Gnosticism / Gnostic Material
Wiki: Gnosticism
Meta-Rel: Gnosticism
From Exegesis, by Philip K. Dick: The Ten Major Principles of the Gnostic Revelation (see PKD section below)
Tractates Cryptica Scriptura (Exegesis)
Wiki: Emerald Tablet
Emerald Tablet: The Precepts of Hermes
Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Emerald Tablet of Hermes
Perseus: The Library of Alexandria The Way of Hermes: New Translations of The Corpus Hermeticum and The Definitions of Hermes Trismegistus to Asclepius: Explore similar items
What Is the Emerald Tablet?
Charlie Higgins: Mensionization In the Emerald Tablet
Hermes Trismegistus: The Archaic Underground Tradition
Jack Courtis: Tabula Smargadina Hermetis
Tabula Smaragdina: the Emerald Table
The Caduceus vs the Staff of Asclepius
On the Trail of the Winged God: Hermes and Hermeticism Throughout the Ages
S:.R:.I:.A:. Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus
Emerald Tablet of Thoth Alchemical Recipe
The Tabula Smaragdina Revisited - by Karen-Claire Voss Archive
The Gnostic World View: A Brief Summary of Gnosticism The Gnostic World View: A Brief Summary of Gnosticism
Gnostic Society Library: The Nag Hammadi Library
he Nag Hammadi Library: The Dialogue of the Savior
The Nag Hammadi discovery: are these the lost books of the Bible? – Cipher Mysticism in Greek Antiquity
On the Monad (1) –
Courses —
The Theology of Arithmetic: Iambilichus, Robin Waterfield: 9780933999725: Books
RapidShare: The Gnostic Bible (first edition)
MetaHistory - Approaching Gnosticism A Reading Plan for the Nag Hammadi Library
Alien Dreaming: The Enigma of the Archons
A Light In The Darknessx: Yaldabaoth
Gnostic Path: Guide to Gnostic Texts
The Forbidden Gospels Blog: Why Nag Hammadi texts aren't as interesting to scholars of early Christianity as the Dead Sea Scrolls (see comments)
Scholar Claims Dead Sea Scrolls 'Authors' Never Existed - Time
Media on 'Second Attention' (Huston Smith talks on Gnosticism (mp3)
Guardians of Darkness Persian Dualism - The Roots of Dualism: Guardians of Darkness: A. A. Vladimirov
gnosticism2 : Message: Re: what is an "Anti-Cosmic Dualism?" (Hermes)
fa: Anti-cosmic Dualism
A Brief Summary of Gnosticism
Gnosis Archive
Gnosticism - Television Tropes & Idioms
Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength: Gnostic Gospels and Canonical Gospels: An Assessment of Jewish Context
nottheprinceofwales comments on Are there any parallels to the Gnostic Gospels or the New Testament Apocrypha in other Abrahamic religions?
The Indefinite Dyad and the Golden Section by Scott Olsen for the Nexus Network Journal vol.4 no.1 (Winter 2002) Gnosticism
Dark Mirrors of Heaven - Gnostic Cosmogony
Dark Mirrors of Heaven
Tek-Gnostics - Electronic Mystery School Gateway
Kronosofia er en kristen gnostisk kirke
fantastic planet » Gnosticism: The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory?
Kheper: Gnosticism | Gnostic Glossary
A Glossary Of Gnostic Terms
s Ecclesia Gnostica Norvegia
The Invisible Basilica: The Sacramental System of E.G.C.
Review: Gnosis: The Nature & History of Gnosticism by Kurt Rudolf (1977)
What Is a Gnostic?
Marvin Meyer: Review: King, Karen L. What Is Gnosticism?
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2003.07.26 -- Karen L. King, What is Gnosticism?. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003xsy
What is Gnosticism? -- A Deep Dive
Review: Virginia Wayland: Gedaliahu A. G. Stroumsa Another Seed: Studies in Gnostic Mythology Nag Hammadi Studies XXIV (Leiden: Brill, 1984) 195 pages.
