back where they came from,"
Why does conservative Armstrong Williams want to buy the liberal Washington City Paper? - The Washington Post
Lost Einsteins: The Innovations We're Missing -- Not surprisingly, children who excelled in math were far more likely to become inventors. But being a math standout wasn't enough. Only the top students who also came from high-income families had a decent chance to become an inventor.
TIL men traveling first class tend to weigh more than those in economy, while for women the reverse is true. : todayilearned
Toddlers play more creatively when they have fewer toys at their disposal : science
Researchers at John Hopkins University Have Developed a Playlist for Tripping on Mushrooms : Music ... My brother did this for me. He named it Truffel Shuffle.
Straight people of Reddit, what's the most homosexual situation you've found yourself in? : AskReddit
Google to hire slew of moderators amid outcry over YouTube child abuse videos | Technology | The Guardian
A depressed fan tweeted at writer Dan Harmon. His heartfelt response left many on Twitter in tears. "feelings are real but they aren't reality"
Tens of Thousands of Israelis Join 'March of Shame' Against Netanyahu in Tel Aviv
'Ghost disease' ravages North Koreans near nuclear site, defectors say : news
Eschaton: What Now - Theresa May has been warned that the EU will block progress in the Brexit talks if the Irish government decides that her proposals for the border with Northern Ireland are "unacceptable" (meanwhile, in la-di-la land)
The FCC Wants to Kill Net Neutrality. But Congress Will Pay the Price | WIRED - But never in those companies' most feverish dreams did they expect an FCC chair would propose to demolish all net neutrality protections and allow ISP's to extract tolls from every business in the country. (Trump hired the best rat fuckers)
Eschaton: Morning Thread - Oh what a tangled web we weave. When first we practice to deceive. -- Some advice for you know who.
Feinstein: Senate Russia probe building obstruction case against Trump - NBC News
'I never asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn' : Trump goes on tweetstorm about the FBI
There once was a coke fiend who fired a guy (Update -- The Lawyer Did It!)
Was Michael Flynn asked to wear a wire in Mueller hunt for evidence on Russia? | US news | The Guardian -- 'covert evidence"
Operative Offered Trump Campaign 'Kremlin Connection' Using N.R.A. Ties (partners in crime)
Trump, Defending Himself After Flynn Guilty Plea, Says F.B.I. Is in 'Tatters' (and needs a KGB-style purge, there might still be some democrats in there)
The Schneiderman Firewall - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Byron York: Nunes blows up, threatens contempt after FBI stonewalls House on Russia investigator demoted for anti-Trump bias
Jared Kushner Failed to Disclose He Led a Foundation Funding Illegal Israeli Settlements Before U.N. Vote (Kushfuck always "fails to disclose")
Senate Republicans just failed Governing 101 - The Washington Post -- Now the Senate has approved a tax plan that would make the problem substantially worse while widening inequality and reducing access to health-care coverage. The current generation will pay. The next will pay more. (and Susan Collins is like 4 ft tall)
Here Are 6 Of The Most Radical Aspects Of The GOP Tax Bill | HuffPost - Congratulations to private schools! (defund public schools, give all the money to Betsy De Vos)
'This is class warfare' : Tax vote sparks political brawl over populism that will carry into 2018 elections
During tax debate, Republican questions funding for children's health (Orrin Hatch says there just isn't enough money after giving it all to the superrich so fuck the children)
Grassley Implies Working Class Spends Tax Cuts On "Booze Or Women Or Movies" (evil speaks and always lies)
Obama should be arrested for implying Trump needs a filter, Fox Business host suggests - The Washington Post (oh, it's insane and demented Lou Dobbs)
Feds say N.J. padded its Medicaid bills by $600M | -- The audit instructed the Christie administration to refund at least $300 million of the Medicaid funding it wrongly collected (Republicans always lie, cheat and steal)
What Will Become of Legal Marijuana? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (the evil elf is still after your pot)
CBS News poll: Alabama Republicans call allegations against Roy Moore false - CBS News - 71 percent of Alabama Republicans say the allegations against Roy Moore are false, and those who believe this also overwhelmingly believe Democrats and the media are behind those allegations. (evangelicals with no moral sense)
Legendary opera conductor molested teen for years: police report | New York Post -- molested an Illinois teenager from the time he was 15 years old, sexual abuse that lasted for years and led the alleged victim to the brink of suicide, according to a police report obtained by The Post ... including times when Levine would masturbate in front of him and kiss his penis, according to the report. (Met Opera covered it up, of course +another master-exhibitionist)
Met Opera to Investigate James Levine Over Sexual Abuse Accusation - The New York Times -- Met officials acknowledged they had been aware of the police report since last year, but said that Mr. Levine had denied the accusation and that they had heard nothing further from the police. They decided to begin an investigation after receiving media inquiries ("socially awkward")
James Levine - Wikipedia - After graduating from Walnut Hills High School, the acclaimed magnet school in Cincinnati, he entered the Juilliard School of Music in New York City in 1961,
MSNBC Host Joy Reid Wrote Numerous Anti-Gay Articles on Her Old Blog | Mediaite (+she's nuts)
Geoffrey Rush Steps Down From Australian Film Academy Following Claim Of 'Inappropriate Behavior' | HuffPost - Pirates of the Caribbean
Convicted sex offender Brock Turner wants new trial in Stanford sexual assault case : news
Men of Reddit, what creepy things have women done to you? : AskReddit - 20187 comments
The short, now-unhappy political career of Ruben Kihuen - The Nevada Independent
Writing Nameless Things: An Interview with Ursula K. Le Guin - Los Angeles Review of Books
Atomsteel comments on The thickness of my -22.00 prescription glasses
Ileach comments on MV Suilven tossing about some passengers off New Zealand ... "The lead steward always said he would rather clean up puke than blood."
How Trolls Locked My Twitter Account For 10 Days, And Welp
'No Such Thing as Rohingya': Myanmar Erases a History (when you let Buddhists control a country)
North Korean soldier's survival is 'truly a miracle' says American rescue crew
Trump transition official in email: Russia 'has just thrown the U.S.A election'
Emails Dispute White House Claims That Flynn Acted Independently on Russia - The New York Times
Trump Tweets He Knew Flynn Lied to FBI When He Asked Comey to 'Let Flynn Go' ... "This tweet makes it clear that Trump knew at the time that he made his request to Comey to let the investigation go that Flynn had lied to the FBI, which is a criminal offense" (his tangle of lies)
Flynn Flipped. Who's Next? ... Mr. Trump built and sustained his long, gaudy career by demanding loyalty from people to whom he gave nothing in return. He is not used to being on the short end of that deal.
Jared Kushner Could Be The Next Domino To Fall In Mueller's Russia Probe | HuffPost - son-in-law might have been at the center of an elaborate, multinational effort to undermine then-President Barack Obama.
After Flynn, Are Kushner and Don Jr. Next? - The New York Times
ABC News corrects bombshell Flynn report - Dec. 1, 2017 - ABC News investigative reporter Brian Ross said the source who had provided the initial information for his story later told him that it was as president-elect, not as a candidate, that Trump asked Flynn to contact the Russians. (actually, it was both even if you believe Trump's lies, which CNN does)
ABC News Suspends Brian Ross for 4 Weeks Without Pay: Effective Immediately
Michael Flynn's Guilty Plea Sends Donald Trump's Lawyers Scrambling
Steve Schmidt: If Trump pardons Flynn it will create a 'constitutional crisis' that will end the GOP (doubtful)
Is it too late for Robert Mueller to save us? - It might not be enough for the special counsel to hand us a smoking gun and an indictment. (Lithwick)
A Historic Tax Heist - The New York Times
Senate GOP tax bill passes in major victory for Trump, Republicans - The Washington Post (they just impoverished or killed millions and destroyed graduate education and they are really happy)
How an unequal tax cut grew more unequal - The Washington Post
massive tax overhaul is a monstrosity ... On Wednesday, John McCain (R-Ariz.) announced he was fine sending this diabolical, 479-page Dybbuk through the Senate even though no one in the chamber had time to read it even once.
is there a word for the brazen corruption and dishonesty it takes to run on "drain the swamp" and then literally hand a pen to lobbyists to write a trillion dollar giveaway to plutocrats and their useless failsons?
Chad Bolt on Twitter: "I wish I were making this up. This is the version of the #GOPTaxScam the Senate votes on tonight. Handwritten text up and down the margins."
Senator Bob Menendez on Twitter: "Okay this is absurd. One page of the new #GOPTaxPlan is crossed out with an ex. Another page is just a line. Is that a crossout? Is this pag"
Warren: No, I haven't had time to read the 500-page #GOPTaxScam bill that we're voting on
Senate Passes What Would Be One of the Worst Bills Ever Enacted By the United States Congress - Lawyers, Guns & Money
GOP's List of Economists Backing Tax Cut Includes Ghosts, Office Assistants, Ex-Felons, and a Sprinkling of Real Economists
US Senate passes sweeping tax overhaul bill : news
Senate Passes Massive Tax Cuts For The Rich In Middle Of The Night | HuffPost
Bush tax-cut architect dismisses JCT scoring of the Senate tax bill as a 'fraud' (and you can surely trust him)
Late Night Tax Horror Thread - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Sen. Chuck Schumer Shames GOP Tax Bill: It's A 'Stunning Deception' | HuffPost
Why Trum's Tax Bill Could Be His Death Warrant
Eschaton: Can't Do Anything Without 60 Votes - I see a lot of optimism that the Democrats have learned their lesson and if we survive the apocalypse and manage to elect some then there are all kinds of fun things that can be passed with reconciliation... I do appreciate the optimism of youth.
Eschaton: The Kids Today - "Generational war" is more the tool than the motive, and I certainly recognize that not all seniors in this country are rich, but given the voting realities - old people vote conservative, and plutocrats bankroll those conservatives - this is about picking the pockets of the younger people and mostly leaving older people alone. When they come for Social Security they'll phase it in so that current beneficiaries will be mostly protected and the youngs, who never had defined benefit plans, will be left with little. (they love fucking their children)
Barack Obama Appears To Zing Donald Trump With Twitter Followers Boast | HuffPost - "I actually have more than other people who use it more often." Obama actually has 97.4 million followers. Trump has 43.8 million
Trump's campaign: Big Macs, screaming fits and constant rivalries
(Lauer, Halperin, Rose, Thrush) The Men Who Cost Clinton the Election - The New York Times - coverage of Mrs. Clinton was that she was dishonest and unlikable. These recent harassment allegations suggest that perhaps the problem wasn't that Mrs. Clinton was untruthful or inherently hard to connect with, but that these particular men hold deep biases against women who seek power instead of sticking to acquiescent sex-object status ... But when one of the best-qualified candidates for the presidency in American history and the first woman to get close to the Oval Office loses to an opponent who had not dedicated a nanosecond of his life to public service and ran a blatantly misogynist campaign, it's hard to conclude gender didn't play a role
Alabama race is neck and neck, with voters divided over Roy Moore allegations, poll finds - The Washington Post
Republican Women in Alabama Sound Off on Roy Moore | The New Yorker
The button on Matt Lauer's desk: Your questions answered. - The Washington Post - The button was one of the more lurid and damning elements of the sexual-harassment accusations against Lauer -- "It allowed him to welcome female employees and initiate inappropriate contact while knowing nobody could walk in on him, according to two women who were sexually harassed by Lauer"
Public Radio Icon John Hockenberry Accused of Harassment -- The female cohosts who believed that they were being maltreated by Hockenberry did complain to the station, repeatedly, two of them told me. But by 2012, they were gone and Hockenberry was flying solo. Citing confidentiality concerns, New York Public Radio CEO and President Laura Walker declined through a spokesperson to comment on the allegations ... (she knew and did nothing) That a white man, albeit a disabled one, ended up being alone at the top of the diversity show was definitely ironic ... "If you speak up, you'll disappear." (they knew) (last job was guest host on PBS's Charlie Rose show.)
Pamela Anderson Responds to Backlash Over Her Comments About Harvey Weinstein Victims: The actress said on Instagram that she stands by what she said during her Megyn Kelly interview Thursday: "You know what you're getting into if you're going into a hotel room alone" (that's not what they were doing)
How would you respond to sexual harassment training? Probably not how you think. - The Washington Post - The women who imagined the inappropriate questions thought they would feel angry if they were in the situation, but the predominant emotion that women felt in the interview was fear.
Does Kratom Really Kill? Officials Aren't Telling Us The Whole Story. | HuffPost - Authorities claim the popular herbal drug poses potentially deadly risks, but there are big problems with their evidence. (keeping people addicted, same as w/MJ with junk science, or outright lies)
Baltimore police chief requests FBI take over investigation into killing of detective who was set to testify in police corruption case : news
What is the scariest or most disturbing crime that remains unsolved today? : AskReddit
HIV-positive school aide accused of sexual assault faces 206 charges - CNN
Beginner's Guide to Finding the Right Therapist
The Wrong Type of Talk Therapy - The New York Times -- Medical Justice, which helps doctors fend off malpractice suits, has encouraged its clients to have patients sign agreements giving the doctors control over Web postings mentioning their practices. (oh, great non-disclosure contracts)
Apocalypse of James: Banned book found at Oxford University | Daily Telegraph - THE secret advice and prophecies Jesus gave his brother, James.
Magnesium batteries could be safer and more efficient than lithium
ELI5: NASA Engineers just communicated with Voyager 1 which is 21 BILLION kilometers away (and out of our solar system) and it communicated back. How is this possible? : explainlikeimfive
You are more likely to remember something if you read it out loud, a study from the University of Waterloo has found. Dubbed the "production effect" the study determined that it is the dual action of speaking and hearing oneself that has the most beneficial impact on memory.
Neil Young's Massive Online Archive Is Open
TIL that the word with the most meanings in English is the verb 'set', with 430 senses listed in the Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, published in 1989. The word commands the longest entry in the dictionary at 60,000 words, or 326,000 characters. : todayilearned
What's the best dirty joke you know Reddit?
[Serious]What is the most horrifying thing to happen to you that you can't explain? : AskReddit
What's the most expensive thing you've ever touched? : AskReddit
[Serious] Teenage (and younger) Redditors, what's a reference older people make that you'd like to have explained? : AskReddit
John Schindler on Twitter: "Not to alarm you or anything...but Moscow's conducting massive nuclear exercises while Kremlin bigwigs pontificate about Antichrist and Arma"
Trump trip to Britain canned as tensions rise - NZ Herald
Officials: Trump might declare Jerusalem the Israeli capital - ABC News (Netanyahu is his boss)
President Donald Trump unsurprisingly made a cameo.
Qatar threatens to reveal the documents showing that Saudi Crown Prince backs some al-Qaeda and ISIS kingpins
Investigators explore possibility that Border Patrol agent died in accident | Mexico | Dallas News (Trump said build the wall on fake news)
TIL the FBI kept files on Elvis Presley because they believed he raised the sexual passions of teenagers posing a "definite danger to the security of the United States" : todayilearned ... Or maybe their file was because he was a pedophile
Former N.S.A. Employee Pleads Guilty to Taking Classified Information - The New York Times
Trump Pressed Top Republicans to End Senate Russia Inquiry - The New York Times
Kushner Is Said to Have Ordered Flynn to Contact Russia - Bloomberg - Now that the retired general has pleaded guilty, the president's son-in-law could be one of the next dominoes to fall.
Report: Jared Kushner Met With Special Counsel To Talk About Michael Flynn And Russia | HuffPost - They both attended a meeting with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.
John Schindler on Twitter: "Don't worry, he's not gonna need clearances much longer anyway."
Trump White House caught off guard by Flynn plea - POLITICO - The former national security adviser appeared in federal court to admit to a single charge of lying to FBI investigators just as the White House was focused on the passage of its landmark tax bill.
Tillerson worries secret plan could plunge region into chaos
How Rex Tillerson Wrecked the State Department | The New Yorker
The Flynn Plea: A Quick and Dirty Analysis - Lawfare
It Was Kushner Who Told Flynn To Make Calls About Israel UN Vote, Source Says
Former Prosecutors Break Down What Mike Flynn's Plea Deal Really Means
How the Flynn Charges Box In Trump - Bloomberg
The Latest: AP sources link KT McFarland to Flynn papers
Michael Flynn Expected to Plead Guilty to Lying to the F.B.I. - The New York Times
Former Trump Adviser Michael Flynn Charged In Special Counsel's Russia Investigation | HuffPost - Flynn is expected to plead guilty to one count of making a false statement to FBI agents.
Former Prosecutors Break Down What Mike Flynn's Plea Deal Really Means (given how Russian-compromised he is, the decision to limit to a single charge means he's been singing like a canary)
Donald Trump Suspected for Weeks That Mike Flynn Would Flip
Erik Prince testifies before House Intelligence Committee | TheHill
Flynn prepared to testify that Trump directed him to contact Russians about ISIS, confidant says - ABC News
Who's next? -- If anyone thinks the Meth-Addict-in-Chief won't gleefully shove his son-in-law under the bus, please contact me about a bigly beautiful deal on a casino in New Jersey.
Why Did Mike Flynn Bother To Lie To The FBI? ... Had Flynn not thought of the possibility that his call with Kislyak could have been under surveillance when he talked to the FBI? Or was there just something bigger that he was trying to hide? < John Schindler on Twitter: "BOTH #FTW "Whether Flynn is monumentally stupid or monumentally arrogant is the big question" (12 FEB)"
Mueller: Trump Team Meddling In Obama Diplomacy Extended Beyond Flynn
Panic Spin -- now claiming that the Obama White House in fact authorized Mike Flynn's secret calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.
Michael Flynn to Plead Guilty to Lying to FBI - This is one sweet plea deal.
Did Trump Obstruct Justice in the Russia Investigation? - Is Trump even smart enough to pull that off?
Trump is going to fire Mueller pretty soon - Lawyers, Guns & Money (and Republicans will do nothing)
Nobody is above the Law -- Mueller Firing Rapid Response
Oh, Shut Up - Lawyers, Guns & Money - It's disgusting not only because Comey's grossly unethical behavior directly resulted in Donald Trump becoming president, but because he allowed a major NYT story suggesting that the FBI saw no connection between Trump and Russia to remain out there without comment during the height of the media frenzy over the prejudicial letter he issued in defiance of department rules and norms.
Would You Trust This Man and a Network of Private Armies? - A new report shows a CIA-related plan that should terrify all of us. (Tom Cotton at the core of Trump's takeover of America)
Trump White House Faces Prospect of More Senior Departures - WSJ - Secretary of State Tillerson is most likely to leave as first anniversary approaches, say officials
How Those Anti-Muslim Videos Probably Got Into Trump's Twitter Feed | HuffPost - And the deeply troubling, bot-fueled surge of anti-Muslim activity on Twitter over the last year, as revealed by a new report. (Trump fell for Russian fake news, what a surprise +"anorexic cunt")
Russian trolls pushed graphic, racist tweets to American voters : news
Russian Trolls Linked Clinton To 'Satanic Ritual' In Fake News Campaign Push: Report | HuffPost - The lies went into overdrive to influence the election, NBC News says.
Eschaton: It Can't Always Go Up To 11 - There was good journalism then - otherwise how would I know what to be mad about - but if you, for example, flipped on Hardball in 2005, it was Bush country and everybody loved him. We all remember the joke about how Bush critics were "shrill." ... "The president of the United States boosting this diseased racist propaganda quite understandably taints everything else he says and does."
Trump's mind-numbing media manipulation machine
Corker to vote no on GOP tax bill | TheHill (because Susie is in the bag)
Republicans like to pretend Bush's tax cuts never happened ... Trump: "You know, for years they have not been able to get tax cuts, many, many years since Reagan." ("pretend" = "lie" because American's can't remember 10 years ago and neither can your media) ... 62% of the benefits that go the richest of the rich -- more than double Bush's policy
VStarffin comments on Republicans like to pretend Bush's tax cuts never happened
Redditor explains why the Republican tax plan is terrible for America : bestof
Gowdy, Benghazi panel settled wrongful firing suit with $150,000 in public funds - The Washington Post - to settle with a former aide who alleged he was fired in part because he was not willing to focus his investigative work on Hillary Clinton. (his face tells it all, once again)
Conservative Megadonor Robert Mercer Funded Project Veritas - The connection between the Mercer family and the controversial activist group recently busted for an undercover sting has not previously been documented.
Walmart Pulls T-Shirts That Hint At Lynching Journalists : The Two-Way : NPR (hahaha NPR, "hint")
Where the GOP Tax Plan Stands Right Now
Susan Collins is ready to roll on the No Billionaires Left Behind Act, and she's playing dumb ... Susan Collins believes that the GOP will become a pragmatic, center-right party that supports universal health care -- just as soon as she votes for a giant tax cut for the rich that's financed by sabotaging Obamacare, raising taxes on the poor, and adding $1.5 trillion to the deficit. (they lie to themselves, each other, and you: good job, Maine)
Matthew Yglesias on Twitter: "I'm not sure why Sen. Collins is pretending to fall for this, which makes her look like a sucker, rather than just owning up to not caring.
Inspector general launches inquiry into whether Treasury hid Republican tax bill analysis - LA Times (Mnuchin, batman villian)
Contradicted by deficit study, Republican tax plan in disarray - The Washington Post
Why it's s such a big deal the Senate tax bill would add $1 trillion to debt (they were never serious about the deficit)
Eschaton: The End Of Ph.D Programs - Gonna be a lot of people dropping out (and they should!) if this tax bill passes... (Trump wants everyone to be as dumb as he is)
The Recession Hasn't Ended - The Atlantic - How can the country survive the next economic crash if millions of families still haven't recovered from the last one? (thanks, Barry)
Federal Contractors Are Offshoring at a Fast Clip Under Trump - Bloomberg
It's Time to Do Away With 'America's Dad' As Our Journalistic Standard (Republican father figures, ironically) ... "Today has sold itself as a family -- 'America's First Family" ... He was peak puff piece, the height of warm morning banter and friendly, approachable get-the-kids-ready-for-school TV ... To really repair the damage Matt Lauer has done, we'd need to go back and undo every damaging subliminal message he ever sent in his hundreds of hours on live TV -- every slightly too-lusty chuckle, every moment when he complimented a guest on her appearance, every time he negged Ann Curry ... and made us believe that it was appropriate for America's dad to ogle accomplished female athletes on television.
Stephen Colbert Burns Donald Trump Jr. With One Simple Question | HuffPost - A bizarre tweet about sexual harassment written by Donald Trump Jr. in 2011 is getting new attention today.
Vice Media Fires 3 Employees Amid Sexual Harassment Complaints | HuffPost - The company previously suspended Jason Mojica, the head of its documentary film division ... an increasingly tense work environment, especially after Vice Media CEO Shane Smith delivered a company-wide "State of the Union" that failed to mention the Daily Beast report and the suspension that occurred mere hours earlier... The New York Times reportedly has been working on a story about sexual harassment allegations at Vice Media. HuffPost's Ashley Feinberg spoke with seven current Vice employees who described frustrations with management boiling over as the company tried to preempt an exposi that's worse han anything previously reported.
Olivia Munn Tears Apart Russell Simmons' Apology Over Sexual Assault Claims | HuffPost - The actress translated the music mogul's statement with a "Douchebag Dictionary"
Seth Meyers Has A Scathing Message For Matt Lauer | HuffPost
Meredith Vieira Called Out Matt Lauer for 'Huge Bag of Sex Toys' In His Office
Eschaton: I Know It's Page Six - But I am so sorry, so sorry, I am a bad man, now give me $30 million is... well, fuck you Matt. ... Maybe give it all to Ann Curry? hahahahaa
Jimmy Kimmel on Twitter War with Roy Moore - YouTube
Congress secretly paid nearly $100,000 to settle harassment claims against disgraced congressman - ABC News - The Congressional Office of Compliance secretly paid close to $100,000 in taxpayer funds to settle sexual harassment claims from at least two young male staffers who worked for disgraced former Congressman Eric Massa, The claims were settled after Massa, a Democrat from upstate New York, resigned in 2010 amid a pending ethics investigation into allegations he groped and sexually harassed members of his staff.
Rep. Joe Barton: I will not seek re-election | Politics | Dallas News
Uber Investor Shervin Pishevar Accused of Sexual Misconduct by Multiple Women - Bloomberg - Five women tell Bloomberg the venture capitalist used his position of power to pursue romantic relationships and unwanted sexual encounters. (UberBro)
Midler to Rivera: Apologize for alleged sexual assault - The Boston Globe ... comment: This is just the start on Geraldo. A serial philanderer and narcissist of epic proportions. (Jeraldo has always be a skeeveball)
Bette Midler accuses Fox News host Geraldo Rivera of sexual misconduct and demands apology : news
Ronan Farrow Faced Intimidation While Exposing Harvey Weinstein - YouTube
Israel Horovitz resigns from Gloucester Stage after allegations of sexual assault - The Boston Globe -- Nine women have accused playwright Israel Horovitz of sexual misconduct, including rape, over a period extending from the 1980s to last year ... allegation by one woman -- the former girlfriend of Adam Horovitz, the playwright's son and a former member of the Beastie Boys -- that Israel Horovitz raped her in 1989, when she was 19.
Senate to hire independent investigator to look into sexual misconduct allegations - The Boston Globe (dude looks like he's 12)
Four men allege sexual misconduct by Senate president's husband ... Hefner took a step forward, grabbed the man's genitals and didn't let go. He recalled Hefner asking him to have some fun with him, telling him Rosenberg wouldn't mind, that Hefner and the Senate president were a team on Beacon Hill, and that they would take care of him. (or maybe 8 with a fake beard)
For senator's partner, uproar is unexpected turn in a resilient life (Pee-Wee Herman boy-toy)
Rosenberg 'devastated' over allegations against husband
What the daily assault revelations say about them and us - The Boston Globe
She Says She Quit Her Campaign Job After He Harassed Her. Now He's in Congress -- Last year, a 25-year-old woman left her job on Democratic Rep. Ruben Kihuen
White Supremacists Were Ready for Violence in Charlottesville. The Police Were Not. - The New York Times
Kate Steinle trial: Garcia Zarate acquitted in San Francisco pier killing - San Francisco Chronicle
Trump calls acquittal of Mexican man a 'travesty of justice' (said the maybe-not-human travesty)
Mother: children bullied at school for not being Christian : news - Although Powell County superintendent Michael Tate declined to go on camera, he said Estes's complaints are not falling on deaf ears and that the school system is looking into the complaints. Yeah...just took 2 years and a news story, huh?
Mother: Children Bullied At School For Not Being Christian - ... "My children are asked every day, 'do youi believein God? Why don't you go? He's been told by teachers things like the Atheists will be eaten by bears (Kaintucky)
Transit experts propose ending NYC's 24/7 subway system (you don't have a helicopter? well fuck you.)
LA Weekly reveals its secret owners: mostly men with Orange County ties - LA Times -- Calle said the publication, which laid off all its editors and all but one of its writers Wednesday, wasn't ought for nefarious reasons. Instead, he said, the alternative weekly was in the hands of people who wanted to make the property "the cultural center of the city" ... "a new era of edginess and taboo for the city of L.A"
TIL a study shows that 47% of french horn players report hearing loss : todayilearned (What?)
A new study found that the legalization of cannabis has not led to more teens using marijuana. Legalizing pot did not encourage teens to begin smoking cannabis. : science
Teenage brains can't tell what's importand what isn't. This may be because their brains aren't developed enough to properly assess how high the stakes are, and adapt their behaviour accordingly. The findings explain why some adolescents are so nonchalant when it comes to risky behaviours.
Evolution row ends as scientists declare sponges to be sister of all other animals. Sponges were first to branch off the evolutionary tree from the common ancestor of all animals, finds new study in Current Biology. : science -- We think that sponges are a good approximation for the change from unicellular life (choanocytes) to multicellular life, and how cells can come together in a biologically meaningful and organized way. (we're all sponges)
What is the weirdest thing about humans? : AskReddit
Disney Can't Escape $37 Million Fraud Claims From Bill Nye the Science Guy : television
Doctors Created Vibrators After Growing Tired of Masturbating 'Hystical' Women
TIL that J. Paul Getty, with a net worth of 1.2billion in the 50s, scolded his wife for spending money freely on the treatment of their six-year-old son after he went blind from a brain tumour. When his son died six years later, Getty didn't attend the funeral. : todayilearned
elitexero comments on Streamers Faze Banks and Alissa Violet falsely accuse a business and get fans to write bogus reviews to hurt the business. Business responds by posting security video showing what really happened [xpost from /r/JusticeServed]
Mark Cuban Still Has Absolutely No Idea How Net Neutrality Works : technology (or maybe he does)
Why a Generation in Japan Is Facing a Lonely Death - The New York Times
Eschaton: Borders - I have a minor fascination with the Northern Ireland border situation because...I don't see a solution. I've seen ones that people have proposed and they don't (to me) make any sense, though maybe I'm missing something. Like many things in politics the discourse has moved from a couple of "crazy" people pointing out that, "hey, uh, guys, this is a problem..." and being met with denials, to "haha suck it idiots who cares." ... "Dublin will pay for it."
U.S. military indefinitely delays ban on cluster bombs : news
The national security emergency we're not talking about (dismantling the State)
Trump draws embarrassingly tiny crowd for National Christmas Tree lighting | Shareblue Media - Once again, his is much smaller than Obama's
White House maintenance orders reveal cockroaches, ants and mice infestations | TheHill (and maybe some snakes)
Paul Manafort Reaches Bail Deal With Mueller
New York radio personality was Roger Stone's WikiLeaks contact - Randy Credico,
The case for normalizing impeachment - Vox - Impeaching an unfit president has consequences. But leaving one in office could be worse.
'Art of the Deal' co-author: Trump 'losing his grip on reality'
Scarborough: Trump allies told me he has dementia | TheHill ... Trump is "completely detached from reality"
The President Is Losing Whatever Was Left - King Lear in an ill-fitting suit - This was not just the president* running off at the fingertips again. This was an incitement to violence. This was a president* calling out for the destruction of a news organization that has criticized him. This was out-and-out fascism ... "Journeys into the realm of manufactured facts?"
This is getting worse - The Washington Post - How long are we going to pretend that President Trump is fully rational? How long are we going to ignore the signs that he is dangerously out of control?
Trump veers past guardrails, feeling impervious to the uproar he causes - The Washington Post
Britain furious, Trump unapologetic as fallout swells from anti-Muslim videos - The Washington Post
'I'm just waiting for a call from the White House with an apology.' Britain's 'wrong' Theresa May speaks out. (tweeted the wrong Theresa May ... who said: "I'm just glad he was not contacting me to say he was going to war with North Korea.") (comment: "It's little things like this that make me worry Trump is going to end up getting so mad at Kim Jong Un that he bombs North Carolina.")
The Disturbing Video Retweeted by President Trump Is Not What It Seems
Where That False Anti-Muslim Video Trump Retweeted Came From -- The video, which depicts an attack by a Dutch teen on another Dutch teen, was first picked up by anti-Muslim activists in May. It has circulated through pro-Trump Twitter accounts, Reddit, Alex Jones' website Prison Planet, and the website of an anti-Muslim crusader -- before being retweeted by the president of the United States. ... It is unclear how President Trump, who does not follow Fransen, came across the video, but conservative writer and commentator Ann Coulter ("anorexic cunt"), who Trump does follow, retweeted the video on the same day Fransen posted it for the second time on her account.
White House Plans Tillerson Ouster From State Dept., to Be Replaced by Pompeo - The New York Times
Interrogators Blast Trump's 'Clueless' CIA Pick Tom Cotton (mocked Russia collusion, love water-boarding) That could make for a tense reception at Langley.
Cotton to CIA? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (very bad, murderous, stupid person)
A Simple Fix for Our Massive Inequality Problem - The New York Times -- the top 1 percent had an average wealth of $26.6 million, while the net worth of everyone in the bottom third combined was less than zero (because of a mixture of low accumulated savings and high debt) ... Creating a social wealth fund in which we all own an equal part is certainly not the only way to tackle wealth inequality directly, but it is one of the few ways that we know works well and is able to work within the system we now have.
The Senate Is Rushing to Pass Its Tax Bill Because It Stinks - The New York Times
"Let's Get As Much As We Can Before the Cops Show Up"
Gen X and Millennials Will Pay for the GOP's Tax Plan - The Atlantic - The Republican tax plan would stick young people with the bill, right as political influence is shifting to America's diverse younger generations.
Rubio: Offset Tax Cuts By Reducing Social Security, Medicare Benefits (tell the olds and sick to fuck off and die after we take their money)
How a U.S. citizen was mistakenly targeted for deportation. He's not alone
White House Bars One of Few Black Journalists From Attending Christmas Party ... "they don't like me" ... April Ryan, American Urban Radio Networks Washington bureau chief, one of the few minority female journalists credentialed to attend the White House daily press briefings, said it was no mistake that she had yet to receive an invitation for the yuletide event.
People Are Getting Robocalls About Their "Derogatory" Trump Posts (the Russians are coming for you, thanks, Barry)
DOJ may be cracking down on recreational marijuana | McClatchy Washington Bureau (dismantling the economy but Jeebus hates pot)
Nazi Sympathizer Profiled by The Times Loses His Job : news
N.Y. attorney general warns Project Veritas its fundraising license is at risk - The Washington Post -- is at risk of losing its ability to raise money in New York because it did not disclose that its founder had a criminal record
Text messages with Project Veritas operative and Post employee show sustained effort to befriend newspaper employee - Washington Post
Trump Reportedly Once Bragged About 'First-Rate P***y' | HuffPost - The president, who has been accused by at least 16 women of sexual assault or harassment, has used the vulgar term before.
Trump Bragged: ' Nothing in the World Like First-Rate P**sy'
Eschaton: Power And Visibility - It's a bit (just a bit) of a mystery how you can think you can be America's Very Good Boy on teevee 5 days per week and not think this stuff would come out eventually. I mean, I get it, it took this long... there are reasons. But still.
"Everybody Knew": Inside the Fall of Today's Matt Lauer -- They passed on the Weinstein story -- but NBC News's own sexual harassment problem was hiding in plain sight. (maybe that's why) Lauer had been dogged by stories of infidelity for years, so much so that he had become a regular target of the tabloid press ... The Variety story about Lauer's sexual misconduct, published Wednesday, based on the accounts of more than 10 current and former employees, reports that he could lock the door to his office from his desk ... Lauer had been with the Today show for 20 years and had become the most powerful figure at NBC News ... "There's a lot of speculation that Megyn Kelly was directly involved in getting women to come forward" ... Similarly, NBC insiders saw the hand of Ann Curry, whom Lauer ousted, in his demise, and possibly even Billy Bush ... The repercussions inside NBC are unlikely to stop with Lauer ... improprieties looms large over NBC's editorial decision to pass on Ronan Farrow's reporting on Harvey Weinstein. "They were sitting in a glass house and they knew it,"
Clinton on Matt Lauer: 'Every day I believe more in karma'
The 'Today' show was a 'total boys' club' during Lauer's tenure -- "Everybody at NBC knew about Matt Lauer's sexually inappropriate behavior -- and knew not to talk about it" (and the women acted so surprised and broken up)
Matt Lauer Told Meredith On Camera ...'Keep Bending Over, Nice View' (just a little courtship)
A Failure of the Network News Star System - The New York Times
Read Matt Lauer's full apology
Matt Lauer Offers Apology (With a Caveat) - The New York Times
Geraldo Rivera Says Women 'May Be Criminalizing Courtship' After Lauer Reports | HuffPos (stfu, Jeraldo) t
John Conyers Accuser Breaks Silence: 'He Asked Me To Satisfy Him Sexually' | HuffPost
Rep;. John Conyers' accuser Marion Brown speaks out: 'He just violated my body'-- She described a specific disturbing encounter with Conyers, 88, who has denied any wrongdoing, in a Chicago hotel room in 2005. "He was undressed down to his underwear," she said. "He asked me to satisfy to him sexually. He pointed to genital areas of his body and asked me to touch him" (fucking creep)
Rep. John Conyers hospitalized in Detroit area - Conyers returned to Michigan this week amid sexual harassment claims -- office which confirmed the congressman is hospitalized but did not say why or at which hospital.
Resign Right Now | New Republic - As Donald Trump embraces Roy Moore, Democrats should take a zero tolerance stance against sexual harassment.
Roy Moore's Absurdity Knows No Bounds - We could use Mark Twain right now ... November 30 happens to be the birthday shared, 150-odd years apart, by Jonathan Swift and Mark Twain.
Why Alabamians should consider eating Democrats's babies ... Alexandra Petri ... Happy 350th birthday, Jonathan Swift. I am so glad you did not live to see today!
Roy Moore Revives Anti-Gay Rhetoric In Deflecting Sexual Assault Allegations | HuffPost (ugly little turd is very popular in AL)
Roy Moore Just Blamed His Sexual Misconduct Allegations On Lesbians, Gays, And Socialists
Minister who sang for Roy Moore lied for son accused of molesting Honduran orphans |
A Fifth Woman Has Accused Al Franken Of Sexual Misconduct | HuffPost - He kept his hand all the way over on my breast,
Street Artist Targets Al Franken
CNN Fires Jake Tapper's Senior Producer After Behavior Complaints | HuffPost - Three female colleagues reportedly came forward with the complaints. ... Teddy Davis
Writer Jenny Lumet: Russell Simmons Sexually Violated Me (Guest Column) | Hollywood Reporter : (and the daughter of filmmaker Sidney Lumet) ( and granddaughter of singer/activist Lena Horne) details a terrifying encounter with the legendary music producer, who says he is stepping down from his businesses in the wake of the new claims ... Then the car doors locked. It was loud. The noise made me jump.
Nine Women Accuse Israel Horovitz, Playwright and Mentor, of Sexual Misconduct - The New York Times
Amber Tamblyn: I'm Not Ready for the Redemption of Men
Michigan Candidate Has An Idea How To End Harassment: Vote For Someone Without A Penis | HuffPost -- Democrat Dana Nessel says she won't show her penis in a professional setting -- because she doesn't have one
Woman reveals sexual messages from Texas congressman - SFGate (good Christian family-values anti-birth-control kinda guy)
Woman reveals sexual messages from Texas congressman : news (Joe Barton)
Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas) used taxpayer funds to end a dispute with his communications director in 2014. sexual harassment claim brought by his former spokeswoman -- the only known sitting member of Congress to have used a little-known congressional account to pay an accuser (just look at him)
Vox Media Drops Open Bar From Holiday Party Amid Sexual Harassment Fears | HuffPost
Alex DeLarge Forced To Step Down As Leader Of Droogs Amidst Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct : movies
'Bully' caught on video sucker-punching man with cerebral palsy sentenced to prison
Aurora 10-year-old takes her own life after suspected bullying incident caught on camera | FOX31 Denver
Utah youth suicides jump 141 percent, new report says : news - Yeah, with alcohol or recreational drugs stigmatized by Utah religious culture the state leads the nation in prescription drug abuse.
Explore Suicide in the United States | 2015 Annual Report | AHR
Kate Steinle shooting: Jury acquits Jose Ines Garcia Zarate - "For those who might criticize this verdict the president, Vice President let me just remind them they are themselves under investigation."
Texas sheriff says it's unlikely border agents were attacked - President Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott have said the two were attacked.
Florida man being chased by cops stops to shoot up heroin. : news
FaZe Banks made a ton of allegations on what happened in a bar in Cleveland, this is their response. : videos
WATCH LIVE: Macomb County Clerk Karen Spranger before Board of... (MI: Karen Spranger: and you thought MA was bad: see links at bottom)
LA Weekly staff is slashed as Semanal Media finishes buying the publication - LA Times - Nine of the 13 members of the editorial staff lost their jobs, including all the top editors and all but one of the staff writers. (we don't need no steenking employees)
Who Owns LA Weekly? | L.A. Weekly (hedgies fucking another institution)
A secret group of investors bought LA Weekly, then fired most of its writers and editors : news
Battle Brewing Between Michael Moore, Harvey & Bob Weinstein Over Donald Trump-Themed 'Fahrenheit 9/11' Sequel
New study finds that most redditors don'T actually read the articles they vote on
What is the most fucked up thing you have seen in real life? : AskReddit
comix_corp comments on What the fuck am I looking at [NSFW]
Americans Taxed $400 Billion For Fiber Optic Internet That Doesn't exist (they took the money and laughed)
How 41 People in Lithuania Took Over Your Facebook Feed - The New York Times
New study uncovers the 'keystone domino' strategy of climate denial | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment | The Guardian
'Buried in marshes': sea-level rise could destroy historic sites on US east coast | Environment | The Guardian - New research shows by the end of the century an increase in sea level will threaten the White House, early colonial settlements and other historic places
North Korea's latest missile launch appears to put U.S. capital in range - the missile launched Wednesday, which flew 10 times higher than the International Space Station, could theoretically reach Washington, D.C.
FCC Got 444,938 Net-Neutrality Comments From Russian Email Addresses : news
Net neutrality comments mostly came from bots and fake email addresses, Pew finds : news
57% of net neutrality comments submitted to FCC appear to be fake
Controversial monk and Dalai Lama aide replaced amid corruption accusations | World news | The Guardian - Prominent Buddhists are welcoming the apparent downfall of Tenzin Dhonden, accused of abusing his position as gatekeeper to the Buddhist leader
Former Bosnian General On Trial For War Crimes Dies After Drinking Poison In Court | HuffPost - Slobodan Praljak stood up and drank from a small vial.
Jewish groups demand Poland explain naked game of tag in Nazi gas chamber | The Times of Israel
Donald Trump attacks British PM Theresa May over her criticism of his far-right retweets -- In rare clash between allies, US president tells May to focus on terrorism rather than on him -- but sends the tweet to the wrong person
Flynn's Deeds Are Much Worse Than We Thought
Special counsel delays grand jury testimony amid signs of Flynn deal talks - CNNPolitics
Crook Claims Rudy Giuliani and Michael Mukasey Tried to Broker U.S.-Turkey Prisoner Swap -- Turkish businessman Reza Zarrab flipped for the feds and told a court that President Trump's pals tried to get him out of an American jail.
Gutting State - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Trump agent of Russian plot to weaken America around the world)
Trump retweets inflammatory and unverified anti-Muslim videos - The Washington Post
President Trump Tweets Out Anti-Muslim 'Snuff Film'
The Far-Right Group Retweeted By Donald Trump Deleted A Bunch Of Pro-Putin Posts From Its Website
PoppinKREAM comments on White House defends Trump's Muslim tweets
The Birther's Back: Trump Reportedly Reignites Racist Lie About Obama | HuffPost (war on reality)
If Trump believes what he's saying, we really do need to deploy the 25th Amendment ... Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) is quoted as saying, that his compulsive fabrication shows he is a "person of destiny" (because Jesus lied all the time)
Two new reports suggest Trump has come unhinged. The truth is worse. - The Washington Post
Donald Trump is a madman - NY Daily News - Wednesday Twitter spasm confirms what many Americans have long suspected
Yet more proof: Donald Trump is a fascist sympathiser | Richard Wolffe | Opinion | The Guardian
Counselor Kellyanne Conway Is Now His Opioids Czar (her expression says it all)
Republicans Clear Major Hurdle as Tax Bill Advances - The New York Times
Senate's tax bill is a sweeping change to every part of federal health care -- It slashes Medicare by billions and will leave millions without insurance.
Roy Moore leads Doug Jones in another new Senate poll |
Why Evangelicals Stick with Donald Trump & Roy Moore | - white evangelicals get their religion from their politics, not their politics from their religion. ... In 2016, Donald Trump received the support of 80% of white evangelicals and born-again Christians, while Hillary Clinton drew just 16%. Clinton, on the other hand, won 60% of non-evangelicals. One year later, in the Virginia governor's race. Republican Ed Gillespie carried 79% of white evangelicals, compared to Democrat Ralph Northam's 19%. Northam carried a stunning 67% of Virginians who were not white evangelicals or born-agains. (hypocrisy of false Christian becoming clearer)
Matt Lauer Accused of Sexual Harassment by Multiple Women
"They Act Like Sexist Assholes." "You Ever Think They're Not Acting?" -- Remember when NBC featherweight Matt Lauer hectored Hillary Clinton about inane bullshit while tossing softballs at Donald Trump? Well
Matt Lauer allegedly sexually assaulted staffer during Olympics | Page Six
NBC New3s fires 'Today' anchor Matt Lauer after sexual misconduct review
NBC Fires Matt Lauer Over Sexual Misconduct Allegation - The New York Times
'Today' show host Matt Lauer fired after claims of 'inappropriate sexual behavior'
After Matt Lauer's firing, his awkward moments with Anne Hathaway, Katie Couric and others resurface - The Washington Post ... TMZ unearthed a 2012 clip of Couric telling Bravo's Andy Cohen that Lauer's most annoying habit was "pinching me on the ass a lot' (another one)
Revisiting Matt Lauer's sexist 2012 interview with Anne Hathaway (fucking creep)
Matt Lauer is exactly the sort of guy who needed a remote controlled lock on his office door - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- On another day, he summoned a different female employee to his office, and then dropped his pants, showing her his penis. After the employee declined to do anything, visibly shaken, he reprimanded her for not engaging in a sexual act. (so no one could walk in one him, who approved that?? because they enabled him consciouisly)
Eschaton: And Matt Lauer - The real story (which I don't know!) is how much people covered for him. I don't mean victims and underlings, I mean people who had enough power to do something about it. I don't want to hear hiding behind the lack of official complaints. It's the kind of thing "everybody knows."
The Ghost of Matt Lauer on the 'Today Show' - The Atlantic - represents much more than a casting change
Matt Lauer fired from NBC News for sexual misconduct : news
NBC's Matt Lauer fired following sexual harassment complaints regarding 'inappropriate workplace behavior' : television
'Operation Bambi': How and Why NBC Kicked Ann Curry Off Today
Geraldo Rivera out here defending Matt Lauer. Geraldo sexually assaulted Bette Midler. : videos
This GIF of Matt Lauer seems inappropriate now : gifs
Garrison Keillor, ex-host of A Prairie Home Companion, fired after allegations of improper behavior
Al Franken should resign? That's absurd By Garrison Keillor (he knew he was under investigation when he wrote the op-ed)
Steven Thrasher on Twitter: "The thing is, this is how all this works, right? Powder milk biscuits, church potlucks, Lake Wobegone...Midwest white nostalgia is a soft we"
Did Al Franken make a bad decision, or is he a creep? Look for the pattern. - The Washington Post
NPR chief news editor David Sweeney is ousted after sexual harassment allegations : news
In response to Roy Moore allegations, women use #MeAt14 Twitter hashtag to remind the world what it looks like to be 14 - The Washington Post
Trump suggested the 2001 death of a Joe Scarborough aide is an 'unsolved mystery.' It isn't
Sean Hannity Flips Out After Seeing His NY Times Magazine Cover Photo | HuffPost
Lucian Wintrich, White House Correspondent For Gateway Pundit, Arrested After Altercation At UConn Talk - Hartford Courant
Honolulu police tell legal marijuana users to turn in their firearms : news
As a teen, he savagely beat a classmate. The attack was forgotten, until he went into politics - LA Times - When you have a lot of money, you can kind of get away with stuff,
What screams "I'm uneducated"? : AskReddit
Mary Magdalene International Trailer 1 : movies
Online trolls are most likely to be male and exhibit higher levels of psychopathy and sadism : science
Hair Loss Treatment Coming? New agent not only prevents hair loss but actually promotes the growth of new hair, and when applied to the bare skin of mice for a period of 28 days, led to the growth of new hair follicles, as reported in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. : science
Valproate reopens critical-period learning of absolute pitch
TIL: De Beers has spent millions trying to detect the difference between "real" diamonds and modern lab-grown diamonds - so far to no avail - as the diamond supply floods with cheap chinese lab-grown gems. : todayilearned
A Simple Explanation of Sun Tzu's The Art of War - animated : videos
Men of Reddit, what's the hottest thing a woman can say during sex? : AskReddit
Dr. Downvote: Youtube's Secret Codes REVEALED : videos
US gun violence spawns a new epidemic: conspiracy theorists harassing victims | US news | The Guardian - families face a second round of attacks online -- and fighting back is 'like trying to kill roaches with a fly swatter'
North Korea Fires a Ballistic Missile, in a Further Challenge to Trump - The New York Times
North Korea's Longest Missile Test Yet
Lurking in Toilets, Swimming the Streets: Snakes of Bangkok Move In - The New York Times
Olympic Doping Diaries: Chemist's Notes Bolster Case Against Russia
Odds Are, Russia Owns Trump - The New York Times
Manafort Bankers, Associates Summoned to Talk to Manhattan D.A. - Bloomberg
Dismantling the Foreign Service - The New York Times
What the Tax Bill Would Look Like for 25,000 Middle-Class Families - The New York Times
How Far Will Sean Hannity Go? - The New York Times (Full Trumpster and is reaching more than 13 million people a day)
Here Are Some Facts and Questions About That Nazi the New York Times Failed to Note
Here Are Some Facts and Questions About That Nazi the New York Times Failed to Note ... Hovater ... adding "GTKRWN:)" a popular acronym that stands for Gas The Kikes Race War Now. (very shallow reporting, no fact-checking, strange ommisions)
New York Times's Nazi Profile Was Better In Original German
How To Actually Cover Nazis - Lawyers, Guns & Money - the fact that he uses anti-Semitic pro-genocide acronyms online is more relevant that what his favorite Panera sandwich is.
Shakesville: On That NYT Profile of a Nazi
The Nazi sympathizer profile that's receiving backlash
J.H. Swanson on Twitter: "On August 20, 1939, the New York Times wrote an article profiling Hitler's daily life in his mountain chalet, featuring such details as, "Though Hitler is a strict vegetarian and teetotaler, he is not indifferent to meals." Twelve days later, Hitler invaded Poland.
Donald Trump and the White Nationalists | The New Yorker - The Fearful and the Frustrated
Anthony Scaramucci Resigns From University Board After Threatening to Sue Student : news
Many local Republicans think Joe Barton shouldn't run for re-election | Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Florida Gov. Rick Scott Consultant Denies Using Ice Penis to Hump Mannequin | Miami New Times
'Access Hollywood' Shoots Down Trump: 'The Tape Is Very Real' | HuffPost
Seth Meyers Nails The Dumbest Part Of Trump's 'Access Hollywood' Denial | HuffPost
Moore Opens Up 49 44 Lead in Alabama; Just 9% of Trump Voters Believe Allegations Against Moore
James O'Keefe tweeted about his 'confrontation' with a Post rfeporter. Here's what really happened.
How James O'Keefe Made Himself Irrelevant -- latest stunt is possibly his biggest backfire: He attempted to sting The Washington Post with a fake Roy Moore accuser, but found himself stung, as the Post exposed the scheme in a detailed report on Monday night.
The sinister screw-ups of James O'Keefe
Former staffer accuses Conyers of harassment
Angela Lansbury Says Women Must Sometimes Take Blame For Harassment | HuffPost - We have to own up to the fact that women ... have gone out of their way to make themselves attractive
The Limits of 'Believe All Women'
Therapy for Sexual Misconduct? It's Mostly Unproven
Men have unwanted sex with women in order to conform to gender expectations and to avoid uncomfortable interactions finds new research by an NYU sociologist. : science
TIL gender can now be determined from the concentration of amino acids in a fingerprint (levels are significantly higher in the sweat of women than that of men). The testing method can be performed at the crime scene and works in a manner similar to pregnancy strips or glucose meters. : todayilearned
YouTube kills ads on 50,000 channels as advertisers flee over disturbing child content
Uber Criminal Probe Shines Light on Vanishing Message System - Bloomberg - A criminal probe of Uber Technologies Inc. has turned up revelations that the ride-hailing company used encrypted messaging to hide its tracks while spying on rivals, evading authorities and fighting off lawsuits.
Drilling Reawakens Sleeping Faults in Texas, Leads to Earthquakes - Scientific American -- For 300 million years faults showed no activity, and then wastewater injections from oil and gas wells came along (Americans screwing themselves to give everything to the rich)
Landfill photos from six cities that highlight the global waste problem - Washington Post
Myanmar accused of wiping out secret network of Rohingya reporters | Global development | The Guardian - Human rights groups fear military has disappeared or killed undercover journalists to starve the world of news about persecution in Rakhine state
Michael Flynn's lawyer meets with members of special counsel's team, raising specter of plea deal
A key witness in the Russia probe had a 'lengfthy conversastion' with Trump at Mar-a-Lago ... Former CIA Director James Woolsey dined with President Donald Trump last weekend ...Woolsey, who served on the board of Flynn's lobbying firm, Flynn Intel Group, was at a meeting on September 19, 2016, with Flynn and Turkish government ministers in which they discussed removing the controversial Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen from US soil, Woolsey has said. (wtf?) (WP: "Remember the guy who in 1994 crashed his plane onto the White House lawn? That was me trying to get an appointment to see President Clinton.)
Michael Flynn's lawyer meets with members of special counsel's team, raising specter of plea deal - ABC News
ICE's Courthouse Arrests Undercut Democracy
Senate GOP tax bill hurts the poor more than originally thought, CBO finds - The Washington Post (and it was originally desgined to do that)
In Tax Debate, Gift to Religious Right Could Be Bargaining Chip - The New York Times (end of church-state separation, next step after Citizens United)
Eschaton: The Explainers - That political reporters have never understood - or pretended to never understand - that Republicans don't care about the deficit is an indictment of all of them. Are they stupid or corrupt is valid question. (both)
Top CFPB Official Sues Trump Administration As Showdown Over Agency Heats Up | HuffPost - Leandra English has sued the Trump administration over its appointment of Mick Mulvaney.
Consumer bureau's top lawyer sides with Trump in leadership clash
This explains a lot... : pics (Mary Trump, semi-human and additional pics in comments)< The pathetic neediness of Trump - The Washington Post
Trump calls Warren 'Pocahontas' at event honoring Native American veterans -- "Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas, but do you know what? I like you" (the most important thing is to be "liked" by Satan)
On Trump and the idea of political correctness - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- This I suppose is characteristic of Trump's eagerness not to be "politically correct," which means his eagerness to besmear a solemn public event intended to honor heroic men in the twilight of their lives with his witless rhetorical slime.
White House Memo Justifying CFPB Takeover Was Written By Payday Lender Attorney ... represented a payday lender in front of the CFPB last year. (that's some crooked revenge)
Leandra English of CFPB sues Trump to block Mick Mulvaney for head of watchdog agency - The Washington Post
This Is What Dictators Do - Mulvaney is still the director of the Office of Management and Budget, as important a sub-Cabinet job as there is. Even for this job, he's painfully unqualified, being basically a garden-variety Tea Party hack with no grounding in economics beyond whatever he last read in a mass email from Heritage.
Our Perfect Constitutional Machine - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Cops, Cellphones and Privacy at the Supreme Court - The New York Times
How a Radio Shack Robbery Could Spur a New Era in Digital Privacy - The New York Times
Journalist Who Told Laquan McDonald's Story Faces Fight Over Sources (corrupt killer cops)
Chaos Erupts In VA House Weeks After Wrong Ballots Given To Crucial District
Nazis: They're just like us!
The New York Times' Nazi Story Was Bad, and They Should Have Killed It - A lesson for some editors at The New York Times.
Eric Rauchway on Twitter: "Herbert Hoover, after returning from Germany in April 1938:"
Susan Sarandon Says 'We Would Be At War' If Hillary Clinton Had Won | HuffPost ... "we would still be fracking" (idiot)
Trump White House ethics lawyer exits - POLITICO
Trump's long history of misleading the media (lying to idiots)
Time Inc. To Be Acquired By Meredith Corp. In Deal Backed By Koch Brothers | HuffPost - The Koch's "will have no influence on Meredith's editorial or managerial operations" (hahahaha)
The New York Times Can't Figure Out Where Nazis Come From In 2017. Pepe Has An Answer. (and the "reporting" sucked)
There are Slave Markets in Libya and It's All Hillary Clinton's Fault - Regardless, the upshot is that Obama and Clinton appear to have bungled things in Libya.
How the #MeToo Movement Is Changing Showbiz Culture Worldwide | Hollywood Reporter
ANALYSIS: In questioning authenticity of 'Access Hollywood' tape, President Trump seeks to define own reality (he's been doing that for a long time)
Congress Returns to Intense Pressure to End Secrecy Over Sex Harassment - The New York Times -- "It was a system set up in 1995 to protect the harasser" ... News of Mr. Conyers's settlement was reported last week by BuzzFeed News, which published documents showing that he had settled a complaint in 2015 by a former employee who had said she was fired because she rejected his sexual advances. (they covered up their crimes, of course they did)
Congress races to fix secret hush money system as "a lot more" revelations expected - Axios - So now there's a race to strengthen workplace rules that are scandalously archaic.
What On Earth Do You Have To Do To Be Kicked Out Of Politics? | HuffPost
Roy Moore Is Deplorable, and Donald Trump Condoning His Sins Is Unforgivable
The Latest: Moore pushes back on allegations in new TV ad -- "false allegations" in a "scheme by liberal elites and the Republican establishment"
Retired Marine colonel to launch Senate write-in campaign in Alabama - The Washington Post ("independent centrist") He served as the vice chief of staff to Kelly when the current White House chief of staff was a three-star lieutenant general commanding the Marine Forces Reserve.
A woman approached The Post with dramatic -- and false -- tale about Roy Moore. She appears to be part of undercover sting operation. (James, is that you?)
James O'Keefe's s House of Massive FAIL
Moore buried under TV ad barrage - POLITICO
California lawmaker resigns following misconduct allegations - ABC News - California Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra resigned Monday following multiple allegations of sexual misconduct, making him the first lawmaker to leave office amid a spate of reports rocking the state Capitol. (but he denies everything)
Al Franken on whether he will face more groping allegations: 'I don't know. I can't say.' (so many butts, so little time) comment: "Leeann Tweeden, who originally accused him of wrongdoing, works for Cumulus Media Networks, the same company that employs Geraldo Rivera, Mike Huckabee, Mark Levin and Michael Savage -- rightwing demagogues of the worst type -- and has appeared on Sean Hannity's program many times."
'I'm going to have to be more careful,' Sen. Al Franken said of sexual misconduct allegations (about whose butt I'm grabbin')
Al Franken on Whether He's Ever Groped a Woman's Butt: 'I Can't Say I haven't Done That'
Leeann Tweeden Grinding and Groping at USO in 2006 - YouTube (Tweenden looks like a rightwing hitjob)
This One Weird Trick won't prevent sexual assault (the Pence rule)
Let's rethink sex
Doctors & Sex Abuse: How doctors who abuse patients keep practicing, 50-state investigation finds
'House of Cards' production crew to be paid for additional two weeks while on hiatus (while they work on cloning Spacey) The show has a production crew of between 250 and 300 people.
WME's Adam Venit Returns After Suspension Over Terry Crews Groping Claim
Tufts postpones Scaramucci event after he threatens student and paper with lawsuit - The Boston Globe -- Scaramucci, a Tufts graduate
Here are the statements that former Trump spokesman Anthony Scaramucci didn't want you to read (the mooch is mad)
There are no cakewalks in the Trump era -- even for Baker
Researchers have shown that over time, the stability of our democracies can only be preserved by findings ways to reduce the time span governments typically need to respond to the wishes of citizens, particularly when confronted with external shocks. : science
Herpes Researcher Injected Patients With Virus at Holiday Inn - William Halford conducted unregulated human herpes experiments in hotels near the college campus.
Bright light therapy helps people with bipolar depression, finds a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. After four to six weeks, 68% of patients using bright white light therapy achieved remission of depression compared to 22% of patients who received the placebo light. : science
Hyper-masculine men may be more likely to take part in pain research and it could be skewing our understanding of how women and men experience pain differently : science
If light can travel freely through space, why isn't the Earth perfectly lit all the time? Where does all the light from all the stars get lost?
Women of Reddit, what's your worst catcall stories? : AskReddit
[Serious] Men who have been sexually assaulted by women, what is your story? : AskReddit
Lebanese paper outs Gal Gadot as a "Mossad agent" : news
IamA guy who went to prison for trolling/SWATing AMA! : IAmA
The Predictable Threads are Driving Me Insane : HighQualityGifs
Prufrock451 comments on Could I destroy the entire Roman Empire during the reign of Augustus if I traveled back in time with a modern U.S. Marine infantry battalion or MEU?
What Reddit post was so good you read the entire comment chain? : AskReddit
Octopus uses a shield of shells to defend itself against a shark. : gifs
At the gas station : WTF
We don't need to save endangered species. Extinction is part of evolution. The only creatures we should go out of our way to protect are Homo sapiens. (except there is nothing "natural" about the greatly accelerated rate of extinction +what are you going to eat?)
Puerto Rico's Farmers Face A Long Road To Recovery Post-Hurricane Maria | HuffPost -- The island lost 80 percent of its crop value to the storm
Steele Dossier Claims Updated (mostly true, some stuff can't be verified, yet)
Zimbabwe: Robert Mugabe to get $10m payoff and immunity for his family | World news | The Guardian - Ousted president was also promised that his salary would continue to be paid for life, reveals senior Zanu-PF official
'Treacherous shenanigans' -- The inside story of Mugabe's downfall ... Mugabe, who had run Zimbabwe since 1980 and overseen its descent into economic ruin while his wife shopped for luxury goods (after looting a trillion dollars)
Alicia Vikander and 600 Actresses Write Open Letter Against Sex Abuse | IndieWire -- "We will put the shame where it belongs -- with the perpetrator and those who protect him (because women are never sexually abusive)
Pakistan Deploys Military Troops After Violent Clashes in Islamabad - The New York Times
Pentagon tried to block independent report on child sex among Afghan forces, Senate office says - The Washington Post
US tobacco companies forced to run ads admitting cigarettes are addictive and smoking kills : news (took decades)
Over 1.3 million anti-net neutrality FCC comments are likely fakes : technology (Russians dismantling your internets with the help of Republicans)
FCC doubles down on its dead-wrong definition of how the internet works : technology - Many of us left cable for the internet because of how shitty cable became. Now, instead of making cable better, they're trying to make the internet worse.
FCC doubles down on its dead-wrong definition of how the internet works | TechCrunch (they are "content providers" not "telecommunicators"
The 265 members of Congress who sold you out to ISPs : technology
FBI didn't tell US targets as Russian hackers hunted emails -- The FBI failed to notify scores of U.S. officials that Russian hackers were trying to break into their personal Gmail accounts despite having evidence for at least a year that the targets were in the Kremlin's crosshairs (float-above-it-all Barry didn't think it was important)
How Trump is slowly destroying America's national security agencies | Jeffrey H Smith | Opinion | The Guardian (Trumpsters don't need no steenking "intelligence')
How December Could Make or Break the Trump Presidency | The New Yorker - onald Trump is unique among modern Presidents in that he has no significant legislative accomplishments to show for ten months after taking office.
White House consulted Justice Department before naming CFPB critic to lead agency, administration says - The Washington Post (the swamp needs more alligators)
Obama ethics chief warns Trump: Tweet on CNN could be evidence in AT&T case | TheHill
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: ".@FoxNews is MUCH more important in the United States than CNN, but outside of the U.S., CNN International is still a major source of (Fake)"
Norm Eisen on Twitter: "Dear Dodo-in-Chief: u realize that this tweet is going 2be an exhibit against u in the DOJ -TimeWarner antitrust case right? It also smacks" (cooredinated effort with Putin to silence press, lock him up)
Trump recommends reading this insane website -- MagaPill gets the POTUS seal of approval (a complete replacement for fake network news) MagaPill posted a video from Liz Cronkin, a fringe figure best known for pushing the Pizzagate conspiracy. In the video, Cronkin claims there is a sex tape of Hillary Clinton with an underage girl on Anthony Weiner's laptop
MAGA PILL ??? on Twitter: "Interesting 'Flow Chart' of #TheSwamp"
MAGA PILL ??? on Twitter: ".@LizCrokin is #WOKEAF Hidden Files on Anthony Wiener's laptop to bring down the Cabal. Watch Full Vid:"
What's s Dangerous About Donald Trump's Foreign Policy? His unorthodox approach has frightened some observers. But it's his more conventional moves that have cost the most lives. (Republicans love killing people, it's their thing)
Trump could be on track to triple Obama's time of the golf course -- and to play more than former President George W. Bush did in eight years in office. (Nazi golfers love him)
Eschaton: There Was A Joke And I Can't Remember It - If you're into Nazis today - not fascism, not racism, but Nazis - you're into exterminating 6 million people in dedicated industrial death camps. (NYTimes normalizing genocide)
Nazis Are Just Like You and Me, Except They're Nazis - The Atlantic - Despite what you may have read in The New York Times (Dean Baquet: "we need more Hitler-sympathic coverage!")
Readers Accuse Us of Normalizing a Nazi Sympathizer; We Respond - The New York Times ... "White supremacists are normal ass white people and it's been that way since 1776" (Dean Baquet: "Both side are Nazis" and +"banality of evil")
This Is Fine Balloon Juice
Donald Trump's Obsession with Time Magazine Makes Almost Too Much Sense -- The now-fading publication evokes a distinct 20th-century kind of wealth and influence -- like the Plaza Hotel and Elaine's on the Upper East Side
Time Inc. Is Said to Near Sale in Deal Backed by Koch Brothers - The New York Times
The GOP's Extremist Agenda Is Making It Easy For Democrats To Stand Their Ground | HuffPost - Not even the politically vulnerable ones are afraid to defy Trump.
Why Chesterfield County Va voted for the Democrat for governor for the first time since 1961 and what it means for 2018 - The Washington Post (educated white women considering not voting for DumpsterGroper)
'Women are pissed': Trump protest turns to action and surge in female candidates | US news | The Guardian (Christian women must follow their husbands' orders on voting)
Trump continues to boost Roy Moore's Senate bid as other Republicans keep distance
The Sham Defense of Roy Moore - The battle within the Republican Party has come down to this: Is it OK for a 32-year-old man to seduce a 14-year-old girl?
Trump Now Says That Wasn't Him on Access Hollywood Tape ... So now, Trump not only is insisting that the lies he spouts all day are true, but also has created a new set of facts that contradict the ones he has already acknowledged
Conyers stepping aside as ranking Dem on House Judiciary Committee | TheHill
John Conyers Steps Aside From Judiciary Post Amid Sex Harassment Inquiry - The New York Times
Nancy Pelosi Punts on Whether John Conyers Should Quit - Representative John Conyers, who has been accused of sexual harassment by multiple former members of his staff -- He has admitted to paying out a settlements to a woman who accused him of firing her because she did not "succumb to his sexual advances" (much, much worse than Franken and ran his office like a plantation)
Richard Branson Accused of Sexual Assault by Joss Stone's Backup Singer; Says He Has 'No Recollection' of Incident ... when he 'motorboated' her cleavage while making engine noises.
Susan Sarandon: 'I thought Hillary was very dangerous. If she'd won, we'd be at war' (promoter of 'women's empowerment', not interested in the Weinstein "business," doesn't believe the women, loves the pussy-grabber, voted for Jill Fucking Stein, never listen to celebreidiots)
Words Next To Each Other: The Case For Consumerist Wank Voting - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Anyway, Sarandon is completely lying about what she actually said during the election: "Fear of Donald Trump is not enough for me to support Clinton, with her record of corruption." (the corruption is in your mind, honey, and your inability to "think" +read her defense of Weinstein in the comments: SatanicPanic)
STFU Susan -- It's been a year since the Trump election, and even having seen the daily parade of horrors brought on us by the malignant orange narcissist in the WH, this fucking dolt still is proud to think Clinton would have been worse.
Redditor puts together a list of recent convicted republican pedophiles : bestof
mikhoulee comments on Saturday Morning Political Cartoon Thread
SC2sam comments on Redditor puts together a list of recent convicted republican pedophiles +democrats
More Than 180 Women Across the US Have Reported Sexual Assault at Massage Envy : news
Over 180 Women Have Reported Sexual Assault at Massage Envy
IU Health investigates controversial tweet traced to nurse - "Every white woman raises a detriment to society when they raise a son. Someone with the HIGHEST propensity to be a terrorist, rapist, racist, killer, and domestic violence all star. Historically every son you had should be sacrificed to the wolves Bitch"
Five myths about American Indians - The Washington Post
Burgeoning Marijuana Industry Has a Growing Need for Scientists : news
Why does space have three dimensions but time has only one? : askscience
Scientists who study birdsong have been intrigued for some time by the possibility that human speech and music may be rooted in biological processes shared across a variety of animals. New evidence supports this idea. : science
Dear redditors, what's the furthest someone you know, has dug themselves into and continued to lie? : AskReddit
Glee star Naya Rivera charged with domestic violencee against her husband : news - One overdosed, one in jail for child pornography, and now another in jail for domestic violence. There might just be a Glee curse.
BigAngryDinosaur comments on Being a "reformed creep" and letting go
It took me 5 minutes to understand this not disturbing photo. : pics
Earplugs unavoidable for musicians in the orchestra and at home - Professional orchestras have taken measures to reduce sound levels, but these have little effect (occupational hazard)
Americans aged 18-34 most likely to oppose assault weapons ban, poll finds | US news | The Guardian - Poll finds attitude to ban on military-style weapons has striking age divide Experts say finding could be driven by video games such as Call of Duty
As Egypt grieves after mosque massacre, security forces ramp up strikes on militants - The Washington Post - The attackers would later walk among the fallen, 27 of them children, shooting those who appeared to be breathing.
Baraklava comments on Death toll in Egypt mosque attack rises to 305
Egypt Is Failing to Deal With Its Sinai Insurgency - The New York Times -- An attack at a Sufi mosque in the northern Sinai Peninsula in Egypt killed at least 235 people on Friday. It was the first time that Islamist militants -- who have been attacking security forces and Christian churches for years -- have gone after Muslim worshipers. (they weren't "real" Muzzies)
North Korea digs DMZ trench after recent defection - BBC News
Chinese bike share graveyard a monument to industry's 'arrogance' | World news | The Guardian
Anger as Chinese bike sharing firm shuts up office with riders' deposits | World news | The Guardian
New York attorney general slams the FCC for 'refusal to assist' investigation into fake comments about net neutrality : technology
Mueller might be the one who's 'draining the swamp'
As he investigates Trump's aides, special counsel's record shows surprising flaws(he's a Republican, so ...)
How Trump is slowly destroying America's national security agencies | Jeffrey H Smith | Opinion | The Guardian
Diplomats Sound the Alarm as They Are Pushed Out in Droves - The New York Times
While eyes are on Russia, Sessions dramatically reshapes the Justice Department - The Washington Post
How a powerful senator schooled Betsy DeVos - politico
Eschaton: Make A Liar Tell The Truth - That he was talking about this to the Coast Guard is only the 10th dumbest thing here... (blithering idiot-in-chief)
Trump visits his West Palm Beach golf club | TheHill - marking the fourth consecutive day he's visited one of his golf properties. (vacationer-in-chief)
Eschaton: Sundown
Donald Trump Says He Rejected 'Probably' Being Time's 'Person Of The Year' | HuffPost
Tennis Star Andy Murray Mercilessly Mocks Donald Trump Over Time Magazine Claim | HuffPost
Jared Kushner's Vast Duties, and Visibility in White House, Shrink
The shrinking profile of Jared Kushner - The Washington Post
Welcome To The Class War | HuffPost - Financial capital is people, my friend.
The GOP Crusade Against Obamacare's Mandate Says A Lot About How The Party Changed | HuffPost - They were the ones who first put the idea on the agenda. (from the bowels of the Heritage Foundation)
Eschaton: We - A museum quality entry in the bothsides genre. (Chuck Toddler)
Eschaton: The Eschaton Decade - I'm pretty good at picking them, though that's not difficult. The wankers leave a long paper trail. They wank a lot. Some of these are so obvious I don't need to bother saying anything more. Whatever happened to Mark Halperin?
Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community - A #TrumpRussia Confession in Plain Sight -- For four years and two days .. it was necessary to get to everyone in the brain and grab all possible means of mass perception of reality. Ensure the victory of Donald in the election of the US President. Then create a political alliance between the United States, France, Russia (and a number of other states) and establish a new world order ... British scientists from Cambridge Analytica suggested making 5,000 existing human psychotypes -- the "ideal image" of a possible Trump supporter. Then .. put this image back on all psychotypes and thus pick up a universal key to anyone and everyone. (meanwhile, Barry was down in the drone-room working on his legacy)
Lethargic Saturday Open Thread - If these machinations are ever fully revealed and widely understood in their historical context, it will be simultaneously one of the most tragic and stupid scandals in US history. What credulous bumpkins so many of us are!
The 14 Characteristics of Fascism, by Lawrence Britt, Spring 2003
How Obama Will Be Evaluated by History - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The ultimate, incontestable, 100% bullet-proof refutation of allegations that Republicans colluded with Russia - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump Is Quietly Making It Even Harder To Report Sexual Harassment And Discrimination | HuffPost - The White House has been trying to shut women up this whole time.
In Anerica's Heartland, the Nazi Sympathizer Next Door ... "A lot of people consider Cincinnati the most northern Southern city"
Eschaton: Nazis Are Just Like Us - I do not understand the New York Times.
I Interviewed a White Nationalist and Fascist. What Was I Left With? - The New York Times
Youth pastor arrested for allegedly murdering family on Thanksgiving |
Affidavit: Colorado Springs pastor impregnated 14-year-old girl, she had his child : news -- "Romello Leach"
Weinstein inquiry: police departments likely to join forces, experts say | Film | The Guardian - Authorities in New York, London and Los Angeles are pursuing criminal cases against film producer facing a flood of sexual misconduct accusations (Harvey Rapestein will get raped in prison +Cyrus Vance is crooked)
Millions of men suffer in silence after sexual abuse. How can we help them better? | David Lisak | Opinion | The Guardian - Research indicates that one in six men experienced sexual abuse at some point during their childhood.
Hunter Fatally Shoots Woman He Mistook For A Deer On Thanksgiving Eve | HuffPost - The victim, Rosemary Billquist, was walking her dogs close to her home in western New York state. (100 yards from her front door)
Naked Drunk Driver Crashes Car While Having Sex At The Wheel, Police Say | HuffPost
Ninth-grader captured trying to cross into Canada after grandmother was found in backyard grave - The Washington Post
Teen details how NYPD cops tried to silence her after rape | New York Post - At least nine officers showed up to the hospital trying to intimidate me and my mom,
NYPD cops tried to intimidate teen accusing officers of rape, lawyer claims : news
When police officers rape | Sexual assault | Al Jazeera
Three high school football players rape 14-year-old girl at gunpoint outside Pa. fair, police say : news - Holy shit, ALL 3 ARE OUT ON BAIL AND THE SCHOOL BOARD PRESIDENT SAID THEY WONT BE PUNISHED AT SCHOOL AND HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW IF THEY WILL BE SEPARATED FROM THE GENERAL POPULATION. (football players)
Falsely accused of satanic horrors, a couple spent 21 years in prison. Now they're owed millions
Historically, men translated the Odyssey. Here's what happened when a woman took the job: "Written in plain, contemporary language and released earlier this month to much fanfare, her translation lays bare some of the inequalities between characters that other translations have elided."
The First Woman to Translate the 'Odyssey' Into English
from Homer's Odyssey
At Yale, we conducted an experiment to turn conservatives into liberals. The results say a lot about our political divisions. - The Washington Post (conservatives need safe spaces because they are very afraid)
Is Lena Dunham's 'hipster racism' just old-fashioned prejudice?
TIL: Near-perfect ellipsoid lenses have been found among viking artifacts. Hinting that the Vikings likely made telescopes 1000 years ago, 500 years before Galileo. : todayilearned
What's the most interesting philosophical question you know? [Serious] : AskReddit
Concepts and Synonymy in the UMLS Metathesaurus - Question 1. What is a term? What, in the context of the Metathesaurus and explications of it, does 'term' mean?
UMLS - Metathesaurus
GATA6 comments on America's Opioid Epidemic.
TIL Humans are the only mammals that develop breasts that are permanently enlarged. : todayilearned
America's Opioid Epidemic. : videos
What is the worst experience you have ever had with your neighbor(s)? : AskReddit
Why did "that guy" at work finally get fired? : AskReddit
TIL of the Lead Mask Case: the unsolved death of two men found on a hilltop wearing lead eye masks with no apparent injuries. A nearby notebook was found to contain the message '16:30 be at the specified location. 18:30 ingest capsules, after the effect protect metals await signal' : todayilearned
When you ask Bill Murray to autograph your forehead : pics
What's the most interesting Wikipedia page you've ever read? : AskReddit
Lucid dreamers of Reddit, what's the coolest thing you've evendone while dreaming? Church of Sweden to stop referring to God as 'he' or 'Lord' : news
Yo reddit, what are some signs of a crazy girlfriend/boyfriend? : AskReddit
TIL: 92 Russians died for every 1 American in WWII : todayilearned
By the 2030s, every second summer over almost all of the entire Northern hemisphere will be hotter than any record-setting hot summer of the past 40 years. By 2050, virtually every summer will be hotter than anything we've experienced to date. : science (Republicans have doomed the planet)
Militants Kill 235 in Attack on Sufi Mosque in Egypt - The New York Times - most of the victims were Sufi Muslims, who practice a mystical form of Islam that some extremists deem heretical.
Deputy Foreign Minister: US Jews 'lead convenient' lieves -- Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely after she said US Jews are "people that never send their children to fight for their country" and that "most of them are having quite convenient lives." (oh they said it out loud: "their country" hello dual-loyalty Jews)
German Coalition Talks against Backdrop of History - SPIEGEL ONLINE - The collapse of coalition talks in Berlin are far from a national crisis. But it is symptomatic. It is time for German politicians to realize what is at stake for their country and the rest of the Western world.
An Argentine submarine went missing nine days ago - The Washington Post
Why Putin's Foes Deplore U.S. Fixation on Election Meddling -- "The Kremlin is of course very proud of this whole Russian interference story. It shows they are not just a group of old K.G.B. guys with no understanding of digital but an almighty force from a James Bond saga"
If Flynn Is Cooperating With Mueller, Then Case Against Trump Gets Much More Serious - suggests a turning point in the Russia investigation, especially if Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey.
If Trump wants to use nuclear weapons, whether it's 'legal' won't matter ... there are no "checks and balances" (and Trumpster is very unbalanced)
States prepare to shut down children's health programs if Congress doesn't act (give us your money and fuck off and die)
GOP deficit hawks fear tax plan is secret budget-buster - politico (haha you believed us before and you'll believe us now )
Richard Spencer Reportedly Banned From 26 European Countries | HuffPost (so much for his "Europan Nationalism")
Congress must investigate Trump's alleged sexual misconduct
Billy Baldwin says Trump hit on his wife at Manhattan hotel - NY Daily News
When Sexual Assault Victims Are Charged With Lying - The New York Times
Cops tried to intimidate rape accuser out of pressing charges: lawyer | New York Post - The cop was among about nine officers from the 60th Precinct to show up at the hospital, which had reported the allegation to police, David said. "They came with nine cops to intimidate her and her mom, to discourage them from coming forward and reporting the rape and sex assault"
Uma Thurman Issues Ominous #MeToo Warning To Harvey Weinstein | HuffPost
Harvey Weinstein and Uma Thurman greet each other at the Kill Bill: Volume 2 premier in 2004. : pics ... "I'm glad it's going slowly -- you don't seserve a bullet" (disgusting Creepstein)
Charlie Rose was an 'unmitigated douchebag, 'tried to get woman told off by Anna Wintour' | Daily Mail Online
The Best Chance To Defeat Roy Moore May Be For The Democratic Party To Lie Low | HuffPost - Democrat Doug Jones is trying to distinguish himself from the national party while scandal swirls around his GOP Senate rival.
Al Franken Issues Another Apology: 'I Crossed A Line' | HuffPost - Earlier this week, two more women accused the senator of inappropriate touching.
There Are No Safe Spaces | New Republic - A series of sexual harassment allegations has vindicated the demands of student activists. "While the Right mocks the idea of safe spaces for snowflakes, they are the quickest to melt and demand safe spaces of their own: safe spaces for misogynists and rapists, safe spaces for white men, and safe spaces for white supremacists and Nazis of all stripes"
Eschaton: Hey We Found Another Conservative To Profile - I'm not gonna link (cough virgin cough) but one of the not commented enough on things about the New York Times is that it publishes loving profiles of basically every conservative it can find. (this time, Ben Shapiro, the "gladiator" Limbaugh for millenials)
Twitter Users Shred Tomi Lahren Over 'Disrespectful' Colin Kaepernick D-Day Image | HuffPost
Tomi Lahren on Twitter: "Food for thought." (Fox dummy)
Ivanka Trump And Chelsea Clinton Come To Malia Obama's Defense Against The Tabloids | HuffPost
Malia Obama Smoking Video Leaves the Internet Seriously Impressed, But What Would Barack Think?
Eschaton: Lockdown - The grand jury was about a corrupt cop investigation. So there's a reasonable chance this blue life didn't matter much to the other blue lives, and they were gonna pin it on the black lives who of course don't matter.
Man investigated after Best Buy technicians tipped off FBI has child pornography case dismissed - The Washington Post (paid snoops)
Elitists, crybabies and junky degrees: A debate over higher education funding | The Washington Post - A Trump supporter explains rising conservative anger at American universities. (dummification of America)
mythical space queer on Twitter: "I am weirdly in love with this story of a 16 year old who just discovered Foucault as told by his clearly very irritated sister"
In Which Foucault Takes Over a Nice Household - Lawyers, Guns & Money
What movie plothole bothers you the most? : AskReddit
As Malaria Resists Treatment, Experts Warn of Global Crisis - The New York Times
Saudi Arabia arrests second richest man in kingdom : news
For North Korean soldier's recovery, South Koreans are pinning their hopes on this doctor
Happy Contra Day! -- While you are enjoying your dry turkey this evening, don't forget to give thanks to Ronald Reagan, who ordered the CIA to establish and train the Contras to overthrow the Sandinistas in Nicaragua on this day in 1981. I know the people of Nicaragua are sure grateful for Ronnie! In case you need a refresher course:
Very, Very Troubling - The Pentagon has announced that on November 12th the Army recovered additional remains of Army Sgt. La David Johnson .. Johnson's widow was not permitted to view his body and she even publicly speculated about what was really in her husband's coffin
A Split From Trump Indicates That Flynn Is Moving to Cooperate With Mueller - The New York Times (thud)
A Split From Trump Indicates That Flynn Is Moving to Cooperate With Mueller : politics - There it is. Happy Thanksgiving guys.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "@ThePlumLineGS MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" -- Trump regularly attacks high-profile African Americans to feed his supporters' belief that the system is rigged for minorities:
On Trump's Thanksgiving menu: Grievances and calls for gratitude -- for him (the best president in all of history, you should be grateful)
Thanksgiving is Trump's 100th day at a Trump property as president
Ret. Lieutenant General calls Trump Thanksgiving remarks 'insulting'... Trump spoke from his Mar-a-Lago estate to troops deployed overseas via video teleconference
Livid Over Temporary Protective Status Change for Immigrants, Kenney Says Trump Is a 'Bully' and 'Punk' - NBC 10 Philadelphia - Livid Over Temporary Protective Status Change for Immigrants, Kenney Says Trump Is a 'Bully' and 'Punk' -- "his family didn't do a good job raising that guy"
How Donald Trump Ruined Thanksgiving - politico Magazine - scorched-earth presidential campaign, Americans could barely stand to look each other in the eye.
GOP Hopes For Quick End To Russia Probes Begin to Dim
American intelligence official warned Israelis Russia had 'leverage' on TRump: report
Exclusive: What Trump Really Told Kislyak After Comey Was Canned | Vanity Fair - During a May 10 meeting in the Oval Office, the president betrayed his intelligence community by leaking the content of a classified, and highly sensitive, Israeli intelligence operation to two high-ranking Russian envoys, Sergey Kislyak and Sergey Lavrov (traitor, lock him up)
Mike Flynn business partner Bijan Kian now subject of Mueller probe - NBC News
Manafort took 18 trips to Moscow while working for Putin allies. | McClatchy Washington Bureau
A Russian Journalist Explains How the Kremlin Instructed Him to Cover the 2016 Election | The New Yorker
House Republicans plan to eliminate the $250 tax deduction for teachers - The Washington Post (grand plan for dummification of America
The Worst American Journalism Has to Offer - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Mark Halperin
Hack List No. 2: Mark Halperin and John Heilemann -
Top Trump aides keep financial details secret | McClatchy Washington Bureau - including former chief strategist Steve Bannon and former deputy assistant to the president Sebastian Gorka
Tens of thousands with outstanding warrants purged from background check database for gun purchases - The Washington Post -- What that means is that those fugitives who were previously prohibited under federal law from purchasing firearms can now buy them, unless barred for other reasons. (why, it's almost like they did that on purpose)
A Day Before A Baltimore Detective Was Set to Testify Against His Own Department, He Was Gunned Down. So Police Barricaded the Community. - The Harlem Park neighborhood lockdown was justified as a way for cops to preserve the crime scene and collect evidence. | Woman accused of mailing explosives to Gov. Abbott, Pres. Obama
A list of men accused of sexual misconduct - The Boston Globe
If it was my daughter, I'd break his face, I'd break his fingers ...' : Republican lawmaker and former Navy SEAL unleashes on Roy Moore (but I don't have any problem with Republcan anti-women policies becauase I'm stupid)
Rep. Joe Barton told woman he would report her to Capitol Police if she exposed secret sex life - The Washington Post (oh, a Republican family-value moral-majority good-Christian)
Ethics lawyer: Conyers summoned me to his office while wearing underwear | TheHill (creepy perv)
Why Cernovich?
Two More Women Accuse Sen. Al Franken Of Inappropriate Touching | HuffPost - One woman told HuffPost that Franken had grabbed her backside at an event honoring women. (just couldn't resist the irony)
Exclusive: In 99, Franken Copped to Copping a Feel of Kathie Lee Gifford :: Grabien News
Thanksgiving Gratitude for a Father'Four women have accused Masterson of rape.
s Lesson
Beverly Hills police are investigating 12 Hollywood sexual assault allegations - LA Times
Danny Masterson's Publicist Suggested A Woman Can't Be Raped By A Man She's In A Relationship With Four women have accused Masterson of rape. (once she agrees to a date, she's his property)
The misogyny is coming from inside the newsroom! - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... the New York Fucking Times smugly informing us that as Responsible Citizens we had to give it money so that it could Expose the Truth about tRump. (after lying about Hillary)
If We Are to Have a Future Together, This Must Stop -- Balloon Juice
CBD oil declared illegal in Indiana by Attorney General Curtis Hill : news
High-profile cannabis foe with medical marijuana card sues pair who allegedly disclosed it : news
Netflix's gory but glorious 'Godless is the Western we've all been waiting for ... Netflix once again exhibits its uncanny luck with timing: What could be more affirming right now than a show about women standing together against an invading horde of brutes?
Six Myths About Choosing a College Major - The New York Times
TIL that 14% of the US adult population could not read in 2013 : todayilearned
Young Again: How One Cell Turns Back Time - The New York Times - With every birth, cells begin anew. Scientists have found a biological mechanism underpinning the process in worms, which one day may be harnessed to restore our own damaged cells.
In intelligent persons, certain brain regions are more strongly involved in the flow of information between brain regions, while other brain regions are less engaged.
Super recognizers, who have an uncanny ability to recognize faces, pay greater attention to the nose than other people : science
Why has no major talk show discussed net neutrality? : television
'Stranger Things': Dustin revives Missouri orthodontist's 'Brace Yourself' shirt | The Kansas City Star
The Cam Girl Invasion of Twitch : videos
The Great Chinese Climate Hoax Is Getting Very Convincing - Just ask these Alaskans. (won't stop Lisa "Drill, Baby, Drill" Murkowski) ... Someone should invent a time machine so future generations can get together and lodge a massive class action suit against everyone who's alive today
TIL after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti the Red Cross raised half a billion dollars and allegedly only built 6 homes : todayilearned (25% "overhead")
NY AG probing 'massive scheme' to influence FCC with fake net neutrality comments (now, who would pay bigly to destroy your internets?)
Lisa Murkowski Says She's OK With Killing The Health Insurance Mandate | HuffPost - Projections suggest millions will lose coverage; the Alaska senator says she simply wants to allow choice. (your choice to give them all your money and die, thanks, Lisa)
Here Are the White House Visitor Records the Trump Administration Didn't Want You to See
'Poor man's version of Don King': Trump continues his war of words with LaVar Ball
How Sarah Sanders humiliated the press - CNN
The Degrading Ritual of Sarah Huckabee Sanders's Pre-Thanksgiving Press Briefing
Minutes after saying he's hard at work, Trump goes to his golf club for the 50th time
The Finance 202: There is something very strange about the GOP tax plan - The Washington Post
37 of 38 economists said the GOP tax plans would grow the debt. The 38th misread the question. - The Washington Post
Trump Organization Will Exit From Its Struggling SoHo Hotel in New York - The New York Times (no one would stay there)
The Voices in Blue America's Head - For years, liberals have tried, and failed, to create their own version of conservative talk radio. Has Crooked Media finally figured it out?
We'll Be Paying For Mark Halperin's Sins For Years To Come -- Reports of sexual harassment destroyed his reputation and his career. But I want to talk about the deeper, subtler, more insidious effect Mark Halperin had on our politics. "Gang of 500" ... Halperin claimed he knew so much more than we did, and we began to believe it ... The Note was a cult (in fact, he knew "both sides" better than you)
Anita Hill and her 1991 congressional defenders to Joe Biden: You were part of the problem - The Washington Post
Lewinsky scandal revisionism - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Caution: contains material that may not be suitable for older or more sensitive readers): (contra Matthew Yglesias who was 13 when it happened)
Age-of-consent laws don't reflect teenage psychology. Here's how to fix them
` 2018 could be the 'Year of the Woman' on steroids, with growing backlash to the culture of sexual harassment
Texas Congressman Joe Barton Apologizes for Sending Nude Pic to Woman, Not His Wife |
U.S. Rep. Joe Barton apologizes for graphic online photo | The Texas Tribune - U.S. Rep. Joe Barton, R-Ennis, released a statement Wednesday apologizing for a graphic nude photo of him that circulated on social media earlier this week. He announced his re-election bid earlier this month.
President Trump and accusations of sexual misconduct: The complete list - The Washington Post
Congress Has A Sexual Harassment Problem | HuffPost
Editorial: U.S. Rep. John Conyers must resign
Ethics lawyer says Conyers mistreated her during her years on Capitol Hill - The Washington Post
KSTP/SurveyUSA: Franken Job Approval Plummets, Many Say He Should Resign |
Eschaton: I Am Very Surprised - I thought that given his own history, Trump would be completely disgusted with the actions of Roy Moore and would fight very hard to keep him out of the Senate. -- hahahahahaha
Roy Moore campaign refuses to substantiate claims about accuser - The Washington Post
Roy Moore's Communications Director Resigns
Why the Trump White House Is a Disgrace - The obvious nadir came on Tuesday, when the president* stopped on the way to his helicopter to essentially argue that it is better to put an accused child molester into the Senate than it is to elect a Democrat.
Legal complaint filed over Kellyanne Conway's comments on Roy Moore race - POLITICO
Trump privately doubted Moore's female accusers
Alabama ex-cop says she was tasked with keeping Roy Moore away from cheerleaders at high school games
The Latest: Group backing Moore fundraises off Trump remark - ABC News
This Roy Moore Supporting Pastor Is My Childhood Abuser, And It's Time I Spoke Out : atheism (at least one of Moore's "pastor" supports is a satanic child-abusing evil asshole)
The Young Turks and Reporter Abruptly Part Ways Following Sexual Assault Allegations - The progressive online news outlet the Young Turks abruptly cut ties with reporter Jordan Chariton
Transcript, Emails Show How Tabloid Reporters Helped Harvey Weinstein Get Dirt On Women | HuffPost - A closer look at how a journalist coaxed a movie producer into providing negative information on a potential Weinstein accuser.
Olympic Gymnast Gabby Douglas Says Larry Nassar Sexually Abused Her Too | HuffPost - The gold medalist joins more than 100 women accusing the USA Gymnastics doctor.
Charlie Rose accused of sexual harassment by three CBS employees | TheHill
What 3 Creepy Meetings With Charlie Rose Taught Me About Toxic Sexism And Blurred Lines | HuffPost - The veteran journalist belittled and berated me during an off-site, after-hours job interview process. (christ what a fucking asshole karma is a bitch)
The Times is "Torn" About Whether Glenn Thrush Should Lose His Job Over Sexual-Misconduct Allegations -- Multiple current and former Times employees are wrestling with whether the allegations against Thrush warrant his firing (the hipster fedora is a give-away)
2 Minnesota Lawmakers Accused of Sexual Harassment Step Down - The New York Times - Representative Tony Cornish, a Republican, and Senator Dan Schoen, a Democrat, announced their resignations
400 professors boycott University of Rochester, urging students not to attend - The Washington Post - The boycott comes after allegations that Florian Jaeger, a professor in the brain and cognitive science department, preyed on female students. (same "Brain and cognitive science" dept. as Dartmouth: something wrong with their brains or cognition?)
Chicago cop faces discipline for insensitive, threatening posts on Facebook - Chicago Tribune
5 Virginia firefighters being investigating for gang rape of 17-year-old girl : news ... Yeah most likely. All over VA there are high school programs where starting at like 15-16 you start volunteering for the fire department.
Woman, 18, accused of raping man at knifepoint gets probation : news
Videos of Park Police shooting given to FBI, but still no information on who was shot, or why - The Washington Post
Mom puts recorder in child's backpack to catch bullying, now faces felony charge : news
This man is about to launch himself in his homemade rocket to prove the Earth is flat - The Washington Post (a plane ticket would have been safer, but there's stupid and then there's stupid and dead)
A grow-your-own pot boom: From young tokers to elderly cancer patients - The Washington Post
A new study finds that patients who can legally treat themselves with medical cannabis stop using prescription opioids or use fewer opiates to care for chronic pain symptoms. : science (forward to Jason Lewis)
If the human body was professionally designed, what is its biggest design flaw? : AskReddit
Americans Are Giving Themselves Cancer -- Half of Cases Caused By Lifestyle
An Interstellar Visitor Both Familiar and Alien - The New York Times (looks like an alien spaceship, doesn't it?)
When your weed paranoia meets someone else's weed paranoia!!! : videos
So a student just messaged me the #resistancevehicle got a headline on a 17 million group page! Lovee : pics
"The elevator is a trap!" - a Japanese art form. : videos
YouTube Is Addressing Its Massive Child Exploitation Problem - that depict children in disturbing and abusive situations
Climate and Capitalism - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Robert Mugabe resigns as Zimbabwe's leader
Eschaton: No Solution - The thing about the Irish border is issue is that...I haven't actually seen a solution. I don't think anyone has one. Other than just not having a border, of course, which...
F.C.C. Is Said to Plan Repeal of Net Neutrality Rules - The New York Times (lie, cheat, steal, rape, pillage, burn)
F.C.C. Announces Plan to Repeal Net Neutrality : news
FCC unveils plan to repeal net neutrality rules - would give Internet providers power to choose the sites customers see and use -- The Washington Post
State Dept. revolt: Tillerson accused of violating U.S. law on child soldiers
Judge rules Trump's sanctuary city order unconstitutional - permanently blocked
As the F.B.I. Closes In, Trump's Lawyers Are Scrambling to Keep Him Calm
There is something truly historic about Trump - The Washington Post - President Trump is making history at a historic level. He tells us this himself ... the president and his team have declared their actions historic nearly 400 times in their first 10 months in office.
An Illustrated History of Donald Trump's hair
Neil Cavuto Shreds Trump: 'You're The President... Why Don't You Act Like It?'
David Duke, Donald Trump, and Economic Anxiety (TM) - Lawyers, Guns & Money (and Trump)
Donald Trump's science office is a ghost town (don't need your steenking fake science)
Murkowski Rolls - Lawyers, Guns & Money
House Tax Bill Is Littered With Loopholes for Wall Street's Wealthiet (and most deserving, we're sure)
Time for Republicans to denounce this tax nonsense - The Washington Post
The Trump tax plan is much worse than you thought. A new analysis confirms it. - The Washington Post (all the moneys for us, hahah suckers plan)
Donald Trump is shutting down his charitable foundation - NBC News (found to be a money-laundering crime center)
Hell No, Bill Clinton Shouldn't Ha ve Resigned -- Nothing in the historical record supports the idea Clinton should have resigned over his affair. Saying so plays into the right's efforts to smear and discredit both Clintons ... I see that New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who wants to run for president, has walked back her assertion last week that Bill Clinton should have resigned over his affair with Monica Lewinsky
He's a Member of Congress. The Kremlin Likes Him So Much It Gave Him a Code Name (Dana "I'm a Russian agent" Rohrabacher)
The Nationalist's Delusion : Trump's supporters backed a time-honored American political tradition, disavowing racism while promising to enact a broad agenda of discrimination.
Don't believe Roy Mooe's accusers? Then listen to Moore
Trump all but endorses Roy Moore - CNNPolitics
Harvey Weinstein's Secret Settlements -- The mogul used money from his brother and elaborate legal agreements to hide allegations of predation for decades. By Ronan Farrow - New Yorker
Kathy Griffin Brutally Rejects O'Reilly: 'I'm Not That Desperate, Bill McRapey'
21st Century Fox in $90 million settlement tied to sexual harassment scandal
Eschaton: Actually She Wanted Me - We can debate somewhat where the line between "being a bit too aggressive when drunk" and "serial sexual harasser" is (I'm not defending the former, just that not all bad behavior is precisely the same level of bad), but this really bad. -- Glenn Thrush -- He would talk up a night out drinking with a young attractive woman, usually a journalist. Then he'd claim that she came onto him. In his version of these stories, Thrush was the responsible grown-up who made sure nothing happened. (and yet we trust them to give us the facts)
'CBS This Morning' Hosts Address Charlie Rose Allegations
Fired: CBS News makes quick work of Charlie Rose - The Washington Post
One prick down (Update) - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Newly surfaced pics show Al Franken grabbing Arianna's Huffington's breasts and butt (his sense of "humor" is weird)
Arianna Huffington denies Franken behaved inappropriately in response to new photos | TheHill
Melissa Gilbert Accuses Oliver Stone Of Sexual Harassment: "It Was Humiliating And Horrid"
John Lasseter's Pattern of Alleged Misconduct Detailed by Disney/Pixar Insiders (another ugly creepy guy)
John Lasseter Taking Leave of Absence From Pixar Amid "Missteps"
Report Says Rep. John Conyers Settled Sex Complaint, Flew In Women For Affairs Using Congressional Resources : news
Why BuzzFeed teamed with a far-right figure to break the John Conyers scandal - The Washington Post
Another Woman Accused Rep. John Conyers Of Sexual Harassment In Court Filings This Year
Congress Must End All Non-Disclosure Agreements - That way, we have a truly transparent view of sexual harassment in government.
This is the elaborate system Congress created to protect sexual predators on Capitol Hill
Congresswoman Says Former Congressman Tried To Force Himself On Her In Elevator | HuffPost - Rep. Diana DeGette says former San Diego mayor and lawmaker Bob Filner once tried to forcibly kiss her.
As sexual harassment in politics investigations widen, California Assemblyman accused by six new women - LA Times (he has the Roy Moore no prefrontal cortex symdrome)
She Said A Powerful Congressman Harassed Her. Here's Why You Din't Hear Her Story. -- "When you make private settlements, it doesn't warn the next woman or the next person going into that situation."
Breitbart editor: Rape used to mean something, now it's 'any sex that the woman ends up regretting'
The Art of Monstrous Men - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Private jets and golden parachutes: The L.A. Times Guild asks, 'Where is the money?' (they pay themselves very, very well, that's where)
The Serial-Killer Detector | The New Yorker - Hargrove estimates that two thousand serial killers are at large in the U.S.
PhD student makes groundbreaking discovery that may prevent spread of cancer : news
PhD student makes groundbreaking discovery that may prevent spread of cancer | CTV News
A brief visit from a red and extremely elongated interstellar asteroid | Nature ("it looked like a giant dick but we're sure it wasn't aliens"
Uber Paid Hackers to Delete Stolen Data on 57 Million People - Bloomberg
The Climate Crisis? It's Capitalism, Stupid
Controversial Keystone XL pipeline route across Nebraska is approved, but hurdles likely remain | Nebraska |
Nebraska Panel Approves Keystone Pipeline Expansion Despite Oil Leak Talking Points Memo (what leak?)
Philippines - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Eschaton: The President Is A Horrible Person - I know this is not a shocking revelation, but it's quite amazing. He's really good at being one of the worst humans ever to be born on this Earth. Everybody's got one thing, I guess, and that's his. (and it's not an accident, either)
Why Trump Is Nervous About the Mueller Investigation - And he's doing whatever he can to not let him in. ... contra Jeff Flake, the Republican Party has been "the party of Donald Trump and Roy Moore" for at least two decades, it's just been waiting for Donald Trump and Roy Moore to come along.
Special counsel sends wide-ranging request for documents to Justice Department - ABC News
Eschaton: Probably Why They All Stopped Blabbing To The Press - It wasn't John Kelly. They're all just scared shitless. -- One Republican operative in frequent contact with the White House described Mueller's team "working through the staff like Pac-Man"
Trump campaign adviser Carter Page held high-level meetings with Hungarian officials in Budapest - ABC News
Ex-Fox News Employee Says She Was Blocked From Investigating Trump-Russia Ties - Bloomberg
Roman Beniaminov, a Low-Profile Real Estate Exec Turned Pop Star Manager, Knew About Russia's 'Dirt' on Hillary - Investigators now may have another person to talk to about that infamous Trump Tower meeting.
Trump's friends schedule fake events at failing Mar-a-Lago to make him feel better
"I Am Sick And Tired Of People Saying That Utah Does Not Share A Border With Belgium" - Lawyers, Guns & Money - "I Am Sick And Tired Of People Saying That Utah Does Not Share A Border With Belgium" (orrin Hatchet is tired of your factual crap)
Make Nepotism Great Again: 20 Families Got Jobs in Trump Administration
McMaster Mocked Trump's Intelligence At A Private Dinner ... "idiot," "dope," the intelligence of a "kindergartner"
Steven Mnuchin & Louise Linton: Embarrassing | National Review
Room rates at Trump's hotels have fallen by up to 63 per cent since he became president
Trump golf course reimbursed President Trump's charity amid ongoing investigation into the foundation
GOP Surrenders Cherished IRS Scandal at Last - Bloomberg - The fiction served the GOP for years, yet died quietly this month, forsaken and alone. (fake scandal)
An American Journalist Is Facing A Felony Trial This Week -- In The United States (Trump States of America)
The Bizarre True Story of the Neighborhood Scuffle That Left Rand Paul with Six Broken Ribs | GQ (you have to fall off a building to break 6 ribs)
Anti-Gerrymandering Group Defies Odds With 2018 Ballot Drive | Michigan News | US News - An all-volunteer group of activists has defied the odds by collecting hundreds of thousands of voter signatures for a 2018 initiative to overhaul redistricting in Michigan _ without having to pay a dime for a signature.
The Kudos Project -- a disruptive new way to humiliate employees & cut their wages ... A plan to shift workers from cash tips to online ratings and a bitcoin knockoff ... the brain fart of the people who thought up Uber-for-buses and it even sounds like the title of a dystopian sci fi novel ... it is called The Kudos Project because someone realized officially naming it Fuck you, serf! might turn off investors.
Collins airs concern about harassment charges against the president - The Washington Post -- allegations, which include 12 women detailing incidents that occurred over many years.
Mika Brzezinski: Bill Clinton needs to apologize or stop talking | TheHill
Bill Clinton accused of sexual assault by four women | Daily Mail Online ... while the former president was working with a billionaire playboy and flying on his private jet nicknamed Air F**k One
30 Sources Expose Sexually Explicit Evidence of Harassment by Ohio GOP Rep Wes Goodman ... ("family values" dude running a gay pizza-sex parlor in the Ohio office)
Glenn Thrush, New York Times Reporter, Accused of Sexual Misconduct - The New York Times
Exclusive: NYT White House correspondent Glenn Thrush's history of bad judgment around young women journalists -- Several women told Vox about their experiences with the star reporter, and the Times has suspended him pending an investigation.
Eight women say Charlie Rose sexually harassed them -- with nudity, groping and lewd calls
CBS Suspends Charlie Rose, PBS Halts His Show Following Allegations - Bloomberg
Charlie Rose received attention in the past for awkward sexual banter on 'CBS This Morning'
Eight women say Charlie Rose sexually harassed them
Trump voter: If Jesus Christ told me Trump colluded with Russia, I'd check with Trump (who is the antichrist) )
Why evangelicals are again backing a Republican despite allegations of sexual misconduct - The Boston Globe
The publisher of blasts back at legal threats from Roy Moore - The Washington Post
Alabama Media Group Rejects Cease-And-Desist Order From Roy Moore -- With a warning
Roy Moore is not a pedophile - The Washington Post - Much like the claims of sex addiction offered by other powerful men in recent weeks, accounting for sexual abuse with a diagnosis of pedophilia obscures the way that abusive behavior fits into our everyday sexual system that privileges powerful men to take advantage of the younger, the female and the less powerful.
Woman who says Roy Moore assaulted her at 14 tells her story - Axios
Moore accuser refuses to appear on 'Hannity'
Woman says Al Franken inappropriately touched her in 2010 - CNNPolitics
Woman Says Al Franken Groped Her During 2010 Photo Op | HuffPost - This is the second assault allegation made against the senator.
Second woman accuses Sen. Franken of sexual misconduct : news
Jeffrey Tambor Exits 'Transparent' After Sexual Harassment Allegations
Lena Dunham Accused of 'Hipster Racism' by Black Ex-Coworker in Explosive Resignation Letter ... Forced to backpedal after defending an accused rapist
Everything Lena Dunham Publicly Apologized for in 2016 (and Also 2015 and 2014)
Everything Lena Dunham apologized for in 2016 and 2015 and 2014 : television
Rape in the storage room. Groping at the bar. Why is the restaurant industry so terrible for women? - The Washington Post
The sexual-harassment epidemic has been diagnosed. What's the cure?
Jeremy Piven Takes and Passes Polygraph Test Over Groping Accusations
Jeremy Piven Takes and Passes Polygraph Test Over Groping Accusations : television
Fox News' Jeanine Pirro charged for driving 119 mph upstate - NY Daily News
Michigan homeowner shoots 2 intruders; both found dead : news
Fox 17 Investigates: Child sex slave in Nashville prison for killing man who used her : news
Victims 'told not to report' Jehovah's Witness child abuse : news
Manson - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Charles Manson Dead After Spending 46 Years Behind Bars : news
Wild conspiracy theory claims that Apollo moon landing was 'faked,' touts new 'photo' evidence
International Men's Day: Let Men Wear What They Want - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Doyenne of DNA Says: Just Chillax With Your Ex - The New York Times
Millerites - Ohio History Central - Miller's followers abandoned him. In 1845, some of Miller's followers joined the Adventist Church, which Miller helped establish. Adventists believe in the second coming of Christ, but they do not specify a day when this event will occur.
Aging research specialists have identified, for the first time, a form of mental exercise that can reduce the risk of dementia, finds a randomized controlled trial (N = 2802). : science
First Interstellar Asteroid Wows Scientists (JPL) : videos ("asteroid" that looks just like an alien space ship)
Men With Muscles and Money Are More Attractive to Straight Women and Gay Men -- Showing Gender Roles Arenn't Progressing
A new study has found that 20% of cancer patients experience PTSD following diagnosis
The rate of parents opting out of vaccines for their kids has plateaued in America : science
13-year-old girl rescued, 39 arrested in human trafficking sting in Compton, authorities say : news
What is unethical as fuck, but is extremely common practice in the business world? : AskReddit
How a half-educated tech elite delivered us into evil | John Naughton | Opinion | The Guardian (computer nerds and Harvard drop-outs)
Robert Mugabe Is Ousted From His Ruling Party in Zimbabwe - The New York Times (he keeps the trillion dollars in off-shore accounts)
Ireland threatens to block progress of Brexit talks over border issue | Politics | The Guardian - PM Leo Varadkar says UK must give written guarantee of no hard border with Northern Ireland before negotiations can move on
Air France Says Crew Was Arrested and Interrogated for Not Upgrading Politician's Daughter in Argentina | Travel + Leisure
The Trump Administration Is Making War on Diplomacy - The New York Times (shifts to bombs)
Ivanka's signature real estate deals were disasters linked to drug cartels and money laundering (organized crime family needs to go to jail)
The G.O.P. Is Fooling Itself on Taxes - The New York Times (and hoping to fool you)
Raising the taxes of graduate students by as much as 300% will be a disaster for the USA : science
Truman and the Left - Lawyers, Guns & Money
When the Right Pushes Fake Jews - The New York Times (Bernie Bernstein) The 684 anti-Semitic hate crimes were more than the rest of the religiously motivated crimes of bias and bigotry combined.
Our view: Alabama voters must reject Roy Moore; we endorse Doug Jones for U.S. Senate | -- This election is a turning point for women in Alabama. A chance to make their voices heard in a state that has silenced them for too long.
Moore harassment scandal spreads to 2018 battle for Congress - POLITICO - Democrats seize on the scandal to put GOP candidates on defense, though Al Franken has complicated their efforts.
The Latest: Church leaders who oppose Roy Moore hold rally - ABC News
Russell Simmons and Brett Ratner face new allegations of sexual misconduct - LA Times
Hit by scandal, Franken faces questions about ability to do job - - A once-bright political career now hangs in the balance.
Harvey Weinstein had secret hitlist of names to quash sex scandal | Film | The Guardian - The previously undisclosed list contains a total of 91 actors, publicists, producers, financiers and others working in the film industry ... The document was compiled in early 2017, around nine months before the storm that blew up on 5 October when the New York Times published a series of sexual harassment allegations against Weinstein.
Lena Dunham Retracts Her Defense of 'Girls' Writer accused of Rape
Anti-gay lawmaker resigns after getting caught having sex with a man in his office : news
11 anti-gay preachers who got caught doing very gay things 7 PinkNews
A dying vet needed CPR. Hidden video shows his nurse laughing instead. - The Washington Post
Multilingual Redditors, What is your "They didn't realize I spoke their language" story? : AskReddit
Facebook removes delete post option from the desktop web version)
Oklahoma's former lead seismologist testifies State officials coerced him to alter findings linking earthquakes with fracking wastewater disposal.
Top general says he would resist "illegal" nuke order from Trump ("insane")
Russian mega yacht docks at Port of Palm Beach during Trump visit (more like "ocean liner")
Kushner received emails from Sergei Millian -- an alleged dossier source who was in touch with George Papadopoulos (no Russian contacts at all)
Kushner attorney fires back at Senate Judiciary Committee - CNNPolitics (what documents?)
The Conveniently Awful Memory of Jared Kushner, Felonious Perjury Edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Donald Trump and the Russian Dog That Didn't Bark ... In 1980, someone (later revealed to be an embittered operative of Ted Kennedy's presidential primary campaign) stole debate prep papers from Jimmy Carter and sent them to the Reagan campaign, which used the purloined goods to its advantage ... Reagan's timelessly dismissive "there you go again" routine was so well-staged -- he knew what Carter was going to say) ((little known fact in history of rat-fucking)) The collusion could be more extensive and run deeper than we know. It could expose Trump, his family, and his aides to further legal consequences for crimes enumerated in the criminal code.
Congressional aides may have answers on pro-Russia GOP platform change - POLITICO - Paul Ryan's chief of staff would not confirm or deny whether he has been contacted by special counsel Robert Mueller about how a Ukraine-related provision was killed at the 2016 GOP convention.
Moscow meeting in June 2017 under scrutiny in Trump probe
Russians were all over the Trump campaign -- Disturbing report details new contacts -- Trump campaign officials interacted with Russians at least 31 times throughout the campaign, including at least 19 known meetings ("I dont' know Russia")
Week 26: Donald Jr. and WikiLeaks Talk Dirty - POLITICO Magazine - Once again, the younger Trump proves himself eager to peddle the fruits of some Made in Moscow oppo.
Why Putin Keeps Outsmarting Trump - POLITICO Magazine
Foreign Service leadership being 'decapitated' and 'depleted at a dizzying speed' (drowning American foreign policy and soft power in a bathtub of dirty Republican crap)
Eschaton: Obama Was Bad - Second term Obama was better ... Of course Obama was better than Trump. Of course Clinton would have been. These are dumb talking points. Obama didn't use the power when he had it ... When Teh History is written (30 years from now, that's how Teh History works), Obama will be written off as a shit president who blew an historic opportunity. I am sad about that. (his conservative triangulation reach across the aisle don't look back don't be partisan tragic delusional bullshit)
The Shocking Math of the Republican Tax Plan | The New Yorker - The report shows that the rich benefit and the poor are hurt in every way that it measures
Facing Public Outrage, Trump Puts Elephant Trophy Decision 'On Hold' | HuffPost ("reviewing facts" on the Don Jr. Fabulous Trophy Act of 2017)
An Interview with Jake Tapper - The Atlantic - The CNN correspondent on journalism, hypocrisy, how a Twitter fave can ruin his morning, and why he has a poster of George Wallace hanging in his office
Stephen Colbert Expertly Spoofs Sean Hannity's Hillary Clinton Flow Chart -- Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi -- Hannity later appears to connect Clinton to an "open manhole in Hew York City," a "sewer rat prince" and the "crocodile duchess of garbage"
Ivanka Trump's Company Shared Thanksgiving Advice On Twitter. It Did Not Go Over Well. "Wow, even the pumpkins are white"
Lard Of Dorkness on Twitter: "@IvankaTrumpHQ I'm going with champagne Popsicles and an elephant tusk centerpiece."
Trump still loves polls - POLITICO - The president often decries surveys showing him with slumping support as fake, but advisers say he can't stop himself from obsessively keeping track.
In Mocking Franken Over Claims of Sexual Misconduct, Trump Joins a Debate He Started - The New York Times
Trump often condemns Democrats, defends Republicans on harassment allegations - The Washington Post
House confronts sexual abuse by its own - The Washington Post
As We Rethink Old Harassers, Let;s Talk About Clarence Thomas -- The old men of the Senate lectured Anita Hill from the dais, scowling as she recounted in humiliating detail how Thomas taunted her with graphic tales of pubic hair and Coke cans.
How a conservative group dealt with a fondling charge against a rising GOP star - The Washington Post ... rising star in evangelic politics ... an 18-year-old college student who had come to the event with his parents said the candidate unzipped his pants and fondled him in the middle of the night ... the stepfather wrote to Tony Perkins, president of the Council for National Policy. ((Christo-facist National Policy, that is, and they buried it))
Alabama Governor Plans To Vote For Roy Moore Despite Sexual Assault Accusations | HuffPost - Gov. Kay Ivey said she was committed to getting a Republican in the Senate. (she's a good Satangelical Christian)
Some Alabama pastors stand behind Roy Moore, cite "war on men" (the christo-patriarchy is not happy, says it's all a dem fakenews plot to undermine Christian democracy)
White House: The Difference Between Trump And Franken Is Franken 'Admitted Wrongdoing' | HuffPost (which Trump will never do, so he's innocent says SHS)
E! Entertainment Investigating Ryan Seacrest For Alleged 'Inappropriate' Behavior | HuffPost (denies)
'Girls' Writer Murray Miller Accused of Raping Underage Actress Aurora Perrineau ... star says she woke up in 2012 with Murray "on top of me having sexual intercourse with me"
Lena Dunham defends "Girls" writer accused of raping an underage actress : television
Rep. Wilson's former intern caught on Grindr using racist epithets ... Rep. Wilson was widely criticized in 2009 for shouting "you lie" at former President Obama during the 2009 State of the Union Address.
Teacher Hunter Day arrested after she waited to have sex with a student in a candlelit room, authorities say - The Washington Post ... Hunter Day, a 22-year-old teacher at Yukon High School in Yukon, Okla., was arrested Wednesday ... Day had little to no teaching experience. She held a degree from Oklahoma Baptist University (WaPo picks up reddit post, leaves out husband part, also OK kills education, winds up with charter sexangelical criminals)
The TED talks empire has been grappling with sexual harassment, interviews and internal emails show - The Washington Post - Most people pay $10,000 to attend and must apply for tickets ... sparked by a complaint by a longtime attendee, who complained of sexual harassment and being offered "every drug known to man." The problem was so bad that the woman decided to pack her bags and leave, telling Anderson that it would be her last TED conference. (and no follow up)
Former Oklahoma state senator has agreed to plead guilty to a child sex trafficking offense : news | Fire dept. refuses to remove confederate flag so county axes funding -- Firefighters say the Confederate flag represents history and heritage. ("we're not a bit racist")
How Politics and Bad Decisions Starved New York's Subways - Disruptions and delays have roiled the system this year. But the crisis was long in the making, fueled by a litany of errors (but especially Andrew "Dick" Cuomo)
'Stick Fingers' Jann Wenner and the Culture He Helped Create
Sticky Fingers: The Life and Times of Jann Wenner and Rolling Stone Magazine
Jann Wenner, 'Rolling Stone,' And The Decline of Rock 'N' Roll
Jann Wenner' 'Sticky Fingers' : 10 Things We Learned About the 'Rolling Stone' Founder
'Sticky Fingers' is the wildest story that Rolling Stone's Jann Wenner never printed | British GQ
Yeah, Working for Rolling Stone Was Like That -- But It Was Also Like This
Craig's thoughts on bike lanes (via email)
Neanderthals survived at least 3,000 years longer than we thought in Southern Iberia
Obamacare may have helped increase number who quit smoking. States that expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act saw a greater increase in low-income adults who quit smoking than did states that did not expand Medicaid, a new study found. : science
Jack Ruby told FBI informant to "watch the fireworks" day JFK died: Documents : news
33-year-old woman jailed for spending parents' life savings while they're on holiday | The Independent
What unsolved mystery gives you the creepys? : AskReddit
Redditors who have gone on same-sex dates and straight dates, what is the major difference between them? : AskReddit
Iraqi forces retake last town under ISIS control - The Washington Post - reclaiming the small town of Rawa near the border with Syria. (allahu fuckbar)
Eschaton: Oh, Hey, Ireland Has a Veto - This has not occurred to anyone in the UK.
Ireland threatens to block progress of Brexit talks over border issue | Politics | The Guardian - PM Leo Varadkar says UK must give written guarantee of no hard border with Northern Ireland before negotiations can move on (meanwhile, in let's really fuck things up land)
Eschaton: The Other Issue With Brexit - t's almost a quaint issue, at this point, but the UK always got its way, at least on anything important, with the EU. To some extent the big 3 - Germany, France, UK - all did. Nothing is 100%, of course, but when the Brits moaned about something a way was found -- The reason this matters now is because to some extent the EU put up with the UK's bullshit for years and Brexit was their thanks, and now they just don't give a shit anymore.
Brexit is going swimmingly and nobody should panic or flee the country - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Free Press Group Ready to Cut Off WikiLeaks -- The Freedom of the Press Foundation routed half a million dollars to WikiLeaks. But Assange's embrace of Trump split the group's board ... In the heat of the presidential election campaign last year, Xeni Jardin, a journalist and free speech advocate, developed a sickening feeling about WikiLeaks. In the heat of the presidential election campaign last year, Xeni Jardin, a journalist and free speech advocate, developed a sickening feeling about WikiLeaks.
Turkey on Valentine's Day: Did Trump Obstruct Investigation of Flynn as a Foreign Agent? (obstruction of justice, bigly)
The Russia investigation's spectacular accumulation of lies (Republican Gerson's fog of words)
Russian ambassador says he won't name all the Trump officials he's met with because 'the list is so long' ("I don't know Russia")
Book Reveals New Details About Steele Dossier | The Daily Caller
A Panama tower carries Trump's name and ties to organized crime
Ivanka Trump and the fugitive from Panama
People Are Hilariously Reimagining Donald Trump's Awkward Water Bottle Moment
Special Counsel Mueller Issued Subpoena for Russia-Related Documents From Trump Campaign Officials - WSJ - Senate committee also pressures Kushner lawyer to turn over more documents Papadopoulos claimed Trump phone call and larger campaign role - politico
Top Russian Official Tried to Broker 'Backdoor' Meeting Between Trump and Putin (Trump offered anal sex to Putin)
Kushner failed to disclose outreach from Putin ally to Trump campaign - NBC News (just slipped his overwise super-execellent memory)
Kushner didn't recall any campaign WikiLeaks contact - CNNPolitics (lock the lying fucker up)
How Jared Kushner's Newspaper Became a Favorite Outlet for WikiLeaks Election Hacks --The New York Observer, owned by Trump's son-in-law, was a friendly outlet for the 2016 Russian hackers. (no collusion at all)
Myths of the 1 Percent: What Puts People at the Top - The New York Time -- No other O.E.C.D. nation is as unequal as the U.S., and none have experienced such a sharp rise in the 1 percent's share of national income. (Russia is not a member of the O.E.C.D.) -- The groups that have contributed the most people to the 1 percent since 1980 are: physicians; executives, managers, sales supervisors, and analysts working in the financial sectors; and professional and legal service industry executives, managers, lawyers, consultants and sales representatives ... the elite professions premium
This remarkable, angry exchange between senators unmasks the GOP's tax-cut lies -- Brown insisting that it fundamentally represents a tax cut for the rich and not the middle class. This drew an enraged response from Hatch, even though Brown's argument was 100 percent correct: (lie louder)
How Every Member Voted on the House Tax Bill - The New York Times (every Republican except endangered reps in CA, NC, NJ and NY)
Death Wish VI: Paul Ryan and the Blue State Republicans - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- It's not surprising that the House passed a substantively awful and highly unpopular tax bill. But it is kind of amazing that they made a bunch of superfluous votes walk the plank:
Brett Banditelli on Twitter: "Wow paul ryan isn't beating around the bush anymore"
Republican Tax Bill Gives Private Jet Owners a Tax Break
It's Funny Because He Was Fired For Choosing Not to Freeze to Death - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Reaching a horribly unjust outcome that the relevant statutory text does not in fact compel you to reach is a really knee-slapper: (you've been Gorfucked and it's hilarious)
Trump, a Veteran of Sexual Harassment Accusations, Scolds Franken - The New York Times
16 Women or Donald Trump -- Whom Would You Believe? That's how many women have now accused the president of harassment, assault, and other inappropriate behavior.
Brave New Films - 16 women have come forward to report being sexually harassed or assaulted by Donald Trump...
Gillibrand Says Bill Clinton Should Have Resigned Over Lewinsky Affair - The New York Times
Florida Democratic Party chair apologizes after 6 women complain of 'demeaning' behavior - created an unprofessional workplace environment for women that includes persistent inappropriate comments, leering at young women and even inviting them on his private jet ... due to his body language, suggestive remarks and even the breast-shaped stress squeeze-ball he has been known to keep on his desk. "There was a lot of boob stuff in his office" ... "He's just so fucking creepy" (sociopathic man-boy)
Hillary Clinton on Trump's Election: "There Are Lots of Questions About Its Legitimacy" -- Clinton says Russian interference and GOP voter suppression efforts may have cost her the presidency. Pizzagate: Anatomy of a Fake News Scandal - Rolling Stone - Inside the web of conspiracy theorists, Russian operatives, Trump campaigners and Twitter bots who manufactured the 'news' that Hillary Clinton ran a pizza-restaurant child-sex ring (well, it sounded perfectly plausible)
House: Ratings Changes in Seven Districts as GOP Majority in Peril | The Cook Political Report
The War on Teachers is Working Precisely as Intended - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Scott Walker's Kochistan destroying education because they hate people knowing anything)) Scott Walker, the king of viciousness and mendacity disguised as dopey banality, knew it too. The fact that he ratfucked one of the nation's best public education systems should make him a pariah. Instead it made him a presidential candidate. (and people forgot and voted for Trump)
Highly trained, respected and free: why Finland's teachers are different | Education | The Guardian
What happens when neo-Nazis hijack your brand - The Washington Post
What happens when neo-Nazis hijack your brand - The Washington Post
Greg Gianforte misled police after assault of Guardian journalist, report reveals | US news | The Guardian - Montana congressman falsely said Ben Jacobs had initiated physical contact (taker-state #7 Montana elected lying Republican asshole, of course)
Which domestic abusers will go on to commit murder? This one act offers a clue. - The Washington Post - In addition to fracturing the child's skull and hitting and kicking his wife, Kelley strangled her. If the particular severity of his violence had been better understood and recognized in New Mexico, 26 people, including a 17-month-old baby named Noah, might not have been killed in Sutherland Springs, Tex., this month.
Federal judge rebukes St. Louis police for tactics used on protesters after ex-officer's acquittal
Conservatives Reap the Whirlwind of Their War on the Media - The Atlantic - For years, Republican politicians have attacked the mainstream press. (delusional hard-core Conservative base in the era of Hillary pizza-sex-trafficking)
The Virtue of Voters - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Men in Alabama are seven points *more likely* to vote for Roy Moore since nine women accused him of sexually assaulting them when they were teenagers than they were before said accusations emerged. -- 60% of evangelicals "strongly support" Roy Moore despite him standing accused of sexually assaulting nine teenage girls. -White voters prefer Roy Moore by a margin of 56 to 37, despite him standing accused of sexually assaulting nine teenage girls. Nonwhite voters oppose Roy Moore, who stands accused of sexually assaulting nine teenage girls, by a margin of 80 to 8.
Fox News Poll: Jones leads Moore by 8 points in Alabama Senate race | Fox News
Christian Support for Roy Moore 'Looks Like Hypocrisy to the Outside World' (Evangelicals are immune to hypocrisy, he's a good Christian Satanist)
Joyce Alene on Twitter: "Roy Moore has now been thrown out of 3 courts. The Alabama Supreme Court in 2003. The Alabama Supreme Court in 2016. And the Gadsden Mall Food Court in 1980"
Sean Hannity Should Probably Shut Up About Sexual Assault - How can one condemn Al Franken and soft-pedal Roy Moore? Ask Sean Hannity.
Trump's Tweet Condemning Al Franken Assault Allegations Backfires Spectacularly | HuffPost
Senate Dems Leave No Room For Ambiguity In Denouncing Al Franken | HuffPost
A photo shows Al Franken touching Leeann Tweeden's chest. Many media reports still say he 'allegedly' groped her.
Is sexual assault funny? - The Washington Post
They were sexually harassed at work. They reported it. Here's what happened.
Stephen Colbert Shreds Al Franken With A Humiliating Blast From The Past | HuffPost
Sitting Supreme Court Justice Bill O'Neill, responding to Franken allegations, claims bedding 50 women ... speaking up "on behalf of all heterosexual males"
Women On Clinton And Sanders Campaigns Allege Sexual Harassment | HuffPost - Lilian Adams and Zoey Jordan Salsbury worked on opposite sides of the Democratic presidential primary. But they had similar problems.
Jeffrey Tambor Accused By 'Transparent' Actress Of Sexual Harassment; Actor Admits "Flaws," Says "misinterpreted." ((playing a woman didn't help)) The allegations against Tambor come in the shadow of Amazon seeing a number of executives exit the streaming service led by studio boss Roy Price, who was first suspended indefinitely and then resigned on October 17 as details of sexual harassment allegations against him from 2015 were made public.
Danny Masterson Rape Accuser Comes Forward to Blast Netflix: We Do Matter (Scientology creep)
Fox News Bans Kiss Frontman Gene Simmons for Life - The Kiss frontman Gene Simmons for Life The Kiss frontman's inappropriate and sexist antics during a Fox office meeting led to his being kicked off the network and out of the building for good. (sorry, conservative dude, it's not the '70's anymore)
Graphic: Navy admits to being involved in obscene skydrawings spotted in Okanogan Co. |
Nashville narcotics officer caught stealing $5K in cash during sting operation : news
Eschaton: Dissolved - Still at the mercy of Republican assholes who largely control the budget, but at least there is local accountability now (including the local portion of the budget). The Philadelphia School Reform Commission is on its way to extinction. ... The era of distress was when the SRC controlled it. You can judge which way causation goes. Education is perhaps the biggest local issue and it was one nobody could vote on.
Vanity Fair Fashion Staff Nonplussed by New Editor's Personal Style (she's not a fashion-plate like disheveled Graydon Carter)
Beware Your Leggings If You Sit Down With Anna Wintour
Here are Radhika Jones's fox tights, probably.
Confident Philadelphia Officials Preemptively Raze Center City To Make Room For Amazon Headquarters
PTSD now eligible for medical marijuana in NY : news (NY very retarded thanks to dick Cuomo)
California releases long-awaited cannabis regulations, will allow huge farms : news
The truth behind the 'first marijuana overdose death'
Does Cannabis Weaken Or Strengthen Your Immune System?
Airliners And F-15s Involved In Bizarre Encounter With Mystery Aircraft Over Oregon - The Drive
Airliners And F-15s Involved In Bizarre Encounter With Mystery Aircraft Over Oregon : news
Children who have been spanked by their parents by age 5 show an increase in behavioural problems at age 6 and age 8, relative to children who have never been spanked. : science (big surprise: child abuse causes problems)
The Jehovah's Witnesses Owe $4,000 Every Day They Don't Turn Over Details Of Alleged Child Sex Abuse. It's Cost Them $2 Million So Far. : news
TIL that a man flipped off a woman while entering a freeway, and proceeded to have his middle finger shot off by her with a .357-caliber revolver. : todayilearned ... "Annie Oakley's great grand daughter"
There's a Digital Media Crash. But No One Will Say It ... numerous cases over the last six months to a year in which digital publishers have announced either major job cuts or in some cases literally fired their entire editorial teams in order 'pivot to video' ... The move to video is driven entirely by advertiser demand. ((not readers who hate it)) A huge, huge, huge amount of digital media is funded by venture capital. ((the root of many evils)) The big picture is that Problem #1 (too many publications) and Problem #2 (platform monopolies) have catalyzed together to create Problem #3 (investors realize they were investing in a mirage and don't want to invest any more). largely because scale hasn't worked in most cases
NASA released a simulation of all 2017s Hurricanes : videos
Keystone Pipeline leaks 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota - CNN (that wasn't supposed to ever happen)
The U.S. Flooded One of Houston's Richest Neighborhoods to Save Everyone Else -- The Army Corps of Engineers sent water cascading into West Houston's Energy Corridor to avoid a catastrophic reservoir failure during Hurricane Harvey. Now a web of lawsuits could change how the government handles extreme weather. -- The victims in West Houston include white, wealthy, Republican-voting energy executives ((Republicans working on the "Flood the Poors First Act")) ... "If you are close to the coast in hurricane country, and you build a house downstream from a reservoir and near a bayou, and everything around you is called 'bayou'-something, what are your reasonable expectations of being flooded? You probably should have thought of that." (and being "energy executives," they refuse to talk about climate change)
Israel Says It Wants to Work With Saudi Arabia to Defeat Iran (Netanyahu and his alliance of evil +Kushner)
The Uncounted - The New York Times
In 2016, Russian Bots Were Busy Supporting Brexit, Too : technology
Pentagon 'erroneously' retweets call for Trump's resignation
Trump's Washington, One Year On -- Spiegel
Did the Feds Flip Turkish Businessman Reza Zarrab -- and Could He Bring Down Michael Flynn? -- Reza Zarrab, whose trial for allegedly cheating U.S. sanctions is scheduled to begin in days, was secretly removed from a federal prison and may be working with prosecutors.
Kushner got emails about WikiLeaks, Russia in 2016, lawmakers say - POLITICO
Senate Judiciary panel: Kushner had contacts about WikiLeaks, Russian overtures he did not disclose - The Washington Post
The curious journey of Carter Page, the former Trump adviser who can't stay out of the spotlight
Congress paid $15 million in settlements. Why we know so little about that money. - CNNPolitics - with female lawmakers making fresh allegations of sexual harassment against unnamed members who are currently in office, and the unveiling of a new bill on Wednesday to change how sexual harassment complaints are reported and resolved. (what happens in Congress stays in Congress)
Trump admin. to reverse ban on elephant trophies from Africa - ABC News (called the Don Jr. Trophy Enablement Act)
Exclusive: Secret witness in Senate Clinton probe is ex-lobbyist for Russian firm
Mistrial declared in Menendez corruption case - politico - The mistrial is a blow to the Justice Department.
The House Just Voted to Bankrupt Graduate Students - The New York Times (with big smiles on their evil faces)
"The fish rots from the head" : a historian on the unique corruption of Trump's White House -- "Politicians lie, but this is different."
Just how bad are Republicans? - The Washington Post
Uh oh, they're using conspiracy charts
Eschaton: The Wall Of Weird - But "we" continue to take these people seriously.
Eschaton: Why Dwell In The Past - Why talk about Bush when TRUMP IS THE REAL CONCERN NOW? Well because Bush was really really bad. Trump does dumb tweets and says stupid stuff and Maggie's palace intrigue reporting at the NYT shows what a bunch of dumbasses they are. True. That is, to some degree, worse. They really are dumbasses ... There was no Twitter then, but George Bush also said an immense amount of dumbass things, sometimes with Trump-esque bluster. OK not *quite* as dumbass ... But the Bush administration was filled with dumbasses in addition to the evil pricks who ran things. They hired a bunch of dumb kids and sent some (not all!) of them to Iraq to destroy the place.
A Wave Is a Comin'
Trump voters have buyer's remorse in North Carolina focus group -- Annie Anthony, 56, voted for Trump last year because she opposes abortion and did not like how Hillary Clinton handled Benghazi. (white women with money elected Trump)
White-on-White Voting - The New York Times - Thomas B. Edsall -- residents of a diminishing number of decisively white American towns and small cities can now be politically mobilized around race, ethnicity, multiculturalism and immigration. (a handful of immigrants/black people flipped the whole town but they aren't racist, it's just "economic anxiety")
Little House, Small Government | New Republic
Homeland Security's head of community outreach once said blacks turned cities to 'slum' with 'laziness, drung use and sexual promiscuity' (only the best people)
When Has Trump Been Accused of Rape or Attempted Rape? Allegations Include a Child, His Wife and a Business Associate
First on CNN: New George H.W. Bush accuser says he groped her during 1992 re-election campaign - CNNPolitics (so it's not dementia)
McConnell: Ethics Committee should review Franken allegations | TheHill
Al Franken and all the others - The Washington Post
"Al Franken kissed and groped me without my consent" Leeann Tweeden says. The senator apologized.
Sen. Al Franken sexual assault allegation: How members of Congress responded - The Washington Post
Accusations of sexual misconduct throw Franken into a political minefield - The Washington Post
Radio Host Says Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Her (let's take a pic of me molesting her)
Melanie Morgan: After TV appearance, Al Franken harassed me too | | Media Equalizer
Sen. Al Franken accused of sexual abuse in 2006 by news anchor Leeann Tweeden. : news
Woman accuses Al Franken of kissing, groping her without consent : television
Lizz Winstead on Twitter: "REAKING: Roy Moore's lawyer just said there was an "undisclosed settlement" with Roy Moore and the Gadsen Mall #RoyMooresCreepyLawyer"
Mitch McConnell mulls having Luther Strange resign to force new special election |
The six likeliest ways this whole Roy Moore saga could end, ranked - The Washington Post
What Roy Moore's 8 accusers have said and his responses
Two more women describe unwanted overtures by Roy Moore at Alabama mall - The Washington Post
Roy Moore nightmare just got worse. It could infect the battle for the Senate
Roy Moore's Campaign Demands Accuser 'Release the Yearbook (the ayatollah of Alabama)
Eschaton: You Young People Just Don't Get It - Back in the day, if you were creeping on a high school girl you had to call the school to track her down. There just wasn't any other way to do it. You couldn't find her facebook or instagram or snapchat, you just had to call the principal's office and try to get her on the phone. That was the only way.
We asked a handwriting expert to evaluate claims that Roy Moore's writing was forged
Ivanka Trump might be the worst enabler of them all - The Washington Post
Old Vic Inquiry on Kevin Spacey Finds 20 Reports of Misconduct - The New York Times (broom meet rug)
Eshlau comments on Corey Feldman confirms and names one of his abusers
'Inappropriate behavior' with man in his office led to Ohio lawmaker's ouster -- Rep Wes Goodman, R-Cardington (is so gay)
When another anti-LBTGQ politician (Wes Goodman) gets caught having sex with the same sex... : AdviceAnimals
5 Women Look Back on Sex With Their Bosses and Professors
Sylvester Stallone accused of forcing teen into threesome | Daily Mail Online
Sylvester Stallone accused of forcing 16-year-old girl into threesome : news
'F*** TRUMP' truck sticker photo goes viral; driver speaks... (cops try to track him down )
Sheriff: Truck's 'F--k Trump' display could lead to disorderly conduct charge - The Washington Post
#tuckfrump hashtag on Twitter
York-Poquoson Sheriff's Office responds to deputy's blackface Halloweeen costume ... The deputy in question, Jean Browning, reportedly dressed up as the African American politician Frederica Wilson, who represents Florida's 24th district in the U.S. House of Representatives. The costume included the deputy appearing in blackface. The photos were posted on social media. (satire?)
A new study suggests that marijuana users are more creative, but it's probably not because of their marijuana use : science
Spurious Correlations
Colorado doctors claim first marijuana overdose death |
A person is more effective at analyzing fake news and conspiracy theories if they have a tendency for analytical thinking, which provides consistent protection against conspiratorial thinking and other irrational beliefs, but only if it was accompanied by a belief in the value of critical thinking. : science
Georgia high school students win $3 million settlement against sheriff : news - Irony alert: The sheriff's son was popped for possession of pot with intent to distribute about a month ago.
Texas State suspends all Greek life after pledge dies : news
What is a dead giveaway, that a girl is interested in you? : AskReddit
Russia used hundreds of fake accounts to tweet about Brexit, data shows | World news | The Guardian">Russia used hundreds of fake accounts to tweet about Brexit, data shows | World news | The Guardian
Zimbabwe army has Mugabe and wife in custody, controls capital - World - CBC News">Zimbabwe army has Mugabe and wife in custody, controls capital - World - CBC News
New Banksy spotted, UK. : picss (fake, but good)
Christopher Steele believes his dossier on Trump-Russia is 70-90% accurate | US news | The Guardian -- FBI contacts greeted his intelligence report with 'shock nd horror'
How Trump walked into Putin's Web
We Knew Julian Assange Hated Clinton. We Didn't Know He Was Secretly Advising Trump. (by Not Glenn Greenwald)
Donald Trump, Consoler-in-Chief - Lawyers, Guns & Money - What we have here is Trump copying and pasting his tweet from a week and a half ago, after the church shooting in Texas, and forgetting to even change the name of the grieving community.
Tillerson's "Disdain" Is Killing The State Department (his mission of incompetence and corruption)
Is Mike Pence wrapped up in the Russia scandal or a gullible rube? - The Washington Post (he helped hire the Russians) It's grotesque': Justice Dept. veterans recoil at idea of another special counsel (Injustice Dept +look backward, not forward)
Fox News's Shepard Smith defunks his network's favorite Hillary Clinton 'scandal,' infuriates viewers (who can't stand "facts")
Donald Trump Jr.'s incredible history of dumb decisions
What Donald Trump's UCLA tweet reveals about him (he objectifies himself)
The GOP tax plan will be a massive political nightmare for Republicans - The Washington Post
Eschaton: Teh Deficit">If the Democrats were proposing increasing the debt by $1.5 trillion with even a mixed package of tax cuts and spending increases, the conversation would be completely dominated by the usual suspects, defrosted from their cryogenic capsules at the various astroturf groups and suddenly respectable think Tanks, arguing that the Debt was going to kill us all.
"The GOP Tax Cut Plan Opens A New Front In The War On Obamacare | HuffPost">The GOP Tax Cut Plan Opens A New Front In The War On Obamacare | HuffPost
Taxpayers pay for government lawyers to protect Trump business profits
Democrats flip 1 more seat in Oklahoma's GOP-led Legislature
The New Gilded Age in One Image - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Anonymous hackers take down over a dozen neo-Nazi sites in new wave of attacks. : technology
NRSC poll: Moore trails Jones by 12 - POLITICO
New Roy Moore accuser: 'He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it' ... It was at that point, she recalled, he grabbed her buttocks.
GOP Senators Believe Roy Moore's Accusers But Not Donald Trump's | HuffPost">GOP Senators Believe Roy Moore's Accusers But Not Donald Trump's | HuffPost
The Roy Moore problem is now squarely on Trump - The Washington Post
Limbaugh: Moore was a Democrat at time of sexual misconduct allegations | TheHill (the old switch and bait)
Supporters Try To Save Roy Moore With Very Subtle Campaign Tactic - Lawyers, Guns & Money ("Bernie Bernstein' from the Washington Jewish Post)
Josh Barro on Twitter: "Roy Moore's signature from that 1977 yearbook matches Roy Moore's signature on his US Term Limits pledge this year."
Eschaton: Who Gets To Be Forgiven -- The strain of conservative Christianity which says that as long as you're the right sort of person, tribally, you can do no sin, is certainly appealing to some -- "I really don't think someone of his character would have done that. And if he had done it, it doesn't matter in God's eyes because hed have been forgiven." -- Especially when the tribal affiliation mostly requires "hating the people you're supposed to hate." (+Satangelical sees though "God's eyes")
Roy Moore and the Sorry State of Evangelical Politics - The New York Times
Sean Hannity has become the media's top conspiracy theorist ... down the rabbit hole
Roy Moore Reminds Me of My Rabbi - The New York Times
The death of Christianity in the U.S. ... Christianity has died in the hands of Evangelicals. murdered by the ambitions of Trumpish flimflammers who have sold their souls for expediency. No greater proof is needed of the death of Christianity than the rush to defend a child molester in order to maintain a majority in the U.S. Senate. ... The Evangelical's Jesus is satanic ... (Satangelicals)
'Unsafe and Just Plain Dirty' : Women Accuse Vice of 'Toxic' Sexual-Harassment Culture (the Uber culture)
NBC News Booker Matt Zimmerman Fired Amid Misconduct Claims | Hollywood Reporter
Bill Burr - Louis C.K.'s Sexual Misconduct : television : television
Local pastors face a new charge involving sex trafficking of children : news
California shootings: Gunman in Northern California shot wife before going on rampage - CNN (another bearded killer)
Eschaton: Self-Driving PR -- It's all about taking public property. (Kochistan will give away a highway to Foxconn)
The Zizek Maneuver - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Daughters can have "daddy issues" even when their fathers stick around. New study finds that, when daughters dwell on a time their dads disappointed them, they perceive more sexual interest from men, even if their dads were otherwise present. :
" Are Wormholes real? : askscience
Potentially habitable world found just 11 light years away | Science | The Guardian
People who are married to someone with the same first name as you: How's that going? : AskReddit">People who are married to someone with the same first name as you: Hows that going? : AskReddit What is the most romantic thing that has ever been done for you? : AskReddit">What is the most romantic thing that has ever been done for you? : AskReddit
Protesters Jeer as Trump Team Promotes Coal at U.N. Climate Talks : news -- "Promoting coal at a climate summit is like promoting tobacco at a cancer summit"
Harvey-scale rains could hit Texas 18x more often by the end of the century | For Texas as a whole, this sort of rain goes from being once a century to happening every 5.5 years. : science">Harvey-scale rains could hit Texas 18x more often by the end of the century | For Texas as a whole, this sort of rain goes from being once a century to happening every 5.5 years. : science
5 dead at multiple shooting locations in N. California county, including a school; gunman is killed - LA Times
UPDATE: Five killed, 10 hospitalized in Rancho Tehama shooting
5 dead, including 3 at an elementary school, in shooting in Sacramento, CA : news
Stories of loss, love and hope: six firsthand accounts from some of America's worst mass shootings | US news | The Guardian
Australia says yes to same-sex marriage in historic postal survey | Australia news | The Guardian - 61.6% of participants in the voluntary survey approve a change to the law ... With a turnout of 79.5%
Australian's Say 'Yes' to Same-Sex Marriage, Clearing Path for Legalization
Russia's 'irrefutable evidence' of US help for Isis appears to be video game still | World news | The Guardian
This is how a superpower commits suicide - The Washington Post - first official Asia tour, the precipitous erosion of America's decades-long hegemony in the region has been painfully apparent.
ret deal that let hundreds of IS fighters and their families escape from Raqqa, under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city.
Eschaton: Give Us What We Want Or We Shoot The Country In The Face (Instead of Just The Legs) (meanwhile, in walking-off-the-cliff land)
A Missing Prime Minister Is the Antihero of Beirut's Marathon
The NSA: Still F*cking Up - The deepest of the deep state managed to get itself hacked.
Secret Finding: 60 Russian Payments "To Finance Election Campaign Of 2016" ... sent by the Russian foreign ministry to its embassies across the globe
Eric Garland on Twitter: "I understand that these headlines just try to grapple with the last nine minutes' news...but Sessions SET UP THE ENTIRE FOREIGN POLICY TEAM." -- Sessions IS THE CENTER OF THE RUSSIAN CONSPIRACY. AND WEIRDLY, AG. (the heart of the matter)
Jeff Sessions Says He Forgot Trump Adviser's Russia Comments In 'Chaos' Of Campaign | HuffPost -- "I will not accept and reject accusations that I have ever lied under oath,"
Sessions says he 'always told the truth' in describing Russia contacts
Has Jeff Sessions got the world's worst memory, or what?
Pence denies knowing about Trump Jr. WikiLeaks contacts - politico - Trump Jr. alerted top campaign officials about his communications; Pence seemed to dismiss idea of contact in October, 2016. (Satan always lies)
Eschaton: Lock Her Up - I said they'd try to. -- Attorney General Jeff Sessions is entertaining the idea of appointing a second special counsel to investigate a host of Republican concerns -- including alleged wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation and the controversial sale of a uranium company to Russia (distract, distract)
Trump Shatters Longstanding Norms by Pressing for Clinton Investigation - The New York Times
Jeff Sessions Weighs Competing Special Counsel Focused On Clinton, Democrats | HuffPost (slouching towards dictatorship)
President Trump has made 1,628 false or misleading claims over 298 days - The Washington Post (Republicans love liars)
What more evidence of collusion do you need? - The Washington Post
Trump's Tweets May Be His Undoing
Jeff Sessions: 'Not enough basis' for special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton | US news | The Guardian ... Sessions also acknowledged he now recalled a meeting during the 2016 presidential election in which George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to Donald Trump's campaign, disclosed ties to Russia.
A special counsel to probe Clinton? That puts us in very dangerous territory. - The Washington Post
How Rupert Murdoch destroyed the Republican Party - The Washington Post
Senators demand inquiry into Trump's commerce secretary after Paradise Papers leak | News | The Guardian
Why your mental map of the US economy is probably wrong - The Boston Globe
Eschaton: Ribgate - Above my pay grade, but everyone I talked to who had broken ribs said they were pretty much down for 3 weeks, and no one had 6 broken ribs.
How American politics went batshit crazy, starting with Newt Gingrich - Axios (what happened when Republicans, not "American Politics" went nuts)
The Kansas Disaster Is the Republican Dream - What Republicans Want for the Whole Country -- Sam Brownback and co. have tried to cover up just how bad it is.
Kansas: Trump's John the Baptist (Brownbackistan, where everything is a secret)
Foxconn Executives Will Get the Best Housing and Rations in Post-Apocalyptic Wisconsin - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Kochistan, where the gilded age is rising again)
Johnstown Never Believed Trump Would Help. They Still Love Him Anyway. - politico Magazine (white racist Fox-watchers)
Even the Worst Parts of America Have Lots of Great People - Lawyers, Guns & Money - That Politico piece from last week about the horrible racism of Trump voters in Johnstown, Pennsylvania got a lot of attention, for good reason
Voice of America Reporter Outed As Alt-Right | Mediaite
Trump Federal Judge Nominee Has Never Tried a Case - Wake up and smell the white supremacist theocracy.
GOP megadonor Adelson publicly breaks with Bannon - politico (non-human)
I Believe Juanita - The New York Times
'Nothing about it felt right': More than 50 people describe sexual harassment on Capitol Hill
Congresswoman Says At Least 2 Members Of Congress Are Sexual Harassers | HuffPost - Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) has been an outspoken advocate for making it easier for Congress workers to report sexual misconduct.
Senate Republicans Grapple With How To Answer The Roy Moore Question | HuffPost
Alabama's Biggest Newspaper Calls On GOP To Withdraw Support For Roy Moore
Roy Moore challenged Alabama law that protects rape victims, documents reveal | US news | The Guardian - Cases were among 10 where Moore, as Alabama's top judge, dissented from court's majority view and sided with alleged offenders
Roy Moore, Long Divisive in His Hometown, and Even More So Now - The New York Times
Our view: Roy Moore grossly unfit for office |
Roy Moore's Base Is Sticking With Him, Attacking Those Who Attack Him -- "These other Republicans are the political field hands picking cotton on the Democrat plantation.' (the slavery metaphor is always there)
Roy Moore Refuses to Drop Out Despite Fifth Accuser - Why I Don't Think Roy Moore Is Going Away -- Despite a fifth accuser coming forward ... It began on Monday with The Bar lying on the ground and Mitch McConnell's clearing it with relative ease ... I mean, after all, there are now only five women accusing Moore of sexual misconduct, and Moore's got 50 Christian pastors who have his back.
Roy Moore Defender on CNN Makes a Lawnmower Comparison -- Moore supporter compares sexual abuse to stealing a lawn mower. Where does CNN find these people??
Volvo pulls its ads from Hannity after Moore coverage | TheHill
Roy Moore allegations prompt reflections on fundamentalist culture in which some Christian men date teens - The Washington Post -- "14 year old girls courting adult men isn't entirely uncommon"
Roy Moore's wife posted a letter of support from evangelical pastors. It may be old. - The Washington Post
Sean Hannity Has Lost 11 Sponsors Since Remarks Defending Roy Moore (Update) : television
Mo Brooks sticking by Moore: GOP agenda 'vastly more important than contested sexual allegations' (Satangelicals stick together)
Alabama Senate: One Hot Mess Moves to Toss Up | The Cook Political Report
Steve Bannon and Allies Have Second Thoughts About Roy Moore, Sources Say
The Troll Smearing Roy Moore's Accuser Stole a Dead Navy SEAL's Identity
Arianna Huffington Ignored Sexual Misconduct at The Huffington Post ... well-documented history of fostering a toxic work culture, and failing to address inappropriate behavior
Attiya Khan on Why She Confronted Her Longtime Abuser on Camera
18 'One Tree Hill' Cast And Crew Members Accuse Mark Schwahn Of Sexual Harassment | HuffPost (todays's dick-shoe)
'One Tree Hill' Cast, Crew Accuse Showrunner Mark Schwahn of Sexual Harassment
Louis C.K.'s Manager Admits Wrongdoing In Quieting The Comedian's Accusers | HuffPost
'I'lll ruin you' : Judy Garland on being groped and harassed by powerful Hollywood men -- Garland, one of the world's most famous actresses, was groped and harassed repeatedly by Louis B. Mayer, the famed producer and co-founder of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios. (another Jewish perv)
Berklee president: 11 faculty members have been terminated in 13 years for sex assault, harassment - The Boston Globe -- The meeting came in the wake of a Boston Globe story last week that chronicled incidents since 2008 in which students reported being assaulted, groped, or pressured into sex with their teachers, according to court documents and interviews with more than a dozen people ... president Roger Brown (has been there the whole time and did nothing to stop it)
Founder of Florida's Biggest Megachurch Accused of Molesting a 4-Year-Old
He could have blown up the block : Fla. police discover booby-trapped SpongeBob lunchbox
Overnight in Walmart Parking Lots: Silence, Solace and Refuge - The New York Times
Boston lands the number 2 spot in new ranking for Amazon headquarters - The Boston Globe
State agency to investigate liquor license practices in Cambridge - The Boston Globe
Blood pressure of 130 is the new 'high' according to first update of guidelines in 14 years -- New blood pressure guidelines say 130 is high and half of adults have high blood pressure - The Washington Post - 130 over 80, down from 140 over 90. The change, the first in 14 years, means that 46 percent of U.S. adults, many of them under the age of 45, now will be considered hypertensive
3 Michigan brothers still missing nearly 7 years after father says he gave them away : news
Dad who's been trolling daughter by recreating her selfies now has twice as many followers as her : pics
Thousands of scientists issue bleak 'second notice' to humanity
America's Mass Shooting Problem Is A Domestic Violence Problem | HuffPost - Most mass shooters target their loved ones or have a history of family violence. (and 90% of the men have beards)
The Lineman Got $63 an Hour. The Utility Was Billed $319 an Hour. - The New York Times
Iran-Iraq Border: Strong Earthquake Kills At Least 349 : The Two-Way : NPR
At Least 160 Dead, 1,500 Injured in 7.3 Iranian Earthquake : news
They Want to Know If Trump's Crazy -- Inside the secret back-channel North Korea talks. (because it sure looks like he is)
Trump personally asked Xi Jinping to help resolve case of UCLA basketball players arrested in China - The Washington Post
Green Beret Discovered SEALs' Illicit Cash. Then He Was Killed.
The Secret Correspondence Between Donald Trump Jr. and WikiLeaks - The Atlantic -- The transparency organization asked the president's son for his cooperation -- in sharing its work, in contesting the results of the election, and in arranging for Julian Assange to be Australia's ambassador to the United States. (many deals were in the making, including Julian's Revenge) ... Prematurely pro-fascist scum - Lawyers, Guns & Money - @realDonaldTrump tweeted about the release of Podesta's emails *15 minutes* after @Wikileaks wrote to @DonaldJTrumpJr about it.
Wikileaks lying in an AMA about colluding with the Trump campaign. : bestof
The Libertarian Trump Operative and the Utter Dumbshit - Lawyers, Guns & Money - You know, I think we may have to consider the possibility that Julian Assange was working on behalf of Doanld Trump:
Donald Trump Jr. Corresponded With WikiLeaks About Material Damaging to Clinton - Impeach-O-Meter: Donald Trump Jr. Corresponded With WikiLeaks About Clinton
Trump Cozies Up To Duterte, Ignores Human Rights Questions | HuffPost - He also laughed when the Philippine leader referred to journalists as 'spies'
News photographer who protested White House restrictions on access gets revenge with revealing shot of Trump - The Washington Post
Philippines' Duterte sings love song for Trump: 'You are the light' | World news | The Guardian
Trump's Man in Manila
Inside Rodrigo Duterte's war on drugs -- Part 2, the human toll
Bad Jobs and Terrorism - Lawyers, Guns & Money
What Mueller's org chart reveals about his Russia probe - POLITICO
The Trump Presidency: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) : television -- Here's the full speech that trump gave after being asked about the Iran nuclear deal: (comletely incoherent free-association word-salad, the guy is demented)
Trump Judicial Pick Did Not Disclose He Is Married to a White House Lawyer - The New York Times (you know, the wingnut blogger with no experience for the lifetime appt.)
Menendez trial in turmoil as jurors admit hearing explosive comments |
Poll: Nearly half of white Southerners feel like they're under attack ... And 30 percent of all respondents in the poll agreed when asked if America needs to protect and preserve its white European heritage (their racism is "under attack")
White People Discover That Being Racist Assholes Has Consequences - Lawyers, Guns & Money
In high-tax California, a vote to scrap deductions could be the kiss of death for endangered House Republicans - LA Times
Fewer Foreign Students Are Coming to U.S., Survey Shows - The New York Times
Colin Kaepernick Will Not Be Silenced | GQ
Bill Clinton: A Reckoning with Clinton's sex crimes
Sixth Woman Says George H.W. Bush Groped Her When She Was 16 : news
A Fifth Woman Accuses Senate Candidate Roy Moore of Sexual Misconduct - The New York Times
Locals Were Troubled by Roy Moore's Interactions with Teen Girls at the Gadsden Mall
Roy Moore threatens to sue The Washington Post over allegations involving sexual encounter : news
Alabama polls show close race after Moore accusations - politico - The most recently released survey, an automated poll from the Republican-leaning firm JMC Analytics and Polling, shows the Democrat leading by 4 percentage points.
Yes It's an Entire Culture of Sanctioned Sexual Abuse - Roy Moore's behavior was in keeping with hardcore conservative evangelical culture of sanctioned patriarchal sexual abuse ... 37% of Alabama evangelicals are actually more likely to vote for Roy Moore after hearing the allegations against him, and 34 percent said it would make no difference (Satangelicals +perv is seriouisly missing some frontal cortex)
50 pastors sign letter of support for Roy Moore | (the "Big Sort" is really between the righteous and the damned)
Ignore the spin. Trump and the GOP have made a devil's s bargain with Roy Moore. (you know, literally)
Breitbart's Coming Exploitation of the Believe Women Movement
'There's more to come from this creep' : MSNBC panel disturbed by Roy Moore's remarks to Sean Hannity
James Woods Named by Actress Elizabeth Perkins at #MeToo Rally
Melissa Benoist Calls for Industry Change After 'Supergirl' Boss Accused of Sexual Harassment -- Andrew Kreisberg was put on leave following allegations from multiple women. ... Nineteen men and women, all of whom chose to remain anonymous, came forward to Variety, which first reported the allegations, to accuse the showrunner of sexual misconduct, including inappropriate touching, which took place over a period of several years
How Is Serial Abuser Charlie Sheen Surviving the 2017 Hollywood Purge?
Rebecca Traister on the Post-Weinstein Reckoning
Kevin Spacey Can't be Ousted from 'House of Cards' Allegations'; No Morals Clause in Contract -- He is a executive producer on the show. He has been doing this stuff for years. You can be sure he always knew someday someone would say something. So his people make sure every contract he signs guarantees he is protected from past actions to keep his pay day.
Tom Sizemore Was Removed From Movie Set for Allegedly Violating 11-Year Old Girl | Hollywood Reporter
Why People Laughed At Louis C.K.'s Masturbation Jokes ... The benign violation theory was designed to explain what makes things funny.
Why Men Force Women to Watch Them Masturbate
Arizona State professor resigns after his secret past as predatory priest is revealed - The Washington Post - Jaime Lara kept his scandalous past hidden for 25 years ... The Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, under pressure from victims, posted on its website the names of eight priests who had been laicized (free to molest)
Reign of Terror at Colorado Boys and Girls Ranch Finally Stopped Years After Abuse First Reported : news
Thank you Reddit. You helped shut down the Elan School. I'm deeply thankful to this entire community. If you want to know more about this place, AMA. : IAmA
The Retail Apocalypse - Lawyers, Guns & Money (overbuild and overborrow)
Research published in the journal Prevention Science finds that adolescent cannabis use has not increased in states that have legalized medical marijuana. : science
Moderate alcohol consumption improves foreign language skills : science
What in physics is fundamental? : askscience
The World of Everyday Experience, In One Equation | Sean Carroll
What is something that instantly killed a crush that you had on someone? : AskReddit
TIL Breaking Bad's popularity coincided with a 51% increase in methamphetamine use in Germany, and a 400% increase in meth smuggling attempts in Britain : todayilearned
reddit | BlackHatWorld - The Home of Internet Marketing
Sending in our nude photos to fight revenge porn? No thanks, Facebook.
We're not even close to being prepared for the rising waters By Bill McKibben
Trump's nominee to lead his environmental council isn't sure if water expands as it warms (anti-science fake-science lady)
Sheldon Whitehouse on Twitter: I don't even know where to begin with @realdonaldtrumpshe outright rejects basic science
New Delhi's 'gas chamber' smog is so bad that United Airlines has stopped flying there
In upstate New York, a tragedy eclipsed, but not forgotten - The Boston Globe - In 2009, a gunman opened fire in an immigrant services center here, killing 13 men and women.
Mapping the Las Vegas Massacre: NY Times : videos
Radioactive cloud that covered Europe might be from Russia. Don't worry about it though -- Somewhere in Russia in the last week of September, the French government believes, something happened. -- sent a cloud of radioactive isotopes -- Ruthenium-106, named after Russia -- wafting over Europe for thousands of miles.
Muslim Hacktivists Hack ISIS website; expose 20,000 subscribers list : technology
Documents: Texas National Guard Installed Cellphone Spying Devices on Surveillance Planes : news
Security Breach and Spilled Secrets Have Shaken the N.S.A. to Its Core - The New York Times - a serial leak of the agency's cyberweapons has damaged morale, slowed intelligence operations and resulted in hacking attacks on businesses and civilians worldwide. By Scott Shane, Nicole Perlroth And David E. Sangernov. 12, 2017
In 'Watershed Moment,' YouTube Blocks Extremist Cleric's Message -- For eight years, the jihadist propaganda of Anwar al-Awlaki has helped shape a generation of American terrorists, including the Fort Hood gunman, the Boston Marathon bombers and the perpetrators of massacres in San Bernardino, Calif., and Orlando, Fla.
TSA Plans to Use Face Recognition to Track Americans Through Airports -- DHS's programs will become a massive violation of privacy that could serve as a gateway to the collection of biometric data to identify and track every traveler at every airport and border crossing in the country (it for you own good)
Former U.S. intelligence officials: Trump being 'played' by Putin (delete the "l" and you'd be closer to the truth)
Trump Distances Himself From His Own Remarks On Russian Election Meddling | HuffPost - "As currently led, by fine people, I believe very much in our intelligence agencies" ("haters and fools" was yesterday)
Trump Concerned about Putin's Hurt Feelings (Trump goes full Manchurian)
Full Transcript of Trump's Remarks on Russia ... "And I'll say this, Hillary had her stupid reset button that she spelled the word wrong, but she doesn't have what it takes to have that kind of a relationship where you could call or you could do something and they would pull back from North Korea, or they'd pull back from Syria, or maybe pull back from Ukraine" (who's "pulling back" from North Korea? +the stuff that sticks in his brain) /a>
Clinton 'reset button' gift to Russian FM gets lost in translation (context)
Trump's chief of staff: 'I do not follow the tweets' Hours after President Trump provoked North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Twitter, suggesting he is "short and fat"
Trump dominates the GOP base. Party leaders live with the consequences. - The Washington Post
Both Sides Do It, But the Democrat Party is More Neoliberal - Lawyers, Guns & Money - What substantive ends, you might ask, are Republicans hoping to accomplish by doing anything up to and including conferencing with a child molester should he get elected? This kind of thing: (Republican blogger with no experience gets life-time appt. to Fed Court)
Linc Woulda Won - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Maybe you don't believe brave cynical book promoter whistle-blower Donna Brazile. But how can people possibly deny evidence that Hillary and the DNC RIGGED Democratic primaries this compelling? (Chaffee had it in the bag) ,/a>
Pricing access to the Trump White House: the strange case of the Times social media policy - PressThink - "Any semblance of a political opinion must be squashed, with the appearance of neutrality and balance preserved at all costs" -- The Times is slipping behind its longtime rival, the Washington Post, because it is reacting more from fear of criticism than strength of insight. Responsibility has to return to Dean Baquet, the top editor, who is leading the charge, so to speak, toward caution and phony consensus ... then something is very wrong in the hierarchy of the New York Times. And that again returns to Baquet, who is being outplayed by his rival, Marty Baron at the Post.
2017 Most & Least Federally Dependent States (the heart of Trumpland:? KY, MS, NM, AL WVa, SC, MT, TN, ME, IN)
Advertisers Ditch Sean Hannity Over His Coverage Of Roy Moore's Alleged Pursuit of Teens | HuffPost
SNL's Roy Moore sketch is one big joke about Alabama being backward
Democrat: Effort to delay Alabama Senate election like a 'dictatorship' -- "You cannot delay an election because you are afraid of losing. That's what they do in dictatorships"
Everyone Knew Roy Moore Dated High School Girls, Says Former Colleague | HuffPost - And they thought it was "weird"
GOP fears Roy Moore will cost them a Senate seat - Axios (the pedophilia=supporting evangelicals will turn out for him)
Keanu's Hollywood Scandal
Poll by the Bookseller finds 54% of female respondents reporting sexual harassment, assault or predatory behaviour
Anti-transgender tweet draws criticism for Minnesota lawmaker - "A guy who thinks he's a girl is still a guy with a mental health condition"
A small-town doctor wanted to perform surgeries for transgender women. He faced an uphill battle. - The Washington Post - a "secularist, nonbelieving morality is being jammed down our throats"
Matthew Weiner denies sexual harassment allegations to Cambridge audience - The Boston Globe
Ellis Island immigration center shuts down, Nov. 12, 1954 - politico
Scores of Cambridge restaurants paid six figures for a liquor license. Others got them for free - The Boston Globe
TIL that the rate of world population growth is now decreasing. : todayilearned
What one line comment can you write that is almost guaranteed to start a long chain? : AskReddit
'We're having a menstrual liberation': how periods got woke | Society | The Guardian
It's time to rethink how you read the story of Adam and Eve by Reza Aslan
TIL that vitamin D is actually a hormone, and can greatly affect your sleep quality and many other bodily functions : todayilearned
The Different Types of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder | OCD-UK - Checking - Contamination / Mental Contamination - Hoarding - Ruminations / Intrusive Thoughts
10,000 Snow Geese Taking Off Together : videos
Were you ever seduced by same sex even even though you are straight? What happened? : AskReddit
Reddit old heads, how has the site changed since you signe d up? : AskReddit
What event in Reddit history were you a part of? : AskReddit
[Serious] What kept you from killing yourself? : AskReddit
YouTube says it will crack down on bizarre videos targeting children : news
Russian interference in Spain: Government confirms intervention of Russian hackers in Catalan crisis | In English | EL PAMS - Speaking after weekly Cabinet meeting, defense minister announces Spain will raise issue at EU Foreign Affairs Council on Monday ... Russian and Venezuelan hackers have been interfering in the ongoing crisis in Catalonia
Saudi Arabia forcibly detained Lebanon's prime minister, sources say ... Saudi Arabia is making a mockery of international norms. THEY JUST KIDNAPPED AND FORCED THE LEADER OF A SOVEREIGN DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY TO RESIGN!! (Trump said it was ok)
Canadian scalper's multimillion-dollar StubHub scheme exposed in Paradise Papers : technology
US embassy hires security firm of former Russian spy who worked with Putin - The US embassy in Moscow is to be guarded by a company owned by a former head of KGB counter-intelligence who worked with British double agent Kim Philby and young Vladimir Putin, after cuts to US staff demanded by Russia.
Boris Johnson met 'London professor' linked to FBI's Russia investigation -- Fresh questions as photograph emerges of Joseph Mifsud and foreign secretary at Brexit dinner
Trump Sides With Putin Over U.S. Intelligence On Election Meddling | HuffPost - He also took multiple unprompted shots at Hillary Clinton. Trump also took multiple shots at his 2016 rival Hillary Clinton and lamented that Putin is "very insulted" by the accusations of election meddling (demented traitoor dotard is an arm of Russian propaganda)
Trump" 'People will die' as a result of focus on Russia allegations 'Every time he sees me he says '"I didn't do that" and I really believe, that when he tells me that, he means it"
CIA says Mike Pompeo stands by assessment on Russia meddling in election - CNNPolitics (Trump doesn't believe fake intelligence from his government)
Trump Sides With Putin Over U.S. Intelligence On Election Meddling | HuffPost - He also took shots at the former heads of national intelligence, the CIA and the FBI.
A London Meeting of an Unlikely Group: How a Trump Adviser Came to Learn of Clinton 'Dirt'
Jared Kushner reportedly told a Time Warner executive to dump 20 percent of CNN's staff : news
Exclusive: Rupert Murdoch twice discussed CNN with AT&T CEO - sources | Article [AMP] | Reuters -- , the 86-year-old executive chairman of Twenty-First Century Fox Inc (FOXA.O) offered to buy CNN in both conversations. (to shut it down)
Cambridge Analytica Denies Ties to Russia, Unconvincingly - Alexander Nix, CEO of Cambridge Analytica. (his face tells the story)
How Flynn -- and the Russia scandal -- landed in the West Wing -- Christie mounted a campaign against Flynn for the national security adviser job. He lost -- with major consequences
Red state lawmakers find blue state piggy bank | TheHill (raise taxes on Demoracts and give it to Republicans)
The GOP can't be rebranded. Let's junk it. ... Alabama. 50% of the state identifies as evangelical and we about to have Roy Moore foisted upon us in the Senate. 70% of evangelicals voted republican in Virginia last week. The most sick example is that they supported Donald Trump. (evangelicals became Satangelicals)
Eschaton: Bill Clinton Was A Horrible President - He really was. 20 years later I am tired of people defending him. Impeachment was bullshit but he was a bad man and a bad Democrat and a bad president. Obama was pretty shitty, too. (Dem stars have sucked)
Democrats Should Never Compromise on Race - Lawyers, Guns & Money - there is no reason for candidates to offer compromising positions to try and appeal to mythical whites who supposedly want to vote for Democrats if only Dems didn't care about the blacks so dang much
Pandering to Racists Won't Get Democrats Anywhere -- There really isn't a political center on key questions of race.
Jonathan Martin on Twitter: "Dems! @RalphNortham can't even begin victory speech bc pro sanctuary cities activists are heckling him. (Pandered to Gillespie voters with racist stance, got 0 votes for efforts)
We went to a focus group of N.H. Trump voters. Here's what we learned
Why have the women who admitted to being groped by President Trump been ignored? : AdviceAnimals
Sen. Robert Menendez may have had sex with underage hookers in Dominican Republic: prosecutors : news
How low will the GOP sink? - The Washington Post
Former Moore colleague: 'Common knowledge' that he dated high school girls
Roy Moore on whether he dated teenage girls: "Not generally, no"
2 GOP Senators Drop Endorsements Of Roy Moore | HuffPost - Sens. Steve Daines (Mont.) and Mike Lee (Utah) announced their decision Friday evening.
For Alabama Women, Disgust, Fatigue and a Sense Moore Could Win Anyway - The New York Times (they always vote for evil anyway)
Republicans Try to Block Moore's Path as Candidate Denies Sexual Misconduct
CNN's Cooper battles GOP lawmaker who said Roy Moore's accusers should be prosecuted -- and it's a doozy (the Republican's speech patterns and attitude)
Hope Solo: "Sepp Blatter grabbed my ass. Can I talk about that?"
George Takei Accused of Sexually Assaulting Former Model in 1981 | Hollywood Reporter
George Teakei admitting to grabbing genitals without consent. (2 weeks ago) : videos
George Takei Accused Of Groping Former Male Model In 1981 | HuffPost - Scott R. Brunton told The Hollywood Reporter that the actor assaulted him while he was unconscious. (drugged?)
Megathread: George Takei Accused Of Groping Former Male Model In 1981, Richard Dreyfuss Accused Of Sexual Harassment By L.A.-Based Writer, 4 Women Accuse Atomic Blonde's Producer David Guillod of Rape
George Takei "Shocked & Bewildered" At Sexual Assault Claims Made Against Him
Prosecutors to Meet With Alleged Kevin Spacey Victim | Hollywood Reporter - The Cape and Islands district attorney announced Friday a meeting was scheduled between his office and the teenage son of Heather Unruh, who accused Kevin Spacey of sexually assaulting him at a bar in July 2016, the Boston Globe reports.
#MeToo Survivors March to Take Place Sunday in Hollywood | Hollywood Reporter
'Supergirl,' 'Arrow' Producer Andrew Kreisberg Suspended Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations by Warner Bros.
Warner Bros. Suspends Showrunner After Numerous Sexual Harassment Allegations | HuffPost - Variety reports that 19 sources have accused Andrew Kreisberg of inappropriate behavior on the sets of his hit TV shows.
Richard Dreyfuss Accused of Exposing Himself to Woman
Richard Dreyfuss Accused Of Sexual Harassment By L.A.-Based Writer | Deadline -- Days after publican defending his son's decision to come forward with a groping accusation against Kevin Spacey, Richard Dreyfuss now finds himself in the crosshairs ... She said the actor never asked her to do anything while he was exposing himself. (another one)
Harry Dreyfuss, Son Of Richard Dreyfuss, Alleges Another Kevin Spacey Groping Incident | Deadline
3 More Women Accuse 'Atomic Blonde' Producer David Guillod of Rape: I Was Covered in Blood -- Guillod, also accused of drugging and assaulting "Ted" actress Jessica Barth, denies any nonconsensual sex
Louis C.K. dumped by FX from all his shows : news
Rebel Wilson Says 'Male Star' Sexually Harassed Her While His Friends Tried To Film | HuffPost
Gary Goddard Denies Anthony Edwards' Molestation Claims
Yes Mom, There is Something Wrong -- Medium - When I was 14 years old, my mother opened the door for me to answer honestly about the rumors she had heard about Gary Goddard
With all these accusations coming out, they're not all going to be true. Don't jump on Witch Hunts, innocent until proven guilty. : videos
Pamela Adlon Talked About Louis C.K. Rumors Ahead of N.Y. Times Expose | Hollywood Reporter
Stephen Colbert, Late-Night Hosts on Louis C.K. Allegations | Hollywood Reporter
Manhattan Prosecutors Subpoena Weinstein Company Records - The New York Times
The 'Click' Moment: How the Weinstein Scandal Unleashed a Tsunami -- Now they post #metoo. Social media, famous accusers and generational change add up to a profound shift.
What Experts Know About Men Who Rape - The New York Times ... "I felt I was repaying her for sexually arousing me." ... experts note one last trait shared by men who have raped: they do not believe they are the problem.
Gina Rodriguez Drops APA and Primary Wave After Sexual Assault Controversies (Exclusive) | Hollywood Reporter
Second Israeli Media Figure Steps Away After Sexual Harassment Claims | Hollywood Reporter
Men at Work Wonder if They Overstepped With Women, Too - The New York Times
Where do kids learn to undervalue women? From their parents. - The Washington Post -- Even progressive spouses don't divide burdens equitably. The children notice.
NBC Sports Boston suspends Michael Felger - The Boston Globe - The website has posted footage taken by witnesses showing Halladay maneuvering the plane recklessly before the accident.
LAPD Bodycam Video Contradicts Testimony, Investigation Finds + CBS Los Angeles : news
Detroit police officers fight each other in undercover op gone wrong : news
The Duke Economics Department: Serving the Real Constituency of New Gilded Age Higher Education, Hedge Fund Managers - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Love's Road Home
Radhika Jones, a Times Books Editor, Said to Be Next Vanity Fair Editor - The New York Times - Ms. Jones, 44, will succeed the 68-year-old Graydon Carter, who said in September that he was stepping down from the glossy general-interest magazine after a 25-year run at its helm.
Girls, what isn't nearly as hot/attractive as many guys think? : AskReddit
Cate Blanchett brings up a good point : funny
Stephen Colbert Says Donald Trump Totally Has A Man Crush On China's President | HuffPost - Of course they have good chemistry, they met on XiHarmony
Beijing is playing Trump "like a fiddle," an ex-ambassador to China says
Millions In Yemen Will Die Unless Saudi Aid Blockade Is Lifted, UN Warns | HuffPost - The Saudi-led war in Yemen, which has been orchestrated by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has left the country on the brink of famine.
Case of Missing Lebanese Prime Minister Stirs Middle East Tensions - The New York Times
Trump adviser claims he lied to FBI out of loyalty to Trump: Source - ABC News - George Papadopoulos, the Trump foreign policy aide who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, initially misled agents out of what he claimed was loyalty to President Donald Trump,
Mysterious Putin 'niece' has a name -- The exact identity of a 'very good looking Russian national who told George Papadopoulos she could broker meetings between the Trump camp and Kremlin officials remains an enigma.
Devin Nunes attended a breakfast with Michael Flynn and Turkey's foreign minister just before the inauguration (oh fucking really. lock up the little traitor)
Mueller Probing Pre-Election Flynn Meeting With Pro-Russia Congressman - NBC News (and Rohrabacher)
Mueller Probing Alleged Flynn Plan To Deliver Cleric To Turkey: Report | HuffPost - Under the plan, Flynn, who was fired by Trump after just 24 days in the job, and his son, Michael Flynn Jr, were to receive up to $15 million for forcibly removing Fethullah Gulen from his U.S. home and delivering him to the Turkish government
The Four Stages of Republican Scandal Response - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Ken Schultz on Twitter: "Four stages of GOP scandal response: 1. As the father of a daughter, I'm outraged. 2. If the allegations are true, he should step down. 3. W"
Mounting GOP retirements threaten House majority | TheHill - A retirement wave has hit House Republicans, emboldening Democrats who have become increasingly bullish about their prospects of winning back a majority in 2018.
The story behind the viral photo of Danica Roem falling to her knees on election night - The Washington Post
Donna Brazile on the Conservative Circuit - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Donna Brazile either a) is unaware of how badly she's lost control of her narrative, or b) doesn't care. Either way, today was some bad optics.
Donna Brazile Explicitly Made False and Grossly Irresponsible Charges - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Perilous Night - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Precisely one year ago this very minute, I was trying to comprehend what white people had done to this nation.
Just Be Thankful the Candidate of Goldman Sachs Lost - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Truth or Consequences
The Health 202: Four possible explanations for the shocking Obamacare enrollment figures - The Washington Post
Please, Big Media, come visit us in Trump country - The Washington Post -- Gary Abernathy is publisher and editor of the (Hillsboro, Ohio) Times-Gazette. (a year later and he's learned nothing)
Rural Wisconsin voters swung for Trump and change, but got frustration
Treason in Defense of Slavery in the Classroom - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- The Civil War Never Stopped Being Fought in America's Classrooms. Here's Why That Matters
Six Myths About Choosing a College Major - The New York Times
Roy Moore Fundraises Off Report That He Molested A 14-Year-Old Girl | HuffPost - The Senate candidate from Alabama has denied the accusations of four women who were teens at the time. "The Obama-Clinton Machine's liberal media lapdogs just launched the most vicious and nasty round of attacks against me I've EVER faced"
This is what 44 seconds of GOP senators not responding to questions about Roy Moore sounds like - CNNPolitics Opinion-Savvy/DDHQ #ALSen Poll: Roy Moore 46.4%, Doug Jones 46% Decision Desk HQ
Roy Moore response shows Republican Party deserves to die (even Max Boot)
There is no bottom for Roy Moore Republicans - Alabama Political Reporter -- Too much Bible thumping. Too much holier-than-thou. Too much greed. Too much law breaking. Too much self-involvement (too much pedo)
Trump casts doubt on allegations against Roy Moore, leaving Republicans an impossible choice - The Washington Post
Senate GOP Campaign Arm Severs Financial Ties To Roy Moore
Alabama GOP Officials Giving Roy Moore A Pass On Sexual Assault Allegations | HuffPost - Also take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus (Joseph was a child-molester so it's all ok)
Breitbart editor: It's OK if Roy Moore is a pedophile because he was single at the time | Shareblue Media - Joel B. Pollak, Breitbart editor and pedophile apologist
Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's 14-year-old daughter.
If I were a carpenter - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Take the Bible. Zachariah and Elizabeth for instance. Zachariah was extremely old to marry Elizabeth and they became the parents of John the Baptist
Fox News Forgets Its Own Sexual Harassment Problem And Again Attacks Victims | HuffPost - legal analyst tells Hannity that false reports are common ploys for money.
Republican Officials and Conservative Commentators Defend Roy Moore - The Atlantic - Many Defenders -- Some of his supporters called the allegations totally false, but a few went further, excusing the alleged behavior.
Aly Raisman says she was sexually abused by U.S. national team doctor - CBS News - In an interview with 60 Minutes, the Olympic gold medalist says she spoke with FBI investigators after the Rio games
Critics Blast Newsweek's 'Tone Deaf' Penis Balloon-Popping Trump Cover - "Why does every attempt at female empowerment and safety-seeking get equated with castrating or otherwise 'harming' men ... "Pop goes the weasels" (Wiesels")
Kevin Spacey's unprecedented fall from grace tests a stunned Hollywood
Author Gay Talese feels sorry for Kevin Spacey, says his accusers should 'suck it up' (it was a privilidge to be molested by a great man)
Jon Stewart Laughed Off Louis C.K. Allegations Last Year - When Stewart was asked about the Louis C.K. rumors in 2016, his jokey response said a lot about the culture of complicity that is just now starting to crumble. ... Next Saturday, C.K. was scheduled to appear alongside Stewart at the live Night of Too Many Stars benefit, founded by one of his oldest friends in the comedy world, Robert Smigel. Pizzagate King Jack Posobiec Doxes Roy Moore's Accuser on Twitter. Twitter Does Nothing.
Trevor Noah Has A Brutal Response To Louis C.K. Sexual Misconduct Allegations | HuffPost
Louis C.K. breaks silence on sexual assault allegations: 'These stories are true' : television
Louis C.K. statement released : news
Louis C.K. Is Done ... while his teenage daughter (Chlok Grace Moretz), a legal minor, is having a fling with a much older, Woody Allen-like film director
Louis C.K. Finally Responds To Longstanding Stories Of Sexual Misconduct | HuffPost - "These stories are true"
Eschaton: America's Worst Humans - Peter Beinart. (protected Wieselfuck, said it was all Peretz' fault)
(2) Ellen Page - Posts - Brett Ratner
Ellen Page Accuses Brett Ratner of Homophobic Harassment on 'X-Men' Set
Anthony Edwards Accuses Producer Gary Goddard of Molesting Him
This Writer Says Rolling Stone Founder Jann Wenner Offered Him Work In Exchange For Sex
Lawmaker, lobbyist accuse Rep. Cornish of sexual harassment - (Republican)
Berklee College let teachers quietly leave after alleged sexual abuse of students. At least one found another teaching job - The Boston Globe
Teen Girl Posed For 8 Years As Married Man To Write About Baseball And Harass Women -- "If you're e going to make up an entire false identity, why would you make yourself into a shitty person?"
Minnesota militia group says they're ready for 'civil war' (the 3% will rise up against tanks and bombers)
Eschaton: Keep Fucking That Chicken - Normally people who get 25% of the vote are dismissed as cranks, not featured in a piece about a "divided city." But our local newspaper which thinks rich suburbanites who run the city assigned this piece to somebody.
District Attorney Vote Reveals a Divided City - (Republican) support was concentrated in Northeast Philadelphia, home to many of the city's police officers and firefighters. (keep voting Trump, you idiots) In wards won by Grossman, the population is 72 percent white, as of the 2010 census. In wards won by Krasner, the population is 73 percent minority.
How a wife's suspicions of infidelity diverted an entire flight
A Mass. state trooper says higher-ups doctored arrest report on judge's daughter
Head of State Police retires amid questions about altered arrest report - The Boston Globe
Baker launches investigation into why trooper was ordered to change report on judge's daughter
Duncan woman sentenced for incest in marriage to biological mother | Homepagelatest |
1080p HD "Good Morning" - Singin' in the Rain (1952) - YouTube
Flashback Friday: Women Rock "White Rabbit"
Jefferson Airplane White Rabbit Vocals Only - YouTube
Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit, Live from Woodstock 1969 [HD] (Lyrics). - YouTube
A combination of Tylenol and Advil worked just as well as opioids for relief of pain in the emergency room, a randomized trial has found. : news
ELI5: What are neural networks? Specifically RNNs. : explainlikeimfive
What is a scientific fact that defies common sense, but is 100% factual anyway? : AskReddit
Does the long term use of antidepressants cause any change in brain chemistry or organization? : askscience
Sen. Al Franken torched Amazon, Facebook and Google for using their algorithms to maintain their massive footprints : technology
Lisa Murkowski Introduces Bill To Open Arctic Wildlife Refuge To Oil Drilling | HuffPost - "This is not a choice between energy and the environment, we are past that" (Alaska is melting, Lisa, but go ahead with your big lie)
5 Times Trump's Pick For Top Environmental Adviser Struggled To Defend Her Climate Denial -- Kathleen Hartnett White -- It was an unusually tongue-tied performance for someone who has been a bombastic critic of climate and environmental science.
Michigan Senate OKs concealed pistol carry in schools, churches (all toddlers must be armed)
After Night of Drinking, F.B.I. Supervisor Wakes to Find a Woman Stole His Gun - The New York Times -- Mr. Manson oversees all terrorism investigations in the Midwest and the Carolinas ... Federal law allows agents to carry concealed weapons while off duty, but not while they are intoxicated.
Obama sits alone in a classroom rewriting his remarks before speaking at the memorial service for victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Taken 2 days after the shooting on Dec. 12, 2012. : pics (imagine Dumpster doing this)
Trump Is Ceding Global Leadership to China - The New York Times (America Second! or maybe Third! and the Fox zombies believed him)
Trump cooperates with Chinese effort to control image
Trump blames predecessors, not China for unfair trade practices | TheHill
The Promising Crisis in Saudi Arabia - Bloomberg - Purging rivals is often a bad sign. But in this case it may show an impatience to reform.
Eschaton: Just A Little More Time - I almost think the Tories are waiting until their polls hit rock bottom so they can call a snap election and just RUN AWAY. -- The British government has less than a month to make a concession on the Brexit bill in order to guarantee launching trade talks in December, the Guardian understands. Senior officials in Brussels say talks have stalled since Theresa May's Florence speech and warn the EU will find it difficult to agree to trade talks at a December summit unless the prime minister offers more on the Brexit divorce settlement.
White House chief of staff tried to pressure acting DHS secretary to expel thousands of Hondurans, officials say - The Washington Post (remember, he's the ICE guy who loves hurting people)
AP Exclusive: Russia Twitter trolls deflected Trump bad news
Donald Trump Praises China Over U.S. Trade Deficit | HuffPost - "I give China great credit he said about pursuing one-sided trade deals" (wait, did something change?)
Eschaton: Chi-Coms - Trumpkins must be so confused.
Former Trump advisers buried in legal fees as part of Russia probes - Business Insider
Mueller interviews top White House aide - CNNPolitics - Stephen Miller has been interviewed
russians Offered to 'Send Five Women' to Trump's Moscow Hotel Room ("just like last time, you want the pee-pee action?")
Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down - NBC News
Corker announces Senate hearing to examine Trump's 'authority to use nuclear weapons'
GOP bill would hike taxes on 31 percent of middle-class Americans by 2027, study finds - The Washington Post
Gary Cohn: Trickle-down is good for the economy (don't bother use with reality, our voters don't believe in facts)
Academic at heart of Clinton 'dirt' claim vanishes, leaving trail of questions -- Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese academic suspected of being a link between the Trump campaign and Russian officials ... 'the professor' (Putin recalled, poisoned him?)
Trump, Clinton camps both offered slice of dossier firm's work: sources
He Solved The DNC Hack. Now He's Telling His Story For The First Time -- Less than a year before Marine Corps cyberwarrior Robert Johnston discovered that the Russians had hacked the Democratic National Committee, he found they had launched a similar attack at the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
How Democrats Won Big In The Virginia House -- And Why It Matters | HuffPost
'Carnary in the coal mine': Republicans fear Democratic wins mean more losses to come
Trevor Noah Declares The Real Election Winner: 'Karma' | HuffPost - ncumbents were defeated by the very things they were being dicks about
Eschaton: Talking About My Generation - People really do get more conservative as they age. They think it's becoming more sensible, but they're wrong.
Eschaton: Nazis - Categorizing things as "acceptable" and "unacceptable" racism is a bit gross, because it acknowledges the reality that a lot of racism is acceptable in our woke society, but I long thought that antisemitism was the line that could not be crossed. Somehow everyone has forgotten that Nazis were dedicated to exterminating (yes, exterminating) Jews. Go ahead publish yet another dapper Nazi profile you fucking assholes.
As bigotry backfires nationwide, Fox News hires actual Nazi sympathizer from Trump's White House (the source of all evil)
Newly elected Virginia delegate Danica Roem after getting a congratulatory call from Joe Biden : pics
For elites, politics is driven by ideology. For voters, it's not. Committed liberals and conservatives don't ealize how weird they are.
Ta-Nehisi Coates has an incredibly clear explanation for why white people shouldn't use the n-word -- He said that white people could learn something from not being able to use the word.
Rand Paul and his neighbor haven't talked in years
Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32 - The Washington Post (#truthbomb +she voted for Trump)
Alabama state auditor defends Roy Moore against sexual allegations, invokes Mary and Joseph
GOP Senators Run Away From Accused Child Molester Roy Moore
Roy Moore declines to debate Dem opponent | TheHill
Roy Moore was removed from 1990s divorce case after he barred lesbian from seeing her children unsupervised - CNNPolitics
Louis C.K. Allegedly Masturbated in Front of Multiple Women |
On Rumors - The revelation in Thursday's New York Times that comedian Louis CK acted sexually inappropriate with two women comedians was not a revelation to us here at Jezebel. ... the persistent rumor that CK masturbated in front of non-consenting women comedians. (kind of screams insecurity among other things)
Louis C.K.'s Movie Premiere Canceled in Advance of N.Y. Times Story
Louis C.K. Crossed a Line Into Sexual Misconduct, 5 Women Say - The New York Times
Louis C.K. Crossed a Line Into Sexual Misconduct, 5 Women Say : news - What is the deal with all these incidents going straight into the guy masturbating? ... His name is Louis Szekely, pronounced "CK"
Megathred: 5 women claim sexual misconduct against Louis CK : movies
pmmedenver comments on Louis C.K. Crossed a Line Into Sexual Misconduct, 5 Women Say
I was harassed at the New Republic. I spoke up. Nothing happened. - Vox - Leon Wieseltier, the New Republic, and the myth of silence. ("if only you had said something")
Kevin Spacey Is Getting Cut From 'All The Money In The World' | HuffPost - The actor, accused of sexual assaults, is being replaced by Christopher Plummer in last-minute reshoots. (SpaceFuck in flames)
She is the third woman in recent weeks to accuse the Hollywood action star of sexual harassment. (Segal)
Andri Balazs, Celebrity Hotelier, Is Accused of Groping - The New York Times -- Balazs offered to take the group on a tour, leading them to an upstairs room with a view of London accessible by a firehouse-style ladder. Ms. Anka was wearing a burgundy leather dress and was hesitant to climb the ladder, according to witnesses. But Mr. Balazs insisted. As she navigated the steps, these people said, Mr. Balazs slipped a hand under her skirt and grabbed her crotch. (the ladder is a prop in his groper movie +shuuld have kicked him in his pervy face with her heels)
Ed Westwick, 2nd Woman Claims Rape, Actor Disputes Allegations |
Robert Herjavec's Ex-Girlfriend Danielle Vasinova Sues Claiming Repeated Rape (UPDATE) |
LA police investigating Hollywood paedophile ring claims made by Corey Feldman : news
LAPD drops investigation into Corey Feldman's sexual abuse claims
Texas man accused of sexually assaulting 5 foster children took in 180+ girls - "It's not a question about whether there are more, It's just about how many." : news
Fundraiser for Ondina Hawthorne by Liz Murray : Saying Goodbye to Elijah - On November 3rd, 2017, our beloved Elijah was playing peacefully at his pre-k in Harlem, NYC, when he was given a grilled cheese sandwich by an adult at the pre-k, despite them knowing and having documented that he has a severe allergy to dairy. Elijah went into anaphylactic shock and was taken to the Pediatric ER at Harlem Hospital, where, tragically, they were unable to save him. Elijah leaves behind his heartbroken mother, Dina, father, Thomas, and his 5-year-old brother Sebastian, as well as dozens of friends and family members who all mourn the loss of his precious young life. Elijah was three years old.
America's 'Retail Apocalypse' Is Really Just Beginning
Self-driving bus involved in crash less than two hours after Las Vegas launch | Technology | The Guardian - A truck driver is blamed for the accident, but passengers say it could have been avoided if the autonomous vehicle had only reversed
O.J. Simpson Thrown Out of Vegas Cosmopolitan Hotel for Belligerence (UPDATE) |
The Science of Resilience | Harvard Graduate School of Education - Why some children can thrive despite adversity
A psychedelic drug traditionally used in South America improves people's general sense of wellbeing and may offer a treatment for alcoholism and depression, new research suggests. : science - There is no reason not to include in the title that ayahuasca is the substance referred to.
People with mental health issues want to exercise more, and they want their doctors'; help to use physical activity to relieve their anxiety, according to a new study. Physical activity has been shown to be effective in alleviating mild to moderate depression and anxiety
ELI5: What are neural networks? Specifically RNNs. : explainlikeimfive
Previous studies have suggested people who hold strong religious beliefs are more intuitive and less analytical. But new research by Oxford neuroscientists and philosophers suggests that is not the case, and upbringing and socio-cultural processes play a greater role in religious beliefs. : science
CarMax responds to the ad the guy made for his GF's '96 Accord. Offers $20K
What is your NSFW secret that you are proud of? : AskReddit
What is your NSFW secret you are NOT proud of? : AskReddit
how not to light a fire : funny
Sean Parker unloads on Facebook's "exploiting" human psychology
Justice Department Says Not So Fast to AT&T's Time Warner Bid
Pompeo is playing with fire at CIA - The Washington Post - The Intercept just broke a pretty big story: CIA Director Mike Pompeo reportedly met with the purveyor of a disputed theory about the internal Democratic National Committee emails that were released last year -- a theory that runs counter to the intelligence community's own long-standing conclusions about the matter.
Former top Trump official: I forgot about crucial Russia email because it was Father's Day
The 5 worst things Trump has done since the election - The Washington Post
Sorry, But American Democracy Is Still Edging Closer to Disaster -- Wisconsin and the Constitutional Convention - Wisconsin became the 28th state to back a constitutional convention.
Tuesday's elections offer fresh evidence that the ground is shifting beneath GOP
The Daily 202: Anti-Trump backlash fuels a Democratic sweep in Virginia and elections across the country - The Washington Post
Five takeaways from the Virginia governor's race
Democrats erase 32-seat GOP advantage in House; recounts likely to determine control | Virginia Politics | -- The tsunami resulted from the electoral earthquake a year ago that put Republican Donald Trump in the White House
Democrats in this state are doing something unusual: Winning their elections - The Washington Post
Danica Roem wins in Virginia, becoming first openly transgender state representative - The Washington Post
Here's A List Of Historic Victories Democrats Had On Election Day | HuffPost - Tuesday was a momentous night.
How a Socialist Beat One of Virginia's Most Powerful Republicans
Collins unseats Mayor Smith; 'progressive ticket' sweeps Helena City Commission
Ohio mayor who left Dem Party to back Trump goes down in humiliating electoral defeat
Woman who ran after Atlantic County Freeholder mocked the Women's March knocks him off the board
Fox News: What election results? Fox News Went 100 Minutes Tuesday Night Without Discussing the Republican Loss in Virginia (you don't need to know stuff outside our lies)
Maine's governor wants to ignore the will of voters. He's not alone
The mystery of the attack on Sen. Rand Paul grows yet again - The Washington Post (+ribcount up to 6)
Corey Haim's rapist named as Charlie Sheen / Boing Boing
Former TV News Anchor Says Kevin Spacey Sexually Assaulted Her Son + CBS Boston
'Kevin Spacey sexually assaulted my son,' former news anchor says : news
Mariah Carey Accused of Sexual Harassment : Music
Terry Crews Files Police Report After Alleging He Was Groped : movies
Testimony: Bill O'Reilly had a contractual provision virtually allowing sexual harassment (the "freedom to rape" clause in his contract)
Cannabis Ad Mocks Over The Top Prescription Drug Commercials : videos
We've Seen the Future of Storytelling, and It's F@#%ing Awesome -- The inaugural Future of StoryTelling Festival in NYC showcased the best in VR, AR, emerging tech, and interactive art. (but where's the story?)
'Unboxing' this year's hot toy: The LOL Surprise
TIL: A human head transplant is planned to happen in China in the next few months. The main method is freezing the head before re-attaching it to an entirely new body. : todayilearned
'Incel': Reddit bans misogynist men's group blaming women for their celibacy : news (INvoluntary CELibacy because women are sex objects withholding sex from entitled ugly bad men)
orbit had contact with Russians during campaign and transition
The guy who asked Spez why T_D hasn't been banned yet is still adding examples of posts that violate reddit's policy regarding violent content. Many, even from a week ago, are still not removed. : bestof
Sorry, Comcast: Voters say "yes" to city-run broadband in Colorado
Syria Joins Paris Climate Accord, Leaving Only U.S. Opposed - The New York Times (Doofus Dotard-in-Chief and insane Republican Death Caucus stand alone, defending the world from facts)
What Explains U.S. Mass Shootings? International Comparisons Suggest an Answer - The New York Times (rhymes with "nuns" but ignoring the fact involves evil stupidity )
Dem walks out of moment of silence for Texas shooting: 'I can't do this again' (Refucks call him disrespectful to their meaningless empty gesture)
The Military Is Reporting Almost No Domestic Abusers to the Main Gun Background Check Database (hey, we're the military, we ignore this stuff)
After Texas shooting, lawmakers question whether military has systemic reporting problem | TheHill
Trump: Gun Control Would Have Left 'Hundreds More Dead' In Texas Church | HuffPost
These 11 graphics show the problem of gun violence in America - The Boston Globe
North Korea nuclear tests are 'leading to deformed babies and turning province into wasteland' : news
Eschaton: Brexit Madness - They have no clue about the rest of it, which is actually the hard stuff. The clock is ticking and in March 2019 everything is going to break and most of the people in the UK are going to have no clue why. And most of the people in the EU won't give a shit, because why should they? (there are consequences to putting very stupid people in power)
Facebook's fake news experiment backfires - BBC News - A Facebook test that promoted comments containing the word fake to the top of news feeds has been criticised by users. (simple solutions for complex problems)
CIA Director Met Advocate of Disputed DNC Hack Theory -- At Trump's Request (backwater KS 2010 teaparty congressman is your head of intelligence)
Offshore cash helped fund Steve Bannon's attacks on Hillary Clinton | News | The Guardian -- Robert Mercer, whose spending assisted Donald Trump's election win, used tax haven of Bermuda to avoid US taxes
The Case of Wilbur Ross' Phantom $2 Billion (yes, the face)
Michael Caputo will do what it takes to make sure his Wikipedia page doesn't call him a stooge for Putin (Trump iskneeneck-deep< in Russians
Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells -- and supports key portions of the Steele dossier
Carter Page Coordinated Russia Trip With Top Trump Campaign Officials - NBC News
Trump Truly Attracts the Best Talent, Carter Page Edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Dusty on Twitter: "The Carter Page transcript is out"
Stephanie Carvin on Twitter: ""the most unwarranted abuse of power that I and most Americans have witnessed in any election throughout our lifetimes". *kisses fingers*"
House Drops Motherlode of Russian Propaganda - House Democrats released a trove of data, metadata, Facebook ads, and Twitter accounts run out of the Kremlin's troll farm
Matt Fuller on Twitter: "A bunch of House Freedom Caucus members are on the floor rn asking for a special counsel to investigate the Obama administration."
There'S a Serious Hole in Donna Brazile's New Book The former DNC chair says Clinton had veto power over staff. But that wasn't the case (and we see the hand of Debbie Wasserdoodle-Schultz, fucking everything up, thanks Barry! ... it's almost like he didn't want a competent DNC)
Democrats sweep in Virginia, New Jersey - CNNPolitics
Ralph Northam has won the election, according to A.P.
Suck It Racists - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Ed Gillespie can die in a fire. ... Once again, Robert E. Lee turns out to be a loser.
concern about health care boost Northam, corruption a top issue for NJ voters: exit polls
Laura Bassett on Twitter: "The man who wrote the anti-trans bathroom bill just lost the election to a trans woman. Let that sink in."
Transgender Virginia candidate could make history and other races to watch - ABC News
What's really at stake in Tuesday's elections -- Neglected races in New Jersey, Washington, and Maine have huge implications.
Kindly Uncle Shelby - Lawyers, Guns & Money - It's not news that Shelby Fopote, who dominated Ken Burn's The Civil War, was a straightforward apologist for the Confederacy:
Civil War Author, Historian Is Buried - latimes - In brief rites, Shelby Foote is interred at the same historic Memphis cemetery where more than 1,000 soldiers from the conflict now lie.
The Democrats Have an Even Worse White Working Class Problem Than We Thought - why we were all so shocked last Election Night: a heavily Republican demographic was dramatically undercounted. -- The exit polls, they found, dramatically understated the percent of the total vote cast by non-college whites -- the category that best correlates to the famous white working class. ... College-educated whites were in fact just 29 percent of the total vote, and non-college whites were a whopping 45 percent of the vote.
Omarosa's West Wing bridal adventure highlights broader dysfunction (it's all a reality show until it isn't)
Keith Olbermann's chilling Prophecy from 7 years ago : videos -- "There are quite a few Trump supporters /Russian bots here. Almost as bad as Twitter these days."
Trump bodyguard would go to McDonald's when WH chef couldn't get burger just right: report
GOP Rep. LoBiondo to retire | TheHill - GOP Rep. Frank LoBiondo (R-N.J.) announced Tuesday he will not seek reelection in 2018, and pointed to increased political polarization as a reason.
Jeff Sessions' DOJ Drops Prosecution Of Woman Who Laughed At Jeff Sessions | HuffPost (one of the most laughable non-humans in Trump's circus)
States that expanded Medicaid had greater political participation (measured in terms of voter registration and turnout). This is consistent with the theory that social policy programs increase political engagement. : science (no wonder Refucks hate it)
In ' In 'Trump Counties,' More Say U.S. Is Worse Off Than Better Off (direct result of their stupid voting, hello Maine)
Poll: Views of Democratic Party hit lowest mark in 25 years - CNNPolitics (thanks, Barry)
Senator Menendez Juror Asks Trial Judge: 'What is a Senator?" (and how do they work?)
Forbes says Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross lied about being a billionaire : news
Disney Ends Ban on Los Angeles Times Amid Fierce Backlash - The New York Times -- Disney has a history of taking punitive action against news organizations and analysts when they publish articles or analysis that it deems unfair. (fuckers had to back down)
Disney Ends Ban on Los Angeles Times Amid Fierce Backlash : movies
Report Details Weinstein's Covert Attempt to Halt Publication of Accusations
Eschaton: Wonder What He's Thinking Now - Not that I care, really, but Harvey spent lot of money and effort to destroy people so that he could continue raping.
Manhattan DA to seek Weinstein indictment as early as next week | Page Six (lock up the dirty mogul fucker)
A Harvey Weinstein rape trial would be grueling for both sides, experts say - The Boston Globe
Harvey Weinstein Hired Private Investigators To Bury Allegations: Report | HuffPost - The New Yorker says actress Rose McGowan was particularly targeted in attempts to gather information to silence accusations.
Rose McGowan Blasts Alec Baldwin As 'Baby Man' And 'Scum Bucket' In Weinstein Feud | HuffPost
Alec Baldwin Melts Down on Twitter After Weinstein Comments, Blocks Asia Argento
Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Bans Harvey Weinstein For Life | HuffPost - The group is the latest to disassociate itself from the disgraced producer.
Weinstein had private investigators including ex-Mossad agents follow actresses and journalists. : television
Jessica Chastain on Calling Out Bryan Singer: 'I'm Going to Speak My Mind" (another huge pervy assaulter)
Another not-so-subtle Seth MacFarlane hint about Kevin Spacey in a 2009 American Dad! episode "Daddy Queerest" : videos
Kevin Spacey Cut From Carol Burnett Show 50th Avviversay Special
Hulu's Difficult People has been calling out Kevin Spacey for the past three years. : videos
(2) Kristina Cohen - The last month has been incredibly difficult.... (Ed Westwick and an unnamed "producer")
LAPD Investigating Rape Allegations Against 'Gossip Girl' Actor Ed Westwick : television
Actress Kristina Cohen Says 'Gossip Girl' Star Ed Westwick Raped Her (UPDATE) | HuffPost
Women Expose The Secret Sexual Predators Inside Texas Politics
Congresswoman tolerated abusive behavior by top aide, female ex-staffers say - POLITICO - Rep. Brenda Lawrence authored legislation to curb sexual harassment. But several former aides say they were harassed by her chief of staff. -- Michigan Democrat
What Am I Seeing? by John Holbo (YouTube Kids)
Youtube Kids spammers rack up billions of views on disturbing, violent, seemingly algorithmic videos / Boing Boing
Something is wrong on the internet
This is the company behind the nightmarish phone cases on Amazon
The Dark Side of YouTube Kids Cartoons - YouTube
BURIED ALIVE Outdoor Playground Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes Animation Education Learning Video - YouTube
Roy Halladay, killed by the hubris of the wealthy to believe they can handle flying machines they cannot handle. One of the 2 or 3 greatest pitchers of the 21st century.
If someone was to cover their eyes for a year straight without seeing any light, would it just be really bright when they take it off then slowly adjust back to normal or would it have a permanent affect on the persons vision? : askscience
Motrin, Tylenol combination as effective as opioids for acute extremity pain in the ER, study suggests : science
Scientists Develop Drug That Can 'Melt Away' Harmful Fat: '..researchers from the University of Aberdeen think that one dose of a new drug Trodusquemine could completely reverse the effects of Atherosclerosis, the build-up of fatty plaque in the arteries.' : technology
Elizabeth Smart, Abduction Survivor and Advocate, Ask Me Anything -- three things parents need to do
What is the most brutal, emotionally destructive insult you know? : AskReddit
Sleepwalkers of Reddit, what is the strangest thing you've done whilst sleepwalking? [Serious] : AskReddit
[Serious] Think hard, what's the biggest mistake of your life? : AskReddit
'He would rather have a dead son than a gay son': Former foster mom speaks about shooting : news
Saudi Money Fuels the Tech Industry. I
Now You Can Send 280-Character Tweets
26 teenage girls found dead at sea - CNN - Italian authorities have launched an investigation into the cause of death of 26 teenage girls whose bodies were recovered in the Mediterranean Sea on Sunday.
Texas shooting: Hero tackled gunman as he left the church | Daily Mail Online
About Half the Victims of Texas Church Shooting Were Children - NBC News
Texas massacre followed 'domestic situation' in volving gunman's family; his mother-in-law had attended the church
Air Force Failed To Enter Church Shooter's Domestic Violence Record In U.S. Database | HuffPost - As a convicted abuser, Devin Kelley was not legally allowed to purchase firearms. He fell through the cracks.
Sutherland Springs church shooting: An unlikely hero describes the gun battle and 95 mph chase with suspect - The Washington Post
Woman says boyfriend chased Sutherland Springs church shooting... - Johnnie Langendorff told girlfriend he saw gunman, gave chase
Texas Church Shooting Followed 'Domestic Situation' With Gunman | HuffPost - The suspect had a history of domestic violence, like many mass shooters before him.
Witness describes chasing down Texas shooting suspect : news
Man who shot Texas church gunman shares his story
Here Is The Misinformation Going Around About The Texas Church Shooting
Who is Devin Patrick Kelley, the gunman officials say killed churchgoers in Sutherland Springs, Tex.? - The Washington Post -- Kelley, a former U.S. Air Force airman, had a string of legal troubles beginning at least in 2012. That year, he was court-martialed and sentenced to a year in military prison for assaulting his wife and child, (neck-beard alt-right gun-nut wife-and-pet abuser) Officials described the shooter's weapon as a Ruger AR-556, an assault-style rifle similar to those used by the military. (don't call it an "assault rifle")
'Creepy, crazy and weird' -- Texas church shooter Devin Kelley was an 'outcast' | Daily Mail Online
Texas shooting: Death sweeps across 3 generations of a single family gathered at church - The Washington Post
5 Year Old Shot 5 Times - Survives Massacre : news
After Texas Massacre, The State's Attorney General Calls For More Guns At Church | HuffPost
A Pastor's Daughter, A 5-Year-Old Boy. These Are The Victims Of The Texas Shooting | HuffPost
Trump Says Deadly Texas Shooting Isn't A Guns Issue, It's A Mental Health Problem | HuffPost - "This is a mental health problem at the highest level" (the biglyest level)
When Texas Parishioners Were Murdered, God Was Answering Prayers (the Federalist's mind is twisted beyond repair: God killed them because they deserved it)
Saudis accuse Iran of possible 'act of war' as regional tensions rise (Trump is just getting started on his multi-war regime)
Fishy business: Trump and Abe dump fish food into precious koi pond | US news | The Guardian (Dumpster dumps his fish food)
Samurai - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump tells Japanese dignitaries he never knew there were 'so many countries' until he was elected (retard dotard)
What are the Paradise Papers and what do they tell us? | News | The Guardian - The leak of 13.4m documents shows the scale of the offshore empire and involves everyone from the Queen to Facebook (Facecrook's finger in every crooked pie, motto is "Do even more evil")
Reaction around the world to release of Paradise Papers
Paradise Papers leak reveals secrets of the world elite's hidden wealth | News | The Guardian - Files from offshore law firm show financial dealings of the Queen, big multinationals and members of Donald Trump's cabinet
Paradise Papers: Theresa May refuses to promise register of offshore trusts | Politics | The Guardian - PM says measures already creating more transparency, as Jeremy Corbyn appears to suggest the Queen should apologise
Revealed: Justin Trudeau's close adviser helped move huge sums offshore | News | The Guardian - Stephen Bronfman, who played key role in Canadian PM's rise, was involved in complex offshore web, leaked papers show
Bono Among Figures Named in Leak of Tax-Haven Documents : news
Bernie Sanders warns of 'international oligarchy' after Paradise Papers leak | News | The Guardian
First the Panama Papers, now the Paradise Papers : AdviceAnimals
Paradise Papers: Apple's secret tax bolthole revealed - BBC News
Second Saudi prince Abdul Aziz confirmed dead : news
Second Saudi prince dead in 24 hours? : World, News - India Today - Twitter is abuzz with the reports of death of yet another Saudi prince. Prince Abdul Aziz, 44, was the youngest son of King Fahd
Saudi Arabia says Lebanon has declared war on it - were considered acts of a declaration of war against Saudi Arabia by Lebanon and by the Lebanese Party of the Devil
Saudi Arabia says Lebanon has declared war on it : news
Charlie Hebdo receives death threats over cartoon about Islamic scholar who faces rape allegations : news
U.K. regulator says Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson breached impartiality rules - Nov. 6, 2017
Fox News broke UK broadcasting rules - Two Fox News broadcasts in the UK have been found in breach of Ofcom rules over impartiality. : television
probe expands to ensnare more than 60 admirals (out of 210, curtesy of your totally corrupt military but otherwise, they're heros) and hundreds of other U.S. Navy officers under scrutiny for their contacts with a defense contractor in Asia who systematically bribed sailors with sex, liquor and other temptations, according to the Navy.
Perhaps the Most Depressing Site in America - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Rick Gates, once the man 'in the corner' is now a central figure in Mueller investigation
Trump Jr. Hinted at Review of Anti-Russia Law, Moscow Lawyer Says - Bloomberg (Dimbulb Jr.)
Post-ABC poll: Voters favor Democrats over Republicans in 2018 House midterms by widest margin in years - The Washington Post (if they vote, impeachment)
Trumpadamus: how the president's tweets have predicted his own future | US news | The Guardian - Long before he led the country, the real estate mogul warned of a "moron' in power (projection is what they do)
Three (almost) inexplicable parts of the Republican tax plan - The Washington Post - By Lawrence H. Summers (huge deficits now a good thing because Republicans)
Eschaton: Genius, Forged in the Fires of Genius, By A Genius - Paul Ryan "the wonk's wonk" narrative will never die ... Thanks Ezra Klein.
She flipped off President Trump -- and got fired from her government contracting job (no free speech for you and riding your bicycle is being "on social media" but wait, it gets even better) "You're a fucking Libtard asshole" the director injected, using his profile that clearly and repeatedly identifies himself as an employee of the firm.
Biker Flipping Off Trump Motorcade Gets Fired
Election Day 2016 Oral History - What Really Happened on Election Day
Most Americans think Trump is biased against women or black people - The Washington Post
Students protest Virginia Tech instructor in debate over white supremacy - The Washington Post (racisim is fine)
On eve of Election Day, new poll shows Northam leads Gillespie by 6 points - Northam leads Gillespie by six points, 51 percent to 45 percent.
Monmouth University - The campaign for governor of Virginia remains up for grabs, with Democrat Ralph Northam up a negligible two points against Republican Ed Gillespie.
Democratic drama on eve of Virginia governor's race race foreshadows problems for the party in 2018
The New Front in the Republican Battle Against Civil Rights - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The arguments made against the application of civil rights law to Masterpiece Cakeshop will be portrayed as narrow and modest, but should the Supreme Court decide in their favor it would not be so easy to cabin them: (meanwhile, in fuckyou land)
Sen. Rand Paul's injuries far more severe than initially thought (still doesn't add up)
Rand Paul recovering from 5 broken ribs : news
Bannon Protigie Gets a New Job in the White House -- and It's Not Gong Well (Breitbart wars)
Tim Burke says "Enough"
Enough | Easily Distracted - If America is not great, it is not for a lack of attention to our sensitive right-wing snowflakes.
American woman wins NYC Marathon for 1st time in 40 years - "Fuck Yes!" : gifs
An American Woman Just Won the NYC Marathon for the First Time Since 1977 : news
Hollywood power players who are accused of sexual assault, harassment
Harvey Weinstein's Army of Spies -- The film executive hired private investigators, including ex-Mossad agents, to track actresses and journalists. -- Ronan Farrow -- In the fall of 2016, Harvey Weinstein set out to suppress allegations that he had sexually harassed or assaulted numerous women. He began to hire private security agencies to collect information on the women and the journalists trying to expose the allegations. (he saw it coming)
TIL that Earth's moon is more than twenty times as massive as the entire contents of the asteroid belt. : todayilearned
I'm Elizabeth Smart, Abduction Survivor and Advocate, Ask Me Anything
If Jesus were alive and walking the earth today, what do you think would disappoint him most? : AskReddit
Cody's Lab, a Popular YouTube Science Channel, Has Been Suspended of Uploading for Two Weeks : videos
What was nothing like you expected? : AskReddit
Redditors who gave your S.O a second chance after they cheated, why did you forgive them and have you learned to fully trust them again? How is your relationship now?
Comcast's Xfinity internet service is reportedly down across the US : technology
San Francisco just took a huge step towards internet utopia, becoming the first major city to pledge to connect all homes and businesses to a fiber optic network : technology (coulda been you, People's Republic of Comcast)
Redditor discovers that UFC is secretly using its streaming service to mine cryptocurrency on its users' computers : bestof
Arctic sea ice may be thinning faster than scientists initially predicted: Study shows salinity in snow cover affects accuracy of satellite readings on Arctic sea ice thickness : science
Donald Trump accused of obstructing satellite research into climate change | Science | The Guardian - Republican-controlled Congress ordered destruction of vital sea-ice probe
Devin Patrick Kelley ID'd as Sutherland Springs Church Killer -- Kelley, 26, was a resident of New Braunfels, a suburb of San Antonio (very weird white lone wolf non-terrorist mass killer
Texas church shooting leaves many dead - BBC News - The details are kind of sketchy but what I know right now, what they're telling me, like 27 deceased and over 20, 25 injured (basically everyone got shot, will it be an "act of terror?" no)
Witnesses: Several people shot at church in Sutherland Springs : news
No way to prevent this - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- Someone check with Howard Kurtz for how long we have to wait before it's OK to "politicize" this one
Red Cross: $6 million for Ebola fight stolen through fraud : news ... "Oh look. The Red Cross sucks again. Quit giving money to this mess." (international criminal cartel)
Trump said 'samurai' Japan should have shot down overflying North Korean missiles
Eschaton: Well Then - Ok -- The U.S. president said he could not understand why a country of samurai warriors did not shoot down the missiles, the sources said.
Securing North Korean nuclear sites would require a ground invasion, Pentagon says - The Washington Post
Pentagon gives dire assessment of ground war with North Korea : news
What Happened in Saudi Arabia Last Night -- And How Washington Corruption Enabled It -- The UAE and Saudi Arabia would pump millions into Washington's political ecosystem while mouthing a belief in "reform" and Washington would pretend to believe that they meant it. (Trumpster)
The Saudi crown prince just made a very risky power play - The Washington Post ... ... It was probably no accident that last month, Jared Kushner, Trump's senior adviser and son-in-law, made a personal visit to Riyadh. The two princes are said to have stayed up until nearly 4 a.m. several nights, swapping stories and planning strategy. (broprinces)
Who stole Burma's royal ruby? (the Brits)
Journalists also have a "duty to warn": Are we starting to do our jobs? -- Media's obsession with "balance" and addiction to spectacle led to disaster. Can we get back to real reporting now?
Donald Trump makes the world more dangerous -- what do we do about it? Mental health professionals have now warned us: This man should not be president, and we're all to blame that he is
Mueller Has Enough Evidence to Bring Charges in Flynn Investigation - NBC News
A year after his surprise election, 65 percent say Trump's acheived little -- Yet for all his shortcomings, Trump runs a dead heat with Hillary Clinton among 2016 voters in a hypothetical rematch in this ABC News/Washington Post poll, underscoring Clinton's own enfuring unpopularity (they hate him but would still vote for him)
Trump's approval rating remains historically low and confidence has declined - The Washington Post (35% say he has accomplished a bigly amount)
Poll: Trump's performance lags behind even tepid public expectations (37%)
Commerce Secretary's Offshore Ties to Putin 'Cronies' - Wilbur Ross, the commerce secretary, retained investments in a shipping -- firm with business ties to Russian President Vladimir V. Putin's inner cirle (of coure he does)
Paradise Papers: Leaks Show Wilbur Ross Hid Ties to Putin Cronies - NBC News
At least nine people in Trump's orbit had contact with Russians during campaign and transition
Trump commerce secretary's business links with Putin family laid out in leaked files | News | The Guardian (they are all Russian plants and spies)
Paradise Papers Exposes Donald Trump-Russia links and Piggy Banks of the Wealthiest 1 Percent - ICIJ - A new leak of confidential records reveals the financial hideaways of iconic brands and power brokers across the political spectrum. -- In all, the offshore ties of more than a dozen Trump advisers, Cabinet members and major donors appear in the leaked data. ... The leaks were obtained by German newspaper S|ddeutsche Zeitung and shared with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and a network of more than 380 journalists in 67 countries.
Russia funded Facebook and Twitter investments through Kushner associate | News | The Guardian (Zuckbergsky and Facecrook)
Kremlin Cash Behind Billionaire's Twitter and Facebook Investments -- Leaked files show that a state-controlled bank in Moscow helped to fuel Yuri Milner's ascent in Silicon Valley, where the Russia investigation has put tech companies under scrutiny. (Barry and the IC fucked this up bigtime)
The wealthy men in Trump's inner circle with links to tax havens | News | The Guardian -- The president promised to bring trillions of dollars back to the US, but many around him are no strangers to the offshore world
Trump claims credit for stock market's success: 'I've always been great with money'
I would gladly supply the piano wire and machetes for the H.W.-Dubya vs. DOPUS death match - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Open Letter From Hillary For America 2016 Team
Four Viral Claims Spread by Journalists on Twitter in the Last Week Alone That are False
An Embattled North Carolina Seeks to Outrun a Law's Bitter Legacy ("a Law" not "crazy-ass bigoted Republicans")
Hullabaloo - Disquiet on the western North Carolina front -- Democrats must have been asleep at the wheel when the Republicans took this gerrymandering to a whole new level (block by fucking block)
Eschaton: There Are No Referees - There's a little race for governor in Virginia, and human-weasel manimal Ed Gillespie is going full metal racist in his ads. Dems always think that "the media" is somehow the preventive measure for this stuff, that when Republicans "go there" the wise old white men of the editorial pages will write sternly worded editorials denouncing them and it will backfire. It doesn't work that way. Those old white men of the editorial pages are often pretty racist themselves, even if they are offended by "the tone." More than that, they just don't have the power and influence they once did.
Eschaton: I Think More Criticism Is Better - There seems to be a "don't criticize the Democrats" rule these days (no I am not talking about Brazile). But, really, someone needs to criticize before they spend your campaign donations on this shit. (Northam running stupid Hillary-type ads)
Poised for West Coast Dominance, Democrats Eye Grand Agenda - The New York Times ("a blue wall")
The Latest: APNewsBreak: Paul recovering from 5 broken ribs - ABC News - the broken ribs include three displaced fractures, which can lead to life-threatening injuries. The severe pain can last for weeks or months.-- Police arrested 59-year-old Rene Boucher on Saturday and charged him with misdemeanor fourth-degree assault with a minor injury. (something doesn't add up there)
Eschaton: Sunday Night - Will we ever find out the truth about Ribgate? There must have been a second puncher...
Eschaton: Will We Ever Find Out What Happened Here - Pretty sure if I beat the crap out of Rand Paul and broke 5 of his ribs (not planning to!!!) I'd be facing some heavier charges.
Jimmy Fallon's mother dies in NYC hospital. : television - Are you kidding? TMZ followed him to the hospital? That's so fucked up. Give the man some space. Jeez.
Uma Thurman Has Been Waiting 'tro Feel Less Angry' When It Comes to Discussing Sexual Harassment and Assault in Hollywood
Interview: Uma Thurman - Rolling Stone - Inspiring lust in audiences, Sylvester Stallone and gossip columnists alike, the starlet tries to cope with all the attention while keeping her sense of self (1989)
Actor Harry Dreyfuss says Kevin Spacey groped him when he was 18 : news (lock up Mr. Grab-them-by-the-Weiner)
Kevin Spacey Hollywood Douchebag 2009 Award : videos (there's rules for you, and rules for "aggressive prick" KSpace the Douche)
Kevin Spacey's reputation... : funny
From coat check to kitchen, Boston restaurants are rife with sexual harassment - The Boston Globe ("kitchen culture")
America Has a Policing Problem, Part Infinity - Lawyers, Guns & Money (corrupt racist fuckers but not all cops)
I thought we had years to save my sister from addiction. It was already too late. - The Washington Post
Polygamous sect slowly losing control over remote Utah town : news
Polygamous sect slowly losing control over remote Utah town | Fox News - At the heart of the split is Jeffs, who has been jailed in Utah or Texas continually since 2006. .. Norma Richter, a 50-year-old mother of 13 kids ...
Iowa mom, 18, charged after 2-year-old twins found naked outside near highway | Fox News
Nebraska man sentenced to prison for four years after sending strippers to his neighbor's house ... (oh, and the child porn)
CDC scientists pursue deadly monkeypox virus in Africa - The Washington Post
Who's afraid of the A.I. wolf? Some futurists look at artificial intelligence and see the end times. Those immersed in the field say it's unlikely (confuses "intelligence" and "awareness" but who knows what "awareness" is?)
Most scientists now reject the idea that the first Americans came by land -- Researchers embrace the kelp highway hypothesis in "a dramatic intellectual turnabouot."
A new study has found that when parents acknowledge the perspectives of their adolescent children and encourage them to express themselves, the kids have a stronger sense of self-worth, intrinsic motivation, and engagement, and also have less depression. : science
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber
'Magic mushrooms' legalization effort clears first hurdle in CA : news
Best way to play B flat major scales? (fingering) : musictheory
An Extremely Convincing WhatsApp Fake Was Downloaded More Than 1 Million Times From Google Play : technology
U.S. Report Says Humans Cause Climate Change, Contradicting Top Trump Officials - The New York Times
A Climate Science Report That Changes Minds? Don't Bet on It
Climate change: US report at odds with some in Trump team - BBC News (so, is it a Chinese hoax, or not?)
A Deceptive New Report on Climate - WSJ - True, the U.S. has had more heat waves in recent years -- but no more than a century ago. (WSJ, denying climate change and destroying humanity for 40 years)
The Future's So Hot, We'll Have to Move Inland
The Earth's ozone hole is shrinking and is the smallest it has been since 1988 (environmental regulation helping to save the planet)
Massachusetts Just Banned Bump Stocks : news
In the latest JFK files: The FBI's ugly analysis on Martin Luther King Jr., filled with falsehoods (they've always been this way +Hoover was nuts)
TIL That JFK had a younger sister, Rosemary, who received a lobotomy which made her unable to walk or speak. This was his and his brother's main motivation for all they did for individuals with special needs. : todayilearned
JFK assassination files: Oswald meets KGB officer at Soviet embassy in Mexico City : news
Fallen soldier may have been kidnapped by ISIS before death | Miami Herald
US special forces 'fought Niger ambush alone after local troops fled' -- Serving and retired officers say soldiers also tried to convince French jets to engage in incident in which four Green Berets died
Experts Urge Trump: 'Stick To The Script' In Asia, Don't Provoke North Korea | HuffPost -- rumpian rhetoric to "totally destroy" North Korea is not helpful at a time when, alarmingly, the likelihood of all-out war on the Korean Peninsula has moved from remotely possible to almost palpable (it's come to this, big bully toddler can't keep his mouth shut)
Egyptian TV presenter jailed for pregnancy out of wedlock remarks | World news | The Guardian ... 'outraging public decency' by discussing the possibility of a woman becoming a single mother on her show (meanwhile in deeply partriarchal Muslimville)
Mimicking Apartheid-era tactics, South African tax and security agencies are trying to ban Jacques Pauw's new book, "The President's Keepers", which exposes (just some of) South African president Jacob Zuma's corruption : books
Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, regarding her decision to request judicial authorisation to commence an investigation into the Situation in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Saudi Arabia Arrests 11 Princes, Including Billionaire Waleed bin Talal - The New York Times
An American was just jailed in Zimbabwe for mean tweets about Mugabe - The Washington Post -- A U.S. citizen was charged with attempting to overthrow the Zimbabwean government via Twitter ... "a sick and selfish man"
U/Deggit thoughtfully describes what he coins the "Mar-a-Lago-ization" of the US Federal government under the Trump Administration : bestof
Facebook admits to nearly as many fake or clone accounts as the U.S. population : technology (Zuckerfuck says Facecrook had no idea)
Russian Trolls Didn't Need To Infiltrate The American Media, Because We Let Them In | HuffPost - We found more than 40 examples of Russian accounts easily weaseling their way into all sorts of news organizations -- including our own
Protected status no longer justified for Central Americans and Haitians in U.S., State Dept. says - The Washington Post -- More than 300,000 Central Americans and Haitians living in the United States under a form of temporary permission no longer need to be shielded from deportation,
Totalitarian ideologies never die. Not even in America. - The Washington Post - Nothing is ever over. No historic trauma is ever resolved. No historic villain is ever buried, and no historic lessons are permanently learned. Everything and everyone can be revived, and anything can be unlearned
Government Releases 10-Year-Old Rosa Maria Hernandez After ACLU Files Lawsuit | American Civil Liberties Union - alone and without her parents. They had no warrant. Rosa Maria had never been separated from her parents, and her medical condition requires constant attention. (the cold ICEy heart of Trumpter)
An exploration of Donald Trump's allegations of massive voter fraud in the 2016 General Election - ScienceDirect (a "very beautiful," "extraordinary" "bigly" fat lie but Kobach will screw you anyway)
Trump's year of anger, disruption and scandal (good job, white people)
Eschaton: Insane In The Membrane - Ruh-Roh. -- Authorities in Cyprus handed over bank and company records to U.S. investigators late last week related to former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his business partner Rick Gates, just before they were indicted in the U.S., according to people familiar with the probe.
latest impeachable actions -- There is no president in modern memory who has repeatedly and directly called on the Justice Department to investigate a political opponent in such a manner.
AP finds hackers hijacked at least 195 Trump web addresses - ABC News
Trump Campaign Adviser Met With Russian Officials in 2016 - The New York Times - Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump presidential campaign, met Russian government officials during a July 2016 trip he took to Moscow
Papadopoulos Repeatedly Represented Trump Campaign, Record Shows - NBC News
The Sleazy Case Against Mueller's Probe
Sam Clovis May Enter the Mueller Investigation - Sam Clovis bit off more than he can chew ... Sam already has had one chat with a federal grand jury and almost certainly will be called back for a repeat performance. He should have stayed in Sioux City. Life was good there.
Mueller braces for challenges to his authority - POLITICO - The special counsel has won some early court victories in the Russia investigation, but with charges filed defense attorneys and others are lining up to rein in the probe.
McConnell: No need to pass bills to protect Mueller - POLITICO - The Senate majority leader also expressed skepticism of legislation requiring social media companies to disclose the buyers of political ads. (Russian plant)
Both Bush Presidents Worry Trump Is Blowing Up the G.O.P. - The New York Times (remember W "destroying the Republican brand and getting a black guy elected? Didn't think so)
Lock her up! - Lawyers, Guns & Money - I'd like to hear Elizabeth Warren's explanation for why she decided to give buteventheliberal credibility to the latest fake Clinton scandal.
The Democratic Party Is Finding a Way to F*ck This Up - will go to my grave convinced that the 2016 Democratic primary process was the single most depressing political event I ever witnessed.
2016 is the election that will never end - The Washington Post -- Briefly put, the exit polls radically overestimated the share of white college-educated voters and radically underestimated the share of white non-college-educated voters ... whites with college educations accounted for 29 percent of the electorate while whites without college educations made up 45 percent
Donna Brazile: I considered replacing Clinton with Biden as 2016 Democratic nominee - The Washington Post ... after Hillary's fainting spells ... campaign was "anemic" and had taken on "the odor of failure."
Okey dokey - Lawyers, Guns & Money - There are two possibilities: this is unmitigated bullshit, fabricated to sell books, or it's actually true, or at least somewhat true. I don't know which is more disturbing.
Trump opened the floodgates. Now Democratic women are running for office in record numbers - CNNPolitics
The far-right thinks a violent antifa overthrow is coming Nov. 4, but the truth is far stranger (the left has it's old communist parasites, but the right is insane)
Rick Perry's Strange Sex Story -- Whenever the word "oil" is mentioned, Perry responds like a dog on the scent of a hamburger. So no surprise there. We wouldn't even have noticed he was gone, except for the part where he suggested that fossil fuels would protect women from sexual assault. "But also from the standpoint of sexual assault, When the lights are on, where you have light that shines, the righteousness, if you will, on those types of acts. So from the standpoint of how you really affect people's lives, fossil fuel is going to play a role in that. (all Republicans have sexual assault on t he brain)
Oklahoma Just Repealed a Law That Outlawed the Seduction of 'Unmarried Females'
Eschaton: Heckuva Job, Harvard - Most supposedly "liberal" institutions aren't (hi New York Times!) and liberals should understand that.
The Secret Harvard Fellowship of Sean Spicer | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson - During his time on campus, Spicer had closed-door forums with select faculty and fellows, spoke in a few chosen classes, and attended invite-only meals with selected groups of students. In total, 11 events over three days, all off the record, none open to the general student body or public. Not a single word Sean Spicer spoke during his Visiting Fellowship at Harvard was on the record, nor could a single word could be heard without an explicit invite. (and he lied all the time)
This Right-Wing Sugar Daddy Doesn't Get Nearly Enough Attention -- Introducing Joe Ricketts. (really evil people rigged the system and took all the money and don't want you to have any and we're screwed)
News workers unionized. Days later, they were jobless. Was it payback? | US news | The Guardian - Joe Ricketts, the billionaire owner who last week shuttered news sites DNAinfo and Gothamist, says his decision was purely economic. The union disagrees.
With The Shuttering Of Gothamist And DNAinfo, We All Lose | HuffPost - Two cornerstones of local New York news just disappeared. Meanwhile, on-the-ground reporting is more necessary than ever. (we need an anti-capitalist-asshole act)
One Killed, Several Wounded In Party Bus Shooting In Downtown Santa Monica + CBS Los Angeles - A woman was killed and three others were wounded when shots were fired from one party bus to another in downtown Santa Monica overnight Friday.
Producers Consider Killing Off Kevin Spacey's Frank Underwood
A Pattern Of Abuse: How Kevin Spacey Used The Closet To Silence His Victims - Three new accusers shed light on the Oscar winner's history of abuse ... Being closeted has ... enabled him to use this privacy claim as a shield" (the pedo is strong)
Netflix Is Cutting Ties With Kevin Spacey After Sexual Misconduct Allegations - The streaming service issued an ultimatum Friday night, saying it will no longer be involved with House of Cards if the series includes Spacey.
House of Cards: Netflix said it would hold talks with the producers to see if production, which was suspended this week, could resume without Spacey. : television
Netflix Officially Severs Ties With Kevin Spacey -- Gore Vidal Biopic Has Been Cancelled (Spacefuck is done)
Netflix Officially Severs Ties With Kevin Spacey : television -- Wow, it only took about a week for his entire career to implode ... "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently." -- Warren Buffett
Former 'Male Feminist' Columnist Faces Multiple Allegations of Assault -- Michael Hafford, a former freelance columnist for Broadly and freelance writer for outlets like Refinery29, Rolling Stone, T Magazine and more -- "these bruises came from the same guy who physically forced me to do cocaine during sex" ... "This is the same guy who choked me at the foot of his stairs until I passed out and then repeatedly punched me in the face" ... Hafford punched her repeatedly, put cocaine in her vagina, and attempted to have anal sex with her without consent
WME's Adam Venit on Leave Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations Involving Actor Terry Crews
Netflix Moving Forward With Danny Masterson's 'The Ranch,' Despite Multiple Rape Accusations : television -- So what Netflix is saying is that Kevin Spacey is too rapey for their streaming service because he's not a Scientologist?
Leah Remini and Mike Rinder interviewed 3 of Danny Masterson's alleged victims for 'Leah Remini: Scientology And The Aftermath'
Stop Sexualizing Kids, And Yes That Includes Finn Wolfhard : television
Kedarie Johnson murder trial: Jury reaches 'guilty' verdict - The jury found Jorge Sanders-Galvez, 23, guilty of first-degree murder in the slaying of Kedarie, who was found dead in an alley with two bullet holes in his chest around 11:30 p.m. March 2, 2016. -- Kedarie had been gagged, his head covered by a garbage bag and his body doused in bleach.
'We met on OkCupid and live in a tent': homeless couples tell their love stories | US news | The Guardian
What significant differences are there between humans of 12,000 years ago, 6000 years ago, and today? : askscience
What significant differences are there between humans of 12,000 years ago, 6000 years ago, and today? : askscience
Harvard study shows how intermittent fasting and manipulating mitochondrial networks may increase lifespan : science
In autism, too many brain connections may be at root of condition. A defective gene linked to autism influences how neurons connect and communicate with each other in the brain. Rodents that lack the gene form too many connections between brain neurons and have difficulty learning. : science
"Where are you right now?" "Work" "Then why the f do I see you on TV" : funny
10 per cent of Americans believe the chemtrails conspiracy theory is 'completely true. The conspiracy theory is the idea that airliners are deliberately spraying a mixture of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere, with undisclosed goals that may have to do with weather modification or mind control. : science (35% believe 'pizzagate')
Do you believe it is true that the government has a secret program that uses airplanes to put harmful chemicals into the air (often called "chemtrails")? (only 34% said "completely false" - we're screwed by idiots)
Prenatal Exposure to Acetaminophen and Risk of ADHD | Articles | Pediatrics - Acetaminophen use for fever and infections for 22 to 28 days was associated with ADHD (HR = 6.15; 95% CI 1.71 22.05). Paternal and maternal use of acetaminophen were similarly associated with ADHD.
TIL that China killed off two AI chatbots after they start criticising communism and praising the US : todayilearned
Divorced men and women of reddit, what was the final straw? : AskReddit
What is the boldest claim you are willing to make right now? : AskReddit
TIL that in 1984, a woman started hearing a voice in her head. The voice told her she had a brain tumor, where the tumor was, and how to treat it. Despite no other symptoms, doctors eventually ordered tests and found a tumor where the voice said it would be. : todayilearned
The difference between 850 hp and 10,000 hp : videos
When asked in a job interview "what's your biggest weakness" what is the best answer? : AskReddit
Comcast asks the FCC to prohibit states from enforcing net neutrality : news (1. we're a monopoly. 2. give us you money)
Trump administration releases report finding 'no convincing alternative explanation' for climate change
We Should Ban Cars From Big Cities. Seriously. - 6,000 Americans were killed by cars while walking city streets last year. As terrorists embrace this deadly power, car-free cities make even more sense.
Eschaton: George Bush Was Bad - And I am mad that so many people have the memory of fruit flies. George Bush was really really bad. The Bush administration was really really bad. Lots of bad things happened. He said a few good things after 9/11 (he did! I always gave him credit for that) and then decided to go kill a bunch of Muslims just because he wanted to be a War Preznit. We tortured some folks. A million people died. I have no doubt that the Trump era could end up being much much worse. But we aren't there yet. Not even close.
U.S. Army's Bergdahl spared prison time for deserting : news
Redditor breaks down entire Russian - Reddit propoganda machine. It shows exactly how theyve infiltrated Reddit, spread misinformation, promoted anti muslim narratives, promoted California to succeed from the US, caused tension for BLM groups and much more. Links and comments are getting downvoted. : bestof
America is facing an epistemic crisis - Vox - What if Mueller proves his case and it doesn't matter?
The Pro-Pedophilia Columbia Students Rumor Is So Insane - It may well be the case that an untenably high percentage of the country will not believe any news, no matter how well-supported, that casts their side in an ill light, and will believe any news, no matter how impossible-seeming, that denigrates their ideological enemies. How do you run a country in which 30 or 35 percent of the population believes that Democrats ran a secret child sex ring out of a pizza parlor, that ISIS controls certain towns in the Midwest, and that Columbia students are openly marching in defense of pedophilia? Where does all this madness drag us?
Former Twitter Employee Says Fake Russian Accounts Were Not Taken Seriously - Bloomberg - In 2015, a manager discovered a trove of accounts with Russian and Ukrainian IP addresses (Putin was shoveling them money, so nothing to see)
Jenna Abrams, Russia's Clown Troll Princess, Duped the Mainstream Media and the World -- Roseanne Barr and Michael McFaul argued with her on Twitter. BuzzFeed and The New York Times cited her tweets. But Jenna Abrams was the fictional creation of a Russian troll farm.
The Washington Post, Miami Herald, InfoWars and other U.S. sites spread Russian propaganda from Twitter - Recode - Tweets from 2,752 fake Twitter accounts created by Russian government trolls found their way into U.S. news stories.
cyprus Gave Manafort's Bank Records to Mueller Team, Sources Say
Eschaton: Lied So Hard - It's so great that we have a self-righteous white supremacist Attorney General who perjured himself to his former colleagues.
Pressure On Sessions Rises As Democrats Call For Him To Clarify Testimony On Russia | HuffPost - "I am deeply troubled that this newest revelation strongly suggests that the Senate -- and the American public -- cannot trust your word," wrote Sen. Al Franken. (lock him up and throw away the key)
Trump and Sessions Denied Knowing About Russian Contacts. Records Suggest Otherwise. - The New York Times
Carter Page testifies he told Sessions about Russia trip - CNNPolitics
Can We Please Stop Talking About Collusion? -- a term with a legalistic feel but with close to "no legal meaning whatsoever." (how about "treasonous actions?")
Nicolle Wallace Destroys Trump Surrogate for Shilling on Russia: 'I Hope They're Paying You a Lot'
Eschaton: There's Never Been A Bad Person Named 'Jared' Before - So much fun. -- (CNN)Jared Kushner has turned over documents in recent weeks to special counsel Robert Mueller as investigators have begun asking in witness interviews about Kushner's role in the firing of FBI Director James Comey, CNN has learned.
Trump Says He's 'Very Frustrated' He Can't Order DOJ, FBI To Go After Hillary Clinton | HuffPost - The saddest thing is that because I'm the president of the United States, I am not supposed to be involved with the Justice Department, I'm not supposed to be involved with the FBI (that's not funny on a lot of levels)
Trump finally discovered he can't force the feds to prosecute Clinton -- and he's not happy ... "The saddest thing ..."
'The Saddest Thing': President Trump Acknowledges Constraint
Listen: President Donald Trump To Larry O'Connor: I'm Very Unhappy the Justice Department Isn't Going after Clinton
Conservatives introduce measure demanding Mueller's resignation ... Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) and Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) (Gumball is on the case)
Donald Trump to Fox News: "The one that matters is me. I'm the only only that matters."
Trump is Leading the Most Corrupt Administration in U.S. History, One of First-Class Kleptocrats
NickDanger3di comments on Trump Is Leading The Most Corrupt Administration In U.S. History, One Of First-Class Kleptocrats
Comparing presidential administrations by arrests and convictions: A warning for Trump appointees
Source who is being examined by special counsel: "It's every man for himself"
Eschaton: The Screw Screw Screw Bill - It's a tax bill which takes away goodies for the middle and upper middle class in order to pay for a massive corporate tax cut and a tax cut for the super rich. For the individual taxes it does this by taking away the AMT and allowing expansion of pass-throughs at a cut rate so no rich person will ever earn a "wage" again (also, too, estate tax repeal). They'll just send a bill from their consulting company.
'Major, Major' Tax Cut May Not Be in Store for Middle Class (suckers)
GOP talking points on tax bill say $450k is "low-and-middle-income"
The Republican Tax Plan Is Political Suicide - It is a testament to the power of self-delusion that Republicans have convinced themselves that their political self-interest demands that they pass a deeply unpopular tax-cut plan. (hello, big donors)
The House Republican Tax Cut Is a Failure on Its Own Terms
The House Republican tax bill, explained - Vox - It radically cuts taxes on corporations and wealthy heirs.
60 percent of Americans say Trump tax plan will benefit wealthy (POLL) - ABC News
Bots stoke racial strife in Virginia governor's race -- Latino Victory Fund retracted a controversial ad. But the reaction has been amplified on Twitter by automated accounts.
RC Poll: Northam and Gillespie deadlocked; Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General races also tied | Roanoke College
Sebastian Gorka DrG on Twitter: "Not sure who @pattonoswalt is but he just won the 2017 Goebbels Propaganda award. (It will be presented by the 2016 winner @brhodes)."
Eschaton: Brazile - People will probably see what they want to see in this, but I do hope if there's one thing that Bernie Bros and Clinton Stans alike can agree on it's that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a horrible Congresswoman, a horrible person, and a uniquely horrible head of the DNC for so many reasons. Also, too, there's a lot to blame Obama for. (he had the best advisors +don't look back) ... In the past, I've been resistant to blaming Obama for the sorry state of the Democratic Party. In retrospect, though, I think I was just managing cognitive dissonance. (Float-above-it-all-let-the-adults-manage-everything Barry destroyed dems in state legislatures and commpletely missed the Russian takeover)
Donna bombshell about the DNC and Hillary Clinton, explained -- And why it's made Bernie Sanders supporters livid -- the DNC defended an agreement that appeared to starve it of resources and direct them almost entirely to Clinton's team. (Barry set the stage, of course)
The DNC and Clinton: Separating Signal From Noise - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Inside story: How Russians hacked the Democrat's emails
The Mystery of Mary Trump - politico magazine - Donald Trump reveres his father but almost never talks about his mother. Why not?
Snoop Dogg's new album cover features him standing over Trump's dead body
Snoop Dogg's new album cover features him standing over Trump's dead body : Music
David Corn investigated for inappropriate workplace behavior - POLITICO - Mother Jones magazine says it looked into allegations against its D.C. bureau chief in 2014 and believes they were remedied. Corn is Mother Jones' most high-profile employee (mostly clueless now has a clue)
Female lawmakers allege harassment by colleagues in House (House of Harassers)
Female lawmakers allege harassment by colleagues in House : news
Six women accuse Florida Senate budget chair Latvala of groping, sexual harassment - powerful budget chairman, Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Latvala, has inappropriately touched them without their consent or uttered demeaning remarks about their bodies ... "Govern yourself accordingly" he threatened a reporter ... he touched their buttocks or other private areas of their bodies, or when he commented on their weight and their breast size. One woman said the legislator would audibly grunt in her ear when giving her lengthy hugs that were physically and emotionally painful and embarrassing ... "Jack believes that his power as a legislator gives him some special power with women." (creep's gov race is history)
State senate candidate says Negron's sexual harassment policy 'absolutely shameful'
Portfolio manager accused of raping, beating women in penthouse dungeon | New York Post - A former portfolio manager for an investment fund founded by financier George Soros sexually abused women at a Manhattan penthouse dungeon, according to a $27 million Brooklyn federal suit ... uncluding two Playboy Playmates -- claim the married father raped and beat them to the point that they needed extensive medical attention, court papers say.
Several 'House Of Cards' Employees Level New Accusations Against Kevin Spacey | HuffPost - A former production assistant says the actor sexually assaulted him.
Kevin Spacey Has Been Dropped by His Publicist and Agency
Actress Paz de la Huerta claims Harvey Weinstein raped her twice - ABC News -- The NYPD had two active cases involving Weinstein and women whose accusations were not subject to the statute of limitations, ABC News reported earlier this week. Lucia Evans is one of the women. Paz de la Huerta is the other. (jail time for Rapestein)
NYPD is working to arrest Harvey Weinstein on rape allegations | Page Six
Paz de la Huerta Says Harvey Weinstein Raped Her Twice. Will That Bring Him to Justice? | Vanity Fair - Why police may now have a case.
Police Building Case to Arrest Harvey Weinstein After Sexual Assault Claim - The New York Times (what do his eyes tell us?)
Ex-Weinstein Staffer Speaks Out: Harvey "Manipulated Everyone" ... "gluttonous ogre"
Alec Baldwin Stepping Away From Twitter Following Criticism Over Weinstein Payoff Comments : television
Yashar Ali ?? on Twitter: "Uma Thurman's response when asked about the flood of sexual misconduct"
Julianna Margulies says both Harvey Weinstein and Steven Seagal tried to lure her into hotel rooms : news
Exsposing Steven Seagal - The Great Pretender - YouTube - I hate. hate, hate Seagal. Yes, that does make be bias and prejudice. But really; when you look at his celebrity, you cant help but see, there is no good reason to celebrate this hack
Brett Ratner Harassment Claims Turn Spotlight on Friendship With Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara | Hollywood Reporter
Corey Feldman Names One Of His Alleged Molesters -- Feldman says the actor John Grissom molested him in the 1980s
Alec Baldwin Admits He's 'Bullied Women' and Heard Rumors of Hollywood Misconduct
Alec Baldwin: 'I've bullied women' : news
Come with Me My Love to The Room of Love - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- David Brooks (making us all numb)
Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and Houston Texans owner Bob McNair, among others, will be deposed and asked to turn over all cellphone records and emails in relation to the Colin Kaepernick collusion case against the NFL : news
TIL that a 28 hour killing spree was stopped by Joseph Lozito. After the killer's arrest, the police left Lozito in the subway to bleed. Lozito later sued the police, and took it to Supreme Court which both ruled that the police had no duty to protect its citizens. : todayilearned - It's not like this happened 40 year ago, this was 4 years ago. Unbelievable.
Mother Angry After School's Robocall Keeps Mispronouncing Daughter's Name As A Racial Slur | HuffPost - This is Edison Career and Technology High School. Your daughter, N****r, has missed period one on
Neighbors say alleged Walmart shooter was often angry, rude - ABC News
Colorado Walmart Killer Lived Alone With a Stack of Bibles and No Furniture : news
Shooting at Chicago Starbucks kills 1, injures 2, including 12-year-old boy - ABC News
Papa John's Gets Badly Burned In Twitter War With DiGiorno | HuffPost
A Billionaire Destroyed His Newsrooms Out of Spite - The New York Times - Joe Ricketts, the founder of TD Ameritrade whose family owns the Chicago Cubs, is worth more than $2 billion ... Instead of bargaining with 27 unionized employees in New York City, he chose to lay off 115 people across America (he smashed his toys and walked away because he doesn't give a shit)
Sexually active students must be reported to law enforcement or state officials, Oregon school district says : news -- According to Oregon law, anyone under 18 years old cannot legally give consent, meaning all sexual activity between minors is considered sexual abuse.
Maine governor vetoes voter-approved bill to legalize recreational marijuana - The Washington Post - nearly a year after residents voted to set up a system to sell and regulate the drug. (Paul LeFuck)
How many families actually own half-million dollar homes? - The Washington Post - only about 6 percent of new mortgages are valued at over $500,000
TIL that in 1774 colonial Americans had the highest standard of living on earth and paid an average of 1.5% in taxes : todayilearned
Because cannabis is a schedule 1 substance, people are hesitant to tell their doctors about use, and scientists have a hard time defining its effect on health. To improve understanding despite legal setbacks, researchers are learning by studying web-search queries related to the drug. : science
Study: Americans are retiring later, dying sooner and sicker in-between : science - I work in the Disability Insurance industry, and we commonly call this the Airbag Effect.
Scientists find key to unwanted thoughts. The discovery may help explain why some people can't shift persistent intrusive thoughts - a common symptom of anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and schizophrenia. : science
Uranus' axis is rotated onto its side, meaning it spins "up and down" instead of "side to side". Does this different rotation have a significant effect on the planet's climate? Could an earth-like planet with that sort of rotation sustain life if all other conditions were ideal? : askscience
TIL That instead of glamorizing teen pregnancy the MTV show "16 and Pregnant" helped to lower teen pregnancy rates. : todayilearned
How has your life changed since November 3, 2016? : AskReddit
Murdered by the Bible : MurderedByWords
Murdered By Words
Amazon is shutting down its Fresh grocery delivery service in parts of at least nine states - Recode - A somewhat surprising move in the wake of the Whole Foods acquisition. (including MA, but) the service would remain serving certain areas of big cities such as New York City, Boston and Chicago
Trump Calls For Death Penalty For Uzbek Immigrant Charged In New York City Attack | HuffPost - Trump also said he would be open to transferring Saipov to the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. (where Trump would waterboard the fucker)
Trump Blamed The Visa Lottery For A Terrorist Attack. But Ending It Wouldn't End Terrorism. | HuffPost - Experts say the focus shouldn't be on shutting down the visa lottery but on preventing radicalization. (hard, when Republicans have been radicalized)
Astros Win World Series After Game 7 Showdown With The Dodgers | HuffPost - first World Series championship in franchise history.
Catalonia crisis: Spain's prosecutors ask for eight leaders to be jailed
Eschaton: And Elsewhere - The wave of sexual harassment/assault allegations is rolling over the Tories right now. I haven't been following this super closely, but my understanding is there was a leaked spreadsheet containing a long list of various allegations that had been made about Tory MP behavior ... The additional twist is that apparently party Whips have been using whispers of allegations as a cudgel to get the accused to vote how they should! Politics is tough (and gross)! And bye bye Defence Secretary. -- Sir Michael Fallon resigns over behaviour claims
Sir Michael Fallon resigns, saying his conduct 'fell short' ("was gross, lewd, assaultive and criminal")
Sexual harassment allegations swirl in British Parliament, media - ABC News -- "dirty dossier" ... The dossier is a spreadsheet containing unverified and uncensored accusations against 36 members of Parliament, including seven cabinet ministers, as well as eight former ministers for inappropriate, lurid behavior.
Gavin Williamson: 14 of the most brutal things MPs are saying about Theresa May's new Defence Secretary | indy100 (the tory talent pool is deep)
Egyptian lawyer says it's a national duty to rape girls who wear revealing clothing like ripped jeans | The Independent -- 'I say that when a girl walks about like that, it is a patriotic duty to sexually harass her and a national duty to rape her,' says Nabih al-Wahsh
Sen. Claire McCaskill Wants Answers On How The Whitefish Contract To Fix Puerto Rico's Power Grid Fell Apart -- In letters to the Army Corps, FEMA, and Whitefish on Thursday, the top-ranking Democrat on the Governmental Affairs Committee asked how public funds were used in the controversial Whitefish contract. (shouldn't have made an enemy out of her)
YouTube and Facebook Are Removing Evidence of Atrocities, Jeopardizing Cases Against War Criminals
Pakistani bride kills 17 people with poison milk in effort to escape arranged marriage, police say - The Washington Post
APA Stress in America
Survey: US at 'Lowest Point We Can Remember' Future of Nation Most Commonly Reported Source of Stress
Declining Confidence in Trump, Lower Job Ratings for Congressional Leaders | Pew Research Center - Deficit concerns plummet among members of both parties (deficit hysteria is so two years ago)
Post-ABC poll: Most Americans approve of Trump-Russia probe, and nearly half think Trump committed a crime - The Washington Post - 49 percent think it is likely Trump himself committed a crime in connection with possible Russian attempts to influence the election
Gov. Terry McAuliffe: If any American was involved with election interference, 'it's treason' - CNNPolitics
Trump agriculture nominee Sam Clovis confirms he has no hard-science credentials, withdraws over ties to Russia probe - The Washington Post - after being linked to a special counsel's ongoing Russia investigation ... no academic credentials in science or agriculture. But the former Iowa talk radio host and political science professor contended ... that his time teaching and running for political office in the Hawkeye State steeped him in the field of agriculture. (+"The Republican Party is the Party ofi for at least two decades, itdiots, right wing Russian traitors, dimwitted occult Creationist anti-science Christofascist Republican idiots." +not one Russian troll in comments)
White House was unaware top adviser testified before grand jury - ABC News - Former Trump campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis recently testified before that grand jury into his role on President Donald Trump's campaign
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos - The Washington Post (lil Jeffy, the evil Keebler elf, has a perjury probem)
Hours after Trump calls US justice system 'a laughtingstock,' White House denies he ever did -- The denial came just hours after Trump said precisely that during a televised Cabinet meeting. Reporters were stunned that the press secretary would deny the president's own words so soon after the president said them. (Sarah Fuckabee)
Here Are Some Of The Ads Russia Paid To Promote On Facebook | HuffPost - The ads are separate from 80,000 other Facebook posts that have so far been linked back to Russia. (thanks, Barry, you really handled that well)
Facebook, Under Fire in Russia Inquiry, Posts 79% Rise in Profit - The New York Times
Americans Are Officially Freaking Out - Bloomberg - Almost two-thirds say this is the lowest point in U.S. history -- and it's keeping a lot of them up at night.
Russian ads, now publicly released, show sophistication of influence campaign - The Washington Post (you've been Facecrooked)
Hackers Compromised the Trump Organization 4 Years Ago -- and the Company Never Noticed -- The perpetrators have possible ties to Russia. (shadow domains)
Schiller tops list of high-profile witnesses before House Russia investigators - CNNPolitics - closest confidantes is speaking privately next week to congressional investigators looking into Russia meddling
Michael Flynn Followed Russian Troll Accounts, Pushed Their Messages in Days Before Election - notoriously Kremlin-friendly national security adviser amplified Russian messages right when they mattered most (no collusion at all)
Hacked text messages allegedly sent by Paul Manafort's daughter discuss 'blood money,' and killings, and a Ukrainian lawyer wants him to explain -- Late last month, hackers broke into Manafort's daughter's iPhone and published four years' worth of purported text messages -- roughly 300,000 message -- on the dark web, an encrypted network that can be accessed only with a special browser ... "He is a sick f---ing tyrant" Andrea appears to have said to Bond about her father. "And we keep showing up and dancing for him ... We just keep showing up and eating the lobster. Nothing changes."
Mueller Reveals New Manafort Link to Organized Crime - didn't just do business with accused gangsters. One of them transferred millions into a Manafort account, allegedly used for money laundering.
Jared Kushner's team turned over documents to special counsel in Russia investigation
"A Different Level of Crazy" : Is Civil War Breaking Out in The Wall Street Journal Over the Editorial Board's Coverage of Mueller? A series of virulent anti-Mueller editorials has reporters worried about their paper's credibility (like the ed-page ever had any) "WSJ edit page has gone full bats--t" (you could say treasonous) one of the most morale-killing developments for many insiders has been the exodus of valuable newsroom talent to competing outlets
Eschaton: Pops is Mad, Jared - Really not a good month for Jared (his real estate empire is imploding, also, too). -- According to two sources, Trump has complained to advisers about his legal team for letting the Mueller probe progress this far. Speaking to Steve Bannon on Tuesday, Trump blamed Jared Kushner for his role in decisions, specifically the firings of Mike Flynn and James Comey, that led to Mueller's appointment
Trump's Female Accusers Feel Forgotten. A Lawsuit May Change That.
Math Problem Bedevils Republican Tax Rewrite - The New York Times - lawmakers look for ways to offset trillions of dollars of personal and corporate income tax cuts (Republicans don't do "math")
The Cut Cut Cut Act': Trump, Hill leaders differ on tax overhaul bill's name
Perry links fossil fuel development to preventing sexual assault | TheHill
GOP bill would ban abortions when heartbeat is detected | TheHill
Trump names customers at private clubs to top jobs - Bernstein also is a founding member of his private Florida club, Mar-a-Lago.
Pelosi moves to muzzle Trump impeachment talk - POLITICO - The longtime Democratic leader thinks the key to taking back the House in 2018 is avoiding the president's distractions (like blowing up the world)
Impeachment calls grow louder | TheHill (Pelosi says just shut up)
Inside Hillary Clinton's Secret Takeover of the DNC -- When I was asked to run the Democratic Party after the Russians hacked our emails, I stumbled onto a shocking truth about the Clinton campaign. (Barry spent all the money and kept the Dems cash-poor; Wasser-doodle-Shultz either complete incompetent or a Russian/Rethug plant
Elizabeth Warren and Donna Brazile agree the 2016 primary was rigged for Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders - The Washington Post
Longtime Clinton Ally Says DNC Rigged Primary for Hillary
Donna Brazile's Curious Account of the 2016 Election - The Atlantic - The former DNC chair seems eager to jump on the Bernie Sanders bandwagon, but her claims of ignorance about party favoritism toward Hillary Clinton don't add up.
The Democratic Civil War Is Getting Nasty, Even if No One Is Paying Attention | The New Yorker - Democrats are warning that, if their party doesn't unify soon, Republicans could maintain control of Congress in 2018 and Donald Trump could even be reklected.
Pollsters: Democrats will lose unless they turn 'rigged' message back on Trump ... "weakening Democratic brand"
U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith, R-San Antonio, is retiring from Congress, two sources close to the congressman told The Texas Tribune on Thursday.
Feel the Freedom! - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Notre Dame students and employees have been freed of the burden of having crucial health care covered by their (and the Trump) administration: The University of Notre Dame just became one of the first employers to take advantage of new Trump administration rules allowing exemptions to the Obamacare contraceptive mandate (so holy)
11 lawmakers put family on campaign payroll | TheHill - The Hill
Hedge Fund Billionaire Robert Mercer Will Step Down As CEO Of His Company Following BuzzFeed News Exposi - whose money helped elect Donald Trump, will also sell his stake in Breitbart News to his daughters after a BuzzFeed News report linked the site to white nationalists ... Renaissance is one of the world'smost successful hedge funds and manages more than $50 billion.
Robert Mercer, Bannon Patron, Is Leaving Helm of $50 Billion Hedge Fund - The New York Times (corrupt nazi slimeball)
Ivanka Trump's History of Sitting in Inappropriagte Seats
There Is No Way Trump Knows The Lyrics To The National Anthem - The anthem? Amazing song. GREAT song. Written by Francis Scott Key, one of our absolute heroes. The rockets, the red glare, all of it. Why is no one asking Hillary if SHE knows the lyrics? Many people say I know the lyrics better than anyone! I went to Wharton!
The Organizing Director Of The Fight For 15 Has Resigned Amid Harassment Investigation - Kendall Fells, national organizer for the minimum wage campaign, has resigned, and Mark Raleigh, the director of the Detroit chapter, has been fired. Two more top organizers have left the Service Employees International Union Thursday ... complaints about top-level staff on the Fight for 15 were an open secret, and that complaints about abusive behavior by organizers who reported to top strategist Courtney led to no action.
Kevin Spacey: Man Alleges Extended Sexual Relationship at 14
Kevin Spacey's older brother claims their dad was a 'Nazi who sexually abused him for years' - Mirror Online
Kevin Spacey's brother claims 'Nazi' father sexually abused him | The Independent - He was so determined to try to avoid the whippings that he just minded his Ps and Qs until there was nothing inside. He had no feelings,' says Spacey's brother
Kevin Spacey: Old Vic accused of ignoring sexual misconduct allegations | Culture | The Guardian - Numerous stories emerge saying London theatre paid no heed to allegations of groping and inappropriate sexual behaviour by the actor ... during the 11 years that the Hollywood star was its artistic director. (he sure had his enablers)
Other Men Come Forward With Harassment Allegations Against Kevin Spacey | HuffPost - Old Vic theater, where the actor worked for over a decade, has opened a tip line for complaints. (SpaceFuck is history)
Gay 'Late Night' Writer Jenny Hagel Shreds Kevin Spacey | HuffPost
Kevin Spacey to Seek Treatment as Sexual Accusations Grow - The New York Times
Producer Roundtable: Judd Apatow, Amy Pascal on Harvey Weinstein and the Perils of Email Post-Sony Hack | Hollywood Reporter
Brett Ratner Sues Woman for Libel Over Rape Allegation | Hollywood Reporter
Harvey Weinstein Contests Termination From The Weinstein Co. in Arbitration | Hollywood Reporter
Kevin Spacey Is "Taking the Time Necessary to Seek Evaluation and Treatment"
Did Crybaby Loser Papa John Also Lose Our Chain Pizza Rankings?
Six Miami firefighters hung noose, drew 'phallic rendering' on blasck colleague's photos
Police arrest man suspected of killing 3 at Colorado Walmart | - was arrested Thursday, about 14 hours after fleeing the store. no indications that it was an act of terror (white terror, not muslim terror-terror)
The US state that bans sparklers but not guns - BBC News - In Delaware, you don't need a licence to own a shotgun. (they might do mass sparkler-shootings)
Armed Walmart shoppers slowed police in shooting investigation - Authorities had to eliminate possible suspects from surveillance video
3 Santa Ana police officers sentenced to community service for petty theft and vandalism charges connected to pot shop raid : news (criminal copsters always walk)
ONLY ON KRON4: Girl violently assaulted on Dublin High School campus | - I get grabbed by another student defending the person who said the N-wor,d the girl said.
The suspect told police 'give me a lawyer dog.' the Louisiana Supreme Court ruled that the suspect was, in fact, asking for a "lawyer dog." and not invoking his constitutional right to counsel (fucking LA supremely Stupid Court +Louisiana Associate Supreme Court Justice Scott J. Crichton is doing Satan's work)
DNAinfo and Gothamist Are Shut Down After Vote to Unionize - The New York Times -- A week ago, reporters and editors in the combined newsroom of DNAinfo and Gothamist, two of New York City's leading digital purveyors of local news, celebrated victory in their vote to join a union. On Thursday, they lost their jobs, as Joe Ricketts, the billionaire founder of TD Ameritrade who owned the sites, shut them down.
Child sex offenders to be named as such in US passports : news
A lot of Americans believe in ghosts. But what do their ghost stories actually tell us? - The Washington Post
'Big void' identified in Khufu's Great Pyramid at Giza - BBC News
An Unknown 'Void' Found in the Great Pyramid Using Cosmic Rays - The Atlantic
Digital Giza | Home
A mystery void was discovered in the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, using particle physics. Muon imaging revealed the structure, the first such find in over a century. : science
TIL that in 2013, after 20 years of Soda being America's #1 Beverage, water has taken over s the U.S.A's favorite drink
The measles vaccine has saved more than 20 million lives globally since 2000. The number of annual measles deaths has fallen by 84%, from about 550,000 in 2000 to just under 90,000 in 2016. : science
Mechanics of Reddit: What vehicles will you absolutely not buy/drive due to what you've seen at work? : AskReddit
My girlfriend needs to sell her car. To help her, I made a commercial for it. : videos
Inside The Great Poop Emoji Feud - Is there really any need to add a range of emotions to PILE OF POO? ... Will we have a CRYING PILE OF POO next? PILE OF POO WITH TONGUE STICKING OUT? PILE OF POO WITH QUESTION MARKS FOR EYES? PILE OF POO WITH KARAOKE MIC? Will we have to encode a neutral FACELESS PILE OF POO?
Manhattan Attack Is Called Terrorism. What About Vegas? - The New York Times (that was just a "lone wolf" white guy)
Trump Blames NYC Attack On Diversity Visa Lottery Program | HuffPost - He said suspect, 29-year-old Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, used the program to legally emigrate from Uzbekistan in 2010. Officials have yet to confirm whether that's the case
What We Know About Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, Suspect In The Deadly NYC Attack | HuffPost - He was radicalized in the U.S., New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. -- he had reportedly been living in Paterson, New Jersey, for the past few months with his wife and two children ... Saipov had apparently amassed traffic citations xsy (allahu fuckbar)
'A chuck Schumer beauty': Trump and allies gin up a new culprit for New York terrorist attack ... Trump appeared off base in his criticism of Schumer. The New York Democrat was among a group of lawmakers who sought to drop the visa protocols assailed by Trump.
From Truck Driver to Uber Driver to Terror Attack Suspect - The New York Times
NYC terror suspect Sayfullo Saipov brags about attack from hospital bed - CBS News - saying he would have continued mowing down bikers and pedestrians had he not crashed. (enjoy your life in prison, fuckbar)
Iran was the only country in the world that held candlelight vigils on the evening of 9/11.
A month after Las Vegas shooting, there's still no bump stock regulation
Analysis: CIA releases massive trove of Osama bin Laden's files | FDD's Long War Journal
Citing The Bible, The EPA Just Changed Its Rules For Science Advisers - Referencing the Book of Joshua, EPA head Scott Pruitt announced sweeping changes to the agency's science advisory boards, opening the door to more input from the business world.
Top Trump environmental pick said goal of UN 'cliate crusade' is 'all-poewrful government' Kathleen Hartnett White said climate change science "a kind of paganism" with the goad of "one-world state ruled by planetary managers" (well jfc, Kathleen, someone has to do it!)
