A(H5N1) Avian Flu/Bird Flu/Influenza/Medical Supplies
Flu Wiki | Influenza Primer I | Influenza Primer II
Flu Wiki - Science - Phases of a Pandemic
Flu Wiki - Consequences - Pandemic Preparedness Guides
Flu Wiki: FAQ - Personal Family Preparedness
Flu Wiki - Resources - Sources and Links
Wikipedia: Avian influenza - clearinghouse
Biomedical Research Project: Flu pandemic - Education
CIPAP >> Avian Influenza Timeline
Avian Flu : TIMELINE 1890-Present
Global Coverage Article | Reuters | Chronology: Bird flu developments
Avian Influenza - A Timeline
BirdFlu info and timeline
DuPont Animal Health Solutions - Avian Influenza - Lessons for the Future
flu-pandemics.png (history of flu pandemics)
Bird Flu Monitor
GIDEON - Avian Flu demo (diagnosis)
CNEWS - Canada: Helen Branswell: David Nabarro: 'World as we know it' may be at stake: UN pandemic czar
Wilson Center: Avian Flu May Be the Next Pandemic (Osterholm/Branswell video)
Foreign Affairs - Background on the News - Avian Flu
Foreign Affairs - Preparing for the Next Pandemic - Michael T. Osterholm
Effect Measure: Osterholm: "We're screwed."
Foreign Affairs - The Next Pandemic? - Laurie Garrett
BBC NEWS | In Depth | 2005 | Bird Flu
Vaccines, drugs offer little help in bird flu fight - Bird Flu - MSNBC.com (Osterholm)
Influenza pandemics and avian flu -- Fleming 331 (7524): 1066 -- BMJ
NPR : Q & A: Defining Pandemic Flu
NOVA | scienceNOW | RNAi | PBS
NEJM -- Preparing for the Next Pandemic
Gratton Woodson: Preparing for the Coming Influenza Pandemic | En Francais
Personal Pandemic Preparedness Plan
ConsumerReports.org - Emergency preparedness 9/05: Disaster, evacuation, terrorism, emergency, shelter, natural disaster, flood.
Corporate IT needs to make bird-flu plans now
Index of /earlybird | Earlybird: Pandemic Reference Guides
Influenza Pandemic Planning Information for Business Continuity
Avian Flu Demands a New Kind of Business Continuity Planning
How to prepare your business for a bird flu pandemic | OUT-LAW.COM
Business continuity during an avian 'flu pandemic
Reuters: Bird flu is step into unknown for investors
WHO checklist for influenza pandemic preparedness planning
Osha: Avian Flu Guidance for Protecting Workers
Starting & Maintaining a CERT Program: Resource Center (Community Emergency Response Center)
Science & Technology at Scientific American.com: Preparing for a Pandemic -- [ SPECIAL REPORT ] -- One day a highly contagious and lethal strain of influenza will sweep across all humanity, claiming millions of lives. It may arrive in months or not for years--but the next pandemic is inevitable. Are we ready?
Effect Measure comments thread on community preparedness
Pandemic flu : The Department of Health - P&G: Emergency planning
Massachusetts Influenza Web Site | Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plan (10/6/05)
New Jersey Influenza Pandemic Plan | Checklist
Ready.gov - From the U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Personal and Business Preparedness
UK HPA Pandemic Plan
Public debate needed on ethics behind tough choices a pandemic would force
Smith-Barney: Global Portfolio Strategist: Avian Flu
The 1918 Influenza Pandemic
TheStar.com - Remembering the epidemic of 1918
The 1918 Influenza Pandemic
The American Experience | Influenza 1918
1918 Spanish Flu pandemic
Spanish flu - Wikipedia
Flu Wiki - Science - 1918 Pandemic
[Full text] An Avian Connection as a Catalyst to the 1918-1919 Influenza Pandemic
John M. Barry: The Great Influenza Chapter 9
adn.com | alaska : Researchers learn from past
Genealogy Quest: Genealogical Research Assistance - American Epidemics
Dynamics of modern epidemics: Dirk Brockmann, Lars Hufnagel, and Theo Geisel
Web game provides breakthrough in predicting spread of epidemics | Science Blog
Equine influenza - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Great Epizootic of 1872 Running Like Wildfire
Welcome to NBII Wildlife Disease Information Node
CurEvents.com - A Global Current Events Discussion Forum - Ten Days in Toronto, October 1918
H5N1 Avian Flu Forum
Is the 1918 Influenza Pandemic Over? Long-term Effects of In Utero Influenza Exposure in the Post-1940 U.S. Population
Marginal Revolution: Modern Germs
Plagues & Epidemics
Wikipedia: Black Death | Bubonic plague
The Black Plague may be returning
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Europe's chill linked to disease
Book review: Biology of Plagues
NRM: A plague by any other name (Black Death not Bubonic Plague)
Diagram: Plague cycle
The Siege of Jerusalem, AD 70, by Flavius Josephus
HealthMap | Global disease alert map
EMPRES: Avian Influenza maps
H5N1 Wild Bird Flu Map February 2006
H5N1 Wild Bird Flu Map October
H5N1 Wild Bird Flu Map November
Wide Angle . H5N1 - Killer Flu . Interactive Map | PBS
Flu Wiki - Main - Outbreak Map (Google Earth overlay)
H5N1 asia_map_9-11-05.gif
Newest Replicating Asia Map Now Up (Updated August 16) | Map: Avian Flu A(H5N1) Areas of Concern (large PDF)
National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC): Avian Influenza
Effect Measure
Effect Measure
H5N1 blog
The Coming Influenza Pandemic?