Review: Thomas Curley: No Longer Jews: The Search for Gnostic Origins By Carl B. Smith II
Gnostic Truth and Christian Heresy: A Study in the History of Gnosticism Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society - Find Articles
Phylogeny of Modern Gnosticism
"Secret Gospels and Lost Christianities" by W. T. S. Thackara
The Forbidden Gospels Blog: Book Note: The Gnostics: Identifying an Early Christian Cult (Alastair Logan)
Stoa del Sol - The Logos Continuum
The Imaginal Within The Cosmos: Entelechy and Archetypal Information
A Comparison of the Theological Schools of Alexandria and Antioch
The Bible: The School of Alexandria
The School of Alexandria (300 B.C.E. -- 200 A.D.)
Jewish Origins of Gnosticism: Friedlander Revisited: Alexandrian Judaism and Gnostic Origins
The Shadow of God: Speculations on the Body Divine in Jewish Esoteric Tradition 2005 Wesley Williams
The Apocalypse of Adam -- The Nag Hammadi Library Translated by George W. MacRae
A Translation of the Gospel of Thomas ("Scholars' Translation" : Patterson & Meyer)
Gospel of Thomas Commentary
Yahoo Group: Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Thomas: translations & resources
Het Thomas Evangelie
Herbert Christian Merillat: The Gnostic Apostle Thomas: "Twin" of Jesus?
metalog: thomas.html
NT Gateway Weblog How was Thomas Written?
The Forbidden Gospels Blog: How Was the Gospel of Thomas Written?
gthomas : Message: Stephen Carlson: Why was Thomas Written?
gthomas : The Gospel of Thomas (yahoo group)
Welcome to Serene Musings: An Introduction to the Gospel of Thomas
Gospel of Thomas: trans. by Thomas O. Lambdin
Reluctant Messenger: Four Translations of Gospel of Thomas
The gospel of Thomas (& its late dating)
30 essays of the gospel of thomas
Tekton: Tizzy About Thomas
Texts: The Gospel Of Judas Thomas
The Gnostic Apostle Thomas: "Twin" of Jesus? by Herbert Christian Merillat
Nag Hammadi Codex II Student Resource Center: Coptic/English translation of the Gospel of Thomas
Thomas: The Other Gospel by Nicholas Perrin [2] « Near Emmaus: Christ and Text
NT Blog: NT Pod 15: The Gospel of Thomas: First Glimpse: Programme Notes
NT Blog: Thomas and Q again
St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Studies Corner
St. Shenouda: Coptic Language
The Coptic Sahidic Gospel of John John 1:1
Landers: An Early Coptic Translation and John 1:1c
Coptic John 1:1-14
Who is Hiding in the Gospel of John? Reconceptualizing Johannine Theology and the Roots of Gnosticism (DeConick)
The Forbidden Gospels: The Gnostics Were Intellectuals
Palm Tree Garden Gnostic Cannon: full texts of Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Philip, Gospel of Truth, Exegesis on the Soul, Apocryphon of John, The Hymn of the Pearl, The Treatise on the Resurrection
Gnostic Truth and Christian Heresy: A Study in the History of Gnosticism | Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society | Find Articles at BNET
Catholic Encyclopedia: The Incarnation (and various heresies)
The Gnostic Account of the Fall and Creation
Gnosticism Gateway - Directory of Online Gnostic Studies Resources
Diotima: The Thunder: Perfect Mind (trans Anne McGuire)
Daniel Richard McBride : The Egyptian Foundations of Gnostic Thought (google html of .doc)
The Satirist: Review by Dan Geddes: Omens of Millennium -- Harold Bloom's Gnostic Sermon
Philosophical and Magical Texts: The Corpus Hermeticum
Gnostic Society in the Kingdom of Norway
Ecclesia Gnostica
Gnostic Center Gnostic Friends Network
Gnostic Media - Ushering in the Aquarian Age
Aquarian call of Aquarius | A mystical work of prophesy for the new age
JSTOR: Journal of the American Academy of Religion: Vol. 60, No. 4 (Winter, 1992), pp. 804-807: A Separate God: The Christian Origins of Gnosticism by Simone Petrement