Awaiting Trump's coal comeback, miners reject retraining -- "I have a lot of faith in President Trump" ... In Greene and Washington counties, 120 people have signed up for jobs retraining outside the mines, far short of the target of 700 (keeping the faith in Satan, we don't need no education)
Awaiting Trump's coal comeback, miners reject retraining : news
Guantanamo judge orders contempt hearing over no-show attorneys | Miami Herald (corrupt military is your boss)
Gitmo judge sentences Marine general lawyer for disobeying orders | Miami Herald (you WILL violate the Constitution) Baker attempted to protest that the war court meant to try alleged foreign terrorists had no jurisdiction over him, a U.S. citizen. Spath refused to let him speak and ordered him to sit down. (corrupt military asserts authority over civilians)
Navy crews at fault in fatal collisions, investigations find - Two accidents that claimed the lives of 17 sailors and wounded dozens more resulted from complete breakdowns in standard Navy procedures and poor decision-making by officers and sailors on the bridge of the two warships,
He was Ireland's top sportswriter. Then his daughter saw the texts on his old cellphone.
They said they survived for months lost at sea. Now the two American sailors are defending their story. - The Washington Post (fishy)
If Daddy gives me two million pieces of candy, am I a disruptive candy entrepreneur? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump's Lawyers Say Calling Women Liars Over Sexual Harassment Was Politics -- Candidate called groping claim by reality contestant a lie - President says he can't be sured for his 'political opinion (that your pussy is his property)
Twitter Offered Russian TV Network 15% Of Its Total Share Of US Elections Advertising - the Kremlin's principal international propaganda outlet
The social media ads Russia wanted Americans to see - POLITICO - A batch of the ads was released Wednesday by members of the House intelligence panel.
The Supreme Court Has An Ethics Problem - politico Magazine (or, you could call it a Republican problem)
Russia Inquiry Fails to Unite a Nation - The New York Times (kind of a dumb headline for a story about Fox traitors)
Looks like Jeff Sessions perjured himself. | New Republic - Investigation into Russian interference in the election has entangled the attorney general.
Trump didn't dismiss idea when foreign policy adviser suggested setting up Putin meeting
Trump's inevitable Manafort-indictment tweet-storm is working against him
"You Can't Go Any Lower" : Inside the West Wing, Trump Is Apoplectic as Allies Fear Impeachment - the president blamed Jared Kushner in a call to Steve Bannon, while others are urging him to take off the gloves with Robert Mueller. "Mueller is going to go over every financial dealing of Jared Kushner and the Trump Organization. Trump is at 33 percent in Gallup. You can't go any lower. He's fucked." ... When Roger Stone recently told Trump that Kushner was giving him bad political advice, Trump agreed. "Jared is the worst political adviser in the White House in modern history."
Leader of pro-Trump Super Pac had mortgage on Paul Manafort property | US news | The Guardian
Top Trump Campaign Aide Clovis Spoke to Mueller Team, Grand Jury - NBC News
Mueller schedules interview with Hope Hicks - POLITICO - The White House communications director is due to speak with prosecutors in the Russia probe after Trump returns from his Asia trip.
Manafort's Spending Fails to Impress in Wealthy Enclaves
April Ryan to Huckabee Sanders: Does administration 'think slavery is wrong?"
Lots of Americans don't think slavery caused the Civil War -- 38% (States rights and Nothern aggression and that's counting black people so 75% of whites wich they could own slaves)
Five Books to Make You Less Stupid About the Civil War - The Atlantic
The real John Kelly slowly revealing himself at White House - may have instilled order, but he is more ideologically aligned with Trump than many believed.
Eschaton: The Wrong Side Won - I wish Confederate apologists (some do, of course!) would just come right out and say what they think: slavery is good, and they wish the South had won the war.
Filmmaker Ken Burns Reminds John Kelly What Caused The Civil War: Slavery | HuffPost (so why did you tell us to "compromise," Ken?)
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Seemed To Think JFK And Kennedy Were 2 Different Presidents | HuffPost - And Twitter had a field day. (Dumbfuckabee)
Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the right mouthpiece for a truth-twisting president - LA Times ("Big Mother" haha)
Eschaton: On Teevee - Gramps has the panopticon at his disposal and he gets all of his information from Fox and Friends. Forget the politics of Fox and Friends and the propaganda element, the Friends are blithering idiots who don't know anything about anything.
In Their Reaction to Mueller Investigation, Fox News Has Officially 'Jumped the Shark' (into state-run authoritarian media)
Eschaton: How Will I Tell The Children That We're Canceling Tony Podesta Celebration Day - An amusing thing about the right is that they don't understand the left at all. 95% of their politics is motivated by pissing of liberals, and they have no idea what pisses off liberals. OK the racism and the homophobia and kicking poor people and similar pisses off liberals, but they're not into that *because* it pisses off liberals, they're just racist homophobes who like to kick poor people.
America Is Not a 'Center-Right' Nation' (well, the white part is) nearly 70 percent of voters are moderate or conservative, and just 25 percent are liberal. ... Mr. Converse demonstrated that only 17 percent of American voters could both correctly assign the terms "liberal" and "conservative" to the nation's two major parties (much less than random?) 73.5 percent of the 2016 electorate espoused broadly left-of-center views on economic policy (and then voted for Trump) Over the past eight years, Democrats lost control of more than 1,000 state legislative seats, the House, the Senate and the presidency. (after Obama told the grass roots to go home and let the adults handle it)
US Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin -- 36% to 25%
A Post-Obama Democratic Party in Search of Itself - The New York Times (Barry fucked the party)
Petition to Impeach Trump Has Collected Over 1 Million Signatures
Most back tax cut for middle class, tax increase on wealthy and corporations - CBS News (but won't change their vote to make that happen)
GOP senator: Millionaires deserve the tax breaks because poor people "create nothing" -- Alabama Sen. Richard Shelby believes that the wealthy are the ones who deserve tax cuts because they are productive and poor people are not. (how's that working out for you, Alabama?)
How popular is the Trump brand: Hotels, Ivanka near bottom
Negative ads are helping Ed Gillespie win over Trump supporters in the Virginia governor ("win over" are you nuts? +all the truck-driving confederate flag waving dems, apparently)
Virginia GOP nominee claims to be victim in violent arrest of reporter covering his campaign - Shareblue Media
Eight arrested in protests as Milo Yiannopoulos speaks at Cal State Fullerton - LA Times (so nazi-gay)
Half of Latino Immigrant Characters on TV Are Portrayed as Criminals, Study Finds (Exclusive) | Hollywood Reporter
Parent who held teacher hostage at elementary school killed by police after tense standoff - LA Times
Nurse tries to perform exorcism on inmate having seizure at jail - The inmate died the next day, and Sheriff's Office officials said the nurse is no long performing medical services at the Oklahoma County Jail.
University of Cincinnati looking into professor's notes to Muslim student -- College-Conservatory of Music Assistant Professor Clifford Adams (oh, look what asshole just went viral)
Utah nurse reaches $500,000 settlement in dispute over her arrest for blocking cop from drawing blood from patient - The Salt Lake Tribune -- agreement with Salt Lake City and the University of Utah (taxpayers pay for psycho-cop) Police Chief Mike Brown fired Payne on Oct. 10 and demoted Tracy to the rank of officer. Both men have appealed the punishment to the Salt Lake City Civil Service Commission. ("arbitration" will restore their jobs with back pay and a raise)
The Congressional non-Accountability Act sets a bad example for country reeling from sexual harassment disclosures - LA Times (they rigged the system)
The Next Big Hollywood Sex Scandal is Already Nickelodeon ... Dan Schneider is a former actor and producer at Nickelodeon.
Six women accuse filmmaker Brett Ratner of sexual harassment or misconduct - LA Times (another creepy ratfuck)
After Brett Ratner Harassment Claims, Warner Bros. States That They Are Reviewing The Situation : movies
6 Women Accuse Hollywood Producer Brett Ratner Of Sexual Harassment Or Misconduct: Report | HuffPost - The accusers include the actors Natasha Henstridge and Olivia Munn.
Family guy was right about Brett Ratner : television
David O'Russell won't face charges for groping transgender niece
Sony emails discuss how American Hustle's David O. Russell 'felt up' transgender niece | Daily Mail Online
Top NPR editor resigns amid allegations of harassment - Nov. 1, 2017 -- Michael Oreskes stepped down on Wednesday amid allegations of sexual harassment in his past.
Michael Oreskes, top NPR newsroom official, resigns amid harassment allegations - The Washington Post -- NPR bosses knew about harassment allegations, but kept top editor on job (of course they did) multiple harassment complaints by women against its top newsroom executive during the past two years but took no action to remove him from his job until news reports about his conduct appeared on Tuesday. (they have very high salaries to decide things like this) Oreskes's behavior, and organization's response to it, has stirred a virtual rebellion in NPR's newsroom, particularly among female employees.
Dustin Hoffman Sexually Harassed Me When I Was 17 (Guest Column) | Hollywood Reporter
Dustin Hoffman accused of sexual harassment against 17-year-old : news
Why People Are Revisiting Kevin Spacey's 2000 Oscasr and acceptance speech are creating suspicion among fans.
Acceptance Speech | HuffPost
Kevin Spacey Accused Sexually Assaulting Filmmaker - Kevin Spacey Accused Of Groping Filmmaker In Bar: 'He Grabbed My Whote package' -- Tony Montana is the latest to come forward
Second Man Accuses Kevin Spacey of Sexual Assault : television
Redditor posts critique of JFK video on the theory that the Secret Service were told to stand back prior to his assassination, mocks conspiracy theorists on a documentary saying it was likely produced by Hollywood pedophiles...comes back to recognize it's narrated by Kevin Spacey. : bestof
'The Advocate' knew about Kevin Spacey's encounter with teen in the mid 1990s, but didn't speak : television
Is 'Weinsteining' getting out of hand? - LA Times (LAT prints Cathy Young telling women to shut up about the fake harassment)
What the sexual harassment allegations at Artforum reveal about who holds the power in art (hint: not women) - LA Times
Mark Halperin's 'Game Change' Partner Says He Was Unaware (yeah, sure)
How We Describe Sexual Assault: Times Journalists and Lawyers Respond - The New York Times -- The Reader Center is a newsroom initiative that is helping The Times build deeper ties with our audience. (because we sure don't need no steenking ombudsman)
Andy Dick Fired From Film for Sexual Harassment: "My Middle Name Is Misconduct" : news
TIL: In 1983, the rolling stones bassist Bill Wyman began dating a 13 year old girl. He was 47. : todayilearned
David Bowie and Rock 'n' Roll's Statutory Rape Probvlem
A Family Tree With Way Too Many Tangled Branches! | Triumph of the Spirit
Acknowledging Mistakes: I Don't Want to Be Lisa Bloom
Happy Halloween, Marxists! - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- Yes, says my favorite sci-fi writer and Marxist academic China Mieville.
Zak S Runs a Secret Harassment Group Online (with images, tweets) 7 AndriErlingsson 7 Storify - A sordid tale in tweets and pictures
Bidisha: Emotional violence and social power -- Labels: China Mieville, coercion, coercive control, deception, emotional abuse, humiliation, leftist activist, life writing, narcissist, sexual exploitation, sociopath
He imprisoned a Toronto homeless man for two decades and claimed his son as his own, prosecutors say - The Washington Post
Feds: A Small Town Police Chief Said Black People Were 'Like ISIS' And Wished He Could 'Mow 'Em Down' Frank Nucera Jr., a former New Jersey police chief, is facing federal charges in connection with a racially-motivated attack
89 year old woman shoots and kills 19 year old home invader at 3am. : news
Under Armour's terrible year just got worse -- Americans, it seems, are over Under Armour.
Parents say state threatened to take their daughter after they treated her with legal CBD oil | FOX59 - A mother and father from southern Indiana want to tell their story after they say DCS threatened to take away their daughter because they chose to treat her seizures with cannabidiol oil or CBD instead of what the doctors at Riley Hospital for Children prescribed. Jaelah saw a 95% reduction in seizures with the CBD oil.
Parents say state threatened to take their daughter after they treated her with legal CBD oil : news
Michigan: Medical marijuana dispensaries can stay open< -- for now (politicians fucking people over for lobbyist money) /a>
Uber bans right-wing activist for complaining about Muslim drivers after NYC attack | TheHill -- Laura Loomer "conservative activist"
What is the creepiest NSFW thing you have experienced? : AskReddit
[Serious] Ladies of Reddit, How would you like a guy to approach you for the first time? : AskReddit
TripAdvisor removed warnings about rapes and injuries at Mexico resorts, tourists say : news
Here's my vampire costume from yesterday : pics
Bet her boyfriend was just glad she showed up : funny
She rubbed bloody tampons on her roommate's bag - then bragged about it online, cops say : news
Time for my quarterly inquisition. Reddit CEO here, AMA. : announcements
At Least 8 Killed, Multiple Injured In Suspected Terror Attack In Manhattan | HuffPost - The suspect, a 29-year-old male, is in custody ... "allahu akbar"
Stabilised footage of Orville Nix's 8mm home movie of the JFK Assassination, which shows the entire picket fence and grassy knoll and captures the fatal headshot : videos
TIL Gary Webb, the reporter from the San Jose Mercury News who first broke the story of CIA involvement in the cocaine trade, was found dead with "two gunshot wounds to the head." His death, in 2004, was ruled a suicide. : todayilearned
The Lost Children of Tuam - The New York Times
Russian-linked Facebook accounts encouraged violence | TheHill (Facecrook)
Putin, exposed, may become more dangerous - The Washington Post
It sure looks like there was collusion between the Trump operation and Russia - Vox - Look at the whole story and tell me this isn't suspicious
Steve Bannon Tells Trump To Bring In New Lawyers as He Looks For Ways to Kneecap Mueller - former top dog increasingly feels like he has to take matters into his own hands.
How will Donald Trump respond to the Russia investigation? . His only defense is to attack - recklessly, mendaciously and unrelentingly
Is the White House Scared Yet? - The New York Times
The Plot Against America - The New York Times - impudent improbability of its B-movie plotline.
Trump Campaign Got Early Word Russia Had Democrats's Emails
Robert Mueller Is Just Beginning to Put the Pressure On | The New Yorker
Two Former Trump Campaign Officials Have Been Charged In The Special Counsel's Investigation
Eschaton: This Is How We Communicate Now - Quoting tweets. But, yes, wow.
Eschaton: Closing In On What? - I'm of course open to the idea that zealous prosecutors can make life miserable for people who really didn't do anything wrong, possibly justified as necessary in the course of trying to get the actual wrongdoers. But if people are freaking out, it's fair to ask...just what are they freaking out about? -- "The walls are closing in..."
Is the White House Scared Yet? - The New York Times
Eschaton: What's It All About Then - It's what it's always been about. -- Trump has become increasingly concerned that the Mueller probe could be moving beyond Russia to an investigation into his personal dealings -- Why would he be concerned about that? If he were anyone but Trump I would ask, why is he stupid enough to admit to be concerned about that?
Eschaton: The Great Game - And he didn't exactly grow up in Northern Virginia surrounded by this stuff. He fell backwards into it somehow. Must have really felt special ... And what kind of dumbass lies to the FBI over easily checkable things?
A week of Fox News transcripts shows how they began questioning Muelle's credibility (Fox Russian Propaganda Network says it's all about Crooked Hillary)
America's State Television Assesses the Manafort Indictment
Fair and balanced - Lawyers, Guns & Money - To state the obvious, Fox News has nothing to do with journalism. It's a propaganda network, and anyone who appears on the network is engaged in propaganda on behalf of Donald Trump and the Republican Party.
Sean Hannity's rambling defense of Trump, visualized
Paul Manafort's Daughter Texted Friends About How Tight Her Dad Was With Trump | HuffPost - Him and Trump are perfect allies
Trump is 'very intelligent.' Just ask him
Clovis said to be 'cooperative witness' in Senate Russia probe ... nomination to the top scientific job at the Agriculture Department has already drawn significant opposition from Democrats and scientists ("chief scientist" doesn't believe in science +teaparty +weird looking clownhole)
Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval (pony territory: 33%)
Support For Impeachment At Record High | Public Policy Polling - 49% of voters support impeaching him, to 41% who are opposed to doing so. This marks the 6th month in a row we've found a plurality of voters in favor of impeaching Trump, and it's the closerst we've found to a majority ... approval rating has declined by a net 7 points in the last month ... Trump claimed last week that he had accomplished more in 9 months than any President in American History, but only 25% of voters believe that claim to 66% who do not, although it's a notable measure of the 'Trump cult' that 55% of those who voted for him do believe he's the most accomplished to 32% who disagree ... 49% already say they think he's the worst President in American History
Pardon me - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The very latest innovations in bothsidesdoitism:
Pat Robertson Says Trump Should Issue 'Blanket Pardon' for Indictments:" 'He's Got to Shut This Down' (said evangelical hand of Satan)
John Kelly: Probe needed on Hillary Clinton and Uranium One
Ta-Nehisi Coates on Twitter: "Regarding John Kelly's creationist theorizing on Lee and the Civil War, its worth pointing out a few things."
Ta-Nehisi Coates Schools John Kelly On History Of Civil War And 'compromise' -- After White House Chief of Staff John Kelly on Monday night said that the Civil War was the result of "the lack of an ability to compromise" nd called Confederal Gen. Robert E. Lee an "honorable man" (Lincoln should have "compromised" himself on the slavery question) "I mean, like, it's called The three fifths compromise for a reason. But it doesn't stand alone. Missouri Compromise. Kansas-Nebraska Act." (corrupt military guy not good at history)
People Are Officially Done With John Kelly After His 'Absurd' Civil War Comments | HuffPost
John Kelly Pins Civil War on 'Lack of Ability to Compromise'
Historians respond to John F. Kelly's Civil War remarks: 'Strange,' 'sad,' 'wrong' ('stupid' 'evil') "Had the Jews been able to compromise with Hitler, the Holocaust wouldn't have happened." -- Reichsfuhrer-SS John Kelly
Sarah Sanders Claims John Kelly Learned Civil War Nonsense From Ken Burns. She's Probably Right -- Burns relies heavily on Shelby Foote, a novelist and quasi-historian whose ability to spin colorful tales gobbled up large chunks of airtime. Foote presented Lee and other Confederate fighters as largely driven by motives other than preserving human property, and bemoaned the failure of the North and South to compromise (a compromise that would inevitably have preserved slavery).
If Only John Breckenridge Would Have Won, We Wouldn't Have Had Any Of These Problem
User shares little known video of low level Trump campaign staffer Carter Page admitting to meeting with representatives of Russian oil company Rosneft, as corroborated by Steele dossier but otherwise publicly denied by Page : bestof ... "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find Hillary Clinton's 30,000 e-mails."
Preet Bharara Reads Bob Mueller's Tea Leaves
The Muellerw'een Sessions - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Marcy Wheeler thinks that the Papadopoulos plea is excellent news for John McCain bad news for Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III:
John Boehner Going Off on Republicans Is Great - Fuck Jordan. Fuck Chaffetz. They're both assholes
America's Most and Least Popular Governors -- Republican leaders in blue states continue to shine -- #1: Charlie Baker (mostly red states, Christie dispised)
New Va. attack ad shows minority children chased by truck with Gillespie sticker, Confederate flag - ABC News
I'm 10. And I Want Girls to Raise Their Hands
Kevin Spacey is another 'everyone knew' -- who else does Hollywood know about? (KSpace is toast)
NPR's top editor placed on leave after accusations of sexual harassment -- Michael Oreskes is the latest media figure to be accused of sexual harassment ... Both said they were motivated to come forward now by NPR's coverage of recent sexual harassment episodes, especially those involving Harvey Weinstein. "The idea that he's in charge of that coverage is just so hypocritical to me" (another ugly creep)
Weinstein tells pals scandal happened so he could 'change the world' ... as a martyr foc social change (try going to jail)
Andy Dick Fired From Movie Over Sexual Harassment Claims | Hollywood Reporter - "I might have kissed somebody on the cheek to say goodbye and then licked them. That's my thing." ... groping people's genitals, unwanted kissing/licking and sexual propositions of at least four members of the production ... Dick has been to rehab more than a dozen times ... Dick contends that part of his problem is he's 51 and unaware of what the rules are for proper behavior
Dartmouth College professors face criminal investigation for alleged sexual misconduct - The Boston Globe - New Hampshire state authorities have launched a criminal investigation of three Dartmouth College professors who were put on paid leave by the Ivy League school over allegations of sexual misconduct, prosecutors said. The professors, Todd Heatherton, William Kelley, and Paul Whalen, are all brain scientists.
Our hoarder neighbors got evicted, this is the view from the front door. : WTF
Nearly a million people without power across New England following storm - The Boston Globe
FBI investigating Whitefish deal: report | TheHill - how Whitefish and the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) came to the agreement.
FBI is now investigating Puerto Rico power contract : news
Civilian lawyers defy judge's order to travel to Guantanamo for war court showdown -- "The military judge has ordered U.S. citizens to go to what the government claims is a foreign country to provide unethical legal services to keep the fagade of justice that is the military commissions running. This order is illegal and neither I nor the other civilians are going to Guantanamo' (you are now taking order from the corrupt military)
Forget Washington. Facebook's Problems Abroad Are Far More Disturbing. (genocide facilitators, shut them down)
Facebook says 126 million people in the U.S. may have seen posts produced by Russian-government backed agents - Recode - Read early testimony from Facebook, Google and Twitter before they appear at hearings on Capitol Hill this week. (they lied, big)
Facebook estimates 126 million people were served content from Russia-linked pages - Oct. 30, 2017
Russian content on Facebook, Google and Twitter reached far more users than companies first disclosed, congressional testimony says - The Washington Post
Soviet Sergey on Twitter: "Hey @realDonaldTrump"
From Russia with Love (Mueller Time) - YouTube
Paul Manafort, Who Once Ran Trump Campaign, Indicted on Money Laundering and Tax Charges - The New York Times
How to Interpret Robert Mueller's Charges Against Paul Manafort
How the Russia Investigation Entangled a Manafort Protege - The New York Times
Paul Manafort, Who Once Ran Trump Campaign, Told to Surrender : news
Timeline: Campaign knew Russia had Clinton emails months before Trump 'joke'
Robert Mueller's Show of Strength: A Quick and Dirty Analysis
The question that matters now: what will Republicans do when Trump fires Mueller? - Vox - Probably nothing. But they should prove me wrong.
Begging Your Pardon, Mr. President - WSJ - How Trump can shut down the special counsel probe and leave the Russia investigations to Congress. (impartial David Nunes, treasonous WSJ on board)
As Mueller Pushes Ahead, Trump Distracts | The New Yorker
Will the Republican Party Be Accessories After the Fact? (SPOILER: Almost Certainly) - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Paul Ryan won't let indictments stop him from cutting taxes on the rich
Republicans are pathetically silent. Democrats should be more blunt. - The Washington Post
Fox News wants special counsel Robert Mueller to resign or be fired - The Washington Post
Trump's former campaign head was indicted and Fox News talked about cheeseburger emojis -- This really happened. Seriously.
How Fox News is covering the toughest day of the Trump presidency - Oct. 30, 2017
The Russians Have Succeeded Beyond Their Wildest Expectations (U.S. now client state of Putin thanks for Russian agent Trump +see pic, is Clapper human?)
The Open Secrets Of The Russia Story
Ex-Trump campaign adviser pleads guilty to making false statement - CNNPolitics - George Papadopoulos
Ex-Trump Adviser George Papadopoulos Pleads Guilty in Mueller's Russia Probe - NBC News
George Papadopoulos's Plea Deal Is Very, Very Bad News for Attorney General Jeff Sessions -- Marcy Wheeler
Mueller team won battle to force testimony from lawyer for Manafort and Gates - politico - Judge concluded there was substantial evidence attorney was duped into relaying falsehoods to Justice Department.
Special counsel's office: Papadopoulos 'small part' of 'large scale investigation'
Tony Podesta stepping down from lobbying giant amid Mueller probe - POLITICO - Podesta announced his decision during a firm-wide meeting Monday morning and is alerting clients of his impending departure.
Mueller Probe Appears to Hit Democratic Powerhouses, Too - Multiple lobbyists tell The Daily Beast they are confident that the Podesta Group and Mercury LLC are the two firms the indictment refers to
MSNBC Host Skewers Claims Clinton Helped Sell Uranium To Russians | HuffPost
Jay Rosen on Twitter: "Have you ever seen Wolf Blitzer do this? Brian Williams?"
The Best People Attract the Best People - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Glenn has a new friend. DonaldJTrumpJr has just followed @ggreenwald. (GG also a Russian agent)
Swamp Things: MoThe president has turned federal agencies over to the very CEOs, lobbyists, and lawyers whom they are supposed to Than 50% of President Trump's Nominees Have Ties to the Industries They're Supposed to Regulate -- The president has turned federal agencies over to the very CEOs, lobbyists, and lawyers whom they are supposed to regulate (hahaha suckers)
Maryland investigating Kushner Companies over apartments - Oct. 29, 2017
Court rulings toss lawsuit against Black Lives Matter and Mckesson, allow class-action payments to protesters - Baltimore Sun - "utterly failed to state a plausible claim" ... instead launched a "confused attack" ... the officer's lawyers also attempted to add "#BlackLivesMatter" as a defendant, but Jackson ruled a hashtag can't be sued either. (dumb and dumber)
Brentwood altercation between White Lives Matter supporters and interracial couple under police investigation
Mark Halperin's Contract Terminated By MSNBC and NBC
New Accusers Expand Harvey Weinstein Sexual Assault Claims to Four Decades - The New York Times (Rapestein)
Star Claims Kevin Spacey Made a Pass at Him at Age 14; Spacey Apologizes, Comes Out as Gay
'House of Cards' Canceled; Netflix 'Deeply Troubled' by Spacey Assault Claim
Kevin Spacey Provokes Furious Backlash By Coming Out as Gay in Sexual Assault Apology Statement | Hollywood Reporter ("I'm not a pedophile, I'm just a drunken gay)
How Kevin Spacey's 'Coming Out' Grossly Conflates Pedophilia and Homosexuality
Rose McGowan: Bye bye, Spacey goodbye, it'syour turn to cry, that's why we'v gotta say goodbye
Netflix "Deeply Troubled" by Kevin Spacey Allegations
Kevin Spacey Responds To Report He Sexually Harassed Then-14-Year-Old Anthony Rapp | HuffPost - response to the allegations was his first public declaration that he is gay.
Industry People Have Had "Concerns" About Kevin Spacey, London Theater Director Says -- "I think that many people in the theater and in the creative industries have been aware of many stories of many people over a lot of years and Kevin Spacey would be one of the people that people have had concerns about, yes"
Kevin Spacey Comes Out as Gay, Apologizes to Anthony Rapp : television
Star Trek Discovery Actor Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14 : television
The 6 worst things men have said about sexual harassment in just one month - The Washington Post
Ex-'Bachelor' Staffer Sues Warner Bros., Show Producers for Sexual Harassment ... five of the show's producers ... " Is you vagina shaved? Do you have a landing strip? Have you ever had anal sex?" the way "middle-aged white men" try to bond
Canada's Actors Union Hires Lawyer to Review Sexual Harassment Policies
At Trial, Michael Ovitz Intends to Blame Steven Seagal for Threatening Journalist | Hollywood Reporter -- (who has recently been the focus of accusations of sexual misconduct)
If Family Guy's Seth Mcfarlane was right about Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein he must be right about this : videos
Redditor spoke out about Kevin Spacey's harassment of male staff 5 months ago. No one believed him. : bestof
Watching "Nine Lives" with my kid. Is Kevin Spacey in some kind of trouble? : movies
dererlkonig comments on Delivery Drivers of Reddit. What is the weirdest thing you have experienced when delivering a package? i'll start
Florida congressional candidate: " 'I was Harvey Weinsteined" ... "by Rafael Velasquez, the candidate I have been supporting and raising money for in the Miami Beach commission race' ... progressive activist Rafael Velasquez
Sexual Misconduct in California's Capitol Is Difficult to Escape ... Since the disclosures about sexual harassment cases involving Harvey Weinstein, the powerful producer, there have been reports of misconduct in state capitals in Illinois, Iowa, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon and Rhode Island, hough the situation in California, the nation's most populous state, appears particularly dire.
I'm Nour Kteily, a social psychologist at Northwestern University studying the recent rise in dehumanization, and thinking about effective ways to counteract it. AMA!
MRI Predicts Suicidality with 91% Accuracy : science
Dutch cities that opened legal prostitution zones saw reductions in sexual abuse and rape by about 30-40 percent in the first two years : science
xkcd: Lanes (Cancer)
When did your "Something is very wrong here" feeling turned out to be true? : AskReddit
"These Are Aliens from Mars Landing on Earth" : Inside CNN and Time Warner, Fear Simmers as the AT&T Merger Looms (great pic of Trumpster trapping Zuckers hand)
Legacy: Damaged Brains -- This is what a common pesticide does to a child's brain
More Than 900 Post-Hurricane Deaths In Puerto Rico Won't Be Physically Examined | HuffPost - We might never know how many of those people died due to the hurricane, or how high the death toll really is.
Puerto Rico governor calls for terminating contract with Whitefish Energy
Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority Cancels Whitefish Energy Deal | HuffPost - looked like it gave Whitefish a sweetheart deal as the people of Puerto Rico struggle to recover from the devastation of the hurricane. ... "The contractor works for PREPA, not the other way around. I can't imagine how any responsible government official could put such an anti-audit clause into a government contract." ... "let's put it this way, Whitefish didn't make the shortlist because of a world-class reputation " (the word you are looking for is "bribery")
Somalia Mogadishu: Deadly attacks rock capital - BBC News - Security forces in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, have ended a 15-hour siege of a hotel stormed by armed militants.
Here, Shaimaa Khalil writes about her first experience of harassment as a child growing up in Egypt.
Savitri Devi: The mystical fascist being resurrected by the alt-right - BBC News -- Hitler and avatar of Vishnu ... Despite the sari and the name she was a European, born Maximiani Portas to an English mother and Greek-Italian father in Lyon in 1905
2 Navy SEALs Under Suspicion in Strangling of Green Beret in Mali - The New York Times
Woman's ID stolen 15 times after Equifax breach : news
Kushner took unannounced trip to Saudi Arabia - POLITICO - his third trip to the country this year.
Trumps set to launch two real estate projects in India, despite conflict-of-interest concerns - The Washington Post (hahaha suckers)
Hearings this week will increase the pressure for the company to explain how bots and fake news exploited its network -- beyond a narrow focus on political ads. (Zuckerfuck and Facecrook pawns of Putin)
How Russian Propaganda Spreads On Social Media : technology
Just a Quick Note on the Mueller Investigation -- Balloon Juice
These 13 Wire Transfers Are A Focus Of The FBI Probe Into Paul Manafort - Many of the wires went from offshore companies controlled by Manafort to American businesses.
Controversial Trump dossier: What really matters (opinion) - CNN - funding of the dossier matters not nearly as much as finding out what in it is true and possibly causing the President to tread so carefully when it comes to Putin.
Mueller charges would shift the script for Trump (opinion) - CNN
Eschaton: President Clinton's In Trouble -- Angelo Carusone -- @GoAngel -- It's time shut it down. Turn the tables and lock her up. That's what I said, I actually said it: lock her up ("Judge" Jenine/Fox is melting down)
Josh Marshall on Twitter: "This is crazy even for Fox. Shut down Mueller probe and arrest Hillary."
Hillary paid to investigate Trump's collusion with Russia GOP: LOCK HER UP!
Ahead of possible Mueller indictments, Donald Trump is attacking Hillary Clinton - Vox - There is so much GUILT by Democrats/Clinton
Trump travels to his Virginia golf club for fourth consecutive weekend | TheHill
GOP Doesn't Seem To Hate Debt So Much Now ThatI t Wants A Tax Cut -- Republican leaders support tax cuts adding trillions to the national debt now, but had dire warnings about it under the Obama administration. (did anyone besides pundits believe them?)
Nearly Every Texans Player Kneeled During Today's National Anthem | HuffPost
Eschaton: Often Get They Culture War Wrong - One thing about the pundit focus on Real America (where glorious white people do white things in diners, or something) is that they just tend to assume that it benefits Republicans. Okay, to be fair, they tend to assume everything benefits Republicans, but the privileging of the mythical Real American And His Culture tends to lead them to think that every time Republicans throw some red meat to the base, a majority of the country claps
Trump's Approval Rating Drops to Lowest Level Yet in New NBC News/WSJ Poll -- Thirty eight percent of Americans say they approve of Trump's job performance -- down five points since September -- while 58 percent disapprove.
Roger Stone Banned From Twitter After Threatening CNN Anchors | Hollywood Reporter - Roger Stone has been banned from Twitter permanently after a vulgar meltdown Friday aimed at CNN reporters, which included threats ... @donlemon stop lying about about the Clinton's and Uranium you ignorant lying covksucker !!!! You fake news you dumb piece of shit ... @jaketapper must be held accountable for his lies and very severely punished #Fakenewsasswipe.
Trump Ally Roger Stone Suspended From Twitter After Vicious Attacks On CNN Journalists | HuffPost
Roger Stone Says He Will Sue Twitter Over Account Suspension : technology
The whiteness of the wail - Lawyers, Guns & Money
This one quote shows what angry white guys mean when they talk about government overreach - Vox - Corey Blue of Roanoke, Ill -- "Why don't you go live in Sweden and get the heck out of our country. I will continue to roll coal anytime I feel like and fog your stupid eco-cars." (Corey Blue, famous on the internets for all eternity ) Limbaugh: "The Four Corners of Deceit: government, academia, science, and media." (science and education is corrupt)
'White Liv e Matter' organizers cancel second rally after taunts from counterprotesters ... "Some master race," he snickered. "Can't even show up; on time."
The Mercers bring their politics to Massachusetts - The Boston Globe - The radio attack spots, played during Red Sox games, attempt to sow some doubt. Does Senator Elizabeth Warren discriminate against women? Does Warren really care about student debt and bankruptcy?
GOP Senate Candidate Shiva Ayyadurai Called For Peace And Love At Boston 'Free Speech Rally" (white supremecist rally)
My honor has been sullied by a scurillious poltroon - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Too Inconsequential to Sue
The Reckoning Always Comes
Maxine Waters To Women's Convention: Trump Is 'Most Dishonorable And Despicable' President Ever | HuffPost
Top Producers Vow to Combat Sexual Harassment: 'We Have to Lead and Create a Culture'
When men with power go too far: After years of whispers, women speak out about harassment in California'S Capitol ... "You want my vote? You know how to get it" (no names, yet)
In her own words: Women of California politics tell their stories of sexual harassment and unwanted touching - LA Times ... 140 women who work in state government and politics ... "Why don't you shut your mouth and open your legs because that's what you do best." ... "The only thing you can do for me is give me a good fuck"
Lionsgate Exec Andrew Kramer Exited After Harassment Allegation (Exclusive) | Hollywood Reporter -- previously worked at The Weinstein Co.
LAPD Investigating Former APA Agent Tyler Grasham Amid Sexual Assault Allegations | Hollywood Reporter
I'm a therapist. Here's the line I draw when treating men with unhealthy sexual habits.
Actor Anthony Rapp: Kevin Spacey Made A Sexual Advance Toward Me When I Was 14 - The Star Trek: Discovery actor says women speaking out about sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry has compelled him to come forward about the Oscar winner. (another "open secret")
Kathy Griffin Attacks Harvey Levin in Video: He's 'in Bed With Everyone -- Kathy Griffin attacked TMZ founder Harvey Levin in a video posted to Twitter and YouTube Saturday, and released his personal phone number.
Is this cannabis B&B in Maine the start of New England pot tourism? - The Boston Globe
China May Have An 'Alarming' High Blood Pressure Crisis, Yale Univ Study Reveals. Nearly half of Chinese adults have hypertension, fewer than 1 in 3 are being treated, 95% are not receiving proper treatment for the condition : science
What dating profile phrase immediately loses you? : AskReddit
What is the biggest men/women double standard? : AskReddit
Mattis says threat of nuclear attack by N.Korea accelerating (Trump's nuclear option impeachment strategy, followed by martial law and elimination of non-fake news)
North Korea Rouses Neighbors to Reconsider Nuclear Weapons - The New York Times ("rouse?")
Union: National Weather Service 'on the brink of failure' due to job vacancies (drowning the part of government that keeps you from drowning)
Conservative Think Tank Urged EPA To Consider Convicted Child Sex Offender For Climate Panel | HuffPost - The retired nuclear chemist made it onto the Heartland Institute's list of climate change deniers submitted to the EPA ... was convicted of attempted sodomy of his 11-year-old daughter. (a good Republican)
Will Congress Ever Limit the Forever-Expanding 9/11 War? - The New York Times (sorry, no)
How Twitter Killed the First Amendment - The New York Times
What do the new JFK assassination documents reveal? - The Washington Post
TIL Fidel Castro survived 638 assassination attempts, sprawling over decades. : todayilearned (CIA never gives up)
Catalonia Declares Independence, and Spain Moves to Stop It | The New Yorker
'Death to blasphemers' increasing as political rallying cry in Pakistan : news
TIL: China has the highest current account balance in the world while the United States has the lowest. : todayilearned
TIL that Texas, New York and California all have economies bigger than Russia's. : todayilearned
Nuclear submarine sex and drugs scandal: Nine Trident crew expelled from Navy amid 'cocaine' and affairs allegations : news
Equifax Was Warned of Vulnerability Months Before Breach, and More Security News This Week | WIRED
Redditor explains the Trump-Russia "nothingburger" : bestof
Russia is furious. That means the sanctions are working. - The Washington Post -- This was the fifth time Russia had issued an international arrest warrant for Browder, a businessman who once worked in the country. Wearily, Interpol lifted the warrant on Thursday. (Putin threatens Trump with pee-pee tapes)
Report: First Charges Filed In Mueller's Russia Probe | HuffPost - It is unclear yet who has been indicted or what the charges are in the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
The Mueller Charges Remind Us That His Investigation Is About Criminality
Manafort Realtor testified before grand jury in Russia probe - POLITICO - The Realtor, who helped Manafort buy the Alexandria apartment recently raided by the FBI, was called last week by prosecutors working under special counsel Robert Mueller.
Ex-CIA Director Spoke to Mueller About Flynn's Alleged Turkish Scheme
Robert Mueller Sends a Message: He's deadly serious
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Mueller'Ween -- Plainly, these indictments are appalling McCarthyism designed by Mueller to distract from the fact that Hillary Clinton lost solely because of her failure to run on the Waffle Manifesto to appeal to the white working class. Needless to say, I support a full investigation ... of Clinton's unilateral decision to personally deliver the world's entire supply of uranium to Vladimir Putin
response to Russia news: Focus on Clinton, leaks or anything else -- Caught off guard by reports of criminal charges in the Russia probe, Trump advisers sought to keep up their political attacks and divert attention from allegations of Russian collusion.
Eschaton: Often They Know More Than What They Say - Often less, but often more. -- Moreover, when a congressional committee launches an investigation, oftent the news is that something is coming under scrutiny. But here's what makes this uranium pseudo-scandal a perfect case study in how the sticky norms of political journalism are ill-equipped to expose a single party's deep rot of bad faith: Republicans already hoodwinked the political media with the exact same uranium story before the presidential election, and everybody knows it. (they are doing it all over again anyway)
Eschaton - This Brooks column is dumb like every other Brooks column, but we do have this. -- The Republican senators went to the White House and saw a president so repetitive and rambling, some thought he might be suffering from early Alzheimer's. But they know which way the wind is blowing. They gave him a standing ovation. (they clapped for their demented leader)
'It's just messed up': Poll: Americans are losing pride in U.S. democracy - Washington Post - : Most think political divisions as bad as Vietnam era, new poll shows -- The Post-U. Md. survey reveals a starkly pessimistic view of the U.S. political system under President Trump ... 6 in 10 saying Donald Trump's presidency is making the U.S. political system more dysfunctional. (millenials: "what's Vietnam?")
Trump lawyers scramble to prepare for new stage of Russia probe - POLITICO - legal team is bracing for the first charges just five months into the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller.
Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Comments | Thanks to the Clinton/DNC revelation about the 'Trump dossier,' Robert Mueller can stop investigating Trump (rabid comments)
Bill Maher: Trump's Relationship With Fox News Is A 'Very Bad Axis Of Evil' -- "Fox News has become state TV."
Keith Olbermann Breaks Down Just How Donald Trump Manipulates Americans Via Twitter | HuffPost - He has perfected the fireside tweet ... An earlier version of this article implied FDR's fireside chats were on TV. They were radio chats. (millenials: "what's "radio?" you mean like a podcast?")
Welcome to Trumpcare | The New Yorker - Your free ride is over. Health care is a problem, not a privilege. Stop whining.
Billionaire Republicans Privately Diss Trump
'White Lives Matter' rallies: Hundreds of white nationalists, counter protesters turn out in Tennessee -- 200 white nationalists met by 400 counter protesters
Former Trump campaign boss reacts to Mueller news by attacking 'the Clinton administration -- Corey Lewandowski
Why the NYT Piece About Moms Whose Sons Were Accused of Campus Rape Felt So Unsatisfying
It's Time to Admit That Allowing Men Into the Workplace Was a Mistake
Shitty Media Men list (!!)
The 'Shitty Men in Media' List Has Officially Been Weaponized -- Yesterday, a copy of it was published on Reddit; since then, an anonymous Twitter account devoted to it has been tweeting a link incessantly ... Cernovich, who in 2003 was charged with rape,
Why it's reasonable to feel a queasy mix of emotions about the "shitty media men" spreadsheet.
Here's the "shitty men in media" list :
Annabella Sciorra and Daryl Hannah Discuss Weighing the Costs of Speaking Out About Harvey Weinstein | The New Yorker - By Ronan Farrow
Annabella Sciorra And Daryl Hannah Say They Feared Telling Their Weinstein Stories | HuffPost -- "We are more than not believed -- we are berated and criticized and blamed" -- the producer forced his way into her apartment. Sciorra says Weinstein pinned her to her bed and raped her.
The Sopranos star Annabella Sciorra Claims Harvey Weinstein Raped Her : news
Harvey Weinstein Completes 1-Week Outpatient Program Psychologist Says 'He Took it Seriously'
The Lack Of Women Leaders Is A National Emergency | HuffPost - Men run everything, and it's enough already. Want to stop sexual harassment? Fix this now.
Canning O'Reilly and other media men won't change a thing. Here's what would. By Margaret Sullivan -- Media companies have to address the deep-seated gender inequality that's at the root of this mess.
Wieseltier, Halperin, Weinstein: Powerful, Lecherous Men
I'm one of Mark Halperin s accusers. He's part of a bigger problem we need to fix.
Weinstein Scandal Triggers Questions of Corporate Liability and Even Complicity
Will Harvey Weinstein's Fall Mean the End of Bullying Bosses? -- And bad as Harvey was, his brother, Bob Weinstein, was known for having even more explosive outbursts.
Will Harvey Weinstein's Fall Finally Reform Men?
Refusing Weinstein's Hush Money, Rose McGowan Calls Out Hollywood
Robert Rodriguez Says Casting Rose McGowan in 'Grindhouse' Was an F-U to Harvey Weinstein
Harassment in Hollywood's Golden Age: Survivor Janis Paige's Firsthand Story | Hollywood Reporter
Anthony Bourdain Calls Out Quentin Tarantino for 'Complicity"
9 Women Accuse ArtForum's Knight Landesman of Sexual Harassment -- Landesman resigned on Wednesday night after a lawsuit was filed against him. ... "I had no power and no voice then. I don't feel that way anymore."
(2) Matt Taibbi - It was a pleasure last night to sit and talk at a Harvard Bookstore event ... In particular she asked about a passage from the eXile book from 1999, in a chapter written by my former co-editor Mark Ames, in which he brags about harassing women in the newspaper office. (karma)
Gal Gadot backs out of awards dinner honoring Brett Ratner | Page Six - Ratner was once accused of masturbating in front of actress Olivia Munn on a movie set. (Munn wrote about the incident in her memoir without identifying the director. Ratner later confirmed that she was referring to him, but denied that he masturbated in front of her. He also apologized for falsely stating that the two slept together.) Ratner is also close friends with director James Toback, whom more than 300 women have recently accused of sexual misconduct ... Ratner, the CEO of RatPac Entertainment, is known as a supporter of Jewish organizations. He serves on the board of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Museum of Tolerance.
Corey Haim's Mom Calls Corey Feldman's Pedophile Claims Bogus: "He's a Scam Artist"
Woody Allen's Adopted Daughter Dylan Farrow Details Account of Alleged Sexual Abuse (2/2014)
California Assemblyman was disciplined after woman claimed he groped her - LA Times
NYPD cops charged with raping woman in police van | New York Post ... would face a mandatory minimum of three years in prison, and a maximum of 25 years, if convicted of the charge. (got too big to ignore)
Problem at sex doll brothel: The johns are getting too weird | New York Post - things they would never try with a real person ... "rape fantasies"
Psilocybin-occasioned mystical-type experience in combination with meditation and other spiritual practices produces enduring positive changes in psychological functioning and in trait measures of prosocial attitudes and behaviors : science
Astronomers Race to Study a Mystery Object From Outside Our Solar System : science
Neuroscientists at UCLA have discovered precisely where and how to electrically stimulate the human brain to enhance people's recollection of distinct memories.
Neuroscientists at UCLA have discovered precisely where and how to electrically stimulate the human brain to enhance people's recollection of distinct memories.
Adam Lanza Threatened Sandy Hook Killings Years Earlier, Records Show : news
Husband and wife plead guilty to sexually exploiting toddler : news
Judge tells child molester whose lenient sentence sparked national outcry: You will get 25 years to life : news
Judge tells child molester whose lenient sentence sparked national outcry: You will get 25 years to life : news
Teen Gets Prison for Punching, Killing Man With Spina Bifida : news
What is the most disastrous advice that adults frequently give to children? : AskReddit
If you were transformed into the opposite sex, what things, other than sex and masturbation, would you be excited to try? : AskReddit
TIL: About "Garden Path Sentences", a grammatically correct sentence that starts in such a way that a reader's most likely interpretation will be incorrect; the reader is lured into a parse that turns out to be a dead end or yields a clearly unintended meaning. Like "The old man the boat" : todayilearned
Redditor Explains Why Civ6 Intro Makes Her Cry; Devs Join in and Feels Break Out Everywhere : bestof
How the Kodi Box Took Over Piracy | WIRED
Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation - CNNPolitics
First Charges Filed in Mueller Investigation : news
Mueller facing new Republican pressure to resign in Russia probe | Fox News - bombshell that a controversial anti-Trump dossier was funded by the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign (Fox Fog Machine)
Conservative Website First Funded Anti-Trump Research by Firm That Later Produced Dossier - The New York Times - The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website funded by a major Republican donor, first hired the research firm that months later produced for Democrats the salacious dossier describing ties between Donald J. Trump and the Russian government, the website said on Friday.
The Washington Free Beacon says it hired Fusion GPS during 2016 GOP primary - CNNPolitics
Conservative site initially hired firm that produced Trump-Russia dossier | US news | The Guardian - Rightwing site Washington Free Beacon says it hired firm to dig up dirt on several GOP candidates including Trump during 2016 election
New York Times reporter socks it to EPA press office (agency has been completely politicized)
Whitefish Energy's Puerto Rico Tweet Is Disgusting - Murkowski's involvement here is particularly piquant since you may recall that, immediately after she voted to help torpedo the original TrumpCare plan, Zinke and the Interior Department threatened her and her state in much the same fashion that their cronies threatened the mayor of San Juan. One does not threaten U.S. Senators in this way without catching one in the teeth in return. Zinke is a jumped-up rural congresscritter. Perhaps he's a little new at this game
Puerto Rico Is Burning Its Dead, And We May Never Know How Many People The Hurricane Really Killed
British newspaper received mystery call minutes before JFK assassination
What do the new JFK assassination documents reveal? - The Washington Post
The Daily 202: Trump bowing to CIA on JFK files is a reminder of how the presidency changes people - The Washington Post
Grassley slams 'ridiculous' delay in JFK document rollout
JFK assassination files: Hoover said FBI must "convince the public" Oswald acted alone : news
What is the most interesting thing you've found in the JFK files? [Serious] : AskReddit
JFK Files: CIA Plotted To Kill Castro, Stage Bombings In Miami : news - Makes you wonder what they left out that was too sensitive for the American public.
Why JFK Files Should Be Released to the Public by US Government - and the Civil Rights cold case files ... Besides the fact that it's 54 years later now, and the Soviet Union hasn't even existed for over 20 of those years, so why the hell wait so long to tell us, if you don't have anything that might embarrass you ... For years, we have been infantilized by a government that feels there are some things about the history of our time that we are not mature enough as a self-governing democratic people to know. That has crippled us, time and time again, and crippled our government as well.
World's witnessing a new Gilded Age as billionaires -- Not since the time of the Carnegies, Rockefellers and Vanderbilts at the turn of the 20th century was so much owned by so few
Spain's Lawmakers Vote to Seize Control of Catalonia
Catalans declare independence from Spain : news
That's Enough Nightmare for Today, I Think -- President Trump expounds on his relationship with "the King of China"
Eschaton: I Doubt She Read The Summaries - This is pretty dumb as of course she didn't read the full reports ... In an eyebrow-raising exchange with a Labour MP, Brexit Secretary Mr Davis said he thought Mrs May would only have read summaries of the assessments, but not an entire report. (Tories don't read details, UK is so doomed)
Female Israeli soldier uses ninja moves on threatening crowd of ultra-Orthodox protesters - The Washington Post - When long-standing legislation automatically exempting some 54,000 full-time yeshiva students from the draft expired several years ago, protests by the ultra-Orthodox against the army became commonplace.
They Got Away With It - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Excellent review of Jesse Eisinger's The Chickenshit Club by David Dayen: (Obama was imbedded in this culture)
President Again Actively Assisting On-Going Russian Attacks ... One conspiracy theory floated by John Solomon in The Hill means it was the Democrats who colluded with Russia. The entirety of this is so nonsensical as to not require or merit any real discussion
'That is direct evidence of collusion' MSNBC analyst says it's clear Trump is 'beholden to Russia' (there you go, Republicans elected a Russian agent, they should all go to jail)
'Something fairly big is coming': Ex-FBI double-agent predicts Russia bombshell after Trump evasions
The Trump-Russia Scandal Is a Huge Media Fail -- If we don't come to terms with this assault on American democracy, Trump and Co. win.
GOP winds down Russia probes with Trump collusion unanswered - POLITICO - Democrats are likely to be divided over whether to endorse conclusions that don't address the most explosive issue. (all Republicans are Russian-owned traitors and should be lopcked up)
State Department Scraps Sanctions Office - Foreign Policy - The Trump administration was three weeks late on a Russia sanctions deadline. But it's killed the office that coordinates them.
Cambridge Analytica was 'instrumental' in Trump's campaign -- until yesterday
Talking Points Brought to Trump Tower Meeting Were Shared With Kremlin
The Makings of a GOP Pseudo-Scandal | Crooked Media (feeling the heat)
Unpacking Uranium One: Hype and Law - Lawfare
Trump increasingly frustrated his greatness isn't being recognized
Nick Jack Pappas on Twitter: "At Obama's Ivy League school, he was President of The Harvard Law Review and graduated magna cum laude. At Trump's, no one knew he existed."
Words, Not Action, From Mr. Trump on Opioids - The New York Times
Trump was an election surprise. Expect more. - The Washington Post
The Midterms and Mueller | The Cook Political Report
Impeach Trump: Add Your Name - Sign the Petition
Dishonest Actors at The Intercept - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Recent great hires at The Intercept have forced me off of my position to never read anything sponsored by that site curated by racist Rand Paul-curious dishonest libertarian Russian stooge Glenn Greenwald. But that doesn't mean that the site isn't till dominated by bros who attack black politicians and defend white politicians time and time again. Zaid Jilani and Lee Fang are utterly atrocious, just like their patron Greenwald. This is just disgusting.
The liberal-left divide reshaping American politics | News | The Guardian (no mention of race or gender in the problem which is framed in Bernie/Hillary terms)
Orrin Hatch Tells Friends He Plans to Retire - The Atlantic - Mitt Romney has privately told allies that if the Utah senator follows through, he plans to run to replace him.
Car drives into immigration protesters outside Rep. Ed Royce's office -- The alleged driver, 56-year-old Daniel Wenzek of Brea, was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon.
Denver Indivisible greets Mike Pence in a very special way
Fox News Revenues Nosedive Despite Tump's Constant Viewing | HuffPost - MSNBC is up 2 percent and CNN is down just 1 percent. (Fox) Ad revenues plunged 17 percent
Former Fox Host Eric Bolling Says His Son Died Of An Accidental Overdose | HuffPost - The death of 19-year-old Eric Chase Bolling has been linked to opioids. ("had nothing to do with me being a complete asshole")
After Bill O'Reilly's taunt, Jake Tapper reminds him he was 'humiliated in front of the world' (should have kept his big fat mouth shut)
Mississippi judge resigns after barring mother from seeing newborn because of unpaid court fees - The Washington Post
Texans Owner Apologizes After Comparing NFL Protests to 'Inmates Running the Prison' (how they think)
The NIH must fund gun violence research | CREDO Action
If Republicans can't oppose Roy Moore, they're headed for extinction
Some men disagree on what amounts to sexual harassment or assault - The Washington Post ("some" = "many") One in 4 respondents do not think the recent increase of conversations around sexual assault is justified.
Who's next? A moment of reckoning for men and the behavior we can no longer ignore ... #YouToo?, in which every day another prominent man is frogmarched into the spotlight for his behavior.
Crossing the Line: How Donald Trump Behaved With Women in Private - The New York Times - Interviews reveal unwelcome advances, a shrewd reliance on ambition, and unsettling workplace conduct over decades. (5/2016)
White House: the women who accused Trump of sexual harassment are liars - Vox -- 16 accusers. (all liars)
Terry Richardson Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg
Four more women accuse Mark Halperin of harassment, bringing total to at least a dozen - Oct. 27, 2017 -- Halperin masturbated in front of an ABC News employee in his office and that he violently threw another woman against a restaurant window before attempting to kiss her, and that after she rebuffed him he called her and told her she would never work in politics or media. (never show your face in public again)
New Accuser: Serial Harasser Mark Halperin Targeted College Girls, Too ... pressing his erection against women while clothed to masturbating in front of a woman in his office (what a creep)
'I don't want to sit on your lap,' she thought. But, she alleges, Mark Halperin insisted.
Why I'm speaking up about Mark Halperin, and why I stayed I silent so long
Post-Halperin, female media exec calls out "the screamers" (they love rubbing their dicks against women and screaming at them)
FLASHBACK: Watch Kellyanne Conway refuse to hug Mark Halperin< -- after she hugs all other men on his show /a>
'Morning Joe' Hosts 'Fully Support' Decision To Suspend Longtime Contributor Mark Halperin | HuffPost -- "We're not going to avoid the story just because he is our friend, Mika said" (best buddies)
Over 300 Women Chime In After L.A. Times Details Director's Sex Abuse Reputation | HuffPost - After his initial story on James Toback, the reporter says 310 women have contacted him with similar accounts. (the race is now between Toback and Weiselfuck) "He told me he'd love nothing more than to masturbate while looking into my eyes," (creepy af)
Selma Blair and Rachel McAdams Share Their Stories of James Toback's Sexual Harassment
James Toback's Combative On-the-Record Denial -- Hear how the director defended himself against allegations of years of unwanted sexual advances toward women in Hollywood
James Toback says allegations of sexual assault against him are 'too stupid' and 'not worth talking about'
Who's next? A moment of reckoning for men -- and the behavior we can no longer ignore.
Melissa Leo on Hollywood's Sex-Abuse Fallout: 'More Names Are Going to Come Out'
Political journalism has been profoundly shaped by men like Leon Wieseltier and Mark Halperin - Vox - And it matters -- Wieseltier was lecherous, objectifying, demeaning, and bullying. He leered at his female employees, groped and kissed them at work functions, left them thank-you notes for wearing miniskirts to the office, and humiliated them when they rejected his advances. (and hates Hillary, of course) ... Halperin, for his part, dismissed reports that Donald Trump had groped, demeaned, and harassed women over the course of his long life in the public eye.
Leon Wieseltier: A Reckoning - The Atlantic -- Michelle Cottle
When a Reckoning Is a Gambit for Redemption
The 'Harvey Effect' Takes Down Leon Wieseltier's Magazine -- The legendary intellectual's fledgling publication, set to launch this month, is being suspended amid allegations of past workplace misconduct.
2013: A Brief History of The New Republic: From Lippmann to Peretz to Hughes | Highbrow Magazine - Many of the esteemed staff either quit or were replaced, and while the voice of The New Republic gradually shifted rightwards, its relevance and stability remained relatively intact during most of the Peretz years ... Martin Peretz has been described as belligerent, bigoted, loyal, argumentative, generous, and, perhaps, most fittingly, controversial ... The son of Zionists, the obligations Peretz felt to the state of Israel were always indisputably stronger than his commitment to the left. (supported Iraq War and destroyed NR +"treating Wieseltier . . . as an employee for the first time")
The New Republic - Wikipedia
The Very Busy, Very Unproductive Life of Leon Wieseltier | Vanity Fair - New Republic literary editor Leon Wieseltier is the egghead boy toy of such glamorous powers as Barbra Streisand, Shirley MacLaine, and Tipper Gore. But has he abandoned the life of the mind to be the life of the party? (This article first appeared in the March 1995 issue of Vanity Fair.) (a super-genius in his own cramped mind)
Rose McGowan Takes Aim at Hollywood During Women's Convention Speech | Hollywood Reporter
I Was a Child Actress in Hollywood. There Were Always Whispers. - The headlines are new, the behavior is old.
When the "Weinstein Effect" Hits Washington -- A wave of sexual misconduct revelations has sparked a cultural rebellion. But a political agenda is needed to effect lasting change.
Harvey Weinstein's New York haunt: Former servers describe tantrums and revolving door of women -- Tribeca Grill. (rageholic asshole abused servers too) `
How Congress plays by different rules on sexual harassment and misconduct - The Washington Post - Briony Whitehouse was a 19-year-old intern in 2003 when she boarded an elevator in the Russell Senate Office Building with a Republican senator, who she said groped her until the doors reopened. (rules don't apply to Republicans)
E! News' Ken Baker Accused of Sexual Harassment, From an Unwanted Kiss to a Sex-Toy Text (Photo) -- Baker has been taken off the air while E! I investigates
Incoming Florida Senate Democratic leader apologizes for affair with lobbyist
George H.W. Bush groped me during a 2014 photo op. - It was during an April 2014 photo op, and later I was asked to "be discreet" (they could have just tied his hands in his lap ...)
The stories of sexual harassment on Beacon Hill are overwhelming - The Boston Globe
Mass. woman's comment on a New York Times article went viral.
bergmanj on Twitter: "this NYT comment and the three people who recommended it are giving me life this morning"
Oklahoma City police officer handcuffs woman for riding a bike and handing him her ID
Mom who beat daughter for not reciting Bible verses correctly sent to state prison : news
A new American revolution is starting in New England -- against Daylight Saving Time ... a shift to Atlantic Time would boost the economy by encouraging college students to stay in Massachusetts, instead of moving to sunnier places like New York City. (yeah, that'll do it)
Deep-seated faith guides Journal Sentinel reporter Meg Kissinger | Catholic Herald
Missouri, Kentucky and Georgia (see map: the same states that have shitty healthcare +cancer zone from LA to NN)
Inside Fort Botox, Where a Deadly Toxin Yields $2.8 Billion Drug - Bloomberg
Amazon gains wholesale pharmacy licenses in multiple states | Business |
Meet the High Schooler Shaking Up Artificial Intelligence | WIRED
Comcast Tries to Derail Fort Collins Community Broadband : technology
Marijuana users have more sex, researchers find - The Washington Post
Marijuana users have more sex than abstainers, Stanford study finds. The trend applies to both sexes and all races, ages, education levels, income groups and religions, every health status, whether they were married or single, and whether or not they had kids. : science
Ta-Nehisi Coates' Uneasy Hope
The Battle That Created Germany -- Archaeologists have made a fascinating discovery that could rewrite the history of a legendary battle between Germanic tribes and the Romans in the Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD.
On the Trail of Casablanca | New Republic - new book tells of the wartime refugee route that inspired a classic.
In a first, a large object has been observed entering the solar system - The Boston Globe
Healthy obesity doesn't exist
What is a relationship deal-breaker for you that others might not agree with? : AskReddit
ELI5: What happens to a charger that's plugged into a power outlet but doesn't have a device attached? : explainlikeimfive
How to dispose of a fer-de-lance in your house : WTF
Users accuses the admins of pretending to tackle violent content whilst actually ignoring certain subs, to placate the media after Reddit made news. Then another user points out he made the same argument 3 years ago when thefappening was-a happening : bestof
Dr. Michael Mann on Extreme Weather: "We Predicted This Long Ago"
Southern California Is Breaking Heat Records By Alarming Margins | HuffPost - At one coastal airport, the 1983 record was shattered by 15 degrees.
Climate change might be worse than thought after scientists find major mistake in water temperature readings : science
The Uninhabitable Village - The New York Times
National parks' proposed fee increase would address maintenance backlog - The Washington Post
The Park Service's proposal to double entry fees could fix its maintenance problem 161 years from now
This satellite image captures Northern California wildfire destruction in vivid hues
Energy company goes on the attack when questioned on its no-bid $300 million Puerto Rico contract
Powerless Puerto Rico - The New York Times - Confidence has not been helped by the news that a two-person, two-year-old Montana electrical company with limited experience was able to land a $300 million contract for a part of the task that is far larger than any project the company has ever done. (remember when Bush sent the young Republican interns to run Bagdhdad and set up a capitalist economy?)
Trump blocks release of some JFK assassination records - POLITICO
How to Read the JFK Assassination Files - POLITICO Magazine - The government is releasing thousands of long-secret files on Kennedy's murder. Here are some tips for making sense of all the code names, redactions and confusing jargon.
10-Year-Old Immigrant Is Detained After Agents Stop Her on Way to Surgery - The New York Times - A 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy has been detained by federal immigration authorities in Texas after she passed through a Border Patrol checkpoint on her way to a hospital to undergo emergency gall bladder surgery.
'Our Backyard Has Become A Graveyard': Saving Lives On The U.S.-Mexico Border | HuffPost -- Residents of Arivaca, Arizona, are stepping in to offer humanitarian aid to desperate people crossing from Mexico.
Equifax Was Warned - Motherboard - Last year, a security researcher alerted Equifax that anyone could have stolen the personal data of all Americans. The company failed to heed the warning.
It Is Safe To Say That Before Thanksgiving ... Something Is Going To Drop With Mueller ... "This is more than an obstruction charge. There is something big underlying the obstruction"
Alt-Collusion: The GOP Theory to Defend Trump From Mueller
Workers Who Make Haribo Gummies Kept In 'Slave'-Like Conditions, Says Report | HuffPost ... launching an investigation after a disturbing documentary about its practices.
We Are Witnesses -- A portrait of crime and punishment in America today.
The Trump administration is delaying Russia sanctions that Congress demanded - Vox - Congress wants to know why Trump is dragging his feet on Russia sanctions
Dems Demand Answers From Trump on Russia Sanctions Delay
Threats are preventing Frederica Wilson from voting in Washington | Miami Herald
Pitched as Calming Force, John Kelly Instead Mirrors Boss's Priorities
House narrowly passes budget, paving way for $1.5 trillion tax cut - The Washington Post
Looks like Donald Trump wrote to New York Magazine in 1992. : pics
The Dirty Truth About the Steele Dossier | Vanity Fair - Yes, it was partially funded by the Clinton campaign. No, Trump isn't off the hook (but the Uranium!)
Ben Sasse on Alabama Senate race: "It feels like this party that I'm a part of has gone post-constitutional"
Trump associate Cohen's own real estate deals raise questions | McClatchy Washington Bureau - Cohen himself was a sometime New York real estate wheeler dealer whose companies appear to have netted as much as $20 million in profit by flipping properties to mysterious buyers.. (Russian laundry operation)
The Republican purge has only just begun - Vox - Bannon isn't just trying to tear down the GOP establishment. He wants to build a new one.
Trump will declare a public health emergency to combat the opioid crisis.
APNewsBreak: Georgia election server wiped after suit filed - The plaintiffs contend that the results of both last November's elect ion and a special June 20 congressional runoff -- won by Kemp's predecessor, Karen Handel -- cannot be trusted
APNewsBreak: Georgia election server wiped after suit filed : news
Woman who said she 'would have shot' reporter resigns from Gallatin GOP group
Kentucky judge who refused to hear adoption cases involving gay people has resigned : news
Mississippi schools back down on 'To Kill A Mockingbird' ban : books
Drug company founder John Kapoor arrested for alleged opioid scheme - CBS News - Federal agents arrested the founder of a major drug company in an early-morning raid Thursday on charges stemming from an alleged scheme to get doctors to prescribe a powerful opioid to patients who don't need it
Half the world away, Scott Brown makes an ass of himself again
Congresswoman hopes to bring #MeToo movement against sexual harassment to DC | McClatchy Washington Bureau
Heather Lind accused George H.W. Bush of sexual assault. Why didn't anyone stop it? - The Washington Post (no attempt at managing his Alz/groppy dementia)
Five women accuse journalist and 'Game Change' co-author Mark Halperin of sexual harassment (his whole career)
NBC political analyst Mark Halperin is accused by five women of sexual harassment, CNN reports - The Washington Post ... "He's the guy who complained about the incredibly cute dog wearing a bow tie being on his plane." (there was the tell-tale)
Multiple Women Accuse Veteran Journalist Mark Halperin Of Sexual Harassment | HuffPost
HBO Drops Trump Election Miniseries | Hollywood Reporter
Sexual harassment allegations put Mark Halperin's past defense of Trump in a new light ... five women were accusing the reporter, a major promoter of right-wing commentary veiled as political common wisdom, of sexual harassment and unwanted touching. (what's with the penis rubbing shit?)
Two More Women Accuse Mark Halperin of Sexual Misconduct - Claims against the famous political pundit keep piling up. Two female journalists spoke out Thursday, including one who told The Daily Beast that Halperin allegedly lunged at her ... "To be clear, I was NOT one of the victims in this story about Mark Halperin. I was ANOTHER junior ABC employee he sexually assaulted" ... he was forced to leave his job as a senior political analyst at NBC News and MSNBC for the time being at least.
Harvery Weinstein's career is in tatters after more than 50 women have accused him of sexual misconduct. Trump has been accused by 17 women of sexual misconduct as well, yet he's the U.S. president
Lisa Bloom Has 'Files' on Rose McGowan's Sexual History: Inside Her Scorched Earth Crusade for Harvey Weinstein (spin this, Lisa)
Eschaton: America's Worst Humans - Lisa Bloom. I'm not diminishing the actual crimes and abuse behavior that the men engaged in, but the details of her
Two More Women Have Accused Harvey Weinstein Of Sexual Assault -- And One Is Suing His Old Company ... "I laid still and closed my eyes and I just wanted it to end ... I played dead."
The Weinstein Company's investor deal has fallen through ... the firm found more "disorder" at TWC than they expected, and now foresee "bankruptcy as the most likely near-term outcome for the studio"
Brookings Institution suspends Leon Wieseltier without pay - The Washington Post -- Wieseltier was included in a much-discussed, anonymously authored and selectively circulated list of "Shitty Media Men" with histories of sexual misconduct in the workplace ... Update 6:00 p.m. Oct. 25: Brookings has announced that Wieseltier is "no longer employed" at the think tank. (Weaselfucked)
'I Was Blind And Complicit And Just, Like, Did Nothing': New Republic Staffers Speak Out | HuffPost - "I mean, I could see how he sometimes overpowered me and overpowered other people on the staff. But that was because of his cerebral capacity" (and his habit of rubbing his dick against you)
Blogger amends vow to publish list of 'Shitty Media Men ... Mike Cernovich ... The list contains the names of more than 70 men in media who were alleged to have committed acts ranging from "creepy" direct messages to rape, according to women who added their names as the list was passed around in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal ... some of the accused hail from organizations such as The New York Times, The New Yorker, Mother Jones and even BuzzFeed.
Who Is Mike Cernovich? A Guide - The New York Times "date rape is a fiction"
A Harvey Weinstein Moment for the Restaurant Industry? | The New Yorker
Bill O'Reilly dropped by another talent agency : news .
(2) Michael Panter - Like a lot of men, I've had a sinking feeling (Bill O'Scumbag)
Why Didn't Anyone Listen to Corey Feldman's warnings About Pedophilia in Hollywood?
Corey Feldman fundraising $10m to make documentary to expose Hollywoods paedophile ring. : movies
Alec Baldwin Rage-Tweeting Sexist Nonsense at a Female TV Critic -- time to stop giving Alec Baldwin a pass for being the same kind of rancid Twitter bully and general garbage person that he plays (badly) on SNL.
Exec is accused of violating every HR policy ever | New York Post
Exec is accused of violating every HR policy ever : WTF
Movie Review: The Brainwashing of My Dad
"Dirty John": Journalism as Noir Entertainment
Famous Historical Witch Hunts | The New Yorker
How Martin Luther Changed the World | The New Yorker - Five hundred years after he started the Reformation, his ideas and his ornery personality remain as potent as ever.
The New Yorker: The Backstory Video Series - The process behind our signature reporting.
Barry Diller revives Hudson River park project with Cuomo's help - NY Daily News
Cop accidentally tasers boy, 10, during gun safety lesson for kids - Sun Sentinel
TIL of Thales (620-546BC), who is considered to be the first philosopher because the lineage cannot be traced beyond him. His magnus opus: "All is water" : todayilearned
bigfridge224 comments on I hear a lot about the everyday use of "curses", charms and other magic in ancient Rome and Greece, some is superficially similar to Voodoo, but I still wonder how the occult was seen in these societies. In the spirit of Halloween can someone tell me?
Medical Doctors of Reddit, what drug from your speciality would you NEVER take as a patient, and why not? : AskReddit
Junior scientists need to take a hard look at their job prospects: only few PhD students from a hundred will ever find a job in academia, mental health is a major concern among them : science
There may be no such thing as internet gaming addiction. People play excessively not because they are hooked on gaming itself, but because they feel unhappy about other areas of their life, according to a study that followed thousands of online gamers over six months. : science
Massachusetts Could Leave the Eastern Time Zone, Jump an Hour Ahead : news
Pat yourself on the back, America. Your cholesterol levels are holding steady, CDC says. - The Washington Post
Universe exist, CERN physicists conclude
some Real Talk on the widespread generational disillusionment among millennials : bestof
Contrary to popular belief, millenials can still afford to buy homes : funny
Cambridge Apartments for Rent and Cambridge Rentals - Walk Score
'Downright Orwellian': journalists decry Facebook experiment's impact on democracy : technology (zuckerfucked)
Google Is Sorry its Sentiment Analyzer is Biased - The company's Cloud Natural Language API rated being a Jew or homosexual as negative.
Nazi forums closed as Reddit purges 'violent content' - Reddit has closed down several extremist forums after updating its policy regarding violent content. : technology
Reddit Is Removing Nazi And Alt-Right Groups As Part Of A New Policy And Some Users Are Confused
10 Year old leads Ohio State Highway Patrol on 100+ mph chase in family car : news
TIL that individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease may lose the ability to smell peanut butter. The "Peanut Butter Test" may offer an early indication of the disease. : todayilearned
Redditors, what started off as a small lie but then snowballed into "This is my life now?" : AskReddit
New U.S. ambassador to Canada Kelly Craft says she believes 'both sides' of climate science - Politics - CBC News - Former Republican fundraiser is the 1st woman to serve as top U.S. diplomat in Ottawa (yes, both dead and alive!)
America Isn't Sending Its Best
San Juan mayor calls for canceling 'alarming' contract for Puerto Rican power repairs
Las Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive
Las Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive : news
Report: Vegas shooter's brother arrested for child porn : news
JFK assassination: Questions that won't go away - BBC News
Boko Haram strapped suicide bombs to them. Somehow these teenage girls survived. - The New York Times
Michael Bloomberg: Brexit is stupidest thing any country has done besides Trump | Politics | The Guardian
GOP investigates Russian granted US entry by Obama administration while under FBI investigation for bribery | TheHill
Senior military officials cited for 500+ cases of misconduct since 2013 - Many cases involve sex scandals, including a promiscuous Army general who led a swinging lifestyle,
NAACP | NAACP Issues National Travel Advisory for American Airlines
Congress votes to disallow consumers from suing Equifax and other companies with arbitration agreements. : technology
Key Russia Probe Splinters as Grassley, Feinstein Set Own Paths - Bloomberg - Grassley looking into Hillary Clinton emails, uranium case
The Hill's flimsy Russia-uranium story lands with maximum effect (Russky/Republican rag)
GOP spin about the new 'Steele Dossier' story is disingenuous nonsense
The Clinton camp and DNC funded what became the Trump-Russia dossier: Here's what it means ... In Senate testimony in July, Hermitage Capital Management chief executive William Browder accused Fusion GPS and its head, Glenn Simpson, of running a smear campaign against Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian whistleblower who in 2009 was tortured and killed in a Russian prison after uncovering a $230 million tax theft
10 Things Reporters Need To Understand About The Steele Dossier
Nervous Trump lashes out at Russian dossier as questions mount about collusion - Shareblue Media
The Russia Probe's Future Depends on the Press - The new "scoop" about The Dossier is not encouraging. (release the dossier!)
Trump Data Guru: I Tried to Team Up With Julian Assange
Donald Trump: Lawsuit Over What WikiLeaks Published Threatens Presidency | Hollywood Reporter
Trump: 'I went to an Ivy league college'
US ambassador to New Zealand Scott Brown faced complaints over 'cultural misunderstanding' |
A lesson in diplomacy for Scott Brown, the ambassador from N.H. (Or is it Mass.?) - The Boston Globe
How Your Clinton Rules Sausage Gets Made - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Uranium One
Republican voters prefer Trump over Jeff Flake, Bob Corker -- Virtually every Republican now a Trump Republican
After Day of Feuding, Jeff Flake and Bob Corker Join Trump to Upend a Major Consumer Protection - the Senate gift-wrapped the biggest present Congress has so far bestowed upon Wall Street in the Trump era.
Consumer Bureau Loses Fight to Allow More Class-Action Suits - The New York Times
YouTube Trumpkin and Former Milo Intern Kills His Own Dad for Calling Him a Nazi - Lane Davis was a prolific poster on the Donald Trump subreddit, a former intern for Milo, and an editor for a prominent GamerGater's conspiracy site. Then, one day, he snapped
Texas House Speaker Joe Straus says he will not seek re-election | The Texas Tribune - Straus, who has lately been the most powerful moderate Republican in the Texas Capitol, said he will serve until the end of his term. That means there will be a new speaker when the Legislature next convenes in 2019.
Poll: 51 Percent of Democrats Have a Favorable View of George W. Bush - f polls are to be believed, 51 percent of Democrats in this Economist/YouGov survey have a somewhat or very favorable view of George W. Bush, a guy whose historic lies and fucking war crimes could only pale in comparison to someone as unhinged and violently racist as Donald Trump.
Eschaton: My Life's Work Up In Smoke - Dems now have a 51/42 favorable view of George W. Bush -- What is wrong with Democrats.
George HW Bush apologizes to Heather Lind over claims | Daily Mail Online
Former President George H.W. Bush accused of sexual assault by actress : news
Second Woman: George H.W. Bush Groped Me
Actor Natassia Malthe accuses Harvey Weinstein of rape | Film | The Guardian - Malthe said Weinstein forced himself on her in London hotel room in 2008
Photographer Terry Richardson banned from Vogue, compared to Harvey Weinstein : news
I spoke out about Terry Richardson seven years ago. Why did Condi Nast only ban him now? | Jamie Peck | Opinion | The Guardian
terrydov.jpg (JPEG Image, 663 W 453 pixels)
'I Felt a Dick Pressing Into My Face': Terry Richardson Strikes Again (2014 and nothing happened)
Caitlin O'Heaney Breaks NDA to Publicly Allege That Val Kilmer Punched Her During a Movie Audition
Harvey Weinstein effect: Men behaving badly are finally getting fired
Gloria Allred Calls on Weinstein Co. to Set Up Fund for Harvey Victims | Hollywood Reporter - Another alleged victim of Harvey Weinstein has shared her story, joining the 50-plus women who have come forward to accuse the once-powerful Hollywood movie mogul of sexual harassment and assault.
Record-High Support for Legalizing Marijuana Use in U.S. -- 64% now saying its use should be made legal ... This year for the first time, a majority of Republicans express support for legalizing marijuana; the current 51% is up nine percentage points from last year. (finally, a positive sign)
On Populism - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Exclusive: U.S. widens surveillance to include 'homegrown violent extremists' - documents : news
Fox News poll: Dems lead by 15 points on generic ballot | TheHill
The Stono rebellion of 1739 was the biggest slave rebellion in Britain's North American colonies but it is barely commemorated -- unlike Confederate leaders
Kathy Griffin Referred To Anderson Cooper As A Spineless Heiress -- The comedian made the comment to the Daily Beast during an interview about Lisa Bloom.
On Safari in Trump's America -- The country's elites are desperate to figure out what they got wrong in 2016. But can they handle the truth? -- "You've got all these parasites making a living off the bureaucracy," the farmer declared, "like leeches pulling you down, bleeding you dry" (the "truth" that "elites" can't handle is that too much of America is fucking stupid)
The Family That Built an Empire of Pain | The New Yorker - The Sackler dynasty's ruthless marketing of painkillers has generated billions of dollars -- and millions of addicts (and many buildings at the Harvard Medical School)
The Secretive Family Making Billions From the Opioid Crisis - But do you know that the company that makes Oxy and reaps the billions of dollars in profits it generates is owned by one family?
Why opioids are such an American problem - BBC News - In two years, the town of Kermit in West Virginia received almost nine million opioid pills, according to a congressional committee. Just 400 people live in Kermit.
See how deadly street opioids like 'elephant tranquilizer' have become
Is Oxycontin stronger than Morphine Sulphate ?
A tendency for your mind to wander is correlated with creativity and intelligence : science
Expert panel recommends new shingles vaccine that gives increased protection - The Washington Post - the new Shingrix vaccine be preferred over the existing Zostavax vaccine because it provides far greater protection and is expected to prevent significant disease, especially among the elderly
Patients need rest, not antibiotics, say health officials - BBC News - Public Health England (PHE) says up to a fifth of antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary as many illnesses get better on their own.
There may be no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy, new study shows. A team of researchers determined that even a small to moderate amount of alcohol exposure in a rat model produces significant amounts of anxiety in offspring, lasting through adolescence and into adulthood. : science
Physical aggressiveness linked to gray matter deficits in brain region, study finds : science
Eliezer Yudkowsky says, that a memory card containing a specification of the first 10000 Busy Beaver machines would be "worth more than the rest of the entire observable universe minus the card". How come? : askscience
The layers of WTF going on in this pic amaze me... : funny
[Serious] Women, what are common ways unfamiliar men make you uncomfortable or creeped out? : AskReddit
Return of the Sexy Halloween Megathread : AskReddit
FCC Eliminates Rule That Required Stations to Have a Main Studio in Local Coverage Area : television
U.S. Is Officially The Only Country Besides Syria Not To Support Paris Climate Deal | HuffPost - Nicaragua signed on after initially refusing because the targets weren't ambitious enough
New York city's fate is closely tied to Antarctic ice, climate scientists warn
Eschaton: Everybody Gets Rich - There are levels of corruption in government. Generally the key to getting away with it is to do the kinds of things that are just standard. You know, it isn't corruption, it's just "the way things are done." And then there's this kind of thing: state-owned utility has turned to a two-year-old company from Montana that had just two full-time employees on the day Hurricane Maria made landfall.
Ryan Zinke, Montana, and Puerto Rico - Does this look normal to you?
Small Montana firm lands Puerto Rico's biggest contract to get the power back on ("small" = "two employees") Whitefish Energy, said last week that it had signed a $300 million contract with the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority to repair and reconstruct large portions of the island's electrical infrastucture
Puerto Ricans Put Survival Skills to Use -- Using generators, rationing and even bonfires, Puerto Ricans have had to get creative to survive weeks without power or regular water and food after Hurricane Maria.
Working to Rule -- Crooked Timber - The UK has become a nasty little country. It sticks out a bit less in a neighbourhood with Austria, Hungary, Poland and Turkey nearby. But as a country, the UK is working hard to make itself objectively nastier, and to suppress the voices of those in British society who could curb its sharpest, most small-minded insecurities
Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier - The Washington Post
The US revokes Bill Browder's visa: the man who helped create the law Putin courted Trump about
mydropin comments on Putin critic cleared to travel to US
Putin critic cleared to travel to US | TheHill - Bill Browder, a British financier and advocate for the Magnitsky Act, said earlier that he had temporarily been blocked from traveling to the U.S. after Russia added his name to the Interpol wanted list.
User spots Russian troll farm in action in real time. : bestof
Trump's latest big interview is both funny and terrifying -- POTUS swings and misses at the softest softballs. -- Trump doesn't know anything about any issue
What Myeshia Johnson Revealed About Donald Trump | The New Yorker (soulesss demon)
Cindy Sheehan: 'Bush Was No Better' Than Donald Trump
GOP Leaders Refusing To Pay For Dana Rohrabacher's ravel Over Russia Fears -- The California congressman had to pay his own way to visit Julian Assange this past August.
"That's Your Job." GOP senator admits they need CNN to hold Trump accountable -- This is nothing but a total abdication of the basic leadership members of Congress owe to the American people.
Jeff Flake announces he will not seek re-election to U.S. Senate
Political Typology Reveals Deep Fissures on the Right and Left | Pew Research Center - Conservative Republican groups divided on immigration, 'openness'
Roy Moore: Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling Was 'Worse' Than Upholding Slavery In Dred Scott (values voters)
Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination : NPR
A black man is charged in racist graffiti incidents that shook Mich. campus, drew national attention - The Washington Post
Listen to what socialist women are saying about misogyny on the left - Vox - A controversy involving the podcast Chapo Trap House shines a light on bigger issues.
Leon Wieseltier acknowledges 'misdeeds' with female colleagues -- Former New Republic owner says famed literary editor was investigated for sexual harassment in 2014.
Leon Wieseltier Admits 'Offenses' Against Female Colleagues as New Magazine Is Killed
Leon Wieseltier Was Always Hiding in Plain Sight ... The Vanity Fair profile reported that Wieseltier went through a period of openly snorting cocaine in the office (+Marty Peretz hated women and liberals)
John Huddy, Brother of O'Reilly Accuser, Claims Fox News Fired Him Unfairly -- 'They hurt my sister, they hurt my father, and now they're rying to hurt me'
Judge denies bail for 5 teens in deadly I-75 rock-throwing incident : news
Kid Rock tells Howard Stern Senate run announcement was basically just promotion for his new album : Music
Transparent solar technology represents 'wave of the future' - See-through solar materials that can be applied to windows represent a massive source of untapped energy and could harvest as much power as bigger, bulkier rooftop solar units, scientists report today in Nature Energy. : science
Anti-aging stem cell treatment proves successful in early human trials: The results of two human clinical trials into a stem cell therapy that can reverse symptoms of age-associated frailty have been published, and the indications are that this landmark treatment is both safe and effective. : science
'This is very alarming!' : Flying insects vanish from nature preserves
Darkness: life in Puerto Rico without electricity - Vox (Grumpster says they can use candles)
America's Forever Wars - since the attacks of 9/11 and now has just over 240,000 active-duty and reserve troops in at least 172 countries and territories. (Hillary voted for them)
North Korea threat is 'critical, imminent,' Japan tells U.S., South Korea : news
Struggle Over Kirkuk Puts the U.S. and Iran on the Same Side - The New York Times
Isis kills 128 civilians in 'revenge' surprise counter attack on Syrian town : news
Russian radio journalist stabbed in neck at her Moscow office : news
Russian Pop Star Zelimkhan Bakaev, Tortured and Killed In Chechnya Anti-Gay Roundup : news - Chechnya is like the Russia of Russia
D.E.A. Says Hondurans Opened Fire During a Drug Raid. A Video Suggests Otherwise. : news
Pablo Neruda: experts say official cause of death 'does not reflect reality' | Books | The Guardian - Panel of 16 experts says that when the Nobel prize-winning poet died in 1973, there was no indication of the cancer that was supposed to have killed him - 12 days after Augusto Pinochet's military coup toppled the democratically elected government of President Salvador Allende (oh, yopu forgot to say "U.S.-backed military coup")
Turning Tables in Magnitsky Case, Russia Accuses a Nemesis of Murder - The New York Times
President Trump, Guo Wengui and an Odd Series of Events - Lawfare
WATCH People Freak Out At Kim Jong-Un Impersonator Roaming NYC Streets | Mediaite
Five myths about Nazis - The Washington Post
Senators Stunned to Discover We Have 1,000 Troops in Niger - How can our presence there be justified by a law passed in 2001?
This Is Not Trump's Benghazi (only if Benghazi wasn't Hillary's Benghazi either ... )
Today in Bad Headlines - Lawyers, Guns & Money - You know, it's OK to say that what drives Trump crazy is that she is a black woman. I mean, that might be a violation of Both Sides Do It. But it would also be the truth. So we will never hear that from the Times.
Trump's Boogeymen? Women! (esp black ones)
Bakari Sellers shames White House response to death of Sgt. La David Johnson
Fake Facebook post shows military widow criticize congresswoman, defend Trump | TheHill
ThomasMertonMegaMonk comments on Donald Trump Is Rush-Shipping Condolences to Military Families
Let's not staff a White House with generals ever again (how about let's not ever elect a clueless racist nazi con-artist fucker again?)
In sparring with a grieving widow, Trump follows his no-apology playbook - The Washington Post
Matthew Yglesias on Twitter: "This is a nice speech, but the reality is W was in Virginia fundraising for Ed Gillespie last week. Tory men and Trumpy measures."
"Tory Men and Trumpy Measures"
Mueller Now Investigating Democratic Lobbyist Tony Podesta - NBC News
EPA Abruptly Blocks 3 Agency Scientists From Giving Talks On Climate Change | HuffPost
Security costs skyrocket at 'lightning rod' EPA ... beefing up security measures surrounding Administrator Scott Pruitt to an unprecedented level ... will grow the team that works in shifts to provide him around-the-clock protection, something unheard of for Pruitt's predecessors (protecting him from environmentalists)
Attacking People With Disabilities - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Are Jared and Ivanka erasing history? - The Washington Post - The cost of sidestepping the Presidential Records Act
Democrats' early money haul stuns GOP -- A historic number of well-funded candidates have flooded Republican House districts ahead of 2018. (yesterday, it was dems are failing at fund-raising)
Illinois' pro-union stance kills bid for Toyota-Mazda plant -- What a sneaky way to phrase an argument. Now it's not Toyota-Mazda's not Toyota-Mazda's anti-union stance, the fault shifted to the state of Illinois.
Sanders to run as an independent in 2018 | TheHill - despite recent pressure from some Democrats to join the party. (but will run for Pres as a Dem)
Chris Christie's Last Fight -- Christie is hobbling out of office as the most unpopular governor in the history of New Jersey -- a casualty of scandal and hubris
Chicago moms push back after anonymous racist calls their black nanny a rebellion against Trump -- "trying to rebel against the greatest leader this country has ever seen"
Racist Tirade About Black Nanny Sparks Outrage In West Town
Blues brothers Don Jr. and Eric Trump gamble on Mississippi tourism - The Washington Post - It announced it would debut two new hotel brands here, beginning with a four-star, 100-room Scion hotel originally designed to replicate an antebellum plantation. (of course)
What Happens When A Troubled Police Department Refuses To Reform? | HuffPost - In Albuquerque, they're getting away with it
O'Reilly Bombshell Puts Murdochs on Hot Seat (the Sky News deal in jeopardy)
Tyrant Laura Ingraham Already Terrifying Fox News Staffers (no wonder she'd the last woman standing at Fox)
Fox News Fires John Huddy, Brother of O'Reilly Accuser Juliet Huddy
Megyn Kelly's Husband Names Names on Reporters 'Doing the bidding' of Fox News PR (behind those hit-pieces on Megyn)
Megyn Kelly drops the hammer on Bill O
Latest O'Reilly Case Is 'Jam-Dropping,' Megyn Kelly Says ... O. J. Simpson was ordered to pay the Goldman and Brown families $33.5 million for the murders of Ron and Nicole. What on earth would justify that amount? What awfulness went on?
O'Reilly Apologizes to Eric Bolling for Comment on Son's Death (for once, he told the truth)
Amazon Reality Chief Conrad Riggs Is Out, Too | Hollywood Reporter - exit follows the resignation of programming chief Roy Price and Monday's departure for development head Joe Lewis.
Exclusive: Terry Richardson banned from working with Vogue and other leading mags, leaked email shows - dogged for years by allegations of sexual exploitation of models, something he has always denied.
Former Harvey Weinstein Assistant Breaks NDA, Details History of Cover-Ups | Hollywood Reporter
Julianne Moore on Harvey Weinstein: "I Hope He's Prosecuted"
Weinstein Company Faces Civil Rights Inquiry by New York Attorney General - The New York Times
Harvey Weinstein and the Impunity of Powerful Men | The New Yorker - For women speaking up about their experiences with harassment and assault, being heard is one kind of power, and being free is another.
Brit Marling on Harvey Weinstein and the Economics of Consent - The Atlantic - The blunt power of the gatekeeper is the ability to enforce not just artistic, but also financial, exile.
Harvey Weinstein's Former Employees Reckon With What They Knew and What They Didn't
Screenwriter close to Weinstein calls out Hollywood:" 'Everybody f**king knew'
Trevor Noah Calls Out Fox News for Differing Treatment of Weinstein and O'reilly
A Long-Delayed Reckoning of the Cost of Silence on Abuse - The New York Times
Harvey Weinstein Accused of Using His Fashion Businesses to Harass Models - One says she ended up fighting him off with a broken glass.
Kathy Griffin Dishes on Her Feud With 'Fame Whote' Lawyer Lisa Bloom -- and Bloom Returns Fire ... Self-styled civil rights lawyer, feminist crusader, and television personality Lisa Bloom ... astronomical legal fees
Megyn Kelly Calls Out Bill O'Reilly, Fox News Executives on Harassment
Poll: 9 in 10 Boston women say workplace sexual harassment is a problem - The Boston Globe - 24 percent of respondents reported a co-worker making unwanted sexual advances toward them.
Cliffside Park High gives 37 students detention after protest over teacher who told class troops are "fighting for your right to speak American"
The Cookie Crumbles: A Retracted Study Points to a Larger Truth - The New York Times - It reported that you could induce more 8-11-year-olds to choose an apple over cookies if you just put a sticker of a popular character on it. That and similar work helped burnish the career of the lead author, Brian Wansink, director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab.
When the Revolution Came for Amy Cuddy - The New York Times - As a young social psychologist, she played by the rules and won big: an influential study, a viral TED talk, a prestigious job at Harvard. Then, suddenly, the rules changed. (you had to use real math)
Amy Cuddy Takes a Stand - The New York Times (Power Poses Fake Science)
Newly-identified third type of diabetes is being wrongly diagnosed as type 2 : science
The Secret to a Better Night's Sleep: A Sense of Purpose? - Scientific American - racial background can influence their likelihood of developing a sleep disorder, with a greater number of African Americans reporting sleep disturbances compared to White Americans.
The Physics of Nothing
5 teens charged with murder after rock thrown from I-75 overpass in Michigan kills man : news
Glasses wearers of Reddit: why did you choose glasses instead of contacts? : AskReddit
Newfound Wormhole Allows Information to Escape Black Holes | Quanta Magazine : science
Newfound Wormhole Allows Information to Escape Black Holes | Quanta Magazine - their scenario is mathematically equivalent to a process called quantum teleportation, which is key to quantum cryptography and can be demonstrated in laboratory experiments.
Why the Fact-Checking at Facebook Needs to Be Checked : technology
TIL During the American Revolution, "Columbia" was used to describe all of America; that is why the capital of the USA is called Washington, District of Columbia : todayilearned
ICE official, sheriff clash over Wine Country arson suspect - Jesus Gonzalez was arrested Sunday on suspicion of setting a fire at Maxwell Farms Park in Sonoma Valley (ICE worst government agency)
Still Waiting for FEMA in Texas and Florida After Hurricanes - The New York Times (Trump drowned FEMA in his bathtub) )
Dutch prosecutors office video showing the transport route and launch site of the BUK that shot down flight MH17. : videos
'Time to declare independence': 450,000 protest in Barcelona : news
Nyunggai W Mundine on Twitter: "This has to be a sick joke. A murdering dictator a UN Goodwill Ambassador. How are the UN going to defend this?"
WHO rescinds 'goodwill ambassador' appointment of Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe (Hitler was unavailable, wtf WHO? you thought this was fine?) many found it odd that a man accused of destroying Zimbabwe's health-care system is now speaking out on global health issues.
The Islamic State: From Insurgency to Rogue State and Back - The New York Times
ISIS Fighters Are Not Flooding Back Home to Wreak Havoc as Feared - The New York Times
Iran Saps Strength of Revolutionary Guards With Arrests and Cutbacks - The New York Times - Revolutionary Guards, whose monopoly on large sectors of the economy and penchant for corrupt dealing he sees as a major drag on the growth he promised after completing the nuclear pact.
Woman 'saved from gang rape' in Florence by heroic Bangladeshi flower seller : news
The March on the Pentagon: An Oral History - The New York Times
Bush cracks joke to Obama while Clinton makes a speech : gifs
Bill Clinton hiding in the Bushes : pics
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "It is finally sinking through. 46% OF PEOPLE BELIEVE MAJOR NATIONAL NEWS ORGS FABRICATE STORIES ABOUT ME. FAKE NEWS, even worse! Lost cred."
John Kelly and the Dangerous Moral Calculus of Working for Trump | The New Yorker (sold your soul to Satan's store)
'Pick up the phone and say I apologize' : Medal of Honor recipient rips Kelly and Trump over fallen soldier response
Report: White House Rushed Condolences To Gold Star Families | HuffPost - At least three families said they received express-shipped packages from the White House after Trump claimed he called 'virtually everybody"
From the "you cannot make this stuff up" files (pot meet kettle)
The Allure of the Far Right Demands Immediate Action - To dismiss the attraction of Bannon's dystopian nationalism is folly.
The age of Trump -- Pay attention people. This isn't normal. It is something different and pretending that it's all an act or that it's no big deal is very foolish. This is a dangerous moment and I'm not sure the opposition is even trying to meet it.
Ideological Extremism, Tempered by Incomptence
Senator slams "white supremacists" in Trump admin, defends congresswoman and Gold Star family - Shareblue Media
Eschaton: Predictable - Predictable. It was the point. -- MIAMI (CBSMiami) A spokesperson for Rep. Frederica Wilson says the threats against the congresswoman have intensified. (Trump sicced his flying monkeys on her)
The Trump Budget Legacy: A Permanent $1 Trillion Federal Deficit (making America bankrupt again, is his bussiness model)
How every investor lost money on Trump Tower Toronto (but Donald Trump made millions anyway) | Toronto Star - Behind the scenes, he had no money on the line. The inside story of an unlikely bankruptcy, and the investors who lost everything when they bet on the Trump brand.
A Presidential Bellwether Is Still Waiting to Start Winning Under Trump - The New York Times (old white Trumpsters still believe in him)
Florida private schools get nearly $1 billion in state scholarships with little oversight, Sentinel finds : news (felon Rick Scott and Charter thug DeVos)
The Newseum Is Increasingly Relevant, but Can It Survive? - The New York Times - But Mr. Neuharth had a bolder plan to build a palace to journalism on a piece of prime real estate in downtown Washington. The gleaming building overlooking the National Mall covers 643,000 square feet and has seven floors of gallery space and two floors of conference space. (maybe, you know, NEWSPAPERS could step up)
Opioid Lobbyist Left a Digital Fingerprint on a Campaign by "Patient Advocates" (well, TBF, they were "advoocating" that you kill yourself, and also Sheldon Whitehouse, D,R.I. sold you down the river for $5,000)
Watch ICE agents arrest man after entering Portland home without warrant |
Federal judge dismisses lawsuit by Minn. wedding videographers who sued to refuse same-sex customers : news -- "They both need to come out."
The Twitter thought experiment that exposes "pro-life" hypocrisy -- Would you save one 5-year-old child from a burning building, or save 1,000 embryos.
Don Lemon on Twitter: "Brought to you from the network that constantly criticizes other networks on morals & integrity. Hypocrisy much? @FoxNews @BillOReilly"
Don Lemon calls Fox News hypocritical after reports of O'Reilly settlement (they knew and did it anyway)
More than 30 women come forward to accuse director James Toback of sexual harassment - LA Times - He prowled the streets of Manhattan looking for attractive young women, usually in their early 20s, sometimes college students, on occasion a high schooler. He approached them in Central Park, standing in line at a bank or drug store or at a copy center while they worked on their resumes ... 38 women ... Like Harvey Weinstein, Toback, now 72, was a big, hulking man with a reputation ... the scope of Toback's behavior was far more serious. ("mountainous" right up there with Weinfuck +another ugly perv falls) < Hollywood Reacts To James Toback Allegations: "Damn You" "A Disgrace"
More than 30 women come forward to accuse director James Toback of sexual harassment : news
James Toback Strikes Again: I Have to Cum at Least Seven Times a Day ... "Look, I know this is weird, would you come with me to the Harvard Club?"
Hugh Hefner will be buried next to Marilyn Monroe, and her fans are not happy
The 14 Worst Things About Hugh Hefner, as Revealed in Holly Madison's new book
Roman Polanski Accused of Molesting a 10-Year-Old Girl : news (Meryl Streep will be forever bound to evil, and also Whoopi)
Sexual Predators Are Everywhere Too Much Power Resides - Lawyers, Guns & Money (for instance, hospitals)
Jim Carrey Alleges His Late Girlfriend Forged STD Results to Extort Him in Bombshell Filing : news
'I Was Willing to Do Everything' : Mothers Defend Sons Accused of Sexual Assault ... "In my generation, what these girls are going through was never considered assault" ... "How many times have I told you, you need to keep it zippered" (jfc, so they brought up their sociopathic man-boys like that)
Wall Street may have its own Harvey Weinstein problem - The Washington Post - Fidelity Investments, one of the world's argest investment firms, has pushed out two high-level executives over the past few weeks amid sexual harassment complaints
Rolling Stone founder falls out with biographer over candid life story | Media | The Guardian - Jann Wenner, whose magazine charted pop music and culture since the 60s, gave Joe Hagan full access but is unhappy with the result, especially 'the sexual stuff' ... Wenner's bisexuality, for example, comes in a moment of new willingness to review how deeply the aesthetics of gay rock managers helped to shape the genre.
This babysitter gave a toddler Xanax -- and left her alone to go see a movie
7-Year-Old Killed By Pit Bulls : news (Lowell)
Massachusetts police officer charged with drunken driving was already on leave for forgetting handgun in restaurant bathroom : news - Welcome to the departed.
Family: 86-year-old in intensive care after Kingstree police used Taser against unarmed black motorist : news
3 Million Americans Carry A Handgun Daily: Most of these Americans are young men, live in the south and say personal protection is a top reason for walking around with a deadly weapon, said the report in the American Journal of Public Health. : science (socialpathis man-boys)
Lucid dreaming is a learnable skill, according to new research. Researchers have found that a specific combination of techniques will increase people's chances of having lucid dreams, in which the dreamer is aware they're dreaming while it's still happening and can control the experience
Conspiracy Theorists Have a Fundamental Cognitive Problem, Say Scientists : science -- We conclude that illusory pattern perception is a central cognitive mechanism accounting for conspiracy theories and supernatural beliefs. (so, they see stuff that isn't there, right?)
Hundreds of Mysterious Stone Gates Found in Saudi Arabia's Desert (definitely not extra-terrestrial)
Volcanoes Helped Violent Revolts Erupt in Ancient Egypt - The New York Times - The Ptolemaic Kingdom was a prosperous time in Egypt
What is something that happened on Reddit that non Reddit users will never understand? : AskReddit
Tesla strikes another deal that shows it's about to turn the car insurance world upside down - InsureMyTesla shows how the insurance industry is bound for disruption as cars get safer with self-driving tech. : technology
Many Trump voters who got hurricane relief in Texas aren't sure Puerto Ricans should (they should take care of themselves, unlike us cowboy moochers)
10 Minutes. 12 Gunfire Bursts. 30 Videos. Mapping the Las Vegas Massacre. - Video -
Spain Will Remove Catalan Leader, Prime Minister Announces - The New York Times
Prosecutors say man, 28, did not rape girl, 11, because she didn't resist enough - According to French law, sex that occurs without threats or violence is considered consensual -- even in cases of children below the age of 15, the legal age of consent.
Could this be the Harvey Weinstein of Islam? -- WITW - An activist in France leveled rape allegations against the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood on Friday
Prominent Muslim scholar Tariq Ramadan accused of rape, sexual assault in France : news
Eschaton: Oopsie - What is a pundit? What are they for? Okay, what am I for? -- Back in the early blogging days a bunch of cranky stupid pundits were mad that bloggers were "advocates" or "activists" while they were... I guess I never figured out what they thought they were. They certainly didn't express opinions about things in hopes of influencing politics and policy! Or something. At some point you gotta bring out the scales of justice and realize you were on the wrong side of everything and just shut the hell up. Feel free to tell me if this applies to me!
Hillary Clinton is pretty funny describing being forced by protocol to attend Trump's "weird [UNCHRISTIAN WORD}" inauguration
Why Has the E.P.A. Shifted on Toxic Chemicals? An Industry Insider Helps Call the Shots - The New York Times - A scientist who worked for the chemical industry now shapes policy on hazardous chemicals. Within the E.P.A., there is fear that public health is at risk. (poisons good for you now)
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Retweeted Alleged Russian Trolls - messages from an account identified by an independent Russian news agency as Kremlin-created. (another Russian agent, lock him up!)
Dossier Firm's Lawyers Ask Judge To Block Nunes' Subpoena To Firm's Bank (persistent little ratfucker, needs to go to jail for obstruction)
Trump plans to release JFK assassination documents despite concerns from federal agencies - The Washington Post
Trump Likely to Block Release of Some JFK Files - POLITICO Magazine - If the decision holds, it could contribute to the belief that the government has something to hide.
JFK assassination: Trump to allow release of classified documents : news
You can thank Oliver Stone's sensationalized 1991 movie for the JFK document release (HW signed the act in '91, hoping for reelection)
U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba - ABC News - In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.
Eschaton: Cranky Old Man - It's me. Specifically I am cranky about how The Kids Today don't remember the Bush era. I get it. It was a long time ago. I got annoyed when Dems of a certain age were fixated on 1972. It is 2017. The Iraq war started 14 years ago. It is my origin story. It is not theirs. I get it.
Steve Bannon delivers blistering attack on former President George W. Bush - CNNPolitics
Trump's Renoir painting is not real, Chicago museum says : news
Tenn. Rep. Wants To Send People Away From Emergency Rooms Without Treatment : news ("they don't need health insurance, they can just go the the ER." ""We'll fix that."
Donald Trump Tries A New Tactic To Attack Congresswoman Who Exposed His Lies | HuffPost (a dumpster full of lies and can't let to)
Exclusive: Pentagon Document Contradicts Trump's Gold Star Claims -- Not only had the president not contacted virtually all the families of military personnel killed this year, the White House did not even have an up-to-date list of those who had been killed. (lying is what they do)
John Kelly owes the congresswoman an apology - The Washington Post (lying fucker)
John Kelly Has Always Been a Hard-Right Bully ... proudly ignorant, ... liar ... shameless bully and demagogue.
What Americans are afraid of in the age of Trump - The Washington Post (Trumpcare (oxymoron) replaces terrorism)
Niger Ambush Came After 'Massive Intelligence Failure' (Trumpghazi) "they just were not postured properly [to get him] (they really talk like this)
Pentagon investigating troubling questions after deadly Niger ambush - LA Times
What The Hell Was This Rachel Maddow Segment? | HuffPost - There was just one problem. Maddow's theory was so flimsy that it could be debunked by a quick glance at a map, let alone a phone call with an expert.
Donald Trump's history of bashing four-star generals - The Washington Post
Clinton zings Trump with hilarious response to his Twitter criticism of her new book
Young subscribers flock to old media - POLITICO - Shunning Trump, the millennial generation does what it once resisted: pay for news.
Republican official 'would have shot' Guardian reporter attacked by Gianforte | US news | The Guardian -- Montana Republican official Karen Marshall told radio program she would have shot reporter Ben Jacobs if 'that kid had done to me what he did to Greg' (which was ask him a question. gangsta girl Karen Marsall.)
Harvard Students Told Us What They're Learning From Sean Spicer | HuffPost ... "He'sincredibly inarticulate, so it was really difficult to take any sort of notes" (sounds like you know who and K-School of Failures said he would be the best)
Indiana resident describes the drama and pain of trying to defend a needle exchange program from a bigoted county commissioner : bestof
Police used a Taser on a grandfather, who's now in intensive care. They say it was for his safety. (they usually kill you for your safety)
O'Reilly Settled New Harassment Claims, Then Fox Renewed His Contract In January, the Fox News host was said to have agreed to a $32 million settlement with a former network analyst, the largest of his known payouts.repeated harassment -- a nonconsensual sexual relationship and the sending of gay pornography and other sexually explicit material to her (fake news "mogul")
After Weinsteins's fall, Trump accusers wonder: Why not him?
Asia Argento flees Italy after public condemns her for speaking out about Harvey Weinstein (country of male gropers)
Scotland Yard investigating more allegations against Harvey Weinstein
Actress Sean Young Alleges Harvey Weinstein Exposed Himself to Her ... Young also claimed she was harassed by Warren Beatty and was criticized at the time by Barbra Streisand for speaking out ... Streisand told her it was "disgusting" she talked to the press. (true characters revealed)
Directors Guild Begins Expulsion Process Against Harvey Weinstein Variety
APA Agent Tyler Grasham Fired Amid Sexual Abuse Claims | Hollywood Reporter
Amber Tamblyn on Charlyne Yi's Accusations Against Her Husband David Cross: 'I Believe Her'
Netflix Settles With Executive Claiming Sexual Harassment | Hollywood Reporter
Nickelodeon fires 'Lound House' Creator After Sexual Harassment Allegations -- Multiple women have come forward and accused animator Chris Savino of inappropriate behavior ... Up to a dozen women have accused Savino, 46, of sexual harassment, unwanted advances and inappropriate behavior as well as threats of blacklisting female colleagues who were no longer in consensual relationships with him
Documents Show How Hard Ex-DA Bruce Castor Worked To Help Bill Cosby Avoid Charges
Harvey Weinstein and the problem of collaborators - The Washington Post - What the #metoo campaign reminds us about sexual assault.
Harvey Weinstein, accused by dozens, specifically disputes Lupita Nyong'o's harassment claims
What Harvey Weinstein tells us about the liberal world | Thomas Frank | Opinion | The Guardian - Harvey Weinstein seemed to fit right in. This is a form of liberalism that routinely blends self-righteousness with upper-class entitlement (what's wrong with Thomas Frank?)
Zain Jaffer is the founder and CEO of Vungle.
Police Reportedly Claim a Brooklyn Teen Consented to Sex in Custody. That's impossible -- The officers had been identified by police in the press as Brooklyn South narcotics detectives Richard Hall and Edward Martins.
Kokomo man's warning after having 16 guns stolen: 'Don't let strippers in your house'
A woman who falsely claimed she was raped by a soldier after he "rejected her" has been jailed for five years. : news
Men of Reddit, what is a time you've felt creeped out by a woman? : AskReddit
Study finds that easier access to concealed firearms is associated with significantly higher rates of handgun-related homicide. This suggests that current trends towards more permissive concealed-carry laws are inconsistent with the promotion of public safety. : science
TPUSA at Kent State on Twitter: "Safe spaces are for children."
How the 1967 mayoral race changed Boston - The Boston Globe - The Globe had not endorsed a candidate for public office in 71 years. Not since William Jennings Bryan's presidential campaign of 1896.That Monday, the newspaper broke with its tradition. It argued Hicks was a threat to basic civil rights. (Louse Day "I am not a racist" Hicks almost won)
25 Years Later, Madonna's 'Sex' Book Is Still Pop's Most Radical Moment | HuffPost (1992)
Google's quantum computing plans threatened by IBM curveball -- "IBM has come up with a way to simulate quantum computers that have 56 quantum bits, or qubits, on a non-quantum supercomputer a task previously thought to be impossible <.br />
MDMA Advances Another Step As Tool to Treat PTSD : science
How do audio books, printed books, and videos differ in terms of how our brains retain and process the information?
'The Walking Dead': The Most Memorable Kills Across 100 Episodes | Hollywood Reporter
TotalBiscuit talks about living with stage-4 cancer : videos
The Impossible Japanese Puzzle : videos
My brother recently bought a van and found this inside it. : funny
What's a joke so stupid that's it's funny? : AskReddit
5 Reasons Why You Need To Go See 'Blade Runner 2049' On The Big Screen Before It's Gone : movies
Korean banks sue Southern California computer parts retailer Newegg, alleging 'Ponzi scheme' : technology
Vikings Razed the Forests. Can Iceland Regrow Them? - The New York Times
Texas City Tells People No Hurricane Harvey Aid Unless They Promise Not to Boycott Israel : news
U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Campaign Against Israel (Israel/AIPAC is your boss)
Sheriff Refutes Breitbart Report Linking Wine Country Fires To Illegal Immigrant : news
Though ISIS continues to lose urban territory, airstrikes and fierce urban fighting have left cities of rubble.
Oligarch's daughter Alyona Zaitseva detained after 4x4 ploughs into pedestrians and kills six : news (Ukraine)
Eschaton: Nobody Cares - You don't matter. -- Theresa May pleaded with EU leaders over dinner in Brussels to help her strike a Brexit deal that she can defend to voters back home, admitting talks had got off to a bad start over the summer. The prime minister made the appeal over dinner with 27 other EU leaders but did not offer any fresh financial concession s to help break the deadlock in talks, which have been stuck on the issue of Britain's divorse bill for months. -- And you don't even have a clue what the deal would look like.
May pleads with EU27 for Brexit deal she can defend | Politics | The Guardian - Prime minister attempts to charm at dinner with admission talks got off to a bad start -- but offers no fresh financial concessions
Trump blames 'Radical Islamic terror' for rise in crime | Daily Mail Online
10/19: President Trump Legacy May Be as One of the Worst U.S. Presidents | Home of the Marist Poll - Americans have low expectations for the administration of President Donald Trump.
George W. Bush Bashing Trump's 'Cruelty' Is Hypocritical Bullshit ... we shouldn't ignore his own bloodstained record.
The Self-Dealing Presidency of Donald Trump - The New York Times
Why Trump Can't Handle the Cost of War -- The president relishes bellicose language and performative violence, but seldom acknowledges its human toll. (draft-dodging fakester)
A timeline of the White House after the Niger raid - CNNPolitics
John Kelly and the Language of the Military Coup | The New Yorker ("the best" Americans are dead soldiers killed by stupid and evil American policy)
John Kelly's defense of Trump was absurd. And he surely knows it.
Trump makes himself, John Kelly and everyone around them look rotten yet again - The Washington Post
After Video Refutes Kelly's Charges, Congresswoman Raises Issue of Race ... "The White House itself is full of white supremacists"
In attack on Frederica Wilson over Trump's call to widow, John Kelly gets facts wrong
What John Kelly got wrong about Rep. Frederica Wilson and the Johnson family - The Washington Post
Frederica Wilson 2015 video shows John Kelly got it wrong - Sun Sentinel
Rep. Frederica Wilson didn't flinch at Trump's attacks. Her record explains why.
Kelly lends Trump powerful and personal credibility - politico (ally of Satan, will be deployed to hell)
Listen: Soldier's widow shares her call with Trump
Retired 'Navy seal' praising Trump on Fox News was a fake
White House to media: It's 'highly inappropriate' to question John Kelly because he's a 4-star general (Huckabee scowled)
How People Inside Facebook Are Reacting To The Company's Election Crisis (America got zuckerfucked)
Mark Zuckerberg sweating when questioned on privacy. : videos
The Trump Administration's Power Over a Pregnant Girl
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio loses bid to have his criminal record wiped clean : news (President can't erase facts)
Bernie Sanders bows out of Women's Convention
Wisconsin's Electoral Votes Were Stolen
From The Gym To The Gun Range, Here's Where Antifa Learn To Fight -- How anti-fascists across the country are training to take on the far right.
Thousands Of Protesters Show Up In Florida To Drown Out Richard Spencer's Hate | HuffPost
charity's promised back pay to Roy Moore was not reported to IRS as income (lock him up)
Lawmaker, wife of Tom Price, asks about 'quarantine' of people with HIV ... a former anesthesiologist ... gay black men in metro Atlanta have by far the highest rates of HIV diagnoses in Georgia
An Indiana county just halted a lifesaving needle exchange program, citing the Bible - Vox - The program has overwhelming evidence behind it. But that wasn't enough. (OT said let them die for their sins)
A Big Test of Police Body Cameras Defies Expectations - The New York Times (cops will be cops)
Harvey Fuckstein doesn't seem to be taking sex rehab seriously
Why I'm not surprised when I hear that powerful men are fucking creeps
Harvey Weinstein is also a jerk. That alone should have gotten him fired. - The Washington Post
Lockhart Steele Fired From Vox Media - The Awl - n what appears to be the first and probably not the last repercussion of last week'S Shitty Media Men list, and the larger floodgates of assault and harassment survivors speaking out against their attackers, Lockhart Steele, Vox Media'S Editorial Director and former Curbed CEO and founder, has been fired, effective immediately ... Steele was also the editorial director of Gawker Media, which had its own notorious problem with women.
On Gawker's Problem With Women -- A former staff writer describes how a media company founded on whistleblowing and radical transparency failed its female employees. (2015)
A Top Labor Executive Has Been Suspended After Complaints About His Relationships With Female Staffers - Scott Courtney is the chief strategist for the Fight for $15 minimum wage campaign for the SEIU ... Seven people who have worked with Courtney, including current and former SEIU staffers, told BuzzFeed News the top official had a history of sexual relationships with young women staffers -- who were subsequently promoted.
Michelle Greer, who worked with Scoble at Rackspace, says he groped her at a tech conference in 2010.
The Conversation We Should Be Having -- Rebecca Traister ... When word got out that Anita Hill, a former colleague of Thomas, was willing to speak about how he'd sexually harassed her, Biden made no effort to seek her out or speak to her. He also initially resisted the calls of his female colleagues in the House to delay the vote to hear Anita Hill's testimony
Shakesville: Men's "Cluelessness" and the Rape Culture
TX Congresswoman: It's The 'Responsibility Of The Female' To Prevent Sexual Abuse | HuffPost - Texas Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson thinks women bear some of the responsibility in preventing sexual harassment and abuse.
The woman behind 'Me Too' knew the power of the phrase when she created it -- 10 years ago
How the legal world built a wall of silence around workplace sexual harassment - The Washington Post - Confidentiality agreements serve to protect abusers
Powerful Hollywood agent accused of sexual assault by multiple young men : news
An Open Secret (2014) - 720p Uncut. - YouTube
'Stranger Things' Star Finn Wolfhard Exits APA as Agent Faces Sexual Assault Investigation (Exclusive) : television
In WWD Article, Male Ad Execs Claim Sexual Harassment Isn't A Problem In Fashion | HuffPost
yFormer Actress Heather Kerr Says Harvey Weinstein Forced Her To Touch His Penis | HuffPost - I offered to provide him with a reel of my acting work. He had this sly, sleazy smile on his face
Jann Wenner doesn't like the new book about him. But you just might ... called the book "deeply flawed and tawdry" ... a pretty good description of Wenner's life
Several teens in custody for throwing rocks on I-75 that killed man : news
Megyn Kelly tries dancing for ratings as her 'Today' show continues to falter ... "22 nearly unbearable seconds"
Megyn Kelly tries dancing for ratings as her Today show continues to falkter
ACLU makes case for legal marijuana in Pennsylvania; cites high numbers of arrests of minorities : news
Suicide rates are higher in rural areas than urban areas, according to a recent report from the CDC. The same is true for opioid related overdoses and deaths, suggesting rural areas are lacking the support services and treatment needed to curb epidemics. : science (white rural America is dying off)
TIL that Henry Rogers and Ron Smyth of the University of Toronto investigated gay lisp, a stereotypical manner of speech associated with English-speaking gay men. In 62% of their cases, listeners correctly identified gay speakers. : todayilearned
Police: Man caught on camera stealing dying man's belongings after crash : news
People who were born into deeply religious families, what was your "Nope. I'm out" moment? : AskReddit
Local news claims 4Chan is a "website for selling / buying Revenge Porn in exchange for money or illegal drugs" - Claims that "bumping a thread," is referring to buying said Revenge Porn for a "bump of cocaine" : videos
What's the worst thing you've accidently shared with your friends and family? : AskReddit
What is the most NSFW moment you had with a complete stranger? : AskReddit
What newer age baby names can you absolutely not stand? : AskReddit
Air Force One vet turned ref walks out after athlete kneels, is suspended for 18 months : news
First time seeing in color with Enchroma glasses : gifs
A picture is worth a thousand fatwas : pics
Looking back at your life today, which seemingly minor life event probably steered you towards a path that shaped who you are today? : AskReddit
What is the most NSFW thing you've seen happen in a school environment? : AskReddit
15 Years Later, The Ring Still Holds Up As One of the Best Modern Horror Movies
California Fires Raise Dire Questions About The Limits Of Emergency Alerts | HuffPost - Sens. Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein want answers from the FCC.
Goodbye and Good Riddance to the Islamic State - Bloomberg - Without territory, the terror group's influence will wane
Spain threatens to take over Catalonia's government as constitutional crisis looms (nationalists escalate)
Panama Papers: Africa's Elite are Plundering Their Countries : news (big surprise)
Eschaton: Not The Status Quo - I'm pretty sure that a lot of people in the UK think that "no deal" in the context of Brexit means "nothing changes." So when the Tories talk about "a good deal or no deal" they think it' it is now, or better! "No deal" would (Tories walk off the cliff)
NHS provokes fury with indefinite surgery ban for smokers and obese
In the military, trusted officers have become alleged assailants in sex crimes - The Washington Post - troops responsible for preventing sexual assault have been accused of rape and related crimes (meanwhile, in your corrupt military)
Trump just publicly accused the FBI of having conspired against him - Vox - The tweet is not only false, but creepily authoritarian.
CIA director distorts intelligence community's findings on Russian interference (Pompeo is a Russian agent)
George W. Bush's unmistakable takedown of Trumpism -- and Trump
Donald Trump, Jr., Kellyanne Conway Duped by Russian Trolls - Would you expect anything less?
Rigged: How Voter Suppression Threw Wisconsin to Trump -- And possibly handed him the whole election.
Trump Campaign Staffers Pushed Russian Propaganda Days Before the Election - Kellyanne Conway and Donald Trump Jr. pushed messages from an account operated from Russia's troll farm
Michael Flynn, Nicki Minaj shared content from this Tennessee GOP account. But it wasn't real. It was Russian (+Ann Coulter, lock them all up)
Senators Demand Online Ad Disclosures as Tech Lobby Mobilizes - The New York Times (wants to break up Russian cartel of facecrook, tweeter and googles)
Trump Isn't Hitler. But the Lying ... I have neither time nor patience for such tiptoeing. I prefer the boot of truth to slam down to earth like thunder, no matter the shock of hearing its clap.
All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Trump's Lies -- The Definitive List (of Satan's lies)
The Trump White House's utterly unmoored week
The 25th Amendment Proves Why Trump's Mental Health Matters -- Is America today in need of an unprecedented constitutional intervention?
Bush Ethics Chief: Trump Has 'No Empathy' For Fallen Soldiers' Families | HuffPost - "He stayed home during Vietnam with his sore foot or whatever it was" (empathy of a cockroach)
Kelly didn't know Trump would publicize that Obama didn't call when his son died
The Darkness Reaching Out for the Darkness in Everyone - This was a tragic day for John Kelly.
Trump trivializes the deaths of four soldiers - The Washington Post (Trumpgazi) )
Trump Tried To Look Compassionate. Instead, He Looked Like A Jerk. | HuffPost - He reportedly told the wife of a fallen U.S. service member that her husband knew what he was signing up for.
Dem rep threatened after sharing account of Trump's call to soldier's widow: report | TheHill
Brooklyn dad of soldier killed in Iraq says he hasn't heard from the White House, calls Trump 'a liar'
A Judge Just Ordered The Trump Administration To Allow An Undocumented Teen To Get An Abortion
Why rumors of a Gorsuch-Kagan clash at the Supreme Court are such a bombshell. (Gorfuck)
Justice Department Has Communicated With Controversial Election Commission, Sessions Confirms -- The revelation fuels concerns over voter suppression efforts and could raise legal questions.
Sessions declines 'blanket' assurance to not jail journalists ("everything is on the table")
What we know and don't know about the deadly Niger attack
The Story of the Four Men Killed in Niger Is Just Beginning
Florida Democrat calls Niger ambush 'trump's Benghazi'
Donald Trump's Niger scandal just turned into a (real) Benghazi scandal - Palmer Report
Is Niger Trump's Benghazi? Four U.S. Soldiers Died and It Took Him 12 Days to Respond
McCain: Niger attack information 'may require a subpoena' (he's going out with a bang)
Oklahoma school adopts policy requiring students to stand during national anthem : news
Gillespie campaign seen as snubbing Trump operative, causing uproar - The Washington Post
Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams jumps into U.S. House race against Rep. Mia Love - The Salt Lake Tribune - Ben McAdams, the Democratic mayor of Salt Lake County, announced he is running for Utah's 4th Congressional District, teeing up a 2018 challenge against two-term Republican Rep. Mia Love.
Shake-up at Democratic National Committee, Longtime Officials Ousted - NBC News - The moves exposed a rift in the partnership between Perez and his deputy chair, Ellison,
Signaling Frustration, Senior House Republican Plans to Quit Early - The New York Times - Representative Pat Tiberi of Ohio
In North Carolina, Republicans Stung by Court Rulings Aim to Change the Judges - The New York Times -- Judges in state courts as of this year must identify their party affiliation on ballots, making North Carolina the first state in nearly a century to adopt partisan court elecKagan Supreme Court clash are such a bombshell. - Why rumors of a Gorsuchtions.
Towering cross-shaped monument on public land is unconstitutional, court rules - The Washington Post - In a 2-1 ruling, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit said the 40-foot-tall memorial maintained with thousands of dollars in public funds "has the primary effect of endorsing religion and excessively entangles the government in religion"
Roy Moore on kneeling during the anthem: 'It's against the law' (you're against the law, asshole)
LAPD investigating Harvey Weinstein after an actress in L.A. accuses him of rape - LA Times (lock him up) Her attorney, Ring, one of L.A.'s top sex-abuse attorneys, said she is fully cooperating with the LAPD. ... more than 40 women
Harvey Weinstein is done. But what about Lisa Bloom? - LA Times (toast)
Lupita Nyong'o: Speaking Out About Harvey Weinstein
'The Daily Show's' Michelle Wolf Solves The Harvey Weinstein Problem | HuffPost - "Pull Out Your Dick, Get Replaced By A Chick."
'Baywatch' Actress Donna D'Errico Says She Was Raped At Age 22 | HuffPost - I never told anybody because I was just so ashamed
Jake Tapper Hits Back At Bill O'Reilly With An Absolutely Brutal Reality Check Former Fox News host gets shut down by CNN anchor.
Dear Men: It's You, too
McKayla Maroney Says, 'Me Too.' What Happens Next?
London Police Investigate Rape Accusation Against David Blaine: Report | HuffPost - Model Natasha Prince said the famous magician raped her at a U.K. residence in 2004.
Richard Spencer: Protesters heckle alt-right leader at Univ. of Florida talk - CNN (Rick Scott doesn't have to call out National Guard)
Flier At Cleveland State University Encourages LGBTQ Students To Kill Themselves | HuffPost - The school is under fire for its lukewarm response to the inflammatory poster.
Eminem gets cheered, Kid Rock gets booed at Detroit Pistons game | TheHill
New Mexico will restore evolution to science standards : news
How America's Big Cities Channel Their Wealth - The Atlantic - An increasing number of American mayors are trying to channel recent economic growth to neglected neighborhoods.
Police Spied on New York Black Lives Matter Group, Internal Police Documents Show
Mayim Bialik Apologizes for Controversial Weinstein Op-Ed
Jann Wenner and His Biographer Have a Falling Out - The New York Times - Jann Wenner and his biographer are no longer on speaking terms ... personal life, including his complicated homosexuality, drug use, sexual escapades, familial friction and frequent feuds." (+abusing employees +"Sticky Fingers") Mr. Wenner also indicated that he would like to have some veto power over coverage of his sexual history ... "You spent 27 years traveling in elite celebrity circles as a gay man married to a woman." ... He asked that Mr. Hagan leave out the name of the woman with whom he had lost his virginity. (+VF/Graydon Carter covered for him)
Jann Wenner Biographer on Rise and Fall of Rolling Stone -- WWD ... "I would see his husband Matt Nye around town. He was against the book.' ... Paul McCartney ... "He was very angry, he felt like Jann betrayed him over the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame." ... "it was basically about how we got from John Lennon to [Donald] Trump. Jann was the perfect vehicle to tell that story. He is the cultural history of what happened. Because he was at the wave of the entire post-Sixties culture as it dominated the world. And then we arrive at Trump, who was born the same year as Jann."
Jann Wenner Is Reportedly Unhappy With How Much His New Biography Focuses on His Sex Life -- "You spent 27 years traveling in elite celebrity circles as a gay man married to a woman." I have to be able to determine for myself what's relevant and what isn't. (can't trust a charade)
A Cub Scout questioned a Colorado state senator at a meeting. Now he's been kicked out of his den. -=- Sen. Vicki Marble spoke to Broomfield scouts last week
Dirty John Podcast Review - The podcast is a crude construction, and its choices often come to the detriment of the actual narrative it's trying to unfurl and ideas it's itching to explore (good points, but the family voices and who reads anymore?)
Don't eat your placenta, researchers warn
What would happen if Amazon brought 50,000 workers to your city? Ask Seattle. - The Washington Post - Jeff said the type of employees we want to hire and retain will want to live in an urban environment. They are going to want to work, live and play in the urban core
Blue Apron is laying off hundreds of employees | TechCrunch
A 5,000-mile-long 'river in the sky' is slamming Pacific Northwest with heavy rain and snow
People love to live in places that are at risk for disasters 'and this is what happens'
Real death toll in Puerto Rico is probably 450 -- much higher than official count
Chris Murphy's profile rises with gun tragedies (D-Conn)
Gun proposal picks up GOP support | TheHill - to ban a special accessory known as a bump stock, which allows semi-automatic guns to fire several hundred rounds a minute (because assault-rifle owners can do it themselves)
This Is What A 21st-Century Police State Really Looks Like - Far from the booming metropolis of Beijing, China is building a sprawling system that combines dystopian technology and human policing.
Eschaton: Everybody Has A Veto - While the idiots running the UK pretend that what matters is buying Prosecco from Italy, this is the stuff that really matters... (they've known this for a long time)
ISIS defeated in Raqqa as 'major military operations' declared over
Russia Prepares to Blacklist Five 'Undesirable' U.S. Media Outlets
Trump Campaign Staffers Pushed Russian Propaganda Days Before the Election
Benjamin Wittes on Twitter: "Boom!" -- This is the clearest evidence I have yet seen that the Trump campaign was actively peddling Russian propaganda. (Kellyanne is a Russian agent)
by the Obama Justice Department from telling Congress about conversations and transactions he witnessed related to the Russian nuclear industry's efforts to win favor with Bill and Hillary Clinton and influence Obama administration decisions
Jared Kushner Adds Charles Harder to Legal Team As West Wing Pressure Mounts | Vanity Fair
Jeff Sessions just refused to tell Congress what Trump said to him about Comey - Vox - The attorney general confirms he met with Trump before writing a letter recommending the FBI director be fired, but won't tell the Senate what Trump said. (he's Trump's lawyer, which is, you know, illegal)
Dems, GOP invest in cybersecurity ahead of new elections | TheHill
Twitter Was Warned Repeatedly About This Fake Account Run By A Russian Troll Farm And Refused To Take It Down - Internet Research Agency and drew 136,000 followers by tweeting divisive messages in the name of the Tennessee Republican Party.
Facebook and Google Helped Anti-Refugee Campaign in Swing States - Bloomberg - The big tech companies worked closely with Secure America Now to target an audience the group felt could be swayed by the message.
Second judge rules against latest travel ban, saying Trump's own words show it was aimed at Muslims
Trump Will Never Get Better - Republicans need to ask themselves: Is it really worth it?
"A deranged animal": Trump's newest lie about Obama is causing fury inside and outside the military -- Trump says he loves the military. His latest assault on Obama shows that he doesn't
Twelve days of silence, then a swipe at Obama: How Trump handled four dead soldiers - The Washington Post
Trump Told Army Widow Her Husband Knew 'What He Signed Up For,' Congresswoman Says | HuffPost -- "I said this man has no feelings for anyone. This is a young woman with child who is grieved to her soul"
'Repulsive Oaf' Trump Ripped For What He Said To Slain Soldier's Widow | HuffPost
Mother of fallen soldier: 'Trump did disrespect' my family
Trump just said his comment to a war widow was 'barbricated.' In an interview, the witness pushes back ... She said there were other witnesses in the car ("the empathy of a cockroach)
Twelve days of silence, then a swipe at Obama: How Trump handled four dead soldiers - The Washington Post
The Latest: Rep. stands by account of Trump's call to widow
Trump offered a grieving military father $25,000 in a call, but didn't follow through
White House staff drafted Niger sympathy statement for Trump that was never released - POLITICO - The president has been criticized for his prolonged silence and for then making an allegedly callous statement to one of the widows.
Things Going Well in White House - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Laura Ingraham: Congresswoman present for Trump call to military widow should be ignored because of her hat
Eschaton: Cover - It isn't actually normal for outlets like Politico to write stuff like this. Covering for the, um, imperfections of elderly senators is pretty standard -- The 79-year-old Cochran appeared frail and at times disoriented during a brief hallway interview on Wednesday. He was unable to answer whether he would remain chairman of the Appropriations Committee, and at one point, needed a staffer to remind him where the Senate chamber is located. -- Reasonable to ask why they are breaking from this tradition.
Spitting Image - Lawyers, Guns & Money ('Nam vets got spat on myth invented by conservatard warmongerloser propagandists)
The Myth of the Spitting Antiwar Protester -
A Humble, Impartial Umpire Just Calling Balls and Strikes - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Ryan Gabrielson has an extremely important piece about the "facts" Supreme Court that turn out to be part of a garbage in-garbage out process with amicus briefs. For example: (+four are seriouisly stupid)
It's Easier for the Supreme Court to Screw Up Than You Think -- If the data is wrong, what does that mean for the justice?
TIDOS Down! - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Last night, Lexington city workers removed the statues of John C. Breckinridge and John Hunt Morgan from the Old Courthouse square:
Republican lawmakers's posh hideaway bankrolled by secret corporate cash -- Bank records: Comcast, Microsoft, Koch
A Trump Golf Course Said It Gave Millions To Charity. Here's What The Numbers Say
Eschaton: Monstering - In the age of Trump we could say this about almost every daily revelation, but the press does have the power to turn a scandal into a SCANDAL. Her emails. It's hard to imagine the decibel level of the shrieking that we would have heard for years of some Obama connected charity had lied like this.
Poll: 46 percent think media make up stories about Trump - POLITICO - But voters diverge from the president on whether the federal government should be able to punish news organizations that he believes make up stories about him. (so, they really believe him)
Jefferson Davis school renamed after Barack Obama in Jackson MS - A predominately black public school in Mississippi named after Jefferson Davis will have its Confederate tied namesake stripped next year and replaced
Las Vegas judge who told felons if they meet probation requirements they can vote for Trump in 2020 says she wanted to 'invoke some humor' (hahaha)
A third of Americans in national survey say focus on diversity has overlooked white men - The Washington Post (who control everything)
Linda Bloodworth-Thomason: I Knew About Harvey Weinstein. You Probably Did, Too (Guest Column) | Hollywood Reporter -- "hot and fuckable" ... In 89 years of Academy Awards, 25 women have been nominated for playing a prostitute. The only silver lining in all this is that no actress will ever have to worry about playing an old prostitute.
Clinton pal: I warned 'top-level Democratic operatives' about Weinstein -- Weinstein gave thousands and bundled $1.42 million in donations to Hillary Clinton's presidential run, but the former secretary of state has said she had no idea about the producer's predatory ways
All the Other Harvey Weinsteins: Molly Ringwald on Acting in Hollywood | The New Yorker
Lana Del Rey sang about Harvey Weinstein in 2012 | Page Six
I went public with my sexual assault. And then the trolls came for me. - The Washington Post
Redditor uses an analogy to explain why many women don't like being hit on in public - "You know how awkward and annoying it is when someone on the street asks you for money? Imagine if people bigger and stronger than you asked you for money on a semi-regular basis, regardless of where you are." : bestof
Where all the subservient racist pure white women who want to have and rear lots of pure white babies without help from the pure white sire at? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Marisa Coughlan Comes Forward With Harvey Weinstein Story: "He Wanted to Barter Sex for Movie Roles"
Channing Tatum Halts Development on Sexual Abuse Movie With Weinstein Co. | Hollywood Reporter
Roy Price: Inside the Fall of a Top Executive (and What's Next)
Harvey Weinstein Sexual Misconduct Accusations & Awards: A Timeline | Hollywood Reporter
A+E Chief Nancy Dubuc: Abuse of Power Begins With Unconscious Male Bias (Guest Column) | Hollywood Reporter
How Harvey Weinstein And Kenneth Cole Covered Up A Shady Deal | HuffPost - A case study in how Weinstein wielded power to get what he wants. (tentacles in the fashion industry)
McKayla Maroney Says Larry Nassar Began Sexually Abusing Her When She Was 13 | HuffPost - She joins the list of 100+ gymnasts accusing the former USA team doctor of sexual abuse.
Inside a Secretive Group Where Women Are Branded - The New York Times - Since the late 1990s, an estimated 16,000 people have enrolled in courses offered by Nxivm (pronounced Nex-e-um), which it says are designed to bring about greater self-fulfillment by eliminating psychological and emotional barriers.
Sneak peek: D.C.'s huge new Museum of the Bible includes lots of tech -- but not a lot of Jesus
UBC researchers pull paper linking vaccine component to autism after data alleged to be manipulated : news
TIL about the Gnostic Gospels. Early Christian texts that claim the creator god from the old testament is actually the devil and salvation can only be reached through a personal relationship with an abstract higher power. : todayilearned
What's way more addictive than people think? : AskReddit
Just a reminder that John Mulaney and Nick Kroll killed it at the open monologue at the Film Independent Spirit Awards : movies
What is the weirdest fetish you know of? : AskReddit
This MMA kick is just nuts : videos
Tesla employees detail how they were fired, claim dismissals were not performance related : news
EPA Says Higher Radiation Levels Pose 'No Harmful Health Effect'
Jesus Campos, Vegas security guard shot before rampage, appears to have vanished - LA Times
North Korea says 'a nuclear war may break out any moment'
Inside Bulgaria's traditional 'bridal market' where teen girls are 'sold' for hundreds of dollars)
Somalia bombing may have been revenge for botched US-led operation | World news | The Guardian - Officials investigating attack that killed more than 300 people believe the bomber may have been motivated by desire for revenge for a raid in August
Federal judge blocks Trump's third travel ban
Outbrain Is Investigating Whether Russian Trolls Used Its Platform For Election Propaganda
How Hillary Clinton Still Can, and Should, Become President After the Trump-Russia Investigation
FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow | TheHill - Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium ... Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton's charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow
Rex Tillerson and the Unraveling of the State Department - The New York Times - With an isolated leader, a demoralized diplomatic corps and a president dismantling international relations one tweet at a time, American foreign policy is adrift in the world.
Top Trump Official John Kelly Ordered ICE to Portray Immigrants as Criminals to Justify Raids
CNN poll: Trump approval steady, but more say he's leading in the wrong direction -- 37% of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling the presidency, 57% disapprove -- But the percentage who say things in the country are going well has fallen from 53% in August to 46% now
New poll predicts unprecedented defeat for House Republicans in 2018 - Shareblue Media
rump Falsely Claims Obama Didn't Contact Families of Fallen Troops
Trump forced to walk back ridiculous falsehood about Obama | MSNBC -- he has no idea what his predecessors did or didn't do
Alyssa Mastromonaco on Twitter: "that's a fucking lie. to say president obama (or past presidents) didn't call the family members of soldiers KIA - he's a deranged animal."
'The empathy of a cockroach' : Phil Mudd shames Trump
Trump's claim that Obama 'didn't make calls' to families of the fallen
White House now blaming Pentagon "paperwork" for Trump's failure to honor fallen US troops
Every man has got a breaking point - Lawyers, Guns & Money
For each scene of his presidency, Trump casts a villain (or two, or three ) - The Washington Post
Clinton lawyer pounds CNN's Chris Cillizza on email analysis piece
How the Russians pretended to be Texans (they were traitors to begin with, so it wasn't that hard) Heart of Texas soon grew into the most popular Texas secession page on Facebook -- one that, at one point in 2016, boasted more followers than the official Texas Democrat and Republican Facebook pages combined. By the time Facebook took the page down recently, it had a quarter of a million followers. (lock them all up +facecrook) Facebook has effectively prevented the public from examining these posts and these pages.
How Anti-Trump Psychiatrists Are Mobilizing Behind the Twenty-Fifth Amendment | The New Yorker
Tom Marino Withdraws His Name From Consideration For Drug Czar | HuffPost
The fall of Tom Marino, Trump's pick for drug czar, explained -- The Congress member was the main sponsor of a law that made the federal fight against opioids harder.
Another outbreak related to the nation's opioid crisis: hepatitis C -- Because a treatment that cures the disease costs tens of thousands of dollars, is limited by insurance and Medicaid, and is mostly unavailable to people who are still using illicit drugs, there probably will be financial and public health ramifications for decades to come. (WVa is the pit)
McCaskill's false claim that she 'wastn't here' when the DEA bill was passed
Morning Joe rips evangelical hypocrites: 'Donald Trump is the antithesis of everything Jesus Christ said' (why, that's almost like saying Trump is the Antiyouknowwhat)
The Scaramucci Post Just Tweeted The Most Outrageous Poll About The Holocaust | HuffPost - Scaramucci Post question appears to suggest with its multiple-choice options that the total number of Jews killed may have been fewer then 1 million. (a handful, if that)
Exclusive: Neo-Nazi and National Front organiser quits movement, opens up about Jewish heritage, comes out as gay Channel 4 News
Doctors and cops among 277 arrested in human trafficking, online prostitution sting in Polk County : news
Fun in the Archives - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Harvey Weinstein I'm Gonna Keep Making Movies With Or Without You, Bro
Bob Weinstein Accused of Sexual Harassment by TV Showrunner
Amazon Studios head Roy Price resigns amid harassment allegations, company says - Oct. 17, 2017
Women are angry because of men. Again. - The Washington Post -- Villains like Harvey Weinstein aren't new. Villains getting caught is.
Harvey Weinstein's Fall Opens the Floodgates in Hollywood
What Sexual Harassment in the Workplace by Men Looks Like - The social ill that we can't quite put our finger on is men. (lock up their dicks)
Carrie Fisher Sent A Cow Tongue To Producer Who Sexually Assaulted A Friend | HuffPost - Just another reminder that the world did not deserve Carrie Fisher -- "If you ever touch my darling Heather or any other woman again, the next delivery will be something of yours in a much smaller box"
Female lawmakers, staffers and lobbyists speak out on 'pervasive' harassment in California's Capitol -- More than 140 women
Women are angry because of men. Again. - The Washington Post - Hollywood is a minor offender when it comes to sexual harassment. Things are really bad in New York and Silicon Valley. Hello, Fox News! Hailing Uber! And a special shout out to D.C., intern central, where politics makes strange bedfellows.
Jennifer Lawrence forced into a nude lineup early in career
Reese Witherspoon alleges sexual assault by director when she was 16 : news
Lena Headey Details Encounter With Harvey Weinstein: "I Got Into My Car and I Cried" : television
Report finds state lab withheld breathalyzer test results - The Boston Globe - The head of a state crime lab office was fired Monday after investigators found that staff withheld exculpatory evidence from defense lawyers in thousands of drunken-driving cases since 2011, a disclosure that could threaten many convictions. (can't trust their testing on anything)
Kevin Cullen: Somebody throw this poor guy a bone - The Boston Globe
Smartphones Are Killing Americans, But Nobody's Counting -- Amid a historic spike in U.S. traffic fatalities, federal data on the danger of distracted driving are getting worse.
I thought I knew how my family escaped the Holocaust. The truth was hidden in a Dominican town. - The Washington Post
Two Officers Are Fired for Dragging Doctor Off a United Flight : news
What sexual thing about yourself are you most ashamed of? : AskReddit
The IRS seized $59,000 from a gas station owner. They still refuse to give it back. : news
The Supreme Court Will Decide If the US Can Access Anyone's Data on Earth - The highest court has agreed to hear 'US v. Microsoft,' a landmark internet privacy case. : technology
Five Climate Truths Donald Trump Doesn't Understand
Ireland lashed by remnants of Ophelia, the strongest eastern Atlantic hurricane on record - The Washington Post
Storm Ophelia: second person killed in Ireland, police confirm -- 360,000 homes without power
The_Hated_One comments on Ophelia Megathread? Post updates, situations and ghastly shreaks of agony here maybe.
A tech-destroying solar flare could hit Earth within 100 years, and knock out our electrical grids, satellite communications and the internet. A new study in The Astrophysical Journal finds that such an event is likely within the next century. : science
The mission to Mars is one stupid leap for mankind - The Washington Post -- there are very good reasons Americans, and other humans, abruptly stopped going deep into space. It's deadly. It's unnecessary. And to borrow from Gertrude Stein, there's no there. (+Bezos and Musk are space-idiots)
Tired and frustrated firefighter on his knees. In the last 24 hours Portugal has suffered over 400 wildfires, 31 deaths confirmed. : pics (meanwhile, not in California)
Malta car bomb kills Panama Papers journalist | World news | The Guardian - Daphne Caruana Galizia, a blogger whose investigations focused on corruption, was described as a 'one-woman WikiLeaks'
Prominent Maltese Journalist Killed In Car Bomb
Interior looks at behind-the-scenes land swap to allow road through wildlife refuge - The Washington Post
the world's most popular banana is under threat from a fungus - The Washington Post
Mogadishu truck bomb: 500 casualties in Somalia's worst terrorist attack -- At least 300 people killed and hundreds seriously injured in attack blamed on militant group al-Shabaab
A Contunuing Horror - Lawyers, Guns & Money - An appalling act of terror in Somalia:
TIL that before the coup d'itat in 1953 Mohammad Mosaddegh was regarded as the leading champion of secular democracy and resistance to foreign domination in Iran's modern history, and that the coup partly took place because Iran nationalized its oil industry. : todayilearned
Austria turns sharply to the right in an election shaped by immigration - The Washington Post (they always were Nazis)
The World Once Laughed at North Korean Cyberpower. No More. - The New York Times
Trump to meet Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, accused of extrajudicial killings, during Asian visit - The Washington Post (looking for advice on shooting journalists)
This image is still illegal in Russia. : pics
The founders of the firm behind the Trump-Russia dossier say the'll refuse to testify before the House Intelligence Committee (Nunes is a Russian agent)
Where's the E.U. in the Catalonia Crisis?
9 States Will Require Passports for Domestic Flights Within the U.S. : news - Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Washington don't have state IDs that are up to federal ID minimum security requirements. If they don't meet them by 1-22-18 you'll need a passport to board flights in those states.
The JFK Document Dump Could Be a Fiasco - POLITICO Magazine
At the White House, protecting America from its president is a full-time job - The Boston Globe (angry toddler-in-chief)
Trump allies worry that losing the House means impeachment - CNNPolitics (in a heart-beat +Dumpster too dumb to understand)
The Danger of President Pence | The New Yorker - But Mike Pence, the corporate right's inside man, poses his own risks (corporotheocracy)
How Republicans Could Hike Taxes On The Poor | HuffPost ("could?")
You Need To Read Thi -- rush transcript of President Trum's comments on destroying health care for millions of Americans ... "a subsidy to the insurance companies and a gift that was what they gave the insurance companies." (incoherent)
Trump gives his own performance a Trump-sized endorsement - POLITICO
'A Soulless Coward': Coach Gregg Popovich Responds to Trump -- We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.
Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, and the Mercers - without Steve Bannon, it is unlikely that we would have a President* Trump to be embarrassed by in front of the entire 21st Century. And what is also clear is that, without Robert and Rebekah Mercer, the reactionary New York gozillionnaires, Bannon would be back on Giedi Prime with the rest of the Harkonnens.
The religious right carries its golden calf into Steve Bannon's battles (servants of Satan becoming clearer)
Inside the 'adult day-care center' : How aides try to control and coerce Trump
Eschaton: 666 - What a stupid novel. -- An ambitious plan by Jared Kushner's amily to recast its indebted Fifth Avenue office building as a luxury architectural trophy is collapsing, setting off a chain of events that may imperil the Kushner's ownership of a property central to their real estate empire.
Trump's Campaign Paid His Son's Russia-Probe Law Firm $238,000
Scoop: Trump privately predicts he will appoint four justices - Axios (might have to kill a few)
Trump's dumbfounding, expansive press conference with Mitch McConnell, annotated
Trump's attacks on Senate Republicans are paying political dividends
No One Knows What Steve Bannon's "War" Wll Actually Look Like -- The former top Trump strategist is working to take down establishment Republicans
Cochran still out of commission because of health woes - POLITICO - Cochran, who has been recovering in Mississippi from urological issues, has developed another urinary tract infection that will keep him in his home state.
The Mystery Of Wilbur Ross' Missing Billions - What he left unsaid, however, was that between the November election and January inauguration, he had quietly moved a chunk of assets into trusts for his family members, leaving more than $2 billion off of his financial disclosure report
How Fallon fell: why is the late-night not significantly more, as some have proposed. host floundering in Trump's America? | Culture | The Guardian - s fluff interview with Donald Trump ... it all started in September of last year, when Fallon's schmaltzy interview with the then-candidate Trump found the host in hot water. Thirteen months on, the encounter seems even stranger
Jimmy Kimmel on Health Care, National Tragedies and Twitter Feuds - The New York Times
Menendez Trial May Hinge on a New Definition of Bribery - The New York Times
Judge's ruling deals blow to Menendez
Eschaton: There's Always Money In The Banana Stand -- Christie's backing may come with $5 billion in tax breaks state lawmakers have agreed to lavish on Amazon should it choose New Jersey to host its massive headquarters and 50,000 potential new jobs.
Florida's Senate race shaping up as a clash of titans -- Three-term Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson is bracing for the reelection fight of his career against GOP Gov. Rick Scott and his untold millions.
Miami politician says aliens took her on a spaceship. Now she's running for Congress ... hree blond, big-bodied beings ...visited her when she was 7 years old and have communicated telepathically with her several times in her life ... Rodriguez Aguilera, 59, a Republican
All the recent Weinstein drama makes you realize just how accurate Dave Chapelle was in this interview : television
Hillary Clinton Compares Donald Trump With Harvey Weinstein | HuffPost - After all, we have someone admitting to being a sexual assaulter in the Oval Office. (did she put her hands on Trump's boobs?)
The Weinstein Company gets investment from Trump confidant Tom Barrack
#MeToo: Alyssa Milano's Call For Sexual Abuse Victims To Come Forward Goes Viral | HuffPost - More than 25,000 people have responded.
Kate Winslet didn't thank Harvey Weinstein when she won the Oscar.
News about #MeToo on Twitter
Hannity: I know people who have paid to avoid legal fees from "false" reports of sexual harassment -- comments come after inviting Bill O'Turdly back to Fox News, his first appearance on the network after being fired amid multiple reports of sexual harassment
Woody Allen warns of 'witch hunt atmosphere' following Harvey Weinstein scandal (keep diggin' Woody)
Woody Allen forced to clarify comments about 'sad' Harvey Weinstein -- Director says his remarks about the sexual abuse allegations against Weinstein were misconstrued
An Open Letter From Dylan Farrow - The New York Times
For Weinstein, a Brush With the Police, Then No Charges - The New York Times - In the end, the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., announced he would not press charges (money talks and ...) Linda Fairstein, a former Manhattan sex crimes prosecutor who had once written an article in Vanity Fair about her dream of doing a movie deal with Mr. Weinstein, agreed to consult. (den of corruption)
Cyrus Vance and the Myth of the Progressive Prosecutor - The New York Times (corrupt servant of the rich +cop mentality)
Five myths about Hollywood - The Washington Post
Ex-DEA agent: Opioid crisis fueled by drug industry and Congress : news
Legalization of cannabis in Colorado associated with 6.5% reduction in opioid-related deaths, a longitudinal study by the American Public Health Association : science
Legal marijuana is saving lives in Colorado, study finds - The Washington Post
The drug psilocybin from psychedelic mushrooms caused lasting positive personality and behavior changes. These changes were pro-social, i.e. can "benefit other people or society as a whole." New research from Johns Hopkins, October 2017. : science
How Nixon Turned Football into a Political Weapon - politico Magazine - Little Dick Nixon, always the smallest punk on the football team, has finally been sworn in as captain,
The Company Serving the Needs of the Permanent Rural Underclass - Lawyers, Guns & Money - This profile of how Dollar General fills the shopping niche of the nation's permanent rural underclass should be sobering ... So the future of small-town America is not even Walmart. It's the dollar store chains ... "Where WalMart workers can afford to shop"
Is the NFL Colluding Against Colin Kaepernick? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Staff undermined, disrespected Arroyo from the outset, report finds - The Boston Globe - Employees in the Suffolk probate office, resentful of change and possibly motivated by racism, sought to undermine new Register Felix D. Arroyo when he assumed control of the office in 2015,
Business owners in Western Massachusetts apparently associate themselves with the 45th president at their peril.
Forget the handmade wreaths. Now Martha Stewart hangs with Snoop Dogg and makes weed jokes. - The Washington Post
Watch Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg Get Drunk in Their Bathrobes - Eater - With cameos from Rick Ross, Wiz Khalifa, Seth Rogen, and more
7 GIFs That Prove Martha Stewart and Rick Ross' Sexual Chemistry Is Seriously Real - VH1
'Today' editor fired over Lawrence O'Dionnell meltdown leak
Megyn Kelly's ratings hit 'possible all-time low'
How to dump someone the humane way - The Washington Post (don't beat around the bush)
You want to make good cocktails at home.
Gravitational waves from kilonova collision of neutron stars discovered - The Washington Post
Today's college students are slightly less narcissistic than their counterparts were in the 1990s, researchers report in a new study in Psychological Science -- not significantly more, as some have proposed. (boomers lied)
What current world event isn't getting enough media attention? : AskReddit
What's a secret you won't share with anyone in person, but you are willing to share anonymously? : AskReddit
People of reddit who work the day shift at non-haunted businesses and don't spend all your time in the woods, what's the creepiest thing you've experienced? : AskReddit
People of reddit who work the day shift at non-haunted businesses and don't spend all your time in the woods, what's the creepiest thing you've experienced? : AskReddit
Losing your kid's trust 101 : gifs
The Rock vs Hart : videos
When this post is 8 hours old, a WPA2 vulnerability will be disclosed on this website, basically making it useless. : technology
Severe flaw in WPA2 protocol leaves Wi-Fi traffic open to eavesdropping - The vulnerabilities make it possible for attackers to eavesdrop Wi-Fi traffic passing between computers and access points. : technology
Leading climate scientists have warned that geoengineering research could be hijacked by climate change deniers as an excuse not to reduce CO2 emissions, citing the US administration under Trump as a major threat to their work. : technology
California 'Horror' Fires Kill At Least 40 People In One Week | HuffPost
Wine Country fires destroy six more wineries
Editorial: California burns: Where's the president (CA is his least favorite state, no tweets for them)
Iranian foreign minister: 'Nobody else will trust' U.S. if it pulls out of Iran deal (treaties are for suckers and losers)
Trump 'went rogue' on Iran deal, health care: Pelosi
Somalia Truck Bombings Kill Over 200, Officials Say - The New York Times
Officials now say 189 killed in blast in Somalia - The Boston Globe
[UK] Drivers who kill will now face life sentence | Law : news (in Bloomberg's NYC, a $100 fine)
Austrian election yields a hard right turn as conservative and nationalist parties gain - The Washington Post - would put 31-year-old foreign minister and People's Party leader Sebastian Kurz in line to become Austria's next chancellor after a campaign in which he emphasized the need for the country to get tough on immigration by sealing borders and slashing benefits. (build a wall!)
Tillerson: Diplomacy With North Korea Will Continue 'Until The First Bomb Drops' | HuffPost (they are seriously thinking of killing up to 50 million people, including Americans)
Family pulled from their cars -- and their lives -- Border patrol agents were stopping cars on I-93, asking for IDs. They were operating under a federal law from 1946 that allows border officials to stop and conduct warrantless searches on vehicles within 100 miles of the border that would be unconstitutional elsewhere. New Hampshire is entirely within the border zone. (thanks, Barry)
Almost half of Republicans want war with North Korea, a new poll says. Is it the Trump Effect? - The Washington Post - Fully 46 percent of Republicans (the Party of Death wants to kill the world) difficult to believe that Republican support for a preemptive strike suddenly rose by 16 points over the past two weeks
The Destruction and Reconstruction of North Korea, 1950 - 1960 -- The US Air Force estimated that North Korea's destruction was proportionately greater than that of Japan in the Second World War, where the US had turned 64 major cities to rubble and used the atomic bomb to destroy two others
What were Caitlan Coleman and Joshua Boyle really doing in Afghanistan? - The Washington Post ... He was raised as a Mennonite who became a big gamer
Wary of Hackers, States Move to Upgrade Voting Systems - The New York Times (Trump says nothing to worry about)
Trump Goes After NYT Reporter By Name In Latest Round Of Morning Tweets ... "failled New York Times" by Peter Baker (for insufficient praise for his destruction)
Trump's Obamacare Sabotage Is Doing Real Damage To American Health Care | HuffPost - A series of blows is taking its toll. (the goal was always to kill you)
Donald Trump and the Dawn of the Evangelical-Nationalist Alliance - politico (the venn diagram of nazis and fundies is total)
Trump campaign data company left voter targeting tools online for a year - Business Insider
Full page ad in the Washington Post today. Strange times. : pics
A truce of necessity - Axios (Trump and Yertle)
Trump voter fraud commission researcher arrested on child pornography charges - The Washington Post
25 Things You Don't Know About Melania Trump
The drug industry's triumph over the DEA (Republicans want you to die) the chief advocate of the law that hobbled the DEA was Rep. Tom Marino, a Pennsylvania Republican who is now President Trump's nominee to become the nation's next drug czar (+thanks, Barry's DEA)
Hundreds of Students Walk Out of New Jersey High School in Protest of Cop's Rough Handling of Twin Classmates : news
Man arrested after cops mistook doughnut glaze for meth awarded $37,500 : news
Kellyanne Conway is a terrifyingly quotable Pennywise the clown in SN's biting sketch L
Trump Given A Subpoena For All Documents Relating To Assault Allegations - A woman who said Donald Trump groped her has subpoenaed his campaign for documents
Not good riddance, but riddance -- Jimmey Kimmel on Trumpsters not watching him)
Harvey Weinstein, Hollywood's Oldest Horror Story -- Min recalled attending the $400,000 speech Barack Obama made as an ex-president to an A&E Networks advertising upfront at the Pierre hotel in New York in April. "Afterwards, amid rapturous applause, he walks right over to Harvey Weinstein and gives Harvey a hug" Min said. "You can see the optics of it all. It makes your head explode if you think of the inability to explode the male network" (thanks, Barry)
Harvey Weinstein has been expelled from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences : movies
A Running List of the Women Who Have Accused Harvey Weinstein of Sexual Harassment and Assault
Bob Weinstein says brother Harvey has no remorse for alleged sexual misconduct: 'I'm ashamed that he is my brother' :
Woody Allen Warns of 'Wiotch Hunt' After Weinstein Allegations (no comments for you, says NYT)
Italian Harvey Weinstein coverage focuses on Fabrizio Lombardo and Asia Argento.
Harvey Weinstein: Woody Allen 'sad' for producer over sexual assault allegations -- Weinstein has been credited with reviving Allen's career after Allen was accused of abusing Dylan Farrow, his daughter with actress Mia Farrow.
Woody Allen's response to Harvey Weinstein's behavior is as gross as you'd expect
Matt Oswalt on Twitter: "looking forward to hearing what Roman Polanski has to say about what Woody Allen had to say about what Harvey Weinstein did"
Jenny Johnson on Twitter: "Harvey Weinstein, Woody Allen and Roman Polanski walk into a bar, they're all given Oscars and leave to a standing ovation."
'She just broke her brand': Donna Karan's defense of Weinstein is taking its toll (not the only one, either, hello Lisa Bloom +Megyn Kelly joins boycott)
Barbara Walters to abuse survivor Corey Feldman: "You're damaging an entire industry" : videos (The View is a pit)
Alec Baldwin Calls Out Hypocrisy Of Fox News Attacking Harvey Weinstein | HuffPost (Ailes is dead but O'Reilly's alive. So ...?)
Rose McGowan Alleges That Lisa Bloom Tried To Get Her On The "Harvey's Changed Bandwagon" -- Bloom denies the allegation. (low credibility) Prior to the Weinstein allegations, Bloom had been working with the Weinstein Company to turn her book Suspicion Nation: The Inside Story of the Trayvon Martin Injustice and Why We Continue to Repeat It into a documentary series.
S.N.L. Rips Harvey Weinstein Over Sex-Abuse Allegations
How to Break a Sexual Harassment Story - The New York Times (men love to attack and threaten, especially Fuckstein)
Women Didn't Want It Then and Women Don't Want It Now
Chelsea Clinton runs from Harvey Weinstein's questions -- Clinton, a board member of the Foundation, ran while she was attending a Clinton Global Initiative University event in Northeastern University in Boston ... press access was tightly restricted
Courtney Love warning about Harvery Weinstein in 2005 : gifs -- After she said this, she was blacklisted by agents at Creative Artists Agency.
Courtney Love warned people about Harvey Weinstein at Pam Anderson's Roast in 2005...and was blacklisted for it. : television
Half Century of Fear of an Unspanked Woman
Google 'Top stories' featured false news about rumored Antifa civil war : news
Brutal murder at Randolph nursing home highlights growing risk from younger residents - The Boston Globe - The case marks the second time in two years that CareOne has faced sharp criticism after a younger resident killed an older one at one of its Massachusetts nursing homes.
Don't punish towns needlessly on pot laws (rich towns who subscribe to the Globe should have their cake and eat it too -- editorial bosrd)
Lucy in the sky with doctors - The Boston Globe (someone call Jason Lewis)
Welfare Recipient: Stop Judging The Poor For Blowing Money On Junk - Business Insider - Ask Livia Gershon why welfare recipients crave booze and cigarettes
Michigan marijuana proposals head to the ballot : news
Christian printer refuses to make business cards for transgender woman : news
'Allah' Is Found on Viking Funeral Clothes
Researchers find link between hair dye and breast cancer : science
TIL about this parasite called Toxoplasma gondii that changes the behavior in its hosts in weird ways. In humans, it is said to infect 50% of the population, and could be responsible for having neurotic diseases like bipolar and depression, and psychotic diseases like schizophrenia. : todayilearned
The Relation of Toxoplasma Infection and Sexual Attraction to Fear, Danger, Pain, and SubmissivenessEvolutionary Psychology - Jaroslav Flegr, Radim Kuba, 2016
Toxoplasmosis in Cats - Loss of vision, mental retardation, loss of hearing, and death in severe cases, are the symptoms of toxoplasmosis in congenitally infected children.
Rabies is a viral disease that is famous for its ability to alter the behavior of infected hosts by rendering them aggressive. Its underlying biological mechanisms are uncertain, but scientists are now beginning to explain how the virus works at a molecular level. : science
Studying human tumors in mice may end up being misleading. Tumors evolve to adapt to their new environment: a mouse. In other words, a drug that seems ineffective when tested in mice might actually work in the human patient in which the cells originated, finds new study in Nature Genetics. : science
A Redditor gives an explanation of why trickle-down economics has failed : bestof
Uber and Lyft have reduced mass transit use and added traffic in major cities : technology
The Poetry of Blade Runner 2049 [SPOILERS] : movies
Women of reddit, what's an unspoken rule similar to how men don't use the urinal right next to another dude? : AskReddit
What's the most you've seen someone change from high school to your class reunion? : AskReddit
Woman robs man while he's having a seizure : news
"What's wrong with The Red Pill?" An eloquent response. : bestof
Girls vs guys streaming in a nut shell : gaming
Dealership workers of Reddit, what vehicle in your brand has the most problems? : AskReddit
VanDwelling - For those living life in alternative locations, or wishing to.
I_Fuck_Giraffes comments on /u/broadwayfilms stole someone's animation to promote his own YouTube channel. This is another one by the original animator so that he can get some credit.
People that have followed down rabbit holes on dark net, what is the creepiest thing that you've found? : AskReddit
The Daily Mail Snopes Story And Fact Checking The Fact Checkers
NASA Satellite Sees Overheated Tropical Forests Oozing with Carbon Dioxide
Environmentalism and Population Growth - Lawyers, Guns & Money (the 10% riches shit all over everything and do most of the damage)
Toll Rises To 34 Dead As Catastrophic Fires Spread In Northern California | HuffPost - One teen died when his family tried to outrun the fire. An older woman stopped breathing in her husband's arms as as they fought to survive in a pool.
California wildfire escape : videos
Puerto Ricans drink water from a hazardous-waste site - CNN ("Let them drink toxic waste" Donald Trumptoinette said)
Yemen's cholera outbreak now the worst in history as millionth case looms : news
Watch Amy Goodman grill evasive Julian Assange over his connections to Trump pal Roger Stone (slimey little weasel +Goodman thought Hillary was worse than Trump)
Caitlan Coleman and Joshua Boyle are free. Their mysterious story is raising new questions. - The Washington Post -- Boyle told journalists their captors had killed their infant daughter and raped Coleman during the years they were held.
Joshua Boyle says Taliban-linked captors raped Caitlan Coleman, killed infant daughter - The Washington Post
Psychologists are facing consequences for helping with torture. It's not enough. -- None of us should be aiding in the infliction of harm. But many still will. (APA defended torture for years)
Trump's Iran announcement backfires
White House desperately tries to fix Trump's widely-mocked claim he met with 'president of the Virgin Islands' (Trump talks to himself all the time)
Trump says he spoke to US Virgin Island's 'president' -- which is him
Trump silent as questions remain over deadly Niger ambush - CNNPolitics (where are the endless congressional hearings?)
Keith Olbermann on Twitter: "Mueller is trying to stop Trump from mass pardons when indictments are handed up. SOMETHING's going on with russia
Manafort Had $60 Million Relationship With a Russian Oligarch - NBC News
Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies - The New York Times (and the lying liars who tell them for their own profit)
Mnuchin Says Estate Tax Repeal Will Help 'Rich People' Most (which is what Trump was elected to do)
Corker Blasts Trump For Trying To 'Pub licly Castrate' Tillerson | HuffPost - You cannot publicly castrate your own secretary of state
The Method To The Moron's Madness --The powers that be are underestimating Trump
Thrashing around in a rage, Trump unleashes a new volley of threats - The Washington Post - spraying new threats in all directions at an escalating rate.
Trump is coming unraveled -- and Republicans know it: Robert Reich
Trump rips the NFL for disrespecting the flag. Then he jokes about a military flag ceremony. - The Washington Post
18 states sue over Trump-halted ObamaCare payments | TheHill
Mueller's team interviewed Priebus on Friday
Donald Trump's Fake Renoir: The Untold Story (pathological liar forever)
NFL not seeking mandate for players to stand during anthem - The NFL said on Friday it has no plans to mandate players stand for the U.S. national anthem, but will rather present a possible solution on how to end the controversial protests when it meets with team owners next week
The Holy Bible, according to Trump - The Washington Post - The Bible is, after all, foreign law; none of it was written in America. It would, therefore, be in order for President Trump to revise biblical law by executive order ("In the beginning, Trump created everything beautifully."
Roy Moore Led Charge Against Removing Segregation From Alabama Constitution (just a little "southern tradition")
Anthony Scaramucci is romancing Kimberly Guilfoyle | Page Six - glamorous Fox News anchor
Hecklers shout down California attorney general at Whittier - The event ended early after pro-Trump hecklers
Oklahoma cop busted for racist Facebook threat against NFL players ... "Precisely why I don't watch NFL bunch of f*ckin overpaid greasy headed moon crickets expecting everything for nothing!! It would make my day to b*tch slap the Jerry juice outta everyone of them's hair! F*ck em!! #sorrynotf*ckinsoryr" ... Brandon Jarvis will not be suspeneded but will receive "social media counseling" by his boss (tough asshole cop Brandon Jarvis famous on the internets for all eternity)
Suspended New Jersey cop caught on video attacking black teen girls has controversial history
Becoming a Steelworker Liberated Her. Then Her Job Moved to Mexico. - The New York Times
The controversy over Bernie Sanders's speech at the Women's convention, explained (yeah, wtf?)
Stop Filtering Local Democratic Politics Through the 2016 Primary - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Bernie Sanders Isn't Winning Local Elections for the Left As social democrats break through in "red" places like Birmingham, the national media is getting the story all wrong
School district pulls 'To Kill A Mockingbird' from reading list; 'makes people uncomfortable' : news
Birth of a White Supremacist | The New Yorker - Mike Enoch's transformation from leftist contrarian to nationalist shock jock.
Eschaton: What's It All About Then - I'm stealing this basic point from someone on twitter (but I forget who, sorry), which is that for Democrats, sexual harassment and assault are...bad. Republicans don't care. So for them the Weinstein issue is just a lol libturds are big hypocrites. You say you don't like rape, but here's a liberal who is an accused rapist! hypocrites!!@@!!!!!@!!@ -- Reporters don't understand this, so they think the right is genuinely outraged about sexual assault. They aren't. They just think lol hypocrites!!!
Why are so many men confused about what sexual consent means? - The Washington Post (apparently, they think they can stick their dick anywhere)
These Are The Women Who Have Accused Harvey Weinstein | HuffPost - The film executive repeatedly lured women into private spaces and tried to force himself on them, according to their accounts. (creep af bathrobe boy needs to be in prison for the rest of his life)
Harvey Weinstein's 30-year pattern of abuse in Hollywood - The Washington Post
Fashion Breaks Its Silence on Harvey Weinstein Scandal - The New York Times (the creep was everywhere)
Weinstein told Eva Green she would never work again | Daily Mail Online (raging narcissistic entitled motherfucker maniac +another long list)
Bob Weinstein Gets Emotional on "Depraved" Harvey, Saving the Company and His "Waking Nightmare" ... insists he had no idea
Weinstein Co. Bankruptcy Threat or Sale Looms as Leadership Divided Over Fate of Company (Harvey "Mountain of Shit" Weinstein)
let Harvey Weinstein buy his way out of trouble with pricey rehab (lock him up)
Lisa Bloom Knows She Made "A colossal Mistake" In Harvey Weinstein The celebrity attorney and champion of women's rights (the coverup was worse, Lisa)
Angie Everhart Says Harvey Weinstein Masturbated In Front of Her and Everyone Knew |
Courtney Love Warned Actresses in 2005 to Stay Clear of Harvey Weinstein (UPDATE) |
Steven Seagal: Drug warrior, honorary cop, alleged serial sex abuser - The Washington Post (and Russian citizen and another "bathrobe boy")
'ER' Actress Says George Clooney Helped 'Blacklist' Her : television
Sarah Polley: The Men You Meet Making Movies - The New York Times
Americans are pack rats. Swedes have the solution: 'Death cleaning.' -- dostadning
A Paris Boudoir Where Everything's Meant to Be Touched
Paradise Found | Betony Vernon
foot of pride Bob DYLAN [rare] - video - Dailymotion
Previously unreleased Bob Dylan song 'Making a Liar Out of Me' is a revelation
How does a species evolve to have a different number of chromosomes? Wouldn't the first individual with that mutation be unable to mate with any other individuals, and so the mutation would instantly die off? : askscience
Study Finds Intelligent Men Are "Less Likely to Want to Be Unfaithful" : science
Getting to Know Einstein's Wives
People convicted of felonies are more likely to return to prison if they are sentenced to prison rather than probation, according to a University of Michigan study. : science
A 9 years study clarifies the relationship between sugar and cancer : science
Homeowners of Reddit: when you purchased your first home, what item did you not think about that ended being very useful to you? : AskReddit
Woman who accused rapper Nelly of rape tells police to drop investigation. : Music
5 arrested in 1983 'racially motivated' murder of 23-year-old black man in Georgia : news
Private school loses state voucher money over anti-LGBT policy - Baltimore Sun - Harford County Lutheran school that said it reserved the right to deny admission to gay and transgender students.
County appealing atheist victory over cross on county seal : news
Unremovable Backdoor Accounts found in FLIR Thermal Security Cameras : technology
Eschaton: What Could Go Wrong - Basic congestion is a problem, of course, but so are accidents. Take away the shoulder, and... PennDot officials have been discussing opening shoulders to traffic on the region's highways, including the Schuylkill Expressway, as a way to ease congestion.
Eschaton: Courage - They're coming for the public space. -- The coming onslaught of driverless cars will require dramatic changes to our streetscape, including new traffic management strategies and a reevaluation of curb and other parking spaces (and you thought bike lanes were bad)
California Fires Now Deadliest In State's Recorded History | HuffPost - he death toll ticked up to 31 people Thursday (fireicane)
They survived six hours in a pool as a wildfire burned their neighborhood to the ground - LA Times
'Just ash and bone': Death toll in California wildfires reaches historically grim heights
The only California county that sent a warning to residents' cellphones has no reported fatalities
Let Them Eat Paper Towels - The New York Times
69 Republicans vote against aid for Puerto Rico, other disaster sites | TheHill - Freedom Caucus leaders like Chairman Mark Meadows (N.C.), Justin Amash (Mich.) and Jim Jordan (Ohio), voted against the aid package.
This CNN clip shows why we need an accurate death count from Puerto Rico - Vox - A GOP lawmaker claimed people weren't dying on the island -- Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.)
Trump's pick for NOAA chief causes a storm -- As a top executive at AccuWeather, Barry Myers has pushed for limits on the kinds of products that the National Weather Service offers to the public, saying they offered unfair competition to his industry. (no weather without ads for you, suckers)
Another Shift in Las Vegas Timeline Caps Days of Confusion - The New York Times
Father's History Could Offer Insight Into Mind of Las Vegas Gunman
Las Vegas security guard Jesus Campos disappears moments before TV interviews | Fox News (mystery continues)
Las Vegas security guard Jesus Campos disappears moments before TV interviews : news
Gun laws that cost millions had little effect because they weren't enforced | US news | The Guardian -- Researchers says law to expand background checks in Colorado and Washington failed most likely due to noncompliance and a lack of enforcement
Slow and Steady: US Intellectual Property and the China Challenge | The Diplomat
New Balance Wins Landmark Trademark Case (oh, the slanting 'N' logo was totally piratable until this year in the pirate state of fuck your trademark China)
Eschaton: Brexit Madness - A weird fantasy of the Brexiteers is that other countries think the UK's interests are important, or that those interests, in most cases, matter it all for their own interests. Italy doesn't need to sell you Prosecco. Germany doesn't need to sell you cars (you're going to buy them, anyway, by the way), and Donald Trump isn't going to be benevolent (someone should have told May that it isn't one of his defining characteristics). (collision of total idiots)
Inside American Caitlan Coleman's five-year ordeal as a Taliban prisoner (let's go backpacking in Taliban territory while pregnant)
Parents of freed Afghanistan hostage angry at son-in-law - The Washington Post - for taking their daughter to Afghanistan. -- He was once married to Zaynab Khadr, the older sister of former Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr and the daughter of a senior al-Qaida financier. Her father, the late Ahmed Said Khadr, and the family stayed with Osama bin Laden briefly when Omar Khadr was a boy. (a lot of unanswered questions, including why didn't Obama exchange for him when he did AQ/ISIS)
Parents of freed US hostage furious with son-in-law for Afghanistan trip | World news | The Guardian ... Speaking to a Canadian reporter on Thursday, Boyle reflected on the toll the past five years had taken. "My family is obviously psychologically and physically shattered by the betrayals and the criminality of what has happened over the past five years ... I have discovered there is little that cannot be overcome by enough Sufi patience, Irish irreverence and Canadian sanctimony." ... captors, however, eluded them, managing to escape on foot. (sure)
Russia Wants Bulgarians to Stop Painting Soviet Monuments To Look Like American Superheroes | Earthly Mission
A Rising Constitutional Crisis No One Is Talking About - the proposed constitutional convention that would be called under Article V of the Constitution, a longtime conservative dreamshot that at the moment is as close to fulfillment as it ever has been. (only needs 7 more states to destroy America)
20 of America's top political scientists gathered to discuss our democracy. They're scared -- If current trends continue for another 20 or 30 years, democracy will be toast
McMaster Wants to Save the Iran Deal by Hiding It From Trump (America, you really fucked up)
Twitter deleted data potentially crucial to Russia probes - POLITICO - strict privacy policy led to deletions of Russian information of interest to investigators. (Tweetster and Facecrook covered up for Putin)
As Trump slams media, Indiana lawmaker proposes licensing journalists (reporters are like guns and only Fox and Breitbart will get licenses)
Eschaton: Dustbowl - I think it will be the forgotten depression. The triumphalism of neoliberal capitalism and Fed independence made this unpossible, and the unquestionable stewardship of Obama/Geithner rendered it moot. I'm not sure that even historians - decades later, as is their privilege - will grapple with this fact. (tnx Obambi)
Eschaton: Because I Am Not Serious - Trump is a senile old man with some sort of degenerative brain condition and he will brag to anybody about anything. This isn't about Russia, really, it's about a president of the United States who brags to people that important people visit him in the Oval Office ... He was always a horrible narcissistic braggart, but not like this. He has a problem, we have a problem, and despite the fact that his handlers keep telling the press that they have to treat him like a 5 year old, no one will come right out and say the obvious: Trump is in serious mental decline and also he runs the world.
Eschaton: Sundown - On Earth-4, Stynli Kabreek made a movie about a senile president, whose senility was clear to everybody, who destroyed human civilization because someone brought him a sesame bagel instead of a poppy seed bagel. Stynli Kabreek is so funny.
Eschaton: I See Myself On The Idiot Box - Not a new point here, of course, but Trump literally has the panopticon at his disposal but prefers to have his "information" presented to him by a shitty cable news morning show on a network which barely has a news operation at all.
Trump To Cut Off Billions In Key Obamacare Payments To Insurers | HuffPost - The sabotage continues.
Trump will scrap critical Obamacare subsidies - POLITICO - Cutting off the payments to insurers, which could happen almost immediately, is likely to provide another jolt to Obamacare markets.
Trump Unveils Full-bore Obamacare Sabotage
Every Republican Supports This Madman Initiative - In other words, under this president*, the federal government has adopted the fundamental Trump Organization guiding principle of reneging on your debts. Good to know. You, there, with your dialysis treatments? You're no better than a glazier who did a little work at the Trump Taj Mahal.
Trump's Obamacare Order Will Deepen Health Inequality
The Daily 202: Throwing a bomb into the insurance markets, Trump now owns the broken health-care system - The Washington Post -- The administration announced late last night that he will immediately halt cost-sharing reductions. (the "administration" is a "he")
Sandoval: Trump decision to end health-care subsidies for low-income Americans is 'devastating'
Trump's acting like Obamacare is just politics. It's people's lives
Collins declines run for Maine governor - POLITICO - decision preserves her role as a key moderate and swing vote in the Senate. (too bad)
Background check chief has 'never seen' mistakes and omissions at level of Jared Kushner forms ("as if it was filled out by a third-grader with a dull Russian crayon")
Eschaton: These Are Strange People - Birds of a feather flock together, blahblahblah, but I don't get how people like this manage to find each other -- Zinke rode to work on horseback on his first day in office and displays animal heads on his wood-paneled office walls. For a while, he kept a glass-case display of hunting knives but was asked to remove them because of security risks, according to people familiar with the decision. He has commissioned commemorative coins with his name on them to give to staff and visitors, but the cost to taxpayers is unclear. Zinke's predecessors and some other Cabinet secretaries have coins bearing agency seals, but not personalized ones.
'Curb Your Enthusiasm' Over Rand Paul's Uneasy Reaction To Donald Trump | HuffPost
Trump's Tweets Are Damaging the Republican Character -- National Review by David French (hahaha as if that were possible)
Kellyanne Conway's Tweet About Trump 'Empowering Women' Didn't Go Down Well | HuffPost - Do you actually have no clue how ridiculous this assertion is? (Kellyanne Fuckway)
Kellyanne Conway accidentally admits she's complicit in Trump's "sexual predatory culture" - Her lack of self-awareness has become legendary as she continues to project Trumps sins of assault onto Democrats.
The Reddest State In The Nation Isn't That Interested In The GOP's Moral Agenda | HuffPost (all 585,501 in WYo: imagine if Columbus OH had a rep and two senators)
Hillary Clinton in talks with Columbia to take on professor role - NY Daily News - and potentially house her archives there
Who is Seth Moulton for? - The Massachusetts congressman is a white, centrist, Harvard-educated war hero who wants to remake the Democratic Party. Too bad no one wants that. (wants dems to be more Republican)
Who Broke Congress? Dennis Hastert, Former Speaker, Breaks Two-Year Silence to Deny Role in Gridlock ("Hastert Rule" meant only Reublicans can rule)
Capitol Hell: Inside Rep. Tim Murphy's Toxic Congressional Office | HuffPost
New boycott of Ford over its NFL sponsorship - Bossier Parish Sheriff Julian Whittington has told a local Ford dealership his department will stop buying Ford police vehicles as long as the automaker advertises with the NFL. (that's gotta hurt)
Jaguars owner Khan on Trump politics, NFL owners, $20 minimum wage - Government News - Crain's Chicago Business ... "You've got a bunch of 85-ear-old guys who don't think they racist, but they are racist."
Celebrity Publicists Are Bailing on 'Megyn Kelly Today' (her brand is tanking) Two days later, Kelly offended Jane Fonda with an off-putting question about her refusal to talk about plastic surgery. ("We We really want to talk about that right now?" Fonda huffed, seated next to her co-star Robert Redford
Weinstein Board Says It Didn't Know Of Sexual Misconduct Allegations. Experts Don't Buy It. | HuffPost - Four Weinstein Co. board members say they had no idea former CEO Harvey Weinstein had settled sexual harassment suits. (no idea) "In the last 20 years, every corporation has known about liability for sexual harassment"
Harvey Weinstein's Contract Allowed for Sexual Harassment | (they built it in)
Oliver Stone on Harvey Weinstein: "It's Not Easy What He's Going Through" (fuck you Oliver)
Former Playboy Playmate accuses Oliver Stone of sexual assault - NY Daily News
Harvey Weinstein Will Challenge Firing
Chaos inside scandal-wracked Weinstein Co. - Oct. 13, 2017
The Weinstein Co. Nears The Brink As Agencies Cut Off Talent Supply | Deadline
The Harvey Weinstein scandal has inspired a Ben Affleck scandal - Vox
Quentin Tarantino 'heartbroken' over Harvey Weinstein allegations | Film | The Guardian
The fallout: How the Harvey Weinstein scandal exposed sexual harassment as Hollywood's dirty secret ("secret")
Sophie Dix says encounter at the Savoy hotel when she was 22 was "the single most damaging thing that's happened in my life"
The fallout: How the Harvey Weinstein scandal exposed sexual harassment as Hollywood's dirty secret (and the LA Times is definitely not part of "Hollywood")
Will Harvey Weinstein Finally Kill the Old Boys' Network? - How many more days are left for the 'dinosaurs' of media and entertainment to roam the Earth?
Rose McGowan Says Harvey Weinstein Raped Her
Amazon Suspends Top Exec Roy Price After Explosive Report Alleging Sexual Harassment | Mediaite (Bezos: "I had no idea")
Blake Lively Says She Was Sexually Harassed by Makeup Artist
Evan Rachel Wood Explains Why She Has Not Named Her Abusers - They were very powerful, very rich, very entitled, very narcissistic white men.
Lisa Bloom Reveals Why She Took On Harvey Weinstein as a Client | Hollywood Reporter - I saw this as a unique opportunity to change the way these stories go (which is why she impugned the credibility of the victims)
Pink: 'Monogamy is work. You have times when you haven't had sex in a year
With cannabis legalization around the corner, Los Angeles contemplates another dumb move - LA Times (sounds like Mazzachusetts)
DPH freezes medical marijuana fixes, infuriating patients - The Boston Globe ... DPH's stewardship of medical marijuana has been checkered. Its rollout of the program in 2014 was hobbled by missteps, including conflicts of interest and the department's hiring of highly paid contractors who failed to detect unqualified applicants for dispensary licenses. (that's how you do it, lots of high-paid "consultants")
Judge declines to dismiss retaliation lawsuit against Kathryn Knott, father | PhillyVoice - Karl Knott allegedly conspired with D.A.'s s office to threaten online commenter with criminal charges. (they got her fired)
Silicon Valley Is Not Your Friend - The New York Times
I Love My Girlfriend. So Why Do I Keep Cheating on Her? (cheating on his therapist)
Read this and you may never eat chicken again | Life and style | The Guardian - Most meat animals are raised with the assistance of daily doses of antibiotics. By 2050, antibiotic resistance will cause a staggering 10 million deaths a year
Dietary Carbohydrates Impair Healthspan and Promote Mortality: Cell Metabolism
Over the last 15 years, the prevalence of adult obesity in the U.S. population has bloated from 30.5 percent to 39.6 percent
Magic mushrooms 'reboot' brain in depressed people -- study
Genes for Skin Color Rebut Dated Notions of Race, Researchers Say - The New York Times
Carolina Panthers fan sucker punches an old man in video | Daily Mail Online
Fan who left 62-year-old bloodied after 'sucker punch' incident at Carolina Panthers game arrested - The Washington Post
Girl, 17, 'suffers three separate sex attacks' on way home from night out : news
Guys of reddit, what did your girlfriends Dad do to establish dominance? : AskReddit
h3h3 Is Wrong About Ads on YouTube : videos
The catastrophic toll of California's wildfires: 29 dead, hundreds missing, thousands displaced
Trump warns battered Puerto Rico: Federal aid workers cannot stay 'forever' - The Washington Post (moochers)
Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria: The Public's Knowledge and Views of Its Impact and the Response
Everything that's been reported about deaths in Puerto Rico is at odds with the official count - Vox - We took a look at the numbers, and they didn't add up;
Worker warned hotel before Las Vegas shooter opened fire on crowd - CBS News
Rohingya Recount Atrocities: 'They Threw My Baby Into a Fire' (those lovely non-violent Buddhists) "Some influential Buddhist monks said the Rohingya were the reincarnation of snakes and insects and should be exterminated, like vermin"
British jihadist Sally Jones aka White Widow 'killed by drone' : news -- Sally-Anne Jones -- Previously a punk musician, she had been used to recruit western girls to the group and posted threatening messages to Christians in the UK.
We're About to Fall Behind the Great Depression -- Instead, many policy makers and economists continue to operate as if the Great Recession never happened and their prior beliefs still hold. They grew up believing that the big economic risk was an overheated economy, because that was the great problem of the 1970s. As a result, many are obsessed with the dangers of high inflation and large budget deficits.
Facebook takes down data and thousands of posts, obscuring reach of Russian disinformation - The Washington Post (Facecrook looking russky)
Judge says US govt has 'no right to rummage' through anti-Trump protest website logs : technology (fascist fuckers)
Trump's DOJ tries to rebrand weakened encryption as 'responsibile encryption'
Lawmakers Say They Plan to Release Facebook Ads Linked to Russia - The New York Times (dribble dribble)
Trump: 'Disgusting' that press able to write whatever it wants
Can Trump challenge NBC's FCC 'license'? No. - The Washington Post -- President Trump may be too incompetent to destroy the First Amendment
The Atlantic Confirms It: We Are Living In A Kakistocracy
American Kakistocracy - The Atlantic - There's a case to be made that the United States is governed by the least scrupulous of its citizens.
The Trumps, the Poodle, the Sex Scandal - The New York Times (this should have been a soap opera before the election, Hillary/dems can't think creatively)
Pro sports teams were once reliable patrons of Trump's hotels. Not anymore.
Trump's executive order to undermine Obamacare, explained --- How association health plans and short-term insurance could damage the health care law.
Whistleblower Speaks Out: Morale At Interior Department Is 'In The Toilet' | HuffPost
Menendez trial: Judge raises serious doubts about government's case
The Airport Bomber From Last Week You Never Heard About (white nationalist terrorist that didn't quite actually kill a whole bunch of people, so ...)
Yes, build the wall - The Washington Post
Kevin de Lesn to challenge Feinstein in primary, sources say - CNNPolitics
How the VA Fueled the National Opioid Crisis and Is Killing Thousands of Veterans
White South Carolina restaurant manager enslaved black man for years, prosecutors say - The Washington Post
A black man charged in his own beating, and Charlottesville's lasting hatred
Jeff Bezos Screws Over Workers At Amazon. Now He Wants To Do The Same At The Washington Post. | HuffPost - Can Silicon Valley's anti-labor attitude survive actual contact with a labor union?
Jeff Bezos Rest Until Working at The Washington Post Is as Hellish as Working at Amazon
College Websites Must Accommodate Disabled Students, Lawsuits Say - The New York Times
23 Women Accuse Former Queens Priest of Abusing Them as Children - The New York Times
Cy Vance Defends Decision Not to Pursue Case Against Harvey Weinstein - The New York Times (if he hadn't been corrupt, we would have stopped Weinstein two years ago and Trump wouldn't be president ... another player in the doomsday game)
How Top NBC Executives Quashed The Bombshell Harvey Weinstein Story | HuffPost - Reporter Ronan Farrow ultimately took the piece to The New Yorker after facing months of opposition at his home network.
APNewsBreak: Steve Bannon had ties to Harvey Weinstein< (similar look) /a>
Rose McGowan Suspended From Twitter After Ben Affleck Tweet - The New York Times
Weinstein Company Was Aware of Payoffs in 2015 - The New York Times
FBI Harvey Weinstein probe ordered by Trump Justice Dept | Daily Mail Online
Clinton: 'I certainly didn't' know about Weinstein's alleged assaults
Shell-shocked Harvey Weinstein breaks silence after wife leaves him | Page Six
Harvey Weinstein's wife is leaning on Huma Abedin -- Plus, the Clintons rented a Hamptons house next door to Weinstein and Chapman's Amagansett estate for three summers.
ane Fonda: I knew about Weinstein, and I'm 'ashamed' I didn't say anything ... "found out about Harvey about a year ago"
Jimmy Kimmel explains his Twitter feud with Donald Trump Jr. over Harvey Weinstein jokes - The Washington Post
Seth MacFarlane says His Harvey Weinstein Oscars joke came from a place of "loathing and anger" : television
Rose McGowan: Amazon Studios knew I was raped : news
Amazon TV Producer Goes Public With Harassment Claim Against Top Exec Roy Price (Exclusive) | Hollywood Reporter ... "You will love my dick," Roy Price said to Isa Hackett (Phillip K Dick's daughter), a producer on 'The Man in the High Castle'
Don't talk about Pedophilia : videos (Barbara Walters defends pedophile: "You're damaging an entire industry!") "Old Baba Wabbas knows you've got to diddle a few kids to make Hollywood magic work.
Sexual Harassment Began in 1963 - Lawyers, Guns & Money
What To Do With "Shitty Media Men"? A document circulating late Wednesday named and shamed dozens of men in media for bad behavior toward women.
As 'the fathers of daughters,' they were offended by harassment. But what did that really mean?
The Horizon of Desire - Laurie Penny wants a new conversation about women, men, consent, desire, and autonomy ... fundamental rights to bodily autonomy are under attack across the planet, and the Hog-Emperor of Rape Culture is squatting in the White House making your neighborhood pervert look placid ... otherwise well-meaning male friends who are frantically reassessing their sexual history in the light of the awkward fact that shame is no longer enough to stop women from naming abusers ... Rape culture is not about demonizing men. It is about controlling female sexuality. It is anti-sex and anti-pleasure. It teaches us to deny our own desire as an adaptive strategy for surviving a sexist world.
Clara Bow - She's Got It - YouTube
Clara Bow - Mysteries and Scandals - YouTube
Fidelity said to fire star fund manager after sexual harassment allegation - The Boston Globe
After scandalous Antarctic allegations, BU grad students push school to do more about sexual harassment - The Boston Globe
Fox paid $400m for the World Cup and now the USA aren't in it : news
Megyn Kelly is destroying NBC's morning ratings
Psychologists of Reddit; what are some do's and dont's of helping someone who's depressed? : AskReddit
Colorado's 2017 marijuana sales reach $1 billion in just eight months (MA fucked a lot of its citizens because "it wouldn't make any difference" -- Jason Lewis)
Colorado's 2017 marijuana sales reach $1 billion in just eight months
Why Are More American Teenagers Than Ever Suffering From Severe Anxiety? - The New York Times - Parents, therapists and schools are struggling to figure out whether helping anxious teenagers means protecting them or pushing them to face their fears.
Giant pythons keep attacking people in Indonesia -- and humans might be to blame
Mother who refused to vaccinate her son loses primary custody : news
Silent Mass of Reddit, why do you vote but never comment? : AskReddit
I make voxel art in Minecraft, this is my latest piece! I call it the 'Perfect Marionette' : gaming (oh look, artists!)
What's your most NSFW family moment? : AskReddit
rata2ille comments on Gendurr
(NSFW) What is your weirdest sexual experience? : AskReddit
What's the sexiest non-lingerie item of clothing a woman can wear? : AskReddit
Made for WtSSTaDaMiT
No pomegranates! : videos
An obscure copyright law is letting the Internet Archive distribute books published 1923-1941 : books
Mr. Trump Nails Shut the Coffin on Climate Relief - The New York Times (world-killer)
We have a pretty good idea of when humans will go extinct - The Washington Post -- if our location within the history of human space travel is not special, there is a 50 percent chance that we are in the last half now and that its future duration is less than 48 years
Toll from Northern California firestorms sharply rise: 2,000 structures destroyed, at least 17 dead -- LA Times
Couple, 98 and 100, Who Died in Fire
Eschaton: Looting - There is something wrong with the American mind when in the middle of natural disasters, a top concern is "looting," especially by first responders. Especially during something like a hurricane, when "looting" might simply mean "taking water from the 7/11 in order to survive." But even generally. Fine, thieves, go steal my shit. It should be lowest in the list of concerns at these moments.
New disclosure shows a casino guard alerted hotel to gunman before Vegas massacre began. So why did it take so long to stop him? - LA Times (somebody is lying)
MGM Resorts Casts Doubt On New Police Timeline Of Vegas Massacre | HuffPost - We believe what is currently being expressed may not be accurate,
Israel hacked Kaspersky, then tipped the NSA that its tools had been breached - The Washington Post
Trump's Benghazi? Ambush of U.S. soldiers in Niger goes unnoticed -- Four dead Americans in Africa: Why hasn't this act of terror drawn the same feverish scrutiny? (that's obvious, IAOKIYAR fuckwit)
How Israel Caught Russian Hackers Scouring the World for U.S. Secrets - The New York Times (fake news?)
"I Hate Everyone in the White House!" : Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear the President Is "Unraveling" -- a White House in crisis as advisers struggle to contain a president that seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods.
Trump unleashes himself from would-be handlers, lashing out mornings, nights and weekends - LA Times
Trump Wanted Tenfold Increase in Nuclear Arsenal, Surprising Military - NBC News (origin of 'moron' comment)
GOP official imagines Kelly and Mattis discussed tackling Trump if he 'lunges for the nuclear football'
Why does the Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee see the specter of World War III?
Anthony De Rosa ?? on Twitter: "Tillerson called Trump a moron because he requested a tenfold increase in nukes."
Trump suggests challenging NBC's broadcase license
Worst Timeline - Lawyers, Guns & Money - My only question is this: How were Trump's advisers surprised?
The DSM and the DOPUS -- Blame it on the drugs update (and dementia)
Donald Trump's improbable 73: Sen. Graham details his round with the president | - Graham and Trump drove to the course together in a 30-car presidential motorcade, and on the course they played out of one cart, with Trump at the wheel.
Trump Unfiltered: The Full Transcript Of The President's Interview With Forbes
Kansas Tried a Tax Plan Similar to Trump's. It Failed. (well, it did give money to the rich, bankdrupted the state and destroyed the educational system, so depends on your definition of "failure")
Eminem Calls Out Donald Trump In Brutal New Freestyle Rap | HuffPost - Detroit hip-hop artist slams the president in an emotional takedown.
Eminem - Rips Donald Trump In BET Hip Hop Awards Freestyle Cypher [Rap] : Music
Eminem unleashes on Trump at the BET awards - CNNPolitics -- The 11 fiercest lines
Eminem Calls Out Donald Trump In Brutal New Freestyle Rap | HuffPost
Russia Probe Now Investigating Cambridge Analytica, Trump's 'Psychographic' Data Gurus
Eschaton: The Bush Administration Was Bad - Remember how we used to seriously debate torture, like this was something to be debated? Lots of eventheliberals liked the torture, but, you know, only if it was done right for the right reasons. Those sensible centrists, always sensible. (and then Barry said don't look back, and everyone forgot)
Eschaton: The Political Internet Is Made Of White Collar Professionals - It is because shit is fucked up and bullshit and most elite Democrats still think, basically, if people just play by the rules and work hard enough, life will work out pretty well for them. I don't know how much it ever was that way - it was, I think, true for a time for a larger segment of society than it is now - but it certainly is not true now.
The real fix for gerrymandering is proportional representation - Vox - time to consider radical solutions.
Zinke: If We Take Down Confederate Statues, 'Indians' Will Complain About Union Ones
Neo-Confederate Leader Behind Arrest Warrant For Black Man Beaten In C'Ville
Undisclosed deal guaranteed Roy Moore $180,000 a year for part-time work at charity - The Washington Post
The share of women in newsrooms has increased barely 1 percentage point since 2001, ASNE data shows ; Nieman Journalism Lab (worse than tech?)
The Lesson of Every Powerful Sexual Assaulter is That Hillary Clinton Is Bad - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- An admitted sexual predator was the Republican nominee for president of the United States. Cillizza's reaction to this at the time was to write dozens of stories about his opponent's email server management and remarkably non-corrupt charity, helping to pave his way to the White House. Heckuva job!
Do treatment options exist for MCP syndrome?* - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Weinstein's Reign of Terror -- Either you care both about Trump being sexual predator & Clinton emails, or u care about neither. But don't talk about one without the other." Matthew Dowd, November 1st, 2016 (chief strategist for the Bush-Cheney 2004 presidential campaign and is the current ABC News political analyst.)
No justice for bad men | The Outline - Why the Harvey Weinstein story took so long to come out.
This two year old post about Weinstein (and others in the thread) foreshadowed what we are hearing about the abuses now. : bestof
Harvey Weinstein Suicide Threat Prompts Police Response (VIDEO) |
From Aggressive Overtures to Sexual Assault: Harvey Weinstein'sAccusers Tell Their Stories - Multiple women share harrowing accounts of sexual assault and harassment by the film executive. By Ronan Farrow
A recording and 3 allegations of rape: The Harvey Weinstein story just got so much worse - The Washington Post (NY cops covered up for him -- the Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus Vance Jr ) Vance, by the way, was in the news last week for deciding not to bring criminal charges against two other high-profile individuals: Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.
Passes Selectively Given - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. tends to give rich and powerful people a break from prosecution -- particularly if they or people close to them have donated to his election campaign.
NYPD Was Ready to Arrest Harvey Weinstein in 2015 After Model Said She Was Groped - How detectives laid a trap to catch the movie mogul after an Italian model accused him of groping her
Ronan Farrow Says He Was Threatened Personally With a Lawsuit by Harvey Weinstein
Ronan Farrow Relates Results Of His 10-Month Weinstein Probe On 'NBC Nightly News'
How NBC 'Killed' Ronan Farrow's Weinstein Expose -- 'NBC did everything they could to delay it, complicate it, and ultimately [kill] it' ... Ken Auletta, who has been covering Weinstein for decades ... turned to the camera and declared: "This evidence is so overwhelming that if NBC News sits on it, that will be a scandal"
How NBC Killed Ronal Farrow's Weinstein Expose
Ronan Farrow on Harvey Weinstein Story: 'I Was Threatened With a Lawsuit'
Sources: NBC Let Ronan Farrow's Weinstein Scoop Slip Away | HuffPost -- NBC had concerns related to the story's sourcing ... not clear what those concerns were. In The New Yorker story, several women spoke on the record about their encounters with Weinstein. Among them were Oscar-winning actress Mira Sorvino and filmmaker Asia Argento, the latter of whom said Weinstein raped her. (they didn't believe the women, of course)
Ronan Farrow Had Been Working on Harvey Weinstein Story While Still at NBC News | TVNewser
Harvey Weinstein Flying to Europe Tonight for Sex Addiction Rehab | (right after a short stop in Italy)
New Yorker report alleges that Harvey Weinstein assaulted multiple women - LA Times (hey, Tronc, this was your backyard, where were you?)
Barack Obama condemns previous political donor Harvey Weinstein - LA Times
Hillary Clinton 'shocked and appalled' by Harvey Weinstein allegations (disgusting pic)
Harvey Weinstein's Wife Georgina Chapman Is Leaving Him: 'My Heart Breaks for All the Women Who Have Suffered'
The Harvey Weinstein Sexual Harassment, Assault Accusations
Heather Graham: Harvey Weinstein Implied I Had to Have Sex With Him for Movie Role
Rose McGowan Tells Ben Affleck To 'F**k Off' After He Condemns Weinstein | HuffPost - The actress insinuated Affleck knew about Harvey Weinstein's alleged sexual assaults
Ben Affleck Apologizes for Groping Hilarie Burton, As More Inappropriate Vid Surfaces |
One Tree Hill Star Hilarie Burton Claims Ben Affleck Groped Her on TRL: 'I Was a Kid'
Arianne Zucker Breaks Her Silence About Donald Trump and Billy Bush's Lewd Remarks
Why the Casey Affleck Sex Harassment Allegations Won't stick
'Email prankster' reaches Harvey Weinstein, Lisa Bloom -- The prankster has managed to trick many high-profile Trump administration figures in the middle of major stories concerning them, and now having set sights on Hollywood, the prankster netted another series of notable exchanges.
Conservatives are the real campus thought police squashing academic freedom - The Washington Post
What Dirty John reveals about domestic abuse - LA Times
TEDx - Failing at Normal: An ADHD Success Story | Jessica McCabe [x-post from /r/adhd] : videos
As deadly fires ravage California wine country, officials are 'preparing for further fatalities'
Here's a timeline of the Las Vegas shooting -- with the crucial detail police left out last time
Las Vegas police update shooting timeline, now say gunman shot guard minutes before massacre - The Washington Post (took them a long time to figure that out)
Assault guns are not just about mass shootings -- they're also a big factor in attacks on police and other crimes
Hundreds of suspected Islamic State militants surrender in Iraq: source - Hundreds of suspected Islamic State militants surrendered last week to Kurdish authorities after the jihadist group was driven out of its last stronghold in northern Iraq, a Kurdish security official said on Tuesday.
Mark Zuckerberg 'tours' flooded Puerto Rico in bizarre virtual reality promo : technology
Killing your child gets you a life sentence in Italy. But not if the child is adopted. - The Washington Post -- "Italy is stuck with the mythology of blood."
Deloitte hack hit server containing emails from across US government | Business | The Guardian
Laying out a comprehensive case that Trump obstructed justice - The Washington Post
What to do with an unfit president - The Washington Post
As Trump implodes, he threatens to hurt millions -- out of pure rage and spite (which was why his supporters voted for him)
Trump On Rex Tillerson Reportedly Calling Him 'A Moron': I'd Beat Him In An IQ Test | HuffPost
Eschaton: From Rocket Man To Liddle Corker - The least important thing in the world (though perhaps yet another indicator of certain things), but Trump's devastating nickname game is a bit off.
Brought to you by white supremacy - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump proposes 'IQ tests' faceoff with Tillerson after secretary of state calls him a 'moron'
Corker Told the Truth About Trump. Now He Should Act on It. - The New York Times
Amid a Widening Rift, John Kelly Has a Mar-a-Lago Strategy to Contain Trump | Vanity Fair
The Problem With 'Containing' Donald Trump
We may see Trump's base drifting away. Perhaps it already is ... among men, whites and people who never went to college
Hillary Clinton Was the More Dangerous Evil - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Both Sides Do It, but the Democrat Party is more neoliberal:
Trump Approval Dips in Every State, Though Deep Pockets of Support Remain (WY most stupid/evil followoed closely by W.Va)
White House aides lean on delays and distraction to manage Trump - politico (alz)
Harvey Weinstein Pens 'Desperate Email' To 'CEOs, Moguls' Before Firing | HuffPost ("mogul" seem to be a HWood thing)
Leaked Email: Here's Lisa Bloom Teasing Stories That Undermine Harvey Weinstein's accusers
Donna Karan defends Harvey Weinstein and blames victims | Daily Mail Online
Hillary Clinton breaks silence on Harvey Weinstein: 'I was shocked and appalled' ... Weinstein contributed $46,350 to Clinton during her presidential candidacy ... Weinstein also has made massive donations to the Clinton Foundation
Donna Karan Suggests Harvey Weinstein's Alleged Victims Were 'Asking For' It | HuffPost -- The designer was lambasted on Twitter for her comments, with Rose McGowan calling her "scrum in a fancy dress' (Mia de-friended her)
George Clooney Speaks Out on Harvey Weinstein: 'It's Disturbing on a Whole Lot of Levels'
Harvey Weinstein, Philip Roth, and Jewish Perverts -- Tablet Magazine - The disgraced film producer is a character straight out of Philip Roth, playing out his revenge fantasies on the Goyim -- Harvey is cut from the same cloth. Growing up in Queens ... It goes without saying that nearly every one of these women ... was a Gentile, all the better to feed Weinstein's revenge-tinged fantasy of having risen above his outer-borough, bridge-and-tunnel Semitic origins
Jessica Chastain on Harvey Weinstein Claims: "I Was Warned From the Beginning"
Kate Winslet Calls Harvey Weinstein Allegations 'Disgraceful and Appalling'
Ryan Murphy on "Ick Factor" Around Harvey Weinstein
Gwyneth Paltrow, Angelina Jolie and Others Say Weinstein Harassed Them - The New York Times ... 2013, "Congratulations, you five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein."
Why we're condemning the wrong people in the Harvey Weinstein scandal -- If letting Weinstein buy his way out of sexist pig status with political donations is setting the bar for feminism too low, asking Streep to be a time-traveling sexism avenger is a way to set the bar so high that no one can reach it.
17 Notorious, on-the-Record Harvey Weinstein Stories : movies
overview for harveyweinsteinthrow
17 Notorious, on-the-Record Harvey Weinstein Stories, Starting With That Time He Ate M&M's Off the Floor
Terry Crews Shares His Own Story of Sexual Assault by a Hollywood Executive : news
Texas Tech Student in Custody After Campus Police Officer Is Fatally Shot - The New York Times
John Oliver on forensic science, false convictions.
A Harvard study finds that official death certificates in the U.S. failed to count more than half of the people killed by police in 2015 -- and the problem of undercounting is especially pronounced in lower-income counties and for deaths that are due to Tasers
Patriotic And Proud Of Their Identities, Kansas City's Transgender Veterans Look To The Future | HuffPost
'Pregnant' Kylie Jenner alludes to sex of 'baby' | Daily Mail Online (holy shit the botox)
Beneath picturesque surface, a Marshfield neighborhood at war - The Boston Globe
The most famous 'undecided voter' has big problems with Trump (Ken Bone)
2nd victim: No way rapist should have custody - A second victim of a man who was given joint custody of a child he conceived after raping a 12-year-old says he should not be around children. : news
Why Rotten Tomatoes scores don't mean what they seem - Vox : movies
What are some "facts" that are actually false? : AskReddit
Formerly religious redditors, what event happend to make you abandon your faith? : AskReddit
West Virginia Exemplifies Everything Wrong With US Broadband | DSLReports, ISP Information (scammed by Frontier inc)
Just before Columbus Day, journal pulls controversial article defending colonialism - The Washington Post
TIL that Christopher Columbus was thrown in jail upon his return to Spain for mistreating the native population of Hispaniola : todayilearned
E.P.A. Announces Repeal of Major Obama-Era Carbon Emissions Rule - The New York Times
China Hastens the World Toward an Electric-Car Future - The New York Times
One death and 1,500 structures lost in Northern California firestorm, among worst in state's history
Trump makes 69th trip to a golf course while San Juan's mayor pleads for clean drinking water - Shareblue - Donald Trump has spent more than 25 percent of his presidency on a golf course. (but Obama!)
Without Power Until Next Year, Puerto Ricans Are Leavin -- Maybe Forever (hello blue Florida)
After Las Vegas Shooting, a Tight-Lipped Sheriff Faces a Maddening Case - The New York Times
French schoolgirl, 10, 'beaten up for being Jewish after classmates taunt her for days' : news
A 'Sonic Attack' on Diplomats in Cuba? These Scientists Doubt It
Google uncovers Russian-bought ads on YouTube, Gmail and other platforms - The Washington Post ("uncovers" shit they covered up)
Bob Corker just confirmed it: Republicans know Trump is unfit - The Washington Post -- "on the path to World War III"
Corker's Blast at Trump Has Other Republicans Nodding in Agreement
The Daily 202: Bob Corker tirade encapsulates five reasons why Trump has failed at governing - The Washington Post
Republican's Guide to Presidential Etiquette
Our economic cannibalism - The Washington Post - The spoils society advances.
Newly disclosed email sheds light on Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer - The Washington Post
It's not the cost of Pence's trip that was galling. It was the preparation for it.
Jerry Jones gives Cowboys players ultimatum: Stand for anthem or sit for game : news
ESPN: The Worldwide Leader in Pandering to Conservatives - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Model Outs Dolphins Coach Snorting Coke as Revenge Over Anthem Protests : news - That guy destroyed his life in 55-seconds. I guess coke does make you better at everything.
Trump's popularity is slipping in rural America: poll (suckers, but they still support him)
Feinstein says she is running for reelection | TheHill - Feinstein, who is 84, has been tight-lipped for months over whether she would seek a fifth term.
The mainstreaming of right-wing extremism - The Washington Post - but they said the John Birch Society was extreme, too
Anti-Semitism' Rise Gives The Forward New Resolve
Born That Way - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The showrunners are giving us the backstory of Trump henchman and white nationalist douche Stephen Miller
Making White Nationalism Respectable - Lawyers, Guns & Money (remember Dan Lyons?)
It's bad and it matters: the problem with "Mill All Normies" (nazi's were tumplr's fault)
Normietivity: A Review of Angela Nagle's Kill all Normies
Twitter shuts down Blackburn campaign announcement video - over a statement the abortion rights opponent makes about the sale of fetal tissue for medical research.
EXCLUSIVE: Meryl Streep Speaks Out Against Harvey Weinstein | HuffPost (she had no idea, she said) ) /a>
Lena Dunham: Harvey Weinstein and the Silence of the Men - The New York Times
Meryl Streep says she's 'appalled' by allegations against Harvey Weinstein: 'The behavior is inexcusable' (no one believes her)
Report: Matt Damon helped kill earlier New York Times story about Harvey Weinstein - The Boston Globe
Ex-New York Times editor dismisses claim the paper spiked Harvey Weinstein allegations - POLITICO - Former Times reporter Sharon Waxman suggested the Hollywood mogul pressured the paper in 2004.
Exclusive: Judi Dench, Who Had Harvey Weinstein 'Tattoo' on her butt, says sexual harassment reports are 'horrifying' -- Whilst there is no doubt that Harvey Weinstein has helped and championed my film career for the past 20 years, I was completely unaware of these offenses which are, of course, horrifying, and I offer my sympathy to those who have suffered, and wholehearted support to those who have spoken out
'SNL' Prepped Jokes About Harvey Weinstein, Then Shelved Them
'Harvey Weinstein's Media Enablers'? The New York Times Is One of Them The paper had a story on mogul's sexual misconduct back in 2004 -- but gutted it under pressure tracked down the man who held the plum position of running Miramax Italy. According to multiple accounts, he had no film experience and his real job was to take care of Weinstein's women needs, among other things. (like cocaine)
I'd like to thank John Oliver for being the only late night host with morals and balls for going after Harvey Weinstein. : television
Confederacy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) : television
I Miss the Old Megyn Kelly - The New York Times
Dirty John Podcast : BPDlovedones
He Was the Man of Her Dreams. Then the Red Flags Piled Up: Longform
Dirty John - fascinating multi-part story about a textbook narc : narcsinthewild
Dirty John : podcasts
This part of 'Dirty John' completely affirmed that he was BPD for me... : BPDlovedones
Dirty John Podcast. Spoilers Inside. : TrueCrime
When the borderline mother's motto is "Life is too hard"
'Alzheimer's Tsunamai' Alongside Medicaid Cuts Leaves Dementia Patients With Vanishing Options -- Many caregivers worry about affording nursing home care for patients if Medicaid funding continues to tighten in Iowa. (keep voting Reublican, you idiots)
Sandra Kreis, Stephen Lacey - The New York Times
Harvard in a stealthy courtship to find its next leader - The Boston Globe - it is safe to say that Harvard probably defines the far end of that spectrum
Free MIT Course Teaches You to Watch Movies Like a Critic : movies
How Kurt Vonnegut Found His Voice and His Themes - The New York Times
Fecal transplant from lean donors helps obese with insulin sensitivity (eg diabetes) : science
Are Sociopaths aware of their lack of empathy and other human emotions due to environmental observation of other people? : askscience
Confused About Successful Jerks? Get to Know the Dark Triad | Psychology Today - narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy.
Hare Psychopathy Checklist - Dictionary definition of Hare Psychopathy Checklist | FREE online dictionary
Office Hours: Psychopathy - YouTube
How to Identify a SOCIOPATH - YouTube
What is the worst thing you've ever seen happen at a wedding? : AskReddit
Besides r/NSFW and r/GoneWild, what are the best NSFW subs? : AskReddit
No law could have prevented Vegas shooting, Feinstein says - The Washington Post
The Rules of the Gun Control Debate - The Atlantic - The rules for discussing firearms in the United States obscure the obvious solutions.
Putin's Russia, guided by its totalitarian past, has no future (those are some weird genes)
Trump: I want to focus on North Korea not 'fixing somebody's back' (his gigantic brain can only handle one thought at a time)
Corker calls White House 'an adult day care center' in response to Trump's latest Twitter tirade
Trump's tweetstorm against Corker may cost him a key policy ally
In a switch, GOP deserts its budget-cutting mantra - The Washington Post (oh, youi believed us when we said we cared so much about the deficit? hahahahah suckers)
Trump's golf clubs in Scotland lost more than $24 million in 2016
Trump Is Filling Court Seats With Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Abortion Judges | HuffPost - speed in nominating judges has been perhaps the most successful aspect of his presidency.
Erik Prince, Blackwater Founder, Weighs Primary Challenge to Wyoming Republican - The New York Times< (evil in plain sight) /a>
Trump says he directed Pence to walk out of game if 49ers protested during national anthem - The Washington Post (PR stunt)
Eric Reid: Vice President's visit was a P.R. Stunt -- 49ers safety Eric Reid, who began kneeling alongside Colin Kaepernick more than a year ago, subscribes to that theory. (and is very smart)
Harvey Weinstein Is Fired After Sexual Harassment Reports - The New York Times
Harvey Weinstein Is the (Whispered) Talk of Hollywood - The New York Times
Attorney Lisa Bloom Planned To Discredit Harvey Weinstein's Accusers: Report | HuffPost (reputation forever tainted)
Eschaton: Gonna Be Hard To Recover From That One
SNL mocks everyone -- but remains silent on Harvey Weinstein
SNL's Lorne Michaels reveals why he didn't roast Weinstein | Daily Mail Online
Swing-District House Democrat Announces Retirement in New Hampshire -- Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH) announced her surprise retirement on Friday
The intersex rights movement is ready for its moment | The Washington Post - THEIR TIME -- After generations in the shadows, the intersex rights movement has a message for the world -- We aren't disorded and we aren't ashamed
Video shows Charlotte man had arms raised when police shot him - Story : news
Fired/Rehired: Philadelphia had to rehire an officer who shot three people in three years - Washington Post
Lawsuit: Teen expelled for sitting for Pledge of Allegiance : news - It seems strange that it took almost a week for someone at the school to figure out that the supreme court ruled on this in 1943. (+"Those who begin coercive elimination of dissent soon find themselves exterminating dissenters. Compulsory unification of opinion achieves only the unanimity of the graveyard."
Los Angeles Times Newsroom, Challenging Tronc, Goes Public With Union Push - The New York Times (they fired good people who cared about the paper because that's why)
Federal judge says Brevard not allowing atheists to give invocations is unconstitutional - actions violate both the U.S. Constitution and the Florida Constitution.
Pa. rehab CEO accused of selling heroin and fentanyl |
Court: Movie theaters must accommodate deaf-blind patrons : news
Baby girl loses fight for life nine days after after drinking herbal oil : news
The glorious rise and fall of a safe space : bestof
kokomalo comments on Restaurant thinks this is a good idea
Cup it Up owners apologize for politically charged Facebook post | Local news | -- "Those who 'take a knee' and lash out in our community at our freedom must witness our strength and our voice in our community. Do not surrender to enslavement."
The Doors defined California cool in the '60's
Don't Get Too Comfortable at That Desk -- And at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, scientists found that well-ventilated offices can significantly improve a person's ability to perform challenging tasks like developing strategy or responding to a crisis.
Weekend Box Office: Blade Runner 2049 Crashes with Disappointing $31.5 Million xsy
Men of Reddit, what's the weirdest thing that turns you on? : AskReddit
New Serotonin Study Suggests Psychedelics May Effectively Treat Mental Illness : science
Horizons: Perspectives on Psychedelics
ELI5: Usage of muscles and broken bones recover stronger, why does muscle, ligament and tissue damage recover weaker? : explainlikeimfive
TIL the gender-neutral "they" was used as the 3rd person singular in English until about 1800, when "he" and "she" became widespread to make English more like Latin : todayilearned
Women of Reddit, what's weirdest thing that tuirns you on?
Wore this hat in Wallmart : insanepeoplefacebook
This kid got caught drinking at a party and was interviewed by a local news station, he brought his own microphone... : funny
gotthelowdown comments on Men, If a woman was to ask you on a date, how would you prefer she do so?
CNN's Ana Cabrera smacks down Republican congressman pushing fake news about Vegas shooting
Car hits pedestrians outside London museum; some injured - The Washington Post - He was laughing.
ISIS Sympathizers Planned to 'Create the Next 9/11' With Attacks on Concerts, Subways & Times Square: Feds "MY needs to fall"
Police find head and legs of journalist believed slain on submarine - The Washington Post - In plastic bags weighted with metal, they found her severed legs, according to the Associated Press. They also brought up her head, which showed no signs of fracture by a hatch or otherwise. (comment: " Hannibal Lecter meets Captain Nemo.")
Equifax Collects Your Data, and Then Sells It
Collusion and the Trump Dossier ... f the Trump dossier is a tissue of lies, why are the Justice Department and FBI, now controlled by Trump appointees, concealing information about it? (+congressfucks like Grassley)
Fake Texas Facebook group created by Russians stir up hatred in Houston : news
Worried About Trump's Mental Stability? The Worst Is Yet to Come.
Watergate legend Carl Bernstein reveals GOP Congress has 'lost confidence' in Trump's fitness for office
'He's been compromised' : Rob Reiner explains to 'AM Joy' why Trump is a 'national security issue'
Eschaton: Scandals Snowball - Obviously I don't have any real sympathy for any of these people, but once the press chomps on a scandal they keep finding new angles. -- NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry took a chartered jet to Ohio last week, according to an airport management company, the day before fellow Cabinet member Tom Price resigned over his use of private charter flights for government business. -- if not for the Price story there would be no Perry story.
Ivana Trump speculates Ivanka could run for president | TheHill (Ivanka, 2024!)
Shifting attitudes among Democrats have big implications for 2020 - The Washington Post - In 2008, not one of the major candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination advocated legalizing same-sex marriage. By 2016, not one of those who sought the nomination opposed such unions
64 Hours In October: How One Weekend Blew Up The Rules Of American Politics | HuffPost (Barry and Hillary fucked the country)
Here's How Breitbart And Milo Smuggled White Nationalism Into The Mainstream (your liberal media at work)
It shouldn't surprise anyone that Breitbart had help from mainstream media -- also Mitchell Sunderland, a senior staff writer at Broadly, (so some woman-hating dude at the "women's channel" of Vice is "mainstream media)
'Vice' fires 'Broadly' senior writer Mitchell Sunderland -- Vice has cut ties with a senior writer from its feminist vertical Broadly ("vertical)
Eschaton: The Bigger Issue - s over the past several decades, our discourse progressed something like this: ... Nazis: hey, uh we're Nazis.Sensible center: No, I really don't think you are. Nazis: No, really, we're fucking Nazis. Heil Hitler! Check out my Nazi tattoos! We're Nazis! Sensible center: This is disturbing, but Stalin was bad, too, so, really, both sides.
Eschaton: Obummer - As I said, Obama fucked up and a lot of people suffered and we are still suffering from this (also, politically). JPMorgan, it appears, was running an elaborate shell game. In the depths of the financial collapse, the bank had unloaded tens of thousands of toxic loans when they were worth next to nothing ... homeowners were exploited, investors were defrauded, and communities were left to battle the blight caused by abandoned properties. JPMorgan, however, came out hundreds of millions of dollars ahead, thanks to using other people's money
The 'Resistance' Raising Big Money, Upends Liberal Politics
Eschaton: Lovable Uncle Joe Is So Stupid -- "Guys, the wealthy are as patriotic as the poor. I know Bernie doesn't like me saying that, but they are." (fuck off Biden, you are Hillary squared)
Eschaton: The Political System Worked - Not quite sure it did? (Joe-Bi has lots of experience reaching across the aisle to work with white supremecist segregationists! when politics worked!)
No to Joe - Lawyers, Guns & Money - . And lest we forget why Biden is completely unacceptable in 2020, one reason is that he openly longs for the day of segregationist Democratic senators.
Eschaton: The Liberal Media - One weird assumption that is so ingrained is that even fairly liberal people believe that journalists who aren't explicitly conservative (conservative pundits working in "the liberal media" or journalists working for explicitly conservative outlets) are liberalish.
A Steve Bannon Ally at the Broadcasting Board of Governors Believes There's a Massive Pro-Cuba Conspiracy Afoot
The Party of Moore, Revisited - Lawyers, Guns & Money - pretty clear that Roy Moore has no place in the Republican Party.
Leaked FBI report sees rising violent threat from 'black identity extremists' : news
Latinos and Whiteness - Lawyers, Guns & Money - : how whiteness might include Latinos in the future. We know now, thanks to scholars going back to Theodore Allen and greatly expanded up by David Roediger and many others, that whiteness is an invented idea that is also a shapeshifter, constantly changing forms in response to growing power by some ethnic groups defined against other groups, especially African-Americans.
Both Sides Do It, But the Democrat Party is Not Only More Neoliberal But Also More Kinky - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Chris Cillizza has had a problem of late. Donald Trump is so extreme that his Both Sides Do It mantra has suffered. Thank God Harvey Weinstein has stepped into the breach! It's obvious that a rich Democratic Party donor being a sexist creep and the Republican president of the United States being a serial sexual harasser and assaulter shows that the Democratic Party is uniquely corrupt and this deserves our attention. (Cillizard)
Third Of The Weinstein Company Board Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations: Reports | HuffPost - The resignations from the board, which consists of all men, comes a day after an explosive New York Times article.
Harvey Weinstein Will Reportedly Be Suspended From His Company | HuffPost
TV Journalist Says Harvey Weinstein Masturbated In Front Of Her | HuffPost (men and their dicks)
Hollywood mostly silent on Weinstein allegations - CNN
How Harvey Weinstein Has Tried to Discredit His Alleged Victims - The movie mogul, who stands accused of decades of sexual harassment allegations, has only made things worse with his statements.
Lisa Bloom quits Harvey Weinstein's team : news (once the shit hit the fan)
Lisa Bloom, Lawyer Advising Harvey Weinstein, Resigns Amid Criticism From Board Members - The New York Times -- He pointed to a business deal she had previously reached to have Mr. Weinstein turn a book she had written into a television series. (of course)
Disturbing allegations of sexual harassment in Antarctica leveled at noted scientist | Science | AAAS - A COLD CASE : Years ago, two women allege, their team leader sexually harassed them in Antarctica. Now they are taking action -- Boston University (BU) is investigating sexual harassment complaints made against a prominent Antarctic geologist by two of his former graduate students. The women allege that David Marchant, then an assistant professor, harassed them during different research expeditions starting 2 decades ago, while they were isolated in small groups in the Antarctic ... Marchant, 55, now a department chair at BU (of course +sciencemag has no comments)
We all need a minute to talk about how creepy Nelly's live performance was last night : videos
Rapper Nelly arrested for alleged rape on tour bus after White River concert | Q13 FOX News
Nelly Arrested for Rape : Music
Oregon pays out $85 million in pot taxes to school fund, cops, other services : news (someone call Jason Lewis and the MA legislature)
Medical Cannabis Laws and Opioid Mortality | Law and Medicine | JAMA Internal Medicine | The JAMA Network - Conclusions and Relevance Medical cannabis laws are associated with significantly lower state-level opioid overdose mortality rates. Further investigation is required to determine how medical cannabis laws may interact with policies aimed at preventing opioid analgesic overdose.
Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in California : news
Man with HIV tried to infect partners he met on Grindr, court told | UK news : news
Michigan rapist gets joint custody : news
Teacher Alice McBrearty jailed for sex with pupil : news
Police: Day care worker in wheelchair allegedly caught raping baby in Florida Chick-fil-A bathroom : news
Parents of Malnourished Iowa 16-Year-Old Who Weighed 56 Pounds When She Died Are Charged with Murder : news
Phoenix man posts photos of giving up his guns, gets death threats : news
Newspaper exposed the dark web's largest child sexual abuse forum. It was run by the police. : technology
Blade Runner 2049 should send us back to Tarkovsky's Stalker
?Perpetrators of genocide say they're 'good people' Rather than acknowledging the bad things they had done, the defendants often tried to talk about their traits and actions that proved what good people they are.
TIL researchers at the University of Wisconsin Madison nfected volunteers with a cold virus and instructed them to kiss sixteen healthy test subjects on the mouth for at least one minute using whichever technique was "most natural." The result: just one confirmed infection.
TIL on the Faroe Islands, The male Y chromosomes of the population are of 87% Scandinavian descent, while the female X chromosomes are of 84% Scottish/Irish descent. : todayilearned
Humans Today Have Even More Neanderthal DNA Than We Realized : science
Autism is the fastest-growing developmental disorder in the US, with about one in 68 children born on the spectrum. Taking multivitamins during early pregnancy may be associated with a reduced risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children compared with mothers who do not take multivitamins. : science
New NASA study shows Moon once had an atmosphere : science
Anthony Fantano (theneedledrop) defends himself against a recent hitjob in The Fader : Music
TIL that the swastika was and remains an important religious symbol throughout India, and even the word "swastika" means "conducive to well being or auspicious" in Sanskrit : todayilearned
Student 'forced to leave' university after saying extremist Islamic groups kill LGBTI people : news - LGBTQQIP2SAA.
Trump, during photo shoot, talks of 'calm before the storm'
That's Disturbing ... "what storm Mr. President?" "You'll find out," POTUS replied
The Cancer in the Constitution - The New York Times - One of the great disconnects of our history is how a nation birthed on the premise that all men are created equal could enshrine an entire race of people as three-fifths of a human being. We tried to fix that, through our bloodiest war and a series of amendments that followed. Not so with guns. The Second Amendment, as applied in the last 30 years or so, has become so perverted, twisted and misused that you have to see it now as the second original sin in the founding of this country, after slavery.
How Long Until We Debate Real Gun Laws? - The New York Times
Was anyone else in Stephen Paddock's hotel suite? Investigators probing : news
Armed with a new approach, police and medics stormed through the Las Vegas gunfire, saving lives - The Washington Post
Highland Park deli co-owner to leave family business after Vegas shooting tweet sparks outrage - Highland Park News
NYT conservative Bret Stephens: 'Repeal the Second Amendment'
Grassley concerned about FBI use of Trump 'dosssier' in Russia investigation ("concerned" because getting out of his control)
Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Group Opposing Nuclear Weapons - The New York Times - The group, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, a Geneva-based coalition of disarmament activists, was honored for its efforts to advance the negotiations that led to the treaty, which was reached in July at the United Nations.
Trump's decision on Iran nuclear deal could cause major breach with allies in Europe (Netanyahu/Adelson)
Inside the Saudi King's 1,500-Person Entourage in Moscow -- Saudi officials booked two entire luxury hotels and brought their own carpets and hotel staff with King Salman bin Abdulaziz on his historic visit.
Hamas flattens a 4,500-year-old archaeological site in Gaza | Toronto Star
What's a a Science Reporter to Do When Sound Evidence Isn't Sound?
Tillerson Summoned to White House Amid Presidential Fury - NBC News
Scoop: CIA director Pompeo considered to replace Tillerson - Axios (how they elevate themselves from crach-pot teaparty RWNJs)
Rex Tillerson at the Breaking Point | The New Yorker - Will Donald Trump let the Secretary of State do his job?
The FBI's New U.S. Terrorist Threat: 'Black Identity Extremists' -- Law enforcement calls it a violent movement. Critics call it racist.
Trump Administration Set to Roll Back Birth Control Mandate - The New York Times (so there will be more abortions to forbid)
Watch: Sarah Huckabee Sanders callously laughs at women who will lose their birth control - Shareblue
US Intelligence Unit Accused Of Illegally Spying On Americans' Financial Records
Democrats Should Not Intervene in the Brewing GOP Civil War - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Rep. Paul Gosar, who believes that Charlottesville was orchestrated by George Soros as a false-flag operation
Democrats look to wreak havoc in GOP primaries - POLITICO - With firebrand Republicans launching campaigns for Senate, Democrats see a chance to capitalize. (great pic of the Bannon demon)
Trump said 'despicable' Racist Comments About Blacks, Jews in Taped 'Apprentice' meetings, Claims Former Producer
Former Equifax CEO Richard Smith's realization that there is someone dressed as the Monopoly Man behind him during a Senate hearing : gifs
I'm the Monopoly Man that trolled Equifax -- AMA! : IAmA
How Ta-Nehisi Coates Gives Whiteness Power - The New York Times
Responding to Ta-Nehisi Coates - The New York Times - David Leonhardt -- . It does not seem to celebrate American values and demand that the country live up to them. It is less focused, without an obvious connection to police violence. It is more despairing. (said the white NYT guy)
"A staggering 98 percent of the current $39-million contract Adidas has with the University of Louisville has been paid to men's basketball coach Rick Pitino" : news
How Power Insulates Itself From Accountability - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Really good piece by Rebecca Traister about how Harvey Weinstein's sexual harassment lay hidden to the public despite being in plain sight to insiders:
The Biggest Bombshells in the Harvey Weinstein Report
Will Liberals Give Weinstein the O'Reilly GTreatment?
A great moment in Sleazeland: Harvey Weinstein: Clinton Friend, Fundraiser, Sexist Pig
Why the Harvey Weinstein Sexual-Harassment Allegations Didn't Come Out Until Now -- By Rebecca Traister
Gloria Allred: Unlike My Daughter, I Wouldn't Have Chosen to Represent Harvey Weinstein
Don't Call It 'Toxic Maculinity.' They're Sociopathic Baby-Men
'Honest Trailers' Creator Andy Signore Suspended From ScreenJunkies after multiple women come forward with allegations of harassment : movies
Andy has officially been suspended from Screen Junkies effective immediately. : ScreenJunkies
ScreenJunkies on Twitter: ""
Inside Tim Murphy's reign of terror -- The anti-abortion lawmaker's abortion scandal was just the tipping point. Former aides say abuse inside his office was rampant. (psychotic Republican assholes will be assholes)
The Flagrant Sexual Hypocrisy of Conservative Men - The New York Times
The judge called it rehab, but it ended up being a 'slave camp' in Oklahoma : news
TIL during the 51 day siege by the FBI on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, the FBI used sleep deprivation to try to force the suspects out. This included around the clock broadcasts of jet planes, screams from rabbits being slaughtered and "These boots were made for walking" : todayilearned
Video shows Utah police fatally shooting man from behind as he fled | US news | The Guardian - in case of Patrick Harmon, 50, who was pulled over for cycling without a light
Winner sues Colorado lottery for millions over fixed jackpot : news
Georgia sheriff, deputies indicted after body searches of 900 high school students - The Washington Post -- Jeff Hobby of Worth County, Ga (is a creepy little pervert should be on sex-offender list)
Cops Keep Parking in Bike Lanes, For They Are the Law | Village Voice
Vice Reporter Slammed for Sexist Breitbart Emails -- Sunderland is a senior staff writer for Broadly, Vice's women's channel ..."Please mock this fat feminist" ... Update 10/6 at 3 p.m.: Mitchell Sunderland has been fired from Vice, Splinter reports (hahaha)
Sam Has the Worst Date Ever on Better Things
How It Felt to Live Through My First Manic Episode
The Secret to Marriage Is Never Getting Married - The New York Times
Steven Pinker tells great anecdote on profanity : videos
Scientists have found the first evidence that the human brain uses a lymphatic system to drain waste and fluid from itself. : science
TIL Jews are often associated as scheming merchants who love money because in the Middle Ages Christians were forbidden to lend out money with interest, Jews were not. : todayilearned
TIL that the word "girl" was originally a gender neutral term for a child, and that boys were called "knave girls" and girls were called "gay girls". : todayilearned
Scientists built a strontium clock that is so precise, out of every 10 quintillion ticks only 3.5 would be out of sync -- the first atomic clock ever to reach that level of precision, that could help test general relativity and hunt for gravitational waves, as reported in Science.
11-year old destroys chess hustler in local park. : videos
Reddit, what's your favourite Greek myth? : AskReddit
What was the greatest act of mass stupidity? : AskReddit
Redditor tells sweet story of smoking weed with an unknown Italian lady, talking her out of suicide and years later getting invited to her wedding. All because he answered a random public telephone that was ringing as he happened to be walking past late one night. : bestof
The Obsolete Man - A Twilight Zone story about a world superpower where logic is an enemy and truth is a menace. : videos
Russian government hackers used antivirus software to steal U.S. cyber capabilities - The Washington Post
AOL Instant Messenger is shutting down after 20 years. : technology
Eschaton: I Knew It Wouldn't Last A Day - On Wednesday, the Trump administration indicated it has no current plans to take the unprecedented, politically dangerous and probably illegal step of wiping out the owners of Puerto Rico's bonds in the wake of Hurricane Maria's devastation ... The framing is wrong. The idea that this is "unprecedented, politically dangerous and probably illegal" is wrong on all 3 but of course this was never going to happen.
Samantha Bee Breaks Down America's 100-Year-History Of Screwing Puerto Rico | HuffPost
The Las Vegas Massacre Was A Ritual Sacrifice To The Second Amendment | HuffPost - mask comes off after the latest horrific mass shooting : O'Reilly: "This is the price of freedom," (it couild be 5000 virgins, or whatever)
Blood Pact With the N.R.A. - The New York Times
Las Vegas survivors furious as YouTube promotes clips calling shooting a hoax | US news | The Guardian (fake fake news for morons and Republicans)
Evidence Suggests Las Vegas Shooter Had Help, Sheriff Says | HuffPost
Las Vegas Strip shooter targeted aviation fuel tanks, source says -- "Jet fuel itself sitting there in a big wet pile is very hard to ignite. You have to be a very amateur terrorist to think anything like that'
Las Vegas gunman planned to escape after massacre, sheriff says - CNN
Las Vegas shooting: Stephen Paddock booked rooms facing Lollapalooza in Chicago
Stephen Paddock booked hotel overlooking Lollapalooza 2 months before Vegas massacre : news
NRA bans bump stocks at its own firing range - POLITICO
Las Vegas: Man who protected woman is a US Army soldier | Daily Mail Online
The ATF-approved 'goofy little doodad' used by Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock
The research is clear: gun control saves lives - Vox - Washington Post's viral antigun control piece gets a lot wrong.
French police arrest couple with rocket launcher and Kalashnikov near Marseille : news
Bright Line Watch Survey Report: Wave 3 | Bright Line Watch - The Health of American Democracy: Comparing Perceptions of Experts and the American Public
4 political scientists are tracking whether Trump is damaging American democracy - Vox - dysfunction, not authoritarianism. -- Bright Line Watch.
Partisan divides over political values widen | Pew Research Center
Partisan animosity, personal politics, and views of Trump | Pew Research Center
Views on race, immigration and discrimination | Pew Research Center
AP-NORC Poll: Just 24 percent say US heading right direction -- Overall, 67 percent of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing in office, including about one-third of Republicans.
Eschaton: The Daddy Parties - One of the deeply embedded myths is that conservatives are more responsible than liberals. I am not familiar with the coverage of politics of every country in the world, but I see this in the coverage of the politics of every country that I pay attention to. Liberals are irresponsible Utopians promising unicorns, and conservative are hard-headed realists ... Trump, Theresa May, Macron, Rajoy, and the decade of Austerity should change this narrative (and Obama, the other way, a little bit at least). But it never changes. (hey, Bush!)
Mueller's team met with Russia dossier author (maybe why Steele refused to meet with compromised Senate intel comm)
Trump Dossier Author Is in Talks With Senate Intel Committee - NBC News (and there we are)
Trump plans to declare that Iran nuclear deal is not in the national interest - The Washington Post
Eschaton: GibbertyFibberty - Pride in ignorance is a weird conservative disease. I don't think there was a golden age of conservatism, but this Limbaughesque "egghead!" stuff has been creeping in over the years ... "It may be simply my educational background" , the chief justice said of the studies before the court, "but I can only describe it as sociological gobbledygook' (it has math in it)
Justice Roberts said political science is 'sociological gobbledygook.' Here's why he said it, and why he's mistaken (Republicians make people distrust science, then claim sclence can't be used because people don't trust it)
John Kelly's personal cell phone was compromised, White House believes
Today Among Our Conservative Betters - Lawyers, Guns & Money - As if to prove the wisdom of their colleague Justice Thomas, three conservative justices embarassed themselves at the gerrymandering oral arguments on Tuesday. The most egregious, of course, was Gorsuch:
Jeff Sessions Just Reversed A Policy That Protects Transgender Workers From Discrimination - The Justice Department under Obama decreed that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned transgender discrimination in the workplace. But in a new memo, the attorney general rescinded the policy.
Grassley: 'No way of avoiding' public hearing for Trump Jr
N.Y. assemblyman: Probe Cy Vance dropping case against Trump kids - NY Daily News
Trump pushes for Senate intel panel probe of 'Fake News Networks'in U.S. = "so much of our news is just made up-FAKE"
Burr on Trump tweet: Panel will hold media 'accountable' on Russia
Republicans want to make Russia probe go away -- but they can't
Russian propaganda may have been shared hundreds of millions of times, new research says - The Washington Post
Nearly six dozen flights on charter, military or government-owned planes by Cabinet members, mapped - The Washington Post
Bob Corker just told the world what he really thinks of Donald Trump - CNNPolitics - "chaos"
The Republican Party Isn't Cracking Up. It's Getting Even Stronger.
A Nrcissist's Guide to Helping Others Understand It Is All About You
Democrat Ralph Northam has claer lead against Republican Ed Gillespie in Virginia governor's race - The Washington Post
Four years later, the IRS tea party scandal looks very different. It may not even be a scandal. - The Washington Post (Republican fake scandal of course)
Congressman suggests Charlottesville was George Soros-backed conspiracy -- Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar (extreme rightwing nutball)
Bernie Sanders and Larry David Finding Out That They're Cousins Is Kind of the Best
Democratic Debate Cold Open - SNL - YouTube
Man Whose Life Was Saved By Married Lesbian Cop To Speak At National Convention Of Anti-LGBT Groups - Joe.My.God. - Steve Scalise (R-La.)
I used to support legalizing all drugs. Then the opioid epidemic happened. - Vox (Obama's FDA screwed America)
The benefits and harms of marijuana, explained by the most thorough research review yet - Vox - A new report looks at more than 10,000 studies on marijuana. It has good and bad news for pot users.
How Obama quietly reshaped America's war on drugs ... Bill Clinton signed laws that pushed for tougher prison sentences and stripped prison inmates of much of their legal defense rights.
Hate for Megyn Kelly is Everything That's Wrong With America Today
Decades of Sexual Harassment Accusations Against Harvey Weinstein - The New York Times (check the Hillary pic)
Harvey Weinstein Lawyers Battling N.Y. Times, New Yorker Over Potentially Explosive Stories (Exclusive) | Hollywood Reporter
What Is Harvey Weinstein Really Apologizing For? - The Atlantic
Harvey Weinstein to Sue N.Y. Times, Says His Attorney | Hollywood Reporter
Former Obama Adviser Anita Dunn Helped Harvey Weinstein Strategize Before New York Times Story
Harvey Weinstein is accused of sexual harassment in explosive story, takes leave of absence - The Washington Post
Harvey Weinstein and Democrat's deals with Hollywood's devils (Malia interned with him and he bought Chuckie Schumer 20 years ago)
Harvey Weinstein Harassment Claims Put Obamas, Clintons in Tough Spot | Hollywood Reporter (bff's and fuck you Hillary, he's a creep, oh, that's why)
'Glee' Actor Mark Salling Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography Charges | HuffPost - He could face up to seven years in prison.
Georgia sheriff accused of sexual battery over schoolwide search -- Deputies allegedly touched girls vaginas and breasts and groped boys in their groin area during the search at the Worth County High School April 14.
Ga. sheriff indicted for sexual battery in high school drug search : news
Death at a Penn State Fraternity - The Atlantic - Tim Piazza fought for his life for 12 hours before his Beta Theta Pi brothers called 911. By then, it was too late.
Man's Jack Daniel's flag mistaken for ISIS flag by 'worried' neighbors
Eschaton: How I Know My Dentist Is Good - At my first appointment he said "looks good."
Vampire breast lifts are the new beauty fad | Fox News
US lawmakers want 'stealthing' classified as rape
How exactly do DNA testing kits determine ancestry/ethnicities? : askscience
In modern mating, sex isn't the only thing that's cheap (women have to "raise" their men and author doesn't like gays)
Trump hails 'incredible' resp;onse in 'lovely' trip to storm-torn Puerto Rico
Trump says Puerto Rico's debt will have to be wiped out
It is Trump's s nature (can't fake decency)
Fox's Ed Rollins: 54-year old mayor of San Juan is "a very young woman" who is "overcome" by hurricane devastation
Las Vegas Shooting - Synchronized - First 10 Minutes : videos
Frantic switchboard calls, geometry of fire, led police to killer on Mandalay Bay's 32nd floor
Las Vegas Strip shooter prescribed anti-anxiety drug in June Las Vegas Review-Journal ... 50 10-milligram diazepam tablets
What kind of guns were used in the Las Vegas shooting? - The Washington Post
Who is Las Vegas gunman's girlfriend Marilou Danley? - The Washington Post
Las Vegas Shooting: Gunman's Girlfriend Meets F.B.I. in L.A. for Questioning, Official Says
Inside the Las Vegas Gunman's Hotel Suite
Meticulous Planning by Las Vegas Gunman Before He Opened Fire - The New York Times
The Las Vegas Shooter Didn't Just "Snap." They Never Do. -- Here's what helps explain the meticulously planned massacre.
Retract ed: Paddock's Girlfriend Used Two Social Security Numbers and Was Married to Two Men at the Same Time
A woman's iPhone stopped a bullet and possibly saved her life in the Las Vegas shooting : pics
The GOP's message on guns: It's not our problem, it's God's
Understanding the minds of mass killers like Stephen Paddock can't be blocked by politics
Survivors from California recount their terrifying escape from danger in Las Vegas - LA Times
clueless coverage of the Las Vegas shooting was perfect fodder for Trevor Noah
Vegas shooter had 200+ reports of suspicious activities, large financial transactions in casinos
Gun and self-defense statistics that might surprise you -- and the NRA -- So what conclusions can we draw from this? The notion that a good guy with a gun will stop a bad guy with a gun is a romanticized vision of the nature of violent crime.
Gun-packing Instagram star Dan Bilzerian mocked for fleeing Las Vegas shooting - The Washington Post (gunz and girlz)
Catalonia's Leader Seeks Talks to Resolve Standoff With Spain
Why people care about Valerie Plame and her anti-Semitic tweet - The Washington Post ("anti-semitic" = questioning Jewish neocon/AIPAC influence)
Kim Wall case: Decapitation videos reportedly found on computer of suspect in journalist's death - The Washington Post
Journalist Kim Wall's head is found.
tillerson's Fury at Trump Required an Intervention From Pence
Yahoo says every account -- all 3 billion of them -- was affected by 2013 breach (Marissa Mayer sat on this until she got her platinum parachute)
6 Fresh Horrors From the Equifax CEO's Congressional Hearing
Monopoly Man in background during Equifax Senate Hearing : funny
Someone dressed like the Monopoly guy is photobombing the Senate's Equifax hearing
Skilled and patriotic diplomats are leaving like never before in an exodus that is damaging the United States.
Facebook and Twitter haven't stopped Russia-backed RT from advertising on their websites -- Last week, Twitter turned over RT ads to congressional investigators
Facebook Fought for Years to Avoid Political Ad Disclosure Rules - Bloomberg (Facecrook colluded with foreign powers to undermine American democracy)
'Trump dossier' on Russia links now part of special counsel's probe: sources (maybe why Steele won't talk to compromised Senate intel)
Furious Republicans are working hard to make Trump's Russia scandal disappear
Senate Intelligence Heads Warn That Russian Election Meddling Continues - The New York Times ("hoax") xsy
Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr. Were Close to Being Charged With Felony Fraud -- New York prosecutors were preparing a case. Then the D.A. overruled his staff after a visit from a top donor: Trump attorney Marc Kasowitz.
Kelly won't let Rohrabacher talk to Trump: report
Trump's coverup now makes sense -- In short, Trump through multiple avenues had ongoing contacts with Russians during the campaign, contacts which he, his aides and his relatives went to great pains to deny.
The Future of American Democracy Is at Stake at the Supreme Court - This Wisconsin gerrymandering case is fundamental.
Has Anthony Kennedy Been Pushed Too Far? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Does God Believe in Trump? White Evangelicals are Sticking with their "Prince of Lies" ... And many of them believe their mortal messiah is Donald J. Trump, long a sybaritic scion but now the man who has solemnly vowed to take America to the promised land of deregulation, tax breaks and resegregation.
The Trump Doctrine - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Well, we have the Trump Doctrine, fully laid out in this profile of Rex Tillerson utterly disastrous tenure in the State Department -- Everything else is details. Trump wants to blow up the world because MAGA, Tillerson is incompetent and evil, but not insane. That makes him insufficiently loyal, the only quality Trump cares about among his people, especially when Tillerson wants to talk to North Korea instead of tweeting at them or realizing that the Iran nuclear deal is actually a good thing, or at least something that should continue for now.
The Politics of Hope and the Politics of Realism - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Too poor to vote: how Alabama's 'new poll tax' bars thousands of people from voting (/a>
More GOP senators willing to tell Trump to take a hike - POLITICO - An increasing number of Republicans have nothing to lose in crossing the president and Mitch McConnell
Eschaton: Oh Really - Democrats will still fall for this game next time they're in power ... Reporters should never listen to "deficit hawks" again now that they've all gone silent. But they will. The Bipartisan Committee To Starve Granny will be back.
The path to Trump 2020 is paved with Democrats' racist accusations -- White Middle Americans are sick of accusatory identity politics (and will vote for racists in retaliation)
Eschaton: Like Sands Through The Hourglass - They are all so full of shit. -- A text message sent in January to U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy by a woman with whom he had an extra-marital relationship took him to task for an anti-abortion statement posted on Facebook from his office's public account.
Rep. Tim Murphy, popular with pro-life movement, urged abortion in affair, texts suggest | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pro-Life Rep. Murphy Will Not Seek Re-Election Amid Controversy + CBS Pittsburgh (that was fast)
Murphy will go spend time on the bed he made - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Flip-Flopping on Free Speech | The New Yorker
Roy Moore's Facebook page shared inflammatory memes, article praising Russia's anti-gay laws
Republican Exemplifies De Facto Republican Position on Abortion - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Harvey Weinstein Lawyers Up for Bombshell New York Times, New Yorker Stories ... detailing sexual allegations and improper workplace behavior against him. Some women making the charges are believed to be on the record ... Ronan Farrow, the former MSNBC host, is doing the story for the New Yorker (pic is revealing)
Woman gets $400K package of oxycodone; wanted yoga mat - WAFF-TV: News, Weather and Sports for Huntsville, AL
Despite fears that the legalization of marijuana might encourage use among adolescents, the rate of marijuana use among teenagers has dropped to its lowest point since 1994, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. : science
: Kentucky basketball fans harassed and threatened referee, lawsuit says
Pastor and wife face 25 sex abuse charges : news
At Milton Academy, more allegations of sexual misconduct surface - The Boston Globe - Six more former students at Milton Academy have come forward to say they were the victims of sexual abuse or misconduct by the then-head of the private school's theater program decades ago, the school said in a letter sent Tuesday.
How Building a Black Hole for Interstellar Led to an Amazing Scientific Discovery : movies
One of my favorite pieces of footage of all time: an 11-minute uninterrupted shot from a camera affixed to a trolley going down Market Street, San Francisco in April, 1906. 4 days later, an earthquake will destroy most of what you see here and kill 1/5th of the people. : videos
Drunk Wyoming man arrested, claims he's time traveled here from year 2048 to warn the town of aliens
In memoriam: Microsoft's previous strategic mobile partners | Asymco
US violated spy laws 'hundreds' of times in the past decade : technology
Puerto Rico hasn't updated the Hurricane Maria death toll in 6 days -- The outdated death count is a sign the government is broken.
Trump to Puerto Rico: your hurricane isn't a "real catastrophe" like Kastrina (and it's bad for his tax cuts)
Statement by Oxfam America President Abby Maxman regarding Puerto Rico Hurricane Response | Oxfam America
Trump says Puerto Rico officials should be 'proud' more hav en't died like in Katrina
Trump tossing paper towels into the crowd at a Puerto Rican church : gifs - If this is what he says out loud can you imagine what his inner dialogue is thinking?
Catalonia will declare independence from Spain in a matter of days, says region's leader Carles Puigdemont : news
477 Days. 521 Mass Shootings. Zero Action From Congress. - The New York Times
Las Vegas shooting: Gunman used cameras to monitor police as he carried out rampage - The Washington Post
Las Vegas shooting: Investigators find arsenal of guns but no motive - The Washington Post - Among the questions investigators still have: How a former accountant with a penchant for high-stakes gambling obtained a weapon that sounded to those on the ground like it could fire as an automatic, and how he was able to bring it and many other weapons into a Vegas hotel suite undetected.
Mass shooting in Las Vegas: How it happened - Washington Post
Aftermath of Las Vegas shooting : pics
Over 50 Dead, Hundreds Wounded In Shooting At Las Vegas Country Music Festival | HuffPost - It was the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
Bannon warns: "end of everything" if Trump supports gun controls
Automatic Rifles Are Banned. Here's How the Las Vegas Shooter Could Have Gotten One
Nothing Will Change After the Las Vegas Shooting - The New York Times - By Steve Israel
: CNN scrambles to glorify Trump's Las Vegas speech
Mass shootings are an American problem. There's an American solution.
What Nevada's NRA's chief said when he found out about the massacre (the old can't legislate against evil line)
At his local Starbucks, Las Vegas shooter remembered for berating his girlfriend - LA Times
Las Vegas Shooter Wired $100,000 to Philippines Last Week - NBC News
Las Vegas shooting: Who is Marilou Danley? Reno friend says 'she is in the Philippines' ... Danley had worked as a high-limit hostess at the Atlantis Casino Resort and Spa,
The White Privilege of the "Lone Wolf" Shooter
White Men Have Committed More Mass Shootings than Any Other Group< -- In the U.S., 98 percent of mass shootings and 90 percent of all murders are committed by men. /a>
'Lone wolf' : Our stunning double standard when it comes to race and religion
I used to think gun control was the answer. My research told me otherwise. - The Washington Post
Sen. John Thune (R.SD) blames shooting victims for failing to 'take precautions' and 'get small' to avoid gunfire
Republican senator blames the culture of "sanctuary cities" for mass shootings -- Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) ("sanctuary cities" are urban nightmare carnage wastelands)
Iraq War Veteran Helped Direct Cops To Vegas Shooter's Room
The Next Steps in Republicans Facilitating Your Death by Gun - Lawyers, Guns & Money
II cannot express how wrong I was' : Country guitarist changes mind on gun control after Vegas
Jimmy Kimmel on Mass Shooting in Las Vegas : television
'I just couldn't leave him' says Vegas bartender who held Canadian's hand as he died
Number's Don't Lie: White Far-Right Terrorists Pose a Clear Danger to Us All -- Of the 85 violent extremist incidents that resulted in death since September 12, 2001, far-right wing violent extremist groups were responsible for 62 (73 percent) while radical Islamist violent extremists were responsible for 23 (27 percent). ... three to one
Here's What We Know About Stephen Paddock, The Las Vegas Shooting Suspect | HuffPost ... Authorities found 23 weapons in the room, including assault-style rifles and some arms that may have been modified in an attempt to convert them into machine guns ... Another 19 firearms, some explosives and thousands of rounds of ammunition were found at Paddock's home
Incensed Sean Hannity Says Talking Gun Control After Las Vegas Is 'Shameful' | HuffPost ... "despicable to politicize" -- the mass shooting with talks of gun control. (and because there is a "mass-shooting" every day, we'll never talk about, hahaha suckers +Hannity looking old)
Pat Robertson Blames Las Vegas Massacre On 'Disrespect' For Donald Trump | HuffPost - The TV preacher also blamed protests during the national anthem. (wierd-looking little demon)
A Letter to Law-Abiding Gun Owners - You have the power. Use it.
Las Vegas concert shooting prompts ESPN to change its mind about airing national anthem - The Washington Post
UN resolution condemns death penalty for same-sex relations - Out of the six, in four the penalty applies country-wide (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Yemen), and in two (Nigeria and Somalia) it applies in certain provinces
The U.S. Voted Against a U.N. Resolution Condemning Death Penalty for LGBTQ People (Nikki Haley says killing some doessn't violate their "human rights" )
This Is Why The US Voted Against A UN Resolution Condemning The Death Penalty For LGBT People - The US just really likes the death penalty.
Canada father prepares lawsuit after province bars kids from riding bus alone | World news | The Guardian
Ginsburg Slaps Gorsuch in Gerrymandering Case | The New Yorker
Mueller Tasks an Adviser With Getting Ahead of Pre-Emptive Pardons - Bloomberg -- Criminal law expert could bulletproof Mueller team's work
Senators expected to largely endorse intel report on Russian meddling, sound alarm about next election - The Washington Post
Exclusive: Russian-linked Facebook ads targeted Michigan and Wisconsin - CNNPolitics (Zuckerberg colluded with Putin)
The Banality of Information Warfare - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Elizabeth Dwoskin, Craig Timberg and Adam Entous report on new revelations about Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election.
Supreme Court takes up Wisconsin as test in partisan gerrymandering claims - The Washington Post
Eschaton: Oh Really - Democrats will still fall for this game next time they're in power. -- The deficit hawks will return as soon as anyone suggests spending 5 extra cents on a school lunch. It's always been about the tax cuts. Reporters should never listen to "deficit hawks" again now that they've all gone silent. But they will. The Bipartisan Committee To Starve Granny will be back.
House to vote on abortion ban after 20 weeks of pregnancy - CNNPolitics
The House just passed a 20-week abortion ban. Opponents say it's "basically relying on junk science."
Sending Abortion Back to the States - Lawyers, Guns & Money
It's always the "dumb" scandals that trip people up, not the things that are completely scandalous. You know, it's worse to steal one toner cartridge than steal the whole factory. How could they not know this? (crooked Zinke)
EPA Chief's Calendar: A Stream of Industry Meetings and Trips Home (Pruitt)
DOJ releases overruled memos finding it illegal for presidents to appoint relatives - POLITICO - The legal opinion that cleared the way for Kushner and Ivanka Trump appointments reversed earlier advice (the old IOKIYAR)
Hundreds of White House emails sent to third Kushner family account - politico - White House officials are reviewing a third email account associated with Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner's private email domain (lock them both up)
Jared Kushner's personal email re-routed to Trump Organization computers amid public scrutiny
GOP Congressman Met in Moscow With Kremlin-Linked Lawyer at Center of Russia Investigation | Foreign Policy - Rep. Dana Rohrabacher met in Moscow with Natalia Veselnitskaya two months before she met with Donald Trump Jr. (that's what you call "plugged in")
Pundits: They Love Political Norms that "Both Sides Do It," Hate Accurate Descriptions of Republican Policies
Steve Kornacki on Twitter: "Promising to "make America great again," Bill Clinton declared his presidential candidacy 26 years ago today in Little Rock:"
This Is What It Looks Like When the President Asks People to Snitch on Their Neighbors
Republicans rage at Rauner - POLITICO - By signing a controversial abortion bill, the embattled Illinois governor has gone to war with his own party.
Seagal, a Michigan-born actor who became a Russian citizen in 2016 ... last week called the pregame protests "outrageous," "a joke" and "disgusting" (irony impervious)
NYPD Officer Suing James Blake, the Tennis Star He Tackled and Wrongfully Arrested : news
Over the past two decades, hundreds of Minnesota law enforcement officers have been convicted of criminal offenses. Most were never disciplined by the state. : news
Atlanta decriminalizes marijuana : news
Failure to vaccinate is likely driver of U.S. measles outbreaks, report says - The Washington Post
I was vaccinated against smallpox 40 years ago. Am I still protected? - Scientific American
ELI5: Why can't people who have had cancer in the past donate blood? : explainlikeimfive
New study finds strategy of replacing cigarette smoking with vaping would yield substantial life year gains, over a 10-year period yielding up to 6.6 million fewer premature deaths with 86.7 million fewer life years lost. : science
Zombie Drug in Brazil called 'Cloud Nine' : WTF
Kim Wall 'stabbed 15 times' onboard Danish inventor's submarine : news
Ikea has debuted an indoor farm that grows greens three times faster than a garden: "Called Lokal"
Lost Wormhole : funny
Women of reddit; what is something men do in bed that you wish they DIDN'T do? : AskReddit
Virgins of Reddit, what are your most inappropriate questions? [NSFW] : AskReddit
Uber Searches For Harmony After Board Limits The Power Of Its Former CEO
If Newtown Wasn't Enough, Why Would Las Vegas Be Enough?
Sandy Hook Senator: 'It's Time for Congress To Get Off Its Ass And Do Something' On Mass Shootings | HuffPost
Eyewitnesses Recount Gunfire At Las Vegas Shooting: 'The Shots Just Kept Coming' | HuffPost
At Least 50 Dead, Hundreds Wounded In Shooting At Las Vegas Country Music Festival | HuffPost
Marilou Danley: Las Vegas police locate female roommate of gunman Stephen Paddock : news
Active shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino in Las Vegas : news
"Terrorism" in America
The Associated Press on Twitter: "BREAKING: Brother says Las Vegas shooter was multi-millionaire real estate investor."
Jamelle Bouie on Twitter: "That Las Vegas authorities have ruled out terrorism at this early stage is another example of how the idea has all but been racialized."
Stephen Paddock: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Las Vegas shooting: Woman told crowd 'you're all going to f***ing die' before attack started | The Independent - The mystery woman
Seth Moulton, continuing protest over gun control, will not participate in moment of silence | Boston Herald
Gun violence in America, explained in 17 maps and charts -- In the developed world, these levels of gun violence are a uniquely American problem.
Here Are All The Hoaxes Being Spread About The Las Vegas Shooting
Vegas Shooter's Father Was Armed Robber on FBI's Most Wanted List
Las Vegas shooting: Stephen Paddock identified as gunman : news
Las Vegas Shooting -- Very, Very Strange | National Review
Far-right trolls are falsely naming Geary Danley as the Las Vegas shooter - The Washington Post
CBS fires lawyer for comments on Las Vegas shooting - The Boston Globe - CBS has fired a corporate lawyer who said on social media about the Las Vegas mass shooting that she wasn't sympathetic because "country music fans often are Republican gun-toters" (truth is not allowed)
When white men turn into lone wolves - The Washington Post
Tennessee man died saving wife during Vegas mass shooting : news
This Is How We Once Changed Gun Laws
America's First Mass Shooting Since Vegas - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Ramon Casiano - Lawyers, Guns & Money - On this horrible day, it's worth remembering that Harlon Carter, the man who turned the National Rifle Association into a right-wing terrorist organization under his leadership in the 1970s, personally murdered a 15 year old Mexican-American kid named Ramon Casiano in 1931 by shooting him in the chest.
The Racist Roots of Armed Self-Defense - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Idiotic Right-Wing Defenses of Gun Ownership - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- No one ever said Kentucky governor Matt Bevin was the brightest bulb in the Republican factory, and that's a pretty low bar at this point. But this is just idiotic.
Angry That People Think He Doesn't Care About Puerto Rico, Trump Spends Weekend Golfing and Hate-Tweeting
I'm Jonathan Cheng, WSJ's Korea bureau chief. I recently returned from a reporting trip to North Korea. AMA! : IAmA
Special Report: HP Enterprise let Russia scrutinize cyberdefense system used by Pentagon
Republicans Angry Economists Find Their Tax Cuts Go to Rich -- On the other hand, it might just be the case that the Gambino organization commits a lot of crimes and TPC calculations keep showing that Republican tax-cut plans benefit the rich because Republican tax cut plans always benefit the rich.
'Nobody's in Control' ... no one ... has absolute influence over the unruly populist movement that swept him into office
Divert, Divide, Destroy - The New York Times
Does Even Mark Zuckerberg Know What Facebook Is? (Facecroook)
John Lanchester reviews The Attention Merchants: You Are the Product
Facebook Blocks Chinese Billionaire Who Tells Tales of Corruption - The New York Times
Russian Facebook ads showed a black woman firing a rifle, amid efforts to stoke racial strife - The Washington Post
Tom Petty Found Unconscious in Full Cardiac Arrest : Music
Brandeis professors, once 'mocked' for research, win Nobel Prize for Medicine
Men of reddit; what is the one thing you wish girls did in bed that they never do? : AskReddit
What's the coldest you've been?
ELI5:Why is Semen easier to clean with Cold water instead of Hot water? : explainlikeimfive
User falls into reddit rabbit hole and returns with OC gif of glacial recession near Banff over 93 years : bestof
Trump says Tillerson is 'wasting his time' trying to pursue negotiations with North Korea (Trump's time, that is)
Trump's Undermining of Rex Tillerson
The Risk of Nuclear War with North Korea | The New Yorker - On the ground in Pyongyang: Could Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump goad each other into a devastating confrontation? (yes, definitely, especially Trump becuase he can't be the non-psychotic world-leader in the room)
Afghanistan: What Troops Can't Fix -- At least three nearby states -- Pakistan, Iran, and Russia -- are now helping the Taliban (our troops can never fail, only be failed)
The Latest: Catalonia: 90 percent vote for independence
Catalans defy Spain, turn out for banned independence vote : news
Michael Stothard on Twitter: "Images that Madrid has been fearing as police uses force to remove young and old from voting stations. @FT"
[live] Catalonia Independence Referendum -- 761 citizens have required medical assistance due to Spanish police raids in #Catalonia today.
Photos from Spain during the Catalonia independence referendum vote - The Washington Post
Clashes during Catalan independence vote in Spain leave at least 300 people, 12 police hurt - The Washington Post
Live updates: Polls close in Catalan independence referendum | Euronews
Eschaton: Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit
Further Perversions in Social Media: The Catalonian Independence Referendum -- the top influencers, the key nodes, in the social media campaign for Catalonian independence are Assange and Snowden. Quickly followed by Wikileaks and RT. u
Eschaton: Delegation - There is something wrong with our system if it takes the president to give a shit for anything to happen in Puerto Rico. Trump is bad, we know that, but it shouldn't take Trump being good for this to happen. It should just happen automatically. Why didn't it?
Trump calls San Juan mayor 'ingrate' in propaganda war over Puerto Rico relief -- The White House narrative just does not match reports from the ground.
Trump heads off to golf trophy ceremony after a weekend spent attacking Puerto Rico - Shareblue - Donald Trump will have to tear himself away from one luxury golf resort to attend a trophy ceremony at another luxury golf resort.
Pentagon: More than half of Puerto Ricans without access to drinking water | TheHill
Puerto Rico is all our worst fears about Trump coming real - Vox - A real crisis comes and Trump can't handle it
Retired Lieutenant General: While Trump Golfs, San Juan's Mayor Is 'Living On A Cot' -- "And the president has shown again, you don't give a damn about poor people"
One Photo Stands Out After Trump Says Puerto Rico Wants 'Everything Done For Them' | HuffPost
Donald Trump Is Using Puerto Rico's Crisis To Push His War Against The Media | HuffPost
TIL Puerto Rico is 75.8% White, higher than the mainland USA : todayilearned
Myanmar refugee exodus tops 500,000 as more Rohingya flee (those nice non-violent Buddhists)
Terrorist attack in Edmonton. 4 pedestrians hit by U-Haul, one police officer stabbed. : news
How the military handles sexual assault cases behind closed doors - The Washington Post
At Trial, a Focus on the Facts, Not the Politics, of Benghazi - The New York Times
The Media Needs To Stop Rationalizing President Trump's Behavior -- His outburst on Hurricane Maria and Puerto Rico shows that not everything is a clever ploy to rally his base.
Dem senator compares Trump to Marie Antoinette | TheHill
Billboard calling for Pres. Trump's impeachment goes up in California : pics
"Pretty safe bet": Former national security adviser warns Kushner compromised by foreign intel - Shareblue (lock up the little commie)
Steve Mnuchin: We're not cutting taxes for rich people. Bernie Sanders: Yes, you are.
On-duty NYPD officers 'handcuffed 17-year-old girl, took her to deserted spot and raped her' : news
Statue's Stolen Foot Reflects Divisions Over Symbols of Conquest
S.I. Newhouse Jr., Publishing Icon Who Ran Condi Nast, Dies at 89 - The New York Times
Who Killed the ERA? | by Linda Greenhouse | The New York Review of Books - Divided We Stand: The Battle Over Women's Rights and Family Values That Polarized American Politics (Reagan)
Kate Millett: 'Sexual Politics' & Family Values | by Judith Shulevitz | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books -- Let me state it plainly: Millett invented feminist literary criticism. Before her, it did not exist. Her urgent, elegant 1970 masterwork, Sexual Politics, with its wry takedowns of the casual misogyny and rape scenes that had made the reputations of the sexual revolutionaries du jour -- Norman Mailer, Henry Miller, D.H. Lawrence -- introduced a new and remarkably durable idea: you could interpret literature in light of its gender dynamics ... What did her in was the revelation, also in Time, that she was bisexual. Her non-heterosexuality irked Friedan, who feared more than just about anything that Women's Lib might be tainted by the "lavender menace."
Megan Amram on Twitter: "here's an abridged version of the full list of food puns i turned in with my first draft of tonight's #TheGoodPlace episode"
THIS IS WHAT PROHIBITION LOOKS LIKE IN A LEGAL STATE - Inside the war against cannabis in Milford, which could have major Commonwealth-wide implications
I Want My 2.3 Bonus Years - The New York Times - The average age of a new father in the United States is 31 years, compared with 26 years for a new mother ... Where do 50-year-old men get this strange impression that they could date a 23-year-old?
