Revived Tarot: 7 Major Arcana Restored According to the Sepher Yetzirah
Semantic Drift in the Tarot: Sequence Ordering: 1450 to 2000
Psyche's Tarot Index
Cubic Tarot Readings (cube, metapsychology)
Wikipedia: Tarot
Rider-Waite tarot deck - Wikipedia
Rider-Waite tarot deck - Wikipedia
File:Rider-Waite-Smith deck.png - Wikipedia
Tarot - SourceryForge
Public Domain Tarot: Pamela Coleman cards
Marseilles Tarot Deck Images * (not copyrighted)
Rider-Waite, Ancestral Path, Crowley Images for download
Flickr Photo Download: Tarot de Marseille by Camoin & Jodorowsky
Red Wheel/Weiser - Wikipedia
Weiser Books Imprint | Red Wheel/Weiser Online Bookstore
Tarot Books | Red Wheel/Weiser Online Bookstore
Universal Waite Tarot Deck
A.E. Waite: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot (1910)
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by A.E. Waite (1910) - waite_tarot.pdf
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by A.E. Waite (1910) (PDF)
Rider-Waite Major Arcana Public Domain Trumps
A.E. Waite: The Tarot in History (Denaries)
Waite: I am not to be included among those who are satisfied that there is a valid correspondence between Hebrew letters and Tarot Trump symbols.
Early references to Playing Cards
Autorbis: Tarot History / Webdesign Köln-Ehrenfeld
Tarot Huy?n Bí
Tarot Association : Tarot History excerpt from the ATS Tarotpedia site, the first version written by Michael J. Hurst
Michael Hurst: Collected Fragments of Tarot History A Chronological Fact Sheet and Index
"Carte da trionfi: The development of tarot in fifteenth-century Italy" by Christina Olsen
Skepdic: tarot cards
Trionfi.com: Tarot: Origin and History | Timeline Playing Card and Tarot History (1370 - 1800)
Tarot and Playing Cards Museum Tarot and Playing Cards Museum
Recommended Tarot History Websites | Tarot History
Alain Bourgearel: Recherches Historiques Atypiques
Albideuter - tarot card comparing (*)
NY Review of Books: Michael Dummett: Origins of Tarot: Reply to Dame Francis Yates Review of Game of Tarot
The Tarot and other Early Cards: Regional Tarots
Tom Tadfor Little: The Hermitage: Tarot History
The TarotL Tarot History Information Sheet
Tarot Hermit: Thoughts on the Ordering of the Trumps
Villa Revak: Tarot History
Evelyn Henry: History, Mystery and Evolution
Evolution of the Tarot
Tarot at Telperion Productions
Chalquist: Tarot Origins
SalemTarot: Tarot History
Isomorphic Tarot
Mirror of the Free: The Tarot and the Kabbalah, the Ancient Mesopotamians and the Sufis | Nicholas Swift
Taroteca [ ] | Taroteca [ ] - Alchemical
John Savard: A Peculiar Deck of Cards: Mathematical Patterns in the Tarot (with interesting history)
Tarot Cards in Museums
Bob O'Neill: research excerpts focusing on Tarot symbolism, iconography and influences *
Bob O'Neill:sources for the detailed imagery in the 22 symbolic cards (Trumps plus Fool) of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck
Robert O'Neill: Neoplatonism and the Tarot (let's ignore the elephant in the corner)
Analysis of Tarot Cards by Manly P. Hall (Excerpted from The Secret Teachings of All Ages, 1928)
Yahoo Group: Tarot-L | The Die-hard Pico Myth
Aeclectic Tarot Forum
Aeclectic Tarot Forum - Reflections on the Development of Hebrew Letters
Aeclectic Tarot Forum - Kabbalah & Alphabets
Major Arcana symbol alphabet? - Forum Library
trumps relation with the planets/signs - Page 2 - Aeclectic Tarot Forum (kwaw reads Hayman and Gruennwald
Aeclectic Tarot Forum - View Single Post - Is The Planet Order Really a Mess? (kwaw 2007, ignored)
Franz Bardon / OpenTarot
A.E. Waite and Tarot-Hebrew letter correspondences
TAROTICA: Is Cartofeminism Feminism?
