Sepher Yetsira / Sefer Yetzirah / Book of Formation
The Sepher Yetsira: Cube of Space: Sepherot, Seal, Formative, Contrary, Zodiac
Hypertext Sepher Yetsira / Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation) (Book of Abraham) 1:1
Sefer Yetzirah: Short Version trans. Aryeh Kaplan
sepher yetsira - Bing Images Gra SY in Hebrew (Kaplan?)
Sefer_Yetzirah_Kaplan.pdf (GRA)
Abraham, Sefer Yetzirah, The Book of Formation (Kaplan, PDF download)
Book of Creation - Aryeh Kaplan - Google Books - p.11: According to the Kabbalists, the letter Aleph denotes Keter (Crown) the highest of the sephirot
Hebrew Short Sepher Yetsira
A Chrestomathy of Modern Judeo-Arabic Texts: Introduction to the Book of Creation (Sefer Yezira)
Text No. 114: Sefer Yesirah: Abraham David Ezekiel (Poona, 1881)
Sefer Yetzirah [spr ytsr] : transliterated: Kaplan/Short
Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan – Sefer Yetzirah and the Magic of Hebrew Letters (2011: published in Hebrew)
Read Sefer Yetzirah Online by Aryeh Kaplan | Books
Gruenwald - A Preliminary Critical Edition of Sefer Yezira.PDF
Sefer Yetzira The Book of Creation translated by Peter Hayman (earliest recoverable text)
Hayman, A. Peter. Sefer Yesira .. Edition, Translation and Text-critical Commentary (TSAJ 104), Tübingen 2004.split
Sefer Yesira: Peter Hayman's Critical Edition and translation
Peter Hayman: Sefer Yesira Critical Edition and translation (scribd/pdf) Sefer Yesira (9783161483813): A. Peter Hayman: Books ($140 used)
Sefer_Yesira by Peter Hayman.pdf - - document sharing - download
Sefer Ye?ira: edition, translation and text-critical commentary By A. Peter Hayman
Sefer Yetzirah Hebrew Text
Isaac The Blind's Commentary On Sefer Yezirah
3. a New Look JAAR2-1-1 - Genre as Argument in the Sefer Yetsirah: A New Look at its Structure and MeaningBy: Marla Sego
Sepher Yetzirah in Hebrew (only)
Was God a Magician? Sefer Yesira and Jewish Magic - Peter Hayman
Rachel Elior: Mystical Language and Magical Language (ch 4: Jewish Mysticism: The Infinite Expression of Freedom) (PDF)
3. a New Look JAAR2-1-1 (Ring structure)
Kissing Kabbalists: Hierarchy, Reciprocity, and Equality
Wikipedia: Sefer Yetzirah (1906 Jewish Encyclopedia)
Sepher Yetsira Timeline
sefer yetzirah: the book of creation pdf - ebook downloads
Emol: Robert Zucker: "Sefer Yetzirah" The Ancient "Book of Formation" Time Line Links | Sefer Yetzirah (Yetsirah) Authors
Walter Benjamin S.Y. Bibliography
Don Karr: Notes of Editions of the Sefer Yetzirah in English
Notes on Editions of Sefer Yetzirah ~ Don Karr | Kabbalah | Mysticism
Kabbalah, Sefer Yetzirah | Sefaria
1906 Public Domain Jewish Encyclopedia: Sefer Yetzirah
Thompson & Marson's Saadia Translation
Excerpts from Saadia's Sefer Yetzirah Commentary
Kaphtziel: Sa'adiah Gaon's Yetzirah Commentary
Nasorean Orthodox Qahal: Sefer Yetzirah - The 231 Shaarim of Sefer Yetzirah
Work of the Chariot trans. Sepher Yetsira (Short/Gra cross)
WoC :: Trees of Life from the Sefer HaShmoth and the Sefer Yetzirah - Trees of Life from the Book of Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation)
Leo Baeck's Commentary
Azamra: Sepher Yetsira & Kaplan's Commentary
Sepher Yetsira Gra in Portuguese (comparisons between (Kalish, Kaplan, Lipner, Wynn Wescott)
Sacred-Texts: Sepher Yetzirah (Westcott/Gra translation 1887)
Golden Dawn Research Center - Sepher Yetzirah Westcott's Translation of the Sepher Yetzirah was a primary source for the rituals and Knowledge Lectures of the Golden Dawn.