TIL that extinction was only accepted as a fact in late 18th century after Georges Cuvier, the father of paleontology, disproved the old theory that it was impossible for species to go extinct because God wouldn't wipe out a species he spent time creating for his Divine Plan. : todayilearned
A_Dose_Of_Fucitol comments on Anti-vaxxer logic
What are we NOT in the golden age of? : AskReddit
San Juan mayor's harrowing plea: 'Mr Trump, I am begging. We are dying here' | World news | The Guardian
Trump called San Juan's mayor a weak leader. Here's what her leadership looks like
From Donald Trump, a New Low - The Atlantic - Trump Nation
Trump attacks 'nasty' San Juan mayor and accuses Puerto Rico workers of being lazy in vicious tweet frenzy ... "Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help. They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort"
'Get out of your golf course cocoon': NYC lawmaker shreds Trump for 'despicable' attack on San Juan mayor
Donald Trump Hits Back At San Juan's 'Nasty' Mayor Over Maria Response Criticism | HuffPost - "The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump" (he loves talking about himself in the third person)
Lin-Manuel Miranda To Trump: 'You're Going Straight To Hell' For Blasting San Juan Mayor | HuffPost - "No long lines for you, they'll clear a path ... She has been working 24/7. You have been GOLFING. You're going straight to hell. Fastest golf cart you ever took" (prescient)
Lost weekend: How Trump's time at his golf club hurt the response to Maria
'Not enough' troops, equipment in Puerto Rico, says general in charge of relief
Trump Lashes Out at Puerto Rico Mayor Who Criticized Storm Response - The New York Times
Trump doesn't get it on Puerto Rico. He just proved it by lashing out at San Juan's mayor
Did President Trump add $33 million to Puerto Rico's debt by bankrupting a golf course there?
Mary Dooley on Twitter: "@MichaelSkolnik @Lin_Manuel @TIDALHiFi @rosieperezbklyn @angiemartinez @fatjoe @JLo @CarmenYulinCruz @djkhaled @NYGovCuomo @RocNation @Beyonce Sitting on your gilded throne, A constipated oligarch, Tweeting about players' knees, Squeezing out caustic remarks Send the jets you use for golf ..."
Red Cross Aid To Victims Of Halifax - British Pathi
U.S. in Direct Communication With North Korea, Says Tillerson - The New York Times
In private dinner, George W. Bush criticizes Trump's s decision to add North Korea to travel ban
With kids in tow, Catalonia's pro-independence parents occupy polling stations in mass act of civil disobedience
A Fight for Catalonia, Whatever That Means - The New York Times
Canadian police seek recalled Vatican envoy for child porn - issued an arrest warrant for the Vatican diplomat who was recalled from the United States in a child pornography investigation, accusing him of accessing porn over Christmas last year from a church ... Capella was a high-ranking priest in the Vatican's diplomatic corps
Russian hacker wanted by U.S. tells court he worked for Putin's party
Robert Mueller Is Facing His Biggest Question Yet: Should He Prosecute the Cover-Up Before He's Certain There's a Crime? Reince Priebus could clinch the obstruction case -- but that's only part of the picture
Special counsel investigators start questioning White House staffers | Fox News
Robert Mueller Subpoenas an Associate of the Man Who Hired Michael Flynn as a Lobbyist -- The special counsel wanted to question a Turkish businessman with interests in Turkey, Russia and the U.S.-- and ties to people with criminal records
NSA warned White House against using personal email - POLITICO - In briefings to incoming Trump aides, security officials highlighted the dangers of unsecured email and phones ... If Kushner did not adhere to the security precautions, it could lead to a significant security breach, the officials said, given his access to President Donald Trump and unique portfolio of responsibilities (Kushki is above your so-called "security procedures")
Kelly struggling to make sense of Kushner's West Wing role -- Trump has also questioned whether having his family members in the West Wing is creating too much noise.
Kushner may drive out White House counsel Don McGahn -- who is ready to resign ... Kushner is a top link in special counsel Robert Mueller's probe of possible Trump campaign Russian collusion and/or Trump administration obstruction of justice ... the fact his private email server has likely been compromised by foreign spies.
Bill Maher Goes Full 'CSI' To Connect The Dots Between Donald Trump And Russia
Trump Said His Administration Runs Like A 'Fine-Tuned Machine.' The Track Record Suggests Otherwise. | HuffPost - The shocking number of high profile departures call into question Trump's boasts of hiring only the "best people" (the worst of the worst)
The swamp rises around an administration that promised to drain it - The Washington Post
Bye-Bye! - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- Every time one of these corrupt assholes is forced out, it's a victory for saving the nation from kleptocracy. I still think though the real reason Trump pushed him out is the failure to repeal the ACA. Which, good. (Price gone +more honest pic)
Trump kid's ski vacation incurs over $300,000 in security costs
Kap, Cops and Confederate Statues: a Better World Without Double Standards - by Frank Serpico
Local high school football players kicked off team after protest during anthem - Houston Chronicle
Local high school football players kicked off team after protest during anthem : news
U.S. Senate candidate charged with nine Montana hunting violations | Crime and Courts | - A Big Sky businessman seeking the Republican nomination to run against U.S. Democratic Sen. Jon Tester in 2018 is facing seven misdemeanor charges accusing him of trying to buy Montana resident hunting or fishing licenses as an out-of-state resident.
'The greatest drug fiends in the world': An American opioid crisis -- in 1908 ... Genteel "society ladies" dosed up with Laudanum -- a tincture of alcohol and opium
warning after babysitter allegedly gives infant a lethal dose of Benadryl
Mother who refuses to follow court order to vaccinate son: 'Most likely, I'll be going to jail' (religious freedom to be stupid +anti-vax Dumpster and RFKjr)
'I wish I could say I'm surprised': Ex blasts mom charged with abandoning kids to tour Europe
DC woman says she was beaten by group of girls in unprovoked attack : news
Current Affairs | Culture & Politics - Hugh Hefner was a tyrant who expounded a cruel and exploitative philosophy
Hugh Hefner Was My Enemy - The New York Times
(1) Refuse to Date Men Who Use Porn
The plutocratic logic of Hefner apologists - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Up Against the Centerfold: What It Was Like to Report on Feminism for Playboy in 1969
Hugh Hefner Wasn't Just a Creep -- He Was Also a Shitty Boss
Science girl Super Awesome Sylvia becomes a boy named Zeph who doesn't love science - The Washington Post
Marijuana arrests plunge in 2016, but racial disparity remains - The Boston Globe -- The arrest rate of black people for marijuana sale or cultivation was 39.3 per 100,000, seven times higher than the rate at which whites were arrested for the same offenses (why Jason Lewis want to spend all the tax revenue on cops)
Red Sox clinch AL East title
&pizza and Milk Bar to open joint restaurant in Harvard Square - The Boston Globe
Los Angeles' legendary palm trees are dying -- and few will be replaced | US news | The Guardian - A beetle and a fungus are killing off the trees that have become synonymous with the city, making way for trees that give more shade and use less water
Harvard panel steps back from ban of social clubs - The Boston Globe
The curious case of the alien in the photo -- and a mystery that took years to solve | Science | The Guardian
Gamers have an advantage in learning: Neuropsychologists let video gamers compete against non-gamers in a learning competition. During the test, the video gamers performed significantly better and showed an increased brain activity in the brain areas that are relevant for learning. : science
Hawaii approves telescope on volcano sacred to indigenous people : news
A computer model suggests that life may have originated inside collapsing bubbles. When bubbles collapse, extreme pressures and temperatures occur at the microscopic level. These conditions could trigger chemical reactions that produce the molecules necessary for life. : science
Spontaneous knotting of an agitated string - We used mathematical knot theory to analyze the knots
io9 founder explains how to write a novel set 125 years+ in the future : books
I asked my girlfriend how badly her screen was cracked after she dropped her phone... she sent this : funny
U.S. response in Puerto Rico pales next to actions after Haiti quake - The Washington Post
The Note: Has Trump had his 'heckova job' moment with Puerto Rico?
Heterosexuals Deserve Our Support - The New York Times - in the United States National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study, teenagers of lesbian mothers were reported to do better socially and academically than other teenagers, and had fewer problems with rule-breaking and aggression. (Australian survey)
Has Washington forgotten about us? One year passes with no US ambassador to Australia : news
ACLU challenges DOJ request for info on 6,000 anti-Trump Facebook users : technology
DOJ demands Facebook info from 'anti-administration activists' : news
How an Austin Ad Agency Helped the Alt-Right Rise Again in Germany
Trump's Deadly Narcissism -- In short, Trump truly is unfit for this or any high office. And the damage caused by his unfitness will just keep growing.
The Trump Fog Machine - The New York Times ... While Americans in Puerto Rico clung to life on an island without power or adequate water and food, Trump tweeted 24 times about football.
GOP tax plan would provide major gains for richest 1%, uneven benefits for the middle class, report says - The Washington Post Trump Could Save More Than $1 Billion Under His New Tax Plan - The New York Times
Beyond the daily drama and Twitter battles, Trump begins to alter American life
Private Emails, Private Jets and Mr. Trump's Idea of Public Service (you service them)
US health secretary Tom Price quits : news
Republicans suspend committee rules, advance Mnuchin, Price nominations - CNNPolitics (how crooked Price and Mnuchin got there in the first place)
Today In Republican Swamp-Draining - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Surprisingly for someone with his extensive history of corruption, Tom Price has turned out to be highly corrupt!
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke Stuck Taxpayers For $12,000 Charter Flight | HuffPost
Zinke took $12,000 charter flight home in oil executive's plane, documents show
VA chief took in Wimbledon, river cruise on European work trip; wife's s expenses covered by taxpayers - Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin (they all do it)
Here's All The Expensive Nonsense Trump's EPA Chief Is Wasting Your Taxes On | HuffPost (Pruitt) u
Eschaton: Morning Thread - Derp de derp perfectly explains Price's offer to reimburse the government for his seat on the plane, but not the cost of the charter. I mean, what else can you say?
Chastened, Tom Price Tries to Deflect Anger Over Chartered Flights - The New York Times
Tom Price Wanted To Reopen His Department's Executive Dining Room, Sources Say -- The executive dining room was used as an event and meeting space during the Obama years.
Price took military jets to Europe, Asia for over $500K - politico - Accompanied by his wife, the HHS secretary journeyed to Geneva, Berlin, Beijing, Tokyo and other cities for events.
Eschaton: Broder's Boy - Bush II was not very popular then he was. He kept us safe during the 9/11 attacks and was then very popular. Then "we" went to war and he was still popular. Eventually people realized that no matter how many Friedman Units we had, the Iraq war was bad. If you did not live through 9/11-2007 or so it is impossible to explain it to you. The Trump era - which is fucking horrible - is actually (so far!) much more sane and reasonable than that time. Only a few crazy bloggers understand this, but it's actually not debatable. This is just fact. People don't know how bad the Bush era was because most people tuned out. It was bad! Really really really bad! ... The black president was always unpopular, even when he wasn't.
The Berniecrats Have an Obama Problem
Bernie Sanders backers give Democratic incumbents a pass in 2018 - POLITICO - Republicans still facing intra-party heat.
Racial slurs written on doors of five black cadet candidates at Air Force Academy Preparatory School - The Washington Post
USAFA superintendent: "Grad your phones"
The Lawlessness of Roy Moore - The Atlantic - The would-be Alabama Senator has made it clear that neither facts nor the law matter to him. (son of Satan)
Jihad on our faith - Judge Roy Moore
A lot of people online pointed out that the photo with the burning flag was obviously fake because a fire would have set off the sprinklers in the locker room. (no thinking allowed)
The White House Said Trump's NFL Feud Is "Pretty Black And White" And People Took Notice (Sarah Fuckabee)
Snyder backs MSP director amid backlash over 'degenerates' FB post
A kid walked into a GameStop wearing a Kaepernick jersey. Two NFL players bought him an Xbox. - The Washington Post
Right-to-Lifers Look for a New Hostage for Their Demands
What Bullets Do to Bodies - Highline - The gun debate would change in an instant if Americans witnessed the horrors that trauma surgeons confront every day.
July marijuana sales in Nevada generate $3.68 million in tax revenue : news
Nevada sells $27M in pot in the first month : news
A Legal Industry Built on Private School Sex Abuse - The New York Times
Mom arrested after leaving four kids home alone as she goes to Germany for ten days : news
Playboy playmate Dorothy Stratten's murder and Hugh Hefner's reaction - The Washington Post
Hugh Hefner was the ultimate enemy of women -- no feminist anywhere will shed a tear at his death | The Independent
The Kate McKinnon Report
Does fission occur inside of a star? If so, how far down the periodic table does fission occur inside of a star? : askscience
Casually Explained: Evolution IV - Hello Universe : videos
This Icelandic company has come up with an ingenious way to make motorists slow down : pics
John Mulaney's legendary skit where he talks about the time he and some friends trolled a diner with some Tom Jones tunes. {non-music video} : Music
Democrats are pushing a $40 billion plan to bring the best Internet access to rural America : technology
Trump Waives Jones Act to Speed Up Aid Shipments to Puerto Rico - Bloomberg
Trump's Katrina? Influx of Puerto Ricans after Hurricane Maria could tip Florida toward Democrats.
Mountains of Aid Are Languishing on the Docks in Puerto Rico - Bloomberg
Sealift, Airlift, and Distribution Infrastructure - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Puerto Rico's stray dog packs all killed by hurricane
Texas' War on Liberals Has No Limits - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Nice that the Texas state government is making sure very little money goes to Houston to rebuild. (red states attack their own blue cities that pay for their stupidty and evil)
CATALONIA REFERENDUM LATEST: Madrid pulls out the stops to block vote | World | News | - SPAIN has launched an all-out assault on the Catalan government with Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, the prosecutor's office and the judiciary all making moves to block a binding referendum on independence on October 1.
Aether7 comments on How exactly did Equifax gather so much information about 140 million people without their consent?
FBI contractor jailed for leaking classified NSA report on Russian hackers attack on U.S. voting software supplier before presidential election. : news
DOJ Seeking Info on 6,000 People Who 'Liked' Anti-Trump Facebook Page (dissent is not permitted)
Exclusive: Russians Impersonated Real American Muslims to Stir Chaos on Facebook and Instagram
Zuckerberg Blew Off Russian Troll Warnings Before the Attack on America - Facebook has an ugly history of making Kremlin-friendly moves. (FB zuckerfucked America)
Twitter, With Accounts Linked to Russia, to Face Congress Over Role in Election - The New York Times
Russian-linked Twitter accounts stoked NFL anthem debate : news - The truth is the internet is teaching the biggest lesson ever in critical thinking and getting your information from many sources across spectrums, countries, divides and more.
Is the Steele Dossier About to Have Its Moment of Truth? | Vanity Fair - In a defamation suit, BuzzFeed is trying to compel testimony from James Comey or James Clapper to establish the document's centrality to the Russia investigation.
Enough is enough: How to stop Russia's cyber-interference
Russia warns U.S. over treatment of its media outlets - Sep. 28, 2017
FBI ceremony notable for its no-shows amid Russia probe - The Washington Post
Kushner didn't disclose personal email account to Senate intel committee
'Soon,' 'Very Soon,' 'Eventually': A Detailed List of Things Trump Said Would Happen
With Tax Cuts on the Table, Once-Mighty Deficit Hawks Hardly Chirp - The New York Times
A Boondoggle Masquerading as Tax Reform - The New York Times
Eschaton: Nobody Ever Cared About The Deficit - The simplest proof of the fact that almost every political reporter was either dumb as rocks, happy to be lied to, or, most likely, was on board with the ideology that government spending money on anything except war is bad, was that they took deficit concerns seriously. Nobody cares about the deficit (and, mostly, they shouldn't!) ... They don't care. They never cared. Republican presidents run up the deficit and Democratic ones bring it down, and after decades of this the Republicans are still the party of fiscal responsibility according to political journalists. Republicans hate spending any money for nice things and love tax cuts for rich people. That's it. I am a dumb blogger and I know this. You all get paid big salaries by our leading media outlets and you are stupid or liars.
Trump Misleads on Who Benefits From Tax Plan - The New York Times
Trump tax plan: His complete speech in Indy
You're Not Supposed to Say This Out Loud -- Deficits are just a talking point when Democrats are in power. -- If you want to spot the moment in time in which the Republican Party first rejected the empirical and embraced unreason as a political identity, don't look to the Religious Right, look to the day Reagan and his people took supply-side economics seriously. That's the first bowlful of monkeybrains that the GOP ate. That's where the prion disease first took hold
Trump's Explanation For Removing Sudan From His Travel Ban Is Cringeworthy | HuffPost (word salad)
Donald Trump Jr.'s Great Escape
Here's All The Expensive Nonsense Trump's EPA Chief Is Wasting Your Taxes On | HuffPost - That swamp is looking mighty cushy.
There Is No GOP Establishment or Base. Just Massive Resistance.
Court Strikes Down Kentucky Law That Forces Women To Undergo Ultrasounds For Abortions | HuffPost
Why the War Over Health Care Isn't Over -- John Cassidy
Lindsey Graham on Obamacare Repeal: I Had No Idea What I Was Doing (did he ever?)
Pro-Confederate activists held 'Secession Day' event at Roy Moore's foundation two years in a row (a consummation devoutly to be wished)
Roy Moore Failed to Disclose Massive Amount of Income on His Senate Ethics Form
How college hoops corruption became a federal investigation, and why it might get bigger - The Washington Post
50 immigrants arrested in Mass. as part of ICE operation - The Boston Globe
Why didn't TV networks show angry, booing NFL fans Sunday or Monday? | NFL | Sporting News
Louisiana high school will kick students off team if they don't stand for national anthem
Ozark Bar Spells Out 'Lynch Kaepernick' in Side-by-Side Jersey Doormats : news
FWdem comments on Daily Roundtable for September 28, 2017 - Kneeling during the National Anthem and Respect for our Country; in three parts.
Toddler Shoots 2 Children in Michigan : news
Northern California police officer arrested, accused of beating DUI suspect with baton : news
Husband charged in teacher's death had prior domestic violence arrest ... Investigators said she threatened on Aug. 31 to possibly divorce MacCormack, who was spending $400 t0 $500 weekly on cocaine. (still no mention of employment)
Hugh Hefner, Who Built Playboy Empire and Embodied It, Dies at 91 - The New York Times
Hugh Hefner once had a Playboy of Boston club - The Boston Globe
RIP Hef: The Man Who Had It All - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Judge Oks Playboy At Firehouse - tribunedigital-chicagotribune - 'Quiet' Reading Doesn't Violate Harassment Rules
Hugh Hefner, Playboy Magazine Founder and Star of Girls Next Door, Dies at 91 : television
TIL Hugh Hefner worked as a copywriter for Esquire magazine, from where he resigned in Jan 1952 after being denied a $5 raise. 11 months later, he published the first issue of Playboy, featuring Marilyn Monroe. : todayilearned
In light of Hugh Hefner's passing we should take a minute to appreciate the incredible authors that were published by Playboy: Kurt Vonnegut Jr, Jack Kerouac, Ray Bradbury, Gabriel Garcma Marquez, Haruki Murakami... : books
Julia Louis-Dreyfus diagnosed with breast cancer | Page Six
Facing poverty, academics turn to sex work and sleeping in cars | US news | The Guardian
In Greater Boston, $1 million now buys you a fixer-upper - The Boston Globe
Scientists Say They've Found 'Oldest Evidence' Of Life On Earth | HuffPost - Traces of life were found in rocks dating back 3.95 billion years
Humans may have emerged as a distinct species as early as 350,000 years ago, according to a new study. DNA from the skeleton of a boy who lived in what's now South Africa may be the best benchmark so far for gauging when Homo sapiens originated in Africa. : science
Southern African ancient genomes estimate modern human divergence to 350,000 to 260,000 years ago | Science
TIL half of British women cannot identify the vagina on a medical diagram. : todayilearned
Bad Women's Anatomy: Sure I know!
Escher Girls
The Repressive, Authoritarian Soul of ' Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends' ... The Thomas the Tank Engine universe was the brainchild of an Anglican minister, the Reverend Wilbert Awdry
Belle Gibson, fake wellness blogger, fined $410,000 over false cancer claims - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Ikea has bought TaskRabbit - Recode - The Swedish home goods giant is looking for some digital help from the contract labor marketplace.
God Is a Bot, and Anthony Levandowski Is His Messenger ... founded a religious organization called Way of the Future. Its purpose, according to previously unreported state filings, is nothing less than to develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence. (of course your robot god's "messenger" would be a lying crook)
Twitter Appalled Over Trump's Latest Gaffe, "This Think Called The Atlantic" (his base loves stupid)
The Distance Between Donald Trump and Puerto Rico | The New Yorker - "We have been really treated very, very nicely by the governor and by everybody else," Trump said (that's their job)
Equifax CEO walks away with $18 million pension benefit
FBI has 1,000 open investigations into violent white supremacy, domestic terror: Agency chief : news
Bills to Protect Mueller Are Bipartisan, but the Path Forward Is Uncertain - The New York Times
Russian-funded Facebook ads backed Stein, Sanders and Trump - politico
Special counsel probing flow of Russian-American money to Trump political funds
Eschaton: Your Moment of Zen -- Trump on anthem protests: "To me, the NFL situation is a very important situation... I have plenty of time on my hands. All I do is work."
NFL is winning in fight against President Trump
A majority of adults disagree with Trump on firing athletes who kneel during anthem: Reuters/Ipsos poll -- 57 percent of adults do not think the National Football League should fire players who kneel. This included 61 percent of NFL fans who watch at least a few games per season. ... 29 percent of Republicans disagreed
The NFL couldn't keep Colin Kaepernick off the field
Nielsen: Football ratings off 11 percent this year
Eschaton: Well Then - It's insane all around but naturalized citizens are... citizens.
Did Someone Say...EMAILS? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The fact that the media spent 2016 obsessed with a trivial nanoscandal and ended up with an administration that was considerably worse even on that trivial issue as well as a huge array of character and substantive issues of actual importance is one heckuva job, Brownie
Maggie Haberman and Nate Silver Exchange Barbs Over 2016 Coverage | Mediaite
Eschaton: Guess I'm Moving To Alaska - Canada might be the *one place in the rich world* where the super super rich might be less than thrilled with the health care system, otherwise every other American would be thrilled to have Canadian health care, whether they know it or not ... Pence warns Alaska that if Graham-Cassidy fails, they could end up with the health-care of "a place called Canada":
Mike Pence comes up with dumbest argument against NFL players yet, and that is saying something - the use of "national" in the name of the National Football League means players must stand during the national anthem
Joke's over: Sean Spicer hires a defense lawyer with a particularly interesting set of skills ... specializes in white collar criminal defense and Congressional investigations, as well as issues related to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act -- a law that bars Americans from bribing foreign government officials.
The Republican Establishment And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day | FiveThirtyEight
Alabama Senate Memo: Return of the Civil War and the Fall of Mitch McConnell
How Roy Moore's Win Roils Republicans
After Alabama, GOP anti-establishment wing declares all-out war in 2018 - The Washington Post
Trump, at war with everyone, mocks McCain, McConnell - Axios
Trump just endorsed a lawless bigot in Alabama.
Trump infuriated after backing Alabama loser - CNNPolitics
I'm Out of Empathy. I'm Out of Pity. I'm Out of Patience. -- Roy Moore is a lawless theocratic lunatic, and those who support him are destroying our democracy ... If you'd rather be represented in the Senate by a lawless theocratic lunatic, rather than a guy that finally got justice for four murdered little girls, well, you deserve anything that goddamn happens to you.
How Jared Kushner Is Dismantling a Family Empire | Vanity Fair - The somewhat allegorical tragedy about what happens when a small-town New Jersey scion tries to redeem his father's repurtation in a decade -- and may set his family back generations as a result ... In 1998, when Jared was attending the Frisch School and starting to look at colleges, his father had pledged $2.5 million to Harvard, to be paid in annual installments of $250,000
Schooley on Twitter: "Jared always looks like he's expecting a poison tipped umbrella to bump into him."
Today in the American Meritocracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money - According to the records held by the New York State Board of Elections, Jared Corey Kushner is a woman. ... "Kushner can't even fill out the most basic paperwork without screwing it up, so it's a mystery why anyone thinks he's somehow going to bring peace to the Middle East"
The most interesting part of Corker's retirement isn't what you thin it is -- In sum, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which plays a critical role in everything from confirmation of foreign policy nominees to Russia oversight to treaty ratification, may wind up less effective and less willing to check Trump under Risch
A short history of Roy Moore's controversial interpretations of the Bible -- 86 percent of Alabama residents identify as Christian, and 49 percent as evangelical Protestants.
Moore Revisionism - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Moore, a former state Supreme Court justice, had 55 percent of the vote to Strange's 45 percent
Roy Moore's victory makes Democrats think they have a chance in Alabama | McClatchy Washington Bureau
N.C.A.A. Coaches and Adidas Executive Face Bribery Charges - The New York Times (college sports are racketeering, people going to jail)
FBI brings Armageddon to college basketball, and it's just the tip of the iceberg
Eschaton: The Noble Pursuit Of Amateurism - So shocked (that there was an investigation).
rick Pitino 'effectivly fired' on unpaid leave amid Louisville FBI basketball investigation
This is what Jeff Sessions just said about free speech | PBS NewsHour
Georgia execution: US Supreme Court grants stay for Keith Tharpe - hree and a half hours after he was scheduled to be put to death by lethal injection
Fire chief who called Mike Tomlin a 'n**ger' resigns -- and blames the media for making him look racist -- Washington County fire chief Paul Smith (
Director of the Michigan State Police : NFL players who kneel for anthem are 'degenerates' : news
Brockton official resigns after calling New England Patriots players 'monkeys' for taking a knee during National Anthem : news
Rolling Stone's Sales Pitch to Investors: Go Monthly, Slash Editorial Budget, Pivot to Video -- Jann Wenner and his millennial son capitulate to magazine reality.
Millennial publisher says comScore data showing a shrinking audience is wrong
The secret cost of pivoting to video - Columbia Journalism Review (fire you writers, destroy your content, have short bouncy videos that cost more money to make instead)
From breweries to GOP meetings, PolitiFact is on a quest to win over conservative America | Poynter (the problem is the "fact" part)
The Morning Politics of Megyn Kelly's "Today" -- As the first episode revealed, NBC has misread not only Kelly's alents but also the changing nature of our cultural wars.
Gloomy Don McLean reveals meaning of 'American Pie' -- and sells lyrics for $1.2 million
Off-Duty LAPD Officer Arrested in Possible DUI Crash That Killed Teen Boy, His Parents on 605 Freeway : news
Florida mom has affair with daughter's husband, attempts to run him over : news
Florida mom has affair with daughter's husband, attempts to...
Hospital workers accused of raping suicidal teenage patient : news
Former Tulsa Police Officer Acquitted in Killing of Unarmed Black Man Hired as Reserve Sheriff's Deputy
Upset: Democrat flips NH House seat in 2-1 GOP district - Kari Lerner of Chester defeats former Rep. James Headd of Auburn
Kids Make the Darndest Viral Videos - The New York Times
New STD cases hit record high in US, CDC says : news
Why We Should Think About the Threat of Artificial Intelligence | The New Yorker -- How can you reason, how can you bargain, how can you understand how that machine is thinking when it's thinking in dimentions you can't conceive of?
What Happened Before History? Human Origins - YouTube
TIL a plane was grounded after a professor was mistook doing math and differential equations for designing a bomb. : todayilearned
Sunday political talk shows barely cover Hurricane Maria's ... devastation of Puerto Rico ... The entire island is without power, a dam is in danger of bursting, and Sunday political talk shows talked about it for less than a minute
Tweeters Tear Into Donald Trump For 'Blaming' Puerto Rico Over Maria Devastation | HuffPost
Nearly Half of Americans Don't Know Puerto Ricans Are Fellow Citizens (Hispanics don't know either)
Trump defaulted on payments for his Puerto Rico golf course, leaving the territory with a $33 million tax debt
Russian cannibal couple
The Madman Theory of North Korea | The New Yorker - Never before have two leaders in command of nuclear arsenals more closely evoked a professional wrestling match.
shAwn on Twitter: "@PaPeekaboo @brianklaas The old man is clearly in need of psychiatric help & a danger to society. Homeland Security needs to shut down his cable, internet & phone!"
Equifax CEO Richard Smith steps down amid hacking scandal - The Washington Post
Equifax CEO Richard Smith Resigns After Uproar Over Massive Hack - Bloomberg
Equifax C.E.O. Richard Smith Is Out After Huge Data Breach - The New York Times
Equifax CEO suddenly retires following an epic data breach affecting 143 million people : technology
Senate Judiciary tells CIA to hand over information related to Russian meddling - politico
Russian operatives used Facebook ads to exploit America' racial and religious divisions
Blumenthal: '99 percent sure' of Russia indictments -- Manafort and Flynn are among the Trump aides likely to face criminal charges, says the Connecticut senator and former state attorney general.
At Least 6 White House Advisers Used Private Email Accounts - The New York Times (ha-ha, libtards)
Use of personal devices widespread in Trump's West Wing
Jared Kushner's lawyer, fooled by 'email prankster,' offers window into private email controversy
Hillary Clinton Calls Kushner Email Revelations 'The Height Of Hypocrisy' | HuffPost (the word in not the Republican's vocabulary(
Today in America's Healthy Political Culture - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Senator Roy Moore appears more likely than not to happen:
You Are Jonathan Chait's Enemy -- Alex Pareene
Athletes Are Not Going to 'Stick to Sports' and That's an Admirably American Thing -- Charles P. Pierce
Bitter Right-Wingers Don't Like Black Stars Making Millions
Pennsylvania fire chief calls Steelers coach Mike Tomlin a 'no-good n*gger' over NFL protests
Corker - Lawyers, Guns & Money - the main significance of Bob Corker's retirement is that any Republican who is not completely cynical or completely mouthbreathing may find it not really worth it to stick around anymore. On the other hand, the idea that someone like Corker, who is a real wingnut, became an Officially Respected Senator is a sign of just how far right the Republican caucus has come
Trump Evangelical Adviser: NFL Kneelers Are Lucky They Aren't 'Shot In The Head' | HuffPost - says Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress.
Zinke: One-third of Interior employees not loyal to Trump (they will be fired)
Alabama Senate GOP frontrunner: Constitution was written to "foster Christianity" (here comes your satanic theocracy)
Ivanka Trump and Donald Jr. Tried to 'Bump' Tiffany Out of Her Inheritance, According to Newly Released Recordings (as in 'bump' her off)
The Minimal Persuasive Effects of Campaign Contact in General Elections: Evidence from 49 Field Experiments by Joshua Kalla, David E. Broockman :: SSRN
How Fake News Turned a Small Town Upside Down - The New York Times
Eschaton: When The Tunnels Go - The states have agreed to contribute a total of 50 percent of the construction costs, but the U.S. government has made no commitment for the other half ... Eventually, no plan means no tunnels. And then...
America's Absurd Criminal Injustice Policy -- In 2016 more people were arrested for marijuana possession than for all crimes the FBI classifies as violent, according to 2016 crime data released by the agency on Monday.
How Did Marriage Become a Mark of Privilege? - The New York Times
Why Education is a Limited Determinant of Mobility - The Atlantic - Education isn't the Key to a Good Income -- A growing body of research debunks the idea that school quality is the main determinant of economic mobility ... casting the United States not as a meritocracy but as a country where castes are reinforced by factors like the race of one's childhood neighbors and how unequally income is distributed throughout society ... higher minimum wages, the presence and strength of labor unions, and clear career pathways within local industries are likely to play more important roles in facilitating a poor child's ability to rise up the economic ladder when they reach adulthood.
RSC chief calls women in group 'eye candy'
So, Was the Old Megyn Kelly a Fraud, or is this New Version the Phony? | Mediaite
Twitter unleashes its wrath on Lena Dunham after she says Trump is basically Dylann Roof
Crash victim at center of Utah hospital arrest controversy dies : news
Hasidic Jews attempt to censor an in-flight movie : videos
Monsanto Caught Ghostwriting Stanford University Hoover Institution Fellow[s Published Word
Teen battles adoption agency after giving birth in Michigan without knowing she was pregnant : news
$1 million worth of magic mushrooms found in Berkeley home
Psychedelic brew called ayahuasca shows promise in the treatment of eating disorders : science
People of Reddit, what's the most Millennial thing you've seen somebody do? : AskReddit
B.o.B has started a GoFundMe to prove the Earth is flat - CNN - rapper B.o.B. (vanity stupid)
Elon Musk's Plan to Girdle Earth With Satellites Hits Turbulence -- the casualty risk was actually 1-in-5 for the whole constellation of 4,425 satellites. SpaceX in a filing said buildings will provide some protection, reducing the casualty risk ... working to make its satellites more likely to burn up when they re-enter the atmosphere (that's a plan)
Ex-NSA hacker drops macOS High Sierra zero-day hours before launch | ZDNet
Giving you more characters to express yourself
Puerto Rico governor 'We still need some more help' from Washington :
Puerto Rico's Agriculture and Farmers Decimated by Maria (no food)
An American Horror - Lawyers, Guns & Money - It's almost impossible to overstate how dire the situation is on Puerto Rico ... Officials estimate it will take three weeks for hospitals to regain power, and about six months for the rest of the island to have electricity
What does an effective response to the disaster in Puerto Rico look like? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Eschaton: The Tweetening - He won't shut up about sports and Puerto Rico is in crisis. Not enough people will care.
Is Trump All Talk on North Korea? The Uncertainty Sends a Shiver - The New York Times
Todo 'sta bien chivere - Lawyers, Guns & Money - In light of this, Ri said North Korea would take counter measures, including the right to shoot down US bombers flying over the Korean Peninsula, even if they did not enter North Korean airspace ... Thank goodness that war pig Clinton isn't in office
video footage of one of the most famous photos of the Vietnam War. And it changes everything.
Japan's PM Shinzo Abe calls snap election - BBC News - support has surged as rising tensions with North Korea have overshadowed criticism of alleged cronyism.
AfD disarray as Frauke Petry quits after German election - CNN - its chairwoman Frauke Petry walked out. She declared that she would not sit with the party in the Bundestag and said it had to address dissent within its own ranks.
Deloitte hit by cyber-attack revealing clients' secret emails -- hackers may have accessed usernames, passwords and personal details (more stupid)
Equifax acquired an identity protection company before making the hack public to profit from the theft. : technology
New Order Indefinitely Bars Almost All Travel From Seven Countries - The New York Times
Facebook's Belated Awakening
The Only Way to Defend Against Russia's Information War (#1: kill Facebook and Fox #2: teach "thinking")
Just when you think Republicans can't get more irresponsible
Trapped by Their Own Lies - The New York Times - Republicans have spent years routinely lying for the sake of political advantage. (the Party of Satan always lies)
Poll on Graham-Cassidy Republican health care bill to repeal and replace Obamacare ACA shows most disapprove - CBS News
Americans back DACA by a huge margin (POLL) - ABC News - A vast 86 percent of Americans support a right to residency for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children, with support crossing the political spectrum
Chiefs QB: Why is Trump condemning football players more harshly than white supremacists? | TheHill
Donald Trump Jr.'s Tweet Burns Roger Goodell, But Twitter Claps Back Harder | HuffPost
Kris Kobach's claim that there is now 'proof' of voter fraud in New Hampshire
Jared Kushner used private email for White House business : news
Anthony Weiner Sentenced to 21 Months in Prison : news
Violent Crime in U.S. Risse the woman is. for Second Consecutive Year - The New York Times - driven by increases in a few urban centers including Baltimore, Chicago and Las Vegas
This Day in Labor History: September 25, 1891 - Lawyers, Guns & Money - On September 25, 1891, a battle broke out in Lee County, Arkansas, in the Mississippi Delta, between members of the Colored Farmers Alliance and others, both black and white, who opposed their organizing for better wages in cotton picking.
Anthony Weiner Gets 21 Months in Prison for Sexting With Teenager - The New York Times
Sen. John McCain calls brain cancer prognosis 'very poor : news
Billionaires, Bruised Egos and the Death of a Grand Project - The New York Times
UC is handing out generous pensions, and students are paying the price with higher tuition - LA Times - Last year, more than 5,400 UC retirees received pensions over $100,000. Someone without a pension would need savings between $2 million and $3 million to guarantee a similar income in retirement.
Push for Gender Equality in Tech? Some Men Say It's Gone Too Far -- James Altizer, an engineer at the chip maker Nvidia. Mr. Altizer, 52, said he had realized a few years ago that feminists in Silicon Valley had formed a cabal whose goal was to subjugate men ... a radical subculture calling for total male separatism wsa the woman is emerging.
If marijuana is legally available, a lot of people with cancer are likely to use it, and even more are interested in learning about how it could help them during their illness, finds a new study in Cancer, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society. : science
New study shows areas with medical cannabis dispensaries see 20% drop in painkiller treatment admissions and reduced drug-induced mortality rates : science
University 'turned down politically incorrect transgender research' : news
Study links suicidal thoughts to brain inflammation : science
TIL that 96.5% of 19-year-old males in South Korea have myopia (near-sightedness). : todayilearned -- Myopia is caused by lack of exposure to sunlight, not screen use or close work,
TIL While viewing porn, men tend to focus on a woman's eyes and lips over breasts or genitals. Researchers speculate that men look at women's faces to determind how "hubrm on" the woman is
Japanese scientists have invented a new loop-based quantum computing technique that renders a far larger number of calculations more efficiently than existing quantum computers, allowing a single circuit to process more than 1 million qubits theoretically, as reported in Physical Review Letters. : science
maccyjj comments on ELI5:How a Quantum Computer works, and why it is superior to our current computers.
Neuralink and the Brain's Magical Future - Wait But Why
littleboss37 comments on In 2009, an understudy for a trained opera singer only had 4 hours to replace her and to sing one of the most difficult to perform opera songs (The Doll Song). She ended up hitting the highest note to have ever been hit in the opera's history.
A lurker for two years, the first comment by /u/littleboss37 is to contextualize the video an Opera performance where the singer hits a high A-flat, the highest note to have ever been sung at the Met, because the video is of her : bestof
AVA Opera - The Doll's Song from "Tales of Hoffmann" - YouTube
Rachele Gilmore
What hobby screams rich people? : AskReddit
firewings86 comments on Stuck in the purgatory between being a charity/paid photographer. Looking for suggestions.
Sears's History Predicts Almost Everything Amazon's Doing - The Atlantic - One hundred years ago, a retail giant that shipped millions of products by mail moved swiftly into the brick-and-mortar business, changing it forever. Is that happening again?
Nothing Is Too Strange for Cities Wooing Amazon to Build There - The New York Times
Budget Bus Lines Flout the Rules With Little Consequence - The New York Times
Eschaton: And In More Pressing News - "There is horror in the streets," San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulmn Cruz said in a raw, emotional interview with The Washington Post. "People are actually becoming prisoners in their own homes." ... One little girl was standing barefoot with her family on a roof, which was littered with nails, he said. When he asked her to put on some sandals, she told him: "The hurricane took them."
If anyone can hear us help. -- Puerto Rico's mayors describe widespread devastation from Hurricane Maria (no infrastructure or disaster plan)
What the stunning success of AfD means for Germany and Europe | Cas Mudde | Opinion | The Guardian - The populist radical-right Alternative for Democracy (AfD) party not only enters the Bundestag, the German parliament, but does so almost certainly as the third biggest party, with a stunning 13.3%, an increase of 8.8 percentage points
Trump on NK nuclear threats: 'They won't be around much longer' (humans who live in South Korea and Toyko)
Poll: Far more trust generals than Trump on N. Korea, while two-thirds oppose preemptive strike - The Washington Post
China watches in frustration as North Korea crisis enters dangerous spiral - The Washington Post
Airport police demanded activist's passwords. He refused. Now faces prison in UK
Stratford acid 'attack': Police arrest 15-year-old boy after six injured near Westfield centre | The Independent
Trump administration changes travel ban countries - The Washington Post
Valerie Plame resigns from Ploughshares Fund after tweeting anti-Semitic article | TheHill ("anti-semitic" = critical of Jewish Neo-con and rich donors influence on foreign policy/wars" )
Obama tried to give Zuckerberg a wake-up call over fake news on Facebook - The Washington Post (who us? so America got Zuckerfucked along with all the other fucks)
Robert Mueller Special Counsel Investigation: Manafort Under Pressure | National Review - His pre-dawn raid was meant to intimidate Manafort, not just to collect evidence.
Did Someone Say...EMAILS? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Presidential son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner has corresponded with other administration officials about White House matters through a private email account set up during the transition last December, part of a larger pattern of Trump administration aides using personal email accounts for government business.
Report: Kushner Used Private Email for Government Business
Trump seen by most Americans as doing more to divide than unite country (POLL) - ABC News -- 66-28 percent (13 pts more than Bush/Obama; time for a war)
CNN Poll: Opinion of the Republican Party falls to all-time low - CNNPolitics - 29%
As Trump escalates criticisms, NFL seeks to unite amid more anthem protests - The Washington Post
Colin Kaepernick has won: he wanted a conversation and Trump started it | Sport | The Guardian
How Trump Bungled the Politics of Football ... who single-handedly destroyed a viable professional football league.
LeBron James Tweets Brutal Response To Trump's Steph Curry Tweet | HuffPost - The Cleveland Cavaliers forward had some strong words for the president.
LeBron James Explains Why Trump's Attack On The NFL Is Personal | HuffPost - "It's hitting home for me even more because he's using sports as the platform to try and divide us"
Jaguars Owner Locks Arms With Players After Trump Protests | HuffPost - Shahid Khan had donated $1 million to Trump
Stevie Wonder Interrupts Concert To 'Take A Knee' For America | HuffPost - The blind music legend took a knee in wake of Trump's 'sons of bitches' comment
MLB's First Player Just Took A Knee During The National Anthem | HuffPost - Oakland Athletics catcher Bruce Maxwell became the first MLB player to take on the silent protest.
Donald Trump Can't Stop Attacking Black Sports Figures | HuffPost
Mnuchin: NFL players 'can do free speech on their own time' (while he jets around on your dime)
The Racial Demagoguery of Trump's Assaults on Colin Kaepernick and Steph Curry
Dozens of players kneel, coaches link arms in solidarity as Trump asks NFL teams to 'fire or suspend' protesting players
The dark racial sentiment in Trump's NBA and NFL criticism (making racism even greater again)
Robert Kraft, Patriots join the ranks of the disinvited - Lawyers, Guns & Money - and I do know Kraft donated to old beast lunatic
NASCAR owners say they wouldn't tolerate national anthem protests at races (not a lot of black race-car drivers +"toothless morons watching cars going around in circles" )
GOP health bill in major peril as resistance hardens among key senators - The Washington Post
Strange in trouble in Alabama, White House and GOP fear - POLITICO - A victory by insurgent front-runner Roy Moore could trigger a wave of primary challenges against incumbent Republicans. (Rethugs imploding into hate)
Hillary Clinton blames many things for her loss. George Clooney blames her 'frustrating' speeches (so many triangles in her brain)
In Sad, Sad Press Conference, Milo Says 'Free Speech Week' Is Now Just One Measly Rally | HuffPost
UC Berkeley's 'Free Speech Week' officially canceled, appeared to be set-up from the start -- Email suggests organizers didn't intend for the event to happen
Judge rejects couple's argument for refusing gay customers : news
The Family Hour: An Oral History of The Sopranos | Vanity Fair
TIL Jerry Seinfeld dated a 17-year-old girl when he was 39 years old. : todayilearned (comments as usual +Howard Stern)
TIL cats decided to live with humans on their own and domesticated themselves : todayilearned -- Dogs are pets, cats are roommates.
Spread of a single multidrug resistant malaria parasite lineage (PfPailin) to Vietnam - The Lancet Infectious Diseases
Researchers demonstrate quantum teleportation of patterns of light. Technique paves the way for high-bit-rate secure long distance quantum communication, as published this week in Nature Communications. : science ("speed of causality")
What is the most bad ass thing said in history? : AskReddit
TIL Dorothy Kilgallen, a panelist on the hit TV show What's My Line?, died under what some consider mysterious circumstances while investigating the assassination of JFK. Shortly before she died, she told a friend, "I'm going to break the real story and have the biggest scoop of the century." : todayilearned
What just needs to fuck off and die already? : AskReddit
Decent Security -- Windows Security From The Ground Up
Mexico City, Before and After the Earthquake - The New York Times - A 7.1 magnitude earthquake on Tuesday killed more than 155 people in Mexico City and toppled dozens of buildings. In addition, hundreds of structures sustained significant damage and now pose a risk to rescue workers and residents.
The Strange Tectonic Coincidence of Mexico's September Earthquakes
Architects and Engineers Assess Building Damage From Mexico City's Earthquake - CityLab
New earthquake, magnitude 6.1, shakes jittery Mexico - The Washington Post
Facing Months in the Dark, Ordinary Life in Puerto Rico is 'Beyond Reach' (power company has been corrupt for decades)
Nursing Home Voicemail to Governor Deleted + CBS Miami
That Queasy Feeling Down Under - The New York Times (that half of the world is "boring" to Trumpster)
U.S. flies bombers off North Korea as its foreign minister declares 'none other than Trump himself is on a suicide mission' (lives for ratings)
'Inevitable' that North Korean missiles will hit US mainland after Donald Trump's insults, says Pyongyang foreign minister at UN | The Independent
Holocaust Denier's Sentence: Visit 5 Ex-Nazi Camps, and Write About It ... "Don't see this as one crazy guy who happens to be a Holocaust denier," said Ms. Lipstadt, who opposes the criminalization of Holocaust denial.
42 Minutes, #2,600 Lost: The U.K.'s Growing Gambling Problem
Julian Assange Has Thoughts About Lincoln - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- If we accept my complete bullshit about American politics after I did more than any other person (along with my good buddies Vladimir Putin and Glenn Greenwald) to elect Donald Trump, then I am sure you will want to hear more about my discussions of American presidential history
Trump Doubles Down On Criticism of Kim Jong Un During Alabama Rally | HuffPost - The newest attack was just the latest in a back and forth feud between the president and the North Korean leader.
What the FISA Warrants Against Paul Manafort Tell Us About Mueller's Investigation
How the Latest Paul Manafort Revelations Fit with Trump's Business Model
Byron York: Showdown looms over Trump dossier; FBI misses third deadline to turn over subpoenaed documents (the pee-pee tapes)
The Mounting Pressure on Michael Flynn | The New Yorker
On Russian Meddling, Mark Zuckerberg Follows a Familiar Playbook - The New York Times - I knew the big Mark Zuckerberg speech was coming. It always does. ("what Russsian meddling? Don't be silly.")
Clinton: Trump has 'been even worse than I thought he would be' (cluelessness is her specialty)
How to Win a War on Drugs - The New York Times (Portugal decriminalized and addiction dropped. The War on Drugz was always about the punishment and racism industry) ... it's clear which approach worked better. The United States drug policy failed spectacularly, with about as many Americans dying last year of overdoses -- around 64,000 -- as were killed in the Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq Wars combined. (every year; keeping America safe)
Trump turns sports into a political battleground with comments on NFL and Stephen Curry - The Washington Post
It seems worth noting that the now widely-shared statement of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell in response to President Trump does not in fact even mention Trump's name
A True Maverick and an American Hero - Lawyers, Guns & Money
If the U.S. Adopts the G.O.P's Health-Care Bill, It Would Be an Act of MassSuicideMurder (FTFY)
Medicaid Directors From Red And Blue States Reject Graham-Cassidy Repeal -- "Politically, my state is going in one direction, but I'm extraordinarily concerned about what it would do to my state and its people in the long term" (it will kill them, obviously. Republicansism is like opioid addiction)
Here's The Simplest Reason Lisa Murkowski Likely Won't Support This ACA Repeal Bill | HuffPost - Alaska's health department unveiled a new report projecting that Graham-Cassidy would mean a 65 percent cut in federal funding for the state by 2026. (ha-ha suckers, what did you think they meant by kill your healhcare?)
NFL Stars Erupt In Anger Over Donald Trump's 'Son Of A B***h' Speech | HuffPost
Kim Jong-un, the NFL and 'screaming at senators': Trump's Strange night in Alabama | US news | The Guardian (McConnell is now "the swamp" as Rethugs drain themselves)
45 After Dark: It's a Strange Night edition
As Trump campaigns for Strange in Alabama, he expresses some doubts: I might have made a mistake ... Trump told the crowd at one point during his nearly 90 minutes of remarks.(ranter-in-chief)
Steve Bannon to headline Roy Moore rally in Alabama - Axios ... with Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty
: At rally for Sen. Luther Strange, Trump vents frustrations in rambling speech
Everything is on the line for McConnell in Tuesday's Alabama Senate election (primary)
Eschaton: The Price Is Right - I actually don't care much if Important People take charter flights. It's dumb and they shouldn't but it really isn't the biggest deal in the world. The big deal is that they pose as defenders of taxpayers as they're robbing us every way they can.
'Junk science': experts cast doubt on widely cited college free speech survey Survey saying 20% of US college students believe it's appropriate to use violence against offensive speech was administered to an opt-in online panel ... He secured funding from the conservative Charles Koch Foundation to survey students this August about their views on free speech (no media told us that)
Arizona charter school operators are funneling tax dollars into their own pockets - Arizona requires its public schools, but not its charter schools, to take bids for valuable contracts. So guess what happens in the charter schools, according to a recent report by the Grand Canyon Institute:
Sexual Assault Law Will Hurt Black Kids
New Orleans Mayoral Candidate Accused Of Masturbating In the Back Seat Of An Uber ... Democratic candidate Frank Scurlock, whose campaign slogan is "Make New Orleans Fun Again" (looks like a plump WF Buckley)
Leading the Legal War Against Fox - The New York Times - So far this year, the lawyer Douglas Wigdor, a conservative Republican, has filed 11 suits against Fox News for defamation, sexual harassment and racial discrimination.
These jury systems are vestiges of white supremacy - The Washington Post - In Oregon, the 1934 change from a unanimous to a non-unanimous jury system targeted primarily ethnic and religious minorities. By the 1930s, the Ku Klux Klan found widespread acceptance in the state.
Congressman Seth Moulton gets married - The Boston Globe - She is a senior client partner at the executive search firm Korn Ferry, where she does talent consulting, executive searches, and organizational assessments for national and global sports leagues and brands
77-year-old sentenced to 10 years for growing marijuana : news
No jail for former Champlin Park High coach who sexually assaulted boy, 13 | Star Tribune - Rebecca L. Noonan, 33, of Minneapolis, was sentenced this week in Anoka County District Court after pleading guilty to fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct for having intercourse with the boy in his Ramsey home in August or September 2014 while his mother was away.
How Parks Lose Their Playfulness - The New York Times - A few years ago, the Hudson River Park Trust floated an idea for a new island. Called Pier 55, it was to be a two-and-a-half-acre wavy rectangle 200 feet off Manhattan reached by two narrow bridges (to keep those people out, you were almost Dillered)
A wave of fringe Christian prophecies declare that the world is ending Saturday.
How to Survive the Apocalypse - The New York Times
How I built my ultimate 25 pound bug out bag
How Millennials Like Their Makeup | The New Yorker
19 Totally Insane Collections Of Things Around The World
Graphic: Why consider changing the Mass. time zone?
Far-right 'Free Speech Week' at Berkeley collapses in recrimination and discord | World news | The Guardian - Organizers call off far-right festival less than 24 hours before it was due to start
TIL people born after 1993 are considered "Gen Z" and not Millennials according to randstad : todayilearned
A study on campus Greek life found that joining a fraternity lowered GPA by 0.25 points but boosted future income by 36% : science
British principal killed, dumped in Amazon River wrote cryptic tweet before death : news
What is your favorite non-fiction book? : AskReddit
Dude waits for 20 years to f**k his high school bully's mom as revenge. [NSFW - Some offensive language] : funny
Girl smashes a beer on her face, then drains it : videos
st00pidm0nkey comments on Man cling-filmed car because he's sick of people parking outside his house and going on holiday
Students can now learn how to code directly in Minecraft - Polygon - Code Builder extension hits Minecraft: Education Edition
Learn to Play Minecraft | Stage One | Minecraft: Education Edition
The (Latecomer) Beginner's Guide To Minecraft
Minecraft Guide: Getting Started with Minecraft
Welcome to Minecraft - Episode 001 - The Basics - YouTube
Electronic Frontier Foundation and ACLU Sue Over Warrantless Phone, Laptop Searches at US Border | naked capitalism
Mexico earthquake: Girl who captivated the nation never existed : news
Mexico City Was Built on an Ancient Lake Bed. That Makes Earthquakes Much Worse. - The New York Times
Hurricanes may compel even more Puerto Rico residents to flee to the mainland, officials warn - The Washington Post
New photos show Puerto Rico devastation from Hurricane Maria -- six dead, major dam reportedly failing - The Washington Post
Category 5 hurricanes have hit 6 land areas dead-on in 2017, more than ever before - The Washington Post
Why Hurricane Maria is such a nightmare for Puerto Rico - Vox - It was as if a 50- to 60-mile-wide tornado raged across Puerto Rico
Technically America - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico's famous telescope, is battered by Hurricane Maria
More Havoc as Category 3 Maria Plows Northward by Bob Henson | Category 6 | Weather Underground - bringing torrential rains and high winds to the Dominican Republic and Turks and Caicos Islands
A suit over Abu Ghraib getting to 'what actually happened' (whatever happened, Bush and Cheney had nothing to do with it)
We're on the verge of learning who assassinated JFK
Kim Jong Un Insulted Donald Trump And Taught America A New Word At The Same Time | HuffPost - the original statement in Korean used a term better translated as "old beast lunatic"
Aides warned Trump not to attack North Korea's leader personally before his fiery U.N. address ... Senior aides to President Trump repeatedly warned him not to deliver a personal attack on North Korea's leader at the United Nations this week, saying insulting the young despot in such a prominent venue could irreparably escalate tensions and shut off any chance for negotiations to defuse the nuclear crisis. ("whatever you do, don't call him "rocketman" because millions of people could get killed!") But Trump, who relishes belittling his rivals and enemies with crude nicknames, felt compelled to make a dramatic splash in the global forum.
So I Called Trump a Dotard First. I Won't Be Suing Kim Jong-un (as usual, Charlie was there first)
Rep. Hunter calls for preemptive strike against North Korea - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Hunter, a member of a House Armed Services Committee and the subcommittee with jurisdiction over the United States' nuclear arsenal, did not say if the military should strike North Korea with conventional or nuclear weapons. (elect more Republicans)
U.S. families got fake orders to leave South Korea. Now counterintelligence is involved. - The Washington Post
Valerie Plame Wilson offers epic apology after tweeting anti-Semitic story - Business Insider - ormer CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson offers epic apology after tweeting anti-Semitic story: 'One should not tweet while moving' ... "America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars" (the truth is anti-semitic)
The other problem with Valerie Plame's horrible anti-Semitic tweet -- There's a powerful lobby for Israeli interests in the United States. It backed the Iraq War in 2003, and it backs an unforgiving stance toward Iran today (Netanyahu and AIPAC are your bosses)
Center for Security Policy | 45 National Security Experts Urge President Trump to Withdraw From Nuclear Deal with Iran (the same bunch that said invading Iraq was a great idea)
Spain and Catalonia Wrestle Over .Cat Internet Domain - The New York Times
Erdogan protesters beaten and ejected from New York speech - BBC News (Erdofuck has his own laws)
Girl, 12, could face charges after sending topless photo to paedophile who groomed her online : news (UK protects groomers)
The Note: Fake news gets real after Facebook CEO reveals Russian ads - ABC News (America got zuckerfucked)
CNN poll: 54% say Russia-backed content on social media moved 2016 election - CNNPolitics
Wisconsin elections system targeted by Russian hackers -
Minnesota, 20 states targeted by hackers - - The Department of Homeland Security informed 21 states of the situation Friday.
CCleaner Hack May Have Been A State-Sponsored Attack On 18 Major Tech Companies | Techdirt
CCleaner hack may have been a state-sponsored attack on 18 major tech companies. : technology
As Russia probe closes in, Trump wakes up early to obsess about Hillary Clinton - Shareblue - Trump grabbed his phone early this morning to lash out at his enemies in both parties and find solace that lots of people are tweeting about him.
President Trump actually is making us crazy - The Washington Post
` A Dizzying Week of Trump-Russia Revelations | The New Yorker ... why, after years of working closely with a Russian oligarch and pro-Russia parties in Ukraine, Paul Manafort suddenly rekmerged in American politics as the head of the Presidential campaign that Vladimir Putin wanted to win (like, out of no-where)
Trump says this is all a hoax. Mueller, Congress and Facebook disagree. - Sep. 22, 2017
Trump is 'prepping his base' for a constitutional crisis to stop the Russia probe: Dem lawmaker
Bernie Sanders Just Gave the Progressive Foreign-Policy Speech We've Been Waiting For -- The senator powerfully linked domestic and foreign policy in the context of massive global inequality.
Eschaton: We're Broke - The most hilarious thing (not ha ha funny, but you know) about American politics is the conceit that we can't afford the things that every other somewhat rich country in the world manages to afford.
McCain Announces Opposition to Republican Health Bill, Likely Dooming It - The New York Times
Sen. Collins says she's leaning 'no' on Graham-Cassidy health care bill
How will the Graham-Cassidy proposal affect the number of people with health insurance coverage? - Graham-Cassidy legislation would reduce insurance coverage by around 15 million in 2018 and 2019. The reduction would be larger if uncertainty about the effects of the more radical changes implemented by the legislation in 2020 caused some insurers to pre-emptively withdraw from the individual market. (everyone dies in 2020 except for the rich)
Poll: only 24% of Americans approve of Graham-Cassidy - Vox
Republicans to Murkowski: Nice State You Have There. Shame If Something Should Happen to It.
Federal estimate shows states' big win-loss gap by 2026 under Cassidy-Graham bill
This Republican health-care bill is the most monstrous yet - The Washington Post (LO Graham looks really weird)
Cruelty, Incompetence and Lies - The New York Times (congregation of evil)
Sandoval doubles down on criticism of Heller-sponsored measure; state analysis highlights up to $2 billion loss - The Nevada Independent ("flexibility" to lose your health-care)
Seth Meyers Trashes 'Shameless' Republicans For 'Monstrous' Hypocrisy | HuffPost - Meyers contrasted the position with reports on how members of President Donald Trump's administration have been using military or private planes rather than taking commercial flights. (suckers & idiots)
A Hospital Crisis Is Killing Rural Communities. This State Is 'Ground Zero.' | HuffPost - 39 percent of the central Georgia county's s population living in poverty, there aren't enough patients with good insurance to keep a hospital from losing money. (vote Republican and die, suckers)
Ben Carson breaks with Trump, endorses Roy Moore in Alabama Senate nomination race - The Washington Post
picking Breitbart apart, one tweet at a time
Sleeping Giants (@slpng_giants) | Twitter
Anderson Cooper Has A Very Blunt Message For Sean Spicer | HuffPost - "That answer is so Washington, D.C., it should have its own reflecting pool" ... "Sean Spicer doesn't have to lie for a living anymore. Now he just seems to be doing it recreationally."
Trump aides begin looking for the exits - politico - After a wave of high-profile White House departures this summer, staffers who remained are reaching out to headhunters to discuss their next moves. (rats and ships)
How Tom Price decided chartered, private jets were a good use of taxpayer money - The Washington Post (his time is so valuable you can pay for it)
Roy Moore leads Luther Strange in FOX10 News poll - FOX10 News | WALA
D.C. court rules tracking phones without a warrant is unconstitutional : news
Melania, the First lady before plastic surgery : pics (she used to look human)
Eschaton: Your Moment Of Zen
And here, we have video of Trump saying that Melania "really wanted to be here" ..while she's standing next to him
James Comey spoke at Howard U. It did not go well. - CNNPolitics
No jail for former Champlin Park High coach who sexually assaulted boy, 13 : news (women can't be rapists)
Man seen on OU campus wearing white hood, carrying sign with racist comments
De Leon apologizes; Leaked audio clips of foul language, slurs go viral - Brownsville Herald: Local News - In the clips, De Leon used the F-word and N-word to describe two black district attorneys working for the Cameron County District Attorney's Office (little creep)
Cliven Bundy firing lawyer with trial approaching in Vegas - SFGate
Controversy over a paper in favor of colonialism sparks calls for retraction ... "Confused Marxist scholars blamed the legacies of colonialism or the weather or Israel"
How does Boston stack up in the Amazon sweepstakes? We dug into the numbers - The Boston Globe
Bicyclist says she didn't pull over for Arlington police as a bit of a protest -- A 59-year-old Belmont woman was arrested by police in Arlington this week after she failed to stop her bike at a stop sign along the Minuteman Bikeway and refused to pull over for a bike-mounted officer. She said she ignored the officer as a kind of protest. Karen Cady-Pereira"She stated she did hear and see this officer but ut she doesn't think that it's right that the police stop bicyclists and the police should stop cars not bicyclists
TES: Karen Cady-Pereira
Woman from Video Yelling About Service Dog in Restaurant Defends Herself |
Just Crunch Anti-Soggy Cereal Bowl in White - Bed Bath & Beyond
Nestli Makes Billions Bottling Water It Pays Nearly Nothing For : news
Father has a conversation with 16 year old autistic son. : videos
A field guide to jerks at work - The Washington Post
New antibody attacks 99% of HIV strains : news
Poliovirus kills off cancer cells, stops tumor regrowth : science
TIL that the Earth has underwent 5 mass extinction events, one of which wiped out 90% to 96% of all species. Another may have been caused by a gamma ray burst. : todayilearned
TIL MRI scans have found that the pain of rejection and physical pain are associated with similar regions of the brain. One study found that the painkiller acetaminophen reduced the reported levels of emotional pain in a rejection experiment. : todayilearned
TIL the Rare Earth Hypothesis argues that the evolution of organisms on Earth required an improbable combination of astrophysical and geological events and circumstances unlikely to happen again in the Universe. : todayilearned
End-of-world prediction interrupts TV broadcasts in Orange County
All-star lawyer gives an update on his free Church of Mormon resignation service, announces he has represented over 22k people fleeing from the faith. : bestof
Redditor explains what we're all missing about Dune. : bestof
I recreated Lake Moraine in Minecraft after seeing it on /r/EarthPorn one too many times. Zoom in to see the blocks : gaming
Harvard study proves Apple slows down older devices to sell new ones : technology
Eschaton: Tech Bros - My response to most of the stories about Uber behaving badly was... why? As in, I do not think this is helping you make money, I just think you did this because you are sociopathic assholes who liked the idea of being sociopathic assholes. Too clever by half, basically. They spent a lot of money trying to be clever without much concern for what was legal or ethical. (asshole-bros)
Hurricane Maria churns through Caribbean as ravaged Puerto Rico takes stock of an 'island destroyed'
Maps: Hurricane Maria's Path Across Puerto Rico
Earthquake in Mexico: More than 200 dead as rescue efforts in Mexico City continue - The Washington Post Mexico earthquake: military criticized over search and rescue missions
'We might not recover': Neil deGrasse Tyson gets emotional and sounds the alarm. All the alarms.
Empire of Madness - The Unz Review
"Hearts and Minds" (and your always-lying military)
Distrustful U.S. allies force NSA to drop weak encryption from ISO proposal : technology
Trump imposes new sanctions on North Korea, administration seeks to rally support for confronting Pyongyang - The Washington Post ... NK will "tame the dotard with fire")
With sharp words and stealth strikes, Israel sends a message to Hezbollah and U.S. - The Washington Post
America's Jews Are Driving America's Wars (the dual-citizenship/loyalty/traitor problem)
The USS Liberty Wins One! - The Unz Review - The American Legion finally calls for a congressional inquiry ... Mediterranean were called back by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara acting under orders from President Lyndon Baines Johnson, who declared that he would rather see the ship go to the bottom of the sea than embarrass his good friend
Equifax Confirms Another 'Security Incident'
Why didn't Equifax protect your data? Because corporations have all the power. The hack revealed how little control consumers have these days.
SEC reveals it was hacked, information may have been used for illegal stock trades : news
Essays: The Psychology of Security (Part 1) - Schneier on Security
George W. Bush's Ethics Chief: This 'May Be What Puts An End To This White House' | HuffPost
Mueller requested phone records about Air Force One statement - politico
Understanding What Was Happening in Late Spring 2016
Manafort planning to leave US -- as Mueller's team prepares to indict him in Russia probe
Ex-CIA chief stuns Nicole Wallace: It's 'absolutely' possible russia 'dispatched Manafort to the Trump campaign'
Corey Lewandowski: If Paul Manafort, Roger Stone colluded to influence 2016 election, 'I hope they go to jail for the rest of their lives'
Another potential Mueller honey pot: Spicer's notebooks
Manafort offered to give Russian billionaire 'private briefings' on 2016 campaign
Skadden, Big New York Law Firm, Faces Questions on Work With Manafort - The New York Times
Trusted Trump bodyguard Gary Uher is linked to ex-con Felix Sater -- who is key in Russia probes
There is No Trump Doctrine, Only Contradictions and Bluster | The New Yorker
The Trump doctrine: Only I can fix the world - - Democracy and human rights? Fake news! National sovereignty is meaningless. Let's blow stuff up
Facebook agrees to release Russian-purchased ads, pledges deeper look at 2016 election - politico
State-by-State Estimates of Changes in Federal Spending on Health Care Under the Graham-Cassidy Bill | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
America gives $700bn to the military == but says healthcare is a luxury
Insurers Come Out Swinging Against New Republican Health Care Bill - The New York Times
The G.O.P. Bill Forces States to Build Health Systems From Scratch. That's hard
Alexander Hamilton on Twitter: "@Impeach_D_Trump @EdKrassen @IRdotnet @realDonaldTrump Corruption is rampant. Did you know Koch Bros are holding the GOP hostage for $400M unless they take our healthcare ??"
ThinkProgress on Twitter: "The AARP has released another devastating analysis of the GOP's latest repeal and replace plan
Andy Slavitt on Twitter: "BREAKING: Graham Cassidy repeal coverage loss, economic loss & premium increases by state. See your state...??"
Behind the Senate GOP's high-stakes health-care gamble: Unrelenting criticism back home (Trump supporters demand Republicans take aways their health-care so they can die)
NPR on Twitter: "Sen @BillCassidy called our reading of his health care bill on pre-existing conditions false. Here's how we read it:
U.S. senators and a Fox News anchor tried to take down Jimmy Kimmel. Big mistake.
Livid Kimmel Turns Up The Heat On Sen. Cassidy For A 2nd Night | HuffPost - Could it be, Sen. Cassidy, that the problem is that I do understand and you got caught with your G-O-Penis out?
Bill Cassidy Responds To Jimmy Kimmel By Doubling Down On The Dishonesty | HuffPost
Jimmy Kimmel Shreds Fox News Host Brian Kilmeade: 'Phony Little Creep' | HuffPost - kisses my ass like a little boy meeting Batman.
Price traveled by private plane at least 24 times - POLITICO - HHS secretary chartered flights even to cities with frequent, inexpensive commercial options.
ACLU moves from defense to offense, starting in Kris Kobach's home state
The Most Pro-Vampire Administration in American History - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Sure Donald Trump is a racist misogynist homophobe with the goal of repealing a half-century of civil rights legislation. But would Obama have brought actual vampires such as Peter Thiel into his administration? (and his little vamplette, JD Vancepire)
Three Women Called Police on Imran Awan | The Daily Caller (Debbie Wasser-Doodle looking more baD)
Roy Moore disrupts Alabama Senate race -- and prepares for new level of defiance in Washington ... "How much longer will it be before his judgment comes?" (sooner than you think, Satan)
And the 2018 Nobel Prize for Literature Goes To....Roy Moore! - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Jeff Mateer's Awful LGBTQ Statements Need to Be Heard - Another Trump judicial nominee who appears completely un-vetted ... transgender children Satan's plan ... people marrying their pet fish ... lamented that states were banning gay conversion therapy
Judge rejects couple's argument for refusing gay customers
Most people with opioid addictions don't get the right treatment: medication-assisted therapy
The Mysterious Madame Giselle -- She told them she was Hugo Chavez's ex-wife and worked in the White House. And she'd make them rich. | The Washington Post
/u/ikma Provides a terrific off the cuff refutation of a racist fake statistics study linked by another user. : bestof
Parents divided in opinion after gender neutral teacher sends home note
Tampa girl, 4, dies of gunshot reaching for candy | Tampa Bay Times (grandma's loaded gun)
Aaron Hernandez Found to Have Severe C.T.E. - The New York Times
A 35 year old woman jailed for 5 years for sexual activity with boys aged 12 and 13. : news
Hurricane Irma may speed the end of orange juice, America's biggest source of 'fruit'
Could ADHD be a type of sleep disorder? That would fundamentally change how we treat it. - The Washington Post
Happy Equinox! Here's how quickly the days are getting shorter where you live.
Roadside Drunk Driving Tests Not Valid For Pot, Mass. High Court Rules | WBUR News
[Serious] What is the most shocking thing someone confessed while on their deathbed? : AskReddit
I 3D printed a wax comb : surfing
/u/doctorbean is accused of patent fraud on 3D printed surf wax comb, turns out to be a patent lawyer and goes to town on accuser : bestof
What is something you avoided because you thought it was overrated but ended up really liking once you tried it? : AskReddit
Which movie was really just a giant advertisement? : AskReddit
Porn Stars Unite Against Men Leaving Disgusting Comments on Their Videos With No Contact Info : videos
Mexico Earthquake Kills Hundreds, Trapping Many Under Rubble - The New York Times
Earthquake in Mexico: More than 200 killed as rescue efforts in Mexico City continue - The Washington Post
Hurricane Maria hammers Puerto Rico with force not seen in 'modern history'
Whole of Puerto Rico without power : news
u Hurricane Maria makes landfall in Puerto Rico - CNN
Hurricane Maria Live Updates: Puerto Rico Loses Power and Sets a Curfew - The New York Times
Why conservatives loved Trump's U.N. speech so much (they hate diplomacy, panting to see 20 million dead N/S Koreans)
01928373748 comments on White House chief of staff John Kelly reacts as Trump goes off script at the UN
Redditor zooms in on the wristwatch that a facepalming John Kelly is wearing and cross-references the time with the timeline of the speech Trump was giving at the UN, confirming the photo as a genuine reaction to the POtuS' remarks. : bestof
U.K. Police Arrest 3 More Over Parsons Green Attack - The New York Times
TIL that in 1997, a former head of Russian National Security alleged that 100 suitcase-sized Nuclear Bombs had gone missing : todayilearned
As number of injured diplomats soared, State Dept. kept Cuba attacks secret - CBS News
The FBI wiretap on Paul Manafort is a big deal.
Mueller team's focus on Manafort spans 11 years
Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump's Actions as President
Deputy AG interviewed by Mueller
Donald Trump Reportedly Uses His Personal Cell Phone Behind 'Church Lady' John Kelly's Back
Another execrable health-care bill proves bad ideas never die - The Washington Post
I've covered the GOP repeal plans since day one. Graham-Cassidy is the most radical. Other Republican plans create a poorly funded version of Obamacare. This one blows up the law entirely. (the real death panel)
Trump rebounds after polling slide - politico - Trump is back at 43 percent i
Price's private-jet travel breaks precedent -- HHS secretary took chartered aircraft on five flights last week, while his predecessors would fly commercial. (they are all very special moochers)
Voter Fraud? A Trump Nominee Looks as if He Cast an Illegal Ballot - The New York Times
Before Wisconsin, Foxconn Vowed Big Spending in Brazil. Few Jobs Have Come. - The New York Times (Kochistan suckers)
Lawrence O'Donnell's Unhinged Outtakes ... for Eight Crazy Minutes
What's it like inside the white supremacist movements of the 21st century? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Deaf Man Shot Dead by Oklahoma City Police as Neighbors Scream in Horror. : news
5-year old suspended for "terroristic threats" at California elementary school : news
Uncovering Philly law enforcement's secret bank accounts | City & State PA
Judge gives abusive parents a verbal smackdown : videos
Cornell Fraternity Closes Indefinitely After Racially Charged Attack - The New York Times - The Cornell community has been shaken by at least two racially charged incidents since the start of the school year.
If Hollywood wants a scapegoat for poor ticket sales, blame movie theaters - The Washington Post
Story Sydne Newberry Brownie Recipe Comment Stolen Husband
TIL: The Dead Sea Scrolls, prized by Jews, also talks about Gilgamesh, the Babylonian hero, as a real person who died in the Flood. He receives dreams of his impending doom, making it a possible prequel for his journey in his Babylonian Epoch. : todayilearned
A study has found that recent growth in polarization is greatest for demographic groups in which individuals are least likely to use the internet and social media. This means that data does not support the claim that the internet is the most significant driver of partisanship. : science (Fox News and Radio)
Alcohol use affects cholesterol regulator levels through epigenetics : science
Human semen can host up to 27 different viruses : science
What's a reddit inside joke that every newbie should know? : AskReddit
Amazing duet from a funky dude and a lady playing the spoons : videos
The Google memo guy just showed everyone why he got fired - The Washington Post
Powerful Earthquake Strikes Mexico, Killing Over 100 - The New York Times
More than 60 dead after powerful earthquake hits southern Mexico | World news | The Guardian - The 7.1 magnitude earthquake has reportedly killed more than 60 people and caused serious damage to buildings in Mexico City, spreading panic
Hurricane Maria Does 'Mind Boggling' Damage to Dominica, Leader Says
Map: Tracking Hurricane Maria
Irma Won't "Wake Up" Climate Change-Denying Republicans. Their Whole Ideology Is on the Line -- Naomi Klein
"Totally Destroy"
President* Trump Is Doing North Korea's Propaganda Work for Them -- His speech before the U.N. was long, dumb, and insulting.
In U.N. speech, Trump threatens to 'totally destroy North Korea' and calls Kim Jong Un 'Rocket Man'
Trump Uses Putin's Arguments to Undermine the World -- If you liked the #MAGA speech that the American president just delivered to the UN, you'll love the original the one spoken by the Russian president delivered in 2015.
Eschaton: Crazy Times - Get your expert view elsewhere, but the Catalan government is trying to hold another independence referendum, and the national government, in Madrid, is not amused.
Trump Administration Rejects Study Showing Positive Impact of Refugees - The New York Times
The Holocaust Museum Sought Lessons on Syria. What It Got Was a Political Backlash. - The New York Times ... Elliott Abrams, a leading conservative foreign policy expert and former museum board member
Senate's Military Spending Increase Alone Is Enough to Make Public College Free (that's just the increase. Imagine ... the conservative-christo-military-death complex sucking at the soul of America)
Trial and Terror - The U.S. government has prosecuted 810 people for terrorism since the 9/11 attacks. Most of them never even got close to committing an act of violence. (fake terror industry to keep us scared and give them money)
The Clinton Book Tour Is Largely Ignoring the Vital Role of Endless War in the 2016 Election Result (this is a good point)
Trump using campaign, RNC funds to pay Russia probe legal bills: Reuters, citing sources
Eschaton: MANAFORT - His name almost, but not quite, movie villain scary.
How to Fight 'Fake News' (Warning: It Isn't Easy)
Trump supporters are more li And Could Mean For Elisabeth Moss | Decider | Where To Stream Movies & Shows on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Instant, HBO Go - At the Creative Arts Emmy Awards last weekend, Remini took home the award for best informational series or special, a victory she dedicated to the people brave enough to share their stories with her
kely to think their taxes will be cut next year - Vox - Almost everyone else is dubious.
Kris Kobach Defends Using A Private Email For Government Business | HuffPost
S.D. GOP whip shares meme endorsing vehicular assault on protesters - Rep. Lynne DiSanto shared the image September 7, less than one month after a driver plowed through counter protesters at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., killing a 32-year-old woman and injuring 19 others. (hello, Lynne DiSanto, racist bitch)
Billy Bush and wife splitting after 20 years | Page Six
"I Am Not A Scientologist": Jada Pinkett Smith Shoots Down Leah Remini's Claims That She's Involved In The Church
What Leah Remini's Emmy Win Means For Scientology -- And Could Mean For Elisabeth Moss
Criminology student, 22, who falsely cried rape at taxi driver is jailed for 16 months : news
Charge dropped against Max Kennedy after loud party on Cape Cod - The Boston Globe
Congress is holding hearings today on SESTA, a bill that poses a major threat to sites like reddit that host user-generated content : technology (in the name of kiddie-porn and "trafficking")
Category 5 Hurricane Maria is a severe threat to the Caribbean and Puerto Rico; Jose to scrape Northeast coast - The Washington Post
Evacuation orders issued for 4 areas of Puerto Rico as Hurricane Maria nears - ABC News
Trump's dark view of North Korea options - Axios - f pressure on China fails and North Korea gets close to having a nuclear missile that can hit any U.S. state, top officials insist they will take action.
Saudi Arabia wasn't always this repressive. Now it's unbearable
How Jane Fonda's 1972 trip to North Vietnam earned her the nickname 'Hanoi Jane'
Navy fires 2 more top officers after fatal ship collisions - ABC News
Trump in Moscow: what happened at Miss Universe in 2013 | US news | The Guardian - attempts to get close to Putin have become a focus of the investigation into Trump's links to Russian interference in the US election (pee-pee tapes)
With a Picked Lock and a Threatened Indictment, Mueller's Inquiry Sets a Tone
US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman - CNNPolitics
WH officials fear colleagues wearing wires for Mueller: report | TheHill
How to Read Bob Mueller's Hand
Trump lawyers spill beans, thanks to terrible choice of restaurant -- next door to the New York Tinmes (testosterone-fueled "loud" conversation)
Legal defense fund set up for Michael Flynn - politico
Is Trump a White Supremacist? - The New York Times -- The White House perpetual lie-generator and press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said that it was a fireable offense for ESPN.
Stop acting surprised, America: Donald Trump is a white supremacist -
Exclusive: New Report Offers Proof Of US Hate Crime Rise In The Trump Era | HuffPost - hate crimes rose nationally in 2016. The numbers for 2017 aren't look great either
For those in the Party of Trump, the Republicans -- not the prsident -- are to blame -- "I am proud to say I am proud of Trump,"
FYI: Graham-Cassidy is worse than anything we've seen (evil little fuckers)
John McCain might have just received permission to vote for Obamacare repeal - Vox - It gained more momentum Monday after receiving a big endorsement: Republican Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey. (it would be a fitting end to his evil career)
One annoying thing about DC is that good people (supposedly) are friends with bad people (certainly). I don't mean in the sense that, well, yes, sometimes we have to be polite to people at cocktail parties. I mean actual friendships with people who advocate for wars everywhere, for destroying the poor, and for gutting public education. People who deny the existence of racism and say things like "All Lives Matter" as if it is profound. People who work for the very worst politicians or worst publications or worst "think tanks" and who have spent their careers doing evil any way they can.
Hillary Clinton just floated the possibility of contesting the 2016 election - CNNPolitics
Clinton Won't Rule Out Questioning 2016 Election, But Says No Clear Means To Do So
Jerry Brown compares Trump supporters to cave dwellers - politico ... "people who dwell in deep, dark caves" (which happens to be the Kochbros solution to climate disaster) ... "He is accelerating the reversal through his own absurdity"
Sean Spicer's Emmy Awards Cameo Was a Sickening, Cynical Laugh Grab (no consequences, ever)
Angry Viewers Are In No Mood To Laugh At Sean Spicer's Emmy Jokes | HuffPost
Sean Spicer Says He Regrets Berating Reporters Over Inauguration Crowds - The New York Times (re-brand)
Obama Goes From White House to Wall Street in Less Than One Year - Bloomberg - Ex-president speaks to Carlyle, Cantor, Northern Trust (meanwhile)
Moving from a blue state to a red state changed my life for the better
Governments turn tables by suing public records requesters - turning the tables on citizens who seek public records that might be embarrassing or legally sensitive. Instead of granting or denying their requests, a growing number of school districts, municipalities and state agencies have filed lawsuits against people making the requests
Right-Wing Media: The New Frontier - Lawyers, Guns & Money - we should probably be paying more attention to the vileness of Sinclair Media, which is forcing local broadcast television stations to become outlets of right-wing propaganda.
How Americans get their news | Pew Research Center - TV continues to be the most widely used news platform; 57% of U.S. adults often get TV-based news, either from local TV (46%), cable (31%), network (30%) or some combination of the three
A chilling study shows how hostile college students are toward free speech - The Washington Post
Safest Bet in Sports: Men Complaining About a Female Announcer's Voice
Rolling Stone, Once a Counterculture Bible, Will Be Put Up for Sale - The New York Times -- From a loft in San Francisco in 1967, a 21-year-old named Jann S. Wenner started a magazine that would become the counterculture bible for baby boomers (comments full of Russians)
Has Megyn Kelly's Star Already Been Eclipsed?
Did Jedediah Bila exit The View because of Hillary Clinton?
Meghan McCain in talks to join 'The View'
he Lipscomb University president issued an apology to the college community on Friday after centerpieces in his home were deemed offensive by students. (so in-grained they're aren't event aware)
Anti-Fascists Used Twitter To Find A Neo-Nazi Walking Around Seattle And Beat Him Up
This Is What Prohibition Looks Like In A Legal State - Inside the war against cannabis in Milford, which could have major Commonwealth-wide implications
Cannibal killer shot by police after refusing to stop eating woman he beheaded | The Independent - Aphiwe Mapekula dies in hospital three days after attacking Thembisa Masumpa
Agent no longer with BLM following Burning Man probe : news
More than 80 arrested in St. Louis protests : news
St. Louis officers chant whose streets, our streets while arresting protesters
Georgia Tech campus cops shoot, kill student holding 'tiny' knife : news
Video shows woman before hotel freezer death : news
Downtown L.A., which has the largest homeless population in the USA, hits highest vacancy rate in 17 years. : news
AI spots Alzheimer's brain changes years before symptoms emerge
TIL that ultra pure water is so pure that it will take minerals out of your body and can possible kill you if you drink enough. : todayilearned
Researchers found certain bacteria hiding out among cancer cells, gobbling up chemotherapy drugs intended to demolish tumors. This new finding, published in Science, suggests that certain types of drug-resistant cancers could be defeated with antibiotics alongside a chemotherapy regimen. : science
This is your brain on art - Washington Post -- neuroaesthetics
The Secret History of Dune - Los Angeles Review of Books
mother! for dummies : movies (hilarious)
Darkest thing you have ever read? : books
What name can we give to the act of performing oral sex on a woman that would be as catchy as blow job? : AskReddit
What's the most NSFW thing you've experienced in a professional situation? : AskReddit
What is the most heartbreaking thing your child has told you? : AskReddit
CCleaner Compromised to Distribute Malware for Almost a Month : technology (+Hillary: "Like with a cloth or something?"
GoodBot_BadBot Rankings
Hurricane Irma's Vast Destruction in the Caribbean, Building by Building
FEMA auctioned disaster trailers before Harvey made landfall (cutting their budgets)
McMaster says no redo on Paris climate deal decision, suggests Bannon tried to 'manipulate' Trump
What the Wrold's Emptiest International Airport Says About China's Influence -- Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport, the second-largest in Sri Lanka, is designed to handle a million passengers per year. It currently receives about a dozen passengers per day ... The Mattala airport has annual revenues of roughly $300,000, but now it must repay China $23.6 million a year for the next eight years
France: Acid attack on 4 US students not seen as terror act
Normalizing Trump: An incredibly brief explainer - PressThink - A conflict in tyhe journalist's code was created by a president wholly unfit for the job.
A double standard at Harvard? Harvard must have known that selecting Chelsea Manning for a fellowship would incite controversy, because there's virtually no other reason to choose her.
The Highly Principled Principles of Mike Pompeo, Man of Principle (TM) - Lawyers, Guns & Money
CIA director Mike Pompeo repeatedly cited WikiLeaks to attack Clinton during campaign
America's slow-motion military coup (Dumbster's generals)
Trump's divisive presidency reshapes a key part of his private business
Trump Kicks Off Sunday Early With Ersatz Tweetstorm Of Memes, Mockery
Meet the racist birther Donald Trump just retweeted
Trump Retweeted A Video From An Anti-Semitic Account Showing Him Hitting Hillary Clinton With A Golf Ball
McMaster: Trump's 'Rocket Man' Tweet 'Apprears to Be' About North Korea
Feinstein: Trump Jr. To Publicly Appear Before Senate Judiciary Panel 'This Fall'
Former Trump aide liquidated children's college fund to pay for Russia defense: report
Schiff: Trump 'Has No Ideology' Except 'His Own Personal Interests'
Perfect pairings - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The last two paragraphs of Ta-Nehisi Coates' recent essay
George Packer Responds to Ta-Nehisi Coates - The Atlantic ... Sarah Palin -- Trump's John the Baptist ...
Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Twitter: "Here is a great antidote to the racial poison spread by Coates:"
Going to a Methodist Church? You Might As Well Shout "Hail Satan" - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Farley convincingly demonstrates why having an independent Air Force is a bad idea. An additional reason that in the American case that the independent Air Force is a disaster is that the Air Force is chock full of total right-wing extremists. Like this Air Force chaplain.
Eschaton: I Guess White Working Class Voters Get To Veto Everything Now - The only voters who matter ... 54 percent of white working class Americans said getting a college education is "a risky gamble" ... 57 percent of white working class voters said that "a college degree would result in more debt and little likelihood of landing a good paying job" ... Funny to see the Washington Monthly revert to form.
The gender wage gap just shrank for the first time in a decade - The Washington Post - not just because women are landing more raises. Men, it seems, are hitting a wall. (time to short the market on guys)
The U.S. has a lottery problem. But it's not the people buying tickets. States enact lotteries to avoid hard choices between program cuts and tax increases. (and legalizing MJ)
Abuse claims, arrests mount at Connecticut state mental hospital - The Boston Globe - "It's like something out of a Stephen King novel."
A journalist on the crime beat becomes the subject of some skeptical journalism - The Washington Post
Chips Off the Old Block: Computers Are Taking Design Cues From Human Brains - The New York Times - New technologies are testing the limits of computer semiconductors. To deal with that, researchers have gone looking for ideas from nature
FEMA's Hurricane Response Is Making Trump Look Good. Thanks, Obama.
the story behind that Delta Flight 431 and its race with Irma
The great nutrient collapse - The atmosphere is literally changing the food we eat, for the worse. And almost nobody is paying attention ... Every leaf and every grass blade on earth makes more and more sugars as CO2 levels keep rising (and Lamar "Yes, I'm an Idiot" Smith loves CO2)
Boris Johnson: we will still claw back #350m a week after Brexit | Politics | The Guardian - Foreign secretary revives Vote Leave's controversial campaign message, insisting cash should go to NHS (still going with the original lie; what's their end-game?) \ Eschaton: Breixteers - One can't know everything perfectly from the outside, but it's hard not to conclude that Brexit is going to be a bigger clusterfuck than even hardcore pessimists thought. The continued ridiculous incompetence of the Tories is making it increasingly likely that there won't be a deal with the EU, and contrary to what some people seem to think, "no deal" doesn't mean the status quo, no deal means everything becomes chaos.
Entire Philippine city police force fired over killings : news
Edward Snowden Interview: 'There Is Still Hope - Even for Me' - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Our entire credit bureau system is broken - The Verge - The massive Equifax breach is a symptom of a much larger problem
Equifax hired a music major as chief security officer and she has just retired : technology
Chelsea Manning hung up phone on Harvard dean who delivered fellowship snub | US news | The Guardian - Manning ended call early in expression of dismay, source tells Guardian - Kennedy school canceled invitation after protests from CIA officials (torture is fine with Harvard)
Hang Up And Don't Listen
Matthew Yglesias on Twitter: "Rich, well-endowed highly selective private universities are *fundamentally* bad. There is nothing you can do to make them not-bad."
Mueller obtains warrant for Russia linked Facebook ads and accounts - Business Insider
Trump Tower meeting stakes raised in Russia money-laundering probe - Business Insider
Feds claim 'thousands of intercepts' in the case of Ukrainian billionaire, Trump ex-campaign boss
Another prosecutor joins Trump-Russia probe - politico - Kyle Freeny jumps to Mueller staff from money laundering unit.
Trump Lickspittle Tries To Arrange Pardon of Trump Lickspittle, Act As Pulling Guard For Vladimir Putin - Lawyers, Guns & Money
America's vitriol towards Clinton reveals a nation mired in misogyny ... "Only white voters matter."
Trump Declines to Release List of His Visitors at Mar-a-Lago - The New York Times - escalated a battle with government ethics groups by declining, even in the face of a federal court order, to release the identities of individuals visiting with President Trump at his family's Mar-a-Lago resort during the days he has spent at the private club in Palm Beach, Fla., this year.
Still no charity money from leftover Trump inaugural funds
The Awan breach on Capitol Hill gets murkier and leads to more questions (Debbie Wasser-doodle fucks everything up)
There is no such thing as a good Trump voter
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher: Someone leaked 'very important' call with John Kelly concerning WikiLeaks
Police in St. Louis pushing down an elderly woman during a protest. : gifs
Unable to pay its bills, Pennsylvania is broke : news
Amber Tamblyn: I'm Done With Not Being Believed
Why the coming-of-age narrative is a conformist lie | Aeon Essays - if the whole idea of the one true self is a big fabrication?
Darren Aronofsky, on deconstructing "mother!": "I think it's K to be confused. The movie has a dream-logic and that dream-logic makes sense. But if you try to unscrew it, it kind of falls apart"
'Mother!' Is the Worst Movie of the Year, Maybe Century
Big 'ol List of 'Mind-Fuck' Movies : movies
Small town in Alabama taking heat for racial poster at high school pep rally. : news
Trump Nominee Cited Dred Scott Slavery Decision as Sound Precedent -- Mother Jones - He was trying to defend an anti-abortion law in Kansas ... Stephen McAllister (doessn't look human)
Brooke Baldwin: Speaking like this to women in 2017? No way (opinion) - CNN (Fox Sports Clay Travis)
New York Times publishes eye-popping correction on campus-sexual-assault book review - The Washington Post - Michelle Goldberg wrote a review and lied in it, but NYT is open to "opionions")
Shining a Light on Campus Rape - The New York Times
A study has found evidence that religious people tend to be less reflective while social conservatives tend to have lower cognitive ability : science
Analytic cognitive style and cognitive ability differentially predict religiosity and social conservatism - Analytic-cognitive-style-and-cognitive-ability-differentially-predict-religiosity-and-social-conservatism.pdf
pone.0082131 1..11 - file
Eleven new studies suggest 'Power Poses' Don't Work -- fueling the second most-watched TED talk ever but also casting doubts about the science behind the assertion (TED zombies watching bullshit)
SLCPD detective who arrested nurse had been disciplined for alleged sexual harassment and other violations, records show : news (well, well)
Responders ram driveway gate to save UPS driver from dogs : news
Brain halves increase communication to compensate for aging, study finds : science
Researchers reverse the negative effects of adolescent marijuana use : news
Normative Values for Colonic Transit Time and Patient Assessment of Constipation in Adults With Functional Constipation: Systematic Review With Meta-Analysis : science
Giant, dinosaur-eating crocodile discovered in Texas : news
xiipaoc comments on ELI5:What is calculus? how does it work?
TIL that American and French Revolutionary Marquis de Lafayette was posthumously made an honorary citizen of the United States despite the fact that he was already an American Citizen. : todayilearned
User gives a step by step guide on what to do after you've been dumped : bestof
Man who raped toddler walks free because judge says there is 'no real purpose' in imprisoning him : news
As the 4th most visited website in the world, why doesn't Reddit have the same notoriety as Facebook, Twitter, or even Pornhub? : AskReddit
How would you react if you walked in on your SO and their friends as they were critiquing a Polaroid photograph of your genitals that was taken while you were sleeping without pants on during a holiday in Thailand? : AskReddit
For first time in 300 years, there's not a single living person on the island of Barbuda
About 1.5 million, mostly in Florida, without power in Irma's wake
North Korea fires second ballistic missile over Japan - BBC News
Parsons Green: Underground blast a terror incident, say police - BBC News
Theresa May slaps down Trump over London terror suspect tweet | The Independent "not helpful"
Toronto man 'angry' after learning his $8,100 master's degree that required no exams or academic work is fake - Toronto - CBC News -- Marketplace investigation reveals Kings Lake University and others are phoney schools selling fake degrees
2 arrested after torching of car belonging to head of Quebec City mosque - Montreal - CBC News - Incident occurred about 36 hours after city announced land sale for Muslim cemetery
Revised UK child sexual 'consent' rules provoke backlash --
U.S. finds evidence of child pornography involving Vatican diplomat in D.C., Vatican says - The Washington Post - Vatican diplomat to Washington D.C. recalled due to child-porn investigation
Cuba mystery grows: New details on what befell US diplomats : news
Elizabeth Warren launches an investigation into the Equifax hack : technology
Equifax CEO Hired a Music Major as the Company's Chief Security Officer : technology (la-di-la)
Equifax's chief information officer and chief security officer are retiring, the company announced Friday : technology
Manafort spokesman testifies to Russia grand jury for more than two hours - The Washington Post (dum-de-dum-dum)
Trump Adviser Secretly Met With Jordan King While One Was Pushing A Huge Nuclear Power Deal - Michael Flynn, Jared Kushner, and Steve Bannon met with King Abdullah II while Flynn was reportedly pressing for a controversial, for-profit deal to build nuclear power plants in the Middle East.
Russia Laundering Probe Puts Trump Tower Meeting in New Light - Bloomberg - U.S. prosecutors follow funds from alleged $230 million fraud -- Criminal probe came as Russian lawyer in matter met Trump Jr.
Trump Resurrects His Claim That Both Sides Share Blame in Charlottesville Violence - The New York Times
On CNN, Trump supporter downplays Nazi violence in Charlottesville because no one got shot by white supremacists
Tru mp's DACA 'deal' is another humiliation for Jeff Sessions -- Photographers caught a giddy Jeff Sessions cracking a satisfied smile last week as he prepared to announce that 690,000 undocumented immigrants who had been brought into the United States as minors would no longer be shielded from deportation.
Google Allowed Advertisers To Target People Searching Racist Phrases
Judge rules in Chicago's favor on sanctuary cities, grants nationwide injunction (lil Jeffy having a bad week)
ESPN tried to kick Jemele Hill off the air and replace her with another black host -- Her colleagues, including co-host Michael Smith, weren't having it
What ESPN Employees Are Saying About The Jemele Hill Situation On Their Private Message Board
Chelsea Manning's Fellowship Withdrawn by Harvard After Criticism
Harvard Rescinds Invitation To Chelsea Manning To Be Visiting Fellow | HuffPost - I now think that designating Chelsea Manning as a Visiting Fellow was a mistake
Chelsea Manning Has a Lot to Teach. Harvard Doesn't Agree (K-School bows to fundamentalists and torture supporters)
Chelsea Manning's Fellowship Withdrawn by Harvard After Criticism : news - Nothing to see here: just Harvard doing some elite-level faculty management to dupe Michael Morell into resigning before pulling Manning's fellowship.
Harvard's Week Gets Even Worse -- Yesterday, we discussed Harvard overriding a decision to admit Michelle Jones to the History Ph.D program, based at lest in part of the well-known sacred moral principle What Would Tucker Carlson Say? Well, capitulating to criticism from vocal reactionaries (pre-emptive or otherwise) is now becoming a hot trend: (but tortore -- Morell -- is totally ok with Loser U)
Why I'm having nothing to do with Harvard's Kennedy School for the foreseeable future
Buildings Will Retain Taubman Name | News | The Harvard Crimson - The Monday sentencing of philanthropist A. Alfred Taubman for his role in orchestrating a price-fixing scheme between the nation's top two auction houses will not affect the Kennedy School of Government's Taubman Center for State and Local Government, said officials at the school yesterday.
Secret Report Contradicts US Position On Chelsea Manning Leaks - But it turns out the classified document they cited said almost the exact opposite. (liars always lying 0
Steven Mnuchin responds to criticism that he requested government jet for his European honeymoon - The Washington Post - "People in Kentucky took this stuff very seriously. Being a New Yorker, I don't have any interest in watching the eclipse"
It's not prejudice, it's perception - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Researchers at a Respected School of Business discover employers aren't prejudiced against women. They just prefer to hire men. Because they think men are better than women. As one does when one is not the least bit sexist.
CNN's Brooke Baldwin Ends Segment After Clay Travis Says He Believes in 'Boobs'
Here'ss Why Steve Bannon Wears So Many Shirts
Madigan stuns Illinois by announcing she won't seek reelection
St. Louis Police Shooting Ends with Injustice - Another police shooting in the St. Louis area has ended in predictable fashion. ... carried out the premeditated murder of Smith by shooting him five times at close range and then planting a .38-caliber revolver in Smith's Buick after police pulled Smith's body from the car. The asserted a "kill shot' was fired at close range after the first four shots were fired in close succession and struck Smith in the shoulder.
Former St. Louis officer Jason Stockley found not guilty in murder case : news
Farmington Hills teacher accused of assaulting 6th-grader who... - Student at East Middle School in Farmington Hills doesn't stand for Pledge
Michigan teacher accused of assaulting 6th-grader who sat during Pledge of Allegiance : news
'Busty' teen kicked out of class for wearing this outfit (Joplin, MO, female teacher, men's t-shirt saying "Our erections are harder, stronger and last longer' just fine)
Kenneka Jenkins' mother says activist who viewed freezer video misrepresented family -- Jenkins then takes the elevator to a lower level and wanders around, opening doors in an apparently disoriented manner, he said. Finally, he said, Jenkins opens two doors in a kitchen area and enters the walk-in freezer. The doors close behind her and Jenkins is seen no more, he said.
A white security officer told police he was shot by a black man. Turns out, he'd shot himself
Boyfriend of Md. teacher Laura Wallen held without bond after her body found in shallow grave - The Washington Post - both believed he was dating them exclusively
In Amish Country, the Future Is Calling - The New York Times
Cleveland woman repeatedly stabs boyfriend after finding him naked on top of 12-year-old daughter, reports say : news
Teen sends dick pic to 22-year-old woman, now he's a child pornographer ... The main detective in that case, that was pushing for it, committed suicide after being caught molesting a boy from the ages of 11 to 13 and another boy of unpublished age.
Tennessee town tries to ban drag shows, rally planned in response : news
TIL that NASA had released an 18-minute Ultra HD 4K video tour of the ISS last year, showing the space station in its full high-definition glory. : todayilearned
Space Station Fisheye Fly-Through 4K (Ultra HD) - YouTube
Study shows rise in cannabis use in US not caused by legalization : science
Antidepressants associated with significantly elevated risk of death, researchers find : science
Autistic boys and girls found to have "hypermasculinised" faces -- supporting the Extreme Male Brain theory
Bojack Horseman truly understands the political process : television
What's the best story you can make using eleven words? : AskReddit
What's classy if you're physically attractive but trashy if you're not? : AskReddit
Older people of reddit, what truth bomb would you like to tell the youth? : AskReddit
Lurid Lawsuit's Quiet End Leaves Silicon Valley Start-Up Barely Dented -- For all the outcry over how women are treated in the tech industry, the resolution of a sexual harassment case against Upload, a virtual reality start-up, shows that little has changed (they had a "kink room")
Yes, America, PBS's 'The Vietnam War' is required viewing -- all 18 hours of it ... the decades of deception and delusion that fed the war. "History didn't apply to us. We could never fight a bad war, we could never represent the wrong cause -- we were Americans. [Vietnam] proved that we were not an exception to history
Ringo Starr Is Pro-Brexit:
The Equifax Breach Was Entirely Preventable | WIRED
An excellent explanation of what the full scale and impact of the Equifax leak of American's data will mean: the entire American system of consumer credit is at risk. : bestof
savanik comments on Failure to patch two-month-old bug led to massive Equifax breach
Edward Snowden, NSA leaker, says U.S. should show evidence of Russia election hacking : technology
Mexican Opinions on U.S. Turn Negative | Pew Research Center - Widespread dissatisfaction with economy and political leaders
Mystery of Russian Fake on Facebook Solved, by a Brazilian - The New York Times (all this makes American "Intelligence" and Barry look really stupid see below)
RT, Sputnik and Russia's New New Theory of War -- How the Kremlin built one of the most powerful information weapons of the 21st century -- and why it may be impossible to stop.
Facebook still doesn't know the extent of Russian ad buys in election
Redoing the Electoral Math | New Republic - I argued that demographics favored the Democrats. I was wrong. -- By John B. Judis
Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball ; New Poll: Some Americans Express Troubling Racial Attitudes Even as Majority Oppose White Supremacists - 14% of all respondents both 1) agreed that white people are under attack and 2) disagreed with the statement that nonwhites are under attack -- 8% expressed support for white nationalism. 4% expressed support for neo-Nazism.
Trump's die-hard supporters are fuming after an apparent about-face on 'dreamers'
Fox & Friends: Maybe Trump Wall Was "Symbolic' (of their complete stupidity)
All in All It's Just a ... Metaphorical Wall
House GOP Worries About 'Mass Exodus' Of Frustrated Members (super majority was not enough)
As Trump talks DACA deal with Democrats, GOP leaders try to reassert control - The Washington Post
The Trump administration's big new anti-leak memo leaked last night -- Of course it did. because in the Trump administration everything leaks.
Sessions wants a leak investigation rule-change. That could cripple the free press. - The Washington Post (what a coincidence)
Kushner's White House role 'crushed' efforts to woo investors for NYC tower (666 5th ave)
Trump ethics watchdog moves to allow anonymous gifts to legal defense funds - POLITICO - In a reversal of internal policy, the Office of Government Ethics says funds benefiting aides caught up in Russia probes may accept anonymous gifts from lobbyists. (bribes now ethical, great way to drain the swamp)
Trump: "The wall will come later"
Trump Humiliated Jeff Sessions After Mueller Appointment - The New York Times - . Mr. Sessions would later tell associates that the demeaning way the president addressed him was the most humiliating experience in decades of public life.
An ESPN commentator criticized Trump. The White House wants her fired. - Vox -- tweets calling President Donald Trump a white supremacist /a>
Breitbart's Curt Schilling: ESPN's "Jemele Hill has always been a racist" ... Disnety and ESPN "suipport liberal racism"
Eschaton: You Made The Rules - Still Facebook has long been in the content editing business, so that's the path they chose. It's a bit weird to delete posts of people breastfeeding (which they used to) and then take money for ads to target "Jew haters."
Facebook Enabled Advertisers to Reach 'Jew Haters' -- After being contacted by ProPublica, Facebook removed several anti-Semitic ad categories and promised to improve monitoring.
Anthony Weiner Says His Actions 'Crushed the Aspirations of My Wife' (great pic)
Anthony Scaramucci wants paternity test for newborn son | Page Six (also interesting pic)
Steven Mnuchin requested military jet for his European honeymoon - The Washington Post - raising questions again about the wealthy couple's use of government aircraft. (your money is at their disposal)
The moochin Mnuchins': Treasury secretary again is fodder for rich humor
The Lessons of Colorado - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Dylan Matthews has a good piece about why single-payer failed badly in Colorado, and what lessons are and aren't relevant at the federal level:
America's highest-earning state probably isn't the one you would expect (NH, CT, AK, MD, MA)
Read Amber Tamblyn's powerful open letter to "predatory man" James Woods
Daily Caller reporter renounces racist, misogynistic writings - The Washington Post
Fans ejected from Fenway Park after hanging 'Racism is as American as baseball' banner
GOP Congressman Claims Charlottesville's Deadly White Nationalist Rally Was a Left-Wing Set-Up -- And that's why Heather Heyer was killed? (Dana "Putin is my boss" Rohrabacher)
Kentucky's last abortion clinic to face off against governor
Internal investigation reveals Salt Lake officers violated six policies in arrest of nurse Alex Wubbels', who refused to allow warrantless blood draw of unconscious patient. : news
Biskupski: Officers violated 6 policies in Alex Wubbels' arrest |
Harvard Institute of Politics 2017 Recruits Are Interesting - Way to Go, Harvard. Let'scheck in on the new recruits. (Loser U and see Michael Morell, evil stain)
NASA's Cassini spacecraft will crash into Saturn -- its final screaming success
Cassini's Mission to Saturn in 100 Images
The fanged, faceless sea creature that washed ashore during Harvey has been identified - The Washington Post - the creature was most likely a fangtooth snake-eel, or Aplatophis chauliodus.
Surrounded by redrocks, Utah couple's Zen Buddhist meditation center in Torrey aims to relax and open the mind
Suicide attempts among young adults between the ages of 21 and 34 have risen alarmingly, a new study warns. Building community, and consistent engagement with those at risk may be best ways to help prevent suicide : science
Redditor proves that the Republican party consistently and almost unanimously votes for policies harmful to the vast majority of Americans : bestof
DisqualifiedHuman comments on CMV: Over the next 10-20 years, the biggest threat to most Americans will be the Republican party
Turn Bluetooth Off When You're Not Using It | WIRED
Hurricane Irma: Death toll rises as 6 dead at South Florida nursing home - The Washington Post -- The facility had a history of poor inspections and citations.
After Irma, a once-lush gem in the U.S. Virgin Islands reduced to battered wasteland - The Washington Post - On the island of St. John ... Kenneth Mapp (I), governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands, insisted in a telephone interview that there had been no pillaging at all on St. John, despite evidence to the contrary.
Why did one of the U.S. Navy's most advanced subs return to port with a pirate flag?
NK's Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site: Satellite Imagery Shows Post-Test Effects and New Activity in Alternate Tunnel Portal Areas By: 38 North
Sewer in London's East End Menaced by Giant Fatberg
First Victims Were the Disabled --- Kenny Fries
Trump Mocks Reporter"s Disability (Tuesday) - Youtube
McCain and Kerry outline lessons from Vietnam after watching new Ken Burns documentary
Theft of Equifax data could lead to years of grief for home buyers and mortgage applicants - The Washington Post
Dems to Mueller: Flynn broke law on security forms - CNNPolitics -- failed to disclose trip to broker Saudi-Russian business deal
The Flynn Family Appears to Be a Major Piece of Robert Mueller's Puzzle -- Some interesting news out of the Russia investigation.
Lobbying activities of Michael Flynn's son being examined by special counsel on Russia (corruption all the way down)
Mueller Probe Has 'Red-Hot' Focus on Social Media, Officials Say -- Facebook officials likely to face Congress, key lawmaker says -- Russia still ramping up cyber espionage: intelligence chief
Justice declines Senate request to interview FBI officials - CNNPolitics - the latest sign that Special Counsel Robert Mueller could be investigating the circumstances around the firing, officials tell CNN. -- The previously undisclosed turf
Rice told investigators why she unmasked Trump aides - CNNPolitics - to understand why the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates was in New York late last year ... The New York meeting preceded a separate effort by the UAE to facilitate a back-channel communication between Russia and the incoming Trump White House.
Sanders introduces universal health care, backed by 15 Democrats - The Washington Post
Sander's Bill Gets America Zero Percent Closer to Single Payer
Sessions forced Trump into his dumbest political move yet - The Washington Post - Attorney General Jeff Sessions apparently convinced President Trump he had no choice but to pull the plug on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, using a phony deadline as the pretext
Trump is slowly rupturing the Republican Party, suggests yet another new poll - The Washington Post
Supreme Court Puts Redrawing Of Texas Electoral Maps On Hold | HuffPost - In August, a federal court struck down two GOP-drawn congressional districts saying they were discriminatory ... On a 5-4 vote (you've been Gorsuched)
The case for Trump-Russia collusion: We're getting very, very close
Trump is privately raging about Robert Mueller. But all of this is his own fault. - The Washington Post ... If Trump is not able to grasp that he is to blame for Mueller's probe, it becomes more likely that Trump could take steps such as these in the grip of delirium over imagined persecution. What happens then is anybody's guess
With their party's future on the line in the states, Democrats can't agree on a playbook (Barry said didn't need your grass-roots and he would handle everything -- and nuked the state-level party, hello Debbie Wasserdoodle)
Heritage lamented Dems, moderates on Trump voter fraud commission | TheHill (only RWNJs allowed)
Ex-Sec of State blasts Trump's voter fraud panel: It's based on the 'biggest lie a p;resident has ever told'
'Report this illegal.' Student seeks help after classmate targets her for deportation.
Trump ambassadors' curious qualifications
Trump FEMA Nominee Withdraws After NBC Questions on Falsified Records - NBC News - after NBC News raised questions about a federal investigation that found he had falsified government travel and timekeeping records when he served in the Bush administration in 2005.
Twitter account sells Ted Cruz merch following 'liked' porn tweet ("masturbaTED")
Robert Redford on Trump: 'He's Our Fault' ... look in the mirror
Partisans Differ Widely in Views of Police Officers, College Professors | Pew Research Center - Republicans, Democrats view each other more negatively
Protest after biracial boy, eight, nearly hanged by teenagers : news
'Shut up, slave!': A spilled Starbucks drink leads to sidewalk fight -- and hate-crime charges
Ferguson Drops Charges Against Man Cited in Justice Dept. Report - The New York Times - Mr. Watson, who had been approached by a police officer while sitting in his parked car, was charged with failure to wear a seatbelt and six more offenses
Multiple victims in shooting at Freeman High School; one student dead; suspect detained | The Spokesman-Review
Deputies responding to shots fired call at Freeman High School (Spokane, WA) : news
Another American Massacre Just Went Almost Totally Ignored - just the price of freedom in this country we've built for ourselves (assault weapsons everywhere)
Homeless man asked woman to move Porsche so he could sleep. Then she shot him, police say. - The Washington Post -- the driver, a 26-year-old woman named Katie Quackenbush, allegedly stepped out of the Porsche and fired two gunshots at Melton, hitting him in the stomach, police said. She then got back in her SUV and fled the area. ("went to dinner")
'Southland Tales' plunged us straight into a post-apocalyptic mental breakdown
Sex Scandal Simmered for Years Before Silicon Valley C.E.O.'s Swift Fall -- At late-night, wine-soaked gatherings with colleagues, he bragged about his sexual conquests and the size of his genitalia, said employees who heard the comments.
Blood In The Water In Silicon Valley -- The bad new politics of big tech.
'Bodega,' the very bad start-up that wants to kill mom-and-pop shops
What to know about a study of flu vaccine and miscarriage - The Washington Post - Researchers studying the flu vaccine in pregnancy have found a hint of a possible link between miscarriage early in pregnancy and the flu vaccine in women who received a certain version of the vaccine two years in a row.
A new study pins damages from sea level rise and climate change on select large oil, gas and coal companies : science
TIL That the research behind "Type A and Type B personality traits" was secretly funded by cigarette companies in the 1960's to suggest that smoking cigarettes didn't cause cancer and heart disease, being Type A did. : todayilearned
Parasite Linked to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases, Epilepsy, and Cancer : science
Shopping for Kitchen Faucets - The New York Times
ScamHaters ~ SCAM CHAT
BlueBorne Information from the Research Team - Armis Labs
BlueBorne: Bluetooth Vulnerability affecting 5 Billion devices : technology
The IoT Attack Vector "BlueBorne" Exposes Almost Every Connected Device
AccuWeather predicts economic cost of Harvey, Irma to be $290 billion
Before and after Hurricane Irma - Washington Post
Hurricane Irma's impact, from the air: Florida Keys battered but spared the worst in near miss
Houston's Floodwaters Are Tainted With Toxins, Testing Shows (shit everywhere)
I'm Alan Sealls, your friendly neighborhood meteorologist who woke up one day to Reddit calling me the "Best weatherman ever" AMA. : IAmA
Textbook example of ethnic cleansing: 370,000 Rohingyas flood Bangladesh as crisis worsens
Authorities: Gold miners at a bar bragged about slaughtering members of a reclusive Brazilian tribe - The Washington Post - If these reports are confirmed, [Brazilian President Michel Temer] and his government bear a heavy responsibility for this genocidal attack ... the government has slashed funds for an agency that protects the tribes,
Will Donald Trump Destroy the Presidency? - The Atlantic -- How Trump Is Destroying America (everything he touches turns to shit)
Trump's legal team debated whether Kushner should leave White House
Russia Sought A Broad Reset With Trump, Secret Document Shows
Russia probes pose loyalty test for Team Trump -- Lawyers representing Donald Trump's current and former aides are giving their clients one simple piece of advice: don't lie to protect the president.
Republican attempt to deflect Trump-Russia probes could backfire: sources
Exclusive: Russia Used Facebook Events to Organize Anti-Immigrant Rallies on U.S. Soil
Why Equifax Happened - Lawyers, Guns & & Money (their losing your data is your fault)
Equifax's Maddening Unaccountability
The Equifax Breach Exposes America's Identity Crisis | WIRED - Social Security number has been compromised and their identity data has been stolen,
Hillary Clinton's new book blasts Republicans and Russia. She's 100 perscent right.
Women Aren't t Responsible for Hillary Clinton's Defeat -- The media has created a misleading narrative in a rush to assign blame for the outcome of the election ... It is true that Clinton did not win a majority of white women voters; Trump did, with 53 percent support.
Republican's tax-cut myth is about to crumble
Trump's voter fraud commission is hearing a proposal to make every voter pass a gun background check< (oh shit, John Lott is running the voting) /a>
FOIA Response Reveals True Partisan Intent of Pence-Kobach Commission | Campaign Legal Center - A few months later, President Donald Trump appointed Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation to the Pence-Kobach Commission. Mr. von Spakovsky is widely considered the architect of the voter fraud myth. These emails add to the mounting evidence that the commission has no interest in true bipartisanship or an open discussion of how to solve the real problems in our elections.
Howard Dean on young voters: 'These people are not Democrats' (because they aren't old farts like Dean)
Howard Dean Threatens New Hampshire Primary Over Proposed Voter ID Restrictions
One photographer's extraordinary images from the Charlottesville clashes
Maggie Haberman and Glenn Thrush Take the Next Step with Trump | Vanity Fair - masters of West Wing insider detail just made a book deal with Random House. But they want it to be more than the book version of the reality show.
After 15 die in hepatitis outbreak, San Diego begins sanitary street washing - LA Times - fecally contaminated environment
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigns after fifth child sex-abuse allegation | The Seattle Times
Mayor Ed Murray's cousin: He sexually abused me, too -- The report noted Murray worked with children in a Catholic-sponsored program in Ireland for a year, before returning home after his mother died in 1974.
NH Officials To Assist Probe Into Alleged Attempted Hanging Of Biracial Boy
What The 2 Deadliest Mass Shootings This Year Have In Common | HuffPost - American gun violence is inextricably linked to domestic violence: More than half of American women killed with guns are killed by their current or former partner,
Police: Woman shot homeless man who asked her to move Porsche : news - Katie Quackenbush
Seven Days of Heroin -
[MA] Pro-charter school group pays state's largest campaign finance penalty (so, a bunch of lying cheaters, big surprise +Bain +Walmart +Baker)
At Helmut Lang, Shayne Oliver's bras aren't practical. But they might be brilliant. - The Washington Post
Magnetic pulses into the brain? They're actually an established treatment for depression, now getting easier to find
Weight Loss Success Determined by Ratio of Two Gut Microbiota Species : science
TIL Arkansas is the only state where rentals don't have a warranty of habitability. So, landlords can knowingly rent dangerous or otherwise uninhabitable properties with no recourse for the renter. : todayilearned
UFO enthusiasts of Reddit, what do you think is the single best and most convincing photograph of alien life? : AskReddit
What piece of history is too crazy to believe, yet is still true? : AskReddit
glassFractals comments on A chilling phone message from one of the victims of 9/11
With the adage "nothing is ever deleted from the Internet" in mind, what is something you HAVE seen vanish from the net? : AskReddit
What does the opposite sex tend to not understand about your own sex that frustrates you? : AskReddit
Amazon Weighs Boston in Search for Second Headquarters - Bloomberg
Amazon's Whole Foods Price Cuts Brought 25% Jump in Shoppers : news
Google Suffers Major Outage With Gmail, YouTube, Maps, Drive, and Other Services Affected : technology
9/11 Jumper Photos and Taboo Memorial - Lawyers, Guns & Money
9/11/2001 Megathread : AskReddit
Sixteen Years After 9/11, How Does Terrorism End? | The New Yorker
How 9/11 triggered democracy's decline -- The war on terrorism has made the U.S. presidency itself a threat to, not a defender of, democracy. Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama drastically expanded executive powers by combining secrecy with new technologies to incarcerate and kill hundreds of people, including numerous Americans, with little public oversight
Hurricane Irma Linked to Climate Change? For Some, a Very 'Insensitive' Question -- Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, says it is insensitive to discuss climate change in the midst of deadly storms.
Trump Hasn't Faced a Single Climate Change Question Since Hurricanes Hit ... And he's not alone: The topic was barely discussed on the Sunday Shows even as Irma neared Florida.
Conspiracies, Corruption and Climate - The New York Times -- impugning the motives of thousands of scientists around the world. All of these scientists, they insist, motivated by peer pressure and financial rewards, are falsifying data and suppressing contrary views.
Irma's impact: Storm knocks out power to millions in Florida - The Washington Post
In Florida, a Strom's Fright Gives Way to a Blackout's Hassles
Irma Roars In, and All of Florida Shakes and Shudders - The New York Times
The Daily 202: Hurricane Irma would have killed vastly more people in the past - The Washington Post - Hurricane Irma would have killed vastly more people in the past
Hurricane Irma: After thrashing South Florida, storm churns north past Tampa toward Georgia - The Washington Post - flattening homes, flooding the Keys and cutting power to more than 6 million customers across the state
Mosquitoes, carbon monoxide and chemicals are big post-Irma health concerns
400 children from Scottish orphanage of 'horrors' believed buried in mass grave, media report says -- About 11,600 children passed through the institution from its opening in 1864 through its closure in 1981, left in the care of an order of Catholic nuns. Former residents have detailed allegations of being brutally beaten, kicked in the head, neglected and publicly humiliated by the orphanage's staff ... hideous treatment at the hands of nuns ... "The true scale of the horrors of Smyllum long hidden by the Roman Catholic church are only being now revealed," (and they are still covering up)
A woman interviewed 100 convicted rapists in India. This is what she learned. - The Washington Post (men are rapists, women are property)
Russian pol: US intel missed 'Russian intelligence' stealing 'the president of the United States'
Imagine How Bad Things Would Be If We Had a Republican President! - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Donald Trump. the fiercely independent executive who is the first president since the Civil War to be completely bereft of ties to any political party continues to pursue a completely unpredictable agenda that bears no resemblance to that of any major American political party:
Where Trump's Hands-Off Approach to Governing Does Not Apply
Steve Bannon's damning admission about Trump firing James Comey
Clinton criticizes Trump for using race to win election - The Washington Post
Trump Inc: Inside the president's not-so-blind trust -- Trump has formed at least 49 business entities since he announced his bid for the presidency. He continued to form businesses not only after winning in November, but also after assuming the presidency in January.
Trump organization hires Chinese company for Dubai project | McClatchy Washington Bureau
Soul Survival in Trump's Hell
Jeff Session's lie detector idea
Rex Tillerson has lost his primary reason for being the secretary of state - The Washington Post - For Rex Tillerson, it is the worst of times.
I'm not buying the new conventional wisdom about Trump -- By Jennifer Rubin< -- comments: "confused Ms. Rubin. In 2013, on Steve Malzberg's radio show, you described President Obama as "the absolute worst"; you said "I dont' think he is a good person," because he attempted to discuss racism. ... We haven't forgotten about Jenghazi "Benghazi!! Rubinhaz, but I'm slowly coming around to giving her credit for recognizing the obvious once it was blown up 1000x and set on fire. /a>
Why the Washington Post won't fire Jennifer Rubin : ombudsman admits Jennifer Rubin would be fired if she promoted anti-Israeli rather than anti-Arab bile ... Israel-obsessed blogger Jennifer Rubin, who re-tweeted Abramss' promotion of her post with obvious (and admitted) agreement. (drive them into the sea to float there, food for sharks, stargazers, and whatever other oceanic carnivores God has put there for the purpose)
Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin Promotes Call for Palestinian Genocide -- Abrams is the half-sister of Commentary editor John Podhoretz, the wife of Iran-Contra felon and former Assistant Secretary of State Elliot Abrams, and the daughter of Midge Decter and step daughter of neocon founding father Norman Podhoretz. She is also a board member of the right-wing Emergency Committee for Israel, which recently produced baseless ads claiming the Occupy Wall Street movement iHow America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History By Kurt Andersen
s anti-Semitic. (quite a pedigree)
Bob Corker weighs whether to retire in 2018 - CNNPolitics -- "He has not demonstrated that he understands what has made this nation great and what it is today"
Alex Jones: Sources tell me Trump is being "covertly drugged" and is now slurring his words by 6 or 7 p.m. each night
Roger Stone: It's possible White House chief of staff John Kelly is having Trump drugged
The South Doesn't Own Slavery -- comment: Here we go with the moral equivalency argument. According to the 1800 census report.there were 36k slaves in the North and 851k slaves in the South. IE. 95% of the slave population lived in the South. Cotton was King in the South and so was slavery.-- comment: total revenues from the cotton industry just prior to the Civil war were greater than the revenues of the industrial North. And the cotton industry was inconceivable without slavery and the plantation infrastructure.
Episode 6 of the Constitutional podcast: Senate and states
FANTASYLAND -- How America Went Haywire: A 500-Year History By Kurt Andersen -- What we Americans need, it would seem, is something more powerful. A story to end all stories, preached by someone with the fire of Anne Hutchinson. A collective delusion so seductive that it will have us all, in Locke-step, bowing down to reason and reality. Anyone have any ideas?
The Upper Crust That Crumbled - - Mr. Stern's accounts of the "self-surrender of the intellectual elite' and of the acquiescence of official Protestantism to the new regime make fascinating reading.
TIL The Soviet Union declared war on Japan between atomic weapons being dropped. : todayilearned
User describes why the Republican Party has become the primary problem with American politics : bestof
Police in Vancouver Arrest Man for Nearly Running Down Antifa Protesters With His Truck - Willamette Week - Nobody was hurt in the incident, but the echoes of Charlottsville are hard to miss.
Taxi Medallions, Once a Safe Investment, Now Drag Owners Into Debt - The New York Times
Here's one marijuana trend you should actually be worried about -- More concerning, though, is the number of people who are getting high all the time ... 9 percent of people who used marijuana that year used it at least 300 days out of the year. That figure's up by roughly 50 percent from 2002, when 12 percent of marijuana users consumed the drug daily or near-daily.
Looking for Productivity Pot? Try Shango's PDX -- an energizing, lucid sativa that's great for staying productive
Crop King Seeds - Willamette Week - Offering over 25 seed varieties.
Reddit's bans of r/coontown and r/fatpeoplehate worked--many accounts of frequent posters on those subs were abandoned, and those who stayed reduced their use of hate speech : science
What social custom needs to be retired? : AskReddit
McCarthy wins Emmy for Spicer impression : television
ELI5: Why do we have different electrical outlets on different continents? It seems electricity was discovered and then everyone went different ways with it. Is one setup better than another? : explainlikeimfive
Comcast Sues Vermont, Insists Having To Expand Broadband Violates Its First Amendment Rights : technology (they have all the free speech money can buy)
Maps: Where Is Hurricane Irma Over Florida? - The New York Times
Hurricane Irma makes landfall in Florida Keys and will roar up the state's Gulf Coast
Hurricane Irma photos | The Washington Post - The most dramatic images each day from the hurricane
Hurricane Irma strikes Florida Keys and bears down on Florida's west coast - The Washington Post
Hurricane Irma: Live updates - CNN
City of Marathon: 'Everything is under water, I mean everything'
Irma: Florida residents call on Trump to open Mar-a-Lago as a shelter for hurricane victims | The Independent - Many shelters in South Florida are already full (Trump: "Let them eat mud")
Cuba sends hundreds of doctors to Caribbean islands devastated by hurricane : news
Best Weatherman Alan Sealls with a new Hurricane Irma & Jose update : television
Hurricane Jose may meander not far from the East Coast through Friday - The Washington Post
Leveled Mexican Town Digs for Survivors. 'Can You Tell Me if My Dad's O.K.?"
In the United States, more people were employed in solar power last year than in generating electricity through coal, gas and oil energy combined : news (bring back coal!)
They Have Come for the Rohingya - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Latest estimates number the people fleeing Myanmar's Rakhine state over the past two weeks at 290,000. These refugees represent over a quarter of the 1.1 million Rohingya, an ethnic Muslim minority.
Netanyahu's son removes anti-Semitic meme from Facebook following outcry -- "It's a particularly sad day for Israel when a caricature endorsed by the head of the KKK emerges from the home of the prime minister of the Jewish state"
Saudi government allegedly funded a 'dry run' for 9/11, report says : news (and Obama kept everything a big secret)
2,100 bodies of civilians discovered in aftermath of Mosul : news
TechCrunch: Equifax Hack-Checking Web Site Is Returning Random Results : technology
Equifax Lobbied To Kill Rule Protecting Victims Of Data Breaches (of course they did)
TechCrunch: Equifax Hack-Checking Web Site Is Returning Random Results : technology
Equifax Breach Response Turns Dumpster Fire
McCain says he is facing 'very vicious' form of cancer
SLC detective's attorney says officer wanted blood drawn to help the unconscious patient keep his commercial driver license (let's lie some more
By increasing treatment for substance abuse, Medicaid expansion led to a major reduction in the rates of robbery, aggravated assault and larceny theft. The study estimates that increasing the treatment rate by 10% (costing $1.6 billion) yields a benefit of $2.9-5.1 billion from reduced crime rates : science
The alcohol industry appears to mislead the public and be engaged in extensive misrepresentation of evidence about alcohol-related risk of cancer, through 3 main strategies: (i) denial/omission (ii) distortion and (iii) distraction. These activities have parallels with the tobacco industry. : science
Legal Marijuana Is Almost Here. If Only Pot Farmers Were on Board. - The New York Times
How Silicon Valley is erasing your individuality - The Washington Post - The perils of monopoly.
Hackers Can Remotely Access Syringe Infusion Pumps to Deliver Fatal Overdoses
Livestream: What Hurricane Irma looks like right now - Washington Post
Hurricane Irma to regain Category 5 strength, forecasters say - CNN
Extreme Hurricane Irma closing in on Florida, posing dire threat; west coast most at risk - The Washington Post
Governor issues new warning as Florida sees first signs of Hurricane Irma
Hurricane Irma churns toward Florida where cities brace for storm surges up to 15 feet - ABC News (end of Tampa)
Trump's War on Science (and reality in general +destroying the EPA)
A Requiem for Florida, the Paradise That Should Never Have Been - POLITICO Magazine - As Hurricane Irma prepares to strike, it's worth remembering that Mother Nature never intended us to live here. (money has a very short memory) Then in 1928, another Category 4 storm blasted Lake Okeechobee through its flimsy dike, killing 2,500 and abruptly ending the Everglades boom. It was the second-deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history
As Irma churned toward their state, two Florida Republicans voted against hurricane relief bill - The Washington Post
Jose, 'still a dangerous Category 4 hurricane,' threatens second blow to Irma-ravaged islands (bad hombre)
Hurricane Irma: Some in FL have few job protections if they evacuate
Trump: Texas churches should get FEMA aid after Harvey - The Washington Post -- "Taxpayers should not be forced to protect religious institutions that they don't subscribe to." (they don't pay any fucking taxes but want your monies)
'Once the storm starts, law enforcement cannot save you' : Fla. governor issues stern warning ahead of Irma
St. John resident says there were 'houses flying away' when Irma hit (with people in them)
Florida governor has ignored climate change risks, critics say - The Washington Post (teahdist Lex Luthor doesn't believe in fake science)
Mar-A-Lago Has A Flood Insurance Policy Through The Federal Government | HuffPost - Florida estate is among the flood-prone properties covered by the controversial program.
Wildfires have burned an area the size of Maryland - The Washington Post -- A combination of climate change and land management have fueled an increase in wildfire activity dating to the 1980s
Did lesbians cause Hurricanes Irma and Harvey? God knows. - The Washington Post (couldn't have been red states voting for the Antichrist, for sure)
'A disaster in the making' Pakistan's population surges to 207.7 million -- fifth most populous country, surpassing Brazil and ranking behind China, India, the United States and Indonesia. The annual birthrate, while gradually declining, is still alarmingly high. At 22 births per 1,000 people, it is on a par with Bolivia and Haiti, and among the highest outside Africa ... Only a third of married Pakistani women use any form of birth control, and the only family-planning method sanctioned by most Islamic clerics is spacing births by breast feeding newborns for two years (it's always the fundies/men)
All the worst lies about Brexit are about to be revealed - The Washington Post ... With breathtaking insouciance and eye-watering obliviousness (Tories fucking things up since forever)
More White, More Male, More Jesus: CIA Employees Fear Pompeo Is Quietly Killing the Agency's Diversity Mandate -- CIA insiders worry reforms pushed by Brennan are languishing in his absence. (more fake Jesus is just what we need)
Equifax's Instructions Are Confusing. Here's What to Do Now
Seriously, Equifax? This Is a Breach No One Should Get Away With - The New York Times (too big to die)
The Cold Warrior Who Never Apologized - The New York Times - and no one thought more wishfully about the war than Walt Whitman Rostow. A Yale Ph.D. and a Rhodes scholar, Rostow left his academic perch at M.I.T. to join the State Department under John F. Kennedy; he was later Lyndon Johnson's national security adviser during the center-cut of American involvement in Vietnam, from April 1966 to January 1969. (the worst and the dimmest of the dominos)
Mueller gives White House names of 6 aides he expects to question in Russia probe - The Washington Post
Trump tortured Spicer and Priebus. Now they get to tell investigators about Trump. - The Washington Post
White House communications director Hope Hicks retains lawyer in Russia probe - politico (lock them all up)
'Trump betrays everyone' : The president has a long record as an unpredictable ally
Facebook Wins, Democracy Loses - The New York Times (so Zuckerberg wants to zuckerfuck the whole country again)
The top 15 possible 2020 Democratic nominees, ranked - The Washington Post - 15. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg ... 11. Oprah Winfrey/Mark Cuban/Howard Schultz/Bob Iger/Sheryl Sandberg ... 1. Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.) (who isn't even a Dem, we're so screwed, but Oprah for pres, rly)
'I Smell Cash': How the A.T.F. Spent Millions Unchecked -- A pair of informants got $6 million and agents spent freely. The Justice Department fought to keep records of the operation secret .. Two informants made $6 million each. One agent steered hundreds of thousands of dollars in real estate, electronics and money to his church and his children's sport teams
What's Going to Happen When the Trumpists Realize the America They Yearn for Is Gone? -- hard-core backers want an America that isn't coming back (2/3 of GDP voted for Hillary, the "low output" old white Christian 1/3 voted for the Antichrist)
Study: Trump fans are much angrier about housing assistance when they see an image of a black man - Vox - In contrast, Clinton supporters seemed relatively unmoved by racial cues. (racist fucks Making America hate Again)
In a parallel universe, this week's big political news would be Rep. Tim Murphy's sex scandal -- Rep. Tim Murphy (R-Pa.) that he carried on an extramarital affair last year ... Murphy, 64, acknowledged a sexual relationship with Shannon Edwards, 32 ... Edwards is just two years older than Murphy's adult daughter
California proposal would make abortion a murder charge | The Sacramento Bee
California opioid use shows regional differences | The Sacramento Bee (highest in Trump counties)
ASUC fails to pass resolution on Berkeley subsidization of Shapiro event
Meet the Man Turning Anti-Muslim Hate Into Law - A new report on Islamophobia from UC Berkeley highlights the role of David Yerushalmi ... "veteran of the right-wing Israeli settlers movement"
Joe Paterno may have known of earlier Jerry Sandusky abuse claim, police report reveals - CNN -- legendary football coach Joe Paterno knew years before Jerry Sandusky's arrest that his longtime assistant might be sexually abusing children ... contradicts ... testimony before a grand jury that he "had 'no inkling' that Sandusky might be a sexual deviant'
Eric Bolling Out At Fox News | HuffPost - after an exclusive HuffPost report revealed Bolling sent inappropriate text messages to current and former female colleagues. ("inappropriate messages" = "dick pics" but he said it wasn't his penis)Less than a week after the two stories were published, Bolling filed notice that he was suing this reporter for defamation, claiming damages of $50 million. (hahahaha)
Tragedy: Eric Bolling Son Dies | Mediaite -- A different source said the cause of death was suicide. (connection?)
Fired FNC Anchor Eric Bolling, Son Dies from Drug Overdose (UPDATE) | -- We're told he was having a hard time dealing with the trouble his dad was having at the network. Our sources say he was extremely embarrassed by the stories and was "emotionally upsset"
Judge arrested and charged with assault after scuffle with clerk at Walmart - The Washington Post
'I just murdered four people' -- A stranger at the door, a terrible crime (Groton, MA)
Groton quadruple-homicide was a 'situation of tragic family violence'
Convictions against Teamsters from 2014 reversed - The Boston Globe - A federal appeals court has reversed a slew of convictions of extortion and racketeering against two Teamsters who were found guilty in 2014 of using the threat of pickets to pressure businesses into hiring union workers.
Maria Sharapova's Vile, Racially Tinged Treatment of Serena Williams
Woman who chose to keep her baby instead of chemotherapy has died 3 days after delivery : news
gusgetz comments on Those 3% of scientific papers that deny climate change? A review found them all flawed
ELI5: Why didn't the industrial revolution take place a 1000 years ago,Why was our progress so exponential in the last 400 years? : explainlikeimfive
Does writing by hand have positive cognitive effects that cannot be replicated by typing? : askscience
What was something you noticed between the groom and bride on their wedding day that made you think "they shouldn't be getting married"? : AskReddit
[Serious] Mods of Reddit, what is the most unexpected/disturbing post you've ever had to remove from your subreddit? : AskReddit
User posts in r/conspiracyundone and r/Judaism about how the Jews are vampiric, gets linked to r/TopMindsofReddit and sallies forth to defend his beliefs. : SubredditDrama
The conspiracy that ties together all conspiracies... You probably haven't heard about this one: The confluence of Jewish Talmudism and the mythos of vampirism, and how it relates to both pedogate and the world we live in. (OC) : conspiracyundone
I have no words for this : TopMindsOfReddit
The Google Memo: The Economist On Nothing - Quillette
A couple of people have recommended that I read this piece (Zunger) in order to put the Google memo
The e-mail Larry Page should have written to James Damore
Contra Sadedin & Varinsky: the Google memo is still right, again | Nintil
The Google Memo: What Does the Research Say About Gender Differences? |
Steven Pinker on Twitter: "The always-amazing "Slate Star Codex" (Scott Alexander) on sex differences."
Contra Grant On Exaggerated Differences | Slate Star Codex
I'm a woman in computer science. Let me ladysplain the Google memo to you.
Mexico struck by earthquake of magnitude 8, tsunami possible: USGS - after a massive 8.1 magnitude earthquake late Thursday.-- The quake, one of the biggest recorded in Mexico, struck off the country's southern coast.
Earthquake/Tsunami Megathread : askscience
Fuerte sismo sacude a la CDMX - YouTube
What are "Earthquake Lights" and what causes them? : askscience
8.1 earthquake captured at a bowling alley in Chiapas, Mexico : videos
Donald Trump has tweeted climate change skepticism 115 times. Here's all of it. - Vox
Hurricane Irma path 2017: Live updates for Puerto Rico, Florida and Southeast U.S. - Washington Post
Extreme Hurricane Irma closing in on Florida, posing dire threat - The Washington Post
Hurricane Irma will batter Florida and 'devastate the United States,' official warn
Florida Is Due for a Reckoning. Will Irma Be It? - The New York Times (tie Lex Luthor and l'l Marco to the bearch)
Hurricane Irma Live Updates: 'Way Bigger Than Andrew,' Florida Governor Warns
Hurricane Irma churns toward Florida and is 'a threat that is going to devastate the United States' - The Washington Post
Florida nuclear plants could take a direct hit from Hurricane Irma. Plant owners say they are ready. - The Washington Post
Irma's destructive path: When you look at the carnage, you ask how anybody at all survived
Trump's beachfront Mar-a-Lago Club ordered to evacuate as Hurricane Irma approaches
Photos: what Hurricane Irma's destruction looks like on the ground
Planning, Florida, and Irma - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Miami is Flooding | The New Yorker - As temperatures climb, so, too, will sea levels.
Miami: How Rising Sea Levels Continue to Endanger South Florida - Rolling Stone - But long before the city is completely underwater, chaos will begin
Man shot by police at Miami airport amid frenzied Irma evacuation - The Washington Post
Hurricane karma? Homes of climate-change deniers Trump, Limbaugh and Coulter lie in Irma's path (you forgot Mar-a-Lago, duh)
Rush Limbaugh will evacuate South Florida -- after calling Irma a hoax
Best weatherman just released an update on the triple hurricanes : videos
A Noxious Environmental Disaster Is Buried in Houston - Along with a few Pulitzer Prizes.
More Than 40 Sites Released Hazardous Pollutants Because of Hurricane Harvey - The New York Times
Leaked report highlights facts about climate change that all the more critical in the Trump era
As Scott Pruitt Denies Climate Change, People Die - When is the "appropriate" time to talk about climate change?
What prompted the EPA to attack an AP reporter over an accurate Harvey story? - The Washington Post ... Biesecker forwarded to the EPA press office a news release from Investigative Reporters and Editors announcing that Pruitt had won the organization's "Golden Padlock" recognizing the most secretive U.S. agency or individual (Pruitt's revenge) u
Apocalyptic Thoughts Amid Nature's Chaos? You Could Be Forgiven.
David Simon on Twitter: "In the pantheon of visual metaphors for America today, this is the money shot."
Israel's 'meal' scandal moves closer toward indictment of Netanyahu's wife
Netanyahu's No-State Solution (outlaw BDS!)
'The lies, the deception' : Australian politician found her husband's child porn and turned him in (fishy)
The Last Days of ISIS' Capital: Airstrikes if You Stay, Land Mines if You Flee
11 Thai men, one by one, married the same woman who then allegedly vanished -- with their money
With over half of the entire U.S. adult population potentially exposed, what's left to do but shrug and sigh? (sue the fuckers, duh)
MoiNameisMax comments on Three Equifax Managers Sold Stock Before Cyber Hack Was Revealed - By the way, they're directing users to sign up for TrustedID, which they own. Signing up for it requires you to forfeit your right to sue Equifax. Just. Saying. (well played, Equifax)
Equifax finally responds to swirling concerns over consumers' legal rights
Homeland Security Cancels Massive Roundups of Undocumented Immigrants - NBC News - President Donald Trump's Department of Homeland Security had planned nationwide raids to target 8,400 undocumented immigrants later this month ... the largest operation of its kind in the history of ICE
WATCH: Jake Tapper walks through the many lies Donald Trump Jr. told about the Russian meeting
First US senator says Congress could force Trump to testify on Russia - Shareblue - California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris
Document details scrapped deal for Trump Tower Moscow - CNNPolitics
Russia's Facebook Fake News Could Have Reached 70 Million Americans -- Facebook acknowledged that Russian propagandists spent $100,000 on election ads. It neglected to mention how many millions of people those ads reached. (not important, they said) < Facebook's role in Trump's win is clear. No matter what Mark Zuckerberg says.
Emails show Trump appointees undermined Facebook CEO Zuckerberg's Glacier visit
The White House tried to calm furious House Republicans. It didn't go well
House passes Trump deal on majority Democratic vote | TheHill - Lawmakers voted 316-90 for the package that includes more than $15 billion in disaster recovery aid for communities affected by Hurricane Harvey. The majority of House Republicans voted for the bill, something that had been uncertain, but more of the votes in favor came from Democrats. All of the 90 votes in opposition were from Republicans.
'Bring your daughter to jerk day' Seth Meyers blasts 'cringe-worthy' Trump-Ivanka 'daddy' moment
What Happened?! -- Video Emerges of Hillary Clinton Saying Illegal Immigrant Children Have to Go (her mind is a tangle of triangulated talking-points)
'It helps not to lie in politics': Sen. Al Franken
Bernie backers' attacks on Democrats infuriate the party - politico - attacks on Democrats infuriate the party -- Demands for ideological purity are stoking divisions heading into the 2018 midterms and 2020 presidential election. (fuck off, Berniebros)
Holy Crap. Max Baucus Now Supports Single Payer? -- But it is difficult to overstate the degree to which Baucus was a critical force among Senate Democrats preventing a more progressive version of Obamacare from becoming law. Really, really critical. (he was a big, big fucker)
This is the most brazen act of Obamacare sabotage yet - Vox - Trump has quietly stopped funding Obamacare's outreach budget
Democratic Senators Test Amy Barrett on Catholic Beliefs - The Atlantic - In the paper, the two authors explore whether a Catholic judge should recuse herself from death-penalty cases if she would be unable to impartially uphold the law because of her religious convictions.
Election Integrity Commission members accuse New Hampshire voters of fraud - The Washington Post - accusing thousands of voters of criminal activity simply for living in New Hampshire but holding out-of-state driver's licenses (Trump is the fraud)
Kris Kobach's leap of logic on voter fraud in New Hampshire should be disqualifying
In major Supreme Court case, Justice Dept. sides with baker who refused to make wedding cake for gay couple - The Washington Post
How the Far Right Came to Love Hippie Food - The New York Times - One of the first acts of President Trump's administration was to reverse an Obama era proposed ban of chlorpyrifos, a pesticide shown to cause brain damage in children. Trump has also rolled back new food rules designed to reduce sodium levels in schools and give consumers more nutritional information.
A stunning new study shows that Fox News is more powerful than we ever imagined -- if Fox news hadn't existed, the Republican presidential candidates's share of the two-party vote would have been 3.59 points lower in 2004 and 6.34 points lower in 2008.
The Fox News Effect - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Today in Campus P.C. - Lawyers, Guns & Money - After months of controversy and widespread opposition, the UNC Board of Governors on Friday approved a ban on litigation that will prevent the UNC Center for Civil Rights from doing legal work for low-income and minority groups.
Congressman Charlie Dent will not seek re-election in 2018 - The Morning Call - An outspoken figure within the dwindling center-right of the Republican Party (he got Freedom Caucus'd)
Fox News Will Part Ways With Eric Bolling After Investigation | Variety
Broward GOP discovers executive board secretary once was arrested in an attempted murder | Miami Herald - is a man who once was charged with attempted murder in the savage claw-hammer beating of a then-classmate at a Los Angeles prep school for multi-millionaires' children ... after hitting Harvard-Westlake School classmate Elizabeth Barcay over the head at least 40 times, splitting her skull open. (sounds like a good Republican)
After Utah nurse's violent arrest, local prosecutors ask FBI to help investigate police ... Officers from the University of Utah did not intervene. (fire their asses too)
Fishing captain, inventor once were lovebirds; now they're suing each other, and it's not pretty ... Allenius packed her bags and her young daughter from a previous relationship and moved to Boynton Beach from St. Petersburg to be closer to Smith ... Allenius was nude when she went on a rampage in his house. She allegedly threw hundreds of items into the canal and caused more than $130,000 in damage inside the house ... She claims Smith occasionally became physical and caused her to break her ankle and burst her breast implants during fights.
Raped, held captive for 29 days, Minnesota teen swims across lake to escape, police say - The Washington Post
Texas Cop Who Said Town Was 'Infested' with Cartels Allegedly Worked with Them : news
XXXTentacion's Reported Victim Details Grim Pattern of Abuse in Testimony
Why was Howard playing at UNLV anyway? It wasn't just college football business as usual.
What's cuffing season? 14 Tinder-era dating terms you should know.
12-year-old boy who transitioned to female changes his mind two years later | The Independent
FDA slams EpiPen maker for doing nothing while hundreds failed, people died | In damning letter, agency says maker didn't ix violations or recall bad batches.
Is everything that we know about black holes theoretical? : askscience
Journey into a Schwarzschild black hole
Gravitational lensing by spinning black holes in astrophysics, and in the movie Interstellar - IOPscience
The largest randomised controlled trial of a psychological intervention for a mental health problem found that treating insomnia led to a reduction in paranoia and hallucinations, providing strong evidence that insomnia may be a causal factor in the occurrence of psychotic experiences. : science
Ok, Reddit, if we all suspended judgment for a sec, what do you want to brag about? : AskReddit
What is one thing your SO hid from you until later in the relationship? : AskReddit
What is the strangest real name you have ever heard? : AskReddit
TIL Costco purposefully designed their store without signs to force people to wander through all the aisles and find things to buy. : todayilearned
Maps: Tracking the Path of Hurricane Irma - The New York Times
Hurricane Irma, Churning Over Dominican Republic, Heads Toward Turks and Caicos - The New York Times
Hurricane Irma Skirts Puerto Rico, Leaves 1 Million Without Power - NBC News
Tropical triple threat: Hurricanes Jose and Katia could join Irma striking land this weekend - The Washington Post
Red States. Climate Change. What Next? - time for Republicans to get with the damn program.
Why Hurricane Irma Could Hurt, a Lot: Much Lies in Harm's Way ... In Florida, which has no state income tax, property taxes make up 36 percent of state and local revenues, and few cities have opted to take drastic measures to limit development along the hugely desirable coasts
One recent estimate showed that Irma packs more than five times Andrew's destructive potential -- Its hurricane-force winds cover an area roughly the size of Massachusetts.
Sir Richard Branson rode out Hurricane Irma on his private island
Redditors of Florida, how has your employer handled the impending wrath of Hurricane Irma regarding your personal preparatiosn and evacuation? : AskReddit
Best weatherman ever, very articulate and educational : videos
Reddit's #1 Post: Chief Meteorologist Alan Sealls Declared "Best Weatherman Ever"
Hackers Gain Direct Access to US Power Grid Controls | WIRED
Israeli airstrike targets Syrian military site as tensions rise - The Washington Post - Syria accused Israel on Thursday of bombing a military site that has been linked to the production of chemical weapons, as well as missiles bound for the Hezbollah militant group, marking an escalation of cross-border incursions by Israeli jets.
A Venezuelan woman had grown used to shortages. Then her HIV drugs ran out. - The Washington Post
Equifax compromised 143 million people's Social Security numbers and other data : technology
Three Equifax Managers Sold Stock Before Cyber Hack Was Revealed : technology
Roger Waters: Congress Shouldn't Silence Human Rights Advocates -- This draconian bill, the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, threatens individuals and businesses who actively participate in boycott campaigns in support of Palestinian rights conducted by international governmental organizations with up to 20 years in prison and a $1,000,000 fine. (Netanyahu is your boss)
The Fake Americans Russia Created to Influence the Election - The New York Times - So it was last year when Melvin Redick of Harrisburg, Pa., a friendly-looking American with a backward baseball cap and a young daughter, posted on Facebook a link to a brand-new website (fake people told you it was fake news)
Russia political meddling alleged in 27 countries since 2004
Yes, We've Done It Too: A History of U.S. Meddling in Other Countries' Election
Exclusive: Mueller seeks interviews with WH staff over Trump Tower meeting statement - CNNPolitics - Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team has approached the White House about interviewing staffers who were aboard Air Force One when the initial misleading statement about Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower was crafted, three sources familiar with the conversations said. (the infamous "missing hour" with Jaredgetting on and off the plane 3 times)
Trump Jr. Says He Wanted Russian Dirt to Determine Clinton's 'Fitness' for Office (she was "low stamina")
A Key Question from Donald Trump Jr.'s Russia Testimony -- What sort of "gaps" is Richard Blumenthal referring to?
Trump, Schumer agree to pursue plan to repeal the debt ceiling - The Washington Post - agreed to pursue a deal that would permanently remove the requirement that Congress repeatedly raise the debt ceiling
Trump's triangulation shows what might have been
Trump Gets His Payback Against McConnell and Ryan - NBC News
How Democrats Rolled Trump on the Debt Ceiling | The New Yorker
Trump's Debt Deal With the Democrats (Chuck is 5'7" how tall is Trumpster?)
How Will History Judge the Trump Presidency? | Vanity Fair - Donald Trump may be a radical break from the past, but history will have its say.
Donald Trump Is the First White President - The Atlantic - The fondation of Donald Trump's presidency is the negation of Barack Obama's legacy
CNN's Powers: Trump thinks daughter Ivanka is 'his prized possession' | TheHill - Powers: Trump thinks daughter Ivanka is 'his prized possession'
Democrats dread Hillary's book tour -- Reliving the 2016 nightmare is the last thing the party needs right now, many say. (look forward, not backward! don't learn anything from experience!)
Clinton's score-settling frustrates Democrats
This Pro-Hillary Website Looks Like North Korean Agitprop - POLITICO Magazine - Peter Daou, the prickly pro-Clinton operative, has launched a propaganda rag so shameless it would make Kim Jong Un blush. (she never did understand either scammers or tech)
The Struggle Between Clinton and Sanders Is Not Over - The New York Times
Verrit, a Media Company for Almost Nobody - The Ringer - The last thing the internet needs is another hyperpartisan news source
Steve Bannon says Catholic Church has "economic interest" in "unlimited illegal immigration" ... Charlie Rose: Can I remind you, a good Catholic, that Cardinal [Timothy] Dolan is opposed to what's happened with DACA? Cardinal Dolan. Bannon: The Catholic Church has been terrible about this.
alicublog: THE PROUD CONSERVATIVE INTELLECTUAL TRADITION. - All told, if this doesn't convince you Kamala Harris is more like the Nazis than the xenophbic lunatic Nazi-defender who runs the country, I don't know what will.
'RepDWS' Laptop Placed For Cops To | The Daily Caller ... The laptop had the username "RepDWS" even though the Florida Democrat and former Democratic National Committee chairman previously said it was Awan'd computer and that she had never even seen it ... The former phone booth room where police found the items is small, and there was no obvious reason to enter it. (Wasserdoodle lied?)
Where have all the workers gone? An inquiry into the decline of the U.S. labor force participation rate - he increase in opioid prescriptions from 1999 to 2015 could account for about 20 percent of the observed decline in men's labor force participation (LFP) during that same period ... Regional variation in opioid prescription rates across the U.S. is due in large part to differences in medical practices, rather than varying health conditions.
The stunning prevalence of painkiller use among unemployed men - The Washington Post ... swaths of Nevada, Michigan, Maine, the southeast and the southwest appear to have suffered the hardest hits ... 44% out of work men, 35% out of work women, 21% working men, 26% working women (periods, duh) Employment trends among prime age men are particularly troubling: 69 percent are employed today, a sharp descent from 75 percent in 2000. Women have less dramatically spiraled downward, with 57.2 percent working now, a drop from the early aughts' 60%
The Resegregation of Jefferson County - The New York Times
Denver Health nurses suspended after opening body bag to see man' genitals Five nurses at Denver Health Medical Center were suspended for three weeks after they inappropriately viewed a deceased patient's body and talked about it (one can only imagine and it's not like they haven't seen dicks before)
Watch a kid call an Infowars host "a fucking idiot"
The Uncomfortable Truth About Campus Rape Policy - The Atlantic - At many schools, the rules intended to protect victims of sexual assault mean students have lost their right to due process -- nd an accusation of wrongdoing can derail a person's entire college edcation (/life)(Dear Prudence)
What Emily Yoffe Left Out of Her Polemic on The Hunting Ground
Bad Teachers,New York's Back on the Job Maryor Bill de Glasio's administration quitly annouced a policy reversal: In the coming year, schools will once again be forced to hire teachers that no other school has wanted to hire
Graydon Carter to End 25-Year Run as Vanity Fair's Editor
He posed as a heroic war photographer -- and the news industry believed him
'Catch Me If You Can': Brazilian fake war photographer may be hiding in Australia< /a>
(1) Natasha Ribeiro
Nature's Disastrous Whitewashing Editorial -- Science's ethos of self-correction should apply to how it thinks about its own history, too.
Science journal Nature ventures into racist medical atrocities -- and regrets it -- "But some historians argue that his experiments could have been considered unethical even for his time" (just a little torture)
The medical ethics of Dr J Marion Sims: a fresh look at the historical record
Study: Atheists behave more fairly toward Christians than Christians behave toward atheists : science
Boy who suffered up to 100 seizures a day has none in 300 days after being prescribed cannabis oil : news
What's your favourite NSFW fact?
Cadfan17 comments on White Christians are now a minority of the U.S. population, survey says (Book of Job, read this)
Redditor hasn't heard of Book of Job. Cadfan17 gives a brief, hilarious summary in modern language. : bestof
ELI5:How do FBI track down anonymous posters on 4chan? : explainlikeimfive
Amazon Is Planning a Second Headquarters With 50,000 Jobs - The New York Times
The Guy Who Claims He Invented Email Just Lost His Bogus Lawsuit : technology
Atlantic 2-Day Graphical Tropical Weather Outlook
Irma: Category 5 hurricane flattens 'most solid buildings' on Saint Martin island | The Independent
Power utility company in Puerto Rico estimates island will be without electricity for '4 to 6 months' : news
Hurricane Irma is one of the most powerful Atlantic hurricanes ever: what we know - Vox - Irma is on track to hit the Eastern Caribbean and Puerto Rico.
Hurricane Irma, a Category 5 Hurricane, Makes Landfall in Caribbean - The New York Times
Deaths reported as Hurricane Irma batters northern Caribbean islands - CNN -- "Barbuda is literally rubble"
Maps: Tracking the Path of Hurricane Irma - The New York Times
Irma - Lawyers, Guns & Money - It looks like this will be an unimaginable catastrophe, even worse than Harvey: hurricane experts pondered whether or not it should be considered a Category 6 (Marco voted to confirm Scott Pruitt)
Hurricane Irma just slammed into Trump's Carribbean estate -- and is headed toward his Florida properties ... signature Mar-A-Lago club and three golf courses he owns in Doral, West Palm Beach and Jupiter. (revenge of the Chinese hoax)
Sir Richard Branson is riding out Hurricane Irma in the wine cellar on his private island - The Washington Post
Hurricane Irma batters Caribbean islands, poses increasing threat to Florida - The Washington Post
Puerto Rico and tiny islands in Irma's path fear for the worst
Rush Limbaugh Claims Hurricane Irma Is Part Of A Vast Conspiracy | HuffPost - Conservative radio host says storms are used to sell bottled water and batteries. (fake storms on fake news with fake water and fake dead people)
No More Mister Nice Blog: Limbaugh: Hurricane Warnings Are A Liberal Conspiracy ... Millions of people listen to this garbage every day -- and they vote. You want to know what's wrong with this country? That's what's wrong
Rush Limbaught's dangerous suggestion that Hurricane Irma is fake news (maybe his listeners will go down to the beach to see the fake news) Alex Jones ... two of the president's biggest promoters in the media telling people that news about a storm -- or perhaps even the storm itself -- is fake.
Florida Sheriff Warns Fugitives They'll Be Jailed if They Seek Shelter
The cleanup in Texas will be long, and they're not sure what they'll find
The Way to Make North Korea Back Down - The New York Times (threaten China, hahahhaha)
Bad News, World: China Can't Solve the North Korea Problem
The moral answer to North Korea threats: Take them out! | New York Post - Better a million dead North Koreans than a thousand dead Americans (oh, and the 10 million South Koreans? not our problem -- do they really "think" like this?)
Corruption and Chinese Civil-Military Relations - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Thomas Piketty on the Russian kleptocracy - Axios -- income inequality is as great in Russia as the United States, with the top 1% of earners garnering upwards of 25% of national income, well above China and other former communist countries like the Czech Republic (which is why we're ruled by oligarchs) the uber wealthy in Russia have as much or more assets stashed overseas than the rest of the population combined holds in the country itself.
A major United States Holocaust Memorial Museum study of the Obama Administration's Syria policy was put on hold last night after portions of the study given to Tablet were greeted with shock and harsh criticism by prominent Jewish communal leaders and thinkers.
Brit pedophile may have abused 34 kids
Danish inventor charged with killing journalist Kim Wall says she hit head on submarine hatch - The Washington Post (and then cut hersw3f into little pieces and threw herself into the water) If convicted, Madsen could face five years to life in prison (oh, harsh)
A Florida man had his parents travel from India to help him beat his wife, police say - The Washington Post
Study points to potential vulnerability in online voter registration systems | Harvard Gazette - Study points to potential security weakness in many online registration systems -- For as little as a few thousand dollars, online attackers can purchase enough personal information to perhaps alter voter registration information in as many as 35 states and the District of Columbia (Barry was very confident in US voting system)
The First Six Months of Trump | Democracy Fund Voter Study Group - How Americans are Reacting to the Trump Administration -- Trump voters still support the President, but support is weaker among Obama-Trump voters ... Trump's approval rating remains high among those who voted for him in November, based on their stated preference in the December 2016 survey. Eighty-eight percent still approve of the President while just 9 percent disapprove (couldn't bring themselves to vote for crooked Hillary, fucked the whole country)
(2) Barack Obama - Posts - mmigration can be a controversial topic (fucking Facebook, Barry, really? and no fucking title?)
DACA deportations could cost US economy more than $400 billion< (Satan killing the economy and a lot of people) /a>
Poll: Majority opposes deporting Dreamers - POLIICO
4 lies Jeff Sessions told to justify ending DACA - Vox - And one misleading claim.
Trump's Early Christmas Gift to Democrats In a surprise blow to GOP leaders, the president strikes a short-term fiscal deal with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, handing them leverage ahead of the next round of negotiations in December.
Trump sides with Democrats on debt ceiling, throwing Republican plans into chaos - The Washington Post
Trump sides with Democrats in debt limit, funding, Harvey deal - The agreement sets up a brutal year-end fiscal cliff.
Chuck and Nancy Just Played Don Like a Fiddle - Nicely done.
A Second Look at the Steele Dossier -- Knowing What We Know Now -- he dossier, in Sipher's view, is not without fault, including factual inaccuracies. Those errors, however, do not detract from an overarching framework that has proven to be ever more reliable as new revelations about potential Trump campaign collusion with the Kremlin and its affiliates has come to light in the nine months since Steele submitted his final report. (including the Kompromat pee-pee tapes no doubt)
Nunes vents anger at Sessions over subpoena, threatens to hold AG, FBI chief in contempt - CNNPolitics (little Putin dupe is having a tantrum)
Donald Trump Jr. meeting with Senate committee investigating Russian election meddling on Thursday - ABC News
Facebook says it sold political ads to Russian company during 2016 election - The Washington Post
In its majestic equality, the law allows rich and poor alike to pay $100K for access to the DOPUS - Lawyers, Guns & Money - USA Today did not say the Dummkopf-in-Chief is a crooked crook who is crookedly parlaying potential access into cash because he's a crook
DeVos ends agreement to work on student loan fraud | TheHill
GOP leaders 'visibly annoyed' over Ivanka visit to Oval Office: reports
PRRI - 1. America's Changing Religious Identity - White Christians now account for fewer than half of the public 2. White evangelical Protestants are in decline along with white mainline Protestants and white Catholics (immoral minority)
White evangelicals have made a desperate end-of-life bargain with Trump (their faith is dead as is their souls)
White Christians are now a minority of the U.S. population, survey says : news
What even is Verrit, the news source endorsed by Hillary Clinton? - The Washington Post (Peter Daou scam and another H8llliary tone-deaf blunder)
Defiant Clinton looks to explain loss in new memoir - CNNPolitics (she was stupid)
At CNN, Retracted Story Leaves an Elite Reporting Team Bruised - The New York Times (they got zucker-fucked)
Sheriff Clarke Was in Talks for a Trump White House Job -- Then John Kelly Killed It -- Turns out that allowing people to die in your jail and comparing Black Lives Matter to ISIS is a bridge too far for some in this administration. (but not Satan-in-Chief)
The Ivanka Trump Guarantee - The New York Times - she was going to close the gender wage gap even if it killed her. Well, not if it killed her, not literally, but even if it mildly inconvenienced her, she was on it 110 percent, for the women. Well, not if it mildly inconvenienced her, she's very busy ... but definitely if there was a wage transparency policy already in place, she would not openly and glowingly support overturning it. ("fake human")
Charlottesville city council votes unanimously to remove another Confederate statue : news
Washington National Cathedral removing windows honoring Confederates Lee, Jackson - The Washington Post - On Wednesday morning, stone masons were at work putting up scaffolding to begin taking out the art that was installed 64 years ago ... a very real conversation in the wider culture about how the Confederate flag and the Old South narrative have been lively symbols today for white supremacists.
Abortion Does Not Harm Mental Health, Study Finds : science
The Latest Jaw-Dropping Numbers From the Opioid Crisis -- Overdose deaths rose by more than a fifth from 2015 to 2016.
Teens caught lighting fireworks that started Columbia Gorge fire in Oregon : news
Charlotte Mayoral Candidate Says Vote For Her Because She's White | HuffPost - Kimberley Paige Barnette, 52, suggested voters should pick her Sept. 12 to be the Republican candidate for mayor because she is "REPUBLICAN & SMART, WHITE, TRADITIONAL" (sorry, Kimberly, "smart" doesn't belong in there)
Chairman responds to mayoral candidate who reminds voters she's 'white'
Teen girl files claim against police who mistook her for a black male suspect and punched her : news
Ohio deputy shoots photographer (body cam) : videos
Former 14-Year-Old Bride Wins $16 Million Lawsuit |
Polygamist Warren Jeffs ordered to pay $16 million to former child bride who testified against him : news ... every one percent increase in the sex ratio results in a six percent increase in the rates of violent and property crime. In addition, the parts of China with the most male-biased sex ratios are experiencing a variety of other maladies, all tied to the presence of too many young men. Gambling, alcohol and drug abuse, kidnapping and trafficking of women are rising steeply in China.
untitled - 657.full.pdf - The puzzle of monogamous marriage
Polygamist Sex Freak Masturbates 15 Times a Day in Jail
Salvador Dali's 'daughter' unrelated to him, DNA tests show --Fortune teller Pilar Abel loses 10-year campaign
Sally Quinn on her husband Ben Bradlee's struggles with dementia in his final years - The Washington Post - Ben Bradlee, the legendary executive editor of The Washington Post from 1968 to 1991, died on Oct. 14, 2014, at the age of 93. Though it was little known outside his closest circles, he had spent his final years grappling with dementia. (can't use the A-word)
PC wars rule young-adult publishing as fewer kids learn to love to read | New York Post - Just last month, the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis canceled its conference on writing for children and young adults because 21 of its 22 speakers were white. (well?)
Police break up MIT frat party with waterfall pouring down stairs - The Boston Globe - An MIT fraternity house party was broken up by Boston police on Sunday night after detectives found underage drinking, unsafe conditions including overcrowding, and water pouring down a flight of stairs, officials said.
Mass. marijuana czar aims for speedy rollout of pot sales - The Boston Globe
Police break up MIT frat party with waterfall pouring down stairs - The Boston Globe - An MIT fraternity house party was broken up by Boston police on Sunday night after detectives found underage drinking, unsafe conditions including overcrowding, and water pouring down a flight of stairs, officials said.
After California got rid of the personal belief exemption for vaccinations, medical exemptions for vaccinations went up, suggesting that the Senate bill isn't as strong as hoped, since anti-vaxxers were still able to find doctors willing to provide a medical exemption instead, as reported in JAMA.
'Hurricane Rachel on Perijove 8 flyby of Jupiter' | JunoCam : Processing | Mission Juno
Check Out These Stunning New Images Of Jupiter | IFLScience
Cutting in line : funny
Hackers gain entry into U.S., European energy sector, Symantec warns : news
Judge dismisses Shive "I Invented EMAIL" Ayyadurai's libel lawsuit against Techdirt -- Judge: Techdirt articles were opinionated and hyperbolic, but not libel.
Republican entrepreneur Shiva Ayyadurai waging 2018 bid against US Sen. Elizabeth Warren |
Catastrophic Hurricane Irma -- now a Cat 5 -- is on a collision course with Florida
Eye of a monster: Terrifying images of Hurricane Irma, 2017's s strongest storm on Earth
Soggy Dollar Bar LIVE HD webcam - YouTube (BVI)
Hurricane Irma is so strong it's registering on devices designed to detect earthquakes : news
Irma intensifies to an 'extemely dangerous' Category 5 hurricane on its track toward the U.S. (bye-bye Mar-a-Lago)
FEMA Is Almost Out of Money and Hurricane Irma Is Approaching : news (whoops, all gone)
Story about Houston mosque refusing to help non-Muslims is fake news - Right-wing fake news websites run wild with bogus story using the image of a Canadian scholar and imam
Crisis Is Over at Texas Plant, but Chemical Safety Flaws Remain - The New York Times
Serving Members Of British Military Among Men Arrested Over Alleged National Action Terror Plot | HuffPost UK - The group were banned as a terrorist organisation in December.
Sara Netanyahu expected to be indicted for fraud in pocketing $110,000 in goods - Israel News - - Attorney general likely to inform Sara Netanyahu of charges in a few weeks - Source tells Haaretz testimony by state's witness Ari Harow could change nature of the suspicions against Benjamin Netanyahu from fraud and breach of trust to acceptance of a bribe
Australia's strange vote on same-sex marriage (anti-gay conservatives squander $100,000,000 on fake poll)
Eschaton We Are Ruled By Bad People - And it isn't just Trump. It is the entire Republican party.
The Trump Administration Now Has Tons Of DACA Data And Is Poised To Weaponize It - DREAMers trusted the government with their information. Immigration agents could now use it to expedite their deportations.
Trump and Republicans face ' defining moment on immigration (party of hate)
EPA now requires political aide'S sign-off for agency awards, grant applications - the unusual step of putting a political operative in charge of vetting the hundreds of millions of dollars in grants the EPA distributes annually, assigning final funding decisions to a former Trump campaign aide with little environmental policy experience.
Putin says Trump 'not my bride, and I'm not his groom (but he's definitely a girl)
Putin Says Trump Is Not His Wife
Intensifying Russia probes could pit Hill against Mueller - CNNPolitics - Lawyers working with a team led by special counsel Robert Mueller approached the Senate intelligence committee this summer with a request: They wanted the transcript of an interview Senate staff had conducted with former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
Russian politician says ;et's hit Trump with our Kompromat' on state TV. Claims made in explosive Trump Russia dossier, though unproven, have led many to speculate Kremlin could be holding sensitive information on former real estate mogul
McCarthy: Republicans will punt wall fight to December - politico
New Clinton book blasts Sanders for 'lasting damage' in 2016 race ... Hillary Clinton casts Bernie Sanders as an unrealistic over-promiser in her new book ... paved the way to ... "Crooked Hillary" (and Barry told her to shut up about Bernie) ... ""I am proud to be a Democrat and I wish Bernie were, too."
Clinton book: Abedin broke into tears after learning Weiner sexting restarted email probe | TheHill -- "This man is going to be the death of me!"
15 things everyone would know if there were a liberal media
Press group to NRA: 'It is un-American to threaten journalists' -- Dozens of big publishers are members of the association. The list includes 21st Century Fox, ABC, the BBC, the FT, Hearst, NBC, NPR, Time Inc., Tronc, Turner, USA Today, Viacom, and The Washington Post. (CNNMoney is part of Turner, which is a division of Time Warner.)
The Daily News, a Distinctive Voice in New York, Is Sold - The New York Times (TRONC!)
Officer shoots Ohio newspaper photographer after confusing his tripod and camera for a gun : news
Man Captured Vandalizing Los Feliz Sikh Temple, Threatens Witness With Razor : news
Utah hospital to cops: Stay away from our nurses - The Washington Post
Detective in nurse arrest video fired from job at Gold Cross : news
Newlywed Becomes One Of Youngest To Be Diagnosed With Dementia At 31 Years Old | HuffPost UK
Self-Reinforcing Misogyny - Lawyers, Guns & Money - a similar effect when people show male faculty evidence of systematic sexism in their fields: (male scientists don't believe in science when it comes to their sexism)
Traces of Crime: How New York's DNA Techniques Became Tainted (profit!)
New Study Offers Support for Prostate Testing - The New York Times - a new study strengthens the evidence that testing can reduce deaths from this cancer, something two earlier large landmark clinical trials appeared to reach different conclusions about.
Cutting 'Em Down to Size -- A new dismantling of Freud shows the value of a critic's well-honed hatchet -- Laura Miller is a books and culture columnist for Slate and the author of The Magician's Book: A Skeptic's Adventures in Narnia (another Crews fan)
Hatchet Jobs I Can Use - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research
Use of LSD, magic mushrooms, and other classic psychedelics predicts more environmentally-friendly behavior in people through an increasing your perception of being part of the natural world, rather than being separate from it. : science
An enormous black hole one hundred thousand times more massive than the sun has been found hiding in a toxic gas cloud wafting around near the heart of the Milky Way, which will rank as the second largest black hole ever seen in the galaxy, as reported in Nature Astronomy. : science
Boston Red Sox Used Apple Watches to Steal Signs Against Yankees - The New York Times
Meet Your American Sweatshops - Lawyers, Guns & Money - This expose of Los Angeles sweatshops routinely stealing workers' wages and refusing to pay the minimum wage should outrage you and it should also make you understand that much, much more is needed to protect workers in the apparel industry, no matter where they labor
Hurricane Irma strengthens to Category 4, 'increasing chance' could affect Florida: NHC
Undocumented Workers Will Help Rebuild Texas After Harvey - Reckoning with the realities of Trump's DACA decision
EPA Denies Houston Superfund Sites Being Neglected, Attacks Reporter -- Pruitt has basically been running the EPA as an oil-and-gas-industry welfare office, and doing most of it in secret. (he's on site, they are in "the comfort of Washington")
Trump's EPA attacks AP reporter in personal terms -- An EPA statement, written in the jarringly caustic and grammatically sloppy style that characterizes so many Trump administration communiquis, begins (only took him 8 months to destroy the EPA)
The Cost of Hurricane Harvey: Only One Recent Storm Comes Close - The New York Times - On Friday, estimates for Harvey from these groups ranged from $70 billion to $108 billion. (Katrine: $160 billion)
In Texas, Distrust of Washington Collides With Need for Federal Aid - The New York Times ("im from the federal government, and I'm here to help"_
Is Houston Still a Model City? Its Supporters Aren't Backing Down ... It's the model of precisely what not to do, unless you believe that it gets all the big questions right ... Houston's middle-class affordability, he argues, has been underwritten by the construction labor of undocumented workers and by insurance programs that subsidize building on cheap flood-prone land. ("The Texas Way:" free-market model for extreme de-regulation, anyway, but no worries, they will bill blue states for their stupidty) )
Over 21 Miles of Highway, Snapshots of a Resilient Houston - The New York Times
Why Can't We Get Cities Right?
Undercover in North Korea: "All Paths Lead to Catastrophe" ... it's just too late. If you wipe out humanity to this level, and have three generations of it, when you see the humanity of North Koreans is when the horror becomes that much greater. You see how humanity can be so distorted, and manipulated, and violated.
North Korean Nuclear Test Draws U.S. Warning of 'Massive Military Response'
North Korea Nuclear Test Puts Pressure on China and Undercuts Xi - The New York Times
Chinese Ambassador: China 'will never allow chaos and war' on the Korean Peninsula
Seoul tries to ignore Trump's criticism: 'They worry he's kind of nuts,' one observer says (kind of, or totally) )
Hong Kong Broadcaster's Decision To Drop BBC Prompts Anger
Why Aung San Suu Kyi's Nobel Peace Prize Won't Be Revoked ... came under increased pressure on Monday to denounce a military operation that has caused thousands of Muslim refugees to flee across the border to Bangladesh ... Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani Muslim and the youngest recipient of the award, said in a Twitter post on Monday, "I am still waiting for my fellow Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi to do the same. The world is waiting and the Rohingya Muslims are waiting"
TIL MI5 estimates there are as many Russian agents in London now as there were at the height of the Cold War. : todayilearned
The Insane Gifts Saudi Arabia Gave President Trump
Russia probes kick into high gear - POLITICO - hree congressional committees are pursuing investigations, and high-ranking Trump associates are expected to testify soon.
Cash-strapped states brace for Russian hacking fight - politico - With big aid from Congress unlikely, state election managers search for money to replace voting equipment, protect databases and train workers in cybersecurity (Republicans see no problem: Paul LePage loves Russians)
In Election Interference, It's What Reporters Didn't Find That Matters ... intelligence agencies had intentionally worded their conclusions to specifically address "vote tallying" not the back-end election systems (and did no research) The White House is focused on erasing fraud by individual voters, which experts say is a miniscule problem at its worst. A vast throng of voting machines that Congress financed after the disputed 2000 presidential election are now outdated, and no one wants to pony up the cash to modernize them (thanks, Barry)
Something is seriously off about this president - The Washington Post 00 Increasingly, his presidency is defined by blatant lies, an empathy deficit and a frightful lack of ability to navigate through dire international crises ... lies upon lies (more than 1,000 in seven months) have piled up, rendering his utterances automatically suspect, at least for the more than 60 percent of voters who keep telling pollsters he is not honest
Trump is expected to phase out DACA program, although decision is not finalized - The Washington Post
Obama to speak out if Trump ends DACA - politico
Ending DACA would be Trump's most evil act
Republican Party Autopsy Author Goes Off On GOP As Trump's DACA Decision Nears -- "Those in Republican leadership who have enabled his behavior by standing silent or making excuses for him deserve the reckoning that will eventually come for the GOP"
When You Elect a Racist President Running on a Racist Platform, Racism is What You Get - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- Deporting a Guatemalan-born American who may or may not speak Spanish to Guatemala City where they may soon be kidnapped and murdered by gangs is a feature, not a bug, to Trump, Sessions, and their voters.
In Defense of the Truth - The New York Times - Once again: Donald Trump is a liar. (about pretty much everything) Of the statements by Trump that the fact-checking site PolitiFact has checked, just 5 percent were deemed absolutely true ... whopping 69% "mostly false," "false" or "pants on fire" ... Trump made 492 false or misleading statements in his first 100 days ... "Trump seems to lie for the pure joy ot it" (Satan always lies)
No One Asked for Verrit, but Here We Are - On Sunday evening, former secretary of state and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton endorsed Verrit, a "media platform for the 65.8 million" who supported her candidacy, immediately creating a minor Twitter firestorm ... it's more or less a link dump (Hillary top=down and tone=deaf)
Breaking from tech giants, Democrats consider becoming an antimonopoly party - The Washington Post - At issue is a decades-long relationship between Democrats and tech companies, with Democratic presidents signing off on deregulation and candidates embracing money and innovations from companies like Google and Facebook (thinkfluencer Anne-Marie started a "conversation" +70% of rust-belt voters hate corporate monopolies but only 21% favor "antitrust laws" and there's your stupid problem, again)
How Redlining's Racist Effects Lasted for Decades
When the (Empty) Apartment Next Door Is Owned by an Oligarch - The New York Times - New data this week from the National Association of Realtors estimates that foreigners, led by the Chinese, invested $153 billion in housing in the United States in the year that ended in March, up a remarkable 49 percent from the previous year.
University Hospital boss talks changes after nurse arrest, says 'this will not happen again'
Property manager, under fire for imagery in Queens condo, is arrested ... Nazi imagery and Confederate flags on display in the lobby of Milano's building
Who are the clowns marching on Washington? Inside the surreal world of Insane Clown Posse's 'Juggalos' | The Washington Post - Nudity. Debauchery. Eating a live scorpion. Insane Clown Posse fans are definitely outrageous. But are they a criminal gang? ... in 2011, the FBI took the extraordinary and unprecedented step of labeling the entire fan base of ICP a gang, placing them alongside the Bloods, Crips and MS-13 ... a man stormed a Massachusetts radio station demanding that the DJ play ICP's "My Axe (if by "stormed" you mean sat outside in his car)
Why We Should Put Women on Pedestals - The New York Times (history written by men, about men, for men)
Most Boston charter schools reject performance-based pay for teachers - The Boston Globe -- "A lot of the original enthusiasm for performance-based pay as a way to change teaching, in and of itself, has diminished," (Betsy DeVos disagrees)
The Purge Of Transgender People From American Life Has Begun | HuffPost
Young Freud, cruel, incurious, deceptive, and in search of fame - The Washington Post (another review of Crews, by a "science writer" +commenter mostly have a very negative image of Sigmund
Analyzing Freud - The New York Times
Freud's Family Tree By George Prochnik jan. 20, 2008 - Makari argues that we've been blinded to the cultural reach of psychoanalysis by the magnitude of Freud's stature and the magnetic pull or repulsion of his personality and theories ... pwychoanalysis created "the richest systematic description of inner experience that the Western world had produced." It addressed "sex, love and death; childhood, parenting and family; cruelty, fear, jealousy, envy and hate; identity, conscience and character; desire and mourning." -- F. gave us the language of inner experience and the "science writers" don't know they are thinking with Freud's thoughts)
How we feel about Freud: Susie Orbach and Frederick Crews debate his legacy | Books | The Guardian - Crews, an academic, thinks psychoanalysis is an unscientific jumble of ideas, while psychoanalyst Orbach would prefer not to throw the baby out with the patriarchal bias (Crews is a "literary critic" with no apparent inner life)
Psychoanalyst Loses Libel Suit Against a New Yorker Reporter - - the long-running saga of Janet Malcolm and Jeffrey M. Masson.
Neanderthals were distilling tar 200 thousand years ago in Europe. These early humans were using tar to make tools long before Homo sapiens did. : science
Mysterious radio bursts have been repeatedly detected coming from the same location in deep space. Amateur sound engineer /u/maxcresswellturner converts them into a listenable audio track : bestof
Supermassive black hole discovered in centre of the Milky Way : news
If English surnames were created using today's professions (e.g. Smith, Taylor, Fisher) what would be some popular/interesting names? : AskReddit
Bar closes after employees find out owner donated to ex-KKK leader David Duke : news
Site sells Instagram users' phone and e-mail details, $10 a search - Assuming the 6-million figure is true, and the 10,000-record sample is representative, millions of e-mail addresses and phone numbers are now available for sale, and still more account data may be in the hands of other hackers.
Hurricane Irma could strike U.S. East Coast by next weekend, or it could curve out to sea - The Washington Post - Some models curve Irma back out to sea before reaching the continental United States, but a significant percentage of models have Irma striking the U.S. East Coast as early as Saturday or Sunday. Therefore, anyone with interests from Florida to New England should monitor forecasts closely.
Trump wants to tie Hurricane Harvey recovery aid for Texas to debt-ceiling bill - The Washington Post
U.S. Coast Guard has saved 4,322 lives in Houston flooding : news
Houston becomes a city in recovery after Harvey - The Washington Post
Harvey's impact: Texas faces broad environmental concerns as wastewater, drinking water systems compromised - The Washington Post - The Environmental Protection Agency reported Sunday that more than 800 wastewater treatment facilities are not fully operational as a result of Hurricane Harvey
Talia Lavin on Twitter: "I've been subscribed to EPA news alerts for over a year now. Since the election, the shift is absolutely nuts. 1/" (dismantling the administrative state and staffing it with political idiots)
Texan's do-it-ourselves rescue effort defines Hurricane Harvey
This Woman's Flooded Store Looks Brand New After She Refused To Give Up Hope
Joel Osteen sure asks for a lot but check out his house in Houston : pics (Jesus loves him)
Harvey destroyed hundreds of thousands of cars in the Houston area, a city that heavily relies on them - The Washington Post - Sandy destroyed about 250,000 vehicles and Katrina claimed about 200,000, according to estimates. Harvey ruined 300,000 to 500,000 cars and perhaps far more,
Yellowstone Supervolcano Earthquake Swarm Now One of Biggest on Record, With Over 2,300 Tremors : news (meanwhile, in end-of-the-world land)
Vaccines save 20 million lives, $350 billion in poor countries since 2001 - UNC News (Jenny McCarthy is sad)
North Korea Says It Tested a Hydrogen Bomb Meant for Missiles - The New York Times
After North Korea Nuclear Test, Trump Saves Harshest Words for South Korea - The New York Times
'We'll see,' Trump says on potentially attacking North Korea over its nuclear test
North Korea Carries Out Its Most Powerful Nuclear Test To Date | HuffPost (Trump criticizes S. Korea for being insufficiently suicidal to support his nuclear war)
Eschaton: Seoul - There were a bunch of pieces not that long ago about how, you know, bombing North Korea probably wouldn't mean THAT many dead people in Seoul. Haven't seen them recently, but keep your eyes out for them...
Parents travel from India to help son beat wife, say deputies : news
Reality Winner Was Not Told She Had the Right to Remain Silent
Read the Inauguration Day letter Obama left for Trump - CNNPolitics (he didn't "read" it)
The deal Trump wanted with Russia - The Washington Post - Trump Tower Moscow was not another instance of Trump as unabashed cross-promoter-in-chief, like using the campaign press corps to help tout the reopening of his Scottish golf course. It represented something much more disturbing, even unpatriotic -- "I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA -- NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!"
I ran Congress 9/11 investigation. The intelligence committees today can'T handle Russia -- If they want a real autopsy, they need more resources. (which won't happen )
In action after action, Trump appeals primarily to his dwindling base - The Washington Post (of hard core stupid racists)
He Is What He's Always Been -- The campaign to "portray" Julian Assange as a supporter of Donald Trump continues to be conducted in large measure by Assange himself: "Capitalism+atheism+feminism = sterility = migration. EU birthrate = 1.6. Replacement = 2.1. Merkel, May, Macron, Gentiloni all childless." (wants religious communist patriarchy)
Jim Bridenstine to Be Nominated by Trump to Lead NASA - The New York Times - Mr. Bridenstine, a strong advocate for drawing private companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin more deeply into NASA (privatize space!)
GOP senator blasts Trump's '18th-century view of trade'
The history, theory and contradictions of antifa - The Washington Post (+Dartmouth pres looking pretty stupid now)
Albert Mohler: The Nashville Statement is an expression of love for LGBT people - The Washington Post - .we in fact are acting out of love and concern for people who are increasingly confused about what God has clarified in Holy Scripture (Jeuss hates gays, so suck it up, homos)
The next Kennedy weighs his next move - POLitico - Rep. Joe Kennedy
Time to give up on identity politics: It's dragging the progressive agenda down -- Identity politics has only served to disempower the left and fuel the rise of white nationalism. Can we move on? (it's always the left's fault and racism is so 20th century) comment: Now let me get this straight. Now that we have an out racist, homophobic, transphobic and sexist in the White House, privileged white people are still writing about the left focusing too much on race?
Goodbye, Yosemite. Hello, What? - The New York Times - These are all classic steps in the march toward mass murder, with clear echoes in later genocides ... BY the time the Mariposa Battalion was disbanded later in 1851, it had cost the California government $259,372.31 and killed at least 73 Native Californians (just a little western heritage)
To Understand Rising Inequality, Consider the Janitors at Two Top Companies, Then and Now - The New York Times - But in the 21st-century economy, many millions of workers find themselves excluded from that select group. Rather than being treated as assets that companies seek to invest in, they have become costs to be minimized. (everybody is a "contractor," no loyalty to workers)
This Twitter Thread Satirizing How Men Talk About Women Is Too Good | HuffPost - I half wonder whether men should be allowed in labs. Could be a distraction to hard working women
If Your Friends Cite Hillbilly Elegy Favorably, You Should Mock Them - Lawyers, Guns & Money
A Utah nurse's violent arrest puts patient-consent law -- and police conduct -- in the spotlight
Lieutenant James Tracy: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know (have a little internet spotlight, asshole)
Eighth Baltimore Police officer arrested, indicted on federal racketeering charges : news< (almost like an organized crune ring) /a>
Woman told she's at fault after parked car sideswiped by St. Louis police vehicle (har parked car reaches for its waistband)
Man Who Refused to Decrypt Hard Drives Still in Prison After Two Years : news
Man receives more than 300-year prison sentence for child pornography : news
TIL that a surgeon studying cryogenics claims that in only 3 years from now he will be able to successfully transfer a cryogenically frozen brain into a donor body, thus bringing the original person back to life in a new body. : todayilearned
An infant gets lead poisoning from a homeopathic healing bracelet : news
Duke University scientists have created a "lethal injection" for tumors. When injected into them, their ethanol-based gel cured 100% of the oral tumors in a small sample of hamsters. This treatment might work for some kinds of breast, liver, and other cancers, and it only costs about $5. : science
Ohio State revokes Arizona professor's Ph.D., questioning her findings on video games : news
Killing a Doctorate -- Ph.D. is revoked after her findings on violent video games are questioned. Some wonder if her mentor and co-author is also to blame. ... In a joint statement to Retraction Watch, Markey and Elson seemed to suggest that Whitaker had been thrown under the bus. ... "That the female, junior researcher is found culpable for those problems while the male, senior researcher is not, seems questionable"
Parents of Reddit, what is the most expensive thing your child has accidentally ruined? : AskReddit
What *shouldn't* you and your significant other have in common? : AskReddit
port53 comments on I got a response from Barbara Comstock on her position on Net Neutrality. It's complete nonsense. (history is hard for politiciaNS) They basically used the billions they got from the tax payers to buy the government. Let that sink in.
Millions of Time Warner Cable Customer Records Exposed in Third-Party Data Leak - Roughly four million records containing the personal details of Time Warner Cable (TWC) customers were discovered stored on an Amazon server without a password late last month.
Eschaton: The Inevitable - I do not know why people always think things which look neato in scifi movies would actually be neato in practice. A lot of them are really stupid, even they do, actually, look neato. Cool aesthetics do not equal functionality. Transparent screens for example. A head mounted display for another. (their goal is science fiction)
White House walks back promise about Trump donating his 'personal money' to Harvey victims (Huckafuck says hahahahaha suckers, got you again)
Harvey's financial toll: $80 billion so far in damage, second only to Katrina
We already knew how to reduce damage from floods. We just didn't do it -- Will Harvey finally force policy changes? Or will we keep making the same mistakes? (red states will continue to bill the rest of the country for their evil stupidty)
AP EXCLUSIVE: Toxic waste sites flooded in Houston area - EPA not on scene
Arkema backtracks, refuses to provide chemical inventory to the public - Houston Chronicle (won't say what chemicals are killing you, deregulation of death) Then-Attorney General Greg Abbott, quoting the 2003 law, issued a ruling that allows state and local agencies to withhold inventories.
Houston refineries and plants leak thousands of tons of pollutants | US news | The Guardian (you not allowed to know what we're killing you with)
How Hurricane Harvey Could Affect Public Health - The Atlantic - Physicians and other professionals are scrambling to contain a multitude of epidemics that might arise after the flood.
After Harvey, the Trump administration reconsiders flood rules it just rolled back - The Washington Post - Trump derided these restrictions, which were written in response to growing concerns over the impact of climate change, and other federal rules as useless red tape holding back the economy ... he said in the lobby of Trump Tower in New York during an event to tout his infrastructure policies
Small Towns Outside Houston Still Struggling With Dire Problems | HuffPost
In a flooded Texas subdivision, the hard slog of rebuilding begins - The Washington Post
Harvey: In these two Houston neighborhoods, flooding went beyond the worst projections - Washington Post
Timelapse of Hurricane Harvey flood from front yard of a neighborhood in Houston. : videos
Watch as Trump Calls On A Bunch of Religious Leaders to Thank Him For His Harvey Efforts | Mediaite
Texas Man Returns To Flood-Hit Home, Finds Terrifying Intruder Inside | HuffPost - Brian Foster discovered his surprise guest under his dining table.
(2) I Love Texas - Posts - Please pray for Rain Across Texas (God heard their prayers)
Photos: Alley Theatre destroyed by Harvey - Houston Chronicle
Eschaton: Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie - Obligatory disclaimer: of course I don't in any way condone the slaughter at the Charlie Hebdo offices which was a horrible event, but like Glenn I found the universal praise - and pressure to praise - Charlie Hebdo, as opposed to just recognizing the evil of the attack. was disturbing.
Charlie Hebdo May Now Be Criticized Because It Mocked White Texans Rather Than Muslims
San Francisco sets all-time heat record downtown at 106 degrees during state's hottest recorded summer - LA Times
Fast-moving wildfire destroys 3,000 acres; homes evacuated in L.A., Burbank - LA Times
wildfire near Los Angeles burns 5,000 acres and forces hundreds to evacuate
Rohingya Muslims Flee As More Than 2,600 Houses Burned In Myanmar's Rakhine | HuffPost - About 58,600 Rohingya have crossed into neighboring Bangladesh.
Pope reveals he had weekly psychoanalysis sessions at age 42 | World news | The Guardian - and that now nothing frightens him
Trump preparing withdrawal from South Korea trade deal, a move opposed by top aides - The Washington Post (Putin ordered him to fuck South Korea)
Eschaton: They Have All The Power - I guess the Tory strategy to save themselves politically from the inevitable Brexit disaster is to just whine about the big bad mean old EU and how mean they are and it's just not FFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIR.
Far-right German candidate promises to get rid of Arabic numerals (Nazi says do your multplication in Roman numerals)
He Can't Even Fake It -- People with certain autism spectrum disorders have difficulty reading social cues which most people understand intuitively ... can't help thinking of this when I see President Trump touring Texas with his litany of jarring, tone-deaf or just plain weird comments ... a word for people who have an extreme inability to feel empathy: sociopath. ... "Have a Good Time!" (he literally has no forehead)
How an obstruction of justice case may be shaping up against Trump | US news | The Guardian - Trump claimed during the campaign that he "knows nothing about Russia" and had "no loans" and "no deals" there ... "I think he got everybody's tax returns" (lock up the whole crime family)
Ryan Goodman on Twitter: "Big implication from NYT scoop: Stephen Miller perhaps implicated in conspiracy to obstruct justice (DJT then an unindicted co-conspirator)"
Justice Dept: No evidence of Trump Tower wiretapping | TheHill (Obama "taped" him)
Stephen Miller, James Comey and the Mystery of the Secret Hour -- we need to return to the great mystery of that lost hour on the tarmac on Air Force One ... Kushner's role in all of the entire Trump/Russia story is bigger and more central than most of us have understood
An Update from The Kushner Swamp (crooked little fuck)
Reports: New Revelations About The Real Reasons For Comey Firing
Rex Tillerson's State Department Floats Getting Rid of Northern Ireland, Afghanistan-Pakistan, Guantanamo Special Envoys - The Trump administration has vowed to slash the funding of the state department, which manages the US's relations with foreign countries and governments. Mr Tillerson has suggested that the special envoys for climate change and the Iran deal, Afghanistan-Pakistan, disability rights, international labour affairs and for closing the Guantanamo Bay detention center, as well as the Northern Ireland role, will be eliminated under the plan. In all, over half the 66 special envoy position are due to be cut (we don't need no steenking "management")
Eschaton - As I keep saying, I don't think he remains in office for 4 years, but nor do I think 25th amendment (kinda crazy) or impeachment (hello Paul Ryan!) are going to happen anytime soon for obvious reasons.As for what does happen if Mueller has the goods, well...
Annotated Dossier - The following contains the text of the Christopher Steele dossier, a document that alleges collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign during the 2016 U.S. Presidential election and was recently revealed to have been used by the FBI in its application for a FISA surveillance warrant against Carter Page, an early Trump adviser. The text of the dossier itself was reproduced as faithfully as possible from the initial publication by Buzzfeed.
Are Crackpot Pro-Putin/Trump Conspiracy Theories Credible? Views Differ - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Nation VIPS story)
John Kelly Pushing Out Omarosa for 'Triggering' Trump -- Omarosa is 'Patient Zero or unfettered access to the Boss ... The former Apprentice co-star
Donald Trump, Super Dealmaking Genius - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Our president simply cannot be played like a fiddle by anyone sitting next to him.
Trump's True Base: Law Enforcement -- One of the scariest parts about this horrible administration is how law enforcement at all levels, from local cops to the fascists who work for ICE to the Border Patrol union, are chomping at the bit to do whatever Trump wants.
Trump Already Has a Wall. It's the Thin Blue Line (sadistic fuckers love sadistic fuckers)
Rubio, Nelson blast Trump's NASA pick -- Oklahoma Congressman Jim Bridenstine (don't need no steenking scientists in the space program)
osner, 78, is stepping down effective Saturday, according to a news release Friday afternoon from the 7th Circuit. He was appointed to the court by President Ronald Reagan in 1981 and served as its chief judge from 1993 to 2000.
The 10 late-night TV moments that defined the summer of 2017 - The Washington Post
I was born in poverty in Appalachia. 'Hillbilly Elegy' doesn't speak for me -- Here is the simple fact: Most poor people work. Seventy-eight percent of families on Medicaid include a household member who is working. People work hard in necessary and important jobs that often don't pay enought to live on ... comment: "As a Republican conservative, Vance can't help coming off as a repulsive, over-generalizing jerk, because he is one. It almost seems like no coincidence, comrades, that's he's also got the pasty bovine face, double chin, and self-satisfied expression of Erick Erickson from Redstate.
Why most evangelicals don't condemn Trump - Gary Abernathy (Abernathy is a hand of Satan)
Charleston Gazette-Mail | Trump nominates former coal exec to run MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Administration.
Antifa Broke My Camera | New Republic - What it's like to cover the black-clad activists at the frontlines of the battle against white supremacy.
Antifa Stole My Bike -- It says a lot that the GOP and many in the modern media are more worked up about antifascists than they are the Klan and Nazis.
Waiting for a Perfect Protest? - The New York Times - Media outlets and commentators representing a range of political persuasions have called attention to recent outbreaks of violence in Berkeley, Calif., Boston and other locations where anti-racist and anti-fascist demonstrators have gathered. Intentionally or not, they have often promoted a false equivalency between groups that advocate white supremacy and those that seek to eliminate it. (and BLM is a "hate group")
Eschaton - This point is not entirely wrong. If the New York City megalopolis can't afford a couple of tunnels, then who can (it's much more complicated than that in practice - no one taxing authority, for one)? Still, in practice, NYC and surrounding aren't going to do it themselves, and if those tunnels go... (no federal funding to keep east coast functioning because fuck you libruls)
Labor Historians, the White Working Class, and Trump Voters - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Rarely did anyone want to probe the strange and heady brew of anti-statism, anti-elitism, fragile pride, and, often, individualism (a word all but banned from labor history) that are part of class consciousness in America ... The crazy train of American history happened. The lineage that winds from Andrew Jackson to Tom Watson to Joe McCarthy to George Wallace to Pat Buchanan to Trump ... Looking for a populist savior, however, is bedrock Americana.
Twitter Users School Infowars Editor Over Claim That 'Orwell Rolls In His Grave' At Antifa | HuffPost - Read a f****n book
Federal government has long ignored white supremacist threats, critics say - The Boston Globe
Minneapolis bar closes over owner's donation to David Duke campaign | TheHill
Why the Black Lives Matter protest outside a Philly police officer's home was not 'illegal occurpation' -- Pa. Rep. Martina White's claim (yes, that is really her name)
Female deputy DA found bloody, beaten after gang attack in California : news
[Idaho] Rigby police chief thanks Utah nurse for 'standing firm' in protecting his officer's rights : news
Salt Lake City police, other departments endure growing wave of public criticism after nurse's arrest -- SLCPD receives thousands of angry calls and emails, even tying up emergency dispatch lines Friday.
After confrontation with nurse at Utah hospital, detective -- who also worked as paramedic -- said on camera he'd 'bring them all the transients'
Kid Rock has been running for Senate all summer long, violating federal law -- Nonpartisan watchdog group Common Cause files complaint with the FEC and Department of Justice
Kid Rock lashes out over alleged campaign finance violation | TheHill - telling the "misinformed press" to "go fuck themselves" (Kid Schlock)
Eschaton: Our Meritocracy -- 41.2% of the freshman class at Harvard is legacy -- Who your parents are matters in an obvious and clear way that is undeniable, and mostly doesn't even require that they buy a library for the college. (hard-working rich white kids with rich Harvard parents)
Eschaton: Correction -- The Harvard Crimson @thecrimson -- We made a mistake: 30.3% of surveyed Harvard freshmen are legacies, not 41.8%. (oh, that changes everything)
New Mass. pot commission gets final three members - The Boston Globe - The new state commission that will oversee the creation of the marijuana industry in Massachusetts is dominated by members who voted against the referendum that approved recreational use of the drug. (MA gov/legislature will always fuck you)
Your Kids Will Look at Internet Porn. Deal With It. A Conversation with Peggy Orenstein. | WIRED - a converstion with Peggy Ornstein -- I have two young sons; I don't want them to end up incapable of being aroused by an in-the-flesh human because their first encounter with sex was a clip of a porpoise-pudenda's MILF getting jackhammered
Professional vs Amateur Porn explained. : bestof
TMZ Gets Schooled By Trans Activist Who Confronted Caitlyn Jenner | HuffPost (no "bridging the gap" with Republican dimbulb Jenner)
Meme Documentation -- On the origins of the man checking out another woman meme; or, please stop saying it originates from that Instagram post
Fentanyl Overtakes Heroin as Leading Cause of U.S. Drug Deaths - The New York Times - Drug deaths involving fentanyl more than doubled from 2015 to 2016, accompanied by an upturn in deaths involving cocaine and methamphetamines. Together they add up to an epidemic of drug overdoses that is killing people at a faster rate than the H.I.V. epidemic at its peak.
Losing weight for the couch potato and others - The Washington Post - Kushner said patients often have trouble shedding pounds unless problems like stress are managed.
Even more evidence that we're eating all wrong -- Forget fat, it's carbs that might sticki Het to your ticker.
Is there a limit to how many elements there can be? : askscience
TIL People with Cystic Fibrosis are extremely dangerous to eachother : todayilearned
[Serious] What was the worst mental breakdown you've ever witnessed? : AskReddit - Anne-Marie Slaughter (slaughters the truth)
New American Horseshit (lil Anne-Marie is making $500K/yr to be a lying corporate asshole)
New America, a Google-Funded Think Tank, Faces Backlash for Firing a Google Critic - The New York Times
A Serf on Google's Farm
Google is losing allies across the political spectrum | Ars Technica
The Hard Consequence of Google's Soft Power
The anti-monopoly ideas Google tried to suppress are growing influential
Cyclist Shows Off For Google's Street View Camera, Becomes Online Hero | HuffPost
Harvey in Photos: What Houston Looks Like Now | The Weather Channel
Trump requesting initial $6B in aid for Harvey | TheHill
Even Republicans are upset at Ted Cruz for doing a 180 on hurricane relief - The Boston Globe (read comments for conservative lies: $17 billion of Sandy aid went to "Social Services and liberal think tanks unrelated to the damage caused by Sandy." but also: "Voting Republican says you'd ather drown in your attic than have a federal agency there to help you in a disaster. Don't do it")
FY2013 Supplemental Funding for Disaster Relief - R42869.pdf
Another Fire Rages At Texas Chemical Factory | HuffPost
The Chemical Plant Explosion in Texas Is Not an Accident. It's the Result of Specific Choices. -- The perils of deregulation. (deregulation = "Republicanism" which the rest of the country will pay for) n fact, and this is the delectable part of the entire farce, there apparently is a law in Texas that specifically forbids many cities and towns from designing their own fire codes. Hell, the state even passed a law forbidding cities and towns from requiring fire sprinklers in new construction. Freedom!
Harvey-damaged Arkema chemical plant explosion expected | MSNBC - Matt Dempsey, data reporter on the investigative team at the Houston Chronicle, talks with Rachel Maddow about the immediate peril from the damaged Arkema chemical plant northeast of Houston and the lack of regulations in Texas complicating the problem.
Plant erupts with new fire, explosion - Houston Chronicle - As smoke climbs into sky in Crosby, company still mum about inventory
Matt Dempsey (@mizzousundevil) | Twitter
Chemical Breakdown Part 6 - Houston Chronicle - The firefighters didn't even know there was a chemical facility in the neighborhood, one surrounded by houses and apartments, a nursing home and a gun shop full of ammunition. The fire department in the nation's fourth-largest city has no idea where most hazardous chemicals are, forgetting lessons learned in a near-disaster 21 years ago, Less than a quarter of hazardous materials facilities with permits have been inspected. (no lessons were/will be learned)
'Art of the Deal' co-author: No way Trump donates $1 million to Harvey victims (media believed him, of course)
Smoke seen pouring from Russian consulate in San Francisco - An Associated Press reporter heard people who came from inside the building tell firefighters that there was no problem and that consulate staff were burning unidentified items in a fireplace.
Balloon Juice - Translation: if we don
Army General's racy texts with subordinate's wife prompt official probe
Talk of Assange pardon worries intelligence community | TheHill - Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), who has come under scrutiny for his own ties to Russia, is behind the Assange pardon push.
Mueller Has Early Draft of Trump Letter Giving Reasons for Firing Comey - The New York Times
Mueller examining Trump's draft letter firing FBI Director Comey
NYT: Mueller Has Copy Of Original Letter Trump Drafted To Justify Comey Firing
Longtime Trump aide Keith Schiller tells people he intends to leave - CNNPolitics - The former New York Police Department detective was entrusted with one of the most sensitive and controversial decisions of Trump's presidency, delivering a letter to FBI headquarters notifying then-FBI Director James Comey that Trump had decided to fire him.
Trump pulls back threat to shut down government over border wall -- for now
A Leak or a Hack? A Forum on the VIPS Memo - A letter from dissenting members of VIPS, a reply from VIPS, and the results of our independent review -- by Thomas Drake, Scott Ritter, Lisa Ling, Cian Westmoreland, Philip M. Giraldi, and Jesselyn Radack (interesting, and they still don't know the DNC's internet speed in July 2016 or network configuration, who is keeping it secret?)
The Nation issues editor's note on story questioning whether the DNC was hacked
Russian Election Hacking Efforts, Wider Than Previously Known, Draw Little Scrutiny - The New York Times
Jeff Sessions' DOJ To Put Woman Who Laughed At Jeff Sessions On Trial Yet Again | HuffPost - brief chuckle during the attorney general's confirmation hearing in January has turned into a nine-month ordeal, and it's not over yet.
The Urban Revival Is Over - The New York Times
SLC mayor, police chief apologize for officer who arrested nurse; criminal investigation to follow<br> - The Salt Lake Tribune -- The video caused an uproar around social media, and multiple national news outlets picked it up Thursday. Thousands of people angrily commented on the department's acebook page, many demanding Payne's firing or suspension (commenters are amazingly unified: "Kentucky is laughing at us")
Nurse shares police video of 'crazy' arrest by S.L. officer I Deseret News - YouTube (20 min vid, 727,455 views in a day)
Prosecutor wants criminal probe of nurse arrest. : news
Lesbian couple win $10,000 damages from county clerk who called them an abomination
"Hung from a tall tree" : Second Republican calls for lynching critics of white supremacy - Missouri state Rep. Warren Love said on Facebook that he hoped Confederate statue vandals are lynched. (good 'ol boy)
GOP Senate candidates divided over proposal to label Black Lives Matter a hate group - The Boston Globe ... Of three major candidates hoping to face US Senator Elizabeth Warren in the 2018 election, only one of the two moderates -- businessman John Kington -- is joining Governor Charlie Baker and several state GOP committee members in rejecting the notion that BLM is a hate group. She is referring to his role as director of Colorado-based website (o rly +factionalizing in the party of hate)
Why Did Over A Dozen Bloggers Leave Patheos? | HuffPost - A few months ago Patheos was purchased by Beliefnet, which is owned by an evangelical organization. There were concerns among many of the Pagan writers over what this would mean for them ... Also on the board of Affinity4 is Jay Sekulow, who is is Chief Counsel for the ACLJ. (o rly o rly)
[repost] Read This Before Patheos Deletes it.
What the Fuck Just Happened at Patheos? By Pat Mosley ... Affinity4 is a company that essentially raises money for non-profits. On their website, they identify several groups that have received their help. Among them are the ACLJ, the NRA, Concerned Women for America, Focus on the Family, the American Family Association, and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.
Patheos - Wikipedia - Patheos is a non-denominational, non-partisan online media company providing information and commentary from various religious and nonreligious perspectives. (doesn't mention Kingston, ignores highly-partisan management)
Police searching for Somerville teen in connection with fatal shooting of 16-year-old - The Boston Globe
Tattooed fugitive captured in Pennsylvania - The Boston Globe
N.H. man arrested on I-95 in Lexington after flashing gun in road rage incident - The Boston Globe
Board rejects parole for woman who stabbed Gloucester mom and suffocated her to death - The Boston Globe
L'Oreal transgender model says all white people are racist | Daily Mail Online
There's an all-girl remake of 'Lord of the Flies' in the works, and it's already being mocked online: "uhm lord of the flies is about the replication of systemic masculine toxicity - every 9th grader knows this u can read about it on sparknotes" - "An all women remake of Lord of the Flies makes no sense because... the plot of that book wouldn't happen with all women"- Roxanne Gay
I am a 21 year old girl taking medical marijuana for my Tourette Syndrome, AMA! : IAmA
Girls of Reddit, what kind of compliments do you like and dislike receiving from guys? : AskReddit
People who got fired on the first day of the job, what happened? : AskReddit
Was searching for Chinese videos to practice my Mandarin and discovered this gem... : videos
Comcast sues Vermont to avoid building 550 miles of new cable lines - Vermont is trying to make Comcast bring TV and Internet to unserved areas. : technology
Harvey Live Updates: Death Toll Rises in Texas - The New York Times - Local officials now say that at least 46 deaths were related to or suspected to be related to the storm, and cautioned that the number could still rise.
Hurricane Harvey Shifts Political Winds in Washington - The New York Times - The truth of the matter is, they don't need money to build a wall in Texas, but to rebuild the shoreline in Texas ... Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, two Texas Republicans who opposed a spending package after Hurricane Sandy pummeled the Northeast in 2012, now find that the boot is on the other foot, leaving them responsible for delivering dollars to their state. (Rethugs flipflop, love federal aid)
Searching for Survivors in a Flooded Apartment Building - The New York Times
As Waters Rise in Beaumont, Houston Starts to Head Home - The New York Times
We are in trouble.' Harvey flooding pushes Texas chemical plant to the brink, turns a city into an island - The Washington Post
We are in trouble.' Harvey flooding pushes Texas chemical plant to the brink, turns a city into an island - The Washington Post
11 Staggering Numbers That Help To Put The Harvey Catastrophe Into Perspective | HuffPost
Eric Trump Fails Miserably Trying To Call Out CNN | HuffPost (they are acting like Trumpster will actually give the money)
Kevin Swanson: Hurricane Harvey Is God's Judgment On Houston For Having A 'Very Aggressively Pro-Homosexual Mayor' (but that's ok to say)
Joel Osteen Is Now A Hilarious Meme After He Was Criticized For His Response To Harvey Victims - I support the innkeeper's decision to turn away Mary and Joseph. It's an inn, not Labor and Delivery!
The US cities at risk of flooding; and how they're dealing with the threat | Environment | The Guardian - Marty Walsh, Boston's mayor, warned a major storm could "wipe out" the heart of the city following the unveiling of a report last year that stated billions of dollars' worth of real estate was at risk from rising seas and the threat of a Hurricane Sandy-like event. At 5ft of sea level rise, which is feasible within the coming century, Logan airport starts to disappear and water will lap at the edges of Harvard's campus
Venezuela Offers $5 Million to Aid Harvey Victims Via Citgo - Bloomberg - Aid offer comes after Venezuela was hit with U.S. sanctions
This Is Why Tens Of Thousands Of People Are Fleeing Myanmar - Almost 30,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled Myanmar in the past week, marking a spike in those fleeing alleged persecution by the Burmese military. (Buddhists are genocidal assholes)
North Korea Keeps Saying it Might Give Up its Nuclear Weapons -- But Most News Outlets Won't Tell You That (war sells clicks)
More Than 60,000 People Are Evacuating A German City After A Massive World War II Bomb Was Found - believed to be the largest bomb evacuation in Germany's post-war history
Kenya Supreme Court Rules Presidential Election Invalid Due To Irregularities | HuffPost - A new election must be held within 60 days.
The U.S. Is in Denial About the Civilians It's Killing in Syria -- The commanding general in the war against the Islamic State is ignoring mounting evidence that the coalition campaign has killed hundreds of innocents.
This Teen Troll Fled To The US For Political Asylum. Now He's Stuck In A Detention Center -- 18-year-old Amos Yee went up against the repressive Singaporean government with ideas and tactics he learned on YouTube. Then he fled to the US to seek asylum in the country that all but invented trolling. Now, he's stuck in an immigration detention center, in limbo. At a time when internet politics are global, which countries will defend the right to free speech?
The mysterious drop in the number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean - The Washington Post
606 pairs of empty shoes: the growing toll of suicide in New Zealand | World news | The Guardian - silent epidemic. The country has the highest youth suicide rates in the developed world and some people want to talk about it -- five times that of Britain and twice as high as Australia.
Dr Con Man: the rise and fall of a celebrity scientist who fooled almost everyone | Science | The Guardian - Surgeon Paolo Macchiarini was hailed for turning the dream of regenerative medicine into a reality -- until he was exposed as a con artist and false prophet (stem cell hype)
A judge ruled this veteran is a US citizen. Now he faces deportation to Mexico | US news | The Guardian - The case of George Ybarra, currently in an Arizona detention center, has been criticized as a cruel and extraordinary application of immigration laws
Eschaton: News of the Night - What an administration -- Special counsel Bob Mueller has teamed up with the IRS. According to sources familiar with his investigation into alleged Russian election interference, his probe has enlisted the help of agents from the IRS's Criminal Investigations unit -- So he has the tax returns...
Exclusive: Mueller Enlists the IRS for His Trump-Russia Investigation - Will the accountants take down key members of Team Trump? Or force the president's tax returns into the open?
Fox News Poll: Americans Think Donald Trump Is An Unstable, Dishonest, Immoral Bully | HuffPost
WHOOPS! Tomi Lahren Accidentally Reveals The Truth About Fox News | HuffPost (admits Fox is fake news)
How the Trump-Tillerson Clash Could Ignite a West Wing Shake-Up | Vanity Fair - A surprisingly logical musical-chairs scenario could see Tillerson replaced by Nikki Haley
Kris Kobach's new job: Columnist for Breitbart
Republicans Want to Sideline This Regulator. But It May Be Too Popular. - The New York Times -- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Trump, DeVos, and the Creation of an American Oligarchy (Trump kisses her nose)
This Republican Pollster Is Losing Faith in the GOP - The Atlantic - Trump is stamping the GOP as a party of white racial backlash
Eschaton: Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit - And Slaughter gets paid a lot of money to make sure her organization does not have major PR disasters...
I criticized Google. It got me fired. That's how corporate power works
We Said Google Was Dangerously Powerful, Then Google Proved Us Right - My team of researchers spoke up about the dangerous power of Silicon Valley. In response, Silicon Valley proved just how right we were ... Monopoly, it turns out, is the power of which we dare not speak.
Yes, Google Uses Its Power to Quash Ideas It Doesn't Like -- I Know Because It Happened to Me
Want to understand how dominant tech companies have become? Look at the number of issues they lobby on. - The Washington Post
In Praise of Equipoise - The New York Times
The 'slave block' in a town in Virginia: should it stay or should it go? | US news | The Guardian - A onetime site of slave sales in Fredericksburg has provoked a fierce debate. This is not a monument, it's a piece of history -- but should it be removed from view (just a little reminder, that's all) Several days after the article and the petition to city council, the Confederate veteran John Tackett Goolrick (wut?)
'Stop! I've done nothing wrong': Nurse shares police video of 'crazy' arrest by S.L. officer
'This is crazy,' sobs Utah hospital nurse as cop roughs her up, arrests her for doing her job -- Salt Lake Detective Jeff Payne (lock the criminal asshole up!)
Sexual activity at our age can seem like a pilates class
If You Do 21/32 Of These Things You're a Totally Normal Girl (not "woman")
China exports its bike-sharing revolution to the U.S. and the world - The Washington Post - Correction: This article has been corrected to say that Bluegogo only put hundreds of bikes on the streets of San Francisco rather than 20,000 as initially reported.
Hit App Sarahah Quietly Uploads Your Address Book
Mumbai paralyzed as Flood in India kills more than 1,000 : news
Eschaton: Big Charity - It's a problem. -- As Americans are opening their wallets and donating to relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, one of the most prominent charities is the American Red Cross. But donors might be surprised to learn the Red Cross won't, or can't say, what percentage of their dollars will go directly to helping the victims of the storm.
Eschaton: Aftermath - Maybe it's due to the sprawling nature of Houston, but I have a hard time getting a handle on just how bad it is, and how important these types of concerns are. Officials in Houston are just beginning to grapple with the health and environmental risks that lurk in the waters dumped by Hurricane Harvey, a stew of toxic chemicals, sewage, debris and waste that still floods much of the city. Flooded sewers are stoking fears of cholera, typhoid and other infectious diseases. Runoff from the city's prawling petroleum and chemicals complex contains any number of hazardous compounds. Lead, arsenic and other toxic and carcinogenic elements may be leaching from some two dozen Superfund sites in the Houston area.
Texas Republicans Helped Chemical Plant That Exploded Lobby Against Safety Rules
Texas Chemical Plant Facts About Harvey Storm Damage
Harvey Is Becoming an Utter Ecological Disaster - On Galveston Island, there is the Galveston National Laboratory, which is part of the University of Texas Medical Branch. This laboratory contains some of the most deadly biological agents found in the known world, many of them of the airborne variety. It contain several Bio-Safety Level 4 labs, which are basically the places where plagues are studied ... nobody knows what's going on there at the moment
Gulf Coast Texas and American Infrastructure - Lawyers, Guns & Money
How Trump's Texas disaster relief visit turned into an impromptu rally
15 deputies hospitalized after incident at Crosby chemical plant
Explosions reported at flooded Crosby chemical plant - Houston Chronicle - A fire broke out at the Arkema plant in Crosby early Thursday, following chemical explosions overnight that sent plumes of black smoke into the air.
As Hurricane Harvey Approaches, Trump Appoints Deputy Chief of Staff Who Failed to Prepare for Katrina - Nielsen as among the key administration figures who failed to act on early warnings about the storm.
This is the best photo Trump could find for "witnessing" hurricane devastration "first hand"
The remarkable story behind this Harvey jet ski rescue - CNN
The Cheap Prosperity Gospel of Trump and Osteen - The New York Times
Matt Walsh on Twitter: "Woman cradles and protects child. Man carries and protects both. This is how it ought to be, despite what your gender studies professor says" -- The absolute best part about these alpha male chuds is that they all look like they were last picked for team sports from k-12.
Jesse Kelly on Twitter: "What sitcoms, media, and professors tell you she wants vs. what she actually wants." (Matt Walsh is very Republican hipster)
Caring For Children During A Disaster: An Open Thread - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Conservative Texans Love To Fight The Feds Until They Need Them | HuffPost
JustOneMinute: Who Will Fact-Check The Fact-Checkers? - [UPDATE: Snopes has inserted a semi-stealth revision to address (or discredit?) the critics. More at STEALTH below.]
Snopes Botches Fact-Check by Misrepresenting a Trump-Supporter's Claim
FACT CHECK: Was Barack Obama President During Hurricane Katrina?
Diplomatic Underground -- The Sordid Double Life of Washington's Most Powerful Ambassador
Trump Dumped U.S. Ambassador to Amman at Request of King | Foreign Policy
Eschaton: America Should Give Afghanistan To Erik Prince, Argues Erik Prince - This is actually an opinion piece in the New York Times.
BLS: Americans Spend More on Taxes Than Food and Clothing Combined
CONFIRMED: Comey Decided He Wasn't Going to Refer Hillary For Prosecution Long Before FBI Investigation Was Over - Katie Pavlich (but dragged it out to please Republicans, thanks, Barry) )
What Are the Fascists at ICE Up To Today? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Oh, just trying to destroy the records of all their killings and rapes.
Trump and Manafort get big reminder that pardon power does not extend to state crimes - The Washington Post (Trump will fire New York State)
Mueller teams up with New York attorney general in Manafort probe - POLitico
A very intriguing new subplot in the saga of Donald Trump Jr.'s Ru ssia meeting
The bad news about 'this ru ssia thing' keeps pouring in for Trump
Trump Lawyer 'Vehemently' Denies Russian Collusion
Michael Cohen Speaks: Trump Exec Admits Russia Dealings Were Gross, But Not Illegal | HuffPost - Plus: The three times he spoke with Trump about a potential Moscow deal.
Manafort Notes From Russian Meet Contain Cryptic Reference to 'Donations'
GOP lawmaker: Trump can't bully senators, 'this isn't the Apprentice'
Trump Raises an Army - The New York Times
RNC chief of staff resigns amid rash of departures - POLitico - Sara Armstrong is the sixth staffer to exit in the past month.
White House Quietly Removes Sexual Assault Report From Website | HuffPost - The report was published in 2014 under the Obama administration. (groper-in-chief doesn't need your fake news "reports")
Trump voting panel apologizes after judge calls failure to disclose information 'incredible' -- The exchange was the latest controversy surrounding the commission, which has roiled states with a sweeping request for the voting information of more than 150 million registered voters. Trump created the commission in May after repeatedly suggesting that millions of illegal voters cost him the popular vote against Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Studies and state officials of both parties have found no evidence of widespread voting fraud.
Kushner's China Deal Flop Was Part of Much Bigger Hunt for Cash
Breitbart melts down, worries Trump is "under house arrest"
US Deputy Attorney General Warns About the Right-Wing Terror Threat Trump Ignores
White Homicide Worldwide | Southern Poverty Law Center - Stormfront, the leading white supremacist Web forum, has another distinction -- murder capital of the Internet.
White Supremacist Arrested at Hollywood Florida Confederate Street Sign Protest | Miami New Times - Christopher Rey Monzon
Missouri Republican calls for vandals of Confederate monument to be lynched (he was a little politically-incorrect, that's all)
superkarate?? on Twitter: "It's wrongly. The correct answer is "wrongly." #DavidBrooks"
Fox's Guilfoyle says Black Lives Matter would be powerful if they "behved in the right way" (more whitely)
The NY Times's Newest Op-Ed Hire, Bari Weiss, Embodies its Worst Failings -- and its Lack of Viewpoint Diversity -- "pro-Israel activist"
Google-Funded Think Tank Fired Google Critics After They Dared Criticize Google (lil Anne-Marie is good with threats and lies) But for Matt Stoller, up until very recently the most vocal member of the Open Markets team, there's a significant upshot to getting the boot
Matt Stoller - Matt Stoller is fellow at the Open Markets program, where he is researching the history of the relationship between concentrated financial power and the Democratic party in the 20th century. (but not for long)
The Return of Monopoly | New Republic - With Amazon on the rise and a business tycoon in the White House, can a new generation of Democrats return the party to its trust-busting roots? (Eric Schmidt loves gold-age monopoles)
In the 1970s, a new wave of post-Watergate liberals stopped fighting monopoly power. The result is an increasingly dangerous political system.
Citizens Against Monopoly | HuffPost - Google got me and my colleagues kicked out of a prominent Washington think tank. Here's why that matters
Matt Stoller on Twitter: "Conyers is the ranking House Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, with jurisdiction over antitrust." --
John Conyers: Americans are fed up with monopolies rigging our economy & politics. I'm excited to see what Open Markets does next. (how's that working out for you, Anne-Marie?)
Statement on Emails Released by New America Concerning the Open Markets Program -- The only unusual aspect of this particular situation is that Google got caught.
(3) Matt Stoller (@matthewstoller) | Twitter
Matt Stoller on Twitter: "Ooof."
New America Foundation Head Anne-Marie Slaughter Botches Laundering Google's Money, Fires Anti-Trust Team at Eric Schmidt's Behest
Zeynep Tufekci on Twitter: "WSF has further reporting: Fired New America scholar claims he was told Google chairman threatened to pull funding."
Matt Stoller on Twitter: "I get asked a lot for books and articles on monopoly power. Here's a list we at Open Markets put together."
Elizabeth Warren on Twitter: "Think tanks play a critical role in shaping policy, but their credibility is jeopardized when decisions are based on funder preferences." (this is so not working out for them)
The Aptly Named Anne-Marie Slaughter (yes, she has a history)
Eschaton: The Left Flank - The other thing is that we should expect our corrupt leaders to be competent, at least. Slaughter is paid a bunch of money and can't even handle this kind of thing well. Her organization is now known as a corrupt tool, and that she failed to stop that means she is...well, bad at everything. Maybe hippie critics like me are just sniping, but "known tool of Google" will be a right wing thing when useful. She has to resign and I have no idea why this isn't 100% obvious.
Eschaton: Oh Dear - Time for another blogger ethics panel.
Don't Be Evil
Google Just Proved That Monopolies Imperil Democracy, Not Just The Economy | HuffPost - Barry Lynn and his team of anti-monopoly researchers were fired by a think tank after criticizing the search giant. (Anne-Marie Slaughter is corrupt) Eric Schmidt (is an asshole monopolist)
Google critic fired from Google-funded research body : news
Yes, antifa is the moral equivalent of neo-Nazis - The Washington Post -- Marc "Torture" Thiessen (a name you can trust)
You Are Not Forgotten - New Trump Painting - Jon McNaughton - YouTube
Evangelicals' 'Nashville Statement' denouncing same-sex marriage is rebuked by city's mayor -- marriage should be between a man and a woman, and condemning the acceptance of 'homosexual immorality or transgenderism'
Bakery Says No To Same-Sex Weddings Because 'Our Business Is God'S Business' -- Tastries Bakery turned them away ... Cathy Miller (talks to God all the time)
Rents - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The CEO of Laura Ingraham's LifeZette Won't Stop Talking About His Employees' 'Boobs and Butts' -- Is it just me or are [her] tits getting bigger?' the conservative site's top exec said about a female colleague, according to one of seven sources who spoke with The Daily Beast -- Peter Anthony (Fox/conservative culture)
The Militarization of the Hamptons - Bloomberg - Why is a heavily armed counterterrorism force patrolling the parties of the rich and famous?
Wells Fargo uncovers up to 1.4 million more fake accounts : news
Officer to woman during traffic stop: 'We only kill black people, right?"
Comments: Video shows Utah nurse screaming, being dragged into police car after refusing to let officer take blood from unconscious victim - The Salt Lake Tribune
Owners must surgically 'debark' loud dogs, court rules
Baraar's September Issue Starring Kim Kardashian West
Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? - The Atlantic - More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But they're on the brink of a mental-health crisis. -- teens today differ from the Millennials not just in their views but in how they spend their time. The experiences they have every day are radically different from those of the generation that came of age just a few years before them ... iGen: Born between 1995 and 2012 ... 12th-graders in 2015 were going out less often than eighth-graders did as recently as 2009 ... only about 56 percent of high-school seniors in 2015 went out on dates; for Boomers and Gen Xers, the number was about 85 percent ... 18-year-olds now act more like 15-year-olds used to, and 15-year-olds more like 13-year-olds. Childhood now stretches well into high school ... All screen activities are linked to less happiness, and all nonscreen activities are linked to more happiness.
How SB Nation Profits Off An Army Of Exploited Workers
User gives a detailed and super interesting list of negatives about living in Japan from the perspective of an American. : bestof
Hubble discovers signs of water on newly discovered Earth-sized planets near Trappist-1 : news
Repeating Radio signals from distant galaxy detected at West Virginia observatory : news
New elephant fossils found in Saudi Arabia suggest individuals twice the weight of the biggest modern elephants : science
Power company kills nuclear plant, plans $6 billion in solar, battery investment : news
Women of Reddit, what's the creepiest thing a man has said to you? : AskReddit
Men of reddit, what's the creepiest thing a woman has ever said to you? : AskReddit
MacEwan University loses $11.8 million to scammers in phishing attack | Edmonton Journal
Driverless Cars and Sprawl - Lawyers, Guns & Money - I have a lot of issues with driverless cars, primarily that they are being developed to throw millions of people out of work. With driving pretty much the last decently paid working class job that employs huge numbers of Americans, these cars may have a social benefit, but they also come with a huge economic problem that the proponents of supporters of them simply handwave away. The U.S. trucking industry alone employs 8 million people and that doesn't count the many other driving jobs that will be erased, from forklifts to taxis
Arkema CEO: No way to potentially stop an explosion - All residents within 1.5 miles of a chemical plant in southeast Texas were evacuated on Tuesday because of the rising risk of an explosion.
EPA says climate scientists trying to 'politicize' Texas storm
Maps: Tracking Harvey's Destructive Path Through Texas and Louisiana
Trump Makes Devastating Hurricane All About Trump | HuffPost - What a crowd, what a turnout -- Trump has used his Harvey meetings as product placement for hats he sells for $40 two days in a row now...
Even in visiting hurricane-ravaged Texas, Trump keeps the focus on himself - The Washington Post
Houston is paying the price for public officials's ignorance (climate science is "anti-development" so should be ignored)
Eschaton: The Greatest American Hero - Thank god for Journalists. -- @TomLlamasABC #Breaking We're witnessing looting right now at a large supermarket in the NE part of Houston & police have just discovered a body nearby
Inside The Megachurch Accused Of Closing Its Doors During Harvey | HuffPost - Lakewood Church waited days before offering shelter to Houston-area flood victims. (Joel Osteen, hand of Satan)
Here's why people hate Joel Osteen
Melania's stiletto sideshow
If You're ever in Houston
What a contrast. This is Obama after Sandy. This is Trump after Harvey "rally" : "What a crowd, what a turnout"
How will the waters actually recede from Harvey, and how do storms like these change the landscape? Will permanent rivers or lakes be made? : askscience
Erik Prince: Contractors, Not Troops, Will Save Afghanistan - The New York Times
11 Better Times Op-eds Than Erik Prince's Pitch to Take Over Afghanistan
The New York Times' Blackwater Op-Ed Is a Disgrace (NYT incapable of connecting its own dots)
TIL that concerns are increasing that Campi Flegrei - a "supervolcano" very close to the Italian city of Naples - could erupt again for the first time since 1538. Previous eruptions have triggered volcanic winters globally, causing widespread crop failures and resulting in famines. : todayilearned
The incredible shrinking president - Axios
Pittsburgh focus group tanks Trump - politico
Presidential Pardons Might Not End Russia Prosecutions - NBC News - According to a new MSNBC legal analysis, federal pardons could open the door to local criminal investigations in several states.
Judge wohn't vacate former Sheriff Joe Arpaio's contempt conviction without oral arguments
Why Trump's Arpaio Pardon Is So Terrifying -- This isn't how things are supposed to work in a country that adheres to the rule of law
KKK Hoods & Russian Flags Appear In Trump Tower Gift Shop: Gothamist
White House Won't Require Firms to Report Pay by Gender, Race -- Obama-era proposal was aimed to address pay disparities (anti-factual)
Trump Pal Bought IAmAF**got.Com and VaginaBoy.Com, Then the Sites Attacked His Enemy
In the Trenches of Trump's Leak War -- How the administration has changed the game between investigative reporters and their government sources.
Time For Some Regime Theory
What Should a Left Foreign Policy Look Like? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Eschaton: Plot Twist - I don't even know how anything works anymore. -- Defense Secretary Jim Mattis late Tuesday announced that transgender troops will be allowed to continue serving in the military pending the results of a study by experts.
Transgender troops: Mattis freezes policy pending review.
A Boom in Confederate Monuments, on Private Land - The New York Times
KTVU anchor: 'I experienced hate firsthand' at Berkeley rally
What the Media Got Wrong About Last Weekend's Protests in Berkeley -- The violence I saw was only part of the story. -- Assaults and other violence are newsworthy. Journalists' hurt feelings are not. But most importantly, reporters shouldn't lose sight of the big picture: Fascists and other far-right extremist groups in America are visible and organized in a way that they haven't been in decades. And at least for the moment, their movement is on the defensive.
The case against antifa - Vox
NBC Insider: 'Total Panic' Over Megyn Kelly's Morning Show
Eschaton: Newseum - My amateur take is that the Newseum was built at the tail end of the WE MATTER IT IS ALL ABOUT US REALLY POINT THE CAMERAS AT US era of journalism, which stretched from Gulf War I through OJ through impeachment through the political magazine boomlet of the 90s through Bush v. Gore through 9/11 through Gulf War II. Let's called it the Maureen Dowd era.
It is truly shocking that Donald Trump was elected president of the United States - Lawyers, Guns & Money - I noted a couple of weeks ago that the Charlotte School of Law, part of the Infilaw trinity of ABA-approved for-profit law schools, had joined the choir invisible of ex-law schools. -- Now a former faculty member has filed a $285 million qui tam suit against her erstwhile employer, from which comes this delightful nugget of (alleged) scammery:
18 students dismissed from American University for code of conduct violations - The Washington Post
Grown Men Are Exploiting Loopholes In State Laws To Marry Children | HuffPost - A new report finds the practice of adults marrying girls as young as 12 is rampant across the U.S., despite evidence it threatens lifelong harm - More than 200,000 children under 18 were married from 2000 to 2015 in the U.S.,
King County deputy on leave after pulling gun during traffic stop | (hello, asshole, you're on candid camera!)
How Caitlyn Jenner's Politics Complicate Her Relationship With The Broader Trans Community | HuffPost - Caitlyn Jenner was confronted by transgender activist Ashlee Marie Preston for her support of the Trump administration. (too much stupid and botox, will always be a Repubican)
Family of Boy Who Wears Dresses Sues Education Department - The New York Times - Police officers arrived at the family's home around midnight (of course they did)
ESPN Football Analyst Walks Away, Disturbed by Brain Trauma on Field - The New York Times
Nevada Tax Commission again says no to liquor distributors in marijuana fight. : news
Does the Aug 21 eclipse fulful a biblical prophecy? Here's when the end time will be - Green - News - Catholic Online - For those still concerned, according to Meade, the end time will come on September 23, 2017 around, or shortly after midnight, GMT.
Men Are Now More Likely to Marry Up
ELI5: Why do a girl's breasts first develop during puberty, and not during a woman's pregnancy? Would it be too much stress on the body to develop breasts while pregnant? : explainlikeimfive
ELI5: How were ancient astronomers able to accurately predict cosmological events using a geocentric model of solar system? : explainlikeimfive
What subreddit doesn't sound real but actually exists? : AskReddit
Simpsons' Composer Alf Clausen Fired
What was acceptable 20 years ago but isn't acceptable now? : AskReddit
TIL Cyril of Alexandria claimed that "camel" is a Greek misspelling in the phrase "it's easier for a camel to thread the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven." He claimed camel was actually "kamilos," meaning rope. : todayilearned
Eschaton: Oh Dear - Time for another blogger ethics panel. -- Those worries seemed to be substantiated a couple of days later, when Ms. Slaughter summoned the scholar who wrote the critical statement, Barry Lynn, to her office.
Google Critic Ousted From Think Tank Funded by the Tech Giant - The New York Times
Google critic fired from New America Think Tank that has received millions in funding from Google : technology
TIL Kim Dotcom discovered the feds were illegally spying on him after his Xbox ping went from 30 milliseconds to 180 milliseconds, indicating a third party connection. : todayilearned
Climate change did not "cause" Harvey, but it's a a huge part of the story -- 9 things we can say about Harvey and climate. (#10: Republicans are stupid and evil)
Harvey marks the most extreme rain event in U.S. history - The Washington Post
Harvey Is What Climate Change Looks Like - politico Magazine - time to open our eyes and prepare for the world that's coming
What you can and can't say about climate change and Hurricane Harvey
How Climate Change Is Shaping the Floods of Harvey - The Atlantic - The human contribution can be up to 30 percent or so of the total rainfall coming out of the storm
Al Gore Explains Connection Between Climate Change and Floods - To close out the business day, here's a reminder from Al Gore about what happens when the atmosphere heats up. (Republicans will outlaw the word "rain")
We've Failed Houston Because We've Failed Our Democracy -- We have given up on citizenship, and on our political commonwealth ... We didn't care enough to keep the government out of the hands of a towering top-down assemblage of fools and charlatans.
Houston is experiencing its third '500-year' flood in 3 years. How is that possible?
Harvey takes aim at Louisiana as Trump plans to survey stricken Texas - The Washington Post
The health dangers from Hurricane Harvey
Ted Cruz's claim that two-thirds of the Hurricane Sandy bill 'had nothing to do with Sandy (3 noses)
Cajun Navy coming up with new plan after looters shoot at boats, try to steal them
Misleading reports of lawlessness after Katrina worsened crisis, officials say | US news | The Guardian
How Does Hurricane Harvey Compare With Katrina? Here's What We Know
How one photo became a symbol of Harvey's wrath
Hurricane Harvey And The Potential Hypocrisy Of Texas Republicans | HuffPost -- But when it was New York and New Jersey hit hard by Hurricane Sandy in 2012, all but one Texas Republican in Congress voted against a $50.5 billion package to help people in those states. (they know they can out asshole everyone else)
UT fires teacher whose tweet blamed Harvey on Texas GOP vote | Tampa Bay Times (but saying gays caused Katrina is ok)
Journalist goes to Joel Olsteen's church to prove it is not flooded and could be opened to help flood victims : videos
Joel Osteen's Houston Megachurch Blasted For Closing As Thousands Are Displaced | HuffPost (didn't want those people tracking in mud in his Jesus temple) )
Sky stops broadcasting rightwing US channel Fox News in UK | Media | The Guardian - Sources say decision to stop broadcasting controversial channel is not connected to Fox's #11.7bn takeover bid for Sky (of course not)
Netanyahu Vows to Never Remove Israeli Settlements From West Bank: 'We're Here to Stay, Forever' - Netanyahu tells settlers at event marking 50 years to Israel's occupation of the West Bank (in case you believed our previous bullshit)
Hurricane Harvey Greatly Complicates The Government Shutdown Calculation
ICE Plans to Start Destroying Records of Immigrant Abuse, Including Sexual Assault and Deaths in Custody | American Civil Liberties Union (Trump erasing his crimes)
A new polling low for Trump: Just 16 percent 'like' his conduct as president
Here's what we know so far about Team Trump's ties to Russian interests (updated 8/28/17)
There Are Still So Many Russian Secrets Waiting to Leak -- Felix Sater's Role in Trump's White House Victory Comes into Question - More emails, more evidence...
Special counsel subpoenas Manafort
Rep. Rohrabacher says 'rendezvous' being set up with Trump to relay info from WikiLeaks' Assange on DNC hack
Trump Jr. agrees to transcribed interview with Senate panel - CNNPolitics
Trump unusually silent after aides challenge him - politico - Some close to the president, who has seen his approval ratings plummet, say he needs Tillerson and Cohn more than they need him.
Transgender Military Members At Risk Of Harassment Under Trump, Says Former Army Secretary | HuffPost
Jeff Wieler quits as Piedmont mayor, stays on council after Facebook uproar - SFGate - Piedmont Mayor Jeff Wieler stepped down Sunday, one day before the City Council was scheduled to vote on whether to remove him over controversial social media posts about Democrats and transgender people that prompted outrage in the community ... "Democrats are the plantation slave masters of today ... Black Lives Matter encourages cop killing ... Transgenders are mentally ill"
How the Swamp Sold Its Soul to Donald Trump | Vanity Fair
Ivanka's Moderating Influence (TM) -- Ivanka's surrogates reached out to the organization with an idea: stop offering abortions and the White House would advocate increased funding for Planned Parenthood clinics. (what a deal!)
Bolton writes in op-ed he can't get in to see Trump anymore - politico (oh boo-hoo)
Too Much Of A Good Thing? Candidate Glut Means Primary-palooza For House Dems
He's Our Asshole
This Trump appointee says it was hackers, not him, who called Obama's mom a 'w@!re'
The New Front in the Gerrymandering Wars: Democracy vs. Math - The New York Times - Sophisticated computer modeling has taken district manipulation to new extremes. To fix this, courts might have to learn how to run the numbers themselves.
#BotSpot: Twelve Ways to Spot a Bot -- Some tricks to identify fake Twitter accounts
Federal judge tosses Sarah Palin's suit against the New York Times
After melees, Berkeley mayor asks Cal to cancel right-wing Free Speech Week - San Francisco Chronicle - The mayor wants UC Berkeley to halt plans by a conservative campus group, the Berkeley Patriot, to host right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos during its scheduled Free Speech Week from Sept. 24-27.
It is time to examine the words and the origins of our national anthem, another neo-Confederate symbol - (comment section is a swamp: holocaust-survivor Soros is really an ex-Nazi!)
Trump's Generation and Civil War Education (those traitors were "noble men" and blacks were "childlike" and "beastial" -- four basic 'R's -- reading, 'riting, 'rithmetic, and racism)
St. Louis Trainer Bobby Ritter Fired After Appearing in Charlottesville Hate March Photos | News Blog (ha-ha tattoos and 'heavymetal crossfit)
St. Louis Trainer Bobby Ritter Fired After Appearing in Charlottesville Hate March Photos : news
A Dartmouth antifa expert was disavowed by his college president for 'supporting violent protest,' angering many faculty (you're not allowed to fight back)
Boing Boing on Twitter: "The guy who said a black man stabbed him because he has a neo-Nazi haircut stabbed himself"
Behold, the Master Race
Straphangers Alarmed By Man Riding Subway With Prominent Swastika Necklace: Gothamist
Young McCardle had a dumb - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Megan McCardle tried to use her brain for something other than a way to keep her ears from touching. The results were predictable. (McAddled)
Oklahoma isn't working. Can anyone fix this failing American state? | US news | The Guardian - Poverty, police abuse, record prison rates and education cuts that mean a four-day school week. Why are public services failing Oklahomans? (Republicans at work; see Kansas and a bunch of other red states)
To Play Transgender, Sandra Caldwell Had to Open Up About Who She Is - The New York Times
Terry Iandiorio, 46, Ropes & Gray lawyer noted for pro bono work - The Boston Globe - Mr. Iandiorio was 46 when he was caught in a riptide off a Nantucket beach Aug. 16 and drowned.
He's a convicted bank robber, his face is covered in tattoos, and he's on the lam
Chomsky joins University of Arizona faculty - The Boston Globe -- Chomsky, 88, will serve as a laureate professor in the Department of Linguistics in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences and will begin teaching next year.
US box office suffers worst summer in a decade : movies
Marijuana Could Prevent Alzheimer's - the psychoactive THC compound in pot removed toxic beta-amyloid from brain cells and reduced inflammation, the first test to do both.
No Definitive Link Between Marijuana Use and Lung Cancer
Low-fat diets could raise the risk of early death by almost one quarter, a major study has found. The Lancet study of 135,000 adults found those who cut back on fats had far shorter lives than those enjoying plenty of butter, cheese and meats. : science -- Fatty foods have no association with heart disease.
The Feline Five : An exploration of personality in pet cats (Felis catus) -- Neuroticism, Extraversion, Dominance, Impulsiveness and Agreeableness.
With a Simple DNA Test, Family Histories Are Rewritten - The New York Times - Widespread DNA testing has shed light on the ancestry of millions of Americans. But these services have limitations, and the results can be uncertain.
Our gut instinct about whether a stranger poses a threat is as good when we're 80 as when we're 18, according to new research : science
What's the most NSFW thing you've ever seen in public? : AskReddit
Which conspiracy theory makes you cringe the most? : AskReddit
Harvey may force 30,000 people into shelters while flooding will linger, officials warn - The Washington Post
In Houston, Anxiety and Frantic Rescues as Floodwaters Rise - The New York Times
How Hurricane Harvey Became So Destructive - The New York Times -- the driving rains would continue for another two or three days, pouring an additional 15 to 25 inches over parts of Southeast Texas. Some areas, he said, could see as much as 50 inches of rain.
Before-and-after photos of Harvey flooding in Texas - Washington Post
Houston flooding map: The affect of Harvey on Texas - Washington Post
Amid Harvey havoc, northeastern politicos sourly recall Texas "no" votes on Sandy aid -- Several members of Congress from New York and New Jersey remain resentful over Texas Republicans that voted against a Hurricane Sandy aid package in 2013.
Eschaton: At Least They Aren't Treating It Like A War Zone - Houston is a disaster, but unlike Katrina, the media and powers that be aren't treating the local population as the enemy.
Cost of cleaning up Harvey will bring new test of governance for Trump and GOP - The Washington Post -- That is because a government shutdown could sideline agencies involved in a rescue and relief effort that officials are predicting will last years. (dent in Trump's riches taxcuts and wallbuilding)
Houston and Natural Disasters - Lawyers, Guns & Money - See, Houston is a disaster of urban sprawl and that's how Texas likes it. None of your big government here! None of your damned communist zoning! By god, we build everywhere and anywhere! The problem with that, in terms of dealing with something like Harvey is not only a lack of verticality that could allow people to move up in buildings for awhile, but also that the massive paving of the Texas prairie and forests means less land to suck up the water.
Why Houston Isn't Ready for Harvey (and won't be next time either)
Hell and High Water: Why Isn Texas Readyu for the Next Big Huricane? It is not if, but when Houston's perfect storm will hit (3/2016)
Boomtown, Flood Town (no zoning and its consequences)
(1) Michael E. Mann - Posts - What can we say about the role of climate change in the unprecedented disaster that is unfolding in Houston with Hurricane #Harvey? (dude, fucking facebook?)
Can We Not Give the Forced Marriage Lobby Any Ideas? - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Chechnya Republic are claiming success in an unconventional, sweeping campaign to compel people who have divorced to reunite, for the sake of the children -- and, they say, to help in the fight against terrorism.
North Korea fires missile over Japan for first time - Axios
Seven cybersecurity members resign from Trump's advisory panel citing "insufficient attention to the growing threats" : technology
Putin saw the Panama Papers as a personal attack and may have wanted revenge, Russian authors say - The Washington Post
It's Time: Congress Needs to Open a Formal Impeachment Inquiry
Trump May Be More Dangerous Than His Handlers Realized
Russia probe may result in 2 separate, partisan reports, top Dem says
Trump's business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president (so crooked)
Trump Associate Boasted That Moscow Business Deal 'Will Get Donald Elected'
Trump is dragging us toward a full-blown crisis. Here's what has to happen now
rump vents in Oval Office, "I want tariffs. Bring me some tariffs!" (toddler-in-chief)
Ameerica's Getting More Tolerant and Haters Hate It -- The country's social fabric and social attitudes are getting healthier. Ignore the Charlottesville fringe.
Fascism, American Style - The New York Times - As sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz., Joe Arpaio engaged in blatant racial discrimination.
Joe Arpaio's pardon defended by a 'whataboutism' that doesn't hold up
Who'sAfraid of Antifa? (all 100 of them in SF) Over the decade ending in 2016, estimates of the percentage of politically motivated killings committed by right-wing extremists range from 73 to 92 percent, according to the conservative Daily Caller. Despite the spurious rhetoric of equivalency, supporters of antifa have, to date, killed no one.
Black-clad antifa attack peaceful right wing demonstrators in Berkeley - The Washington Post - about a 100 anarchists and antifa
Exiles on Pennsylvania Avenue: How Jared and Ivanka Were Repelled by Washington's Elite -- "What is off-putting about them is they do not grasp their essential irrelevance. They think they are special."
School Teacher Charged with Terroristic Threats Against Philadelphia Police Officer at Rizzo Statue Protest - NBC 10 Philadelphia - He has been taken out of his classroom at a school by the district pending an investigation, a district spokesman said.
Fashion with a bang: NRA showcases 'stylish' gun | Daily Mail Online
The Chickens and the Bulls: The rise and incredible fall of a vicious extortion ring that preyed on prominent gay men in the 1960s. - The rise and incredible fall of a vicious extortion ring that preyed on prominent gay men in the 1960s. (2012)
Growth of Overt Homosexuality In City Provokes Wide Concern - Growth of Overt Homosexuality Provoking Rising Concern KEY TO PROBLEM CALLED MEDICAL Police Commissioner Finds Crime Aspect Secondary --2 Bars Lose Licenses Closed Since Oct. 29 Out of the Shadows Experts' Views Differ The 'Gay' Life Open to Entrapment Blackmail Feared The Borderline Cases Silent Partner Heterosexual Masquerade Impossible Dream Found Everywhere Not Immune to Women Religions Condemn It Family Ties Studied Hostility a Key Factor 'Homosexual Is Ill' - View Article -
Nationwide Ring Preying on Prominent Deviates - Bogus Policemen Victimize Theatrical Figures Even Reach Into Pentagon DEVIATES VICTIMS OF NATIONAL RING - Front Page -
Former New England Catholic priest David Joseph Perrett charged with 43 new child sex offences by Armidale detectives : news
How to Deal With Trolls, A Comprehensive Guide - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Under 50? You still haven't hit rock bottom, happiness-wise.
This is what an eye contact practicing video looks like : videos
What was a fact taught to you in school that has been disproven in your lifetime? : AskReddit
Uber Chooses Expedia's Chief as C.E.O., Ending Contentious Search
jenka on Twitter: "@drvox Mmmmm are we sure its not this?" (KochBros recommend turning into stunted dwarves to "adapt" to climate change)
The Latest: NHC: Harvey slight re-strengthening possible - The storm is expected to rain an additional 15 to 25 inches through Friday over the upper Texas Gulf coast and into southwestern Louisiana. Isolated storm totals may reach 50 inches over that area, including the Houston-Galveston area
Rainfall from Harvey Could Reach 50 Inches in Some Spots, Highest Ever Recorded in Texas; Catastrophic Flooding to Continue for Days | The Weather Channel
Harvey's rain 'beyond anything experienced,' weather service says
Christopher Ingraham on Twitter: "View of downtown Houston right now, from Instagram"
The trouble with living in a swamp: Houston floods explained - Houston Chronicle
Aman Batheja on Twitter: "The debate of whether Houston should have issued a mandatory evacuation is more complicated than many probably realize 1/x"
Harvey drops nearly two feet of water on Houston area, causing deadly floods - The Washington Post
'All night of slam, bang, boom,' then a scramble to assess the hurricane's damage
Hurricane Harvey: Houston residents urged to climb to their roofs - POLitico
Houston officials say people are climbing into attics to escape flooding -- and it's a death trap
Houston finds a city under siege by floodwater |
People climbing into attics to escape rising water in Houston : news
China Is Trying to Give the Internet a Death Blow | Foreign Policy (bans VPNs)
The Rio Olympics were only a year ago, but the venues look like they've been deserted for decades : videos
Police: Polish tourist raped, partner beaten on Italy beach. : news
Emmanuel Macron's $30,000 makeup scandal hides a much bigger blemish
Yearning for the end of the world | News | The Guardian - As a child in Iran, Dina Nayeri belonged to a secret Christian church where the Rapture was welcomed as a rescue. Later, as a refugee in the US, she saw how apocalyptic prophecies masked a reactionary nihilism -- which is why they are so tempting
Top State Department Officials Step Down in 'Black Friday' Exodus --Top U.N. Expert Steps Down On Eve of Trump's Turtle Bay Debut (getting rid of everyone who knows anything)
Donald Was a Creep. Too Bad Hillary Couldn't Say It -- "Or do you turn, look him in the eye, and say loudly and clearly: 'Back up, you creep, get away from me! I know you love to intimidate women, but you can't intimidate me, so back up.'" (she had three chances to get this right)
We Are Living Through a Battle for the Soul of This Nation - Joe Biden
Behold Our 'child King'
Trump is shedding supporters like no other president in modern history - LA Times
First Cohn, now Tillerson, turn on Trump - Axios
Schiff: Trump pardon sends message to Russia investigation witnesses | TheHill - Arpaio action was appalling & political. It also sends [a] message to witnesses in Russia investigation to keep quiet, stay loyal [and] get pardon,
What authoritarianism experts think of Trump's decision to pardon Joe Arpaio -- "if the president can employ the pardon power to circumvent constitutional protections of liberty, there is very little left of the constitutional checks on presidential power"
Eschaton: Life Goals - It is worth asking, from many perspectives, why Sheriff Joe didn't retire earlier? He's 85.
The Arpaio Pardon: Banging On The Door Of A Constitutional Crisis | HuffPost
Obama adviser: Trump asking to drop case against Arpaio could get him impeached | TheHill (if he were a democrat, anyway)
Boomers are news-illiterate couch vegetables stuck in front of their yelling, ad-saturated TVs / Boing Boing -- Those ages 50 and older are far more likely to prefer watching news over any other method: About half (52%) of 50- to 64-year-olds and 58% of those 65 and older would rather watch the new
Zinke's veteran daughter excoriates Trump in response to transgender military ban
Trump attacks Republicans on Twitter, but Democrats? Not so much - The Washington Post
The Media Is the Villain -- for Creating a World Dumb Enough for Trump
Josh Marshall on Twitter: "I think it is worth saying that while people sometimes use "identity politics" as a non-derogatory shorthand, usually with air quotes ..." (and Mark Lilla is an unuseful idiot)
David Roberts on Twitter: "1. Late Friday afternoon, east coast headed out to the bar, good time for a short tweetstorm about "identity politics.""
The Trouble With Ivanka's Business Partner -- Moshe Lax (is a crook)
How IDENTITY POLITICS, Which Were Invented in 1980, Destroyed the Democratic Party - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Mark Lilla: "people" = "white people")
Trump reversing Obama policy blocking military sales to cops (because "carnage in the inner cities")
Thousands of workers in St. Louis will likely see smaller paychecks starting Monday, when a new Missouri law takes effect barring local government from enacting minimum wages different than the state minimum. : news (Republicans at work)
BUSTED: Oklahoma police chief outed as owner of racist website and white supremacist record label
New Colbert police chief linked to neo-Nazi websites claims identity theft : news - That was considerate of the identity thief to take the website down as soon as news came out that the police chief was linked to it.
Interim Colbert police chief to resign amid report of connection to neo-Nazi websites | Homepagelatest |
Father who pleaded guilty to killing his 3 year old son to keep his girlfriend "who didn't like kids" happy, will get 10 years in jail : news
The Worst (and Best) Places to Be Gay in America - The New York Times
Mindfulness would be good for you. If it weren't so selfish -- How a self-help trend warped a good idea. (there will always be a periphery)
Kayleigh Donaldson on Twitter: "We're sticking with this story/scam as it develops."
The YA Bestseller Brought Down by the YA Community
A new study finds that students who are known as "high achievers" and take highly competitive courses are the most likely to cheat on their exams. : science
Major drug study opens up vast new opportunities in combating heart disease - The Washington Post - But a subset of patients appeared to get greater benefit from the drug, called canakinumab.
A new study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology found little evidence that marijuana use affects kidney function in healthy young adults. : science
ELI5: What is a chronon and what evidence is there that it actually exists? : explainlikeimfive
Column: Why the STEM gender gap is overblown | PBS NewsHour (2015)
Why the STEM gender gap is overblown : technology
ELI5: Why do most men go bald, in spite of all the testosterone? : explainlikeimfive
TIL in 1561 there was allegedly a mass sighting of glowing shapes and a large triangular object engaged in an aerial battle over Nuremburg, Germany. The objects eventually fell from the sky, crashing into the ground while burning and smoking. : todayilearned
What's the "girls don't fart" of everything else? : AskReddit
First tanker crosses northern sea route without ice breaker - BBC News
Harvey swirls over Texas coast as 'extremely serious' flooding event unfolds
Hurricane Harvey lands first blow to Texas, but more is expected to come - The Washington Post
Hurricane Harvey updates: Texas hit by powerful storm, heavy rain - The Washington Post
Harvey Downgraded, But 'Catastrophic And Life-Threatening Flooding' Risk Remains | HuffPost - could dump as much as 40 inches of rain on some parts of Texas.
How to Pack an Emergency Kit for Any Disaster - The New York Times
Buckingham Palace suspect with 4ft sword shouted 'Allahu Akbar'
Entire Kim Dotcom Spying Operation Was Illegal, High Court Rules : news
How the deadliest aviation incident in history was narrowly avoided last month : videos
Incident: Canada A320 at San Francisco on Jul 7th 2017, lined up with taxiway for landing
Pilots/Flight Crews of Reddit, what went wrong on your flight that the passengers never knew about? : AskReddit
The day a rapist held India for ransom - The Washington Post
Trump directs Pentagon to implement ban on transgender service members, bans sex-reassignment surgery - The Washington Post
Trump gives new meaning to the Friday night news dump, enraging his critics - The Washington Post - President Trump, in the space of four hours, made official a ban on transgender people serving in the military, pardoned a controversial sheriff accused of racial profiling and parted ways with polarizing aide and conservative media darling Sebastian Gorka ... as the nation focused on Hurricane Harvey
Sebastian Gorka Is Forced Out as White House Adviser, Officials Say - The New York Times
An Intimate History of Antifa | The New Yorker
UrbanGrid comments on Trump has pardoned former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, whose hardline views on immigration have allied him with the president
Trump Pardons His Governance Model - Lawyers, Guns & Money
PhoenixNewTimes on Twitter: "We've been covering Joe Arpaio for more than 20 years. Here's a couple of things you should know about him... 1/many"
John McCain Rips Donald Trump For Pardoning Joe Arpaio | HuffPost - undermined president's claim for the respect of rule of la.w
Former Trump Ethics Director Calls Arpaio Pardon 'A Harbinger Of Worse to Come' | HuffPost
Racist Trump pardons racist criminal Joe Arpaio in biggest gift to white supremacists yet - Shareblue
If he'll pardon Arpaio, why wouldn't Trump pardon those who ignore Robert Mueller?
Donald Trump resurrects former Sheriff Joe Arpaio from irrelevance
'I don't like bullies' : Reporter explains why he confronted Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Did enough Bernie Sanders supporters vote for Trump to cost Clinton the election? - The Washington Post
Eschaton: Good Terrorism/Bad Terrorism - interesting (horrifying, etc...) that conservatives are going all in on embracing "running over protesters is good and right and legal" at at time when cars are increasingly being used as weapons for terrorism (for the slow, they're acts of terrorism even when pissed off old white guys run over libturds).
propaganda machine amplifies alt-right
As White Nationalist in Charlottesville Fired, Police 'Never Moved'
Right-wing rallies in limbo in San Francisco and Berkeley - SFGate
VIDEO: San Francisco Police shut down Alamo Square hours before nationalist press conference |
Protesters Got Christopher Cantwell Arrested, Cops Didn't Even Try
PD: Former Mason High School student charged in Charlottesville attack - WCPO Cincinnati, OH
Why Did UVa Allow Banned Torches During White-Supremacist Rally? - The Chronicle of Higher Education - Teresa A. Sullivan (is a big liar and terrible human ... while the cops watched and did nothing)
Eschaton: Nazis - I keep coming back to this because of all things I couldn't have imagined being bothsidesed it was... Nazis. I mean, sure, that there are white supremacists in this country is not news. But actual Nazis. Our entire 20th century mythology is about how "we" fought Nazis. And yet...
Eschaton: Chris Christie Is Never Wrong About Anything - Certainly, I could be wrong, but this is going to be a disaster ... New Jersey's long-awaited American Dream Meadowlands development will deliver billions in tax revenue for the Garden State over the next two decades, according to Gov. Chris Christie.
Florida police fatally shoot woman threatening suicide : news
Ecstasy could be 'breakthrough' therapy for soldiers, others suffering from PTSD
Can we talk about how terrible Katy Perry's new song/music video "Swish Swish" is? : Music
Why Buddhism is true - Vox - Robert Wright on the wisdom of mindfulness meditation.
A Science Writer Embraces Buddhism as a Path to Enlightenment - The New York Times
Why that "distracted boyfriend" stock photo meme is suddenly everywhere
It rains solid diamonds on Uranus and Neptune - The Washington Post
The end-Cretaceous mass extinction was rather unpleasant - The simulations showed that most of the soot falls out of the atmosphere within a year, but that still leaves enough up in the air to block out 99% of the Sun's light for close to two years of perpetual twilight without plant growth.
Although high school students may think popularity is of the utmost importance, a new study found that it may not lead to long-term happiness. What mattered more, according to the study, is whether the teens had close friendships they maintained over time. : science
What makes absolutely 0% sense to you? : AskReddit
Aphantasia: A life without mental images - BBC News
What do most people find sexy but is a turn off for you? : AskReddit
Just read Lolita. Feels like I will never be the same guy I was before. : books
Mark Twain famously said "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." What was that day for you? : AskReddit
jsct comments on Bill Nye Says Disney Shorted Him Millions in New Fraud Lawsuit - The Hollywood Reporter -- "Hollywood accounting"
Mayor tells those not evacuating for hurricane to put Social Security numbers on arms : news
Hurricane Harvey: Storm Gathers Strength, Now a Category 4 - The New York Times
Maps: Tracking the Path of Hurricane Harvey - The New York Times
Category 3 Hurricane Harvey a Catastrophic Rainfall Flood Threat; Strongest Texas Coastal Bend Landfall in at Least 47 Years Tonight | The Weather Channel
Live: Hurricane Lurking in the Gulf Takes Aim at Texas - The New York Times - After making landfall, Harvey is expected to stall over Texas, and could dump more than 35 inches of rain onto some areas, overwhelming bayous and flooding streets.
Hurricane Harvey looks like it's about to swallow all of TexaThe only thing more unpredictable than this storm is the president.
Here's Why Hurricane Harvey Is So Scary and Unprecedented -- The only thing more unpredictable than this storm is the president.
Trump may face presidency's first major natural disaster test - CNNPolitics
Man, 30, shot dead in Brussels after knife attack on two soldiers | World news | The Guardian -- "Allahu Fuckbar"
Buckingham Palace: two police officers hurt arresting knifeman | UK news | The Guardian - Metropolitan police say officers suffered minor injuries
Deadly 'rampage' breaks out after India's 'guru of bling' is convicted of raping two followers
Acapulco is now Mexico's Murder Capital -- The faded resort city is a symbol of the skyrocketing violence in Mexico.
Soldiers Reassigned After Bringing Women To Hotel During Pence Detail | HuffPost - The men have been taken off official White House duties, NBC reports.
In rare spectacle, Army court-martials a retired general - The Washington Post
With the debt ceiling, President Trump is playing with fire - The Washington Post
Some In Congress Don't Get The "Gravity" Of Russian Election Meddling, Former CIA Director Said (Republican traitors and Russian stooges)
How Could Donald Trump Have Not Known About Felix Sater's Dark Past? (they knew each other's dark past)
Russian ambassador Mirgayas Shirinskiy is seventh Russian diplomat to die since November - The Washington Post
Mueller Seeks Grand Jury Testimony from PR Execs Who Worked With Manafort - NBC News
Trump's top economic adviser just delivered an unprecedented rebuke of his boss over Charlottesville -- Gary Cohn
Gary Cohn, Trump's Adviser, Said to Have Drafted Resignation Letter After Charlottesville
Trump Staffer Responsible For Finding Positive News Stories Resigns | HuffPost - As director of rapid response, Andy Hemming was tasked with recirculating positive news to journalists.
White House moves goalposts on tax reform - politico
Controversial Trump Adviser Sebastian Gorka Reportedly Resigns | HuffPost - He has long faced questions about his ties to Nazi sympathizers and far-right Hungarian political groups.
Trump Pardons Sheriff Joe Arpaio - The New York Times
Mnuchin viewed eclipse from roof of Fort Knox - The Washington Post - Did the millionaire couple fly to Louisville on Monday, on a taxpayer-funded plane, just to see the solar eclipse? (of course) atop nearly $200 billion in American gold.
Tax Reform, Facing Numerous Challenges, Could End Up Meaning Only Marginal Cuts | HuffPost
The sad truth about Teleprompter Trump | Francine Prose | Opinion | The Guardian - s not new for presidents to use teleprompters. What is new is a president who sounds nothing like the person who reads out the words on the screen
Turd Reich: San Francisco dog owners lay minefield of poo for rightwing rally | World news | The Guardian
Kyle "Based Stickman" Chapman Jailed, Barred from Possessing Sticks and Other Weapons -- after a judge set his bail at $135,000 ... He derided attendees of Charlottesville as 'racist alt-right fuckin' Nazis/
Is Sean Hannity's endorsement a kiss of death?
Facebook has hired former NYT public editor Liz Spayd as a consultant in a 'transparency' effort
Facebook Hires Former Times Public Editor to Increase Transparency and Look Good to People Who Hate It - Spayd was widely criticized during her brief tenure as the Times' public editor over her choice of topics:
State Supreme Court Says Digital Cameras Can't Be Searched Without A Warrant -- from the more-privacy-protections-(MA-residents-only) dept
Sandy Hook victim's sister slams Scott Baio for Heather Heyer hoax tweet
A male director calls 'Wonder Woman' a step backward for women. Big mistake ... When James Cameron called "Wonder Woman" hereoine "an objectified icon ...
James Cameron: 'The downside of being attracted to independent women is that they don't need you'
I toke thee to be my wife: inside a cannabis wedding in California | US news | The Guardian
The miserable reason behind millennials' slow march to the suburbs | Jamie Peck | Opinion | The Guardian - More and more young people are leaving expensive cities to settle in areas suffering from suburban blight
The Bride, the Groom and the Elephant in the Room - The New York Times
Perfect Photo of Meeting Over 'Bullet Hole' Restaurant Goes Poorly Enough to Become a Local Meme
Flame-retardant chemicals used in furniture and gym mats could be making women infertile, suggests Harvard study published in Environmental Health Perspectives. More than 80% of women having IVF had traces of these chemicals in the urine. Those with high levels were 38% less likely to have a child. : science
Mathematical secrets of ancient tablet unlocked after nearly a century of study | Science | The Guardian
The colour of numbers: visions of our mathematical universe | Science | The Guardian
TIL a study found that about one in five corporate executives are psychopaths -- same rate found among prisoners (on death row)
People who know or met sociopaths/psychopaths, what were they like? : AskReddit
Why Black Holes Could Delete The Universe
What can men get away with that women can't? : AskReddit
What can women get away with that guys can't? : AskReddit
Amazon will lower Whole Foods prices right away and Prime members will get special discounts - Recode - The price reductions will roll out on Monday, Aug. 28.
Facebook Figured Out My Family Secrets, And It Won't Tell Me How
Facebook recommended that this psychiatrist's patients friend each other -- When Lisa looked at her Facebook profile, she was surprised to see that she had, at some point, given Facebook her cell phone number
Emmanuel Macron has spent 26,000 on makeup in his first three months as French president (pretty boy is tankking)
The New York Times shows how to fail miserably while covering Africa - The Washington Post (but very hipster)
Judge orders tech company to release Web user data from anti-Trump website - The Washington Post - must provide email addresses and other computer information from people who visited an anti-Trump website in the months leading to Inauguration Day. (the end of internet freedom, right there)
CNN: Probe Investigators Find Another Email From A Trump Top Aide About A Russia Meeting | HuffPost - Rick Dearborn sent an email to campaign officials with information about a person trying to connect them with Putin, CNN said.
7 times Trump tried to call off the dogs on Russia - The Washington Post
Panettas: 'Not Quite Sure' Which Version Of Trump Will Turn Up From Day To Day
Again breaking ground, Trump takes the permanent campaign to new heights - LA Times
Trump Takes Aim at the Press, With a Flamethrower - The New York Times (considering bombing CNN)
Kelly moves to control the information Trump sees - POLITICO - A new process, laid out in two memos circulating in the West Wing this week, is supposed to ensure Kelly vets everything that hits the Resolute Desk
Report: Trump Called GOP Sen. About His Bill To Shield Special Counsel ("you will not disobey!)
Is it still possible to serve honorably in the Trump administration, part II - The Washington Post
Trump retweets meme of his blocking Obama, labeled the 'best eclipse ever'
It's no surprise were refighting the Civil War -- it never really ended (treason was normalized and celebrated by the traitors)
John Kelly cuts down on Infowars, Charles Johnson stories - Axios
Kellyanne Conway says journalists should be "forced" to report favorably on Trump
Escalating feud, Trump blames McConnell and Ryan for upcoming 'mess' on debt ceiling
White House Gearing Up To Push Transgender Military Ban Forward | HuffPost - Reports indicate the Pentagon will have six months to institute it. (making America hating again more)
Interior secretary recommends Trump alter at least three national monuments, including Bears Ears - The Washington Post - established by his immediate predecessors, including two in Utah, a move expected to reshape federal land and water protections and certain to trigger major legal fights.
President Trump is deteriorating before our very eyes - The Washington Post
California Democrats lead attack over Trump's mental health
Hillary Clinton's Side of the Story Matters, Too -- She was stalked by Trump at the debate, and stalked by The New York Times long before that. (does Maggie Haberman have any self-awareness at all?)
She's Not Even Wearing a Hairshirt!
Has Hillary Clinton abased herself sufficiently to satisfy her critics? - The Washington Post
Oxygen Supply and Campaign Counterfactuals -- Clinton couldn't consume enough oxygen to stop Trump from getting lots of coverage during the Democratic National Convention, for Chirssakes. (b/c NYT and CNN)
Sanders-Trump Voters - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Did enough Bernie Sanders supporters vote for Trump to cost Clinton the election? - The Washington Post -- Two surveys estimate that 12 percent of Sanders voters voted for Trump. A third survey suggests it was 6 percent. (yes, but they weren't really Dems anyway)
After 8 years, here are the promises Obama kept -- and the ones he didn't (17 broken, 12 compromise 11 kept)
Nate Silver on Twitter: "So far, predictions that Trump has an approval rating floor have been wrong."
Nate Silver on Twitter: "Trump's approval rating decline has actually been pretty steady -- about 1 point per month." (and: W's ratings were almost as bad as Trumps before 9/11 when they jumped 30pts because America!)
Nate Silver on Twitter: "The worse you think Clinton was as a candidate, the more trouble you should think Trump is in right now."
Kung Fu Monkey: Lunch Discussions #145: The Crazification Factor
alicublog: LIBERTARIANS FIND THEIR LIMITS. - For years conservatives and libertarians agreed that employers could do pretty much anything they wanted to their employees, that worker protections were just an impediment to profit-making (though they were more than happy to protect workers from unions), and that the right to fire them for any old thing should not be abridged. But their hackles were raised in recent years when men like Brendan Eich and Donald Sterling started getting defenestrated on the grounds that their bigoted speech or actions had damaged the business entities with which they were associated ... Making everything worse, as usual, is Megan McArdle.