Avian Flu - What we need to know
EPIDEMIca | 3.0 | A weblog about infectious disease by M-J Milloy
Connotea: Declan's bookmarks matching tag AvianFlu
Aetiology: Pandemic influenza awareness week. Day 1: History of pandemic influenza
Avian Flu News Brief
Bird Flu Today
Poultry News: BIRD FLU: latest news
NewsNow: Bird Flu
Avian or bird flu information - Latest news
Bird Flu Updates
Global Pandemic News
Flu Care: H5N1 website
Biopeer: Avian Flu (H5N1)
Recombinomics What's New
VEIN Links : Avian Influenza
WSJ.com - Avian Flu News Tracker
FluSTAR: tracking and reporting avian flu
China Digital Times (CDT) Avian Flu tags
DocMartin - H5N1 Poultry Flu and migratory birds - Forum (denies role of migration in H5N1)(resistance marker)
World Bird Flu
FLU Discussions and Information
Agonist forum: Disease outbreaks
TimeBomb 2000
CurEvents.com Discussion Forum - The Flu Clinic | Master Flu Preps Thread
CurEvents.com Potential Therapeutic Interventions
Dakota Feinstein | A Shopping List Just in Case There's a Flu Pandemic
Dakota: New and Improved List for Surviving the Avian Flu
Dakota: Practicing Hygiene with Avian Flu on the Mind
A Handbook For Surviving In The Wild - P83 Tactical
72 Hours: Are you prepared?
Be ready. Make a plan. Brought to you by the communities of the National Capital Region
Infection Control: Annexes 6-9 | CDC Special Pathogens Branch
American Red Cross: Get Prepared
Resilience Wiki: The Community Resilience Network: grass-roots flu/disaster mitagation
Professional Ethics | Some Ways to Prepare for the Absolute Worst
Amazon.com: Greg's Survival List
Economic Consequences of a Pandemic | Continuity Forum
Survival Strategies: Stock up and steel yourself for 'societal disruption'
How to survive a disaster. By David Shenk - Slate Magazine
Precepts of Rawlesian Survivalist Philosophy
Hesperian Foundation: Where There Is No Doctor
Daily Kos: Alphageek: Are YOU ready for disaster? Part 1 of 5 - Assess your risks
Plan to survive | Gear, supplies and training | Material Preparations and Conclusion
A Mindful Life: Preparing for Disasters (Of Any Stripe)
Ojos Abiertos: Surviving the Avian Flu in Fruitvale
Ch. 8: Water - Nuclear War Survival Skills | Ch. 9: Food
Water Storage
FlowerHouse Mini & Portable Greenhouses
BLDGBLOG: A Shopper’s Guide to Urban Catastrophe
Excerpt: Isolation
Peak Oil News and Message Boards >> Planning For The Future >> What an economic collapse looks like
Flu Wiki - Forum - Post Pandemic Violence
1 Yr. Supply $5 This is a basic food storage plan that will sustain life for 1 year
Amazon.com: Dynamo Illuminator Wind-up LED Flashlight: Electronics
Campmor: Magnesium Fire Starter
Wildwood Survival - Fire from a Can of Coke and a Chocolate Bar
Field & Stream - Photo Gallery - Make a Survival Kit out of an Altoids Tin
Deep Survival - Laurence Gonzales
EQUIPPED TO SURVIVE - Outdoors Gear, Survival Equipment Review & Survival Information
[Outdoors-Magazine.com] All Kitted Out
Becoming A Lion In Winter | MetaFilter
TheInverterStore.com - INVERTERS BY WATT; FROM 75W TO 800W
100 Items to Disappear First
Adventure Medical Kits: Product
Ships Captain's Medical Guide
Old Jimbo: Survival Equipment
Filter and Purifying Water
Wilderness Survival Skills
christophermolloy.com » outdoor living » the 10 bushcraft books » ropes & cords (pt. 1)
Home Power Magazine - Your Small Scale Renewable Energy (RE) Source
Survival Books
Survival and Equipment
Frugal's Forums Archive 2001-2006: Thoughts on Urban Survival. Complete !! A Must Read For All Squirrels!!!
charles hugh smith-The Art of Survival, Taoism and the Warring States
How Civilizations Fall: A Theory of Catabolic Collapse
iTulip.com - View Single Post - Are You a Doomer?
things magazine: survival: Artic/Desert/Jungle/Sea
Peter Sandman Column: Pandemic Influenza Risk Communication: The Teachable Moment
Peter Sandman Column: The Flu Pandemic Preparedness Snowball
Peter Sandman Column: Fear of Fear: The Role of Fear in Preparedness
Peter Sandman Column: Games Risk Communicators Play: Follow-the-Leader, Echo, Donkey, and Seesaw
Peter Sandman Column: Katrina: Hurricanes, Catastrophes, and Risk Communication
Flickr: Photos tagged with avianflu
DN - Nyheter - BILDSPEL: Lennart Nilsson/ En lungas kamp mot avgaserna (first photos of H5N1)
Pandemic Flu (U.S. Gov)
National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza
United States Department of Health and Human Services: HHS Pandemic Influenza Plan
www.GovExec.com - Federal government's role in bird-flu response limited (10/21/05)(every community for itself; no FEMA)
avianinfluenza.com.au: Australia's Official Bird Flu site
MedlinePlus: Influenza
Main ProMED-mail
Google News Search: "avian flu" OR "bird flu"
Bird Flu Full Coverage on Yahoo! News
boxun news (Chinese)
www.pharmviews.com - Latest Avian Influenza News Stories and Commentary...
Worldlingo: Free Online Website Translation
How Flu Kills
WHO | Disease Outbreak News
WHO | Avian influenza
WHO | Geographical spread of H5N1 avian influenza in birds - update 28
WHO | Avian influenza – new areas with infection in birds – update 34
WHO | Avian influenza frequently asked questions
WHO | WHO recommendations relating to travellers coming from and going to countries experiencing outbreaks of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza
WHO | WHO report on global surveillance of epidemic-prone infectious diseases
WHO - Global Atlas Of Infectious Diseases
Flu primer for journalists
WHO | Avian influenza: significance of mutations in the H5N1 virus
Canary Database: Index
Poultry diseases: avian influenza bird flu poultry pathology poultry science
PubMed - Human infection by avian influenza A H5N1
Taxonomy browser (H5N1 subtype)
Influenza, Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, NIAID
HHS - National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO)
Bird Flu - US Department of State
FAO/OIE/WHO Consultation on Avian Influenza 2005
WorldChanging: Simulations versus the Avian Flu
FAO's Animal Production and Health Division - AGA
Bird Flu (Avian Influenza) - US Department of State
CDC - Influenza (Flu) | Flu Activity
H5N1 Outbreaks and Enzootic Influenza | CDC EID
CDC - Influenza (Flu) | Weekly Report: Influenza Summary Update 20, 2004-2005 Season
CDC - Influenza (Flu) | Antiviral Agents for Influenza: Background Information for Clinicians
CDC - Influenza (Flu) | Avian Flu
H5N1 Avian Influenza Viruses in Asia | CDC EID
Quarantine Stressing Voluntary Compliance | CDC EID
CDC - Key Facts About Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) and Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus
CDC: Media Briefing on Canine Influenza: September 26, 2005
VHF Infection Control Manual: English | CDC Special Pathgens Branch
Nonpharmaceutical Interventions for Pandemic Flu | CDC EID
Prevention of Avian Influenza- Global situation of avian influenza
CIDRAP >> H5N1 avian flu viruses: What's in a name?