Servants of the Light: The Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation: Gra-Ari, Saadia, Short, Long
The Saadia Commentary on The Sefer Yetzirah by Saadia ben Joseph al-Fayumi (882-942 AD)
Creation through Letters in the Sefer Yetzirah by Rachel Evelyne Barenblat
Sephet Yetsira - Sefer Jetsira
Fundamentos da Cabala: Sêfer Yetsirá - Carlos A. P. Campani
Sepher Yetzirah - Four Translations Compared (English)
Lecture 1: Sefer Yetzirah and its Commentaries | The Berendel Foundation (poor audio recording)
Sefer Yetzirah and its Commentaries A major source for ars combinatoria -- 2011 Cantemir Lecture at Oxford by Moshe Idel (note the getting fired for actually trying this out part)
Sepher Yetzirah (Hebrew)
Between Sefer Yezirah and Wisdom Literature: Three Binitarian Approaches in Sefer Yezirah | Meroz | Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies
Jewish Binitarianism - Google Search
Today in Kabbalah
Today in Kabbalah - The Hebrew Letters according to the Sepher Yetzirah
Kosmic-Kabbalah: David Friedman: Sepher Yetsira: Gra Version
The Sefer Yetzirah - short version (Kaplan, looks like the orginal transcription)
The Sefer Yezirah
Sefer Yetsira w/Commentary: Gershom Scholem on the Sefer Yezirah
Meru: Genesis and the Sepher Yetzirah
Marysia: Sepher Yetzirah: The Book of Formation
Ars combinatoria: mystical systems, procedural art, and the computer
Bardon: SY: Unlocking the Hebrew Sequence of Creation
Sefer Jezirah: 'Das Buch der Schöpfung'
8th Day Assembly: Sefer Yetzirah (English Short version)
Eric Mader-Lin: Kabbalah Before the Law *
Christopher Benton: An Introduction to the Sefer Yetzirah | An Introduction To The Sefer Yetzirah By Christopher P. Benton ("In this passage the distinct letters from the name YHVH, also known as “the fathers,” are used to seal the six directions of physical space")
paper33.pdf Sefer Yetzirah, the Cube of Space, and the Emergence of the Tree of Life by Christopher P. Benton
Cube of Space
Mystae: The Kabbalah: Early Cosmogonic Speculation
Yetzirah - (Esoteric): Definition
YouTube - The Sepher Yetzirah or The Book of Creation - 1 of 2
YouTube - Sepher Yetzirah Chapter 1of 6 (we-melek oulam)
The Creator and the Computer: Sefer Yetsira
Pinnah, The Sefer Yetzirah and the Original Tetra Gram Mat On
The Sefer Yetzirah Study – Introduction « BLOGOS
Sefer Yetzirah « BLOGOS
Dream of Passamaquoddy - The Story (Sefer Yetzirah and Kabbalah)
Sepher Yetzirah: Short, Saadia, Gra
Sepher Yetsira (Short)
Sepher Yetsirah en Francais (Gra)
Sepher Yetsirah en Francais
Gra SY en francais
SY trans. Virya (Gra) en francais
(PDF) The Creation of the World in the Sefer Yetzirah
The Creation of the World in the Sefer Yetzirah : Amelia Carlolina Sparavigna
Notes on Editions of Sefer Yetzirah in English - Don Karr (p.36 for Suares)
SEFER YETZIRAH[Book of Creation] & Saadias Commentary (excerpts) Albert Soued: Commentaires Du S\351fer Y\351tsirah
Texte FranÇais De SÉfer Yetsirah (GRA)
Sepher Yetsira: English Short Version
John Raithel: Sepher Yetzirah (Short/Saadia) w/commentary
A Cipher on the the Sefer Yetzirah (doesn't understand Esch MeMail)
Text No. 114 (SY in Hebrew)
Saadia Gaon
Sepher Yetsira & Bereshit * (Original Ver.) (link gone, too bad, see below)
Internet Archive Wayback Machine for ortiz-lopez (some gifs missing)
Sepher Yezira: Hebrew Text w/comments
Sepher Yetsirah: Gra version en francais
Sefer Yetzirah: (Libro de la Formación) Westcott trans. en Espanol
Sepher Yetzirah: El Libro de la Creación
Sepher Yetzira (Westcott w/introduction)
Westcott S.Y.