Eschaton: We - One bit of the whole white supremacist stuff I don't get is the 'we'. I suppose Vonnegut would have called it a Granfalloon. Why do people feel this weird connection to "history" and "culture" (stuff they rarely know anything about anyway) based on, well, nothing. I think some of my ancestors were from Romania. I don't feel any connection.
How Alan Dershowitz Went From Hillary Donor to Trump's Attack Dog on Russsia -- Months after backing Clinton, the liberal law professor has become a fixture on Fox News, ripping the Russia probe. But those close to him say he has a history with Bob Mueller (he's been a conservative asshole for like, ever)
Fashion brands turn their backs on Steve Mnuchin's wife -- , after she posted a picture of herself stepping off a government plane in designer clothes and then went on a condescending rant at a critic who called her out.
He wore Confederate dress to Charlottesville. He got two middle fingers and possible expulsion from college. - The Washington Post -- Allen Armentrout (pillsbury dough-boy)
Michael Stahlke on Twitter: "Folks, our hero's name is Lara Rogers. She's a Charlottesville resident and true badass." (two middle finger girl)
Does the Virginia GOP Officially Endorse Treason in Defense of Slavery? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (why yes, it does)
Abstinence Programs Don't Stop Teen Pregnancies Or STDs : Shots - Health News : NPR
Police Killed At Least 223 Black Americans In The Year After Colin Kaepernick's First Protest | HuffPost
Man Drives Through Mourners At St. Louis Vigil For Trans Woman Killed By Police | HuffPost - Motorist reportedly had his middle finger out.
Driver pushes into protesters in St. Louis street; 3 people sustain minor injuries | Metro | -- But St. Louis police said the driver stopped, honked and attempted to drive around the protesters before some of them surrounded his car and began hitting it with their hands and a flag pole.
Federal judge blocks further implementation of Texas' voter ID law
Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball ; Senate 2018: Republican edge runs up against Trump, history - beyond poor numbers lies difficulty of beating out-of-power party incumbents
A teen reunited with her birth mother -- who then killed her and burned her body, police say
Woman jailed for 10 years for making series of false rape claims. : news< Lesbian fantasist invented 15 rapes and sexual assaults which saw man jailed to get sympathy from girlfriends, court hears
br />
Hunting a Killer: Sex, Drugs and the Return of Syphilis - The New York Times - Outbreaks of a deadly, sexually transmitted disease confound health officials, whose obstacles include drug shortages, uneducated doctors and gangs.
Cognitive biases and politics: why we believe political spin - Washington Post
Gut bacteria influence the brain indirectly, study shows : science
Antares: Astronomers Snap Most Detailed Image of Star That's Not the Sun -- Antares, also designated Alpha Scorpii, is a well-studied, close red supergiant star at a distance of 554 light years. It is the fifteenth-brightest star in the night sky and the brightest star in the constellation of Scorpius.
People with tinnitus are more likely to suffer from depression, but a new study shows treatment with SSRI antidepressants likely makes ringing in the ears worse : science
Be your own therapist? A meta-analysis of 15 studies, contrasting cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) delivered by a therapist with CBT delivered through self-help activities, found no difference in treatment completion rate and broad equivalence of treatment outcomes between both groups. : science
Ancient 3700-year-old Babylonian clay tablet contains the first evidence of trigonometry dating much earlier than Ancient Greeks' efforts : science
Lithium in tap water may cut dementia - People with higher levels of lithium in their drinking water appear to have a lower risk of developing dementia, say researchers in Denmark, based on a study of 800,000 people published in JAMA Psychiatry. : science
Bisexuals who have dated both men and women, what are some differences you've noticed? : AskReddit
Eschaton: Self-Driving Car Engineers Discover Driving Is Hard - These became the first structured tests in the self-driving program. It turns out that the hard part is not really the what-if-a-zombie-is-eating-a-person-in-the-road scenarios people dream up, but proceeding confidently and reliably like a human driver within the endless variation of normal traffic. -- Duh.
ExxonMobil knowingly misled the public for decades about the danger climate change poses to a warming world and the company's long-term viability, according to a peer-reviewed study, released on Wednesday, of research and statements by the US oil giant. : science
Alaska's Permafrost Is Thawing
'It's a Slow Death': The World's Worst Humanitarian Crisis (meanwhile, in more collateral Bush/Cheney hell)
Kim Wall Is Confirmed Dead as Danish Inventor Is Investigated - The New York Times
German magazine cover shows Trump doing Nazi salute | TheHill (whoah)
What if President Trump Orders Secretary of Defense Mattis to Do Something Deeply Unwise? - Lawfare
H.R. McMaster Showed Trump Photo Of Afghan Women In Miniskirts To Escalate War | HuffPost (you know, before we wrecked it the first time)
At Rally, Trump Blames Media for Country's Deepening Divisions
Trump's Arizona Speech Shows the Danger of Supporting the President - Last night in Arizona, Trump came right up to the edge of inciting you to riot and you rode along with him. (yes, they are all very bad possbily human beings)
Police Fire Pepper Spray In Intense Standoff With Protesters At Trump Rally | HuffPost - We were literally just standing there, just hanging out. Literally out of nowhere people started running. (cops start riot)
Police disperse Trump protest crowd with pepper spray
Trump Goes Off-Script in Hour-Long Public Meltdown | Vanity Fair - Trump explained that the biggest victim in the Charlottesville violence last weekend was, in fact, himself.
Analysis: As Trump ranted and rambled in Phoenix, his crowd slowly thinned (75 minutes of bluster, threats and self-congratulation ... "very presidential")
Trump's 57 most outrageous quotes from his Arizona speech -- "So that was my words."
Here Are The Wildest Moments From Trump's Wild Arizona Rally | HuffPost - There were a lot.
Trump snubbed missing US sailors during Arizona speech, referenced himself nearly 250 times - Shareblue
Twitter Loses It Over Donald Trump's 'Off The Rails' Arizona Rally | HuffPost - a s**tshow of the highest order
Fake news? Trump supporters circulate photo of Phoenix rally crowds ... but it's not -- And frankly, anyone who is at all familiar with Phoenix should have known better. It's a desert, people.
Arizona GOP uses Margaret Cho sitcom pic to represent Asian Americans
Former Intelligence Chief James Clapper's Dark Warning About Donald Trump | HuffPost -- "I worry frankly about the access to nuclear codes" xsy
Trump clashed with multiple GOP senators over Russia - POLitico - The conversations are evidence of rising tensions between the president and congressional Republicans heading into a critical legislative span.
Why Did a Russia-Friendly Icelandic Fund Want To Invest In Trump Projects?
Exclusive: Top Trump aide's email draws new scrutiny in Russia inquiry - CNNPolitics - Congressional investigators have unearthed an email from a top Trump aide that referenced a previously unreported effort to arrange a meeting last year between Trump campaign officials and Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to sources with direct knowledge of the matter.
Don't Look at Us, We Didn't Do It -- Maggie Haberman is back for another round: (NYT has zero self-awareness and less honesty)
12 Days That Stunned a Nation: How Hillary Clinton Lost - NBC News
Wall Street Journal Editor Admonishes Reporters Over Trump Coverage : "Sorry. This is commentary dressed up as news reporting" (Gerard Baker)
The President of Blank Sucking Nullity | The Baffler
That'll Leave a Mark
The Insidious Libertarian-to-Alt-Right Pipeline
Upside down: Trump's kid gets grief from the Daily Caller and defense from Chelsea Clinton (Republican acts like Republican and Republicans are schocked)
Whataboutism: The Cold War tactic, thawed by Putin, is brandished by Donald Trump - The Washington Post (whaddabout stupid?)
Keith Olbermann Predicts How It Will All End For Trump | HuffPost (suddenly, Mueller will fire him)
Don Lemon On Unhinged Trump Speech: 'There Was No Sanity There' -- What we have witnessed was a total eclipse of the facts.
Ana Navarro Says Trump May Have Early-Onset Dementia | HuffPost - disgusting, unpresidential, narcissistic behavior
The strange story of that 'Blacks for Trump' guy standing behind POTUS at his Phoenix rally
Why ben Carson's appearance in Phoenix was likely a violation of federal law (Hatch Act)
I was detained for protesting Trump. Here's what the Secret Service asked me.
Oregon Pushes Back Against Jeff Sessions' Marijuana Enforcement Letter | HuffPost
Howard Dean: If You Vote Republican in 2018, You're aA Racist (Clownhall thinks that's bad)
Dallas court voids six-figure payment to Ken Paxton prosecutors | Texas Politics | Dallas News
Maine Gov. Paul LePage: Civil War was initially fought over land, not slavery - CNNPolitics -- Slaves were considered property up to and during the Civil War.
No guilty verdicts in Bundy Ranch standoff trial
'This Is Not Hazing. This Is Rape' Inside a Texas Town's Football Nightmare
Joss Whedon's Wandering Pants Can't Slay Feminism
Joss Whedon was never a feminist
What Joss Whedon Gets Wrong About the Word 'Feminist'
Joss Whedon fan site shuts down after ex-wife's critical essay -- After 15 years, Whedonesque says the site will cease updating
Max Kennedy's arrest reveals worst of family<'s traits /a>
Martha's Vineyard is roiled by ouster of CEO of island's hopital
3 Aged Brothers Had Child Porn, 'Rape And Homicide' Manifestos, Cops Say | HuffPost
NYC Restaurant Fires Server Who Put 'Ching Chong' On Asian Woman's Receipt | HuffPost
Not one drop of Poland Spring bottled water is from a spring, lawsuit claims
Study finds teaching teens only the "wait-until-marriage" kind of sex ed doesn't work. It not only fails to delay the age when teens first have sex, but also fails to reduce unintended pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted infections. : science
Individuals who have a high level of moral reasoning show increased activity in the brain's reward system, suggesting the importance of positive motivations towards others in moral decisions, rather than selfish motives : science
Michael Dirda reviews "The Seventh Theory of Language" - The Washington Post
'Preacher' upsets with graphic sex scene featuring Jesus : television
Woman: My Uber driver went wrong way, I said something, he pushed me out : news
Eschaton: Blog Format Is Good
Why Vietnam Was Unwinnable - The New York Times - Those who made this argument contended that the United States had been on the verge of winning in Vietnam, but threw its chance for victory away because of negative press and a resulting failure of political will at home. ("lost victory")
Syria air strike: At least 42 civilians killed by US-led bomb attack in Raqqa - report : news
Barcelona attack: four suspects face court after van driver is shot dead | World news | The Guardian - Police now believe all 12 members of terror cell are in custody or dead, after Las Ramblas attacker Younes Abouyaaqoub was killed in Subirats
Spain terror cell was planning Sagrada Fammlia attack, suspect tells court | World news | The Guardian - Mohamed Houli Chemlal tells Madrid court larger scale attacks were being planned by terror cell
Triple talaq: India supreme court moves to block 'instant' divorce for Muslims - The Washington Post -- India is one of a handful of countries where triple talaq still happens. The practice is only considered part of Islamic law by some scholars and has been outlawed in many Muslim countries. India is home to 172 million Muslims, 14 percent of the population, making it one of the largest Muslim countries in the world ... By contrast, women almost always must obtain the man'sconsent for a divorce
Police find headless torso in search for journalist believed killed on submarine - The Washington Post
Eschaton: There Was Never Any Doubt - As Pareene warned us, the way to be a Good President is to be a president who promises to kill a lot of brown people in other countries. (Trump just became president for the 37th time)
Trump's Vague New Afghanistan Strategy Continues An Endless War -- The president says he will no longer disclose how many troops will be deployed.
'It's a hard problem': Inside Trump's decision to send more troops to Afghanistan
Angry Trump Grilled His Generals About Troop Increase, Then Gave In - The New York Times
McConnell, in Private, Doubts if Trump Can Save Presidency - The New York Times (it's always someone else's fault)
Glenn Simpson, key figure behind million-dollar 'dossier,' to facee questions
Trump's list of false and misleading claims tops 1,000
How the Boys Run Trump Inc.: With Other People's Money and Some Dubious Partners -- Inside the empire, under new management.
Tucker Carlson: Trump Staring At The Sun 'Most Impressive Thing Any President Has Done'
Phoenix prepares for Trump's rally and the chaos it may bring
Steve Mnuchin's Wife Has A 'Let Them Eat Cake' Moment On Instagram -- "Have you given more to the economy than me and my husband?"
Mnuchin's Wife Mocks Oregon Woman Over Lifestyle and Wealth
I got a good reason -- At some level who gives a fuck what Steve Mnuchin's trophy wife says on Instagram? On another, you can be sure as shit that if an Obama appointee's wife had done this, that appointee would resign within 24 hours.
Is Anybody Home at HUD? A long-harbored conservative dream -- the "dismantling of the administrative state" -- is taking place under Secretary Ben Carson.
Since the Beginning of Time, Man Has Yearned to Preemptively Defend the Reputation of Robby Mook - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Russia's Attacks on Democracy Aren't Only a Problem for America
Russia may sabotage the next election, too. What will Trump and Republicans do about it? - The Washington Post
Gawker has been gone for a year. We've never needed it more than now.
Catholic priest steps down after revealing he was a Ku Klux Klan member decades ago
Man with pipe bomb arrested hours before Akron vigil for Charlottesville victims : news
Fake Polls Are A Real Problem | FiveThirtyEight - The story of Delphi Analytica, its mysterious origins and its Kid Rock poll show that the line between legitimate and illegitimate pollsters is blurring ... Think about that for a second. A poll that may not even have been conducted could wind up being at least partially responsible for the election of a musician to the U.S. Senate. It's pretty amazing.
Week 40: Experts in authoritarianism advise to keep a list of things subtly changing around you, so you'll remember
Abortion Clinic Closings Linked To Higher Healthcare Costs - saludmsvilTiger Beatdown WHY TIGER BEATDOWN HAS JOKES ON IT: Turns Out Some Motherfucker Had To Ask Me
Village Voice to End Print Publication - The New York Times
A free-speech rally, minus the free speech - The Boston Globe (Jeff Jerkoby)
City employee files sexual harassment complaint against Felix G. Arroyo - The Boston Globe
Kennedys 'incited this crowd into an angry mob' police say (white trash)
US teen in 'Slender Man' case who stabbed classmate 19 times pleads guilty : news
Can someone explain all the leftist twitter drama last night? : ChapoTrapHouse
Fuck The New Inquiry, And Other Tales - tHE r H i z z o n E
The long-awaited Kill All Normies came out last week.
Angela Nagle's "Kill all Normies"
(1) Rachel Rosenfelt (@rachelrosenfelt) | Twitter
personal news the ANOVA - Fredrik deBoer ("mental illness" vs "being an asshole")
Sarah Jones on Twitter: "a lot of you have enabled his behavior because he goes after people you don't like, and a lot of you should be drafting apologies right now"
On Freddie - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Tiger Beatdown WHY TIGER BEATDOWN HAS JOKES ON IT: Turns Out Some Motherfucker Had To Ask Me
Third body cam video of 'questionable' police conduct surfaces in Baltimore : news
Couple Wins $3.25M After Adopted Son Is Reclaimed by Birth Parents and Then Murdered by Birth Father : news
A Woman Who Says She Had Underage Sex With R. Kelly Is Finally Telling Her Story - Jerhonda Pace was just 15 when she met her musical idol, R. Kelly, outside his child pornography trial. The alleged underage sexual relationship with him that followed and subsequent payouts mirror decades of allegations against the star
A wonderfully thorough Retrospective & Review of the 1988 cult classic "THEY LIVE" : movies
Why Aren't Young Men Into Breasts? | Playboy -- more than 38,000 individual breast implant removals on patients regretting their decision to increase their cup size. According to Today, that figure increased by 22 percent the following year .... "I'm a Baywatch bibmette
The Case for a Breakfast Feast - The New York Times - the latest evidence suggesting that we should front-load our calories early in the day to jump-start our metabolisms and prevent obesity, starting with a robust breakfast and tapering off to a smaller lunch and light supper, or no supper at all ... skipping breakfast -- which 20 to 30 percent of American adults do regularly --- is linked to a higher risk of obesity and impaired glucose metabolism or diabetes
TIL Sabrina Pasterski built a single engine airplane by the time she was 14 y/o, at 16 became the youngest person ever to fly their own plane; graduated MIT in 3 years with a 5.0 GPA and is now 24 at Harvard getting a PhD in high energy physics. : todayilearned
ELI5: What is it about Johnson & Johnson's baby powder that could cause ovarian cancer? : explainlikeimfive
What's a deeply unsettling fact? : AskReddit
How to tell if you damaged your eyes during the eclipse | Science | The Guardian
Movie Accent Expert Breaks Down 31 Actors Playing Real People | WIRED - YouTube
Hello Reddit. I am the accidental photographer of this once in a lifetime shot. Thanks to whoever posted it earlier! : pics
Here's what to know about the total solar eclipse if you live in the Boston area
The 1999 total solar eclipse in Europe looks like something straight out of a film. : videos
Christian Radio Host Bryan Fischer: Eclipse Is A Sign Of The Work Of Satan | HuffPost - "This is a metaphor, or a sign, of the work of the Prince of Darkness in obscuring the light of God's truth"
Elon Musk leads 116 experts calling for outright ban on killer robots - Open letter signed by Tesla chief and Google's Mustafa Suleyman urges UN to block use of lethal autonomous weapons to prevent third age of war
Talk of 'Preventive war' Rises in White House Over North Korea (and fuck the South, ya know?)
Finnish court names knife attack suspect as Abderrahman Mechkah | World news | The Guardian - Moroccan man, 18, suspected of killing two women and wounding eight other people, had been flagged by police as extremist risk
Van Driver in Barcelona Attack Is Killed by Police - The New York Times
Barcelona attack: Imam at centre of investigation among dead in house explosion : news
Stricken U.S. destroyer arrives in Singapore after collision, 10 sailors missing - The Washington Post (they last round of firing really helped) USS John S. McCain (!)
Trump Afghanistan speech: President to ask US for trust - CNNPolitics
The Latest: Police: Marseille suspect has health issues - The Washington Post
A woman in India just won a divorce because her husband failed to provide her a toilet. That's huge
Cambridge University Press faces backlash after bowing to China censorship pressure - The Washington Post -- . And Chinese, probably more than anyone else, revere universities, especially name-brand ones.
Open Letter to Cambridge University Press about its censorship of the China Quarterly
White House Bracing for an Angry Reception in Phoenix - The New York Times - Officials in the White House and in Arizona are bracing for a furious reception to President Trump's campaign rally in Phoenix this week, amid the fallout from his comments faulting "both sides" for racially charged violence in Charlottesville, Va. (campaign rally??? will he pardon Arpaio on statge??)
Lobbyist at Trump Campaign Meeting Has a Web of Russian Connections - The New York Times - Rinat Akhmetshin, a Russian immigrant who met last summer with senior Trump campaign officials ... has much deeper ties to the Russian government and Kremlin-backed oligarchs than previously known.
Russian Who Attended Trump Meeting Almost Definitely a Spy
Poll shows clear disapproval of how Trump responded to Charlottesville violence - The Washington Post (28% approve)
Only 28% approve of Trump's response to Charlottesville (POLL) - ABC News
Trump and His Family Are Draining the Secret Service's Budget - Constant travel is pushing the agency to its limit.
White House ides can't stop talking about President Trump like he's a toddler (a very angry one)
White House officials are terrified of what Trump would do on his own - Vox - You have no idea how much crazy stuff we kill.
Eschaton: Everyone Else Should Be A Hero - We can question the efficacy of speaking out, but I'm pretty sure the largely silly norms of journalism (conventions that make it work, not exactly commandments on a holy tablet) are less important than the fate of the nation -- "Republicans in Congress, the highest of intelligence officials, the highest of military officers in our country, leaders of the business community -- all of whom have dealt with the White House, and many of them dealt personally with Donald Trump -- have come to believe that he is unfit for the presidency." He said those people are "raising the very question of his stability and his mental fitness" -- That's a big story! Probably bigger than "oh boo hoo nobody will ever talk off the record with Carl Bernstein again."
Trump's New Chief Of Staff Still Unable to Manage Trump Himself - Three weeks into his tenure, John Kelly is ridding the White House of the likes of Steve Bannon. That might not change much. (millenials can't read anything w/o bouncy background music)
Bannon vs. Murdochs - Axios
Trump impeachment more likely than removal, California Rep. Brad Sherman says at town hall meeting - LA Times
The elites strike back -- getting under Trump's skin
East Idaho rep. says it's 'plausible' Obama staged Charlottesville riots -- Rep. Bryan Zollinger, R-Idaho Falls,
Republicans and conservativesdefending Trump on Charlottesvilleare morally bankrupt - The Washington Post
Secret Service depletes funds to pay agents because of Trump's frequent travel, large family
Steve Bannon Readies His Revenge | Vanity Fair - The war on Jared Kushner is about to go nuclear. (war on "globalists")
The Many Paths to Universal Coverage - Virtually every other wealthy democracy provides universal coverage, achieves good population health, and spends much less on health care than the United States does.
Trump nominee Sam Clovis: 'As far as we know' homosexuality's a choice, 'logical' LGBT protections could lead to legalization of pedophilia -- Trump's pick to be chief scientist for the Department of Agriculture (stupid RWNJ talk-show host is now "chief scientist")
How Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump have restarted the war on drugs | US news | The Guardian - Under Obama, America's addiction to mass incarceration seemed to fade. But then came Trump and a hardline attorney general
The US government destroyed the Ku Klux Klan once. They could do it again | Allyson Hobbs | Opinion | The Guardian - n 1870 and 1871, Congress passed three Enforcement Acts which safeguarded the rights of African-Americans to vote, hold office, serve on juries, and receive equal protection under the law. These acts, also known as the "Ku Klux Klan Acts," argeted the Klan for acting murderously to prevent African-Americans from exercising their rights as citizens.
A 121-year-old Confederate monument was coming down. This Kentucky town put it back up. - The Washington Post - Brandenburg, Ky. (new capital of Nazi white supremecists but they aren't racists)
UT-Austin removes Confederate statues in the middle of the night | The Texas Tribune - In a surprise move, workers at the University of Texas at Austin removed multiple Confederate statues from a prominent grass mall on campus late Sunday night ... . A statue of former Texas Gov. James Stephen Hogg was also marked for removal (Boss Hogg) "We do not choose our history, but we choose what we honor and celebrate on our campus" (TX commenters have very short thoughts)
What I Saw at the Boston Free Speech Rally - history of racial solidarity and racial unrest came to a head.
Pennsylvania Reckons with Its Racist History, Too - in Pennsylvania, where the remains of Native children who died while living at the famous Carlisle Indian School are being disinterred and transported back to their ancestral homelands elsewhere in the country. They had been forcibly removed from their homes as part of one of the worst exercises in racist social engineering in the country's history -- "Kill the Indian. Save The Man."
House Democrat's Office Approved $120k Write-off Linked To Awan Brothers
Jerry Lewis telethons raised billions for muscular dystrophy. Many cheered when he went off the air. - The Washington Post - But to many others, including a large contingent of people living with disabilities, his telethons were insensitive and self-serving. They said that Lewis treated the children he claimed to be helping with little respect, that he pitied those living with muscular dystrophy and that he used offensive language when describing them.
'It's not for me': how San Francisco's bike-share scheme became a symbol of gentrification | US news | The Guardian - A bike-sharing scheme has sparked outrage and vandalism from those who see it as designed for affluent, white professionals -- not locals
Joss Whedon Is a 'Hypocrite Preaching Feminist Ideals' Ex-Wife Kai Cole Says (spokesperson says it's "inaccurate" to call him a lying cheater fuck)
Politically Correct Scott Adams - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Biology teacher, 45, at LA school packed with celebrity children accused of sex romp with 16-year-old student : news
Court cop charged in sex assault on woman in New York courthouse, DA says | Fox News
Can cannabis panel meet aggressive deadlines? Gaming chief has doubts - The Boston Globe
Two members of Kennedy family arrested early Sunday - The Boston Globe
Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay $417M in civil lawsuit linking talcum powder to cancer : news
Ascorbate regulates haematopoietic stem cell function and leukaemogenesis : Nature : Nature Research
Students Who Use E-Cigarettes Are Four Times More Likely Than Non-Smoking Classmates to Try Conventional Cigarettes Within A Year (12-month study of 2,836 adolescents) : science
ELI5: Digestion takes about six to eight hours through your stomach and small intestine. Food then enters your large intestine for further digestion. What happens when you eat something bad, and all this is reduced to minutes? : explainlikeimfive
ELI5: Why do girls/women scream so much in comparison to boys/men? : explainlikeimfive
Ellen Pao: This Is How Sexism Works in Silicon Valley
Supreme Court asked to nullify the Google trademark : news
The Trump administration just disbanded a federal advisory committee on climate change - The Washington Post
Why L.A. is coating its streets with material that hides planes from spy satellites - The Washington Post
Tagus river at risk of drying up completely | Environment | The Guardian - the longest in the Iberian peninsula
Should You Trust Climate Science? Maybe the Eclipse Is a Clue - The New York Times (and a million other sciencey facts)
The Great American Eclipse Is Almost Here. This Is Your Complete Guide. - The New York Times
Can't find the protective glasses to watch the solar eclipse? Go old school.
Official trailer for Mosul, a theatrical documentary about the Iraqi Special Forces fighting to liberate a city controlled by ISIS. The footage in this trailer is amazing. : movies
How a dozen young men from a small town secretly plotted the deadliest terrorist attack in Spain in more than a decade - The Washington Post -- considering some were barely old enough to drive and most still lived with their parents ... "They were nerds" ... or soccer players ... or hash-heads (parent claim cluelessness)
Barcelona's chief rabbi urges Jews to move to Israel - 'Better get out early than late'
When Self-Criticism Was an Order, These Portraits Were Revolutionary - The New York Times
Dick Gregory, 84, Dies; Found Humor in the Civil Rights Struggle - The New York Times
Dick Gregory, RIP - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Jerry Lewis, Mercurial Comedian and Filmmaker, Dies at 91 - The New York Times
Donald Trump is a Nazi sympathizer - Business Insider
The Failing Trump Presidency - The New York Times (ha-ha, very good, NYT)
Enough is enough. These are not normal times. The man in the White House is reckless and unmanageable, a danger to the Constitution, a threat to our democratic institutions. (LAT joins the chorus)
Donald Trump's True Allegiances -- David Remnick (Obama saw it coming but did little to stop it)
Charlottesville Was a Preview of the Future of the Republican Party (racist fuckers)
The Test of Nazism That Trump Failed - The New York Times
What White Nationalism Gets Right About American History - The New York Times
The Memo: GOP fears damage done by Trump | TheHill - Specifically, they argue that Trump may have set back by years efforts to make the GOP more appealing to an increasingly diverse American electorate. (those "efforts" were very successful)
Bannon's departure is unlikely to calm the turmoil in Trump's White House
Donald Trump Is Killing Us | New Republic - Notes from the end of the world as we know it. -- The damage he has already inflicted, and that he will undoubtedly continue to inflict over, God help us, three more years, will take a long time to undo, if it can ever be undone. A malevolent force has been loosed on the world, moving great invisible gears in unpredictable ways, and no one can say with an iota of certainty where we will be five, ten years from now.
Trump rushes to Twitter to slam peaceful anti-racist protesters in Boston - - "Looks like many anti-police agitators"
Boston today : pics
Boston University student who attended 'white power' rally transferring to Auburn after receiving death threats : news
Props to the woman who carried this in the Boston counter-protest march : pics
Protesters face a tricky balance on free speech - The Boston Globe - that hate is not welcome here, that today this is a city of love and inclusion for everyone except Nazis. I just hope that by silencing their enemies, they don't empower them and give them a louder megaphone than they had before. (classic Vennochi)
Charlottesville rally organizer calls Heather Heyer's death 'payback'
Charlottesville Suspect Allegedly Hit His Mom in Fight Over Video Games - VICE
We want all statues dedicated to white supremacists taken down,
1,503 Confederate symbols are on display across America. Most are in the South. 179 are in majority black counties - While the symbols are a nod to the Civil War, the majority were dedicated between 1900 and 1920, when the South enacted Jim Crow laws.
The whole point of Confederate monuments is to celebrate white supremacy - The Washington Post - The memorials are a legacy of the brutally racist Jim Crow era.
Sabatini: Eustis will 'gladly accept' Confederate monuments -- The City of Eustis has about 20,000 people, and at least three of them, including Mayor Robert Morin, are shocked by a post by City Commissioner Anthony Sabatini.
The Latest: About 20 protesters linger near Dallas cemetery
Confederate memorial monument on Ward Parkway will be removed : news
The road to hate: For six young men, Charlottesville is only the beginning - The Washington Post (compare w/Spanish terrorists)
It's Not Just Trump, Federal Law Enforcement Is Not Very Focused On Far-Right Extremism -- Fewer resources are devoted to combating rising violence from white supremacists and far-right domestic terrorism.
Eschaton: Curious - If shutting down a white supremacist rally (nonviolently) is good, why is shutting down white supremacists like Charles Murray from speaking at universities bad?
8/20: Return to the Rust Belt: Dismal Job Approval Ratings for Trump in Michigan, Pennsylvania, & Wisconsin | Home of the Marist Poll (morons)
Democrats Are Doomed - Lawyers, Guns & Money : In Michigan, 36% of residents statewide approve of his job performance, and 55% disapprove. In Pennsylvania, 33% approve of how President Trump is doing in his post, and 52% disapprove. Among Wisconsin residents, the president's score is similarly upside down, 33% to 56%.
Trump cuts funding for Obama's teen pregnancy program (so they can have abortions to ban)
Connecticut Mom Arrested After 5 Children Found Eating Dog Food Off Floor, Living in Feces Covered Apartment : news
In a small N.H.toown, it's hard to hire a hit man without drawing attention
Brentwood teacher arrested school sex with student | Daily Mail Online
Gabriel Rosenberg on Twitter: "Hello there. May I show you the greatest real estate listing in human history? This is a thread about it."
Why Am I Obsessed with this Building for Billionaires? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money
56 Leonard
This Real Estate Listing Goes From Cute To Terrifying Real Fast
TIL that musician and peace advocate John Lennon often beat his girlfriends and wives, almost killed a man for calling him gay, was emotionally abusive towards his son, and mocked disabled people : todayilearned (and Yoko was a piece of work also)
A Family Memoir Makes the Case That Autism Is Different, Not Less - The New York Times ... one in 68 kids, one in e very 42 boys
They suffer from the homophobia, the misogyny, the joylessness which is preached by extreme Islam, Isis and the Iranian regime (Dawkins loves the Saudis)
Book review: Science in the Soul by Richard Dawkins |
SCIENCE IN THE SOUL by Richard Dawkins , Gillian Somerscales | Kirkus Reviews
Richard Dawkins: Science in the Soul | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube
"Free Speech Is No More" Richard Dawkins Breaks His Silence - YouTube
Walnuts for Weight Loss? - The New York Times ... The study was funded in part by the California Walnut Commission.
The Curious Conundrum of Freud's Persistent Influence by Frederick Crews (still at it)
Review: 'Labyrinth's,' Emma and Carl Jung's Complex Marriage - Jennifer Senior
Why Freud Survives | The New Yorker
The American Scholar: It's Complicated -- Unraveling the mystery of why people act as they do -- engaging style honed through decades of writing editorials, review essays, and columns for The Wall Street Journal,
Esther_123 comments on My best friend's birthday party after she moved and got new friends (guess who I am)
Whats the best question someone asked in sex-ed? : AskReddit
FBI pushes private sector to cut ties with Kaspersky : technology
The Montreal Protocol successfully outlawed harmful chemicals that deplete ozone in the atmosphere, but new research shows the ban had an amazing, unforeseen side effect: drastically slashing greenhouse gas emissions in the US. : science
Saudi coalition killed hundreds of children in Yemen, confidential UN report claims : news
Questions abound as Spanish officials investigate terrorist attacks - The Washington Post
Victim of knifeman in Finland tells of terrifying ordeal | Daily Mail Online
An ominous how-to for a terrorist attack in America - The Washington Post -- "The real enemy is right here at home: 34% of the country that constitutes the trump base. They consist of radical white christian supremacists."
Cambridge University Press accused of 'selling its soul' over Chinese censorship | World news | The Guardian - Academics and activists decry publisher's decision to comply with a Chinese request to block more than 300 articles from leading China studies journal
Cambridge University Press accused of 'selling its soul' over Chinese censorship | World news : news
Experts sound alarm over news websites' fake news twins | Technology | The Guardian
/u/comeherebob articulates exactly how Wikileaks and Julian Assange push demonstratively false and dishonest claims that even credible journalists struggle with interpreting which allows their lies to be taken at face value. : bestof
Billionaire Paul Allen Finds Lost World War II Cruiser USS Indianapolis in Philippine Sea
Trump tweets about 'anti-police agitators in Boston'; commends police, Walsh
Thousands turn out to decry racism - The Boston Globe -- In a city with fraught racial past, a day of protest against hatred and bigotry
Boston today. : pics
Skirmishes, arrests mar mostly peaceful protests to 'free speech' rally -- Police said that 30,000 to 40,000 people participated in the day's events (and 12 nazis who lasted 20 minutes)
Free speech rally and counter protest - The Boston Globe
Some of the best signs from today's Boston Common rallies
Who is the Boston Free Speech Coalition behind Saturday's rally (nazi dorks)
Crowds mostly disperse after 'free speech' protest ends early
Counter-protesters begin marching ahead of Free Speech Rally in Boston : news
27 arrests at Boston rallies, Trump applauds people for 'speaking out' against hate -- Democratic Mayor Marty Walsh praised law enforcement for monitoring the demonstrations, which drew about 40,000 people.
Bannon: The Trump Presidency That We Fought For, and Won, Is Over.
'Populist Hero' Stephen K. Bannon Returns Home to Breitbart Bannon plots Fox competitor, global expansion - Axios
Trump: "Who the f@&$ does this guy think he is?" - Axios
The Rise and Fall of Steve Bannon | The New Yorker - By Ryan Lizza
A guide to the shrinking GOP presence in Trump's West Wing
How the Republican party quietly does the bidding of white supremacists | Russ Feingold | Opinion | The Guardian
The Test of Nazism That Trump Failed - The New York Times
On Twitter, Trump thanks Bannon for his role in defeating 'Crooked Hillary Clinton'
Seb Gorka's Fate 'Exremely Uncertain' as His Boss Bannon Is Ousted
Sebastian Gorka's PhD adviser: 'I would not call him an expert in terrorism" (or anything else except self-promostion and lying)
Steve Bannon, Back on the Outside, Prepares His Enemies List - The New York Times
Bill Maher Sucked Up to Breitbart, Now He's Slamming Steve Bannon
CNN's Brooke Baldwin Had To Take A Water Break Recounting 4 Weeks Of Trump | HuffPost - summary of recent White House doings is a doozy.
Steve Bannon Returns To Breitbart News, Talks Of 'War' To Come | HuffPost
Steve Bannon Is Overrated - The New York Times - Mr. Bannon is the latest in a long line of political advisers whose reputations are inflated after an election victory.
How Bannon Mattered - Lawyers, Guns & Money : his crucial role was helping to create a media environment in which Hillary Clinton was portrayed as the corrupt and dishonest candidate in a race in which her opponent shattered any previous standard of corruption and dishonesty: (thanks, NYT and WaPo)
Eschaton: Do They All Take Cocaine? - Just asking, of course. The endless puffing out of the chests, WE WILL OWN YOUR ASSES ON TWITTER kind of stuff that hasn't been seen since the glorious warblogger era when the Keyboard Kommandos all enlisted and typed furiously for victory ... "If they get rid of Bannon, you know what's gonna happen? The motherlode. If Bannon is removed, there are gonna be divorces, because I know about the mistresses, the sugar babies, the drugs, the pill popping, the orgies. I know everything" said Cernovich (and yes to the coke question(
Trump's Evangelical Advisers Stand By Their Man : NPR - Evangelical Advisers Stand By Their Man (Satan's minions)
Political opponent wants FBI to investigate Rohrabacher in wake of Assange meeting - The Washington Post
Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club loses its ninth big charity event this week
Here is the official risumi of the person Trump put in charge of federal housing in New York - The Washington Post -- a longtime Trump family employee with no experience in housing, according to the one-page risumi Lynne Patton submitted as part of the transition. (restocking the swamp)
Armed Militia Group Expected To Attend San Francisco Far-Right Rally : news
Jess Dweck on Twitter: "When you realize winning in real life is harder than on the internet"
Himmlerian Slip - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
Laurence Blair on Twitter: "Here's what Paraguayans did with a statue of dictator Alfredo Stroessner (1954-89). It's an interesting compromise."
When Confederate statues were erected throughout history - Axios
Why those Confederate soldier statues look a lot like their Union counterparts - The Washington Post - a remarkably successful bit of marketing sleight of hand in which New England monument companies sold the same statues to towns and citizens groups on both sides of the Civil War divide. (dumb hillbillies wouldn't know a traitor's uniform if they saw it)
u/mac_question Points out that the first letter in each paragraph of the resignation letter given by the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities spells out RESIST. : bestof
Tech has yet to totally bail on Trump - Recode - But the companies and execs aiding the American Technology Council are growing wary.
Five more charities pull out of Mar-a-Lago events -- Charities pressured on Twitter, social media to shun Mar-a-Lago
Of Course America's Dumbest President Would Embrace America's Dumbest Industry - Lawyers, Guns & Money : But of course, Trump would not only repeal this rule, but also named a former bottled water industry lobbyist as deputy interior secretary. Of course, like every regulatory issue, the problem is not Donald Trump, but the Republican Party.
Joe Arpaio cost taxpayers nearly $70 million in racial-profiling case (corrupt cops bankrupting their taxpayers)
Livingston County News | Antifascist group outs Honeoye Falls man as Charlottesville marcher
Eschaton: Random Thought - There is something deeply wrong with a country in which "see your credit score for free!" is actually an enticing marketing tactic.
Indiana ranked 2nd worst place to grow old, study shows | FOX59 (W.Va worst, Utah best)
Massive Houston sex sting, prostitution bust leads to 250+ arrests : news
Teen punches 12yr old kid with brass knuckles, faces 20 years in prison. : news
Police identify three girls found stabbed to death in Maryland home - The Washington Post
Elisabeth Moss defends Scientology after fan compares it to Gilead | Culture | The Guardian
Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) may be effective for treating procrastination, finds a randomized controlled trial comparing treatment delivered via the Internet or in groups, published in the journal Behavior Therapy. : science
Redditor explains how historical, sociological, and philosophical research disagrees with free speech absolutists giving Nazism a platform, complete with sources : bestof
The positive changes I've noticed since I started reading again. : books
What's the worst instance of a band fucking up live? And is the evidence on YouTube? : AskReddit
Which pick-up line is guaranteed to work on you? : AskReddit
Synthetic opioid crisis in US serves as warning for the world, says UN | US news | The Guardian - Fentanyl, which is 50-100 times more potent than morphine, was recently tied to the deaths of 60 people in the UK and a growing number of deaths in Australia
Erik Prince's Plan to Privatize the War in Afghanistan
Chinese state media made a racist video about India and is censoring its critics - The Washington Post
Donald Trump is casting a dark shadow from one end of the country to the other - The Washington Post
Showing His Assange - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The story behind a retracted CNN report on the Trump campaign and Russia - The Washington Pos (Jeff Zucker fired his new investigative team and never denied the truth of their story of Russian collusion)
White House lawyer Cobb predicts quick end to Mueller probe
Federal court can't force IRS to release Trump's tax returns
Trump's Son In Crosshairs Of Special Counsel Mueller -- Prosecutors investigating possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign
ACLU will stop defending armed hate group protesters - Axios
An Open Letter To Our Fellow Jews -- Michael Chabon -- Any Jew, anywhere, who does not act to oppose President Donald Trump and his administration acts in favor of anti-Semitism; any Jew who does not condemn the President, directly and by name, for his racism, white supremacism, intolerance and Jew hatred, condones all of those things. To our fellow Jews, in North America, in Israel, and around the world: What side are you on?
Here's The Strange World President Trump Sees Whenever He Looks At Twitter | HuffPost - Trump
MSNBC Was the No. 1 Cable Network on Wednesday Across Total Day | TVNewser
Steve Bannon Detonates His Trump Survival Plan, Worrying Allies
With Steve Bannon's ouster, four of these five Trump advisers are now gone.
Trump gets rid of Stephen Bannon, a top proponent of his nationalist agenda - The Washington Post
Ousting Bannon is a risky move for Trump - The Washington Post - Stephen K. Bannon caused trouble in the White House. He could have even more of an impact on the outside.
Bannon, backed by billionaire, prepares to go to war - Axios - Bannon, who visited New York this week, met with Bob Mercer and together they will be a well-funded force on the outside ... against White House officials like HR McMaster, Dina Powell, Gary Cohn, and Jared and Ivanka.
Stephen Bannon Out at the White House After Turbulent Run - The New York Times
Inside the rise and fall of Steve Bannon - Politico - chief strategist had become increasingly isolated in the West Wing
Pass the Popcorn! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Bannon friend says Breitbart ramping up for war against Trump. "It's now a Democrat White House," source says
Ben Jacobs on Twitter: "MSNBC is now reading the comments section on Breitbart on air"
An overview of the firings, resignations and withdrawn nominations of the Trump White House - The Washington Post
Steve Bannon out as White House chief strategist : news
The mealy-mouthed cowardice of America's s elites after Charlottesville ("elites" are Republican business guys and Evangelical Christians, to wit: "Over 80% of Evangelicals voted for Trump. So much for their claims of Christian virtue and morality." (Fareed is looking for virtue in all the wrong places)
Trump's Preachers Have Yet to Denounce His Bigotry -- And some, like Jerry Falwell Jr., are publicly applauding the president*'s word choices. (which makes them ...)
David Plunkert's "Blowhard"
New Yorker Is Second Magazine To Couple Trump With KKK Hood | HuffPost
Donald Trump has no grasp of what it means to be president - U-turns, self-regard and equivocation are not what it takes
History will remember the Republicans who stick around - The Washington Post
'Known racist and a nazi sympathizer': Activist projects message onto Trump's D.C. hotel
Hillary Clinton was right about 'deplorables' -- now they're storming out of the basket
Susan Bro, Heather Heyer's Mom, Won't Speak To Donald Trump | HuffPost "You cant wash this one away be shaking my ghand and saying "I'm sorry"
Moral Clarity and Vanilla ISIS
The Republicans who want to legalize running over protesters - The Washington Post -- Republican lawmakers in at least six states have proposed bills designed to protect drivers who strike protesters (the "run the hippies/native Americans/black people over anti-terror law") The moral rot in the Republican Party runs deep. Residents of North Dakota, North Carolina, Tennessee, Florida, Texas and Rhode Island: Look these goons up and vote them out.
Dem group puts Trump's words over video of Charlottesville violence
Thousands Expected to Attend Boston Protests of Right-Wing Rally - NBC News
How the Boston protests will unfold on Saturday - The Boston Globe
Outed online, a local man is now tied to Charlottesville rally - The Boston Globe - Matthew Colligan
Warrants issued for N.H. white nationalist featured in Vice News documentary on Charlottesville violence - The Boston Globe - Christopher Cantwell was seen in a Vice News documentary denouncing Jews.
'Antifa' Grows as Left-Wing Faction Set to, Literally, Fight the Far Right (NYT needs both sides do it and being against nazis is somehow extremist)
Over 129,000 Kids Attend Schools That Honor Confederate Leaders | HuffPost - 191 schools around the country are named for leaders who fought to uphold slavery ... A disproportionate number of students of color attend schools named for Confederate leaders: 53% (keeping them in their place +mostly south, but MN, OR and CA)
The agonizing, 8-page memo on how to chauffeur a congressman - politico - Pity the poor aide charged with driving Rep. Todd Rokita around his district -- Rep. Todd Rokita, an Indiana Republican running in one of next year's most competitive Senate races.
Alex Jones Comes to Seattle, Rants on Street Corner, Gets Doused with Coffee by "Vicious Leftists" : news - That is such a Seattle response...
Six Flags Over Texas takes down Confederate flag : news
Berkeley white supremacist electrician out of a job after Virginia rally : news
Taney statue removed from Maryland state house grounds overnight - The Washington Post
Trump embraces culture war with call to preserve Confederate statues - The Washington Post
By the time the December general election rolls around, the US Senate contest in Alabama could drive national news.
Sen. Scott says Trump's "moral authority is compromised" Sen. Tim Scott, of South Carolina, the only black Republican in the Senate and one of only 10 black people ever to serve as a United States senator.(what "moral authority"xsyu you idiot)
NYT Reporter on Trump's Worst Week: 'Are We Looking at Another Access Hollywood?'
Members of White House presidential arts commission resigning to protest Trump
Eschaton: Well He Managed To Be Even Worse - Topping himself every day these days...
Eschaton: How Many Ways - Trump's awfulness is so apparent it feels pointless to point it out. He's a big dumb senile racist. What more can be said? (stick it to the libtards!)
Eschaton: Waiting For The Adults - One of the enduring mythical subtexts of political journalism is that Republicans are the adults, or at least the Daddies. It's one reason why it's law that Democrats have to regularly appoint Republicans to the tough guy jobs - Defense, FBI, etc. But generally, they are seen as the responsible ones, the wise old hands of Washington who can be called on in a time of crisis to make everything ok again.
Eschaton: Today's Hottest Take - Pure fire. -- @GeraldoRivera -- #RobertELee is a lot like #ErwinRommel a glorious yet failed warrior, untarnished by the sins of his brothers
Eschaton: Nobody Knows Anything - One thing about all this confederacy love (not the most important thing) is that while half the country claim to be "civil war buffs," very few actually know a damn thing about it.
Eschaton: Cosplay - Before that we had all types of "manly" cosplay which were perfectly socially acceptable. Dudes wearing football jerseys. Dudes dressing up like soldiers and pretending to shoot each other on Civil War battlefields. That kind of thing. -- And of course there's long been the militia costumes. Guys in camo and fake military uniforms (often designed convey the idea that they were in the military despite not necessarily being veterans). Also guns. Real guns. So that's a bit more scary.
Confederate flag 'looking' tiles to be removed from subway - Story | WNYW - The architects are said to have installed them to pay homage to the Southern roots of former New York Times newspaper head Adolph S. Ochs. (well no shit)
Jefferson Davis Memorial Highway monument tarred and feathered - Story | KSAZ
Tina Fey Absolutely Destroys Nazis, Trump And Paul Ryan While Eating A Sheet Cake | HuffPost
More than 500 police officers will be ready to keep the peace at 'Boston Free Speech" rally
'Haunted' by past owner's history, Red Sox seek name change for Yawkey Way -- oversaw the 12-season stretch from 1947-58, in which the Red Sox watched every other team in Major League Baseball integrate before they became the last club to do so in 1959 (so, racist fucker way)
John Henry wants the Red Sox to 'lead the wffort' to rename Yawkey Way
Court 'big mouth' butt-dials reporter, admits he barely shows up for $166K job
A Pocket Dial to a Reporter Costs a Court Spokesman His Job - The New York Times
N.H. authorities identify mysterious serial killer linked to Allenstown murders - The Boston Globe
6 foods that marketers want you to think are healthy - The Washington Post
Chef Barbara Lynch resolves OUI case in Gloucester - The Boston Globe
The $70m Legacy Stadium - a student sports palace or a 'shrine to opulence'? | Sport | The Guardian - In the gaudy world of Texas high school football (TX values)
What is a math question that looks easy but is difficult? : AskReddit
Does sipping water vs 'chugging' water impact how the body processes water? : askscience
Suicide rate differences between Urban and Rural areas can be explained by "ease of access to firearms". : science
An artificial womb has been successfully used to incubate healthy baby lambs for a period of one week, and researchers hope the technology will one day be able to do the same for extremely premature babies, as published this week in The American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. : science
TIL according to top addiction experts, "Giving your child a smartphone is like giving them a gram of cocaine". : todayilearned
All Redditors - What is the most annoying thing (In your opinion) about the Reddit community? : AskReddit
We all know the rule "if it seems like it's everyone else, then it's probably you," but what are you convinced everyone except you is wrong about? : AskReddit
Has House Of Leaves been figured out yet? : books
Indian Man High On Meth Has Lots Of Excuses For The Cops : videos
Neighbors fight with brooms : videos
The greatest Chernobyl documentary ever made - if you are one of today's lucky 10,000 who have not seen this, clear an hour out of your day : videos
Women say they quit Google because of racial discrimination: 'I was invisible' | Technology | The Guardian - As Google reels from the fallout over a controversial diversity memo, multiple women say they faced regular discrimination and ultimately left
Judge Kills AT&T's Attempt to Slow Google Fiber in Louisville : technology -- "Google fiber entering Louisiana would hurt the competitive market" - Ajit V. Pai
Google found a way to automatically remove stock photo watermarks perfectly : videos
Van swerves into crowds in Barcelona's popular Las Ramblas district; 13 reported dead and scores injured
Barcelona crash: Van ploughs into people in Las Ramblas | Daily Mail Online
At least 13 dead, 50 injured in Barcelona terror attack - ABC News
BBC News: Injuries as van hits crowds in Barcelona : news
Philippines war on drugs and crime intensifies, at least 60 killed in three days : news
Venezuela prison 'massacre' kills 37, governor says : news
As people have been discussing in the comments, there's a pretty good chance "blow the shit out of North Korea and doom everyone in Seoul to a horrific death" will be the way out of this. The media will play along, and very soberly talk about the War President who is Protecting Us. We have seen this movie before.
How A German City Found An Absolutely Genius Way Of Handling Neo-Nazis | HuffPost
Chinese Novelist Is Arrested in 4 Murders From 2 Decades Ago : books
Wikileaks refused to publish massive hack of Russian government intel during 2016 US presidential campaign - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The A.C.L.U. Needs to Rethink Free Speech - The New York Times
CIA Torture Psychologists Settle Lawsuit | American Civil Liberties Union - "This outcome shows that there are consequences for torture and that survivors can and will hold those responsible for torture accountable. It is a clear warning for anyone who thinks they can torture with impunity." The full terms of the settlement agreement are confidential. (so, no water-boarding or prison time? you can torture people if you have enough money?)
The Southern Poverty Law Center's hate groups - CNN
Abolish ICE: Workplace Safety Edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money : ICE is a government stormtrooper force engaging in ethnic cleansing.
Dem lawmaker: Trump showing signs of 'nental instability,' must be removed -- Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier (Calif.) said Wednesday that lawmakers should move toward removing President Trump from office
Corker: Trump hasn't shown stability or competence (bipartisan effort)
Eschaton: Helter Skelter - People die. "The race-identity politics of the left wants to say it's all racist," Mr. Bannon added. "Just give me more. Tear down more statues. Say the revolution is coming. I can't get enought of it." -- Your people kill people.
Steve Bannon, Unrepentant - Trump 's embattled strategist phones me, unbidden, to opine on China, Korea, and his enemies in the administration. (wonder how it felt for Bannon to talk to a smart non-crazy non=-asshole person?)
Steve Bannon Gives Bizarre Interview Amid Departure Rumors | HuffPost
Steve Bannon thought he wasn't giving an interview -- Anthony Scaramucci all over again (minus the curse words.)
The Bannon Call - Lawyers, Guns & Money : What the hell is this? Is Bannon trying to get fired? Is this a challenge to Trump? Is he just insane? Is he so drunk with power that he thinks he can undermine the entire American government? But hey, I'm sure we will get through this administration just fine!
Think what you want about Steve Bannon, but he's got a good point on China (going to eat our lunches while gov and corps sleep)
'He is stubborn and doesn't realize how bad this is getting' -- The Charlottesville furor is the latest example of the chaos that can result from Trump's temper and refusal to back down.
Our Racist President Endorses Historical Myths About Racist Mass Murder - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years! (racist conspiracy theories rattlling around in his empty head)
Trump's Embrace of Racially Charged Past Puts Republicans in Crisis
Trump's false claim that counter-demonstrators lacked a permit (4 noses)
The 'Flight 93 Election' Moment Is Now (Rethug terrorists took over the cockpit)
Republicans in Congress May Be Stuck in a Relationship With Trump - The New York Times
There is a shriveled emptiness where Trump's soul once resided (Gerson, who hated Obama and attacked Hillary)
Trump is Sarah Palin but better at it - The Washington Post
The Dowd Report -- Are you ready for some treason-in-defense-of-slavery apologia?
The Dunning-Kruger school - Lawyers, Guns & Money : One thing I've been surprised by during this slow motion car crash into a raging dumpster fire of a presidency is the sheer depth of Trump's stupidity and ignorance ... On top of everything else, he's just really really dumb -- and of course he remains blissfully unaware of this.
The Dunning-Kruger school : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Donald Trump is spending this morning of his vacation lamenting the removal of various monuments to treason in defense of slavery:
1 big thing: Trump's 7 months of self-destruction
Trump'S lack of discipline leaves new chief of staff frustrated and dismayed (o rly)
Oops, dad did it again! - Axios (dad is a crazy racist fuck, what did you expect?)
'Art Of The Deal' Co-Author Tony Schwartz Predicts Trump's About To Resign | HuffPost -- presidency is effectively over. Would be amazed if he survives till end of the year. More likely resigns by fall, if not sooner ... Eric & Donald Trump Jr., dumber versions of their father. Ivanka Trump fake human and enabler. They all suffer from Stockholm Syndrome. ("fake human")
Tony Schwartz on Twitter: "Trump must be isolated. Resistance every day. The end is near but must keep pressure high."
Vice News Just Released Chilling, Must-Watch Footage From Behind Charlottesville's Battle Lines
/u/s1ugg0 succinctly explains why it's important to watch the VICE documentary of the events at Charlottesville even if you know it will just upset you : bestof
Longtime Trump business partner 'told family he knows he and POTUS are going to prison' -- Felix Sater
Trump Abandons Plan for Council on Infrastructure - Bloomberg - President nixes council after ending two other business groups - Executives had started to quit after Virginia controversy
John Harwood on Twitter: "WH official: "the President's Advisory Council on Infrastructure, which was still being formed, will not move forward."" His infrastructure plan remains what it always was: vaporware. Same with his health plan and tax plan and even the wall and immigration.
Apple's Tim Cook 'disagrees' with Donald Trump's take on neo-Nazi violence in Charlottesville -- He also pledged big donations to the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League
Fox News Host Cries Because Conversation On Race Makes Her 'Uncomfortable' | HuffPost - Melissa Francis turned on the tears saying she felt judged. (speaking of snow-flakes)
Partisan divide over Trump's response to Charlottesville: CBS News poll (68% of racist Republicans think Nazis are great and both sides killed people but 63% of American think it was domestic terrorism)
He put on an 82nd Airborne cap and gave a KKK salute in Charlottesville. Vets had words. - The Washington Post
Hallowed, Hollow Monuments (with tweets) 7 vacuumslayer 7 Storify - This is fascinating stuff, folks -- Why did the statue go down so easy? Many "Lost Cause" era C monuments were mass-produced in the cheapest way possible for mass distribution.
Southwest Rises as 2018 Senate Battleground - The New York Times (Flakeville)
Chart of the Week: The most liberal and conservative big cities | Pew Research Center -- Mesa, AZ, OKC, V.Beach, Colorado Springs ... Boston, Oakland, Seattle, DC, SF)
White nationalists are flocking to genetic ancestry tests. Some don't like what they find (not a pure white as they thought they were)
Carl Paladino's polarizing time on School Board comes to an end -- inflammatory comments from December about former president Barack Obama and his wife started this public push for his ouster.
Maine Gov. LePage: Removing Confederate statues like losing 9/11 memorial - Chicago Tribune (or maybe the opposite) ... "doesn't watch tv or read newpapaters ...
Father, my father: Children of Catholic priests live with secrets and sorrow - The Boston Globe
Angry people in local newspapers
'They're not safe:' Bedford parents say elementary portables look like they came from 'garbage dump' | Metro Halifax
Woman arrested for snorting cocaine in parent pick-up line at Florida school | - 39-year-old Christina Hester snort the drug off the screen of her iPhone with a straw, according to WFTX.
Campus sexual assault policies are unfair to the accused. This case shows how. - The Washington Post (all Obama's fault, apparently)
Fat Freezing Helps Doctors Enhance Physiques, and Their Revenue - The New York Times
Our Readers Call Us Out Over Bubble Tea. They Are Right. - The New York Times
Blood Test Finds Cancer Before Symptoms Start : news - The blood test detected the majority of cancers in people with four of the biggest cancer killers: breast, colon, lung and ovarian cancer, the team at Johns Hopkins University said.
The circles of alt-right radicalization online and on reddit.
CCg1 TV shows woman forced to fight off sexual predator as people walk past ignoring them : news
[Readings] | Public Enemy | Harper's Magazine - From the jury selection process that took place over three days in June for the trial of Martin Shkreli,
No Rest For Reform As Japan's Economy Surges Ahead - Tokyo beat growth expectations last quarter
In Ukraine, a Malware Expert Who Could Blow the Whistle on Russian Hacking - The New York Times - Profexer's online persona vanished, a flesh-and-blood person has emerged: a fearful man who the Ukrainian police said turned himself in early this year, and has now become a witness for the F.B.I. (Putin was about to kill him)
The Nation is reviewing a story casting doubt on Russian hack of DNC - The Washington Post ... Katrina vanden Heuvel ... Katha Pollitt: "These are our friends now? The Washington Times, Breitbart, Seth Rich truthers and Donald Trump Jr.? Give me a break. It's very up;setting to me. It's embarrassing" (all this, and we still don't know the speed of the DNC's internet connection +look at Putin's face. is he human?)
Trump Job Approval Rating Now at 34%, New Low | Gallup (can he break 30%? only hard-core psycho-racist-nazis stand behind him)
8/16: Trump at Lowest Point With 35% Job Approval Rating Crack at the Base | Home of the Marist Poll
Why Trump's poll numbers are still in free fall
Election 2016: The Real Reason the Electoral College Exists | - Standard civics-class accounts of the Electoral College rarely mention the real demon dooming direct national election in 1787 and 1803: slavery. (the original rigging)
Donald Trump gave the most disgusting public performance in the history of the American presidency - The Washington Post
Trump Gives White Supremacists an Unequivocal Boost - The New York Times< Former CIA director slams Trump's 'despicable' comments in letter to CNN anchor
Did Trump Get His George Washington And Thomas Jefferson Line From Fox News? - "I wonder, is it George Washington next week and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?" (there is no room for truth in Trump's head and FDR was a slave-holder and of course the source was the slimey reptile Newt)
Shakesville: Shame on Everyone Who Abets Donald Trump ... "unprecedented" ... (+Pence is a fucking racist, of course)
Theresa May attacks Donald Trump over refusal to condemn white supremacists - ITV News
Republicans Split After Trump Again Blames 'Both Sides' in Charlottesville
Trump's Aides Tried to Conceal His Crazy, Racist Beliefs From the Country
Trump Lawyer Forwards Email Echoing Secessionist Rhetoric - The New York Times (laying the ground work for the Trump States of Trumpland)
'The President Was Entirely Correct' - remarks on the deadly white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville have sparked widespread outrage. But the White House is asking congressional Republicans to follow his lead. (fall into line or face the wrath of Satan)
Mr. Trump Makes a Spectacle of Himself - The New York Times
The nation can only weep - The Washington Post - TUESDAY WAS a great day for David Duke and racists everywhere. The president of the United States all but declared that he has their backs.
Trump Drags GOP Onto Dangerous Ground, This Time Over Race - Bloomberg
If a top Trump aide leaves, it could 'start a run on the bank' ... "His imprecise and inarticulate speech worked in the campaign. It isn't working as president. It didn't matter until today. Now, it really matters." (so, words matter after all and thoughts or the lack of them, even more, the next statge)
'Wow': Stunned TV Hosts Reacted in Real Time to Trump
Down the Breitbart Hole - The New York Times (let's go with dangerous)
Donald Trump has a very clear attitude about morality: He doesn't believe in it
Trump To Name Hope Hicks Comms Director | The Daily Caller (whoah, another lizard-like alien)
Evangelical leader praises Trump's 'bold, truthful' statement about Charlottesville (another clarification process in the works: evangelical/fundamentalist Christianity)
AP Definitive Source | How to describe extremists who rallied in Charlottesville (now we know: "alt-right" = racist fucking asshole)
Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Antifa: A Glossary of Extremist Language - The New York Times
Liberals Helped Create Trump's New Bogeyman, the "Alt-Left" (see, we're alty too)
Redditor provides proof that Charlottesville counter protesters did actually have permits, and rally was organized by a recognized white supremacist as a white nationalist rally. : bestof
Alt-Right Demonstrations Scheduled for 9 Cities Next Weekend - will be directed at Google facilities in Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Los Angeles, New York, Pittsburgh, Seattle, and Washington, D.C., in addition to the company's headquarters, GooglePlex, in Mountain View, California. (ha-ha, they're attacking Googles) Since confirming his firing, Damore has done very little press, but his first public interview, posted online Tuesday evening, is with alt-right YouTuber Stefan Molyneux. (ha-ha, "I'm not alt-right" said the racist fucker)
The far right is planning 9 rallies nationwide this weekend alone : news
Baltimore Quietly Removed All 4 Of Its Confederate Statues Overnight | HuffPost - voted unanimously Monday night to immediately take down the monuments after more than a year of indecision.
Abrams calls for removal of Confederate faces off Stone Mountain | Political Insider blog
Civil War historical markers: A map of Confederate monuments, and Union ones too. ('50's and '60's construction boom)
The Legacy of Reconstruction and Occupation After the US Civil War -- Political Violence at a Glance
Fox News Hosts Split Over Donald Trump's Wild New York Press Conference | HuffPost (Timpf disgusted, Ingraham la-di-la, Krauthhammer: Trump is "moral disgrace," Watters is a racist like Trump, Hannity of course and Tuckerfucker thinks slavery is ok in many situations)
Fortunately, Nobody Like This Ever Became a Major World Leader Again - Lawyers, Guns & Money (important: see pic/context)
Eschaton: Snowflakes - The richest people in the universe are cowards. -- Privately, many chief executives say they are fuming, outraged by the president. (This after many of them campaigned to get on Mr. Trump's committees.) But many are too scared to say anything publicly that could make them or their company a target of Mr. Trump's wrath. -- College kids. Safe spaces. blahblahblah. ("wrath" of an angry god)
PepsiCio's Nooyi Comes Under Fire as Trump Council Splinters - Color of Change group goes after Nooyi in online campaign
A Charlottesville White Supremacist Stripped Down to Escape Protesters and We Got It on Video | GQ
Neo-Nazi blubbers like a baby in video reporting he's wanted for arrest in Charlottesville
The 'March on Google' is off
White nationalists planning rally in Lexington over Confederate statues | Lexington Herald Leader
The End of Softselling Treason in Defense of Slavery - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- What this leaves is a far more correct interpretation of the Confederacy as a white supremacist state that hoped to become a world power based around slavery. There is nothing to romanticize, unless you want to romanticize white power. (treason in defense of slavery and its dirty tradition)
Who Still Supports The Fond Remembrance of Treason in Defense of Slavery? : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The white government of Alabama of course!
What Concrete Steps Will Congressional Republicans Take After Trump Announced His Support for NeoNazis? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : None, of course.
Who has fanned the flames of fascism? Our politicians and newspapers | Owen Jones | Opinion | The Guardian -- "Cannot believe we're seeing Nazi salutes in 21st century America", tweets Nigel Farage about Charlottesville, dragging a can of petrol behind him -- Those goose-stepping marchers in Charlottesville, those racists and fascists, merely represent the undiluted hatred that festers in the US elite. ("elite" = Fox news)
wint on Twitter: "the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron""
Democrat Doug Jones wins Alabama Senate primary | - Jones, a former U.S. Attorney known for the prosecution of convicted killers Thomas Blanton and Bobby Frank Cherry for the 1963 Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing, has picked up several endorsements from Democratic leaders, including Rep. John Lewis of Georgia and Rep. Terri Sewell.
Everybody Get Woke -- One bad thing about the Bush era - because of 9/11 and war, I think - was that most people with platforms were a bit shy about talking about how our president was a bad human. It's a distant memory now, but the Bushies were good at equating criticism of Bush with criticism of Amurka. There were a few years when it was "controversial." Hi Dixie Chicks! Anyway, years ago I doubt I would've chosen Seth Meyers as "wokest white guy on late night television" in my fantasy talk show host league, but he's doing pretty well.
Elvis's death was a perfect example: The media doesn't understand Middle America -- Gary Abernathy is publisher and editor of the Times-Gazette in Hillsboro, Ohio. (commenters roast him, again +endorsed Trumpster, of course, and was probably around 12 when Elvis died +"Piece on Elvis dying on crapper explains liberal bias 40 years after the fact" )
Elvis Presley-In The Ghetto/Lyrics - YouTube -- People, don't you understand / The child needs a helping hand / Or he'll grow to be an angry young man some day / Take a look at you and me, / Are we too blind to see, / Do we simply turn our heads
This Ohio paper endorsed Donald Trump. Here's what the publisher says today ... Trump won HIghland County with 75.8 percent of the vote, the best showing by a Republican in county history. (circ. 4,300)
This is the seventh time courts have found Texas guilty of intentional discrimination since 2011.
Missing Woman Survived On Berries, Puddle Water For A Month: Rescuer | HuffPost - A 25-year-old woman reportedly found naked alongside a rural Alabama road on Saturday is recovering after spending nearly a month missing in a densely wooded area, authorities said.
B&H Photo will pay $3.2 million to settle federal discrimination case: Digital Photography Review - the department alleged that B&H was engaging in discrimination against multiple groups, as well as harassment of workers.
Racism is linked to Religious dogmatism | Center for Inquiry
Sperm count in western men has dropped over 50% since 1973 with "no signs of leveling off" : science
US fertility rate hits a record low - CNN
What is the most utterly useless fact you know? : AskReddit
Quick Thinking by SUV Owner During Attempted Carjacking : WTF
Prospective Martin Shkreli Juror: "He Disrespected the Wu-Tang Clan" : Music
Women of Reddit, what was the worst thing a man has ever told you in an attempt to hit on/flirt with you? : AskReddit
What did you do on acid? : AskReddit
What are some pieces of Reddit history that every Redditor should know? : AskReddit
The Daily Caller has a White Nationalist Problem | Southern Poverty Law Center
Racist Daily Stormer moves to Russian domain after losing .com address : technology
New Orleans Floods While Scott Pruitt Destroys the EPA - An update on the climate crisis - We Keep Electing Idiots, the Oceans Keep Rising
Hundreds buried alive in massive Sierra Leone mudslides and floods - The Washington Post
Burkina Faso attack: 18 killed after gunmen on motorcycles open fire on Turkish restaurant - The Washington Post
Julian Assange, a Man Without a Country | The New Yorker
French President Emmanuel Macron's fall from grace, explained -- French President Macron won with 65 percent of the vote. Now his approval rating is a dismal 36 percent. (Trump territory) been called too authoritarian in his instincts, and too elitist in his approach ... In other words, the leader Europe saw as the anti-Donald Trump is now about as popular in his own country as Trump is within the US
Man who raped and murdered 4-year-old girl is publicly executed and hung from crane - AOL News
Inside the country where Down syndrome is disappearing (Iceland)
Gates Makes Largest Donation Since 2000 With $4.6 Billion Pledge - Bloomberg
Department of Justice Uses Search Warrant To Get Data On Visitors to Anti-Trump Site | Popehat (don't even think about protesting Trumpster but good guy Dreamhost)
Justice demands 1.3M IP addresses related to Trump resistance site | TheHill (not a bit "overbroad")
We Fight for the Users -
Feds demand 1.3 million IP addresses of those who visited Trump protest site | Ars Technica - a clear abuse of government authority. (Lil' Jeffy at work)
Hullabaloo - This too was predictable: COINTELPRO Redux
In J20 Investigation, DOJ Overreaches Again. And Gets Taken to Court Again. | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Paul Manafort Sought $850 Million Deal With Putin Ally and Alleged Gangster - one-time campaign chair has a history of unorthodox real estate deals. But this may have been the wildest of all. (Trump is a Russian chump)
Trump campaign emails show aide's repeated efforts to set up Russia meetings (getting time for thew firing squad)
Sheldon Adelson disavows campaign against H.R. McMaster (is he even human?)
Steve Bannon's job has never been in more jeopardy, sources say
Steve Bannon could be gone 'by the end of the week' | Daily Mail Online -- and ally Sebastian Gorka could be next
Bannon in Limbo as Trump Faces Growing Calls for the Strategist's Ouster (meanwhile, in apocalytic chaos-land)
Anthony Scaramucci, explained - Vox -- He's not here to "sock his own cock")
Controversial Trump Aide Katharine Gorka Helped End Funding For Group That Fights White Supremacy | HuffPost
A.J. Delgado: From Trump Aide to Single Mom - The Atlantic - Last November, A.J. Delgado played a vital role on a winning campaign. Then everything fell apart.
The Obama-Trump Voters Are Real. Here's What They Think -- The story of the 2016 presidential election is simple. Donald J. Trump made huge gains among white voters without a college degree. His gains were large enough to cancel out considerable losses among well-educated white voters and a decade of demographic shifts ... The voters who switched from President Obama to Mr. Trump were decisive ... She lost primarily because of the narrow but deep swing among white working-class voters who were overrepresented in decisive battleground states. (and yes, they fucked themselves and everybody else)
Is America Headed for a New Kind of Civil War? | The New Yorker
Trump Retweets Cartoon of Train Killing CNN Reporter - The Daily Beast
The Daily 202: Trump acts like the president of the Red States of America - The Washington Post
Trump says he's committed to fighting white supremacy. His policies say otherwise.
Intel CEO leaves American Manufacturing Council - Policy@Intel
Intel CEO exits President Trump's manufacturing council
Outraged in Private, Many C.E.O.s Fear the Wrath of the President - The New York Times
Under Armour, Intel CEOs quit Trump's job council over Charlottesville rally response
From racism to climate change, CEOs keep turning on Trump - Aug. 14, 2017
Fifth leader resigns from Trump's manufacturing council
This Vice News Documentary from Charlottesville Is Horrifying -- Watch it and share it.
An ugly pattern is taking shape. Trump exaggerates certain threats. He plays down other ones. - The Washington Post
Trump Defends Initial Remarks on Charlottesville; Again Blames 'Both Sides'
Fox host: Trump comments 'one of the biggest messes I've ever seen'
Fox News, Daily Caller delete posts encouraging people to drive through protests - Aug. 15, 2017
n January, Fox News Posted a Video of Cars Mowing Down Protesters That Urged Viewers to "Study the Technique"
The alt-left violently coming at the alt-right, circa 1944 : pics
Trump Not Planning on Charlottesville Trip;'Why The Hell Would We Do That?' (b/c our base is racist fuckers like us)
The Latest: Trump asked to fire 3 White House staffers - ABC News - Americans deserve to know that white nationalists, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis are not in a position to influence U.S. policy -- Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and Sebastian Gorka.
Fire Steve Bannon: White House No Place for Alt-Right Apologists | National Review - There is no room for an alt-right apologist in the White House.
Charlottesville timeline - How white supremacist protests turned deadly over 24 hours - Washington Post
Charlottesville Car Crash Suspect's Mother Accused Him Of Violent Attacks - was previously accused of beating his mother and threatening her with a knife, according to police records released Monday. Samantha Bloom, who is disabled and uses a wheelchair (have fun with that BBC up your butt, bitch)
White millennials are just as racist as their grandparents - The Washington Post (haters not mostly old white fuckers, racisim not dying out among white people)
Dave Weigel on Twitter: "Life, like a compressed blast of mace, comes at you fast." (Baked Alaska racist fucker +"14 words")
"TYuo will not replace us": a French philosopher explains the Charlottesville chant
Why are people still racist? What science says about America's race problem -- "We often assume that it takes parents actively teaching their kids, for them to be racist. The truth is that unless parents actively teach kids not to be racists, they will be ... simply not true that we just need to wait for the few old racist men left in the South to die off and then we'll be fine. The rhetoric for racism is still in place. The environment for racism is still there. Unless we change that, we can't lessen racisim ("in group" thinking and "implicit bias")
Protesters pull down Confederate statue at old Durham County courthouse | WNCN
Durham: Redeeming Itself 5% for Christian Laettner - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Pull down the symbols of American Nazis!
Texas A&M cancels White Lives Matter rally due to safety concerns
Airbnb permanently ban White supremacists from making reservations and hiring out flats : news
Amateur Sleuths Aim to Identify Charlottesville Marchers, but Sometimes Misfire - The New York Times
He's the Raleigh man behind the Twitter account outing racist --- and 'I'm not going away' -- the viral Twitter account @YesYoureRacist
Fox guest: Confederate flag and LGBTQ pride flag "reporesent the exact same thing" -- Steve Douchey
Hillary Clinton's pastor plagiarized portion of new book
This Illinois Republican faced a choice: Vote for a tax increase or 'let it burn' (breaks with 'let everyone die' Rauner)
Today In Our Wall Street Betters - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - I never get tired of reading stories about the douche who took over Sears: (corporate assholes destroying jobs)
GOP's nastiest primary -- Todd Rokita and Luke Messer have been trying to outdo one another in Indiana politics since they graduated from the same small college decades ago. (biggest asshole competition)
Alabama Republican Senate Race Is Even Crazier Than You Imagined - a showdown between the Strange, the addled, and the downright weird.
BREAKING: Texas permanently bans taxpayer funding of abortion | News | LifeSite
Teen tackled by bystanders after vandalizing Boston Holocaust memorial - The Washington Post
Teen accused of vandalizing Holocaust Memorial could be arraigned Tuesday - The Boston Globe
California Ranks #1 in the nation with 79 active hate groups. : news
Lincoln Memorial Vandalized With Red Spray Paint : news
Police: Son chokes mom's ex-boyfriend to death after seeing him beat her
Former Google engineer: 'I do not support the alt-right'
Kim Kardashian goes on foul-mouthed Snapchat tirade | Daily Mail Online (not aging well)
Should a TV anchorwoman be required to dress for work in a cocktail dress? Or stilettos? What about body-hugging tops? The always-simmering wardrobe issue flared recently when Heather Unruh, the longtime WCVB-TV anchor who abruptly resigned last fall
Jury says Taylor Swift was groped by radio DJ, awards her a symbolic $1 verdict - The Washington Post - former KYGO radio host David Mueller (you just made it 1000 times worse, asshole)
On the Internet, waiters can spill all they want - The Boston Globe
N.H. police corral escaped iguana after it bites cyclist - The Boston Globe
Seeing a smiley face in the text of a work email made people think that the sender was less competent, compared to if the same message did not contain the emoticon, finds researchers in a new study published in journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. : science
Being 'fat but fit' is a myth, a new study on the links between weight and heart disease has revealed : science
I am ridiculously good at figuring out acronyms I've never come across before. AMA : casualiama (fucking brilliant!)
Master of Disguise : funny
Commenter gets belittled and told not to vote because she changed her mind on an emotional topic, issues a flawless rebuke without name-calling or petty insults : bestof
Scientists discover 91 volcanoes below Antarctic ice sheet | World news | The Guardian - This is in addition to 47 already known about and eruption would melt more ice in region affected by climate change (psychotic homicidal death-cult will destroy us all)
Massive wildfires turned prairies to ash, leading Montana's cowboys to weigh federal help ("Hi, I'm from the Federal government, and I'm here to help" +cowboys don't believe in your fake climate change)
Partition of India: Survivors of 1947 riots recall horrors of India-Pakistan separation - The Washington Post - The massacres began soon after the British announced partition: neighbors slaughtered neighbors; childhood friends became sworn enemies. (another great job, Brits)
A third teenager dies 48 hours after arriving at one of China's internet addiction bootcamps : news
Muslim Campaigners Say Tackling Misogyny Is The Key To Stopping Sex Grooming Rings - After the latest case of sexual abuse involving mostly British-Asian men preying on young and vulnerable girls and women, campaigners are saying the core issue is not race or religion but exploitation.
Police: 1 girl dead, at least 5 people injured after driver rams into patrons at pizza restaurant east of Paris : news
Obama team was warned about Russian interference - POLitico - In 2014, the administration got a report of Russia's intention to disrupt Western democracies, including the United States ... either the White House or key agencies were unwilling to act forcefully to counter the Russian actions ... "The truth is, nobody wanted to piss off the Russians." (Barry Float-Above-It-All)
Trump approval falls to lowest level ever in Gallup poll | TheHill - approval rating is only 34 percent in the latest Gallup average released Monday, while 61 percent of adults disapprove, also a new high
GOP is more likely to vent 'personal disgust' or Trump after Charlottesville -- Accusations that Trump is racist have never made Republican politicians abandon him in large numbers. The killing of an anti-supremacist protester in Charlottesville, Virginia, has generated rage toward white nationalists. Republicans who are calculating the possible political costs are finding it harder to stay silent.
McCain Favorability Up to 58% After Healthcare Vote | Gallup (well well)
Eschaton: The Worst Person In America - The Worst Person In America -- As I keep saying, I have no patience for "Bush nostalgia." George Bush was a very bad president. The Bush era was very bad. Many bad things happened. The people who worked for him were bad. The people in the media who supported him were bad ... But Bush was not literally the worst person in America. Donald Trump actually is. He is not nearly as popular at the endless "Trump voters love Trump" articles try to convey, but he won the election and plenty of people like him and my god is he a bad person. (and so are they)
Former Trump Adviser Says He Will 'Blow' McMaster, Drudge 'The Fuck Out' If Bannon Is Ousted
Anti-McMaster campaign is about to get uglier - Axios
Is Steve Bannon Toast? #FireBannon Trends As Pressure On Trump Grows | HuffPost - alleged ties to white nationalists is sparking new calls for his removal.
The FBI has arrested an Oklahoma man on charges that he tried to detonate what he thought was a 1,000-pound bomb, acting out of a hatred for the U.S. government and an admiration for Oklahoma City bomber Timothy Mc-Veigh
Pulitzer-Winner James Risen Joins The Intercept And First Look Media | HuffPost - The New York Times veteran will help steer national security reporting and direct press freedom fund.
Reporter and Press Freedom Advocate James Risen to Join The Intercept and First Look Media
When the President Is Un-American - The New York Times
Presidential Responses To Racial Violence Have Often Been Weak. Trump's Is Weaker
A History Of Looking the Other Way - Lawyers, Guns & Money
After Charlottesville: End the denial about Trump - The Washington Post - disgraceful refusal to condemn white supremacy, bigotry and Nazism to make clear to all who he is and which dark impulses he is willing to exploit to maintain his hold on power ... This is his 54th day at a golf course and 69th day at a Trump property as president. (racist commie nazi, good jub rural America) )
In Largest Case Prosecuted in U.S. Focusing on White Supremacist Prison Gang Members, Swift Justice Leads to Conviction of 89 Members/Associates of Aryan Brotherhood of Texas and Aryan Circle | USAO-NDTX | Department of Justice
Eschaton: What A Bullshitter - Really just read this article and try to find one statement from the UVA president that isn't clearly 100% bullshit.
Beyond a President's Worst Fears, a Mob With Torches Arrived ... Ms. Sullivan, the university's president ... "Having torches is not the same as not having torches." (supergenius bullshitter)
Eschaton: The President Is A White Supremacist - He isn't catering to "them," he is one. (like daddy like donnie)
Charlottesville and the Effort to Downplay Racism in America | The New Yorker
Trump lashes out at 'fake news' when pressed about failure to hold news conference
Mike Pence Defends Donald Trump, Slams Media Over Charlottesville Response | HuffPost
How What Happened Here In Charlottesville Was Inevitable | HuffPost - The college town is reeling from violence and death and experts say the next white nationalist rally could be worse.
Illinois Senate approves resolution asking police to recognize neo-Nazi groups as terrorist organizations - Chicago Tribune
Another white nationalist rally planned, this time in Texas with Richard Spencer - CNN
Alex Jones: A lot of KKK protesters are "Jewish actors" who look like the "case of Seinfeld" with their hoods off (totally off the cliff of sanity)
Here's What Really Happened In Charlottesville -- Who came ready for violence? Was it on "many sides'? Yes, you can blame the Nazis ... Most white supremacist and Nazi groups arrived armed like a paramilitary force
Tiki-torch maker decries use by white supremacists - MarketWatch
Charlottesville: man charged with murder was pictured at neo-Nazi rally : news - Vice had an article with quotes from the daily stormer prerally thread telling people to dress normal and present the image of, i shit you not, "Chad Nationalism"
In 1943, the US War Department released this video to tell Americans not to fall for fascist rhetoric. : videos
Far-Right Rally Goes Ahead in Seattle
Fake patriots : pics
GoDaddy Pulls The Plug On Neo-Nazi Website The Daily Stormer | HuffPost - The white supremacist site has been publishing its hate-filled propaganda online for years.
Google cancels Neo-Nazi site registration soon after it was dumped by GoDaddy : technology
Anti-Nazi movie goes viral after Charlottesville | TheHill
Charlottesville killer denied bail : news
Fox News host delivers speech arguing America isn't racist -- seconds later, he proves himself wrong Bad timing - Jesse Watters ... bigger problem is "left-wing radicals who have terrorized this country."
Protesters pull down Confederate monument in front old Durham County courthouse : news
The only reason for an American to hold a nazi flag is if it was captured in battle. : pics
Letter: Family denounces Tefft's racist rhetoric and actions
'You will have to shovel our bodies into the oven, too' : Father of Charlottesville neo-Nazi disowns him
Posters call Fargo man 'Nazi,' man says he's 'pro-white'
Family rejects man outed as Nazi at Charlottesville rally : news
Berkeley: Top Dog restaurant fires Virginia protester - A sign at the front door of Top Dog notifies customers that employee Cole White no longer works at their business in Berkeley, Calif. (consequences, dude)
Springfield officer accused of 'mocking' Charlottesville victim -- identified the officer as Conrad Lariviere.
Mass. cop on Facebook mocks protesters hit by car in Virginia: 'Hahahaha love this' : news
Discrepancies emerge in Jane Sanders' Burlington College donor list (Jane Sanders's fake spreadsheet)
Despite Trump's Support, Alabama Senator Struggles to a Primary Finish -- Luther Strange (no kidding)
Trump 'seriously considering' a pardon for ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio
'Kid Rock' May Be Ineligible for Michigan Ballot - Elections bureau would decide whether Robert Ritchie can use stage name
California's s coming youth deficit -- In fact, of the 20 fastest-growing millennial regions, only two urban icons, Seattle and, to a lesser extent, Portland, Ore., show much vitality
Cops accused of storing dead bodies in MTA employee break rooms | New York Post - 'leaking bodies' of people killed by subway trains are often brought to employee lunch rooms and other break areas inside stations,
Texas Cops Under Fire After Dashcam Reportedly Shows 11 Minute Search of Woman's Vaginal Area
Might a 'shiver diet' help people lose weight and protect against diabetes? Being cold switches on brown fat, which burns calories to keep you warm. - The Washington Post
If you want to lose weight, dropping that meat may help - The Washington Post
What things you shouldn't do in the USA? : AskReddit
[Serious] What's your true supernatural/unexplainable, downright creepy story? : AskReddit
Women of Reddit, what is the weirdest thing that turns you on? : AskReddit
It wasn't even a hurricane, but heavy rains flooded New Orleans as pumps faltered -- And even though U.S. taxpayers have spent nearly $15 billion rebuilding the city's flood protections since 2005, few here are confident the fixes can keep the city dry for long.
Russian group that hacked DNC used NSA attack code in attack on hotels : technology
U.S. detects possible death threat against Rubio from Venezuela | Miami Herald -- A week ago on Twitter, Cabello dubbed the senator "Narco Rubio"
Rich Higgins' National Security Council Memo Is Pure American Political Crazy
Charlottesville Was Always Coming Because of Choices the Republican Party Has Made - This Is the Bleakest Moment for America in My Lifetime -- Anyone who followed the presidential campaign saw this coming.
Trump babbles in the face of tragedy - The Washington Post (he sounds a little bored)
Donald Trump Blames 'Many Sides' For White Supremacist Clashes In Charlottesville | HuffPost
Trump Is Criticized for Not Calling Out White Supremacists - The New York Times
Trump condemns all bigotry and hatred, White House says ... David Duke: "I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists"
'Unite The Right' Organizer Flees His Press Conference In Charlottesville | HuffPost - Police escorted him from the scene.
Charlottesville Mayor Blasts Trump's 'Repeated Failure' To Denounce White Supremacists | HuffPost -- "I think he made a choice" in the 2016 campaign "to really go to people's prejudices, to go to the gutter," the mayor said
You Can Thank Trump For The White Nationalist Rampage | HuffPost - The GOP would cut its throat if it denounced its racists and racism and really meant it. (his dad loved nazis too)
Here's What We Know About The Man Accused Of Killing A Woman At A White Supremacist Rally - James Alex Fields Jr., 20, was arrested on Saturday in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Mother of Charlottesville suspect: I just knew he was going to a rally ... I thought it had something to do with Trump'
The photo from Charlottesville that will define this moment in American history - The Washington Post
Charlottesville Suspect Attended Rally With White Supremacists, Photo Shows | HuffPost - "infatuated with Nazis"
Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville | HuffPost - State police and national guardsmen watched passively for hours as self-proclaimed Nazis engaged in street battles with counter-protesters.
This Is What 'Oppressed' White Men Look Like | HuffPost - Put THAT in your Tiki torches and light it, you sorry Nazi bitches
killthebillionaires comments on 7 days ago /r/the_donald mods stickied the Charlottesville event. They actively promoted an event where 19 people were injured and 1 of our comrades was killed. Will the Reddit admins retroactively ban /r/the_donald or will they continue to enable racist murders?
Yes, You're Racist on Twitter: "This angry young man is Peter Cvjetanovic, a student at @unevadareno"
"I'm Not The Angry Racist They See In That Photo" ("white European culture" is so oppressed in US)
Univ. of Nevada Reno on Twitter: "To our @unevadareno community: please know we are aware of the dialogue taking place & the unfortunate incidents in Charlottesville, VA."
Bailey M. Gamberg on Twitter: "when the main dude in this photo is in most of your history classes and always spouts fascist and racist comments"
Fox & Friends Sunday defends white supremacist Charlottesville protesters
Eschaton: How They Think -- Gabriel Sherman @gabrielsherman -- When I asked senior WH official why Trump didn't condemn Cville Nazis, he said: "What about the leftist mob. Just as violent if not more so"
Eschaton: It's Illegal For Black People To Carry Guns -- Reminder: As Gov. of California, Ronald Reagan outlawed *all* public carry of guns (open or concealed) because Black Panthers were doing it.
Trump's Capture of the Republican Party is Far From Mysterious -- A different strategy in some recent laws invites vigilantism. A bill introduced in Tennessee would immunize drivers who injure a person who is participating in a protest or demonstration and is blocking traffic in a public right of way (run them over!)
Submitted Without Comment - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Ann Althouse, everybody:
hetellsitlikeitis comments on The Alt-Right's Chickens Come Home to Roost
Mueller wants to interview Priebus in Russia probe: report | TheHill (meanlwhile)
Trump's fire-and-fury messages channel Steve Bannon's apocalyptic visions
The Nation Really Should Stop Publishing the Conspiracy Theories of Open Propagandists - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - a commenter pointed us to this rather remarkable P-Law artifact from the period in which Salon was willing to publish any lunacy that came down the pike as long it was anti-Clinton:
Progressive Values Can't Be Just Secular Values -- New polls suggest liberals have an increasingly negative view of religion, despite the fact that most Democrats -- and Americans -- are religious ... A pro-life church can still work with progressive groups to defend and welcome immigrants (o rly, no stats, more prayer breakfasts, Coons reaches across the aisle)
Subway store sues after worker cleared of drugging officer : news
Seniors Becoming Fastest Growing Marijuana Users : news
Why Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism - The New York Times - A comparative sociological study of East and West Germans conducted after reunification in 1990 found that Eastern women had twice as many orgasms as Western women ... The Soviets extended full suffrage to women in 1917, three years before the United States did.
ELI5: How come pregnant women have heightened senses? Especially smell to a ridiculous level. : explainlikeimfive
A sleeping brain can form fresh memories, according to a team of neuroscientists. The researchers played complex sounds to people while they were sleeping, and afterward the sleepers could recognise those sounds when they were awake. : science
TIL that scientists say caesarian births are "affecting human evolution" because women with narrow hips are spreading this genetic predisposition to their daughters : todayilearned
TIL Americans spend more money on Lotteries than on movies, video games, books, music and sports tickets -- combined. : todayilearned
My childless uncle watching the kids for the weekend. : pics
itsmewaynerooney comments on How do you know if you are a bad person?
Redditors who got engaged but it didn't last till the wedding, what happened? : AskReddit
Twin Peaks Season 3 - possibly the most BAD ASS arm wrestling scene of all time (there's like 10 arm wrestling scenes in film and tv total so, not that big of a stretch) : television
[NSFW] What is the wierdest fanfiction you have ever read? : AskReddit
Guys of Reddit: What is something you saw when visiting a girl's place for the first time that made you not go there again? : AskReddit
What major event did you witness in person? : AskReddit
What instantly says, "I'm trashy"? : AskReddit
Climate scientists continue to sound the alarm: Global warming fueled record temperatures in 2016 : science
Trump to Guam Governor: North Korea Threats Will Boost Tourism 'Tenfold'
A massacre -- At least 30 children die in Indian hospital after oxygen is cut off
One dead and 19 injured as car strikes crowds along route of white nationalist rally in Charlottesville - The Washington Post
Car Plows Into Crowd During Violent Rally In Charlottesville, 1 Dead | HuffPost - 19 others were injured.
Charlottesville and Trump | Public Seminar - David Duke Explains Neo-Nazi Violence to You
White Supremacists Show Up To A City That Didn't Want Them, Chant 'Blood And Soil' | HuffPost
Eschaton - Saturday - Another day, another white supremacist rally.
State of Emergency Declared in Charlottesville After Protests Turn Violent : news
DHEO8xhXkAQLDZF.jpg (JPEG Image, 1200 W 810 pixels)
Counter protesters being hit by a vehicle in Charlottesville today. Photo by Jeremiah Knupp, News Leader : pics
Protecting their rights : pics
Videos show car crash into protesters - CNN Video : news
US Army destroys Nazi symbols at Nuremberg Stadium, 25 April, 1945. : videos
Secessionists push for South to break away from US again - ABC News : news
Secessionists push for South to break away from US again - ABC News
Mueller Is Said to Seek Interviews With West Wing in Russia Case - The New York Times< br /> Rift in GOP gives Democrats an opening to put up barriers between Trump and Russia probe - The Washington Post
Paul Manafort Returns to the Center of the Russia Story | The New Yorker
Trump suspects Bannon of leaking, putting job in jeopardy - Axios
Eschaton: Broadcasts From Bizarro Earth - I heard a bit of a hilarious parody of NPR. The comedian actors were all taking the utterances of "President Trump" very seriously as they presented the news of the day. Quality production.
Fighting Right to Work a Person to Death - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Missouri is one of the many states who have passed right to work a person to death laws in the last couple of days. But in Missouri, workers are fighting back.
What Are the Costs of Libertarianism? | Public Seminar -- Democracy in Chains, historian Nancy MacLean's account of James McGill Buchanan and public choice economics, has caused an unusual stir in the few months since its publication.
Jury orders blogger to pay $8.4 million to ex-Army colonel she accused of rape - The Washington Post
The Taylor Swift groping trial shows how we think about who's entitled to women's bodies
One in eight American adults are alcoholics, study says - The Washington Post - I think the increases are due to stress and despair and the use of alcohol as a coping mechanism,
Can marijuana rescue coal country? - The Washington Post
ELI5: If red and purple are at opposite ends of the visible spectrum, why does red seem to fade into purple just as well as it fades into orange? : explainlikeimfive
Handheld spectral analyzer turns smartphone into diagnostic tool - Costing only $550, the spectral transmission-reflectance-intensity (TRI)-Analyzer attaches to a smartphone and analyzes patient blood, urine, or saliva samples as reliably as clinic-based instruments that cost thousands of dollars. : science
Men of reddit, what NSFW male lifestyle hack can you share? : AskReddit
What is this? Found this in our restroom after they renovated it. : whatisthisthing
Those who stopped using social media such as Facebook and Instagram, what caused you to make this choice? : AskReddit
Ship Monitoring Rescues of Migrants Refuses to Be Rescued - The New York Times
Trump Threatens Venezuela With Possible 'Military Option' | HuffPost (more fire and fury and bombs!)
Trump just thanked Putin for slashing America's diplomatic presence in Russia
Republicans, Remove This Madman From Power | New Republic - Trump may destroy the world, in other words, but that's better than another few years of liberal rule. Nobody needs to love liberalism to grasp, a year later, that this cost-benefit analysis was demented, and that the country made an error in embracing the logic, wittingly or otherwise
The Nation Article About the DNC Hack Is Incoherent
Putin Can't Melt Steel Beams -- one surefire way of knowing that the latest Nation story about how the DNC hack was an INSIDE JOB is a ludicrous conspiracy theory: By Patrick Lawrence (bad as it was with the hand-waving "layers of meta-data," what was the DNC's internet connection speed? could some reporter look into that?)
Eschaton: Lives - Leaving aside the rather obvious issues, it of course never occurs to Trump that a bunch of people have just had their lives completely disrupted. -- Nicholas Burns, the State Department's third-ranking official under Republican President George W. Bush, called Trump's comments "grotesque." ... Yes we already knew that Trump is a sociopathic narcissist and other people don't really exist to him, but...
Eschaton: Conspiracies - Adam is right that elites ignore (suppress) the actual important conspiracy theories that drive our public policy (killing people). ... This is really the funniest thing I have ever read! (Jeffrey Goldberg)
Conspiracies Pushed by Atlantic's Editor Excluded From Atlantic's Denunciation of Conspiracy Theories ... Andersen let everyone in corporate media off the hook, saving most of his ire for obscure hippies, rednecks and postmodern academic ... How the most blatant confidence-eroding episode of the past 20 years could escape a 12,000-word piece on the erosion of trust in elite institutions is unclear. Goldberg and Co.'s theory that Saddam was working with Al Qaeda -- which was floated by Goldberg everywhere from Slate (3/2/02, 10/3/02) to NPR (2/4/03) to the New Yorker (3/25/02) in the build-up to the Iraq War -- was a textbook example of a conspiracy theory, complete with cherry-picked evidence, dubious inferences, rejection of contradictory evidence and ideological blinders. .
Judge Won't Let Ex-Fox News Star Keep Secret Her Feminism Book Was Ghostwritten by a Man | Hollywood Reporter - A judge rejects Andrea Tantaros' argument that professional jeopardy overcomes a presumption of access to judicial documents.
Taylor Swift's Best Comebacks During Her Cross-Examination at Her Sexual-Assault Trial -- groping at the hands of a radio DJ named David Mueller during a meet and greet (big mistake, whe owned him)
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth, Mammals Took to the Skies - The New York Times - "squirrels" glided through forests at least 160 million years ago, long before scientists had thought ... an extinct branch of mammals that probably still laid eggs ... Volaticotherium
Some Scientific Arguments James Damore Has Yet to Respond To (coder-bro thinks he can science, but no)
I'm a woman in computer science. Let me ladysplain the Google memo to you
Colonel 32 on Twitter: "@catherinedamin @cynthiablee @albert_cloete @DrAnneCarpenter @sarah_eliz_gray Yeah.. That's it. Definitely not a cult-like ideology dismissing anyone with ideas that challenge their own. It's just not worth the time."
Suzanne Sadedin's answer to What do scientists think about the biological claims made in the anti-diversity document written by a Google employee in August 2017? - Quora -- That said, the argument in the document is, overall, despicable trash. (coderbro dropped out of bio-program to make money at teh googles)
We've studied gender and STEM for 25 years. The science doesn't support the Google memo. These are some issues that males simply do not have to face. The "anxiety gap" exists for a reason, and it is not about biology.
David Brooks should resign as a New York Times columnist. | New Republic - In his latest column, Brooks argues that "Sundar Pichai Should Resign as Google's C.E.O." -- not because of extreme gender inequality at the company, but because Pichai fired James Damore, the author of a now-infamous anti-diversity memo. According to Brooks, Damore was just telling the truth:
The Google Memo: Four Scientists Respond - Quillette
Traditionalists and Activists are Both Wrong About Sex and Gender - Quillette
On That Google Memo About Sex Differences | Psychology Today
From a logical point of view
Are (social) conservatives less intelligent? | Nintil (yes, surprise, call them contards)
Intelligence And Politics Have a Complex Relationship | Psychology Today
EPA head casts doubt on 'supposed' threat from climate change -- Scott Pruitt on Wednesday cast doubt on the idea that climate change poses a threat to the United States. (Pruitt hates your so-called fake science, will hear from alt-right "opposing viewpoints" )
Sea levels are rising up to 6 times faster than average in some areas of the Southeast US, like Florida : science
The Final Documents On JFK's Assassination Are Being Declassified -- Philip Shenon says Oliver Stone's 1991 film JFK led to a law stating all documents about the Kennedy assassination must be released by October 2017. Three hundred new pages just came out ... 3,000 more are to be released by October (and if it weren't for that we would never know but Trump will block)
The Bomb Didn't Beat Japan -- Stalin Did | Foreign Policy
A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year's DNC Hack -- Former NSA experts say it wasn't a hack at all, but a leak -- an inside job by someone with access to the DNC's system (Russian stuff was fake and Assange was warning the DNC +a lot disinfo in the comments, Patrick mush be on to something +CIA/NSA covered up for whoever did it +Hillary operation was naive)
What declaring a national emergency over the opioid epidemic could actually do - Vox
A Timely Guide to the North Korea Crisis - The New York Times
Avoiding War With North Korea Is Easy | HuffPost - Just don't bomb them
Donald Trump Now Thinks His 'Fire And Fury' Threat Might Not Have Been Tough Enough | HuffPost - "North Korea better get their act together."
Fox analyst dismisses that millions would die in nuclear strike because "they'll be mostly North Koreans" (oh, and a few in the South, maybe)
The Reagan-era invasion that drove North Korea to develop nuclear weapons - The Washington Post - In October 1983, the United States invaded Grenada. The Kim family regime that controls North Korea saw this invasion as an early warning sign: If the United States could perceive even a small spice island as a threat, so too could it eventually train its sights on North Korea
The Game Is Over and North Korea Has Won | Foreign Policy - Donald Trump can whine all he wants, but we're now living in a world where American power is less relevant than ever.
More drama in Trumpland: Gorka publicly shuns Tillerson's s effort to scale back North Korea red line
Sebastian Gorka, the West Wing's Phony Foreign-Policy Guru -- a former Breitbart editor with Islamophobic views and ties to neo-Nazi extremists
Trump's Legal Team Is No Match for Mueller's
With Bank Subpoenas, Mueller Turns Up the Heat on Manafort - Bloomberg
Here's the Memo That Blew Up the NSC -- "deep state" attacked Trump administration because the president represents a threat to cultural Marxist memes, globalists, and bankers. The author of the memo, Rich Higgins, who was in the strategic planning office at the NSC, was among those recently pushed out.
Judge orders new searches for Clinton Benghazi emails - politico (of course) xsy
In a new poll, half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 election if Trump proposed it - The Washington Post (deep traitor roots, any excuse will do)
U.S. Ambassador Haley Loses Two Key Aides at United Nations - Bloomberg - Chief of staff and communications director both resigned - Haley said on Twitter the men were leaving for family reasons ... Previously he was a journalist and producer at Fox News for more than 19 years (un-huh)
Judge Tosses Texas Request To Declare Anti-Sanctuary Law Constitutional | HuffPost - The state attorney general hoped to head off challenges from cities that oppose the law.
Anthony Scaramucci Just Weirdly Compared Himself To Monica Lewinsky | HuffPost - The former White House communications director also called a journalist a "lowlife" for recording their conversation
Eschaton: Good Question: i'm curious. Do people think Trump knows that Mitch McConnell's wife serves in his cabinet?
Monica Lewinsky's Tweet About Anthony Scaramucci Says It All | HuffPost
CNN severs ties with Jeffrey Lord - Aug. 10, 2017 (slimy piece of shit)
No More Mister Nice Blog: Will Democrats Continue To Be More Successful Downballot Than Upballot?
The Democratic Party's Looming Fundraising Crisis -- Trump-era Republicans learned from Bernie Sanders's he Democratic National Committee still hasn't -- Republicans have quietly taken a decisive edge over Democrats when it comes to small-dollar fundraising.
GOP and Trump's Transgender Attacks Backfire In Iowa Special Election
Eschaton: The Primary, Man - Now this is apparently a crazy BernieBro view and pointing out that, say, 5000000 emails in a row from the DCCC informing us that we're all going to die unless I contribute $5 to their latest scam, might not actually be a strategy designed to win elections, is just proof that people are employed by Jill Stein and also, too, Russia.
Blowback from staffer scandal burns Wasserman Schultz - politico - We wish she would go away and stop being so public by doubling down on negative stories (Debbie Wasser-Doodle loves the spotlight)
FBI seized computers and documents in investigation of Rep. Duncan Hunter's campaign spending - Hunter blamed his son for the video game purchases, saying he had used the wrong credit card. Other unusual spending by Hunter's campaign included a now-infamous airplane ride for the family rabbit and payments to nail salons, his children's private school and a Phoenix resort. ("I am not a crook," he said)
Russian Cyberattack Targeted Elections Vendor Tied To Voting Day Disruptions : NPR (but her emailzz!)
The chaos behind the scenes of Fox News's now-retracted Seth Rich story
Indiana Republicans limit early voting in Democratic Marion Co., encourage it in GOP strongholds
Ex-Trump staffers reveal love child after campaign trail sex scandal | Page Six - Married former White House communications director Jason Miller has fathered a son with Trump transition adviser A.J. Delgado following a wild night out in Las Vegas.
Judge approves Jill Stein's plea deal for pipeline protest
Can the government ban the text of the First Amendment itself on municipal transit ads because free speech is too "political" (sure)
Walmart apologizes for sign marketing guns as back-to-school items - Aug. 9, 2017 - A sign reading "Own the school year like a hero" was placed directly above a glass case filled with guns.
Eschaton: This Is The Greatest Parody Of The Stupid Freshman Essay Ever - Oh, wait, it's not a parody? -- Law professors. That is the biggest scam ever. I don't know how they pulled it off for so long -- "bourgeois culture" (doesn't mean what they think it means)
Stop Equating "Sceince" With Truth -- evolutionary psychology is just the most obvious example of science's flaws (pretty low-lying fruit)
Male prostitute dies of meth overdose at Hollywood home | Daily Mail Online - Moore died at the home of Ed Buck, a high-profile Democratic donor ... Moore's mother believes that Buck liked watching black men do drugs -- "He filed a police report because he said that Buck had held him in his apartment or whatever and had shot him up with a needle with something he didn't know what it was" (perfectly innocent)
Chelsea Manning Is A Glowing Beauty In New Vogue Profile | HuffPost
Taylor Swift testifies ex-DJ 'latched' onto her backside - NY Daily News -- "Because my ass is located on the back of my body"
Taylor Swift's 'Sexual Assault' Photo She Wanted Kept Secret |
Claudia Rosenbaum on Twitter: "The reason why this was such a devious and sneaky act is that there was a wall behind me" said Taylor swift
Robocalls Flooding Your Cellphone? -- Here's How to Stop Them
Meteor Showers in 2017 That Will Light Up Night Skies - The New York Times
Dallas doctor finds the root of balding and graying hair and is working on treatment : science
Researchers have reversed memory loss in mice by blocking an enzyme linked to Alzheimer's : science
Ground-breaking' cervical cancer vaccine 'may almost eliminate disease : news
HPV vaccination in girls and women has increased significantly since the implementation of the Affordable Care Act: They were 3.3x more likely to receive the vaccine and 5.8x more likely to receive all three doses. : science
Two teens, 13 and 14, accused of fatally stabbing a homeless man for cash : news
12-year-old faces felony charge after pouring boiling water on girl at sleepover : news
'Teacher of the year' charged over teenage sex parties : news
What's the most awkward accidental physical contact you've had with the opposite sex? : AskReddit
[Serious] Parents of Reddit who decided to cut contact with your children, what's the story? : AskReddit
Your Router's Security Stinks: Here's How to Fix It
Two-factor authentication is a mess - The Verge - It was supposed to be a one-stop security fix. What happened?
How to lose $8k worth of bitcoin in 15 minutes with Verizon and (Verizon doesn't give a shit and won't fix the problem)
Scoop: Benchmark Capital sues Travis Kalanick for fraud - Axios
Google CEO Sundar Pichai cancels all-hands meeting about gender controversy due to employee worries of online harassment; Doxxing of search company staffers had already started : technology
Climate change will hit New England hard, report says - The Boston Globe -- warmer temperatures, higher seas, and greater amounts of rain and snow than federal scientists forecast only three years ago
Pregnant 10-year-old rape victim 'told baby bump is a big stone in her stomach' : news
TIL after the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 13% of the US people were in favor of "killing off" all Japanese people. And after Japan surrendered, 22.7% of Americans wished more atomic bombs had been dropped. : todayilearned
The Danger of an Incurious President - The New York Times - In his diary on July 25, Truman, either too preoccupied or too oblivious to consider that even industrial cities are packed with noncombatants, records that he instructed Stimson to proceed (to blow up a lot of children) Truman's misunderstanding was that he was a very incurious man when it came to nuclear matters (too sciencey for him)
European diplomats reportedly consider Trump a 'laughing stock' who is 'obsessed with Obama' (look at the pic, his mouth/chin form a "T"
A 25-Year Army Vet Explains the North Korea Warning Sign He's Waiting For - Trump will continue to throw tantrums. Keep an eye on James Mattis -- Bottom Line: This current crisis was created, explicitly, by the decision to release this information, when to release it, and how to release it to the public. All of which explains why I am slightly more worried than I have been in the past. (they are ramping up the PR, like Bush did)
North Korea just called Trump's bluff. So what happens now?
Trump's Pointless Untruths About U.S. Nuclear Weapons -- claims to have made the U.S. nuclear arsenal "far stronger and more powerful than ever before" (in the past 7 months)
Trump's Threat to North Korea Was Improvised -- ad-libbed threat reflected an evolving and still unsettled approach to one of the most dangerous hot spots in the world
Trump's Harsh Language on North Korea Has Little Precedent, Experts Say
Ignore Our Crazy President, U.S. Tells North Korea
Trump Hasn't Appointed An Ambassador To South Korea And Now It's A Big Problem
'God has given Trump authority to take out Kim Jong Un,' evangelical adviser says (God says kill a few million people)
You Cretins Are Going To Get Thousands Of People Killed
Eschaton: Fire and Fury
Donald Trump Explained Exactly How He'd Handle North Korea Back In 1999 | HuffPost - "They think we're a bunch of dummies"
Donner Party Conservatism - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Joe Scarborough wishes to inform you that he wore an onion on his belt, which was the style at the time: Today, too many young men stay home playing video games instead of cheerleading a bloody and senseless war in Iraq from their cushy TV jobs
John & Belle Have A Blog: Dead Right - November 07, 2003
FBI conducted predawn raid of former Trump campaign chairman Manafort's home
Why is the FBI so interested in Paul Manafort that they were literally at his door before dawn? - The Washington Post
FBI Conducted Raid Of Paul Manafort's Home : news
Media scholar on Trump TV: "This is Orwellian, and it's This is Orwellian, and it's happening right now, right here" - The president has launched an online TV network. He's calling it "real news."
What to Make of the Mike Pence 2020 Rumors
Trump's base is drifting away -- and may never return (Jennifer) -- It is also possible that voters actually thought he was smarter, more competent and more able than he really is; the real Trump is a disappointment for these voters. This would be a deeply troubling phenomenon for Trump's team because it suggests that Trump himself (who will never change) is the problem, not any particular thing he has or has not done. (host of Reality Show America losing viewers) The more he struggles to please this crowd, the more he alienates everyone else. He cannot stop his base from defecting, and he cannot win over new voters to take their place. (+"hillbillies and revengelical christians and "Please let them all be raptured up soon and leave the planet to the rest of us.")
Mr President, here's a more accurate map for you to tweet (everyone in America voted for Trump, except those places where people actually live)
The Myth of the Obama-Trump Voter - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Behind The Jared And Ivanka PR Machine - When reporters are working on stories that involve Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, they hear from Josh Raffel, a tough, former New York City flack now inside the White House.
Iowa Democrats Win Special Election In Trump +22 District - Iowa Starting Line
Democrats In Disarray - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Donald Trump's landslide victory in 2016 surely portends a permanently unstoppable electoral coalition:
Eschaton: They're All Bad - Sure there were some members of Congress who tried, and really the fault of this is almost entirely on Barack Obama, but basically they were (and still are) almost all bad on this issue. Some of us think it's an important issue! Several million people, at least!
WSJ Editorial Board Goes After Steve Bannon "[N]otice the alt-right brigades who seem to rise up as if on call to smite some White House policy opponent of aide Steve Bannon" (oh for the good old days when we controlled everything)
The Confederate Flag Fight Is Back - proud Daughter of the Confederacy.
Upset by override on tobacco, LePage again proposes raising age to 21 to vote, join military - Portland Press Herald - The Maine governor vents in a letter to lawmakers and in a radio interview, but the U.S. Constitution and military would stand in his way. (human bowling ball is an idiot, thanks Eliot Cutler)
Has James O'Keefe Accidentally Stung Himself Again?
Chaffetz to join Harvard's Kennedy School as fellow this fall (K-School lowering the bar even lower)
Eric Garland on Twitter: "Spotted JUST MILES FROM WHERE JUSTICE LLAMAS WERE SPOTTED, THE CHICKEN OF SHAME. The moral equivalent of the llama's judiciary role!"
This is a real thing that's really happening behind the White House right now. : pics
Eighth Circuit Court rules citizens do not have a right to film public officials in public : news
18 SWAT officers hospitalized after possible exposure to fentanyl during raid : news
TIL of the "Broken Windows Theory" which states that maintaining and monitoring urban areas to prevent small crimes, such as vandalism, helps to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness - thereby preventing more serious crimes from happening : todayilearned
Leah Remini Doubles Down on Anti-Scientology Crusade: I Want a Federal Investigation : television
What are some Reddit pro tips? : AskReddit
What movie plot hole bothers you the most? : AskReddit
Phil McDuff on Twitter: "Whether it's their Bronifestos or their skeevy DMs, men are mostly unchallenged on their beliefs that they are unique geniuses. -- This also generally applies to all generic male discourse, like "women should be paid less because biology"
Men Who Attack Women Online Are Losers: Study | - According to the study, which was recently published in the journal PLOS One, men who were worse players than their peers tended to hurl more nastiness at female gamers. On the other hand, men who knew their way around the console were nicer to male and female players.
Scientists Fear Trump Will Dismiss Blunt Climate Report -- Government Report Finds Drastic Impact of Climate Change on U.S. - The New York Times -- It directly contradicts claims by President Trump and members of his cabinet who say that the human contribution to climate change is uncertain, and that the ability to predict the effects is limited
North Korea now making missile-ready nuclear weapons, U.S. analysts say - The Washington Post
Trump's "Fire" and "Fury" Comments About North Korea and Nuclear Weapons Are Insane - (they were meant for each other) This is the way Saddam Hussein used to talk, or the way some 12-year old gamer crows after reaching Level 900 of Nuclear Zombies In Heat. To hear the president* of the United States spout off like this has the potential to have half the world hiding in the basement
Pres. Supervillain on Twitter: "THEY WILL BE MET WITH FIRE AND FURY LIKE THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN!!! #PresidentSupervillain"
The Missiles! - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- Not having a colossal fucking moron in charge during a mild crisis is one of the reasons why I thought it might be a good idea to not elect Donald Trump to the Presidency
North Korea seriously considering strike on Guam, state media says
Creators of the CIA's 'enhanced interrogation' program to face trial : news
Warrantless US Spying Is Set to Expire Soon. Let It Die : technology
The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were war crimes. Full stop.
War in Afghanistan: Trump White House weighs bold plan to privatize it (outsourced to Eric Prince, don't need no steenking generals)
U.S. May Begin Airstrikes Against ISIS in Philippines - NBC News
As Investigations Intensify, Israel Imagines Life After Netanyahu - The New York Times
Atheists in Malaysia should be hunted down, minister says : news
The JCC Bomb-Threat Suspect Had a Client - The Atlantic - Newly unsealed FBI documents suggest the Israeli arrested for sending the threats was selling his services for a fee.
Our Broken Economy, in One Simple Chart - The New York Times (the riches took over and started to kill you but you voted for them anyway)
Trump at 200 days: Declining approval amid mistrust - CNNPolitics -- Among Republicans, strong approval has dropped from 73% in February to 59% now. Among whites who do not have college degrees, a core component of Trump's base, just 35% strongly approve, down 12 points since February. At the same time, strong disapproval among Democrats has held steady around 80%. (ratings tanking)
This brutal new poll shows that Trump's safe space is shrinking
rump Approval Hits New Low Of 32% As Support From His Base Slips -- IBD/TIPP - big declines among areas of core support, including Republicans, Midwesterners, middle-income families, white men and the high-school education ... Trump lost the most support from those with household incomes between $30,000 and $50,000. Among this group, Trump's approval rating dropped from 40% in July to 27% in August. (waking up to the scam?)
Live Updates: Trump Addresses Opioid Crisis By Telling Young People To Not Do Drugs In The First Place ... promised "fire and fury" for North Korea if its leader, Kim Jong-Un continued threatening the United States. The Washington Post reported hours earlier that the North is now able to place a nuclear warhead atop a missile.
The baseless new attacks on Robert Mueller - The Washington Post
President Trump has sent private messages to Russia special counsel Robert Mueller --"The president has sent messages back and forth" (and maybe a death threat and a dick pic)
Donald Trump: Chickenhawk in Chief - The Atlantic - The president believed someone should be over in Vietnam fighting -- so long as it wasn't him (fake McCain meme: "I prefer presidents who aren't Russian agents")
Trump Made Up His Story About the 21 Club Renovation, Former Owner and CEO Say -- Last week, it was reported that President Donald Trump compared an Afghanistan policy review to the renovation of upper-crust restaurant the 21 Club. (it's the same thing, how his mind works)
Rex Tillerson is a huge disappointment - The Washington Post - Who would want to be known as the secretary of state who retreated from the promotion of justice and democracy? Yet this is exactly what Tillerson seems to desire.
The Alt-Right and Glenn Greenwald Versus H.R. McMaster -- The reality of his warped defenses of Trump is merely that of a monomaniac unable to relinquish his obsessions.
Trump gets a folder full of positive news about himself twice a day ... known as the "propaganda document"
5 tweets from the new Republican Party spokesperson that are very awkward now
We analyzed 17 months of Fox & Friends transcripts It's far weirder than state-run media.
McConnell goes after Trump's 'excessive expectations' (not our total dysfunctinality)
'May you die in pain': California GOP congressman gets an earful at town hall ... The Republican congressman also raised the ire of the crowd when he was asked about climate change and the degraded air quality in this stretch of Northern California. "I don't buy the idea that man-made activity is responsible," LaMalfa said bluntly
Trump voters' patience wears thin in Arizona
How A Pro-Trump Twitter Scheme Fell Apart After A Retweet From The President - President Donald Trump retweeted and thanked Twitter user @protrump45 Saturday. Then all hell broke loose. (fake black racist lady selling MAga hats, Trumpster loved it)
Pat Robertson Weighs in On Eric Bolling -- And It's as Bad as You think (Hillary sent pics of Bolling's dick to bring down a great man who "goes to mass every day")
The curious case of 'Nicole Mincy,' the Trump fan who may actually be a Russian bot
'Failing' New York Times Delivers the Perfect Response To Donald Trump's Latest Insults | HuffPost
Jake Tapper Delivers An Absolutely Blistering Assessment Of Trump's 'Fake News' (news is doesns't like, which is accurate news)
The story of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and an indicted IT staffer that's lighting up the right, explained
Texas Transgender Bathroom Bill Falters Amid Mounting Opposition - The New York Times
Teen birth rates spiked in Texas after funding for family planning services was reduced by 67% in 2011 : science (well that worked) | Medicaid avoided approximately $79 million in birth-related costs from 2010 to 2012, making the initiative's return on investment $5.85 for every dollar spent. (but taxes! and slut pills!)
Chris Corley, ex-legislator known for Confederate flag stand, to plead guilty in attack on wife : news
Here, heroin spares no one, not even the sheriff
Tom Brady's refusal to discuss concussions is hypocritical ... "I really don't think that's anybody's business, you know, what happened last year" (yeah, "last year" is nobody's business; while promoting his TB12 diet)
Boston health sciences school MCPHS University struggles to improve academics, facilities - The Boston Globe - Amid these challenges, however, the school has found the resources to expand by 2,000 square feet the 5,000-square-foot brownstone of university president Charles F. Monahan Jr., who earned $1.4 million in the 2014-15 school year, the most recent publicly available data. That is more than what the presidents of Northeastern University and Harvard are paid.
Woman's Post About Being Manterrupted While Reading 'Men Explain Things To Me' Goes Viral | HuffPost
Woman Tweets Thread About Man Who Scheduled 6 Dates In a Row
Man Dragged For Instagram Post About Loving Curvy Wife
The Toxic Drama on YA Twitter
Deputies: Woman sets husband on fire after catching him with other woman : news
Glen Campbell Dead at 81 : Music
TIL that Eminem's mother filed an $11million defamation lawsuit against him because of his lyrics about her, settled for $25,000 and $23,354.25 of that went to her lawyer. : todayilearned
Ugleh comments on Caught the WWE tech guy looking at hand pics during RAW
What is the most middle class thing you can think of? : AskReddit
What gets scarier as you learn more about it? : AskReddit
(Serious) Transgender people of Reddit, what was the first memory or sign that you were trans? : AskReddit
Anita Hill: Class Actions Could Fight Discrimination in Tech - The New York Times - Anita Hill
Google has fired the employee who penned a controversial memo on women and tech - Recode
Here Are the Citations for the Anti-Diversity Manifesto Circulating at Google - Motherboard
Contentious Memo Strikes Nerve Inside Google and Out - The New York Times -- Women only account for 31 percent of Google's work force and 20 percent of its technical staff
US federal department is censoring use of term 'climate change', emails reveal | Environment | The Guardian .. advised to reference 'weather extremes' instead (next up: the words "sea-level" and "warm")
A flood of problems -- Peru's glaciers have made it a laboratory for adapting to climate change. It's not going well (add "glacier" to the list)
Death Valley sets world record for hottest month - The Washington Post ... 107 average temp. (and "hottest")
Under Trump, Coal Mining Gets New Life on U.S. Lands - The New York Times (your National Parks will be the new W.Va)
The prime minister has been ordered to disclose calls with publishers, and a former top aide has turned state's witness
The Brexit Beartraps, #1: The Irish border issue - Brexit could trigger a return to armed conflict in Northern Ireland. (Tories la-di-la the country off the cliff)
Woman drugged and kidnapped in Italy revealed as Page 3 model Chloe Ayling ("tiger-meat")
What's It Like to See a Democracy Destroyed? - Hannah Dreier spent years covering the implosion of Venezuela. Her takeaway is a sobering one: There's no rule that says that a miserable situation has to end, just because it's too miserable
ICE Accused of Using Children To Arrest Undocumented Parents - Hartford Courant
Donald Trump Insists He's 'Working Hard' After Tweet Tirade About '24/7 Fake News' | HuffPost - Speculation that his new chief of staff would help rein in the president and his tweeting habits appears to be wishful thinking.
How can Kelly save Trump when he was a human-rights disaster at Homeland Security? (just the man for the job)
Diplomats Question Tactics of Tillerson, the Executive Turned Secretary of State - The New York Times (doesn't believe in "diplomacy"
Many Politicians Lie. But Trump Has Elevated the Art of Fabrication. - The New York Times (delusionality)
Despite polling, Trump says his base is 'stronger then ever'
Trump Administration Polling Reports (55% of Americans say Trump is bigly "intelligent" and very "strong")
America's Whiniest 'Victim'
Trump's malignant pattern: He woos people, rips them off and then abandons them -- and he won't stop -- Trump has followed the same manipulative script over and over again, in politics as in business. We're the marks -- The large mass of the 3,500 Trump-involved lawsuits uncovered by USA Today exposes the reality of how Trump operates. He rips off everyone he works with, from hourly workers to the biggest banks. (but he tells it like it is) "Snakes in suits"
The Mystery Of Nicole Mincey (Trump RT's fake twitter scam account) It seems like and it probably is just a quintessentially Trump-era story: Trump suckered into retweeting a post from a bot persona whihc was created to push a merch store to make a buck selling Trump paraphernalia. In the Trump era it's always the grift ... a young black woman who decided that 'living on the Democrat plantation' was a scam and complaints about racism are wrong and that Trump is the best.
Blumenthal claps back at Trump -- Trump called Blumenthal a "phony Vietname con artist" Monday morning.
"Chicken hawk piece of trash" : Vets unload on Trump for attacking Dem senator's military record
How the Trump hotel changed Washington's culture of influence -- For the first time in presidential history, a profit-making venture touts the name of a U.S. president in its gold signage. And every cup of coffee served, every fundraiser scheduled, every filet mignon ordered feeds the revenue of the Trump family's private business (draining the swamp)
The Congressional Map Has A Record-Setting Bias Against Democrats | FiveThirtyEight
BREAKING! American Institutions Overrepresent Rural Conservatives - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Fight over Trump wall could lead to shutdown - Axios
The Debt-Ceiling Crisis Is Real - The New York Times
Trump's Trade Pullout Roils Rural America -- After the U.S. pullout of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, other nations launch 27 separate negotiations to undercut U.S. exporters (they will blame Obama or Hillary) .
Emails: South Carolina AG coordinated with key figure in statehouse probe on letter booting special prosecutor off case | Palmetto Politics |
DHS chief information officer resigns after three months on job | TheHill -- Staropoli ... laid out plans to reorganize the office to operate more like a hedge fund and to spend money more carefully on IT ("carefully" = defund +yes, all IT depts should be run as "hedge funds")
Fight over right to sue nursing homes heats up | TheHill - Consumer groups are making a last ditch effort to stop the Trump administration from stripping nursing home residents and their families of the right to take facilities to court over alleged abuse, neglect or sexual assault. ("burdensome regulation" of their right to kill you)
Both Sides Do It, But Democrats Are More Neoliberal - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Snowden was wrong, bigly)
Eschaton: The Horrible Kids Today - This worship of WWII by people too young to have fought it and who miraculously forgot to sign up when they were of prime fighting age (Kuwait needed some liberating, Joe, where were you) is so bizarre (Joe Scar wants a big war to teach millenials a lesson) I am sure there was wonderful heroism in World War II. Also tens of millions of people died. Let the kids play some fucking video games.
Airbnb Won't put a Roof Over the Heads of Nazis
Peter Thiel Has Been Hedging His Bet On Donald Trump (the vampire is worried)
Shakesville: We Resist: Day 200 -- I have never seen a president work less than he does. Even George W. Bush, with all his brush-clearing, looks in retrospect like a presidential dynamo compared to Trump
First Evidence That Social Bots Play a Major Role in Spreading Fake News : technology
How Trump's FCC aided Sinclair's expansion Use of a regulatory loophole will allow Sinclair to reach 72 percent of U.S. households after buying Tribune's stations
Rich SF residents get a shock: Someone bought their street - San Francisco Chronicle (haha rich people didn't pay their taxes, want a do-over on wx-whites only street)
Philadelphia police officer suspended after violent arrest caught on camera : news
4-year-old shot in head in apparent road rage incident: Police : news
A cop stopped a car for speeding -- then pointed a gun at a passenger for more than 9 minutes (6 says later they still haven't released tough-guy cop's name)
Dishwashers are the unsung heroes of the restaurant world. One shift is all it takes to know why. | The Washington Post - Our food critic works a shift to understand why top chefs are starting to give dishwashers their due.
Women friends like to handle conflicts by talking them out. But does it work? - The Washington Post - Several women told me that they prefer friendships with men precisely because, in their experience, with men you don't always have to talk
Guy films EF4 tornado overhead. Remains more calm than I have ever been. : videos
Birth control available without doctor visit in Colorado : news
TIL that PhD students display twice as many symptoms of psychiatric disorders such as depression than other people. : todayilearned
Iphikrates comments on Is the Military "Worship" of the Spartans Really Justified?
Transition timelines
What is something that happened to you that you don't tell anyone because they probably wouldn't believe you? : AskReddit
What human achievement do you want to see during your lifetime? : AskReddit
Chris Pratt and Anna Faris Announce Separation After 8 Years of Marriage : television
Ex-Anti Vaxxers of Reddit, what turned you against vaccines, and then what convinced you that they were necessary? : AskReddit
Nice lady orders some sandwiches : videos
Just a reminder: /r/bitcoin is moderated by a known scammer named /u/theymos who has bilked the community out of over 6000 bitcoins. /u/theymos approves of censorship and bans anyone he dissagrees with. : btc
These are the 11 Representatives and 21 Senators that have stood up to the FCC regarding net neutrality : technology
Their invention is valued at $250 million. Here'e why they're not happy
Al Gore on surge in climate disasters: TV News has become 'a nature hike through the Book of Revelation' (just wait)
With genetic morph, a weird type of anthrax has emerged, and it's on a rampage. It's killing wildlife in African rainforests and may wipe out some chimp populations, as reported this week in Nature.
Dallas Zoo welcomes 6 threatened baby horny toads - are disappearing across the state, the zoo says, with populations vanishing from East and Central Texas. (it's either fire ants or climate change, so let's go with the ants)
Isis: UN study finds foreign fighters in Syria 'lack basic understanding of Islam' -- Research shows economic factors and 'lack of meaning' in life makes warzone attractive ... typical fighter ... male, young and disadvantaged economically, educationally, and in terms of the labour market ... as terrorist groups promised wages, homes and even wives ... images of palatial homes, swimming pools and expensive cars provided by the "caliphate".
The most dangerous Isis propaganda yet? Jihadi brides with M5s, fighters relaxing and children playing used to present caliphate as a utopia | The Independent
Israel moves to close Al Jazeera, ban its journalists | News | Al Jazeera
Two tourists arrested in Germany over Nazi salute - two Chinese tourists
Two separate acid attacks reported in Manchester and Kent : news
Trump applies for casino trademarks in Macau
Rosenstein: Special counsel Mueller can investigate any crimes he uncovers in Russia probe - The Washington Post
Rosenstein: Special counsel Mueller can investigate any crimes he uncovers in Russia probe - The Washington Post (comment)
Is Meuller's Grand Jury Impeachment Step One?
Trump especially upset after hearing Mueller would access tax returns: report | TheHill 072117)
Trump: New Jersey getaway is 'not a vacation' (will be working very hard at golf and watching Fox and tweeting)
Not taking a vacation on Twitter, Trump offers thoughts on Sessions, the U.N. and his time in Jersey - The Washington Post
Why Is Donald Trump Still So Horribly Witless about the World? | The New Yorker (he's like stupid, duh, and only "interested" in himself, bigly)
Eschaton: You Could've Stopped Working - I suppose it's true that anyone who wants to be president is a bit insane, but if you're totally lazy, reasonably well off, and would much rather watch TV and occasionally play golf..what the fuck are you thinking? ("I am the greatest!)
New Report Reveals McConnell And Ryan Took Millions From Russian Oligarch Tied To Putin -- Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Lindsey Graham, John Kasich and John McCain accepted $7.35 million in contributions from a Ukrainian-born oligarch who is the business partner of two of Russian president Vladimir Putin's favorite oligarchs and a Russian government bank. (jesus, the shit is deep)
New Chief of Staff Reins in White House Aides-and Trump's Tweets
Jeh Johnson on leaks 'I've never seen it this bad' (+"bad law" would be to protect journalists)
White House to become less 'deump'-like in trump's absence (and not only because of that +looking for bugs)
Cory Gardner town hall in Durango becomes unruly at times - Cory Gardner and Scott Tipton are lambasted over health care at Durango town hall (and they scheduled it in a small room with 24hr notice in the middle of the workday, screw you suckers)
Dave Weigel on Twitter: "Last month, Flake joined every Senate R to confirm John Bush, who wrote birther blog posts, as a federal judge."
Flake extends his attacks on Trump and the GOP -- all the way back to the dawn of birtherism (yeah, all the way back to eight years ago)
Lawyers, Guns & Money - comments about birtherism on Meet the Press.
Why the Right-Wing War on George Soros Matters - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Weigel responds to Jeff Flake's comments about birtherism on Meet the Press ... GOP officials had a window in which they might have excised birtherism's racist fantasia of conspiracy theorizing and alternative facts; nothing forced Fox News to promote it. But the Republican establishment decided to ride that tiger of resentment and anger in its bid to reclaim political power after 2008. The cancer metastasized. Trump is a symptom of this failure. (Goldwater, Gingrich)
The Chicago Dyke March and Chicago SlutWalk aren't anti-Zionist,. They're anti-Semetic - This Is a Safe Space. No Jews Allowed. Why are some American progressives embracing overt anti-Semitism? (dykes, anyway)
The Republican Establishment Was And Is All-In On Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Glenn Greenwald is still strongly committed to an insanely erroneous take on the 2016 election.
What's worse, this article by Greenwald or this article by Greenwald? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Policies of White Resentment - The New York Times (they mean "racism")
Black people aren't keeping white Americans out of college. Rich people are. (blame it on the non-whites while the KochBros cackle at their stupidity
We need answers in Democrats' congressional IT drama -- Something shady is going on and former Democratic National Committee chief Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Shultz doesn't want to talk about it.
New Sexual Harassment Allegations Leveled Against Fox News' Eric Bolling | HuffPost - The accusations came just hours after the network announced it had suspended Bolling ... "My only surprise is that it took this long for people to come forward about Bolling's behavior, which has been wildly inappropriate for years" (Fox culture has always been "wildly inappropriate")
(1) Caroline Heldman - Posts (FB commenters are worse than YT, esp. the women)
Fox News suspends host Eric Bolling after new allegation of sexually inappropriate behavior - The Washington Post
Fox News Suspends Eric Bolling After Report of Lewd Text Messages - The New York Times ("text messages" is NYTese for "pictures of his penis")
'Wild West of sexual harassment': Eric Bolling's accuser tells Joy Reid about the despicable culture at Fox News "A Fox News host had an Anthony Weiner moment," said Reid (except Weiner never groped anyone)
Caitlyn Jenner Says I Hate Trump and the Hat Was a Comedy of Errors | (promises to "get rid" of MAGAhat)
Five myths about infrastructure - The Washington Post
New Rule: What If Obama Said It? | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) : television
Six middle fingers on Snapchat lead to the disqualification of a Junior League Softball Team : news
The Mystery of Sylvia Plath's Lost Novel: Sylvia Plath started writing 'Double Exposure,' a fictionalized autobiography about an artist who discovers her husband has cheated on her. Then the novel went missing. : books
A Trip To The Men's Room Turned Jeff Kessler Into The NCAA's Worst Nightmare | HuffPost
Satanist delivers historic invocation, hails Satan at Colorado council meeting
A study has revealed that high levels of marital satisfaction experienced by spouses with younger partners gets almost completely eradicated within 6 to 10 years of getting married. : science
Pornography use may be negatively impacting sexual satisfaction within marriages, according to a new study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior : science
ELI5: How does gravity make time slow down? : explainlikeimfive
TIL 20,000 year-old fossilized human footprints were discovered in Australia which indicate the man who made them was running at the speed of a modern Olympic sprinter, barefoot, in sand. : todayilearned
Redditors who grew up in very open or sex-positive families, what was your experience like and how did it affect your relationships later in life? : AskReddit
Redditor takes NSFW subreddits, and turns them into SFW cat themed subreddits. : bestof
TIFU by cumming into a coconut : tifu
Thank you r/books for introducing me to Iain Banks' Culture series. : books
You can confuse self-driving cars by altering street signs - It doesn't take much to send autonomous cars crashing into each other. : technology
singularity87 comments on Informative BTC vs BCH Articles? -- People should get the full story of r/bitcoin because it is probably one of the strangest of all reddit subs.
Why the Scariest Nuclear Threat May Be Coming from Inside the White House | Vanity Fair - Trump's secretary of energy, Rick Perry, once campaigned to abolish the $30 billion agency that he now runs, which oversees everything from our nuclear arsenal to the electrical grid. The department's budget is now on the chopping block. But does anyone in the White House really understand what the Department of Energy actually does? And what a horrible risk it would be to ignore its extraordinary, life-or-death responsibilities? (well, not any more) How Air-Conditioning Conquered America (Even the Pacific Northwest) - The New York Times
Nearly 100 sex abuse suits against Catholic priests test Guam's faith
With U.S. general under fire, Afghans fear being abandoned by Trump - The Washington Post
This man is accused of kidnapping a 20-year-old British model and then trying to sell her on the Internet : news
Bomb explodes at Minnesota mosque during morning prayer : news
What the Trump-Russia Grand Jury Means | The New Yorker
Trump's Fledgling Presidency Has Already Collapsed - By Jonathan Chait (and more importantly, he's setting the country up for a bad thing he will use to raise his "ratings")
The Pro-Trump Media's Assault Against H.R. McMaster - The Atlantic
Far-right Bannon Affiliates Attack McMaster for Being 'Controlled by Jews' and 'Hostile to Israel'
Trump Defends McMaster as Conservatives Seek His Dismissal - The New York Times
Ken Starr killed irony today - CNNPolitics
Trump's Trans Military Ban Now Policy
Caitlyn Jenner Reportedly Now Detests Donald Trump, Apologizes For Wearing MAGA Hat | HuffPost ... "She rummaged through the 10 hats in her closet and grabbed one without looking at the stitching" (and never looked in the mirror, hahaha, but she's changed her tune, slightly)
Why Dana Rohrabacher's name keeps coming up in the Russia investigation (ugly Russian paid agent)
Trump's continued attacks on Clinton tell us why the Democrats lost -- Down deep, Trump surely knows he owes his presidency to Clinton. His vulnerabilities as a candidate were precisely the spots where Clinton was too weak to land a blow (+a lot of stupid Republican voters)
Cop holds man at gunpoint for 9 minutes during traffic stop. : news
AM Joy panel destroys 'race-baiting' lawyer Alan Dershowitz for attacking diversity of Trump grand jury
Fox News Host Sent Unsolicited Lewd Text Messages To Colleagues, Sources Say | HuffPost - Eric Bolling, "does not believe he sent any such communications" (well, is it his dick, or not? just post your dickpic, dude, and we'll decide)
Fox News to investigate claims Eric Bolling sent lewd photos to female colleagues : news
He once said mothers do not belong in state office. Now he leads the Trump Cabinet in Bible study - LA Times (rise of the patriarchy) Ralph Drollinger also declared that Roman Catholicism "is one of the primary false religions in the world" ... The CBN report says the Trump administration study group includes Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and CIA Director Mike Pompeo ... A new Quinnipiac poll finds just 27% of women support how Trump is handling the presidency (repopulating the swamp)
Why Professional Cuddling Is Booming Under Trump - Rolling Stone
Jesse Lee Peterson Praises Trump As The White Savior Sent By God - Christian Blog - with a mission to save America.
A bourbon heiress says she was fired from the family business because she's a lesbian
Grisly killing stemmed from a dispute involving Chicago professor and hairdresser, police say - The Washington Post -- Lathem is an associate professor at Northwestern University and a sought-after speaker for his research on bubonic plague.
I Am Also Delighted In Many Ways By This Verdict! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Martin Shkreli, 34 ... As many folks have noted already, there would be a certain justice in increasing his sentence by 5,000% overnight.
American Airlines 'unable to substatiate' Lena Dunham's allegations of transphobic employees at NYC airport (multi-millionaire tries to get low-wage workers fired)
What I learned as Date-Lab's longest-serving matchmaker
Date Lab:?He called the bars she frequents 'colegey'
J: My real Date Lab story - Tinder District (Jesse Peterson from above, dctindergirl, he dodged a literal bombshell)
It may be possible to stop the progression of Parkinson's disease with a drug normally used in type 2 diabetes, a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial suggests in The Lancet. : science
Someone must be thankful for their car choice : WTF
Exclusive: Here's The Full 10-Page Anti-Diversity Screed Circulating Internally at Google : technology
Eschaton: Bros Gonna Bro - What's "hilarious" is that people who do this kind of thing think they are BRAVE TRUTHTELLERS rather than simply conduits for the dominant cultural beliefs in the country. -- When did Google hire Larry Summers?
Google Employee's Anti-Diversity Manifesto Goes 'Internally Viral
Aimee on Twitter: "Today's rage-read (at work): doc essentially saying that women are unsuited for tech because they like people, whilst men like things."
Uber's search for a female CEO has been narrowed down to 3 men
Unless we drastically cut our carbon emissions, today's young people will have to pay between $89 and $535 trillion by 2100 to remove CO2 from the atmosphere.
A computer law expert says the evidence behind the U.S. arrest of a British cybersecurity researcher is problematic. Attorney Tor Ekeland says Marcus Hutchins's indictment was very weak and created a climate of distrust toward the U.S. government in the community of software experts
Breaking: Netanyahu's Former Chief of Staff Turns State's Evidence in Corruption Probe. -- Wow, times are tough for for RWNJ heads of state out there, with Mueller impaneling a grand jury and now Former Netanyhau Aide Ari Harow Reaches Deal to Become State's Witness
Former Netanyahu aide Ari Harow reaches deal to become state's witness - Israel News - - former chief of staff provided information in two corruption cases against the PM
It was a very bad week for the Netanyahu family. It just got catastrophically worse - Israel News -
Netanyahu Jr. refuses to pick up dog poop, then claws at his critics - Israel News - - 25-year-old Yair Netanyahu responds to bad press with scathing attacks on the New Israel Fund and sons of former Israeli prime ministers ... a 25-year-old parasite who doesn't earn a living and lives at the official Prime Minister's Residence in Jerusalem at government expense, including the services of caregivers and personal transportation around the clock.
Mexico's Deadliest Town. Mexico's Deadliest Year (collateral damage in the hugely profitable ar on drugz)
Pope Francis Challenges Conservative American Catholic Politics - Specifically, conservative Catholics. "Without a doubt" says Rozell "many people will find it rather strange, ironic, whatever, that his religious journey that led him to convert to Catholicism began with an affair he had with a young woman while he was still married to his second wife." Mr. Gingrich is a culture wars Catholic for whom the church seems a logical home for conservative Republicans -- . God works in mysterious ways, but N. Leroy Gingrich is a doozy. Of course, the Vatican has needed new gargoyles for a while now. (Satan Gingrich)
Murder conviction in Blackwater case thrown out, other sentences overturned - The Washington Post - first-degree murder conviction of a former Blackwater Worldwide security guard sentenced to life in prison in the killings of 14 unarmed Iraqi civilians in a Baghdad traffic circle in 2007.
Trump is delusional about his popularity - The Washington Post - This week, Gallup reported Trump's approval rating at 36 percent, with 60 percent of those polled disapproving of the job he's doing. Since the advent of polling, no president has been so unpopular at this point in his tenure ... Even Rasmussen, the generally conservative survey that usually shows him as having more support than other pollsters detect, released a poll this week showing Trump's approval below 40 percent for the first time
Diplomats now laughing at Trump over leaked Mexico transcript | McClatchy Washington Bureau - "He speaks loudly and carries a small stick"
National security adviser attempts to reconcile Trump's competing impulses on Afghanistan (he has the best impulses)
Mueller impaneling a grand jury makes it more politically difficult for Trump to fire him
Poll: Americans in swing districts oppose Trump firing Robert Mueller
Hunt for Trump dossier author inflames Russia probe - politico - An overseas trip to contact a former British spy exposes friction among House, Senate investigators and special counsel Robert Mueller. (Nunes is a little sabotaging shit)
FBI tracked 'fake news' believed to be from Russia on Election Day
Keep the Trump Leaks Coming | New Republic - The president is too incompetent to serve, and Congress must be pressured into removing him.
Eschaton: Norms - Trying to stop a senile old man from killing us all is more important than which fork you use at the dinner table ... "Leaking the transcript of a presidential call to a foreign leader is unprecedented, shocking, and dangerous" argued David Frum ... One norm we should bring back is that people like David Frum should do the honorable thing after being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.
Leak Investigations Triple Under Trump, Sessions Says - The New York Times (will put newspapers in jail) President Barack Obama's administration oversaw a crackdown on people who talked to reporters about government secrets without authorization, bringing more leak-related criminal cases than all previous presidents combined. (thanks, Barry) But Mr. Trump has suggested an even harder line.
Sessions: DOJ reviewing policies on media subpoenas - politico
Trump's Cycle of Lies
Eschaton: It's Always About The Money - That's always what clearly spooked Trump, but he was too dumb to understand the other stuff provided the way in. -- The web of financial ties could offer a more concrete path toward potential prosecution than the broader and murkier questions of collusion in the 2016 campaign, these sources said.
We're Back to Manafort
Republicans Leave Town With Nothing To Show | HuffPost - failure to pass any major legislative priorities has imperiled the Trump administration's agenda
Recess just started for Congress, and it's not going to be much fun for Republicans -- " Democrats made it their goal in life to obstruct everything that we tried to do" said Sen. John Cornyn (R.Lying Hypocite)
This Trump real estate deal looks awfully like criminal tax fraud - The Washington Post - Two tax lawyers break down the president's sale of two condos to his son.
Trump's Russian Laundromat How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White House.
Russia hacked our election because the spies took over - The Washington Post - Power shifts in the Kremlin elevated hard-liners with a dark view of the West.
Local man published in the Washington Post (really) - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Newsweek Mocks 'Lazy Boy' Donald Trump On New Cover | HuffPost - shows Trump slumped in a recliner with a remote control in one hand and a Diet Coke in the other. An open bag of Cheetos is perched on his lap while an empty McDonald's hamburger carton is discarded on the floor.
Trump, America's Boy King: Golf and Television Won't Make America Great Again ... according to the self-explanatory site Trump Golf Count, which estimates the forays have cost American taxpayers $55 million. Another Trump tracker, this one by The New York Times, finds that his visits to Trump-branded properties total 56 days, nearly a third of his time in office ... he watches about five hours of television daily ("television" = Fox News) made fewer appearances outside of the presidential bubble than his three immediate predecessors
Is this what they mean by rent seeking behavior? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Or perhaps it is a pay-to-protect-me racket. Either way, the Secret Service being required to leave a space owned by the president they are there to protect is yet another episode in this too implausible for fiction -- even Clive Cussler's -- presidency
Can the Problems of American Inequality be Solved With MOAR MERITOCRACY? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Republican Senate Blocks Recess Appointments for President Donald Trump - The senate, you may recall, has a Republican majority ... The move, which requires the agreement of every senator, means the Senate will be in session every three business days throughout the August recess. ( Lisa Murkowski is going to appear in his dreams for the rest of his life. The odds of his already having agreed to sell Alaska back to Russia get better by the hour. (Lisa will star in nine 'pro-forma" sessions herself, sweet revenge)
Obamacare Rage in Retrospect - The New York Times - it ain't over until the portly golfer sings, but it does look as if Obamacare will survive ... Which raises a big question: Why did the prospect of health reform produce so much popular rage in 2009 and 2010? ... Nor am I talking about the rage of some wealthy people furious that their taxes were going up to pay for lesser mortals' care (stupid white people in their personal mobility scooters) not encouraging to realize how easily many Americans were duped by right-wing lies, pushed into screaming rage against a reform that would actually improve their lives.
John Schindler on Twitter: "#NSA friends tell me they have Hannity in OPERATIONAL calls with known RIS agents. Team Mueller has it all. He is going down. SAD!"
Hannity "going down" as Russian dupe, claims ex-CIA officer
Donald Trump's map of America
For the New Far Right, YouTube Has Become the New Talk Radio - The New York Times -- 'Black Pigeon Speaks -- B.P.S. believes in a global conspiracy of central bankers led by the Rothschilds who are driving immigration into predominantly white countries to increase the pool of "bebt slaves" ... YouTube is host to just one dominant native political community: the YouTube right ... the YouTube right is acquainting viewers with a more international message, attuned to a global revival of explicitly race-and-religion-based, blood-and-soil nationalism.
West Virginia's Marginally Democratic Governor Flips to the GOP (showing perfect timing) his friendship with the Trump family, and his background as a coal-company owner. He was actually a registered Republican until 2015. And he's the State's sole billionaire
Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - West Virginia governor Jim Justice, once a Republican, then an opportunistic "Democrat," and now a Trumpist Republican, can go do anatomically impossible things to himself ... Say this for Joe Manchin -- he will never, ever, ever do this. Moreover, for all that Manchin can suck on some issues, not only is he as good as it gets in the West Virginia cesspool of racism, but has he ever provided the critical vote that defeated a potentially good bill or passed a bad one? ("This is the first time I've seen a rat jump on a sinking ship")
Democrats' Infighting Is a Destructive Waste of Time and Opportunity - Me? I blame Anthony Kennedy. If he hadn't tipped the balance on Citizens United, our elections wouldn't be as swamped as they are with corporate money
Useful Candidate Evaluations Are Holistic, Not Ad Hoc Searches For Arbitrary Dealbreakers - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Deval Patrick's decision to work at Bain Capital is a very serious concern (despite the Globe pushing him)
ProgressivePunch: Senate Members by score / All issues
Fafblog! The Fafblog Terrorist Voting Guide - Saturday, March 20, 2004 (for the relevant memories)
In California, disgruntled employers may be siccing ICE on workers who report labor violations
Officials say immigration agents showed up at labor dispute proceedings. California wants them out - LA Times
Senate blocks Trump from making recess appointments over break | TheHill
Bernie Sanders was the only vote against the FDA bill - Axios
Legal-Weed States Tell Jeff Sessions Their Programs Are Working. He Might Crack Down Anyway. | HuffPost - The attorney general personally opposes marijuana, and seems willing to ignore evidence.
State now has all of Pence's state-related AOL emails, his lawyer says - It took nearly six months after he left the governor's office, but Vice President Mike Pence and his legal team say they have now provided Indiana officials with all emails from his personal AOL account involving state business. (but Hillary used a private email server!)
Exclusive: Wasserman Schultz talks about arrested aide Imran Awan - Sun Sentinel
Martin Shkreli is found guilty of three of eight securities fraud charges - The Washington Post - He faces up to 20 years in prison, though legal experts say he is likely to get much less.
'Pharma bro' Martin Shkreli convicted in federal fraud case : news
Oklahoma's commissioner of mental health and substance abuse services sees impact of domestic abuse up close and personal following arrest | News OK (throws water at raging druggie brother; he slams her into wall; Flordia cops arrest her
Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? - The Atlantic - More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But they're on the brink of a mental-health crisis ... today's teens who are less likely to leave the house without their parents. The shift is stunning: 12th-graders in 2015 were going out less often than eighth-graders did as recently as 2009 ... only about 56 percent of high-school seniors in 2015 went out on dates; for Boomers and Gen Xers, the number was about 85 percent. The decline in dating tracks with a decline in sexual activity ... In the late 1970s, 77 percent of high-school seniors worked for pay during the school year; by the mid-2010s, only 55 percent did ... But eighth-, 10th-, and 12th-graders in the 2010s actually spend less time on homework than Gen X teens did in the early 1990s ... All screen activities are linked to less happiness, and all nonscreen activities are linked to more happiness
Texts on San Jose-bound plane leads to child-sex arrests - Passenger hailed as hero after she alerted authorities to a man allegedly sending child-sex texts mid-flight, helping rescue two children in Washington - undoing appears to have been the large font he used to read and write the illicit messages, which he reportedly did in plain sight of other travelers, including the quick-thinking woman who reported it to the flight crew.
Married teacher, mom, 31, surrenders to police amid accusations of sex with four teen boy students | Fox News
Should you seal your penis shut with a Jiftip sticker during sex? It's risky, doctor says
Microbes on the feet, torso, navel, and eyelids of heterosexual couples match closely enough for a computer algorithm to identify couples with 86% accuracy from skin microbe samples. : science
Physicists working at CERN, describe the first observation of spectral line shapes in antihydrogen, the antimatter equivalent of hydrogen : science
CRISPR skin grafts could replace insulin injections for diabetes | New Scientist
Neurons in the brain that produce the pleasure-signaling neurotransmitter dopamine also directly control the brain's circadian center, or "body clock", new research finds : science
What's something strange that you disovered about your SO after moving in together? : AskReddit
What is the worst subreddit you've come across? : AskReddit
There are less than a dozen remaining Blockbusters in the United States. One of them has a Twitter account, and it's pretty hilarious. : movies
Marijuana company buys entire US town to create cannabis friendly municipality : news
A guy flying in a hammock attached to his drone : videos
Does anyone else feel really intimidated by how much music is out there? : Music
IMOaTravesty comments on Hello everybody traveling to Siem Reap,Angkor Wat,Cambodia.I am Lee a local TukTuk driver here, I am speaking English driver and some more languages around the world,I am working for myself to earn money for my kids go to school,I would like to ask you a job. I hope you all not mind about this,thank
In honor of Lena Dunham blowing up the spot of two AA Employees : AdviceAnimals
Gulf of Mexico 'dead zone' is the largest ever measured -- June outlook foretold New Jersey-sized area of low oxygen (Trump will defund NOAA)
Methane-eating bacteria have been discovered deep beneath the Antarctic ice sheet
In case everyone wasn't convinced before, here is another example of wind turbines RUINING the scenic coal landscape : pics
China Tears Down the Tibetan City in the Sky: demolishing homes and evicting thousands from Larung Gar, the world's largest Tibetan Buddhist institution
Bondi synagogue ban: Terrorism fears prompt move, Jewish community left furious -- A LOCAL council has banned the construction of a synagogue in Bondi because it could be a terrorist target, in a shock move that religious leaders say has caved in to Islamic extremism and created a dangerous precedent. (and they're not sure Jews should live there either)
A Vatican Shot Across the Bow for Hard-Line U.S. Catholics - The New York Times -- Two close associates of Pope Francis have accused American Catholic ultraconservatives of making an alliance of "hate" with evangelical Christians to back President Trump (alliance with Satan's fake Christians)
Trump Says U.S. 'Losing' Afghan War in Tense Meeting With Generals (said the biggest loser)
Blackwater founder wants to boost the Afghan air war with his private air force (Blackwater) Pentagon officials are skeptical of that plan (Trump will fire them)
Researcher Who Stopped WannaCry Ransomware Detained in US After Def Con - Motherboard - Motherboard verified that a detainee called Marcus Hutchins, 23, was being held at the Henderson Detention Center in Nevada early on Thursday. A few hours after, Hutchins was moved to another facility, according to a close personal friend. (of course they would do that)
FBI arrests WannaCry hero Marcus Hutchins in Las Vegas, reports say : news
Mueller impanels grand jury in Russia probe: report | TheHill
Exclusive: Grand jury subpoenas issued in relation to Russian lawyer, Trump Jr. meeting - sources
Seth Abramson on Twitter: "(49) c) America will soon learn what attorneys have long known: many of those "misstatements" that passed as "politics" will now be crimes." (everything you need to know)
Robert Mueller has impaneled a grand jury - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Mueller Is Said to Impanel Grand Jury in Russia Probe: WSJ : news (the_donald calls for a revolution)
Megathread: Mueller Impanels a Grand Jury : politics
4152510 comments on Megathread: Mueller Impanels a Grand Jury
ohaioohio comments on Megathread: Mueller Impanels a Grand Jury (everything you need to know about how Republican voted consistently to kill us all)
Mueller's job would be protected by bipartisan Senate bill -- The bill would allow any special counsel for the Department of Justice to challenge his or her removal in court, with a review by a three-judge panel within 14 days of the challenge.
Senators unveil two proposals to protect Mueller's s Russia probe
Exclusive: top FBI officials could testify against Trump - Vox - The acting head of the bureau told top officials to prepare.
Trump's approval drops seven points in new poll | MSNBC - approval number is now at 33 percent, down seven points since the end of June
Trump urged Mexican president to end his public defiance on border wall, transcript reveals - The Washington Post - pressuring the Mexican leader to stop saying publicly that his government would never pay.
Transcripts of Trump's Calls With Foreign Leaders Leaked, and Wow, Are They Ever Bizarre
'This deal will make me look terrible' : Full transcripts of Trump's calls with Mexico and Australia ("I am the world's greatest person")
Why the leaked presidential transcripts are so frightening - The Washington Post - Jennifer Rubin -- irst, it is shocking to see presidential conversations released in this way. Some in the executive branch, as Anthony Scaramucci aptly put it, are intent on protecting the country from Trump. This is a good thing, by the way ... comment: conversation with Nieto, Trump uses the word "me" 15 times and the word "I" 137 times ... "United States 7 times ... America 0)
Trump admits he punked his supporters on Mexico paying for the wall - The Washington Post
Australia's Prime Minister Slowly Realizes Trump Is a Complete Idiot -- the most significant may be that Trump in his private negotiations is every bit as mentally limited as he appears to be in public.
Trump's cognitive deficits
Secret Service vacates Trump Tower command post in lease dispute with president's company
Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball ; Forecast Model Suggests Democratic Gains Likely in 2018 Gubernatorial Contests
Jeff Flake's approval rating in Arizona at 18 percent
West Virginia's governor is switching parties. And Democrats just hit a new low (Jim Justice)
Sustain the President and You Protect the White Man - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Any similarities between the Trump administration and that of Andrew Johnson are surely coincidental ... Trump's proposed changes to the green card application process spiraled out of control Wednesday ... after Acosta said the bill appeared like an attempt to "engineer a racial and ethnic flow" of immigrants
Collect Your Winnings, Sir - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Mr. Trump was fake but accurate! -- Needless to say, the suppressing of this interview transcript is almost as embarrassing for the Wall Street Journal as the interview is for Trump.
Oh, Wait. Maybe It Was Collusion. - The New York Times
Russian propaganda tracked in real time on new website - Business Insider
Hamilton 68: Tracking Putin's Propaganda Push... To America
Reporter says 'russian propaganda outlet' pushed him to cover conspiracy theory at the center of a White House lawsuit
You Can Thank Leakers for New Russia Sanctions - Bloomberg
Report: Kushner Cos. subpoenaed over visa-focused pitches to investors - Axios
Investigators want phone records related to Trump Jr. Russia meeting - CBS News
Trump set to embark on 1st vacation since inauguration - ABC News (if you don't count all those other vacations) a 17-day getaway to his private golf club in central New Jersey.
Trump's DHS Ordered Agents to Block Congressmen During Travel Ban (no oversight for you)
He went to ICE to tell agents he had gotten into college. Now he and his brother have been deported. - The Washington Post (Trump's fascist ICE)
Trump's war on legal immigration would cripple the economy
Outrage erupts over report DOJ will target affirmative action | TheHill
Feasting on False and Fake - The New York Times
Bewildered Senate Republicans Hit Back At Trump For Russia Blame
It's Politically Difficult to Eliminate Programs That People Like - Lawyers, Guns & Money : I've been arguing for years that the question is not how Obama, Pelosi, and Reid weren't able to get more in the struggle to pass the ACA, but how they were able to pass the most important social welfare legislation in more than four decades given who the marginal votes were ... In 1996, President Bill Clinton signed a welfare "reform" bill that led to more than 6 million mothers with children losing welfare benefits. (thanks, Bill) ... he ACA appears to have held, but it may well have been saved by 1,000 voters in New Hampshire (thanks, Nampshire)
Serial Patricide Laments the Increase in Orphans -- The Republican Party in 2017 is a remarkable combination of sociopathy and self-parody: (David Purdue: Obamacare is "fining" 300,000 poor Georgians -- get this man a brain)
With the GOP Health Care Drive Stalled, Democrats Let a Bunch of Trump Nominations Go Through Today
NAACP issues first-ever travel advisory for a state -- and it's Missouri (off-white people "travel at their own risk)
Stephen Miller attacks Statue of Liberty poem, echoing popular white nationalist talking point -- Online racists celebrated
The Ugly History of Stephen Miller's 'Cosmopolitan'; Epithen -- Surprise, surprise -- the insult has its roots in Soviet anti-Semitism ... One reason why "cosmopolitan" is an unnerving term is that it was the key to an attempt by Soviet dictator Josef Stalin to purge the culture of dissident voices. (Dumpster's plan)
Ryan Lizza Revisits His Phone Call with Anthony Scaramucci | The New Yorker
Half of Detroit's 8 mayoral candidates are felons
Half of Detroit's 8 mayoral candidates are felons
New Fox Harassment Allegations: "A Contributorship
Was Contingent Upon Sex" - A former Fox News guest says a producer close to Roger Ailes sought sex in exchange for a paid gig at the network - Woody Fraser, is a veteran television producer who helped create shows such as Good Morning America and Nightline
Fired/Rehired: Police chiefs are often forced to put officers fired for misconduct back on the streets - Washington Post
Trump called New Hampshire a 'grug-infested den' (will deport them all back to Quebec) "I won New Hampshire because New Hampshire is a drug-infested den." (he lost)
State agrees with Trump administration to delay long-awaited water pollution rules - The Boston Globe
TIL of the "Mormon Lost Boys:" young men who are ejected from polygynous communities to reduce competition and ensure enough females for a 3:1 f/m ratio. They are often dumped on the highway and told not to return, they are "dead" to their families. : todayilearned
TIL While 71% of Americans believe in hell, only half of one per cent think that they are likely to end up there : todayilearned (hell is for the other guy)
Can we have twin planets like we have twin stars? : askscience
Study: Psychedelic drug psilocybin helps depressed patients 're-connect' to the world : science
< a href=""> Why the 'drunk you' might be the real you -- A drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts.
A friend's son got $1 from the tooth fairy a couple days ago. He wrote her a letter asking to upgrade his $1 to $5. This was the tooth fairy's response. : funny (dental funny)
2 steps into walking down the aisle. He said 'Goddamit Jeri, did my pants just fall down?' : funny
/u/CyndaquilFire35 takes a Reddit/4chan dichotomy to a whole new metaphorical level... : bestof
What was the most NSFW experience you've had at work? : AskReddit
This guy rips harmonics on guitar. Jesus : videos
Camera in a furniture screw : pics
How to tease a live newscaster : WTF
59,000 farmer suicides in India over 30 years may be linked to climate change, study says - The Washington Post
Jet passed within 10 minutes of where North Korean missile test landed, official says - ABC News
If Trump blows up the Iran deal, he'll cause a meltdown in Europe, too (his Saudi bosses told him to)
New video contradicts Jordanian accounts of how 3 U.S. soldiers were killed
Trump Wanted a Cheaper Air Force One. So the USAF Is Buying a Bankrupt Russian Firm's Undelivered 747s (with bugs everywhere)
A crass play to xenophobes will go nowhere - The Washington Post - President Trump on Wednesday endorsed a new bill in the Senate aimed at slashing legal immigration levels over a decade, a goal Trump endorsed on the campaign trail that would represent a profound change to U.S. immigration policies that have been in place for half a century.
Tillerson spurns $80 million to counter ISIS, Russian propaganda - won't tap funding approved by Congress, angering officials. (our new authoritarian./terrorist-friendly State Dept.)
NSC's Senior Intelligence Director Ezra Cohen-Watnick Fired at National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster's behest - was a protege of ousted National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and ally of White House chief strategist Steve Bannon. (Breitbart and Fox were running the "Security Council") Later that month, he reportedly played a role in providing House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) with classified intelligence reports purportedly demonstrating that Trump and members of his transition were incidentally caught up in U.S. surveillance of foreign nationals.
Would transgender troops harm military effectiveness? Here's what the research says
Mueller Adds Former DOJ Lawyer With White Collar Crime Expertise | HuffPost - an indication that the investigation is going to extend well into 2018
Reddit User /u/painterjo explains why Donald Trump and the GOP are selling out America using details from Bill Browder's Senate Judiciary Testimony. : bestof
Full transcript: Trump's Wall Street Journal interview
More Scenes from the Kakistocracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The weird mixture of self-aggrandizement and disparagement of Obama as specifically someone "who didn't know what the hell he was doing" serves as a reminder that Trump embodies the Dunning-Kruger Effect. (Pres Demented Dumb Shit)
"Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act" -- I built a truly great company worth many billions of dollars. That is a big part of the reason I was elected. As President, I can make far better deals with foreign countries than Congress.
Boy Scouts and Mexico both deny claims of calling Trump to offer praise | US news | The Guardian
As lies, contradictions mount, federal officials deciding to ignore Trump -- Evidence arrives every day of the government treating the man elected to lead it as someone talking mostly to himself. (mumbling)
If the President Lies, Does It Matter? | National Review - "Enemies of mine are saying it was the greatest speech ever made on foreign soil by a president." ... Okay. But one more question: Would we be so tolerant of the lying, or the bullsh**ting, if a liberal Democrat were in office? (note the "liberal" Democrat)
House Judiciary Chairman's Priority: Investigating Hillary Clinton -- Republican chairman, Bob Goodlatte of Virginia
Former Obama Aide Ben Rhodes now a person of interest in House Intelligence Committee unmasking investigation
Trump Reportedly Calls White House 'A Real Dump' | HuffPost - Trump reportedly told members of his Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster, New Jersey, before teeing off recently.
First Golfer: Trump's relationship with golf has never been more complicated
John Kelly closes the Oval Office door - Axios
The clock keeps ticking for the WHCOS (first among sequels) - Lawyers, Guns & Money : "Only the Fake News Media and Trump enemies want me to stop using Social Media (110 million people). Only way for me to get the truth out!"
Donald Trump's Pick For Key Bank Regulator Is A Foreclosure Kingpin, Of Course | HuffPost - Joseph Otting signed legal papers admitting the bank he ran forged documents to push Americans out of their homes. He also bought a mansion. (the wolf will regulate the wolves, hahahha)
ICE's Latest Raids Swept Up More Than 500 Whose Only Crime Was Being in the United States -- So much for prioritizing criminals for deportation.
Democrats Could Have a Huge 2020 Presidential Field
Of Course Abortion Should Be a Litmus Test for Democrats - The New York Times - I relate to the flailing panic that is no doubt undergirding such a morally putrescent idea. Nineteen hyenas and a broken vacuum cleaner control the White House, and ice is becoming extinct ... To legislatively oppose abortion is to be, at best, indifferent to the disenfranchisement, suffering and possibly even the death of women ... Where, exactly, on that spectrum is Lujan comfortable placing his party? (new platform: Dems are assholes too, vote for us)
Trump's missing vote -- , Senate Republicans heavily lobbied Trump to nominate red- state Senate Democrats to Cabinet positions, with the hope that the successors would be Republican (Joe Manchin could have been a Trumper! Heidi Heitkamp!)
GOPer Accused Of Pushing Seth Rich Conspiracy At Fox: Lawsuit Is 'Nonsense' - Ed Butowsky, a Republican donor and Fox News commentator accused in a new lawsuit (fake news, witch hunt!)
Exactly How Close Was the White House to Fox News' Fake Seth Rich Story? (it wasn't an "interview" +"very")
Why The Mooch Lost His Cool | HuffPost - Anthony Scaramucci tells HuffPost about the highs and lows of his fiery stint at the White House and what that cuss-filled rant was really about.
Taibbi: There Is No Way to Survive the Trump White House - Rolling Stone - The tenures of Reince Priebus and Anthony Scaramucci represent two opposite, but equally ineffective, strategies for surviving the Trump White House
'The moment when it really started to feel insane' : An oral history of the Scaramucci era
The ACA Consists of Things National Republicans Have Always Hated - Lawyers, Guns & Money : One drawback is that it features Howard Dean making ridiculous claims about how the statute didn't accomplish anything. (and the ACA was a "Republican" plan and Howard Dean was extremely wrong: "Bigger Bailout for the Insurance Industry Than AIG" )
Lawmakers unmoved by Trump threat to ax money for their insurance - POLITICO - until they repeal Obamacare.
McCain: Arizona was about to get 'screwed' by GOP healthcare plan
Medicare-for-All Isn't the Solution for Universal Health Care
The marketplace of ideas is killing the Trump administration - The Washington Post -- a new meaning for MAGA, Morons Are Governing America (dingding)
10 years of fact-checking: It got easier -- and harder | PolitiFact
Justice Dept. to Take On Affirmative Action in College Admissions - The New York Times (white people are oppressed!)
Trump proposal relies on claims by religious researchers -- proposed reversal of a requirement that health insurers cover contraception relies on the work of religious researchers who dispute a fundamental public health tenet -- that easier access to birth control reduces the rate of unintended pregnancies. (they "researched" it in the Bible
Case against USC student accused of campus dorm rape thrown out after video surfaces : news - There was a camera outside that captured the girl signaling to her friend that she was going to have intercourse with my client Braun said. The woman, he said, made motions with her hands that indicated sexual activity.
Second Body Cam Video Emerges Showing Baltimore Cops Allegedly Faking Evidence | HuffPost - The first video appeared to show a Baltimore cop planting drugs at a crime scene. The second one allegedly features a different group of officers. (they learn this in cop school)
Attorney for woman in drug case says body-camera footage shows officers planting drugs - Baltimore Sun
The Latest: Prosecutor: Officer planted gun after shooting : news
Officer who beat woman with baton had 14 previous use of force incidents : news
Assistant Police Chief Resigns After Posting Racist Facebook Meme : news
In Minneapolis, response to police shooting of white woman by Somali officer has been different - The Washington Post (still no statement from killer cop)
South Carolina governor candidate Catherine Templeton's 'proud of the Confederacy' remarks stir controversy (racist and proud of it)
My Buddy: Patti Smith Remembers Sam Shepard | The New Yorker - Sam Shepard and Patti Smith (!)
Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 120 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : This is the grave of Paul Harvey. (Republicans have always been evil liars)
Some charter school leaders' pay far outpaces their public rivals ... The Globe review found that 80 charter school employees made more than $100,000. Only a handful were teachers ... The average earnings for charter-school teachers, guidance counselors, and other educators who work directly with students were roughly $55,000, according to the Globe review. Average pay for teachers in the Boston school system is about $90,000.
New York dog owners refusing vaccinations over autism fears : news
This pic just won the Nat Geo's Travel Photographer Contest 2017 (by Sergio Tapiro Velasco) : pics
Your guide to the 'Top Chef' trial
'I'll smash your pretty face': 'Top Chef' host was 'terrified' after encounter with Teamster
What is the relationship between M theory, string theory and supergravity? : askscience
Do diamagnets have applications? : askscience
Ancient DNA suggests that living Greeks are descendants of Mycenaeans : science
Alcohol Intake and Cognitively Healthy Longevity in Community-Dwelling Adults: The Rancho Bernardo Study - IOS Press -- Relative to nondrinkers, moderate and heavy drinkers (up to 3 drinks/day for women and for men 65 years and older, up to 4 drinks/day for men under 65 years) had significantly higher adjusted odds of survival to age 85 without cognitive impairment
[Serious]Psychologists of Reddit, what's a common misconception people have about mental health and mental illnesses? : AskReddit
Symptoms of type 2 diabetes can be induced by a misfolded form of a pancreatic protein and possibly be transmitted by a mechanism similar to prion diseases such as mad cow disease. More than 90% of type 2 diabetes patients show these proteins, which induced diabetes symptoms when injected in mice. : science - Contagious pancreatic prion disease causing type 2 diabetes.
TIL of the Permian Mass Extinction where 96% of species died out. All life on Earth is descended from the 4% that survived. : todayilearned
Scientific wellness study divides researchers
People that have done, what interesting things did you discover about your family? : AskReddit
What was your worst sexual experience? : AskReddit - ike a furby with dead batteries. All the buttons pressed but nothing else than a cold dead stare in return.
Fyre Festival Founder Seeks Plea Deal on Fraud Charge - Bloomberg - The would-be entrepreneur is in talks with federal prosecutors over allegations he duped investors.
New data on H-1B visas prove that IT outsourcers hire a lot but pay very little : technology
Reddit Co-Founder Alexis Ohanian Reveals Favorite Post : videos
What screams "I'm educated, but not very smart?" : AskReddit
Reddit is Redesigning to Look More Like Facebook . . . : technology (or tweeter)
Ma Kitten : funny
Eschaton: Math, How Does It Work? - That aside, capacity is an issue on these things. Cost savings from magic tunneling technology is largely about tiny tunnels and no land assembly costs. Perfectly "normal" high speed trains (not even maglev!) travel at 180MPH and carry many more passengers...
17 Ways My Life Has Changed Since I Turned Off All Notifications On My Phone
Free TV! Gotta Be Illegal, Right?
Zuckerberg hires former Clinton pollster Joel Benenson - POLITICO - amid speculation about Zuckerberg's political ambitions (sure, why not?)
ISIS and Climate Change Seen as Top Threats Globally | Pew Research Center - Concern about cyberattacks, world economy also widespread
Venezuelan opposition leader being taken from his home at 12:40 AM by the secret police just one day after the Constituyente took place : gifs
Catholic priest caught driving 13-year-old girl to motel after paying 16-year-old pimp : news
Linda Howard who fled to Australia after being accused of keeping maid as a sex slave pays $3.3m | Daily Mail Online
Former U.S. diplomat again found liable for sexually enslaving a housekeeper - The Washington Post
New research shows modern slavery is more lucrative than it has ever has been, with sex traffickers reaping the greatest rewards : news
An anti-immigrant group mistook empty bus seats for women wearing burqas - The Washington Post
Personal Info of 650,000 Voters Discovered on Poll Machine Sold on Ebay : technology - "include not just name, address and birthday, but also political party" (TN)
State Department considers scrubbing democracy promotion from its mission - The Washington Post (will promote authoritarian dictatorships instead)
How the Trump Administration Broke the State Department | Foreign Policy - Morale has hit rock bottom at Foggy Bottom, as American foreign service officers languish and Rex Tillerson builds a mini-empire. (the know-nothings take over and fire people who know stuff)
The Trump Administration Continues to Prioritize Ideology over US National Interests and Security: State Department Edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money : it turns out that the administration can do enormous damage to American domestic and international security without passing a single piece of legislation. Sometimes incompetence doesn't get in the way of ideology: it just makes things worse. (the real idiocracy)
President Trump is now directly implicated in trying to cover up the Russia scandal - The Washington Post
Trump's Lawyer Denied The President Helped Draft Trump Jr.'s Statement Just Weeks Ago | HuffPost
Did President Trump Dictate the False Statement? Or Was It President Putin? -- a timeline that may be relevant and which may tie together the false Don Jr. statement dictated by the President on Air Force One on July 8th and the conversation Trump had with President Vladimir Putin earlier that evening ... he knew his advisers were discussing how to respond to a press story about the June 2016 meeting. He had a secret conversation with President Putin at which they discussed the issue of Russian adoptions. Then hours later he dictated a false statement to be released in the name of his son in which he claimed that Russian adoptions were the topic of the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting. That is a highly troubling chain of events to put it mildly.
How to tell when Trump is hiding something? The Trump Jr. saga offers 2 clues. - The Washington Post
Sanders: Trump Worked On Jr s Russia Statement 'As Any Father Would (any crooked crime-boss dad)
The family that conspires together, backfires together - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House : television
Trump aides' stunning cry for help: Admitting the president misled the American people
There's a Reason Mitch McConnell Wanted An Opaque Process
Senators Launch Bipartisan Effort to Shore Up Obamacare - The New York Times
Through the fence, between the curling flower spaces, I could see them hitting - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Here are a couple of representative quotes from the full transcript of an interview the Wall Street Journal did with Donald Trump last week, but which for some not very mysterious reason it declined to publish. Politico, which against all odds has become a useful publication, got ahold of it. (or moronocracy)
Countries by GDP Growth 2016 -
Donald Trump Allegedly Gave Donald Trump Jr. Russia Advice - A lesson for the future.
Stinger Missiles And Shady Deals: Ex-Biz Partner To Trump Has A Tall Tale To Tell - Felix Sater
GOP House member calls on Mueller to resign | TheHill (he knew Comey!)
President who? The GOP learns to ignore Trump. - The Washington Post
Eschaton: Caught In A Landslide - A bit weird to introduce the Mooch character and then kill him off so quickly.
The Mooch stuff is funny but it really doesn't matter. Comms is just part of the theater...
This Billboard In Mexico City Has An Eerie Cult-Movie Callback | HuffPost
Why Conservatives Are Laughing at Steve Bannon - And no, it has nothing to do with The Mooch (RIP). - , 61 percent of Americans told Gallup the rich pay too little in taxes, including 45 percent of Republicans and 62 percent of independents.
Kushner On Middle East Peace: "What Do We Offer That's Unique? I don't know." (and that's not all he doesn't know)
Ivanka Trump is part of the problem - The Washington Post (Javanka's brand is tanking)
Eschaton: Brand I - Javanka seem to do nothing but try to sell their brand to credulous reporters, and it's starting to occur to them that Pops (not like they helped) has turned their Brand to shit.
Another Episode of the Amazing Adventures of Dr. Sebastian Gorka, PhD - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
Gorka Makes Himself A Potential Fact Witness In Russia Probe
Today in Mavericky Arizona Frauds - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Jeff Flake is a complete fraud, claiming to be anti-Trump, but doing absolutely nothing to stop him the entire time. When has Flake ever cast a vote that defied the president he claims to dislike? Where was he on the ACA?
White House Says Trump Was 'Making A Joke' When He Endorsed Police Brutality | HuffPost
keep doing that until I run out of batteries" Tennessee sheriff's deputies torture teenager with stun gun (they laughed while they tased his heart)
A timeline of the explosive lawsuit alleging a White House link in the Seth Rich conspiracy - The Washington Post
Behind Fox News' Baseless Seth Rich Story: The Untold Tale (Trumpster)
White House signed off on bogus Fox News story pushing Seth Rich murder conspiracy: lawsuit
Lawsuit: Fox News concocted Seth Rich story with oversight from White House - Aug. 1, 2017
You don't have to believe everything in that Seth Rich lawsuit. What's been confirmed is bad enough. (Margaret Sullivan)
Corey Lewandowski Fired From One America News Network - The former Trump campaign manager was giving other networks too much love and attention.
Why Jeff Sessions is going to lose his war against cannabis - The Washington Post - Nearly three-quarters of the U.S. population lives in states that have legalized medical cannabis, and states have powerful incentives to preserve their laws ... The tide has turned
Finding of possible conflicts in Md. medical pot program sparks call for legislation - The Washington Post
Study shows regular cannabis users stay more relaxed in stressful situations. ... Blunted stress reactivity in chronic cannabis users (get it?)
A study found adults see black girls as 'less innocent,' shocking everyone but black moms
Arizona man sentenced to 68 years in prison for Bundy standoff : news
Pete Rose had sexual relationship with underage girl in 1970s, court documents say - The Washington Post (creep)
Kicker Matt Boermeester was removed from USC after an unfair investigation, girlfriend says - LA Times
Schock lawyers ask court to dismiss charges over feds probing his sex life | TheHill - Schock was indicted in November of 2016 on two dozen charges related to misusing federal funds, including famously for remodeling his House office.
The Success Sequence Is About Cultural Beefs Not Poverty
Eschaton: Free To Be Just Like Me - One thing I learned (probably obvious, but we all have to learn even the obvious things) from internet politics is that the white middle class glibertarian view of "freedom" is basically "society should reward people who are just like me." The kind of freedom law professors at state universities dream everyone can benefit from if only government didn't exist.
2017's States with the Best & Worst School Systems - 1 Massachusetts 78.16 - 51 Louisiana 27.42
'Hurry up and die': Threats, racism intensify against California officials (alt-right attacks CA
Google searches for "how to commit suicide" increased 26% following the release of "13 Reasons Why," a Netflix series about a girl who commits suicide.
They trashed their wedding photographer over a $125 fee, so a jury told them to pay her $1 million : news
User warns others about the suspicious Glove Man who offers free rides to men and attempts to get them to try on tight-fitting leather gloves. : bestof
In retrospect: Das Kapital 150 years on (how Karl Marx's opus has influenced fields from robotics to political science)
A white man called her kids the n-word. Facebook stopped her from sharing it. - The Washington Post
Saudi Arabia says that calls for internationalization of holy site 'a declaration of war' s
The Left and Venezuela - Lawyers, Guns & Money : At the very least, one would hope the North American left would show some sort of critical analysis as to the Venezuelan disaster. But not always, as this Jacobin piece by George Ciccariello-Maher demonstrates. For him, the answer is always a doubling down on more socialism while proclaiming the media and CIA responsible for not allowing North Americans to see the clear path forward.
Translating Venezuela's political crisis into American terms
Caracas Chronicles | Making Venezuela make sense
After Wasting $136 Million on Dale Earnhardt Jr., The Military Might Pull Out Of Nascar - Business Insider (nice little old boy macho network with your moneys +the deselected fact: Nascar fans are horribly unqualified: .08%)
WikiLeaks: Officially in the bag for Trump - by trying to sling dirt on Robert Mueller in the most disgustingly dishonest way possible.
Details emerge in deal to bring 2028 Summer Olympics to Los Angeles - LA Times
Trump dictated son's s misleading statement on meeting with Russian lawyer (lock them up +he hung Don Jr out to dry)
Trump Removes Anthony Scaramucci From Communications Director Role - The New York Times (lasted 2 weeks)
Mooch 2 Scooch - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Anthony Scaramucci erroneously listed as dead in the new Harvard Law alumni directory - The Washington Post
Satan in a Sunday Hat - The New York Times - Donald Trump's foul-mouthed, preening, narcissistic flack, Anthony Scaramucci (and little Satan is gone)
Donald Trump's shocking disloyalty
How Anthony Scaramucci Paid His Way Into "Wall Street 2' -- and Donald Trump Got Cut -- What a difference seven years makes.
It's a town full of losers -- Over-under on how long Kelly lasts in his new job? ... )New White House chief of staff John Kelly was so upset with how President Donald Trump handled the firing of FBI Director James Comey that Kelly called Comey afterward and said he was considering resigning ... You can't really call it a leak if the bucket has no bottom
Kelly called Comey to express anger over firing, sources say
Hey stats people - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Based on extrapolation from two data points, how long is Trump's next press secretary/Director of Communications/Minister of Truth going to last?
It'd Be Pretty Easy For Trump To Pardon His Family Members. He Could Even Tweet It.
Trumop's iceberg looms ... This time, he doesn't use his thumb
Behold the Trump boomerang effect - The Washington Post
Watch The Shocking Moment John McCain Killed The Republican Health Care Bill
Public Officials Should Be Judged By Actions, Not Motives : Lawyers, Guns & Money - This breakdown of The Vote is hypnotically entertaining
The moderate Republicans who saved Obamacare aren't heros
The Heritage Plan Was A Plan For War on Medicaid, Not a Serious Plan For Universal Coverage - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - I am, needless to say, a huge admirer of Paul Krugman. But I genuinely can't understand why he keeps making this false and deeply pernicious argument:
No, Obamacare Wasn't a "Republican" Proposal
RNC Tells Staff To Preserve All Documents Related To 2016 Campaign
LePage rallies his supporters against Susan Collins
Who Ate Republicans' Brains? - Krugman
Callista Gingrich's nomination to the Vatican stinks to high heaven ("let's send a whore of Babylon to poke the Pope" +"Evangelicals sold their souls to achieve this!")
The man who may disenfranchise millions - The Washington Post - Kris Kobach
Rekekah Mercer's Pro-Trump Group Goes Silent
Flake: Republicans who don't call out Trump are complicit | TheHill - There are truths that are self-evident. And you've got to stand up and call whether it's the White House or other elected officials, to task, when they're not doing what they should
My Party Is in Denial About Donald Trump - Jeff Flake -- Politico Magazine
What Texas Tells Us About the Latest Threats to Women's Health Care
Judge strikes down Alabama abortion law requiring minors to have consent from court : news
Is The New York Times vs. The Washington Post vs. Trump the Last Great Newspaper War? | Vanity Fair
Bible Studies at the White House: Who's Inside This Spiritual Awakening?
Nearly all Cabinet officials attend Bible lessons with right-wing pastor who compares Trump to biblical heroes
That R. Kelly 'cult' story almost never ran. Thank Hulk Hogan for that.
Chris Christie Confronts Heckler, Doesn't Drop a Single Nacho (fat bully fuck reduced to this)
Dem campaign chief vows no litmus test on abortion | TheHill
Eschaton: America's Worst Humans - Will Saletan.
Donna Brazile on Twitter: "Nevertheless she persisted to get an answer. Thank you @MaxineWaters." (Will Saletan
Kelly Ellis on Twitter: "Advice to parents: teach your sons not to rape. Don't put the burden on your daughters." -- Will Saletan (still the same old male asshole)
Kelly Ellis on Twitter: "Reminder" (MRAs)
Jill Stein Slams 'Demonization of North Korea' in Bizarre MSNBC Interview -- Then she seemingly sided with the Trump administration and said that Russian involvement in email hacks was purely speculation. (Jill and Julian went up the hill)
Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio found guilty of criminal contempt of court (make him wear a pink jumper)
Father of teen driver who live-streamed fatal crash speaks out: "She killed her own sister"
A rapist left his dentures behind at the crime scene. His name was written inside. But no one looked. - The Washington Post
HBO hacked: Game of Thrones data leaked
Colorado's Family Planning Initiative, a $23M program to expand access to long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), reduced the teen birth rate by 6.4 percent over 5 years. The program was particularly effective in counties with high poverty rates. : science< (cut their funding immediately) /a>
Scientists Found a Way to Stop Aging in Human Cells : science
Splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen to produce clean energy can be simplified with a single triple-layer catalyst developed by scientists at Rice University and the University of Houston reported in Nano Energy. : science
If humans have evolved to have hair on their head, then why do we get bald? And why does this occur mostly to men, and don't we lose the rest of our hair over time, such as our eyebrows? : askscience
riverwestein comments on If humans have evolved to have hair on their head, then why do we get bald? And why does this occur mostly to men, and don't we lose the rest of our hair over time, such as our eyebrows? (alkaline diet and alternative medicin)
Redditor imagines a world where the Democratic Party uses the same tactics Republicans do to win elections : bestof
People who work in surveillance, what's the most unexplained or creepy thing you've seen on video? : AskReddit
While translating a clever line, Reddit figures out "reddit" means something in Latin : bestof
I hear Reddit hates online courses : funny
Kim Dotcom set to receive seized funds, "4 containers full of seized property" : technology (they fucked him over because they could)
Siberian craters: Big releases of methane could pose broad problems
When Life on Earth Was Nearly Extinguished - The New York Times
Loss of Fertile Land Fuels 'Looming Crisis' Across Africa -- Climate change, soil degradation and rising wealth are shrinking the amount of usable land in Africa. But the number of people who need it is rising fast.
Putin, Responding to Sanctions, Orders U.S. to Cut Diplomatic Staff by 755 - The New York Times
China Shows Off Military Might as Xi Jinping Tries to Cement Power - The New York Times
Eschaton: National Humiliation - People is weird. - shoot ourselves in the face just to prove our gun works - "I call this criminal: irresponsible to the point of culpable recklessness towards their country's future. The Conservative Party just thought they'd give it a whirl and all but one of them voted for the adventure." (hate is the mind-killer)
UK 'has stripped 150 jihadists and criminals of citizenship' : news
Philippines mayor accused by Duterte of drugs trade links shot dead : news
Suit against 2 psychologists over harsh CIA interrogations appears headed for trial - LA Times (next up: cheney)
Our Non-Unitary Executive - Lawfare - The Trump Presidency is a strange combination of menacing and impotent. It is also fractured internally like no presidency in American history.
taintedblu comments on Scaramucci was with Trump when his wife gave birth on Monday. He texted, "I'll pray for our child" to his wife. (what it's all a distraction from) comment: Two crime lords ruling their nations would of course bond and try and make life easier on each other. (but Putin is Boss of Bosses)
William Browder Overturning Magnitsky Act Putin's Top Priority |
Bill Browder's Testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee -- "I hope that my story will help you understand the methods of Russian operatives in Washington and how they use U.S. enablers to achieve major foreign policy goals without disclosing those interests,"
Episode 784: Meeting The Russians : Planet Money : NPR
Without Priebus, Trump Is a Man Without a Party - POLITICO Magazine - By ousting Reince Priebus, the president is severing one of his few remaining ties to the GOP. (Trumpublicans)
Trump Tries to Regroup as the West Wing Battles Itself - The New York Times
Trump Tells G.O.P. Senators Not to Be 'Total Quitters' on Health Bill (pres dumbfuck)
Eschaton: How Much Damage - We are blessed with incompetent evil, or at least the incompetence will remain blessed until some sort of tragedy strikes. We'll be begging to bring Brownie back in to run FEMA if there's a bad hurricane. Still they aren't all incompetent, and they have 3.5 years left...
Eschaton: Let Us Dream Of Better Future Just Like The Current One
The GOP Is No Longer A 'Conservative' Party | HuffPost
Donald Trump Has Parted Ways With A Shocking Number Of Senior Officials | HuffPost - Remember Michael Flynn?
Conway Advises WH Staffers To Address Trump With 'Deference And Humilty' (and make sure you bow very low)
Ari Berman on Twitter: "52 years ago today LBJ signed legislation creating Medicare & Medicaid, alongside Harry Truman who first proposed idea in 1945"
Murkowski faces tough prospect of bipartisan, process-focused health care reform - Alaska Dispatch News
After healthcare vote, supporters rally in Anchorage to thank Murkowski - Alaska Dispatch News
Majority of Americans want Congress to move on from healthcare reform
Death of a F***ing Salesman - Donald Trump can't close the deal -- That's some fine irony: Blake's paean to salesmanship was written to satisfy salesmen who did not quite buy David Mamet's original pitch -- Trump is the political version of a pickup artist, and Republicans -- and America -- went to bed with him convinced that he was something other than what he is
Jeff Sessions: This Time, It's Personal -- Trump's willful misunderstanding of the obligations of an Attorney General reflects a larger flaw in his Presidency and in his character. (pres dumbfuck and 'lil Jeffy deserve each other) -- Trump wants Mueller gone simply because he doesn't want to be investigated. An order to fire Mueller would be an abuse of power, but one in keeping with the way that Trump has conducted his Presidency.
In Conclusion, Both Sides Do It But Destroy the Democratic Party - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Chuck Schumer's impressive work as minority leader:
Black versus white household income over the past 50 years - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - what ought to be the astounding fact that, more than a half century after the March on Washington, the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, the creation of affirmative action, etc., America has achieved exactly zero progress in improving the economic status of African Americans relative to that of whites: (the new slavery)
Race Gap Narrows in College Enrollment, But Not in Graduation | FiveThirtyEight
Wealth inequality has widened along racial, ethnic lines since end of Great Recession | Pew Research Center
Eschaton: Private Prisons - Of all of the glorious ideas of neoliberalism, this was perhaps the worst. -- The company that has operated a private prison in Estancia for nearly three decades has announced it will close the Torrance County Detention Facility and lay off more than 200 employees unless it can find 300 state or federal inmates to fill empty beds within the next 60 days (quick, arrest some blah people)
Kids for cash scandal - Wikipedia (or some kids!)
Everything wrong with Jail Co. in one article - Lawyers, Guns & Money : surprised Rebranded Prison, Inc. is so worried about a slight drop in human units. Between Il Yammering Yam and his craven Republican Congress there are sure to be ever increasing numbers of people who are guilty of something and need to be locked up.
Florida Healthcare Admin Charged in $1 Billion Medicare Fraud : news (home of Rick Scott, of course)
Los Angeles: The Secessionist Capital of the West - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - It's a little hard to fathom today, but for many decades, Los Angeles was an unbelievably conservative city (home of Nixon, Reagan, and a bunch of racist secessionists)
Sex, dreck, and rock 'n' roll -- Drug Slang Code Words - is a huge narcotic thesaurus
Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 117 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : This is the grave of Thomas Nast. -- He was a strong supporter of defeating treason in defense of slavery and began to draw many cartoons that supported the vigorous prosecution of the war and opposing northerners who opposed the war. Abraham Lincoln called him "our best recruiting sergeant"
Connecticut Rabbi Charged With Raping Yeshiva Student
Connecticut Rabbi Charged With Raping Yeshiva Student : news
Long list of Jewish Child Molestor Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed. |
Home - Jewish Community Watch
Lawyer: Police at wrong address fired through closed door in fatal shooting : news
You might think having more farmers markets is good for farmers. Often it's not -- Customers shop at the Brookline Farmers Market in Coolidge Corner - The number of farmers markets in Massachusetts has almost tripled since 2004, to nearly 300 last year - The Copley Square market saw a 50 percent drop in customers last year, said Jeff cole ... In Arlington, attendance is down by about a fifth
Robert Farmer, Resourceful Fund-Raiser for Democrats, Dies at 78 - The New York Times
The substantial increase in e-cigarette use among US adult smokers was associated with a statistically significant increase in the smoking cessation rate at the population level (n=161,054). : science
What product has a better use than its intended function? : AskReddit
Do stars fuse elements larger than uranium that are unable to escape? : askscience
Nucleosynthesis periodic table
New Theory Suggests Life Wasn't a Fluke of Biology, but Physics: an inevitable outcome of thermodynamics. Groups of atoms will naturally restructure themselves so as to burn more and more energy, facilitating the incessant dispersal of energy and the rise of "entropy" or disorder in the universe
A New Thermodynamics Theory of the Origin of Life | Quanta Magazine - n MIT physicist has proposed the provocative idea that life exists because the law of increasing entropy drives matter to acquire lifelike physical properties.
The Adventures of Mark Twain - The Mysterious Stranger (1985) : movies
The Mysterious Stranger - from the Adventures of Mark Twain - claymation cartoon - YouTube
Women of Reddit, what in your opinion is the ideal male body type? : AskReddit
Non-gay Redditors who have had gay-sexual experienses. How was it, and how did you end up in that situation? : AskReddit
Psychologists of Reddit, What's your creepiest experience with a patient? : AskReddit
Millennials of reddit, what's the most stereotype you're sick of hearing about millennials? : AskReddit
What is your "bullet fucking dodged" moment? : AskReddit
What are the unwritten rules of Reddit? : AskReddit
Is Amazon getting too big? - The Washington Post (looks like a response to why no newpaper articles about Amazon)
Fight for your right to fix your own iPhone: The "Right-to-Repair" movement fights corporate rules that keep you from fixing your own broken stuff : technology
Once We Move Into Space With Weaponry, Other Nations Will Follow
How's Voting for Republicans Working Out for Red States? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Since disasters only happen in blue states, what could go wrong with electing ideologues who see everything government does, outside of killing people and engaging in ethnic cleansing, as a problem? (FEMA vetoed Montana, hahaha +comment to see OK carpet-bomb itself with earthquakes, total coincidence with fracking)
North Korean ICBM Appears Able to Reach Major US Cities - Union of Concerned Scientists
Hungarian hacker arrested for pressing F12 : technology
Saudi investor buys significant stake in the Independent | Media : news
It took DEF CON hackers minutes to pwn these US voting machines The Register - we've got three years to shore up election security (Trump's Election Integrity Commission will look into the matter)
It took DEF CON hackers minutes to pwn these US voting machines : technology
Eschaton: Not So Different From Bushies, At Least The Ones They Sent To Iraq - Yes this is bad, but hiring insane incompetent stupid ideologues whose "ideology" is whatever stupid shit Rush and Hannity and Alex Jones are babbling about that day is not actually new to Trump. OK, the Alex Jones part is. ... the "beachhead team" ... They mainly ran around the building insulting people,
With Priebus out, Trump moves still further away from the Republican establishment - The Washington Post (insulter-in-chief)
John Kelly, Trump's new chief of staff, 'won't suffer fools and idiots' (theres a problem right there)
Trump once summoned Priebus to kill a fly in Oval Office: report | TheHill -- As a senior White House staffer, the chief of staff would not ordinarily be tasked with such matters. (humiliator-in-chief couldn't kill a fly)
The Memo: GOP in shock over White House drama | TheHill ("shocked" I tell you)
Donald Trump calls for Senate checks and balances to be scrapped for second time in 24 hours | The Independent - called for an end to a longstanding rule that requires at least 60 of the 100 senators to vote down attempts to block legislation being passed, saying only a simple majority should be needed. (Pres change-the-rules-for-me)
How the Pieces Fell Into Place - Lawyers, Guns & Money :- The corporate neoliberal Democrat Party providing zero votes in either chamber despite being pretty much the same as the Republicans is easy to take for granted but was critical
Protest Works, Part the Infinity - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The real heroes are the direct action protestors in ADAPT that demonstrated tremendous courage in going to the offices of senators and putting their often broken bodies between those senators and ACA repeal
This Week In Trump's Washington Was Head-Spinning. Here's Eveyrything That Went Down. | HuffPost (wait 'til next week)
Donald Trump Slumps To His Weakest Position Yet | HuffPost - Obamacare repeal is dead (for now). His party doesn't trust him. He has no major legislative accomplishments. What happened to the art of the deal? (art of the scam)
Usawasfun comments on Scaramucci Had Talks With Kremlin-Backed Firm During Campaign ( scoop looks fishy)
/u/usawasfun finds an old article that Russia will be releasing Hillary's emails through Wikileaks - a massive scoop for a small site, reported only 4 days after Don Jr's meeting. : bestof
Veteran with heart condition says insurance company denied coverage 4 times : news
Mazie Hirono - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - For anyone who missed it, this speech before 48 Republicans voted for what would have been one of the most abominable bills ever passed by the United States Congress is very much worth watching:
Federal court rules public officials cannot block social media users -- Free Speech Clause does indeed prohibit officeholders from blocking social media users on the basis of their views .... Trump's lawyers will almost certainly argue that his personal Twitter feed is a private forum, not a government project. But that argument will likely fail ("private forum" where he orders the military to drop bombs and shit)
Court Rules That Politicians Blocking Followers Violates Free Speech : news
Gaurding Trump's Mar-a-Lago club cost taxpayers $6.6 million: report (2-6 times military transgender budget)
Trump Fuels Intrigue Surrounding a Former I.T. Worker's Arrest (the new pizzagate)
Ex-DNC Head May Have Known Suspect Fled | The Daily Caller
A GOP Staffer Crowdsourced a Resolution From a Conspiracy Subreddit : technology
Judge blocks Arkansas from enforcing 4 abortion restrictions : news (Gallup: 54% of women pro-choice)
Scaramucci's fed-up wife filed for divorce while nine months pregnant ... "there's been ... a lot of lies"
'Trump Divorce' cited in split between ex-NFL cheerleader and Florida state attorney (it's becoming a thing )
State Attorney's Soon-To-Be-Ex: Meet My New Love! -- Lynn posted hot bikini pic after hot bikini pic from a birthday trip to Puerto Rico, and now the life-long Republican has adopted a three-legged Labrador from Pet Haven Rescue and named her Ivanka.
The third suspect wanted in the robberies, kidnappings targeted at white students in SC has been arrested : news
FLORIDUH Man Draws Samurai Sword and Threatens to Kill Drivers in Road Rage Incident!
Baltimore prosecutor tosses 34 cases after officer seen planting evidence : news
Man arrested for using $2 bills at Best Buy : videos
The Worst Internet In America | FiveThirtyEight - 39 percent of rural Americans -- 23 million people -- don't have access (so they watch Fox)
NFL Still Owes More Than Half Its Brain-Research Pledge | HuffPost - In reality, the league maintained veto power over how the money was spent, according to ESPN.
NFL ending partnership with the National Institute of Health on concussion study : news
Grocery stores are adapting to more male shoppers -- whom they treat like knuckleheads
Pot shops In Someone Else's Backyard? Not Quite (MA lumbers toward pot armageddon)
User describes their long-term relationship with marijuana and their decision to quit despite it being comfortable. "A life of feeling silly and relaxed forever is one that I just narrowly avoided." : bestof
She thought she was Irish until a DNA test opened a 100-year-old mystery - The Washington Post
What is something that everyone treats as normal but is actually really messed up? : AskReddit
How do you know you're in a healthy relationship? : AskReddit - rather than chasing? my better half I made myself into a whole person
What unsolved mystery are you obsessed with? : AskReddit
What is a proven fact, that people still refuse to believe? : AskReddit
So these two Photos were taken 28 days, 44lbs and 0 haircuts apart from each other. A good start to a better life. : pics Customer reviews: sugarless gummi bears (see top comment: hellbears)
There's a 99% chance this place is infested with vampires (xpost r/evilbuildings) : funny
World's Richest Person Escapes Scrutiny From His Own Paper -- and its Rivals
North Korea launches ballistic missile: : news
Disqualified By Court, Pakistan's Prime Minister Steps Down
Hamburg stabbing: Knife-wielding man kills in supermarket | Daily Mail Online
Border officers appeared to encourage teen to drink from bottle containing liquid meth : news
Reinced'd Out (updates and more updates)
Reince Priebus Pushed Out After Rocky Tenure as Trump Chief of Staff - The New York Times
Trump names Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly as White House chief of staff, ousting Reince Priebus - The Washington Post -- Last time a General was COS: Al Haig during Watergate.
Shane Harris on Twitter: "A DHS spokesman tells me the department has received "no guidance" on who is now the acting secretary of homeland security." (how things happen in Trumpland)
Someone leaked Scaramucci's plan to confront Priebus about his leaks - Business Insider
Anthony Scaramucci's wife files for divorce -- has been dumped by his beautiful blond wife because of his "maked political ambition" ... after three years of marriage after getting fed up with his ruthless quest to get close to President Trump, whom she despises.
Trump Has Not Yet Begun to Lose
Onion Fact Checks: Anthony Scaramucci's 'New Yorker' Interview
There are three branches of government, and two are in distress - The Washington Post
The Russians Were Involved. But It Wasn't About Collusion (just a little "destabilization" but Don Jr. thought he as "colludingj")
What do we do if Trump really is crazy? - The Washington Post
This is what you get when you elect Republicans - The Washington Post (Waldman)
"Everyone thinks he was whacked" -- The US government ruled Mikhail Lesin's death an accident, but multiple intelligence and law enforcement officials suspect it was a Russian hit. The government is withholding information so today BuzzFeed News has filed a lawsuit to pry the records loose. (he beat himself up and then died)
Sally Yates: Protect the Justice Department From President Trump - The New York Times
Russia investigation delves into Trump's most guarded business secrets (what Trump is really worried about)
Trump job approval swings lower | TheHill - At 83 percent, Republicans still overwhelmingly approve of the job Trump is doing, but only 40 percent of independents approve. Trump is at 54 percent approval among white voters, 32 percent among Latinos and 12 percent among black voters. (racist idiots love him)
US Senate healthcare repeal bill fails : news
Taking Stock Of Trumpcare's Epic Collapse -- For all the whining, special pleading, CBO-bashing and just straight up lying, it was just crystal clear that every version of Trumpcare would harm millions and in most cases tens of millions of people in order to provide some greater flexibility for a dramatically lower number of people and a big tax cut for a tiny percentage of the population
Eschaton: Well The Old Bastard Did It - Calculated to get maximum MAVERICK points and hog all the credit from the lady senators, but McCain killed the bill.
McCain'ss Moment -- The John McCain the country had been waiting for finally showed up early Friday morning.
What McCain did was hard. What Murkowski and Collins did was much harder. - Vox
These Two Women Senators Are The Real 'Mavericks' Of The GOP Health Care Vote | HuffPost - McCain cast the unexpected vote, but Murkowski and Collins never wavered.
John McCain saved Republicans from themselves by killing Obamacare repeal bill - Business Insider
An American Hero - Lawyers, Guns & Money : McConnell grimly staring at the floor, refusing to look at McCain? The giddy expressions from Bernie and Gillibrand as they realize one of the most reprehensible bills with a serious chance of being passed by the United States Congress is dead?
Saving the ACA - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The vote early this morning joins the passage of the ACA itself and Obergefell v. Hodges as the most important achievements of American progressive activism of the 21st century: The ACA might well have been saved my a margin of 1,000 votes in New Hampshire (the hillbillies came very close to screwing themselves and everybody else)
Mr Pin hated the sight of Charlie trying to be clever. It was like watching a dog try to play the trombone -- The ambulatory pile of orange peels can't even perform basic math. If the complexities of the U.S. legislative process were any further above his blow-dried head, they'd be bumping against Mars.
John Harwood on Twitter: "As Senate health bill collapses, Trump takes credit for winning over most Republicans: "would have been 48-4. impressive by any standard"" (dumbest pres ever)
Eschaton: We Will Not Let You Go - A few years back we would have all been spending our time shouting obscenities at Joe Manchin and some group of preening "moderates" on the Dem side who would be parading around garnering attention for the profoundly difficult decision they were going to make... any day... For whatever reason, that wasn't the dynamic this time. So that's good.
Eschaton: Turtle Tears - While some Republicans think it'll build the starving puppy's character if you throw it outside to fend for itself, and some think the starving puppy deserves to be put down for eyeing their dinner table a bit too greedily, Mitch seems to be the kind of guy who wants to kick the puppy just because.
House Republicans despair after health care collapse - POLITICO
I do not know how to convey how appalling the GOP's health care process or policy is -- There is something very wrong with the Republican Party right now. (well no shit and it isn't just "right now")
Trump just delivered the most chilling speech of his presidency - Vox - The president of the United States is explicitly encouraging police violence.
Donald Trump Endorses Police Brutality In Speech To Cops | HuffPost
I'm A Trans Veteran And I Fought For Your Right To Hate Me | HuffPost
What Trump Doesn't Understand About the Military - Before this week's trans ban, he tried to use the armed forces in the healthcare debate. - Trump had effectively just ordered the entire US military to engage in a partisan political effort. In this case he ordered them to try to influence the United States Congress to accomplish his own personal and partisan political plan.
Eschaton: Maybe There Could Be A Special American Gladiator To Determine If Rinse or Jeffy Jeff Goes First -- Sources close to Trump say that he is "done with" his Chief of Staff, Reince Priebus, but hasn't decided whether to fire him
Trump "loved" Scaramucci's quotes -- but he hates being upstaged (mini-Trump)
Why Anthony Scaramucci's Rant Probably Ticked Off the FBI -- Former federal prosecutors say Scaramucci inadvertently accused FBI agents of breaking the law ... federal law enforcement officials have actually been leaking to him -- about which White House staffers are leaking. Really.
Scaramucci's tirade -- Healthcare's dramatic nightlong coverage -- N.Y. Times is failing up ... Pulitzer Prize winning journalist James Risen is taking a New York Times buyout ... And legendary New York Times book reviewer and Pulitzer Prize winner Michiko Kakutani is stepping down
You want it darker - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Trump says that he's okay with police being rougher on arrested suspects, such as hitting their head on police car. Crowd of police cheers. -- This is what Richard Nixon would have sounded like in 1970 if you subtracted 40 IQ points. That the cops cheered is a lot more disturbing than what the sociopath in chief ranted.
Wasserman Schultz Avoiding Reporters Since Aw | The Daily Caller
Congressional IT staffer charged with home equity loan fraud : news
Tobacco Shares Plunge After FDA Proposes Cut to Cigarette Nicotine - Bloomberg - Goal is to cut nicotine to nonaddictive levels, FDA say
Mississippi man freed after 11 years in jail without a trial : news (they literally threw away the key)
Why? The question that still hangs over Justine Damond's killing | US news | The Guardian - The shooting of the Australian by police in Minneapolis has ousted a senior officer and invigorated brutality protests but family, friends and two nations are still waiting
California law enforcement officials say they've made arrests in what they believe to be one of the largest human trafficking cases in the western U.S. : news
News from The Associated Press - Three people have been charged with pimping eight teens for commercial sex work in a ring that operated in California, Nevada and Texas, authorities said Thursday. (large. very large)
Couple caught in financial spiral jump to their deaths -- The bodies of 53-year-old chiropractor Glenn Scarpelli and his wife, 50-year-old, Patricia Colant, were found in the middle of the street on 33rd Street between Park and Madison avenues in Murray Hill after the pair jumped from the ninth-floor window of a 17-story corner office building on Madison Avenue at about 5:45 a.m., police said
Arkansas Cop Kills 16-Year-Old Aries Clark Outside Youth Center | HuffPost - I never expected not to see my son again -- Arkansas State Police told the publication that an officer with the Marion Police Department shot Clark at 7 p.m., moments after arriving (gunz blazing)
Cops Hunt For Serial Rapist Wanted In 13 Assaults Of College Women | HuffPost - Authorities in Kansas say they've linked a 2015 attempted sexual assault to a serial rapist who terrorized the college towns of Manhattan and Lawrence nearly a decade ago.
Eschaton: How About A Bus But It's Like A Taxi And Somehow We Make Money And Replace The Subway - Of course not.
Pitfalls abound as state readies pot oversight agency - The Boston Globe (House delayed 8 months waiting for Session to outloaw pot)
Major natural gas leak prompts evacuations in Kendall Square
Major League Baseball Has A Cocaine Problem | HuffPost (you know who else has a coke problem?)
Chester Bennington's Wife Releases Heartbreaking Statement Following His Death | HuffPost - Talinda Bennington, Chester Bennington's wife and mother to three of his six children
TIL Cats are thought to be primarily responsible for the extinction of 33 species of birds. : todayilearned
Science AMA Series: I'm Cecilia Dhejne a fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine, from the Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden. I'm here to talk about transgender health, suicide rates, and my often misinterpreted study. Ask me anything! : science
Fact check: study shows transition makes trans people suicidal
Myths About Transition Regrets | HuffPost
Scientists discover key building block of life on Saturn's moon Titan
Toddlers as young as 17 months can not only tell who is socially dominant, but also anticipate that the dominant person will receive more rewards : science
Why do some people have good sense of direction while other don't? Do we know how the brain differs in such people? : askscience
My son picked out his own back to school shirt. : funny
Reddit, what's become clear to you as you've gotten older? : AskReddit
TIL the 1st Tenet of the Satanic Temple is "One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason." : todayilearned
What is a big NO-NO during intercourse? : AskReddit (worth it)
What is the Pettiest Thing You've Seen Someone Fired For? : AskReddit
Hiring managers of Reddit, what's your favorite "They were perfect until we Googled them" story? : AskReddit
The FCC Just Got Sued Again -- Now for Withholding Records About Its Alleged DDoS Attack
Eschaton - I do not like these people who are critical of America's greatest man, and America's most generous giver of campaign consultant salaries. ... Here, on a quiet street of modest bungalows, Nicole and her husband Victor, who also works at a Facebook cafeteria, live in a two-car garage with their children, aged nine, eight and four. (you've been zuckerfucked)
CIA hacking tools for Mac OS and Linux exposed by WikiLeaks : news
ELI5: .rar .zip .7z etc why are there so many ways to compress files? Is there a meaningful difference between them from the end users perspective? : explainlikeimfive
West Virginia Tries To Improve Broadband Competition, Incumbent ISPs Immediately Sue : technology (Cambridge sued itself)
The U.S. and Central America - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- U.S. foreign policy has been pretty horrendous for most of the world. While in the 19th century, the nation generally kept to itself, happy having already turned millions of Africans into a slave labor force (although wanting more, always more African slave laborers) and committing genocide against its own indigenous population ...
Trump may veto Russia sanctions bill that seeks to restrain his power - The Washington Post
Gaming out a Trump impeachment - Lawyers, Guns & Money
People in the military are less than enthusiastic about receiving orders delivered by Tweet - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Justice Department Just Argued Against Gay Rights In A Major Federal Case - Lawyers under Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in federal court that a 1964 civil rights law does not protect a gay employee from discrimination. (call Caitlyn Jenner)
Growing GOP backlash to transgender troop ban underscores Trump's political miscalculation
Assessing the Implications of Allowing Transgender Personnel to Serve Openly | RAND
Transgender airman: I would like to see them try to kick me out of my military
The Note: Transgender troops in turmoil after Trump bans them - ABC News
Transgender Basics - Gender Identity Project (GIP) - YouTube
Science AMA Series: We are two medical professionals and the transgender patient advocate from Fenway Health in Boston. We are passionate about the importance of gender-affirming care to promote overall health in this population. Ask us anything about hormone therapy, surgery, and primary care! : science
Megathread: Trump Announces Ban on Transgender Military Service : politics
Eschaton: He Loves The Gay In His Heart - The media does this for every conservative bigot who isn't actually parading around in Klan robes.
Lawyers upon lawyers upon lawyers: In Trump World, everyone has an attorney. - The Washington Post
Kasie Hunt on Twitter: "DELAYED: Hearing to confirm a series of nominees to Zinke's Interior. Murkowski also controls Interior $$ via approps subcom chair"
Female senators are increasingly on receiving end of insults from male officials - The Washington Post
Today In Moderate [sic] Republicans - Lawyers, Guns & Money : So, to review: Dean Heller, legislative SUPERGENIUS, put forward a symbolic resolution with the apparent goal of convincing himself that you can be a good person and like Medicaid even when voting to massively cut it. It failed by 80 votes because the vast majority of the Republican conference hates Medicaid and is very happy to cut it.
Trump administration threatens retribution against Alaska over Murkowski health votes - Alaska Dispatch News -- 'I'm not going to go into the details, but I fear that the strong economic growth, pro-energy, pro-mining, pro-jobs and personnel from Alaska who are part of those policies are going to stop" (suck if up, suckers)
Donald Trump Is Reportedly Seeking Revenge On Alaska Over Health Care Vote | HuffPost - Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) voted no on GOP efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act this week.
Here's A National Single-Payer Health Care Plan That Would Work
Trump talks privately about the idea of a recess appointment to replace Sessions - The Washington Post
Senate Republicans have tolerated Trump's controversies. His treatment of Sessions is different. (swear loyalty to the god-king)
The norms of government are collapsing before our eyes - The Washington Post - On both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, we are witnessing a collapse of the norms of governing, constant violations of our legitimate expectations of political leaders, and the mutation of the normal conflicts of democracy into a form of warfare that demands the opposition unconditional surrender
Steve Bannon Pushing For 44 Percent Marginal Tax Rate On The Very Rich - The top rate is now 39.6 percent and most Republicans have been planning to lower it significantly as part of tax reform
Why Did Jared Kushner Download an Encrypted, Disappearing Message App? - Splinter has confirmed that Kushner downloaded an encrypted messaging application that permits users to send disappearing messages. The app, Signal,
Kansas Gov. Brownback nominated as ambassador at large for religious freedom - POLITICO - While in the Senate, in particular, Brownback focused on religious freedom and helped shape the International Religious Freedom Act, which passed in 1998. (freedom for the Church of Trump)
The Darkness and the Rot ... This seems most palpably the case with the political evangelical community with which Trump has maintained, since early in his campaign, a profound and profoundly cynical mutual embrace. Here I use the term advisedly: I don't mean evangelical Christians or even conservative evangelical Christians but the evangelical right political faction, which is distinct and different. (that distinction has no difference, they all bear the Mark of the Beast) )
Kenneth Starr: Mr. President, please cut it out - The Washington Post - An honorable man whom I have known since his days as a U.S. attorney in Alabama, Jeff Sessions has recently become your piqata in one of the most outrageous --- and profoundly misguided -- courses of presidential conduct I have witnessed in five decades in and around the nation's captital (which white nationalist racist to support?)
Anthony Scaramucci'S vulgar New Yorker interview is beyond words
W.H. Communications Director's "vulgar" interview on leaking : news
Anthony Scaramucci Suggests Reince Priebus Is Leaking Info To The Press - "If Reince wants to explain that he's not a leaker, let him do that"
The Trump White House just went full reality TV - The Washington Post
Anthony Scaramucci as 'That Guy' from 'Futurama': : The newest Trump-era meme
Scaramucci claims 'felony' over report of public disclosures ... 'leak' ... 'felony' ... despite the forms being publicly accessible. (off to a good start)
'Those are public records, my dude': Internet howls after Scaramucci accuses Priebus of leaking his disclosure forms
Newt Gingrich: White House communications director Scaramucci has been 'divisive,' 'full of himself' (said the expert)
Trumpism Distilled -- This swaggering move is classic, over-the-top Trumpite aggression and dominance games.
Honor and dignity - Lawyers, Guns & Money : "Remember Joe Paterno? What would he say? Act like you've been there before. Act with honor and dignity and respect and hold the confidence of the presidency and his office" Joe Paterno was a conscious child rape enabler, who was directly responsible for the rapes of dozens of children. (today in Repubican role-models)
Trump dines with Sean Hannity, former Fox executive Bill Shine and Scaramucci - The Washington Post (in case you had any doubts)
For Those Who Have Not Yet Been Victimized - Lawyers, Guns & Money : believe this asshole is our vice-president. -- "young, nubile 18 year old men and women" (demented hands of Satan)
The Poor Man - Falling Reentlistment Rates Among Right Wing Pundits Threaten War on Terror (2005: chickenshits for getting other people killed)
Look, It's Time to Collectively and Officially Give Up on Ivanka Trump ... "Ivanka might be the least influential Presidential advisor in history." (Trump doesn't take "advice" from anyone)
Ivanka Trump on Her Signature Issue | The New Yorker
Labor's Future
Beltway Erections - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Everyone watch out! Cillizza is getting hot and bothered with a new fantasy! (Cillizard: Joe Scarborouh 2020!)
Enthusiastic, prolific, simplistic Chris Cillizza reaches new heights - Columbia Journalism Review - Chris Cillizza might be the only person in America who can have goofy fun talking about Trumpcare, Russian election interference, and the emoluments clause.
The Public Editor's Club at The New York Times as told by the six who lived it (and yeah, Bill Keller was an asshole and Baquet helped Trump get elected)
Michiko Kakutani, the Legendary Book Critic and the Most Feared Woman in Publishing, Is Stepping Down from The New York Times | Vanity Fair -- Kakutani joins dozens of other Times employees who have opted to take voluntary buyouts as the Times implements a plan, as I wrote about earlier this week, to free up budget for some 100 additional reporters.
Colleges should change how they handle sexual assault - The Washington Post -- A higher burden of proof is necessary, and so are more robust procedures to ensure that proceedings are fair, balanced and transparent ... Due process must be the core component of any campus adjudicatory system.
These college students lost access to legal pot -- and started getting better grades ... those banned from cannabis cafes had a more than 5 percent increase in their odds of passing their courses. Low performing students benefited even more,
Legalise cannabis as treatment of last resort for MS, says charity - MS Society says there is sufficient evidence of drug's effectiveness to relax ban for patients with no other options
Why Are Transgender People Immune To Optical Illusions? | Slate Star Codex
Massachusetts: 9-year-old faces charges after Alexa records his voice during break-in : news
The ancestors and descendants of the Canaanites, a people referenced throughout the Bible, has been identified. Modern Lebanese people can attribute about 93% of their ancestry to Canaan. : science
Devonmartino comments on Ben "dover for Trump" Garrison back in 2014. The irony is stunning.
Angles in Paradise | Architecture | Seven Days | Vermont's Independent Voice - Vermont's design/build legacy
What's a strange feature of your home? : AskReddit
Woman fired after being caught on video threatening to kill a group of Somali women in a Walmart parking lot. : news
Woman who threatened to 'kill all of ya' Somali Americans will be fired | Grand Forks Herald - Hensley, whose Twitter account expresses support for President Trump, commented on Facebook about the video, identifying herself and apologizing to the women.
A guy in a gym hiting a speedbag so fast it makes passerbys and others stop their workouts and watch in awe... All while making a beat with his punches. : videos
What is the trashiest thing you've ever witnessed? [NSFW] : AskReddit
'Honey, you've been scammed' she was told. She lost her home of 30 years.
Martin Shkreli told 'ies upon lies,' prosecutors tell Brooklyn jury in closing statements in securities fraud trial
Prosecutor: Martin Shkreli repeatedly lied to investors : news
Pakistan village council orders 'revenge rape' of girl : news
Eschaton: Hard Work - The Brexiteers are a bit like the geniuses they sent to Iraq to do things like set up a stock exchange. No idea what the real issues are or how to deal with them. (as they walked stupidly off the cliff)
Trump Finds Reason for the U.S. to Remain in Afghanistan: Minerals - The New York Times -- Dyncorp ... "The old expression "Too the victor belongs the spoils" Mr Trump declared. "You remember?" (and Trump vowed to "spoil" everything
American Torture Architects Cite Nazi Contractors in Lawsuit Defense - Torture drives people mad. This is not a truth limited to its victims. (the old Nazi contractors defense)
Everything That's Happened Since A Bunch Of YouTubers Got A Ship To Stop Refugees Getting To Europe - Generation Identity is part of a larger movement called the Identitarian Movement, which started in France in 2002
Newly declassified memos detail extent of improper Obama-era NSA spying | TheHill - improperly searching and disseminating raw intelligence on Americans or failing to promptly delete unauthorized intercepts (thanks, Barry)
Russia Warns of "Painful' Trump Backs U.S. Sanctions (will shut down McD's and that will really hurt)
The standoff between Trump and Sessions escalates - The Washington Post
Jeff Sessions won't take Terump's hint
A Trump Tower of Absolute Folly - The New York Times (Douthat)
Eschaton: Everybody Gets A Lawyer - ome will be able to afford them, and some not so much. -- Ivanka Trump will retain criminal defense lawyer Abbe Lowell to counsel her in the ongoing Russia probe, according to the National Law Journal.
Senate Votes Down Broad Obamacare Repeal - The New York Times
How Each Senator Voted on Full Obamacare Repeal-and-Replace - The New York Times (list of Satanic cult members)
There Is No End to the Republicans' Lies -- GOP senators vowed not to consider Obamacare repeal without a satisfactory replacement, and yet, that is exactly what they're doing now
The Senate's Health Care Travesty
Easy. Easy Like Sunday Morning. - Lawyers, Guns & Money : And all evidence suggests that the media will continue to present reactionaries like Portman and Capito as moderates even after they inflict untold misery on their constituents, so win/win!
And of course there'll be xenophobic torture porn - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Between January 22 and April 29, ICE made 10,800 "non-criminal" arrests" compared to just 4,200 during the same period in 2016. There are many examples of families who have been separated in these instances.(Trump's going to more than double the last deporter-in-chiefs record, bigly and beautifully)
Abolish ICE - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Immigration and Customs Enforcement is a fascist police force engaging in widescale ethnic cleansing of the United States. Now that Trump and Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (and I don't care that Trump is bullying Sessions. That racist elf deserves everything that happens to him) have given ICE agents free run to be the racist strike force many of its employees want to be, they have acted wtih impunity.
U.S. Muslims Concerned About Their Place in Society, but Continue to Believe in the American Dream | Pew Research Center -- nearly two-thirds of Muslim Americans say they are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the U.S. today. And about three-quarters say Donald Trump is unfriendly toward Muslims in America. (and don't think Obama was good for them either)
Pickles - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - arah Huckabee Sanders doesn't answer questions. She reads letters from little boys named "Pickles." This is where we are now.
Eschaton: John McCain Is Actually America's Greatest American - There is nothing more mavericky then having journalists praise you all day for a speech claiming you'd vote against the bill then voting for it.
Beloved Puppet of Republican Leadership Offers More Meaningless Words - Lawyers, Guns & Money : So, so courageous! Bucking a president of his own party, yet! So mavericky! (also voted against gays in military of course) -- Give a big speech condemning what you yourself just did; and vowing not to do something you then turn around and do. And you're now the Greatest American
Disgrace - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Here we go. -- The United States Government will not accept or allow ... (comment: "The wingnut claim is that moochers are flocking to the military just to get free gender-reassignment surgery. Remember the monetary argument against gay marriage, that it was going to bankrupt everyone because millions of AIDS patients would marry to get on your employee health plan? It's a bit like that, though maybe not as murderously cruel."
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "....Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military. Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming.... victory "
Donald Trump Says Transgender People Won't Be Allowed To Serve In Military | HuffPost - after consultation with my Generals and military experts.
Trump just kicked transgender troops out of the military. This one ugly quote says it all. - The Washington Post -- "Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail." (will force Debbie Stabenow to defend queers and Kid Rock will win)
Before Trump banned transgender people from serving in military, here's who praised him as pro-LGBTQ (the media loved his lies, the base knew better +another example of anti-knowledge propagated by your media)
Kristin Beck, transgender Navy SEAL hero: 'Let's meet face to face and you tell me I'm not worthy'
Trump Tweets Ban on Transgender Military Service, Surprising Pentagon - Trans rights in the right hands were moving in the right direction. Not anymore. (Make American Hate Even More Again)
Why the Scariest Nuclear Threat May Be Coming from Inside the White House | Vanity Fair - Rick Perry, once campaigned to abolish the $30 billion agency that he now runs, which oversees everything from our nuclear arsenal to the electrical grid. (burdensome regulations on nuclear meltdowns)
As Interior Secretary Swaggers Through Parks, His Staff Rolls Back Regulations - The New York Times (and firing people who know stuff)
Awkward Dinner Conversations | First Draft - Two things. The first is this thread, which will teach you more about what's really at the heart of Trump's support than a thousand New York anthropological examinations of Midwestern noble savages ever could ... Shit had gotten awkward at dinner, for John McCain and for a lot of the wealthier supporters of Trump and his merry band of blithering GOP dicksmacks.
Many Republicans Doubt Clinton Won Popular Vote - Morning Consult -- 47 percent of Republican voters said Trump outpaced Clinton -- despite her nearly 2.9 million-vote advantage after all the states certified their election results ... Nearly half of people who said they voted for Trump (49 percent) said he won the popular vote (can't fix stupid)
Oops! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Last week, US Department of Energy Secretary Rick Perry took a phone call from two men he thought were the Ukrainian Prime Minister and his translator. But the 22-minute-long phone call was actually two Russian pranksters,
The Minimum Wage - Lawyers, Guns & Money : This is a good overview of where we are at now with the minimum wage. Like everything else, it is a tale of two parties with no room for compromise.
If the Answer is a Specific Leader, It's the Wrong Answer - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Wasserman Schultz aide arrested trying to leave the country - POLITICO - Imran Awan, a House staffer at the center of a criminal investigation potentially affecting dozens of Democratic lawmakers, has been arrested on a bank fraud charge and is prevented from leaving the country while the charge is pending.
Law enforcement comes out against Texas "bathroom bill" | The Texas Tribune -- big-city police chiefs
The future of fake news: don't believe everything you read, see or hear | Technology | The Guardian
Bundy follower gets 68 years for role in armed Nevada standoff : news
Officers kill man with no active warrants in wrong house : news (went in with guns blazing)
nmates: Michigan prisoner killed by cellmate for being gay, guards ignored repeated pleas for help : news
Judge: Police must return $10,000 to motorist : news
111 N.F.L. Brains. All But One Had C.T.E. - The New York Times - A neuropathologist has examined the brains of 111 N.F.L. players -- and 110 were found to have C.T.E., the degenerative disease linked to repeated blows to the head. (ban fucking football)
Princeton's new 'men's engagement manager' to combat aggressive masculinity on campus -- The job posting implicitly refers to men as perpetrators and women as victims. (because that never happens)
How 'seeds' and super-hot gas could take down the $80 billion diamond industry
A solar eclipse is coming to America. Here's what you'll see where you live
Mark Zuckerberg thinks AI fearmongering is bad. Elon Musk thinks Zuckerberg doesn't know waht he's talking about (omg the ruler of Mars is called an "Elon" see comments +nominative determinism)
Ketamine has 'truly remarkable' effect on depression and is effective in elderly patients, scientists say : news
Quantum tunneling isn't instantaneous, a study in Physical Review Letters shows. Electrons took about 100 attoseconds to tunnel through what should have been impenetrable barriers. : science
The sound illusion that makes Dunkirk so intense - Vox Video : movies (Shapard Tone)
What's the least cheating-like thing you consider cheating in a relationship? : AskReddit
Apple must pay $506M for infringing university's patent: University of Wisconsin may collect $4.35 apiece for millions of iPads and iPhones : news
Senator Wyden Argues FCC Is Either Incompetent Or Lying About Alleged DDoS Attack | Techdirt
When Does the Climate Crisis Start? Now.
Science division of White House office left empty as last staffers depart - CBS News -- "Science division out. Mic drop'
The CIA is entering a danger zone. Here's the map
Trump blasts 'fabricated' Syria story, appears to confirm covert CIA program
House passes Russia sanctions bill, setting up veto dilemma for Trump - The Washington Post
Manafort to answer questions, share notes with Senate investigators - politico
Trump's Tuesday Twitter tirade, explained (gets up, has a snort, and goes ballistic by 8am)
A quick guide to President Trump's false Twitter claims today
Trump renews Twitter attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions - The Washington Post
Trump messes with Sessions and senators are not pleased | McClatchy Washington Bureau
Why President Trump suddenly hates his attorney general - Vox - ... feud isn't about personalities. It's about whether the AG should protect him and go after his opponents.
Rumors abound about other imminent White House firings and resignations - The Washington Post
Rex Tillerson Is 'Taking a Little Time Off' From His Job as Secretary of State
This is not okay - The Washington Post - Yet even more alarming than the president's assault on his own attorney general is Mr. Trump's return to the "lock her up" theme of his 2016 campaign
This column brought to you by the 'Amazon Washington Post'
Trump: What would happen if I fired Sessions?
From 'fake media' to Clinton, Trump brings political attacks to the Scout Jamboree - "more loyalty"
Boos for Obama as Trump speaks at Boy Scout jamboree | TheHill
America's Golden Age of Stupidity -- George W. Bush had the War on Terror. Donald Trump has the War on Truth. (Make Stupid Great Again)
Jared Kushner: Boy wizard or total ignoramus? - The Washington Post
Jared Kushner's Russia Statement Throws Donald Trump Jr. Under the Bus
Psychiatry group tells members they can defy 'Goldwater rule' and comment of Trump's mental health
Trump Planning to Get Rid Of Sessions Because He's Not Aubhritarian Enough
Trumpcare Is the Worst-Designed Social Policy in History
Eschaton: America 2017, The Novel - A rich 80 year old man with brain cancer and socialized medicine flies to DC, against the advice of doctors, to make sure young people don't have health care, to support a president who had mocked him for being a POW.
It's Happening
"There must be some way out of here, said the joker to the thief
The Price of John McCain's Republican Loyalty
The Company Behind Many Surprise Emergency Room Bills - The New York Times - The hospital had been struggling to find doctors to work in its E.R., and turning to EmCare was something hundreds of other hospitals across the country had done.
San Antonio driver says he didnn't know immigrants were in truck
The Agony and the Anxiety of The New York Times | Vanity Fair - Despite a historic run, unease is now gripping the paper as a large-scale reorganization (physical, personnel, and psychic) looms. "The mood at the paper is poisonous in a way I've never seen it in the past 15 years," as one editor put it -- In the reorganization, the copy desk is being eliminated as a freestanding entity.
Sean Hannity asked people to bash Jake Tapper on Twitter. Most did just the opposite. - The Washington Post
Fox News no longer America's most-watched primetime cable network : news - he average age of a Fox viewer is 70.
The Twilight of Fox News - The Atlantic
/u/ohaioohio addresses the accusation that "both parties are pretty much the same" by listing Republican and Democrat voting records on numerous issues popular with reddit, eg Net Neutrality, money in politics etc : bestof
Finally, White People are Outraged about Police Violence - Lawyers, Guns & Money
OPINION: Something is not right here and we need to talk about it | Opinion |
Ninety-five percent of women who have had abortions do not regret the decision to terminate their pregnancies, according to a study published last week in the multidisciplinary academic journal PLOS ONE. : science
Drinking alcohol boosts our recall of earlier learning, new study suggests : science
In the US, New Zealand, Greece, and Iceland, prevalence of the overfat condition is at an alarmingly high rate of over 90% in adult males and up to 50% in children. : science
If the lepton anomalies (electron/tau/muon production rates) hold true, what happens next? : askscience
Transgender Health AMA Series: I'm Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy, Medical Director of the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children's Hospital. here to answer your questions on patient care for transyouth! AMA!
Walmart loss prevention stops shopper who paid for all her items and accuses her of theft. : videos
She can't be serious : WTF
Afghanistan: dozens dead in Kabul bombing targeting government workers | World news | The Guardian - The attack mainly killed employees of the Afghan ministry of mines and petroleum, according to Kabul police
French philosopher Dufourmantelle drowns rescuing children : news
At 15, she joined ISIS after converting to Islam. Now this German teen wants to go home. - The Washington Post
Five injured in chainsaw attack in Swiss town | World news | The Guardian - Old town of Schaffhausen has been sealed off as police search for perpetrator of the attack -- Franz Wrousis, 51, went on a rampage (against insurance co)
Medical school in Turkey refuses to publish a scientific research due to a reference to evolution : news
New York Times requests apology from Fox on ISIS story - politico - "The Failing New York Times foiled U.S. attempt to kill the single most wanted terrorist, al-Baghdadi" Trump tweeted (hey he saw it on Fox)
Impeach Trump? Poll shows Americans split 42%-42% on removing president
Trump Has Averaged 50% or Higher Job Approval in 17 States | Gallup (W.Va at 60% approval, the stupidest of the stupid states, VT and MA win at 29% but still) )
Trump by the NYT : pics
Trump leaves Sessions twisting in the wind while berating him publicly - The Washington Post - "our beleaguered A.G" and asking why Sessions was not looking into Crooked Hillary's crimes & Russia relations? ("beleagured" by Trump)
Rex Tillerson Debates Quitting After 'Unprofessional' Trump Bashes Jeff Sessions (Rexit)
Rudy Giuliani: Jeff Sessions 'made the right decision' to recuse from Russia probe
A chill across the executive branch - - Rexit
Jared Kushner's 'I did not collude' statement, parsed
Why Jared Kushner is a central piece of the Trump-Russia puzzle - The Washington Post
Kushner's damning account: At the very least, he's in over his head ... He claims he arrived just late enough to miss the incriminating part of the meeting. Trump Jr. admitted in his second statement - Jennifer Rubin
CNN analyst rips Kushner's ustatement to shreds: He's going to solve the Middle East but can't fill out forms
Jared Kushner just threw Donald Trump Jr. under the bus. Bigly. - The Washington Post
Jared Kushner sealed real estate deal with oligarch's firm cited in money-laundering case | US news | The Guardian - son-in-law bought part of old New York Times building from Soviet-born tycoon, Guardian investigation into Russian money in NYC property market finds
Kushner to detail four meetings with Russian officials in congressional testimony, but says 'I did not collude' (it was just a little business deal)
'I did Not Collude,' Kushner Says in Prepared Remarks to Senators (read from script in 'interview' not testimony
The Trump/Ryan/McConnell War on the Rule of Law - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money
Speaker Ryan: Mueller is 'anything but' a Dem partisan (not the Trump line)
Jason Chaffetz: Why is Congress questioning Jared Kushner -- and not Chelsea Clinton for Benghazi? (he gets big money for being insane)
Today's Innovation in Anti-Anti Trump Discourse (Taibbi followed Greenwald into the night) comments: "Wait, so al Qaeda or ISIS are existential threats but Russia is NBD? Huh?" "It's hard for me to get past "Russians are white."
The Mystery of Ezra Cohen-Watnick - The Atlantic - Thirty-one year old Ezra Cohen-Watnick holds the intelligence portfolio on the National Security Council -- but almost everything about him is a mystery. (Jewish Kushnerite)
Stripping Health Insurance From 23 Million People to Pay For Upper-Class Tax Cuts Is So Mavericky - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Burgess Everett on Twitter: "Cornyn says they are trying to get doctor approval for McCain to come back tomorrow for healthcare vote (!)"
Senate Republicans plan to plow ahead with health-care vote this week - The Washington Post
GOP congressman blames health care struggles on 'repugnant' Republican 'female senators' -- Rep. Blake Farenthold suggested he'd ike to resolve things with a gunfight. (R-TX) (and speaking of repugnant)
Will McConnell Be Willing to Destroy the Filibuster to Pass TrumpCare? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : apparently his only option: (nah, just get rid of women voting)
Trump's DOJ gears up for crackdown on marijuana -- will link marijuana to violent crime and recommend tougher sentences for those caught growing, selling and smoking the plant.
The Kook, 'the Mooch' and the Loot (you forgot the 'the Loon') No one is concerned with the truth; they are only concerned with their own trajectories. Nothing about this White House communications department was ever about communicating. On the contrary, it has always been about deception, concealment and equivocation.
Eschaton: Sadly, No - Sometimes you say things in order to make them more likely to happen, but I hope Dems don't actually believe this. "If Trump were to fire Mueller, that is to me the straw that breaks the camel's back. I think at that point you're going to have large numbers of Republicans saying we need to start impeachment proceedings." (hahaha)
?Exclusive: Trump ponders Rudy Giuliani for attorney general - Axios (perfect) xsy
Schumer Rips Hillary: Don't Blame Comey or Russia, 'Blame Yourself' (sure, Chuckie)
If donations to Democrats mean you're anti-Trump, the White House is in very deep trouble
Hey, Trump country! Stop being so smug. He is unlikely to soothe your anger. - The Washington Post - After reading the latest op-ed for The Post from Gary Abernathy, publisher and editor of the (Hillsboro, Ohio) Times-Gazette, (Greg thinks rural people aren't distracted by "Russia hysteria" because they are the only hard workers and don't have time to think like "east-coast liberals and elites" but they had time to be very worried about Hillary's emailz)
No More Mister Nice Blog: A FAKE-NEWS PRO-KID ROCK POLL? - Right-wing media outlets are crowing about a new poll showing Kid Rock (aka Robert Ritchie) with a lead over Democratic incumbent Debbie Stabenow in the 2018 Michigan Senate race. The poll is from a previously unknown firm called Delphi Analytica. (rise of the Republikan celebrity candidate fed by fake polls)
The Republican's growth plan doesn't add up. That's an opening for Democrats ... a "validator" document (validating their own lies)
Does the opening predict a wave? - So far, 105 different Republican incumbents have Democratic challengers
Trump wishes Reince would take the hint - Axios - A much-discussed question at the top of the White House: just what magnitude of indignity would it take for Chief of Staff Reince Priebus to resign? (none, there is none.)
A Veteran ICE Agent, Disillusioned with the Trump Era, Speaks Out | The New Yorker
San Antonio driver could face death penalty over death of 10 migrants | US news | The Guardian - James Matthew Bradley Jr, 60, faces charges of illegally transporting migrants for financial gain after authorities discovered eight bodies in a tractor-trailer
Colorado unemployment rate continues at record low : news
Unemployment Rate Hits 16-Year Low in May Jobs Report |
'Man we about to die': Teen driver arrested after live-streaming crash that killed her sister
18-year-old woman arrested after live streaming deadly crash near Los Banos : news
Richard Dawkins Event Canceled Over Past Comments About Islam - The New York Times
Transgender Health AMA Series: I'm Joshua Safer, Medical Director at the Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery at Boston University Medical Center, here to talk about the science behind transgender medicine, AMA! : science
What are people slowly starting to forget? : AskReddit
TIL that in 2003, an Australian girl who was alleged to have been murdered attended court to testify that she was alive and didn't know the accused : todayilearned
This guy dresses up like a knight and tries to get into night clubs : videos
People who have taken unexplainable pictures, what's your story and picture? [Serious] : AskReddit
Men of Reddit, what is something we can all agree on? : AskReddit
"O" is for Ozark and Oh My... : television
What is the shittiest city you've visited only once and completely refuse to return? : AskReddit
Danish birthday tradition goes up in flames. : WTF
BBC's Planet Earth Director loses it after car accident : videos ("they'd twat that cunt")
What screams "I peaked in high school" ? : AskReddit
Internet fact checker cut off from website control and ad revenue by web host : technology
Facebook 'fact checker' accused of defrauding website to pay for prostitutes | Daily Mail Online -- It was founded by husband-and-wife Barbara and David Mikkelson, who used a letterhead claiming they were a non-existent society to start their research -- Now they are divorced - with Barbara claiming in legal documents he embezzled $98,000 of company money and spent it on 'himself and prostitutes'
The Daily Mail Snopes Story And Fact Checking The Fact Checkers
97 year-old Canadian Veteran and his thoughts after watching the movie "Dunkirk" : videos
German car companies are suspected of running a cartel since the 90's : news
Behind the front lines in the fight to 'annihilate' ISIS in Afghanistan (MOAB didn't work)
Dunford: Military option for North Korea not 'unimaginable' ("actually, we imagine scenarios with millions of dead people all the time"
Teenager's body found in fridge in suspected London honour killing : news
Seconds after quoting an anonymous source, Anthony Scaramucci admits the source was Donald Trump - new communications director just threw his boss under the bus.
Scaramucci: Trump still doesn't accept intelligence conclusion on Russia (he's smarter than they are)
Kellyanne Conway thinks Donald Trump's lies are ok because 'he doesn't think he's lying' - The White House would rather be portrayed as clueless than criminal.(stupid rather than evil when it's both)
Sean Spicer, We'll Always Have 'Facts'
The Curious Tale Of Sean Spicer And The Mini-Fridge In The Night | HuffPost -- "You can't make this shit up"
Trump's Attack on Russia Inquiry Is From Familiar Playbook: The Clintons'
And Views Differ - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Shorter Peter Baker: "When it comes to obstructing justice, Both Sides Do It but the Clintons did it first" (because Ken Starr is just like Mueller) -- Clinton warned the public repeatedly the consequences of electing Trump, and the NYT want to make his actions while in office her fault. The editorial policy of this paper is deranged.
Trump vs. Mueller is Nothing Like Clinton vs. Starr - The lie machine is about to crank up. (see NYT/Peter Baker)
How White House Threats Condition Mueller's Reality
It's Time for Hillary Clinton to Gracefully Bow Out of Public Life, Along with All Other Women
Scaramucci promises 'dramatic action' to stop White House leaks ... Second, this hideous "thing" elected by ignorant, gullible dopes like you -- who believed his nationalistic, populist, bigoted drivel and imagined he would bring back jobs that will NEVER come back -- is YOUR president, not mine. I did not vote for him, he was not elected by a majority of the people, he does NOT represent the values or interests of anyone but himself (certainly not of working Americans), and he manipulated and purchased his election by deceit, criminal acts and colluding with this nation's nemy. If you believe he's *your* president, go for it. He's not mine. Q.E.D. -- digitaldumdum
What Trump Is Doing To The Conservative Character The Contrarian Conservative - the GOP will have to decide, once and for all, if it is an American political party or a craven, fearful instrument of Donald Trump's personal brand (they already sold their souls to the company store)
Schumer: Democrats were 'namby pamby' ... "How the heck did we let Exxon and Mobil merge? And that was Democrats
Senate Referee Rejects Key Pieces Of Repeal Bill, Dealing Major Blow To GOP | HuffPost - Abortion provision is out, potentially making bill toxic for conservatives.
Republicans are in full control of government -- but losing control of their party -- The conflict also heralds a potentially messy 2018 midterm campaign with fierce intra-party clashes that could draw resources away from fending off Democrats. (Trump is the boss, suckers)
How Trump remains untouchable as a celebrity, rather than a politician - The Washington Post (his ratings are beautiful!)
No matter what he does, history says Trump will never be popular - The Washington Post (except in his own mind) Presidents who've lost the popular vote don't win popular support
Deep Thoughts, By J.D. Vance - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - J.D. Vance has an analogy about health care to share with readers of the New York Times:
This Day in Labor History: July 23, 1892 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : On July 23, 1892, the anarchist Alexander Berkman walked into the office of the capitalist and Carnegie Steel executive Henry Clay Frick with a knife and gun in order to kill him for his actions at the Homestead Strike. Being an anarchist, he failed miserably. More importantly, this moment is a good time to discuss violence in the Gilded Age labor movement.
These have been popping up around the Twin Cities. : pics
Senator Kid Rock. Don't Laugh (Politico legitimizes celebrity politicians, Caitlyn Jenner is next in line)
Florida county sued for detention of US citizen at behest of immigration officials : news
Parents arrested for giving newborn daughter meth, heroin, morphine : news
From Wesleyan, a cautionary tale for Harvard - The Boston Globe - In a case that could offer a cautionary tale to Harvard University, a Connecticut jury recently sided with a fraternity that sued Wesleyan University after the school tried to force the club to admit women.
More than 90 in Conn. hospitalized during Chance the Rapper show - The Boston Globe - The crowd was apparently made up of people in their late teens and early 20s
Who feels the umbilical cord being cut? Mother, child or both? : askscience
Subreddit Policy Reminder on this week's Transgender AMAs : science
Science Finds a Scary Link Between Height and Prostate Cancer : science
Treatment of opioid use disorder with ibogaine: detoxification and drug use outcomes : science
ELI5: This Cool Physics GIF : explainlikeimfive
14 year old boy with surprisingly intelligent responses to angry woman yelling at him : videos
Years of meditation and enlightenment... And then you see the boobies, and everything is falling apart. : pics
Boobs are like the sun. Taking a quick look is ok, staring is not. That's what sunglasses are for!
What rule as a kid did you simply not give a fuck about? : AskReddit
Random Redditor, who are you? : AskReddit
[Serious] How do you deal with loneliness? : AskReddit
I just performed CPR on my neighbour and got him firing again. : CasualConversation
Whats the strangest subreddit that you've spent WAY too much time on? : AskReddit
cracker bargel
Reason #8793 to definitely stay away from any property under an HOA (from legaladvice) : bestof
Mitre moldmaster tits : ScottishPeopleTwitter
Internet as an art
Tulpas: Intelligent companions imagined into existence
Using current rail costs user breaks down why the Hylerloop would never work and would cost $2000 per ticket : bestof
The Battle for the Moon Begins - Bloomberg
Mexican Drug War: 2,234 murders in June, the country's deadliest month in at least 20 years : news ... interesting that at the hight of the iraq war in 2006 2833 people died per month... how come we never hear about this drug war on TV... the death rates in Mexico right now are on par with international war zonesxsy
ISIS Leader Is Still Alive, Pentagon Chief Says - The New York Times - Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Friday that he believed the leader of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was still alive and that the American-led coalition in Iraq and Syria was still trying to find and target him.
German girl arrested in Mosul is missing Linda Wenzel, say authorities | World news | The Guardian
U.S. airstrike kills at least 9 Afghan police; personnel may have been mistaken for Taliban - The Washington Post
One by One, Marry-Your-Rapist Laws Are Falling in the Middle East - The New York Times -- The Philippines, a predominantly Catholic country, still has a marry-your-rapist loophole, according to an 82-country survey by Equality Now, a women's rights group. Until 2006, so did Uruguay, and until 1994, so did France, according to Human Rights Watch.
Congress Reaches Deal on Russia Sanctions, Creating Tough Choice for Trump - The New York Times (Emperor Trump will veto)
Former Obama spy chiefs upbraid Trump for his remarks about his intelligence agencies - The Washington Post
Trump Says He Has 'Complete Power' to Pardon
No, Trump can't pardon himself. The Constitution tells us so.
Can the President Be Indicted? A Long-Hidden Legal Memo Says Yes - The New York Times -- A newfound memo from Kenneth W. Starr (of course)
Trump: Mueller and Sessions should investigate Clinton ties to Russia | TheHill
Donald Trump attacks press as Russia scandal swirls around Jeff Sessions | US news | The Guardian - Trump follows communications director move by blasting Washington Post
The crack-up - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The devil ... the prowde spirite ... cannot endure to be mocked
In tweet storm, Trump decries 'illegal leaks' and asserts 'all agree' he has complete power to pardon (and that he is a beautiful god)
This is a crisis. It will escalate dramatically when Trump fires Robert Mueller. Then the Congress will become the only failsafe in the way to extra-constitutional rule.
Axios AM - 1 big thing: Speaking his language
Trump Jr. and Manafort reach deal with Senate panel to avoid public hearing -
Ivanka Trump Received at Least $12.6 Million Since 2016, Disclosure Shows - The New York Times
Jeff Sessions has no plans to resign amid reports of campaign conversations with Russia: source - ABC News
Eschaton: Fire Jeffy Jeff - With Trump appointees (Republican appointees generally) there's always a sense that the next one could be much, much worse, but really I'm not sure you can get worse than Jeff Session.
The clock may have just run out on the White House press corps - The Washington Post - Now, the clock has run out. The ultimate disrupter, in the form of President Trump, is seeking to change nearly every rule that presidents and the reporters who cover them have lived by. (they are just props on Trump's reality show)
Glenn Thrush on Twitter: ".@PressSec resigned after vehemently objecting to appointment at 10 a.m. Friday of Anthony Scaramucci as WH Communications director, per SAO"
Scaramucci goes full Breitbart - Axios (he's 14 years old)
Trump's Worst Deal -- The President helped build a hotel in Azerbaijan that appears to be a corrupt operation engineered by oligarchs tied to Iran<'s Revolutionary Guard /a>
"I Am Not A Crank": The Continuing Ballad of Dr. Jill Stein, MD ... "then try to cover my tracks with ludicrous russia conspiracy theories." (oh look, Jill is under investigation)
Trump Jr., Manafort Asked to Testify July 26 by Senate Panel - Bloomberg - It also goes far broader, seeking records relating to dozens of other people including Russian President Vladimir Putin, numerous other Russians, and even Green Party candidate Jill Stein.
Dr. Jill Stein?? on Twitter: "Unlike the Clintons, I don't hang out with Trumps. I've never been to a Trump wedding, never took Trump money, no secret Trump calls." (that's not how twitter works, Jill, try again +nice pic of her, Putin and the oligarchs, wtf was that about?)
In Trump country, Russia just isn't bvig news. Here's why -- Many people in rural America ply their trades quite successfully without a framed degree in sight ... And when someone tells them they should care more deeply about Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer, yes, sometimes they will just shake their heads and stare back blankly (because everyone "frames" their fucking degrees and he gets killed in the comments)
Gary Abernathy on Twitter: "Russia isn't the biggest news in @realDonaldTrump country. My latest @washingtonpost column:" (doesn't far well on the twitter, either)
Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 109 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - He also spoke out strongly in favor of gays in the military, seeking to end Don't Ask Don't Tell, one of Bill Clinton's many, many indefensible policies. He was one of the architects of the policy at the time and felt guilty about it. I think he earned his penance here. The policy was reversed by Barack Obama on July 22, 2011. Shalikashvili died on July 23, 2011 (Democrats at work)
In Minneapolis, Unusual Police Killing Raises an Old Outcry: Why? - The New York Times
A Warrant to Search Your Vagina - The New York Times (Jeffy Sessions want to put his little fingers in your vag)
Kentucky Officials Have Ended the $18 Million Tax Rebate Deal With Ark Encounter - The Creationists running Ark Encounter just screwed themselves out of $18 million over the next decade because they didn't want to pay a local safety fee worth about $700,000 a year.
Ark Encounter loses major tax break for breach of contract : news
A car crash topples a Confederate statue and forces a Southern town to confront its past | The Washington Post (topography of racism)
9 US government agencies and mayors for NY, Philly, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. say they have no idea what Elon Musk meant when he declared to have received 'verbal govt approval'
Eschaton: But He Had Verbal Approval - Verbal. Approval. -- Musk was received with typical credulity by the tech press, and considerable consternation by various government agencies. Several spokespeople who answered the phones at relevant city, state and federal government bodies laughed upon hearing of the claim that an interstate transit project with a significant street-level footprint in four of the east coast's largest cities could be approved verbally.
Moon bounce injuries are more common than you might think. Here's how to avoid them -- A study published in the journal Pediatrics reported that in 2010, a child got hurt on a moon bounce every 46 minutes.
Scientist explains how to tell that a study making news headlines is actually not bogus : bestof
The Blood Harvest - The Atlantic
People of Reddit, what's the stupidest thing you've done as a child out of curiosity? : AskReddit
Men are now adopting androgynous pseudonyms to sell psychological thrillers : books
What is unlikely to happen, yet frighteningly plausible? : AskReddit
What's the weirdest thing you've seen your neighbor do? : AskReddit
Employers of reddit that do a 'background check' on Facebook, what's the most disturbing thing you have seen? : AskReddit
If you actually had to get a licence to have kids, what would the questions on the test be? : AskReddit
I would never want this but I'm glad he got it. : pics
Awful Taste But Great Execution
Also great for walls and floors! : funny (MLM comments)
Stop MLM schemes from draining your friends dry.
Simply Comfortable - LuLaRoe
Arsonist girlfriend : WTF (50 ways)
Proof Verizon mobile and Others are Throttling Your Data : videos
Record 9 million comments flood FCC on net neutrality : news
Eschaton: We Have To Throw Money At This Bullshit To Pretend To Be In The Game - One thing is clear: Building its own autonomous vehicle technology gives Lyft more leverage in negotiations with other companies. Less apparent is whether it will be worth the money Lyft spends.
Protesters Clash With Police After Access To Aqsa Mosque Barred For Muslim Men Under 50 | HuffPost - The Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance service said at least 30 people had been hurt, two seriously and some suffered from tear gas inhalation.
USS Fitzgerald crash that killed seven American sailors 'was Navy's own fault' : news
Kansas data breach gives hackers access to millions of Social Security numbers : news (Brownbackistan no taxes mean no services like data-protection)
Mueller asks WH to preserve info from Trump Jr. meeting -
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show - The Washington Post (little Jeffy lied big time)
Sessions' Testimony Smells Increasingly Fishy - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Senate Intel Chair: 'The Unmasking Thing Was All Created By Devin Nunes'
Susan Rice, Senate intelligence panel privately meet -
Trump team seeks to control, block Mueller's Russia investigation
President Trump's Contempt for the Rule of Law
on the Brink of an Authoritarian Crisis -- If Trump fires Robert Mueller or pardons himself, Republicans won't dow a thing about it -- and our democracy will be changed forever.
Can Trump pardon anyone? Himself? Can he fire Mueller? Your questions, answered. - The Washington Post (yes, but probably not himself because it takes two to pardon, but:) In other words, Trump could temporarily hand over the reins to Vice President Pence, who could then issue Trump a pardon before Trump takes his power back.
Laurence Tribe on Twitter: "Memo to Trump: Anyone you pardon can be compelled to testify without any grant of immunity, and that testimony could undo you."
To Impeach a President: Applying the Authoritative Guide from Charles Black - Lawfare
The Impeachable Offense - Lawfare - By Charles L. Black, Jr.
The Law Won't Stop Donald Trump | HuffPost - But politics might. (Republicans will defend democracy, in your dreams)
This presidency can't be saved. It's all downhill from here -- In light of news reports that President Trump's team is scouring the record for conflicts of interest on special counsel Robert S. Mueller III'S team (the essence of chutzpah) and contemplating pardons (of aides and/or himself), it is worth considering how this may all play out.
Reflections on the Current Crisis - Lawyers, Guns & Money
After Obama Victory, Shrieking White-Hot Sphere Of Pure Rage Early GOP Front-Runner For 2016 | The Onion - America's Finest News Source (prescient)
Does Trump Have a Case Against Mueller? - POLITICO Magazine - The White House is seeking to discredit Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his investigative team. Could it work?
The Rise of Partisanship and Super-Cooperators in the U.S. House of Representatives
Spicer stops beating around the bush - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- Sean with the Wind
Spicer resigns as White House press secretary, Scaramucci to be communications director - The Washington Post
Inside the room at Sean Spicer's resignation announcement
Don't cry for Spicer. His tenure was a disaster from Day One and he should have quit immediately.
Scaramucci took winding path but finally landed a top job with Trump - The Washington Post
Busted: Kushner 'inadvertently omitted' almost 80 assets in initial government ethics financial filing
Poll: Third of Trump voters don't think Trump Jr. met with Russian, even though he admitted it (must have been fake news)
The John McCain I Know Will Make the Most of This Moment - McCain knows very well what a threat to republic Donald Trump is. His final mission is to say it. (will he go gently into that good night?)
When Will Republicans Learn That Donald Trump Hates Them? - Across the Trump-fanatic clickservative media, the week's therme was 'Why won't Republicans follow Donald Trump over the cliff?" (oh, they will)
Lavrov Says Trump May Have Met Putin More Times
Russia's Foreign Minister Says There May Have Been More Putin-Trump Meetings | HuffPost - "Maybe they went to the toilet together" (for you know what)
Eschaton: America Wasn't All That Great - And we have all kinds of horrible corruption in government, but we've managed to avoid this kind of corruption. You know, the kind that causes our various Very Serious People to refer to the heads of South American governments we don't like that week as "dictators" or "strongmen" or whatever.
President has rare meeting with US attorney nominee - (kiss the ring pre-approval)
Marc Kasowitz and Mark Corallo depart Trump's legal team - CBS News - legal team is now composed of Ty Cobb, Jay Sekulow and John Dowd,
Seve Bannon's disappearing act -- Steve Bannon has largely disappeared from the White House's policy debates --a dramatic about-face for an operative once characterized as the most powerful man in Washington.
Trump Spokeswoman 'Not Sure' If He Regrets Trashing John McCain's Military Record | HuffPost (Trump hates "losers")
"I Was Told There Would Be No Math" -- the Republican Party is so strongly committed to upward wealth distribution and cruelty-for-its-own-sake that it can't produce a health care bill that can produce a CBO score that can even look good against a phony baseline of their own proposals:
The Republican War on the Poor: Environmental Injustice Edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money (every dead worker is a new job created!)
The Seventeenth Amendment - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The conservative dream of repealing the Seventeenth Amendment will not go away. The idea that the people could have the direct election of senators seems utterly uncontroversial to 99.9 percent of Americans. But not to the people who want to strip tens of millions of health care, among many other things. For them, their ability to control state legislatures would guarantee a permanent Republican majority and truly install the New Gilded Age. (ALEC will approint your Senators, thank you)
The media's war on Trump is destined to fail. Why can't it see that? | Thomas Frank | Opinion | The Guardian - to fail. Why can't it see that? - Thomas Frank (talk about out of touch and in a bubble)
These Americans Hated the Health Law. Until the Idea of Repeal Sank In. - The New York Times - The belief held even among many Republicans: 52 percent of those making below $30,000 a year said the federal government has a responsibility to ensure health coverage, a huge jump from 31 percent last year
In this rural town, disability divides a community between those who work and those who don't -- "Them are his two Jaguars, he said. "That brick house is his." (David Hess thinks disabled people should die so he voted for Satan) u
Eschaton: On You, On You, On You - 1982 wants its political campaign back. -- A member of Congress told me Democrats big 2018 slogan, which is set to be released Monday. It's: "Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages"
Eschaton: Planet Stupid - We are ruled by the stupidest fucking people on the face of the planet. -- "So, literally, you'll have bridges all across the New York City area that are choreographed -- nothing like this has been done on the planet" Coomo told reporters -- Nothing wrong with a bit of public art, but this is some sort of weird "can't Superman fight a giant robot spider?" obsession. 350 million for some fucking bridge lights when the collapsing subway is about to collapse the city.
Sean Hannity will no longer receive Buckley Award after controversy - Jul. 21, 2017 -- who has spent a great deal of time insulting conservative intellectuals on Twitter, particularly since he became a strong supporter of Donald Trump.
Murdered girl's family beg for US visa to attend funeral : news
5 teens mock a man drowning, make no attempt to help or contact authorities, just let him die : videos (they could have filmed themselves saving him and been heros)
As Trump wages war on legal marijuana, military veterans side with pot - LA Times -- call to reclassify marijuana federally from a drug that has no medical benefit and is more dangerous than cocaine to one that is in the same category as legal prescription painkillers has caught the attention of lawmakers. (downgraded from Coke to Oxy)
Eschaton: Not How Any Of This Works - Not How Any Of This Works -- Sure, Elon. -- Just received verbal govt approval for The Boring Company to build an underground NY-Phil-Balt-DC Hyperloop. NY-DC in 29 mins. (and verbal agreement for a trillion dollars of taxpayer money and 226 miles of right-of-way
FCC has no documentation of DDoS attack that hit net neutrality comments : news
Heavy rainfall of over 3-inches west of Chicago past 24 hours | WGN-TV
Trump just nominated a climate skeptic to USDA's top science post
Interior Dept. ordered Glacier park chief, other climate expert pulled from Zuckerberg tour - The Washington Post
Saudi prince arrested on King Salman's order after video appears to show abusive behavior
How a video of a woman in a skirt became a global headache for Saudi Arabia - The Washington Post
One in eight people who voted for Trump having second thoughts - Reuters/Ipsos poll - the erosion of support within his winning coalition of older, disaffected, mostly white voters poses a potential challenge for the president (81% of Trumpsters still love Trump)
Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions - Bloomberg (and there you are)
Big German Bank, Key to Trump's Finances, Faces New Scrutiny
Here's the Chain Reaction Trump Could Set Off by Trying to Fire Mueller
Excerpts From The Times's Interview With Trump
A wounded Trump lashes out over the Russia probe - The Washington Post -- President Trump has always been the most effective, dangerous witness against himself in the burgeoning Russia scandal ... reinforced the perception that he sees the Justice Department as his personal legal firm ... Trump's frustration over Sessions's refusal to violate ethical standards stands out as further evidence that for Trump, loyalty is everything. (he is a god, bow down)
The Daily 202: Trump shows disdain for rule of law with new attacks on Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller - The Washington Post -- an interview yesterday with the New York Times that, even by Trump standards, is remarkable ... Few people have been more devoted to Trump than Sessions, and like so many others he's gotten burned for it.
No, President Trump, Sessions's recursal is not 'very unfair' to you. This is Ethics 101 (he didn't flunk it, he never took it)
President Trump Sticks Toe Into The Felony Pool - Medium
6 Wild Claims Trump Made In His Bizarre New York Times Interview | HuffPost - The president spoke about Russia, Comey, Sessions and more during the exclusive sit-down.
This would be funny to watch from another country, or better yet planet - Lawyers, Guns & Money (he is melting down mentally +sniffing a lot again) )
A Less-Than-Typically-Informed Old Man Who Watches Fox News All Day is Now President of the United States - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The President vs. Federal Law Enforcement: Trump Attacks Everyone - Lawfare
Fact Check: Trump's Confusing Remarks To Senate Republicans On Health Care (Pres DimBulb is stupid)
Jeff Sessions's defense of civil asset forfeiture, annotated (evil little creep will take all your money)
John McCain Walks on Water - Profile With the Arizona Senator - Is the Arizona senator a virtuous man or a man who uses virtue for his own ends? And in Washington these days, can anyone tell the difference? ... as it is today, when a generation comes to McCain for a kind of absolution for what was once a perfectly defensible moral revulsion
Donald Trump said 414 false things in his first six months. Here's what we've learned -- Big lies, needless lies, above all else unrelenting lies. With some exceptions, this is not sophisticated deceit.
Sen. Al Franken broke down in tears describing the impact of government policies in his own family
Trump appears to be serious in his efforts to defeat insufficiently loyal Republican Sen. Jeff Flake
Paul Behrends, a Top Rohrabacher Aide, Ousted After Russia Revelations - The Atlantic
So Valerie Plame won the internet yesterday - When she responded on Twitter to this virtual heckling by a Trumpster:
Trump Doesn't Seem To Know What Health Insurance Is, How It Works Or What It Costs | HuffPost - The president suggested it costs $12 a year ... The average premium for a single person who gets health benefits from an employer last year was $536 a month, with employees paying an average of 18 percent of the cost while employers pick up the rest
Lawsuit forces Trump administration to hand over previously secret Mar-a-Lago guest list
Progressives and the South - Lawyers, Guns & Money : This is a good run-down of why Bernie was slaughtered in the Southern primaries and what this means for the future. Basically, if a leftist presidential candidate wants to be successful in the South, that candidate has to have relationships with the black community and be able to speak to their concerns. To say the least, Bernie Sanders did not have those relationships or that ability.
Revolt of the masses : Lawyers, Guns & Money - This New Yorker profile of Trump supporters in western Colorado is yet another entry into the quasi-anthropological task of trying to figure out how an astonishingly ignorant and increasingly demented old man who is a raging narcissist etc. etc. etc. could be elected president of the United States ... Voting for Trump because you sense (often correctly) that the system is in many ways rigged against people like you is the political equivalent of mailing yourself a letter bomb, but at least it makes the liberals mad.
A reporter broke White Hous Keith e rules by streaming live audio of an off-camera briefing - The Washington Post
Pro-Trump TV pundit's firm took undisclosed payments from Trump campaign ... Mark Serrano ... In semiregular appearances on the Fox Business Network, the veteran Republican operative ... firm was a paid consultant to the president's 2020 campaign
Fox News After Roger Ailes' Firing: Lessons Learned One Year Later | Hollywood Reporter
Fox News host: Trump family 'has done more for this country than any Democratic elected official'
Photo surfaces of evangelical pastors laying hands on Trump in the Oval Office - The Washington Post - Many Christians lay hands on those who are being ordained in the church. (or vice-versa)
Evangelical Leaders Praying for Trump 'Bordering on Heresy,' Liberal Pastor Says
NRA's media outlet fearmongers about Black Lives Matter committing mass violence against whites (it was always about having a gun in case you needed to shoot a black person)
Former Employee Testifies Shkreli Threatened Him and His Family - (psychopathic capitalism)
My University Treated Me Like a Criminal Over a Joke | The Martin Center
Justine Damond killer cop says she 'startled' him | Daily Mail Online -- when she ran towards his car in the dark after loud noise - and had no idea she was 911 caller (that's their story and they're sticking by it: felt their lives threatened by woman in pjs)
Lawyer blasts court ruling allowing abortion for 12-year-old who was raped |
WGN obtains booking photo of former House Speaker Dennis Hastert | WGN-TV (how far have the mightly fallen)
CNN's Chris Cillizza did a Reddit AMA. Here are six reasons that's a great move (nice job by Wemple)
Chris Cillizza Blames Democrats For 'What Everyone Hates About Politics'
The 'Game of Thrones' Creators' Next Show Sounds Stupid as Hell -- "The Confederate" -- The premise? What if the South won the Civil War and (slave-state America)
slavery still existed?! This is white nonsense ... Do we need another show from them where the black people are slaves and the threat of rape from slaveowners is ever-present? ... HBO can imagine robots and dragons but it struggles to imagine black people who aren't slave?
The Most Iconic Book Set in Every Country [Infographic]
Reddit's Guide to Fitness [Infographic] | Greatist
reddit weight loss - Google Search
The subtle war that's dividing Netflix and Amazon -- One is trying to rattle the long-established Hollywood model and the other is working within it
Trump ends covert CIA program to arm anti-Assad rebels in Syria, a move sought by Moscow - The Washington Post (Putin's commie puppet)
Saudi-led coalition blocks U.N. aid staff flight carrying journalists to Yemen
Eschaton: Brexit Dreams - I'd describe the attitude of "hard Brexiteers" as thinking "we shouldn't have to pay any bill, we shouldn't have to give any EU citizens any rights, Brits in Spain should be allowed to stay, and the EU should give us everything we want because the UK buys a lot of prosecco."
BBC forced to disclose salaries of top-earning stars : television
WhatsApp Shutdown in China : technology
U.S. Lawmakers Seek to Criminally Outlaw Support for Boycott Campaign Against Israel
ACLU Letter to the Senate Opposing Israel Anti-Boycott Act | American Civil Liberties Union
Criminalizing Dissent - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Whatever what one thinks of boycotts as a strategy for opposing Israeli policy, there's no possible defense for this legislation: co-sponsors include the senior Democrat in Washington, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, his New York colleague Kirsten Gillibrand, and several of the Senate's more liberal members, such as Ron Wyden of Oregon, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Maria Cantwell of Washington ... this is a major test for Gillibrand ... This punishing people for constitutionally protected views and actions.
US military spending $130K a month to rent Trump Tower space: report | TheHill - despite the fact that Trump hasn't stayed at the property in months.
Revealed: Trump's Still-Secret Plan to 'Crush' ISIS (he's going to yell at them bigly)
Sen. John McCain has brain cancer, aggressive tumor surgically removed -
br />
The 2000 Recount Led Us to 2016 Voter Suppression - The American voting system is broken -- on purpose ... In 2000, the Supreme Court blessed official ratfcking with a constitutional imprimatur.
Saving Subsidiarity: Why it is not about small government | America Magazine - July 30, 2012
Trump Tells The Times He Wouldn't Have Appointed Sessions if He Had Known Sessions Would Recuse Himself on Russia -- accused James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director he fired in May, of trying to leverage a dossier of compromising material to keep his job ... Mr. Trump said Mr. Mueller was running an office rife with conflicts of interest and warned investigators against delving into matters too far afield from Russia (crooked family is a "red line")
Deutsche Bank expects subpoenas over Trump-Russia investigation | Business | The Guardian - Source reveals Robert Mueller's team and T rump's exclusive bankers have established informal contacts and requests for information are forthcoming (the red line)
Jared Kushner to Be Interviewed by Senate Intelligence Staff - NBC News
Kushner to testify Monday before Senate intelligence panel as part of Russia probe - The Washington Post - The Judiciary Committee also asked Manafort and Trump Jr., as well as the Trump Organization and the Trump campaign
James Clapper: Trump is making Russia great again | MSNBC
Tim Kaine: Trump Investigation Moving "Beyond Obstruction Of Justice" Towards "Perjury And Potentially Treason" (and you know what that makes his voters)
The Note: Undisclosed Trump-Putin meeting is latest firestorm - ABC News
There is more evidence Russia interfered in the election. Fewer Trump supporters believe it. - Vox - 72 percent of Trump voters believe the whole story is "fake news" (they love their fake president, 32% don't believe Trump had anything to do with Russia, which they love, anyway)
Donald Trump Jr. Met Russian Accused of Laundering $1.4 Billion - ke Kaveladze, who works for the oligarch who arranged the June 2016 in Trump Tower, he was found by the feds using shell companies to move money in the the '90's for Russians
Donald Trump Jr. and the whiff of treason: Morally, he's in deep - "This is moving into perjury, false statements and even into potentially treason" (another commie, lock him up, and the commie apologist Dershowitz too)
A 12-Month Timeline of the Trump Team's Lies and Excuses About the Russia Meeting -- The mendacious and the absurd.