Review of A Separate God, The Origins and Teachings of Gnosticism, by Simone Pétrement (HarperSanfrancisco, 1990)
Zen Gnostic Temple Gnosticism
Plotinus: Enneads
The Six Enneads By Plotinus
Liberal Christians. I believe in God, not Religion: The Gospel Truth
The Forbidden Gospels Blog: Understanding what Gnosis/Gnosticism IS
Metalogos: Thomas, Philip, Valentine
Valentinius/Valentinus - Wikipedia
Valentinus - A Gnostic for All Seasons
T. Apiryon: Valentinus (c. 105 - c. 165 e.v): Thirty Aeons
Chart of the Plerôma according to Valentinus
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - A Treatise on Cosmic Fire - II - Chart of the Plerôma according to Valentinus
Three Gnostic Sects: Basilidians, Carpocratians, Valentinians
The Valentinian Gnosis of Doinel
Valentinus and the Valentinian Tradition
The Descent of Ishtar and the Exegesis of the Soul - (Simo Parpola)
Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus - Ismo O. Dunderberg - Google Books
Acts of John
M.Rl James: The Acts of John
The Sons of Snakes: Set/Seth, the Egyptian God of Chaos
The Second Treatise of the Great Seth -- The Nag Hammadi Library
The Sethians
Sethian Gnosticism and the Platonic Tradition
Sethian Genesis
Traditional Zoroastrianism
A Zoroastrian Educational Institute
Dedicated to promoting the spiritual philosophy of Zarathushtra
Zoroastrianism Page
Avesta -- Zoroastrian Archives
Liberal Zoroastrianism
Iran Chamber Society: Religions of Iran: The Secrets of Zoroastrianism
Theosophy: Zoroastrian Metaphysics
Zoroastrianism: - Sought Refuge in India from Annihilation at the hands of Islam
Zoroastrian Religion
Zoroastrianism, by the original teachings of Zoraster, Zarathushtra
THEOSOPHY, Vol. 24, No. 12, October, 1936: Gnostic Theosophy
Lucius Apuleius: The Golden Asse (Adlington's translation, 1566)
Porphyry: On Images
CCEL: Dionysius, the Pseudo-Areopagite (b. c. 500)
Book Information | Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Esoterica: Dionysius's Celestial Hierarchy & Divine Names
Dionysius the Areopagite: Mystical Theology
Iamblichus: Theurgia or On the Mysteries of Egypt
Life and Work of Iamblichus
Iamblichus (philosopher)
1911 Encyclopedia: Imablichus (d. C. AD.330)
Life and Work of Iamblichus
Bruce J. MacLennan: Iamblichus of Chalcis
Theurgia or On the Mysteries of Egypt By Iamblichus
Lapis Magazine - The Teachings of Iamblichus: Between Eros and Anteros by Leonard George
Zoe: Women Rule Over: Nag Hammadi: Chaotic and androgynous Gnosticism in the church
Gnostic Witch Bible
The Apocryphon of John (long version)
What is the Apocryphon of John? - GB Times - The Spirit Magazine
Catholic Encyclopedia: Archontics | Gnosticism
Tom Ragland: Gnostic Tom's World
Tom Ragland: Centuries of Notes Earth History of Philosophical Ideas
Gnostica: Gnostic Renaissance Information Project
Sophia (Gnosticism) - Wikipedia
SOPHIA : Society for Philosophy - Vereniging voor Filosofie - Association pour la Philosophie
Sophia (gnosticism) - Wikipedia
about: Sophia
MetaHistory - Gaia Sophia Navigator
MetaHistory - Gaia Sources
Pistis Sophia (Book)
The Pistis Sophia Examined
The Holy Spirit: The Feminine Aspect of the Godhead
The Sophia of Jesus Christ -- The Nag Hammadi Library
The Secret Knowledge of Jesus
Bette Stockbauer: Gnostic Christianity and the Myth of Sophia
Bette Stockbauer: Gnostic Christianity and the Myth of Sophia
Burl B Hall: Kissing Sophia: SophiArising
Ecclesia Gnostica Catechism: of our Lady Sophia
Gates of Day Tarot: The High Priestess, the Empress, and the Gnostic Sophia
Dar'Shem: The Healing Art of Sophia
Sophia Fellowship | :: View topic - Pagan gnosticism
Valentinian Anthropology: The Sophia Tradition
Pistis Sophia Index (GRS Mead trans.)