jk anti-kabbalah rant
Welcome to Heart Of The Rose
Tarot Cards
Voice of Thoth
Basilikon: Lurianic Tarot
Payne-Towler: Tarot and Kabbalah
Tarot.com :: Tarot, Astrology, Numerology & I-Ching Confluence of the Three Great Systems by Christine Payne-Towler
Payne-Towler: Confluence of the Three Great Systems
Tarot.com :: The Spanish School of Tarot (GRA system)
Payne-Towler: The English School | Spanish School ("ancient" Gra version)
The Tarot ArkLetters: Pointers to Esotericism in the Early Tarots
Tarot University ArkLetters: Music and Magic among the Renaissance Magi
Rafal Prinke: Alchemical Tarot
Tarot Origins and Symbolism debate
More Tarot Origins Debate
John Ops: Pythagorean Tarot
Tarot & Divination
History of the Tarot
Field-Harmonic Key to the Thoth Tarot
The Tarot - Images of Christian Being and Cosmic Consciousness
Mark Filipas: Tarot Pack Reviews
Tarot and Esoteric Traditions
Spiritual Guidance Tarot Links
Frater Achad: The Egyptian Revival
TOL Diagram
Two Hermetic Symbolical Models: The Tarot and the Sephirotic Tree of Life Federico González
An Hermetic Origin of the Tarot Cards? -- Tarocchi of Mantegna
Short Tarot History
Tarot Introduction | The Truth About Tarot Cards (GD system)
D.W. Hauck: The Chemical Arcana
Tarot Genesis: Genesis 1:1 Decoded with the Semantic Key of the Tarot
Aubrey: Major Arcana
Keiser: The Esoteric Origins of Tarot: More than a Wicked Pack of Cards
Tarot University Library Archives: The Criteria for Esoteric Tarot
The Tarot - Images of Christian Being and Cosmic Consciousness
History of Egyptian Tarot Decks
Tarot Passages: Tarot Links
WELCOME TO TAROSCOPES - The Michael Tsarion Website and home of the Taroscopic Mystery School, dedicated to the research and advancement of the Hermetic Arts of Divination...
The Tarot of the Bohemians By Papus [Gérard Encausse, (b. 1865 d. 1916)]
Lady Frieda Harris
Angel Paths: Jan's Guide to the Tarot (Crowley cards)
Aeclectic Tarot
Paul's Tarot Site: Golden Dawn, Crowley
Supertarot: The Fool: The Influence of Papus
Frater S.P.R.V.: The Chakras and the Tarot Trumps
Uri Raz: Comparison of tarot de Marseilles and G.D. decks
Comparative Tarot | Napo Tarot - Fool
The Tarot of the Golden Dawn - Joseph Gurney (history)
Daniel Joseph Min: Min's Astronomical Observations
Daniel Joseph Min: Aleister Crowley's Scorecard: supposedly wrong Tarot Major Arcana / Planetary attributions
Lance Carlyle Carter: The Decipherment of the Alphabet and the Tarot
The Devil in the Tarot
Seven Seals of the Baphomet Tarot
The Tree of Life: Tarot and Kabbalah
The Arithmological Structure of Tarot
S. L. MacGregor Mathers: The Tarot: Its Occult Significance, Use in Fortune-Telling, and Method of Play, Etc
Anthony Louis: The Numerological Significance of the Tarot
History of the Tarot
The Mythic Tarot
Mark Filipas: An Alphabetic Masquerade: the Letter Symbolism of the Tarot
22 Hebrew Letters = 22 Major Arcana Cards .... hmmm
Bringing You To The 20th Century .... The Final Installment To The "History" Segment
Leon Jacobowitz: Tarot 22: Tarot Articles, Kabbalah Basics
Uri Raz: Hebrew Tarot, GD perspective: in Hebrew (only)