GOP Lawmaker Got Direction From Moscow, Took It Back to D.C. - After being given a secret document by officials in Moscow, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher sought to alter sanctions legislation and tried to seTrump is uninformed, underprepared, and unclear
t up a virtual show trial on Capitol Hill ... a long-standing Russia ally who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe (commie traitor, lock him up)
Bombshell report: Kremlin directed GOP congressman to stage pro-Putin 'show trial' on the House floor
Russian Anti-Sanctions Campaign Turned to California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher - The Atlantic - U.S. diplomats were concerned about Russian outreach to House Republican Dana Rohrabacher while on a trip to Moscow last year (R.Moscow -- dirty commies)
No, Congressman, There's No Evidence of an Ancient Mars Civilization -- Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Moscow, Nutjob
Desperately seeking Dejah Thoris - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) offers a reminder that one of the more obscure torments in Hades is attempting to rank RepubliCons by stupidity.
If I Worked for the Government, I'd Ask About UFOs -- Wouldn't you?
What's Behind Bannon? Joshua Green's Devil's Bargain is a must-read. (Rene Guenon and Traditionalism)
Konczal on Neoliberalism - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Republican Infighting Begins Over Failed Senate Health Care Bill - Now They're Eating Their Own - The Republicans are beginning to turn on each other. - The inability to do anything, and then to cut your own throats in frustration, and to do so while being heckled by the president* is no way to run a republic. I have grown tired of all this winning.
CBO: Obamacare repeal bill would boost uninsured by 32 million
32 million more people would be uninsured under new Senate Obamacare repeal bill - Jul. 19, 2017
Republicans Attack CBO, and Any Other Institution That Resists Their Agenda - No Institution Is Safe -- Republicans are gunning for the CBO now. (fact and norm-free)
The Coming War on the CBO - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Trump's War on Truth)
Even in Trump era, new poll shows a mixed outlook for Democrats in 2018 - The Washington Post
This poll should be a warning sign for Democrats - The Washington Post (65% ReNuts will vote, only 57% Dems)
A new poll finds even Trump supporters are wavering on his scandals - Vox - In counties that supported Trump heavily in 2016, voters are souring on the scandals surrounding Trump
How the Senate Health Care Bill Failed: G.O.P. Divisions and a Fed-Up President - The New York Times
Trump can't make a health care deal because he doesn't understand health care - Trump is uninformed, underprepared, and unclear (and stupid and evil)
Internet brutally mocks Trump's claim that failed GOP health bill was 'impressive by any standard'
Lewandowski: The President Is Going To Close The Deal On O'Care Repeal Today (because Trump is a great "deal-maker")
The GOP Health Care Plan Is About To Fail. Republicans Don't Know What To Do Next. | HuffPost - Sabotage or bipartisanship? The choice is apparently difficult.
Sean Hannity Attacks 'Pampered, Overpaid, Spoiled' GOP For 'Epic Failure' | HuffPost (like he isn't)
Over 20 members of Congress ask the FBI to review Ivanka Trump's security clearance
Inside Trump Family's Turmoil over Russia Scandal: Donald Trump Jr. Is 'Miserable' and Whats 'These Four Years to Be Over'
Why Trump's Base of Support May Be Smaller Than It Seems -- 82 percent of Republicans approve of Trump, but people who identify as Republican may stop doing so if they disapprove of Trump
The age of white Christian America is ending. Here's how it got there -- And here's what comes next -- mainline Protestants took a careful, interfaith approach to social issues, quietly emphasizing social justice on an institutional level, evangelical groups edged their way into public prominence by a more conservative approach to doctrine, a focus on salvation, and a patriotic Christianity deeply indebted to the idea that the United States should be an "explicitly Christian nation" (not to mention slave-holding) whether the death of White Christian America, as a cultural construct, is a good thing for Christianity, the religion.
The women who helped Donald Trump win - Vox - Trump outperformed Clinton among white women, winning 53 percent of voters in that demographic. Drilling down further, he beat Clinton among white women without college degrees by 27 points.
The Voter Purges Are Coming - The New York Times
Trump as a Novel: An Implausible 'Soap Opera Without the Sex and Fun'
Watching 'Fox & Friends,' Trump Sees a Two-Way Mirror - The producers of children's television know the key to holding a distractible audience's attenion: interactivity
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and the transgender 'bathroom buddy' (well played)
Senate candidate Deedra Abboud is under attack for being Muslim - Chris Ruen: "BAN ISLAM IN THE USAWE HATE YOUR FILTHY DEATH CULT." Because religious freedom in America is all about having the freedom to ban religions we don't like, right?
Shep Drops 'Journalist' Card in Response to Hannity: 'Someitmes Facts Are Displeasing'
Fox Paid Sexual Harassment Claim Against Top Murdoch Deputy David Hill (Exclusive) - former top executive David Hill of sexual misconduct while he ran Fox Sports, two individuals with knowledge of the situation told TheWrap. (fire all the men except Shep Smith +they sure are all gross looking dudes)
Tariq Nasheed on Twitter: "This is a very interesting shirt that Patriots GM Bill Belichick has on. It reminds me of that video of a police dog mauling a Black man" (fucking racist)
Team Trump is Ready for Another Run - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - NFL training camps start soon and it's good to know that Team Trump is in prime midseason form.
Bill Belichick Lauded For Volunteer Work At Local Morgue - The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Louisiana's Big Step on Justice Reform -- The reforms, several of which take effect on Aug. 1, are projected to cut the prison population by 10 percent and keep it down, saving Louisiana more than a quarter-billion dollars over the next decade,
Stun-gun-wielding rabbi kidnappers fail to convince court they were just practicing their faith - The Washington Post (religious freedom to kidnap and torture)
Minneapolis police shot an unarmed woman in her pajamas. It took days to give an explanation. - Vox (turned off body-cams before murder and felt their lives were threatened by woman's pyjamas)
Court testimony: Father killed child after failed math lesson, soiled pants | Local News |
This Shocking Video Appears To Show Baltimore Police Planting Drugs At A Crime Scene - The defendant charged in the case involving the drugs shown in the video was scheduled to go to trial this week. The case has been dropped. (he will get a promotion)
Video from Baltimore Police Department body cameras shows an officer tampering with evidence in a case that sent a man to jail for more than five months, reports have claimed. : news
A 10-year-old Miami boy may be latest-- and among youngest -- vitim of opioid crisis - Preliminary toxicology tests show that Alton Banks had the potent painkiller fentanyl in his system when he collapsed at his Overtown home in June
BYU-Idaho instructor fired for Facebook post supporting LGBT rights, she says - The Washington Post
A student graded his ex's aplogy note -- D-minus -- then tweeted it. He got suspended. (from the school where his ex didn't go)
University of Central Florida Professor Reinstated After Suspension for In-Class Joke - FIRE (long history of this shit)
Student Wins Case at University of Central Florida - FIRE
Mayoral candidate tells audience members 'Go back to Africa' - Story : news
Trust's decision to sell buildings means big changes in store for Harvard Square -- A family trust is likely to seek $95 million for its properties on a prime stretch of Brattle Street. Two years ago, the Dow and Stearns family trust sold for $85 million three properties on Brattle and John F. Kennedy streets, including the home of The World's Only Curious George Store. (will Chan grab this too?)
Study shows language development starts in the womb - A month before they are born, fetuses carried by American mothers-to-be can distinguish between someone speaking to them in English and Japanese. : science
rewboss comments on ELI5: why does saying "tock, tick, tock, tick" seems really weird, but saying "tick, tock, tick, tock" sounds more correct?
How do women astronauts deal with periods in antigravity? : askscience
What is one computer skill that you are surprised many people don't know how to do? : AskReddit
Which profession hires the dumbest people? : AskReddit
TIL: MTV's "16 and Pregnant" and "Teen Mom" Contributed to A Drop in Teen Birth Rate : todayilearned
Who is the most delusional person you've known? : AskReddit
CRFyou comments on The cashier told me that people didn't believe the dimes from the register were real, so I bought them all (don't miss the joke)
TIL Historians believe the fate of Christianity hinged on the Battle of Tours where an Arab invasion force was defeated by a Frankish force in present-day France, preventing the spread of Islam to all of Western Europe and preserving Christianity as the religion of Europe. : todayilearned
Distributed energy sources can reduce cost of electricity up to 50%, study says : science
Topless Lebanese girls burn an ISIS flag (NSFW) : pics
Saudi police question woman accused of wearing 'indecent' clothing | World news | The Guardian
The Nihilism of Julian Assange | by Sue Halpern | The New York Review of Books - About forty minutes into Risk, Laura Poitras's messy documentary portrait of Julian Assange, the filmmaker addresses the viewer from off-camera. "This is not the film I thought I was making. I thought I could ignore the contradictions. I thought they were not part of the story. I was so wrong. They are becoming the story"
Trump and Putin Held a Second, Undisclosed, Private Conversation - The New York Times
8th Person at Trump Jr. Meeting Shows It Was Always About the Money - Russia and the Trumps: A Grift Story.
Rosie Gray on Twitter: "new tonight: US diplomats expressed concerns over Rohrabacher trip last year in Moscow:"
Will Bunch on Twitter: "1. Today's reveal of money launderer Ike Kaveladze at Trump Tower 6/9/16 confab brings the loop much closer to the Russian mob
The "Of Course We Colluded, So What?" Stage (+The Origins of Totalitarianism) | Kant Attack Ad - YouTube
Trump's Campaign Conceded in a Memo That Comey Was Having Major Impact The Clinton theory of the race gains a bit of credence. (collusion of dunces)
8th Person At Don Jr. Meeting Was Part Of Alleged Money Laundering Scheme - Talking Points Memo - a Georgian immigrant named Irakly Kaveladze
Republican Healthcare Collapse Shows They Can't Govern - The executive is a clown and the congressional majorities have gone mad.
Trump Says He Has Signed More Bills Than Any President, Ever. He Hasn't (but he's lied more than any ever)
Let's out line Trump's achievements during his first six months in office (bigly failure and biglier liar)
Republicans Aren't Turning on Trump -- They're Turning on Each Other - after half a year of consolidated GOP control, not a single major piece of legislation has been enacted
Eschaton: I Never Even Heard Of Those Guys - I had nothing to do with it.
'Plan C' on Obamacare, Repeal Now and Replace Later, Has Collapsed
Are There Any Bullets Left In McConnell's Gun?
Trump calls on Senate to end filibuster after healthcare defeat | TheHill - Getting rid of the filibuster, however, would not have guaranteed the success of the GOP plan to repeal and replace ObamaCare. The Senate considered the measure under budget reconciliation rules, which only required a 51-vote vote Majority (no norms)
Senate Republicans will shelve their bill to replace Obamacare, dealing a major blow to Trump's Agenda (which of course, is their agenda because Trump doesn't have an agenda beyond being worshipped)
PHOTO: Moran jumped the Senate subway tracks to try to avoid reporters - Business Insider - Sen. Jerry Moran jumped the tracks of the subway that connects Congressional buildings to get away from a crowd of reporters on Tuesday
How Steve Bannon and Donald Trump Rode the Honey Badger Into the White House - The New York Times - Devil's Bargain (yeah, that devil)
"Am I like a baby to you? I sit there like a little baby and watch TV and you talk to me? Am I a f***ing baby, Paul?"
Steve Bannon Reportedly Attacked Paul Ryan As 'A Limp-D**k Motherf**ker' | HuffPost - "who was born in a petri dish at the Heritage Foundation"
Is the President Fit? - politico Magazine - Few props have been more indispensable to Donald Trump (he's near the end of his alloted energy store)
Finally, a Poll Trump Will Like: Clinton Is Even More Unpopular - Bloomberg - More than a fifth of Clinton voters say they have an unfavorable view of her. By comparison, just 8 percent of likely Clinton voters felt that way in the final Bloomberg poll before the election, and just 6 percent of Trump's voters now say they view him unfavorably.
Hillary Clinton is less popular than Donald Trump because nobody will let the 2016 election end - The Washington Post
Sean Spicer's utterly clueless off-camera press briefing, annotated
Kid Rock's Demand For Extreme Government Simplicity Is Not So Simple (simple solutions for simple minds: will run as Republicanm against Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D.MI)
Fox News' Continued March Toward Nazism
I'm Chris Cillizza, editor at large for CNN Politics & The Point with Chris Cillizza. AMA! : politics
Standardized Tests are a Horrible Way to Evaluate Teachers - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- Of all the facets of Rheeism, the one that always made the least sense to me is evaluating teachers based upon the standardized tests of students ... There are 10 US states where teachers are not unionized. Eight of these are in the bottom-10 states for educational achievement. ("Teachers unions are strangling student performance")
Michelle Rhee's Mess (thanks, Rahm)
A Presumption of Guilt | by Bryan Stevenson | The New York Review of Books
Why Did Police Kill Justine Damond Outside Her Home? Here's What We Know. | HuffPost
What we know about Mohamed Noor -
Will Brownsberger: The Marijuana Compromise (76 Responses)
(b) Money in the fund shall be subject to appropriation. (money goes to administration, law enforcement, drug education, substance-abuse prevention (while MassHeath gets defunded by $222 million)
How High are Marijuana Taxes in Your State? - Tax Foundation (ME lowest at 10%, WA hightest at 37%)
Key Senate Panel Approves Medical Marijuana For Veterans : news
A Dive Into the Abyss in the Anonymous 'Incest Diary'
The Truth About the Weston Price Foundation -
Fat for Fuel: A Revolutionary Diet to Combat Cancer, Boost Brain Power, and Increase Your Energy | KurzweilAI
Power Failure | The Scientist Magazine. - Does mitochondrial dysfunction lie at the heart of common, complex diseases like cancer and autism?
Is there such a thing as mitochondrial "cancer?" I.e., are there any diseases resulting from known or suspected errors in mitochondrial DNA that disrupt the mechanism of mitochondrial replication? : askscience
Telomere theory of aging Tean-BioViva Sciences
Hampton Creek's Entire Board Leaves Except for CEO (just Mayo) Last month, Target Corp. said it would start removing Hampton Creek products from its stores, citing allegations of food safety concerns.
Science AMA Series: I'm Dr. Adrian Owen, a neuroscientist whose research focuses on brain imaging, cognitive function and consciousness. We're finding new ways to decode the complex workings of the brain. AMA.
Bacteria in a one-year-old's poop can predict how he or she will perform on cognitive tests by age two. This is the first study to link gut microbes to cognitive development in humans. : science
TIL An Israeli team of researchers invented a breathalyzer that can detect 17 different diseases, including two types of Parkinson's, Crohn's, multiple sclerosis, kidney disease, and cancers including lung cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer. : todayilearned
TIL male infants show a stronger interest in the physical-mechanical objects while the female infants show a stronger interest in social objects : todayilearned
Omega-3 fatty acids fight inflammation via cannabinoids: A new study in animal tissue reveals the cascade of chemical reactions that convert omega-3 fatty acids into cannabinoids that have anti-inflammatory benefits -- but without the psychotropic high. : science
Researchers discover one of the brightest galaxies ever seen
Human Microbiome
Viral Reddit Post Asks Why Eat at the Times Sq. Olive Garden
What little thing would you make illegal just because it pisses you off? : AskReddit
Senior VP of Dave And Busters personally smacks down YouTuber who claims he was removed from location for simply trying to film himself. : bestof
I Can't Show You How Pink This Pink Is : videos
Has the growing % of the population avoiding meat consumption had any impact on meat production? : askscience (no)
What unsolved mysteries have recently gotten solved? : AskReddit
Christian Reality Show Star Sentenced To 40 Years For Child Rape : television
Multi-lingual Redditors, what's your best story about a time people around you spoke a different language not knowing you could understand them? : AskReddit
Band groupies that had sex with their idols, how did it affect the way you saw them afterwards? : AskReddit
Bodies of Swiss couple found on glacier 75 years after they went missing : news
What is the worst experience you've had on Reddit? : AskReddit
Just a reminder You already paid for High Speed Fiber Optic Infrastructure in the USA. : technology
Neoliberalism has conned us into fighting climate change as individuals | Martin Lukacs | Environment | The Guardian - Stop obsessing with how personally green you live and start collectively taking on corporate power
Eschaton: No Worries - What could go wrong? -- Takashi Kawamura, chairman of Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), told foreign media that nearly 777,000 tons of water tainted with tritium, a byproduct of the nuclear process that is notoriously difficult to filter out of water, will be dumped into the Pacific Ocean a
Fukusmima's Nuclear Waste Will Be Dumped Into the Ocean, Japanese Plant Owner Decides
Utility giant announces solar plants in the heart of coal country - "Duke Energy, one of the country's largest coal utilities, announced Friday that it will build three large solar power plants in the coal mining state of Kentucky" : technology
Eschaton: Don't You Think She Looks Tired - 'She looked shrivelled and struggled to engage. It was upsetting,' the source said.
Porn ID checks set to start in April 2018 in UK : technology
Israel's War Against George Soros (well, Netanfuckyu's, anyway) Mr. Soros has failed the only litmus test that seems to count for Israel's current leadership: unconditional support for the government, despite its policies of occupation, discrimination and disregard for civil and human rights.
Women of Reddit, what are things men write on their dating profiles that are instant deal-breakers? : AskReddit
Team Trump's Latest Defense: Collusion Is Good | HuffPost - We should be "colluding" more, not less
What We Know Now Is a Major Scandal, And the Truth is Probably Much Worse - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump Jr. attorney says he spoke with 8th person at meeting - - Alan Futerfas, has told CNN he has spoken by phone to the eighth person in the room during the meeting at Trump Tower in June 2016. CNN reported last week that the individual was there on behalf of a Russian family, the Agalarovs, who had asked for the meeting to be set up, according to two sources familiar with the circumstances.
Spicer insists Trump Jr. meeting was only about adoption - POLITICO
Six Months In, Trump Is Historically Unpopular | FiveThirtyEight
Iowa Poll: As independents sour on Trump, disapproval rating tops 50%
Coast Guard wants to kick boats off Potomac River when president is golfing - The Washington Post
The Top Job in Trump's Administration Are Mostly Vacant: Who's to Blame -- President Trump has filled far fewer top jobs in cabinet or cabinet-level agencies than President Barack Obama had at this point in his presidency.
Maybe the stake has finally been driven into the heart of the vampire bill (because it wasn't cruel enough)
Note to Heller: Don't take away my health care or you die - The Nevada Independent
If John McCain were uninsured, his surgery could have cost $76,000 - Vox
Mitch McConnell is breaking the Senate - Vox
Vice chair of Trump voter fraud commission wants to change federal law to add new requirements for voting, email shows (only Republicans will be allowed to vote)
South Carolina Voting System Hack Is Latest Threat to American Faith in Democracy - t is now only a matter of time before a story breaks that completely undermines what's left of the faith that Americans have as regards the integrity of our elections.
Kris Kobach under investigation by Kansas Supreme Court disciplinary office | The Topeka Capital-Journal
'Neoliberalism' and the Democratic Party -- tone has started rubbing off on residents. (rise of the Deplorables)
How Trump Is Transforming Rural America | The New Yorker
Report: Australian Woman Was Shot By Minneapolis Cop As She Talked To His Partner | HuffPost - The victim had reportedly gone outside in her pajamas to talk to officers about a 911 call she placed ... body cameras turned off (America has a cop problem)
Woman 'shot dead by cops after calling 911 to report RAPE' | Daily Mail Online
Fired cop who killed 15-year-old Jordan Edwards indicted on murder charge | Crime | Dallas News
Why I'm Leaving the Southern Baptist Convention -- 78 percent of white evangelicals, many of whom are Southern Baptists, approve of President Trump ... In April, five white professors at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth dressed in a way that mimicked gangsta rappers. They posed for a picture wearing hoodies, hats to the side and flashy necklaces. One of the professors was holding what looked like a gun. (the pro-slavery denomination)
Signet Jewelers CEO at center of gender-discrimination case retires for 'health reasons'
R Kelly accused of physically abusing and controlling women in 'cult'
Mass. lawmakers unveil proposed overhaul of marijuana law - The Boston Globe - The compromise measure increases the state pot tax from 3.75 percent to 10.75 percent. It also pushes up the optional tax cities and towns can impose on pot purchases from 2 percent to 3 percent. With the states's 6.25 percent sales tax, the maximum pot tax would be 20 percent ...There were six members of the joint House-Senate conference committee that, in secret, hammered out the marijuana bill accord.
Mass. lawmakers unveil proposed overhaul of marijuana law - The Boston Globe : bostontrees (and will wreck MMJ because MA legislators know what's good for you)
SJC Rules in Favor of MMJ Use! : bostontrees
Worker fired over marijuana use may sue company for discrimination, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court rules |
Does nicotine addiction permanently change the brain? : askscience
Parent confronts school board on abuse of autistic child. : videos
$950,000 settlement after teacher abused child in Brentwood classoom
Brentwood: New claims, lawsuit filed against teacher convicted of abuse The Mercury News
Men of Reddit, what are things women write on their dating profiles that are instant deal-breakers? : AskReddit
Women of Reddit, what are things men write on their dating profiles that are instant deal-breakers? : AskReddit
Women of Reddit; what flirting signals do men miss or not pick up on? : AskReddit
What knowledge might save your life one day? : AskReddit
Creep tries to take advantage of a gofundme page to save a cat, and his conversation is forwarded to his family : bestof
Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T have spent $572 MILLION on lobbying the government to kill net neutrality : technology
Arson Suspected in Fire in China That Killed at Least 22 - The New York Times
I'm an American rabbi. Israel no longer recognizes my religious authority ... "Everything you learned about the Holocaust is wrong. The Nazis were nothing but an instrument of Hashem [God]! Hashem brought the Holocaust on the Jewish people, and do you know why? It's because the Jews of Europe fell away from a life of piety. They were abandoning their kashrus, they were desecrating the Sabbath!"
Schiff: Trump Jr.'s Russia Meeting 'Clear Evidence' Of Intent To collude
Warner: Trump Admin Has 'Clearly' Not Been Forthcoming On Russia Meddling
Team Trump Excuses for the Don Jr. Meeting Go from Bad to Worse
Trump Lawyer Blames Secret Service For Not Preemptively Stopping Jr.'s Meeting ... Mason Brayman, a spokesman for the Secret Service, told Reuters in a statement that the Secret Service was not protecting Trump Jr. in June 2016 when he attended the meeting ... Sekulow said he had not talked to Trump about whether the President would eliminate the possibility of pardoning associates caught up in the federal investigation into possible collusion
Huge Manafort Payment Reflects Murky Ukraine Politics - The New York Times
Soviet Veteran Who Met With Trump Jr. Is a Master of the Dark Arts - The New York Times (speaking of "dark arts")
Trump: Poll Showing My Approval Rating At 70-Year Historic Low Is 'Not Bad'
???B??TY on Twitter: "@realDonaldTrump" (do.not.miss)
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "The ABC/Washington Post Poll, even though almost 40% is not bad at this time, was just about the most inaccurate poll around election time!"
Trump's standing weakened since springtime -- overall approval rating has dropped to 36 percent from 42 percent in April. His disapproval rating has risen five points to 58 percent (almost as unpopular as crooked W)
6 months in, a record low for Trump, with troubles from Russia to health care (POLL) - ABC News -- Just 36 percent of Americans (approve of Satan)
Trump's Approval Stands at 50 Percent in the Counties That Fueled His Win - NBC News (they voted to have Trump eat them alive)
Donald Trump approval rating at 70-year low as Russia scandal swirls | US news | The Guardian ... son 'scorned by Fake New Media' over Trump Tower meeting (he capitalized that)
By a 2-to-1 margin, Americans prefer Obamacare to Republican replacements - The Washington Post (old white dumb evangelicals voted for Satan and the Death Party)
Tom Price on Health-Care Bill: Up Is Down (and it always has been)
A Horrible Bill Delayed - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Mitch McConnell won't be able to hold a vote on his bill to take health insurance away from tens of millions of people to pay for present and future tax cuts next week because John McCain is aprincipled mavericksick. (McCain uses his health insurance so he can come back and take your health insurance away)
GOP Senator Says O'Care Re[peal 'Would Make Sweeping' Cuts to Medicaid ... "This bill would make sweeping and deep cuts to the Medicaid program, which has been a safety net program on the books for more than 50 years, ensuring that some of our most vulnerable citizens, our disabled children, our low-income seniors, receive the health care that they need," Collins said
Catholic journal criticizes Trump 'Value voters' - criticizes some American religious supporters of President Donald Trump for their fundamentalist views, which the authors say demonize others and create fear and hatred. (the values of Satan and demons demonizing)
As opioid overdoses exact a higher price, communities ponder who should be saved - The Washington Post - Sheriff Richard Jones in Butler County, Ohio, refuses to let his police officers carry Narcan, a nasal spray that counters the effects of opioid overdose (cops are the new death panels) -- Two doses of an injectable form of naloxone, Evzio, cost $4,500, up from $690 in 2014. The price of other forms of the drug, including the nasally administered Narcan, typically range from $70 to $150 per dose, officials say. (+Paul LePage) )
How Obama's Failure To Prosecute Wall Street Set The Stage For Trump's Win -- chickenshit club (no sense of long-term consequences from the beginning)
Trump defends his son -- drawing a contrast with Clinton -- and says media are 'distorting democracy' ... in a series of angry statements issued early Sunday (except for Fox and Breitbart)
White House unveils 'Made in America' week, though many Trump products are made overseas ... The White House will continue with its theme weeks into August. July 24 will kick off "American Heroes" week and July 31 will be the sgtart of "American Dream" week. (he's programming a reality show)
What's disgusting about homelessness - Ooo, that smell update - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Kevin Drum thinks a lot of homeless people are disgusting)
Phil Donahue: Trump era 'darkest political moment' in history
Caitlyn Jenner: I Might Run For The US Senate - Joe.My.God. (America, the reality show +DiFi is 84 and will run again)
Caitlyn Jenner weighs run for Senate | TheHill (will defend "Repubican values" from the inside by defeating DiFi)
Privilege + ignorance = violence - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Man accused of intimidating Muslim couple says he did it out of 'fear and ignorance' | KATU - Sorell is no stranger to the law. Records show he was convicted of rape in Multnomah County in 2001.
Police thought a skydiver died in an accident -- until they saw his final message to his wife -- Capotorto Vitantonio (comments)
Free Press Matters: The US Government is Murdering Me Under a Secret Program Called COINTELPRO Slow Kill Assassination
CBO changed the health care debate. Think what it could change in MA. - The Boston Globe (California has a state CBO but it's the last thing MA legislators, particulary Jason Lewis, want)
Harvard theater school to go on 'three-year hiatus' ... struggling ART Institute, a graduate-level theater training program housed within the American Repertory Theater, has announced that it is suspending admissions for the next three years 'to work on a strategic plan' for the Institute (that's a lot of "planning")
In Cambridge, there is such a thing as too much pizza - The Boston Globe (PRC regulates your pizzas)
Elon Musk just told a group of America's governors that we need to regulate AI before it's too late
Do Spy Agencies Hold Answer to Dag Hammarskjold's Death? U.N. Wants to Know.
Iran Dominates in Iraq After U.S. 'Handed the Country Over' (after they totally wrecked it)
Two Israeli police officers killed in Temple Mount shooting, another wounded - Israel News - - After shooting, Israeli Arab assailants entered Temple Mount complex and were shot and killed by police; Israel cancels Friday prayers at the site for first time in years
Eschaton: Tories Are Just Horrible People - Imagine that your boss, the Prime Minister of the UK, is a woman, and you feel like you can make casual "quips" like this in front of her ... Reports suggest that in a discussion about transport, the chancellor quipped that driving trains had now been made so easy that "even a woman" could do it
FatSputnik describes what happened to Russia with the rise of the Putin regime and describes how it is happening to the U.S. via Republicans refusing to prosecute crimes of their own party. : bestof
American Journalist and 3 Guards Missing in Congo - The New York Times
Homeland Security says Americans who don't want faces scanned leaving the country "shouldn't travel" : news
In memo, Trump administration weighs expanding the expedited deportation powers of DHS - The Washington Post
Trump Campaign Paid Don Jr.'s Lawyer $50,000 Two Weeks Before Email Scandal -- , Trump Jr. hired Futerfas, who is best known for representing four of New York's major Italian mob families
Also At Trump Jr.-Russia Meeting: An Ex-U.S. Government Worker With Liberal Views | HuffPost - Anatoli Samochornov, a witness to the event everyone is talking about.
Eschaton: Not Many Reasons Lawyers Quit Their Clients - They can be a bit dangerous when their pants are on fire.
Why Does Jared Kushner Still Have a Security Clearance? - POLITICO Magazine - Anyone else would have been fired long ago, if not worse.
The Russian Lawyer And The Lobbyist From The Trump Jr. Meeting Had A Busy Month In America Last Summer - Natalia Veselnitskaya was not only at the Trump Tower meeting
Dems wanCredibility is a finite resource, and his is below zero.
t scrutiny of Ivanka Trump over Kushner's Russian contacts
Roger Stone's Testimony in House Russia Probe Delayed After Radio Tirade
I don't believe Donald Trump Jr., and neither should you -- Credibility is a finite resource, and his is below zero.
MSNBC interview goes off the rails when Joy Reid holds Trump supporter' s feet to the fire on Russia
Britain's Gift to America: The New Sleazocracy -- Rob Goldstone is a very recognizable British type
A 39-year-old man is mysteriously still a 'kid' (so's his daddy)
Americans put Trump in the Oval Office. What does that say about the country? - The Washington Post (63 million traitor Americans love nasty, crooked, lying, cheating asshole racist Russian agent demagogues)
The latest evidence of Trump's unfitness may be the most revolting (treason is "standard")
Here are the hidden horrors in the Senate GOP's new Obamacare repeal bill (is Cruz an archdemon?)
'Simply Unworkable': Insurers Blast New Provision In Senate Health Bill | HuffPost - The industry sounds just as angry as the patient advocates. (death sentence for them too)
White House launches aggressive push to flip GOP governors opposed to Senate health bill - The Washington Post
The Cruelty and Fraudulence of Mitch McConnell's Health Bill
Democrats are unregistering and the party thinks its because of Trump's voter commission | McClatchy Washington Bureau - new election commission is encouraging Democrats across the country to remove themselves from the electoral grid for fear of revealing personal information to the GOP leadership.
Lessons on Labor Economics for the Owner of a Roofing Company in Nebraska | Beat the Press | Blogs | Publications | The Center for Economic and Policy Research -- Sarah M. Smith (has a thinking skills problem) Maybe the government should provide employers with an incentive for learning basic labor economics. At the very least perhaps we should have free community college courses for employers in basic labor economics. If we take this interview as being indicative of the thinking of employers more generally, the economic payback could be enormous.
Elections Have Consequences: Sex Education Edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Jane Kay, of the Center for Investigative Reporting, reports that the Department of Health and Human Services has abruptly cancelled funding for a number of ongoing scientific studies and programs aimed at reducing teen pregnancy. (they can't be anti-abortion if women don't need abortions)
Myths about sexual assault on campus from the Department of Education - The Washington Post - A TOP Education Department official has apologized for saying that '90 percent" of campus sexual assault claims result from both parties being drunk. In this case, though, apology isn't enough, she needs to resign ... Candice Jackson (must have been drunk a lot)
TD Garden owners agreed to hold fund-raisers for Boston -- but they never have - Twenty-four years ago ... (they sure buried that one)
The Lawyer, the Addict - The New York Times - A high-powered Silicon Valley attorney dies. His ex-wife investigates, and finds a web of drug abuse in his profession.
A Small-Town Police Officer's War on Drugs -- Eric Adams (and Edward Engler, mayor of Laconia doesn't think there'a a problem because he didn't hear about in his Rotary Club meetings)
A firing that should have stuck - The Boston Globe
Please Prove You're Not a Robot
Oops! A Gallery Selfie Gone Wrong Causes $200,000 in Damage. - The New York Times
What happens if a quantum entangled particle B is sent through a BBO again? : askscience
Stanford mathematics professor Maryam Mirzakhani, the first and to-date only female winner of the Fields Medal since its inception in 1936, died July 15 after a long battle with cancer. Mirzakhani was 40 years old.
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has changed quite a bit : funny
You can't even text and walk : videos
You can send one text message to every single mobile phone in the world right now, but no one is allowed to reply or know who has sent it, what do you say? : AskReddit
Google is using AI to create stunning landscape photos using Street View imagery - Google's AI photo editor tricked even professional photographers
Scientists say Miami could cease to exist in our children's lifetime (Glug-a-Lago)
The Great Sparrow Campaign was the start of the greatest mass starvation in history | MNN - Mother Nature Network - n 1958, Mao Zedong ordered all sparrows to be killed. As a direct result, millions of people starved to death ... the official number from the Chinese government placed at 15 million. Some scholars, however, estimate that the fatalities were as high as 45 or even 78 million. (which would qualify as one of the largest heman exterminations in history, right?)
London acid attacks: 5 men assaulted in 1 night -
Chilean victims of ex-Nazi's cult of horrors may finally get some answers - During those years the settlement was known as Colonia Dignidad and housed a bizarre cult of postwar German emigres. The commune was led by Paul Schaefer, a Colonel Kurtz-like figure who waged shock-and-awe psychological warfare on his 300 or so followers as a means of total control.
Watch never-ending handshake between Trump and Macron - (29 seconds)
A second-by-second analysis of the Trump-Macron handshake -
Eschaton: Your Moment of Zen (women are bodies)
Grandparents Win Reprieve From Trump Travel Ban in Federal Court - The New York Times
White House shakes up legal team as probe gathers steam [Video]
Trump Tower Russia meeting: At least eight people in the room -
Trump Team Met Russian Accused of International Hacking Conspiracy
Trump Jr.'s Russia meeting sure sounds like a Russian intelligence operation
Republican Who Sought Clinton Emails Did Not Die of Natural Causes
Conway Moves Collusion Goalposts to Undisclosed Location
Already A White House Liability, Kushner Became Radioactive This Week
GOP's moral rot is the problem, not Donald Trump Jr. -- It's not by accident that Trump chose to inhabit the party that has defined itself in opposition to reality and to any "external moral truth or ethical code." (+Party of Demons)
The rot - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Jennifer Rubin (yeah that one) has awoken:
Post title here - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Hillary set Don Jr. up)
The Possibility Exists That Donald Trump Jr. May Not Have Been Telling the Whole Truth - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Russian spy at meeting with Trump Jr. not formally trained as a spy - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Former Soviet Counterintelligence Officer at Meeting With Donald Trump Jr. and Russian Lawyer - NBC News
Trump Looks to RNC to Pay Russia Legal Fees - Trump's Favorite Pastime: Not Paying for Stuff - The Trump White House is looking for the RNC to pick up the Russia tab. (the crooks and agents had to hire lawyers, Republicans should pay their bills muhahah)
Just Six Days After Trump Jr's Meeting, Guccifer 2.0 Emailed Me -- But There Was One Key Difference
Reverence for Putin on the Right Buys Trump Cover - The New York Times (Russia was bad until it was good)
Lynch distances herself from Russian lawyer after Trump attack | TheHill
How A False Conspiracy Theory About The Russian Lawyer Who Met With Don Jr. Spread To Trump
Trump Blamed Loretta Lynch For Letting A Russian Lawyer Into The US. Here's How She Actually Got In.
A small number of Republican senators now face a career-defining choice - The Washington Post (will they vote for Satan and death for their constituents?)
Massive Knob Calls for Civility - Last night, hours before the Senate's latest attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with a massive wealth transfer to the rich was revealed, the Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan had a plea: Could you be nice to me, please? (while I kill you, suckers)
Eschaton: The Biggest Fucking Fuck In The History Of Fuckitude Calls For Civility
Eschaton: Does The Opposite Of Anything Anyone Tells Him - He won't follow instructions. After one meeting in which they urged Trump to steer clear of a certain topic, he sent a tweet about that very theme before they arrived back at their office.
Shepard Smith has a Cronkite moment on Russia
The New Yorker on Twitter: "An early look at next week's cover, "Grounded," by Barry Blitt:"
More than 3,000 Colorado voters cancel registrations - The withdrawals began in earnest earlier this month, after a presidential advisory commission on election integrity requested publicly available voter information from all 50 states.
White House releases sensitive personal information of voters worried about their sensitive personal information - The Washington Post
Judge Tosses Jury's Conviction Of Woman Who Laughed At Jeff Sessions, Orders New Trial
A judge has overturned the conviction of a woman who prosecutors said disrupted the confirmation hearing for Attorney General Jeff Sessions by laughing : news
Steve King and Louie Gohmert Protest Lack of Transgender Provision in Military Bill - I can assure my friends here in the House that there was nobody who was out there defending western civilization who had undergone a sex-change operation in the previous two years.
The new culture war targeting American universities appears to be working - The Washington Post (making stupid great again)
Criminal investigation into St. Paul's school could force changes
Elite St. Paul's School under criminal investigation after sexual misconduct revelations
When Will We Ever Learn?: St. Pauls School and Beyond | Karen Gross | Pulse | LinkedIn
Columbia settles Nungesser's Title IX lawsuit - Columbia Daily Spectator - Nungesser was at the center of a gender-based misconduct investigation after Emma Sulkowicz, CC '15 accused him of assault in 2012. He was later found not guilty by a University investigation. (mattress girl)
Steve Duin: Kenny & Zuke's fires Brice Clagett
TIL: In its January 1988 issue, Cosmopolitan ran a feature claiming that women had almost no reason to worry about contracting HIV. The piece claimed that unprotected sex with an HIV-positive man did not put women at risk of infection and went on to state that "most heterosexuals are not at risk". : todayilearned
New research has found how attractiveness of a romantic partner can be a driving force behind the desire to diet and seek a slim body, though that motivation contrasts sharply between men and women. : science
The Resilience of Life to Astrophysical Events | Scientific Reports (Tardigrades will survive anything)
Drug addict returns stolen money 5 years later. : pics
Blind magician instantly fools Penn & Teller with possibly best card trick ever. : videos
What are the most underrated NSFW subs? : AskReddit
Mom knows best : funny
If SoundCloud Shuts Down, What Happens to the Music?
Eschaton: The Rich - A standard thing to say about the British upper class/aristocrats is that Americans think they're refined and "nice" and polite (if conservative assholes in their politics), but they're actually crass and cruel. Donald Trumps who sometimes have a bit better education.
What Did Republicans Know About the Russia Scandal? America Deserves an Answer. | New Republic - Either Trump deceived GOP leaders, or they ignored the collusion. (top Republicans all Russian tools, lock them up!)
Sources: Trump lawyers knew of Russia emails back in June
Top Democrat on Senate Intelligence Committee fears Trump will pardon anyone who colluded - Vox (and give them medals and high-paying jobs)
Trump told us exactly who he was - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Today CNN released a video footage of Donald Trump having dinner with some of the key players implicated in the latest iteration of the Trump-Russia collusion scandal. (Mafia Don and dumb America)
All Roads Now Lead to Kushner - The New York Times
The blackmail factor: Trumpworld's Russia lies are a major risk to national security - The Russians know the truth and Trump knows they know.
Mike Pence's Press Secretary Won't Say If His Boss Met With Russians | HuffPost - "Just to nail this down so w<'re clear: Is that a yes or a no?" /a>
Special Counsel Mueller brings on FBI official who oversaw Clinton email investigation - - Robert Mueller has brought on Peter Strzok
Only 17 Percent of Americans Believe Trump is Telling the Truth About Comey - Lawfare
Conspiracy or Coincidence? A Timeline Open to Interpretation ... In his victory speech, Mr. Trump promised to deliver a major address detailing Mrs. Clinton's "corrupt dealings" to give "favorable treatment" to foreign government, including "the Russians"
Justice Department Defies Court Deadline To Release Sessions's Contacts With Russians (Sessions won't release evidence incriminating Sessions)
A Donald Jr. Cheat Sheet - The New York Times
Peter W. Smith, GOP operative who sought Clinton's emails from Russian hackers, committed suicide, records show ... killed himself in a Minnesota hotel room days after talking to The Wall Street Journal about his efforts, public records show.
#Resist Mass Deportation - Lawyers, Guns & Money (then tney came for all the tax-paying latinos)
Eschaton: I Used To Do That Then I Started A Blog - I guess he tweets. But still yells! - Three days after the Donald Trump Jr. email revelations broke, the White House seems stuck in purgatory, with aides still deeply unsure about who leaked the damaging information, and the president still yelling at the TV.
Trump's off-the-record on-the-record toggle vexes reporters - politico - President Donald Trump has not held a wide-ranging news conference since February,
Trump Lawyer Marc Kasowitz Threatens Stranger in Emails: "Watch Your Back , Bitch" -- After hearing Rachel Maddow discuss our recent story about Kasowitz, a man emailed the attorney urging him to resign. Kasowitz responded with threats and profanity
Today in this crappy over the top political novel we call life - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Republican Senators Left Exposed in Health Care Ad Wars
Senate Republicans exempt own health coverage from part of latest proposal - Vox (they won't eat their own dog food)
Patriarchal society is highly dependent on the frequent repetition of dubious anecdotes masquerading as facts - Lawyers, Guns & Money :- The ones that downplay violence against women while portraying them as life-wrecking liars have been cherished for millennia.
Rep. Flores says President Trump's children should be removed from White House
House panel advances amendment blocking Pentagon funding for gender transition | TheHill ... Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) Still, Hartzler argued the transgender policy harms readiness.
Eschaton: Kid - I don't know if this just another boomer thing but I really don't get this ratcheting up of the age at which white people are still "kids." ... "The kid is an honest kid" ... Fredo is 39. Black people become adults at about age 5, of course.
Gillespie's primary scare has White House, others urging 'Tru mp owrld' hires (that will certainly help)
DOJ Charges Two Former Staffers With Sharing Nude Images Of House Member
Monmouth University - The poll also asked voters to name the most important issues currently facing New Jersey and found that fully half (50%) identify the state's highest-in-the-nation property taxes as their most pressing concern.
Sheldon Silver's 2015 Corruption Conviction Is Overturned - the once-powerful New York State Assembly speaker who obtained nearly $4 million in illicit payments in return for taking official actions that benefited others, (Supreme Court allowed corruption)
Oklahoma already led the nation in cuts to K-12 education. Now we lead in cuts to higher ed too. (leads nation in defunding education, followed by LA, WV, AK, KY, AR, KA in the red, the wilfully stupid states)
Leaked Documents Suggest Secretive Billionaire Trump Donors Are Milo's Patrons -- The Mercer family
Criminal investigation to be launched into St. Paul
New Arrest Videos Show More Of Shia LaBeouf's Shockingly Racist Behavior | HuffPost
Activists say Arlington police promised to drop charges against teens if mom gave up video | Crime | Dallas News
Airbnb host who canceled reservation using racist comment must pay $5,000 | Technology | The Guardian - Tami Barker, who said she was canceling a guest's booking because the woman was Asian, must take a course in Asian American studies
The 9 Most Inspiring TED Talks of 2017 | -- "3 principles for creating safer AI" by Stuart Russell
School of Sewing: Learn it, Teach it, Sew Together: Shea Henderson: 9781940655024: Books
Citationsy 7 Create citations, reference lists, and bibliographies
Eclipse Megamovie
ELI5: How does electrical equipment ground itself out on the ISS? Wouldn't the chassis just keep storing energy until it arced and caused a big problem? : explainlikeimfive
Evermore: ravens can plan for the future, scientists say | Environment | The Guardian - Swedish experiment shows the notoriously brilliant bird has capacity to think ahead, an ability previously documented only in humans and great apes
Black Mirror's "San Junipero" is up for an Emmy for Best Television Movie. : television
Who paid the bill !!???? : funny
Eschaton: First We Force The App... Then We Force The Advertising... - After forcing Facebook users to switch to a separate Messenger app to continue chatting, the social network is about to start pushing adverts on those using the function.
Doomsday scenarios are as harmful as climate change denial - The Washington Post - By Michael E. Mann, Susan Joy Hassol and Tom Toles
Era of 'Biological Annihilation' Is Underway, Scientists Warn ... "Population growth and increasing consumption among the rich is driving it" (the solution is kill all the rich people)
The Sixth Extinction - Lawyers, Guns & Money
A robust, multi-sourced temperature map for the last 2000 years finds Global Mean Temperature Anomalies (GMTAs) were becoming increasingly negative prior to 1910 (Figure 7), after which a rapid and continuing warming began (Figs. 3 & 7), seeing consistently positive GMTAs from 1995 (Fig. 3). : science
Project MIDAS | Larsen C calves trillion ton iceberg - The iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, weighs more than a trillion tonnes. Its volume is twice that of Lake Erie, one of the Great Lakes. (meanwhile, in planetary destruction)
Congressman Sherman Introduces Article of Impeachment: Obstruction of Justice | Congressman Brad Sherman
The investigation goes digital: Did someone point Russia to specific online targets? - The Washington Post
Exclusive: Trump says he was unaware of son's meeting with Russian lawyer (dirt on Hillary just a coincidence)
Russian Officials Overheard Discussing Trump Associates Before Campaign Began - WSJ - U.S. intelligence starting in the spring of 2015 detected conversations in which Russian government officials discussed meetings with Trump associates (and Barry didn't want to look "partisan")
Eschaton -The World's Greatest Collection Of Evil Backstabbing Idiots -- What could go wrong?
The Big Trumpers Still Don't Get The Trouble Tney're In
A revelation unlike any other in the Russia investigation - The Washington Post - The emails between President Trump's oldest son and an intermediary for the Russians provide the clearest indication to date that Trump campaign officials and family members were at least prepared to do business with a foreign adversary in the mutual goal of taking down Hillary Clinton.
Eschaton: Javanka - While Donald Trump Jr. has been the main focus of the controversy because he set up the meeting, Mr. Kushner faces potential trouble because he currently works in the White House and neglected to mention the encounter on forms he filled out for a background check to obtain a security clearance.
Investigators look for links between Trump, Russia cyber operations | McClatchy Washington Bureau
Rancor at White House as Russia Story Refuses to Let the Page Turn - The New York Times
Natalia Veselnitskaya, Lawyer Who Met Trump Jr., Seen as Fearsome Moscow Insider - The New York Times
Donald Tru mp Jr.'s ever-shifting excuses on Russia: a clear timeline -- This is what happens when you don't come clean the first time.
Donald Trump Says His Son Is An 'Innocent' Victim Of 'Witch Hunt' | HuffPost
Trump Teased 'Major' News On Clinton Hours After Don Jr. Set Meeting On Russian Dirt
President Trump personally signed off on false statement claiming Don Jr's meeting was about adoption: report
Trump goes AWOL, hasn't shown up to work all week - Shareblue (dealing with mental issues)
Republicans Reluctantly Acknowledge a Failure of Governing - The New York Times
trump's tax cuts would give the poor $40 each and the ultrarich $940,000
Trump's proposals could hike taxes for nearly a quarter of the middle class
Still not seeing a health care game changer - Axios
U.S. immigration officials have detained an Iranian cancer researcher who was headed to a prominent Boston hospital to work as a scholar, a move that hospital officials protested on Tuesday : news
The GOP spent MILLIONS (in the 70's) investigating Carter's family's peanut farm for potential business conflicts of interest. Trump? Hmm... : AdviceAnimals
Jared Kushner punishing Qatar over 'soured real-estate deal,' reports allege : news
Major Donor Admits Hiring Prostitute to Smear Witness - The New York Times - AUG. 19, 2004 - In the plea agreement, Mr. Kushner acknowledged that he arranged to have a prostitute seduce Mr. Schulder in a motel room in Bridgewater where video cameras were installed. The plot succeeded, and Mr. Kushner had a videotape sent to the Schulders.
Patriarchal society is highly dependent on the frequent repetition of dubious anecdotes masquerading as facts - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- The ones that downplay violence against women while portraying them as life-wrecking liars have been cherished for millennia. (all the girls were drunk and immodest)
"Also, Walter Duranty Assures Us That the Holodomor Is a Myth" - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - To unite a couple of recent themes, it's profoundly embarrassing that the Nation keeps publishing this crap: (and Katha Pollit is not happy either)
The lights go out on the Republican Party - The Washington Post (they were always projecting their treasonous behavior) +"Man, if we worked in central casting, and had to come up with a woman with the right look to play a Russian femme fatale, no one could match Natalia Veselnitskaya - there's no second place - she sweeps the thing"
Joe Scarborough Announces He's Leaving Republican Party, Now Is an Independent
When Talking About Slavery, Words Really Matter : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The problem of course is that mistress implies some sort of choice, whereas Sally Hemings was Jefferson's sex slave (like, literally) We simply cannot understand the United States, then and now, without placing sex slavery at the middle of the conversation. Yet for many white people, even acknowledging this is a step too far to take.
Sally Hemings wasn't Thomas Jefferson's mistress. She was his property.
Michigan imposes prison term for female genital mutilation : news
Oregon may soon decriminalize heroin, cocaine, meth : news (could be you, MA)
Virginia man pleads guilty to killing a bald eagle by shooting, running it over with an ATV - 62-year-old Smithfield resident Allen H. Thacker shot the eagle, according to a statement of facts filed with his plea agreement, because "he was upset it had been hunting and taking fish from a pond located on his property."
August Busch IV, ex-CEO of Anheuser-Busch, arrested for trying to fly helicopter while intoxicated : news "hold my beer" +serial killer
N.J. Supreme Court: dash-cam footage of fatal police shootings is public : news
Columbus police officer that stomped cuffed man is fired : news
Prosecutor: Driver involved in fiery crash has been removed from U.S. 7 times : news
Policeman pulls over black woman and quickly discovers she is the state attorney : news
Threats against transgender woman came from inside Detroit city hall : news
Videos emerge of SF police officer bumping skateboarder : news
Marijuana billboard in South Boston called 'insensitive' (but letting opiod addicts die isn't)
Harvard faculty panel recommends banning fraternities, sororities and other social groups - The Washington Post
Harvard panel recommends barring students from final clubs - The Boston Globe
Racism in Hollywood - Lawyers, Guns & Money (where, oh where, would we possibly find a male actor in his 20's of Indian descent who can sing?) xsy
Increased coffee consumption is associated with lower risk of death from multiple causes : science (life panels worked)
Commercial "brain training" apps such as Lumosity have no influence on neural activity or choices during decision making : science
Do animals have blood types like we do? : askscience
Hypertension increases the risk of open-angle glaucoma in retrospective cohort study : science
Total solar eclipse 2017: How rare is the Aug. 21 eclipse path? - Washington Post
Redditors who spend a lot of time in seclusion (at sea, in the air or out in the wilderness) what's the creepiest or most mysterious thing you've seen, found or experienced? : AskReddit
Noahpinion: Why did Europe lose the Crusades?
Guys, what do girls do that they think is "being cute", but in reality is the furthest thing from it? : AskReddit
All out of fucks to give
What is the dumbest way you've ever injured yourself? : AskReddit
What was cool in the 90s but socially unacceptable nowadays? : AskReddit
What's the best YO MAMA joke? : AskReddit
What should you absolutely not do at a wedding? : AskReddit
What are you banned from? : AskReddit
The FCC Insists It Can't Stop Impostors From Lying About My Views On Net Neutrality : technology
Millions of Verizon customer records exposed in security lapse | ZDNet - Customer records for at least 14 million subscribers, including phone numbers and account PINs, were exposed.
Earth's sixth mass extinction event under way, scientists warn | Environment | The Guardian - study reveals billions of populations of animals have been lost in recent decades ... "biological annialation" ... "frightening assault on the foundations of human civilisation" (sounds like the Republican party, doesn't it)
Battle of Mosul: How Iraqi forces defeated the Islamic State - Washington Post
Netanyahu's former defense minister thinks he will be indicted - - oo many issues are under investigation,
Umbrella-sharing startup loses nearly all of its 300,000 umbrellas in a matter of weeks
Five key facts about Donald Trump Jr.'s just-released explosive email exchange -- Top congressional Republicans were told that Russia was trying to tip the election to Trump and argued against doing something public about it. (McConnell complicit with Russia, lock him up)
Trump Jr. delivers 'smoking gun' to Mueller -- shows an intent to collude with Russia,
Donald Trump's Jr.'s full emails about meeting a 'Russian government attorney,' annotated
Donald Trump Jr. may have crossed the legal line on collusion - The Washington Post
Meghan McCain: Mike Pence's Denial About Russia Communication Was 'A Lie' | HuffPost (Fox) "How they have let this spin so completely out of control is beyond my comprehension" (Pence is a Russian agent, lock him up)
Gowdy fumes at Trump administration over latest Russia controversy - POLITICO - sarcastically suggesting that officials get checked for amnesia about any contacts with Russia.
If Donald Trump Jr. Sinks, Who Goes Down With Him? - POLITICO Magazine - ironically, has been brought low by an email.
The Wall Begins to Crumble: Notes on Collusion - Lawfare - key defensive wall has developed some major cracks.
Ru ssian Dirt on Clinton? 'I Love It,' Donald Trump Jr. Said
The Media Is Not Asking the Right Questions on Trump Jr. Emails and Meeting with the "Russian Government Lawyer"
What a Fucking Stagmire - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Thanks to Little Donald, the Trump administration is at the precipice of an enormous crossroad:
3 days, 3 Don Jr. shocks to West Wing - Axios -- Thought for the day: If The New York Times knows all this, imagine what Bob Mueller knows.
GOP Researcher Who Sought Clinton Emails Had Alt-Right Help - politico Magazine
New details emerge on Moscow real estate deal that led to the Trump-Kremlin alliance
GOP Writer's Evolving Trump Jr. Take: Media Hysteria To Profound Blunder
Look At The Timeline
Oh Boy
The Most Gobsmacking Details From Trump Jr.'s Russian Meeting Email Chain
Emails Show Trump Jr. Knew Russia Was Working To Support Trump Campaign : news ("so how concerned is McCain?)
When the Kremlin Says 'Adoptions,' It Means 'Sanctions'
What Do the russians 'Have' on the Trump Family? Fear .. thoughts on Junior's changing story (lock him up)
Trump Is a Bad Renaissance Pope? Leave History Alone - Repent ... rom the pen of Rod Dreher, Optional Benedict ... Good god, dude. Put history down and step away from the vehicle.
Howard Dean: 'Criminal enterprise' running the country now
Eschaton - The problem with even trying to guess what's going on is that these are all the world's stupidest people.
Donald Trump Jr. is an idiot | New York Post - Democrats and the media are frothing to find something criminal in it all, with the most unhinged talking treason. What it clearly was, was criminally stupid. (Murdoch's rag goes with the stupid defense)
We are past the point of innocent explanations on Trump and Russia - Vox - Imagine if the Clintons had done what the Trumps did on Russia.
Trump Aides Freaking Out Over Don Jr's Russia Email: The 'Sum of All Fears' (Fredo) "My son is a high quality person and I applaud his transparency"
A Brief History of Donald Trump Junior Being Dumb - VICE - The 'Fredo' of the family has a habit of saying things that he probably shouldn't say.
Pro-Trump media scrambles to react to bombshell emails - Jul. 11, 2017
Twitter Users Blocked by Trump File Lawsuit - The New York Times
So that's why Sarah Huckabee Sanders wants the cameras off -- anders has no earthly idea what's going on in the White House she purports to represent.
Why not just ban women? The Republican dress code is straight out of The Handmaid's Tale
I'm David Brooks. Nice to meat you.
Redneck Revolt: the armed leftwing group that wants to stamp out fascism | US news | The Guardian
How a Montana mom became the target of a neo-Nazi troll storm -
Police search large farm for 4 missing Pennsylvania men, suspecting foul play - The Washington Post
Texas family says teen killed himself in macabre 'Blue Whale' online challenge that's alarming schools (supervised suicide)
A riptide swept away a Florida family. Then dozens of beachgoers formed a human chain. - The Washington Post
Backpage has always claimed it doesn't control sex-related ads. New documents show otherwise.
Man with axe prompts police standoff after Insane Clown Posse song demand | US news | The Guardian - Man made demand for song My Axe at Kiss 108 radio station in Boston
Blogger discredits claim Amelia Earhart was taken prisoner by Japan | US news | The Guardian
Coffee: thos who drank three or more cups a day were found to have a 18% lower risk of death for men
A Wearable Vibrator for Couples - The New York Times
9 Porn Films For People Who Don't Like Porn, According To Erika Lust
16 Movies Where the Actors Really Had Sex
10 Movies Where The Actors Had Real Sex On Camera | Decider | Where To Stream Movies & Shows on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Instant, HBO Go
When Will Climate Change Make the Earth Too Hot For Humans? - Famine, economic collapse, a sun that cooks us: What climate change could wreak -- sooner than you think
Michael E. Mann - Posts -- The article argues that climate change will render the Earth uninhabitable by the end of this century. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The article fails to produce it.
Donald Trump's alarming G20 performance -- A company would have replaced a CEO with behaviour as erratic as that of the president -- Lawrence Summers
Bill Scher on Twitter: "The Nation's Katha Pollitt rips The Nation's Stephen Cohen for calling Trump mtg w/Putin "courageous"" ... The Nation has always encouraged internal debates, but this is intense. Cohen is married to the editor-in-chief after all.
Tory MP Anne Marie Morris Recorded Saying Brexit No Deal Is A N***** In A Woodpile' | HuffPost UK (stay classy, tories)
Young Japanese people are not having sex | The Independent - Nearly half of Japanese people are entering their 30s without any sexual experience, leaving the country facing a steep population decline
Modern Conservative Solutions - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Douthat: Ban porn
Bring Your Own Guillotine - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - I have nothing else to say about this ad from today's New York Times -- Internation Luxury Conference -- What's Next: Luxury in a Turbulent World
Sharp Partisan Divisions in Views of National Institutions | Pew Research Center - Republicans increasingly say colleges have negative impact on U.S. (and now you know brought to you by the Party of Death and Stupidity)
The Only Way to Save America is Total Ignorance - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Of course Republicans now actively see higher education as destroying America.
Trump Jr. Was Told in Email of Russian Effort to Aid Campaign - The New York Times (this is the story they were trying to get ahead of)
Donald Trump Jr. in legal danger for Russia meeting about Clinton dirt - POLITICO - GOP and Democratic campaign operatives also refute idea that such a meeting was normal practice during an election.
GOP senator: Trump Jr. should be interviewed by Senate Intel panel | TheHill
The Note: Fire peers out from Trump-Russia smoke - ABC News
Booman Tribune ~ Trump Team Met With No Ordinary Russian Lawyer
The latest Trump/Russia leaks came from inside the White House - Vox - Why three White House advisers might have wanted to leak a fuller account of Donald Trump Jr's Russian lawyer meeting.
The Truth Behind Donald Trump, Jr.'s Meeting with a Russian Lawyer
Open Door to Moscow? New Facts in the Potential Criminal Case of Trump Campaign Coordination with Russia | Just Security
Donald Trump Jr. just contradicted a whole bunch of White House denials of Russian contacts - The Washington Post
Trump accuses James Comey of breaking the law -- based on a misleading Fox News report
Comey's private memos on Trump conversations contained classified material
Jared Kushner Tried and Failed to Get a Half-Billion-Dollar Bailout From Qatar
Federal prosecutors step up probe of land deal pushed by wife of Bernie Sanders - The Washington Post -- The land deal, the officials said, became a financial albatross for the 160-student school, contributing to its closure last year.
Eschaton: Taking Sides - One problem in the age of Trump is the press is horrible at standing up for itself. It's even worse at standing up for some basic bedrock ideals "we" all claim to sorta believe in. It's a problem.
Vote Suppression Never Sleeps - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The Republican war on democracy works on multiple fronts:
One of the Biggest Reasons Republicans Stick by Trump - Bloomberg - They blocked Obama's court nominees for years. Now they're filling those seats, starting a huge shift rightward for the judiciary.
Federal government cancels costly, decade-long search for a new FBI headquarters - The Washington Post
Alex Jones warns of pig/gorilla/human hybrids who can talk - ou see humanoids, they're ike 80 percent gorilla, 80 percent pig, and they're talking
The rate of teen pregnancy in the United States reached a historic low in 2015 due to higher contraceptive use, according to a study published last month by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention : science (Republicans will outlaw contraception so they can be anti-abortion)
EPA seeks to scrap rule protecting drinking water for third of Americans : news ("states' rights" to kill you brought by the Party of Death)
Oklahoma gets F in Workplace safety; labor commissioner shocked (shocked!)
(1) White Moms of Broken Arrow and Owasso - Home
Veterans call for the use of pot and more accountability as the VA battles the opioid epidemic : news
Monmouth University - Most think state is now worse off because of Gov. Christie - Choice Words for "Beachgate" (#1: "disgussted")
California Democrats plunge into 'civil war' progressives are demanding the party move more aggressively on a variety of issues.
Long After Protests, Students Shun the University of Missouri - The New York Times - Freshman enrollment at the Columbia campus, the system's flagship, has fallen by more than 35 percent in the two years since.
Award-Winning Journalist Who Broke Story of Jewish Women Barred From Chicago 'D yke March'; Removed From Reporting Duties ... Windy city times
Game Of Thrones recap (seasons 1-6) : television
Scientists at Johns Hopkins, Rutgers, the University of Trento in Italy, and Harvard Medical School report they have developed a new molecular technique that can be used to isolate thousands of long DNA sequences at the same time, more than ever before possible : science
Pricey jean manufacturers going bankrupt : news
/u/putinsvagina describes a reality shift they experienced while tripping on psilocybin, then explains how their life was changed after the experience. : bestof
What are the best questions to ask to get to deeply know someone? : AskReddit
What are some red flags that you're in a bad neighborhood? : AskReddit
Who had the biggest fall from grace? : AskReddit
What is a red flag that someone is manipulating you? : AskReddit
Jeff Bliss a student from Duncanville owns his teacher -Never forget this hero! : videos
Police shoot man and woman dressed as Batman characters during sex act at Australian nightclub : news
What is a dirty business tactic that you know and everyone should be aware of it? : AskReddit
Rooftop Solar Dims Under Pressure From Utility Lobbyists - The New York Times - But the decline has also coincided with a concerted and well-funded lobbying campaign by traditional utilities, which have been working in state capitals across the country to reverse incentives for homeowners to install solar panels.
Battle for Mosul: Iraqi forces declare victory over ISIS - The Washington Post
Angela Merkel Rolls Eyes at Putin at G20 Summit
The Anti-Semitism Around Donald Trump
BRUTAL: Australian Journalist Sums Up Trump's G20 Visit In 2 Minutes | Crooks and Liars (stupidity is a Western Value)
Combating a Real Threat to Election Integrity - The New York Times (Trump will fight "Voter Fraud")
U.S. officials say Russian government hackers have penetrated energy and nuclear company business networks - The Washington Post
Republicans deride Trump's idea for cyber security unit with Russia (next, he will merge the KGB and CIA)
Trump Gave Putin Exactly What He Wanted - The New York Times
Trump's Son Met With Russian Lawyer After Being Promised Damaging Information on Clinton
Donald Trump Jr.'s stunningly incriminating statement to the New York Times
Donald Trump Jr.'s 'Denials' of Russian Collusion Are Actually Confessions
Trump Team Met With Lawyer Linked to Kremlin During Campaign - The New York Times
Another Entirely Innocent Meeting Between the Trump Campaign And a Random State That Was Not Trying to Influence the Election - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump Team Met Lawyer Close To Kremlin, Report Says | HuffPost - Donald Trump Jr. said the meeting was to discuss an adoption program. (Kuskie is the Jewish Angelina)
Trump says it's 'time to move forward' with Russia (worked for Barry)
Eschaton: Morning Thread - None of this is normal. The people around him know this is not normal. I guess the big question is how long can they keep up the pretence?
Why Lawmakers Need the Congressional Budget Office - The Atlantic - The Congressional Budget Office is a controversial part of the health-care debate, but that just proves its importance. (we don't need your steenking "data")
Senator McCain says Republican healthcare bill likely dead | Reuters
Paul Ryan: No more public town hall meetings - AOL News - To avoid situations involving protesters coming in from other districts
Trump Jr. shares video of president shooting down 'CNN' in fighter jet
Colorado Flat Earth movement is spreading via technology
Video shows Minneapolis police officer shooting two dogs in north Minneapolis yard : news
Nevada dispensaries running out of marijuana
Mass. towns balking at pot shops as Beacon Hill weighs tighter local approvals (they threw away $100,000,000 in tax revenue so they can defund affordable house, and the T)
How children change their mothers -- and their mothers' DNA -- microchimerism.
If Vitamin D may be sunburn remedy, what does it mean for skin cancer? - Vitamin D increases an anti-inflammatory enzyme in the skin. The enzyme triggers other anti-inflammatory proteins and enhances tissue repair.
[Serious] Psychologists of Reddit, what have you learned from listening to people's problems and secrets? : AskReddit
Hello! :) I had a double mastectomy at 23 and decided to post pictures on GoneErotic to start to change society's definition of sexy! Ask Me Anything! :) : IAmA
GoPro captures moment car clips cyclist in hit and run accident : gifs
Marshall Neely: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
(1) Natchez Trace Parkway - Posts
ELI5: How point systems, like on Snapchat and Reddit, motivate people to participate even though they contribute no tangible value like money or rewards? : explainlikeimfive (gamification)
What's the silliest reason you've had to stop in the middle of having sex? : AskReddit
When was the last time you called 911? What was the reason? : AskReddit
Couples with a very significant achievement gap, be it academic, professional, financial, intellectual, or any other you can think of that may fit, how do you live with each other without feeling like two aliens? : AskReddit
/u/uMunthu shares a very insightful prediction of what the end of the Trump administration will look like. : bestof
Vegan cafe slammed for letting nude kids 'defecate on the floor' : news ("mama bear" has meltdown on the interests, bites her own foot off)
Elon Musk's big battery brings reality crashing into a post-truth world. For months, politicians and fossil fuel industry have lied about the viability of renewables. Now Tesla's big battery in South Australia will prove them wrong.
'Everybody Went Totally Mad' : 2nd Night of Violence in Hamburg
Donald Trump returns home as the odd man out after 'G19' summit | US news | The Guardian - During trip likely to cheer his base and frustrate critics, president focused on domestic concerns and gravitated toward non-democratic states+
Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory -- From his speech in Poland to his two-hour summit in Hamburg, the president seemed determined to promote Russia's dark and illiberal view of the world.
Once Dominant, the United States Finds Itself Isolated at G-20 - The New York Times
Ivanka Trump Sat In for Her Father at the G-20 Leaders' Table
Who's in the room for the Trump-Putin meeting? - - accompanied only by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in the talks while Putin will be joined by his foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov
This is one of President Trump's most bizarre tweets yet -- for 3 reasons)
'Unelected, unqualified': The Internets's reaction to Ivanka Trump taking her dad's seat the G-20
Emmanuel Macron jostles his way to the front of G20 photo to stand by Donald Trump
In the Russia probe, could Trump pardon himself? - The Washington Post (probably)
Trump's Voter Fraud Probe Is Just Beginning, And It May Already Be Breaking The Law. | HuffPost -- The commission says legal review requirements don't apply to it (Donald is above the law)
A Court Is Considering A Request To Halt The Trump Election Commission's Request For State Voter Lists
And more of the latest polling news.
G.O.P. Support of Senate Health Repeal Erodes During Break - The New York Times -- eroding enthusiasm, as usually reliable Republican senators from red states blanched at its impact on rural communities. (oh, us?) uniformly inequitable to states like Kansas that have not expanded Medicaid. (who, us?)
The Republican Party Now! (And Then) - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Before Chris Christie finally takes his single-digit approval ratings and heads home to beg Trump let him be his personal pizza delivery boy, remember that he's the epitome of Republican priorities:
Millions Meant for Rail Tunnel Subsidize Ferry Rides for a Few - The New York Times (they take your money and spend it on themselves)
WFAN: Christie's appearances an audition for new job - Gov. Chris Christie is scheduled to sit in as a guest host on sports-talk radio station WFAN 660-AM New York, an appearance a station spokeswoman called an audition.
CNN got it right when they threatened to name Reddit user
Charlottesville on edge as KKK rally approaches | Local |
Milo Yiannopoulos Strikes Back - Dangerous was the #1 bestseller and #1 new release on Amazon immediately following its July 4 publication;
Sheriff won't let his deputies carry overdose antidote - Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones remains opposed for safety reasons because, he asserts, people can become hostile and violent after being revived with naloxone ... Jones, an early supporter of Donald Trump (recently inducted Asshole Hall of Fame Sheriff Richard Jones would rather they just fuck off and die)
Children of the Opioid Epidemic Are Flooding Foster Homes. America Is Turning a Blind Eye. - Mother Jones
[AMA Request] Lanre Fehintola, the journalist who took heroin for a documentary, and then couldn't stop. : IAmA
Charges: Fists, wine bottles flew after passenger tried to open door on Seattle-Beijing flight | The Seattle Times
Expensive wheelchair dismantled and unusable after a flight on United Airlines : videos
Judge strikes down Utah law banning undercover farm filming : news
We Need to Stop This "Andrew Cuomo 2020" Nonsense Immediately (who's the biggest asshole? Christie, Cuomo or Emmanuel?)
Soothing Subway Waterfalls Are Here To Make Your Commute A Watery Wonderland: Gothamist
Baltimore Sun plans to close City Paper - Baltimore City Paper - The Baltimore Sun Media Group plans to close City Paper later this year. No official end date has been announced for the alt-weekly, now in its 40th year.
Deporting of Irishman casts big shadow -- The ICE director said that anyone who is undocumented ought to be looking over their shoulders
Driving through these towns in Mass.? Watch your speed - The Boston Globe
The Golden Age of Bailing - The New York Times
The Curse of the Second-Born Child Is Real -- second-born children (specifically sons) have a whopping 25% to 40% increased chance of getting in serious trouble at school or with the law when compared to the first-born in the same family.
Conventional Ground Beef May Be More Likely to Contain Dangerous Bacteria
Why isn't the human body comfortable at 98.6 degrees if that's our internal temperature? : askscience
Scientists in California have found that sexual intimacy is associated with longer telomeres, the protective end caps on our DNA. : science
TIL black people in ancient Rome were not discriminated against because of their skin colour or physical features. They were not excluded from any profession and there was no stigma against mixed race relationships. Classical writers did not attach social status or degree of humanity to skin colour. : todayilearned - Yeah back then EVERYONE could be a slave.
Girl accuses Cops of sexual assault, police chief releases body cam footage. : videos
[NSFW] Two young ladies driving recklessly while livestreaming on facebook. Resulting in a car crash and dead driver. : videos
One Thing Silicon Valley Can't Seem to Fix (parking)
This inventor is developing technology that could enable telepathy (and mind-control)
Confederate Flag Greets Trump in Poland - A banner of treason and white supremacy welcomed President Trump.
Trump affirms the Polish government's assault on democracy
How Stupid Do They Think We Are? Putin and Trump Agree to Let Putin Stop Any Future Election Meddling by Russia - According to Rex Tillerson, Putin will try to make sure Putin stops meddling in our elections.
The Racial and Religious Paranoia of Trump's Warsaw Speech -- When the president says being Western is the essence of America's identity, he's in part defining America in opposition to some of its own people.
For Russia, Trump-Putin Meeting Is a Sure Winner - The New York Times
Trump pats Putin on back during brief meeting at G-20 - POLITICO
Trump claims 'everyone' at G-20 is talking about Podesta's role in Russian hacking episode (and by everyone I mean my pal Vlad)
Podesta Hits Back At 'Whack Job' Trump Over Server Tweet: 'Get A Grip Man'
Eschaton: In Poland - The West. Our pundits are so fucking stupid.
Trump tweets a video with a very unfortunate Fox News chyron - The Washington Post - "blood of Patriarchs"
DPRK News Service on Twitter: "English chancellor Theresa May and German fuhrer Angela Merkel take time to discuss shared love of knitting, cats, and raw, unbridled power."
DPRK News Service on Twitter: "Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un hosts G-1 world economic summit of leading nations in Pyongyang."
New York Times Falls for Parody North Korea Twitter Account
Trump shaking hands with Putin : gifs
Nork ICBM - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump's Terror Campaign -- ICE is clearly abandoning removals targeted at people with criminal histories and is going after all undocumented immigrants: (Goons unleashed)
ICE Officers Told to Take Action Against All Undocumented Immigrants Encountered While on Duty - ProPublica
Maddow's Forgery and Mistaken Timing -- emptywheel
Maddow to news orgs: beware of forged Trump Russia documents! | MSNBC
Rachel Maddow's Exclusive "Scoop" About a Fake NSA Document Raises Several Key Questions
Justice League: Meet The Veteran Prosecutors Powering The Russia Probe
Taking Down Terrorists in Court - The New Yorker - Zainab Ahmad has prosecuted thirteen international terrorist suspects for the American government. She hasn's lost yet
Have the Ideological Labels of the Long 19th Century Outlived their Usefulness? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Politico Accidentally Exposes Beltway Elite
GOP Senator: Cruz Proposal May Gut Pre-Existing Conditions Protections ("may" muhahaha)
Republicans: Americans Will Choose Not to Have Insurance Under Our Plan Because Freedom - John Cornyn knows his freedom.
Blood Money - Lawyers, Guns & Money : If it passes, the BCRA will lead to a lot of people dying, and a lot more suffering and financial ruin. However, legislators can see benefits too! (Republicans: kill people and profit!)
The GOP tried to troll Hillary Clinton. It backfired spectacularly. - The Washington Post
Bizarre Alt Right Cartoon of Trump as 9/11 Plane and CNN as Twin Towers Confuses Twitter
a Voter Suppression SWAT Team from the Bush Administration on the Loose ... purging voter rolls in counties across the country.
Turnout: The Critical Democratic Problem - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Jon Ossoff)
President Donald Trump earns millions of dollars in fees from his club's new members | McClatchy Washington Bureau (But Hillary gave speeches and gave the money to charity)
The Alt-Right Branding War Has Torn the Movement in Two | The New Yorker
FBI investigated complaints that Bobby Knight groped women at U.S. spy agency - The Washington Post (sounds like you know who and saved by his military pal))
U.S. Mint worker placed on leave for putting noose on black colleagues chair : news
No charges for man who shot, killed neighbor trying to drown twin babies : news
I'm 25 and I just read Fahrenheit 451 for the first time. I feel like I was mislead on the subject matter : books
Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration of damaged, old immune system : science
Intermittent Fasting
Chemotherapy may spread cancer and trigger more aggressive tumours, warn scientists : science
Untreatable gonorrhoea on the rise worldwide : science
You can't put that on your license plate... : funny
Teacher banned bottle flipping in his class then spent 6 months secretly perfecting it to troll his students on the last day of school : videos
ELI5: Why is a 4-digit code sufficient for banking purposes but not for most online accounts? : explainlikeimfive
Expectations that the world's huge carbon emissions might not drive temperatures up to dangerous levels have been dashed by new research.
Climate scientists now expect California to experience more rain in the coming decades, contrary to the predictions of previous climate models. Researchers analyzed 38 new climate models and projected that California will get on average 12% more precipitation through 2100. : science
France will 'ban all petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040' : technology
El Salvador teen rape victim sentenced to 30 years in prison after stillbirth | Global development | The Guardian (the goal of Republiicans in US)
Hackers are Targeting Nuclear Facilities, Homeland Security Dept. and F.B.I. Say - The New York Times
Russians Are Said to Be Suspects in Nuclear Site Hackings - Bloomberg
Russia steps up spying efforts after election -
How Ex-Spies Think Putin Will Sucker 'Sociop;athic Narcissist' Trump
New Trump Handshake Fail : gifs
Trump's speech in Poland sounded like an alt-right manifesto
Trump's Life-Tenured Judicial Avatar -- Linda Greenhouse
The President's IKEA Cabinet I Top White House officials have broken from tradition by hiring chiefs of staff and personal PR people to support their policy goals.
s Falling Apart Right on Schedule -- You get what you pay for.
Trump's aides build their own empires in the West Wing -- Top White House officials have broken from tradition by hiring chiefs of staff and personal PR people to support their policy goals.
Trumpcare Is Having a Very Bad Day (the fuck-off and die provision was a little too far) This is, of course, a comical admission that the entire premise of the Republican onslaught has always been a lie.
One reason the GOP health bill is a mess: No one thought Trump would win - The Washington Post
Big crowd attends U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran's town hall in Palco, Kan. | The Kansas City Star - where U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran laid out his objections to the Republican-crafted health care plan Thursday.
Trump election integrity commission member: "We should have predicted" the backlash
Voter fraud commission may have violated law | TheHill
Mark Penn Says Democrats Must Re-Embrace Clintonism After 2016 Defeat to Donald Trump - Thanks for stopping by, Mark Penn. -- All of the issues that Penn advises the Democrats avoid also happen to be issues of significant importance to the most reliable Democratic voters of all: African Americans-and other minorities, women, and all the combinations thereof. Mark Penn had his Sister Souljah moment. He never got over it.
Mark Penn's Bad Column Also Makes No Goddamn Sense
slackbot on Twitter: "The Mark Penn column is mainly an expression of contempt for the readers of the New York Times by its opinion editor"
Back to the Center, Democrats - The New York Times (for the comments)
Do You Care What Mark Penn Says About Politics? - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- Democrats should turn their backs on any sort of economic or social justice, take a huge dump on transgendered and undocumented people, and shift hard to a pro-millionaire, anti-union centrism that Mark Penn always thinks is the right place for Democrats to be
Impeach...But With Care | News | The Harvard Crimson - By Mark J. Penn, October 26, 1973
Bafflersplainer: Win the Future | David Rees - Bafflersplainer: Win the Future (clueless rich libertarian techbros to the rescue of the Democratic party)
I Can Haz Slogan - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Hobby Lobby Smuggles Antiquities Out of Iraq Illegally - the arts-and-crafts empire run by a family of stupid-rich Bible bangers, has been exposed as an international smuggling operation, as The New York Times explained ... Looted by whom? So glad you asked. While the Times story dances around the possibility that the Hobby Lobby people may have helped finance Daesh through the purchase of black-market antiquities (and boy howdy, wouldn't that be deliciouis?) ...
Hobby Lobby ": Sorry, We're New To This Theft Stuff
The Network Against the Leader of the Free World - The New York Times
Minneapolis Airport TSA fails 95% of security tests for smuggling of bombs, weapons, and drugs : news
To win the working class, Democrats need to start talking straight - The Washington Post
Kids in pro-Trump rural areas have a lot to lose if GOP rolls back Medicaid - LA Times (they fucketh themselves unto the seventh generation)
St. Louis will drop minimum wage from $10 to $7.70. : news
First days of recreational marijuana sales generate about $500,000 in taxes : news (meanwhile, in the retaaaded Mass House of Reps ...)
Nevada races to get recreational marijuana on shelves in record time - Now that Nevada has the green light to move forward with its early start recreational marijuana program, it could set the national record for the fastest turnaround of retail reefer.
The opioid epidemic is so bad that librarians are learning how to treat overdoses : books
Woman, 25, convicted for making up fake rape claims against 15 innocent men : news
Jason Fagone on Twitter: "The president of Philly's public radio station made $842,832 last year, a 20% raise. No similar raises for employees
Rep. Steve Russell Calls School Improvement Grants 'Wasteful Spe - - Tulsa, OK -- "For every million dollars that is wasted, 96 Oklahomans have to work all year long to pay their taxes so we can waste it," explained Russell. "This madness has to stop." ("explained")
Fox Club Again All-Male After 'Provisional' Membership Revoked for Women | News | The Harvard Crimson
Nine women stripped of membership in Harvard club - The Boston Globe
The Asian stars of 'Hawaii Five-0' quit the show after CBS refused to pay them as much as their white costars : television
Fox suspends business news host Charles Payne amid sexual harassment allegations - LA Times
A personal cancer treatment vaccine that targets distinctive "neoantigens" on tumor cells has been shown to stimulate a potent, safe, and highly specific immune anti-tumor response in melanoma patients, report scientists from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, MIT and Harvard, reported in Nature.
Physicists provide support for retrocausal quantum theory, in which the future influences the past : science
Physicists provide support for retrocausal quantum theory, in which the future influences the past
A team of scientists has duplicated the chemical reaction that creates trihydrogen, or H3+, which some call the molecule that made the universe. While H3+ is astronomically abundant, no scientist understood the mechanisms that form it from organic molecules until now. : science
Our faces reliably reveal whether we're rich or poor due to visible facial muscles ingrained over time as a result of repeated life experiences : science
What's a legit question you have about Christianity that you wouldn't normally ask a Christian? : AskReddit
What's your relationship rule that has zero room for compromise? : AskReddit
What's the most immature thing you've ever seen a coworker do at work? : AskReddit
What was the closest you have ever been to death? : AskReddit
What's your NSFW college story? : AskReddit
What's your "Actually I am the manager" story? : AskReddit
Redditors who've experienced an orgy, what do you wish you should've known first? : AskReddit
Eschaton: Disruption - It's a vision of the future straight from 1964. Pity everybody who has to work there. -- The entire project shows off Apple's obsession with details
Fourth of July Under Trump Shows Americans Are Living in a Shadow - The shadow falls between the promise of the enthusiasm of the day and the reality of history.
Donald Trump Takes Aim At China In Response To North Korea Missile Launch | HuffPost
In North Korea, 'Surgical Strike' Could Spin Into 'Worst Kind of Fighting'
U.S. Vows Tougher Action on North Korea After Missile Test - The New York Times
Trump Administration Totally Unequipped to Deal with Afghanistan and North Korea
Ex-Guantanamo prisoner's payout faces challenge from US victims in firefight | World news | The Guardian
Vatican rocked: Police raid drug-fuelled gay orgy at cardinal's apartment - NZ Herald : news
U.S. Commandos Running Out of ISIS Targets
CONFUSED Trump Exits Air Force One, Walks Past Limo In Front Of Him, Has To Be Redirected To Limo - YouTube
David Petraeus's damning nonresponse on Trump's fitness to serve (doessn't matter, he said)
Noam Chomsky: On Trump and the State of the Union - The New York Times
Investigators explore if Russia colluded with pro-Trump sites during US election | US news | The Guardian
The Trump Administration's Voter-Suppression Plans Are Backfiring Badly -- In an unprecedented show of bipartisan resistance, 45 states are refusing to hand over private voter data to Kris Kobach.
Drop in sudden cardiac arrests linked to Obamacare - - A before and after study of ACA reveals Republicans worst-nightmare, that health insurance saves lives
Indiana GOP asked Facebook for Obamacare horror stories. The responses were surprising.
Mapping American politics from the outside in -
CNN discovers identity of Reddit user behind recent Trump CNN gif, reserves right to publish his name should he resume "ugly behavior" : television
Does CNN owe racists anonymity? -- ThinkProgress - The whole episode has shifted focus away from the person behind the bigoted posts and toward a more complicated question. >
CNN Is Standing By Its Controversial Reddit User Story
Redditor Behind Trump-CNN Wrestling Video Issues Lengthy Apology, Deletes User Account | HuffPost
How A Random GIF From Reddit Probably Ended Up On President Trump's Phone
White House gender pay gap more than triples under Trump - The Washington Post
NPR Tweeted Declaration Of Independence, And Trump Supporters Flipped Out | HuffPost
America, July 4, 2017 - Lawyers, Guns and Money -- NPR
Bizarre. Absurd. Ridiculous. Embarrassing. Trump. - The Washington Post - first toddler president.
Christian nationalism and white nationalism
The Klan, White Christianity, and the Past and Present | a response to Kelly J. Baker by Randall J. Stephens | Religion & Culture Forum
The Artifacts of White Supremacy | by Kelly J. Baker | Religion & Culture Forum
LBCF, No. 141: 'Cruel to be kind, 1'
Rahm's Chicago ... I get the sense from Rahm Emmanuel that he wakes up every day thinking about how he can hurt poor people ... After all, his shuttering of hundreds of schools has paid off in what counts: more upper class housing.
Cities with a larger share of black city residents generate a greater share of local revenue from fines and court fees, but this relationship diminishes when there is black representation on city councils. : science
Is Alcohol Good for You? An Industry-Backed Study Seeks Answers - The New York Times - Harvard, the hub of the clinical trial, has a long relationship with the alcoholic beverage industry. In 2015 the university accepted $3.3 million from the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, a group founded by distillers, to establish an endowed professorship in psychiatry and behavioral science
In Neanderthal DNA, Signs of a Mysterious Human Migration : science - A new genetic analysis finds that ancient Africans walked into Europe much earlier than previously known
How Tanning Changes the Brain - The New York Times - What the researchers found was that several parts of the brain that play a role in addiction were activated when the subjects were exposed to UV rays
Tying loose ends? Gravitational waves could solve string theory, study claims | Science | The Guardian - six 'extra dimensions'
United Airlines apologizes after giving away toddler's seat : news
[Serious] What is the actual scariest photo on the internet? : AskReddit
People who talk on speaker phone no matter the circumstance, why are you the way that you are? : AskReddit
Pregnant woman struck by lightning delivers baby, both recovering : news
Gay People Of Reddit: What are things that you don't have to explain to each other, since you're dating the same gender? : AskReddit
What's your most unbelievable "pics or it didn't happen" moment, whereby you actually have the pics to prove it happened? : AskReddit
Climate change is shrinking the Colorado River - March of 2017 was the warmest March in Colorado history, with temperatures a stunning 8.80F above normal. Snowpack and expected runoff declined substantially in the face of this record warmth. Clearly, climate change in the Colorado River Basin is here, it is serious and it requires multiple responses.
North Korea claims successful ICBM test, defying international condemnation - The Washington Post
'Digital strip searches' at NZ airports force hundreds of Kiwis to surrender mobile and laptop passwords each year : technology
Documents appear to offer fresh evidence Russia's Kaspersky is tied to spy agency | McClatchy Washington Bureau
Theresa May sitting on report on foreign funding of UK extremists | UK news | The Guardian - Green co-leader Caroline Lucas suggests 'astonishing' delay in publication is down to reluctance to criticise Saudi Arabia (they just bought Trumpster)
foxnewsfun comments on Brexit: "Vote Leave" campaign chief who created #350m NHS lie on bus admits leaving EU could be 'an error'
/u/foxnewsfun describes with sources and statistics on how Fox News lies to its audience for political and financial gain and its influence on Brexit. : bestof
Why The Independent is Fucking Awful : ukpolitics
Happy Fourth of July! Show Us Your Papers - The New York Times
41 states have refused request for voter information -
Exclusive: Astonishing poll about Trump and media - Axios - 89% of Republicans view President Trump as more trustworthy than CNN, and 91% of Democrats think the opposite. Among all adults, trust for CNN is 7 points ahead of Trump. Among independents, CNN wins by 15 points. (89% of Republicans are insane)
Tom Tomorrow on Twitter: "this has all happened before cartoon from 2011:"
Gentlemen, Start Your Wanking! - Lawyers, Guns & Money
What politicians mean when they say the United States was founded as a Christian nation - The Washington Post (by evangelical protestants)
The source of Trump's CNN gif has deleted every post and comment made by the account after it comes out what else they said. Of course the media already has copies. : esist
Eschaton: So Much Winning - So much innovation these days. I dunno, an app? with likes and stuff? Uber, but for politics? Some shit with texting? (innovative disruptive thought-leading)
It's summer, and Washington smells like weed. Everywhere, all the time.
Historians Uncover Slave Quarters of Sally Hemings at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello - NBC News
Porn Industry Decries Police Response to Claims of Rape | L.A. Weekly
Hanford woman pimped out younger girls for sex | The Fresno Bee
As a 16-year-old, she befriended younger girls and pimped them out for sex : news
Oldest Homo sapiens bones ever found shake foundations of the human story | Science | The Guardian - Idea that modern humans evolved in East Africa 200,000 years ago challenged by extraordinary discovery of 300,000-year-old remains in Moroccan mine
Why Roman concrete still stands strong while modern version decays | Science | The Guardian (volanic ash and sea water)
A new study shows that, on average, an increase in pollution particles in the air of 10 micrograms per cubic meter cuts victims' life expectancy by 9-11 years - more than previously thought. : science
Popular stomach acid blockers linked to higher death rates : news
Congratulations, Brian. : funny
TIL there is a large frozen mass under Antarctica that stretches almost 14 miles and we have no idea what it is. : todayilearned
Neandertals and modern humans started mating early | Science | AAAS
What secret have you accidentally found out about a member of your family? : AskReddit
Married couples of Reddit, what's the hardest part about marriage that no one warned you about? : AskReddit
Spotted this masterpiece on I-84 in Connecticut : pics
Facebook is fighting the US government over a gag order that it says threatens freedom of speech : technology
Merkel's Party No Longer Describing U.S. As A 'Friend' | HuffPost
China vows to step up air and sea patrols after U.S. warship sails near disputed island - The Washington Post
Emmanuel Macron assassination plot foiled by police - -- A self described far right nationalist, the man told police he wanted to make a political statement by killing Macron, CNN affiliate BFMTV reported.
Israel Faces Uproar Abroad as Netanyahu Yields to Ultra-Orthodox Jews - The New York Times
18 feared dead in fiery Bavarian bus crash; 30 injured - The Washington Post
Vagina surgery 'sought by girls as young as nine' because of pornography, doctors reveal ... In 2015-16, more than 200 girls under 18 had labiaplasty on the NHS, and over 150 of the girls were under 15.
New poll: 70% of Americans think civility has gotten worse since Trump took office | PBS NewsHour (Make America Assholes Again)
Independent Press Is Under Siege as Freedom Rings - The New York Times
The Hijacked American Presidency - The New York Times - Charles Blow - Every now and then we are going to have to do this: Step back from the daily onslaughts of insanity emanating from Donald Trump's parasitic presidency and remind ourselves of the obscenity of it all, registering its magnitude in its full, devastating truth (Democracy went off the rails +Blow comes close to realizing Trump is the Antichrist)
Justice Department's Corporate Crime Watchdog Resigns, Saying Trump Makes It Impossible To Do Job
Medicaid Worsens Your Health? That's a Classic Misinterpretation of Research ("misinterpretation" - Medicare makes you sick: people without expensive health insurance die more so let's take their health insurance away and fix the problem)
What's the point of an anti-immigrant left? (Peter Beinart is an idiot)
Should the Democrats Become an Anti-Immigration and "Anti-PC" Party? (No)
The New Republic Is Sold - The New York Times - Chris Hughes, the owner of The New Republic, said on Friday that he had sold the magazine to Win McCormack, a publisher and editor based in New York and Portland, Ore., who founded the literary quarterly Tin House. (2016/techbro disaster +Franklin Foer exodus)
The Republican Party in One Picture - Lawyers, Guns & Money (the best shot)
PHOTOS: Christie, family soak up sun on N.J. beach he closed to public (the whole gallery)
The plane truth: How we caught Chris Christie sunbathing on a closed beach |
America's Future Is Texas (except for the whole melting thing +"redistricting")
Jamie Horowitz, head of Fox Sports programming, fired in sexual harassment probe : news (totally corrupt)
It's Not Just Mike Pence. Americans Are Wary of Being Alone With the Opposite Sex ... In general, women were slightly more likely to say one-on-one interactions were inappropriate. So were Republicans, people who lived in rural areas, people who lived in the South or Midwest, people with less than a college education and people who were very religious, particularly evangelical Christians. (paradox)
Former judge in Kentucky fighting sex charges - ABC News - For years as a Kentucky judge, Tim Nolan sat in judgment of others. Now he sits in jail, awaiting trial on explosive accusations by prosecutors that he snared 17 women and juveniles into having sex over a seven-year period by using money, drugs and threats ... In recent years, he became an outspoken advocate for tea party causes ... campaigned for Donald Trump ...
California's Far North Deplores 'Tyranny' of the Urban Majority (they hate smart people) Despite a go-it-alone ethos, residents of the 13 counties in the northern bloc are much more likely to receive government medical assistance than those in the Bay Area. (so they voted Trumpster, of course) "They've devastated ag jobs, timber jobs, mining jobs with their environmental regulations
TIL in 2014 original "Top Model" winner Adrianne Curry fended off an attacker with a bull whip while dressed as Catwoman at San Diego Comic Con : todayilearned
Study: Ritalin use in childhood could cause long-lasting alterations in neurotransmission : science
If you die via asteroid, this is how it will happen - Vox - going to die via an asteroid, it will be the wind and shockwave that gets you.
Divorce lawyers of Reddit, what's the worst way you've seen someone fuck over their spouse? : AskReddit
I'm Captain Disillusion, the titular hero of (and shy filmmaker behind) the YouTube web series that deconstructs Internet video weirdness. Ask me any-things. : IAmA
What's the male equivalent of a girl getting flowers? : AskReddit
What aspects of a man's life are most women unaware of? : AskReddit
WikiLeaks Dump Reveals a Creepy CIA Location-Tracking Trick : technology
Japanese style Faces
Microsoft is laying off thousands of staff in a major global sales reorganization
Keeping The Times Civil, 16 Million Comments and Counting - The New York Times - Since late 2007, when The Times first opened comments on stories, moderators on the community desk have reviewed 16 million of them, with a current rate of about 12,000 daily, said Bassey Etim, who has been the community editor since 2014.
EPA chief pushing governmentwide effort to question climate change science - The Washington Post - The Trump administration is debating whether to launch a governmentwide effort to question the science of climate change, an effort that critics say is an attempt to undermine the long-established consensus human activity is fueling the Earth's rising temperatures. The move, driven by Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt (talk about wrong sie of history)
The coal industry is collapsing, and coal workers allege that executives are making the situation worse : technology
Solar power is already saving lives in the US.
The US government is removing scientific data from the Internet : technology
NotPetya developers obtained NSA exploits weeks before their public leak | Ars Technica UK
NotPetya developers obtained NSA exploits weeks before their public leak: Evidence ties people behind massive malware attack to mysterious Shadow Brokers group : technology
As the Islamic State falls in Syria, one city offers a preview of the country's future
No, NASA is not hiding kidnapped children on Mars - The Washington Post ... the issue of the child-trafficking ring operating in secret on the planet 33.9 million miles from earth, according to a guest on the Alex Jones Show ... murdering them so that they can have their bone marrow harvested as well as body parts ... (those so-called "Rovers" are really prison-guard robots) (big lies sell big)
'I'm President and They're Not': Trump Attacks Media at Faith Rally ... "The fake media is trying to silence us"
Trump Tweets a Video of Him Wrestling 'CNN' to the Ground ... "No one would perceive that as a threat,"
After Trump's CNN 'fight' video, #25thAmendmentNow starts trending on Twitter
CNN says Trump engaged in' juvenile behavior by posting fight video
An inside view of the House Russia probe - politico - The former top Democratic aide on the House Intelligence Committee details his experience on the frequently-beleaguered investigation. ("beleaguered" = completely sabotaged)
Special counselor adds former Preet Bharara prosecutor to Russia probe: Reports
Trump Foot Soldier Sidelined Under Glare of Russia Inquiry - The New York Times - He has also attracted attention for playing a role in a failed effort to open a back channel for peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine, where his wife's family is from
Trump vows to support and defend religious freedom in US - ABC News (religious freedom to discriminate against anything)
Report: Tillerson Clashes With Second Top White House Aide On Immigration -- Stephen Miller last week -- Miller wanted Tillerson to take a tougher tack to immigration and modify State Department-controlled programs.
Republicans say they worry Trump, Pence aides are feuding | McClatchy Washington Bureau
Medical Care Bargain Hunting With Bret Stephens - Lawyers, Guns & Money : the brilliance of the conservative Republican market driven, outsourced delivery model. For example, consider a massive heart attack strikes a 55 year old man without a health insurance policy but a HSA with 6 month's of contributions
Five myths about health insurance - The Washington Post (you mean 'lies')
Spicer, Bannon and Conway among Trump aides earning top salaries - The Washington Post - Advisers Kellyanne Conway and Stephen K. Bannon, along with Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Press Secretary Sean Spicer, are among the White House employees receiving the top salary of $179,700. Omarosa Manigault, whose title is listed as director of communications for the Office of Public Liaison, is also one of the 22 Trump aides bringing in that top salary. (sold their souls to Satan)
Eschaton: Your Moment of Zen
Thousands march in L.A. for impeachment of President Trump; his supporters hold their own rally - LA Times
Obama plays behind-the-scenes role in rebuilding Democratic Party | TheHill (you know, the guy who played bi-partisan centrist for four years and wrecked the Democratic Party)
Eschaton: "No Parks, But Casinos Will Stay Open" - Pretty much captures the current state of affairs. -- NJ Gov. Chris Christie shuts down state government amid budget impasse. No parks, but casinos will stay open (Fatfuck Christie drove NJ off a cliff)
Next 100 Days: In the Era of Trump, NYS is Out of Step and In the Crosshairs | City Limits - Counties with the most not-Trump votes
In rural Maine, fear of GOP Medicaid cuts runs deep - The Boston Globe< (45% of Maine voters for Trump, mostly in counties hit hardest by Trumpcare) /a>
New Florida law lets any resident challenge what's taught in science classes ... signed by Gov. Rick Scott (R) this week and goes into effect Saturday, requires school boards to hire an "unbiased hearing officer" (who will be fundamentalist Christian) One affidavit from a Collier County resident complained that evolution and global warming were taught as "reality" ("teach the controversy"
Christie spent night with his family in shuttered Island Beach State Park (kinda in your face)
Man suspected of killing teen because he 'didn't want her to merge into traffic' is captured
Long lines in Nevada as recreational marijuana goes on sale : news -- 33% tax rate, most heavily taxed and regulated industry in the whole state,
No deal yet on rewrite of Massachusetts marijuana law |
TIL it was assumed Amelia Earhart died 80 years ago(July 2, 1937) after crashing her plane in an attempt to fly around the globe and her remains were lost to deep waters.Due to a skeleton found on an island, an aircraft recovery group now believes she may have lived months as a castaway : todayilearned
'It was one tiny bit of the world that was ours.' -- Polaroids of the men of Fire Island Pines.
Doctors back transgender women having babies on the NHS | Daily Mail Online -- Gynaecologists say implanting a donor womb into a person born male is possible - Talks planned on if womb transplants for trans-women should be publicly funded - Uterine transplants could even be given to gay and straight men within ten years ... Since 2014, at least five babies have been born to womb-less women after receiving donor wombs in a series of pioneering operations at Gothenburg University in Sweden
Woman who tricked friend into sex with fake penis found guilty - NY Daily News
Researchers discovered that an RNA molecule called TERRA helps to ensure that very short (or broken) telomeres get fixed again. The work, published in the journal Cell, provides new insights into cellular processes that regulate cell senescence and survival in ageing and cancer. : science
Harvard and Cornell scientists generated near-atomic resolution snapshots of CRISPR that reveal key steps in its mechanism of action. The findings, published in Cell, provide the structural data necessary for efforts to improve the efficiency and accuracy of CRISPR for biomedical applications. : science
Paleontologists finally know what this ancient armored reptile looked like | Popular Science
TIL that nearly all vultures in India have died due to eating corpses of animals recently treated with the drug diclofenac. In a butterfly effect, there is now a major rabies problem, with an annual cost of US$26 billion per year. : todayilearned
Reddit, At what moment did you realize you were dating an idiot? : AskReddit
TIL that in May of 1993, a Japanese Doomsday cult situated deep in the Australian Outback reportedly set off some form of an explosion that registered as seismic activity. : todayilearned
Besides Askreddit, what are the best text-only subreddits to enjoy when you have crappy Internet? : AskReddit
Uber and Lyft drivers, what's your most NSFW story? : AskReddit
Scarecrow : gifs
How Weta Digital allowed Paul Walker's legacy to live on in Furious 7. Absolutely astonishing visual effects work. : videos
In Worrisome Move, Kaspersky Agrees to Turn Over Source Code to US Government
Mystery of Bermuda Triangle deepens as 'dangerous' mile-long island suddenly forms in middle of Atlantic Ocean - Mirror Online -- Experts have warned visitors to stay away as the rip tide is 'incredibly strong' and the waters are infested with 5ft long sharks
A Way to Own Your Social-Media Data - The New York Times - The European Union imposed a 2.4 billion euro ($2.7 billion) fine on Google last Tuesday for manipulating its search engine results to favor its own comparison shopping service.
With a single warrant, US feds listened in on 3.3 million phone calls : news
Donald Trump is 'greatest threat to international security', says former MI6 head : worldnews
Denied: Afghanistan's All-Girl Robotics Team Can't Get Visas To The US (Trumped)
Russian-Funded News Station Replaces Bluegrass on 105.5 FM: DCist - the bandwidth now broadcasts Sputnik
Our Impressive President - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Buzz Aldrin reaction)
Manhattan Prosecutor Joins Inquiry Into Russian Meddling in Election - The New York Times
Caught in a Trap - Lawyers, Guns & Money : This seems significant
The Time I Got Recruited to Collude with the Russians - Lawfare
Peter Smith Joins The Trump Cast Of Thousands
Now We Have a Roadmap to the Trump Campaign's Collusion with Russia
This Is Big
Bill to create panel that could remove Trump from office quietly picks up Democratic support -- "oversight" commission that could declare the president incapacitated, leading to his removal from office under the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
President Trump, Melting Under Criticism - The New York Times (embarrassment is not possible for Trump to ever feel)
The biggest winner in the current health-care debate: Single-payer - The Washington Post
Very Serious Health Care Analysis From Bret Stephens, Man of Seriousity - Lawyers, Guns & Money : In short: no-one could be as dumb or as ignorant as Stephens pretends to be. He's lying, plain and simple, and that's entirely the New York Times' responsbility ... This is David Brooks/Megan McArdle-level bullshit.
James Bennet (journalist) - Wikipedia - (born March 28, 1966) is an American journalist. He is currently the Editorial Page editor at The New York Times. (he's an impressive thought-leader and the thought-leading Sulzbergers love him)
Trump's Voter Fraud Endgame -- His "elction integrity" nvestigation is a pretext to repeal the National Voter Registration Act. It won't work (only Republican will be allowed to "vote")
Loback: Kansas won't give Social Security info to Kobach-led voter commission at this time (claims big-government overreach)
Science division of White House office left empty as last staffers depart - CBS News (don't need no steenking so-called "science")
Is this it for Trump? - The Washington Post ... and people like you, Kathleen, who supported the falsehoods that the GOP perpetuated, year after year, decade after decade and election campaign after election campaign, have much to answer for. After all, Trump as President is just the culmination of all the work that you and YOUR party have done over the years in undermining democratic processes and institutions in the country.
(1) ATTN: - Criticizing the President is a right no one should take...
'Dumb as a rock Mika': Donald Trump back on attack against Morning Joe hosts | US news | The Guardian - President issues new abuse of MSNBC hosts Scarborough and Brzezinski -- Opinion: the president of the US appears untethered from reality
'It is really not normal' -- Both sides condemn Trump for vulgar tweet about TV host
President Trump Deserves Credit For Taking On Bullies Like Mika Brzezinski | Mediaite
Hullabaloo - The war on the press now includes charges of blackmail - But one thing is sure. Trump is not doing the job of president. He's a celebrity managing his personal PR. He doesn't seem to know that this is not the job of president.
Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are angry at Donald Trump now -- but they've never apologized for promoting him
'Morning Joe' MESS is Fresh Sign of TV's Iron Grip on Trump
Eschaton: This Is The White House - I get that during the campaign there are people whose job it is to worry about this stuff, as ridiculous as it sounds. But that's a campaign. They won. They run the world.
Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 97 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : This is the grave of John F. Kennedy ... Kennedy then "wrote" Profiles in Courage in the sense that he put his name on something Ted Sorensen wrote while Kennedy was chasing tail.
Today in Terrible Arguments - Lawyers, Guns & Money (2015)
At least 25 shot at Little Rock nightclub; hunt for suspects continues, police say - The Washington Post
White House spokeswoman: Chicago crime 'driven by morality' (Trumpster will invade Chitown)
Number of fatal shootings by police is nearly identical to last year - The Washington Post - Although the number of unarmed people killed by police dropped slightly, the overall pace for 2017 through Friday was on track to approach 1,000 killed for a third year in row. (America has a killer cop problem)
Does the Militarization of Police Lead to More People Killed? Research Says Yes. : Bad_Cop_No_Donut
How Liberal Portland Became America's Most Politically Violent City (Portland most white city in US)
Portland Republicans to use militia for security as far-right rallies continue | US news | The Guardian - Controversial move to enlist armed militia groups for public events comes amid tension between far-right and anti-fascist protesters
In Austin, the air smells of tacos and trees -- and city-state conflict - Gov. Greg Abbott (R), citing grave worries about "socialistic" behavior in the state's liberal cities
Sanders investigation: Bernie's wife attempted to evict disabled group home residents, report claims | Fox News
US teen birth rate drops to all time low. Gee, I wonder why?! Is it because of all that abstinence only education? Or because access to contraception is at an all time high thanks to Obamacare? My money is on the latter. : TwoXChromosomes
Fentanyl resistant to Narcan appears in Georgia : news
As Jason Chaffetz Retires From Congress, Here Are Some Reasons Not To Miss Him | HuffPost (greasy goat-fucker)
Texas Supreme Court throws out ruling that favored same-sex marriage benefits | The Texas Tribune - threw out a lower court ruling that said spouses of gay and lesbian public employees are entitled to government-subsidized same-sex marriage benefits.
Mike Pence will now oversee US space policy - The Verge
You Can Now Buy Legal Marijuana In Nevada | HuffPost - The state is the fifth in the nation to reject prohibition in favor of legalizing, regulating and taxing marijuana for adult use. (they cut their time in half while MA increased by 50%)
Joe Arpaio learns that he is not above the law - The Washington Post - As a federal prosecutor said in his opening argument for the sheriff's trial, this was a day Mr. Arpaio never imagined would come. He fancied himself above the law, not its instrument in one county
A campaign to eliminate plastic straws is sucking in thousands of converts - The Washington Post
A million bottles a minute: world's plastic binge 'as dangerous as climate change' | Environment | The Guardian -- Annual consumption of plastic bottles is set to top half a trillion by 2021, far outstripping recycling efforts and jeopardising oceans, coastlines and other environments
Could you be living paycheck-to-paycheck after a $20 million payday? - The Washington Post (Jonny Depp spends $2mil/month)
The Future of Coal Country | The New Yorker - A local environmental activist fights to prepare her community for life beyond mining.
American Companies Still Make Aluminum. In Iceland. - The New York Times< -- nother American company, Century Aluminum, have opened factories like this in Iceland, and closed factories in the United States, for a simple reason: Electricity is much cheaper here ... This year, tiny Iceland is on pace to make more aluminum than the United States. So are its fellow hydropower superpowers, Canada and Norway ... The administration is exploring protectionist measures that it would justify by arguing that national security is weakened by import dependence (Trump will stop the war on Aluminum) /a>
The Rise of the Thought Leader | New Republic - How the superrich have funded a new class of intellectual ... The Ideas Industry ... globaloney ... the superrich actively seek to sabotage institutions that have formed the backbone of consensus and public trust for a large part of the twentieth century. Because their wealth comes largely from finance and is no longer attached to the country's material infrastructure ...
What the Gospel of Innovation Gets Wrong | The New Yorker - What the gospel of innovation gets wrong ... Last month, days after the Times' Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., fired Jill Abramson, the paper' executive editor, the Times' 2014 Innovation Report was leaked. It includes graphs inspired by Christensen's "Innovator's Dilemma," along with a lengthy, glowing summary of the book's key arguements (and there's your backstory: thought leaders got led down the drain by ... HBS!)
How Useful Is the Theory of Disruptive Innovation? - Clayton M. Christensens' theory of disruptive innovation
The Worst Kept Secret Among Readers About Ebooks - BookTalk - Tips, deals, & fun for book lovers
Her newborn kept getting sick because she was ingesting placenta, CDC says - The Washington Post -- consuming placenta after giving birth has become mainstream in recent years after it was promoted by birthing blogs and celebrities like January Jones and Kim Kardashian
How safe and sanitary is body art?
Pay attention: Practice can make your brain better at focusing - The Verge - A new study examines how expertise changes the brain
New research examines the decision-making abilities of adults with autism spectrum disorder, suggesting that they may be better at making rational decisions than adults without the condition. : science
Want to see this summer's solar eclipse? Here are some viewing options across the U.S.
Timing of This Summer's Solar Eclipse Is Ideal For Minimal Weather Issues | The Weather Channel
Tower of human skulls found in Mexico City casts new light on Aztecs : news
TIL that jetlag from traveling west is associated with depression, while jetlag from traveling east is associated with mania : todayilearned
An 18 year old Italian girl tells her mom that she has missed her period for two months : Jokes
Tornado debris trails near Kalamazoo last night : WTF
What celebrity is surprisingly active on Reddit? : AskReddit
How to Use Snapchat Map to Find Friends and Watch Snaps
Tumblr's Unclear Fugure Shows That There's No Money in Internet Culture -- As Verizon completed its acquisition, a number of Tumblr employees, as well as those at other Verizon-owned properties, like the Huffington Post, were laid off.
#whatshouldwecallme (reaction gifs) Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa (and traffic dropped like a rock)
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against Individual For Defrauding Investors In Digital Media Company | USAO-SDNY | Department of Justice - William McFarland Made False Representations to Investors in Fyre Media LLC and the Fyre Festival
Founder of disastrous Fyre Festival arrested, charged with fraud - The Washington Post
Fyre Festival's Billay McFarland Arrested For Wire Fraud
Volvo admits its self-driving cars are confused by kangaroos | Technology | The Guardian - Swedish company's animal detection system can identify and avoid deer, elk and caribou, but is yet to work against the marsupials
Proposed bill would make doxxing a federal crime : technology (Katherine Clark doesn't understand the internets)
The American South Will Bear the Worst of Climate Change -- Global warming will intensify regional inequality in the United States, according to a revolutionary new economic assessment of the phenomenon ... "The South is really, really negatively affected by climate change, much more so than the North." ("He tells it like it is" -- "You're going to fry and drown" and by the way: time to build the Mason-Dixon Wall +oh look, Kochistan will melt) )
Ahvaz, Iran, reached 129 degrees: Earth's hottest temperature ever recorded?
Eschaton: Good Timing On Your Bret Stephens Hire, New York Times - No one weather event doesn't mean anything about climate overall, but...
German parliament votes to legalise same-sex marriage | World news | The Guardian - Green party MPs toss confetti across chamber and gay couples kiss in gallery, while Angela Merkel votes no despite permitting bill
Odatas comments on The German parliament just approved a law opening marriage to homosexual people
Isis last escape route from Raqqa 'cut off' by US-backed SDF fighters, Iraq PM declares the caliphate has fallen : news
Mexican spy scandal escalates as study shows software targeted opposition | World news | The Guardian - Pegasus software, sold to governments for use against terrorists and criminals, found to be used against people across the political and civil society spectrum
Britain says Fox bid for Sky risks giving Murdoch too much power | Reuters
After getting pregnant, you are done: no more school for Tanzania's mums-to-be -- Furious campaigners say President John Magufuli is out of touch with public opinion after he endorses law allowing state schools to expel young mothers (but the boys get an "A" in fucking)
I thought nothing in Russia could shock me. Then I went to a television broadcast | Angus Roxburgh | Opinion | The Guardian -- I was interrogated for seven hours and saw random people arrested. But the orchestrated hate and xenophobia I witnessed at Channel One was truly chilling
Channel One Russia - Wikipedia | Channel One Russia
This is Rep. Barbara Lee of California. She was the ONLY legislator to vote against the 2001 AUMF resolution - the congressional act used as justification for copious wars/military actions in the past 16 years. Today she finally managed to push legislation to review the AUMF. Thank her. : pics
DOJ Asks The Supreme Court To Give It Permission To Search Data Centers Anywhere In The World : technology
Travel ban goes into effect despite courts saying security issues unfounded | US news | The Guardian - Hawaii questions Trump interpretation of standard for granting visas - Border officials told to respect visas for citizens from countries in question
Donald Trump is not well - The Washington Post
The ugly American President - NY Daily News
Delegitimizing his presidency, one tweet at a time - -- Trump is a leader like no other in the nation's 241-year history, who plans to stay true to himself and is willing to flout norms of decorum.
Trump's misogynist tweets about Mika Brzezinski. Trump No Longer Seems Able to Hide His Raw Misogyny. Good.
I've Overestimated Donald Trump -- The important messages here are A) the White House expert on social media thinks dragging this out is a good plan and B) the White House expert on social media used to be Trump's golf caddy (!!)
How Trump's disgusting behavior will make Republican disunity more likely ("mornraging") a petty, vindictive, insecure little man with no impulse control
Why Trump's offensive tweets don't get him kicked off Twitter - Jun. 29, 2017
There Trump goes again - The Washington Post - at least we've learned that the nation can survive for half a year without a sane, functioning presidency ... What happens if there is an international crisis and Trump's delicate ego is threatened? ... Not since Richard Nixon's final days in the White House have I been so worried about a president's grip on reality (reality was never a thing for Republicans)
Understanding Republican Cruelty - The New York Times (it's who they are)
This Is Normal (Trump is Republicans with more tweets)
Trump overrules cabinet, plots global trade war - Axios
The Problem With Participatory Democracy Is the Participants - The New York Times - Political hobbyism is a problem not just for Democrats. The hobbyist now occupying the Oval Office is evidence enough of the Republican version of this story.
Despite hacking charges, U.S. tech industry fought to keep ties to Russia spy service | Reuters - (Editors note: Attention to language in paragraph 22 that may be offensive to some readers.)
Obamacare repeal coverage loss, premium increases and funding loss by state - Washington Post
Trumpcare Will Probably Kill Thousands Each Year -- And it is neither alarmist nor uncivil to say so
Chris Matthews On Trump's Family: At Least Mussolini Executed His Son-In-Law | HuffPost
Begin the Thawing of Bull Connor - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - For his vote suppression commission, Donald Trump has truly assembled the 1936 Yankees of people who want as few people of color to vote as possible: ... And ... a longstanding Republican vote suppression enthusiast is currently the Chief Justice of the United States.
White House Panel Asks States For Their Voter Rolls : The Two-Way : NPR - A letter from Kris Kobach, the vice chairman of a White House commission looking into voter fraud and other irregularities, is drawing fire from some state election officials.
Trump's voter-fraud commission wants to know voting history, party ID and address of every voter in the U.S. (so Trump can commit voter-fraud, bigly)
Trotskyite Offical In Ultraleft State Government Rejects Reasonable Trump Administration Request - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Amy Siskind's Weekly List Of Changes - Aaron Dietz | Tableau Public (Trump abnormality index)
The Atlantic's Description of Andrew Johnson in 1866 Applies to Donald Trump Now - This 1866 description of Andrew Johnson sounds oddly familiar.
Morning Joe co-hosts accuse White House of blackmail over tabloid story | US news | The Guardian - tried to manipulate them over National Enquirer story ... 'unhealty obsession' with show is not good for US ... allies cast his outburst as positive, an example of his refusal to be bullied. (because everything is about being a bully)
Jared Kushner Told Joe Scarborough: Talk to President Trump About 'Enquirer' Dirt ... tabloid hit-piece
New York Times staffers stage walkout in support of copy editors - Jun. 29, 2017
Missouri Pushes Anti-Abortion Legislation While Kentucky Lets Creationism into Public Schools - a big week for the banging of the Bible. We begin in Missouri, where the Good Christian Folks in the state legislature are tired of the ladies with their reproductive rights mocking the Lord ... ""An abortion sanctuary city" It's a wingnut conflation at its finest! And notice that the governor is using "sanctuary city" to describe a place where perfectly legal medical procedures are done in a perfectly legal manner. These people are human doomsday machines.
How Andrew Cuomo broke the New York subway (he's fucked up everything he's touched)
Doctors raked in cash to push fentanyl as N.J. death rate exploded | ... "you'd think there was a drug cartel happening,"
St. Paul's School investigating new allegations of 'concerning' behavior
Family's amateur sting operation takes down man targeting young girl
Venus Williams at fault in fatal car crash say Florida police - 79-year-old passenger in other car dies two weeks later -- Williams ran a red light in her Toyota Sequoia SUV, causing a 9 June crash that injured 79-year-old Jerome Barson, who died two weeks later. (talkin' on her cellie)
Kendall and Kylie Jenner pull 'disgusting' T-shirt line after legal threats | Culture | The Guardian - Sharon Osbourne also criticized the T-shirts, tweeting: "Girls, you haven't earned the right to put your face with musical icons. Stick to what you know ... lip gloss"
Legal weed comes to Nevada -- and alcohol industry wants a piece of the pot (actually, all of it)
The U.S. fertility rate just hit a historic low. Why some demographers are freaking out. - The Washington Post - the number of births fell 1 percent from a year earlier, bringing the general fertility rate to 62.0 births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44. The trend is being driven by a decline in birthrates for teens and 20-somethings ... the highest birthrates are now among women 25 to 34 years of age ... Indeed, as fertility treatments have extended the age of childbearing, the birthrates among women who are age 40 to 44 are also rising.
(1) Non-Suicidal Self Injury Research - Home
ELI5: I've heard that DMT is a naturally occuring chemical in the body. When people smoke DMT are they ingesting the chemical DMT or are they smoking an agent that activates the pre-existing DMT in the body? : explainlikeimfive
Adopted people of Reddit, have you met your bio parents? Why/why not? : AskReddit
What's a bad thing everyone should experience once? NSFW : AskReddit
How I discovered my wife is a redditor : pics
Milo Yiannopoulos Shows Love for - His $150,000 Purchase Tops This Week's Domain Sales Chart Hijacking by Frands Jepsen of Knud Jepsen, Denmark, Foiled by WIPO - The Domain King.
After Failed Attempt to Hijack a Generic Domain Denmark's Queen Flowers Has to Deal With the Wrath of Rick Schwartz
Naming & shaming scum on the Internet - Tweet, Like, Circulate!
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Three years to safeguard our climate : Nature News & Comment - should emissions continue to rise beyond 2020, or even remain level, the temperature goals set in Paris become almost unattainable. (and Rick Perry will burn in Hell)
US quietly publishes once-expunged papers on 1953 Iran coup (CIA responsbile for most of ME mess)
Deposed Saudi Prince Is Said to Be Confined to Palace - The New York Times
The Wall Street Journal Just Published a Bombshell Story About the Russia Scandal -- Before the 2016 presidential election, a longtime Republican opposition researcher mounted an independent campaign to obtain emails he believed were stolen from Hillary Clinton
Benjamin Wittes on Twitter: "Boom!"
Susan Rice agrees to testify before House intelligence panel -
Eschaton: Trumpkins - get how this dynamic unfolds in a typical workplace (or family). The boss (father) is an asshole, a tyrant, everyone jockeys to curry favor and avoid the wrath of daddy, selling out each other if necessary, complaining to friends over drinks. But this show is on teevee all day every day. Also, too, it matters? Like, the world can end kind of matter
Who in the White House Will Turn Against Donald Trump? | The New Yorker
Spurned by Trump, Senate Democrats Take a Harder Line - The New York Times -- nine states where Democratic senators are up for re-election next year would scare those lawmakers into acceptance of a Republican agenda
Donald Trump's Ignorance Is Becoming a National Crisis Even Republicans are fed up with the president's ham-fisted attempts to set health-care policy. ("ignorance" = "stupidity")
Key Republicans Want to Scrap Health Bill's Tax Cuts for Wealthy
We fixed Trump's misleading chart that claims Republicans are increasing Medicaid funding
Does Trump Know the First Thing About Health Care? Aide: 'He Understands winning'
As GOP buckles down on health care, conservative media loses interest - The Washington Post - a general decline of conservative interest in what had united Republicans for seven years
How the push for a Senate health-care vote fell apart amid GOP tensions - The Washington Post -- Some seasoned senators, however, saw a president unable to grasp policy details or the obstacles ahead, and talked with each other after the gathering about what they saw as a bizarre scene. (Pres DimBulb)
The GOP health bill is doomed to toxic unpopularity, no matter how it's changed
Trump's Obama Obsession ... Trump is president because of Obama, or more precisely, because of his hostility to Obama. Trump came onto the political scene by attacking Obama.
House Russia probe eyes longtime Trump bodyguard-turned-White House aide Keith Schiller - ABC News
Trump lawyer's firm steered millions in donations to family members, files show Documents obtained by the Guardian reveal Jay Sekulow approved plans to push people to give to his Christian nonprofit, which then paid big sums to his family : news
It turns out the liberal caricature of conservatism is correct - Vox - it's depressing. But it's true (greedy lying assholes trying to take all your money and kill you is true)
Tillerson blows up at top White House aide - POLITICO - The secretary of state, frustrated by negative press coverage and delays in appointing staff, unleashed his anger in front of Reince Priebus, Jared Kushner and others ... The encounter, described by four people familiar with what happened (Ja-Red is Sec. of State)
The Case Of The Mysterious Trump Portraits On The Hill - On Wednesday afternoon, a painting of President Donald Trump was spotted being carried around Capitol Hill.
Trump tweets shocking assault on Brzezinski, Scarborough - Jun. 29, 2017 - a sad day for America when the president spends his time bullying, lying and spewing petty personal attacks instead of doing his job ... For the record, photos from Mar-a-Lago do not show any blood or bandages on Brzezinsk's face
White House offers unapologetic defense of Trump tweets | TheHill
Breaking: MSNBC and Greta Van Susteren Agree to Part Ways | Vanity Fair - In an era where liberal anger is driving ratings, the former Fox anchor's shjow never caught fire
Here's why James O'Keefe's undercover video attacking CNN and Van Jones is a big nothing-burger
Over Half of Hate Crimes in US Go Unreported, Report Says - The New York Times
American History in One Tweet - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Gov. Matt Bevin publicly signs bill allowing Kentucky's public schools to teach the Bible
A chilling National Rifle Association ad gaining traction online appears to be 'an open call to violencwe' - Dana Loesch (civil war)
The only thing that can stop a bad guy exercising his 1st Amendment rights is a good guy exercising his 2nd Amendement rights - Lawyers, Guns & Money
3 more Lakewood houses raided in multi-million dollar welfare fraud investigation : news - Because entire community is build in such a way to abuse local, state and federal programs as much as humanly possible. They have depleted public school budget while Rabbis running private schools are steeling public money. For example private religious schools are charging roughly twice as much per special needs student than state average and out of well over 200 special needs kids only two or three are non Jewish while on the other hand over 40% of overall Lakewood population is non Jewish. This town has roughly little over 100000 people. (Sharia Town)
Is there a bully in your workplace? Chances are, the answer is 'yes'
Days after Tim Cook lectures MIT about the need to "empower the crazy ones-- the misfits, the rebels and the troublemakers," MIT shuts down its dorm for misfits, rebels, and troublemakers. (Senior House)
Citing Safety, MIT Disbands Its Oldest, Oddest Dorm | Edify (and the one with the lowest suicide rate, which at MIT is 3x national average)
hey can regularly be found canoodling in Cambr
1 in 5 L.A. community college students is homeless, survey finds : news
Elon Musk's boring machine completes the first section of an LA tunnel : news
Are there auditory illusions in the same way that there are optical illusions? If so, what are some examples and how do they work? : askscience
Chinese scientists genetically engineer purple rice rich in antioxidants that are linked to reduced risks of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. : science
What "next big thing" totally flopped? : AskReddit
How to cope with a clingy toddler when mummy's out : videos
What's your favorite smell? : AskReddit
EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost - This proposal strikes directly at public health (Republifucks: first we take away your health insurance, then we poison you, then you die)
Companies struggle to recover after massive cyberattack with ransom demands - The Washington Post
Eschaton - Brexit negotiations are going to be such a disaster ... They all think they can have all the 'good things' and none of the 'bad things' though they don't all agree on which is which and also fail to realize that the EU does not give a fuck.
Eschaton: About That Border With the EU - I read this last year and while a lot of it should be obvious to anyone who has thought a few minutes about this stuff, it's obvious the Brexiteers have not thought a few minutes about this stuff, or really anything at all because, politics aside, they are all ridiculously incompetent idiots.
Shocko on Twitter: "1. My thoughts as a Northern Irish person on how NO LEAVERS REALISED that Brexit will likely precipitate utter carnage in NI and, thusly, UK"
Overlooking the effect of Brexit on Northern Ireland is dangerous for the whole UK
British prosecutors file new charges in 1989 Hillsborough Stadium tragedy that claimed 96 lives - The Washington Post
The European Union Just Showed Democrats How To Take On Monopolies | HuffPost - U.S. Democrats have been soft on Big Tech.
Helicopter attacks Venezuela court, Maduro denounces coup bid | Reuters
Trump Backs Off Plan to Attack Comey's Conduct (the truth leaks)
How Donald Trump Misunderstood the F.B.I. - The New York Times - Since Watergate, the bureau has come to view itself as an essential, and essentially independent, check on the president. (he will fire the Feebs)
FBI chief Andrew McCabe under investigation for possible Hatch Act violations
All Media Mistakes Are in One Direction, If You Ignore All of the Mistakes That Aren't (Glenn Greenwald)
Senate GOP seethes at Trump impulsiveness - POLITICO - Top Republican officials and senators say the White House is crippling efforts to expand the Senate majority.
On Senate Health Bill, Trump Falters in the Closer's role
The Skilled Leadership of Donald J. Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money : and seemed especially confused when a moderate Republican complained that opponents of the bill would cast it as a massive tax break for the wealthy, according to an aide who received a detailed readout of the exchange ... pretty clear that Trump knows essentially nothing about the content of this legislation
Inside the GOP's surprise health care flop
Just 17 Percent Of Americans Approve Of Republican Senate Health Care Bill : NPR (dying is very popular)
Cardiac arrests dropped by 17 percent after Affordable Care Act expanded coverage in community study. : science
Senate health care plan: Poll shows just 12% of Americans support it (dropping by the hour)
208,500 additional deaths could occur by 2026 under the Senate health plan - Vox - Analysts who say health insurance doesn't affect morality are wrong ("analysts" like Avik Roy for the Death Party)
Yes, the Senate health care plan is actually monstrous. | New Republic -- conservative writer Erica Grieder tries to argue that the Senate health care plan isn't actuall so bad. (But the) data supports one conclusion: The Senate health care plan will kill people. People die when they cannot afford medical care ...
Trumpcare Will Kill People. Why Is That So Hard to Accept? | New Republic - talking about preventable deaths is not a partisan cheap shot.
Media Boosts Trumpcare Promoter Without Asking Who's Writing His Checks (oh, Erica Greider's "undisputed" expert, Avik Roy)
Obamas under fire from the left for never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations | Fox News
Brian Karem Says Sarah Huckabee Sanders Confrontation Was 'A Long Time Coming' | HuffPost -- "Don't;pour water in my ear and tell me it's raining ..."
Fragile Men Of Twitter Cannot Handle ESPN Cover Star's Nude Photo | HuffPost
Sarah Palin Sues The New York Times | HuffPost - initially suggested her political rhetoric helped incite a mass shooting.
Today In Our Very Healthy Journalistic Culture - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Big news! CNN will now be giving a daily evening hour to Chris Cillizza and his exciting new show, Cavalcade of EMAILS:
Off-Duty Officer Chokes Black Teen For Being On His Lawn | HuffPost - Another teen filmed the video and begged the officer to let them go.
I'm Glad the Dyke March Banned Jewish Stars -- Has there ever been a crisper expression of the consequences of "intersectionality" than a ban on Jewish lesbians from a Dyke March? (Jewish star tatoos on concentration camp corpses were "Zionistic")
10 Commandments monument at Arkansas Capitol destroyed; suspect in custody for apparent repeat offense | Arkansas Blog
Maine Reports First Confirmed Case Of Measles In 20 Years | HuffPost - the individual had caught the illness while traveling overseas.
Do black holes swallow dark matter? : askscience
What's your internet "white whale", something you've been searching for years to find with no luck? : AskReddit
What are the best free online certificates you can complete that will actually look good on a resume? : AskReddit
TIL that the various parties claiming credit for the "COEXIST" logo have been locked in a bitter legal dispute over trademarks and credits for 14 years and are literally not speaking to each other. : todayilearned
Waiters of reddit, what fucked up shit have you overheard while waiting tables? : AskReddit ... "I'll still eat that ass of yours when you eat chili..."
Neill Blomkamp releases his sci-fi twisted experimental war film called "Firebase" on Youtube : videos - a kind of open-source film-making,
@Mcjesse on Twitter: I photoshopped a flesh-light into the background of this photo please RT so one day it accidentally get's used in an article. - Imgur
Facebook's Secret Censorship Rules Protect White Men from Hate Speech But Not Black Children (racist violence by white men ok, questioning racism by black woman gets her banned)
Copyright Office Admits That DMCA Is More About Giving Hollywood 'Control' Than Stopping Infringement : technology (let's give Hollywood control of the internets!)
E.P.A. Official Pressured Scientist on Congressional Testimony, Emails Show - The New York Times
Cyberattack Hits Ukraine Then Spreads Internationally - The New York Times - "If you are an evildoer and you wanted to cause mayhem, why wouldn't you try to first mask it as something else?"
Huge cyber attack spreading across the world in potential repeat of 'Wannacry' hack : technology
White House says Syria's Assad preparing another chemical attack, warns of 'heavy penalty
U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump's Leadership
Under Trump, a majority of Canadians dislike the U.S. for the first time in 35 years, likely much longer | Toronto Star - Opinions of the United States have fallen almost everywhere under the presidency of Donald Trump, a major Pew survey finds -- with the notable exception of Russia.
Laser-equipped helicopter zaps its first target, to defense contractor's delight
Sotomayor: One of Obama's Best Legacies -- Sonia Sotomayor had an excellent church-and-state opinion today. Alas, it was a dissent to a 7-2 opinion: (as America slides into Republican theocracy)
FBI has questioned Trump campaign adviser Carter Page at length in Russia probe - The Washington Post
Trump lawyer's firm steered millions in donations to family members, files show | US news | The Guardian
Three journalists leaving CNN after retracted article - Jun. 26, 2017
Three CNN employees resign over retracted story on Russia ties - The Washington Post
The White House Just Declared War on CNN - Sarah Huckabee Sanders Press Conference - Your move, Jeff Zucker.
CNN Firings Over Russia Reporting Prove Credible Outlets Should Double Down - it's up to reasonable people not prevent ACORN Redux.
Timeline of Breitbart's Sherrod smear
Vote Delayed as G.O.P. Struggles to Marshal Support for Health Care Bill - The New York Times
CBO Score Proves Senate Republican Health Care Bill Is a Con - People will pay good money for bad insurance. (and the rich will get richer)
The CBO confirms: Senate Republicans' health-care bill is a turkey
Page 48 is the most important page in the CBO report - Vox
Senate Health Bill Reels as C.B.O. Predicts 22 Million More Uninsured - The New York Times
Two charts tell the whole story.
A critical mass of Republicans are rejecting the Senate health care bill - Vox
Republicans eye billions in side deals to win Obamacare repeal votes - POLITICO
Eschaton: Liars - Liars Taking their queue from the top and decades of media letting Republicans lie about everything, they've realized they can just go on TV and lie about their plan to kill you in order to lower taxes for a tiny number of very rich people
Eschaton: No Happy Hour You, Or You, Or You - The CBO score for the Senate Bill is out and it is sooooo much better than the House Bill. Oh wait, no it's not. And all you who are comfortable with Medicare, guarantfuckingteed, if they get away with gutting Medicaid, Medicare will be next.
A Time magazine with Trump on the cover hangs in his golf clubs. It's fake (real fake news)
Jared Kushner finally spoke. The Internet can't stop mocking his voice.
Grover Norquist complained his daughter had to pay sales tax on her guitar. Twitter said he had forgot a few things. - The Washington Post
Greg Gianforte got over $116,000 in donations after assaulting Guardian reporter | US news | The Guardian - campaign saw surge in donations after attack
Ben Dreyfuss on Twitter: "So, Chris Cilliza has a new feature where the sad face emoji means "people live""
Eschaton: America's Worst Humans -- Chris Cillizza (Cillizard)
Video shows Jacksonville cop threatening young black man with jail after jaywalking | Jacksonville News, Sports and Entertainment |
3 Chicago cops charged with conspiracy, obstruction in Laquan McDonald shooting : news
Man sits in jail when drywall powder is mistaken for cocaine : news
Police chief's son sentenced to home detention and probation in child molesting case.
Body found inside Wal-mart bathroom, body sat in a family bathroom with the door locked for 3 days. : news
Eschaton: There's A Sucker Born Every Minute - Figured Rahm would love this idiocy ... like mass transit, but only for rich people
Colorado mom angry at United after infant overheats while airplane sits on tarmac at DIA : news
Flight delayed after woman throws coins into engine for 'luck'
111 Terminally Ill People Took Their Own Lives in 1st 6 Months of California's Right-To-Die Law
Nuclear Weapons Site Alarms Shut Off; Scientists Inhale Uranium. Most scientists were not told of risks for months after 2014 incident; investigation shows more mishaps at Nevada, New Mexico nuclear sites : news
Even moderate drinking causes atrophy in brain area related to memory, learning - The Washington Post
Tick saliva 'gold mine' blocks killer heart condition - BBC News : news
Patients are ditching opioids and instead using cannabis to treat pain, anxiety, and depression mostly in states where pot is legal, according to a new study. : science (someone tell MA House of Reps)
When our brain begins to lose its memory, is it losing the memories themselves or the ability to recall those memories? : askscience
TIL that a 37 year old woman has given birth to 38 children : todayilearned
Man buys a parachute off the internet and jumps from his balcony : videos
Whats the most connected (non-sexual) experience you've ever had with someone? : AskReddit
What is your favorite thing in your 'SAVED' section? : AskReddit
Carbon in Atmosphere Is Rising, Even as Emissions Stabilize - The New York Times (Rick Perry doesn't believe in "carbon")
Sea level rise isn't just happening, it's getting faster (Rick Perry doesn't believe in your so-called "sea level" -- "the sea has always been leveling"
How Americans Think About Climate Change, in Six Maps - The New York Times (the stupid parts of the stupid states)
The Times's Resident Expert for a World on Fire -- Fires, once confined to a season, now burn year round.
The Scorched Aftermath of Portugal's 'Fire Tornado'
Material at Center of London Fire Will Not Be Sold for High Rises - The New York Times
No one is paying attention to the worst humanitarian crisis since World War II - The Washington Post - According to U.N. and private relief officials, efforts to supply enough food to stem the simultaneous crises in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Nigeria are falling tragically short so far, in part because of inadequate funding from governments and private donors.
Germany says Turkish bodyguards involved in D.C. skirmish won't set foot on German soil
How Alexandria's 'leaning tower' became an emblem of the city's corruption | Cities | The Guardian
Tourist Boat Sinks In Colombia With Nearly 160 On Board | HuffPost
After Puerto Rico's Debt Crisis, Worries Shift to Virgin Islands -- This tropical territory of roughly 100,000 people owes some $6.5 billion to pensioners and creditors ... "serious internal control weaknesses" ... Until recently, the pension system was chasing high returns by investing in high-risk assets
+Trollpikken; er knekt rett av
Isn't Flying Fun? -- Who else is excited for new innovations in pointless airport security? -- The TSA is testing new requirements that passengers remove books and other paper goods from their carry-on baggage when going through airline security. Given the sensitivity of our reading choices, this raises privacy concerns. (terroristical books)
TSA May Force Passengers to Remove Books from Bags, Raising First Amendment Concerns - The TSA wants a look at your books, please.
Supreme Court Will Hear Travel Ban Case - The New York Times
Supreme Court to take case on baker who refused to sell wedding cake to gay couple - The Washington Post
Supreme Court sides with religious institutions in a major church-state decision - The Washington Post
Anthony Kennedy Retirement Rumors Swirl as Supreme Court Weighs in on Travel Ban - Meanwhile, the Supreme Court tackles religion in more ways than one.
Support for Same-Sex Marriage Grows, Even Among Groups That Had Been Skeptical | Pew Research Center - For first time, as many Republicans favor as oppose gay marriage
Where Trump Zigs, Tillerson Zags, Putting Him at Odds With White House - The New York Times
Frank Rich: Nixon, Trump, and How a Presidency Ends - Just Wait -- Watergate didn't become Watergate overnight, either
Senate Leaders Try to Appease Members as Support for Health Bill Slips - The New York Times
How could any senator justify a vote for a bill this bad? - The Washington Post (Susie is yukking it up)
Kellyanne Conway Defends Medicaid Cuts, Says Adults Can Always Find Jobs | HuffPost - Reality check: Most of them have jobs already.
Republican Healthcare Bill Won't Work Except as a Tax Cut for the Rich - merely a way to shove wealth upwards
Eschaton: Lying Is Bold - Modern journalism: HHS Secretary Tom Price making a bold delararion to @DanaBashCNN: "We would not have individuals lose coverage."
Trump's latest bizarre tweets about Russia just left him badly exposed -- But now Trump is fully acknowledging that this meddling did happen (provided he can blame Obama for it). More to the point, though, his tweets this morning admit that our intelligence community not only did conclude this but also that Russia did this to help him win the election
Trump won, and Amy Siskind started a list of changes. Now it's a sensation
The Russian Biker Gang Part of the Trump Russia Story Is Here - Paging Hunter S. Thompson.
The Daily 202: Pragmatic Koch network treads carefully around Trump, plays inside game to advance agenda - The Washington Post
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer Continues To Leave The Press And Public In The Dark | HuffPost - On Monday, Spicer will again answer questions from reporters in a restricted setting.
Benjamin Wittes on Twitter: "3 things: 1) Not all ticks are related to Comey. 2) Fuse length remains uncertain. 3) Interesting preemptive defense of collusion happening."
Benjamin Wittes on Twitter: "tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick"
Benjamin Wittes on Twitter: "Is it just me or does this read a little off? If I didn't know better I might think a national television host had just accused me of crimes"
Domald Tromp Pounded In The Butt By His Fabricated Wiretapping Scandal Made Up To Redirect Focus Away From His Seemingly Endless Unethical Connections To Russia - Kindle edition by Chuck Tingle. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @
Ivanka Trump says 'I try to stay out of politics' despite assisting at White House | US news | The Guardian< (is that neck human?) /a>
A very credible new study on Seattle's $15 minimum wage has bad news for liberals -- The costs to low-wage workers in Seattle outweighed the benefits by a ratio of three to one,
Seattle's Minimum Wage Hike May Have Gone Too Far -- The increase led to steep declines in employment for low-wage workers, and a drop in hours for those who kept their jobs. Crucially, the negative impact of lost jobs and hours more than offset the benefits of higher wages -- on average, low-wage workers earned $125 per month less because of the higher wage, a small but significant decline.
TIL the Federal Trade Commission says four cancer charities run by extended members of the same family conned donors out of $187 million from 2008 through 2012 and spent almost nothing to help actual cancer patients. : todayilearned
What jobs will still be around in 20 years? Read this to prepare your future | US news | The Guardian -- ; many will simply be redefined. But people will likely lack new skillsets required for new roles and be out of work anyway -- we'll all have seven or eight jobs, with the average adult working for a number of companies simultaneously rather than working for one big corporation.
Ohio governor's website among government sites apparently hacked on Sunday -- Anti: Govt all word -- You will be held accountable Trump, you and all your people for every drop of blood flowing in Muslim countries. I love the Islamic state
Cops Sent Warrant To Facebook To Dig Up Dirt On Woman Whose Boyfriend They Had Just Killed | Techdirt
John Oliver Has Absolutely Had It With Anti-Vaxxers | HuffPost
Men still die before women. Is toxic masculinity to blame? | Haider Javed Warraich | Opinion | The Guardian -- the average American man dies five years before the average American women, and even wider gaps are seen among different racial and ethnic minorities: for example, Asian American women live 16.5 years longer than African American men on average ... t is becoming increasingly clear that a 'man's man" might be the most dangerous thing a man can be.
TIL that the Black Death killed so many people in the 14th century that the world population did not recover to pre-plague levels until the 17th century. : todayilearned
Eschaton: As I Was Saying - The obvious conclusion to draw from Uber's crisis and Tesla's Autopilot struggles is that the disruption of transportation so enthusiastically cheered by the tech industry was ridiculously overblown. And it wasn't confined to Tesla and Uber.
Methane Hydrate: Killer cause of Earth's greatest mass extinction : science
CIA director says leaks are on the rise, cites "worship" of leakers like Snowden : news -- Snowden: It's no surprise @CIA is baffled to find the public respects those who reveal official crimes more than those who commit them.
Eschaton: Maybe We Shouldn't Burn All The School Children - Maybe We Shouldn't Burn All The School Children -- Takes conservatives a massive tragedy do understand what all those safety regulations were about. -- Controversial government proposals to relax fire safety standards for new school buildings as a cost-cutting measure are to be dropped by ministers in a major policy U-turn following the Grenfell Tower fire. (let's build super-flammable schools to "cut costs"!)
Sixty towers across England found to have unsafe cladding | UK news | The Guardian - Officials confirm all buildings so far given combustibility tests have failed in 25 areas across England (yesterday it was 11 buildings)
Some U.S. States Relax Restrictions On Cladding Suspected In Grenfell Tower Fire : NPR -- DC, Minnesota, Indiana and Massachusetts -- have exempted cladding from NFPA 285 testing.
Russian man charged with 729 counts of rape against his five foster daughters : news
Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak Is Going Home To Russia - most radioactive diplomat is headed home
Evidence mounts Russia meddled in US election - Business Insider -- took 4 clear paths to meddle in the US election
White House blames Obama for failing to stop Russia collusion - The Washington Post (with Trump)
Top Democrat Schiff criticizes Obama over reaction to Russian hacks | US news | The Guardian - Congressman likens Trump complaint on White House inaction to 'knowingly receiving stolen property [and] blaming police for not stopping the theft'
Kushner firm's $285 million Deutsche Bank loan came just before Election Day
I Found Trump's Diary -- Hiding in Plain Sight ... historians don't want to lose it
Medicaid Cuts May Force Retirees Out of Nursing Homes - The New York Times (old white people voted overwhelmingly for Trumpster, now will die)
Senate health-care bill faces serious resistance from GOP moderates - The Washington Post ("moderates" = hahahaha)
Mitch McConnell's AHCA Strategy - The Atlantic - The United States has never had a Senate leader as ruthless, as willing to bend, distort and break the rules, traditions and precedents of the Senate as Mitch McConnell.
Koch political leader says GOP healthcare bill not conservative enough | TheHill (24 million dead people not enough for Koch/Satan)
Kellyanne Conway on Senate health bill: 'These are not cuts to Medicaid' - ABC News ... "We don't see them as cuts, its slowing the rate of growth in the future and getting Medicaid back to where it was
The Senate health-care bill's subsidy cuts hurt low-income, older Americans - Washington Post (older Trump voters lose bigly (except for their viagra) unless they are very rich)
As a real estate rookie, Jared Kushner snapped up Somerville properties but also made mistakes - The Boston Globe - "The guy is, like, an 18-year-old Harvard trust kid,"
In Towns Already Hit by Factory Closings, a New Casualty: Retail Jobs - The New York Times
Today in the Laboratories of Democracy : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The good people of Missouri elect only the finest citizens. -- Missouri's Senate is considering legislation that would allow employers and landlords to discriminate against women who use birth control or have had abortions. (with red "A" tattoos on their foreheads) ... After all, every womb is a potential abortion sanctuary.
Restaurant owner says nearby Confederate flag is hurting his business | FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports -- Maurice Bessinger died in 2014. Of the flags outside his stores, Maurice Bessinger wrote "there they will stay. I will fight on because this is what God wants me to do" (God is a treasonous slave-holder)
Is Boston racist? Poll shows city is split -- along racial lines -- 42 percent saying yes and 45 percent believing it is not ... Fifty-seven percent of those who identify as black said the city is racist, compared with 37 percent of those who call themselves white. Hispanics fell in the middle, with 44 percent believing their hometown is racist ... At 47 percent, women were more likely than men to see the city as racist, compared with 36 percent of men
San Francisco Is Burning | GQ
Woman driving while praying with eyes closed crashes into house - NY Daily News
Are you forgetful? That's just your brain erasing useless memories - The Verge - The purpose of memory might not be to record everything
TIL that having a shorter first name is correlated with earning a higher salary. On average, annual salary drops by $3,600 for each additional letter in a person's name. : todayilearned
Toxins produced by three different species of fungus growing indoors on wallpaper may become aerosolized, and easily inhaled. The findings, which likely have implications for "sick building syndrome"
How I Built an AI to Sort 2 Tons of Lego Pieces - IEEE Spectrum
How I Built an AI to Sort 2 Tons of Lego Pieces - A GPU-based neural network was the only way to handle a garage full of Lego : technology
Sub Bass Meditation Music: Deep Trance Soothing Music with Sub Bass Pulsation : spiritual
Cop shows one of the worst scenes he's ever seen : videos
Dads of Reddit... What's your best "don't tell your mother about this" moment? : AskReddit
Wikiverse: a galactic reimagining of Wikipedia : InternetIsBeautiful
Eschaton: This Isn't Better - Maybe the driver should just, you know, drive? Sure some safety features like auto-braking or collision avoidance might be good (if implemented well), but those are just safety features, not "you don't actually have to drive the car" features
Verizon is killing Tumblr's fight for net neutrality
G-20 imports Demand from G-20 countries accounts for over half of all resource imports
The Torturers Speak - The New York Times - The men, Bruce Jessen and James Mitchell, strike a professional pose. Dressed in suits and ties, speaking matter-of-factly, they describe the barbaric acts they and others inflicted on the captives, who were swept up indiscriminately and then waterboarded, slammed into walls, locked in coffins and more (just following orders) They kept telling me every day a nuclear bomb was going to be exploded in the United States and that because I had told them to stop, I had lost my nerve and it was going to be my fault if I didn't continue
Woman assaulted on crowded bus 'for wearing shorts during Ramadan' : news (Istanbul)
UK Parliament Suffers 'Sustained' Cyber-Attack As All MPs Targeted By Hackers, Sources Tell HuffPost UK | HuffPost UK
Eschaton: Cladding - It's obviously good that they are pro-actively going after a genuine fire hazard, but the broader issue is years of neglect of basic fire safety issues. The cladding is likely just one problem of many. -- Thousands of tower block residents around the UK have been warned that their homes are clad with the same flammable aluminium panels believed to have fuelled the deadly blaze at Grenfell Tower in London. (the Tories wrapped housing in flame-blankets so the poor would jusr burn up and die)
Why Grenfell Tower Burned: Regulators Put Cost Before Safety - The New York Times
That jeering sound you can hear is Europe laughing at Britain | Andrew Rawnsley | Opinion | The Guardian
The Conflict Tearing Apart British Politics: An Interview With David Goodhart -- Immigration
Hopes Fade After Landslide Destroys Chinese Village - The New York Times - ooking for signs of survivors among the 100 or more people who were missing.
Canada Ponders an Unusual Drug Problem: a Shortage of Marijuana - Bloomberg - Ontario finance minister warns of looming pot supply crunch
Mexico Hacking and Spying on Its Citizens Is a 'Human Rights Crisis' - Motherboard
Demands on Qatar Look Designed to Be Rejected -- As Washington loses patience with the Gulf crisis, the Saudi-led campaign resorts to extreme measures. (shut down Al Jezerra)
Maritime Mystery: Why a U.S. Destroyer Failed to Dodge a Cargo Ship - The New York Times
Home is where the hate is | Reveal - Trump's fixation on demonizing Islam hides true homegrown US terror threat
Trump CIA director blames 'worship of Edward Snowden' for rise in leaks | US news | The Guardian - Mike Pompeo said more needed to be done to stem what he called an increase in the leaking of state secrets to undermine the United States and democracy
The Post's new findings in Russia's bold campaign to influence the U.S. election
L i e s -- Many Americans have become accustomed toPresident TrumpSatan's lies. But as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them. So we have catalogued nearly every outright lie he has told publicly since taking the oath of office.
Trump's Presidency Is Losing Its Legitimacy - The Atlantic - Mounting evidence that Trump's election was aided by Russian interference presents a challenge to the American system of government -- with lasting consequences for democracy.
Our Fake Democracy - The New York Times
Trump's Twitter feed is a gold mine for foreign spies
Trump Acknowledges Russian Meddling, Blames Obama Admin. For 'No Action'
Frustrated Dems say Obama botched Russia response | TheHill-- Then-President Obama was too cautious in the months leading up to the election, frustrated Democratic lawmakers and strategists say. (and that's not all bipartisan Barry botched, either)
Donald Trump Offers Nearly Incomprehensible Explanation For James Comey Tapes Claims | HuffPost (psycho word-salad) xsy
Gowdy won't use Oversight gavel to probe Russia (slimy non-human)
Trump Is What Happens When a Political Party Abandons Ideas -- the natural outgrowth of 30 years of Republican pandering to the lowest common denominator in American politics
Pence meets with Koch brother in Colorado | TheHill
DeVos appoints CEO of student loan company head of federal student aid : news (draining the swamp bigly)
CNN deletes, retracts story linking Trump and Russia
Pro-Trump group launches seven-figure ad buy against GOP senator opposing repeal bill | TheHill - against Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV),
Fifth GOP senator announces opposition to healthcare bill | TheHill
Public support for 'single payer' health coverage grows, driven by Democrats -- 60% say the federal government is responsible for ensuring health care coverage for all Americans, while 39% say this is not the government's responsbility (say sick people should just die and give their moneys to them)
With cameras banned, CNN sends sketch artist to White House briefing - Jun. 23, 2017
Bernie and Jane Sanders, under FBI investigation for bank fraud, hire lawyers - CBS News
for handcuffing and detaining three teenagers for selling water on the Mall without a valid vendor's license
Six Nazi spies were executed in D.C. White supremacists gave them a memorial 00 on federal land -- hat day in 2006 when he began to help unravel an only-in-Washington mystery, complete with World War II espionage, nationwide panic, a mass electrocution, J. Edgar Hoover chicanery, white supremacists, classic federal bureaucracy and a U.S. Supreme Court case that played a significant role in America's"war on terror')
Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 92 : Lawyers, Guns & Money - There is only one thing worth knowing about this asshole. He was the Grand Dragon of the Colorado Ku Klux Klan. Locke made Colorado one of the strongest KKK strongholds in the nation in the 1920s, along with Indiana, Oregon, and Texas.
It Is Humanly Impossible to Be a Good Newspaper Columnist (who said "good" was a requirement?)
Google Search Is Doing Irreparable Harm To Muslims | HuffPost
Springfield bishop: No communion, last rites, funerals for same-sex couples - Chicago Tribune
Illinois Catholic bishop decrees no Holy Communion, funerals for same-sex couples - The Washington Post (Bishop "Big Ears" Thomas Paprocki)
'No doesn't really mean no': North Carolina law means women can't revoke consent for sex | US news | The Guardian
DA: Officers who shocked teenager committed crime : news
A sex offender was released on parole. Weeks later, authorities say, he raped a 7-year-old girl. - The Washington Post
White St. Louis police officer shoots off-duty black officer : news
Dallas officer charged with aggravated assault for killing of 21-year-old woman | US news | The Guardian
Cops Sent Warrant To Facebook To Dig Up Dirt On Woman Whose Boyfriend They Had Just Killed: '.... Facebook refused to hand over the information on the grounds that the indefinite gag order was unconstitutional.' : technology (marijuana = deadly killer)
Kobach Sanctioned By Court For 'Deceptive Conduct And Lack Of Candor' -- The Republican state official tapped by President Trump to lead his sketchy voter fraud commission was sanctioned by a federal judge Friday
World Taekwondo Federation changes name over 'negative connotations' - BBC Sport
Love Is Love Is Love Is . . . Cut the Mike - The New York Times
Is The Handmaid's Tale the Allegory of the Trump Era? (or just Republicans in general?)
Texas Mom Arrested on Suspicion of Killing Her Children After Allegedly Leaving Kids in Hot Car to Teach Lesson
'Hi, Dad': California father buries wrong man after coroner says his son is dead | US news | The Guardian
Deepest Dive Under Antarctica Reveals a Shockingly Vibrant World
How to Hike One of the World's Most Dangerous Volcanoes - the largest lava lake on Earth.
SI Swimsuit Model Hannah Davis So Good at Almost Showing You Her Pussy
A study has found that British adolescents raised in major cities in England and Wales were over 40 per cent more likely to report psychotic experiences (e.g. hearing voices and feeling extremely paranoid) than their rural counterparts. : science
Exposure to Ozone kicks up chances of autism 10-fold in at-risk rids. Having a higher number of copies of genes has been shown to raise the risk of a child developing autism, as has early exposure to various pollutants in the mother's environment. : science
Extra-virgin olive oil protects memory and learning ability and reduces the formation of amyloid-beta plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain
When my garden soil is too alkaline, I'm told to add sulphur or other somewhat noxious chemicals. Why can't I just pour a bottle of vinegar into the garden bed? : askscience The Biology Coloring Book (8601419093199): Robert D. Griffin, Cinthea Vadala: Books
TIL On April 15, 1940, Stravinsky's unconventional major seventh chord in his arrangement of the Star Spangled Banner led to his arrest by the Boston police for violating a federal law that prohibited the reharmonization of the National Anthem.
Redditors who don't want any children, why? : AskReddit
Katy Perry has a rude awakening : videos
What's the dirtiest/NSFW joke you know? : AskReddit
What dirty little secret does your profession hide that the consumer should know? : AskReddit
What do you have an extremely strong opinion on that is ultimately unimportant? : AskReddit
Snapchat's new map feature raises fears of stalking and bullying : technology
User destroys homophobe's perception of a "traditional marriage." : bestof
Eschaton: 20 Years? - suppose it's been fun reading all of those articles about how self-driving taxis were about to be on the road, but the new CW is starting to sink in. -- The only escape for Uber imagined by Kalanick was to delete drivers and their wages from the picture through the development of autonomous vehicles. But it is increasingly clear that this is another massive gamble that Uber cannot win, at least not in time to save itself.
Scroogled no more: Gmail won't scan e-mails for ads personalization
London police confirm deadly highrise fire began in an apartment fridge - The Washington Post
The recent fire in London was traced to an electrical fault in a fridge freezer. How can you trace with such accuracy what was the single appliance that caused it? : askscience
Obama's secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin's election assault (basically, Barry finally found his abandoning, philandering, rejecting drunken father in Trump and he didn't want to look "partisan" while Putin hacked the election and got Dumpster elected; eight years of searching in bipartisan wilderness and he learned nothing and the "legacy" he was "protecting" is a smoldering ruin)
xsy President Barack Obama Knew Russia Hacked Election 2016 to Elect Donald Trump - Before departing for an August vacation to Martha's Vineyard, Obama instructed aides to pursue ways to deter Moscow and proceed along three main paths: Get a high-confidence assessment from U.S. intelligence agencies on Russia's role and intent; shore up any vulnerabilities in state-run election systems; and seek bipartisan support from congressional leaders for a statement condemning Moscow and urging states to accept federal help. ("bipartisan" Barry floated off to his vacation) ... With Obama still determined to avoid any appearance of politics, the statement would not carry his signature. -- The 2016 presidential election was corrupted at its heart, and we do not know yet how fully it was corrupted, and that's the most lasting scandal of all
The United States, Russia, and the 2016 Election - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The Washington Post has a comprehensive report on Russian electoral interference and the Obama Administration's attempt to handle it without unduly interfering with the US election.
Thomas Rid on Twitter: "This is very interesting (sadly not dated)"
Thomas Rid on Twitter: "And very sensitive indeed (DJT clinched Republication nomination just a few weeks earlier)"
Trump says 'we'll ha ve to see' if Mueller should step down from Russia probe
Another Republican Senator Comes Out As a 'No' on Health-Care Bill, Imperiling its Prospects (+Collins)
Heller Comes Out Against TrumpCare : Lawyers, Guns & Money - This is the first meaningful opposition to come from the Republican Senate conference:
A Simple Guide To The GOP Health Care Bills | HuffPost
Seth Meyers Shreds 'Breathtakingly Cruel' Senate GOP Health Bill | HuffPost - Who needs open debate on our medical future anyway?
Republicans Might Actually Defund Planned Parenthood This Time | HuffPost - After more than a half-decade of unsuccessful attempts to defund Planned Parenthood, the GOP appears on the verge of actually doing it.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll -- June 2017: ACA, Replacement Plan, and Medicaid | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
White House frustration grows with Tillerson over jobs for Trump allies - The Washington Post
Can He Do That? A podcast by The Washington Post
Trump says tape bluff was to keep Comey honest | TheHill
Trump loses patience with his White House counsel - POLITICO - The president has taken out his frustration with the expanding Russia probe on lawyer Don McGahn,
Following Trump voter fraud allegations, claim that 5.7 million noncitizens voted is wrong | PolitiFact Florida
Felix Sater, Donald Trump, Robert Mueller, and Andrew Weissmann. - Robert Mueller has hired a prosecutor who was previously involved with a case that involved securing the close cooperation of an individual who might (might!) have simultaneously been helping fund Trump projects with laundered money.
F.B.I. Investigating Deals Involving Paul Manafort and Son-in-Law - The New York Times (rotton from top to bottom)
Bloomberg says America should 'get beyind' Trump because 'the public has spoken' (Bloomfuck)
One of the dumbest political mistakes in the modern era - Axios - firing of FBI Director James Comey is rightly seen as a terrific legal blunder
Poll: More Americans Believe Comey Over Trump - NBC News -- Forty-five percent of respondents say they are more likely to believe Comey's version of events from his June 8 testimony to the U.S. Senate, versus 22 percent who are more likely to believe what Trump has said.
Jane Sanders Lawyers Up - POLITICO Magazine - The strange story behind the federal investigation that has rattled Burlington, Vermont, and put Bernie and Jane Sanders on the defensive. (lock her up) Even so, Sanders'salary rose to $150,000 in 2009, according to college records, as tuition increased by $5,000, to $22,407 in 2011, and enrollment dropped to 156 students.
New York Times bloodbath could include reporter jobs | New York Post - If the ongoing round of voluntary buyouts being offered to editing staff does not get enough takers, the Gray Lady could begin another round, NYT Executive Editor Dean Baquet recently warned his top department editors.
The banquet business was booming at Mar-a-Lago. Then Trump became president. - The Washington Post
Fox & Friends propagates the most astounding piece of pro-Trump propaganda yet (deranged mind word-salad) So the dodgiest president ever is keeping honest a man of proven integrity. A reversal this comical is possible only on one television news program.
Well-qualified law school applicant pool declines by 61% - Lawyers, Guns & Money
California bans state travel to Texas, Alabama, Kentucky | The Sacramento Bee - California is restricting publicly funded travel to four more states because of recent laws that leaders here view as discriminatory against gay and transgender people.
Spanish Fort High AP reading list pulled after concerns from residents | - summer Gene Ponder's reading list includes a majority conservative and right-leaning authors, a point that concerned local residents and led to several complaints being lodged with the Baldwin County School System ... a majority of conservative and right-leaning authors including Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Ron Paul, Thomas Sowell, Chuck Colson and Ronald Reagan. (5 Michael Savage books on the list)
Cosby juror says he didn't believe 'well-coached' Constand
Killer Nurse Suspected In Deaths Of As Many As 60 Children | HuffPost - She is pure evil and justice warrants that she be held accountable
Video captures apparent road rage chain reaction crash in California - The Washington Post
el_spicy comments on What are the most important battles of history?
To Stay in Love, Sign on the Dotted Line - The New York Times
Stop sending EMS to respond to overdose calls, councilman says : news (Middletown OH)
"But babe, I got the ball!" : gifs
Yellowstone Grizzly Bear to Lose Endangered Species Protection - The New York Times
CIA Torture Program Architects Should Be in Jail - The architects of our torture program must be held to account.
If 2016 Election Vote Totals Were Altered in the Russia Hack, What Do We Do? - What are we supposed to do? Hold the election again? Fat chance.
Russian defense minister's plane buzzed by NATO jet over Baltic -- after a Russian fighter jet buzzed a Swedish military jet on an electronic intelligence gathering mission over the Baltic on Monday (that didn't take long)
In Yemen's secret prisons, UAE tortures and US interrogates
London fire: Flats acquired for Grenfell Tower survivors - BBC News - Sixty-eight social housing flats in Kensington, London, are to be made available to survivors of the Grenfell Tower fire, the government has said.
Army busts another general for improper relationship with woman - The Washington Post - the latest in a string of episodes in which Army generals have landed in trouble for personal misconduct.
Eschaton: Bye Jobs - Given that they're EU agencies and the UK will no longer be in the US, having them be in London makes about as much as sense as having them be in Los Angeles, but I suppose "the EU is insisting"... - in Sussex. Nigel Pelham
Canadian elite special forces sniper makes record-breaking kill shot in Iraq - The Globe and Mail
Eschaton: I'm Sure They Can Be Trusted - Obviously -- Several CIA contractors were kicked out of the agency for stealing more than $3,000 in snacks from vending machines, according to official documents newly obtained by BuzzFeed News.
Former CIA officer accused of selling top secret information to China - The Washington Post
Intel chiefs tell investigators Trump suggested they refute collusion with Russians - (if it quacks like treason ...)
White House Tries to Get G.O.P. to Water Down Russia Sanctions Bill - The New York Times
Two reasons why Trump came clean about not having tapes - The Boston Globe - The House Intelligence Committee gave the White House until tomorrow to either turn over the tapes or acknowledge there weren't any
Revisiting Obama's Rationalities, One Summer Later (didn't want to look "partisan" by saying Russians were hacking for Trump; Barry-Float-Above-It-All learned nothing in 8 years, kept searching for lost rejecting father)
Election hackers altered voter rolls: report | TheHill - Hackers successfully altered voter information at least once during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to a Time magazine report Thursday.
A Cyberattack 'the World Isn't Ready For'
D.C. cops used 'rape as punishment' after Inauguration Day mass arrests, lawsuit says Wide array of unconstitutional tactics alleged in suit over chilling round-up that hit peaceful protesters, journalists, and anarchists alike.
Donald Trump Is In The Perfect Position To Dramatically Remake The Courts | HuffPost
Morning Joe panel slams 'dear leader' Trump with horrifying 2-minute mashup of his Iowa lies
Trump appointee is a Saudi government lobbyist | Center for Public Integrity
GOP's Suburban Nightmare -- sixth district wasn't a triumph. It was a warning for a party losing its grip on the places that forged its modern identity.
NBC News/WSJ Poll: Public Overwhelmingly Disapproves of House Health Care Bill - NBC News - By a 3-to-1 margin, the American public holds a negative view of the American Health Care Act
(1) Barack Obama - Posts - a massive transfer of wealth from middle-class and poor families to the richest people in America. It hands enormous tax cuts to the rich and to the drug and insurance industries, paid for by cutting health care for everybody else.
The Note: Senate's unhealthy start on health care
How Mitch McConnell wins. - How Mitch McConnell weaponized our short attention span.
Senate Health Care Bill Includes Deep Cuts to Medicaid - The New York Times
These are all the people the Senate health care bill will hurt - Vox
Jamelle Bouie on Twitter: "I'm reasonably sure Trump wouldn't have reached 270 if he openly campaigned on taking Medicaid from 14+ million people."
Here's How Republicans Might Pass Their Cruel Health-Care Bill
TrumpCare is a Human Rights Catastrophe Being Advanced Through an Undemocratic Process - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The Senate version of the AHCA is here, and it's morally repugnant (+NYT framing as "slow the growth of Medicaid")
Mitch McConnell is a Repulsive Piece of Shit - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Capitol police were seen physically removing demonstrators, many of whom were in wheelchairs and holding medical equipment, as they chanted their disapproval of the draft legislation.
The Republican Healthcare Bill Is a Message to Trump Voters - You pulled the lever. This is what you were voting for. Hello, suckers.
The conservative health care problem - Axios (they will break it, but will they own it?)
Trump suggests creating law enacted in 1996 | TheHill - Wednesday evening said immigrants who enter the United States should not be eligible for welfare benefits for five years, though such a law has already existed for 20 years.
Kamala Harris Was Silenced. Then She Silenced Us. - The New York Times
In S. Fla., racial epithets, arrests in tense protests over Confederate street names (the topography of hatred and "we can't erase out heritage" of treason in defense of evil)
New MSNBC host Hugh Hewitt is Sean Hannity in glasses - The Trump supporter puts an intellectual shine on partisan hackery
Wall Street Journal fires correspondent over ethics conflict - The reporter, Jay Solomon, was offered a 10 percent stake in a fledgling company, Denx LLC, by Farhad Azima, an Iranian-born aviation magnate who has ferried weapons for the CIA. (maybe the NYT will hire him)
FBI Fired Sebastian Gorka for Anti-Muslim Diatribes
Texas congressman says remarks on Clintons, Vince Foster were "a step too far" -- In discussing a now-infamous episode from last year in which Clinton had a tarmac meeting with Lynch, Olson speculated on local radio that in that conversation, Clinton admitted he was a party to the 1993 death of White House aide Vincent Foster and essentially threatened some similar form of retribution against Lynch if she did not drop an investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's email server. (Rethug fever swamp)
What to do with a broken Illinois: Dissolve the Land of Lincoln - Chicago Tribune -- Illinois is like Venezuela now, a fiscally broken state that has lost its will to live, although for the moment, we still have enough toilet paper. (get back to us when you have 100,000+ protesters for months) The group that will scream the loudest is the state's political class, who did this to us, and the big bond creditors, who are whispering talk of bankruptcy and asset forfeiture to save their own skins. (+"chumbolones")
Shrinking Chicago has always been told: Shut up and take it - Chicago Tribune
Madiganistan | City Journal - How House Speaker Michael Madigan helped ruin Illinois
2 Cosby holdouts prevented guilty verdict, juror says - ABC News
Girl alleges bullying, some racist, posts video, which goes viral - CBS News
Not quite half of American teens have had sex by 18. That's actually low - from 2011 to 2015, about 42 percent of girls and about 44 percent of boys ages 15-19 reported that they'd had sex. Both numbers continue a gradual decades-long decline:
Tom Cruise Apparently Pretended to Be Doing Bible Study While Getting Blow Jobs on the Risky Business Set
'Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder': School pulls highly conservative summer reading list
Suicide afflicts farmers at rate much higher than all other jobs. In addition to their financial struggles, farmers are also beset by feelings of not being able to meet expectations, and not being in control of events influencing their lives : science
Dashcam video shows cop's 'brutal attack' of Minnesota motorist, ACLU says : news
Mass. Senate passes marijuana bill - The Boston Globe - would leave the tax rate and local control provisions on marijuana from the ballot question in place ... One amendment adopted by the Senate decrees that any record of a marijuana-related offense that is no longer consider a crime would be eligible to be sealed.
Scientists say they have found the first direct evidence that the immune system does attack the brain in Parkinson's disease. The discovery, in the journal Nature, suggests that drugs to calm the immune system could help manage the disease. : science
People who are related to celebrities, how has their fame affected family gatherings and events? : AskReddit
Guy Records Roommates Abusive Psycho Girlfriend. : videos
What is socially accepted when you are beautiful but not accepted when you are ugly? : AskReddit
Teenage boys wear skirts to school to protest against 'no shorts' policy : news
Uber Can't Be Fixed -- It's Time for Regulators to Shut It Down -- Fundamental illegality ... super-pumped
Here's Every Single Possible Twitter Joke All At Once | HuffPost
Would a White British Community Have Burned in Grenfell Tower? - The New York Times -- The blaze happened after a yearslong attack by the Conservative government on low-income housing. The amount of public housing being built has dropped for more than two decades, even more drastically since 2012 to reach a 24-year low. (Tories: "fuck off and die we want your everything")
How The Guardian Lost America - Guardian US has slashed costs, leaving employees stewing about mismanagement, infighting, a sexual harassment allegation, and unrealistic business expectations.
Eschaton: Why Them? - Given that there are no shortage of candidates for prosecution, it's fascinating when someone actually is prosecuted for bankster crimes ... Who, exactly, did they piss off?
Saudi Arabia Deports 15,000 Qatari Camels | Foreign Policy
Investigation into Fitzgerald collision begins
Psychologists Open a Window on Brutal C.I.A. Interrogations - The New York Times - A lawsuit filed on behalf of former prisoners reveals new details about a program that used techniques widely viewed as torture
Eschaton: Henry Kissinger Is A Distinguished Elder Statesmen - Watergate prosecutors had evidence that operatives for then-President Richard Nixon planned an assault on anti-war demonstrators in 1972, including potentially physically attacking Vietnam whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg ... "The Nixon administration's paranoia about Daniel Ellsberg is driven by Henry Kissinger" ... "You can hear him in the tapes: 'He's a pervert Mr. President. He must be dealt with, Mr. President.'" (never accountable for anything)
Trump, Russia, and Those Shadowy Sater Deals at Bayrock - Bloomberg - An insider describes the Bayrock Group, its links to the Trump family and its mysterious access to funds.
Eschaton: Peace At Last - The idea that any sort of mutually agreeable (and willing to be agreed to) deal in Israel is possible is laughable, let alone the idea that Jared Kushner, Boy Blunder, can make it happen.
Eschaton: Boy Blunder Needs Lawyers - Hopefully (not really) he has better ones than pop-in-law.
G.O.P. Rift Over Medicaid and Opioids Imperils Senate Health Bill - The New York Times
Karen Handel wins Georgia's sixth congressional district : news ($1,000/vote)
Georgia Democrat Jon Ossoff Falls Short In Bid For U.S. House Seat | HuffPost (evil won in evil land)
Sen. Murphy on Dem's Georgia loss: Russia has been a distraction
GA-06: Why Handel's Win Isn't a Disaster for Democrats
Ossoff chose civility and it didn't work. How do Democrats beat Trump?
Eschaton: Middle Class White People Are Racists - See our Charles Murray defending op-ed pages, for example. Modern "white flight" isn't blue collar Archie Bunker - he stayed in Queens.
Eschaton: Why Didn't Obama Voters Vote For Hillary Clinton? - Whatever the reasons, Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump in part because people who voted for Obama once or twice didn't vote for her. Figuring out why matters if Democrats want to win.
Eschaton: Is This The Life We Really Want? - How many of you are two lost paychecks away or one illness away from economic disaster? It really shouldn't be this way. It really doesn't have to be this way.
Mike Pence's infrastructure mess: What went wrong with I-69? (privatize! fail!)
Wrongful death lawsuit over death of Michael Brown settled in secret | Law and order |
Pa. Supreme Court rules police dash cam videos are public : news
Supreme Court Says You Can't Ban People From The Internet, No Matter What They've Done : technology
Misleading article on gun control refuted using facts found in supporting paper (glimpse of old critical thinking Reddit) : bestof
Flight Attendants Say Angry Passengers Are Creating a Big Safety Problem on Planes : news
Texas Couple Exonerated 25 Years After Being Convicted of Lurid Crimes That Never Happened -- The court filing Tuesday should pave the way for the Kellers to collect roughly $1.7 million each in state compensation for the 21 years they spent behind bars.
US gun laws: Colorado to arm teachers in classrooms : news
Jimmy Kimmel Gives High School Valedictorian the Chance to Finish Speech : videos
Yale dean who called people 'white trash' on Yelp leaving her post : news (amazing how many * to screw in a lightbulb? riff_
What's the coolest mathematical fact you know of? : AskReddit
Scientists just took a major step towards achieving nuclear fusion. The new technique works by decelerating runaway electrons. This is done by injecting heavy ions, such as argon or neon in the form of gas or pellets, into the reactor. Study published today in Physical Review Letters. : science
Where Gravity Is Weak and Naked Singularities Are Verboten. Recent calculations tie together two conjectures about gravity, potentially revealing new truths about its elusive quantum nature : science
Bald Eagle incoming : gifs
TIL a medium-sized dog has the same environmental cost as a SUV : todayilearned
Divorced men of reddit: what moment with your former wife made me think "Yup, I'm asking this girl to divorce me."? : AskReddit
New York City film locations : movies - West Side Story was filmed on the East Side.
The hardest I have ever laughed watching a TV show: Tobias Funke's appearance on 'To Catch a Predator' : television
What is the best nsfw life hack? : AskReddit
Train derails after rails stolen : WTF
Uber Founder Travis Kalanick Resigns As CEO | HuffPost - exit came after a shareholder revolt reportedly made it untenable for him to stay. (toxic masculine techbrodude) < Uber Founder Travis Kalanick Resigns as C.E.O. : technology
Uber CEO Travis Kalanick resigns: A timeline of events that led to his downfall (that frown has to be shopped)
Uber Founder Travis Kalanick Resigns as C.E.O. - The New York Times
br /> Inside Apple's global war on leakers -- Former NSA agents, secrecy members on product teams, and a screening apparatus bigger than the TSA.
Some Notes on Ziglar v. Abbasi - Lawyers, Gun & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Yesterday, the Supreme Court ruled that multiple Bush administration could not be sued for constitutional violations committed during the arbitrary, indefinite detentions after 9/11. A few points: The Beltway rule about the Bush administration's many illegalities remains that nobody can ever be held accountable for anything.
Bush officials can't be sued for post-9/11 abuses, says top court : news -- The 4-2 decision marked a victory for ex-attorney general John Ashcroft and former FBI director Robert Mueller, who have claimed along with other Bush era officials that they have immunity from prosecution. (well crap and crapcrap)
Can You Kill the Islamic State? - The New York Times
Armed Russian jet comes within 5 feet of US recon jet | Fox News
First on CNN: US shoots down another pro-regime drone in Syria -
Secret Government Report: Chelsea Manning Leaks Caused No Real Harm (oh, they lied)
Behind a bookcase, a secret passageway leads to a trove of Nazi artifacts in Argentina - The Washington Post
Air Force: As many as 135 patients may have been exposed to HIV, hepatitis at Al Udeid clinic - Improperly-cleaned medical equipment at the clinic at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar may have exposed as many as 135 patients to blood-borne diseases such as HIV and Hepatitis B and C over an eight-year period.
Free Speech at the Supreme Court - The New York Times
Exclusive: U.S. investigators in Russia probe look at role of Flynn partner | Reuters< br /> Despite Concerns About Blackmail, Flynn Heard C.I.A. Secrets - The New York Times
FBI Director nominee removed reference to case involving Russian government from law firm bio -
Jeff Sessions retains private lawyer Charles "Chuck" Cooper
The prosecutor Trumpworld fears and loathes - Axios - Reuters is out with an interesting piece on Andrew Weissmann, the veteran federal prosecutor who's now working on Bob Mueller's investigative team:
Franken: Impeaching Trump could lead to 'zealot' Pence
If Liberals Voted ... - The New York Times - If liberals voted at the same rate as conservatives, Hillary Clinton would be president
Throw Sand in the Gears - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Chuck Schumer is finally slowing the Senate to a halt in response to the TrumpCare bill.
Sober Second Thoughts From the World's Greatest Deliberative Body (watch Republicans kill people and make life miserable for many more so they can spend the money on themselves)
2020 and the Democratic Message - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Sarah Jones argues that Sanders has a valuable role to play in the party going forward but probably isn't the ideal candidate in 2020:
Poll: Americans say U.S. political debate is increasingly uncivil - CBS News
Trump's handling of Russia investigations weighs on approval ratings -- At 36 percent, Mr. Trump's approval rating is now his lowest in CBS News Polls since becoming president. Fifty-seven percent now disapprove.
How the Democrats Lost Their Way on Immigration - The Atlantic - In the past decade, liberals have avoided inconvenient truths about the issue.
Killing of Muslim teen near Va. mosque stemmed from road rage, police say - The Washington Post
ICE: Suspect in Murder of VA Muslim Teen Was in US Illegally : news
Dash cam footage of Philando Castile shooting released : news - He was so concerned about keeping her safe from marijuana smoke that he discharged a firearm into the same vehicle she was occupying. Makes sense.
Misleading article on gun control refuted using facts found in supporting paper (glimpse of old critical thinking Reddit) : bestof
Sheriff investigating county employees for attempting to fulfill a public records request : news
The White House Press Briefing Is Slowly Dying - The Atlantic - Bannon: "Sean got fatter."
Another Media Win : NBC investing ungodly sums to hire Megyn Kelly so she can interview and legitimize lunatics is really working out well for the network.
Let's Not Get Carried Away -- David Brooks -- I was the op-ed editor at The Wall Street Journal at the peak of the Whitewater scandal. (no fucking shit, that makes so much sense now)
David Brooks Didn't Do the Reading. Look What Happened. -- And now he's rewriting the Whitewater history to absolve himself ... This is a masterpiece of intellectual cowardice.
There Ain't No Cure For Clinton Derangement Syndrome
New Moby Video Depicts Donald Trump's Rise and a Violent Demise
Name that Bothsiderist - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Smartphones made his kids 'moody' and 'withdrawn.' Now he wants to ban them for preteens. -- Colorado dad and Denver-area anesthesiologist Tim Farnum (and there you are)
Jury Awards $1.26 Million For Dog Shot, Killed By Police Officer : news -- At the time of shooting, Price was placed on administrative duty. Police say he is still currently with the agency.
WG chief arrested in underage prostitution sting
Study reveals "staggering" toll of guns on U.S. kids -- 1,300 children in the U.S. die in shootings each year and another 5,790 survive gunshot wound
Gunshots are the third leading killer of children in the US : news
In just one year, nearly 1.3 million Americans needed hospital care for opioid-related issues - The Washington Post
Today's domestic cat is a descendant of the wildcats that inhabited the Middle East during the Neolithic age, says new paleogenetic study conducted on the remains of 230 ancient animals over 10,000 years.
BeetsMcGee comments on I thought they were born mid 90s and later..
Road rage turns into instant karma. : gifs
Deception : funny
Energy Secty Rick Perry: CO2 is not the main driver of climate change
Rick Perry just denied that humans are the main cause of climate change - The Washington Post
By 2100, scientists predict 48-74% of people worldwide will be at risk of death from extreme heat at least 20 days of the year. : science
John Oliver Exposes Donald Trump's Biggest Lie About Coal Jobs | HuffPost
U.S. Fighter Jet Shoots Down Syrian Warplane - The New York Times - after it dropped bombs near local ground forces supported by the United States
Russia Warns U.S. After Downing of Syrian Warplane - The New York Times - It was the first time the American military had downed a Syrian plane since the civil war began in the country in 2011.
Syria conflict: Russia issues warning after US coalition downs jet - BBC News
Su-22 Down - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Van strikes crowd near London mosques in 'terrorist attack'
Finsbury Park worshippers pinned 'attacker' to the ground | Daily Mail Online
Finsbury Park attack live: Theresa May booed as she leaves mosque after paying respects to victims | The Independent
Eschaton: Please Buy Me A Flat In A No-Go Zone - It's a mystery why any American conservative believes these things.
US student sent home from N Korea dies : news
reegdor comments on Russia 'actively involved' in French election, warns US Senate intelligence chief
The History Channel Is Finally Telling the Stunning Secret Story of the War on Drugs : television (CIA biggest drug cartel)
A Republican contractor's database of nearly every voter was left exposed on the Internet for 12 days, researcher says
GOP Data Firm Accidentally Leaks Personal Details of Nearly 200 Million American Voters : technology
Trump team's spin about the Russia probe sinks deeper into absurdity
Democrats just got some very good news from the Supreme Court on gerrymandering - The Washington Post - the justices announced that they would take up a case out of Wisconsin that could result in a ruling on the constitutionality of partisan gerrymandering.
Supreme Court could tackle partisan gerrymandering in watershed case - The Washington Post
New Study Shows What Really Happened in the 2016 Election - Trump won by dominating with populists.
How Did Health Care Get to Be Such a Mess? - The New York Times (Insurance companies have always hated your health care)
he health care industry doesn't love Obamacare enough to save it
Democrats Are 'Children Of Satan,' Right-Wing Radio Host Says | HuffPost
The Not-So-Bitter Rivalry of Dean Baquet and Marty Baron - politico Magazine
Supreme Court rules the government can't refuse to register trademarks considered offensive -- Redskins declare victory after Asian-American band wins challenge to disparagement ban.
Supreme Court strikes down law banning use of Facebook by registered sex offenders - (couldn't tell his family about traffic tickets on FB because kids might be around)
Officials: 17-year-old Muslim girl assaulted and killed after leaving Virginia mosque - The Washington Post
Megyn Kelly's Alex Jones interview got lots of attention, but not many viewers
Megyn Kelly Pantses Alex Jones - POLITICO Magazine
Megyn Kelly's Alex Jones interview a ratings flop : television -- 62 million people listened to the rantings of a psychologically ill man for the better part of 18 months and they then proceeded to vote him into the highest office in America.
Roy Edroso on Twitter: ""By not sharing the platform with someone you disagree with you are therefore not supporting their right to speak." These people are idiots."
And now: The dumbest thing anyone has ever said about freedom of expression. - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Colton Merwin
(1) Freedom Of Speech Rally
The great American fallout: how small towns came to resent cities | Cities | The Guardian - the cities that get all the breaks, and then have the gall to look down on them, too
There is hope in the rust belt - Axios
Pot advocates decry House's plans to change legalization law
How do you draw a circle? We analyzed 100,000 drawings to show how culture shapes our instincts
Why You Can't Help But Act Your Age -- The surprising relationship between mindset and getting old.
Three new discoveries in a month rock our African origins - The evolutionary story of modern humans just got more complicated
Australian study shows effectiveness of acupuncture in providing acute analgesia for patients with back pain and ankle sprain was comparable with that of pharmacotherapy : science
What first name is not used anymore? : AskReddit
The big problem for Uber now: Attracting talent - The Washington Post
The tech world is rallying around a young developer who made a huge, embarrassing mistake
Portugal wildfire: 61 killed, victims burned in cars as they fled -
Cladding on Grenfell Tower is banned on UK high-rises, says Philip Hammond | UK news | The Guardian - Chancellor said inquiry into London blaze will ask if UK fire regulations are correct and whether they were complied with
Two women feared dead in Grenfell Tower were 'threatened with legal action' for raising alarm about fire safety : news (quite literally fuck off and die)
Corporate mass murder in London - World Socialist Web Site
If fireproofing is a waste for the poor, it is also a waste for the rich -- Megan McArdle has this piece about the London fire in which she argues that it could be that installing sprinklers and other fireproofing will actually kill more people than it saves:
Finsbury Park Mosque: 'Several hurt' as van hits pedestrians - BBC News
U.S. aircraft shoots down a Syrian government jet over northern Syria, Pentagon says - The Washington Post
What Will It Take To Dump Trump? | HuffPost - I think the odds are that sometime between now and the end of 2017, a delegation of senior Republicans will pay a call on the president.
US Navy destroyer Fitzgerald missing sailors found dead -
Trump attorney says president not under investigation - ABC News
Ex-Bush ethics lawyer: Pence will soon become the president if Trump fires Mueller | TheHill
Russia Renewed Unused Trump Trademarks in 2016 - The New York Times
Unedited Putin Interview Reveals A Missed Opportunity For Megyn Kelly and America | HuffPost - The footage obtained by HuffPost shows a nervous Kelly who failed to press Putin on obvious issues.
NBC News Exclusive: Memo Shows Watergate Prosecutors Had Evidence Nixon White House Plotted Violence - NBC News
The Danger of Ignoring Alex Jones - The New York Times
High-Stakes Referendum on Trump Takes Shape in a Georgia Special Election - The New York Times
A Conservative Speaks To Conservatives: Bottom line: So-called real Americans are screwing up America.
Only Mass Deportation Can Save America - The New York Times
Al Franken and Olivia Wilde: Calling a Lie a Lie - The New York Times
Josh Marshall on Twitter: ""God, this is going to make me sound pathetic, but it feels a little bit like getting dumped by your girlfriend.""
Richard Spencer - Angry again, angry again - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Sheriff David Clarke Reportedly Rescinds Acceptance Of Homeland Security Post | HuffPost
Cosby'ssex assault trial has ended with a mistrial. These people believe it's all a conspiracy
Bill Cosby was largely irrelevant in black America even before his sexual assault trial began - The Washington Post
Arrests made in killings of 2 Md. students shot on eve of graduation - The Washington Post
Ex-politician says he groped 103-year-old mother-in-law's breasts (you know who else has Alz?)
Mormon girl, 12, is stopped from speaking as she explains why she is gay to church | The Independent
The Man Who Secretly Taped Planned Parenthood Could Be Going To Prison -- Alongside His Criminal Lawyers
The travel industry is finally ending discrimination against solo travelers. Or is it? - The Washington Post - A seven-day tour of Thailand for October, for example, is $865 for a single willing to share; the price jumps to $1,484 for a solo traveler without a roommate.
Injury count in Hyannis ferry accident up to 13 - The Boston Globe
Half-century later, murder evidence still under wraps - The Boston Globe - In classic Massachusetts fashion, the Middlesex DA has gone to great lengths to block public access to the records,
Three teens arrested for alleged attack on Keytar Bear near Faneuil Hall - The Boston Globe - Boston Magazine reported that Keytar Bear has been assaulted at least three times before.
$3.88 million home near Harvard Square was one of the week's biggest sales -- 21 Walker St | 21 Walker St - Google Maps
Jenner On GOP Baseball Shooting: 'Liberals Can't Even Shoot Straight' | HuffPost - College Republican crowd goes wild in response.
Caitlyn Jenner on the shooting at congressional baseball practice: 'Liberals can't even shoot straight' (nice top, Caitey, but the botox is a little much, but whoah, the comments:) "The gunman who opened fire on a GOP congressional baseball practice did not kill anyone, which is more than I can say for Jenner."
TIL: Studies show that wealthy people are less likely to recognize emotions in others and report feeling less compassion for others than their poorer counterparts : todayilearned ("prosperity gospel")
TIL Isaac Newton believed colors of the rainbow were analogous to notes on the 7note musical scale. In his diagrams of colors and equivalent notes, he added orange & indigo as half steps on the scale. Its unclear if those colors had been observed or if Newton added them to better fit his analogy. : todayilearned
Authors Peeved by APA's Article Takedown Pilot -- In an effort to crack down on unauthorized postings of journal articles, the American Psychological Association is policing the Internet for scientists sharing their own work.
Lawmaker pushing for less regulation has child die in a hot car at his facility : news
What non-sexual thing do you fantasize about your SO doing? : AskReddit
Koch group among those against Louisville, Ky $5.4M broadband network plan : technology
TIL the Eternal September is a term that refers to the month when Usenet experienced a large influx of AOL users... the network's existing culture couldn't integrate the sheer number of new users, and according to pre-1993 users, never fully recovered : todayilearned
For First Time in History, Solar Jobs Outnumber Coal Jobs in Virginia : news
The Supreme Court Phone Location Case Will Decide the Future of Privacy - Later this year, the Supreme Court will decide if police can track a person's cell phone location without a warrant. It's the most important privacy case in a generation
USS Fitzgerald involved in collision : news
London fire: Police say 58 presumed dead, missing
Grenfell Tower fire: Jeremy Corbyn calls Government's response an 'unacceptable failure' | The Independent
Grenfell Tower residents storm Kensington Town Hall in angry protest over deadly fire | The Independent - They let our children burn! They burned like animals in a building
Grenfell Tower is Theresa May's Katrina moment -- her political career cannot survive it
Police say 58 presumed dead, missing in London Tower fire : news
If you're wondering how and why 'cutting red tape' could have led to the Grenfell Tower fire, here's your answer | The Independent -- the choice of a material banned in the US and Germany may have saved #5,000 on a fire-resistant alternative -- or 0.06 per cent of the #8.6m cost of the refurbishment. ("Cutting for growth" is brit for "trickle down" and "drown the government in the bathtub" )
Anger in Berlin after Saudi driver who killed cyclist claims diplomatic immunity : news -- police recorded 22,880 traffic violations by diplomats last year alone. 22,880 in one year in one city
This ad for an Arab online shopping website to buy stuff from US. : videos
Money stolen by Russian mob linked to man sanctioned for supporting Syria's chemical weapons program
Everyone said Old Europe was dying. Sure doesn't look like it now
Why Trump Attacked Rod Rosenstein, His Own Deputy Attorney General | The New Yorker
How the Trump-Russia investigations work - Washington Post
Gingrich: Somebody probably going to jail over Russia investigation | TheHill ... but said it won't be President Trump
Donald Trump Is Proving Too Stupid to Be President -- Max Boot
The American Political Order Is In Great Shape - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Six People Have Resigned From Trump's HIV/AIDS Advisory Council Because He "Doesn't Care"
McConnell's Nihilism Works -- Mitch McConnell is a hugely consequential figure in American political history because of his recognition that you can violate longstanding norms of decent conduct while paying no political price at all
But it's liberals who need to tone down the violent rhetoric
Health Care Policy Forum, With Kindly And Mavericky Grandpa McCain - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... "The problem Obamacare repeal is trying to solve is repealing the Obamacare." (said Grandpa Asshole)
Indiana to pay out $100,000 to deal with requests for Mike Pence emails | US news | The Guardian ... including correspondence routed through a private account he used to conduct state business. (lock him up! oh wait!)
He thinks too much: such men are dangerous - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Right-wing activists attempted to shut down the controversial performance of Julius Caesar that portrays the titular character as Donald Trump.
Knives are out for theaters that bear the name 'Shakespeare'
Why did this powerful church group struggle to denounce white supremacy? | Daniel Josi Camacho | Opinion | The Guardian - The Southern Baptist Convention stumbled during what should have been a simple resolution condemning racism. There is a reason for that ... Convention's reluctance to condemn racism is not only true to its history but it reflects how white supremacy is built into the very DNA of American Christianity ... 80% of white evangelicals, a bloc with considerable representation in the Southern Baptist denomination, voted for Trump ... Trump's platform might not be a grotesque distortion of American Christianity as much as it is its sins come home to roost ... This Convention came into existence over the defense of slavery. (deep Satanic roots)
Rural America lifted Trump to the presidency. Support is strong, but not monolithic. - The Washington Post -- more than half of all adults (54 percent) in rural America say they approve of the way he is doing his job ... Small-towns and rural areas account for 74 percent of the nation's 3,143 counties. But those counties account for just under a quarter of the total U.S. population.
New poll of rural Americans shows deep cultural divide with urban residents - Washington Post
Michelle Carter Didn't Kill With a Text
A Sad and Terrible Verdict in Massachusetts | National Review
Judge in Bill Cosby Case Declares a Mistrial - The New York Times
Mistrial declared in Bill Cosby case : news
Columbus schools to fire employee over anti-gay Facebook post : news
Police investigate anti-gay Bible verse carved into fence as hate crime : news (holy hate speech)
Police: 4 Kentucky National Guard soldiers facing rape, sexual abuse, sodomy charges : news
Motorcyclists arrested in beating of Lyft driver on Bay Area freeway : news
We didn't recognise that he was dangerous
Breatharian couple claim they live a 'food-free' lifestyle and haven't felt hungry since 2008 | The Independent
'Breatharian' Mum and Dad clam they haven't eaten for 9 years and survive off energy of the universe! : WTF
Prehistoric sex toys are kind of hard to look at
A list of apocalyptic/ post-apocalyptic books. : books
Quantum entanglement, science's 'spookiest' phenomenon, achieved in space ... 10-fold increase in the distance over which entanglement has been maintained. (Chinese satellite)
19-year-olds as sedentary as 60-year-olds, study suggests : science
Early life stress encodes lifelong susceptibility to stress through long-lasting transcriptional programming in a brain reward region implicated in mood and depression, according to a study published in the journal Science. : science ... "I previously thought of poverty as a potentially temporary situation as opposed to a pathological process that can cause permanent damage."
Meditation and tai chi dont just calm the mind -- they seem to affect our DNA too.
Doctors of Reddit, what are the most memorable "last words" you've ever heard from a patient? : AskReddit
Why did the thread about parents and their underachieving kids get removed with almost all the comments nuked? : AskReddit
As a kid, what was the creepiest, most WTF thing you ever noticed about another kid's family? : AskReddit
He was finally found : pics
Women of reddit, what about men baffles you the most? : AskReddit
[Serious] What's the biggest historical fact that pretty much nobody believes but has concrete proof? : AskReddit
America's Amazon Problem -- Jeff Bezos has created an empire tha'ts quickly raising political questions.
Eschaton: Uber Death Watch (Uber implodes, Amazon buys it to deliver Whole Foods
Amazon has a patent to keep you from comparison-shopping while you' re in its stores
After Closing Yahoo! Purchase, Verizon's Oath Reportedly Will Cut Up to 2,100 Jobs - TheStreet
Kodi: Is it legal, what are boxes and how can I download it? | The Independent
The global coal boom finally seems to be winding down - Vox - There may be hope for the climate after all.
Houston fears climate change will cause catastrophic flooding: 'It's not if, it's when' | Environment | The Guardian
Meet the fossil fuel all-stars Trump has appointed to his administration - Vox - A few of the industry-friendly staffers who will be running your federal government.
Grenfell Tower fire: protesters march as anger mounts over disaster response
Eschaton: Fire - Rich councils have been pushing out such things in various ways, both to get rid of the icky poors and to make real estate developers rich. They put some fancy dress on this one to make it prettier for the surrounding rich residents. It was flammable. The material is banned for this use even in our regulation free libertarian nirvana. They could have used the fire resistant version for 5 thousand pounds more, a rounding error on a project of that magnitude.
Theresa May was too scared to meet the Grenfell survivors. She's finished -- Symbolism is everything in politics and nothing better signifies the austerity of May-Cameron-Osborne era than North Kensington's ghastly tomb ... That tomb in the sky will be forever Theresa May's monument. Grenfell marks the spot and her visit marks the moment the last vestiges of her career were finally rubbed out
The Queen talking to exhausted fire fighters : pics
ISIS leader Baghdadi may have been killed in strike: Russian military - ABC News
Mattis Signs $12 Billion F-15 Sale To Qatar, Which Trump Blamed For Terror
Revealed: Facebook exposed identities of moderators to suspected terrorists | Technology | The Guardian - A security lapse that affected more than 1,000 workers forced one moderator into hiding
Malaysian PM's wife linked to jewellery purchases in 1MDB case | World news | The Guardian - US justice department seeking to seize a total of about $1.7bn in assets it says were bought with misappropriated funds -- including a rare 22-carat pink diamond set in a necklace
China police blame lone bomber for killing 8 at kindergarten gate - The Washington Post - Chinese police said Friday they believe that a 22-year-old school dropout planted a homemade explosive device outside a kindergarten, killing eight people including himself.
Father of comatose student freed by North Korea slams Obama | New York Post
Kelly revokes Obama order shielding immigrant parents of U.S. citizens - The Washington Post
'Shameful' raid on aid camp at US-Mexico border puts lives at risk, volunteers say | US news | The Guardian -- broke a longstanding agreement that border agents would respect the camp as a medical facility under international Red Cross standards and not interfere with its work. (because if they know they will get arrested, they will, like, die instead)
Grassley rankles GOP with new Comey investigation | TheHill
Justice Dept. releases cryptic statement on leaks - Axios - If this statement is preemptive: oh, boy, is the story going to be explosive
How Many Lies Did You Count During Jeff Sessions's Testimony? America is reaching its bullshit quotient.
; The Cost of Impeachment - By Daniel Friedman
Special counsel is investigating Jared Kushner's business dealings
Lobbyist for Russian interests says he attended dinners hosted by Sessions | US news | The Guardian - Richard Burt contradicts Jeff Sessions
White House aides fret over Trump's Russia probe obsession ... can't stop talking ... he's making t he situation worse
GOP sirens blare over Georgia special election - POLITICO
After shooting, investigators probe trail of political anger left by attacker - The Washington Post
Eschaton: No They Love It -- "The Fake News Media hates when I use what has turned out to be my very powerful Social Media - over 100 million people! I can go around them."
Eschaton: Right in the Head -- He's not well.
America risks one-party rule if gerrymandering isn't stopped | Russ Feingold | Opinion | The Guardian
Trump Admin. Quietly Rolls Back Civil Rights Efforts Across Federal Gov't
Commerce Department Removes Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity From Equal Employment Policy (next up, race discrimination is fine too)
I've covered Obamacare since day one. I've never seen lying and obstruction like this ... The extreme secrecy is a situation without precedent, at least in creating health care law (psychotic Republicans is the new normal)
The Republican Strategy On Health Care Is Lying Their Asses Off - Lawyers, Guns & Money
President Trump chooses inexperienced woman who planned his son Eric's wedding to run N.Y. federal housing programs
Eschaton: How Did We Get Here - Team D deserves its share of the blame, but people who play liberals on TV like Michelle Cottle do too.
What Megyn Kelly says in leaked audio from Alex Jones -- "a modern-day Medusa"
Fugitive polygamist Lyle Jeffs was found living in a Ford pickup after a year on the lam, FBI says - The Washington Post
Michelle Carter text suicide trial verdict: Guilty : news (AMZN) to Buy Whole Foods Market (WFM) for $13.7B : technology -- Amazon did not just buy Whole Foods grocery stores. It bought 431 upper-income, prime-location distribution nodes for everything it does
This dude called the Amazon Whole Foods merger 3 months ago. : videos
Feds Look to Seize 'Dumb and Dumber To' Rights and Leonardo DiCaprio's Art | Hollywood Reporter
Solar eclipse 2017: The best places to see the rare phenomenon this August - Vox
5 kilograms of broccoli in a pill slashes diabetics' blood sugar (or just eat 11 lbs of broccoli a day)
Why MDMA Could Be Legal by 2021 - It will soon undergo three Phase 3 clinical trials, with an eye on a 2021 FDA approval, meaning therapists could administer MDMA to their patients. : science
Does multi-verse theory allow for variation in the laws of physics or must the laws of physics be constant across all universes? : askscience
What is the scariest, most terrifying thing that actually exists? : AskReddit
An arborist exacts patient revenge on the city that murdered his favorite tree. : bestof
Arborist avenges the city-mandated death of his beloved tree, Clyde, by planting hundreds of giant sequoias throughout the town (x-post r/trees) : ProRevenge
[Serious] OK redittors: What absolutely, 100%, undenyingly happened to you, but if you told anyone, it would get posted on r/quityourbullshit? : AskReddit
Tawpgun comments on [Serious] OK redittors: What absolutely, 100%, undenyingly happened to you, but if you told anyone, it would get posted on r/quityourbullshit? -- Met my current girlfriend of 4+ years because she threw a message in a bottle into the Charles River in Boston and I found it while Kayaking
Some dude in a Brazilian supermarket : gifs
You guys are right, Brilliant Earth is suing me for this video. : videos
Trump calls mayor of shrinking Chesapeake island and tells him not to worry about it - The Washington Post ... The small island, now only 1.3 square miles, shrinks by 15 feet each year, according to the Army Corps of Engineers, which points to coastal erosion and rising sea levels as the cause ... Trump thanked the mayor and the entire island of Tangier, where he received 87 percent of the votes, for their support ... He said we shouldn't worry about rising sea levels ... (the mayor agrees with Trump, doesn't think sea level is rising, wants Feds to pay for wall around his island)
Federal judge rejects Dakota Access Pipeline permits, calls for do-over : news
Grenfell Tower fire in London leaves 12 dead, dozens injured - The Washington Post
London fire: Death toll rises to 17 as investigators comb fire-gutted Grenfell Tower - The Washington Post ... Witnesses said the blaze tore through the high-rise's exterior cladding within minutes and seemed to offer a path for it to leap from floor to floor (so they wrapped the building in a flame-blanket, and waited)
Britain First bait Muslims who were helping Grenfell Tower fire victims | The Independent
The new theory about Oakland's deadly Ghost Ship warehouse fire that killed 36
Raqqa battle: 'Staggering' civilian toll in strikes on IS - BBC News (meanwhile, in Trump-enhanced hell)
ISIS drones are attacking U.S. troops and disrupting airstrikes in Raqqa, officials say - The Washington Post
Leaked audio reveals Malcolm Turnbull roasting Donald Trump over 'fake polls' and Russia - -- "This is going to kill me," he said to Turnbull. "I am the worlds greatest person that does not want to let people into the country. And now I am agreeing to take 2,000 people.
Jack Ma's Libertarian Talk Approaches Red Line ... Alibaba's founder will have 5th largest world economy by 2036
Iranian navy points laser at Marine helicopter in altercation involving three U.S. ships - The Washington Post
Turkish Guards Will Be Charged in Embassy Protest, Officials Say - The New York Times
Durable Inequality in the United States - Lawyers, Guns & Money (all our problems in one chart +Reagan death-knell for America)
The Dream Hoarders: How America's Top 20 Percent Perpetuates Inequality -- Richard V. Reeves (because they are white, and special)
America's Lethal Politics
Senate overwhelmingly passes Russia sanctions deal with new limits on Trump - POLITICO - The move marks the most significant GOP-imposed restriction on the White House to date.
On Twitter, Trump decries obstruction probe tied to 'phony' Russia collusion story ("They" are after him!)
The Republican response to reports of an investigation into Trump, annotated - The Washington Post
Pence hires outside counsel to deal with Russia probe inquiries - The Washington Post
Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating Donald Trump for possible obstruction of justice, officials say - The Washington Post (lock him up +16K comments)
Mueller Seeks to Talk to Intelligence Officials, Hinting at Inquiry of Trump - The New York Times
Mueller's revenge: "Can't fire him now"
The WaPo Obstruction Blockbuster and the World of Hurt To Come -- One key point I draw from this is that it was clear to people at the DOJ and FBI almost from the beginning that this was a potential case of obstruction of justice.
Trump Reeling After Adam Schiff Moves To Get the House To Investigate Obstruction Of Justice
If Trump Tries to Fire Mueller, It Might Be Up to This Woman | Alternet - Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand may soon face a historic decision.
Hullabaloo: She makes him nervous (slimey little lizard)
Trump-World Turns On 'Anti-Trump Special Counsel' Robert Mueller | HuffPost
Trump huddled with donors on day of Comey testimony - POLITICO - Rich benefactors were summoned to the White House for a briefing last week.
Seventeen-Point Drop in US Satisfaction Among Republicans | Gallup - Forty-one percent of Republicans say they are satisfied with the way things are going in the U.S., down 17 percentage points since May
Meanwhile, America's opinion of Trump as president keeps slipping -- For the first time, the percentage of the country that disapproves of his job performance in Gallup's daily rating hit 60 percent.
G.O.P. Senators Might Not Realize It, but Not One State Supports the A.H.C.A. - The New York Times (map of relative stupid/evil)
The Strange Civil Rights Views of Trump's Latest Court Nominees -- On Wednesday, three of those nominees will appear before the Senate. Together, they evince a deep hostility toward civil rights.
Scott Pruitt used two government email addresses in his last job. He told Congress he used one. - The Washington Post
Rachel Maddow: The Rolling Stone Interview - Rolling Stone - wonkiest anchor cut through the chaos of the Trump administration and became the most trusted name in news
Southern Baptists voted overwhelmingly to condemn 'alt-right white supremacy' (it wasn't easy not to affirm a "whites-only state")
Democratic Enthusiasm Is Real As Turnout Is Through The Roof For Virginia Gov. Primary -- Democratic turnout for the gubernatorial primary is up 130% compared to the last primary
Georgia's voting system is uniquely vulnerable to election-tampering hackers
Five officials will face manslaughter charges for Flint water crisis : news
NBC holding crisis meetings over Megyn Kelly : television - NBC overpaid her. They should have seen this coming. They could have done studies, focus groups, or good old fashioned polling to find out if their target audience would even watch her. Is her ratings fail a surprise to most people?
Student's diploma withheld after refusing to give commencement speech prepared by school.
Disney Rejection Letter to a Woman, 1938 : movies
Mainer attacked by rabid raccoon drowns it in puddle -- Rachel Borch, 21, stands in the woods near her home in Hope. Borch was attacked while on a jog in woods near her home by a rabid raccoon and had to drown the animal in self defense. -- "Imagine the Tasmanian devil," she said. "it was terrifying." ... "With my thumb in its mouth, I just pushed its head down into the muck," Borch said ... "It felt like [Sephen King's] 'Pet Sematary," she said.
Inside the Algorithm That Tries to Predict Gun Violence in Chicago - The New York Times
What's the worst part about being your gender that the opposite sex might not even think about? : AskReddit
Girls, if you could choose any fetish for your SO to have, what would it be? : AskReddit
freeuse - worlds where women are willing
niche porn
The unbroken seal on Tutankhamun's tomb 1922 : pics
What was your high school's biggest scandal? : AskReddit
What's the worst thing you've ever heard a teacher say at school? : AskReddit
Canada bans cellphone unlocking fees, orders all new devices be unlocked - CBC News : news
Arctic Climate Change Study Canceled Because of Climate Change - VICE
London fire: Twelve confirmed dead but police expect further fatalities after tower block blaze - latest updates | UK news | The Guardian
What happened at Grenfell Tower? A visual guide | UK news | The Guardian
London fire: 6 confirmed dead after Grenfell Tower blaze | Daily Mail Online
Key questions about the Grenfell Tower fire | UK news | The Guardian
'Disaster waiting to happen': fire expert slams UK tower blocks | UK news | The Guardian - breaches of fire safety standards in UK are common and lessons from Lakanal House have not been learned -- "We are still wrapping postwar high-rise buildings in highly flammable materials and leaving them without sprinkler systems installed, then being surprised when they burn down." ... The government's mania for deregulation means our current safety standards just aren't good enough ... The insulation behind the external cladding is flammable polyurethane. I know because I took a chunk out and burned it. (cover buildings with inflamable material; another win for deregulated austerity)
London fire: Grenfell Tower blaze puts emergency service cuts in sharp focus | UK news | The Guardian - Firefighters rose to the challenge of tackling inferno at block of flats against a background of funding pressures (Tory austerity)
'Stay put' safety advice to come under scrutiny after Grenfell Tower fire | UK news | The Guardian - Guidance that residents only evacuate if own flat is on fire is likely to be reviewed after inferno at refurbished tower
A baby was dropped out of a 10th floor window, was caught, and survived, at the Grenfell Tower inferno. : news
Exhausted London fire fighters after tackling the recent tower block blaze. : pics
Apologetic PM admits: I got us into this mess, I'll get us out
What the Hell Is Happening With Qatar?
Mass Shooting in Virginia: Witnesses Say Gunman Opened Fire on Members of Congress : news
Virginia shooting suspect ID'd as 66-year-old man from Belleville, Ill. : news
James T. Hodgkinson, 66-year-old suspect in Alexandria shooter, dies of injuries : news
Sessions could earn a ticket to the grand jury - Axios (ACDTBW)
Congressional Democrats to file emoluments lawsuit against Trump - The Washington Post (Trump threatens to fire Democrats)
Cable News Wars: CNN, MSNBC, Fox News See Interest Skyrocket | Variety
Ivanka and Jared don't let Sabbath get in the way of golf (not kosher)
Northam Beats Perriello in Virginia Democratic Primary - But the overwhelming favorite of Virginia Democratic elected officials won solidly in Richmond and Northern Virginia, with an especially strong showing among African-Americans being especially significant to the results.
Anthony Breznican on Twitter: "Stephen King has now been honored by two U.S. presidents: - National Medal of Arts from @BarackObama - Twitter block by @realDonaldTrump"
Eschaton: The End of Racism - Cupertino...Cupertino..why is that name familiar...
.America's new tobacco crisis: The rich stopped smoking, the poor didn't -- more than $112?billion that tobacco companies have handed over for smoking prevention as part of the 1998 Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. Parman said that it has been state lawmakers across the country who keep diverting those massive funds to other budgetary needs, leaving just a fraction for anti-tobacco programs. (so they stole all the money and used it to compensate for tax-cuts for the rich who don't smoke anymore)
Multiple people shot in San Francisco at UPS facility : news
Incarceration Is Skyrocketing in Rural America | WIRED ("pre-trial detention" for as long as they want)
Earth to Christine Flowers: Bill Cosby is NOT Cliff Huxtable | PhillyVoice (there's your fundamental mistake, right there)
Bachelor in Paradise Crew Member Details Alleged Assault
It Was Inevitable, Really: Netflix Is Turning Into HBO | WIRED
Footage of the Moment the Japanese Surrendered : videos
COLUMN ONE : A Hero's Fame Leads to Tragedy : Helping to pull little Jessica McClure from a Texas well made firefighter Robert O'Donnell a star. But the limelight soon turned to darkness. - latimes
Mamamia website apologises for 'cruel and humiliating' treatment of author Roxane Gay | Books | The Guardian
The Persistence of Prog Rock - The New Yorker
The Mind-Boggling Math That (Maybe) Mapped the Brain in 11 Dimensions | WIRED
Many people who commit suicide have genetic abnormalities. Specifically, young people who commit suicide are likelier to have short chromosomal telomeres, while older people who commit suicide tend to have excess mitochondrial DNA. : science
New paint-like material can harvest hydrogen energy from the air by absorbing water molecules and spitting them. : science
What profession was once highly respected, but is now a complete joke? : AskReddit
"Get back to the garage!" : WTF
What's Wrong with Apple's New Headquarters | WIRED
Climate Change Has Made Heat Waves Much More Deadly, Mainly for the Poor : science
London fire: fears of people trapped as major blaze engulfs tower block
Eschaton: So It Wasn't Necessary Then? - Are you saying austerity was just a con job to gut the welfare state? A very successful con job that even most of the left leaning press was on board with? Oh well, bygones. (May: austerity not "necessary" anymore; centrist Dems faint)
The Long, Lonely Road of Chelsea Manning - The New York Times
Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known - Bloomberg
University of Virginia student Otto Warmbier, said to be in a coma, released from North Korea - The Washington Post - University of Virginia student Otto Warmbier has been medically evacuated from North Korea in a coma after being detained for 17 months, his parents told The Washington Post on Tuesday.
A selfie in the police van by young Russians arrested at the anti-corruption rally yesterday : pics (meanwhile, in Trump's dreams)
Poll: Trump disapproval hits record 60 percent | TheHill
If Trump tips into full-blown authoritarianism, will Republicans step up? Don't count on it
What stops Republicans from behaving rationally - The Washington Post
Senate Republicans crack down on press access | TheHill (and so it goes)
Key Highlights from Attorney General Jeff Session's Senate Testimony
Jeff Sessions testifies: Refuses to say whether he spoke to President Trump about Comey's handling of Russia investigation
Trump Can't Just Fire The Special Counsel Probing Russian Interference | HuffPost Or rather, he could. But it would like be "a horrible disaster" that could lead to his downfall
Newt Gingrich Hypocrisy on Robert Mueller in Trump-Russia Investigation - The Republicans have come for Robert Mueller, and are determined to torpedo his investigation ... There is no gentle, easy way out of the predator-laden swamp into which we voted ourselves last November. Business is no longer usual.
Friend Says Trump Is Considering Firing Mueller as Special Counsel - The New York Times
If Trump Fires Mueller (Or Orders His Firing) - Lawfare
Trump's Personal Lawyer Boasted That He Got Preet Bharara Fired
Eschaton: Well Then -- Trump went around table listening to his Cabinet praise him -- This is totally normal and not the kind of thing that people with dementia do.*
Trump's biggest problem: He can't be saved from himself -- The big news Monday night was that President Trump is apparently thinking about firing the special counsel in charge of the federal Russia investigation, Robert S. Mueller III. The bigger news is that Trump actually needs to be talked out of this.
Why Did Jeff Sessions Really Meet With Sergey Kislyak? - The Atlantic - The attorney general says he was acting as a senator, but a review of his activities that summer shows ambassadors seeking him out as a Trump surrogate.
Eschaton: The Ways Of Washington - Journalists rarely share like this (Gorelick must be really, bad (and Complicit ... and defended by ... even the liberal DERSH!)
When a liberal power lawyer represents the Trump family, things can get ugly - The Washington Post - In a quintessentially D.C. move, some longtime friends of Gorelick contacted for this article offered complimentary comments about her on the record, and then, after asking if they could make other remarks without attribution, bashed their colleague to smithereens.
Eschaton: He Already Said This - But he's restating... they're going to mint the coin!!!!
Jeff Sessions personally asked Congress to let him prosecute medical marijuana providers - The Washington Post
This Virginia Democratic Primary Is A Crucial Test For The Party's Progressive Wing -- Tom Perriello is hoping to upset Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam in the race for governor.
The Man Behind Trump's s Voter-Fraud Obsession -- How Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state, plans to remake America through restrictive voting and immigration laws. (just look at him)
The White Backlash Renaissance of the Confederate Flag - Lawyers, Guns & Money : In case I haven't made the point that Confederate revivalism was directly connected to white backlash to the civil rights movement enough, here's another brick in the wall ... (Civil rights were) ... "an affront and challenge to the traditions of our people [and] this Association and its members pledge to protect and maintain the segregation of the races in our schools" (just a little racist Southern treason in defense of slavery tradition)
The Confederate flag largely disappeared after the Civil War. The fight against civil rights brought it back. - The Washington Post
Police body camera footage is becoming a state secret - North Carolina, Louisiana, Kansas, and other states are writing laws to keep police videos out of public hands : technology
Officer arrested for beating handcuffed teen : news - Officer Timothy Jones of Jacksonville Sheriff's Office
EpiPen maker faces revolt over exec's $98 million pay package : news
Taxpayers may have overpaid by more than $1 billion for Mylan's EpiPen, senator reveals : news
Rolling Stone Settles Lawsuit With Virginia Fraternity | The Daily Caller - A source involved at the national level with the fraternity, Phi Kappa Psi, tells TheDC that Rolling Stone will pay $1.65 million to settle the defamation suit.
Escort girls of reddit, have you ever been caught by the client's SO? How did that go? : AskReddit
What traits does society consider physically attractive that you find really unappealing? : AskReddit
Verizon completes its $4.48 billion acquisition of Yahoo; Marissa Mayer leaves with $23 million : news
LEAKED AUDIO: Uber's all-hands meeting had some uncomfortable moments - Uber board member David Bonderman said. (sexist remark to Arianna ... According to New York Times reporter Mike Isaac, the room was "agahst." (and there's your problem, right there)
Uber board member resigns after sexist remark at meeting addressing sexism | Technology | The Guardian - David Bonderman
Tim Cook Says Apple Is Focusing on an Autonomous Car System - Bloomberg
ICE arrests dozens of undocumented Chaldeans from metro Detroit in weekend sweep
A Climate Change-Denying, Anti-Abortion Party Rose to Power in Britain's General Election -- It's not just us!
UK Election: Lord Buckethead Upstages PM Theresa May |
Beyond Raqqa, an Even Bigger Battle to Defeat ISIS and Control Syria Looms - The New York Times
Revealed: Explosive Evidence Of A Russian Assassination On British Soil That The Government Doesn't Want You To Read ...When a financier dropped dead in Britain shortly after exposing a vast Russian crime, police said it was not suspicious
U.S. Cyberweapons, Used Against Iran and North Korea, Are a Disappointment Against ISIS - The New York Times
Russia has developed a cyber weapon that can disrupt power grids, according to new research - The Washington Post -- Dragos has named the group that created the new malware Electrum, and has determined with high confidence that it used the same computer systems as the hackers who attacked the Ukraine electric grid in 2015
Tens of thousands rally across Russia in protests against corruption - The Washington Post - tens of thousands of protesters turned out Monday across Russia in a nationwide anti-corruption rally called by opposition leader Alexei Navalny as part of his long-shot bid to unseat President Vladi-mir Putin. (Trump is jealous)
Plurality Of Voters Think Trump Obstructed Justice - Public Policy Polling - 49% of voters say that they think Trump committed obstruction of justice, to just 41% who don't think he did. Only 37% of voters say they think Trump is honest, to 56% who say say he not
Trump makes bizarre claims at press event as Cabinet members take turns praising him (he is Jesus or the God-Emperor)
Donald Trump just held the weirdest Cabinet meeting ever -
Trump "on an island, all alone"
Trump: 'I believe the James Comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible' (synapse misfiring)
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "I believe the James Comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible. Totally illegal? Very 'cowardly!'"
Nancy Pelosi Says Trump Should 'Get Some Sleep,' Republican Economics Absurd - Nancy Pelosi is right to say Trump needs to sleep.
7 telling moments in the cable news coverage of Comey's hearing (Fox doesn't intersect with reality much)
Trump's History of Lies, According to Biographer Timothy O'Brien - Bloomberg
myellabella comments on My Lawyers Got Trump to Admit 30 Lies Under Oath
Trump is not destiny. Here'S what is: marriage down, bastards up; more women working, dumb men not; religion down; community eroded (Samuelson)
Everybody Needs to Stop Telling Hillary Clinton to Shut Up - Why are so many people so angry at her?
A neo-Nazi with explosives and a framed photo of Timothy McVeigh is not a threat, judge rules - The Washington Post
Ivanka Trump Incorrectly Names Judaism As 1 Of The 3 'Largest World Religions' | HuffPost
Megyn Kelly, NBC Under Fire Over 'Sickening' Alex Jones Interview | HuffPost (Foxification not going over well)
The introduction of medical marijuana laws lead to a decrease in violent crime in states that border Mexico. This is consistent with the theory that marijuana decriminalization reduces violent crime in markets traditionally controlled by Mexican drug trafficking organisations. : science
The Cosby Trial - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Tom Scocca brought Bill Cosby here
You Are So Terrible: A Letter About the Cosby Coverage
One family. Four generations of disability benefits. Will it continue? - The Washington Post
Chilling videos show a serial killer confessing to 7 murders - The Washington Post
Police Bodycam Video Shows Dramatic Rescue Of Kidnapped Woman : videos
Hi Reddit! NYT film critic A.O. Scott here to discuss the 25 best movies of the 21st century. AMA! : movies
Condor comes to visit the guy who saved him a few years ago. : videos
Reddit, whats your "never again" story? : AskReddit
Save the skateboard! : gifs
Women of Reddit, what type of male behavior dries you up like the Sahara? : AskReddit
Demolition Man : gifs
Online guru loses his mind on Facebook Live this weekend : videos
Mental and physical balance : pics
Paranormal or not, what is the scariest, creepiest or most unsettling experience of your life? : AskReddit
House Votes to Punish Parents of Kids Who Sext : news
House Votes to Punish Parents of Kids Who Sext | The Public Defender Blog - Last week, the House of Representatives voted to impose a 15-year, mandatory-minimum prison sentence on parents who know their teenage children are sexting but fail to prevent them from doing so.
Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups | US news | The Guardian - so-called 'anti-Sharia' rallies across almost 30 US cities come as hate crimes on the rise, prompting criticism and counter-protests
The 'March Against Sharia' Protests Are Really Marches Against Muslims | HuffPost - attracting neo-Nazis, white supremacists and armed anti-government groups.
Georgia State Senator Under Fire For Photo With Armed Anti-Government Militia | HuffPost - after he appeared in a photo with heavily armed members of an anti-government group during a rally in Georgia on Saturday opposing the Islamic legal and moral code. lawmaker Michael William
Fight breaks out at anti-Sharia protest | TheHill
How Theresa May lost it -- A reluctance to delegate, hubris and campaigning ineptitude (you forget dumb)
Donald Trump's state visit to Britain put on hold | US news | The Guardian - US president told Theresa May he did not want trip to go ahead if there were large-scale public protests
'Drop hard Brexit plans', leading Tory and Labour MPs tell May | Politics | The Guardian - loss of authority means she might have to compromise on her negotiating stance with the EU
Jeremy Corbyn: Labour will call on other parties to defeat government | Politics | The Guardian
Gaddafi son Saif al-Islam freed by Libyan militia | World news | The Guardian
Iran says it has killed mastermind of twin attacks - The Washington Post
There's 'absolutely evidence' to begin obstruction of justice case on Trump: Bharara
Trump's Personal Lawyer Blurs Public and Private Lines
Trump attorney won't rule out firing Mueller (he can do that, apparently)
Sessions getting sucked further into Trump's ru ssia mess y
Trump's son seems to confirm Comey's account of the president's comments on the Flynn investigation
Trump family unloads on Comey, calls him lying, cowardly - Axios
Feinstein calls for investigation of 'all matters related to obstruction of justice'
Former US Attorney for New York says Trump could be focus of obstruction investigation - The Boston Globe
The billionaire GOP patron behind Trump's social media bot army - NY Daily News - Robert Mercer, a reclusive Republican mega-donor and staunch Trump supporter,
Poker With Dick Cheney - Lawyers, Guns & Money (well done)
Naomi Klein: Trump is an idiot, but don't underestimate how good he is at that (very successful bigly idiot)
New Yorker cover renders Trump as a 'Modern' clown of his own making
Bernie Sanders lambasts 'absolute failure' of Democratic party's strategy | US news | The Guardian - Vermont senator hails the successes of the progressive agenda but says establishment Democrats are standing in the way of further gains (said the guy that got Trump elected)
Great Moments In False Equivalence - Lawyers, Guns & Money - It has occurred to New York Times Climate Troofer In Chief Bret Stephens that Both Sides Do It: Well, promoting a government-run post office is kind of like deporting mothers while their kids are at school. (the evil core of the Sulzberger empire)
Matthew Yglesias on Twitter: "Am I crazy or the 2017 Labour manifesto not particularly radical?"
Reporter Punched By GOP Candidate Gives Fiery Defense Of Free Press | HuffPost
A Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorist, a False Tweet and a Runaway Story - The New York Times
A senior Interior official retires after investigators find he sexually harassed multiple women - The Washington Post - Tim K. Lynn, a senior executive in charge of Interior's Office of Law Enforcement and Security
R.I. state rep. apologizes after handing out document with pornographic references - State Rep. Ramon Perez is apologizing after handing out a document to the House Finance Committee that showed open tabs on a computer with pornographic content. (needs an editor)
Opioid Dealers Embrace the Dark Web to Send Deadly Drugs by Mail - The New York Times
'It was quasi-religious': the great self-esteem con | Life and style | The Guardian
In Western Mass., GE's name is mud -- Could any corporation be such a great catch that we'd give it $145 million in tax breaks and incentives to relocate here? Let alone a phenomenally successful company like GE, which has turned ducking its fair share of taxes into an art? w
Today's families are prisoners of their own clutter
Are women really stronger than men? | Angela Saini | World news | The Guardian - When it comes to longevity, surviving illness and coping with trauma, one gender comes out on top. Angela Saini meets the scientists working out why -- 43 people around the world are known to be living past the age of 110. Of these supercentenarians, 42 are women ... neonatal boys 10% more likely to die ... across all the different types of infections, women have a more robust immune response ... women are known to be particularly good at endurance running
The opioid crisis changed how doctors think about pain - Vox
The 35 words you're (probably) getting wrong
Report: Uber Board To Discuss CEO Kalanick's Absence, Policy Changes | HuffPost - San Francisco-based Uber is valued at nearly $70 billion but has yet to turn a profit.
Theresa May's plan to govern with DUP support thrown into confusion -- No 10 announces deal has been reached, but is then forced to backtrack after Democratic Unionists say negotiations are continuing
Ruth Davidson planning Scottish Tory breakaway as she challenges Theresa May's Brexit plan
How May's Sure Thing Became a Political Disaster for the Ages
Trump Discovers Article 5 After Disastrous NATO Visit | Foreign Policy - public performance in Brussels was a disaster. Behind closed doors, it was even worse. (Pres Dumb Fuck)
Masquerading as Reporter, Assassin Hunted Putin Foes in Ukraine - The New York Times
Sessions won't testify at congressional budget hearings but at Senate intelligence hearing instead
Trump sees Comey's testimony as 'complete vindication' -- and his fans agree
Trump Can Take Payments From Foreign Governments, U.S. Says - Bloomberg (bribery now ok)
This new CNN scoop shows the drip-drip-drip of Trump's Russia scandal will continue (Kushki)
Why Comey's u testimony was utterly devastating to Trump
It's not just Rrump's message that matters. There's also his metamessage -- what it means to say those words in that way in that context
This is not the dumbest thing tRump did today - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The list includes threatening Comey and contradicting the State Department on Qatar.
Michael Flynn, Russia and a Grand Scheme to Build Nuclear Power Plants in Saudi Arabia and the Arab World
I Guess They're Going To Mint The Coint And why not?
Fox News Was Attacking Barack Obama for Using Dijon Mustard at This Point in His Presidency (elitist mustard huge moral failing)
The GOP still champions Trump, but that might not last - Congressional Republicans want to support Trump, who could help their legislative goals.
Trump looms over Georgia special election, a proxy battle for 2018 - The Washington Post
Top Dem Donor Calls On Lawmakers To Take Up Trump Impeachment | HuffPost
Prosecutor: Greg Gianforte Will Plead Guilty to Assaulting Reporter : news
Republicans are predicting the beginning of the end of the tea party in Kansas - The Washington Post (rise of the "moderate" Republifuckyous)
'Barbaric' burglars who tortured old couple with boiling water have jail sentence almost doubled. UK : news
Chimpanzees are not 'persons,' appeals courts says (but inhuman corps are, for sure)
Families trusted Arbour's hospital system to care for their relatives. It systematically failed them - The Boston Globe - The 89-bed hospital in Westwood is one of seven operated by Arbour Health System
'Shutup, slave!' : A spilled Starbucks drink led to a racist tirade and sidewalk fight, police say -- 23-year-old William Boucher
White Man Charged After Going On Racist Tirade At Starbucks | HuffPost
A Georgia sheriff ordered pat-down searches for every student at a public high school. Now they're suing ... with some deputies touching female student's breatys and male students' genitalia ... Neither search turned up any illicit drugs ... at least one deputy had touched students in an inappropriate manner ... The sheriff had no warrant to perform the search
Joe Biden's niece dodges jail after $100K credit card scam -- Caroline Biden set up an unauthorized customer account at Bigelow Pharmacy on Sixth Avenue in Greenwich Village, and racked up the six-figure bill over the course of a year (do you know who I am?)
Leading imam quits as debate over women's 'hypersexuality' boils over at major U.S. mosque
Texas sheriff's deputy and her husband charged with murder in chokehold at Denny's
Battle over bare-breasted women brews at one of Maryland's busiest beaches
Two children dead after left in car for 15 hours : news
TIL Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, the CIA released nearly 12 million documents. One set of documents revealed research of possibility that "insane" people may be experiencing multiple "levels of reality" and their brains can't process this information, leading to mental instability [PDF] : todayilearned
Heroin use in the United States was estimated to cost society more than $51.2 billion in 2015 ($50,799 per heroin user), according to new research at the University of Illinois at Chicago. : science
How To Make Home Safe For Loved Ones With Azlheimers/Dementia - Home Security List
Cops of reddit, what has so far been the creepiest call you've ever had to respond to and what happened? : AskReddit
Proton-M launch failure : WTF
My dad the artist. Going through a midlife crisis after a rough year and divorce, he decided to switch things up with his painting style. I love it. : pics
During Rare Look Inside Her Home, Parents Say Fellow Inmates Stand By Reality Winner | HuffPost
UK election 2017: full results | Politics | The Guardian
Shock result as UK election returns hung parliament
Tories say Theresa May must sack 'monsters who sunk our party' | Politics | The Guardian
DUP leader Arlene Foster vows to bring stability to UK with Conservatives | Politics | The Guardian
Moral Victories Are Not Nothing - Lawyers, Guns & Money - As most of you know, Theresa May -- the most spectacularly inept Tory Prime Minister since David Cameron -- squandered her majority.
5 takeaways from the UK election
Theresa May's Political Future In Danger After Stunning Election Defeat | HuffPost - 10 Downing Street indicated she would not resign, though.
Eschaton: The Kids Are Alright - Tutition used to be free in the UK. Then they decided that those lazy students needed to have some skin in the game and suddenly tuition was 1000 pounds. Then a few years later it was 9000 pounds and all the college grads there now have US-level student debt.
Theresa May rejected the Tory detoxification project. Tha's what's behind this mess -- Once she talked of modernisation. Then she allowed the flat-earthers of that toxicity Lynton Crosby chief among them, to flourish at the top of the party
Puerto Rican day parade loses half its floats over honoree controversy | New York Post - The sources said only 25 of 50 scheduled rolling displays will be heading up Fifth Avenue because so many sponsors pulled out over the inclusion of convicted FALN felon Oscar Lspez Rivera.
Eschaton: Narrator: He Won't - let's hope Trump decides he's not up to the job after all. Because while bumbling evil is often preferable, things like Trump practically declaring war on Qatar over Twitter because he didn't know we had a large military base there is a bit frightening.
How Leaked Emails Explain The Qatar Crisis | HuffPost - The United Arab Emirates led the anti-Qatar campaign. Messages from a suave UAE diplomat show how it may have become too confident.
Did Trump just say he'd testify under oath about Comey? -- Let's break down this confusing exchange at a White House press conference.
Trump refuses to say whether White House tapes exist | TheHill
There's no indication Comey violated the law. Trump may be about to.
Did Trump just acknowledge (in a tweet, of course) that he told Comey to back off Michael Flynn? - The Washington Post
Trump's lawyer: Comey violated executive privilege. 10 legal experts: No, he didn't.
For Trump, the 'Cloud' Just Grew That Much Darker ... "My takeaway is James Comey laid out facts and was essentially encouraging Mueller to investigate Trump for obstruction. That's a huge deal"
In denying President Trump's abuse of power, Republicans have chosen party over country. (their roots are in treason)
'I Was Right':: As Trump Watches Comey on TV, Anxiety Yields to Relief (he always is) "We know how to fight better than anybody, and we never, ever give up -- we are winners -- and we are going to fight"
Donald Trump Rages At James Comey In Early Morning Tweet | HuffPost - Comey accused the White House of lying during his Senate testimony on Thursday.
This Whole Trump-Russia Thing Is A Complete Mess, So We Made It Easy For You | HuffPost - graphic guide to the main investigations taking place.
Eschaton: Complaint - I can't figure out if they're stupid enough to believe this makes any sense or if it is just to get the rubes all riled up.
Comey was Before Congress to Indict Trump. Instead, He Might Have Indicted Himself. | Law News
NBC News on Twitter: "JUST IN: Pres. Trump's private lawyer to file leak complaint against Comey with DOJ's Inspector General and Senate Judiciary Cmte: source"
Robert Mueller, Special Counsel In DOJ Russia Probe, Had Been On White House Short List To Run FBI : NPR
Eschaton: Comeying II: Electric Boogaloo - The pee tape is real.
Eschaton: Oh Jeffy Jeff -- NBC: Comey: Sessions had a 3rd undisclosed meeting w Russians.
Comey told senators Sessions may have met Russia's ambassador a third time
Trump's Incompetence Defense - The Atlantic - epublican senators suggest Trump is innocent because he didn't try very hard to obstruct justice, or because he was bad at it.
Celebrity Apprentice President - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Being president is haaaaaard. For Republicans.
Donald Trump's secret isn't that he lies. It's that he crowds out the truth. Trump isn't trying to win the argument. He'd trying to dominate it. (with bullshit)
New York Attorney General Looking Into Eric Trump Foundation (the boys look inhuman)
AJC poll: Ossoff opens lead over Handel in Georgia's 6th -- a 7-point edge
GEORGIA 6th DISTRICT POLL: Democrat Jon Ossoff support increases after debate with Republican Karen Handel | WSB-TV -- half of the 420 likely voters polled said they watched the debate, which he said was a huge number.
Breitbart lost 90 percent of its advertisers in two months: Who's still there? ... a gentelman's club in Northern Virginia, a golf resort near the coast of Spain and the conservative foundation Judicial Watch.
White House Official Violated Law Banning Political Activity, Agency Says - The New York Times
Eschaton: Adopted Identity - I don't really have much "sympathy" for any nostalgia for the Confederacy, but it's extra sick when it's a modern affectation in a US state that didn't achieve statehood until 1912 ... The state's oldest Confederate memorial was dedicated nearly 80 years after the Civil War ended, in 1943. The newest, shockingly, went up in 2010. (just a little Southern Tradition)
CNN Drops Reza Aslan Following Anti-Trump Tweets | Variety
Eschaton: Shortages - Complete mystery how they could attract workers to this job ... Mackinac Island has a permanent population of about 500 people and just as many horses, but no cars. From May to October, the picturesque Michigan getaway relies on about 3,000 workers to power its economic engine: summer tourism. (rich people voted Trumpster, now don't have any employees but refuse to pay them enough anyway)
The Skinny | The Skinny | Tucson Weekly - Any Republican member of Congress, you are going down with the ship
Man busted with over 1,000 fake drugs at Bonnaroo: 'I'm doing God's work'
Uber CEO Kalanick advised employees on sex rules for a company celebration in 2013 Miami letter -- Do not have sex with another employee UNLESS ...
top diplomat calls Trump'S statement on Tehran attacks 'repugnat' a statement from President Trump that linked twin attacks in Tehran to what he called Iran's support for terrorism (confused about who the 'terrorists" are)
French Magazine Charlie Hebdo Crosses the Line With Gruesome Theresa May Cover
Wreckage Of Missing Myanmar Military Plane Found In Andaman Sea | HuffPost - The aircraft, which carried 122 soldiers, family members and crew, disappeared on Wednesday afternoon.
Mozambique police warn bald men after ritual attack - BBC News - Bald men in Mozambique could be targets of ritual attacks, police have warned, after the recent killing of five men for their body parts ... "The belief is that the head of a bald man contains gold"
US Congress calls for charges over Turkey embassy brawl - BBC News - The Congress has called for criminal charges against those involved in a brawl ("brawl" = Erdothugs beationg up peaceful protesters)
Comey Accuses White House of 'Lies' and Says Trump Tried to Derail Inquiry
7 takeaways from Comey's extraordinary testimony about what Trump told him to do
ANALYSIS: Comey goes nuclear in showdown with Trump - ABC News
Fox News' Chris Wallace: Comey's testimony was 'very damaging to the president'
Comey's Trump Testimony Will Haunt Republicans -- damning account before the Senate should be the final straw. Why can't Paul Ryan see that?
This is the most important moment of the Comey hearing - Vox - And it undercuts many GOP arguments.
Comey hearing: Former FBI director says Trump administration 'TOLD LIES' when it explained his firing
Sen. John McCain's bizarre questioning of Comey
Trump Obstructed Justice - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Former Watergate Counsel Phil Lacovara explains: (lock him and his voters up)
14 Times James Comey's Testimony Read Just Like A Spy Novel | HuffPost
Read The Most Dramatic, Unnerving Parts Of James Comey's Testimony | HuffPost - Comey says he spoke with Trump nine times -- including in six phone calls. He only spoke one-on-one with Obama twice.
Two Reflections on the Comey Statement - Lawfare - pressure that no GOP politician would tolerate from a Democratic president.
GOP senator threatens to subpoena Comey | TheHill - after the former FBI director declined an invitation.
The Scandal Hiding In Plain Sight - politico Magazine - tough time competing with what we already know about Trump and Russia.
Are the Feds Treating the White House Like a Mob House? - "Absolutely they're dumb enough to talk,"
Eschaton: Well Then - Just a criminal enterprise. ... "a cloud" that was impairing his ability to act on behalf of the country. He said he had nothing to do with Russia, had not been involved with hookers in Russia, and had always assumed he was being recorded when in Russia.
National (US) Poll - June 7, 2017 - Trump Ties To Russia Are Illeg | Quinnipiac University Connecticut - The president's job approval rating dips to a new low, a negative 34 - 57 percent, compared to a negative 37 - 55 percent in a May 24 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University, and a negative 35 - 57 percent April 4, his lowest score so far.
Strong approval of Trump is fading across a number of demographics - The Washington Post - While support for Trump has remained consistently high among Republicans and Trump's base of non-college-educated white voters, the percentage of those who support Trump strongly has faded. In other words, while Trump voters still like him, fewer of them love him, which could indicate political storm clouds on the horizon.
The Democratic Party Is in Worse Shape Than You Thought - The New York Times (Edsall) -- Democrats cannot simply argue in favor of redistributive government on economic matters because defecting whites are deeply hostile to a government they see as coercive on matters of race. (bring back slavery, white pride!)
House to vote on killing Dodd-Frank today - Jun. 8, 2017 (1. we're taking all your moneys 2. fuck you)
'Body Slam' Candidate Issues Lengthy Apology To Reporter He Attacked | HuffPost - I made a mistake and humbly ask for your forgiveness (fingers crossed behind his back hahahaha)
Gianforte gives $50,000 to press group as charges loom after assault of Guardian reporter | US news | The Guardian (rich asshole buys his way out of jail as usual)
Feds: Up to 100 girls may have had genitals cut in Michigan (necessary to stop wave of hypersexuality among 12 yr olds +no cutting, just "scraping" off their clits)
Sandy Hook hoaxer gets prison time for threatening 6-year-old victim's father (LOOK IN FRONT OF YOU IT IS JAIL)
Off-Duty Cop Body-Slammed 14-Year-Old, Left Him With Skull Fracture, Says Family : news
Lakewood mother files suit against police officer who broke her teen daughter's jaw inside library : news
Jury awards $6.7 million to inmate raped by guard in Milwaukee County Jail, shackled during childbirth - In a deposition, Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. defended the practice of shackling
What is your unusual or embarrassing fetish that you could never admit to in real life? (NSFW) : AskReddit
Okay then. Trump said his vision was a wall 40 feet to 50 feet high and covered with solar panels so they'd be "beautiful structures," the people said. The President said that most walls you hear about are 14 feet or 15 feet tall but this would be nothing like those walls. Trump told the lawmakers they could talk about the solar-paneled wall as long as they said it was his idea.
NSA Leaker's Parents Say They Fear For Her Safety | HuffPost - She was afraid she was going to disappear,
IamA Barrett Brown, journalist and activist who faced decades in prison after an FBI investigation into my crowd-sourced research project into the state-linked private intelligence sector. I did four years in prison, where I continued to write for The Intercept. : IAmA (another Obama travesty)
He was an ardent WikiLeaks supporter. Then he got to know Julian Assange. - Vox - former ghostwriter for Assange.
Gunmen Launch Deadly Attack On Iranian Parliament, Mausoleum | HuffPost - Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attacks, which killed up to seven people.
Islamic State Claims Deadly Iran Attacks on Parliament and Khomeini Tomb - The New York Times
Why key Arab countries have cut ties with Qatar -- and what Trump had to do with it
Eschaton: Differences - There are a lot of rules about TV in the UK - so Sky News is not like Fox - but their tabloids and, frankly, most of the rest of the print media is much worse. It's like Fox News in print run by people who actually work hard and are (some of them) smart, and also horrible and evil.
Initial Comments on James Comey's Written Testimony -- The question they -- and we -- all face is cimple: Do we care?
Some Presidents Are Only About That Thing, That Thing, That Thing : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Honestly loyal readers, James Comey has released the statement in which he documents Trump's obstruction of justice ... "He said he had nothing to do with Russia, had not been involved with hookers in Russia"
Comey's testimony could turn congressional probes toward question of obstruction
Comey Statement Indicates Trump Went Out of His Way to Mention Russian Hookers - For starters, Trump went out of his way to talk about Russian hookers.
EXCLUSIVE: Here's Exactly How Trump's Dinner With Comey Went Down, in GIFs
Watergate 'pales' compared with Trump-Russia: former U.S. intelligence head | Reuters
Donald Trump's alleged Russia links will dwarf Watergate scandal, says James Clapper
The Latest: Pence cancels appearance on 'NewsHour' - ABC News
'I expect loyalty' Trump told Comey, according to written testimony (said the Mafia Don)
3 senior FBI officials can vouch for Comey
Donald Trump Should Leave the White House - How to End Trump's Presidency - The government cannot pass any stress test with this president* in office.
Trump Picks Christopher Wray to Be F.B.I. Director - The New York Times - a Washington-based criminal defense lawyer who recently represented Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey in the so-called Bridgegate scandal (just a coincidence)
President Trump Nominates Chris Wray for FBI Director - Lawfare
Trump Can Commit All the High Crimes He Wants. Republicans Aren't Going to Impeach Him. (Russian-promoted criminal takeover of US Government was successful)
Distrust within GOP of spy agencies may hobble renewal of key law | McClatchy Washington Bureau (they will let the terrorists win so no one can leak on their crimes)
61 percent say Trump fired Comey to protect himself (POLL) - ABC News
Post-ABC Poll: Most say Trump is interfering with Russia investigations - The Washington Post
Sessions allies angry about Spicer refusing to defend him - Axios
How Russian Propaganda Spread From a Parody Website to Fox News - The New York Times
They're on Obamacare, they voted for Trump, and they're already disappointed -- But the're still voting Republican ... "So I guess maybe I didn't put enough thought into what I would expect from a health care act." (and now my health sucks if I have any at all and people will die but Trump is a good business man)
Who Votes With Automatic Voter Registration? - Center for American Progress (Oregon leads the way to Democracy)
Journalist Arrested During D.C. Protest Faces 75 Years In Prison | HuffPost - Being near a newsworthy event is no crime for anyone, reporters included -- A grand jury indicted Cantz last week on eight felony charges, including inciting a riot, rioting and conspiracy to riot, according to his current employer, the Santa Fe Reporter.
Monuments to Treason in Defense of Slavery Celebrate Lawlessness in Defense of White Supremacy - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Lee's Reputation Can't Be Redeemed ... question is why American communities continue to honor a Confederate leader
Robert E. Lee Monuments Are Symbols of the Neo-Confederacy, Not the Confederacy (reaction to civil rights to remind black people of their place)
Eschaton: Generation Lead - If you the lead-crime link is true, then the lead-asshole link should also be true. The behavioral impact of lead which leads to criminal behavior should also be linked to lower level asshole behavior. And given differential treatment of racial groups by law enforcement, one person's asshole behavior is another person's crime.
Really Patient Cop Endures Ugly Tirade From 'Ruined' TV Reporter | HuffPost
A top Uber executive, who obtained the medical records of a customer who was a rape victim, is fired - Recode -- Eric Alexander (looks like his personality)
Republicans doubt "global warming" more than "climate change"
FBI Arrests Federal Contractor In Leak Of NSA Report On Russian Hacking Effort | HuffPost - The Intercept published a May 5 intelligence report on a cyberattack aimed at a voting software company and local election officials. (Greenwald burns a source because he's not so smart after all)
Journalamisim 102 -- Handling sensitive documents to protect your sources & your organization's reputation -- The Intercept gets an F-
Errata Security: How The Intercept Outed Reality Winner
WikiLeaks offers $10,000 to get Intercept reporter fired | TheHill
Today's Neo-McCarthyite DISTRACTION - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Apparently, in addition to their almost certain successful indirect ratfucking of the election, Russia attempted to directly ratfuck the election:
Why Would Russia Stop at 'Influence' When They Could Hack Directly? Some thoughts on a terrifying new report. (and Republicans built-in the vulnerabilities)
Man attacks Paris police with tool at Notre Dame 'for Syria' ("tool" = "hammer")
Eschaton: The Worst Prime Minister - Cameron was horrible in all of the ways you'd expect a 21st century post-Blair Tory prime minister to be (almost from central casting), but May is really, really, horrible. Authoritarian, narcissistic, ignorant, bigoted, defensive, dishonest, and of course very bad at hiding all of those things. -- The Daily Mail is like the English print version of Fox and Friends. You get the idea.
Suspect Identified In London Terror Attack Featured In A Documentary About Jihadis | HuffPost
Trump jumps into worsening dispute between Qatar and powerful bloc of Arab countries - The Washington Post - posting Twitter messages congratulating the Saudis for cracking down on the neighboring kingdom and himself for sparking the breach over alleged Qatari funding for terrorism.
Trump Takes Credit for Saudi Move Against Qatar, a U.S. Military Partner - The New York Times
CNN Exclusive: US suspects Russian hackers planted fake news behind Qatar crisis - (in Donnie's android)
Comey Told Sessions: Don't Leave Me Alone With Trump
Top intelligence official told associates Trump asked him if he could intervene with Comey on FBI Russia probe - The Washington Post
Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested he could resign amid rising tension with President Trump - ABC News
Exclusive: Comey will stop short of saying Trump obstructed justice in Flynn probe, source says - ABC News
Russian Interference in 2016 Election Grows Deeper by the Day - What will tomorrow bring? ... Dear America, your government went out on the roof today. (wow, even for CPP)
Some U.S. Diplomats Stage Quiet Revolt Amid Tensions With Trump - The New York Times
The Lawless Presidency - The New York Times (pls, Trump IS the law)
Trump is now raging at Jeff Sessions. This hints at a deeply unsettling pattern. - The Washington Post - Trump appears worryingly unable to contemplate his own role in bringing about the special counsel.
You Can Never Be Enough of a Stooge For Donald Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- Apparently neoconfederate hobbit Jeff Sessions is the latest hack to attract the ire of the Franco of Fifth Avenue:
The Madness of King Trump -- This last really bad week seems to have gotten us to a new point in which administration leaders are openly saying that the President doesn't speak for himself or his administration.
Has anyone told Donald Trump that he runs the government? - Vox - The buck clearly does not stop with Donald Trump.
As Trump lashes out, Republicans grow uneasy - The Washington Post - Trump spent much of Monday launching volleys on Twitter, unable to resist continuing, in effect, as his own lawyer, spokesman, cheerleader and media watchdog.
Eschaton: The Guy Won't Pay -- "The concerns were, 'The guy won't pay and he won't listen,'" said one lawyer close to the White House who is familiar with some of the discussions between the firms and the administration, as well as deliberations within the firms themselves.
Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump
Trump's New Thoughts On His Travel Ban Are Making His Lawyer' Lives Miserable (demented old asshole)
Eschaton: TF - Trump has a common refrain: A big announcement is coming in just "two weeks." It rarely does (never)
Trump Looted a Children's Cancer Charity
Can Conservatives Regain Sanity in Kansas? - it's taken hard, relentless concentration on the fundamental fantasies of supply-side economics to bring Kansas to the political ruin it enjoys today
Partisanship Trumps (Almost) All - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The polling actually held up fairly well, but the black swan event happened, so here we are.
NV legislature just passed a radical plan to let anybody sign up for Medicaid
The Vanishing American Adult, Sen. Ben Sasse's slick new paean to hard work and old-fashioned middle-class American family values, is the most boring book I've ever read ... Sasse has made a career branding himself as "the last honest man in the GOP
Eschaton: Romney Voters - Pursuing Romney voters (who?) isn't a winning electoral strategy, it's a decision about who you want your coalition to be. -- Thus, former Hillary Clinton adviser Jesse Ferguson writes at Politico, Democrats should pursue Romney voters to win elections in the future. -- The dirty little secret about "nice, polite republicans" is that they are neither nice, nor polite. Discuss. White suburbanites went for Trump. Bigly. You can argue that Hillary Clinton was, in their eyes, so horrible that they couldn't vote for her, or you have to accept that they just weren't appalled by Trump. (nned more white suburban racists in the Democratic party)
Protest In The Era Of Donald Trump | HuffPost - Portland clashes between fringe conservatives and anti-fascists are emblematic of a wider problem with U.S. protests.
Overdoses now leading cause of death of Americans under 50 : news
13 Alabama counties saw 85 percent drop in food stamp participation after work requirements restarted | (commenters are overjoyed at starving people)
At $75,560, housing a prisoner in California now costs more than a year at Harvard - LA Times - The price for each inmate has doubled since 2005, even as court orders related to overcrowding have reduced the population by about one-quarter. Salaries and benefits for prison guards and medical providers drove much of the increase.
Woman whispers for help in a chilling 911 call. A woman called 911 whispering her plea for help. While the operator remained on line the whole time, the police arrived 20 minutes later and arrested her abductor who turned out a serial killer. : videos
Michelle Carter, accused of pressuring teen boyfriend into suicide with texts, now on trial - The Washington Post
A CNN host assumed an Indian American spelling bee champion could read Sanskrit - The Washington Post
Two students get a final lesson at their graduation. And it's not one they wanted
A Virginia imam said female genital mutilation prevents 'hypersexuality,' leading to calls for his dismissal (but denying women "slut-pills" is fine)
Two honor roll students fatally shot in Maryland on eve of high school graduation - The Washington Post
Michelle Carter, accused of pressuring teen boyfriend into suicide with texts, now on trial - The Washington Post
WATCH: PHL 17 Reporter Goes Off Outside Helium Comedy Club | News | Philadelphia Magazine
pw_15 comments on Jerry Seinfeld utterly rejects Kesha's attempted hug
Jerry Seinfeld utterly rejects Kesha's attempted hug : videos
As bike commuting soars, so do injuries. Annual medical costs are now in the billions. - The Washington Post
Bob Dylan's Nobel Lecture and Lessons from Virtuosos - However, that was the world that Pepper destroyed. The album became the primary art form in popular music, and the artists themselves, male and female, were freed up to follow their own peculiar muses
Drinking even small amounts of alcohol when pregnant seems to have subtle effects on how a baby's face developes
Terminal Cancer Patients infused with Engineered T cells. More than 90% in complete remission in a clinical trial : science
OSU scientists have discovered a planet that is nearly as hot as our sun : science
TIL 95 percent of those of European origin can trace their maternal roots to one of seven women who lived between 10,000 and 45,000 years ago. : todayilearned
Married men of Reddit, what advice would you give to single men? : AskReddit
Online daters, what's your experience been? : AskReddit
Hurricane season starts with nobody in charge at FEMA or NOAA | Tampa Bay Times - Hurricane season starts with nobody in charge at FEMA or NOAA (and a psychotic dementied asshole in the WH)
Acting US ambassador to China resigns -
Trump: 'I will do what is necessary' in wake of London attack (#1: shut down democracy in America; #2: take all your money; #3: create more enemies)
A poised yet angry Britain heads toward election as police carry out new raids - The Washington Post (will the UK vote to kill their internets?)
London attack: Details of the ISIS killer are revealed | Daily Mail Online
Police uncover YouTube link to London terror attack - May: "regulate cyberspace" ("link" = "video")
London Attacks: "I reported attacker but they didn't get back to me" : videos
London attack hero: I hit attacker with a crate
Eschaton: CW Everywhere - True or not, the CW after a terrorist attack is that that this is all the fault of liberals and only conservatives can make it right. Of course, in the UK, the Tories have been in charge since 2010 and Cameron's Libyan adventure was a contributing factor to the last attack. Much like eorge Bush, Theresa May kept us safe.
Saudis Lead Push to Isolate Qatar, a Fellow U.S. Ally - Bloomberg - Saudi, U.A.E. implement plans to cut off Qatar over Iran ties -- Countries suspend air, sea travel; Saudis shut land border
New Leaked Emails Show How Qatar Crisis Developed In The U.S. | HuffPost - Trump-linked GOP commentator Elliott Abrams joked about a military takeover there. ("joked") Abrams, the former White House director for democracy, human rights and international operations (muhahaha)
Four Arab nations sever diplomatic ties with Qatar, exposing rift in region - The Washington Post ... which is also the venue for the 2022 World Cup ... But Saudi Arabia is often accused of indirectly fueling militant views through its strict Wahhabi brand of Islam. (and attacking America on 9/11)
Trump National Security Team Blindsided by NATO Speech - POLITICO Magazine - They thought the president would commit to the principle of collective defense. They were wrong.
Megyn Kelly gets outmaneuvered by Vladimir Putin on her NBC premiere
Federal Government Contractor in Georgia Charged With Removing and Mailing Classified Materials to a News Outlet | OPA | Department of Justice - Reality Leigh Winner, 25, a federal contractor from Augusta, Georgia,
Leaked NSA Report: Russian hackers tried to breach US voting systems days before the election : news
Unsealed 75 years after the Battle of Midway: New details of an alarming WWII press leak - The Washington Post - Navy Had Word of Jap Plan to Strike at Sea ... led to a sensitive grand jury investigation whose testimony would be sealed for more than seven decades
Supreme Court to decide if a warrant is needed to track a suspect through cellphone records - The Washington Post (of course not)
NSA Director Mike Rogers poised to 'drop a bomb' on Trump admin during Wednesday testimony (Trump's Russian birth certificate)
Serious concerns about this president's mental stability
Kushners Hunting Hard for a Loan to Pay Back Chinese Investors - Bloomberg - Firm wants $250 million against New Jersey Trump tower (Ja-Red Kushki)
Bank at Center of U.S. Inquiry Projects Russian 'soft power'
What Happened to the Michael Cohen Ukraine Dossier?
Trump's 'Pit Bull' With Biz Ties To Ukrainian Emigres, Is Back In Spotlight
What pairs well with a budget that counts the same money twice? - policy --such as it is -- is to reflexively lie and lie bigly about everything
Happy Monday. It's Chaos in America. The president's trolley may have left the tracks ... TRAVEL BAN! ... thereby undermining that proposal's legal position in any federal court not presided over by dead people.
Trump says we need to call it a "TRAVEL BAN!" (CLASSIC PIC)
Trump Is Still Pushing His Travel Ban, Potentially Harming His Legal Case | HuffPost
Trump's tweets prompt backlash from GOP lawyers
Taking Stock of Trump's Weekendus Horribilis
Trump Grows Discontented With Attorney General Jeff Sessions - The New York Times
It's time to bust the myth: Most Trump voters were not working class ... Trump supporters were mostly affluent Republicans ... many of the voters without college educations who supported Trump were relatively affluent ... In the general election, like the primary, about two thirds of Trump supporters came from the better-off half of the economy.
GOP Rep Rants At 'Islamic Horror':" Hunt, Identify, And 'Kill Them All' Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) wrote:
How's Our Ethnic Cleansing Program Going? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Making America Great Again is definitely predicated on making sure that sick babies don't have fatehrs around
Exploitation and Abuse at the Chicken Plant - The New Yorker - Case Farms built its business by recruiting immigrant workers from Guatemala, who endure conditions few Americans would put up with. (slavery is an America tradition)
What Was Bill Maher's Big Mistake? (being stupid for years)
CNN: Former Breitbart Writer Out After Inflammatory Tweets On London Attack (Katie McHugh)
'I'm the victim and I'm in shackles': Edmonton woman jailed while testifying against her attacker : news
Five killed by 'disgruntled' ex-employee in Orlando workplace shooting
Harvard withdraws 10 acceptances for 'offensive' memes in private group chat (they weren't that smart)
Man who mowed lawn with tornado behind him says he 'was keeping an eye on it.'
The Leftovers Series Finale Explained By Show Creator Damon Lindelof
Students Have 'Dismaying' Inability To Tell Fake News From Real, Study Finds : science
Ken Wilber and "Moronic" Evolution, The Religion of Tomorrow and the misunderstanding of Emergence, David Lane
The Incline Village Outbreak | Mythic Pictures
Why don't humans have mating seasons? : askscience
Battlefield archaeologists have been taking a deep look at a mass grave from the Thirty Years' War, one of the world's bloodiest religious wars that raged throughout Central Europe between 1618 and 1648 CE. The study looked at their remains to find out about their lives and their final day
Study: Texas has highest maternal mortality rate in developed world : news (carnage in third-world state)
What cringy thing you did in the past still keeps you up at night? : AskReddit
What should everyone have that costs less than $100? : AskReddit
Some Iowa Lottery retail employees win big, raising suspicions : news
Today In Great Krugman Subtweets - Lawyers, Guns & Money (climate denial at the Nyt)
At Least 7 People Dead After 2 Potential Terror Attacks In London | HuffPost - Police have also killed three suspects.
London attack: Single police officer took on all three terrorists alone armed only with baton | The Independent
London attack: Single police officer took on all three terrorists alone armed only with baton : news
'They shouted 'this is for Allah', as they stabbed indiscriminately' - How the London terror attack unfolded
London attack: 12 arrested in Barking after van and knife attack - BBC News - Mrs May said the counter-terrorism strategy would be reviewed and the UK would work with other countries to prevent the internet being a "safe space" for terrorists (or anyone else)
wickedr comments on Theresa May says the internet must now be regulated following London Bridge terror attack
An anonymous Redditor explains what needs to change in the UK, following recent terror attacks and threats of internet censorship by Theresa May : bestof
London Mayor Defended on Social Media After Donald Trump's Tweet | HuffPost
Trump addresses London attack by tweeting about gun control, travel ban - The Washington Post
London terrorist had twice been referred to police over his extremist views
After Britain Attack, Trump Unleashes a Twitter Storm - The New York Times
Breitbart employees infuriated by colleagues' 'appalling' comments after London terror attack ... Katie McHugh tweeted, "There would be no deadly terror attacks in the U.K. if Muslims didn't live there." "You're a real moron," actor Pej Vahdat replied. ... "We are not a hate site," Marlow said.
What Trump Doesn't Understand About British Gun Control - The Atlantic
Nunes-led House Intelligence Committee asked for 'unmaskings' of Americans (very slimey evil fucker)
Eschaton: Privatizing Air Traffic Control - The nation has been clamoring for more expensive and worse air traffic control. Trump is a man on of the people.
Eschaton: Trump's Worldview - If I am confronted with one more piece of serious "journalism" about what Trump Thinks About Things ... He's a senile racist old man who watches Fox news and gets pissed off and otherwise doesn't know anything about anything who thinks he is super smart and thinks all deals are zero sum the end.
The bottleneck in Rex Tillerson'S State Department -- The former ExxonMobil chief is leaning heavily on two senior aides who, officials say, have cut him off from the rest of his 75,000-person staff. (even Condisleeza can't get through)
The Single-Payer Party? Democrats Shift Left on Health Care - The New York Times
How a 'shadow' universe of charities joined with political warriors to fuel Trump's rise ... David Horowitz Freedom Center ... Horowitz makes a good living as the Freedom Center chief executive, earning $583,000 from a charity that received $5.4 million in donations in 2015 (the "charity" is for him)
Bleeding Heartland - He missed the deadline for filing paperwork with the Iowa Secretary of State's office (too complicated for dems)
Kim Weaver withdraws her candidacy in Iowa's 4th District race for Congress - cited threats to her safety, financial security and her mother's ongoing health problems as reasons for her withdrawal(Rethugs) .
The Myth of the Kindly General Lee - The Atlantic - The legend of the Confederate leader's heroism and decency is based in the fiction of a person who never existed ... That ideology is known as the Lost Cause ("The worst man I ever see" )
Right-wing free speech rally draws massive counterprotests in Portland - The Washington Post - Mat Dos Santos, legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon, was givinig a television interview about the attacks last week when a man stood behind him performing a Nazi salute.
Portland Killings Dredge Up Legacy of Racist Laws in Oregon - The New York Times ... "Lash Law" ... any black person, free or slave, would be "whipped twice a year until he or she shall quit the territory." Later, leaders went even further, prohibiting black people from coming to the territory at all ... 30 largest cities, Portland remains the whitest, according to the Census Bureau, with 72.2 percent of its population classified as non-Hispanic white. Seattle is not far behind, at 66.3 percent white ... Until the early 2000s, Oregon's constitution still contained language excluding blacks from residency (it's just a NW Pac tradition)
The (Not So) Neutrals of World War II - The New York Times (Sweden and Switzerland very pro=nazi)
Police: Woman arrested after boy, 3, accidentally shoots younger brother
The Doctor Is In. Co-Pay? $40,000. - The New York Times
No, Your Phone Didn't Ring. So Why Voice Mail From a Telemarketer? (it's not a "call,": it's a "message")
FLOWCHART: Navigating NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books
Handwriting vs typing: is the pen still mightier than the keyboard? | Science | The Guardian - Computers may dominate our lives, but mastery of penmanship brings us important cognitive benefits, research suggests
The Astounding Size of the Marijuana Economy Dwarfs 10 of America's Most Popular Food and Drink Staples -- Legal pot sales alone swamp some surprising product lines, but when you add in estimated black market sales, marijuana is a real monster.
MAP: Find out what towns will or won't allow recreational marijuana, so far : bostontrees
Harvard Rescinds Acceptances for At Least Ten Students for Obscene Memes : news
ELI5: Do All the Planets in our Solar System Spin and/or Orbit in the Same Direction? Why? : explainlikeimfive
Much shorter chemo works for many colon cancer patients, study says - The Washington Post - Many colon cancer patients can cut their chemotherapy regimen in half, improving their quality of life and reducing their chances of having debilitating side effects
ELI5: Is smoking really as hard a habit to kick as heroin? Why do smokers never need to go to rehab? : explainlikeimfive
ELI5: Why are there never any islamic terror attacks in other countries such as Japan, China, etc? : explainlikeimfive
Now that everyone can see what subreddits you subscribe to, has that made you unsubscribe from anything? : AskReddit
Eschaton: The Circle of Bullshit - The head of the EPA cites New York Times affirmative action hire Bret Stephens to criticize "climate exaggerators." And that's why it matters who the New York Times hires, and that's why you should cancel your subscription, especially given that post-election they conned people into buying subscriptions based on their ad campaign centered around rejecting "alternative facts." (Sulzbergers are evil)
Actually, Mike Pence, Climate Change Has Nothing To Do With A 'Liberal' Agenda | HuffPost - His disingenuous comments ignore the GOP politicians who have spoken out on climate issues.
Why so many white evangelicals in Trump's base are deeply skeptical of climate change -- For many conservative Christians, climate change taps into a deeper mistrust they have of science over issues like abortion and transgenderism. (but not cellphones and antibiotics)
Why don'T Christian conservatives worry about climate change? God. -- Nearly all evangelicals -- 88 percent, according to the Pew Research Center on Religion & Public Life -- believe in miracles, suggesting a faith in a proactive God. And only 28 percent of evangelicals believe human activity is causing climate change. (God will intervene to prevent stupid Christian people from destroying the world so no problemo)
Ultra-stable perovskite solar cell remains stable for over a year : science
How G.O.P. Leaders Came to View Climate Change as Fake Science - The New York Times (Citizens United KochBros killing the planet with lies)
Small Businesses Cheer 'New Sheriff in Town' After Climate Pact Exit (they think they're living in a 19th Century Western movie)
Car 'ploughs into 20 people on London Bridge' | Daily Mail Online
US-led coalition admits killing at least 484 civilians in air strikes against Isis in Syria and Iraq : news
The Latest: Special counsel's Trump probe adds Manafort case ... may also expand to look into the roles of the attorney general and deputy attorney general in the firing of FBI Director James Comey.
Eschaton: The End of an Illustrious Career - I don't give a crap about Manafort, but Sessions... (lock him up!)
The Problem With Jared Kushner - The New York Times
Fringe Groups Revel as Protests Turn Violent - The New York Times
CNN Names Ivanka Trump Most Powerful U.S. Jewish Woman. Twitter Says Hell No. | HuffPost - If only Janet Yellen had a line of lavender sheath dresses.
No One Woman Should Have All That Power - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- The Nanny in reruns is a more powerful Jewish woman than Ivanka Trump.
Ivanka Trump's Political Brand Is Dead -- Either she never cared about issues like climate change, or she's a massive failure as a White House adviser.
Bill Maher Jokes He's A 'House N****r' On 'Real Time' | HuffPost -- Bill Maher must be fired immediately for his racism and belittling the struggle of millions of black Americans
Michigan court: Seeing a trans woman is not sexual harassment : news
Where is the outrage for Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor? | New Republic - the threats started after Fox News covered her May 30 commencement speech at Hampshire College. In it, she correctly called Donald Trump "a racist, sexist megalomaniac" -- "Since last Friday, I have received more than 50 hate-filled and threatening emails. Some of these emails have contained specific threats of violence, including murder"
Former Penn State President Spanier gets jail time in Sandusky case - -- two months in jail plus another two under house arrest against a once-leading figure in American higher education marks a low point
In a Brief Prep School Career, a Growing List of Sexual Misconduct Allegations - The New York Times - Frederic Lyman
'Love, Rick': Teacher's letters track an attempted seduction
Seventh grader, far ahead of her class, punished for taking too many courses - The Washington Post
Minnesota measles outbreak exceeds last year's nationwide numbers -- In comparison, there are now 73 confirmed measles cases in Minnesota, mostly in unvaccinated children in Hennepin, Ramsey, Crow Wing and Le Sueur counties ... The outbreak in Minnesota first afflicted Somali-American communities ... the anti-vaccine groups were reaching out to them to provide misinformation
Third Gravitational Wave Detection, From Black-Hole Merger 3 Billion Light Years Away - The New York Times
Could Cold Spot in the Sky Be a Bruise from a Collision with a Parallel Universe? - Scientific American (Supervoid)
[1704.03814] Evidence against a supervoid causing the CMB Cold Spot
You Look Familiar. Now Scientists Know Why. - The New York Times - Just 200 face cells are required to identify a face
The Mummies' Medical Secrets? They're Perfectly Preserved -- Mummified bodies in a crypt in Lithuania
These Are The Most Misspelled Search Terms On Pornhub By State | HuffPost
Dose-related effects of delta-9-THC on emotional responses to acute psychosocial stress.