CIDRAP >> Human H5N1 cases reported in China, Thailand
CIDRAP >> Avian Influenza (Bird Flu): Implications for Human Disease
CIDRAP >> Laboratory-confirmed human cases of H5N1 avian influenza, December 2003 to present
CIDRAP >> Experts cite differences between H5N1 and ordinary flu
CIDRAP >> H5N1's human toll rises, poultry outbreaks plague several countries
Sunday Observer - Suspected human case of bird flu
Casual Transmission of H5N1 in Thailand and Indonesia
Suspected Famiial H5N1 Cluster in Cianjur Indonesia
Family Clustering of Avian Influenza A (H5N1) | CDC EID
NEJM -- Probable Person-to-Person Transmission of Avian Influenza A (H5N1)
NEJM -- Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Infection in Humans
NEJM -- H5N1 Influenza -- Continuing Evolution and Spread (11/23//06)
Health | canada.com - Branswell: Study shows 15 clusters of avian flu cases; some likely human-to-human spread
Xinhua - English - H5N1 bird flu can be transmitted among humans: WHO
International News Article | Reuters.com - Close contact could see humans spread bird flu: WHO
The Scientist :: H5N1 spreading among humans?, May 20, 2005
Bloomberg.com: Two Avian-Flu Deaths in Indonesia Not Linked to Birds (Update1)
Just a Bump in the Beltway: Bird Flu: Your Nightmare
YaleGlobal Online Magazine
Effect Measure: Historic special issue on avian flu in Nature
Effect Measure: Tamiflu (oseltamivir) and some other antivirals
Taiwan: Avian Flu FAQ (cites Tamifu "risk-taking behavior")
Roche: Tamiflu (w/contraindications)
tamiflu: Side effects, ratings, and patient comments
Canandian Adverse Drug Reaction Newsletter
NEJM -- Oseltamivir Resistance during Treatment of Influenza A (H5N1) Infection
NEJM -- Oseltamivir Resistance -- Disabling Our Influenza Defenses
All About Tamiflu
Effect Measure: The magic bullet loses some of its magic
Vietnam - Jury still out on link between drug resistance, bird flu deaths
Flu2005.pdf: A Killer Flu?
The New Yorker: Fact: Michael Spector: Nature's Bioterrorist
Cnes - Predicting and monitoring epidemics
The Swine Flu Affair
James Koopman: The Role of Early HIV Infection in HIV Transmission Dynamics
Avian flu : Web focus : Nature
Avian Flu : TIMELINE 1890-Present
news @ nature.com - Avian flu: Are we ready? -
Strategies for containing an emerging influenza pandemic in Southeast Asia : Nature
Avian flu special What's in the medicine cabinet? : Nature
Avian flu special Is this our best shot? : Nature
news @ nature.com - Bird flu vaccine not up to scratch - Positive results of little practical use, experts warn
Nature: Isolation of drug-resistant H5N1 virus
news @ nature.com - Wartime tactic doubles power of scarce bird-flu drug - Use of common drug could stretch world stocks of Tamiflu
PubMed - The effect of herbal remedies on the production of human inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines
Herbal Antiviral Therapy : Topics Page
H5N1 Avian Flu Virus Therapy: Conventional and Herbal Options
Complementary and Alternative Therapies for Pandemic Influenza
Enzymatic Therapy Medical Abstracts: The Effect of Sambucol, a Black Elderberry-Based, Natural Product, on the Production of Human Cytokines: I. Inflammatory Cytokines
Health Information: Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
Alternative Medicine Center - MayoClinic.com
Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
Sloan-Kettering - About Herbs, Botanicals & Other Products
UCLA Folkmed Database - Search Page
Bird flu may kill by making immune system overreact - SciDev.Net
Bird Flu Triggers Immune System 'Storm' - Yahoo! News
Cytokines & Sepsis Background Information available thru Research Diagnostics Inc
What is the Cytokine Storm?