Ecclesia Gnostica in Nova Albion: Gnosticism 101
Sophia Foundation
Sophia Perennis
Sophia Fellowship :: Forum Index :: View topic - The Pistis Sophia & Pagan Christian Gnosticism
Hagia Sophia
Review: The Dance of the Dissident Daughter: A Woman's Journey from Christian Tradition to the Sacred Feminine by Sue Monk Kidd
Isis Mary Sophia - Her Mission and Ours - Rudolf Steiner
Divine Sophia
She Who Is Unheard and Unrecognized, Catt Shiflett
The Gnostic Church of St. Mary Magdalene: Alternative Catholicism, Gnosticism, Templars, and The Holy Grail
The Gnostic Church of St. Mary Magdalene
MetaHistory - Book Reviews - She Who Anoints: The Gospel of Mary of Magdala by Karen King
Gnostic Christianity: The Sacrament of the Bridal Chamber | Reuniting
Open Letter to Gnostic Scholars | Reuniting (Sacrament of the Bridal Chamber)
Lecture: Michaelmas IV: A Michael Lecture
Lecture: Michaelmas Vb: The Michael Impulse and the Mystery of Golgotha (Part II)
Hellenistic Era Judeo-Christian Resources on the Net
Order of Nazorean Essenes: a Buddhist Branch of Original Christianity
"The Essenes and Key Understandings of Peace" | - God is One and many.
The Gnostic Jesus: The Mystic Christ
Christ's Role As He Meant It
Great Theosophists: Apollonius of Tyana
Gnosis Magazine
The Gnostic Association -- City of New York -- Course Topics
Review of Pagels: The Gnostic Gospels
The Gospel According To Pagels - April 2, 2008 - The New York Sun (Conservative reaction)
Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio: An Interview with Elaine Pagels 11/06/2010
Antiqillum: Antiquities of the Illuminati *
Qadosh: The Johannite Tradition
Doug Renselle's Review of Elaine Pagels' The Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis - 'Introduction.'
Gnostic Center
St. Irenaeus: Against Heresies Book 1
Adversus haereses St. Irenaeus of Lyons
Doctrine and Heresies in the Early Church - Resources for Catholic Educators
David Ulansky: Mithras and the Hypercosmic Sun
David Ulansky: The Cosmic Mysteries of Mithras
Mithraic Mysteries: Hermetic Symbolism in a Masonic Engraving
Yahoo Group: Mithras List
Electronic Journal of Mithraic Studies
The Son of Man and the Son of God: The Macro and Micro Cosmic Principles of the Cosmic Christ: The Docetic Vision
The Doctrine of the Mithraic Mysteries
+ Mithraism - The God of Infinite Time (Aion/Zervan/Kronos/Saturn)
The Hypostasis of the Archons: trans. Bentley Layton
Alien Dreaming: The Enigma of the Archons
Mystae: A Land of Strange Gods
The Secret Knowledge
The Hypostases - The Progressive Unfolding and Self-Manifestation of Divinity
Archetypes, Archons and Egregores
Archon - Wikipedia
Studies in Gnosticism and Alexandrian Christianity By R. van den Broek
Frontline: From Jesus to Christ: The Gnostic Gospels
First Gnostic Church
The Pearl: Christian Gnosticism
The Hymn of the Pearl - The Acts of Thomas
Gnostic Christianity | Solving 100 Biblical Mysteries
Gnosis and Mysticism
Ritman Library: The Hermetic Gnosis Exhibition
Basilides: Seven Sermons to the Dead (Alexandria, 2 CE)
Gnostic Christianity
Gnosticism: Ancient and Modern
Gnosticism - Ancient And Modern: Internet links
Gnostic links
Gnostic Cross Magazine (2001 archives)
What IS the ouroboros?