What are some biological life hacks that actually work? : AskReddit
If you've never seen Once Upon a Time in the West, you're missing the greatest Western ever made. Here's the inciting incident. : videos
TIL exploding head syndrome is a benign condition in which a person hears loud imagined noises (such as a bomb exploding, a gunshot, or a cymbal crash) or experiences an explosive feeling when falling asleep or waking up. Neither the cause nor the mechanism is known. : todayilearned
Eschaton: Theft As A Business Model - And they still don't make money. -- Now evidence has emerged suggesting that Uber and New York State regulators were aware of the improper deductions from drivers' earnings as early as 2015
Juan_Golt comments on The bane of my IT career
Junior coder destroys business on his first day of work after college : bestof
Hackers have gained access to OneLogin, an online password manager that offers a single sign-on to multiple websites and services. OneLogin said in a blog post that it couldn't rule out the possibility that hackers got keys to reading encrypted data, such as stored passwords. : technology
Why Trump Actually Pulled Out Of Paris - POLITICO Magazine - He needed to troll the world
To Trump, Paris deal isn't about climate -- To Trump, withdrawing from the accord represents a triumph of populist America over greedy globalism. (from the greedy globalist)
Trump misunderstood MIT climate research, university officials say | Reuters - "Tiny, tiny amount" (but still way bigger than either his brain or his dick)
User explains the Paris Climate Agreement with great analogy : bestof
Redditor demonstrates an uncanny knowledge of where we are at in climate history and what it means for the future : bestof
C.I.A. Names New Iran Chief in a Sign of Trump's Hard Line
Does Donald Trump Believe in Climate Change? No One Will Say. - Profiles in courage.
Does Donald Trump Still Think Climate Change Is a Hoax? No One Can Say - The New York Times
Stephen Hawking was asked to explain the phenomenon of Trump, couldn't : "He is a demagogue, who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator" said Hawking
jaxnmarko comments on Trump misunderstood MIT climate research, university officials say: Massachusetts Institute of Technology officials said U.S. President Donald Trump badly misunderstood their research when he cited it on Thursday to justify withdrawing the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement. - Trump believes asbestos is a conspiracy set up by the mob so they can get all these good remediation jobs. "The art of the comeback" 1997
Eliminating coal in favor of solar power in the United States will prevent an estimated 51,999 premature deaths a year and potentially generate $2.5 million per each life saved : science
Adam Schiff on Twitter: "Woke up and a US President was no longer leader of free world. After only 132 days, Trump will go down as worst President in modern history."
Bilderberg 2017: secret meeting of global leaders could prove a problem for Trump | US news | The Guardian
Daddy, Do You Hate Me? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Democrats worry GOP trying to bury torture report - ABC News - criticized the Republican head of the Senate intelligence committee on Friday for seeking the return of copies of a report on CIA treatment of detainees after 9/11, saying he is trying to "erase history" by making it harder for the public to ever see the classified document. (you can thank Barry for this one)
Trump Administration Starts Returning Copies of C.I.A. Torture Report to Congress - The New York Times
We Haven't Paid Our Debts for the Torture Done in Our Name -- Senate Republicans want us to know the extent of what was done, either.
There's So Much Russia Happening Right Now -- It's essential that we don't lost the plot -- ell, ever since our last episode of Moscow on the Potomac, we have learned that the president* is thinking about giving the Russians back the pleasure palaces that his predecessor confiscated as punishment for Russian meddling in our election.
Exclusive: Special counsel Mueller to probe ex-Trump aide Flynn's Turkey ties | Reuters
Former Diplomats: Trump Team Sought to Lift Sanctions on Russia - NBC News - but career diplomats ginned up pressure in Congress to block the move, two senior former State Department officials told NBC News Thursday. (dirty commie)
Lawmakers ask whether looming debt left Jared Kushner vulnerable to Russian influence - ABC News (Kushki's failed empire)
Scarborough fingers Bannon as leaker: He's been 'bragging' he would sideline Kushner on Russia
Trump turns to Supreme Court to move forward on travel ban - The Washington Post
White House orders agencies to ignore Democrats' oversight requests ...shut down the release of information that could be used to attack the president. (like facts)
Trump's continued search for new FBI chief seen as chaotic: sources | Reuters -- and that job interviews led by Trump have been brief, no "clear framework or logic for who was interviewed and why" (down the dementia hole)
The Fate Of 16.8 Million Medicaid Enrollees Rests On 20 GOP Senators From 14 States | HuffPost - The Senate is drafting a health care bill that could erase hundreds of billions in Medicaid funding. (1. Give us you money. 2. Fuckoff and die, suckers)
U.S. To Lose $1.6B As Mexican Vacationers Choose Canada - Mexico is America's second-largest inbound tourism market, accounting for some 18.4 million visits in 2015. Just this year, experts predict 7% less visits (Trump destroys tourism)
God and the Don - - Presidents often turn to faith in times of crisis. That seems unlikely for Trump.
Don Trump Jr. Is a Sucker for a Good Conspiracy Theory
Stop Enabling the Nihilist Republican Shrug (Cillizzard)
California Senate passes single-payer health care plan - voted to pass a $400 billion plan to create a government-run health care system without a way to pay for it.
At raucous town hall, GOP Rep. Knight takes heat over repeal vote - POLITICO - Rep. Steve Knight tried desperately to distinguish himself as a moderate Republican and counterpoint to an unpopular President Donald Trump during a 90-minute town hall here in sunny Santa Clarita.
The Evergreen State College in Olympia closes due to threat | The Olympian
Ohio Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor's sons treated for addiction - Taylor was careful not to divulge personal details, such as how each got started with drugs, whether they started with prescription pain pills and switched to heroin (she's a Republican running for Gov. and will cut all drug-treatment funding because she's a Republican)
Eschaton: Vampires - It's illegal to sell your own blood, but legal to sell somebody else's! Capitalism! (no free market for you)
John Grisham's Do's and Don'ts for Writing Popular Fiction
How a short letter in a prestigious journal contributed to the opioid crisis - The Washington Post - How often, Dr. Hershel Jick wondered, do hospital patients grow addicted to their narcotic pain treatments? (never, they concluded, at least for "inpatients")
Dad overdoses on heroin to teach his addict son a lesson | New York Post
Jury finds man guilty of jury tampering after passing out juror rights pamphlets : news
Teju Cole Pairs Text and Image to Explore the Mysteries of the Ordinary - The New York Times
What is often overlooked when considering a zombie apocalypse? : AskReddit
What do people think is sexy, that actually isn't? : AskReddit
Trap house gets raided while dealer is showing off all his drug money on Facebook live. Jacksonville, FL. : videos
What is an interesting website that nobody knows about? : AskReddit
What's a red flag that someone is technology illiterate? : AskReddit
Guy walks 10 hours around New York wearing a Romper : videos
How Twitter Is Being Gamed to Feed Misinformation - The New York Times (Farhad discovers twitterbots)
Larsen C ice shelf: Massive crack grows 11 miles in only 6 days
Massive blow-out craters formed by hydrate-controlled methane expulsion from the Arctic seafloor | Science -- a cluster of kilometer-wide craters and mounds ... the potential future destabilization of subglacial gas hydrate reservoirs beneath contemporary ice sheets. (with a bang)
Trump Will Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement - The New York Times
Trump announces U.S. will exit Paris climate deal - The Washington Post -- The United States now joins only two countries -- Nicaragua and Syria -- in opposing a climate agreement reached by all other nations in 2015.
Everything Conservatives Said About Paris Is Already Wrong ... "irritable mental gestures which seek to resemble ideas." ... Here is an argument that approaches, even if it does not fully reach, complete self-awareness: The Paris climate agreement is bad because it is supported by people who oppose Trump. Therefore, the opposing position is the correct one.
Ossoff: History will condemn us over Trump decision to abandon Paris Agreement
Trump is about to do something terrible and destructive. The GOP must own the consequences. - The Washington Post
Trump just betrayed the world. Now the world will fight back. - The Washington Post
The Media Coverage of the 2016 Campaign Was a Disaster - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Trump's exit from Paris agreement underscores the media's catastrophic 2016 climate change coverage failure
Christian Conservative: Jesus Wouldn't Want Me To Care About Global Warming | HuffPost - comments drew a sharp reaction on Twitter. (notice his rebranding to EWE and why do they all look like how they think?)
Trump Has No Idea What He Just Did or the Backlash That Awaits | Mother Jones
Trump withdrawing US from Paris climate agreement : news
Trump Hands the Chinese a Gift: The Chance for Global Leadership - The New York Times
Trump abdicates US leadership on climate change - The Boston Globe
Gun Deal in Jeopardy for Turkish Guards Who Beat Protesters - The New York Times (Trump was giving them $1.2 million in guns)
Trump Won't Move Embassy to Jerusalem, at Least for Now
Seven Stages of Dementia | Symptoms & Progression
Nigel Farage is 'person of interest' in FBI investigation into Trump and Russia | Politics | The Guardian
First on CNN: Senators asked Comey to investigate Sessions -
Did Trump, Kushner, Sessions Have An Undisclosed Meeting With Russian? - NBC News
Senate Dems: Sessions' testimony could be 'construed as perjury'
Top Dem: Nunes violating Russia recusal with subpoenas | TheHill - part of the White House desire to shift attention away from Russia to the unmasking (what a little worm this guy is)
Trump Grants Ethics Waivers To 17 Top White House Staffers | HuffPost - That's as many in four months as Obama granted in his entire eight years. (swamp.drained.suckers.)
Trump Exempts Entire Senior Staff From White House Ethics Rules
Why does Trump keep getting basic facts wrong? - The Washington Post
Trump's Budget Director Declares War on Math
Why are people still losing their minds over Hillary?
And Because John McCain Refused To Adhere To Tradition, the Republican Party Never Won An Election Again (Americans elected a misogynisitc crooked Russian-controlled psychopathic climate-assassin fraud over a competent woman? Must be her fault)
Ex-DNC aide hits back hard at Clinton, says her campaign ignored data on Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin - The Washington Post
Clinton's misplaced criticism of the DNC as a cause of her defeat
Lawrence O'Donnell Says He's Staying At MSNBC | HuffPost ... who has a 10 p.m. prime-time slot, brings in the second-highest ratings for MSNBC, after Rachel Maddow. (backlash to MSNBC's rightward lurch?)
Inept Pundit Wants to Create Rule That Criticizing Inept Punditry Is Wrong - Lawyers, Guns & Money : (Cillizzard)
Hillary Clinton Must Talk About Donald Trump Winning 2016 Presidential Election - As a matter of fact, I think the nation would have been better served had Gore raised holy hell about what happened to him for as long as he possibly could.
Trump and Identity Politics - Lawyers, Guns & Money "Identity politics" as Sean says, is an insulting, shallow way of describing a pro-civil rights agenda and an inclusive party, but for Trump-era Republicans it fits perfectly. (remember last month when Dems had to stopping doing "idenity politics" and forget the whole civil rights thing? Republican idenity is hatred)
'Merica! The Greatest Nation in Human History and God'sGift to Humanity! -- Out of 172 countries, the States came in at relatively embarrassing 36, well behind most of Europe. Perhaps Melania Trump should skip the move to D.C. and move Barron to Slovenia. (behind Greece! good job, Republifucks!)
The Republican War on Public Lands - Lawyers, Guns & Money
One Official Tried To Warn Us About Attacks Like Portland. He Was Pushed Out. | HuffPost - former Department of Homeland Security official Daryl Johnson (warned about rightwing nutjob white supremecists and Obama fired him to please psycho-rejerklicans)
James O'Keefe Hit by Group He Stung With Million-Dollar Lawsuit ... worked closely with the right-wing local news chain Sinclair Broadcast Group
A Pro-Trump Writer Just Sued A Fusion Reporter For Accusing Her Of Making A "White Supremacist" Gesture
TIL in 1998 Bill O'Reilly wrote a novel about a tall, bitter, sexually predatory newsman who gets forced out of his job and starts murdering former colleagues who helped to ruin his career. : todayilearned
Recreational marijuana sales in Nevada likely a month away, could be a boon for Las Vegas : news - Vegas is getting a hockey team, a football team, AND weed.
$100 million pot windfall -- Colorado's weed boom will fund schools and fight opioid addiction (someone call Jason Lewis)
Addiction sucks. This world is full of human misery and suffering and I just helped make it worse. : offmychest
Bleecker Street's Swerve From Luxe Shops to Vacant Stores -- fashion theme park is dead
Stratolaunch: This is the world's largest airplane from Paul Allen
An open letter from Martina Navratilova to Margaret Court Arena - It is now clear exactly who Court is: an amazing tennis player, and a racist and a homophobe.
What's the consensus on the executive function model of ADHD? : askscience
A guy gets abducted by aliens for a routine examination. : videos
When was the last time you were snooping, and found something you wish you hadn't?
What movie should never have been made? : AskReddit
Eschaton: Uber, But For Journalism - tl;dr Uber's fortunes depend on it being a monopoly (multiple local monopolies), which it has no realistic path to achieving. -- Which brings me back to my original point, made years ago, that whatever the problem with local cab regulation, there is a reason the market depends on rate regulation and supply restriction ... said it before and I'll say it again. The fact they named the company Uber is a tell. If you know what I mean ... Yeah. Why didn't they just call it the Thousand Year Reich and be done with it?
Is Uber Doomed? - Sexual harassment, corporate-espionage charges, taking advantage of drivers: The company that practically courts bad PR is in an existential crisis.
Kabul Bombing Kills at Least 80, Shaking City Center - The New York Times (16 Fu cking years)
Turkey Acquits 2 Men in Berlin 'Honor Killing' of Their Sister
Philippines president Duterte hits back at Chelsea Clinton | Daily Mail Online -- 'What was your reaction when your father was f***ing Monica Lewinsky?' Rodrigo Duterte on Friday told his soldiers they could rape up to three women
Watch the exact moment a kill vehicle takes out a mock ballistic missile (war theatre)
House Intelligence Panel Issues Seven Subpoenas in Russia Probe - WSJ
Poll: Support for Trump impeachment rises - POLITICO - Forty-three percent of voters want Congress to begin impeachment proceedings, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, up from 38 percent last week.
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll- May 2017: The AHCA's Proposed Changes to Health Care -- The majority of Republicans (67 percent) have a favorable view of the AHCA. (either rich or stupid)
Trump Will Roll Back Obamacare Birth Control Mandate For All Employers : TwoXChromosomes - It guarantees coverage to more than 55 million women, saved women $1.4 billion on birth control pills in the first year it went into effect, and has contributed to the lowest U.S. abortion rate since the procedure became legal in 1973.
A 2016 Review: Why Key State Polls Were Wrong About Trump - The New York Times (state polls drastically underestimated the stupidty of Trump voters)
Clinton: Media covered email server scandal 'like it was Pearl Harbor'
I'd Say the Media's Obsessive Focus On Hillary Clinton's Email Server Is Looking Better Than Ever -- The fact that the media decided to let one trivial issue dominate its coverage of the Clinton campaign with the direct result of electing a president who was far, far worse even on that narrow issue is truly the death row pardon two minutes too late for America.
Is Jared Kushner doomed? - The Washington Post
How Jared Kushner built a luxury skyscraper using loans meant for job-starved areas - The Washington Post
At Kushner's Flagship Building, Mounting Debt and a Foundered Deal -- 666 Fifth Avenue, (Ja-Red's in thick with the Chinese Communists)
Touting Ties to Trump Is the Only Thing That Unites the Feuding Kushners - Bloomberg - two sides dubbed Cain and Abel
Eschaton: The Great Thing About The Trump Era - Is journalists and headline writers get to keep coming up with new euphemisms for "racist." Actually that's not so great.
Trump could make everyone happy by raising this tax - The Washington Post
The New York Times Is Eliminating The Public Editor Role | HuffPost - Elizabeth Spayd will be the final journalist to hold the accountability position created in the wake of a 2003 plagiarism scandal.
New York Times Will Offer Employee Buyouts and Eliminate Public Editor Role - The New York Times (ha-ha, comments disabled on the article +don't need no steenking copy editors)
The right is mad over Kathy Griffin's gruesome Trump video. The left asks: Remember Ted Nugent? Both spewed hatred. Griffin was punished for it. Nugent became a White House guest.
White supremacists love Vikings. But they've got history all wrong (well, they aren't noted for their thinking)
Feds indict members of Tijuana's Hooligans bikers club in high-tech Jeep thefts
Hollywood man gets 180 days in jail for not giving cops his iPhone code | Miami Herald
Movie studios are blaming Rotten Tomatoes for killing movies no one wants to see : movies
ELI5:How after 5000 years of humanity surviving off of bread do we have so many people within the last decade who are entirely allergic to gluten? : explainlikeimfive
Reddit's new signup experience : announcements
popular links
Uber Burned More Than $1 Million A Week On UberPool To Win San Francisco
FBI 'warned MI5 in January that Salman Abedi was planning terror attack in UK' | The Independent
Secret court rebukes NSA for 5-year illegal surveillance | New Hampshire - U.S. intelligence agencies conducted illegal surveillance on American citizens over a five-year period, a practice that earned them a sharp rebuke from a secret court that called the matter a 'very serious' constitutional issue
Eschaton: Still Sucking - Yes we laugh at Little Tommy Friedman, age 9, and the "Suck. On. This." is extra funny coming from a Very Serious Pundit, but the reason to return to that piece over and over again is "burst the [terrorism] bubble" was the kind of thing that passed for Deep Wisdom at the time. We have long been ruled by idiots. (14 yrs and here we are)
Eschaton: Almost Forgot - That, Charlie, was what this war was about. We could've hit Saudi Arabia, it was part of that bubble. We coulda hit Pakistan. We hit Iraq because we could.
Nighttime, early morning bombings in Baghdad kill 31 - ABC News (still paying the price but little Tommy is happy)
North Korea warns of 'bigger gift package' for U.S. after latest test | Reuters
'Shocked' South Korea leader orders probe into U.S. THAAD additions | Reuters - four more launchers for the controversial U.S. THAAD anti-missile system had been brought into the country
Pakistan village 'court' sentences woman to death for adultery for saying she was raped : news
Wikipedia's Switch to HTTPS Has Successfully Fought Government Censorship : technology
Men probing Ivanka Trump brands in China arrested, missing - ABC News - A man investigating working conditions at a Chinese company that produces Ivanka Trump-brand shoes has been arrested and two others are missing,
Donald Trump: The Gateway Degenerate - The New York Times -- Conservative Apostasy -- Republicans, blinded by fear and rage, thirsty for power, desperate for a reclamation and reassertion of racial power, have cast their lot with the great deceiver and all their previous deal-breakers are now negotiable. (more than half of all American Christians support the AntiChrist)
Andrew Sullivan: Trump a Monster Whose Beliefs Are 'The Antithesis of Christianity (lots of Satan's devils in the comments)
Congress expands Russia investigation to include Trump's personal attorney -- Michael Cohen -- "I declined the invitation to participate, as the request was poorly phrased, overly broad and not capable of being answered," (Did you have any contacts with the Russian government?)
Investigators Are Right To Be Looking at Michael Cohen
Trump's White House Is Allegedly About to Get Way More Godfather
Six things to watch as Trump faces his new reality - POLITICO - how will he cope with the spreading crises engulfing his presidency?
Let's take stock of all the horrible stuff Trump and the GOP have done this month
Sources: Russians discussed potentially 'derogatory' information about Trump and associates during campaign (what could that have been>?)
Russians Think Trump Might Be a Russian Asset -- Indeed, in another one of dramatic juxtapositions that would have seemed ham-handed in a spy thriller, the latest scandalous revelations came out just as Trump could be seen carrying out what looks for all the world like his end of a pact with Moscow ... "among other things,"
Will Saletan on Twitter: "@eosnos Here's what WH told @eosnos re Kushner-Kislyak. Good luck squaring this with the "one-off" story reported by Fox at"
How President Trump consumes -- or does not consume -- top-secret intelligence (very small doses with lots of pictures and his name sprinkled in)
Fox News: New York Times boycotted Obama surveillance story. Fox News: Oops, maybe not. - The Washington Post
Both Sides Do It, But the Democrats Are Worse: An Ongoing Series - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The new leadership at the Environmental Protection Agency, for instance, has proposed eliminating its environmental justice program, which addresses pollution that poses health threats specifically concentrated in minority communities
A federal appeals court just reached a huge decision for transgender rights. Seriously, it's big
Clinton, Biden, Kerry, and the Dilemma of Women in Politics - Lawyers, Guns & Money : But postmortems offering rational explanations for how a pussy-grabbing goblin managed to gain the White House over an experienced woman have mostly glossed over one of the well-worn dynamics in play: A competent woman losing a job to an incompetent man is not an anomalous Election Day surprise; it is Tuesday in America.
Why We're Cillizza'd ... The fact that Cillizza was able to parlay spending 18 months prior to a hugely consequential election writing dumb and often inaccurate shit about inane trivia into more money and a better title is helps to explain how Trump happened. (and WaPo looking smart)
New Jersey town that denied mosque permit to pay Islamic group $3.25 million : news
Aerospace Executive 'Absolutely Convinced' There Are Aliens On Earth | HuffPost - There has been and is an existing ET presence. I spent more than anybody else in the U.S. has ever spent on this subject (look no further than the orange alien and the Republican lizards)
Space Tech./ Turkey UFO - Shows - Leir described the occupants as having large heads, and almond-shaped eyes.
Analysis of the Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO Videos
Seeing life in fast-forward: Visual brain predicts future events based on past experience. The visual cortex was thought of as an area that determines what you perceive based on information coming from the eyes. Neuroscientists show that the area is also involved in the prediction of future events. : science
Feminist researcher invents 'intersectional quantum physics' to fight 'oppression' of Newton - The College Fix - Therefore, Stark argues in favor of combining intersectionality and quantum physics theory to fight against the imperative to classify people based on hierarchical categories.-- While she does not have any academic training in physics or quantum physics, she did complete a master's degree in "Cyborg and Post Colonial Theory" at the University of Utrecht.
Anti-circumcision protestors demand genital mutilation protections for boys : news
This guy's presentation on ADHD is excellent : videos
Anti-evolutionist fat creepy creationist ventriloquist with creepy puppet. Holy shit. This is REAL and not at all satirical. : videos
Challenging Mainstream Thought About Beauty's Big Hand in Evolution
What's the movie that broke you? : AskReddit
Which unsolved or unexplainable events fascinate you the most? : AskReddit
What is the next Blockbuster style industry collapse? : AskReddit
What's the stupidest thing you used to believe? : AskReddit
Wonder Woman: Lebanon calls for ban of film over Israeli lead Gal Gadot : movies
Police: Teenager stops sexual assault by punching suspect in the genitals : news
Hunter S. Thompson Having a Casual Gunfight With His Neighbor : videos
Women who like giving blowjobs, why? : AskReddit
Supreme Court allows resale of used printer cartridges | TheHill
Intel's Management Engine is a security hazard, and users need a way to disable it | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Secret of Intel Management Engine by Igor Skochinsky
[PSA] Ubiquiti is dropping PHP : homelab
U.S. might ban laptops on all flights into and out of the country : technology (bye-bye business travel)
International Travel to the U.S. Sees Double-Digit Decline Under Trump : news
Trump's anti-ISIS war keeps killing huge numbers of civilians - Vox - The Trump administration has a civilian casualties problem.
Manchester attacks: MI5 probes bomber 'warnings' - BBC News
Theresa May's a 'liar' song overtakes Miley Cyrus and reaches Top 10 in the charts, profits go to food banks. : Music
The Marine Corps has a 'toxic masculinity' problem - The fight for the soul of the Marine Corps is just getting started ... According to one Pentagon review, there were 6,172 reports of sexual assault last year. (America has a "toxic masculinity" problem)
Trump furious with Abbas: You lied to me - Israel National News - The Israelis showed me that you are involved in incitement.
'Netanyahu no longer supports two-state solution' - Israel National News - Prime Minister no longer believes in two-state solution laid out in 2009 Bar Ilan address. (like he ever did)
a Report Card for President Trump's First Foreign Trip(A for fashion, D+ for everything else)
President Trump Turned International Diplomacy Into A Fistfight -- And Lost ... American diplomats likening him to a "drunk tourist"
The Madness And Science Behind The Donald Trump Handshake | HuffPost - The definitive breakdown of the most insane greeting in all of politics.
Military's clout at White House could shift U.S. foreign policy (the most corrupt piece of governnment)
How Trump Is Torturing Capitol Hill - The Atlantic - As Republicans in Congress try to fend off the flurry of scandals, they are haunted by a question: Is this as good as it's going to get?
The fake news is coming from inside the White House - The Washington Post (from the fake president)
The Coat of Arms Said 'Integrity.' Now It Says 'Trump' (which is pretty much the opposite)
Was Kushner Working as a Double Agent? | MSNBC
Investigation Turns to Kushner's Motives in Meeting With a Putin Ally
Jared Kushner's Role Is Tested as Russia Case Grows (Kushki lookin' very crooked)
Ex-CIA Director Slams Jared Kushner's 'Hubris' And 'Ignorance' | HuffPost - "we are in a really dark place as a society": Michael Hayden said
Eschaton: Failson - It is remarkable how stupid Jared is. I mean, like, stupider than Trump stupid.
Hey, Harvard Doesn't Sell Its Degrees to Just Anyone! - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Ja-Red is dim)
The new GOP health-care bill is the polar opposite of Obamacare, in four charts - The Washington Post (1. Fuck you. 2. Give us all the money0
We All Have Pre-existing Conditions - The New York Times (meanwhile, in the heart of Republican cruelty)
Today in American Fascism - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Of course the fascist war against immigrants continues on Decoration Day. In Texas, pro-immigrant protestors held a rally inside the state capital. Now I don't want to alarm you, but some Texas legislators are really racist. Such as this guy: Representative Matt Rinaldi, R-Irving
A U.S. citizen says her rights were violated after she was detained by immigration authorities in San Bernardino - LA Times (she didn't have her papers)
Great Moments in Self-Refutation - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
The surreal post-election life of the woman who would have been president.
Is This Even About Seth Rich at All?
This Day in Labor History: May 29, 1941 : Lawyers, Guns & Money - On May 29, 1941, cartoonists at Disney went on strike. This ultimately successful strike was a critical point in the organizing of Hollywood and also marked the end of Disney's run as an innovative artistic force, so bitter did it make Walt Disney ... Disney was also a notorious right-winger and anti-communist. This put his politics well outside the mainstream for American artists. They were also starkly different than the writers and animators Disney hired. (yeah, he was an evil asshole)
Golfer Tiger Woods arrested on DUI charges in Jupiter : news
How Tiger Woods' life unraveled in the years after father Earl Woods' death
11-year-old girl 'forced to marry her rapist' from church in Florida : news
Judges Reject Orange County's Claim That Social Workers Didn't Know Lying In Court Was Wrong : news
Is it possible to 'store' light so it can be used as a form of energy? : askscience
A Toronto psychiatrist weighs in on what's wrong with Netflix show 13 Reasons Why
What's your experience with Sleep Paralysis hallucinations? : AskReddit
[Serious]Redditors who are now married because you didn't know how to break up with your SO, how is that going for you? : AskReddit
Men, what is it that us girls do that we think is attractive, but is not even in the slightest bit? : AskReddit
Girls, what's a creepy thing guys frequently do which we're unaware of? : AskReddit
mothermole1 comments on After a blackout night, my mate woke up to a ripper selfie on his phone!
A man picks up his drunk sister at 6AM. : videos
British Airways boss 'tries to gag staff' on IT meltdown which has hit 300,000 passengers after 'inexperienced staff outsourced to India didn't know to launch back up system' : technology
A British Airways computer failure is causing hundreds of flight cancellations - The Washington Post - A trade union blamed it on layoffs and outsourcing of tech jobs, according to the AP.
Pentagon chief: War with North Korea would be 'catastrophic' -- "The North Korean regime has hundreds of artillery cannons and rocket launchers within range of one of the most densely populated cities on earth, which is the capital of South Korea" (too complicated for Trumpster)
Merkel, After Discordant G-7 Meeting, Is Looking Past Trump - The New York Times - apparently concluded that the United States of President Trump is not the reliable partner her country and continent have automatically depended on in the past (WVa, KY and AL are very happy) .
Eschaton: Welcome Home - And happy Sunday to your lawyers! "It is my opinion that many of the leaks coming out of the White House are fabricated lies made up by the #FakeNews media." (why they want to punch reporters in the face in stupid Montana)
Trump returns home from abroad -- with a Twitter rant about fake news, leaks and 'the enemy' (reality is his enemy)
Eschaton: Related - President Donald Trump has canceled a rally in Iowa next week, citing "an unforeseen change" in the president's schedule. Remember that the rallies were what he loved, what he wanted to keep doing ... (loves his hate rallies)
Russia scandal casts uncertainty over Kushner's future role
Michael Hayden: Kushner meeting why Trump officials were unmasked - Business Insider -- "This is off t he map," Hayden said. "I know of no other experience like this in our history, and certainly not within my life experience" (dirty little traitors)
Homeland security chief defends Kushner's alleged proposal for 'back channel' to the Russians as 'a good thing' (JFC they're all Commies)
(A Bit More) About Last Night -- If this explanation were proposed by anyone else I would say it was absurd on its face. But it comes under the bylines of three of the Times' best reporters. Is this credible? (no, and neither is the NYT)
What's Up With Raqqa in Trumpland? -- For those who haven't read my previous post, I don't buy the Times account of the secret channel being tied to military options in Syria. But if it is true, etc.
Eschaton: Young - Jared Kushner is 36. When did 36 become "young"?
Eschaton: Life Without Javanka - So much for peace in the Middle East and solving the opioid crisis. I had such high hopes. Javanka are there because Trump needs someone to be in the room to make sure he doesn't wander off and to make sure he "remembers" what is said to him. Without them...
The Story of the Phony Lynch Email Grows Bigger -- According to sources who talked to CNN, Comey and the FBI knew the document was a fraud but used it anyway, both to make the decision and justify the decision after the fact ... The big takeaway here is that the Russian interference and subversion campaign appears to have gone much deeper and reached much higher than we've heretofore known.
Comey needs to be 'held accountable' over Clinton investigation decisions, senator Lindsey Graham says
GOP Congressman Declines To Say Whether Every American Is Entitled To Eat | HuffPost - Smith conceded that nutrition is essential to life. (theoretically)
Trump Wants To Defund Programs That Help Small Farmers Survive | HuffPost - Federal initiatives that have been a lifeline for farmers and rural communities are on the chopping block. (they made a big mistake)
'He played me for a fool' : Kentucky Trump supporter laments he should have voted for Hillary -- The county he lives in typically goes for Democrats but in 2016 it went for Trump, despite having one of the highest poverty rates in the country.
Trumping your life: How to be a better, stronger person by being more like the president | Fox News - By Dr. Keith Ablow (Fox shrink advises more lying, cheating, stealing and bullying)
Rachel Maddow says Roger Ailes offered her job to keep her off TV - NY Daily News
The Demented Detectives on Seth Rich's Case -- Seth Rich died on the night of July 10, 2016. The conspiracy theories were born days later. The process by which these baseless theories about his death snaked from Reddit to Twitter to Fox News illustrates just how thin the membrane has become between the conspiracy world and the mainstream. (and Trump's fevered brain with lyin' Julian assisting)
Why Seth Rich Conspiracy Theories Were Useful to a Variety of Terrible People - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Police shootings 2017 database - Washington Post - 385 so far in 2017
Police say eight people are dead, including deputy sheriff, after shooting in Mississippi : news (Godbolt)
Even Murderous Nazi Crackpots Have to Maintain Some Standards - Lawyers, Guns & Money (couldn't vote for the Dumpster)
With state budget in crisis, many Oklahoma schools hold classes four days a week - The Washington Post (or maybe one or two: Republicans hate education and spent all their money on tax cuts for the rich; see Kansas)
"Trump Was A Woman With A Serious Email Server Problem, And the Dems Still Couldn't Beat Him!" ... 2) Its pretty clear that Taibbi belongs to the alt-left impersonation of Breitbart.
Opinion polls about 9/11 conspiracy theories - Wikipedia (Saudi was not one of the choice)
Former upstate NY prosecutor stops his daughter's DWI arrest : news
Somerville is the only community in the area that regulates the conversion of two- and three-family homes; other communities, such as Boston, only regulate conversions in buildings with at least four units.
Prayer instead of medical care: Idaho woman wants her parents prosecuted - Some Idaho lawmakers have expressed concern over the proposal, saying it violates parental rights : news
Baby trying to walk immediately after being born. : gifs
What's the worst case of "thinking with your dick" in history? : AskReddit
NoodlerOf88s comments on What never fails to make you uncomfortable?
What do you have a collection of ? : AskReddit Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa (lost 1/2 its traffic in three months)
More Trump Budgeting - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Another target of the Trump budget is weather forecasting and research. Because who needs to know more about where a tornado might strike, the path of a hurricane, or an oncoming blizzard? (comment: "Finally, a president with the guts to stand up to Big Weather.")
Leaked Documents Reveal Counterterrorism Tactics Used at Standing Rock to "Defeat Pipeline Insurgencies"
Katie Hopkins to leave LBC 'immediately' in wake of Manchester attack 'final solution' comments | The Independent
Eschaton: Diplomacy - He made a lot of references to his personal journey. He explained, for example, the functioning of Europe on the basis of his difficulties in doing business in Ireland (Pres Tiny-Mind)
Emmanuel Macron Swerves Donald Trump To Hug Angela Merkel Instead | HuffPost - The fact that Trump has both hands palms out to greet Macron makes the last minute body swerve to Merkel even sweeter (well played)
Out of step: G7 leaders take a stroll, Trump takes a golf cart | World | The Times & The Sunday Times (he's never walked anywhere)
White House photo caption omits husband of Luxembourg's gay PM | US news | The Guardian - Two mentions for Melania Trump in text accompanying shot taken at Brussels Nato summit while Gauthier Destenay omitted (Melania 1 and 2)
Trump 'complained to Belgian PM of difficulty setting up golf resorts in EU' | US news | The Guardian - US president said his view of Europe was based on experiences trying to do business, according to account of Brussels meeting (idiot)
The Buffoon Doctrine - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Something like a third of the coalition troops killed in Afghanistan were from NATO member-states, or NATO partners, other than the United States. In other words, if Moscow hoped that Trump would cause needless frictions in the American alliance system, then it got its wish. (good job, traitor Repubs)
Trump Returns to Crisis Over Kushner as White House Tries to Contain It - The New York Times
Trump considers major changes amid escalating Russia crisis - The Washington Post
Jared Kushner's FBI Investigation: It's All About the Money -- Russia, the cover-ups. Everything.
Trump advisor 'I would not be concerned' about a Russia back channel, irrespective of Kushner - McMaster (opinions vary on treason)
Ex-CIA Director: CIA would consider Kushner actions 'espionage'
'This is off the map': Former intelligence officials say the reported Kushner-Russia plan is unlike anything they've ever seen
D-squared Digest -- FOR bigger pies and shorter hours and AGAINST more or less everything else - The raspberry road that led to Abu Ghraib was paved with bland assumptions that people who had repeatedly proved their untrustworthiness, could be trusted ... There is, as I have mentioned in the past, no fancy Latin term for the fallacy of "giving known liars the benefit of the doubt," but it is in my view a much greater source of avoidable error in the world. Audit is meant to protect us from this, which is why audit is so important.
Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin - The Washington Post
'Game-changer' : MSNBC panelists explain magnitude of 'devastating' Kushner revelations
Kushner Is Said to Have Discussed a Secret Channel to Talk to Russia - The New York Times
The dueling scoops about Jared Kushner's plan for secret communications with Russia, explained ... In the days after the meeting with Mr. Kislyak, Mr. Kushner had a separate meeting with Sergey Gorkov, a Russian banker with close links to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. (NYT Maggie Haberman says Ja-Red's secret link to the Kremlin was "perfectly innocent")
How Your Beat Gets Sweetened - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - As a follow-up to my post earlier today, I'd say this is checkmate for the Post: (NYT was played by Putin/Kushner)
Will Saletan on Twitter: "@PostScottWilson @NYT How is this different from what the Post does? Who are the "nine current and former officials" who outed Flynn? Who do they even work for?"
Lara Jakes on Twitter: "That proposed backchannel between Kushner and the Kremlin was about Syria: @maggieNYT @markmazzettiNYT @mattapuzzo"
Nothing to See Here! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - May 27, 2017 | Scott Lemieux -- After the blockbuster Washington Post scoop about Kushner landed last night, the New York Times followed up to tell it like it is -- that everything is just fine -- As Yglesias observes, the spin Haberman et al. are accepting uncritically here is ... not very plausible ... it's hard to imagine the Times breaking from its saturation EMAILS! coverage running a false "nothing to see here" story about Russia and Trump less than two weeks before the election or something: (oh wait) Maggie wanted a scoop ... Maggie wanted a scoop ... she went to Jared.
Nothing to See Here! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The Republican party has been conspiring with foreign countries for domestic advantage almost my entire life. Nixon and the Vietnamese War peace talks, Reagan and Iranian hostages and then Iran Contra. (Oliver North came out of it as a hero to his party) And now Trump and the Russians. And the American people have chosen to give them control of the government so nothing is going to happen. (double link to capture the comment)
Exclusive: Trump son-in-law had undisclosed contacts with Russian envoy - sources | Reuters
How Worried Should Jared Kushner Be? - The New Yorker - interest in Kushner appears to be related to the two known meetings that he had with Russian officials. (little Ja-Red fired Comey because Ja-Red was getting heat for his Russian spying)
Trump's Criminal History Should Be Front and Center | HuffPost (9/16: what the NYT didn't bother to tell you)
Bannon's Back (cuz Ja-Red's in big trouble)
White House Backs Down on Keeping Ethics Waivers Secret - The New York Times -- as the Trump administration has hired dozens of former lobbyists and lawyers, and is frequently placing them into jobs that overlap with the work they did for paying clients.
Suit against Hillary Clinton over Benghazi deaths and emails is dismissed - POLITICO - A federal judge in Washington has dismissed a lawsuit
'It's my only income' : Trump voter shocked after learning he plans to cut key program she needs -- Krista Shockey, a Trump voter who relies on the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program to survive, reacted with shock this week (stupidity very shocking)
Man yells at stranger for speaking Spanish -- talking to his mother on the phone at the airport, (dude's on disability looks like)
As Trump's Problems Mount, Breitbart's Numbers Are Cratering -- A media business based on attack has been much less successful when forced to defend.
White House correspondent bolts Sputnik over the obvious - The Washington Post - Andrew Feinberg, a correspondent for Sputnik,
Suspect in Portland double murder posted white supremacist material online | US news | The Guardian - Jeremy Joseph Christian, 35, reportedly slit the throats of two passengers who intervened to stop him hurling anti-Muslim slurs at two young women
2 killed in stabbing on MAX train in Northeast Portland as man directs slurs at Muslim women, police say | (today in Trump's America)
Zbigniew Brzezinski, national security adviser to President Carter, dies at 89 | US news | The Guardian - Obama praises Polish-born expert who worked for Kennedy and Johnson before achieving success in middle east and China policy in White House role
Gregg Allman, RIP - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Allman Brothers - Blue Sky - 3/14/14 - Beacon Theater - YouTube
Father, son arrested after pipe bombs found in car outside Oklahoma courthouse : news
Woman arrested in Riverdale after allegedly locking kids in trunk while shopping : news
Brandon middle school students facing felony child pornography charges : news (FLa)
Bullied teen girl filmed urinating: Parents tell Danville, CA school to do their job
Me and my penis: 100 men reveal all | Life and style | The Guardian PicassoTiles 60 Piece Set 60pcs Magnet Building Tiles Clear Magnetic 3D Building Blocks Construction Playboards - Creativity beyond Imagination, Inspirational, Recreational, Educational, Conventional: Toys & Games
ELI5: How is gravity not faster than the speed of light? : explainlikeimfive
The most mysterious book : videos - the Voynich Manuscript.
I'd like to acknowledge that this existed: A 30 minute PSA starring Bugs Bunny, Garfield, Smurfs, Alf, Alvin, Kermit, Winnie the Pooh and more, warning kids about drugs. : videos
Ladies, what's an alternative to dick pics that you would actually want guys to send? : AskReddit
What's something you saw coming miles away that a lot of people didn't? : AskReddit
World Leaders Increase Pressure on Trump to Stay in the Paris Accord - The New York Times
Redditor ask if Trump ever literally denies climate change. /u/Frikoz gave 50(?) tweet link. : bestof
Masked gunmen kill 26 in attack on Christians in Egypt | Reuters - a group of Coptic Christians traveling to a monastery in southern Egypt
Trump's behavior at NATO is a national embarrassment ... comment: "watched the video of Trump pushing aside the leader of Montenegro, so he could be front and center at the photo op, multiple times. Trump is nothing but an ape" (if he treats world leaders like this, imagine how he is with his staff and family +nice pic of the snarling Beast)
Breaking down Trump's 'shove'
Trump chastises fellow NATO members, demands they meet payment obligations - The Washington Post
'Close to a disaster': Foreign policy scholar explains massive damage done by Trump's NATO s;peech
Trump in Brussels: 'The Germans Are Bad, Very Bad' - spiegel online - U.S. President Donald Trump was sharply critical of Germany.
Trump Reportedly Wants to Stop Germans From Selling So Many Cars Here, Where They're Made
Did the Turkish President's Security Detail Attack Protesters in Washington? What the Video Shows -- The men kicked people lying on the ground and put a woman in a chokehold just a mile from the White House. They outnumbered the protesters nearly two to one. (meanwhile, in Trumpkey)
Trump calls for investigation of U.S. leaks in Manchester bombing probe - The Washington Post
Sources: Comey acted on Russian intelligence he knew was fake -
James Comey, Integrity, and the Appearance of Integrity - Lawyers, Guns and Money
The Ongoing Adventures of James Comey, Man of Integritude(TM) - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Senate Intelligence Committee requests Trump campaign documents - The Washington Post - which is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race, has asked President Trump's political organization to gather and produce all Russia-related documents, emails and phone records going back to his campaign's launch in June 2015
Russian Once Tied to Trump Aide Seeks Immunity to Testify Before Congress - The New York Times
Researchers say they've uncovered a disinformation campaign with apparent Russian link ... an extensive international hacking campaign that steals documents from its targets, carefully modifies them and repackages them as disinformation aimed at undermining civil society and democratic institutions ... "tainted leaks"
Exclusive: NSA Chief Admits Donald Trump Colluded With Russia | Observer
Gianforte's victory after assaulting reporter reflects rising tribalism in American politics ... MT GOP voter, upon learning we're from @CNN: "You're lucky someone doesn't pop one of you" ... The station was acquired, last month, by the conservative media conglomerate Sinclair Broadcasting (Montana voters want to punch the mainstream media in the face)
The Republicans Broke American Politics, and Media Elites Are Blind to It | New Republic - after assaulting an America reporter, should horrify anyone who cares about the strength of our political institutions.
The conservative mind has become diseased - The Washington Post - The conservative mind, in some very visible cases, has become diseased. The movement has been seized by a kind of discrediting madness, in which conspiracy delusions figure prominently
The GOP inherits what Trump has wrought - The Washington Post -- The darker forces that propelled President Trump's rise are beginning to frame and define the rest of the Republican Party.
Sounds of silence? Trump's body language speaks volumes ... When Trump told an Israeli delegation that he had just gotten back from the Middle East -- which Jerusalem is clearly part of -- Dermer instinctively reacted to the flub by putting his palm to his forehead. (don't confuse Pres Tiny Brain with geography)
Law Enforcement Turns on the Law and Order President - the protectors of our laws who are trying to send this president to an early retirement, right?
John Boehner unloads on Trump: A 'complete disaster'
FBI probing attempted hack of Trump Organization, officials say - ABC News - summoning President Donald Trump's Don Jr. and Eric, for an emergency session
Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret communications channel with Kremlin - The Washington Post -- during a meeting on Dec. 1 or 2 at Trump Tower, according to intercepts of Russian communications that were reviewed by U.S. officials. (they were listening to everything Kislyak was saying +WaPo commenters agree on treason charges for Ja-Red)
"These Are Not Very Bright Guys" Hiring your notably unaccomplished son-in-law for a critical government job seemed like a great idea, what went wrong?
Nothing but Slumlord 00 Jared Kushner's life as a predatory capitalist is the perfect symbol for the Trump White House.
The Story Behind Jared Kushner's Curious Acceptance into Harvard
Greg Gianforte, Montana Republican, Captures House Seat Despite Assault Charge - The New York Times
Who Is Greg Gianforte? - The New York Times (a hand of Satan)
Gianforte is a big fan of citing Noah, as it turns out. In a 2015 talk at the Montana Bible College, he told the audience that he doesn't believe in retirement because Noah was 600 when he built the ark ... "There's nothing in the Bible that talks about retirement. And yet it's been an accepted concept in our culture today" (really that insane, great job Montana)
Key Republicans Are Encouraging "Hillbilly Elegy" Author J.D. Vance To Run For Senate In Ohio ... worried about State Treasurer Josh Mandel's chances against Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown in 2018.
McConnell May Have Been Right: It May Be Too Hard to Replace Obamacare - The New York Times
With a Presidential Boost, the P.G.A. Comes to Trump National - The New York Times - the coveted event also illustrates the pitfalls associated with a businessman president unwilling to make a clean break with his commercial empire, particularly in the golf business, where Mr. Trump is testing the limits of his own ethics policy.
Five startling things Betsy DeVos just told Congress - The Washington Post - States should have the flexibility to decide whether private schools that accept students with publicly funded vouchers can discriminate any students for any reason
Violence erupts at protest of CUNY grad speaker Linda Sarsour - NY Daily News
'Mattress Girl' Emma Sulkowicz Is Back And Channeling Her Rage Through BDSM
Texas teachers give ' most likely to become a terrorist' award to 13-year-old
11 Years Old, a Mom, and Pushed to Marry Her Rapist in Florida - The New York Times (so her rapist wouldn't go to jail, and Idaho leads the pack)
Judge to consider contempt against antiabortion group leader after release of Planned Parenthood videos - LA Times
Texas governor jokes about shooting reporters after signing gun bill | The Texas Tribune - "gonna carry this around in case I see any reporters" (mainstreaming violence against reality)
Hillary Clinton's remarkably aggressive anti-Trump speech, annotated
Eyeglass Vendor, Imprisoned for Terrorizing Consumers, Is Accused of Fraud - The New York Times
Jupiter's mysteries: Juno mission first results, new images -
If quantim computers become a widespread stable technololgy will there be any way to protect our communications with encryption? Will we just have to resign ourselves to the fact that people would be listening in on us? : askscience
Which supporting character stole the scene every time they appeared? : AskReddit
What's the biggest red flag you've ignored because the sex was good? : AskReddit
Net neutrality: 'Dead people' signing FCC consultation : technology
UK police stop passing Manchester bombing information to US over leaks | UK news | The Guardian - Officers investigating Manchester Arena bombing take decision as transatlantic row over leaks escalates (never tell Trump anything)
Manchester attack: Police not sharing information with US - BBC News
Pentagon confirms airstrike killed more than 100 civilians in Mosul, blames ISIS explosives - The Washington Post (a little whoopsie, again)
Trump chastises fellow NATO members, demands they meet payment obligations - The Washington Post -- And he held back from the one pledge NATO leaders most dearly wanted to hear: an unconditional embrace of NATO's solemn treaty commitment that an attack on a single alliance nation is an attack on all of them. (fuck your norms)
Trump and French President Macron get to know each other with a fierce handshake - The Washington Post (Trump's dominance ploy fails)
Appeals Court Will Not Reinstate Trump's Revised Travel Ban
Comey Was Putin's Most Important Mark -- This doesn't let Bill Clinton off the hook for his staggeringly stupid decision to visit Lynch on the tarmac, which may still have been integral to this chain of events. But it's also pretty clear that Comey was looking for reasons to open his yap about the Moral Failings of Crooked Hillary, and manufactured Russian evidence was to his misconduct in June what the Weiner laptop was to his misconduct in October.
'Anyone ... with a pulse' : How a Russia-friendly adviser found his way into the Trump campaign
Jared Kushner now a focus in Russia investigation - The Washington Post -- Kushner, who held meetings in December with the Russian ambassador and a banker from Moscow , is being investigated because of the extent and nature of his interactions with the Russians, the people said. (heats up on Ja-Red and the Chabadnik connection)
Reince Priebus Sweating Secret Comey Memos, White House Sources Say - White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus is nervous about what could be in store for him if the former FBI director reveals more details of his secret memos ... a possible Comey memo specifically involving one of their reported chats, and how it might play in the press and to investigators. "Nervous laughter," one official succinctly characterized Priebus' demeanor
Senate Republicans likely to change custom that allows Democrats to block judicial choices - The Washington Post - blue slip practice , which holds that judicial nominations will not proceed unless the nominee's home-state senators signal their consent to the Senate Judiciary Committee. (more norm -breaking, they are going for the autocracy prize because the future is theirs forever but will they reap the whirlwind?)
At Trump's urging, states try to tilt Medicaid in conservative directions -- Wisconsin is preparing to recast its Medicaid program in ways that no state has ever done, requiring low-income adults to undergo drug screening to qualify for health coverage and setting time limits on assistance unless they work or train for a job. (down the Wississippi hole, good job, voters)
Lawmaker: No One Can Know Whether My Bill Will Kill People - Tom MacArthur -- people who are less healthy (including those with preexisting or newly acquired medical conditions) would ultimately be unable to purchase comprehensive nongroup health insurance at premiums comparable to those under current law, if they could purchase it at all ... Trump era's defining question: Are these people really this stupid, or evil, or both? (Rethugs: fuck off and die already, including you suckers who voted for us)
The Ben Jacogs 'Body Slaam Was Not an Isolated Incident -- It was just the latest example of wingnut conservatism -- ey, Republicans. Pro Tip: if your new healthcare bill is so bad that congressional candidates play Frisbee with reporters rather than answer questions about it, maybe you ought to rethink this whole business. Not to put too fine a point on it, but Greg Gianforte is a thug who belongs in an orange jumpsuit and leg irons ... And is there a Russian angle to this story? Of course there is. On April 25, Jacobs reported that Gianforte owned almost $250,000 in shares in a couple of index funds that are tied to the Russian economy ... the 2016 Republican candidate for president spent a good portion of every campaign rally coming right up to the edge of setting a mob loose on the penned-up press at the back of the hall.
The Violent Gasp of a Ruling Minority Party - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Historically the norm even in the US was that the powerful did what they would and the powerless suffered what they must. Conservatism is inherently hierarchical.
Greg Gianforte: Fox News team witnesses GOP House candidate 'body slam' reporter
Republican candidate charged with assault after 'body-slamming' Guardian reporter | US news | The Guardian
Greg Gianforte's assault charge puts Republicans in a lose-lose situation in Montana - - Gianforte losing is a bad story for national Republicans. Gianforte winning might well be a worse one.
Update on Assault Investigation -- RP States He Was Just Assaulted By Greg Gianforte (Rethug)
GOP candidate in Montana race charged with misdemeanor assault after allegedly body-slamming reporter - The Washington Post -- Last month, a voter at a Gianforte town hall pointed out a reporter in the room; then, according to the Missoulian, the voter called the media "the enemy" and mimed the act of wringing a neck. "It seems like there are more of us than there is of him," commented Gianforte (the Russian mole from mafia NJ)
Gianforte ": Lawyers, Guns & Money - John Dingell commented on this earlier: Hell, I spent 60 years in Congress without bodyslamming a single reporter.
Reporter: Only true thing in Gianforte's assault statement is my name and employer | TheHill
'The fish rots from the head': Morning Joe blames 'brutish' Trump for Gianforte's assault on reporter
Ben Jacobs got body slammed by Gianforte and didn't fight back. You would've done the same thing. - The Washington Post (tough-guy conservatives called him a wuss and crybaby)
Congressional Candidate Campaigns by Staying Out of Sight | Montana News | US News - Montana Republican Greg Gianforte has maintained a relatively low profile as he campaigns for U.S. Congress. (you have to be invited)
Gazette opinion: We're pulling our endorsement of Greg Gianforte
Missoulian rescinds Gianforte endorsement | Editorial | ... Three weeks ago, the Missoulian endorsed Gianforte because we took him at his word that he would set aside his personal beliefs, listen to Montanans and be their voice in the House.
AN IR VIEW: Independent Record withdraws endorsement of Gianforte | Helena Local News Feed |
Bice: Sheriff Clarke directed staff to hassle plane passenger after brief exchange (Thugocracry unleased everywhere)
Ann Arbor restaurant says ICE agents ate breakfast, then detained 3 workers | (full show your papers, among other things, maybe they could be bar-coded?)
Fox News host Sean Hannity takes a vacation after losing more advertisers
Texas approves feral hog hunting by hot air balloon | (a tourist attraction)
Cannabidiol, which is found in marijuana plants, reduced the number of convulsive seizures in children with a severe and often fatal epilepsy disorder : news ... Helped me with Crohn's disease. When I started drinking my tea with CBD infused honey, my stomach cramps went away. Completely symptom free. They even made 100% CBD Breath strips that I take in the morning. So much cheaper than spending $80,000 per Remmicade infusion. (why doctors hate pot)
A new study published in NEJM shows "solid, rigorous scientific evidence" that marijuana component cannabidiol was able to reduce epileptic seizures in children with Dravet syndrome. : science
Home Page | High Quality CBD | Lazarus Naturals Seattle
Discussion: MinuteEarth's Newest Video On The Geographic Origins Of Different Foods : askscience
Why can't photon have spin 0? : askscience
Researchers have found people who use religion as a way to achieve non-religious goals such as attaining status or joining a social group--and who regularly attend religious services are more likely to hold hostile attitudes toward outsiders. : science
Ladies, what is the most obvious hint you've dropped that went unnoticed by a guy? : AskReddit
Shiva, The Hindu God of Destruction : pics
Black mambas fighting on a golf course : gifs ("danger noodles")
2.6 million comments in, the FCC has changed almost nothing about its net neutrality proposal : technology (lie, cheat and steal)
Hackers are hiding computer viruses in film subtitles, security experts warn
Scientists just published an entire study refuting Scott Pruitt on climate change - The Washington Post (and his backdrop of coal miners)
Tropospheric Warming Over The Past Two Decades | Scientific Reports - Satellite temperature measurements do not support the recent claim of a "leveling off of wrming" over the past two decades.
Mapping 50 Years of Melting Ice in Glacier National Park - The New York Times
The Big One is going to happen, no matter how much you want to deny it, California scientists say - LA Times
Manchester bombing probe expands with arrests on two continents - The Washington Post
When Terrorists Target Children - The New York Times
Manchester bombing manhunt sees heavily armed soldiers with gas masks and machine guns storm flat in city just hours after three men were seized in early-morning raid on home close to bomber's house
Outrage as Milo Yiannopoulos criticises Ariana Grande for being 'pro-Islam' after Manchester attack (anything to get attention ... when will FB ban him?)
US leak of Manchester attacker's name strikes new blow to intelligence sharing ... "US officials" ... The Trump administration's apparent indiscretion seems likely to cause consternation in London and could raise questions about future cooperation in the long term.
UK Officials Irritated That U.S. Leaked Info About Manchester Arena Attack | HuffPost
The Pentagon Can't Believe Trump Told Another President About Nuclear Subs Near North Korea
Israel Alters Intelligence Sharing with US
Trump Called Rodrigo Duterte to Congratulate Him on His Murderous Drug War: "You are doing an amaziing job." (assassinator in chief)
Read the Full Transcript of Trump's Call With Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte
Spicer's absence in papal visit reveals Trump's family-first rule (edging out the Pope because he is the Antichrist)
Eschaton: Poor Spicey - Your regular reminder to everyone in the White House: lawyer up and quit. Trump's entourage at the Vatican on Wednesday included his wife, his daughter, and an array of staffers -- but not White House press secretary Sean Spicer, a devout Catholic who told reporters earlier this year that he gave up alcohol for Lent ... Hinted at but not quite stated: people would have let Spicey go in their place, but Trump decided not to let him. (that's really cold)
Wash. Post didn't disclose that writer who penned positive piece about Trump's Saudi trip is paid by Saudi government - Why does the Post embarrass itself by publishing lobbyist Ed Rogers?
James White on Twitter: "I photoshopped in the kid from THE OMEN and it's so perfect it's unnerving
How a dubious Russian document influenced the FBI's handling of the Clinton probe -- So let me get this straight, while the FBI was conducting an investigation into Russia interfering in the US elections, the Russians used the FBI to interfere in the US elections?
This is Huge, Astonishing -- But the new report from the Post that James Comey's decision to announce the Clinton "no charnges" decision on his own in July 2016 may itself have been the product of a successful Russian disinformation campaign is simply remarkable ... Regardless, the idea that the FBI and James Comey himself could have been punked by such an operation and taken such consequential actions on the basis of it is simply astonishing.
Top Russian Officials Discussed How to Influence Trump Aides Last Summer - The New York Times
DOJ: AG Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian officials - (Beauregard lied? lock him up)
Trump's rhetoric hurt US tourism and retail - Business Insider -- Tourism in the US has drastically declined since Trump was elected ... share of international tourism has dropped 16% in March ... Meanwhile, tourism in the rest of the world has increased 6% year-over-year ... Hotels, with 15% of booking from foreign visitors, are expected to be hit even harder.
Americans -- too embarrassed to go abroad. Everyone else -- too afraid to come to America -- Of course, correlation /= causation, and this is data from one company. It would be irresponsible to say that the Orange Horror is definitely frightening tourists way. It could be that people are staying away out of fear they'll be harassed or harmed by red-faced thug in a MAGAhat.
New GOP fear: nine months of failure - Axios - Republican leaders are coming to the bleak conclusion they will end summer and begin the fall with ZERO significant legislative accomplishments.
Republicans Will Reject Trump's Budget, but Still Try to Impose Austerity (and richosity) It would most likely hurt some of the very voters in rural and economically distressed corners of the nation who catapulted Mr. Trump to the White House and Republicans to control of the House and Senate
Trump's Budget Doesn't Make Sense (because neither does Trump)
Cuts to AIDS Treatment Programs Could Cost a Million Lives - The New York Times (a million here, a million there)
Uninsured ranks still to grow by tens of millions under latest House health-care bill, CBO says - The Washington Post - Health-care legislation adopted by House Republicans earlier this month would leave 23 million more Americans uninsured within a decade
The CBO report for the AHCA reflects the wit & wisdom of Speaker Paul Ryan - Lawyers, Guns & Money (More money for us. Fuck you)
The Path to Universal Healthcare II: The Political and Policy Obstacles - Lawyers, Guns & Money
A Zero B.S. Guide To American Healthcare
Pro-Trumpcare Republicans Owned Millions in Health-Care Stock - Forty lawmakers who voted for AHCA had more than $23 million in investments and made more than $2 million in profit. And some of the most heavily invested cast key votes.
A Smarter Way to Interpret 2017's Special Elections
Donald Trump's Base Is Shrinking ... Trump received about 14 million votes out of a total of 62 million cast between the two parties, which works out to 23 percent of the total. So perhaps it's not a coincidence that 20 to 25 percent of the country still strongly supports Trump; they were with him from the start. (the insane and evil core)
Poll: Majority says mainstream media publishes fake news | TheHill - Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the mainstream press is full of fake news, a sentiment that is held by a majority of voters across the ideological spectrum ... Trump's job approval rating is at 45 percent approval and 55 percent
Fox News Poll: Trump approval down, voters support special counsel on Russia | Fox News - The poll finds 40 percent of voters approve of the job Trump is doing, down from 45 percent last month. Disapproval is up 5 points to 53 percent.
Analysis: ESPN Lost Republican Viewers Across the Country in 2016 - Outkick the Coverage
Denver fights back against Trump's deportation crackdown with surprisingly simple change in law
Stories of New Orleans: As Monuments Go Down, Family Histories Emerge - The New York Times
In upset, Democrat Pellegrino wins 9th District Assembly seat | Newsday - "This is a thunderbolt of resistance," said Pellegrino, who becomes the first Democrat to hold the Assembly seat
A promising sign - Lawyers, Guns & Money - In a race for a New York State Assembly seat, Christine Pellegrino, who was a Bernie Sanders delegate last summer, racked up a 16-point win in a very heavily Republican Long Island district that had never before elected a Democrat: (and this comment: Mark Twain: "I prefer the climate of heaven and the company of hell")
These are Sean Hannity's Advertisers
The Man Behind The Seth Rich Private Investigation Has A White House Connection - Ed Butowsky is linked to Steve Bannon and the Mercer family (and therefore, Putin)
The life and death of the Seth Rich conspiracy theory - The Washington Post - When Seth Rich's Gmail account received an alert this week from, attempting to start a new account on a website created by the New Zealand-based Internet businessman and convicted hacker Kim Dotcom, his family knew that something was off ... the emailed invitation from appeared to be an attempt to gain access to Rich's email. (so 'lil Kimmy is a real sleazeball too)
Eschaton: The Charter Grift - the well-funded charter school movement has been a giant grift, diverting education dollars away from teachers and students and helping to destroy a base of Democratic support. And Democrats played a big role in that.
Don't Like Betsy DeVos? Blame the Democrats. The Democratic Party paved the way for the education secretary's efforts to privatize our public schools ... the first education secretary in history to be hostile to the very idea of public education.
Ben Carson calls poverty 'a state of mind' during interview
Reporter: GOP Congressional Candidate In Montana 'Body Slammed Me ... Wednesday, a day before a special election in the state.
Republican candidate 'body-slams' Guardian reporter in Montana | US news | The Guardian ... On 28 April, Jacobs reported on Gianforte's financial ties to Russian companies that have been sanctioned by the US. (haha another Russian mole about to get elected)
Montana special election candidate Greg Gianforte 'body slams' reporter : news
Photo published for | The definitive fact-checking site and reference source for urban legends, folklore,... | The definitive fact-checking site and reference source for urban legends, folklore,... The definitive Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumors, and misinformation.
2017 Montana Special Election - "A look into Montana's special election between a multi-millionaire creationist and banjo player happening this week. (2017) : Documentaries
Conservatives Turning on Confederate Statues? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (interesting, the treason meme is catching on)
Budweiser stirs up America bottle controversy - Business Insider - patriotic packaging ... "America Beer"
Arrest made in discovery of opium poppy plants in Catawba County - | WBTV Charlotte - A man was arrested after deputies found nearly an acre of opium poppy in a Catawba County field Tuesday morning ... The sheriff estimates the plants could be valued at $500 million or more. (NC)
Christian school: Teen banned from graduation 'not because she is pregnant but because she was immoral' (it's their job)
A giant ark is just the start. These creationists have a bigger plan for recruiting new believers. - The Washington Post
iN 'Enormous Success,' xsyScientists Tie 52 Genes to Human Intelligence ... These genes do not determine intelligence, however. Their combined influence is minuscule ... Just as important, intelligence is profoundly shaped by the environment.
How Whales Became the Biggest Animals on the Planet - The New York Times -- Runoff from the glaciers would have washed nutrients like iron into coastal waters and intense seasonal upwelling cycles would have caused cold water from deep below to rise, bringing organic material toward the surface.
Why Are Some Mice (and People) Monogamous? A Study Points to Genes - The New York Times -- Oldfield mice belong to the about 5 percent of species in which a male forms a long-term bond with a single female and offers paternal care.
Why Chocolate May Be Good for the Heart - The New York Times - an association between chocolate consumption and a lowered risk for atrial fibrillation,
Uber to Repay Millions to Drivers, Who Could Be Owed Far More - The New York Times
British prime minister raises nation's threat level, saying another attack 'may be imminent'
Girl aged EIGHT died in ISIS attack on Manchester concert | Daily Mail Online - Suicide bomber kills 22 and injures 119 by detonating ball bearing bomb at packed Ariana Grande concert
Manchester Arena: 22 killed in concert terror attack -
Here Is All The Fake News About The Manchester Terror Attack
Manchester Arena attack: Islamic State claims it carried out bombing that killed 22 at Ariana Grande concert. : news
Manchester suicide attack lays bare limits of security measures | Reuters - experts say reinforced measures will do little to prevent determined individuals.
Eschaton: The Cycle - Someone does something horrible. A lot of bigotry is unleashed against innocent people. The usual suspects clamor to add more security theater and privacy intrusions. Repeat.
Potential terrorists in UK swells to 3,500 - but powers to monitor used LESS than in 2015 | UK | News |
Trump promises solidarity with U.K. against 'evil loser' terrorists
British and American Media Digital Frontpages on Manchester Attack - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Manchester Attack Shows How Terrorists Learn - The Atlantic - They are growing increasingly adept at killing us. Are we as inventive about saving lives? Or do bureaucracy, inertia, and failures of our own imagination stand in the way?
Matthew Levitt on Twitter: "Press statement @WhiteHouse says 1 goals of @POTUS Israel trip is "promote the possibility of lasting peach""
Trump wasn't always so linguistically challenged. What could explain the change? -- "there is no collusion between certainly myself and my campaign, but I can always speak for myself and the Russians, zero." -- Research has shown that changes in speaking style can result from cognitive decline. (can't mention the Alz word)
Brennan: Russia may have successfully recruited Trump campaign aides
CIA director alerted FBI to pattern of contacts between Russian officials and Trump campaign associates - The Washington Post
Senate Intelligence Committee issues new subpoenas to Flynn's businesses
5 moments that show Trump isn't about to get any help from the intelligence community
President Trump's 'balanced' budget relies on $2,062,000,000,000 in mystery money
Fox News retracts controversial story on Seth Rich's death and alleged WikiLeaks contact (InHannity retracts nothing)
Jared Kushner's Other Real Estate Empire - Baltimore-area renters complain about a property owner they say is neglectful and litigious
Great Moments In Responsibility Evasion - Lawyers, Guns & Money : new study demonstrating the media's coverage of the campaign was abominably bad unless you think Clinton's email server was more important than every substantive issue put together and made her as or more unfit than Trump: (hello, NYT)
Fox News falls into 3rd place in primetime ratings for the first time in nearly 17 years : news
Father turns in his son after finding stolen weapons, homemade explosives : news
Pot convictions go up in smoke with California legalization : news (Lil' Jeffy Sessions' and Jason Lewis's worst nightmare)
Study finds mushrooms are the safest recreational drug : news
Scientists find 7.2-million-year-old pre-human remains in the Balkans. The new study claims the oldest Hominins could have lived in Europe, not Africa, : science - More fossils are needed but at this point it seems likely that the Eastern Mediterranean needs to be considered as just as likely a place of hominine diversification and hominin origins as tropical Africa. (7M yr is a long time)
Racist lady berates 2 women in Walmart. Upstanding employee actually steps in and helps out. : videos
Tajik President didn't let Trump win at the "aggressive handshake" game : gifs
TIL John Lennon was a wife beater. : todayilearned (and a general asshole)
What was something you saw you were definitely not supposed to see? : AskReddit
Old man plays the theme for "The Good The Bad and the Ugly" : videos
Comcast is trying to censor our pro-net neutrality website that calls for an investigation into fake FCC comments potentially funded by the cable lobby : technology
User launches site to search forged comments in your name to the FCC in an effort to collect evidence of astroturfing. Comcast sends Cease and Desist. : bestof
Manchester Arena: police confirm 19 dead after explosion at Ariana Grande concert -- Police treating incident as terrorist incident - About 50 more people have been injured
Police warning after reports of Manchester Arena explosion : news
Trump Comes to Israel Citing a Palestinian Deal as Crucial - The New York Times (wants ME to unite against Iran, the only democratic state there)
Eschaton: The Dementia Tax - That the Tories would propose and even implement that kind of bizarrely cruel policy that is pretty much standard in the US (details and mechanisms different, but effectively) does not surprise me, that they would put it in their pre-election Manifesto (platform) was... WTF?
Turkey condemns U.S. over 'aggressive' acts against its bodyguards during Erdogan's visit to D.C. (D.C. cops wouldn't let them murder everyone, like in Turkey)
Sources: Mueller visits FBI headquarters, briefed on Comey memos -
Chaffetz postpones Wednesday hearing after speaking with Comey - POLITICO - Spoke with Comey. He wants to speak with Special Counsel prior to public testimony. Hearing Wed postponed.
Trump asked intelligence chiefs to push back against FBI collusion probe after Comey revealed its existence - The Washington Post -- Coats and Rogers refused to comply with the requests, which they both deemed to be inappropriate
Michael Flynn Misled Pentagon About His Russia Ties, Letter Says - The New York Times - Pentagon investigators about his income from companies in Russia and contacts with officials there when he applied for a renewal of his top-secret security clearance last year ... ntentionally lying to federal investigators is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. Separately, he also faces legal questions over failing to properly register as a foreign agent for lobbying he did last year on behalf of Turkey while advising the Trump campaign, which is also a felony ("misled" = "lied" : "they'll never look at that photo of me and Putin")
The Latest: AP Source says Flynn will invoke Fifth Amendment - ABC News
Caught in White House Chaos, Justice Dept. Official Seeks Neutral Ground - The New York Times
Did Trump obstruct justice? Rod Rosenstein may have just provided another clue. - The Washington Post - further questions that, if answered, would lend a great deal to our understanding of what really drove Trump's hatcheting of the man overseeing the probe into his campaign's possible collusion with Russian meddling in the election. (will Rod "survive" his treasonous perfidy?)
Trump's bizarre and un-American visit to Saudi Arabia ... Trump, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and others in the delegation did exactly that, by participating in this sinister all-male dance ... Tillerson holding a news conference for foreign press only. The U.S. press corps was not invited. Presumably this was because the White House doesn't want Americans to find out what the president was doing in Saudi Arabia? (+oh look, Ja-Red in gthe background)
Trump 'exhausted' three days into first trip abroad as president: Reports (very low stamina. sad. pathetic.)
'He's bveen neutered' : Trump supporters melt down after president calls Islam< 'one of world's great faiths' (idiots)
Vic Berger IV on Twitter: "Today is the day Donald Trump became President Cuck. Too scared to say #RadicalIslamicTerror. Pathetic! #maga @realDonaldTrump"
Trump's Direct Saudi-to-Israel Flight Breaks Symbolic Barrier
Ross Gushes About Lack of Protesters, 'Bad Placards' in Saudi ... Ross noted the absence of any protestors during the visit, in contrast to the situation in the US. (so they will implement a religious-based authoritrarian dictatorship)
Escalating probes rattle Trump and his aides - POLITICO - intensifying investigations
Donald Trump to America: Please impeach me
The Trump White House is collapsing - At the time the president divulged to the Russians his motivation for firing his FBI director, the administration was still sticking to its ridiculous story that Comey lost his job because he botched the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails
Why Sally Yates Stood Up to Trump - The New Yorker - The former acting Attorney General reflects on the F.B.I., Michael Flynn, and how the President ended her career at the Justice Department.
Trump Russia: The U.S. President's Disturbingly Deep Ties To Russia | - A Closer Look At Donald Trump's Disturbingly Deep Ties To Russia
Trump to propose big cuts to safety net in new budget, slashing Medicaid and opening door to other limits - The Washington Post
Trump's Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts
In Conclusion, Both Sides Do It, But the Democrats Are Worse - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Strange -- it's almost as if Donald Trump is a Republican or something. (Seriously, remember all the discussion about whether Democrats should be cutting deals with Trump? That was surreal.)
Trump wanted to veto bill to keep government open - Axios (he wanted a vacation)
While You Weren't Looking, Trump Basically Killed Dodd-Frank | HuffPost - It was fun while it lasted. (took Obama a year of negotiation with Blue-dogs and Refucks, Trump a stroke of the pen)
John Podesta Unloads on Trump - POLITICO Magazine - The former chairman of Hillary Clinton's campaign says the president is 'absolutely crazy' and Republicans are stuck to him like 'Velcro.'
White House Moves to Block Ethics Inquiry Into Ex-Lobbyists on Payroll - The New York Times
trump's casino was a money laundering concern shortly after it opened
Poll: Democrats have edge over Republican front-runner in Va. governor's race
california's single-payer plan costs $400 billion -- wice the state's entire budget
Breaking and Analysis: Supreme Court on 5-3 Vote Affirms NC Racial Gerrymandering Case, with Thomas in Majority and Roberts in Dissent | Election Law Blog
Supreme Court strikes down North Carolina maps for Congress - ruled Monday that racial considerations pervaded the way North Carolina lawmakers drew congressional maps after the 2010 Census in order to maximize Republican's advantage (o rly)
Senators ask FCC why reporter was "manhandled" after net neutrality vote -- Don't roughhouse journalists who are trying to ask questions.
GOP Lawmaker: Lynch Anyone Who Takes Down Confederate Monuments | HuffPost - None of the state's Republican leaders have condemned Karl Oliver's comments ... A Republican member of the Mississippi House of Representatives has called for lynching anyone who removes a Confederate monument, including lawmakers in a neighboring state. ... "likes" from two of Oliver's ellow Republican lawmakers, state Rep. John Read and state Rep. Doug McLeod
The Online Radicalization We're Not Talking About -- a recent study shows that white-supremacist Twitter accounts have increased more than 600 percent since 2012, and outperform ISIS accounts by every possible metric.
How Your Fake News Sausage Gets Made - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Briefly, before Wheeler recanted his story, the Young Turks network's "Jimmy Dore Show" chewed over the revelation that Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks ... some of the dimmer elements of the nominal left talking about how Hillary getting informed that a debate in Flint would have a question abotu poisoned water was worth 4 millions votes ... A quasi-Heidelbergian evil knockoff of Glenn Greenwald with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and 1/4 the IQ points? OK, yeah.
Rod Wheeler Claims on The O'Reilly Factor Lesbian Gangs are Raping Young Girls (Fox: 2007) pink pistol-packing lesbian gangs are terrorizing the nation (flames! carngage! rape!)
St. Paul's School admits 13 staffers engaged in sexual misconduct' ... Another 10 former faculty and staff were accused of engaging in sexual misconduct ... A further cluster of 11 current and former faculty and staff members were accused (St. Pedo's)
'Neo-Nazi' in Florida National Guard arrested after explosives found at Tampa Palms murder scene -- A man accused of shooting his two roommates Friday in a Tampa Palms apartment told police he shared neo-Nazi beliefs with the men until he converted to Islam then killed them because they showed disrespect for his faith ... Jail records show Arthurs was born in Florida.
Police, FBI investigating University of Maryland killing as possible hate crime - Baltimore Sun - The group, called 'Alt-Reich Nation" on Facebook
Hate speech, hate crimes and the illusion of plausible deniability - Lawyers, Guns & Money : On Saturday Richard Collins, III, came to the University of Maryland to visit friends and celebrate being commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Army. He was going to graduate from Bowie State on Tuesday ... stabbed to death by Sean Urbanski, a UMD student and member of a Facebook group called Alt Reich Nation
'Beyond the realm of belief': Noose found in U-Md. fraternity house (3 wks ago, guess not "beyond the realm")
How the Swastika Became a Confederate Flag - The New York Times -- chanting "blood and soil" ... "master race" ... "lesser peoples" ... the intimate connection between Nazi-era rule in Germany and Jim Crow-era rule in the United States.... how German propagandists sought to normalize the Nazi agenda domestically by putting forth the United States as a model.
What Elites Do Instead of Providing Services, Redux | Pedestrian Observations - ne is from a panel headlined by J. D. Vance, which Pete Saunders and Aaron Renn both sat on (right-wing solutions to social problems)
Domestic extremists tend to be much older, better educated, more affluent, more religious, and are more likely to be white than street gang members, according to a new study that systematically compares the groups for the first time. : science
Supreme Court Ruling Could Hinder 'Patent Trolls' ... More than 40 percent of patent lawsuits, for instance, are filed in a federal court in East Texas. In recent years, a single judge based in Marshall, Tex., oversaw about a quarter of all patent cases nationwide, more than the number handled by all federal judges in California, Florida and New York combined.
MSNBC Reaches Number One For First Time in Primetime Ratings | Variety (as they dump top-rated O'Donnell
In Wreckage of the Fyre Festival, Fury, Lawsuits and an Inquiry - The New York Times takes DNA ownership rights from customers and their relatives : technology
Use of 'light' cigarettes linked to rise in lung adenocarcinoma - Light or low tar cigarettes have holes in the cigarette filter, which allow smokers to inhale more smoke with higher levels of carcinogens, mutagens and other toxins. : science
What dark secrets do popular subreddits have in their past? : AskReddit
What makes someone a bad Redditor? : AskReddit - TOUCH MY NO-NO WITH YOUR YEAH-YEAH
[NSFW] What are some dirty secrets you have seen at a Bachelor/Bachelorette Party that could ruin the marriage? : AskReddit
IamA the "accidental hero" who helped stop the WannaCry attack AMA! : IAmA
America's dangerous Internet delusion -- The unmistakable lesson of recent years is that the Internet is a double-edged sword. (Robert Samuelson discovers hacking, years after Snowden)
Netanyahu Orders Cabinet Ministers To Attend Trump's Welcoming Ceremony | HuffPost
Erdogan Says He Will Extend His Sweeping Rule Over Turkey - The New York Times -- So far, the decrees have allowed Mr. Erdogan to jail more than 40,000 people accused of plotting a failed coup, fire or suspend more than 140,000 additional people, shut down about 1,500 civil groups, arrest at least 120 journalists and close more than 150 news media outlets.
Venezuelans are still in the streets, after 50 days of constant protesting.
Mexican mob attacks Russian man in Cancun over insults : news
Trump to summon Muslim nations to confront 'trhe crisis of Islamist extremism' (with his own extreme crisis)
Trump Urges Muslim Leaders to Purge Their Societies of 'Foot Soldiers of Evil' (takes one to know one +you know, those 9/11 Saudis)
'I think Islam hates us': A timeline of Trump's comments about Islam and Muslims
Donald of Arabia - POLITICO Magazine - He didn't do anything embarrassing. But he did commit the United States to a deeper alliance with the very leaders who are part of the problem.
When I Became President For the Seventh Time - Lawyers, Guns & Money (media decides all of a sudden again Trump is "presidential")
Steve Bannon experiencing his worst nightmare : gifs
The Fact Checker: In 119 days, President Trump has made 586 false and misleading claims (five lies a day from the mouth of the Antichrist)
Rosenstein Still Won't Come Clean ... Comey was in fact being fired to stymie the investigation into Trump's Trump's associates ties to Russia, and that Rosenstein chose to make himself a party to that bad act
The Look of Collusion -- The kinds of discussions, signals, hints that would likely count as collusion would not look much different from what we now know happened in the Oval Office with President Trump and the Russian Foreign Minister.
McMaster won't say if President Trump confronted Russian officials about election interference
Top Oversight Dem: I Want Every Note White House Has On Trump's Meeting With Russians
President Mike Pence Would Be in for a World of Pain - POLITICO Magazine
Don't Shed A Tear For Mike Pence, Folks. He knew what he was signing up for.
Abbreviated Pundit Round-up ... Statements such as "well, it can't get any worse" and even the concept of a "bad week" seem ever so quaint.
From 'Nutjob' to "Wacko,' Trump's history of using insulting words mocks mental health (and severe projection disorder)
McCain 'almost speechless' over Trump's 'nutjob' jab ... "do we handle it like Ronald Reagan handled Iran-Contra?" (yeah, Ronnie really "handled" that one)
A Slow-Motion Coup d'dtat? (Jews for Trumpster)
Byron York: Harvard study: CNN, NBC Trump coverage 93 percent negative (because they reported what he was doing)
California Democrats shout down Tom Perez | The Sacramento Bee - booed and heckled Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez after marching from the state Capitol to promote a universal heath care program.
Republicans fearing for their safety as anger, threats mount | TheHill - A growing number of House Republicans are facing physical threats from angry constituents in their districts, leading many to fear for their safety. (what comes around ...)
Chaffetz: Jail individuals leaking information | TheHill (leaking much more important than Trump being a Russian pawn)
The Seth Rich conspiracy shows how fake news still works - The Washington Post (Murdoch at the bottom)
Gingrich spreads conspiracy theory about slain DNC staffer - The Washington Post (evil fuckers will evil)
Alabama lawmakers approve Confederate monument protections - as some Southern cities rethink the appropriateness of keeping such emblems on public property. (traitors to Amercia at work)
Racial slurs thrown at Al Green after calling for impeachment of President Trump - Houston Chronicle - During a town hall meeting Saturday, Congressman Al Green played recordings of threatening voicemail messages left for him after he demanded the impeachment of President Donald Trump on the House floor earlier this week.
The Privatization Prophets - For years, millionaires and religious zealots have teamed up to preach "school choice" in an effort to dismantle public education. (and loot all the money making children stupid so they will vote for stupid)
The New Gilded Age in One Story - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Important journalism coming from the Times: Many wealthy parents find it hard to talk to their kids about the millions of dollars they'll inherit
Military healthcare paying more than $400 for a $46 can of baby formula : news
Ohio supreme court judge calls for legalisation of marijuana : news - Freaking Ohio can get legal marijuana before New York...
Ohio boy, 5, saves overdosed parents after walking two blocks, alone and barefoot, for help : news
Those Rubes Won't Run Themselves! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : the idea that one bad journal article that was approved by an editor and one or two peer reviewers or group of law students or whatever could discredit an entire field is transparently idiotic ... Of course the likes of Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris would fall for this embarrassingly obvious con: And look who got duped: @RichardDawkins. @sapinker. @michaelshermer. @SamHarrisOrg. That's quite a list. (Sam "Charles Murray does great science" Harris +Tuval +penises do cause climate change, sorry)
Crooked Timber: Thoughts on the Hypatia affair (comments meltdown and Holbo)
The Dolezal affair: race, gender, and the micropolitics of identity - brubaker2015.pdf
When scientists saw the mouse heads glowing, they knew the discovery was big - The Washington Post - the lymphatic vessels extended to the brain after all ... many people with Alzheimer's disease also have glaucoma ... glymphatic flow is significantly decreased in the period just before a migraine ... sleeping on your back is somewhat better, while lying on your side appears to produce the best results.
The immune system and the brain: Professor Michal Schwartz talk at ANU - YouTube
Turkeyburgerfries comments on MIL took out a student loan in my wife's name 6 years ago without telling her. Fails to pay them back.
What is the TLDR of your country's history? : AskReddit
Journalist asks the coach why he let one of his players attend his child getting born, while they're in the middle of the playoffs : videos
FCC says it was hit by a DDoS attack, but refuses to show any evidence : technology
Man who saved the NHS from hackers says 'super invasive' British tabloids are forcing him to move house : news
This story follows two people whose computers were infected with the WannaCry ransomware last week. One of them paid the ransom, and the other didn't : technology
Climate stabilization: Planting trees cannot replace cutting CO2 emissions
Antarctica turning green as climate change takes hold, says scientific study
The World's Largest Wind Turbines Have Started Generating Power in England - A single revolution of a turbine's blades can power a home for 29 hours.
Russia's 'Killer Satellites' Re-Awaken
Was Vietnam Winnable? - The New York Times - We killed three million Vietnamese, lost 58,000 of our own people, dropped a greater tonnage of bombs on Vietnam than were dropped in all of World War II, dropped colossal amounts of Agent Orange, which killed thousands and is still making people sick, dropped an immense tonnage of bombs on Laos and Cambodia, killing hundreds of thousands of people and leading in the latter case directly to the genocide of Pol Pot, and the murder of 1.7 million people, and this author is sorry we didn't go further. This is a pretty good definition of moral idiocy.
Whitewash As Public Service: How 9/11 Commission Report Defrauds America - Democratic Underground (how Bush and Cheney got away with mass murder, and Trump will too)
Israeli intel officials shouted at US counterparts after Trump disclosure: report | TheHill
Rouhani Wins Re-election in Iran by a Wide Margin - The New York Times
Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations - The New York Times
First Erdogan's goons attack protesters. Then, the embassy blames the victims. (sound familiar?)
Trump's shameful silence on Turkish protest (birds of a feather)
Enes Kanter says he's being held at a Romanian airport because of his political views (Erdofuck is the boss of Romania
Gunmen rob bus full of federal police in Mexico : news
The Italian government has approved a law ordering parents to vaccinate children or face fines. The authorities have noted a rise in measles cases, which the cabinet blames on "the spread of anti-scientific theories." : news
As Trump prepared for Riyadh visit, Saudis blocked U.S. on terrorist sanctions - The Washington Post - proposal to impose sanctions against a Saudi branch of the terrorist group, documents show. (sound familiar?)
Saudi leaders hail Trump visit as 'reset of regional order' -- visit, which was accompanied by military deals worth $110bn, eases tensions between two nations
People Here Think Trump Is a Laughingstock -- On the president's ill-timed world tour (Berlin)
Conservative media coverage gap on Trump, Obama bows - Axios
Eschaton: The World's Easiest Mark -- We're going to wake up one day and discover he's given Florida to Italy or something.
Trump Twitter Archive
Source: Comey now believes Trump was trying to influence him -
Between Trump and his national security adviser lie 'ferocious' internal politics
Russian officials bragged they could use Michael Flynn to influence Donald Trump, sources say -
Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner 'person of interest in Russia investigation' | The Independent (no US paper will say this yet)
Trump Discovers the Dangers of Governing at Daredevil Speed - The New York Times - What unnerves Mr. Trump and his staff the most is the eerily familiar tempo of these disclosures. It is as if some unseen adversary has copied Mr. Trump's own velocity and ferocity in an attempt to destroy him, several people close to the president said. Sources are shuttling all kinds of information about Mr. Trump to reporters at a pace the White House cannot match. (read that again. the WH can't keep pace with itself!)
How long can this keep going on? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Eschaton: The Leaks - but nobody near to Obama ever (I really can't think of a single example) leaked to make Obama look bad. There are like 15 per day with Trump.
Donald Trump Knows Just How Bad the Russia Investigation Can Get
West Wing aides brace for big attorney bills - POLITICO
Five myths about Watergate - The Washington Post
TIL: Mississippi had its own official Stasi-like spy agency dedicated to opposing civil rights. You can search its archives online. : todayilearned
Why Buy American Campaigns Are Bad - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The interview explores the deep problem with Buy American campaigns because they are anti-worker and xenophobic. (but dumb white voters love them)
'They were not patriots': New Orleans removes monument to Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee -- "They are not just innocent remembrances of a benign history. These monuments celebrate a fictional, sanitized Confederacy ignoring the death, ignoring the enslavement, ignoring the terror that it actually stood for" ("patriots" in defense of slavery" (monuments to whiteness)
2 Texas men get 3 years in prison for beating Sikh man and cutting off his hair : news
Sheriff David Clarke plagiarized portions of his master's thesis on homeland security (of course he did)
Black man will spend six years in Georgia prison despite jury finding him 'not guilty' : news
VIDEO: Elgin Police Officer Arrested For Drunk Driving, Walks Free : news
A new study from the University of Indianapolis published in the American Journal of Public Health finds that citizens living in states with the weakest gun laws are more than twice as likely to be fatally shot by law enforcement. : science
New York enclave with Nazi roots forced to end discriminating policies | US news | The Guardian - German American Settlement League settled anti-discrimination case that ended a policy limiting house ownership to people of German descent (hello, Charles Lingburgh)
The court called the registration process 'quite extensive, as one would imagine for airplanes (next up, FAA rules for paper airplanes)
Walk: A Message To The Class Of 2017
Salem State hack leaves racist language on Twitter account - The Boston Globe
Skeptic ; Reading Room ; The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct: A Sokal-Style Hoax on Gender Studies ("social sciences")
A new academic hoax: a bogus paper on "the conceptual penis"
Autistic people are three times more likely to have hallucinations than the general population, a new study has found. : science
Instagram ranked worst social network for young people's mental health : news
resplendence4 comments on Melania Trump arrives in Saudi Arabia without headscarf - two years after Donald criticised Michelle Obama for showing her hair (Trump effect in therapy)
What sub-reddit did you immediately NOPE the fuck out of? : AskReddit
People of Reddit. What's your proudest fap? : AskReddit
/u/whywilson goes into the history of the_donald and what it has become today. : bestof
SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, ACTA, TPP, ITU, CISPA again, TAFTA. We won them all. In 2015 Net Neutrality, for free access to our Internets. The FCC just signalled the death knell for that hard-won fight. We need to have a serious conversation and fight this, and time is short. Let's have that conversation. : technology
Ten years of Jezebel: the website that changed women's media forever | Life and style | The Guardian
Amazon made a small change to the way it sells books. Publishers are terrified. : books
TIL of the Bodo League Massacre, where 100,000 + suspected communists were killed by the South Korean government in 1950. US, Australian, and British officials witnessed and photographed the political genocide. : todayilearned
Chinese fighter flies inverted over US Air Force jet -
Julian Assange Rape Inquiry Is Dropped but His Legal Problems Remain Enormous - The New York Times
Sweden drops Assange rape investigation - BBC News : news
[UK] Theresa May to create new internet that would be controlled and regulated by government : technology (Torynet!)
Was Erdogan personally involved in his bodyguards' attacks on protesters in D.C.?
The Airport Lawyers Who Stood Up to Trump Are Under Attack | The Nation - ? The Department of Justice is perverting a rule to shut down immigrant-rights lawyers.
Ex-FBI Chief Comey To Testify To Senate Panel In Public Session | HuffPost - Comey was fired by President Trump last week amid an agency probe into alleged Russian meddling in the U.S. election.
Russia probe reaches current White House official, people familiar with the case say - The Washington Post - Current administration officials who have acknowledged contacts with Russian officials include President Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, as well as Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
Why the special counsel should make Trump's aides very nervous (and whose picture do they use?)
Trump-Russia investiigation: Coverup is now part of it | McClatchy Washington Bureau
Vladimir Putin Outsmarts Trump Again with Offer to Provide Transcript of Oval Office Meeting - His offer to provide a transcript of That Meeting is Grade-A trolling.
Trump told Russians firing 'nut job' Comey eased pressure (in his tiny brain for an hour or two until reality tried to sink in again)
rump Told Russians That Firing 'Nut Job' Comey Eased Pressure From Investigation
VP Mike Pence Was Never Informed About Flynn: Source - NBC News
What James Comey Told Me About Donald Trump - Lawfare -- President Trump called the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, weeks after he took office and asked him when federal authorities were going to put out word that Mr. Trump was not personally under investigation ... Trump requested that Comey commit to personal loyalty to the President, and that Comey declined ... he expressed wariness about the then-still-unconfirmed deputy attorney general nominee, Rod Rosenstein ... What loyalty oath had Rosenstein been asked to swear, and what happened at whatever dinner that request took place?
What Comes After Farce? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump Officals: 'He Looks More and More Like a Complete Moron<' (well, somebody finally said it)
The violent rally Trump can't get past
Senate Inquiries Narrow as Rosenstein Suggests Plan to Fire Comey Predated Memo - The New York Times
White House looking at ethics rule to weaken special investigation: sources | Reuters
Approval of President Trump drops to lowest since inauguration: Reuters/Ipsos poll | Reuters - 38 percent of adults approved of Trump while 56 percent disapproved. The remaining 6 percent had "mixed feelings")
Trump's Approval Sinks Further Amid Avalanche of Bad Headlines - Morning Consult - 41 percent saying they still approve of his job performance and 53 percent disapproving
'It's all bullshit': Trump voters have no regrets because they don't trust reports on Comey and Russia (and they go on their "instincts"
Recapping a stunningly bad two weeks for the Trump White House - The Washington Post
Will Republicans ever rein in Trump? Only when this happens. - The Washington Post - 1) Trump's conduct further devolves into truly unhinged autocratic madness 2) Republicans lose both upcoming special elections
Scandals and the American Party System - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- I argue that while the facts uncovered by the Mueller investigation will probably be as bad as Watergate and could well be much worse, given current partisan polarization the political effects are likely to be more like Iran-Contra:
Sources: White House lawyers research impeachment -
Why Do All of These Authoritarians Keep Ending Up in the Trump Administration? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump told aides firing Flynn was a mistake - POLITICO - The president has grown obsessed with defending the tough-talking 58-year-old general,
Roll Call Reporter Says F.C.C. Security Pinned Him to a Wall - The New York Times - after he tried to ask a question of a commissioner. (new rules for reporters in the Trumpocracy)
FCC security guards manhandle reporter, eject him from meeting for asking questions - The Washington Post
FCC under fire after Agency guards 'manhandle' reporter: '...long-time defense reporter John Donnelly was "manhandled" during yesterday's FCC meeting simply for trying to ask a question.' : technology
Ryan: More audio leaks 'cause for concern' | TheHill - after a leak emerged from a 2016 House GOP leadership meeting. (hahahaha)
Q: Does Obamacare have a curse on it that turns all who try to overturn it into bumbling dimwits who can't tell their ass from their elbow? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - A: Of course not. They were already Republicans to begin with.
The Ballad of Holy Joe - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - As Duncan also observed, in addition to the litany of other negative things that can be said about him Joe Lieberman is almost comically unqualified and unfit to be head of the FBI: (rise of the undead Lieberputz)
Since the Beginning of Time, Democrats Have Yearned to Destroy the Legitimacy of Democratic Elections : Lawyers, Guns & Money - I know, the writers have let their material get out of hand, it's not even remotely convincing anymore. I'd stop wtching but I'm urious to see how they manage to tie it all together without just resorting to a nuclear conflagration to wrap everything up.
Biden disses Clinton: 'I never thought she was a great candidate. I thought I was a great candidate'
Hey Joe. Where you going with that foot in your mouth? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Speaking at the SALT hedge fun conference in Las Vegas, Biden told attendees that he believed he could have done a better job taking on President Trump on the campaign trail, CNN reported ... Perhaps the man who twice failed to clinch a nomination for Democratic president is not the best judge of these things?
F.B.I. Once Warned G.O.P. Congressman That Russian Spies Were Recruiting Him - The New York Times - Dana Rohrabacher of California, has been known for years as one of Moscow's biggest defenders
Ben Sasse on Twitter: "holy moly - it looks like @SenSchumer and I are smoking reefer outside a wedding..."
Democrats are falling for fake news about Russia - Vox - Last Thursday, Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) was forced to apologize for spreading a false claim that a New York grand jury was investigating Trump and Russia.
Ivanka and Jared get a rabbinical pass to fly Air Force One - POLITICO - a rabbinical dispensation to travel on the Jewish Sabbath
Taibbi: Roger Ailes Was One of the Worst Americans Ever - Rolling Stone - Fox News founder made this the hate-filled, moronic country it is today
Roger and Me
Roger Ailes' true legacy: His misbegotten swamp child is in the White House ... Ailes built a "news" channel bent on creating an alternate reality. President Trump is his masterwork
Some Loving Tributes To Roger Ailes - Lawyers, Guns & Money
We Live in the World Roger Ailes Broke -- Roger Ailes is survived by Trump, Hannity, this awful time.
Fox News Fires 'The five' Co-Host Bob Beckel Over Racist Comment (Fox full of misogynous racist asshole)
Fox News Fires Bob Beckel For Making Racist Comment : news
Anthony Weiner Pleads Guilty to Federal Obscenity Charge - The New York Times
Huma Abedin finally files for divorce from Anthony Weiner | New York Post
A necessary moment for Anthony Weiner - The Washington Post
Weiner lowered the bar. The bar is now subterranean. We are digging holes in order to accommodate the low altitude of the bar.
The Billionaires' Tea Party - YouTube
The_Errorest comments on Right wing shock jock Alex Jones vowed a win or die fight in Idaho exposing Islam.... ends up apologizing for his behavior.
Steve Harvey Accused of Torturing His Ex-Wife in $60 Million Lawsuit : news
I found a Kent State Class of 1971 yearbook at a yard sale. Hidden inside were 11 one-of-a-kind photos showing military activity before the massacre. [x-post /r/interestingasfuck] : pics
What was the biggest "surprise motherfucker" in history? : AskReddit
14-year-old could face life as sex offender for sex with 12-year-old girlfriend - Houston Chronicle - The idea that a 14-year-old who has sex with a person just a little bit younger then him or her would be treated as the worst of the worst in our society and placed on the sex offender registry is really sick, (they love destroying lives)
Americans Are Paying $38 to Collect $1 of Student Debt : news
Charles Murray is a Hateful Crackpot Whose Views Should Not Be Legitimized - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - To present him as a serious intellectual and victim of political correctness, as Harris apparently did, is simply beyond the pale.
Shilling for Hitler - - Eminent historians defended Holocaust denier David Irving in the name of free speech and scholarship. Deborah Lipstadt's account of her libel trial with Irving proves how colossally wrong they were ... This is the tack Christopher Hitchens has long taken when writing about David Irving,
If each day is only 23h56m4s, over the course of 4 years, we accumulate 95.7 hours of unaccounted time when approximating each day to 24 hours. We give ourselves one extra day in February, which accounts for only 24 hours of that extra time, but where does that extra 71.7 hours go? : askscience
Woman Sued For Texting During Movie Confronts Date, Returns Money : movies
WikiLeaks Reveals 'Athena' CIA Spying Program Targeting All Versions of Windows : technology
ELI5: How were ISP's able to "pocket" the $200 billion grant that was supposed to be dedicated toward fiber cable infrastructure? : explainlikeimfive
Eschaton: Oopsie - It's ancient history now, like the Vietnam war was when I was a kid, but a million+ people died because the Very Serious People in our country got a big boner for war. (and everyone walked away)
Can't Trump Land His Helicopter on This UNESCO World Heritage Site in Peace? Sheesh. (he wanted to land his fucking helicopter on top of Masada)
Special counsel vs. special prosecutor: What's the difference? (good scandal history)
Chelsea Manning was just released from prison. The fight over her legacy is still raging. - Vox - Her impact on the United States will be felt for years to come.
Senate Dems: Deputy AG knew Comey was being removed before writing memo | TheHill - Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein knew FBI Director James Comey was going to be fired before he wrote a memo recommending Come (why, that looks a little ...)
Trump's Worst Nightmare Comes True -- President Trump fired James Comey. He got his old pal, Robert Mueller, instead -- and years of trouble
Donald Trump Lashes Out At 'Witch Hunt' After Special Prosecutor Named | HuffPost - "This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!" (on which he's an expert)
Trump denies telling Comey to back off Flynn investigation - The Washington Post (says Putin has the tapes to prove it)
How Trump Learned About the Special Counsel on Russia - The New York Times - Mr. Trump, who was looking through papers, reacted calmly but defiantly at first, according to two people familiar with the events, saying he wanted to "fight back" (and immediately got on the phone to Putin)
Vladimir Putin took time at a press conference to gloat about Trump - Vox - If the US administration finds it necessary, we are ready to provide the record of the conversation between Trump and Lavrov to the Senate and Congress
Flynn, Manafort Are Key Figures in Russia Probe Mueller Will Lead - NBC News
The Ghost of Mike Flynn Haunts the White House - The Atlantic - short tenure as national-security adviser continues to haunt the White House.
Trump Team Knew Flynn Was Under Investigation Before He Came to White House - The New York Times
Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources | Reuter (not counting Trump getting pee'd on) s
Flynn stopped military plan Turkey opposed -- after being paid as its agent (totally corrupt and treasonous Republicans)
You Need To Connect The Dots Between The Bombshell Michael Flynn Stories | HuffPost - The former national security adviser sided with the Turkish president in delaying an attack on ISIS. But before Turkey paid him, Flynn had wanted Erdogan out.
The Special Counsel Mistake - WSJ - Rosenstein bends to political pressure, and here we go again. (WSJ, publisher of the 42-volume "Clintongagte Papers" has a major sad)
It Isn't Just Narcissism -- National Security Council officials have strategically included Trump's name in "as many paragraphs as we can because he keeps reading if he's mentioned"
New Revelation On Flynn Adds Puzzling Wrinkle To Scandal Timeline
Donald Trump Talked Michael Flynn Into White House Job - The retired general was under investigation. The incoming president was determined to have him as national security adviser anyway.
If you work for Trump, it's time to quit -- After the Comey firing and the Russia intel leak, the I'm -taking-one-for-the-team ship has sailed.
Kellyanne Conway cancels Fox appearance after special prosecutor announcement | TheHill
Trump turns to ex-campaign aides as scandals pile up - POLITICO - He has brought Corey Lewandowski, Jason Miller and David Bossie back into his orbit.
We tracked the Trump scandals on right-wing news sites. Here's how they covered it ... We're experiencing these historical events very differently.
Even historians think the Trump intelligence scandal is unprecedented - Vox
Trump: The End Game - Robert Kuttner -- May 18, 2017 -- If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well It were done quickly -- Shakespeare, Macbeth -- This will happen, and it will happen faster than most people thought. Let's hope Trump doesn't blow us all up first
Conservatives begin to whisper: President Pence - POLITICO - With Trump swamped by self-inflicted scandals, Republicans find solace in the man waiting in the wings.
Trump's Justice -- Neil Gorsuch will be the enduring symbol of a disastrous presidency.
Trump isn't a toddler -- he's s a product of America's culture of impunity for the rich (he's a rick toddler: "I'm the same person I was in first grade")
American Democracy Betrayed | by Elizabeth Drew | The New York Review of Books - Ratf**ked: The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America's democracy (the party of lie, cheat and steal)
Trying Not to Drown in a Flood of Major Breaking News - The New York Times
Sen. Lindsey Graham: Congress should abandon Russia investigation, go back to Clinton's emails. "There's a new front opening here." (the "responsible" Republicans are all just as evil)
Immigration Arrests Rise Sharply as a Trump Mandate Is Carried Out - The New York Times (they love hurting people)
Eschaton: FBI Joe - Leaving aside all of my rather strong opinions about Joe Lieberman, only in DC could he be seriously considered for the job of running the FBI. His relevant experience? None. (pure coincidence)
Wikileaks Jumps In (Julian looks like a Trump-supporting idiot because he is)
Chaffetz to announce early departure from Congress - POLITICO - Several sources in the Capitol say Chaffetz has told his colleagues he will appear on Fox News.
Someone Is Rearranging Ivanka Trump's Barnes & Noble Book Display
Fox New's Kimberly Guilfoyle Won't Take Over for Sean Spicer
Former Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes, An Influential And Destructive Force In Media, Has Died | HuffPost
Roger Ailes - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Roger Ailes, penis-shaped rapist, dies at 77. The strain of being outed as a pervert was too much for his tiny, withered heart, doctors say. Headline from the Karma Daily Post ... for the first time in his life he did something to make the world a better place
A Very Brief Obituary for Roger Ailes, Fox News Chief - A Few Words About Roger Ailes. Very few.
The Revenge of Roger's Angels --How Fox News women took down the most powerful, and predatory, man in media.
Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Hey Goodbye Original - YouTube
Louisiana House Tries to Prevent Confederate Memorial Removals in New Orleans - "The War Between the States" Really.
Controversial N.H. legislator resigns - The Boston Globe - Three weeks ago The Daily Beast website reported that Fisher had created a forum called "The Red Pill" on gthe social network Reddit
Charles Murray is once again peddling junk science about race and IQ - Vox - Podcaster and author Sam Harris is the latest to fall for it ... In an episode that runs nearly two and a half hours, Harris, who is best known as the author of The End of Faith, presents Murray as a victim of "a politically correct moral panic" -- and goes so far as to say that Murray has no intellectually honest academic critics
Satans Little Helper on Twitter: "You know your generation's had it rough when its image of decadence is a vegetable on a slice of bread."
I travel the U.S. reporting on the way weed laws affect people's lives for my show WEEDIQUETTE on VICELAND - AMA : IAmA
Multiverse: Astronomers may have found evidence of parallel universes : science
Watch this bizarre, hilarious history of the whole world - Vox
Teenagers of Reddit, what is something you'd like to ask adults of Reddit? : AskReddit
Erdogan Security Forces Charge Protesters in 'Brutal Attack,' Police say (sounds like Turkey, doesn't it?)
Erdogan bodyguard strangling a yazidi woman protester. : pics
With Friends Like These - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - but it may also be that the security forces of foreign autocrat just directly attacked US residents and citizens on US soil with impunity. Trump's own history suggests he might even applaud such a move. (he's making the autocrat rounds)
There's a Reason Authoritarians Beat Up Protesters in Our Nation's Capital -- Something's changed
All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies
Trump to unveil plans for an 'Arab NATO' in Saudi Arabia
Eschaton: Our Dumb Country -- Obviously Trump doesn't know anything about anything, so any speech subject would be pretty funny, but he of course knows absolutely nothing about Islam and yet "we" think it's perfectly fine and normal to visit another country and talk to them about their state religion. I'm sure they will value his insights and also all the weapons he sells them. (America is having a hard time thinking)
Deputy attorney general appoints special counsel to oversee probe of Russian interference in election - The Washington Post
Justice Department appoints special prosecutor for Russia investigation : news (evangelicals now forgive immorality in elected Republicans +a net swing of 82 percentage points between late October 2016 and mid-March 2017 on whether the economy is good or gad among Rebublicans))
Justice Department appoints special prosecutor for Russia investigation : news ... McCarthy: "two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump"
Robert Mueller as Special Prosecutor for Russia Case Is Bad News for Trump (+Charlyism: "like being a volunteer fireman in hell")
Senate Panel Asks Comey to Testify on Flynn and Trump - The New York Times
The guy who predicted Comey's memos thinks Comey may be trying to take down Trump
cover Story: "Broken Windows" by Barry Blitt (speaking of precient)
Trump's disclosure endangered spy placed inside ISIS by Israel, officials say
Israeli Official: Trump Sharing Intelligence With Russia Is "Worst Fears Confirmed"
Putin offers transcript of Trump meeting with Lavrov - (Putin "tapped" him too) Putin dismissed allegations that Trump had shared top-secret security intelligence with Russian diplomats as "political schizophrenia'
Putin offers to provide Congress with details of Trump disclosures to Russian envoys - The Washington Post
House majority leader to colleagues in 2016: 'I think Putin pays' Trump
"Coney's revenge" may be far from over ... There could be more memos, and there will be lots more leaks.
Gregg Jarrett: Comey's revenge is a gun without powder (said Satan's mouthpiece)
Trump Should Worry: Comey Memo Describes a High Crime - Bloomberg - isn't a legal crime, but it is an impeachable offense.
Did Donald Trump Jr. Just CONFIRM the Details in Comey Memo? ("Truth")
Health Care Puts House in Play - Public Policy Polling - Only 40% of voters approve of the job Trump is doing to 54% who disapprove. For the first time we find more voters (48%) in support of impeaching Trump than there are (41%) opposed to the idea. Only 43% of voters think Trump is actually going to end up serving his full term as President, while 45% think he won't, and 12% aren't sure one way or the other.
Sally Yates Knocks Down WH Talking Points On Flynn Firing In CNN Interview -- "When you call the White House counsel and say you have to meet with them that day about something you can't talk about on the phone and you tell them that their national security adviser may be able to be blackmailed by the Russians, I'm not sure how much more of a siren do you need to sound" (it was just a little "heads up")
Eschaton: The President Of The United States - Only like 25 more years of this.
Eschaton: Obstruction - I remember during Monica Madness when people would suggest "saying truthful things to reporters" was somehow obstruction of justice (because Starr's office had a monopoly on Truth no matter how often they lied).
Eschaton: I Guess Jared Has Something To Hide - ... the stupidest man alive. Or both! (Ja-Red is Russian-compromised)
Wake Up: Kushner's a Baddie Too <
Discussion: watch live: Trump Speaks At US Coast Guard Academy At 11:30 AM ET - TPM Article Topics - The Hive (comments: "Five draft deferments. Five")
Greg Palast on Twitter: "4. If Black votes were counted & Blacks not blocked at polls, Trump would still be grabbing crotches in Trump Tower"
Greg Palast on Twitter: "5. States with highest Black vote drop (MI, WI, OH, NC) had biggest vote list purges and new ID laws. It's not "turn-out" it's Jim Crow (Republican state legislatures rigging the vote for Trump)
For a Vision of What Republicans Want to Do to the Nation, Look at North Carolina - Lawyers, Guns & Money y
White House on edge: "We are kind of helpless"
No One in the White House Likes Or Respects Trump
I wrote 'The Art of the Deal' with Trump. His self-sabotage is rooted in his past -- "When I look at myself today and I look at myself in the first grade, I'm basically the same." (drops mic +he's a rageaholic like his dad)
Republican Darrell Issa gives reporter the silent treatment -- and the finger -- for asking about Comey memos ... Increasingly doubt that he runs again in 2018 (when he'd get killed)
Pretend Clinton did what Trump has done (the "Republican exemption" for stupidity and evil) What is it? How about a breathtaking degree of ignorance, incompetence, immaturity and impulsiveness?
Loose Lips Sink Presidencies - WSJ (dudes, "ship of state")
In encryption push, Senate staff can now use Signal for secure messaging | ZDNet (the encryption Trump want to outlaw)
JOEMENTUM! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Spicer says Trump will meet with FOUR FBI director candidates: Andrew McCabe, Frank Keating, Richard McFeely & Joe Lieberman (from the crypt)
This is How Your Government Responds to Unfavorable News Coverage ... RC Hammond, the State Department's communications advisor (a whole crew of stupid, entitled abusive psychos)
MSNBC Ending Lawrence O'Donnell "The Last Word" Show Despite Top Ratings ... MSNBC is taking a turn to the right (going full Trumpeteer)
GOP Lawmaker Told To 'Duck Off' After Griping About Duckling Ramp | HuffPost - Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) griped that the ramps were examples of government waste: (evil idiot gets buried on Twitter: "We could fly them down to Mar-a-lago every weekend if yo'd like")
Colbert gives CBS its longest late-night winning streak in 7 years : television
TIL that states such as Alabama and South Carolina still had laws preventing interracial marriage until 2000, where they were changed with 40% of each state opposing the change : todayilearned (just a little "Southern tradtion")
Recreational pot challenges medical shops : bostontrees -
'This is crazy' : Austin man sues date for texting during movie -- Brandon Vezmar, 37, of Austin filed the claim Thursday against his date (instantly infamous, good move Brandon)
what the Dunning-Kruger effect is and isn't -- So the bias is definitively not that incompetent people think they're better than competent people. Rather, it's that incompetent people think they're much better than they actually are. ... incompetent people lack the skills they'd need in order to know they're incompetent (too stupid to know how stupid they are) <
University of Houston physicists have discovered a catalyst that can split water into hydrogen and oxygen, composed of easily available, low-cost materials and operating far more efficiently than previous catalysts, reported in the Proceedings of the Natural Academy of Sciences. : science
Google Lens sure looks like witchcraft : videos
India cancelling 4 gigawatt coal power plant as it moves away from coal : news
Gulf states offer unprecedented steps to normalize Israel ties in exchange for partial settlement freeze - Middle East News - Haaretz
Israel appoints first female judge to Sharia Court : news
Denmark teen girl convicted of bomb attack plot on schools - CBS News
The King of Thailand is suing Facebook to keep photos like this of him in a crop top offline. : pics
Impact of International Monetary Fund programs on child health - the presence of IMF conditionality decreases the protective effect of parents's education on child malnourishment by no less than 17%. We observe similar adverse effects in sanitation, shelter, and health care access (including immunization), but a beneficial effect in countering water deprivation. (austerity can never fail)
Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation - The New York Times (irony alert: Comeey 'taped' him)
Today's 5:30 Impeachable Offense Report - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Alone in the Oval Office, Mr. Trump began the discussion by condemning leaks to the news media, saying that Mr. Comey should consider putting reporters in prison for publishing classified information, according to one of Mr. Comey's associates (..."Tasmanian Devil trying to do ballet")
Trump Asking Comey to Drop FBI's Flynn Investigation Would Be Impeachable Offense - President Trump is outmatched by James Comey ... You just know there are more memos. There are probably dozens of them. And you know that Comey and his minions know precisely the order in which to dole them out.
Trump Officials on Comey Memo: 'don't See How Trump Isn't Completedly Fucked' ... "I feel like running down the hallway with a fire extinguisher," one senior Trump administration official told
Conservatives Politicize Deaths of Seth Rich, Vince Foster to Distract from Trump Issues
JJ Grey & Mofro - The Hottest Spot in Hell - YouTube
Israel Said to Be Source of Secret Intelligence Trump Disclosed to Russians - The New York Times
Trump can't be trusted with sensitive information -- and now the world knows
News from The Associated Press - A senior European intelligence official tells The Associated Press that his country might stop sharing information with the United States if it confirms President Donald Trump shared classified details with Russian officials.
The Law Can't Stop Trump. Only Impeachment Can.
When the World Is Led by a Child - The New York Times
Eschaton: Because I Am Not Serious - Trump is a senile old man with some sort of degenerative brain condition and he will brag to anybody about anything ... despite the fact that his handlers keep telling the press that they have to treat him like a 5 year old, no one will come right out and say the obvious: Trump is in serious mental decline and also he runs the world.
The dangerous distrust between Trump and the national security agencies - The Washington Post
McMaster and Tillerson are complicit in Trump's dishonesty, so must they resign?
The Terrible Cost of Trump's Disclosures -- reported divulgence of top-secret codeword information to the Russians are only beginning.
This is why Trump's loose tongue has compromised U.S. security (loose lips sink the ship of state)
Donald Trump Says He Has The Right To Share Info With The Russians | HuffPost - Who cares if the information is classified?
Trump can do whatever he wants. God help us. - The Washington Post
At a Besieged White House, Tempers Flare and Confusion Swirls - The New York Times -- reporters could hear senior aides shouting from behind closed doors as they discussed a defense after Washington Post reporters informed them of an article they were writing ... There is a fear among some of Mr. Trump's senior advisers about leaving him alone in meetings with foreign leaders ... Mr. Trump, a hasty and indifferent reader of printed briefing materials, simply did not possess the interest or knowledge of the granular details of intelligence gathering to leak specific sources and methods of intelligence gathering that would do harm to United States allies. (the stupid defense)
Sally Yates: Russians had 'real leverage' over Michael Flynn
what we know so far about Team Trump's ties to Russian interests (they are all Russian spies)
Feds Subpoena Records for $3.5M Mystery Mortgage on Manafort's Home - NBC News
The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump - Parts 1 & 2 [Zembla and] - YouTube
Right and Left React to Trump's Sharing Classified Information With Russia, and More
Roger Stone and Alex Jones warn of attempt to remove Trump claiming he has Alzheimer's
Outraged Sean Hannity Wants White House To Seize More Control Over Media | HuffPost - Reporters would have to submit questions in writing on pre-selected topics.
Family of slain Seth Rich says reports he fed WikiLeaks DNC info are untrue - The Washington Post - rejected Fox News reports that he had leaked work e-mails to WikiLeaks before he was fatally shot last year in the District
GOP Class Warfare - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Once again, the primary threat to this nation is not Donald Trump, it'S the Republican Party (slash spending so they can give it to the rich)
The most important part of the Republican health bill is mostly getting ignored - Vox - sweeping cuts to Medicaid, which have the potential take health care from tens of millions of Americans. (Republicans tell old people to just die already, supporters clap)
Undue Burden: Trying to Get an Abortion in Louisiana - The New York Times (white women-hating patriarchy at work in the Christian-values state of Louisiana)
My Family's Slave: one of the best articles I have read in a long time : books
A Story of Slavery in Modern America - The Atlantic - She lived with us for 56 years. She raised me and my siblings without pay. I was 11, a typical American kid, before I realized who she was.
The Sacrifices of an Immigrant Caregiver - The New Yorker - The lives of the immigrant women who tend to the needs of others.
Playboy model Dani Mathers faces jail after secretly Snapchatting photo of naked woman at gym : news
In a PR blitz before his trial, Bill Cosby blames racism for sexual assault claims - The Washington Post - The comedian invoked feminist author Gloria Steinem during his interview. (and feminisism)
Gang member who killed transgender woman he was dating is first to be sentenced under federal hate crime law - The Washington Post - Vallum admitted that he killed Williamson because she was transgender and because he feared reprisal from other members of the gang, which forbids homosexual relationships.
A teen chugged a latte, a Mountain Dew and an energy drink. The caffeine binge led to his death. - The Washington Post
He drank a cafe latte, a Diet Mountain Dew and an energy drink. Caffeine killed him. : WTF
Woman arrested for OUI was carrying lizard, police say - The Boston Globe - She has been arraigned 109 times in her adult life, police said.
"It Gets Better" Is Bad Advice For Gay Kids, Study Claims. Researchers say that simply imaging a better future, however well-intentioned the idea, is not the best coping strategy for teens dealing with stress related to their sexual orientation, and in some cases may even do more harm than good.
New research shows that exposure to psychological abuse between parents is more damaging to children's wellbeing in the long term than physical domestic violence. Psychological abuse can include, name-calling, intimidation, isolation, manipulation and control. : science
What surprisingly IS scientifically proven? : AskReddit - People with blue eyes are more susceptible to noise-induced hearing loss.
Are quantum entangled particles subject to time dilation? : askscience
Steroid Injections No Better than Saline in Knee Osteoarthritis Trial (N=140) | JAMA : science
Ex-child bride seeks to collect millions from Utah polygamist leader : news
[Serious]What's the creepiest thing you've seen while driving at night? : AskReddit
Without saying your age, what is something from your childhood you remember, but a younger person wouldn't? : AskReddit
TIL that anyone who removes Hawaiian rocks from the islands is said to be cursed. Every year people mail back thousands of pounds of rock, sand, and shells to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, many with reports of how their lives were ruined by the curse. : todayilearned
Student who stabbed boyfriend may avoid jail as it would damage her career : news
Facebook promised to tackle fake news. But the evidence shows it's not working | Technology | The Guardian
Cyberattack Spreads in Asia; Thousands of Groups Affected - The New York Times -- Vladimir V. Putin, blamed the United States, noting that the malicious software used in the attack had originally been developed by the National Security Agency
China, Addicted to Bootleg Software, Reels From Ransomware Attack - The New York Times ("bootleg" = "stolen") If those behind the ransomware attack profited from the hacking, they may have figured out how to do something that has been beyond Microsoft: making money from Windows in China.
Ransomware's Aftershocks Feared as U.S. Warns of Complexity
WannaCry hackers had no intention of giving users their files back even if they pay : technology
Doxing the hero who stopped WannaCry was irresponsible and dumb : technology -- Man, fuck the British Press.
Wannacry and Lazarus Group - the missing link? - Securelist
The need for urgent collective action to keep people safe online: Lessons from last week's cyberattack
Global Wana Ransomware Outbreak Earned Perpetrators $26,000 So Far
Hackers Holding Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean' For Ransom
Senior member of Trump team said to tell Israelis: Western Wall is not your territory | The Times of Israel
Top US officials warn Trump against moving US embassy to Jerusalem -
Scoop: Sheldon Adelson "furious" about Tillerson's comments - Axios (he looks the part)
Chelsea Manning to be an active duty soldier with health care after release - Her lawyer, Chase Strangio, added in the ACLU statement that Manning had been abused at Leavenworth but did not specify the type of abuse.
North Korea Says New Missile Can Carry Large' Nuclear Warhead
If Americans Can Find North Korea on a Map, They're More Likely to Prefer Diplomacy ((bomb the fuck out of Cylon, Mongolia and Australia)
How Venezuela Stumbled to the Brink of Collapse - The New York Times (the third-grader drove the bus over a cliff after Chavez wrecked the country)
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador - The Washington Post -- Moscow would be keenly interested in identifying that source and perhaps disrupting it.
Bombshell: Initial Thoughts on the Washington Post's Game-Changing Story (Kislyak again)
Ynetnews News - US intel sources warn Israel against sharing secrets with Trump administrati...
Russia Redux: Republican Senators Confront Another Trump Disaster Talking Points Memo
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador : news
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador - The Washington Post
Trump Revealed Highly Classified Intelligence to Russia, in Break With Ally, Officials Say - The New York Times (Trump has no "allies," only "subjects")
NSA Boss: Section 702 Should Be Renewed Because It Helped Prove Russia Hacked Election | Techdirt
Political chaos in Washington is a return on investment for Moscow - The Washington Post
Dead man lying - - Unyielding dishonesty and belligerence have landed Trump one investigation away from impeachment - We've reached a magical time in the great story unfolding before us, the time when everybody knows that Trump is guilty, but the verdict is not yet in
Can American democracy survive Donald Trump? - It might not end with a bang, but the president is doing deep, lasting damage.
Preet Bharara: Are there still public servants who will say no to the president? - The Washington Post
Under Trump, inconvenient data is being sidelined - The Washington Post - The Trump administration has removed or tucked away a wide variety of information that until recently was provided to the public, limiting access, for instance, to disclosures about workplace violations, energy efficiency, and animal welfare abuses.
G.O.P. Senators Pull Away From Trump, Alarmed at His Volatility - The New York Times
Trump's Madness Invites Mutiny
How Trump gets his fake news - POLITICO - The president rarely surfs the web on his own, but his staff have made a habit of slipping news stories on to his desk -- including the occasional internet hoax.
Our Presidential Manchild - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Sen. Lindsey Graham Says 'You Can't Be Cute About Tapes,' But Doubts They Exist | HuffPost
Yes, Trump Thinks He Can Defeat The Russia Probe | HuffPost - betting that his foes are too weak to stop him
The Priming of Mr. Donald Trump - The New York Times (his brain pump needs priming so he can trickle-down on you some more)
Republicans Try to Turn Healthcare into Welfare - So they can demonize another group of "moochers" ... First, we had John Shimkus, a congressgaloot from Illinois, who was tired of having his pocket picked by pregnant women (but dickpills are fine)
Trump's Budget Director Says Fat, Lazy Americans Don't Deserve Health Care
Supreme Court Declines to Hear North Carolina Appeal in Voting Rights Case - The Court refused to grant certiorari on an appeal by North Carolina to review a lower court's decision to shitcan the voting regulations passed by the Republican majorities in the state legislature
Frelinghuysen Targets Activist in Letter to Her Employer - WNYC News - WNYC - The most powerful congressman in New Jersey, Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, wrote a fundraising letter in March to a board member of a local bank, warning him that a member of an activist group opposing the Republican worked at his bank. (mark of the Beast or get lost)
US Support for Gay Marriage Edges to New High | Gallup - 64% of Americans say same-sex marriage should be legal -- For the first time, majority of Protestants support gay marriage - Support for same-sex relations has also climbed, now at 72% (and Trump at 39%: gay is almost twice as popular)
Women Can Wear Pants on Fox, But Not Much Else Has Changed
Campus Life: Locked, Loaded and Loopy - The New York Times - Two more states -- Arkansas and Georgia -- have passed "campus carry" laws permitting licensed gun owners to pack concealed firearms at public universities, on the bizarre premise that students will be more secure from the nation
As Nationwide Gangs Fracture, Bullets Fly in New York - The New York Times
Marvell Cancelling Black Panther & The Crew, One of Its Most Important Comics Right Now -- Ta-Nehisi Coates and Yona Harvey (Trumpism)
When the Immune System Thwarts Lifesaving Drugs - The New York Times
Girls of Reddit, what's the male equivalent of eating a banana or licking ice cream seductively? : AskReddit
Fyre Festival Was Buried Under Millions in Debt Before It Even Began - Bloomberg - First ticket holders sued. Now investors who backed the doomed millennial extravaganza want their money back.
Amazon is now worth two Walmarts - Recode - On the 20th anniversary of its IPO, Amazon's market caps stands at $459 billion. Walmart's? $228 billion
The FCC Spent Last Week Trying To Make Net Neutrality Supporters Seem Unreasonable, Racist & Unhinged | Techdirt (and their Russian hackers)
An Analysis of the FCC Comment Bots : technology ... (subtract the bots, then) Pro Title II: 395,353 -Anti Title II: 743
Fake uses "?h??????.com" to draw users to install adware : technology
Startup Targets The TI Calculators Your Kid Lugs to Class : technology
Cyber-attack has hit more than 200,000 victims in 150 countries, says Europol chief, warning of "escalating threat" : news
After Ransomware Attack, Businesses Brace For Monday Morning | HuffPost - Cybersecurity experts fear the ransomware worm could cause new chaos as employees log back on.
With New Digital Tools, Even Nonexperts Can Wage Cyberattacks - The New York Times
Macron's Victory Explodes France's Political Landscape -- A generation of political leaders has been swept aside. New ones are emerging. Parties are collapsing or struggling to remake themselves as politicians scramble to form alliances to maintain their power.
Follow the data: does a legal document link Brexit campaigns to US billionaire? | Technology | The Guardian - how a confidential legal agreement is at the heart of a web connecting Robert Mercer to Britain's EU referendum (the Blackwater is deep)
NBC/WSJ Poll: Just 29 Percent Approve of Trump's Firing of James Comey - NBC News (58% of Republifucks) job-approval rating stands at 39 percent (and sinking)
2016 election turnout: White less-educated voters held steady while minorities fell. - Washington Post
Poll: 78 Percent think Russian investigation should be independent | TheHill
adamant2009 comments on Poll: 78 Percent think Russian investigation should be independent ... I can say that, when I criticized the actions of a President Bush as a child, I was encouraged to leave the country if I didn't like it
FiveThirtyEight's Pollster Ratings | FiveThirtyEight
In 1974, Republicans put country before Party and told Nixon it was time to go. Today's G.O.P. seems unlikely to live up to its predecessor's example (they are all treasonous traitors)
'Nixon speed-dating' with Donald Trump -- Nixonian? It took Richard Nixon five years and six months to compile such a record
Warner: I will 'absolutely' subpoena tapes between Comey and Trump if they exist
Former Employees of Donald Trump Say They Saw Him Tape Conversations - WSJ - Three former employees say they saw Mr. Trump tape phone calls in Trump Tower before he was president
Chuck Schumer Says Next FBI Director Should 'Not Be A Partisan Politician' | HuffPost - You need a really good prosecutor here, somebody who knows how to do it
James Clapper On Donald Trump: 'Our Institutions Are Under Assault' | HuffPost
Russian interference in 2016 election has been 'well documented,' Tillerson says
ZEMBLA - The dubious friends of Donald Trump: the Russians - YouTube
Trump Boasts That His Im peachment Will Get Higher TV Ratings Than All Other Impeachments - The New Yorker
The Election Is Over, but Trump Can't Seem to Get Past It
Nikki Haley: Trump is 'CEO of the country,' can 'fire anyone he wants' (in America, Inc with Republicans as his 'board of directors'- they never were very good at the democracy thing)
Trump is said to be frustrated after Comey firing - The Boston Globe - After four months in office, President Trump has become distrustful of some of his White House staff, heavily reliant on a handful of family members and longtime aides, and furious that the White House's attempts to quell the firestorm over the FBI and congressional Russia investigations only seem to add more fuel, according to White House officials.
Scoop: Trump, irked at cabinet and staff, mulls sweeping shake-up - Axios - that could take out everyone from Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and chief strategist Steve Bannon, to counsel Don McGahn and press secretary Sean Spicer, White House sources tell me.
Prevezon: Russian money-laundering details remain dark as US settles fraud case - - The abrupt conclusion has some involved in the trial wondering why this Russian investigation had been cut short.
The Widening Blast Radius of the Fox News Scandal - politico Magazine - The metastasizing Ailes affair is spilling over into the politics of New York, Virginia and the White House. (Fox will move into the WH)
President Trump eyeing Fox News producers and hosts to take over his communications team - - Trump is unhappy with the message coming out of the White House, but that might have to do with the message itself
The Health Care Bill's Insults to Women
Some Americans spend billions to get teeth whiter. Some wait in line to get them pulled. | The Washington Post - You can work full time but not have the money to fix your teeth -- visible reminders of the divide between rich and poor (dentists were always for rich people)
The Autocrat's Language -- Trump's word-piles fill public space with static. This is like having the air we breathe replaced with carbon monoxide. It is deadly.
The most frustrating thing about Ivanka Trump: Washington Post opinion | - The most frustrating thing about Trump is that she doesn't seem to do much of anything at all. (learned from her daddy)
The New York Times Insults Your Intelligence Again - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - So Erickson was still defending the farcically transparent pretext Trump used to justify firing Comey after Trump himself had admitted that it was a pretext. It's not news that Erickson is a clown, but shouldn't he be doing it at the Daily Caller or something? (NYT fucks you again)
Trump talk is everywhere, even at the strip club - The Washington Post
Torch-wielding protesters gather at Lee Park | Local | -- everal dozen torch-wielding protesters gathered in Charlottesville's Lee Park just after 9 p.m. Saturday, chanting "You will not replace us," "Russia is our friend" and "Blood and soil" (defending Robert E Lee statue, Nazis or Russkys, you decide)
Protestors chant Nazi phrases, wield torches near Confederate statue in Charlottesville, Va. : news
These Missouri Republicans just voted to cut St Louis minimum wage by 23%. The minimum wage was already less than living wage required for family of two adults and 1 minor. : pics (a different species of humanity)
Eschaton: Generation Lead - We are a cruel country. -- A long-running battle to establish a database to monitor for prescription drug abuse in Missouri -- the only state without one -- is about to hit a boiling point. On one side is Republican state Senator Rob Schaaf, who once said that when people die of overdoses that "just removes them from the gene pool."
NC Senate Republican cut education funding from Democrats's districts (only Republican voters funded, no discrimination there)
Rules would limit number of feedings in Little Rock parks | | - capitol city is being asked to adopt rules limiting the number of times groups of homeless people can be fed in city parks. (once every three months, max)
Appeal in boy's burp arrest case relies on Gorsuch dissent
In Arizona, teachers can now be hired with absolutely no training in how to teach - The Washington Post -- "will entice great teachers into the classroom" (all the teachers left the state after Republicans fucked education)
Children find parents dead of apparent heroin/fentanyl overdose in Ohio home : news
How Google Took Over the Classroom - The New York Times (chromebooks and t he cloud)
American Parents Are Ditching The Name 'Caitlyn' In All Its Forms | HuffPost (Jenner destroyed the Caitlyn brand)
Colorado: Hunter claims he was sexually assaulted by a sasquatch (footprints to prove it)
The Universe in a Nutshell | by Tamsin Shaw | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books (boxwood prayer beads)
ADHD treatment tied to lower car crash risk - The Washington Post -- men with the condition had a 49 percent increased risk of being in a crash and women had a 44 percent increased risk.
TIL the deadliest earthquake of all time occurred in China in 1556. Roughly 830,000 people died. : todayilearned
First genetic locus for anorexia nervosa identified in genome-wide analysis of ~3500 patients and ~11000 controls : science
This is democracy manifest. : pics
The only existing recording of Hitler's normal voice. Secretly recorded while he was in Finland in 1942. : videos
What would you say to make a 33 year old feel really old? : AskReddit
OliverFitzPatrick comments on Gay guys that constantly make a point about disliking "gay culture" and how they don't want to be associated with it.
FCC Filings Overwhelmingly Support Net Neutrality Once Spam is Removed [Data Analysis] : technology (Putin hates your internets)
TIL: the US had slow average internet speed compared to the rest of the world due to (2) main things: (1) the expense of replacing old wire technologies and (2) their is no law yet stating that ISPs have to update their wiring : todayilearned
How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet | (Aug 18 2016)
Bokai comments on Not exactly what this sub is about, but still fits ( X-post r/tumblr)
NASA Denies Trump's Request to Send Astronauts Past the Moon on New Rocket (Dumpster wanted a billion-dollar photo-op and fuck it if they get killed)
Trump's Expected Pick for Top USDA Scientist Is Not a Scientist -- Sam Clovis likely to be named undersecretary of the USDA department that manages research on everything from climate change to nutrition. (he will rein-in those librul "scientists")
You are paddleboarding next to approximately 15 great white sharks chopper tell Calif. beachgoers
Hacking Attack has Security Experts Scrambling to Contain Fallout - The New York Times
What We Know and Don't Know About the International Cyberattack ... The Russian Interior Ministry confirmed in a statement that 1,000 of its computers had also been hit.
U.K. Health Service Ignored Warnings for Months - The New York Times - numerous warnings over the last year that many of its computer systems were outdated and unprotected from the type of devastating cyberattack it suffered on Friday. (Tories cheaped out, of course)
Global ransomware attack shows why Apple refused to hack terrorist's iPhone
Behind China's $1 Trillion Plan to Shake Up the Economic Order (while Republicans let America's infrastructure rot)
Trump at Liberty University commencement: 'In America, we don't worship government; we worship God' (and yer lookin' at Him)
Isolated and agitated, Trump rattles White House from within - (roving the halls, bellowing "I won!") going a full week without hearing the applause and adulation that often brightens his mood.
Trump's Tape Threat Against Comey Was Inevitable - ou just had to know it somehow would come around to tapes ... When the president* decided to play two-bit loan shark with James Comey on Friday morning, it was the final plot twist that sent the saga sailing off into Nixonland. And you knew that, once people started talking about tapes, there was going to be a press secretary twisting slowly in the wind. From NBC News: (+OMFG Trump hired Russian law firm to defend him against colluding with Russians)
Trump must be impeached. Here's why -- The time has come for Congress to launch an impeachment investigation of President Trump for obstruction of justice.
Believe it or not, Senate's Russia investigation is moving faster than its Watergate counterpart 44 years ago
Trump's warning to Comey deepens doubts about his respect for the rule of law (it was always can they control him, don't act surprised now)
Trump's own words add fuel to questions about the legality of firing Comey -- With his own words over the past two days, President Trump has vastly escalated the stakes and potential consequences of his decision to fire James B. Comey as FBI director, provoking questions about whether his motivations and tactics may have run afoul of the law.
White House 'system failed' with Comey firing, but Trump pushed the buttons
Richard Burr Leads Russia Inquiry, Whether He Likes It or Not - The New York Times (he doesn't)
As Trump Erupts In Crazy, Most Republicans Hold Fast -- For Now | HuffPost - Party operatives say officeholders may start to bail when their own elections are on the line next year
Rod Rosenstein Still Sees No Need For A Special Prosecutor On Russia | HuffPost - Apparently, the outcry over Trump's firing of the FBI director changes nothing
Inside Trump's Coming War with the F.B.I. - "Agents are pissed off at the way he was fired, the total disrespect with which it was handled. It was a slap in the face to the F.B.I., to everybody in the F.B.I"
Eschaton - It isn't really about election meddling, though that might be the hook, it's about the money... (why he fired Preet Bharara)
The Senate Starts to Look at Trump's Businesses ("I don't know Rusia, I've never been to Russia")
Donald Trump's Financial Ties to Russian Oligarchs and Mobsters Detailed In Explosive New Documentary from the Netherlands -- Dutch TV did what no American TV network dares, suggesting Trump's past includes illegal racketeering.
'It Took My Brath Away': Chris Wallace Offers Stunning, Must-Watch Critique of Trump White House
'No one can talk sense into him' : CNN guest says even Ivanka seems to have lost control of President Trump
Trump stokes fears of how he'd handle real crisis - After chaotic, self-inflicted week many fear chaos Trump can't congtrol (no wedding ring either)
Election Is Over, but Trump Still Can't Seem to Get Past It (he won a lot of the land with no people in it)
Donald Trump thinks exercise will kill you - Vox - Which doctors believed in the Victorian era. Redirects to Official White House Website | Hollywood Reporter
What Arouses Cillizza - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Even for Cillizza, this is incredibly embarrassing. (mark of the Beast of the Land)
Chris Cillizza on Twitter: "Well: 1. I didn't write it 2. I didn't "post" it 3. Open-mindedness is a virtue"
Jason Chaffetz Has Been Telling Republicans He Will Join Fox News
A Top Trump Official Just Flunked The Jimmy Kimmel Test | HuffPost - It's fine to pay for sick kids, Mulvaney says, but diabetics are another story. ("life-style choices" and "undeserving poor" so fuck off and die)
Tea party bias case: IRS execs say lives at risk - Lois Lerner and Holly Paz both have argued in recent court filings that the threat to their lives outweighs the public's right to hear their testimony about how IRS employees in Cincinnati and Washington, D.C., handled applications for tax-exempt status from tea party groups. (teahadists)
SuburbanDinosaur comments on Racist has a Bad Day (Bonus Mugshot)
Sinclair Requires TV Stations to Air Segments That Tilt to the Right - The New York Times
Where Anti-Tax Fervor Means 'All Services Will Cease' (no libraries because idiots believed Republican lies about "government waste," good luck with yourxsy stupid kids)
Anti-Gay Attacks Not Covered by West Virginia Hate Crime Law, Court Rules - The New York Times
Louisiana Can't Afford to Pay for Public Defenders, So Inmates Are Pleading Guilty (their plan all along)
Former Sheriff Lee Baca defiant to the end, even after prison sentence - LA Times - Baca was convicted in March of obstruction of justice and conspiracy charges for the steps he and his subordinates took after they learned of an FBI investigation into corruption and abuses in the sheriffs' department-run jails
11-year-old escapes after kidnapping, rape; search for attacker underway in Orange Co. : news
Brearley, Manhattan Girls' School, Pursuing Allegations of Past Abuse
UPDATE: The janitor who got fired : videos ... Wooooooow fuck Susan Offerman, I hope that cunt gets fired for this. I've had managers like her, and those kind of people have no right to be in any sort of position of power (Fulton County Schools, GA)
New York Vast Flop (WTC how to do things completely wrong)
New hepatitis C infections triple due to opioid epidemic - -- An estimated 3.5 million people, mainly baby boomers, in the United States currently have an infection with hepatitis C
New Orleans mayor: Why I'm m taking down my city's Confederate monuments ... New Orleans was also America's largest slave market: a port where hundreds of thousands of souls were brought, sold and shipped up the Mississippi River to lives of misery and torture (just a little Southern tradition of treason in defense of slavery)
What is the best documentary you've ever watched? : AskReddit
What's the scariest short story you've ever read? : books
Is an Open Marriage a Happier Marriage? - The New York Times - What the experiences of nonmonogamous couples can tell us about jealousy, love, desire and trust.
The Rise and (Maybe) Fall of Influencers - The New York Times (instabranding instamodels and twitter princesses)
Gigi Hadid's Vogue Arabia Cover Sparks Backlash --Some view it as an example of cultural appropriation.
The Body and Us | by Riccardo Manzotti | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books
Dreaming Outside Our Heads | by Riccardo Manzotti | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books - giving dream experiences the same status as ordinary waking experiences. They are both the result of the same processes of causation.
Is Consciousness an Illusion? | by Thomas Nagel | The New York Review of Books
The Body Is Not a Computer -- stop thinking of it as one (techbro dream: head transplants on "donor" bodies)
In a clinical first, researchers demonstrate that transplantation of pancreatic islet cells within a tissue-engineered platform can successfully engraft and achieve insulin independence in type 1 diabetes. : science
New Gene Tests Pose a Threat to Insurers - The New York Times - An estimated 5.5 million people in the United States have Alzheimer's disease, and these patients constitute half of all nursing home residents. Yet very few people in the United States have been tested for the ApoE4 gene ... tests could be a disaster, sending risky patients in search of policies even as those with fewer risks shy away, damaging an already fragile business.
ELI5: why are higher levels of intelligence in humans associated with lack of emotion? : explainlikeimfive
A Gene Mystery: How Are Rats With No Y Chromosome Born Male? - The New York Times
Stem cells in plants and animals behave surprisingly similarly: study | Lund University
Chronic childhood illness linked with later life mental health problems | EurekAlert! Science News - Research by University of Sussex finds evidence to suggest that the effect of chronic physical illness in childhood persists long after childhood and adolescence
Science objectives / Gaia / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA
Gaia 3D Star Map : InternetIsBeautiful
Lighthouse : pics
Russia Photo Gallery
Get started | Learning Music (Beta)
Repost from about a year ago. The Autocanonizer - This site turns any song into a canon by playing it against a copy of itself in areas with similar beats. : InternetIsBeautiful
Over The Rainbow (autocanonized) by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole
Can confirm... : funny - The man bun initially struck me as this hipsterly, self-aware male mocking expectations of masculinity by having an even more noticeable hair bun than other long haired fellows. Often paired with the man beard they make a great pairing of perceived indifference to judgment by appearing not just wily, but effeminate and thereby bold. Boldness in action is manliness in its most distilled form
Florida Man Arrested for Driving Backwards but in the Right Direction. : funny -- he was driving in reverse because he just bought the Buick and that's the only gear that worked.
This is why women live longer than men : videos
This is the evolution of US girl names, since 1880 to 2013. : videos (Mary dominates until WWII when Linda takes over and then things change a lot)
What is the most absent-minded thing you've ever done? : AskReddit
Man admits to tricking dozens of women into sex, told them they were 'rehearsing' for porn roles : news
What really cool thing was killed by modern technology? : AskReddit
5 is like an honorary even number. : Showerthoughyts
Pregnancy test commercials always advertise people happy the result says pregnant. I bet a lot more people are happy when it says not pregnant. : Showerthoughts
If the Earth was really flat cats would have pushed everything off it by now. : Showerthoughts
TIL that the father that shot down that expensive drone for spying on his teenage daughter while she was sun bathing, was released of all charges and the courts dismissed the cases : todayilearned
What are the funniest WiFi names you've encountered? : AskReddit
HP issues fix for 'keylogger' found on several laptop models : news - "accidentally left in...." uhh huh, sure.
Resistance - The free market is a harsh mistress edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- Sulzberger addresses subscribers who specifically mentioned the hiring of Stephens as a reason that they ended their subscriptions.
Germany Just Smashed an Energy Record, Generating 85% Electricity From Renewables : technology
Hackers Hit Dozens of Countries Exploiting Stolen N.S.A. Tool - The New York Times - extensive cyberattacks on Friday that hit dozens of countries, severely disrupting Britain's public health system and wreaking havoc on tens of thousands of computers elsewhere, including Russia's ministry for internal security ... The malware was circulated by email. Targets were sent an encrypted, compressed file that, once loaded, allowed the ransomware to infiltrate its targets. (+FedEx)
at least 16 hospitals or doctor's offices
Ransomeware Cyberattack Mega-Thread : technology
Wcrypt Tracker
Global WannaCry ransomware outbreak uses known NSA exploits | Emsisoft Blog
An NSA-derived ransomware worm is shutting down computers worldwide | Ars Technica - Wcry uses weapons-grade exploit published by the NSA-leaking Shadow Brokers.
This Is the Secret Court Order That Forced the NSA to Delete the Data It Collected About You : technology - This Is the Secret Court Order That Forced the NSA to Say It Deleted the Data It Collected About You, (it really still has it)
Trump's desperate efforts to protect himself Richard North Patterson May 10, 2017
The epic and bizarre first 110 days of the Trump presidency - The Washington Post (YOU WILL WATCH THE TRUMP SHOW)
Poll: Majority of Americans Think Comey's Dismissal Was Not Appropriate (79% Republicans are very happy)
Trump Warning to Comey Prompts Questions on 'Tapes' ... "For a president who baselessly accused his predecessor of illegally wiretapping him, that Mr. Trump would suggest that he, himself, may have engaged in such conduct is staggering"
Five Reasons Why the Comey Affair Is Worse Than Watergate - The Atlantic
Why James Comey's Firing Is a Turning Point for Trump - Nobody is in control of the narrative right now ... But there is, at the moment, a sense of a great turning in events. Nobody is in control of the story right now, and ordinarily, that would be a cause for concern. But chaos turns upon itself eventually, and that may be the best shot we have.
A new report says Trump demanded Comey's loyalty. That could be devastating.
Trump's warning to Comey deepesn she said doubts about his respect for the rule of law
Rosenstein role in Comey firing raises more questions than answers - The Washington Post
'I wish he'd quit tweeting' -- Many Trump backers say it's time for him to put down his phone -- "The occasional typo or poor choice of words shows he's down-to-earth and not trying to be some bigwig that thinks he's above all of us" she said a 57-year-old white grandmother (tragically stupid and ironic) "I wish Trump would be a different person than who we saw during the campaign" (idiots) Lenora Ellison, 77, at her home in Niceville, Fla., voted for Trump. She's skeptical of inforamtion ... (and her eyes and ears)
Trump's Comey fight spooks Capitol Hill
Comey furious at lack of respect White House showed, sources say - ABC News ... "a showboat and a grandstander" (yeah, he really said that)
Mitch McConnell may be making the most important mistake of his career - The Washington Post (says he's loyal to Putin)
Et Tu Rod? Why The Deputy Attorney General Must Resign - Lawfare
The Feds have 'Trump tapes' akin to Nixon's 'Watergate tapes'
Donald Trump Threatens James Comey, Implies He Taped Conversations | HuffPost - The fallout from firing the FBI director continues.
Let's take a look at the political fallout
We've Crossed the Rubicon - Lawyers, Guns & Money : interview with Lester Holt leaves no doubt that the Trump Administration, its surrogates, and GOP officials spent two days misleading the American people
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"
Our Idiot King Part IV - Lawyers, Guns & Money : the President of the United States is publicly threatening the former Director of the FBI against testifying about their conversations, on the logic that the former may have secretly taped the latter.
Diva on Twitter: "@realDonaldTrump This meme is always a crowd favourite for some reason, hmmm ??"
Kvetch__22 comments on FBI confirms activity in Annapolis (Manafort/Stone connection and deep Russian corruption of Trump)
Barry Blitt's "Ejected" (perfect)
Trump Warns Comey and Says He May Cancel Press Briefings - The New York Times
Eschaton: But About Those Written Statements - Trump's babbling about how difficult it is for his lickspittles to be perfectly correct on the podium.
Trump's Comey firing sets off new round of leaks | TheHill - President Trump is besieged by internal leaks as he tries to weather the fallout from his firing of FBI Director James Comey.
Building walls -- around Trump
darkseadrake comments on Melissa McCarthy is casually cruising through Midtown on Sean Spicer's podium today
Donald Trump Has Compromised Every Major Investigation Into Alleged Russian Interference | HuffPost - Comey, fired. Nunes, recused. Burr, compromised
The Trump-Russia Nexus - The New York Times -- defining deviancy downward
My Dinner With Comey: Current and Former FBI Officials Dispute Trump Account of Meeting With FBI Director - NBC News
Eschaton: Former Acting Director -- Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe tells Senate panel he will not update the White House on the Russia investigation.
Eschaton: Norms - And if the Republicans in Congress just roll over, and the press isn't putting up a "resignation watch, day X" banner, and people don't camp permanently outside the White House, the Cabinet doesn't have a 25th amendment moment, and noble civil servants in and out of the White House don't resign and speak loudly, etc..., etc..., we're unlikely to get that back.
Here's how the Russians might have snuck a recording device into the Oval Office
Redditor outlines large scale campaign fundraising fraud by the Trump Administration; citing concerns from posts made 7 months ago that the FBI is possibly uncovering now. : bestof
Redditor outlines large scale campaign fundraising fraud by the Trump Administration; citing concerns from posts made 7 months ago that the FBI is possibly uncovering now. : bestof
In interview, Trump contradicts Pence on Comey - politico
McCabe contradicts White House on Comey - politico
The not-so-viral Comey firing - Axios - cared less about James Comey being fired than other big moments so far in the Trump administration
Former Sen. Kelly Ayotte among Trump's candidates for FBI job (bottom of the barrel, knows nothing about anything, like Trump)
Eschaton: Positive Reviews - Reporters is so weird ... Other than the lying, she was great!
Poll: Voters divided on Comey firing - politico - About one-third of voters said Trump was wrong to fire the FBI director and another third said he was right. Congress is not the board of directors of the White House.""
Republican Congressmen Announce the Constitution Is Different Under President Trump - n case you're wondering why no Republican has stood up to be counted, you should know that installing a vulgar talking yam in the White House has changed the job description of Being A Congressman. Isn't that right, Barry Loudermilk? (central casting at work again)
Igor Bobic on Twitter: "MacArthur: "We don't oversee the executive. Congress is not the board of directors of the White House."
Eschaton: 2 Cheers For Incompetence - Trump's hired very few people to run things, and those he has appear to be cartoonishly incompetent, people whose only real experience is organizing a College Republican affirmative action bake sale. This will be great until the shit hits the fan.
Eschaton: Could Be Worse - That is, unless the shit hits the fan under President Trump. It'll be 3 months of reading The Pet Goat.
Sessions issues sweeping new criminal charging policy - The Washington Post (war on poor/black people ramps up again)
Jeff Sessions Puts an End to Talk of Criminal Justice Reform - Remember bipartisan criminal justice reform?
Trump says he invented an 84-year-old phrase. But, why? - The Washington Post - This is the eternal undercurrent of the Trump era: Does he actually mean what he says? Is he riffing? Is he joking? Is he serious? Is he exaggerating? Is he lying?
Republicans misstate, again and again on TV and at town halls, what's in their health-care bill (pathological liars)
Trump Says Aircraft Carriers Should Go Back to Steam Power - "It sounded bad to me. Digital. They have digital. What is digital? And it's very complicated, you have to be Albert Einstein to figure it out."
Eschaton: $732 A Head - A new Republican caucus in the Oklahoma House is suggesting that more than 80,000 non-English speaking students in public schools be turned over to federal immigration officials ... We're a very cruel country. Let's remember that next time we embark on a "humanitarian war."
What's the Matter with Minnesota? -- One of the most distressing things about modern politics is the Upper Midwest going hard right (Minnisssippi: too many stupid white people)
The Commies Are Taking Over! Lawyers, Guns & Money - The California Assembly finally repealed its law that barred communists from state employment. Of course Republicans, cosplaying as Cold Warriors whose Dear Leader isn't n the pocket of Vladimir Putin, are outraged.
Furor over Texas A&M philosopher's comments on violence against white people - In order to be equal, in order to be liberated, some white people might have to die. (wouldn't be the first time)
9 victims alleged in sex charges against Tim Nolan - A human trafficking and rape case against a former Northern Kentucky judge grew more bizarre at a tense arraignment and bond hearing Wednesday in Kenton County ... "one of Campbell County's most vehementy racists'
GOP Facts -- The Truth about Tim Nolan (they are all very evil)
Former Sons of Guns star Will Hayden sentenced to life, plus 40 years in prison for raping preteen girls
Former Exeter official pleads guilty to abusing prospective student - The Boston Globe
Trade group slams Malden school that punished students over hairstyle - The Boston Globe - Charter school administrators have punished students for wearing braids with extensions, which are prohibited, but have not disciplined white students who color their hair, a practice also not allowed
Robocalls flooding your cellphone? Here's how to stop them -- consumers received an estimated 2.4 billion robocalls per month last year, driven in part by internet-powered phone systems that have made it cheap and easy to make them from anywhere in the world -- #0 don't have a phone; #1 don't answer it
Long-Time Middle School Janitor FIRED For Leaving School 8 Minutes Early, Even After Coming In 15 Minutes Early To Let In Fire Department For Routine School Inspection : videos
ELI5: Why do uneducated people tend to have more children? : explainlikeimfive
What used to be a science fiction but now a real thing? : AskReddit
TIL: Jesus' name translated from Hebrew to English would be 'Joshua'. We get the name 'Jesus' by translating the Hebrew name to Greek to Latin to English. : todayilearned
Happy Little You Can Now Surf Random Bob Ross Videos Online, Forever | HuffPost
What is a basic skill that most people lack? : AskReddit
What is the strangest thing you ever had stolen from you? : AskReddit
Hollywood fearing worst box office summer in a decade; Thanks to too many sequels, franchises, and streaming services : movies
What comment could you post that will guarantee a single long chain of responses? : AskReddit
CheckAirportGuy comments on What's the deal with Eric Kim's weird blog post about earning $200,000+ a year?
Eschaton: Except For First And Business Class - Bannings laptops in the cabin is stupid in part because putting them in the hold might actually be dangerous absent terrorism concerns, but there's no way rich people will put up with this so they will quickly figure out a rich people workaround.
Latest Developments on Comey: Acting F.B.I. Chief Contradicts White House - The New York Times
Trump himself just confirmed his White House's story about Comey firing was a lie. It took less than 48 hours.
Our Rendezvous With Authoritarianism Has Arrived | New Republic - Comey's firing should be a frightful awakening from complacency. If Trump gets away with it, he will read it as permission to run amok.
Trump Told He Would Not Be Greeted Warmly at FBI: Officials - NBC News
FBI Russia investigation: "There's a whole lot of interfering going on" - CBS News (Trump lied about "not being underinvestigation" x3)
Acting FBI director set to testify before congressional committee in potentially explosive hearing - The Washington Post
The White House's laughable spin about Comey now lies in smoking ruins ... deep in the recesses of Trump's entangled megalomania and sneaking dread of the illegitimacy of his presidency.
After President Trump accused his predecessor in March of wiretapping him, James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, was flabbergasted. The president, Mr. Comey told associates, was "outside the realm of normal," even "crazy".
Trump Once Again Invites Questions And Doubts About His Stability | HuffPost - None of this is anywhere close to normal.
Deputy Attorney General Reportedly Threatened To Quit Over Comey Backlash | HuffPost - Rod Rosenstein may have chafed at the White House narrative that he was the driving force behind the firing.
How It Was Done: The Problem Is Not Only That Trump Fired Comey, But How He Did It - Lawfare
What is it like to be a goldfish? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Dave Roberts, which puts forth the theory that Donald Trump isn't really a person in a robust sense of that word, but rather a biological entity that reacts stereotypically and impulsively to stimuli, more or less like a goldfish. (the Goldenbeast)
David Roberts on Twitter: "2. "Theory of mind" (ToM) is a concept in psychology. To have a ToM is to interpret the behavior of others as reflecting inner states." ... 9. Here's the thing: Trump, by all indications, does not have beliefs, intentions, etc. that are stable, persistent across contexts ... (13) only a set of animal impulses (and only the belief that he is the greatest)
How to Spot a Sociopath (with Pictures) - wikiHow
White House Lawyers Warned Trump: Stay Away From Michael Flynn - But Trump still wants to talk with Michael Flynn.
Presence of Russian photographer in Oval Office raises alarms - The Washington Post (Russian spies everywhere)
An Open Letter to the Deputy Attorney General - The New York Times
Experts on authoritarianism are absolutely terrified by the Comey firing - Vox
White House furious after being trolled with Russia Oval Office photos -
In a Private Dinner, Trump Demanded Loyalty. Comey Demurred. - The New York Times (Trump: "Kiss my (Ring)." Comey: "That's not in the Constitution." Trump: "Yer fired!"
Trump Interview With Lester Holt: President Asked Comey If He Was Under Investigation - NBC News
For Trump Supporters, the Real Outrage Is the Left's Uproar Over Comey (they have a long history of treason)
American Politics and Constitutionalism Are Surely More Healthy Than Ever - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... I would be shocked if Comey goes public. His strategy for protecting the FBI from political interference has been caving to GOP complaints.
Donald Trump's Constantly Changing Lies Are Making Life Impossible for His Defenders
"BUT HER EMALS!!" (President Moron)
Eschaton: Also, I Just Invented Pizza - This is actually the most coherent, if stupid, thing in this interview: Priming the pump? Yeah, have you heard it? Yes. Have you heard that expression used before? Because I haven't heard it. I mean, I just came up with it a couple of days ago and I thought it was good. It's what you have to do. (Trump invents "priming the pump" Republicans love delusionality)
Our idiot king - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Ladies and gentleman, the president of the United States (he's a Keynesian economist because he has an undergrad degree from "Wharton")
Q&A: Transcript: Interview with Donald Trump | The Economist - The Economist talks to the President of the United States about economic policy (incoherent)
Our Idiot King Part II - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Working on that strong, credible reputation for strength and resolve -- WH furious over Russian government photos of Trump meeting with Lavrov/Kislyak. "They tricked us," an official said of Russians "They lie."
FBI searches Annapolis GOP fundraising firm - Website: Firm was formerly associated with firm operated by Paul Manafort
Our Idiot King, Part III - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Eschaton: Easy Peasy - If the black guy can do it, he can too. No problem.
Anderson Cooper Reacting to Kellyanne Conway Says It All
Food Network Star Sandra Lee Reportedly Shut Down Paul Ryan
Kushners Quit Property Bid as Pressures Mount Over Conflicts - Bloomberg - Pitches to investors in China brought unwelcome spotlight -- The company had submitted plans to build as many as 8,100 housing units to be marketed to Orthodox Jewish residents of the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn who are being priced out of that neighborhood. (Chabad/Russian connection)
The Greatest Threat the Nation Faces - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Finally, we can stop paying attention to Trump destroying the American political system and instead turn to a truly profound threat to our democracy: college students being mean to right-wing extremists. (De Vos killing eduation in America because stupid)
Trump's Commission on Election Integrity Will Lead to Massive Voter Suppression -- It will be led by Mike Pence and Kris Kobach, who have a very long history of making it harder to vote. (the pretending is over) The Greatest Neoliberal in Neoliberaland Strikes Again - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Perez on "Election Integrity")
North Carolina denied 99 percent of federal recovery funds for Hurricane Matthew : news (Republicans who voted against Katrina aid)
Trump Supporter Harassing Muslim Family In Viral Video Cries In
Alaska House rebukes lawmaker who said women get abortions for 'free trip to the city' -- Rep. David Eastman, a Republican (strange looking guy)
Fox News Has Now Paid $45 Million For Roger Ailes Sexual Harassment Settlements | HuffPost - parent company spent $10 million in the first three months of 2017 alone.
A radio PSA in Tucson taught listeners how to hide child porn. Then the sheriff heard it. - The Washington Post
'The Drug Whisperer': some drivers are getting arrested for driving stoned, even when their drug tests came back clean : news (using their superior cop skills of recognizing stoned states)
United Airlines had to apologize today after canceling a passenger's ticket because he filmed this argument over a $300 excess baggage fee. : videos
News anchor quits live on air to advocate marijuana legalization, starts AMA for attention, gets called out by top comment : bestof
BigBudMicro comments on I'm Charlo Greene, the Alaskan news anchor who said "fuck it, I quit" on live television to advocate for marijuana legalization - Ask me anything!
Blocking noradrenaline improves metacognition - a new study published in eLife finds that the accuracy of introspection can be selectively boosted by the common beta-blocker propranolol. : science
Accurate and reproducible invasive breast cancer detection in whole-slide images: A Deep Learning approach for quantifying tumor extent (positive predictive value of 71.62% and a negative predictive value of 96.77%) : science
The Lense-Thirring effect - does it affect the orbital inclinations of planets or moons? : askscience
ELI5: Why do christians follow the King James bible when it was written 1600 years after Jesus? : explainlikeimfive
history of the entire world, i guess : videos (Bill Wurtz, the guy who did hisotry of Japan)
What is the most "your parents didn't love you" given name you have heard in real life? : AskReddit
Troll level: heart attack : gifs
(nsfw) Which is the funniest nsfw 'roses are red' joke you know? : AskReddit
TIL Stone castles were very, very effective against the Mongols. They sustained heavy casualties trying, but were never able to take a single one in two invasions of Hungary. : todayilearned
Theists of reddit, what are some of the questions you have for atheists? : AskReddit
HP is shipping audio drivers with a built-in keylogger : technology
Tesla releases details of its solar roof tiles: cheaper than regular roof with infinity warrantyand 30 yrs of solar power
U.S. to Ban Laptops in All Cabins of Flights From Europe, Officials Say (no movies, games, email, spreadsheets)
U.S. likely to expand airline laptop ban to Europe: government officials : technology
Commentator who amplified Macron hacks given White House press access | Reuters - A U.S. far-right online activist credited with initially sharing on Twitter hacked emails from the French presidential campaign of centrist Emmanuel Macron is the latest conservative media figure to receive White House access from the Trump administration.
Into the Abyss: Trump Fires Comey
The Nightmare Scenario: Trump Fires Comey, the One Man Who Would Stand Up to Him - Lawfare
Trump's Firing of Comey Is All About the Russia Inquiry
Key to Keeping Trump-Russia Inquiry Alive: 3 Republicans - Bloomberg
Days Before Firing, Comey Asked for More Resources for Russia Inquiry - The New York Times
Source close to Comey says there were 2 reasons the FBI director was fired - - 1. Comey never provided the President with any assurance of personal loyalty. 2. The fact that the FBI's investigation into possible Trump team collusion with Russia in the 2016 election was accelerating.
Intelligence committee said the subpoena, which came a day after FBI director James Comey was fired, was for documents relevant to US election interference
Donald Trump's Firing of James Comey
By firing James Comey, Trump has put impeachment on the table - Vox - A whiff of obstruction of justice is in the air. (you mean "stench")
Firing FBI director Comey is already backfiring on Trump. It's only going to get worse.
John McCain on Comey firing: 'There will be more shoes to drop'
Donald Trump's Story About Why He Fired FBI Director James Comey Is Already Falling Apart -- Trump never complained that Comey was too hard on Hillary Clinton until he needed a reason to fire him.
A Former Top Official Cited In The DOJ's Comey Memo Calls Firing A "Sham"
Democrats Say Comey Firing Proves Need For Special Prosecutor On Russia | HuffPost (not one Republican agrees)
Donald Trump'sSacking Of James Comey Is A Test For Republicans (which they will fail as they always do)
Putin reacts to Comey firing: "We have nothing to do with that" - CBS News
Behind comey's firing: An enraged Trump, fuming about Russia -- The president deliberated for more than a week before ousting the FBI chief who was investigating Trump associates.
Sessions was told to find reasons to fire Comey: reports | TheHill
After Trump fired Comey, White House staff scrambled to explain why - The Washington Post
Donald Trump Is Lying Again, Now About James Comey - The New York Times
Inside the F.B.I., Stunned Agents Wonder About Future of Russia Inquiry - The New York Times
GOP baffled by timing; WH braces for independent probe - Axios
How Abnormal Was Comey's Firing? Experts Weigh In
Eschaton: SPICEY - What was he doing in those bushes.
Trump Hires Law Firm to Fight Suggestions of Russia Business Ties - NBC News
Who is Keith Schiller, the man Trump sent to fire Comey? - - longtime bodyguard who has risen from part-time hired muscle to director of Oval Office operations.
More bad news for Trump: His poll numbers just hit a bunch of new lows - The Washington Post (36% yes, 68% no)
U.S. Census director resigns amid turmoil over funding of 2020 count - The Washington Post - follows an April congressional budget allocation for the census that critics say is woefully inadequate. (dismantling the administrative state)
West Virginia journalist arrested after asking HHS Secretary Tom Price a question - no police officer told him he was in the wrong place, Heyman said. He was wearing a press pass as well as a shirt with a Public News Service logo on the front, and identified himself to police as a reporter, he said. -- The Washington Post (the US of Turkey)
Tom Price commends police who arrested journalist asking questions
Reporter arrested after repeatedly questioning Health secretary | TheHill
Reporter Arrested for Asking Question of Tom Price Is a First Amendment Attack - It's getting easier and easier to arrest a reporter these days.
Cop Fired After Not Shooting Suicidal Man Sues City : news
/u/sleazus_christ, finds a bug on Donald Trump's official website where you can go back and see what was deleted and also create hilarious URLs that actually work and link to his health care plan : bestof
Week 14: Historic 100 days | Donald J Trump (url is week-14-historic-100-days/of-crushing-the-poor/with-my-tiny-hands
Fake anti-net neutrality comments were sent to the FCC using names and addresses of people without their consent : technology
tacoforpresident2020 comments on The Fight for Net Neutrality is Turning Bi-PartisanEverywhere Other Than Capitol Hill.
Redditor Posts Perfect Screenshot to Illustrate the Astro-turfing Taking Place Within the FCC Comments Section. : bestof
Tunnel collapses at Hanford; no radiation released, officials say |
Ian Johnson on Religion in China, Past and Future | The Diplomat - Religion and the search for values are moving back to the center of a national discussion in China
Chelsea Manning confirms her release from prison next week. : news
Grand jury subpoenas issued in FBI's Russia investigation
Live Updates and Reactions to F.B.I. Director Comey's Firing
F.B.I. Director James Comey Is Fired by Trump - The New York Times -- abruptly terminating the leader of a wide-ranging criminal investigation into whether Mr. Trump's advisers colluded with the Russian government to steer the outcome of the 2016 presidential election (Tuesday Night Massacre) The abrupt firing raised questions over whether Mr. Trump was trying to influence the Russia investigation
In Trump's Firing of James Comey, Echoes of Watergate
James Comey terminated as Director of FBI : news
Quick Note on the Comey Firing - Lawyers, Guns & Money
James Comey Fired by Donald Trump in Move that Compromises Entire Justice Department - With James Comey's firing, the entire Justice Department is now hopelessly compromised.
Toobin on Comey firing: This is a grotesque abuse of power by the president
Donald Trump pulls a Richard Nixon - The Boston Globe
Schumer to Trump: Comey firing a 'big mistake'
Yates & Clapper testimony [WaPo: Typo or Trolling? update] - Lawyers, Guns & Money
White House Says It Ignored Yates' Warnings Because She Was a Partisan (the law against treason is very partisan)
Sally Yates Hearing Reveals Limits Of Congress' Ability To Investigate Russia -- Republican lawmakers used their time to ask the former Justice Department official unrelated questions.
Comey's Testimony on Huma Abedin Forwarding Emails Was Inaccurate -- false claim that she forwarded thousands of Clinton emails to the laptop computer of her husband, former Congressman Anthony Weiner.
F.B.I. Clarifies Comey's Testimony on Clinton Emails
Senate Intel panel asks Treasury for Trump financial info: report | TheHill
A Day (And A Cheeseburger) With President Trump | Only A Game - "Well, we don't rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia"
#RealNews on Trump et L'Affaire Russe: A Resource Page - Lawfare
Yes, It Is Definitely Possible For The House And Senate To Agree On Health Care | HuffPost - Senate Republicans are already working with the leader of the House Freedom Caucus.
Jimmy Kimmel Slams GOP With The Least Sincere Apology Ever | HuffPost - I'd like to apologize for saying that children in America should have health care. It was insensitive. It was offensive, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me
The Continued Legal Stylings of the Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III DOJ - Lawyers, Guns & Money - In a brief defending its ban on citizens from six Muslim-majority countries, President Donald Trump's Justice Department approvingly cited a segregation-era Supreme Court decision that allowed Jackson, Mississippi, to close public pools rather than integrate them. (traitors since 1861)
A Pro-Trump Libertarian Ratfucker Says What? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Assange)
Dear Corvinus University of Budapest, I would lik e some Ph.Ds. Here is a note signed by 3 friends. Sebastian Gorka's dissertation
Here's How Easy It Is to Get Trump Officials to Click on a Fake Link in Email
Cultural Anxiety, Not Economic Anxiety, Drove White Working Class Voters to Trump - The Atlantic - fear of societal change, not economic pressure, motivated votes for the president among non-salaried workers without college degrees. ("cultural anxiety" = "racism")
It's Like Ron Fournier, From the Ostensible Left - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - It's not easy to turn a Republican bill that would strip 24 million people of their health insurance and use the money for a massive upper-class tax cut into a "Both Sides Do It, But Democrats Are Worse" story. But inexplicably, or perhaps too explicably -- Jacobin Jacobin commissioned someone to do it. And ... it's even worse than this sounds!
One thing the GOP got right -- Disenfranchisement -- New Data: voter suppression was enough to cost Clinton Wisconsin ... also find that these laws disproportionately harmed black voters,
Wisconsin's ? Voter-ID Law Suppressed 200,000 Votes in 2016 (Trump Won by 22,748) -- A new study shows how voter-ID laws decreased turnout among African-American and Democratic voters.
Sessions weighs return to harsher punishments for low-level drug crimes - The Washington Post
Growing gap between longest and shortest lifespans in the US emphasizes the need for policy action | Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (8 of 10 worst counties in KY: Kentucky is dying)
West Virginia: Past, Present, and Future : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Moreover, there was never some glory period of the Appalachian white working class being anti-racist. Not at all. More significant than some possibly exaggerated tales of miners fighting racism in 1921 is how the Appalachian migrants, who largely came from West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and southeast Ohio fueled the hate strike at Packard in 1943 and then contributed to the race riots in that city later that year. (coal-dark state of hatred from which the Beast arose)
Surf's Up For a Wave Election
Iowa congressman walks out of a TV interview and into an angry town hall meeting - The Washington Post
Woman seen in Trader Joe's video incident with Muslim shopper: It was taken out of context - Story | WTTG -- "Obama's not in office anymore. We don't have a muslim in there anymore," adding that the former President might be in jail in the future.
Spirit Airlines cancels flight, passenger brawl breaks out -
Surprise! Southern Comfort Has No Whiskey. But Soon It Will. - The New York Times
Eschaton: Transportainment - not necessarily even anti-gondola-as-transportation, but this is just an amusement park ride.
The author of Rise of the Creative Class is grappling with its dark side - Vox
Richard Simmons sues National Enquirer over stories claiming he is changing gender - ABC News
What was our blush response to the Blade Runner 2049 trailer? 7 Crosstalk 7 The A.V. Club
Virtual Witnessing Through Video Games - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Video Games Are Better Without Stories - The Atlantic - Film, television, and literature all tell them better. So why are games still obsessed with narrative?
Chronic pain sufferers taking opioids exhibit significantly higher and more frequent rates of depression and anxiety than those taking medical cannabis, according to new research. The study's findings suggest that medical cannabis may weaken symptoms of depression and anxiety. (someone call Jason Lewis) < br /> Recreational marijuana to go on sale in Nevada this summer. : news (MA will take 3x as long)
Babies benefit mentally from dad's involvement early on. Study finds babies whose fathers were more engaged and active when playing with them in their first few months performed better on cognitive tests at age 2. : science
Girls of Reddit, what have you always wanted to know about guys? : AskReddit
What is more dangerous than people usually think? : AskReddit
EPA dismisses half of key board's scientific advisers; Interior suspends more than 200 advisory panels (prion disease in the national brain)
More Than One Million Children Have Now Fled South Sudan | HuffPost - An additional 1.14 million children have been internally displaced as violence in the young nation continues
We Could Have Been Canada - The New Yorker - Was the American Revolution such a good idea?
Researchers have answered a big question about the decline of the middle class - The Washington Post - America is getting richer every year. The American worker is not. (more tax cut for the rich will fix that)
DEAD WRONG - A botched police investigation and a probable wrongful conviction shed light on the murders of dozens of women in Nova Scotia.
Trump screamed at his national security adviser for contradicting him on Korea defense payments: report -- Trump in private describes McMaster as "the general undermining my policy" (undermining my lies)
Obama Warned Trump Against Hiring Mike Flynn, Say Officials - NBC News
Sally Yates: 'We believed that Gen. Flynn was compromised' - former national security adviser could have been blackmailed by the Russians, Yates told the Senate. (and Trump too)
A Hidden Hand in the Trump-Russia Drama Owns a Ramen Shop. No, Seriously.
The president is threatening a witness: CNN analyst slams Trjmp's 'disturbning' Sally Yates tweets -- "The idea that the president -- the guy who's in charge of the Justice Department -- is threatening a witness is really kind of disturbing"
Former CIA agent mocks Trump's Sally Yates tweets: 'The president is a little confused this morning'
Less Than A Third Of The Public Supports The GOP's New Health Care Bill | HuffPost - But Trump voters are considerably more supportive of this bill than the last version.
A Few Thoughts on the Trump/Kushner Families' Presidency Cash Bust Out -- the Kushner family was caught over the weekend literally selling visas to immigrate to the United States in exchange for funding a $150 million dollar New Jersey real estate project.
35 of 37 economists said Trump was wrong. The other two misread the question. - The Washington Post (his tax cuts will pay for themselves like they always do)
Why did Trump win? More whites -- and fewer blacks -- actually voted
McCain hammers Tillerson in NYT op-ed - politico -- accusing the nation's chief diplomat of adopting a foreign policy that abandons both U.S. values and victims of oppression around the world. (Trumpocracy)
Eschaton: Perfect - Probably should pair him with the liberal Pat Buchanan, Crossfire style -- George Will joins MSNBC
Georgia Republican enraged at court order making it easier for people to vote - Karen Handel said it should "boil your blood" that registration is temporarily reopened in Georgia's sixth district (Satanic bitch)
Mississippi's richest county uses police checkpoints to enforce segregation, lawsuit claims -- The rights abridgments of Madison County. (just a little southern tradition: show your papers if walking while black on the white plantation)
Eschaton: Tribal - I don't think most Democrats really think that way, and had Obama come into office bragging about his Anything But Bush policy, the press would have pilloried him, even though in 2009 everything had gone to shit and it would have been perfectly reasonable.
A Hidden Hand in the Trump-Russia Drama Owns a Ramen Shop. No, Seriously. - The Daily Beast - After a recent Daily Beast investigation unmasked New Hampshire State Representative Robert Fisher as the secret creator of the Reddit community known as The Red Pill
Eschaton: If Only There Was Some Way To Attract People To A Career - School district and bus company officials responsible for the bus problem say the mess that plagues Emma and a number of other children is not isolated, that other children across the city -- and the country -- are struggling because of a national shortage of qualified school bus drivers.
Activist Ron Kovic says disabled parking cheats 'just aren't thinking.' Or do they just not care?
Drug lobbyist arrested after drunken fracas - Politico
Is the Gig Economy Working? - The New Yorker - Many liberals have embraced the sharing economy. But can they survive it?
Suspect accused of killing two Boston doctors pleads not guilty from hospital bed - The Washington Post
Out of the FOG - Helping family members & loved-ones of people who suffer from personality disorders. (Fear Obligation Guilt)
Scientists found that damage in a certain part of the brain is linked to an increase in religious fundamentalism. In particular, lesions in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex reduced cognitive flexibility - the ability to challenge our beliefs based on new evidence. : science
Georgy_K_Zhukov comments on Why was there a Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?
el_spicy comments on What are the most important battles of history?
SamCropper comments on For how much stop drop and roll was ingrained into me as a child, I really thought I would catch on fire more times than I have.
How France Voted - The New York Times
Pas aujourd'hui Satan -- Emmanuel #Macron elected president of France (with 65.1% of the vote)-- Or read more about the last minute leak and how Macron may have caught "Fancy Bear" in a carnary trap ... It's likely that French campaign law made a difference, but it could be that the U.S. will go down in history as the only country where last minute leaks worked. (because the FBI was being run by the Russians)
French Election Open Thread - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Even if Le Pen gets crushed, it's still a huge advance for French fascism that she is one of the final two. According to commenter Cheerfull, estimates are that 25.3% of French ballots were returned blank. That anyone on the left would leave a ballot blank with Le Pen on the ballot basically demonstrates why the political self-righteousness and ignorance of large sections of the left explains much about why Donald Trump and Theresa May have won.
Macron to become next French president after beating back Le Pen and her populist tide - The Washington Post
In Le Pen defeat, Europe's far-right wave crashes to a halt
Macron wins French presidency by decisive margin over Le Pen : news
The great British Brexit robbery: how our democracy was hijacked | Technology | The Guardian - A shadowy global operation involving big data, billionaire friends of Trump and the disparate forces of the Leave campaign influenced the result of the EU referendum. As Britain heads to the polls again, is our electoral process still fit for purpose?
Leaked documents reveal plans for increased internet surveillance : technology (UK)
New Banksy on Brexit, appeared in Dover, England : pics
Air Force's X-37B space plane lands in Florida after an unprecedented 718 day secret mission : technology (it was a drone)
TIL that 69% of Americans Have Less Than $1,000 USD in Savings, as of September 2016 : todayilearned
GOP Governor Laughs At GOP Plan For People With Pre-Existing Conditions | HuffPost
Eschaton: Pearl Clutchers -- Josh Kraushaar
Penn State frat brother says pleas to call 911 for unconscious pledge were dismissed : news
'Scared for my life': Why are crime victims being jailed? (cops at work)
Police let 45 men who admitted rape walk away with a caution : news
Deputy Gets Probation After Being Found Guilty of Raping, Urinating On Domestic Abuse Victim : news
Middle school student suspended for 'liking' photo of gun on Instagram : news
Study finds that alcohol is as effective as opioids at reducing pain: a new meta-analysis found that people with a blood alcohol content of .08% had moderate-to-large reductions in pain intensity, comparable to pain relief from opioids : science
Redditor explains the problem with science advocates like Bill Nye: they push what they think are science claims, without explaining the method. It's more important to think rationally than blindly accept claims handed to you by others, even from scientists. : bestof
'Bill Nye Saves the World' - Who the heck is the audience for this? : television
The time it takes for the movie to start is starting to feel ridiculous. : movies
7,000 bodies could be buried on Mississippi campus. They are former patients of the state's first mental institution, and underground radar shows their coffins stretch across 20 acres of the campus, where officials have wanted to build.
New Orleans Mayor: Death Threats Won't Stop Us From Taking Down Confederate Monuments | HuffPost
Erik Visits an American Grave, Part 82 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : This is the grave of Louis Agassiz ... For similar reasons of racist thought backed by religious dogma, Agassiz also rejected Darwin's evolutionary theory. In 1860, he launched a public attack on Darwin, denying any connection between fossilized species and living species. ("scientific racism")
Advocates say preventing prison suicides has not been a priority for the state - The Boston Globe - They left him everything to hang himself
Victims identified in South Boston double slaying - The Boston Globe
Boston doctors found dead in luxury apartment with throats slashed : news
Cash For Your Warhol project takes over Cambridge storefront
TIL That Texas has outlawed the purchase of common laboratory glassware without a permit in an anti-drug production effort : todayilearned - In addition, all high school chemistry teachers will be fitted with GPS tracking ankle bracelets.
TIL: in march 1989 an asteroid passed through the exact position where Earth was only six hours earlier. : todayilearned
Replacement for IMDB : television
[Serious] Redditors who like to walk at night, what's the creepiest thing you've ever experienced? : AskReddit
What NSFW questions do women have about men, but are too embarrassed to ask? : AskReddit
[NSFW] What is a really inappropriate question you've always wanted to ask? : AskReddit
Redditors that have been "hypnotized", what actually happened? Were you playing along or was it really a trick? : AskReddit
What was worst case of computer illiteracy you have ever witnessed? : AskReddit
Candid, Comedic and Macabre YouTube Stars Feel an Advertising Pinch - The New York Times
Penn & Teller: B*llshit! - Mother Teresa : television
USA Today asks FBI to investigate millions of fake Facebook accounts : news
Appalachia comes up small in era of giant coal mines - Washington Post - The average miner underground in West Virginia produces three tons of coal per hour. The average miner at a strip mine in Wyoming produces nearly 28. (and that's after removing the mountains) More than 4 in 10 U.S. mines are underground, nearly all in Appalachia and the Illinois Basin, and they account for 61 percent of U.S. coal mining employees.
Hundreds rescued as police smash international pedophile ring : news
French candidate Macron claims massive hack as emails leaked | Reuters
U.S. Far-Right Activists Promote Hacking Attack Against Macron - The New York Times - which some experts say may be connected to hackers linked to Russia
Dear France: You Just Got Hacked. Don't Make The Same Mistakes We Did. A brief guide to the information wars.
Preventing Hacking Is Not an Easy Problem - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Baise-Rat - Lawyers, Guns & Money
ampersamp comments on France's electoral commission has ordered media not to publish contents of Emmanuel Macron's leaked campaign emails; It warned news outlets in France that journalists could face criminal charges for publishing or republishing the material.
"Shattered" co-author Amie Parnes on the many mistakes that doomed Hillary Clinton's campaign -- Clinton was a 'mismatched candidate' for a year of change, says author, and never knew why she was running (to break the glass ceiling and because she desevered it!)
A Photoshopped Picture Of Donald Trump Is Freaking Everyone Out | HuffPost (clones of evil)
Obamacare repeal vote upends 2018 House landscape - politico - Republicans worry their incumbents will pay for the vote, and signs abound of an energized Democratic base.
Idaho town hall erupts after GOP lawmaker says 'no one dies' from lack of health care -- Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID) (he really said that" health care isn't a "basic human right" but dying is)
Labrador: 'Nobody dies because they don't have access to health care' ... A frequently cited study published in 2009 in the American Journal of Public Health found a 25 percent higher risk of death among uninsured compared with privately insured adults. The researchers calculated 44,789 deaths among Americans age 18 to 64 in a single year that they said were tied to lack of health insurance. (maybe those were those people)
Kurt Eichenwald Wants Republicans' Family Members to Lose their Insurance and Die | The Daily Caller (apparently a terrible thing to say)
How one U.S. state is leading the charge to dismantle Obamacare | Reuters - Now Kentucky is poised for a new distinction: to be the first state to save money by reducing the number of people on Medicaid, the government health insurance program for the poor and disabled and a central tenet of Obamacare.
Rep. Who Voted To Repeal Obamacare Tries To 'Jimmy Kimmel's Baby' HerSon. NOPE -- Washington Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
This N.J. Republican just lost any claim of being a moderate | Moran | The Star-Ledger -- One of the two from New Jersey is Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, product of a line of American aristocrats extending to days of British rule, and a man whose arrogance knows no match.
6th district runoff: Judge orders Georgia to reopen voter registration
Delta boots family off red-eye flight, threatens kids with "foster care" (and parents with "jail')
Roger Penrose Discusses Consciousness
Thanks to a decline in homophobia, straight men are now better able to embrace "bromances" with other men -- which the study describes as being "more emotionally intimate, physically demonstrative, and based upon unrivaled trust and cohesion compared to their other friendships". : science
The Bromance: Undergraduate Male Friendships and the Expansion of Contemporary Homosocial Boundaries | SpringerLink
Can you explain the logical leap from gravity to holographic principle? : askscience
Do rainbows also have sections in the infrared and/or ultraviolet spectrum? : askscience
People who have schizophrenia or bipolar disorder are more likely to commit violent crimes than the general population, but the vast majority never do so. Now, researchers have developed a model that predicts with 99.5% accuracy which severely mentally ill patients are most likely to be harmless. : science
Men of Reddit, what makes your interest level in a woman go from 100 to 0 the fastest? : AskReddit
If you woke up tomorrow and you were just 15 years old again, but you know what you know now, what would you do differently? : AskReddit
What are the best NSFW subreddits? : AskReddit
BBC - Earth - There are diseases hidden in ice, and they are waking up - Long-dormant bacteria and viruses, trapped in ice and permafrost for centuries, are reviving as Earth's climate warms
Wyoming Becomes 45th U.S. State to Recognize the Armenian Genocide : news
Younger Men, Older Women: A Pairing Becomes More Common - The New York Times
The Evidence That the Comey Letter Threw the Election Is Overwhelming - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... the real kill shot is the data about the extraordinary amount of negative media coverage -- without recent precedent in an election campaign -- about Clinton that the letter demonstrably generated. (Trump said it was "rigged" ... in this case by your media, hello NYT)
Senate Asks Trump Associates for Records of Communication With Russians - The New York Times
Trump-Russia investigation reignites as Senate asks aides to hand over notes | US news | The Guardian
We're Getting Awfully Close to Full Employment
alicublog: Populism Without The Popular Vote -- Though Douthat, Millman, Dreher, Sullivan et alia talk about Le Pen and the reactionaries as if they've already won, they aren't really that popular ... I cannot believe they are holding a kegger, with Trump, at the White House to celebrate kicking 10s of millions of people off of health insurance. (+"usually envy righties, I mean who wants to be an ignorant fucking asshole, but I gotta say, I would take great solace right about now in believing magic Sky God was going to be along any minute to smite the fuck out of some evil people. We got karma, and that's ok, but I could do with something a little more immediate. Action packed. OK- violent and gruesome.")
Alexandra Jaffe on Twitter: "Cases upon cases of beer just rolled into the Capitol on a cart covered in a sheet. Spotted Bud Light peeking out from the sheet"
Jessica Valenti on Twitter: "When the first kid dies because they couldn't get their care covered, remember the GOP pounding beers to celebrate."
A Few Grafs That Explain Why America Hates Vacuous Political Reporting - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- But if only House Democrats could emulate the Civilitude and Seriousity of Paul Ryan, who was positively giddy as he went to send 30,000 lucky duckies a year to their own personal death panels, before kissing the ring of an inept authoritarian and hitting a nice kegger to celebrate. Now that will totally facilitate the bipartisanship that the American public craves! (+cillizard +"colleagues")
Eschaton: Status Quo - more coverage of how reducing the number of people with affordable decent enough insurance is Bad than there was about how increasing the number of people with affordable decent enough insurance would be Good during the passage of ACA. It's hard to give people Nice Things, and it's also hard to take them away. A bit weird.
Eschaton: Party Line - Longtime readers of this free website know that one of my running themes is "Actually, Democrats kinda suck." And they do! But 10-15 years ago some of them (a few, but some) would have voted with Republicans to make sure more people would die. None of them did today. Progress!
House 2018: Rating Changes in 20 Districts
About that Rose Garden health care photo with all the white guys.... -
Kill 'em all When the revolution comes, the first up against the wall won't be the right-wingers in government, it will be the centrist establishment media who enable them ... Yeah. They voted to murder me and then had a kegger about it.
Hey Hey Goodbye -- This is both an homage and a literal repetition of what Republicans did when the Clinton tax bill passed in the House in 1993. Same singing, same song. The bill paved the way for budget balancing over the course of the decade and (more arguably) played a role in creating the prosperity of that decade -- It also came little more than a year before Democratic majorities in both Houses were annihilated in the 1994 midterm.
Trump budget would effectively kill drug control office - politico - would cut about 95 percent of funding for the Office of National Drug Control Policy, effectively ending its mission as the lead agency in charge of combating the opioid crisis and other drug epidemics (let them die)
Trump and Bannon 'Personally Intervened to Save Seb Gorka (with the Kushner/Ivanka faction)
Judicial Watch: Two Trump trips to Mar-a-Lago cost more than $1 million | TheHill
Being a woman is now a pre-existing condition
There's nobody with more respect for women than the Republicans
Army secretary nominee Mark Green: Public healthcare stops people from being saved by Christianity
White House fires its chief usher -- the first woman in that job -- "I think it's best if the White House explains"
FCC to investigate, 'take appropriate action' on Colbert's Trump rant (you can't make fun of the God-Emperor)
Rep. Eastman: Some women 'glad' to be pregnant for Medicaid-funded travel for abortions (need to go to Anchorage or Seattle? Get pregnant ... they really "think" like this)
Bo Dietl admits to digging up dirt for Fox News - NY Daily News
Fox News trying to pull Jesse Watters from Bill O'Reilly comedy tour (yeah, they're hilarious)
Jordan Edwards killing: officer who shot teen in moving car charged with murder | US news | The Guardian - The 15-year-old died after officer Roy Oliver shot a rifle into a car that was leaving a party in Balch Springs, Texas
Rape charges to be dropped against immigrant teens in Md. case - The Washington Post ... "I do feel what they are doing now is egregious," she said, noting some of the images now being used as the base of a pornography charges are images discovered during the investigation that helped exonerate her client. (cops never give up when they're wrong)
'It's fucking racist': Watch a black teen confront his white teacher who insists on using the N-word ("Commoditized words" for "commoditized people")
'Heart-wrenching and incomprehensible': 18 fraternity members charged in Penn State hazing death
Eighteen fraternity brothers are facing charges in the death of Beta Theta Pi fraternity pledge Timothy Piazza, eight of them manslaughter charges. : news
West Point cadet sentenced to 21 years for sexually assaulting classmate : news
California students suspended for liking racist posts launch lawsuit
Transgender Woman Found Badly Hurt on Manhattan Sidewalk Dies 10 Days After Apparent Attack: Sources | NBC New York
Man yells anti-gay comment, points gun at people in Seattle : news
Anti-vaccine activists spark a state's worst measles outbreak in decades -- MMR vaccination rates among U.S.-born children of Somali descent used to be higher than among other children in Minnesota. But the rates plummeted from 92 percent in 2004 to 42 percent in 2014, state health department data shows, well below the threshold of 92 to 94 percent needed to protect a community against measles.
Lost and Found Cinema - From the Current - The Criterion Collection - Almost every film made before 1952 was shot on nitrate
Flashback Friday: Chris Isaak's Wicked Game -- Think about the implications of that: the male in the duo was expected to seduce for the benefit of the audience. They couldn't rely on just "the girl" to bring the heat.
'Alarming' rise in children hospitalized with suicidal thoughts or actions : news
50 Essential Cult Novels : books
Keezer's, a Cambridge staple for 122 years, to close
Guy found a fully stocked underground safe house. : videos
What's the story you've been wanting to tell, but haven't found the right AskReddit thread for yet? : AskReddit
The hypocrisy of women not wanting to date short men : videos
What is the best first-text-message to send after you get someone's number? : AskReddit
Uber is under criminal investigation for building software to avoid regulators : technology
Bret Stephens Continues Shoveling BS into NY Times Opinion Section | DeSmogBlog - Here we go again. Bret Stephens, apparently riding high on a wave of hate-clicks, has another column that yet again deceives readers with a bait and switch.
Each day, @BretStephensNYT & @NYTimes lowering 'bar for intellectual honesty'
HotWhopper: Bret Stephens lowers the bar for intellectual honesty and more @NYTimes
Joss Fong on Twitter: "If it seems like some climate scientists and advocates overreact, it's useful consider the context
How a Professional Climate Change Denier Discovered the Lies and Decided to Fight for Science
French election: Macron hailed as winner of bruising Le Pen TV debate | World news | The Guardian - Majority of French people polled feel that centrist candidate outperformed far right leader in ill-tempered clash
Prince Philip to step down from carrying out royal engagements - BBC News - The duke, who turns 96 next month, will attend previously scheduled engagements between now and August but will not accept new invitations.
How Every Member Voted on the House Health Care Bill - The New York Times
Senate won't vote on House-passed healthcare bill -- but will write their own legislation instead.
AHCA Vote Count: How the House Republicans split - Washington Post - The House voted 217 - 213 to pass its latest health-care reform bill. Here's how the most conservative and most moderate Republicans swung.
Ye Guilty - Lawyers, Guns & Money (it's tattooed on their foreheads: the Mark of the Beast)
Health care hot potato - Vox - Republicans don't want the AHCA to pass. But none of them want to be the cause of its failure.
The Health Care Bill Could Be A Job-Killer For GOP Incumbents | FiveThirtyEight - But it could also endanger the job prospects of the Republican members of Congress who voted for it and make a Democratic takeover of the House substantially more likely in 2018.
Republicans Had a Party to Celebrate Obamacare Repeal Vote in House - Tens of millions of Americans were not.
In Trump's America, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition (because women are a rape waiting to happen)
The New Study That Shows Trumpcare's Damage
Trumpcare: An Abdication of Responsibility, a Moral Disgrace (by morally disgraceful deplorables)
GOP rushing to vote on healthcare without analysis of changes | TheHill
Obamacare Repeal Is Really Just A Giant $1 Trillion Cut To Health Care Programs | HuffPost - If the policy details are too confusing, just focus on the money.
Thoughts on Republican Healthcare Reform and Obamacare from a Hospital Bed - Morning Zoo Crew made me wish that there was a procedure by which they could put my gallbladder back, just so they could take it out again
Eschaton: Ivankasplaining - It of course doesn't occur to her that people who have worked on specific issues forever have probably thought about and considered every passing random thought that floats through her melon.
Pence: Trump 'Has Literally Filled This White House' With Anti-Abortion Leaders | HuffPost
The Sad And Hilarious Story Of America's Most Incompetent Deficit Hacks | HuffPost - the sad state of The Can Kicks Back, a deficit-hack outfit spun off of Fix The Debt,
Degradation of the Language -- Charles M. Blow MAY 1, 2017
Like, Degrading the Language? No Way - The New York Times - By John McWhorter April 5, 2014
Obama's sex and drugs past laid bare in new biography | Daily Mail Online
David Axelrod Needs to Move On - Lawyers, Guns & Money : David Axelrod is always good for some self-congratulatory second-guessing:
Eschaton: Cletus From Fritters Doesn't Care About Your Fancy Internets (media is stupid and evil)
Bill allowing adoption agencies to turn away gay couples signed into law | (Alaqaeda)
Eschaton: Whiner In Chief - I sorta get self-pitying fake macho bro culture. You know, the MRA-types who think the world (women) is trying to sap their bodies of precious fluids. They are all a bunch of whiners. But their leaders are not! I mean, they whine to each other, but the dudes they worship are not whiners. They kick ass! Trump is a fucking whiny ass titty baby.
Eschaton: Never Tweet - Atrios never refers to himself in the third person.
Eschaton: The Southerner - I was out and about running some errands in the urban hellhole, dodging the bullets and whatnot, and I was thinking about the decline of the Southern Politician Archetype
Eschaton: David Brooks Gets Married Again - I don't care that divorced father of 3 David Brooks is marrying a woman who is 23 years younger than he is, but it is the kind of thing David Brooks the Columnist would care about if he was writing about black David Brooks.
New Yorker Accused Of Hate Crime In Attack On Asian Man While Yelling 'White Power' | HuffPost
NYPD Refuses to Disclose Information About Its Face Recognition Program, So Privacy Researchers Are Suing : technology
SoCal family thrown off overbooked Delta flight over child's seating | - A Southern California family says they were kicked off an overbooked Delta airplane because they refused to yield a seat held by their young son.
Why the Retail Crisis Could Be Coming to American Groceries - Bloomberg - These five forces are going to shake up the American supermarket.
Netflix Edits 'Bill Nye' Episode to Remove Segment Saying Chromosomes Determine Gender : television -- no, it said chromosomes determine sex. the fact that they still edited it out is completely idiotic and confuses sex and gender even further.
Scientists discovered that the genetic makeup of any given brain cell differs from all others. That realization may provide clues to a range of psychiatric diseases : science (including sex)
Intersection of diverse neuronal genomes and neuropsychiatric disease: The Brain Somatic Mosaicism Network | Science
Any topology experts care to explain why this doesn't produce a knot? : askscience
TIL in 2010 an MI6 spy was found dead, his naked body inside a padlocked bag in his flat in London. The Metropolitan Police concluded that he had accidentally locked himself in the bag and died as a result. : todayilearned
Whats wrong with Casey Neistat? : OutOfTheLoop
Someone honked at a slow driver and the passenger wasn't having any of it. : WTF
What do you hear about all the time on the internet but have yet to encounter IRL? : AskReddit
Throw your go pro : videos
Bret Stephens Takes On Climate Change. Readers Unleash Their Fury. - The New York Times (if by "fury" you mean "ridicule" of NYT's both-sideism +science is just one "view")
U.S. wind industry has biggest first-quarter installs in eight years - "installed 2,000 megawatts of capacity in the first quarter, nearly four times the amount installed in the same period last year" : technology
Venezuela Is Heading for a Soviet-Style Collapse | Foreign Policy - A few lessons from the last time an oil economy crashed catastrophically.
Venezuela's president dances on tv while people riot on streets : gifs
Puerto Rico Declares a Form of Bankruptcy - The New York Times
The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election | FiveThirtyEight - why won't the media admit as much?
FBI director says he feels 'mildly nauseous' about possibility he affected election, but has no regrets
Now we know: Bill Clinton cost his wife the presidency - The Washington Post - but her meeting with President Clinton on that airplane was the capper for me
Rice declines Senate request to testify on Russian hacking -
Colbert had a lot to say about Trump and Putin. Now he's silent amid #FireColbert backlash. -- "In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin's cockholster" (truth hurts)
Stephen Colbert responds to backlash over Trump jokes : television
Hey Trump, This Is Why the Civil War Happened - Slavery -- VICE
Trump has a dangerous disability - The Washington Post (thinking and speaking clearly)
Trump "directly involved" in post-inauguration hunt for rogue tweeter - CBS News
Woman found guilty and faces year in jail for laughing at Jeff Sessions : news
A Jury Just Convicted a Woman for Laughing at Jeff Sessions | Vanity Fair
Laughing At Jeff Sessions's Lies A Criminal Offense, Says Jeff Sessions's DOJ
Jury Convicts Woman Who Laughed At Jeff Sessions During Senate Hearing | HuffPost - not about her laugh, it's about her post-laughter conduct (she asked "why am I being arrested?")
Just Win Baby - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Ossoff attracting surprising levels of GOP support in Georgia special - politico
The Eisenhower First 100 Days - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Basically Ike dedicated it to Making America Love Jesus Again. ("under God" and "In God We Trust" legitimized radical religious right)
The simple reason Republicans are stuck with Obamacare - The Washington Post - Republicans, you see, are philosophically opposed to the very idea of Obamacare giving health insurance to the poor and sick, while others are only politically opposed to the idea of a president named Obama doing so.
But Do You Know Who Really Tells It Like It Is? Judith Butler - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Axelrod on Clinton: 'It takes a lot of work to lose to Donald Trump'
Another Fox News Employee Accuses the Network of Gender Discrimination : news
Texas officer who shot unarmed kid and whose innocent brother was arrested, is fired : news
/u/itsnotmythrowaway1 describes in detail the awful state of public school education in Arizona. : bestof (Republicans destroying schools since Reagan)
Am reading James Clavell's historical epic Shogun, and Holy Madonna it is unbelievable : books
TIL of Bridget Loves Bernie, the highest rated TV show to ever be canceled after only one season. CBS and show creators were forced to cancel the show after receiving death threats from Jews, who were angered that the show featured a Catholic marrying a Jew. : todayilearned
Low gluten diets in people without a medical reason to avoid gluten associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease : science
Language shapes how the brain perceives time - people who speak two languages fluently think about time differently depending on the language context in which they are estimating the duration of events. The finding is reported in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
How are we able to estimate the Planck's constant at a much higher accuracy (44 per billion) than the gravitational constant G (120,000 per billion)? What is affecting the measurement of G? : askscience
Population scale data revealed that patients who received ketamine had significantly lower frequency of reports of depression than patients who took any other combination of drugs for pain, and had significantly lower frequency of reports of pain and opioid induced side effects. : science
What are you sad to see become normal practice? : AskReddit
OP in relationship_advice asks how she can move forward after her boyfriend gave a full body massage to one of her friends. Someone in the comments shows up and links to Confession where the boyfriend made a post admitting he gave a full body massage to his girlfriend's friend, and he liked it. : bestof
What is the most uplifting nsfw compliment you've ever received? : AskReddit
What really mindfucks you? : AskReddit
What long shot have you taken that really paid off? : AskReddit
What do you refuse to buy or use purely out of principle? : AskReddit
Redditor explains why the Vietnam War was essentially impossible to win and exactly why it was wrong to even go to war with them. : bestof
[Serious] Redditors who have experienced something supernatural, what is your story? : AskReddit
Netflix Has Almost 4x as Many Streaming Subscribers as Comcast has Cable Subscribers : technology
Google Docs users hit with sophisticated phishing attack : technology
New Google Docs phishing scam, almost undetectable : google
Eschaton: Stop Complaining, LIBTURDS!!! AND BUY OUR PAPER YOU UNGRATEFUL SHITS ... NY Times issues a correction to Stephens's 1st column. His sole climate "fact" was wrong; conclusions are unchanged. (Sulzbergers shitting on you)
The problem with NY Times and climate change isn't what you think ... editors who hired Stephens were following a tired playbook that's over a century old -- even as the nature of both journalism and how readers relate to the news has changed radically in the last decade. Simply put, mainstream news orgs have an almost mystical, quasi-religious faith in the notion that to be moral and ethical they must have some approximate balance between liberal and conservative opinion writers
Bret Stephens Isn't the Only Problem at the New York Times Op-Ed Page -- From Friedman to Bruni, the paper of record's columnists are abysmal. By Sarah Jones
Australian Mandatory Data Retention Abused Just Weeks After Rules Are Put In Place : technology
Eschaton: I'm Sure Dad Will Let Us Go To The Beach For The Weekend With This Old Guy With A Porsche - May reminds me of a teenager stamping her feet, convinced that mom and dad are going to allowed her to do some sort of completely absurd things, just because she wills it into being. But DAAAAAAAAAD!!! ... the European commission president ended discussions about a potential Brexit deal by telling the British prime minister: "I'm leaving Downing Street 10 times more sceptical than I was before." (May is an idiot)
Sources: Former Acting AG Yates to contradict administration about Flynn at hearing -
The Collapse of American Identity - The New York Times
Pro-Trump farmers now worry he was serious about NAFTA repeal - ("plain folks of the land" who voted for The Beast are very stupid
GOP Congressman: People who 'lead good lives' should pay less than those with pre-existing conditions
Republican Says Obamacare Repeal Will Help People Who Have 'Done Things The Right Way' | The Huffington Post - Rep. Mo Brooks is saying openly what many Republicans probably think.
Republican Blurts Out That Sick People Don't Deserve Affordable Care
Eschaton: Everybody Dies - Brooks then recognized that some people have medical problems "through no fault of their own" and that society should take care of them, although he didn't explain how to do that and suggested the matter was "complicated"
Eschaton: My First Amendment Right To A New York Times Column (At Very High Pay) - Finally liberals are a bit tired of the "give us money so we can pay Jonah Goldberg" pitch NPR has been giving them for years, and the liberal media never actually being liberal.
With Trump In The White House, MSNBC Is Resisting The Resistance | The Huffington Post - the news about Wallace and Hewitt was seen as just two more steps toward the full execution of the vision of Andy Lack, the NBC News executive who oversees MSNBC. He has made quite clear his plan to move the cable news network away from its bedrock liberalism and toward a more centrist approach personified by Brian Williams (Zucker and Lack taking America down)
Congress Allocates $120 Million for Trump Family's Security Costs (at least 1/2 billion $ for his first and only term)
A Woman Is On Trial For Laughing During A Congressional Hearing | The Huffington Post - Activist was arrested by a rookie cop after laughing at a claim that Jeff Sessions treated "all Americans equally" ... Nevertheless, prosecutors persisted this week in pursuing charges against the 61-year-old woman the rookie had taken into custody (and rendited to Poland: no laughs for you)
Stephen Colbert Demolishes Trump for Insulting 'Face the Nation' Host John dickerson (Deface the Nation of Trumpamerica)
Police Account Changes in Killing of Texas 15-Year-Old - The New York Times - new evidence showed the killing did not unfold the way the authorities had originally claimed. (killer cops lied, as usual)
While AR-15 rifles are popular with law enforcement agencies, the medical examiner's office on Monday declined to identify the type of rifle used in the shooting. (terroristic cops)
Northwestern journalism school lets accreditation lapse - Chicago Tribune -- because the process if "flawed" and not useful (i.e., corrupt)
This Is What a Modern-Day Witch Hunt Looks Like (transracialism and deadnameing Caitlyn Jenner)
The U.S. Gymnastics System Wanted More Medals, And Created A Culture Of Abuse To Get Them
TIL that in 1974 fundamentalist Christians in Kanawha County were so upset over "immoral" books like "Autobiography of Malcolm X" being introduced to local schools they dynamited a school, attacked school buses with shotguns, and planted a bomb at a school board member's home. : todayilearned
What non-physical traits have you inherited from your parents? : AskReddit
5 years ago today was the infamous "What secret could ruin your life?" thread. For those who posted in it, where are you now? For those who read it, how did it change you? : AskReddit
trashitagain comments on Throwaway time! What's your secret that could literally ruin your life if it came out?
What's your favorite way to ask your SO for sex? : AskReddit
What is your nerdiest joke? : AskReddit
The Olsen twins attended the Met Gala last night, cosplaying as the last 2 gelfling from The Dark Crystal. : funny
YouTube star Daddyofive loses custody of two children featured in 'prank' video. : news
Let's move on from DADDY O FIVE and have a look at TASHA MAMA. WTF : videos
What If Climate Scientists Are Guessing Wrong? - Newest New York Times columnist Bret Stephens, a conservative refugee from the increasingly Trumpist Wall Street Journal editorial page, uses his first column to imply, without quite stating outright, that somebody (the world? America? liberals?) overrates the certainty of climate science. (very Sulzbergerish hire)
The evil of banality - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Throw in the biggest collective action problem of all time, and nothing is going to change until it's far too late to do anything about whatever does end up happening. So we had better pray for a technological miracle or three, or the opening of the Seventh Seal, with the latter being the preferred solution to the problem among what Mencken called the plain folks of the land.
H.L. Mencken: "As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." (plain folks of the land and the Beast from the Earth)
Wilbur Ross Says Syria Missile Strike Was 'After-Dinner Entertainment' at Mar-a-Lago
Chaos in Paris as annual May Day march turns into mass riot in protest against Marine Le Pen - Mirror Online
TIL of the 'Banana massacre' in 1928, where up to 3000 striking workers where killed by colombian forces, after the US threatened to invade if they would not protect american interests. : todayilearned
U.S. appeals court won't rehear 'net neutrality' challenge : technology
The Cost of Barack Obama's Speech (vry Barry)
Hullabaloo - Sunday Funnies - Not The White House Correspondents Dinner
Donald Trump Won't Give Up Unsupported Claim That Barack Obama Wiretapped Him | The Huffington Post - After bringing up the claim unprompted, CBS asked Trump to elaborate. Instead, the president angrily ended the interview. (Pres Crazy)
Trump on surveillance claims: 'I don't stand by anything' (except himself) said his allegation that he was illegally surveilled by former President Barack Obama has 'been proven very strongly' and that that surveillance has negated the relatively warm relationship that the two presidents developed in the weeks following Trump's victory last year ("relatively warm")
An interview suggests Trump doesn't know what's in his health bill Either the president doesn't understand the proposal -- or ins't telling the truth about it (probably both)
GOP faces make-or-break moment on Obamacare repeal - politico - This week may be the last, best chance to get it done in the House.
Peculiar Understanding of the Civil War - The president's admiration for deal-making and strong leadership lead him to suggest that Andrew Jackson could have stopped the Civil War.
Trump's totally bizarre claim about avoiding the Civil War (simple minds)
Andrew Jackson Was A Comprehensively Terrible President - Lawyers, Guns & Money (and a Southern slave-holder)
Historians see a dark underside to Trump's Civil War riff - politico - comments on Monday struck some historians as darker than a history goof, with the president seeming to minimize the painful history of slavery in the United States and to talk up Jackson's role as a strongman leader who proudly owned many slaves ... "It's the kind of comment that will get applause from neo-Confederate circles in the South"
Trump Just Picked a Contraception Skeptic to Head Federal Family Planning Efforts | Mother Jones (no slut-pills for you, girls)
Donald Trump Taps Anti-Contraceptive Activist To Oversee Family Planning Program | The Huffington Post -- Teresa Manning once said "contraception doesn't work"
Top Ethics Officer Challenges Trump Over Secret Waivers for Ex-Lobbyists - The New York Times
The moment Hillary Clinton was forced to give up her dream | New York Post
Hillary Clinton lost because Obama voters went to Donald Trump | McClatchy Washington Bureau (propaganda worked +Hillary)
Why did Trump win? New research by Democrats offers a worrisome answer. - The Washington Post - A shockingly large percentage of these Obama-Trump voters said Democrat's economic policies will favor the wealthy -- twice the percentage that said the same about Trump (they thought Trump would look after the little guy and haven't been paying attention to Republican policies for 40 years)
Fox News Executive, Bill Shine, Departs Amid Turmoil - The New York Times
Dallas Firefighter Shot, Officers Pinned Down by Gunfire : news
Seven shot, gunman dead at University City apartment complex - The San Diego Union-Tribune - Authorities said the shooter, armed with a semi-automatic pistol, was white and all the victims were people of color -- our black women, two black men and one Latino man
Officer fatally shoots 15-year-old in Balch Springs | Dallas | Dallas News - Jordan Edwards, a freshman at Mesquite High School, was leaving a party when he was shot through the passenger's side window (the car reached for its waistband)
Shooting of black teen in Dallas suburb did not meet 'our core values,' police chief says
UT stabbing in Austin: 1 dead, 3 injured on campus; suspect in custody
Multiple people stabbed on UT Austin campus : news
Ja Rule And Fyre Festival Slapped With $100 Million Lawsuit For Multiple Counts Of Fraud (Followup) : Music
The entire town of Manchester-by-the-Sea is getting Amazon Prime for free - In honor of the Academy Award-winning film Manchester by the Sea debuting on Amazon Prime Video on Friday, the town that served as a backdrop for the dismal Casey Affleck drama is getting a year of Amazon Prime for free. (and the movie was about Glouster)
The majority of women suffering with pain when urinating, or needing to urinate often or urgently probably do have a bacterial infection, even when nothing is detected by standard urine testing. Using a more sensitive test found evidence of bacterial infection in almost all women with symptoms. : science
Redditor goes on amazing in-depth rant about why we have probably never been visited by aliens. : bestof
Daddyofive - Youtube Community Saves Emma and Cody : videos
Trump won't rule out military action against N. Korea
Counties with the highest poverty concentration had >3 times the rate of child abuse fatalities compared with counties with the lowest poverty concentration, based on a retrospective, cross-sectional analysis of child abuse fatalities in US children 0 to 4 years of age from 1999 to 2014. : science
U.S.-led fight on ISIS has killed 352 civilians: Pentagon | Reuters
May expects tough talks; EU alarmed at Brexit 'illusions' | Reuters (she still thinks she's going to make a deal)
Trump's 'Very Friendly' Talk With Duterte Stuns Aides and Critics Alike (peas in a pod)
F.C.C. Invokes Internet Freedom While Trying to Kill It - The New York Times (death is freedom, see health care +semiotics of untruth)
Fox News on Twitter: "Jobless rate after first 3 months: Trump vs. Obama vs. Bush vs. Clinton." (any sign can be used to lie)
Hourly Wages v. GDP - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money
TIL Between 2005 and 2009, Americans' retirement savings had shrunk by about $2.5 trillion. More than 8.8 million jobs were lost, and roughly 3 million homes had gone into foreclosure. (vote Republican, obviously)
Donald Trump's Spell Hasn't Worn Off -- And It Might Never -- His rapturous show kept fans enthralled on Saturday night as the populist hero came to speak to his people.
Safe Self-Abortion Will Force Opponents of Abortion Rights to be Consistent, and Not in a Good Way - Lawyers, Guns & Money (hello, Gorsuch)
TRUE BLUE REPORT: How in the world did DJT get a degree from Wharton? - Let me repeat. DJT does not have an MBA from Wharton, or anywhere else. (and neither does Ivanka)
Voting Rights Roundup: North Carolina GOP rams through yet another power grab to suppress the vote - No state has been at the vanguard in the Republican war on voting rights quite like North Carolina. (meanwhile, in the Republican war on democracy)
Reagan Adviser Slams Trump Rally Speech As 'Most Divisive Ever' From A President | The Huffington Post (Gergen)
Two members of alt-right accused of making white supremacist hand signs in White House after receiving press passes | The Independent
TEDWeekends explores shades of deception | TED Blog
Judge won't hear gay adoptions because it's not in a child's 'best interest'
An 86-year-old Californian woman has died trying to fight a man who was allegedly sexually assaulting her 61-year-old friend. : news
In Vermon't remote Northeast Kingdom, two acres of mystery
A clean, modern, interactive periodic table : InternetIsBeautiful
Testosterone Makes Men Less Likely to Question Their Impulses : science
Chashachka comments on I need help with a difficult patient.
What was the biggest mistake made by a civilisation in history? : AskReddit
Men of Reddit, what's something inappropriate you've always wanted to know about women? : AskReddit
If you asked the US government one question and they had to tell you the truth, what would you ask? : AskReddit
If God himself did an AMA, what would be the highest rated question? : AskReddit
What's the sluttiest thing you have ever done? : AskReddit
PSA: If you opened your PayPal account before you were 18, close it now. : technology
'World's Most Secure' Email Service Is Easily Hackable
Ever wonder how computers work? This guy builds one step by step and explains how every part works in a way that anyone can understand. I no longer just say "it's magic." : videos
Thousands March In Washington, D.C. Heat To Demand Trump Act On Climate Change | The Huffington Post - As more than 100,000 protestors took to the National Mall Saturday to demand the Trump administration quit cozying up to fossil fuel companies and take action against climate change, D.C. experienced its hottest day ever for April 29.
EPA website removes climate science site from public view after two decades - The Washington Post
The best signs from the People's Climate March
NYT: Climate change impact is happening now. NYT: Eh, maybe not that big a deal. - The Washington Post - The New York Times is very proud of the debut column from Bret Stephens, the op-edder that it recently pulled away from the Wall Street Journal (evil runs deep at the Times)
Finally, I Understand Trump's America - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Sorter Bret Stephens: "Sure, climate science suggests that the Earth is warming with terrible consequences, but what if BIG DATA is failing to anticipate that James Comey might imply that the climate is a crook, causing the temperature to drop two or three degrees and making everything OK? Americans are right to me skeptical of NERDS and their SLIDE RULES who don't consider the intangibles." (+Spayd, Bennet and Baquet
North Korea threatens Israel with "merciless, thousand-fold punishment" : news
Trump: North Korea 'disrespected' China with missile test (carnage in his brain)
French Election Is Facebook's Fake News Litmus Test
ICE data shows half of immigrants arrested in raids had traffic convictions or no record - The Washington Post
Texas House finally passes harsher 'sanctuary cities' bill that's more like Senate version (TX goes full "show your papers")
The 4 Russia investigations in Congress, explained -
UK was given details of alleged contacts between Trump campaign and Moscow | US news | The Guardian - In December the UK government was given reports by former MI6 officer Christopher Steele on possible collusion between Trump camp and the Kremlin
Trump blames Obama for not vetting former national security adviser Michael Flynn - ABC News ("we didn't know he was a Russian spy")
Trump team did background check on Flynn, knew of Turkey ties: report | TheHill (oh, he lied)
100 Days of Noise From Donald Trump - The New York Times (he's a big success)
Trump says rally crowd broke records despite empty seats | TheHill (it's very crowded in his tiny brain)
Trump says trips to New York City cost the US too much | Fox News
Hard times for Whole Foods: 'People say it's for pretentious people. I can see why' | Business | The Guardian
Minnesota man gets 15 years for shooting 5 Black Lives Matter protesters : news
Man confronts undercover officers and TSA agents at LAX when they ask how much money he is carrying : videos
Fox in a box - Axios
Women In The U.S. Don't Live In A Dystopian Hellscape. Yet.
Armed neo-Nazis prepare for potential clash in small Kentucky town. : news
USDA to ease school meal standards | TheHill (let them eat dirt, say pro-life Republicans)
MSNBC In Talks to Be Wingnut Welfare Supplier - Lawyers, Guns & Money
"De-politicizing Art" - Lawyers, Guns & Money (The Federalist)
'You are safe,' Transylvania attacker says to Republican student in coffee shop ... Adkins appears to have a history of publicly protesting what he considered the mistreatment of conservatives on college campuses.
Man vandalizes three Rodeo Drive boutiques by driving Mercedes into them, police say - LA Times
Fyre Festival Was Always Going to Be a Disaster -- The festival was supposed to be a luxury music retreat where elite millennials could mingle with 'influencers' and models ... I cannot explain how or why the bros running this festival ignored every warning sign they were given along the way. The writing was on the wall. I saw it firsthand six weeks ago. They overlooked so many very basic things. And baby, they forgot to make me sign an NDA.
The founder of the disastrous Fyre Festival has a history of overpromising 'elite' access
Life Lessons From the Great Fyre Festival Disaster
FyreFestivalFraud (@FyreFraud) | Twitter
Fyre Festival: discussion about the upcoming festival in The Bahamas
15 Signs You're With A Good Man | The Huffington Post
Two new psychology studies show that liberals are just as prone to confirmation bias as conservatives. : science
PTSD risk may be inherited through DNA. Women in particular were more likely to be diagnosed than men following a traumatic event. The researchers caution that a larger sample size is needed for better genotyping coverage. : science
Creative people physically see and process the world differently : science
[Serious] Schizophrenics: What were the first signs you experienced before you were diagnosed? : AskReddit
Upon using medical cannabis, patients in pain and those suffering from other medical conditions reduced their use of opioids, antidepressants, sleep medications, alcohol, and other dangerous substances, according to a new study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology. : science (Jason Lewis doesn't believe your so-called "science")
Want to Quit Smoking? Eat a Magic Mushroom, New Study Says |
Turns out you can be addicted to love, new research demonstrates addiction like behavior disorders to romance. : science
What colour would a neutron star be? : askscience
Uber driver accidentally picks up prostitute instead of passenger. Hilarity ensues : videos
U.S. says time to act on North Korea, China says not up to Beijing alone | Reuters
Eschaton: Really Only Need 1 - That's the most hilarious thing about the stupidity of the people in charge of British Brexit. They don't need 27 to "oppose" them. Basically every country can veto anything. (it's complicated)
Civil Rights Act protects gay and lesbian employees from workplace bias, court rules - LA Times
N.S.A. Halts Collection of Americans' Emails About Foreign Targets
FBI confirms grand jury subpoenas used in Clinton email probe - politico
Exclusive: Trump says he thought being president would be easier than his old life | Reuters
Considered as political satire, reality is getting a bit over the top - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Look Around the Table. If You Think You Spot Republicans Who Are Deficit Hawks, You Are the Sucker - Lawyers, Guns & Money (NYT plays you for suckers)
This Instagram Account Is Documenting Every Anti-Donald Trump Sticker In NYC | The Huffington Post
DeMint set to be ousted from Heritage Foundation - politico - DeMint has brought in too many Senate allies and made the think tank too bombastic and political
EXCLUSIVE: Advanced Talks Underway For New Conservative Network Amid Fears Fox News Moving Too Far Left | Mediaite
Lawsuit: Fox News group hacked, surveilled, and stalked ex-host Andrea Tantaros | Ars Technica
Hannity: 'High up' person trying to fire Fox News co-president - politico
Alex Jones Suffers Defeat In Custody Hearing
InfoWars' Alex Jones Loses Custody Case, Ex-Wife Wins Right to Decide Where Children Live ... Under cross-examination he spoke not only about George Soros and overly potent marijuana, but also his taste for zebra meat and canned exotic game hunts, and confirmed that a big bowl of hot Texas chili caused him to forget details about his kid's lives
The Disastrous Saga of Ja Rule's Fyre Festival Is the Craziest Thing You'll See today
A-listers told to avoid Ja Rule music fest before disaster hit | Page Six
Roustan Bodypaint | Los Angeles Body Painter and Photographer | Image Gallery
What's reference point for the speed of light? : askscience
What's Your Big Penis Horror Story?
What are subtle red flags at a job interview that say, "Working here would suck"? : AskReddit
Hacker leaks season five of 'Orange is the New Black' after demanding ransom : television
Eschaton: Nice Work - Corporate America prides itself on rewarding success and punishing failure. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer does not fit comfortably into that narrative. During her five-year tenure at the once-proud tech firm, user levels stagnated, ad revenue dropped, acquisitions cratered, layoffs accelerated, product quality floundered, and hackers stole the personal information of more than one billion users. (she earned that $186 million)
The Drumbeats Dn't Add Up to Imminent War With North Korea
North Korea puts out new video showing the White House in crosshairs and carriers exploding - The Washington Post (nice Nazi music)
Isis faces exodus of foreign fighters as its 'caliphate' crumbles | World news | The Guardian
United dragging report: 'Our review shows that many things went wrong that day'
Trump spent all of 14 minutes in briefing with senators on "military preparation" for North Korea - Shareblue (fake news)
Senators Leave White House Briefing On North Korea Unsure About Why It Took Place | The Huffington Post - not quite sure why we went all the way down to the White House (suckers got pwned)
Justices Alarmed by Government's Hard-Line Stance in Citizenship Case
Trump Says He Will Renegotiate Nafta or Terminate It - The New York Times
'The Simpsons' has a grim take on Trump's first 100 days
The education of Donald Trump - politico (not possible)
Trump's lies are working brilliantly. This new poll proves it -- enormous majorities of his voters believe the news media regularly publishes false stories. Even bigger majorities of them believe the news media's falsehoods are a bigger problem than the Trump administration's flasehoods are, while only small fractions think the administration tells falsehoods or that his lies are the greater problem. (Trump voters are very stupid and evil people)
Elizabeth Warren Wades Into Democratic Party's Debate On Candidates' Abortion Views (Lizzie wants to include hateful people)
Eschaton: The Marketplace Of Ideas - This movement currently holds power at nearly every level of American government, and Murray's ideas are as influential now as they've ever been (Make America Racist Again)
Ivanka Trump's laim that for half of U.S. families, 'the single largest expense is child care' (if you leave out housing and food)
How to pop the political bubbles keeping Americans apart - The Washington Post -- Conservatives tend to view all nonconservative sources of information as biased, putting The Post and the Huffington Post, for example, in the same category of untrustworthiness (by any serious standard an absurdity). (NeoCon Gerson's bothsidism suffers in the comments)
A new bill would ban conversion therapy nationwide (Trump will veto)
George Soros Took Control of 183 Groups and 12 People So Far This Year, According to Alex Jones and InfoWars - The Daily Beast (pizzagate!)
And Then There Was Hannity - Bloomberg
A Chilling Threat of Political Violence in Portland - The Atlantic - Activists threatened to drag local Republicans off a parade route
Ann Coulter speech at UC Berkeley canceled, again, amid fears for safety - The Washington Post
Orleans Parish prosecutors are using fake subpoenas to pressure witnesses to talk to them | The Lens (cops should go to jail for shit like this)
School district slams sixth grader with suspension over haircut
Charter Myth Busting - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Purdue Chases the Cash - Lawyers, Guns & Money (buys Kaplan)
A Vermont nature diary documents down-to-earth signs of climate change - The Boston Globe
Comey, Lynch and Clinton - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Bill really fucked the country with that one)
Eschaton: It's A Ban Again - He really isn't very bright ("don't call it a "ban," ok? that's why we lost the first time")
Views on Russian influence reflect partisan finger-pointing (POLL) - ABC News
What's up with the way Trump talks? Here's a closer look (let's see what incoherent thought is bouncing around in the orange potato)
Republicans exempt their own insurance from their latest health care proposal - Vox - Republican legislators want to keep popular Obamacare provisions for themselves and their staff. (eating Obama's dogfood)
Donald Trump Is a Real Republican, and That's a Good Thing (commenters disagree with Republican Institute "scholar")
Fairy tales don't become facts just because you never stop repeating them - Lawyers, Guns & Money
A lot of Democrats see nuance in how abortion should be available -- and a lot of Republicans aren't universally opposed to the idea (see how they framed that?)
Tamir Rice Shooting: Newly Released Interview Reveals Cop's Shifting Story
'Apocryphal' gospels examined by Gathercole at MBTS
Muslims of Reddit who have renounced Islam and are now atheists or anything else, what happened and why did you do so? : AskReddit
MFA among museums hit by Instagram censorship - The Boston Globe (Globe censors pics in story about censored pics)
Medical marijuana sales growing north of Boston - The Boston Globe
The Cassini spacecraft's dive in between Saturn's rings explained
Archaeology shocker: Study claims humans reached the Americas 130,000 years ago - The Washington Post
Paleontologists have dug up a 130,000-year-old mastodon skeleton that looks like it was butchered by humans. But they found it in America, where people were not supposed to have arrived for another 100,000 years. Findings could upend our understanding of human history. : science
The Murray Gell-Mann Amnesia effect | SeekerBlog
Largest online supplier of Conflict-free diamonds is a scam : videos
What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all? : AskReddit
What is your to go question to kill awkward silence? : AskReddit
What's something that sucks about being a man? : AskReddit
What are some things that people claim happen all the time, but you've never seen? : AskReddit
AT&T Launches Fake 5G Network in Desperate Attempt to Seem Innovative : technology
What to do if you know or you think your identity has been stolen. : StolenIdentity
/u/twerkitoutbruh provides step by step guide on how to deal with a stolen identity and creates a new subreddit to compile information on the topic. This is a great resource that everyone should read through at least once. : bestof
A chemistry professor in Florida has just found a way to trigger the process of photosynthesis in a synthetic material, turning greenhouse gases into clean air and producing energy all at the same time. : science
As North Korea Speeds Its Nuclear Program, U.S. Fears Time Will Run Out - The New York Times
Venezuela death toll rises as unrest enters fourth week | Reuters
Brazilian prison gang suspected in Paraguay's 'heist of the century'
Obama's $400,000 Wall Street speaking fee will undermine everything he believes in - Vox - To fight the rising tide of populism, mainstream leaders need to raise their ethical game. (everything that's wrong with Barry and Hillary)
Bye bye, Bernie: He's not fit to captain the Democratic ship if he can't stop chasing the great white male -- The Democratic Party is selling out women and all marginalized groups in favor of Bernie Sander's dangerous myths ... what Rebecca Traister last week called "third-way centrist bullshit" (Bernie is a PINO)
Trump Wants It Known: Grading 100 Days Is 'Ridiculous' (but His Were the Best)
How Much Of Trump's 100 Day Action Plan Has He Completed? - The Late Show with Stephen Colbert : television
Sorry, Trump voters, you got scammed. You're never going to get your wall (except between you and sanity)
Limbaugh: Looks like Trump is 'caving' on border wall
Flynn's Turkish lobbying linked to Russia - The former national security adviser
Flynn May Have Broken Law by Not Disclosing Russia Dealings, Lawmakers Say - The New York Times (Trump covers up)
House oversight: Michael Flynn might have broken law -
Trump's brazxen self-promotion crosses the line (line? what line?)
Ivanka Trump gets booed, hissed at during Berlin event - politico
Obama will earn $400K for one of his first paid speeches: report
Transcript of AP interview with Trump - The Washington Post (completely incoherent and stupid man)
Fact-checking President Trump's Pinocchio-laden Associated Press interview (stupid voters elected stupid)
Only 37 percent say Trump should repeal and replace Obamacare (POLL) - ABC News
How the GOP Made the ACA Popular - Lawyers, Guns &and Money
Wisconsin seeks to mandate drug tests for Medicaid recipients - The Boston Globe (meanwhile in Scott Walker's Kochistan)
Homeland Security's John Kelly is unhinged (aren't they all?)
bill o'reilly Breaks His Silence After His Exit From Fox News
Tantaros Adds to Fox Fight With Claim of Sockpuppet Attack -- Former Fox Host Claims Network Hacked Into Her Computer
Fox News anchor joins lawsuit alleging racial discrimination, harassment at network - Apr. 25, 2017 - The suit is now headlined by Kelly Wright, a black reporter and anchor who has been with Fox News since 2003.
The Biggest Neoliberal in All Neoliberalland Speaks that Neoliberal Language - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Protesters Storm Heritage Foundation
Heritage, Not Hate, AmIRight? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money
Jenna Abrams on Twitter: "To those people, who hate the Confederate flag. Did you know that the flag and the war wasn't about slavery, it was all about money" ("and where did the money come from?")
Corey Stewart doesn't get that you can be a Southerner without being racist -- Sarah Jones
First on CNN: Ex-Christie aide joins Cuomo as new chief of staff - - A lifelong Republican, this is the first time Comella has ever worked for a Democrat. (C&C were partners in crime and Andypants a dem only because he had to be)
Two Xanadu backers reflect 14 years later, with still no completion - Two of the men who voted for Meadowlands Xanadu in 2003 are still in their posts and waiting for its successor to open. (nice scam you have there)
Florida mall brawl video: Teens caught on camera in wild brawl at Orange Park Mall | WJAX-TV
Sen. Mike Enzi: A Guy Who Wears A Tutu To A Bar 'Kind Of Asks For It' | The Huffington Post - The Wyoming senator was speaking to a group of high school and middle school students. (Republiturd, Wyo)
Police video shows officer press gun to unarmed man's head, threaten to kill him : news
Marijuanalujah? Jeff Sessions and the cannabis conundrum - The Washington Post
Should home sellers stash their pot plants before the open house?
The Kardashians aren't with Caitlyn Jeffer's new book (is Kris a total bitch and a liar? is it all scripted?)
The saga of a YouTube family who pulled disturbing pranks on their own kids - The Washington Post - There is little question in my mind that the three videos depict abusive behavior between parents and children as well as between siblings (WaPo reads reddit)
Artificial Womb Works for Lambs, Study Shows - The Atlantic - A lab has successfully gestated premature lambs in artificial wombs. Are humans next? (the future is scary)
Meet the 34-year-old neuroscientist developing a drug to prevent depression and PTSD - The Washington Post -- ketamine, also known as the psychedelic special K
The Republican Lawmaker Who Secretly Created Reddit's Women-Hating 'Red Pill' -- A web of secret online identities connects the creator of the misogynistic Red Pill forum to a New Hampshire state representative.
In which mother-in-law is awful to the bride, tries to upstage the bride at the wedding and OP makes sure that doesn't happen : bestof
Verizon, Fiber, Boston, Wireless: History Repeats Itself, Yet Again. | The Huffington Post ( 20-yr big con)
Unroll.Me CEO So Sorry You Found Out His Company Sold Your Data [Update] - a whole new level of terrible, borderline sociopathic non-apology. (techbros)
Unroll.Me - Team (roster of evil)
Climate change offers huge investment opportunity: experts | Reuters
Coal Miners' Futures in Renewable Energy -- coal miners back to work by building the largest solar project in Appalachia on top of a closed mountaintop strip mine near the town of Pikeville.
So atmospheric CO2 levels just reached 410 ppm, first time in 3 million years it's been that high. What happened 3 million years ago? : askscience (Isthmus of Panama and Azolla event)
York police say 104 men arrested after child sex sting : news (canada)
Lafarge Scandal Points to Difficulty of Operating in War Zones - The New York Times - the plant, operated by Lafarge S.A., was curiously able to tough it out for years: From its opening in 2010 through to 2014, cement continued to pour from its mills in Jalabiyeh, a town near the Turkish border.
Marine Le Pen Is In A Much Deeper Hole Than Trump Ever Was | FiveThirtyEight
Parties in France Unite Against Marine Le Pen - The New York Times
After French Vote, Mainstream Europe Breathes a Sigh of Relief - The New York Times
Outspoken Maldives Blogger Who Challenged Radical Islamists Is Killed - The New York Times - The blogger, Yameen Rasheed, 29, had complained repeatedly to the police about receiving death threats, he said in an interview with The New York Times this year, adding that the police often failed to return his calls or dropped his complaints without investigation.
Trump Will Provoke a Crisis or Be Humiliated This Week | New Republic - The president has miscalculated the politics of government funding.
Senate staff perplexed by unusual White House private briefing on North Korea - The Washington Post
Entire U.S. Senate to go to White House for North Korea briefing | Reuters
US antisemitic incidents jump 86% at start of 2017 : news
Senate Trump-Russia Probe Has No Full-Time Staff, No Key Witnesses - The Daily Beast (why, it's almost like ...)
Poll: 73% Back Independent Probe of Russian Election Interference - NBC News
Don't Look At Us, We Didn't Do It! -- Chris Cillizza, who recently took his blog Calvalcade of EMAILS! to CNN, asserts that he was merely a passive vessel transmitting things that happened: (Cillizard)
Will The New York Times Ever Fix Its Clinton Problem? - The paper of record has failed us in this regard.
Working the Refs Works - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The big takeaway may be that the reason everything happened the way it did is that everyone involved, from Comey up to President Obama, assumed Hillary Clinton was going to win. Their behavior was guided by that assumption.
Let's Talk About Bubbles and James Comey | Mother Jones -
State Department removes Mar-a-Lago blog post -
The 2017 Award for Worst Self-Awareness Goes To......Glenn Greenwald! - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... Obama believes that high status people get to commit crimes, period ... He's a conservative in the traditional sense -- maintaining the social order is more important than gross, systematic injustice. (Barry's disaster)
Sanders: Democratic Party's model is 'failing' -- "Clearly the Democratic Party has got to change. And in my view, what it has got to become is a grassroots party, a party which makes decisions from the bottom on up, a party which is more dependent on small donations than large donations" (lookin' at you, Barry and Hillary)
Elections Have Life And Death Consequences - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Last week, Neil Gorsuch cast the deciding vote to allow an execution based on a conviction obtained from a trial in which the judge was literally sleeping with the prosecutor to proceed. The 2016 elections could have put the death penalty on the road to extinction, but instead might entrench it for a generation or more:
This Is Why We're Screwed -- just perfect. Not only does Fournier not understand utterly basic statistical concepts any political writer should be familiar with, he's willing to embarrass himself by picking fights with people who actually do some work and know what they're talking about
How Hollywood Remembers Steve Bannon - The New Yorker - He says that, before he became a senior adviser to the President, he was a successful player in the film industry. But what did he actually do?
Has Trump Stolen Philosophy's Critical Tools? -- Call it what you want: relativism, constructivism, deconstruction, postmodernism, critique. The idea is the same: Truth is not found, but made, and making truth means exercising power.
Our Delight in Destruction - The New York Times - What if reason is not the driving force of human history and, just as often, we act irrationally, out of resentment, anger, spite, frustration, envy, even out of self-destructive impulse? What if there is even such a thing as the pursuit of unhappiness? -- Dealing with the human abyss used to be the province of religion, but ever since God died we haven't really been able to find a good replacement. (Not that there are any serious candidates.)
Trump Pal Sean Hannity Accused Of Sexual Harassment As Fox News Scandal Grows
Ex-Fox News guest accuses Sean Hannity of sexual harassment - NY Daily News
New Orleans Starts Tearing Down Confederate Monuments, Sparking Protest - NBC News (monument to "white supremacy")
Tear 'Em Down -- These monuments, among them some of the most imposing Confederate monuments erected, were placed there an overt symbol of post-Reconstruction white power. They were intended to intimidate African-Americans into submission.
What 'Snorflakes' Get Right About Free Speech
Bow-tie-Wearing Dog Vigorously Contests Mark Halperin's Version of Events (in the taking yourself way too seriouisly and lying yourself into a very deep hole dept -- so you have to assume we just saw his true self-important asshole character)
In Trump era, Rachel Maddow starts beating Fox News - Apr. 24, 2017
At Tomi Lahren hearing, judge orders The Blaze to search emails | Dallas | Dallas News - A Dallas County judge on Monday ordered Glenn Beck and his conservative media company The Blaze to produce emails between them and a reporter for The Daily Caller related to the controversial pundit Tomi Lahren.
BART takeover robbery: 40 to 60 teens swarm train, hold up riders - San Francisco Chronicle (SF carnage on the BART)
Genital mutilation victims break their silence: 'This is demonic' - Taher, who lives in Cambridge, Mass., grew up in the Bohra community in the U.S. and is closely following the Michigan case along with several other cutting victims who spoke to the Free Press last week
If you really respect Trump voters, tell them the truth - Vox - Struggling communities deserve help, but nostalgia economics won't work (moar coal)
Was Bo Diddley a Buddha? - The New York Times
Robert Pirsig dies at 88; wrote counterculture classic 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' - LA Times
Kansas man arrested after growing cannabis to control seizures : news
TIL that an 11-year-old boy was suspended for a year for possession of a "marijuana leaf" that tested negative for marijuana three times. : todayilearned
TIL that half of all stars aren't in a galaxy : todayilearned
TIL that we don't see pure black when we close our eyes, we see a color named Eigengrau and although there are a few theories as to what causes it nobody's quite sure. : todayilearned
End of Watch - One of the most intense and most realistic police scenes from a movie *NSFW* : movies
'The Handmaid's Tale' Is Among A Resurgence Of Dystopian Literature : books
The Real-World Locations of 14 Sci-Fi Dystopias - Atlas Obscura
Linz_mmb comments on Hand dryer has a point. - Despite the negative stereotypes, foam cups have a lower carbon footprint than paper cups and in some cases they might have a lower carbon footprint than reusable cups.
Morgue workers, pathologists, medical examiners, etc. What is the weirdest cause of death you've diagnosed? : AskReddit
jwords comments on Redditor dated 50 women in the exact same way
Tim Cook reportedly threatened to remove Uber from the App Store in CEO meeting : technology
Why Verizon is losing more cellphone customers than ever : technology
How Republicans Became the Anti-Environmental Party - Lawyers, Guns & Money (around they same time they because the anti-sanity party)
The kingdom of women: the society where a man is never the boss | Life and style | The Guardian
Nearing 100 days, Trump's approval at record lows but his base is holding
President Trump at 100 Days: No honeymoon, but no regrets (POLL) - ABC News
Donald Trump Announces Rally On Same Night As White House Correspondents Dinner | The Huffington Post
Inside the Trump Marriage: Melania's Burden
A Hundred Days of Trump - The New Yorker
Bill O'Reilly Is Gone, But Fox New's Legal Nightmare Continues
Bill O'Reilly Was Just A Symptom, Fox News Is The Disease | The Huffington Post (a major tumor, though)
CNN's Alisyn Camerota: Roger Ailes sexually harassed me
Eschaton: That This Is Plausible - just how deep the culture of discrimination and harassment may have run during Ailes's reign (Roger was running his own plantation)
GOP Rep Tells Mom Her Son On Medicaid Should Just Get A Better Job If He Wants Health Care | The Huffington Post - Rep. Warren Davidson also compared health insurance to a cell phone. (they actually think in lies)
Murphy's Law: The Failed Promise of Miller Park -- The cost of Miller Park, which could ultimately run anywhere from $524 million to more than a billion in taxes
Aaron Hernandez's Sex Life Probed as Murder Motive, Police Source Says
Cruel and Unusual: Why Prison Psychologist Quit Waupun ; Urban Milwaukee (America has a sadism problem)
C.E.O. Plays With Fire -- Travis Kalanick (techbros)
WikiLeaks releases more top-secret CIA docs as U.S. considers charges - CBS News
Counting Bodies (Or How To Effortlessly Minimize Civilian Casualties) - Lawyers, Guns & Money ("no civilian casualities" from MOAB b/c we never looked: military is hopelessly corrupt)
Crimintern: How the Kremlin uses Russia's criminal networks in Europe (gangster state)
Comey Tried to Shield the F.B.I. From Politics. Then He Shaped an Election. - The New York Times (thanks Obama)
This tax cut will pay for itself! - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- Just like the invasion of Iraq would pay for itself and the promised border wall would be paid for by Mexico.
The White House Seems Excited to Shut Down the Government - The New Yorker (dismantling the administrative state)
The Persistence of Trump Derangement Syndrome - The New Yorker - Our problem is not Trump Derangement Syndrome; our problem is Deranged Trump Self-Delusion. This is the habit of willfully substituting, as a motive for Trump's latest action, a conventional political or geostrategic ambition, rather than recognizing the action as the daily spasm of narcissistic gratification and episodic vanity that it truly is.
Schumer jabs White House over offer to fund Obamacare subsidies in exchange for border wall - politico - The White House gambit to hold hostage health care for millions of Americans, in order to force American taxpayers to foot the bill for a wall that the president said would be paid for by Mexico is a complete nonstarter (by "Mexicans" we meant "Americans needing health care")
Dem lawmaker jokes: I'll support Trump's border wall 'if Russia pays for it'
Premium Increases for Pre-Existing Conditions Under Latest ACA Repeal Plan, by State - Center for American Progress (New England +NY/NJ/WA/OR escape the Republican jihad on health care, everyone else pays bigly because market forces if they've ever been sick)
Nurse Replaces Surgeon General After Obama Appointee Resigns - The New York Times (they will pay her less so it's a win)
Eschaton: What's It All About Then -- There are plenty of places with much higher homicide rates than New York city, which actually isn't high crime by any measure. Birmingham, AL is one of those cities. ("carnage, cities in flames" for those who have never been to a "city")
Against Halperinism - Lawyers, Guns & Money -- comparing this review to Kakutani's it's not hard to understand why the Posts political reporting was dramatically better than the Times's in 2016
Donald Trump Won the 2016 Election Because He's What Republican Voters Wanted - For the 2016 ecosystem, he might have been the perfect candidate. (peak insanity/stupidity)
Please, God, Stop Chelsea Clinton from Whatever She Is Doing | Vanity Fair - The last thing the left needs is the third iteration of a failed political dynasty.
Federal 'Witch Hunt' Against Trump Twitter Critic Sparks Investigation | The Huffington Post - inspector general is looking into a possible abuse of authority.
Bernie Sanders defends his endorsements of red state Democrats: "Can't exclude people who disagree with us" (so anti-abortion, defunding schools and deporting poor people is fine with Bernster) Omaha MayoralC -
andidate Under Fire For Anti-Choice Past Vows To Protect Reproductive Rights | The Huffington Post (a BernieBro)
America is Regressing into a Developing Nation for Most People
'The mission was to bring down Bill O'Reilly' -- The final days of a Fox News superstar (more lawsuits coming)
Ronald Reagan's Son Tweets Stunningly Sexist Defense Of O'Reilly | The Huffington Post (Michael Reagan)
Rachael Leigh Cook Remixes That Famous 'Brain On Drugs' Commercial | The Huffington Post
Caitlyn Jenner reflects on how her life has changed since transitioning into a woman - ABC News (comment section is full of hate and people who don't know how stupid they are)
Our Machines Now Have Knowledge We'll Never Understand -- We are increasingly relying on machines that derive conclusions from models that they themselves have created, models that are often beyond human comprehension, models that "think" about the world differently than we do.
Nationwide medical marijuana program would save more than $1B in taxes : news (Jason Lewis wants to keep funding his big pharma/police-industrial complex)
TIL millennials aren't buying diamonds anymore - millennials would rather spend money on experiences than diamonds : todayilearned
Former Scientologists of Reddit, what/when was the exact moment when you realised you needed to leave? : AskReddit
DaddyOFive: Takes down all videos and releases another apology : videos
I came across a crime scene that shut down one of Toronto's main streets. This is the photo. : pics
What 10 year old/older game that is still a "10/10"? : AskReddit
So our nephew has been playing a lot of guitar with his headphones; last week we finally found out, jaws dropped... : videos
MommyOFive still has a 'prank' video up where DaddyOFive points a gun at one of the children : videos
Wow, Daddy O Five actually is a raging piece of shit : videos
One of the most beautiful and wholesome moments I've seen on Shark Tank. : videos
Plastc swiped $9 million from backers and just completely vanished - The Verge
(1) Plastc Delayed - Home
The U.S. wind industry now employs more than 100,000 people - The Washington Post - nine times greater than the average industry in this country
Watch the European Space Agency's terrifying new film 'Space Debris: A Journey to Earth.' - The Washington Post
Power restored in SF after blackout shuts businesses, cable cars - SFGate
Twenty-five million reasons the U.S. hasn't struck North Korea
Furious South Koreans Blast 'Ignorant' Trump For 'Distortion Of History' | The Huffington Post -- Trump had said "Korea actually used to be a part of China" because that's what Xi told him)
'Appalling': Woman bumped from Air Canada flight misses $10,000 Galapagos cruise : news
Feel The Propaganda, Feel the Hate (Sessions bombs sanctuary cities)
DOJ Threatens Sanctuary Cities With Lurid Letter
Terrorism Defendants With Concrete Ties to Violent Extremists Leverage Their Connections to Avoid Prison - The Cooperators
Government Stopgap Funding Talks Could Hit The (Mexican) Wall | The Huffington Post - White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney rattles negotiations by insisting the wall is a priority.
Sources: Russia tried to use Trump advisers to infiltrate campaign -
Donald Trump has 'dangerous mental illness', say psychiatry experts at Yale conference | The Independent
Henry Kissinger'xsys lukewarm non-endorsement of Jared Kushner is even more damning than it seems -- Time magazine has named top White House adviser Jared Kushner as one of its 100 most influential people.
Trump lawyer: 'No right' to protest at rallies (where have we heard that before?)
The GOP has a new plan to destroy Obamacare. It's even crueler than the last one.
Bernie Sanders's strange behavior (even though he's not a Democrat, he says, he won't support OSSoff who's not Demmy enough for him, and more true colors dept.)
Eschaton: Well Maybe You Should Stop Encouraging Him Then ... Nicholas Kristof
Campaign books that help shatter our politics
Jason Chaffetz Denies Scandal Speculation After Saying He May Leave Congress Early | The Huffington Post
'The Handmaid's Tale' Is a Warning to Conservative Women - Sarah Jones
'Be brave': Bill O'Reilly's downfall teaches a wonderful lesson to working women -- Margaret Sullivan
Donald Trump To Nominate Scott Brown As Ambassador To New Zealand | The Huffington Post - The former Massachusetts senator was an early Trump supporter.
The DCCC Is Jumping In And The Special Election In Montana Is About To Get A Ton More Attention | The Huffington Post
Can the police retaliate against a citizen for refusing to answer police questions? - The Washington Post (tl;dr: yes)
Jury awards $100,000 to family of girl in school bus assault.
Florida senator resigns amid outcry over racist remarks : news
Minnesota Senate passes bill blocking cities from setting minimum wage, sick leave ordinances : news
Conservative Asks Anarchists About Antifa and Mutual Dialogue Ensues : bestof
Rude Host on Today Show Cannot Stand Her Own Guest, Bill Nye : videos (Kathie Lee Gifford encapsulates America'S problem)
[Serious] What are some of the creepiest declassified documents made available to the public? : AskReddit
thisismyfacesaccount comments on Some Civil Forfeiture.
Why Verizon is losing more cellphone customers than ever - The Washington Post
South Korea Tells Trump It's Actually Never Been a Part of China (Xi told him different)
U.S. Bombed a Mosque in Syria, Killing Dozens of Civilians, Investigators Conclude
Hillary camp scrambling to find out who leaked embarrassing info | Page Six (obsessed with loyalty, she does it again)
Hillary Clinton spied on her own campaign staff | New York Post - She believed her campaign had failed her -- not the other way around
Bill O'Reilly's Departure Is Exposing A Toxic Culture At Fox News | The Huffington Post
Trevor Noah Gives Bill O'Reilly The Send-Off He Deserves -- greatest hits
Maxine Waters: 'There's Something Wrong Psychologically' With Bill O'Reilly | The Huffington Post
Video shows 10-year-old autistic boy getting arrested at school
Kris Jenner Says Everything About Her In Caitlyn's Memoir Is 'All Made Up' | The Huffington Post
At Denver's Newest Church, Marijuana Is The Holy Sacrament < br />
I am Dr. Michio Kaku: a physicist, co-founder of string theory, and now a space traveler
What is the difference between special relativity and general relativity? : askscience
Amazon has patented an automated on-demand clothing factory
This is what a nation rejecting dictatorship looks like. : pics
Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - documents | Reuters
Sean Spicer Insists The White House Didn't Mislead Anyone About Location Of U.S. Ships | The Huffington Post -- "That's a fact, it happened ... it is happening rather."
White House denies misleading public in aircraft carrier mix-up | TheHill
CIA WikiLeaks traitor manhunt underway - CBS News
Trump and The Problem of Militant Ignorance - President Trump is a deeply ignorant man and perhaps a profoundly ignorant President. But it is worth stepping back and considering just what this means, the different kinds of ignorance that exist and how they differ ... So far the Trump Presidency has been a sort of Mr Magoo performance art in which the comically ignorant Trump learns elemental or basic things that virtually everyone in the world of politics or government already knew ... which appears to make it genuinely impossible not to project his own ignorance onto everybody else.
Fox News Has Decided Bill O'Reilly Has to Go -- Gabriel Sherman ... executives are holding emergency meetings to discuss how they can sever the relationship with the country's highest-rated cable-news host without causing collateral damage to the network ... Fox News announced that Tucker Carlson will be taking over the 8 p.m. slot
As He Leaves Fox, Here Are Bill O'Reilly's Worst Moments On The Air (hateful psychopath gets highest ratings in America ... oh wait)
Choking, Harassing, and Loofahs: Women'S s Allegations Against Bill O'Reilly Piled Up for Years Before His Demise -- his troubling alleged behavior towards women has gone on for decades.
Twitter Reacts Appropriately To Bill O'Reilly Getting The Ax At Fox News | The Huffington Post
After Bill O'Reilly's Ouster, Fox Executives Fear "There's More to Come" ... "Until Fox News releases every woman from confidentiality and arbitration agreements and until they get rid of the executives who enabled the harassment, the workplace will not be safe for women" (next up, Fucker Carlson)
Anita Hill Speaks Out In The Wake Of Bill O'Reilly's Sexual Harassment Allegations | The Huffington Post
The response to the retail apocalypse shows which workers count in Trump's America (we didn't mean THOSE workers)
Jon Ossoff, a Democrat, Narrowly Misses Outright Win in Georgia House Race - The New York Times
Democrat In Georgia Falls Just Short Of Knockout Blow | The Huffington Post
Five Takeaways From the Georgia Special Election | RealClearPolitics
Why is Jason Chaffetz suddenly retiring from Congress? One word: Ambition. - The Washington Post (he can get paid better for being a total asshole)
Hillary ran the worst presidential campaign ever | New York Post
Eschaton: Nice Work - That works out to royalty payments to Cuomo of $245 per book ... Nobody outside of New York knows who he is unless they remember his father, and no one inside New York gives a shit. (sleazy Andy)
How did Cuomo make $783,000 on memoir that sold 3,200 copies? - The Buffalo News
Ann Coulter vows to speak at Berkeley despite cancellation - ABC News
Death without parole - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The suicide of former NFL star and convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez is an occasion for thinking about the policy of sentencing people to sentences of life without parole.
Aaron Hernandez's Death Highlights A Serious Problem | The Huffington Post - latest available federal data showed that prison suicides were on the rise in 2014. (revenge is strong)
Aaron Hernandez Commits Suicide : news
Chemist's Misconduct Is Likely to Void 20,000 Massachusetts Drug Cases
Will Moore RIP - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Eschaton: Funny - The underlying technology will be on par with its competitors, but I'm willing to bet that Apple will excel in the user interface, the iTunes- and App-Store-like infrastructure, and the design. I expect Apple to do things that were never done before. And for that, I expect customers to be willing to pay more. -- I don't think I am alone in saying that iTunes is the biggest piece of shit software there is. (Apple will reinvent the UI for driving a car!)
Hopefully A New Round of Upper-Class Tax Cuts Will Unleash More of This Kind of Innovation - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Juicero sells the machine for $400 (works almost as well as your hands)
This $400 juicing machine does nothing but squeeze bags of juice into a cup : videos
Investors surprised that Juicero's juice packs can be squeezed by hand without the $400 machine : technology
11 charts that show marijuana has truly gone mainstream - The Washington Post
Support for marijuana legalization at all-time high - CBS News - Sixty-one percent of Americans think marijuana use should be legal, a five-point increase from last year and the highest percentage ever recorded in this poll. Eighty-eight percent favor medical marijuana use. (MJ money transforming states, Jason Lewis says it's all "fake news")
For the first time, scientists show that psychedelic substances: psilocybin, ketamine and LSD, leads to an elevated level of consciousness, as measured by higher neural signal diversity exceeding those of normal waking consciousness, using spontaneous magnetoencephalographic (MEG) signals. : science
Rude Host on Today Show Cannot Stand Her Own Guest, Bill Nye : videos
The nation is immersed in its warmest period in recorded history - The Washington Post
Unsubsidized wind and solar now the cheapest source for new electric power : news
Whistleblower uncovers London police hacking of journalists and protestors - World Socialist Web Site
Aircraft Carrier Wasn't Sailing to Deter North Korea, as U.S. Suggested
NYT Fails To Disclose Terrorism Of Op-Ed Contributor | The Daily Caller - But the essay, from Marwan Barghouti, leaves out one crucial fact: he is in prison because he was convicted of killing five Israelis in terrorist attacks more than a decade ago.
FBI used dossier allegations to bolster Trump-Russia investigation -
The Continuing Fallout from Trump and Nunes's Fake Scandal
Trump Raised $107 Million for Inauguration, Doubling Record - The New York Times
Airlines say they're overbooking less. But passengers say gt hey're discriminating more. (flying while Muslim)
KING: Conservatives hated an uppity negro golfing President - NY Daily News
Poll: Trump woes take toll on GOP - politico - Just 40 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the Republican Party, down from 47 percent in January,
Ivanka's biz prospers as politics mixes with business (rise of the rich robots)
Cotton blitzed by constituents at rowdy town hall - politico
A One-Way Ratchet - Lawyers, Guns & Money : This is a good roundup of the greatest hits of the latest addition to the NYT op-ed page, but I think we have to start with this: (Bret Sephens is an awful person, and the Sulzbergers love him)
Miami state senator curses at black lawmaker -- and refers to fellow Republicans as 'niggas'
Andrew Sullivan's column is more proof we need to stop resurrecting old myths about race (he always was a racist)
Police: Cleveland Facebook killer kills self in Erie : news
Leader of Cal-Exit Drops Bid for California to Secede, Instead Moves to Russia (CA the new Crimea)
Silicon Valley CEO Pleads No Contest to Abusing His Wife -- and Is Offered a Deal for Less Than 30 Days in Jail -- her husband, Abhishek Gattani, faced his second felony domestic violence charge in Santa Clara Superior Court in fabled Palo Alto.
Bill O'Reilly On Chopping Block Amid Claim He Called Black Woman 'Hot Chocolate' -- "He would always do this when no one else was around and she was scared"
Private New York school releases report into sexual abuse and exploitation by staffers - The Boston Globe
Semiotic Terms
11 charts that show marijuana has truly gone mainstream - The Washington Post
Retailers look past apps to the next frontier of digital shopping: Chatbots - The Washington Post -- "conversational commerce" (reinventing "talking")
Yahoo Says 1 Billion User Accounts Were Hacked - The New York Times (Marissa's goodbye kiss)
Climate change causes glacial river in Yukon to change direction - Technology & Science - CBC News - Glacier retreated so much that its meltwater switched course, in an event not documented in modern times
NASA photos show two troubling cracks in a massive Greenland glacier
Big Sur usually can't keep people away. Right now, it's practically deserted
Reports about torture of gays in Chechnya produce no investigation, just threats against journalists - The Washington Post -- Ramzan Kadyrov (is a bear)
MaximumEffort433 comments on Presidential sources: US President Trump calls Turkish President Erdogan to congratulate him on Turkey referendum result. To be clear, Trump is congratulating him on a measure to effectively eliminate democracy and install a dictatorship. (Erdofuck will return the favor)
A 'Cuban Missile Crisis in Slow Motion' in North Korea
As tensions with North Korea flare, Trump spends quiet weekend at Mar-a-Lago - The Washington Post
Eschaton: Bringing Back The Bush Era Language - When Bush was busy killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and causing the deaths of thousands of US soldiers, everybody would ooh and ahh about his "resolve"
Eschaton: The Love Of War
Public Dissatisfaction With Washington Weighs on the GOP | Pew Research Center - Ryan job rating at 29%; Republicans view their party as divided
Majority in US No Longer Thinks Trump Keeps His Promises | Gallup - 45% say Trump keeps his promises, down from 62% in February
This brutal new poll shows that fewer and fewer people believe Trump's lies
Trump's millennial problem: The snowflakes are becoming a blizzard -- Polls show the majority of millennials view Trump as an illegitimate president, and they don't like Ivanka either
Trump Voters in a Swing District Wonder When the 'Winning' Will Start ... She had voted for Donald J. Trump because she expected him to improve conditions for veterans and overhaul the health care system. Now? (she's still an idiot, but sad)
ICE immigration arrests of noncriminals double under Trump - The Washington Post (and you thought Barry was bad)
Carter Page Went to Moscow With a Tape of Donald Trump Offering Treason For Hacking | patribotics (lock him up)
100 Days of Horror - The New York Times
Donald Trump's big problem is he doesn't know what he's talking about -- At least it's one of his problems (bigly stupid)
Donald Trump is 'very upset' Amanda Knox voted for Hillary Clinton, says advisor | The Independent -- George Lombardi says President, who publicly supported Ms Knox, is hurt by her ingratitude
Racism motivated Trump voters more than authoritarianism - The Washington Post (but we shouldn't hate them or anything)
Explanations of White Despair - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Despair of Learning That Experience No Longer Matters - The New Yorker
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: Deaths of Despair. An Analysis of the Case-Deaton Conference Paper on the Mortality Rates of Middle-Aged Whites. - they disguise the fact that the black incomes are lower than the white incomes in both tables.
The Violent Clashes In Berkeley Weren't 'Pro-Trump' Versus 'Anti-Trump' - explicitly racist groups and individuals were present in force, some having traveled from out of state to attend ... Multiple demonstrators, some of whom donned Make America Great Again hats, performed Nazi salutePolls show the majority of millennials view Trump as an illegitimate president, and they do
s in full public view.
The Berkeley rally aftermath: Mass arrests, a stabbing and weaponized Pepsi - The Washington Post ... between demonstrators who support President Trump and those who oppose him. (see above)
Handicapping The Georgia 6 Special Election | FiveThirtyEight
An Easter message for (some) liberals - Lawyers, Guns & Money : (Douthat tells libs to find Jesus)
Alex Jones custody case: In Austin, Trump ally's persona goes to court - But in emotional testimony at the hearing, Kelly Jones, who is seeking to gain sole or joint custody of her three children with Alex Jones, portrayed the volcanic public figure as the real Alex Jones. (he's just playing batshit-man)
New video shows United passenger was anything but 'belligerent' : news
Doctor Was On Phone With United Moments Before Being Dragged Off Plane - Inside Edition : videos (even worse than you thought)
Bride and groom booted off United flight in Houston |
Virginia Tech was not the worst school massacre in U.S. history. This was. - The Washington Post - That distinction belongs to the mostly forgotten, harrowing explosion at Bath Consolidated School 90 years ago. That day, local farmer Andrew Kehoe, angry about taxes used to fund the school, killed his wife and then blew up the building before doing the same to his car as he sat inside it. In total, 45 people were killed, among them 38 children.
Video shows an officer slamming, then pummeling a black man accused of jaywalking - The Washington Post (America's terroristiccop problem)
3 police officers arrested for drunk driving in 1 night : news
'13 Reasons Why' depicts a graphic suicide. Experts say there's a problem with that
West Virginia to become 29th state to legalise marijuana for medical use : news - Drug companies shipped nearly 9 million hydrocodone pills to one pharmacy in Kermit, W.Va., population 392.
Minnesota Department of Health:9th measles case, all in unvaccinated kids : news
Jenny McCarthy's Vaccination Fear-Mongering and the Cult of False Equivalence
One huge thing to know before having a kid - The Washington Post - On average, child-care costs for one infant can range from more than $5,000 a year to more than $20,000
how much the average single American spends on their dating life -- When that $1,600 average is divided by gender, men spent more ($1,855 on average) than women ($1,423). But the male-female gap isn't that large ... Seventy-eight percent of women said they split the check on a date because they didn't want to feel obligated to go out again or to get physical.
TIL Venting your anger online only makes you angrier, a study found : todayilearned
More Americans than ever before suffer from serious psychological distress, and the country's ability to meet the growing demand for mental health services is eroding according to a study. : science
What screams insecurity to you? : AskReddit
ISPs Gave 8X More Cash to Politicians That Axed FCC Privacy Rule : technology ("we don't work for you")
Burger King thought it had a great idea. Instead, it ended up with a Whopper of a problem. - The Washington Post
'Sixty-eight children among dead' of suicide bombing attack in Syria | World news | The Guardian -- Blast targeted convoy transporting evacuees from Fuaa and Kafraya under deal between Assad regime and rebels
The Latest Dump of Alleged NSA Tools Is "The Worst Thing Since Snowden'
Erdogan clinches victory in Turkish constitutional referendum | World news | The Guardian - Electoral board says Turkey has backed constitutional amendments but opposition parties say they will contest some of the results (the perils of a rigged democracy)
US officials warn tensions with North Korea are 'coming to a head' | World news | The Guardian
Trump's North Korea sabre-rattling has a flaw: Kim Jong-un has nothing to lose | World news | The Guardian - Strategy of sending in the US navy and attacking Syria and Afghanistan likely only to boost Pyongyang's nuclear resolves
Eschaton: Boom Booms - Trump blows some things up and David Ignatius praises him. -- There isn't a "deep sgtate," really. There are competing bureaucracies, and they all have their mouthpieces in the press. Whichever one Ignatius works for is happy.
Eschaton: Ron Howard Voice: There Isn't One --
ABC News on Twitter: "Pres. Trump's top security adviser to @ThisWeekABC: Trump "will take action" to end any North Korea threat to U.S."
Eschaton: Incompetence Has Its Virtues - Federal immigration authorities have stopped issuing weekly reports on sanctuary cities, after just three weeks, following complaints that the reports were riddled with errors. Local cases that made the reports were all wrong.
Steve Bannon's Biblical Fall
Trump asks why people are still talking about his taxes a day after protesters asked for his returns - The Washington Post ("I won, suckers, shut up and go home")
A complete guide to every reference in Melissa McCarthy's epic Sean Spicer sketch on SNL
White supremacist caught on video sucker-punching woman Berkeley protester faces calls for arrest - Damigo is an Iraq War veteran and convicted felon who was released from prison in 2014 after serving five years for armed robbery. Damigo drunkenly pulled a gun on a cab driver, erroneously believing the man was Iraqi
Twenty-One People Arrested as Clashes Break Out at Opposing Rallies in Berkeley | NBC Bay Area
The New York Post Has Come Up With Their Greatest Troll Yet
'First protest in space' targets Trump with an astronaut's famous words "@realDonaldTrump: Look at that, you son of a bitch."
WTF Happened To Curt Schilling? | The Huffington Post - How the Red Sox hero went from the top of the world to the bottom of the fever swamps. (never was too good with his brain)
Ted Cooper on Twitter: "Tens of people at Curt Schilling's Trump Rally! Must be the weather!"
NASA 'sting' operation against 74-year-old widow of Apollo engineer draws court rebuke
Days after two officers in suburban Atlanta were fired when videos surfaced showing them kicking and punching a motorist, authorities have reportedly dismissed nearly 90 cases involving the pair. : news (America has a cop problem)
Tenure - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Loomis gets tenure at URI)
Terry Jones: 'I've got dementia. My frontal lobe has absconded'
TIL physical and sexual attraction is seen even in men and women who are long-time platonic friends. A 2012 study found in the majority of opposite-sex friendships, there's at least a low level of attraction. : todayilearned
TIL 20 ft long crocodiles used to have long legs, allowing them to emerge from water gallop at other animals at full speed : todayilearned - I'm really glad I don't live in a world with galloping acrobatic crocodiles and alligators.
10 Prehistoric Bugs That Could Seriously Mess You Up - Listverse
Reddit, what is the worst secret your SO is keeping from you, but that you actually know? : AskReddit
Reddit, what's the scariest theory known to mankind? : AskReddit
Smoking to kill 200 million in China this century: WHO : news
Assad retains hundreds of tons of chemical weapons, says defected general : news
Afghan official: Massive US bomb death toll rises to 94 : news
Eschaton: Make More Boom Booms - It doesn't matter where or why or who, just blow some shit up and our cable newsers are very impressed.
Geraldo Rivera: "one of My Favorite Thnks" At Fox News "Is Watching Bombs Drop On Bad Guys" ... Ainsley Earhardt: MOAB "Is What Freedom Looks Like. That's The Red, White And Blue"
Trump travel ban hurts U.S. tourism, with billions at stake - The Washington Post
CREW Statement On White House Refusal To Release Visitor Logs - CREW
Trump claims he can't be sued for inciting rally violence
The Inside Story of the Kushner-Bannon Civil War | Vanity Fair - West Wing sources come clean about the backstabbing, the bullying, the distrust, and the buzzing flies.
Alt-Right Ringleader Mike Cernovich Threatens to Drop 'Motherlode' If Steve Bannon Is Ousted ... of stories that could "destroy marriages" ... " the mistresses, the sugar babies, the drugs, the pill popping, the orgies."
White House Adviser Who Opposes Paid Leave, Equal Pay Now Working On Women's Issues | The Huffington Post - Stephen Miller
The Best of Bret Stephens, Your Newest New York Times Opinion Columnist - In fact, the Times, whose opinion section is in desperate need of a new direction, has gone out and found itself the same thing it always has. "he waterboarded himself" (they made their choice, didn't they?)
New York Times Promises Truth and Diversity, Then Hires Climate-Denying Anti-Arab White Guy
Judges block Arkansas from carrying out scheduled executions - The Washington Post
Guns, Extremism, and Escalation | Washington Spectator -- Rich Perstein ... "virile young Alt-Rights clashing with clapped out retrograde commies. The future belongs to us" (they are really confused)
Penn Station: 16 injured in stampede over false reports of gunfire : news
Neo-Nazis Are Tearing the Furry World Apart - The Daily Beast - A putsch, death threats, sex offenders
Eschaton: Stop Clapping For Cuomo - A free college plan that is precisely what happens when crappy Democrats take a good idea and arse it up every way they can.
You Draw It: Just How Bad Is the Drug Overdose Epidemic? - The New York Times (MA is first in death)
Is American Retail at a Historic Tipping Point? - The New York Times (death of the mall and retail jobs ... the War on Nordstroms))
Treating a woman with progesterone during pregnancy appears to be linked to the child's sexuality in later life. A study found that children of these mothers were less likely to describe themselves as heterosexual by their mid-20s, compared to those whose mothers hadnt been treated with the hormone. : science
Does reading fiction increase empathy, or are empathic people more likely to read fiction? : askscience
Stroke rates appear to be rising steadily in young adults : science
What something we should fear that is 100% real? : AskReddit
Reddit, what unexplained event in your life still leaves you scratching your head? : AskReddit
Betrayal at the Gaming Table : boardgames
Redditors who realized their spouse is a completely different person after marriage, were there any red flags that you ignored while dating? If so, what were they? : AskReddit
Teenage fathers, what happened after you found out she was pregnant and what is your life like now? : AskReddit
I think it really unfortunate that this has to happen in our community. : windowsphone
British Woman Stabbed to Death in Israel : news
Shadow Brokers Leak Shows NSA Hacked Middle East Banking System and Had Major Windows Exploits | WIRED
China Warns of 'Storm Clouds Gathering' in U.S.-North Korea Standoff
Eschaton: Boom Booms - He brings us to the brink of war (maybe, who knows) in North Korea, which would likely lead to 10 million+deaths, and they get drunk on the drama. As fucked up as the cold war era was, I remember that people took this stuff seriously. (Brian williams had a MOABgasm)
Russia Says Evidence Growing Syria Chemical Attack Was Staged - Bloomberg (Obama, BClinton and Soros staged "false flag" attack with fake vids)
Assad Says Videos of Dead Children in Syria Chemical Attack Were Faked - The New York Times (and fake dead children)
Mike Pompeo, Once a WikiLeaks Fan, Attacks It as Hostile Agent - The New York Times
White House says it won't make visitor logs public (so you won't know what swamp creature crawled in the door, suckers)
Trump will keep list of White House visitors secret - The Washington Post
How to fix the Supreme Court - Vox - The way we choose Supreme Court nominees is broken. (10 year non-renewable terms)
Trump Threatens Health Subsidies to Force Democrats to Bargain - The New York Times
If the label reads Republican health care market stabilization, the box will not contain market stabilization - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The Trump administration released a final rule on Thursday aimed at stabilizing the Affordable Care Act marketplaces.