The Book of Creation "Sefer Yetzirah"
Qabalah Time Time
Text of "Sefer Yetzirah" Chapter 1
Commentary on Sefer Yetzirah by R. Eleazar of Worms
Sefer Yetzirah (Yetsirah) Links
Meta-Religion: The Sepher Yetzirah
Bill Heidrick's G.D. Redaction & Commentary - The "Sepher Yetzirah" is the ultimate basis of the Golden Dawn system of correspondences embodied in Crowley's "Liber 777" (were it only true)
Meta-Religion: Sepher Yetsira (w/Heidrick notes)
Bryan G Dobbs: Commentary on the Yetsira
What is the Sefer Yetzirah (The Book of Creation)?
Reeves: Shades of Light and Darkness: Reconstructing Islamicate Manichaeism
Tortchinov: Numerology and Classification in Sefer Yezirah and in the Chinese Tradition
Sepher Yetzirah: An Ancient Witness
Rabbi Avraham Ibn Ezra (1089-1164)
The origin of letters and numerals according to the Sefer Yetzirah : Mordell, Phineas : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Shand: The Kabbalah: Early Cosmogonic Speculation: Sepher Yetsira
Doron Zeilberger: Proof of the Alternating Sign Matrix Conjecture
The Isometric Sephiroth: The Forgotten Correspondences
The Isometric Sephirot: The Forgotten Correspondences: Being a study into, and graphical, isometrical, structural, physical and topological interpretation of the ancient Sefer Yetzirah (also called the Book of Formation or Creation) and the Sephirotic Tree of Life, with regard to the geometry of the circle, the equilateral triangle, the seed of life, the hexagon, isometric projection and the double cube. (Kaplan seems to disagree on Sephirot/Attribute correspondences for GRA version)
The Universe in our Hands: Kabbalistic Correlations Between the Hebrew Letters, Space, Time & the Fingers of your Hands
The "hidden" Mystery of Sepher Yetzirah - it uses the same mathematical system as the I-Ching
Sefer Yetzirah - Nazarene Space
VirtueScience: The Sepher Yetzirah
Cube of Space: The 27 trinary trigrams fit perfectly apon the features of the Cube
Cubo del Espacio
Sepher Yetzirah "A depth of beginning" - Esoteric Online
Reflections from the Black Stone Teli – Apep: Celestial Serpants
fotthewuk: Twenty two objects in a single body
Sefer Yetzirah - Thelmetic Interpretations
YouTube - Pt 1 Pearl of Great Price & Sefer Yetzirah
Cube Hexagram on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
sefer yetzirah: the book of creation pdf and related topics
Believing is Knowing: Resag and The Authorship of Sefer Yetzirah. Avraham Avinu May Have Been Wrong!
Open Yeshiva Index of /texts/sefer yetzirah
Sefer Yetzirah and Creatio Ex Nihilo - Mormon Dialogue & Discussion Board
The Book of Creation: Sefer Yetzirah - Kabbalah - Sefer Yetzirah is a unique creation in the body of Jewish literature
Way of the Judai: November 2009
The Ineffable Ten Dimensions (Simon Yeger)
Serpentrio Arquila: 5 dimensional space-time
Sefer Yetzirah | Romemu
Sefer Yetzirah - Explanation and Analysis Commentary by David Treviño; Independent Scholar, Boca Raton, Florida
Sefer Yetzirah - Overview Commentary by David Treviño
Sefer Yetzirah: From Philosophy to Mysticism « Reb Laura…On Sophia Street
Kabbalah 101.7: Sefer Yetzirah, chapter 4 - Fort Lauderdale new age |
esothemes | Reflections, revelations and proposals esoteric: Themes to elucidate the depths of human potential.
18 | June | 2019 | esothemes - The Sepher Yetsira as a Manual of Magic
Qabalah and the Book of "Formation" | esothemes
The Tree of Life and The Divine Restoration: Part I | esothemes
Hayman: Earliest Recoverable Text of Sefer Yesira
??? ????? | Sefer Yetsirah, a derivation of A. Peter Hayman's experimental "earliest recoverable text," by Aharon Varady for practitioners the Open Siddur Project
Sefer Yetsirah, a derivation (for practitioners) of A. Peter Hayman's Hayman: Earliest Recoverable Text of Sefer Yesira
Le Sepher Yetsirah
La construction du Cube du Sepher Yetsirah
Sefer Yetzirah Bibliography (Thomson) | Kabbalah | Jews And Judaism
Sefer Yetzirah Magic The Hexagonal Tree of Life
Hebrew for Tarot Readers: Assigning the Seven Planets | Tarot Elements (Mick Frankel gets it mostly right)
Hebrew Letters for Tarot Readers | Tarot Elements