Uri Raz: Minchiate Fiorentine Deck
Ancient Minchiate Fiorentine / Antikes Minchiate von Florenz
Minchiate of Florence
Leonardo on the Tarot: Vitruvian Man & the World
The Alchemical Egg: Alchemical Tarot
The 23rd Trump
Tarot and Astrology
Tarocci's Tarot Card Gallery (250+ decks)
Barry Magarick's Antique Playing Card Collection
Bob Lancaster Gallery of Unusual Playing Cards
Tarot Inspiration: the Book of Thoth
Nomonet: Tarot
Bottom of the Deck: Worst Tarot Decks
Kerry A Shirts: The Tarot High Priestess as Hathor
Boaz and Jachin: Symbology used in The High Priestess tarot card
Iconology of the Early Papess Cards by Dr. Robert O'Neill
Skeptic's Dictionary: Tarot Cards
Raven's Tarot Site
Tea's Tomb Tarot
The 8-Bit Tarot
Taroteca [ ] - Aecletic Mini
The Beyond The Valley of The Dolls Tarot Deck Old Cards
l'Institut Virtuel Kris Hadar: Tarot, Numerology
Freemasonry and the Tarot | Antoine Court de Gebelin's Blood line
Alida Tarot Store
Tarot Passages: Michele Jackson: Royal Fez Moroccan Deck (Review): Roland Berrill (Mensa): (1950) Case derivative
Royal Fez Moroccan Deck and the Gypsies (another Tarot myth)
The Royal Moraccan Fez: Rip-off of Rider-Waite
Two Hermetic Symbolical Models: The Tarot and the Sephirotic Tree of Life
Nick Sandberg: The Two Towers Fall - Awakening to the Fourth Dimension
Queen of Pentacles Tarot
Tarot and Kabbalah unrelated
Dovid Krafchow: Listening To the Soul: Cabalistic Guide to the Tarot
Alexandro Jodorowsky: Restoring the Tarot of Mareilles
Sermones De Ludo Cum Aliis
Ouspensky: A History of the Tarot: The Iamblichus Connection
Learning the Tarot: Online Course
Tarot as a tool to guide you on a path to higher awareness and healing
The Outer Layers - • What Is Tarot? •
Tarot References : Links
alt.magick.tarot: Liber Tzaddi: corrects Crowley's Thoth Deck
lmdthoth: Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot by Lon Milo DuQuette Review by Diane Wilkes
TAARP: Crowley: "All these old letters of my Book are aright; but Tzaddi is not the star. This also is secret: my prophet shall reveal it to the wise."/a>
The Alpha-Astrophysical Research Project (the chaos that Crowley caused with "Tsaddi is not the star") Temple of Thelema :: View topic - Tzaddi is not the Star (Sefer Yetzirah is wrong)
Daily Draw: The Daughter of the Firmanent « moderndayruth Every man and every woman is a star. The Book of the Law 1:3
Chris Doyle's Reasonably Clever.Com - Where our motto is "Hey! That's Reasonably Clever!"
Free Tarot Reading | Tarot Cards
{ the major arcana } as traffic signs
Boris Kobe : Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies : University of Minnesota Boris Kobe's Tarot Cards from Allach Concentration Camp (probably 1945). Originals in Slovenian archives.
Arcanalogue: Tarot Blog
Barbie Tarot
Robert Place Vampire Tarot
Astrological tarot and alpha-numerology - US Patent 7195488 Claims
Tony Smith: Tarot
22 Invocations of Dionysus: The Esoteric Tarot Before 1781: Appendices (tries to justify various inherited orders; unaware of underlying alphabet - "aleph=0/einsof")
Tarot Solitaire - Online & 100% Free