Indoctrination of Mithra: Mithraeum
Gnosis: Knowledge through Experience
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, the Christ
Institute of Gnostic Anthropology
Ronald's It's About Life
Lectorium Rosicrucianum: Internation School of the Rosy Cross
Center For Rosicrucian Studies
Rafal T. Prinke - Early Symbolism of the Rosy Cross (contra A.E. Waite)
Spermo-Gnostics and the OTO
Yahoo! 360° - Forced to Suck, Lick, Blow n Swallow: Spermo-Gnostic Church of Phalli: A Virtual Tour
Definition of Gnosticism: Catholic Anti-Gnosticism is Alive and Well
Mandaean World
The Johannites: The Mandaeans
Gnostic Sanctuary
Azoth Gallery
| Johnes Ruta: A Chronology of the Gnostic movement | The Duality of Philosophy
Gnostic Selections | Overview of Gnosticism
Gnosticism: Ancient and Modern | Orthodox Christians view of Gnosticism
Gnostic Institute of Anthropology
First Gnostic Principles Of One God One Faith
The Unified Field of Gnosis
Gnostic Books The Gnostic Order of Christ
The Gnostic Pagan Tradition: Magickal Formula for the New Aeon
Gnostic Centre: research centre for the growth of consciousness
The Gnostics - releasing the light within
Douglas Groothuis: Gnosticism and the Gnostic Jesus
Gnostic Info
Apostolic Gnosis: Journal of the Athenea Theologica l'Église Gnostique et ses ordres associés
New Dawn: Intro to Gnosticism
Gnosticism: Ancient and Modern
Gnosticism and Traditional Orthodoxy
Gnosticism - "Knowing God"
Carl Jung, Neo-Gnosticism and the MBTI (Myers-Briggs)
Techgnosis | Tongues of Fire, Whirlwinds of Noise: Images of Spiritual Information by Erik Davis
Thomas J. Scannell: To Be Born Again in the Early Church ... and Today
The Bogomils of Bulgaria and Bosnia General Conference Cathar Church
Judith Mann: The Legend of The Cathars
Montsegur and the Cathars
The Great Heresies: Hilaire Belloc: The Albigensian Attack
Medieval Sourcebook: Bernard Gui on the Albigensians
Le château de Montségur
Catholic Encyclopedia: Albigenses
The Cathars: What was the Albigensian Crusade ?
The Cathars: Where did Catharism come from ?
Albigensian Crusade (1209-1255)
The Black Box Speaks : The Cathars
ScienceDirect - Journal of Medieval History : On Cathars, Albigenses, and good men of Languedoc*1
Center for Marcionite Research
Ray Embry: MARCION: Possible Progenitor of Three Famous Christian Communities: Baptists, Catholics, Gnostics
Cky J. Carrigan: Marcion and Marcionite Gnosticism
Patron Saints Index: Heresy: Manichaeism
Manichaeanism is Alive: The Neo-Manichaean Church
The Mystery of the Bridal Chamber in the Gospel of Philip: Soror A.L.
The Gospel of Philip
True Sight Gnosis: Gnosis, Gnostics and Waking Up!
The Temple of Gnostic Tantrism ULC
The Gnostics - releasing the light within
Gnostic Reading Room
Conference on Heresy Making Selves and Marking Others: Heresy and Self-Definition in Late Antiquity
A.T.Dennis: The Gnostic Mass: An Appreciation
Frithjof Schuon: Gnosis and gnosticism, theosophy and theosophism
Gnosticism: General Information
Princeton U Press: Michael Allen Williams: Rethinking "Gnosticism": An Argument for Dismantling a Dubious Category
In Trust - Rethinking Gnosticism: An Argument for Dismantling a Dubious Category
The Apostle's Creed vs Gnosticism
Chthonios Books: An approach to Early Christianity and Gnosticism
Annwn: Lectures by Dr J S. Chiappalone
Dr J.S. Chiappalone
J.S. Chiappalone: Holocaust Fact and Fiction
Anti-Gnostic Measures against Women
John R. Mabry: Tantra and Gnosticism: Questions and Observations
P.R. Koenig: Correct Gnosticism (Dada)
God Loves Fags
Thomas Ragland: Gnostic Tom: The Noble Eightfold Path of Christ: Jesus teaches the Dharma of Buddhism
Way Gnosticism
The Kybalion | Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece
Kheper: The Gnostic Savior
The Northern Gnostic
Yahoo Group: Gnostic Secrets
First Gnostic Principles Of One God One Faith
Gnosis | Echoes of knowledge
The Royal Christ Church (of the Gnostic & Christian Wedding
A Shared Vision: by D. M. DeBacker
Phylosophical, Mystical, and Realizational Kabbalah
fantastic planet » What constitutes Gnostic myth?