Human Cytokines, Growth Factors, Chemokines and Antibodies available from RDI Div of Fitzgerald Industries Intl/Research Diagnostics Inc
Respiratory Research | Abstract | 1465-9921-6-135 | Proinflammatory cytokine responses induced by influenza A (H5N1) viruses in primary human alveolar and bronchial epithelial cells
Scotsman.com News - Latest News - Bird flu 'lung damage danger'
Ottawa Citizen - canada.com - Why the avian flu is so lethal in humans
Immunomodulatory xenobiotics / Immunomodulators
Entrez PubMed: Dimeric zanamivir conjugates with various linking groups are potent, long-lasting inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase including H5N1 avian influenza
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC): An Old Nutrient Attracts New Research
NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) - A Canary's-Eye View
World J Gastroenterol: N-acetylcysteine attenuates alcohol-induced oxidative stess in rats
Avian Influenza (H5N1) Viruses Isolated from Humans in Asia in 2004 Exhibit Increased Virulence in Mammals -- Maines et al. 79 (18): 11788 -- The Journal of Virology
Amantadine: Symmetrel Antiviral
IngentaConnect A Role for the Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Tetracyclines in the Prevention of Acute Lung Injury (cytokine storm)
Human CD8+ and CD4+ T Lymphocyte Memory to Influenza A Viruses of Swine and Avian Species -- Jameson et al. 162 (12): 7578 -- The Journal of Immunology
FluMist Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics, Studies, Metabolism - Influenza Virus Vaccine - RxList Monographs
Blackwell Synergy: Scand J Immunol, Vol 59, Issue 1, pp. 1-15: Influenza Virus: Immunity and Vaccination Strategies. Comparison of the Immune Response to Inactivated and Live, Attenuated Influenza Vaccines (Full Text)
Entrez PubMed - Live attenuated influenza vaccine induces cross-reactive antibody responses in children against an a/Fujian/411/2002-like H3N2 antigenic variant strain
Entrez PubMed - Comparison of long-term systemic and secretory antibody responses in children given live, attenuated, or inactivated influenza A vaccine
Entrez PubMed - Mucosal delivery of inactivated influenza vaccine induces B-cell-dependent heterosubtypic cross-protection against lethal influenza A H5N1 virus infection
PLoS Biology: Whole-Genome Analysis of Human Influenza A Virus Reveals Multiple Persistent Lineages and Reassortment among Recent H3N2 Viruses
Invasive Group A Streptococcal Infection and Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drug Use Among Children With Primary Varicella -- Lesko et al. 107 (5): 1108 -- Pediatrics
Pediatric Bulletin - Varicella and GAS (Medscape, use bugmenot)
Enzymatic Therapy Medical Abstracts - Curcumin Inhibition of Inflammatory Cytokine Production
Higher levels of resveratrol found among N.Y. wines
Grape Expectations: The Resveratrol Story
CurEvents.com - A Global Current Events Discussion Forum - Resveratrol - Chemical in grapes inhibits flu virus
Science & Technology at Scientific American.com: Wine Compound Attacks Alzheimer's Agent (Resveratrol)
Adenovirus Vector-Induced Expression of the C-X-C Chemokine IP-10 Is Mediated through Capsid-Dependent Activation of NF-kappa B -- Borgland et al. 74 (9): 3941 -- The Journal of Virology
Entrez PubMed: Chemokine gene expression in bone marrow stromal cells: downregulation with sodium salicylate
H5N1: Bird flu and statins
Plasma Levels of Cytokines and Soluble Cytokine Receptors During Treatment With Haloperidol -- Pollmauml;cher et al. 154 (12): 1763 -- American Journal of Psychiatry
Entrez PubMed Old drug, new tricks: haloperidol inhibits secretion of proinflammatory cytokines.
Inflammatory Processes in Mental Illness CME
Critical Care Medicine - Abstract: Volume 33(1) January 2005 p 226-229 Haloperidol use is associated with lower hospital mortality in mechanically ventilated patients *.
The Influence of Typical and Atypical Neuroleptic Drugs in the Production of Interleukin-2 and Interferon-Gamma in vitro
SI - Tarvicin
An Understanding of Tarvacin™
monoclonal anti-PS, ( Tarvacin ): potential as avian influenza H5N1 therapy
CurEvents.com - A Global Current Events Discussion Forum - Flu and Cold Medicine Warning
CurEvents.com - A Global Current Events Discussion Forum - Electrolyte Replacement and Licorice Root info
Dolly Freed: Possum Living: How to live well without a job and with (almost) no money)
Alan T Hagan: Prudent Food Storage FAQ
ARDS - Index - Pulmonology Channel (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)
ARDS Support Center - ARDS Support, education and information resources
DatingGod: The Flu Flies (Immune System 101)
Flu Wiki - Forum - Masks N 95 and Others
Nanomask: The Only Filter Mask That Stops Bird Flu From Invading You!
Homeland Security: / X Pack - Water Filtration (Gatorade maker)
Just add swamp water — then eat - Science - MSNBC.com
A Ceramic Smoker, Grill, Barbecue. The ancient oriental kamado cooker re-born.
Extream Water Purifer (does viruses)
Wisemen - Your source for camping equipment, outdoor gear, self sufficiency - homestead supplies, farm and garden products, and preparedness needs
Crosscut Saw Company
Hand Operated Well Water Pumps - Backup Pumps and 12 Volt Motorized Well Pumps
Werling & Sons - canned meats
Survival Supplies, Survival Equipment & Emergency Preparedness. Survival Unlimited .com
mylar® bags - SorbentSystems.com
Mormon Find - An LDS - Food Storage Calculators
Emergency Kits (Go Bags)
Making Light: Index to Medical Posts - Emergency Medicine
Basic Tips For Ultralight Backpacking - Under the Open Sky
Avian Flu News in Chrono order
Daily Kos: Why We All Need To Store Food And Water
Daily Kos: Flu Stories: Is the Internet At Risk In A Pandemic?
Bird flu expected to hit West Coast by summer - Yahoo! News
Avian Flu Over the Cuckoo's Nest (factory farms)
Bird Flu Defies Control Efforts - Los Angeles Times
Study outlines genetic differences between potential pandemic influenza strains
Telegraph | Money | Bear Stearns warns against airline stocks due to 'imminent' bird flu
U.N. Warns Avian Flu to Hit U.S. - March 10, 2006 - The New York Sun - NY News
ABC News: A Bit of Context on the Bird Flu Threat
ABC News: Ready or Not, Bird Flu Is Coming to America
TheStar.com - Bird flu targeting the young
VOA News - Avian Flu Vaccine 100 Percent Effective in Pittsburgh Animal Tests
Reuters AlertNet - FACTBOX-Bird flu in Europe
Effect Measure: A trainwreck in slow motion
Effect Measure: One, two, many . . . (Nabarro: two mutations from a pandemic)
SPECIAL REPORT 2005: Who's Afraid Of Avian Flu? - CME Teaching Brief - MedPage Today
New Scientist Breaking News - Tests dash hopes of rapid production of bird flu vaccine
Betting on Bird Flu - New York Times (Intrade: 65% chance of human H5N1)
Bloomberg.com: U.S. Bird-Flu Patients May Need Higher Dose of Tamiflu
Survival Strategies: Stock up and steel yourself for 'societal disruption'
Americans Brace for Avian Flu Pandemic
The Flu Moat - New York Times
A Potential Influenza Pandemic: Possible Macroeconomic Effects and Policy Issues
The Globe and Mail: China hiding bird-flu cases: expert
VietNam News: Minister warns of more virulent strain of bird flu
Chronic flu patients on the increase | Source: 01/Dec/2005 Tien Phong Online
Bracing for a Plague - Health For Life - MSNBC.com
Obsidian Wings: Quarantine
Promed: China Hiding 300 Cases of H5N1?
