What About Ra? | |||
What about "Roui" [
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Here am I compelled to give you a hand written text because I cannot learn to write or read any so-called phonetical transcription of the Hebrew phonemes.
I don't very strongly object to
being pronounced "R" although once upon a time
(pointed) were pronounced in different manners, Nor to
going as "G" because pointed or not, those variations do not alter the number or the meanings. But the pronunciation of the
(300) is as different as are their meanings.
These two "S" must be clearly distinguished. The same is true for the two "T" : (9) and (400) and for the two "K" : (20) and (100). As to I shudder when I read in some textbooks supposed to give the official Sephardic pronunciation that that consonant "is silent whenever it occurs." It is, on the contrary, strongly gutteral and must be pronounced in the throat beyond the back of the palette, with a perfectly free movement of the glottis. Sometime ago, we had in Paris, France, a Sabra Show and when gay young girl happily announced a Hhassidic dance (?) her throat with all her vitality, I jumped on my seat: the way she said it would be written in Hebrew meaning absolutely nothing, instead of a word that can be understood without explanation when the code is known. Thus, the sacred language has become, for many who have been brought up in "modern Hebrew" less than an idiom, less than a dialect, a mere jargon. I have been sometimes criticized about what some people call my arrogance on the matter of phonetics. "If we agree on the meaning of a word, however we pronounce it, it is enough," I am often told. If the Powers of life and death allow me one more year or two on this planet, I hope I will be able to prove my point with a friend of mine -- a scientist who has a rather good laboratory -- we decided I would pronounce all the letters in one or another of his high-voltage electric appliances. Being of sceptical habit of mind I did not expect anything from the spectrograph, but thought that the experiment was worth trying. The result was incredible! fantastic! Not only did the spectrograph corroborate the original code as it had had been given to me, but it taught us some good lessons such as the container being none other than a weakened ! What a teaching in ONENESS! Every letter pronounced as well as I could, carried its message as to what it projected in the way of Energy -- those were some of the most exhilarating days of my life ... but the job has only begun. I forgot the Bayt. as to compared to Vayt and one or two other letters must be repeated. Then we will have to have cross-sections of the graphs and try and have tri-dimensional views of the sounds. We will also have to choose between ... sometimes ... half a dozen pictures of the same letter's energy. (The apparatuses are so sensitive that when I thought I had repeated exactly the same sound, it proved as times to have different). So what about ? We welcomed lts appearance with a peal of laughter. It appeared as a sort of grinning jester, entirely free in its movement, dancing on one leg in between "the on high" and "below," ready to jump anywhere. Yes: there is, if we can feel it, a holy sense of humor in Elohim ... the blessing of joyous freedom. occupy in the hierarchy of letters a privileged place. [I] In terms of Qabala the alphabet must be read from to and from to because the flow of Cosmic Energy is double. It goes from the most explosive to the most compressive (from 1 to its resistance 400) and from to . All that is and will be is included in → and → . The numerial order of the letters from . to (from 1 to 9) is also their value in terms of Energy. Between (10th) and (18th) their numerical order gives their energetic value when we sum up, for each, the figures of their numerical order, multiplied by 10. For instance, the 14th letter is, in value (1+4) x 10 = 50 / , the 16th is (1+6) x 10 = 70 / . For the four last letters, the calculation is the same, except that we multiply by 100 instead of 10. For instance, the 21st letter's value is (2+1) x 100 = 300 / . The multiplications by 10 or 100 do not alter the intrinsic nature of the letters, even when they appear in "joint opposition" as is the case between Aleph (1) and Yod (10). We must never forget that we are dealing everywhere with the same ONE energy, even when it disguises itself as acting against itself. In the following chart I have simplified matters and only noted the numerical order and intrinsic value of every letter. [II]
The only points where the two flows meet in equal values are no. 7 -- Only there can the flows unlock each other and actualize their unity in a state of "free determination" that is knowledge and uncertainty. Note: the residual sum of any two corresponding numbers is always 5 (reducted 23). (5 is life). Note: the two middle letters or exchange their 2 and 3 and mean: All for you. For you all. creativeness and freedom --- ===== I have explained in the Cipher of Genesis and elsewhere the legend of Eden and the two trees. I have said that the tree supposed to be of "good" and "evil" is of and Tov being an endless repetition of prototypes, and Ra, an overthrowing of obsolete structures. With the "eating from it" "man, according to the text, becomes "as one of the Gods." (Gen 3:22) and does not "fall" as the obnoxious ecclesiastical interpretation so insistently declares. I wish now to point out that in the vegetable kingdom the sap is captured in pre-existent memories of every tree, bush, plant, grass, flower or fruit, in fashion, shaped accordingly, without any opening toward freedom. With very small margins of variation, the same is true in the animal kingdom, in which the flow of life is caught in the functional organization of every species for the purpose of survival. That process is tov : life captured by each "seed according to its kind" (Gen 1:12). But ADAM's true vocation is to allow the Aleph inside it's name and blood to resuurrect in freedom. That fact, typical of cannot happen unless the antiquinted structures of the buildings, the insitituions, and the minds, are pulled down. And those demolitions (see -- 2-chronicles xxxvi, 17 -- - the ruthless destruction of Jerusalem ordered to the king of Chaldeans by the Lord - God) naturally appear to the victims as "bad." Most people, unfortunately, have sclerotic minds, morbidly hardened by ancient fears; by archaic mental archetypes, by passive acceptances of falsified Revelations, interpreted in view of eccesiastical domination; by sempiternal repetition of platitudes supposed to be wisdom; by established ways of life; by stupid habits: all tending to preserve egos for ego's sake, as some monstrous unborn fetuses are sometimes preserved in alcohol as curiosities. But those who are in creative revolt (not in any uncontrolled infantile state of constructive explosion), those who are the elohimic masters of know what it means to be a genius, to be Cain, to be Judas. They are "cursed by the ground" because they are feared. They suffer, they are in exile in the Land of Nod, East of Eden (Gen 4:16). But there, at the foot of the the cherubim with his flaming sword to guard the way (Gen 3:25) bows to them and CALLS THEM BROTHER. Carlo Suarès, Paris France, May, 1972 with his heartfelt greetings to his American friends. Tree 4 Winter 1974, Berkeley, CA. pp. 112-117 | |||
Note: Hhasid: "a word that can be understood without explanation when the code is known" : Hayt-Sammekh-Yod-Dallet (8-60-10-4) : unconscious female replication (of) existence (in a state of) resistance : which seems to describe a cult of davening anti-vaxxers who wear huge fur hats, shave their womens' heads, and are stuck in the 17th (or earlier) century. "If the Powers of life and death allow me one more year or two on this planet" written less than two years before his death in July, 1976, we see Suarès telling it like it is: "less than an idiom, less than a dialect, a mere jargon," "sclerotic minds, morbidly hardened by ancient fears; by archaic mental archetypes, by passive acceptances of falsified Revelations, interpreted in view of eccesiastical domination; by sempiternal repetition of platitudes supposed to be wisdom; by established ways of life; by stupid habits: all tending to preserve egos for ego's sake, as some monstrous unborn fetuses are sometimes preserved in alcohol as curiosities." Rabbinic Jews have always policed their boundaries against the excursion of the infinite within them, see Abulafia. In this case the infinite is alive within the Hebrew alphabet, literally a Code of Genesis, perpetuated throughout history in the most resistant/adaptable container God could find, the Chosen People, the Jews. | |||
Tov-Raa (Good and Evil) Gan-Eden (Garden of Eden) Jacob's Ladder: The Two Breaths: Angelic Host |