Tongues of Fire, Whirlwinds of Noise, by Erik Davis
UFOexperiences: A Space Story From The Beginning: The Bible Revisited: Elohim by Roland Smyth
The Pharmacratic Inquisition
The Palm Tree Garden Online -- A Community for Gnostics and Gnosticism
Summer Harvest » Nietzsche was Not a Gnostic (and Neither is Hillary Clinton) (Anarchonic Fallacy)
Palm Tree Garden Gnostic Forum / Archons in the Twenty-First Century
Palm Tree Garden Gnostic Forum / The Lie of the Blood Atonement Sacrifce this Week on CCG!!!
Palm Tree Garden Gnostic Forum / Gnostic dualism vs. Manichaean dualism
YouTube - Secret Quest: The Path of the Christian Gnostics (Part 1 of 3)
The Gnostic Handbook
The Palm Tree Garden Gnostic Canon
Gnostic Blogs
Gnosticism Books
The Wrong Way Wizard
The Path of Gnosis
Emerald City Gnosis
Ecclesia Gnostica in Nova Albion
The Magdalene Review
lesa's journal (MM)
The Eighth Sermon to the Dead
Noetic Apprehension
Illuminism; The Way of St. Thomas the Apostle
Henosis Decanus
Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio Show
Theisms (diagrams)
The Rhipidon Society
Nascent Gnosis
Light and Life
A Glasgow Gnostic
Enormous Fictions
Gnostic Path
Community for Gnostic Study
Livejournal Gnosticism Community
Pop Occulture
Projet René Guénon
Invisible College II - The Blind Spot
Parzifals Blog
Richard Tarnas.A Brief Review Parzifal.s Blog
Adventures in Creating Sacred Spaces
Flickr: Photos tagged with gnostic
Coffee, Cigarettes, and Gnosis The First ever Radio Show on Gnosis, Gnosticisms, & The Gnostics
Remarkable: The Muppets and Gnosticism
Philip K. Dick - Science Fiction Author - Official Site - science fiction visionary Philip K. Dick | Interviews with Philip K Dick
The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick
From Exegesis, by Philip K. Dick: The Ten Major Principles of the Gnostic Revelation
Tractates Cryptica Scriptura (Exegesis)
Los Angeles, 2019 - A Blade Runner Site
YouTube - PKD - Arena
Philip K. Dick's Divine, Amphetamine-Fueled Madness, he not only wrote stories about androids, but sometimes was afraid he literally was one. : books
Philip K. Dick: a whole lot of material, not a lot of time. My attempt to help newcomers discover a love for Dick. : books
The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick by R. Crumb from Weirdo #17 + Philip K. Dick Fan Site
Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977? - YouTube
Tractates Cryptica Scriptura: Exegesis from the novel VALIS by Philip K. Dick 1981
BBC - Radio 4 - Factual - Confessions of a Crap Artist
Benjamen Walker's Theory Of Everything: BROADCAST 01
The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick
Philip K. Dick's Divine Interference, by Erik Davis
YouTube - Rare Philip K Dick interview
defective yeti: Mold In The White House (The Mold of Yancy)
Mind Hacks: Neuropsychology and Psychosis in 'A Scanner Darkly'
VQR » Phil in the Marketplace
The Other SF Prophet Meat | MetaFilter (PKD)
Mr. Dick...we're ready for your close-up. | MetaFilter
Shamanic Crisis? | MetaFilter
Jeet Heer, "Philip K. Dick Versus the Literary Critics"
Philip K. Dick FAQ
'Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep' has grabbed me and successfully shaken my perceptions of reality. : books
How to Build a Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later
Grey Lodge Occult Review :: Issue #10 :: Philip K. Dick: If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others ::
Grey Lodge Occult Review :: Man, Android and Machine ::
Antiquities of the Illuminati :: Grey Lodge Occult Review :: Philip K. Dick: Cosmogony and Cosmology ::