United Press International - Health Business - Broad stockpiling advised for pandemic
Defense Secretary Rumsfeld sees growth in Gilead stake - Oct. 31, 2005
Catalyst: Bird Flu Vaccine - ABC TV Science
Science News Article | Reuters.com Birdflu survivors may not be all that safe-experts
Reuters: WHO warns of more China bird flu outbreaks
BBC NEWS | Health | Aids may help spread of bird flu
American Prospect Online - Déjà Flu (no (regular) vaccine this year, either)
Wired News: DNA Could Speed Flu Vaccines
iFlu.org » 310 dead from bird flu in China?
Fuss and Feathers: Weekly Std: Fumento (nothing to worry about)
People's Daily Online -- Bird flu human vaccine ready for clinical tests
Top News Article | Reuters.com: Jump in suspected bird flu cases in people
Bird flu virus in Vietnam mutates - report
President Bush's bird flu plan fails to teach people how to really protect themselves from a global pandemic
Two deaths linked to Tamiflu: reports - World - smh.com.au
Doctors accused of ignoring bird flu threat - World - Times Online
BBC NEWS | Health | Past pandemics that ravaged Europe
Reuters AlertNet - HK fears bird flu cases may explode in spring--daily
Bird flu virus in Vietnam mutates - report
New Scientist News - We have a bird flu plan, but will it work?
Germ Boys and Yes Men (Stewart Simonson, incompetent flu czar)
People's Daily Online -- First Vietnamese dies of bird flu virus H3N0 after world health experts work out steps to fight H5N1 (??)
ABC News: 116 Quarantined After Bird Flu Outbreak
First Case of Bird Flu in Italy
AP Wire | 11/06/2005 | China reports 3 suspected bird flu cases
China closes all Beijing poultry markets
Reuters AlertNet - China culls 6 million birds in avian flu-hit region
Experts question wisdom of stockpiling oseltamivir -- Cole 331 (7524): 1041 -- BMJ
Health | canada.com: Pandemic planning advocates fear blowback from tsunami of recent coverage
Human infection of bird flu not ruled out in Hunan cases (surprise)
Fact-esque: Operation Save My Agenda: Day Two - Big Pharma Will Save Us All
Don't Fear the (Bird) Reaper?: SciAm Observations
Bird Reaper, pt. II: Wendy Orent replies: SciAm Observations
Bird Reaper, pt. II: Wendy Orent replies: SciAm Observations
Bird Reaper, pt. IV: Revere replies: SciAm Observations
Evolution: Library: Paul Ewald: Infectious Disease and the Evolution of Virulence
Effect Measure: Beyond the fringe (Paul Ewald: homosexuality caused by germs)
Fact-esque: Blogging with Passion: Operation Save My Agenda: Day Two - Big Pharma Will Save Us All
CBC: The Passionate Eye - KILLER FLU: H5N1
CBC News Indepth: FLU
- Forbes.com - U.N. Leader Outlines Bird Flu Fight Strategy
Immunity to the bird flu scare | News.blog | CNET News.com
Potential Economic Impact of an Avian Flu Pandemic on Asia
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Bird flu pandemic may force countries to shut down, says UN official
Health News Article | Reuters | US bird flu plan under attack
Health | canada.com Bush asks Congress for billions to protect Americans against a flu pandemic
The Ten Thousand Year Blog » Blog Archive » A Riposte on the Flu Wiki (the info-guardians; read the comments)
Health | canada.com: H5 found in wild birds in Canada; testing needed to see if is Asian H5N1
Japan to Kill 82,000 More Chickens - Yahoo! News
The Globe and Mail: Fear sparks extreme action (Avian Flu)
Health | canada.com: Bird flu's mystery: How do some of those with most exposure stay healthy?
Futurometer.com - Bird flu in media
Global Coverage Article | Reuters: Roche withholds Tamiflu in US to stop hoarding
CTV.ca | Doctors say speed the key in treating bird flu
UN presses China for more details on bird flu scare - Yahoo! News
H5N1 Wild Bird Flu Fatal Cluster in Hunan China
Tourists tested for bird flu after Thailand visit - Bird Flu - MSNBC.com
FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Bird Flu Detected in Germany
Bangkok Post - WHO official sparks controversy by telling people to buy Tamiflu
The Globe and Mail: Officials hope to spot flu early
Researcher Says Flu Responders Can Learn From 1918 Epidemic
"Bird Flu" Similar to Deadly 1918 Flu, Gene Study Finds
'Mr Bird Flu' is convicted fraudster | the Daily Mail
Health | canada.com - Roche suspends Tamiflu delivery in Canada, to protect supplies elsewhere
The Fight Against the Flu - Newsweek Avian Flu Fears - MSNBC.com
The Globe and Mail: Human form of H5N1 flu not a given
TIME.com: Trouble for the Flu Fighters -- Oct. 31, 2005 (More Bush budget cuts/rich giveaways endanger you)
Independent: Dead parrot did have killer strain of bird flu
Reuters AlertNet - FACTBOX-Status of bird flu in Europe Sat, 22 Oct 2005 23:21:21 GMT
Reuters AlertNet - Status of bird flu in Europe
NPR : Q&A: Preparing for a Flu Pandemic (mostly false/bad info: see below)
The Epoch Times | Taiwan Says Ready To Make Its Own Tamiflu
Telegraph | News | China to shut borders if bird flu mutates
Doctors' first duty: Professional or personal? - Editorials & Commentary - International Herald Tribune
IOL: Croatia confirms first case of bird flu
Telegraph | Money | The clock ticks on economic collapse
New Scientist Breaking News - Bird flu breaking out all over
BBC NEWS | UK | Avian flu found in parrot in UK
Where's My Avian Flu Shot? - How to ramp up vaccine production. By David Dobbs
Scotsman.com News - Health - Scientists discover deadly bird flu began in Scotland (in 1959)
WSU Research Biologist Says Only Matter of Time Before Avian Flu Virus Reaches U.S. (migrating birds)
SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Science -- Scientists say bird flu cases back migration theory
TIME.com: On Europe's Bird Flu Frontline -- Page 1
Bird Flu Updates: Indonesia covered up bird flu for years, allowing it to spread
Disease control: Exercise Hawthorn: National-Scale Avian Influenza Exercise
Bio-Health Threats | canada.com
Channelnewsasia.com - Fresh outbreaks fuel global bird flu jitters
Greece confirms first case of bird flu - Health - Times Online
CANOE -- CNEWS - Canada: Avian flu viruses vary greatly, experts say
ABC News: Official: Preventing Pandemic Impossible
Health | canada.com - Further reports of Tamiflu resistance in avian flu virus pending: expert
Edward M Kennedy: America's response to avian flu - The Boston Globe
The Observer | Focus | The killer at the door
The Observer | Focus | A tragic, wasted opportunity to avert disaster
The Observer | UK News | GPs told: prepare for 14 million flu victims
Independent: Bird flu: Why weren't we warned? How did it get here? How scared should you be?