For Trump, a Steep Learning Curve Leads to Policy Reversals - The New York Times (he didn't know presidenting was this "complicated")
Trump visits Mar-a-Lago resort for 23rd day as president | TheHill
If Trump Fired Bannon, Would He Seek Revenge? - politico Magazine - Friends and foes imagine his options for brutal payback. (the photo is revealing, will run against Trump in 2020 hahaha)
Trump's base turns on him (they believed him because they are as stupid as he is)
'People's hopes are dashed': Ex-Breitbart writer says Trump's nationalist fanbase is in despair (they fell for the con and are now very sad, black people can still sometimes vote)
In its last year, the Obama administration had its eyes on burnishing the outgoing president's legacy -- and ignored the threat from an old foe. (Barry's "legacy" was mostly in his mind +what about Rich and Barry blocking Comey in July?)
Trump Taps Salesman To Run Military Draft | The Huffington Post - Don Benton has a long record of controversies, but no record of military service.
Sen. Jeff Flake weathers brutal, 2 1/2-hour Mesa town hall (tables have turned)
Eschaton: Trump Voters Still Love Trump - They see politics as a reality show in which their guy is winning and stomping on the face of the losing team, a team which includes blah people
Eschaton: Will Bill O Go? - Bill O is a horrible person, but everybody at Fox who tolerated his actions towards women employees and of course the numerous other ways that Bill O was horrible off and on the air are horrible, also, too. Just a bunch of bad people.
TV News Poll: Bill O'Reilly Viewed Most Negatively Among News Figures : television
Jeffrey Lord is the George Washington of Pathetic Donald Trump Lickspittles - Lawyers, Guns & Money - "but think of President Trump as the Martin Luther King of health care" (live from the heart of the beast of CNN)
DeVos Pick to Head Civil Rights Office Once Said She Faced Discrimination for Being White - ProPublica
Why Media Must Stop Misrepresenting Appalachia | The Huffington Post - "Hillbilly Elegy" and other sources demean my family and the region with their simple, dismissive narratives.
Today in the Fact that J.D. Vance is a Huge Grifter Who Hates His Own Culture - Lawyers, Guns & Money ((still #1 on NYT non-fiction? bestseller list +comment: " Voting for a man with no morals whatsover IS a FUCKING MORAL FAILING. Period. +"He hates the same people I hate")
The Evangelical Roots of Our Post-Truth Society - The New York Times (the alternate reality of the Christian Worldview and evidential presuppositionism)
O'Reilly's Behavior Said to Have Helped Drive Megyn Kelly Out at Fox
Judge praises former LDS bishop, while sentencing him for rape, as victim listens : news
Why one Republican voted to kill privacy rules: "Nobody has to use the Internet" (or their brains)
Nellie has a breakthrough on DMT | Drugslab : videos
The Most Dangerous Volcano in the World: A tale of Nyiragongo | Volcano World | Oregon State University ... Hazards related to these lava lakes, such as at Ambrym, Vanuatu, or Kilauea ... lava lake is found at a maximum elevation of 3250m (pre-disaster), inside a 3465m tall stratovolcano; the lava lake has an estimated depth of 600m and contains one of the most fluid lavas on Earth ... This means that it is super fluid and able to move up to speeds of 97 km/hr.
Global Volcanism Program | Nyiragongo
Generational Breakdown: Info About All of the Generations
Generations X,Y, Z and the Others
Here Is When Each Generation Begins and Ends, According to Facts - The Atlantic
10 Ad Blocking Extensions Tested for Best Performance Raymond.CC
U.S.-led coalition accidentally bombs Syrian allies, killing 18 - The Washington Post (meanwhile, in Hell)
Snowden Documents Reveal Scope of Secrets Exposed to China in 2001 Spy Plane Incident - Burn After Reading
First on CNN: US drops largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan - (Trump drops bigly orange MOAB)
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia | UK news | The Guardian - Exclusive: GCHQ is said to have alerted US agencies after becoming aware of contacts in 2015 (so Obama sat on the intel for a year and a half)
Trudeau Unveils Bill Legalizing Recreational Marijuana in Canada - The New York Times
CIA head: WikiLeaks a 'non-state hostile intelligence service'
Russian Spetsnaz: Learning from Experience | The Cipher Brief
Trump 90 Days Ago: "My People Will Have a Full Report on Hacking Within 90 Days
Are there too many Russia connections to be coincidences? - The Washington Post (yes, Putin's takeover was complete)
Crucified man had prior run-in with authorities - The Washington Post -- Some say that his brutal punishment at the hands of the state was out of proportion to and unrelated to any of these incidents in his record. But after all, he was no angel. No, the media did not identify the wrong David Dao as United's passenger - LA Times
I was on United flight 3411. Here's what I saw. - Chicago Tribune
Eschaton: Great Innovations In Customer Service - Just stare at it for awhile. -- In the future, law enforcement will not be involved in removing a "booked, paid, seated passenger," Mr Monoz said. "We can't do that."
Carter Page: 'Something may have come up in a conversation' with Russians about lifting US sanctions
Prediction prof: Trump will be impeached - politico - The professor who took hell for predicting President Donald Trump has a much longer case for predicting President Mike Pence
Trump Reverses Himself On 6 Major Issues In 2 Days | The Huffington Post - From currency manipulation to NATO to Syria, Trump is flexible.
Undercooled meat. Dangerous fish. Health inspectors zing Trump's Mar-a-Lago kitchen
Even Before Trump, The Republican Party Was Reluctant To Push Out Nazi-Linked Officials | The Huffington Post - Is it really so surprising to see Sebastian Gorka keep his White House job?
NC lawmaker calls Abraham Lincoln 'tyrant' like Hiter -- Republican Rep. Larry Pittman (anti-gay white supremecist) a
CNN's Jeffrey Lord: "Think Of President Trump As The Martin Luther King Of Health Care"
alicublog: SHOVE THAT FOOTBALL UP YOUR ASS, LUCY. - Megan McArdle puts her hands on her hips, sighs forcefully, and wonders why the gosh darn heck Democrats can't cooperate with Trump's accomplices in Congress?
The Gorsuch Filibuster And the Myth of the Apolitical Supreme Court - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Bret Stephens leaves Wall Street Journal for New York Times - politico (Lichtblau to CNN, Stephens to NYt as big sort continues)
Police Call Qurans Found in Toilet at UTD 'Shocking and Unusual' (Making America Hate Again)
Teen accidentally kills himself as friends watch on Instagram Live | (America Needs More Guns)
'Cross dressers in the building': A Capitol staffer warns when LGBT students visit (so all the gay Republicans can hide under their desks)
Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened. - The Washington Post -- Henry Farrell (the austerians won, and now we have Trump)
Coffman pummeled at town hall over GOP Obamacare repeal - politico - The Colorado Republican, one of the most vulnerable House incumbents in 2018, faced an auditorium of angry residents.
Inside a NJ Republican's furious town hall
GOP rep: 'Bullcrap' to say taxpayers pay my salary -- Mullin is the owner of multiple companies under the umbrella of Mullin Plumbing.
Here's what could change about the new Massachusetts marijuana law | - The special Senate report also recommended setting a maximum personal possession limit of 1 ounce for smokable marijuana, "including home possession." The report was authored in part by a chief opponent of the new law, Sen. Jason Lewis, D-Winchester.
Senate report calls for disturbing changes to the new Massachusetts marijuana law : bostontrees
We'll definitely be able to beat Massachusetts to the punch. R.I. eyes recreational marijuana
Massachusetts collects more than $7 million from marijuana in 2016 | FOX25
Here's Why Caitlyn Jenner Said She Had Gender Confirmation Surgery | The Huffington Post - really none of our business in the first place.
Transgender people of Reddit who have transitioned, what differences have you noticed in the way people treat you as a man vs as a woman? : AskReddit
Transgender people reveal how they're treated differently as a man or woman | The Independent (poaches reddit above)
'Survivor': Zeke Smith Outed as Transgender | Guest Column | Hollywood Reporter
15 things Kurt Vonnegut said better than anyone else ever has or will : books
British Reaction to American Civil War Ironclads ; Brill Online (Monitor was a "cheesebox on a raft" with 2 22-ton guns, battle rendered 90% of British navy obsolete overnight; US Navy at least twice as large as Royal and much more deadly by 1865; at which point US scrapped most of the Navy and went isolationist)
World War II, Race, and the Southeast Asian Origins of the Domino Theory | Wilson Center (Eisenhower coined the term, referring to Japan's takeover of SE Asia)
Single dose testosterone administration impairs cognitive reflection in men, even when controlling for age, mood, math skills, treatment expectancy and 14 other hormones : science
Elephants pass intelligence test with profound implications for our understanding of the species
$2.4 Million Dollars Worth of Gold Found in Tank Bought on eBay. : videos
What question will immediately divide Reddit into two polarized groups? : AskReddit
Friendly rat snek just wants to be friends : funny
What was the best marriage/relationship advice you have ever received? : AskReddit
British man charged after US gamer is shot by Swat police following hoax terrorism call : news
Who Is Carter Page? - FBI Investigation Under FISA Warrant Over Russia Ties - Someone leaked this news with a very specific aim. This is the kind of thing that doesn't leak, even in Washington. Except this one did, and that makes all the difference (the tip of the Russian spies and Commie Trump iceberg)
Eschaton: America's Worst Humans - Joel Christopher (Courier-Journal: "known to people in this area")
BuzzFeed News on Twitter: "Newspaper Editor Defends His Decision To Reveal The United Passenger's "Troubled Past""
Eschaton: Genocide Megamalls - 2017 is going well. "Holocaust Centers"
President Trump's thoroughly confusing Fox Business interview, annotated (annals of Trumpian confusion)
Voter Suppression Under Jeff Sessions - The Murderers' Row of Voter Suppression Is Here -- Batter up.
Jeff Sessions Vows Immigration Crackdown - Phases Out Independent Forensic Science - Justice is none of his concern. -- "It is here, on this sliver of land, where we first take our stand against this filth" ... the Department of Justice descending into the status of a Breitbart comment thread, and that is never good for anyone ... Meanwhile, while the AG takes his neuroses out for a stroll in the desert, he's making sure that federal law enforcement has less accountability than it had before.
Today From the Neoconfederate Takeover of the Department of Justice - It turns out putting someone who a Republican Senate considered to be too racist to be a District Court judge in the 80s in charge of the DOJ may not work out that well:
There Is One New York Politician Who Could Be the Democratic Nominee in 2020 - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Can Democrats cuss their way back to the White House? | McClatchy Washington Bureau (it would be a start)
The Kansas Special Election Is a Lesson to Democrats - The Democratic Party needs to stop this infighting.
Today in the Laboratories of Democracy - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Republicans being Republican. First in the shitshow known as North Carolina: And really, you have to love Texas. Government in your uterus and in your union card, but no, have all the guns you want.
Eschaton: Maybe Just Alarmism - The current tunnels under the Hudson River were built in 1908 and are rapidly deteriorating ... fail within the next 10 years. The closing of either tunnel would be devastating because it would essentially shut down the Northeast Corridor, the transit route from Boston to Washington that produces over $3 trillion in economic output -- a full 20 percent of the national gross domestic product. (Christie's Curse on the future)
Alabama Governor Bentley Resigns and the State Gives a Church Its Own Police Force - Where do we begin? ... Ok. But there was something else going on there, too, a dynamic that exists within theocratic conservative politics generally, and is a big symptom of the prion disease that is destroying the higher functions of the Republican party ... "The idea that moral hypocrisy hurts you among evangelical voters is not true, if you're sound on all of the fundamentals," said Wayne Flynt, an ordained Baptist minister. "At this time, what is fundamental is hating liberals, hating Obama, hating abortion and hating same-sex marriage." ... The most important thing in fundamentalist Christian political life is remembering always whom and what to hate.
Contemporary Conservatism in One Paragraph - Lawyers, Guns & Money (one word: "hatred")
The Long Con - Mail-order conservatism -- Rick Perlstein Baffler No. 21 November 2012 (the groundwork for the biggest con of all)
Wall Street bull sculptor says 'Frealess Girl' statue violates his rights (and the bull of captialism is not attacking anyone)
An outrageous hospital charge: I paid $710 for an hour of babysitting -- If the hospital babysitter was to work full time at the rate Kate and I paid, she or he would make more than $1.4 million a year! (the hustle is built-in, often with unpleasant consequences)
Eschaton: Don't Tell The Rest of the State - But of course bigger cities get more attention for their crime problems simply because they're bigger. There are 5 times as many murders in Philadelphia, 5 times as many headlines, because there are 5 times the number of people. (as Pittsburgh)
Can we please stop pretending marijuana is harmless? - The Boston Globe - By Dr. Sushrut Jangi October 08, 2015 (thinks pot is addictive, goes down hill from there, gets eviscerated in comments, where Jason Lewis appears as nepatz11)
From desolate streets to Boston's hottest destination -- Downtown Crossing
Maternal Exposure to Childhood Abuse is Associated with Mate Selection: Implications for Autism in Offspring. - PubMed - NCBI - Maternal and paternal autistic traits accounted for 21% of the association between maternal abuse and offspring autism. These results provide evidence that childhood abuse affects mate selection, with implications for offspring health.
Neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett explains how emotions are made - The Verge - "affective computing"
Homeland security misreported number of electronics searches, officials say | US news | The Guardian (redacts # so they won't get sued for "suspicionless searches")
Kentucky Coal Mining Museum in Harlan County switches to solar power - The Washington Post - The museum is switching to solar power in hopes of saving money on energy costs (coal museum's war on coal)
Trump EPA cuts: Local programs suffer the most - Washington Post (deep South +NC, PA coal country +CA & Seattle
Marine Le Pen: Making France Revisionist Again - Lawyers, Guns & Money (those French people who sent the Jews off to die weren't living in this France) ... National pride can rest only on the unsullied, imaginary foundation of whitewashed history. And in these newly proud nations, there is, of course, no room for those against whom we have sinned.
Will London Fall? - The New York Times
Eschaton: Not A Competent Partner - Whether by design or incompetence (the evil or stupid question, basically), I predict the UK will never have a decent process in place for dealing with current EU residents ... Conservatives there, as here, lack the empathy gene.
Eschaton: Libya - It was as brief moment in time, really, but a bit like the Iraq war runup on fast forward. Suddenly the crisis in Libya was the most important thing ever. (well, Benghazi was, anyway)
note:@NickKristof wrote a half-dozen columns in 2011 calling for US strikes in Libya & hasnt written abt Libya since 9/7/11 -- or 2041 days ago
With both the U.S. and North Korea saber rattling, is conflict imminent? - The Washington Post (maybe but probably not, say the expert analysts who have never been wrong before)
North Korea State Media Warns Of Nuclear Strike If Provoked As U.S. Warships Approach | The Huffington Post ("we will nuke LA")
Exclusive: North Korean ships head home after China orders coal returned | Reuters
Trump Says China Will Get Better Trade Deal if It Solves 'North Korean Problem" (what a deal)
Syria's War Rages Unabated Days After U.S. Strike | The Huffington Post
White House Accuses Russia of Cover-Up in Syria Chemical Attack - The New York Times (theatre of distraction)
Donald Trump's action in Syria proves he is not in league with Putin, says his son Eric
FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor former Trump adviser Carter Page - The Washington Post -- The FBI obtained a secret court order last summer to monitor the communications of an adviser to presidential candidate Donald Trump (Obama and Rice knew and stopped Comey from saying anything in June-July)
The main question after strikes on Syria: How does Russia respond? - The Washington Post
Nancy Pelosi Calls For Sean Spicer's Ouster Amid Holocaust Flap | The Huffington Post - Either he is speaking for the president, or the president should have known better than to hire him. (Nazis didn't use "chemical weapsons" when they gassed the Jews)
A man wouldn't leave an overbooked United flight. So he was dragged off, battered and limp. "Fly the facist skies of Unitied)
United passenger traded drugs for gay sex with patient | Daily Mail Online - with patient half his age and took them himself - and he needed anger management, was 'not forthright' and had control issues, psychiatrist found - United lost $800 million of its value as shared plunged on Wall Street in the wake of the PR disaster. (that wasn't cost-effective)
'Re-accommodate'? United ridiculed for corporate speak response to passenger dragging ... How To Pour Gasoline Into Your PR Dumpster Fire 101 ... Hello, fly #unitedAIRLINES where we #reaccommodate your face for free do to our over booking ... their responses have been the absolute dumbest I have heard since 1994, when White House staffer Josh Steiner told Congress he lied to his diary.
United Airlines Tumbles After Social-Media Storm Goes Global - Bloomberg - The stock dropped 3.3 percent to $69.17 at 9:46 a.m. Tuesday in New York, marking the biggest decline on a Bloomberg index of U.S. airlines.
The airline industry is hurtling toward monopoly.
Call The United Incident What It Is: Police Violence | The Huffington Post
Video of United Airlines Passenger Creates Furor in China, Too - The New York Times -- 270 million views and more than 150,000 comments. Many Chinese social media users accused United of racism, while others called for a boycott.
Airlines are Starving Giants That Are Gnawing at Our Economy
Apart from United Airlines, what are the worst PR-disasters of major corporations in history? : AskReddit
President Trump's claim that illegal immigration is down 64 percent because of his administration (1 pinnochio)
The president of visuals - The Washington Post - By Garrison Keillor
Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval | Gallup (approval up to 40%!)
Trump On Fast Track To Outspend Obama's Entire Travel Tab In A Single Year | The Huffington Post -- He has spent 21 days of his 80-day presidency at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, at an estimated cost of $21.6 million.
Is Our Democrats Learning, Part the Infinity - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - al wonder that the Democrats never actually kick the football. -- Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) said Monday that, if Democrats regain control of the Senate and the White House, they will reverse Republicans' change to the filibuster rules for Supreme Court nominees -- Great idea! 60 votes for a Democratic nominee and 51 for a Republican is a sure ticket for success!!
HFC member Amash suggests time for Ryan ouster, blasts Trump -
Joe Wilson Receives Karmic Justice for his 'You Lie!' Comment - How do you possibly screw up the Easter Egg hunt? Well, you screw it up the same way you're screwing up much of the rest of the Executive Branch: by not hiring people.
Insurers May Soon Profit From Obamacare Plans, Analysis Finds (Republicans don't believe in your so-called "analysis") insurers significantly reduced their losses last year, are likely to break even this year and that most could profit -- albeit some in the single-digits -- in 2018 (only single-digit profits for "some" means it's "imploding")
Today in Republican Governance - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Susana Martinez, governor of New Mexico, decided that if she couldn't slash funding to higher education through the budget, she'd just veto funding it all (prioritizing American values, Republican edition)
Remember Mitt Romney's 'binders full of women?" They're real. And we got them.
San Bernardino reels from elementary school shooting that left teacher, 8-year-old student dead - The Washington Post
Texas student commits suicide after Title IX kangaroo court -
The Vance Grift - Lawyers, Guns & Money (hedge-fund bootstraper should have talked to him mom)
J Geils found dead in his Massachusetts home : Music
Failing ... Upward? -- Yup, that Eric Lichtbau. Not only was his byline on the infamous October 31 "nothing to see here on Trump and Russia" story in which the NYT acted as a puke-funnel for the alt-right element of the FBI, his attempt to manufacture a Clinton Foundation scandal was pathetic even by Clinton Rules standards.
Doctors once treated alcoholism with heroin. Now, they want to treat heroin addiction with marijuana. - The Washington Post -- Keith Humphreys is a professor of psychiatry at Stanford University (pot is addictive and any benefits come from being addicted)
Medical Marijuana: How the Evidence Stacks Up - Scientific American - For many conditions, marijuana's effectiveness remains uncertain (even this 2014 Sci-Am)
Why Are So Many People Popping Vitamin D? - The New York Times - concluded in 2010 that very few people were vitamin D deficient and noted that randomized trials had found no particular benefit for healthy people to have blood levels above 20 nanograms per milliliter.
Deepest Mandelbrot Set Zoom Animation ever - a New Record! 10^275 (2.1E275 or 2^915) - YouTube
The Mandelbrot Set - The only video you need to see! - YouTube
The dark side of the Mandelbrot set - YouTube
Are We Living in a Black Hole? - Our universe may reside within a vast, black hole.
38% of Teens Watch Netflix Every Day; More Than YouTube and Cable TV : television
[Serious]What is the scariest supernatural/paranormal experience you've ever had? : AskReddit
That Fingerprint Sensor on Your Phone Is Not as Safe as You Think - The New York Times - New findings published Monday by researchers at New York University and Michigan State University suggest that smartphones can easily be fooled by fake fingerprints digitally composed of many common features found in human prints (65%)
Tennessee Could Give Taxpayers America's Fastest Internet For Free, But It Will Give Comcast and AT&T $45 Million Instead : technology
British visitors to US may be asked for passwords and phone contacts at airports (give all your passwords including your bank to Trump, that'll help tourism)
British visitors to US may be asked for passwords and phone contacts at airports : technology (login to America with your Facebook account)
Official: Russia knew Syrian chemical attack was coming
Susan Rice's claim that Obama got Syria to 'verifiably give up its chemical weapons stockpile' -- "actually removed the chemical weapons that were known from Syria" (Kessler gives her 4 pinnochio's because the averge person doesn't understand the meaning of "known")
Russian computer programmer arrested in Spain: embassy | Reuters - A Russian computer programmer, Pyotr Levashov, has been arrested in the Spanish city of Barcelona, a spokesman for the Russian embassy in Madrid said on Sunday.
Barrett Brown sentenced to 63 months for 'merely linking to hacked material' | Technology | The Guardian -- The journalist and former Anonymous member says of prison term and fine in statement: "They're sending me to investigate the prison-industrial complex" (thanks, Obama)
Chicago Police Say The Man They Brutally Dragged United Flight 'Just' Fell : news
"Just kill me. Just kill me. Kill me. Just kill me. Kill me. Just kill me. Just kill me." - Doctor who was assaulted by police on an airliner. : videos
Chicago Aviation Officer Placed On Leave After Dragging Man Off Plane : news
(1) Please share this video. We are on this flight.... - Audra D. Bridges
United Passenger Dragged From Overbooked Flight - The New York Times
United Drags Man Off Flight for Refusing to Give Up Seat
Video shows man forcibly removed from United flight from Chicago to Louisville
Doctor violently dragged from overbooked United flight and dragged off the plane : pics
Redditor gives eye witness account of doctor being violently removed from United plane : bestof
wtnevi01 comments on Doctor violently dragged from overbooked CIA flight and dragged off the plane
The Real Scandal of That Brutal United Video - The Atlantic - The footage is shocking. So is the law.
United Airlines Almost Kills Man's Greyhound : videos
Trump sued for not releasing White House visitor logs | TheHill
Sessions orders Justice Dept. to end forensic science commission, suspend review policy - The Washington Post
There's Racist. And Then There's Stunningly Racist. Then There's This GOP Fundraising Email. | Mother Jones
CNN nabs Eric Lichtblau from the New York Times - The Washington Post
People Just Flat-Out Lie -- Andrea Mitchell has never seen anything like Trump
Alabama Governor Resigns After Allegations He Used State Money To Cover Up Love Affair | The Huffington Post
Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley expected to resign before sunset | -- The Alabama Ethics Commission last week found reason to believe he committed four crimes, all of them felonies.
How Alabama's 'Luv Guv' Broke New Ground in a Scandal-Plagued State -- Naughty texts and burner phones shamed Republican Governor Robert Bentley. A vindictive coverup might bring him down.
5 Of The Wildest Details In Report On Alabama Guv's Efforts To Hide Affair
How Fascism Becomes Entrenched - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - From Lake County, Florida, this is pretty incredible. (cops or cartel members?)
8-year-old student shot in San Bernardino classroom dies : news
San Bernardino School Shooting: 2 Adults Dead in Classroom, 2 Students in Critical Condition After Suspected Murder-Suicide | KTLA
Laguna Beach High student contracts measles; 6 other unvaccinated students barred from school : news
Quantum Mechanics in 5 Minutes (Now with Added Ducks) : videos
When it comes to mathematics, girls rate their abilities markedly lower than boys, even when there is no observable difference between the two, leading to less majors in physical, engineering, mathematics, and computer sciences (PEMC), based on a longitudinal study of 16,200 students over 10 years. : science (girls are socialized by 4th grade to think smart isn't sexy)
TIL there are over 10 parasites that control their hosts minds, and the flu is considered one on humans as evidence was found that influenza virus makes people more sociable : todayilearned
A new scientific paper published, is shedding light on a strange force impacting particles at the smallest level of the material world. The findings relate to an area of theoretical nanophotonics and quantum theory known as the Casimir Effect : science
What is the Casimir effect? - Scientific American
Are We Living in a Black Hole?
Scientists identify parts of brain involved in dreaming | Science | The Guardian (OMG science says dreams are real dreams bcuz brain lights up!)
What did your teacher do that you didn't realize until you were older was fucked up? : AskReddit
What do you NOT envy from the opposite sex? : AskReddit
Marvel remove X-Men artwork after cartoonist hides anti-Semitic and anti-Christian references in work : books
Marvel pulls comic over hidden Koranic messages : news
The Truth About H3H3, WSJ, & YouTube : videos
Youtube has "restricted" VetRanch and DemolitionRanch, two popular channels run by a veterinarian who loves guns. : videos
Revenge porn website demanding money to take down explicit photos | UK | News |
The Trump administration is ill-prepared for a global pandemic - The Washington Post - The Trump administration has failed to fill crucial public health positions across the government
Tillerson: China agrees on 'action' on North Korea as navy strike group sails | World news | The Guardian -- President Xi understands the situation has intensified (Trump appearing presidential)
Bomb Attacks On Two Coptic Churches In Egypt Kill At Least 36, Injure More Than 100 | The Huffington Post
'He has caused chaos' : How Netanyahu's media war nearly split his government (sounds like Trumpster and Erdogan and Putin and Maduro and Serbia and ...)
Adopted years ago, thousands learn they're not U.S. citizens
59 Missiles Don't Equal a Foreign Policy
Schiff says Russia is absolutely 'complicit' in Syrian chemical attack -- The Assad government has denied responsibility, and Russia has said that the release of toxic agents happened when a Syrian airstrike hit a rebel chemical-weapons arsenal and munitions factory. (yeah, right)
Jeremy Scahill Slams Fareed Zakaria on CNN: If He Could Have Sex With That Missile Strike, He Would | Mediaite (true)
The Happy-Go-Lucky Jewish Group That Connects Trump and Putin - politico Magazine - The Port Washington Chabad, a Jewish community center on Long Island's Manhasset Bay, sits in a squat brick edifice across from a Shell Gas station and a strip mall. The Chabad is an unexceptional building on an unexceptional street, save for one thing: Some of the shortest routes between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin run straight through it. (and through Ja-Red)
Felix Sater - Man Of The Year: Chabad of Port Washington - YouTube
How the alt-right brought #SyriaHoax to America - Tracing the "false flag" claim back to a pro-Assad website (so The_Donalds are commie dupes)
McFarland to Exit White House as McMaster Consolidates Power - Bloomberg - The departure of the 65-year-old former Fox News commentator (yeah, you really want a Fox news commentor on your security counsel)
Dems winning fight over wall | TheHill - pushback from Republicans voicing concerns over the diplomatic fallout, the disruption to local communities and the enormous cost of the project, estimated to be anywhere from $22 billion to $40 billion.
Partying Like It's 1988! -- What kind of fun does Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III have lined up for us? Restarting the highway that leads black and brown people straight into prison for non-violent crimes!
Betsy DeVos' brother, Blackwater founder Erik Prince, sparks headlines (the evil runs deep)
The salacious affair saga of Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley is about to get really serious - The Washington Post (a good Southern Baptist Christian phony)
Janet Jackson splits with billionaire husband | Page Six (he Shariaed her) - Jackson is believed to be worth $250 million while Al Mana is a billionaire Qatari businessman.
Le Cinq, Paris: restaurant review | Life and style | The Guardian -- The dining room, deep in the hotel, is a broad space of high ceilings and coving, with thick carpets to muffle the screams. It is decorated in various shades of taupe, biscuit and fuck you.
Diabetes is even deadlier than we thought, study suggests - The Washington Post - The authors also found that diabetics had a 90 percent higher mortality rate over a five-year period than nondiabetics. This held true when controlling for age, smoking, race and other factors.
At Least 15 Percent Of The World's Tree Species Are Under Threat Of Extinction - More than 60,000 species are currently living. Many of them are in trouble,
Five myths about World War I - The Washington Post
Which Countries Support and Which Oppose the U.S. Missile Strikes in Syria - The New York Times
The Emerging Trump Doctrine: Don't Follow Doctrine (follow Trump's fabulous "instincts"
The media loved Trump's show of military might. Are we really doing this again? - by Margaret Sullivan
Eschaton: "We" - The worst instinct of the press is to think they are stand-ins for the Merkin Public. It isn't their job and a bunch of mostly white male millionaires on TV aren't exactly representative.
Dan Rather Slams Journalists Who Hailed Donald Trump's Bombs As 'Presidential' | The Huffington Post -- War must never be considered a public relations operation (or a distraction from treason)
Eschaton: The Oracle Pareene - From March 1 -- "Here's another thing you should understand about these guys: The only thing the elite Washington press corps likes more than a bipartisan commission on debt reduction is a stack of flag-draped coffins" .
Eschaton: The Bi-Partisan Foreign Policy Establishment - But Trump made a boom boom in his pants and everyone is so fucking excited!!
Will Mexico Get Half of Its Territory Back? - The New York Times - The United States invasion of Mexico in 1846 inflicted a painful wound that, in the 170 years that followed, turned into a scar. Donald Trump has torn it open again.
Trump promised a border wall. Now these Texans worry the government will take their land - LA Times (we didn't think he meant OUR land)
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know morons."
Taran Killam Says Donald Trump "Struggled to Read" While Hosting SNL (functionally illiterate, as are his voters)
Republicans on Capitol Hill leave town with most of their agenda stuck in limbo - The Washington Post - changing the Senate rules in such a way as to permanently decrease the influence of the minority.
Trump Administration Infighting Comes To A Head | The Huffington Post - like watching the worst reality TV show ever
Goldman Sachs Is About To Swallow Donald Trump | The Huffington Post - Elevating Gary Cohn to chief of staff would be a major win for the Wall Street wing of the White House.
Bannon's Views Can Be Traced to a Book That Warns, 'Winter Is Coming' ... "The Fourth Turning," a 1997 work by two amateur historians, Neil Howe and William Strauss, lays out a theory that American history unfurls in predictable, 80-year cycles of prosperity and catastrophe. And it foresees catastrophe right around the corner ... predicts that America is hurtling toward a crisis on par with the American Revolution, the Civil War and the Great Depression.
The World According to Bannon | Jacobin - vision of civilizational crisis and violent renewal has deep roots in the American political tradition ... As Bannon tells it, the socialism and black power politics of the 1960s laid siege to both the institutional stability of the 1950s and the cultural values that had traditionally sustained American free enterprise, unleashing a torrent of greed that ultimately sparked the financial crisis. (yeah, socialism and Black Power caused predatory capitalism!) ... the American mythology of regeneration through violence: a celebration of violence as an expiating ritual that can renew both the individual and the nation.
Eschaton: I Hate Suits Too - a small price to pay for running the world (or as close to it as you get).
Trump has visited a Trump-branded property every 2.8 days of his presidency - The Washington Post (the Trumpocracy)
Mitch McConnell, the man who broke America - The Washington Post - No majority leader wants written on his tombstone that he presided over the end of the Senate
"Let him who aspires to such station, and is not one of the Medici, favour Liberty and the popular Power" (Ja-red)
CNN Tonight on Twitter: ".@dandrezner on Trump's 'secretary of everything': "This is insane... his one qualification is that he married well""
Your Financial Life Could Be Ruined If Your Name Is On This Massive Government List | The Huffington Post - The Treasury Department essentially has a 1,000-page financial no-fly list.
Alabama governor faces impeachment hearings after ruling - The Washington Post -- Bentley, a 74-year-old dermatologist and former Baptist deacon, has been engulfed in a sex scandal ... The report also included text messages Dianne Bentley gave the committee. She was able to read text messages that her husband sent to Mason because they also appeared on his state-issued iPad, which she had possession of. (fucking moron +"Remember, common sense goes out the door when love comes innuendo." - Groucho Marx")
Gov. Bentley opened door of DC hotel in underwear expecting Rebekah Mason, report claims |
New Mexico Outlaws School 'Lunch Shaming' - In Alabama, a child short on funds was stamped on the arm with "I Need Lunch Money." In some schools, children are forced to clean cafeteria tables in front of their peers to pay the debt. Other schools require cafeteria workers to take a child's hot food and throw it in the trash if he doesn't have the money to pay for it. (next up: tattoos that say "I am one of THOSE people)
Rebekah Mason suggested closure of DMV offices in majority black counties, report shows | - Governor Robert Bentley's former top advisor and secret paramour Rebekah Mason led a politically-motivated effort in 2015 to close 31 driver's license offices in mostly black counties, a move that embarrassed the state and was later reversed. (Ala-Bama)
Kansas Democrat Proudly Wears Support Of Bernie Sanders Group In Unexpectedly Close Race | The Huffington Post - James Thompson, the Democrat running to fill the seat vacated by Tea Party congressman Mike Pompeo, who was tapped by President Donald Trump to lead the CIA. Republicans have stepped up spending in the race, signaling they could be worried about the result.
As Harassment Claims Hound O'Reilly, His Family Values Book Tops Charts -- The book, "Old School" is billed as a defense of traditional values, and includes advice on how men should treat women respectfully, not as sex objects. The book went on sale the same week The New York Times reported that Mr. O'Reilly, the Fox News host, had settled suits with five women who had accused him of sexual harassment or verbal abuse.
Eschaton: If Only There Was Some Way to Solve This Problem - Anyway, $12.55 for a certified driver is absolutely shit pay. These are people responsible from getting your kids to school and home and preventing them from being killed in the process, daily. (Americans really hate children)
'One word says it all. Asian': Airbnb host reportedly leaves guest stranded because of her race ("why we have Trump")
New York set to become first state to offer free tuition at public four-year colleges - The Washington Post - provided their family earns less than $125,000 a year.
Kings Of The Ballot Box - What Democracies And Monarchies Have In Common - In the end, tyrants come in many forms, and there is no difference between a cruel and wicked king and cruel and wicked voters
The great Aurangzeb is everybody's least favourite Mughal | Aeon Essays
Why people prefer unequal societies - "Despite appearances to the contrary, there is no evidence that people are bothered by economic inequality itself. Rather, they are bothered by something that is often confounded with inequality: economic unfairness." : Foodforthought
Is There a Better Way to Think About Income Inequality? - The Atlantic - too much of a focus on giving out more college degrees, getting more people married, and making elite workplaces more diverse. --
Some people may stay up late and have trouble waking in the morning due to a CRY1 gene mutation which alters the human circadian clock. Carriers of the gene variant (frequency of up to 0.6% in human genetics databases) experienced nighttime sleep delays of 2-2.5 hours compared to non-carriers. : science
In January, Top Animation Companies (Pixar, Disney, Lucasfilm) Found Guilty Of Conspiring To Fix Workers Wages. $100M Settlement. Reposting For Visibility. Will This Settlement Even Make A Difference For The Future? : movies (deleted /r/movies post discusses capitalism)
[#22|+1373|338] ELI5: How did the USA get the "I have the right to be offended and you shouldn't offend me" culture when they have protected free speech? [/r/explainlikeimfive] : undelete
Former mod of a forum frequented by incels breaks down their fundamental issues : bestof
ASU student mistaken as homeless not allowed to meditate in city park : news
What is the most eerie or interesting story that has unfolded on Reddit? : AskReddit
Clean Energy Advances, Despite Our Idiot in the Oval Office - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The world spent less money to build even higher amounts of renewable electricity compared to 2015
California, Drenched by Winter Rain, Is Told 'Drought's Over'
Stockholm 'terror attack': Three dead as truck drives into pedestrians
Sweden has been attacked
Eschaton: Universality - so that what would have been pretty normal proposals for things the government might do are now full commnism. It goes beyond whether something is a good or bad idea, the suggestion itself is suspect. (the purpose of the state is to serve the rich and starve the poor)
Eyewitness says Syrian military anticipated U.S. raid - ABC News
Syria Strike Puts U.S. Relationship With Russia at Risk - The New York Times
Russia Suspends Cooperation With U.S. in Syria After Missile Strikes - The New York Times
Trump doesn't have authority to order strikes against Syria
The Art of the Syrian Deal - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Syria strike adds awkward twist to high-stakes China-U.S. summit - The Washington Post
The Fight Against the Islamic State Just Got Harder - The Atlantic
Warplane Reportedly Bombs Site Of Deadly Gas Attack Following U.S. Incursion In Syria | The Huffington Post - The jet struck at around 11 a.m. local time, causing damage but no known casualties.
Trump's Talk Of Syria Humanitarian Concern Rings Hollow | The Huffington Post - The president has demonized refugees, particularly Syrians, for years.
Majority Of Republicans Said 'No' When Obama Wanted To Launch A Strike On Syria | The Huffington Post - Donald Trump didn't seek Congressional approval (remember way back when when Obama had to ask Mitch McConnell's permission to do anything?)
The Obama Doctrine, R.I.P. - The Atlantic - Trump reached for the same playbook that his predecessor resisted opening.
The Morning After President* Trump's First Attempt at War -- Washington, where the war is made but rarely has any impact at all
Bombing Syria Open Thread - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Eschaton: McCain's Got A Story To Tell - The Democrats, by obeying the rules, are forcing McCain to change the rules, and this is very bad.
Trump loves a conspiracy theory. Now his allies in the fringe media say he's falling for one in Syria. (Obama and Soros dropped the WMD's as a false flag to get Trump to bomb an airfield)
Trump's Troll Army Isn't Ready for War in Syria -- The alt-right crowd breaks with the president.
Nuking The Filibuster May Hurt Republicans In The Long Run | FiveThirtyEight (there will be no "long run")
Eschaton: Boom - A horribly undemocratic institution has been made slightly less undemocratic and we will get the horrible Supreme Court Justice we were going to get anyway.
The GOP Has Declared War on Democracy | The Nation - Going nuclear to confirm Neil Gorsuch is the latest example of how Republicans are thwarting the will of the people.
Eschaton: How You Become A Real Boy In America -- .@FareedZakaria on Syria strikes: "I think Donald Trump became President of the United States" last night
u Eschaton: Failsons - going to waltz in and be the best president, solve health care, defeat Isis, bring peace to everywhere in the Middle East, either by yourself or with your failsoninlaw
Of Course there's Evidence Trump Colluded with Russian Intelligence (can't see the forest of trees)
C.I.A. Had Evidence of Russian Effort to Help Trump Earlier Than Believed - The New York Times (and Obama told everyone to shut up)
Kushner Omitted Meeting With Russians on Security Clearance Forms - The New York Times
The Coming Incompetence Crisis - The New York Times - the Trump administration has filled only 22 of the 553 key positions that require Senate confirmation. This makes me worry that the administration will not have enough manpower to produce the same volume and standard of incompetence that we've come to expect so far
Clinton: 'Misogyny played a role' in 2016
Congressman Asks Linda McMahon Question Every Wrestling Fan Wants To Know | The Huffington Post - President Donald Trump tapped the former GOP Senate candidate to run the Small Business Administration
How to Host on Airbnb Legally - The New York Times (you can't, at least in NY)
Record Sales in Manhattan, but ... - The New York Times
Low-dose penicillin in early life induces long-term changes in murine gut microbiota, brain cytokines and behavior : science
I work at a Dispensary in Vancouver, Canada. Today was pretty much the best day ever.. : pics
Introverts of Reddit, what sounds like a fun date to you? : AskReddit
Uber bans rider for life over threat to accuse driver of rape | New York Post (she had a meltdown b/c he didn't have a charger for your iphone +dashcams, moron)
We are heading for the warmest climate in half a billion years, says new study | the absolute climate warming is also likely to be unprecedented in at least the past 420m years. : science
'The Great War': PBS documentary finds haunting parallels between World War I and U.S. today (review) | - PBS documentary finds haunting parallels between World War I and U.S. today (review) ... Woodrow Wilson ... "Make the world safe for democracy" ... But this was the same man who, for all his professed progressive ideals, was a staunch segregationist." ... Along the way, the role of the federal government grew, as did official intolerance for dissent.
Should the U.S. Have Entered World War I? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (would Hitler have happened, or something even worse?)
What We Learned from World War I - 100th Anniversary of WWI - What did we accomplish?
Spain accused of causing Gibraltar traffic jams amid Brexit tensions | World news | The Guardian
Putin's ex-wife returns to the spotlight with a dashing young husband and a fancy French villa
British Prime Minister Theresa May has defied Saudi Arabia's strict custom and refused to wear a headscarf for her first meeting with the Arab country's ruling elite
Why the Navy's Tomahawk missiles were the weapon of choice in strikes in Syria
U.S. Launches Missiles at Syrian Base After Chemical Weapons Attack : news
Hillary Clinton: US should 'take out' Assad's air fields
Syria? - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
Chomsky: With U.S. History of Overthrowing Govts, Outrage over Russian Hacking Claims is Laughable | Democracy Now! (American exceptionalism but the outrage is about Trump, Noam)
Nunes steps aside from Russia probe - politico
Devin Nunes Steps Down From Leading Russia Investigation | The Huffington Post - Meanwhile, the House Ethics Committee is investigating allegations that Nunes leaked classified information.
Nunes to step aside from Russia probe : news
The Real Political Scandal? Actually, There Are Two - Bloomberg View - a diversion from the real story: how the president and his associates collaborated with a Russian influence operation against the U.S. election. (Eli Lake revisits his story +anti-thought wars for your brain)
President Donals Trump's claim, without evidence, that Susan Rice may have committed a crime -- Glenn Kessler
Senate Republicans Deploy 'Nuclear Option' to Clear Path for Gorsuch
After Senate Filibuster's Death, Somber Lawmakers Seek Path Forward
Congress Just Became A Parliament | The Huffington Post - (Repubicans) junked the Founding Father's vision
Trump Removes Stephen Bannon From National Security Council Post - The New York Times
Bannon reportedly threatened to leave White House after NSC shakeup | Fox News (house of assholes assholing each other) Kushner and his allies reportedly consider Bannon an ideologue whose advice to Trump is hindering the president's chances to win popular support for his agenda.
Megadonor urged Bannon not to resign - politico - Republican megadonor Rebekah Mercer,
Jared Kushner Helped Push Steve Bannon Out Of The NSC | The Huffington Post
Inside the White House, paranoia and unrest among top staff -
Steve Bannon Calls Jared Kushner a 'Cuck' and 'Globalist' Behind His Back
Welcome to Jared Kushner's World
Creeping Toward Crisis - The New York Times (literally) -- Trump has exposed himself to the world as an imbecile and burned through American credibility with his incessant lying. Even many of our allies seem confused and worried about where we stand and how we plan to proceed.
He told us who he was: The L.A. Times discovers Donald Trump's vileness -- why was any of it a surprise? Mainstream media are shocked to discover the president is a mendacious bigot. Were they not paying attention?
Personal irresponsibility: A concise history of Trump's buck-passing
No One to Blame But Trump | by Elizabeth Drew | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books
The Husband Of A Trump Supporter Has Just Been Deported Back To Mexico
The Texas-size scapegoating of an illegal voter is a travesty of justice - The Washington Post
Why Authoritarians Attack the Arts - The New York Times - But as Hitler understood, artists play a distinctive role in challenging authoritarianism. Art creates pathways for subversion, for political understanding and solidarity among coalition builders
Conservative Megadonor Wrote $450,000 Check To Spread Indicted Congressman's Fake News Across Texas, Prosecutors Say | The Huffington Post
The troubles at the American mall are coming to a boil - The Washington Post (Amazon and niche retailers)
Medical marijuana in disarray amid recreational pot uncertainty - The Boston Globe
Medical marijuana fees filling state coffers : bostontrees
The Advocates: Acknowledging A Major Rift In The Mass Marijuana Movement : bostontrees
Stoughton selectman seats go to Sullivan and Sousa - News - The Enterprise, Brockton, MA - Brockton, MA - Voters overwhelmingly agreed to ban pot shops, 1,999 to 933. In the November election, Stoughton voters narrowly favored a ballot question to legalize recreational marijuana, 51 to 49 percent.
Number of cohabiting Americans rises, especially among those 50+ | Pew Research Center
Long shadow cast by psychiatrist on transgender issues finally recedes at Johns Hopkins - The Washington Post - psychiatrist Paul McHugh is seeing his institution come full circle with the resumption of gender-reassignment surgeries. - "guilt-ridden homosexual men" ... "mental illness"
More than 1 in 5 U.S. adults are infected with cancer-causing HPV, CDC report says - The Washington Post
Scientists say they have detected an atmosphere around an Earth-like planet for the first time. : science
Translational Psychiatry - Acute effects of LSD on amygdala activity during processing of fearful stimuli in healthy subjects -- These data suggest that acute administration of LSD modulates the engagement of brain regions that mediate emotional processing.
LSD reduces activity in the amygdala, the region of the brain related to the handling of negative emotions like fear, compared to placebo, in a double-blind, randomised, cross-over study. This may explain it's therapeutic action in addiction, depression and anxiety, especially with psychotherapy. : science
Psychologists from the university of Georgia have found people with personality disorders are more likely to marry or make friends with people who are dysfunctional in a similar way : science
Familial Resemblance of Borderline Personality Disorder Features: Genetic or Cultural Transmission? - Significant resemblance between spouses was observed, which was best explained by phenotypic assortative mating, but it had only a small effect on the genetic variance (1% of the total variance) There was no effect of cultural transmission from parents to offspring.
Genetics of borderline personality disorder: Systematic review and proposal of an integrative model - According to our meta-analysis, no significant associations were found for the serotonin transporter gene, the tryptophan hydroxylase 1 gene, or the serotonin 1B receptor gene. ... Such a framework postulates a balance between positive and negative events, which interact with plasticity genes in the genesis of BPD.
autotldr comments on This Is What Scares Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Robert Shiller About The Economy
What is the closest sexual experience you've had to a ridiculous porn plot? [NSFW] : AskReddit
Besides the nostalgic spacedicks, what is the weirdest subreddit? : AskReddit (picturesofiansleeping)
Charge Time: Electric Car Workers Accuse Tesla of Low Pay and Intimidation
Your vote in the 2016 election explains almost everything about your climate beliefs - Vox - climate change sure looks like a partisan issue. (total correlation +let the coastal elites drown)
The Changing Global Religious Landscape | Pew Research Center - Less than 20 years from now, the number of babies born to Muslims is expected to modestly exceed births to Christians (Xtians going down, Muzzies plateauing)
Rex Tillerson's incredibly odd and confusing statement on North Korea - - "North Korea launched yet another intermediate range ballistic missile. The United States has spoken enough about North Korea. We have no further comment." ... "The clock has now run out, and all options are on the table" said the WH
Eschaton: Onward to Syria (many, many lines)
Trump, Citing No Evidence, Suggests Susan Rice Committed Crime - The New York Times (check the pic of Kellyanne? floating in the air)
Let Trump Get Away With His Latest Deception -- The White House says Obama adviser Susan Rice spied on Trump aides. We will all regret taking the claim at face value ... Unlike the initial cover stories, this one is working -- and the consequence isn't just distraction, but to establish a dangerous premise: that efforts to determine whether Americans collaborated with foreign intelligence agents to sabotage a U.S. presidential candidate are inherently partisan. (why were they wearing masks and talking on their Putinphones?)
Stephen Bannon removed from National Security Council - The Washington Post - The restructuring reflects the growing influence of national security adviser H.R. McMaster, an Army three-star general, who took over the post after retired general Michael Flynn was ousted in February
Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon stripped of national security council role : news
Gorsuch's writings borrow from other authors -- The White House rejects any suggestion of impropriety.
Sen. Jeff Merkley Stages All-Night Protest On Senate Floor Against Gorsuch Nomination | The Huffington Post - his assault on our democracy demands as robust a resistance as we can possibly mount.
Donald Trump Keeps Hiring People Accused Of Plagiarism | The Huffington Post - doesn't seem to be great at doing background checks.
The Long, Lucrative Right-wing Grift Is Blowing Up in the World's Face
There Is No Healthcare Plan Republicans Can Pass - The chronicles of batshit ineptitude.
I'm Getting Used to Life Beyond Parody
Republicans Are Going to Wish Hillary Clinton Won - The Republican Party recovered from its cratering under the Bush administration by having the good fortune to lose control of the White House at precisely the moment that a global financial crisis began to inflict deep, ruinous pain upon the public. (so they said it was Obama's fault and the WWC believed them)
How the U.S. ethics chief took on Trump and became a reluctant Washington hero - The Washington Post
Trump defends Bill O'Reilly: 'I don't think Bill did anything wrong' (he should know and O'Slimey hides behind his kids as reason for settling)
Ben Sasse Thinks Biden Would Have Won - The New York Times - . I campaigned with pretty much anybody not named Trump or Huckabee.
Every story I have read about Trump supporters in the past week - The Washington Post
From Breitbart to Sputnik - The Atlantic - A former Breitbart reporter will host a radio show for the Russian government outlet.
Republicans' view3s of blacks' intelligence, work ethic lag behind Democrats at a record clip
"Scientific racism"is on the rise on the right. But it's been lurking there for years (Charles Murray and Andrew Sullivan)
Civil Rights Act Protects Gay Workers, Court Rules - The New York Times - a federal appeals court in Chicago
Democrats Are Bad at Midterm Turnout. That Seems Ready to Change. - The New York Times
Why Can't Conservative Men Get Laid? -- The Only Approved Federalist Relationship Between Men and Women ... Evidently, this person is also a Lutheran pastor. Missouri Synod, no doubt. (previously in the Federalist: "Your goal is keeping him focused on your skills and assets, proving to him that you still think about taking his skin bus to Tuna Town too."
Twitter Rejoices After Learning ESPN Analyst Sage Steele Is Out (wow)
Kendall Jenner Pepsi Ad - Why Pepsi's Ad Campaign Starring Kendall Jenner Is So Tone-Deaf (and how Coke did it better +Mad Men)
Pittsburg High School journalists question new principal's credentials | The Kansas City Star (because the olds don't know who to use the google)
The Dubai American Scientific School closes down |
(22) News about #ThanksForTyping on Twitter
Katie Fitzpatrick on Twitter: "THIS is how you thank your wife. From Mill's "On Liberty." #ThanksForTyping"
Why would millennial men prefer stay-at-home wives? Race and feminism. - The Washington Post (WaPo continues to plug garbage millenial study based on sample of 66 and wtf with that stock photo??)
What does a black hole look like? Astronomers are on a quest to find out. - The Washington Post - using a technique called very-long-baseline interferometry, or VLBI
Does dark energy really exist? The new research used computer modelling to simulate a cube of space measuring 480 million light-years along and then broke that cube into 1 million mini-universes to run very small-scale mathematical modelling on the evolution of the universe.
Settling the birth-order debate once and for all - The Globe and Mail (doesn't mention previous study that agreed with personality but found first-borns more successful)
What's the most disturbing realisation you've come to? : AskReddit
Peoples Climate Movement Releases March Route | | Common Dreams
The left and right agree: Fox News destroyed EPA chief Scott Pruitt over climate change - The Washington Post (dimbulb OK AG doesn't believe in sciencey stuff)
Activists say gas attack kills 58 in northern Syria, with victims foaming at the mouth - The Washington Post
Dozens Dead In Suspected Gas Attack On Rebel-Held Area Of Syria | The Huffington Post
Almost Every Hospital In Opposition-Held Syria Was Attacked Last Year | The Huffington Post - A new survey shows that the average facility was targeted three times.
Russian Air Traffic Controllers Willingly Contributed to Killing Polish President, New Evidence Suggests : news
Islamic State says U.S. 'being run by an idiot' | Reuters
After Derailment, Tracks at Penn Station to Stay Out of Commission for Days: Sources | NBC New York - Three cars in the middle of an inbound NJ Transit train dislodged from a track as it approached a platform at Penn Station.
Federal appeals court: Civil rights law covers LGBT workplace bias
'Extreme vetting' would require visitors to US to share contacts and passwords | US news | The Guardian - proposed changes may mean travelers from countries including UK, France, Australia and Japan have to share digital information (your credit card and bank info included)
This is how the next World War starts - The Huffington Post (Airforce cheaped out on its spy planes, didn't install any plane-detection radar)
Poll: Trump approval rating plummets | TheHill - hirty-four percent of Americans approve of Trump (27% rock-bottom)
Trump's Authoritarian Vision
Trump's authoritarian instincts ruin US credibility on human rights, activists say | Law | The Guardian
Russian Hackers Are Working To Amplify Donald Trump's Wiretapping Claim, Expert Warns | The Huffington Post
House Intel Dem: 'People Will Probably Go To Jail' As A Result Of Russia Probe
Republican Health Proposal Would Undermine Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions - The New York Times
The House GOP Health Care Bill Is Very Much Alive | The Huffington Post - And it could be disastrous for the sick.
Republicans are threatening to expose Trump as the emperor with no clothes - The Washington Post
I hope Susan Rice was keeping tabs on Trump's Russia ties (but Obama spied on Russia when Trump was talking to Russians)
Susan Rice and the Latest Bogus Attempt to Justify Trump's Wiretapping Tweet (yeah, we were plotting treason with Putin but she shouldn't have been listening)
A birthday video call captures a telling moment in Trump's Russia connections -- deals go way back
Sessions orders Justice Department to review all police reform agreements - The Washington Post
Today in the Neoconfederate Reign at the DOJ - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered Justice Department officials to review reform agreements with troubled police forces nationwide
WATCH: Boos erupt after Trump tells room full of construction workers that he won most of their votes
Eschaton: Translation For The Thick - McCain will vote to destroy the Senate if Democrats actually follow the rules ... Republicans think, and many in the media agree, that certain perogatives under the rules that the minority party have are only there to be used if Republicans are the minority party. Obeying the rules, if you're a Democrat, is actually violating the rules
The Unprecedented* Filibuster* Of* Neil* Gorsuch* - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Sharply Fewer Democrats Say They Are Proud to Be Americans | Gallup - New low of 75% of U.S. adults extremely or very proud (Republicans destorying America)
EXCLUSIVE: Sebastian Gorka Backed Anti-Semitic Militia -- The Forward
Wikipedia user 'Sk-Gorka' edited info about WH aide Sebastian Gorka's bun charge (creepy guy)
ProPublica Expertly Claps Back At Sean Spicer For Calling It A 'Left-Wing Blog' | The Huffington Post - "Since we're in the biz of facts ..."
Eschaton: Other People Are Stupid II - Add in a rich failson who thinks he's a supergenius and you triple this problem. Make him the effective Secretary of State despite the fact he probably knows nothing about nothing, and you have a recipe for actual smart people in other countries rolling their eyes and laughing their heads off when the doors are closed. (little Jared running the country for Trumpster)
Affordable Care Act Gains Majority Approval for First Time | Gallup - 55% approve, up from 42% right after 2016 election (the light dawns he meant our insurance)
More Trouble at Fox News: Ailes Faces New Sexual Claims and O'Reilly Loses Two Advertisers
CNN Had a Problem. Donald Trump Solved It. - The New York Times
This Chicago Cop Is Accused Of Framing At Least 51 People For Murder - BuzzFeed News - Chicago Police Detective Reynaldo Guevara is accused of framing at least 51 people for murder
Judge makes key ruling on defense witnesses in Nevada standoff trial | - Trials for Cliven Bundy and four adult sons are scheduled in coming months.
Drake University Expels Male Student Despite Female Admitting She Forced Him Into Sex Act : news
Campus due process in the courts
Former students sue principal for $20 million, alleging sexual abuse in his office | - Two former Damascus elementary school students are suing the Gresham-Barlow School District and their former elementary school principal for $20 million, alleging the top official sexually abused them over four years.
Eschaton: "Main Street" - I like the image at the top of this article, depicting an idealized small town "main street" which barely exists outside of resort towns in this country ... What qualifies as a "small business" depends on your industry classification, but quite often it's any business with fewer than 500 employees.
My Vancouver: An Ever-Unfolding Story - The New York Times
Is DNA Compressed? : askscience
Sexual satisfaction remained elevated approximately 48 hr after sex, spouses experiencing a stronger afterglow reported higher levels of marital satisfaction both at baseline and over time. Evidence that sexual afterglow is a proximal cognitive mechanism through which sex promotes pair bonding : science
A man disappeared in Brazil and left behind 14 books full of encrypted hand-written text, a $2500 worth statue and a lot more : WTF
The "Reddit Tinnitus Cure" attempted by people with Tinnitus. This could seriously help millions of people worldwide, especially veterans. : videos
ELI5: Growing up my mother always told me to never start a pot of boiling water from hot tap water only cold. What's the logic behind that if any? : explainlikeimfive
What do you consider a credible news source? : AskReddit
Android overtakes Windows as the internet's most used OS
EPA Chief Still Doesn't Think Humans Are The Primary Cause Of Climate Change | The Huffington Post
North Korean Defector Tells Lester Holt 'World Should be Ready' (when crazy Kim Jong-Un collides with crazy DJT)
Explosion In St. Petersburg Metro System Kills At Least 10 People | The Huffington Post - At least 50 others were injured in the blast.
> The Slaves of St Petersburg | Josimar
Trump campaign advisor Carter Page targeted by Russian spies - ABC News
Blackwater founder held secret Seychelles meeting to establish Trump-Putin back channel - The Washington Post - Erik Prince met with a Russian person close to President Vladimir Putin, according to U.S., European and Arab officials
Trump campaign advisor Carter Page targeted by Russian spies - ABC News
Juan Williams: Trump's risk of impeachment rises (jail to the chief)
Donald Trump Trusts 'Fox & Friends' Over His Own Intelligence Community | The Huffington Post - This should come as a surprise to no one.
John McCain: Devin Nunes 'Killed' Bipartisan Russia Investigation In House | The Huffington Post "Working together" is necessary for the security of the nation, the senator warned. (which side are you on, America's or Trump's?)
Trump's son-in-law, Kushner, flies into Iraq with top U.S. general | Reuters
Trump Can Pull Money From His Businesses Whenever He Wants -- Without telling us
Trump allies in short supply as DC finds out trusting him is'like putting your faith in a human IED'
Top Obama Adviser Sought Names of Trump Associates in Intel - Bloomberg View - Susan Rice requested the identities of U.S. persons in raw intelligence reports on dozens of occasions that connect to the Donald Trump transition and campaign, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter. (they knew and still sat on the info)
Why Trump Lies - Los Angeles Times
Rob Major on Twitter: "@HeerJeet "Nothing prepared us" vs. "he said he was gonna""
We are surprised to discover this box labeled Radioactive Human Feces contains uranium-laced people poo - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
Trump Offered Racism to Voters, And a Lot of Them Liked It - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - People who say that Pavlic is"voting aganst his own interest" fail to grasp that white supremacy is an interest.
Lindsey Graham Booed At Town Hall For Supporting Neil Gorsuch | The Huffington Post
This Day in Labor History: April 2, 1937 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Milton Hershey founded his chocolate company in 1894. He, like many capitalists of the era, decided to construct a company town, of course named after himself. (where he owned the workers)
Horrible Workplace Deaths of the Past - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Unfortunately, the reason that dye was so striking is that it was made with arsenic. (she killed it with that dress)
The Arsenic Dress: How Poisonous Green Pigments Terrorized Victorian Fashion
Bill O'Reilly: An awful, awful man (and the people who watch him)
Attorney For Bill O'Reilly Accuser Calls Fox News The Bill Cosby Of Corporate America
User explains with detail why West Virginia has become what it is today. : bestof (coal, and commpany towns, and little education and now a workforce smaller than Arby's)
The destruction of Hillary Clinton: sexism, Sanders, and the millennial feminists | Susan Bordo | Opinion | The Guardian - In this extract from her book, Susan Bordo asks how the most qualified candidate ever to run for president lost the seemingly unloseable election -- These young women weren't around when the GOP, appalled that liberals like the Clintons had somehow grabbed political power, began a series of witchhunts that have never ended. (and don't read books)
Inside Alex Jones' Bizarre InfoWars Retail Empire
Federal judge blocks Indiana abortion ultrasound mandate : news
Eschaton: It Costs A Lot To Move - Almost every article about The Kids Today should be doing it differently with their finances assumes that everyone can go to the Bank of Mom and Dad for a couple of thousand bucks if they need to
Business Insider tries to kick off the people's revolution
High school principal R. Wiley Brownlee was tarred and feathered by the KKK after leaving a board meeting where he proposed the school district honor Martin Luther King, Jr. One of Brownlee's students took this photo of him when he returned to the school for help, April 3, 1971, Michigan. : pics (Michigan KKK in 1971)
Unvaccinated children account for majority of pediatric flu deaths: study : science
Less people get hospitalized for opioid abuse in states where medical cannabis is legal, according to a recent study, published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. : science
A low dose of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) - the active compound in cannabis - promoted stress resilience and reduced anxiety-like symptoms in mice that were previously vulnerable to stress : science
New male contraceptive is safe, effective, inexpensive
Brain cancer survival improves with novel electrical device, data suggest - The Washington Post
What do you think will look barbaric about us to people in the future, the way we look at barbaric things in the dark ages? : AskReddit
Marvel executive says emphasis on diversity may have alienated readers. : books
r/place in one GIF : gifs
Place - TimeLapse
r/place heatmap made into a show opening : videos
Place has ended : place
The Death of IMDb's Message Boards - The Reactions (Part 1) | CineRanter
Someone literally ARCHIVED the entire imdb forums before they were shutdown and made them available again. : movies
A solar Saudi Arabia -- While Trump promotes coal, Chile and others are turning to cheap sun power
Murakami calls for fight against history revisionism - China says 300,000 people died in a six-week spree of killing, rape and destruction by the Japanese military that began in December 1937.
Rare Video of the Pentagon Hole Unobstructed; Pentagon Collapse at 7:17. Tree Upright in the 'Impact Zone' at 6:07 : conspiracy
U.S. Officials Chastise Judge Who Complained of Agents 'stalking' (lil' Jeffy not happy)
Trump's new Russia expert wrote a psychological profile of Vladimir Putin
'Find the leakers' Trump tweets, turning the spotlight yet again on his wiretapping claims (and don't look behind the red curtain)
A judge rules Trump may have incited violence and Trump again has his own mouth to blame - The Washington Post
Our Dishonest President - Los Angeles Times - Still, nothing prepared us for the magnitude of this train wreck. (and the Russians invade the comment section)
Adam Schiff: Trump's Use Of The Word 'Fake' Should 'Set Off Alarm Bells' | The Huffington Post
Donald Trump's Team Escalates Freedom Caucus Feud | The Huffington Post
How racially resentful working-class whites fled the Democratic Party -- before Donald Trump (no kidding) -- Simply put, racially resentful whites without a college degree were most likely to flee the Democratic Party during Obama's presidency
Electionado: The Role lof Race & Gender Views in Support for Trump in 2016 (racist, sexist, uneducated white voters love Trumpster)
I'm Beginning to Think That Racism May Have Been Important to Donald Trump's Appeal -- Payton suggested that if the government wants to cut budgets, it should target "Obama phones" provided to low-income Americans. (In fact, the program predates President Barack Obama and is financed by telecom companies rather than by taxpayers.) (instread of the federal programs that benefit him, of course +affirmative action originally for white)
Eschaton: The Secret Welfare System - Conservatives have successfully convinced a large number of people that there is a secret welfare system that only blah people have access to. And, of course, the blah guy from Kenya took that up to 11.
Fear and the New Deal (that white supremacy wouldn't survive)
White nationalism is bad but superdelegates are worse (Keep our trolls healthy update) - Lawyers, Guns & Money
GOP's Favorite Health-Care Idea Is to Stick It to Mothers -- But when the advocate of this argument himself has expensive medical needs, the callousness rises to a level of solipsistic barbarism. A paraplegic man resents having to pay for women who need help breastfeeding their babies. Why should those women have to buy insurance that covers wheelchairs? (Krauthammer)
Fox News' Growing Challenge: High Ratings Vie With Troubling Disclosures | The Huffington Post (O'Slimey and the toxic male grabarchy at Fox)
Eschaton: Falafel - He is a horrible human.
CanLII - 2012 ABQB 571 (CanLII) (Sovereign Citizen analysis)
Sexual paranoia on campus -- and the professor at the eye of the storm -- When students objected to Laura Kipnis's essay criticising the politics surrounding relationships between undergraduates and faculty
Can I forgive the man who raped me? | Books | The Guardian
21 Red Flags That Your Boyfriend Sucks - #13 is a sign you should break up right away.
21 Ways You Know He's A Genuinely Good Guy
TIL women, who participated in the experiment conducted by students, became sexually aroused in response to stimulating images of attractive females -- whether they were heterosexual or not.
FDA approves first MS drug for aggressive multiple sclerosis: ocrelizumab (Ocrevus) - CBS News
I am Neil degrasse Tyson, your personal Astrophysicist. : IAmA
Woman charged with child abuse for circumcising her 4-year-old son : news (circumcision comments)
Teachers who've had a student that stubbornly believed easily disprovable things(flat-earth, creationism, sovereign citizen) how did you handle it? : AskReddit
Blue Checkmarks Are The New Snowflakes
U.S.-Led Coalition Counts 229 Civilian Deaths Before Mosul Strike - The New York Times (they always lie)
First on CNN: New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say - (they bought a bunch of x-ray machines)
The Political Walls Are Closing In On Donald Trump - The Daily Beast - Already, Republicans are talking about getting their court nominee through and then jettisoning the president.
Trump tells NBC to stop covering Russia story | TheHill
Michael Flynn Failed to Disclose Payments From Russian Propaganda Network - The Daily Beast - financial disclosure forms made no mention of payments from a Russian state-run media network.
National Security Council No. 2 offered post in Singapore - - K.T. McFarland, a former Fox News analyst brought in as the No. 2 at the National Security Council by the fired national security adviser Michael Flynn (well, that was quite a leap)
Trump's White House struggles to get out from under Russia controversy (out from under Trumpov)
The most suspicious part of Trump's presidency (Lil' Trumpov)
Russia investigation has a new front: Inside the White House - The Washington Post (if it smells like treason)
Rep. Adam Schiff Sees Nothing In Nunes' Secret Documents That Can't Be Shared | The Huffington Post - These materials should now be provided to the full membership of both committees (den of liars and traitors)
Devin Nunes Was Supposed To Probe Collusion. Instead He's committing it (lock him up)
Watchdog groups ask ethics group to investigate Nunes | TheHill
Confused by the Trump Surveillance Drama? Here's a Timeline
Byron York: 11 key points to remember about Trump-Russia affair | Washington Examiner (even the WaEx)
Trump Skips Out On Signing Executive Orders After Reporter's Question About Flynn | The Huffington Post - Shadow of Russian investigations darkens the mood in the Oval Office.
Donald Trump's joyless presidency
closest aides hail from ranks of financial elite (the swamp is so drained, suckers)
Who's Worth What at the White House: The Financial Disclosures
Trump Couple, Now White House Employees, Can't Excape Conflict Laws
Conservative Split Over Import Tax Imperils Trump's Overhaul (Kochbros don't like the border tax)
White House Ends Bar Association's Role in Vetting Judges (because stupidity and corruption)
Stephen King on Donald Trump: How do such men rise? First as a joke
Fake News Isn't The Greatest Threat To Democracy. Total Transparency Is. (whut? because Trumpster is totally transparent, or something)
Constituents Heckle GOP Congressman At Town Hall: 'Do Your Job' | The Huffington Post - More than 1,000 people showed up to question Rep. Chris Stewart.
Republican Politician Says Women Should Be Forced to Carry Dead Fetuses to Term -- in Iowa, a Republican state representative, Shannon Lundgren, mounted a troubling defense of her hardline stance that a woman should not be able to terminate her pregnancy after 20 weeks (or until the mother dies)
Student Loan Forgiveness Program Approval Letters May Be Invalid, Education Dept. Says - The New York Times (oh, another scam)
D.C. among first in nation to require child-care workers to get college degrees - The Washington Post
How a Cruel Foreclosure Drove a Couple to the Brink of Death - Vice (thanks, Obama)
'Ghost Photographer' Who Worked for Alleged Killer Mom Speaks Out
'They're the Worst': People Explain Why Threesomes Are Boring and Evil | Broadly
A Real Estate Boom, Powered by Pot - The New York Times -- At the edge of an industrial park in this suburb south of Boston ... Ermont ... Denver: In the city over all, there are five times as many retail pot stores as stand-alone Starbucks shops. (Jason Lewis says MA needs to slow this economic boom way down so he can pay himself to regulate it)
Spiders could theoretically eat every human on Earth in one year - The Washington Post
My I.C.U. Patient Lived. Is That Enough? - The New York Times -- As many as one in three patients sick enough to require a ventilator might develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Anxiety and depression are equally common, if not more so. Others survive critical illness but find themselves forgetful and easily confused, facing cognitive problems
adventures in garbage millennial confirmation bias -- scatterplot (NYT promotes garbage stats: sample of 66)
Trump Is President. Now Encrypt Your Email. - The New York Times - the first term of a president who has said Edward J. Snowden should be executed
Uber Robocar Project at Risk as Engineer May Face Charges - Bloomberg (uber-corrupt)
Climate change: global reshuffle of wildlife will have huge impacts on humanity | Environment | The Guardian -- Mass migration of species to cooler climes has profound implications for society, pushing disease-carrying insects, crop pests and crucial pollinators into new areas
Donald Trump's War on Science Has Left the White House Dangerously Unprepared
FBI releases 25 previously unseen photos from 9/11 attack at Pentagon : news
Venezuela 'coup': Alarm grows as court takes power - BBC News (we don't need your steenking congress said the third-grader)
Donald Trump gets worse marks than Barack Obama at the start of their presidencies | McClatchy DC
Republicans' view of blacks' intelligence, work ethic lag behind Democrats at a record clip (another measure of Republican racism)
1,000 Paid Russian Trolls Spread Fake News On Hillary Clinton, Senate Intelligence Heads Told | The Huffington Post - A former FBI agent testified that President Donald Trump helped spread fake news by embracing the stories against his opponents.
Michael Flynn: new evidence spy chiefs had concerns about Russian ties | US news | The Guardian - US and UK officials were troubled by Moscow contacts and encounter with woman linked to Russian spy agency records
Michael Flynn's Immunity Request Rejected By Senate Intelligence Committee
Michael Flynn: People Granted Immunity 'Probably Have Committed A Crime' | The Huffington Post
Why Michael Flynn may be seeking immunity - The Washington Post -- Oliver North, pardoned by Republican congress
Rachel Maddow pointed out the obvious. None of the excuses that Vice President Mike Pence is giving for his lack of knowledge about the Russia scandal make sense. As the head of Trump's transition, Vice President Pence is not clean and will go down with Trump for the events that happened during the 2016 election.
Obama Officials Made List of Secret Russia Probe Documents To Protect Them - NBC News
what we know so far about Team Trump ("looks like Gambino Crime Family tree" +Putin is worried, sends his bot army in)
The Trump White House is in deep legal trouble, according to Trump's own standards
Three White House officials tied to files shared with House intelligence chairman - The Washington Post (Nunes is a commie liar)
Things just went from bad to worse for Devin Nunes and the White House - The Washington Post
Devin Nunes Is Just the Errand Boy in the Trump-Russia Scandal - The Daily Beast
Things Go From Bad to Worse for Devin Nunes and Team Trump - The Daily Beast (Trump leaked to himself)
Devin Nunes and the Tragedy of the Russia Inquiry - Bloomberg View (every pic shows him grimacing)
Pelosi on Nunes: 'I've never seen behavior this bizarre'
The Trump Administration Has Pushed the Limits of American Absurdity - Friday's installment of Sean Spicer: Live In Washington, the new hit series
Spicer during a press conference : gifs
Is the Trump White House Spying on the FBI? ... using the surveillance assets of the U.S. government to track the FBI investigation from the outside?
1 big thing: Trump, baffled and brooding
Trump's failing presidency has the GOP in a free fall
Mike Pence doesn't dine alone with other women. And we're all schocked
Vice President Pence's "never dine alone with a woman" ins't honorable. It's probably illegal --
Jason Chaffetz: The Prince of Oversight - The Atlantic - Utah Republican Jason Chaffetz chairs the House watchdog committee (chairman of overlook)
Why North Carolina abruptly flip-flopped on its 'bathroom bill'
Yoho-ho is a brass-bound flunky - Lawyers, Guns & Money : "You've got to keep in mind that he works for the president. He answers to the president," said Florida Rep. Ted Yoho on MSNBC on Thursday. In fact, Nunes and Yoho both work for the legislative, not the executive, branch of the federal government.
The Ongoing Adventures of Jason Chaffetz, Principled Critic of Executive Branch Overreach : Lawyers, Guns & Money - It's just great that the media basically let this cartoonish hack drive their 2016 campaign coverage:
Sam Brownback has a lovely parting gift for the citizens of Kansas. Namely, needless death and suffering so he can keep upper-class tax cuts that have massively failed to deliver the promised economic growth:
President Donald Trump is as appropriate a Women's History Month officiant as Caitlyn Jenner is an appropriate driving school instructor (no, it's worse)
Officer demoted after telling man he couldn't record police : news
Can't there be a profit-motive for troll-free spaces?
The Coral Project
The entire coal industry employs fewer people than Arby's (close to 80,000), Dollar General (105,000) or J.C. Penney (114,000) ... retail shoe sales industry (224,000) ... That 76,572 people is less than the number of engineers in Silicon Valley laid off by just three companies in 2016 ... coal burning emissions kill 13,200 Americans a year (coal miners are special snowflakes, send them all to Trump U)
We're so unprepared for the robot apocalypse -- automation, not trade, is responsible for the bulk of the six million jobs shed by the manufacturing sector over the last 25 years -- 41 percent of Americans were farmers a century ago, but thanks to tractors and mechanical harvesters, only 2 percent work in the agriculture today ... every industrial robot eliminated about three manufacturing positions, plus three more jobs from around town. (Trump will bring back horse-drawn plows)
there's No Such Thing as a Job Americans Won't do (if you pay them enough)
Police: Woman ODs in Chuck E. Cheese's bathroom -- Michelle Wagner, 34, of Batesville, Indiana, faces two counts of child endangerment. Authorities said she overdosed in the bathroom while her children, ages 5 and 7, were playing in the restaurant.
World's leading marijuana expert says he has never smoked a joint : news
skyscraper from asteroid orbiting Earth unveiled (use parachutes to get off)
Science AMA Series: Hi Reddit, we're the organizers of the March for Science, and we're here to talk about the importance of fighting for science and how you can get involved. Ask us anything!
How Radiation in Space Poses a Threat to Human Exploration (Infographic) (go to Mars. Get cancer.
Penn State trustee 'running out of sympathy' for 'so-called' Jerry Sandusky victims : news
What is something you were surprised to discover was only regional, although you assumed it to be widespread or even universal? : AskReddit
FBI Arrests Hacker Who Hacked No One : technology -- He built a piece of software. That tool was pirated and abused by hackers. Now the feds want him to pay for the computer crooks' crimes
Uber Executive Invokes Fifth Amendment, Seeking to Avoid Potential Charges - The New York Times
5 Major Extinctions of Planet Earth : gifs (so far)
360 Million Years Ago, The Earth Was On Fire
All 6 lanes of major highway I-85 in Atlanta just went up in flames and collapsed : videos
'It Was A Black Friday:' Mosul Residents Recount Horrific Moment Blast Tore Through Their Neighborhood | The Huffington Post
U.S. Begins Formal Investigation Into Mosul Blast, General Says It's Difficult To Avoid Casualties | The Huffington Post (very difficult when you blow up a city)
Trump Said to Ease Combat Rules in Somalia Intended to Protect Civilians - The New York Times (more bombs, more dead innocents)
Israel set to approve first new settlement in 20 years - The Washington Post
Dubai Woman films and leaves her maid to fall from the 7th floor : WTF
No, Trump Will Not Be Building The Border Wall On Mexico's Side Of The Border | The Huffington Post
FBI Director James Comey Tried To Reveal Russian Tampering Months Before Election - but Obama administration officials blocked him from doing so (Barry made a lot of blunders during his time, but this one takes the cake and epitomizes his problem: he didn't was to tarnish his legacy -- now in flames, btw -- with unseemly partisan discloses of facts about Trump being a Russian agent)
Trump's business network reached alleged Russian mobsters -- Dealings with Russian oligarchs concern law enforcement because many of those super-wealthy people are generally suspected of corrupt practices as a result of interconnected relationships among Russia's business elite, government security services and criminal gangs (Russia is our friend)
Hullabaloo - Follow da money ... Can you believe we're talking about the fucking president of the United States? Wow ...
2 White House Officials Helped Give Nunes Intelligence Reports - The New York Times
Today's Russia hearings actually revealed something new and important ... In a moment that stunned the hearing room, Watts flatly stated that the president himself has become a cog in such Russian measures ... "I think this answer is very simple and is one no one is really saying in this room ... the commander in chief has used Russian active measures at times against his opponents" (yeah, wow +little Marco, attacked by Trump and the Russians, is on the committee)
Flynn offers to testify in Russia probes for immunity: report - NY Daily News (starting to crumble)
Michael Flynn Seeks Immunity In Exchange For Testifying On Trump's Russia Ties | The Huffington Post
These are the right people to get the truth about Russia -- and do it quickly
Who is 'Source D' The man said to be behind the Trump-Russia dossier's most salacious claim. -- Trump had hired prostitutes at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton and that the Kremlin has kept evidence of the encounter.
'follow the trail of dead Russians' if you want to crack 2016 election interference: Senate intel witness
Meet Eric Garland, Twitter's game-theory personality - Business Insider (on the Russian connection)
The Russian Answers Are Coming
The Senate Might Actually Give Us Some Answers on Russia
Pence breaks tie in Senate vote on Planned Parenthood funding - politico
"I Shall Exterminate Everything Around Me That Restricts Me from Being the Master"
Eschaton: I Don't Think You Know Your Supporters Are -- More than that, who the hell do you think the loyal Trumpkins are? Maybe not the Freedom Caucus, but it's the 27% who loooove the Freedom Caucus...
Trump threatens hard-liners as part of escalating Republican civil war - The Washington Post
Finally, Democrats Are Getting How Politics Works< Heidi Heitkamp to support Gorsuch nomination | Washington Examiner (and Clair McGaskill)
br />
Disabled, or just desperate? Rural Americans turn to disability as jobs dry up | The Washington Post (so lets vote for a Republican)
Some fruit growing tRumpists aren't liking them apples (wait, we didn't think he meant our illegal immigrants, without which we're fucked)
North Carolina Senate Committee Advances Bill To Repeal HB2, Despite Objections From LGBTQ Groups | The Huffington Post (bars cities from acting)
A panty liner triggers a TSA pat-down just one step removed from a pap smear - The Washington Post
If you publish Georgia's state laws, you'll get sued for copyright and lose (democracy is vulnerable to many attacks)
Opioid mortality drop 23% in states with medical cannabis laws : science (JAMA -- someone tell Jason Lewis)
Distraction Cited as Pedestrian Deaths Spiked in 2016 - The New York Times - Thirty-four percent of pedestrians and 15 percent of drivers involved in fatal crashes were intoxicated (walking while drunk and texting with earbuds in head down)
Penn State trustee says he is 'running out of sympathy' for 'so-called' Jerry Sandusky victims : news (in the unrepentent asshole dept.)
Anarchist Cookbook author William Powell dies aged 66 | Books | The Guardian - The writer suffered a fatal heart attack while on holiday with his family in Nova Scotia on 11 July, at the age of 66.
How Mars lost its atmosphere, and why Earth didn't
What's the strangest thing you've caught someone doing in the workplace? : AskReddit
Men of reddit, what NSFW secret do you want women to be aware of? : AskReddit
[Serious] What are the signs that someone is a manipulative or toxic person? : AskReddit
When was your "you mean I'm not the only one?" moment on Reddit? : AskReddit
This Is Almost Certainly James Comey's twitter account < br /> De-anonymization: How to identify your Senator within anonymous data (Whitepaper) : technology
Cisco learned from Wikileaks that the CIA had hacked its systems : news
President Trump Risks the Planet - The New York Times - Only 10 weeks into his presidency, and at great risk to future generations, Donald Trump has ordered the demolition of most of President Barack Obama's policies to combat climate change by reducing emissions from fossil fuels. (the party of greed, death and destruction
First They Nuked Santa Fe, and I Said Nothing, Because I Don't Like Dream Catchers - Lawyers, Guns & Money : It takes talent to write a column suggesting a North Korean EMP will kill 90% of Americans, and not have that be the most ridiculous point. But I give you Mr. James Woolsey, former DCI: (who has always been a lying propagandist)
Gimme Some Money -- When Donald Trump met Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany earlier this month, he put on one of his most truculent and ignorant performances. (psychopathic and dumb)
Eschaton: Brexit - Whatever the merits (or lack) of Brexit, it was put out there as a cynical re-election promise by the Tories in hopes to head off spoilers from UKIP.
Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval | Gallup !! 35% !!
Devin Nunes Could Be Facing an Ethics Probe for Spilling Secrets - The Daily Beast - "any unauthorized disclosure of intelligence"
How the White House and Republicans Blew Up the House Russia Investigation - The New Yorker
Devin Nunes Is Dangerous - The New York Times -- "No one is asking him to bring the potato salad to the Mensa picnic"
Nunes tries to blame Democrats for troubled Russia probe - politico - Schiff fires back, questioning why Nunes called off a hearing with former Obama officials.
Senate intelligence leaders: 20 people to be questioned, first hearing Thursday -
Trump demands intel panel probe Clinton Foundation ties to Russian uranium deal | Washington Examiner
Eschaton: Is He Bored Yet? - Trump obviously thought presidenting just meant speechifying to enthralled crowds, riding high on 80% popularity, having the media write mash notes to you all day, etc. ... It's hard work even for the worst president.
Jeff Sessions Could Face a Constitutional Crisis on Deportations and Sanctuary Cities - Meanwhile, Sean Spicer will sleep easy tonight having failed to condemn a hate crime.
DOJ: State Dept. Employee Charged With Lying About Chinese Intel Contacts - Candace Marie Claiborne, had a top secret security clearance and had served overseas in Iraq, Sudan and China since she began working at State in 1999, according to an affidavit the DOJ cited in its announcement of the charges.
Ivanka Trump, Shifting Plans, Will Become a Federal Employee - The New York Times
Sorry Liberals, Jared Kushner is Right | David Rees - The government should be run like a company (manufacturing excellent excellence)
Sean Spicer Tells A Grown Woman To Stop Shaking Her Head | The Huffington Post
Two activists who filmed undercover videos of Planned Parenthood charged with 15 felonies - The Washington Post -- of violating the privacy of health-care providers by recording confidential information without their consent (13 states jumped on the bandwagon +check out the dude's haircut, designed to make him pointy-headed)
Bridgegate: One Former Christie Ally Sentenced To 2 Years, One To 18 Months : The Two-Way : NPR
2 Black Women Sue Fox News, Claiming Racial Discrimination - The New York Times - Fox News, whose chairman, Roger Ailes, was ousted last year after a string of sexual harassment claims, is facing new allegations of discrimination ... Judith Slater, the company long-time comptroller (is a racist piece of shit, see Bill O'Reilly, nice corporate culture at Fox) )
Psychedelic Science 2017 - Psychedelic Science 2017 - At Psychedelic Science 2017, the international scientific community comes together at the Oakland Marriott City Center in Oakland, Calif., to explore new research into the benefits and risks of MDMA, LSD, psilocybin, ayahuasca, ketamine, ibogaine, medical marijuana, and more.
Psychedelic Science 2017 - Full Schedule
The 265 members of Congress who sold you out to ISPs, and how much it cost to buy them - The Verge - They betrayed you for chump change (all Republicans bought for chump change +a problem for democracy)
Here's the Data Republicans Just Allowed ISPs to Sell Without Your Consent
The airstrike in Mosul was potentially one of the worst U.S.-led civilian bombings in 25 years - The Washington Post
Scottish Parliament passes motion in favor of referendum on independence - The Washington Post
Trump's Wall at Nixon's Border | NACLA -- Arpaio, who worked on Intercept with erstwhile Nixon operative G. Gordon Liddy, said the operation "nearly closed the border with Mexico." The no-exceptions customs inspections became permanent after September 11, 2001. (two very bad hombres laying the groundwork for Satan/Trump)
Trump's Anti-Immigrant Policies Are Scaring Eligible Families Away From the Safety Net - Social-service organizations are reporting a drop in enrollments in food stamps and other programs.
After an Immigration Raid, a City's Student Vanish
Eschaton: Shit People - Open season on brown people (ICE are gansters)
ICE agents shoot Chicago man, acknowledge it was the wrong person - NY Daily News
The post-fascism of Donald Trump - The Washington Post
Trump administration sought to block Sally Yates from testifying to Congress on Russia - The Washington Post - That same day, Nunes, the panel's chairman, said he would not go forward with the public hearing that was to feature Yates's testimony
Kyle Griffin on Twitter: "Here's what Nunes just said when asked if he'll share his Intel sources w/ other members of his Cmte: "Nope, never.""
The Devin Nunes wiretapping saga, explained - The Washington Post
House Democrats Ask Devin Nunes to Recuse Himself From Russia Inquiry - The New York Times
Now we know why Trump panicked about Russia probe - The Washington Post ... "sort of an Inspector Clouseau investigation here."
The science of "blue lies" : There's a reason Trump supporters embrace his alternative facts -- Blue lies are a very particular form of deception that can build solidarity within groups (otherwise known as collective delusion)
Dishonestin' Donald Trump
Today in the Derp State - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
Interesting Timing
Lawmakers in deep-red Kansas just voted to expand Medicaid - The Washington Post -- Gov. Sam Brownback (R) is widely expected to reject the measure, however, and the legislature was shy of mustering the two-thirds vote necessary to override a veto.
So sorry, Alex Jones. Your 'Pizzagate' apology doesn't change a thing.
Trump calls for domestic cuts to finance border wall - The Boston Globe
Let Us Now Appreciate Paul Ryan's Utter Failure as a Political Leader
The Jobless Future - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Thirty-eight percent of jobs in the U.S. are at high risk of being replaced by robots and artificial intelligence over the next 15 years, according to a new report by PwC. Meanwhile, only 30% of jobs in the U.K. are similarly endangered. The same level of risk applies to only 21% of positions in Japan. -- If you are a working-class person, you are basically screwed. This is going to cause massive social, economic, and political upheaval. And no one is prepared for it. Certainly not the government. This is, along with climate change, the biggest problem of our time. (robots coming for low-skill jobs, Hillbillies will still refuse education)
Carter Under Hoover Pressure As Fight Over Humphrey-Hawkins Begins (yeah, another of Jimmy's fuckups)
The AI Transition, Job Destruction, and Democracy
Officials Ruled Inmate's 'Boiling' Death An Accident. But Documents Show They Omitted Key Details. | The Huffington Post
Sorry, but the Irish were always 'white' (and so were Italians, Jews and so on)
Montgomery County isn't hiding the past by moving a Confederate soldier statue
The N.F.L. and the Business of Ripping Out the Heart of Oakland - The New York Times - They rolled belly up. Politicians raised taxes to provide a historic $750 million public subsidy. This led to unremarked-upon cognitive dissonance in Las Vegas. Even as politicians increased taxes for stadiums, Clark County school officials voted last spring to increase public class sizes and to close a school for at-risk students. There was simply no money (rabidly anti-tax except for the football tax)
Mass. sheriff says officials who support 'sanctuary city' pledges should be arrested (starting with Walsh and Curtatone)
Terrorism Charges for White supremacist accused of killing black man : news
White supremacist is charged with terrorism after coming to New York to stab a 66-year-old black man to death with a sword : news
Ariel Levy's Infuriating Memoir of Privilege and Entitlement
Stories about privileged white women drive us crazy. They can also make a valuable point. - The Washington Post
Eschaton: Anthroplogy - decades of writers and their perceived audiences not being from the city really has affected how things are covered. Man rides choochoo:
PhD students are 2.5 times more likely to develop psychiatric disorders than highly educated general population : science
82% of Marathon runners developed Acute Kidney Injury in this Study : science
the1ine comments on ELI5: The 11 dimensions of the universe.
I compiled over 450 hi-resolution (1000x1500) movie posters, with no text except for the movie title on each poster. Here's an imgur album with all of them. : movies
[Serious] What are some of the most horrendous moments ever captured by live newscast? : AskReddit
What once reliable brand has declined in quality? : AskReddit
What's the most brutally honest thing a child has ever said to you? : AskReddit
Missing man found dead in belly of 7m-long python : news
House Rep. Pushing To Set Back Online Privacy Rakes In Industry Funds - Vocativ - Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), sponsor of anti-privacy measure up for vote in Congress, has had a career financed by internet service providers
Trump to Issue Far-Reaching Reversal of Obama Climate Push - Bloomberg - Order also targets Clean Power Plan, methane rule, coal ban (Republicans are party of death and destruction)
Donald Trump 'printed out fake #300bn Nato invoice and handed it to Angela Merkel' | The Independent (Trump says don't need your steenking NATO to defend America from our Russian pals) President estimated Germany's underspend on alliance over the past 12 years, then added interest (such a deal)
IamA 19-year-old conscientious objector. After 173 days in prison, I was released last Saturday. AMA! : IAmA (Finland)
Ex-cyber security chief says Government is 'using' Westminster attack to grab unnecessary spying powers : technology
At Site of Deaths, Our Reporters Find Cost of U.S.-ISIS Battle - The New York Times
US government sued over 'suspicionless' device searches by customs officials | Law | The Guardian - Putting this kind of unfettered power in the hands of border agents invites abuse and discrimination and will inevitably have a chilling effect on the freedoms of speech and association
Hullabaloo - Why would any foreigner want to come here now? (Trumpster killing the economy with his racisim)
The Sessions Press Conference - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - to urge sanctuary cities to change their policies, noting that the Department of Justice plans to deny them funding if they do not begin following federal immigration laws.
Protesters Take On Settlements In Biggest Ever Jewish-Led Protest of AIPAC -- to protest the expansion of Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. (which AIPAC and Sheldon Abramson totally support)
Roger Stone: Talking To Guccifer 2.0 Doesn't Mean I Colluded With Russians On Election | The Huffington Post
Top Democrats call for Devin Nunes to recuse himself from Trump-Russia inquiry | US news | The Guardian - Leading Democrats have escalated the controversy over the erratic behavior of Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House intelligence committee, calling on him to recuse himself from the investigation i
House Democrats Ask Devin Nunes to Recuse Himself From Russia Inquiry - The New York Times
Nunes says he was on WH grounds day before revealing Trump surveillance info - ("grounds" -- he was in the bushes) "reiterate this has nothing to do with Russia"
Chairman and partisan: The dual roles of Devin Nunes raise questions about House investigation - The Washington Post (smells like treason)
Nunes admits meeting with source of Trump surveillance documents on White House grounds - The Washington Post (lock him up)
Devin Nunes is making it very hard for Republicans to claim they can run an impartial investigation on Russia - The Washington Post
Trump's approval hits a new low of 36 percent -- but that's not the bad news (trending down, how low can he go?)
Democrats Introduce 'Mar-A-Lago Act' To Make Trump Meetings More Transparent | The Huffington Post - Make Access Records Available to Lead American Government Open Act and referred to by the acronym MAR-A-LAGO - would require President Donald Trump to provide visitor logs detailing who spends time with him at the golf resort referred to as his "winter White House" (where he talks to Russian spies)
A lie can run around the world before tRump gets his golf cleats on - Lawyers, Guns & Money (our part-time pres)
Maggie Haberman on Twitter: "What actually happened was the campaign was loathe to focus a lot on Russia because it included the word "emails""
Maggie Haberman on Twitter: "The issue with this op-ed is the headline, which is a) wrong and b) mostly unsupported by the text."
Senate Committee to Question Jared Kushner Over Meetings With Russians - The New York Times
Trump's Son-In-Law Jared Kushner To Face Questions On Russia Ties | The Huffington Post - Kushner, a senior adviser to Trump, met with Russian officials at least twice.
Trump Taps Jared Kushner To Lead Team That Will Run Government 'Like A Company' | The Huffington Post
The Paradox of Contemporary Republican Rule - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The King of Crash and Burn - The New York Times - Last week, the House Freedom Caucus made the fabricated God of Chaos bleed.
The Trump Administration's War on Science (and thinking in general)
Kansas U.S. Attorney's Office Under Investigation After 700 Lawyers Were Spied On in Prison (justice destroyed)
Scott Pelley is pulling no punches on the nightly news
Reporter and photographers say they were assaulted by Trump supporters at Huntington Beach rally - LA Times
GOP Rep. John Culberson Gets An Earful From Angry Voters | The Huffington Post -- "Do your job!"
'Bathroom Bill' to cost North Carolina $3.76B ... Despite Republican assurances (assurances from Republican are always lies +which they will fund by cutting public programs for the non-rich, win-win)
I misremember the 90s - The Huffington Post - Since we chose a retrograde misogynist to be the most powerful person on Earth, now seems like a good time to talk about sexual harassment, political correctness and how things actually get better in this country. (Clarence Thomas is a lying mofo)
Can Religious Charities Take the Place of the Welfare State? - The Atlantic (and they would the "freedom" to not support the wrong kind of people) The vast majority of religious congregation budget [money] is spent on in-house expenses: clergy, building, materials
To Win Again, Democrats Must Stop Being the Abortion Party - The New York Times - Democratic politicians should publicly acknowledge that abortion is an issue of profound moral and religious concern. (dont' forget the slut pills)
NYPD Cop Who Fatally Shot Unarmed Black Teen Quits After Being Found Guilty and recommended for firing : news
Ariel Levy Has Written a Thoroughly Modern Memoir - The New York Times
Sarah Dunn on the Anatomy of an Open Marriage - The New York Times
Addiction Specialists Ponder a Potential Aid: Pot - The New York Times - states with medical marijuana laws have lower rates of death from opiate overdose. (Jason Lewis doesn't believe this)
X-Rays Of The Earliest Stage Of Alzheimer's Offer Critical Clue About How It Starts | The Huffington Post -- a synchrotron accelerator, a type of super-bright, high-quality X-ray machine ... the plaque-causing proteins have a different structure than was previously assumed. It is similar to the structure of another abnormal protein known to cause transthyretin amyloidosis
The Tooth Divide: Beauty, Class and the Story of Dentistry - The New York Times
Children who are breast-fed for at least six months as babies have less hyperactive behavior by age 3 compared with kids who weren't breast-fed. But breast-feeding doesn't necessarily lead to a cognitive boost. : science
Elon Musk launches Neuralink, a venture to merge the human brain with AI : news
Is it correct that neither Tor nor a VPN can do anything to protect against your ISP selling your info (i.e. the new law passed by the Senate)? : VPN (Trump commoditized your porno history)
Which VPN Services Keep You Anonymous in 2017? - TorrentFreak
Minister says encryption on messaging services is unacceptable : technology
Andromeda Galaxy and Sunset over the unique rock formations of White Pocket, Arizona. [1562 x 2048] [OC] : EarthPorn
Russia Detains Opposition Leader Navalny Amid Nationwide Protests | The Huffington Post - Dozens were arrested during the biggest anti-Kremlin demonstrations in years.
Russia's Infamous 'Trll Factore' Is Now Posing as a Media Empire
How we imported the war on terror - The Boston Globe -- We are the war on terror, and the war on terror is us ... For more than a decade and a half, America has embraced a vast military campaign that relied on major shifts in US values and policies. A covert assassination program targets terror suspects with no judicial process. Many bedrock civil liberties have been traded away. (imported and exported in a very expensive, self-fulling, death prophesy: be afraid and don't look behind the curtain)
The Cincinnati nightclub shooting shows how more guns lead to more gun violence - Vox - It wasn't a terrorist attack, but as the Cincinnati mayor said, "What difference does that make to the victims? Innocent people were shot" (America has a terroristic gun problem)
At least 14 shot, 1 dead in shooting at Cincinnati nightclub : news
Chicago officer who shot black teen 16 times faces 16 new counts : news (and a terroristic cop problem)
Nearly 1 out of every 3 days he has been president, Trump has visited a Trump property - The Washington Post (Donnie is restless and needs to be inside his brand)
Trump's path forward only gets tougher after health-care fiasco (it was always about looting the healh care system and making people die do they could cut taxes even more)
Trump vs. Congress: Now What? - The New York Times - After the president suffered his first defeat on Capitol Hill, can the White House still make good on its legislative promises?
How Trump BULLY PULPITED the OVERTON WINDOW and CHANGED THE GAME - Lawyers, Guns & Money : He charmed. He threatened. He cajoled. It didn't matter
'The closer'? The inside story of how Trump tried -- and failed -- to make a deal on health care -- Trump fashioned himself as the master dealmaker. His senior aides described him as "an extremely good listener" and said his negotiating skills were the product of "total natural talent"
Donald Trump is extremely bad at making deals - Vox - Why is the health bill failing? Look at Trump Steaks, Trump University, Trump eyeglasses, Trump Suits (he's not a deal-maker, he's a salesman for his brand)
How a secret Freedom Caucus pact brought down Obamacare repeal - politico - taredown between a few dozen conservative true believers and a novice president ... No member would commit his vote before consulting with the entire group (28 of 36)
Eschaton: Got A Monkey On My Back - The Art of the Pout.
Judge Jeanine Calls For Paul Ryan To Quit -- Hours After Trump Plugged Her Show!
Eschaton: I've Been Warning About This -- But this year, some institutions of higher learning may see a noticeable dip in attendance from one group purposely choosing to stay home: foreign students. (and tourists, and Canadian nurses and school children, and business travelers and conference attendees and ...)
Eschaton: Saturday Night - When the Republicans go for "tax reform" (cuts) it'll be funny to see how quiet the usual deficit scolds and their media amplifiers are. Nobody cares about the deficit, especially not the people loudly claim they do.
"Don't take my word for it, don't believe me. Do your own work, your own thinking" (that's obviously not going to work)
Report: Tomi Lahren 'Banned Permantly' From The Blaze ... "hypocritical" for conservatives to be in favor of limited government but opposed to abortion. (not those kinds of limits)
Protesters outside White House demand 'Pizzagate' investigation (if you had half a brain) My question: by troofer standards of evidence, what pizza menu doesn't reveal a secret pedophile ring? +Judging from his lengthy apology and retraction, Jones certaonly seems unusually (for him) concerned about getting the shit sued out of him.
Trump Has Turned the GOP Into the Party of Eugenics | New Republic - always been embedded in the Republican platform ... Americans adopted eugenics so enthusiastically that 70,000 people were sterilized under laws that eventually influenced the policies of the Third Reich.
Two girls barred from United flight for wearing leggings - The Washington Post (claims they did nothing wrong, it's their job to tell women what to wear)
J.D. Vance, the False Prophet of Blue America | New Republic ... Trump supporters were wealthier than Clinton supporters overall, but Trump's victories in battleground states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio correlated to high foreclosure rates. In Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, Trump outperformed Mitt Romney with the white working class and flipped certain strategic counties red ... Bernie Sanders -- won many of the counties Clinton lost to Trump.
'Hillbilly Elegy' made J.D. Vance the voice of the Rust Belt. But does he want that job?
Hillbilly Elegy author J.D. Vance on Trump, racism, and how the media is failing the white working class.
Hillbilly Elegy author JD Vance on Barack Obama: 'We dislike the things we envy' | Books | The Guardian (it's not because he's black or anything)
A Look at America's Long and Troubled History of White Poverty -- WHITE TRASH By Nancy Isenberg -- The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America
"White Trash" -- a cultural and political history of an American underclass
White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America by Nancy Isenberg -- If slavery is America's original sin, class may be its hidden one.
The Rising Tide of Educated Aliteracy 7 (readers - and writers - not reading is the new literacy)
Dozens of industries could see a boost from legalized marijuana - The Boston Globe ... each dollar spent on Marijuana generated $2.40 in economic activity ... Here in Pueblo County, 40 percent of all construction permits countywide have been attributed to the cannabis industry ... Patrick J. Kennedy said legal Marijuana is "a bad deal" (hates vaccines also)
Is flying with pot cleared for takeoff? - The Boston Globe
Lawmakers wrestle with changes to marijuana law - The Boston Globe -- Marijuana taxes could bring in more than $100 million annually (wouldn't make any difference, says noted local marijuana expert Jason Lewis)
No, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is NOT a "vaccine skeptic" He is antivaccine. So is Donald Trump. (you know, like "climate skeptic" or a "brain skeptic")
'Supermassive' black hole rocketing through space at five million miles an hour, Nasa reveals : science
Caesarean sections are more likely to be performed by for-profit hospitals as compared with non-profit hospitals, finds a systematic review and meta-analysis. This holds true regardless of women's risk and contextual factors such as country, year or study design. : science
Private Internet Access, a VPN provider, takes out a full page ad in The New York Time calling out 50 senators. : pics
Why North Korea Is a Bigger Threat Now Than Before - Our preventative measures are looking less preventative -- It now appears that the North Koreans are making serious advances in large solid-fuel rockets. That opens up all sorts of options for them, and may drastically reduce our own.
U.S. military acknowledges strike on Mosul site where more than 100 were allegedly killed - The Washington Post (and not one general will go to prison for life)
FBI Director: U.S. should expect Russian interference in 2018, 2020 elections : technology (Republican interference)
Devin Nunes Vanished the Night Before He Made Trump Surveillance Claims - The Daily Beast - The Republican intelligence chairman got a message and jumped out of an Uber. The next morning he dropped a bombshell based on classified information. (very fishy)
In a Call to The Times, Trump Blames Democrats for the Failure of the Health Bill - The New York Times (those Dem traitors to the Trumpocracy)
Trump Blames Obamacare Defeat On Democrats Whom He Never Asked For Help | The Huffington Post - The president believes the opposition party should have given him votes to dismantle their legacy. -- "the losers are Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer because now they own Obamacare"
Why Republicans were in such a hurry on health care - The Washington Post - only by rushing to reshape a full sixth of the American economy without knowing exactly how they would be reshaping it would Republicans be able to use health care to pave the way for the rest of their agenda, including tax reform. In other words, the GOP didn't want to let a detail like tens of millions of people losing their health insurance get in the way of two tax cuts for the rich.
The failure of the Republican health care bill reveals a party unready to govern - Vox - Lessons on the AHCApocalypse.
Republicans Land a Punch on Health Care, to Their Own Face - The New York Times
How Trump BULLY PULPITED the OVERTON WINDOW and CHANGED THE GAME - Lawyers, Guns & Money (just look at this picture)
How Republicans Lost the Healthcare Battle -- How Obamacare Became a Preexisting Condition
Inside the GOP's Health Care Debaclel
Why Obamacare Defeated Trumpcare
Until Trump Decides Otherwise, A Bloc Of House Conservatives Now Controls Government | The Huffington Post - The Freedom Caucus has a de-facto veto on legislation, for now.
alicublog: THE NATIONAL HEALTH. - hell, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is basically a Russian safe house, Trump's exploiting his office like a motherfucker and so are his kids, but with few exceptions the Republican Congressional majorities are like huh what do you mean sorry I can't hear you.
Republicans who vote for Trumpcare 'will have this vote tattoed to their foreheads,' Pelosi says
We Redacted Everything That's Not a Verifiably True Statement From Trump's Time Interview About Truth (which leaves almost nothing: Satan lies and his supporters bow down)
Why Trump's N.I.H. Cuts Should Worry Us (don't need your steenking so-called science)
One Nation, Under Fox: 18 Hours With a Network That Shapes America - The New York Times (Trump's personal TV network of lies)
Basketball Fans Treated To Ads Congratulating Republicans For Repealing Obamacare (thanks, Barbara Comstock, for repealing Obamacare)
Trump supporter thought president would only deport 'bad hombres.' Instead, her husband is being deported. (wanted to keep out the Mexicans. her husband is Mexican)
Napolitano told friends he was on Trump's Supreme Court shortlist (Murdoch's seat)
Brace yourself, taxpayers: Trump's plutocracy doesn't come cheap -- That means the entire tax bill for 15,000 families for the year will go toward these additional protection measures for Trump. And the Secret Service is just a slice of the overall expense ... well over $100 million a year (suckers)
Ivanka Trump's Secret Service detail roiling her D.C. neighbors- "We're just a little story in a cosmic, bigger story, which is the whole Trump phenomenon and how they push their way around."
Why Flint Is Just the Beginning of the Lead Poisoning Water Problem - 3,000 counties have it twice as bad as Flint. (so the first thing to do is abolish the EPA +AR wants guns in football games where everyone is drunk)
Here are 5 of the most dangerous intersections in Massachusetts (Burlington and Woburn in top 5)
CrankyDude16bit comments on Millennials earn 20% less than Boomers did at same stage of life - And the dipshit boomers and Xers think that we're just lazy and stupid.
CancerLocator: non-invasive cancer diagnosis and tissue-of-origin prediction using methylation profiles of cell-free DNA | Genome Biology | Full Text
After 130 Years, the Dinosaur Family Tree Gets Dramatically Redrawn - The Atlantic
If the US were a high school, what kind of kid would each state be? : AskReddit (PA ... heroin ... "I'm 22 and I've been to 13 funerals for just that.")
wrong answers only. where do babies come from? : AskReddit
This school shooting scene from the Canadian series "19-2" is one of the most intense TV moments I have ever watched : television
What social custom can just fuck right off? : AskReddit
Here Are the 50 GOP Senators Who Just Sacrificed Your #BroadbandPrivacy to Corporate Profits: 'Extremely disappointing that the Senate voted today to sacrifice the privacy rights of Americans in the interest of protecting the profits of major internet companies' : technology
U.S., in Reversal, Issues Permit for Keystone Oil Pipeline - The New York Times (continent-spanning death-funnel approved by the party of death and destruction)
North Dakota oil spill 3 times larger than first estimated
Major TV networks spent just 50 minutes on climate change -- combined -- last year. That's a dramatic, 66% drop in coverage from 2015 across evening and Sunday news programs airing on ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox, according to a new study from Media Matters.
U.S. Investigating Mosul Strikes Said to Have Killed Up to 200 Civilians - The New York Times (miliary goes back to bombing the shit out of innocent people)
Ex-CIA Director: Mike Flynn and Turkish Officials Discussed Removal of Erdogan Foe From U.S. - WSJ - talked of moving Fethullah Gulen back to Turkey without going through U.S. extradition process (Flynn considered black-bag rendition to Turkey)
UPDATED: RussiaGate blows WIDE OPEN in Abramson report ... 32) The White House saying it has "no recollection" of any of the VIPs at Trump's _biggest-ever foreign policy event_ is also a red flag. ... Abramson doesn't eveal much about his sources, but let's just be aware that the intelligence community has long been rumored to have the goods on Trump. So yeah. Somebody's leaking.
Seth Abramson on Twitter: "(MEGA-THREAD) The plot to sell America's foreign policy for foreign oil _and_ steal an election in the bargain began at the Mayflower Hotel."
Paul Manafort to Testify Before House Intelligence Panel - The New York Times - In a decision that Democrats immediately rebuked, Mr. Nunes also said he would replace a scheduled public hearing with former intelligence and law enforcement officials with a closed-door proceeding
Rep. Nunes Is a Lapdog in a Watchdog Role - The New York Times -- His disclosures, which have destroyed the credibility of his committee in investigating Russian interference in the election, make clear that he is unfit for the job and should be replaced. (that will certainly happen)
The committee probing the Russia scandal has erupted into open warfare - The Washington Post - And in a weird way, the evident desire of the chairman of that committee to protect President Trump may only be increasing Trump's problems ... I am still trying to get my head around how a member of the Trump Transition Team could wind up on a committee investigating the, ahem, Trump Transition Team.
Nunes (Kind of) Confesses He Went Off Half-Cocked | Mother Jones - He says he ran to the mics and the White House before thoroughly reviewing all the documents.
The Maskirovka Slips XI*: Updates to Four Ongoing Components Balloon Juice - It is important to note that Congressman Schiff is a former Federal prosecutor who has successfully prosecuted an FBI agent who was working for the Russians. He understands counterintelligence and he has successfully prosecuted a criminal case that arose out of a counterintelligence investigation. Congressman Nunes has a masters degree in agricultural science.
The Clinton campaign warned you about Russia. But nobody listened to us. - The Washington Post
FBI Director Comey visits White House | TheHill
The GOP's Existential Crisis (the anti-existence party) - any movement whose spokesmen once cried "20 years of treason" and who rode to power on the claim that the Democrats were soft on the Soviets may find it difficult, with time, simply to parry or ignore the Democrats' charge that the head of their party may have compromising ties to Russia's leader (the rapid anti-commies are now Trump's commies)
Mr. President, the disgrace is all yours - The Washington Post - President Trump called himself "instinctual" this week, but the word he must have been groping for was "untruthful." He lies incessantly, shamelessly, perhaps even pathologically, and his lying corrodes and dishonors our democracy. (yeah, but he really meant "instinctual" like an animal ... or a ... Beast) (and comment: " this most illegitimate of presidencies brought to you by 75k votes across 4 states in rural white opioid abusing underemployed fox news addicted communities who thought it would be fun to give the world the middle finger with a trump vote.
Taibbi on Trump the Destroyer - Rolling Stone - Trump the Destroyer -- Trump has stuffed his Cabinet with tyrants, zealots and imbeciles
In Major Defeat for Trump, Push to Repeal Health Law Fails - The New York Times -- in a significant defeat for President Trump on the first legislative showdown of his presidency. (will try again soon, after "Obamacare explodes" Trump said)
GOP health-care bill: House Republican leaders abruptly pull their rewrite of the nation's health-care law
Donald Trump played a game of chicken with House Republicans. Then he blinked. Bigly. - The Washington Post
Trump's colossal failure -- Trump now will rightly be seen as a weakened, if not inept, president. His attention span lasts only a couple of weeks before, starved for adulation, he moves onto the next thing in search of affirmation. Democrats know this, as do Republican opponents. You can wait this guy out.
Obamacare: The Republican Waterloo - The Atlantic - Conservatives once warned that Obamacare would produce the Democratic Waterloo. Their inability to accept the principle of universal coverage has, instead, led to their own defeat
GOP cave on Obamacare repeal is the biggest broken promise in political history | Washington Examiner
Paul Ryan: 'We're not going to give up on destroying the health care system' - YouTube
Room Full Of Men Decides Fate Of Women's Health Care | The Huffington Post
Trump unhappy Jared Kushner went skiing as health care floundered -
Grading Obamacare: Successes, Failures and 'incompletes'
It's over - Nazicare by Obama is here to stay, according to Ryan.
McCain concerned Trump listening to Bannon on foreign policy - The Washington Post
Eschaton: Obama Wasn't That Great (and didn't help Democrats get elected)
The disease killing white Americans goes way deeper than opioids - The Washington Post - the underlying issue may have less to do with opioids and more to do with how society has left behind the working class ... middle-aged whites are dying faster, but also that mortality rates have been dramatically declining in nearly every other rich country. The United States is getting left behind ... drinking, drug use and suicide ... three diseases of dispair ... less educated white Americans still earn 35% more than their black counterparts ... the pain in their bodies might reflect a "spiritual pain" caused by "cumulative distress, and the failure of life to turn out as expected." (as time left them in the past)
She Voted For Trump. Now, Her Husband Is Being Deported | The Huffington Post - she thought "good people" would get to stay.
Former Penn State President Guilty in Sandusky Abuse Case - The New York Times - convicting him of child endangerment for his handling of a sex abuse complaint involving an assistant football coach, but acquitting him of a charge of conspiracy and a second endangerment count.
A study shows that the very religious and atheists are the groups who do not fear death as much as much as those in-between. The team found 100 relevant articles, published between 1961 and 2014, containing information about 26,000 people worldwide : science
A drug that can reverse aspects of ageing has been successfully trialled in animals, say scientists. They have rejuvenated old mice to restore their stamina, coat of fur and even some organ function. : science
More than two-thirds of cancer mutations are due to random DNA copying errors, study says - The Washington Post
which of the four fundamental forces is responsible for degeneracy pressure? : askscience
ELI5: Why are galaxies relatively flat as opposed to being spherical? : explainlikeimfive
[serious] How do you feel about the upcoming reddit update that implements social media profiles? : AskReddit - The thing I like most about Reddit is that the subreddit format brings people to a topic rather than centering discussions around people. It puts focus on the community rather than the individual.
Today, Senators will vote to allow ISPs to sell your internet history and end FCC online privacy rules : technology
There are 2.4 billion robo-calls every month. The FCC wants to help block them. - The Washington Post
Exclusive: U.S. embassies ordered to identify population groups for tougher visa screening | Reuters (the wall goes up)
19-year-old American-Israeli Jew arrested in JCC bomb threats - The Washington Post
Suspect Arrested In Connection With Jewish Community Bomb Threats | The Huffington Post - A teenager has been arrested in Israel on suspicion of making the majority of threats to Jewish community centers across the U.S. since January.
Exiled Former Russian Lawmaker Shot Dead In Kiev | The Huffington Post - Ukraine accused Russia of 'state terrorism' after a former Russian lawmaker and key witness in a treason case against former leader Viktor Yanukovich was shot dead in broad daylight outside a hotel in central Kiev on Thursday. Russia called the allegation 'absurd'
US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians - - "people connected to the campaign were in contact and it appeared they were giving the thumbs up to release information when it was ready" (Trump is a dirty commie)
Eschaton: Morning Thread - Way too much going on. One thing is clear, Nunes pretty much has to recuse himself from the congressional investigation into the transition team since he, himself, was on the the team. Otherwise, the whole thing is a farce.
McCain: Nunes' actions 'very disturbing'
Trump Truth: The President With False Claims Faces Reality | -- "I'm a very instinctual person, but my instinct turns out to be right." (admits to being the Beast of Revelation)
Trump's Defense of His Lies: 'I'm President and You're Not' - Donald Trump gave a long and detailed interview on the subject of his being a pathological liar ... He tells repeated, brazen lies about matters large and small, in the confidence that his supporters have surrendered all independent judgment to him. That is not a democratic relationship between elected official and polity.
Schumer: Democrats will filibuster Gorsuch nomination - The Washington Post
Quinnipiac Poll: Majority Of Voters Oppose GOP Health Care Bill - 56 percent of respondents opposed the American Health Care Act, compared to only 17 percent who supported the bill. Twenty-six percent did not know or had no answer. Freedom Caucus Closing In On Deal To Rewrite Health Care Bill At 11th Hour | The Huffington Post - Republicans are considering changes that could doom the bill in the Senate and save face in the House.
Mental Health, Maternity Care Guarantees In Jeopardy As GOP Wrangles For Votes | The Huffington Post (health insurance for all will only cover dick pills)
Late G.O.P. Proposal Could Mean Plans That Cover Aromatherapy but Not Chemotherapy - The New York Times (for their own stench)
Eschaton: How About If One Pair Of Children From Each Of The Districts Is Chosen To Battle To The Death - Trumpcare is a piece of shit, of course, and an incompetently crafted piece of shit. The Freedom Caucus, who have been the best allies of liberals since 2010, are not happy with it and will likely nuke it in the House. It isn't enough, you see. (in the cruelty so we can give to the rich dept.)
Senate votes to let ISPs sell your Web browsing history to advertisers : news
Today, Senators will vote to allow ISPs to sell your internet history and end FCC online privacy rules : technology
Eschaton: Heckuva Job - Nobody could have predicted that a sociopathic Ayn Rand-worshipping CEO who thought pitting departments against each other within stores was an excellent idea would destroy a company. -- After years of huge losses and store closings, the future is officially in doubt for Sears and Kmart. -- many iconic institutions are looted and destroyed by the people paid lots of money to run them.
Here's how much Massachusetts could make off legal marijuana -- could lead to $64 million in state tax revenue in its first year (Jason Lewis working to delay new revenue as long as possible)
DOR: State could collect $172 million annually in marijuana tax revenue - Sentinel & Enterprise (Jason Lewis says it all has to go to the cops and wouldn't make any difference anyway because social programs must die)
Massachusetts treasurer Deb Goldberg wants $10 million to help her start enforcing new marijuana law | (millions saved by ditching MJ law enforcement but not enough for Debbie Downer)
How Americans Think About Climate Change, in Six Maps - The New York Times - New England states, and not just the liberals of Massachusetts and Vermont, talk more about the climate, as well, along with coastal South Carolina, which lies in a path many hurricanes have taken.
Plans for coal-fired power plants drop by almost half in 2016 - "the shift from fossil fuels to clean sources in the power sector is a positive one for health, climate security, and jobs. And by all indications, the shift is unstoppable." : technology
Forget EPA Climate Regulations. Cheap Wind Is Already Putting 56 Gigawatts of Coal Plants at Risk | Greentech Media
Japanese company develops a solar cell with record-breaking 26%+ efficiency : technology (Trump needs one of these on top of his head)
U.S. Airstrike in Syria Is Said to Kill Dozens of Civilians - The New York Times (continues in the tradition of drone-boy)
Deadly Attack Near U.K. Parliament; Car Plows Victims on Westminster Bridge - The New York Times
Muslims inside FBI describe culture of suspicion and fear: 'It is cancer' : news (mind cancer needs chemo)
She thought she'd saved her daughter from MS-13 by smuggling her to the U.S. She was wrong.
Country/Folk singer songwriter Woody Guthrie once wrote a song about his contempt for his landlord, Fred Trump, father of President Donald Trump. In his song, Guthrie accuses Fred Trump of intentionally stirring up racial tension for his own profit. : Music
Why People Continue to Believe Objectively False Things - The New York Times (liars lie to themselves and each other to justify hatred)
Dem senator: House Intel chairman may have revealed classified info | TheHill - when telling reporters about incidentally collected information on members of President Trump
Schiff: I have 'grave concerns' over Nunes's surveillance claim
Monitoring May Have 'Incidentally' Picked Up Trump Aides, House Member Says -- indicates that the targets of American intelligence gathering were foreign officials, not specific members of the Trump transition or Mr. Trump himself. (who all just happened to be talking to the Russkys)
AP Exclusive: Manafort had plan to benefit Putin government
AP Exclusive: Manafort had plan to benefit Putin government : news
Trump's campaign manager was paid $10 million per year to be an agent for Putin
A Russian Lawyer Involved In A US Prosecution Mysteriously Plunged From His Apartment Window - BuzzFeed News (Putin covering Trump's tracks)
Crime infested inner city housing - Lawyers, Guns & Money : 725 5th Ave., NYC. For two years ending in 2013, the FBI had a court-approved warrant to eavesdrop on a sophisticated Russian organized crime money-laundering network that operated out of unit 63A in Trump Tower in New York. The network has since regrouped and moved operations to the White House.
Poll: By 2 to 1 margin, registered voters reject Comey | TheHill - only 17 percent have a favorable view of Comey, compared to 35 percent who have a negative view of him.
Trump Team Asked About Military Tactical Vehicles For Inaugural Parade (go full NK)
Grieving father: 'I don't play Trump songs anymore' ... Three years ago, Moss found his son, Rob, dead in his bed from a heroin overdose. He was 24. (he believed the liar and now regrets it)
Why deductibles would rise under the GOP health care plan - Axios
President Trump appears unable to make a substantive case for the AHCA - Vox - When he tries to sell it, he either talks politics or says Obamacare is bad.
We Fact-Checked Lawmakers' Letters to Constituents on Health Care -- full of lies and misinformation. (their constituents are too stupid to know)
Republicans lied about healthcare for years, and they're about to get the punishment they deserve (or, rather, the idiots who voted for them who will still vote for them)
Poll: Approval wanes for GOP health bill -- Approval of the bill declined from 46 percent last week to 41 percent in the new poll (41% of Americans are morons)
The Heritage Foundation's Vision for Health-Care Reform - The Atlantic - the market should rule all and there should be Netflix for doctors.
Behold the Power of the BULLY PULPIT! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Oddly enought, Trump's attempts to muscle Congress and sell TrumpCare to the public are not going terribly well: ... only 1 in 5 voters thinks it will decrease their health-care costs (20% of American voters are morons)
TrumpCare Is Class Warfare - Lawyers, Guns & Money (on the idiots who voted for him) The fact that the fate of the ACA may well rest on members of Congress who think TrumpCare is still insufficiently cruel to the poor is not terribly reassuring.
Police: White sword killer went to NY to attack black people - A white U.S. Army veteran from Baltimore bent on making a racist attack took a bus to New York (more white terrorism)
[Serious] People who DON'T support Trump, if you had to pick one single thing that he has done or is doing that bothers you the most, what is it? : AskReddit - Filling regulatory agencies with leaders explicitly opposed to the entire purpose of the agency in question
Ex-GOP Official Who Accused Dems Of Voter Fraud Charged With Voter Fraud | The Huffington Post -Steve Curtis: "virtually every case of voter fraud I can remember in my lifetime was committed by Democrats."
Trump's budget targets rural development programs that provide a quiet lifeline (brain-dead Hillbilly assisted suicide)
The crucial White House position Trump has neglected to fill - The Washington Post - The 45th president appears poised to become the first in well over a century to not have a dog -- or any pet, for that matter -- in the White House (ahem, that's what Ivanka is for)
Pretty crazy how they found out who stole Tom Brady's $500,000 jersey. : videos
The days of owning a car could be fading away, thanks to these alternatives - The Washington Post (1 in 5 Millenials don't know how to drive)
Pearson Posts a $3.3 Billion Loss as It Faces Down a Collapse in Its Biggest Market : books
At the Blackboard | Lapham - Kurt Vonnegut diagrams the shapes of stories.
TIL dry counties (counties where the sale of alcohol is banned) have a drunk driving fatality rate ~3.6 times higher than wet counties. : todayilearned (religious conservative ban alchohol and drive drunk)
Should 15,000 Steps a Day Be Our New Exercise Target? - The New York Times
Children born to older mothers experience fewer behavioural, social and emotional difficulties, a new study has suggested. : science
A new definition would add 102 planets to our solar system including Pluto - The Washington Post
ELI5: How come sharks have survived from the time of dinosaurs, but other large sea creatures such as Mosasaurs and Plesiosaurs did not? : explainlikeimfive
ELI5: Why do you need a Master's Degree to become a librarian, especially when the median salary is barely above $50,000? : explainlikeimfive
My friend got his physics test back.. : funny
TF2Numbers comments on What is something I'm better off not knowing?
[Serious] Wives and Husbands of Reddit who do not engage in sexual activity anymore, what are your reasons? : AskReddit
Twitter CEO is being asked to resign for cheating investors into believing 48 million users were human when in fact were bots : technology
Pa. Republican lawmaker suggests God is a polluter | (God is bad for the environment)
A interactive map of world conflicts : InternetIsBeautiful
/u/JournalistInSweden explains why rape statistics are higher in Sweden (hint: it's not migrants) : bestof (better reporting and stats)
No African citizens granted visas for African trade summit in California | US news | The Guardian - Every single African citizen who requested a visa was rejected, according to the organizer of the African Global Economic and Development Summit (retreat into isolationism, especially those people)
Eschaton: Going Rogue - Whatever the problems (often many!) of police departments nationwide, the police as a concept do fill a necessary public safety role. ICE are just shit people, serving no useful purpose except to destroy lives. (sadistic evil and violent agency unleashed by Trumpster)
One Key Takeaway from Monday's Comey Haring -- Congress is pining for a special prosecutor.
Let's Revisit All Those Times Trump Surrogates Said You Can't Elect Someone Under FBI Investigation | The Huffington Post
Schumer calls for delaying Gorsuch vote because of Trump-Russia probe - politico
80 times Trump talked about Putin -
Bank that lent $300m to Trump linked to Russian money laundering scam | World news | The Guardian
Kentucky TV station says White House 'made clear' rump wouldn't answer Russia or wiretapping questions
Russian mafia boss still at large after FBI wiretap at Trump Tower - ABC News
Nixon counsel during Watergate: Trump White House in 'cover-up mode'
How the White House Got James Comey Wrong - The New Yorker -- the top people around Trump may have no idea how much exposure the President has on the issue of Russian collusion.
Judge Gorsuch and the frozen truck driver (Opinion) - (heartless asshole)
Gorsuch: No, I Didn't Suggest Women 'Manipulate' Maternity Leave (it just sounded like it)
Gorsuch refuses Whitehouse's request to ask shadowy backers to reveal themselves
Trump didn't lie, Jeffrey Lord says on CNN. He just speaks a different language -- 'Americanese' (the language of liars)
Spicer: Trump 'had some fun' with Mark Meadows comment
Trump's penchant for vengeance casts shadow on health care vote
Trump to Republicans: Vote for Obamacare repeal or lose your seat - politico
Will Donald Trump be a GAME-CHANGER Who Can BULLY PULPIT the OVERTON WINDOW? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money
Reality is creeping into the Trump show - The Washington Post
Trump's lies are failing him, and it is making him deeply frustrated
The Independent Journal Review's identity crisis - Business Insider
The Bigotry And Idiocy Of Donald Trump's Favorite News Show Fox and Friends' Lack Of Journalistic Standards A National Security Issue
Eschaton: Asshole - public officials who are brought down by dumb shit like free trips. - In an indictment unsealed Tuesday, prosecutors paint a portrait of a craven politician willing to do favors for friends willing to help him in return.
The Republican War on Workers: Iowa Edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money (rural America killing itself for Republican principles, see Kansas)
Feminism and Class at Harvard - Lawyers, Guns & Money : I will also say that Faust is an embarrassment to the reputation of historians. Faust herself works on issues of justice in her writing and yet has sold out all the way. I really struggle to understand how you can know everything she knows and then want to treat pregnant hotel workers or impoverished dining hall workers in this way
Girl, 15, found safe after disturbing video of her seen on Facebook Live | WGN-TV (45 people watched and did nothing)
TIL that the average life expectancy for those with Down syndrome has gone from 12 years in 1912, to 25 years in the 1980's, to upwards of 60 years in the developed world today. : todayilearned
TL;DR: Today we're testing out a new feature that will allow users to post directly to their profile : announcements
Redditors who married the sister/brother of an ex, is it weird having your ex as a SIL/BIL and how does your SO feel about the fact that you once dated their sibling? : AskReddit
Who's happy, who's not: Norway tops list, US falls ... Norway edged past previous champ Denmark, which fell to second. Iceland, Switzerland and Finland round out the top 5 ... Canada #7, US #14, down from last year
Eschaton: Only Fools And Frenchmen - Apparently it was 14 years ago today that we began our glorious war for the liberation of the people of Iraq, or whatever the hell reason we gave that day. (Richard Cohen, respected liberal columnist)
US forbids any device larger than cellphone on airlines from 13 countries | Business | The Guardian - New TSA requirement blocks passengers from bringing laptops, iPads, Kindles and cameras, with a lack of specifics on whether flight crews are included in rule
British banks handled vast sums of laundered Russian money | World news | The Guardian - Billions of dollars were moved out of Russia in 'global laundromat'
Russia Inquiries Overlap in a Tangle of Secrets and Sniping - The New York Times
Exclusive: Tillerson plans to skip NATO meeting, visit Russia in April - sources | Reuters
Analysis: Comey Delivers Political Gut Punch to President Trump - NBC News ... "historic"
Comey Confirms F.B.I. Inquiry on Russia; Sees No Evidence of Wiretapping - The New York Times
Rep. Adam Schiff's short speech crisply lays out the evidence connecting Trump and Russia -- Think of it as congressional SparkNotes.
All the President's Lies -- The ninth week of Donald Trump's presidency began with the F.B.I. director calling him a liar ... But the current president of the United States lies. He lies in ways that no American politician ever has before ... Our president is a liar, and we need to find out how serious his latest lies are. (Satan and his minions always lie)
President Trump faces his hardest truth: He was wrong - The Washington Post - "There's a smell of treason in the air," Imagine if J. Edgar Hoover or any other FBI director would have testified against a sitting president? It would have been a mind-boggling event." (he escalated his lies until he found one he couldn't wiggle his way out of)
Mook: Trump aides 'should be prosecuted for treason' if they conspired with Russia
Clinton camp unloads on Comey - politico - the revelation that the FBI was investigating the Trump campaign as of late July, but that Comey didn't disclose it until now (emailzzz!)
Russian-influence probe includes a look at far-right news sites (hello, Steve)
FBI Director Comey: Justice Dept. has no information that supports Trump's weets alleging he was wiretapped by Obama
Comey says FBI is investigating Russian interference, including any 'links' to Trump campaign officials
Comey Comedy Classics - Lawyers, Guns & Money : "We just can't do our work well or fairly if we start talking about it while we're working on it" (said with deadpan face) It's ridiculous how badly the New York Times got played, and it's outrageous that Comey let the false impression created by the story stand while he was going out of his way to smear Clinton based on nothing.
Donald Trump's Approval Rating Is In The Toilet | The Huffington Post - He hits a new low: 37 percent, the worst in 72 years of polling for a young presidency (27# is his rock-bottom)
2 Months In, Trump May Already Own A First: Most Corrupt POTUS. Ever. | The Huffington Post - Ethics experts cannot think of a predecessor more ready to use the prestige of the office for personal gain. (crooked lil-Donnie)
Redditors Gleefully Spoof Donald Trump's Awkward Photo-Op With Angela Merkel
Fact Check: Has Trump declared bankruptcy four or six times? - The Washington Post - Clinton is correct. (he lied about everything)
Everybody's In Prison.. And it's not just Trump. These people live in some alternate universe in which Fox News is actually the sane and trustworthy news source (Europe is a flaming carnage with highest incarceration in the world with their free healthcare)
White House installs political aides at Cabinet agencies to be Trump eyes and ears (="spies")
Here's What Happens in the Hands of an Unstable President* -- This is not normal, no matter how much you pretend it to be.
How Donald Trump Hijacked the Religious Right | New Republic - Amazing Disgrace - a thrice-married, biblically illiterate sexual predator - Russell Moore was worried ... (the racist confederate Baptists are trying to fire him because they are loyal to Satan and worship the Antichrist) He won 81 per- cent of the white evangelical vote ... "Evangelicals are a tool of Donald Trump," (which means they are antichristian)
Frank Rich: No Sympathy for the Hillbilly - Democrats need to stop trying to feel everyone's pain, and hold on to their own anger ... As measured by book sales and his appeal to much the same NPR-ish audience, Vance has become his people's explainer-in-chief, the Ta-Nehisi Coates, if you will, of White Lives Matter ... Hillbilly Chic ... who are Democrats to stand in the way of Trump voters who used their ballots to commit assisted suicide?
Trump's budget would cut funding for Appalachia -- and his allies in coal country are livid (at their own stupidty)
You Are the Sucker, Appalachian Edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money : A lot of people are going to suffer because Republicans systematically lied to voters that believed them.
Trump voters in South Georgia come to terms with GOP health plan ("come to terms" = deep in denial because they hate "benefits" for "those people")
Every House Republican who could sink the GOP health care bill - Vox
Ivanka Trump set to get West Wing office as role expands - politico - The first daughter will not, however, become a government employee, raising ethics questions.
Ken Burns, George Will, and Public Arts Funding - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Before we get to Shelby Foote, we need to talk about George Will. Burns has used Will as a talking head in multiple films ... Burns himself is a deeply problematic figure who employs people who would like to destroy the type of work he wants to create.
Today in the Criminal Injustice System - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The grotesque protection of police violence against any limits or consequences continues unabated .. Being a cop is a sicense to kill. It's no wonder that the profession attracts so many thugs and racists.
Appeals court rules officer who killed man in his own home cannot be sued. (America has a terrorist cop problem)
Jeff Sessions Claims Marijuana Only 'Slightly Less Awful' than Heroin (millions of Americans die every year from pot overdoses!)
New skirmish in war over legal pot: Who gets to regulate new Mass. industry? - The Boston Globe - Deborah B. Goldberg, Massachusetts' top marijuana regulator, is scheduled to testify Monday before the Legislature's Joint Committee on Marijuana Policy ... Goldberg is asking for $10 million in the fiscal year (very highly-paid "administrators" and Jason Lewis wants in on the pie)
Mass. panel opens hearings on recreational cannabis law - The Boston Globe - State treasurer Deb Goldberg, whose office will oversee regulation of marijuana sales, also is scheduled to appear before the panel.
Liquor Stores in Massachusetts Want to Sell Marijuana - MERRY JANE - The same association that opposed legalization will now allow liquor stores to sell weed. Borghesani said the Massachusetts Package Store Association contributed around $75,000 to a campaign aimed at crushing Question 4
State warns Leafly on ads for pot-delivery services - The Boston Globe
Terpenes and the "Entourage Effect"
Marijuana lobby poised to spend more to defend Bay State law - Lowell Sun Online
Two Tom Brady Super Bowl jerseys found in Mexico - this time you can really blame the media
Chuck Berry and Jimmy Breslin Reinvented the English Language - Both had a unique way of seeing and hearing the world.
Hyndis comments on North Korea said it will launch a nuclear strike "if a single bullet is fired"
User chimes into a discussion and gives a succinct account of how North Korea would fare against the United States Military in case an attack happens : bestof
The US Army Gets The First 60kW-Class "Beam Combined" Fiber Laser Weapon System : technology
Philly Cinco de Mayo celebration canceled over immigration crackdown fears | TheHill
Hassan Aden - Details of my CBP Detention at JFK Int. Airport:...
A California waiter refused to serve 4 Latina women until he saw 'proof of residence'
Rep. Schiff: 'Circumstantial Evidence of Collusion' Between Trump Campaign, Russia
Former dairy farmer leads Trump-Russia investigation - ABC News (sounds about right)
Why does Donald Trump demonize cities? - The Washington Post - Because they show that the liberal experiment works. Clinton beat Trump in almost every county responsible for more than a paper-thin slice of America's GDP - Trump 36% Clinton 64% GDP ("liberal" = "rational" the real "big sort" is people who can think and those who can't, "rural America is fading away")
In One Rocky Week, Trump's Self-Inflicted Chaos on Vivid Display
Your Fault, Folks ("no evidence" = "he's a fucking liar")
Step Back for the Bigger Picture -- t is still the case that he has been allowed to drive public debate for two weeks over an obvious lie (distracting from Putin in the shadows)
Mulvaney: "The only way to get truly universal care is to throw people in jail if they don't have it" (this is called a "thought")
Trump administration rolls back protections for people in default on student loans - The Washington Post (Betsy is happy)
The Texas AG sued to keep a Bible quote in school. Now he's troubled by Muslim prayers. (we didn't mean THOSE kind of prayers +oh, Ken Paxton, hand of Satan)
Dumbasses of America - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump Voters. Again. - Lawyers, Guns & Money :
People are canceling their Iowa vacations because of Steve King's words
Eschaton: He Was Horrible - Remembering the Bush era fondly because of Trump is like missing the days of eating shit because now you have to eat shit while freezing to death, too. Understandable, but we ate a lot of shit.
George W. Bush Gave Us Donald Trump. Now He Wants To Be Forgiven. | The Huffington Post (Bush + "Don't look back" Obama + Hillary = Trump)
San Diego Debuts Mouth Swabs To Detect Drivers High On Pot | The Huffington Post
Teenager 'murdered by ex-boyfriend' after police fined her for wasting their time over her fears about him, court hears : news
Man charged with hate crime in beating of 2 transgender women in Queens: NYPD : news
Is this the beginning of the end of meat? - The Washington Post
Watch Kedi Online HD Full Movie Free | Watch Online Hollywood and Bollywood Full HD Movies Free
Physiological Markers for Depression, Schizophrenia Confirmed : science
Ship crewman, what was the creepiest experience you had out on the ocean? : AskReddit
How do you cope with deep-set existential dread and the realization that everything in your life is ultimately meaningless and temporary? : AskReddit
What term should not be Googled under any circumstances? : AskReddit
Uber President Jeff Jones Quits Amid Company Controversies | The Huffington Post - It is now clear, however, that the beliefs and approach to leadership that have guided my career are inconsistent with what I saw and experienced at Uber (techbro culture)
Uber president Jeff Jones just went full on #DeleteUber and resigned: Recode : technology
States Are Trying to Stop Public Schools from Teaching Climate Change - eight states in which the legislatures therein are committing themselves to raising at least one generation of stone blockheads. The states are Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Oklahoma, South Dakota and, inevitably, and where the fck else? but, Texas (religion in science classes ok)
Greenpeace USA Registers (Tillerson's alias)
Israel only country to escape proposed State Department budget cuts : news (Trump is gutting the so-called "State" Dept.)
Australia's Anglican church gets 1,115 child abuse complaints : news (married pedo-priests)
4,444 victims: extent of abuse in Catholic church in Australia revealed | Australia news | The Guardian
Was Donald Trump's 'Irish proverb' actually a verse from a Nigerian poet?
For this St. Patrick's Day, let's thank our Irish-American political leaders such as Mick Mulvaney, Peter King, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly Michael Flynn, and of course Paul Ryan for bringing the British policies that starved out millions of Irish in the 1840's to the USA
Why Irish Immigrants Illustrate American Redemption
S Debunking a Myth: The Irish Were Not Slaves, Too - The New York Times - The Irish slave narrative is based on the misinterpretation of the history of indentured servitude, which is how many poor Europeans migrated to North America and the Caribbean in the early colonial period, historians said.
It's True: We're Probably All a Little Irish--Especially in the Caribbean - Scientific American Blog Network - Update: An earlier version of this article referenced an unqualified source that conflated the difference between bonded laborers and slaves. The information taken from this source has been removed, and a more transparent discussion that highlights the nuances of this period has been instated.
Stupid plastic patties. : ireland
Strike Two - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - As discussed previously, a federal judge sees similar constitutional infirmities in Muslim Ban 2.0 as in 1.0, not least because the administration has made clear that it has the same objective of targeting Muslims: (oh, the picture)
'That's not how it works': Trump's grasp of Nato questioned after Merkel tweets | World news | The Guardian (that's not how any of this works, Dumbf))
No, Germany doesn't owe America 'vast sums of money' for NATO - "The President keeps saying that we need to be paid by the Europeans for the fact that we have troops in Europe or provide defense there. But that's not how it works" (too complicated for the tiny Trump brain)
5 Ways Russia and China Could Sink America's Aircraft Carriers (they are so obsolete, but Trumpster will buy a lot of them)
Secret Service Backpack with Classified Materials Stolen - Out on the weekend, where Judge Napolitano better keep it down.
Who are the wealthy Russians investing in Trump luxury buildings? -- at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida. (his own golden Kremlin)
Mike Flynn Didn't Report 2014 Interaction With Russian-British National - Meeting at a U.K. dinner occurred when he was head of the Defense Intelligence Agency
Twitter Piles On Trump After 'Klusterfu**en' Angela Merkel Visit | The Huffington Post (Trumpster won't even look at Angela)
London Ridicules the Ridiculous - The New York Times -- Will President Trump ever learn -- or care?
The 'WTF Dude' Look Angela Merkel Gave Donald Trump Today Will GIVE YOU LIFE
Your Weekly Top Ten Wishes Angela Merkel Was Our REAL President | Wonkette
Trump administration ramps up efforts to block media - Mar. 17, 2017 (fuck your so-called "free" press)
Jason Furman on Twitter: "This reinforces my view that people way overrate the ability of policy to change politics." (policy ("here's good health care") requires functional thinking which is why McComic thinks Trump is an act of God)
This West Virginia newspaper front page should scare Republicans - The Washington Post - Trump won West Virginia with 69 percent of the vote, a margin of more than 42 percentage points over Hillary Clinton. It was one of his best state performances. (the dumb will get screwed and never learn because dumb)
Suicides in Rural America Increased More than 40% in 16 Years | American Council on Science and Health - economic productivity shifted by 10 percentage points, away from small town America and toward the big cities ... The trend is clear: Rural America is literally fading away. It shouldn't come as a surprise, therefore, that the opioid overdose epidemic has hit rural states, like Kentucky and West Virginia, especially hard. And the latest research from the CDC also shouldn't come as a surprise: Suicides in rural America (labeled as non-core) have increased over 40% in 16 years.
Trends in Suicide by Level of Urbanization
Trump Budget Cuts Put Struggling Americans on Edge - The New York Times (who voted for him) "I understand what he's trying to do But I "think" he's just not stopping to think that there are people caught in the middle he is really going to hurt" said Ms Feltner, 57 who was a nurse for 25 years and voted for Mr. Trump (she "thinks" she's in the "middle" and fucking everyone lower than her is fine but she didn't think he would fuck her too and there you have it)
Trump Voter Shocked To Find That Her Meals On Wheels Could Be Cut | The Huffington Post - "I was under the influence that he was going to help us" (stoned on oxytrumpcodone)
Nashville lies at the heart of a divided country: Trump got bubbas to the polls ... Boyle has just returned to Nashville after 30 years, partly to be close to family and partly in response to Hillbilly Elegy ... a sort of "Rosetta Stone" to understand the conditions that enabled the rise of Trump. (many-generational violent, racist stupidity was Hillary's fault for not helping them be not stupid)
Eschaton: Morning Thread - With all the talk of cutting Meals on Wheels, let's not forget that we are paying $500,000/day so that The Schmuck's wife can live away from him. While I sympathize with her not wanting to be under the same roof as El Schmucko, the WH is big. They could probably both live there and never have to see each other at all.
Eschaton: Pretty Standard Stuff - If you were a Young Conservative back in the day (or today), of course you talked about cutting federal Medicaid support and sending it all to the states over beers. It's what the Republican party, the National Review, and 50% of the PBS Newshour told you was important ... Of course Republican frat boys, thinking they were smart, would get drunk and talk about it.
ve Been Dreaming About Kicking Poors Off Medicaid Since I Was a Drunk Frat Boy
White House cites satire column to tout budget | TheHill (can't read past headline)
Whose votes count the least in the Electoral College? It's not California or Texas (well, if you go weight by vote anyway, the fewer voters get more weight, so what?)
Donald Trump, SUPERGENIUS - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Kellyanne Conway Is the Real First Lady of Trump's America
NY Times Public Editor Helps Out An "Alt-Right" Harassment Campaign -- What is wrong with Liz Spayd? (worst PE ever)
I am So So Very Done with Sebastian v. Gorka's Dissertation -- And the more these fake experts influence actual policy, the more damage that they can do. (Trumpism)
Left-Leaning Documentary World Seeks Right-Wing Perspective - The New York Times - Three of the 10 top-grossing political documentaries ever are the work of the right-wing polemicist Dinesh D'Souza ((convicted felon)). The most powerful documentarian in the country is the White House adviser Stephen K. Bannon
John McCain And Rand Paul Are Fighting Like MEOW HISS GRRRR ARGH! | Wonkette -- It started Wednesday in the Senate when McCain (R-Not Russia) put on his angry pants and accused Paul of being a person who works for Vladimir Putin,
Eschaton: Debate - Over my lifetime the Jefferson/Hemmings thing (in popular telling) went from hushed denial to a tale of star-crossed romantic love. I am not sure which is worse. (serial rapist "debated" with 14 yr old victim)
Rundle Won't Charge Prison Guards Who Allegedly Boiled Schizophrenic Black Man to Death -- But in an unconscionable decision, Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle's office announced Friday that the four guards who oversaw what amounted to a medieval-era boiling will not be charged with a crime. (and if they can do this ...)
Police acquitted in beating of mail worker who unknowingly gave cop killer directions : news
Kids on winning robotics team told, 'Go gack to Mexico' (unleashing the hatred)
Everywhere You Look, Americans Are Spreading Hate | The Huffington Post
'Trump Sheriff' Threatens Mayor, Scorns Him For Getting His A** Kicked Aiding Woman | The Huffington Post (good job, Wississippi)
'Niggers Don't Belong in My Neighborhood': NYC Chiropractor Charged With Making Racist Threats Against Child, Cop -- Danielle Serini (is a racist fucking cunt)
With battering rams and flash-bang grenades, SWAT teams fuel the risk of violence as they forcibly enter suspects's homes (with guns blazing)
Literature by the numbers: Clichis and Exclamations per 100,000 words and other statistics for popular works : books
The first solar eclipse to cross America in 99 years is coming. To some, it's an act of God -- clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head (the Rapture is coming)
Scientists detects Lurking HIV in a Major Biomarker Discovery : science - HIV can be in dormant state inside the cell. There is a protein that they found only on those HIV dormant infected cell. That protein is easier to find
TIL the lowest sound ever recorded is 57 octaves below middle-C and is from a black hole in the Perseus Cluster. : todayilearned
What was a time when you used a sex move you saw in a porno in real life and it ended horribly? : AskReddit
What obscure reference do you hope some one will get? : AskReddit
What are your thoughts on school required reading? : books
If all 50 states were to suddenly split into their own separate countries and go to war, who would ally with who and who would come out on top? : AskReddit
What is the most condescending corporate motto? : AskReddit
halfascientist comments on I hope she really loves Scott lmao
What's the craziest shit you've seen go down in a night club? : AskReddit
Former FCC Chair Tom Wheeler says that new FCC Chair Ajit Pai canceled every single meeting with him for the past two years. : technology
Global Analysis - February 2017 | State of the Climate | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Former climate change deniers, what changed your mind? : AskReddit
Rex Tillerson Rejects Talks With North Korea on Nuclear Program - The New York Times - Trump administration might be forced to take pre-emptive action
Venezuela seizes bakeries amid bread shortage | Miami Herald
Billboard in Phoenix, AZ : pics
Man Charged With Kicking, Yelling Racist Comments at Muslim Delta Employee at JFK : news - Weird that the places with the most racism went almost fully Trump in the election.
The GOP has become the party of white nationalism - The Boston Globe
Laptop with Trump Tower floor plans stolen from Secret Service - NY Daily News (FEEBs at work ... "highly sensitive information")
Trump Offers No Apology for Claim on British Spying - The New York Times ("you should be talking to Fox") Mr. Trump, who has stuck by his unsubstantiated assertion that Mr. Obama ordered his telephone tapped last year despite across-the-board denials, wryly used Ms. Merkel's visit to repeat his contention ... "At least we have something in common, perhaps"
In awkward exchange, Trump seems to ignore Merkel's handshake request - politico -- Trump, who seemed to be grimacing as he sat alongside Merkel, did not respond. He continued looking forward as the cameras rolled.
Sean Spicer's absurd accusation against British intelligence is the scariest news this week
US makes formal apology to Britain after White House accuses GCHQ of wiretapping Trump Tower
White House Reportedly Apologizes Over Claims The UK Spied On Trump | The Huffington Post - assurances that these allegations will not be repeated.
House Intelligence panel does not reveal whether documents substantiate Trump's wiretap claim (it's a secret)
Fired U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara Said to Have Been Investigating HHS Secretary Tom Price - ProPublica - head of the Department of Health and Human Services traded stocks of health-related companies while working on legislation affecting the firm
Sean Hannity Suggests Travel Ban Judge Did 'Weed' And 'Blow' With Barack Obama | The Huffington Post
The blow-it-all-up billionaires - The Huffington Post - Rebekah Mercer arrived at Stephen Bannon's ffice in Trump Tower, wearing a cape over a fur-trimmed dress and her distinctive diamond-studded glasses. (lizards)
The Reclusive Hedge-Fund Tycoon Behind the Trump Presidency - The New Yorker - Robert Mercer
Trump's cuts would do nothing to balance the budget (because it's all going to the riches)
President Trump won big in these places. Now he wants to eliminate 3 agencies dedicated to helping them. - The Washington Post ("it was worth it" Trump supporters say)
Kellyanne Conway's husband set for Justice Department job - Axios
Faith-Based Clinics Want To Replace Planned Parenthood And That's Dangerous as Hell ("clinics" with no "medical" people)
Eschaton: Popular Communist Elizabeth Warren - Landrieu, Begich and Hagan were among the moderate Democratic senators to lose re-election bids in 2014, leading to Republicans taking control in the Senate. (move to the center! lose big!)
Eschaton: Maybe If It Had Kicked In Faster - Soon after Charla McComic's son lost his job, his health-insurance premium dropped from $567 per month to just $88, a "blessing from God" that she believes was made possible by President Trump. (thats pretty McComical)
Trump's budget makes perfect sense and will fix America, and I will tell you why (WH praised article)
Trump Booted 1D From Hotel for Refusing to Meet His Daughter
Former Rep. Stockman Arrested on Election Law Charges - Former Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman was jailed Thursday on charges of violating federal election law during his last term in office.
The link between weed and schizophrenia is way more complicated than we thought - The Verge - Study finds genetic overlap between cannabis use and schizophrenia - at least a small part of the association might be caused by genetic overlap, where the same genes that predispose certain people to enjoying weed might also predispose others to developing schizophrenia or both.
Leading Psychosis Expert To His Students: To Avoid Risk, Hold Off On Pot Til 30 | CommonHealth (and maybe 40 or 50) - Schizophrenia and Marijuana and Psychosis or Psychotic - If cannabis is safe, why am I psychotic?
Pot Can Trigger Psychotic Symptoms For Some, But Do The Effects Last? : Shots - Health News : NPR
Gone to Pot - A Review of the Association between Cannabis and Psychosis. - PubMed - NCBI
Harvard: Marijuana Doesn't Cause Schizophrenia -- having an increased familial morbid risk for schizophrenia may be the underlying basis for schizophrenia in cannabis users and not cannabis use by itself
health experts concludes that regulatory, behavioral and scientific evidence supports switching oral contraceptives from prescription-only status to OTC availability.
FBI arrests man accused of trolling Dallas journalist Kurt Eichenwald with seizure-inducing tweet : news
You can now watch these declassified nuclear test movies on YouTube - The Verge
TIL a solar storm like the Carrington Event in 1859 would cause devastation to world electronics if it happened today. : todayilearned
An innovative new drug, Evolocumab, can prevent heart attacks and strokes by cutting bad cholesterol to unprecedented levels on a background of statin therapy, in a large randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 27,564 patients published in the NEJM. : science
TIL 'God' started as the god of weather & war in Canaan myth and was later promoted to the sole supreme being by an Israelite cult : todayilearned
TIL The reason the Bible says "You shall not have any other gods before me" is because Judaim was originally polytheistic : todayilearned
TIL Over 40M people of Irish descent are in the United States, 8x more than the population of Ireland. : todayilearned
[Serious] Doctors of Reddit, what is your "how the hell are you alive right now?" story? : AskReddit
If Jesus died for our sin, then who died for our cos and tan? : shittyaskscience
My favorite joke: Everyone Knows Dave : Jokes
Judge OKs warrant to reveal who searched a crime victim's name
Suspicious cellular activity in D.C. suggests monitoring of individuals' smartphones : news
Dutch elections: Turkish minister claims 'holy wars will soon begin in Europe' after Geert Wilders beaten | The Independent - Minister claims there is no difference between liberal politicians and 'fascist' far-right leader (Muslim takeover coming soon)
A US ally shot down a $200 drone with a $3 million Patriot missile : technology
Preventing a Free-for-All With Drone Strikes - The New York Times - Mr. Obama was persuaded to impose sensible constraints on the use of drone strikes between 2013 and 2016. (drone-boy was "persuaded")
Trump says Obama wiretapping accusations are based on some news reports - The Washington Post (he was watching Fox one night ...)
Disciples of a False Prophet - The New York Times ((you're getting closer, Charles)) The people who stand to lose the most in tax credits under the House Republican health plan tended to support Donald J. Trump over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.
Is the Potential Russian Influence on the 2016 Election a DISTRACTION From the REAL ISSUES? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Jeff Hauser on Twitter: "3/3 Note raised bar--only matters if "Trump campaign actively colluded with the Kremlin to manipulate the outcome of the U.S. election."" (Greenwald dismantled)
Trump adviser Flynn paid by multiple Russia-related entities, new records show - The Washington Post
Trump Protects Americans / Boing Boing
Trumpism is losing, again and again - The Washington Post (Jennifer must have taken Ayahuasca)
Why is the Trump presidency such a rolling disaster? - The Washington Post (questions that answer themselves)
CNN's Chalian: Trump 'looked like a third-grader' in Fox interview (well, so their viewers +"They're happy to have a party with black people drowning" )
Trump Budget Plan Declares War on 'War on Poverty' Programs (Trump will make poverty great again)
Trump's budget calls for seismic disruption in medical and science research (we don't need your so-called "science")
Trump federal budget 2018: Massive cuts to the arts, science and the poor - The Washington Post (we don't need no steenking culture and non-riches can fuck off and die)
How did the GOP come up with this awful health-care bill? - The Washington Post - penalizes sicker, older people, because reducing cost-sharing hurts them while it helps younger, healthier people who no longer have to take on some of that risk. (they've been working on awefulness for a long time)
Mulvaney justifies budget: We can't ask a coal miner to pay for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting - politico (like they do anyway in a moocher state)
Eschaton: Why Should The States Decide? - Pretty sure parents should decide. Or maybe the CEOs of the firms they have been indentured to.
CNN on Twitter: "HHS Secretary Tom Price says it should be up to states to regulate whether immunizations are required" (states can put up "measles walls" +"JennyMcarthyism")
Trump immigration policies kill work visas for specialized Canadian nurses - Windsor - CBC News - Advanced practice nurses and nurse anesthetists told they no longer qualify for professional visas (ICEing on the hate cake, screw you, sick Americans)
How Donald Trump's Enemies Fell for a Billion-Dollar Hoax
Fox News handle Rachel Maddow's tax scoop
Top Trump Adviser Sebastian Gorka Denied A Report That He Belongs To A Nazi-Allied Group - BuzzFeed News (Nazi group says different)
EXCLUSIVE: Nazi-Allied Group Claims Top Trump Aide Sebastian Gorka As Sworn Member -- Forward (whoa, plus he's an immigrant who lied on his citizenship app)
Why Do These Fascists Keep Ending Up In My Administration? - Lawyers, Guns & Money
The Increasing Significance of the Decline of Men - The New York Times -- While women were hit much harder than men by the disappearance of middle-skill jobs, the majority of women managed to upgrade their skills and find better-paying jobs. By comparison, more than half of men who lost middle-skill jobs had to settle for lower-paying occupations ... "infidelity, domestic violence, and substance abuse were the most often endorsed 'final straw' reasons for the dissolution of marriages." (like their non-existent fathers and their love for Trump)
Why I'm Moving Home -- By J. D. Vance March 16, 2017 -- And I've suspected that this optimism blinds many in Silicon Valley to the real struggles in other parts of the country. So I decided to move home, to Ohio (Columbus, conservative value intact)
Statement on Retracted IJR Article (rightwing propaganda arm of Trump retracts fake article)
State Attorney: Death penalty has no public safety benefit
Dallas city leaders, T-Mobile vow to find solutions as 2nd death is publicly connected to 911 'ghost calls'
MBTA, take note: No other major commuter rail closes for whole weekend - The Boston Globe (someone call Deb Goldberg or Jason Lewis who says the MJ tax money wouldn't help anyone but cops)
So You Think You Can't Meditate?
Into the woods: how one man survived alone in the wilderness for 27 years | Michael Finkel | News | The Guardian - At the age of 20, Christopher Knight parked his car on a remote trail in Maine and walked away with only the most basic supplies. He had no plan. His chief motivation was to avoid contact with people. This is his story -- "if you like solitude, you are never alone." and "Get enought sleep."
ELI5: The calculation which dictates the universe is 73% dark energy 23% dark matter 4% ordinary matter. : explainlikeimfive
Is dark matter made of black holes? | Science | AAAS
rwoj comments on ELI5: The calculation which dictates the universe is 73% dark energy 23% dark matter 4% ordinary matter.
What is the one conspiracy theory you can't believe people think is real? : AskReddit
Women of reddit, what is your "nice girls finish last" story? : AskReddit
Large Sections of Great Reef Are Now Dead, Scientists Find (remember when the conservative defunded climate research?)
This website depicts how areas would look on a map after water levels have risen due to global warming : InternetIsBeautiful (nice knowing you, Lousiana and Boston +Chinese war on sparrows led to starving themselves to death)
As Scott Pruitt Denies Climate Science, Atmospheric CO2 Rises At A Record Rate | The Huffington Post (tell Jeff Jacoby)
Dutch Liberals Defeat Wilders in Blow to Populist Surge - Bloomberg
Dutch PM leads ahead of Wilders in Dutch election polls | Daily Mail Online - accuses victorious PM of treating his populist supporters like 'semi-Nazis' as Merkel and co celebrate ("semi")
Outrage as Brazilian football club signs goalkeeper whose girlfriend's body was fed to dogs after he ordered her torture and murder : news
Eschaton: There Was Never Going To Be A Deal - The government has not carried out a full assessment of the potential economic impact of Britain leaving the EU without a trade deal, the Brexit secretary has told a committee of MPs. -- The UK has been playing "hardball" in their rhetoric but the EU response has rightly been 'who are these little shits?"
Admiral, seven others charged with corruption in new 'Fat Leonard' indictment -- "historical memorabilia related to General Douglas MacArthur were used by the participants in sexual acts" (now, what would those be?)
Federal judge in Hawaii freezes President Trump's travel ban
House intelligence leaders see no evidence on Trump wiretap - The Boston Globe
Devin Nunes confirms it: The evidence of Trump Tower being wiretapped just doesn't seem to exist
Trump defends claim that Obama wiretapped his phones - politico ("wiretap covers a lot of different things")
John McCain: Rand Paul Is Now Working for Vladimir Putin (further into bizarroland)
3 ways Rachel Maddow helped, yes helped, Donald Trump last night - The Boston Globe
Rachel Maddow Turned a Scoop on Donald Trump's Taxes Into a Cynical, Self-Defeating Spectacle
What We Can All Learn from Maddow's Trump Taxes Broadcast - If it was indeed a White House distraction
Journalist Who Received Trump Tax Return Questions If Trump Leaked It Himself | The Huffington Post - Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston says he received two pages from the 2005 document in the mail from an unknown source. (looking like Don Jr.)
The Executive Branch Is About to Be 'reorganized' into oblivion -- Steve Bannon -- Quite simply, this empowers the president* and his advisers simply to eviscerate the federal agencies that might inconvenience them by actually acting like they're part of the government or something (+don't need no steenking coast Guard, just a big wall around the whole country)
Donald Trump and Our Dangerous Detachment from Reality - Witnessing a Dangerous Detachment from Reality - American conservatism is empty (not just empty, a spiritual and moral vacuum and coal miners bought it)
Only 24% of Voters Support GOP Health Care Plan - Public Policy Polling (the walking dead Republican zombies)
Blame the Media for Trumpcare | New Republic (policy was too hard for them to talk about)
Eschaton: Policies Have Consequences - People will die for tax cuts, many more will be impoverished and have their lives basically ruined.
Scandal Fatigue and the Trump Ethical Swamp - Bloomberg View - we now know that a major Chinese financial services firm may invest $4 billion in a Manhattan skyscraper owned by the family of President Donald Trump
America's empty church problem -- Breaking Faith -- The culture war over religious morality has faded; in its place is something much worse. (rightwing "Christian" assholes who don't go to church so blame the "secularists")
Paranoia seizes Trump's White House -- Staffers are leaving their phones at home, using secret apps and monitoring each other
The Only Reporter Joining Secretary Of State On Asia Trip Comes From Website Founded By GOP Operatives | The Huffington Post - The State Department had previously told reporters covering Rex Tillerson's trip that he would not be taking reporters on his plane. -- the Independent Journal Review (IJR), a digital news outlet founded in 2012 by former Republican political operatives.
Eschaton: Bipartisanship - Maybe all 'bipartisanship' ever meant was that Democrats had to do all the compromising, and not the reverse. I suppose it's not surprising.
Oklahoma state senator investigated after teenage boy found in his hotel room, DA says : news - In January 2012, Shortey introduced legislation to ban the use of aborted human fetuses in food
Into the woods: how one man survived alone in the wilderness for 27 years | Michael Finkel | News | The Guardian
Crazy at the wheel: psychopathic CEOs are rife in Silicon Valley, experts say | Technology | The Guardian
The biggest threat facing middle-age men isn't smoking or obesity. It's loneliness -- Dr. Richard S. Schwartz, a Cambridge psychiatrist, and I had reached out to him because he and his wife, Dr. Jacqueline Olds, literally wrote the book on this topic, The Lonely American: Drifting Apart in the Twenty-First Century.
TIL That the phaseout of leaded gasoline (along with the large scale removal of many other leaded products) has been correlated with a 34% drop in violent crime in the United States. : todayilearned
February 2017 Big, Bad, Wide & International Report: covering Amazon, Apple, B&N, and Kobo ebook sales in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand -- 47% of US sales are ebooks -- self-published indie authors are proving to be far more capable of taking advantage of their global digital reach to achieving commensurate international sales than traditionally published authors are.
Dr_Schmoctor comments on Can you help me allow my router to accept ?? as the SSID?
In honor of the Ides of March, what was a time you were stabbed in the back by your closest friends? : AskReddit | Documenting the Engrish phenomenon from East Asia and around the world!
Twitter hack hits accounts local and worldwide - The Boston Globe ("third party application" but they don't say which one)
Two Russian spies indicted by US Department of Justice over hacking of 500m Yahoo user accounts : news
This website depicts how areas would look on a map after water levels have risen due to global warming : InternetIsBeautiful
Why are climate-change models so flawed? Because climate science is so incomplete - The Boston Globe (Jeff Jacoby is a CO2 denier trapped in his rightwing delusions, but we knew that already)
Trump's 2005 Taxes Revealed
Report: Trump paid $38 million in income taxes in 2005 - The Washington Post
Library named for Charleston church shooting victim targeted with racist and anti-gay graffiti : news
The Trump-Russia Story Is Not a Diversion | New Republic
WikiLOLs - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Julian in full)
My Julian Pamela Anderson ("there was no rape")
Federal Inquiry of Fox News Moves to a Grand Jury, but Without Preet Bharara - The New York Times (Rupert wins)
Preet Bharara, Who Was Investigating Fox News, Might Be Replaced by Roger Ailes's Lawyer
Kellyanne's Alternative Universe -- Will the truth ever catch up with Trump's most skilled spin artist?
The CBO report demolishes the GOP's edifice of deception (tower of lies)
Watch: Texas congressman tells rowdy town hall attendee to 'shut up'
Sexism in Tech Is a Feature, Not a Bug - Uber is not an outlier in its industry. Sexism has been a problem in Silicon Valley for decades. It is not improving.
Eschaton: Our Official Written Policy Is That We Break The Law - You know enforcement of this stuff must be so horrible (and likely getting worse) if businesses just put this stuff in their employee handbooks.
Eschaton: That New Deal Feeling - Charlie Peters spent much of his career supporting (the) view and people who were rolling back the New Deal, and he seems to think the New Deal was all about bright young idealistic Harvard grads going into government. (compromised WaMo history)
A Lefty Legend Pleads for a Return to a New Deal Ethos - The New York Times
Mississippi Cops Now Need Warrants to Seize Property - Institute for Justice
NYPD sergeant Vladimir Krull gets 3 years for raping girl | Daily Mail Online
Forced to have sex with 1,000 men, a girl is now suing the motel that she says let it happen - The Washington Post
Glenn Close and Patrick Kennedy on the Weight of Mental Illness - The New York Times - When you were 7, your parents took you away from your life in Greenwich and joined a conservative religious cult, Moral Re-Armament.
Moral Rearmament: Its Appeal and Threat | News | The Harvard Crimson (1967, behold corporate evil in Schick corp)
Woman loses bid for child support from ex-husband who was not father of her son : news
Four-star Globe movies you can stream - The Boston Globe
Cancer -- Beyond tumor genetics to protein landscapes
New Portuguese skull may be an early relative of Neandertals | Science | AAAS
Heavy marijuana smokers of Reddit, what symptoms of withdrawal have you experienced when you just went cold turkey and stopped smoking for an extended period of time? : AskReddit
In honor of Pi Day, what is the most irrational thing you have ever seen someone do? : AskReddit
Teachers of Reddit, what's the funniest answer you've gotten from a student that technically wasn't wrong? : AskReddit
Someone in my office got crafty for Pi Day. : funny
TIL that 8 of the 10 most dangerous US cities for pedestrians are in Florida. : todayilearned
Being a male, playing a female protagonist : gaming
House gets sucked into tornado : WTF
Renewable energy is now Australia's cheapest energy option, even when the cost of storage to make the intermittent power sources reliable is added.
Court Dismisses Monsanto Challenge to California Cancer Chemicals List : news - Basically, Monsanto tried to stop Roundup being added to the list of chemicals known to cause cancer in the state of California.
American Citizens: U.S. Border Agents Can Search Your Cellphone : news (trump owns your cellphone)
US military leak exposes 'holy grail' of security clearance files : news
Monaoeda comments on Turkey's Erdogan calls on international organizations to impose sanctions on the Netherlands -- Erdogan basically destroying his countries international reputation, the relations with one of, if not the, oldest ally the country has...all for some desperate internal power bid.
thisshortenough comments on Nicola Sturgeon confirms plans for second Scottish independence referendum
Poland confirms Minnesota man as Nazi commander : news
White men are an 'endangered species' in British boardrooms, says Tesco boss | The Independent - Mr Allan is one of nine white men on Tesco's board of directors (very endangered)
Yes, the media do underreport some terrorist attacks. Just not the ones most people think of. - The Washington Post - In total, there were 89 attacks committed by different perpetrators in the United States during the five-year period we examined. Between 2011 and 2015 in the United States, Muslims perpetrated 12.4 percent of those attacks.
House investigators on a Trump-Russia 'collision course' -- The top Republican on the intelligence committee was on Trump's transition team (no conflict there)
HHS Secretary Tom Price Says 'Nobody Will Be Worse Off Financially' Under Obamacare Repeal | The Huffington Post - Another Trump adviser said people should stop focusing so much on coverage numbers. (numbers, what are numbers?)
Trading Health Care for the Poor for Tax Cuts for the Rich - The New York Times (give us all the money and die party)
Affordable Care Act revision would reduce insured numbers by 24 million, CBO projects - The Washington Post - nearly doubling the share of Americans who are uninsured from 10 percent to 19 percent (oh, those nobodies)
What the CBO says about the Republican plan, by the numbers - The Washington Post
The CBO just delivered a huge blow to Republicans' Obamacare replacement (they did a death panel on your health insurance)
The Republican Obamacare Replacement Is Not About Healthcare - it's a tax cut.
The risks Republicans are taking with Trumpcare - Axios
The Lying Liars Hired By Lying Liars - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Tom Price can lie* almost like the boos himself: (only the biggest, most beautiful, lies)
The Heritage Plan was Paul Ryan's Wet Dream And Was Nothing Like the Affordable Care Act
Eschaton: No Class - But much like lying about donating money to Veterans and pocketing the money, this is the kind of venality which shows a man who isn't just an asshole but is unaware of how to even pretend to not be an asshole. (so he's not donating his salary, after all. hahaha suckers)
Kellyanne Conway suggests even wider surveillance of Trump campaign (it's almost like they were all crooks)
Chris Cuomo refuses to let Kellyanne Conway wriggle away from Trump's bizarre wiretapping claims
Trump budget expected to seek historic contraction of federal workforce - The Washington Post (destroying government)
The White House Takes Its Attacks On Jobs Data To A New (And Dangerous) Level | FiveThirtyEight - "They may have been phony in the past, but it's very real now" (post reality)
The Big Winner in Donald Trump's Decision to Fire Preet Bharara Might Be Rupert Murdoch (and dick-head Cuomo, of course)
Controversy Rises Over Preet Bharara's Dismissal
Eschaton: Cuomo 2020 - wait to vote for this guy. (sounds like Trumpster)
2 of a Farmer's 3 Children Overdosed. What of the Third -- and the Land? -- Overdoses are churning through agricultural pockets of America like a plow through soil, tearing at rural communities and posing a new threat to the generational ties of families like the Winemillers. (voted for Trumpster?)
Could Southern Baptist Russell Moore lose his job? Churches threaten to pull funds after months of Trump controversy - The Washington Post - backlash over his critiques of President Trump and religious leaders who publicly supported the Republican candidate (he warned them Trump was evil but they are good Christians)
Is Trump Trolling the White House Press Corps? - The New Yorker - At daily briefings, Sean Spicer calls on young journalists from far-right sites. The mainstream media sees them as an existential threat.
'How Does it Feel to Work For a Fascist?' : Sean Spicer Got Harassed at an Apple Store
Trump stops following Scarborough, Brzezinski on Twitter | TheHill - reducing the number of accounts the president is following from 43 to 41.
Steve King, Hurling Insults at Immigrants, Is Rebuked by His Own Party - The New York Times (That would be Steve "cantaloupe calves" King)
Rep. Steve King blasted for 'our civilization' tweet (Idiots Out Walking Around)
Why are we hearing crickets from the GOP on Steve King's ugly tweet? (well, that question answers itself)
Lebenswomb - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Republicans are becoming more and more comfortable with admitting the GOP is the party of white supremacy ... another quiet part out loud: The ability to wring as many babies as possible out of the bodies of white women and girls is an essential part of their plan to maintain and increase racial inequality.
The Stock Photography of White Supremacists - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Yesterday I ended up on the timeline of the mayo-based baby-chute, Wife With a Purpose
Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez arrested in ICE office : news
Could Southern Baptist Russell Moore lose his job? Churches threaten to pull funds after months of Trump controversy - The Washington Post ("Christians" can't recognize Satan)
Texas state rep proposes fines for masturbation | TheHill - and require them to undergo counseling before obtaining a prescription for Viagra
He'll Fit Right In With Jeffrey Lord - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - CNN continues to help people fail upward: Chris Cillizza is joining CNN Politics as a reporter and editor at large, with a digital presence and an on-air role. (Cillizard digital "presence")
New surveillance footage of Michael Brown sparks protests - - the video shows that Brown did not rob the store before being stopped by police and that surveillance footage purporting to show Brown engaged in a robbery at the Ferguson Market and Liquor stores was actually video of Brown returning to the store to retrieve the cigarillos the clerks gave him.
New Ferguson video casting doubt on 'robbery' sparks protests : news (or maybe not)
Leaders of religious Alabama boot camp get 20 years in prison for child abuse : news - Christian ministries or camps, where gay teens are sent by parents who want their children to change their sexuality,
The Harrowing Story of Life Inside Alabama's Most Sadistic Christian Bootcamp
Arkansas Senate rejects medical marijuana smoking ban - The Arkansas Senate has again rejected an effort to ban smoking medical marijuana after opponents said the move undermines a voter-approved initiative that legalized the drug for people with certain ailments. (yeah, fuck your so-called "voter initiative")
Amy Krouse Rosenthal has died, aged 51 : books
Stunning gap: Canadians with cystic fibrosis outlive Americans by a decade : science - tl;dr: Studies indicate that socialized medicine is better than a private market at preventing poor sick people from dying.
The Disaster That Changed Engineering: The Hyatt Regency Collapse: Tom Scott : videos
Men of Reddit, what is something other guys do that make you instantly hate them? : AskReddit
How would the world be different if a vagina whistled like a teapot when aroused? : AskReddit
These MIDI arts are getting pretty crazy : videos
Hotel staff of Reddit, what is the creepiest, weirdest, most unexplained event that you've experienced on the job? : AskReddit
What's the scariest way to die? : AskReddit
What's your favorite video that is 10 seconds or less? : AskReddit
What is the strangest habit you have? : AskReddit
Google kills off the Captcha, ensuring humans don't need to see the most annoying thing on the internet : technology - There are FAR MORE annoying things on the internet.
Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer to Get $23 Million Severance Package With Verizon Deal Closing : technology
Community group: AT&T 'digitally redlines' poor neighborhoods: The less wealthy the area, the slower the internet speeds. : technology
A new analysis of the US wind energy sector by Navigant Consulting could see the sector drive up to 248,000 jobs and $85 billion in economic activity over the next four years : technology (could have been you, WVa, if you hadn't destroyed all your mountains)
The U.S. receives a D for infrastructure by the American Society of Civil Engineers : news (Trump's Wall will have beautiful infrastructure)
Dutch PM Bars Turkish Minister As Rally Dispute Escalates | The Huffington Post - Turkish authorities sealed off the Dutch embassy in Ankara and consulate in Istanbul in retaliation. (Erdogan is the boss of Netherlands)
'Shock and sadness': Holocaust denial graffiti found on Seattle synagogue : news (making hate great again)
Ike and the Disappearing Atrocities (1991)
McCain to Trump: Retract wiretapping claim or prove it - The Washington Post
Trump Adviser Had Twitter Contact With Figure Tied to Russians - The New York Times - Roger J. Stone Jr
Tillerson Leads From State Dept. Shadows as White House Steps In - The New York Times (the shadow in the shadows)
This is actually what America would look like without gerrymandering - The Washington Post (a rational country)
GOP's High-Risk Strategy for Health Law Repeal
HHS Sec. Tom Price: 'Nobody Will Be Worse Off Financially' Under GOP Health Plan ('nobody' making over 250K/yr, anyway)
Paul Ryan's edict: CBO estimate showing millions losing insurance just a 'beauty contest' (and it's very very beautiful for rich people)
7 details in the Republican health care bill that harm the poor - Vox - Obamacare gave more low-income Americans health coverage. The American Health Care Act would take it away. (suckers)
Next Phase of Obamacare Repeal Will Target Mandate Requiring Prenatal Coverage, GOP Leader Tells Allies (yes, dumb white women who voted for Trumpster)
Why critics say a Texas bill lets anti-abortion doctors lie to pregnant women - The Washington Post (Repugs outlaw the truth in TX)
They are poor, sick and voted for Trump. What will happen to them without Obamacare? - Washington Post - They are poor, sick and voted for Trump. What will happen to them without Obamacare? (WVa: they will die, which is fine with them as long as he tells it like it is and makes coal great again)
Employees who decline genetic testing could face penalties under proposed bill - The Washington Post (all your DNA are belong to corps)
Russian Trolls Fooled Sanders Voters With Anti-Clinton Fake News | The Huffington Post - The trolls set out to distract and divide the invigorated left - 40 percent of the domain registrations for the fake news sites he saw popping up on pro-Sanders pages back to Eastern Europe. Others appeared to be based in Panama and the U.S., or were untraceable. (Berniebors bought the con)
We Compared Obama's Words To Trump's And The Result Will Make You Sad | The Huffington Post - "the best words" (asshole from Queens talks like an asshole)
DownWithTyranny!: How Rahm Emanuel Lost The House For The Democrats-- And How Actblue, Moveon, Markos, Jane, Duncan, Howard Dean And A Host Of Others Saved The Day (for the history, Rahmbo fucking things up as far back as 2006, his legacy continues)
Rep. Steve King warns that 'our civilization' can't restored with 'somebody else' babies' ("western civiliation" minus the Jews)
Analysis: Texas Redistricting Decision Major Victory for Voting Rights Bar and May Pave Way for Texas to Be Back under Federal Supervision | Election Law Blog
Texas Congressional Maps Are Struck Down for Discrimination - The New York Times
In Georgia, reaction to KKK banner is a sign of the times - The Washington Post
The new hysteria over campus speech - Lawyers, Guns & Money - You should expel kids for yelling at a man who says black people are inherently inferior? (kids are the real authoritatians, according to dumb rightwing law professor)
Carleton University faces backlash after scale removed from gym... 'Those who are offended by the scale can simply choose not to use the scale.' : news (next up: mirrors)
An uphill climb in the Rust Belt for Democrats - The Boston Globe - "For the first time in a lot of years, people have hope that things are going to turn around and things are going to get better" (because Obama wrecked the economy and wasn't the right color)
Feds probing Fox News in undisclosed criminal investigation - NY Daily News - hid from investors the payments it made to employees who alleged they were sexually harassed (Trump will pardon them)
"None Of It Made Sense": Martin O'Malley's Long Year After Running For President - BuzzFeed News - He has a new distaste for the party establishment
New Ferguson Video Adds Wrinkle to Michael Brown Case - The New York Times (2 1/2 yrs later, cops release video showing they lied and knew they lied)
3 charged with hate crimes in fatal shooting of D.C. transgender woman : news
A brief and mundane history of being a woman
Anonymous Hacker Who Exposed Steubenville Rape Case Gets Two Years in Prison : news - Sentenced to longer in prison than a rapist he exposed.
Steve Bannon's landlord wanted to know why his hot tub had apparently been destroyed with acid - Clohesy, on the other hand, had apparently been living there with another man who is currently serving a 10-year prison sentence for cocaine distribution ... "Breaking Bad" They dissolve a dead body with acid in a bathtub (.connect.the.dots.)
What kinds of acids could damage a jacuzzi? : askscience
Scientists Now Know Exactly How Lead Got Into Flint's water - New report points blames corrosion and warns that fixing lead poisoning nationwide will require more work than we hoped (Rick Snyder and Republicans say lead is good for you)
Gene therapy treats muscle-wasting disease in dogs: diseased dogs treated with a single infusion of the corrective therapy were indistinguishable from normal animals one year later. : science
Things I Won't Work With -- dioxygen difluoride, often referred to in the literature by its evocative formula of FOOF ... "so if you feel like whipping up a batch of Satan's kimchi ..."
Reactions of dioxygen difluoride with neptunium oxides and fluorides
Indians are certain they invented the zero. But can they prove it? - The Washington Post - The origin of zero has been an enduring subject of debate because other cultures, including the Mayans, also claim to have used the zero.
The Origin of Zero - Scientific American - Much ado about nothing: First a placeholder and then a full-fledged number, zero had many inventors
Discovery of Zero as a Placeholder; Abhorrence - How Zero Works | HowStuffWorks
The Origin of the Number Zero | History | Smithsonian - Deep in the jungle, an intrepid scholar locates a symbol of power and mystery
Guy spends two years re-editing Breaking Bad into a feature length movie, and posts it online for free. A brilliant re-imagining of the greatest TV show on earth. : videos
What items do you think everyone, regardless of gender, should carry with them at all times? : AskReddit
What is the scariest experience you have ever had online? : AskReddit
What is the most unbelievable instance of "computer illiteracy" you've ever witnessed? : AskReddit
Clean up after your dog. : pettyrevenge
Switch launch causes big porn site traffic drops : gaming
Zelda and Link porn search up over 100% during Nintendo Switch launch | VG247
Earth's oceans are warming 13% faster than thought, and accelerating : science (the end of coral and other living sea-creatures)
Conservatives cheer EPA cuts that activists fear 'will be borne by lungs' | Environment | The Guardian (and ha-ha, and take away their health insurance first, suckers)
Trump Appointee Who Tweeted About "Some Muslim Piece Of Shit" Is Out From Energy Department - BuzzFeed News - A Trump campaign worker appointed to the Energy Department is a former massage therapist with a history of tweeting anti-Muslim remarks. (the best of the bestest)
TIL that the daughter of Korean Air chairman ordered the aircraft to taxi back to the airport's gate before takeoff because she was served Macadamia nuts in their original packaging instead of on a plate. : todayilearned
Ukraine lawyer seeks probe of alleged hacked texts of Manafort's daughter
Italian Band Soviet Soviet Denied Entry To The U.S., Jailed And Then Deported : Music (npr does shallow journalism)
Military photo scandal widens as more nude photos of female service members emerge -
Trump makes ninth golf course visit in seven weeks in office | TheHill
How President Trump has already hurt American democracy in just 50 days
Michael Flynn Was Paid to Represent Turkey's Interests During Trump Campaign - more than $500,000 to put Turkey first
The dangerous and irresistible GOP conspiracy theory that explains away Trump's Russia problem (CIA spoofed Russians hacking the DNC)
Trump Adviser Had Twitter Contact With Figure Tied to Russians - The New York Times
If Russia Inquiry Is Not 'legitimate' Democrats May Abandon It
Three Trump Associates Who Changed Their Story on Russia - The New York Times
TIL that Jon Huntsman Jr., our new Russian Ambassador, has extensive business ties to Russia through his father (John Huntsman Sr., Founder & Chairman of Huntsman Corp) : todayilearned (Commie take-over of America)
US authorities refuse to reveal how Russian ambassador to the United Nations died : news - a bacon double cesium-137 burger or a a KGBLT
Trump's Mar-a-Lago is heaven -- for spies
Sue While the Conflicts Are Hot - The New York Times (but Trump just dismantled the justice dept)
US attorney Preet Bharara fired after refusing Jeff Sessions' order to resign | US news | The Guardian
US attorney Preet Bharara fired after refusing Jeff Sessions' order to resign : news (good history of Republican-driven deregulation)
Hundreds of Wall Street Execs Went to Prison During the Last Fraud-Fueled Bank Crisis | - So at the peak of the savings and loans crisis -- again, one-seventieth the size of this crisis -- of those 2,300 total FBI agents, 1,000 of them were working on just one industry, the savings and loan industry, to produce that incredible wave of success that we had. As recently as fiscal year 2007, there were only 120 FBI agents assigned to mortgage fraud, (defund enforcement=license to steal)
Trump's Campaign Innovation: Lying Your Ass Off
What's a legitimate news outlet? A new face in the White House press pool raises questions. (not the Heritage Foundation, for sure)
Wealthy Would Get Billions in Tax Cuts Under Obamacare Repeal Plan - The New York Times - $157 billion over the coming decade to those with incomes of $1 million or more (it was worth it to screw themselves)
Conservatives Craft Their Wish List On The GOP Health Care Bill | The Huffington Post
The Republican health plan is a huge betrayal of Trump's campaign promises -- and Trump's voters will pay the highest price. (conned again, but it's worth it to them)
Fox News Radio correspondent confronts Gateway Pundit reporter in White House briefing room - politico - Wintrich often posts memes and symbols related to the 'alt-right' and some white supremacist groups ... "Women's suffrage was one of the country's greatest disasters" (Lil Trumpy packing the room with shit)
Anger At Donald Trump Could Break The Democrats' Midterm Curse | The Huffington Post - 36 states have governors races in 2018.
U.S. court voids 3 Texas congressional districts - Ruling that Republicans redrew the Texas congressional map to intentionally discriminate against Latino and black voters, a federal court panel invalidated three districts, including one in Travis County,
Abraham Lincoln was a champion of U.S. science | MNN - Mother Nature Network - Lincoln created the National Academy of Sciences and crafted the college land-grant system.
Sean Spicer's appalling answer about economic data shows how far we've lowered the bar for Trump (those phony Obama jobs reports are not real)
SXSW: CNN's Jake Tapper Says His Son Has Adapted "Fake News" Line From Trump | Hollywood Reporter - "I've been doing this for a long time. ... I've never encountered anything like this. I think it has a lot to do with this fact-free world where things can mean whatever you want them to mean." (post-reality)
Stop Beating Black Children - The New York Times - My adoptive mother, and generations of black parents like her, honestly believed that whupping children was a pillar of responsible black parenting. (psychic legacy of whips)
Breaking Up With 'The Bachelor' -- It showed us how men treat, and talk about, women, and one another. It demonstrated that you don't have to be the best, the kindest, the smartest or the most virtuous to stay in the competition. You just have to be the most interesting, and the producers will keep you around. (life as a ratings competition)
Man tries to burn store he thought was Muslim-owned ...Mr. Lloyd made the assumption that the store owners were Muslim when, in fact, they are of Indian descent ... "doing his part for America"
Probe reveals flood of 780M painkillers in 6 deadly years in West Virginia - CBS News - Drug wholesalers shipped 780 million hydrocodone and oxycodone pills to West Virginia in just six years, a period when 1,728 people fatally overdosed on these two painkillers
These are the 24 Senators that introduced a bill to let telecoms sell your private internet history | Privacy Online News (yes, all Rethugs)
Polygamy is 're-criminalized' in Utah in last-minute vote (Utah almost goes full Mormon)
Polygamy is re-criminalized in Utah in last-minute vote
Historic ruling grants tri-custody to trio who had threesome
Major buzz kill for Alzheimer's research: Government view of marijuana - Promising new research conducted last year at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies has shown that marijuana extracts may hold a key to treating Alzheimer's disease. (so, no pot for your insurance-free dementia)
TIL an NCAA football coach was fired after a co worker found porngraphic videos of children on his cell phone. He fought the charges vigorously after being charged with 2 felonies. He was finally reinstated after 18 months after it was revealed it was his kids taking a bath. : todayilearned
What issue do you believe people REALLY ought to be talking about, yet no one is? : AskReddit ... At my job you are suppose to call in 4 hours before to call out. But I had the issue where I wasn't planning on not going to work and had a family emergency (mom OD) happen just a little more than an hour before my shift began
"Is my dead wife in hell?" A redditor shares their moving experience about losing faith. : bestof
What will you NEVER share with your SO? : AskReddit
(NSFW) Men of Reddit, what have you learned in all your years of dating that you think other (less experienced men) should know? : AskReddit
What's your deepest secret you never told someone? : AskReddit
TIL that Tibetan monks must get permission from the Chinese government to reincarnate : todayilearned - ...and people joke about $cientology's contracts...
Study reveals whopping 48M Twitter accounts are actually bots : technology (corporate + Russian)
What bot accounts on reddit should people know about? : AskReddit (as long as we're on the subject)
'A Tragedy': Hundreds of Thousands of California Residents Exposed to Contaminated Water : news
US spies still won't tell Congress the number of Americans caught in dragnet : news
Eschaton: Looting - Nobody knows in America, but Puerto Rico is in America. And Obama and the gang turned it over to the looters. (that metaphor works in "real" America too)
63% Of Americans Don't Have Enough Savings To Cover A $500 Emergency
The Truth About the WikiLeaks C.I.A. Cache - The New York Times (media are Putin's puppets and Assange is his hand)
How Wikileaks Works, and How Journalism Fails - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Shepard Smith Is Fed Up: 'It's Too Much Lying, Too Much Russia, Too Much Smoke' | The Huffington Post - The Fox News host rails against latest Michael Flynn bombshell. Russian bank looked up the address to Trump corporate server 2,820 times, representing 80% of the lookups, according to records. 19% or the remaining 20 were from medical facility chain led by Dick DeVos, the husband of Betsy DeVos. : technology (DeVos seems to her own Russian connections, quite a commie gang Trump has +pyramid schemes)
There Really Was A Liberal Media Bubble | FiveThirtyEight - groupthink produced "wisdom of the crowds" (which wasn't that wise)
Growing signs of trouble for Trump's border wall (no one wants to come here anymore)
Bill Clinton: Resurgent nationalism 'taking us to the edge of our destruction'
Trumpism is now getting exposed as a monumental fraud - The Washington Post (but the President Show is a huge success)
A populist agenda based on Fox News hooey fizzles - The Washington Post - Stephen K. Bannon and President Trump hoped to transform the GOP into an ethno-nationalist, pro-Russia party
White House opens to earlier rollback of Medicaid expansion -
Trump stands with House GOP on proposal to revise Obamacare, spokesman says - The Washington Post (revise and destroy)
A Bill So Bad It's Awesome
If Rural Voters Were Angry Before, Wait Until The GOP Repeals Obamacare | The Huffington Post (they'll blame Obama)
Insurance 101 For Paul Ryan: The Healthy Are Supposed To Help Pay For The Sick | The Huffington Post (he's spent 8 years studying healthcare and doesn't know nothing)
Eschaton: Otherwise Known As Insurance
Trump supporters call for 'liberal genocide' and deportation of Jews at Arizona Rally
The mystery of Donald Trump and the New Jersey cemetery - The Washington Post (family plot overlooking first hole of his "favorite property")
House GOP would let employers demand workers' genetic test results
Eschaton: Nobody I Know - They never have any problem finding Bill Donohue to (wrongly) represent all Catholicism, but the whereabouts of Muslims remain a mystery
Eschaton: Noblesse Oblige (the "return" of the elites to top government jobs)
Laziness isn't why people are poor. And iPhones aren't why they are poor (simple bad ideas for simple bad minds)
The political lexicon of a billionaire populist - The Washington Post (Gingrich "pretty happy" with being anti-intellectual)
Sociopathic Baby Boomers Have Hurt America - Bruce Cannon Gibney writes that for decades the United States has been run by people who are deceitful, selfish, imprudent, remorseless and hostile -- the baby boomers, a generation that Gibney defines as being born between 1940 and 1964. (erases the war generation)
Florida judge denies 'stand your ground' defense in movie theater shooting of texting man : news
Mom pulls gun on another mom in school drop-off line : news
This just happened on BBC News : videos
More than 60% of people surveyed in a new study supported marijuana legalization because they agreed with arguments saying it would increase tax revenues, create a profitable new industry, reduce prison crowding and lower the cost of law enforcement, finds Cornell University researchers. : science (Jason Lewis is behind the curve)
Effects of Medical Marijuana on Migraine Headache Frequency in an Adult Population. - PubMed - NCBI - The frequency of migraine headache was decreased with medical marijuana use.
New Study Confirms That Cannabis Can Help Migraine Sufferers | Leafly - About 85% of subjects reported having fewer migraines per month with cannabis
Migraines Marijuana Strains and Edibles - Leafly (nice sortable chart)
The Best CBD Marijuana Strains for Migraines | Marijuana News
Marijuana for migraines
The first fully synthetic yeast genome has been designed and partially constructed, a major step towards creating life in a lab. : science
What is the smallest nuclear explosion possible? : askscience
My favourite video on the internet - a hilarious conspiracy video claiming that Pitch Perfect's Anna Kendrick was trying to tell us who actually did 9/11 : videos
What Youtuber is worth days of binge-watching? : AskReddit
wokeupabug comments on Why is Ayn Rand looked down upon by the philosophical community?
My girlfriend works as a cake decorator at a Baskin Robins. This is today's order she has to make. : funny (+navy seal emoji'd)
Has Ubers day of reckoning arrived? - Uber's turnabout is the stuff of Greek tragedy, a form of divine justice directed toward a company whose credo has been growth at all costs, even if it meant breaking all the rules.
On climate change, Scott Pruitt causes an uproar
EPA chief Scott Pruitt says CO2 not a primary contributor to warming
This climate lawsuit could change everything. No wonder the Trump administration doesn't want it going to trial
MIT professors denounce their colleague in letter to Trump for denying evidence of climate change - The Boston Globe - In 2015, Lindzen received about $10,000 from a fossil fuel company to testify on their behalf against environmental regulations in Minnesota, on top of previous payments he has accepted from the industry. That should not disqualify his views, he said.
Surfing a vortex: energy and climate | Brookline Beacon
tired_of_nonsense comments on Two of the world's most prestigious science academies say there's clear evidence that humans are causing the climate to change. The time for talk is over, says the US National Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society, the national science academy of the UK. (armchair scientists)
South Korea Removes President Park Geun-hye - The New York Times
Dusseldorf station attack: 'Several injured' after man goes on axe rampage : news
Nigel Farage Just Visited The Ecuadorian Embassy In London - BuzzFeed News ... "said he couldn't remember what he did in the building"
Sources: FBI investigation continues into 'odd' computer link between Russian bank and Trump Organization
Inside The Investigation To Get To The Bottom Of Russia's Role In The Election - The Senate Intelligence Committee has been given sweeping powers, unseen since the Watergate era, to investigate Russian meddling in the US election
Area Man, Come Undone by Trump's Election, Accuses Democrats of Coming Undone by Trump's Election, And by 'Area Man,' I mean "Glenn Greenwald"
State Secrets Privilege Invoked to Block Testimony in C.I.A. Torture Case - The New York Times - The Trump administration has invoked executive powers in a bid to block the testimony of several top C.I.A. officials in a federal lawsuit against two psychologists who helped run the agency's harsh interrogation program (very harsh, maybe even torture-like)
C.I.A. Scrambles to Contain Damage From WikiLeaks Documents - The New York Times
How Trump Undermines Intelligence Gathering - The New York Times (Trump is anti-intelligence)
Jeff Sessions Likely Met Russian Ambassador A Third Time | The Huffington Post - The attorney general initially denied any contact with the Russians, then later admitted to just two meetings.
A Ticket to Hell - The New York Times
Donald Trump's War on Washington | (the Beast from the Earth is eating government and civilization)
Alternative history: the dangerous byproduct of fake facts | Jill Abramson | Opinion | The Guardian
Congress Warns Donald Trump: Stop Deleting Your Tweets | The Huffington Post - By doing so, Trump and his staff may be violating federal record keeping laws.
Purple America Has All But Disappeared | FiveThirtyEight - Counties are increasingly super red or super blue, with less and less in between. (undereducated have a lot of Senators)
Taibbi: Russia Story Is a Minefield for Democrats and the Media - Rolling Stone - Russia scandals have bloodied the Trump administration. But it carries dangers for those reporting it (Taibbi)
How Many People Are Affected by Obamacare Premium Increases? (Hint, It isn't much)
GOP Congressman Asks Why Men Should Have To Pay For Prenatal Care | The Huffington Post - Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) (check boxes for what conditions you want covered)
Brownback in talks with Trump administration for ambassadorship | The Kansas City Star (leaving Kansas a smoking ruin and Republicans no wiser)
Kansas governor Sam Brownback leaving KS for ambassador post in Italy : news
Mycarisorange explains how the statistics showing that "women are paid 30% less than men " is inaccurate and misleading : bestof
Fox Is Said to Settle With Former Contributor Over Sexual Assault Claims - The New York Times
Man impersonating Bieber online charged with over 900 child sex offences - Queensland Police News - As part of the investigation, a 42-year-old man had earlier been charged with a number of child sex offences including possessing child exploitation material and using a carriage service to groom persons under 16.
'Knees together' judge resigns after judicial council suggests removal
Kissin' cousins - Another day, another conservative Christian who is a parody of a conservative Christian
Decision to ban gay marchers from parade takes Boston backward - The Boston Globe (Southie rose again)
Redditors, what was the most outrageous post to ever reach the front page ? : AskReddit
What is 1 useful thing you've learned in all your years of Redditing? : AskReddit
What did a SO do that made you stop and realize "They're NOT the one"? : AskReddit
What is 1 useful thing you've learned in all your years of Redditing? : AskReddit
Climate change impacts are already hitting us, say Europeans | Environment | The Guardian - New polling study also shows support for financial penalties for nations that refuse to be part of Paris climate deal, as Donald Trump has threatened
nanotech12 comments on A friend of mine received this reply from her Iowa House Representative when she objected to H.F. 480, which would allow teachers to present opposing points of view relating to evolution and climate change. (stupidy is a plus for Republicans to get elected)
Federal criminal probe being opened into WikiLeaks's publication of CIA documents
Russia Turns Wikileaks CIA Dump Into Disinformation - The Daily Beast
FBI Director Implying One Candidate is a Liar and Crook has Material Negative Effect on Candidate, Shocking Research Finding Says - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Eschaton: All About Us - So we're worrying about North Korean attack on the US but Seoul probably has nothing to worry about! (Trump will use nukes to look strong)
As more Jewish facilities get threats, all 100 senators ask Trump administration for 'strong action' - A new wave of threats were made late Monday and Tuesday to Jewish schools and institutions, including the New York and Washington offices of the Anti-Defamation League, according to that group and other officials ... Before Tuesday, the ADL had reported 121 bomb threats made across the United States and Canada, including Jewish Community Centers and day schools. (Trump's base)
The Secret Jewish History Of The Civil War (more ignored than secret, but read to the end:) "I say it: you have proved that this country owes its existence to foreign immigrants"
The Statue of Liberty went dark overnight and the timing was just 'too perfect'
Donald Trump Met Russian Ambassador During The Campaign, Despite Repeated Denials | The Huffington Post - On April 27, Trump met Sergey Kislyak in Washington, D.C., before a big foreign policy speech. ("I don't know Russia!")
Comey Letter Swung Election For Trump, Consumer Survey Suggests | The Huffington Post - Emotion and peer influence play much bigger roles in influencing behavior than previously understood.
Poll: Majority of voters favor special prosecutor - politico - to investigate alleged ties between President Donald Trump's campaign staff and the Russian government - Fifty-six percent of registered voters support appointing a special prosecutor, a far greater share than the 30 percent who oppose an independent counsel investigating the matter.
The President Of The United States Is A Weak Man | The Huffington Post
Obama irked and exasperated in response to Trump's wiretapping claims ... "livid"
Sean Spicer wrongly claims Fox reporter's phones were 'tapped' (a remnant of Obama's war on whistleblowers)
Trumpism is now getting exposed as a monumental fraud - The Washington Post (the big con)
As seen on the streets of New York (6th Avenue) : pics
Republicans introduce healthcare replacement bill called 'World's Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017' ("brought to you by the world's greatest President ever")
Who Wins and Who Loses Under Republicans's Health Care Plan (sorry, old non-rich people)
The GOP health bill is a $600 billion tax cut -- almost entirely for the wealthy
Paul Ryan won't Admit His Plan Is Obamacare, Only Less of It
AARP, AHA, AMA tl;dr on TrumpCare - Lawyers, Guns & Money : No
Why Republicans Can't Do Health Care
How Republicans Plan to Ration Health Care - The New York Times (oh look, death panels)
Millions Risk Losing Health Insurance in Republican Plan, Analysts Say - The New York Times
Millions Risk Losing Health Insurance in Republican Plan, Analysts Say - The New York Times - Martha Brawley of Monroe, N.C., said she voted for President Trump in the hope he could make insurance more affordable (and she would turn into a Disney princess)
Paul Ryan Calls Obamacare Repeal Plan An 'Act Of Mercy' | The Huffington Post (putting you out of your misery)
The Health Care Industry Really Doesn't Like GOP's Obamacare Replacement | The Huffington Post - hard to find someone willing to say something nice.
Rand stands up to Trump on Obamacare - politico - The libertarian-leaning lawmaker insisted that Republicans should vote on stand-alone legislation to repeal the Democratic health care law and figure out later what would replace it. (later. much later.)
You Are What Your Record Says You Are - Lawyers, Guns & Money (you shall know them by their deeds)
Sanders on civil discourse and calling a liar a liar - Lawyers, Guns & Money - In his response to the WaPo article discussed here yesterday, Sen. Sanders deftly disassembles the idea that civil discourse means saying nothing at all if one can't say something nice. (Amber Phillips)
Meet the Hundreds of Officials Trump Has Quietly Installed Across the Government - ProPublica - We have obtained a list of more than 400 Trump administration hires, including dozens of lobbyists and some from far-right media. ("Beachfront" assault on government agencies by unidentified Breitbart clowns)
State Street Global Advisors' girl statue in front of Wall Street bull - Business Insider
Housekeepers Versus Harvard: Feminism for the Age of Trump | The Nation - ? A feminism for the 99% has been forged by working class immigrant women who confronted Harvard's first female president and Sheryl Sandberg. (lean in to your low-paid job with no benefits)
Holy Viagra : pics
TIL Iran has the highest female to male ratio in universities among all sovereign nations. More than 70% of students in engineering and pure sciences are women. : todayilearned
The Michigan Supreme Court is considering a 30-day suspension for a suburban Detroit judge who ordered three siblings to juvenile detention for failing to visit their father. : news (assholes with arbitra y power)
It's Not Just You: Americans Are Having Less Sex - While the decline has been nearly across the board, one group seems to be pulling everyone else down: married couples ... Despite all the declines, one age group showed no interest in slowing down: people over 70. They had sex nearly 11 times during 2014, up from an average of 9.6 times in 1989.
Brain Architecture Alters to Compensate for Depression - A study led by the Children's Hospital Los Angeles, has found structural differences in the cerebral cortex of patients with depression and that these differences normalize with appropriate medication.
Conservatives Are More Reluctant to Give and Receive Apologies Than Liberals. : science
I'm Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid's and executive producer of the Hulu original series based on the novel premiering April 26.
Surgeons were told to stop prescribing so many painkillers. The results were remarkable. - The Washington Post - diversion of the pills to illegal users, who, Barth and his colleagues said, consume as much as 71 percent of legitimately prescribed opioids.
A small-town judge who says her religious beliefs prevent her from presiding over same-sex marriages was publicly censured by the Wyoming Supreme Court on Tuesday. : news
What is your favorite conspiracy theory? : AskReddit
Digital Hygiene: How We Might've Fucked Our Attention Spans : videos
Abu_al-Ameriki comments on The 75th Ranger Regiment hits the ground in Syria for Raqqa offensive
Poachers break into Paris zoo, shoot rhino dead and steal its horn : news
The 9/11 Report - raphic adaptation by Sid Jacobson and Ernie Co
Inquiry Opens Into How 30,000 Marines Shared Illicit Images of Female Peers - The New York Times
WikiLeaks Releases Trove of Alleged C.I.A. Hacking Documents - The New York Times
WikiLeaks publishes huge trove of CIA spying documents in 'Vault 7' release : news
Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed : technology
The GOP's Obamacare repeal plan is out--and it's even worse than anyone expected
House Republicans release long-awaited plan to replace Obamacare - The Washington Post
Millions to Be Liberated From Neoliberal Bailout of the Health Insurance Industry - Lawyers, Guns & Money - RyanCare will take away health insurance from millions of non-affluent people, make the insurance people do have much worse, and open a major front in the War on Women in order to pay for a massive upper-class tax cut. In conclusion, Both Sides Do It but Hillary Clinton is worse.
The GOP health bill doesn't know what problem it's trying to solve (well, they have the give money to the rich and die part down)
Maybe It's Time To Stop Calling The GOP Obamacare Plan A 'Replacement' | The Huffington Post - it sure wouldn't feel like one to the millions who would lose insurance.
Eschaton: Good Deal! - Chaffetz: Americans may have to choose between new phone, health insurance (because iPhones cost $50,000 - stupid+evil)
Jason Chaffetz says people should invest in health care instead of buying iPhones - The Boston Globe
Repeal of Health Law Faces a New Hurdle: Older Americans - The New York Times - AARP and its allies are bombarding congressional offices with objections as two House committees plan to vote on the Republicans's bill this week. (AARP, the people who want to get rid of Medicaidl
Video shows heated Oval Office meeting - YouTube
What We Know About the Investigations Into Trump's Russia Scandal
White House rejects Comey's Assertion That Wiretapping Claim Is False
McCain on Trump's wiretap claim: 'I haven't seen anything like this' ... "The dimensions of this are huge."
Welp, That Was Interesting - roughly eight more years in which Sater worked simultaneously both as an FBI informant and - for most of the time - a key business associate of Donald Trump
Eschaton: Civilitude - Official Washington always discovers the importance of civility when Republicans are in charge. Pointing out that the president is a liar, or that bad policies will kill people (hell even that war will kill people), is evidence that our holy political discourse is in decline. What we need is Honest Civil Debate
Carson doubles-down: Slaves were 'involutary immigrants'
Samuel L. Jackson leads outrage after Ben Carson refers to slaves taken to US as 'immigrants' : news
The sorry state of political discourse right now, in five Bernie Sanders tweets - The Washington Post - By Amber Phillips (part of the WaPo Cillizza faction, dumb and dumber and ridiculed in comments))
A Neo-Liberal's Manifesto -- 1982 -- Bill Bradley of New Jersey, Gary Hart of Colorado and Paul Tsongas of Massachusetts. (the old alt-left)
Republicans to American Workers: "Drop Dead" (white workers to Republicans: "gladly, as long as we can give you more tax cuts and you'll hate non-white people as much as we do")
Alabama's governor was recorded having a sexually explicit conversation. Is impeachment next? - Gov. Robert Bentley (R), 74, has fended off calls from his Republican allies and his opponents to resign after a recording of him having a sexually explicit conversation with his then-chief adviser emerged in March 2016. (another lying Republican "Christian" pussy-grabber)
Losing West Virginia | Jacobin
How 'Class Not Race' Becomes Normalized -- Kunkel literally does not mention race once in this article except a passing reference in the middle of one paragraph. That is amazing too me and it is indicative of an all-too common problem at Jacobin.
Mass. treasurer asks feds for pot clarity - The Boston Globe (Debbie is hoping for a crackdown)
Mars may have harbored even more liquid water on its surface in the ancient past than scientists had thought, a new study suggests. : science
when I shine a flashlight at Mars, does a small amount of the light actually reach it? : askscience
What's something that's technically true but extremely misleading? : AskReddit
Almost half of all deaths from heart disease & diabetes linked to diet: JAMA study
What are the 7 wonders of reddit? : AskReddit
When did you realize you were not average? : AskReddit
My name is Norman Ohler, and I'm here to tell you about all the drugs Hitler and the Nazis took
Does anyone have a copy of Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th edition and can send me a photo of page 263? : books
I cant find Windows phone devices impacted by CIA hacking tools as of yet. : windowsphone
Ecuador frontrunner offers glimmer of hope for WikiLeaks's Assange -- must leave embassy, but we'll try to find him new home (somewhere in Cuba)
A graphic novel adaptation of the Senate Torture Report.
The astounding political divide over what it means to be American (the divide between thinking and watching Fox)
Alex Oronov, dead Trump-Russia conspirator, had just bought real estate from Mar-a-Lago members - Palmer Report
Ukranian businessman with links to Donald Trump and Russia dies in unexplained circumstances | The Independent
Trump Tower's Russia email server was shut down three days before Carter Page quit campaign
American citizen Khizr Khan reportedly cancels trip to Canada after being warned his 'travel privileges are being reviewed' : news
Revised executive order bans travelers from six Muslim-majority countries from getting new visas - The Washington Post
I buried my negatives in the ground in order that there should be some record of our tragedy. (Trump's plan for America)
House Republicans release long-awaited plan to repeal and replace Obamacare - The Washington Post - There is no precedent for Congress to reverse a major program of social benefits once it has taken effect and reached millions of Americans.
It's the truth according to Trump. Believe it. (his truth is so much more beautiful than yours)
Comey Asks Justice Dept. to Reject Trump's Wiretapping Claim
White House Rejects FBI's Denial Of Trump's Wiretapping Claims (Trump has "secret intelligence" buried somewhere in his dim brain)
Decoding the Wiretapping Claims - The New York Times - Donald Trump's political career is built on a lie about Barack Obama ... Trump appears to be basing his claims on a story in Breitbart that inaccurately summarized reporting from Louise Mensch
The former British lawmaker at the heart of the Trump wiretap allegations - The Washington Post - But who exactly is Louise Mensch? -- best known for her stint as a Conservative lawmaker and for her work as a successful chick-lit novelist under her maiden name, Louise Bagshawe.
The Conspiratorial Game of Telephone in Bannon's Rag that Made Left, Right, and POTUS Go Crazy -- he Louise Mensch story
Why Republicans Can't Separate from Trump - Delegitimizing the presidency of Barack Obama is a proud pastime - Trump was mad -- raging, steaming, mad -- Let us pause here for a moment to recall that the person to whom the president* vented, Christopher Ruddy, first came to national notice by peddling the theory that the Clintons had Vince Foster murdered
Right-Wing Media Scramble To Recast Obama As Trump-Era Villain - For the previous eight years, Obama was portrayed as an almost demonic figure bent on destroying the American way of life ... Hillary Clinton received co-star status as America's Villain on Fox News and in other right-wing media, which denounced her every move, real or imagined, as an outrage.
A top House Republican says he's seen no evidence to back Trump wiretap claim (crooked Chaffetz)
Inside Trump's fury: The president rages at leaks, setbacks and accusations
At the root of Trump's new fury: Total contempt for American democracy - President Trump is now wallowing in fury, we are told, because he can't make the Russia story disappear ... (President Baby-Tantrum)
Eschaton: Tormented Souls - Pretty sure they all deserve it. Trump is upset because he doesn't believe he is getting the credit he thinks he deserves for his time in office so far because of self-inflicted wounds and missteps ... mood is adding to tremendous pressure inside the West Wing and aides have been seen in tears in recent days at multiple meetings. (rage maniac)
Knives are out for Reince - politico - chief of staff is becoming a singular target of criticism as persistent controversies plague the presidency.
Tapping Trump? | Just Security
Wiretapping allegations accomplished what Trump wanted -- but may backfire bigly
Towergate: Trump's great gamble - Axios
If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself -- The courtiers of the Valencia of Versailles, N.W., want everyone to know that His Trumpiness knows things that no one else knows about his wiretapping conspiracy theory. So there.
Top Trump advisers defend wiretap claims by saying he 'has information and intelligence that the rest of us do not'
U.S. Warned of Foreign Intel Operations After Russian Met With Team Trump at RNC - The Daily Beast (Pres Dirty Little Commie)
The Eight Power Centers Of The Trump Administration | FiveThirtyEight - From the Bannon Wing to the Bureaucrats
Russian Hackers Said to Seek Hush Money From Liberal Groups - Bloomberg - Russian hackers are targeting U.S. progressive groups in a new wave of attacks -- Cozy Bear, one of the Russian government groups identified as behind last year's attack on the Democratic National Committee during the presidential election and which is under continuing investigation.
CBO: Obamacare Costing The Feds A Third Less Than Expected - spending on the Affordable Care Act's coverage provisions in 2019 are now a third lower than what they were when the law was passed in 2010. (sorry, it's a total failure, fuck off and die)
Welcome, Airbnb Guest! Your Neighbors Are the Trumps - The New York Times - An apartment listed on the rental website until last week offered a prime location, luxurious appointments and a lot of security. It was inside Trump Tower
These Things I Believe - Lawyers, Guns & Money : 'Deep state' has become a term people use to imply conspiracy theories w/o articulating those theories in detail that might be embarrassing
Slavery is an example of America's can-do attitude - Ben Carson just referred to "slaves" as "immigrants" -- "There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships..."
Samuel L. Jackson on Twitter: "OK!! Ben Carson....I can't! Immigrants ? In the bottom of SLAVE SHIPS??!! MUTHAFUKKA PLEASE!!!#dickheadedtom"
Sexism on the Left - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Despite what sectors of the on-line left wanted to believe the Bernie Bro thing very real and very toxic. And of course we see this overtly sexist behavior come out continually from said bros.
Toward Solidarity Forever: Confronting patriarchy and sexual violence in activist circles
De-dudeing socialism - Democratic Socialists of America
Kelly Ellis ??????? on Twitter: "Just some progressive leftist men lolling at the idea that women have to think about personal safety"
TIL that 80% of males born in the Soviet Union in 1923 did not survive World War II. : todayilearned
IBM will sell 50-qubit universal quantum computer "in the next few years"
What do you find attractive that most people find unattractive? : AskReddit
What have you witnessed that you just can't explain? : AskReddit
The hacking episode happened to me. It was fucked up. : blackmirror
What do you find attractive that most people find unattractive? : AskReddit
10 Brain-Banging Facts You Didn't Know About Dildos
Shop our fantasy sex toys: dildos, masturbators, and more! - Bad Dragon
Israel officially decriminalizes marijuana use : news - Finally, public stoning returns to the Holy land!
Muslim Ban 2 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : It looks like Trump will issue Muslim Ban 2: Racist Boogaloo tomorrow
Everything you ever wanted to know about the U.S. foreign assistance budget - Washington Post (1% of the budget that should just go to tax breaks for the Kochbros)
Trump's charge that he was wiretapped takes presidency into new territory (lunacy-land)
The Trump Experiment may come to an early tipping point - The Washington Post (around the bend and off the deep end)
White House Spokeswoman Walks Back Trump Wiretapping Claims | The Huffington Post - information "suggesting" ... a "very real potential"
If Trump Tower Was Wiretapped, Trump Can Declassify That Right Now
With tweetstorm, Trump may have exercised exclusive declassification authority - ABC News - President Donald Trump potentially made public the existence of Top Secret wiretaps - a move that would be a federal crime, if performed by anyone other than the commander-in-chief.
The Latest: Official says FBI wants Trump claim rejected - ABC News
FBI Director James Comey Asked DOJ To Refute Trump's Wiretapping Claim | The Huffington Post - allegation was false.
Trump Seeks Inquiry Into Unproved Allegations That Obama Tapped His Phones - The New York Times
Trump Faces Furor Over Unsubstantiated Claim Obama Wiretapped Him - WSJ
If the Feds Did Wiretap Trump Tower, It's Not Obama Who Should Worry
White House Says It Will No Longer Comment On Trump's Wiretapping Claim - White House press secretary Sean Spicer called on Congress to investigate the allegation. (so just shut up)
Eschaton: Investigating You Investigating Me - I'm starting to suspect the preznit is not so bright. I guess this is the real news:
Trump angry and frustrated at staff over Sessions fallout - - Nobody has seen him that upset (finding out he's not yet the emperor)
Obama Refutes Allegation That He Wiretapped Trump Tower During Campaign | The Huffington Post - "simply false"
Lindsey Graham Nails The Problem With Trump's Wiretapping Claims | The Huffington Post - If Obama got a warrant to eavesdrop, then Trump probably did something wrong, the South Carolina senator noted. (democracy is hard for Trumpster, doesn't understand how it all works)
Former Trump Adviser Roger Stone Admits Collusion With WikiLeaks, Then Deletes It | The Huffington Post - back-channel communication (microencephalic)
Longtime Trump Adviser Calls Critic "Stupid Ignorant Ugly Bitch" (said the ugly pin-head)
Roger Stone Forgot Other People Can Read His Tweets - He lost his damn mind (again).
Former Trump Advisor Roger Stone Had a Twitter Meltdown
Roger Stone on Twitter: ""Appear" ? Why is @LATimes lying ? Obama issued no denial saying only "he didn't order it" #busted"
Trump Advisor Roger Stone Launches Vulgar Twitter Tirade, Admits Back Channel To Assange During Clinton Leaks | The Huffington Post - What did Donald Trump know, and when did he know it? Roger Stone may have the answer. (does he look human?) The question of whether Donald Trump had knowledge of the Russian cyber attacks in the 2016 presidential election could have potentially unprecedented ramifications on the future of this presidential administration.
Keith Olbermann on Twitter: "Trump's inability to leave Russia alone not only confirms his treachery, it's destroying him. ICYMI, mine from 1/9:"
Russia is the slow burn of the Trump administration, and it's not going away (Comrade Trumpchev)
What's going on underneath @RealDonaldTrump's tweets? A small investigation - Home | Day 6 | CBC Radio - tweets had evolved into a wild media ecosystem
Like a well oiled machine. - However, the reaction to his speech on Tuesday showed there are people who can't be described as tRump supporters, but who will declare the Pivot has arrived when he doesn't behave like a complete and total ass for a whole 60 minutes.
Eschaton: I Wonder Why All The Leaking Is Happening - The world's greatest boss. (asshole-in-chief and his den of assholes)
This Stunningly Racist French Novel Is How Steve Bannon Explains The World | The Huffington Post - The Camp of the Saints - tells a grotesque tale about a migrant invasion to destroy Western civilization ... kill them all! ("Muslim invasion" +he sounds really stupid)
Eschaton: Imagine A Country Without Immigrants - The Trumpkins want to stop all immigration by brown people and make life hell for the brown people currently living here, whatever their legal status. The racism is sick, but it's also a horrible way forward for the country otherwise. Immigration has kept this country alive, and I shudder to think about what some of the trend lines would have looked like without it. (the whites would have had no one to blame for their destruction)
Tens Of People Rally Across The Country In 'March 4 Trump' | The Huffington Post - We hear by hearby herbie declare the rallies a success.
Health care sets tone for Texas congressman's contentious town hall | The Texas Tribune - In a rare congressional town hall in North Texas, U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville, withstood two hours of booing from hundreds of angry constituents at a local high school. Few of his colleagues have hosted such forums lately. (Teahadists running for their holes)
Obamacare-Repealer Explains Poor Don't Want to be Healthy - Representative Roger Marshall is a Kansas Republican, a former obstetrician, and a first-year member of Congress, and opponent of the Affordable Care Act (from bankrupt Brownbackistan +just look at him)
The Quiet Parts Loud: Medicaid Edition - Lawyers, Guns & Money : A Republican from Brownbackistan says that repealing Medicaid is fine because poor people want to be unhealthy. No, really: This is sort of the ultimate Republican healthcare argument, in that it's both nakedly sociopathic and either willfully clueless or actively dishonest about the policy details (Republicans have been selling lies since Nixon) - "These people believe with religious fervor that the invisible hand of an unfettered market is the Holy Spirit; God is a wealthy GOP landowner with authoritarian tendencies and Jesus was his radical libertarian son who "told it like it is" to the libtards"
I Remember When Appalachia Wasn't Trump Country (US of Trump!) in 2016 a majority of West Virginia's voters supported Donald J. Trump, and many expressed outright hatred of Barack Obama. (the "common men" went full racist retard while screwing themselves with their own stupidty)
Thousands of ICE detainees claim they were forced into labor, a violation of anti-slavery laws - The Washington Post - the case could involve as many as 60,000 immigrants who have been detained. (an Obama program)
Patrons Walk Out As Ala. Official Pushes Voter ID At Selma Anniversary Service - "You cannot come and stand in that pulpit and promote a voter suppression tactic and then we just sit there ... democracy is at stake"
Patience Gone, Koch-Backed Groups Will Pressure G.O.P. on Health Repeal - The New York Times (Kochbros of Satan: "give us all your money, fuck off and die")
Why We Believe Obvious Untruths - The New York Times - irrationality comes from a very rational place. People fail to distinguish what they know from what others know because it is often impossible to draw sharp boundaries between what knowledge resides in our heads and what resides elsewhere. (sciencedudes, try this piece of rationality: mining companies (and Republicans in general) always lie +you don't need to be an "expert" running "cost-beneit analyses" to know mining companies dumping toxic waste into drinking water might be a bad thing: #badscience)
11 types of cancer are highly linked to obesity : science
Google's Deep Learning AI project diagnoses cancer faster than pathologists - "While the human being achieved 73% accuracy, by the end of tweaking, GoogLeNet scored a smooth 89% accuracy." : technology
Why is it matter in the Sun's core can undergo fusion at 15 million degrees but our fusion reactors need to be 100+ million degrees? : askscience
TIL that flossing was dropped from the US government's dietary guidelines because no reliable study exist to prove its health benefits. : todayilearned
Couples therapists, do you ever tell anyone, "alright you two just shouldn't be together," and how long does it take you to reach that conclusion? : AskReddit
TIL Estonia produces the most models per capita. 73.8 per million people : todayilearned
What's the greatest compliment you've ever received? : AskReddit
I have to give a shout-out to H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness. Never have I felt such existential dread weeks after reading a book. *spoilers* : books
Lawyers of reddit, whats the most ridiculous argument you've heard in court? : AskReddit
Oh deer...Nobody saw that : gifs - back in nineteen ninety eight when the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted sixteen feet
shittymorph comments on There's a 1/300,000,000 chance of winning the lottery and everyone thinks they're a winner, but a 1/10,000 chance of getting into a car accident when texting and no one thinks it will be them.
The Border Patrol can take your password. Now what? : technology (all your passwords are belong to Trumpster)
Trump Inherits a Secret Cyberwar Against North Korean Missiles - The New York Times - delayed by several years the day when North Korea will be able to threaten American cities with nuclear weapons launched atop intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Decades-old mass grave of children of unwed mothers confirmed in Ireland - The Washington Post - a glimpse into a particularly dark time for unmarried pregnant women in Ireland, where societal and religious mores stigmatized them (mass murder of children and slavery by Catholic Church and sex-hysterical Irish)
How Our Strategy Against Terrorism Gave Us Trump - The New York Times - a bipartisan approach to national security focused on terrorism that has distorted America (terraterraterra)
Donald Trump was a conspiracy-theory candidate. Now he's on the edge of being a conspiracy-theory president. (Cillizza)
Trump, citing no evidence, accuses Obama of 'Nixon/Watergate' plot to wiretap Trump Tower
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!" (he's getting killed on Twitter)
Trump goes on Twitter rant accusing ex-President Obama of 'tapping phones' at Trump Tower prior to election (he means the Russsian Ambassador's phone, but same thing)
Trump Repeats Talk Radio Rumor That Obama Wiretapped Him During Election - BuzzFeed News ("tapps" on his "wires")
Top Obama adviser to Trump: 'No president can order a wiretap' (Pres Dunning-Kruger Dimwhit)
Donald Trump Claims Barack Obama Ordered Wire Tap On Trump Tower Before Election | The Huffington Post - But he offered no evidence to back up the claims.
Anyone Know What He's On About -- How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!
This One Great Paragraph Tells The Story About Government Leaks | The Huffington Post - President Donald Trump's Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin used his first senior staff meeting last month to tell his new aides he would not tolerate leaks to the news media, sources familiar with the matter said.
Donald Trump's Attempt To Shift Russia Focus To Chuck Schumer Is More Than A Little Desperate | The Huffington Post - missing the point of the controversy
Trump administration to publish weekly list of crimes committed by #immigrants -- as Nazi once did with Jews
Why the Alt-Left Is a Problem, Too | Vanity Fair (not the same, James)
The week in patriarchy: Texas doctors fight for right to lie to pregnant women | Jessica Valenti | World news | The Guardian - A new bill would let doctors lie to prevent abortions and - look, over here! - Ivanka Trump is trying to distract us from Trump's misogyny
Before Meeting With Muslim Constituents, GOP Lawmaker Asks If They Beat Their Wives | The Huffington Post - Oklahoma state Rep. John Bennett gave Muslim high school students who wanted to meet with him an Islamophobic questionnaire first.
Just A Reminder That Trump Has Still Provided Zero Evidence Of Voter Fraud | The Huffington Post - Evidence disproving it, however, keeps rolling in.
You're The Most Powerful Man In The Known Universe - Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't voluntarily leaving the Apprentice, he was fired by his bad (pathetic) ratings, not by me. Sad end to great show
Trump says Schwarzenegger was fired from 'Apprentice.' Then Schwarzenegger fires back.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Arnold Schwarzenegger isn't voluntarily leaving the Apprentice, he was fired by his bad (pathetic) ratings, not by me. Sad end to great show"
Sikh man in Kent (south of Seattle) says he was told Go 'back to your own country' before he was shot (by a white Trump terrorist)
Creep Busters ambush of man with mental disability called 'vigilantism' : news
Father raped lesbian teenage daughter to 'show her' sex with men is better (which helped a lot)
Harvard confronts its history of slavery in conference - The Boston Globe
An estimated 4.5 billion cases of polio, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, adenovirus, rabies, and hepatitis A were prevented and 10 million lives saved by the 1962 creation of the WI-38 human cell strain used in the production of vaccines : science
the_loneliest_noodle comments on Miley cyrus sucking a fake dick, riding an even bigger fake dick and then letting fans rub her vagina
ELI5: How can so many artists now produce incredible photorealism, when even the greatest Renaissance artists that saw that as a central aim couldn't come as close? : explainlikeimfive
Have you ever (correctly) had a gut-feeling to dislike someone who, on the surface, was a cool person that everybody else liked? What's that story? : AskReddit
Uber's VP of product and growth Ed Baker has resigned (sexual harrassment +fuck you recode and your can't copy anything bullshit)
White House proposes steep budget cut to leading climate science agency - The Washington Post (great crimes against humanity)
Liam Hogan (@Limerick1914) | Twitter (Ireland and Catholic child mass murder and enslavement)
Exclusive: Trump administration considering separating women, children at Mexico border | Reuters
In leaked document, the case for Trump's 'Muslim ban' takes another huge hit
This is What It's Like When A Father Of 4 Is Detained By ICE While Dropping His Daughters Off At School
Federal prosecutors have brought charges in cases far less serious than Sessions'
Sessions could face legal ordeal over testimony - politico - at g Ivanka Trump is trying to distract us from Trumpreater risk if a special counsel takes over Trump-Russia probe
The Trump presidency can't seem to escape Russia's shadow
Carter Page letter to DOJ about Hillary Clinton and Russia - Business Insider
Axios AM - 1 big thing: When the smoke is the fire
The web of relationships between Team Trump and Russia - The Washington Post (Commie takeover of US - "I don't know Russia")
White House accused of blocking information on bank's Trump-Russia links - about whether Donald Trump or any of his campaign affiliates have ever received loans from a bank in Cyprus that is partly owned by a close ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin.
Trump team issued at least 20 denials of contacts with Russia
Exclusive: Two other Trump advisers also spoke with Russian envoy during GOP convention (now it's more like who wasn't talking to the Russkies)
Trump Administration Repeatedly Denied There Was Any Contact With Russia During Campaign | The Huffington Post - a growing list of people who had such communications.
Another Trump adviser has significantly changed his story about the GOP's dramatic shift on Ukraine
Sessions Revelations Leave Donald Trump in Another Fine Russian Mess - The New Yorker
Trump's Already Small Circle Of Trusted Advisers Suffers Another Big Blow | The Huffington Post - Sessions can no longer protect the president from investigations involving Russia.
Jeff Sessions Used Political Funds for Republican Convention Expenses - WSJ - Records show attorney general used campaign account for travel expenses to Cleveland, where he met Russian envoy
Eschaton: Jim Crow Forever - Jeff Sessions is a horrible racist.
Sergey Kislyak Visited Obama White House At Least 15 Times | The Daily Caller (see? it's the same thing!)
Pence is an incredible hypocrite on official emails. But that's only part of the story
Mike Pence used private email for state business -- and was hacked
Mike Pence Used Private Email Address as Governor of Indiana - till cleaning up his mess in Indiana.
President Trump Tweets About Chuck Schumer and Vladimir Putin - We should start an immediate investigation into @SenSchumer and his ties to Russia and Putin. A total hypocrite!
Goodbye Spin, Hello Raw Dishonesty - The New York Times - At thi point it's easier to list the Trump officials who haven't been caught lying under oath than those who have. This is not an accident
Barack Obama and His Deep State Operatives Are Attempting to Sabotage the Duly Elected President of the United States | The Rush Limbaugh Show
Tea party to Trump's base: Drop dead
Is Our Union Leaders Learning? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : I've defended Richard Trumka on a lot of fronts. But this is unforgivable.
Voice of The Southern: Let the people have their say | Opinion | Voice of The Southern | - Rep. Bost did not schedule an in-person town hall meeting during the time he was back in the district last week. (Teaparty cowards)
NC man accused of committing anti-gay attack: 'You live in Trump country now' (Hateland)
Officials Arrest Suspect In Bomb 8 Threats On Jewish Community | The Huffington Post
Former journalist arrested, charged with threats against Jewish facilities - The Washington Post
Before Bomb Threats, Juan Thompson Unraveled
Reporter Fabricated Quotes, Invented Sources at The Intercept
Come Back Stephen Glass and Jayson Blair, All Is Forgiven - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Transgender Conservatives Speak Out: Trump 'Failed' The Test Of Equality | The Huffington Post (Trannies for Trump)
Beau Biden's widow having affair with his married brother
Fayetteville shooting death livestreamed on Facebook
You May Want to Marry My Husband - The New York Times
Amy Krause Rosenthal's article "You May Want to Marry My Husband" just broke my heart : books
Eschaton: Fuck SXSW - Telling international artists that they will report them for deportation if they dare to play any outside shows. (they put it in the contract, fuckers)
94-year-old Lithium-Ion Battery Inventor Introduces Solid State Battery : technology
What statistic blew your mind when you heard of it? : AskReddit
Do quantum mechanical effects have any physiological consequences for how our brains work? : askscience
What are some creepy verified pieces of found footage? : AskReddit
What's the big genetic "F*** you" you got from your family? : AskReddit
A Twitter employee making $160,000 a year says he's only scraping by in San Francisco : technology
What is the most unoriginal question on Askreddit? : AskReddit
How Uber Used Secret Greyball Tool to Deceive Authorities Worldwide - The New York Times
Out West, the snow is so deep that scientists don't have any tools to measure it
As for the unverified dossier suggesting that Russia had material on Trump that could be used as blackmail, one intelligence official said that members of the intelligence community are continuing to chase down stuff from the dossier and, at its core, a lot of it is bearing out (golden showers)
US Senate calls on British spy Christopher Steele to give evidence on explosive Trump-Russia dossier | The Independent - Republicans and Democrats in Congress keen to facilitate discreet meetings in the UK or on neutral territory, as pressure grows on President
Rep. Schiff accuses Comey of withholding information on Russia probe - politico - The ranking member on the House intelligence panel warns that lawmakers may have to subpoena the FBI.
Kushner and Flynn Met With Russian Envoy in December, White House Says - The New York Times - the White House said on Thursday. (note sourcing for this and WaPo's White House Sessions statement: they didn't choose to admit scandalous and illegal behavior, they were given a choice of admitting it or more leaks)
The State of Trump's State Department - Anxiety and listless days as a foreign-policy bureaucracy confronts the possibility of radical change (dismantling the "administrative state" = "destroying government" = rise of the neoconderate/nazi/commies")
Attorney General Jeff Sessions will recuse himself from any probe related to 2016 presidential campaign - The Washington Post (refuses to turn himself in)
Jeff Sessions Needs to Go - The New York Times (to Hell)
Jeff Sessions Is a Disgrace to the Justice Department | The Nation
Donald Trump Jr. Was Likely Paid at Least $50,000 for Event Held by Hosts Allied With Russia on Syria - WSJ - October appearance by son of then-candidate is one of string of contacts between members of the president's inner circle and individuals connected to Moscow (the Devils made a deal with each other)
Sessions met with Russian envoy twice last year, encounters he later did not disclose - The Washington Post - Justice Department officials said (21K+ comments as Russian Trumpbots war with the facts)
Sessions' credibility is shot: Column - America needs a top law enforcement officer people can trust - Lying under oath and intentionally making a false and misleading statement to Congress are crimes under federal law. In 1999, Sessions voted to convict Bill Clinton of perjury in the Monica Lewinsky scandal, having earlier said that, "I have no doubt perjury qualifies under the Constitution as a high crime" (little Jeff has been an awful person his whole life, like Trumpster)
Jeff Sessions Called For A Special Counsel After Loretta Lynch Met With Bill Clinton | The Huffington Post
Nancy Pelosi's claim that Bill Clinton was impeached for 'something so far less' than Jeff Sessions (WaPo waffles, thinks because a lie is a lie, whether it's about blow-jobs, or rigging Trump's election with the Commies)
Six times Jeff Sessions talked about perjury, access and recusal -- when it involved the Clintons (what a weird little evil gnome)
An Alternative-Facts Perspective - You might think that Jeff Sessions is a neoconfederate who perjured himself. But perhaps he's a noble resister of THE NEW MCCARTHYISM: (neoconferate neonazi neocommie little Jeffy Beauregard)
What's A Little Perjury Between Comrades? The Attorney General isn't just a neoconfederate, he'a a crook (the crooked Adminisration)
Growing Number Of Republicans Call On Jeff Sessions To Step Aside | The Huffington Post - Sessions reportedly did not disclose conversations he had with Russia (lied under oath)
Trump Team's Ties To Russia Face Sharper Scrutiny Amid New House Probe And Explosive Reports | The Huffington Post - Pressure grows for Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from investigations into the scandal. (he's investigating himelf, which was apparently the plan)
Thursday's Morning Email: What The Russia Revelations Mean For Jeff Sessions | The Huffington Post - Nancy Pelosi has called for Sessions to resign.
Bush's Ethics Lawyer: Jeff Sessions May Go To Jail If He Lied To Congress | The Huffington Post - The Attorney General is accused of lying to Congress about conversations with the Russia ambassador.
It's Time To Talk About Impeachment | The Huffington Post - Every decision the president makes will be under a cloud of suspicion.
The proper response to Presidented Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money - "oh, he read a TelePrompTer!! It's like my kid ate and didn't spill" - Perez: Bottom line: Trump's #JointAddress was Steve Bannon on steroids with a smile.
The Third Term of the Bush Administration, With Even Less Competence - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Eschaton: They Know Even Less Than What They Say - They Know Even Less Than What They Say - Trump just lies. The real crime is believing or passing on those lies when your job (supposedly) is to communicate truth to your viewers/readers.
CNN Reports That It Got Played On Its Not-So-Anonymous Immigration Scoop From Trump (they had no idea he might do that)
Is Our Media Learning, Revisited : Lawyers, Guns & Money - amazing how happy the media is to be played as patsies by con men.
You Cretins Are Going To Get Thousands Of People Killed - Here's another thing you should understand about these guys: The only thing the elite Washington press corps likes more than a bipartisan commission on debt reduction is a stack of flag-draped coffins.
Eschaton: And Who Are They Again? - Russian jets accidentally bombed US-backed forces in Syria: US general - Yah, I know, The Moderates. That'll be the name of my DC-based wedding band/superhero pundit squad.
Eschaton: The Bubble - The real "DC bubble" is a press corps completely immune (or think they are) from any consequences of actual government policy ... It isn't the presidency, it's the President Show (and Trump is the STAR)
Trump's World Increasingly Shaped by Fox News, and Fox by Trump
Checks and Balances, Right to Protest Seen as Very Important for Strong Democracy | Pew Research Center - Republicans (68%) are less likely than Democrats (88%) to view the right to nonviolent protest as very important (32% of Republicans want to take away your constitutional right to assemble peacefully, 34% don't think you're allowed to criticize dear leader : this is major moral brain cancer)
Across the Country, a Republican Push to Rein In Protesters - The New York Times
McMaster rebuked by Army in 2015 for his handling of sexual assault case - The Washington Post - investigated by the Army and admonished two years ago for mishandling a case involving two junior officers accused of sexual assault, military documents show.
At Least There Probably Weren't Any Democrats There - An Iowa lawmaker who is pushing a controversial bill that caps the number of Democrats that state universities can hire as professors claimed on a government web site that he got a "business degree" from the "Forbco Management school." - "This was a management course he took when he worked for Sizzler, kind of like Hamburger University at McDonald's ... a certificate (sounds like a typical Republican)
History News Network | Does It Matter Who the Secretary of Labor Is? - Frances Perkins, U.S. Secretary of Labor. March 4, 1933 - June 30, 1945 (competence used to be a thing)
Republicans already think Obamacare repeal is a nightmare. It's about to get worse - Paul Waldman
The Trump Resistance Kit | The Trump Resistance Kit
Michigan police can have sex with prostitutes during investigations - New bill proposes to ban this : news
New Yorker Cartoon Speask in peace. To Every Woman Who's Been Mansplained To (embedded patriarchy in comments)
How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real? : funny
Operating system and a film stored on DNA, and recovered with no errors. : science
"Robotics and artificial intelligence will continue to improve
Antarctica hits record high temperature at balmy 63.50F : news
TIL the Netherlands is the world's second-largest exporter of food and agricultural products, after the United States despite having one of the largest population densities of the world. : todayilearned
Oldest fossils unearthed: 3.8-billion-year-old find in Canada offers more evidence that life was around very early after the Earth formed : science
Lone abuse survivor on Vatican panel quits - The Boston Globe - citing "shameful" lack of cooperation from elements of the Vatican bureaucracy.
Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking - The New York Times
Trump, the Russian Ship and Suspicious Minds - The New York Times
Sessions spoke twice with Russian ambassador during Trump's campaign (hopelessly corrupted)
Fact-checking President Trump's address to Congress
President Trump's First Speech to Congress Is an Act of Bar-Lowering - Happy National Bar-Lowering Day!
Media Figures Tout Trump's 'Presidential' Shift, But His Divisive Policies Remain The Same
Allwftopic on Twitter: "@Reverse_123 @samsteinhp It means a Black Man has to be twice as good as a mediocre white man to get half of what he has."
Don't you know that it's different for girls, and Republican presidents? - The mechanism by which standards are redefined to accommodate the most appalling men is an enigma wrapped in a mystery tucked under a conundrum and hidden behind a toilet filled with befuddlement in the disused lavatory of posers which has a sign on the door saying Beware of thePatriarchy White SupremacyLeopard.
Oprah Is Thinking Maybe She *Could* Run For President | The Huffington Post - #Oprah2020? (Trump has celebretized the Presidency because no one has to actually know anything, how about KimK? as long as you're "lowering the bar")
Eschaton: "...where they will not be judged by the color of their skin..." - Chris Cillizza is V. UPSET that Democrats didn't love Trump's great speech. (and his plan of demonizing immigrants)
Trump is performing the role of president, not doing the job - Vox
Eschaton: ACTUALLY, Segregation Was Just What Black People Wanted - part of what DeVos's gibberish is expressing. (the first choice was choosing to be white)
Eschaton: Great Moments In Wingnuttery - Amanda Carpenter @amandacarpenter -- The internet tells me she got a BA in Communications Studies from a state university. Not that there's anything wrong with that
Why Regretful Trump Voters Have to Own the Disaster of Trump's Presidency - Why I'll never Sympathize with Regretful Trump Voters - They brought this disaster on themselves. They must own it.
Democrats squandered an opportunity - The Boston Globe - Staged in a diner and delivered by former Kentucky governor Steve Beshear, the nine-minute 'rebuttal was an unmitigated disaster ... the bizarre pick of a 72-year-old white guy from Kentucky (called himself a "proud Republican" you.can't.make.this.shit.up and who in the DNC did this? Schumer?)
Sean Spicer Launches Witch Hunt Over The 'Secure' App He Just Said Was No Big Deal : technology
Police say they were 'authorized by McDonald's' to arrest protesters, suit claims | Business | The Guardian - Fight for $15 chapter in Memphis alleges that officers engaged in surveillance and intimidation of fast-food worker organization
Almost 250 women and men describe one of the nation's largest jewelry companies, Sterling Jewelers, which operates under the name of Kay Jewelers and Jared the Galleria of Jewelry, as a hotbed of sexual harassment in declarations as part of a long-running arbitration case. : news
A new study has revealed that it's general exchanges of words and signs of affection following sex that directly cause increased long-term happiness and more life satisfaction in couples who have sex at least once a week. : science
That time my sister took me "camping". : raisedbynarcissists
What is your to go question to kill awkward silence? : AskReddit
Not including my mom, what's some of the worst sex you've ever had? : AskReddit
TIL the expression 'what in tarnation?' comes from 'tarnal' meaning eternal and 'nation' meaning damnation. The phrase is effectively 'What the hell?'. : todayilearned
Historically, what went 100 to 0 real quick? : AskReddit
Video Surfaces of Uber CEO Arguing With Driver: (he actually is a total asshole and "not a good role model")
Uber's CEO lectures a driver about "responsibility" in an argument about fare cuts
'I must fundamentally change and grow up' : Uber CEO Travis Kalanick's big apology (he's 40)
022817 sets up world's first low altitude UAV logistics network in northwest China - Being able to travel up to 300 kilometres per flight, the drones can be loaded with several tonnes of goods.
President Trump's surprisingly presidential speech to the nation, annotated
FBI once planned to pay former British spy who authored controversial Trump dossier - The Washington Post
About 1,000 People At Jewish Center In Irvine Evacuated Due To Bomb Threat + CBS Los Angeles (Trumpster unleashed tidal wave of hatred)
Jewish Centers In Several States, Including Pa., Being Evacuated Due To Threats : news (Trumpsters at work)
Trump suggests Jewish community is spreading anti-Semitic threats - NY Daily News (you know, to make our hard-working Nazi anti-semite supporters look bad, and lordy, look at his hair))
Trump is flirting with the idea that anti-Semitic incidents are false flags -- yet again
Racist in Chief - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Donald Trump is showing the leadership one would expect in the aftermath of the racist murder of Indian engineers in Kansas. (comment: "Donald Trump really is a hate crime against America. He truly is.")
Donald Trump Blames SEAL's Death On Military: 'They Lost Ryan' | The Huffington Post - President Donald Trump on Tuesday dodged responsibility for a botched mission he ordered in Yemen last month, placing the onus on the military and Barack Obama
Trump says Obama behind leaks - (in his own administration)
Trump Blames Obama For His Political Protester Problem | The Huffington Post - I think he is behind it.
Trump says Obama is helping to organize protests against his presidency - The Washington Post
Trump faces a huge problem, and Bannon's con-artistry cannot make it disappear (speaking of con-artists)
White House: 'There Is Nothing Further To Investigate' About Trump's Russia Ties | The Huffington Post
House Republicans Are Helping Donald Trump Keep His Tax Returns Secret | The Huffington Post - House Republicans shot down a Democrat-led effort to release the returns. (coverup)
Bernie Sanders On Trump's Discovery That Health Care Is 'So Complicated': LOL | The Huffington Post
The Fight for Obamacare Has Turned - The New York Times
Ocean Calls Creek Wet - Lawyers, Guns & Money : You may remember Chris Cillizza from such examples of Writing About Real Issues rather than Pretending to be Outraged by Inane Trivia as writing 50 stories about Hillary Clinton's email server before the first Democratic debate.
Kellyanne Conway makes herself comfortable in Oval Office | Daily Mail Online - "Talking to Black People for Dummies")
The Conway picture is only a small error in Trump's swing-and-a-miss black college event
Sean Spicer Wrote This Angry Letter to His College Newspaper After They Called Him 'Sean Sphincter'
HUFFPOLLSTER: The Democratic Party Is Losing Its Ratings Edge Over The GOP | The Huffington Post
Warren Buffett: 'When A Lady Says No, She Means Maybe' | The Huffington Post - Billionaire Warren Buffett has a long history of telling dirty old man style stories to explain boring business stuff
Betsy DeVos press release praises segregated Jim Crow education system as "pioneer of choice"
Eschaton: Pioneers - I guess we're now learning that "school choice" advocates just want everybody to be as fucking stupid as they are.
Jim Crow as School Choice! - Lawyers, Guns & Money
northca comments on This website lets you overlay any U.S. State, or country, with any other U.S. State or country, and calculates the how much bigger and smaller they are from each other. - The wealth difference between Germany and Greece (richest in EU and poorest) is smaller than between California and Mississippi and the South receives subsidies dwarfing Greece's which act as a transfer of wealth from blue states/cities/urban to red states/rural/suburban with blue states' federal dollars for everything from their freeways to hospitals to universities to airports to environmental protection: (slave states have always been moochers)
Observation: Downstate Pays More, Upstate Gets More: Does It Matter? - If indeed it is better to give than receive, New York City and its suburbs can count their blessings by the billions of dollars. City residents and businesses paid about $4.1 billion more to Albany in taxes and fees than the state returned in spending for education, health care, transit and other services in 2009-10
Jeff Sessions Warns Of An America With 'Marijuana Sold At Every Corner Grocery Store' | The Huffington Post (sounds like Jason Lewis)
Exclusive: Feds threatening to shut down marijuana festival, Cannabis Cup, in Las Vegas : news
U.S. marijuana jobs set to outpace manufacturing : news
Chronic pain sufferers and those taking mental health meds would rather turn to cannabis instead of their prescribed opioid medication, according to new research by the University of British Columbia and the University of Victoria. : science
Tucson Officer Assaults Elderly Protesters : news (praised for his restraint in not just shooting them)
Hundreds allege sex harassment, discrimination at Kay and Jared jewelry company - The Washington Post - The statements allege that top male managers, some at the company's headquarters near Akron, Ohio, dispatched scouting parties to stores to find female employees they wanted to sleep with, laughed about women's bodies in the workplace, and pushed female subordinates into sex by pledging better jobs, higher pay or protection from punishment.
REMINDER: The University of Alaska Fairbanks is set to release its $300,000 computer model of Building 7. This finite element analysis of the 3rd tower collapse on 9/11 has exposed the official NIST report as fraudulent. UAF's 2 year project is banned from /r/engineering, /r/physics, and /r/science : conspiracy
The True Size Of ...
Introducing Handle (Boston Dynamics) : videos
Honestly, what makes you horny? : AskReddit
What's the most statistically unlikely thing that has ever happened to you? : AskReddit
Users of Reddit, what's the biggest "I'm a pirate" black flag? : AskReddit
[Serious]Historians of Reddit, what are some NSFW rated facts that aren't often taught in history class? : AskReddit
Uber's SVP of engineering is out after he did not disclose he left Google in a dispute over a sexual harassment allegation - Amit Singhal, a highly regarded engineer in Silicon Valley, denied the claims after top execs at the search giant presented them to him.
Female engineer sues Tesla describing a culture of 'pervasive harassment' : news (techbro culture)
Solar Now Provides Twice As Many Jobs As The Coal Industry : technology (the Trump pickup is hauling coal in your face) - Charles and David Koch alone spent more than all unions in the country combined in 2016.
Why secretive North Korea is edging towards a new crisis (will crash during the Trumpocracy, with dangerous variables)
EU lawmakers, in unusual move, pull the plug on racist talk - lawmakers have granted special powers to the president to pull the plug on live broadcasts of parliamentary debate in cases of racist speech or acts and the ability to purge any offending video or audio material from the system.
'Beyond belief': 75-100 headstones toppled at Jewish cemetery - The Southern Poverty Law Center recorded 1,372 bias incidents between Trump's inauguration and Feb. 7 ... 57 incidents in 24 states of anonymous bomb threats being called in to Jewish Community Centers. The organization has also recorded that the number of hate groups in the U.S. grew in 2016 for the second straight year, with a threefold increase in the number of anti-Muslim hate groups. (MAHA)
House Intelligence chairman denies evidence of Trump team's ties to Russia ((Republicans and intelligence in the same sentence doesn't work)
Trump's Alpha Male Foreign Policy - politico (bullying as a policy)
Trump, Archenemy of Truth - The New York Times - The fact is that Trump simply wants the truth not to be true, so he assaults its quality. He wants the purveyors of truth not to pursue it, so he questions their motives.
Trump Embraces 'Enemy of the People' a Phrase With a Fraught History (back in the USSR)
Trump to Ask for Sharp Increases in Military Spending, Officials Say - The New York Times (and cut everything else)
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: Trump: The US Needs More Weapons.
These Iowans voted for Trump. Many of them are already disappointed. - The Washington Post - "I didn't think he would come in blazing like he has" ("think," there's you problem right there)
Did President Trump save 77,000 coal mining jobs? - The Washington Post - Three Pinocchios
He's a Local Pillar in a Trump Town. Now He Could Be Deported. (oh, we didn't think he meant Carlos)
Eschaton: Immigrants I Like And Those Other People - But then they took Carlos.
Sean Spicer is losing his grip - The Washington Post (the bullshit interface +twitter obsessed))
Exclusive: Spicer arranged CIA, GOP intelligence push-back - Axios
Who Knew? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The last person to understand a basic fact is of course our president. - "Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated."
Inside Trump's Secret Dinner: A Side of the President You Don't Ever See
The Uses of Outrage - The New York Times - This means supporting news organizations that do their job and shunning those that act as agents of the regime
'Plan A Protest, Lose Your House' Bill, SB 1142, Killed by Arizona House : news (meanwhile, in Nazi America)
Democrats predict anti-Trump 'tsunami' in 2018 governor's races (bye-bye Charlie?)
Survival tips for Sebastian Gorka, PhD - The Washington Post (Gorka wrote a "fake thinking" PhD)
As Trump Said in the Campaign, Leave Pot to the States - The New York Times (Beauregard will take away your ghetto weed)
The Assassination of Keith Ellison by the Neoliberal Coward Tom Perez - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Supreme Court To Review Facebook Ban For North Carolina Sex Offenders | The Huffington Post - Defense attorneys argue that the broad prohibition violates the right to free speech.
Betsy DeVos jokes at CPAC that school lunches should not be free because she's a rich monster (no free lunch for undernourished children in Trmpland)
I'm Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Ask Me Anything.
Physicists suggest using black holes and gravitational waves to find dark matter : science
Introducing Handle (Boston Dynamics) : videos
How can a Black Hole have rotation if the singularity is a 0-dimentional point and doesn't have an axis to rotate around? : askscience
Women of reddit, what's the biggest manchild red flag? : AskReddit
Neighbor Sued Me After Harassing My Dog for Months, Lost Horribly : ProRevenge
This website lets you roam around nearby star systems in a 3D view : InternetIsBeautiful
Support Space Engine
Netflix has 2 times more subscribers than Comcast and uses 2 times more traffic than YouTube : television
2 Years Ago, Sen. Jim Inhofe Pulled This Embarrassing Stunt | The Huffington Post (his snowball just melted in hell, where he will soon join it))
Biologists say half of all species could be extinct by end of century | Environment | The Guardian - Scientists at Vatican conference are searching for a solution to the manmade 'major extinction event' (Republicans celebrate the end of science)
Death on Derby Day at Lake Winnipesaukee - The Boston Globe
Asians' Views of Each Other | Pew Research Center (Japan wins, SK last place +Australian women like Asians much less than men do)
Hundreds of headstones damaged at Philadelphia Jewish cemetery |
Dozens Of Gravestones Toppled, Broken At Philadelphia Jewish Cemetery | The Huffington Post (Nazi's are back)
Truck Slams Into Mardi Gras Parade Crowd In New Orleans, Injuring Dozens | The Huffington Post
Why did Keith Ellison lose the DNC race? - The Washington Post - DNC members were not ready to reject the Obama legacy (of electoral failure)
The First 100 Lies: The Trump Team's Flurry Of Falsehoods | The Huffington Post (Satan always lies)
U.S. detains and nearly deports French Holocaust historian - The Washington Post - Vichy authorities are particularly infamous for assisting the Germans in rounding up and deporting tens of thousands of Jews from France during the Holocaust, which Rousso once called "the past that does not pass" (sound familiar?)
Eschaton: Shit People - You have to be pretty fucking evil to enjoy breaking up families like this. (making thugs have "fun" again)
House Intel chair: Trump-Russia investigation calls 'almost like McCarthyism' (as usual, if you stand on your head)
MaximumEffort433 comments on Sources: U.S. considers quitting U.N. Human Rights Council (ongoing list of Traitor Trump's atrocities)
The White House's big 'fake news' cop-out
White House Staffers Leak News of Sean Spicer's 'phone check' Targeting Their Leaks (this is really happening)
Eschaton: Spice Spice Baby - SPICEY is getting FEISTY.
Where did Steve Bannon get his worldview? From my book. - The Washington Post ... "If history does not produce such an urgent threat, Fourth Turning leaders will invariably find one -- and may even fabricate one -- to mobilize collective action. (treason is a feature, not a bug)
Trump's job Approval Stands at Just 44 Percent as Partisan Splits Reign (63% of Republicans think Trump is "off to a great start")
Trump Will Be First U.S. President In 36 Years To Skip WHCA's Dinner : NPR (he's busy draining the swamp)
Donald Trump Says He Will Not Attend Annual White House Correspondents Dinner | The Huffington Post - The president continues to stoke his feud with the media.
A divided White House still offers little guidance on replacing Obamacare (Jared had to remind him GOP has a different plan to destroy healthcare but Trump "likes this one better")
White House Refuses To Guarantee People Won't Lose Health Insurance From Repeal | The Huffington Post - You know, because a lot of people will probably lose their coverage.
Slain SEAL's dad want answers (totally different from Benghazi)
Understanding Transgender Access Laws - The New York Times
Transgender wrestler Mack Beggs identifies as a male. He just won the Texas state girls title. - The Washington Post
Judge Rejects Warrant Seeking To Force Everyone At A Searched Location To Unlock Seized Electronic Devices : technology (they never, ever, give up)
Private prison deprived inmates of heat and hot water for months, lawmaker finds : news - Private profits, socialize losses. It's in the 2nd verse of our national anthem. (The unspoken part)
The Star-Spangled Banner - Wikipedia - In indignation over the start of the American Civil War, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.[27] added a fifth stanza to the song in 1861, which appeared in songbooks of the era )
Gretchen Carlson in talks to join MSNBC, sources say - Business Insider - who settled a multi-million lawsuit late last year against former Fox News chief Roger Ailes
Harvard dean stands firm against single-sex 'final clubs' (rape houses)
Smuggling a nuclear bomb in a bale of marijuana? There's a history to the theory (well, legalize it and avoid the nuclear holocaust, duh)
Denver social marijuana use advisory panel grapples with rollout details - Most businesses, including cafes and even yoga studios, will be able to seek one-year or event-based permits for separate consumption areas indoors or outdoors (for smoking). (Jason Lewis is fightly valiently against this +pot smoke is the new second-hand peril for kids)
The Phylos Galaxy - 3-D representation of genetic data collected from over a thousand cannabis samples.
Our lips are sealed - Lawyers, Guns & Money (chiropracter invents crazy-glue for labia to keep the men-sez inside until she pees through her vagina)
Meet our Wichita Chiropractors!-Dopps Chiropractic Clinic
Self-guided internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) is effective in treating depressive symptoms, and can be an evidence-based first-step treatment approach, based on a meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials totaling 3,876 participants. : science
MoodGYM Training Program
Married People Are Healthier Than Those Who Are Single: The findings support the belief that single people, including those who are divorced or windowed, face more psychological stress than married individuals. : science
Scientists discovered that brain cells prefer one parent's genes over the other's which defies classic genetics and suggests new ways that genetic mutations might cause brain disorders : science
Playing Favorites: Brain Cells Prefer One Parent's Gene Over the Other's -- when we look at the level of cells, genetics is much more complicated than we thought,
Polyphasic Sleep: Facts and Myths |
Biphasic and polyphasic sleep - Wikipedia
This is a CAT Scanner without the guards. : videos
14-Year-Old Aussie wrestles a massive Python out of a truck before heading off to school : videos
Eschaton: Existential - If you're betting your taxi business on self-driving cars, time to fold.
Our journey to the front lines in the fight against ISIS - The Washington Post (meanwhile, in a small town in W.VA, Republicans are cowering)
The use of deadly VX makes Kim Jong-nam's murder even more shocking (because you thought NK was making WMDs?)
Indian film banned for being 'lady-oriented' : movies
German intelligence agency spied on foreign journalists, including BBC and N.Y. Times, report says - The Washington Post
Eschaton: Escape From Paris - not sure why Americans want to believe this stuff about Europe. The murder rate of Paris is about 1/5 the overall US murder rate, equivalent to the murder rate of Arlington, TX. The only real explanation is that nostalgia for a time when Europe was whiter than it is now is a helluva hallucinogenic drug. - Trump cites "Jim," "a friend," "a pretty substantial guy," who says you can't visit Paris anymore cos it's too dangerous.
Eschaton: Shit People - Santa Cruz police: Homeland Security misled city ... Police chief says department will no longer work with Department of Homeland Security (Trump's Gestapo)
Australian children's author Mem Fox detained by US border control: 'I sobbed like a baby' | US news | The Guardian (Trump's goons unleased)
Immigration Agents Discover New Freedom to Deport Under Trump - The New York Times
Democrats Elect Thomas Perez, Establishment Favorite, as Party Chairman - The New York Times (that worked so well last time)
Tom Perez elected the first Latino leader of Democratic Party - The Washington Post
And Now, We Can Move Onto Elections Involving Real Power - Lawyers, Guns & Money ... DWS ... the (hopefully) last in a line of Rahmbot Lieberdems from the era when the DLC-types owned the party
Trump's takeover of conservatism is complete
Majority of Americans Say Congress Should Probe Contact Between Trump, Russia: Poll - NBC News (54% Republicans say it's fine for Putin to rig US election)
Rep. Darrell Issa Suggests Trump-Russia Inquiry Needs Special Prosecutor, Not Jeff Sessions | The Huffington Post - You cannot have somebody who was on the campaign and who is an appointee
Trump administration sought to enlist intelligence officials, key lawmakers to counter Russia stories : news (treason! lock him up!)
Trump administration sought to enlist intelligence officials, key lawmakers to counter Russia stories - The Washington Post
Criticized By Peers, White House Counterterrorism Adviser Returns Fire : NPR - Sebastian Gorka is hitting back.
Daniel Nexon on Twitter: "This is an actual, honest-to-goodness, diagram in Gorka's dissertation. cc: @MichaelSSmithII"
Trump's Support Is Unwavering Among Republicans. But It's Not Why You Think. | The Huffington Post - Trumpism matters more than Trump. And party loyalty may top everything. (even if he shot somebody in the middle 5th ave, they would want "to hear the whole story")
Jake Tapper Nails White House Barring Of Media With 1 Perfect Word | The Huffington Post - The word is un-American
Trump: I won't attend White House correspondents dinner (and he stuck out his tiny tongue)
Trump will not attend the White House correspondents' Dinner
attacks on the media sound eerily familiar to Germany's journalists (Der Trumpenfuhrer - there are 63 million traitors living in America)
Pro-Trump megadonor is part owner of Breitbart News empire, CEO reveals - The Washington Post (the only "press" allowed in the "press" conferences)
Leaked report suggests millions could lose coverage under GOP health proposal - Vox (the "Death Bill")
Meet the 16-year-old Canadian girl who took down Milo Yiannopoulos - Vox - This is the real story of how the video that took down Milo surfaced.
Federal appeals court rules 2-1, you have the right to film the police : news (MA cops still won't get the memo)
AP Sues LifeZette, Claiming Nearly $50,000 In Unpaid Fees And Penalties - BuzzFeed News - the Laura Ingraham-helmed website (Republicans will Republican)
'Anti-vaccine' teacher found guilty of professional misconduct : news (Ontario +Trumpsters) )
Education publisher Pearson reports biggest loss in its history : books (the loot and pillage business model had its limits)
Do pet cats cause schizophrenia? A new study suggests no. - The Washington Post (but the question of bio-engineerd mind-control is still open and ...) E. Fuller Torrey, a psychiatrist and prominent researcher on the links between T. gondii and mental illness, cited that as one weakness of the study.
E. Fuller Torrey - Wikipedia - TAC supports involuntary treatment when deemed appropriate by a judge (at the urging of the person's psychiatrist and family members). Torrey has written several best-selling books on mental illness, including Surviving Schizophrenia. He is also a distant relative of abolitionist Charles Turner Torrey and has written his biography.
Conscious Thoughts
What is the creepiest/cringiest thing someone has done to prove their love to you? : AskReddit
Hugh Jackman Loses It Over Sir Patrick Stewart's Cirsumcision Story
'Amazon should stop selling Holocaust denial books' : books
A major security flaw means you have to change your passwords again - The Washington Post - Cloudflare disclosed late Thursday that a long-running bug in its security systems may have leaked information, including potentially personal information, from thousands of sites including Uber, Fitbit and OKCupid. (talk about worst-case scenarios)
A Bunch of Cities Are Having the Hottest Feb Day on Record (fake heat)
NWS Boston on Twitter: "[UPDATE] #Boston has risen to 720 for its high temperature today; still an ALL-TIME record for warmest temp observed in Feb since 1872"
The_Alaskan comments on What is it that has allowed anti-intellectualism to continue in the 20th and 21st century in the United States, when there's been such a strong push for everyone to receive a college education? ... a lot of the American evangelical anti-intellectualism can be traced back to the development of a "literalist" interpretation of the Bible as a response to the anti-slavery movement of the 19th century.
Stop passing along Facebook rumors About ICE checkpoints. - ew Yorkers were sharing a bracing message on Facebook on Thursday: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents had set up checkpoints at subway stations in the Bronx and were demanding that people show their papers (boxcars were ready)
Donald Trump Plans to Bypass the Courts to Deport as Many People as Possible
Yes, Mass Deportations Are Coming. And We Know Why. - Bloomberg View - So we have a new policy that promises to identify millions of undocumented immigrants as criminals. (the prison business will be yuge)
Sebastian Gorka Forged Ties To Anti-Semites In Hungary - - Sebastian Gorka, President Donald Trump's high-profile deputy assistant, wearing a medal associated with the Nazi collaborationist regime that ruled Hungary during World War II, the controversial security strategist was unapologetic.
Trump and Antisemitism - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump, Putin, and the New Cold War - The New Yorker
PRRI -- 47% of the Country Say Trump Has Violated the Constitution, but Few Support Impeachmen
Trump Decries Leakers for Leaking That He Asked Them to Leak
The Trump White House just inflicted a serious wound on itself - The Washington Post - President Trump just unleashed another fearsome fusillade of tweets, this time blasting the FBI directly for failing to control leaks.
Reports Say White House Asked FBI To Dispute Stories About Russia Ties | The Huffington Post - The agency reportedly denied the request.
This Obscure News Story Shows How Trump Gets Away With It - The House of Representatives has refused to investigate either one of the two massive ongoing legal and ethical violations involving the Trump administration
White House confirms conversation with FBI about Trump and Russia | US news | The Guardian - Reince Priebus, FBI director James Comey and deputy director Andrew McCabe had a conversation which appears to violate justice department rules
The Trump Administration: Restoring Integritude to the White House : Lawyers, Guns & Money - On the plus side, the FBI rejected the request. On the massively minus side, the White House violated long-standing restrictions designed to protect ongoing investigations.
Massive scandal -- Ex-DOJ spokesman says Reince Preibus must resign after calling FBI about Russia (in any other administration ...)
White House Bars Times and Other News Outlets From Briefing - The New York Times - Reporters from The Times, BuzzFeed News, CNN, The Los Angeles Times and Politico were not allowed to enter the West Wing office of the press secretary, Sean M. Spicer, for the scheduled briefing ... Breitbart News, the One America News Network and The Washington Times, all with conservative leanings. Journalists from ABC, CBS, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and Fox News also attended (comment: "Only five weeks in and we are teetering towards fascism at an unprecedented rate"
Trump White House Bars News Organizations From Press Briefing | The Huffington Post - Nothing like this has ever happened at the White House in our long history of covering multiple administrations of different parties
CNN banned from White House press briefing : news
WH request for report to back travel ban prompts dissent, concern among some intel officials - - the politicization of intelligence -- the notion of a conclusion in search of evidence to support it after being blocked by the courts.
Donald Trump: The First Amendment Gives Me The Right To Criticize 'Fake News' | The Huffington Post - "I love the First Amendment. Nobody loves it better than me" (he tells bestest lies)
White House denies Axios report on Cohn's BAT comments
Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting in at least 18 states - The Washington Post (will introduce Trump's Prayer to classrooms)
Trump's Health-Care Nightmare Is Only Just Beginning ... A belief in higher deductibles is the conservative movement's central health-care policy conviction ... "skin in the game" giving them a financial incentive to use their bargaining power to hold down the costs of their own care (by not going to their doctors, muhahaha didn't see that one coming did you, working class white voters)
Support for 2010 health care law reaches new high | Pew Research Center (54-43)
'Demonic activity was palpable' at Trump's rally, pastor says (Donald Jesus Trump, sing his praises)
I will leave the Democrats if Keith Ellison is elected its chairman | TheHill - By Alan M. Dershowitz (Dersh's favorite threat if Dems don't follow his orders, which is a consummation devoutly to be wished)
Marco Rubio Says People 'Get Rude And Stupid' At Town Halls | The Huffington Post (so he won't have any, and fuck you voters for another six years)
4chan: The Skeleton Key to the Rise of Trump Medium - 4chan (competency rotting in the bottom of the barrel)
4chan and Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Bill Maher, who took credit for the downfall of Milo Yiannopoulos, has also defended adult sex with children - The Washington Post (creepy dudebro)
Prominent Chicago sportscaster suspended for calling America a 'country full of simpletons' and Trump a 'cartoon lunatic'
Nick Kristof Didn't Get My Memo (if you need another excuse never to read him) (Comment: ":If you're currently supporting the transformation of America into an evil fascist state then no, I will not try to understand you, I will try to stop you.")
How the baby boomers destroyed everything - The Boston Globe - The body politic rests on the slab because boomers put it there, because decades of boomerism produced the problems and disaffection of which 2016 was merely the latest expression.
White House expects US Justice Department to step up crackdown on recreational marijuana : news
Will Trump crack down on marijuana? - The Boston Globe (gateway drug to opiates and prison)
Top students more likely to smoke pot, drink alcohol, study says : science
Vaporents - cannabis vaporizers
ABX Vape Strains (coulda been you, MA)
Fasting diet 'regenerates diabetic pancreas' - BBC News : science
The first study to test people's personalities in adolescence and again in old age shows that compared to their younger selves, most people's personalities in older adulthood are barely recognizable.
Young Aussie boy wrangles two-metre carpet python from under the family car : gifs
Of all the orgasms you've had in your life, which has been your favourite and why? : AskReddit
What's the worst example of bad parenting you've ever witnessed? : AskReddit
Redditor explains how not editing out a username can end up with dangerous stalking : bestof
Even good bots fight: The case of Wikipedia - As bots continue to proliferate and become more sophisticated, social scientist will need to devote more attention to understanding their culture and social life.
Reddit is being regularly manipulated by large financial services companies with fake accounts and fake upvotes via seemingly ordinary internet marketing agencies. -Forbes : technology
Manafort faced blackmail attempt, hacks suggest - politico - Stolen texts appear to show threats to expose relations between Russia-friendly forces, Trump and his former campaign chairman.
Lawyers: ICE detainee with brain tumor removed from hospital | TheHill ("the vicious hand of blood and soil")
The American Gestapo - Lawyers, Guns & Money : ICE is the American version of the Gestapo and they should be demonized as such, individually.
Trump's First Terror Arrest: A Broke Stoner the FBI Threatened at Knifepoint (America has a criminal justice industry problem)
The True Story of the Comey Letter Debacle | Vanity Fair
FBI refused White House request to knock down recent Trump-Russia stories -
Eschaton: Baby In Chief - important to show Trump deference and offer him praise and respect, as that will lead him to more often listen. And If Trump becomes obsessed with a grudge, aides need to try and change the subject, friends say. Leaving him alone for several hours can prove damaging, because he consumes too much television and gripes to people outside the White House.
Repeal of Health Law Faces Obstacles in House, Not Just in Senate - The New York Times
Bannon: Trump administration is in unending battle for 'deconstruction of the administrative state'
Steve Bannon's not-so-subtle threat to the media (might need to build some private prisons for you guys)
Angry Constituents Hammer Tom Cotton At Town Hall: 'Do Your Job' | The Huffington Post - The packed meeting was raucous from start to finish.