Exegesis (book) - Wikipedia
Philip K. Dick (1928-82): Four Novels of the 1960s (Library of America)
Philip K. Dick - New York Times (paywall)
Frank Rose - Philip K. Dick Goes Legit
Philip K. Dick and the Illuminati
The legacy of Hollywood's favorite sci-fi writer - Los Angeles Times
YouTube - Arena - A day in the afterlife of Philip K. Dick
LRB · Stephen Burt: Kick over the Scenery
Gnostically Speaking | Society of Novus Spiritus Community | Discussion group | Gnostic philosophy | Gnostic Treasures Store
Hermetic Fellowship
The Gnostic Movement
The Gnosis of Samael Aun Weor - Home
Gnosis - The Practical Gnosticism of Samael Aun Weor - Courses - The World of Klipoth
Samael Aun Weor - kabbalah -
Gnostic Tradition by V.M. Samael Aun Weor [Archive] -
Samael Aun Weor
The Name Samael Aun Weor
Livres de Samael Aun Weor, Livres Gnostiques (+general texts: Krishnamurti, etc)
Divina Ciencia - Astral projection, Meditation, Gnosis
Gnosticweb: free popular, life-changing courses in astral travel and dreams, self-discovery and esoteric wisdom
Samael Aun Weor Video's | Gnosticweb
Sacred Wisdom | Jonathan McGregor Bethel | Kabbalah, Esoterica, Theology & Mysticism - News
The Origin Of Anti-Semitism (you guessed it)
Neo Gnosis
Gnostic Essays - Pop Occulture
David Bowie and the Occult - The Laughing Gnostic
Matrix Links
Matrix: Explanations, symbols, theories (fans only)
'Multiverse Theory' Holds That the Universe is a Virtual Reality Matrix
Metapsychology Online Reviews - Like a Splinter in Your Mind: The Philosophy Behind the Matrix Trilogy by Matt Lawrence
Gnosticism Reborn: The Matrix As Shamanic Journey by Jake Horsley
Stuart Holroyd: The Elements of Gnosticism: Three Grains of Salt
Leader U: Don Closson: The Gnostic Matrix
Search the Matrix for: Wake up Neo the Matrix has you Logos
Plato's Allegory of the Cave: relation to 'The Matrix', 'The Truman Show'
Josh Burek: The Gospel according to Neo: Theologians and pop-culture experts see 'The Matrix' as a phenomenon shaping public opinion about religion
The Matrix Manipulation of Dreams
Unoffical Matrix Site
Matrix the Movie
Warner Bros: Matrix Reloaded + new trailers
Philosophy & The Matrix
John Partridge: Plato's Cave and The Matrix
Andy Clark: The Twisted Matrix: Dream, Simulation or Hybrid
The Matrix as a Gnostic Allegory
Peter B Lloyd: The philosophy of the Matrix
Ray Kurzweil: The Human Machine Merger: Are We Headed forthe Matrix?
Peter B. Lloyd: Glitches in the Matrix ... and How to Fix Them
Don Closson: The Gnostic Matrix
Jake Horsley: The Matrix: Gnosticsm Reborn
Landover: Satan Reloads The Matrix
Corporate Mofo reloads the Matrix
Matrix Transcripts
The Matrix Transcript: Dialogue from the Movie
Salon: Matrix Reloaded: A future worth fighting for
Matrix, Agitprop?
Comparative-literature-style exegesis of selected parts of Matrix Reloaded Animatrix
Royce Carlson: The Matrix Metaphor
/.: The Computational Requirements for the Matrix
The Matrix Re-viewed The Matrix Reloaded: Longest Thread on the Net
Matrix Essays
One Baaad Messiah: Neo-Christian longings and the satisfaction of kung-fu saviors
Robin L. Zebrowski: Gnosis Reloaded
Wired: Matrix2
Rotten Tomatoes: Matrix Forums
Matrix Discussion
Matrix Revolutions Spoiler w/screenshots
Wiki: Thomas A. Anderson (NEO)
The Matrix Rejected: 50 Reasons to Stay Away | Matrix Resolutions
Rotten Tomatoes: The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
A Matrix & Ghost in the Shell comparison
Antinomianism III: Gnosticism « Greensboro NC Christian