NPR : U.S. Prepares Plan to Ration Flu Drug
US scientist: Next human pandemic "inevitable"
New Scientist Bird flu: kick-start vaccination or face the consequences - News
Flu drug sales soar; specialists fear overuse - The Boston Globe
Indonesian teenager cleared of bird flu dies - Forbes.com
World | Reuters: High wild bird mortality in Iran, health body says Thu Oct 13, 2005
Avian Influenza A (H5N1): Human Activity in Asia and Eastern Europe - Travel Health Advisory, Travel Medicine Program, Public Health Agency of Canada
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Facing up to the virus that could kill thousands
The Globe and Mail: The things you can do about flu
EiTB24.com - Outbreak of bird flu in Romania that of deadly H5N1 confirmed
Effect Measure: Tamiflu resistance revisited
CurEvents.com - Henry Niman - Why Wild Bird Flu Is the Key (dual infection recombination)
Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | EU vets debate bird flu strategy: Don't Panic (yet)
BBC NEWS | Health | Case of bird flu drug resistance (+H2H)
Health | canada.com - Helen Branswell: Resistance to key flu drug found in virus from Vietnamese avian flu patient
Nine people under medical observation after bird flu detected in Turkey | CP (40 pigeons/9 humans)
Capitol Hill Flu Briefing Was No Trick, and No Treat
TheBostonChannel.com - News - Bird Flu Quarantine Set Up At Logan Airport
Drugs no answer to bird flu: experts - Boston.com
USATODAY.com - Envisioning a 21st-century quarantine
H5N1 Spreading in the Human Population
On Americans and Bird Flu - Brian Wise (dumb)
Send in the Cavalry - The president's powers in the event of disaster. By Tim Naftali
TODAYonline - Hungary: vaccine trials
Science News Article | Reuters - Bird flu vaccine could take months, U.N. says
Bird flu in the hand for Bush? - Commentary - The Washington Times
Xinhua - English - WHO warns of future human flu pandemic
Independent Online Edition > Continent on avian flu alert after bird deaths
CNN.com - Witness to 1918 flu: 'Death was there all the time' - Oct 7, 2005
Bird Flu and the 1918 Pandemic - New York Times
Forbes - U.S. Ill Prepared for Massive Flu Outbreak: Report
Bush Plan Shows U.S. Is Not Ready for Deadly Flu - New York Times
New Cases of Avian Flu Are Reported in Europe - New York Times
Health News Article | Reuters.com - Attention to bird flu crisis 'ratchets up'
Effect Measure: Annas on Bush quarantine
Daily Kos: Bird Flu - What's A Reasoned Approach? Part II
Khaleej Times Online - Myanmar — the world’s bird flu black hole?
CNN.com - Turkey confirms bird flu - Oct 8, 2005 (CNN needs a map)
New Scientist Premium- Editorial: Killer flu is back - Rebuilding the 1918 virus was supposed to make the world safer. But has it?
Science News Article | Reuters.com |Scientist says flu drug stockpiles inadequate
Digital Chosunilbo : Ministry Sets Out Precautions Against Bird Flu
The Daily Telegraph | Flying in the face of real threat
Avian Flu: Inoculate Your Portfolio
Surveillance data suggest that preschoolers drive flu epidemics
ANTARA News - Two More People Tested Positive for Bird Flu
Transparent Grid » Unqualified Crony in Charge of Pandemic Response
"Eerie" Discoveries about Flu
Health | canada.com - American researchers recreate 1918 pandemic flu virus for study purposes
Experts Unlock Clues to Spread of 1918 Flu Virus - New York Times
Newswise | First Big Influenza Genome Study Reveals Flu Evolution
Genomes of more than 200 human flu strains reveal a dynamic virus
Influenza | Unhappy rebirthday | Economist | Scientists have recreated the 1918 flu virus in order to reveal its secrets
BBC NEWS | Health | 1918 killer flu 'came from birds'
Reports of Tamiflu resistance to avian flu based on old data, not new proof | CP
CORDIS: News service - Bird flu pandemic fear grows as virus becomes resistant to Tamiflu
TheStar.com - Building a pandemic defence
Bird flu pandemic could kill business | TheNewsTribune.com | Tacoma, WA
Reuters.com - Bush proposes using military in bird flu pandemic
Fear of Flu Outbreak Rattles Washington - New York Times
ABC News: Spanish Flu of 1918: Could It Happen Again?
CNN.com - Bush military bird flu role slammed - Oct 5, 2005
CIDRAP >> Bush suggests military-enforced quarantines for avian flu
Health | canada.com - Helen Branswell: American researchers recreate 1918 pandemic flu virus for study purposes
The Australian: Bird flu vaccine trials to begin [October 04, 2005]
Bird Flu: Australian Team Arrives in Indonesia
Shoreline Beacon, Port Elgin, ON - Health unit preparing for a pandemic
Arizona, world may not be ready for flu outbreak
Promed - 10/4/05 - Avian Flu (new cases)
Promed - Avian Influenza: WHO Review
Breaking News: NanoViricides, Inc. to Tackle Asian Bird Flu
Q-Series(TM) Report: Avian Influenza The Next Human Influenza Pandemic?