At A Town Hall, Constituents Literally Turn Their Backs On GOP Senator | The Huffington Post
Testy Town Halls Driving Many GOP Lawmakers To Simply Duck Them | The Huffington Post
This GOP Lawmaker Just Spent 90 Minutes Getting Yelled At By Constituents | The Huffington Post
Arizona Senate votes to seize assets of those who plan, participate in protests that turn violent (run them over and steal their assets)
Republican States Rights Doctrine - Lawyers, Guns & Money : White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Thursday suggested the Trump administration will step up enforcement of federal laws against recreational marijuana.
DOJ may crack down on states that have legalized marijuana - The Boston Globe
sean. on Twitter: "one real weakness of the left is its lacks of holographic pokemon cards. why doesn't the left buy theme decks, which guarantee a holo card?"
Hundreds Protest in Anaheim Over Altercation Between Teenager and Off-Duty LAPD Officer Who Fired Gun; 24 People Arrested : news
TN pastor accused of raping teen after tying her up. : news
Evidence in sedimentary rocks in Colorado suggest that the solar system was "chaotic." : science
Herpes virus may be a trigger for autism - A new study links active type 2 herpes infection in early pregnancy with a doubled risk of autism in male children. : science
At what moment did you realize that the person you'd been dating was utterly batshit-crazy? : AskReddit
Badass danish girl, 1969...wait for it. : videos
What sex tip did you learn that improved your sexual ability? : AskReddit
What is a really inappropriate question you have always wanted to ask? (NSFW) : AskReddit
A study from a team of US researchers suggests that a combination of genital stimulation, deep kissing and oral sex is the "Golden Trio" (of girlgasms)
Inside Uber's Aggressive, Unrestrained Workplace Culture - Arianna Huffington, an Uber board member, was brought in to look into harassment issues and the human resources departmen
System of seven Earth-like planets could support life
Scientists discover 7 'Earthlike' planets orbiting a nearby star
Seven Earth-sized planets found orbiting an ultracool dwarf star are strong candidates in the search for life outside our solar system. : science
We're NASA scientists & exoplanet experts. Ask us anything about today's announcement of seven Earth-size planets orbiting TRAPPIST-1! : IAmA
Mexican man kills himself minutes after being deported from US
What a bombing in Pakistan says about the Trump administration - The Washington Post - When groups like the Islamic State launch attacks outside the West, slaughtering scores of Muslims, Trump remains curiously silent (not that curious
The Trump bubble bursts in Moscow's markets
The Myth of the U.S. Immigration Crisis - Bloomberg View - Illegal immigration to the U.S. ended a decade ago and, according to the Pew Research Center, has been zero or negative since its peak in 2007: (the Great Recession fixed the crisis, Republican party is a serial liar)
Trump's New Travel Ban Will Look A Lot Like The Old One, Stephen Miller Says | The Huffington Post
Everybody's A Messican
Undemocratic Elections Have Very Bad Consequences - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The new rules also confirm something ProPublica reported: that the United States now intends to deport people to Mexico who are not, in fact, from Mexico.
Debunking dystopia: Trump scares people with fake facts on crime - The Washington Post (white male pussys in Dumbfuck, Stupid Moocher States in panic over "charnage" and "cities in flames")
Eschaton: Conservative Principles - white nationalism, bigotry, contempt for the poor, corporate immunity, environmental destruction, rigid unequal gender roles, homophobia, xenophobia, "law and order" policing, state discrimination, the military state, perpetual global war, support for worldwide dictators, American "empire" in its various manifestation, etc.
At Town Halls, Doses of Fury and a Bottle of Tums - The New York Times
u Check Out Mitch McConnell's Face As An Angry Voter Lets Him Have It | The Huffington Post
Sen. Ernst Walks Out of Heated Town Hall Meeting |
Poll: Support for Obamacare is rising - politico (but they voted for Trumpster)
Poor kids eating free breakfast? Not if congressional Republicans have their way (today in the party of pure evil)
The Pruitt Emails: E.P.A. Chief Was Arm in Arm With Industry - The New York Times (today in draining swamp of any ethics)
The women got up in Brat's grill, and then some (Republican==Asshole)
Trump Is Poised to Remove Protections on Transgender Students's Rights (if you voted for the evil asshole, think about who you are)
Bill letting adoption agencies turn away gay couples passes Alabama Senate committee |
Bill Maher, Faulted for Booking Milo Yiannopoulos, Takes Credit for His Fall - The New York Times
Wiggins: WNBA's 'harmful' culture of bullying, jealousy - The San Diego Union-Tribune - I would say 98 percent of the women in the WNBA are gay women. (and big bullies)
Milton Academy officials disclose abuse by four former employees decades ago - The Boston Globe - Four former employees of Milton Academy engaged in sexual misconduct with students decades ago, school officials disclosed Tuesday.
Nude Christ by Michelangelo, Long Forgotten, Will Be Shown in London - The New York Times (little-dick Jesus)
GOP congressman worries about terrorists using bales of marijuana to smuggle nukes into the U.S. - Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) claimed on Wednesday that nuclear bombs could be hidden inside bales of marijuana smuggled into the United States through Mexico. (someone tell Jason Lewis)
George Washington, afflicted with so many killer diseases it's miraculous he survived to become father of our nation
With reddit's help, OP discovers that a CPS agent interviewing her, searching her house, and drug testing her family is an imposter. : bestof
ELI5: Why is the majority of girls handwriting nicer looking than boys? : explainlikeimfive
Ancient Egyptian Stories Will Be Published in English for the First Time : books
AndrewJamesDrake comments on ELI5: Why do people invest in US government bonds if they are in trillions of dollars of debt?
Trump's 3,000 websites
Trump to roll back Obama's climate, water rules through executive action (Satan at work)
Study uncovers 6,648 spills from fracking in just four states. : science (red states)
New study shows 75 percent of Venezuelans losing dangerous amounts of weight due to starvation TheBlaze (corrupt bus-driver drives his country over the cliff)
Venezuela Is a Ticking Time Bomb | RealClearWorld - The capital city of Caracas is now the most dangerous non-war zone in the world, with 120 murders for every 100,000 residents. Venezuelans live in fear knowing they are more likely to be kidnapped in their own country than are the citizens of Afghanistan, Colombia, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria.
France's Le Pen cancels meet with Lebanon grand mufti over headscarf | Reuters (Mizzies can't be exposed to female hair)
British Lawmakers Clash Over Trump - Video - (how the Brits do it)
Clashes in Stockholm Suburb Draw Attention to Trump's Remarks
British Muslim teacher denied entry to US on school trip | US news | The Guardian - Juhel Miah from south Wales was removed from plane in Reykjavik despite suspension of president's travel ban (Trumpster TSA loves religious profiling)
Ditching the Deep State | Jaobin
100 days of Trump claims - Washington Post - In the 33 days so far, we've counted 132 false or misleading claims
How Trump spent his first month in office, by the numbers - The Washington Post
The Vicious Hand of Blood and Soil Reaches Out = Because this is the cemetery where my mother was buried after she died in Southern California in 1981.
Blood Soil | Video | (Harvard Book Store 2007)
Blood and Soil - Wikipedia - Blood and Soil (German: Blut und Boden) refers to an ideology that focuses on ethnicity based on two factors, descent blood (of a folk) and territory. It celebrates the relationship of a people to the land they occupy and cultivate, and it places a high value on the virtues of rural living.
Learning Eye-Popping Details About Mr Sater
Cohen Shifts Into Damage Control
Another Thought About Felix Sater
Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's comments on Russia-Ukraine peace plan have diverged - Business Insider - has told 4 different stories
Ukraine Lawmaker Who Worked With Trump Associates Faces Treason Inquiry - The New York Times
which has previously published books by Donald Trump, Dick Cheney, Glenn Beck, and Michelle Malkin
Breitbart employees threaten exit over Yiannopoulos | TheHill - The fact of the matter is that there's been so many things that have been objectionable about Milo over the last couple of years, quite frankly. This is something far more sinister (an outrage too far even for the outrageous, lying rightsters)
Trump energizes the anti-vaccine movement in Texas - The Washington Post (the don't believe in global warming or other sciencey things either)
Obama pollster Cornell Belcher on the failures that led to President Trump ... It is absurd for Democrats to be spending 70 or 80 percent of their resources on television. (Barry and Hillary fucked us all but especially Hillary with her useless suburban white mom feelgood TV ads like is was 1986 or something)
IBMexcept in Texas. Despite early success, MD Anderson ignored IT, broke protocols, spent millions.
Physics students design bridges and test them : videos
Walt Whitman's lost novel The Life and Adventures of Jack Engle found : books
TIL Due to the Taliban dynamiting two famous 4th century giant statues of Buddha for their status as idols, excavators of the site discovered a cave network filled with 5th-9th century artwork and another, previously unknown giant statue of Buddha within : todayilearned - What an easter egg
[UPDATE] I'm pregnant and being investigated by DCS. : legaladvice
What is the most awful way to break up with someone ? : AskReddit
'Islamic State' fighters rape and torture Sunni Arab women: Human Rights Watch : news
All Lisbon Needs Now Is for Locals to Spend Like Tourists - Bloomberg (Merkel and her hausfrau austerity collosal fuckup affecting millions of lives)
Trump's Defense Chief: We're Not In Iraq To Seize Anybody's Oil | The Huffington Post
As The Wheels Of The Trump Juggernaut Come Off | The Huffington Post - Cracks in Republican Senate servility are beginning to show, while right-wing media hang tough.
Trump's lawyer hand-delivered Michael Flynn a secret plan to lift sanctions on Russia
A Big Shoe Just Dropped - the appearance of the name of Felix Sater in this new article in the Times is one of the biggest shoes I've seen drop on the Trump story in some time.
U.S. inquiries into Russian election hacking include three FBI probes | Reuters
Trump Says There Of Course, Much Of What He Says Is Untrue - The falsehood-prone president now faces the problem of selling Americans on something important.
"Comey sent a letter with no information about a trivial micro-scandal, and yadda yadda yadda President Trump." - Lawyers, Guns & Money (NYT has always had a very dark side)
Could reporters be hunted down if Trump goes after leakers? - The Washington Post
(7) Rogue POTUS Staff (@RoguePOTUSStaff) | Twitter
Swedish police featured in Fox News segment: Filmmaker is a madman - DN.SE (vv)
Trump clarifies remarks on Sweden: I got it from Fox News story | TheHill (which was a lie ^^)
Eschaton - President Pigfucker is trying to justify his remarks about Sweden by suggesting it's a scary place with BAD IMMIGRANTS causing BAD PROBLEMS.
Today in Texas - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - So two hunters (not just hunters but hunting guides) shoot at each other, lie about it and blame undocumented immigrants "ambushing" them --
Scores of headstones vandalized at St. Louis Jewish cemetery. Jewish centers threatened across country. - The Washington Post - The gravesites of more than 170 Jews were vandalized at a cemetery in University Park, Mo., sometime over the weekend.
More Bomb Threats Close Jewish Community Centers Across The Nation | The Huffington Post - at least 67 incidents at 56 Jewish Community Centers in 27 states and one Canadian province since the start of 2017 (MAHA)
Judd Apatow Denounces Trump in Epic Stand-Up Set: I Feel Like I've just been raped
Video surfaces of Milo Yiannopoulos defending pedophilia, ACU board reportedly not consulted on CPAC invite
CPAC Rescinds Milo Yiannopoulos Invitation After Media Backlash : news - Bill Maher compared this guy to Hitchens. That was the most shocking part of that show.
Simon and Schuster Cancels Milo Yiannopoulos' Book Over Pro-Paedophilia Remarks : books
Milo Yiannopoulos book deal cancelled by Simon & Schuster after 'pro-paedophilia' podcast controversy | The Independent
Colorado town getting a drive-through marijuana shop. : news
Take That Maureen Dowd: I Ate 90 Servings of THC and Lived
Redditors who are against the legalisation of cannabis, why? : AskReddit
State same-sex marriage legalization is associated with 7% drop in attempted suicide among adolescents, finds Johns Hopkins study. : science (Republicans killing children since forever)
Study suggests income after college is linked to family income growing up. College isn't the great equalizer, after all. : science
'Men have hobbies and women don't understand them. It's the way it's always been.' : videos
Law Student Sent To Ex-Gay Therapy, Puts Counselor to Shame. : videos
What's a true fact that sounds like complete bullshit? : AskReddit
Reddit, what mystery or unexplained phenomena made you go 'what the fuck?' : AskReddit
A pint drinking baby from a 1997 documentary about rural Ireland : WTF
Reflecting on one very, very strange year at Uber Susan J. Fowler
Susan Fowler Rigetti: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Uber investigates 'abhorrent' sexism claims - BBC News (Travis "Boober" Kalanick can't believe his ears)
christina on Twitter: "@susanthesquark I deleted uber when a friend was sexually harassed by the CEO. Waiting for the class action suit."
christina on Twitter: "Milo, Travis and Donald. 2017 is the year of predatory men."
Uber CEO Travis Kalanick pledges to launch 'urgent investigation' after Susan Fowler's blog post - Business Insider ("urgent" all right)
GOP Wants NASA To Stop Worrying About Earth And Focus On Space | The Huffington Post
As seas rise, city mulls a massive sea barrier across Boston Harbor - The Boston Globe - With forecasts indicating that Boston could experience routine flooding in the coming decades, threatening some 90,000 residents and $80 billion worth of real estate ... much of Boston not just for this century, but for the next ten millennia and beyond. (Trump is dooming the next 10,000 years; what does that make him (and the people who elected him)?)
xkcd: Earth Temperature Timeline (best visual aid for climate death cult)
Incarceration by executive order - Washington Post - Remembering Japanese American internment camps, 75 years later (Trump's plan for journalists)
Legendary photographer Ansel Adams visited a Japanese internment camp in 1943, here's what he saw (Trump's idea for Muslims)
In English: This happened in Sweden Friday night, Mr President
Propaganda as Literature: A Distant Reading of the Korean Central News Agency's Headlines
Russia plotted to overthrow Montenegro's government by assassinating Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic last year, according to senior Whitehall sources - government by assassinating Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic last year, according to senior Whitehall sources (Trumpie's friends)
Americans brimming with optimism on the economy | TheHill (this always happens and then they forget who destroyed it)
U.S. inquiries into Russian election hacking include three FBI probes | Reuters
Gen. Barry McCaffrey: Trump can't find a Flynn replacement because no one wants to 'risk their career'
Donald Trump Appears To Make Up Sweden Terror Attack | The Huffington Post
Chaos in the White House: 'There's never been anything like this' | US news | The Guardian - elder statesmen say they have never seen such turmoil or ineptitude
'That's what they have in dictatorships' - Chris Wallace rips Priebus for wanting a 'state-run media' (Trumpster will decide what reality is)
Defense Secretary Mattis disagrees with Trump, says he does not see media as the enemy - The Washington Post
Donald Trump's Florida Getaway - The Atlantic - Great Escape - On Saturday, the president slipped away from the doubters in Washington to address a Florida crowd filled with loyal supporters.
This Is What Obamacare's Critics Won't Admit Or Simply Don't Understand | The Huffington Post - Real people with serious medical issues are finally getting the help they need.
Raucous crowds overwhelm Reed town hall meetings - The Buffalo News - raucous progressives and quieter conservatives overwhelmed Rep. Tom Reed (who told them to get sick and die, respectfully)
Liberal voters warn Democratic officials: resist Trump or be replaced | US news | The Guardian
Utah Republican argues against equal pay for women: It's 'bad for families and society' (James Green, good Mormon)
Unanimous Ruling In Washington State Supreme Court Against Arlene's Flower (Arlene's bigot shop, her religious fee-fees were hurt)
Kellyanne Conway Tweets 'Love You' To A White Nationalist, Then Claims It Wasn't Her | The Huffington Post - he blamed the dreaded unknown people with access to one's account (it could only have been one person ...)
Kellyanne Conway trashes graduates of her alma mater after school president calls her out for lying
N.C. conservative activists accused of threatening to kill Muslims : news
Women and desire: the six ages of sex | Life and style | The Guardian - Six women across six decades talk about how their sex lives and sensuality have changed, and what they've learned about the politics of pleasure (wut?)
Can Donald Trump fix the TSA? | The Heretics Mountain (they didn't give a shit about hightjacking/bombs untill 911 which wouldn't have happened if they hadn't been stupid and cheap with your lives)
ELI5: Why is there no security at train stations when there are so much security at airports? : explainlikeimfive
IamA, writer and speaker, Judy Cornish, believer in supporting the abilities of dementia. AMA! : IAmA
What is unique about carbon that makes it ideal for organic chemistry? : askscience
California 'weather bomb': at least two dead as torrential rain hits state | US news | The Guardian
The Naval Crisis In The Arctic That America Refuses To Fix - an embarrassing predicament for a U.S. that is vying for geopolitical positioning in the region, where possibly 90 billion barrels of untapped oil and 1,669 trillion cubic feet of gas is situated
Another robot just broke down investigating Fukushima's record high radiation levels - This is the second one to break down in two weeks
Printable solar cells just got a little closer - U of T Engineering News
alexs456 comments on Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) sucessfully created a world record in the space arena by sending 104 satellites in a single rocket. (Pakistani genocide of Hindus in E.Pakistan/Bangladesh and fucked up pollitics +Kissinger at the heart of many evils)
Is it true that Pakistani armed forces raped over 400,000 women in East Pakistan (Bangladesh) while losing the 13-day Indo-Pakistani War of 1971? - Quora
The Genocide the U.S. Can't Remember, But Bangladesh Can't Forget | History | Smithsonian - Millions were killed in what was then known as East Pakistan, but Cold War geopolitics left defenseless Muslims vulnerable
The Politics of Bangladesh's Genocide Debate
Danish man charged with ordering the sexual abuse of 346 children | The Independent - biggest case of on-demand sexual assaults committed over the internet
Canada's self-proclaimed pedophile hunters doing more harm than good, police say
Eschaton: Kinda Thought It Was A Disaster - But nobody listens to Atrios. - We now take a break from your regularly scheduled scandals to bring you some not-so-breaking news: austerity was as big a disaster as its biggest critics said it was. (and they never pay for being catastophically wrong, as Merkel runs her country like a home and destroys Greece)
Thousands rally in Malaysia to back Islamic penal code bill | Reuters - Tens of thousands of Malaysians rallied in the capital on Saturday to support the adoption of a strict Islamic penal code, a proposal religious minorities fear could infringe their rights.
Samsung leader arrested for bribery and embezzlement as corruption scandal deepens | The Independent -
Samsung leader arrested. : technology
With Trump's win in China, will Trump toilets get flushed?
Top Democrat says Trump's calling media 'the enemy' is something 'you hear tin-pot dictators say' (if the tin-pot fits...)
White House dismisses NSC aide after harsh criticism of Trump - politico - after receiving reports that he had publicly laced into the president and his senior aides, including son-in-law Jared Kushner and daughter Ivanka Trump at an event hosted by a Washington think tank.
This Russian threat cannot go unchallenged - The Washington Post (they won the civil war, WWII and the Cold War in one fell swoop)
Michael Flynn, General Chaos - The New Yorker - What the removal of Flynn as the national-security adviser reveals about Donald Trump
Trump Scrambles To Find Top National Security Aide | The Huffington Post - won't guarantee that his next top security aide will have full staffing control.
Donald Trump Calls The Media 'The Enemy Of The American People' | The Huffington Post - The president is again lashing out at the press.
Scarier Than 'Psycho': Twitter Erupts Over Trump's 'Bats**t' Press Conference | The Huffington Post - What just happened?
John McCain Tells Europe Trump Team 'In Disarray' | The Huffington Post
Ned Resnikoff on Twitter: "In hindsight, maybe it was a mistake to put a bunch of white nationalist bloggers in charge of the federal government."
Rep. Jeffries says Bannon 'is a stone-cold racist'
Leaked Trump tape: 'You are the special people'
How to manage the White House cancer - The Washington Post
Outdoor Gear Show Folds Its Tents Over Utah's Attacks On Public Lands | The Huffington Post - move comes after Patagonia pledged to boycott the state over GOP plans to scrap a new national monument. (Mormons giving your parks to china nad Russia)
Household debt is dangerously close to 2008 levels - Feb. 16, 2017
In Trump Era, Censorship May Start in the Newsroom - The New York Times
Corporation for Public Broadcasting (which funds PBS) to be eliminated in preliminary Trump budget : television (Trumpser destroying American education and culture)
Source Says Dr. Ben Carson "Baffled" At Firing Of HUD Staffer - BuzzFeed News - One of Carson's closest aides was fired from the agency after writings critical of Trump from October resurfaced.
Utah, LDS Church join 'friend of court' briefs in transgender bathroom case : news
Cuyahoga County prosecutor: Dozens of child sex assault cases were ignored - Some of the victims in the 70 cases were as young as 3 years old. Some of the cases, which date back three years, would have been easy to prosecute because suspects confessed.
The evidence for vaccine safety is abundant. That will be $100,000, please. - The Washington Post - The latest salvo against vaccinations came courtesy of Robert Kennedy Jr. and Robert De Niro. At a joint appearance this week, Kennedy offered $100,000 to anyone who could turn up a study showing that it is safe to administer vaccines to children and pregnant women, with a specific call out to concerns about mercury
Childhood Immunization Schedule and Safety: Stakeholder Concerns, Scientific Evidence, and Future Studies : Health and Medicine Division - children younger than six may receive as many as 24 immunizations by their second birthday.
European Neandertals were cannibals | Science | AAAS - Neandertals ate each other
Don't make fun of renowned Dan Brown
A new book from Dan Brown, another Robert Langdon adventure. : books
Bill Gates warns tens of millions could be killed by bio-terrorism | Technology | The Guardian - Microsoft founder and philanthropist tells Munich security conference genetic engineering could be terrorist weapon
Could the conditions for life be different than ours in another part of the universe? : askscience
Scientists claim existence of drowned Pacific Ocean continent | Reuters - Zealandia
Milky Way vs. Andromeda: Study Settles Which Is More Massive - Scientists think that large galaxies are built lego-style through the combination of these blocks of dark matter and the stars they contain.
TIL Jupiter is technically a weak Pulsar. : todayilearned
What's the most obvious sexual advance you've missed because you were naive? : AskReddit
Techdirt lawyers ask judge to throw out suit over "Inventor of e-mail" - Shiva Ayyadurai, a scientist and entrepreneur who claims to have invented e-mail in 1978 at a medical college in New Jersey. - lawsuit against Techdirt is allegedly funded by Trump pal, Peter Thiel
He says he invented email. Dispute him at your own risk. - The Boston Globe
The Rise of the Weaponized AI Propaganda Machine
What Earth would look like if the ice melted - Business Insider - sea levels would rise by 216 feet if all the land ice on the planet were to melt. This would dramatically reshape the continents and drown many of the worlds major cities (where we find Marco Ru bio tied to Miami Beach, 214 feet under water)
In China, a sense of betrayal after the assassination of Kim Jong Nam - The Washington Post - lived for over a decade in Beijing and Macau, apparently with wives and children in both places, and had a reputation as something of a playboy who liked to visit casinos.
Leaked Emails: Dem State Leaders Think Obama's New Organizing Army is 'Grade A Bullshit' (Obama destroyed party infrastructure, responsbile for losing 1000 state seats and wrecking fund-raising and wants more of the same)
Trump's Pick For National Security Adviser Rejects Job Offer After Erratic Press Conference | The Huffington Post - Vice Adm. Robert Harward reportedly took notice of the president's White House performance. - says Harward called the offer a "shit sandwich."
A Party to the Russian Connection - The New York Times - After their grand bargain to back Mr. Trump's Moscow-assisted victory, congressional Republicans are now responsible for protecting the nation from its dangers. (they are all traitors, several times over)
Bring On the Special Prosecutor - The New York Times
Dan Rather says Flynn's resignation could lead to scandal worse than Watergate - has an ominous feeling about where Flynnghazi is going to take us
Who Says House Oversight Isn't Doing Its Job? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Who Says House Oversight Isn't Doing Its Job? - The Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee, who has refused Democratic requests to investigate possible conflicts of interest involving President Donald Trump, is seeking criminal charges against a former State Department employee who helped set up Hillary Clinton's email server (Chaffetz working on his rep)
Chaffetz seeks charge of ex-Clinton aide in email inquiry - The Washington Post
The Silence of the Hacks - The New York Times
'I'm a Dead Man Walking' - Mark Sanford has nothing left to lose. And he's here to haunt Donald Trump
White House handling of controversial plans - Business Insider (lie, lie and go for it)
Report: Trump transition ordered government economists to cook up rosy growth forecasts - Vox - The Trump University economics department strikes again.
Trump calls the media 'the enemy of the American People' (and he will bomb and invade soon)
In 77 Chaotic Minutes, Trump Defends 'Fine-Tuned Machine'
An amazing moment in history: Donald Trump's press conference
ournalists Whisper at Trump's Crazy Press Conference: 'this Is Insane'
Trump Blames Media, Judges, Democrats In Chaos Theory Tour-De-Force | The Huffington Post
Rachel Riederer on Twitter: "This is probably my favorite part so far"
Today in the Republican States of America - Lawyers, Guns & Money : In Washington, D.C. the rogue cheddar told an Orthodox reporter from a Jewish magazine to sit down and called him a liar after the reporter asked about the increase in anti-Semitic hate crimes.
A Jewish Reporter Got to Ask Trump a Question. It Didn't Go Well
The Downfall of Kellyanne Conway - The New York Times
Proposal to Militarize Immigration Policy - Lawyers, Guns & Money (going full Nazi)
White House dismisses 6 over failed background checks - politico (failed the crookedness test)
Ana Navarro Mocks 'Baby Boy' Jared Kushner Over CNN Complaints | The Huffington Post - "Boo-Hoo!u"
Trump's Press Conference Had One Goal: Keep The Senate GOP In Line | The Huffington Post - It's Trump's World now, if Congress can stand to live in it.
Trump yells at CIA director over reports intel officials are keeping info from him - CBS News (President Tantrum Toddler)
Betsy DeVos's Brother Is Setting Up A Private Army For China, Sources Say - BuzzFeed News - Erik Prince founder of the private military company Blackwater, financial backer of President Donald Trump, brother to the new Education Secretary Betsy DeVos (that hasn't gotten much play)
State Dept. carries out layoffs under Rex Tillerson : news - There are clear signals being sent that many key foreign policy portfoliso because of its ability to mimic many other conditions
will be controlled directly by the White House, rather than through the professional diplomats. What could possibly go wrong?
A Medical Theory for Donald Trump's Bizarre Behavior - Syphilis < br /> Democrats raise questions about Trump's mental health
Creationist Ken Ham: Dinosaurs fought gladiator battles against humans and giants
Former Trooper Who Took $70k In Drug Bust Money Remains President Of School Board
Barbra Streisand's House Photos- Pictures of Barbra Streisand's House
Number of millionaires in Cambridge nearly doubles in 10 years - News - Cambridge Chronicle & Tab - Cambridge, MA (241, Weston: 555)
A stalagmite collected from a remote cave in northern Iraq has revealed that the catastrophic droughts in 1998-2000 and 2007-2010 in the Middle East were most severe for over a millennium
TIL Bird populations are plummeting, and cats alone are responsible for killing billions of birds every year in the lower 48 states. : todayilearned
Former university instructor explains why the American Academia system is failing. : bestof
[serious] Gay people who have (or know people who have) suffered through "conversion therapy", what's your story? : AskReddit
Scientists have just detected a major change to the Earth a long-predicted result of climate change that could have severe consequences for marine organisms if it continues (your daily the parrty of Satan has doomed the planet)
The Pentagon said it wouldn thousands of times. (given a choice, they will lie)
German police say major newspaper's story about a rampaging Arab 'sex mob' was wrong (started on fake news site, picked up my newpapers)
Ashton Kutcher's organisation identifies 2,000 child victims of trafficking in six months : news
'This is really unprecedented' - ICE detains woman seeking domestic abuse protection at Tex. courthouse
About 'The Press Conference' -- This is that rare time when I think the cliched phrase is appropriate: That press conference speaks for itself. There's very little I can think to add. It all amounts to a confirmation of what most of us already know. This man is not emotionally or characterologically equipped to serve as President (1 down, 47 to go)
Trump says 'I inherited a mess,' blasts media and detractors at combative news conference
Trump's Bizarre Press Conference Nearly Defies Description - Even by the standards of a Donald Trump performance, this was...unique. At times self-pitying and aggressive, playful but with digressions into nuclear holocaust, it was more entertaining than The Apprentice and more frightening than The Walking Dead.
Donald Trump's combative, grievance-filled news conference, annotated
Analysis: Trump's 80-minute press conference was a spectacle for the ages
Fact check: Here's what Trump got wrong at news conference
How could things get worse for Trump? - The Washington Post
John Podesta: Trump's dangerous strategy to undermine reality
MaximumEffort433 comments on Then and now: Donald Trump's reversal on leaks (he can't stop saying outrageous shit)
U.S. Allies Conduct Intelligence Operation Against Trump Staff and Associates, Intercepted Communications
White House Plans to Have Trump Ally Review Intelligence Agencies - The New York Times
Exclusive: Classified Memo Tells Intelligence Analysts to Keep Trump's Daily Brief Short - And go easy on the nuance. (also on the "intelligence")
Senate Judiciary Committee requests FBI, DOJ briefing on Michael Flynn - ABC News
Chaffetz asks Justice IG to investigate leaks about Flynn - politico
You Can't See Russia From The House, But The Senate's Ready To Look At Trump's Ties | The Huffington Post - "it's sad that the deliberative body is moving with urgency, and that the urgent body is moving deliberatively"
Flynn in FBI interview denied discussing sanctions with Russian ambassador - The Washington Post (you gonna believe me or your lyin' wiretaps?)
Flynn's access to classified information suspended (he had a month to read all the secrets)
US Special Ops chief: US government 'in unbelievable turmoil' - - US Special Ops chief: US government 'is in incredible turmoil') - a situation that he suggested could undermine US efforts to fight adversaries such as ISIS. (not to mention you-know-who)
No, it Really is that Bad - Lawyers, Guns & Money - The United States is facing a major institutional crisis. (Trump is firing all the institutions)
GOP's Grand Visions for Congress Now Look Like a Mirage
Leaked Emails Show Justice Clarence Thomas's Wife Pushing Travel Ban (scary pic, too)
Trump's claim that there's been a 'tremendous amount of increase' in autism cases - About one in 68 children in the country has been identified with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, according to the CDC just after a new, broader definition of autism was released (but he was talking about himself, obvously)
The world is on fire ... 2014 Breitbart Embassy with Sessions, Laura Ingraham and Farage and Andrew's ghost and a ton of lies)
The Nationalist Right Is Coming for Reince Priebus - The Atlantic - Furious over the ouster of Mike Flynn, Trump loyalists in the right-wing media are blaming the former RNC chair
White House staff 'in survival mode' following latest Donald Trump administration revelations -- Sources in the White House describe 'borderline chaos'
Trump Has Turned the GOP Into the Party of Eugenics | New Republic - always been embedded in the Republican platform. (Trump as rolled the Civil War and WWII into one replay)
Morality Plays Need Cartoon Villains, Even if They Have to be Invented - Lawyers, Guns & Money This interview contains the reductio ad absurdum of seeing the DNC race through the prism of the Assassination of Saint Bernard Sanders by the Neoliberal Coward Hillary Clinton. (Jacobin of course)
A Rough 24 Hours for Obamacare - Bloomberg View - the insurer Humana announced that it would be pulling out of the exchanges for next year. Then we found out that the IRS had responded to Trump's executive order on Obamacare by quietly rolling back a new rule planned for this year, which would have required filers to indicate whether they had maintained coverage in 2016 or to pay a penalty. (how come Obama couldn't pull shit like this?)
The biggest beneficiaries of the government safety net: working-class whites - The Washington Post (white without college = stupid people who can't blame themselves for stupid choices)
Chicago votes to fine former Obama aide who lobbied mayor on behalf of Uber | US news | The Guardian - David Plouffe violated ethics rules after contacting Rahm Emanuel, board says
FBI arrests man in Myrtle Beach allegedly planning attack in the spirit of Dylann Roof' : news
'Trump is setting us free:' White supremacists celebrate reports that Trump will dial down scrutiny = "This is absolutely a signal of favor to us"
Anti-Muslim hate groups nearly triple in US since last year, report finds : news(Make America Hate Again)
'CSA' - a Faux Documentary That Skewers Real White Supremacy
Is This Proust? Scholars Say They've Finally Found Author On Film
Harvard scientists pledge to bring back 'woolly mammoth' from extinction within two years : news (T-Rex by 2020)
Scientists have just found organic molecules on Ceres, the dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. : science
How disturbances interact with a dynamic space-time fabric: 'Field patterns' as a new mathematical object : science
about to see a big change to the sell-by dates on food - "Use By" and "Best if Used By" (less vaguenesss = less food thrown away unnneccessarily)
People with ADHD have slightly smaller brains than those without the condition, according to a study which insisted it is a physical disorder and not just bad behaviour. : science
B vitamins found to reduce symptoms of schizophrenia : science
The New Offensive on Alzheimer's Disease: Stop it Before it Starts
[Serious] People who's spouses have died and are happily remarried, what's it like? do you still think about them? How does your partner feel about it? : AskReddit
Mark Twain translated a German children's poem in which a girl lights herself on fire as her cats watch. - Struwwelpeter.
Reddit, what is the most 'mind boggling' fact you know? : AskReddit
What are the most useful mental math tricks? : AskReddit
What was your "I can't believe that worked" moment? : AskReddit
What cheap alternatives MUST be avoided? : AskReddit
Internet Comment Etiquette: "The Mandela Effect" : videos (things disappear)
What illegal practices have you seen occur within your company? : AskReddit
What is the biggest coincidence you have ever experienced? : AskReddit
Trump, Meeting With Netanyahu, Backs Away From Palestinian State - The New York Times (permanent racist apartheid is his dream for America also)
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign."
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Information is being illegally given to the failing @nytimes & @washingtonpost by the intelligence community (NSA and FBI?).Just like Russia"
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by "intelligence" like candy. Very un-American!"
Mikel Jollett on Twitter: "If only someone had warned us."
Trump Today: A Russian cloud grows over the White House - The Boston Globe (repeal and replace, impeach and convict)
theory: Scandals over Russia an attempt at coverup for Clinton's campaign
Trump's campaign had repeated contact with Russian intelligence before election
The Flynn fiasco: A real investigation is needed - The Boston Globe
Flynn departure erupts into a full-blown crisis for the Trump White House - The Washington Post
bigger than Flynn. New Russia revelations widen Trump's credibility gap
We've never seen anything like Trump's rough treatment of his White House staff (yes, the country is being run like a reality show on TV because that's all he knows how to do)
In the early weeks of the new administration, the humbling of a president - The Washington Post (sorry, not possible unless he's in jail)
The leaks coming out of the Trump White House right now are totally bananas - The Washington Post (that would be because ...)
White House: Trump comments on Mexico 'lighthearted' - Trump warned in a phone call with his Mexican counterpart that he was ready to send U.S. troops to stop 'bad hombres down there' unless the Mexican military does more to control them (hello, insane clown pres) xsy
Flynngate? Kremlingate? Russiagate? The gate's out of the gate
Flynn Was Brought Down by Illegal Leaks to News Media, Trump Says - The New York Times (the Trumpster is furious, but loved the Clinton "leaks")
Trump Administration Caught In Lie About Campaign Contacts With Russians | The Huffington Post - Top administration officials have denied that there were any contacts between the campaign and the Russian government.
The Trump Team Still Hasn't Explained Why It Took 18 Days To Fire Michael Flynn | The Huffington Post - he White House says Trump was briefed on Flynn's Russia call in late January ("briefed"
The White House Is Already In Flames | The Huffington Post - What did the president know and when did he know it?
Dems Demand Jason Chaffetz Investigate Flynn, Or Step Aside | The Huffington Post - email were worth numerous hearings, subpoenas and probes. But possible collusion between the national security adviser and Russia? Crickets.
Trump's Russia Scandal Means Sessions And His Justice Department Now Face A Choice | The Huffington Post
Utah Paper Ups Pressure On Jason Chaffetz: Investigate, Don't Imitate, Donald Trump | The Huffington Post
Kellyanne Conway Crumbles Under The Weight Of Her Own Lies | The Huffington Post - She struggled to answer basic questions about the timeline leading to the resignation of national security adviser Mike Flynn.
But Her Etc. - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Dean Baquet was a primary accessory before and after the fact (Jill wouldn't done this shit)
Everyone's Full of Shit About Leaks - Eli Lake trying to defend Saint Petraeus.
Eschaton: Speaking Of Bad Management - The White House has posted inaccurate texts of President Trump's wn executive orders on the White House website, raising further questions about how thorough the Trump administration has been in drafting some of his most controversial actions.
The Latest: Trump tells CEOs people will 'love' his tax plan
Topless Nazi lactophiles - Lawyers, Guns & Money - Milk, the longtime staple for growing children, is now the new, creamy symbol of white racial purity in President Donald Trump's America (baby nazis)
Poll: Trump trails generic Democrat, but not Warren, in 2020 - politico
Reasonable Moderate Sam Alito! - Lawyers, Guns & Money (doesn't believe in your so-called pollution)
New study has detected a decline in the amount of dissolved oxygen in oceans around the world a long-predicted result of climate change that could have severe consequences for marine organisms if it continues : science
Congress blocks rule barring mentally impaired from guns (Donald, to start with)
New Malaria vaccine shown 100% effective in trials (estimated to be give greater than 90% protection). Huge ramifications as 500,000 die every year to malaria : science
More people now believe human-made climate change is happening | New Scientist (except for Republican weather-girls)
Countdown to Nov 3, 2020 in Washington DC, District of Columbia
North Korean Leader's Half Brother Killed In Malaysia: Source | The Huffington Post (learning from Putin)
Kim Jong-un's half-brother 'assassinated with poisoned needles at airport' : news
After Passing Worst Surveillance Law In A Democracy, UK Now Proposes Worst Anti-Whistleblowing Law : technology
Find someone that looks at you the way Ivanka Trump looks at Justin Trudeau : pics - Ivanka Trump declared the time is now for Trudeau's Canadian pipeline to be laid in her federally protected wetlands, which are now open for drilling.
NYTimes: Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence : news - he percent of a Russian oil company that was sold to a shadow company hidden behind many layers that is believed to be the reward to Trump and his minions for lifting the sanctions on Russia. The 19 5% is worth roughly $20Billion US. It was explicitly referenced in the dossier. (take the bribe or we golden shower you)
How Russia sold its oil jewel: without saying who bought it | Reuters
Memos allege coordination between Rosneft, Trump ally Carter Page - Business Insider
The timeline of Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct
What Happens After Michael Flynn's Resignation? - On Monday, Fox News reported that the Russian Navy is trolling the East Coast for the first time since 2015, and they are doing so at 10 knots. I will add that at this hour they are doing so with their Identification System (known as an AIS) turned off, as warships are allowed to do. (heading for DC)
The Wind Is Sown - there is much more going on out of view than we realize ... The role of Russia in the 2016 election and the President's relationship to Russia has been the un-ignorable question hanging over President Trump for months. (Republicans flipped in a heartbeat from anti to pro-communist)
Michael Flynn Resigns as National Security Adviser - The New York Times
Schiff: More info coming soon on Flynn-Russia ties - politico (Putin blackmailing Trumpster)
GOP Senate Intel Member: 'Exhaustive' investigation into Trump-Russia connections needed following Flynn resignation -
GOP chairman: Oversight won't investigate Flynn | TheHill - Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah)
Donald Trump Says Michael Flynn's Scandal Is Less Important Than Who Leaked It | The Huffington Post - Flynn resigned Monday over allegations that he broke the law in conversations with Russia.
The Political Assassination of Michael Flynn - Bloomberg View - That sounds about as credible as when the president told CIA employees that the media had invented the story about his enmity toward the spy agency, not even two weeks after he had taken to Twitter to compare the CIA to Nazis (something doesn't add up ...)
Justice Department warned White House that Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail, officials say - The Washington Post
The Daily 202: 10 unanswered questions after Michael Flynn (#1: did he suck Putin's dick? #2: Is Comey a Russian agent?)
Wikihacks and the GOP Enjoy a Little Vulcan Mind Meld - Lawyers, Guns & Money (Republican Intelligence Committee is an oxymoron)
Russian lawmakers rush to the defense of Trump's ex-national security adviser (that answers that)
Russia Appears To Defend Michael Flynn With Super-Weird Message On Twitter | The Huffington Post
Tuesday's Morning Email: The Fallout From The National Security Adviser's Resignation | The Huffington Post
Trump's Rudderless Ship of State - The Atlantic - The departure of Michael Flynn leaves the administration with a feuding crew, and no one at the helm. (Ship of you-know-whats)
A White House where no one is in charge - The Washington Post (Trumpster is a clueless idiot dooming America)
This is what incompetence looks like - The Washington Post
Upheaval is now standard operating procedure inside the White House - The Washington Post
The Spotlight Will Now Shift to the White House Counsel - Lawfare - Donald McGahn
Trump's travel ban is causing a large drop in US tourism - could be as damaging to US tourism as the Sept. 11 attacks
Trump was told weeks ago that Michael Flynn withheld truth on Russia - The Boston Globe
In a remarkable interview, Kellyanne Conway's spin about Mike Flynn crashes and burns
Scarborough rips Conway as an 'out of the loop' liar after Flynn resignation
Dems blast Chaffetz for declining to investigate Flynn | TheHill (but Benghaaaaaazi)
While Trump scandals mount, Chaffetz decides to investigate... a cartoon character - The Washington Post - But the chairman has shown determination to probe, without fear or favor, the threat to America posed by Sid the Science Kid. (nice job, UT)
Ignorance Is Strength - The New York Times
Trump's reign of fear may soon get a whole lot worse.
Oprah gives tape with Puzder abuse allegations to Senate - politico - former wife leveled allegations of physical abuse against him (Hey, he's a Republican)
Gerrymandering is the biggest obstacle to genuine democracy in the United States. So why is no one protesting? - The Washington Post
Older Judges and Vacant Seats Give Trump Huge Power to Shape American Courts - The New York Times
Prosecutor: Over 70 Ohio child sex assault cases unattended - The new prosecutor in Cleveland says over 70 cases involving sexual assaults of children went unattended for months or years as that office failed to properly track the cases or bring charges. (why, it's almost as if ...)
Trump Ally Alex Jones Explains How Television Is Being Used To Implant Demons Inside People (said the demon)
Fictional characters make 'experiential crossings' into real life, study finds | Books | The Guardian
Recalling Alaska's most notorious drunken moose, the street-smart Buzzwinkle - Alaska Dispatch News
Study finds use of medical marijuana improves cognitive performance, contradicting previous studies that found cognitive decline with marijuana use : science (someone call Jason Lewis)
Delaying pot smoking to age 17 is better for teens' brains, a new study suggests | UdeMNouvelles (Jason Lewis says 25 or 30 to be safe and even then)
Basketball revolt: Make the girls quit or forfeit, N.J. archdiocese told grade schoolers. They forfeited. - The Washington Post - Joseph W. Tobin
Scientists Developed a Way to Make DMT Trips Last Longer Than Ever - VICE
Scientists developed a way to make DMT trips last longer than ever. : Psychonaut
Carlos Santana: Adele is a singer, Beyonci is a Model : Music
What mindfucking paradox do you know? : AskReddit
The results of a Stanford competition to make Noam Chomsky's famous meaningless sentence "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously" meaningful in context in no more than 100 words of prose, or 14 lines of verse. : linguistics
Teachers filmed playing 'F---, marry or kill' about students keep their jobs : news
FCC Commissioner Thinks Ultra-Fast Broadband Just a 'Novelty' | Techdirt (Make America Slow Again)
Disney Severs Ties With YouTube Star PewDiePie After Anti-Semitic Posts - WSJ
This is why conservative media outlets like the Daily Mail are 'unreliable' | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment | The Guardian - Journalists try to get facts right. Tabloid propagandists try to advance an agenda - Debunked David Rose doubles down, goes full Trump - On February 5th, Rose ran a story alleging scandalous behavior by NOAA scientists in a 2015 paper. (Satan always lies, Daily Mail wants you to die +Lamar Fucking Smith)
Mish Michael's not alone: Many meteorologists question climate change science (because science is hard, especially for white Republican weather-people +Tim Kelly of NECN wants everyone in Bangladesh to die so he doesn't have to shovel his driveway)
Scientists has discovered extraordinary levels of toxic pollution in the most remote and inaccessible place on the planet, the 10km deep Mariana trench in the Pacific Ocean.
Mandatory immediate evacuation ordered for low-lying levels of Oroville and areas downstream : news
Oroville Dam Emergency Situation
State was warned about inadequacy of Lake Oroville's emergency spillway : news
188,000 under evacuation orders near Northern California dam - ABC News
Oroville Dam: Feds and state officials ignored warnings 12 years ago ... dam's emergency spillway be armored with concrete, rather than remain as an earthen hillside. ("overblown" concerns, they said)
Threat of Oroville spillway collapse lessens as thousands evacuate from Marysville, Yuba, Butte and Sutter counties | The Sacramento Bee
Maduro Kicks CNN out of Venezuela for Report on School Food Shortages (Trump is watching)
JoeFabooche comments on John Podesta Says Forces Within The FBI Wanted Hillary Clinton To Lose
ISSF - Policy-Roundtable-1-5B.pdf - President Trump and IR Theory
ISSF Policy Series: Trump and International Relations Theory: A Response to Robert Jervis
ISSF Policy Series: A Third-Image Explanation for Why Trump Now: A Response to Robert Jervis's "President Trump and IR Theory" (academics can be stupd and evil too)
Tennessee bill: Drivers who hit protesters immune to civil liability : news ("stand your ground" has morphed into "run them over with your pickup truck")
Focus, People - we will have in the next few months at least four House special elections for seats now held by Republicans. These contests are each critical for stemming the tide of Trumpism.
The Power of Disruption - The New York Times
The Trump Administration's Lies About Voter Fraud Will Lead to Massive Voter Suppression - Twenty-one states are now considering new laws to make it harder to vote.
Journal Facing 'riot' and 'tresspassing' charges for covering Dakota Access Pipeline protests
Flynn apologizes after admitting he may have discussed sanctions with Russia (doesn't explain why he lied multiple times)
Trump turns Mar-a-Lago Club terrace into open-air situation room - The Washington Post
Watch Trump Crash Wedding Right After North Korea Statement
Maybe Next Time We Can Focus on the Steel Girders In the Eye Instead of the Motes? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Trump took the call on a mobile phone at his table, which was set squarely in the middle of the private club's dining area. - No editor who thought that Hillary Clinton's EMAILS! were a major story should still be employed in the field of journalism. ("Franco of Fifth Avenue")
John Cook on Twitter: "we used to put our phones in fridges to talk abt snowden docs at the intercept. these morherfuckers are POINTING THEIR PHONES at class info" (Trumpster could give a shit about your "security")
The Spy Revolt Against Donald Trump Begins | Observer - Intelligence Community pushes back against a White House it considers leaky, untruthful and penetrated by the Kremlin ("penetrated" and full of commie spys +oh look, Kushner's Observer)
As Flynn falls under growing pressure over Russia contacts, Trump remains silent - The Washington Post (his tiny brain is paralzyed)
Cummings: It Would Be 'Appropriate" to Revoke Flynn's Security Clearance
Top Flynn aide denied security clearance by CIA for NSC position - ABC News
Priebus, Flynn, others on thin ice - Axios
As Trust In Michael Flynn Erodes, Donald Trump Considers His Options | The Huffington Post - White House staffers are reportedly looking at possible replacements
Trump friend says Priebus is 'in way over his head' (in the Trump shit-sewer)
Stephen Miller's claim that 72 from banned countries were implicated in 'terrorist activity' (they can't not lie)
Stephen Miller's authoritarian declaration: Trump national security actions 'will not be questioned' (so shut up gtfo)
Scarborough gives brutal review of Trump aide's Sunday show performance
Trump ran a campaign based on intelligence security. That's not how he's governing ("governing" hahaha)
Glenn Greenwald on Twitter: "The number of people who instantly believe every anonymous evidence-free claim from Intel community & treat it as Fact is genuinely alarming" (GG doesn't believe anonymous leaks)
Avedon Carol on Twitter: "@sesmithesq @ggreenwald Yes, if they say the sky is blue, look up to check. Instead, you insist the sky is green without even looking." (GG on wrong side of history)
Trump's Advisers Want You To Believe He's The Most Productive President Yet. He Isn't. | The Huffington Post - Barack Obama accomplished much more during his first weeks in office. (it helps to be able to think)
Can a 'Wrecking Ball' of a President Evolve? (what do you think?)
Trump's official inauguration poster has glaring typo (people who can't read can't spell either)
Washington State Attorney General Promises To Uncover 'What Truly Motivated' Trump's Travel Ban | The Huffington Post - He said he would also move to depose administration officials.
Franklin Graham on Twitter: "Cities in Bible times had walls and gates for protection. When there was a threat, the gates were closed--temporarily." (bring back incest and slavery also!)
Immigration Agents Arrest 600 People Across U.S. in One Week - The New York Times
We Don't Need No Education (Jill Stein is an idiot, cont'd)
Sanders: Tea Party Was Funded By Kochs; Progressive 'Uprising' Driven By Passion | The Huffington Post - rising up in anger because of the potential loss of Obamacare, he warns.
Eschaton: Self-Described Liberals And Democrats Had Lots of Gay Friends - Every time there's a conservative judicial nominee, the "liberal media" covers it in an amusing way. Essentially, it rushes to reassure liberals that, despite evidence, he's (Sandra Day O'Connor is no longer on the court) a really nice guy and perhaps not quite as evil as we think he is (Gorsuch is far, far, right, only Thomas is more evil)
Calculated Risk: Update: "Scariest jobs chart ever" (Obama saved the economy but no one remembers that Republicans caused the Great Recession because Obama didn't want to make a big deal by jailing a few bankers, so everyone forgot and elected psycho-Dumpster to wreck the economy again)
Eschaton: Casual Corruption - There was a pattern: Officers issued 583 code-violation notices under the ordinance last fiscal year; 562 were to Chinese restaurants -- more than 95 percent. (racism in Philly cop system)
After confirmation, GOP Congressman filed legislation showing the real reason they backed DeVos - a House Republican introduced legislation to abolish the entire department Betsy DeVos will lead. (education is for suckers)
Website On Disabilities Act That Tripped Up Betsy DeVos Disappears | The Huffington Post - The new education chief sounded unfamiliar with the federal civil rights law during her confirmation hearings.
Eschaton: Perhaps They Could Sell Some Of Those Participation Trophies - The Kids Today now demanding free food. Slackers. (college kids are starving because America hates non-fetuses and education)
Oklahoma Lawmakers Want Men to Approve All Abortions (even with severe birth defects in the first month)
Oklahoma lawmaker: pregnant women bodies aren't their own, because they are "hosts"
Police Officers: "We Didn't Vote Republican To Get Stabbed In The Back" - Iowa Starting Line - In the highly contentious battle to extinguish public worker rights, Iowa Republicans have attempted a divide-and-conquer approach to pit unions against each other. Their legislation splits public workers into two groups (cops and non-cops but cops will be next so they aren't happy even though they are Republicans and hate all unions except cop unions)
Prosecutor: KKK leader may have been killed because he wanted divorce | Law and order | (they rise from the impoverished earth)
TIL that Millennials Are Having Way Less Sex Than Their Parents and are twice as likely as the previous generation to be virgins : todayilearned
Elon Musk: Humans must merge with machines or become irrelevant in AI age (Musk is a souless AI praying for a robot Jesus)
'Ghost In The Shell' - Official Trailer #2 (Scarlett Johansson) : movies
Reddit: When you were first learning Reddit, what piece of Reddit etiquette (Reddiquette?) was particularly difficult for you to learn? : AskReddit
'Evil does in fact die,' family says in man's obituary : news
Chase eATM user has mobile app hacked and loses $3,000USD : news
A US-born NASA scientist was detained at the border until he unlocked his phone : technology
Women and children feared dead after US airstrikes in Helmand Afghanistan | World news | The Guardian - At least 18 people believed to have been killed in Sangin in what is claimed to be first civilian deaths under Donald Trump (in the tradition of Obama)
Senior White House official refuses to say if Trump supports Michael Flynn | US news | The Guardian - Stephen Miller says "it's not for me to tell"
When it comes to his contacts with Russia, Michael Flynn has bigger problems than the Logan Act - The Washington Post (commie spy running Putin's puppet)
myellabella comments on The timeline of President Trump's ties with Russia lines up with allegations of conspiracy and misconduct -Don't forget Oleg Erovinkin. He's suspiciosly dead ... (Head Rosneft guy) right hand man who MI6 spy Steele was getting intelligence from. He died mysteriously in late December:
White House Senior Adviser: 'The Judiciary in Not Supreme' ("we have the guns, hahaha" said Stephen Miller)
Turmoil at the National Security Council, From the Top Down - The New York Times (everything is a trainwreck)
John Podesta Says 'Forces Within The FBI' Wanted Hillary Clinton To Lose | The Huffington Post - "it's inexplicable that they were so casual about the investigation of the Russian penetration of the DNC emails" (not really: FBI coup)
Trump impeached? You can bet on it - politico - big business for bookmakers - " 4-to-1 for Trump to be impeached in the first six months
Stephen Miller Repeats Trump's Lies About Massive Voter Fraud
Revenge of the Turds - Lawyers, Guns & Money :- Evidence is mounting that Stephen Miller was an insufferable steaming pile of turds in high school and college and nobody liked him
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Stephen Miller? - Lawyers, Guns & Money (racist lying asshole)
'Talking bag of pus' - Twitter rips Stephen Miller
Stephen Miller's bushels of Pinocchios for false voter-fraud claims (NH has Republican voter-suppression voter-id)
CNN Just Ruined Our Lying President On Twitter - Trump Response Looming
Bernie Sanders calls Trump a 'pathological liar' Al Franken says 'a few' Republican think Trump is mentally ill - "We have a president who is delusional in many respects, a pathological liar" Sander said (Toddler can't believe his ears)
New Poll: Trump Supporters Believe 'Bowling Green Massacre' Was Real (and Trump isn't Satan)
Immigrant community on high alert, fearing Trump's deportation force
The looming conflict between Trump's immigration sweeps and religious freedom (and then they came for the Evangelicals)
Trump Henchman Emulates Trump - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Josh Chaffetz, a few dozen pounds of well-used fry grease molded into the shape of a weasel, asserted that the constituents angrily questioning him about his refusal to investigate even the most egregious Trump misconduct after years of Hillary Clinton snipe hunts were PAID OUTSIDE AGITATORS = As always, the deeper question is why a cartoonish partisan supervillain who would be way too on-the-nose for a House of Cards character was able to set the agenda for the mainstream media's coverage of Clinton for 2 fateful years.
The Continuing History Of The Republican Alternative To Obamacare | The Huffington Post - Here we go again. And again and again.
The Sleeping Giant Has Been AwakenedAnd It Is Angry | The Huffington Post - As long as the current administration remains in office, the sleeping giant of the American People will remain wide awake.
GOP Posts Fake Lincoln Quote, Twitter Appropriately Goes Nuts | The Huffington Post
Image of Donald Trump with No Wig or Makeup -
Meryl Streep Pledges to Stand Up to 'Brownshirts" in Tirade against Trump
anti-Semitism in the White House - : What made the Anne Frank Center get political on Twitter (Jew haters quack like Jew Haters)
Kellyanne Conway' dangerous game
Defections by Sears, Kmart cap week of controversy for Trump brands | Reuters
GOP official in viral town hall video is known for sharing misleading stories, bigoted jokes - The Washington Post - Bill Akins, the secretary of the Republican executive committee in Florida's Pasco county ... 12. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) called for women to be raped by Muslims ... Pocahontas
KKK 'imperial wizard' found dead near Missouri river after employer reports him as missing : news
Justice naps: Man in jail 16 months for refusing to unlock hard drives : technology
Man loses #1m books in 'Mission: Impossible heist' near Heathrow Justice naps: Man in jail 16 months for refusing to unlock hard drives : technology
More Women in Their 60s and 70s Are HavingWay to Much Fun to Retire - 30 percent of women 65 to 69 are working, up from 15 percent in the late 1980s
Chart: Colorado marijuana sales topped $1 billion in 2016 - Denverite
How can marijuana policy protect the adolescent brain? -- ScienceDaily (no pot 'til you're 25, just binge-drink and smoke)
The Observer - Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman review
How much more Powerful would a Graphene Superconductor Battery be than a same-sized Lithium ion Battery ? : askscience
Someone was very, very, upset ! : WTF
Michael_Caine comments on Can someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE play this handwritten piece from my late Grandpa?!
Muslims of Reddit , what do people not understand about Islam or Muslims? : AskReddit
jack_skellington comments on What's up with the all the recent porn-spam in subreddit submissions? (Russians)
AutoModerator | Request Bots
Mozilla's "Firefox Focus: the privacy browser", is collecting and transferring data to a third-party company named Adjust : technology
Russia Considers Returning Snowden to U.S. to 'Curry Favor' With Trump: Official - NBC News
The Shunning of the Trump Voter + Hot Chicks with Douchebags - You voted for Trump? You are a human Zika virus. A walking Walking Dead walker with the rotting, fetid stench of seasons five through seven seeping through every cell of your corporeal body. Every pixel of your online presence. You are to be psychologically and conceptually quarantined. Forever.
US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier - (the part about Trump being a Commie plant is true)
Spicer Tries for Better Insult Than 'Fake News,' Fails
CIA freezes out top Flynn aide - politico - The agency denied a security clearance for a key aide to the National Security Adviser ratcheting up tensions between Flynn and the intel community.
Nancy Pelosi Demands The Suspension Of Mike Flynn Over Russia Ties | The Huffington Post - Reports about Flynn show a "mortifying coziness" between Trump and Putin.
Trump Weighs A Revised Travel Ban | The Huffington Post - White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told reporters that taking the case to the Supreme Court remained a possibility.
Undocumented Immigrants Arrested Nationwide, Stoking Fears Of Trump's 'Deportation Force' | The Huffington Post - "unprecedented" (breaking down doors of law abiding immigrants)
Eschaton: America's Worst Humans - ICE agents.
Andrew Sullivan: The Madness of King Donald - the end of empirical reality (tiny mouth, tiny brain)
Bannon Wants A War And He Will Use Jesus To Get One | The Huffington Post
Trump Calling Everything Unfair Shows Just How Profoundly Privileged He Is | The Huffington Post - been pirouetting for decades in his golden bubble, grousing and grumbling over anything that doesn't go his way
Trump to Dems: 'Pocahontas is now the face of your party' -
Republicans in Idaho tried to design a better plan than Obamacare -- and failed (turned down Medicaid expansion, of course, now residents are screwed and legislators are "studying" the problem)
Watch Constituents Flip Out On GOP Official For Claiming Obamacare Has Death Panels | The Huffington Post - "lie of the year" (they are really lying dumbasses)
Chaffetz says town hall crowd tried 'bullying and intimidation' | Deseret News (Hillary bussed in paid agitators from New Jersey)
Chaffetz Said He Believes Town Hall Protestors Were Paid, Not From Utah
Things Are Not Becoming More Hinged - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Tennessee Bill Seeks To 'Defend Natural Marriage Between One Man And One Woman' | The Huffington Post - Lawmakers also want to bring a HB2-style bathroom bill to the state.
Michigan GOP Official Resigns After Calling For 'Another Kent State' | The Huffington Post (immigrate to Turkey, you turkey)
University: Woman Behind Hitler Valentine Was Not A Student, Left Town - handed out by Central Michigan University College Republicans earlier this week ... they said they unknowingly handed out the card (they don't even know what's in their hands)
Trump's Muslim Ban Inspires An Incredibly Satisfying Viral Comic
Kelly Ellis ??????? on Twitter: "LMAO I didn't even @ you, how did you find this, you vain weirdo"
UPDATE: Aetna's Pennsylvania Mystery Revealed (and it's just as sleazy as you'd expect) | - A federal judge has ruled against the proposed merger of Aetna and Humana, arguing the deal is "likely to substantially lessen competition" in health insurance markets nationwide.
Proposed bill deems children born through artificial insemination illegitimate children : news - So basically, it's to fuck with LGBT people that use surrogates, or artificial insemination to have a child.
Proposed bill deems children born through artificial inseminatio - WMC Action News 5 - Memphis, Tennessee - NASHVILLE, TN (WMC) - A proposed bill in the Tennessee General Assembly seeks to classify children born through artificial insemination as illegitimate children. (evil unleashed across the country, but particularly in Trump states)
Pennsylvania Legislature Plans To Take Away Teachers' Sick Days (teachers most dispised profession - imagine them doing this to hero cops)
Noam Chomsky - How to Deal with the Trump Presidency - YouTube
Noam Chomsky confronted by right wing twat - YouTube
Here Are The Most And Least Religious States In America | The Huffington Post Mississippi wins and there's your problem
Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers? - The Atlantic (MS highest SNAP most religious are biggest moochers)
Which States Rely the Most on Federal Aid? - Tax Foundation - Tax Foundation (MS wins)
2016's Most & Least Federally Dependent States (MS #1 MA #38 KS #47! DE #50 +red states twice as dependent as blue)
Massachusetts ranked No. 1 in well-being
Marijuana home delivery starts in Oregon : news (Jason Lewis is not happy)
Study: Opioid Use Decreases in States that Legalize Medical Marijuana | Health Care News | US News - A new study suggests doctor prescribe medical marijuana in place of opioids. (Jason Lewis doesn't believe your so-called evidence)
Medical Cannabis Use Is Associated With Decreased Opiate Medication Use in a Retrospective Cross-Sectional Survey of Patients With Chronic Pain - The Journal of Pain (Jason Lewis does not believe this study)
Medical Marijuana for Painkiller and Opioid Epidemic | (fake news, says Jason Lewis)
Kelly Ellis ??????? on Twitter: "Well this is embarrassing." (GG shoulda googled it)
When Surviving Childhood Means Killing Your Father | The Huffington Post
How show me the receipts became a catchphrase for holding the powerful accountable.
What does "receipts" mean, tumblr-wise? : OutOfTheLoop
vOh No They Didn't!
What Is Cash Me Outside How Bow Dat Meme Girl from Dr. Phil?
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has made its entire collection of art in the public domain
The Met has released more than 375,000 images that you can use for free - The Verge
A New Way To Understand And Treat Depression -- Science of Us ... evolutionary purpose ... in some circumstances, depression may be, in the arc of a life, yielding of insights and personal meaning ... an adaptation for analyzing complex problems ... analytical rumination hypothesis
5 Best Ideas of What Dreams Actually Are
Is Elysium Health Basis the Fountain of Youth
If a black hole created from matter, and a black hole created from antimatter collide, is the result a bigger black hole or would something else happen? : askscience
If you want to be patriotic, be patriotic in every aspect : pics
Handful of Wikipedia editors cause 9% of abuse on the site
Women of Reddit, what was the smoothest way you were asked out? : AskReddit
Other than Hitler, who should be in the hall of fame of evil? : AskReddit
TIL Julian Lennon had to buy the letters he wrote to his father (John Lennon) at an auction, because Yoko One wouldn't give them to him. : todayilearned (John and Yoko bad people, Paul the good guy)
It's about 50 degrees warmer than normal near the North Pole, yet again (party of Satan dooms the planet)
Police 'likely to recommend' indictment of Benjamin Netanyahu on corruption charges : news
Le Pen: French Jews will have to give up Israeli citizenship - Europe - ("Israel not part of the EU")
Revealed: FBI terrorism task force investigating Standing Rock activists : news
Americans Now Evenly Divided on Impeaching Trump - Public Policy Polling - popularity as President has declined precipitously just over the last two weeks. On our first poll of his Presidency voters were evenly divided on Trump, with 44% approving of him and 44% also disapproving. Now his approval rating is 43%, while his disapproval has gone all the way up to 53%. (sad)
Trump vexed by challenges, scale of government - politico - allies say he has been surprised that government can't be run like his business (fire them judges!)
Exclusive - Trump border 'wall' to cost $21.6 billion, take 3.5 years to build: internal report | Reuters (a little over-budget but it will have a terrific brand)
Secrecy surrounds White House cybersecurity staff shakeup | ZDNet - The Obama-appointed chief information security officer was charged with keeping the president and his staff safe from cyber-threats posed by hackers and nation-state attackers ... and he was escorted out from his office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building across the street from the West Wing. (Baron will take over and make backdoors for Putin)
Former CIA Analyst Sues Defense Department to Vindicate NSA Whistleblowers - In 2010, Thomas Drake, a former senior employee at the National Security Agency, was charged with espionage for speaking to a reporter from the Baltimore Sun about a bloated, dysfunctional intelligence program he believed would violate Americans' privacy (more of O bama's "legacy")
The Intercept - President Trump has inherited a vast domestic intelligence agency with extraordinary secret powers. A cache of documents offers a rare window into the FBI's secret rules
Threats against judges in immigration ban cases leads to increased security - (Breitbart's flying monkeys unleased)
3 key Trump mistakes that led to the travel ban court defeat - politico - Several legal experts are urging Trump to withdraw his order altogether.
'Bad Dude?' No, but Deported Anyway - Her devastated family, including her American-born children, remains in the United States. (Rethugs have unleased the evil)
National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say - The Washington Post ("National Security Advisor" didn't know Russian ambassador's phone tapped by CIA, Obama caught him before Trump's inaug, Putin has the "golden shower" video and Trump is his puppet and Tillerson wants access to Commie oil)
Flynn Is Said to Have Talked to Russians About Sanctions Before Trump Took Office - The New York Times
Michael Flynn Caught Lying About Russia Talks, Reports Say | The Huffington Post - Flynn reportedly broke the law by discussing sanctions with the Russian ambassador.
Just how much trouble is Michael Flynn in? - The Washington Post - That's, um, bad. It strains credulity that on Wednesday, Flynn could issue a flat denial about conversations he had with Kislyak, but on Thursday, suddenly his memory of those conversations changed. (Commie spy)
Trump's Anti-Extremism Proposal Could Alienate Muslims And Cut Funds To Fight White Nationalists | The Huffington Post
White House considers rewriting Trump's immigration order
Federal agents conduct sweeping immigration enforcement raids in at least 6 states - The Washington Post - including those without criminal records, mark the first largescale episode of immigration enforcement inside the United States since President Trump's Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally. (and so it begins)
A potentially historic number of people are giving up their U.S. citizenship - The Washington Post
Donald Trump signs executive order giving police more powers | The Independent - targeting "public safety" moments after he swore in Jeff Sessions as Attorney General (you know, all that "carnage" and "cities in flames" caused by black people, and Session is an expert at this)
Trump Again Falsely Insists He Would Have Won New Hampshire If Not For Voter Fraud | The Huffington Post
Eschaton: Love Him - The totebagger force is still strong.
Chris Matthews has spent decades doing nothing but covering politics, or at least that slice of it that he finds interesting. And it's still all about having Strong Daddy in charge. (Tweety wants authoritarian leader, is an evil idiot)
Is Trump right that the media's terror coverage falls short? | US news | The Guardian (Trump can't read except for a teleprompter)
I Thought CNN Was Taking A Courageous Stand Against White House Lies. I Was Mistaken. | The Huffington Post - Bill Moyers (Jake Tapper reversed in 24 hrs, Kellyanne now paragon of honesty)
Utahns drown out Chaffetz with demand to 'explain yourself' while congressman rebuffs at tense town hall | The Salt Lake Tribune
Raucous Town Hall In Utah Blasts GOP Rep. Chaffetz Over Trump | The Huffington Post - "Do you believe in science? Because I do," a girl asks the House Oversight chair as hundreds cheer.
Conway's endorsement of Ivanka's brand may have finally gone too far, even for Republicans - The Republican oversight chair may finally take action against the Trump administration. (oh look, Jason Chaffetz, an expert in "oversight")
Online sales for the Ivanka Trump brand fell 26 percent in January
Their dreams, they are in fact as empty as their consciences seem to be - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Some people have argued that House Republicans do not have a plan to replace the Affordable Ca re Act. Scurrilous lies! Here is their very detailed public plan, which I present in its entirety:
Sen. Joni Ernst Puts Planned Parenthood -- and Access to Birth Control -- on the Chopping Block (back to the '50's)
West Virginia Democrats - Lawyers, Guns & Money : what to do about Joe Manchin (WVA is hopeless, write them off)
Why does the United States still let 12-year-olds get married? - The Washington Post - We preach against child-marriage abroad. But thousands of American children are wed annually. ("certain cultures" need to be supported)
Colorado's Marijuana Industry Is Now Bigger Than Some Countries' Entire GDP | The Huffington Post - The state collected almost $200 million in taxes last year. (noted liar and pawn of the putting-people-of-color-in-jail industry Jason Lewis wants to keep MA in a budget crisis because $200 million would be no "magic bullet" when Charlie Baker is cutting everything and who needs education and infrastruce anyway +and that doesn't couunt city revenues see below
Marijuana sales tax revenue huge boon for Colorado cities The Denver Post - Aurora is using $1.5 million of its revenue from pot sales and fees to address its homeless issue. Money also is going to road improvements and a new recreation center.
CNN reporter gets contact high and has amazing time with people buying and smoking cannabis in Colorado. : videos (Jason Lewis will investigate and regulate this new vice)
Pot Sasquatch sighting in Massachusetts : videos
L.L. Bean freezes pensions, offers buyouts, may change shipping, return policies - The Boston Globe - Roughly two decades ago, the company took steps to tighten its return policy, telling Reuters in 1995 that it was drawing the line at customers seeking to exchange goods bought elsewhere
Why Whole Foods is now struggling - The Washington Post
TIL that because few men reproduce with many women, 2/3 of your ancestors are female, not 1/2. Also, overall throughout humanity 80% of females end up reproducing, while only 40% of males do : todayilearned
ELI5: If energy can't be neither created nor destroyed. How did it came into existence? : explainlikeimfive
ELI5: How are dictionaries organized in languages like Mandarin that have a symbol for each word rather than an alphabet? : explainlikeimfive
Parents of Reddit, what is something you never want your children to know about you? : AskReddit
The walk of shame is real with this one : gifs
Something is very, very wrong with the Arctic climate - This Arctic winter has startled even the most even-keeled scientists, with records set for low sea ice extent, high temperatures and other indicators of a climate gone awry. (Republicans doom the planet)
A new material can cool buildings without drawing power or using refrigerant. It costs 50"/square meter and 20 square meters is enough to keep a house at 200C when it's 370C outside : science
A newly developed flow battery stores energy in organic molecules dissolved in neutral pH water. This new chemistry allows for a non-toxic, non-corrosive battery with a lifetime up to a decade and offers the potential to significantly decrease the costs of production. : science
U.S. proposal to collect travelers' passwords alarms privacy experts : technology (all your passwords are the property of Trump, Inc.)
Alleged gang rape shown on Facebook shocks Sweden (you know who)
Investigators Say French Police Who Sodomized Black Man With A Baton Did So By Accident | The Huffington Post - Protests against police brutality and racism have swept across Paris since the incident.
Court of appeal decision continues injunction on travel ban : news
Taibbi: The End of Facts in the Trump Era - Rolling Stone - If you connect with America's anger and paranoia, you can steamroll our most sacred institutions without ever having to tell the truth
It Took CNN Just Seconds To Debunk Donald Trump's Latest False Claim | The Huffington Post
Blumenthal: We're careening 'toward a constitutional crisis' Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) on Thursday warned (drain the swamp! drown government in a bathtube! shutup, elect a stupid incompetent autocrat!)
Richard Blumenthal, Neil Gorsuch, and the making of a so-called White House controversy - The Boston Globe
Sidney Blumenthal 7 A Short History of the Trump Family: The First Family 7 LRB 16 February 2017
Obama's disapproval rating rose much faster than Trump's in the first few weeks (he was much more popular, duh! and Republicans hated him from the first second)
Donal Trump's Approval Rating in Context (of his being insane)
California Farmers Backed Trump, but Now Fear Losing Field Workers - The New York Times ("he doesn't mean OUR illegal Mexican rapists!" +suckers)
Trump White House besieged by leaks | TheHill - Trump's White House has sprung a remarkable number of leaks since his inauguration. The question is where they're coming from ... "a ton of leaks"
Republicans block vote on resolution stating that Holocaust targeted Jews. - The resolution, a shrewd effort to pin Republicans down on something the Trump administration has needlessly made an issue, (what Jews?)
Trump struggling to fill one of the worst jobs in Washington - politico - At least two candidates have turned down the job of White House communications director. (communicate the uncommunicable!)
More Than 500 Evangelical Leaders Sign Letter Decrying Trump's Refugee Ban | The Huffington Post (they all voted for Satan)
"As hard as it is to accept, Richard Nixon was the last liberal president in the New Deal tradition. Since that time hardly a major piece of progressive legislation has emerged from Washington." : Foodforthought (and a racist murderous vengeful asshole)
Photo Of Donald Trump In A Bathrobe Sends Redditors Into Creative Overdrive | The Huffington Post
Ivanka Trump Women's Zipper Sweater at Amazon Women (reviews)
Dallas County failed to report 5,842 votes cast in 2016 election (voter fraud! must investigate!)
Bank tellers are the next blacksmiths - The Washington Post (rise of the robo-banks, bad news for employees and bankrobbers)
Eschaton: We Do Love Our Children - Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) wants kids to learn early in life that there's no such thing as a free lunch. To make sure they absorb that lesson, he's proposing that low-income children do some manual labor in exchange for their subsidized meals. - Rich kids don't need to learn this life lesson, because they earn their lunches through manipulation of reality due to their superior genes.
Revenge of the Lunch Lady - The Huffington Post
Why your doctor's advice to take all your antibiotics may be wrong (increases resistance, duh! another 70 years of medical science flipped on it's head)
What went from 0-100 real slow? : AskReddit
ThatTrashBaby comments on What's a piece of Reddit history we are all ashamed of,yet feel like every new user should know?
Which subreddit confuses you the most? : AskReddit
The Myth of Apple's "Great Design" - new "spaceship" headquarters shows how its beauty has always been skin deep
not really interested in the design of this building as a metaphor for Apple design generally, or vice versa, but it's n office park almost entirely shut off from its surroundings. Every other consideration is just confetti. (the Apple space bubble)
iCloud was quietly storing years of cleared browsing histories - The Verge (bad apple!)
Trump's energy plan doesn't mention solar, an industry that just added 51,000 jobs
Radiation at Japan's Fukushima Reactor Is Now at 'Unimaginable' Levels | Fox News Insider
Exclusive: Alleged mastermind tells Obama 9/11 was America's fault - in a long suppressed letter that America brought the 9/11 attacks on itself for years of foreign policy that killed innocent people across the world. ("we're not so innocent")
MaximumEffort433 comments on President Trump is not-so-subtly threatening the entire American court system
Trump Admits To 'Relationship' With Putin In Resurfaced Video | The Huffington Post - He's probably very interested in what you and I are saying today ("I don't know Putin, I dont' know Russia"
Leaks Suggest Trump's Own Team Is Alarmed By His Conduct | The Huffington Post - White House leaks are common, but leakers suggesting the president might be unfit for office are not.
Eschaton: The 3AM Call - President Donald Trump was confused about the dollar: Was it a strong one that's good for the economy? Or a weak one? So he made a call ? except not to any of the business leaders Trump brought into his administration or even to an old friend from his days in real estate. Instead, he called his national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn,
Too Many People Have Health Insurance. Republicans Will Fix That. | The Huffington Post - The Affordable Care Act cut the uninsured rate to a historic low. Good thing Trump and the Republicans are here to repair the damage!
TSA and Racial Profiling - Lawyers, Guns & Money : It's almost as if the United States is a horribly racist nation! I wonder what would happen if we elected a fascist who nominated a neoConfederate to be Attorney General and had a Nazi as his chief advisor? At least such a candidate wouldn't represent the interests of Goldman Sachs!
Steve Bannon Believes The Apocalypse Is Coming And War Is Inevitable | The Huffington Post - the great Fourth Turning in American history (and Trump isn't The Beast)
Sean Spicer cites Atlanta terror attack that never happened -
Trump Aide Derided Islam, Immigration And Diversity, Embraced An Anti-Semitic Past | The Huffington Post
Jeff Sessions Confirmed as Attorney General, Capping Bitter Battle - The New York Times
Here's The Coretta Scott King Letter Mitch McConnell Suppressed | The Huffington Post - Sen. Elizabeth Warren, blocked from reading the letter aloud in the Senate, instead recited it on Facebook Li
Here's The 'Controversial' Super Bowl Ad That Crashed 84 Lumber's Website | The Huffington Post
Judges Block North Carolina Law Limiting Governor's Powers : news
Footloose town: Valentine's Day dance cancelled because it's too near a church | US news | The Guardian - because it would have taken place 300 feet (90 metres) from a church, in violation of a rule forbidding dancing within 500 feet of a place of worship, KTUL-TV reported
50 Free and Useful Websites
Useful Interweb
What are some websites that don't usually show up on Google, or that are interesting but are almost impossible to find? : AskReddit
*** LINGsCARS ***
Fling shut down after blowing through $21 million and turning into a porn site - Business Insider
A Crack in an Antarctic Ice Shelf Grew 17 Miles in the Last Two Months - The New York Times - fourth-largest ice shelf has scientists concerned that it is getting close to a full break (that should make a big splash in the deniers' heads)
There are now twice as many solar jobs as coal jobs in the US : technology
Putin Critic, Who Said He Was Poisoned in 2015, Falls Into Coma - The New York Times (Putin's poison polonium)
Want to buy the average London home? Save more than the average salary every month | CityMetric - Never mind, President Trump will be up and about soon, at which point the complete absence of long-time financial security for Londoners won't seem like such a big problem in the scheme of things.
The 30-Years War in Vietnam - The New York Times - mportant, rather, is to understand how the colonial war, the civil war and the Cold War intertwined to produce such a deadly conflagration by 1967. (America has always done tragically stupid stuff: 3 million dead Vietnamese to stop the dominos from falling)
Exclusive: How Theresa May poked fun at the size of Donald Trump's hands - "I don't think I have received such a big hand since I walked down the colonnade at the White House."
Keep It Simple and Take Credit : Democracy Journal - As Democrats stare down eight years of policies being wiped out within months, it's worth looking at why those policies did virtually nothing for their electoral success at any level. (thanks, Obama and dumb Dems)
How to stop an autocracy - Vox - The danger isn't that Trump will build an autocracy. It's that congressional Republicans will let him. (done deal)
How Donald Trump Could Build an Autocracy in the U.S. - The Atlantic - David Frum
Sorry! American politics will get worse - Axios
Shoker! Rediculous chocker Trump attaks and dishoners English with ever-dummer spellings. - The Washington Post (never that smart, but his brain is going)
Ordinary Americans carried out inhumane acts for Trump - Baltimore Sun - If we do nothing, that is a choice. It means we accept a government that has demonstrated it is capable of inflicting cruelty on the innocent and defenseless. What will we do?
- InfoWars i The countrys behind President Trump's idea that the media is covering up terrorist attacks (well, if you only watch Fox)
What's largely and glaringly missing from Trump's list of terrorist attacks: Non-Western victims (it's a coverup)
Here are the 78 terrorist attacks the White House says were largely underreported - The Washington Post (Trump left Dylan Roof off the list)
- Our Articles on the Terror Attacks the White House Says Weren't Covered
- Trump makes false statement about U.S. murder rate to sheriffs' group "But the murder rate is the highest it's been in, I guess, 45 to 47 years." The country's murder rate is not the highest it's been in 47 years. It is almost at its lowest point, actually, according to the FBI, (Satan is a known serial liar)
Trump must stop lying or Americans will think he is nuts - The Washington Post (Republicans have been lying since Nixon and don't believe in reality)
About 20 Rabbis Arrested During Protest Over Trump Travel Ban - The New York Times - affiliated with a liberal Jewish group were arrested on Monday night after blocking the street near the Trump International Hotel and Tower at Columbus Circle in Manhattan to protest an executive order that banned travel to the United States from seven majority-Muslim nations
Bad News for Donald Trump: 'SNL' In the Midst of a Ratings Renaissance. Most viewed season in 22 years. : television
Betsy DeVos Confirmed as Education Secretary; Pence Breaks Tie - The New York Times
ajaxsinger comments on Betsy DeVos Confirmed as Education Secretary; Pence Breaks Tie (she's a disaster for education, which Republicans hate)
- Vote on a Cabinet Nominee Would Be Historic
Senate Democrats Talk All Night Ahead Of Betsy DeVos Vote | The Huffington Post - Senate Democrats held an all-night session on the floor. (Republicans got drunk and celebrated the end of education in America)
Secret money fueling pro-Betsy DeVos ad campaigns | Center for Public Integrity - Conservative groups making final push
Republican lawmakers face rising anger at town halls | TheHill
'He'll never be back' - CNN's Alisyn Camerota mocks GOP lawmaker after disastrous appearance
Did Yiannopoulos secretly send more than 100 thugs to Berkeley to break up his own speech? - The Washington Post (probably not)
Kanye West Now Anti-Trump, Deletes All Trump Tweets | - Not with Him Anymore (too late, dude, you'll live with this the rest of your life)
A small Arkansas town has its first murder suspect in decades. He's 12 (gunz everywhere in gun-land)
Open-carry advocates walked into a police station with a loaded rifle. Officers were not amused. - The Washington Post - "Wearing a mask, dark glasses, visible body armor, and a rifle slung across your chest instills a very specific image that cannot be ignored." (dimbulbs dressed up as terrorists invade police station, does not go well)
The Roosevelts' Wedding Announcement, Annotated By AMY BLOOMJAN. 31, 2017
What was one of the largest mistakes in history? : AskReddit
Have you ever witnessed someone completely snap? What happened? : AskReddit
Girls of reddit, what are the most common reasons behind why guys didn't make it past the first date with you? : AskReddit
Wonkette To Ad Networks: Fuck Off And Die (support Wonkette!)
Kuwait denies it imposed travel ban praised by Trump - "Kuwait has denied a media report which said it had imposed a travel ban on citizens from several Muslim-majority countries, a story which U.S. President Donald Trump praised on Facebook." : worldnews
Italian priest faces defrocking for organising orgies on church property - Don Andrea Contin is accused of having 30 lovers and taking trips with them to a naturist swingers's resort ("resort")
Royal commission into child sexual abuse: 1,880 alleged perpetrators identified in Catholic Church - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
U.S. Ambassador To UN Says No Lifting Of Russia Sanctions Until Crimea Returned : worldnews
An immigrant and her husband after she was sworn in as a US citizen. : pics
Opposition to Trump travel ban grows as key court decision looms - The Washington Post
President Trump's simplistic, illogical worldview, in one tweet: "Any negative polls are fake news, just like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in the election. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting."
Why Nobody Cares the President Is Lying - The New York Times - He can do this because members of the Trump administration feel confident that the alternative-reality media will provide air cover, even if they are caught fabricating facts or twisting words ... All administrations lie, but what we are seeing here is an attack on credibility itself. (the Party of Satan always lies))
Springtime for Scammers - The New York Times ... our so-called president ... But so far his economic policies are all about empowering ethically challenged businesses to cheat and exploit the little guy. (the little guy is very stupid)
The Finger on the Nuclear Button - The New York Times - He has spoken, alarmingly, about deploying this weaponry against terrorists and about expanding America's nuclear capabilities. He has said he values unpredictability, meaning presumably that he wants to keep other nations on edge about whether he will use nuclear weapons. (maybe he will and maybe he won't but just hide under your desks)
Trump and Staff Rethink Tactics After Stumbles - The New York Times
Want to "Take the Oil"? Crunch the Numbers First - Lawfare - Until science fiction movies become reality, the United States has no ability to somehow "take" all of Iraq's oil
- Sorry, We All Know It's President Bannon
- Albright on Trump: Bannon 'pulling the strings'
Executive Power Run Amok - The New York Times - By john yoo (even Torture You is scared)
Donald Trump Attacks Judge Who Stalled Immigration Order: 'If Something Happens Blame Him' | The Huffington Post - the President continues to flout the separation of powers, rejects our foundational principles, all we can turn to is our instinct for shared defiance.
- The Senate is coming apart
- Sanders on Trump: 'This guy is a fraud'
Trump's Radical Anti-Americanism - As the President rejects our foundational principles, all we can turn to is our instinct for shared defiance.
Never Forget - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Kellyanne CONways's citation of the imaginary Bowling Green Massacre was not a one-shot thing:
- The Massacre That Wasn't and a Turning Point for 'Fake News'
Eschaton: Not Normal - Trump has both the mind and filter of a child.
Trump 101: he is definitely not a health nut - Axios - Exercise: The only workout Trump gets is an occasional round of golf. Even then, he mostly travels by cart. On the campaign trail he viewed his rallies as his form of exercise.
New bill just introduced that would terminate the EPA. : news
Witness Opens Fire, Kills Walmart Shoplifting Suspect, Orange County Deputies Say : news - The gunman told investigators he fired because he thought one of the shoplifters was reaching for a weapon. (the old 'waistband' defense)
Tom Brady didn't just have the best Super Bowl ever. He played the greatest football game ever.
Neural Correlates of Sexual Orientation in Heterosexual, Bisexual, and Homosexual Men - Conclusion: "bisexual men exhibit distinctly bisexual neural responses." : science
Cancer patient on new drug trial left with no trace of disease after being given 18 months to live : Futurology
Women of Reddit, what are red flags when it comes to dating men? : AskReddit
Appeals Court Shoots Down DOJ Request To Immediately Restore Travel Ban | The Huffington Post - Another loss for Trump. (more "so-called" judges)
Eschaton: Suck. On. This. - Keep winning everybody.
Trump's Muslim ban and the long history of American nativism (you know, except for the actual natives) The United States is neither a land of nativists nor a haven for immigrants. Our xenophobic impulses and loftiest ideals have been in conflict since the founding. (or, the North and the South)
Matt O'Brien on Twitter: "The worst take of 2016" (Snowden and Stein)
scary lawyerguy on Twitter: "Former COO of Goldman standing over Trump's left shoulder as he signed EO weakening Dodd-Frank is about as big a fuck you as you can get"
You Are the Sucker - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Now Let Them Enforce It - Lawyers, Guns & Money - resident Manchild gave a typically measured response to Judge Robart's order
Bill O'Reilly Calls Vladimir Putin A 'Killer', Donald Trump Says Americans Are Just As Bad | The Huffington Post - "What do you think? Our country's so innocent?"
A Stern warning - Lawyers, Guns & Money ("mental health")
No to Federal Land Transfers - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Jason Chaffetz, the most principled man in Washington except for all the others, and his buddies want to transfer millions of acres of western lands over to the states, which would lead to both far more limited public access and vastly more industrial development (Trumpsters coming for your national parks)
Trump Lied, People May Die - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The scene inside and outside Rep. Tom McClintock's town hall meeting Saturday morning was at times raucous, and the California congressman ultimately was escorted out by police.
Arkansas' latest anti-abortion law has a little bit of everything for misogynists - The "Unborn Child Protection From Dismemberment Abortion Act," signed into law last week by Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R) ... Nothing says law and order like letting violent criminals control their victims. A better, or at least more accurate name for the bill would have been Patriarchal Republicans Improving Reproductive Coercion in the Kakistocracy.
How far can protesters go before the government steps in? - The Washington Post - bills boosting penalties for unlawful demonstrations. They include one that would protect drivers who "unintentionally" run over activists blocking roads and another aimed at forcing protesters to pay up to three times the costs of any damage they caused.
Budweiser's 'Immigration' Super Bowl Ad Triggers Boycott Threat | The Huffington Post - "We don't our beer, your opinions, and your illegal immigrants."
Analysis: 32 years of U.S. filicide arrests | News from Brown - Mariano synthesizes three main hypotheses about these underlying motives. 1) have mental illness that derives from low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin. 2) testosterone 3) young mothers
A mother said she kicked her child for not brushing her teeth. Now the girl is dead. - The Washington Post
TIL George Washington feared the growing influence of political parties in the US. He thought that it would lead to "the alternate domination" of each party, taking revenge on each other in the form of reactionary political policies, and that it would eventually cause the North and South to split. : todayilearned
U.S. military touted 10-year-old videos from Yemen terror raid - politico (propaganda machine needs oil)
Donald Trump might be more popular than you think - politico - evidence suggesting traditional polls aren't accurately measuring support for the president and his policies. Rasmussen's most recent survey released Friday, 54 percent of likely voters approved of Trump (fake liberal polls will not be listened to)
- Kellyanne Conway: Media is 'inciting mob mentality if not mob violence' (and will need to be shut down)
idioma comments on Kellyanne Conway made up a fake terrorist attack to justify Trump's 'Muslim ban' - After the collapse of the Soviet Union, this kind of cynicism was referred to as the "reverse cargo cult" effect.
Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Interesting that certain Middle-Eastern countries agree with the ban. They know if certain people are allowed in it's death & destruction!" ("certain countries" = Israel)
- The Trump Administration: It's as Bad as it Looks - The conditions under which Trump authorized that raid-a dinner conversation with his son-in-law, the Defense Secretary, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and a few others-was, shall we say, unusual for a major escalation in American military operations.
NYT Opinion on Twitter: "Day 15. By @PatChappatte"
Donald Trump on Religious Nationalism at the Prayer Breakfast - The Atlantic - Declares a Vision of Religious Nationalism (where he is the God)
Trump's rallying cry: Fear itself - The machete-wielding man was quickly shot and arrested Friday morning by French police and soldiers, but from the vantage point of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, it was a crisis dire enough to put a nation 4,000 miles away on high alert. (fear is his product, when his customers should be afraid of him)
State Dept. reverses visa revocations, allows banned travelers to enter U.S. - The Washington Post
Federal judge issues issues nationwide restraining order against Trump travel ban - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump officials slow-walked court orders on travel ban - politico - Customs officials blocked immigrants from seeing lawyers at Dulles Airport, despite judge - "This is an unchecked executive that thinks it's above the law"
President Trump's do-it-himself approach just suffered a big - and unusual - early setback - A federal judge in Seattle on Feb. 3 temporarily blocked the enforcement of President Trump's travel ban (working on a plan to fire the judiciary)
- Trump lashes out at 'so-called judge' who temporarily blocked travel ban (don't need no steenking judges in the Trumpocracy)
Federal Agencies Stop Enforcing Key Parts Of Trump's Travel Ban After Court Order | The Huffington Post - The president personally attacked the federal judge who issued a temporary restraining order.
Trump Inches The U.S. Closer To Constitutional Crisis | The Huffington Post - smear of a federal judge who temporarily halted the travel ban undermines judicial independence and could encourage defiance.
The little-noticed bombshell in Trump's immigration order - The travel ban got all the headlines, but experts are realizing another provision could clamp down on normal tourism and even diplomats. ("so-called" diplomats and tourist)
DeVos opposition snowballs into avalanche - politico - Parents, teachers, celebrities redouble efforts to sink nomination. (cabinet of swamp-creatures)
And the racist Oscar goes to... - Lawyers, Guns & Money : File this one under: "of course": Steve Bannon planned to make a three-part faux documentary about Muslim radicals taking over the US.
A spot on Trump's business advisory council should be a liability - Travis Kalanick did not receive the memo that protest doesn't work
Michigan GOP Official Calls For 'Another Kent State' For Campus Protesters | The Huffington Post (killing "so-called" students" is he new normal in Michissippi)
Arkansas passes law allowing rapists to sue victims who want an abortion : news - Next up in Arkansas legislation: a bill to give women the choice of marrying their rapist, or being stoned to death for fornication ... The most well-known case was of a Kansas boy who, at age 13, impregnated his 17-year-old baby-sitter. Under Kansas law, a child under the age of 15 is legally unable to consent to sex. The Kansas Supreme Court in 1993 ruled that he was liable for child support. (fair is fair)
Statutory rape victim forced to pay child support ... The Kansas court determined that the rape was irrelevant and that the child support was not owed to the rapist but rather to the child
Feuding Chelsea Clinton And Kellyanne Conway Go At It On Twitter | The Huffington Post
Minnesota man who shot 5 Black Lives Matter protesters found guilty : news
They Don't Care? ... The point is to stop pretending that religion (and in the US we mean good Christian religion) necessarily steers people away from horrible moral and political beliefs, because all that does it give people a magical cloak to hide how horrible they are.
This "Daily Show" skit shocked me the most. I don't even know what "normal" is anymore. : television (double-think works in stupid brains)
Caitlyn Jenner on Looking in the Mirror and Not Recognizing Yourself - The Atlantic (Jenner makes a cartoon of herself)
Patton Oswalt Reveals Wife Michelle McNamara's Cause Of Death | The Huffington Post - Adderall, Xanax and fentanyl.
Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat to Christianity? - The Atlantic - "If humans were to create free-willed beings," says Kelly, who was raised Catholic and identifies as a Christian, "absolutely every single aspect of traditional theology would be challenged and have to be reinterpreted in some capacity." (on the other hand, The Robotic Bible)
- The Clues That Neanderthals Didn't Know How to Make Fire
The best visualization of chaotic movement I have ever seen. : videos
What activity is creepy and sinister when it is done as a hobby rather than a profession? : AskReddit
nosleeptilwhiterun comments on Richard Pierce - 14 years of age, works as a Western Union Telegraph Messenger. with nine months of service. He works from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Smokes. Visits houses of prostitution. Wilmington, Delaware, ca. May 1910 - They were well connected in the local Republican party, but not exactly scrupulous.
Trump's New FCC Chair Is Screwing Everything Up as Fast as He Can : technology
The Trump Administration Will Be Great for Telecom Giants-and Terrible for Internet Users | Dan Gillmor : technology (non-pro-Trump content will be very, very slow)
Republicans back off bill to sell 3.3m acres of public land after outcry | Environment | The Guardian - Congressman Jason Chaffetz withdraws House bill 621 as conservationists and outdoorsmen vow to continue fight over similar legislation (Mormons coming for your national parks)
Fukushima nuclear reactor radiation at highest level since 2011 meltdown | Environment | The Guardian - Extraordinary readings pile pressure on operator Tepco in its efforts to decommission nuclear power station
North Korea faces 'overwhelming' US response if it uses nuclear arms - Mattis | World news | The Guardian
US: Israeli settlements no impediment to peace but may not be helpful | World news | The Guardian
Killers Are Paid Up To $300 Per Head In Philippines' Deadly War On Drugs: Report | The Huffington Post - Amnesty International investigation finds President Rodrigo Duterte's anti-drug campaign has created "an economy of murder."
French Soldier Fires On Armed Man Who Attacked Guard Outside The Louvre Museum, Police Say | The Huffington Post
- Religious law may be coming to America. But it's not Sharia, it's Christian
Here's One Of The Bomb Threats Jewish Centers Across The County Are Hearing | The Huffington Post - Centers in multiple states received at least 16 threats on Jan. 9, more than two dozen on Jan. 18, and on Tuesday, another handful of centers were evacuated after similar calls.
America's Status in the World - The first two weeks of fascist America have really endeared us to the rest of the world. This week's Der Spiegle cover: Maybe we can go to war with the Germans at the same time that we are at war with Iran, China, and Australia, as well as massacring innocents in Yemen. Of course that still wouldn't stop Navy Seals from wanting to be the shock troops of authoritarianism.
Edel Rodriguez on Twitter: "Washington Post: Trump beheads the Statue of Liberty in a striking magazine cover illustration"
Klaus Brinkbdumer on Twitter: "America First. The new @DerSPIEGEL cover by @edelstudio. @SPIEGELONLINE @SPIEGEL_English"
SPIEGEL English on Twitter: "The new @DerSPIEGEL cover story on Trump's election will be online in English this evening (European time)."
Donald Trump Isn't Going To Like This Magazine Cover | The Huffington Post
Polls Reveal Stark Partisan Divides Over Support For Muslim Ban | The Huffington Post - 95 percent of Trump voters approved of the ban, compared to 12 percent of Clinton voters. (Republicans are pure evil)
Press Secretary Sean Spicer Falsely Accuses Iran of Attacking U.S. Navy Vessel, an Act of War (Saudi boat the same as American boat)
Former Norway PM Detained At Dulles Airport Over 2014 Iran Visit | The Huffington Post - "Provoked" Kjell Bondevik expresses concern over "authoritarian leaders."
No, Mr. Bondevik, I expect you to cry - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - I wonder how long it will be until people who have looked at Iran on a map will be detained at his MAGAsty's pleasure? ... Apparently being a few generations removed from actual vikings does not outweigh being foreign, promoting human rights and visiting a country selected at random by the Temper Tantrum in Chief in MAGAmerica.
Donald Trump's Executive Order Revoked Tens Of Thousands Of Visas. Here's What That Means. | The Huffington Post - U.S. visa-holders from the seven countries Trump has banned will not be able to leave and come back.
Eschaton: Ethnic Cleansing - They don't like any immigrants not married to Donald Trump, but they'll start with the Muslims - because they can pretend to justify that - and keep going unless they're stopped (suck it up, Jews)
CIA's New Deputy Director Is A Veteran Spy Who Oversaw Black Sites Where Detainees Were Tortured Her selection for the role may mean Trump is ready to move back to harsh treatment of detainees.
Senate Votes To Kill Dodd Frank Anti-Corruption Rule | The Huffington Post - The rule was aimed at curbing corruption at big oil, gas and mining companies. (full speed ahead into the new Trump kleptocracy era)
Trump Today: A rollback of financial regulations - The Boston Globe (make America corrupt again and fuck the economy)
Steve Clemons on Twitter: "Reports coming in that some Secret Service mgr level personnel forced 2 resign 2nite & escorted out of EEOB. Two out but source says more" (Trump purge at SS, may replace with own Gestapo/Death Squads)
White House Backs Away From Promised Voter Fraud Investigation | The Huffington Post - A recent poll found that only 1 in 4 people believe Trump's claims/lies that millions of people voted illegally. (the 25% that never leaves their foxhole)
Kellyanne Conway Literally Fabricated A Massacre To Justify Trump's Immigration Ban | The Huffington Post - after two Iraqis came here to this country, were radicalized and were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre. Most people don't know that because it didn't get covered (alt-facts)
I'll always remember where I was when I heard about the Bowling Green Massacre
Jen Statsky on Twitter: "Devastated to learn that Manti Te'o's girlfriend was one of the victims lost in the Bowling Green Massacre."
Donald Trump Signs Huge Wall Street Giveaway | The Huffington Post - A new executive order will transfer billions from retirees to Wall Street.
#DressLikeAWoman: Twitter backlash over reports of dress code for Trump staff | US news | The Guardian (super high heels, short low-cut dresses required)
GOP Votes To End Obama Rule Designed To Keep Mentally Ill From Buying Guns | The Huffington Post - The expanded background check was a response to the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre. (only way to defend against mentally-ill people with guns is more mentally-ill people with guns)
White House nixed Holocaust statement naming Jews - politico - The State Department wrote a message that recognized Jewish victims, but the White House used its own that didn't (conservative Jews love Trumpster as long as he hates Muslims more)
Trump Takes Propecia, A Hair-Loss Drug Associated With Mental Confusion, Impotence | The Huffington Post - Everything you need to know about the new disclosure.
The White House Ousts Trump's Biggest Fan - While a a senior administration official told the Times that Priebus and Bannon "plan to find another role in the administration for Mr. Scaramucci in the future," anything less than the job he specifically sold his company and gave up his life to take kind of feels like a kick in the pants. It almost makes you feel sorry that The Mooch, like Chris Christie before him, thought hitching his wagon to Trump's was a good idea. Almost.
Here's How Much Betsy DeVos And Her Family Paid To Back GOP Senators Who Will Support Her | The Huffington Post (she bought them all)
House (Anti)Science Panel Preps Making The EPA Great Again
Indiana Is Still Figuring Out How To Pay For A Bicentennial Celebration Mike Pence Wanted | The Huffington Post - Tallian said the tab Pence left the state with is just one of many problems she has with the vice president.
Today in Republican Governance - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - House Republicans approved a measure Wednesday that scuttles a regulation aimed at preventing coal mining debris from being dumped into nearby streams. (coal country pussies are overjoyed Trump is defending them from terrorists)
New Arkansas Law Lets Men Block Wives' Abortions | The Huffington Post - Even in cases of spousal rape - "Unborn Child Protection From Dismemberment Abortion Act," (Trump's new order )
Suit Accuses Milwaukee Sheriff Of Abuse Of Power In Airport Incident | The Huffington Post - Passenger claims he was harassed for shaking his head at the tough-talking lawman.
California Cop Caught Threatening To 'Create' Charges Against Innocent Man | The Huffington Post
Baylor rape scandal involves recruiting hostess' program - "The obvious reason they still exist is recruiting. This is big time, big money, and sex recruits high school kids," said Redmond, who has said she was raped by a football player while at the University of Nebraska in 1991. (Rape is America's Game)
How bad science misled chronic fatigue syndrome patients ... Simon Wessely, president of the UK Royal College of Psychiatrists - "OK folks, nothing to see here, move along please." (he only helped fuck over a few million people so look the other way +study scientists stone-walled and lied about "death threats to hide their evil work)
No Recovery in PACE Trial, New Analysis Finds
TRIAL BY ERROR: The Troubling Case of the PACE Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Study
PACE: The research that sparked a patient rebellion and challenged medicine - Sense About Science USA
Chronic fatigue syndrome - Mayo Clinic - Chronic fatigue syndrome has also been called myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and, more recently, systemic exertion intolerance disease (SEID). Although CFS/ME and SEID share the same major symptom of chronic fatigue, there is variation between the definitions of these disorders.
What is ME/CFS? - Emerge Australia - MYA: muscles ALGIC: painful ENCEPHALO: brain MYEL: nerve ITIS: inflammation (painful muscles flaming brain)
CFS-The "Invisibled" Disease | CFS Untied (moldy, sick buildings ignored for 30 years because obviously)
One Clear Vision - What exactly is DVS (severe Eye Floaters) and how is the condition diagnosed?
Firm That Helped FBI Break Into San Bernardino iPhone Gets Hacked, Tools Leaked Online : technology
U.S. Military Probing More Possible Civilian Deaths In Yemen Raid | The Huffington Post - Trump approved his first covert counterterrorism operation without sufficient intelligence, ground support or adequate backup preparations, officials said. (he wanted a parade)
Eschaton: Big Victory - Still you know that Trump was planning a big victory and a "we killed the bad guy" speech and "ISIS is on the run now!" big parade for something like this.
Obama's White House worked for months on a plan to seize Raqqa. Trump's team took a quick look and decided not to pull the trigger. (wanted a cheap symbolic parade)
How Donald Trump Destabilised Australia's Prime Minister With One Phone Call - Malcolm Turnbull is now in a serious jam.
Trump Accuses Australia Of Trying To Send U.S. The 'Next Boston Bombers': Report | The Huffington Post
Federal workers turn to encryption to thwart Trump - politico - Agency employees are turning to Signal and other incognito forms of communication to express their dissent.
After 2 Weeks, Voters Yearn For Obama - Public Policy Polling
The changing face of Congress in 5 charts | Pew Research Center - Catholics now make up 31% of Congress, up from 19% in 1961. Protestants, on the other hand, have fallen from 75% in 1961 to 56% today
Faith on the Hill | Pew Research Center - The religious composition of the 115th Congress
earldbjr comments on Donald Trump lifts sanctions on Russia that were imposed by Obama in response to cyber-security concerns (overwhelming evidence of Russian control)
Trump Vows to 'Destroy' Law Banning Political Activity by Churches
America's Leading Authoritarian Intellectual Is Working for Trump - Michael Anton President Trump isn't a fan of dissent - inside or outside the government
- Trump's Supreme Court pick Neil Gorsuch founded and led club called 'Fascism Forever' against liberal faculty at his elite all-boys DC prep school
Trump's wild hair
Pelosi slams Bannon: 'White supremacist' now on security council | TheHill
Nancy Pelosi Repeatedly Calls Steve Bannon a "White Supremacist" | Mother Jones
Trump loses suit over golf club memberships - politico - Judge orders president's Jupiter, Fla. country club to pay nearly $6 million to members who tried to resign.
Eschaton: And Politics Is Politics - Neal Katyal ...sorta liberal but a Reasonable Liberal, that when his turn comes, his minor investment in elite lickspittling, consequences for the rest of us be damned, will pay off handsomely.
Eschaton: Conservatives Are Horrible People - a fascist, an idiot, or a careerist shill
Arnold's response : gifs
NYPD sergeant guilty of raping 13-year-old girl : news
Delaying school start times could help teenagers sleep better giving them a better chance for success. Researchers have found that students from schools that started earlier slept less, were less likely to meet the national sleep recommendations for their age & were more often tired in the morning. : science
The great artificial intelligence gamble that finally paid off - The Washington Post - a tournament of no-limit Texas Hold'em
Weapons of Math Destruction, book review: Democracy in the age of the algorithm | ZDNet - Our lives are increasingly influenced by mathematical models and algorithms that are hard to challenge and often discriminatory
Weapons of Math Destruction, book review: Democracy in the age of the algorithm : books
If an astronaut travel in a spaceship near the speed of light for one year. Because of the speed, the time inside the ship has only been one hour. How much cosmic radiation has the astronaut and the ship been bombarded? Is it one year or one hour? self.askscience
Does "No Absolute Reference Frame" contradict the cosmic microwave background (CMB)? : AskPhysics
Why "1 + 1 = 2" ? : askscience
PhD student shares results of his research: Sticky Comments Increase Fact-Checking and Cause Tabloid News To Be Featured Less Prominently on reddit : bestof
With a 40C temperature increase globally, countries representing 73% of the global population would face a 580% increase in flood risk, new study looking at river flood risk finds. In addition, 79% of the global economy would face a 500% increase in flood damages. : science
Eschaton: Inconvenienced - His mother died just one day after being told she couldn't return to the United States (for medical treatment)
'Man who claimed mom died in Iraq after Trump's ban lied, Imam confirms' : news
Unsettling Echoes: Joseph Goebbels (1933), Sean Spicer (2017), Steve Bannon (2017) - History Workshop (so, both the Confederate traitors and the Nazis win in the end)
Flash - Human forebear a bag-like beast with no anus: study - France 24 (may resemble Republicans, scientists say)
Democrats, Still Bitter Over How Their SCOTUS Pick Was Treated, Now Weigh Donald Trump's | The Huffington Post
Orrin Hatch Ignores The Rules, Advances Key Trump Nominees Despite Democratic Boycott | The Huffington Post - Steve Mnuchin and Tom Price now go to the floor for a full vote. (rules are for suckers)
Eschaton: Rearranging the Seats of Power - take a genius to realize that if an 8pm SC announcement happens and an opinion piece shows up in the New York Times in record time afterwards, that the piece was pre-written, that the person had advanced notice and was enlisted in the PR machine of the product rollout.
Neal Katyal on Twitter: "Even a broken clock is right twice a day. This one, not so much. But once in 11 days. Stay tuned."
- I just about tossed my Peruvian beaver milk latte this morning when reading Neal Kaytal plea
Fox News Cohosts: Jesus Wasn't A Refugee, His Family Just Wanted To Pay Their Taxes | The Huffington Post - "Who gave (Sharpton) his gift certificate to be a reverend?" co-host Brian Kilmeade said. (who thought Kilmeade had a soul?)
Trump Supporters In Coal Country Love His Controversial Refugee Ban | The Huffington Post (don't see any refugees but afraid of terrorists because they are racist WATBs)
Eschaton: Our Betters - nominee for education secretary, in written responses to questions from senators, appears to have used several sentences and phrases from other sources without attribution - including from a top Obama administration civil rights official. (incapable of original thinking)
60-Year-Old Grandfather Killed by Security Guard While Playing Pokemon Go: Lawyer - NBC News - A 60-year-old grandfather left his house in Virginia Thursday night to play Pokemon Go, but never made it back after being shot to death allegedly by a security officer, according to the victim's family attorney.
Weapons of Math Destruction, book review: Democracy in the age of the algorithm : books
Why "1 + 1 = 2" ? : askscience
Reddit bans two prominent alt-right subreddits : technology
TIL that 35 policemen armed with AK47's had to rescue a shaved orangutan that was being used as a sex slave in a Borneo brothel in Indonesia. : todayilearned
What happened to make you say "I'm never coming to this restaurant again"? : AskReddit
What are some Youtube channels everyone should check out? : AskReddit
Amish people of reddit: what are you doing here? : AskReddit
The Expanse is the most politically relevant sci-fi show on TV : television goes down. 5 different backup strategies fail! : technology
How Trump's first counter-terror operation in Yemen turned into chaos
An outburst of violence in Ukraine may be Trump's first test with Putin ("test" ha-ha)
Canada Calls Out Fox News For 'False And Misleading' Quebec Shooter Tweets | The Huffington Post - The network is "perpetuating fear and division," a spokeswoman for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said.
Quebec City mosque attack suspect known as online troll inspired by French far-right - The Globe and Mail - stood up for U.S. President Donald Trump and was against immigration to Quebec - especially by Muslims.
- Suspect in Quebec Mosque Attack Quickly Depicted as a Moroccan Muslim. He's a white nationalist (alt-right, Fox spread the lie)
Second bomb threat at Albany Jewish Community Center - Times Union
- Today in Trump's America - this is actually the third wave of threats directed against Jewish Community Centers since the election ... comments: "There is a certain type of Jewish person who is so hateful and fearful of muslims that they will ally with anyone who hates them as much as they do."
'This is the World We Live in Now' New Bomb Threats Against Jewish Community Centers Across US Raise Alarms
Monika on Twitter: "Just a nazi naziing (context: Chuck Schumer is a Jewish US citizen, Senator for NY, born in NY; Spencer is antisemitic)"
What Is Whiteness? - The New York Times
They Ain't Makin Jews Like Jesus Anymore - YouTube
Team Hillary blames Obama more than Putin - Axios - Clintonites feel that if Obama had come out early and forcefully with evidence of Russian interference in the campaign, and perhaps quicker sanctions, she might be president today. His caution, they argue, allowed the public to have a foggy sense of clear, calculated, consistent Russian meddling in the campaign. (once again, tnanks, cautious Barry)
Sam Waterston: The danger of Trump's constant lying (Satan lies)
Trump Nominees Say False Things. Republicans Say Meh. | The Huffington Post - "The cabinet secretaries are going to be approved," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said.
Trump picks Colo. appeals court judge Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court - The Washington Post - Gorsuch is seen as a less bombastic version of Scalia; he also believes in an "originalist" interpretation of the Constitution and would seem destined to be a solidly conservative vote on the ideologically split court.
President Bannon? - The New York Times - In giving Mr. Bannon an official role in national security policy making, Mr. Trump has not simply broken with tradition but has embraced the risk of politicizing national security, or giving the impression of doing so. (thanks, Evangelicals)
- Steve Bannon is Trump's conscience. Yikes (not an easy job, being the Anti-Christ's conscience)
Can Jared and Ivanka Outrun Donald Trump's Scandals? Less than a fortnight into his new post, Kushner appears unable to control his father-in-law-and is "furious" that his efforts are being undermined. (President Bannon now in charge of VP Pig-Fucker)
Trump Fires Acting Attorney General Who Defied Him - The New York Times
Jeff Sessions Had Warned Sally Yates: You'll Have To Say No To The President | The Huffington Post - "Do you think the Attorney General has the responsibility to say no to the President if he asks for something that's improper?" the senator asked her. (he meant Obama, for irony's sake)
Trump Replaces ICE Chief Daniel Ragsdale, Appoints Thomas Homan | The Huffington Post
- Do Republicans Remember When They Promised They'd Be A Check On Trump?
Monday Night Massacre - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Yes, the New Acting Attorney General Can Sign FISA Applications - Lawfare - The New York Times is wrong on this one. Yates's replacement, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, Dana Boente does have the power to issue FISA applications.
Dianne Feinstein Eviscerates Jeff Sessions In Savage Closing Argument | The Huffington Post
Donald Trump Claims He Will Keep Obama's LGBTQ Protections For Federal Contractors | The Huffington Post - But there are still concerns he could carry out a "religious freedom" executive order.
White House aide Epshteyn wrote controversial Holocaust memorial statement - politico - amid a storm of criticism from Republicans like Sen. Susan Collins and conservative Jewish groups like the Zionist Organization of America, which is generally supportive of Trump but released a statement expressing "our chagrin and deep pain" that the White House message omitted "any mention of anti-Semitism and the six million Jews who were targeted and murdered by the German Nazi regime and others." (they support jew-haters as long as they hate muslims more)
Jamison Foser on Twitter: "Orrin Hatch has an unmatched ability to be personally and morally offended by things he did six months ago."
Today's Orrin Hatch Award For Lack of Self-Awareness
Mysterious intruder rattles GOP lawmakers - The Washington Post
Eschaton: Totebaggers No More - One difficult thing during the Bush years was that a lot of people who fancied themselves to be pretty liberal still had a hard time abandoning their Totebagger upbringing (compromise is good, don't be shrill, reach across the aisle)
George Orwell Reviews Mein Kampf: "He Envisages a Horrible Brainless Empire" (1940) Open Culture : books
An Open Letter to the Reddit Community : blog
In the U.S. Holocaust Museum : pics
GOP Rep: 'Paid' Female Constituents Are 'In My Grill' About Opposing ACA Repeal - "paid protesters...paid activists on the far left, not my Democratic friends I go to church with."
The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement - Bureau policies have been crafted to take into account the active presence of domestic extremists in U.S. police departments.
If NCAA ignores Baylor rape scandal, it deserves the death penalty - The Washington Post - If even a fraction of the new allegations at Baylor are true, former coaches Art and Kendal Briles should be unemployable in college athletics, and the Board of Regents needs to feel the hurt, too. The NCAA should consider the death penalty for Baylor, or risk becoming an organization of human jellyfish.
TIL the average American thinks a quarter of the country is gay or lesbian, when in reality, the number is approximately 4 percent. : todayilearned
Police: Naked escape for pastor caught with man's wife - Times Union - a prominent Florida pastor was forced to run out of a house naked after a woman's husband came home to find him having sex with his wife ... and hid behind a nearby fence. The husband took the pastor's clothes, wallet and car keys and later agreed to return the items following negotiations with police.
How would you describe Reddit to a friend who has never heard of it? : AskReddit
Reddit, in contrast to the hurtful comment thread, what's a genuinely kind comment somebody made to you that you can't forget? : AskReddit
What modern day slang really irritates you? : AskReddit
Apple misses deadline to pay $13.9 billion to Ireland in illegal tax benefits : news
Massive wind turbine takes energy generation record - A behemoth V164 offshore wind turbine from Danish company MHI Vestas Offshore Wind has produced almost 216,000 kWh over a 24-hour period
Bannon-Bibi - Lawyers, Guns & Money : President Trump i - Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) January 28, 2017
s right. I built a wall along Israel's southern border. It stopped all illegal immigration. Great success. Great idea ???????? - Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) January 28, 2017 ("immigration" ha-ha)
6 dead in shooting at Quebec City mosque, 2 men arrested - Montreal - CBC News - "It seemed to me that they had a Quibicois accent. They started to fire, and as they shot, they yelled, 'Allahu akbar!' The bullets hit people that were praying. People who were praying lost their lives. A bullet passed right over my head.
6 Dead, 8 Wounded In Shooting At Quebec Mosque | The Huffington Post - The sole suspect was identified as Alexandre Bissonnette, a French-Canadian university student, according to a Reuters source.
Only 1 suspect in deadly Quebec mosque shooting, police say : news - FoxNews changed their headline that originally focused on a "muslim" shooter, resulting in this hilarity - ... alt-right or similar accounts gloating about one witness claiming they heard shouts of "allahu akbar" and talking about the liberal media narrative with no confirmed sources. It was disgusting, not a single ounce of compassion for the victims ... We have entered an era of using fake news as a weapon.
DOJ won't defend Trump order
Donald Trump Fires The Acting Attorney General Of The United States | The Huffington Post
This is former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, a woman who has prosecuted terrorists, fought public corruption, and who loves her country : pics - She prosecuted the Atlanta Olympics bomber. She also worked with George W. Bush and Obama. She was not a partisan person. She was NOT standing up for "her beliefs"------ she was standing up for the law and the Constitution
U.S. President Donald Trump fired the federal government's top lawyer Sally Yates on Monday after she took the extraordinarily rare step of defying the White House and refused to defend new travel restrictions targeting seven Muslim-majority nations. : news
Trump fires Justice Dept. head over executive order defiance
- Hill staffers secretly worked on Trump's immigration order - Several House Judiciary Committee aides helped craft the controversial directive without telling Republican leaders.
Turmoil at DHS and State Department - "There Are People Literally Crying in the Office Here" - White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer responded harshly to the leaked dissent memo during a press briefing on Monday. "I think that they should either get with the program or they can go," he told reporters.
Trial Balloon for a Coup? - Medium (Heil Herr Trump!)
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES: A Coup Dress Rehearsal? - A National Security Council where the head of the national intelligence or the armed forces are NOT permanent members, but a white-Christian-male supremacist provocateur is? What does that mean for the safety and security of all Americans?
Bannon Is Given Security Role Usually Held for Generals - The New York Times - an executive order giving the rumpled right-wing agitator a full seat on the "principals committee" of the National Security Council - while downgrading the roles of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the director of national intelligence, who will now attend only when the council is considering issues in their direct areas of responsibilities.
Will Saletan on Twitter: "Liberal media are overplaying this NSC stuff. Putin has been invited to attend meetings only where issues pertaining to Russia are discussed"
A Dangerously Isolated President - The New Yorker
Balkinization: Foreign Policy Chaos - Although Trump provoked a needless dispute with Mexico (needless because, after all, parts of a wall already exist and we could have presumably expanded it somewhat without jeopardizing our entire relationship), the seven-nation ban on refugees is in another category altogether.
Obama supports protests: American values are at stake
It Took Donald Trump 8 Days To Bring The U.S. To The Brink Of A Constitutional Crisis | The Huffington Post - "Obedience to specific court orders is what keeps us from being a banana republic or fascist dictatorship. That's a really big deal."
The Chaos Candidate Becomes The Chaos President | The Huffington Post - Donald Trump's White House starts off with a first week that alarms even Republicans.
Eschaton: Week 2 - The administration is run by two holocaust denying co-presidents (President Pig Vomit and his puppet President Pig Fucker). Gonna be a fun ride.
Chemi Shalev on Twitter: "Daily Stormer praises Trump for daring to reject Jewish "science fiction" about Holocaust."
sean. on Twitter: "i guess we know which sources the White House is monitoring"
Eschaton: Because That's What Happened? - Unambiguous holocaust denial and zomg the real racist is the person who accused them of it!!!
Eschaton: FYT - Nationalism and white nationalism as commonly understood are not the same at all. (WaPo can't use the "white" word)
Just Hate
Snowflakes - Lawyers, Guns & Money : In Missouri in the early 1860s, a "Snowflake" was a person who was opposed to the abolition of slavery-the implication of the name being that such people valued white people over black people
BREAKING NEWS: Full Text of Draft Dissent Channel Memo on Trump Refugee and Visa Order - Lawfare
Team Trump's messy defenses of the immigration order could hurt them in court - Vox - messy defenses of the immigration order could hurt them in court - Incompetent, contradictory - and accidentally revealing.
How Trump's Rush to Enact an Immigration Ban Unleashed Global Chaos
Attorneys General From 16 States Condemn Trump Immigration Order | The Huffington Post - "We are committed to working to ensure that as few people as possible suffer from the chaotic situation that it has created."
Dulles Officials Continue To Defy Court Order Halting Part Of Immigration Ban | The Huffington Post - Lawyers and lawmakers say customs officials aren't letting green card holders access attorneys. (Trump don't need no steenking courts)
Senate Democrats Call For Investigation Into Trump Officials' Failure To Obey Court Orders | The Huffington Post (that'll work for sure)
Photos Reveal The Brutal Reality Ignored By Trump's Refugee Ban | The Huffington Post - The president is scared of Syrian refugees. They're scared of freezing to death in their own homes.
1 Million Brits Sign Petition To Block Trump's State Visit Due To 'Misogyny And Vulgarity' | The Huffington Post - Signatures surged in the wake of Trump's executive order targeting Muslims.
Protests Against Trump's Executive Order Don't Let Up | The Huffington Post - Demonstrations were planned in cities across the country.
Trump's hard-line actions have an intellectual godfather: Jeff Sessions
Chuck Schumer under fire from left-wing activists | New York Post - Enraged that the Senate Minority Leader has voted in favor of several cabinet nominees,
- Senate Dems will filibuster Trump's Supreme Court nominee - It will be only the second time in modern history that the Senate has mounted a filibuster against a nominee - "This is a stolen seat. This is the first time a Senate majority has stolen a seat," Sen. Jeff Merkley said in an interview.
Trump signs executive order requiring that for every one new regulation, two must be revoked - politico
Trump's record-shattering race to majority disapproval - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Reagan: 727 Bush I: 1336 Clinton: 573 Bush II: 1205 Obama: 936 Trump: 8
Insomniac night gaunt wants to see some heads roll - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Conway is also upset that no one has been fired for saying mean things about that tRump guy, President Racist Bannon's chief assistant. This is apparently something she decided was going to happen. "The election was three months ago. None of them have been let go." (the new regime will get around to Putinizing the media)
Will Saletan on Twitter: "God bless Chris Wallace for not interrupting this spectacular Kellyanne Conway meltdown."
Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired? | TheHill
Trump's voter fraud expert registered in 3 states (well, that's why he's an expert)
NBC wants to be the next Fox News, insiders say (Megynizing the news!)
rachel claire on Twitter: "I have a list of every friend who told me Hillary was just as bad as Trump and I read the list to myself every night like Arya Stark."
ACLU racks up $24.1 million in donations over weekend - Jan. 30, 2017
Boy Scouts of America will allow transgender children who identify as boys to enroll in scouting programs. : news
Colorado Topped $1 Billion in Legal Marijuana Sales in 2016 | - Through October, Colorado has collected more than $150 million in taxes from legal marijuana sales, including nearly $50 million from a specific excise tax that directs funds to school construction projects. The first $40 million collected annually from the excise tax is earmarked for the school projects. (Jason Lewis making sure MA doesn't have enough money for nice things)
Tin Foil Hats Actually Make it Easier for the Government to Track Your Thoughts - The Atlantic - Or so says "physics." (which is part of "fake science") "the current helmet craze is likely to have been propagated by the Government, possibly with the involvement of the FCC"
TIL Tin Foil Hats actually amplify, not protect one's brain from radio waves. : todayilearned
Is there a limit to how massive black holes can be? : askscience
Journal of Primatology article on chimp societies finds that they will murder and eat tyrannical leaders or bullies : science
Mod deletes a ridiculous answer in a thread related to Trump's travel ban as a joke, only to find out it was actually true : bestof : Trump has given the CIA 30 days to come up with a plan to destroy ISIS, so I imagine if any plan they come up with comes to pass, the ban will be lifted.
Reddit, what's your best/funniest personal example of petty revenge? : AskReddit
Natural selection in action : funny
What's the first thing you realized after moving out of your parents home? : AskReddit
Lyft surges to the top 10 on Apple's App Store following the #DeleteUber campaign
What is the oddest sexual request you've gotten from your partner? : AskReddit
Gates warns against denying climate change
U.S. Commando Dies In Yemen Raid That Kills Around 30 People | The Huffington Post - Eight-year-old Anwar al-Awlaki - the daughter of U.S.-born Yemeni preacher and al Qaeda ideologue Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in a U.S. drone strike in 2011 - was among the children who died in the raid, according to her grandfather.
Eschaton: Not A Humane Country - After one CAP official, Faiz Shakir, noted how perverse it is to first bomb a poor country and then make it turn over its revenues to you for doing so (Neera Tanden, Obama and Clinton neo-liberal think-tanker thought it was a good idea)
Meet the youngsters helping solve Japan's caregiving crisis - Like Kunio Odaira, 72.
Our President is a 6 Year Old Who Throws Tantrums : Lawyers, Guns & Money - The new president is reluctant to meet the prince when he comes to Britain in June because of their violently divergent views on global warming.
Trump's erratic first week was among the most alarming in history
Eliot A. Cohen Responds to Donald Trump's First Week - The Atlantic - There should be nothing surprising about what Donald Trump has done in his first week-but he has underestimated the resilience of Americans and their institutions.
Gallup: Trump Net Approval Rating Drops 8 Points In First Week In Office - On Sunday Jan. 22, two days after being sworn in, 45 percent of respondents said they disapproved of Trump's job performance and 45 percent approved. By Friday Jan. 27, the percentage who disapproved rose to 50 and percentage who approved dipped to 42 ... Forty-four percent of respondents to a Quinnipiac survey released Thursday said they disapproved of his handling of the presidency thus far, while only 36 percent approved.
Trump Is Very Unpopular And Can Be Made Even Less Popular - Lawyers, Guns & Money
White House Official, in Reversal, Says Green Card Holders Won't Be Banned
- President Trump's First Defeat - The immigration order creates an international mess-and a political embarrassment. (so it begins)
Judge halts deportations as refugee ban causes worldwide furor - The Washington Post
Donald Trump, the refugee ban, and the triumph of cruelty - Vox - mmigration crackdown is an exercise in government cruelty (Trump will fire 2/3's of the electorate)
Malevolence Tempered by Incompetence: Trump's Horrifying Executive Order on Refugees and Visas - The policy team at the White House developed the executive order on refugees and visas, and largely avoided the traditional interagency process that would have allowed the Justice Department and homeland security agencies to provide operational guidance (don't need your steenking agencies, either)
The Trump Administration's Incompetence Is Exceeded Only By Its Malevolence, And Vice Versa - Lawyers, Guns & Money
- Border Patrol Defies Judge, U.S. Senator at Dulles Airport as His First Constitutional Crisis Unfolds? ... An executive agency defying the ruling of a federal judge, and a U.S. senator trying-unsuccessfully-to make that agency comply. (Trump is the boss, ok? don't need your steenking "judiciary")
Eschaton: International Law is for Sucker - Hahaha silly cucks.
Customs And Border Officials Defy Court Order On Lawful Residents | The Huffington Post - aren't letting green card holders talk to lawyers. (crooked-Donald, lock-him-up)
Trump's Immigration Executive Order Is A Blueprint For Mass Deportation No one should be lulled into believing otherwise.
Keep Protesting! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : if you ever wondered what you have done when Adolf Hitler took power in Germany or Francisco Franco in Spain or Augusto Pinochet in Chile, well now you know.
ACLU says it raised $10 million since Saturday
Donald Trump Says His Order To Bar Refugees And Travelers Is 'Working Out Very Nicely' | The Huffington Post - He got what he wanted.
GOP Senator: Trump's Immigration Order 'Was Not Properly Vetted' | The Huffington Post ("vetted")
Inside the confusion of the Trump executive order and travel ban -
Protests Erupt At Airports After Trump's Executive Order Limiting Muslim Entry Into U.S. | The Huffington Post
Striking New York Cabbies Join Airport Protest Against Trump's Muslim Crackdown | The Huffington Post
Eschaton: Reciprocal - President Pig Fucker has banned dual citizens of the list of random countries from coming into the US. Meaning, a dual UK-Iranian citizen would be banned from entering the US on a UK passport.
McCain blasts Bannon placement on National Security Council - politico - calling the move "radical" because it minimizes the role of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (Daddy Trump knows best, doesn't need your fake competency)
Trump Gives Controversial Adviser Bannon Seat at Security Council Principals Meetings - ABC News
Reince Priebus Defends the White House's Tone-Deaf Holocaust Remembrance Day Statement - There was no mention of Jews or anti-Semitism in the statement released on Friday.
WH: No mention of Jews on Holocaust Remembrance Day because others were killed too - (low-key nazis)
Eschaton: Holocaust Denial - This is textbook holocaust denial, or specifically soft holocaust denial "minimization." Basically, it's a denial that Jews were targeted specifically.
Trump Continues Assault On Media, Calls New York Times 'Fake News' | The Huffington Post
- Conway: When will reporters who 'talked smack' be fired? (she will put them in their place)
- The headache of translating Trump into foreign languages ... "Obama structures his speeches so that one idea leads to another very logically. There is a beginning, middle and end," Geraldes said. "Trump is like all over the place." (wonder why that is?)
The $4,500 injection to stop heroin overdoses - The Washington Post
Obamacare-facilitated expansions of Medicaid increased insurance coverage and access to care among the targeted population of low-income childless adults, with modestly improved self-assessed health, finds the first study on the impact of the ACA expansions on preventive care and health behaviors. : science
TIL that spending an average of 27 minutes each day practicing mindfulness exercises increases gray-matter density in the hippocampus, known to be important for learning and memory, and in structures associated with self-awareness, compassion, and introspection over an 8-week period. : todayilearned
ELI5: How is being dyslexic in symbol languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) different from being dyslexic in English? : explainlikeimfive
- Why you'll never live up to your older sibling's achievments (more mom time)
Children get more satisfaction from relationships with their pets than with their brothers or sisters, according to new research from the University of Cambridge. : science
Is element 118 a noble gas? : askscience
What are some good psychological tricks that work? : AskReddit
Where wolf : funny
Thomas Drake on Twitter: "Warning to America: Notice how agencies simply following & implementing patently unlawful & unconstitutional Trump exec order w/out question"
Donald Trump Muslim immigration ban: US airports already refusing visa holders entry | The Independent - Charities warn those with green cards from listed countries against travelling outside America
Five Iraqis, One Yemeni Barred From Cairo-New York Flight After Trump Ban | The Huffington Post - The passengers were prevented from boarding despite holding valid immigration visas.
Green Card Holders Included In Trump Ban: Homeland Security | The Huffington Post
There Have Been No Fatal Terror Attacks In The U.S. By Immigrants From The 7 Banned Muslim Countries | The Huffington Post - More evidence that the ban makes no sense.
Trump's Executive Order Is Already Hurting Refugees, Muslims And Families | The Huffington Post - People are being turned away at airports.
Eschaton: Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit - So if you popped out for a little winter beach vacation or work trip, your kids might not have a parent for awhile.
- The Republican Party Is What It Says It Is, Cont'd
Dave Weigel on Twitter: "True that many of the moderate R voters Hillary courted decided that Trump was being hyperbolic and wouldn't act on this stuff. Congrats!"
Man Arrested for Attacking JFK Airport Worker in Hijab - Robin A. Rhodes, 57, of Worcester, Massachusetts, landed in JFK from Aruba and was set to take a connecting flight to his home state.
Wells Fargo Complaints Vanish From Labor Department Website | The Huffington Post - Missing worker protection page appears to be latest Trump administration purge.
Trump Targets Muslims, Refugees In New Executive Order Issued On Holocaust Remembrance Day | The Huffington Post - "We don't want them here"
Jamelle Bouie on Twitter: "*bitter laughter as i remember all the people who said it was unfair to cast trumpism as white nationalism*"
- There Will Never Be A Republican Replacement for the ACA, Cont'd - The only remaining question is whether Republicans care strongly enough about inflicting large amounts of avoidable death and suffering on vulnerable people to help pay for upper-class tax cuts to take the political hit.
Just How Monstrous is the Contemporary GOP? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Senate Democrats need to understand the state of play. No compromise is possible; no somewhat-worse GOP alternative to the ACA is passing. Either stop repeal, or make the GOP fully own it - those are the only choices.
Could Republicans wreck Medicaid? - Block grants would encourage states to enroll fewer people - and cut or limit services for millions of marginalized, underserved Americans (why yes they could)
The Republican plot to destroy Medicaid (good job, white voters)
Republican comedy - Lawyers, Guns & Money : "A Georgia lawmaker is recovering from a gunshot wound after he says he was shot behind an adult entertainment store while traveling with several thousand dollars in donations for storm relief efforts." The lede alone could not be more Republican if it tried.
Emmett Till's Accuser Admits She Lied About Claims That Led To His Murder | The Huffington Post - Nothing that boy did could ever justify what happened to him,"
In The Grandest Metaphor Of The Week, An Actual GOP Ghost Train Left 30th Street Station This Morning - PHILEBRITY - When protestors arrived at 30th Street Station late this morning, to greet the visiting GOP one last time for the week with messages of dissent and resistance to an increasingly aberrant, toxic presidency, they soon realized: None from the party had the courage to enter the station, and take the train that had been chartered on the GOP's behalf
Dani Rodrik's weblog: What did NAFTA really do? - There is no way you can hold NAFTA responsible for employment de-industrialization in the U.S. or expect that a "better" deal with Mexico will bring those jobs back. At the same time, the essay leaves me frustrated and uneasy. It seems to gloss over the distributional pain of NAFTA and overstate the overall gains ... high school dropouts who worked in industries protected by tariffs prior to NAFTA experienced reductions in wage growth by as much as 17 percentage points relative to wage growth in unaffected industries (moochers want their tariffs back)
Eschaton: Not Just Those People - It's maddening when something has to hit Real White American In The Suburbs before it's something to treat with compassion, rather than as an excuse to continue destroying lives and communities, but...
Boosted by fentanyl, suburban counties join Philly in setting drug death records - n Bucks last year, there were 185 fatalities, up from 124 in 2015. In that time, Montgomery County deaths increased to 253 from 177. Considering the size of the populations, the crisis is similar: Each county had about 30 deadly overdoses for every 100,000 residents. (suburbs in flames)
PsBattle: Donald Trump Garbage Bin : photoshopbattles
LOL! Nothing Matters (Android Edition) - Lawyers, Guns & Money (but Hillz emailz!)
President Trump's Insecure Android - Lawfare - President Trump's Insecure Android - President Trump's continued use of a dangerously insecure, out-of-date Android device should cause real panic. And in a normal White House, it would ... (remember when they took Barry's Blackberry away on day 1?)
The Thing (listening device) - Wikipedia - The Thing, also known as the Great Seal bug, was one of the first covert listening devices (or "bugs") to use passive techniques to transmit an audio signal. It was concealed inside a gift given by the Soviets to the US Ambassador to Moscow on August 4, 1945.
Trump, Clinton Voters Divided in Their Main Source for Election News | Pew Research Center - Fox News was the main source for 40% of Trump voters (CNN 8% FB 7%)
To Be Analyzed - The Rise of Embedded Nationalism
Trump and the Republicans Are on a Suicide Mission Together | New Republic - And we'll all have to live with the fallout. - Trump as a fragile, erratic, television-obsessed snowflake.
Trump fails to mention Jews in Holocaust remembrance statement ... a lapse the head of the Anti-Defamation League called "puzzling and troubling." {{{Jews}}}
Donald Trump Blows Up the U.S.-Mexico Relationship - The New Yorker
Trump's Speech At The GOP Retreat Proves We've Smashed Through The Looking-Glass | The Huffington Post - "What the hell is going on," indeed?
Behind closed doors, Republican lawmakers fret about how to repeal Obamacare - The Washington Post
Trump signs order for tighter vetting to prevent terrorism | Reuters
Brody File Exclusive: President Trump Says Persecuted Christians Will Be Given Priority As Refugees |
- In private meeting, Pence vows 'full evaluation of voting rolls' over claims of fraud
Search for 'illegal' 2016 votes resurrects a esurrects a mangled quote and a flawed academic study
Trump's authoritarian tendencies are revealed once again - "The media here is the opposition party ... should keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while"
Trump Asked The Park Service To Prove The Media Lied About His Inauguration Crowd | The Huffington Post - he president just won't let it go
- When It Comes to Saying Donald Trump Lied, NPR Says It Can't Get Into a Politician's Head, Unlike the Other Times When It Apparently Can (if a Republican really believes their lies, it's the truth)
Jake Tapper's Response To Steve Bannon Is A Model For Journalists Everywhere (Bannon: shut up; Tapper: no)
The Bannon coup - Axios
Why Democrats Can't Vote for Jeff Sessions - This man as attorney general, at this moment, simply will not stand.
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III: A Line in the Sand ... a powerful new campaign of voter suppression coming down the road ... At a moment like this one, it simply will not do to have someone in the attorney general's office who was deemed too racist to be a federal judge 30 years ago ... who launched a dirty-tricks prosecution of voting-rights activists when he was a U.S. Attorney in Alabama ... who greeted the gutting of the Voting Rights Act in 2013 by noting that it was "good for the South."
The woman whose accusation led to Emmett Till's murder now says she was lying
New wave of anti-evolution bills hit states | TheHill (Make America Stupid Again and uncompetitive in the world)
Melania Trump Appears on Cover of Mexican Vanity Fair Amidst Tensions - ABC News
In an unprecedented move, a Cleveland based pension will immediately cut benefits to already collecting retirees. Some will forfeit up to 50% of their existing fixed income. : news
Huge shakeup at 'Today' to make way for Megyn Kelly (the Foxification of NBC)
The end of Sarah Palin is here - The Washington Post - Sarah PAC spent $830,000 on consultants and just $82,500 in donations to other candidates - a.k.a its ostensible purpose. Not only that but Sarah PAC spent $168,000 on travel and lodging expenses during the 2016 election - double what it donated to candidates, which is its ostensible well you get the idea.
Texas police drop resisting-arrest charges against mother after video leaks : news
US judge blocks Texas fetal remains burial rule, issues injunction. : news
Teachers of Reddit: They say there are no stupid questions, but what's the most stupid question a student has ever asked you? : AskReddit
Taking out the trash. : WTF
What is the dirtiest, filthiest thing that someone has said to you? [NSFW] : AskReddit
Experienced drivers of Reddit, what tips do you have for newer drivers? : AskReddit
Trump Picks an Anti-Consumer, Ex-Verizon Lawyer to Run the FCC : technology
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg dropping lawsuits over Kauai land : news
H.R.621 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): To direct the Secretary of the Interior to sell certain Federal lands in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, previously identified as suitable for disposal, and for other purposes. | | Library of Congress
New York approves a 90 MW wind farm off the coast of Long Island | Ars Technica - Deepwater Wind, company that installed Block Island turbines, will install these turbines too.
Compromise doesn't work with our political opponents. When will we learn? | Chelsea Manning | Opinion | The Guardian - In Chelsea Manning's first column since her commutation, she writes that Barack Obama's legacy is a warning against not being bold enough (look where it got him, and us)
A Lie by Any Other Name - The New York Times
Calling a Lie a Lie
Gaslighting - Wikipedia - , "even today the word [gaslighting] is used to describe an attempt to destroy another's perception of reality."
The "single biggest simultaneous departure of institutional memory" : Lawyers, Guns & Money - You may already have seen this, but the State Department just lost a big chunk of its management team.
Trump signs executive order stripping non-citizens of privacy rights - The six month-old Data Shield agreement between the US and EU is now in jeopardy.
Donald Trump's administration will publish a weekly list of crimes committed by immigrants - Quartz
Trump claims torture works but experts warn of its 'potentially existential' costs | US news | The Guardian - Trump gives first presidential TV interview as draft executive order points to return to practices such as waterboarding
Felony Charges for Journalists Arrested at Inauguration Protests Raise Fears for Press Freedom - The New York Times
Heckuva Job! - Lawyers, Guns & Money : In a remotely rational universe, no editor who thought that Hillary Clinton's EMAILS! were a story of major importance would ever work in journalism again
Jaime Fuller on Twitter: "the aristocrats!"
Americans Think Trump Will Be Worst President Since Nixon - Public Policy Polling - 42% of Trump voters think he should be allowed to have a private email server to just 39% who think he shouldn't be allowed to. Maybe cyber security wasn't such a big issue in last year's election
Donald Trump is using a private Gmail account to secure the most powerful Twitter account in the world : technology
Donald Trump's Voter Fraud Fixation Offers Window Into Governing Via Twitter
Trump Attacks 'Groveling' Author Of Study Showing No Voter Fraud | The Huffington Post - The president and his administration have been twisting the research to support a lie that millions of people voted illegally.
He Claimed There Were 3 Million Illegal Voters. Now He Says He May Name Them. (truethevote propaganda)
In his first major TV interview as president, Trump is endlessly obsessed with his popularity - The Washington Post -- "I got a standing ovation. In fact, they said it was the biggest standing ovation since Peyton Manning had won the Super Bowl, and they said it was equal. I got a standing ovation. It lasted for a long period of time."
Eschaton: I Think We Might Have A Problem, Guys
Trump Hotels, Amid Calls to Divest, Instead Plans U.S. Expansion - Bloomberg
How to Save CNN From Itself - The New York Times - management has let down its viewers and its journalists by sidelining the issues and real reporting in favor of pundits, prognostication and substance-free but entertaining TV "moments."
Arkansas is poised to become the third state to ban the procedure known as dilation and evacuation, which abortion-rights supporters contend is the safest and most common procedure used in second-trimester abortions : news
- Texas has highest maternal morat between Trump and Putin.
lity rate in developed world, study finds
Chuck Schumer: Trump's Education Pick Would 'Single-Handedly Decimate' Public Schools | The Huffington Post
South Dakota Legislators Seek Hasty Repeal of Ethics Law Voters Passed - The New York Times - overwhelmingly Republican legislature is racing this week to set aside that new law by using its emergency powers, prompting cries of protest from voters and critics, who are calling the hasty efforts an antidemocratic power grab
Six shot during vigil for gunshot victim in Chicago : news (Trump will nuke Chitown)
Mainers approve ranked-choice voting - Proponents of ranked choice voting say it will prevent a governor from being elected with less than 50 percent of the votes. That was the scenario when Gov. Paul LePage was elected in 2010 and re-elected in 2014. (and that 3rd party asshole)
- Peak Millennial? Cities Can't Assume a Continued Boost From the Young
The States That College Graduates Are Most Likely to Leave - The New York Times
Mysterious cluster of amnesia cases alarms health officials
Study links poor understanding of the physical world to religious and paranormal beliefs
Autistic people of Reddit, what is autism really like? : AskReddit
Diabetes Accounts for More U.S. Deaths Than Previously Thought, Penn/BU Study Shows : news
Why does it take a million years for a photon moving at the speed of light to reach the sun's surface from its core? : askscience
TIL around 70,000 years ago the volcano Toba in Indonesia erupted and covered the earth with so much ash the sun was dimmed for 6 years. The population of early humans neared extinction and some studies indicate there were as few as 40 breeding pairs. : todayilearned
Two Infants Treated with Universal Immune Cells Have Their Cancer Vanish - In a medical first, the children were treated with genetically engineered T-cells from another person. : science
LSD study identifies the brain receptors that attribute meaning to things in our lives, like music or particular experiences. : science
u/TexasFunFacts lists a bunch of facts about Texas that aren't so fun : bestof
Morning radio host Mancow, a firm believer that waterboarding is not torture, agrees to get waterboarded. It happens at 2:20 and he has a revelation. : videos
California school district has been ordered to pay $1.25m (#994,000) to a former student who urinated in a bucket after she was denied a toilet break : news
Bodycam footage from a white Fort Worth police officer who was suspended for wrestling a black woman and her daughter to the ground appears to show the officer using his foot to push a 15-year-old girl into a police car. : news
What male/female double standard do you dislike the most? : AskReddit
Trending Subreddits for 2017-01-26: /r/MarchForScience, /r/pokemonduel, /r/me_atm, /r/justicedemocrats, /r/whatintarnation : trendingsubreddits
The Master: How Scientology Works : movies
Russia Arrests Top Kaspersky Lab Security Researcher on Charges of Treason : news
Police Arrest Alleged U.S. Spy Working in Heart of Russian Cybersecurity
Police: Militants Set Off Car Bomb And Storm Hotel In Mogadishu, Killing 15 | The Huffington Post
Russian Law Easing Penalties On Domestic Violence Sails Through Parliament | The Huffington Post - "This law calls for the exoneration of tyrants in the home,"
Texas Lawmaker: Jail Time For Abortions Would Make Women 'More Personally Responsible' For Sex | The Huffington Post - "They know that they have a backup of oh, I can just go get an abortion," State Rep. Tony Tinderholt said. ("Tony Tinder")
47.9%: Obama Had Lower Average Approval Rating Than Nixon or Bush (neither of which had the unrelenting opposition of Reublican maniacs)
Read Draft Text Of Trump's Executive Order Limiting Muslim Entry To The U.S. (EXCLUSIVE) | The Huffington Post - The document details how the president plans to deliver on his campaign promise of a Muslim ban.
HuffPost Ticker: January 25, 2016 | The Huffington Post - Mr. Trump would examine the question of whether the Central Intelligence Agency should reopen its so-called black sites, secret interrogation and detention centers that it operated overseas. Former President Barack Obama ordered the closings of all in the first week of his presidency in 2009. (he needs somewhere to put the journalists)
Donald Trump Promises Investigation Into 'Illegal' Voting He Made Up | The Huffington Post - absolutely no evidence of widespread voter fraud. (Trump is rebranding reality)
Trump's voter fraud claims undermine the democratic process and his presidency
Nancy Pelosi Describes Donald Trump's Vote Fraud Claims As Strange, Sad | The Huffington Post - She said she even prayed for him because of it.
Trump to Order Mexican Border Wall and Curtail Immigration - The New York Times
Four more journalists get felony charges after covering inauguration unrest | Media | The Guardian - A documentary producer, a photojournalist, a live-streamer and a freelance reporter facing up to 10 years in prison and a $25,000 fine if convicted (first they came for the journalists)
Iam Independent Journalist Tim Pool, founding member of VICE News. I was arrested in DC during the riots but released without charge AMA! : IAmA
Anzai comments on Nineteen Eighty-Four soars up Amazon's bestseller list after "alternative facts" controversy
/u/Anzai explains in detail why the "alternative facts" incident is deeply problematic : bestof
- Just Reinstate the Global Gag Rule. He Massively Expanded It
Trump Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself : TrueReddit
USDA disavows gag-order emailed to scientific research unit | Reuters
As of 10AM Eastern, on January 25. : pics
Eschaton: Where's My Reward - When you thought becoming president would fill the dark holes of despair inside you, but instead...
Is Our Democrats Learning, Part the Zillionith - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Also You Can Punch David Brooks in the Face - Lawyers, Guns & Money : In the first place, this movement focuses on the wrong issues. (he mansplained to women what their issues should be)
You Will Never Be Good Enough For David Brooks | Easily Distracted - a brutal combination of two connected syndromes: complete lack of self-reflection and a relentless moving of goalposts to conform to the conventional wisdom of the week ... most noxiously sanctimonious ... A group of people whose names are are hard for anyone but historians and literary specialists to recite, because they are so forgettable once their era passes.
South Carolina Lawmaker Accused of Beating His Wife Resigns - The New York Times - In his Christmas card to House Republicans months later, he told his colleagues they lacked morals for voting to take down the flag, and suggested they "ask for forgiveness of all your sins such as betrayal."
How South Philly reacted to having illegal parking called out (thought Boston was bad? See South Philly where you are entitled to be a total asshole and park whereever the fuck you feel like it)
Religion as a risk factor for suicide attempt and ideation: among depressed patients, religiosity was associated with a higher risk of suicide and suicidal thoughts. : science
Speakers of futureless tongues (those that do not distinguish between the present and future tense, e.g. Estonian) show greater support for future-oriented policies, such as protecting the environment : science
Does Your Language Shape How You Think? - The New York Times
Out with 2016, in with 2017 : announcements
Climate researchers say the 2 degrees Celsius warming limit can be maintained if half of the world's energy comes from renewable sources by 2060 : science
This National Park Is Defying Donald Trump With Climate Change Facts | The Huffington Post - The official Twitter account of Badlands National Park in South Dakota fired off a series of since-deleted tweets Tuesday afternoon listing facts about the planet's rising carbon dioxide levels, just one day after sources inside the Environmental Protection Agency revealed employees had been instructed to freeze all its grants and halt any social media posts or external press releases.
Trump Signs Executive Orders On Keystone XL, Dakota Access Pipelines | The Huffington Post
You can'tuse US law to search foreign servers, appeals court confirms
Attorney General nominee Sessions backs crypto backdoors -- "It is also critical, however, that national security and criminal investigators be able to overcome encryption, under lawful authority, when necessary to the furtherance of national-security and criminal investigations" : technology
Julian Assange says Barack Obama pardoned Chelsea Manning 'to make life hard' for him : news
Toronto Police Threatens to Seize Phone of a Man Lawfully Filming Arrest : news
6 Rules Of Islamophobia In America | The Huffington Post
Trump Repeats Lie About Popular Vote in Meeting With Lawmakers - The New York Times
An editorial decision by the NYT - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Nice, but I still prefer a press that doesn't wait until the demagogue is in power to state that he is an insecure liar. Time will tell if this is just a one-off or the new standard for reporting on the tangerine nightmare.
Without evidence, Trump tells lawmakers 3 million to 5 million illegal ballots cost him the popular vote - The Washington Post
Eschaton: Scary Times - It is at times like these when a press imbued with some respect and authority is about the only possible check there is left. I do not think they are up to the task.
- Is our media learning con't
Trump Spokesman Confirms Trump Is A Conspiracy Theorist | The Huffington Post - "He believes what he believes," press secretary Sean Spicer said - All of this creates a conundrum for the press. How are reporters supposed to cover someone who believes in demonstrable lies, least of all a president?
The first days inside Trump's White House: Fury, tumult and a reboot
Trump Cabinet Is the Most Dangerous US Government in 150 Years - It's fun to laugh at Spicer and the infighting, but a regime is forming.
Donald Trump Signs Anti-Abortion Executive Order Surrounded By Men | The Huffington Post - It seems like women might be interested in this policy too.
Congress' First Move Under Donald Trump Is To Make Abortion More Expensive | The Huffington Post - "Women across the country are terrified," one Democratic lawmaker said.
Beyond the Usual Suspects | Jacobin - Saturday's marches were successful because they rallied millions, not just a small core of activists.
"she does have a very nice figure. I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." : pics (Trumpcest)
Nebraska state senator could face expulsion from the Legislature for retweeting a talk show host's joke implying that three Women's March demonstrators are too unattractive to sexually assault. : news
For those who have suffered from schizophrenia, what is it really like and what are some common misconceptions? : AskReddit
Dad and 4-year-old daughter duet: "You've Got a Friend in Me" : videos
What is one thing your SO hid from you until later in the relationship? : AskReddit
Driving at night : WTF
Mac sales declined nearly 10% last year : technology
The CDC canceled next month's big climate change summit with no explanation
Although there exists a near-unanimous scientific consensus on the reality of human-caused climate change, the general public has become increasingly polarized; however, a new study finds that public attitudes about climate change can be effectively "inoculated" against influential misinformation. : science - A growing body of research suggests that one promising way to counteract the politicization of science is to convey the high level of normative agreement ("consensus") among experts about the reality of human-caused climate change. (meanwhile, in the alternate reality of global disaster)
China announces mass shutdown of VPNs that bypass Great Firewall | Ars Technica - China says all VPN providers must get permission from government to operate. (Trump will be envious and will not deprive Americans of their own Ministry of Truth)
Government 'tried to bury' its own alarming report on climate change : news
- At least 14 people killed in Georgia amid string of winter tornadoes
Deadly Storms Kill At Least 18 People As Tornadoes Menace Several States | The Huffington Post (tornados in the South in winter, the new normal)
Wikileaks is a Front for Russian Intelligence | The XX Committee
EPILOGUEseries comments on We are the WikiLeaks staff. Despite our editor Julian Assange's increasingly precarious situation WikiLeaks continues publishing
CrossMountain comments on How did the Red Army react when it discovered concentration camps?
TheGuineaPig21 comments on Did Hitler's Germany actually intend on taking over the world?
After 8 years, here are the promises Obama kept - and the ones he didn't - (11 kept, 17 broken, 12 compromised)
Trump CIA Speech may have made worsened intel community relations - CBS News - "There is nobody that feels stronger about the intelligence community and the CIA than Donald Trump." (the third-person doesn't say exactly how he feels, it's just "strong")
The Great Conservative Sorting has begun -- The best policies and the best cabinet officials in the world cannot disguise the fact that the commander in chief of the United States has the temperament of a chaos muppet. The Great Conservative Sorting has begun. Let's see who falls wherere (DD misses the real sort: are there any Repubicans with an ounce of moral fiber?)
Donald Trump Reinstates Ronald Reagan's Abortion 'Global Gag Rule' | The Huffington Post - It bars international health organizations that receive U.S. funding from mentioning abortion as a family planning option.
Why Trump's Staff Is Lying - Bloomberg View - So the overall picture is this: The Trump administration trusts neither its own appointees nor its own supporters, and is creating a situation where that lack of trust is reciprocal. That is of all things a strategy for getting things done, and these first one hundred days are going to be a doozy.
Rallies Against Trump's Swamp Cabinet Planned Across The U.S. (69 million fools fell for this)
Rocky First Weekend for Trump Troubles Even His Top Aides - The New York Times
The Words of a Shameless Liar Are Worth Nothing - Lawyers, Guns & Money : The Trump Show is a macabre, fascinating, appalling, thrilling spectacle. But as far as we know, its relationship to the Trump administration is tenuous and ambiguous. The show is a show. The administration will impact the lives of hundreds of millions of people.
Eschaton: I've Known This Guy - But he spent his Friday night in a whirlwind of celebration and affirmation. When he awoke on Saturday morning, after his first night in the executive mansion, the glow was gone, several people close to him said, and the new president was filled anew with a sense of injury.
Father and son accused of rape want only law book that truly matters at their trial: The Bible
San Francisco Asks: Where Have All the Children Gone? - The New York Times - San Francisco, population 865,000, has roughly the same number of dogs as children: 120,000. In many areas of the city, pet grooming shops seem more common than schools.
Eschaton: It Doesn't Matter - awake at 4 AM obsessing about TV ratings, still claiming (and having his flunkies claim) that he won in an historic landslide, and losing his shit because more people showed up to see the black guy get inaugurated.
Constitutional Scholars To Sue Donald Trump Over D.C. Hotel And Other Businesses | The Huffington Post
- Trump names his Inauguration Day a 'National Day of Patriotic Devotion' (to him)
Under Trump, Christians may have it easier. They'll also be in grave spiritual danger (dude, they voted for the Anti-Christ. Game over) (+"The Christians have shown the world that they will accept anything. Adultery, porn, lies, pride, love of money, gross vulgarity, even a denial of Jesus as Saviour. They sold their soul for a chance at a Supreme Court seat."
Philip Roth E-Mails on Trump - The New Yorker - In 2004, the writer published "The Plot Against America," about an election that upends the country. Has it happened here?
WBUR Poll: Republican Gov. Baker More Popular Than Democrat Sen. Warren | Politicker - , only 44 percent think Warren "deserves reelection." Forty-six percent think voters ought to "give someone else a chance." (like Chawlie)
2 Indiana lawmakers under fire for posts after women's march - showed a photo of protesters, many in pink hats and carrying signs, with the words, "In one day, Trump got more fat women out walking than Michelle Obama did in 8 years" - referencing the former first lady's fitness program
whitney on Twitter: "Jack Sandlin is a member of the Indiana State Senate. This is what we're dealing with."
Secret Service plans to investigate Madonna for saying she wants to blow up the White House : news
Flint emergency manager told Congress he never met or talked to Gov. Snyder : news
Study: Facebook can actually make us more narrow-minded : science
Employers of Reddit, what is the weirdest excuse an employee gave you for not showing up to work, that turned out to be true? : AskReddit
What are signs that someone is secretly unhappy? : AskReddit
What's a great "Mind fuck"? : AskReddit
Don't Bank on Your Anonymized Web Browsing History Being Anonymous
Twitter apologizes for forcing Obama supporters to follow Trump's POTUS account
The Cost of Solar Power Has Fallen 25% in Only 5 Months - "There's no reason why the cost of solar will ever increase again"
Train Derails In Eastern India, Killing At Least 39 People And Injuring 50 | The Huffington Post - Saturday night when nine coaches of a passenger train derailed in eastern India in the latest disaster to hit the vast and accident-prone state railways, police said.
What Was James Comey Thinking? - Inside the FBI Story About Hillary Clinton's Emails - FBI Director James Comey has long been renowned for his integrity and independence. So why did he upend the 2016 election? An exclusive report from inside the FBI. ... "All these stories that there was a revolt in the FBI over the Clinton investigation, agents threatening to resign, that Comey was facing a mutiny for failing to recommend charges against Clinton and trying to sway the election for Trump-all false. (interesting for the history, Nixon wanted total surveillance state and Dems always fuck up with the FBI)
Donald Trump confuses French translators with mixed-up speeches | The Independent - 'Trump's vocabulary is limited, his syntax is broken; he repeats the same phrases over and over' - It's as if he had thematic clouds in his head that he would pick from with no need of a logical thread to link them." (his brain is a garble machine)
President Trump Just Told The CIA The U.S. Should Have Stolen Iraq's Oil | The Huffington Post - The president just advocated for a clear violation of international law. ("why didn't you just load it on boats and leave?" +another insane speech)
- With executive order, Trump tosses a 'bomb' into fragile health insurance markets
Trump's real war isn't with the media. It's with the facts - Trump needs to delegitimize the media because he needs to delegitimize facts.
- Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway says White House press secretary presented 'alternative facts'
Spicer earns Four Pinocchios for false claims on inauguration crowd size - The Washington Post
bmanCO comments on Kellyanne Conway: Spicer 'gave alternative facts' on inauguration crowd (read)
With False Claims, Trump Attacks Media on Turnout and Intelligence Rift - The New York Times
Sunday Show Hosts Hit Back On Trump Administration's Lies | The Huffington Post - "Alternative facts are not facts, they're lies
Trump And His Press Secretary Flagrantly Lied On Their First Full Day In Office. That Matters. | The Huffington Post - some reporters are calling them out on it.
Trump won't release his tax returns because people don't care, Kellyanne says ... "74 percent of Americans saying he should make the documents public, including 53 percent of Republicans." (those aren't real Americans, Conway sniffed)
Trumpism Corrupts: Spicer Edition | The Weekly Standard - And if media reports about crowd size are so important to Trump that he'd push Spicer out there to lie for him, then it means that all the tinpot-dictator, authoritarian, characterological tics that people worried about during the campaign are still very much active. (Weekly Craptard calls Trump tinpot dictator, hmmm)
Bree Newsome on Twitter: "Day 3: Still no self-control. Still confirming he is a narcissist whose primary concern is maintaining his fragile ego. Predictable" (President Manbaby)
Konni Burton on Twitter: "Y'all. Spicer made refutable claims in that press conference. If you're on the right don't just go to ur corner & defend the indefensible."
Is Our Media Learning? - He also called journalists "among the most dishonest human beings on earth," and he said that up to 1.5 million people had attended his inauguration, a claim that photographs disproved.
Kate Morrison on Twitter: "Stars Jumbotron with a topical joke."
America's Worst Boss - Doesn't work too well if the devil chews you up and shits you out in record time.
PESTERING PUPPETS ? @ prttybadtweeter
Attack on Alt-Right Leader Has Internet Asking: Is It O.K. to Punch a Nazi? - The New York Times - Video of the attack quickly inspired a flood of jokes and memes online, some of which set the punch to songs like "Born in the U.S.A."
Donald Trump Inauguration Draws 30.6 Million Viewers, Fewer Than Obama in 2009 : television
Inauguration Day protests: Most arrested protesters will be charged with felony rioting, federal prosecutors say : news (and held indefinitely)
To everyone trying to make a political point by comparing crowd sizes : pics
The Return of Civil Disobedience - The New Yorker - The sixties produced a conviction that "democracy is in the streets." The Trump era may echo that.
How mainstream media missed the march that social media turned into a phenomenon - The Washington Post - From its inception, it was a social-media phenomenon, not a mainstream-media one.
Not a single arrest at massive protest in D.C. : news
- March in Washington Had 3 Times More People Than Trump
Women's Marches Rally Millions In Cities Around The World | The Huffington Post - The world saw a wave of protests one day after Donald Trump became president of the United States.
In a Rust Belt Town, the Women's March Draws Shrugs and Cheers From Afar - Nile, Michigan - When Jennifer Purucker, 31, was asked on Saturday morning what she thought of the Women's March on Washington, she took a sip of coffee and shook her head. "Never heard of it," she said. (hiding in their Foxholes)
Here's What The Nation's Women's Marches Looked Like | The Huffington Post - an historic day.
There Were Some Seriously Amazing Signs At The Women's Marches | The Huffington Post ("Tinkle, tinkle, little star, Putin put you where you are")
The Postmodern Presidency - Lawyers, Guns & Money : I have long called the Bush administration the first postmodern prescience, but Emperor Tangerine is going all in ... "Trump got rejected yesterday by more women than any man in history."
'Never Fuck a Republican': Our Favorite Protest Signs from the Women's March on Washington
Inaugural Speech Dims G.O.P. Hopes for a More Conservative Trump Agenda - The New York Times - Will he actually pursue his campaign agenda of big-government nationalism, all but obliterating the liberal-conservative distinctions that have defined America's political parties for a century? (wars, baby, wars!)
History Won't Forget How Barack Obama Was Treated (but respect God-Emperor Putin's Puppet)
To Obama With Love, and Hate, and Desperation - The New York Times - Over eight years, through millions of letters, the staff of the White House mailroom read the unfiltered story of a nation.
Fox declines to renew contracts for several contributors | TheHill - George Will, Republican strategist Ed Rollins and actress Stacey Dash (Trump's enemies)
Jesse Jackson: Trump's inauguration speech was 'full of hope and inclusion' | WPXI - "What does a man with so much power do? Grace can expand your power. Arrogance can diminish it. I hope he'll have the grace and commitment to put all of us under one big tent." ... Trump, White House slam celebs, media in response to Women's March (lost your mind, Jesse?)
W.Va. left with 1 abortion clinic after facility closes. : news (women voted huge for Trump)
How statistics lost their power - and why we should fear what comes next | William Davies | Politics | The Guardian - The ability of statistics to accurately represent the world is declining. In its wake, a new age of big data controlled by private companies is taking over - and putting democracy in peril - 68% of Trump supporters distrusted the economic data published by the federal government. In the UK, a research project by Cambridge University and YouGov looking at conspiracy theories discovered that 55% of the population believes that the government "is hiding the truth about the number of immigrants living here".
How to Overcome Unconscious Bias - Scientific American Blog Network (motivate yourself to be a good person)
Sweden gang rape 'live-streamed on Facebook' : news
Watch S.N.L. Host Aziz Ansari Deliver Scorching Anti-Racist Monologue : television
Is the Many Worlds hypothesis just a fantasy? | Aeon Essays - Nobody knows what happens inside quantum experiments. So why are some so keen to believe in parallel universes?
Scientists have developed a molecule that reverses antibiotic resistance in multiple strains of bacteria at once by disabling the enzyme known as New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase (NDM-1), which makes bacteria resistant to carbapenems (our 'last resort' drugs), in vitro and in vivo in mice. : science
Scientists have filmed a 'sonic boom' of light for the first time - ScienceAlert
Study shows that non-invasive brain stimulation using electromagnets can be used to cause a specific improvement in precise memory. : science
What's the book that has made you laugh out loud the most? : books
What's the most mysterious or unexplained video on the internet? : AskReddit
Interviewees, what was something a employer said to you during a interview that made you not want to work for them? : AskReddit
If every person was given a Guide to Adulthood handbook on their eighteenth birthday, filled with brutal honesty and accompanied with illustrations, what would be some things in it? : AskReddit
DuckDuckGo Hits Milestone 14 Million Searches in a Single Day : technology
The System Has Failed and a Con Artist Has Won
Narcissistic personality disorder Symptoms - Mayo Clinic
A most dreadful inaugural address - The Washington Post
Trump's epic inaugural failure
Did Trump's baker plagiarize a cake? (Melania ordered it)
Let them eat fake - Lawyers, Guns & Money : MacIsaac said the attention caught her by surprise partly because, per the order, the Trump cake was intended to be more of a prop: All but a three-inch slice at the bottom was inedible. (it was a fake cake, just like Trumpster)
See No Evil - Medium - infects society with his personal pathology through normalization of blatant lies and other openly unethical behavior.
It Sure Looks Like More People Showed Up For The Women's March Than Inauguration | The Huffington Post - Organizers of the event upped their crowd estimate from 200,000 to 500,000.
News from The Associated Press
Women's March: 100,000 protest in London against Donald Trump | The Independent
White House Press Secretary Rips Reporters In First Briefing Room Appearance | The Huffington Post - He accused them of inaccurately reporting the size of Donald Trump's inaugural crowds. They didn't
Women's March in Chicago : gifs
Crowds pack Boston Common for Boston Women's March - The Boston Globe - Boston rally draws up to 175,000, officials say
Galvanizing women, Trump (inadvertently) succeeds where Clinton failed - The Boston Globe (maybe they should have "galvanized" themselves before the election)
A superhero for a cartoon country - The Boston Globe
What is the women's march around the world about? : OutOfTheLoop
Media bias towards reality once again leads to smear of GOP politician - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Jim Acosta on Twitter: "WH has set up crowd size pics in briefing room"
Hundreds Of Thousands Of Protesters Welcome Donald Trump To Washington | The Huffington Post - Pussy power!
- Early numbers suggest Women's March is bigger than inauguration
Crowds pack Boston Common for Boston Women's March - The Boston Globe
Canadians traveling to Women's March denied US entry after sharing their plans : news
There are two types of men in the world. : gifs
There are two types of men in this world : gifs
lebronisjordansbitch comments on Petition calling for release of Donald Trump's tax returns reaches 100,000 needed for White House response (Trump will kill the website, Putin obviously doesn't have one)
How artificial intelligence can be corrupted to repress free speech - easier than you think, even here in America.
Researchers Uncover Twitter Bot Army That's 350,000 Strong : technology - This is how propaganda is spread. (Trump's army)
In the future, how will we deal with the fact that evidence (video, audio) can be faked with 100% accuracy? : technology (fake reality)
Flynn is creating the most military-heavy National Security Council of the modern era - The Washington Post
Make America Great Again - Wikipedia - or "'MAGA'" for short, is a campaign slogan used in American politics that originated with the Ronald Reagan campaign of 1980. Donald Trump subsequently applied for and received a US service mark for the slogan.
One Of President Trump's First Acts Will Cost Homeowners Millions Of Dollars Hundreds of thousands of would-be homeowners will be hit with higher costs. (white working-class fools)
- White House website touts Melania Trump's modeling and jewelry line
National Park Service Banned From Tweeting After Anti-Trump Retweets [Updated]
It's The End Of The Democratic Party As We Know It, And David Brock Feels Fine | The Huffington Post - "Democrats are in their worst electoral position since the Civil War."
Revenge is a Dish Best Served 225 Years Later - Lawyers, Guns & Money : "'Men's March' ... to protest at the creeping global emasculation of my gender by rabid feminists." Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 21, 2017
An Idea That Can Go Straight to Hell : mysticism - Christianity as a religion of paradox. It's an unsustainable system of beliefs whose end time has come. It's indeed the "Last Days" - the last days of this poisonous belief system which has been bent and manipulated by countless leaders and charlatans to victimize people and enslave them to their own beliefs
In a first, judge finds teacher's Colorado high doesn't count in Texas - a Texas judge agreed with Roland, comparing punishing her for using pot in Colorado to penalizing someone after returning from a vacation in Las Vegas.
ELI5: Why is heart cancer so rare? : explainlikeimfive
The 3 deadliest drugs in America are legal : news - TL,DR: Tobacco, alcohol, and opioids. (+sugar)
What kind of person will you just never understand? : AskReddit
What's something people used to find attractive in the opposite sex, that is no longer attractive? : AskReddit
>What is the most George Constanza-esque reason you broke up with someone? : AskReddit
The White House website's page on climate change just disappeared : news
Donald Trump will remove landmark climate protection plan, says first post on White House website : news
Trump's WhiteHouse.Gov Disappears Civil Rights, Climate Change, LGBT Rights
Regional Sea-Level Scenarios Will Help Northeast Plan for Faster-than-Global Rise | Media Relations - as much as 8 feet by 2100 in a worst-case scenario,
Up to 117 Civilians Died in Strikes During Obama Presidency - The New York Times (was it worth it, Barry?)
Obama at the Inauguration : gifs
Bill Clinton is a savage. Got caught checking out Ivanka by Hillary : gifs
I can't be the only person who didn't see this gif coming. : gifs
Donald J. Trump has just been sworn in as president of the United States : news
Donald Trump has fired all foreign US ambassadors with nobody to replace them : news
Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates - The New York Times - intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort (Republicans just elected a Commie agent)
In Trump We Trust: Inauguration prompts celebration in Russia | Reuters
Report: Manafort part of intelligence review of intercepted Russian communications | TheHill
Donald Trump's Links to Russia Are Under Major Investigation - Oh, you know Donald? You must know Vladimir.
Mazel Tov Cocktail on Twitter: "October 2016 vs January 2017"
James Comey's Coup D'Etat - Some desperate leaks before Trump shuts the investigation down: put this simply and clearly: the FBI stole the election, on behalf of the minority candidate. Trump is not a legitimate president and should not be treated as such. And let us note as well that the media outlets who chose to give Comey's letter saturation coverage are accessories after the fact ... This is the second straight Republican president who was awarded the presidency by an organ of the state, and not by voters.
The lives of others - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Ten days before the 2016 presidential election, the FBI attempted what turned out to be a successful coup d'etat
2000 v. 2016 - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Whether the actions of the Supreme Court 5 in 2000 are worse than Comey's is an interesting question. Certainly, there is no question that Bush v. Gore was every bit as partisan and lawless as Comey's letter (treason is a southern/Republican tradition)
Fascists Like Fascism - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - now learning that President-Elect Trump wanted a full Soviet-style inaugural parade, with tanks, missiles and missile launchers. The Pentagon nixed that idea but agreed to a jet fighter flyover.
Anonymous To Trump: 'You Are Going To Regret The Next 4 Years' | The Huffington Post - The hacktivists vow to expose ties to Russian criminals.
President Trump's inauguration speech, annotated (lies bigly +tax credits for toll roads and cities burning down)
An analysis of Donald Trump inaugural speech
New President Trump Offers Same Dark Vision Of America | The Huffington Post - Trump's inaugural address described an "American carnage" that he promised to fix. (he ordered it to stop, immediately) In His Inaugural Address, Donald Trump Embraced Anti-Semites' Slogan | The Huffington Post - The Anti-Defamation League asked him to stop using it - "A new vision will govern our land. From this moment on, it's America First (Jews third)
Trump's Inaugural Speech Sounded More Like A Takeover | The Huffington Post - his angry, conspiratorial address.
Donald Trump Ripped Off Part Of His Inauguration Speech From Supervillain Bane | The Huffington Post
Donald Trump's Inauguration and the Reckoning to Come - Dispatches from the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump. - The speech itself was as dark and forbidding. It was Huey Long translated by Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller ... There is a reckoning out there in the distant wind for everything and everybody who brought us to this day
Photos: the crowd at Donald Trump's inauguration vs Barack Obama's
Comparing Donald Trump and Barack Obama's inaugural crowd sizes -
Donald Trump's First Twitter Background as President Was a Photo From the Inauguration of Barack Obama - was this Melania's idea?
Katy Tur Verified account ? @ KatyTurNBC
Depicting large cities as death traps gets them to the polls, not the parade route [update] - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Hearing from Trumpers that there were more people there, just crowded together more so took up less space. - Josh Marshall
Can President Trump Be Presidential? - The New York Times (stop asking stupid questions)
Ex-Bush speechwriter: Trump is worse than slave-holding presidents | TheHill - The worst human being ever to enter the presidency, and I include all the slaveholders. - David Frum
Donald Trump Will Take An Oath To Defend A Constitution He May Not Even Understand | The Huffington Post - The solemn public vow could change him. It may also mean absolutely nothing to him.
Washington Braces For Anti-Trump Protests | The Huffington Post - The number of planned protests and rallies this year is far above what has been typical at recent presidential inaugurations.
Protests, Violence Flare Around Inaugural Ceremony | The Huffington Post - Ninety-five arrests have been made in D.C., and two officers were injured in
Wilson Dizard on Twitter: "DC police directly pepper spray elderly woman, disabled man. #J20" (the cops rioted)
25,000 Hit The Streets In Massive NYC Anti-Trump Rally Hours Before Inauguration Day | The Huffington Post - Michael Moore, Robert De Niro and several other high-profile figures spoke at the peaceful demonstration Thursday night.
Trump's National Security Transition Is 'A Mess," Officials Say | The Huffington Post - Top Trump officials, however, described the transition as having gone smoothly.
Executive Actions Ready To Go As Trump Prepares To Take Office | The Huffington Post - Donald Trump is preparing to sign executive actions that can be implemented without the input of Congress.
Donald Trump's Journey From Degenerate Con Man to President
Washington Monthly | Why Humiliated GOP Senators May Be the Best Hope for Holding Trump Accountable (little Marco will save the day)
Where Do the Democrats Go? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : summary of the incredible challenges Democrats face, with Obama's disastrous strategy on building local and state parties, no obvious leaders in the face of Clinton's shocking loss, gerrymandering, Emperor Tangerine and his tweets, and the 2018 election getting closer every day.
Eschaton: Honesty (Chait-democrats)
President Barack Obama has denied a clemency petition from former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman, who is nearing the end of a prison sentence for bribery and obstruction of justice : news
American Dream Meadowlands $1B bond sale still on hold - told the state Appellate Court in September that immediate dismissal of a lawsuit against the project must be made so as not to impede a complex financial sequence that must culminate on Nov. 4. The court dismissed the case the next day. Yet more than nine weeks later, the project site looks as deserted as it has since before Christmas - and as it has many times over the past decade. (Christie's Folly)
Mass. legislation would sharply curb marijuana law - The Boston Globe - Winchester voted 5,312/7,107 against Question 4.
ELI5: Why do we have separation of church and state, but still have people swear on the bible for government events? : explainlikeimfive
Couple recounts terrifying plunge into icy west Quebec lake - Ottawa - CBC News
Graphic surveillance video released this week shows a throng of Fontana police officers surrounding a legally blind and mentally ill man in a convenience store before an officer opens fire, killing him : news - 11 police officers and 1 dog vs. 1 mentally ill unarmed man. That's just extremely sad :(
MRI twice as likely as biopsy to spot prostate cancer, research shows | Society | The Guardian
Nearly half of all men in the US have some type of genital human papillomavirus infection-and about 25 percent have a type linked to cancer, according to a study appearing Thursday in JAMA Oncology. : science
Why do we need a quadrupole "oscillation" to get gravitational waves, but a dipole for electromagnetic waves? : askscience - Gravity is a rank-2 tensor field while E&M is rank-1
Men of reddit, what NSFW male lifestyle hack can you share? : AskReddit
WOMEN of reddit, what NSFW female lifestyle hack can you share? : AskReddit
Watching Arrival has helped me understand Slaughterhouse 5 : books
Ain't No Sunshine (I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know, I Know 1 Hour loop) : videos
AT&T is Losing More Subscribers Than Any Other Carrier : technology
New computational model, built on an artificial intelligence (AI) platform, performs in the 75th percentile for American adults on standard intelligence test, making it better than average, finds Northwestern University researchers. : science
Congress moves to give away national lands, discounting billions in revenue and millions of jobs | Environment | The Guardian - Though recreation on public lands creates $646bn in economic stimulus and 6.1m jobs, Republicans are setting in motion a giveaway of Americans' birthright (lie, cheat plunder, kill)
Avalanche Destroys Italian Hotel After Series Of Quakes, 30 Feared Dead | The Huffington Post
Brazil Supreme Court judge handling graft probe killed in plane crash | Reuters
Army: Manning to lose transgender benefits | TheHill
Manning to lose transgender benefits with dishonorable discharge : news
Trump Sought Military Equipment For Inauguration, Granted 20-Plane Flyover | The Huffington Post - "It's very Red Square," said Stephen Kerrigan, who oversaw the past two inaugurations
This is the most ominous Inauguration Day in modern history - The Washington Post
A Final Reminder: Here's Who 'Owns' the Trump Presidency and Who Will Get the Blame/Praise - Their over-the-top demonizing of good people like George Bush, John McCain, Sarah Palin, and Mitt Romney, like the preverbal boy who cried "wolf," destroyed the ability of their cataclysmic warnings about Trump to be taken seriously.
Twitter Gives Us A Priceless Window Into Donald Trump's Brain | The Huffington Post - having sent some 34,000 tweets since 2009,
The Ethics Problems Plaguing Trump's Cabinet Have Sunk Plenty Of Prior Nominees | The Huffington Post - Three of the president-elect's nominees admitted to wrongdoing this week. (It's totally ok if you're a Republican)
Donald Trump Names Sonny Perdue Agriculture Secretary | The Huffington Post - The former Georgia governor famously prayed for rain during a 2007 drought. (Big Chicken)
Donald Trump Cabinet Picks Steven Mnuchin And Rick Perry Face Confirmation Hearings | The Huffington Post
Chaffetz Skipped Meeting With Ethics Chief He Threatened To Subpoena, Emails Show | The Huffington Post - The House Oversight Committee chairman had repeatedly said the head of the Office of Government Ethics refused to meet with him.
Eschaton: Let Me Google That For You, Rick - Mr. Perry gladly accepted, believing he was taking on a role as a global ambassador for the American oil and gas industry that he had long championed in his home state.
REPORT: Advisors Urge Trump To Dance With Caitlyn Jenner At The Inauguration Ball To "Heal LGBT Wounds" - Joe.My.God.
The DNC Contenders Are Not Interested In Your Populist Moment | The Huffington Post - Rank-and-file voters are angry, but nobody told the candidates.
If the GOP has gone completely off the rails, that means the Democrats have too - Lawyers, Guns & Money (no it doesn't)
To avoid more 'Daily Show' ridicule, Arizona kills bills - - s proposal to penalize colleges and universities that teach ethnic studies classes has essentially died after getting widely panned by Democrats and liberal commentators across the nation.
924 Bel Air Rd. California - YouTube (currently most expensive "home" in America)
Netflix's gamble pays off as subscriptions soar. : technology - tl;dr: Advertising ruins everything, which is why netflix originals are better than cable TV shows.
Caloric restriction increases lifespan in non-human primates. New study finds that food intake does influence longevity, with control monkeys nearly twice as likely to die as calorie restricted monkeys at any time point during the study. : science
1 in 4 US men have cancer-linked HPV genital infections : news (Republicans hate vaccines)
TIL of The Stoned Ape Theory, which is a controversial theory from Terence McKenna which states that a lot of our advanced human evolution came as a result of the ingestion of psilocybin mushrooms, also known as magic mushrooms by our primate ancestors. : todayilearned
Which meme/trend did you hate most in 2016? : AskReddit
American Airlines is banning carry-on bags and overhead bin use for basic economy passengers : news (you don't need no steenking clothes)
What are some interesting tests you can take to find out about yourself? : AskReddit
Redditors who have been in Natural Disasters; what was your "Oh shit, this is real" moment? : AskReddit
What did a partner warn you about prior to having sex, but still didn't prepare you for what you saw? : AskReddit
Has anyone ever seen a NSFW Reddit post of someone they know? What happened? : AskReddit
TIL that the word homophobia was originally used to refer to heterosexual men's fear that others might think they are gay : todayilearned
Powering stuff when there is a power outage : videos
What was the biggest "plot twist" in your life? : AskReddit
Richard Ayoade has a mental breakdown (full clip for context) : videos
U.S. scientists officially declare 2016 the hottest year on record. That makes three in a row. - The Washington Post
- Scientists react to Earth's warmest year: 'We're heading into a new unknown'
Trump interior secretary pick on climate change: 'I don't believe it's hoax'
SamwiseTheOppressed comments on Britain - the Junkie who thinks the dealer is reliant on them.
Post-Sept. 11 profiling case tests government officialsbroad immunity from civil suits - "You know from day one that many of them have nothing to do with terrorists, and yet you allow that system that might have been justified in October to persist for months and months, when these people are being held in the worst possible conditions of confinement," Ginsburg pressed acting solicitor general Ian Heath Gershengorn, who defended the former government officials in the final case argued by the Obama administration. (Obama defending the worst of Bush to the bitter end)
Will Judith Miller Ever Live It Down? | The Huffington Post - Obama commutes sentence of Chelsea Manning. "How many people died because of manning's leak?" - Judith Miller (@JMfreespeech) January 17, 2017 - Does she really not see the irony here - Jack Mirkinson (@jackmirkinson) January 17, 2017 - Judy's Iraq-War starting stories ALL based off leaks. Those leaks killed 100s of 1000s. - Ready to send your murderous sources to prison? - emptywheel (@emptywheel) January 17, 2017 (so, no, but she can't keep her stupid mouth shut)
TIL... In 1954 the CIA deposed a democratically elected Guatemalan president and replaced him with a dictator to save investments in a banana company. : todayilearned (really, have to keep that shit secret)
Russia Extends Edward Snowden's Residency By Another Couple Of Years | The Huffington Post
"After Snowden showed everyone how much the US tracks people's browsing, there was a 20% decrease in visits to Wikipedia pages about topics relating to terrorism." : technology
Assange Sticks To Extradition Promise Now That Chelsea Manning Will Be Freed | The Huffington Post - The Wikileaks founder has been hiding out at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for nearly five years. (made a deal with Trumpster)
The Obvious Rightness of the Manning Commutation - Lawyers, Guns & Money
How Chelsea Manning lifted lid on harsh facts of US wars and military justice | US news | The Guardian - evealed US diplomatic secrets and was made to pay a heavy price (Obama really has a dark side)
Obama Says Voting Barriers Are Directly Linked To Jim Crow And Slavery | The Huffington Post - "There is an ugly history to that that we should not be shy about talking about. - the only country among advanced countries that makes it harder to vote" (Republicans aren't very advanced)
As GOP Pushes Repeal, Obamacare Has Never Been More Popular: NBC News/WSJ poll - NBC News
Donald Trump Is Already Disappointing His Supporters | The Huffington Post - "The swamp is full again. It's acutally fuller"
Michael Moore on Donald Trump, the Democrats, Election, and More | Variety - Why Donald Trump Will Build a Wall and Ban Muslims
Reality bites: Trump's wake-up call - Axios
Trump: Briefing Room Will Stay In White House, But He'll Pick Who Gets In | The Huffington Post (no free press for you, idiots)
In retraction request to CNN, Trump team confirms CNN story - The Washington Post
No_big_whoop comments on Trump rips NBC News on jobs report: Its 'fake news' (Trump is obsessed with disgust)
The new Trump defamation lawsuit is daring Trump to incriminate himself in court.
Trump's fight to slash the taxes on his $50 million golf course
Six astonishing things Betsy DeVos said - and refused to say - at her confirmation hearing - The Washington Post
Betsy DeVos says guns in schools may be necessary to protect students from grizzly bears - bears justify the presence of guns in schools.
Betsy DeVos' Secretary of Education Hearing Was an Insult to Democracy - Who are the real grizzlies?
Betsy DeVos, Trump's Education Pick, Seems Unfamiliar With A Major Federal Education Law | The Huffington Post - Sens. Tim Kaine and Maggie Hassan were beside themselves at her confirmation hearing during a back-and-forth over students with disabilities.
Education Nominee Admits Trump's 'Access Hollywood' Boasts Describe Sexual Assault | The Huffington Post - Well, this is awkward.
Elizabeth Warren Schools Betsy DeVos At Confirmation Hearing | The Huffington Post - "I don't see how you can be the secretary of education."
U.S. Abortion Rate Continues to Decline, Hits Historic Low | Guttmacher Institute - Improvements in Contraceptive Use Are Likely Contributing to the Decline, But Punitive Abortion Restrictions May Also Be a Factor
The abortion rate is at an all-time low - and better birth control is largely to thank - Vox - Use of contraception, especially the most effective methods like IUDs and implants, did much more to reduce abortion rates than restrictive laws. (but we can't give them slut pills)
Federal authorities: Louisiana man pleaded guilty after threats linked to Pizzagate - "I'm going to finish what the other guy didn't"
Denver starts work on allowing marijuana in public, a first in US. : news
Eschaton: While We're On My Favorite Subject - Now imagine you're riding in the back of a self-driving car. How would it decide?
The genes that predispose people to attain higher levels of education have been in decline over the past 80 years, and researchers are suggesting that they're now under negative selection, which could have a big impact on our species in the coming centuries. (Republicans breeding intelligence out of Americans
Are humans getting cleverer? - BBC News ("test wiseness" and education and the rise of abstract thinking which Republicans will put an end to)
TIL an estimated 1 in 4 Alabamans are functionally illiterate, meaning they're unable to manage daily living and employment tasks that require reading skills beyond a basic level : todayilearned (and 47% of Italy) (and No Child Left Unstupid)
The U.S. Illiteracy Rate Hasn't Changed In 10 Years | The Huffington Post - 32 million adults in the U.S. can't read - 14 percent of the population. 21 percent of adults in the U.S. read below a 5th grade level, and 19 percent of high school graduates
Report: Nearly Half Of Detroiters Can't read
TIL that a child was prosecuted as an adult for having naked images of himself on his own phone : todayilearned
ELI5: Why is Judaism considered as a race of people AND a religion while hundreds of other regions do not have a race of people associated with them? : explainlikeimfive
What was the biggest "surprise motherfucker" in history? : AskReddit
[Serious] Men of Reddit, what do you do with your male friends? : AskReddit
Coach accused of punching 11-year-old during football game to be charged, police say : news
What did "the weird kid" do in your school that you'll never forget? : AskReddit
Twitter just sold its developer platform to Google
Obama Commutes Bulk of Chelsea Manning's Sentence - Obama rescued Ms. Manning, who twice tried to kill herself last year, from an uncertain future as a transgender woman incarcerated at the men's military prison at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. She has been jailed for nearly seven years, and her 35-year sentence was by far the longest punishment ever imposed in the United States for a leak conviction ... the Obama administration's unprecedented criminal crackdown on leaking: The administration has brought charges in about nine cases, about twice as many as under all previous presidents combined.
Chelsea Manning to Be Released Early as Obama Commutes Sentence - The New York Times
Obama is Right on Chelsea Manning - Lawfare
Zack Beauchamp on Twitter: "Put up or shut up time, @wikileaks"
On Manning - Lawyers, Guns & Money
- If You Think Chelsea Manning Got Off Easy, You're Out of Your Mind
"We Steal Secrets: The Story of Wikileaks," by Alex Gibney (Director) - Lawfare
Mr. Obama, Pick Up Your Pardon Pen - The New York Times - Unlike a commutation, which shortens or ends a prison sentence, a pardon is an act of forgiveness granted to someone who has completed a sentence.
Theresa May Confirms U.K. Will Pursue Hard Brexit | The Huffington Post - She said the final deal will be subject to a Parliament vote. (UK down the toilet)
hipcheck23 comments on Theresa May Confirms that Britain will go "hard" on Brexit and leave the single market
Trump has bared his fangs to Merkel. He will do untold damage to Europe | Josef Joffe | Opinion | The Guardian - praises Brexit, cosies up to Putin and promises to take an axe to Nato and established trading systems. Prepare for a remake of the 1930s (Trump: "Would you rather live in a democracy that accepts refugee from disasterous American wars or in an authoritarian oligarchic kleptocracy that shoots journalists? I know which one I'd chose")
Donald Trump's criticism of Angela Merkel cannot be accepted by Europeans, says French finance minister | The Independent
Putin says he doesn't Believe Trump Met Prostitutes in Russia
For Trump, Three Decades of Chasing Deals in Russia - The New York Times ("I don't know Russia, I've never been to Russia, I don't have any business in Russia")
Putin: Those Who Spread Fake Allegations About Trump Are 'Worse Than Prostitutes' | The Huffington Post - He also accused the outgoing U.S. administration of trying to undermine the president-elect's legitimacy.
/u/Deggit Explains the term fake news in the context of modern propaganda : bestof
When a Foreign Government Interfered in a U.S. Election - to Reelect FDR - politico Magazine - SIS, the British intelligence agency, flooded American newspapers with fake stories, leaked the results of illegal electronic surveillance and deployed October surprises against political candidates.
18 million would lose insurance in first year of Obamacare repeal without replacement, CBO report says - The Washington Post (Repeal and Fuck Them)
- Trump Health Plan Is So Top Secret HHS Pick Reportedly Doesn't Know What's In It
Lyin_Don comments on Poll: 74 percent want to see Trump's tax returns (and all the times he said he would release them)
More than 50 Democratic lawmakers now skipping Trump's inauguration
Poll: Trump will take office as least popular president in at least 4 decades - The Washington Post
Trump: Approval polls are rigged against me | TheHill
CNN/ORC Poll: Confidence drops in Trump transition - - "The same people who did the phony election polls, and were so wrong, are now doing approval rating polls. They are rigged just like before."
- He Is Going to Test Our Democracy as It Has Never Been Tested - Why Nixon's former lawyer John Dean worries Trump could be one of the most corrupt presidents ever-and get away with it
John Lewis, Donald Trump, and the Meaning of Legitimacy - The New Yorker - By David Remnick
Eschaton: Miserable Failure - The second frustrating thing about the Bush presidency was that even when he was unpopular the press talked about him like he was popular, until he went so low that they couldn't so they started writing comeback story fan fiction.
Eschaton: Fee Fees - Rumors are a couple of Trump nominees don't like people being mean to them and want to retreat to their safe spaces under in their mountain lairs of gold. What did they expect?
- Trump gets no respect. That's because he hasn't earned it
Trump's obsession with WrestleMania and fake drama
Obamacare Repeal Could Affect 32 Million Americans Over a Decade, 1 in 10 - The consequences over the next decade are dire.
Trump' Cabinet pick invested in company, then introduced a bill to help it
Lifelong Woodmont Country Club member resigns over Obama golf controversy - The Washington Post - The mayor of a tony Maryland suburb resigned from a prominent golf club on Monday because the club might not welcome President Obama as a member - Some members of the historically Jewish club have said they would not welcome Obama (because he didn't kiss Netanfuckyu's ass)
Scalper losing money on tickets to Trump inauguration - NY Daily News
Martin Luthor King's Niece Voted For Trump
DisruptJ20 Releases Statement on Project Veritas Video - January 16, 2017 | #DisruptJ20 - Organizers with DC Antifascist Coalition knew they were likely being monitored by an infiltrator when that video was taken. Activists fed false information to Project Veritas infiltrator.
Cambridge mayor says she may attend Trump's inauguration - E. Denise Simmons
TIL that scientists believe there is a 9th planet in our solar system that is roughly 10 times larger than earth. They haven't been able to locate it yet but they know it's there because of its gravitational effects on other objects. : todayilearned
What was the biggest "fuck you" in history? : AskReddit
Don't Poke A Snapping Turtle : gifs
That Time I Turned a Routine Traffic Ticket into the Constitutional Trial of the Century : technology
brainhack3r comments on Dog saves owner from vicious animal attack
What strange idea worked, because people are weird? : AskReddit
My_Kinky_Alt comments on Women of OKC: Bored easily - Dating Sites or General Outlook?
What's the creepiest thing you know is happening on Reddit? : AskReddit
User u/My_Kinky_Alt explains the cycle of online dating from a woman's perspective. : bestof
WhatsApp Security Vulnerability - Schneier on Security
WhatsApp vulnerability explained: by the man who discovered it | Tobias Boelter | Technology | The Guardian - Facebook denies it is deliberate loophole but Tobias Boelter sets out what the vulnerability is and why it matters
A look at how private messengers handle key changes - Medium
Dutch coder built thousands of websites with built-in backdoors : technology
These 8 Men Have As Much Money As Half The World | The Huffington Post - A new Oxfam report finds income inequality is benefiting a few billionaires who already have "biblical" fortunes.
Trump Wants To Cut Russia Sanctions In Return For Nuclear Arms Deal | The Huffington Post - The President-Elect also criticized Moscow for its role in Syria.
- Trump is Putin's Mouthpiece (elected by 69 million American commie dupes)
Trump Endorses American Geopolitical Suicide - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Apparently Donald Trump wants to destroy reorganize the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), sees the European Union (EU) as a competitor, and thinks that Germany is an enemy of the United States: (Putin's pawn)
Trump Proposes An Obamacare Replacement That Looks Nothing Like What Republicans Are Talking About | The Huffington Post
Drug testing floated for White House press corps | Page Six
Eschaton: Drug Test Them All - White House staff used to be drug tested. Got some attention in the Clinton years because of all of those druggy hippies he hired. Anyway, just drug test anyone who does regular work in the White House. Fair!
A hellscape of lies and distorted reality awaits journalists covering President Trump - The Washington Post
Trump Is Making Journalism Great Again - politico Magazine - In his own way, Trump has set us free.
Trump team reportedly wants to strip FCC of consumer protection powers : technology
- GOP County Official In Georgia Calls John Lewis A 'Racist Pig' - Tommy Hunter, a Republican county commissioner, also referred to Lewis' party as "Demonrats" and "a bunch of idiots." (Trump unleashed the hate and stupidty)
Donald Trump vs. John Lewis: One is a legend. The other is a lightweight. - The Washington Post
Draining the Swamp! - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Monica Crowley Bows Out Of Job With Trump Administration | The Huffington Post - The GOP adviser was supposed to work under Gen. Michael Flynn. Then came reports of plagiarism. (marked for life)
'Abandoned' in New Jersey, Chris Christie Returns to a Changed Landscape - Nearly three-quarters of New Jersey voters, and half his fellow Republicans, said in a recent poll that he should have been a defendant in the trial over the George Washington Bridge lane closings, in which two of his former aides were convicted last month. (the bully baby failed)
GOPer Who Vowed To Stand Up To Trump Flees Constituents At Community Event - Colorado congressman Rep. Mike Coffman (R-CO), who vowed to "stand up" to President-elect Donald Trump, left his own community event early on Saturday after a crowd of constituents showed up with questions. (usual chicken-shit Repiglican)
Judge booted off Supreme Court after cursing out prosecutor | New York Post - Supreme Court Justice Geoffrey Wright was shipped off to Queens - and banished to Family Court, one of the lowest rungs of the judiciary - following a testy run in Manhattan Criminal Court.
Connecticut Politician Arrested for Pinching Woman's Genitals (he Trumped her +there are at least 62,979,879 people in the US who don't care if you sexually assault people.)
Officer Faces Possible Discipline in Fatal Shooting of Bronx Teenager - The New York Times
F.B.I. Arrests Wife of Killer in Orlando Mass Shooting - The New York Times (Feebs never give up)
Noor Salman, wife of Orlando massacre shooter Omar Mateen, arrested in San Francisco. : news
2 Years, 31 Dead Construction Workers. New York Can Do Better. - The New York Times - On Dec. 23, on the Upper East Side of New York City, yet another construction worker died.
- For women, heavy drinking has been normalized. That's dangerous - Instead of selling alcohol with sex and romance, these ads had an edgier theme: Harried mothers chugging wine to cope with everyday stress. Women embracing quart-sized bottles of whiskey, and bellying up to bars to knock back vodka shots with men ... "binge in a box" ... Mommy's Little Helper ... White women bingers +40%
Nine charts that show how white women are drinking themselves to death - The Washington Post - Drinking is killing twice as many middle-aged white women as it did 18 years ago. (no wonder they voted for Trump)
Rethinking Drinking Homepage - NIAAA
commiespaceinvader comments on People don't stop hating over night. What was life in Germany like for Jewish, handicapped, gays after WWII?
..... Family member found this book in the attic...... It gets WAY worse! : WTF (links to internet written porn)
NSFW What is something everyone should try at least once in the bedroom? : AskReddit
Thanks, Apple, for removing the HDMI port : funny
Millennials with no social media (besides Reddit): What is your reasoning behind it? Do you feel disconnected in any way? : AskReddit
What does a transsexual vagina feel like, and do transexual penises work as well as sexual penises? : AskReddit
Netanyahu's tape scandal explained: Will secret negotiations with Adelson's Media Rival Force Him to Resign? A taped conversation between Prime Minister Netanyahu and the owner of a leading newspaper has shocked Israelis
Outgoing CIA chief rips into Trump on Russia threat - The Boston Globe - The outgoing CIA director charged on Sunday that Donald Trump lacks a full understanding of the threat Moscow poses to the United States, delivering a public lecture to the president-elect that further highlighted the bitter state of Trump's relations with American intelligence agencies. (he doesn't need your so-called intelligence)
Did Russia Spy on Donald Trump When He Visited Moscow? | Mother Jones - Intelligence experts say he would have been an obvious target. (they grabbed him by the balls)
U.S. intelligence officials reportedly warn Israeli counterparts against sharing info with Trump administration - Israel News - - saying Kremlin has 'leverages of pressure' over Trump (Republicans are commie spies and dupes)
Israeli intel officers reportedly confirm: Global spy agencies looking into Trump's Russia ties - Israel News - - Buzzfeed cites two Israeli intelligence officials as saying unsubstantiated dossier on Moscow's dirt on Trump being looked into across world. (white working-class commie voters)
Trump aides deny summit with Putin planned | Reuters
Mike Pence denies contacts with Russia during campaign - The Washington Post - "Why would there be any contacts between the campaign" and Russia, he said. "I talked to General Flynn yesterday, and the conversations that took place at that time were not in any way related to new U.S. sanctions against Russia and the expulsion of diplomats," (no "contacts" just "conversations")
The investigation of James Comey is exactly what the country needs - The Washington Post (FBI/KGB)
Donald Trump May Evict Press from the White House - "They are the opposition party," a senior official says (Fox will be offical mouthpiece)
Trump Is Set To Violate His D.C. Hotel Lease And The Agency Holding It Has No Plan | The Huffington Post - "It does appear that GSA is out of the loop on this."
Reince Priebus Warns Ethics Chief To 'Be Careful' | The Huffington Post - The director has called for Donald Trump to fully divest his assets before he assumes the presidency. ("something might happen to you")
Donald Trump News Conference Gets the S.N.L. treatment
Remember not to share this picture of Trump, because he hates it. : pics (full Drumpf)
Seen this in the T.V guide this morning. : pics
Donald Trump: Coping with narcissistic personality disorder in the White House - Quartz
More signs that Trump is out of touch with reality - The Washington Post (as are the fools who voted for him)
After Years Of Birther Conspiracies, Trump Aide Claims GOP Never Questioned Obama's Legitimacy | The Huffington Post - Reince Priebus wants President Barack Obama to stand up and vouch for Donald Trump (the dorito Mussolini)
Eschaton: Hell St. - Trump's view that all black people live in hellholes and all urban areas not within 15 feet of his golden palace in the sky are hellhole ... sBut 70 years on this Earth and it seems like he's een his penthouse, some golf courses, the occasional glance out his limo window, and that's it other than 24/7 cable news. Strange life, given his resources.
US residents of Reddit: How will the repeal of the Affordable Care Act affect you...positively or negatively? : AskReddit (he's going to fuck over a whole lot of people)
monorail_pilot comments on "All talk, no action" John Lewis was arrested at least 45 times in the fight for Civil Rights. Here are his mugshots. (extreme moral contrasts)
Why the GOP hates U.S. history: Inconvenient truths that freak out American conservatives - - The right is losing its mind over new testing standards that aren't "patriotic" enough. Time for a history lesson!
D'Souza - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Recently convicted felon and conservative columnist : "slavery appears such a relatively mild business that one begins to wonder why Frederick Douglass and so many other ever tried to escape." And concludes, "In summary, the American slave was treated like property, which is to say, pretty well." (Trump-era unthinking)
Dinesh D'Souza on Twitter: "OVERRATED DEMOCRATS DEPT: So Rosa Parks wouldn't sit in the back of the bus--that's all she did, so what's the big fuss?"
Dinesh D'Souza, adulterous felon and disgraced academic, really embarrassed himself this time - A hack who deserves to be laughed out of politics hits below the belt
The Harvard Cross-Burning - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - a 1952 cross burning at Harvard, as white students protested 8 black students living in a dorm ... he was subsequently threatened by the Harvard administration (presumably to protect the University's image) that any black student who reported the incident to the Boston media would be suspended. Of course Drew Gilpin Faust, one of the nation's leading Civil War historians, has been a general embarrassment as Harvard president to anyone who thinks historians should apply the lessons about injustice that they write about to the present.Really shameful. Harvard needs to do something to apologize for this and commemorate it on campus.
Psychology's Favorite Tool for Measuring Racism Isn't Up to the Job - Almost two decades after its introduction, the implicit association test has failed to deliver on its lofty promises. - he IAT went viral not for solid scientific reasons, but simply because it tells us such a simple, pat story about how racism works and can be fixed: that deep down, we're all a little - or a lot - racist, and that if we measure and study this individual-level racism enough, progress toward equality will ensue. (co-inventor made her career with bullshit and got appointed to chair Harvard Psychology)
A Mindset "Revolution" Sweeping Britain's Classrooms May Be Based On Shaky Science - Dweck has written several books on mindset and charges $20,000 for speaking appearances, and her "Brainology" mindset programme for schools charges $20 or $50 per student (more for-profit change your attitude bullshit)
Can we please stop pretending marijuana is harmless? - The Boston Globe - It was science that eventually curtailed the power of Big Tobacco and prevented nearly 800,000 cancer deaths in the United States between 1975 and 2000. As marijuana marches toward the same legal status as cigarettes, its potential hazards will require equal attention by science. (BoGlo anti-pot screed)
Special Report: Police union contracts offer shield of protection - police contracts shield officers from scrutiny and discipline (militia for the rich)
A divided empire: what the urban-rural split means for the future of America | Cities | The Guardian - Will US metropolises increasingly turn into city-states?
According to our data, there are 380 registered sex offenders living in Evansville and 82 registered sex offenders living in Boston. The ratio of residents to sex offenders in Evansville is 316 to 1; the ratio in Boston is 7,762 to 1. (25x)
Post-Doc Ergo Propter Hoc: Empirical Searches for Nominative Determinism
Asmr generator for positive feelings
Neanderthals Were People, Too - The New York Times - New research shows they shared many behaviors that we long believed to be uniquely human. Why did science get them so wrong?
What's the most unexpected/out of the blue thing your partner has ever done during sex? : AskReddit
'It's not a deterrent': Experts question whether tougher sentences counter drunk driving : news
What is the friendliest and most welcoming online community? : AskReddit
The Lingering Stench of Torture - The New York Times - After President-elect Donald J. Trump insisted during the campaign that "torture works" and promised to bring back waterboarding and "a hell of a lot worse," it was just a matter of time before the former C.I.A. official Jose Rodriguez and the former Air Force psychologist and C.I.A. contractor James Mitchell resurfaced to defend the indefensible. (good Mormon torture)
Former MI6 agent Christopher Steele's frustration as FBI sat on Donald Trump Russia file for months | The Independent - Steele was so concerned by revelations he worked without payment after Trump's election victory in November
Democrats Confront F.B.I. Chief at Closed-Door Intelligence Briefing - The New York Times - intelligence chiefs sat down with members of Congress behind closed doors on Friday for what they thought would be a straightforward briefing on Russian cyberattacks. What ensued instead was a confrontation Democrats have long sought with James B. Comey, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Donald Trump's Dangerous Attacks on the Press (white voters have Fox, don't need your fake journos)
Trump Adviser Michael Flynn Had FIVE Calls With Russian Ambassador On Day Of Sanctions: Sources | The Huffington Post - The calls raise fresh questions among some U.S. officials. (Trump is Putin's puppet for sure, white guys in Iowa are happy)
Report: Trump Suggests He May Do Away With Russia Sanctions If Moscow Helpful | The Huffington Post - "Why would anybody have sanctions if somebody's doing some really great things?"
Spy Agencies Around The World Are Digging Into Trump's Moscow Ties - Israel and at least one Western European country are investigating the claims made in a 35-page dossier about President-elect Donald Trump's Moscow ties (they will all blackmail him)
Donald Trump is normalizing paranoia and conspiracy thinking in U.S. politics - The Washington Post - Conspiracy thinking has been normalized now.
Trump Team's Queries About Africa Point to Skepticism About Aid (wrong color, will redirect money to Putin)
Eschaton: Crisis - Not picking on Thrush in any way, but Bush was basically at sub-40% popularity for 3 years. He hit 25% (Trump can go to zero)
The controversy behind the painting that will hang at Trump's inaugural luncheon - "The Verdict of the People" (or Putin, anyway)
What a Glorious Time to be Free - Lawyers, Guns & Money : So an institutional mechanism designed to overrepresent slaveholders, with a major assist from the FBI, installed an overt racist as president.
In Iowa, Trump Voters Are Unfazed by Controversies - The New York Times (8 working-class white guys love commie billionaires)
Why the white working class votes against itself - The Washington Post - In Ohio, white working-class focus group participants decried that women who "pop out babies like Pez dispensers with different baby daddies" get "welfare every month" and "their housing paid for, their food." These women seem to live large, one participant said, while people like herself are "struggling to put food on the table." (and hate raising minimum wage)(the epidemiology of stupidity and hatred)
'You Focus on the Good' Women Who Voted for Trump, in Their Own Words (white women who voted for Putin's puppet found "good" in a totally bad man)
Review: In 'Hillbilly Elegy', a Tough Love Analysis of the Poor Who Back Trump - - This is not "a memoir of a family and a culture in crisis", this is J.D. Vance's excuse for being condescending to the poor.
Hillbilly Elitism | Jacobin - The American hillbilly isn't suffering from a deficient culture. He's just poor
Mark Hamill Reads Trump Tweet #2 As The Joker : television (nails it)
Jason Chaffetz is ethically bankrupt. - The Republican in charge of government oversight wants to prohibit criticism of Trump's ethical violations
- The truth about vaccines, autism and Robert F. Kennedy Jr's conspiracy theory
Right to Work a Man to Death - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - A key reminder that the intellectual founder of the right to work a man to death movement was Vance Muse, anti-Semite, racist, and anti-worker. Of course these things are not unconnected. Neither are they today as Kentucky destroys its unions and Missouri may well do the same, building on the many states to do so in recent years. (white working guys voting to destroy unions so billionaires can make more money and they can lose their heath insurance)
Why Wells Fargo rejected a teacher's Black Lives Matter debit card design (what matters to white people)
Transportation Agencies Will Finally Measure the Movement of People, Not Just Cars - Streetsblog USA (cars are more important than people, and Trump will only count limos)
Cops: Greenwich Republican Insulted Town Worker, Then Pinched Her Groin | Westport Daily Voice - A well-known Greenwich Republican called a town worker "nothing but a bloodsucking lazy union employee" and later reached in from behind to place his hand between her legs and pinch her in the groin area, according to the police arrest warrant - Christopher von Keyserling, 71, of 402 Post Road E (said Trump made grabbing pussy ok. really.)
Ex-Cop breaks down when he is sentenced to 263 years in prison : videos - Daniel Holtzclaw serve 263 years consecutively
Former deputy accused of bestiality also facing child porn charges : news
Three Cleveland police officers are facing administrative charges following an internal investigation into the death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was shot and killed by police while carrying a toy gun in November 2014. : news
The Real Problem With Hypocrisy - The New York Times
Protests at UC Davis lead to canceling of speech by Breitbart's Milo Yiannopoulos : news
New Report Shows The U.S. Is Failing When It Comes To Mental Health | The Huffington Post - The suicide rate has increased, as has the rate of depression in teens.
A father confused liquid nicotine for medicine - and gave his 6-year-old a toxic dose - The Washington Post - Her mother had purchased highly concentrated liquid nicotine for the e-cigarettes, diluted it with vegetable glycerin and put it in an empty children's ibuprofen bottle. In faint, handwritten letters, it was labeled "NIC."
The Smithsonian loses one of its top scientists after a bitter conflict with administrators - The Washington Post (Trump is going to fire all the "scientists" anyway but the real story is in the comments where we find Helgen's defense of a serial sexual assaulter and Trump voters defending him)
Hunter S. Thompson on Presidential Elections : books
Onboard footage of SpaceX rocket landing on sea barge! (Jan. 14, 2017) : videos
Study suggests Earth once had many moonlets - until they merged to form the moon - The Washington Post
UCSB Science Line - There may have been other processes that helped as well, such as static electricity
- How to Become a 'Superager' - Nearly all the action was in "emotional" regions, such as the midcingulate cortex and the anterior insula.
Study finds association between eating hot peppers and decreased mortality : science
ELI5:Why does honey never expire? : explainlikeimfive
How does the physical concept of entropy relates to the information theory concept of entropy? : askscience
Nellie completely spaced out on magic truffles (psilocybin) | Drugslab : videos
Idiocracy: The Great Dumbing Down : videos
What human interaction is memorable to you, but the other person has probably forgotten? : AskReddit
PsycNET - The actor-observer asymmetry in attribution: A (surprising) meta-analysis.
A sad tombstone from 1875 : pics
What have you done for over 10,000 hours but still suck at? : AskReddit
Students of Reddit, what was the biggest teacher meltdown you ever witnessed? : AskReddit
Hemp industry members file legal challenge against DEA's new marijuana extract rule (making people suffer so they can their war on some drugz)
Rudy Giuliani is an absurd choice to defend the US from hackers | Trevor Timm | Opinion | The Guardian - Donald Trump promised to assemble some of the greatest computer minds to address cybersecurity. Instead, he picked the former mayor of New York
The hackers have been hacked. Motherboard has obtained 900 GB of data related to Cellebrite, one of the most popular companies in the mobile phone hacking industry. The cache includes customer information, databases, and a vast amount of technical data regarding Cellebrite's products. : technology
WhatsApp backdoor allows snooping on encrypted messages : news (you've been zuckerfucked, again)
Backed by billions of dollars from deep-pocketed investors, a new generation of satellite entrepreneurs plans to blanket the earth in the next few years with perhaps thousands of miniature satellites beaming cheap, ubiquitous broadband service. : technology (comcast will kill this)
The Transparent Society - Will Technology Force Us to Choose Between Privacy and Freedom? - David Brin
Comcast refuses to air ad going after Mormon church's tax-exempt status. : news
Obama Expands Surveillance Powers on His Way Out | Electronic Frontier Foundation
While You Weren't Looking, the FBI Acquired the Power to Spy on You
It's Official: Sixteen Government Agencies Now Have Access To Unminimized Domestic NSA Collections | Techdirt - The administration was confirmed to be working towards loosening restrictions on data sharing, even as the FBI was swearing it was tightening up control of its own use of unminimized data. (Comey lied?)
Is Edward Snowden a Spy? A New Book Calls Him One. - The New York Times - the main beneficiary was Russia, which to his mind couldn't possibly have failed to take possession of all the material Snowden took from the N.S.A. (Snowden said years ago he had no data with him)
A day without murder: no one is killed in El Salvador for first time in two years | World news | The Guardian - first day without a single homicide since January 2015 (America's legacy of death)
BBC sets up team to debunk fake news. Permanent Reality Check team will target false stories or facts being shared on social media. : news (i.e., they will function as reporters)
This caricature in a Swiss newspaper : pics
In 2 Terms, Barack Obama Had Fewer Scandals Than Donald Trump Has Had In The Last 2 Weeks | The Huffington Post - This is a major departure from the presidencies of George W. Bush, Clinton, Reagan and Nixon (that's because his scandals were too big to succeed as scandals)
After 2016 campaign, more Americans consider Russia a threat: Reuters/Ipsos poll | Reuters - 82 percent of American adults, including 84 percent of Democrats and 82 percent of Republicans, described Russia as a general "threat" to the United States. That's up from 76 percent in March 2015 when the same questions were asked.
The Spy Who Wrote the Trump-Russia Memos: It Was "Hair-Raising" Stuff | Mother Jones - When I broke the story in October, I spoke with him. Here's what he said. - His sources told him, he said, that Trump had been "sexually compromised" by Russian intelligence in 2013 (when Trump was in Moscow for the Miss Universe contest) or earlier and that there was an "established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit." ... As the former spy said to me, "The story has to come out." (Trumpster wholly owned by Putin)
groergeous comments on AP Source: Trump aide in frequent contact with Russia envoy
The Further Adventures of James Comey, Straight-Shooting Man of Nonpartisan Integritude - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Obama should fire Comey. He should explain exactly why he's being fired. Every day Comey remains the FBI Director helps to normalize a stolen election. And if the alleged downside is that Trump could appoint a director who's a mendacious hack who would let Republicans do whatever they want, I have some news: we already have one. (this is a good point; Obama trying skate past deep Repubican scandals on the way out just like he did on the way in)
James Comey's Best Service - The new AG should ask the director to resign for the good of the FBI. (WSJ wants to get past the "scandal")
Hungarian celeb claims Trump invited her to his room in Moscow in 2013 | The Budapest Business Journal on the web | (he's never even been to Russia)
Something Happened In A Classified Comey Briefing That Has Democrats Fuming | The Huffington Post - Dems said they were "disappointed" and "outraged."
Wasserman Schultz confronted Comey about Russian hacking | TheHill
Angering Congress, James Comey won't address Trump-Russia inquiry privately | US news | The Guardian - FBI director's refusal to clarify potential investigation was met with frustration from lawmakers who recall his interjections about Hillary Clinton during election
Senate Panel To Probe Russian Hacking, Links To Campaigns | The Huffington Post - The panel will investigate allegations Russia used cyber attacks to influence the 2016 election.
Donald Trump Adviser Michael Flynn Having 'Frequent Contacts' With Russian Envoy | The Huffington Post - Multiple calls were made on the day the U.S. announced retaliation for Moscow's interference in the election ... An 18th-century U.S. law, the Logan Act, bars unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments that are in disputes with the United States.
Rep. John Lewis: Trump Is Not A 'Legitimate President' | The Huffington Post - "I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected," the civil rights icon said of Trump.
Republicans Threaten Government Ethics Official Who Criticized Trump | The Huffington Post - Leading the charge: Jason Chaffetz, who once said he'd be unable to look his daughter in the eye if he supported Trump.
White House blasts Chaffetz for threatening to subpoena ethics watchdog | TheHill
Trump looking to appoint investment executive to lead U.S. Navy - The Washington Post - The appointment would be the latest sign that Trump wants wealthy businessmen rather than military, policy or political leaders to run the military service agencies.
Head of D.C. National Guard to be removed from post in middle of inauguration - The Washington Post
The New Yorker on Twitter: "An early look at next week's cover, "At the Wheel," by Barry Blitt:"
Melania Trump Is Already Planning Her Glam Room in the White House - Us Weekly
Love Is Always Scarpering, Or Cowering, Or Fawning - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Cillizza Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field Of Hackdom goes to Chris Cillizza: "You should watch this Paul Ryan town hall on CNN. The guy is extremely impressive."
Cillizza'd - Lawyers, Guns & Money
"Old Man Yells At Cloud" meme come true: Rudy Giuliani To Advise Trump On Cyber Issues : sysadmin (his we bsite is a security nightmare)
Trump aide Monica Crowley plagiarized thousands of words in Ph.D. dissertation. - CNNMoney (Republicans always lie, cheat and steal. sad.)
Chicago police officers have pattern of using excessive force, scathing Justice Dept. report says - The Washington Post
Judge orders police officers possessions to be auctioned off in order to pay out to man shot and paralyzed for riding his bicycle into the street. : news (kid was riding his bike "suspiciously" so they killed him)
Two LAPD officers who shot and killed a 16-year-old in Boyle Heights last year hadn't turned on their body cameras : news
CVS Puts Out Generic Competitor To EpiPen At A 6th Of The Price : news - Make sure your doctor writes a script for Adrenaclick or it is illegal for us to dispense this cheaper generic to you
US woman killed by superbug resistant to every available antibiotic : news
Millennials earn 20% less than Boomers did at same stage of life : news
ELI5: Why does string theory require 10 dimensions? : explainlikeimfive
Older (50+) users of Reddit : What drew you to this site initially and what has kept you coming back? : AskReddit
Stay classy, Kentucky : WTF
Japanese woman wonders where her dog Sacchan goes all day, reporter investigates, hilarity ensues : videos
critters comments on Sometimes we try too hard here
Men of Reddit, how do you feel about women not shaving? : AskReddit
EFF is Proud to Stand Beside Techdirt in its "First Amendment Fight for its Life." : technology - The guy suing has been running around for decades claiming he invented email. It's factually untrue. It's been pointed out many times.
Netanyahu: Middle East peace talks are a rigged move against Israel | World news | The Guardian - Condemnation of Paris gathering suggests Israeli PM is betting future diplomacy on Trump presidency being fiercely pro-Israel (Putin, Netanfuckyu and Trumpster, peas in a pod)
Israeli official who plotted to 'take down' British MPs resigns | World news | The Guardian - London embassy officer Shai Masot leaves service as UK Labour calls for investigation into improper interference by foreign state (but it's fine in America)
Intelligence sources vouch for credibility of Russia dossier author | US news | The Guardian - Ex-MI6 officer Christopher Steele, named as writer of Donald Trump memo, is highly regarded professional
Decision to brief Trump on allegations brought a secret and unsubstantiated dossier into the public domain - The Washington Post
The Forgotten Interventions | Jacobin (supporting authoritarian killers as an arm of corps)
Intelligence Chief's Olive Branch to Trump Gets Twisted in Translation
The looming national security threat everyone keeps ignoring - The Washington Post - Yet, despite 12 years of failure to eliminate this potential "single point of failure," no mention was made and no questions asked at confirmation hearings this week. (GPS easy to wreck, everything stops working, Obama ignored the problem)
Democrats can't win until they recognize how bad Obama's inancial policies were - He had opportunities to help the working class, and he passed them up. (
Eschaton: The Good Old Days Are Back - basically last night 13 Democrats in the Senate voted against allowing cheaper drug imports from The People's Republic of Canadia (inc Cory Booker)
Senate Vote 26 - Adopts Budget Resolution To Repeal Obamacare | Represent | ProPublica (inc Susie Collins - 51 to 47 only R no was Rand Paul and even Joe Fucking Manchin)
The GOP - Staying up late to screw over America [Update - Repeal Vote Info] - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money
Senate Republicans Take The First Big Step Toward Repealing Obamacare | The Huffington Post
Obamacare Repeal Would Give 400 Super-Rich U.S. Households A Giant Tax Cut | The Huffington Post - Related: A bunch of people would lose health insurance.
Justice Department inspector general to investigate pre-election actions by department and FBI - The Washington Post
Trump is headed toward an ethics train wreck - The Washington Post
Donald Trump and his sons will never talk business again - The Washington Post
- After an aggressive news conference, questions linger about Trump ("linger")
At News Conference, Trump Owns the Press
Trump team pulls Mattis from hearing focused on his need for a waiver to be Pentagon chief - The Washington Post
- Liberals Lost the White Working Class When They Started Eating at Popeye Instead of Chik-Fil-A - Unfortunately, Jacobin is increasing the number of articles it publishes that effectively take right-wing cultural critiques of liberals and apply them from the nominal left
The Specter of Democracy | Jacobin (for example)
Ex-Sen D'Amato kicked off flight after rallying passengers against crew (life imitates art) The Gaffe Heard Round N.Y. - Call it the "putzhead syndrome" - Sen. Alfonse M. D'Amato's tendency to push for political advantage beyond the borders of what many voters perceive as seemly. (1998)
Caitlyn Jenner Will Reportedly Attend Donald Trump's Inauguration | The Huffington Post - The reality star has said the president-elect "seems very much behind the LGBT community." (thinking not in the decatholon)
Megyn Kelly Is Still Terrible | Jacobin - years of peddling reactionary, racist nonsense.
"confederate ln" - Google Search (the topography of the tradition of treason in America; imagine being black and living on "Slavery Ln or driving to work on Confederate Ave) | "confederate dr" | "confederate ave" | "confederate st" | "confederate blvd" (now do the same for institutions with Confederate general names and individuals with imbedded traitor names like Jefferson Sessions)
PLOS Science Wednesday: Hi Reddit, weAlasdair and Garrett and we drew a new map of the United States based on commuter data instead of traditional borders, creating new ways of interpreting how geography impacts our lives - Ask Us Anything
You've probably never heard of this creepy genea logy site. But it knows a lot about you.
Reporter who doesn't like to be touched meets man who likes to touch. It's the showdown you didn't know you wanted to see : videos
Microsoft Anti-Porn Workers Sue Over PTSD : technology
Anthony Scaramucci (Trump advisor) Compares Climate Change To Flat Earth Theory : badscience (and the world is 5,500 years old)
Afghan Officials Probe Attacks As Death Toll Rises To At Least 50 | The Huffington Post - The country has experienced a steady increase in attacks since international troops ended combat operations in 2014.
Government will lose Brexit supreme court case, ministers believe | Politics | The Guardian - Senior government figures believe seven of 11 judges will uphold demand that Theresa May secure MP's backing for article 50
10 Key Moments and More From Trump's News Conference
Donald Trump to America: I Won, Accountability Is Over
Fact Check: Trump's First News Conference (there were no facts)
4 pieces of evidence showing FBI Director James Comey cost Clinton the election - Vox - And yes, it still matters.
Comey (And the Media) Threw the Election to the Worst President Ever - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Revising the Worst President Ever List - Lawyers, Guns &
What We Know and What We Don't Know About the Trump-Russia Dossier
Trump accuses US intelligence agencies over Russian dossier reports - live updates | US news | The Guardian - FBI handed dossier alleging secret Trump-Russia contacts - Moscow alleged to have enough material to blackmail Trump
John McCain passes dossier alleging secret Trump-Russia contacts to FBI | US news | The Guardian - Russian intelligence alleged to have compromising material on Trump (Comey is a commie spy also)
BuzzFeed publishes unsubstantiated Trump report, raising ethics questions | Media | The Guardian
- Donald Trump Concedes Russia's Interference in Election
Trump acknowledges Russian involvement in meddling in U.S. elections - The Washington Post - "I think it was Russia," (notice the "I")
Intelligence chiefs briefed Trump and Obama on unconfirmed claims Russia has compromising information on president-elect - The Washington Post
Here's How To Understand The Bombshell New Report On Trump And Russia | The Huffington Post
A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread of False Stories - The New York Times - AUG. 28, 2016
About that Explosive Trump Story: Take a Deep Breath - Lawfare - allegations within it, which are both explosive and quite various: some of them relate to alleged collusion between Trump campaign officials and Russian intelligence, while others relate to personal sexual conduct by Trump himself that supposedly constitutes a rip-roaring KOMPROMAT file.
A Few Thoughts On the Big Story
Trump "not aware" that he is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Leaks! - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Because if there's one thing you can say about Nazi Germany . . . it's that Hitler's intelligence services allowed and even encouraged the publication of scandalous claims about the Fuhrer ... "Are we living in Nazi Germany?' This idiot is going to be president of the United States in eight days.
Donald Trump Compares Controversial Russia Reports To Nazi Germany | The Huffington Post - This really happened.
Donald Trump's Lawyer Gave The Weirdest Response To That Explosive Russia Report | The Huffington Post - The only thing his reaction proves is that he has the ability to travel outside the U.S. ... "clandestine meeting between Republican presidential candidate, Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen and Kremlin representatives in August 2016." (and Trump claims he can "think")
Look, These 'Golden Shower' Jokes Are Just Funny, OK? | The Huffington Post - Donald Trump paid prostitutes to "perform a golden showers show in front of him" inside a Russia hotel room where the Obamas once stayed,
After the Trump dossier, James Comey is running out of excuses - The Washington Post - " (King dryly replied, "The irony of your making that statement here, I cannot avoid.") (crooked Comey)
How to remove Trump from office - The Washington Post - Donald Trump is a one-man basket of deplorables. He is a braggart and a liar. He is a bully and a demagogue. He is an ignoramus and a deadbeat, a chiseler and either a sincere racist or an insincere one, and his love for himself is matched only by my loathing of him. He is about to be president of the United States.
This new poll has all kinds of bad news for Donald Trump - The Washington Post - ts poll in late November showed his favorable rating rising from 34 percent to 44 percent, that number has dropped back to 37 percent, which is about where it stood for much of the campaign. That's tied for Trump's worst favorable rating in a poll since his election. And a majority - 51 percent - now have an unfavorable view of him. (wait 'til next week)
- What You Didn't See - Donald Trump, ten days from becoming President, has an approval rating of 37%. Most presidents seldom get so low. Some never do. For a Days away from inauguration it's totally unprecedented. For some perspective, by Gallup's numbers, each of the last three presidents had approval ratings of at least 65% during their presidential transitions. (Trump wins unpopularity contest. sad.)
Republicans, Facing Pressure, Delay Hearings for 4 Trump Cabinet Nominees - The New York Times ("pressure")
Coretta Scott King's Scathing Takedown Of Jeff Sessions Is A Must-Read | The Huffington Post - She fought for the Voting Rights Act, while Sessions called it "intrusive." ("intruding" on his pro-slavery)
Jeff Sessions Now Admits Grabbing A Woman By The Genitals Is Sexual Assault | The Huffington Post - He previously said he wouldn't describe it that way (they weren't dead, were they?)
Obama as Folk Devil - Cunningham_Thesis_Sociology.pdf
2016: the year Magic broke into Politics | The Dark Mountain Project
Moral panic - Wikipedia
As wait times at short-staffed centers skyrocket, Pa. lawmakers appear unmoved - NewsWorks - following a funding dispute that resulted in closing centers in Altoona, Allentown, and Lancaster, and termination of more than 500 employees. (how Republicans work)
Third of breast cancer patients treated unnecessarily, study says - - But assuming that all small breast lesions have the potential to turn deadly is akin to "racial profiling," (money, dudes)
FBI Arrests Volkswagen Executive | Fox Business
Danny Rivero on Twitter: "Just gor out of arraignment hearing for Volkswagen exec Oliver Schmidt. Gonna put a few notes here."
Women's March on Washington Opens Contentious Dialogues About Race
Obamacare Repeal Might Have Just Died Tonight
A Half-Dozen GOP Senators Just Fired A Big Warning Shot On Obamacare Repeal | The Huffington Post
Muted Response From Health Lobby as Affordable Care Act Faces Repeal - The New York Times
Today in Obamacare: I used to think Obamacare repeal was for sure. 2 things changed my mind. - Vox
TIL 14% of Americans are illiterate : todayilearned - . Among developed nations, the U.S. ranks 16th for adult reading skills. Approximately one-third of adults who struggle with illiteracy are aged 65 or older.
The U.S. Illiteracy Rate Hasn't Changed In 10 Years | The Huffington Post - 32 million adults in the U.S. can't read That's 14 percent of the population. 21 percent of adults in the U.S. read below a 5th grade level, and 19 percent of high school graduates can't read (and have to watch Fox News
It's time to retire the tainted term 'fake news' - Margaret Sullivan<
The Media's Handling of "DC Leaks" Material From Russia Was Lousy - time for the media to do some soul searching. (if it had ... a soul)
Matthew Yglesias on Twitter: "You don't just run with unverified information that may turn out to be nothing"
Trump, Trapped in His Lies, Keeps Lying. Sad! - The New York Times
The presidency as psychodrama - The Boston Globe - Our president-elect is an ignorant and unstable 70-year-old man. That won't change; nor will he. For the lesson Trump learned from this election is that he alone, once again, is sufficient to all moments. He won, after all - in his mind, he always does.
4 Of 9 Trump Nominees Set For Hearings This Week Haven't Completed Ethics Disclosures [Updated] | The Huffington Post - Mitch McConnell doesn't care about these "little procedural complaints."
- The Voter Fraud Case Jeff Sessions Lost and Can't Escape
Sessions Makes the Case That He Is Not Too Racist to Be AG (white working class voters got what they wanted)
What Jeff Sessions Role in Prosecuting the Klan Reveals About His Civil-Rights Record
Dianne Feinstein Lays Out Damning Case Against Jeff Sessions | The Huffington Post - The top Judiciary Committee Dem was polite yet scathing in sharing the attorney general nominee's alarming positions. (politely scathing)
Sessions failed to disclose oil interests as required, ethics experts say - The Washington Post
Sessions Makes the Case That He Is Not Too Racist to Be AG
- Condoleezza Rice endorses Sessions for attorney general (she has his racist back)
Restaurants run by labor secretary nominee report 'disturbing' rates of sexual harassment | Business | The Guardian - Survey finds two-thirds of female workers reported harassment at brands owned by CKE Restaurants, run by Andrew Puzder, Trumps labor pick (filling up the swamp)
Andrew Cuomo Raises His Profile, Stirring Talk of a 2020 Run - The New York Times
Neoliberalism and Blood - Lawyers, Guns & Money (like literally vampires)
Counter-Sting Catches James O'Keefe Network Attempting To Sow Chaos At Trump's Inauguration | The Huffington Post - huge sums of money to progressive activists if they would disrupt the ceremony and "put a stop to the inauguration" and the related proceedings to such a degree that donors to the clandestine effort would "turn on a TV and maybe not even see Trump."
The Trump team's embarrassing defense of fraudulence (being frauds themselves)
Report: Fox News Secretly Settled Bill O'Reilly Sexual Harassment Claims | The Huffington Post - He allegedly pursued a sexual relationship with a fellow anchor in 2011, documents obtained by The New York Times revealed.
Alabama's Bathroom Bill Would Have People Guarding Stalls (armed dick guards)
L.A. needs to borrow millions to cover legal payouts, city report says - LA Times - With payouts projected to total at least $135 million this fiscal year, budget officials said Monday that the city needs to immediately borrow up to $70 million to avoid dipping into its emergency reserve fund. (expensive cops you have there)
Politics, profits and the president at L.L. Bean - The Boston Globe - she contributed $60,000 to the Making America Great Again LLC. The Federal Election Commission said in a letter dated Jan. 4 that Bean's contribution exceeded the individual donor limit of $5,000. (crooked Linda)
Feds: Pa treasurer Rob McCord secretly taped millionaire pal nearly 20 times in pay-to-play scheme
MormonLeaks dumps 4 new documents about LDS Church : news
The movie Metropolis was released 90 years ago today. Here's a look at how it was made, using diagrams from a 1927 magazine : movies - Amazing that they could imagine video conferencing technology back then before the technology was even possible.
What's the quickest way someone lost your respect? : AskReddit
What is the funniest gif you've ever seen? : AskReddit
Browser autofill used to steal personal details in new phishing attack | Technology | The Guardian
Why you shouldn't trust Geek Squad ever again : technology
I'm Marques Brownlee (aka MKBHD) and I make tech videos on YouTube. AMA! : IAmA
The irreversible momentum of clean energy | Science - Barack Obama
Kerry issues dire warning on climate change - The Boston Globe (Trump will fuck the planet, just like he fucked everything else)
America dropped 26,171 bombs in 2016. What a bloody end to Obama's reign | Medea Benjamin | Opinion | The Guardian (did a lot of good, too, didn't it?)
U.S. says Navy ship fired warning shots at Iranian vessels | Reuters
US destroyer fires warning at Iran vessel : news
The Obama era is over. Here's how the military rates his legacy ("Unfavorable")
Trump is Obama's Legacy - Paul Street tells Paul Jay that in the first two years of Obama's first term when the Democrats controlled both houses, the president "stood between the bankers and the pitchforks" instead of using the moment for real reform
Putin Lucked Into The Only GOP Nominee Who Would've Wanted His Help | The Huffington Post
Russia 'tired' of US hacking 'witch-hunt' : news (Putin and Trumpster coordinating their PR)
Republican Chairman Will Continue Clinton Investigation - BuzzFeed News - "These are still open questions that we need to finish up so they don't happen again," Jason Chaffetz told reporters on Monday.
Trump Just Dismissed the People in Charge of Maintaining Our Nuclear Arsenal - Trump, however, appears determined to immediately push out everyone who was appointed by Obama, regardless of whether or not he has anyone in line for the job. Or, as our source put it: "It's a shocking disregard for process and continuity of government."
Kellyanne Conway Says Donald Trump Shouldn't Be Held Accountable For The Things He Says | The Huffington Post - She thinks journalists should focus on "what's in his heart"
A Consummate Beltway Outsider - Lawyers, Guns & Money (NYT calls Jeff Sessions a lifelong outsider)
Jeff Sessions Wanted to Drop the Case Against KKK Lynching, Attorney Testified
Donald Trump Responds To 'Over-Rated' Meryl Streep's Golden Globes Speech | The Huffington Post - The "Hillary flunky" gave a mic-dropping speech about Trump on Sunday.
Right-Wing Radio Host Bryan Fischer Says Anyone Opposed To Christianity Is A 'Traitor' | The Huffington Post - Also claims only followers of Jesus Christ can be patriots. (and Trump is a true Christian)
Projection is a Hell of a Drug Republicans Want You to Pay For - Lawyers, Guns & Money : One of the most ridiculous of ridiculous Republican lies is back: (they know they can make shit up and 27% of the country will believe it)
Jared Kushner is more like his father-in-law than anyone imagines.
Meryl Streep called out Trump's bullying and lies. Trump just hit back - with still more lies.
Obama Watchdog in Congress Has New Target in Trump Era: Postal Reform - The New York Times (Take America back to the fifties, but without postoffices)
17 Arrested in Kim Kardashian West Robbery Inquiry in France - The New York Times (DNA)
Pot dispensaries hit by hack of sales system - The Boston Globe
DOJ Finds More Deaths from Police Encounters than Previously Reported - El Paso Herald-Post : news
I was arrested for sharing food with the homeless in Downtown Tampa. AMA. : IAmA
Racist message left for black waitress by white couple in Virginia | Daily Mail Online
Doctors admonish us to leave earwax alone. Why won't anyone listen (sticking things in your ears is as addictive as smoking and hello, Debrox
Clinical Practice Guideline (Update) - Jan 03, 2017 - (7) Clinicians should treat, or refer to a clinician who can treat, the patient with cerumen impaction with an appropriate intervention, which may include =1 of the following: cerumenolytic agents, irrigation, or manual removal requiring instrumentation.
You may have more control over aging than you think, new book says - Telomeres sit at the end of strands of DNA, like the protective caps on shoelaces. Stress from a rough lifestyle will shorten those caps, making it more likely that cells will stop dividing and essentially die.
Anti-vaccine rant exposes conflict over hospitals' embrace of alternative medicine
TIL that Thomas Paine, one of America's Founding Fathers, said all religions were human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind ... only 6 people attended his funeral. : todayilearned
Poet: I can't answer questions on Texas standardized tests about my own poems
Doctors of reddit, what is your most surprising "I can't believe I need to have this conversation with an adult," story? : AskReddit
_vargas_ comments on Ridiculously hot natural body from 1980
Gentlemen, what's an absolute no-no for a girl to do on a first date? : AskReddit
What profession is full of people with bloated egos? : AskReddit
HEpennypackerNH comments on If I was kidnapped and had my mouth duct taped, I would most likely die because my nose is clogged 90% of the time.
Apple Misses Annual Sales and Profit Goals For First Time in Over Five Years, Execs Take 9% Hit : news
Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer resigns; company will rebrand as Altaba : news
At Least 4 Dead In Jerusalem Truck-Ramming Attack | The Huffington Post - An Israeli bus driver who witnessed the incident said on the radio the truck plowed into a group of soldiers, and that they fired on the driver, who reversed direction and ran over them again.
Benjamin Netanyahu under pressure as investigation details leak | World news | The Guardian - Reports that key member of coalition is sounding out potential replacement after Israeli PM questioned twice by detectives
Netanyahu caught on tape negotiating mutual benefits with businessman - Israel News - - At the heart of Case 2000 is an attempt at an unambiguous deal between money and government. Sources who spoke with Netanyahu said he was surprised by evidence against him.
Israeli diplomat caught on camera plotting to 'take down' UK MPs | World news | The Guardian - In an extraordinary breach of diplomatic protocol, Shai Masot, who describes himself as an officer in the Israel Defence Forces and is serving as a senior political officer at the London embassy, was recorded by an -undercover reporter from al-Jazeera's investigative unit speaking about a number of British MPs.
President Barack Obama Slams 'Repeal And Delay' Approach To Affordable Care Act | The Huffington Post - He called it "reckless" and "irresponsible."
Every GOP Lie About Passing Obamacare Is True About Repeal
Republicans Would Repeal Obamacare In Precisely The Way They Accuse Democrats Of Enacting It | The Huffington Post
Every Terrifying Thing That Donald Trump Has Done (Psycho-Pres, Season 1)
Security analyst: Trump is going to gut the intelligence community to cover up Russia hacks (crooked Donald is a traitor)
'What's the Big Deal?' Ask Trump Voters on Russia Hacking Report (America's Commies, Putin is their friend, where's Joe McCarthy when we need him?)
- Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn't affect one voter - "Boy, that Wikileaks has done a job on her, hasn't it?"
How We Fool Ourselves on Russia - The New York Times
U.S. Ethics Office Struggled to Gain Access to Trump Team, Emails Show - NBC News (Trump is post-ethics)
Director Of Government Ethics Office Is Alarmed Trump Cabinet Picks Haven't Been Fully Vetted | The Huffington Post
Overview of how Trump is economically deeply indebted with Russian billionaires and subject to possible control and influence from them. : bestof (our own little Russian spy and his commie followers but fakenews)
Keep Hating Yourself - Balloon Juice - A Democratic party that has anything to do with Ron Fucking Fournier after his years of trolling, bitching and whining about every goddam thing that the Obama administration did, not to mention his role as GWB's hief toady in the media, is a Democratic Party that isn't ready to win an election. I'm so fucking disgusted I can't write another god damned word. -- The third DNC Future Forum, which will take place in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, February 4 at Wayne State University Community Arts Auditorium, will be moderated by Ron Fournier (whose fucking idea was that?)
Plagiarism charges against Monica Crowley put her publishing house on stage - PressThink - Jay Rosen
Welcome To An All-Too Real Dystopia In First 'The Handmaid's Tale' Trailer | The Huffington Post
"Remember, You Are A Lady."
Freedom - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - nice to know that a person of color* can be suffering from a full-blown paranoid psychosis, and our federal law enforcement agencies will still give him his guns back right quick, once they've established he has "no links to terrorism." (Other than the whole "these voices in my head are telling me to commit terrorism" thing, apparently.)
83 guns seized from Lexington man accused of harassing black neighbors (oh look, a Nazi retard)
Texas City Found In Violation Of Voting Rights Act | The Huffington Post - The city of Pasadena will now have to clear election law changes with the DOJ. (you know who they didn't want to vote)
For Bristol County sheriff, a badge of dishonor - The Boston Globe - His dream of becoming America's loopiest sheriff - the new Joe Arpaio - is closer than ever. This latest gambit has garnered the amiable Republican major national attention. (plays well in Trumpland)
[Serious] Blind people of Reddit that have taken a hallucinogen, how was it? : AskReddit
Ladies, what's an absolute no-no for a guy to do on a first date? : AskReddit
(NSFW) What have you found out about someone that you would never tell them you know? : AskReddit
What's the creepiest TRUE story that happened to you or someone you know? (Serious) : AskReddit
A lawyer rewrote Instagram's terms of service for kids. Now you can understand all of the private data you and your teen are giving up to social media : technology
Nixon's '68 treachery, and why it matters today (then have they not been traitors?)
ICA_2017_01.pdf - Background to "Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections": The Analytic Process and Cyber Incident Attribution
UK intelligence gave US key tipoff about Russian hacking, report says | US news | The Guardian - Donald Trump tweets defiance
Nancy Pelosi: Intel Report On Russian Hacking Is 'Stunning' | The Huffington Post - Excerpts of the report are expected to be released very soon.
Putin Ordered 'Influence Campaign' Aimed at U.S. Election, Report Says (his little Trumpster traitor)
Intelligence Report Concludes That Vladimir Putin Intervened In U.S. Election To Help Donald Trump Win | The Huffington Post - Read the full declassified report here.
Donald Trump Avoids Blaming Russia After Intel Briefing | The Huffington Post - But the president-elect said the meeting was "constructive." (doesn't believe it)
Trump, Putin, and the Big Hack - The New Yorker - Trump, who earlier in the day called the focus on Russian hacking "a political witch hunt," finally allowed, if obliquely, that the Russians-and not the Chinese, not "somebody sitting on their bed that weighs four hundred pounds"-might have hacked the e-mail accounts of the Democratic National Committee and Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta.
Trump Asks Congress To Investigate Source Of News Report On Russian Election Hacking | The Huffington Post - He called the attention on Russian election meddling "a political witch hunt." (Trump wlll investigate the truth and put it on trial)
Trump will gladly pay you the Tuesday after hell freezes over for a hotel today - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump Nominee's Filings Threaten to Overwhelm Federal Ethics Office (a real swamp of crookedness)
Trump Finds That Attack-Dog Strategy Has Its Limits - The New York Times (bully-in-chief)
Alec Baldwin trolls Trump with Russian "Make America Great Again" cap : pics
u/MaximumEffort433 Accuses Trump of Being a Russian Spy by Using Trump's Own Obama Birther Quotations : bestof
TrickOrTreater comments on u/MaximumEffort433 Accuses Trump of Being a Russian Spy by Using Trump's Own Obama Birther Quotations
Yes, there is shame in not knowing - The Boston Globe (willful ignorance)
What the (bleep) wasn't plagiarized? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Monica Crowley is the latest Trumpler who isn't ready for the scrutiny that comes with a high-powered political appointment. Naturally, Team Trump expects everyone to avert their eyes ... "Conservative author and television personality Monica Crowley, whom Donald Trump has tapped for a top national security communications role, plagiarized large sections of her 2012 book, a CNN KFile review has found." (oh, Harper-Collins owned by Fox)
andrew kaczynski on Twitter: "The plagiarism in Crowley's book is extensive and includes copying columnists, news reports, Wikipedia, Investopedia"
Nixon's Monica Stonewalls About Plagiarism! - Monica Stonewalls About Plagiarism! - Monica Crowley, Richard Nixon's former editorial adviser and research consultant, now a Fox News political analyst and author of two titillating books (shit runs deep)
Ft. Lauderdale Mass Shooting Shows Need For Guns In Airports, GOP Lawmaker Says | The Huffington Post - Florida state Sen. Greg Steube introduced a bill allowing open carry in airports. (next up, on planes!)
Sex Attacks Up 62 Percent in Greenpoint as Most Cases Remain Unsolved - Greenpoint - DNAinfo New York - "They're not total-abomination rapes where strangers are being dragged off the streets," Rose said Wednesday night. Captain Peter Rose, head of the 94th Precinct, told DNAinfo New York. (so there's that)
In Missouri, students who bully could be charged with a felony - The Washington Post
MA SJC looks at marijuana sobriety tests for drivers (may have to delay legalization under they develop a test, but cops are "trained" to detect your being high)
Cancer death rate has dropped again. But it's still higher for men than women. resulting in 2 million fewer cancer deaths than if the rate had stayed the same ... The cancer death rate is 40 percent higher for men than women, and the incidence of cancer is 20 percent higher in men.
Baker should veto naturopath licensing bill - The Boston Globe
How We Breathe Affects Our Thoughts and Emotions, Northwestern Researchers Find. Deep breathing exercises can also improve our memory and help us to make better decisions where our emotions are a central part of evaluation : science
Scientists Say the Clock of Aging May Be Reversible - The New York Times
Why do doctors bother with painkillers like oxycodon, etc, that barely differ from morphine? : askscience
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found a short sleep in the afternoon improves people's thinking and memory skills and makes the brain perform as if it were five years younger.
Yes, It's Your Parents' Fault - He added that having secure attachments is not about being a perfect parent or partner but about maintaining communication to repair the inevitable rifts that occur. (attachment theory)
Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person - The New York Times - We should learn to accommodate ourselves to "wrongness," striving always to adopt a more forgiving, humorous and kindly perspective on its multiple examples in ourselves and in our partners.
The Astrology of 2017: Ante Up | Austin Coppock
WikiLeaks threatens to publish Twitter users' personal info : news (Juian has "AI software")
TV anchor says live on-air 'Alexa, order me a dollhouse' - story on accidental Alexa order sets off Alexa-powered Echo boxes around San Diego on their own shopping sprees : technology
Huge Antarctic iceberg poised to break away - BBC News
99% of coral reefs to be impacted by climate change, study says : science (the reckoning is coming)
China to plow $361 billion into renewable fuel by 2020 : technology (Trump will make coal great again)
Saddam Hussein's death warrant signed 'on day one' after 9/11, former CIA analyst reveals : news (just waiting for an excuse)
Life in Soft Authoritarian Regimes - Lawyers, Guns & Money (the slippery slope to tyranny)
Kung Fu Monkey: L33T Justice (2007: shame is the exploit to break democracy because Republicans are shameless)
Erasing Obama - The New York Times (the muslim black guy didn't exist)
The Age of Fake Policy - The New York Times
The bill for that wall just got 10 billion times higher - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Obama failed to spend billions of dollars on a wall that was authorized while Bush was in office so now it is up to the GOP to find a way to pay for the thing that Trump said someone else would pay for ... Trump billing someone for construction work. That's almost funny
Donald Trump Admits U.S. Taxpayers Will Pay For The Wall, Claims Mexico Will Reimburse Costs | The Huffington Post
Was It a 400-Pound, 14-Year-Old Hacker, or Russia? Here's Some of the Evidence (daddy Trump knows best)
After Security Meeting, Trump Admits Possibility of Russian Hacking - The New York Times (a small possibility)
What would happen if a major political party engaged in obstructionism toward a new presidential administration from Day One? - Lawyers, Guns & Money : What is the proper response to a president as polarizing as Mr. Trump? Should the office of the president be honored, no matter who fills it? Or should there be four years of pure rejection and defiance? And if Mr. Trump's opponents refuse to participate in his presidency, can critics on the right do the same thing to some other president-elect in the future? (the level of unconsciousness is frightening at the NYT)
Donald Trump's latest fun-filled 24 hours of tweeting - Lawyers, Guns & Money : (America is now a reality show)
Trump Blames Schwarzenegger for Bad Apprentice Ratings; Arnold Responds by Quoting Lincoln : television (and he hasn't even gotten started)
Quid Pro Quo - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - Donald Trump had a Foundation. It was a massive grift that did very little actual philanthropic work. He also had a "University," an outright scam that bilked his fans out tens of millions of dollars. In Florida, he used the former grift to effectively bribe a public official to stop looking into the latter grift. And now, the punchline (Pam Bondi bribed)
They'll Be Liberal For The Next 20 Years
Eschaton: Euphemisms - Otherwise known as "if you die."
Jeff Sessions Is Public Enemy Number One for Voting-Rights Groups
The Latest: Police: Race Not Motive Behind Video Attack : news
Hate crime charges filed against 4 in torture of teen : news
N.J. aunt of Ft. Lauderdale airport shooting suspect: 'He lost his mind' in Iraq |
Gun Violence Should Be Treated As A Public Health Crisis, Study Says : science
In campus rape cases, colleges to learn sexual advances go both ways | TheHill
DEA's marijuana-eradication program still targets Washington, where pot is legal (an arm of big pharma
Heroin Overdose Deaths Quadruple Among Older Millennials | American Council on Science and Health
Library cat outlasts councilman that wanted him gone - CBS News - WHITE SETTLEMENT, Texas
TIL In 1994, Oakville, WA experienced a rainstorm in which gelatinous blobs fell onto a farm. The blobs were examined and found to contain human white blood cells but they did not contain nuclei, which is something human white cells do have. Theories persist, but none have been proven correct. : todayilearned
TIL in 1962, two American geologists found that a large rock face above a Peruvian town could collapse during an earthquake. The Peruvian government ordered the two to retract their work or face prison. Eight years later, an earthquake collapsed the rock face, killing 20,000 of the town's residents. : todayilearned
The Xbox puzzle. This guy reviews puzzles and this is one of coolest, most complex I've seen him solve so far. : videos
Has googles "GO" AI figured out a way to solve NP problems? : askscience
What have you ever heard someone say that made you question their intelligence? : AskReddit
What was Myspace like? : AskReddit
If you havent seen Train to Busan i would seriously recommend it as its probably the best zombie movie ive seen and one of the best movies ive seen period. Its acting of both humans and undead is amazing, under appreciated movie and think it deserves more : movies
FBI Dismisses Child Porn Prosecution After Refusing To Hand Over Details On Its Hacking Tool : technology
The underestimated danger of a breakdown of the Gulf Stream System + RealClimate - A new model simulation of the Gulf Stream System shows a breakdown of the gigantic overturning circulating in the Atlantic after a CO2 doubling. (the consequences of deliberate ignorance are coming)
The Canada experiment: is this the world's first 'postnational' country? | Charles Foran | World news | The Guardian
Turkey Says Istanbul Nightclub Attacker Probably Uighur | The Huffington Post - Security services now know where he might be hiding, the deputy prime minister said.
Several Wounded After Blast Strikes Turkey's Izmir | The Huffington Post
U.S. And European Weapons Used To Commit War Crimes In Iraq: Amnesty | The Huffington Post - militias have reportedly been using using weapons from Iraqi military stockpiles (well no shit)
Colombia deports U.S. tourist who was stranded at a Bogota airport for three months - The Washington Post
Obama Called Inequality 'The Defining Challenge Of Our Time.' He Didn't Do Much About It. | The Huffington Post - a sad legacy. (right up there with "transparency")
Eschaton: The Early Days - I do wonder how years went by with no one in the Obama administration wavering from their belief that they couldn't prosecute any of the banksters. They didn't just make bad loans. They stole homes. (it was an unpossible unthinkable)
Top U.S. intelligence official: Russia meddled in 2016 election through hacking and spreading of propaganda - The Washington Post - Determining whether an action is an act of war is a "very heavy policy call that I don't believe the intelligence community should make, but it certainly would carry, in my view, great gravity," (Trump is a traitor and commie spy, compare with Benghaaaazi)
- Clapper stops short of calling Russian hacking an 'act of war'
U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win - The Washington Post (their puppet won, cheapest war ever)
Former CIA director Woolsey has split with Trump - Business Insider
The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers - BuzzFeed News
It would appear that the ODNI, DI & NSA are not Julian Assange fans - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Trump, Assange, and the Control of the Republican Mind
Trump said he had $315 million in debt. He left out $1.5 billion. (he's a walking conflict-of-interest, which was always obvious but he told it like it wasn't and they loved it)
Are Republicans blowing it already? - The Washington Post - Simple, Affordable, Secure, Comprehensive (they watched Republicans try to destroy health care for 8 years and then voted for Trump and are surprised)
House Republicans revive obscure rule that allows them to slash the pay of individual federal workers to $1 - The Washington Post (we don't need no steenking federal govermment)
The reverse Atlas Shrugged scenario - What would happen if there was a major staffing exodus from the federal government? (drown it in a bathtub and give all the money to the rich)
Trump's Twitter feed traumatizes Washington - chaotic messaging (right from his brain)
Trump's Systematic Attack on U.S. Institutions - Bloomberg View (Trumpzilla chaos monster stomps on your institutions)
Trump is expected to nominate ex-senator Dan Coats for director of national intelligence - The Washington Post (putting idiots in charge of everything)
How nostalgia for white Christian America drove so many Americans to vote for Trump - The Washington Post - Seventy-four percent of white evangelicals believe American culture has mostly changed for the worse since the 1950s (make America a white slave state again, women "in their place," "nostalgia" for the 19th century)
- Did the Clinton Foundation pay for Chelsea's wedding? (no evidence, so probably not but Chelsea may still be a "spoiled brat")
Don't Forget That Megyn Kelly Is a Racial Demagogue - The recent flattering coverage of her move to NBC leaves out the ugliest episodes of her work at Fox. ("Santa Claus was a white man")
Greta Van Susteren to join MSNBC - politico - It's yet another major Fox News pickup for the NBC family (female exodus continues)
- I Would Do Anything To Stop Fascism, But I Won't Do That (Cornell West is against fascism but wouldn't support Hillary)
Q&A: Artist behind viral New Yorker cartoon on the craft, his inspiration - Columbia Journalism Review ("he tells it like it is")
alicublog: BUBBLE BOY. tough guy Sean Davis of The Federalist (journos who don't drive trucks don't know shit)
Eschaton: From One White Guy To Another - Horrible person Howard Wolfson:
Dan Nainan, The Media's Favorite Millenial is 55 Years Old
Boston's 47 best new restaurants)
- Our biological concept of a 'species' is a mess
Will the mysterious shadow planet Nibiru obliterate Earth in October? No. - The Washington Post (giant meteor 2017)
Dinosaurs took months to hatch out of their eggs. That may have doomed them. - The Washington Post
New NIH guidelines on infants and peanuts may contradict everything you've heard before - children at high risk who regularly consumed peanuts as infants had an 81 percent lower chance of developing a peanut allergy by age 5. (feed your baby peanuts, the earlier the better)
TIL that the Baby Boomers were nicknamed the "Me Generation" due to their perceived narcissism. : todayilearned
TIL 8 people accidentally snorted LSD at a party thinking it was cocaine, resulting in doses roughly 1000x higher than normal. All recovered fully within 12 hours. : todayilearned
New study confirms that global warming never "paused" and has in fact continued to rise unabated for the last 45 years. : science
Solar Could Beat Coal to Become the Cheapest Power on Earth - Bloomberg - Global average solar cost may fall below coal within 10 years - Countries from Saudi Arabia to Mexico planning auctions (Trump will dig more coal)
The_Alaskan comments on What are the roots of anti-intellectualism in the United States? What is its history?
The Tea Party is timeless - Columbia Journalism Review - Richard Hofstadter's Anti-Intellectualism In American Life reviewed
New Evidence Proves That Nixon Sabotaged Vietnam Peace Talks in 1968. Historian Lich-Su's opinion a year ago refutes : bestof
Lich-Su comments on How complicit was Richard Nixon in sabotaging the 1968 Vietnam Peace Talks? Why was it not exposed prior to the election? If true, did it amount to treason or similar capital offense?
Apple Removes New York Times Apps From Its Store in China - The New York Times
Father Reunites With "Dead" Son : gifs
U.S. Conservatives Outnumber Liberals by Narrowing Margin | Gallup - 36% of Americans now conservative, 25% liberal - Liberal figure has inched up from 17% in 1990s - Conservatives mainly steady, while moderates decline
Mark Leon Goldberg on Twitter: "GOP Senators threaten to withhold funding for Embassy Security around the world until US emb opens in Jerusalem"
L.I.R.R. Derailment in Brooklyn Injures More Than 100 - The New York Times
- Trump Appears to Side With Assange Over Intelligence Agencies' Conclusions (Putin's puppet, Republiicans now love commies)
Donald Trump Is Undermining U.S. Intelligence Officials On Russia Hacks | The Huffington Post
Democrats, stop blaming Putin and look in the mirror
Donald Trump asked Rupert Murdoch to name picks for FCC chair : technology
GOP Bill Would Ban Supreme Court From Citing Its Own Obamacare Cases
In Republican's Ethics Office Gambit, a Spectacle of Tweets and Retreats
Donald Trump didn't save the ethics committee. You did | Richard Wolffe | Opinion | The Guardian - Many in the media gave Trump all the credit for the House Republicans caving on its ethics evasions. Welcome to the slippery moral slope of the new Washington
The Man With No Shame - Lawyers, Guns & Money : McConnell: "The American people simply will not tolerate" Democrats blocking Trump's SCOTUS nominee
Democrats: Trump will make America sick again - The Washington Post (when was it ever well?)
Read Deval Patrick's Scathing Indictment Against Jeff Sessions for Attorney General | Mother Jones - In 1985, the former Massachusetts governor successfully defended a voter fraud case against Sessions.
Exclusive: Fox News Actually Offered Megyn Kelly $100 Million Package to Stay | Mediaite - In other words Megyn Kelley says, "you couldn't pay me enough to continue working at Fox News."
Megyn Kelly's Departure Is a Big Clue About the Future of Fox News (some facts may not be facts)
Simon & Schuster UK will not publish controversial Milo Yiannopoulos : books
How Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert blazed a trail for Trump - Columbia Journalism Review - Even as Colbert was inveighing with inventive brilliance against the blurring of fact and fantasy that he immortally dubbed "truthiness," he and Stewart were exploiting and creating an atmosphere of truthiness themselves (bullshit)
10 resolutions for managers leading newsrooms in 2017 - Columbia Journalism Review
Revolution at The Washington Post - Columbia Journalism Review - the Post has reinvented itself with digital speed. Its Web traffic has doubled since Bezos arrived, and it far outstrips The New York Times (and even BuzzFeed) in the number of online posts its reporters file every day
Alleged Kidnapping in Chicago broadcast live on Social Media : videos
William Crum Still Awaits Trial - Caught on video running a motorcycle off the road, he remains locked up
Legal marijuana sales in US 'bigger than dot-com boom' : news (MA determined to delay flood of money so they can remove benefits from poor people and fuck the T) )
Million-square-foot marijuana growing facility to open this fall in Massachusetts. : news
11 missing days: Agatha Christie's greatest mystery ("fugue state")
ELI5: Why is it that we think of mirrors as being silver colored, even though they reflect the exact colors of objects around them? : explainlikeimfive
TIL scientists have traced the start of AIDS to 1908... Despite most people only becoming aware of it in the 1980's : todayilearned
TIL Incompetent people don't know they are incompetent because their incompetence is the very thing that robs them of the ability to realize how incompetent they are. This is called the Dunning-Kruger effect. : todayilearned (also known as "Trump voters")
Is orbital energy lost through gravitational waves in all orbits, or only elliptical ortbits? Would a perfectly circular orbit create gravitational waves? : askscience
Children born to obese parents are more likely to fail developmental tests for motor skills, social competence, or cognitive problem-solving. : science
We Need to Teach Kids How to Be Skeptical of the Internet - a Stanford study found "80% of middle schoolers couldn't tell "sponsored content" from articles, over 80% of high schoolers accepted the validity of photographs without attempting to verify their authenticity" : technology
Guy risks his racing drone flying up a mountain. Gets rewarded with some beautiful footage. : videos
Which two subreddits are enemies? : AskReddit
What's the best question someone asked during a sex-ed class? : AskReddit
Console prices adjusted for inflation : gaming
How the world got fat: a visualisation of global obesity over 40 years | Max Galka | Global Development Professionals Network | The Guardian - hard to understand or even believe the contagious way that obesity has spread virally around the world
Two held at Istanbul airport in connection with nightclub attack | World news | The Guardian - Two foreign nationals arrested at Atat|rk airport as funerals of victims take place across Middle East
UK ambassador's exit is 'wilful destruction of EU expertise' | Politics | The Guardian (we don't need no steenking expertise)
Far-right Israeli minister plans bill to annex one of biggest settlements | World news | The Guardian - Naftali Bennett vows to introduce a bill this month to formally annex Maale Adumim in the occupied Palestinian territories
House Republicans Vote to Rein In Serious Investigation of Republicans | Mother Jones
House Republicans Drop Efforts To Gut Ethics Watchdog After Onslaught Of Criticism | The Huffington Post - Lawmakers, watchdog groups and the president-elect were critical of the move.
Donald Trump Criticizes GOP Over Timing Of Move To Gut 'Unfair' Ethics Watchdog | The Huffington Post (their upstaged him)
House GOP Faceplant On Ethics Coup Shows Public Shame Still Matters | The Huffington Post - Public outrage blocked a secret, midnight effort to nuke the congressional ethics watchdog.
Donald Trump, Bureaucracy Apprentice - The New York Times
Ex-CIA agent on Spicer: 'What the hell is that dude talking about?' | TheHill
Ford Cancels Plan to Build Plant in Mexico, Will Invest in Michigan : news
New Republican Heroes - Lawyers, Guns & Money : How long is it before Donald Trump and the GOP Congress grants Julian Assange the full benefits of American citizenship?
Trump hosted 'small-time mobster' Joey 'No Socks' Cinque at New Year's party | US news | The Guardian
Leslie Jones Shreds Publisher For Big-Money Deal With Right-Wing Troll Milo Yiannopoulos | The Huffington Post - The comic and actress rips Simon & Schuster for spreading hate.
Thomas Frank's Own Private Idaho (what's the matter with Thomas Frank?)
Megyn Kelly leaving Fox News to join NBC News in multiple roles | Media | The Guardian
Megyn Kelly Is Said to Be Leaving Fox News for NBC : news
[Serious] Women of Reddit who 'freshen up' before sex, what are you doing in there? : AskReddit
Senate Democrats: Schumer regime promises a sharp break from Reid - politico - Democrats opt for 'big tent' over bare knuckles. He not only tapped Manchin to join his leadership team, but backed the West Virginian's gambit that threatened a government shutdown over coal miners' benefits (Chuckie is just what the Dems need)
Marijuana Sales Totaled $6.7 Billion In 2016 (MA would rather take benefits away from poor people and not fund public transportation than compromise their integritude)
High Hitler: New book reveals the astonishing and hitherto largely untold story of the Third Reich's relationship with drugs, including cocaine, heroin, morphine and, above all, methamphetamines (aka crystal meth)
What is, collectively, the stupidest thing humanity has ever done? : AskReddit
What's a big turnoff on the first date? : AskReddit
[Serious]Former depressed teen cutters of Reddit, what can or should a mom do to help? : AskReddit
Company Bricks User's Software After He Posts A Negative Review : technology
Ocean Marketing: How to self-destruct your company with just a few measly emails [update] | GamesBeat | Games | by Sebastian Haley
u/jacksonmills breaks down how TED Talks have become platforms for corporate insiders instead of promoting true innovation and new ideas : bestof
Microsoft upends traditional password recommendations with significant new guidance : technology
Password Guidance: Simplifying Your Approach - NCSC Site
NIST's new password rules - what you need to know
Israeli police question PM Netanyahu in corruption probe - BBC News
Around 60 Killed In Brazilian Prison Riot Sparked By Rival Drug Gangs | The Huffington Post - Riot took hours to control as deadly fighting rampaged through the jail.
Catholic priest accused of organising orgies in rectory and pimping out 15 women : news
Many in U.S. Skeptical Trump Can Handle Presidential Duties | Gallup - Less than half confident that Trump can handle several duties (but they voted for him)
America Becomes a Stan - The New York Times - already in effect using political office to enrich himself, with some of the most blatant examples involving foreign governments steering business to Trump hotels. (Trumpistan)
With No Warning, House Republicans Vote to Hobble Independent Ethics Office - The New York Times ("post-ethics")
House Republicans gut their own oversight - politico - The fight against the Office of Congressional Ethics was led, in part, by Republicans who had been investigated.
Why Corporations Are Helping Donald Trump Lie About Jobs - The New York Times
NPR's Michele Norris: Make a America Great Again is "deeply encoded" promise of white prosperity ("properity" = superiority "encoded" = ingrained)
Pelosi Slams GOP 'Cowardice' on Obamacare Repeal With No Replacement | The Huffington Post
The Perfidy of Andrew Cuomo, An Ongoing Series - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money - late-night, New Year's Eve veto of bipartisan legislation that would have overhauled New York state's failing public defense system (Cuomo2020!)
How A 6-Year-Old Got Locked On A Psych Ward - BuzzFeed News (profit!)
Creationist Ken Ham Gets Into Weirdest Twitter Fight With Washington Post Over Dinosaurs | The Huffington Post - Ark Encounter depicts dinosaurs living in cages. (he had two gigantisaurs!)
gorilla_head comments on Thank you, Obama.
This is what happens when Adele runs into sound system failure. : videos
Gunman Kills At Least 39 In Attack On Istanbul Nightclub | The Huffington Post - The attacker opened fire at random in the Reina nightclub just over an hour into the new year.
23 Killed, Dozens Injured After Fire Rips Through Indonesian Tourist Boat | The Huffington Post - Sea accidents are frequent in Indonesia, a sprawling archipelago, with vessels often overloaded and having too few life jackets on boat.
Nixon's Vietnam Treachery (Republicans fucking your democracy since 1968)
Trump: I 'know things that other people don't know' about hacking | TheHill (Baron told him)
Trump Promises a Revelation on Hacking - The New York Times
Trump wants couriers to replace email: 'No computer is safe' : technology (also considering "cars" and "money")
Wall Street Journal Editor Says His Newspaper Won't Call Donald Trump's Lies 'Lies' | The Huffington Post - "I'd be careful about using the word 'lie'" say Gerald Baker ("post-truth" +Dean Baquent not much better)
Ex-Bush official: Trump 'like an addict' for press coverage | TheHill - "We've just elected a man who bullies female reporters at his rally as an applause line. We have just elected a man who started a hot war with a female anchor instead of attending a debate she moderated," she said, referencing Fox New's Megyn Kelly.
Conspiracy theory's big comeback: Deep paranoia runs free in the age of Donald Trump (the psychotic presidency)
Justice Dept: Louisiana parish jailed hundreds without charges or probable cause in past three years, including crime witnesses & their relatives, as part of practice going back decades : news
L.A. sheriff's deputies disciplined after horrific torture death of 8-year-old boy : news (cops at work)
So, Mariah Carrie pretty much just noped out of her performance on New Years Rockin' Eve. : television
Mariah Carey just completely bombed LIVE at Times Square : Music
Unexpected Risks Found In Editing Genes To Prevent Inherited Disorders : science
What did the most drunk person say or do last night at your party? : AskReddit
What sub have you unsubbed from, and why? : AskReddit
What's something you're pretty sure only your body does, but have been too embarrassed to ask? [NSFW] : AskReddit
What's the most disturbing thing you've accidentally witnessed? : AskReddit
Lavabit, a private and secure webmail service used by Edward Snowden which was shut down by the NSA is returning! : technology
Apple Will Reduce iPhone 7 Production By 10% in Early 2017 Due to 'Sluggish' Sales : technology
/u/fantastic_comment compiles a list of horrible things Facebook has done over the course of 2016 : bestof