Health & Fitness Podcast - Takes Flight with Avian Bird Flu H5N1 Pandemic News (int w/Henry Niman)
13th Fatal H5N1 Bird Flu Case Recorded in Jakarta
ScienceDirect - The Lancet : Incidence of adamantane resistance among influenza A (H3N2) viruses isolated worldwide from 1994 to 2005: a cause for concern
Bird flu — the coming pandemic
Anti-bird flu drug no longer as effective - National - theage.com.au (r/r/b)
U.S. Rushes to Finish Influenza Pandemic Plan - Los Angeles Times
British stockpiled flu drug may be useless
Herald Sun: Flu catastrophe fear [01oct05]
Isolation of 14 Resiratory Patients in Toronto Cause Concern
H5N1 Cluster in South Sulawesi Increases Pandemic Concerns
'We Are in Real Trouble' - Newsweek Health Beat - MSNBC.com - Avian Flu
US Senate funds efforts to fight possible avian flu epidemic - Yahoo! News ($4 million will pay for one Republican consultant)
KTRE-TV - Lufkin/Nacogdoches, TX - Expert Predicts "Perfect Set-Up" for Avian Flu Pandemic
Avian Flu Crisis — A Question of When
CattleNetwork.com White House Prepares Request For Avian-Flu Funds
ABC News: U.N. Coordinator Mulls Avian Flu Threat
ABC News: How Many People Could Bird Flu Kill?
TODAYonline - Finland to stockpile enough bird flu vaccine for entire population
H5N1 Bird Flu False Negatives In Indonesia
Promed on new Jakarta cases
Indonesia says at least 63 cases of suspected human bird flu infection - Forbes.com
The Chronicle Journal - Local - Thunder Bay Officials Gear Up for Avian Flu
The Globe and Mail: Big gaps remain in disaster plan (Avian Flu
Junk medicine: Bird flu - Health - Times Online
Times Online - £186m drug consignment may be ineffective against bird flu
Studies question effectiveness of flu treatment - International Herald Tribune
Daily Kos: Reid Weighs In On Pandemic Flu
Avian Flu in Russia may be sensitive to Amantadine
Effect Measure: Bird flu and statins
IOL: Flu pandemic 'could kill up to 150 million people'
Abbott advises against stockpiling drugs - Breaking News (r/r/b)
SACRAMENTO / U.S. preparing for bird flu to arrive from eastern Asia / Migrating wildfowl expected to bring virus to Americas
FT.com / Bird flu - Beijing reveals plans to fight bird flu
Unease over bird flu pecking order - National - smh.com.au
The Jakarta Post - New suspected bird flu cases emerge in regions
Xinhua - English - Xinhua - English - Human cases of bird flu reach 42 in Indonesia
BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Indonesia's bird flu dilemma
Peter Sandman Column: Fear of Fear: The Role of Fear in Preparedness
FuturePundit: United States Orders French Bird Flu Vaccine While Indonesian Cases Suspected
Bird flu - mutation risk
Conference Report - International Conference on Biosafety and Biorisks - Center for Biosecurity of UPMC
Avian Influenza H5N1 in Tigers | CDC EID (T2T)
FuturePundit: Comparing National Tamiflu Stockpiles Against Flu Pandemic Threat
UC Davis News & Information - Community 'Bird Flu' News Briefing
A New Deadly, Contagious Dog Flu Virus Is Detected in 7 States - New York Times (H3N8)
The Standard - Thailand confirms young girl and dog have bird flu - Foreign Section
Bloomberg.com: Asia - Bloomberg.com: AsiaIndonesia Says 2 More People May Have Caught Bird Flu ("you should just get used to dying")
Tempo Interaktif: A Pandemic Looms
Indonesia Bird Flu Death Toll Rises to 6
CIDRAP >> Indonesia blames two more deaths on avian flu
Avian flu in Indonesia: WHO medicine flown from India
BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Indonesia bird flu toll increases
Promed: Indonesian cases rise to 17
World News Article | Reuters.co.uk
Next Killer Flu @ National Geographic Magazine
BostonHerald.com - Local / Regional News: Attack of the bird flu: Experts say pandemic inevitable
Effect Measure: Heading for the Hills
FT.com / World / Asia-Pacific - Virus presents doctors with nightmare scenario
New Zealand Herald - Bird-flu drug supplies cleaned out - Monday 26, September 2005 04:05.00 AM - National News
Center for Biosecurity of UPMC - Bioterrorism, Biodefense, Public Health Preparedness
RFA: Hong Kong Officials Reacted Too Slowly to SARS (Margaret Chan)
CBS News | U.S. Bird Flu Scenario Eyed | September 21, 2005 10:30:07
Sense of crisis deepening in beleaguered Indonesia (Avian Flu)
Radio Australia - News - Indonesia announces more suspected bird flu cases (now 16)
BBC NEWS | Health | Flu outbreak may 'overwhelm' NHS
canada.com: Branswell: Entry controls won't stop spread of pandemic flu or SARS, study shows
Talking Portraits Podcasts: Blogger Crawford Kilian - H5N1
Indonesia Tourism Min Predicts Bird Flu Losses
New Zealand news on Stuff.co.nz: Bird flu may see NZ close borders
Vancouver Courier: Foul forecast
ANTARA News - Rats, Flies Vectors of Avian Influenza, Minister Says
Effect Measure: The World Reassurance Organization (aka WHO)
canada.com - Human influenza viruses becoming resistant to class of flu drugs: CDC study
Resistance to flu drugs on the rise worldwide - Cold & Flu - MSNBC.com
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Indonesia's bird flu dilemma
Effect Measure: Bird flu conventional wisdom?
Effect Measure: No transparency at CDC on flu data (usual Bush BS)
Indonesia to launch mass bird flu slaughter - Bird Flu - MSNBC.com
Flu Wiki - Forum - Tamiflu
H5N1: Finding anti-viral drugs
Canadian Pharmacy (Kosher drugs)
Pandemic Threat Spurs New Vaccine Science
Independent Online Edition > Health Medical > Independent Online Edition > Health Medical - Should I protect myself from bird flu?
Wide Angle | PBS - This Week: H5N1 - Killer Flu
How deadly is the avian flu?
Bird flu pandemic could be impossible to contain after a few weeks - WHO - Forbes.com
Reuters AlertNet - Better vet controls needed in bird flu fight -OIE
Herald.com | 09/20/2005 | The next flu pandemic
NBC 17 - Health Watch - Expert: U.S. Bird Flu Pandemic Would Kill Millions
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Indonesia fears bird flu epidemic
VOA News - Health Experts Sound Alarm Over Avian Flu
t r u t h o u t - Amid Warnings, Richer Nations Seek Protection from Bird Flu
Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Four bird flu cases as zoo closes
Bird flu epidemic could kill millions worldwide: experts - Yahoo! News
ABC News: Avian Flu: Is the Government Ready for an Epidemic?
President Addresses United Nations High-Level Plenary Meeting (includes Avian Flu on axis of evil)
thetyee.ca A Disaster to Make Hurricane Katrina Look Miniscule
The Lancet: Hurricane Katrina: “a speaking sight”, or, washday in Durant (bugmenot)
Modbee.com Californians have little reason to worry about avian influenza spreading here (says Bill Mattos, Poultry Assoc)
Sky News : Crackdown On Bird Flu As Death Toll Rises (read between the lines)
Bloomberg.com: Asia: Indonesia Reports Fifth Suspected Human Bird Flu Case
Indonesia Reports 4th Human Bird Flu Death - Yahoo! News
Reuters: WHO's Chan aims to prepare world for bird flu outbreak
Health on Tampa Bay's 10 - Flu pandemic could kill half million in U.S.
ANN: Govt warns of more suspected bird flu infections (Jakarta)
Global giant's purchase of Canadian flu vaccine maker secures supply: | CP
BBC NEWS | Europe | Guernsey | Island looks to buy bird flu drug
It's every man for himself in bird flu panic - Evening Times
Guardian Unlimited | Guardian daily comment | Jackie Ashley: We are scaring ourselves into crouching inactivity
ABC News: Bird flu pandemic a question of when, not if - WHO
Bangkok's Independent Newspaper Human-to-human transmission in four Southeast Asian countries prompts scientists to upgrade danger alert level
Integrated U.S. Effort Helps Mitigate Spread of Bird Flu in Asia- U.S. Department Of State (Director of Marketing - we've spent a whole $5M)
NPR : WHO Braces for Potential Flu Pandemic: Interview with Margaret Chan
TheStar.com - GTA gets ready for flu pandemic
ABC News: Bird flu kills civets in captivity in Vietnam
Scotsman.com News - UK - Fears grow over arrival of bird flu in UK
Reuters: World Crises: China experts say bird flu bigger threat than SARS
BBC News | World | Europe | World slow to face bird flu threat (8/25/05)
BBC News | Business | Avian flu 'could cripple economy' (8/25/05)
Reuters AlertNet - Balkans may be bird flu gateway to wider Europe
Preparing for a Flu Outbreak | New Hampshire Public Radio
Novavax posts good avian flu animal data (H9N2; virus-like particle)
UN takes action on bird flu threat - Health & Science - International Herald Tribune
CIDRAP >> Roche to give flu drug to WHO to fight pandemic
H5N1 killer available soon (CAIQ-1)
SocietyGuardian.co.uk | Health | Q&A: Bird flu
CNN.com - EU experts assess bird flu risk - Aug 25, 2005
AP Wire | 08/25/2005 | Chirac vows to protect against bird flu
Guardian Unlimited | Scientists fear pigs may play role in bird flu
Deadly bird flu strain confirmed in Kazakh villages
H5N1 Wild Bird Flu Confirmed in Seven Kazakhstan Villages
Xinhua - English - Russia fights bird flu infection
Salt Lake Tribune: WHO exec works to keep the world safe from influenza (Margaret Chan)
WaPo: Scientists Race To Head Off Lethal Potential Of Avian Flu
FT.com: Avian Flu: A tale of two treatments that are drawing growing interest
FT.com: Avian Flu: GSK to seek vaccine approval this year
FT.com: Avian Flu: EU nations split on response to threat of bird flu
FT.com: Avian Flu: European farmers act to halt spread of bird flu
UK mulls pig clampdown to combat bird flu | The Register
Nation on watch for flu pandemic - 08/23/05 (mutation watch)
Taipei Times - We must prepare for any pandemic
Macleans.ca | Top Stories | Sales of key antiviral drug soar as awareness of flu pandemic potential rises
The Next Hurrah: Bird Flu Worries Are In The Mainstream
Flu vaccine production capacity inadequate in emergency - WHO - Forbes.com
HON - News : Avian Flu Vaccine Not Coming to Your Local Pharmacy
Bird Flu - MSNBC.com: health experts say Relenza should be stockpiled along with Tamiflu
Allium Sativum: Garlic
Entrez PubMed: Allium sativum (garlic)--a natural antibiotic
Scotsman.com - Scots doctors to get bird flu advice
Beacon Journal | 08/20/2005 | Avian flu closing in, CDC director says
All ports to be closed if bird flu strikes - National - smh.com.au
Experts Discuss Possible Bird Flu Spread
SciAm: Cooping Up Avian Flu -- [ PUBLIC HEALTH ] -- Buying time to arm for a pandemic is possible--maybe
BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China villagers ignorant of pig disease
The Globe and Mail: Avian flu vaccine proves effective (at 12x normal dose)
New Scientist Breaking News - Flu pandemic: lethal yet preventable
DNC: Health News - Human-to-Human Bird Flu Pandemic Expected 'in Very Near Future'
WorldChanging: Bird Flu: Can We Out-Collaborate a Pandemic?
Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Avian flu casts shadow over beauty of China's bird lake
China Grows More Wary Over Rash Of Protests
Birds of Kolkata: Avian Influenza or Bird Flu and India
New Scientist Breaking News - China to stop using human flu drug on poultry
Telegraph | News | China withholds vital information for tackling deadly bird flu virus
First Chinese tourists arrive in the UK - Wikinews
China Bird-Flu Scare Ends - New York Times
World Health Organisation: China engaging in bird flu cover up - Wikinews
China Withholds Key H5N1 Bird Flu Data
Widespread Human H5N1 Bird Flu Infections in China?
Military Enforcing Quarantine in H5N1 Pandemic in China?
H5N1 Bird Flu Cases in Jakarta Indonesia Grows to Six
Top Russian BioWeapons Expert Warns Of Coming Attacks On West
frontline: plague war: transcript